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NOSC TR 242 

Technical Report 242 

A Three-Year Summary 

HE Morris 
EL Hamilton 
HP Bucker 
RT Bachman 

30 April 1978 

Final Report: 1974-1977 
Prepared for 
Naval Electronic Systems Command 






Commander Technical Director 


This three-year program (1974-1977) was sponsored by the Naval 
Electronic Systems Command, Code 320 (Task No. 70105): Interaction of 
Sound with the Ocean Bottom; by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Code 
06H14 (Subproject 52-552-701, Task 16409): Sea Floor Studies For Sonar 
Performance, and Acoustic Properties of the Sea Floor; and by the Office of 
Naval Research (Code 480). 

Released by Under Authority of 
Environmental Acoustics Division Environmental Sciences Department 



NOSC TR 242 

4. TITLE (and Subtitle) 







7. AUTHOR(s) 
H. E. Morris, E. L. Hamilton, 
H. P. Bucker, R. T. Bachman 


70105 NESC 
16409 NSSC 

30 April 1978 

15. SECURITY CLASS. (of thie report) 



Approved for public release; distribution unlimited PAPA LIOR 



Naval Ocean Systems Center 
San Diego, California 92152 


Naval Electronic Systems Command 
Washington, D.C. 


4. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) 

16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) 

| Woods ce 
i YVOOds Hole Oce cea Institution 


. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, if different from Report) 



. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number) 

. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse aide if necessary and identify by block number) 

This report documents the results of a three-year study of the interaction of sound with the sea floor. 
The investigation covered sea floor properties of interest in underwater acoustics, including velocity gradients 
in the sea floor, density, shear-wave velocities and other properties; research on acoustic propagation models, 
especially at low frequencies (2 to 200 Hz); and the development of accurate and efficient methods for 
coupling geoacoustic models to standard propagation models such as ray theory, normal mode theory and P. E. 
(a numerical method using the Parabolic Equation approximation to the wave equation). 

During this period numerous reports were distributed to the acoustic community. Various predictions 
for the surveillance community have been calculated using the geoacoustic and acoustic models, support was 


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20. Continued 

provided to others developing models and support was provided on a continuous basis to surveillance programs 
including the Indian Ocean, MSS, SURTASS, and others. 
An extensive list of references is included. 



The absorption of sound in the bottom sediments is the primary cause for a loss of 
energy when a sound wave interacts with the ocean bottom. This bottom interaction has 
an important effect on passive and active ASW systems. Knowledge of the ocean bottom 
can assist in understanding optimum array depths and degradation of signal coherence. 
Systems that are located near the bottom are strongly affected by bottom interaction. In 
addition, below 100 Hz the bottom begins to interact with long range sound propagation 
and thus has a direct effect on noise background (ambient noise) in which the surveillance 
systems must operate. 

Because this parameter is so important, the Naval Ocean Systems Center (NOSC) 
(along with its predecessor the Naval Undersea Center) for several years has maintained a 
coordinated research program on interaction of sound with the sea floor. This work falls 
into four categories: 

1. Studies of the acoustic and related properties of the sea floor and production 
of geoacoustic models 

2. Basic studies in sound propagation theory, especially as related to the sea floor, 
and the development of bottom loss models 

3. Use of geoacoustic models of the sea floor and theoretical, mathematical 
models of sound propagation and bottom loss to reconcile experiments at sea with 

4. Prediction of both geoacoustic models and bottom loss versus grazing angle, 
or reflection coefficients, for areas not experimentally occupied 

The objectives of the program for the past three years have been to investigate 
properties of the sea floor of interest in underwater acoustics, including velocity gradients 
in the sea floor, density, shear-wave velocities and other properties; conduct research on 
acoustic propagation models especially at low frequencies (from about 2 to 200 Hz); de- 
velop accurate and efficient methods for coupling geoacoustic models to standard propaga- 
tion models such as ray theory, normal mode theory, and P. E. (a numerical method using 
the Parabolic Equation approximation to the wave equation). 

We have published numerous reports that have been distributed to the acoustic 
community, calculated various predictions for the surveillance community using our geo- 
acoustic and acoustic models and provided support to others who are developing models. 
We also have interfaced and supplied support on a continuous basis to surveillance pro- 
grams including the Indian Ocean, MSS, SURTASS and other efforts. 

The summary report gives a brief, general review of our research work during the 
three-year period, 1974-1977. This information, coupled with our referenced publications, 
provides a basis for more detailed study. 

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The general objectives during the past three years for the bottom-interaction 
program were to: 

1. Determine, study, and predict those characteristics (or properties) of the sea 
floor affecting sound propagation and the prediction of sonar and surveillance performance 

2. Place these properties in a form usable by underwater acousticians and 

3. Produce geoacoustic models of the sea floor as required for experimental, 
predictive, or theoretical work 

4. Develop accurate and efficient methods for coupling geoacoustic models to 
standard propagation models. 


@ It was determined that the following properties were required for geoacoustic 
models of the sea floor which are intended to support underwater acoustics studies: 

1. Thicknesses of sediment and rock layers 

2. Compressional wave (sound) velocity and attenuation profiles and 
gradients through the layers 

3. Density profiles and gradients through the layers 

4. Shear wave velocity and attenuation profiles and gradients through the 

5. Additional elastic properties (e.g., Lamé’s constants) 

6. Bathymetry in any insonified area to get slope, relief, topography, and 
water depths 

7. Properties of the overlying water mass (as from Nansen casts and 
velocimeter lowerings) 

@ Laboratory measurements of sound velocity and associated properties in 
sediment cores continue to be valuable data. These measurements permit correction of 
laboratory sound velocity and density to in situ values and prediction of sound velocity 
and density due to interrelations between common proportion (e.g., sound velocity versus 
mean grain size or porosity). Revised tables of properties (and regression equations of 
their interrelations), separated into the main environments and sediment types, greatly 
facilitate predictions of various properties. New measurements in over 400 samples of 
calcareous sediments allow, for the first time, realistic predictions of sound velocity and 
density in this sediment type. 


@® Continuous reflection profiling and associated measurements with expendable 
sonobuoys furnish data critical to underwater acoustics in two categories (for a given area 
or, in the general case, for prediction): (a) the form and true thicknesses of sediment and 
rock layers, and (b) the presence and values of velocity gradients. Specifically, data are 
furnished for several areas in the Northeast Indian Ocean. 

@ Statistical studies of velocity gradients in silt-clay sediments will allow pre- 
diction of sound velocity versus depth in the sea floor and the presence and values of 
velocity gradients in similar sediments in the world’s oceans. Specifically, data in 17 
areas of the world’s oceans were averaged and a regression equation furnished for the 
velocity gradient, a, given one-way travel time, t (a = 1.316 — 1.117t)(see Figure 6, p. 34). 

@ Results of studies of the attenuation of sound were as follows: 

1. Twenty-six new published values of the attenuation of compressional 
(sound) waves in marine sediments complement and supplement older data and support 
the conclusion that sound attenuation is approximately dependent on the first power of 

2. New data support the conclusion that relations between sound attenua- 
tion and sediment properties allow prediction of attenuation when mean grain size or 
porosity are known. 

3. Aspecial study of sound attenuation versus depth in sands, silt-clays, 
sedimentary rocks, and basalts should allow generalized predictions of attenuation in 
these various layers in the sea floor. 

@® Results of studies of variations of sediment density and porosity versus depth 
in the sea floor were as follows: 

1. Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project were combined with other 
information to produce diagrams, curves, and regression equations of laboratory values 
of density and porosity versus depth in the sea floor for common sediment types. 

2. The amount of volume increase (elastic rebound) from borehole to 
laboratory, caused by release from sediment overburden pressure, was estimated from 
soil mechanics tests. Maximum values of such rebound are about nine percent in silt- 
clays from depths of 600 meters. Rebound is less in other sediment types. 

3. When percent rebound in porosity is deducted from laboratory porosity, 
an estimate of the in situ porosity (and density) is determined. 

4. These data allow generalized curves and regression equations for density 
as a function of depth in the sea floor from which predictions can be made. 

@ Results of studies of shear wave velocities versus depth in marine sediments 
were as follows: 

1. Twenty-nine in situ measurements of shear wave velocities in sands to 
12 meter depths indicate (in these sands) that V, = 128D9.28. where V, is shear wave 
velocity in m/s, and D is depth in meters. 


2. Forty-seven selected in situ measurements of shear wave velocity in 
silt-clays and turbidites to 650 meter depth yielded three regression equations. The 
equation for the 0 to 40 meter depth interval (V, = 116 + 4.65D) indicates the gradient 
(4.65 sec—!) to be four to five times greater than for compressional waves in this interval. 
At greater depths the gradients are comparable. 

3. These findings will facilitate prediction of shear wave velocity profiles 
and gradients. 

@ The attenuation of shear waves was studied and methods of prediction were 

@ Studies were completed which allowed construction of separate velocity versus 
density curves and equations for the common sediment and sedimentary rock types. This 
will allow prediction of density given a velocity from a sediment or rock layer (as from a 
sonobuoy measurement). 

@ There is now enough information on sediment properties to predict a reason- 
able geoacoustic model once an acoustic reflection survey is given for an area. This was 
done for several areas in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans. However, more work 
needs to be done in several categories to facilitate and improve such predictions (see 

@ A general purpose plane wave reflection model has been developed that can 
account for both liquid and/or solid layers. Computer calculations are efficient and 

eA technique was developed to couple a bottom loss model to the Parabolic 
Equation (P.E.) sound propagation model. 


Continuous Reflection Profiling and Associated Matters 

@ General statement 

Measurements from continuous reflection profiling allow delineation of sedi- 
ment and rock layers, their true thicknesses, their interval or mean velocities, and velocity gra- 
dients. Continuous acoustic reflection profiling was largely developed in Navy laboratories and 
in academic and research institutions supported by the Navy. When the utility of this 
technique for off-shore oil exploration became evident, there was a flash evolution to 
present-day techniques involving extremely expensive, multichannel, long-array equip- 
ment, and very expensive data processing at sea and ashore. The oceanographic institu- 
tions have entered this newer technology, but the costs inhibit progress. Ways need to be 
found to reduce costs (or acquire the money) and to simplify equipment and processing 
so that Navy-supported ships in the laboratories, academic and research institutions and 
the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) can use the modern technology. 

@ Specific recommendations 

1. Continue to support technology and data processing in the following 
general areas. 

a. Acoustic reflection profiling (e.g., air gun, sparker), especially 
in the new techniques of multichannel, long-array technology. 

b. Measurements of sediment and rock layer interval velocities, with 
expendable sonobuoys and multichannel, continuous reflection profiling using very long 
arrays and special laboratory processing of tape-recorded signals (as presently done in oil- 
industry geophysical exploration). Interval velocity measurements in the first tens of 
meters (to about 100 meters) using high-resolution, higher-frequency equipment (3.5 
kHz) has shown promise. 

c. Study of velocity gradients in sediment and rock layers. 

d. Measurements of acoustic impedance of reflectors as seen by 
acoustic reflection profiling (some preliminary work has been done by Knott and his 
colleagues at Woods Hole). 

2. Continue support of scientific expeditions that gather acoustic reflection 
and interval velocity information at sea. This has been a long-term program of the Office 
of Naval Research (ONR) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). 

Sediment and Rock Properties 
@  Compressional wave (sound) velocity 

1. Support laboratory and, especially, in situ measurements of sound veloc- 
ity and associated properties (and their relationships) in sediments and rocks (as in cores, 
in boreholes, and with probes inserted into the sea floor). 

2. Support in situ measurements of sound velocity gradients in the upper, 
surficial sediments (tens of meters), as with the special corer developed by Applied Re- 
search Laboratories, University of Texas, or in boreholes. 

3. Although the Navy is not directly involved in the Deep Sea Drilling 
Project, the Navy should encourage NSF to strongly support downhole logging of sound 
velocity and density. These logs were recently started by the DSDP and should continue. 

@ Sound attenuation 

1. Support laboratory and, especially, in situ measurements of compress- 
ional wave (sound) attenuation at frequencies from a few Hz to several hundred kHz. 

2. Study relations between attenuation and frequency and between atten- 
uation and common sediment properties in all of the common sediment types, especially 
in sands at low frequencies (a few Hz to 1 kHz); such studies facilitate and allow pre- 
dictions of attenuation. 

3. Sound attenuation measurements and studies should include, at lower 
frequencies, the whole sediment and sedimentary rock sections, and the surface of the 
underlying acoustic basement. This would result in profiles and gradients of sound 
attenuation with depth in the sea floor. 

@ Shear wave velocity 

1. The introduction of shear wave velocity and velocity gradients into 
some, but not all, bottom-loss modeling requires accurate prediction of shear wave 
velocity versus depth in the sea floor. The shear modulus (which can be derived if shear 
velocity and density are known) is also an important engineering property of sediments. 
Accurate prediction of shear velocity versus depth in the full range of marine sediments 
and rocks requires much more data than now available. 

2. It is recommended that laboratory and in situ measurements of shear 
wave velocity in marine sediments and rocks be supported. It is further recommended 
that at-sea measurements be emphasized with instruments, or probes, placed on or in the 
sea floor. A desirable final result is the profile of shear velocity with depth in the sea 
floor in the principal types of sediments and rocks. 

@ Shear wave attenuation 

1. Very few studies have been made of the attenuation of shear waves in 
marine sediments and rocks. In this field, in situ studies should be emphasized with some 
supporting laboratory work. The profiles and gradient of shear wave attenuation in various 
common sediment and rock types also require study. 

e Densities of sediments and rocks 

1. Support laboratory and, especially, in situ measurements and studies of 
density and density profiles and gradients in sea floor sediments and rocks. In situ methods 
in the past have included measurements with nuclear probes and in boreholes by logging. 
Density logging in the boreholes of the Deep Sea Drilling Project should be supported and 

2. Results of the laboratory density measurements by the Deep Sea Drilling 
Project should be studied and supplemented with additional laboratory measurements. 

Atlases, Charts and Other Syntheses 

@ The compilation of the following types of regional atlases, charts and quer 
syntheses should be supported and/or encouraged. 

1. Sediment types and properties (including mean grain size, density, 
porosity, and sound velocity) at the present-day water-sediment interface. Given only 
sediment type, or mean grain size, we can predict sound velocity and attenuation, and 

2. Compilations of acoustic reflection data to show the form, true thick- 
nesses, interval velocities, and velocity gradients of sediment and rock layers in a given 
region. This facilitates construction of geoacoustic models and extrapolation of models 
and experimental data within a region or geomorphic province. 

3. Acontinued, intensive effort should be encouraged to produce the best 
possible topographic (bathymetric) charts of the sea floor. This is the overall province of 
NAVOCEANO and should be strongly supported by other agencies. 


4. In all local and regional studies, the results of the Deep Sea Drilling 
Project should be considered or incorporated. 

@ Assess performance of current prediction models. Use Indian Ocean data to 
uncover deficiencies. 

@ Impact the development of surveillance systems especially tailored for bottom 
interaction areas by providing predicted performance as a function of configuration of the 
system and mode of operation. 

@® Evaluate the method for coupling bottom interaction into the P.E. (Parabolic 
Equation) propagation program. 



Introduction ... page 7 
Programs in Geology and Geophysics... 9 
Sound velocity and related properties of marine sediments 
(laboratory measurements)... 9 

Introduction... 9 
Measurements to July 1975...9 
Regression equations interrelating various sediment properties . . 10 

Recent and current measurements of sediment physical properties... 12 

Compressional-wave velocity profiles and gradients in the sea floor... 13 
Introduction... 13 
Studies from 1974 to 1977... 13 
Current studies... 14 

Attenuation of compressional (sound) waves in marine sediments and rocks... 14 
Introduction... 14 
Studies from 1974 to 1977... 15 

Variations of density and porosity with depth in deep-sea sediments... 16 
Introduction... 16 
Studies from 1974 to 1977... 16 

Shear wave velocity profiles in marine sediments... 17 
Introduction... 17 
Studies from 1974 to 1977... 18 

Attenuation of shear waves in marine sediments... 18 
Introduction... 18 
Studies from 1974 to 1977... 19 

Sound velocity-density relations in sea-floor sediments and rocks... 19 
Introduction... 19 
Studies from 1974 to 1977... 19 

Production of geoacoustic models... 20 
Introduction... 20 
Studies from 1974 to 1977... 20 

Summary... 21 
References... 22 


Introduction... page 45 
Formulation of the sound field using the plane wave reflection coefficient R .. . 45 

Ray theory .. . 46 
Wave theory .. . 46 

Bottom loss models that account for gradients... 49 

Liquid multilayer model... 49 
Linear gradient multilayer model... 50 
Comparison of the two models... 51 

Solid multilayer model... 52 
Calculation of R for many solid layers using Knopoff’s method .. . 53 
Comparison of multilayer solid and liquid models. . . 56 
Effect of bottom interaction on the sound field. . . 56 
Equivalent sediment layers for use with the P.E. model. . . 57 
Summary... 58 

References... 60 


la. Continental terrace (shelf and slope) environment; average sediment size 
analyses and bulk grain densities... page 26 

1b. Continental terrace (shelf and slope) environment; sediment densities, 
porosities, sound velocities and velocity ratios .. . 26 

2a. Abyssal plain and abyssal hill environments; average sediment size 
analyses and bulk grain densities... 27 

2b. Abyssal plain and abyssal hill environments; sediment densities, 
porosities, sound velocities and velocity ratios... 28 


3, Input parameters to the solid multilayer program . . . page 62 


Il Sediment porosity versus sound velocity, continental terrace (shelf 
and slope)... page 29 

Dy, Mean diameter of mineral grains versus sound velocity, continental terrace 
(shelf and slope) .. . 30 

3 Percent clay size versus sound velocity, abyssal hill and abyssal plain 
environments... 31 

4. Sonobuoy station locations in the Bay of Bengal and adjacent areas as revised 
from Hamilton et al (1974) which contained only Antipode and Circe data... 32 

5): Instantaneous velocity, V, and mean velocity, V, versus one-way travel 
time in the Central Bengal Fan... 33 

6. Average of linear velocity gradients, in meters per second per meter, versus 
one-way travel time, t, in seconds... 34 

“ie Attenuation of compressional (sound) waves versus frequency in natural, 
saturated sediments and sedimentary strata... 35 

Attenuation of compressional waves (expressed as k in: @qB/m = kfkHz) versus 

sediment porosity in natural, saturated surface sediments . . . 36 

Attenuation of compressional waves (expressed as k in: dB /m = kf, H{z) versus 
depth in the sea floor or in sedimentary strata... 37 

Porosity versus depth in terrigenous sediments. . . 38 

In situ density of various marine sediments versus depth in the sea floor... 39 
Shear wave velocity versus depth in water-saturated sands... 40 

Shear wave velocity measured in situ versus depth in water-saturated silt-clays 
and turbidites... 41 

A summary of compressional wave velocity versus density in Hamilton 
(1977)... 42 


Ray theory representation (high frequency) . . - page 63 

Wave theory representation (low frequency)... 63 

Multilayer liquid model... 64 

Multilayer linear liquid model. . . 65 

Linear K2 and constant K layers... 66 

Phase comparison for linear K2 and constant K models (zero attenuation 
for both models) . . . 67 

Phase comparison for linear K2 and constant K models using 0.05 dB/m 
attenuation for both models... . 68 

Bottom loss comparison for linear K2 and constant K models using 0.05 dB/m 
attenuation for both models. . . 69 

Multilayer solid model... 70 

Comparison of multilayer solid and liquid models... 71 

3-D plot of bottom loss as a function of grazing angle and frequency .. . 72 
Sound speeds and ray diagram .. . 73 

Example of Gibb’s oscillations .. . 74 

Equivalent bottom for use with the Parabolic Equation... 74 

Desired values of bottom loss... 75 

Algorithm to generate an equivalent sediment model with smooth K2 and 
bottom loss... 76 

Good agreement between the bottom loss for the equivalent sediment mode 
(the line) and the desired bottom loss (the filled circles)... 77 

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The objectives of the geology and geophysics part of the task are to: 

1. Determine, study and predict those characteristics (or properties) of the sea 
floor affecting sound propagation and prediction of sonar and surveillance system 

2. Place these properties in a form usable by underwater acousticians and 

3. Produce geoacoustic models of the sea floor for specific areas as required for 
experimental, predictive, or theoretical work. 

The work thus involves marine geological and geophysical studies in direct support 
of underwater acoustics. 

When sound interacts with the sea floor, the acoustician concerned with sound 
propagation, reflection coefficients, or bottom losses must have a full range of information 
about the sea floor. This information includes the basic physics of sound propagation in 
marine sediments and rocks, measured acoustic and related properties, properties determined 
by empirical relationships and outright estimates or extrapolations based on geological and 
geophysical probabilities. 

At higher sound frequencies, the acoustician may be interested in only the first meters 
or tens of meters of sediments. At lower frequencies (and higher grazing angles) information 
must be provided on the whole sediment column and on properties of the underlying rock. 
This information should be provided in the form of geoacoustic models of the sea floor. 

A “‘geoacoustic model”’ is defined as a model of the real sea floor with emphasis on 
measured, extrapolated, and predicted values of those properties important in underwater 
acoustics and those aspects of geophysics involving sound transmission. In general, a geo- 
acoustic model details the true thicknesses and properties of the sediment and rock layers in 
the sea floor. 

Geoacoustic models are important to the acoustician studying sound interactions 
with the sea floor in several critical aspects: they guide theoretical studies, help reconcile 
experiments at sea with theory, and aid in predicting the effects of the sea floor on sound 

The information required for a complete geoacoustic model should include the fol- 
lowing for each layer. In some cases, the state of the art allows only rough estimates, in 
others information may be non-existent. 

@ Properties of the overlying water mass from Nansen casts and velocimeter 

e@ Sediment information (from cores, drilling, or geologic extrapolation): sedi- 
ment types, grain-size distributions, densities, porosities, compressional and shear wave 
attenuations and velocities, and other elastic properties. Gradients of these properties 
with depth, for example, velocity gradients and interval velocities from sonobuoy 

@  Thicknesses of sediment layers (in time) determined at various frequencies 
by continuous reflection profiling 

@ Locations, thicknesses, and properties of reflectors within the sediment body as 
seen at various frequencies 

@ Properties of rock layers; those at or near the sea floor are of special impor- 
tance to the underwater acoustician 

® Details of bottom topography, roughness, relief, and slope as seen by under- 
water cameras, sea-surface echo sounders and deep-towed equipment 

It has been shown by acousticians that the above types of information are essential to 
an understanding of sound interactions with the sea floor. Among the above properties and 
information, the following is the basic, minimum information on properties of the sediments 
and rocks required for most current work in sound propagation. 

1.  Thicknesses of layers 

2. Compressional wave (sound) velocity profile and gradient through the layers 
3. Sound attenuation in each layer 

4. Density in each layer 

Newer and more sophisticated mathematical models involving sound interaction with 
the sea floor, especially at lower frequencies, require (in addition to the above): 

5. The profile and gradient of sound attenuation through the layers 
6. The density profile and gradient through the layers 
7. Shear wave velocity and attenuation profiles and gradients through the layers 

8. Additional elastic properties (e.g., dynamic rigidity and Lamé’s constant); 
given compressional and shear wave velocities and density, these and other elastic 
properties can be computed. 

Examples of newer mathematical models involving sound interactions with the sea 
floor are given by Bucker (Part II of this report) and Bucker and Morris (1975). Additional 
examples are those models used at the Applied Research Laboratories of the University of 
Texas to study the effects of various sediment properties on bottom losses (Hawker and 
Foreman, 1976; Hawker et al, 1976, 1977). 

Where sound penetrates the whole sediment layer (and sedimentary rock layers if 
they are present) and reflects from and refracts in the surface of the acoustic basement, it is 
necessary to know the properties of the basement surface (i.e., compressional and shear 
wave velocities and attenuations, and density). An example of this is in the Northcentral 
Pacific where 50 to 100 meters of pelagic clay overlies basalt. 

A continuing project in the geology-geophysics group is improvement of geo- 
acoustic modeling and acquisition and refinement of properties in coordination with acous- 
ticians to supply required information and to anticipate future needs. Except where specific 
geoacoustic models are required for experimental work, our emphasis is on the general case 
so that reasonable predictions can be made in the absence of specific measurements. 

At the start of the three-year project in 1974, considerable work had been done by 
our laboratory (then NUC) in the acoustic and related properties of marine sediments. These 
studies were based on in situ measurements by divers and from submersibles and from 
measurements in cored sediments in the laboratory. Much of this work, with appropriate 

references, was reviewed by Hamilton (1974a, 1974b). Additionally, work had commenced 
on studies of mean velocities and velocity gradients in the first, unlithified sediment layer 
(Hamilton et al, 1974). 

During the three year program (1974-1977), NAVELEX, Code 320, has supported 
partially the continued work in sediment properties and layer sound velocities and velocity 
gradients and work concerned with the attenuation of shear waves and the relationship be- 
tween sound velocity and density in the principal sediment and rock types of the sea floor. 

In the gradients of some important properties, NAVELEX has also partially sup- 
ported shear waves in marine sediments versus depth in the sea floor, sound attenuation 
versus depth in the sea floor, and density and porosity of sediments versus depth in the sea 

Additionally, geoacoustic models were furnished for a number of areas where 
acoustic experimental work was planned or where predictions were required. 

The reports of these measurements and studies are included in our references under 
Work Supported by NAVELEX, Code 320: 1974-1977. 

The work generally noted above will be summarized, with details and illustrations, 
in the next sections. 




The geology-geophysics group operates a sediment laboratory in which measure- 
ments are made of sound velocity, density, porosity, grain size and grain density of cored 
sediments. During the past three years, funds have not permitted a field program. However, 
through cooperative arrangements with Scripps Institution and others, the above measure- 
ments have been made on various suites of sediments from the Pacific and Indian Oceans. 
Specifically, there were sediments from six Scripps expeditions: four from the Central 
Pacific and two from the Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea). Additionally, 
three suites of sediments from the Northeast Pacific were taken by Navy-sponsored groups. 

Measurements to July 1975 

The measurements of physical properties of sediments and their empirical relation- 
ships (to about July 1975) have been studied and reviewed (Hamilton, 1975d). The data 
were presented in three forms: as diagrams, in regression equations and in tables. 

One of the most useful and frequently used outputs of our work in physical proper- 
ties of sediments is the production of a set of tables in which are listed the acoustic and 
related properties of various sediment types in the three main environments of the sea floor. 
The latest revision of the tables of sediment measurements (Hamilton, 1975d, 1976c) is 
reproduced here as Tables la, 1b, 2a and 2b. The earlier report (Hamilton, 1975d) also 

contained tables (based on the same data) of computed values of impedance, reflection 
coefficients and bottom losses at normal incidence, and elastic properties (bulk modulus, 
Poisson’s ratio, dynamic rigidity, and velocity of the shear wave). Reproduced here are 
regression equations for the more important and useful interrelationships between proper- 
ties (from Hamilton, 1975d). 

In the sections which follow, frequent references will be made to the three general 
environments: the continental terrace (shelf and slope), the abyssal hill environment, and 
the abyssal plain environment. These environments and associated sediments were discussed 
in greater detail by Hamilton (1971b). 

Sediment nomenclature on the continental terrace follows that of Shepard (1954), 
except that within the sand sizes the various grades of sand follow the Wentworth scale. In 
the deep sea, pelagic clay contains less than 30 percent calcium carbonate or siliceous material. 
Calcareous 00ze contains more than 30 percent calcium carbonate and siliceous ooze more 
than 30 percent silica in the form of Radiolaria or diatoms. The Shepard (1954) size grades 
are shown in these deep-sea sediment types to show the effects of grain size. 

Examples of the many scatter diagrams of interrelationships are sound velocity (at 
one atmosphere and corrected to 23 degrees Celsius) versus sediment porosity, mean grain 
size, and percent clay-sized particles (Figures |, 2, 3); these are three of the best indices to 
velocity. An advantage of using mean grain size or percent clay-sized materials as indices to 
sound velocity is that grain size and clay size tests can be made in dried or partially dried 
sediments in which porosity or sound velocity tests cannot be made. 

These tables, diagrams, and regression equations are basic information on which pre- 
dictions of sound velocity and density can be based given only a sediment type or grain size. 
The methods for such predictions were included in an earlier report (Hamilton, 1971b). 

Regression Equations Interrelating Various Sediment Properties 

Regression lines and curves were computed for those illustrated sets of (x,y) data in 
Hamilton (1975d). These constitute the best indices (x) to obtain desired properties (y). 
Separate equations are listed, where appropriate, for each of the three general environments 
as follows: continental terrace (shelf and slope), (T); abyssal hill (pelagic), (H); abyssal plain 
(turbidite), (P). The Standard Errors of Estimate, 0, opposite each equation, are applicable 
only near the mean of the (x,y) values. Accuracy of the (y) values, given (x), falls off away 
from this region (Griffiths, 1967, p. 448). Grain sizes are shown in the logarithmic phi- 
scale (¢ = —logy of grain diameter in millimeters). 

It is important that the regression equations be used only between the limiting 
values of the index property (x values), as noted below. These equations are strictly empir- 
ical and apply only to the (x,y) data points involved. There was no attempt, for example, to 
force the curves expressed by the equations to pass through velocity values of minerals at 
zero porosity or the velocity value of sea water at 100 percent porosity. 

The limiting values of (x), in the equations below, are: 

1. Mean grain diameter, M,, ¢ 
(T) 1 to9¢ 
(H) and (P) 7 to 10¢ 


Porosity, n, percent 
(T) 35 to 85 percent 
(H) and (P) 70 to 90 percent 
3. Density, p, g/em> 
(T) 1.25 to 2.10 g/em? 
(H) 1.15 to 1.50 g/cm? 
(P) 1.15 to 1.70 g/em> 
4. Clay size grains, C, percent 
(H) and (P) 20 to 85 percent 
5. Density X (Velocity), pV,~, dynes/em? X 1010 
(H) 2.7 to 3.4 dynes/em2 X 1010 
(P) 2.7 to 3.8 dynes/cm2 x 1019 

Porosity, n (%) vs Mean Grain Diameter, M, (9) 

(T)n = 30.95 + 5.50(M,) o=6.8 
(H)n = 82.42 -0.29(M,) o = 4.7 
(P) n = 45.43 + 3.93(M,) @ = O.9) 

Density, p (g/cm?) vs Mean Grain Diameter, M, (od) 

(1) o = ZNO = OWS ul) o= 0:12 
(H)p = 1.327 + 0.005(M,) o = 0.09 
(P) p = 1.879 — 0.06(M,) o0=0.11 

Sound Velocity, Vy (m/s) vs Mean Grain Diameter, M, (9) 
i) Vo = 1924.9 —74.18(M,) + 3.04(M,)? o = 33.6 
(H)V,, = 1594.4 — 10.2(M,) o= 11:6 
OQVs= 1631.8 — 13.3(M,) o = 18.3 

Sound Velocity, Vp (m/s) vs Porosity, n (%) 

(On = 2467.3 ~ 22.13(n) + 0.129(n)? o = 33.7 
(H)V, = 1410.8 + 1.175) o— 1333 
(P) Vo = 1630.8 — 1.402(n) o = 20.6 

Sound Velocity, Vy (m/s) vs Density, p (g/cm?) 

(T) V,, = 2263.0 - 1164.8(p)+458.8(p)* = 34.2 
(H)V, = 1591.7 — 63.5(p) GA N9,2 
(P) Vy = 1430.6 + 65.2() o=21.7 


Sound Velocity, Vp (m/s) vs Clay Size, C (%) 

(H) Vp = 1549.4 — 0.66(C) o= 9.9 

OQ) a= 1568.8 — 0.89(C) o = 18.3 
Density, p (g/cm?) vs Porosity, n (%) 

(T)n = 156.0 —- 56.8(p) o=2.7 

(H)n = 150.1 —51.2(p) o=1.2 

(P) n = 159.6 ~58.9(p) o=1.4 

Bulk Modulus, k (dynes/cm2 Xx 1019) vs Porosity, n (%) 
(T) « = 215.09467 - 133.1006 (logan) + 28.2872 (log.n)* 
-2.0446 (logn)? o = 0.01146 
(H) and (P) k = 128.9909 — 72.0478 (logen) + 13.8657 (loggn)* 
~ 0.9097 (log.n)> o = 0.0100 

Bulk Modulus, x (dynes/em2 X 10!9) ys 
Density X (Velocity), pVy- (dynes/cm X 10!) 
(H) k = 0.32039 + 0.862 (pV,,~) o = 0.049 
(P) k = 1.68823 + 0.134 (pV,*) o = 0.069 

Recent and Current Measurements of Sediment Physical Properties 

Calcareous sediments cover about 50 percent of the sea floor. In the past (and in 
Tables 2a, 2b), this important sediment type has been inadequately represented in our meas- 
urements. During the past two years and at the present time (September 1977) more than 
400 samples of calcareous sediments from four expeditions have been obtained through 
cooperative work with Scripps Institution. Measurements in these samples should facilitate 
considerably prediction of sound velocity, density, and other properties of calcareous 

A suite of 108 samples of calcareous sediments from box cores on the Ontong-Java 
Plateau in the western equatorial Pacific were examined in 1976 (Johnson et al, 1977a). 
Among the many conclusions of this study were the following: 

@ There is a continuous reduction of mean grain size with increasing water 
depth (probably due to winnowing of fine materials on topographic highs and solution 
of calcium carbonate with depth). 

@ Porosity and density bear little relation to sound velocity or grain size 
(probably because of the hollow shells or tests of Foraminifera). 

@ There is a good relationship between mean grain size and sound velocity 
and the velocity versus mean grain size regression equations for continental-terrace sands- 
silts-clays adequately describes these relations for these calcareous sediments. This is 
probably because the hollow shells interact as large, solid particles. 

The continued measurements and studies in calcareous materials should furnish 
fairly definitive information on interrelationships between common properties. 



Continuous reflection profiling (as with a sparker or air gun) and wide-angle reflec- 
tion measurements of sediment and rock layer interval velocities have become important 
sources of critical data in underwater acoustics. Continuous reflection profiling measures 
sound travel time between impedance mismatches within the sediment and rock layers of 
the sea floor. To derive the true thicknesses of these layers it is necessary to measure or 
predict the mean or interval layer velocity or use a sediment surface velocity and velocity 
gradient. At the present time, the simplest method of measuring layer interval velocities 
involves the use of expendable Navy sonobuoys. 

Sonobuoy measurements of interval velocity also provide basic data for determining 
velocity profiles and gradients in the sea floor. When velocity measurements in sediment 
cores are available, these can be corrected to in situ values at the water-sediment interface 
and used with layer mean velocities to establish velocity profiles and gradients. 

It has been shown by Morris (1970) and others that the presence of a positive veloc- 
ity gradient in the sea floor is of critical importance in acoustic studies when sound interacts 
with the sea floor. In general, when a sediment layer has a positive velocity gradient, sound 
energy is refracted back into the water column at certain grazing angles and energy is lost 
over long refraction paths. 

In summary, reflection profiling records yield data critical to underwater acoustics 
in two categories: the form and true thicknesses of sediment and rock layers and the pres- 
ence and values of velocity gradients. These data, when examined statistically, yield re- 
gional velocity profiles and general, averaged velocity gradients that can be used to predict 
velocity gradients in similar sediments elsewhere. 

Studies From 1974 to 1977 

During the three-year period of this project, three sets of sonobuoy data were ana- 
lyzed. Two sets from the Northeast Indian Ocean have been analyzed, added to previous 
data in the area and reported (Hamilton et al, 1977). A suite of 17 sonobuoy measurements 
of interval velocity were made in the thick calcareous sediments and rocks in the Ontong- 
Java Plateau in the West Central Pacific. These records have been analyzed and reported 
(Johnson et al, 1978). 

The abstract of the Indian Ocean report follows (Hamilton et al, 1977, p. 3003). 

New measurements of interval compressional wave velocities were made in the first 
sediment layer, using the sonobuoy technique. These measurements were made during two 
expeditions in the Bay of Bengal, in the Andaman Sea and over the Nicobar Fan and Sunda 
Trench. Sediment interval velocities from these areas were added to those previously re- 
ported, and revised diagrams and regression equations of instantaneous and mean velocity 
versus one-way travel time are furnished for four areas of the Bengal Fan and for the Anda- 
man Basin, Nicobar Fan, and Sunda Trench. The velocity gradients directly below the sea 
floor were used to separate the Bengal Fan into four geoacoustic provinces. In the north 
and west, the velocity gradients are 0.86 s~! and 1.28 Sa respectively; whereas in the cen- 
tral part of the fan, the gradient is 1.87 s-!_ These variations indicate lesser increases of 
velocity with depth in the sea floor in the north and west. They are due probably to more 
rapid deposition, less consolidation and less lithification near the riverine source areas of 
the sediments. The near-surface velocity gradients in the other areas are: the Andaman 
Basin, 1.53 sv] : the Nicobar Fan, 1.63 sv! ; and the Sunda Trench, 1.41 s-!. In a second 
part of the paper, the linear velocity gradients (from the sediment surface to a given travel 
time) in 17 areas of the Indian Ocean, Pacific area, Atlantic Ocean, and Gulf of Mexico 
were averaged at each 0.1 s from 0 to 0.5 s of one-way travel time. These averaged gradients 
ranged from 1.32 s-l att=0 to 0.76s—! att=0.5s. The regression equation for the veloc- 
ity gradient, a, in sl as a function of one-way travel time, t, in seconds is: a= 1.316 — 
1.117t (for use from t = 0 to 0.5 s). These average velocity gradients can be used with sedi- 
ment surface velocities and one-way travel times (measured from reflection records) to com- 
pute sediment layer thicknesses in areas of turbidites lacking interval velocity measurements 
in the first sediment layer. 

Three of the figures in Hamilton et al (1977) are reproduced here. Figure 4 shows 
the sonobuoy stations in the Northeast Indian Ocean; Figure 5 illustrates the type and scat- 
ter of the data; Figure 6, the averaged velocity gradients in these and other areas. 

Current Studies 

At present (September 1977), sound velocity gradients in the principal types of 
marine sediments are being studied. These types include sands, terrigenous sediments (di- 
rectly from land sources), calcareous ooze, and siliceous ooze. The emphasis in these studies 
will be on averaged values which can aid in predictions. 



Some years ago it became apparent that sound propagated through the sea floor at 
certain frequencies and at certain grazing angles. In such cases quantitative knowledge of 
sound attenuation in marine sediments became a required property in understanding sound 


interactions with the sea floor. Consequently, measurements and studies of sound attenua- 
tion have been a long-term, continuing project in the geology-geophysics group. 

Hamilton (1972) reported the results of in situ measurements of sound velocity and 
attenuation in various sediments off San Diego. These measurements and others from the 
literature allowed analyses of the relationships between attenuation and frequency and other 
physical properties. It was concluded that attenuation in dB/unit length is approximately 
dependent on the first power of frequency and that velocity dispersion is negligible or ab- 
sent in water-saturated sediments. The report also discussed the causes of attenuation, its 
prediction (given grain size or porosity), and appropriate viscoelastic models which can be 
applied to sediments. 

Studies From 1974 to 1977 

In 1975 and 1976 two reports were issued which revised data and two illustrations 
in the 1972 report. The first was a Naval Undersea Center report, NUC TP 482 (Hamilton, 
1975c), followed by its publication in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 
(Hamilton, 1976b). 

Figure 7 is reproduced from Hamilton (1976b, Figure 1). This figure illustrates the 
relations between attenuation in dB/m and frequency in kHz. The new data in this revised 
figure were given different symbols from the original (1972) figure. The new data comple- 
ment and supplement the original data and strongly support an approximate first-power 
dependence of attenuation on frequency. The data in Figure 7 include sands, silt-clays 
and mixed-grained materials. The experimental evidence does not support any theory call- 
ing for a dependence of attenuation on f” or f2 in either sands or silt-clays. 

If attenuation is dependent on the first power of frequency, as indicated by the 
evidence in Figure 7, then in the equation a = kf™ (where the exponent n is one, @ is attenu- 
ation in dB/m, f is frequency in kHz and k is a constant), the only variable is the constant k. 
This allows k to be related to common sediment properties such as mean grain size or poros- 
ity (Figure 8). Figure 8 (reproduced from Figure 2, Hamilton, 1976b) was revised from a 
similar figure in the 1972 report, with the addition of four new sets of measurements. 
These measurements did not alter the original conclusions. An important conclusion is that 
prediction of sound attenuation in the sediment surface can be based on mean grain size or 
porosity. To predict attenuation, we simply determine the constant k from its relations 
with porosity (or mean grain size in the 1972 report) and insert k into the above equation, 
which should be good at any frequency. 

The main purpose of the 1975 and 1976 reports was to discuss the variations of 
attenuation with depth in the sea floor. The sparse data were collected on attenuation and 
depth at various frequencies. These data were listed in a table and illustrated. Figure 3 of 
Hamilton (1976b) is reproduced here as Figure 9; these data illustrate sound attenuation 
(represented by the constant k) as a function of depth in the sea floor. It was concluded 
that attenuation decreases with about the —1/6 power of depth in sands. As a silt-clay sedi- 
ment (mud), or turbidite, is placed under increasing overburden pressure, there may be a 
progressive increase in attenuation due to reduction in sediment porosity and a progressive 
decrease in attenuation due to increasing pressure on the sediment mineral frame. At some 
null point in the sediment (sparse evidence indicates about 200 meters), pressure becomes 

the dominant effect and attenuation decreases smoothly thereafter with depth and over- 
burden pressure. It was concluded that Figure 9 can be used to aid prediction of sound 
attenuation in sediment and rock layers in the sea floor. 

The study of sound attenuation in marine sediments and rocks is a continuing pro- 
ject. Since the 1976 report new measurements have indicated the validity of the above 
approach and conclusions. The most important of these measurements were by Tyce (per- 
sonal communication), using the Marine Physical Laboratory deep-tow equipment in both 
the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 



The values and variations of density and porosity with depth in marine sediments 
and rocks are of importance in both basic and applied studies of the earth. Specifically (in 
the field of sound interactions with the sea floor), density of various layers of the oceanic 
crust are important in the propagation of shear and compressional waves and other elastic 
waves. Values of density are required in all mathematical models of sound interacting with 
the sea floor. However, work at the Applied Research Laboratories of the University of 
Texas has indicated that, in many cases, the gradient of density may have only a small 
effect on bottom losses. At high grazing angles (above the shear wave critical angle), the 
effects amount to about | to 2 dB change in bottom loss. At low angles, very little effect 
is observed except in the vicinity of the low angle shear anomaly (discussed in a following 
section) where it can amount to as much as 2 to 8 dB (Hawker et al, 1976, p. 65). 

Studies From 1974 to 1977 

Three reports were issued during the three-year period concerning variations of den- 
sity and porosity with depth in the sea floor. The first was issued by the Naval Undersea 
Center as TP 459 (Hamilton, 1975a); this report was later published in the Journal of 
Sedimentary Petrology (Hamilton, 1976c). A resume with selected figures are noted below. 

Bachman and Hamilton (1976) obtained a suite of samples from the Deep Sea Drill- 
ing Project Site 222 (Leg 23) in the northern Arabian Sea. At this site there was an unusu- 
ally thick section of homogeneous, terrigenous sediment which was drilled to about 1300 
meters. Density, porosity, and grain density were measured in the laboratory. These data 
were also included in the Hamilton and Bachman and Hamilton reports. 

The critical question in relating laboratory measurements of sediment density and 
porosity to in situ measurements in a deep borehole is: how much has the sample expanded 
elastically as a result of removal from overburden pressure in the borehole to atmospheric 
pressure in the laboratory? This was the problem addressed in Hamilton (1976c). The 
abstract of this report follows. 

Reduction of sediment porosity and increase in density under overburden pressure 
in the sea floor are important subjects in earth sciences. Data and samples from the Deep 
Sea Drilling Project allow a new look at these subjects, and are used to establish profiles of 

laboratory values of density and porosity versus depth in the sea floor. To construct in situ 
profiles, the results of consolidation tests are used to estimate the amount of elastic rebound 
(increase in volume) which has occurred after removal of the samples from overburden 
pressure in the boreholes. In situ profiles of porosity and density versus depth are con- 
structed for some important sediment types: calcareous ooze, siliceous oozes (diatoma- 
ceous and radiolarian oozes), pelagic clay, and terrigenous sediments. There is less reduction 
of porosity with depth in the first 100 meters in these deep-water sediments than previously 
supposed: 8 to 9 percent in pelagic clay, calcareous and terrigenous sediments and only 4 to 
5 percent in the siliceous sediments. From depths of 300 meters the most rebound is in 
pelagic clay (about 7 percent) and the least in diatomaceous ooze (about 2 percent); 
calcareous ooze and terrigenous sediment should rebound from 300 meters about 4 to 5 
percent. Terrigenous sediment, from the surface to 1000 meters depth, probably rebounds 
a maximum of about 9 percent. Methods are described and illustrated to predict density 
and porosity gradients in the sea floor and to compute the amounts of original sediments 
necessary to have been compressed to present thicknesses. Slightly over 2000 meters of 
original sediments would have been required for compression to a present-day thickness of 
1000 meters of terrigenous sediments. 

Two figures are reproduced here from Hamilton (1976c). Figure 10 illustrates 
laboratory measurements which have been corrected to in situ values and compared with 
data in shales (below 600 meters) from oil-industry explorations. Figure 11 illustrates 
density versus depth for the five most common sediment types. These data and tables and 
regression equations in the report should allow reasonable predictions of density at given 
depths in the sea floor. 



The velocity of a compressional wave is dependent on the sediment bulk modulus, 
rigidity and density. Given shear wave velocity and density, rigidity can be easily computed. 
Given shear and compressional wave velocities and density, all of the other elastic properties 
can be computed. When a sound wave is reflected within a sediment or rock layer, part of 
the energy is converted to a shear wave. 

Studies at the Applied Research Laboratories of the University of Texas (Hawker 
and Foreman, 1976; Hawker et al, 1976, 1977) found important effects when shear waves 
were introduced into bottom loss models. At low grazing angles in the case of clay and 
possibly silt (but not sand) overlying hard rock, it was found that a very large bottom loss 
can occur over a narrow angular range through the production of a Stoneley wave (closely 
related to the shear wave) along the sediment-rock interface. These dominant effects oc- 
curred between the shear velocity critical grazing angle of about 50 degrees and the com- 
pressional velocity grazing angle of about 70 degrees. 

Studies From 1974 to 1977 

In an earlier report (Hamilton, 1971a), the presence and causes of rigidity and shear 
waves in marine sediments were reviewed. Hamilton with Bucker and his colleagues at the 
Naval Undersea Center (Hamilton et al, 1970) reported in situ measurements of compres- 
sional wave velocity, density, and velocities of Stoneley waves (from which shear waves can 
be determined). In these reports the variation of shear wave velocity with depth in the sedi- 
ments was not considered. 

A short study and review of shear wave velocity versus depth in marine sediments 
was issued by the Naval Undersea Center as TP 472 (Hamilton, 1975b), and later published 
in Geophysics (Hamilton, 1976e). The abstract of this report follows. 

The objectives of this report are to review and study selected measurements of the 
velocity of shear waves at various depths in some principal types of unlithified, water- 
saturated sediments and to discuss probable variations of shear velocity as a function of 
pressure and depth in the sea floor. Because of the lack of data for the full range of marine 
sediments, data from measurements on land were used and the study was confined to the 
two ‘“‘end-member” sediment types (sand and silt-clays) and turbidites. 

The shear velocity data in sands included 29 selected, in situ measurements at depths 
to 12 meters. The regression equation for these data is: V.= 128p9-28 where V, is shear 
wave velocity in m/s and D is depth in meters. The data from field and laboratory studies 
indicate that shear wave velocity is proportional to the 1/3 to 1/6 power of pressure or 
depth in sands; that the 1/6 power is not reached until very high pressures are applied; and 
that in most sand bodies the velocity of shear waves is proportional to the 3/10 to 1/4 power 
of depth or pressure. The use of a depth exponent of 0.25 is recommended for prediction 
of shear velocity versus depth in sands. 

The shear velocity data in silt-clays and turbidites include 47 selected, in situ 
measurements at depths to 650 meters. Three linear equations are used to characterize the 
data. The equation for the 0 to 40 meters interval (Vz = 116 + 4.65D) indicates the gradient 
(4.65 sec7!) to be four to five times greater than is the compressional velocity gradient in 
this interval in comparable sediments. At deeper depths, shear velocity gradients are 
1.28 sec! from 40 to 120 meters and 0.58 sec~! from 120 to 650 meters. These deeper 
gradients are comparable to those of compressional wave velocities. These shear velocity 
gradients can be used as a basis for predicting shear velocity versus depth. 

Two figures reproduced here from Hamilton (1976e) illustrate shear velocity versus 
depth in sands (Figure 12) and in silt-clays (Figure 13). 



When a compressional wave is reflected at some impedance mismatch within the sea 
floor, some of the energy is converted to a shear wave and this converted energy is rapidly 

In some sophisticated mathematical models of sound interaction with the sea floor, 
the attenuation of shear waves is a required input (see Part II, this report). 

Studies From 1974 to 1977 

Very little experimental data are available on the attenuation of shear waves. The 
available data are almost all in the fields of geotechnical (soil mechanics) engineering and 
earthquake research. The available data were collected, studied and reported by Hamilton 
(1976d) and the abstract of this report follows. 

The objectives of this report are to review selected, published measurements of the 
attenuation, or energy damping, of low-strain shear waves in surficial water-saturated sands 
and silt-clays (mud) that might occur as marine sediments. In various computations, a 
linear viscoelastic model is favored in which velocity dispersion is negligible, linear attenua- 
tion is proportional to the first power of frequency and the specific dissipation function, 
1/Q, and the logarithmic decrement are independent of frequency. The logarithmic decre- 
ment is favored as a measure of energy damping because of research in soil mechanics. The 
very sparse data indicate that in water-saturated sands and silt-clays, the logarithmic decre- 
ments are mostly between 0.1 and 0.6. If approximate values of shear wave energy losses 
are required for generalized computations, it is suggested that a value for the logarithmic 
decrement of 0.30 + 0.15 be assumed for sands and 0.2 + 0.1 for silt-clays. Measured 
logarithmic decrements of compressional waves in sands average about 0.10 + 0.03; in silt- 
clays about 0.02 + 0.01. The average values of the ratio of compressional- to shear-wave 
logarithmic decrements, using the above average values, would be 0.3 for sands and 0.1 for 



Continuous acoustic reflection surveys are rapidly delineating the sediment and rock 
layers of the sea floor. Wide-angle reflection and refraction measurements (as with expenda- 
ble sonobuoys) yield velocities in these layers. This allows true layer thicknesses to be 
computed. Further, the new velocity data frequently can be linked to sediment and rock 
types by geologic reasoning and by direct linkage to the boreholes of the Deep Sea Drilling 
Project. Therefore, it would be useful to establish relationships between velocity and density 
in the various sediment and rock types in the sea floor. This would allow prediction of 
density (a prime requirement) to correspond to measured sound velocities for purposes of 
modeling the sea floor for underwater acoustics studies. Additionally, density profiles can 
be constructed from these data or from densities derived from velocities computed from 
equations of velocity versus travel time or depth. 

Studies From 1974 to 1977 

Naval Ocean Systems Center measurements of density and velocity in marine sedi- 
ments were combined with information from the literature and a report published which 
relates density and velocity for common sediments and rocks (Hamilton, 1978). Figure 14 
is asummary of individual curves. The abstract of the report follows. 

In underwater acoustics, geophysics, and geologic studies, given a seismic measure- 
ment of velocity, the relations between sound velocity and density allow assignment of 
approximate values of density to sediment and rock layers of the earth’s crust and mantle. 
In the past, single curves of velocity versus density represented all sediment and rock types. 
A large amount of recent data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and reflection 
and refraction measurements of sound velocity, allow construction of separate velocity- 
density curves for the principal marine sediment and rock types. This report uses carefully- 
selected data from laboratory and in situ measurements to present empirical sound velocity- 
density relations (in the form of regression curves and equations) in terrigenous silt-clays, 
turbidites and shale, in calcareous materials (sediments, chalk, and limestone), and in 
siliceous materials (sediments, porcelanite and chert); a published curve for DSDP basalts 
is included. Speculative curves are presented for composite sections of basalt and sediments. 
These velocity-density relations, with seismic measurements of velocity, should be useful in 
assigning approximate densities to sea floor sediment and rock layers for studies in marine 
geophysics and in forming geoacoustic models of the sea floor for underwater acoustic 



Geoacoustic models were defined and requirements for input information were 
noted briefly in the general introduction to Part I (Marine Sediment Properties). As noted 
in the general introduction, geoacoustic models of the sea floor are produced to guide 
theoretical studies, to reconcile experiments at sea with theory, and to predict the effects 
of the sea floor on underwater sound propagation. 

Studies From 1974 to 1977 

During the three-year period of this project, geoacoustic models were furnished to 
various persons or groups. 

@ Two geoacoustic models were furnished to the Acoustic Environmental 
Support Detachment, ONR. One was for an area in the Northeast Pacific and was well 
founded on coring and acoustic reflection measurements. The second model was for the 
northern end of the Iberian Basin off the coast of Spain and was based on information 
in the literature. These data with accompanying bottom-loss curves were issued by the 
Naval Undersea Center TN 1470 (Morris et al, 1974). 

@ Geoacoustic models were furnished to investigators in the Undersea Surveil- 
lance Department, Naval Undersea Center, for areas or stations in the following localities. 

1. Continental slope west of the Strait of Juan de Fuca 

2. Northeast Pacific: Tufts Abyssal Plain, and another area south of 
Mendocino Escarpment 


3. Off Point Sur, California 
4. Ridge west of the Norwegian Basin 

® In preparation for experimental work in the Arabian Sea, geoacoustic models 
were furnished for four stations to allow predictions of underwater sound propagation 
in the area. These models were part of the predictive study issued by the Naval Ocean 
Systems Center as TN 104 (Northrop et al, 1977). A portion of this report (Northrop 
et al, 1978) is in press as an article for the Journal of Underwater Acoustics. 


The general summary of Part I (Marine Sediment Properties), with results and 
recommendations, is in the front section of this report. 



OF THE SEA FLOOR (1974-1977) 

Partial support of NAVELEX, Code 320, was acknowledged in the following reports 
involving geology, geophysics, and acoustic properties of the sea floor during calendar years 
1974-1977 (two reports in press in 1977 were published in January and February 1978). 

Morris, H. E., Hamilton, E. L., and Bucker, H. P., 1974, Low frequency geoacoustic 
models and bottom loss curves for two areas in the Northeast Pacific and Iberian 
Basin, Naval Undersea Center TN 1470. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1975a, Acoustic and related properties of the sea floor: density 
and porosity profiles and gradients, Naval Undersea Center TP 459. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1975b, Acoustic and related properties of the sea floor: shear 
wave velocity profiles and gradients, Naval Undersea Center TP 472. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1975c, Acoustic and related properties of the sea floor: sound 
attenuation as a function of depth, Naval Undersea Center TP 482. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1975d, Acoustic properties of the sea floor: a review, in Proceed- 
ings of a Conference on Oceanic Acoustic Modelling (held at La Spezia, Italy, 8-11 
September 1975), SACLANTCEN Conference Proceedings No. 17, Part 4 (Sea 
Bottom), Paper No. 18, 96 pp. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1976a, Acoustic properties of shallow-water sediments: a review 
(U), Proceedings of Shallow Water Mobile Sonar Environmental Acoustic Modeling 
Symposium (U) (held at the Naval Research Laboratory, 23-25 September 1975), 
Vol. II (C), pp 361-433, SEA 06H1/036-EVA MOST-8, Naval Sea Systems 
Command, Washington, D.C. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1976b, Sound attenuation as a function of depth in the sea floor, 
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 59, pp 528-535. Outside pub- 
lication of Hamilton, 1975c. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1976c, Variations of density and porosity with depth in deep-sea 
sediments, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol. 46, pp 280-300. Outside pub- 
lication of Hamilton, 1975a. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1976d, Attenuation of shear waves in marine sediments, Journal 
of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 60, pp 334-338. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1976e, Shear-wave velocity versus depth in marine sediments: a 
review, Geophysics, Vol. 41, pp 985-996. Outside publication of Hamilton, 1975b. 

Bachman, R. T., and Hamilton, E.L., 1976, Density, porosity, and grain density of 
samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 222 (Leg 23) in the Arabian Sea, 
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol. 46, pp 654-658. 

Hamilton, E. L., Bachman, R. T., Curray, J. R., and Moore, D. G., 1977, Sediment 
velocities from sonobuoys: Bengal Fan, Sunda Trench, Andaman Basin, and 
Nicobar Fan, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 82, pp 3003-3012. 

Johnson, T. C., Hamilton, E. L., and Berger, W. H., 1977, Physical properties of 
calcareous ooze: control by dissolution at depth, Marine Geology, Vol. 24, 
pp 259-277. 


Northrop, J., Fabula, A. G., Colborn, J. G., Hamilton, E. L., Bachman, R. T., 
Solomon, L. P., Barnes, A. E., Bucker, H. P., and Wagstaff, R. A., 1977, Environ- 
mental acoustic predictions for the Northwestern Indian Ocean (U), Naval Ocean 
Systems Center TN 104 (C). 

Johnson, T. C., Hamilton, E. L., Bachman, R. T., and Berger, W. H., 1978, Sound 
velocities in calcareous oozes and chalks from sonobuoy data: Ontong Java Plateau, 
Western Equatorial Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 83, pp 283-288. 
Hamilton, E. L., 1978, Sound velocity-density relations in sea floor sediments and 
rocks, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 63, pp 366-377. 
Northrop, J., Colborn, J. G., Hamilton, E. L., and Bachman, R. T., 1978, Propaga- 
tion loss predictions for the Northwestern Indian Ocean, Journal of Underwater 
Acoustics, in press. 

(PART 1) 

(In addition to those above for the period 1974 to 1977) 

Buchan, S., Dewes, F. C. D., Jones, A. S. G., McCann, D. M., and Smith, D. T., 

1971, The Acoustic and Geotechnical Properties of North Atlantic Cores, Vols. 
1 and 2, Marine Science Laboratories, University College of North Wales, Menai 
Bridge, North Wales, 22 pp and tables. 

Bucker, H. P. and Morris, H. E., 1975, “Reflection of sound from a layered ocean 
bottom’’, Invited paper presented at Oceanic Acoustic Modelling Conference 
held at SACLANTCEN on 8-11 Sept. 1975, pp 19-1 to 19-35 in SACLANTCEN 
Conference Proceedings No. 17. 

Christensen, N. I., and Salisbury, M. H., 1975, Structure and constitution of the 
lower oceanic crust, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, Vol. 13, pp 57-86. 
Dickinson, G., 1953, Geological aspects of abnormal reservoir pressures in Gulf 
Coast Louisiana, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Vol. 37, pp 410- 

Gardner, G. H. F., Gardner, L. W., and Gregory, A. R., 1974, Formation velocity 
and density — the diagnostic basics for stratigraphic traps, Geophysics, Vol. 39, 
pp 770-780. 

Griffiths, J. C., 1967, Scientific Method in Analysis of Sediments, McGraw-Hill, 
New York, 508 pp. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1971a, Elastic properties of marine sediments, Journal of Geo- 
physical Research, Vol. 76, pp 579-604. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1971b, Prediction of in situ acoustic and elastic properties of 
marine sediments, Geophysics, Vol. 36, pp 266-284. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1972, Compressional wave attenuation in marine sediments, Geo- 
physics, Vol. 37, pp 620-646. 

Hamilton, E. L., 1974a, Prediction of deep-sea sediment properties: state of the art, 
in Deep-Sea Sediments, Physical and Mechanical Properties, pp 1-43, edited by 
A. L. Inderbitzen, Plenum Press, New York, 497 pp. 


Hamilton, E. L., 1974b, Geoacoustic models of the sea floor, in Physics of Sound in 
Marine Sediments, pp 181-221, edited by L. Hampton, Plenum Press, New York, 
567 pp. 

Hamilton, E. L., Bucker, H. P., Keir, D. L., and Whitney, J. A., 1970, Velocities of 
compressional and shear waves in marine sediments determined in situ from a research 
submersible, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 75, pp 4039-4049. 

Hamilton, E. L., Moore, D. G., Buffington, E. C., Sherrer, P. L., and Curray, J. R., 
1974, Sediment velocities from sonobuoys: Bay of Bengal, Bering Sea, Japan Sea, 
and North Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 79, pp 2653-2668. 

Hawker, K. E., and Foreman, T. L., 1976, A plane wave reflection coefficient model 
based on numerical integration; formulation, implementation, and application, 
Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas at Austin, ARL-TR-76-23, 

78 pp. 

Hawker, K. E., Anderson, A. L., Focke, K. C., and Foreman, T. L., 1976, Initial 
phase of a study of bottom interaction of low frequency underwater sound, Applied 
Research Laboratories, University of Texas at Austin, ARL-TR-76-14, 180 pp. 

Hawker, K. E., Focke, K. C., and Anderson, A. L., 1977, A sensitivity study of 
underwater sound propagation loss and bottom loss, Applied Research Laboratories, 
University of Texas at Austin, ARL-TR-77-17, 122 pp. 

Houtz, R., Ewing, J., and LePichon, X., 1968, Velocity of deep-sea sediments from 
sonobuoy data, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 73, pp 2615-2641. 

Houtz, R., Ewing, J.,and Buhl, P., 1970, Seismic data from sonobuoy stations in 
the northern and equatorial Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 75, 
pp 5093-5111. 

Igarashi, Y., 1973, In situ high-frequency acoustic propagation measurements in 
marine sediments in the Santa Barbara shelf, California, Naval Undersea Center 
TP 334, 40 pp. 

Ludwig, W. J., Nafe, J. E., and Drake, C. L., 1970, Seismic refraction, in The Sea, 
Vol. 4, Part 1, pp 53-84, edited by A. E. Maxwell, John Wiley, New York. 

Magara, K., 1968, Compaction and migration of fluids in Miocene mudstone, 
Nagaoka Plain, Japan, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 
Vol. 52, pp 2466-2501. 

Moore, D. G., Curray, J. R., Raitt, R. W., and Emmel, F. J., 1974, Stratigraphic- 
seismic section correlations and implications to Bengal Fan history, in Initial Reports 
of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. 22, edited by C. C. von der Borch, J. G. Sclater 
et al., pp 403-412, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 

Morris, H. E., 1970, Bottom-reflection-loss model with a velocity gradient, Journal 
of Acoustical Society of America, Vol: 48, pp 1198-1202. 

Muir, T. G., and Adair, R. S., 1972, Potential use of parametric sonar in marine 
archeology, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 52, p 122 (abstract); 
unpublished manuscript, Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas at 

Neprochnoy, Yu. P., 1971, Seismic studies of the crustal structure beneath the seas 
and oceans, Oceanology (English translation), Vol. 11, pp 709-715. 


Rieke, H. H., III, and Chilingarian, G. V., 1974, Compaction of Argillaceous 
Sediments, Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 424 pp. 

Shepard, F. P., 1954, Nomenclature based on sand-silt-clay ratios, Journal of Sedi- 
mentary Petrology, Vol. 24, pp 151-158. 

Tyce, R. C., 1975, Near-bottom observations of 4 kHz acoustic reflectivity and 
attenuation, Geophysics, Vol. 41, pp 675-699. 

Table la. Continental terrace (shelf and slope) environment; average sediment 
size analyses and bulk grain densities. 

Mean Grain Grain 
Sediment No. Diameter Sand, Silt, Clay, Density, 
Type Samples SiGe Roo) % % % g/cm 
Coarse 2 0.5285 0.92 100.0 0.0 0.0 2.710 
Fine 18 0.1638 2.61 92.4 4.2 3.4 2.708 
Very fine 6 0.0915 3.45 84.2 10.1 Sol 2.693 
Silty sand 14 0.0679 3.88 64.0 Bio! RS) 2.704 
Sandy silt 17 0.0308 5.02 26.1 60.7 13.2 2.668 
Silt 12 0.0213 555 6.3 80.6 13.1 2.645 
Sand-silt-clay 20 0.0172 5.86 BD) 41.0 26.8 2.705 
Clayey silt 60 0.0076 7.05 VD 59.7 33.1 2.660 
Silty Clay 19 0.0027 8.52 4.8 412 54.0 2.701 
Table 1b. Continental terrace (shelf and slope) environment; sediment densities, 
porosities, sound velocities and velocity ratios. 
Density, Porosity, Velocity, 
Sediment g/cm % m/sec Velocity Ratio 
Type Avg. SE Avg. SE Avg. SE Avg. SE 
Coarse 2.034 — 38.6 - 1836 - 1.201 - 
Fine LOST 0.023 44.8 1.36 1753 11 1.147 0.007 
Very fine 1.866 0.035 49.8 1.69 1697 32 1.111 0.021 
Silty sand 1.806 0.026 53.8 1.60 1668 11 1.091 0.007 
Sandy silt 1.787 0.044 52.5 2.44 1664 13 1.088 0.008 
Silt 1.767 0.037 54.2 2.06 1623 8 1.062 0.005 
Sand-silt-clay 1.590 0.026 66.8 1.46 1579 8 1.033 0.005 
Clayey silt 1.488 0.016 71.6 0.87 1549 4 1.014 0.003 
Silty clay 1.421 0.015 7529. 0.82 1520 3 0.994 0.002 

Notes: Laboratory values: 23°C, 1 atm; density: saturated bulk density; porosity: salt free; velocity 
ratio: velocity in sediment/velocity in sea water at 23°C, 1 atm, and salinity of sediment pore 
water. SE: standard error of the mean. 

Table 2a. Abyssal plain and abyssal hill environments; average sediment size 
analyses and bulk grain densities. 

Mean Grain Grain 
Environment No. Diameter Sand, Silt, Clay, Density, 
Sediment Type Samples mm wv) % %o % g/cm 
Abyssal Plain 
Sandy silt 1 0.0170 5.88 19.4 65.0 15.6 2.461 
Silt 3 0.0092 6.77 3D) 78.0 18.8 2.606 
Sand-silt-clay 2 0.0208 S58) BoE 33.3 31.5 2.653 
Clayey silt Dp) 0.0053 VST 4.5 S56) 40.2 2.650 
Silty clay 40 0.0021 8.90 2.5 36.0 61.5 2.660 
Clay 6 0.0014 9858 0.0 DVD) 778 2.663 
Bering Sea and Okhotsk Sea (Diatomaceous) 
Silt 1 0.0179 5.80 6.5 76.3 17.2 2.474 
Clayey silt 5 0.0049 7.68 8.1 49.1 42.8 2.466 
Silty clay 23 0.0024 8.71 3.0 37.4 59.6 2.454 
Abyssal Hill 
Deep-sea (“‘red’’) pelagic clay 
Clayey silt 17 0.0056 7.49 3.9 58.7 37.4 2.678 
Silty clay 60 0.0023 8.76 2.1 32.2 65.7 DeTiel 
Clay 45 0.0015 9.43 0.1 19.0 80.9 2.781 
Calcareous ooze 
Sand-silt-clay 5 0.0146 6.10 Dyes 42.8 2919 2.609 
Silt 1 0.0169 5.89 16.3 75.6 8.1 2.625 
Clayey silt 15 0.0069 VAY 3.4 60.7 359 2.678 
Silty clay 4 0.0056 7.48 B19) 39.9 56.2 2.683 

Table 2b. Abyssal plain and abyssal hill environments; sediment densities, 
porosities, sound velocities and velocity ratios. 

Environment g/cm3 

Sediment Type Avg. SE 
Abyssal Plain 

Sandy silt 1.652 — 
Silt 1.604 - 
Sand-silt-clay 1.564 _ 
Clayey silt 1.437 0.023 
Silty clay 1.333 0.019 
Clay 1.352 0.037 




Bering Sea and Okhotsk Sea (Diatomaceous) 

Silt 1.447 

Clayey silt 1.228 

Silty clay 1.214 
Abyssal Hill 

Deep-sea (“‘red’’) pelagic clay 

Clayey silt 1.347 
Silty clay 1.344 
Clay 1.414 

Calcareous ooze 

Sand-silt-clay 1.400 

Silt 125 
Clayey silt 1573 
Silty clay 1.483 



















Velocity Ratio 










Notes: Laboratory values: 23°C, 1 atm; density: saturated bulk density; porosity: salt free; velocity 
ratio: velocity in sediment/velocity in sea water at 23°C, 1 atm, and salinity of sediment pore 
water. SE: standard error of the mean. 


30 40 50 60 70 80 FO Oo 

Figure 1. Sediment porosity versus sound velocity, continental terrace (shelf and slope). 


@ 0 1 D 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Mao) Bn) 250) 125 GIS 218 186 78 29 2 1 


Figure 2. Mean diameter of mineral grains versus sound velocity, continental terrace 
(shelf and slope). 



“sjuaUIUOIIAUS Urey [essXqe pue [ITY [essAqe *A}IOOTOA PUNOS sNsiad aZIs Aeyo juaoleg “¢€ ons 

%' (WWyO0'O>) 3ZIS AVID 
06 08 OZ 09 OS OV O€ 02 Ol @) 


eas Bulag wos 
sa|duues snossewo}eip 

s}UaWUOJIAUa Ulejd jessAge 

ly jessAqe 




80°E 85° 90° 957 100° 

— Antipode (Leg II) 
— Circe (Leg 3) 

— Tasaday (Leg 6) 
— Eurydice (Leg 5) 



in corrected meters 

Prepared by 

J.R. Curray 
F.J.Emmel HY) 
0.G.Moore NUC 

Basecharts furnished by 
R.L. Fisher SIO 

10° 10° 

Figure 4. Sonobuoy station locations in the Bay of Bengal and adjacent areas as revised from 
Hamilton et al (1974) which contained only Antipode and Circe data. The base chart is from 
Moore et al (1974); contours are in meters, corrected for sound velocity. Station numbers are 
adjacent to symbols. Symbols refer to Scripps Institution of Oceanography expeditions. A 
number of closely-spaced sonobuoys (at a single, numbered station) are represented by a 
single dot. 












4 1.5 1.6 









Figure 5. Instantaneous velocity, V, and mean velocity, V, versus one-way travel time in the 

Central Bengal Fan. 



“spuodes UT ST} a104M “IZT TT - OTE T = 7-8 “e ‘uaTpe13 A}IOOJOA IvOUT] :sT UOT}enbe 

UOIssaIBaI oY], SPW] aoUepyUOS jUgoIEd CG OY} JUASoIdaI sIBq [eJUOZTIOY oY (LL61) [e 19 UOIWeH Wo xIs pur (p61) 

je 19 UO}UePY WOT UaAes (OL6T 8961) Ie 19 ZINOH{ WOIJ INOJ :sBaIe L] WOT] paseIOAR JIM S [°(— JO S}UDWIOIOUT je S}UaTpeIs 
IROUTT “Spuodes UT ‘} ‘aUT} [aAeI] ABM-9UO SNSIOA ‘199 Iod PuOdes Iod sI9}O9UI UI ‘s}USIPeIS A]IOO[IA IeoUT] JO adeIOAW *g aINSIy 

Gl vl el G It LL OL 60 80 LO 











fea) ] 












sands (all sizes) 
clay, silt (mud) 
mixed sizes 
(silty sand, sandy 
0.001 0.01 0.1 ] 10 100 1000 


Figure 7. Attenuation of compressional (sound) waves versus frequency in natural, saturated sediments 
and sedimentary strata. The solid lines and symbols are from Hamilton (1972, Figure 2); the open 
symbols and dashed lines are newly-added data. The lines marked “‘J”’ and “I” represent general 
equations for the Japan Sea and Indian Ocean Central Basin (from Neprochnov, 1971). The vertical, 
dashed lines indicate a range of attenuation values at a single frequency. The line labelled “fl indi- 
cates the slope of any line having a dependence of attenuation on the first power of frequency. 



WOJJ S}USUUTPAs sNOoIRdTeO pu ARIPO AjfIs pur .JA,, POYIRW (7/6 “IWepYy pur IM) pues oury .“g,, poyreu (TL6I ‘Te 39 ueyong) 

Av]O o1seJod JO sa1od [] JO asvIOAR UL J, POxIBW (CL 6] “TyseseB]) pues Aj]Is UL suONRIS a1y) ore eIep Poppe-A[MaN “Soul pryos 
ay} IF (¢ INST “ZL 6] ‘UOITUIeHY) sind [eUIsI10 ay} 07 UONded oY} UT popnfouT oe suONENba uoIssaIs9y “S]USUIPas does 
poyeinzes ‘Teinjeu ut Ajsorod juownpes snsiaa (ZH Ayy = W/{P 5 :UI ¥ SB passoidxa) soaem [euolssaiduiod Jo uoMenua}VW °g aIN3Iy 

S8 08 GL OZ G9 09 cS OS cv OV 

ay} Wo} anjer 

||24 02 paroipaid si 
eJep JSOW aIaYM seaie 

(ZZ61 ‘UOi|!WeH) eep 
jsaq uO uOlssaijba4 

o6aiq ues 
JJO s]JuawainseaUu 
wood} e1ep pabesane 


OOS: O10 Ol ©.20 O25 O80 O35 O20 




measurements from 

] 500 first layer 

second layer 


third layer 


Figure 9. Attenuation of compressional waves (expressed as k in: QqB/m = kfkHz) 
versus depth in the sea floor or in sedimentary strata. Symbols are layers in the sea 
floor in 7 areas (from Neprochnoy, 1971). 



0) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 


200 laboratory 

in situ 










e-laboratory measurements on samples 
from DSDP Site 222 

pat) D-Gulf Coast shale, (Dickinson, 1953) 

© =v -Shale (Vassoevich in Rieke and 
1200 Chilingarian, 1974 p 40, Figure 16) 

M-Mudstone from Japan (Magara, 1958) 


Figure 10. Porosity versus depth in terrigenous sediments. 













DENSITY, g/cm? 

1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 7, 1.8 AS 2.0 2.1 2.2 

R — radiolarian ooze 
D — diatomaceous ooze 
P — pelagic clay 

C — calcareous sediment 

T — terrigenous sediment 

Figure 11. In situ density of various marine sediments versus depth in the sea floor. 




0 100 200 300 400 

Figure 12. Shear wave velocity versus depth in water-saturated sands. All measurements are in situ; 
multiple measurements at the same site are connected by solid lines. The dashed line is the regres- 
sion equation: V, = 128(D)9-28; V, in m/sec and D is depth in meters. 


0) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 







Figure 13. Shear wave velocity measured in situ versus depth in water-saturated silt-clays and turbidites. 

Multiple measurements at the same site are connected by solid lines. The dashed lines are three linear 
regressions. One measurement (V, = 700 m/sec at 650 meters) is not shown. 














S1 diatomaceous sediments (0-500m) 

$2 siliceous rocks 

T1  terrigenous surface sediments 

T2  turbidites (0-500 m) 

T3 mudstones, shales 

C1. chalk, limestone 

C2 limestone 

B basalt (Christensen & Salisbury (1975) 
ND Nafe and Drake (Ludwig et al, 1970) 
G Gardner et al (1974) 


$2 C2 


S1 122 


1.2 1.4 1.6 18°) 2:0 2.2, 2.4 26 2.8 CHO) Sh 

DENSITY, g/cm3 

Figure 14. A summary of compressional wave velocity versus density in Hamilton (1977). 
The general curves of ND and G are included for comparisons. The equation for the curve 
of Gardner et al (1974, p 779) is p = 0.23 Vices where p is density in g/cm3 and Vp is 
compressional wave velocity in feet per second. 




Ne nya tia 




This report describes the bottom loss models that comprise part of our effort in 
the Bottom Interaction Program for 1974-1977. Although some of these models were 
developed earlier, they continue to be modified and updated for current uses. 

Our linear gradient multilayer model and our solid multilayer model were designed 
to study reflection of low frequency sound from the ocean bottom. Considerable depths 
(up to a kilometer) of ocean sediments are insonified at low frequencies. Consequently, 
sediment parameters can undergo considerable variation in the insonified region. This 
variation of sediment properties with depth must be taken into account if an accurate 
representation of bottom loss is to be attained. The liquid multilayer model can account 
for many layers of sediment in which the sound speeds are complex to account for ab- 
sorption. The linear gradient model assumes complex sound speeds, also, but the sound 
speeds vary in a linear fashion in a particular sediment layer. 

Our solid multilayer model is a general purpose plane wave reflection model that 
can account for both liquid and/or solid layers. We know that sediments have rigidity and, 
therefore, for more accurate model calculations we must take rigidity into account. Im- 
portant parameters to the solid model are the speed and attenuation of both the com- 
pressional and shear waves that travel in the sediment. In our most recent programs we 
have chosen to model the variable sediment properties with many layers (up to 1000 
layers or more, if necessary), and maintain the needed accuracy by use of Knopoff’s 
formulation. We have taken the concept of many constant layers as in the liquid model 
(but for solid layers, i.e., sediments with rigidity) and made it possible to have the many 
constant layers approximate the results of a linear gradient concept. 

The distinguishing features of the solid multilayer model are the following: 

All sediment layers can be realistically represented to have rigidity 
Both solid and liquid layers can be taken into account if required 
The Knopoff formulation provides fast and accurate computations 

Continuous density variations are accounted for 

The various outputs include bottom loss and/or R versus grazing angle 
@ = The graphical forms include 3-dimensional representation 

A so-called equivalent bottom concept has been developed for the Parabolic Equa- 
tion (P.E.) propagation program. The Gibb’s oscillations caused by a density discontinuity 
at the interface can be handled by calculating an equivalent reflection coefficient by 
assuming different sediment parameters. An example of the technique is included. This 
technique should enable the P.E. propagation program to be used for bottom limited areas. 


There are two types of solution to the wave equation which are of particular 
importance in sound transmission. One is the transformation of the wave equation to the 
eikonal equation and a solution in terms of wave surfaces and rays. The other is a develop- 
ment through specific boundary conditions into a solution in terms of normal modes. In 


some instances the physical conditions of the problem lead to a simpler solution in terms of 
rays. In others, a solution in terms of normal modes is more satisfactory. In any case, it is 
clear that the sediments that stratify the ocean bottom interact with the sound field through 
the bottom reflection coefficient, R, in the derived theoretical expressions which follow. 


In working with active sonar problems at frequencies of approximately 2.5 to 
15 kHz usually we use ray theory. In ray theory, the sound field is made up of contributions 
of rays that travel from the source to the receiver as shown in Figure 15. On the right hand 
side of Figure 15 we show two neighboring rays that bracket the receiver at range r. Thus 
there is an eigenray somewhere between these that travels precisely from the source to the 
receiver. Call this the nth eigenray. The magnitude of the ray is A, and its phase is o as 
expressed in the equation for the velocity potential, y 

y= » A, exp (i8,,) 

where 1/2 
A, = IRI [cos 7, 8 y,/(t6h)] 
and r 
On -[ (w/c) d2+arg(R)-—m7/2 . 

R is the reflection coefficient, w, the angular frequency, c, the sound speed, d&, a path 
length along the ray and m is the number of times the ray has touched a caustic. 

The reflection coefficient R is defined for reflection of plane waves and is a complex 
number. The pressure carried by the ray is reduced by a factor equal to the modulus of R 
and the phase of the ray is advanced by the argument of R. In experimental work, A,, can 
be measured and the |R| determined from the equation for A,,. At high frequencies, the 
plane and spherical coefficients essentially are equal. At low frequencies, the ray theory 
breaks down and the sound cannot be separated into packets that have a well defined 
trajectory. As shown in the following equations, the direct and bottom reflected sound 
field can be written at any frequency in terms of the plane wave reflection coefficient. 


The general form of the sound field can be written as a sum of cylindrical waves in 
the form (Bucker, 1970) 


wy -f ~ 2 U(z,) V(z) W~! J (kr) kdk (25 <2 Sz) 


We U(Z,) V'(Z5) — UZ) V(Z5) ; 

The zero depth, source depth, receiver depth and bottom depth are 0, Z), z and Zp» Tespec- 
tively. The zero depth may be set at the air-water interface or at some other convenient 
point. It represents the depth above which no sound is refracted or reflected to the 
receiver. The horizontal wave number is k, r is the horizontal distance between the source 
and receiver, Veo is the Bessel function of the first kind of order zero, U is a solution of the 
z-separated ct of the wave equation, i.e., U”’ = (k2 - w2/v2(z))U, that satisfies the 
boundary condition at z= 0, and Visa solution of the z-separated part of the wave equa- 
tionsites Vin = (k2 - w2/v2(z))V, that satisfies the boundary condition at z = zp. For- 
mally, our treatment will be restricted to (ZG <ZS<Zp); however, a similar development 
for (0 <z <Z 9) is easily derived. 

It is easy to show that dW/dz is zero so that W is independent of depth. Also, we 
are free to specify the value of U and V at a selected depth which we, for convenience, 
indicate by a bar and replace U and V by U and V where U(zp) = V(zp) = 1. It follows 
then that in the limit Zp > Zp; W= Wz, = [i 2h(1—R) — (A+R) U'(2p)] /(1A+R). Therefore, 
W can be expressed as 

ue uf (1+R) U(Z9) V(z) J (kr) kdk 

(iQ, — U'(z)) - RG&, + U'(z)) - 

For the general sound speed profile it does not appear feasible to separate the direct sound 
paths from the bottom reflected paths. However, if the water has a constant sound speed 
then U(z) =exp [i&(z,-z)] and V(z) =[exp - ik(Z,-Z) +R exp i€(Z,-Z)] /(1+R). In this 
case it follows that 

vy oe (Me 2 20 5 o(kt) kdk “ff GiOyRa Dae coy o(kr) kdk 

———————— _————————————— 

Yp VR 

If the bottom reflected field Wp can be measured directly then we have 

YR= uf GO iRem mommce aiayiea 


and R can be determined experimentally by use of the Hankel Transform 

-f WR Jotkr) rdr/[i/&) exp iW Qua) 

This is not a practical procedure, however, because quadrature sampling would be required 
to determine the real and imaginary parts of Wp. That is Real (YR) = Pp cos¢ and 


Im(WR) = pr sing, where pp is 1/2 the peak to peak pressure of the bottom reflected 
signal and ¢ is the phase. In any event when realistic profiles are considered, it is not 
possible to separate the direct and bottom reflected paths at low frequencies. 

The normal mode form of the wave theory representation, required for low fre- 
quency calculations, is shown in Figure 16 (Bucker, 1970). The source is at depth z, and 

range zero and the receiver is at depth z and range r. The potential function wy is given by 

2 2] » Up (Zo) Up (2) exp (ik, 1) 

U = Af(z) + Bg(z) , 0<Z<zZ, 

U =exp (12,2) + Rexp [i2, (22,-2)] > 2p <Z< fi) 

OA Swi) ok 

The depth function U is a sum of linearly independent solutions of the z-separated part of 
the wave equation and k is the horizontal wave number. The k,, are those values of k for 
which U satisfies the boundary conditions. The plane wave coefficient R is introduced into 
the normal mode solution in the following manner. Assume that a “pseudo” isospeed 
layer, with sound speed cy, extends from depth Zn to z,, as shown in Figure 16. Then the 
z-component solution for the layer can be written as a downgoing plane wave exp (id, Z) 
and an upgoing plane wave exp (—i%, z) multiplied by the plane wave reflection coefficient 
R. The vertical wave number is one The values of the coefficients A and B can be deter- 
mined by requiring the usual interface conditions at depth z,,. These conditions require 
that the pressure (00U/dt) and the vertical component of particle velocity (0U/dz) must 
be continuous functions. Solve these two equations and take the limit z,, > z, to obtain 
the values of A and B. 


Interface Conditions: 
continuity of pressure (pU) 

continuity of vertical (—dU/dz) 
component of particle velocity 

Solve for A and B as Zn ane 

A = exp (ity 2p) [ge (1+R) - ig, a (I-R)1/W. 
B = exp (ik, Zp) Li, f,,(1-R) — f,(1+R)]/W. 
W= fp 8p Fh Sb 
f,, =f = , f,, = (df/d , 2p = (dg/d 
ys hey) 5 Gy SA) 9 y= Gi aye fp = (dg/ 2s 

Note that the isospeed layer has been removed from the problem as Zp > Zp. However R 
remains in the solution in A and B. 



The variation of sound speed in the ocean, configuration of the bottom, and 
bottom and subbottom properties are generally the most important environmental factors 
for the determination of underwater sound transmission. The bottom properties can vary 
considerably from one area to another. The more common types of sediments are sand, 
sand and mud, or mud. The areas of mud-size particles can vary in compactness from hard 
clay to a loose suspension. Not enough is known of the acoustic properties of the immedi- 
ate bottom materials and the variation of these properties as a function of depth into the 
bottom as discussed in Part I. We do observe that the bottom characteristics have an 
important effect in some areas on sound transmission. In other areas the bottom has very 
little effect and the sound speed profile is the controlling factor. It is important to develop 
realistic models of the bottom which use sediment characteristics to predict the reflection 
coefficient R as a function of grazing angle for determining the acoustic transmission of 
an area. 


We next want to consider multilayered sediment models that can be used either to 
represent actual layering (e.g., it is not uncommon to find alternating layers of sand and silt 
in shallow water) or to account for gradients. For the layered liquid case the solution is 
very simple. Figure 17 shows n sediment layers and a half-space labeled (n + 1). In each 
layer the potential function is the sum of an upgoing and a downgoing plane wave (e.g., 

Wy = An expC’, Z,) + B, exp(-if, Z,)) and in the halfspace the potential function 
represents a downgoing wave (W,4 1 = exp(i€i4) Zui): 

Let P represent the pressure and Q the vertical component of particle velocity. Then 
start at the interface between layer n and the half-space with the expressions for P and Q 
that follow. P and Q are easily evaluated at the n/(n+1) interface where Zyn+1 18 Zero. Be- 
cause P and Q are continuous functions they have the same values at the bottom of layern 
(at z,, =d,,) that they have at the top of the half-space (at Tens] = 0). Therefore, A, and B,, 
can be calculated. From these calculate P and Q at the top of layer n (at z, = 0). Continue 
working up the layers until A, and B, are calculated. The value of R is obtained from 
R= Bo/Ag: 

n/(n+1) P= pp=Py+1 > Q= (dy/dz) = ik, 4) 

Interface | 
iLawen | A, = 1/2 exp(-if, d,,) [P/o, + Q/(ik,)] 
n By = VA eat. cl) La. =O )) 

asRoa| P = Pp(Ay * By) 

DD) Vol=nk (AL Be) 
Continue until aN and BS are calculated 
Reflection coefficient: R= B,/A, 


In ocean sediments it is common to find a series of layers of almost constant 
properties. This model will be a good representation of these cases. In other places thick 
layers (approximately one wave length) are found with continuous change of properties. 
This continuous change in this case can be represented by a large number of constant 
property layers. Later it will be shown there is good agreement between the gradient model 
and the multilayered model. 


We developed another method for modeling the change of sediment properties with 
depth due to increasing compaction and temperature. In this approach changes in sound 
speed and density are accounted for by using single or multiple liquid layers where Airy 
functions can be used to represent the sound energy. This method was first used by Morris 
(1970) and the use and development of the model has continued (Morris, 1972, 1975). This 
model is used to explain low values of bottom loss at small grazing angles and low frequency. 
In this case we will use a somewhat different function x so we can account for a density 
change in the laver. The general wave equation for the case where there is variation in both 
sound speed and density (Brekhovskikh, 1960) is 


Wave eq. v2 xt K2x =0 
where 5) 
K2 = (w/v)? + 5 (d2 p/dz2) - 3 [4[7-(ao/2) 

If K2 can be represented as a linear function of depth then the potential function xX can be 
written as the sum of the Airy functions Ai and Bi. The argument of the Airy functions is 
defined in terms of the horizontal wave number k, the profile parameters K, and B and the 
depth z. To add the effect of absorption in the liquid an imaginary term ia/8.686 is added 

to Ko. 
K? = Ky? (1 +62) 
then | 
WOE fev Ove (FS) SP 18) O18 (ES) 
where ' i 
ke = Kes 1/3 
ae O D 
eT LOE = (k, 8) z 
«2 6) 
i oie »  @ 
To add a(dB/unit length) attenuation: K, > Kew 3686 

A multilayered model composed of linear K? and constant K (constant sound speed) 
layers is shown in Figure 18. We can start at the bottom and work up through the layers 
using the interface conditions of which the pressure and the vertical component of particle 
velocity are continuous functions. In this case Pp, equal to the pressure, is\/px and Q, equal 


to -iw times the particle velocity, is ov! d@/px)/dz. Note that in Figure 18 layer 2 is a 
constant K layer. The ability to mix linear and constant layers is necessary in a general pro- 
gram because, as the gradient, 8, goes to zero, the argument of the Airy functions increases 
without limit. Thus, depending on frequency, layer thickness and computer word length, 
there is a minimum gradient that can be used. Layers with gradients smaller than this must 
be represented by constant K layers. 


It is instructive to see how these two models, the liquid multilayer and the linear 
gradient multilayer, compare. To do this, consider Figure 19. On the left hand side our 
linear model has a sound speed that increases from 1500 m/s at the water/sediment inter- 
face to 1800 m/s at a sediment depth of 300 meters, which corresponds to an average 
sound speed gradient equal to (1800 — 1500) m/s = 300 m, or 1 s~!. The constant 
K model is shown for two layers. The layers have the same thickness and the sound speed 
at the center of the layers (i.e., at 75 and 225 meters) is set equal to the sound speed of 
the linear layer at that depth. 

On the right hand side of Figure 19 is a diagram that indicates the main physical 
events. Most of the energy either reflects at the surface or is refracted in the sediment 
because of the gradient. Morris (1973) has used a ray description to calculate the energy in 
each path and compare the ray description with the wave model. Of course there are second 
and higher order effects as indicated by the dashed arrows that are implicit in the wave 

In Figure 20, the first comparison of the two models is shown. For the calculations 
we used a frequency of 100 Hz, a density ratio (p in sediment)/(p in water) equal to 2.0 
and zero attenuation. The reflection coefficient was calculated for grazing angles from 
O degree to 20 degrees which are of interest in sound propagation. With zero attenuation 
both models return all sound to the water for these grazing angles so the modulus of R is 
1.0 or the bottom loss is zero. Figure 20 shows plots of phase, i.e., the argument of R, for 
different cases. The curve marked L is for the linear K2 model, while the curves labeled 1, 
3 or 10 correspond to 1, 3 or 10 constant K layers. The 10 layer case has a layer thickness 
of 30 meters, which is equal to 2 wavelengths in the water. For 30 layers (or a thickness of 
0.67 X,,,) there is a maximum phase difference of 2.2 degrees at a grazing angle of 3.5 
degrees which cannot be plotted on this scale. For 100 layers there is a maximum phase 
difference of 0.2 degrees. 

In Figure 21 the same models are used except that there is an attenuation of 0.05 
dB/m in both models. As in the previous case, the 10 layer model (thickness = 2 Ay) has a 
maximum difference of ~10 degrees and the 30 layer model has essentially the phase as 
the linear model. It is interesting to note that the attenuation has slowed the phase change 
considerably. This will have a noticeable effect on the wave theory propagation models 
where a shift in phase of 360 degrees will add a new mode to the sound field (Bucker, 

To complete the comparison of the linear and constant layers, the bottom loss 
curves are shown in Figure 22. The one layer case has much less bottom loss because the 
sound speed is equal to the sound speed of the linear model at 150 meter depth, which is 
1629.6 m/s and corresponds to a critical angle greater than 20 degrees. 



Sediments have rigidity and for more accurate model calculations rigidity must be 
taken into account. An isotropic sediment layer can be described by three sediment 
parameters: the density p and the two Lamé constants, A and w (Ewing, Jardetsky, and 
Press, 1957). The density can be measured directly but A and yu are determined by the 
speed and attenuation of the compressional and shear waves that travel in the sediment. 
The sediment and acoustic parameters are related (Bucker et al, 1965) as follows 

Sediment Parameters 
Dew» (B 
Lamé constants 

Acoustic Parameters 

Cy = sound speed (compressional wave) 
€.° = sound speed (shear wave) 
an = attenuation, dB/unit length (compressional) 

a, = attenuation, dB/unit length (shear) 

Constitutive Equations 

where, Xp = /cy, 3 My ay/(8.686 w) 

eS ice Mg = a,/(8.686 w) 

There are several approaches to the problem of modeling the sediment layers when 
there are significant changes of the sediment properties with depth. Gupta (1966a, 1966b) 
has developed closed solutions for the case where the compressional and shear velocity 
varies linearly with depth while the density remains constant. More general variations can 
be treated with the propagator method developed by Gilbert and Backus (1966). One 
problem of the propagator method is loss of accuracy when sediment penetration of many 
wavelengths occurs. In our most recent programs we have chosen to model the variable 
sediment properties with many layers and to maintain accuracy by use of Knopoff’s 
formulation (Knopoff, 1964). 

The multilayer solid model is substantially more difficult than the multilayer liquid 
model for two reasons. First, there are twice as many waves (shear waves as well as com- 
pressional waves) and twice as many interface conditions (continuity of horizontal com- 
ponents of stress and strain, as well as continuity of vertical components of stress and 
strain). Second, you cannot start at the bottom and work to the top. All of the layers 
have to be considered as a group. The situation is shown in Figure 23. There are an 
upgoing and a downgoing compressional wave in the water, an upgoing and a downgoing 


compressional wave and an upgoing and a downgoing shear wave in each solid layer and 
downgoing compressional and shear waves in the bottom half-space. We can arbitrarily 
set the coefficient A,,4) = 1, as shown, so that there are 4n + 3 unknown coefficients 
(Ag, Bo; Aj, Bie Cir ies Cans where n is the number of layers. There are also 4n + 3 
interface conditions. Three conditions at the first interface (continuity of vertical com- 
ponents of stress and strain and zero horizontal stress) and four conditions at all other 
interfaces (continuity of vertical and horizontal stress and strain). Since the interface con- 
ditions can be written as a set of linear homogeneous algebraic equations, the solution can 
be done using standard matrix inversion algorithms. This is not a practical method of 
solution when n is large because it is necessary to invert a matrix of (4n + 3)* elements and 
because of loss of accuracy problems. The number of terms in the problem can be kept 
under control by using transfer matrices that move the stress and strain at one interface of 
a layer to the other interface. This method was developed by Thomson (1950). To solve 
the problem of sound transmission through plates, Bucker (Bucker et al, 1965) extended 
the method to include wave attenuation for the problem of bottom reflection. A serious 
drawback of the transfer matrix method is that it also suffers from loss of accuracy. 
Fortunately, the accuracy problems can be solved using methods developed by the 
geophysicists for earthquake problems (Thrower, 1965; Dunkin, 1965; Watson, 1970; 
Schwab, 1970). For a layered structure of the same form that we have for the bottom re- 
flection problem, there are natural vibrations at frequencies corresponding to zeroes of a 
determinant, |Ap|, called the Rayleigh determinant. The geophysicists have developed 
very fast and accurate methods for calculating ARI. We show that the reflection coeffi- 
cient can be written as R = (P1 Ta IARI -Ppo IAg|)/(p Tod IARI + pg IAcI), where |Ag| is 
the same as [ARI except for row 1. Thus, the sophisticated methods of the geophysicists 
can be used to solve our problem. We do have to generalize the equations to account for 
attenuation which is neglected at earthquake frequencies. 


The standard methods of solution are not usable for the solid multilayer model 
because of accuracy, computer storage and computer run time problems. Fast and accu- 
rate methods developed in earth wave problems can be modified for calculation of R, in 
particular, the fast algorithm of Schwab (1970), which is based on Knopoff’s formulation 
(Knopoff, 1964). The method has been adapted to our solid multilayer model by Bucker 
(Bucker and Morris, 1975). The notation used here is that of Haskell (1953). 

The upgoing and downgoing compressional waves in a liquid layer or liquid half- 
space can be represented by the potential function 

On = ee cos p,, + B, sin Py! exp [i(wt — kx)] 


Also, choose the potential function representing the upgoing and downgoing shear waves 
in a solid layer or solid half-space to be 


w= i Ker sin an + j Dn COs gril exp [i(wt—kx)] , 
Cha k “On An ° 

The components of motion and stress in the nth layer are, therefore, 
Cc ., = Ay COS DP, - iB, sin Dv "Bn Ch cos q, — i "Bn Dy sin Gy > 
cW,, SAN itpepe Je SUM Da Way 1 OSD, VC. Sin GE = ID OSG 5 
OS 0 Geral!) OOS OO (Gp ll) 1B Sia) O. 
* Pn Yn "Bn En ©98 In — 1 Pn Yn Bn Pn SIN Gy > 
T = 12p Yn Tan An 51 Py - Pn Yn Tan Bn ©8 Pr 
-i Pra Yn) cr st GV DOH!) ID. EOS Ca - 
In the above, c is the horizontal phase velocity (c = a/k), Un and Wh are the horizontal and 
vertical components of particle velocity, On is the normal (vertical) stress and 7,, is the 
tangential (horizontal) stress. 

By separating $9 into an incident and reflected wave it is easy to show that the 
plane wave reflection coefficient R is given by 

For convenience set the value of Ag =]. The three interface conditions at the water/ 
sediment layer | interface can be written as 

W500) Bo = Wool By = D, (continuation of W) 
1) = OGAWA ON Mh Tg] Cy (continuation of o) 
= =97) Mh tt BrP Onna) Dy (continuation of 7) 

Divide the last two above equations by P| and form the matrix of coefficients of Bo: Ay; 
By, Cy, Dy 

Bo Ay By Cy Dy 
iar Me emD einen Wa KCl Bedale 4 ine 

0 (y-) 0 11 "1 0 = DHT 

0) 0) Vil Moai 0) (y-)) = 0 

Now modify the basis vectors so that the interface conditions can be within in the following 
matrix form 

Bo Tao 0 
Ay —Po/Py 
By ty] 0 
x = 
Dy 0 
A> 0 
0 0) —| 0 +] 
—Pg/P1 riot ark Ma) SL par Lew CURT tC MnaL OT ORT 
0 | AR 
0 | 
Bo a9 
1 0) -l 0) +] 
0 WLU EL cae cake 
0 | AR 
OM aN 

The elements inside the dashed areas designated Ap are the elements of the Rayleigh deter- 
minant. Fast and accurate methods are finding |Ap| have been developed (as mentioned 
before) because the zeroes of |Ap| determine the phase velocity of earthquake waves. 
Finally, we can write 

0 =i 0 eg 
0 YI 0 (yy-D 
Biotic @peiy Winey Sey yee a oe py MMe 
(pQ/P 1) % 1 IARI 
ile! 0 7] 0 
0 Hil 0) (y;-1)! 

In the above |Ap| is the Rayleigh determinant and |Ag| is the same except for the first 
row. The fast methods developed for calculation of |Ap| can be used to evaluate |Ac|. It 
follows then that the plane wave reflection coefficient can be written as 

R = (01 Ty9 AR! = PQ IAgh/(] TeQ IARI + PQ IAsl) - 



In Figure 24 is a plot of bottom loss for a model of 100 layers. The curve labeled L 
is for the liquid layer model (it is also the bottom loss curve for the linear model). The 
other curves are for a 100 layer solid model with different values of rigidity. For r = 0 the 
curve is quite similar to the liquid model except that there is slightly more loss due to some 
conversion of compressional waves into shear waves. As the rigidity increases there are 
lower losses than the liquid model at very small grazing angles and higher losses than the 
liquid model at larger grazing angles. Most likely the propagation to long ranges would be 
better for the r = 0.1 curve than for the liquid model. 


In this section, a sample case is analyzed where the bottom affects the sound field. 
The first step is a ray theory calculation in which the most significant (i.e., with the least 
propagation loss) eigenrays are identified. An eigenray is a ray that travels from the source 
to the receiver. If the significant eigenrays do not reflect from the bottom then there is no 
bottom interaction problem unless the frequencies are very low, e.g., < 20 Hz. In many 
cases the significant eigenrays do have bottom reflections and the ray tracing program can 
be used to determine the grazing angle of the rays when they reflect at the bottom, Die 

The next step in the analysis is the calculation of a three-dimensional bottom loss 
surface as shown in Figure 25. Table 3 lists the parameters used for this particular calcula- 
tion. The values are typical of the deep ocean and are representative of properties pro- 
vided by E. L. Hamilton’s geoacoustic models. Bottom loss is plotted as a function of 
grazing angle of the ray on the bottom, y,, and frequency. To understand Figure 25, it is 
useful to consider Figure 26. On the left several sound speeds are plotted as a function of 
depth. Here c,, is the sound speed in water, c; and c> are the sound speeds at the top and 
bottom of the upper sediment layers, and c, and c,, are the shear speed and the compres- 
sional speed in the basement. 

A typical ray path is shown on the right side of the figure. We can follow the path 
of a ray using Snell’s law, 


i = Cy, = constant . 

In Snell’s law (c(z) is the sound speed at depth z, y is the grazing angle of the ray at depth 
z and cy,) the horizontal phase speed of the ray is a constant for any given ray. Using 
Snell’s law, cy, can be determined by cy = Cy,/cos Yp and the depth at which the refracted 
ray becomes horizontal, i.e., at the depth at which c(z) = Cy. Figure 26 shows the re- 
fracted ray turning over in the upper sediment layers so cy, < cy because the ray with 

Cp = C9 will become horizontal at the interface between the upper sediment layers and the 
basement. The Stoneley wave can exist at the interface between the upper sediment layers 
and the basement when excited by waves which have a certain relationship between fre- 
quency and horizontal phase speed. This relation is called a dispersion equation. The high 
losses at low frequency and low grazing angles are caused by a coupling of energy from 


the refracted ray into the Stoneley wave. This effect has been previously described by 
Hawker, Focke and Anderson (1977). 

There is almost no loss when cy = ¢, (1.€. Yp) © 54°) and when cy, = Cp Gree ina: 74°) 
(see Figure 25). Between these two angles the loss increases because of shear wave genera- 
tion in the basement. Otherwise the bottom loss is mostly due to absorption of energy 
from the refracted ray. This loss increases, in general, with frequency. This effect is 
apparent in Figure 25 at frequencies above 50 Hz. There is also an interference effect that 
causes the bottom loss surface to be wavy. This is caused by the coherent addition of the 
refracted and reflected rays. 

It is clear that bottom interaction is somewhat complicated at low frequencies. 
However, by considering the fundamental physical processes that are responsible for the 
bottom interaction the total sound propagation field can be determined. 


In previous sections it is shown how the bottom reflection coefficient R is incorpo- 
rated in the propagation models. In the normal mode formalism, the use of R results in an 
exact solution. In the case of ray theory, a slight error is introduced by the use of a plane 
wave coefficient when a spherical coefficient is called for. However, the error is negligible 
at frequencies above ~ 100 Hz. When there are appreciable horizontal changes in the sound 
speed or bathymetry we must use either perturbation solutions of wave theory or the P.E. 
(Parabolic Equation) model. At the present time almost all efforts in model development 
center around the P.E. model. This is due probably to the simplicity of the P.E. method 
and the early development work by the Acoustic Environmental Support Detachment 

As do most acoustic propagation algorithms, the P.E. model starts with the reduced 
wave equation 

Vo wtKy=0 , 

where K2 has been defined before and w is the potential function. The first step in the 
solution is to assume a product form for w in which one term contains the range variation 
that would occur if there were no horizontal changes and the other term represents the 
depth (z) dependence of W plus a small range dependence due mostly to horizontal changes. 
That is, 

W(r.2) = U(r.z) Hp! (kg) , 

where H, (kot) is a Hankel function of the first type and order zero and k, is a separation 
constant. Substitution of the above form of w into the wave equation results in the follow- 
ing second order partial differential equation. 

2 2 
IA a de OD, ONT oc De de DN ern 
= i 2k 5p +3 +(K ko?) U=0. 


Leontovich and Fock (1946) have shown that if the term a2U/ar2 can be neglected, a 
marching solution to the resulting Parabolic Equation can be written in the following form 

U(r+ Ar,z) = exp [- Ar (K?=k,7| P| 

fexp tC Ar/2 ko) 02/02] UGz) . 

Using results that they had developed for electromagnetic propagation problems associated 
with the SAFEGUARD ABM program, Tappert (1977) was able to show that the exponen- 
tial operator acting on U could be calculated using a discrete Fourier transform F. 

| U(r,z) = F7! {exp [- Ars2/(2 7) F virz)} ‘ 

where s is an index of F, and F7! is the inverse transform. Because there are fast forms of 
the discrete Fourier transform available, the P.E. model has proved to be a reasonably 
efficient method for calculating the sound field for non-bottom limited cases. 

In bottom limited cases the P.E. method runs into serious difficulties. The sound 
pressure is continuous across the interface between the water and the sediment. However, 
the density is discontinuous since the sediment density usually is at 20 to 100 percent 
greater than that of water. Since U= po} 2 p, where p is the density and p is the pressure, 
U is discontinuous. This leads to the well known Gibb’s phenomenon in which oscillations 
are generated by taking the Fourier transform of a discontinuous function (Figure 27). To 
avoid Gibb’s phenomenon it is necessary to replace an accurate representation of the bottom 
sediments by one in which K2 and p have minimum variation with z but which also is con- 
sistent with the value of bottom loss that is calculated for the realistic sediment model, 
Figure 28. The filled circles in Figure 29 represent the correct values of |R|. We want to 
generate an equivalent sediment model that has smooth K2 and also has the bottom loss 
shown in Figure 29. 

This is done with a simple algorithm as shown in Figure 30. The symbol x repre- 
sents either the real part of K2, the imaginary part of K2 or the density. A change Ax is 
made and the least mean square error of the difference, E, between the desired curve and 
the calculated bottom loss curve is calculated. If E is reduced by a change in +Ax or —Ax 
then +Ax is increased. If the calculated E is larger, then x and E remain the same but Ax 
is reduced for the next iteration. 

The final results are shown in Figure 31 where there is good agreement between the 
the bottom loss for the equivalent sediment mode (the line) and the desired bottom loss 
(the filled circles). 


We have developed a general purpose plane wave reflection model that can account 
for both liquid and/or solid layers. Earlier models which we developed, such as the solid 
model and the linear gradient model, contributed and laid the basis for our most recent 


work. The present solid multilayer program models the variable sediment properties with 
many layers (up to 1000 layers or more, if necessary) and maintains the accuracy needed 
for efficient computer calculation. Important physical parameters used in the model are 
the speed and attenuation of both the compressional and shear waves that travel in the 
sediment. The many constant layers are used to approximate the results of a linear 
gradient concept. 

The solid multilayer model should be satisfactory as the coupling mechanism 
between the sediment parameters and the calculations of the acoustic field. The model 
includes all physical factors except for roughness which usually is not important at low 
frequencies. This model, based on wave theory, is interfaced very easily with most sound 
propagation normal mode programs. 

In addition, a so-called equivalent bottom concept has been developed for the 
Parabolic Equation propagation program. This technique should enable the P.E. program 
to be used for bottom limited areas. 

The geoacoustic model discussed in Part I, which presents sediment properties, is 
an essential input to the bottom loss model. We recommend that when geoacoustic in- 
formation is available, the principal method of analyzing bottom interaction and making 
predictions should be through the sediment models. The predictions should be supple- 
mented when possible by careful direct measurements of bottom loss. 



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1eaysg reayg OAR AA OAR AA (qf) wy AqIprsry (\) wy (VY) ou d 7 ssouyoryL, = -N 
uonenusi}y  paeds Jeuorssaiduiog + = JeuoTssardurog, Ayisuaq yideq IoART IoART 
punos uonenuaVy poads 


(,wo/3 “s/UI “S19 9UI UT SjTUp)) 

Surpuodsaiog “weisoid 19Ae]I[NUI Pl[Os ay} 0} Ss1ayourered ynduy “¢ qe 

ef Oh 

Figure 15. Ray theory representation (high 

Figure 16. Wave theory representation (low 


i2g Zz 


e ikn+ Znti 

Figure 17. Multilayer liquid model. 


ifoz Roig [oF 

en aii Boe 14222 

— Ai(En+1) 

Figure 18. Multilayer linear liquid model. 



: 3 D) ; : 
Figure 19. Linear K~ and constant K layers. The diagram on the right 
indicates the main physical events where the energy reflects at the 
surface or is refracted in the sediment. 


| ARG (R), deg 









6.7 \w 

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 
Figure 20. Phase comparison for linear K2 and constant K models (zero attenuation 

for both models). The curve marked L is for the linear K2 model, while the curves 
labeled 1, 3 or 10 correspond to constant K layers. 


ARG (R), deg 










2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 

Figure 21. Phase comparison for linear K2 and constant K models using 0.05 dB/m 
attenuation for both models. 


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 

Figure 22. Bottom loss comparison for linear K2 and constant K models using 0.05 dB/m 
attenuation for both models. 







Figure 23. Multilayer solid model. 




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 

Figure 24. Comparison of multilayer solid and liquid models. L represents the bottom loss for the 
linear and its liquid layer models. The other curves are for a 100 layer solid model with different 

values of rigidity, r. 





ZW Si 
“apy S87 weNreR 

\\ \ 
SAU , N) 


ing angle and frequency. 

tion of graz 

a func 

Figure 25. 3-D plot of bottom loss as 






Figure 26. Sound speeds and ray diagram. 


i U 
p ere (F U) 

Figure 27. Example of Gibb’s oscillations. 





Figure 28. Equivalent bottom for use with the Parabolic Equation. 






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 

Figure 29. Desired values of bottom loss. 


X= Cy Q,, or d; 



DX = 0.25 * DX 


Figure 30. Algorithm to generate an equivalent sediment model with smooth K2 
and bottom loss. 




0 1 2 Sree 5 6 7 8 9 ‘on nnn 

Figure 31. Good agreement between the bottom loss for the equivalent sediment mode (the line) 
and the desired bottom loss (the filled circles). 


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