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Number 52 

ISSN 1356 1359 Editor David Lonsdale 

A publication of The Amateur Entomologists' Society 

Founded 1935 
Where to write 
For all JCN business, please write to: 

P.O. Box 8774 
SW7 5ZG 

ICN Editor: 
David Lonsdale 

AES Habitat Conservation Officer: 
Peter Sutton 

AES Conservation Committee 
Dafydd Lewis 
David Lonsdale 
Peter May 
Peter Sutton 
Phil Wilkins 

ICN is printed by Cravitz Printing Co. Ltd., 1 Tower Hill, Brentwood, Essex CM14 4TA. 
Cover designed by Wayne Jarvis. Photo: David Browne 


No. 52, February 2007 


The Invertebrate Link 2006 conference (see “Past UK Meetings”, below) 
has launched a new initiative to nurture a new generation of 
invertebrate biologists and naturalists. One of the main challenges will 
be to encourage youngsters to overcome societal obstacles which 
smother their innate interest in “creepy crawlies”. In an environment 
dominated by television, video games and other artifices by which the 
“men in suits” make money out of youngsters and their parents, it can 
seem “uncool” to show any enthusiasm for things that crawl around 
under stones. There is also an increased parental fear of child abuse, 
which restricts children’s freedom and discourages adult mentors. 
Organised activities such as “mini-beast” hunts are nevertheless popular 
and can serve as an excellent starting point for encouraging youngsters 
to learn more about invertebrates. 

Despite peer pressure and distractions, some youngsters are very 
keen on insects or other invertebrates. At the conference, guest speaker 
Nick Baker spoke of individual youngsters whose enthusiasm has been 
inspirational. He had to admit, however, to an unhappy occurrence 
when a young enthusiast reacted with horror to Nick’s instinctive act of 
swatting a mosquito which had landed on his arm. Seen in a positive 
light, such horror may reflect an admirable respect for all living things, 
which is a great advance on the prejudiced attitudes that many adults 
have towards “pests and creepy-crawlies”. On the other hand, the 
incident probably reflects misplaced messages from well-meaning 
teachers that it is simply wrong to collect specimens. 

Promotion of a respect for all living things is excellent, if this means 
that the next generation will not collect specimens without good 
reason, but a total denigration of collecting is pernicious. It discourages 

ey \J 
a Invertebrate Conservation News DN 

a new generation of dedicated naturalists and it also fosters a society in 
which hypocrisy reigns. In such a society, a supposedly right-minded 
majority of people can mentally distance themselves from “bad guys”, 
such as invertebrate collectors, while abusing the biosphere in many 
ways — even by slaughtering invertebrates in their thousands by driving 
their cars. 

The Invertebrate Link conference prompted very little discussion 
about the concerns over the negative effects of anti-collecting 
sentiments and legislation, despite these concerns being aired in one of 
the presentations. Perhaps this was because most of the statutory 
restrictions on fieldwork in the UK apply only to a small proportion of 
invertebrate species, which responsible collectors would not wish to 
harm anyway. The situation is, however, very different in many other 
countries, where there are “blanket” restrictions or unjustifiably long 
lists of protected species. Even in the UK, there is considerable unease 
about grey areas of the law, which seem to make potential criminals 
out of basically law-abiding citizens. Examples include the possession 
or sale of specimens of species which are now scheduled as protected 
in the UK, but which were obtained legally overseas or prior to 
scheduling. Photography of scheduled species is another activity which 
can create unintending criminals, since it is not illegal per se, but is 
considered illegal in practice Gf unlicensed), since it is deemed to be a 
form of disturbance (which it could genuinely be in certain 

The recruitment of a new generation will be very much hampered if 
youngsters are brought up to believe that collecting is inherently wrong 
or that their aspirations to study invertebrates will be unacceptably 
hampered by restrictive, unjust or confusing laws. Unfortunately, 
however, bad laws can all too easily co-exist with democracy, as long 
as they suppress only minorities whose votes are insignificant (“the 
tyranny of the majority”). Such laws also offer a tempting prospect for 
any government which wants to be seen to be conserving biodiversity 
despite conniving in the destruction of habitats to make way for 
development and cutting support for research and for habitat 

Number 52 ¢ February 2007 


Bio-fuels and agricultural set-aside 

Now that many leading politicians have been converted to the cause of 
tackling anthropogenic climate change, there is increasing debate about 
how to do so, rather than whether anything needs to be done. Those 
who, for several decades, have been urging the replacement of fossil 
fuels by other energy sources can only be pleased that the cause has 
been adopted by mainstream politicians. On the other hand, the 
development of new technology (e.g. the use of wind turbines for 
generating electricity) is a growing reality, which is provoking new 
concerns and conflicts. 

One of the key questions requiring research and analysis is the 
amount of carbon which is released into the atmosphere by the 
development and use of non-fossil energy sources. This question 
applies, for example, to the cultivation, harvesting and processing of 
bio-fuels (Anon, 2006). When such crops are established on formerly 
cultivated land, there will usually be a nett reduction of carbon 
emissions, compared with the production and use of fossil fuels. This is 
probably not the case, however, if forests are being cleared and burned 
to make way for bio-fuel crops, as is happening especially in the 
tropics, quite apart from the direct effects of land-use change on 

As far as invertebrate habitats are concerned, there is a need to study 
the effects of the increasing practice of establishing crops for bio-fuel 
production on land formerly occupied by other forms of vegetation, 
both wild and cultivated. Such fuels include biomass derived from 
plants such as the grass Miscanthus or from short-rotation coppice 
stands of woody plants such as willow, poplar or eucalyptus. Also, 
crops such as oilseed rape, sugar cane or oil palm, which produce 
readily processed carbohydrates or oils, are being increasingly used as a 
source of liquid bio-fuels. The use of such fuels in motor vehicles 
seems to provide the ever-powerful road lobby with a technological fix, 
which is much more palatable than any restrictions or increased 
taxation On private motor transport. 

In the European Union, where a proportion of land is designated as 
“set-aside” for control of agricultural production, there are increasing 
moves towards converting set-aside to the production of non- 
agricultural crops, including fuel crops. Set-aside has clearly provided 
benefits for some forms of wildlife, especially amidst areas of intensive 


4 Invertebrate Conservation News & 

arable production, simply because the biological productivity of the set- 
aside land is not being diverted into human mouths. 

According to a UK government discussion paper, there is clear 
evidence that bird populations are increased by rotational set-aside. Far 
less effort has been devoted to the study of the main form of animal 
biodiversity, i.e., invertebrates, and so the only statement that can be 
made in the paper is that set-aside could be expected to help butterflies 
and bumblebees. The paper also refers to reports of the dramatic 
spread of the Brown Argus butterfly Aricia agestis and to anecdotal 
evidence of huge populations of butterflies on non-rotational set-aside 
land. Apart from these assumptions and anecdotes, there seems to be 
have been little attempt to assess the benefits of set-aside for 
invertebrates. It, is therefore very,| difficult to, predict: wheter such 
benefits are eroded or enhanced when set-aside land is converted to 
bio-fuel production. 

If set-aside land is converted to short-rotation coppice willow or 
poplar (but not eucalyptus, outside its natural range) invertebrates 
could in principle fare quite well. If the land was previously used for 
intensive arable production, rather than for set-aside, the change to 
willow or poplar will be of undoubted benefit for invertebrates, but is 
economically unattractive without a substantial subsidy. Hope and 
Johnson (2003) refer to a study which showed that short-rotation 
willow can support large earthworm populations, since the ground is 
not disturbed by ploughing after establishment. They noted, however, 
that pesticide inputs need to be low so as to allow the crop to support 
large populations of other invertebrates, such as willow-feeding species 
and their predators. 

In the tropics, tree planting in small-scale agro-forestry plots provides 
not only a source of fuel for cooking, but also shelters herbaceous 
crops and yields various products derived from fruit or nuts etc. Little if 
anything seems to be known about the effects of this small-scale use of 
trees on invertebrate populations, but it seems likely in principle that 
ecological diversity will be enhanced by the more complex vegetational 
structure, compared with a purely herbaceous cropping system. 

The situation is clearly different if tropical forests are replaced with 
large-scale plantation crops such as oil palm, which is used not only for 
food and a range of household and industrial products, but also as a 
bio-fuel source. The big oil companies intend to move into liquid bio- 
fuel production so as to show commitment towards reducing the 
growth in fossil fuel use. They will argue that most of the bio-fuel crops 

S Number 51 « October 2006 5 

will be established on marginal agricultural land, rather than on primal 
forests. If this is the case, most politicians will probably be satisfied. It is, 
however, very important not to dismiss the biodiversity of marginal land 
as being insignificant. On such land, just as on all other categories of 
land which are being considered for bio-fuel cropping, there is a need 
for much research on the potential losses and gains to biodiversity. 


Anon (2006). Newsletter of the Environment Centre, Dec. 06-Jan. 07. 

Hope, A.H & Johnson, B. (2003). Discussion paper on biofuels. English Nature, 
Peterborough, UK. 

Anon (2001). Centre for Rural Economics Research, Department of Land Economy, 
University of Cambridge, UK. 

Wild Worms Project in Britain 

The Natural History Museum, London, is facilitating the development of a 
new project to explore the identification and surveying of British 
earthworms by non-specialists. The project was due to start in October 
2006, with a pilot phase due to commence in January 2007. Any 
members of organisations belonging to Invertebrate Link are invited to 
participate and should enquire via their Invertebrate Link representatives. 


Thurrock Marshes, south-east England 

Buglife — The Invertebrate Conservation Trust has been running a 
petition and campaign to save an outstanding brownfield habitat from 
development. Before industrialisation, West Thurrock Marshes in the 
county of Essex formed part of the floristically rich Thames Terrace 
grasslands, Then, several decades ago, lagoons were created for the 
dumping of fly ash, a waste material from power stations. As in many 
industrial areas, however, valuable areas of habitat persisted (or were 
created by disturbance), so that the marshes became a refuge for a 
wealth of species which were later largely wiped out in the surrounding 
countryside due to intensification of agriculture. 

Among nearly 1,000 animal species so far recorded at the northern 
lagoon, there are 36 Red Data Book invertebrates. Some of these and 

6 Invertebrate Conservation News \ 

the Brown-banded carder bee Bombus humilis, the banded digger 
wasp Cerceris quinquefasciata and the Saltmarsh shortspur beetle 
Anisodactylus poeciloides are listed as priority species under the UK 
Biodiversity Action Plan, which requires action for their conservation. 
Another species, the spider Sitticus distinguendus, is on the draft 
priority list, having been found only at two sites in the UK — both 
threatened brownfield sites. Among the other nationally threatened 
species is the Red-shanked bumblebee (Bombus ruderarius) which, like 
Bombus humilis, depends on the large areas of flower-rich grassland at 
the site, most of which are due to be destroyed by the development. 
Only one other site in the UK is known to hold more rare species. 

Now, as an ex-industrial site, the marshes are classified as brownfield 
land, which the British planning system treats as a first choice for 
re-development, in preference to so-called greenfield areas which are 
often tantamount to being ecological deserts. On this basis, in 
November 2006, Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation 
granted planning consent to Royal Mail for the construction of a huge 
warehouse. Together with a lorry park, this will cover more than half 
the site, destroying over two thirds of the flower-rich grassland. 
Colonial species within the development will certainly be obliterated, 
including the rare ant Myrmica bessarabica. 

Buglife’s assessment is that the development would lead to a 
significant, potentially devastating loss of the site’s wildlife. Linked to 
the scheme are plans to re-flood the neighbouring southern lagoon, 
which will have a further damaging impact on invertebrates. This view 
is supported by the governmental advisory body Natural England 
(incorporating the former English Nature) which reportedly stated that 
“the effects (of the development) on the nationally significant 
invertebrate assemblage could be dramatic”. 

Planning consent was given despite widespread opposition from 
organisations including the local council and nature conservation 
bodies such as Buglife and the Essex Wildlife Trust. The Development 
Corporation, a non-elected body set up by John Prescott, decided that 
the nationally important wildlife interest of the site should not be 
allowed to stand in the way of its development. 

London Olympics development 

Thurrock, the subject of the previous item, lies to the east of London, 
within the so-called Thames Gateway, an area which is earmarked for 
massive development. Several miles further west, within the boundary 

Number 51 « October 2006 7 

of Greater London, lies the lower Lea Valley, where the main centre for 
the 2012 London Olympics is being constructed. Before London won the 
bid to host the Olympics, the London Wildlife Trust expressed concern 
that the development would destroy or harm important brownfield and 
greenfield habitats (see ICN No. 46). Those responsible for the bid said 
that habitats would be protected, but it was not clear how this could be 
compatible with the large scale of the planned developments. 

Recently, government sources revealed plans to build between 35 and 
40,000 new homes around the Olympics area after the Games. This 
seems to confirm fears that the development will do so much damage 
to habitats that any plans for mitigation will amount to litthke more than 
window-dressing. Also, the cost of the development seems certain to 
swallow up a great deal of funding, some of which might otherwise 
have been available to conservation bodies. The prestige of hosting the 
Olympics and the various benefits that may accrue are of course 
another matter on which our readers may hold a variety of views. 

A marine dragonfly in Hong Kong 

Although dragonflies depend predominantly on freshwater habitats, 
there are a few coastal species which tolerate the full salinity of 
seawater. One of these is Orthetrum poecilops Ris, a marine dragonfly, 
which occurs in inter-tidal mudflats amongst Kandelia mangroves in 
north-east Hong Kong. Unlike several other blue-bodied “darter” 
dragonflies in Hong Kong, it is regarded as truly marine, since its 
colonies are all found below the high water mark. Parts of these sites 
have a reduced salinity during the rainy season, but they are fully 
covered by seawater at high tide and have a full marine salinity during 
the winter dry season. 

According to an article by Keith D.P. Wilson CWilson, 2005), the 
habitat of O. poecilops has been destroyed in many coastal areas 
between Hong Kong and Japan, where it probably occurred in the past. 
The main problem has been the well documented and continuing loss 
of mangrove habitat. The author notes that none of the recorded 
populations in Hong Kong lie within Sites of Special Scientific Interest 
or Country Parks, even though some lie within 250 metres of Park 
boundaries. He recommends that, in view of the global rarity and the 
unusual biology of O. poecilops, its conservation in Hong Kong should 
be considered a “high priority”. 

The author adds that O. poecilops seems to have been overlooked 
when the IUCN was assessing dragonfly species for protective listing. 

8 Invertebrate Conservation News *s! 

The IUCN has listed another species, Mortonagrion hirosei, as a Priority 
species because of its unusual requirement for brackish water. It seems | 
that O. poecilops would have been considered just as eligible for Priority 
status if its marine requirements had been appreciated at the time. The 
species, or rather a subspecies known as O. poecilops miyajimaensis, is, 
however, already classified as endangered on the IUCN red list, 
principally due to concern over habitat loss in its native Japan. 

Reference: Wilson, K. (2005). Orthetrum poecilops. In: IUCN 2006. 2006 IUCN Red List of — 
Threatened Species. <> 


Atlas of the Water Beetles (Coleoptera) and Water Bugs 
(Hemiptera) of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and South 
Yorkshire, 1993-2005 by Robert Merritt (published as Sorby Records 
Special Issue Series No. 14 by the Sorby Natural History Society, 
Sheffield, May 2006), 160 pp., 24 colour plates. Soft cover, £6.00 (plus 
£1.50 postage & packing). payable to Sorby Natural History Society. 
Available from Austin Brackenbury, 76 Crawford Road, Sheffield S8 9BU. 

This book contains the results of a very considerable systematic survey 
by the author. Before the-survey there were few records jor water 
beetles or water bugs in the survey area, whereas by the end of the 
survey there were more than 36,600 records, of which about 97% come 
from the author’s own work at more than 2000 wetland sites. 

The introductory sections include a very informative but concise 
account of the biology of the various families of water beetles and 
water bugs. There is also an interesting geological and hydrological 
summary of the survey area, which comprises several “natural areas”, 
such as the Trent Valley, the Southern Magnesian Limestone, Sherwood, 
the Coal Measures and various portions of the Peak District. 

Following a summary of the survey method and of the data collected, 
the main body of the book consists of a series of accounts of each of 
the species. For each species, there is a distribution map showing the 1 
x 1 km squares where records have been made within the survey area. 
Each account also includes a description of individual localities or of 
the types of locality where the records were made. 

y) 4 Number 51 ¢ October 2006 9 

After the species-accounts, there is a series of descriptions of twenty- 
four selected sites, each with a colour photograph of the site and a list 
of the beetles and bugs recorded there. This helps to enliven the book 
and to convey some idea of the diverse range of landscapes and 
habitats that lie within the survey area. 

For those who may be inspired by the book to visit some of these 
sites, there is something of a challenge in a list of six species of water 
beetle and one water bug, which were recorded between 1900 and 
1992 but not re-discovered in the survey. The most recent of these 
records go back as far as 1937 in the case of the whirligig beetle 
Gyrinus aeratus but another of the beetles, Laccophilus poecilus, was 
recorded as recently as a few years before the survey; in 1990. This is a 
UK Biodiversity Action Plan species, not found anywhere in the UK 
since 2002, when Peter Hodge found it at a previously known site near 
Lewes, Sussex. Robert Merritt has therefore included a note about the 
previous records of its occurrence within the survey area. These were 
made between 1907 and 1987 in the Thorne Moors area of South 

The book finishes with some interesting compilations of data, 
including a species checklist, a table showing the number of records of 
each species and the number of 1 km squares where it has been 
fecorded: Also\.and of particular interest from a conservation 
standpoint, there are tables of 535 notable sites for water beetles and 
194 for water bugs. For each site, the tables show the protected status if 
any, geographical information, the total number of species and the 
numbers of species in the various categories of conservation status 
(Rare, Scarce, Local A and Local B). Many of the “top” sites appear to 
be on brownfield land but some of these have some protection as 
nature reserves or as sites of special scientific interest. 

This is a well laid-out and very usable book, based on a most 
impressive survey, and is a mine of information for anyone who is 
interested in the study or conservation of the aquatic invertebrates of 
this sizeable and densely populated area of England. It clearly also has 
wider interest for anyone with more specific interests in aquatic beetles 
and bugs. Its importance is reflected by the financial support which the 
Sorby History Society received from several major governmental and 
non-governmental conservation bodies. It is well worth its very 
reasonable price. 

10 Invertebrate Conservation News 


Coarse Woody Debris and its value and management for 

A very well attended meeting with the above title took place on 7th 
December 2006 at The Wolseley Centre, Cannock Chase, in the English 
north-west midland county of Staffordshire. The purpose of this 
workshop was to highlight the biodiversity value of coarse woody 
debris (CWD) in woodland streams and to promote beneficial habitat 
management amongst woodland and forest managers. This is very 
important, since CWD has traditionally been cleared away on the 
supposition that it will cause problems due to obstruction and flooding. 

After an introduction from Ian Middlebrook (Action for Invertebrates), 
Andrew Godfrey, a consultant entomologist, set the scene by describing 
the habitat and its value. He explained that woody debris provides not 
only a direct habitat for various invertebrates such as specialised 
craneflies and beetles but also an anchorage for habitats in the 
surrounding water. He also showed how some of the dependent 
species have adaptations to variable water levels around the woody 
material; for example, there are specialised craneflies whose pupae > 
breathe via horns, which are extended when the wood is immersed and 
then retracted when conditions become drier. | 

Stephen Hewitt (Tullie House Museum, Carlisle) followed with a more 
specific presentation on craneflies of the genus Lipsothrix, based on 
studies in Cumbria. The River Irving was of particular interest because of 
the dynamic development of habitats. Stephen’s presentation, together 
with that of Andrew Godfrey, served as a helpful guide to identifying 
species of conservation concern, such as L. ecucullata and L. errans. 

Nick Mott (Staffs Wildlife Trust) addressed the management issues, 
which include the need to reconcile conservation with a concept of 
tidiness which has prevailed in the past. There is a need not only to 
avoid removing CWD unnecessarily but also to manage river 
catchments so as to protect the aquatic environment. A scheme known 
as Catchment-Sensitive Farming has been developed with this in mind. 
A particularly interesting discovery has been that, contrary to previous 
opinion, the native British crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes does not 
necessarily require clear water. Studies have shown that the crayfish can 
thrive in muddy water, provided that there are clear spaces amongst 
twiggy debris or willow roots. Nick is the author of an excellent free 
booklet on CWD in rivers (Mott, 2006), a new edition of which has 
been sponsored by Natural England. 

e Number 51 ¢ October 2006 11 

A local site visit to the Lower Sher Brook in Cannock Chase, 
introduced by Sue Sheppard of Staffordshire County Council and Nick 
Mott, helped to illustrate at first hand the themes of the morning 
session, and also provided several new invertebrate records for the 
area. Sue also explained that local management was being developed 
so as to take account both of the aquatic habitat and of habitats in the 
adjacent woodland. 

Very productive discussions were chaired by Fred Currie of the 
Forestry Commission. These touched upon the establishment of Special 
Areas of Conservation under the EU Habitats Directive and an 
interesting study of CWD, conducted by Forest Research in the Parrett 
catchment in Somerset, south-west England. 

Of key importance was the need to spread the message that CWD is 
a valuable habitat, which should be allowed to develop, except in 
certain circumstances where it could genuinely be a problem with 
regard to obstruction and flooding. As explained in Nick Mott’s booklet, 
such situations can be identified and appropriate measures taken. The 
Environment Agency, the relevant governmental body in England, is 
well aware of the need to conserve the habitat and it was encouraging 
that many of its employees were in the audience. It was, however, 
noted that there is a problem with an official booklet, which purports to 
advice riparian owners about their legal responsibilities but fails to 
address biodiversity issues. The booklet, entitled Living on the Edge, 
inappropriately refers to a need to remove all vegetation from rivers! 

Reference: Mott, N. (2006). Managing Woody Debris in Rivers, Streams and Floodplains. 
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, UK. 

Invertebrate Link conference, London, November 2006 

This conference, entitled Who will watch the small things that run the 
world: recruiting the next generation of invertebrate specialists, took 
place on 9th November 2006 in the Flett Theatre, Natural History 
Museum, London. The conference brought together invertebrate 
specialists and educationists, with a view to launching a new initiative 
so as to help overcome the evident decline in incentives for young 
invertebrate biologists and naturalists. The factors which have led to 
this decline were described in a stimulating presentation by Dr Roger 
Key of Natural England (How I Became an Invertebrate Specialist: an 
overview of issues affecting recruiting of the next generation). The 
presentation, a revised version of one which Roger had given at the 
Royal Entomological Society symposium at Brighton in 2005, forms the 

12 Invertebrate Conservation News “ 

basis of a written paper which he and the conference chairman, Dr. 
Oliver Cheesman, are publishing in the Brighton proceedings 
(Cheesman & Key, in press). The written version provides evidence that 
the educational decline is real rather than imagined. 

Roger was followed by Nick Baker, writer and broadcaster, whose 
talk was entitled Promoting the Study of “Bugs”, including the role of the 
media and books for younger readers. Although Nick is relatively 
young, he recognised signs of a deteriorating trend within his own 
lifetime. He was, however, positive about some of the things that could 
be done to provide more opportunity and encouragement for young 
people; perhaps in ways which would have to embrace, rather than 
disdain, present-day communication media. 

Steve Tilling of the Field Studies Council (FSC) began the afternoon 
session, with practical examples of the work of the FSC amidst a 
decline of taxonomy and fieldwork in schools and universities. 
Although everyone present was probably aware of the FSC’s work, 
many seemed pleasantly surprised to learn how much the FSC is 
already doing to help redress the decline. 

Lynn Hughes of Oxford Brookes University then spoke about aids to 
identification, including hand-held IT devices, which could be used by 
schools or the organisers of events such as bug hunts. She was followed 
by Martin Sanford of the Suffolk Biological Records Centre, who outlined 
the rdle of local societies, museums and records centres in encouraging 
young people to develop their interests and to take part in recording 
schemes. Finally, Mark Boyd of the Royal Society for the Protection of . 
Birds spoke about the lessons that can be learned from larger societies 
and conservation charities, whose resources have already enabled them 
to undertake initiatives for encouraging public participation in their work, 
and in particular the encouragement of a new generation. 

In line with the determination to make the conference a launch pad, 
rather than a mere one-day event, some resolutions for future action 
were agreed. These are as follows: 

This Conference: 

® Affirms the importance of ensuring future capacity for invertebrate 
study, recording and conservation in the UK, through appropriate 
professional posts and continuation of the amateur naturalist tradition 

@® Recommends that a national forum be convened to examine and 
promote current and future capacity for the study, recording and 
conservation of all plant and animal groups 

Number 51 ¢ October 2006 

@ Recommends re-establishment of observational natural history as a 
component of formal education in biological and environmental 

@ Recommends enhanced co-ordination and co-operation between 
those disparate sectors, bodies and individuals concerned with 
promoting interest in invertebrates and supporting aspiring natural 
historians, in particular through: 

O Promoting awareness of the importance of invertebrates, their 
essential ecological roles, and their value as indicators of 
environmental change. 

O Encouraging enjoyment and exploration of natural environments, 
particularly by children and young people. 

In the follow-up to the conference, Oliver Cheesman is acting as a 
contact for the receipt and circulation of information relevant to 
environmental education in the UK. For example, the Lemur Project 
provides bursary placements, with Heritage Lottery Funding for the 
training of environmental professionals, including those who wish to lead 
educational events. Also, there is now a flow of information (e.g. from 
the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority), which should help people 
in the “invertebrate world” to tap into the educational framework. 

Reference: Cheesman, O.D. & Key, R.S. (in press) The extinction of experience: a threat 
to insect conservation? In: Stewart, A.J.A., New, T.R. & Lewis, O.T. (eds.) Insect 
Conservation Biology. Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium of the Royal Entomological 
Society. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Chapter 14, pp. XXX-YYY. 


Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust Gointly with Alton 
Natural History Society) 

Saturday 7th July, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Shortheath Common, Hampshire: 
Invertebrate observation and heathland conservation issues. Stephen 
Miles and Dr David Lonsdale, together with Ian Stoneman, the County 
Council warden, will lead a walk around this wet and dry heathland 
site. An aim is to discuss the conservation needs of heathland insects. 
MEETING POINT; SU770362, Oakhanger Village Hall. PARKING: 
outside or nearby the hall (without blocking entrances) or by the main 
road or in overflow car park at SU774368. ADMITTANCE: No fees but 
donations welcome; dogs cannot be admitted and any child must be 
accompanied by an adult. LUNCH: please bring sandwiches etc. 
Contact: Stephen Miles, tel. 01420 478845. 


EDITORYAT: Perecc fi secde ices on ct TRS ee EE RU Se 1 

Bio-fuels:.and agricultural’set-aside...0hs.%.e 5) 
Wild’ Worms: Project in Britain iin ee ee D 


Thurrock Marshes, south-east England: cic eee ee 5 
London-Olympics development: i.e...0 ese ie a 6 
A marine dragontly in Hong Kong ee eee ee eee ee V7 


Atlas of the Water Beetles (Coleoptera) and Water Bugs 

(Hemiptera) of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire, 

1993-2005 o.vissd Secces GUT ee Sea ea gee oa eh cae Ce 8 

Coarse Woody Debris — its value and management for biodiversity 10 

Invertebrate Link conference,,<London, November 2006................. 2 11 

Hampshire and Isle of Wigh 

It is to be distinctly understood that all views, opinions, or theories, expressed in the pages of this 
Journal are solely those of the author(s) concerned. All announcements of meetings, financial grants 
offered or sought, requests for help or information, are accepted as bona fide. Neither the Editor, the 
Officers and Council of the Society, nor its Trustees, can be held responsible for any loss, 
embarrassment or injury that might be sustained by reliance thereon. 

© 2007. The Amateur Entomologists' Society. 
(Registered Charity No. 267430) 
All rights reserved. 

Published 25th February 2007 by the Amateur Entomologists' Society 
(Registered Charity No. 267430), from PO Box 8774, London SW7 5ZG. 
Printed by Cravitz Printing Co. Ltd., 1 Tower Hill, Brentwood, Essex CM14 4TA.