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Catalogue of Plants 


Spring of 1882. 


OMA oe 1883 

Washington, D.C. 
| fiat 

v ip 


Lhe following Catalogues are published and 
sént gratis lo all applicanis « 




7—A Descriptive Catalogue of Fruit Trees, 
dc. Price 70 ces. 

2— Catalogue of Garden, Agricultural and 
Flower Seeds. 

. 3—Wholesale Catalogue, or rade List, 

published every Auiumn. 

. 4—Catalogue of Ornamental Trees, Kver- 

greens, Shrubs, de. 

. I—Descripiive Catalogue of a Selection of 


. 6—Descripiive Catalogue of New, Rare, 

and Beautiful Planis, Crotons, Dra- 
ceenas and other fine foliage planis, 
Pelargoniuns, Geraniums, Luchstas, 
Dahlias, éc. Published tn February, 
with a colored plate. Free to Cus- 
Zomers , to others 70 cents, or a plain 

copy free. 

(—Descriptive Catalogue of Bulbs, pub- 
lished every Autumn. 

. 8—Descripiive Catalogue of Orchids, éc. 

Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, 
By JoHn SAUL, 
in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 


@atalogue Nu. G 


| | | WDE te 
New, Hare and Beautiful Plants, 

- ne Breer aut i em f 



Nuysenyman, Seed Grower and Wanist, 

~>Importer and Exporter of Plants to and from all parts of the world.< 


seed & Floral Store—6h2t Seventh St., Oppo. 4.8, Patent Office. 
furseries & Greenhouses—On Seventh Street Road. 





IN again presenting my Serie Gi Catalogue, I do so with much pleasure, having 
added largely by importation of everything new and valuable among the various 

I especially offer to the notice of my patrons many extremely rare and beautiful 
plants, suitable for the hot-house and green-house, as well as for bedding out. 

The description of the new plants are those of the parties who sent them out. 

When selections are left to me, the very finest varieties will be sent, and the most 
vigorous plants. 

After over thirty years’ experience in packing and forwarding plants to distant 
countries, I flatter myself I can pack both economically and safely for any distance. 

No charge is made for boxes or packing. 

Single plants, bulbs, &c., will be mailed free; but when ordered by the dozen or 
hundred, the single price or a sufficient amount must be remitted to cover postage. 
On their reception they should be potted and placed in a frame or green-house to 
recover the effects of the journey. To Florists and Nurserymen who wish new 
plants, the mail offers the greatest facility for obtaining such, as they know how to 
care for them on their arrival. Amateurs who have no means of caring for plants 
after a journey through the mail, as well as all persons requiring a considerable 
quantity of plants of a larger size, had better have their orders by express. If left 
to me, I will forward in such way as I deem best for the purchaser. 

In all orders by express, good plants are added in proportion to the value of the 
order or distance. Persons getting up clubs will be liberally rewarded with choice 
plants in proportion to the amount remitted. 

The prices at which some of the new plants are offered, may appear high to 
persons unacquainted with the importation of these articles. For such I have to 
pay high prices in Europe, adding duty, freight, risks, &c., to justify which when 
first offered, the price should be proportionate—though I make it at the lowest 
possible rates, and as stock increases the price is reduced. Older and standard 
varieties are offered at my usual very moderate rates. 

Orders intended for mailing should be accompanied with a remittance, but in 
express orders the purchaser may remit, or the article will be forwarded C.OeD! 
at his option. 

In making out orders, keep plants and seeds separate—it saves us ai time at 
our busy season. 

Write your name plainly; give post-office, county and State, whenever you eee 
no matter how frequently. 

In all letters of inquiry, it is well to leave a blank space between each question 
for an answer, this facilitates a reply in the busy season, when my correspondence 
is very heavy. . 

Please use the order sheet, or in a list apart from the body of the letter. This 
much facilitates business and prevents errors. In making out orders please affix 
prices, that I may know the size of plants required. 

Customers who fail to receive a catalogue in due time, will please inform me of 
the same, that a copy may be sent, as catalogues are frequently lost in the mails. 

I charge for plate with catalogue to applicants who have not previously pur- 
chased, but when, however, orders are subsequently sent, the price of the catalogue 
will be allowed. 

This catalogue annuls prices in all former issues. 


February, 1883. 



Mow, Rare ann Bexurvos Braves. 

New, Raye and Beautiful Plants. 

NEW ROSE.—See Colored Pilate. 


This beautiful rose has been out a few years, has been well tested, and proved to be one of 
the finest Hybrid Perpetuals in cultivation. ‘‘ Color carmine red changing to magenta, large, 
full and imbricated; a free autumnal bloomer, one of the finest.” 50 cts. 

*ETOILE DE LYON.—WNew Tea Rose. 

‘‘A striking clear bright sulphur yellow, deeper in the centre, very large, full and very 
fine form, growth very vigorous; one of the best yellow roses ever raised.’”’ 50 cts. 

For other New Roses see Cat. 5. 
*BELLE DE JOUR, (LEM.)—WNew Pelargonium. 

This beautiful Pelargonium has flowers of the purest white, semi-double, produced on stiff 
erect stems most profusely, fine habit. A grand plant. $1.00. 

*WHIGS ET TORIES, (LEM.)—WNew Pelargonium. 

‘‘ Brilliant carmine blotched with maroon, centre white, trusses immense, free vigorous 
habit and free bloomer. An attractive and beautiful flower.’”?’ $1.00. 

*PETRARQUE ET LAURH, (LEM.)—WNew Pelargonium. 

** Color lilac mauve beautifully veined, white centre, upper petals marked with maroon ; 
large, beautifully formed; trusses freely produced. Very distinct and fine.” $1.00. 

*JULES JACQUEMART, (LEM.)—New Pelargonium. 

Truss enormous, with large finely formed flowers, color a lovely bright vermilion, with a 
delicate centre; petals nicely undulated, and profuse bloomer. $1.00. 

*GUELFES ET GIBELENS, (LEM.)— New Pelargonivm. 

“A grand flower, giving magnificent trusses very profusely, color white striped with 
satiny lilac, centre white; a very lovely flower.’’? $1.00. 

*ZENITH, (LEM.)— New Pelargonium. 

“Beautiful Carmine rose; veined with purple, light centre, finely formed and striking 
flower, with large trusses, produced in great profusion, vigorous fine habit, extra.” 1.00. 

*MAD,. BOUCHARLET, (LEM.) — New Pelargonium. 

‘‘A superb flower, semi-double, giving 12 to 15 petals, color purple and white, fine trusses, 
excellent habit; this is a very showy and grand Pelargonium, will be largely grown”. $1.00. 


*UKRIAN.— New Pelargonium. 

‘« Upper petals bright crimson, blotched with maroon and edged with white; under petals 
deep rose edged with white; white centre, shaded with violet, the petals slightly fringed; a 
very free and pretty variety. ” $1.00. 

*VENUS DE MILO.— New Pelargonium. 

This variety produces immense trusses of fine large white flowers, slightly striped in the 
centre with delicate rose; lovely. $1.00. 

*TRIBOULET,.— New Pelargonium. 

‘¢ Flowers striped, rose white and crimson, quite a bizarre, fine trusses and free, a very 
showy flower; will be a general favorite. $1.00. 

*ROI ARTHUR, (LEM.)—WNew Pebargonium. 

‘Petals white, bordered with carmine, and lined with purple—fine truss, good habit and 
free—a very beautiful flower.” $1.00. 

*OUIDA, (LEM.)—WNew Pelargonium, 

A beautiful formed flower with undulated petals; white, lightly striped with violet in 
the centre— very chaste and lovely. 75 cents. 

*PROF. NORDENSKIOLD.— New Pelargonium. 

Color lilac mauve, large white centre shaded with lilac; a fine flower with immense trusses. 
75 cents. 

*JEANNE D’ARC, (LEM.)—WNew Pelargonium. 

_ A lovely white flower, semi-double, fine large trusses, excellent habit; a chaste and lovely 
flower. This flower will be largely grown. 74 cents. 

*MISS MARY OC. SAUL, (SAUL.)—New Pelargonium. 

This beautiful new flower originated in our establishment. It is compact, good habit, very 
free flowering, trusses large and finely formed; color deep rich crimson, dark blotch, smooth 
edge. a lovely flower. This is a strikingly rich and beautiful variety ; from its fine habit, 
profuse blooming qualities, Can distinct color, places it as one of the finest market plants 
possible. 75 cents. 

*MISS ROSINA M. SAUL, (SAUL.)—WNew Pelargonium. 
Another of our beautiful new Pelargoniums, of excellent compact habit, free growth and 

profuse bloomer, fine trusses—color upper petals crimson, with dark blotch, lower petals light 
crimson ; centre white, all beautifully reticulated with crimson, slightly trilled. 75 cents. 


*Colonel Flatters. Grand umbels of fine flowers, color a bright safrano, having the 
upper petals shaded with orange. Very diBtiNetéeveasssreiueiug :-4 eee $0 50 
*Etendard. Large truss of bright amaranth; beautiful and very striking Sp esecccoasorcno? 0 50 
*Flocon de Neige. Habit neat and compact, truss large of the. purest white; a pro- 
fuse bloomer. A char DMM Plate vscccscnveses se ccsiewalonkestsne dondetee et cose e eset eee eeem 0 50 
*Got. Trusses large, color chamois marbled with white, a free bloomer and good habit. 
Aweny distinetamdifine, HOWers: <.ccssiccsterwss onesie’ lm eaeic laces aclasetiewnateewaeince orci enee ae eaene 0 50 
*Paul de St. Victor. ‘* Umbels immense, color rosy carmine, fine habit. A beautiful 
variety.’’....: . 0 50 
Homer. ‘A eplendid variety ‘of dwarf habit and extremely floriferous, producing fine 

full flowers of a rich soft magenta-crimson color, some of the petals shaded with 
aI PY ae ace a Cana tata 28 Min Rg cm Sy Nc ae eeeese ee oeeeee soeereeoroos teececeeeea coeere 0 50 


Odysseus. ‘‘A magnificent flower of a deep magenta-crimson color with purplish shade, 
the upper petals marked with scarlet; ashowy variety, producing immense trusses.’’$0 50 
Charming. ‘Large truss, color rosy violet, good habit and profuse bloomer. Beau- 

IGF eee a ee ale ne) ie Sans orn aleatnnle eames nacate saacinea safes scieniestada aster as 0 50 
Constancy. ‘‘Fine truss, flowers of a rich magenta-lavender. A very distinct and 

DPR ESDING WOWEP. --nsasces Sogbagog sane soos ences Ses boss a05s56 ean aStioss EBS Coones OE SCHECON SESenO) Kona 0 50 
Duchess of Connaught. ‘* Trusses large and fine, flowers pure white. Very pure. A 

pee tote ag/ sl Gyyacaee wa cele eteninen mak eet anes cclesis<=acadia-nmaciieasthiinrls-ciccneaa\oecaa-astisalcetls «nial © 60 
Illuminator. ‘Truss immense, flowers brilliant scarlet. An exceedingly showy and 

Be nA O Wels UpeU Da) pate aemines teeta seeameet aes ancedll-nerab(-salvcewas-tacitenassed= sereeenat csaceacttaedees 0 50 
W.£E. Gladstone. ‘ Fine large trusses, color identical with the single variety ‘ Guinea,’ 

retin etacamnclee DE AMM yale cnet nga fas sense ctetee ace melciew's anlar saidcsl +. sflaaa\ceinh «ne olaaelacsomie/oelibel <mieseles 0 50 

Perfection. ‘‘ Large truss, color brilliantcarmine. A finely formed and showy flower.’' 0 50 
Robert George. ‘‘ Deep crimson scarlet, flowers of great size and freely produced. A 
METERED ie ON ITS oop anocacs soacaneening | qleboces GAecerseriocbe co 304 ods abo eoeconsmscsesacs 0 50 
Sparkling. ‘Fine large truss, color scarlety purple. Very showy and attractive.’’... 0 50 
Barthelemy Saint Hilaire. A very pretty variety, with large well-formed flowers ofa 

beautiful clear salmon color, bordered with rose............0c0ccesesecs cesccence cecees soccsceve 0 50 
General Farre. This variety produces huge trusses of large semi-double flowers, of a 
reddish orange color, shaded with salmon rose towards edge of the petuls.............. 0 50 

Mad. Van Houtte. Magnificent trusses, color delicate rose; a very charming variety, 0 50 
Ministre Constans. Very large double flowers of a bright orange color shaded with 

PRD TIA Tash XLT Wasnt cca ae eee eek ee am mae hSa Eee feslonewiniebicmien dtetatde ve ctdececiderds es Sdats 0 50 
Crimson Velvet. ‘+ Flowers of a rich dark velvety crimson, shaded black, a most intense 
snd brilliantly -colorediyanietyecompactghiabit: icles: coccces ci wwsesea occ cow vellsavereescnce 0 50 
Emile Lemoine. ‘A magnificent deep crimson scarlet, with immense pips of great 
Substance yOne, OfsthenvemyetMNeSUMVAEICHIESY qWtcsstes.desace\ active (acaescctlsccce? so esasecesreetess 0 50 
Emerson. ‘Very large trusses of deep shaded pink and salmon, flesh colored flowers, 0 50 
halnituclose;an Gd freepinneckomt Nar. scaqscbue sec Woemieke ie alee ib cued iacca's oclcdd ded seeitanseetancageace 0 50 
Jas. Y. Markland. “ Flowers of most perfect shape, bright peach rose centre, broadly 
margined with white, large finely formed truss, compact IAD MG diet onlay 2 ascoeets en Sete 0 50 
James Vick. ‘Flowers and trusses of great size, color deep flesh with dark bronze 
_ shadings, fine free habit and entirely distinct. PR a te, 0 50 
Longfellow. ‘‘ Flowers very large of most perfect shape, deep soft crimson slightly 
shaded with purple rose, compact habit and unequalled in Color.’’..........sseseeee-eeees 0 50 

Maggie Hallock. ‘+ Quite new in color, a deep pure pink shaded rose, with reflex of 
petals silvery white, flowers of good shape, free flowering and quite distinct. A 

CONE vay CU Let yi ese eee ete <a eh cin} Anis tieins oe fyacsce as iininceyse deieeieo ssn sees ssrencnelindoeceves 0 50 
Peach Blossom. “Ground color white, shaded and marbled with light and dark peach- 
pink, trusses of good size, fine Debi ee cece es ey. 0 50 
Cheerfulness. Fiesh pink, shaded and mottled rose, very double; flowers and trusses 
Eee Neellen ture mma Vv CLy1 CIStINCtsssnce-ccs-c te oveee\-Dects-seeseb casi des <cecciesaoscese 0 380 
Pocahontas. ‘‘ Immense trusses of rosy pink flowers, upper petals margined with 
White eaereatenmpLovement ons Mads: Vbibati is .2s:cc~ 5 .cecessec ences’ onsas towssvaapecses veoe O 50 

The above 29 new and beautiful varieties, the finest out, for $13.00. 


Colonel Martin, (Lem.) ‘* Magnificent trusses, color amaranth, upper petals shaded 
orange; very brilliant. This is a grand variety, with its immense large, brilliant 

Dupont de l’Eure, (Lem.) Grand trusses, ‘color rich deep violet. This isa charming . 

variety, so distinct and lovely in color, theshubitiis alsolexcellient2is...s...62 65-2200: 0 50 
Frederick Sauvage, (Lem.) ‘ Large and elegant trusses, color salmon bordered with 

rose, very GOCE) ca ene er aos sash kevceeidiee, ORI Oe dae A 0 50 
Gaston Tissandier, (Lem) ‘‘ Trusses immense, finely shaped, color rich rose”’........... 0 50 
Louis Ulbach, (Lem.) Fine umbels; color yellowish orange, in the way of Guinea, a 

Gi atti eeu IM ei OWT. bees sce aael: ce sues aheesenicbieescs ab te cea sces celvesscaha=tecsevet\s-csecletetecest 0 50 

President Garfield. ‘‘ Trusses large and finely shaped, color lake-carmine bordered with 
deep red, upper petals marked with orange; a very beautiful, distinct and striking 

Edith Mary. ‘* White ground with brilliant salmon centre, fine truss, good habit’’..... 0 50 

Bianca. Fine truss, soft rosy luke, a charming shade of color; a fine large flower, 
ASAE TE MESNIACAMSETI OM Obcpeee te sae hoe ee rd shade i SSR SL OE Rsae CECE CE Ss LUG oSUlae clade soa cwelulsddes ch detiacsis sales 0 50 

Calliope. ‘A splendid flower, large and of fine form, color a very deep rich scarlet’’.. 0 50 


Caroline. ‘‘A fine variety, producing large trusses of flowers of a rosy-magenta color, 
flushed with searlet ini the upper; petals".t.0. Jo. 4..¢ Wel selec. teenddeed Abbeencetiewscneedce~ -.-- $0 50 
Fanny Catlin. ‘Trusses large and fine, brilliant rosy salmon, with a white eye, a 
bentatifal: Varia tiyin .. <scanecesteciecaw +r yensenon aan olectes dod dietete taser ten Onitel oa ere eeea eae 0 50 
Fanny Thorpe. ‘* Beautiful large trusses, centre brilliant salmon rose bordered with 
OW 2 schon ame nce setquacene apicee bos naar mene eeeex beeen niece wee Ree ree rane vesceveesecescsceescsces 0 50 
I’ve-got-it. “ Beautiful large trusses, flowers finely formed, petals persistent, color 
purest, white, the finest wihttos 7s. sc-ct esos sua eee ehteeee Pa cueceaeees eemeneeeetes 0 50 

Nancy Lee. “ Immense trusses, color beautiful cerise with a white eye. Very showy. ” 0 50 
Queen Mary. ‘‘ Large trusses, color brilliant orange scarlet, very vigorous grower, 

fITION UEP ese oacetedeetes lecceee een sicoeUudebbacstee Susent sbidet tor. aelaeUsGe oa mat tase teien oso enema 0 50 
West Brighton Gem. ‘ Large trusses, color orange scarlet, excellent habit, profuse 
bloomer, fine: bedding Wwartety ? AwsieGucc izicse eect heath ee ae toneetn ee eeadanc en eenran 0 50 
Prima Donna. “ Large trusses of finely shaped pure white flowers, ‘fine habit and 
free.bloomer. . This 1s.a very, fine Varlety.22vssc.0catesenenmescoct somal bee oy serrate neeene nee sees 0 30 
Cygnet. ‘Immense trusses of the purest white flowers, ‘of free habit and a “very early 
bl@ommen.? ssid. 20a Tbs OM. Bea Tes ba Soc asda whe Leet Peo ato aabaane ooo ee eee ee ee area 0 50 
Jasper, ‘ Very large trusses of deeply shaded bright orange flowers with white eye, 
compact habit and:eanky-bloomer ”..ccvecctt./osshie, Bocuse eee poeta anne: Mee ee ent 0 50 

May Queen. ‘Ground color flesh, half upper petals pure white, with margins of 

white on lower petals, very large truss, finely shaped, a beautiful variety.’’. ........ 0 
Alsacien Lorrain. Grand trusses, of beautifully formed flowers, color a rich orange. 

A very beautiful variety.......... BoP 5G 2S Sse 85 sooo a esos sb eects suscveltenteccaccs O 50 
Atala. Fine truss, form perfect, color orange vermilion, very PMOL Pec ssanesaccesaenesie nO 
Beatrix. Grand truss, form perfect, color yellowish salmon, centre white eanee 0 
La France. A splendid variety, producing immense trusses ‘of very fine large flowers 

of a rich violet erimson color, with bright red marking in the upper petals........... 6 50 
L’ Klysee. Enormous umbels of fine shape, color a very beautiful salmon orange. One 
of the most beautiful varieties in cultivation...............0 Seasons Caoence Snes uc - 0 50 

Progress. Very beautiful trusses, color carmine with a deep centre—very rich color.. . 0 60 
The above 26 new and beautiful varieties, the finest out, for $11.50. 


This name is applied to that magnificent group of Pelargoniums the flowers of which are 
of large size, very rich and showy ; a few are double, and although the others are not really 
double, yet from their fullness of form and the extra number of petals, they have the 

appearance of being so, 

Beauty of Oxton. The upper petals are of a very rich maroon, darkly blotched ; under 
petals very dark crimson, shaded with maroon; light centre; all the petals mar- 
gined with white, and beautifully fringed. Flowers largerand! fulllesicd0-2.-<oseceee $0 50 

*Duchess of Bedford. One of the most useful and charming of this highly decorative 
section of Pelargoniums. Its blossoms are of the purest white, prettily fringed, with 
a feathered spot ‘of delicate rose in the upper petals. Its habit is dwarf and compact.. 0 50 

Mrs. John Saul.—(Colored plate in 1878) This beautiful flower, which originated in 
our establishment, we consider one of the very best in cultivation. The habit is 
compact and very free flowering, producing large trusses of charming flowers. The 
color is a rich glowing vermilion, with light centre and light murgin to the petals, 0 60 

Dr. Masters. A splendid variety. The trusses are large and in great profusion; itis 
semi-double, the upper petals having large black blotches in the centre, with a nar- 
row margin of rich crimson, the lower petals having a smaller blotch............... 2. 0 50 

Triomphe de St. Maude, One of the best high colored varieties in cultivation. The 
habit close and short-jointed ; it is profuse of bloom, and the flowers are large and 

OLAMASSIV.C SU DStAM Gls: 22: sacceeeaemay cos ands <os con naurelsnsaendeneenugisecec aus tee eeremterete Kaee ae ace 0 €0 
*Istmo de Suez. A flower of great effect, flery orange with rose centre, upper petals 
blotched with fiery maroon surrounded with fiery OFAN Ge, SUPEED...06<itmeus-jascaaseenint 0 50 

Le 20 Fevrier. In the style of Prince of Pelargoniums; color brilliant orange vermilion 
blotched with maroon on upper petals, lower petals light color, nicely fringed, 
TAQ TEL CONG 124. chs ot meee kbaphindaidas suite oa blenleinkis ~pdtnicindsess sa dd-fedeleeenle olabt ape hiicee haat Sea ceeentees 0 50 

*Mad. Uharles Kenig. Purest white, without a trace of color, ‘flowers finely formed 
and in symmetrical trusses. This is a superb variety, which will be extensively 
grown wherever chaste and lovely white flowers are in demanda........seeseceeee eseee 0 50 

*Mad. Gustave Henri. Beautiful rosy carmine, with white centre, blotched with 
purple, semi-double. Fine truss and habit—a very beautiful flower.........-secesceeeee O 76 




Madame Evard. A most distinct variety; the flowers are very full, with beautiful 
erispy petals of an exceedingly bright purplish crimson color, richly spotted with 
dark maroon 

*Madame Thibaut. White, richly blotched and marbled with rose; the upper petals 
marked with crimson maroon; large white centre; immense trusses of very large 
fine’ flowers, with undulated see cee cee coscescecnen conse cee ser ceecestecssceee seeees 

M. Ph. Zeller. A distinct and showy variety, producing very large and full flowers, of 
a rich fiery crimson color, bordered with rose and spotted with very dark blackish 

Queen Victoria. This is the handsomest variety ever offered. The flowers have 
peculiarly crispy petals ; they are not really double, but from their fullness of form 
and extra number of petals have the appearance of being so. The color is a rich 
vermilion, all the petals broadly margined with pure white, and the upper ones 
blotched with maroon 

Striata Elegans, This is one of the large flowered exhibition group of Pelargoniums. 
The flowers are a magenta rose, being flaked or barred with elegant blue mauve, 

$0 50 

0 75 


0 50 

the top petals have a black feather-like plume, unique in its combination of colors, 0 50 

Theophrasta. A very beautiful Pelargonium, flowers double crimson, freely produced ; 
avery Gesirable variety.......sce.csccseecceerscesseccons 

PELARGONIUMS.—New Varieties with Fringed and 
Striped Petals. 

*Queen of Stripes. The flowers are of good outline and substance, petals overlapping, 
color elegant blush white, the petals being finely striped or barred with brilliant 
carmine-rose, each of the upper ones being marked with crimson lines surmounted 
Midian 1 tems Crimes nel Olelincasspetcse- kas n senadetessasecinecanecteseoseeiascncnsebasadecosiee ce 

Gloria Patriz. Color purest white—nearly all white, with a few veins of crimson on 
upper petals ; compact habit, free flowering. An exceedingly chaste and lovely 

Crispiflora. White, with rose blotches shaded lilac and blue, and beautifully fringed, 
a lovely variety in the style of Dr. André, early and profuse bloomer, fine habit.... 

Lapis Lazuli. Another of those beautiful frilled French Pelargoniums; color blush 
white with scarlet belted blotched, elegantly frilled like Dr. André, equally beauti- 


0 50 

ful with the others described, neat habit, early and profuse bloomer.............2...008. 0 50 

*Lucie Lemoine. A chaste and beautiful, new flower, grand umbels of purest white 
flowers, perfect form and shape, fine, compact, vigorous habit. This magnificent 
PN OuCIStL NGL NOWET: WHEDE EXPeNSIVel YO TOW M = acc. .- seneie-nnssincsene co eesl tnaseaeisd)ecesenoae oa 

Mad. Vibert. Fine black maroon blotches, bordered fiery red, the flower entirely 
edged with rose, vigorous grower, fine habit and free bloomer; a grand flower...... 

*Marie Lemoine. A very beautiful variety, large truss and flower, color white, beau- 
tifully fringed; in the way of Empereur des Pelargoniums, but of much finer form 
Mae SEC AL ET SMO SVAN CO MCLG OA ILILCs vw wncalans con anenassans-naasaanc@annecacnc seysseesaes coke Ssacidaete 

*Miss Teresa M. Saul, (Saul). In habit similar to our two preceding, and of free 
growth and profuse flower; beautiful trusses. Color upper petals orange ver- 
milion, with dark blotch; lower petals lighter shade, centre white. The colors of 
Huis tine wariety-are execedingly bright, and distinct, 50) 0. ocdnsdeee- vecehtcesece/dseteeces 

*Mrs. Potten. This is a charming variety; habit good and compact, trusses large, 
finely formed; color purest white, with very dark blotches. Received a first-class 
certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society of London................-.ceceesceoscees 

Prince of Peiargoniums. This most beautiful variety resembles in its style the well- 
known Dr. André, by its elegantly fringed margin and equally large flowers, but 
exceeds it in effect in being a brilliant vermilion scarlet ground finely relieved by a 
blush white centre with violet veins, and flushed with rich crimson on the upper 
flower lobes 

*Plutus. Very fine free habit, trusses enormous, color a violet rose, heavily blotched 
onpaliapetaics: beautiful ‘formes » Av show ytlower:: 02.0. 0csssss occa 8 Wesccscecielocdeck succeeded 

Princess of Wales. Very handsome, with elegant frilled petal margins, in the style of 
Dr. André, flower trusses large size, ground color pure blush, each petal alike 
marked with a rich dark velvet crimson scarlet margined blotch. This is unques- 
tionably one of the most beautiful flowers ever raised...........-..ssesesesscsceceoe snneeeses 

Star of the East. Very fine, resembling the Princess of Wales; it is equally free and 
compact in growth, but with larger flowers, of pure white ground. The petals are 
elegantly fringed, the upper ones marked with a rich crimson spot, and the under 

Q 40 

ones elegantly pencilled with violet colored lines.........sssccccecsscsesssccscecseses eoceessee O 50 


Reveil de la France. Flowers snow white, spotted with rosy carmine; a delicately 
beautifulsvariety,| will, bedargelysprowi clan} fetta, saeacess een teeth cede eteenneees $0 50 
*Progress. Pure white, beautiful rose spot on all the petals; neat, floriferous, exceed- 
ingly distinet and striking'siextrw Giner.tiek. Stoke ca ieee eee boa sme eee mee 0 50 

*Polichinelle. A very novel and distinct flower, centre white bordered with delicate 
lilac, petals blotched with deep purple; a profuse bloomer. This charming variety 

will be langiel iyo Powis ocelot nn acta cere cock eet stk one Cee Ree eer ce pea tes 5 0 75 
Trojan. Crimson, upper petals surrounded with bright 1 rose and margined with pink, 
under petals blush, cleanly spotted with CrimsOM 20. -..006 scree ceeees ceseeeseeree -eneeeees 0 50 

Volunte National. An exquisite Pelargonium, of a fine, free, yet compact habit, and 
produces numerous large and symmetrical trusses of bloom, flowers white, with a 
warm salmon pink blotch on each segment, margins and throat pure white, petals 

PEUN FOO a ivnceds vasaecteaansinteechadcuecsdep aster een. cestiecsceatecceeaneee ree eee aatre le see tee aera 


The varieties bere offered are largely grown for Covent Garden Market, London. 

Integrity. Very free compact habit, free bloomer, color orange scarlet, white centre, 

purple bloteby-seccc. scc.deds seek eal SG ORNe cae eae ae 0 50 
Kingston Beauty. Pure white, with dark purple spot on upper petal, very vigorous and 
free MO WEIN G2 5.0 iec.eecceoe ston dene cotter cctececen cceeraceen oe Monee tant enn ae te at ee eae Eee 0 50 

Rob Roy. Rosy purple, upper petals black, white eye, fine free habit. profuse bloomer. 0 50 
Mabel. Dark maroon top, narrow edge, a heavily painted flower, fine free habit and 

bloomer .2)5ctic.s-2ieteses ace abet isos: Rusa sactee bones ecene ee rem eette ao tleea- eee nate nee BEE 0 50 
Mermeris. Free, but compact habit, an early and profuse bloomer, Tosy crimson, 

hight centre, purple bloteh; fine pot plamt..<t2ss-o-2ncer-aaqceeeaw cds ananeen=nkeeeeteeeeseneeae 0 50 
Scarlet Gem. Very bright crimson scarlet, with light margin, fine free habit, early 

and profuse bloomer......... ge cecee ah sade cecitace pee ea ein ae secionetite edbousaveces seclesntusuasensiteansness 0 50 

The set of 6 for $2.50. 



A very handsome Aroid of striking aspect. The leaves are ovate-oblong, greatly elongated, 
altaining lengths of from 2 to 8 feet, with a breadth of less than one-third of these dimen- 
sions; coriaceous in texture and deep green, with a glossy metallic surface when first ex- 
panded, becoming paler by age. The principal nerves are arched and deeply sunk, giving 
the surface a conspicuously waved appearance. As an exhibition or decorative plant it will 
always take a very high position. 

First-class Certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society. Price on application. 


A remarkable Aroid. The leaves are greatly elongated, attaining lengths of from 24 to 30 
inches, with a breadth of not more than 7 or 8 inches. The ground color is a deep green of a 
very rich hue, with a velvety lustre and appearance, with which the light color of the mid- 
rib and veins form a pleasing contrast. ‘lo the lovers of fine foliage plants this beautiful 
Anthurium will be a most welcome acquisition. $2.00 each. 


“Jasminum gracillimum is one of the most distinct in its graceful habit, and in the abund- 
ance of its large sweet-scented flowers, which are also more copiously produced. It appears 
to be u small species, with long, very slender branches springing from low down on the stem, 
and curving over on all sides, weighed down by terminal globose panicles.” 

As a decorative plant, Jasminum gracillimum is probubly the best of recent introduction. 
It is exceedingly floriferous; a flowering shoot is produced from every joint, which termin- 
ates in a dense cluster of pure white fragrant flowers. The plant is continuously in bloom 
from October to January, and its graceful habit renders it one of the most beautiful of flower- 
ing plants, $1.00 each. 

An exceedingly beautiful hybrid, sent out by Messrs. Veitch & Sons. It is of the free 

growth with exceedingly beautiful foliage with a metallic hue, in the way of A. Veitchii, but 
much finer ; will make a grand specimen plant fur Exhibitions, &c. $2.00. 



A splendid foliage plant of stately and robust habit, and without doubt by far the finest of 
all Alocasias. For exhibition purposes it stands in the first rank among foliage plants, and 
in the Stove it forms one of the most distinguished ornaments. A First Class Certificate was 
awarded to it by the Royal Horticultural Society. 


“‘The stems, which are about as thick as a goose quill, are much crowded, 12 to 18 inches 
long and gracefully arching on all sides, giving the plant a very elegant contour. They are 
furnished with deep green leaves and terminate in a dense raceme of flowers, of which the 
bracts are scarlet and the perianth yellow. The plant is continuously in bloom during the 
greater part of the year.’’ ‘The elegant habit of this plant, its richly colored flowers of sin- 
gular structure, and their long duration, render it a most useful and interesting plant.” 
$1.50 each. 


A species of remarkable interest both in its scientific and in its horticultural aspect. dis- 
covered in the island of Socotra. 8. Socotrana is a plant of very neat habit with erect stems 
8 to 12 inches high, furnished with orbicular peltate leaves 4 to 7 inches in diameter, and 
producing a profusion of bright rose-pink flowers of which the males are fully two inches in 
diameter. Its great recommendation is its very free blooming character, and its flowering 
in the depth of winter when other Begonias are at rest, thus prolonging the season of these 
beautiful plants. 75 cts. 


‘The finest floral novelty of the season. It is a superb plant of compact habit, and very 
branching, perfectly covered with brilliant scarlet flowers which are individually 14 inch in 
diameter. ‘lhis magnificent new introduction was discovered by one of our collectors in 
Asia and we can confidently recommend it as one of the finest novelties introduced for years. 
Collectors saw plants 18 inches high with 30u flowers.”’ Sander & Co. Readyin April. 50 cts. 


‘The Gynura Aurantica is a hardy plant belonging to composite, and is of such an orna- 
mental character as to aliow of one’s saying that it is not surpassed by any other plant of the 
same class. The stem and leaves are clothed throughout their entire length with a thick 
covering of hairs, soft to the touch, and of a beautiful deep violet color, which gives an ap- 
pearance of the richest velvet to the plant. This is more especially the case with young 
leaves, and when combined with the brilliant orange of the flowers, the aspect of the plant is 
truly superb. Without doubt it will gain great favor as an ornamental plant for open bor- 
der.”” Considered the finest of bedding plants. Ready in April, price, 5U cts. 


“This plant is a handsome and interesting climber, lying perfectly flat upon the surface it 
climbs over, being held in pusition by its numerous adventitious roots; and, as it is a rapid 
grower, it is admirably adapted for covering walls, trunks of Tree Ferns, &c. In general 
appearance it has much the look of the barren shoots of Marcgravia paradoxa.” $1.00 each... 


The leaves are strikingly variegated, heart-shaped and unequal sided, of a dark green,. ~ 
boldly and irregularly marked by bands or fantastic-shaped blotches of creamy yellow, here 
and there suffused with pale yellowish-green. Being of free growth and having a boldly 
marked variegation, it will be an ornamen‘al object in the tropical plant stove, where it will’ 
find itself at home in clothing walls and artificial rockwork. $1.00 each. 


A handsome free-blooming plant of erect growth. Its corymbs of flowers are peculiarly 
attractive from the bracteoles being large and of a bright rosy carmine color, forming a 
striking contrast with the dark purple corolla. The plant is extremely floriferous, and the: 
blossoms remain a long time in perfection. $1.00 each. 



‘‘A very striking flowering plant. The outer calyx consists of two whorls of narrow 
slender bright red bracteoles, the outer whor! shorter than the inner, which equals the closed 
corolla. Both the latter and the calyx are of a ‘red black.’ 

‘‘Tt flowers continuously throughout the year, but most freely in the winter months ; it 
also commences to bloom when only 2 to 4 inches high, and a small plant has from 20 to 40 
blooms open at one time, and thus with its neat habit and pleasing foliage it will be exceed- 
ingly valuable for decorative purposes.”’? 765 cents. 


An exceedingly beautiful bulbous plant, a hybrid between Montbretia Pottsii and Cro- 
cosma Aurea—flowers in long spikes like a Gladiolus ; color brilliant orange and crimson. 


A bulbous rooted plant from the Cape, requires similar treatment to Gladiolus; stem 14 to 
2 feet high, with a panicle nine inches long, bearing long, deep bright yellow flowers, tinted 
outside with red. 30 cents. 

A very beautiful new tropical plant. $1.00. 


Without doubt one of the handsomest foliage plants ever introduced, in growth equal to 
A. Vitatum, the variegation is entirely distinct, having a rich creamy white band # of an 
inch wide running through the centre of each leaf, margined on each side with rich deep 
green. 60 cents. 


‘« We take pleasure in introducing this new variety. It is exactly like the double white, 
same shape and just as floriferous. Its color is a bright pink, and will certainly please 
everybody.’’ 30 cts. 

*Tritoma Nobilis. Truly called ‘‘ Noble;’’ a plant of very vigorous growth, throw- 
ing up a flower stem six feet high, surmounted by a fpgig ong here flower- 
head, of bright scarlet and golden yellow,........... -. pl 50 
*Tritoma Saundersii, Also a vigorous plant ; ‘the flower. stem. is not quite ; 80 ‘tall, and 
the head is conical instead of cylindrical; the flowers are red throughout ; a fine 
addition to the group to which it belongs, and both should be included in the most 
Seleetie oleh Oma. wep esc meeeeee tts ee see ie sina dot]= che ae asa cele celoce cep «bil ntaeto nae eae 1 00 
*Tritoma Caulescens. This is a very distinct plant, rising on a stem, with a Yucca- 
like head of channelled, arching leaves; the flower stem is from two to three feet 
high, surmounted with an enormous head of brilliant blossoms ........ 1 50 
*Tritoma Quartiniana. This also rises on a short stem; the leaves are , channelled, 
arching, rigid, their points touching the ground, and of a glaucous blue color ; the 
flower stem is stout, surmounted by a large head of yellow flowers............ ... ..... 1 50 
*Tritoma McOwnii. A very beautiful species with orange scarlet flowers.....2.2+.0-.s.«.. 8 50 


A South American plant of resplendent beauty. The leaves are oblong-ovate, of a rich 
deep lustrous satiny green, traversed by a broad and stout ivory-white rib, which is bordered 
on each side through its entire length with a whitish band, and shows in strong contrast to 
the color of the leat surface, producing a marvellously fine pictorial effect. It is one of the 
most handsome of the Dieffenbachias yet introduced. $2.00 each. 



A. stout-habited stove plant of noble character, having erect stems, which bear bold and 
finely marked leaves. The blade is large, oblong-ovate, distinctly cordate at the base, mark- 
ed all over with irregular blotches of yellowish green, and with a tendency to become yellow 
along the course of the principal ribs. $1.50 each. 


One of the most magnificent ornamental foliaged plants ever introduced, and altogether 
unique in character and aspect. It is a native of Western Tropical Africa. The plant is of 
erect habit, and the stems are closely set with stalked spreading leaves, the petioles of which 
are of grayish color, terete with a narrow furrow along the upper side, the base being dilated 
and sheating the stem. The blade of the leaf is cordate-ovate acuminate, with a yellowish 
green costa, and banded with dark green and silver gray in alternate straight or furcate 
bands, the colors being about equally distributed. The back of the unrolled leaves is a pale 
reddish purple or wine color, and the stem where visible at the upper joints is of similar hue, 
the lower parts becoming green. It is. without doubt, one of the finest of all stove plants and 
indispensable in all first class collections. 

This magnificent plant was sent out in London at 5, 74 and 10 guineas per plant. Price 
on application. : 


fhe S LN WH 
SN \\ 



A stove plant, very ornamental in character. The leaves are spreadiug and marked with 
very irregular dark green maculations, some running out from the green costa, and others. 
situated near theedge. The intermediate spaces are furnished with broadish patches of very 
pale yellowish green, which in the more matured leaves becomes a greenish gray. The colors 
are about equally dispersed, though the marking is very irregular, both as to the size and. 
form of the blotches. $1.50. 



“Under the name of Hoya globulosa, Cranston’s Nursery and Seed Company, Hereford, 
exhibited at the meeting of the Royal Horticultural Society, a charming Hoya, so pretty and 
distinct as to merit and receive a First class Certificate of Merit. 

‘¢ We can confidently recommend it as a most useful and valuable plant, blooming profuse- 
ly and thriving well under the same treatment as other Hoyas. The flowers are of a bright 
straw color, the coronal protuberances white, the interstices of a shining brownish pink, 
forming a very pleasant contrast ; the trusses large and freely produced; and the leaves of a 
shining green color, with dark green veins.”—F loral Magazine. $1.00 each. 


*‘This beautiful plant is the type of an entirely new genus, with the habit of Hedychium. 
It is a native of Borneo. It produces ten to thirty slender flowering stems, each bearing a 
panicle of 12 to 20 flowers each. The leaves are of a lively glossy green on both surfaces, 
and serve to set off the rich orange scarlet colors of the flowers. Its flowers, of a rich orange 
hue, render it a very striking stove plant.” 

‘‘ The first place among new plants must be claimed for Burbidgea Nitida.”” $1.00 each. 


A very distinct and handsome variety with double flowers, which are beautifully flaked 
and striped. The individual blossoms are about 384 inches in breadth, and 23 inches in 
depth ; the five outer petals scarlet edged with creamy-yellow in the lower part. The sta- 
minal column is entirely petaloid, with a few large petul-like bodies, forming numerous irreg- 
ular tufts at the apex, of a creamy-yellow color, variously and irregularly striped and flaked 
with scarlet. Both the form and marking of the flowers are very irregular and grotesque. 
$1.00 each. 


‘¢Qne of the most remarkable varieties of H. Rosa Sinensis; the petals are deeply lacini- 
ated and fringed, as are the petals of Mignonette, Clarkia, &c. Its drooping flowers with 
reflected orange red, and laciniated petals render this plant not only a curiosity, but highly 
valuable as a decorative plant. A most singular and elegant plant.”—Garden. U cts. each. 


A very valuable and handsome plant, flowers white resembling a Bouvardia, very fragrant. 
Ready in April. 75cts. 


“Ardisia Oliveri is a stove shrub of remarkably striking appearance, with recurved foliage 
and large globular heads of flowers like those of an Ixora, but of pink color. The plant was 
introduced from Costa Rica by the late M. Endres.’’—G. Chronicle, 75 cts. 


A native of Natal, where it extends from the sea-coast to an elevation of 1200 feet, is a 
free- flowering shrub, having lanceolate glabrous leaves. The large white funnel-shaped fra- 
grant flowers are terminal, the tube broad, an inch long, hairy at the mouth, and with the 

spreading limb an inch and a half across; they are succeeded by globose fruits, as large as a 
walnut. $1.00 each. 


A free growing and extremely floriferous stove plant, of scandent habit. The flowers 
which are produced in large branching panicles, are of great size (about 83 inches across), 
and of exceedingly attractive color, ranging from delicate mauve to rich deep purplish 
crimson, relieved by a conspicuous throat of light primrose color. $1.00. 


This new variety is well adapted for basket culture. The leaves are pale green, beautifully 
variegated with white and rosy purple; sometimes the leaf is entirely suffused with either 
color; a very distinct and decidedly pretty plant. 20 cents each, 



The leaves are cordate, broadish, of a dark shaded bottle green, with a satiny lustre, the 
principal ribs being marked out by bright green lines of glaucous or metallic hue; at the 
back the leaves are ot a shaded wine purple, the course of the veins being marked by broad 
green lines. The glossy shaded satiny surface of the leaves imparts to them a wondrous degree 
of beauty. $1.00. 


The plant, which is a true rush, throws up erect terete leaves, but these instead of being 
green, are transversely banded with white and green, the colors being in most cases pretty 
evenly distributed; in the best marked leaves, the green and white portions occupy alter- 
nately nearly equal bands of about halfaninch deep. Itisamostinteresting plant. 75cents. 

ASPARAGUS.—New Species. 

Florists will find in these new Asparagus with their delicately beautiful feathery growths, 
plants admirably adapted for floral work. 

*Falcatus. A copiously branched twining evergreen. It grows several feet in height, and 
has slender angular branches. The leaf-like cladodia are in threes, bright, green and 
glabrous. $1.50 

*Plumosus. An elegant evergreen climber with slender stems, smooth and numerous spread- 
ing branches; the white flowers are produced from the tips of the branchlets. It is an 
exceedingly handsome ornamental plant for the greenhouse or conservatory, and its 
pretty feathery growths are extremely useful for cutting for decoration. 

*Racemosus. An elegant climbing foliage plant. The stems are very slender, and furnished 
with still more slender branchlets and spray, clothed with linear cladodes or false leaves 
of bright glossy green. Itisa most desirable plant for the conservatory and warm green- 
house. $1.50. 

*Virgatus, Ofshrubbery habit elegant and feathery. Rootstock emitting several stems, the 
upper part of which branch in a corymbose manner: branches sub-erect, again twice 
branched: a feathery graceful plant. $1.50. 


A fine evergreen stove shrub, of erect branched habit and terminal roundish corymbose 
panicles of long tubed white flowers with a four-parted limb, and freely produced; a beautiful 
plant. $1.00. 


‘‘A free growing, very showy variegated plant, of erect habit, with beautifully colored 
foliage. The leaves are broader than those of the flowering kinds usually cultivated; they 
are blotched and spotted with white in a very effective manner. 

‘The elegant and beautiful appearance of this plant renders it most useful for decorative 
purposes.’’ 75 cents. 


A very striking and beautifully variegated Plant, 3 to 4 feet high when fully developed. 
The leaves are 9 to 12 inches long, elliptic-lanceolate, pale green, marked divergently with 
broad bands of white and pale green. This is a grand addition to our ornamental Plants, 
and makes a fine contrast intermixed with other Foliage Plants. 50 cents. 


“The leaves are of ovate-oblong form, about 6 inches long and 24 inches broad, and deep 
glossy green. The mid-ribs are at first light rose, and have on one or both sides a central 
blotch of light yellow. As the leaves approach maturity the mid-ribs deepen to crimson 
and the blotches become suffused with rose.’’ 40 cents. 


A tropical plant of exceedingly ornamental foliage of a rich bronzy-crimson tinted with 
purple above, beneath of a vinous red, about 1 ft. long and 7 in. broad, very variable. 50 



‘‘An elegant and very distinct plant. The leaves are tinted and indistinctly marked with 
pale olive brown, and form a rather complicated mass of narrow segmerts; they are bipin- 
nate, nearly as broad as long, and havea drooping contour; and the pinnules or segments 
are very variable in size and form, presenting the appearance of a complex head of foliage.” 
50 cents, 


“A splendid foliage plant, having large green leaves with a light band down centre of the 
leaf, of easy culture and rapid growth. 40 cents.” 


A very beautiful variety of Hydrangea. Variegated with white and yellow. 40 cts. each. 



*Gracilis Major. This is a plant of free growth and somewhat compact habit; its 
pitchers are produced very abundantly ; the ground color is dark green, over which 
is a profusion of dark reddish brown Spots.....s.ce secccee + cosscceecsersereecesseesees PO 70 to 2 50 



*Phyllamphora. This plant is of very free growth, producing in great profusion 
moderate sized pitchers of a bright greem........2.-se20e-ce0 eiseeeeseeeee ceeeee tetees $v 75 to 
*Levis. Of very free growth, producing its pitchers freely, of moderate size, of a bright 
green, shaded WltWpeddshinbre wate bershcel Mokile tach leiacses dons wanes 50 75 to 

*Courtii. A hybrid pitcher plant of exceptional merit The plant, although free grow- 
ing, is dwarf in habit. The leaves are coriaceous. and margined with hairs. The 
pitchers, which are freely produced, are flask-like, deep green in color, densely 
spotted or clouded with deep crimson, and attain a length of from six to eight inches. 
The membranous texture of the pitcher is remarkably firm and durable.....$3 00 to 

*Hookerii. A magnificent species. of robust habit; the leaves are long and broad, sup- 
porting fine large pitchers upwards of four inches in length and two inches in di- 
ameter. The ground color is dark green, which is profusely streaked and blotched 
CUA HAND LAT WaT OL Acistaee am sarc herds cS aR AIRE esta COIR AIR nie Ee ith he eu tIRe clo: ad wb eolaib uelewitie destino oh $2 00 to 

*Rafflesiana. Of robust growth, producing very large pitchers of great beauty, which 
measure from six to twelve inches in length; ground color dark green, mottled and 
blotched with red. Its handsome pitchers render it a general favorite..............06 

*Sedeni. The pitchers are produced freely even on very small plants; they are of me- 
dium size, oblong, dilated at the base, narrowed above the centre, and slightly ex- 
panded towards the top, and provided with two ciliolate wings; in color a dark 

5 00 

4 00 

green, densely covered with dark red spots. Itis of dwarf and very neat habit. $2 to 5 00 

*Hybrida Maculata. It is of free growth, and produces its pitchers in great profusion; 
they are cylindric, slightly contracted above the middle and winged, the wings 
being ciliated; they are stained with purplish red spots of a Be tint, by which 

this variety may JOY XCM BAINARE a iecbeo aneonosoo centibs Ggos0608 SudNeade HEOO6H Anh oodlboea eons Hoere cod 
*Dominii. A very beautiful pitcher plant, producing its large. pitchers freely; color 
green, marbled and spotted reddish brown............ Web e olak dotie si eeioau Ante Veaidted tea Bale Rnlstle 

*Morganie. It is of dwarf neat habit, furnished with smooth, pale green leaves with 
red midribs. The pitchers are flask-shaped, with two rather narrow ciliolate wings, 
when fully grown are from six to eight inches in length. On the younger plants 
the pitchers are beautifully mottled with bright red and pale green; in the older 
plants they are almost self-colored and blood red The lid is eek eee green, 
offering a remarkable contrast to the richly colored asciduim or urn........ 

*Nepenthes Stewartii. A hybrid between N. phyllamphora and N. Hooker‘ ana ; - pitch- 
ers intermediate in size between the parents, with rather broad ciliate wings in 
front and a prominent rib behind, deep green densely spotted and clouded with 
CTIMSON ...006 CER DOLCE Lanes codices dadoce 2. ah60505 AeSuEpOCE  Gabod <ododSadcd0 SanssdosonRo ocqondesnstBancens6s0 


This is the well known Vanilla of commerce ........ Mt Rite Go eae aes berg coals ate Rai Sapa al a 


*Cronstadtii. ‘A remarkable variety, in which the curious twistings and interruptions 
frequently manifested in the leaves of this race of planis are developed in a very 
striking manner. The leaves are of medium size, lanceolate and tapering to a sharp 
point; in color. a deep glossy green variegated with bright golden yellow. They 
are twisted, curled, and crisped into a great variety of forms. The depth and rich- 
ness of its coloration together with its curiously distorted leaves render this Croton 
a most distinct and interesting decorative plant.’? ‘A handsome plant with long 
narrow twisted leaves, richly colored ’—Giardeners’ Chronicle... ...scocceececeeeee serscenes 

*Massangeanum. A very richly-colored form, with long linear-lanceolate acuminate 
leaves. The young ones creamy-white blotched with green, changing with age to 
carmine-rose with yellow and dark blotches between the VeiNS. .......0...cssseeesseeceeee 

*Carrieril. A superb Croton, with large finely variegated foliage.. 

*Stewartii. One of the most distinct Crotons ever offered of the broad-leaved ‘kinds ; 
the habit is dwarf and bushy, and this variety colors when in a very small state. 
The leaves dark green, irregularly banded and margined with rich orange The 
mid-rib and petioles are bright magenta, which produces a striking contrast to the 
carmine markings on the remaining portion OH TING IER cnecagoscin adadeenon pono socnoood . 

Hawkeri. ‘It is of dwarf and compact habit. The coloring of the plant is very effec- 
tive The middle and lower portions of the leaves, together with the footstalks, 
are light creamy yellow which spread over the greater part of the leaves, the 
extremities with the edges of the leaves only are bright green.......... sisle/Aasiew'cvastecesere 

1 00 


Lancifolius. The leaf is dark green, the mid-rib, margin and primary veins pale yellow, 
which, as the plant attains its character, becomes reticulated with bright rosy pink ; 
the whole of the leaf presenting a very charming mosaic appearance........ $0 50 to 

Nevillie, When first expanded their mid-ribs are bright golden yellow, and the blades 
light olive green barred and marked with yellow. In the mature leaves, the yellow 
is changed to crimson shaded with orange, and the green much deepened, the whole 
being suffused with a metallic hue peculiar to this plant.........eceesee- eeeereres $0 50 to 

Evansiunus. The newest formed ieaves are light olive green with mid-ribs and veins of 
golden yellow, and the inter-spaces spotted with the same color. As the leaves 
become older, the green deepens and changes to a bright bronzy crimson, and 
the golden yellow of the mid-ribs, veins and spots becomes a rich orange scar- 
Net tereeene Soe Sooo aoe Gay eas oo en bs ee Hea Oe €0 50 to 

Hanburyanus. ‘The leaves are about 15 inches in length and 23 inches in breadth. 
The ground color, a bright olive green in several shades is, in many leaves, quite 
subordinate to the rich golden yellow and rosy crimson that suffuse the whole plant. 
All the leaves are beautifully marbled and blotched with these tints.’’...... $0 50 to 

Mortii. ‘‘ The leaves are of a very dark green color, being marked out by a band of 
golden yellow a quarter of an inch wide, and all the principal veins also being broadly 
marked with yellow; these latter markings meet near the edge, where there is a 
variegation of broken reticulated golden lines,”’...............2. -..2+- bes ae a $O &0 to 

Williamsii. This is one of the red-tinted series, very strongly flushed with violet crim- 
son. The leaf has a central band and costa of vellow, from which the pinnate veins 
of the same color branch out on either side. These veins all change to deep crim- 
son, and the whole plant becomes flushed with a glowing tint of crimson, shaded 
with violet, which renders it extremely conspicuouS.....-... ......c2. 00s cco eooes -wogees veces 

Princess of Wales—(Glorvious). This is cne of the long-leaved drooping forms of Cro- 
ton. The leaves are from 13 to 2 feet in length, sometimes plane and sometimes 
strongly undulated. The ground color is green, and the variegation creamy-yel- 
low, very variable in character. In some there is a creamy-yellow mid-rib, with a 
band on each side; in others, the mid-rib is bright green...............-. PER ares-nat = 

Macarthuri. The color is constant, but the markings on the different leaves are as 
varied as the forms assumed by the leaves themselves. The habit is excellent, and 

shape, are very variable; some are straight, others recurved, falcate or often dis- 
torted, their surface being either smooth or undulated.........-... .se cece coon $0 50 to 
Fasciatus, (Hendersonii.) The ground color is a very deep green, the principal veins 
being marked by bright yellow lines, interlacing near the edge, where, and espe- 
cially near the point, the surface is chiefly yellow, with irregular small green spots. 
Th: mid-rib formsia brownishgyellows band ssc c-.0- .-c sce ces >.-manasccansl eee $0 50 to 
Queen Victoria. The ground color of the leaf is rich golden yellow, beautifully mot- 
tled with green; the mid-rib and the primary veins are of a rich magenta color, 
changing with age to a vivid crimson; the margin of the leaf is unevenly banded 
with carmine, often extending as far as the mid-rib......... 02... .seceeeee veces $0 50 to 
Challenger, (Imperator.) The variegation is very striking. The mid ribs are at first 
creamy white, which gradually becomes suffused with red, finally deepening to 
bright crimson carmine. The ground color is light green, but much blotched 
and streaked with light yellow that takes a rosy tint as the mid-rib deepens in 
COLON. Ce ehs Sade cee aclonac rene sees iccaas od aks emeneeme ame own akiaive a Mace ee opines Seat $0 50 to 
Extra size plants of the above Crotons can be supplied at extra prices. 


*Van Houteii, Has the leaves of a rich olive velvet ground color, traversed broadwise 
by large bars of beautiful magenta red, and dotted all over with thousands of spots 
of the same color. This description will, however, give only a slight idea of the 
real bexnfy, of this plamtix. csstevesopes tem teasers meals aoc tucd as cayi keh ec ten /eat ee aaeneey aes one 

*Rodeckii. Ground color bronze, speckled with white spots, nerves fine green, edged 
with creamy white; asperfect wenaiet s.t.citace asec cee <dotewesh deny ceeded Ses oe ieceees ease 

Guttata. Leaves dark green, profusely dotted with rose colored spots, a charming 


1 00 

1 00 

0 50 

. 100 



A very scarce and beautiful plant from the Nueces River, Texas, which is best described 
as a Yucca with red flowers The discoverer’s description is ‘‘a large group of 
these plants with flower stems from 4 to d feet in height, covered entirely with beau- 



tiful red bell-shaped flowers, which we took at the first glance for Yuccas.’’......... $1 00 


Dawsoniana. A very beautiful plant. The leaves are blackish-green on the upper 
side, and very glossy, with lines of beautiful golden purple transversing from the 

base to the apex; flowers white......... .....006 Mr rancn ess eccastenaseost 6 SSA Neer 
Discolor. A beautiful plant, grows about six inches high; foliage a beautiful dark 
velvety color, with white markings through its entire length, flowers white........... 


A variety of Laurestinus with magnificent large flowers. It is also a good grower and 
MECC UNO OMT cennct: neneaeatecinalcaneanenciseniusspeilacerslocsa= acc niqnececianequisacecet acsace sialeise seueialacetsaieinee 


This extremely beautiful Hibiscus, I have the pleasure of offering for the first time. I 
received it from southwestern Texas. In habit it resembles an Abutilon. My 
plants were bedded out the past summer and succeeded admirably, flowering pro- 
fusely during the season. The flowers are bright scarlet, over two inches across, 
which makes it a very striking plant. A sterling novelty............ Soscomcnosb sacdanoes 


The variegation is exceedingly rich and varied, both in color and form, no two colored 
leaves showing precisely the same markings with like tints. Many of the leaves are 
bright crimson, which is also the color of the stem during the early stage of growth ; 
some are a light cream color, tinged with a delicate blush, others again have a dark 
bronzy hue, shaded with crimson ; some are dark green, with blotches and spots 

2 00 

of rose while others are tri-colored, white with different shades of rose and green.. 0 50 


*Mosaica. An extremely handsome plant, of dwarf habit ; leaves large, ground color 
of the upper side rich deep shining green, traversed with an innumerable quantity 
of parallel transverse fine white lines; the upper side is of a uniform deep purple. 
Haaisa mroduces:lovel y.-nichiazMre TOW ers ts ches sdeik cltockekssduceccevesee! esa bos kudscccdec tae 

Thyrsiflora. A very fine species ; flowersina thyrse ofa rich azure ; magnificent species 

Undata. Very different from D. mosaica, producing large ovate leaves, very dark 
green in color; the mid-rib and veins are of a lighter green, which gives the leaves 
SURPD EU RURSET ABEL ROM CATANICO: c.caconaesaccccses'sceedatee ees 5 eescescecece ee ceeeneinn Ua ccce 


A hybrid variety between A. Trapeziforme and A. Decorum: in size intermediate be- 
tween the two. Its peculiarity is the drooping position of the pinnules, which are 
deflexed sideways from the plane of the rachis; in the form of its pinnules it also 
differs from any other known Fern...... fanasens Serslcnndaisracetactunuoiswerdontateseuee erect en ceanioe, 

ADIANTUM WILLIAMSII.—The New Golden Maiden Hair. 

This spendid novelty is destined to become a general favorite, and for cutting purposes 
its value cannot be over-estimated. 1t succeeds wel! in a green-house temperature. 
It is in every respect quite as free and hardv as A. Cumeatwm, and will make a fine 
exhibition plant. ‘‘Itis a native of Peru, where it is found on the mountains 

2 00 

growing at an elevation of 12,000 feet,’’............. aceite adameneieelsoaee wa diestowwetats bau secs O00 



“The Davallia elegans is well known as one of our best evergreen Stove Ferns—one 
which is strikingly handsome, not only in its grand contour, but also in the dark 
glossy green of its substantial long enduring fronds.’’ ‘In its general aspect, the 
new variety resembles its typical form, but instead of the apex of the frond itself, 
and the apices of the pinne and pinnules coming out to and terminating in a nar- 
row point, this point becomes dilated and split down into several divisions, euch of 
which is again multifidly divided, so that the apices all become crested. The whole 

contour of the plant is extremely ornamental.”’........ ...06 “Sbcc QOsE-k Gansceorn onseaserodeass $ 


A very elegant evergreen Japanese Fern, of dwarf habit and free growth. As a basket 
Fern tor the conservatory and greenhouse D. Mariesii is one of the best. Its 
flexuose rhizome spreads freely in all directions, and its numerous fronds thence 
present an enduring globose mass of verdure. Grown in a pan, this pretty Fern is 
also very effective and distinct..........0. sess En bocbcedss nonacdodo, “Ae SoCAE CecQd ened OBEEAOONS 53805 


A remarkable variety, quite unlike any other Maiden-hair Fern in cultivation. The 
peculiarity which distinguishes this Adiantum from all others consists in the pin- 
nules being crested or agglomerated at the extremities of the stripes and their 
rachides ; they are also much crisped andcurled. Fronds erect, from 8 to 12 inches 
high; pinnules on short petioles, generally fan shaped, and deep green color......... 


*Dichotoma. A very handsome species, makes a nice specimen plant.......scceesccoeer ve eee 
Flabellata. A distinct and fine species, makes a strikingly beautiful plant. .............. 
*Mendelii This is one of the most distinct and free-growing kinds. lt makes a hand- 
some exhibition plant, and will also be found very useful for decorative purposes. 

It is a very compact-growing species, requiring cool treatment. The pinne are of 

a thick texture, and very glaucous on the under side. Native of New Zealand...... 
*Rupestris Glaucescens. A very distinct form of G. rupestris; the fronds are of a 
much thicker texture and very glaucous on the surface, changing with age toa 
bright glaucous green, A very effective variety...........-.....seceseees Recceeleeiiceeeraeiaeects 
*Semivestita. A very pretty compact free growing species, makes a handsome speci- 
TEM NAM bo ao oe) a eninsteant wsccnisinesssls om siclasdeinilelseiela| ple eisat sts niaslof<.2<eUeiw/se aleislaz\em s\nielaierinisas clume -(unini=s=elebieiein 
*Spelunce. A distinct and beautiful species, makes a charming specimen plant.........+. 


An elegant Fern. It has slender stripes and gracefully arching fronds; the pinnules 
are finely and beautifully cut, and of a bright green color. Its graceful habit and 
cheerful color render it a valuable addition to our lists of Ferns requiring the tem- 
perature of the intermediate stove or warm greenhouse...........0...cseccecece on ceose 


One of the most pleasing and attractive of Lomarias; from its elegant habit and its 
beautifully divided fronds, which have characteristics quite distinct from those of 
any other species. The fronds are numerous, and spring from the crown of a short 
robust stem, arching, and from 18 to 24 inches in length ; the pinnz are very close 
set, so as to overlap each other, and are cut to the rib, the outer sub-divisions being 
slightly crisped...... aptaeates SSascedscastsae cAt cee nck bacon codaeg, aque 

©e Beeeseeos O26 298008 oe ven teeeee 


A beautiful and distinct Fern. The fronds are densely crowded, from 15 to 18 inches 
long, pinnate, and much crested. The pinne, which are small, are produced in 
pairs, one overlaying the other, those above being largest. The compact elegant 

. habit of this Fern and its bright attractive color, render it a most desirable acqui- 



0 50 



One of the most charming of greenhouse variegated Ferns, It has the same kind of 

leathery fronds of the ‘type, and like it is of a rich dark full green color, which sets 
off the distinet variegation to much advantage; the variegation consists of a band 
of pale yellowish-green, which runs down the centre of the pinnz, and includes 
the mid-rib'... :.3.......0 baaee Ulivi Daa. Sd: eee SS SS STS. abies Bee ee aerbingeeade .p0 50 


A very elegant Fern, of semi-scandent habit, with large tripinnate fronds, which fre- 

quently attain a length of 36 inches with a width of 21 inches, the pinnules of which 
are 3 to 1 inch across the lobes cuneated and soriferous at the apex, The whole of 
the pinnules are covered with dense short hairs, giving the foliage a woolly feeling 
when touched,......... Pe densesetede det deeee Soin eee tee ones aeaemtecrencn aauscess Seasseeals cdonccwsieleoste' 1 00 


This is a graceful Fern with light, lace like pinnz and arched fronds, which somewhat 

resemble those of A. vwiparum or A. Linm€atUmd....ceere seaceee Sy EAT ere ta stent O 50 


“In its native country it is said to produce fronds 17 feet in length; and as seen in 

this country, under pot culture, it has caudices as thick as one’s finger, and fronds 
7 or 8 feet in length. To this stout and vigorous constitution, it adds the elegance 
and gracefulness of minute subdivision, so that its fronds, though large, are utterly 
devoid of coarseness; while growing to a large size, it is one of the most finely cut 
of all the large growing sort.’’....... scnapseoceo cha beee +) AsocuostlSescdd Aseuentod t--=- BO 50 to 1 00 


Filicifolia (new), An ornamental leaved plant of the first rank, graceful in habit, and 

well furnished with foliage, altogether one of the most valuable decorative plants 
of its family. The stem and leaf stocks are purplish, thickly marked with oblong 
white spots; the leaf stocks are sheathing at the base, expanding into a broad leafy 
limb, which is AMAA ATG PO NEA END Le) WC VgL  OCle e ah a eceatnree ne aslala< tomeninh eter ewe teascoaiel\- aceaani= 0 75 

*Elegantissima. A beautiful plant with straight erect stem, furnished at short inter- 

vals with digitate leaves on long foot stalks. mottled with white on a dark green 
ground ; the. leaflets, from seven to ten in number, are filiform, deeply and unequally 
serrate and gracefully pendulous. The color of the foliage isa deep green shaded 
BRU Han RON I teecces foc) oeee cain We onccinwa sit sivaigs cain cncej-aseacisocs sa c'ss1, -rsciep. “vivesseorsicaeora wioceesiss - 1 50 

*Veitchii. A very elegant plant from the South Sea Islands, producing very narrow 

digitate leaves, considerably undulat-d; upper surface deep green; under, -dark 
crimson, One of the most beautiful decorative plants) im cnifivatlonicc:-c-.-0-<<t.+<ce-< 1 09 

Guilfoylei. The bold pinnate leaves are made up of from three to seven stalked oblong- 

elliptic bluntish leaflets ; these leaflets vary in size from two to three inches long, and 
are neatly and evenly margined with creamy white, the surface being, in addition, 
occasionally splashed with gray. A fine and distinct ornamental stove plant.25 cts. to 0 50 

Reticulata. A very distinct species of free growth; a fine decorative plant ..... ......0 0 50 
*A mboinense—(Scradophyllum pulchrum). A very ornamental plant with large bright 
green shining foliage. A grand decorative plant ..... SEE HE das en oeon Spt oud sade de one bane eel OO 
STOINOICV Acs. Aa Se seneseonon cee aco pic opera Pind a daelae slope nehis dacs <nislssepiebie aeclsaeh seo8d= tuiy es 25 cts to 0 50 

*Crystallinum. Theemerald green refulgent leaves are spotted all over with a brighter 

shade, and bordered by a broad silvery or rather crystal band, which surrounds the 
intramarzinal and four secondary nerves. These dazzling white zones are so dis- 
tinct and regular that they resemble a border of incrusted silver around the sec- 
tions of the blade of the leaf........ Bae Rocitscamcndnvou suse ose's Sy anabeebonare soconecnee $1 00 to 2 00 

*Regale. This is a superb ornamental foliage plant. There are several varieties of this 

plant. Theone nowoffered is the finest : the leaves are heart-shaped, much length- 
ened out towards the apex, and rich dark velvety green in centre.............51 00 to 2 00 


Magnificum. The foliage of this plant is truly magnificent, a noble species, with large 
velvety-rreen leaves and Jbroadisilver, welline... 2... -esaree) bei cees ceases ccnsawee .$0 50 to 
*Scherzerianum. One of the most striking and beautiful dwarf-flowering stove plants 
of recent introduction, producing beautiful brilliant scarlet flowers, each of which 
remains from two to three months in bloom. This charming and novel plant is 
easy of culture, and a most abundant bloomer.......... ccssscescerecseee ee eeeene $1 50 to 
*Scherzerianum Williamsii. In habit and growth it is in all respects like the normal 
state, but its spathe and spadix differ entirely ; in the variety now offered the spathe 

is pure ivory white, and the spadix a pale lemon COlOr.......2.. sesceeoes covencas: ceeeeseoes 
sean A very pretty species, of easy culture. Flowers pure white, freely pro- 
MIGEd cegeecae's pide ceebacesceciresabdsak sos th thecesteneueviseeee Rees sce eeclen tsa Nse stele naanive «beaver «Paeinsteenioay 


Macrorhiza Variegata. Leaves nearly as large as Colocasia Esculentum, broadly splashed 
with white. Some leaves nearly all white. Its easy growth, combined with the 
rich variegation, makes it a very telling subject for exhibition..............- 50 cts. to 

*Sedeni. ‘‘ A very beautiful hybrid, between A. Metallica and A, Lowi. The form of 
the leaf is perfectly intermediate between the two parents, whilst the coloring is a 
very striking and pleasing combination of the metallic hue of one parent, with the 
dark green, and prominent white veins of the other. A fine foliage plant.........-. 

*Lowii. A very beautiful plant with large shining foliage. Forms a fine specimen... 

Veitchii. The foliageof this plant is exceedingly distinct. A grand show plant..50 cts. to 

*Zebrina. Fine yellow leaf-stalk, with distinct black marks, rendering it a very con- 
spicuous plant. It makes a grand specimen.............. ECECEER AGHIOS See cei ee oer oer 

*Metallica. A plant possessed of great beauty. Large thick shell-like leaves of a 
bronzy-copper color. It is distinct and admirable in every respect......++- 75 cts to 

Ilustris. (G@ibsonz.) The leaf-stalks are erect, and have a brownish-purple tint, color 
a rich green, marked between the principal veins by broad patches of blackish olive, 
forming a striking contrast with the brighter green portions of the leaf surface. ... 

Jenningsil. A delicate green, over which, between the principal veins are laid heavy 
blotches of black, which are remarkably precise in outline and arrangement......... 


This very beautiful species I have introduced from southwestern Texas. The past dry, 
warm season it bloomed in the open border all through the summer and autumn 
unaffected by the weather, giving its large bright yellow flowers, in great profusion.. 

A fine species from southwestern Texas; flowers rich crimson, blooms profusely during 
our dry summer, consequently of great value for the open border....cccovesseseseessevees 


This pretty Penstemon-like plant I have found quite hardy, it having passed several 
winters out doors without protection. It grows from 3 to 4 feet high and has 
numerous semi-herbaceous stems, each terminated by a long branching raceme of 
flowers which are brilliant scarlet. It is a most persistent flowerer, beginning in 
Mayor June and Continuing Wp GO MOSt. «cert enpiacosbs sapee come nte+ss nerancesslacansecesitassunane 

‘‘ This is one of the most ornamental hardy plants in cultivation.’’—Garden. 


A climbing plant of moderate growth, which flowers freely during winter, flowers in 


2 00 

1 66 











clusters of deep mazarine blue, pea-Shaped HOWers, ...0.. . 5.0.00. secascava ccs enepscece soecee 0 60 


A pretty new species which I have just introduced from Texas. This has long spikes of 
purple flowers; a continuous bloomer, very compact habit, and nearly or quite 
hardy in this latitude aeoeoen ° SOTO HOTHS HHOSSSEHHH FEES HOH Os CAHSSHSST e SCHHORSr BERS BEES DT eeovce eR eeecesses eee 



Another new plant which I have received from the same latitude in Texas as the Salvia. 
A shrub attains a height of four to five feet, bushy, flowers orange, a continuous 
bloomer, nearly or quite hardy........0:..ccesceccesecece cetee conscevee teceee ce ceeees sosesceee canes $9 50 


A charmingly variegated plant, of dwarf habit. Its leaves are most elegantly studded 
over with silvery white pearl, or tiger like spots upon a rich dark olive green 
ground. Flowers rosy lilac. This beautiful plant proves far easier in its manage- 
ment than any of the former species of Sonerila. We have found this plant a 
profuse bloomer during the winter. Florists should grow it largely.........s0esseseeees 0 50 


A fine Aroid discovered by Mr. G. Wallis, in New Grenada, and sent by him to M. 
Linden, of Ghent. The plant has robust foliage, which is very persistent; the 
leaves are of a light glossy green, marked by bands of white, which cross the blade 
in almost parallel lines from a prominent mid-rib of the same Color... ......... ssseeeeee 1 00 


An evergreen species from New Zealand, of rapid growth, not quite hardy, suitable for 
acold greenhouse. It gives in great profusion during winter its small white flowers, 9 

col | 


SENECIO PULCHER.—( Beautiful Grouwndsel ) 

A half hardy perennial, a pretty plant, with rosy-crimson flowers, very showy, flowers 
late in summer. Figured in American Agriculturist ...c.ceccsccrecceersccctcaccns senses secnce 0 30 


Hendersonii. A newspecies introduced from Japan, growth about two feet high, robust 
habit, foliage broad, of a deep rich green, dense and abundantly produced. The 
flowers are very large, rich deep‘violet blue, produced in large cluster heads com- 
posed of many spikes, the finest of the herbaceous section of Veronicas.........+ “600-0 0 

Elegans Variegata. A very beautiful hardy herbaceous plant, with elegantly varie- 
gated faliage, long spikes of blue fMoWers......cces-cee0e seoeceee: cooces ees enecececace eccsscesee 0 50 




Ruyschiana— Var. Japonicum. ‘It is a hardy herbaceous perennial, 18 to 24 inches 
in height, branching from the base. The violet blue flowers, 1} inch in length, 
are in terminal verticillasters, intermixed with numerous obovate acuminate leafy 
PACTS ees. \vcsaces Baste soy fi SA te see ease scala es ou Birla Mc ince le 0S cian ine doh3eocaiei'ce ee cass 0 50 


The most distinct of all Cannas on account of the large oval Musa-Ensete-like soft green 
leaves which place it foremost among decorative foliage plants. Its most striking 
feature is the splendid carmine red flowers produced on flower stems of great length 
that unfold about 12 flowers to each of the smaller branches. These flowers are 
very large, and are used to advantage in bouquet-making, or producing splendid 
SHC ROMeEMer UWI OCC UMIALeN IM (CnC e.00.c sedate sosioc-Accoaosccessaces oosceneeines canes 0 



A very fine plant from southwestern Texas, has succeeded finely bedded out with us 
during summer; the flowers are a rich yellow, and very floriferOus........seceeeseees . 1 00 

A pretty variegated variety of this beautiful plant...... eecenee eecisceenes Mribekthatwcicuccesteeccace- 40 



DORYANTHES PALMERI.—Queen’s Land Lily. ae 

The flower-scape rises from thecentre eight feet in length, forming densely clothed pyramidal 
compound racemes, much like those seen in various Yucca species. Flowers numer- 
ous, approaching in size and form to those of the well known Vallota purpurea, from 
three to four inches in diameter, of a rich peony crimson hue, with a white centre. 
Each blossom is accompanied with leaf bracts of an equally rich color as the flower. $1 00 

(Growers of Flowers for Market should Cultivate a House of this Plant alone.) 

A very desirable shrub, with racemes of double white flowers of Gardenia-like outline 
and fragrance. which are produced on the point of every shoot. The usual tempera- 
ture of a hot-house with less humidity, will produce blooms more freely and longer 
in succession. The petals of the flowers are lighter and more elegantly arranged than 
the Gardenia, and not quite so large; small plants in three inch pots will produce 
HOWEES TECChY tase tectesee sen cedeer acnaaenda tac —eariee he see Enea deet dws wnt sd tate) caasaddetedseoe 0 50 


A very fine species, with very ornamental foliage as well as magnificent flowers; the 
leaves are rich dark green, beautifully banded with silvery white, and underneath 
of an uniform purplish velvet; the spikes of bloom are very large and of dazzling 
WEFIMUTGN COOK... tecaccns ccc sesates scaeae eae <a eer cteme den aettetonatsenee Et ree aavevsseauar ee (0 AO 


Leaves of a delicate satiny green, shaded with metallic olive color on the upper surface, 
the under part pale green, ornamented with bands of maroon. The young leaves 
are of a bright chamois color, and the maroon bands of the under parts penetrate 
through to the upper, so that the coloring of the plants has a glistening and in- 
deseribabl cietheet. t2s.00 eececs 4. saeeeesae acta tanta rea -ae SoC aceCN  CChaRe on ccnerectscccctecrece oct 0 50 


A very pretty Bulbous Plant — begins to grow in the Autumn, and bears in the Spring 
spikes of cream-colored flowers, with a yellow blotch on each—having the perfume 
Of BEUDIFOSES 2 ccen<anqaqameane cqeanciceqaneissenasaacsnsasen ened dann=obt- Bae ated cee Cas aees eieeeeeeee 0 50 


An unique plant; its strong robust growth and richly colored lemon-yellow flowers marks 
it 2t once with distinctness as a plant for general purposes; the habit is deciduous, 
FEQUIFINE ArperlOGlOL Test Ii MIG WI UChe ac teace cence scars ccc ns cesen nano sce qaunene ne aceon 0 75 


This plant forms an elegant bush, and is very free flowering. Leaves large, somewhat 
ovate, coriaceous and shining green; flowers tubular, pure white, produced in large 
corymbs of a dozen and more, waxy like, from 3 to 4 inches long, and deiiciously 
BEART AU sass cccncls aneces coc enelvoerancea cremnaccan so aneededinetenecn en ac<snm onanoncty acseansse Ae areas seer ene 0 40 


A very beautiful plant. It is of a slender growth, producing very freely its beautifully 
cut leaves, which resemble the fronds of a highly divided Maiden Hair Fern. The 
matured leaves are of a striking bright green, the young shoots and foliage being 
Ol 21 DEAE LOS WE Mibiresennennan ween este reataswa ee tecete aenunnicset sdccbinsceamisenaess 25 cts. to 0 50 


This most beautiful plant is a native of Natal. The flowers have a pale lilac corolla, 
nearly two inches long, the throat ornamented witb most delicately pencilled reticu- 
lated purple veins, tubular below, campanulate. The plaut is very floriferous...... 0 40 



Plant dwarf, with habit of some of the Begonias, leaves green, striped with bands of 
eee ME ATE UEUIN SONI foro ocmaltanaa acs nacorinesassene nan ceeaelore se peae\aasd- asia aeuaes)-osian sacs as-is $0 50 

NEW CLIMBING HYDRANGEA.—(Schizophragma Hydrangeoides. ) 

This is described as clinging to trees to the height of 50 feet, producing corymbs of white 
flowers of the size of ordinary Hydrangeas. It clings exactly like Ivy...30 cts. to 0 50 


An evergreen greenhouse creeping shrub, adhering to walls similar to Ivy; beautiful 

Ry Vena ATO ener eee npoeiat- mmes sence so acide asenen ae eeenttalld-eeland eae Sh oeiiserceaeasenitecsdsRawerabenede 0 75 
*Magnificum. A grand specimen plant, having large beautiful foliage......... 75 cts. to 1 50 

*Spectandum. A grand plant with large velvety leaves, and whitish ribs which grow 

to an immense size and are very attractive. A fine plant for flower shows, fairs, 

Se acitimakes a beaubtitulispeclINena-s ...8-es-s-=c2) <a-cecestss-co.-csecoeeeceesoese 90 Cts to Li50 
*Assamicum. A very beautiful foliage plant, large fine foliage .............csss00 50 cts. to 1 50 


A plant with the grandest possible foliage, large, broad and flat, deep green on top, 
under side cinnamon brown: very hairy leaves and stems; a grand specimen plant. 
One or the most ateraGel Ve 1Orex Orb UOMes soc coke ee Se aeenescccccssen cance lacs ses $l CO to 2 00 


Coccinea Grandifiora, (new.) A very fine Salvia.......2....1..-scseweoee senses soneoe chbbesassinscess 0 25 
Splendens Bruantii. A dwarf-growing variety, producing fine large flowers of a vel- 
ELV EEG! COO 5 3.2 Sa5 soso Sb occasrisosaee eaSECSOLO Steonac Ss s55e> sosapaeao Go5 9o055 saceds QaotongN eacuasou0 0 15 
Splendens Hoveyi, (Ianthina. ) Habit and general character of S. splendens, but with 
SMa DUTT ounce cnet cose Cee ee SNM EN OMOEA eon eos vaca vastndene 0 15 
Splendens) ‘“Mirs* stevens.” Mlowers ar deep ChIMSON ces. o----) c-sas s | accosasec toceseececacces 0 16 
Nigrescens. Flowers of a blackish vivlet and lavender colored calyx ...........cseceveseeeee O 15 
Bethelii, (Involucrata.) Bright rosy pink tipped with white, extra fine MONE Lass 0 15 
Ponerinae neve) eel ste Mian OW CES Mle s-eseassasttrar chat e-lencnas sesroccsasaentesea seeccsecasas n> 0 25 
Oncakrolianss Wlowerstmich bites eek Aa awa od uke eee ie i - 0 15 


Modeste, (new) Bricht red, veined with crimson, fine. .....-.......c<.os.00endcostuewssosesoabe: 0 25 
Ne Plus Ultra, (new. y Rosy crimson, veined light hGrence. esd ercseceachmeseskt § Sasscode sooth 0 25 
Chinois, (new ) Beautiful orange salmon, large, profuse bloomer Sobeabledenehaniecse snes aheeser 0 20 
Fire King, (new ) Very bright carmine, Ane Stee tects yes canbina 320300935 Bacete Rh este paneaes 0 20 
G. Delaux, (new.) Violet carmine, new color, Heat (ules <r abeetce) deen ppieesecins oo as node coe 0 20 
La Candeur, (new.) A very beautiful pure wihitest Owen... 0. n0p Senco cecieesmene -pboiee a 22s 0 20 
Seraph, (new.) Pure white, a long tubular shaped flower, very fine.............. sseeeecee see 0 20 
William Fowler, (new.) A pretty variety, with bright yellow flowers...... ........0seseee 0 20 
Snowstorm, (new.) Pure white, of dwarf compact habit, an excellent variety........... 0 20 
Toison d’Or. Color deep bright yellow, a very fine variety.......... pease Se ee tees est 0 20 
Sellowianum Marmoratum. The leaves of this beautiful variety are very large and 
ornamental; their color is a golden yellow, richly tessellated with green............4. 0 20 


Japonica Zebrina. The variegation in this lovely grass is across the leaf instead of 
longitudinally. It grows from 4 to 5 feet in height, isa most strikingly graceful 
plant. Its flower spikes are equally beautiful and valuable as E. TAPONiCa.. ...20000 - 0 60 

Japonica Variegata. Leaf long, variegated. The-flower stems are from 3 to 4 feet 
high, very reed-like, and produce loose panicles of flowers; these panicles are hairy 
and erect until dried, when they become elegantly curled, closely resembling Ich- 
dien feathers........ joss sto se Sa eeaeebiedn=-r Baeeeeesrieth <5e Spree abisse tele aabieeie ASCHER ee Govan beens 0 25 


PAMPAS GRASSES.—Gynerium Argenteum. 

*Aurea Variegata. Gold variegated Pampas Grass Another beautiful variety, simi- 
lar in its graceful habit to the last, but in this the foliage is striped with a deep 
yellow; accharmin go) VATICLY jose aenccee tn: oe oeueen aah eae sereeek coe tsee er edocs she occ: 50 cts. to 

*Carmineum Rendatleri. This new Gynerium is a really majestic and very beautiful 
plant. The pinacles, measuring more than two feet in length. are of a bright car- 
mine rose color; if kept dry in winter, they gradually assume a light violet tint. 
he habitof this new Gynerium) is\ mae mificentt .seereeeesacces sch ee eeseete coe 50 cts. to 

*Klegans Niveo-vittatis. Another very elegant Pampas Grass, handsomely variegated, 

*Roseum Variegated. Foliage finely variegated with stripes of TOS€.... 1... .ssce1eeeess sees 

*Westerlingi Variegatum, A very beautiful variegated Grass.............200c- ssececes ccnese 

Monstrosum:, / Very robust apy row tlie. ciqccuscte-tacsece ence ne eesee entre ae aeee see ace ane > eaceanr 

StCMAEWCTL IViATICO ALA wececacnescenotccciaaaecir does cle cea ence ne nae enna nusdocntndcaseader Sesecaes8 ssanscoae 


Pulcherrima Plenissima, (new Double Poinsettia.) This magnificent plant is remarka- 
ble for its floral bracts, the size of the heads in which they are produced, and their 
marvellous brilliancy of color. The whole inflorescence is full and rosette-like, 
and of a most vivid and brilliant scarlet colom.-4--12.4- se. -cecies----e or ee --r--- 80 CLS. LO 

Pulcherrima Major. A great improvement on the old species, both in the size of the 
individual bracts, and also in the far larger heads, which are of a bright scarlet, 

tinted swithsviolet Cenises:co.sscdeossone- cas a-cee acca een ener ieee ene earuiccsectce ae: 25 cts. to 

Rosea-Carminata. In fine variety, the heads of bracts are larger, smooth, and of a 

DrULMAMt MOSH CATMMINEsescrecciseseseeessereets [xd abo do suau bsocco ceSeKIG HaCoBOCeIEE Gecaoone 25 cts. to 

Nobilis. The plant is stocky in habit, and well set with spreading leaves. The leaf 
stalks are very pale green. The blades are of a deep rich green, marked over the 
central portion to within about an inch of the margin, with largish angular, irregular 
and variously confluent white spots, which contrast strongly with the color of the 
margin and intervening portions. Altogether a strikingly handsome plant of its 
ELOUP <scvs cess see's) Sou deecstseacaeses seissaremmereacnceseticcden se eaten csrantatnac janwlise Access aneeoyaseemae 

BEART. A handsome variety, the leaves averaging eighteen inches in length, by 
eight or nine inches in width; the ground color of the leaf is deep green, and the 
whole surface is mottled with small blotches of greenish yellow and white. A 
beautiful plant. jscces.aasdesnooweaesee ween aane <00U Ee dice doeget Soc CUR BEAUC ORR RARE tOEE ... 80 cts. to 

Bausei. It is a stocky-growing broad-leaved variety, with yellowish green leaves, 
which are irregularly edged and blotched with dark green, and also spotted with 

white, the marking being particularly effective .....0-. 2... 21.2... eens venereee- 30 cts. to 
Bowmanii. Very large bright green leaves, blotched and marked with golden green ; 
a grand specimen plant......... -» cece. 30 Cte tO 

Weirii. It is of dwarf habit, the foliage of a bright ereen color, thickly blotched and 
spotted with pale yellow. This is one of the finest of the Dieffenbachias...30 cts. to 
Baraquiniana. A fine vigorous plant with white stems, leaves green, spotted and 

blotchedawiths pure wihiterea ease wnssseth potacn eee sstetetccar scene ccc eeee deat ementatennana 

Picta. A very beautiful foliage plant, leaves a deep green, mottled with white; 

XC E ORATB AU) | Goer oonoa-cag. U6 20bd a dccneode EBURonLcaAtO Caaacnataiocebedu, b-Sedudtadeosesnbast dass iea360 30 cts. to 

Eburnea. Distinct and very beautifuily marked foliage...... .........s.ceccees ececeeeees- aeee eee 

*Lubersi, (new ) A very handsome species, foliage reticulated with yellow. Makes a 

handsome Specimen Plant........ccecececeedeccseees corsnsoes ssecences saceceven tenses socseceee reassess 

Massangeana. A very distinct dwarf'species The variegation consists of three distinct 
colors, The mid-rib veins and middle portion of the leaf are silvery white, faintly 
tinged with bluish green, then a broad band of blackish hue, the whole being sur- 

Sap pa 











rounded by a belt of bright green, margined with a thin line of a lighter shade..... 0 50 


Tilustris. A beautiful marked species, with leaves of a rich lustrous green, being a 
rival to M. Lindenii and M. Veitchii, assuming the babit of M. rosea picta whilst 
young. Towards maturity the tracery changes to a broader white one within the 
TST © VD osange ussec boda eococteeo gue aa soecos a euedoeboo. cebcsn5 socizancty Sates coda. Ae acaoseeer \Saepseuae dose 

Regalis. Saiery beautiful, with fine foliage distinctly and finely marked... Sa 

Lindenii. Foliage re dark, with a golden feather along its centre. A fine 
SDB ELE sco sag nobacose3cgn 965059 Sedaou a KOSS See Sa BABa osopecod cosa: 22000. be Denon Aa [Bes Luana 30 cts. to 

Makoyana. A very ornamental dwarf growing species; leaf-stalks slender reddish 
purple, blade of the leaf ovate, ground color olive green, beautifully and regularly 
blotched with creany yellow, ofa transparent character ; on each side the mid-rib 
are oblong dark green blotches, whilst the under side is rosy red............. 80 cts. to 

Tubispatha. "An elegant and very attractive species of erect habit of growth; leaves 
some 9 or 10 inches long, light green, ornamented on each side the mid-rib with 
Oplone blotches @fcinnaimon bro wind. cB eee We can 30 cts. to 

Veitchii. The leaves of this grand plant are upwards of twelve inches in length ; ‘‘the 
under surface of a rich purplish wine color. the upper of a deep, shining green, 
blotched with conspicuous patches along each side, of a yellowish green, almost 
verging on grey. The contrast is very marked, and the whole plant very beau- 

CTT OY 50 Gasamaada «Scabesboeeccobed baTaboBodinaanas Eottocsna dsoonstod DESEO MENMORAG I AABceE REDS HNece 50 cts. to 
Porteanna. This is a vigorous growing species, with fine large foliage feathered with 
WHDNB 5 sasgose5n5s054 so shee an cosnougde adacbe soadso Sang sckancase ooopdeNEG Abnese ERobosdoueG oBde sondeqood onc 

Virginalis. Fine broad foliage, mid-rib has a broad band of white; a very fine plant. 
Van Den Heckei. Leaves dark satin- like, embellished by a large central line, sur- 
FOWMGe bya SINVELGISC:. e.g 2.0.8 see see saeasn-eeacese (ances closes Mee waciclscebtare ba deccotscneisnos 
bicolor. = Deep ereenumarked withi@arkt Drow Mss iacce-ce, toon bees re-lested asdeecnceinects see oneuss 
Princeps. This plant attains a height of from three to four fect, the blade of each leaf 
measuring upwards of a foot in length; centre dark metallic green, margined with 

WIPE eT CC Mesescac sme cieene twee aeucc conte cee se nena Setmanel sterol sneer ice a. duces tclecis ou cais)sccetdeseiensine’ 

JATOAIOU NS se ss eqdananolianoiedd So sabe e-cecnc oe a Berbb 3 Ome IACe PSemecaieccuns seeiccseececa}aconaceseioesesciee: 
PACS A ae nen acenticnannnssa SOSOIIIOD SOOO HURON OOOBE. (ID UNOS) JONCIR a soss606c0 nas0d0 76 HacseScos DonCuoaCe 
BB aN QUA Ee nn erenao ns cca Seecci so cen eee se sence De) SHAGITINE Hs abasaned Gosedo boson esouneoanb nose 
GROMOMMAN Ac snc osworsccnsctncoe wedges sesS since ceo ss Orsids 1 Oimelniletinsssnsdeescsaransesees sete oie ae stiate ss 
Me ecrr el WAT Ac cap cesensenanss sacar <cet'a sare cee sine BAD WaT sesonep ebsanad onod 50 cnndnd Sonae SANE: 
MRE UAC Wecnc an scaecencuac,scmoccns Acnariencismncs ssiors OU SOMMNY ATSC WICZI  ccnccacavecsascenerca-¢sateaceses 
IVICA asad canoe eee encme ses spce erecta n nce 5) OO COT UM Aesteiacs ces sander evascsss, aoscue eevaes\es 

ICH ene eT BR NE ETA O Laan 

PANDANUS.—Screw Pine. 

Javanica Variegata, This variegated Screw. Pine is well known as one of the finest 
decorative piants ; leaves green, with broad stripes of pure white, gracefully curved. 
Rompe OU UNINE Steers. 2st cence umceaccS covaelecadeaerre deatasve<chesBuewee hosdeuscomacdcschs 50 ets. to 

Utilis. Screw Pine; very fine decorative plant, with recurved graceful foliage, 25 cts. to 

Veitchii. This splendidly variegated Screw Pine is one of the most attractive plants. 
The leaves, which are of a light ¢ green color, beautifully marked with broad stripes 
and bands of pure white are most gracefully curved, which elegant habit of growth 
Ren Gersuaonplan (re xtromel yy elleGtiVe os -.chds --cnroedans scueulseceeucad vw acdede scosneoes 50 cts. to 

Graminiformis. This has narrow light green foliage, a pretty, graceful SPECIES. -sseaeee 

FICUS.—India Rubber Tree. 

Elastica. India Rubber Plant. Fine large shining foliage; fine for bedding.............. 
Macrocarpa. A free growing shrub, with smooth terete stems and thin coriaceous 
glossy ovate-oblong entire leaves, five to six inches long and three inches broad.. 
Macrophylla. (Artocarpus imperialis, ) A robust vigorous grower with immense 

Parcelii. A splendid decorative plant with beautifully variegated foliage. The leaves, 
which are of large size. thin texture and coarsely serrated on the margins, are of a 
bright green color, profusely but irregularly blotched with creamy white and dark 
ERSED. 5 oohadeugeot ae oabe dee Hoe EOS SOR ep EERO CC OS) POF EECES ae CO RC LCST CCERERCC ASE tere Ec rer a naa Saas 
mAMsinelisKolinge a pretty ornamental plants .csivdcscossoccneesevoesdesse¥s vaasdaecouine ecvecces sve 
Lucida. Leaves bright green, shining... G oiled ltoele aelslelatattblabwieltsieanicenecismenmesseeskin cielo teaneaeec 













PHORM1IUM.—New Zealand Flax. ae 

*Atropurpureum. A very desirable species; habit the same as P. tenaz ; leaves reddish - 
purple. This makes a distinct decorative plant for the conservatory, and a fine sub- 
ject for the sub tropical garden. A distinct and beautiful plant... .......2+seeees coeeeeees 

*Colensvi Variegatum. This beautiful plant has fine broad erect pointed dark green 
leaves, elegantly banded at the margin with one or sometimes with two conspicuous 
stripes of creamy white. It has the same mode of growth as P. tenaz, but is alto- 
gether distinct, while its more erect habit gives it quite a distinct appearance..$l to 2 00 

*Cooki Variegatum. An elegant, somewhat dwarf growing plant; leaves green, beau- ~ 
tifully striped with golden yellow. Native of New Zealand.......+- cesesseceeee- seeeees 

*Veitchii Variegatum This is a finely variegated form of the well known New Zea- 
land Flax. The leaves are of the same size as the species, with conspicuous broad 
stripes of creamy white running out their whole length, and contrasting well with 

the light shining green ground color. It is a truly noble plant.............-+-+++- $1 to 2 00 
*Purpurea Fol Nigra Marginata. A distinct form of New Zealand Flax, with purplish 
green leaves, margined with black..... ...... Wad SUE otha « nle'stiatcinield abe s'vdtinle's sie'stiutcidite ld swaldat malware 

Aleefolia Variegata. We received a special premium for a fine specimen of this plant 
from the Maryland Horticultural Society. Leaves green, broadly striped and 

banded with yellow; a beautiful variegated plant... .2...2.0.. cco .ccsen)-cocewee .75 cts. to 1 50 
*Quadricolor. The foliage of this is long, recurved and beautifully variegated. A very 
fine SIAN tseeaseenonieeoese oho coscercot cance pee arer as -eeeecinn. dndoctaesc cece pie Schism sires Gotejseieletpicelenae 1 50 

DIPLADENIA, (Echites.) 

*Williamsii. A splendid hybrid. Color soft pink or rosy crimson; it is very profuse ; 
flowers produced in large clusters, the raceme continuing to grow and produce a 
succession of blooms—a marked and desirable character in this variety. Its prolific 
blooming qualities will render it a most desirable plant.. ...........cc2+seeeceecs ceeeeeeeeees 1 00 

Ameena. Flowers of a soft pink color, suffused with rose, somewhat resembling D. 
Splendens, but in every respect a great improvement on that variety, being of 
supericr form, the lobes being stiff and round, instead of reflex and pointed. For 
summer blooming in the green house, no climber is more lovely than this ............ 0 50 

*Boliviensis. A very free flowering white Dipladenia. It is very compact, producing 
an abundance of flowers in a much smaller state than almost any other species. 

The foliage is medium in size, and of a light glossy green color, The flowers pure 

white, with a distinct yellow centre............ Shade ces d io ada a eSSpaaE Aedes oosuaDShotCocsoas 1 00 
*Hybrida. A very floriferous variety; flowers resembling D. insignis, both in color 
and form, but are produced in much greater profusion.............sseeees Sete Seca are 1 00 

JASMINUM, SAMBACK, (Arabian Jasmine.) 

Duchess d’Orleans. Flowers double, white, like miniature white roses, deliciously fra- 

grant, a very valuable pian aaee ee 5p deccaor aeReeeceee cle cancada sci swesactnadectice hens amatat aeeneee 0 25 
Grand Duke. Flowers double, white, like miniature white roses, deliciously fragrant, 

similar to. the above; butcdisSttmCts.<..rccce-sce, os s0sc'socsccctcewcsccoeleccuetuas eoae ee eereen ere 0 25 
Grand Duchesse de Tuscany. Flowers double, white, like miniature roses, deliciously 

fragrant, in the style of the two preceding; very fine................06 ecncone Scesncnne ess 0 30 
Trifoliata. Another fine variety, flowers white, like miniature roses, deliciously fragrant, 0 30 
Hirsutum, (single.) A very free flowering winter blooming species. ............. 25 ets. to 0 50 

No plants can be more beautiful or fragrant than those blooming freely through the 
summer. All who grow choice plants should possess them. 


Regina. It is of compact habit, and the flowers are of a deep shade of color; the trusses 
are of a somewhat similar shape to those of J. coccinea, but the plant is much more 
compact in growth than that variety. It is a most superb plant........ csceseceecoeeeeee . 0 50 




*Prince of Orange. This variety is distinct in color from any other, and is a valuable 
addition to this ornamental genus. It is of free compact habit, flowers rich orange 
red, tinged with violet towards the centre, and produced in large and dense termi- 
nal corymbs.!/........0.~ Hos dene ese Oe RE RH Bae hee Oat ieraaee We snceaeseatl snore $0 

*Fraseri, A most effective and beautiful variety, of free and vigorous growth, with 
rich dark green foliage, and numerous large, terminal, globular flower heads, with 
blossoms of a brilliant flamed salmon color, upon carmine scarlet flower tubes, and 
rich under pedicels or flower stalks. ........c.ceeceseesseeceees seeeeces coceesenccecerenteceseses coe 0 

Amabilis. Of vigorous and compact habit, deep orange salmon, well formed flowers, 
borne in large trusses, which are produced in great profUsiONn .......2+csseseeee sone peesees 0 

*Colei. A cross between I. Coccinea and J. Alba, having the strong, free, robust habit 

: and large foliage of the former, and the pure white flowers of the latter...........6+-. 1 

*Williamsii. It is a free growing plant and an abundant bloomer, producing immense 
trusses of large flowers, of a very distinct and pleasing shade of reddish salmon. 

It is one of the very best varieties in cultivation.. ..........-+sseseeee eeeeeeee “tenees ceseeeens 0 
Coccinea Superba. A beautiful variety, with very large heads of brilliant orange 
scarlet flowers, produced freely -..... ......ceseessneceaes conceeees ovecceces coneneccsoreseeees saseeeece 0 
Crocata. Deep orange, free grower, and profuse DIOOMET. .......0..s.eeeceseee cose: ceerte seeees 0 

Hendersonii or Wardleiana, A distinct and beautiful species which blooms quite small 
and continues flowering nearly the whole year; the flowers are circular, of great 
substance, color of a rich deep yellow, fine habit................000-csecsceet corer: 25 cts. to 0 

Nobilis. A distinct and beautiful new species, flowers equally as large as the finest 
forms of A. Hendersonii, of a pure rich yellow, but which are greatly superior in 
form to others in cultivation, by their large firm lobes being more widely 

HEIN FIC ALE OR can ic cccietalar waeectal-cioa nisdniaehs ssicteon ain’ snatemeee et sas acwols soagnodane =e008008 25 ets. to 0 
Balfouri. A beautiful climbing species, which blooms profusely on the young wood, 
flowers scarlet and white.......... --...-- sictake Siastoicatara Saad ctay ohetctehiiete instante kinase dae e'ateivorateiateicc ed Oe 0 
Thompsonii. A very beautiful climbing stove plant, with crimson flowers, free, vigor- 
ous grower and profuse bloomer...... ..-.--.-- sseessea coneeeees SEAR eS Soe EAs fobs: 0 
Speciosum. This beautiful plant forms a fine intermediate variety between C. Splendens 
and C. Balfouri, rich rose or violet tinted Crimson .........2.. cceeeece sen ceeoes sceaes seeeeeeee 
ae A very desirable plant, flowers double, white, very fragrant, fine for bed- 
ESO Ul eta ee crea corso tictaths Satestocn sinew see oes. aa plceeld x Isa cate ttt caaheeeecaccsnombee tes aivedes cas 0 

Clerodendron Viscossissima. This is a handsome hardy shrub from Northern China, 
the flowers emit a delicious perfume; flowers lilac rose, in dense terminal corymbs, 
WEVCHYs GESIFADIENIE WIS NEUE (sc. se euaceaech sacs c's seleadeeceas aceceescsccss Seecdisccec Gucbecqenooe 0 


This is a very beautiful free flowering plant; flowers pure white, fragrant, similar to 
MPP AHGZONUCO Scars caseeisastacaet (oes Siddocind aubABENSORAaES Pan dboARHOOOedcHoaeeoaded conegescanek 25 cts. to 0 

EUCHARIS—Amazonian Lily. 

Amazonica. Large pure white fragrant flowers, full four inches in diameter, and are 

produced in abundance on stron plants....0....-cn0acerces -2-ser car sone eareee cor ce: 25 cts. to 0 
an dionns siurse, pure wiley very {LAG Tan or soaseneussto ses ao. 25 cts. to 0 
*Candida. A very beautiful and rare species, flowers pure WHite.......sw screenees L 


A beautiful plant of climbing habit, with numerous racemes of rose colored flowers, 
showing a still richer tint in the centre. The profusion of its bloom is such as to 
give the resemblance of Roses at a distance, hence one of the Mexican names is 
‘* Rosa de Montana,’’ or Mountain Rose. Described by its discoverer as the most 
beautiful climber he had ever beheld.............: SF acpecc didadsetees Wecddereenaraa das ecsas’ 20 




This is a free growing and beautiful plant. nearly or quite hardy, a profuse bloomer, 
pure white sweet scented flowers, like orange blossoms. This plant will be largely 
forced for, its flowers, like, DeutziaiGractlis..c..iccctsaes sco ocoetewerias esse sor bo = 4asp- 56 Jeansbsc- $0 50 


A very excellent evergreen, warm greenhouse or cool stove plant, intermediate between 
Clivia and Vallotta or Amaryllis, in style of growth, with dark green leaves and 
large corymbs of erect, large, clear rich salmon or light flame colored cup-like 
DIOSSOMNS,..5 Jeedaatl sisi tis cutc dchtaldtaobs seb epewoieclsebldslecelok beaten nchuds saab cto « duaecies sete segade sae h 0 75 


A magnificent plant of good habit and a most profuse bloomer; the flowers are rich 
violet blue, between five and six inches in diameter. and produced nearly all the 
year through. It requires the same treatment as Pleroma Elegans.. .. .....30 cts. to 0 50 


A Brazilian plant. Flowers freely of a fine violet-carmine, a pleasing color. This plant 
is of free growth in a warm house, flowering profusely and showy. One of the 
very finest winter blooming plants of recent INtrOdUCtION....+000.cesersececccnsees seeeeees 0 30 

A plant closely allied to Aralia, with beautiful fern-like foliage; a fine decorative plant, 0 30 


This plant is not new, but as a valuable stove climber it is unequalled. The flowers 
are pure white, of a waxy texture, very persistent. Some large plants in one of 
my greenhouses were covered with bloom the whole of the past spring and sum- 
MOE oocoCSG onoonomcoosoe Sc066 yaseosece alos o/acieeaciacllececealecaivsnisetncsle «ceils sielecmidaaaeellsee 25 cts. to 0 50 


This plant is not new, but it is not cultivated to the extent it deserves; it succeeds well 
bedded out during summer, giving its lovely double fragrant flowers of the purest 
white in great profusion, excellent for bouquets, KC...... 0c. scoeeeceoce secace svee-eese ccs 0 25 

The leaves are ovate and bluntly rounded, and they have a smooth surface of a pale 

green, marked with blotckes of pale yellow and creamy-white, spreading out from 
the mid-rib on one or both sides, and assuming a variety of grotesque forms......... 0 30 

A remarkably graceful Palm-like plant, suitable for decorative purposes......... 25 cts. to 0 50 


Alice Crousse. ‘‘ Very large white flowers, pure white with rich golden centre.’’., ..... 0 30 
Etoile d’Or. Golden yellow—very rich and fime...........ses0ssecees ceeecees eeaseen aaicisce hcoecc 0 25 
BPUGESCEMS: 4 ANVIL Oc nswnrinonnneie «oisransaiecates «nate q-nesrecembentnndon asceudsessccieces tert sacseie eee enna 0 25 


Hermann Grasshoff. ‘‘ Flowers very large and double, of arich deep carmine-red, bloom- 
ing most profusely ; this is one of the finest plants for vases, baskets and beds.’’.... 0 25 
Majus. ‘‘ Immense deep chrome-yellow flowers of astronger habit than the preceding.’’.. 0 25 



Alba Violacea. Stems blue, striped white, large foliage............:sscesseseee seceeseee teeeeeees $0 25 
Marshalli. The leaves are a bright green, marked between the principal veins with 

broad wedge-shaped blotches of blackish purple ..... .. “A sas oo ao Soe) Spee a CEE CD SEI SEE Coe 0 25 
Jenningsii. A delicate green, heavy blotches of black, which are remarkably precise 

imoutline and arrangement... 2... 0.s-.cjscwsiees. deneva senses bsecwz (ooscmoss acnesscociecnros soceecees 0 25 
Bataviensis. Foliage and stems dark purple......... cssscoces seeccens conees covsercnsces cesses cetens 0 25 
Auriculatay cc. ca Bi danin once da sabeeid sects sia ck aieiclo se oa enaebiecaitelaetals-alarnle add <hitbels web ieee seliacs(eeareseccmscw 0 25 
Javinica. Beautiful greem............sscsccecssees con cee cess sesscsces coceee cos see cas ceceeenas ses oeeeee sees 0 25 

This class of Alocacias bed out finely. 


The following novel and beautiful varieties will be found admirably adapted for the sum- 
mer and autumn decoration of the greenhouse and conservatory ; for they produce in the 
utmost profusion magniticent flowers of very large size, and great variety in color. They do 
not require stove cultivation, but will succeed well in a greenhouse. The tubers rest during 
the winter months, similar to Gloxinias, and can be easily re-started into growth in the 
spring. Their profuse flowering quality, and the charming variety of color of their blossoms, 
render them extremely showy and effective. 

Davisii. It is a native of the Andes of Peru. It is of the dwarfest habit, the leaves 
and flowers all springing from the root stock, The scapes, which rise erect above 
an elegant bluish green foliage, are bright red; each scape bears three dazzling 
SOLIS, HOCETE A ends ESSE hasc0s sasee unos ces ace agg abondd Conhtbnes cho becoon fb eH RORGOs bree easegemeee LAICILU) 
Freebelii. A splendid new species from Ecuador, very distinct and attractive, pro- 
ducing well above the foliage, erect bunches of large brilliant scarlet flowers; the 
foliage is of a bright green color, furnished on the under side with a thick covering 

DE GLEN R® TNBY SLs Leo aos a8 REE Su eno Ese Soho ecean SuRGaEnee Btn ss SoG Era SHHdes SOARS -erenac ce 25 cts. to 0 50 
Onyx, (Van H.) Flower very large, vermilion, shaded with very lively orange, re- 

HIVRYR CN Ok ae MORE OLOTNOL yeh ICCLECKUfiob cc op nentnes once condoms nopanajaets odesnieessspinsaacbos desapies 0 50 
Suihbenandue Wlowers: yellow, @istinet ANd NN. .-c.scqcs res sone emeency encemalt deena apasanirenaensn' 0 25 
Aspasie. Beautiful large well formed flowers of a rich glowing rose Color ......260. -sesees 0 50 
Fannie E. Saul, The flowers are large, ofa brilliant amaranth, of free growth and pro- 

PED 1) DOWNED sAcdonsandhas s gasedada cossococb aassosnon Gonasescnss opnence Cone soca oo a Jace: Gone Soe Recoae 0 25 
Crepuscula, (Lem.) Flowers large and round, color salmon buff, a vigorous plant and 

firs CAME IGNORED GTS ee as ena c o wk Se wins wrayn dn's sible» Seca saline Mace wemalcinin eeaENe aa as Odes ones de'aslaceaings 0 25 
Diamant, (Lem.) Flowers very large, of a vivid rose color, habit dwarf and compact, 

PVC HPN WA Ree eet ee remc cca ons ocak conn c cainastacls waneceeda coacsa san anit vaScine Uade vcomenscsadsaaaancas stease 0 50 
Eldorado, (Lem.) A free flowering plant, flowers bright yellow..........cc00 cscceeseeveseees 0 50 
Jules Janin, (Lem.) Flowers beautiful carmine rose, very large, free flowering, a 

FINE WILE cece soca ece ned CcSRS CH EOROS SaDENS ao SC GHE DorecHESE Eaanon aap Gos Roe aSacsAcoeE Ee aaa ooo Seeds eesines 0 50 
Model. A free fiowering variety, with finely formed flowers of a beautiful carmine rose, 0 50 
Trophee, {Lem.) A free flowering variety of neat habit, flowers cinnabar red ........... 0 75 
Rubens, (Lem.) Color coral rose, very large, a magnificent flower..........0...00c0 seceee cee 0 50 
Oriflamme, (Lem.) Very large flowers, of a carmine vermilion, brilliant and showy; 

MeOLOUS Obst CTOWeR WIth lange fol Age 2... cccen \cnoccnvecne-scancees woes sbiadsindeoeisacerse 1 00 
Velours, (Lem.) Flowers of a rich vermilion, large and freely produced................+. 0 75 
Wilh. Liebnecht, (Lem.) Flowers of immense size, color crimson vermilion and 

orange, very brilliant, fine habit and free DlOOMET: -...........sccscssecece ceecececncoececeeees 0 75 
M. Marcotte, (Lem.) Flowers large, of a beautiful tender rose color, very large and 

fie aMasmiicent plant, SUperior tO’ B. "RES@flOTG ~ 21... -escncece worcssceces cecccs onetencs sce 0 75 
Wilh. Pfitzer, (Lem.) Flowers rich carmine vermilion, centre solferino, very large ° 

imetiemwayaOer. Veicenit. but SUPeHIOr 7) MAGHINCEDt, 22. secacshs cee csactis cavers cences watets 0 75 
Message de Louvrex, (Van Houtte.) Splendid orange red.......c..sccceee ceecee ceeeee coeeseees 0 75 
*Mrs. John Saul, (Saul.) Color yellow in the way of Piercei, but larger and finer in 

EEE VIL M in seeoe can oni cnoece'sace--ces co Ao (Sd cnotdance Sogotadeanocbagde- send aacté sacenesco scatebcksok Hanae 1 00 
*Miss M. C. Saul, (Saul.) Very large, deep clear rose, beautiful......... ..cssesescerssssssees 1 00 
*Teresa Saul, (Saul.) Very large, color rose magenta, very fine habit ...........cccesccseees 1 00 
*Agnes Saul. Very large flower, pure white, superior to White Lady............ soidenecke 1 00 

*Rosina M. Saul. Flower very large of a bright rich rose color; a charming variety... 1 00 
*John Saul. A grand flower, large, color dark scarlet crimson............. « 5 Ee i 00 


Chas Baltet, (Lem.) Large flowers of a rich vermilion, a beautiful variety...-......... $0 75 
Brilliant. Flowers orange crimson, very rich, SUPerb......06, 2.01. sseeee cee seceercoeees ssessee. 2UIUO 
Excelsior. A large flower, cinnabar TREO KGI BN Oat) (\epernoreccs sence Meade eee Ee me soc$ cence ccecr te o- 0 75 
Emperor. Orange scarlet flowers, very brilliant, a grand flower.. flied AR Clie 
John Laing. A ‘brilliant carmine, large ‘and/fine, very showy . 2: 22225 2ov.csteaesitcnen: sosees 1 00 
Chelsoni. An elegant hybrid; it is of good, compact habit; flowers large, drooping, 
bright orange, shaded with POG! hie l. Ca See Oe ee 25 
Piercei. The foliage is very pretty colored, flowers yellow, distinct and fine, a bulbous 0 30 
rooted species from South America, and very GiShin et: tis. c2bsic. tceboceap eee teeen eomeeceet 0 30 
Boliviensis. The flowers are in great abundance, bright shining red in color...... eee - 0 25 
Sedeni. This is a cross with Bolwrensis, but larger leaves ; the flowers are of the richest 
magenta color, and of lange S1Zé.. <2 2.2... «cnsccsssene's-nodd eerie ageue lene a= pay ned eee ee 0 26 
Queen of Whites. (new. ) Fine free grower and good habit ; flowers.large, pure white, 
the finestp white xp o once nes cc ase cnasrontansenecel ceases an acte nese eae geen - § 00 
Mont Blane, (new.) A vigorous grower and free bloomer, large white flowers ......... 1 00 
Solfatare, (new.) Vigorous and fine habit, pure yellow flowers... ic. eee 1 00 
Trocadero. A very vigorous variety, flowers enormous, color orange vermilion......... 1 00 
Extra selected seedlings, 25 cts. each, $2.00 per doz. 
Seedlings mixed, 20 cts. each, $1.25 per doz. 
*Argus, (Lem.) Fine double flowers of a rich vermilion, good habit and free bloomer. 1 50 
*Balsamineflora, (Lem.) An exceedingly beautiful full double flower like a double 
Balsam, color orange red. fine floriferous habit, superb. .. us SAGO 
*Davisi flo. ple no, Flowers dazzling scarlet, very double ; habit dwarf and. compact, : a 
Very DEAMERI VARICUY ces ccnsse.+-coeriransceatessteeawena ae eecl catsensoiese|-eceee = eee ee 2 50 
*Glorie de Nancy, (Lem.) A magnificent variety, with large very double beautifully 
colored carmine flowers. The} ead is of erect ies and He: fluriferous; a grand 
WoT bt eccos aeeeee ee - 2 00 
* Esther. Large very double, ‘colora rich r rose, a vigorous growing free flowering variety.. 2 00 
*Fulgurant. Orange crimson, large and double; beautiful. 2.22 ccte-tese eee ee 2 00 
*Lemoinei, (Lem) The flowers of this beautiful plant are like a double Anemone, of 
an orange vermilion, very beautiful.. He Breese soe c UN) 
*Marie Bouchet. Enormous double flowers ‘of a ‘scarlet crimson, extra fine. Aree bec ie 2 00 
*Phosphorescent, (Lem.) Flowers very large and double, brilliant ae vermilion, an 
exceedinely*beaitiivel* VaniGtY 2 cacceccstaccces\ cccaect\ vdctacecwectoccncde con sa sace sees ee eee 2 00 
*President Burelle, (Lem.) Flowers large and double, of a crimson “searlet, of a fine 
habit and free bloomer, a grand plant BSE CaSO Se RcuE CUMpU NE OEE CONAO DecOceCO Moron necececeorees 2 00 
*Salmonea Pleno. Flowers of a pleasing shade of deep rosy-salmon, fine habit and pro- 
fused bloomer, very distinct, fine......... .... Ssedosees ose eteat ce ccaeanes aiyouge tech Coccceneeneeeee 2 00 
*seeptre., lowers large and fine, cream with a sulphur centre.......... SiLCCeC chee ck Ate 2 60 
*Racemiflora Rosea Grandiflora. A beautiful new hybrid variety, profuse bloomer..... 1 50 
*Martiana Gracilis. A fine New Mexican species; flowers brilliant rose, good habit 
and free secece ce Be Cater S Eon aero acs eee cete Re abaobildidswatseeeees 2 50 
Caracasana. Flowers large silvery rose, upright vigorous grower and free bloomer...... 0 30 
Sie TT HES oer carotene ca Maka clammy ons koa senna waa Ne pao noe eR ea EAL aa eee an orwe-cie as waneeeretee 0 30 
Uhinkii. Flowers crimson, free bloomer, compact Jane) | Pee reee ence eee cate: oe eee Sa . 0 30 

Primula Sinensis Pleno. 

*Mary C. Saul, (Saul.) A seedling raised in our establishment, the flowers are as large 
as a carnation, very double, of the purest white, fringed, habit strong and ee ; 

the finest white Primula. @ver ‘paisedvics. 272s eR eS ce ee 


Mrs. John Saul, (Saul.) This superb variety was raised in our establishment The 
flowers are large pure white, petals overlapping, beautifully serrated, of fine form, 
robust and compact habit, profuse bloomer. Can be safely recommended as the 
best double white’ Primula out. ......c.0 ccc... sccces coc cow ceenneees DARE ECAC PAS Pe EaRS BSE $0 50 
*Fannie E. Saul, (Saul.) Another of our seedlings, a counterpart in every particular 
of the last, except that the beautiful white biooms are occasionally flaked with ver- 

milion, a magnificent flower............ cesses ces eee seceee ter wecece ser tee cases eesseresense cesses ccs 2 OO 
*Rosina M. Saul, (Saul.) This beautiful double flower is in the style of the two last. 

The strain is of great vigor. The flowers, which are fully as large, are of a rosy 

crimson, fringed......... 2 50 

Winefred Lawley, (Saul.) This plant is of the same vigorous strain as the others, 
flowers fully as large and very double, the color is distinct and novel, a beautiful 
pink shaded with lavender, fringed .....cs0. cc. secees cee soeeseees eee eceees ceesecsseces ce cee erences 2 50 

We recommend these beautiful Primulas to our patrons, believing they are unequalled by 
any others in cultivation. Their merits are well known to the florists of Baitimore and 

Wery larve double red... 22. ....... <cnsamewe sanigennepiesta-sn-* SAecRE gas) SATE E eter Cage Aa 1 00 


Fine seedling plants, raised from the finest strains of single flowers; various shades of 
aa ee le el apa met alae aed ned leer alaaats ora nina cels Sovemal caved eeridadl dn Sere aeee scm 0 25 


PARNME TOGA DA; sew VV REEL OW. CROGieteses cca sbawe tes Rueseees eee eke Pee esa eS iaeek 0 50 
Grandiflora; kare whtterse 2s US eee ocak ak oe se snodec nto daesced 0 50 
Pilicmiatinnbriata gaa laey fla wenedeytn ye ccsccceet sa cacchocscce cavers access ace banisaeees 0 50 
Beaute. ebilacand white. y Benutil ale tees. uk -rese ae cis cocee vas sodas esceesels ness Q 75 

Beautiful new Japanese Primroses. Early spring flowering plants for pot culture, nearly 
or quite hardy 


NERIU M.—Oleanders. 

We have given much attention to the collecting of the very choicest Neriums from the 

finest growers in Europe, and the following may be confidently relied on as the finest in cul- 

Album Maximum. A very large and pure white seri-double.,....ccs0e.csecesseresseevoesecces $0 25 
Atropurpurea plenum. Dark purple, double rich COlor..............0...csccesnenncerecessecene ove 0 50 
Cardinale, (Double.) Rich double vermilion, lighter in-centre of petals, one of the 

finest dark Neriums in cultivation...... ESR AEH) Stace cose ui Sanne cheBbes Casco Mineo Hoos anode 0 50 
*Flavum duplex. (new.) Semi-double, pale sulphur, distinct.........c00-cseeecsccsceee seveeeees 0 50 
Geant de Batailles, (s.) Light blush centre, petals edged with crimson...... ......escs-eees 0 50 
Gloriosum, (new.) Flowers very large and double, of a brilliant cherry crimson, extra 

IRIN tena ee SCAG naman cor aces ce ssa ne sta cean sae denaaiaseset cessec sonqcaoneos souinesne Aeeseecte 0 50 
Grandiflorum plenum. Cherry crimson, large and double... ceceeeseeees 0 25 
Jean d’Are. Pure white, single. occasionally semi-double, a most profuse bloomer; a 

wery valuablesvarrety. Can be highly recommended... ...-.... 2. ..50 wc... a0e aneoeocences 0 50 
Madoni Grandiflorum, (new.) Beautiful semi-double pure white flowered splendens, 

RECS. ONOOMIUNIO SB DCT D: -.ssetaaaccecwencso eos Ree aicece  eialensisaninaeie sane: cacucinl cence Colunaccsances 0 30 
Mad. Chas. Baltet. Cherry carmine, large and very double, a fine variety ......... .....06 0 30 
Souvenir de Claude Sahut. Rich carmine, large and very double, very beautiful........ 0 30 
*Professor Durand, (new.) Flowers pale yellow, semi-double.....csccseseeescses soccer secesece 0 50 
*Luteum Novum, (new.) Fine new single, pale sulphur, .........csseoe corse acess saceercosceecs 0 40 

Lilian Henderson. This beautiful Oleander is the most prolific bloomer and finest of 
the white flowered varieties. The flowers are double, full petaled, rose-like in fourm, 
with a delicious perfume; small plants blooming freely will cause this plant to be 
grown largely for deccrative purposes as well as being unique for the bouquet....... 0 50 

On small plants the double varieties frequently produce semi-double flowers. 



For autumn and winter blooming plants, the Bowvardias are well known to every florist. 

They are of the easiest culture, giving their rich colored flowers in great profusion. 

Alfred Neuner. This is equal, if not superior, in profuse blooming quality to the valu- 
able single white variety, Davidsonii, of which this double white one is the sport. 
The flowers are composed of three perfect rows of petals of the purest waxy white...$0 25 
Flavescens, (new.) Flowers like Jasminiflora, but of a canary yellow, a very desirable 
NOVELLY,..cccccencoee ccnccccccccnsceccnsace cossecses secosceee cocceceee convaces ot Bete. See SS Sigaet soppy 

Sanguinea, (new.) Color crimson vermilion, a very fine new variety... eco-Gerceceneeeecean (1) PAR 
Lady Hyslop. Flowers similar to Hlegans, of a bright rose; colons ccccceapiscecnseeapnessteseeeO) 20 
Alba Odorata. Pure white centre of great substance, and very richly. fragrant Ben cecne - 0 25 
Humboldti Corymbiflora. The blossom is the largest hitherto known’ in the group; the 
flower tube three inches in length, snow white and exquisitely fragrant. ..............- 0 25 
Umbellata Alba. Broad pure white ae lobes; it is in the style of B. Davidsonii, but 
much neater in its leaf QrOWtD. ....ccccescevescenssvcssreescoseee coccssroees Sigoeccelucecacseenceses sco 02D 
Meiantha, Dazzling scaclets) ..2c.7.ccccoses «c-sncleoneverac roe cusiieneeecuntsanee ecnedshiacscacaeltaveane eevceeoq ONae 
Floribundi. Flowers orange scarlet, very distinct PING! 1b NS roccucos cccconocé nondtecs Soneece seseseee O 25 
Hogarth Splendid raceme, rich scarlet, vigorous grower, fine habit.........2...s..00 B CoOLOS 0 25 
Longiflora. Snow white, long tube, beautiful......... Sic achictebh cle heed aula Sages caSiecmaeeers 0 25 
Hendersonii. Delicate waxy flesh color, a sport from Hogarth. ....++..s.scecscsssseeesceresseee O 25 
Elegans. Color a scarlet one flowers and trusses of immense SiZe. ....s+se0 -ssces eseasen 0 25 
Laura... Bright pink. 0.0.02... .cc-:csccscscsieseccciecowns -cccwsene) snvaninsnraslsswsan/ecel anv ce werdfesbeueeeeat . 0 25 
Jasminoides.. A beautiful species in the way of B. Longiflora, with larger terminal and 
auxiliary racemes of equally fragrant snow white flowerS.........ssscecsscces-sreeees » ceoee O 25 
Davidsonii or Vreelandi. The finest of all white Bouvardias, and of the free erowth of 
its parent Hogarth... ee BB CEE ROCIO CREOS ECHO AIDGEONE COCA ESOAL COD Cec ccc HoSoce emo: onneoS 0 25 
Rosalinda. Bright rose, large and fine, -..ssssscurcssites tocmes: see Riese nee nee sooveee O 28 
Rosea Multifilora. Of free growth and profuse flowering, color bright GOSCxdscces Seeeaastene 0 25 

DRACHANA.—Dragon Tree. 

Our rich collection of Dracznas has been awarded the first premium by the Maryland Hor- 
ticultural Society for several years, and first premium at the ‘‘ Cincinnati Exposition.’’ For 
decorative purposes these plants are now extensively grown, their broad dark tropical foliage 

and graceful habit render them very appropriate. 

*Laingi, (new.) The leaves are from 8 to 10 inches long and from 2 to 23 inches broad. 
The latest formed are paie green with broad bands and margins of creamy white 
faintly tinged with rose. The older leaves are deeper green bordered with crim- 
son and white; the wings of the footstalks of the leaves are also crimson......... ereeepa OO 
*Superba. This is, without doubt, the most slender and graceful growing variety ever 
offered. For table decoration and pot culture it is unsurpassed. The leaves are 
pendulous, arching, from 12 to 18 inches long, from 1 to 14 inches broad, linear 
lanceolate, dark bronzy green, margined and striped with bright crimson. The 
young leaves are rosy crimson...... S adstadost Hooboc addaeanS cudécececececasenooce seats uence mien sien 2 00 
*Princess Margaret. A very fine variety. The leaves with their foot- stalks are about 
eighteen inches in length. When first expanded they are creamy white, slightly 
shaded with green of a tint quite unlike any other Draczna in cultivation, with a 
few oblique stripes of deep green, with a pale crimson mid-rib. The light colored 
portions of the leaf become suffused with delicate rose............ Bob ere ARG eSESSc 75 cts. to 1 50 
*Dracena Frederici. It has a compact, yet graceful habit of vigorous growth. Its 
leaves assume a rich rosy crimson color, and is a grand decorative plant. One of 
the most valuable, as it colors beautifully i Ima smiallistate:.. cc. «cndiasteemeaeeae 75 cts. to 1 60 
*Macarthuri. Of very compact growth and bright colored foliage. They are very 
elegant both in form and coloring, the latter being especially brilliant and attrac- 
tive, rendering this variety one of the most distinct in cultivation.. ..75 cts. to 1 00 
* Rosea- picta. A plant of robust habit and bold aspect, The leaves are e beautifully 
colored with a delicate rose tint which deepens by age to a bright carmine, finely 
contrasting with the ground color, which is a deep olive green. ..75 cts. to 1 00 
*Terminalis Alba. This is D. terminalis, but with white variegation. “The ground 
color bright green with bold pure white variegation, the upper leaves being * white, 
in some cases large sectional patches are colored white, while leaf-stalks are also 
edged with white, colors very Carly....sssseceerseees seve ser sreeeres-seresereereee 10 Cts. to 1 50 


*Bausei. Leaves recurved, dark bronze, the margin crimson, narrow in the lower 
leaves, becoming broader and more developed on the upper ones, the youngest and 
uppermost being broadly and brilliantly edged with deep rose.............00 75 cts. to 

*Taylori. Of very stout habit, a hybrid between D. magnifica and Mooreana, dwarf 
and dense. Leaves very broad ovate- oblong, erect, with reddish stalks, having 

something the aspect of those of D scoeeeees sosceees as 75 cts. to 
*Wisemanii. A handsome stove shrub, with the leaves of a bronzy hue, red at the 
margins, and breaking out into white in the VOUNEEr STOWE 2. cacsesove-e--2- 75 cts to 

*Robinsoniana. The ground color isa light olive green, very much striped with bands 
of bronzy crimson and greenish white; the petioles are margined with crim- 
sec eceeee cecee secec cece seecceeee serene sarees tosene ses senees caseenees sete: tereseees cecene teees 75 cts. to 
*Elegantissima. The leaves are of a deep bronze, with a metallic lustre, and very dis- 
tinctly margined with bright crimson, in the young leaves crimson of a lighter 
shade entirely predominates Soasnanon éconesaso basckhdane ca0n07 BABES BDO SABeRe seeeeestsc-ss 00 Cis: tO 
*Speciosa. The leaves are broadly striped or margined with a yellowish creamy white, 
stained and edged with ent rosy pink ; the ground color is a rather light but 
PEASE eee CCM nccasenanes teacaanate recon = narnia seeuenadicrsaaean clea anll-adneriec- -ane == dU cts. to 
*Hybrida. The older leaves are of a deep green color, margined with bright rose; as 
the plant attains age, the latter formed leaves become entirely suffused with deep 
rose and creamy white, the foot-stalks being also of deep rose......... ..cceeees 50 cts. to 
Moocreana. The habit is compact and especially suitable for decorative purposes. The 
base of the leaf-stalk and the mid-rib are of a bright reddish crimson color, which, 
in the leaf itself, changes tu a glossy DronZe. 0... ....cececse veosceeee sorseees vo1aee.50 cts. to 
Amabilis. This is a magnificent variety. The ground color of the leaf is bright glossy 
green, becoming beautifully marked and suffused with pink and creamy white, the 
young leaves being occasionally of quite a rosy COIOL. «1.66.2 -ceceecee ceeees coeees 50 cts. to 
Baptistii. The leaves are green, 1 to 14 foot long, four inches broad, margined and 
irregularly and obliquely striped with narrowish creamy white flakes, pussing 
throug hypale pink: t@:d pep FOsers:: .2..55)9.-0r -<sanaces cemeesor. saanes se Sao eae si 50 cts. to 
Excelsa. Large leaves of an erect arching habit and of a deep bronzy hue, margined 
with deep magenta crimson, This bright color is continued thruughout the edge 
of the leaf, breaks out into streaks and Patehesiyerenscattretersaelesstece oneeses eed Ones: to 
Fraseri. Leaves margined with bright rosy lake. The principal part of the leaf is of 
a blackish purple with a glaucous bloom, a marginal stripe of deep magenta runs 

ddwmmnntortietedre Of Mhe=peniOle..2, 2. e 2 ccc. o) tcc.see nes a seacbuce hone scccecsccncesn 50 cts. to 
Grandis. The leaf is of a shaded deep green, broadly edged near the base with blush 
white, the extreme margin being of a deep magenta rose ........ 2005 2.400000250 Cts. to 

Guilfoylei. A most superb species. The ground color is bright green; fully one half 
the leaf, however, 1s striped with white and bright rosy red, the latter color mostly 
forming the border in addition............ aa sdceboc sal teue, Setehg fee Seedy AHL we sce OL CLSsItO 

Magnifica. This is a very handsome plant; leaves nearly two feet in length and eight 
inches in breadth, when the plant is well grown. The fvot-stalks are reddish pur- 
ple, and the leaves are rich bronzy brown suffused with pink .................50 cts, to 

Metallica. The leaves are sixteen inches long These, together with the sheathing 
leaf-stalks, are of a uniform rich coppery purplish hue when young, becoming a 
dark purplish bronze when mature.......c02...06 Sice oe. cechaeatccuddseek concen veseee50 ets to 

Nigro-Rubra, An exceedingly beautiful plant: leaves upwards of eighteen inches in 
length, ground color rich brown, the centre crimson, shaded with rose.... .50 cts. to 

Regina. WThisisa plant producing very large and broad leaves, the ground color is bright 
green, but fully one-half of the leaf is “variegated with creamy white........50 cts. to 

Shepherdii. This takes on its distinctive coloring gradually on the older leaves, the 
young ones being green, and showing paler green stripes on those parts which 
take on at a later period the peculiar bronzy orange hue. It is very free grow- 
eden aeeeeiee a neea Hi Sosacece Saar Sdost bso neces PSISOSScb Sep RSot bd SREP pace ssc BenAaaas <a Sh) ORE EO 

Splendens. The color is a deep bronzy green, breaking out in the young growth into 
bright rosy carmine. The brighter coloring appears sometimes in stripes, and 
sometimes occupies the whole STEN lel Cepeda Aaa E. ooh eRe NESTE. de SS ee -50 cts. to 

Imperialis. The variegation is in this case of clear white combined with deep rose, and 
is most effective. The color isa deep green, breaking out freely in the young leaves 

into white........... SES ELOD SACS CE ESO S05¢ “6 abe ec ch Hadoscoc ed bud ee anuaecenre a acbanoe Seheseease 50 cts. to 
Macleayi. Leaves are some eighteen inches long and about four inches wide, of a rich 
metallic bronze. It is very distinct in habit and color....... Sheee tenes rea ne OO CUSE ILO 

Porphyrophylla. A noble stove shrub of erect habit, with bold ‘broadly oblong 
leaves of a fine ae bronzy green color, having a glaucous bloom on the under 
SPORE Coen matt vacecccseccatal. cecveessn sda: emacs be oe Sete -.30 cts. to 

Braziliensis. A robust growing species, with large, broad green foliage... seeaeaet mi Base 




1 50 

1 00 
1 00 

1 50 
1 99 
1 00 
1 00 
1 00 
1 00 
1 00 
1 00 
1 00 
1 00 
1 00 
1 00 

1 00 
1 00 
1 00 

1 00 

1 00. 

0 50: 


Cooperii. Foliage gracefully recurved, rich CrimSON.....cecces cocecceee cose esessces 25 cts. to 0 50 
Charlwoodia Serratifolia. Foliage green, erect ........ cccscseeecsecececeres severe ceeees 25 cts. to 0 50 
Ensifolia, (Dianella Ensifolia.) Foliage green, fine window plant.........0. sssssseeseeeeeeeee 0 50 
Hleans, Rubies: .cc-sside <dabseweradedcacs sonclsesapesioesdeoses bededivee oderabeumse oenjestesesspacr aadenasws ier 0 50 
Ferrea. Foliage broad dark Crimson .........sccsececs voncscccsessceces cosces seers soscseces 30 cts. to 0 50 
Haageana. A very distinct variety, with green foliage.........cccecseceesceecessvees 30 ets. to 0 50 
Nigrescens. Foliage very dark, blackish brown, a very distinct Variety.........-ssse+sese+s 0 50 
Spectabilis. Foliage long green, very graceful....... he vhigeedpaeied= fensis -werea eomeseeeeeas 25 cts. to 0 50 
Terminalis. Foliage bright crimson ............001. cctseecccevesessecastieceorracsseeustensos- 25 cis. to 0 50 
Terminalis Stricta. A variety with brilliant foliage ........ .ccsecee cesses seeeeccoeees 30 cts. to 0 50 

Specimens and half specimens of all can be supplied during summer and autumn, suitable 
for exhibiting at Fairs, Flower Shows, &c , at moderate prices. 

Australis. A very long, narrow, graceful foliage........  \ceceansn <eseccueinsevasmssaul 25 cts. to 0 50 
Indivisa. Long, narrow, graceful foliage........:2sscsscseeeseececccssescscceseescscces ves 25 cts. to 0 50 

Australian plants of much grace and beauty, admirable for vases, single specimens on 
lawns, &c. 


These ornamental plants are natives of the South Sea Islands; they are among the most 
bexutilul of variegated plants, the leaves being blotched with yellow and red in various ways, 
which renders them most attractive and valuable for decorative purposes. They are of the 
easiest culture, succeeding in any warm greenhouse. : 

Our rich collection of Crotons has been awarded the leading prizes by the Maryland Hor- 

ticultural Society for some years, and first premium at the Cincinnati Exposition. 

Aurea-Maculatus. A small leaved variety of very neat and compact habit. The leaves 

are ovate-oblong, not more than 3 inches long and 14 inches broad, deep but bright 

green, profusely spotted with golden yellow. It is quite distinct........... 25 cts. to $0 50 
Nobilis. A beautiful variety with long pendulous leaves, richly colored with many 

tints. Thecolorsare crimson, yellow, and green in many shades, the crimson being 

predominant in the stems, footstalks of the leaves and mid-ribs, where it is bordered 

by bandsiof deep golden yellow. cos.12) ccacc-smsiece-ne-cle=onenees) saesseaiaan see aoeeese 25 cts. to 0 50 
Mooreanus. The coior and markings of the foliage are rich and distinct. The mid-rib 

and margin of the leaf are of a clear orange yellow, with the blade crossed with 

parallel bands and stripes of the same color upon a deep green ground.....25 cts. to 0 50 
Andreana. A variety of neat habit and free growth. The foliage colors in the most 

exquisite manner. One of the most beautiful of Crotons..........scc.e-eeeeees 50 cts. to 1 00 
Disraeli. In the newer leaves the mid-rib and margin of a light yellow. As the foliage 
becomes older the yellow subsides to a bright orange yellow. Inthe mature leaves 

the margin is a bright scarlet, and the mid-rib is striped by a band of the same 

bright color between two lines of a deep golden yellow ......s02 cssserecr veces 25 cts. to 0 50 
Bismarcki. The color is a deep green, with a broad band of golden yellow along the 

costa, and yellow markings indicating the course of the lateral veins, in addition 

to which a few slight yellow blotches are scattered over the surface........... 25 cts. to 0 50 
Johannis. The leaves are from twenty to twenty-four inches long, narrow and pendu- 

lous, ground color bright shining green, the margins and mid-rib bright orange 

yellow,jasbenuteiullivaniet yeececes.—2r Uciy. 02 ale deae- danteone wares «nkisdoa as steierer aE eet am 50 cts. to 1 00 
Irregulare. Leaves broadest at the base and tapering to an obtuse point, about 9 inches 

long, and most diversified in shape, scarcely two leaves resembling eaeh other ; 

ground color dark green, mid-rib orange yellow, with the upper surface of the leaf 

irrecularly spotted and blotehed with yellow. s.0ccic6iscsc..cia 3-5. sondencncecdoo' 25 cts. to 0 50 
Lord Cairns. This has trilobate leaves. The color of the foliage is a bright green, the 

mid ribs of the leaves a light yellow, blotched and spotted with the same color, 

the spots and blotches being irregularly scattered over the surface............ 25 cts. to 0 50 
Majesticum. A truly grand variety, leaves from twelve to eighteen inches long, 

somewhat narrow; when young the leaves are dark green. ribbed with golden 

yellow, the green changing with age into a deep olive and the yellow becomes 

CDFMSOM) «fas dasyisdab as pcindey =. nesodns sasaUsobs cdaldeichvstenudbhes entre otes Gh aeen/Jaek ac dena dusk tk cna eee 0 50 
Multicolor. Leaves irregular in shape, contracted in the centre and twisted at the point, 

light green blotched with yellow, but changing to glossy green blotched with yel- 

low, reddish yellow and red, the mid-rib crimson.....+0..sse0ee- deecaccee bisawck ---25 cts, to 0 50 


Spirale. The spiral leaves render it most distinct, they are from nine to twelve inches 
in length and pendulous; in a young state, the ground color is deep green, striped 
up the centre with a broad band of golden yellow; with age they change toa deep 
DRONA VRE MCOME secs Unt cecdoeld ccttncheetee eet todtieconeiaestbe Mealile vocldiidedaastanfSeeleh Sus 20430 cts. to 

Tortilis. A remarkably fine variety with twisted foliage, very distinct. The mid-rib 
of each leaf grows in a spiral from the base to the point The ground coior is of a 
devp olive green, the mid ribs of the mature leaves bright crimson, bordered on each 
side wathialline of deep) yellow, weccsecsasenc- acess acpeep sce +srueagres (--cieap>  =-eis< ....30 cts. to 

Volutum. The leaves being rolled up from the end in a volute, after the manner of 
the curving of a ram’s horn. The ground color is deep green, a golden bar runs 
down the centre, from which yellow veins diverge at about half-inch intervals, and 
meet near to, and so as to coalesce with the golden margin.......... sdieondo6e6 25 cts. to 

Veitchii. A splendid variety. The leaves attain a length of twelve to fourteen inches, 
and two-and-a-half inches in breath, and are traversed by broad bands of creamy 
yellow, which change with age into rose and carmine purple..........+.-0.00025 cts. to 

Undulatum. The edges of the leaves beautifully undulated and wavy, snl the variega- 
tion consisting of numerous markings and blotches, which in the matured leaves 
are of the brightest. crimson on a dark green ground, and in the young leaves, at 
IOP SVLOWPaccoon deoonenesadgeG. Bdocdeds PB bennordS oncdzangd scoooGdbd boBoboecotc oho sdoncs ds6067 25 cts to 

Weismannii. This is one of the most beautiful of. all the forms; leaves about a foot 
long and three-fourths of an inch wide; ground color shining bright green striped 
and mottled with RONCIEIN S/EINOWF so0000 200000d0060500 so0000 000000 684500 960 OGOBLO SUGOEEEOE 25 cts. to 

Chrysophyllum. At the upper ends of the shoots they appear to be almost entirely 
golden. The upper leaves are shorter than the lower, somewhat Mitt and 
occasionally about once twisted; the petioles are red...........0.:.60 soseeeseeeee 2d Cts. to 

Bicornutum. ‘This is a curious and handsome variety ; leaves irregular in “shape, dark 
green, blotched and spotted with yellow, and having a horn-like extension of the 
mid. rib, which has given rise to 1tS MAME... -........c06-2-000 vevceeee G pos ndcech M66 d30 30 cts. to 

Youngii. This magnificent Croton is of noble and graceful habit; the leaves are of 
great substance, from 14 to 2 feet in length, deep red underneath, while the upper 
surface is dark green, densely blotched and suffused with creamy yellow, and bright 

TOSivane Ors sercemo shee SHOODCONDOSES 0 --00 cts. to 
Interruptum. "Very long leaves, nearly a1 an inch broad, mid-rib bright scarlet, shading 
to a golden yellow; an exceedingly graceful plant..........sccccssseeesescee -seees 25 cts. to 
Longifolium. Leaves green, blotched and striped with golden yellow, very long and 
craceful ; ARIA UMC OME sO TMecsenincaecelsseaassackncesmersiereces. Saadeocdo op cocD6e nEg600 25 cts. to 
Picta. Foliage dark green, spotted with red and yellow... ....s0-.csssseeseees Jondoa0 25 cts, to 
Variegatum, Leaves dark green, blotched and spotted with golden yellow....25 cts. to 
Variegatum Rubrum. Leaves dark green, striped and spotted with red and golden 
Yellow ......06 5 cosnesase Bos6O00 EJ 00DS GhondoosDdoGoNs GAO UctE 45000N coo! odO49) axESSesoLOsaQSOZ4D) CLES UO) 
Elegans....... oo Bacono boo eqadnden S pcnbo5 canonas Ss tangas Shee nce “EuIBOOOIG Good eh iveuliieise omiestelaeelesnsi 25 cts. to 

Specimen and half specimen plants of all can besupplied during summer and autumn, 
suitable for exhibiting, at moderate prices. 


Collerti, (new }) A remarkably distinct variety. The flowers areof a See Tae with 

a crimson scarlet base, and are particularly handsome. ..........00-sscssceeseesee seers ei caee 
Cruentus. The flowers are compact and double, of a remarkably rich crimson red, and 
having a strikingly showy character .......00 ccs Bete sonic es 6 bacinaOUA sHbbedebo baBoBaee sda 

Carminatus perfectus. It has very large flowers, nearly five inches across, with broad 
and slightly undulated petals, of a rich soft carmine rose, with a deep crimson 

OE oan re acle Seni dices cin dacs eta sebvoeelssagnice SSbaeeet Roehchaels aceseespahe aukhe see ausetecescasens sauiede 
Fulgidus. Flowers. very large, composed of fine, broad, round and beautifully undu- 
lated petals, of an intense carmine scarlet......c.s04 sees s-eeeee NG Bobaddosebedech Seg bebbdoato ce 
Miniata Semi-plena. Brilliant flowers of a vermilion scarlet color, darker towards the 
Maserot tie petals. Whe flowers are’semai-dUuble..2...-2-cc+8..cos -ccovetcones cooseces soo eres ° 
Puniceus. The flowers are double, neat and compact, of « very elegant crisped appear- 
ance, color bright dense CrimSOM. ...c.cee ice acces sesees 5.16) le 3508¢6.do4 poo obocdsencoldscacoosndnaaoD006 
Lambertii. Flowers large, of a deep crimson, Very fine.........0.0.sesees et heseneneaiseoc scars: 
Van Houttii, (new.) Another magnificent flower, large, of a deep crimson, extra fine, 
Rosa Sinensis.. Flowers Cee CMIMUSOM SHES LC ewe scncet esses veined -uan>-osebe sensi; cohsemededs cab acne 

Rosa pleno rubra. Double crimson. 20 000020098 100000000008 200000008 080000888 000000008 800000 002000090000 cen 








oo ooo i=) i=) 











Rosa plenoJaune. Double yellow............. pebebaeee Sacuades satis bon Tarwonate scknss Lationae tee ones SO 25 

Rosa pleno Aurantiaca.’, Double orange. dh. «i: losteasessuesissacstis ecsesecasieu dete eee 0 25 

Rosa dSinensis Variegata. Leaves beautifully variegated With white..:.....-..c2.--ce<eserone 0 30 
Grandiflora. ‘This is a beautiful new plant in the way of the fine old plant H. rosa 

Simensis, it has very large flowers of TOSY CVIMSON....0. seeee seseseee seeessees oreeenees seeees 0 25 

Cooperii tricolor. Beautifully variegated in foliage and floWEeTS.........cccsesee coeeesceeees cee 0 25 

GARDENIA.—Cape Jasamine, 

The Cape Jasamine is well known for its delicious fragrance, as well as the beauty of the 
fiowers, which are large, white and double. 

Mlonida.” “Waree  COuUvle: WHELGssncccrcctacarsersanseceerueacor te: tenes sascenisseanacacenneniane 25 cts. to $0 50 
Florida Major. Very large double.. Mande srivvecercccnsesdesda cece scot cane scesee: CUsmmtemmN MEA 
Florida Majestica. Very large double White. se...s+sseseeeee feck cocckececdcececocece + 25 cts. to 0 50 
Hortuni. Fortune’s larce double witite -.-...c<, ec. -sacesonc-ccse-eoneee Seeocticencheeeees 25 cts. to 0 50 
Camellifiora. Large double white... sss neercede ected ceentsest “peceo erode eece ccs 25 cts. to 0 50 
Radicans. , Profuse bloonter, double Witte ..c-ccssetccese: ences caccst acenss seshesece oteces 2U cts: to 0 40 
Radicans Variegata. Variegated leaves, double white flowers ............00. cesses 20 cts. to 0 50 
Citriogora. ‘Single white, Very 1rAmLMltcocascnasmtescmareccrcnccsseseceeaecasciccenvorcciee 25 cts. to 0 50 
*Argentefiora, (Lees ) The largest and finest of all the single Violets. Flowers half 
un inch in diameter; bluish veined and suffused with lilac, leaves small. A free 
and very fragrant: Violet)” A distinet Acquisition: ..1--c=-. Joscrecs: «-scncnnenaesesatnanlas . 0 50 
*Marie de Savoy, (new.) The largest of Violets, color deep blue with a white centre, 
very fragrant. This violet will be largely grown by florists; a grand flower......... 0 26 
Rubra plena, (new.) Double red violet, very distinct... .... 0.0.0... ssccc- cence: ossesecssensens ose 0 25 
Odoratissima, (Lees. ) This is a beautiful new single violet, very large, cclor purplish 
DANN Sei oeerocceece Gen coo PeReLe ce sce cee cen cee CeRRE SECS CEREE Ace ACH ee coon ethene Beets Sete Seacce cee oc 
Belle de Chatenay. ‘New double white violet. The flowers are pure white, most deli- 
cately perfamed, of immense size.and) very doublese: oir <.-- 5. <2... scccscosna enscan\eusa=ee 0 20 
*Belle de 5 EG Violet colored, (new,) distinct and beautiful, very large and 
double... Soereee Perpeacece eee econ eet cecncees 

‘Czar, (single) “Very large purple, hardy and fragrant. | 

‘Czar White, (single.) A pure white variety of the last, very desirable. 

Double Blue Neapolitan. Light blue. 

Schoenbrun. Ever blooming, single dark blue.. 

King of Violets. Large and double, indigo shaded with violet. 

Marie Louise. Very fine double flowers, purple, with white centre, forces well. 

Princess Louise. Double white, fine. 

Devoniensis. Single blue, large, very fragrant. 

Victoria Regina, (Lees.) This is a most beautiful single violet, with blooms 1} inches in 
diameter, pale blue, very fragrant. 

Price 15 cents each, $1.50 per dozen, (save where priced.) Large plants in autumn 25 
cents each, $2.00 per dozen. 

LAGERSTRAMEA.—Crape Myrtle. 


Indica Alba. White Crape Myrtle, a very beautiful shrub...........sccseseesees eeeceecoodnecte $0 25 

Indica Rosea. Rose or pink, the variety generally QrOWN.......4.sessssses ceeees soeeerees seneeees 0 25 

Indica Purpurea. A bright purple, a vigorous grower and free bloomer........... sssessees 0 25 

Indica Magenta. Color a bright magenta Bennet Conn Maer Beieractee werececeereomttenccce: ceetcce c: 0 26 
Indica New Crimson. Bright deep crimson, no variety hitherto introduced approach- 
ing it in color; a profuse bloomer, giving immense heads of its rich flowers........... 

The Crape Merten is well-known in this latitude and South as our most beautiful summer 
flowering hardy shrub. North, it will need protection. 

PUNICA.— Pomegranate. 

Nana. It blooms freely in a small state, and larger specimens are sheets of bloom. It 
is highly recommended for bedding purposes, being a profuse bloomer and exceed- 
ingly desirable from its rich color, brilliant orange scarlet. ..ccecoos cessceeceee csvessorecer O 26 


Pari a nen El ene neon eeen aren teen eames aaaeecerecenekeeaseneaeeeer las Be eaaatentebtabe scosnt a patetetenn saneeouse $0 50 
Alba Pleno. Double white Sean pss o senna ase ss ses ee eee eos saa s5 5855559 0 25 
Bubrisideng: | Wowole Ted-.. 0202.5. -csed eee -nbee sacoto eee eee eeeeenacee Beeepeeaee 908 Sao aso se 0 25 
Burs Erolters. AC pranise 1OWeNner.: = 2ccsknsscesenenesca=\nacssosesv==seddda\vasesVewe\-sasseuewlenwerans 0 25 
Legrellis Pleno. Reddish yellow bordered with white, very double, splendid........... 0 25 


Abelia Rupestris. A dwarf compact shrub, flowers pure white in long racemes during 
summer and fall; a beautiful shrub, quite hardy.......0..---secee ceoee -costeeee soeeee eeeeese 0 25 

Andromeda Arborea, (or Oxydendron. )—Sorrel Tree. A rare American small tree, 
known in Europe as Lily-of-the-Valley Tree, from the resemblance of its bloom to 

TEM CMY NO WEL oo .-o 20 ba.Sey -nesetaelneensct = 525595 seacoast: SSossas aS ahaa 0 50 
* Azalea Ghent, in varieties finest seedlings syaoatoso saosesssassseasas assess a es ae ses canes . 1 00 
85s polymorphum. Ue slr ON ed O10 OD lOsssass sos Say ee eee eo 0 50 
Atropurpureum. Foliage deep purple shaded with claret ; a beau- 
tiful WATS Ban ass5sdonsassaas toeony sas as 1 50 
= Dissectum. Foliage similar to the above but 
Ta TY GR isos Aah seas 1 50 
¥ Rosea Pictis. Foliage deeply and finely cut.... 1 50 
% Reticulatum. Deeply lobed leaves, reticulated with white and 
VO ASS $835 sco cechsd ase see ess ees eee oS pee goceno 1 50 
J Rosea Marginatus. Leaves tipped and edged With TOSE -....5 6.0.25 1 50 
52 Sanguineum. Blood leaved, deeply lobed, leaves a rich colored 
and very beautiful maple... ......- chip ibreces taspek in eoe sae ee 
3 Japonicum. Of slow compact growth, with large ‘leaves. A very distinct and 
HaNGSOMIE SBOCies crest cesacen onapreseis-aes=i eee een ep penser cli-o-=asemc=selasnelienssae~a) sesaerencs 1 50 
Ss Castenifolia. A very distinct and handsome maple.......... 4 eh 2 00 
Aralia Sieboldi. A very handsome evergreen with large shining green leaves, nearly 
or quite hardy. A fine decorative plant. ......... ....-.000 --csensee seceesene -orecace .25 ets. to 0 50 

Callicarpa Purpurea. A pretty berry-bearing shrub. It blooms in August; these are 
succeeded by a crop of small berries, which are of a bright lilac purple, and which 
continues upto winter, ~ The plant as quite hardy ooo oo, 2 nn..2 02-22 -sesesee. s2scue --2e0s 0 30 

*Carpenteria Californica. This is an extremely rare shrub even in its native habitat. 

It is a handsome shrub, the flowers being large pure white, with yellow tipped 
stamens. ‘The leaves are broadly lance shaped, of thick texture, with recurved 
margins; it grows from six feet to fifteen feet in height and is very bushy. One 
of the most valuable shrubs which have been introduced for ten “A great 
acquisition ’—Garden. (See Cut.)... -ccese-seeee sceceeeee certeccee seceeene seeeeeceeree coeeeeee 1 00 
*Ceanuthus. Two or three species, natives of California, ¢ are the parents of these beau- 
tiful varieties. which have of late been increased into many varieties 
in Europe, where they are regarded as among the most beautiful of 
bedding plants. 

Gloire de Versailles. Long spikes of beautiful azure flowers......c0..ecceree 0 50 
Iris. In the style of the last, very beautiful .............00. >aanoso8 Sosn555 ass 0 50 
MarieSimen. Large spikes of rosy carmine........ .csccees 9 b3s22 ass 0 50 
Ether. Large spikes of lilac MoWeTs.........-.cccessseee socecsecesceenees sSo2095 0 5@ 
Aerostat. Immense spikes of delicate “i511 it A 0 75 
Scepter Azur. Long spikes of azure blue.......... sso ggs 955329588 325 ease ost 0 50 

Cedrela Sinensis. A very beautiful hardy tree of rapid growth, from north of China, 
with large foliage similar to Ailanthus, and yellowish bark. This is a very hand- 
some new tree, very desirable for gardens, lawns, cometeries. &c., its fine large 

shining foliage being most distinct, and the tree, withal, perfectly hardy............... 0 50 
Crategus Lalendi. A variety of Pyracantha, much superior to the type, has deeper 

eolored berries and a more compact and Bester Mabibes cots CMB O eh 0 30 
Coculus Carolinianus. A rapid growing climber, perfectly hardy. It produces race- 

mes of vivid scarlet berries which bang on the vines all winter... . aoe 0 30 

Desmodiums Japonicum. A pretty dwarf. “Japanese shrub, which is quite hardy. “Tts 
drooping branches are entirely hidden by millions of its white flowers, 
which are freely produced from August to beginning of winter.’’........0. 0 25 
Penduliflorum Similar to the last, with Ure MOWENS oree.s csnaneansce ne see 0 25 
Dimorphanthus Mandchuricus. This noble deciduous shrub has been introduced from 
Mandchuria, and, therefore, is perfectly hardy. Its handsome multifid leaves are 
about a yard in length, and as much in breadth. similar to Aralia Japonica ....... 0 50 
*Gelsemium Sempervirens pleno. Double flowered Carolina Jesamine, an exceedingly 
benutiful elimber; rich yellow flowers.........-ccesee “Sar sass Sasso 1 00 



Hypericum Patulum. ‘This magnificent hardy evergreen flowering shrub is a grand 
acquisition. Itsindividual flowers, which are produced in bunches, are pale yellow 
and of great ee ee resembling much in appearance the beautiful Gardenia 
SV AVANIGS 2) 5-5 vaasnorce seaaanes cosas nceaceess seer sanaee~ see esenet dpe e pet pea ee eee sea ire eee ene $0 25 
Idesia Polycarpa. A very beautiful new Japanese tree. The flowers, which are of a 
yellowish green, spring from the axils of the upper leaves in long gracefully droop- 
ing branched racemes. They are deliciously fragrant, their color resembling that 
of a Vanda. These are followed by numerous orange berries, about as large as a 

small cherry. “Tree quite Handy eeseqeacn eater aden eodececen seee see ee so een eae 0 50 
Ligustrum Japonicum Tricolor. A very fine variegated ae centre of leaf green, 

broadly margined with silver.. se rcisiadeaGa) fe hcainns eet Semen 
*Menziesia polifolia Alba. W hite flowered Irish Heath. A very beautiful dwarf 

shrub, quite hardy...... oe eee pe 0 50 

*Muhlenbeckia Complexa. An exceedingly pretty trailing plant, with small round 
leaves thickly set upon the branches, meee very much the appearance of Maiden 
Plain Wert. c.c.sscocscses <n seca sedesnons caencc: cuos evan pees ene aseaencnn a) Coreen e nee ane nee eee eee 0 

Neviusia Alabamensis. ‘Snow Wreath.” A new native shrub of great beauty. ‘It 
occurred in thickets under a long escarpment of rock, and when in full bloom 
looked like a snow wreath. In its native place it had a southern exposure at the 
base of a high cliff, and at an elevation above the tops of the trees below; at that 
place I have seen virgate wreaths cf it three feet long covered with bloom ’’,........ 0 

*Philodendron Amurensis. A pretty mediuin-sized tree from the Amour, with a 
straight stem and dense head and long pinnated foliage, produces the Siberian 
Cork. ‘“ This is just now (November) a . beautiful object. in my garden. My spe- 
cimen tree is about 12 feet in height, and has a tall pyramidal crown of from 8 to 
6 feet. The form of its foliage, which is deeply lobed, gives it a singular appear- 
ance, and the coloration of the leaves, which are bright red, is very fine, It retains 
its foliage-very late.— Maa Deichtlinis 2: .i-ccnacen= connec seoeeccese eee ee e 0 75 

Pzonia Moutan Banksic. Double Chinese Tree Peony. A magnificent flowering 
SHADE GUERRERO 7a ees ances Seta Bess Scot ote cree cect eee 50 cts. to 1 00 

Pyrus Maulei. This desirable new fruit has been introduced into England from Japan. 

It is allied to the Japanese Quince. The fruit is of the size of a 
moderate Quince, of a bright apricot color, and makes a rich con- 
serve. The flowers, which are produced in great profusion, are ofa 
most brilliant orange scarlet color. It is one of the most beau- 
tiful flowering trees of recent introduction, as well as a valuable 
fruit.. oe . Small plants, 0 50 
Japonica ‘Alba Semi- pleno. Semi-double white ‘Japan ‘Pyrus eee 0 50 
Rhododendron Catawbiense. Finest seedlings, 1 to 2 feet.... ......... Ssspsencesse Satesc seis: - 1 00 
Maxima. Large leaved, 1 £0 2 feebescoseeectnceee ee eae 1 00 
DIVO VATED AS Sea A: SORE ee Rapes eee eee aaceh ass Soe eee eco 1 00 

Stauntonia Hexaphylla. A beautiful new w climbing plant from Japan, perfectly hardy, 
of very rapid erowth and fine large foliage. .-...2 2. ..0.- cc aqsaeecsennna sree a cena eee 0 50 

Styrax Japonica. This is one of the finest hardy shrubs of recent introduction. It is 
of vigorous compact growth; blooms early and most profusely; the plants are 
theets of bloom, which are pure white, most charming, admirably adapted for 
COMIELETICS) (co sccug coseceene Goce oe eemcaseessenetacnerticasesese: pees ac nonehe dae nep eee eee eee eee 0 25 

*Syringa.—( Lilac.) Hyacinthiflora pleno A magnificent double flowered lilac—large 

thyrse of rich double lilac “OWOLS, sccnte sagt soe ee ee 
*Lemoinei pleno. Another magnificent double flowered Lilac, 
with immense thyrses of delicate rose colored flowers, a grand 
and exceedingly beantiful, plant. -. 0.07. <n <cces soqneemesawesielaenseeaae 1 00 
*Rubella pleno. Immense thyrse of double mauve-colored 
flowers ;;a, grand variety ; ready in Aprilic...ccse-caneneuscessyee @ 1 50 
Wiegelia Incarnata. A beautiful bright colored variety.............0:sseceecessecesecees eeenaee - O 25 
John Standish. Large flowers of purplish crimson..................:ccesescesesees oe 0 25 
Ed. André. A very beautiful new variety, interior of flower purple, exterior 
very dark blackish purple... occ cesssssnessivadocy casesseenenn doers deqcns- tebe eee ee eee 0 25 
*August Wilhelm, (new.) Rosy Miiirduthieics ae anes eee ate 
*Candida, (new ) _The finest and purest white............000 s-csessconcesssersas soeees 0 50 

*Zanthocercis Sorbitolia. This one of the most beautiful hardy shrubs which have 
been introduced for years. It is a native of central China. It is a shrub or small 
tree, not attaining over ten or twelve feet in height and bushy. The flowers expand 
during April at the same time as the leaves, and are disposed in racemes which 
attain. u height of eight inches, and sometimes more. They are white, having a 
slight fleshy tint and reddish copper colored at the base, shading off toa purple 
violet. This lovely shrub is perfectly hardy. cesses cevees seeseeceseesenes cotieaeancnnae es 

bl | 

. Lae 



Among the most beautiful of climbing plants are the Clematis—whether trained over 
lattice work, on pillars, or trailing on the ground. There can now be fuund among them 
great variety of colors; all are profuse bloomers and quite hardy. 

Class Il. 

PERPETUALS, Summer and Autumn bloomers flowering on shoots of 
the sume year’s growth, raised between Lanuginosa and Viticella, 
except the three first named. 

Coccinea. A native Southern apaeies, quite ney flowers small, bright scarlet ; a very 
interesting plant... ehceas Sees DOL OO 
Flammula. Sweet scented, the flowers are small, pure white and fragrant... noses sacce:  W) 295) 
Graveolens. A very distinct species, of rapid growth, a most profuse bloomer, color 
yellow—very distinct, quite hardy.............00-.08 2G Spa nonied oe HOUR SOS OCHS SS DGC ECESO: sonanctoe 0 25 
Montana. A Himalayan ‘species, flaworstiwititocwer oe rer eee e cee er tenere 0 50 
Alexandra, Large flower, color reddish violet, blooms finely through the summer...... 0 50 
*Alba Magna, (new.) Large, pure white flowers; a magnificent Clematis ........ waded 1 00 
Ascotiensis. The flowers containing six petals each, color a fine. azure blue; it isa 
[EDS [PINGUENSS | OO TER Tease CoA EMS nas ecntoo SB adeedo on SOARe nasoAORe ass adsSLeasnn Sen CHa ecRocos eaBeSneEuEn 0 50 
Aureliana. Flowers large and of a lively porcelain DINE ndsosad ostosaie Sostoaosse ose SConOCE 0 50 
Atrepurpures. | Warre And: 1MLeMSCETIMSOM DIWC) acccece.--cecacaeer -aclsacis-coae-ases accor -coraesus 0 30 
Duke of Edinburg. This isa fine variety, flowers large, six-sepaled, of a rich violet 
Pgates. Oneeh Le un OS tanOEN CLIVE. 2... cose nedel-nsunconcnmaiscascscee\sainccelg/-csersiaccass Selects se 0 50 
Fulgens. Violet purple, with a reddish band through the centre of each petal............ 0 40 
Gem. A most profuse bloomer, continuing in full beauty late into the autumn, flowers 
ORR Oo Aerie lia LEMS eur CMMOIIGH ss Qc5ce te acccdjcsstanacoltccma tes cecrel -esanaedastaeslenscscencecoes 0 40 

Henryi. A magnificent large white flower; a free grower and most profuse bloomer... 0 50 
Jackmanii. A lovely hardy climber, with large flowers of a deep purple light violet ; 

APO MUSE Ol OOIN Gens sectaeetat yore rene nnsakncl aceon sdcesencieicscginecesavere-tcassceo'as ou50 ceded aedie toe 0 50 
Jean d’Are. Flowers white, large and perfect, with three pale blue stripes on each 

Peete che platens Ore VI OROUS. 9H ONL ine onjsccseni nec occltaccad i= caine ocineusica\oscecans ca) oespintte 0 40 
Lady Caroline Neville. Color HUGS blush white, with a broad purplish band in the 

GeMte TEC GAL secce Sons E Gnome AROS SB tone too idoo Saedde 6545 S8SoCeN Sodas BODaSESeo aabrSe 0 50 
Lanuginosa. A beautiful species, with light azure flowers, which form an admirable 

COM EEN EgtO TMC OUNCES Pete ree st snake certian tenner secsere oes openneea-sacnsene shirt saeonecnlen Jose es cisceses 0 40 
Lanuginosa Nivea. A variety of the last, with large white flowers, a very fine and dis- 

(HUGYEIS, GOO hoctisce ARES SeaEa ODEN | Aad hoe SS g HOSES SERENE TASB ARSENE oAMaacieh GOS SacH Ron ab aoe PRS Se SASS OnE 0 50 
Lawsoniana. A large and very fine flower, of a fine rosy purple, a free and continuous 

LAGS 5d C agers eer Soe seal semen es a ante icc sti -o see tts eit sale dahanescicec anata deci sc-fecales snaaslec Sones closest cuss 0 50 
*Louis Van Houtte. Double white, rose azure stamens—a beautiful flower................ 0 60 
Mrs. Baker. White, with dark carmine ribbon, a large and beautiful flower, free 

BOPAUSIAM Trae ee oe alas oe cya eis sce stew aie: aic n/a sciste’s Sov cnoeele cutuse Sectesobinnssealescase seseaetene ce cutee 0 50 
Mrs. Jas. Bateman. A very large lawen cer [blieytaseica4ad aanwe tees -eodcae teers saselesece cs anaoet 0 40 
Mad. Granger.. Flowers large purple violet with maroon midrib, redder than any 

tae NOTIN Sten a aalacsererclsdeeee cseate sane nscaloon aa etttenes anak ase ease ecedap acer) us vcs sonem antes: 0 50 
Mad. Van Houtte. A splendid variety; white suffused with a bluish mauve colored 

DE hos sos secesigso once scon0 dan ecigsionco | esac sodn 683005350 40005605300700050, Odos3S04 bog! Babaads SBSHSSAGG BACOLe 0 50 
Marie Lefebvre. Flowers from six to seven inches in diameter, delicate violet white, 

with purplish lilac band in the centre of each petal ....-.....cc00 cesar secessece coovee severe 0 50 
Magnitica. Purple, shaded with crimson, very large and fine .......... - 0 50 

*Otto Frobel. This variety is remarkable for vigor and the flower is of immense size 
and perfect in form, the sepals being sufficiently broad to be well imbricated. The 

Pepe NAC EIGEN COs aceasta eee en owe ce saa tanto unori acca sees costar eettcdes succeeletsttedeatte 0 75 
Princess of Wales Large flowers of a deep rich violet purple, with red bars down the 

SeCMURerGiseheN Metal; H DCALITUL VATICLY, csccseae s-2-cntpicesat-asscnras '=--ec+) ace uns ssecascees 0 40 
Rubella. Flowers of a rich velvety claret, the deepest color of any Clematis, generally 

has six petals to each flower ............ccssees SASH OHOECA Sa IOG UNIO SepbdO aca bos oaaeh caCAO SUCORDOSA 0 50 
Bupraevaolneeaa. maich velvety claret-i. c.sncests'2.10ecebereeas acces cadees eee ee connacadancosond Acoobos 0 50 
Svymeiana. Delicate shade of pale mauve or lavender. blue; a striking variety. . 0 50 

Star of {ndia. Flowers from four to five inches in diameter ; color rich violet purple, 
with a rosy purple band in the centre of each petal v.sseee: na5060000 Sooksaeee 6 aSdcoaN onsoN 0 40 


Thomas Tenant. White, with pale rose changing to ivory white, very handsome...... $0 50 

Thomas Moore. Deep rich violet tinted puce, a very large flower, oceasionally nine 
Mme@bes IN GiaMBCLEL - .ccecee conn sees awaeaegua Geeewe sa gueesns seser ote ean neertalenas ne we eae nl menaseaeecias 0 50 

Tunbridgensis. Flowers four to six inches in diameter, dark blue, and ribbed on the 
centre of each petal with purp) es. <0 secs. 25-5 -cecenen= sanavunerjiconeceseia-o=s- arepnm-oema=Pasens 0 50 
Velutina Purpurea. Very profuse bloomer, color blackish mulberry.. .....22+- ..sseeses eeeers 0 50 

Victoria, A distinct and handsome variety, flowers large, composed of five and six 
petals well formed, color deep reddish mauve.......0....sccececcesessenceerescescsccssees -eoees 0 50 
Viticella Venosa. A reddish purple, reticulated with White.......0....ccecessers cesses sescesens 0 50 
*Viticella Alba, (new.) Free grower and profuse bloomer, color pure WHIte......-0.000e. 1 00 

*Viticella Rubra Grandiflora, (new.) A vigorous free growing variety, flowers pro- 
fusely, color,a violet Ved 22.05... s.cccscccicesasctesbecbeace« caatcushle gd dae cencetapmaddes spaiaseemsder’ 0 75 

Twelve very fine, my selection, $4.00. 
NEW CLEMATIS. (Class 1.) 

*André Leroy. An immense flower of the finest form, color rich violet, with a metal- 
hhevhue® aerand NOW eE 2... 22. pesccacennteses sana nace sarees tree onl ate ie eee ele ieee tee ee 0 50 
*Blue Gem. Flowers very large of a rich blue, shaded with mauve.... .......2. sseees seceeees 1 50 

*Fairy Queen. Flowers very large, occasionally measuring nine inches across; color 
pale flesh, with a pink bar in the centre of each sepal, shaded purple at the base.... 0 50 

*Duke of Norfolk. A large beautiful flower, having 8 sepals of a rich mauve............. 0 75 
*Devoniensis. Flowers large, delicate azure blue, very free bloomer. extra......c0...2se 0 75 
*Duchess of Teck, Flowers pure white, six-sepaled, with a faint, delicate mauve bar 
down the centre when Brst Opened occ sesce ace scene a tener oceans 0 50 
*Fairy Queen. Flowers very large of a delicate rose, beautifiul............ceccesseseee coceeees 0 50 
*Gipsey Queen. An extremely rich, bright, dark velvety purple variety of the Jack- 
Maniti types Very, Pree, late Mowe mii sen cs ec eae le ers eee 0 450 
*Herbert Spencer. A large and beautiful flower, style of Jackmanii, color violet blue, 1 00 
*La Nymphe. Flowers very large, pure white, with rosy stamens, fine..........-c002 see: 1 00 
*Marie Boisselot. An immense flower, pure white. the finest white Clematis.. 1 50 
*Moritkata Oke. A beautiful new variety, satiny French white, closely set and slightly 
cupped, flowers very perfect in Shape scececesstcnscel oe ats cone o'ae see enna ater ee eee 1 00 
*Mrs Hope. Satiny mauve, bar rather dark tint, sepals broad and over-lapping, 
forming a full slightly reflexed flower...e.-c ccc ties ee a a 1 00 
*Mad. Thibaut. An immense flower: white, a broad band of rose in the centre of the 
[TEL Opera Beene eee Rene br Beene Ce Batt Re cr cetnc cece deed e becceccec nteec cee APE PA Satan ces secs 1 00 
*Madlle Hiiza Schenk. A large and fine Clematis of a rich Dlue............ scccseceeseceseees 1 00 
*Purpurea Elegans. Flowers large, fineform ; color deep violet purple, well contrasted 
by its light colored fiiaments and pinkish brown anthers ........ Danes eee ert 0 75 
*Reine Blanche. A lovely white flower, delicately margined, with sepals, fringed...... 0 50 
*Vesta. The flowers are five inches across, and consisting of eight or more spreading 
sepals of a dead white color, with a creamy tinge over the centre bar...........sss++ - 0 50 
Class IT. 

The following varieties flower in spring and early summer, from the old or ripened wood 
of the previous year’s growth, have been raised from Patens: 
Albert Victor. A thick velvety texture, flowers large deep lavender, with brown ribs 
down the eentre petal -cnc-- scssegeaccec cecenecce aces cnsece ceca ceeoeea=s aan ee ee $0 40 
Excelsior. Flowers large, finely shaped and occasionally double, the outer petals 
resembling the guard petals of a Hollyhock, color rich ‘deep mauwe se <dagts tae Gee 
Fair Rosamond. The flower is fully six inches across, and consists of eight sepals. 
White with a bluish cast, having a light wine red bar up the centre of each sepal... 0 50 

Fortunei. A very fine species from Japan, flowers double, white and fragrant........... 0 40 
Florida Standishii. One of the most beautiful flowers of a kind of violet blue, with 
crimson and carmine shining Fhrouch if .in.<csels yseSecseceusmubecensemeqon-copleics he aera 0 40 
John Gould Veitch. A magnificent ‘* Double Blue Clematis.” It isa profuse bloomer, 
the flowers being very double, ofa large size, and of a beautiful light blue............ 0 50 
Lady Londsborough. Color a delicate silvery lavender with. a white stripe down. the. 
centre Of each petal 25... v2. oceascsosoescsaes<s-nseseg snceomtewiancanendonad peel shes! cadmas be seceee 0 40 

Lucie Lemoine. Fine double white, the flowers are composed of seventy-five to ninety 
petals. In the first period of its flowering the blooms are semi-circular in shape, 
resembling a gigantic double white Zinnia 


Miss Bateman. A magnificent plant; the blooms are large, of good shape and pure 
white, banded with creamy white down the centre of each petal.....-sscccces seceeeseeeee $0 40 
Stella. Veryshowy. ‘The flowers are of a light violet or deep mauve, with a distinct 
bar in the centre of each sepal of a reddish Plum COLOM .....cecece .--a-seee ee -oeeee seeeee cere 0 40 
The Queen. A free habit and remarkably handsome foliage, and flowers of a delicate 
laWenGericolor Ge VEFVjOCAUbITEN . . os cpitg dae anna -na aewscsnelssieees cceees oossccdusvcesinascceaceoes oon ses 0 50 

NEW CLEMATIS.—(Class 2.) 

*Countess of Lovelace. Sepals a bluish lilac, within which is a rosette of smaller sepal 

like bodies of a deep bluish lilac forming a full double flower............ sscssseeeseeree ses 0 50 
*Duchess of Edinburgh. Without doubt the best of the double whites yet known, most 

deliciously scented jweryifree,blooming;® .sc.c-coestewads-oyeatwearsn. soborvees We -++nconedehitie’ s+ 0 75 
*Lord Derby. A large flower with eight sepals; color pale lavender, very showy....... 0 50 

_*Sir Garnet Wolseley. Nearly six inches across, of a slaty-blue eround, having in the 
young state a very effective dash of bronze, and in the matured condition a : showy 
and distinct bar Of plUM ed .......0.. 2.0.0 sceeesseness socnes coscneces anesascosees sve roseeeceseon ace see 0 50 
*Mrs George Jackman. The flowers are large, six in. across, flat, light sepaled, much 
overlapping so as to form a close and well filled flower, and sometimes producing a 
second row of petals ; the color is a satiny white with a creamy bar ............0.....-- 1 090 
*Maiden’s Blush, Flower large, eight sepals; color delicate rose with cream centre.... 0 75 

These are bulbous-rooted plants which bloom magnificently during the winter months. 

*Leopoldi. Dwarf, compact, erect habit, umbels of a rich vermilion ; an exceedingly 

EAU LEUNG a MiGes serene tes oar aaneal one smnsmanei ac concent coca ecamemenacisy @eRfask fends se ctan lansing desis cia’ . 0 50 
*Regalis. Large, splendid and elegantly arranged foliage, flower trusses sparkling ver- 

“TEDDIES 40a oe Oe lV aOR ARIAL) Bag A a a 0 75 
Exoniensis. An intense orange scarlet, the leaf is of a dark velvety texture, studded 

MACH Minintomred smaiescl ile plist. .chs.c0~<oshasWectetes Moncertsapss conduc enone Sop onneesseeasciens 0 50 
Refulgens. Another superb winter flowering plant; color of flower between vermilitn + 

Une eariror ant Nera MATL ATG ca onuccacae se cesacc eaten cecseessaccenneiscose-\-sncealascouocs 0 50 
Spiendens. Crimson, with yellow tube. spotted, very beautiful .............ssccececscesceeerees 0 50 
Jusminiflora. Flowers of the purest white. freely produced, beautiful... ......c0.sccceeceeres 0 30 
*Purpurea Maculata, (new.) Purple, spotted with dark red.. satacence O10 
*Pyramidalis Ruberrima, (new ) Deep crimson, beautifully spotted, very ne. otleees 0 75 
Verticillata. Flowers spotted, very free and handsome............ secocsscescoes 5 aesidoccaccen Have 0 50 



Cyrtodeira Chontalensis. Leaves light Rosanowia Citrina Rosea. Pretty flow- 
green, purple underneath, flowers lilac ers, half yellow and half rose............ 0 50 
with a yellow centre; a charming Rosanowia Ornata Creamy white, cov- 
(DIEM Die cn Send asses Sasa ecogs aes ane abanoe: 0 30 ered with rose lines on the tube lobes, 

Drymonia Turialve. A beautiful bold interior striped with dark purple; a 
leaf, very thick, with a silvery metal- HME RUE Line eeneascsceheeearacdescssesneniis-cs 0 50 
lic appearance, and as easily cultivated Scheeria Mexicana Coerulescens. Fine 
as a Begonia. Also a good flowering DNWGtrcccisa ssc wasselo venom sacha) ee peisneceasen 0 30 
DIESE A As SSeS 5 SE an Seno eeeon we oceeee 0 30 *Isololma Hirsute. A very beautiful 

*Lietzia Brasiliensis. A very curious South American plant, with flowers 
new plant; flowers blue, beautifully of rich orange vermilion; lobe of 
spotted ; very IStinct... .....cece-sseses - 1 00 orange scarlet—a grand novelty........ 1 00 


Admiration. Deep rose color, with light Argus. Rich plum, orange eye, spotted car- 

throat. mine. 

Ami Van Houtti. Very fine blue, centre Celestial. White, slightly washed with vio- 
yellow. let blue. 


Dentonia. Large blue. 

Diamond. White, with purple reflex. 
Diadem. Magenta carmine, yellow eye. 
Firefly. Carmine, salmon orange centre, 
Georgiana Splendens. Dark scarlet, golden 

Grandis.- Violet purple, centre orange. 
Georgeana. Scarlet, centre golden yellow. 
Grandiflora. Bright rose, large and fine. 
Grandiflora pleno. Bright violet 
Hofgartner Mastrand. Vermilion and pur- 
ple. yellow throat. 
Harry Williams. Bright cerise, yellow eye. 
Lady Littleton. Magenta, centre orange. 
Leopard. Large red centre, yellow. 
Loveliness. Magenta, centre golden yellow. 
Lon. Macrantha. Beautiful blue, very large. 
Lon. Mad. Marthe. Blue, orange centre. 


Lon flora pleno. Blue, double. 

Longiflora Alba Maxima. Large white. 

Margaritta. Pure white, fine. 

Mauve perfection. Purple. 

Magnet. ‘Orange, spotted crimson. 

Miniata. Fine, smal]! red Rougemont. Amaranth. veined purple. 

Patens Major. Large dark violet carmine. 

Pink Perfection. Satiny pink, large and 

President Mallet. 

Purpurea Elegans. Splendid deep magenta. 

Rollisonnii. Large blue. 

Rose Queen. Bright rose 

Scarlet Perfection. Bright scarlet. 

Unique. Rosy pink, orange eye. 

Violacea Semi-pleno. Violet, semi-double. 

W. Muller. Pure white eye, striped. 

Price 25 cts. each; $2.80 per doz. 


The sections of Eucodonia and Negelia are typed in habit by the well known Gesneria 
Z-brina, the flowers being produced on large terminal cone shaped racemes in drooping 
funnel shaped flower tubes of rich violet and bright rose, with pretty dotted centres. 

Neegelioides. Large spikes, violet, changing 
to velvety crimson, centre of the throat 
bright yellow, spotted with crimson. 

Negelioides Diamantina. Large flowers of 
purplish violet, very striking. 

Negelioides Van Houttei. Large spikes, per- 
fect form, vivid carmine spotted with flesh 
rolored stripes. 

Negelioides Lilacina. A beautiful lilac with 
white throat, spotted and speckled with 
citron, lilac and yellow. 

Ehrenbergi. Sky blue flowers, very hand- 
Amphitrite. Fine flowers of lilac rose, with 

three bands of orange yellow. 
Diane. Lilac blue, throat yellowish. 

Price 25 cts. each; set of 7 for $1.50. 

TYD4A.—A Section of Achimenes. 

The group of Tydea includes the late autumn and winter flowering varieties. producing a 
long and brilliant succession of bloom, and include the most florid colors found in the other 
sections, of pure rose, amaranth, rosy crimson, scarlet, cerise, rose orange tinted scarlet and 
white shaded with rose, elegantly spotted or barred in nearly the whole section. 

Belzebuth. Crimson, covered all over with 
black spots, like the skin of a leopard. 

Agar. White suffused with carmine and 
dotted with bright chamoy. 

Display. Tube bright carmine; the mouth is 
arich carmine and the throat white, blotches 
with orange. 

Gigantea. Majestic growth, flowers vermilion 

and golden yellow. 

Junon. Tube purple red, limb scarlet, with 
reddish dots. 

Lady Digby. 

Robert le Diable. Dark vermilion, covered 
with large jets, black fantastic figures, 

Wonder. Magnificent; flowers, which are 
of a dazzling orange vermilion, veined 
with black. 

Compacta Floribunda. Of a velvety cherry 
red with parallel markings of bright amar- 

Brilliant crimson, beautifully 

Madame Halphen. A fine flower, lower lobes 
lightly tinted with lilac and spotted with 
carmine; the upper lobes shaded with car- 
mine rose. 

Madame Heine. Carmine tube; lower lobes 
white, marked with spots of black, shading 
off carmine; upper lobes bordered with 

Madame Lavallée. Tube rose color, lower 
lobes white, spotted with purple carmine, 
upper lobes margined with carmine 

Uranie. Finely striped with searlet upon a 
lilae ground, orifice deep straw yellow. 

Alba Kermesina. White ground, shaded with 
a bright rose and beautifully marked with 

Sape. Fiery vermilion, centre golden yellow 
striped and dotted with crimson. 

Thalie. Large flower, tube vermilion, limb 
lemon yellow with large vermilion spots 
and flakes. 


Tricolor. Limb pure white, dotted with 
bright amaranth, tube crimson 

Etna. Velvety scarlet, regularly striped with 
black, stem and peduncles deep blood red. 

Vesuvius. Large flower of a dark minium 
red, barred with black. 

Zierken Dark fiery vermilion, striped with 
black, throat white, striped. 

Leon Duval. Lively carmine shaded with 
violet, limb lilac, dotted with crimson. 


Pericles. Tube vermillion, limb golden yellow 
with a scarlet band. lined with crimson. 
Surabondant. Tube carmine, limb white, 

pointed with purple. 

Xenophon. Tube cochineal orange, salmon 
red lobes covered with a red netting, throat 
marked and ppcuee with carmine. 


Elliptica multiflora. 


Price 30 cts. each ; $3.00 per dozen. 


Citrina Coronata. Lemon yellow, with vir- 
milion spots. 

Cerise d’Or Exterior red, interior golden 
yellow, covered with cherry red spots, color 
quite new. 

Cinnaberina Rosea. Vermilion, tube almost 
transparent, interior carnation, marbled 
with white, throat citron yellow, speckled. 

Reine Marie Henriette Orange, with dot- 
tings of the same color upon a cream-col- 
ored ground. 

Sceptre Cerise. Very bright vermilion, cov- 
ered with golden yellow spots, magnificent 
branching pyramids of flowers, 

Fulgida Van Houttei. Sparkling vermilion, 
snow white interior, covered with distinct 
balls of vermilion. 

Sceptre Brilliant. Brilliant vermilion anda 
shading of the most beautiful shiny lilac. 
Leichtlini. Pure yellow flower, shaded at 

the summit with deep red. 

Nikita. Inside white spotted with vermilion, 
exterior orange. 

Price 30 cts. each 

Amabilis. Fine erect panicle of snow- white 
flowers, ornamented with large lemon yel- 
low spots on the lower lip. 

Mastouche. Carnation, bordered with Nas- 
turtium red, inside white spotted with flesh. 

Mad. Carriére. Coral red, shaded with car- 
mine, interior yellow. 

Mad. Van Houtte. Bright rose, 
with carmine. 

Daphné. Tube and edge of the limb of a 
lively rose, centre pure white. 

Mont Blane. Large, white flower, slightly 
shaded with lilac on the superior part. 

Alice. Flesh colored, shaded carmine on 
tube on the edge of limb. 

Fulgida Concolor. A magnificent variety of 
a fine vermilion. 


Helene. Crimson, throat white pointed with 
Itambire. Large spikes, crimson with white 

and gold, marbled with vermilion. 

Leonie. Numberless lemon yellow flowers, 
a first-class variety. 

; $3.00 per dozen. 

Candidum. Snow white with broad lemon Rollisonii. Fine pale blue flowers. 
yellow blotch. Triumphans. Corolla lilac, interior white 
Coralinum. Very large coral red flowers with fine amaranth spots and pretty lemon 

with yellow blotch. 

Viola. Rose ornamented on the upper part 
with a large white spot. speckled with car- 
mine and flaked with citron 

Gloxineflora. Large white flowers, throat 
golden yellow, blotched with scarlet. 

Gibsonii. Fine dark blue flowers. 

Hieroglyphicum roseum. Rose color ornated 
with hieroglyphs, flowers. 

Labyrinthicum. Rich vermilion with fan- 
tastic figures resembling geographical de- 

Great Eastern. Large light rose flowers, 
whitish macule, pointed with carmine. 

yellow bands. 

Bicolor. Tube flesh-colored, tinted on the 
exterior with red, interior lemon yellow. 
Sauvissima. Size and form unequaled. deli- 

cate rose spotted with crimson. 

Ruban rose. Snow white, powdered with 
tose and bordered with rose. 

George Loddiges. Rose, ornated with white 
hieroglyphs. golden yellow throat, covered 
with vermilion dots. 

Flamme de punch. Large rose, flaked with 
punch flame and adorned with pure white 

30 cts. each ; $3.00 per doz. 

GLOXINIAS.—(Class 1.) 

The varieties of this genus are all very handsome, producing abundance of magnificent 

flowers of a mo-t beautiful description. 

The tubers should be potted in February or March. 

Place in a little heat to start them into growth; water sparingly till the plants are well 


established. When in bloom bring them into the conservatory or drawing room. 


After the 

plants have done blooming dry gradually off, by withholding water from their roots; after- 

wards remove them to a warm, dry place. 
The following are superlatively beautiful : 
Those marked thus (e) have erect flowers. 

(e) Duc Decazes. A splendid flower; white 
ground, beautifully maculated with lilac 

(e) Cinderella, Pure white with pink band, 
most beautiful. 

Ernst Banary. Dark lavender, mottled with 
white, a beautiful flower. 

Henry Husson. White, with a lavender lip, 
a large showy flower, beautiful. 

(e) Boule de Neige. Pure snowy white, fine 
form, an abundant bloomer. 

Duchess of Teck. Large drooping flowers of 
a rich magenta, shaded with maroon; the 
ground color is lighter at the edges of the 

Excelsior. Horizontal, with lower side lobes 
of corolla enlarged; deep glowing crim- 
son, a very robust free flowering variety. 

(e) Lisere D’Argent. Intensely bright crim- 
son scarlet, distinctly margined with pure 
white; light throat beautifully spotted and 
freckled with carmine. 

Madame Hatti. Fine scarlet flower, throat 
deep red shaded with purple, slightly 
blotched with white, margin rosy scarlet. 

*(e) Matador. Very dark reddish crimson, 
neatly bordered with white; very rich and 

Scarlet Gem. Crimson scarlet, extra fine. 

Miss Hannah de Rothschild. Large white, 
tinted with purple; throat purple shaded 
mauve, lower part creamy white. 

(e) Mrs. Haines. Splendid erect flower, throat 
purplish violet, bordered with vermiliun 
scarlet, with deep margin of rose color. 

Prince Arthur. A large deep purple flower, 
the two upper lobes and margin light 

Prince Leopold. Throat purplish violet, 
scarlet margin shaded with pink. 

The Hon. Mrs. York. Creamy white throat, 
bordered with mauve, with a margin of 
rich pink. 

Mogul. Tube dotted with red, purple crim- 
son limb, very clear at the border. 

(e) Princess Royal. Tube and edges white, 
throat mottled with dark blue, fine. 

Theresa Saul. White, with crimson lips, fine. 

Quadricolor. Rose, flaked with white, super- 
cochineal spots; throat lilac. 

Sauvis. Color white, with millions of tender 
rose colored dots, 

Byron. White ground, the margin of the 
limb is amaranth festooned with purple. 

(e) Gethe. Erect flower, vermilion rose with 
almost black throut and white bottom. 

Schiller. Erect flower, fiery cherry sprinkled 
with violet, very large flower. 

Price 28 cts. each; $2.50 per dozen. 

*NEW GLOXINIAS.—(Class 2.) 

Agnes M. Saul, (Saul.) Light crimson scar- 
let, fine large flower, very fine. 

Artevelde. Flowers enormous, velvety vio- 
let, edge of the throat blackish purple. 

(e) Ami Thibaut. Creamy white covered 
with spots all over, feigning frosty ara- 

Alphonse Karr. 

Bradamante. Very large flower, pure white 
tube, light rose lobes bordered with rich 
rose and blotched with white. . 

B. S. Williams. Flowers very squat, very 
intense fiery vermilion. 

(e) Clemence Delahaye, white tinted with 
flesh color, lobes marked with cerise and 
margined with rose. 

(e) Clio. Crimson lobes, mouth shaded vio- 
let, throat freckled. 

(e) Cornelei. Dark violet, lobes striped and 
spotted, and margined with white. 

(e) Cardinal de Richelieu. Creamy yellow 
throat spotted with purple and ornated 
with a rich violet and large velvety crim- 

Throat yellow, limb rich 

(e) Conquest. Lobes of corolla, bright peach 
margined with white; throat light pink 
and spotted, very distinct. 

(e) Albo-Marginata Myriostigma. White 
spotted with carmine, and bordered with 
pure white. 

Cecile d’Elchingen, bright crimson bordered 
with rose, a very large and fine flower. 

(e) Boule de Feu, a fine large flower of the 
most intense and brilliant red color. 

Francis Saul, (Saul.) Blue, with a deep 
purple throat, a large finely formed flower. 

Gloria Mundi. EKnormous flowers, velvety 
lake rose. 

Feu Eternal. 

Harry Veitch. Violet, throat lavender. 

(€) Henri Fléche, magnificent flower, of fine 
form; color magenta, brilliantly shaded 
with red at the mouth; edges of the lobes 
widely bordered with snowy white. 

Livingston. Rich velvety amaranth crim- 
son, shaded with soft purplish violet and 
margined with rosy lilac; white creamy 
throat shaded with rose at the mouth; a 
splendid flower. 


Marie Bauman. 

Mrs. Wm. Bull. Rosy red flaked and bor- 
dered with white. 

(ec) M’lle M. Moreau. Rose spotted and 
shaded with carmine, throat rayed with 

M’lle A. Martin. Rich magenta, striped 
with solferino, lobes bordered with white. 

(e) Mon Caprice. Soft mauve, the divisions of 
the lobes to the tubes white ; very pretty. 

(e) Sang Gaulois. A fine flower of a rich 
bright red color with golden reflections; 
edges of the lobes undulated; dull red 



(e) Pauline Breton. A very large flower, 
white tube and rosy curmine lobes, bordered 
with white. 

Notaire Moens. Large superb flower, white, 
covered with light carmine dots, borders of 
limb pure white. 

(ec) Ne Plus Ultra. Flowers extra large, 
lobes of corolla deep violet purple, edges 
lighter, throat well colored, a superb va- 

(e) Rosy Morn. Flowers of fine form, rosy 
scarlet, very attractive. 

Original. White, border of lobes amaranth 
spotted with white; a beautiful flower. 


Price 30 cts. each ; $3 per dozen. 

*NEW GLOXINIAS.—(Ciass 3.) 

(ce) Fulgida. Vermilion red, a magnificent 

(e) H. de la Morvonnais. White encircled 
with blush violet, very distinct. 

(e) L’Eclair. Dark crimson marbled car- 
minine, with bluish reflections; the throat 
encircled with bright red and dark blue; 
extremely distinct and effective. 

Lord Granville. Very large and magnifi- 
cent, lively carmine red. 

(e) Lalla Roukh. Violet amaranth, throat 
white, covered with an amaranth net- 

(e) La France. Rich bright scarlet, rayed 
with crimson and shaded with orange. 

(ce) Madame Charles Wood. Blue spotted 
and maculated with white and ornamented 
with small blue veins, distinct and pretty. 

(ec) Madame Pynaert. White shaded with 
blue; the lobes ornamented with a vel- 
vety violet crimson marking, the tube 
finely reticulated ; novel and distinct. 

(e) Marquise de Chennevieres. Violet, striped 
and reticulated with dark violet, the lobes 
margined with pure white, cream colored 

(e) Marceline. Velvety violet, throat re- 
ticulated with violet on a white ground. 
(e) Marguerite. Violet purple, white throat, 

and freckled with purplish dots. 

M. A. F. Barron. 

(2) Milton. Indigo shaded violet; the lobes 
have a white margin spotted with violet. 
Mignon. Light violet, throat white, spotted 
with blackish purple. 
*Monsieur A. Truffaut. 
crimson, shaded with amaranth; 

maroon mouth. 

(e) President Thomas. Bright velvety cerise, 
surrounded with carmine amaranth. 

(ce) President I. Giraud. Throat and part of 
lobes pure white, forming a white star in 
the centre of the flower, lubes cerise red. 

Roi des Francs. 

Tricolor. A very beautifully marked flower ; 
carmine white green. 

(ec) Vesuvius. Scarlet crimson of an intense 
fiery lustre, the most brilliant color yet 
obtained; the throat is lighter and softer 
than the lobes of the corvlla, and spotted 
with crimson. 

William Bull. Double corolla, white ground, 
variegated with crimson, reflecting a 
bluish hue spreading a flame to the ground 
of corolla, ornated with a flesh colored dot- 
ting variegated on its reverse with stripes 
and flame like those of carnations, the 
upper part being velvety pansy. 

(e) Wm. Robinson. Rosy carmine margined 
pink, centre of lobes white, spotted pink. 

Bright reddish 

Price 50 cts. each; $5 per doz.—( Ready in May.) 


We have taken First Premiums for Caladiums at the Maryland Horticultural Society for 

several years. 
Souvenir de Mad. Andre. Green mottled 
with white; the veins are of a brilliant 
rose, bordered on each side by white..... 25 
Aristide, A fine new variety, with large 
and finely marked foliage.......0.ssscscsee. 25 
La Perle de Brazil. Green, reticulated all 
over with pure white, like fine lace; 
& handsome Variety. ..cccrcccccrccccscsvecccere LO 



Excellent. Large foliage, green, clouded 
brilliant crimson centre, and white spots, 25 
Alphonse Karr. Green, with crimson 
centre and brighter veins... .-2...2--.J.2.0.. 
Auguste -Reviere. Green ground, white 
centre, and rayed with crimson............ 25 

Baron de Rothschild. Rich blood red cen- 
tre, and spots on mottled green............ 25 


Duc de Nassau. Brilliant red centre and 
ribs, white scattered spots. .......cs.s++c00se 20 
E. G. Henderson. Green leaves with rose 
spots, and mottled crimson.......0...se0. oo. 20 
Houlleti. Green ground suffused with 
NVIILE; MPNGl livesswsatbeecclaeeneit bo neqe cen eset 26. 
Halevy. White mid-ribs, and marked 
with crimson jblotches:.-3.--p.<s.-6b-.<jaseoes 25 
Ketelere. Elegantly spotted with white 
UPON YTEEN, CLIMSON CENETE. ...c2-seceeeseeee 25 
Lamartine. Deep crimson centre and 
dense white and red Spots...... .....ssseeoe 25 
Louis Poirier. Crimson leaf ground, with 
green margin and white spots........ sideden (ual 
Lucy. Crimson centre, with white spots, 
very showy........- wee 20 

*Princess Alexandra. “The leaf color is a 
pure rosy salmon, through the centre of 
which a conspicuous green rib passes 
longitudinally, richly bordered with 
magenta crimson. The leaf ee is 
bounded throughout by a green belt.. 

Laingii. Reddish carmine centre, sur- 
rounded with yellowish green........c.e+ 

Madame Heine. Silvery white stained 
and edged with pale green 

Alfred Mame. Carmine marked with rosy 
spots and white leaf margin...........2.006 25 

Madame Alfred Bleu. Silvery white, 
blotched with green; the veins are pro- 
minent and of rich rosy crimson.......... 

. 50 

see ereee ee0008 coe 




Argyrites. A small plant, leaves green, 
spotted and blotched with white........... 25 
Napoleon III. Brilliant. crimson centre, 
with forked rays and carmine red spots.. 
Newmanii. Green ground, spotted red 
and a white,.Veny . PLebhy---netpeecke~.--koe 3 
*Princess of Wales. Leaves large. pale 
yellow, with bright crimson spots, beau- 
(OUT BARS ence Be eos. hang “Cab soko ae soodac ceva 
Prince Albert Edward. The broad leaf 
blades of a green ground, with rich 
crimson mid-rib, radiating from the 
centre towards the margin the inter- 
vening leaf spaces being densely spotted 
WithsisOGvawWiltes..ccs cecssnecsersmeceeseer 
*Princess of Teck. A fine golden leaved 
Caladium, a robust and free grower, at- 
taining a much larger size than any 
other yellow leaf variety. The ground 
color of the leaf is a bright orange yel- 
low which towards the veins is suffused 
with a rich deep red.. a 
Raulinii. Rich red centre and veins ‘fine, 
spotted with white...... AE COREEDE 22 atte ace 
Reine Victoria. Elegant green veins and 
margins, spotted or marbled between 

with white and scattered rich crimson. 
Smithil. Dwarf habit, green with crim- 
SOM C@MN (TGs... 6. <ccdenehsceed seen seid saa eee 25 

Wightii. Green ground, spotted red and 
WOU! ceccicas: Adace -podbe dace Pag erbe Coss oseade ona 25 25 




Price $2.50 per dozen, (except those marked *.) 


These very beautiful foliage plants are very desirable for bedding out from their rich and 

varied colors, which contrast admirably with other plants. 
The golden varieties are marked (g.) 

pot culture. 
Price 10 cts. each. 

Aurora. Yellowish, with blotch of purple. 

Beauty of St. John’s Wood. Crimson, mar- 
gined yellow. 

Beauty of Widmore. 

Boquet. Yellow, crimson centre. 

Burning Bush. ‘¢Carmine, orange and 

Bijou. Crimson shaded with chocolate. 

Burkii. ‘¢ Large leaf of a light yellow.” 

Chameleon. Dark maroon, edged with yellow. 

Comte de Cirecourt. Bronzy red, belting of 


Cloth of Gold. ‘Golden yellow.” 

Charm. Yellow, tinged bronzy scarlet. 

Duke of Edinburgh. Crimson, margined 

Distinction. Violet, mid-ribs yellow centre. 

Emperor Napoleon. Chocolate crimson. 

Eldorado, (g.) Fine yellow leaf. 

Eclat. Crimson, edged gold. 

Exquisite. Brilliant violet carmine. 

Eclipse. Scarlet, shaded with brown, 

Empress of India. Crimson, yellow edge. 

Excelsior. Yellow, stained with green. 

White margin, nerves 

They are likewise beautiful for 

$1.00 per dozen. 

Fire fly. Crimson purple with yellow. 
Fairy. Yellow, blotched with crimson. 
Fascination. Crimson, margined yellow. 
Geo. Bunyard. Crimson, edged with yellow. 
Glow. Crimson, margined with green. 
Glory of Autumn. “ ‘Deep crimson bronze.” 
Garnet. Blotched violet, crimson centre. 
Golden Gem. Crimson, margined yellow. 
Gold Pheasant. Solferino, yellow and crim- 
Harlequin. Splashed with purple, 
chocolate, &c., on a yellow ground. 
Hiawatha. Orange, yellow and crimson. 
Her Majesty. (g.) Red, margined gold. 
Idyl. Mottled with green and yellow. 
Illuminator. Yellow, flamed with crimson. 
Kentish Fire. Bright vermilion crimson, 
Lord Falmouth. Crimson centre. 
Lord Oxford. Carmine centre. 
Meteor. ‘Carmine, margined with gold.” 
Mrs. Wm. Barr. ‘Centre rose margined 
with green and brown.”’ 
Mrs. Shuster. Yellow centre, rose. 
Mrs. J. Schulz. Scarlet and carmine. 
Multicolor. Crimson rose, with sbades of red. 



Majic. Green feathered with yellow, and 
suffused with violet. 
Nellie Grant, (g.) Green, gold margin. 

Oriole. Yellow, maculated. 

Princeps. Dark crimson, yellow margin. 

Pictus. Green yellow, marked with choco- 

General Garfield. Very brilliant foliage. 

Queen Victoria, (g.) Crimson, with yellow 

Quadricolor. Maculated with yellow. 

Royalty. Centre blotched with carmine. 


Surprise. Crimson, margined green. 

Surprise. Yellow, margined with green. 

Setting Sun, (g.) Crimson with golden 

Seraph. Crimson, spetted with chocolate. 
Spotted Gem. ‘ Yellow, blotched crimson.”’ 
Starlight. ‘‘Splashed carmine and crimson 
on a yellow ground.” 

Sunbeam. Reddish tint suffused with rose. 
The Shah. Cinnamon and golden yellow. 
Verschaffeltii. Rich crimson. 

Zebra. ‘‘Searlet rose, orange and yellow.’ 


Price 15 cts. each. 

$1.25 per dozen. 

The following are the best of the New Coleus of 1882: 

Garland. Purple, green and carmine. 

Gen. Garfield. Velvety chocolate, carmine 
and maroon, marbled ; large foliage. 

Mrs. Geddes. Variegated carmine, pink, 
cream and green; large foliage. 

Progress. Color a mixture of golden yellow, 
rose, carmine and green; superb. 


Burning Bush. 

John Heron. 

Jersey Lightning. 

Fra Diavolo. 
Mrs. Baker, 
Mrs. Sherman. 
Miss Swann. 

Purple Prince. 
Old Gold. 
Osear Wilde. 


Class I. 

For bedding out during the summer, there is no class of plants used so extensively at the 

present day as this. 

Tt succeeds to perfection, flowering profusely during the heat and drought 

of summer, when Verbenas and such like plants suffer or are burned up. They are equally 
beautiful and valuable in the plant house during winter. 

Price 10 cents each, $1 per dozen, $8 per 100, our selection. 

15 cents each, $1.50 per dozen, $10 per 100 purchaser’s selection, (save where priced.) 
25 cents each for larger plants in 4 and 5 inch pots. 

Alexander Stewart. Bright scarlet. 

Attraction, or General Grant. Bright scarlet. 

Atlanta. Deep crimson, shaded with purple, 
white eye. 

Albert Memorial. Bright scarlet. 

Apollo.. Rosy puce, shaded with scarlet. 

Adelina Patti. A beautiful rich dark cerise. 

Amazon. Brilliant scarlet, velvety lustre. 

Audiffret Pasquier. Rose carmine. 

Aspasia. Magnificent florists’ flower. 

Beauty of Kent. A brilliant scarlet orange. 

Brasidas. Brilliant scarlet, with white eye. 

Beau Villageosis. Orange tinted salmon. 

Blanche of Castile. Pure white. 

Boadicea. Light purple, orange blotch. 

Beauty of Waltham. Crimson scarlet. 

Beauty of Wilts. Orange scarlet. 

Bishop Simpson. A rich salmon. 

Chevalier de Valdome. Plum, shaded with 

Circulator. Rose, scarlet, splendid shape. 
Countess Waldegrave. Very large, scarlet. 
Coleshill. A beautiful scarlet. 
Commander-in-chief. Brilliant scarlet. 
Chatsworth Speed. Scarlet. white eye. 
Colonel d’Audlau. Deep crimson. 
Deputy Duvaux. Velvety purple, very rich. 
Dr. John Denny. Crimson violet, the base 
of the two upper petals marked with scarlet. 
Diana. Deep rich velvety crimson. 
Dr. Peujade. Crimson with white centre. 
David Garrick. Deep crimson. 

De Lesseps. Bright deep scarlet. 
Distinction. Beautiful distinct foliage, quite 
ornamental without its crimson flowers. 

Defenseur de Belfort. Crimson scarlet. 

Dazzler. Large white eye, the remainder of 
the flower dazzling scarlet. 

Eros. A brilliant white eyed scarlet. 

Eclair. Cinnabar purple, large white centre. 


Fagus. Bright dazzling scarlet. 

George Peabody. Brilliant scarlet. 

Glitter. Very dark d»zzling crimson. 

Great Eastern. The finest scarlet. 

Glow. Brilliant scarlet flower. 

General Chanzy. Clear violet, immense 

Globosa Major. A deep maroon crimson. 

General Riviere. Rich vermilion. 

General Pourcet. Deep rose purple. 

Guinea. ‘Jealousy was a great step towards 
a yellow zonal, but this carries us nearly 
two shades nearer that color so much de- 
sired. Coior brilliant orange yellow.” 

General Grant. A crimson scarlet. (Dif- 
ferent from the old variety of this name.) 

Gnome. Color orange scarlet, white eye. 

H. M. Pollett. Crimson, with a large white 

Harry King. Intense brilliant scarlet. 

Haidee. Magenta, shaded with blue. 

Hebe. Dark cherry colored crimson. 

Hetty. Charming blue magenta. 

Imogen. A brilliant purple magenta. 

Idalia. A dark magenta, large truss. 

Iago. Bright orange scarlet. 

lanthe. Purple crimson. 

J. Spencer. Rosy scarlet, beautifal form. 

Jean d’Are. The purest white in cultiva- 
tion, a neat habit and free bloomer. 

Jessica. Dark maroon crimson color. 

Jean Sisley. The richest scarlet. 

Jacob Makoy.° Vivid salmon. 

Jealousy. Orange scarlet of a yellowish 

King of Bedders. A large vivid scarlet. 

La Nabob. Brilliant color, orange scarlet. 

Lord Gifford. Crimson scarlet, with a dis- 
tinct white eye. 

Little Dorrit, (dwf.) Salmon rose, white 

Little Dear, (dwf.) Delicate rose, white 

Tee Salmon flowers, suffused with orange. 

Lurline. A light purplish magenta color. 

Lady C. Kennedy. Bright scarlet. 

Minerva. A fine deep maroon crimson. 

Mme. Baucharlet. Orange salmon striped 
with white. 

Mrs. Hayes. Orange scarlet, fine truss. 

Marquis de Nadaillac. Brilliant crimson. 

Magnifica. Salmon scarlet, tinted carmine. 

Mr. H. M. Stanley. Orange scarlet. 

Madame Martha Vincent. Pure'white. 

Maia. A new shade of purple pink. 

Mademoiselle Marie Mezard. Pure white. 

Mima Hahn. White, shading off towards the 

margin rose. 

Mr. Parker. Immense boquets of brilliant 
magenta, elegantly formed flowers. 20 

Mrs. Wm. F. Massey. Raised by Mr. W. F. 
Massey, Balto. ‘**Color same as Master 

Mr. Gladstone. Scarlet, shaded purple. 


Mr. Hugh Low. Vermilion mixed with 
Marginata. Edged pink on white ground. 

Mrs. Edward Ottewell. Scarlet, white eye. 
Mercy Grogan. Glowing scarlet. 

Majestic. Scarlet, white eye. 
M. Ugo Cojali. Red tinted with violet. 
Martius. Rich rosy cerise. 

Mrs. George Smith. Bright salmon. 

Mrs. E. Groves. Bright magenta. 

Mrs. G. Jennings. Dark magenta. 

Nuee. Orange salmon, centre white. 

Oliver. Magenta, tinted with violet. 

Orbiculata. Intense fiery scarlet. 

Overall. Purplish magenta color. 

Osman Pacha. A _ beautiful variety, with 
orange red flowers. 

(none. Orange scarlet, with large white 

Princess of Wales. Bright orange. 

Peabody. This is the best purple scarlet. 

Purple Prince. Magenta, with a purple 

Pride of Osberton. 

Princess of Wales. 

Princess Maud. A very vivid scurlet. 

Prince Charley. Cerise scarlet. 

Payne’s Perpetual, (dwf.) Minature, bright 
scarlet flowers. 

Renown Improved. Color scarlet red. 

Ralph. Dark crimson, suffused with ama- 
ranth, large truss. 

Rosalie. A very beautiful variety. 

Rienzi. Scarlet, each pip exceeds two inches 
in diameter. 

Rose of Allendale. Beautiful soft rose. 

Richard Dean. (dwf.) A dwarfvariety, orange 
scarlet, white eye. 

Snowball. Pure white. 

Shades of Evening. Rosy purple. 

Sir C. Napier. Brilliant scarlet, large. 

Sylph. Orange scarlet, fine truss. 

Briiliant scarlet. 
Bright scarlet. 

Salamis. Kosy lake tinted with violet. 

Sentence de Trianon. Violet rose, shaded 
with white. 

Stanley. Soft orange scarlet, with white 

Snowden. A white variety, with large 

Sir Perecyval Dyke. A pure high pink, very 
much higher than Master Christine. 
Senator Bernard. Deep madder-red color. 
S. Delaux. Violet tinted with orange. 
Surpasse Queen of the West Truss large 
and very compact, of bright scarlet color. 
The Premier. Rich cerise scarlet. 
Tintamarre. Flowers of cerise red, fine. 
Tom Tit, (dwf.) Dazzling scarlet, white 
Vesuvius. Intense fiery scarlet. 
W.K Harris. Blush, pale red centre. 
Warrior. Large trusses of intense scarlet. 
Wellington, Dark maroon crimson. 
Zenobia. A bright cherry crimson, white 

_ Kate Nicholson. 




Class 2. 

We have collected into this class varieties of light or delicate colors which are brought out 

much better under glass. 

Price 15 cents each, $1.50 per dozen, (save where priced.) 

Advancer. Bright pink. 

Annie. White, delicately tinged pink. 

Andre Gill. Grand umbels of very beautiful 
clear rose flowers. 

Apple Blossom. Trusses of a pearly white, 
suffused with rosy pink. 

Arabella. Pinkish salmon. 

Beauty of Lee. Intense bright scarlet pink. 

Beaute de Sauresne. Bright rose, centre 

Belle Courtraisienne. White, lilac and clear 

Blue Gem. An improvement on Blue Bellin 
its pure purple tinted rose 
Black Diamond. Rich dark crimson. 

Butterfly. Blush white, striped and flaked 
with pink. 
Coquette. Soft rose, striped. 

Countess of Rosslyn. A delicate blush pink. 

Cherry Lips. Distinct color, bright cherry. 

Crimson Banner. Rich magenta crimson. 

Duchess d'Aumale. Pink, distinct. 

Edith George. Very fine deep pink. 

Kestacy. Salmon, blotched, striped and flaked 
with white. 

Elsternix. Rosy salmon, striped. 

Fairy Ring. White, with a bright pink ring. 

Joshua Smith. Salmon with red centre. 

Fine rose in the way of 

Maid of Kent. 

King of Pinks. Dark, almost black brown 


King of the Roses. A scarlet suffused with 

Leila. <A deep lilac, tinged with blue. 

Lilac Banner. Fine, lilac flowers. 
Madame Mezard. A beautiful violet. 

Maid of Kent. Magenta, or pure lake rose 
or pink. 
Mrs. Quilter. 

Mrs. Haliburton. Rich rosy pink. 
Magenta Christine. Rich lake rose. 
Maid of Honor. White, edged with rose. 
Mrs. Keeler. Soft rosy pink color. 
Marginata, Each petal and flower distinctly 
lined round with pink, on white ground. 
Maiden’s Blush. White tinged with pink. 

A. very pleasing pink, white 

Mad’lle E. de Ja Chappelle. A fine rich 

Mons. E. Buenzod. Color a light delicate 
rose. 2 

Mad. Jules Adelbert, Delicate rose. 

New Life. A sport from Vesuvius, having 

its scarlet flowers striped and flaked with 
salmon and white. 

Nymph. Pure white, freely produced, com- 
pact neat habit. 

Pantaloon. Orange salmon, striped white, 

Queen of Roses. Bright rose. 

Queen of Harvest. Bright pink. 

Rose d’Amour. Bright rose. 

Seraph. Rosy pink, neat, compact. 
Sensation. Bright rose, white centre. 
Sunshine. Beautiful tender rose. 

Salmon Vesuvius. 
with a white eye. 

The Marchioness. 

The Duchess. Salmon shaded pink. 

Tricolor. Salmon, striped and ribboned rose 
and white. 

White Vesuvius. <A sport from Vesuvius, 
with pearl white flowers; the finest white 
out for winter blooming. 

Very beautiful salmon, 

Blue lilac or rosy blue. 

| Class 38. 

Price 20 cents each, $2.00 per dozen, (save where priced.) 

Baron Taylor. Fine large trusses of beauti- 
ful pink flowers; individual flowers large, 
an exceedingly beautiful zonale. From 
Beaute de Sauresne. 25 cts. 

Beacon. ‘‘ Flowers of deep crimson scarlet, 
of fine shape, small white eye; large trusses 
and of fine habit.” 

Challemel Lacour. Immense trusses, color 
bright rich crimson, fine habit, a very 
beautiful plant. 


Dante. A beautiful flower, fine trusses, color 
delicate rose, centre white. 25 cts. 

De Mortillet. Fine gloublar trusses, color a 
bright rose with a fine white centre, neat 
compact habit, very fine. 

Hetheranthe. This isa beauty. The flowers 
are cup shaped, of brilliant scarlet color, 
shining like gold dust; truss large and per- 
fect, free bloomer, good grower; extra in 
every respect. 


Jules Ferry. A very beautiful zonale, color 
a bright orange veined with carmine, centre 
of petals light rose, compact habit and free 
bloomer ; a charming variety. 

Le Perle. Large truss of the purest white 
flowers, fine habit and profuse bloomer. 
25 cts, 

Louis Poirier. Very fine large globular 
trusses of large full flowers, color a salmon 
rose with bright orange centre, fine habit 
and free bloomer, very fine. 

Major Labordere. Trusses immense, color 
light rose, free bloomer and fine habit, very 
distinct and striking. 

Mary Hallock Foote. ‘‘Immense trusses of 
bright pale salmon, individual flowers very 
large and of the finest shape, with pure 
white eve; a grand variety.” 

Triquois, (new.) 80 cts. 

Anna Scott, (new.) 30 cts. 


Orange Boven. ‘Centre of flowers bright 
orange, each distinctly margined with white, 
trusses immense size, quite globular ; a free 
grower and a valuable acquisition.”’ 

President Gambetta. Very large, finely 
formed trusses, excellent habit and free 

P. Jadoul. Very large trusses of finely 
formed flowers, color rich violet, petals 
edged with carmine, exceedingly distinct 
and beautiful, a charming pot plant. 

Pyrrhus. A magnificent variety, producing 
flowers of a deep rich magenta crimson 
color, and having the upper petals shaded 
with bright scarlet. 25 cts. 

Wiltrycombe Raleigh. Large truss, color 
deep violet, good habit, fine bedder. 26 cts. 

Kate Patterson, (new.) 30 cts. 

Novelty, (new.) 30 cts. 

W. Hamilton, (new.) 30 cts. 


For new varieties, see under head of ‘‘ New and Rare Plants.”’ 

Price 10 cents each, (save where priced,) $1.00 per dozen, our selection. 
Price 15 cents each, $1.50 per dozen, purchaser’s selection. 

25 cents each for larger plants in 4 and 5 inch pots. 

Adelaide Blanchon. Pure white, truss large. 

Anna Montel. Violet rose, spotted with white. 

Amazone. Creamy white; from its novel 
color, fine habit and profuse blooming qual- 
ities, will make it largely grown. 25 cts. 

Aug. Poirier. Trusses large and spherical, 
color salmon rose, with bright orange cen- 
tre, distinct in color, fine habit and profuse 
bloomer; asuperb variety. 20 cts. 

Amphitrite. Alabaster white, neat, compact 
habit and free bloomer. 20 cts. 

Bishop Wood. Scarlet shading to vermilion. 

Comte de Sigismund, Pure white, edged 

. with rose. 

Candidissima plena. 
purest white. 

Chas Hovey. Large trusses of delicate blush. 

Champion. Rose shaded with mauve and 
marbled white. 

Comtesse Horace de Choiseul. Salmon orange, 
dwarf compact, floriferous habit. 20 cts. 

Distingué. A bluish white, large trusses. | 

Dr. Jacoby. Nankin salmon. 

Depute Viox. A carmine violet and fiery red. 

Denfert Rochereau. A finesalmon. A grand 
plant for bedding, being of compact vigor- 
ous habit. 20 cts. 

Dr. Phinney. ‘ Intense scarlet, shaded with 
deepest chesnut crimson. 20 cts. 

Edelweiss. A nearly pure white. 

Ernest Lauth. Large, a deep violet. 

Eugene Baudoin. Rosy crimson spotted white. 

Ethel Beale. Pink, shading off to brilliant 

Ed. About. 
pery red. 

Large and double, 

Enormous trusses of a clear cop- 

Emily Laxton. Bright scarlet, very double. 

Ed. Andre. A bright red color, deeper in 
the centre. 

F, P. Raspail. A rich crimson, trusses 

Gambetta. Immense trusses of a rich rosy 

General de Galliffet Orange, base of petals 
rose; a superb plant for bedding or pot 
culture. 20 cts. 

H. W. Beecher. “Short jointed enormous 
trusses, color brighter than Bishop Wood.”’ 

Henri Beurier. A rich salmon orange. 

H. Cannell, Fine double flowers of a rich 
violet amaranth, the upper petals marked 
with bright red. 25 cts. 

Heroine. ‘Trusses large, flowers of the purest 
white, a charming variety. 20 cts, 

Illuminator. Purplish carmine, large. 

Jewel. Flowers deep scarlet, 

Jacobza. Bluish purple. 

Jennie Reid. ‘‘ Of dwarf habit, scarlet flowers 
and very free bloomer, a lilliputian gera- 

Jean Dolfus. Large truss, fine habit, color 
double crimson. 20 cts, 

La Vesuve. <A glowing scarlet. 

Le Négre. Rich maroon. 

La Constitution. Yellowish salmon, the 
nearest apprvach to yellow. 

Lafayette. Brilliant rose, grand trusses. 

Littre. Violet rose, spotted with white. 

Le Pere Secchi. Very bright crimson. 

Le Nord est. Very double, rich vermilion. 

La Lorraine. A chamois salmon color. 

M. Buchler. Cherry purple flowers. 


Mad. Charles Martine. 
with salmon. 

Mad. Thibaut. 
with carmine. 

Mad’ile Marie Cretien. 
shaded with white. 

M. Waddington. Bright rose bordered with 

Mme. Amelie Baltet. 

Mad. Thiers. White, slightly rose at the 
decline of flower. 

M. de Joybert. Large globular truss of semi- 
double flowers, color a deep scarlet. 

Mont Blanc. White, shaded with rose. 
Mad. Charlot. Fine double flowers, color 
rose mauve, spotted with white. 25 cts. 
Mademoiselle Perrault. Grand trusses, of an 
orange salmon color, petals edged with flesh 

white. 25 cts. 

M. Machet. A reddish orange, the lower 
petals of which are marked with salmon 
rose. 20 cts. 

M. Pasteur. A beautiful reddish orange color; 
a neat compact habit and free bloomer. 
20 cts 

Mrs. E. G. Hill. The flowers are double, 
nearly 14 inches across, color pale blush, 
overlaid with a delicate lavender shade; 
trusses of great size. 20 cts. 

Namur. Orange scarlet, tinted with lilac. 

Nymph, ( Lemoine.) Immense trusses of pure 
white, imbricated flowers, delicately tinted ; 
this is the finest of double whites. 

Peter Puck. Salmon violet, immense truss. 

President Renouard. Bright carmine color 
with light centre. 

Paul Bert. <A lovely violet rose; fine habit. 
25 cts. 

China rose, shaded 
A rich rose color, shaded 

Pink bordered and 

Pure white double 


Perle. Trusses large, a soft satiny flesh color, 
neat habit, profuse bloomer. 20 cts. 

Psyche. Grand trusses ofsemi-double flowers, 
color fine white, slightly tinted with pink, 
20 cts. 

Peter Henderson. ‘Fine variety, bright 
orange scarlet flowers with base of petals 
pure white 20 cts. 

Reynold’s Hole. A striking scarlet. 

Ravissant. Semi-double, color rose solferino, 
a beautiful tint. 

Richard Brett. ‘‘Of that peculiar orange color 
of which ‘Jealousy’ is the type, very double, 
an entirely new shade amongst double 
varieties.’’ 20 cts. 

Robert George. ‘* A crimson scarlet of erent 
size, brighter, and more decided ‘than 
Deputy Lafliz.”’ 20 cts. 

Remarkable. ‘*A much improved Ernest 
Lauth, with better shaped flowers of a deeper 
shade.” 25 cts 

Summit of Perfection. Color bright orange. 

Speculum. Blackish carmine like the Rose 
Geant des Batailles. : 

Souvenir de R. Masson. A dwarf variety. 
trusses of the most pure white. 

The Blonde. ‘*Salmon, deeply shaded orange, 
base of petals white, with a distinct margin 
of white around each ” 20 cts. 

Victor Emanuel. A rich orange red, bordered: 
with white. 

Victor Hugo. An orange red, veined 
marbled with rose. 

Violet. A violet crimson, large globular 

Ville de Nancy. Enormous trusses, color 
tender rose, very chaste and Ae RE finest 
habit. 20 cts. 

Wonderful. Intense orange scarlet. 



This section is robust and vigorous in growth as the plain leaved varieties. 

Having beau- 

tiful broad leaves, either of a plain golden color or with rich bronze zones, they are admirable 

for bedding out. 

Price 15 cents each ; $1.50 per dozen (save where priced.) 

Arthur H. Wills. 
yellow margin. 
Annie Keeler. Golden brown, brilliant zone. 

Black Prince. Dark zone, scarlet blooms. 

Black Knight, Very dark zone. 

Bronze Perfection, Yellow, bronze zone. 

Crimson Banner, Yellow, flowers rich crim- 

Countess of Kellie. 
zone. ‘ 

Crystal Palace Gem. An improvement on 
the well known Cloth of Gold. 

Carrie Fowler. Leaves beautiful bright 
golden color. 

Creed’s Seedling. Leaf tinged with yellow, 
color bright scarlet. 

Crimson Crowned Canary. Olive brown zone, 
yellow ground, 

Zone chestnut brown, 

Yellow, with chestnut 

Count Munster. Broad zone of brown, rich 
golden centre and margin. 

Diamant, (new.) Bright yellow leaves. with 
rich maroon zone, colors very brilliant. 
25 cts. 

Exquisite. Golden ground color, with rich 
chestnut zone. 20 cts. 

Elegantissima, Deep yellow, with a well 
defined zone. 

Fannie. Salmon, foliage bold, dark bronze. 

Golden Model. Dark zone on yellow ground. 

Joseph Kirkham. A fine and nearly black 

John Offin. Yellow, with bright red zone. 

L’Africaine. Yellow, with a bronze zone. 

Mrs. Charles Barry. Scarlet flowers. 

Mrs. Lewis Lloyd. Golden yellow, with zone 
of reddish chocolate. 


Monarch. Yellow leaf, with a dark zone. 

Maritana. Golden leaf centre, surrounded 
with dark chocolate zone. 

Nondescript. Yellow centre, dark bronze 
zone, marbled with chestnut. 

Parepa. Centre pale yellow, narrow zone of 
a dark chocolate, yellow margin. 

Prince Henry, (new). Bright gold, with 
narrow zone of deep chestnut. 40 cts. 

Princess of Prussia. Golden ground, chest- 
nut zone, light yellow centre. 

Perilia. Yellow leaf, with dark zone, scarlet 

Pride of Mount Hope. Yellow, with a choco- 
late zone. 

Prince Arthur. Color bright and clear. 


Red Ring. Zone regular, golden yellow dise. 

Red Wing. Bright and well defined zone. 

Rey. Mr. Radcliffe. A bright yellow ground, 
with a distinct zone. 

Richard Thornton. Yellow leaf, chocolate 

Safrano. Chocolate red zone on golden leaf. 

Sceptre d’Or. Golden leaves, red zone. 

Swanly Bronze, (new). Broad band of chest- 
nut on bright golden yellow. 40 cts. 

The Shah. Chocolate zone, yellow leaf. 

Waltham Gem, Yellow leaves, bronze zone. 

White Crested Canary, (new). Fine deep 
bright zone on yellow ground. 40 cts. 

Zulu, (new). Wery rich deep zone on a yel- 
low ground; fine habit. 40 cts. 


Golden Jewel. Fine zone, with double 
flowers; extra. 650 cts. 
Magician. A very fine bronze Zonale, with 

semi-double scarlet orange flowers. 385 cts. 

Fine bronze zone, with double flow- 

40 cts. 



Freak of Nature. 
large pure white centre ; 

Very unique and attractive. 
flowers light scarlet; habit very dwarf and spreading, It 

Outside of leaves light green, with a 

is undoubtedly far before any other of its class, and the greatest novelty in foliage 

that has been sent out for WEE lifiencbacetec none 
“6 Entirely distinct, with leaves from one to two inches in diameter, the 

Mad. Salleroi. 



centre of each is of deep olive- green with broad margins of pure white; growing 
in dense round masses, it is not affected in the slightest by exposure to the direct 

SUMING. ccc ceos cess atest ec seeeen serene te: 
Instead of the usual yellow outer belt or margin, in this instance the 

Happy Thought. 


0 35 

color forms a Jarge conspicuous cream yellow blotch in the centre or dise of the leaf. 
The fiower is a rich magenta rose, tinted with scarlet. .........secccccees ssssessee cases coors . 0 15 


Price 20 cts. each, $2 per dozen, (save where priced.) 

Bed of Gold or Artemus Ward. The yellow 
is very bright, with a blotched green zone. 

Countess of Tyrconnell. Yellow margins, 
with a bright carmine zone. 

Countess of Craven. Margin of clear golden 
yellow, with a rich crimson zone. 

Crown Jewel. This has a fine bold leaf and 
good colors. 

Earl of Derby. Zone dark chestnut red and | 

black, margin of golden yellow. 
Edwina Fitzpatrick. Green, red zone, belted 
with crimson, edged with golden yellow. 
Gold Finch. broad gold margin, broad zone, 
tinted with flame red. 

Golden Pheasant. Green centre, bronze red 
zone, yellow belt. 

Humming Bird. A beautifully shaped leaf; 
it is certainly one of the best. 

Jetty Lacey. Broad gold margin, deep crim- 
son zone, good grower. 

Louisa Smith. Deep yellow, margined with 
distinct zone of bright red and black, 

Lady Cullum. Rich bronze crimson ground 
‘tints, suffused und bordered a brilliant flame. 
L’Empereur. Margined with golden yellow, 
rich red and black zone. 
Mrs. Turner. A quick grower. Vivid 
colors ; one of the best. 
Mrs. Benyon. Zone bronze, blended with 
crimson, and belted with a golden margin. 
Mrs. Pollock. Bright bronzed red zone belted 
with crimson, edged with golden yellow. 
M. Gladstone. Golden ground, with a very 
bright zone. 50 ets. 
Needle Gun. Margined with deep yellow, 
zone bright and lively. 
Queen Victoria. Margin golden yellow, with 
a rich zone of maroon. 
Queen of Tricolors. Crimson searlet zone, 
with brimstone edge. 
Rosina Saul. This beautiful tricolor has been 
raised in our establishment; zone exceed- 
ingly bright and clear, with a bright yel- 
low margin 50 cts, 


Sophia Dumaresque. Golden margin, marked 
by a brilliant flame tinted scarlet zone. 

Socrates. Golden leaf margin, zone flame 
red upon a bronze belt. 

Star of India. Margin golden yellow, zone 
flame scarlet. : 


Sunset. Golden belt, the inner margin of 
which is overlaid with a bright carmine 

Viscountess Cranbrook. Golden ground, with 
a rich crimson zone. 40 cts. 


Hermonie. Foliage green bordered yellow, 
flowers bright scarlet, fine. 50 ets. 

*Mrs. Strang. Although we have had some 
beautiful colors and forms of this fine deco- 
rative class of Pelargoniums, this is the 
first variety with double flowers. The foli- 
age of this is the richest we have seen, and 
has fine scarlet flowers, very double. $l. 

Tris. Foliage green bordered with yellow, 
flowers rich scarlet. 50 cts. 

Milton. Tricolor foliage, flowers double crim- 
son, fine. 50 cts. 

Soliel Levant. Foliage margined with silver, 
chocolate red zone; flowers brilliant scar- 
let. 60 cts. 


These very beautiful Geraniums should be grown more generally. Nothing can be more 
beautiful than their foliage, during the winter, in'the parlor or conservatory, and strong 

plants succeed well out doors during summer. 

Price 20 cts. each, (save where priced.) $2.00 per dozen. 

Albion Cliffs. Green, edged with white. 

Brilliant. Leaves margined with white; scar- 
let flower. 

Bright Star. 

Charming Bride, (Tricolor.) Large foliage, 
color very bright. 

Eva Fish. A rose zone, on 
ground, white margin. 

Excellent. A carmine scarlet zone, with a 
flat leaf. 

Flower of the Day. 
margined flowers. 

Goliah, (Tricolor.) 
silver tricolors, with large well marked 

Italia Unita, (Tricolor.) Margined with 
white, bright carmine zone. 

Little Beauty, (Tricolor.) Silver margined, 
with pretty rose tinted zone. 

A white edge, scarlet flow- 

a chocolate 

Leaves white, scarlet 

The most vigorous of all. 

Lady Plymouth. A variety of the old rose 
scented, with silver variegated leaves. 

Mrs. Clutton A strong grower, with the 
best color of any yet sent out. 

May Queen. Flat leaf, pure white edge, 
bloom rosy pink. 

Magenta Queen. Broad green leaf, disc or 
centre, with bright lake flowers. 

Mrs. Vidler. A fine broad white margin. 

Pearl. Leaves green, edged with white. 

Queen of Queens. Margined with silver, scar- 
let flowers. 

Silver King. 

Snowstorm. Deep green centre, with a broad 
white margin. 

Snow Wreath. Foliage margined with white, 
rich zone; very fine. 50 cts. 

Prince Silverwings. It isa cross with Stedla, 
with a silver and gold tricolor leaf. 

Margined with silver, scarlet 


This beautiful section is admirably adapted for suspended baskets, training on trellis 

work, ete. 
Double-flowered are designated, (D.) 
Price 15 cents each, (save where priced.) $1.50 per dozen. 
Alice Lee. Leaf gold, deep bronze zone, Emperor. Flowers rose, with spot on upper 
flowers violet. petals. 

Butterfly. Flowers rose, striped with crimson. 

(D) Clio, (new.) 

Coccinea. Shining foliage, flowers scarlet. 

Duke of Edinburg, (Holly Wreath.) A 
broad margin of white. 20 cts. 

Elegans Floribunda. Very elegant, flowers 
blush white. 

(D) Elfrida, (new.) 

(D) Faustin Helie, (new.) Flowers rosy car- 

(D) Galilee, (new.} 
fine. 7 

Grand Duchess Maria. Violet pink, striped 
with crimson. 

White with lilac rose, 


(DP) Gloire d’Orleans, (new.) 
double, of a magenta scarlet. 
(D) Konig Albert. 
20 cts 
L’Elegante. Broad bands of white, and 
producing a mass of pure white flowers. 
20 cts. 
(D) La Fiancee. A new variety, color a 
blight lilac, large and double. 20 cts. 

(D) Lucie Lemoine. Flowers large and 
double, white, tinged rosy lilac. 20 cts. 
(D) Mile. Adrienne Barat, (Lem.) Flowers 

double, beautiful lilac. 20 cts. 
(D) Mont Blanc. (Lem.) Pure white double 
flowers, very fine. 2U cts. 

Large and 
20 cts. 
A bright violet-pink. 


Lady Edith. Flowers crimson, tinged purple. 

(D) M. Dubus. Brilliant rosy carmine; fine. 

Peitatum Elegans. . Flowers pure mauve, a 
profuse bloomer. 

Princess Thyra. 
crimson spots. 

(D) Peintre Morot, (new) White, tinted 
with lilac, reflex of leaves satin. 20 cts. 

Remarkable. Leaves marked with a dark 
Vandyke Ivy-shaped zone, color rose. 

(D) Robert Fortune, (new.) Clear carmine, 
a very beautiful variety. 

(D) Sarah Bernhardt. Large, double white 
veined with crimson. 20 cts. 

Flesh white centre, with 


Geant. A hybrid, between Ivy-leaved and Zonale. This new variety has grand 
.. bouguets of.single-brilliant vermilionVlowets. 2% 25.5.2. <c: ..02..0 ccccasenasde decacdcesras sae 0 20 
Bijou. An extremely attractive hybrid producing large trusses of flowers of a rich 
bright scarlet ..v6e<c. cc bisncnseoste jaec (det td ewcsealtel~ sb cse lbs Face LeSee eee eR eae ee eee 0 20 

PELARGONIUMS.—Show and Fancy. 

In describing the color, the term ‘ blotch”’’ refers to the large spots on the two upper 
petals, and ‘spots’? invariably refer to the dark marks upon the centre of the lower ones. 

Those marked (f.) are fancies. 

Price 30 cents each, (saved where priced.) $3.00 per dozen. 
Those priced at 50 cents each, $5.00 per dozen. 

Belle of the Ball. Rose, painted with car- 

Beadsman. Pink, with maroon spot. 
Caliban. Lightshaded crimson, dark maroon 
Captivation. Pure white, dark spot. 
Caractacus. Lower petals purple, apper rich 

Crispiforum, See Novetrizs. 

Coquette de Plessis. White, with a bright 
rosy carmine blotch on upper petals, and 
feather like centre, crimson lines, under 
petals tipped with rosy crimson. 50 cts. 

Copernic. Flesh white, upper petals blotched 
with purple carmine, lower petals blotched 
and reticulated with crimson. 40 cts. 

Crimson King. Crimson, with maroon blotch. 

Dr. Andre. Blush pink ground, the margins 
of petals elegantly fringed, quite unique. ~ 

Demosthenes. Rosy crimson, dark blotch and 

Duchess of Cambridge. Scarlet. medium black 
spot on top petals; a smooth flower of fine 


E. G.- Henderson. Pure white, with dark 

Eugene Duval. Light purple, dark blotch. 

*Emilie Zola. Truss large, color carmine 
orange, bordered with bright rose, centre 
with maroon blotch 60 cts. 

, EK. G. Henderson, (new.) Carmine belted, 
crimson blotched and white margin. 

Fred Dorner. Throat and edge of petals pure 
white, each petal shaded towards the centre 
with arich carmine pink, with a glowing — 
crimson blotch on each petal. 40 cts 

Freddie Heinl. Very large flowers. throat of 
pure white, each petal edged with white, 
shaded and veined with a very delicate 
purplish pink. 40 cts. 

General Taylor. Carmine with crimson 


Gazella. Bright rose carmine, with white 

Hornet, (7.) Lower petals deep maroon, 

upper nearly black. 

Hebe the Beautiful. Cinnabar scarlet, dark 
blotch and elegantly frilled petals, admira- 
ble for forcing 

Jean Bart. Vermilion purple, centre white, 
upper petals blotched with maroon, and 
edged with white, beautiful. 450 cts. 

John Hoyle. Orange red, light centre richly 
marked with dark red, top petals rich 
velvety maroon. 

Lady of the Lake. Orange rose, painted with 
crimson, maroon top petals, with a crimscn 

- edge, white centre. 

Lord Napier. Lower petals rich deep orange 
rose, dark maroon blotch -on top petals. 

Lord Clyde. Bright scarlet, maroon blotch. 

Mad. Buzard. Delicate pink, white centre 
and margin. 

Medaille d’Or. Deep cherry, dark blotches. 


Mrs. Mendel. White, with delicate spots of 
rosy lilac, charming. 

Madame Seelye. A very rich beautiful flower, 
centre purplish lilac, shaded on upper petals 
to blackish purple. 

Memorandum. White, finely reticulated with 
rich plum colored lines, very distinct. 
Midas. Centre orange carmine, upper petals 

lightly veined with maroon. 

Malveeflorum. Large mallow form, fine lilac, 
with fine light lively rose blotches. 
Manifestation. Large white, reticulated with 

-_ erimson, vigorous and free bloomer. 50 cts. 

Norma. Lilac rose, light centre, dark blotch 
and spot. 

Nonpariel. White centre, rose lower petals, 
tinted with carmine, maroon top. 

Oriental. Bright lake lower petals, with 
white centre, rich dark maroon top. 

Pink of Perfection. Pink of a pleasing new 
shade, ligbt centre. 

P. Glaucum hybridum, (Lem.) An exceed- 
ingly distinct hybrid Pelargonium; white, 
spotted and veined with amaranth, 50cts. 

Prince Charlie. White ground elegantly 
tipped, with rose violet blotches. 

Princess Teck. White, with carmine spots, 
very smooth. 


Prince of Wales. See Nove.ries. 

Queen of Whites. Pure silvery white, very 
glossy rich upper petals. 

Queen Victoria. See NovELTIES. 

Rosa Munda. Crimson scarlet, dark blotch 
and spots. 

Rodriques Purplish rose, dark spot. 

Rosalind. Very early, deep crimson veined 
and blotched. 

Sir Jos. Paxton, (f,) Very dark, light cen- 
tre, profuse bloomer, fine. 

Sunrise. Delicate flesh, scarlet, dark blotches. 

Speculum Mundi. Light crimson, veined 
and striped, showy. 

Spitfire. Bright maroon crimson, shaded 
with scarlet. light centre, traversed with 
dark underlines; a rich and_ effective 
variety. 50 cts. 

Striata Pelargonium. Scarlet upper petals 
with a dark blotch, and all the flowers are 
beautifully striped with pure white. 

*Triomphe de St. Maude. See NovE.tTiss. 

Unique Meillez. Cherry scarlet, a very dis- 
tinct color. 

William the First. Pink, with dark blotch: 

Witch, Pure white, purple blotch. 

Woman in White. Pure white, with maroon 
blotch, a lovely white flower. 


*Boule de Neige. Color violet; petals blotched black purple............ Sond OHO LO OSSATAD RC 205508 $0 75 
*Favorite. Lilac white centre, petals blotched Maroon....cec. sseeceee vee coves SS baqea8 Pode aood 0 50 
*Mont Blanc. White blotched with amaranth. .......0. sseccccssessccccescessecee ve eeaesaeetenaae 0 50 


A class of Hybrid Pelargoniums, of distinct habit, free bloomers, mostly fragrant foliage, 
good growers, excellent for bedding out, baskets, &c. 

Price 25 cts. each ; $2.50 per dozen. 

Benoiton. Very rich dark crimson. 

Bridal Ring. Pure white, crimson spot on 
top petal, neat and elegant. 

Cardinal Richelieu. Bright scarlet crimson, 
dark blotch. 
Freund Ebbe. Bright carmine, with dark 
veins and spots; very rich and attractive. 
Hofgartner Kellerman. The upper petals of 
a dark fiery carmine red color, spotted under 
petals carmine. ° 

Hofgartner Huber. The upper petals rosy 
purple, spotted, the under petals rosy car- 

Hofgartner Braun. <A very fine carmine, 
with intensely dark veins and spots. 

Lady Mary Fox. Fine bright scarlet, free 

London Blue. 
tinct, fine. 
Madame Csillag. 
neat habit. 

Madame Glevitsky. Upper petals of a fine 
vermilion veined with purple, under petals 

Oberbirgermeister Heim. Rich velvety crim- 
son, very darkly spotted. 

Picturatum Odoratum. White. upper petals 
spotted, foliage like the old rose. 

Roliison’s Unique. Crimson flowers, free 
bloomer, fine. 

Rollison’s Unique White. A white variety 
of this very beautiful and useful plant. 

Sunray. A bright scarlet, a profuse and con- 
tinuous bloomer, a grand variety. 

Color bluish shade, very dis- 

A bright maroon tint, 


Price 15 cts. each (save where priced.) 

Apple Scented. Very distinct. 
Balm Scented. Balm scented. 

$1.50 per dozen. 

Citron Scented. A hybrid between the apple 
and nutmeg. 


Comptoniana Rosea. Winter flowering spe- 
cies, with rosy lilac flowers. 20 ets. 

Dr. Livingstone. Fine new sweet scented, 
cut leaved. . 

Echinatum, (Cape Species.) Fine winter 
bloomer, flowers white. 50 cts. each. 

Fragrans Odoratissimum. Nutmeg scented. 

Filicifolia Odorata. It never changes its 
beautiful fern like appearance, and is one 
of the easiest Geraniums to grow at all 
seasons of the year. The fragrance is 
pleasing, and it is an exceedingly beautiful 

plant. 25 cts. 
Little Gem. Neat compact habit, very fra- 

Lemon Scented, (crispum.) A beautiful spe- 
cies, very desirable. 25 cts. 

Lady Scarborough. Small foliage, delicately 
scented, 20 cts. 


Lemon Scented, Large leaved, larger foli- 
age and freer grower than the other spe- 
cies. 20 cts. : 

Mrs. Taylor. A fine variety with a rose scent 
and scarlet flowers. 20 cts. 

Peppermint Scented, (Tomentosum.) 

Peppermint Scented, (Saul’s.) Foliage much 
superior to the old. 

Prin.eof Orange. Orangescented, fine. 25 cts. 

Quercifolium Nigricans. Oak leaved, veined 

Quercifolium Fair Helen. Scarlet flower. 

Rose Scented, Two varieties. 

Shrubland Pet. Small miniature growth, 
rosy red flowers. 

Scabrum. This is a very fine scented Cape 
species, a free grower, with pretty foliage 
and good habit, deliciously lemon scented. 
25 cts. 

FUCHASIAS.—General Collection. 

The following list is a selection of the best variéties, in habits of growth, distinct shades of 

color, and both single and double flowers. 
Those marked (d) have double corollas, 

Price 20 cts. each, (save where priced.) 

Adine. White tube and sepals, the latter 
completely refiexed, 

Agnes. White sepals, crimson tube and co- 

Agamemnon, (d.) Rich scarlet sepals, corolla 

Arabella. Pure white tube and sepals, corolla 

Arabella Improved. White tube and sepals, 
reflexed corolla, a rich rose. 

Angelina Braem, (d.) Deep scarlet tube and 
sepals, pure white, striped with rose. 

Alpha, (¢@) Coral red tube and sepals, the 
finest of the double kind. 

Bland’s New Striped. Tube and sepals sear- 
Jet, corolla purple, striped red and rose. 
-Black Prince. Tube and sepals.waxy car- 
mine, sepals open, pink corolla ‘ 
Beauty of Swanly. Waxy white tube and 

sepals, reflexed, corolla pink. 
Cannell’s Favorite. Tubes and sepals pure 
white, the latter reflexed, corolla searlet. 
Compacta Floribunda. Tube crimson, and 

sepals crimson, reflexed, corolla rich violet. ° 

Crimson Globe. Tube and sepals bright coral 
red. pale violet purple corolla. 25 ets. 

Camille Flammarion. Reflexed sepals of a 
rosy red, corolla of a reddish violet. 

Covent Garden White. Equally valuable in 
the white tube and sepal section. 

Compacta Superba. Sepals crimson, corolla 
rich amaranth ; very compact. 

Deutscher Kaiser, (¢d.) The single F. Ger- 
mania was much admired; this is a double 
flowered variety. 

Duchess de Gerolstein. 
pals, corolla crimson. 

White tube and se- 

$2 per dozen. 

Desideratum, (d.) Tube and sepals deep scar- 
let, reflexed, corolla bluish violet. 

Extraordinary, (d.) Sepals scarlet, large, 
corclla rich violet blue. 

Far! of Beaconsfield. The best hybrid variety 
of Fuchsia; the blooms are three inches in 
length and of great substance. the tube and 
sepals are of a light rosy carmine, corolla 
deep carmine. 26 cts. 

Elm City (d) Corolla forming rich crimson 
balls, very good - 

Emperor of Brazil, (d.) Crimson tube and 
sepals, corolla a rich purple. 

Francis Desbois, {d.) Red sepals, violet pur- 
ple and corolla. 

Fairy Queen. Tube and sepals white, the 
latter recurved, corolla rosy carmine. 

Flambeau. Short tube, reflexed sepals, crim- 
son; corolla of a dark violet striped with 

Geant des Batailles, (d.) 
crimson, corolla violet, 

Galatea. Kosy carmine tube and sepals, re- 
flexed, corolla of a rich purple. 

Grandidens. Tube and sepals large, recurved, 
Tich carmine, petals purple. 

Grand Duchess Maria. Sepals white, re- 
curved, corolla deep rose. 

Improvement.. The tube and sepals pure 
white, reflexed, corolla carmine. 

Little Bo-Peep. Crimson tube and sepals, 
purple corolla. 

La Niege, (d.) 
red carmine. 

Lady Dorothy Neville. Tube and sepals 
bright earmine, corolla a mauve pink. 

Tube and sepals 
fine habit. 25 

Corolla snow white, sepals 


Little Alice, (d.) Corolla white, bright scar- 
let sepals. 

Lord Byron. Tube and sepals bright crim- 
son, black corolla, the darkest yet known. 

Memphis. Tube and sepals crimson, the 
sepals reflexed ; corolla purple. 

M. Dufaure. Salmon corolla, recurved sepals 
of a yellowish salmon color. 

Mrs. H. Cannell, (d.) Equal to the darker 
kinds in habit, size and growth. The 
whole appearance of the plant resembles 

- the dark corolla Avalanche. 

Mrs. Burroughes. Tube pure white. sepals 
white reflexed, corolla crimson lake. 

May Queen. Tube and sepals pure white, 
recurved, corolla violet rose. 

Miss Lucy Finis, (d.) Corolla pure white, 
immense size, tube and sepals coral red. 
25 cts. 

Mrs. E. Bennett. White corolla, forming a 
beautiful pyramid. 

Our Future Queen. Tube and sepals pure 
white, corolla red, suffused with purple, 
Pink Perfection, A stout flower of fine form. 
with creamy white tube and sepals and 
rich pink and violet corolla, dashed with 

violet, 25 cts, 

Prince Leopold, (d,) Deep crimson tube and 
sepals, corolla dark violet, 

Princess Alexandra, Tube and sepals blush 
white, corolla carmine, 

Queen of Beauties, Tube and sepals pure 
white, corolla crimson, 

Rose of Castile, Blush pink, violet corolla, 

Snow Fairy, (d.) Freest blooming of double 
whites, and sepals shining red, corolla pure 


Racemosa, A very distinct species, ‘It 
grows not over 18 inches high, forming a 
round bush, every shoot being terminated 
with a raceme of orange scarlet, wax-like 
flowers.”’ 25 cts, 

Rev. T. Wiltshire, 
blue corolla. 

Souvenir de Chiswick, Bright scarlet sepals, 
recurved. purple corolla, 

Star of Wilts, Tube and sepals cream color, 
corolla pale pinkish violet, with distinct 
margin of orange, 25 cts, 

Striped Unique, (¢d.) Tubeand sepals scarlet, 
purple, with scarlet stripes. 

Symmetry, Tube und sepals crimson, corolla 
large, rich violet plum, 

Sunray. Leaves, which are large, are of a 
rich bright crimson, white and bronzy 
green in about equal parts. Scarlet tube 
and sepals. purple corolla. 26 cts. 

T. T, Lawden. Large flower of the dark 
blue corolla class, 

Tower of London, (d.) Carmine scarlet sepal, 
violet blue corolla, 

Triomphant. Tube and sepals carmine, lilac 

Vainquer de Puebla, (d.) Sepals bright red, 
corolla white. 

Warrior, Sepals crimson, corolla large rosy 
purple, : 
Warrior Queen. Sepals scarlet, with a large 

bluish violet corolla, 

White Eagle, White corolla, scarlet tube 
and sepals recurved, 

White Perfection, Sepals white, elegantly 
recurved, corolla purple, 

One of the best, bright 


Price 50 cents each, 

Abd-el-Kader. Long tube, crimson, sepals 
carmine rose, very vigorous, fine, 

*Addison, A splendid flower, tube and sepals 
bright crimson; the sepals very broad and 
horizontally reflexed; tine large corolla of 
a rich deep purple color, striped and flaked 
with rose. 

Armand Carrel, (d.) Globe shaped, corolla 
violet and rose, tube and sepals light rose; 
remarkably free flowering, 

Clarinda, (d.) Double white corolla which is 
very attractive, tube and sepals rich crimson. 

Depute Berlet. Flowers large and very 
double, corolla violet, with metallic sha- 
dings, tube and sepals bright red. 

General Forgemol, A single variety, with 
rich deep wine-red tube and sepals, and 
dark violet corolla, 

Joseph Rosain, (d.) Very large scarlet tube 
and sepals, corolla violet blue, striped deep 

Jules Ferry, (d.) Good habit, free flowering, 
immense flowers. after the style of ‘‘Ava- 

Hume, A fine flower with a short tube, hor- 
rizontally reflexed sepals and large ex- 
panded corolla; the tube and sepals are of a 
deep rose color, and the corolla rich dark 

Lybelle, Tube and sepals crimson, corolla 
very curiously formed. 

Lye’s favorite. White tube and sepals, rich 
magenta corolla; flowers large and of fine 
form ; a splendid variety, 

Lothair, (d.) A fine new variety, tube and 
sepals rose, corolla blue, 

Montgomery. ‘Tube and sepals rich crimson, 
the corolla is of a deep rich purplish crim- 
son color, flaked and mottled with rose; 
remarkably fine flower, 

New Mastodonte. Flowers globular, deep 
crimson tube and sepals, with rich deep 
violet colored corolla, of immense size; a 
grand variety. 

Pascal. A grand addition to the basket 
Fuchsia, with strong spreading habit, color 
light red and rosy purple; fine, free grower 


President. Excellent form and free habit; 
the sepals are well recurved, and with tube 
of the brightest vermilion, the corolla beau- 
tifally formed and of the richest violet; a 
very beautiful variety. 

Parachute. This variety has the largest 
crinoline shaped corolla ever sent out; rich 
lake violet with deep scarlet tube and 
sepals; an early flowerer. 

Proserpine. ‘Tube and sepals crimson, enor- 
mous large flowers semi-double, white, 
tinged with rose, 

Reine des Fees, (d.) Tube and sepals crim- 
son ; corolla double purest white, very fine. 

Rose Perfection. Tube and sepals pure white, 
with bright rose-pink corolla; one of the 
most distinct light Fuchsias. 


Rainbow. An extremely pretty variety with 
attractively variegated leaves, the colors of 
which are rose, white and crimson on a 
light green ground. The flowers have a 
double white corolla, contrasted well with 
the bright carmine tube and sepals, the latter 
being nicely reflexed. 

Surprise. Tube and sepals pure white, rich 
crimson corolla, extra. 

Syros. Tube and sepals rich rose; sepals 
broad and reflexed; corolla of great sub- 
stance of a rich deep purple. : 

Spectabilis. Tube and sepals crimson ; im- 
mense corolla of a rich violet. 

Wordsworth. A showy flower with short 
tube and broad recurved sepals of a bright 
carmine scarlet color, and rich corolla. 

DAH LIAS.—Generat Collection. 

Our collection of Show Flowers have received first premiums at the Maryland Horticul- 
tural Society’s Exhibition for several years past. 

Our collection of this beautiful flower is unrivalled. We import annually all the new 
varieties of merit, and none are retained in our collection that do not come up to the standard 

of perfect flowers. 

It now embraces all the finest Show Flowers in cultivation. 

Dry pot 

roots of most can now be supplied, or strong plants in May, either can be sent long distances 

or. by mail. 

Price 25 cts each, $2.25 per dozen; my selection $2.00 per dozen; 50 very fine varieties 

for $8.00. Mailed free. 

Ada Tiffin, Light peach, beautiful and chaste 
edge flower, splendid form, 

Aristides. Deep purple, splendid form. 

Alexander Cramond, Shaded maroon, 

Alderman, Light shaded purple, constant, 
form perfect. 

Bob Ridley. Bright red, splendid form, 

British Triumph, Very dark crimson, 

Ben Crossland. Rich dark purple. 

Burgundy, Rich shaded puce, very large, 

Black Knight, Blackish maroon, fine form, 

Beauty of Wilts. 

Bessie Ford, Rosy lilac, good form, constant, 
a large. finely formed flower, 

Crimson King. Beautiful crimson, 

Cremorne, Yellow, tipped with red. 

Countess of Pembroke. Shaded fawn centre, 
tipped with violet purple, 

Canary, Pale yellow, good petal and outline, 
Christopher Ridley, Crimson scarlet, perfect 
outline, fine form and high centre, extra. 
Charles Lingard, Deep yellow, edged with 

red, very distinct. 
Constancy, Yellow, edged with lake, an ex- 
quisite flower, very constant. 
Duke of Roxburgh, Salmon buff, extra. 
Duke of Wellington, Purple, very large, 
Dauntless, Shaded orange, fine form and 
centre, deep ana full, extra, 
Edward Purchase, Beautiful bright crimson, 
Earl of Shaftesbury, Rich purple, exquisite, 
Emily Williams, Light ground, edged and 
tipped with vermilion, 

Earl of Radnor, Deep crimson, intense color, 

Earl of Beaconsfield, Rich plum, fine form 
and outline, 

George Goodhall. Scarlet, most desirable. 

Gypsy King. Dark crimson, fine. 

Golden Beauty. A beautiful clear yellow. 

George Smith. A grand built show flower, 
centre perfect, color bright magenta, 

Henry Walton, Yellow ground, deeply edged 
with vermilion. 

Her Majesty. White, deeply edged purple, 

Hercules, Yellow, striped with red, tre- 
quently self, brownish red. 

Henry Glasscock. Buff, regularly striped, 
and spotted crimson often self, then the 
finest crimson, and grandest of flowers. 

Hon, Sidney Herbert. Rich glowing crim- 
son, large and useful. 

Henry Bond, Rosy lilac, large and very fine, 
perfect form, 

Incomparable, Yellow ground, heavily tip- 
ped with claret, 

John McPherson, Rich violet purple, 

Julia Davis, A most magniticent yellow, 
clear, full and large, 

John Cocker, Black and all black, the black- 
est of all Dahlias. 

John Downie, Yellow, tipped with red, fine, 

Jennie Austin, White laced with purple, 

John Kirby. Yellow buff, a full flower, 
John Neville Keynes. The finest of all yel- 

John Sladden, Nearly black, extra, 


John Bennett. 
John Downie, 
Jennie Greive, 
rosy lilac, 
James Wilder. 
with red, 
John Wesatt. 
John W. Lord. Shaded buff, novel and dis- 
tinct. very fine, 
John Harrison. 
King of Primroses, 
Lady Maude Herbert. 
Lady Jane Ellis. 
purplish rose. _ 
Lady Mary Wilde, 
Lilac Grand, 
Lottie Atkins, 
Lord Hawke, 
Lady Golightly. French white, delicately 
tipped with purple, an exquisite flower. 
Louisa Neate. Delicate pink, creamy white 
centre, beautiful form and outline, 

Mrs. Fordham. French white, tipped with 
soft purple. 
Maid of Essex, 

Miss Turner, 

Miss Susan Ingram, 
with white. 

Mary Keynes, Fawn ground, edged with 
bright rosy purple. 

Memorandum, Light ground, tipped with 

- lake, 

Miss Turner, 
bright purple, 

Matilda Keynes, 

Yellow, edged with scarlet. 

Grand claret, very bright. 
White ground edged with 
Rich velvet maroon, shaded 

Crimson scarlet, fine petaland 

Very large, beautiful 

Yellow, tinted buff, - 
Creamy white, tipped with 

White, tipped with rosy 
The finest lilac, 

Blush, tipped with lilac, 
Yellow buff, tinged with red, 

White, tips purple. 
Light ground, slightly edged 

Soft pale peach, shaded 

White, heavily laced with 

Fawn with beautiful shade 

of cream, 
Mrs, Pigott. Pure white, good form, fine, 
Mr. Dix. Crimson scarlet, large. 

Maggie Fairbairn, 
good quality. 


Mrs, Brunton, Pure white ground, heavily 
laced with deep purple, 

Mephistopheles. Dark maroon, fine form. 

Marchioness of Bath. Light ground, deeply 
edged purple. 

Marchioness Lorne. 
with purple. 

Mrs. Stancomb, Canary yellow, very dis- 
tinctly tipped with deep fawn, 

Mrs Charles Kimberley. Deep blush. 

Mrs, Lexington. Rosy purple, very effec- 

Mr. Sinclair. 

Rosy lilac, with every 

Rosy purple, large, finest 

Orange ground, cdged 

Rose, tipped with purple. 


Minnie Bond. Cream, edged with rosy pur- 
ple, a lovely flower. 

Michael Saunders. Rosy purple, large and 
of fine form. : 

Mrs. Drummond. Pale lilac, beautiful form. 

Netty Buckell. Light blush, tinted pink. 

Nelly. White ground, edged and tipped 
with purple. 

Ovid. Grand purple, finest shape. 

O. E. Coope. Mich crimson, fine centre, 
deep and full. 

Picotee. Yellow, laced with bright crim- 

Paradise Williams. Clear claret, new in 

Princess. White, large, full and fine. 

Princess Alice. Light lilac, extra fine. 

Paul of Paisley. The finest lilac. 

Philip Frost. Shaded orange, fine petals, 
large and constant. 

Perfection. Dark brown, of exquisite form 
and very constant. 

Perfection of Primroses. 
immense flower. 

Prince Arthur. Rich yellow, fine. 

Princess. Maud. 

Queen of York. White, tipped with purple. 

Royal Queen. Creamy ground, deeply edged 
with purple crimson. 

Rival Harris. Rose, very large, most desir- 

Rosamond Ottoway. Blush white, large. 

Rev. J. Goodday. A large show flower, rich 
maroon, shaded purple. 

Pale Primrose, an 

Rifleman. Crimson scarlet, constant. 
Star of the Morning. Orange buff, very 

Sarah McMullen. Soft mauve pink. 

Sarah Read. Lilac, very fine. 

Sir. Jos. Paxton. Yellow, tipped with red. 

Sunrise. Fine soft yellow, exquisite shape. 

Silvio. Yellow, edged with bright red. 

Triomphe de Pecq. Dark crimson. 

Thomas White. Fine deep maroon, almost 

Thomas Goodwin. Very dark, large. 

The Countess. - Blush, deeply edged with 
purple, extra fine. 

Unique. Yellow, deeply edged with crim- 

Victory. Rich shaded crimson, very bright. 

Vivid. Bright scarlet, fine form, beautiful. 

Walter Reid. Purple, with magenta tinge. 

William Keynes. Orange, one of the finest 
formed Dahlias. 

William Pringle Laird. The finest maroon. 

Willie Eckford. A beat on Lord Derby, 
same color, wonderfully fine. 

William Dawkins. Fawn, edged with bright 
crimson, very attractive. 


Our collection of Fancy Dahlias have received First Premiums at the Maryland Horti- 
cultural Society’s Exhibition for several years past. Fancy Dahlias are exceedingly beautiful 



when they come true to color, but they are very much disposed to run plain or self-colored, 

in which state they are fine show flowers. 

Price 25 cents each; $2.25 per dozen; my selection $2.00 per dozen; 50 very fine for 

$8.00. Mailed free. 

Admiration, Yellow, edged with lake, very 
large, perfect form. 

Annie Rawlings. Pure white, striped with 

Carnation, White ground. striped. 

Charles Wyatt, Rose flaked with crimson 
purple, extra fine form. 

Eccentric, Yellow ground, shaded and tipped 
bright scarlet, coming different colors, 

Egyptian Prince, Orange red, striped with 
deeper red, 

Gem. Dark maroon, tipped with white. 

George Barnes, Lilac, striped with crimson, 
au noble flower of great beauty. 

Grand Duchess, Scarlet and crimson stripes 
cn yellow ground, 

Herbert Purchase, 
purple stripe, 

John Lamont, 

John Sealey, 

Rosy ground, mottled 

Maroon, striped black, 
Lilac, striped with purple. 
Jessie Gill, Yellow ground, striped rose, 
Livonia, Buff color. shaded rosy lilac, oeca- 

sionally tipped white, 

Lady Spokes, Striped fancy, white, mottled 

Lady Allington, Scarlet, tipped with white, 

Letty Coles, Pale rose ground, with deep 
red, tipped and striped. 

Lucy Fawcett. Straw, striped and spotted 
with crimson, 

Marquis of Lorne. Light ground, fiaked with 
large stripes of purple, 

Mrs, Standish, Yellow, suffused with red 
and tipped with white, 

Maid of Athens, Maroon, tipped with light, 
quite distinct, 

Mrs, Charles Smith. Puce tipped white. 

Marchioness of Salisbury. White, striped 
with purple, large and fine, 

Miss Ruth, Yellow, tipped with white. 

Monarch, The darkest flower in cultivation, 
with a white tip, much inclined to be self, 

Miss Lily Large. Puce ground, striped and 
spotted crimson, 

Maria Gerring. White, striped deep purple. 

Miss Large, White, ribbed with light pur- 


Mrs, Goodwin, Purple crimson, tipped white, 

Monsieur Chauviere, Lilac, striped with 
crimson, large. 

Oracle, Yellow, striped with crimson, 
Patent, Salmon, dashed with purple. 
Pluto, Dark purple, tipped with white. 
Parrot, Yellow crimson. striped scarlet, 

Peacock. Maroon, tipped with white. 

Queen Mab, Red, tipped and edged white, 

Richard Dean. Yellow ground, flaked with 

Robert Burns, Lilac, flaked with dark ma- 
roon, fine form, 

Rosette, White, striped with purple, 

Royalty. Yellow, tipped crimson, 

Rose Flake, Beautiful white, striped with 
deep crimson, 

Spot. Buff ground, spotted, striped and 
Singularity Amber, edged with red and 

tipped with white. 
Startler. Almost black, tipped with white. 
Viceroy. Lilac, striped with red. 
Wizard. Fawn, striped with maroon and 
tipped with white. 


The flowers of this beautiful class are small, suitable for bouquets, but as perfect in shape as 
any of the show varieties; they are consequently indispensable in a garden. Dry roots can 

be supplied—strong plants in May, 

Price 25 cts. each, (save when priced); $2.25 per dozen, Mailed free, 

Brunette. Orange buff, quilled petals. 

Burning Coal. Bright scarlet, fine. 

Bird of Paradise. Bright crimson. 

Butterfly. Orange. tipped with crimson. 

Coronet. Blush white, lilac tinted. 

Conflagration. Bright orange, tinted scarlet. 

Clementine. Delicate pink or peach. 

Camilla. Crimson, edged with white. 

Catharine Folman. Snow white, very small. 

' *Camellaflora, (new.) A large size Pompone, 
very white and a perfect gem; highly rec- 
ommended. $l. 

Diadem. Orange, edged with scarlet. 

Dr. Webb. Bright scarlet. 

Fire Ball. Brilliant orange scarlet. 

Figaro. Rich buff, crimson edged. 

Flambeau, Bright crimson. 

Firefly. Orange scarlet, fine. 

Glow-worm. Yellow, tipped with cinnabar. 

Golden Canary. Clear yellow. 

Guiding Star. Pure white, imbricated as in 
Camelia Alba Fimbriata, 

Hercules. Dark lilac rose, quilled. 

Jewess, Orange, sometimes tipped with 

Jubilee. Orange yellow, tipped with scarlet. 

Lady Blanche.- Pure white,- flowers of ex- 
quisite shape. 40 cts. 

Little Bride. “White, very small and free. 

Little Herman. ed, tipped with white. 


Little Ellen. 
Little Nigger. 

Blush, tipped with purple. 
Black crimson, pretty. 

Little Kate. Deep purple, fine form. 

Le Nain. Crimson, very dwarf. 

Little Beauty. Pure white, free. 

Little Bobby. Crimson, small. 

Liebechenmein. White, bordered with violet. 

ea Orange buff, tipped with pure 
Murkranstedt. Buff rose outside of petals, 

pretty color, quilled petals. 
Mrs. Dorling. Cream color, tipped purple. 
Miss Novikow. Reddish buff, sometimes 
blush, extra fine. 
Nemesis. Dark maroon, sometimes tipped. 
National. Buff, edged crimson. 
Our Tim. Buff, shading to peach. 


Princess of Prussia. 
gined with crimson. 

Pearl. Pure white, prolific bloomer. 

Perfection Lilliputs. Deep maroon. 

Picturata. Crimson. neat form. 

Pure Love. Beautiful lilac, extra. 

Queen of Dwarfs. Bright scarlet. 

Red Gauntlet. Bright red, pretty. 

Roger Chauvier. Crimson, spotted with 

Golden yellow, mar- 

Silversmith. Yellow, tipped with crimson. 
Sappho. Rich magenta. 
Searlet Gem. Bright scarlet, fine form. 
Sunshine. Scarlet Pompone. 
Trueliebchen. Rose, tipped with carmine. 

Tom Kover. Blush, with crimson tips. 
Velvet Gem. Crimson, marked with white. 


For planting in masses, this group is the most appropriate, being of dwarf, bushy, com- 
pact habit, giving immense masses of bloom during the season. 

Price 25 cents each, $2.25 per dozen. 

Alba Floribunda. Pure white dwarf. 

Alba Floribunda Nana. Pure white, very 

Gladiator. Rich maroon, compact. 

Golden Bedder. Deep orange, fine form. 

Golden Prince. Primrose yellow. 

King of the Dwarfs. Purplish crimson. 

Mailed free, 

Mont Blanc. A beautiful variety, two feet 
high, with erect stiff footstalks; pure 

Marguerite. A dwarf white bedding Dahlia, 
profuse bloomer, pure white. 

Nemesis. Dark maroon. 

Princess Mathilde. White, free bloomer. 


The collection of these beautiful flowers, which we have the pleasure of offering, are a. 
selection of the finest and most distinct varieties from Mr. Ware’s collection, the best in 
England, which has been awarded ten first certificates by the National Dahlia and Royal 

Horticultural Societies. 

Price 40 cents each, (save where priced.) $4.00 per dozen. 

Ascalon. Rich purplish rose, flat and well 

* formed flower ; extra fine. 

Acme. Deep orange, of very fine substance. 

*Albion. Rich velvety scarlet, oval petals of 
heavy substance. 786 cts. 

*Beauty of Cambridge. Fiery crimson, im- 
mense large flat and solid flower; one of 
the very finest. 76 cts. 

Blanche. White, very free; extra fine. 

Black Dahlia. (See Z.mepani.) 

Canary. Deep canary yellow, free and attrac- 

Cicerone. Reddish scarlet, very large; a 
most attractive variety. 

Cervantesi. Very bright orange scarlet, a 
bold flower. 

*Francis Fell. Sparkling purple, with a rosy 
hue; remarkably fine, extra. 75 cts. 

Fusilier. White, changing to pink, some- 
times edged with pink; striking, 

Fire King. Fiery scarlet, medium, dwarf 
Ghost. Pure white, fine shape, 

Young plants ready in April. 

Gracilis Ardens. Crimson scarlet, petals 
slightly shelled; extra. 
Elegans. Clear light scarlet, shelled 
petal; extra. 
*Fulgens. Brilliant crimson scarlet. 
78 cts. 
Perfecta. Rich velvety crimson, 
fine flat shapely flower. 
George Wyatt. Rich mulberry self; an excel- 
lent variety. 
Hesper. Purplish crimson, fine fiat flower. 
Irma. Fiery rose, large noble flower. 

Kisber. Mulberry self, velvety texture. 

Lothair. Delicate creamy white, shading to 

Lutea, Yellow self, very free, 

*Lutea Grandiflora. 

Rich yellow, large well 
shaped flower, fine habit, extra. 

75 cts. 

Mabel. Pale pink, medium. 
Orangeman. Rich orange, tinted red, very 

Orange Phenix. Rich orange self, very fine. 
Paragon. Rich maroon, edged rosy purple. 


*Pentagon. Dark maroon self, very fine sub- 
stance. 75 cts. 

*Painted Lady. Pink, having a rosy hue, 
very effective. 75 cts. 

Purple King. Violet purple, erect habit. 

Purple Paragon. Violet purple self, habit of 

*Rob Roy, Intense deep scarlet, a very large 
flower, extra fine. 76 cts. 

Single Zinnia, Rich crimson scarlet, a neat 

Stella Bianea. White, fine habit. 

Snow Wreath. Pure white, very free. 


Scarlet Gem. Bright scarlet, medium sized 

Vivid. Bright crimson, scarlet petals, a very 
telling flower. 

Violet. Violet purple, fine habit. 

White Lady. Pure white, very free. 

*White Queen. Pure white, of the most per- 
fect form. Nothing can surpass it for 
planting in masses. 78 cts. 

Winnifred. Rich ruby red, of excellent sub- 

Yellow Dwarf. Pure yellow dwarf, branch- 
ing habit. 

Seedlings raised from the finest collection, mixed. Price 20 cents each, $1.50 per dozen. 

Ready in April. 


Juarezi, (Cactus Dahlia.) Dazzling scarlet, long petals curiously twisted at the points ; 
they are as brilliant as those of a Poinsettia, and resemble somewhat the flowers of 

a Cactus; a grand bedding Dahlia........... 

warm green-house. 

Flowers semi-double, purplish lilac..........0. 2200 -.seeeseseeecacees 
Zimepani, Black Dahlia, ( Bidens Atrosanguinea. ) 
rably adapted for massing, and for the decoration of the border. 

2p «age soiee! ees cag qiecsieontare a aeetee- aaah eee pO 40 
A very large growing species from Mexico. 

Flowers during winter ina 

A very interesting species, admi- 
It is of a neat 

compact habit, very free flowering, and invaluable for cutting purposes, as the 

flowers are small. 

*Double Floret Dahlia. 

It is of a deep rich crimson, almost black. 
the same as all other Dahlias, and is quite as easily growNn....-.00.. sees PS Easuis6c oBBu05 
Double of a ruby red color. 

This can be treated 

It is peculiar in the filling up of 

the florets, which instead of being in the nature of tubes or cups are occupied with 

quills, or as we may term them, replica florets; a very interesting plant............... 


Price 20 cents each, $2.00 per dozen. 

Antonella. Salmon yellow. 

Ali Baba. Red, with golden black. 

Alfonso, A bright glowing crimson tipped 
with gold. 

Angel. Creamy white, tipped with lilac, fine 
large flower. 

Beauty of St. John’s Wood. Creamy white, 
tinged with lilac. 

Blonde Beauty. White, with stripes and 
tipped rose. 

Beauty of Stoke. 

Bolivar. Double, well imbricated, ochrous 
yellow, changing to lilac. 

Bertier Rendatlier. Yellow, flamed with 
brown red, incurved. 

Compactum. Silvery peach, incurved. 

Duke of Edinburg. Rose lilac. 

Dr. Lindley, Dark orange, with amber 

Empress Eugenie. 

Empress of India. Pure white. 

Fair Margaret. Peach anemone. 

Faust. Bronzed crimson purple, 

Golden John Salter. Golden yellow. 

Gloria Mundi. Bright golden yellow. 

Yellow, suffused with 

Delicate rose lilac. 

Golden Beverly. Golden yellow. 

Golden Hermine. Golden orange, tipped 

Golden Queen of England, Golden canary. 

Golden Dr. Brock. Bright golden yellow. 

Her Majesty. Silvery blush. 

Hero of Stoke Newington. 
fused with purple. 

Iona. Citron yellow, incurved. 

Jenny Lind. Light sulphur. 

Julia Lagravere. Dark velvety crimson. 

Luna. Pure white, incurved, fine. 

Lady Talfourd. Delicate rose lilac, with 
silvery back. 

Lord Stanley. Large orange amber. 

Lady Godiva. Sulphur white, large, and full. 

Lady St. Clair. Pure white, large, full. 

Leonidas. Splendid, sulphur yellow, imbri- 
cated, large and fine. 

Miss Hope. Delicate lilac, white centre. 

Miss Eyre. Blush white, yellow centre. 

Mr. Geo. Haskins. Color a warm lilac rose. 

Mrs Mary Morgan. Delicate pink. 

Mr. G. Glenny. A bright amber. 

Mrs. Gladstone. Dark red chestnut. 

Mrs. George Rundle. Pure white. 


Rosy blush suf- 


Mad. Tezier. Enormous globular double 
white flowers. 

Mrs. Huffington. Delicate pink. 

Mount Edgecumbe, Double white. 

Mr. Cullingford. Dark carmine. 

Madam Rieux. A _ beautiful flower, with 
laciniated florets of a soft rosy peach color. 

Meteor. Yellow with purple backs, large 
and fine. 

M. Bonamy Ainé. Clear amaranth; all the 
florets toothed and curled, and silvery white 
on the reverse side, 

Norma. Ivory white. 

Urange Annie Salter. Bright orange. 

Princess. Pure white anemone. 

Pink Pearl. Pink with silvery shade, 

Prince of Anemones. Lilac blush, 


Prince of Wales, Dark purple violet, 

Princess of Teck, Large pure white, 

Princess Louise of Hesse. Rosy pink, blush, 

Pink Perfection, Soft pink, 

Princess Thyra, White anemone, sulphur 

Queen of England, Striped blush, 

Rose Mutabilis. Delicate peach, veined rose, 

Rival Little Harry, Dark yellow or golden 

Rotundiflora, Pearl white. changing to lilac, 

Saint Columbia, Golden amber, 

Surprise, Large deep amber. 

Souvenir de Mercedes, Large imbricated, 
incurved flower white, tinged with lilac, 

Virginale, Pure white, late flowering. 

Volunteer. Amaranth violet, 



Price 20 cents each, $2,00 per dozen, 

Acis. Pale straw. 

Alba Perfecta. 
shaped, fine. 

Aspasie. White, with sulphur tinge, large 
and very double. 

Antonius. Yellow, orange red, hybrid. 

Ampilla. A bright glowing red, very effec- 

Barra, Crimson, shaded with purple, a beau- 
tiful flower. 

Bijou de Horticulture. Sulphur white. 

Boule Blanche. White, shaded with rose. 

Capella. Red chestnut, orange centre. 

Canary Bird. Clear yellow, dwarf. 

Coquette. Blush. yellow centre, anemone, 

Cravochen. Dark claret crimson. 

Cuptenelle ‘ Bright crimson,” early. 

Donna Carmen. Pure white, quilled, 

Drin Drin. Clear yellow, very fine. 

Fairest of the Fair. Lilac blush, silvery 

Ruiry. Lemon, with dark orange. 

Frederick Pele. Bright crimson. 

Gailiardia. Color of Gailiardia, with fimbri- 
ated petals. 

Golden Mad. Domage. 

- briated. 

General de Lauranecay. Yellow and bronze, 
neat and compact. 

Gringolet. Pale yellow, very double. 

Golden Circle. Golden orange, dwarf. 

Hecla. Very bright amaranth, extra. 

Helen Lindsay. Cream white, very double. 

Iris. White, tipped with bright pink. 

Judy. Bright golden yellow. 

Little Beauty. White, bordered with rose. 

La Fiancée. White, tinged with rose, im- 
bricated, fine. 

Louise Schwartz. Miniature 
white, tipped with purple. 

Pure white, ranunculus 

Yellow, prettily fim- 


_M. H. Jacatot. 

Mailed free, 

Pure white, double. 

Violet carmine, pointed with 
white, very pretty. 

Monsieur de Soulages. 

Mad. Bachaux. White shaded. 

Mr. Astie. Bright golden yellow, dwarf. 

Mrs. Did. White, tipped with pink. 

Minnie Warren. Rosy blush, yellowish 

Mme. Chate. 
centre cream. 

M. Montariol. Amaranth, tipped with white, 

Model of Perfection. 

M. Camille. Very double, beautifully laci- 
niated, a clear rose, pointed with pure white. 

Princess Alice. Dark carmine, rich cclor. 

Prince Victor. Dark red maroon. 

Polycarp, (Med.) Fimbriated, clear peach 

Pablo, (Med.) Very pretty, fine flowers ex- 
cessively full and beautifully fringed, rose 
slightly tinged. 

Perle des Beautes. Finely imbricated. ranun- 

~culus flowered, color crimson amaranth, 
pointed with brown black, a gem. 

Queen of Beauties. Lilac purple, mottled. 

Rosina, (Pom.) Tender rose, reverse car- 
mine, and extremely pretty flowers. 

Rossenate. ‘‘ Light blush, good habit and 

Saint Justin. Red and orange, fine. 

St. Michael. Very bright gold, full size. 

Soliel Brilliant. Violet crimson, centre pink, 
with a circle of white, fine. 

Toufrida. Bright golden amber. 

White Travenna. Pure white, finely formed. 

Zobeide. Light rose and high centre ane- 

La Fiance. 

Rosy purple. 

White, striped with lilac, 

Lilac and yellow, very 



These differ from the varieties cultivated by their novel and striking colors; the florets 
in many resemble a mass of colored threads; some spotted, others plain colored, of singular 


Price 20 cts. each; $2 per dozen. 

Alphonse 12th. Long broad petals, color 
crimson and salmon, quite a new color. 

Abbe Lageze. Delicate rose, with white 

Alba Plena. Sulphur, with white centre. 

Arlequin. Very long petals, nankeen salmon. 

Asmodee Rosy yellow, tips of petals yellow 
and flamed rose. 

Bouquet d’Orange. Yellow, with very long 


Belle Castellane. Mauve lilac pointed with 
deep buff. 

Beaute Parfaite. A rosy lilac, marked with 

Bronze, (Cannell.) Bronze, margined with 

Chrometella. Bright chrome or orange yel- 

Comet. Orange yellow, changing to chest- 
nut red. 

Duchess of Edinburgh. Petals white, recurved 
disk, lilac rose. 

Erecta Suyerba. Bright rose, with broad 
large poiated lobes. 

Gold Thread. Small flower, golden bronze, 

Jonathan. Violet rose, centre nankeen and 
white striped. 

Katakana. Orange mixed with saffron, striped 
with yellow. 

Luteum Stratum. ‘Pale gold color, very 

La Nymph. Large, double, pure white. 
Mandarin. Canary yellow, petals broad and 

They are admirably adapted for late flowering in the greenhouse, 

Mailed free, 

Meteor. Yellow, changing to orange, petals 
long and curiously curled. 

Mad. Delaux. Rose, lined white, centre 

M, Lemoine, A rich reddish crimson color, 
tipped with bright yellow, golden centre, 
the reverse buff yellow, 

M. Roux, A large flower, with laciniated 
florets of a beautiful dark reddish crimson, 
marked with white in the centre, 

Nuit D’Hiver, Saffron bronzed, shaded 
brown, pointed golden yellow, 

Orphee, ‘‘ Brick red and crimson, centre 

Purpurea Alba, 
spotted white. 

Parasol, A very large and fine incurved 
flower of a golden buff color, shaded with 
rich salmon, 

Rich purple, mottled and 

Purple King. Brilliant purple, shaded with 

mauve and magenta, 

Red Dragon. Red chestnut, tipped with 

Red Indian, 
and double, 

Sho-Gakko, Large flower, Peony formed, 
amaranth red, 

The Sultan, Composed of bright rosy purple 

Tintamarre, Cream white, flamed with car- 
mine violet, very showy. 

The Cossack, Large, double, chestnut brown 
and yellow, 

Triomph de la me du Chatelet, ‘Six inches 
across, salmon shaded with rose,”’ 

Color Indian red, very large 

Price 50 centseach. The set of 9 for $4.00, 

Boule de Niege. 
finest form, extra, 

*Christmas Number. A magnificent pure 
white incurved kind, superceding all others 
for lateness. The Garden of January 2\st, 
speaks very highly of some blooms sent 
January 18th, comparing them with the 
beautiful Elaine. 

Beautiful silvery white, 

Eclatante, Immense flower, red spotted with 
Klaine. An exceedingly beautiful flower, 

pure white. 

Diane. Purest white, large and full, fine. 

Fremy. Brilliant orange, petals laciniated, 
beautiful form, 

L’Ardoisee, White, shaded lilac, beautiful 
imbricated flower, 

Mad. Brun, Beautiful globular flower; sil- 
very lilac, reverse of petals white, 

M. Moynet. Pure white, reverse of petals 
lilac, extra, 

Souvenir d’un Ami, Beautiful lilac, reverse 
of petals white, extra, 

Price 50 cents each. The set of 6 for $2,00, 

Madlle Pourguie. Lilacandcarmine, reverse 
of petals white, beautiful, 

M. J. M. Laureiros. Striped orange and 
pointed yellow, beautiful, 



Ornata. Reddish orange, imbricated, beau- 
Riche Bouquet. 

very double, 

Lilac, bordered with white, 


Soiree d’ete, Beautiful white tinted rose, 
formed like a Camellia, extra, 

Sanguineum, Blood red, with citron centre, 

fine form, extra, 


Price 50 cents each, 

Pale lilac, neat round flower. 

- Curiosity. 
White tipped with 

Jardin des Plantes. 

*Lla Petite Marie. ‘This is the gem of 
Chrysanthemums, its flowers are white and 
medium size, petals recurved and flat like 
a Daisy, its height varies from 9 to 12 
inches, although it generally commences 
flowering when 6 inches high, it has a very 
free branching but close habit, flowering 
from August until October; asa bedder it 
is unmatched, and for growing in pots it is 
a perfect gem.”’ 

The set of 10 for $4,00, 

*La France. ‘ Paper white, a small round 
flower, the edges neatly fringed likea pink, 
very free and dwarf, one of the best grown 
for bouquet work.” 

La Nymph. Deep rosy purple, compact. 

Lucinda. White flushed with lilac. 

Madlle Jolivart, Beautiful soft peach, a grand 
Scarlet Gem. Reddish scarlet, dwarf and 


Souvenir d’Un Ami, (St. Mary) White, 
the largest flower and best in the group. 

Virginale. Pure white, extra. 

Price 50 cents each, The set of 10 for $4.00. 

Arc-en-ciel. Very large crimson flower 

Ceres. Similar in color to Rose Souvenir de 
la Malmaison. 

Elaine. The finest pure white variety, ex- 
ceedingly beautiful. 

Gloire Rayonnante. Immense flower, satiny 

Louise Barthere. Clear lilac, reverse of petals 

M. Duarte O. Junior. Yellow striped car- 
mine, a very beautifui flower. 

M. Romain. Yellowish white passing to 
Jonquille, extra. 

Perle des Blanches. 

Enormous pure white 

lilac and rose, pointed with orange, flower, very beautiful. 
extra, Pluie d’Or. Yellowish Jonquille, large and. 
Tokio. beautiful. 

Price 15 cents each, (save where priced.) 

President Garfield. A beautiful new variety. 

*White Lady, (new.) A pure white free- 
flowering variety, producing large corym- 
bose heads of bloom. Under ordinary 
treatment, can be had in flower the greater 
part ofthe year. 75 cts. 

Beauty of the Boudoir. Deep violet. 

B. Pfitzer. Light color, of immense size. 

Cameleon. Rose lilac with white eye. 

Cheshire Hero. Lilac, large truss. 

Daphne. Immense truss of dark blue, 

Etoile de Marseilles. Deep violet. 

Emile Angier. Violet, white centre. ° 

Florence Nightingale. Dark lavender. 

Geante. Lavender, white eye. 
Jersey Beauty. The finest blue. 
Juliette. Dwarf, large heads of dark flow- 

Lilacea Rosea, Rosy lilac, changing as the 
flowers acquire age. 

$1.50 per dozen. 

Compact habit and profuse. 

La Favorite. Fine lavender. 

Madame Boucharlat. Reddish lilac. 

Madame Fillion. Violet passing to white. 

Madame Boulanger. Lilac and blush. 

Mons. Hamatire. Large purple. 

Nivelet. Pinkish shade, white eye. 

Nelly. Light large truss, compact. 

Oculata. Dark violet, white centre. 

Reine des Heliotropes, Dark violet. 

Reine des Violettes. Violet, yellow eye. 

Souvenir J. B. Rendatler. Blue lilac, 

Surpasse Guascoi. 

Snow Wreath, 

Triomphe. Enormous panicles, violet with a 
white eye, flowers freely. 

The Standard. Violet, large truss. 

Lizzie Cook. 

Lilac and white. 
The nearest approach to 




Price 20 cents each, (saved where priced.) $2.00 per dozen. 
Strong plants, in autumn, 380 cents each, $2.50 per dozen. 

Admiral Dupont. Carmine, profuse bloomer, 

Astoria. Yellow, striped with red. 

Bonnie Doon, (new.) Bright magenta pink. 

Chas. Sumner, (new.) In the style of La 
Purite, is of vigorous growth, of very dwarf 
habit, and free bloomer ; rosy pink, a shade 
lighter than La Purite. 50 cts. 

Charmer. Striped red and white. 

The finest striped variety ; 

30 cts. 

Dolly Varden. 
color crimson and white. 

a “7s IM * 




Orange, stripea crimson. 

Pure white, large, fine form. 

Elmwood. Bright scarlet, fragrant, well 
shaped, similar to La Purite. 30 ets. 
Firebrand. ‘‘Intense scarlet, large size, 

strong healthy grower and free bloomer.”’ 
50 cts. ‘ 

Henry Ward Beecher. White ground, flaked 
violet, maroon and carmine. 

King of the Crimsons. A dark rich crim- 

“son maroon, a vigorous grower and free 

Louise Zeller. Very pure white. 

Louise Lenoir. Fine dark maroon. 

La Purite. Carmine, dwarf, free bloomer. 

Lady Emma. Scarlet, dwarf, compact pro- 
fuse flowering habit. 

Lydia, Rich orange yellow, flaked with car- 
mine, very large and double. 

Mary Dacre. White, tinged with pink. 

Meteor. Dazzling red, very fine. - 

Miss Joliffe. A blush pink, most profuse 

President Degraw. White, very large, deeply 

Peerless. Pure white. 

Peter Henderson. Vigorous growth, good 
winter bloomer, pure white flowers. 

Rosy Morn. Dark pink, shaded with salmon. 

Sunset. Fine yellow. 

Snow White. Purest white, never tinged 
with any color. 

Snowden. A dwarf stocky growing variety. 
‘¢ The flowers are of the purest white borne 
in unequalled profusion.” 

Springfield. Carmine, in the way of La 
Purite, extra. 50 cts. 

Seacaucus. Light carmine. 

Vixen. Dazzling scarlet, very double and 

fine fragrance. é 
Vesuvius. Dark searlet, very large. 
White Perfection. Pure white, extra. 


These are exceedingly valuable plants for bedding out during summer. 

They thrive in 

our hot, dry, sunny weather when so many of our other plants suffer. 

Price 15 cents each, (save where priced) ; $1.50 per dozen, 

Alba Grandiflora. Fine pure white. 

Aurantiaca. Beautiful orange. 

Bouquet. Pure white, fine. 

Comtesse de Morny. Yellow, changing to 

Crocea Superba, Orange and red. 

Comtesse de Biencourt. Bright rose and 
orange centre. 

Delicatissima. Pink lilac. 

rose. ' 
Empereur des Francaise. Searlet and orange. 

Rich orange yellow, fading into 

Fabiola. Rose, yellow and orange. 
Favorite. Yellow, merging into purplish 

Gisella, (new.) 50 cts. 
Globe d’Or, (new.) Golden yellow. 
Innocence. Pure white, dwarf habit, 

50 cts. 


Jeanne d’Are. 
ing to violet. 

Jean Bart. Buff and dark crimson. 

La Niege. A mass of snow white flowers. 

Lutea Superba Grandiflora. Golden yellow. 

Lizzie Cook. Neat compact habit. 

Madame Dufoy. Pale yellow and rose. 

Madame Hoste. Golden yellow, passing to 

Mons. Schmidt. Orange yellow, changing to 
crimson scarlet. 

White, yellow centre, pass- 



Ninus. Yellow, changing to pink. 

Ne Plus Ultra. Purple and yellow. 

Princess Louisa. Yellow, merging into rosy 

Raphael. Orange rose and purple. 

Reveil, (new.) 50 cts. 

Rosa Mundi. White and rose. 

Solfatarre. Golden yellow. 

Toison d’Or. A beautiful deep chrome yel- 

Victoria. Pure white, with lemon eye. 


Our collection of Indian Azalea embraces the most select English and Continental varieties. 

Our stock is large and fine. 

Price 3 inch pots, 25 cts. each. $2.50 per dozen. 
Price 4 inch puts, 30 cts. each. $3.00 per dozen. 

Price 5 inch pots, 50 cts. each. $4.50 per dozen. 

Alexander II. White, tinted with rose, fine. 

Argus. Single, sometimes semi-double, finest 
possible form, light salmon, with a black 
blotch. | 

Baron Ed. Osey. Bright orange, with broad 
wavy lobes, amaranth rose. 

Bernhard Andrea. Rosy purple, double, very 

Belle Gantoise. Clear lilac, edged with white. 

Baronne de Vriere. Snow white, with undu- 
lated’ edges, and ornated with red stripes 
and sulphur blotch. 

Borsig. A very beautiful double white, one 
of the finest. 

Comtesse de Flandre. 


Charles Leirens, (new.) Semi-double, very 
dark salmon red, large black blotch, most 
Cocarde Orange. Pure orange, with ama- 
ranth red blotch, form round, exquisite. 
Dr. D, Moore, (new.) Very bright rose, with 
white and violet reflex, perfect form. 

Candeur. Pure white, fine form, beautiful. 

Comtesse de Beaufort. Rose blotch, deep 
crimson, with maroon reflex, extra fine, 

Duchesse Adelaide de Nassau. Large, of fine 
form, the upper lobes amaranth. 

Dona Maria. Tender rose, edged with white, 
superior to Albocincta, 

Duc de Nassau. Dark rosy carmine, semi- 
double flowers, large flame, colored blotch, 

Fascination. Rosy pink, edged with white, 
and spotted with crimson, 

Flower of the Day, Fine large white, striped 
with rose. 

Flag of Truce. Pure white, large and double, 
extra fine. . 

Francois Devos, Clear deep crimson, double 

Glory of Sunninghill, Salmon pink, large. 

Gledstanesia, Pure white, flaked with car- 

Large, flat bright rose, 
Bright amaranth of great sub- 

Extra sizes extra prices. - 

Gledstanesia Formosa, 

Grossfurstin Helene. Fringed, shaded salmon 
deep amaranth blotch, 

Her Majesty. Scarlet, large, finely formed. 

H. Von Aumale. Light ground, marked 
with broad bands, scarlet, 

Jean Van Volxem,. Streaks of all shades and 
specially in bands of rosy orange. 

John Gould Veitch. Lilac rose, netted and 
bordered with white, blotched with saffron, 

Jean Verschaffelt. Deep orange, shaded with 
buff, edges crisped, rich blotch, 

Louise Von Baden, A beautiful pure white. 

Madame Cannart d’Hamale. Satiny white, 
occasionally striped. 

Mars, Bright orange red, richly spotted with 

Météor. Bright rose, very double. 

Magnifica Alba Pleno, A magnificent double 
white variety. 

Madam Marie Van Houtte. White, striped, 
flaked and blotched with rosy salmon, like 
a carnation. 

Mont Blane. A _ very fine variety, with 
double flowers, pure white, 

Marquis of Lorne, Beautiful orange, with 
large lobes and saffron yellow blotch. 

Mad. Ambroise Verschaffelt. Variegated, 
constant in its stripes, flowers white, washed 
rose and striped crimson, 

Mad. C, Van Eckhaute. Flowers 4 inches 
in diameter, snow white, perfect shape, 

Madam Leone Van Houtte. White, flaked 
with rose, blotch sulphur yellow. 

Nonpareil, Orange, bordered with white, 
and spotted with chocolate. 

Narcissiflora, Double white, very early, 

Princess Charlotte. Deep rose, with dark 
amaranth blotch. 

Princess Louise, Shining tender rose, fes- 
tooned with pure white, large carmine spot. 

Pure- white, striped 


President Van den Hecke. Pure white, 
striped with rose, double, i 

Queen of Scarlets. Brilliant scarlet, marked 
with rich crimson spots on a violet ground, 

Queen of Roses. Rose color, with broad 
rounded flower Jobes, upper lobes relieved 
by a cloud of small crimson specks, 

Queen of Double Stripes. A beautiful double 
white flower, occasionally coming elegantly 
tipped and streaked with rose, 

Queen of Double Whites. Flowers large, 
double, of the purest white. 

Queen of Whites. Finely formed, of the 
purest white, 

Roi de Beautés, Light salmony rose, suffused 
with violet, edged with white, double. 

Reine des Roses. Deep clear rose, red spots, 
large and attractive, 

Senator Kestler. Rosy crimson, very fine 


Souvenir du Prince Albert. Large double 
flowers, lobes broad, half white and half 
rose, edges pure white. 

The six last named are quite new. 

White ground, striped with 


Stella. Bright scarlet, deep violet stain on 
upper petal, 
Virgin Queen. 

Vittata Crispiflora. 
purple and crimson. 

Virginalis. Pure white, edge of flower frilled. 

Vivid, A fine rich scarlet, beautiful, 

*Kmpress of India, (new.) A very beautiful 
variety, flowers 4 inches in diameter, sal- 
mon rose, flamed with white and dark car- 
mine, a first-class variety. 

*Jcan Wervaene, {new.) Rosy salmon, 
spotted with deep crimson, edged with 
white, A first-class variety. — 

*Louisa Pynaert, (new.) White, 
with violet, coe canies extra fine. 

*La Pucella de Gand, (new.) Pure white, 
very large and finely formed, a beautiful 

*Mad. Vandercruyssen, (new.) Color bright 
clear rose, of good form, semi-double. 

*Mad. Jean Nuytens Verschaffelt, (new.) 
White relieved with a yellowish spot, a 
fine large flower of good form and sub- 

Pure white, fine form. 
White, striped with 


The price for small plants is 50 cents each, The set 

of six for $2.50. The larger plants cannot be sent by mail. 


The varieties of A. Ameena bloom early and are very desirable for greenhouse culture, or. 

forcing. They are hardy in this latitude. 

Ameena. Bright rosy purple, flowers small, 
hose-in-hose fashion, abundant bloomer, a 
very distinct and pleasing species, quite 
hardy. 26 cts. to 50 cts. 

*Mrs. Carmichael. A hybrid between Ameena 
and Stella; color a rich magenta shaded 
with crimson, the upper segments spotted 
with marginal black. 50 ets. 

*Caldwelli, A very beautiful variety of 
Ameena; flowers red. 

*Princess Beatrice. Quite a distinct flower, 
color light mauve, slightly spotted in the 
upper petal segment, flowers round and of 
good shape. Sometimes produces double 
flowers. 50 cts. 

* Wim. Carmichael. A charming variety, rich 
carmine shaded with magenta, the upper 

*Obtusa. . A beautiful variety of Ameena from 
Japan, with orange scarlet flowers. 50 segment beautifully spotted, flowers round 
cts. and of good substance. 450 cts. 

Of this beautiful class of plants, we grow a very choice selection. 
Price 50 cts. to $1 each and upwards, according to size. 


Varieties of dwarf growth, cultivated chiefly for their beautiful foliage, 
Price 20 cts. each, $2.00 per dozen, ( save where priced.) 

*E, André. A very beautifully marked fol- 
lage, 80 cts. 

*Marguerite Bruant. Very distinct foliage. 
30 cts. 

*W. EH. Gumbleton. 
tween Rex and Discolor, 380 cts. 
The above are three remarkably beautiful 
hybrids between Rex and Evansiana, 

A. beautiful bybrid hat 

Alexander Von Humboldt. fine foliage. 
Begonia Metallica. Veins of a dark metallic 

Bettine Rothschild. 
Gem. Fine. 

Grace Fahnestock. Neat foliage. 
Louis Schwatzer. Beautifully marked foliage 
in the style of Rez, 


J. L. de Boucher. 

Louis Chretien. A new and very distinct 
variety of the Rex class, 


Mons. Victor Lemoine. 

Mrs H. Low. 

Negro. Very dark foliage. 

Philadelphia. Fine, 

Queen of England. 

Marbled like lace. 


Otto Forster. A hvbrid between B. Imperialis 
and B. Rex. Its large foliage is of a rich 
bronzy green, with shining silvery white 
veining. 40 cts. 


Robt. Buist. 

Roi Leopold. 

Smaragdina. Green. 

The O’ Donohue. 

The following species and varieties are of taller growth cultivated chiefly for their flowers, 

Price 20 cts. each, $1.50 per dozen. 

Argyrostigma Picta, 

Coccinea, (Corallina.) A very beautiful 
species, afree bloomer, color abright scarlet. 
25 cts, 

Evansiana. A beautiful species. 

Foliosa. Drooping species, light pink flowers. 

Fuchsioides alba. White flowered. 

Green spotted with 

Gibsonii. This variety has double flowers. Parviflora. Flowers white. 
Glaucophylla Seandens, (Climbing. Begonia.) Palmata. Palmated. 

A beautiful climbing species, admirable for Saundersonii. Scarlet. 

hanging baskets; free grower and profuse Weltoniensis. Pretty waxy pink flowers. 

bloomer. 25 cts. Washingtoniana. A very fine winter bloomer, 
Hybrida Multiflora. Scarlet. flowers pure white. 25 cts. 
Incarnata. Flowers pink. 

SELAGINELLAS, ( Lycopodium. ) 
Cts. Cts, 

Caulescens.. cco bes Belscocooa 248) LITINGITME noekdacsd ZoosomneASen6 3 GouRGNGOo Olt Caccr eacSer 20 
Ceesia. Surface like shot eeee-20 + Martensil. Compact habit.............. 10 to 26 
Cesia Aboreum, (Levigata)..........eccceeeee 25 Martensii Variegata. Tips ofall the growth 
Wor diol ap secctc ce nonssccwacttececcis/seles os cscs non see el 20 WON @.cecenncon ocagsboce cosuesess.soeee 061606 10 to 20 
@uspidata,, (pallescenstandycircinalis)..<..--.20) Parad Oxa) <..2-:.a,sscnss)1-s-seaee ese -peatactee) aess-)-+! 20 
Denticulata. Dense habit...... ......... 10 to 20 Poulterii. Neat compact habit. ........ ....0 20 
Denticulata Aurea. The tips of the shoots 1 NI CN GSE (1A TUDES) ocaneance codsneess Sco 25 to 50 

are tipped with yellow ... seers ORGOy 2 On RUUD CHING Atscmacesaaicesse semtisecnccicsieaase a cehes-f sees 25 
Delicatissima, (Microphylla.) Exceedingly POLO mifenancasosesweseiscceacmeatdeb ese <ecdes: 10 to 20 

GIR ceeBoadceacscsenencte cueneeeobec toss LOFtO) ZOBA Triana ulara veces (aac ae sse/<osecam seh nelsene ee «i 20 
Elongata, (Cordifoliurm... Bea --20 Wildenovii, (Pubescens.) More fern-like 
Lepidophylla. This is a “beautiful neat than: the) other Species. vac s.c.-cracece cases seen 25 

species; very distinct from all others .....50 


Adiantum Gracellinum. 
fronds ; 
appearance ; 
50 cents. 

*Adiantum Hendersonii. 

*Adiantum Veitchii. 
of its growth. 
mature fronds a pale green.’’ 

Adiantum Amabile. 

A very distinct and elegant Maiden Hair Fern. 
a length of from 30 to 40 inches, and have a graceful arching habit. 
ure a beautiful dark green, the young fronds a bronzy crimson, 


Insignis. Flowers rosy crimson. light centre. 

Nigricans. Dark shining crimson foliage, 
flowers pink. 

Nitida. Flowers pure white. 
Odorata. Sweet scented. 
Parnelli. Foliage light green, beautifully 

spotted with white. 

A most elegant and distinct Fern, with very light and graceful 
the multiplicity of minute pinnules impart to the plant a peculiarly charming 
the fronds are about a foot long and nine inches across, are thin and fragile. 

The fronds attain 
The mature fronds 

‘‘An extremely ornamental Fern, attracting the eye by the symmetry 
The young fronds are very beautiful, being of a fine red color, that of the 
$1.00 each. 

A very elegant species, with fronds of a beautiful light green color, 

small and elegant in regard to the size and form, attaining the height of from 15 to 18 

inches. 25 to 50 cts. 
Adiantum Farleyense. 

The most magnificent variety of this handsome family; the fronds 

are of a size and form of A. trapeziforme, but pendant, and all the large pinnules are 

deeply fringed and crisped. 

50 cts. to $1.00. 


*Adiantum Cardiochlena. A free growing and very beautiful Adiantum. 40 cts. 

Adiantum Peruvianum. A magnificent species, rivalling the well-known A. trapeziforme, 
in the size of its pinnules, and surpassing it in the elegance of its large compound droop- 
ing fronds. 25 to 50 cts. 

Adiantum Princeps. A very handsome and distinct Adiantum from New Granada, with 
long arching fronds; pinnules large and closely set upon the rachis; of a pleasing green. 
This plant will make a fine specimen for exhibition purposes. 75 cts. 

Adiantum Sanctz Catharine. The fronds are from one to two feet in height and decom- 
pound. Itis avery grand plant and succeeds well in a warm greenhouse. 40 cts. 

*Adiantum Seemanni. A noble species, producing fronds 2 feet long, with a comparatively 
slender glossy back stipe, bare at the lower part, and bearing, towards the top, from 4 
to 8 magnificent large pinne. $1.00. 

Asplenium Longissimum, A very useful basket Fern; its pendulous fronds are often from 
5 to 7 feet long, and are produced in great abundance, so that the plant is well furnished 
at all seasons. 40 cts. 

Davallia Mooreana. A most beautiful Fern. The frondsare from 2 to 3 feet long, and from 
1 to 2 feet wide at the base, triangular and pointed, of a graceful arching habit of growth 
and most elegantly cut into a multitude of small blunt oblique segments; a pale green. 
30 to 50 cts. 

Davallia Tyermanni. One of the most beautiful of all the Hare’s-foot Ferns, of dwarf com- 
pact habit, having rich dark green fronds. The rhizomes are slender, which contrast 
charmingly with the deep green of the fronds. 40 cts. 

Davallia Dissecta. A handsome species, produces fronds from one to two feet in length ; it 
is a splendid Fern for baskets and bouquets. 40 cts. 

Polypodium Kurrudrianum.—( From the Sandwich Islands.) ‘* Of a drooping habit, it first 
sends out a number of wooly fronds of a dark brown color. After the rope-locking 
fronds have attained to the length of from twelve to fifteen inches, they unroll and 
become a beautiful bright green, and continue to grow until they are from five to six 
feet long.”’ 28 cts. 

Pteris Serrulata Maxima Cristata, (new.) An exceedingly pretty Fern ; the leaves are large 
and finely crested. 450 cts. 

Nephrolepis Davallioides, Furcans, (new.) A beautiful and distinct crested variety of the 
Java Fern Nephrolepis ae alleles. It is a noble Fern, of robust growth, sending 
forth, as from a central tuft, numerous arching fronds from three to four feet long. 25 

to 50 cts. 
LOMARIA GIBBA...... Sree caenctecous: aneucn etek Beer ne Pein eer e name eee IT Tye) St) 
LOMARIA GIBBA owe es Leaved. e228 bo ioe eok sb ee 
HO MAREA+C GLAS Arcata ser ps0 reat eB: heen See Bee ee Sle s 23 to 0 S50 

Dwarf tree ferns of sede beauty which eon iP can chehig secu amended he all lovers of 
this beautiful class of plants. 

_*Platycerium Alcicorne, (Elk’s Horn Fern.) A very handsome and distinct evergreen 
Fern, succeeds well on block or basket. 50 cts. to $1.00. 
*Platycerium Grande. A noble species, when grown on a block of wood makes a remark- 
able handsome specimen. $1.00 to $2,50. 
Todea Fraserii. Todea pellucida. 
Superba. Wilksiana. 
There is no family of Ferns which approaches this in grace and beauty. For wardian 
cases, they are indispensable. 

Cis, Cts. 
Adiantum (Maiden’s Hair) Concinnum... 25 Asplenium Belangeril..............2.ssserecer 25 
Concinnon Latnmy..2<-2e2--d-nences- - 25 Formosum. A very beautiful Fern. 50 
CU NE AGUA 255 512 onc0s5 sence teewaieees case 25 SpinulatwM: 22.2.2. steen< occa gee eee 25 
Capillas-veneris, Maiden’s Hair... 25 Obtusilobum... sete wees 2S 
Cel poder ipeeesateeraen anes aaa eeeeeateane 20 eee (Drversifolium)... packers 25 
GinMense ae sea eaten. eon deeneeneeae eee Wl accid ui, .2.<-chqeena cone sessceeh eee oe 
Rasncsia Be Bet Reh we SCREAM a5 weonce te woe ok bates peaataae 25 
Decorum (Wagnerianum).. aoe Ee AIT Vivipirum,...-.2.0i:.< ise 
Excisum Multifidum ........ Seort cece? 25 Cieu barium ..5. <.jac.ececkcaetsement bee 
Wievomays py Lire See RS a a 25 Aspidium. 
Jo SGT TSR ORR eae ee oe seaesemece Spinulosum.............. Bee pee eee 25 
CURIE: Rauacacccasae Siaaasesede sana iaaaze . 20 Macrophy ham. (..2.5-< wi-ceu nes oeeeeen 50 
LEAS) eS TS a ee “oe eae 20 Bifidum.. ee Ree en ete See 
Ws) 12) of 3 9 ie ee ee eee cee eo aera 25 Aculeatum.. ... Sin dal 

Trapeziforme.........sscccssecceeseeeee 25 Allosorus Crispus, Parsley Fern.. ee 


Athyreum Goringeanum A ai ete 25 
Blechnum Brasiliensis.. siaceetee 20 LOMO 
Cheilanthes Alabamensis........-.- sero, Gui) 
Elegans, a very beautiful Fern.. 50 
Trichomans. ...ssessesssese sssssees Spaces 50 
awa Mae Y ICM GSt1CA.--ne-.-coan= eso sete comm 50 
SEE ne opened sneha eocanen eer a8 cea 25 
SIGE CP Tas gece dake pane eames eencosnccne 25 
IPO DE | Ghee Qocoteeke seed ceo 50 
Platyphylia or Majuscula............ 50 
SEES PEs antes sete Soren Seneca oD) 
IPT BR DE conebases Caan easencesssacce 
MennhOla SSLGICLA:...saccesaecennennses Ou 
Doodia Caudata........ Aa scSochc nsegsstncce Soe 20 
Doryopteris Palmata..........scesscssceeee cee 25 
Gymnogramma Sulphurea.........  cssesee ee 25 
J NPB T) of Seosose pacoeeaon ese sos- 5 Soceces cs 25 
AUTRE OD spose Sacugaseod soaneoecasonace 25 
Wheysophiy War. sc sc. .-ceeeeeseaaees 25 
Wittenhalliana. An exceedingly 
handsome Fern, richly powdered 
with sulphur, and having the 
ends of the fronds finely tasseled. 50 

My selection, nice sorts $1.50 to $3.00 per dozen. 


Prices vary with size of plants. 

*Cereus Cerulescens. Sky blue cylind- 
rical stems, jet black spines; 

flowers pure white, night- 
TO LQOLENTENS soe coneeioce osngs eae oe 1 50 
Flagelliformis, (Creeping Cereus) 
Flowers bright rose.......ccee.see 0 30 
Bonplandiana <..c.-eese-e2 -eoee------ 1 00 
Coceinea. Scarlet ccc. .sccecnne cases 0 50 
Dr. Regel’s. Flowers similar to 
night-blooming Cereus, but 
manure har Oheeees dren ent te eee elon 0 75 
Grandifiora MeDonaldi. The 
largest flower of all the night- 
blooming cereus..............380 to 0 50 

Peruvianus. Flowers crimson... 0 50 

Speciossimus. Large . crimson 
flowers, violet CeMtre......cseeeee 0 50 

Feast’s Seedling....... AAS sono -cnes- 0 50 

*Hoveyii. Thisis one of the most 
superb varieties, the entire 
flower being of clear blue-violet 
tint, with an extrarow of petals 

and eight inches in diameter... 1 00 
Lateritia ..... cee Chee eee 0 50 
Garibaldi....... Seecsn-eas nee + goons 0 50 
IGM OTH GEER ..020. 2c. cseecesceemsicce ss 0 50 

Epiphyllum Truncatum. Brilliant 

Orange scarlet......0.s.0002-00 to 0 75 

Album. White, edge of petals 
margined with violet....... 50 to Q 75 
Album Violaceum. White, edge 
of petals margined with violet. 

page ee cae sec te Et AE ee we 0 75 
ee nba rich violet, 
large... Meeneaanisens==easO) GOULOs Co 

Gymnogramma Peruviana......sseeeeererees 25 
Peruviana Argyrophylla............ 25 
(DTP DIS GB ee aS pe Seon enone 235 
Hemetelia Spe. 
Lygodium Japonicum.........s.cscceseeseeess 25 
Microlepia Hirsuta Angusta. .........sssceee 50 
LEG) CG res akc eenonae seas Sonee aoc 50 
Nephrolepis Exaltata.............2..20+ 25 to 50 
TPE OTIS SSR SO arse 25 to 40 
Pelleea Andromede@folia............cssecces coe 50 
Polypodium, (Hare’s Foot Fern). 
etMEOERICUNG= sas cecsean<nsenaens)/-nneecans 50 
JPA ER UETTD 5 sacecca bencont anne aE aE 50 
Plumosum ......2+ a AoSaaSaOueao Conedh Ase 50 
CRIS WAIT eRe scares cacsanae sacneciacccep scant: 25 
Cretica alba-lineata.......0.ssceecesese 20 
Sera tOlidecsansectenecessesaccen=s essa 25 
Se REG eenen seeeeeneetoncl vote sc aawieclavan 25 
CIIBIDt cesescaopesoon aeserene si o2o 
Alnie Ol Ors epee ejasccsenen see csieeasesesinnces 25 
Hastata ...... SOSSE OSE Se SE OSSIAN ae Se 25 
Scolopodendrium eee eeeseeaninareasicnamemaens 50 
NV od we hita Spe. rsssca-0s cess lonwancscsswsn soe 25 
Epiphyllum Lateritium Album. White, 
edge of petals margined with 
SIGUE a santekS oo ee ase 50 to 0 75 
Ruckerianum, White, edge of 
petals margined with violet, 
HIDE 84a access saebon ee Soe 50 to 0 75 
Russellianum. Rich deep vio- 
LB Roscoe Eo io5 Sescsegbbeseoeeee 50 to 0 75 
Russellianum Superbum. Rich 
deep violet, large.......0-c. 50 to 0 75 
Salmonium Flavum. Salmon, 
shaded with sulphur....... 50 to 0 75 
Sulphureum, Salmon, shaded with 
SULPHUL... .eeeeeesseseeee sees. 50 to 0 75 

All the varieties of ‘‘ Truncatus”’ are grafted 

on Pereskia. 
their own roots at 25 cents each. 
Epiphyllum Latifrons. A night-bloom- 
ing species with magnificent 
large cream colored flowers..... 0 
*Opuntia Basataia. A handsome Cali- 

OTM SHIP CIES coset scones <canceass =5- 1 
Phyllocactus Ackermanii. Rich crim- 
son with violet centre............. 0 
Angulifer. Creamy white......... 0 
Grenmaiinite Wilibe:a-css. ccchcses -<< 0 
Conway’s Giant......... 2.02.0 -cesese0e 1 
Dr. André. Very rich deep 
crimson, ¢lowing purplish cen- 
CEC avery lane] eCXLEA.c-.cch ae. 0 
Grandiflora Rosea. Delicate lilac, 
shaded with lavender............. 0 
iS Ot Hilene see seeecee ees ccce=s sasede odes 0 
iarenzilese scscibsces socneeacsassders 0 

Deir RT Os ae soo ssocnee oO 

We can sell small plants on 


Each. Each. 
Phyllocactus Refulgens.............2000002.90 50 Many beautiful and singular Cactus, Echin- 
Gord ON iscsseneceagincssss eee naan 0 50 ocactus, &c., from New Mexico, Southern 
Hookeriana. Rosy crimson, mot- California, &c. 50 cts. to $1.00 each. 
tled white and lilac ............. . 0 50 Pereskia Aculeata. The best stock on 
Jenkinsonii. Crimson _ violet which to graft Epiphyllums.... 0 25 
ECONLIC..cccvsana-desnendeoaaer cade Spaculata, 
WilCLOEIH .o-sececeneaanenee aerate es 0 50 

* Bromelia macrantha. 
*Encholiron Saundersii. 
*Gusmania picta. 

*Hechtia Ghiesbreghtii. 
*Achmea Veitchii, (Chevalliera.)} 
*Tillandsia Musaica. 

*Tillandsia Splendens (Zebrina. ) 

*Tillandsia Zahnii (Zebrina.) $2. 
*Vriesia Brachystachya. 

A charming plant, 
foliage light green with cross bars of a 
dark green; flowers yellow and crimson, 
last three months in beauty. $2.00 each. 

*Vriesia Glaucophylla. 


We are cultivating some of the most desirable and popular of these beautiful plants. 

prices of these vary with height. 

*Areca lutescens. 
curiously mottled with black. 

* Rubra. 



This beautiful species is peculiarly adapted for general purposes of 
Leaves pinnate, bright shining green; petioles and stem yellow, 

An elegant plant for the decoration of apartments, or any situation 

where a graceful plant is required; the leaves are pinnate and arching, in a 
young state bright red changing with age to dark green...... .. secereee 50 ets. to 2 50 

* Brahia glauca. 
*Carludovica palmata. 

A beautiful glaueus Palm from Lower California.............-. 50 ets. to 1 00 
A yery ornamental plant with pinnate leaves two or three feet - 

across ; suitable for the flower garden during summer. 
which the Panama hats are made............ 

Said to be the species from 

A seas Ge Nive suse Pe cree ac awadohevendenee LOL CLS tLOm enone 


*Carypha (Livistonea) Australis. A fan-leaved Palm of great beauty. Being of robust 
constitution, it. withstands without injury a low temperature; it is well suited for 

the decoration of apartments, 

The fan-like leaves are dark green, supported upon 

brown petioles, which are armed at their edges with stout spines......... 000 se 50 to 2 00 



*Cocos Weddelliana. Perhaps the most elegant of all the smaller Palms, of which so 
many charming species are now to be found in cultivation. Its slender erect 
stem is not of rapid growth, but is freely furnished with its gracefully arching 
leaves, made up of innumerable long narrow pinne or segments ofa rich green 
ONO ieee deena Soper oaks sess paeeelsaspeyiaeea saan nee teeagsiee as -nees =r isancacidessas 50 cts. to 2 50 

| (Sd 

AW ies 


f Te 

*Chameerops Excelsa. Leaves fan shaped, a cool greenhouse Palm, very valuable and 
useful for outdoors during the summet............ AS Oke eer .s0-e-00 to 2 00 

Ehumaiiss <iueaves fan shaped, Clauecugiages.cences.ncsscscnaserseseslieccy.caniepciace--< 

*Copernica Cerifera. An elegant Brazilian Palm, of very distinct character, amongst 

the palmatifid species. The plant is slender, with semiterete leaf-stalks, furnished 

_ with reflexed spines; the blades have numerous narrow segments; the leaf has a 

Setce-o Mel mCHl arene and. palIMAte. ..--. so. saciennemeae tian pee ane lene seeee) dae eee eee Nees $1 to 2 50 
*Cycus Revoluta, (Sago Palm.) Produces a beautiful crown of pinnated dark green 
ROPES Mepis geese cacdscce ses sce ss SOCOHA Son BSSHEEON s Ho uudodad Cobsosese nace os Seen eee sacacebrc: Sob tote 50 to 2 00 
*Jubea Spectabilis. Leaves pinnate, deep green, a fine Palm.............. 12 cesses eeeeee 50 to 2 00 
*Kentia Australis. Of exceedingly graceful habit, the leaves being pinnate, finely 
divided and elegantly arranged, and of a beautiful dark green........... $1.50 to 2 50 

*Belmoreana. This fine palm is a valuable addition to our collections ; its leaves 
are pinnate, dark green and so beautifully crisp as to gain for it the name of 
the ‘*Curly Palm.” It is very elegant and graceful in habit............ $1.50 to 2 50 


*Kentia Canterburyana, Thisisa truly handsome species, with pinnate leaves and a very 
robust habit ; it is called in its native country the ‘‘ Umbrella Palm.” It isan 
exceedingly ornamental plant and well adapted for decorative purposes..$1.50 to 2 50 
*Fosteriana. In habit somewhat resembling the preceding species, but more 
robust in its habit of growth and thoroughly distinct; the leaves are broader 
in all theirsparts/and darker imMCOlOL sere ssensen\sceetocsesessceeseen ee steers cane seewe see ener 2 50 


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*Latania Borbonica. Leaves large, fan shaped, with pendant marginal segments, 
bright green tint, one of the handsomest and most useful Palms in cultivation...50to 2 50 

* Macrozamia Denisoni, (Peroffskyana.) Long, graceful pinnated leaves, very beauti- 
fil Praline eec.5 2 cece occas acto detec meme erow asiees ceceecencscvescuce etna mcceans cree $1 to 2 50 

*Spiralis. A grand Australian Cycad ; the leaves are pinnate, the seg- 

ments being linear; it is a remarkably fine and elegant plant, the leaves 
being composed of from 45 to 50 pairs of segments or pinne....... $l to 2 50 




*Pinanga Kuhlii. A very beautiful Palm of low growth........2sscceesecoes seeseees $1.50 to 
* Phoenix dactylifera, (Date Palm.) Leaves long pinnate, dark green, a handsome 
POA eee caw RIRR ITE ENON Wi TERNGG eode sau ad cee coca te eh Jet ect iecebet $1 00 to 

Dumosay ) Dwarf habit: ...... 0b bbecde.wns seis cacao welts RAVI AS a otic cade enislowic deesis« : 

*Phoenix Reclinata. Leaves pinnate, exceedingly graceful, a fine greenhouse Palm, or for 
the flower garden during summer. Fine for decoration, being very graceful...50 to 
*Pritchardia Filamentosa. This new Palm has been introduced from Lower Califor- 
nia. It is of graceful habit and quick growth; the leaves are palmatifid with 
numerous divisions and whitish filaments, a beautiful Palm..............0+..-eece0 25 to 
Ptychosperma Alexandre. An extremely handsome greenhouse Palm, destined to 
become one of the most elegant species for cool-house purposes and the decoration 
of the flower garden during summer. Leaves pinnate, beautifully arched, bright 
red in young state, changing with age to light green. Native of Australia......... . 

*Seaforthia Klegans. This is a most graceful Palm, eminently adapted for the decora- 
tion of the greenhouse and garden. It also makes a fine window plant; leaves are 
very long and gracefully arched, dark green, the whole plant perfectly smooth; a 
erand decorative plant.” ‘(See ‘lastipage! of Cover.)...1............00;ccecccecn cscs $1 50 to 

*Sabal Adansonii, (Palmetto.) A pretty dwarf Palm....................ssc0 geet ee 50 to 

*Thrinax Argentea. A very beautiful dwarf Palm, leaves fan-shaped, very handsome, 

*Klegans. A dwarf Palm, leaves fan-shaped, an exceedingly beautiful plant, 

Zamia miguelii. It produces from the crown remarkably elegant fronds, which are 

erect and somewhat spirally twisted.......... yes sacar Ret enes whic wanes A dacoctohs aot ueoee AaeReRSe 



2 50 

2 50 
1 00 

2 00 

1 50 

2 50 

2 50 
1 00 
1 00 
1 00 

A large collection of East Indian, Mexican, South American, &c., a catalogue of which 

will be mailed on application. 

CITRUS.—Orange, Lemon, &c. 
Price 50 cents to $1.00 each. Extra size, extra price. 
Citrus Japonica. Citrus Aurantiacum Var. 

quum-quat. Round, dulcis. 
Oblong. Bergamot. Orange. 


Citrus Mandarin or Tangarine Orange. 
Havannah Sweet Orange, 
Maltese Blood. Orange. 

Oval. Orange. 
Pernambuco, Orange. 
‘St. Michael’s. Orange. 

‘Sweet Blood. Orange. 

Tube Rose. Orange. 

Bahia. Orange. 

Chilensis Dulcis. 

Californian Large Sweet Orange. 

Exquisite. Orange. 
Dwarf Chinese. Orange. 
Du Roi. 

Large Lemon. Extra. 
Large Citron. 

Lemon Decumana. 



Trifoliata. Nearly or quite hardy; used for 
n stock. 

Variegated Lemon. 

Medica Regina. 
Dulcis Vanilla. 
Melitensis Suleata. 
Medica Communis Striata. 


The following list embraces all the most. popular bedding varieties. 

Price 10 cents each, $1.00 per dozen, $6.00 per hundred, 

Arab. Purple magenta. 

Aristides. Light mauve, extra. 
Aucuba. Crimson, light eye. 
Accident. Light crimson. yellow eye. 
Avenger. Crimson, white eye. 
Aurora. Delicate rose. 

Beauty of Oxford. Dark pink. 

Black Hawk. Dark maroon. 

Bonnie. Carmine red, white eye. 
Canobie. Carmine, white eye. 
Chameleon. Striped, crimson and white. 
Clio. Pure white. 

Coley. Deep carmine, yellow eye. 
Calcium. Fiery scarlet. 
Celestial. Blue scarlet. 

Day Break. Bluish white. 

Giant. Scarlet, yellow eye. 

Haidee. Violet maroon. 

Hazel. Shell pink. 

Imperatrice. Striped red and white. 
Ivanhoe. Best blue. 

Jewell. Bright scarlet. 

La Fiance. 
Leonore. White, flaked purple and pink. 
Lara. Purple, white eye. 

Lufra. Dazzling scarlet. 

Mozart. Scarlet and white. 

Mrs. Hayes. Carmine scarlet, white eye. 
Mrs. McKay. Rich pink. 

Monogram. Blue, white eye. 

Miss Harris. Magenta. 

Manfred. Carmine. 

Mrs. Bancroft. White, striped crimson. 
Miss Ramsay. Pink. 

Pink, striped and mottled. rose. 

Miss Seddons. Maroon, white eye. 
Mrs. Langtry. Indigo blue. 
Mattie. White, rose margin. 
Miss Arthur. Dazzling scarlet. 
Mrs. Wilson. The finest striped. 
Naomi. Cherry red, white eye. 
Nemesis. Scarlet, yellow eye. 
Niobe. Large, pure white. 
Negro. Black, extra. 

Octavia. Beautiful claret. 

Otis. Garnet color. 

Pasha. Dark maroon. 
Perfection. Pink, fine. 
Raven. Indigo, 

Red Cap. Blood red, white eye. 
Red Jack. Flaming scarlet. 
Royalty. Rich purple. 

Raccoon. Violet purple. 
Rambler. Large, clear pink. 
Scribner. Maroon, yellow eye. 

Silver Plume. Snow white. 
Starling. Pink, white eye. 
Superb. Scarlet, white eye. 

Sylph. Pure white. 

Tunis. Striped crimson and white. 
The Banner. Blue striped. 

Torch. Brilliant scarlet. 

Theresa. Pink, shaded vermillion. 
Uneas. Purple, white eye. 
Waterloo. Crimson, dark centre. 
White Beauty. White, large. 

Willie. Violet crimson, yellow eye. 
Zenobia. Purple, white eye. 
Zebra. White, flaked scarlet. 


Price 15 cents each; $1.50 per dozen. 

Those marked (d) are double. 

The following beautiful varieties were principally raised in our establishment, and are 

recommended as very superior: 

Attraction. White, purple striped. 
Alexandria, (d.) Light lavender, fine. 
Beauty, (d.) Crimson, mottled. 

Butterfly. White, centre of each peta purple. 
Clown, (d.) Crimson, striped. 
Distinction. White, purple stripe. 


Empress, (d) Pure lilac, self. 
Fairy. Deep rose. 
Geo. W. Cresey, (d.) Pink. 

Harlequin, (d) White, striped. 

Loveliness, (d.) White, margined lavender. 
Magnificent, (d.) Large white, purple blotch. 
Maculata, (d.) Purple and white, 

Negress, (d.) Very deep purple, 

Purple King, (d.) Bishop’s purple. 


President, (d.) Light purple. 

Purple Queen, (d.) Deep purple. 

Purple Prince, (¢d ) Purple and crimson, 
Queen. White, striped with purple. 
Queen of May. White, barred. 

Queen of Whites, (d.) Pure white. 
Rival, (d.) Lavender, margined. 
Striata. White ground, striped. 

The Lady, (d.) Lavender, veined. 

*Seedlings raised from finest strain, striped, blotched, double and single mixed, 10 cents 

each, $1 perdozen. $6 per 100. 

(Ready in April.) 


This tribe of plants will succeed in any good, rich soil, not over dry. To the amateur 

they are invaluable. 
summer and fall. 

Perennials perfectly hardy, producing a profusion of bloom during 
There is every shade of color, from pure white to rich purple and crimson. 

Our collection of Phloxes received First Premium from the Maryland Horticultural Society 

for several years past. 

Price 20 cents each ; $2 per dozen. 

Admiral de Lenois. White, deep violet centre, 

Alexandrine Bellet de Verenne. Deep crim- 
son, dark eye. 

Alphonse Karr. Deep crimson, fine spike. 

Aurelie Duriez. White, deep violet eye. 

Aurantiaca Superba. Rich vermilion, 

Boule de Feu. Rosy crimson, a charming 

Comte de Lambertaye. 

Chauzy. Lilac rose, very fine. 

Comtesse de Serricourt. White, violet eye. 

Dame Blanche. Pure white, lilac eye. 

Deliverance. Dark rose, carmine centre. 

Duchesse de Beauffremont. White, shaded 
with blue. 

Etoile du Neuilly. Striped purple and white. 

Eugenie la Brasseur. Purplish crimson. 

Francis Henricq. Rosy crimson. 

Judith. White, violet eye. 

La Candeur. Pure white, grand panicle. 

L’Avenir. Dark crimson, deep eye. 

Madame Rendatler. White and crimson flake. 

Madame la Comtesse de Malart. White, red 

Madame Marin Saison. White, large pink eye. 

Madame Andry. White, crimson centre. 

Madame Lacerf. Clear paper white. 

Madame Marsant. Light crimson, dark eye. 

Madame Seur. White, violet eye. 

Mr. Robine. Bright crimson, superb. 

Mr. Bienvenue. Bright purplish crimson. 

Madame Leyrat. Light carmine, dark centre, 

Madame Autin. Deep vermilion, fine spike. 

Mons. H. Low. Crimson, dark eye. 

Deep crimson, dark 

Madame Quillsteaux. White, centre rose, 
grand panicles. 
Monsieur William Bull. Lilacrose, very large. 
Madame Atger. White, violet eye. 
Monsieur Veitch. Fine purple. 
Monsieur Muret de Bont. Dark rich crimson. 
Mr. Delamere. Light crimson, dark eye. 
Mr. Bonneau. Purplish crimson, fine spike. 
Mad’lle Irma Huet. Pure white, beautiful. 
Monsieur Domage. White, crimson eye. 
Monsieur Rafarin. Pale salmon, crimson eye. 
Mad. Moisset. Rose, crimson centre, large 
Monsieur Gigre. 
Mad, la Comtessa de Turenne. 
purple centre. 
Mons. Oaillard. Pure white, purple centre. 
Monsieur J. Heine. White, with pink eye. 
Mr. Rollison. Purplish crimson, dark eye. 
Mr. Forrest, Crimson purple, very fine. 
Mr, Thibaut. Rosy crimson, dark eye. 
Pio the I[Xth. Scarlet crimson, dark eye. 
Professor Koch. Light vermilion, dark eye. 

Rose, crimson eye, good habit. 
Red scarlet, dark eye. 
Pure white, 

Reve d’Or, Brilliant salmon, cerise eye, fine. 
Souvenir de Soultzmat, White, large crim- 
son eye. 

Souvenir de Ma Mere. White, violet centre, 
Surpasse Maria Bellanger. Rosy crimson, 

dark eye. 

Surpasse Mad. Fontaine, Very beautiful, 

Venus, Pure white, fine spike, 

White Lady. Large panicles of pure white 

Perennial Phloxes. 

The following are dwarfs in habit, belonging to the Suffruticosa section. 
the greatest confidence, recommend these to all lovers of this class of piants. 

We can, with 
The heads of 

blooms are immense, whilst the delicacy of the marking is most beautiful. 

Price 20 cents each ; $2 per dozen. 

Agar. A beautiful pure white, fine pani- 


A. Monzoni. Grand panicles, delicate rose, 
centre purple. 


Angele. Flowers large, pure white. 

Cameleon. Purple, with white spots. 

Comtesse de Fernandona. White ground, 
purple centre. 

Charles Dickens, (d.) 

Comtesse de Castries. Grand panicles, violet, 
carmine, extra fine. 

Croix d’Honneur. Immense spikes, each 
petal being distinctly and effectively mar- 
gined with white, thus giving the flower 
the appearance of a cross. 

George Sand. A dwarf plant, fine panicles, 
purest white. 

La Fraicheur. Pure white. 

Lucie Genim, (d.) Large panicles of the 
purest white. 

Miss Charlotte Duncan. 

Mad. Hoste. 

Grand panicles, rosy 

White, rosy pink 

Pure white, large. 


Miss Robinson. Spikes of the purest white, 
considered one of the best whites. 
M. Gardner Brewer. Salmon red, 

Pearl. Pure white, large spike, extra. 

Queen of Whites. Purest white, grand pani- 
cles of white flowers. 

Saint Beuve, (d.) 
grand panicles. 

Sanspareil. Snow white, large rose centre. 

Souvenir de Chate. Pure white, extra. 

Spenceri. Rosy lilac, light eye 

Themis, (d.) Fine rose and white. 

Th. Lavalle. Deeprose, with crimson centre, 
grand panicles. 

The Hon. Elizabeth Lake. 
crimson eye. 

York and Lancaster. A very beautiful Phlox 
—white, striped with violet, and marking 
distinct and constant. 


White, with rose centre, 

Pure white, 


These have been selected from the finest European collection. 

Price 30 cents each, $3.00 per dozen. 

Arago. Rose, edges white, centre carmine, 

Argus. Venous red, deep centre. 

Beauty of Edinburgh. Pure white, violet 
eye, model spike. 

Carnation. Striped mauve and pink, centre 
dark purple. 

Duchess of Athole. Pure white, large crim- 
son eye, large and fine. 

De Freycinet. Lilac, centre purple. 

Enfant du Rhone. 

Ernst Benary. 

Gloria Victis. Enormous flowers, rose lilac, 
centre carmine. 

Louise Schwartz. 

Lucie Lemoine. 

M. Martin. Large panicles of solferino, centre 

Mad. Hoste, 

Miss H. Hope. 

Mrs. Nimmo. 
shaded pink, 

Mad. Devort. 

Mad. Crozy. 

M. Ch. Mare. 

Mile. M. Cuppenheim. 

Prime Minister. Enormous, rose and white, 
centre deeper. 

Sir G. Dunbar. 
grand spike. 

Souv. d’Ant Denis. 

Souv. de L. Van Houtte. 


The Shah. Dark rose, shaded purple, fine. 

Thomas Ormiston. Large purple, grand spike. 

Pure white, rosy pink eye; 

Pure white, purple eye, 

Rosy purple, very large, 


A large collection of the’finest Pceonies in cultivation, 

Price 25 cents each, $2.00 per dozen. 

The following are among the finest novelties in this class, which have recently appeared 

in Belgium. 

Price 40 cents each, $4.00 per dozen. 

Alba Sulphurea. Exterior of petals pure 
white, centre cream color, very double. 

Comte de Cussy. Exterior petals clear purple, 
centre petals white, tinted with carnation. 

Edmund Lebon. Bright rose, large and full, 
an extra fine flower. 

Faust. Exterior petal deep flesh, centre 
creamy white, very beautiful. 

Faubert. Reddish purple, almost black, 
double, a superb flower. 

Marie Stuart. Deep flesh color, with cream 

Madonna. Pure white centre, lightly tinted 
with salmon. 
Magnifica. White slightly tinted with rose, 

a grand flower, superb. 

Madame Calot. Pure white, large and very 

Madame Leonie. White tinted with carna- 
tion, very double. 

Mad. Chaumoy. Satiny rose, very large and 
double, very fine. ; 

Mad. Loise Mere. Light, flesh colored, centre 
cream, very large and double. 


Mad. Dhour. Bright rose, bordered with 
white, large and double, extra fine. 

Marie Dhour. Deep carnation, very double, 
x splendid flower. 

Mad. Crouisse. Pure white, large and double, 
a lovely flower. 


M. Paul du Ribert. Very deep red, 
purple reflexion, distinct, fine 

Rose Quintal. Fine carmine rose, large and 

Vicomte de Forceville. Very bright rose, 
large and double, most excellent. 


GLADIOLUS—Generai Collection. 
Class l1. 

The varieties in this class are well tested sorts, and such as we can supply at moderate 

prices. Sent free by mail except when quoted by the hundred, 
Price, those quoted at 10 cents each, $1.00 per dozen. 
“6 sé 66 15 sb 1.50 bs 
‘ct 66 66 20 66 2.00 “6 
« be és 30 & 3.00 « 
* Mixtures, various shades of red, 50 cents per dozen, $3.00 per 100. 
a Various colors, 75 cents per dozen, $4.00 per 100. 
es Pink, yellow and white, &c., $1 per dozen, $5.00 per 100. 
Each. Each. 
Agatha. Rose suffused with lake, car- Cleopatra. Soft lilac, lower petals 
mine amaranth, yellow spots........ ee Oed darker, suffused with violet.............. 0 15 
Alcyon. White, largely bordered and Conde. Orange, white blotched feath- 
Hamed, TOSe yea UW C.a,0c.cesenslsadaoss 0 40 @ie datasee: desbenemen ced ians Woe <als scasvenantetsecctear 0 15 
Addison. Rose, tinged lilac, blotches Ceres. White, spotted purple............. 0 20 
amaranth on white ground............. « 0 25 Christopher Columbus. Large flowers, 
Amabilis. Bright vermilion sbained with rosy carmine, flamed red, large violet 
SP SII -tacceds neccoccbe ~onec Bean ot 305- SacBones 0 10 red blotch on lower petals, marbled 
Amalthee. Pure white, iver blotch. 0 25 and spotiedserimsomics. .<2i<)ds.csekt. toes 0 75 
Angele. White, showy and effective.... 0 15 Colombine. Cream color, blazed with 
Antonius. Scarlet, tinged with orange, lilac, purple stain on yellow ground... 0 50 
awit fe olOLe hive space a cseeeeas as onietle <eetac cc 010 Carnation. Fleshy white, tinged at the 
Archimedes, Light red, lower petals edges with richest carmine, the lower 
buff, striped Carmine..... ....c.c.sseceee petals blotched purplish carmine, fine 
Aristotle. Flesh color , spotted red, lower Ton cspilce venadean clade aces -eueneeec sea. aoaee 0 75 
Petal seam MG see. tadeciceesnnridd.aceeiscsossica 0 10 VDelicatissima. Fine white, bordered 
Adonis. Light cherry, carmine blotch. 0 10 with carmine lilac.. 0 25 
Achille. Currant red, striped with white. 0 20 Diana. Blush white, ‘shaded “blotched 
Andromeda. Rose, tinted with carmine CALMING ec sassmonccsranceninied Ray, « Semtcee ose 0 20 
and streaked with white; eee Dioméde. White flamed with crimson, 
DIDIGS A Soon BROS ena ASB Scone Bene Cea 0 75 carmine wiolet blotch sacases su decess--se% 0 25 
Brenchleyensis. Bright vermilion scar- Don Juan. Orange red, lower petals 
Ne OLE nce pac cdedalaes siodaacn eels 10 tinted with yellow Sil ahal. Bet ci a. Fort 0 10 
Bertha Rabourdin. Pure white, carmine Didon. White, suffused with lilac, lower 
Dn late ia ann =e as ndbeeae «ce asdedei-nocoee besn5a50C 0 20 petals pure Whhibe.t cesta tee. 2... icy. 0 75 
Bijou. Orange cherry, flamed scarlet... 0 15 Diamant. Fleshy white, throat ivory 
Bernard de Jussieu. Violet, shaded and white, blotched and streaked with car- 
tinted with Cherry...:.....2.0.0.sccsseeessse 0 15 mine; new color of exceptional dis- 
Blandina. Delicate creamy lilac tinged tinctness, a magnificent plant........... 1 00 
with fleshy rose, charming......... Soon 50 Ktendard. White, slightly blazed lilac 
Calypso. Carnation, striated rose and ariviolet. blashi...cjscsee Rtas. «ce eak 0 36 
SGAIMEM-CATHIIMNEG .2..0-0.0 ..scdecseesacec sees. 015 Elvire. Pure white, flamed carmine, 
Canary. Light yellow, streaked “with very. delicate, perfection ............e..e00- 0 25 
Chee ee aee pe eho eofk 42>) ass'cavonsisce sess 0 20 Edith. Orange REMINEd 22. ieee <5 esha 2oie 0 10 
Celine. Delicate rose, striped............. 010 Eldorado. Clear yellow, lower petals 
Chas. Dickens. Delicate rose, tinted streakeds reditcs22 sce sect isoa nv iee. 0 20 
ui, SUPE PCOS CATING, . 2-2 sane 0 20 Emilie, (Isoline.) White, suffused with 
Citrinus. Light yellow, lower petals TOS Cap -pedes tasenatee tdeaeaet nae. san ibetictan << cfSss 0 10 
AIAG Reena soe erseos eaeecaltant oeson cosane veces O 380 Elizabeth. Dark rose, beautifully flamed 
Clemence. Satin rose, shaded dark rose, bright carmine purple, very large car- 
Peaphered, CARMINE. .......-<000 sees ai ebe see OU 15 

mine spots striated pure white........ .» 8 50 



Eugene Scribe. Tender rose, blazed car- 
mine, large and fine.......... O25 
Esmeralda. A bright and striking color, 
ground ivory white, flaked with car- 
mine red; lemon colored blotch, fine 
| DMs cbc coaarececcoenos eoccon cent coco utocecace He 1 60 
Eva. White, slightly tinged rose and 
VAG csc cck ck ca ccletecB in ecasese cosen testes ease 0 75 
Felicien David. Cherry, white blotch. 0 15 
Florian. Cherry rose, violet blotch, cen- 

tre of petals streaked white.............. 0 10 
Fulton. Velvety vermilion, purple 
stain, large flower, extra fine............ 0 15 

Galathea. Nearly white, carminestains. 0 10 
Greuze. Intense cherry, flamed with 

KG Macs tections <seecciscacsecasiicenenceepne eee 0 10 
Gandavensis. Light orange, striped.... 0 10 
Goliath. Light red, striped carmine... 0 10 
Giganteus. A fine rose, shading to cher- 

ry ; upper petals rose, blotch dark car- 

mine, veined white all over.......0. s..0 0 60 
Ginevra. A beautiful cherry rose color, 

centre line of petals pure white, pur- 

plish carmine blotch on straw colored 

BARON GIGS dhae Soc oe Cugoerc cae cance os ca aeoeosoh 1 00 
Hector. Delicate rose, marbled........... 0 15 
Horace. Rich scarlet, pure white blotch. 0 25 
Ida, (Imperatrice.) White tinged with 

rose and blazed carnation. ..........s.000 0 10 
Imperatrice Hugenie, (Souchet.) Very 

large flower with perfect form, white 

ground blazed with violet rose......... 0 40 
Isabella. Pure white, with dark crimson 
DlOfehisdiecscentcesnesaaseeeet=tehueeena= =n sldanae 380 

Isaac Buchanan. Flower clear yellow, . 
good spike; the finest yellow in culti- 
ViAtlGMVEss6. sn. 4. .tula eae. Sedeste ta toe haves 0 50 

James Carter, (Mad’lle Fanny Rouget.) 
Orange red, pure white blotch.......... 0 10 

Jeanne d’Are. White, tinted with rose 
Aid .CALIMING re... ces wensacedertsoen nee cease 0 20 

James Veitch. Bright crimson red, 
stained, with violet. scscocisocenvensssseeee 0 20 

John Bull. White, slightly tinged with 
sulphur, extra, large.toi2. isc -sssece se csaaee 0 40 

Lamarck. Cherry tinted orange, blazed 
with. red, centre light 22.0. 1023..2.00% ost 0 20 

Laura. Orange red, flamed carmine.... 0 10 

Le Titian. Very brilliant, rosy scarlet. 0 25 

Le Poussin. Light red, white blotch... 0 15 

Lord Byron, (Comtesse de Bresson.) 
Brilliant scarlet, stained and ribboned 
with white.. ae 0 10 

Lord Granville. Straw. color, ‘deep yel- 
low blotch, teathered’....0...3ctsiess. ce sets 0 20 

Lord Raglan. Salmon, mottled scarlet, 
GISHINEEoereee wonoas-Uosce dete esas needs coeesas 0 20 

La Quintinie. Bright orangesalmon... 0 25 

La France. Pure white, slightly flamed 
with carmine, large amarantb blotch 
on white ground, fine spike.....scc0. O 75 

Lacépéde. Long spike, rose ‘colored, 
tinged with cherry and violet.......++. 0 40 

Leda. Bright flesh, striped with carmine 
very pleasitiguses a.caug Sade ae alien 0 60 

La Candeur. Long spike of a perfect 
white, lightly striped with carmine, 

perfection 2... .ccese.cccencandon nat eee eneen ee 0 

L’ Unique Violet. Dark lilac, tinted with 
violet, flamed dark carmine, peculiar 


shade;.perfeetion ss. 2.5 acter 1 00 

Lulli. Bright cherry, tinged with orange 

and carmine, showy soaoeescc shoe corzt a 07 

Le Phare. Brilliant fiery red, very 
SHOWY. Jesescsetcccsesoracc-nnateccebensecens <a 
Madame Haguin. Yellowish white, suf- 
fused with lilac and rose..... .. 
Mathilde de Landevoisin. White, ‘tinted 
rose and streaked carmine.. 
Madame Monneret. Det rose, “with 
Witte Sthipe...:.- c.scs<ce-cnnnccacse meee eee 
Madame Vilmorin. Rose white centre, 
and striped with carmine........0....... 
Madame te Sevigne. Cherry, stained 
and striped with pure white............. 
Meteor. Very brilliant dark red, white 
blateh: 25s3:i604.. iti d.nteosdeccanceoeansosee 
Meyerbeer. Very brilliant light red, 
blazed with vermilion, amaranth...... 
Martha. White, flamed carmine rose .. 
Mad. Adele Souchet. White ground, 
flamed with carmine... .....2... cscseese oo 
Mr. Lebrun d’Albane. Bright red, 
white stain, beautiful............sec0seceee 
MacMahon. Satin orange, with cherry 

TOSE FISLEN PEM! NEW. tevsssere sees -eeeedette anaes 0 

Milton. Carmine, rose centre, blazed 
WIGHATEG:!.. 12 Pie sueacbaste startet. doaslcae 
Margarita. White, slightly suffused 
with bright carmineansh -schccesne. csc 
Marie. Pure white, deep carmine blotch. 
Marie Dumortier. White, streaked with 

rose, purple: bloteh..gic2cccecwsescnenedeenes 
Mozart, (L’Ornaments des Parterres.) 
Bright rose, tinted with violet, blazed 

With Carmine? M6585 Witte eee 0 

Mars. Beautiful scarlet...........+..seseeee 

Mirabilis, (Adonis.) Light red.. 

Macaulay, Bright crimson, slightly 
tinged with violet, blotch dark car- 
mine, centre light and transparent. 

Splendid variety... ccssccramcowreenentee= 0 

Mary Stuart. Very long spikes, white, 
very slightly tinged with rose, and 
blazed with very bright carmine 
cherry color, perfection..........06.seeeees 

~ Matador. Splendid flower of brilliant 

carmine, striped and blotched pure 
WHILE... scccescecdenens secatecesersssectecssans 
Mme. Desportes. Very large and wide 
spike, well opened, of a very pure 
white, the interior divisions slightly 
striped with violet, splendid variety.. 
Multiflora. White, tinged with lilac 
and flamed rosy carmine. This is a 
decided novelty, having a profusion 

Mr. Legouve. Very long spike, bright 
fire red, divided by a white line, pure 
White StAIN....ccccccsccsesee seccesees woesesene 

0 60 
0 25 
0 10 

0 20 
0 15 

0 380 
0 10 

0 75 

0 75 

1 60 

0 60 


Mr. Blouet. Delicate rose, shaded car- 
MAI WRC PRE es ce eeneen seep eacrce > o5csecean accesso 15 
Napoleon III. Bright scarlet, striped 
WTEC. .....25 S bogconisacesssaniotd-c5 can aenoooE ee 0 10 
Nelly. White, flamed rose and carmine. 0 10 
Neptune. Red, blotched with carmine. 0 10 
Mestor... Yellow, striped red... .s2. .-...... 0 30 
Ninon de. VEnclos, Vee Blush, 
flaked with rose.. 10 
Niobe. Pale elossy Tose, “flamed with 
CATMMMEY CXL MAnjeatoscnesacscseatinssssActones 0 75 
Norma. Pure white, occasionally 
slightly suffused with light lilac...... 0 40 
Ophir. Dark yellow, purple blotch..... 0 20 
Othello. Light orange red, dwarf, very 
esas Gineren ee (eeccancanineeesececce -onoas eaten 10 
Oracle. Very brilliant cherry rose...... 015 
Octavia. Light rose, famed with red, 
pure white blotches, perfection......... 75 
Orpheus. Rose cherry, famed with car- 
mine ; carmine purple blotch........... 0 75 
Panorama. Lilac, shaded carmine, , white 
UNIO: i eos Sco ssacseos Ran nesnoo ae aC One aeE aos 40 

Princess of Wales. 

Prince of Wales. 

Bright red violet, 

' feathered, white blotch..........ceccsesese 05 

Pallas. Bright, streaked with deep 

Pee PD deTeeeee SHLSHOEOS coooes "SC 9SF8 FETHTS 2e0808 

fle BG ecneeee piewaneneanysseetenen i eteccb cece ce =a- 
Penelope. Blush white, tinged yellow 

and carmine PSR e ce Cn ranean ccc aia Sea eee 0 


OMS) Occ as5 soeack ces Rehes seed Ane dpe eecnecas 0 

Phidias. Brilliant purple, white blotch 

Lin tEds GABIIUNG ne caso eck. scons ecaiacecuous 0 

Princess Mathilde, (Hector.) Delicate 

White, flamed with 

striped and blotched carmine......... ses UL 

Princess Clotilde. Salmon rose, purple 
stain on a white ground.......... 
Primatice. Rose, tinged lilac, flamed 
carmine on white ground........0. soe 
Pactole. Beautiful yellow, ehignely 
tinged rose at edges...........0000 segescuce 
Parmentier. Amaranth, flamed car- 
mine and tinged lilac, with white 
bands on white ground......... cee cseerecee 
Phedre. Pure white, flamed cherry 
a ge occ com ane oc e econerianaae 
Phebus. Fine spike of large fine red 
flowers, large pure white stains, much 
recommended for its striking bril- 

Phenix. Beautiful cherry rose, flamed 
with darker shade, pure white blotch, 
BPO CUT oe 286 Sa: Aaa e  soceeee Soonse cose 

Raphael. Vermilion, white feathered... 

Rosa Bonheur. White, tinged lilac, 
flamed carmine, carmine blogch........ 

Rosea Perfecta. Rose color, tinged vio- 
let, centre light, pure white lines on 
all the divisions... 


0 10 
0 50 

0 35 


Rebecca. White, mottled with lilac..... 0 10 
Rembrandt. Bright deep scarlet......... 0 10 
Reine Blanch. Pure white, dark car- 
PRIM OM OUR canes cance sa: ces adeces er seceance 0 50 
Reine Victoria. Pure white, stain car- 
BRUNIACEAE Am. saccdescmas lace -avoe9 ia ee dees 0 25 
Romulus, Brilliant dark red, pure 
Whiter mlotehce:ntbsnssengei he sactisadesiedsieck « 25 
Rossini. Dark amaranth, lined and 
stained with white........... 50 
Robert Fortune. Carmine red, blazed 
with crimson, ground violet............. 0 25 
Rosita. Tall spikes, flowers of a very 
delicate satiny creamy rose color, 
blotched and marbled cherry carmine, 
BINS C I CKET A sececaanccacecwcscessessnees 1 00 
Sappho. Cherry, tinged with orange, 
Wiladibe: IOC esicte sto. -seavlse <8 iene. ceene 0 30 
Schiller. Sulphur, with carmine blotch.. 0 25 
Sir Joseph Paxton. Red, tinted with 
orange, striated with carminate red, . 
onew hiteenownd «...Wssstsece st sice Jacealscs 0 35 
Sir Walter Scott. Bright rose on white . 
ground, striped carmine........ -.....0- 0 25 
Stella. White, slightly tinted with yel- 
low and rose, flamed carmine............ 25 
Stuart Low. Violet crimson, flamed 
rose and carmine, on white ground... 0 25 
Sulphureus. Sulphur yellow ............. 0 20 
Surprise. Rose amaranth...........+200-+.- 0 15 
Shakespeare. White, very slightly 
blazed with carminate rose........-.0000 0 75 
Sylphide. White, flamed carmine, large 
ExnMines DIOLCHaenad.hese-cacaeeeecet oaate eee 0 20 
Syivie. White, slightly edged with 
delicate cherry rose, throat very clear, 
perfectly shaped well opened flower.... 0 50 
Themis, (Dr. Andry.) Satin rose, 
flushed with carmine, cream colored 
Dilotehtsen cine sace-ceete tee ceee eee ststess aicnon cece 0 20 
Titania. Beautiful tall spike, extra 
large flowers of creamy salmon flamed 
cherry, distinct.and pleasing............ 0 75 
Topaze. Very large flower, pale yellow, 
slightly flamed with carmine-violet, 
yellowsulphur blotch, carmine feather, 1 50 
Urania. Very pure white, largely 
blazed with carminate bright rose, very 
fine and brilliant variety. Sesposdonns .ooee 75 
Van Dyck. Crimson amaranth , striped 
WUULEY PDN Benak sconosses -aeS= odo 5 BSasneoses 15 
Vesta. Pure white, with purple car- 
mine blotch on yellow ground.......... 20 
Vulean. Scarlet purple, shaded violet 
(DUCE Senos ate ssaca ss gncs so saoS sosasocco cence 015 
Virginalis. Long spike, very pure 
white, bordered and blazed with car- 
mine tender rose, very fine and deli- 
BALE cocccco 35 ches Seen chon en GSASE EeSoance see 0 50 
Variabilis. White, with or without 
plotehe flamed lac. stink... t sees <0: 0 75 
Zenobia, (Qsiris.) Rose, tinted with 
violet, flamed carmine, white blotch... 0 15 
Zampa. Beautiful tender rose, spotted 
carmine, dark carmine feather.......... 0 


Class ITI. 

Lemoinei. Upper petals of a creamy white color tinted with salmon red, the lower 
ones spotted with deep purplish crimson, bordered with bright yellow and salmony 


TOG) caccccceeiscsceces sldecsnteew eateed enncesmmntel Reda delacsseeecue emecncesecec cetera si ceesectcaaeeeereecaeneees 75 
Marie Lemoine. Upper divisions of a pale creamy color flushed with salmon-lilac, the 
lower divisions spotted with purplish violet and bordered deep yellow .....2+.sssesess 0 75 
Purpureum Auratum. A distinct Cape species, flowers yellow, blotched with purple... 0 25 
Saundersonii. Another fine species from the Cape of Good Hope, a brilliant scarlet, white 
centre, the brightest of alleGladtolas. ct... -.....0 0. saad eeenees en oa ea os teeta iene ee ane reas 0 75 
The Bride, (Colvillii Alba.) The finest pure white Gladiolus, nearly or quite hardy.... 0 10 
Among the hardy bulbous-rooted plants, the Lilies are the most beautiful. Nearly 
all are perfectly hardy. 
Auratum. White ground, rayed with golden yellow and spotted with red.......... 25 to 0 50 
Bulbiferum Auranticum. Orange red, with black dotall.c oanaveabads caleba 0 25 
Candidum. Large white Lily, g grows about four feet high; this is the well-known 
white: diilyie.c back hanosaet ae ies. dacs Locee Pasds eee ea ee 0 20 
Pleno Monstrosum. A double variety OMe GB TAS esse sere nan aeine sae eee 0 30 
Chalcedonicum, (Scarlet Turk’s Cap.) Grows three or four feet high, flowers brilliant 
SCHELCE:---ccddecacwaseahoctee ste ecesedantecusamessess «tee - ereaccanciaeancecce aaa -hastease = fae ke ncaa nee 0 75 
Columbiana. Grows 1% to 2 feet high, flowers small, petals turned strongly backward, 
orange yellow spotted with purple, an exceedingly neat and interesting dwarf Lily, 0 25 
Croeeum. Brilliant) orange Color: ....5. 2. .csasees..0. ssecctae Siuccocneos Ceosscco: “coro -sencnese sonesces- 0 25 
Major. A large variety of the last........... paweced aanacclensiweecaesveunnal temas teeeees 0 50 
Fulgens (Atrosanguinea or Davuricum) Umbeilatum. Grows two or three feet high, 
flowers erect; brilliantred:dotted4with! black 225... -<ccncasaceanlecanseneeuseteseo nen 0 15 
Hrectum. Very erect, brilliant red, spotted black. ..0...-.0.2.cccotecece <cancnecceseene 0 15 
Immaculatum. Orange, with large biaek spots..<-.....c..0c «cesses -nacnonudeea secede 0 15 
Fulgidom.~ ‘Very brilliantredyspotted blackotese20.-s:cde-nte- < on cneae -eee ead seccacees 0 15 
Grandiflorum. A large flowered variety, with black spots..........csecccscecsear eee 9 20 
Incomparable. ‘Brilliant redjispotted black sieccstci. 250: sias-.sece <ccea-scniaasesdece eae 0 20 
Maculatum. Brilliant red, large BPOGGEG. Stee sep iecedsansnieehscasneiseneen aa ane tele eee 0 20 
Humboldti, (Bloomerianum.) A fine California species—color rich orange yellow, with 
spots of deep blood red, grows five to six feet high. A beautiful species and quite 
WAT CY 22. hicas tere ed cceceeeee dinlduscosisaessGldacccrasecos ces cose Seda =p ein nee aes eet S ee neee eet eee 0 50 
Japonicum Brownii. Very large flowers of the purest white on the inside, purple on 
PWC OWISIA eS ceces- senses. eadecewet canes ccue! ieee dederinceit / aebeehceeeare naeceeee name eaneiens 1 50 
Eximium. Very large flowers of the purest white, a fine variety............. 0 25 
Harrisii. A variety of Eximium, a profuse bloomer. The small bulbs 
will -bloomifreel y).2....55 cece bh e= Cero de cach can alanseesanalcsaencee tae ads siaeneaeaes 0 75 
Longiflorum. Stem two feet high, flowers pure white..........scces cesses eeceeees 0 20 
Longiflorum Floribundum. A very free blooming variety, admirable for 
FORCING Rocedenas hoateesoneews nal tocer -2cdteee ace aces ence ee nee ene anteaters 0 
Takesima. Vigorous grower and free bluomer of the purest white, like 
Che WHSUR. cot senee -ceene nance tence oaks Sane nice camelece tna ae eee ee ee ee 0 30 
Leichtlinii. Canary yellow, with crimson spots... .... cscs -icces0+.cevecnvescesusceaehsedescueasadee i 00 
Martagon Flora Alba, (Turk’s Cap Lily.) A pure white Turk’s Cap Lily, very beau- . 
bias coe csc oo sesssta ad'veiiasas sh calsthasiletittsaas tee <Aaeel mt eek eee eee 16 
Pardilinum. A fine California Lily, a to five feet high, yellow centre, densely 
spotted with crimson, reflex of petals deep orange, Very fine .....sccescccccseseeeecveee aes 0 25 
Philadelphicum. Stem two to three feet high, color “yeliowish red, with purple dots.... Q 25 
Pomponicum (Little Turk’s Cap Lily) Rubrum. Stem two to three feet high, flowers 
WERMIUMON RCO... cc.n25 necdsdde-boccdd lotto cdeseeaak aches dddethddes snitdad dncede owe 0 40 
Luteum. Flowers yellow........ cy edeusdaakund ieee ulasetlads saat iinde ide ctcataseaadeeentae 0 40 
Porpureum. | Purple. sivcncscese>.siccehenonannndsee edb e she etd -ealen gee hina suee eee 0 40 
Parryii. Pure canary yellow, without spots, very fragramt.......ssccseessceces sercseceseceeense 1 00 
Pyrenaicum. Flowers yellow, spotted with black...........:ssssssssssescesees tecessene seesesceeees 0 50 
Speciosum Rubrum Verum. Very fine, deep color, beautiful........csscoeceeee corerrsesern 1 00 


Speciosum (or Lancifolium) Rubrum. Japan Lily, stem two to three feet high, color 



white, suffused with red, and dotted with bright crimson on inner r surface, 0 25 
Album. White flowers........ Sokbot Ctegc8oed cass Saasesceeds tones ALBaBdeAd sober Ieee cbt 0 40 
Roseum. White, spotted with rose........ > scroctosgnssuad cobt tobeS55 o-usssansssdede ne seee 0 25 
Punetatum. White, delicately spotted with rose. ..........c0cer.csseence-  reensenes 0 50 
Macranthum. A variety of Rubrum, flowers large and highly colored........ 0 60 
Melpomme. This fine variety is richer in color than any of the varieties of 
SSAC GIOSUIU sce cnc enw foie sa oaee es nec tnePeaeehears caste ssGstadee beccncesestascenacsecscnzce 0 75 
Monstrosum Album. White, THOMS(TOUSMIOWENCH 2. cuscselat-duqcesieecscldeses0cs-(-o0 0 75 
Roseum. Rose spotted, SN epee ena seecescet ate tans cacanees 0 40 
Rubrum. Crimson ‘* BOS Epecocsno esses co ekseeaagoce eee 0 40 
Precox. Early flowering and distinct variety, Howers pure white.........cecee 0 50 
Superbum. Stem four to six feet high, orange spotted with purple, having a grand 
panicle of 20 to 40 MOWETS ....ceccceeseeesensceees sevceecees coseseses seceecees seceseeee coseesens cores 0 15 
Szovitsianum, (Colchicum or Monadelphum ) Stem three to four feet, flowers bright 
citron yellow with black points, 23 to 34 inches long. fragrant and early blooming, 1 00 
Testaceum (or Excelsum ) Stem four to five feet high, ~ flowers light yellow, fragrant, 
handy a wines Wail y:. 220-2252 000252 nc. roscoe eeeeees Soscceshen 30055 Se Soe 2 Sen ooaoa nono sOoc6 Aicaason ats 0 50 
fRenifoliim., (Color. vermilionascarletsstssia tel SRBAL Ss. RUE UROL esvsscosst--- 0 50 
Thompsonianum. A very distinct species, flowers ¢ a fine rose color, bulbs small........... 0 50 
Thunbergianum (or Elegans.) Stem about two feet high, flowers orange scarlet with 
Ina ehksi SM OtSicaseeenec even seas eee tel wach ce seae enn ceeecobacne e-cesn-cranve Sancesase/e.< 0 25 
Flora Pleno. Double....... sadscoa | cokossch Secsccac ectaogon soos oss AS ese oeeee Q 25 
Biligulatum. Yellow, spotted with black ......... ...ssscescescevece coccscscenss 0 25 
Meu kawaannen NCW cece ox nsceaclscavecd cucte/ ese! peecatinscre>cashacscs’ccsesne o5) Spoaboes 0 25 
Ja-Ehal. Light yellowish salmon, spotted black.......... decane 5 Sdon8acd 0 25 
Kaikale, NN ankin's potted= dark putple®.cecs st atets-|occocckuajnoreemacs'eandaseeoians 0 25 
Kemi Gajon, Eight yellow. 2: 3.00-ceseccenes Sracdse Sscoense 6 SaAREROROCEAL AO SONCOS Ae 0 25 
ISI CO1 OR sep WiOxC OlOLCO oe oneal seta ocwetteaeyneonenselvene=aeoe eannenas cl cenwaces ance 0 25 
Tigrinum, (Tiger Lily.) Stem four feet high, flowers brilliant orange red , spotted with 
DIGIC VCE Ym A ROW Vorssaetoccpaevessuahl socceanisasearaes ae ae eeeneenb ec tentealseas =o 0 20 
Flora Pleno. A double variety of the last, eucaeaiaels beautiful and 
OS PIICIIINYD CiAs8S85. Soqc0dd3 casos CO-BSHOG0 Oe0FED 340 ose Stones aasaccoc 6 “Ap-cacecseenno0ss 0 25 
Splendens. A grand variety, grows four to five feet high, very robust 
in growth, with larger flowers, more brilliant and more heavily spot- 
tedut ham Guerspecles + emMAGMN fee t.cs-2.s24)aesecwane seeess se sencecetecsse ab en an es: 0 50 
Venustum. Stem about two feet, flowers bright orange, slightly spotted ......c00 ..scscee« 0 30 
Washingtonianum, (Nevada Lily. ) Stem 8 to 4 feet “high, flowers white, tinged with 
reddish purple and lilac dots , fragrant. A grand native Lily secons aon OD 
*Agapanthus Umbellatus, (African Lilv ) Large truss of blue flowers, fine bedded out, 0 50 
PPD ane y Vii te HONOR CO ster dseascer ce stel-cecicesescce loseeeltacas caenaee 1 00 
& Major varie Mowiered tsa een vase. iedetas cledecdk ios ioecessanees 1 50 
*Variegata. Variegated leaves...... Meee oe ch oasceneelereecidece saa 0 75 
*Amaryllis Artemasia, (new.) . Pure white, with large vermilion stripes, very large 
HOMMVEHS wSPlEMGId. MARLEY Hisecac.c teense! vsceuscentesessc cosdonedebacdescce «eodesees 2 50 
*Aspasie, (new.) White tinged with yellow, blazed red, edged with a 
darker yellow, perfect flower, very large and beautiful.. 3 00 
*Atrosanguinea. Brilliant vermilion, deep rich glowing “shade, generally 
produces two spikes of finely shaped flowers. A grand plant for winter 
PORE MN Oraees cael sais na scnicine<a.ateninebercsorm eee teenn teens <a sheeset oso eae wcuak aocoesee tothe 0 50 
* Aurore, (new ), pure white, extra large flowers, with large garnet red 
stripes, slightly tinged with yellow on the borders. » very vigorous, 
producing generally two spikes of six flOWETS..-.....cecsssccseee seevee socees coeeee 2 50 
*Clovis, (new), very fine transparent red, enormous, well ces and well 
formed flowers, with large pure white stripes on each petal, very fine.... 3 00 
*Ciceron, amaranth red, with pure white stripes, flowers of perfect shape ; 
a erand LOSHGIE 22 .3585a0 sdsone oe se noose ooo Gene sa6e Sen ced Rep SeeC On sasaaanon See sone Feoe od beater 3 00 
*Cardinalis, scarlet crimson with a white stripe on eiok petal ; an exceed- 
Aye EAU LIND MOWEL cess theese net o ec ciesanteeis sotdoe lo Aecele sa nuanced iculudoeses seccesoes 2 50 
*Delicata, (new ), white delicately striped and veined with crimson.. 2 60 
*Fulgida, a large flower, deep crimson, veined with white, robust grower, 
generally has two spikes Boece SbdcesWas se Sade Juda scoeh suave eeeneaeiemet seid Seeivectei on! ae OD 


*Amaryllis Etoile, (new ), transparent yellow on white ground, slightly striated and 
striped with purple; well opened flowers. Vigorous and fine, generally 
PLOGUCES TWO SpPIKCS eco enn cnsacepennersassaneanerece-ieeacer see oetene tts anaes ne ences eeeee 2 50 
*Johnsonii Grandiflora, ( new ), this variety produces from twe to four 
flower spikes, each bearing from four to eight large scarlet flowers, with 

pure white stripes:throumh jench petal -22..c-iescie.-c-.'-.n--daneedeeddeetee eeneaeiaae 1 50 
*Lindenii, glowing vermilion, with light stripes in the centre of each petal ; 
flowers freely during mid-minter, magnificent ....-....--.assedsensusaca= os oanae=™ 2 00 

*Optima, (new ), deep bright crimson, witb broad white stripe in the cen- 
tre of each petal, very vigorous, generally producing two spikes. A mag- 
MUTE ENC MOWER sores caccea sees tanaceiccstace sta tenet esl wae see teenie sania eee 2 50 
*Oriflamme, ( new ), white, with largesalmon red colored petals, somewhat 
darker in the centre bands ; large and well pReiee flowers of a splendid 
SWOPE ic ccneraas ancnetesonectaewosnctssnesyencscpensenepaes a: nesceeeneatts Setcaen etc nee enna 2 50 
*Perfection des Blanches, pure white ground, very slightly tinted with light 
rose on the edges and striped with bright carmine. Well opened flowers 

Ofea, perfect: Shapescc lac. se enuce ccecles soc Je -pea-al elecs~ob Unt ceca se neues ts eee see eee 3 00 
*Perle, ( new ), sulphur-white, with large salmon stripes; very large well 

opened, flawers; remarkable... ..<...J.c.-<<dsbes seat tecoieh menos eon eke soe - 3 00 
*Pheebe, (new), ‘pure white, striped and striated with carmine rose; well 

opened: lowers perfect Shape.cera- .saccatae-sedene-~-+-deaneades te sree: seca 2 50 
SCP ATG UINPEIE concn neeteeeenit axe cas ancien tons tinacn eeae ae eaepen ne eee Sondc bccn Cececeeew Ocescnec 1 50 
*Keticulata, rich. scarlet, foluare jreticulate@iest). . .2cccsece=-Medaeteeceacnaaceeeiees 1 50 

*Refulgens, glowing vermilion, clear deep and brilliant, a fine flowerer, and 
one of the finest and richest flowers, generally produces two spikes ; fine 

fOT WING \OECWAS Pacadeae) tendo coniele anes dao abate oan ote aan laces ae eee alee tee 0 75 

*Lutea, yellow flowered, autumn sbloomer; hardy. -2a22.-..-secceesteses paceemences 0 20 
*Belladona Major, large charming white flowers, richly flushed with rosy 

red, Wer y frac ramit oes o.okn5Awnnceiicesosrjanctickeessenceader -daaadsceees tne enaaeee eames 0 50 

Formosissima;/(Sprekeliai),:J acobea: Lilyic-. costecssacccsseencnssceoaesbecsnes os aeemeas 0 25 

Wine UNM AMeG WVATICELCS serene. seca aaeatenuan=4< cee ieceawe eee ee aateemeae eee ee eee 0 50 

Alstromarea Psittacina. A pretty fleshy rooted plant, flowers during winter............. 0 25 

Amorphophallus Rivieri. This very curious Aroidez planted in the open ground, in 
April-May (like the Dahlias) the tubers will produce on a thick stem, a very ex- 

traordinary looking palmated single leaf, in the shape of a reversed umbrella. pene 0 25 
Anemone Fulgens. F lowers of the richest vermilion or scarlet..csssssssssess cesses sesecseceees 0 20 
Anomathica Cruenta. Brilliant red flowers..s.c.sssssssessssesessesessensscssucses saseees in pee 0 25 
Arum pictum. Foliage green, spotted with white...........scc0 cscs essssssee secseceee seenaren. os 0 30 
Bletia Hyaneinthina. § (MlowersAin spike; punplesrc.ce- smal. seas hens sree neacencenesenseenaene cies 1 00 

Shepherdii. A robust species, long branching spikes Of TICh PULP] Gsecncesneseaeeces 1 50 

Sherratiana, (Sanguinea) Large ‘spikes of bright rose, a charming plant......... 2 00 

Tankerville, (Phajus.) Long spikes about 18 inches high, color brown and 

White, HOWeFS GQUEING WINLEE. -c.cccc: eocsecancecnmencneineceenecalsenedis cae cendseeteseneaeaeeeeees 

The above four are Terrestrial Orchids and very beautiful. 

Bravoa Geminifiora, spike of Pentstemon-like flowers, very fine.......01...cesscesceses «cece 0 25 
Brodicea Conjesta, flowers blue on a long scape, a free flowerer......... ..sececcecsceccece seeees 0 10 

Grandiflora, grows about | foot high and covered with a mass of violet blue 
HD GiB ececeena. GescSacee AE ceCeC sO BGRE RCE SR cnc AEE Sons Ade Cocco) dectseosc ccoretose adedadaeeonieeeesebe 0 10 
Gyclamen Persicum, good flowering bulbs, a fine strain...........0..c000 Sus enededtalndan = 25 to 0 60 
®oum,jbril Mant! Ted sees. c5cc,6 cto.) Suna sseavieavess <aaeek eae mmenne cee Re seeee cea ea “EAE se cee 0 35 
European Alba, pure white, very pretty........0. Sageco Pare cet o a cee cS cS 0 30 
Gizanteum, large lower etl... .cccecensetne <= -aaneiel swears cenaueee acest aeenenas 25 to 0 50 
Calla (Richardia) Ethiopica Nana. The well known “ Calla Lily ’’.......... Seaneeaccereeceas 0 25 

Hastata, Yellow Calla. See NovELrTiEs. 

Alba Maculata. Bright green foliage spotted with white.............s00 Gebeoecanmcaeas 0 25 
Coburghia Incarnata. A beautiful Peruvian plant with scarlet flowers... .....se0s-0 esses 0 50 
Cooperia pedunculata? A very scarce and beautiful bulbous plant from Texas, flowers 

Wh EEL EG Serre seats sitsant cneieietnc ofan cleats a ode ofan detdnssie telat spiate aca clap «Ge wo ead cota set <ceeaa eee eee 0 30 
Crinum Americanum. Large umbels of white flowers, fragrant See neta setae lear ee . 0 50 

Species from Guatemala, Beautiful white flowers... ssssssssecsssessoeess sooesesceees 1 00 
Crocosmia. (See T'ritonia.) 
Cypripedium DPECtADILC 7 teavecw accpesl a-ssbers fannaccsas suas apleanid=enas weno tanbake oaetenian ecseeanet neneeen 0 25 

*Kurycles Cunninghamii. An exceedingly beautiful bulbous rooted plant from Queen’s 
Land, Australia, The flowers are pure white, produced in a many flowered umbel ; 
it gives its chaste pure white flowers during Sprimg........e0e-secseccereees bites SESS. 1 00 
Ixiolirion Pallasii....... ePaepeselcepoepes-ncne-Annueeenaceg cance oe peeeee pecceceee scones cvccces Sieertepvavnvccnnese  CO0ED 


Marechal Vaillant. Orange flowers, large ‘leaves of a dark bronze crimson........-« Aone 0 



*Gloriosa Superba Grandiflora, {Metthonica.) A distinct and beautiful variety, babit 

vigorous, stems freely clothed with neat sessile leaves, and terminated with long 
spikes of large beautifully formed lily-like flowers. The flowers are composed of 
long lanceolate shaped petals, which are deeply undulated on their margins, 
centres of flowers rich orange yellow, outer portion of petals brilliant vermilion 
BGHIGICL wes ane seinsqaeseneiosanaces(sncmes.Jascnn iseahosenlivcnateanticsecassmaracswridenss «==» -na¢e e-2snsea acon 2 50 
Habenaria Leucostachys. Flowers in spikes 8 to 12 inches long, pure white, fragrant. 
Peis Rennestial. OLGCMNG 2 ccna sacat ee seane ce erer 12 oeiereanermanssoscnecesnacaesinencss-nelaonsciecases 0 50 

*Hyacinthus, (Galtonia.) Candicans, long spikes of white flowers three feet high........ 0 25 

Ismene Calathina. Large umbels of hvlitta Hotwersls © Mt Sch ccs tscadltscccnscecese vesees 
PAH ANICCS panawanealesasscessieneascianscases GS eminteleine beena eel enetalcnenencnisowesvewe «nanan eabinucs= sero 

Lily of the Valley. Single white...... SeidaosbachpcAcca cos aSObC On doaaneeceBbcosaadad aaot adds Asinaasnooe 0 15 

Wola ler wie: ate ccsacslecneesseasacse lene cases aeneeccacsoOnee=e sidonbsntge sasonbade 0 25 
Single rose, nearly white slightly tinged.........00.scsssseee seoseees Sion 0 25 

Montbretia Pottsii. See Novetriss. 

CHING meriIeENSey Hates, Crispas LOSCrs cere toawestesc uses. scacrieenarescereseccacclinacesaen socace ssensseee 0 50 
UONUOS I Ose GO) OEY 5 SaSqcacg acscca aocccoone conenh One asco saboabocen sooncee oa Choaisteosjoneses 0 40- 
DALNTENSIS. DeaUtitUl LOSE CLINISOM es ssscscce cock ese ce hoancet) ence ceetcensceocncce bh 4 eee 0 50 
COEUSCANSCATIet.cscccan scenes A idoascos S.ccedeoade | pedsachosboeddstecccocGat éhonbe oBsnomcnosanta bed 0 60 
LEO UE EN Ty CRETE AIS S IE) bone sag once songsecosadate ivaccond ob adesday nbsdaccdohescoodeeanence Sabasc 0 60 

Ornithogalum thyrsoides alba. Long spikes of white flowersS...........00- -csreses apcnaes 25 to 0 40 

Arabicum. A grand spike of pure white flowers, magnificent .............. 0 50 

Oxalis Cernua. Canary yellow, very bright, finest yellow........ 3 oho SgonsEocd cdots cisbade 10 to 0 25 

Pleno double, canary yellow..............cee. 9 abac bocca OaBOCaOADSaSaNO | Coke UaSEaconDEEtCS 15 to 0 25 
For other varieties see Bulb Catalogue. 
Pancratium Mexicanum. Flowers large, OIE) WHO chads dddosocddadn acuibsabdoornsbecagondass 0 50 
*Phadranassa Chloracea. Flowers are about six inches, are umbel pendulous, crimson 
DTEIG la FEN OOD, Ade Sa HBO ORRCOOSE REECE OAG Shoe SB ch EARS can Oden sonRedGcBeGs aE CER E AHI SE Mei AN ne eee 
Schizostylis Coccinea. ‘A very fine hardy greenhouse bulb, blooms finely during 
DOLD, TRG. SDSL cooqnoncedocmooccbiadeis Hhaddestdlin bocnadidy ohisddaulbectindand aenipsonucabddScconataad 0 25 
Tigridia, (Tiger or Shell Flower.) Pavonia. Orange red, spotted black...$1 per doz, 0 10 
Conehifiorase: s¥ellow- spotted: (eck escersfensete c--eess nose sees $l per doz, 0 10 
Ceelestina........ STROSS SEEK AenoceBASecocne caboneccG An cbzocd <eoss6 odsicn obosaannndece $1.50 per doz, 0 15 
Grandiflora alba. Flowers white with brown blotch in centre ..sssssssee sesssseee 0 30 
Tritoma, (Flame Flower,) Grandis. A handsome plant with spikes of flowers 3 feet 
high, color orange scarlet........ Sie Soe SOASEE BRL Oo 25 SBS BB Se Se cana Haso56) Eesoseea aco: 34 0 25 
Glaucescens. The foliage of this variety is very glaucousS......c..0.ceeceeeeseceeee 2 0 25 
Uvaria. (Long 'spikes, color orange scarlet..c.-sc.cch -sacoanicconce -ocecoeae) cceseccs vase 0 25 
Tritonia Aurea, (Crocosmia ) Leaves golden blooms in tall branching spikes......10 to 0 20 
Crocata. Orange scarlet flowers, PRTG .yacts dela aisle Se Lda gatatside Siase as Sethe caspnenewoaese 10 to 0 20 
Tube Rose, ( Double.) First quality bulb.......... ese howesian tascam 275 cts. to $1 per doz. 0 10 
Pearl. A variety of dwarf growth, 18 to 24 inches, with larger flowers than 
UG COMMA ON. .ccdsq senaspacns s0bscen6 saves shee cusaes oeldgeced ienees 75 cts. to $l per doz. 0 10 
Diamond. A new variety, very dwarf........... palin 
*Urceolina Aurea, (pendula.) An exceedingly beautiful bulbous plant ‘from Peru. 
Drooping umbels of urn-shaped flowers, strangely colored with pea-green and 
golden yellow. ‘‘ Extremely graceful in growth and beautiful in color.’’ Requires 
MMW PARMAERUNAOSD CTO! Acne seeeccciges «catiga. ceded « sigeacen- nue ho je Sane <odeepieee ne piescicgdcocene[cceneneaesns 1 00 
Vallota Purpurea. Flowers brilliant shaded, cup shaped. Se OTRAS AROASaSIECH ESOS oes ERCE 0 50 
Majors Aclarver variety ef the clastsciscet vecdeceowds}ssaSe- conchae cosclesecai dea! cwcesees - O 60 
Zephyranthes Atamasco, (Atamasco Lily.) A pretty dwarf Banal y lis, -like ‘plant, with 
TARR WILS MO WOES 5.405 ac. sc vosndcfe cael cwse esse Had SBR = Gad oS esse Reco nanan on 0 25 
Rosea. Rose colored.......... AEDES) Sr a8S = cHSEe pie gnS SaosecES joseSs 36. -6sencenssnonos 0 50 
Treatre. In the style of Atamasco, flowers large, white.............. Acs ecte 0 25 

Ceorinata, (new.)...... Siac esabii we <p efceeceatenees peceetalnecte nor scien cleaatineoacecnciccersicaaes : 


‘President Faivre. Foliage splendid, bronze maroon; large crimson flowers... we O 25 
Bannetti Excelsa. Foliage large, shaded purple, flowers Orange reda......00 secsesesceees 0 20 
‘Creole. Very dark foliage, grows about 6 feet high, a fine variety SSESSOLOE BLECEOSED BeOSoneG 0 20 

BIE WipmiaaIe EES EOE NOW WT DEES: coca ae te -ntccpk- og (Pecehea horaneen (+ eo bacenj-avossced'-c-onudao{ieencaseb«soees 0 50 

‘Glorie de Provence. Foliage large, fine plant, flowers canary yellow Bee snenahieecetesetencse 0 20 

Henri Vilmorin. Large dark green leaves, brilliant orange blossoms........ seaeeeacciscsace 0 20 


Museefolia Sanguinea. Muselike leaves ribbed, of a rich bronze or chocolate and crim- 

SOW CIN ic ide-sodecesircesciene seelewa dae need ck'c al calueien aeella daa cer mee alae aaeee See ate eee eee eee 0 20 
Ornement du Grand Rond. Very tall, with large bronzy-green foliage, flowers scarlet, 0 20 
Oriflamme. Leaves green, with violet veins, salmon orange floweFS...... ......esecesesceee 0 20 
Premices de Nieces. Medium height, fine green leaves, olden HOWEES se ators. seuasdenasee 0 20 
V.Lemoine. Fine broad green foliage, flowers orange scarlet.........-..cecsescessscessceeees 0 20 

My selection, 10 to 25 cents each, $1 to $2 per dozen. 

Antigonon leptotus. See: Novelties sc... caw arcs connec cases ctecdssesaatiedt Gacndaiseesteace aac aes . 
Calampelis (Eccremocarpus) scabra. A rapid growing vine with orange flowers......... 0 15 
CobzaScandens. A very rapid growing vine, flowers purple.......c0.....scesseecsesscees oecees 0 20 

Ipomeza Noctiphyton, (Evening Glory.) An exceedingly vigorous grower, which 
opens during night; flowers very large, pure White. .............2:ccseesce: sececcens 0 20 
TSISMIS sececee cnseescseasecastaanwaesane cnce eer mae cash eck atten ee tate peg ice ieee eee 0 25 
Sinuata. White.. “ce So bodies wren qd =w bao east ele 
Lophospermum Scandens. “Rapid crower, “flowers rosy | GETMNSOD soe ocean teerasa ae ease 0 15 
Maurandya Barclayana. A very elegant vine, flowers purple........:.sssseeeessccseeserseeees 0 15 
Alba. VAs fine white wane bycesd-cecuenciwebestacencestne sa santl tan en toca assent tee tee 0 15 
Rosea. Flowers of bright rose.. . 0 15 

Macias Vine, (Boussingaultea Baselloides.) “A vine of. rapid ‘growth “with ‘fragrant 
whiteHowere 024. Se et nasa ote ae ee ae $1 per doz. 0 10 
Variegata’ “Prettily vartecatedt:. 2... 0c. 2 caste tackes dogs cceee ocean cere eee ae ee 0 25 

Manettia Cordata. A climbing plant, which succeeds admirably bedded out during 

summer. The flowers are orange scarlet and given in the greatest profusion......... C 25 
Rhodochiton Volubile. An old but scarce summer climber; flowers profusely of a 

blackish purple, a very desirable plant... c2-2 4 qados seen eo seid - ohenasaamaeeee seco deat 0 25 

Physianthus Albans. A fine climber, with white flowers..............ccsesceceseccrecscesceseee O 20 
Pharbitis hispida Dickensonii. Fine azure blue Morning GLory..........ccsssceu see cee eee ceeeee O 25 
Solanum Jasminoides. Flowers rosy purple, free growth.....s0. ccc see cce cosets see sesececseeseeee O 20 


Bougainvillea Glabra. Thisis the freest grower and bloomer of the genus; color a rosy 

TY SEO CER ERe CO SCACSnCG SCOR CE SHES HEPES E FeLR RCE He Rac Rae ee er oS R CeCe caGs AGnccte JR Seccceceiciccreenaee sence 0 40 
Hiphonia Venusta. A beautiful free flowering winter climber, flowers orange............ 0 40 
Chamberlay ni. “Wine | yel lowste-csescssscee vienane ctecenaa aah eeee tea tenaa a aene aa deiene 0 50 
Speciosa. A very splendid speeies; flowers white, shaded lavender.............. 0 50 

Cissus Lindenii. The foliage of this showy plant is bright ¢ green, veined and banded 
with silvery white: ..Jd00l LS CLL wore Mae 16 wie ee Iie ieee 0 25 
Discolor. Foliage beautifully shaded with silver, crimson and PEP lGrs-cerieeaens 0 25 
Porphyrophullus. Large and fine foliage... 1.0.21 ccc.c.2 wcencevces cscuc J) cateeeeacasones 0 30 

Campsidium Filicifolium. A free growing slender woody climber, from the Fiji Islands. 
The leaves, from their size and form, are strongly suggestive of fronds of some 

small growing pinnate Asplenium......... 0..0..cdsclcesconmon cesscnces -vee cacsannes secneeuncace 0 25 
Echites Nutans. Leaves dark velvety green with rose colored:veins. A greenhouse 
Cli De Tice cs seasecnieccase wena Rabescevewsee ed dtacdadsctasenaseecalene au etisel dded ance” secaeca en anetetae eee 0 25 
Hardenbergia Comptoniana, Pretty greenhouse climber with.rose and purple flowers, 0 40 
Hexacentris Mysorensis. A beautiful climbing plant, flowers yellow-and crimson........ 0 50 
Myrsiphyllum Asparagoides, (Smilax ) Beautiful climber for wreaths, &¢ ......-+. 10 to 0 20 
Mandevillea Suavolens. Greenhouse climber, with lovely white fragrant flowers........ 0 50 
Passiflora Alba. White passion flower, greenhouse Climber.........ccececcseces eeveceece ceeecees 0 30 
Arc-en-ciel. ‘ Very large flowers ; raised part pure white, centre citron- 
colored, outer circle dark, inner circle white shading to blue.’’.........0.. seseee 0 30 
Cardinalis. Scarlet flowers, greenhouse climber...............00-0.cssccvcssercecsece 0 50 
Princeps. Flowers rich crimson, a very fine greenhouse climber.............008: 0 50 
Trifasciata. Leaves dark green, tri-lobed, each lobe having a broad central 
band of rose, a very distinct Passion flower, flowers white...............sceseeees 0 25 
Cerulea. Ccerulean blue, a beautiful old variety, nearly hardy, requires only 
slight protection in severe WeAther.....ccce ceccrssceecscecccescs seceescerccsccese seene 0 25 

Incarnata, This variety is perfectly hardy in this latitude. In very severe 
winters it is killed to the ground, but on the return of spring, it puts out 
with great vigor, growing luxuriously, and seeps profusely during the 
summer months ; ‘similar in color to Cacruledsssscersscessssees eotereiasceamene 0 ater 


Rbynccspermum Jasminoides. A lovely winter blooming climber, with white fra- 

RANG PASMMIME-LKe) MOWGES ssce-c)ccusar seacsecescacccelcce oscence Aothadsaces seca 0 25 
Variegated. Variegated leaves.. ser Onzo 
Tacsonia Exoniensis. Colora glowing. scarlet; a rich and very beautiful Passion flower... 0 50 
Buchananii, (Vitifolia.) Another ‘magnificent conservatory climber, with 
brilliant orange scarlet flowers, most profuse bloomer, and one of the finest 
passion fowcrerils oF Ant. inele basiniedemrelimnin 2 nbalor at elo! 0 30 
Stigmaphyllum Ciliatum. A pretty vine with yellow How ersier cyte eal. 0 50 
Thunbergia Laurifolia. This magnificent climber cannot be to highly praised. 
To the Florist, and all who require winter blooms, indis- 
pensible, as it flowers in the greatest profusion during the 
winter months. Color delicate violet blue.......... .2cascoseescoeeeees 0 40 
Fragrans. Another valuable winter blooming plant. flowers pure white, and 
; PECOPHO WETTED a aan tanh er as saa ae doee eae nae cu SOR eRe on ae Fenn aars Pact ca bebcunis eSheccaeg Sedconces 0 40 
Tecoma Jasminoides. Flowers white, with crimson centre, a lovely climber... 0 30 
BRE BC RET Bey PoC: WELT 25 csdecstoccacsweanses costae ck rte on ea oa otek ee ca shee oh daa wee tte ds bie toees $1 to 2 50 
Abutilon Boule de Niege. (A colored plate, 1874.) Pure white flowers.... ......:006 sess 0 15 
Duc de Malakoff Variegata. Large leaves, blotched or mottled with white. | 
DELCLOER OLGA eaten a sak oa sath oa acces tice esencianeee te set naaed ate sents es Rana dccnmesieaalinecsa ae noose 0 15 
Darwinii. Orange scarlet, veined with pink, opening like a parasol............ 0 15 
Darwinii Tessellata. An exceedingly beautiful variegated variety........0-...+ 0 20 
Auguste Pasewold. Foliage large, beautifully blocked with green, yellow and 
WRCRER TAYE WIM UG e eaten cones dese cenaleeatosee nese aoe a kent nese ctteta can aaeet acess naac sealecsnee 0 15 
Roseum Superbum. Rose color, veined with a delicate JOTI Roosencanaacmoceaceconce 0 15 
1 SD TENA ico ans hone Hadaane Badea a conao9 aacsOFedeon. cee octiacgrena ct ood ae seneauccen coseds oon 0 15 
WWAENOR Oi UE astra natn seuss scaneletets cemele's cesmeiansde cocnuleaneases aaeenewatonet ooseecutetaues crs 015 
Acalypha Tricolor. Foliage irregularly blotched and mottled with crimson, a very 
distinct plant, fine for bedding... 0 25 
Macrophylla. A large leaved variety, ‘blotched and. ‘mottled, fine bedding 
Pala soees as esther sain ah reaicaicn cestode bs Cds sadn dtane Shumee) casaatia § qaacaneddccseetascesceseass 0 25 
Macafeeana. Leaves frequently cut into many forms and very highly col- 
ored bright red, blotched with deep bronzy crimson. Is is the best Acaly- 
pha yet offered, and wiil prove a superb summer bedding plant.............. 0 25 
Acacia Armata. Early free flowering, deep yellow............... Scone neseac addanocee naceeHen Abed 0 450 
deecurrens-e (Bree, VIFOrOUS SEOWET: ..c..zacs seces soccccece socososeoccssecnscces Pee fe fexceneccls 0 50 
Suaveolens....... ei vececses peeeeneadeesanonselce Soaceniadecticascedonbecccnod peccot ceadtnontipSsedsoco si: 0 80 
SUTS cacckcbues so apt. <sor A enoSsdGOREOS Go0dG pes. aqSOde GED SH ENSEo0 SAEcOnAGA SosORSGaSnS.- cangECEeOS SOAS 0 50 
Agave Victoria Regina. This is the most beautiful of all the Agaves. Small plants, 1 00 
(PAtHeRICanAllGe) PATMETICRH A: cesses ses sce sscccss acest acaane sascsnes Pe EE ee ee 25 cts to 0 50 
CCRT CHT tan eBE IGE ALA eennnaclcslpestecsclateris) seeecnscen-ose*ne a0 ccsemteaceecinecancice=sasan) noel 0 50 
| UNG E Enos ceonen noaocong eon pannncsosmbohono: Suscsodeatinds poaasepsssnnacs 0 40 
Xylynacantha..........000 A colic Sch cn oa Can AC COS Coad ID eHNERC CaacCe Ca HEHBAvods4n sochaadsGabsadsonanss 0 50> 
WOE Feat hana se ocrenccesncossencaad soos decsosanas ect eone pa ceoactiogs roasce conede Header ocgeaness cos 
FE eo oc acdc CG SSC OG EE CONC SE SCOR SEdOcG Sec SAO NECA nC aC REF GE GARE OSHS So DCH none eps Han 0 50 
Anthericum Variegatum This fine plant has been compared by many to Pandanus 
Vertchii. The foliage is of a bright grassy green, beautifully striped and margined 
MUNI SCRE AIM NVINI LG no0-cer a eccos -cersct-encniecsaceen sonod ao cones tions oobasancooccnescécocansesoedodace 0 25 
Allamanda Cathartica ....... ........cceceee Oot SAA ste SacS22086 60d setosa coSinndinednctosS Ssoansncccaaeomos ceues 0 30 
Wohbilis.:” See’ NOVELTIES. ~“Allamanda Nerifolia......2.......20..s.cccccesesease see O 30 
Hendersonii or Wardiana. See NovELTIiEs. 
Ardesia. A pretty plant which gives a profusion ot scarlet berries during winter, 25to 0 50 
EM ame VVTEOUDEERICGLtrssssade con saiicbacsecs “cesses antes s sashes ee ceescsascccae ese es cas 25 to 0 50 
Aischynanthus Lobbianus. A trailing plant, flowers crimson and black, erand basket 
Valin Gy owareces ee ee se fcoee oaacceccetiteocesee MSCCERCREOCE CORDES AEEE COSHH GtAcod \eShaddse cosdaAtes odsedeene 0 30 
‘Apitchanden Nitans. Very dark foliage ....... ApS BACAR Hoaaninb cl noe doaetietace nogbecg accosted 0 50 
Wermiccata. lueavesistriped With! Wille. { acces =ohoca Paces asncees: <cseee 0 50 
Asclepias Curassavica. A very ornamental plant for summer decoration, “blooming 
from July to November, growing about three feet in height ; the stem terminated 
Wilh ReAUSIOr Vellowisty scarlet) HOWELS-2s25.2.0-0--.0sseesc-c2secctcace cn ces cosets solsescoesceccs 0 20 
Aspidistris Lurida Variegata. A large foliage plant, leaves finely striped with white 
and green. A very valuable plant and nearly or quite hardy... Soponnuepecase MRD OD) 
Brugmansia, (Datura.) Knightii. Beautiful large double white flowWerS...sss04 Beceaconone: 0 25 


Browallia Elata Coerulea Major. A plant of quick compact growth, with rich blue 
flowers, fine for bedding or winter blooming in the greenhouse....... ......ecseceeseseeees 0 10 
Cyperus, (Nile Tufted Grass.) Laxus. An exceedingly graceful and distinct species... 0 20 
Alternifolius. A tufted grass with alternate leaiyeaiccenahe.t.c cava vine ee ee 0 20 
Variegatus. A variety of the last, with handsomely varie- 
pated TEAVeSi.caceseriars~ scsstw aes ova’ sasiier Color enaas iecaske ee etees smecne 0 25 
Coccoloba Platyclada, A singular flat stemmed plant, has no leaves like a cactus........ 0 25 
Campylobotrys Discolor. Pretty Warlesated folie is.F. <\csccscsmmec sesso sneceeeneem hacmenstrans se 0 25 
Cantua Corymbiflora. The flowers, which are borne in terminal corym bose trusses, are 
trumpet shaped and pure si ibeids.zcaercsteas Mesos Ae oe i ee ee ee ee 0 25 
Crassula Lactea. A very beautiful winter flowering plant of easy culture, flowers 
freely, color pure white. For cultivating in windows few plants succeed 
as wellas this. It is one of the very best plants for this purpose......... Porte 0 25 
Cordata. Another fine species for winter blooming; color pure white, of 
freeonowth and) profuse MOWED. seccnc-ee ene cecmasedeet-/.5 cre perienee aoe emaey orig acess me 0 25 
JOP ORE, (URC IGE.) Caascbobedeeccdoccds Soceca Coon Scceh ong nodoccndodigechncde sacscun coondons bes =cee ee 0 50 
Curcuma Cordata. It grows 13 to 2 feet high and the showy part of the plant is the 
peculiar lip-like bracts with which the erect flower spike is thickly furnished........ 0 50 
Comilluimmeayspecies <ceeeccsciecceeesncaccnectssactescceenataclonsscticeseeeionncseitetematns saaee aac eee 0 50 
Daphne Odorata Alba. White flowers) very fragrant... 25 to 0 50 
O. Rubra. Nearly white, outside of flower shaded, very ‘fragrant ; “the ‘variety 
USAT Y (STOW nine adeecd itesact cneccicecslestonctecabacnaseepagndesnos «tenia tebe ocmaenee 25 to 0 50 
*Mazeli, (new.) This beautiful Japanese Daphne differs from all the preceding 
varieties in the flowers being borne on short lateral branchlets all along the 
branches, instead of, as usual, in dense clusters at the end of the branches. 
Flowers during winter, tube rosy crimson, petals white shaded with pink, 
very fragrant foliage, variegated with yellow. Small plants..........0..-sc0e. «+ 1 00 
Dalechampia Roezliana Rosea. This fine plant blooms very freely, and produces its 
flowers nearly throughout the year, but especially so during winter. Individually 
the flowers are extremely handsome, and last a long time in beauty ..... ..cccescseesees 0 60 
Eranthemum Andersonii or Elegans. Of free vigorous growth, producing long ter- 
minal spikes of its pure white and rich lake flowers during the winter 

TIVOMIGEIShsec sau) oelses ain “Berg se nacety sea aiceias esos « sue sonuer cee selese tances eacoe ecaedtetaeeeecntens 0 25 
Eldorado. Foliage golden yellow Boas e: iejceisiedeeciciojescisicnesanceeiaeaenege Eaters renere 0 50 
Pulchellum. Flowers deep blue during winter, very handsome...........+ 0 25 

Laxiflorum. It is a plant of much beauty, corolla spreading, and of a 
purplish crimson, quite unique. The flowers conLInU OURS produced 
during the autumn and winter MONthS.... sessse seceessees wesenes sseeeden 0 50 
Tuberculatum. Flowers during winter, pure white in profusion ahs eee e--. O 25 
Erythrina Crista Galli. Beautiful summer flowering plant with dark crimson coral- 
like flowers. The roots, which are fleshy, can be put away in acellar, like 
Dahlias, during winter. Thereisno plant more valuable than this for bed- 

ding out in our climate, and very beautiful .......0...50.0..c.00seceseceesesane dues 0 25 
Madame Belangier. A very beautiful coral plant, dwarf compact,habit, very 
IEE) 11 (OY MELO Le cord. oonb0 acocdpo GeodoOCOS HcOECUOTACO ONE? CS tianingane HooSec GeanoHOS Ee sose or tocr 0 50 

Compacta, (new. ) A fine compact growing plant, flowers freely, color rich 
crimson. A magnificent plant for bedding out has done finely with us the 

TUE SB Kee RKO) enedoc Reb aco once on ece cdo vedcdbccd CocniccocOMCeCcncOncunnEdoS Stoccote cen cong Shoo. cs 0 50 
Kupatorium Riparium. White, blooming January until March.............-ss00 Se seboceeee 0 15 
Hlegans., Fine winter bloomer, pure) wihite-cc.2-.. cess: cccseuseneoweiedsase-bomerane 0 15 
Triste. (Hebechinum Macrophyllum.) Flowers pure white, blooming in 
January and February. A very useful plant for florists...........ssceseseeee 0 25 
Kuphorbia Sanguinea. A good old plant, the foliage is a purplish crimson, distinct 
from other dark colored foliage, planis:®. --2cpc.ds-ss-unesefes-ssohupinesbeeee secmae =ae 8 20 
Atropurpurea, Foliage blackish purple, fine for bedding from its very dark 
(610) (0 ae Geen OCH Ee DE DCE CE On GeOeOSS BABI ED Cl Conse cnuEnEIonsos 306 eS-o¢d 33048. gebters os e=aceasec 0 20 
Jacquinieflora. Invaluable for winter blooming, of the richest scarlet.25 to 0 50 
Splendens. Blooms during winter, flowers scarlet. ...........cc00-ssscessesceeseseee 0 30 
*Francisea Hximia A pretty winter flowering plant with purplish violet flowers........ 0 75 
Hoopeana.. Flowers violet purple, beautiful . 07.0. ..-(c.4-0+e-eeesecseeionscscpecee 0 50 
* Lindeniana, (new.) A very lovely species, flowers in winter, violet purple, 1 00 
Caly.cinga. Major 22 osards nvaceuonl-aob (aceon epeaas dantnepp seen <ebent ene aty aeeasewkiteadestemne 0 50 
Fabiana Imbricata. A heath-like plant with pretty white flowers. .....0.00.0ce50-enesecvs ess 0 20 
’ Fittonia Argyroneura. A trailing plant with light green foliage, beautifully striped 
With tWHIEC).. 50; cccescmeswesiseadel <pbsabnn ofeccupstebi-che sapien -desmedunadt bens benu tases MeGgelscs nitrate echt 0 20 

Ficus Repens. An admirable plant for hanging baskets, etc......... .cscesee casey Seseuitenage 015 


, Each. 
Wireman ayaa LCA COs 520; se senneatecg gonsccies= ns can sadtee secenslesrscsacesss con sae . 015 
Goldfussia Anisophylla. A fine growing winter flowering plant, color blue... ........... 0 20 
Grevillea Robusta. A fime decorative plant........0..cecsseeeee coreneseceee cecees secsenesce: 25 to 0 50 
Gymnostachyum Pearcei. In every respect one of the most beautiful of foliage plants, 0 20 

Giganteum. In this species we have a plant of equal beauty with others 
of the genus............ PRE PR ees See ng rast ae ete cacecaehatnceese OU EO 
Verschaffeltii. Stems of a reddish tinge, red leaf stalks, upper surface 
of the leaf richly painted with reticulations which vary red into bril- 
j MATH SC MRNCEecsee ene cassette ee ceeen en ee cemenesec enetecicss scctecese cacuas tecces sacar) os 0 15 
Graptophyllum Pictum. Leaves deep green with a large blotch of bright gold in the 
centre, a beautiful foliage plant, requires a hothouse ......... cesseseee sere @ 25 
Wertsicolor) ” Wartous colomed st... cstecscn caters cence sisvacnecszancenaitareesse= ces 0 25 
Hoya Carnosa, Waxplant. A very beautiful and well known plant..........sscsecscees soooes 0 25 
Carnosa Variegata. Centre of leaf green margined with silver.........0., ..2-se0- e+ 0 25 
Bella. A delicate growing but charming Species ......... ccccceeee ssececeeccccoeevscces acess 0 50 
Paxtonil. A distinct and beautiful plant............ececcecse eosee ceseee cecees ace cadcae ice 0 50 
Impatiens Hookeriana. A very pretty plant, blooms freely during winter.............. « 0 25 
Justicia Cornea. A winter bloomer, flowers pink.........cccscsecesscecesececcsce coseer coves cesees 0. 20 
Jasminum Grandiflorum (Cataionian.) Beautiful white Jassamine....., sesso ceseeseeeere 0 25 
SOMII-COUDIC. ssecssccascssccas (vsersvsceancancaticcncsensssaresecses/svase= cos: 0 25 
Hirsutum. A beautiful winter flowering Jassamine, flowers in wreaths and 
bunches of the purest white, deliciously scented ........c0.ceceeeccscesers eeeosess 0 50 
Rew bUitie see LO Wate eetccstececnenes ones senesscessoceacancsiecs (enone <océdocd seowadcad 0 25 
Kadsura Japonica Marginata. A beautiful half hardy climber, foliage green, mar- 
hMoempienapopecicss | Very file fOllace) plaiits.cs<canscccscsccel ceves! ©! ceverecccccscencce se'sesr aecass 0 50 
Linaria Cymbalaria, (Kenilworth Ivy.) A pretty trailing plant.......ccccssccsseescsseee ons 0 10 
Mavend ings pred lbw Wy Mitel AVeNn Ger cass ccnssessdcccresesecsccatene sa ecdlestareicnsass/«cocness <> 0 20 
Leonothus Leonorus. This is an old but very beautiful plant, which succeeds admira- 
bly bedded out during summer, where it will produce its remarkably long terminal 
spikes of brilliant orange colored flowers in dense zones throughout the summer... 0 25 
Mees, Coccineas FAN lanee tine foliage ql anit’. 8 ...25 8 Abork ose doack aoe cee cetelnad) ceee-lsesceseee 0 40 
Lingularia Kempferi Argentea. A herbaceous plant nearly or quite hardy, with large 
AUTOR ATC MECH MCAVES) cs cdcisaccccSesce dec sionaciosstterdneaewace tes costinaess Leese anacccscewesestenes 0 30 
Libonia Penrhosiensis. Freely producing its fine showy flowers, which are of a bright 
rich crimson color. It blooms in the depth. of winter.......... .caee. sseeessecceesecees conves 0 15 
Laurestinus, (Viburnum Tinus.) For winter flowering ........ccc.sscosscee scsscsescsenscessees 0 25 
Lasiandra Splendens. Violet purple flower, fine for Winter. .......0. csccseee esccceececcee cocees 0 40 
Myexdamin fermifaliaxnt Queensland nut.:,.........-..0sssdicsceescheen oecdeued cossndecaecossceseiecs eee 0 50 
Mahernia Odorata. Winter bloomer, flowers yellow, fragrant .....0..sccsseces scoonceesceeee 0 15 
Mikania Violacea, (Parlor Ivy.) A creeping plant with purplish upper surface of leaf, 0 10 
Mimulus Moschatus. Musk plant...... ECO SERECCOUD OUSOIEUDD OOOO JORED ECS Sot Gouy GBccceD 2 SokeES ons sa5~ 5 0 10 
MynusnConmunisn «Small leaved eM yMtless.2...0...0.s-sceselicescheacladseesinesede sane « <ccesccsitenests 0 20 
Meyenia Hirectacs; iunple floners;-pretty, plant. ......... cecssasleo-ce0 sascancenccacsaiveasns scccesses 0 25 
AOL IMac taree ARO Pearce Seta cles sisi aAou sindesus sevejesieoigdst So StpemeSdosinedienedddecam anes «ssansiel 0 25 
Magnolia Fuscata. A very fragrant species, strong plants..........sssececssssesseeeee resrecees 
Othonna Crassifolia. An exceedingly beautiful plant for hanging baskets...... esses anoeg 0 10 
Ophiopogan Spicatum Argentea Marginatum. A half hardy Japanese plant, with broad 
grassy leaves, margined with white, and producing freely white flowers.. 0 25 
Aurea Marginatum. Similar to the last, but in this variety the variegation 
NGPA CEH, Y Cll GMiaaacnclewag es Geert cease Golsed bevenss Bodce 080 CSSCAGAS Sass -cosnasage OR aSceae 0 25 
Olens ira cnanisres Bimsicin teONVies (a. age8s svspariell-«- Wd adSconteadsine clas! Soa wis lg sem lowseasionsact sl. 25 to 0 50 
Peperomia Argyrea, Dwarf growing plants, suitable for baskets and wardian 
Magnolifolia, jean The leaves are delicately blended, being bright green 
Werebsiteltitalone\thesline of the nervesessse.qss5 0. dscns cebce saseesdswee! daccdeess 0 15 
Plumbago Capensis. We have no plant of the same color of flowers to approach this 
for summer bedding. Plants bedded out in May will continue flowering 
through the summer, color a delicate azure blue. The plants can be kept 
in-arcellar during, winters: .c..c.6....4cc002 ea giabsoepees aiarsIaySoek kcal cinesaiaacale? die seietie gs 0 25 
Larpente. Like the last, this blooms through the summer, color bluish 
purple, quite hardy..........0 PSaee sivas date wake aWiskr detelste aa st dlgis cecal bSilewadabiee siete sc eassniss 0 15 
Rosea. Flowers rose color, fine for bedding or winter blooming..............-+ 0 25 
Poinsettia Pulcherrima. Fine winter blooming plant,........cseosscsssssne ssese: seceeeees 25 to 0 50 
el ltrosp anne’ o brat Vi emyairne Ait) SUIPLDS.....4! 4.0% a casssc0,shenaech aseacoda/saacds «evede ves avons 0 25 
iar ich atime evi ania mahed pace $< 2. 2525-25 ces 2aa dees a san selike san do saceabndieenedesecevecaSe 0 25 

Rhodea Japonica. Leaves green, edged With yellow...s. ..sscscoscos seccsscscceccccesssece: secees 0 40 



Rogiera Ameena é5::::s02s25 .24 52 dvacsceses seveee en ceetissesteeaees aaldakbuaeavioeesscce Wa stdstenlesder seeeceas aaa 0 30 
Gratissima, (new) aueesce BAG Racin St oonice oubietno: basacdsceces ei ehe een ocete ne senpinede asc taaeae 0 50 
All are lovely winter flowering plants, as fragrant as the Heliotzrope. 
*Rhododendron formosum. A fine Indian species, flowers white..........0...ssesceeeee ceeees 1 00 
Rondeletia Speciosa Major. A very beautiful stove plant, flowers scarlet, very fine.... 0 50 
Russellia Juncea. . Pretty basket, plant, searlet flo wers......--.c-c--.42--s4ec-aeet fa tenea-(oreeaeens 0 25 
Ruellia formosa. A free winter blooming plant, with scarlet flowers... ......-.s00: seseeseee O 25 
Rudgea Macrophylla. A handsome plant, flowers cream COLOL..........sessceeescsecesesees see 0 50 
Senecio,Scamdens 55s Boesch ee ee nee eee 0 10 
Macroglossom. A variety with deeper and more shining foliage .................. 0 10 
Sanchezia Nobilis Variegata. Leaves of most intense green, the veins being broadly 
margined with moldenyyell ow. sc c.44 jaceccinsaeaieneecensiasniaasse das 2ssaeee ena eee eee 25 
Sempervivum ArborenumgAtropunpure dp cconscnsascos asad Aas tags cendde=o oer enercl a eeaneseeeeeeee 0 25 
stevia Conmipactarsme..coccws.sscctesc-ossataeuaesesasaces ule EES Par Ns Rae ROSAS asad be cade: Sects 0 15 
Variegata, +; Vianlegated .....<cesscoesacssegascemacseeesesnansdsescatsiaeaseeeecnce Sees Weresee 0 15 
Nana. A newsdwart,vaticly ¢.-.faec-me eee eee ee 
Torenia Asiatica, Rich blue and dark wioletie.<: oc s-s-cesen2-0cfit-=5.eac ta eenees senae eee 0 20 
Fournierii. The habit is more compact than T. Asiatica, iE flowers are richer 
in color and more freely produced. For pans, baskets or vases, this will he 
found to be a very useful and interesting plant. It succeeded admirably with 
us the) past summien bed ded (OU: «222 -cer ate -nesecsaciocasenensnenesaedbanaas ie eee eyes 0 15 
Bellonii. A pretty variety similar to the last in habit, and like it, suitable for 
bedding out, bright yellow, with a black eye, very distincts see tee 0 20 
Tradescantia Zebrina. Zebra J OIA ApSbon osenge sg a aoacec ue oa coun odin HOSSCOUORGoGcodoe SceeABS eoeso-c oe 0 10 
Striata. A pretty striped Variety -.......22. csoceo) seas) e sacnesaercncdesinssany==ncane=s 0 10 
Repens: Vittatas..:y-.cecstesenssasecanads obese aces asecmedaccscuce same ndsenmaaeas spaeeeets 0 10 
Piseolor. “wo colored -25..- 22. <csec.ce2sstere cesmpee en saat eps oeaet eee a eee ener 0 25 
Veronica. A pretty class of plants, giving long spikes of bloom during fall and win- 
ter, Avcollection’ ofjfimesth) Varieties: ..1lossqda<-eaesasesctseesaee|sene aacaeciees aca aang ere 25 
ASDUtilONS tecceess.sseee. miceGncte fieceedectasante 0 10 Ageratum Blanch. Very pure white... 0 10 
Acalyphas, in sorts. ......000 sree Penadensae 0 20 Mexicanum, Light blue............-+ 0 10 
Agathea Ceelestis. ‘¢ Blue Marguerite ;”’ White Tom Thumb. White......... 0 10 
flowers daisy shaped, delicate blue, Blue Tom Thumb. Blue.............. 0 10 
with vellow dise; beds well and John Douglas. Dwarf habit, ‘flow- 
flowers freely during winter............. 0 20 Crs IanGe; AZULC..1..actscnenade ee Jeure 0 10 
Allyssum Sweet. Double flowered...... 010 Aloysia Citriodora. Lemon Verbena... 0 15 
Antirrhinum, (Snap Dragon.) Very Asclepias Curassavica ....scccscscsececseevees 0 20 
useful for bedding out, having Alternantherd.:. ....visecc. vensens coccaesoess 0 10 
long showy spikes of flowers. Ameena. Magenta colored......... . 0 10 
They are of the easiest culture, Amabilis, Magenta colored......++ - 0:10 
growing and flowering freely in Magnifica. Very robust in growth, 0 10 
any soil. $2 per dozen. Paronychiodes. Bronzed, tipped 
Amanda. Buff, with red stripes... 0 20 With! Tediils5.2d.05 kassatectee. ebecoas 0 10 
Beauty. White tube, crimson lip... 0 20 Paronychiodes Aurea. New golden, 0 10 
Gorgons. Light buff and orange, Tricolor. Rose Color .4s.. cece. cecsen ss 0 10 
flaked CrimsOn...s.ssee ssssseseoeseesees 0 20 See NovELTIEs. 
Hero. Crimson purple, ANG-.cczsz6 0 20 Browallia Elata Cerulea Major........... 0 15 
Gem. Rosy purple, white lip and Centaurea Gymnocarpa Leaves of a 
(HEN S18 53555.) oodeG dnonc aaaniaey oadee 63506 0 20 downy white, forming an admira- 
King of Stripes. Pure white tube, ble contrast with Culews and other 
WibMeniMisam: hip sececerecdees tccetee: 0 20 foliaged plants. $1 per dozen.... 0 15 
Orange Queen. Orange crimson... 0 20 Argenta Plumosa, This variety 
Purity. Pure white, yellow lip.... 0 20 has elegant silvery surfaced 
Osiris. Canary yellow...........scee 0 20 leaves, long and Fern-like. $1 
Purpurea. Purplish crimson, fine, 0 20 PEL OZOM). Pike enc aces Venn ceceasesan 0 15 
Striata. White,striped with purple, 0 20 Babylonica. Foliage silvery ........ 0 15 
Versicolor. Lilac, yellow and Candidissima. Fine white foliage. 
WTS: sctsercosadac coenssvauaneevtees eestee 0 20 S125 'peridozend ii. tooo eee 0 16 
Seedlings from finest strain...........0+ 0 10 Clementei. Of robust growth, . 
$1 per dozen. rosette-like leaf clusters from the 
Ageratum Mexicanum, Imperial dwarf. base, with white serrated leaves. 
$1.25 per AOZEN....sccesere vesasanescae 0 15 

Ceerulean blue........ 3 uacentee Ser este mOnO 


Centaurea Nigra Aurea Marginata. 
Green, margined with gold; a very 

effective plantin spring and autumn.. 0 

Cineraria Maritima, Silvery foliage... 
Maritima Candidissima. Foliage 
_ and branches pure silvery white. 
SPIDER AOAC. suet cat-o-ondesdestiaves 
Caladium Esculentem. A magnificent 
plant where large, broad, tropical, 
foliage is desirable, grows about four 
feet high ..i43- 2.0: 4 
Celosia Huttonii. 
CHMIIS OMe eebe cetasdeee Wee dda ac oddadsetesddecet 
Chamomile. Parsley leaved.......... ..... 
Cuphea Platycentra. Pretty for bed- 
GUNG: OU ber ceveecwee ose. Pets teeebettotas 
Hyssopifolia. Dwarf, compact, flow- 

Foliage Hak lolaret 


. 15 to 0 

ers: bright lilac. ..:. 0881300 seesdic. 0 

Echeveria Seeunda Glauca. Of a beau- 

fitulgelancous*huesc.vs.5- .chsscase 32: 0 

Metallica. Large leaves of a rich 

metal lier re aeceae st hs sods dd weed stae te 0 

Metallica Minor. Similar to last 
Inn SMMC TL) S2, oan eden ceeenetteveceiaes 
INTs TIVE os fe -lh ole S885 snnesscaeecaenee 
MEDS ste cep ae tchis coh ALES sz viewineace-s 
Sanguinea..... ... 
Pretty dwarf plants ‘similar to the 
House Leek. 
Euphorbia Sanguinea.......... 0. sooe- see: 
AUEODULDULCH ..sdestestnsehe elo sdcee dre ston: 
Gnaphalium Tomentosum. Silvery 
leaved, fine for bedding..............005 + 
Iresine (or Achyranthus) | Lindenii. 
Leaves blood red. * $1 per dozen... 
Aurea Reticulata. Crimson reticu- 
lated with gold. $1 per dozen..... 
Acuminata. Crimson leaves. $1 
PCESAOZEN cece cascsceeed hee coike 
Brilliantissima. Stems and foliage 
exceedingly brilliant. $1 per doz. 
Collensii, (new) Narrow leaves, 
veined carmine and_ yellow, 
bricht/eoralistemsi: 2.36. 2.8030 hs- 
Verschaffeltii. Crimson stems and 
leaves. $1 per dozen................ 
Wallisii. Reddish purple with in- 
tense metallic green $1 per doz.. 
All are fine bedding plants, per doz , 
Lobelia Blue King, Lovely blue........ 
Paxtonia. Blue, with white eye... 
Many beautiful varieties, each....... 
Fine for suspended baskets, vases, &c. 
Lotus Jacobeus. A pretty plant. with 
pea-shaped flowers, nearly black; 
= COOU DEUAEENSs wean od. ose selck cee sotete tte: 
Peristrophe Augustifolia Aurea Varie- 

fee Boece eeSe Peeesacree recover seeeee eseess 





Nierembergia Frutescens. A beautiful 


Anemone Japonica Alba, (Honorine 
Jobert.) Makes a splendid bed for 

autumn flowering, large white flowers, 0 20 

dwarf bedding out plant........... 0 
Gracilis. A ye neat free flower- 
ing plant... Sect Menke: ech aon O 
Pansy or Heartsease. From large show 
flowers, $1 per dozen......... cecscees 0 
From finest fancy varieties, $1 per 
GOZO Ae se cee sacs ok oe deceee o case et tense 0 
Hybrid Viola. This is the Viola 
with all the well-defined mark. 
ings of the Pansy. $1 per doz.... 0 
Penstemons. These beautiful plants have 
succeeded admirably with us, 
bedded out during summer. They 
are of dwarf, compact habit, with 
brilliant colored flowers, varying 
from bluish purple to carmine 
scarlet, produced in long spikes, 
$2 per dozen. 
Azurea Verticellata. Lilac, shaded 
WELIN OIC Late scs tenceeniccwccslors sate ers 0 
Antoine Muzy. Rosy vermilion, 
WRICG THROAt 4s.sse0d cscrsrecenescees. O 
De Saint Paul. Dark magenta 
CHT IECO) Pocidcss acocdeAo .nadeenspe <onrbadceed 0 
Dr. Smith. Blue, light throat...... 0 
Henry King. Glowing scarlet 
WINTECE EM ROL ceceuctesteenesesssecaeeae. 0 
James Muir. Delicate rose, white 
ULDIRO insogase nQoonoGes concodcansadapata 106 0 
Lady Coutts Lindsay. Bright 
erimson) extratine:-27. gis) ..2e sO 
Royal Imperial Scarlet. Scarlet, 
Greann throat Wcc.. sweecdes vee ss ~niane 0 
Souvenir de Mathieu Pernet. Ma- 
gentaerMMNSON 6022). Jcstseseccessoees 0 
Tresor des Massifs. Scarlet, white 
thrOab roscssesistceesa ee cadens sseeteaet'e-. 0 
White Beauty. Pure ivory white, 
timbed Tose seseedcncsscceoe sescecee sees 0 
RuelliauMormasanr.t.Jiacsscsose seccs vsescustet 
Salvia Grahami Purpurata. iparpiich 
CPMMSON . Jos elevestocedncece te setlcwdesrecacs 0 
Gord onVama:ecse csc oscscsencscce cen cavads 0 
Leucantha. Blue....... Scdooadcucn 
Marmorata Nana...... cscs ceccesceseee 0 
Splendens. Scarlet sage........c.0000 0 
Splendens Variegata......... ssccee seca 0 
Splendens Alba. (White Scarlet 
Sage.) Flowers white ...........+. 0 
Heeri. Flowers during winter...... 0 
Patens. The finest blue............... 0 
Aurea. Variegated .. 
Vinca Rosea. Pretty shrubby “plant, 
with rose-colored flowers. .....- se. 0 
Alba. White flowers...........c.ss00 0 
Occulata White, with crimson eye, 0 
There are no bedding plants that can 
equal these in value and beauty. 
Anemone Japonica Rubra. The crim- 
son variety. A fine autumnal flow- 
PRE Raabe Coaceeonocecuan CAbsondodeocradee Cocos 

. O 



Aquilegia Chrysantha. Its large golden 
yellow, long spurred flowers are 
produced in great abundancee...... 

Crysantha Cerulea, A antes of 
the last with blue flowers.. : 
Californica. A species of recent 
introduction, very heautiful....... 
Wittmaniana, This is a remarka- 
bly fine new species, with large 

purplish blue flowers.. 0 25 
Glandulosa... 0 20 
Skinerili.. - 0 20 
Cerule. A very fine blue “Colum- 

bine from the Rocky Mountains.. 0 20 
Olympica. Large eaie: que 

very showy... - O 25 
Alba Pleno. Double white... . 0 20 
Coryophylloides. Striped... ey OAD 
Vulgaris: — Common (2 auc 0 20 

All beautiful hardy perennials. 

Astilba Japonica, (Spirea Japonica.) A 
beautiful flower either for forcing 

or open ground, large panicles of 

white flowers'....:-ttcshe-s01 snresece 
Japonica Aurea Variegata. Three 
lobed green leaflets, richly traced 
throughout with gold colored 

VOUS oe scvesoce ce oneasteweeatec pasekees 

Aster Oblongifolius. ‘A very beautiful 
blue Aster from Texas, one of the 

latest autumn flowering plants... 
Longifolia Formosa. A handsome 

0 25 

INSECT) noc ocbeeldementsossenecse seen seereaes 0 25 
Bocconia (Macleya) Cordata. Large 
ornamental foliage.......0..ssces cece 0 25 
Campanula, (Bell flower.)....... Selenbeee ees 
Medium Calycanthema Alba. 
WEDIte ss scsi co ecneyeensscisaecedsceeeste 0 20 
Medium Calycanthema Cerulea 
BlWe) cose. nseneecncas eonsncerk tocne eet << 0 20 

Medium Calycanthema Lilac. Blue, 0 20 
Resembles the well-known old Canter- 
bury Bell, ‘‘but the corolla is much 
larger, and the calyx in addition is en- 
larged to nearly four inches in diameter, 
and changed to the same hue as that of 
the corolla.” 
Callirhace Involucrata. Trailing habit, 
CHIMSONHOWETS 2. onsiteser=si-ese-seeeee 
Cassia Bifolia. Panicles of yellow flowers, 
Commelyna Celestis. Pretty azure blue 

HONVETS)-weoudshep snieeteat seeee eases seiieseye 
Catananche Cerulea. Aster-like heads 
ofjblue HO Wes. ..'scc<0eea--- «oa casdeen 0 25 
Dianthus. Pinks, (H. P.) 
Alba Fimbriata. fue, white, excel- 
lent for winter blooming .........0 0 2 
Grenadin. Like a dwarf carnation, 
bright scarlet flowers...-..-.... ... 0 25 

Napoleon LII. Rich crimson, most 
profuse bloOMEeT...........02-ssceeneeee 
Wm. Saunders. Flowers of the 
richest crimson, a _ perpetual 
bloomer, one of the best hardy 
PINKS... .cccccvoeerceees 

0 20 

@reeessoeoeeeees toe 



Dictamnus Fraxinella Rubra. Spikes of 
FOG HOWENSS ces rase-beeaseeena =-bomees 0 
Fraxinella Alba. White........... . 
Dielytra Spectabilis, (Bleeding Heart.) 
Long racemes of purplish crimson 

HOWETS -eeeee ee setaciees -eesdetea nase ieee 0 25 

Scoulerii. Rosy crimson.............. 0 25 
Delphineum Formosum. Spikes of blue 

HOWeNS.. boaisedes ntemceribe-- decanter. eee 0 20 

Elatum Hybridum. Bee Larkspur, 0 20 
Cardiopetalum. Spikes of azure 
[DIS Gebosgeaecosso) nbsesera a= -5 fens he? 0 
Hendersonii. Fine azure spikes.... 0 
Dionea Muscipula, (Venus’s Fly Trap). 0 
Farfugium Grande. Hardy pee with 

variegated foliaeereiss. sasstessnerens 0 25 
Feverfew. Double white......$1 p doz. 0 10 
Prince Arthur... ssaeseehece $l P- doz. 0 10 
Funkia. Japan Day Lily. 
Fortunii. Large fica nes ligint [see 
a fine species. .......06 . 0 50 
Grandiflora. Flowers large, coeru- 
lean) bling asi 2- cs a pecienas: eo eattas ener 0 50 

Japonica Alba. White Day Lily. 
Blooms allsummer ..... 0 

Gigantea. Long spikes of 
blue, flowers. ci-s-eeeoe 0 

Liliflora. Large lily-like flowers, 
WIEG . ccscceconsocsceceearec tener eenteee 0 50 
Sieboldi. Flowers nice blue... 0 30 

Undulata variegata. The variega- 
tion is pearly white all through 
the spring, very attractive......... 

Subcordata. Long spikes, flowers 


Grandiflora. A large 

variety of the last.. 0 30 

Gentiana Andrewsii. Rich blue......... 0 25 
Gypsophila Acutifolia.......cscecseesees seee 
Hemerocallis Thunbergii. A fine new 
species from Japan, bright yellow 
flowers ShOWY.....s:<ce=sts<cartencesses 

Disticha Pleno. A double flowered 
variety of this fine eld perennial 
‘herbaceous plant, flowers of an 
orange yellow. After growing 
this superb plant several seasons, 
I can recommend it as one of the 
most beautiful as well as one of 
the most valuable hardy her- 
baceous plants ever introduced... 

Kwanso Variegata, Fl. Pl. Asuperb 
hardy plant, producing long deep 
green leaves, broadly striped with 
white; in addition to which it 
produces very large double cop- 
per colored flowers...... jakece enero: 

Helleborus (Christmas Rose) Niger. 
Blooms mid-winter, flowers white. 
Hibiscus Coccineus, .(Speciosus. ) A 
hardy perennial with large mag- 
nificent deep crimson flowers..... 
Hollyhocks. Seedlings, fine mixed $1. 50 
per doz....... a SovosesWabecle Vebucvencslsnads 0 20 

0 30 

0 25 

0 30 
0 25 

. 0 25 


Iberis Gibraltarica. This beautiful 
plant flowers pure white in pro- 
AUAS1OMea serena ae eBeeeasrncsiencnseeerise car 0 20 
Sempervirens, Evergreen Candytuft 0 20 
Cariacea. A strong grower; fine 
head pure white flowers; fine for 

PUQTISE Spee eacties addetre aa och Wed stedesacietlies 0 20 
Tenoreana. Another fine variety ; 
HOMIE SE WIT LE Yenc eeniennsnes di cnsecmeisles 0 20 

Iberica. A dwarf species, pretty... 0 20 
Pretty dwarf shrubby plants, which 
are covered with snow white blooms in 
the early spring months; hardy and of 
the easiest culture. 
Iris Setosa. Flowers blue and purple.... 0 25 
Susiana, Very large flowers, veined 

and spotted with black............+.. 0 25 
Iberica. Grey veined with blackish 

DROWN Secenctob 06 eo5sed gs sees eenICECOOGOF . 0 50 
Pumila. A pretty dwarf Iris.. Hee 15 

Missouriensis (Tolmieana.) _ 
species from the Rocky SMGui (ath 0 25 
Kempferii, (Species.) White, mar- 
bled with purple. $2.50 per 
CIOEABEE: cccccan eagonscosobsasdnadoaiace 0 20 
Alexander Von Humboldt. 
Flowers large, snow white, a 
fine variety... -- 0 30 
Alex. Von Seibold. Flowers 
large and showy, brownish 
black, striped with orange.... 0 30 
Duchesse de Belcourt. Flowers 
large brownish crimson, fine.. 0 30 
Gloire de Rotterdam. Flowers 
large, double white, fine...... 0 75 
Le Souvenir. Extraordinary 
large petals, very dark pur- 
ple blue, light striped semi- 
MOMOl Crecti cde creas arene tcce nce so. 0 
Rutherford Alcock. Fine vio- 
let crimson with golden eye 

and blue belt. sancebe eds ORB 

Lathyrus Latifolius. Everlasting Pea, 
Roze colored flowers ....-...cs--cs «- 0 25 
Alba. A fine white variety......... 0 25 
Lily of the Valley. Single white...... - 0 10 
Pope WHE ILCazassnesodeosclicnecse-eitsess- 0 15 

Rose, nearly white slightly tinged.. 0 15 
Lysimachia Chetrioides. A _ beautiful 

perennial from Japan, flowers 
white, quite hardy... - 9 25 
Nummularia Aurea. Foliage ‘soft 
WE WOE COLOR sc cen assy se lacisas noe coves 0 10 
Myosotis. (Forget-Me-Not.)..........se006 
PAL DESTTIS BANDA. sce. ccncsasaveeeseddeces . 0 15 
Palustris, Azure bluc.........0..sees 0 15 
Azorica. Bluish purple............... 0 15 
PRO RRON UL articad aol aseseavec's supeeetenaccees 0 25 
Batata COccined........s-<sc'ssabas -ocaos 0 25 

Murrayanus. A hardy perennial 
with long spikes of scarlet flowers. 0 25 
Grandiflora. A hardy perennial, 
with long spikes of light Bespi> 
HONVONS: cerwavenden ssesses soesrreceescerees O 25 


Pentstemon Lineroides. A pretty small 
species from Rocky Mountains, 

HOWeES DIUCl sc... 2. can scccnescsnconccces 0 25 
Menziesii. Blue flowered............ 0 25 
Centranthefolia. Scarlet flowered.. 0 25 
Purpurea. Deep purple............... 0 25 

Plum bago Garpentits: cctv). ..c0s. ccchce oes 00 0 20 
Polyanthus. Hose-in-Hose................ 0 20 

1) @ EMRE Ge se crete te ec aces aeceeecseee, OLD 
Phiox:.s Nelsonmiicuccacestes.caccss.) tence O25 

ANTIV GNA eset oe erte te csolacsecceetleasiees 0 25 
Subulatarer ses Ae Oa 0 25 
AD at: BAM. eek BIB, 0 25 

Four dwarf trailing Phlox suitable 
for Rock work. 
Rhexia Virginica. A very beautiful 
native perennial, flowers crimson, 0 25 
Rubus Roszeflorus—Bridal Rose. Double 
Wie MOWeISasss-ccsresscrasscecersiecs 0 2D 
Japonica. Japanese... we O 25 
Saponaria Ocymoides, (Soap Wort. ‘A ig 
beautiful alpine plant, which is 
completely covered in summer 
with rosy pink flowers......... 0 20 
Saxifraga Sarmentosa. Foliage prettily 

Meuicy Ave secccdecsecdts-nessesera ss ioe: 0 20 
Japonica Tricolor. Three colored 

VER VES a (QC coset nesedeckises casas castes oes 0 20 
Hosti. A eat SPeClesersarcseceseses 0 50 
Peltata.. spaces) GW) 
Schmidtii. “Large flowered... s+ 0 50 

Sarracenia Flava. Yellow hardy pitcher 
plants, or side-saddle flower....... 0 30 
Rubra, Red pitcher plant........... - 0 30 
Purpurea. Purple pitcher plant... 0 30 
Sedum. Macrophyllum Aurea Margi- 
nata. Deep green, margined with 
ay € lll Nyzaan sees tieaciaer tae seee ea neenealns 0 20 
Carneum Variegatum................... 0 20 
Japonicum Variegatum. Green, 

with a golden blotch.........cces.s. 0 20 
ATIACAMIPSETOS ...0scccencesescnccossoscces 0 25 
Selslianum ........ HecBoonecnconcncco (0) HAE 
Tectorum latifolium... 0 25 
Spectabile Purpureum. cx large flat 

eymose head of flowers 6 to 7 

MNES) ACLOSSuenesssortsenes eter ciancic sec: 0 20 
Sieboldii. A light green, a pretty 

(OIAING, aaadododosoccladocdaboonaanseene se Ge. 0 20 

Salvia (Sage) Rubicunda. A pretty per- 

GIDIMTENL BS) KECIES sodas seSsro co seeoce coon 0 25 
Pitcherii. Fine blue.. 50 0 25 
Pitcheria Augustifolia. “This beau- 

tiful new variety is the finest of 

all blue Salvias. Hardy............ 0 50 

Spirea Filipendula. Double white 

HOW. CTS MOECELEYjcocracescmacjoon oes <cie-=: 0 25 

Japonica Variegata..........scersceees 0 25 

Palmata. This is undoubtedly the 
finest species in this genus, and 
one of the best hardy plants of 
recent introduction. The flowers 
are deep crimson, and produced in 
large terminalcorymbs, which are 
from 6 to 12. inches in diameter.. 0 30 



Spirea Palmata Elegans. An improve- 
ment on Palmata, very fine........ 
Ulmaria Flora Pleno. Double 
white.. So econeeros Dene coeds 
Venusta, (lobata. ! " Beautiful crim- 

BOM GHOW ETS hace pee posceniecsstenece ee ee 
Sweet William, Auricula eyed, beauti- 
fal. $1.50 per/dezencieti....aeseces 
Silene. _ Double (scarlet, :,<..-.dmeeene-« sleid 
Vinca Aurea Maculata. Blotched Vinca, 0 10 
Major Aurea Marginata. Foliage 
margined with golden yellow...... 

1 00 


Arundo Donax Variegata. This is the 
most stately and graceful of all known 
variegated grasses of the garden. 
Leaves 14 to 3 feet in length, marked 
with broad silver stripes or margins 
their whole length........-..2<. 25 cts. to 

Bambusa Fortunei Variegata. Beauti- 
fully variegated. Palm-like leaves ; it 
is a very ornamental plant; in the sum- 
mer it requires abundance of moisture, 

Erianthus ‘Ravenne. A tall reed-like 
Gainey lOENMCN A oadassadeac basceanan cocooden as t5 

Gymnothrix Japonica. 

0 50 

0 25 

0 25 
Japanese grass, 0 25 


*Thalictrum Adiantioides. A very ele- 
gant hardy perennial, from twelve 

to eighteen inches in height, of a 

neat branching habit; in delicacy 

of structure it rivals the finest 
species of exotic Adiantums or 
Maiden-hair Fern, by the exqui- 

site beauty of its leaf fronds. ...... 
Wahlenbergia Grandiflora, (Campanula 
Grandiflura. ) 
Very fine hardy perennials. 

seecee tee see 00008888 290000 

Blue flowered. ...... 20. eee 


Eulalia Japonica Variegata, 
Zebrina. See Nove tirs. 
Isolépsis Gracilis. Bright green wiry 
leaves for baskets 
Gynerium Argenteum. Pampas grass... 
Panicum Variegatum. Beautiful trail- 
ing: orass for baskets) cccccserssnesreoucscere 
Phalaris Arundinacea Variegata. 
bon Grass. ...... 
Stenotaphyram Glabrum “Variegatum. 
A fine new silvery variegated grass, 

See Nov- 


fine for edging vases, GC... ..secececeeese 0 



Glauca or Nivea. 

This exceedingly beautiful new variety has large heads of pink ues 
withstands the sun well........ c(-abonO. ASddE 5 ScoddCOHO nono0 \COObAE HoBEDGtoonSs conboo Ssosen.soora oBhe 3250 
A native species, flowers WHhite......0..ccscccceceecorceercescesccerssscese saneeser 
The well-known garden variety has immense heads of beautiful pink flowers, 

A very beautiful new variegated Hydrangea, foliage striped, 

spotted and splashed with yellow, very TidsGinie seis oe ceo ee 5 

Imperatrice Eugenie. 

Variegata Speciosa, (new ) 
Involucrata Vera. 

Otaksa. Flowers large bright pink, tinged 

splendid plant. ....... Hnodano bores bedeoansn6d00008 

Paniculata Grandiflora, 
flower heads, opening 

Large heads of pink flowers, tinted with blue 
Tricolored foliage 60800 .000 

Leaves green, “margined with yellow sane Hine mugs aeoceoe 26 Scene cay bcos 
In this striking variety the margins of the 
leaves are green, with a broad white band ee ae the centre.. 
A beautiful and distinct new species.. 



with blue, last a “considerable. ‘time, a 

©0200 800l28 00552008 TOCOLS OLS 200 1HO2SSS *OOHS* COSSES 90800 Se 

A highly ornamental shrub, with enormously large dense 
pure white and tinted with rose in their mature bloom, 

flowers profusely during summer, and perfectly hardy... 

Stellata Flora Pleno. 

Thunbergii Flora Percis. 
pretty blue flowers.. 
Thomas Hogg. 

free and “abundant bloomer than any other; 
very firm texture, and continues in flower for a great length of time......... 

A magnificent new Japanese variety, flower. heads. very large, 
doublemotasbrigiitapinicue cre: clbesneren: 


A distinct eee much smaller foliage, and flat See of 

This belongs to the Hortensia section of the ‘family, but it is a far more 
the flowers are of the purest white, of 


Aucuba Japonica. The mottled leaves 
of this fine evergreen have long formed 
one of the most familiar objects in cul- 
tivation, but the scarlet berries have 
appeared but of late in consequence of 

the absence until recently, of male 
plants. There are quite a number of 
tine varieties recently introduced, dif- 
fering in the form or variegation of 
the leaf..... 


. 0 



Le wo) 
Sr Gt Or 


Aucuba Himalaica. A fine CRORE TEER, 
broad green leaves.......0 
The following are some of the. finest 
vurieties : 

Japonica Maculata.......cccecseccsceeeee 0 50 
Alba Variegata, (foem.)..........0..0.. 0 50 
IEONOT A MMASS | ewsacsaeeos ceccarcce sen oes- 0 50 
Bee AMSs) (Getler. coecacel evashastisacccs 0 50 
Heemina wV era, (foe)... ¢.2..csosscesen 0 50 

pe euonealoral|(fcetns \iscacenet =: 0 50 
Sioa MCISey COMMS) )y.sacawenieseslnedarcceeies: 0 50 

Latimaticulata, (foem.)............... 0 50 
Miascula, (mas.))... .-...-%5 Wopegeoacess 0) BO 

Marsinata (foom.:))..... 4 3.eecsee.s aes 0 50 
Macro piyllay, (f0eM! \/ceccsceceocencee sce 0 50 
Media lutea, (foem.) .....-.:.<.-.. Sane 0 450 
MSYCLa, (HOGI cess) nce dances cheneesbodancees 0 50 
Sulphurea, (feem, ye S007 . 0 50 

Euonymus Japonica. In great variety. 
Rhododendrons, With buds according 
GOPSIZ Chas eae nec oiaeecdeccescaes Sct a8 $l to 2 00 

‘We have a large stock of Evergreen Trees and Shrubs at low rates. 
Catalogues on application. 

can be sent by Mail. 


Akebia Quinata. bh distinct and beau- 
tiful.. 25 
Ampelopsis. Vv ariegata. “Variegated ‘fine 
hardy climber.. . 25 
Veitchii or Tricuspidata.. "A minia- 
ture foliaged Virginian Creeper 
which clings to any building with 
the tenacity of the strongest ivy, is 
of exceedingly rapid growth, and 
from the earliest spring it produces 
its beautiful purple-tinted leaves, 

turning red in autumn...... panenisetees 25 
MOM HIE eecas geet Sacer sees leas aatas sewecmccy x 30 
Bignonia Grandiflora. Orange scarlet 
HOY GN GManeatcnol seacehaconenicaccgaiavateces «ss 30 
Capreolate, A "beautiful evergreen 
MMP eere acer ndeeaasclcstiecclescoscossiesc ars 40 
Clematis. See Special Collection. 
Gelsemium Sempervirens—Carolina Jes- 
samine, A lovely climber, with fra- 
grant yellow flowers........... combesnianeine=/ese 25 
Hedera, (Ivy.) Variegated........... 15 to 25 
Aurea Maculata. aes blotched 
with gold... ice --15 to 25 
Japonica Argentea “Small, mar- 
PIMEGESILVEIAen hopes fechsssceese coca 15 to 25 
Marmorata, (Latifolia Maculata ) 
An Irish Ivy, with marbled foli- 
DEO ie os sean cde CEO BoOan Spa nOecOOcs 15 to 25 
Marginata Argentea. Margined yel- 
RAE io Joon sohs gcd edone gest eves 15 to 25 
Marginata Elegans. Marbled silver 
(RTE: S paee sen cLOPCe opaceee ceacec 15 to 25 
Marginata Cullissii. Silver mar- 
rE a SSE ees Sos baccee conde 15 to 25 
Marginata Elegantissima. Margined 
VOUMOW .2.0.0 secvce severe crcceseosceves LD tO 25 

Helianthemum. This is a pretty class 
of dwarf trailing shrubs, suitable 
for rock work, baskets, &c. 
Cupreum pleno. Double, copper 
OCUOACL socatos rodosbceihass SsSsboneser 0 26 
Alba pleno. Double white .......... 0 25 
Purpurea pleno. Double purple.... 0 25 
-Aurantea pleno. Double orange... 0 25 
Lutea pleno. Double yellow......... 0 25 
JESISIN GION oFeTESE pcocoscanesacesecs cUcaecaue 25 to 1 00 
Retinosporas, 12 varieties..........50 to 0 50 
Yucca, Filamentosa.........0.. sso. 15 to 0 25 
PADIS ATOM cenjoccreneccceseeecaesa: soc 0 50 
UMD SMOA Mss cslancicccc<siocwes cleccsen ncae- 0) 00 
IRGC Basconodaaeus cooSode cca 25 to 0 40 
Flaccida... .15 to 0 26 
Gloriosa.. seeeeeesOU) tO) 1 OO 
Stenophylla, ‘(new. )- -.-..-00sto 1 00 
Whipleyii... son eessaconco cen: |W) E 
Rupestris tOrtifolia.secsssesseecesess 0 75 
Graminafolia........0..s0e08 ov. 25 to 0 & 
Small plants 
Hedera Marginata Pulchella. Small, mar- 
gined wvellOw-.n2--..+-: 15 to 25 
Rhombia Variegata. M argined 
STU W@lPancodsoopotcos ‘S503 ono sne EO CODE 15 to 25 
Tricolor. re silver and 1 ped 
rose.. -15 to 25 
“Plain Jeaved. 
ANIM CONG NSA seosnelesscehedsonaseaseeneeaslanecee 25 
Canariensis, (Irish.) Large leaved, 
15 to 25 
Chrysocarpa. Golden berried.....15 to 25 
Conglomerata. A distinct and re- 
markably beautiful Ivy..............0.. 5 
Donerailense. Miniature.......... 15 to 25 
Gracilis, Slender branched....... 15 to 25 
Palmata. Palmated........... reco OntON2G 
Dahurica. | Dahtinicans...c..+-.->. 15 to 25 
Regneriana. Large foliage ..... 15 to 25 
Dentata Dentate, robust.....-.. 15 to 25 
Inequiloba. Irregularly lobed...15 to 25 
Rhombea Obovata. Very dis- 
[TE Too+andleen gdooa abase conan eoanosoae 15 to 25 
Lonicera, (Honeysuckle.) A large col- 
WO MO MG Beoadoos code aces anseao sebodaSs 25 
Fuchsioides, (new.) A very hand- 
some new Japanese Honeysuckle.... 25 
Plantierensis. New and fine............ 30 
With a large collection of varieties 
Wisteria Consequana. Blue.......... 2.22.4 25 
Consequana Alba. White... soos, G0) 
Frutescens. Blue.. Sin Teor cee donde 
IMinesaitican) = Islie.s.5-ni.cs- sess seen eo eeee 25 
Nawen  Wihilte.. .c.ssedaseedtucdo ss wectieeds 25 
Double flowered, (flora pleno.) A 
new beautiful, double flowered Wis- 
REIT Ds adcnoonericosna: [soccooides sone Gemaceater 50 
Japonica Macrobotrys.....cccecese douse 50 


Each. Each. 
Wisteria Japonica Bachybotris............... 40 Wisteria Japonica, New Japanese. Color 
Japonica Multijuga, (new.) Flowers purple, darker than any other Wisteria, 50 
lilac purple and white, grand ra- These are very fine and distinct New 
cemes over 2 feet long.........2.0..00.. 50 Wisterias. 

Selections from the above beautiful Climbers, $1.50 and $2.50 by Mail. 

“Collections of Plants. 

Our collections of Plants are well selected and have given in past years the greatest satis- 
faction to our customers, they will be packed and delivered at Express Office (will not be 
forwarded by Mail) in our city, at any time during Spring months—the varieties being our 
selections. None but best varieties and good plants will be sent: 

*$20 Collection of Plants, 

12 Monthly Roses, 2 Blue Sage. 4 Silver Variegated Gera- 
4 Perpetual Roses. 4 Monthly Carnations. niums. 
12 Zonale and Nosegay Ge- 2 New Feverfew Prince Ar- 6 Gladiolus, 
raniums, thur. 6 Gold and Bronze Gera- 
6 Double Geraniums. 1 Caladium Esculentum, niums. 
6 Sweet Scented. 12 Verbenas. 8 Petunias. 
2 Ivy-Leaved. 6 Heliotropes. 1 Libonia. 
2 Double Ivy-Leaved. 4 Alternantheras. 2 Vinca. 
6 Chrysanthemums, 8 Fuchsias. 1 Ornamental Grass. 
6 Lantanas. 8 New Coleus and Iresine, 2 Iris Kempferi. 
4 Ageratums, 2 Lemon Verbenas. 6 Peeonias. 
6 Begonias, 6 Hardy Phlox. 2 Crape Myrtles. 
8 Cannas, assorted. 6 Tube Roses. 2 Summer Climbers. 
4 Scarlet Sage. 4 Pelargoniums, 2 Hydrangeas. 
6 Fine Double Dahlias, 
New Plants. 
1 Pothos Aurea, 2 New Double Geraniums. 2 Fancy Caladiums. 
1 Dieffenbachia. - 4 New Zonales. 2 New Roses. 
2 Crotons. 4 Tuberous Begonias. 2 New Hibiscus. 
2 New Pelargoniums. 2 New Clematis. 
*$I5 Collection. 
10 Monthly Roses. 6 Heliotropes., 5 Fuchsias. 
4 Perpetual Roses. 2 Alternantheras. 4 Pelargoniums. 
8 Zonale and Nosegay Ge- 4 Scarlet Sage. 4 Gladiolus. 
raniums. 6 Fine Double Dahlias. 4 Gold and Bronze Gera- 
6 Double Geraniums, 4 Monthly Carnations. niums. 
6 Sweet Scented. 2 Begonias. 6 Petunias. 
2 Ivy-Leaved. 1 Caladium Esculentum. 1 Libonia. 
2 Double Ivy-Leaved. 6 Cannas, assorted. 1 Ornamental Grass, 
8 New Ccleus and Iresine. 1 New Feverfew Prince Ar- 4 Peeonias. 
2 Lemon Verbenas. thur. 2 Crape Myrtles. 
6 Chrysanthemums. 6 Hardy Phlox. 2 Summer Climbers. 
4 Lantanas. 6 Tube Roses. 2 Hydrangeas. 
2 Ageratums. 2 Silver Variegated Gera- 
12 Verbenas. niums. 


New Plants. 

2 New Clematis. 
2 Caladiums (fancy sorts.) 
4 Roses, new or rare. 

1 Pothos Aurea. 
2 New Hibiscus. 
4 Tuberous Begonias. 

2 Crotons. 

4 New Pelargoniums. 

2 New Double Geraniums. 
2 New Zonale Geraniums. 

*G10 Collection. 

Embraces the collection of plants as in the $15 collection, from Monthly Roses to Hydran- 
geas, inclusive. 

*G5 Collection. 
Half the $10 collection. 

“Plants Free by Mail. 

We have for some years forwarded plants in large numbers by mail to the most distant 
parts of the Union, as Texas, Utah and Pacific Coast, with perfect success. All of which are 
properly labeled and carefully packed in boxes or oiled paper. The following plants will be 
sent by mail, prepaid, our selection, at the prices annexed, or any new plant can be forwarded 
in the same way. No order for less than one dollar will be filled. This rule is necessary as 
the mailing of one or two cheap plants will not compensate us, in the hurry of business, for 
the time and labor of packing, directing, pre-paying postage, etc. 

Hither of the following collections free by mail, for $1.00. 

10 Achyranthus. Assorted. 6 Hardy Shrubs, Assorted. 
10 Alternantheras. OG 4 Azalea. Assorted. 

8 Antirrhinums. ee 10 Basket Plants. oe 

8 Aquilegias. de 8 Begonias, oe 

10 Ageratums. ee 8 06 Tuberous rooted. 

8 Abutilons. Oo 8 Bouvardias. Assorted. 

8 Chrysanthemums. Assorted. 6 Carnations. Distinct sorts. 

10 Coleus. 12 sorts, distinct. 6 Honeysuckles. Assorted. 

4 Cactus. 4 Jasminums, SS 

8 Centaurias. 10 Lantanas. “ 

10 Cineraria Maritima Candadissima. 10 Lobelias. ns 

-6 Cannas. Assorted. 4 Marantas. re 

6 Coleus. New. 4 Oleanders. ‘ 

6 Caladiums. Assorted. 12 Petunias, double and single. Assorted. 
4 Clematis. Large flowered. 8 Penstemons. Assorted. 
4 Crotons. Assorted. 8 Phloxes. a 

4 Cyclamen persicum. Assorted. 10 Pansies. Fine strain, 

2 Dracenas. Assorted. 10 uC Fine fancy varietie . 

8 Dahlias. ae 10 ‘ New Hybrid Viola. 

6 Kchieverias, ‘ 6 Passifioras. 

8 Fusehias. us 2 Palms. 

6 Ferns. Fine assorted species. 4 Peonias. 

10 Geraniums, Zonale and Nosegay. 6 Primulas, Assorted. 

10 ae Double. 8 Roses. Assorted. 

8 i Variegated. 8 Selaginellas (Lycopodium) Mosses, 
8 aC Sweet Scented. Assorted. 10 Salvias. Scarlet, blue, crimson, &c. 
& Gladiolus. 6 Smilax, 

6 Gloxinias. Assorted. 16 Verbenas, All colors. Assorted. 
6 Grape Vines. 6 Veronicas, 

6 Hibiscus. Very fine, assorted. 6 Violets. Blue, purple, white, &c. Assorted. 
10 Heliotropes. Assorted. 10 Bedding Plants, our selection. 

6 Hydrangeas. Assorted, 25 Packets Flower Seeds. 

We will send six of the above collections for $5.00. Fourteen for $10.00. 

All plants suitable for mailing at Catalogue rates. 

in one order. 

Not less than one dollar’s worth sent 



“= > 

An Australian plant of much grace and beauty, with very long, narrow and graceful foliage, 
admirable for vases, single specimens on lawns, &c. 


A very handsome Evergreen, with large shining green leaves; a beautiful decorative 
plant for the greenhouse or parlor, nearly hardy, Price 25 to 50 cts. each. 


HARRY KING--New Zonale. 

y SN A WN \ 
A “~ \ 

A WN 5c 
SO = 



| Zig 
Sf Pi gS 

f, = rie 


y TE 

This is certainly the most magnificent vivid Crimson Zonale ever yet sent out, and the 
above engraving conveys but a very inadequate idea of its immense trusses ; color intense and 
brilliant scarlet, considerably darker and more glowing than Jean Sisley; large white eye, 
each pip of fine shape and of great substance, which causes every petal to reflex as soon as 
each bud expands, consequently each flower remains a longer time in perfection than any 
other Zonale; it also has the valuable property of keeping its centre well filled up. The 
color of this variety totally eclipses all other older kinds, and is unquestionably the most 

magnificent crimson scarlet Zonale ever sent out. 15 cents each. 


ar) if (fil Hy) y UY) 

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tijjj G7 
Uy Le SE: Z 
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Y Ly 
YW, Z 

This is an extremely rare shrub even in its native habitat. It is a handsome shrub, the 
flowers being large pure white, with yellow tipped stamens. The leaves are broadly lance 
shaped, of thick texture, with recurved margins; it grows from six feet to fifteen feet in height, 

and is very bushy. One of the most valuable shrubs which have been introduced for years. 
(UAV OTCAL ACHUISIDION, 7 cavasssences ssvesecosi’sswasescsediaves starniseonscanthecneenchonecenae catet Ae tEeReE On sseeeePl OO 

PERISTERIA ELATA.—(Holy Ghost Flower. ) 

YY LYE iin 
Wy yoy) /)s}))| 

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"Up ij y Vid 
“fg Y Y/f YE PA 
s fli YW) ft fA 

Upfay YL 


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PAID CHA ekcasce s hoscivcnenas s seca ae 3 
PAC GEILEN CIES. Gb o:cc cess cae vue coe cahiaavecseneeeeeenes 41 
PAIDUNEELODS scccek ocatescsvecs cea cascemeee noes ame 
OVAL IN so oce ke ss se cncc btn scesie coeenna ee aoe 174 
AMG AND: 5 52+aasdeeeeee tere. eee acento Ne 
PATOCACI A: .s c+ seceese ese ceeee nen een eee 20, 29 
VAM PRETIGUMAA: 2 Selva we Sacco Oat eaeee eeeeee 10 
A NPMULIUM: «.sccoce accb. case een doa aan neeeeee 19 
Anasacamthus) Wiriehtiie-escat-cateree 21 
Je THT EOITION S GoeGncheoaop ese snac: coach sae erence 27 
ATAISIA COM VCLIsi ic. 0iomasceses ace teceeeese Mane 

Ja SUTRAS Gace cen ane erscrerorersneermocaccecce Le 
IS TAN GRY hme ned ton eoceded eocceca réacccesctodac 6) (GT) 

A Zaled VATION A decees ects scncnecs nese cosese cas 68 
Alpinia Albo lineata........ eres eres 13 
Bamboo and (Grasses: tic. sat doss <creonce cles: 94 
IDC SOMIAS Ae. tees tesetene nc cate cn cae emateneee cae 
ce Doubles BS aaisee san eute aun cueoueeenaccene 30 

i> New llybrid Puberous..---cce. 30 

HON EPS TTD ReacecoAcens ean ecabescedaecen 30 

‘¢ New Tuberous-Rooted,...... 29, 30 
Bertiallombastrs. cczocssconens onsite ores oc seeecuneee 16 
Bisnonia Macnifica..22.92.30..3:. es. 12 
BIG Besta gS MCA sense cco cerienececiece eaten 
Bouvardia—Collection.. .....ccvsessseccces 32 
Bromeliad Saosistesesanciecstocvis ves 0cs eee 
Burbidgea Nitida Mc dsicis vabeca ad ssaeeeemeers 1 
Calla hastatalc:.sseeeeeene sn eee 22 
Campy lobOtrisnscxcsace secu sone. cere 21 
Carnation—Collection cc... .cssesesseeest 66 
Coleus wwsed cies. thecccmemars cee cccstale se Sete ces 46 
Croton—NeW...<ccustecessencavccorscuscccevees 15 
mC Collection......... PEPE rere 34 
@yanopliyd linaie, sccsnarccosae< cise icacet- cee 23 
CAIDAS oaac wa oe atte oo erence oe covlea Ree weeeee 85 
CACHING ecco cetinct sedans ceeuenn te own eek oes vsiees 71 
Calladitims ...:. Rcsgecedeses: paca asatics clears 45 
Camel tas oot onc. wastes see eaten ewan cee 68 
Cedrela. esi iueccs cnccsecncateoes soem er cae 37 
COUNT DAS TIE OAs coscendcoee cone Mosse coocte 27 
Choisya Pernata...centsccocnse «anieaanaeneenees 28 
Clerodend rons.< socsssdccncastoameesceume ee PAS 
@IGTUSs core eovladocac theese) ceecn maces REECE 75 
Clematis—Collection....c0sssccssecsne cence.’ OD 
eC VG VISA) cacwedescneu cue speeeiare ne 21 



Chrysanthemums, Large Flowered...... 62 
ce Pompone,  Lillipu- 

tian and Hybrid... 63 

- JAPaANese. cc.secse veces 64 

Be New Large Flow’d... 64 

oe New Pompone........ 64 

2 New Early Pompone 65 

ee New Japanese......... 65 

@hidamia’ W 1tiataacccecnces che secs ocasieseac sac ee 
age coed Acrccto cts ossecs BL 

COCUIUS...... 200-02 00s ven ceenccncresnceseecacceerees OF 
Caprosma.. ees Rosctee IS 
Collection of Plants by We Prens 96 

“s ce of Meee odd BEE 97 

Gutentio. 6... re 28 
Curmeria. W allisiivtcoc.ccecenceee ete eee 
Clittorea: ‘Coernleasc. ccc ceccesssacencuteceeee eau 
1 DIE HEN NTIS oss mon concn crdecoccceon cece cee ece 
VON TSHOOGETAS.. case ceccides coc esnucneestcenee ccoeseaea ame 

DA TES SRR ee ihecerts conccaceseccdoniccsedoctccs 58 
SCRE SING Oc. coccecswensccaeacaace cones eredee 61 
Bey) cn darecee Sacecasencccsese 59 
‘¢ ~=6Bouquet or Pompone.............. 60 
att a NEI See ll ane Otsess eae cicccascan tanner 62 

DIGS OGRUIMNS. vaecacssocacedccssestace cartanc ceceeeonere 
Dieffenbachia se. 22 2.0 co sncclnecee eee ae 
Dichorisamdra, 2528s. tecacetees cone 
Diplad @riie £22 eascneesc<. coeecseesccdseee ene ae 

Dimorphantus:.c-.-.- «c..0/-qaesenensaeneaeeee 37 
Draczena—Colleetion.ccccce ccs concsscuieccses OF 
<6 Gol dignang cae .cca et. cveo stress ‘i 
IDracocep hia wits. -.sceeeeeteeseneecce eee 21 
Dwarf Bedding Plants.. ...... Senccceuce ners 61 
IBViEROE CES -neeecesreeeeaasteeaas “22geccck eee 94 
Hrio@n etaciss esos sescsce ee ee 
Eranthemum Laxiflorum...............00 88 
Eulalia Japonica Variegata...... 2... 23 
ts ZEDEING vcceceseeacteeae 23 

HW PACOBIUIT <ceccecceecaaceqenscenenseceee meee 88 
BU CRABS < Aeoen cue cwae cen s dee wecate cee cmaekeeeee ae 
EHucodonia ......6. wacentcnsesteseseactcusenemenes 42 
Erythrina Marmorata.,.....0.. sce o sesenese 13 
ering... ..auacnackee SSep Cacsontr nec ece Rikecaeaons L269 
MAGUS .oascuheecpncs pikcaun enenees seek acs culamente 25 
Mreesia, sere nGh ii «ccc .cvecnsccnuloes deek aces 22 
Fuchsia—General Collection........... cas 

TURE SIPs | Oi caso cos8- Coes ooBsaccueaceo eet old 
Geraniums—New Double....-... UR ssSeece 4 
ae New Zonale and Nosegay 5 
ce General Collection.......47-49 

6 Newer Zonale and Nose- 
EAN esaceiseal wees) sesceaeaces 49 
“ Double Flowered............ 50 
“6 Golden Bronzed. .......0000 51 
“6 ve ‘© =6Double.... 52 
“ Golden\Pricolor:. v5..--6+. 52 
at Happy Thought............. 62 

ae Silver Margined and Tri- 
COLON Ae saiascicier sessescce nee 53 
us Hivay, Weanjedcnas--4-crcecsacas 53 
6 Variegated Varieties...... 52 
“ Double ricolOrceesccssce: 53 
a Ivy-Leaved, New Hybrid, 54 
Gardenias. .......ccc.s.00. BOEOCOOBANHS 20000000 - 386 
be GOWOSAiiascitacCeseocs cescensscecs 12 
Giese tpl ee che cies leeinnicecets ss cece sisiniss sacle wemics 41 
GTC OMIS Hees sasclessscscsresecassas cocess sincesses #79 
Gio bbatCOCcinEs)....cec.-<s-ces.cocsccseencees 9 
Greenhouse Climbing Vines............+0 86 
Gileiehemlasheceesseccen ccs ssece ncureseleetescewe 18 
Gloneria Jasminiflora 26% .J.csceese cocse: 13 
CUOXATMIAS) easeswaticcecen Seoceases see salve eiows's ne 43 
Goodiyenalsssdiescsarlea= nares savenddensinacesane= 17 
Graptopbhyllum. .........2..0.00 cosscceee ssoeee 13 
Gynura AUrantiaca....scccoessooves see cee eee 9 
Gyneriums—Pampas Grass........seereee 24 
Hardy Climbing Plants......... .s..sses0 95 
LE eCIORD ELT) “Gonkoade cok co Gnu ~dosteee Jocoasens 95 
HHeliOt ropes ....-..20 ceccencns seececces, sscceces 65 
Hesperal0e ......002-sscerscsssrsseeeeccsees cones 1 
MEEMDYSCUG ence esi anle's vse clcosccesccan  saceeineesecs 35 
PAN G@OMMGTAyeseotaaescseece vseacn <--2---6 J oseoneocens 10 
Eloy eee eemenacionserecascsvecn<n sia swo-s scram 94 
EVE TAC COUGHS ANILG cos csinassseee soa sccarcese 91 
ies Gielen eee cies acl e sieves scisiie; bese vessnces 38 
Pamreitoyo inp. seneis)-nwocnea: (acces an senciass 28 
HEE eee eta sac eclcctls «soesesesccdecs'evéceeces 26 
Impatiens Sanderiana......0.0secses « seen 9 
ASMIUMUNTTS: ccciesscesee We seceens coc cnweascsaces 26 
UMHS MACDTUNNIS Ss. ceccseceseciecsasces siseeass ite 
A ATUGA WAG se cdais s deve cea Bedionsa: CReseoee see 66 
Lagerstramea—(Crape Myrtle).......... 36 
Grae IN CARE tvas esis ose'siciecccelsseessescecnielees 28 
Lastrea Aristata Variegata....reccccccs sens 19 
PSMA Sic cone eee vo cals Sela a's’ Stowe efialentraw claajacaecs 82 
MMe Ae cs cceviccs cee esaneacsess secbant Sees 
Maranta—(Calathea)—Collection....... 24 

Miscellaneous Gesneriaceous Plants..... 41 
x Bulbous Plants ....... FeseOo 
a Greenhouse Plants....... 87 
gf Bedding Plants............ 90 
ts New and Rare Plants... 8 
New and Rare Hardy Treesand Shrubs. 37 
New Platts. cczswsstessiasetes tos dssaee bosevess 58 
IN erlumMS\: cscessansciwedeeos cnaesctac ode cteeded des 31 
INepemth esi enccccsnseeceroanisscecceeclcncwcacs: » 14 
Niegeliais saccasrevascot odes ee ane teneneke shite 43 
LMnothera ... .....006 paca ansneinaiats sidsciweacae anes 20 
Orchids: .scsssecoseeessasesessatesecseoiesectne. 75 
BANAX cccwcs avaclte concestessscninesceti commsce sales 14 
BenstemiOn’.ccWecscaccoace eee cece eee 20 
hyeelius) Capencis..c-seassseseenoncode ee. 20 
Pelarsonium— New 22.0) <cossuecceronsolesvies 5) 
sf IN Gwe Ne call ecasenoatasacmnG 
aC New Fringed Varieties, 7 
oe Show and Fancy......... 54 

ue New and Rarer Show 
POG MENG oceccoooreceanc 3 
<c Eley brid Siva... 4-04; senesee ees 55 
GG Hybrid Perpetual...... 55 

ot SweetScented and Cape 
MS) ORCI ESercescnooac snasbotcs 55 
Coren p WCCOTAU Cre. cctecateess te 8 
SAVIO TAS heh facie ce ca cnancciciocenseite soos easckons 10 
SUMAN Aa sa /lacciesassceisacjaccinsceecsnedanaesesesies 31 
JERS ID ATIC oendBs o idsosescca cso donosdéconoatios 28 
IEE) DOMMES  aosenab. Bas sdoo-Shosden A6og Bccticca IS} 

Ie LIMMAGWrasteessaracaesa-ce/saenteiacesecacelasa'se sec 76 
J SI VINES ONE sens scocoscondoquaeaacio Sav esErae aly? 
hyo tcenn um <class su ateslas<oneeecacce see 2 

AROMASC EG eee cece sae ae oes Ce eae ac colcan eA 
Pahl od endirons eee. cae ee ae sew ae, 

J EORSOIO DYE), nassua daccosocoasbadoos dances enocnecne 22 
Bothastecctacccpstcerdecsesoescwessesccsiasscpsee yO 
ulimit atecoacnians<caraes ornasscsecsiscsecs saesties 22 
JEBWTA TENS. (CTRAGEY cechocadaso hon eedsons cocceeneoces 24 
1 EPNIO\G PME IS) Sensbood ceeSncausasbos. Goconee Bolecorccs 25 
ISD OGM ae eeeteinceiee stone nee noice ciate sie oe siescise 26— 
VES eee ease: sposoN adocbo hen eaben bad sbuBunocetD 38 
shloxwizerenmmilylines sc nodee-sceccescescaaces at 
«New Suffruticose Perennial...... 78 
JEGAOTAND, ooemeneesnAdcin dr Shes PERCE OBO DEC MGR SCICER 78 
JEDITIVED, bas Secinostachecne noc sae SC HORUnEe boRcRAnenD 36 
Primroses, Saul’s Double Chinese....... 30 
ROS CS rass daieaita « ne aisctlate b<cuseleisnciavass ices cos 3 
Ruellia Macrantha..........0. scree seeses ces 28 
Sailiveise I Nie Wrenn ete se cestacnancriaancnnec'ss 23 
s Collectio cs. ccsacccesscassascucnsn . 91 

104 INDEX. 


Selaginella yo... ccsiscs cascsacs sncnercccven sens 69 Tradescantia Miuléicolor,....vecacecrsseteee ae 
DeneciovEnMleherne-seewesehevtescccseenas-aeanae 21 Tropeolums, New Double.............000 28 
ponerila Hendersonii 25... ......cccceccsan-s 21 IPELLOMIAS Bocseeans Monentemelse eee ocieresacereee 10 
Spheerogyne ...... (odansiencacebe Seeder a aoccostes 23 Mecomia, Stansess.cen ten se ceseceenee cect casecsees ene 
DLE PNAMOL MUS: cccccuevcoccacnsucaacecescses ewscs 28 UD YGES Ri « cscieesensenenateseeces tetas eee nto ee emote eames 
SVE AMANE OMNIA anconaetse ees sacseed-deeceseceresda-seatoO Vanilla, :..\cc<ccpcsses cepeeeeene terete 15 
SS] OUREES eanerpcapeEesy inne acoacceocrece cscesemocacc:: WB) Wer bema. on. ecursces-nnseemeeens eenantieesiaaere 76 
RSD MGAX cnc 20 encere one lascensncteeniacucterssoneraaeeasceet lO Veronicas ..... nesteAueh -abelnecteeine seneaeee ieee 21 
Summer Climbing Vines ...........sse0. 86 Violet—Sweet Scented 36 
Tabernemontana Camassa..........0. 22 Viburnum Tinus Splendens.., ............ 17 
OG Camellifiora.............. 28 "W ie@eliagy..t die ctaat J. tc stecdduaseeteecbeteee 38 

PPNANIG LEI sess eeeecenesceareccreeacscedessussesetectee=Mhc) © W WGA) eee ceeen socces eaneaece ade Sanne cao 26 


——____— -»- <j oe p> - ——_. 





Monthly Magazine. 

The Largest in Form, The Largest in. Circulation, 

And the best in everything that makes a magazine desirable. DEMoREsT’s MONTHLY 
MAGAZINE presents a grand combination of the Entertaining, the Useful and the Beautiful, 
-with Stories, Essays, Poems, Fashions, Family Matters, Art Critiques, lovely Oil Pictures, 
Steel Engravings, and other Art Features. 

Send Twenty Cents for a Specimen Copy, or subscribe six months for ONE DOLLAR. 


There is no publication so cheap or so good. For circular of full 

particulars address, 

17 Fast 14th Street, New York. 

I was Awarded the following Premiums at the 

Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. 
—¢-—~ 0 0 

First Premium—‘‘ Best Group of Crotons.’’ 
FIRsT Premium — Best Single Specimen of Croton.’’ 
First PremiumM—‘‘ Best Group of Dracenas.”’ 
First Premium—‘‘ Gest Group of Marantas.’’ 
First PremiumM— Best Single Specimen of Maranta.’’ 
First Premium—“Gest Single Specimen of Dieffenbachia.”’ 

Second Premium—“Second Best Group of Variegated 
Foliage Plants.”’ 

First Premium—@est Single Specimen of Variegated 
Foliage Plant.”’ 

SPECIAL PREMIUM—‘“ For Davallia Mooreana.”’ 

I have also been Awarded for several years, leading 
Dracenas, Crotons, Foliage Plants, Stove and Greenhouse 
Plants, Ferns, &c. In Cut Flowers, for Dahlias, Roses, 
Phioxes, Herbaceous Plants, &c. 

I have also been awarded the leading Premiums. 

- fl 
= > i 
“Wl Z 
S 2 —— 
Sy ‘ 
A hii 
; / 
\\ ff re 
\ . 
ok} WES 
1 at = 
\Ns Bee ES 
Kh Vas 
A |i ARS 


By ‘ 

This is a most graceful Palm, eminently adapted for the 
decoration of the greenhouse and garden. _ It also makes a 
fine window plant; leaves are very long and gracefully 
arched, dark green, the whole plant perfectly smooth, a 
grand decorative plant. a 

Price per Plant; $1.50 to $2.50. 

te ratty 




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