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Urootefo  to  lEntomologg  to  (gpnrral 

VOLUME  LVI,  1948 

jgu_  j *— “^rm 


^§44833  ,1; 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 
North  Queen  St.  and  McGovern  Ave.  Lancaster,  Pa. 

New  York,  N.  Y. 




Afzal,  Muhammad,  and  M.  A.  Ghani 

Studies  on  the  Cotton  Jassid  (Empoasca  devastans  Dis- 
tant) in  the  Western  Punjab.  XIII.  Method  of  Cot- 
ton Breeding  for  Jassid  Resistance  209 

Alexander,  Charles  P. 

Records  and  Descriptions  of  Neotropical  Crane-Flies 

(Tipulidse  Diptera),  XXIII ' 137 

Arnett,  Jr.,  Ross  H. 

Notes  on  the  Distribution,  Habits  and  Habitats  of  Some 

Panama  Culicines  (Diptera,  Culicidse)  175 

Book  Notices  42,  69,  108,  194,  200 

Bromley,  S.  W. 

Honey-Bee  Predators  195 

Brown,  Jr.,  William  L. 

Results  of  the  Pennsylvania  Mosquito  Survey  for  1947  219 
Dreisbach,  R.  R. 

The  Description  of  a New  Species  of  the  Genus  Cerop- 
ales  (Hymenoptera : Psammocharidse)  with  a Key  to 

the  Species  of  North  America 233 

Forbes,  Wm.  T.  M. 

A Second  Review  of  Melinaea  and  Mechanitis  (Lepidop- 

tera,  Ithomiinae)  1 

Ghani,  M.  A. 

See  Afzal,  Muhammad 
Goodnight,  Clarence  J.,  and  Marie 

A New  Member  of  the  Genus  Caddo  (Phalangida)  201 

Hagan,  Harold  R. 

A Brief  Analysis  of  Viviparity  in  Insects 63 

Hessel,  Sidney  A. 

New  Jersey  Rhopalocera — Strymon  cecrops  Fabr 243 

Jahn,  Theodore  Louis  and  Verner  John  Wulff 

The  Spectral  Sensitivity  of  Dytiscus  fasciventris 109 

Levy,  Howard  A. 

The  Male  Genitalia  of  Ephemerida  (Mayflies)  25 


Linsley,  E.  Gorton 

The  Genus  Trachys  in  the  United  States  251 

Manzelli,  M.  A. 

A Survey  of  the  Arthropod  Vectors  of  Equine  Encepha- 
lomyelitis and  Encephalitis  79 

McDunnough,  J. 

A New.  Californian  Apamea  (Lepidoptera,  Phalaenidae)  51 
A New  Race  of  Pseudohazis  hera  from  Southern  Colo- 
rado   • 249 

Michener,  Charles  D. 

Observations  on  the  Mating  Behavior  of  Harvester  Ants  239 

T.  D.  A.  Cockerell  171 

Needham,  James  G. 

A Bucculatricid  Gall  Maker  and  its  Hypermetamor- 
phosis . 43 

Pickford,  Grace  E. 

Derallus  altus  (LeConte),  a Southern  Water  Beetle  in 

New  Jersey  53 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 71,  245 

Rawson,  George  W. 

A New  Subspecies  of  Lycaena  epixanthe  Boisduval  & Le- 
Conte with  Comments  on  the  Identity  of  Typical 

Epixanthe  (Lepidoptera,  Lycaenidae)  55 

Smith,  Marion  R. 

A New  Genus  and  Species  of  Ant  from  India  (Hymen- 

optera : Formicidae)  205 

Spieth,  Herman  T. 

Notes  on  a Colon}"  of  Polistes  fuscatus  Hunteri  Bequaert  155 
Timberlake,  P.  H. 

Additions  and  Corrections  to  the  List  of  Nearctic  Spe- 
cies of  Dianthidium  (Hymenoptera,  Apoidea)  149 

Weiss,  Harry  B. 

Insects  Attracted  to  Smoke  (Note)  78 

Insects  and  Slang  (Note)  170 

Insects  and  Slang  Again  (Note)  250 

The  New  York  Entomological  Club  and  “Papilio” 119 

Old  Entomological  Signboards  (Note)  252 

Wulff,  Verner  John 

See  Jahn,  Theodore  Louis 


Vol.  LVI 

No.  1 

MARCH,  1948 


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of  the 

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New  York  Entomological  Society 


Devoted  to  Entomology  in  General 

Edited  by  HARRY  B.  WEISS 

Publication  Committee 




Subscription  $4.00  per  Year 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 


A Second  Review  of  Melinaea  and  Mechanitis  (Lepidop- 
tera, Ithomiinae) 

By  Wm.  T.  M.  Forbes 1 

The  Male  Genitalia  of  Ephemerida  (Mayflies) 

By  Howard  A.  Levy  25 

Book  Notice  42 

r v ' .{}  ' ■ ; - , .i  , t i i, 

A Bucculatricid  Gall  Maker  and  Its  Hypermetamorphosis 

By  James  G.  Needham  43 

A New  Californian  Apamea  (Lepidoptera,  Phalaenidae) 

By  J.  McDunnough 51 

Derallus  Altus  (LeConte),  a Southern  Water  Beetle,  in 
New  Jersey 

By  Grace  E.  Pickford 53 

A New  Subspecies  of  Lycaena  Epixanthe  Boisduval  & Le- 
Conte with  Comments  on  the  Identity  of  Typical  Epix- 

anthe (Lepidoptera,  Lycaenidae) 

By  George  W.  Rawson  55 

A Brief  Analysis  of  Viviparity  in  Insects 

By  Harold  R.  Hagan 63 

■ ■■■'  ■ ■ > 

Book  Notice  69 

Death  Notice  70 

Proceedings  of  the  Society  71 

Insects  Attracted  to  Smoke 78 

NOTICE:  Volume  LV,  Number  4,  of  the  Journal  of  The 
New  York  Entomological  Society  was  published  on 
December  16,  1947. 

( } : ' V ^ ° r ( ^ 7 

Entered  as  second  class  matter  July  7,  1925,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 
under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  special  rate  of  postage  provided  for  in  Section  1103. 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  March  27,  1924. 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

Vol.  LVI  March,  1948  No.  1 


By  Wm.  T.  M.  Forbes 

Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  New  York 

Some  years  ago  I published  summary  revisions  of  these  two 
genera.1  Since  then  considerable  more  material  has  been  seen, 
and  there  has  been  a good  deal  of  activity  in  the  Ithomiinas,  which 
cannot  be  completely  reviewed  here;  but  the  following  notes 
appear  of  value  to  the  writer.  There  has  still  been  no  line-breed- 
ing in  either  of  the  two  genera,  and  we  have  no  more  knowledge 
than  before  as  to  the  species  or  varietal  status  of  many  of  the 
names : on  the  contrary  some  of  the  specimens  showing  intermedi- 
ate patterns  throw  doubt  on  the  analysis  presented  before  with- 
out any  indication  of  a better  solution. 

Indebtedness  has  as  usual  been  too  wide  to  acknowledge  in  full 
detail.  It  includes  the  plate  of  British  Museum  types,  and 
further  data  on  the  types  from  N.  D.  Riley  of  the  B.M.,  loans 
from  Pittsburgh,  the  American  Museum,  the  National  Museum, 
Cambridge  and  Philadelphia,  and  from  Dr.  Pablo  Anduze  of 
material  destined  for  the  Museum  of  Natural  History  at  Caracas ; 
also  courtesies  at  visits  to  most  of  the  museums  of  the  east,  and 
to  the  British  Museum,  Tring  and  Oxford  in  England. 


Within  this  period  the  following  names  have  been  added  to  our 

1 Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  32:  145-157,  1924;  35:  23-36,  1927. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

agricola  Hall,  Ent.,  68 : 227,  PI.  6,  fig.  6,  1935 ; from  Ega.  I 
have  discussed  this  as  a very  striking  race  of  mneme  ( crameri ) 
(Bull.  Ent.  Ven.,  1:  28,  1942). 

aurantia  Forbes,  Bull.  Ent.  Ven.,  1 : 27,  1942.  Venezuela,  possi- 
bly Colombia.'  Also  considered  a striking  race  of  mneme  (Fig.  3). 

borealis  Hall,  Ent.,  68 : 226.  Venezuela.  As  described,  a race 
of  mceonis  with  areas  across  cell  of  fore  wing  and  through  cell  of 
hind  wing  yellowish.  From  the  locality  this  should  be  the  same 
as  the  form  considered  zamora  in  my  revision,  but  Hall  does  not 
mention  the  linear  border  of  hind  wing.  Our  specimen  is  from 
Mucuchachi,  and  may  be  considered  a topotype. 

eratosthenes  Hall,  Ent.,  68 : 227,  pi.  6,  fig.  5.  French  Guiana. 
I have  discussed  this  very  distinct  species,  which  also  occurs  in 
Venezuelan  Guiana,  in  Bull.  Ent.  Ven.,  1:  26,  1942. 

erica  Bargmann,  Ent.  Anz.,  9 : 141,  1929.  Rio  Dagua,  West 
Colombia.  See  below. 

ezra  Fox,  Ent.  News,  50 : 72,  1939.  See  below. 
incisa  Kaye,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  London,  1925,  xxiii.  A variant  of 
mneme  ( crameri ) with  the  black  of  hind  wing  divided  into  two 

juruaensis  D ’Almeida,  Papeis  Avulsos  Dep.  Zool.  (S.  Paulo, 
Brazil),  3 : 165,  1943  (fig.)-  See  below. 

lateapicalis  Hall,  Ent.,  68 : 227, 1935.  Merida,  Venezuela.  See 

limitata  Hall,  l.c.  Synonym  of  mneme  sola  Kaye,  which  is  a 
race  of  lilis,  not  mneme.  See  below. 

lutzi  Fox,  Am.  Mus.  Novit.,  1194:  1,  fig.  2,  1942.  A race  of 
lucifer  Bates,  nec  auct.  (l.c.,  fig.  1)  from  the  Upper  Maranon. 
See  below. 

purusana  Riley,  Ent.,  52 : 181,  1919  ( purusana  Aurivillius,  Ent. 
Tid.,  50:  155,  1929,  romani  Bryk)  Rio  Purus,  Amazons.  A race 
of  madeira,  with  base  of  cell  and  cell  Cux  solidly  black,  followed 
by  deep  red-brown,  with  little  or  no  yellow  scaling  in  cell  Cui ; but 
hind  wing  with  black  markings  reduced.  The  Carnegie  Museum 
series  of  this  form  is  from  Nova  Olindia,  Rio  Purus. 

rileyi  Fox,  Am.  Mus.  Novit.,  1194:  3,  1942.  Upper  Amazon 
Basin.  The  form  of  marsceus  commonly  called  lucifer  on  the 
basis  of  Staudinger’s  misdetermination. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Forbes:  Ithomiin^e 


romani  Bryk,  Lep.  Cat.,  80 : 641,  1937.  See  purusana. 

sola  Kaye,  Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  London,  1924,  413 ; Mem.  Dept. 
Agr.  Trinidad  and  Tobago,  2 : 16,  pi.  1,  fig.  5,  as  tachypetis  in 
error.  This  has  none  of  the  special  features  of  mneme,  as  de- 
scribed ; I am  treating  it  as  a race  of  lilis.  See  below.  Limitata 
Hall  is  the  same  form,  described  from  Venezuela. 

M.  eratosthenes  and  the  true  M.  lucifer  show  a feature  that  is 
otherwise  unknown  in  the  genus,  namely  a series  of  unpaired  sub- 
marginal spots,  which  lie  a little  further  basally  than  the  usual 
paired  ones,  and  in  eratosthenes  take  the  place  of  the  usual  sub- 
apical  patch  or  bar.  So  they  should  be  inserted  in  the  key  just 
after  egina,  in  some  such  way  as  follows : 

A2.  Fore  wing  with  unpaired  white  or  yellow  submarginal  spots. 

B.  A complete  series  of  five  or  six  spots  on  fore  wing,  replacing  the 
subapical  bar,  spots  also  present  on  hind  wing  eratosthenes. 

BB.  Two  or  three  spots  on  fore  wing  only  near  middle  of  outer  margin, 
and  a large  separate  subapical  patch  lucifer. 

C.  Light  areas  in  end  of  discal  cell,  cell  CUi  and  submarginal  spots 
largely  yellow  (Upper  Maranon  in  Peru)  1.  lutzi. 

CC.  These  areas  largely  or  wholly  tawny  (Upper  Amazons  in  Brazil). 

1.  lucifer. 

A A,.  No  unpaired  submarginal  spots. 

Considering  the  wide  variation  in  the  genus  it  is  really  not 
impossible  that  lucifer  and  eratosthenes  are  subspecies  of  the 
same  species,  from  the  Amazon  Basin  and  Guiana,  respectively. 

The  name  purusana  was  used  twice  in  the  genus,  by  Riley  and 
Aurivillius;  fortunately  according  to  Fox  (Ann.  Carn.  Mus.,  29: 
397,  PI.  1,  fig.  1)  they  are  the  same  form.  The  general  effect  is 
closely  that  of  the  Venezuela  specimens  I take  to  be  zamora  (pre- 
sumably also  borealis  Hall),  but  the  ground  is  much  darker,  the 
median  band  on  hind  wing  is  partly  broken  into  spots,  and  the 
border  a little  broader. 

On  macaria  and  egesta  G.  & S.,  I have  nothing  to  add  to  Fox 
(Am.  Mus.  Novit.,  1941:1)  nor  anything  to  say  about  brunnea 
and  strigilis,  omitted  before  from  complete  lack  of  data. 

M.  lilis.  Additional  material  has  given  quite  a different  ap- 
pearance to  this  species  and  a new  key  to  races  and  forms  is  in 
order.  Four  of  the  names  represent  single  small  lots  taken  each 
on  a single  occasion : erica,  dodona,  lateapicalis  and  ezra.  Of 

4 Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society  [Vol.  lvi 

these,  ezra  is  not  from  the  Magdalena  basin,  as  one  might  assume 
from  the  published  locality,  but  the  northwest  corner  of  the  Sierra 
Marta;  erica  takes  an  intermediate  position  between  two  main 
series  of  races,  and  as  it  should  be,  was  taken  in  western  Colombia. 
Lateapicalis  may  well  represent  a mere  field-form,  but  the  residue 
are  well  defined  races,  though  the  blend-zones  are  sometimes  broad 
(as  with  flavicans  and  typical  imitata). 

A.  Apical  half  of  fore  wing  black,  with  the  pm.  and  st.  bands  represented 
by  series  of  white  spots ; tawny  basal  area  extending  broadly  to  ’ 

inner  margin. 

B.  Hind  wing  with  a longitudinal  black  median  band  parallelis. 

BB.  Hind  wing  with  only  outer  half  of  band  visible  messatis. 

AA.  Light  portions  of  apical  half  of  fore  wing  yellow ; basal  half  with  inner 
margin  black,  or  at  least  a black  band  along  anal  vein. 

B.  Outer  margin  of  fore  wing  with  conspicuous  double  white  marginal 

C.  Outer  part  of  wing  with  a continuous  postmedial  yellow  band,  at 
least  down  to  vein  M2;  inner  margin  of  fore  wing  tawny  at 
base  (Rio  Dagua,  Col.)  erica. 

CC.  Postmedial  fascia  represented  by  four  separate  spots,  as  in  l.  mes- 
satis; inner  margin  broadly  black  (not  seen)  dodona. 

BB.  Outer  margin  of  fore  wing  above  without  marginal  white  dots,  or 
at  most  with  a few  scattered  ones  ( lilis ) ; postmedial  fascia  con- 
tinuous down  to  Ma  and  almost  always  much  farther;  base  of 
inner  margin  broadly  and  solidly  blackish. 

C.  Fore  wing  with  yellow  postmedial  band  broad  and  continuous,  more 
than  half  as  wide  as  distance  from  it  to  apex,  broadly  connected 
to  the  tawny  base,  the  black  at  end  of  cell  only  extending  a 
little  below  lower  angle  of  cell  (Venezuela  and  Trinidad). 

sola  ( limitata , tachypetis) . 

CC.  Fore  wing  with  the  black  band  across  end  of  cell  extending  far  out 
in  cell  M3,  cutting  the  postmedial  fascia  almost  or  quite  com- 
pletely off  from  the  tawny  basal  area;  pm.  fascia  narrow  and 
often  broken. 

D.  Subapically  with  the  pm.  and  st.  spots  of  each  cell  fused  into  a 
long  streak,  except  for  a small  black  spot  in  cell  R5  (Merida, 
Venezuela)  lateapicalis. 

DD.  Pm.  fascia  narrow  and  zigzag  or  interrupted,  separated  from  the 
st.  spots  by  an  area  which  is  black  on  costal  half  of  wing, 
black  or  tawny  on  inner  half. 

E.  Fore  wing  with  a continuous  black  stripe  from  base  of  costa, 
out  through  cell,  and  along  upper  side  of  Cux  half  way  or 
more  to  margin ; apical  markings  of  fore  wing  pure  yellow. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Forbes  : Ithomiin^e 


F.  Hind  wing  with  a yellow  median  stripe,  as  in  M.  ethra. 


FF.  Hind  wing  with  ground  concolorous  tawny imitata. 

EE.  Fore  wing  with  this  stripe  interrupted  at  lower  angle  of  cell; 

yellow  markings  in  apical  area  normally  more  or  less 
edged  or  shaded  with  tawny. 

F.  Black  bands  across  end  of  cell  and  between  the  postmedial 
and  subterminal  yellow  spots,  both  interrupted  with 
tawny  submarginally,  leaving  only  black  marginal  tri- 
angles (Santa  Marta ) ezra. 

FF.  Black  bar  across  end  of  cell  shortly  interrupted  in  cell  M3 
(type)  or  complete,  the  one  between  the  pm.  and  st. 
yellow  spots  complete  lilis. 

Kaye’s  figure  of  sola,  cited  above,  was  published  under  the 
name  of  tachypetis  in  error,  and  I have  seen  material  determined 
with  that  name.  I can  see  no  significant  difference  between  it 
and  a specimen  from  El  Chorro,  Sucre,  Venezuela,  which  may  be 
considered  typical  of  limitata. 

Bryk,  in  the  Lep.  Cat.,  missed  the  original  description  of  M.  1. 
flavicans  Hoffmann.  It  was  Rev.  Mex.  Biol.,  4:  70,  1924.  As 
Hoffmann  reported  it,  it  is  definitely  racial  in  the  northern  part 
of  its  range  (which  includes  Nayarit),  but  appears  further  south 
as  a casual  variant.  M.  1.  erica  Bargmann  is  also  imperfectly 
racial  according  to  its  describer.  The  single  specimen  I have  seen 
is  in  the  Rothschild  collection,  standing  as  dodona,  which  is  really 
very  close. 

Under  Melincea  egina,  Tessman  has  described  manuelito,  as 
probably  a race.  I have  seen  it  in  the  Rothschild  collection,  from 
the  Rio  Palcazu,  and  a transitional  specimen  in  the  Reading 
Museum  from  the  R,  Huallaga;  and  agree  with  Tessman,  so  in 
place  of  paraiya  in  my  key  there  should  stand : 

C.  Fore  wing  with  a broad  median  yellow  fascia  across  end  of  cell; 
only  two  postmedial  yellow  spots,  the  middle  one  being  missing 
(S.  Brazil)  e.  paraiya. 

CC.  Fore  wing  tawny  medially  with  only  a slight  paler  shade  at  the 
outer  end;  three  pm.  spots,  as  in  typical  egina;  last  two  spots 
on  hind  wing  placed  transversely  (Peru)  e.  manuelito. 

The  Reading  Museum  specimen  of  manuelito  has  the  proper 
black  pattern,  but  the  yellow  postmedial  fascia  of  the  fore  wing  is 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Melincea  mcenius.  While  in  its  normal  condition  this  appears 
to  be  a quite  distinct  species  from  menophilus,  being  somewhat 
larger  as  well  as  having  a different  comma-mark,  the  Reading 
Museum  has  every  possible  intergrade  in  a series  of  specimens 
with  the  typical  menophilus  coloring,  finally  with  the  exact  pat- 
tern of  mcenius  chincha,  but  the  yellow  pm.  band  of  menophilus. 
One  specimen  at  Cornell  is  exactly  of  this  type,  and  was  taken  at 
Chuchurras,  not  far  from  Pozuzo,  Peru,  the  type  locality  of 
chincha.  The  question  what  constitutes  a species  becomes  more 
difficult  than  ever. 

M.  menophilus.  In  the  key,  instead  of  zaneka  should  be  substi- 

tuted : 

B.  . . . , or  with  limited  and  diffuse  median  spots. 

C.  Fore  wing  with  yellow  pm.  fascia. 

D.  Black  of  inner  margin  of  fore  wing  a narrow  streak  a little  back 

from  margin ; hind  wing  without  median  spots zanelca. 

DD.  A very  heavy  black  fascia  along  inner  margin  of  fore  wing,  hind 

wing  with  four  diffuse  black  spots  juruaensis. 

CC.  Fore  wing  without  yellow  markings;  with  heavy  fascia  like  juru- 
aensis; hind  wing  without  spots clara. 

Melincea  isocomma,  new  species  (Fig.  2;  holotype) 

Closely  related  to  M.  comma  Fbs.,  but  with  the  size  and  coloring 
of  M.  menophilus  messenina.  Male  fore  tibio-tarsus  slightly  more 
than  half  as  long  as  femur  plus  trochanter  (equal  to  the  longest 
condition  in  M.  comma,  much  longer  than  in  egina).  Friction 
area  on  fore  wing  above  A with  narrow  hair-scales,  like  messenina, 
etc.,  unlike  comma.  Male  genitalia  normal. 

Head  and  body  pattern  normal,  the  present  specimen  with 
tawny  only  on  collar,  sides  of  tegulae  and  a slight  shade  on  pos- 
terior face  of  thorax,  but  probably  variable,  as  in  other  species  of 
Melingea.  Yellow  middorsal  line  and  line  across  back  of  meso- 
thorax  stronger  than  in  messenina  specimens  with  an  equal 
amount  of  black  on  wings. 

Fore  wing  above  black  at  base  to  a third  way  out  near  costa,  a 
little  beyond  fork  of  Cu  along  lower  side  of  cell  and  to  two-thirds 
on  inner  margin ; vein  R tawny  and  with  long  pointed  extensions 
of  the  tawny  extending  nearly  to  base  along  costa  and  Cu.  Median 
area  light  tawny  (the  same  color  as  menophilus,  etc.),  out  as  far 

Mar.,  1948] 

Forbes:  Ithomiin^: 


as  the  cell  spots,  vein  Cui  and  the  comma-mark;  marked  by  a 
black  spot  over  fork  of  Ri  which  is  narrowly  outlined  with  tawny, 
a spot  over  the  lower  discocellular  vein,  filling  lower  angle  of  cell, 
and  a rather  rounded  spot  in  the  fork  of  Cu,  not  filling  the  angle. 
Comma-mark  with  its  upper  end  tangent  to  Cui,  definitely  diverg- 
ing from  it  to  outer  margin,  and  leaving  a full  quarter  of  that  cell 
yellow  at  outer  margin  (unlike  all  other  Melinseas  at  hand),  the 
inner  and  marginal  portions  connected  at  their  upper  edges  by  a 
fine  and  faint  black  line.  Marginal  patch  smallish,  sub  triangular, 
separated  from  margin  except  at  its  upper  end  by  a tawny  stripe, 
not  nearly  reaching  up  to  Cui,  nor  quite  down  to  Cu2.  Tawny 
area  reaching  outer  margin,  except  for  the  black  terminal  line 
down  to  the  fold,  and  black  fringe;  even  the  latter  being  inter- 
rupted with  tawny  at  anal  angle  (unlike  M.  comma , where  it  is 
continuous).  Yellow  postmedial  fascia  wide,  more  than  half  as 
wide  as  the  following  apical  black  area,  and  hardly  narrowing  to 
the  outer  margin,  its  inner  boundary  normal,  but  its  outer  bound- 
ary toothed  out  on  Rx  and  Rs,  squarely  lobed  on  Mi,  with  a 
rounded  extension  on  M2,  and  with  a long  tooth  reaching  far  to- 
ward margin  on  M3  (the  last  unlike  all  other  Melinaeas,  but  per- 
haps not  a trustworthy  character).  Terminal  end  of  fascia  sepa- 
rated from  margin  only  by  a narrow  black  terminal  line,  for  some 
distance  both  above  and  below  Cui,  therefore  ending  squarely, 
unlike  all  other  Melinaeas  at  hand.  Apex  solid  black.  Hind  wing 
brown-black ; costal  area  dirty  gray-brown,  costal  pencils  cream ; 
a small  tawny  apical  patch  with  irregular  but  generally  erect 
inner  boundary  from  costal  area  to  tip  of  Cux,  continued  as  a fine 
terminal  line  halfway  to  Cu2,  and  interrupted  by  a small  black 
spot  in  tip  of  cell  Mi.  Fringe  all  black. 

Under  side  approximately  as  above,  fore  wing  with  the  comma- 
mark  with  even  less  black ; inner  margin  below  Cu  and  Cu2  light 
tawny,  but  with  a blackish  streak  along  base  of  Cu.  Hind  wing 
with  apical  patch  continued  narrowly  along  costa  toward  base, 
then  widened  and  overlaid  with  yellow  on  basal  quarter,  the  small 
black  apical  spot  covering  cell  R as  well  as  Mi.  Expanse  87  mm. 

Upper  Rio  Negro  in  Colombia  (Fassl)  ; 1 male  holotype  in  col- 
lection of  Cornell  University.  The  specimen  is  labelled  800  M., 
but  the  greatest  height  shown  in  that  part  of  Colombia  on  the 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 


‘ ‘ Millionth 9 ’ map  is  700  M.,  and  the  highest  near  the  Rio  Negro 
300  M.,  or  less.  I think  I have  seen  other  specimens  with  nearer 
the  chincha  coloring,  but  have  no  notes. 

In  my  key  the  species  will  run  to  comma  on  the  shape  of  the 
comma-mark,  length  of  fore  tibia  and  marginal  tawny  in  cell  Cui 
of  fore  wing ; but  the  pattern  is  entirely  different  from  our  series. 
The  specimen  figured  by  Poulton  from  the  Oxford  collection, 
Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  London,  1908,  PI.  33,  fig.  1,  should  be  examined. 
It  is  of  the  purely  black  and  red  mothone  coloring.  This  form 
may  possibly  be  a hybrid  of  comma  and  messenina.  M.  isocomma 
and  comma  may  be  separated  in  the  key  as  follows : 

C.  Smaller  (expanse  3 in.)  ; yellow  or  possibly  tawny  area  preceding 
the  black  apex  toothed  out  slightly  on  M3,  ending  roundly  along 
Cu! ; tawny  area  at  tip  of  cell  Cuj  below  enclosed  in  black ; anal 
fringe  black  (Fig.  1)  comma. 

CC.  Larger  (3^  in.) ; yellow  preceding  the  black  apex  toothed  out  almost 
to  margin  along  M3,  ending  squarely  and  separated  from  mar- 
gin by  only  a black  line  both  sides  of  vein  Cu^  tawny  area  at 
tip  of  cell  Cu-l  broadly  connected  below  with  the  tawny  ground; 
fringe  cut  with  tawny  at  anal  angle  (Fig.  2)  isocomma. 

The  preceding  notes  by  no  means  exhaust  the  possibilities  of 
variation  in  the  genus,  and  the  following  further  oddities  may  be 
cited  from  the  Cornell  collection. 

In  the  M.  mneme  complex,  Fleming  of  the  Tropical  Research 
Station  has  taken  several  more  specimens  of  aurantia  at  Caripito, 
Venezuela,  and  finds  an  occasional  specimen  transitional  to  typi- 
cal mneme.  The  most  striking,  now  in  our  collection,  has  gone 
about  half  way  to  mneme , having  the  apical  border  of  fore  wing 
solid  black,  the  postmedial  area  black  with  only  subordinate  brown 
scaling,  and  the  black  of  hind  wing  extended  to  cover  about  half 
the  area,  including  broad  stripes  in  the  costal  part  of  the  discal 
cell  and  cell  Mi.  Another  interesting  intermediate  comes  from 
the  Fassl  collection ; it  was  taken  on  the  Rio  Songo,  Bolivia,  along 
with  normal  satevis,  but  is  much  paler  though  without  any  more 
yellowish  tint,  and  the  yellow  pm.  band  obliterated  by  the  light 
reddish  ground ; the  black  pattern  is  quite  normal  for  satevis. 

A specimen — also  from  the  Fassl  collection — was  taken  at  Villa- 
vicenzio,  E.  Colombia.  It  agrees  with  the  telegraphic  description 
of  macaria  G.  & S.,  described  from  the  same  region,  but  shows  the 

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Forbes:  Ithomiiisle 


hook  in  cell  Cui  of  fore  wing  crossing  the  vein,  and  so  should  fall 
to  marsceus  rather  than  menophilus,  We  obviously  need  a rede- 
scription or  figure  of  the  type.  If  this  is  really  marsceus,  the  key 
to  the  forms  of  the  latter  species  should  be  modified  as  follows; 
in  place  of  the  misdetermined  “lucifer”: 

C.  Postmedial  area  tawny ; subapical  patch  large  and  contrasting  (yel- 
low), of  four  fused  spots m.  rileyi  Fox  ( luciferX ). 

CC.  A contrasting  yellow  postmedial  fascia;  the  subapical  spots  only 
three,  and  the  two  lower  small,  the  last  in  our  specimen  visible 
only  below m.  macaria  (supposition). 

Another  specimen  from  the  Rio  Madre  de  Dios  in  southern  Peru 
shows  the  fore  wing  pattern  of  marsceus,  but  wholly  lacks  yellow, 
the  basal  two-thirds  of  the  fore  wing  being  black  on  an  even 
tawny  ground,  and  the  apical  third  solid  black;  while  the  hind 
wing  is  wholly  tawny  except  the  usual  blackish  shading  below  the 
costa  and  a fine  black  fringe. 

It  has  not  been  noted,  I think,  that  the  sex-tuftings  on  the  costal 
area  of  the  hind  wing  above  show  some  variation  in  this  genus. 
In  the  normal  group  they  are  so  variable  individually  as  to  give 
little  help  in  identifying  species,  but  eratosthenes  and  comma 
stand  out  in  the  very  small  first  pencil,  with  the  second  starting 
much  nearer  the  base  than  usual  in  eratosthenes,  actually  before 
the  point  of  origin  of  Cu2.  In  the  other  species,  even  egina,  tend- 
encies are  shown  at  most.  Our  specimen  of  borealis  shows  much 
more  space  between  the  two  pencils  than  the  other  maelus  speci- 
mens, which  rather  consistently  have  a moderate  first  pencil,  with 
only  a short  gap  beyond  it ; the  lilis  complex  also  fall  rather  defi- 
nitely into  two  groups,  the  first  pencil  being  much  more  massive 
and  second  further  out  in  messatis  and  parallelis  than  the  more 
northern  types,  while  scylax  stands  between  them.  The  most 
variable  species,  to  judge  by  present  specimens  is  menophilus,  the 
most  constant  (of  which  more  than  two  specimens  were  ex- 
amined), maelus. 

The  development  of  the  male  fore  leg  is  equally  variable,  and 
further  shows  frequent  asymmetry.  Here  it  is  egina  which  shows 
the  most  constant  difference,  the  fore  tibio-tarsus  being  only  about 
one-fourth  as  long  as  the  femur  with  trochanter ; comma  comes 
next,  with  the  tibio-tarsus  from  half  to  two-thirds  as  long,  while 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

it  is  longer  in  the  residue;  but  occasional  specimens  show  very 
short  tibise  on  one  or  both  sides,  and  one  idee  actually  matches  the 
shortest  comma.  The  single  specimens  of  eratosthenes  and  iso - 
comma  agree  with  the  longest  comma,  but  are  matched  by  one 
menophilus  as  well  as  the  idee  just  mentioned,  and  approached  by 
several  more.  The  most  striking  case  of  asymmetry  was  a mcenius 
chincha,  with  the  femur  twice  as  long  on  one  side  as  the  other,  but 
somewhat  less  difference  in  the  tibio-tarsi.  The  character  may 
be  of  some  use  in  separating  mcenius  and  menophilus,  which  gen- 
erally have  fore  femora-trochanters  shorter  and  longer  than  0.046 
length  of  fore  wing,  respectively. 

The  third  neglected  character  is  the  scaling  of  the  friction  area 
on  the  under  side  of  the  fore  wing  above  A.  In  most  of  the  spe- 
cies this  area  is  clothed  with  slender  deciduous  hair-scales,  which 
are  lost,  exposing  the  glossy  membrane,  in  somewhat  rubbed  speci- 
mens ; but  in  comma  and  eratosthenes  the  scales  are  broader,  more 
firmly  attached,  and  match  the  yellow  or  tawny  general  wing  sur- 
face in  color.  M . egina  has  dense  scaling  like  the  rest  of  the  wing, 
with  both  under-  and  overscaling ; but  menophilus  and  isocomma 
have  the  fine-spaced  deciduous  hair-scales. 


In  this  genus  most  of  the  new  data  are  on  local  variation  in  the 
polymnia  complex.  Longer  series  have  given  a better  idea  of  the 
racial  pattern,  but  some  intermediates  have  appeared  that  can 
hardly  be  placed  in  any  workable  key.  The  following  names 
come  under  consideration,  partly  recent,  and  partly  which  I was 
unable  to  place  when  the  first  paper  was  written : 

angustifascia  Talbot,  Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  London,  76:  411,  etc.,  PI. 
14,  figs.  7,  16 ; 16,  figs.  4,  7,  1928.  An  isolated  colony  nearest  p. 
polymnia,  with  the  black  costal  stripe  on  hind  wing  below  much 
narrower.  Rio  Serragem,  Matto  Grosso. 

argentea  Priiffer,  Tow.  nauk.  Warsz.,  Arch.  nauk.  biol.,  1(2)  : 5, 
pi.  2,  fig.  3 (not  no.  1 as  stated  in  Bryk,  but  no.  2).  Peru.  A 
variant  of  eurydice,  lacking  yellow  on  the  hind  wing  like  most 
specimens  of  eurydice  from  the  limits  of  its  distribution  (Coroico, 
Bolivia,  and  La  Chorrera,  Rio  Putumayo),  but  with  distinct  white 
marginal  spots,  as  freqently  in  the  Chanchamayo.  Type  locality 

Mar.,  1948] 

Forbes:  Ithomiin^i 


the  Maranon  above  Iquitos.  The  relationships  between  these 
northern  eurydice  forms  and  the  doryssides  of  the  vicinity  of 
Iquitos  are  worth  study. 

blissi  Fox,  Sci.  Publ.  Reading  Mus.,  4:  26,  1942.  A Central 
American  race  of  macrinus , almost  completely  lacking  the  yellow 
postmedial  fascia. 

calif ornica  Reakirt.  I cannot  see  any  validity  to  this  name, 
which  is  based  on 'typical  isthmia. 

connectens  Talbot,  Trans,  Ent.  Soc.  London,  76 : 412,  etc.,  PL  14, 
fig.  8;  16,  figs.  2,  8.  Rio  Serragem,  Matto  Grosso,  with  angusti- 
fascia.  A form  of  elisa  with  the  yellow  spot  in  Cu!  large,  crossing 
vein  Cu2  and  resting  solidly  on  the  discal  cell  like  ocona,  but  with- 
out the  oblique  pm.  streak  which  is  always  present  in  male  ocona. 

contracta  Riley,  Entomologist,  52:  182,  1919  (figs.  14,  15, 
types).  Rio  Purus.  Close  to  egaensis  Bates,  but  differing  in  the 
subapical  band  being  clear  yellow  without  reddish,  and  narrow 
border  of  hind  wing.  Rio  Purus. 

egaensis  Bates,  Trans,  (not  Proc.)  Linn.  Soc.  London,  23:  531, 
pi.  56,  fig.  7a.  This  name  was  based  on  an  array  of  specimens 
from  Ega  (approximately  modern  Teffe).  His  typical  lot  were 
very  dark,  wine-colored,  and  not  very  distinct  from  what  Butler 
afterward  described  as  obscura  (figs.  16,  17,  types).  His  var.  no. 
1 was  described  as  paler  and  yellower,  with  markings  more  like 
polymnia,  and  therefore  quite  unlike  the  specimens  which  Butler 
considered  to  be  number  1 and  named  obscura.  His  number  2,  of 
course  belongs  to  olivencia. 

elevata  Riley,  Entomologist,  52:  182,  1919  (figs.  12,  13,  types). 
This  was  taken  with  contracta  and  raises  a problem,  since  it  would 
generally  be  considered  a separate  race  of  mazceus,  and  in  fact 
similar  specimens  occur  rather  widely  outside  the  area  of  wine- 
colored  and  red-brown  forms.  We  have  it  from  Teffe,  where 
again  it  occurs  with  the  wine-colored  egaensis. 

escalantei  Hoffman,  Anales  Inst.  biol.  Mexico  (Univ.  nacional), 
11:  636  (with  figure).  An  aberration  of  doryssus  saturata  with 
the  apical  half  of  wing  almost  solid  black,  containing  two  post- 
medial  and  the  subapical  yellow  spots.  (Guerrero,  Mexico.) 

extrema  Hoffman,  l.c.  (with  figure).  An  aberration  of  dorys- 
sus with  the  comma-mark  and  spot  in  base  of  cell  Cui  absent, 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

leaving  the  whole  area  between  the  cell  and  the  black  marginal 
markings  tawny.  (Southern  Chiapas.) 

forbesi  Bryk,  Lep.  Cat.,  80:  491,  641  (not  in  index).  A pure 
synonym  of  limncea  Fbs. 

limncea  Forbes,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  38 : 317.  See  below. 
obscura  Butler,  Cist.  Ent.,  2:  149.  (Figs.  16,  17,  types.) 
Stated  to  be  a new  name  for  egaensis  var.  1 Bates,  Tr.  Linn.  Soc. 
23 : 531,  but  as  shown  by  the  types  much  more  nearly  represent- 
ing dark  specimens  of  the  typical  race. 

ovata  Distant,  Pr.  Ent.  Soc.  London,  1876  : 11.  Kept  as  a Costa 
Rica  race  by  Bryk,  but  there  is  every  reason  to  consider  it  a mere 
synonym  of  lycidice,  following  Godman  and  Salvin. 

peruana  Hopffer,  Stett.  Ent.  Zeit.,  40:  419.  Tawny  area  in 
disc  of  hind  wing  narrow  and  yellow  edged  with  tawny,  instead 
of  broad  and  tawny.  A mere  variant  of  menapis,  which  we  have 
from  Colombia  with  both  the  f ranis  and  menapis  type  of  border. 

plagigera  Butler,  Cist.  Ent.,  2 : 150.  One  of  the  chestnut  Ama- 
zon forms,  the  description  totally  inadequate  to  place  it  in 
polymnia  or  mazceus. 

septentrionalis  Apolinar.  Placed  with  egaensis.  Fox  informs 
me  this  is  an  earlier  name  for  caucaensis. 

sylvanoides  Godman  and  Salvin,  Trans.  Ent.  Soc.,  1898:  110. 
Listed  by  Bryk  as  distinct,  but  clearly  a pure  synonym  of  equicola 
as  noted  by  d ’Almeida  in  Landfill.  39  : 81.  Both  are  from  Guiana, 
not  Ega  as  stated  by  Bryk. 

visenda  Butler,  Cist.  Ent.,  2 : 150  (fig.  11,  type).  See  below. 
werneri  Hering,  Iris,  39 : 188.  The  West  Colombian  repre- 
sentative of  the  normal  group,  discussed  under  mazceus. 

williamsi  Fox,  Sci.  Pub.  Reading  Public  Mus.,  2 : 6,  194.  A 
mazceus  race  from  northeastern  Peru.  See  below. 

I now  have  the  female  of  equicola,  and  have  examined  that  of 
proceris  in  the  British  Museum ; both  have  the  long-stalked  R and 
Mi  in  the  hind  wing,  like  the  species  I called  tr  uncat  a (which  I 
should  have  called  olivencia,  since  Bates’s  second  form  of  “polym- 
nia” definitely  belongs  to  this  species).  Alternative  5 of  my  key 
should  be  recast,  since  the  distinctive  Upper  Amazon  ground  color 
is  the  best  character  to  use.  Read  in  place  of  the  second  alterna- 
tive 5 : 

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Forbes:  Ithomiin.® 


5.  Postmedial  area  of  fore  wing  wholly  brown  or  tawny  or  with  a little 

yellow  toward  costa  5$. 

5i.  Ground  color  deep  red-brown  ; o.  olivencia. 

5i.  Ground  color  bright  tawny  , o.  huallaga. 

Our  normally  colored  o.  huallaga  is  from  southern  Peru;  a 
specimen  from  the  Ucuyali  (received  as  fallax)  is  a general  inter- 
mediate, with  the  ground  tawny  like  huallaga  and  truncata,  but 
appearing  extensively  in  the  apical  area,  like  olivencia , the  post- 
medial  area  rather  heavily  shaded  with  yellow  (without  a clearly 
defined  yellow  area)  and  the  median  band  of  hind  wing  broad  and 
even,  instead  of  narrow  and  waved  or  absent. 

M.  proceris.  The  male  genitalia  are  like  those  of  olivencia ; 
also  barely  distinct  from  the  normal  group. 

M.  polymnia.  Additional  material  of  this  species  and  the 
mazceus  complex,  among  them  a block  of  caucaensis  from  the  Fassl 
collection,  make  the  definition  of  this  species  more  difficult  than 
ever,  yet  there  are  enough  places  where  members  of  both  these 
complexes  are  found  side  by  side  (see  maps),  to  indicate  pretty 
strongly  that  there  are  really  two  species.  The  localities  from 
which  I have  examined  pairs  of  populations  that  appear  to  belong 
to  these  two  species  are  Venezuelan  Guiana,  the  Tumatumari  in 
British  Guiana,  Paramaribo  in  Dutch  Guiana,  and  the  lower 
Maroni  in  French  Guiana,  also  several  points  on  the  middle  and 
lower  Amazon.  In  northern  Venezuela  a block  of  specimens  from 
the  State  of  Sucre  (Fig.  5)  plainly  belong  to  a distinct  race  of 
polymnia,  while  a colony  from  Caripito  in  the  plains  a short  dis- 
tance south,  as  obviously  belong  to  mazceus  (Fig.  6;  near  m.  ele- 
vata),  and  the  two  colonies  may  very  probably  overlap.  The 
dominant  Mechanitis  in  northern  Venezuela  is  of  course  a race  of 
doryssus,  which  also  reaches  Trinidad.  From  the  eastern  slopes 
of  the  Andes  I have  only  seen  mazceus  types,  usually  coexisting 
in  any  given  place  with  a colony  of  doryssus  or  doryssides ; but 
the  three  forms  seen  from  the  western  Andes  are  unique : chim- 
borazona,  from  western  Ecuador  has  the  pattern  of  polymnia, 
while  werneri  from  western  Colombia  comes  closer  to  mazceus; 
both  have  lost  the  median  band  of  the  hind  wing  on  the  under 
side  and  upper  side  of  the  female,  like  macrinus  from  the  same 
area,  and  many  specimens  of  lycidice  (and  isthmia)  from  a little 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

further  north.  It  looks  as  if  there  must  have  been  some  inter- 
breeding and  transfer  of  genes,  if  not  an  actual  break-down  of  the 
species  character.  The  Cauca  Valley  race  ( septentrionalis , i.e., 
caucaensis)  goes  in  another  direction.  By  the  black  pattern  it 
also  suggests  mazceus  more  than  polymnia,  but  has  almost  the  deep 
coloring  of  a middle  Amazon  race. 

To  fill  out  the  picture  of  polymnia,  alternatives  10  and  11  of 
the  key  should  be  replaced  by  the  following : 

10.  Hind  wing  on  both  sides  in  female  and  under  side  in  male  with  the  post- 
medial  band  reduced  to  a fragment,  or  lost,  but  broad  on  upper  side 
in  male  : . 10a. 

10.  Hind  wing  with  black  medial  band  as  strong  below  as  above  and  alike 

in  both  sexes;  yellow  pm.  band  of  fore  wing  about  as  broad  at 

margin  as  at  end  of  cell 11. 

10a.  Two  small  well  separated  black  spots  at  end  of  cells;  pm.  band  much 
narrowed  toward  inner  margin  (Western  Ecuador). 

p.  chimborazona. 

10a.  A heavy  black  bar  at  end  of  cell;  pm.  band  not  narrowed  at  inner  mar- 
gin (western  Colombia)  m.  werneri. 

11.2  Yellow  postmedial  fascia  of  fore  wing  very  broad,  extending  f way  to 
2 M . m.  septentrionalis  may  run  here ; the  ground  is  red-brown,  unlike  any 
of  the  forms  of  polymnia. 

apex  and  filling  the  whole  width  of  cell  M3  toward  outer  margin; 
subterminal  band  strong,  partly  tawny  (NE.  Venezuela)  (Fig.  5). 

new  race  solaria. 

11.  Yellow  pm.  fascia  of  fore  wing  extending  only  ^ way  to  apex,  rounded 

off  below  and  not  nearly  filling  width  of  cell  M3,  subterminal  fascia 

weaker  or  obsolete : 11a. 

11a.  Median  black  band  of  hind  wing  narrower  and  waved,  fore  wing  with 
cell  CUi  practically  solid  tawny  and  black;  costal  stripe  of  hind 

wing  below  narrow  p.  an gusti fascia. 

11a.  Median  band  of  hind  wing  more  weakly  scalloped  across  the  two  upper- 
most cells  only,  stripe  of  hind  wing  typically  broad  lib. 

lib.  Outer  third  of  discal  cell  largely  tawny,  cell  Cux  normally  wholly  tawny, 
ground  color  somewhat  deeper  tawny  (Middle  Amazons)  (Fig.  4). 

p.  mauensis. 

lib.  Outer  third  of  discal  cell  almost  wholly  yellow,  cell  Cux  heavily  shaded 
with  yellow,  the  tawny  ground  paler 12. 

Another  character  of  considerable  racial  significance  is  the 
black  at  end  of  cell ; typically  there  are  two  separate  spots — one 
out  of  fourteen  from  British  and  French  Guiana  with  the  bar, 
two  out  of  ten  from  southeastern  Venezeuela,  three  out  of  ten 

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Forbes:  Ithomiinje 


mauensis  (all  male),  one  male  out  of  eleven  from  the  Lower 
Amazon,  but  half  the  females — while  all  the  specimens  from 
southern  Brazil,  also  the  three  specimens  figured  by  Talbot  of 
p.  angustifascia  and  most  of  the  types  of  solaria  have  the  complete 
bar.  The  only  specimen  here  of  chimb  or  azona  has  well  separated 
spots.  The  single  specimen  at  hand  labelled  Trinidad  (Busck) 
has  a bar,  though  it  is  otherwise  normal  p.  polymnia ; one  would 
have  rather  expected  solaria  in  Trinidad,  since  its  special  model, 
sola,  occurs  there. 

Mechanitis  polymnia  solaria,  new  race  (Fig.  5) 

Similar  to  M.  p.  polymnia  ; postmedial  yellow  fascia  much  broader,  mimick- 
ing Melincea  sola;  no  yellow  in  cell  or  only  a little  scaling,  the  median  yellow 
showing  mainly  as  a bar  on  costa;  median  black  spot  in  cell  large  and  tri- 
angular, unlike  most  specimens  of  other  races;  bar  at  end  of  cell  complete 
or  very  shortly  interrupted;  subterminal  yellow  band  strong,  almost  as  wide 
as  the  following  black  marginal  area,  often  continuous  from  just  below  costa 
to  M2,  but  then  curving  around  parallel  to  the  margin  below,  even  on  under 
side,  not  approximate  to  margin  as  usually  in  M.  m.  beeloei,  yellow,  only  nar- 
rowly edged  with  tawny.  Expanse  $ 66,  $ 76  mm. 

El  Chorro,  Sucre,  Venezuela  (Anduze)  holotype  June  27, 
5 allotype  June  23,  1937,  in  coll.  Cornell  University ; Cumanacoa 
and  Elvecia,  near  Mt.  Turumquire,  Sucre  (G.  Netting),  female 
paratypes  in  Carnegie  Museum. 

M.  polymnia  mauensis,  new  race  (Fig.  4) 

Similar  to  typical  polymnia,  but  apparently  slightly  broader- 
winged;  the  tawny  ground  a shade  brighter,  and  the  yellow 
limited  to  a postmedian  band,  there  being  only  a moderate  amount 
in  end  of  cell  and  none  in  cell  Cui.  Two  separate  spots  at  end 
of  cell  except  in  three  males  (including  the  paratype  figured). 

I have  suspected  this  was  the  egaensis  var.  1 of  Bates  (not 
Butler)  and  from  the  very  brief  description  had  imagined  it 
might  also  be  the  visenda  of  Butler,  but  the  type  of  the  latter 
(Fig.  11)  is  a much  paler  mazceus  form. 

Santarem,  Amazons,  Brazil,  Jan.,  Feb.,  1938,  male  type  and 
five  male  and  one  female  paratypes;  Maues,  June,  1937,  one  fe- 
male; Centenario,  near  Maues,  August,  1937,  one  male;  all  col- 
lected by  Wucherpfennig,  also  one  from  Staudinger  and  Bang- 

16  Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society  [Vol.  lvi 

Haas,  received  without  locality,  but  most  probably  from  San- 
tarem;  Teffe,  Dec.  18,  1919,  one  female  (Carnegie  Museum). 

Mechanitis  mazceus 

Variation  in  this  species  is  becoming  clearer  with  additional 
material,  and  shows  the  complexity  so  frequent  in  South  Ameri- 
can butterflies  belonging  to  mimetic  associations ; while  variation 
is  chiefly  racial,  there  is  always  among  specimens  with  the  normal 
coloring  of  any  race,  a proportion  far  from  their  proper  area, 
especially  in  the  case  of  the  more  striking  types,  so  that  the  dis- 
tinction of  race  and  dimorphic  form  becomes  nearly  meaningless. 
For  instance  the  messenoides  coloring  (black  base  and  apex  of 
fore  wing  and  hind  wing,  with  half  tawny  and  half  yellow  median 
area)  is  before  me  from  eastern  Colombia  close  to  the  Cordillera, 
from  far  away  on  the  Upper  Rio  Negro,  and  also  Bolivia,  in 
several  specimens  each,  besides  a single  specimen  from  French 
Guiana;  while  other  color  forms  occur  in  each  of  these  localities. 
The  chestnut  coloring  makes  a pretty  clear  patch  on  the  middle 
Amazon,  but  Wucherpfennig  also  took  examples  of  the  bright 
tawny  coloring  at  Teffe,  in  the  heart  of  the  chestnut  area,  and 
Riley’s  elevata  and  contract  a occur  together  on  the  Rio  Purus. 

The  following  revised  key  (beginning  at  no.  13  of  the  old  key) 
includes  all  the  forms  credited  to  mazceus  by  Bryk,  except  nescea, 
which  is  really  a race  of  lysimnia. 

13.  Fore  wing  with  ground  tawny  or  red-brown  to  base,  at  least  in  cell 14. 

13.  Fore  wing  with  base  solid  black,  or  at  most  with  slight  reddish  streaks, 

hind  wing  all  black  except  apex 181. 

14.  Fore  wing  with  ground  of  medial  and  postmedial  areas  all  or  nearly  all 

tawny  or  brown,  the  subterminal  band  sometimes  yellow. 

14.  Fore  wing  with  a yellow  postmedial  band  or  a larger  yellow  area 18a. 

15.  Apical  part  of  fore  wing  solid  black;  the  bands  of  hind  wing  either 

separate  or  fused m.  nigroapicalis. 

15.  A distinct  yellow  or  tawny  subapical  band 16. 

16.  Subapical  marking  a large  patch,  much  wider  than  the  preceding  and 

following  black  17. 

16.  Subapical  marking  a narrow  band,  much  narrower  than  the  preceding 

and  following  black  areas 18. 

17.  Subterminal  band  dominantly  yellow,  the  pm.  area  with  considerable 

yellow  scaling  though  no  complete  yellow  band  J m.  lucifera. 

17.  Subterminal  and  postmedial  areas  both  wholly  tawny m.  phasianita. 

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Forbes:  Ithomiin.® 


18.  Subapical  band  connected  or  nearly  connected  with  postmedial  by  tawny 
suffusion  along  the  outer  margin,  at  least  beneath;  hind  wing  in 
male  with  black  border  fading  out  to  apex,  in  female  with  long 
black  streaks  only  in  cells  Cux  and  Cu m.  jurimaguensis. 

18.  Subapical  band  ending  abruptly  both  above  and  beneath,  usually  at  vein 
M3  or  higher;  border  of  hind  wing  in  male  continuous  to  apex,  and 
enclosing  white  spots  there,  in  female  with  a long  streak  in  cell  M3 
as  well  as  below  Cux m.  mazceus. 

18a.  Hind  wing  below  in  male  and  on  both  sides  in  female  lacking  the  median 
black  stripe,  with  only  a short  fragment  outward m.  werneri. 

18a.  Median  stripe  of  hind  wing  strong  in  both  seies  above  and  below 18b. 

18b.  Yellow  area  of  fore  wing  large,  covering  outer  third  of  discal  cell  and 
heavily  shading  area  Cux  before  the  comma,  strongly  contrasting 
with  the  deep  brown  or  mahogany  general  ground 18c. 

18b.  Yellow  in  the  form  of  a postmedial  band,  with  only  slight  shading  in 
outer  part  of  cell,  and  not  dominant  in  cell  Cu^  more  extended  in 
some  light  tawny  specimens,  but  not  contrasting  18  d. 

18c.  Ground  rather  lighter;  black  mark  at  end  of  cell  in  the  form  of  two 
separate  spots m.  septentriondlis  (caucaensis) . 

18c.  Ground  very  deep  mahogany  brown;  bar  at  end  of  cell  complete;  or  the 
lower  spot  very  large,  5 mm.  long  (Fig.  9)  Madeira  race. 

18d.  Ground  chestnut  or  mahogany  brown 18e. 

18d.  Ground  tawny 18 f. 

18e.  Subapical  bar  wholly  yellow,  contrasting  (Figs.  14,  15,  types). 


18e.  Subapical  bar  shaded  with  red-brown  (Figs.  16,  17,  types  of  obscura). 

m.  egaensis  (obscura) . 

18f.  Black  spot  at  lower  angle  of  cell  and  spot  in  cell,  both  small,  at  most 
2 mm.  in  diameter,  the  spot  at  upper  angle  of  cell  small  or  obsolete ; 
postmedial  band  very  broad,  extending  | way  to  apex  but  without 
an  extension  in  cell  M3 18g. 

18f.  Spots  in  cell  much  larger,  and  almost  always  black  at  upper  angle  of 

cell  also,  yellow  band  narrower,  or  less  often  much  extended  in 

cell  M, ....... , 18h. 

18g.  Five  small  black  spots  in  disc,  representing  the  one  in  cell,  costal  spot 

and  spot  at  lower  angle  of  cell,  and  apex  of  “comma-mark”  (Fig. 
11,  type)  . m.  visenda. 

. Only  two  small  black  spots  on  disc,  the  ones  in  and  at  lower  angle  of 

cell — the  costal  one  at  end  of  cell  being  vestigial  or  absent,  and  the 
comma  mark  fully  developed  (Fig.  7)  m.  bipuncta. 

18h.  Subterminal  bar  solid  tawny,  contrasting  with  the  yellow  postmedial 
band  m.  williamsi. 

18h.  Subterminal  band  wholly  or  largely  yellow :...-  18i. 

18i.  Hind  wing  with  marginal  series  of  black  patches  when  conspicuous 
strong  toward  inner  margin  above,  sometimes  fused  with  median 
series,  but  leaving  distal  part  of  wing  clear  tawny,  with  only  a black 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

terminal  line  (beneath  much  less  developed  and  separate,  when 

present  at  all)  1 m.  fallax 

18i.  Hind  wing  marginal  markings  in  male  short,  and  almost  always  present 
at  apex,  where  they  often  enclose  white  spots,  in  female  elongate, 
but  not  invariably  joining  the  median  series  unless  the  black  at  apex 

is  heavy;  about  as  well  developed  below  as  above 18 j. 

18j.  Subapical  bar  wholly  yellow  (a  single  exception  at  hand),  rarely  ex- 
tending below  M2;  hind  wing  with  black  very  heavy,  the  median  and 
marginal  bands  usually  fused,  and  the  median  when  free  extending 

heavily  to  inner  margin  (Fig.  10,  type)  m.  pannifera. 

18 j.  Subapical  bar  partly  tawny  at  least  below;  hind  wing  with  marginal 
and  median  black  well  separated,  the  median  when  broadened 

sharply  narrowing  or  obsolete  to  inner  margin 18k. 

18k.  Median  band  of  hind  wing  rather  even  in  width,  reaching  practically  to 
inner  margin,  and  not  much  narrowed  below  Cu2;  subapical  bar  on 
under  side  so  far  as  examined  suffusing  out  to  outer  margin  below, 
enclosing  the  white  marginal  spots,  and  leaving  only  fine  black  ter- 

minal line  and  outlines  (Figs.  12,  13,  types)  m.  elevata. 

18k.  Median  band  on  hind  wing  patch-like,  especially  in  female,  where  it  ends 

abruptly  or  is  very  weak  below  2d  A (Fig.  6)  m.  beebei. 

181.  Fore  wing  with  a yellow  postmedial  fascia m.  messenoides. 

181.  Fore  wing  all  black  and  reddish ! u.....m.  deceptus. 

The  pattern  formed  by  these  (and  more)  races  and  forms  is  a 
curious  double  one.  In  the  case  of  the  types  with  normal  Mecha- 
nitis  coloring  the  variation  seems  local,  but  so  subdivided  that  the 
majority  of  types  are  represented  by  single  spots;  only  pannifera 
and  fallax  have  wide  distributions.  On  the  other  side  the  forms 
that  are  dominantly  red  (with  little  or  no  yellow)  or  black  (with 
or  without  yellow)  form  a belt  along  the  eastern  foothills  of  the 
Andes  from  Colombia  to  Bolivia,  extending  out  on  the  Amazonian 
plain  as  far  as  it  remains  hilly  and  well-drained  (to  La  Chorrera 
in  the  Putumayo  Valley,  and  to  the  extreme  southeast  corner  of 
Colombia  on  the  Rio  Negro).  I have  a single  specimen  also  of 
normal  mazceus  from  Caripito,  Venezuela,  taken  with  the  block  of 
beebei,  and  a totally  normal  messenoides  labelled  French  Guiana. 
Where  these  specimens  come  from  the  same  localities  as  tricolored 
forms  they  may  show  a slight  flavor  of  the  special  local  pattern 
( e.g .,  the  Caripito  specimen)  or  not.  From  the  Chanchamayo 
south  I have  seen  only  these  bicolored  types. 

Mechanitis  mazceus  beebei,  new  race  (Fig.  6,  paratype) 

Ground  pale  tawny,  about  like  fallax,  paler  than  most  races  of  mazceus. 
Postmedial  band  yellow,  tending  to  shade  into  the  tawny  base,  with  a little 

Mar.,  1948] 

Forbes:  Ithomiin.® 


yellow  scaling  in  outer  part  of  cell,  but  usually  none  in  the  middle  part  of 
cell  Ouj;  subterminal  fascia  yellow,  shaded  with  orange  in  varying  propor- 
tion. Black  pattern  on  fore  wing  somewhat  reduced;  the  spot  in  cell  small 
and  round,  two  well  separated  spots  at  end  of  cell,  spot  in  base  of  cell  Cuj 
small,  though  triangular.  Subapical  band  rather  large,  slightly  diffuse, 
about  as  wide  as  the  following  but  much  narrower  than  the  preceding  black 
bands,  generally  extending  below  vein  M2,  often  to  vein  M3,  but  tapering  off 
and  curving  around,  not  very  close  to  the  margin.  Black  streak  along  base 
of  A strong,  usually  more  than  twice  as  wide  as  the  tawny  stripe  on  inner 
margin.  Hind  wing  tawny,  without  yellow  in  cell;  the  median  black  stripe 
very  thick,  much  wider  than  the  following  tawny  band,  widest  from  M2  to 
Cu2,  in  the  male  gradually  tapering  from  Cu2  to  inner  margin,  which  it  almost 
reaches,  in  the  female  much  reduced  beyond  Cu2  or  even  absent,  most  often 
represented  by  two  or  three  small  shade-spots.  Border  narrow,  roughly  a 
third  as  wide  as  median  stripe  in  male ; in  female  wider,  though  hardly  as  wide 
as  the  preceding  tawny  band,  and  deeply  toothed  between  veins,  but  with  no 
tendency  to  fuse  with  the  median  stripe.  Under  side  similar,  the  subapical 
stripe  of  fore  wing  larger,  often  indented  by  the  black  areas  around  the 
marginal  white  dots,  but  usually  leaving  a distinct  black  terminal  line  about 
1 mm.  wide;  hind  wing  with  marginal  black  nearly  divided  into  triangles  in 
both  sexes,  enclosing  conspicuous  white  dots,  not  nearly  meeting  the  median 
band,  which  is  also  more  dentate  than  above. 

The  short  oval  median  stripe  of  hind  wing  above  will  distinguish  this  race 
from  all  others,  and  with  the  general  light  color  makes  it  a mimic  of  the  local 
Melincea  m.  aurantia,  though  not  as  a rule  so  extreme.  Closest  to  it  is  a 
population  from  the  vicinity  of  the  Huallaga  basin  in  Peru  (south  of  wil- 
liamsi  but  overlapping  with  it)  in  which  the  banding  of  the  hind  wing  is 
more  normal  and  the  tawny  apical  stripe  below  is  wider,  normally  resting  on 
the  margin,  leaving  only  a black  fringe. 

Caripito,  Monagas,  Venezuela,  holotype  March  15,  1942  (Beebe 
and  Fleming),  12  paratypes  May,  1937  (Anduze),  and  March  to 
May,  1942  (Beebe  and  Fleming),  also  in  the  Museum  of  Natural 
History,  Caracas. 

M.  mazceus  bipuncta,  new  race  (Fig.  7,  holotype) 

Fore  wing  with  base  and  inner  margin  light  tawny  out  to  end  of  cell  and 
up  to  the  comma  mark;  pm.  area  clear  yellow,  unusually  broad,  extending 
two-fifths  way  from  end  of  cell  to  apex,  its  outer  end  nearly  confined  to  cell 
M3,  but  extending  somewhat  across  vein  CUi  to  the  comma  mark;  black  spot 
in  outer  part  of  cell  small  and  rounded,  at  end  of  cell  small,  at  lower  angle; 
the  usual  spot  at  upper  angle  represented  by  a shade  of  deeper  tawny  which 
may  contain  a small  black  spot  wholly  above  the  cell;  no  spot  in  base  of  cell 
Cux;  comma  mark  moderately  heavy,  a good-sized  round  spot,  connected  by 
a black  band  above  its  middle  to  the  black  border,  as  most  usual  in  mazaeus 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

forms.  Apex  black  with  well  marked,  almost  wholly  yellow  subapical  stripe. 
Stripe  on  inner  margin  .moderate,  even  to  two -thirds  wing,  leaving  a narrower 
tawny  inner  margin.  Hind  wing  tawny,  the  usual  median  stripe  and  border 
about  equally  wide,  and  separated  by  a waved  tawny  stripe  about  half  as 
wide.  Under  side  similar  with  large  white  marginal  spots  on  both  wings; 
fore  wing  with  subapical  stripe  stronger  and  more  tawny,  spot  in  cell  larger, 
and  more  or  less  traces  of  the  spot  in  base  of  cell  Cua;  hind  wing  with  a 
strong  black  costal  stripe.  65  mm. 

Surukum  Basin,  Upper  Caroni  River,  Venezuelan  Guiana,  De- 
cember, 1941  (Pablo  Anduze),  five  females  in  Cornell  University 
collection.  The  small  size  and  peculiar  pattern  indicates  that  the 
local  model  is  probably  the  local  Ceratinia  mutilla  strain,  which 
was  much  commoner  than  either  the  local  M.  polymnia  or  itself. 
A single  specimen  of  M.  m.  pannifera  was  also  taken,  but  perhaps 
not  at  the  identical  spot.  This  race  is  nearest  visenda,  from  south 
of  the  Amazon,  but  easily  distinguished  by  the  lack  of  the  costal 
spot  and  spot  in  cell  Cui,  and  much  larger  comma-mark. 

M.  limncea  Forbes  (Fig.  8,  holotype) 

This  tiny  species  really  is  very  close  to  polymnia  in  most  ways, 
though  it  has  a distinctive  look.  The  best  distinguishing  charac- 
ter is  probably  the  combination  of  a very  heavy  bar  or  spots  at 
end  of  cell  with  the  extreme  reduction  or  absence  of  the  spot  in 
the  cell.  M.  mazceus  bipuncta  looks  at  first  glance  the  same,  but 
in  it  the  black  at  end  of  cell  is  also  reduced,  and  the  border  of 
hind  wing  shows  the  extensions  between  the  veins  distinctive  of 
mazceus,  while  it  is  narrow  on  both  sides  in  limncea.  It  should  be 
taken  out  in  the  key  at  alternative  7 by  these  characters.  M. 
forbesi  Bryk  is  a plain  synonym  of  limncea,  since  the  specimen 
discussed  in  my  first  paper  under  mantineus  was  made  one  of  the 
types  of  limncea.  The  holotype,  by  the  way,  was  male. 

M.  m.  elevatus  Riley  (Figs.  12,  13,  types).  We  have  a fairly 
typical  pair  from  Teffe,  and  specimens  transitional  to  williamsi 
Fox  from  Oxapampa  and  Chuchurras,  eastern  Peru. 

A Colombian  specimen  in  the  National  Museum,  without  exact 
locality,  suggests  hybridism,  perhaps  of  polymnia  with  lycidice. 
It  would  key  to  veritabilis,  having  the  tawny  anal  area  connected 
to  the  basal  tawny,  but  the  bar  at  end  of  cell  joined  to  the  comma 
mark  into  a solid  black  fascia,  and  the  antennae  largely  black. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Forbes:  Ithomiin^: 


But  the  postmedial  band  is  much  wider  toward  outer  margin  than 
in  any  form  except  solaria,  covering  half  of  cell  M2  as  well  as  the 
whole  of  cell  M3.  In  contrast  the  costal  half  of  the  band  is  not 
widened.  The  black  median  band  on  hind  wing  is  widened,  above, 
like  mazceus  and  lycidice  forms,  but  much  reduced  below  (like 
lycidice,  but  not  mazceus  or  polymnia,  etc.)  and  there  is  no  apical 
tawny  below.  The  habitus  is  most  suggestive  of  lycidice,  but  I 
have  never  seen  a specimen  with  so  little  black. 

We  may  also  note  the  following  corrections  in  Bryk’s  catalogue : 

Under  Melincea  brunnea,  purusana,  Mechanitis  elevata,  con- 
tracta,  Hypothyris  wickhami,  clara,  medea  and  virgilini  and  Hya- 
liris  flavigera,  the  volume  number  in  the  Riley  reference  should 
be  52,  not  32. 

P.  488,  under  isthmia,  reduce  calif ornica  to  a pure  synonym. 
The  specimens  were  doubtless  collected  in  Panama  by  some  travel- 
ler in  the  days  when  that  was  the  comfortable  way  to  go  to 

P.  494.  M.  p.  nescea  Hiibner.  Transfer  to  lycidice  on  p.  490, 
where  the  name  will  combine  with  nesscea  Haensch.  I find  this 
method  of  listing  minor  misprints  and  emendations  of  names  as 
separate  entries  extremely  confusing ; and  in  this  particular  case 
it  was  evidently  too  confusing  for  Bryk  himself. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 


Map  1.  Distribution  of  M.  mazceus  forms 

Shading  slanting  down:  bicolored  races:  D,  deceptus  and  nigroapicalis  ; 
M,  mazceus  and  jurimaguensis. 

Shading  slanting  up : races  with  solid  black  apical  area : D,  deceptus  and 
nigroapiculis ; •,  * messenoides. 

Stippling:  races  with  darkened  ground:  S,  septentrionalis ; E,  egaensis, 
obscura,  contracta,  Madeira  race. 

Numbers:  normally  colored  races:  1,  lucifera;  2,  werneri ; 3,  visenda;  4, 
bipuncta;  5,  williamsi;  6,  fallax ; 7,  pannifera;  8,  beebei;  9,  elevata. 

Mae.,  1948] 

Forbes:  Ithomiin^: 


Map  2.  Distribution  of  M.  polymnia  forms.  A,  angustifascia ; C,  casa- 
branca ; Ch,  chimb  or  azona;  M,  mauensis;  P,  polymnia;  PI,  plagigera ; S, 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Plate  I 

Figure  1. 
Figure  2. 

Figure  3. 

Figure  4. 

Figure  5. 

Figure  6. 

Figure  7. 

Figure  8. 

Figure  9. 

Types  of  Forbes  Species 

Melincea  comma,  holotype.  Chanchamayo,  Peru. 

Melincea  isocomma,  holotype.  Upper  Bio  Negro,  East  Colombia, 
800  M.,  Fassl. 

Melincea  mneme  aurantia,  holotype.  Caripito,  Monagas,  Vene- 
zuela, July  19,  1937,  Pablo  Anduze. 

Mechanitis  polymnia  mauensis,  paratype.  Centenario,  near  Maues, 
Amazons,  Brazil,  August,  1937,  F.  Wucherpfennig. 

Mechanitis  polymnia  solaria,  holotype.  El  Chorro,  Sucre,  Vene- 
zuela, 800  M.,  June  27,  1937,  Pablo  Anduze. 

Mechanitis  mazeeus  beebei,  paratype.  Caripito,  Monagas,  Vene- 
zuela, April  24,  1942,  Beebe  and  Fleming. 

Mechanitis  mazeeus  bipuncta,  holotype.  Surukum  Basin,  Upper 
Caroni  Valley,  Venezuela,  December,  1941,  Pablo  Anduze. 

Mechanitis  limncea,  holotype.  St.  Laurent,  Maroni  Biver,  French 

Mechanitis  mazeeus,  race.  Manicote,  Bio  Madeira,  Brazil,  Decem- 
ber, 1937,  F.  Wucherpfennig. 

Plate  II 

Types  of  species  in  British  Museum 

Figure  10.  Mechanitis  uiazceus  pannifera  Butler,  holotype.  Obidos  forest, 
Amazons,  Brazil,  February  13,  1874,  Traill.2 

Figure  11.  Mechanitis  mazeeus  visenda  Butler,  holotype.  Trovador,  B.  Tapa- 
jos,  Brazil,  Lat.  4°15'  S.,  March  13,  1874,  Trail.2 

Figure  12.  Mechanitis  mazeeus  elevata  Biley,  type  male.  Allianca,  Canu- 
tama,  Bio  Purus,  Brazil,  September,  1913,  E.  H.  W.  Wickham. 

Figure  13.  Same,  female  type,  with  same  data. 

Figure  14.  Mechanitis  mazeeus  contracta  Biley,  type  male.  Same  data. 

Figure  15.  Same,  female  type,  with  same  data. 

Figure  16.  Mechanitis  mazeeus  obscura  Butler,  type  male.  Ega,  Amazons, 

Figure  17.  Same,  female  type,  with  same  data.  i 

2 As  spelled  on  original  labels  of  the  types. 

(Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Yol.  LYI  (Plate  I) 

(Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Vol.  LVI  (Plate  II) 

ova.  B«r. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Levy:  Ephemerida 



By  Howard  A.  Levy 
The  City  College,  C.  C.  N.  Y. 

The  male  reproductive  systems  of  seven  species  of  mayflies  were 
studied  in  order  to  form  a basis  of  comparison  between  their 
morphology  and  that  of  those  European  species  studied  by  Quadri 
(1940),  as  well  as  that  of  several  species  of  Stenonema  used  by 
Needham  et  al.  (1935). 

Pickles  (1931)  devoted  a portion  of  his  paper  to  the  role  played 
by  the  mayfly  alimentary  canal  in  the  later  development  of  the 
male  reproductive  system,  and  discussed  the  theories  of  Palmen 
(1884)  and  Fritze  (1888). 

Spieth  (1933)  described  both  the  development  of  and  the  adult 
form  of  the  male  genitalia  of  Ephemerida,  and  used  the  genitalia 
as  one  of  the  factors  in  a study  of  the  phylogeny  of  some  mayfly 

Needham  et  al.  (1935)  presented  a brief  description  of  the  mor- 
phology of  the  male  genitalia  and  the  internal  anatomy  of  the 
male  reproductive  system  of  mayflies,  including  the  histology, 
based  on  studies  of  nymphs  and  adults  of  Stenonema  vicarum , 
with  four  other  species  of  this  genus  used  for  comparison. 

Snodgrass  (1936)  described  the  morphology  of  the  male  geni- 
talia of  mayflies  and  gave  considerable  material  on  the  embry- 
ology of  these  parts  and  their  homologies  in  other  insect  groups. 
He  included  diagrams  of  the  male  genitalia  of  Ephemera  simu- 
lans  and  Blasturus  cupidus  and  went  into  detail  concerning  the 
muscles  of  the  accessory  genitalia. 

Quadri  (1940)  used  data  obtained  from  five  species  of  mayflies, 
Chleon  dipterum,  Ephemera  vulgata,  Heptagenia  sp.,  Bhithro- 
gena  sp.,  and  Bcetis  sp.  Under  the  heading  of  “Adult  Organs, ” 
he  described  the  organs  of  the  reproductive  system,  discussed 
their  histology,  and  gave  a description  of  the  penes  and  accessory 
genitalia.  Under  ‘ 1 Development,  ’ ’ he  considered  the  embryology 
and  development  of  both  internal  and  external  genitalia. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

In  the  present  investigation,  mature  nymphs,  subimagoes,  and 
imagoes  of  the  following  species  were  used  i1 

Hexagenia  limbata  occulta  Walker 
Siphlonurus  quebecensis  Provancher 
Ephemera  guttulata  Pictet 
Heptagenia  hebe  McDunnough 
Blasturus  cupidus  Say 
Stenonema  rubromaculatum  McDunnough 
Isonychia  bicolor  Walker 

The  insects  were  studied  by  means  of  reconstructions  from 
serial  sections,  whole  mounts,  and  microdissections.  All  speci- 
mens had  been  fixed  and  preserved  in  70-95  per  cent  ethyl  alcohol, 
and  it  was  found  that  four  hours  of  post-fixation  in  Zenker’s 
Fluid  resulted  in  somewhat  better  preparations.  Both  nymphs 
and  adults  were  treated  in  the  same  way. 

The  abdomens  were  removed  just  posterior  to  the  fifth  segment 
and  then  post-fixed.  It  was  occasionally  found  necessary  to 
squeeze  air  out  of  the  abdomens  to  prevent  them  from  floating 
on  the  surface  of  the  various  fluids  used  during  imbedding.  Di- 
oxane  was  used  for  dehydration  and  the  regular  procedure  for 
paraffin  imbedding  was  followed.  A 58-60°  C.  paraffin  was  found 
to  give  the  best  results.  The  blocks  were  then  sectioned  at  10-12 
microns  and  the  ribbons  were  fixed  to  the  slides  with  the  aid  of 
albumin.  After  drying,  the  preparations  were  stained  with  a 
dioxane  technique,  Levy  (1943). 


The  following  is  a general  description  of  the  morphology  and 
histology  of  the  male  genitalia  of  H.  limb  at  a occulta  imagoes. 
The  general  histological  picture  is  the  same  in  the  other  species 
except  where  differences  are  specifically  mentioned,  although  the 
shape,  size,  and  appearance  of  these  structures  may  differ  in  each 

i All  the  specimens  used  were  from  the  collection  of  Dr.  Herman  T.  Spieth, 
who  identified  all  the  material,  and  to  whom  I am  indebted  fo!r  invaluable 
suggestions  and  criticism  during  the  progress  of  the  work  and  the  prepara- 
tion of  the  manuscript.  I would  also  like  to  thank  Dr.  James  I.  Kendall 
and  Dr.  Charles  D.  Michener  for  their  and  and  criticism. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Levy:  Ephemerida 


The  penes  of  H.  limb  at  a occulta  originate  from  the  membrane 
between  the  dorsal  part  of  the  styliger  plate  and  the  paraprocts 
of  the  tenth  sternum  and  appear  as  beak-like  structures  with  their 
posterior  ends  curving  medially.  They  are  covered  by  a thick 
layer  of  cuticula  which  is  heaviest  at  the  basal  region  and  on  the 
dorsal  side.  The  hypodermis  of  the  penis  is  well  developed  in  the 

The  cuticula  of  the  penes  is  apparently  made  up  of  a thick  layer 
of  exocuticle  and  a well  developed  epicuticle,  although  the  tips  of 
the  penes  seem  to  lack  the  latter.  The  endocuticle  is  either  poorly 
developed  or  absent. 

The  styli  or  forceps  of  occulta  originate  from  the  ventrolateral 
parts  of  the  styliger  plate  and  are  composed  of  a basal  segment 
(which  has  the  only  muscles  found  in  these  structures),  a long, 
slender  subsegment,  and  two  short  terminal  subsegments.  Snod- 
grass (1936)  called  these  “subsegments,”  claiming  that  they  are 
not  true  segments  since  they  lack  muscles.  The  long  first  sub- 
segment  of  occulta  is  laterally  constricted  along  most  of  its  length, 
so  that  it  appears  dumb-bell-shaped  in  cross-section.  This  condi- 
tion is  not  found  in  any  other  species  studied. 

The  medial  surfaces  of  the  styli  are  covered  by  many  small 
mating  glands,  derived  from  the  hypodermis,  which  project 
through  the  cuticula.  These  glands  appear  to  have  a thin  layer 
of  endocuticle  and  are  easily  ruptured.  Spieth  (1933)  noted  that 
the  styli  of  Blasturus  lack  these  glands,  and  this  was  found  to  be 
the  case  in  B.  cupidus. 


In  H.  limb  at  a occulta,  the  muscles  of  the  styli,  as  stated  by 
Snodgrass  (1936),  attach  at  the  ventrolateral  wall  of  the  anterior 
portion  of  the  styliger  plate  and  insert  near  the  stricture  between 
the  basal  segment  and  the  first  subsegment.  The  rest  of  the 
stylus,  as  stated  by  Needham  et  al.  (1935),  is  filled  with  fluid 
containing  blood  corpuscles.  There  are  also  a number  of  small 

The  above  description  applies  also  to  those  structures  in  Siphlo- 
uurus  quebecensis,  Isonychia  bicoior,  Stenonema  rubromaculatum, 
Heptagenia  hebe,  and  Ephemera  guttulata.  Blasturus  cupidus 
shows  some  differences. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Spieth  (1933)  pointed  out  that  the  styli  of  Blasturus  originate 
from  the  dorsal  surface  of  the  styliger  plate,  while  this  is  not  the 
case  in  most  genera.  He  also  noted  that  the  styli  of  this  genus 
lack  the  basal  articulation  found  in  the  Heptageniidse  and  Siphlo- 
nurus,  and  that  the  styli  of  Blasturus  are  only  three- jointed. 

The  anterior  attachments  of  the  muscles  of  the  styli  in  B. 
cupidus  are  on  the  ventrolateral  wall  of  the  styliger  plate,  as  in 
other  species  studied.  However,  these  muscles  attach  posteriorly 
on  the  dorsolateral  wall  of  the  posterior  portion  of  the  styliger 
plate,  this  in  view  of  the  fact  that  the  basal  segment  is  lacking  in 
the  styli  of  this  species. 

In  H.  limb  at  a occulta,  the  dorsal  portion  of  the  basal  two-thirds 
of  each  penis  is  almost  completely  filled  by  a heavy  mass  of  muscle 
fibers,  the  ventral  portion  being  occupied  by  the  ejaculatory  duct 
which  extends  to  the  tip.  These  muscles  run  obliquely  in  the 
penes  so  that  their  anterior  attachments  are  on  the  lateral  walls 
of  the  basal  portions  of  the  penes,  and  their  posterior  attachments 
are  on  the  medial  walls  of  the  distal  portions,  although  there  are 
no  attachments  in  or  near  the  tips.  Their  probable  action  is  to 
bend  the  penes  medially,  and  to  aid  in  the  ejaculation  of  sper- 
matozoa. The  rest  of  the  penis  is  filled  with  fluid  containing 
spindle-like  blood  corpuscles. 

These  muscles  first  appear  in  the  mature  nymph,  and  may 
develop  from  undifferentiated  cells  seen  in  the  developing  penes 
of  immature  nymphs.  It  should  be  emphasized  that  these  muscles 
are  attached  only  within  the  penes,  and  have  neither  origins  nor 
insertions  on  any  other  structure  or  part  of  the  insect.  No  evi- 
dence was  found  to  indicate  whether  or  not  they  may  have  mi- 
grated to  the  penes  from  any  other  area. 

These  same  muscles  have  also  been  found  in  mature  nymphs, 
subimagoes,  and  imagoes  of  Isonychia  bicolor,  and  the  above 
description  fits  this  species  as  well. 

As  shown  in  figures  5,  6,  the  penes  of  Heptagenia  hebe  and 
Stenonema  rubromaculatum  are  quite  different  in  appearance 
from  those  of  H.  limbata  acculta,  although  the  same  penial  mus- 
cles are  found  in  both  of  these  species.  Some  of  the  medial  or 
posterior  attachments  of  these  muscles,  are  located  more  distally 
than  in  H.  limbata  occulta  and  are  found  on  the  extreme  postero- 

Mar.,  1948] 

Levy:  Ephemerida 


medial  walls.  Since  relatively  more  of  the  basal  portions  of  the 
penes  in  these  two  species  are  joined  together  than  is  true  in 
occulta,  the  muscles  in  the  extreme  basal  regions  *are  attached  on 
the  ventro-lateral  walls,  while  the  posterior  attachments  are  on 
the  medial  portions  of  the  dorsal  walls.  This  condition  exists  only 
in  the  basal  portions.  The  penial  muscles  do  not  have  any  at- 
tachments in  the  distal  lateral  processes  of  the  penes  of  either  of 
the  two  species. 

The  internal  morphology  of  the  penes  of  Siphlonurus  quebec- 
ensis  is  quite  different  from  that  of  any  other  species  studied. 
The  presence  of  muscles  in  the  penes  of  mature  nymphs,  sub- 
iihagoes,  and  imagoes  has  been  noted,  but  these  muscles  have  dif- 
ferent positions  and  may  have  different  origins  than  those  of  the 
species  previously  discussed. 

In  mature  nymphs  of  8.  quebecensis,  the  penial  muscles  origi- 
nate on  the  ventrolateral  walls  of  the  ninth  sternum,  posterior 
to  the  origins  of  the  muscles  of  the  styliger  plate,  and  are  attached 
on  the  dorsolateral  walls  of  the  developing  penes.  The  developing 
styliger  plate  is  found  posterior  to  the  origins  of  these  muscles. 
These  muscles  are  better  developed  in  the  subimago  and  in  the 
imago.  They  originate  on  the  ninth  sternum  walls  just  posterior 
to  the  most  anterior  part  of  the  styliger  plate  and  are  attached 
to  the  dorsolateral  walls  in  the  middle  portions  of  the  penes. 
They  have  no  attachments  in  cither  the  basal  or  distal  portions. 

No  undifferentiated  cells,  such  as  those  seen  in  the  penes  of  H. 
limb  at  a occulta  nymphs,  were  seen  in  the  penes  of  near-mature, 
8.  quebecensis  nymphs.  Unfortunately,  there  is  insufficient  evi- 
dence to  indicate  the  embryological  origin  of  these  muscles  in 
queb  ecensis. 

The  absence  of  muscles  in  the  penes  of  mature  nymphs,  sub- 
imagoes, and  imagoes  of  both  Ephemera  guttulata  and  Blasturus 
cupidus  has  been  noted.  No  evidence  was  found  in  E.  guttulata 
of  the  existence  of  the  basal  arms  or  lateral  prolongations  of  the 
penes,  nor  of  the  muscles  described  and  figured  as  activating  these 
structures  in  E.  simulans  by  Snodgrass  (1936). 

In  H.  limbata  occulta,  the  vasa#deferentia  appear  to  originate 
in  the  testes  as  a result  of  the  coalescence  of  a number  of  small 
testicular  tubules.  They  proceed  posteriorly  between  the  dorso- 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

lateral  muscles  of  the  abdomen  and  enlarge  in  the  posterior  por- 
tion of  the  eighth  abdominal  segment  to  form  the  seminal  vesicles. 
These,  distended  with  spermatozoa,  fill  almost  all  of  the  ninth  seg- 
ment and  the  anterior  part  of  the  tenth. 

The  seminal  vesicles  are  joined  together  to  form  a single  tube 
at  the  point  where  they  empty  into  the  ejaculatory  ducts,  in  a 
manner  shown  in  figure  1,  which  are  at  this  point  also  joined 
together  to  form  a single  duct.  This  duct  soon  bifurcates,  and 
the  ejaculatory  ducts  terminate  at  the  gonopores  at  the  tips  of 
the  penes. 

The  ejaculatory  ducts  of  occulta  are  enclosed  by  a thick  layer 
of  circular  muscles  and  are  lined  by  a flattened  epithelial  layer. 
The  muscles  are  heaviest  at  the  level  of  the  basal  portions  of  the 
penes,  gradually  decreasing  and  disappearing  as  the  ducts  near 
the  gonopores. 

The  seminal  vesicles  of  occulta  are  lined  by  a thin  epithelial 
layer  with  invisible  cell  boundaries  and  elongate,  granular  nuclei. 
Enclosing  this  layer  is  an  equally  thin  layer  of  circular  muscles 
of  the  same  type  found  in  the  ejaculatory  ducts. 

The  structure  of  the  seminal  vesicles  in  occulta  shows  some  vari- 
ation, not  only  between  individuals,  but  between  the  two  vesicles 
of  the  same  individual  as  well.  Among  the  approximately  thirty 
specimens  of  this  species  examined,  however,  all  showed  the  same 
general  characteristics. 

Other  workers  have  shown  that  there  is  a close  relationship 
between  the  changes  in  the  gut  in  the  mature  nymph  and  sub- 
imago and  the  changes  in  the  reproductive  system  at  this  time. 
Palmen  (1884)  suggested  that  air  is  taken  into  the  gut  of  the 
subimago,  causing  it  to  inflate,  and  that  this  pressure  is  responsi- 
ble for  histological  changes  in  gut  tissue. 

Fritze  (1888)  claimed  that  the  flattening  of  the  epithelium  and 
the  dilation  of  the  mesenteron  is  due  to  intake  of  water  by  the 
nymph  shortly  before  the  emergence  of  the  subimago,  the  water 
then  being  replaced  by  air. 

Pickles  (1931)  described  the  reduction  of  the  epithelium  of  the 

alimentary  canal  and  stated  that  the  gut  contents  are  expelled 


before  the  transformation  of  the  alimentary  canal  commences. 
In  his  summary,  he  stated  that  extensive  changes  take  place  in 

Mar.,  1948] 

Levy:  Ephemerida 


the  structure  of  the  gut  in  which  both  epithelium  and  musculature 
become  reduced,  forming  a thin  membrane  in  the  imago.  He 
claimed  that  no  pressure  exists  in  the  gut  until  the  tissue  trans- 
formation has  taken  place. 

In  all  species  used  in  this  study,  the  mature  nymphs  ’ guts  did 
not  contain  any  food  material,  indicating  that  they  had  ceased  to 
feed  at  some  previous  time,  nor  was  any  distortion  of  the  gut 
noted  at  this  time.  The  movements  of  the  gut  at  the  time  of  the 
emergence  of  the  subimago  are  apparently  of  great  importance  in 
the  conformation  of  the  parts  of  the  reproductive  system. 

In  the  mature  nymph,  the  genital  tube  is  a straight,  undiffer- 
entiated structure  with  neither  folds  nor  pouches.  When  the 
mature  nymph  emerges  to  become  the  subimago,  it  takes  in  large 
gulps  of  air,  which  inflate  the  gut  like  a balloon  as  far  posteriorly 
as  the  ilio-colic  constriction,  which  acts  like  a valve.  This  violent 
expansion  of  the  gut,  in  addition  to  the  action  of  the  abdominal 
muscles,  serves  to  push  the  whole  genital  apparatus  posteriorly. 
The  testes  are  moved  back  to  the  seventh  and  eighth  segments, 
and  at  the  same  time,  are  emptied  of  their  spermatozoa,  which 
pass  through  the  vasa  deferentia  into  the  seminal  vesicles.  These, 
enormously  distended,  are  forced  posteriorly  to  occupy  only  the 
ninth  segment  and  the  anterior  part  of  the  tenth. 

Such  movement  causes  a number  of  changes  in  the  relative  posi- 
tion of  the  seminal  vesicles,  both  in  the  horizontal  and  vertical 
planes.  In  the  vertical  plane,  they  are  folded  to  form  Z-shaped 
loops.  Since  the  ninth  segment  is  smaller  and  narrower  than  are 
the  preceding  segments,  in  almost  all  mayflies,  this  same  pressure 
causes  that  region  of  the  genital  tube  which  includes  the  posterior 
parts  of  the  seminal  vesicles  and  the  extreme  anterior  parts  of  the 
ejaculatory  ducts  to  loop  medially  and  anteriorly  in  the  hori- 
zontal plane.  The  medial  walls  of  each  loop  are  brought  together 
and  break  through,  so  that  at  this  point  there  is  a common  ejacu- 
latory duet  receiving  the  contents  of  a common  seminal  vesicle. 
This  series  of  changes  is  apparently  completed  in  the  subimago, 
and  no  further  change  has  been  noted  in  the  imago. 

The  morphology  of  the  genital  tube  in  imagoes  of  Isonychia 
bicolor  is  different  from  that  seen  in  H.  limbata  occulta.  In  I. 
bicolor,  the  seminal  vesicles  are  separate  and  distinct  structures 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

and  there  is  no  connection  between  them  at  any  point.  Similarly, 
there  is  no  fusion  of  the  anterior  parts  of  the  ejaculatory  ducts, 
and  the  contents  of  each  seminal  vesicle  pass  into  the  ejaculatory 
duct  on  that  same  side. 

Each  seminal  vesicle,  as  it  enters  the  ninth  segment,  enlarges 
until  it  occupies  about  one-quarter  of  the  abdominal  cavity.  At 
about  the  middle  of  the  ninth  segment,  these  vesicles  curve  ven- 
trally  to  enter  the  penes.  Some  specimens  show  the  Z-shaped 
loops  seen  in  H.  limb  at  a occulta  to  a moderate  degree,  but  most 
do  not.  The  seminal  vesicles  are  divided  into  compartments,  at 
right  angles  along  almost  their  entire  length,  by  a series  of  septa, 
each  of  which  is  attached  to  the  wall  of  the  seminal  vesicle  by 
trabeculae.  Each  septum  is  apparently  made  up  of  a core  of  con- 
nective tissue  with  a thin  epithelial  covering.  These  septa  can  be 
seen  developing  in  mature  nymphs.  They  are  moderately  well 
developed  in  the  subimago  and  very  well  developed  in  the  imago. 
The  function  and  action  of  these  septa  are  not  known. 

The  ejaculatory  ducts  of  I.  bicolor  have  a less  well  developed 
coat  of  circular  muscles  than  do  those  of  H.  limb  at  a occulta,  and 
have  a better  developed  epithelium  with  numerous  small  folds. 

The  seminal  vesicles  of  Siphlonurus  quebecensis  resemble  those 
of  H.  limbata  occulta,  but  there  is  no  fusion  of  the  anterior  parts 
of  the  ejaculatory  ducts,  nor  is  there  any  connection  between  the 
seminal  vesicles.  The  form  taken  by  these  structures  is  much  the 
same  as  in  H.  limbata  occulta.  The  vesicles  fill  more  than  half 
the  abdominal  cavity  and  are  filled  with  spermatozoa. 

The  ejaculatory  ducts  of  8.  quebecensis  narrow  abruptly  in  the 
basal  part  of  the  penes  and  the  circular  muscles  disappear  at  this 
point,  so  that  the  posterior  portions  of  these  ducts  consist  of  epi- 
thelial tissue  only. 

The  same  form  of  the  seminal  vesicles  occurs  in  Ephemera 
guttulata  as  in  H.  limbata  occulta,  except  that  the  Z-shaped  loops 
are  not  so  well  developed,  nor  is  there  any  connection  between  any 
of  the  parts  of  the  two  genital  tubes.  Testicular  and  Malpighian 
tubules  are  frequently  found  in  the  lumena  of  the  adult  penes  of 
this  species.  The  histology  of  the  seminal  vesicles  and  ejaculatory 
ducts  of  guttulata  is  the  same  as  that  of  H.  limbata  occulta,  except 
that  the  epithelial  layer  of  the  seminal  vesicles  is  better  developed 
in  guttulata  and  has  folds  that  project  into  the  lumen. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Levy:  Ephemerida 


The  looped  form  of  the  seminal  vesicles  is  not  so  pronounced 
in  Stenonema  rubromaculatum  as  it  is  in  H.  limbata  occulta,  nor 
is  there  any  connection  between  the  two  genital  tubes.  In  occa- 
sional specimens,  the  form  taken  by  the  seminal  vesicles  of  rubro- 
maculatum resembles  that  of  I.  bicolor  very  closely. 

The  distal  portions  of  the  seminal  vesicles  of  8.  rubromacu- 
latum, near  where  the  ejaculatory  ducts  begin,  are  divided  at 
right  angles  to  their  length  by  septa  similar  in  appearance  to 
those  seen  in  I.  bicolor.  However,  these  septa  are  not  so  numer- 
ous in  rubromaculatum  and  are  restricted  to  the  distal  portions 
of  the  seminal  vesicles.  The  histology  of  these  septa  is  the  same 
as  that  of  I.  bicolor. 

The  ejaculatory  ducts  of  8.  rubromaculatum  have  a well  devel- 
oped epithelial  lining  and  a poorly  developed  musculature.  These 
ducts  have  been  pushed  into  the  seminal  vesicles  for  a short  dis- 
tance somewhat  like  a piston  into  a cylinder.  The  ducts  narrow 
abruptly  in  the  posterior  parts  of  the  penes  and  lose  their  muscu- 
lature, as  in  8iphlonurus  quebecensis. 

The  morphology  and  histology  of  the  seminal  vesicles  and 
ejaculatory  ducts  of  Heptagenia  hebe  is  the  same  as  that  of  8. 
rubromaculatum.  There  is  no  connection  between  any  of  the 
parts  of  the  two  genital  tubes.  However,  the  septa  in  the  seminal 
vesicles  of  H.  hebe  are  not  so  numerous  as  those  of  S.  rubromacu- 

In  Blast ur us  cupidus,  the  seminal  vesicles,  unlike  the  other 
species  studied,  are  found  in  the  middle  of  the  eighth  abdominal 
segment  and  are  about  four  times  the  diameter  of  the  vasa  defer- 
entia.  In  the  middle  of  the  ninth  segment,  they  are  collapsed 
and  empty,  of  about  the  same  diameter  as  the  vasa  deferentia. 
These  slender  tubes  then  proceed  posteriorly  and  enter  the  basal 
portions  of  the  penes  to  become  the  ejaculatory  ducts.  This  con- 
dition has  been  found  in  six  imagoes  and  two  subimagoes  and  does 
not  appear  to  result  from  fixation  effects.  There  is  no  connection 
between  the  two  genital  tubes.  It  is  to  be  noted  that  the  seminal 
vesicles  are  not  looped,  nor  do  they  have  any  pouches  in  cupidus, 
but  are  straight,  unfolded  tubes.  Unlike  the  other  species  studied, 
they  fill  less  than  one-eighth  of  the  abdominal  cavity  in  the  ninth 
segment,  while  the  posterior  collapsed  portions  occupy  much  less 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVI 

The  expanded  parts  of  the  seminal  vesicles  of  B.  cupidus  con- 
sist of  an  extremely  thin  circular  muscle  sheath  with  a much  flat- 
tened epithelium  lining  the  tube.  Tn  the  collapsed  parts  of  the 
vesicles,  the  epithelium  is  thicker  and  appears  to  be  better  devel- 
oped. The  ejaculatory  ducts  have  a well-developed  epithelium 
with  a fairly  heavy  layer  of  circular  muscles  in  the  basal  portions 
of  the  penes,  which  gradually  disappears  as  the  ducts  near  the 


Considering  the  limited  number  of  genera  used  in  this  study, 
it  is  inadvisable  to  conduct  more  than  a brief  discussion  of  its 
implications.  Admittedly,  the  relationships  of  wings,  gills,  ex- 
ternal genitalia,  and  mouthparts  are  more  valuable  than  are  the 
internal  organs  of  the  reproductive  system  in  studies  of  mayfly 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  only  in  Hexagenia  is  there  any 
connection  between  the  paired  genital  tubes,  and  that  this  occurs 
in  such  a way  that  both  the  seminal  vesicles  and  the  ejaculatory 
ducts  are  involved.  The  similarity  in  the  septa  seen  in  the  semi- 
nal vesicles  of  Isonychia,  Heptagenia,  and  Stenonema  indicates 
a close  relationship  between  these  three  genera  as  mentioned  by 
Spieth  (1933).  The  morphology  of  the  seminal  vesicles  of 
Blast urus  would  seem  to  indicate  that  there  is  comparatively  little 
posterior  movement  of  the  reproductive  organs  with  the  emer- 
gence of  the  subimago  in  this  genus. 

Although  Spieth  (1933)  mentioned  the  close  relationship  be- 
tween Hexagenia  and  Ephemera , it  is  noteworthy  that  Hexagenia 
has  penial  muscles  and  Ephemera  does  not. 

The  genera  used  in  this  study  may  be  divided  into  three  groups : 

1.  Those  that  have  penial  muscles  having  an  attachment  out- 

side the  penis : Siphlonurus. 

2.  Those  that  have  intrinsic  penial  muscles,  i.e.,  muscles  that 

have  all  their  attachments  within  the  penes : Hexa- 
genia, Isonychia,  Heptagenia,  and  Stenonema. 

3.  Those  that  do  not  have  penial  muscles:  Ephemera  and 

Blast  urus. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Levy:  Ephemerida 


The  existence  of  muscles  in  the  penes  of  Siphlonurus  which 
have  one  of  their  attachments  on  the  ventrolateral  wall  of  the 
ninth  segment  introduces  a question  as  to  the  embryological  origin 
of  these  muscles  which  is  beyond  the  scope  of  this  paper. 

Spieth  (1933)  concluded  that  Siphlonurus  is  the  most  primitive 
genus  of  the  25  genera  that  he  studied,  which  includes  all  of  the 
genera  used  here.  It  is  possible  that  the  type  of  penial  muscles 
found  in  Siphlonurus  represents  the  primitive  condition,  that 
those  found  in  Hexagenia  represent  more  specialized  and  ad- 
vanced conditions,  and  that  the  lack  of  penial  muscles,  such  as 
seen  in  Ephemera,  indicate  a different  evolutionary  branch. 

The  peculiarity  of  the  posterior  attachments  of  the  styliger 
plate  muscles  in  Blasturus  indicates  that  one  of  two  things  has 
happened  to  the  basal  segment  of  the  stylus.  Either  they  have 
disappeared  entirely,  or  they  have  fused  with  the  styliger  plate. 
From  the  unusual  position  of  the  styli  in  the  genus,  the  latter 
would  seem  to  be  the  case,  although  there  does  not  appear  to  be 
any  other  evidence  to  support  this. 

No  positive  evidence  has  been  presented  here  as  to  the  embryo- 
logical  origin  of  either  of  the  two  types  of  penial  muscles.  It  has 
been  suggested  that  apparently  undifferentiated  cells  seen  in  the 
developing  penes  of  immature  nymphs  of  those  species  having 
intrinsic  penial  muscles  may  give  rise  to  these  muscles.  It  would 
probably  be  necessary  to  rear  large  numbers  of  eggs  of  one  or 
more  of  these  species  in  the  laboratory,  fixing  and  preserving 
several  individuals  at  regular  intervals  from  the  time  that  the 
penes  first  begin  to  develop  until  the  last  nymphal  instar.  These 
would  have  to  be  sectioned  and  carefully  studied  to  establish  the 
embryology  of  the  penial  muscles.  The  same  procedure  could  be 
followed  in  studying  the  penial  muscles  of  Siphlonurus. 

Needham  et  al.  (1935)  stated  that  the  ejaculatory  ducts  have 
a layer  of  circular  muscles  enclosing  a more  or  less  glandular  epi- 
thelium. Quadri  (1940)  claimed  that  the  ejaculatory  ducts  do 
not  have  any  circular  muscles.  Based  on  the  seven  species  studied, 
it  has  been  found  that  the  ejaculatory  ducts  do  have  a circular 
muscle  coat,  but  that  it  is  restricted  to  the  basal  or  anterior  half 
of  the  ducts  in  almost  all  cases.  Such  muscles  are  extremely  well 
developed  *in  H.  limb  at  a occulta  and  moderately  developed  in  the 
other  species. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

The  designation  of  the  parts  of  the  genital  tube  used  here  is 
that  of  Needham  et  al.  (1935),  except  that  the  whole  length  of  the 
genital  tube  that  is  swollen  with  spermatozoa  is  recognized  as  the 
seminal  vesicle,  and  not  divided,  as  indicated  by  Needham,  into 
seminal  vesicle  and  “coiled  part  of  the  ejaculatory  duct.”  In  all 
species  studied,  the  terminus  of  the  seminal  vesicle  and  the  be- 
ginning of  the  ejaculatory  duct  was  fairly  well  indicated  by  an 
increase  in  the  amount  of  circular  muscle  tissue. 


The  male  reproductive  systems  of  seven  species  of  mayflies  were 
studied  by  means  of  reconstructions  from  serial  sections,  whole 
mounts,  and  microdissections. 

Muscles  have  been  found  in  the  penes  of  mature  male  nymphs 
and  adults  of  Hexagenia  limb  at  a occulta , Isonychia  bicolor, 
Heptagenia  hebe,  and  Stenonema  rubromaculatum  which  are  at- 
tached only  within  the. penes,  having  no  attachment  at  the  ninth 
sternite  nor  at  any  other  part  of  the  insect. 

Muscles  have  been  found  in  the  penes  of  mature  male  nymphs 
and  adults  of  Siphlonurus  quebecensis  which  originate  on  the 
ventrolateral  walls  of  the  ninth  sternite  and  attach  to  the  dorso- 
lateral walls  of  the  penes. 

The  absence  of  muscles  in  the  penes  of  mature  male  nymphs 
and  adults  of  Ephemera  guttulata  and  Blasturus  cupidus  has  been 

The  later  development,  morphology,  and  relative  disposition  of 
the  various  parts  of  the  male  reproductive  systems  of  some  may- 
flies have  been  described. 


Eritze,  A.  1888.  Uber  den  darmkanal  der  Ephemeriden,  Berlin. 

Levy,  H.  A.  1943.  Dioxane  as  an  aid  in  staining  insect  cuticle,  St.  Tech., 
18:  181-182. 

Needham,  J.  G-.,  J.  R.  Traver,  and  Y.  C.,  Hsu.  1935.  The  biology  of  may- 
flies, Comstock  Pub.  Co.,  i-xvi,  1-759,  pis.  and  figs. 

Palmen,  J.  A.  1884.  Ueber  paarige  Ausfuhremsgange  der  Geschlechts- 
organe  bie  Insekt6n,  Helsingfors. 

Pickles,  A.  1921.  On  the  metamorphosis  of  the  alimentary  canal  in  cer- 
tain Ephemeroptera.  Trans.  Roy.  Ent.  Soc.,  London,  79:  263-276,  2 

Mar.,  1948] 

Levy:  Ephemerida 


Quadri,  M.  A.  H.  1940.  On  the  development  of  the  genitalia  and  their 
ducts  of  Orthopteroid  insects.  Trans.  Roy.  Ent.  Soc.,  London,  90 : 121- 
173,  17  figs,  and  7 plates. 

Snodgrass,  R.  E.  1936.  Morphology  of  the  insect  abdomen.  Part  III. 
The  male  genitalia  (including  arthropods  other  than  insects).  Smith. 
Misc.  Coll.,  95 : 1-96. 

Spieth,  H.  T.  1933.  The  phylogeny  of  some  mayfly  genera.  Journ.  N.  Y. 
Ent.  Soc.,  41 : 55-86,  327-390,  pi.  16-29. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Plate  III 

Figures  1- 

Figure  1. 
Figure  2. 
Figure  3. 
Figure  4. 

7.  Dorsal  aspects  of  dissections  of  the  posterior  portions  of  the 
abdomens  of  male  Ephemerid  imagoes.  On  each  specimen,  the 
styliger  plate  and  the  tenth  abdominal  segment  have  been  re- 
moved. Muscles  are  shown  on  the  left,  the  genital  tube  on  the 

Hexagenia  limbata  occulta 
Isonychia  bicolor 
Siphlonurus  quebecensis 
Stenonema  rubromaculatum 


ej.d., — ejaculatory  duct, 
p., — penis. 

s.v., — seminal  vesicle, 
st., — stylus. 

st.  msc., — stylus  muscles. 

p.  msc., — penial  muscle, 
epi., — epicuticle. 
exo ., — exo  cuticle . 
hyp ., — hyp  o dermis . 
sp., — spermatozoa. 

(Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Vol.  LVI 

(Plate  III) 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 


Figure  5, 
Figure  6, 
Figure  7. 
Figure  8 

Plate  IY 

Eeptagenia  hebe 
Ephemera  guttulata 
Blasturus  cupidus 

Transv  '^e  section  through  the  basal  portion  of  a penis  of  an 
H.  lir  , ta  occulta  imago. 

(Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Vol.  LVI 

(Plate  IV) 

FIG.  8 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 


Stingless  Bees  (Meliponidce)  of  the  Western  Hemisphere.  Les- 
trimelitta  and  the  Following  Sul) genera  of  Trigona:  Para- 
trigona,  Schwarziana , Par  apart  amona,  Cephalotrigona,  Oxy- 
trigona,  Sca/ur  a,  and  Mourella.  By  Herbert  F.  Schwarz. 
With  a Bibliography  by  Herbert  F.  Schwarz  and  Annette  L. 
Bacon.  Bulletin  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  His- 
tory. 10Jx7i  inches,  Volume  90,  pages  i-xviii,  1-546.  87 
text  figures.  8 plates.  5 tables.  $7.00. 

This  impressive,  well-printed  volume,  which  is  an  outstanding 
and  important  contribution  to  entomology,  is  deserving  of  the 
highest  praise.  The  Introduction  of  166  pages  is  an  authoritative 
and  highly  interesting  account  of  stingless  bees,  their  structural 
characters,  phylogeny,  distribution,  nesting  habits,  activities  in 
the  colony,  castes,  nocturnal  activites,  foraging,  flight  equipment, 
honey,  wax,  etc.,  etc.  Every  one  who  reads  Mr.  Schwarz’s  ac- 
count of  these  moist  tropic  insects  will  appreciate  the  ability, 
care  and  judgment  which  the  author  has  lavished  upon  his  work. 
There  is  no  longer  any  excuse  for  entomologists  in  general  to  be 
totally  ignorant  about  meliponids.  Although  Mr.  Schwarz  refers 
to  the  Introduction  as  a “suggestion  of  the  picture  as  a whole,” 
it  is  a very  capable,  stimulating  and  informative  “suggestion” 
and  the  gaps  in  our  knowledge  are  not  the  fault  of  the  author. 

The  systematic  account,  which  occupies  the  remainder  of  the 
volume,  is  devoted  to  descriptions,  keys,  distribution,  etc.,  of 
species  and  varieties,  including  descriptions  of  some  new  species 
and  varieties.  Although  I am  without  the  competence  necessary 
to  evaluate  this  portion,  I am  aware  of  Mr.  Schwarz ’s  ability  and 
of  his  meticulous  study  of  the  Meliponidae  for  many  years,  in 
view  of  which  I am  sure  that  the  systematic  portion  is  as  precise 
as  it  was  possible  to  make  it.  Although  insect  descriptions  are 
not  required  reading  for  non-specialists,  one  should  not  pass  over 
lightly  the  author’s  “discussion”  of  each  form.  These  are  well 
worth  reading.  An  extensive  bibliography  rounds  out  this  well- 
written,  valuable,  encyclopedic  monograph. — H.  B.  Weiss. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Needham:  Gall  Maker 



By  James  G.  Needham 

I have  a pocket-knife  that  whittles,  and  once  when  I was  out 
in  a South  Florida  wilderness  in  December,  I came  upon  a patch 
of  wild  sunflowers  with  knot-like  swellings  in  their  stems.  I set 
my  knife  to  whittling,  and  soon  found  that  the  swellings  had  very 
hard  walls  and  were  hollow  inside.  They  were  galls;  and  lying 
inside  each  gall  was  a very  curious  larva.  It  was  evidently  a 
moth  larva  of  some  sort,  but  it  had  a very  small  head,  a nearly 
moniliform  body  (by  reason  of  deep  and  wide  constrictions  be- 
tween the  body  segments),  no  hair  or  spines  or  setae  on  its  dry, 
tough  skin,  and  no  prolegs.  It  did  not  creep,  but  lay  on  its  side 
with  the  front  end  thrown  back  in  a J-shaped  hook,  the  head  at 
the  tip  of  the  hook.  It  spun  no  silk,  not  even  enough  to  hold  back 
the  pellets  of  frass.  It  lay  among  these  dry  pellets  and  tumbled 
around  with  them  when  the  gall  was  shaken.  When  the  gall 
was  opened  and  inverted,  the  pellets  fell  out  in  a shower,  like 
that  from  an  up-tipped  pepper  box. 

Specimens  of  the  larva  were  sent  to  Dr.  W.  T.  M.  Forbes  and 
Mr.  H.  W.  Capps,  and  neither  would  venture  a determination  nor 
even  a reference  to  any  Lepidopterous  family.  They  both  sug- 
gested that  I rear  the  larvae  and  send  in  some  adult  moths.  So 
that  is  what  I did;  and  on  the  doing  of  it  (and  certain  related 
other  things)  I now  herewith  make  report. 

The  plant  is  a native  annual  sunflower,  Helianthus  agrestis  Pol- 
lard ( H . curtissii  Fernald).  On  the  rich  soil  in  which  I found 
it,  it  grows  head-high,  on  wand-like  stems.  Crowded  together  in 
close  ranks,  the  stems  rise  unbranched  to  shoulder  height ; where 
not  crowded  they  branch  extensively  at  lower  levels.  I found 
them  in  nearly  pure  stands  in  long  patches  of  an  acre  or  less, 
these  patches  in  the  edge  of  low  places  in  the  flatwoods,  in  spots 
too  wet  for  saw  palmetto  and  for  most  grasses,  and  too  dry  for 
saw-grass  and  for  marsh  fleabane  (P.  lucked ),  but  with  the  two 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 


latter  generally  near  at  hand.  All  that  I saw  were  within  a mile 
or  two  of  salt  water,  between  Sarasota  and  Englewood. 

The  gall  is  a thickening  of  the  walls  of  the  stem,  about  an  inch 
long  and  four-fifths  as  wide,  and  with  a large  oval  cavity  inside. 
It  varies  in  form  from  oblong  to  almost  round.  It  tapers  a little 
more  abruptly  to  the  stem  at  the  upper  end.  Its  surface  is  gen- 
erally bare  and  somewhat  uneven.  The  outer  layer  of  its  walls 
is  filled  with  rosin,  and  is  very  hard,  especially  on  the  upper  side. 
Its  cavity  is  normally  centrally  located  in  the  axis  of  the  stem, 
but  sometimes  it  is  on  one  side,  where  it  causes  a jog  in  the  stem. 
In  such  a case  the  rosin  is  deposited  only  on  the  bulging  side,  the 
opposite  side  remaining  soft  as  elsewhere  on  the  normal  stem. 

The  walls  of  the  gall  vary  in  thickness  and  consistency.  Gen- 
erally when  old  and  dry  there  is  ah  inner  brittle  layer  formed  by 
the  drying  up  of  the  pabulum  tissue  that  earlier  feeds  the  larva ; 
and  between  this  and  the  very  hard  resin-filled  outer  defense  layer 
there  remains  some  softer  parenchyma.  Certain  inquilines  (to 
be  noted  later)  burrow  in  this  softer  tissue.  Elsewhere  in  the 
plant  the  stem  is  filled  with  pith. 

Galls  occur  singly  on  the  stems ; very  rarely  two,  and  when  two, 
one  or  both  are  imperfectly  formed.  They  are  generally  located 
somewhat  below  mid-height  of  the  plant.  Often  growth  con- 
tinues above  the  gall,  not  in  a single  normal  stem,  but  in  several 
weaker  branches  that  may,  however,  bear  perfectly  normal  heads 
of  flowers,  at  the  general  level  above.  A few  belated  flowers  on 
over-shaded  and  dwarfed  stems  were  still  present  in  December. 
The  blossoming  heads  are  very  pretty,  with  their  bright  yellow 
rays,  and  disc  flowers  of  deep  violet. 

The  gall-making  larvae  in  the  winter  season  are  full-grown  and 
full  fed,  awaiting  the  warmer  weather  of  early  spring  for  trans- 
formation. Placed  on  a flat  surface  they  are  quite  incapable  of 
locomotion,  and  lie  always  in  a lateral  position.  Touched  at  any 
point  on  the  body,  they  respond  with  a sudden  lashing  motion 
that  may  be  repeated  several  times  before  coming  to  rest  again. 
The  J-shaped  hook  at  the  front  may  be  a position  assumed  in 
preparation  for  attack  by  an  enemy,  for  dead  specimens  lie 
straight  and  fully  extended. 

The  length  of  grown  larvae  varies  from  10  to  12  mm.  Dorsal 

Mar.,  1948] 

Needham:  Gall  Maker 


and  ventral  surfaces  are  similar  in  appearance,  both  being  a little 
flattened  and  narrowed  toward  each  end. 

Although  the  larva,  if  undisturbed,  lies  inactive  within  the  gall 
all  winter  long,  important  changes  are  going  on  inside  it.  It  is 
about  to  resume  a more  normal  lepidopterous  larval  form,  pre- 
paratory to  transformation  to  the  pupal  stage.  What  was  my 
surprise,  on  opening  a gall  in  early  March  of  1946,  to  find  a cast- 
off larval  skin  of  the  form  above  described,  and  a living  larva  of 
quite  a different  form  beside  it.  The  new  larva  was  cylindric  in 
body.  It  crept  about  on  regular  caterpillar  prolegs.  Its  body 
bristled  with  setae.  Its  head  was  of  the  proper  size  for  a normal 
lepidopteran,  and  it  could  spin  silk ! 

Here  was  a non-feeding  instar,  interpolated  between  larval  and 
pupal  stages : a clear  case  of  hypermetamorphosis. 

The  larva  in  this  non-feeding  stage  has  strong  mandibles,  and 
it  gnaws  a hole  through  the  wall  of  the  gall  to  the  outside.  Then 
it  returns  and  casts  off  a very  thin  transparent  skin ; thin,  except 
on  the  brown  head,  where  the  strong  jaw  muscles  require  solid 
support  for  their  gnawing.  Behind  the  head  the  skin  is  soft  and 
papery.  It  gets  compacted  into  a little  bunch  in  which  black 
dots  mark  the  bases  of  the  body  setae.  The  duration  of  this  stage 
is  very  short,  probably  less  than  a week. 

The  pupa  is  of  ordinary  lepidopterous  form.  The  adult  is  a 
little  bucculatricid,  whitish  moth1  (length  about  6 mm.)  without 
any  brilliance  of  coloration;  creamy  white  with  just  enough 
touches  of  tan  and  brown  to  make  its  rough  surface  and  frayed- 
out  wing  margins  look  as  lifeless  as  a bit  of  bark  torn  from  a 
broken  sunflower  stem  by  the  wind. 

I had  my  troubles  rearing  this  larva.  I collected  galls  by  the 
score,  repeatedly,  through  two  winter  seasons  at  Sarasota,  Florida. 
I opened  galls  by  the  dozen  looking  for  signs  of  development,  and 
finding  none.  I kept  them  under  varied  conditions  of  tempera- 
ture, moisture,  and  exposure  to  sun,  rain,  and  wind,  opening  some 
of  them  weekly  or  oftener  only  to  find  in  the  end  that  none  of 
these  measures  was  of  any  effect.  My  troubles  were  all  due  to 
enemies : to  mordellid  beetle  larvae : mites,  and  ants. 

The  final  rearing  of  the  moths  came  by  partial  successes.  On 

1 Now  in  the  hands  of  Dr.  Annette  Braun  for  description. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

the  first  of  February,  1945,  I found  a gall  that  had  a very  active 
larva  inside  it.  I put  back  the  chip  removed  in  opening  the  gall, 
fastened  it  securely,  put  it  in  a tray,  covered  the  tray  with  a close- 
fitting  glass  plate,  set  it  in  a South  window  where  it  was  exposed 
to  sunshine  in  a warm  room.  Next  day  there  appeared  a white 
cocoon  on  the  smooth  inner  edge  of  the  rim  of  the  tray.  It  had 
been  spun  during  the  night ; a beautiful  cocoon,  close-woven  to  fit 
the  body  of  the  larva  on  the  inside,  overspread  with  a dainty  outer 
covering,  raised  in  parallel  ridges  of  exquisite  weaving. 

This  pearly  white,  finely  wrought,  ribbed  cocoon  cover  gave  the 
first  hint  as  to  the  systematic  position  of  the  species. ' Well-known 
apple  pests  of  the  genus  Bucculatrix  make  similar  ribbed  cocoons. 
This  specimen,  however,  I was  unable  to  rear.  The  ants  got  it ; 
little  yellow  ants  so  small  that  they  could  go  through  a needle’s 
eye  in  double  columns ; and  there  ended  that  season. 

I returned  to  Sarasota  in  January  1946  to  finish  the  job.  Other 
enemies  than  ants  had  plagued  my  rearing  jars  during  two  pre- 
ceding winter  seasons,  two  kinds  that  were  much  harder  to  deal 
with  than  ants.  Mordellid  beetle  larvae  and  mites  were  thwart- 
ing my  attempts  at  rearing  the  gallmaker;  and  I had  first  to 
study  their  habits. 

Mordellid  beetle  larvae  are  well-known  pith  borers;  generally 
accounted  herbivorous,  but  hitherto  only  vaguely  suspected  to  be 
partly  carnivorous  in  their  feeding  habits.  They  are  regular 
residents  in  the  stems  of  this  species  of  Helianthus.  Hardly  a 
stalk  in  a whole  field  was  without  their  burrows,  running  up  and 
down  through  the  pith.  The  burrows  vary  greatly  in  diameter 
as  the  larvae  do  in  size. 

Larvae  may  be  found  by  chipping  off  a bit  of  the  stem  wall,  but 
when  so  exposed,  they  make  haste  to  get  under  the  next  chip. 
One  of  them  may  be  chased  to  the  end  of  its  burrow  by  removing 
successive  chips. 

The  form  of  the  larva  is  roughly  cylindric,  with  great  humps 
upon  the  back  of  several  abdominal  segments  that  look  and  func- 
tion like  prolegs.  Travel  up  or  down  the  burrow  is  done  by 
pushing  or  pulling  one  end  of  the  body  forward  while  holding 
fast  with  the  other. 

The  larva  is  superbly  fitted  for  its  tube-dwelling  life,  and  un- 

Mar.,  1948] 

Needham:  Gall  Maker 


fitted  for  any  other.  Dumped  out  of  its  burrow  and  lying  on 
a plane  surface,  it  is  helpless.  It  can  only  lie  on  its  side  and 
squirm  and  roll  over.  Other  animals  have  been  termed  “side 
winders”  but  this  one  surely  best  deserves  that  name.  The 
manner  in  which  it  uses  its  locomotor  appendages  may  be  seen 
in  detail  by  putting  an  uninjured  larva  in  a glass  tube  of  proper 
diameter  of  bore  (methods  used  by  Anna  May  French  in  studying 
the  larva  of  Mordellistina  nigricans  Melsh. : see  Psyche,  44 : 34, 

In  November  and  early  December,  when  nearly  every  gall  con- 
tains a living  larva  of  the  gall-maker  and  while  the  Helianthus 
stems  are  still  green,  the  beetle  larvae  are  to  be  found  in  the  pith 
below  the  galls.  Later  the  beetle  larvae  extend  their  burrows  up- 
ward and  enter  the  galls.  They  pass  by  the  frass-filled  conical 
pit  at  the  center  of  the  gall  base.  They  seek  out  the  softer  paren- 
chyma of  the  middle  layer  of  the  side  wall  and  often  burrow 
through  it  and  beyond  it  before  penetrating  the  inner  brittle 
layer  that  is  the  gall-maker’s  last  wall  of  defense.  There  is  abun- 
dant evidence  that  they  enter  and  kill  the  moth  larva. 

A sample  count  of  the  contents  of  80  galls,  collected  near  Wood- 
mere  on  February  19,  1946,  will  show  this.  Inside  80  of  these 
apparently  normal  galls  were  found : 

20  living  bucculatricid  larvae,  with  no  signs  of  mordellids 

11  dead  bucculatricid  larvae. 

30  empty,  with  conecting  mordellid  burrows. 

8 living  mordellid  larvae  with  dead  bucculatricid  larvae 
alongside  them. 

1 living  mordellid  pupa. 

10  aborted  galls,  with  bulging  inner-gall  tissues  and  no 
larvae  of  either  species  present. 

Often,  in  an  empty  gall  with  a connecting  mordellid  burrow, 
there  would  be  a little  tuft  of  hard  fibro-vascular  bundles  of 
Helianthus,  lying  loose  in  the  bottom  of  the  gall.  I guess  that 
these  were  from  the  gall  wall  (for  they  seemed  to  be  of  special 
hardness),  and  were  stripped  of  their  surrounding  softer  pith 
cells  by  the  entering  larva  and  pushed  inside. 

Probably  the  predator  leaves  by  the  way  it  enters,  and  goes 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

back  down  the  stem  to  pupate,  for  mordellid  pupae  generally  were 
found  in  burrows  lower  down  on  the  stems,  often  near  the  ground 

The  mites  ( Pediculoides  ventricosus  Newport)  are  even  more 
destructive.  They  follow  the  mordellids  in  season,  and  seem  to 
be  more  or  less  dependent  on  the  beetle  larvae  for  gaining  access 
to  the  tightly  closed  galls.  I found  mites  only  in  galls  that  had 
an  opening  to  the  outside. 

After  slicing  the  side  of  a gall  off  smoothly  and  finding  a 
healthy  moth  larva  inside,  I tried  many  times  by  various  means 
to  fasten  the  piece  back  in  place  securely,  but  never  succeeded 
in  keeping  the  mites  out.  I lost  every  one.  Sometimes  when 
finally  re-examined  there  would  be  only  a few  mites  present,  some- 
times scores  of  them.  But  even  if  only  one  or  two,  the  moth 
larva  would  be  dead  or  dying.  It  probably  exhausts  its  store  of 
energy  by  continuous  repetition  of  its  extremely  vigorous  avoid- 
ance reaction.  Where  touched  ever  so  lightly  it  lashes  its  body 
and  springs  away. 

These  very  little  8-legged  mites  (about  length  0.5  mm.)  are 
well-known  enemies  of  various  lepidopterous  larvae.  When  a 
mite  begins  sucking  up  the  juices  of  the  moth  larva,  its  abdomen 
quickly  swells  up  to  spherical  form,  and  takes  on  a shining  honey- 
yellow  color.  With  its  abdomen  swollen  to  full  rotundity,  it 
presents  a miniature  parallel,  in  appearance,  to  the  storage-indi- 
vidual honey-ant  of  Texas.  With  many  mites  sucking  together, 
the  moth  larva  quickly  shrivels  to  an  empty,  crumpled  skin. 

I finally  succeeded  in  rearing  a series  of  the  bucculatricid  moths 
by  collecting  selectively  in  the  field  several  hundred  apparently 
sound  galls,  cutting  off  the  stem  close  to  the  gall  and  examining 
the  cut  end  to  see  that  no  mordellid  burrow  had  penetrated  it. 
Then  I divided  the  sound  galls  into  lots,  and  put  them  in  ant- 
proof  cages.  I placed  some  outdoors,  one  exposed  to  rain  and 
sun,  one  under  shelter  and  one  in  the  shade ; kept  some  indoors, 
in  cool  rooms  and  warm,  in  moist  air  and  in  dry.  I soon  saw  that 
the  larvae  in  several  of  the  cages  were  coming  out  to  spin,  and 
before  the  first  of  March,  when  I had  to  leave  Sarasota,  moths 
had  emerged  in  all  the  cages. 

The  larvae  spurned  every  sort  of  pupation  shelter  that  I offered 

Mar.,  1948] 

Needham:  Gall  Maker 


them,  and  came  out  into  the  open  and  settled  down  in  the  most 
exposed  places  available.  Each  larva  spun  for  itself  the  ribbed, 
silken  coverlet  and  then  the  tight-fitting  cocoon  closely  wrapped 
around  its  body  underneath. 


There  is  a little  moth  larva  that  lives  in  a burrow  of  its  own 
in  the  softer  middle  tissue  of  the  wall  of  the  gall.  This  larva  is 
less  than  half  an  inch  long,  of  the  ordinary  lepidopterous  form 
(with  setae  and  prolegs) ; pale  yellowish,  with  a mid-dorsal  line 
of  red,  and  a row  of  diffuse  reddish  spots  along  each  side  on  the 
lateral  prominences  of  the  segments.  I did  not  rear  it.  Only 
two  specimens  were  encountered  and  both  were  damaged  in  open- 
ing the  galls.  The  burrows  entered  from  pith  below  the  gall, 
and  this  species  is  probably  to  be  ranked  as  a stem  borer. 

Hippopsis  lemniscata  (F.).  A small  collection  of  galls  with 
stems  attached  yielded  (on  dissection)  a score  or  more  of  larvae 
of  this  curious  little  cerambycid  (long-horn)  beetle.  Some  of 
these  came  from  the  softer  tissues  in  the  walls  of  the  galls. 

Toxotropis  swbmetallicus  Schaeffer.  Of  this  small  fungus 
weevil  (Curculionidae)  hitherto  reported  from  Texas  and  known 
also  (to  Dr.  Henry  Dietrich)  from  Mississippi,  many  specimens 
emerged  in  one  of  my  rearing  jars.  Aborted  galls  often  contain 
growths  of  fungi,  and  this  beetle  may  have  developed  in  these. 

A minute  tenebrionid  (darkling  beetle)  larva  occurred  spar- 
ingly in  the  pith  of  both  stem  and  gall.  Mr.  R.  A.  St.  George 
reported  on  it  as  being  “close  to  Apkanotus.”  It  has  a very 
slender,  strictly  cylindric  body,  smooth  on  the  surface,  like  a 
“wireworm,”  with  a pair  of  sharp  upcurving  hooks  on  the  tip 
of  its  tail  end. 

Ormiscus  sp.f  A single  larva  of  this  genus  (family  Anthri- 
bidae)  was  found  in  dissecting  a gall;  the  genus,  reported  here- 
tofore as  “removed  from  dead  twigs.” 

Schizoprynus  sp.f  This  braconid  parasite  emerged  in  one  of 
my  rearing  jars  on  April  21,  1945,  among  the  late  emergences 
from  that  jar.  When  sent  to  Dr.  C.  F.  W.  Muesebeck,  he  re- 
ported the  above  name,  and  commented : ‘ ‘ This  genus  is  wholly 
unworked.  Specific  distinctions . have  not  been  established. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Therefore  we  have  as  yet  no  basis  for  specific  identification.  ’ ’ 
I can  make  no  suggestion  as  to  whether  the  Bucculatricid  larva 
or  some  other  resident  species  is  its  host. 

Such  is  the  gall  that  set  my  knife  to  whittling,  and  such  the 
moth  that  causes  the  gall  to  grow,  and  to  provide  shelter  for  its 
own  curious  larvae  and  for  other  insects  besides:  for  its  pith- 
dwelling  mordellid  neighbors,  that  come  up  the  stalk  from  below 
and  become  its  ememies;  for  hordes  of  devastating  mites,  seek- 
ing entrance  at  every  crevice;  for  the  guests  that  take  up  their 
abode  in  the  outer  wall  of  the  gall  and  live  apart;  and  for  at 
least  one  species  of  parasite. 

Not  least  in  interest  concerning  this  little  tatterdemalion  moth 
is  its  way  of  entering  upon  the  pupal  stage.  As  a larva  it  has 
lived  secure  inside  the  gall  with  all  its  wants  supplied.  And  in 
form  it  has  departed  far  from  the  ancestral  pattern.  It  must 
get  back  on  the  beaten  track.  Before  it  can  enter  the  pupal  stage 
it  must  regain  caterpillar  form  and  functions.  This  requires  a 
making-over  into  the  normal,  with  a restoration  of  jaws  for  hard 
chewing  and  silk  for  spinning  during  a non-feeding  stage.  This 
is  hypermetamorphosis : an  added  change  of  form.  There  is  no 
other  way  it  can  become  a pupa  and  then  a moth  than  the  old  way 
by  which  ancestral  moths  developed.  Herein  appears  the  force 
and  the  meaning  of  biological  tradition. 

And  when  this  restoration  of  form  and  of  primeval  powers  has 
been  accomplished,  the  larva  builds  its  pupal  shelter  out  of  gos- 
samer threads  of  pearly  whiteness,  weaving  its  coverlet  with 
marvelous  artistry. 

Mar.,  1948] 

McDunnough:  Apamea 



By  J.  McDunnough 

Recently  an  old  friend,  Mr.  J.  E.  Cottle,  sent  in  for  identifica- 
tion a pair  of  moths  taken  at  Arrowhead  Lake,  San  Bernardino 
Co.,  California.  These  proved  to  belong  to  the  genus  Apamea, 
the  species  being  apparently  undescribed.  It  is  with  much 
pleasure  that  this  new  species  is  dedicated  to  Mr.  Cottle  and 
described  as  follows : 

Apamea  cottlei,  new  species 

Male  antennae  finely  ciliate.  Palpi  upturned,  deep  purplish,  red  with 
tinges  of  pale  yellowish  at  apex  of  joint  II.  Anterior  portion  of  the 
front  deep  purplish  red,  the  vertex  and  section  adjacent  to  the  antennae 
pale  yellowish.  Basal  half  of  collar  pale  yellowish,  apical  half,  as  well 
as  the  entire  thorax,  deep  purplish  red.  Primaries  rather  evenly  deep 
purplish  red  overlying  and  almost  obscuring  a pale  ochreous  ground 
color  which  is  best  evident  in  the  filling  between  the  geminate  crosslines. 
Maculation  much  as  in  other  species  of  Apamea.  There  is  an  obscure 
purplish  patch  at  base  of  wing.  The  t.  a.  line  is  widely  geminate,  the 
lines  being  deep  purplish  red  with  the  filling  of  the  pale  ochreous  ground 
color ; there  is  a sharp  outward  angle  below  the  cubital  vein  and  a 
shorter  inward  angle  on  vein  I.  A rather  obscure  dark  median  line 
runs  from  middle  of  costa  to  below  the  reniform,  then  forms  a right- 
angle  running  inwardly  oblique  and  close  to  t.  p.  line  to  inner  margin 
beyond  middle.  Orbicular  fairly  distinct,  small,  circular,  yellowish,  ringed 
with  purplish  red.  Reniform  kidney-shaped,  yellowish,  obscured  by  a 
brownish  shade  which  leaves  a yellow  central  lunule  and  a band  of  the 
same  color  along  the  outer  margin,  the  whole  outlined  in  deep  purplish 
red.  T.  p.  line  broadly  geminate,  the  lines  deep  purplish,  the  inner 
being  lightly  dentate  on  the  veins,  the  filling  of  the  pale  ground  color; 
this  line  is  bowed  gently  outwards  between  costa  and  vein  3.  Veins  in 
terminal  area  marked  in  deep  purplish.  Some  yellowish  shading  mixed 
with  purplish  along  outer  margin.  Apex  of  wing  slightly  paler  than 
remainder  of  terminal  area.  A brownish  terminal  line  and  fringes  deep 
purplish  with  a fine  paler  line  at  base.  Secondaries  pale  yellowish, 
lightly  sprinkled  with  purplish  red  outwardly,  more  so  in  the  female 
than  the  male.  Fringes  light  purplish  with  a pale  yellowish  line  at  base. 
Beneath  light  ochreous  with  purplish  sprinkled  in  the  costal  area  of  both 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

wings.  Fringes  of  primaries  deep  purplish,  of  secondaries  considerably 
paler.  Expanse  30  mm. 

Holotype,  $ and  allotype,  J,  Arrowhead  Lake,  San  Bernardino 
Co.,  California,  July  10,  1941  (J.  B.  Cottle).  The  holotype, 
through  the  courtesy  of  Mr.  Cottle,  in  the  collection  of  The  Amer- 
ican Museum  of  Natural  History,  the  allotype  in  Mr.  Cottle’s 

Figure  1.  Eight  clasper  of  male  genitalia  of  Apamea  cottlei. 

The  male  genitalia  are  very  similar  to  those  of  pacified  Smith ; 
the  long  spined  clavus  is  thinner  and  less  outcurved  apically,  and 
the  small  adjacent  spine  on  the  dorsal  margin  of  the  sacculus  is 
more  pronounced.  The  harpe  is  more  sinuate  and  terminates  in 
a single  sharp  upeurved  point,  not  bifid  as  in  pacified.  The 
cueullus  is  rather  chunkier  with  more  rounded  apical  margin. 
In  the  apical  cluster  of  cornuti  in  the  aedeagus  the  two  cornuti 
closest  to  apex  are  much  longer  than  the  others  and  also  than  the 
corresponding  ones  in  pacified. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Pickford:  Water  Beetle 



By  Grace  E.  Pickford 

Osborn  Zoological  Laboratory  and  Bingham  Oceanographic  Labo- 
ratory, Yale  University 

Among  a small  collection  of  water  beetles  from  southern  New 
Jersey,  the  author  discovered  a little,  somewhat  compressed, 
black,  striate  hydrophilid  of  unfamiliar  appearance.  A spec- 
imen was  sent  to  Mr.  K.  P.  Chamberlain  who  identified  the 
species  as  Derallus  altus  (LeConte),  a supposedly  rare  and,  up 
to  the  present,  little  known  southern  form.  Mr.  Chamberlain 
pointed  out  that  this  discovery  provides  an  interesting  addition 
to  our  knowledge  of  southern  elements  in  the  New  Jersey  fauna 
and,  at  his  suggestion,  the  following  note  has  been  prepared 
for  publication. 

The  locality  from  which  the  specimens  were  taken  is  situated 
at  the  head  of  Magnolia  Lake,  Cape  May  County,  N.  J.,  at  a 
place  where  a dirt  road  crosses  the  inflowing  stream.  It  is  not 
an  entirely  natural  habitat  since  Magnolia  Lake  is  itself  the 
result  of  an  artificial  damming  of  Mill  Creek,  and  moreover 
the  grassy  bank  of  the  road,  sloping  down  to  the  stream  on 
the  side  opposite  the  lake,  is  obviously  in  part  the  result  of 
human  construction.  D.  altus  was  taken  among  debris  obtained 
by  stomping  up  the  submerged  grass  roots  and  marginal  vege- 
tation of  the  stream  bank  in  this  place.  It  was  not  found 
among  the  reed  beds,  water  lilies,  or  other  aquatic  vegetation 
bordering  the  open  water.  Five  specimens  were  taken  on 
August  17,  1947,  by  the  author.  Five  more  were  taken  on  Sep- 
tember 13,  by  Prof.  A.  Petrunkevitch  and  Mr.  W.  D.  Hartman, 
who  revisited  the  locality  at  my  request,  and  to  whom  my 
best  thanks  are  due. 

Within  the  continental  limits  of  the  United  States  previous 
records  of  this  species  are  confined  to  the  south-east.  LeConte 
(1855)  recorded  the  original  specimens  from  New  Orleans  and 
the  species  was  redescribed  by  Horn  (1873).  Louisiana  is  the 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

only  record  mentioned  in  Leng’s  Catalogue,  or  its  supplements 
to  date.  Nevertheless  D.  altus  was  collected  by  Blatchley  (1919) 
in  Florida  and,  more  recently,  it  has  been  taken  by  Loding 
(1945)  in  Alabama.  I am  indebted  to  Dr.  F.  N.  Young,  of 
the  University  of  Florida,  for  calling  my  attention  to  the  last 
mentioned  record.  Dr.  Young  informs  me  that  he  has  taken 
this  species  from  a number  of  localities  in  Florida  and  expects 
to  publish  the  full  records  shortly.  In  regard  to  the  habits 
of  this  species  he  states  (in  lift.)  : “My  collecting  notes  indicate 
that  the  species  is  fairly  abundant  at  times,  but  usually  rather 
local.  I think  one  reason  for  its  rarity  in  collections  may  be 
due  to  its  secretive  habits.  It  does  not  appear  to  be  strictly 
coastal,  nor  highly  seasonal.” 

Outside  of  the  United  States,  d’Orchymont  (1943)  has 
recorded  the  occurrence  of  D.  altus  in  the  Brasilian  provinces 
of  Pernambuco,  Ceara  and  Piauhy,  collected  by  Dr.  0.  Schubart, 
and  notes  that  it  also  occurs  on  the  island  of  Guadeloupe. 
According  to  d’Orchymont  it  is  found  chiefly  in  quiet  water. 
J.  Balfour-Browne  informs  me  (in  litt.)  that  he  has  seen 
specimens  from  Argentina  and  Bolivia,  in  addition  to  the 
Brasilian  specimens  in  the  British  Museum.  I am  greatly 
indebted  to  him  for  permission  to  include  this  interesting  exten- 
sion to  our  knowledge  of  the  southern  range  of  the  species. 
New  Jersey  thus  appears  to  be  the  northern  limit  for  a species 
of  rather  wide,  and  possibly  even  of  peregrine,  neotropical 


Blatchley,  W.  S.  1919.  Insects  of  Florida.  Y a.  Supplementary  notes 
on  the  water  beetles.  Bull.  Am.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  41 : 320. 

Horn,  G.  H.  1873.  Revision  of  the  genera  and  species  of  the  tribe 
Hydrobiini.  Proc.  Am.  Phil.  Soc.,  90:124. 

LeConte,  J.  L.  1855.  Synopsis  of  the  Hydrophilidse  of  the  United  States. 

Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Phila.,  7 : 366. 

Loding,  H.  P.  1945.  Catalogue  of  the  beetles  of  Alabama.  Geol.  Surv. 
Alabama,  Monogr.  11 : 30. 

Orchymont,  A.  d\  1943.  Faune  du  nord-est  Bresilien  (Recoltes  du 
Dr.  O.  Schubert).  Palpicornia.  Mem.  Mus.  R.  d’hist.  Nat.  Belg., 
ser.  2,  28:  76-78. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Rawson:  Lyc^nid^e 




By  George  W.  Rawbon 
Summit,  N.  J. 

Type  material  of  Lyccena  epixanthe  (Boisduval  and  LeConte) 
(1)  exists  in  the  form  of  two  female  specimens  (cotypes)  which 
were  formerly  in  the  Oberthiir  collection,  later  acquired  by  Dr. 
Wm.  Barnes,  and  now  in  the  United  States  National  Museum  in 
Washington,  D.  C.  (For  more  detailed  information  about  these 
specimens,  see  Barnes  and  Benjamin  (2),  Doubleday  (3),  and 
Kirby  (4).)  Both  cotypes  are  labeled  under  the  Boisduval 
manuscript  name  as  “ Chrysoph.  hypoxanthe  ( epixanthe ) Type/’ 
but  no  data  as  to  the  date  of  capture  or  the  locality  are  attached. 
In  their  original  description,  the  authors  mention  New  Harmony, 
Indiana  as  the  type  locality  of  epixanthe.  However,  some  error 
must  have  occurred  because  a number  of  circumstances  strongly 
suggest  that  the  cotypes  were  not  taken  at  New  Harmony  in  the 
extreme  southwestern  portion  of  Indiana,  but  probably  some- 
where along  the  eastern  seaboard — quite  likely  in  the  State  of 
New  Jersey.  I have  carefully  examined  large  series  of  epixanthe 
from  most  of  the  territory  where  the  species  is  known  to  range 
and  it  would  appear  that  aside  from  the  northern  subspecies 
L.  e.  amicetus  (Scudder)  ( phoedrus  Hall),  intermediate  forms, 
and  a new  mideastern  subspecies  about  to  be  described,  the  east- 
ern race  (represented  by  the  form  occupying  the  southeastern 
extent  of  the  range,  namely,  southern  New  England,  lower  New 
York  and  New  Jersey)  is  recognizably  distinct,  chiefly  by  having 
a shade  of  straw  yellow  as  the  ground  color  of  the  under  surface 
of  the  wings.  It  is  advisable  to  mention  here  that  a number  of 
authors  have  described  epixanthe  as  having  the  ground  color  of 
the  under  surface  of  the  wings  “various  shades  of  grey,”  appar- 
ently overlooking  the  fact  that  Boisduval  and  LeConte’s  original 


Journal. New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

description  calls  for  “whitish-yellow”  (“Le  dessons  des  ailes  est 
d’un  jaune  blanchatre”)  (5).  Furthermore,  the  under  surface 
of  the  figure  of  epixanthe  illustrated  in  Boisduval  and  LeConte’s 
original  description  (fig.  5,  pi.  38)  is  definitely  yellowish  and  not 
grey  or  white.  It  is  therefore  difficult  to  understand  what  vari- 
ous writers  had  in  mind  when  describing  epixanthe  as  greyish 
below.  Could  it  be  that  they  based  their  description  on  faded 
specimens,  the  occasional  lighter  colored  (albinic)  aberrational 
form  of  the  eastern  race  or  the  midwestern  subspecies?  This 
should  be  taken  into  consideration;  otherwise,  it  may  lead  to  a 
great  deal  of  confusion  in  regard  to  the  type  of  epixanthe  or  to 
the  taxonomy  of  the  species.  It  should  be  mentioned  that  in 
isolated  cold  bogs  in  some  sections  of  the  eastern  states,  minor 
local  races  differ  slightly  from  what  may  be  considered  as  the 
normal  eastern  subspecies.  Specimens  from  the  Passadumkeag 
Bog  in  Maine  presented  to  me  a number  of  years  ago  by  Mr.  L. 
Paul  Grey  of  Lincoln,  Maine,  appear  to  be  intermediate  between 
L.  e.  amicetus  (Scudder)  and  the  new  midwestern  subspecies; 
that  is,  the  under  surface  of  the  secondaries  is  grey  and  the  dark 
brown  maculations  are  very  much  reduced  in  size.  Furthermore, 
these  particular  specimens  are  smaller  than  typical  epixanthe. 
The  occurrence  of  minor,  local  or  ecological  races  is  what  might 
be  expected  of  a butterfly  with  decidedly  local  habits  after  be- 
coming isolated  from  the  main  stem  or  population,  during  the 
course  of  perhaps  thousands  of  years.  Minor  or  local  races  may 
be  insignificant  taxonomically,  although  they  may  be  of  decided 
interest  to  the  students  of  Ecology,  Genetics  or  Evolution.  A 
great  deal  more  study  is  necessary  before  the  status  of  the  races 
of  epixanthe  is  clearly  understood,  but  for  the  present,  I believe 
that  the  species  is  represented  by  at  least  three  recognizably  dis- 
tinct subspecies;  namely,  amicetus  (Scudder)  in  the  extreme 
north  (Newfoundland  and  Nova  Scotia),  epixanthe  (B.  & L.) 
(subject  to  further  study  and  possible  division)  in  the  eastern 
states  as  far  south  as  southeastern  New  Jersey,  and  a midwestern 
subspecies,  described  below,  occurring  in  Wisconsin,  Michigan, 
possibly  northern  Indiana  and  perhaps  other  adjacent  states. 

The  evidence  which  indicates  that  the  authors  of  epixanthe 
were  probably  in  error  as  to  the  type  locality,  New  Harmony, 

Mar.,  1948] 

Kawson:  Lycl33Nid^ 


Indiana,  is  as  follows : If  Boisduval  and  LeConte’s  type  was  taken 
in  New  Harmony,  it  is  logical  to  assume  that  it  should  correspond 
with  the  midwestern  race.  But  in  comparing  the  cotypes  in  the 
United  States  National  Museum  with  specimens  of  typical  eastern 
and  midwestern  material,  it  can  be  clearly  seen  that  these  cotypes 
are  close  to  or  identical  with  the  eastern  subspecies.  For  in- 
stance, one  of  the  cotypes  has  the  under  surface  of  the  wings 
“straw  color”  while  the  other  is  somewhat  lighter  in  shade  but 
yellow  enough  to  be  recognized  as  belonging  to  the  eastern  sub- 
species. They  resemble  particularly  specimens  from  the  south- 
ern portion  of  the  range,  namely,  southern  New  York  and  New 

After  corresponding  with  Indiana  lepidopterists,  I cannot  find 
any  evidence  that  epixanthe  has  ever  been  taken  in  the  vicinity 
of  New  Harmony,  or  in  fact,  in  the  State  of  Indiana  except  in 
Lake  County  which  is  approximately  250  miles  north  of  New 
Harmony.  Blatchley  (6)  in  1892,  recorded  epixanthe  as  occur- 
ring in  Indiana  (Lake  County)  in  July  and  August  and  the  most 
recent  list  of  Indiana  butterflies  by  Montgomery  (7)  repeats 
Blatchley ’s  record  without  adding  any  new  ones.  Blatchley ’s 
specimens  do  not  appear  to  be  available  for  study  which  is  unfor- 
tunate since  they  would  undoubtedly  correspond  with  the  mid- 
western  subspecies  judging  by  the  geographical  position  of  Lake 
County,  Indiana. 

A report  kindly  sent  by  Professor  B.  Elwood  Montgomery  of 
Purdue  University  (July  3,  1947),  states  that  he  could  find  no 
evidence  of  either  Lyccena  epixanthe  or  its  food  plant  (cran- 
berry) while  on  a collecting  trip  of  several  days  in  South-central 
Indiana  from  J efferson  to  Orange  Counties. 

Information  which  I have  been  able  to  obtain  from  botanists 
also  suggest  that  Boisduval  and  LeConte’s  cotypes  were  not  taken 
in  the  neighborhood  of  New  Harmony,  Indiana,  because  there  are 
no  records  of  the  food  plant  of  the  species;  namely,  cranberry 
( V actinium,  macrocarpon  Ait.  or  V.  oxy coccus  L.)  occurring  in 
Indiana  nearer  to  New  Harmony  than  Delaware  County.  Dr. 
Charles  E.  Olmstead,  Associate  Professor,  Department  of  Botany, 
University  of  Chicago,  advises  me  that  so  far  as  he  knows  V. 
oxycoccus  is  entirely  northern  in  its  distribution,  occurring  only 
in  the  northern  counties  of  Indiana,  Ohio  and  further  northward. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

In  “Shrubs  in  Indiana,”  Dean  lists  cranberry  as  being  confined 
to  northern  Indiana.  It  is,  of  course,  possible  that  plants  other 
than  cranberry  may  be  used  by  epixanthe  larvae  as  a food  plant. 
However,  this  is  not  very  likely  because  no  lepidopterist  to  my 
knowledge  has  reported  finding  the  larvae  of  epixanthe  feeding 
on  other  than  cranberry  plants  or  the  imagoes  inhabiting  other 
than  cranberry  bogs.  According  to  Scudder  (8),  “epixanthe 
occurs  only  in  cranberry  bogs  where  it  flies  near  the  ground  and 
frequently  rests  on  cranberry  and  sumac  bushes.”  Cook  and 
Watson  (9)  also  describe  the  food  plant  as  cranberry.  Judging 
by  the  evidence  presented  above,  it  would  appear  very  improb- 
able that  Boisduval  received  the  specimens  of  epixanthe  on  which 
he  founded  the  type  from  New  Harmony.  As  to  why  such  a 
possible  error  was  made,  there  does  not  seem  to  be  any  satis- 
factory explanation.  However,  a note  received  from  Mr.  Wm. 
D.  Field,  of  the  United  States  National  Museum,  Washington, 
D.  C.,  offers  a plausible  explanation.  With  Mr.  Field's  permis- 
sion, I am  publishing  his  note  as  follows : 

The  only  entomologist  known  to  have  lived  and  collected  at  New  Harmony, 
Indiana,  prior  to  1833,  was  Thomas  Say.  This  gentleman  was  one  of  the 
original  founders  of  the  community  in  1825.  Prior  to  1825,  Say’s  home  was 
in  Philadelphia  and  he  collected  a great  deal  around  this  area  as  well  as  in 
New  Jersey  forming  quite  a large  collection  of  insects.  This  collection  he 
took  with  him  to  New  Harmony.  I suggest  that  it  is  quite  possible  that 
Boisduval  received  epixanthe  from  Say.  This  material  was  probably  un- 
labeled and  Boisduval  assumed  they  were  taken  at  New  Harmony — the  ad- 
dress of  his  correspondent  at  that  time.  I can  find  no  evidence  in  Boisduval ’s 
or  Say’s  writings  that  they  did  correspond  or  exchange  or  that  Say  sold  or 
gave  Boisduval  any  material.  Say  did  write  to  numerous  important  ento- 
mologists of  the  period.  Major  John  LeConte  (Boisduval ’s  American  col- 
laborator) may  have  been  the  person  who  received  epixanthe  from  Say  and 
the  latter  sent  the  specimens  to  Boisduval.  If  all  this  were  true,  then  the 
real  type  locality  would  probably  be  somewhere  in  New  Jersey  or  the  environs 
of  Philadelphia.  It  is  recorded  that  Say  collected  in  and  around  Great  Egg 
Harbor,  New  Jersey  (see  pages  109-110  of  “Thomas  Say,  Early  American 
Naturalist,”  by  Harry  B.  Weiss  and  Grace  M.  Ziegler,  1931). 

Apparently  no  lectotype  has  been  selected  from  the  cotypes  in 
the  National  Museum.  Therefore,  the  female  specimen  labeled 
“ Chrysoph.  hypoxanthe  Bdv.  (epixanthe)  Type,”  showing  the 
least  yellow  on  the  tinder  surface  of  the  wings  has  been  selected 
and  labeled  “lectotype.”  The  other  female  specimen  automati- 

Mar.,  1948] 

Rawson:  Lyc^nid.® 


cally  becomes  a paratype.  Furthermore,  I have  added  to  the 
United  States  National  Museum  collection,  a small  series  of 
Lyccena  epixanthe,  comprising  five  J'J'  and  four  52  as  represent- 
ing the  eastern  subspecies  because  they  correspond  with  the  Bois- 
duval  and  LeConte  type  material.  These  specimens  were  all 
taken  July  6,  1947  in  a cranberry  marsh  near  Lakehurst,  New 
Jersey.  As  we  are  not  sure  of  the  actual  type  locality  of  Bois- 
duval  and  LeConte’s  type,  this  small  series  will  serve  as  a cri- 
terion or  basis  of  comparison  by  representing  the  eastern  sub- 
species. Each  one  has  been  labeled,  “homotype.” 

A new  subspecies  of  Lyccena  epixanthe  (Boisduval  and  Le- 
conte) from  Michigan  and  Wisconsin  is  described  as  follows : 

Lycaena  epixanthe  michiganensis,  new  subspecies 

Eolotype,  Proud  Lake,  Oakland  County,  Michigan,  July  1,  1945. 

Collector:  George  W.  Rawson. 

Pull  expanse:  22.5  mm. 

Description  of  upper  surface : 

Forewings : Similar  to  or  identical  with  eastern  epixanthe  (as  represented  by 
Boisduval  and  LeConte’s  cotypical  material  in  the  United  States  National 
Museum,  Washington,  D.  C.) 

Hindwings : Similar  to  typical  epixanthe  except  that  the  submarginal  band  or 
chain  of  orange-red  lunules  extends  about  two-thirds  the  length  of  the  sub- 
marginal border.  In  the  majority  of  specimens  of  the  eastern  subspecies 
the  lunules  extend  along  about  one-half  the  length  of  the  submarginal  border. 
Under  surface : 

Forewings : The  ground  color,  greyish-yellow,  is  paler  than  in  the  eastern 
subspecies  of  epixanthe,  the  maculations  standing  out  in  bolder  contrast 
against  the  lighter  background.  The  black  maculations  running  parallel 
with  the  outer  border  are  narrowly  margined  with  reddish-brown  outwardly. 
Hindwings : Ground  color  light  grey,  somewhat  pearly  or  with  a trace  or 
suggestion  of  light  blue  when  seen  by  reflected  light.  This  is  the  chief  or 
distinctive  feature  of  this  subspecies.  The  blackish  maculations  on  the  under 
surface  of  the  secondaries  are  quite  distinct  and  somewhat  larger  than  in 
average  specimens  of  the  eastern  subspecies.  The  band  of  orange-red  lunules 
occurring  on  the  lower  surface  is  similar  to  that  above  although  it  does  not 
extend  quite  as  far  towards  the  coastal  margin.  The  lunules  are  also  of 
somewhat  brighter  hue  than  in  the  eastern  subspecies. 

Allotype,  Proud  Lake,  Oakland  County,  Michigan,  July  5, 

Collector:  John  H.  Newman. 

Full  expanse  : 25.5  mm. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Description  of  upper  surface:  Similar  to  the  eastern  subspecies  on  the 
upper  surface  of  both  the  primaries  and  secondaries  except  the  maculations 
are  a trifle  longer  and  broader.  The  band  or  chain  of  orange-red  lunules 
extends  about  one-half  the  length  of  the  submarginal  border. 

On  the  under  surface,  the  orange-red  lunules  of  the  secondaries  are  about 
the  same  as  on  the  upper  surface  and  the  ground  color  and  the  maculations 
are  practically  the  same  as  described  for  the  holotype.  As  in  the  case  of  the 
holotype,  the  pearly-grey  ground  color  is  the  chief  feature  which  distinguishes 
this  new  subspecies  from  the  eastern  race.  Both  the  holotype  and  allotype 
have  been  deposited  in  the  United  States  National  Museum,  Washington, 
D.  C. 


Thirty-two  specimens  have  been  designated  as  paratypes  and  so 
labeled.  Of  these,  eleven  males  and  one  female  taken  July  1-4:, 
1944-45,  Oakland  County,  Michigan,  are  in  the  possession  of  Mr. 
John  H.  Newman,  South  Lyons,  Michigan.  A male  specimen 
taken  July  4,  1947  at  the  same  place  has  also  been  added.  Five 
males  and  one  female  taken  in  Washburn  County,  Wisconsin, 
July  20,  1946,  and  one  female  same  locality,  July  18,  1944  by  Mr. 
Edward  S.  Thomas,  Curator  of  Natural  History,  Ohio  State  Mu- 
seum, Columbus,  Ohio,  are  in  the  collection  of  the  latter  institu- 
tion. Ten  males  and  one  female  taken  July  1-6,  1944-45  in  Oak- 
land County,  Michigan  are  in  my  possession.  Another  female 
specimen  (used  for  genitalic  study)  is  in  the  collection  of  Mr. 
C.  F.  dos  Passos,  Mendham,  New  Jersey.  Mr.  Newman  or  I will 
make  arrangements  to  have  a few  paratypes,  or  at  least  topo- 
typical  material  deposited  in  the  collections  of  the  Museum  of 
Zoology,  University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor,  the  American  Mu- 
seum of  Natural  History,  New  York  City  and  in  other  insti- 

So  far  as  the  distribution  of  Lyccena  epixamthe  michiganensis 
is  concerned,  very  little  is  yet  known.  We  do  know  that  this  sub- 
species occurs  in  Washburn  County,  Wisconsin,  and  in  Oakland 
County,  Michigan,  as  well  as  in  five  other  counties  in  Michigan 
according  to  Moore  (10),  namely,  Alger,  July  25,  Chippewa, 
July,  Dickinson,  July  10- August  18,  Keweenaw  (Isle  Royal)  and 
Schoolcraft,  August  21.  Macy  and  Shepard’s  (11)  reference  to 
epixanthe  as  occurring  in  Minnesota  and  Kansas  undoubtedly  ap- 
plies to  the  subspecies,  michiganensis.  Intensive  search  for  the 

Mar.,  1948] 

RawsoN:  Lyc^nid.® 


species  by  Edward  S.  and  John  S.  Thomas  in  the  few  cranberry 
bogs  which  remain  in  Ohio  has  so  far  proved  unsuccessful. 

It  may  be  of  interest  to  mention  that  so  far  as  we  have  ob- 
served there  appears  to  be  no  tendency  towards  noticeable  vari- 
ation in  this  new  subspecies;  in  fact,  it  seems  to  be  very  stable 
and  uniform.  However,  a comparatively  small  number  of  speci- 
mens have  been  collected  and  it  is  of  course,  possible  that  variants 
or  aberrations  may  be  found  when  a sufficient  number  of  speci- 
mens have  been  obtained.  Pale  atypical  or  aberrant  specimens 
of  epixanthe  are  occasionally  found  in  colonies  associated  with  the 
typical  eastern  form.  These  closely  resemble  the  new  subspecies 
michiganensis  in  lacking  the  straw  yellow-colored  under  surface 
of  the  wings.  The  principal  difference  is  that  the  band  of  orange- 
red  lunules  on  the  under  surface  of  the  hind  wings  is  not  so  ex- 
tensive or  so  brightly  colored  as  in  L.  e.  michiganensis. 

The  total  width  or  expansion  of  thirty  paratypes  are  as  follows : 

Minimum  Maximum  Average 

27  males  23  mm.  26  mm.  24.0  mm. 

3 females  I 25  “ 26  “ 25.6  ‘ ‘ 


I wish  to  express  my  thanks  for  advice  and  assistance  to  Mr. 
Wm.  P.  Comstock  and  Dr.  Chas.  D.  Michener  of  the  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York,  Mr.  Wm.  D.  Field  of  the 
National  Museum,  Washington,  D.  C.,  Professor  W.  T.  M.  Forbes 
of  Cornell  University,  Professor  B.  Elwood  Montgomery  of  Pur- 
due University,  Mr.  Cyril  F.  dos  Passos,  Mendham,  N.  J.,  Mr. 
Edward  S.  Thomas,  Ohio  State  Museum,  Mr.  W.  S.  Me  Alpine  of 
Birmingham,  Michigan,  Mr.  John  H.  Newman,  South  Lyons, 
Michigan  and  to  others  whose  names  may  have  been  inadvertently 
omitted  but  whose  assistance  or  cooperation  is  nevertheless  ac- 
knowledged and  appreciated. 

Note : 

Slides  of  the  male  genitalia  of  amicetus , eastern  epixanthe  and 
the  new  subspecies  michiganensis  have  been  prepared  by  Mr. 
Cyril  F.  dos  Passos  with  the  following  comments : “There  appears 
to  be  no  substantial  differences  between  amicetus  (Scudder)  and 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

your  subspecies,  except  that  the  former  is  somewhat  smaller. 
However,  both  seem  to  differ  from  eastern  epixanthe  in  that  the 
latter  appears  to  have  larger  labides,  especially  the  distal  section 
thereof.  Further  dissections  should  be  made  to  ascertain  if  this 
is  due  to  a distortion  in  my  mount  or  whether  the  particular 
specimen  dissected  is  somewhat  aberrant.’  ’ 


1.  Boisduval  and  LeConte.  1833.  Histoire  Generale  et  Iconographic 

des  Lepidopteres  et  des  Chenilles  de  l’Ameriqiie  Septentrionale. 

2.  Barnes,  Wm.,  and  Benjamin,  F.  H.  1926.  Notes  on  diurnal  Lepi- 

doptera  with  additions  and  corrections  to  the  recent  1 1 List  of 
Diurnal  Lepidoptera  ’ ’ Bull.  Southern  California  Academy  of 
Sciences,  Vol.  25  pp.  95-96. 

3.  Doubleday.  1847,  List  Lep.  B.  M.,  11,  54,  Polymmatus. 

4.  Kirby.  1862.  Man.  Europ.,  Butterflies,  p.  91f.  11,  Chrysophanus. 

. 1871.  Syn.  Cat.  Diur.  Lep.,  p.  343.  Lyccena. 

. Europ,  Butterflies  & Moths,  p.  54  (?),  dorilis,  Lyccena. 

5.  Boisduval  and  LeConte.  1833.  Ibid. 

6.  Blatchley,  W.  S.  1892.  A catalog  of  the  butterflies  known  to  occur 

in  Indiana.  Ann.  Rep.  Ind.  St.  Geol.,  Vol.  17,  pp.  365-408. 

7.  Montgomery,  Robert  W.  1931.  Preliminary  List  of  the  butterflies 

of  Indiana.  Proc.  Ind.  Acad.  Sci,  Vol.  40  i p.  351-355  (1930). 

8.  Scudder.  1889.  Butterflies  of  the  Eastern  U.  S.  and  Canada,  Vol.  2 

pp.  985-90. 

9.  Cook  and  Watson.  1908.  Canadian  Entomologist,  Vol.  40,  pp.  85-88. 

10.  Moore,  Sherman.  1939.  “A  list  of  the  butterflies  of  Michigan.’ ’ 

Occasional  Papers  of  the  Museum  of  Zoology,  No.  411  Oct.  15, 
University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor,  University  Press. 

11.  Macy,  R.  W.,  and  Shepard,  II.  H.  1941.  “Butterflies,”  p.  167, 

University  of  Minnesota  Press,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Hagan;  Viviparity 



By  Harold  R.  Hagan 

The  City  College,  College  of  the  City  of  New  York 

Viviparity  may  be  defined  as  the  birth  of  offspring  without  an 
enveloping  egg  shell.  By  way  of  contrast,  oviparity  means  the 
extrusion  of  eggs  or  offspring  that  are  surrounded  at  birth  with 
such  a membrane.  To  speak  of  the  first  case  as  the  deposition 
of  living  young  and  to  say  that  eggs  are  laid  in  the  second  are 
frequently  misleading  and  erroneous  statements  which  appear  in 
the  literature.  Birth  products  are  usually  living  offspring  in 
more  or  less  advanced  stages  of  development.  Only  deposited 
eggs  that  require  subsequent  fertilization  contain  no  living  off- 

Every  known  variation  in  the  production  of  the  next  genera- 
tion may  be  found.  There  are  parthenogenetic  eggs  requiring  no 
male  contribution,  inseminated  eggs  in  which  the  culminating  act 
of  fertilization  is  still  to  ensue  after  deposition,  and  extruded, 
fertilized  eggs  in  the  zygotic  stage.  Eggs  are  also  laid  that  may 
contain  embryos  of  any  developmental  age,  even  eggs  with  fully 
grown  embryos  ready  to  fend  for  themselves  immediately  upon 
extrusion  and,  finally,  insects  give  birth  to  living  offspring  which 
have  hatched  from  the  egg  within  the  mother’s  body,  or  the  eggs 
may  never  have  been  initially  provided  with  a shell.  All  these 
may  be  cited  as  examples  of  reproductive  processes  in  insects.  It 
is  with  the  last  phenomenon  that  we  are  now  concerned,  and  even 
viviparous  reproduction  shows  several  variations  in  its  expression. 

A few  years  ago,  the  writer  undertook  a study  of  the  reported 
methods  of  viviparous  reproduction  in  the  hope  of  discovering 
some  underlying  factor,  or  factors,  common  to  all  of  them.  The 
study  revealed,  first,  that  a surprisingly  large  number  of  orders 
possess  at  least  some  viviparous  species ; second,  despite  profound 
differences  in  viviparous  reproduction,  each  species  conforms  to 
one  of  four  general  patterns,  or  types,  in  the  reproductive  proc- 
ess; third,  the  taxonomic  relationship  between  orders  gives  no 
clue  to  the  viviparous  reproductive  pattern  followed  by  their 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

species;  fourth,  related  families  within  an  order  may  possess 
species  differing  from  one  another  as  greatly  as  may  the  orders 
with  respect  to  their  viviparous  patterns.  From  these  facts  we 
can,  perhaps,  conclude  that  viviparity  has  arisen  independently 
several  times  without  regard  to  the  length  of  the  evolutionary 
history  of  the  species  concerned. 

It  should  at  once  be  evident  that  viviparity  makes  necessary 
special  cooperative  adjustments  on  the  part  of  both  mother  and 
offspring  beyond  the  comparatively  simple  demands  of  oviparity. 
The  viviparous  types  and  some  of  the  modifications  required  of 
parent  and  offspring  may  now  be  reviewed. 

1.  0 vo viviparity  is  that  type  in  which  the  egg  contains  suffi- 
cient yolk  to  nourish  the  embryo  till  hatching  occurs  and  the  off- 
spring is  deposited.  This  is  by  far  the  most  commonly  encoun- 
tered kind  of  viviparity,  occurring,  or  said  to  occur,  in  Thysan- 
optera,  Blattodea,  Anoplura,  Plectoptera,  Homoptera,  Lepidop- 
tera,  Coleoptera,  Hymenoptera  and  many  Diptera,  especially  in 
the  families  Sarcophagidae,  Tachinidae  and  Anthomyidae. 

In  ovoviviparity  the  maternal  uterus  is  often  greatly  enlarged 
in  saccular  form  or  as  an  elongate,  spirally-twisted,  wide  tube. 
The  chorion,  or  egg-shell,  is  frequently  reduced  to  a thin,  deli- 
cate, elastic  membrane.  Maternal  physiological  processes  are 
altered  to  limit  ovulation  to  a single  egg  or  a few  eggs  at  a time 
over  a prolonged  reproductive  life.  Her  nervous  system  is  ad- 
justed for  the  retention  of  eggs  till  hatching  is  accomplished 
rather  than  to  deposit  them  at  once  after  the  manner  of  oviparous 

The  offspring  that  hatches  from  the  egg  must  escape  from  the 
shell  in  the  maternal  uterus.  This  process  is  quite  different  from 
rupturing  the  dry  and  brittle  chorion  of  a deposited  egg  with  an 
abundance  of  room.  The  larva  also  must  have  undergone  physio- 
logical changes,  too,  for  it  does  not  attack  the  maternal  tissues 
but,  upon  deposition,  will  readily  and  immediately  feed  on  the 
tissues  of  its  host  if  it  happens  to  belong  to  a predatory  or  para- 
sitic species. 

2.  Adenotrophic  viviparity  includes  those  insects  whose  re- 
tained eggs  contain  sufficient  yolk  to  nourish  the  embryo  till 
hatching  occurs.  After  hatching,  special  maternal  organs  nour- 

Mar.,  1948] 

Hagan:  Viviparity 


ish  the  offspring  throughout  larval  life.  All  the  pupipara  (Hip- 
poboscidse,  Nycteribidse,  Streblidse)  and  all  species  of  the  family 
Glossinidse  are  of  this  type. 

Females  having  this  type  of  viviparity  are  physically  and 
physiologically  limited  to  very  few  ovulations,  perhaps  ten  or 
fifteen,  during  their  reproductive  life.  Further,  the  ovaries 
alternate  in  the  production  of  eggs  so  only  one  offspring  at  a 
time  is  cared  for  by  the  mother.  Accessory  glands  are  altered  to 
function  as  nutrient  organs,  from  which  the  larva  derives  its 
sustenance  till  ready  to  pupate.  The  larva  has  lost  most  of  its 
ability  to  move,  retaining  only  sufficient  musculature  to  carry  on 
respiratory  functions  and,  in  the  Glossinidae,  to  burrow  in  the 
soil  far  enough  to  hide  during  the  pupal  stage. 

3.  Metagonadic  viviparity  is  distinguished  by  the  haemocoelous 
development  of  the  offspring  for  the  ovaries  do  not  discharge  the 
ova  into  genital  ducts.  Embryonic  nutriment  is  derived  from 
maternal  tissues  by  absorption  through  a trophamnion  or  a troph- 
serosa.  The  developed  larva  often  devours  practically  all  of  the 
mother’s  internal  anatomy.  Examples  of  this  type  of  viviparity 
occur  in  certain  Diptera  ( Miastor , etc.)  and  all  species  of 

Diptera  with  metagonadic  viviparity  exhibit  parthenogenesis 
in  their  viviparous  phase  although  functional  males  appear  sea- 
sonally and  the  species  then  becomes  oviparous  for  a generation. 
The  embryo  absorbs  nutriment  from  the  surrounding  maternal 
tissues.  The  larva  becomes  a parasite  and,  contrary  to  the  larva 
of  ovoviviparous  species,  immediately  acts  as  a predator  within 
its  mother.  It  devours  her  internal  organs  and  must  eventually 
cut  its  own  opening  in  the  mother’s  body  wall  in  order  to  escape. 
Strepsipterous  females  never  develop  into  the  adult  form  typical 
of  most  insects  but  remain  larva-like  in  appearance.  The  repro- 
ductive organs  have  disappeared  except  for  the  ovaries  which 
cast  their  ova  into  the  haemocoelar  space  where  they  lodge  in  the 
vicinity  of  the  lobes  of  the  fat  body.  This  tissue  is  absorbed  by 
the  embryo.  When  the  larva  is  ready  to  emerge  from  the  ma- 
ternal body  cavity  it  does  so,  not  by  way  of  reproductive  ducts, 
but  through  minute  canals  segmentally  distributed  along  the 
maternal  abdomen. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

4.  Pseudoplacental  viviparity  includes  insects  whose  embryos 
within  the  genital  tract  obtain  at  least  part  of  their  nutriment 
by  means  of  a pseudoplacenta.  In  every  instance  of  this  type  of 
viviparity  one  notes  that  the  offspring  has  succeeded  in  adapting 
itself  to  uterine  life  by  the  utilization  of  accessory,  extra-embry- 
onic structures  normally  quite  passive,  so  far  as  has  been  ascer- 
tained in  oviparous  species,  or  it  has  recalled  to  active  service 
degenerating  organs,  thought  to  be  no  longer  of  critical  impor- 
tance, and  has  given  them  new  functions  never  before  assigned 
to  them.  In  the  first  case,  the  serosa  or  the  amnion,  or  both,  have 
taken  over  the  role  of  nutrition  while  in  the  second,  the  much- 
discussed  first  abdominal  appendages  (pleuropodia)  have  as- 
sumed this  function.  It  is  the  sole  type  of  reproduction  in  which 
the  embryo  is  more  than  a passive  recipient  of  embryonic  nutri- 
tion. Insects  possessing  this  type  of  viviparity  are  some  Der- 
maptera,  Blattodea,  Anoplura,  Hemiptera  and  all  Aphididse. 

The  maternal  and  larval  adjustments  to  the  viviparous  con- 
dition more  nearly  approach  those  recited  for  the  ovoviviparous 
type.  The  offspring  are  deposited  at  the  same  developmental 
age  in  both  types,  corresponding  to  the  freshly  hatched  embryo 
of  an  oviparously  produced  insect.  There  is  no  retention  in  the 
maternal  body  of  later  larval  stages  nor  their  oral  nutrition  as 
was  the  case  in  adenotrophic  and  metagonadic  types  of  viviparity. 

From  this  review  of  the  types  of  viviparity,  we  may  now  draw 
a second  conclusion,  that  is : the  viviparous  condition  has  devel- 
oped in  several  instances  to  its  present  manifestations  by  different 
evolutionary  processes  in  closely  related  species.  As  two  ex- 
amples to  illustrate  the  meaning  of  this  conclusion  it  is  sufficient 
to  recall  that  polyembryony  appears  in  some  Strepsiptera  while 
the  majority  lack  this  interpolation  in  their  metagonadic  repro- 
duction. More  conclusively,  the  Diptera  have  representative 
species  in  three  of  the  four  types  of  viviparity. 

As  in  the  preceding  discussion,  we  must  content  ourselves  now 
with  a very  brief  consideration  of  the  evolutionary  significance 
of  the  viviparous  condition.  Ovoviviparity  may  be  considered 
the  most  elementary  type  of  viviparity  and  the  one  most  easily 
achieved.  This  type  digresses  least  from  the  oviparous  condition 
and,  indeed,  some  insects  show  it  only  infrequently  and  usually 

Mar.,  1948] 

Hagan:  Viviparity 


are  not  viviparous  in  most  of  their  reproductive  activity.  Others, 
such  as  the  examples  furnished,  are  constantly  ovoviviparous  but 
show  relatively  minor  adjustments  to  viviparity  in  contrast  to  the 
three  remaining  types.  However,  these  three  types  can,  con- 
ceivably, be  derived  from  ovoviviparity  and  it  is  possible  they 
have  thus  arisen.  In  the  adenotrophic  type,  for  example,  evolu- 
tionary progression  has  resulted,  perhaps,  from  changes  fore- 
shadowed by  a few  extreme  cases  in  ovoviviparity  ( Mesembrina 
meridians,  Musca  larvipara).  Pseudoplacental  viviparity,  too, 
may  merely  employ  in  a different  way  structures  commonly 
present  in  ovoviviparous  species,  while  the  gradual  loss  of  the 
reproductive  ducts  in  the  metagonadic  type  could  be  considered 
a reduction  of  the  parts  originally  present  before  evolution  re- 
moved them. 

These  statements  would  lead  one  to  assume  that  oviparity  pre- 
ceded viviparity : this  seems  to  be  a sound  conclusion.  There  is, 
certainly,  much  evidence  in  favor  of  this  position  with  none  to 
prove  the  reverse  might  be  true.  It  is  an  evolutionary  axiom 
that  lost  parts  are  not  regained.  If  viviparity  arose  from  ovi- 
parity then  several  absent  parts  in  various  viviparous  species, 
(seminal  receptacles,  chorion  of  the  egg,  oviducts  and  yolk)  can 
be  explained  away  as  evolutionary  losses.  It  would  certainly  be 
more  difficult  to  account  for  their  uniform  appearance  in  ovi- 
parous species  as  new  developments  from  viviparous  ancestors, 
especially  for  those  who  also  believe  in  the  polyphyletic  origin  of 

Finally,  it  would  appear  from  a careful  examination  of  the 
maternal  structures  affected  in  the  known  ovoviviparous  insects, 
and  in  those  that  are  occasionally  ovoviviparous  under  certain 
conditions,  that  viviparity  is  a potentially  important  reproduc- 
tive process,  destined  to  supplant  oviparity  in  a vast  number  of 
species.  It  entails  some  additional  hardships  on  the  mother  but 
is,  in  the  long  run,  the  more  economical  process  of  perpetuating 
the  species.  With  few  exceptions  viviparous  species  are  numer- 
ous, specialized  and  highly  successful  in  survival  values.  A 
population  is  maintained,  not  alone  by  the  reproductive  rate  but 
equally  by  its  death  rate.  Viviparous  insects  possess  a very  re- 
stricted biotic  potential  compared  with  related  oviparous  species 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.,  LVI 

but  maternal  care  and  protection,  the  lessened  drain  of  yolk  pro- 
duction in  bearing  limited  numbers  of  offspring,  and  the  reduced 
death  rate  of  these  offspring  are  essential  savings  that  make  it 
appear  that  viviparity  is  a decidedly  favorable  survival  factor 
in  hexapod  life. 

Mar.,  1948] 

Book  Notice 



A Generic  and  Subgeneric  Synopsis  of  the  United  States  Ants, 
Based  on  the  Workers  (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)  by 
Marion  R.  Smith.  The  American  Midland  Naturalist , Vol. 
37,  pp.  521-647.  May,  1947. 

It  is  a peculiarity  of  the  Formicidae,  more  markedly  than  of 
any  other  of  the  social  insects,  that  the  sexual  forms,  the  normally 
alate  males  and  females,  are  much  rarer  insects  than  the  workers. 
Not  only  are  they  rarer  in  numbers,  but  in  the  majority  of  cases 
they  are  either  much  more  narrowly  seasonal  in  occurrence  or 
more  retiring  in  habits  so  that  they  are  much  less  often  taken 
by  collectors.  Thus  the  males  in  the  majority  of  forms  appear 
in  some  abundance  only  during  a period  of  a very  few  weeks,  or 
even  less,  during  a season.  The  winged  females  appear  above 
ground  only  during  this  same  short  period.  For  the  rest  of  the 
year  the  dealate  forms  are  widely  scattered  in  their  individual 
colonies  and  are  more  or  less  inaccessible  underground. 

As  a consequence,  ants  as  a group  are  much  better  represented 
in  most  collections  by  worker  specimens  than  they  are  by  the 
sexual  forms.  This  situation  has  posed  very  considerable  practi- 
cal obstacles  to  taxonomic  workers  in  the  field  who  do  not  have 
constant  access  to  the  largest  and  most  modern  collections.  The 
difficulty  has  been  much  increased  by  the  marked  sexual  dimorph- 
ism characteristic  of  nearly  all  ants  and  by  the  further  remark- 
able morphological  polymorphism  characteristic  of  the  female  sex 
among  many  of  them.  So  pronounced  are  these  differences 
that  workers  and  females,  workers  and  males,  and  males  and 
females  of  the  same  species,  when  taken  separately,  have  fre- 
quently been  described  as  entirely  different  forms,  and  in  some 
cases,  as  in  the  males  of  many  Dorylines,  have  so  remained  in  the 
literature  for  many  years  before  they  were  properly  correlated. 
In  consequence  of  this  situation,  ants  have  presented  a very  dif- 
ficult arena  for  the  average  taxonomist,  and  many  entomologists 
have  been  discouraged  from  entering  the  field  who  undoubtedly 
would  have  done  so  if  adequate  keys  to  the  Formicidae,  based  on 
worker  characters,  had  been  available. 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

The  present  very  complete  and  beautifully  organized  paper 
supplies  this  need  most  admirably  for  the  ants  of  the  United 
States.  It  will  undoubtedly  find  a warm  welcome  among  myr- 
mecologists  as  the  answer  to  a very  long  standing  and  imperative 
demand  which  has  never  before  been  adequately  met,  and  it 
should  result  in  turning  the  efforts  of  a number  of  entomologists 
who  have  not  hitherto  concerned  themselves  with  the  Formicidae 
into  this  field,  where  additional  workers  are  badly  needed. 

There  is  probably  no  entomologist  in  the  United  States  at  pres- 
ent so  well  qualified  to  undertake  this  task  as  Dr.  Smith.  For 
thirty  years  he  has  been  engaged  in  an  intensive  study  of  No^th 
American  Formicidae  and  for  the  last  ten,  in  Washington,  he  has 
had  continuous  and  intimate  contact  with  all  of  the  material  in 
the  Wheeler  collections,  in  addition  to  the  even  more  extensive 
material  in  the  Smithsonian  Institution.  His  knowledge  of 
North  American  Formicidae  is  profound. 

This  paper  is  very  complete.  The  descriptions  are  extensive 
and  the  arrangement  is  such  that  any  worker  concerned  with  the 
group,  even  if  he  is  but  a tyro  in  the  field,  can  readily  use  them. 
The  plates  are  numerous  and  clear.  The  format  is  excellent  and 
the  historical  background  of  the  subject  is  very  completely 
covered.  Altogether,  too  much  praise  can  hardly  be  given  to  this 
complete,  clear,  thorough,  and  very  much  needed  contribution  to 
myrmecological  literature. — C.  P.  Haskins. 


We  regret  to  announce  that  Professor  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell,  an 
honorary  member  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  and 
widely  known  for  his  entomological  work,  died  at  the  age  of  81 
years  on  January  26,  1948,  at  San  Diego,  California,  where  he 
and  Mrs.  Cockerell  were,  spending  the  winter.  Several  months 
ago  he  suffered  a stroke,  but  recovered  sufficiently  to  resume  work 
on  the  bees  of  Honduras,  when  the  end  came.  An  extended  ac- 
count of  Professor  Cockerell  will  appear  in  the  next  issue  of  this 

Mar.,  1948] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 



Meeting  of  January  7,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
January  7,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President 
Stanley  W.  Bromley  was  in  the  chair.  Fourteen  members  and  six  guests 
were  present. 

The  Nominating  Committee’s  recommendation  for  the  officers  for  1947 
were  read  by  Mr.  Teale  as  follows  and  all  nominees  were  elected. 

President  Dr.  Harold  R.  Hagan 

Vice-President  Dr.  T.  C.  Schneirla 

Secretary Prank  A.  Soraci 

Assistant  Secretary * Lina  Sordillo 

Treasurer  Dr.  James  C.  King 

Assistant  Treasurer  Leonard  J.  Sanford 

Editor  Harry  B.  Weiss 

Trustees:  Dr.  Harold  R.  Hagan 

William  P.  Comstock 
Dr.  Stanley  W.  Bromley 
Dr.  T.  C.  Schneirla 
E.  I.  Huntington  « 

Publication  Committee:  Harry  B.  Weiss 

John  D.  Sherman 
Dr.  Charles  D.  Michener 

Dr.  Bromley  then  turned  the  meeting  over  to  the  new  president,  Dr. 
Harold  R.  Hagan. 

Dr.  Stanley  W.  Bromley  spoke  on  ‘ ‘ The  Last  Few  Years  ’ ’ (illustrated  by 
Kodachrome  slides).  His  paper  will  be  published  in  the  Journal. 

Lina  Sordillo,  Secretary 

Meeting  of  January  21,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
January  21,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History. 

In  the  absence  of  the  President,  Doctor  Hagan,  Dr.  T.  C.  Schneirla,  Vice- 
President,  was  in  the  chair.  Fifteen  members  and  four  guests  were  present. 

Doctor  Spieth,  chairman  of  the  Auditing  Committee  reported  that  the 
books  of  the  society  were  audited  and  found  to  be  correct.  The  report  was 
accepted  as  read. 

Doctor  Schneirla  appointed  Dr.  Charles  D.  Michener,  Chairman  of  a Com- 
mittee on  the  Zoological  Record.  As  such,  Dr.  Michener  is  soliciting  con- 
tributions for  that  publication.  He  reported  that  he  had  collected  about 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYI 

$85.00  for  this  purpose  and  that  he  is  hopeful  that  additional  funds  might 
be  subscribed. 

Mr.  Albert  Zerkowitz  who  was  to  speak  on  the  topic  “ Collecting  Lepi- 
doptera  in  Europe’ ’ was  unable  to  attend  and  in  his  absence,  Dr.  Schneirla 
presented  a very  interesting  paper  on  1 1 The  Coming  and  Passing  of  Males 
of  the  Genus  Eciton,”  an  abstract  of  which  follows. 

Dr.  Schneirla ’s  remarks  were  confined  mostly  to  the  species  hurchelli. 
This  is  a species  of  raiding  ant,  colonies  of  which  are  regularly  nomadic  and 
statary,  raiding  for  17  days,  then  statary  for  about  20  days.  Doctor 
Schneirla ’s  observations  were  made  on  Barro  Colorado  Island  during  a four- 
month  period  commencing  February  7,  1946,  in  the  dry  season  of  1946. 
E.  hurchelli  is  a “swarm”  raider,  the  males  of  which  appear  specifically 
confined  to  the  dry  season.  As  many  as  21  colonies  of  E.  hurchelli  and  30 
of  E.  hamatum  were  studied  from  mid  February  to  late  April.  Conditions 
are  similar  for  the  column-raiding  species  E.  hamatum,  except  that  in  this 
species  the  males  appear  about  one  month  later  than  in  E.  hurchelli. 

Doctor  Schneirla  observed  that  male  eggs  are  laid  by  the  one  true  queen 
in  each  colony  and  that  she  lays  at  least  18,000  to  20,000  eggs  during  her 
egg-laying  period  which  occurs  regularly  every  35  days.  It  is  believed  that  a 
given  colony  has  only  one  male  brood  per  dry  season.  The  eggs  are  laid  dur- 
ing the  early  statary  period.  At  the  time  male  eggs  are  laid,  worker  eggs  are 
not  found  in  the  colony.  With  regard  to  the  behavior  relations  of  the  males 
to  the  colony,  it  is  believed  that  the  workers  are  stimulated  by  the  larvae 
into  raids.  When  the  callow  males  (about  3,000)  emerge  from  cocoons, 
large  daily  raids  and  nightly  nomadic  movements  of  the  colony  begin.  At 
other  times  a similar  behavior  change  occurs  when  callow  workers  (about 
30,000)  appear. 

The  alate  males  remain  within  the  bivouac  during  the  day.  After  dusk 
they  are  seen  aroujid  the  bivouac.  Usually  one  or  more  workers  cling  to  the 
males  as  they  run  about  in  the  bivouac  vicinity.  Some  workers  are  actually 
carried  off  in  this  manner.  Each  evening  many  of  the  alate  males  fly  from 
the  colony,  probably  for  a distance  of  more  than  two  or  three  hundred  yards. 
They  soon  lose  their  wings  and  after  about  21  days  all  are  gone.  It  has 
been  observed  that  the  males  often  respond  to  raiding  trails  of  colonies 
other  than  their  own  but  it  is  thought  that  only  a few  might  make  their  way 
into  their  own  or  those  of  another  colony. 

In  the  discussion  that  followed  his  remarks,  Doctor  Schneirla  spoke  of 
the  abundance  (number  and  species)  of  “ant  birds”  that  followed  the 
swarm  raiders,  taking  prey  flushed  by  the  ants,  but  apparently  not  feeding 
on  the  ants  themselves. 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 
Meeting  of  February  4,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
February  4,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  Ten  mem- 
bers and  five  visitors  were  present.  In  the  absence  of  President  Hagan  and 
of  Vice-President  Schneirla,  Mr.  Soraci,  secretary,  was  in  the  chair. 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  at  8 : 15  p.m.  Mr.  Albro  T.  Gaul,  speaker 
of  the  evening,  proceeded  with  his  paper  on  “Decent  Observations  of  Vespine 
Wasps.  ’ ’ 

Mr.  Gaul  described  the  seven  distinct  forms  commonly  found  in  a colony, 
and  related  his  interesting  experiences  in  transplanting  a colony  of  Vespula 

Mar.,  1948] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 


squamosum  from  Mr.  Edwin  Way  Teale’s  grounds  at  Baldwin,  L.  I.,  to  his 
own  home  in  Brooklyn.  This  colony,  found  in  1945  by  Mr.  Gaul,  was  the 
first  one  reported  from  New  York.  Mr.  Gaul  described  the  formation  of  a 
new  nest  by  this  colony,  and  the  build-up  in  numbers  from  90  workers  on 
August  19  to  400  workers  on  September  9.  The  colony  declined  from  that 
point  and  by  October  11,  only  a few  males  remained.  Mr.  Gaul  was  able  to 
introduce  some  specimens  of  Vespula  maculifrons  workers  into  the  colony 
with  no  apparent  deleterious  effects,  finding  on  the  contrary  that  the  two 
species  got  along  very  well. 

F.  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 
Meeting  of  February  18,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
February  18,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  Eleven 
members  and  four  visitors  were  present.  President  Harold  R.  Hagan  was 
in  the  chair. 

Mr.  Edwin  A.  Reddoch,  303  Fourth  Avenue,  New  York  City,  was  proposed 
for  membership. 

Dr.  James  C.  King,  the  speaker  of  the  evening,  presented  an  interesting 
talk  on  the  topic,  (i  Notes  on  the  Genetics  of  Calasymloolus  exceecatus.’  ’ 

The  adults  of  this  sphingid  moth  appear  in  late  June  and  early  July,  and 
it  is  one  brooded  in  Westchester  County,  where  Doctor  King  conducted  his 
work.  The  moths  occur  commonly  on  wild  cherry,  willow,  poplar,  oak  and 
many  other  common  trees. 

From  the  eggs  of  one  moth  taken  in  July  1943,  he  found  that  75  per  cent 
of  the  caterpillars  molted  four  times  and  25  per  cent  molted  five  times. 
Then  25  per  cent  of  the  adults  were  very  yellow-green  and  75  per  cent  were 
very  blue-green.  Thus  there  were  two  mutant  characters  appearing  in 
proper,  one  to  three,  fashion.  However,  all  35  adults  reared  in  this  trial 
were  females.  Since  then,  Doctor  King  has  reared  nine  broods,  and  from 
350  pupae  he  has  obtained  only  13  males.  Usually  only  about  half  of  the 
eggs  hatch,  and  males  have  been  reared  only  from  eggs  with  a high  rate 
of  hatch.  From  one  batch  of  eggs,  90  per  cent  of  which  hatched,  11  males 
emerged,  and  two  males  came  from  a batch,  61  per  cent  of  which  hatched. 
Doctor  King  concludes  that  this  moth  is  not  good  genetics  material.  He  sus- 
pects that  three  pairs  of  alleles  are  concerned  with  the  molting  factor,  since 
a ratio  of  one  to  seven  existed  in  caterpillars  that  molted  four  and  five  times. 
With  regard  to  the  two  color  forms,  two  pairs  of  alleles  are  thought  to  be 
present.  He  found  that  two  blue-greens  could  give  some  yellow-green 
progeny,  and  that  two  yellow-greens  could  give  some  blue-green  progeny. 

It  was  concluded  that  both  these  phenotypic  differences  are  genetically 
controlled.  Doctor  King  observed  that  similar  mutations  are  common  in  the 
Sphingidse,  and  in  the  Lepidoptera  generally. 

F.  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Meeting  of  March  4,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
March  4,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  Nine  mem- 
bers and  seven  visitors  were  present.  President  Harold  B.  Hagan  was  in 
the  chair. 

Mr.  Edwin  A.  Eeddoch  was  elected  to  membership.  Mr.  Albro  T.  Gaul, 
401  Washington  Avenue,  Brooklyn,  New  York,  was  proposed  for  membership. 

The  following  committees  were  appointed: 

Field  Committee 
Mr.  Chris  Olsen,  Chairman 
Miss  Lucy  Clausen 

Program  Committee 
Mr.  Sam  Harriot,  Chairman 
Mr.  William  P.  Comstock 

Mr.  Albert  Zerkowitz,  speaker  of  the  evening,  presented  a talk  on  “Col- 
lecting Lepidoptera  in  Europe.’ ’ He  spoke  of  his  arrival  in  the  United 
States  in  1941,  and  of  his  first  catch  in  his  new  world.  It  was  Pieris  rapce. 
He  gave  a brief  history  of  collecting  in  Europe,  mentioning  the  large  Euro- 
pean collections  that  had  been  established  by  the  middle  1800 ’s.  Mr.  Zerko- 
witz had  the  opportunity  to  see  some  of  the  Linnaeus  types,  and  showed 
pictures  of  these  types  which  are  still  in  fairly  good  condition.  He  spoke  of 
the  many  collections  that  had  been  lost  and  of  the  fact  that  the  greatest 
collection  is  that  of  the  British  Museum. 

Mr.  Zerkowitz  spoke  of  the  thousands  of  Lepidopterists  in  Europe  and 
the  fact  that  each  of  its  capitol  cities  has  a Lepidopterological  Club.  It 
would  seem  that  preservation  of  the  species  rather  than  control  is  a problem 
in  many  parts  of  Europe. 

The  talk  was  accompanied  with  a series  of  beautiful  colored  slides  of 
places  in  Europe  where  the  speaker  had  collected. 

F.  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 
Meeting  of  March  18,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
March  18,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  Sixteen  mem- 
bers and  eleven  visitors  were  present.  President  Harold  K.  Hagan  was  in 
the  chair. 

Mr.  Albro  T.  Gaul  was  elected  to  membership. 

Mr.  Frank  A.  Soraci,  speaker  of  the  evening,  presented  a talk  on  “Ex- 
periences in  Medical  Entomology  in  Japan,”  touching  on  his  work  in  Insect 
Survey  and  Sanitation,  as  a member  of  the  Sanitary  Corps  in  the  Army  of 
the  United  States,  during  the  recent  war. 

F.  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 

Mae.,  1948] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 


Meeting  of  April  1,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held  April 
1,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Harold  E. 
Hagan  called  the  meeting  to  order  at  8 : 00  p.m.  Twelve  members  and  four 
visitors  were  present. 

Dr.  Theodore  L.  Jahn,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  The  State  Univer- 
sity of  Iowa,  Iowa  City,  Iowa,  was  proposed  for  membership. 

Doctor  Hagan  reported  that  the  Society  had  need  for  additional  funds 
and  that  it  was  hoped  that  such  funds  might  be  obtained  by  additions  to 
our  present  membership. 

Mr.  William  P.  Comstock,  speaker  of  the  evening,  spoke  on  1 1 Modification 
of  Veins  in  the  Wings  of  the  Genus  Anaea.”  This  is  a genus  of  butter- 
flies of  the  family  Nymphalidce.  He  has  divided  the  genus,  containing  over 
100  species,  into  twelve  groups  on  the  basis  of  the  structure  of  the  wings. 
His  research  leads  to  the  conclusion  that  the  genus  Anaea  is  of  South 
American  origin  and  that  its  extension  into  Central  and  North  America  was 
subsequent.  He  does  not  find  at  present  any  justification  for  the  division 
of  this  large  group  of  species  with  its  subspecies  into  separate  genera  or 
even  subgenera.  While  the  species  present  very  diverse  wing  structure, 
genitalia  and  color  patterns,  they  are  all  bound  together  by  a number  of 
definite  characters  in  common  which  separate  them  from  all  other  butterflies. 
It  is  Mr.  Comstock’s  suggestion  that  this  large  group  had  a single  origin 
from  some  stem  from  which  the  genera  Agrias  and  Prepona  may  also  have 
been  derived.  For  simplicity  of  taxonomy  the  retention  of  all  the  Anaea 
species  in  one  genus  seems  advisable. 

F.  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 
Meeting  of  April  15,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was"  held  April 
15,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Harold  E. 
Hagan  was  in  the  chair.  Fourteen  members  and  twelve  visitors  were  present. 

Dr.  Theodore  L.  Jahn  was  elected  to  membership. 

Under  a suspension  of  rules  Dr.  H.  Elishewitz  of  Caracas,  Venezuela,  was 
proposed  and  elected  to  membership. 

Mr.  Eobert  P.  Owen  of  the  Bureau  of  Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine, 
Inspection  House,  209  Eiver  Street,  Hoboken,  was  proposed  for  membership. 

The  field  committee  reported  that  an  outing  was  planned  to  the  home  of 
Mr.  Chris  E.  Olsen  at  West  Nyack,  N.  Y.,  for  June  7.  The  Society  voted 
to  accept  with  thanks  Mr.  Olsen’s  kind  invitation.  It  was  further  reported 
that  a second  outing  to  the  home  of  Edwin  Way  Teale,  on  Long  Island, 
would  be  announced  at  a later  date. 

Dr.  Mont  Cazier,  speaker  of  the  evening,  then  addressed  the  Society  on 
his  army  experiences.  As  a Sanitary  Corps  officer,  during  the  recent  war, 
he  experienced  a rather  rough  trip  by  water  to  India,  then  rougher  trips  by 
land  across  that  country,  and  then  by  air  to  China.  His  talk  touched  on  his 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVI 

work  with  Anopheles  phillipinensis  and  Anopheles  subpictus,  carriers  of 
human  malaria  in  India,  and  with  Anopheles  hyrcanus  sinensis  and  Anopheles 
minimus  in  China.  Dr.  Cazier  also  mentioned  that  non-malaria  carrying 
mosquitoes  came  in  for  some  attention,  although  his  efforts  were  concerned 
primarily  in  reducing  the  malaria  rate  in  our  troops.  His  talk  was  illus- 
trated with  some  excellent  photographs  of  general  interest. 

P.  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 

Meeting  of  May  6,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held  May 
6,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Harold  R. 
Hagan  was  in  the  chair.  Thirteen  members  and  seven  visitors  were  present. 

Mr.  Robert  P.  Owen  was  elected  to  membership. 

Directions  for  the  field  trip  on  June  7,  to  the  home  of  Mr.  Chris  Olsen  at 
West  Nyaek,  N.  Y.,  were  received  and  the  secretary  was  instructed  to  mail 
these  to  all  members  living  in  the  New  York  City  area.  He  was  also  in- 
structed to  mail  out  the  directions  for  the  later  field  trip  to  the  home  of 
Mr.  Edwin  W.  Teale,  when  arrangements  have  been  completed. 

Dr.  James  Porbes,  speaker  of  the  evening,, talked  on  “Observations  on  the 
Anatomy  of  Ants.”  His  observations  were  limited  to  the  carpenter  ant, 
Camponotus  herculeanus  pennsylvanicus , and  to  the  reproductive  organs  of 
the  male,  primarilyr  Diagrammatic  illustrations  of  the  male  reproductive 
system  were  shown  and  the  unusual  form  of  the  various  organs  evoked  con- 
siderable discussion. 

P.  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 
Meeting  of  May  20,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held  May 
20,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Harold 
R.  Hagan  was  in  the  chair.  Fourteen  members  and  twelve  visitors  were 

Dr.  Caryl  P.  Haskins,  speaker  of  the  evening,  gave  his  talk  on  the  subject, 
“The  Ponerine  Ants  as  Subjects  for  Systematic  and  Experimental  Study.” 
He  proceeded  with  a history  of  the  taxonomy  of  ants,  discussing  the  basic 
works  of  Linnaeus,  Pabricius,  Latreille,  and  others,  then  Lubbock’s  separa- 
tion of  the  family  Formicidae  into  subfamilies,  Formicinae,  Ponerinae  and 
Myrmecinae  was  mentioned.  Wheeler  suspected  the  colony  foundation  of  the 
ponerines  and  under  the  present  classification  this  subfamily  is  one  of  eight 
subfamilies  of  the  super-family  Yespoidea. 

Some  characteristics  of  this  subfamily  ard  that  they  have  functional  and 
well  developed  stings  and  poison  glands.  The  larvas  have  well  developed 
mandibles  and  feed  on  solid  food.  Cast  distinctions  are  ill  defined.  Col- 
onies are  in  many  cases  pliometric.  In  general  queen  fertility  is  low  and 
the  colonies  generally  have  few  individuals.  A colony  of  a thousand  indi- 
viduals is  unusual  in  this  subfamily,  while  some  comprise  only  as  few  as  12 

Mar.,  1948] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 


individuals.  All  but  two  species  nest  in  the  soil.  Of  the  two  exceptions, 
one  nests  in  wasps  nests  and  the  other  in  epiphytic  plants.  No  ponerines 
keep  or  tolerate  other  species,  and  none  keep  aphids.  In  the  subfamily  there 
are  no  fungus  growers  or  seed  sowers  and  social  or  internal  parasites  are 
practically  unknown.  Since  regurgitation  is  practically  impossible  in  these 
insects,  the  larvae  make  their  way  to  the  food  which  is  usually  just  dumped 
into  the  nest.  Larval  exudates  are  licked  up  by  the  nurses.  The  ponerines 
are  largely  confined  to  the  tropics. 

Doctor  Haskins  then  showed  a series  of  slides  and  colored  movies.  He 
also  had  several  live  colonies  on  hand  which  were  viewed  with  interest  by  the 

Following  Doctor  Haskins’  talk,  President  Hagan  mentioned  that  our  next 
regular  meeting  would  be  held  on  October  7,  1947. 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 


Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society 

t Vol.  LVI 



Apropos  of  the  observations  of  Edward  L.  Kessel  relative  to  the 
attractiveness  of  smoke  to  the  fly  Microsania  occidentalis  as  noted 
in  this  Journal,  vol.  58,  p.  146,  Vincent  G.  Dethier  in  his  recent 
book  4 ‘ Chemical  Insect  Attractants  and  Repellents/’  1947,  men- 
tions the  behavior  of  various  species  of  beetles  of  the  genus 
Melanophila  and  their  positive  responses  to  the  smoke,  from  burn- 
ing conifers,  burning  oil,  from  a distillation  plant,  a smelter 
plant,  a sugar  refinery  and  even  to  the  smoke  from  cigarettes, 
that  hangs  over  a stadium  during  a big  game.  E.  G.  Linsley 
investigated  the  behavior  of  these  beetles  to  fire  and  smoke  and 
his  interesting  paper  appeared  in  the  Journal  of  Economic  Ento- 
mology, vol.  36,  341-342,  1943.— H.  B.  W. 


No.  2 

JUNE,  1948 


of  the 

New  York  Entomological  Society 

Devoted  to  Entomology  in  General 

Edited  by  HARRY  B.  WEISS 

Publication  Committee 



Subscription  $4.00  per  Year 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 


NEW  YORK,  N.  Y. 



A Survey  of  the  Arthropod  Vectors  of  Equine  Encephalo- 
myelitis and  Encephalitis 

By  M.  A.  Manzelli 79 

Book  Notice  , 108 

The  Spectral  Sensitivity  of  Dytiscus  Fasciventris 

By  Theodore  Louis  Jahn  and  Verner  Wulff 109 

The  New  York  Entomological  Club  and  “Papilio” 

By  Harry  B.  Weiss 119 

NOTICE:  Volume  LVI,  Number  1,  of  The  Journal  of 
The  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  pub- 
lished on  April  24,  1948. 

Entered  as  second  class  matter  July  7,  1925,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 
under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  special  rate  of  postage  provided  for  in  Section  1103. 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  March  27,  1924. 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

Vol.  LYI  June,  1948  No.  2 


By  M.  A.  Manzelli,  Research  Fellow 

Rutgers  University,  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey 

Equine  encephalomyelitis  is  a disease  that  attacks  horses, 
mules,  donkeys,  and  other  animals,  causing  a combined  inflam- 
mation of  the  brain  and  spinal  cord.  The  causative  agent  of 
this  disease  is  a filterable  virus  with  neurotropic  properties  (28). 
The  three  known  strains  of  equine  encephalomyelities  virus, 
western,  eastern,  and  Venezuelan,  are  serologically  and  immu- 
nologically  distinct  from  one  another. 

Within  the  boundaries  of  North  America  occur  both  the 
western  and  eastern  strains.  The  western  strain  of  the  virus, 
since  its  discovery  in  California  during  1930-31,  has  been 
recovered  in  the  states  of  Alabama,  Arizona,  Colorado,  Idaho, 
Illinois,  Iowa,  Kansas,  Kentucky,  Michigan,  Minnesota,  Montana, 
Nebraska,  Nevada,  North  Dakota,  South  Dakota,  Texas,  Utah 
and  Washington.  The  eastern  strain  has  been  found  in 
Alabama,  Connecticut,  Delaware,  Florida,  Georgia,  Louisiana, 
Maryland,  Massachusetts,  Michigan,  Missouri,  New  Jersey,  North 
Carolina,  South  Carolina,  Texas,  and  Virginia.  As  may  be  seen 
both  strains  have  been  found  in  Alabama,  Michigan,  and  Texas. 
With  the  exception  of  Pennsylvania,  Tennessee  and  West 
Virginia,  from  which  epizootic  encephalomyelitis  had  not  been 

* Paper  of  the  Journal  Series,  New  Jersey  Agricultural.  Experiment 
Station,  Rutgers  University,  Department  of  Entomology. 

AU6 1 2 1948 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

reported  during  the  fifteen  years  preceding  1946,  unidentified 
strains  of  the  virus  have  been  found  in  the  remaining  unnamed" 
fourteen  states  (4,  6,  40,  72). 

In  the  report  of  the  Chief  of  the  Bureau  of  Animal  Industry 
for  the  year  1937  it  was  stated  that  the  virus  of  equine 
encephalomyelitis  had  been  definitely  recovered  in  22  states, 
and  that  during  the  summer  and  fall  of  1937  more  than 
169,000  cases  and  approximately  40,000  deaths  among  horses 
had  been  reported  (32,  68).  In  1938,  184,662  cases  among 
horses  were  recorded.  The  number  of  cases  tabulated  from 
1935  through  1944  was  500,000,  and  Shahan  and  Giltner  (72) 
have  estimated  that  at  least  1,000,000  cases  occurred  in  the 
United  States  between  1930  and  1945.  As  the  average  mortality 
rate  is  about  30  per  cent,  it  is  possible  therefore  that  since  1930 
as  many  as  300,000  horses  and  mules  have  died  of  infectious 
equine  encephalomyelitis. 

In  Canada,  the  western  strain  of  the  virus  is  predominant, 
with  a few  cases  of  the  eastern  strain  occurring  only  in  the 
region  of  Ontario.  The  eastern  strain  has  also  been  identified 
in  Mexico  (72). 

Equine  encephalomyelitis  is  found  in  many  of  the  Central 
and  South  American  countries.  Panama  and  Brazil  have  had 
cases  of  eastern  strain  virus  within  their  borders.  The  western 
strain  has  been  found  in  Argentina,  where,  according  to 
Rosenbusch,  “Outbreaks  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  occurred 
in  horses  over  the  whole  agricultural  zone  of  Argentina  in  the 
summer  of  1919,  another  of  less  intensity  in  the  centre  and 
north  of  the  country  in  1933,  and  a third  one  in  the  eastern 
provinces  in  1935-36.  There  were  a few  isolated  cases  in 
1938-39”  (41). 

The  Venezuelan  strain  of  the  virus  has  been  found  in  Ven- 
ezuela, Trinidad,  Colombia,  and  Ecuador.  In  Trinidad,  the 
Venezuelan  strain  had  killed,  as  of  October,  1943,  approximately 
70  horses  and  mules  (37,  55,  72). 

In  recent  years  the  equine  encephalomyelitis  disease  has  been 
observed  also  in  Uruguay,  Chile,  Peru,  and  Cuba.  During  1944 
five  samples  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus  obtained  from 
Cuba  were  typed  and  found  to  be  all  of  the  eastern  type  (37,  72). 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 


Encephalitis,  a disease  of  man  in  which  the  brain  becomes 
inflamed,  is  caused  by  either  the  same  virus  strains  that  are 
responsible  for  equine  encephalomyelitis  or  by  other  strains. 
The  virus  strains  involved  are  serologically  and  immunologically 
distinct  from  one  another. 

These  strains  of  human  encephalitis  virus  are  known  as: 
St.  Louis,  Russian  spring-summer,  Russian  autumn  or  Japanese 
“B,”  West  Nile,  and  Semliki  Forest.  The  St.  Louis  strain 
occurs  in  the  United  States  and  has  been  found  in  many  of  the 
states  ranging  from  Massachusetts  in  the  East  to  Washington 
on  the  Pacific  Coast. 

The  virus  of  the  tick-borne  spring-summer  encephalitis  has 
been  found  in  several  parts  of  the  Russian  Union,  including 
European  districts  not  in  the  forest  zone,  and  in  Siberia 
(3,  21,  30).  The  virus  of  this  disease  is  closely  related  to,  or 
identical  with,  the  virus  of  louping-ill  of  sheep  in  Scotland, 
which  is  also  tick-borne  (2).  The  virus  of  the  autumn 
encephalitis  has  been  found  in  the  maritime  district  and  is 
identical  with  the  Japanese  “B”  virus. 

The  Japanese  “B”  virus  was  isolated  about  the  year  1934, 
ten  years  after  it  had  caused  one  of  the  most  severe  epidemics 
of  encephalitis  described.  During  the  summer  of  1924  there  had 
occurred  in  Tokyo  over  6,000  cases  of  encephalitis  with  3,797 
resultant  deaths.  This  virus  was  named  “B”  to  distinguish  it 
from  “type  A,”  or  the  von  Economo  type  which  was  responsible 
for  many  cases  of  encephalitis  between  the  years  1918  and 
1926,  but  which  has  since  vanished  (63). 

The  virus  of  West  Nile  encephalitis  was  first  isolated  in  1937 
from  the  blood  of  a native  woman  in  the  West  Nile  district 
of  Uganda,  Africa  (36,  73). 

Smithburn  and  Haddow,  while  investigating  the  vectors  of 
the  yellow  fever  virus  in  the  Semliki  Forest,  Western  Uganda, 
Africa,  isolated  a neurotropic  virus  from  mosquitoes  of  the 
Aedes  abnormalis  Theobald  group.  The  virus  has  been  named 
the  Semliki  Forest  virus  (74). 


In  1933,  R.  A.  Kelser  reported  the  first  successful  transmission 
of  the  virus  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  (western  strain)  by  an 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvi 

insect  vector.  Female  adults  of  Aedes  cegypti  L.,  fed  on  guinea 
pigs  48  to  72  hours  after  the  inoculation  of  the  latter  with 
virus  of  equine  encephalomyelitis,  became  infected.  Sixteen  to 
eighteen  days  after  the  infective  meal  the  mosquitoes  transmitted 
the  disease  to  guinea  pigs  and  to  a horse  on  which  they  were 
fed.  The  infected  animals  died  (17). 

Under  natural  conditions,  Culex  tarsalis  is  the  chief  vector 
of  western  equine  encephalomyelitis,  as  has  been  shown  by  the 
works  of  Hammon  and  his  associates.  They  isolated  strains  of 
western  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus  from  C.  tarsalis  collected 
in  areas  in  which  the  disease  was  both  epidemic  and  epizootic, 
and  later  this  species  transmitted  the  western  virus  in  laboratory 
experiments  (10-13,  61-62).  Culiseta  inornata  has  been  proved 
to  be  a natural  vector  of  western  strain  virus  as  it  has  been 
found  naturally  infected,  and  has  transmitted  the  virus  in 
laboratory  tests  (62).  Culex  pipiens  and  Anopheles  maculipen- 
nis  freeborni  have  been  found  naturally  infected  with  western 
equine  encephalomyelitis  virus,  but  no  experimental  transmission 
has  been  demonstrated  with  them.  Therefore,  these  two  species 
are  not  generally  considered  to  be  vectors  of  the  western  strain. 

To  date,  no  arthropod  vector  has  been  found  in  the  United 
States  for  eastern  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus.  A Japanese 
report  of  1940  (given  by  Hammon  and  Reeves,  Amer.  Jour,  of 
Public  Health,  Yol.  35,  pp.  994-1004,  1945)  claims  transmission 
of  eastern  strain  by  Culex  pipiens  var.  pallens  and  by  C. 
tritceniorhynchus.  C.  pipiens  var.  pallens  gave  negative  results 
with  American  workers. 

Arthropod  transmission  of  the  viruses  of  encephalomyelitis 
and  encephalitis  has  been  summarized  in  Tables  1 and  2. 

Relationship  of  Virus  to  Vectors. — Merrill  et  al.  (25)  found 
by  laboratory  experiments  that  in  order  for  Aedes  cegypti  and 
Aedes  sollicitans  to  become  vectors  of  either  western  equine 
encephalomyelitis  or  eastern  equine  encephalomyelitis,  they 
must  be  fed  on  infected  animals  at  a time  when  the  virus  content 
of  the  blood  is  such  that  0.0001  cc.  or  less  will  produce  the  disease 
when  it  is  injected  into  a guinea  pig.  When  these  two  mosqui- 
toes fed  on  infected  animals  that  had  a lower  virus  content 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 


in  their  blood,  the  virus  was  soon  lost  and  the  mosquitoes  did 
not  transmit  the  disease. 

A period  of  4-5  days  must  elapse  after  A.  cegypti  has  fed 
on  an  adequately  infected  guinea  pig  or  on  a brain  suspension 
containing  the  virus  before  it  can  transmit  the  virus  of  the 
western  strain  (26). 

Aedes  nigromaculis  and  Aedes  dorsalis , fed  on  infected  guinea 
pigs  at  intervals  of  from  12  to  72  hours  after  the  latter  had 
been  injected  with  the  virus  of  the  western  type,  were  allowed 
to  bite  healthy  guinea  pigs  after  intervals  ranging  from  3 to 
24^25  days.  Positive  transmission  was  obtained  with  the 
mosquito  A.  nigromaculis  when  individuals  had  fed  18-66  hours 
after  injection  of  the  guinea  pigs  and  had  bitten  healthy 
guinea  pigs  4-10  days  after  their  infecting  meal.  The  greatest 
percentage  of  positive  transmissions  was  obtained  on  the  6th, 
7th,  and  8th  day.  In  tests  using  A.  dorsalis , the  positive  results 
obtained  were  not  very  definite,  but  those  that  did  occur  were 
obtained  with  mosquitoes  that  had  fed  18-42  hours  after 
injection  of  the  diseased  guinea  pigs  and  had  bitten  healthy 
animals  9-19  days  after  the  infective  meal  (20,  24). 

Merrill  et  i al.  (25)  demonstrated  that  in  both  A.  cegypti 
infected  with  western  type  and  A.  sollicitans  infected  with 
eastern  type,  the  quantity  of  virus  increased  1000-10,000  times 
within  the  mosquito. 

Merrill  and  Ten  Broeck  (27)  presented  proof  of  the  multi- 
plication of  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus  within  the  mosquito 
vector  by  means  of  serial  passage  of  the  virus  from  mosquito  to 
mosquito.  The  method  used  is  quoted  as  follows : 

Thirty  female  A.  aegypti  infected  five  days  previously  by  feeding  on  brain 
virus  of  the  western  strain  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  were  suspended  in  4 
cc.  salt  solution  plus  1 cc.  normal  horse  serum.  An  equal  amount  of  de- 
fibrinated  horse  blood  was  added  and  a pledgit  of  cotton  in  a Petri  dish 
was  moistened  with  the  mixture.  A small  amount  of  sugar  was  sprinkled  over 
the  surface  of  the  cotton  and  the  Petri  dish  was  placed  in  a cage  contain- 
ing female  A.  aegypti  that  had  had  no  sugar  solution  for  four  days  and 
no  water  for  one  day.  Since  the  virus  deteriorates  rapidly  when  in 
contact  with  the  air  at  room  temperature,  the  Petri  dish  was  replaced 
in  an  hour’s  time  by  one  containing  the  mixture  that  had  been  kept  in 
the  refrigerator.  After  another  hour  this  was  removed,  so  that  the 
mosquitoes  that  fed  took  up  active  virus.  Those  that  did  not  feed  were 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

eliminated  by  withholding  water  for  24  hours  and  sugar  solution  for 
48  hours  from  the  entire  lot.  The  infected  mosquitoes  were  kept  in  cages 
at  a room  temperature  of  24-28°  C. 

At  six  to  seven  day  intervals  from  25-30  mosquitoes  from  the  last  feeding 
have  been  suspended  and  fed  to  starved  females  as  outlined  above.  At  each 
transfer  virus  has  been  demonstrated  in  the  suspension  of  crushed  mos- 
quitoes by  guinea  pig  inoculations  and  in  many  instances  dilutions  as  high 
as  10”5  have  proven  infectious.  Control  inoculations  of'  three  kinds  into 
guinea  pigs  have  all  been  negative:  a suspension  of  mosquitoes  from  our 
healthy  stock;  the  horse  serum  and  saline  used;  and  a boiled  suspension  of 
infected  mosquitoes.  Since  the  virus  has  now  been  passed  in  series  through 
ten  lots  of  mosquitoes  and  since  the  dilution  at  each  transfer  is  at  least 
1 : 100  we  must  conclude  that  multiplication  has  taken  place. 

No  difference  has  been  demonstrated  between  the  mosquito  passage  virus 
and  the  original  strain.  Its  serological  characters  are  unchanged,  the  vir- 
ulence has  been  modified  little  if  at  all,  and  it  passes  Berkefeld  N filters 
readily.  Mosquitoes  infected  with  the  passage  strain  readily  infect  guinea 
pigs  by  biting. 

Merrill  and  Ten  Broeck  (27),  in  the  course  of  their  inves- 
tigations on  the  multiplication  of  western  equine  encephalo- 
myelitis virus  in  mosquitoes,  concluded  that  the  virus  appeared 
to  be  generally  distributed  in  the  body  of  the  mosquitoes.  This 
was  determined  by  inoculating  guinea  pigs  with  suspensions 
of  legs  removed  from  uncrushed  infected  insects,  as  well  as 
with  suspensions  of  the  body  fluid,  heads,  thoraces,  and 

In  1934,  Merrill  et  al.  determined  that  the  eastern  strain 
virus  appeared  to  persist  in  at  least  some  of  the  vectors  as 
long  as  the  latter  lived.  A.  sollicihans  transmitted  the  virus 
of  eastern  equine  encephalomyelitis  33  days  after  the  infective 
meal.  Females  of  A.  cegypti  were  able  to  transmit  the  western 
type  after  63  days,  and  93  days  after  the  infective  meal  the 
virus  was  shown  to  be  still  present  within  the  mosquitoes, 
although  they  were  not  transmitting  it  at  the  time  (25). 

Davis  (4)  found  that  the  longest  time  after  the  infective 
meal  at  which  A.  cegypti  transmitted  the  virus  of  equine 
encephalomyelitis  was  41  days. 

Merrill  and  Ten  Broeck  (26)  found  in  the  course  of  their 
investigations  with  A.  cegypti  as  vector  of  western  equine 
encephalomyelitis  that  the  virus  strain  could  not  be  demon- 
strated in  eggs  from  females  known  to  be  infected  or  in  larvae, 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 


pupae,  and  adults  reared  from  such  eggs.  The  larvae  did  not 
take  up  the  virus  when  it  was  added  to  their  rearing  water. 

In  laboratory  experiments,  Syverton  and  Berry  (48,  49) 
demonstrated  that  Dermacentor  andersoni,  a wood  tick  vector 
of  western  equine  encephalomyelitis  could,  in  its  early  stages, 
acquire  the  virus,  carry  it  to  later  stages  in  its  life  cycle  and 
also  to  its  progeny.  No  naturally  infected  ticks  have  been 

Merrill  and  Ten  Broeck  (26)  showed  by  laboratory  exper- 
iments that  males  of  A.  cegypti  could  become  infected  with  the 
virus  of  western  equine  encephalomyelitis  by  feeding  on  a 
suspension  of  virus  containing  brain  tissue  and  horse  blood. 
Eighteen  to  twenty-five  days  after  the  mosquitoes  fed,  virus  was 
demonstrated  in  two  suspensions  of  fifteen  and  twelve  male 
mosquitoes  respectively.  However,  the  remaining  infected  males 
did  not  transmit  the  virus  to  normal  females,  nor  did  they 
transmit  it  from  infected  to  normal  females  by  coition. 

It  was  found  that  the  virus  of  western  equine  encephalomye- 
litis was  apparently  not  injurious  to  the  vector,  A.  cegypti,  for 
the  mortality  of  caged  infected  mosquitoes  was  no  higher  than 
that  of  caged  uninfected  mosquitoes  (25). 

Reservoirs  of  Eastern  Equine  Encephalomyelitis  Virus. — In 
1935  Ten  Broeck  et  al.,  (77)  favored  the  view  that  equine 
encephalomyelitis  of  the  eastern  type  was  insect-borne,  and 
mentioned  the  possibility  that  the  disease  was  not  primarily  an 
infection  of  horses  but  that  it  was  transmitted  to  them  from 
birds.  Again,  in  1938,  Ten  Broeck  (78)  after  finding  neutral- 
izing antibodies  in  the  blood  of  chickens  and  turkeys  injected 
with  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus,  concluded  that  domestic 
and  probably  wild  birds  may  be  infected  with  equine  encepha- 
lomyelitis, and  that  birds  may  play  a part  in  the  transmission 
of  the  disease. 

In  1939,  Yan  Roekel  and  Clarke  reported  the  isolation  of 
eastern  type  equine  encephalomyelitis  in  ring  necked  pheasants. 
The  pheasants  had  been  obtained  from  New  Jersey  during 
the  1938  outbreak  of  encephalomyelitis  in  New  Monmouth, 
Monmouth  County  (52,  80). 

During  1938,  Tyzzer  et  al .,  (79)  found  the  eastern  type  equine 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

encephalomyelitis  virus  in  three  ring-necked  pheasants.  At 
the  same  time  Fothergill  and  Dingle  (58)  recovered  the  eastern 
type  from  the  brain  of  a pigeon  which  had  spontaneously 
contracted  the  disease  in  an  area  where  equine  encephalomyelitis 
was  prevalent  among  horses.  Sellards  et  al.  recovered  encepha- 
lomyelitis virus  (eastern  type)  from  dying  pheasants  in 
Connecticut  (71). 

Following  laboratory  experiments,  Davis  (4)  maintained  that 
mourning  doves  ( Zenaidura  macroura),  redwings  {Ageikins 
phoenicens) , cowbirds  ( Molothrus  ater ) and  grackles  ( Quiscolus 
quiscula),  all  migratory  species  often  seen  in  close  association 
with  livestock,  might  serve  as  reservoirs  from  which  mosquitoes 
become  infected.  The  above  listed  birds  were  susceptible  to 
the  virus,  and  for  a short  time  following  inoculation,  Aedes 
mosquitoes  recovered  the  virus  from  the  blood  and  transmitted  it. 

Beaudette  reported  the  presence  of  eastern  type  equine 
encephalomyelitis  in  pheasants  in  New  Jersey  during  1939 
(three  distinct  outbreaks),  1940,  1943,  and  1944  (two  outbreaks) 
(52,  53,  54). 

Reservoirs  of  Western  Equine  Encephalomyelitis  Virus. — In 
1941  Hammon  et  al.  (9)  found  that  in  the  annual  epidemics 
of  western  equine  encephalomyelitis  and  St.  Louis  encephalitis 
in  horses  and  man  in  the  Yakima  Valley,  Washington,  the 
antibodies  of  these  two  viruses  could  be  demonstrated  in  fowls, 
ducks,  geese,  pigeons,  turkeys,  other  birds,  cows,  dogs,  goats, 
horses,  pigs,  sheep,  'and  rodents  by  means  of  mouse  protection 
tests.  Apparently  the  antibodies  in  rpany  of  the  animals 
listed  above  are  the  result  of  specific  infection,  either  mild  or 
inapparent.  The  principal  foci  of  infection  could  be  the  many 
barnyards  and  fowl  runs  in  small  towns,  rural  and  suburban 
areas.  The  domestic  species  of  animals  produced  a higher 
percentage  of  positives  than  did  the  wild  species. 

Cox  et  al.  reported  in  1941  the  finding  of  western  equine 
encephalomyelitis  virus  from  a naturally  infected  prairie 
chicken.  As  of  1941,  the  western  strain  of  virus  had  been 
isolated  from  the  brain  tissues  of  eight  human  cases,  three 
horses,  one  prairie  chicken  and  one  deer  (57). 

Hammon  et  al.  (13)  found  that  in  the  1943  survey  made  in 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 


eastern  Nebraska,  in  which  neutralization  tests  were  conducted 
on  the  sera  of  91  mammals  and  birds,  positive  results  were 
obtained  with  pheasants  and  horses  for  St.  Louis  encephalitis 
and  with  cows  for  western  equine  encephalomyelitis.  The 
investigators  concluded  that  as  all  results  with  fowls,  rabbits, 
and  pheasants  were  negative  for  western  equine  encephalomye- 
litis the  virus  may  be  adapted  to  some  other  host  in  that 

In  1940  Howitt  (67)  reported  that  no  western  equine 
encephalomyelitis  virus  was  isolated  from  the  brains  of  43 
wild  animals  and  birds,  representing  14  different  species  taken 
in  the  endemic  area  of  the  Central  California  Valley  regions  as 
well  as  from  certain  coastal  districts.  Included  among  those 
tested  for  the  virus  were  Gambel  sparrows,  Kangaroo  rat, 
harvest  mouse,  pocket  gopher,  mourning  doves,  painted  finch, 
wood  rat,  cottontail  rabbit,  mallard  ducks,  pintail  duck,  and 
the  ring  necked  pheasant. 

Reeves  et  al.  have  reported  the  recovery  of  western  strain 
virus  from  wild  bird  mites,  ( Liponyssus  sylviarum ),  in  Kern 
County,  California  (70).  The  mites  were  taken  from  the  nests 
of  two  wild  birds,  and  in  laboratory  tests  were  shown  to 
harbor  the  virus. 

A variety  of  birds  have  been  found  to  be  susceptible  to 
infection  by  either  the  western  or  eastern  strain  Of  the  virus 
in  laboratory  tests.  Giltner  and  Shahan  (59)  made  the  first 
successful  experimental  inoculation  of  equine  encephalomyelitis 
(western  strain)  into  birds.  The  following  workers  have 
contributed  additional  information  on  experimental  infection  in 
avian  hosts:  Beaudette  (52),  Gwatkin  and  Moynihan  (60), 
Howitt  (67),  Sellards  et  al.  (71),  Syverton  and  Berry  (76), 
Ten  Broeck  (78)),  Tyzzer  et  al.  (79),  and  Van  Roekel  and 
Clarke  (80). 

Winter  Reservoir  of  Equine  Encephalomyelitis  Virus. — 
Hammon  and  Reeves  (64)  indicate  that  the  problem  of  finding 
a true  reservoir  (or  winter  carry-over)  of  western  equine 
encephalomyelitis  virus  remains  unsolved.  The  relationship  be- 
tween the  vectors  and  the  summer  reservoirs  of  the  virus  has 
been  well  established,  but  nothing  is  known  concerning  its  winter 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

reservoirs.  Hibernating  C.  tarsalis  adults  have  been  tested  for 
the  presence  of  virus  and  found  negative.  No  transovarian 
infection  has  been  found  in  C.  tarsalis , and  no  persistent  latent 
infection  has  been  found  in  mammals. 

The  true  reservior  of  eastern  equine  encephalomyelitis  is  also 
completely  unknown. 

Encephalitis  in  Horses. — Cox  et  al.  have  presented  data  demon- 
strating that  horses  are  susceptible  to  the  virus  of  St.  Louis 
encephalitis.  Typical  clinical  symptoms  were  produced  in 
experimental  infections.  Horses  that  showed  antibodies  for 
western  equine  encephalomyelitis  in  high  titer  were  susceptible 
to  St.  Louis  encephalitis  virus,  while  horses  demonstrating  St. 
Louis  encephalitis  antibodies  as  the  result  of  natural  infection 
were  apparently  resistant  to  subsequent  infection  by  St.  Louis 
encephalitis  virus  (56). 


Several  years  after  Kelser  had  demonstrated  the  transmission 
of  equine  encephalomyelitis  by  Aedes  cegypti , definite  proof  was 
obtained  that  mosquitoes  were  involved  in  the  transmission  of 
human  encephalitis.  Epidemics  of  encephalitis  had  occurred  in 
Yakima  Yalley,  Washington,  in  1939  and  1940  but  it  was  not 
until  1941  when  many  cases  of  encephalitis  again  occurred  in 
Yakima  Yalley  that  routine  collections  of  insects  were  made  in 
the  area,  and  subsequent  work  resulted  in  the  isolation  of  the 
St.  Louis  strain  from  Culex  tarsalis.  Experimental  transmission 
of  the  virus  to  laboratory  animals  by  the  bite  of  this  species 
was  obtained  at  a later  date.  (Yirus  of  western  equine  encepha- 
lomyelitis was  also  isolated  from  some  of  the  specimens  of  C. 
tarsalis.)  (10,  61). 

Culex  pipiens  and  Aedes  dorsalis  have  been  found  naturally 
infected  with  virus  of  St.  Louis  encephalitis,  and  transmission 
has  been  demonstrated  in  the  laboratory  for  C.  pipiens.  There- 
fore, C.  tarsalis  and  C.  pipiens  are  now  considered  established 
vectors  (12,  64).  Hammon  and  Reeves  have  demonstrated 
experimental  transmission  by  Aedes  lateralis,  A.  tceniorhynchus, 
A.  vexans,  A.  nigromaculis,  Culiseta  inornata,  Culiseta  incidens 
and  Culex  coronator.  Japanese  workers  have  reported  the  trans- 
mission of  St.  Louis  virus  by  C.  pipiens  var.  pollens,  C. 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 


tritceniorhynchus  and  Aedes  albopictus  (given  by  Hammon  and 
Reeves,  Amer.  Jour,  of  Public  Health,  Vol.  35,  pp.  994^1004, 

Previously,  in  1939,  E.  N.  Pavlovskii  (46)  asserted  that  three 
ticks,  Ixodes  persulcatus,  Dermacentor  silvarum , and  Hcemophy- 
salis  concinna,  had  been  found  naturally  infected  with  virus  of 
Russian  spring-summer  (or  taiga)  encephalitis  in  localities  where 
cases  of  the  disease  had  occurred. 

Smith  et  al.  (44)  and  Sulkin  (45)  reported  in  1945  the 
presence  of  both  the  St.  Louis  encephalitis  virus  and  the  western 
equine  encephalomyelitis  virus  in  the  chicken  mite,  Dermanyssus 
giallince.  The  mites  were  collected  from  chicken  houses  in  areas 
where  outbreaks  of  these  diseases  had  occurred. 

Infection  of  Man  with  Virus  of  Equine  Encephalomyelitis. — 
Webster  and  Wright  reported  in  1938  the  recovery  of  eastern 
equine  encephalomyelitis  virus  from  fatal  human  cases  of  enceph- 
alitis in  the  state  of  Massachusetts.  By  doing  so  they  con- 
firmed the  findings  of  Fothergill  et  al.,  who  in  1938  reported 
the  isolation  of  the  eastern  strain  virus  from  a human  case  (51). 

During  the  same  year  Howitt  reported  the  recovery  of  the 
western  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus  from  the  brain  of  a child 
(65,  66). 

In  1943  the  first  proved  case  of  natural  infection  of  man  with 
Venezuelen  virus  was  recorded,  a fatal  case  occurring  in  Trini- 
dad. A virus  strain  isolated  from  the  brain  tissue  of  the  fatal 
human  case  and  five  strains  from  donkeys,  mules,  and  horses  all 
produced  typical  symptoms  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  in  labor- 
atory animals.  Injections  of  these  strains  into  guinea  pigs 
immunized  against  the  western  or  eastern  strains  of  equine 
encephalomyelitis  resulted  in  the  deaths  of  the  animals.  How- 
ever, the  injections  failed  to  infect  guinea  pigs  immunized 
aganst  the  Venezuelan  strain  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  (37). 

Relationship  of  Virus  to  Vectors. — Parker  reported  in  1942 
that  in  the  case  of  Ornithodoros  moubata,  Murr.,  tick  harborer 
of  Russian  spring-summer  encephalitis  virus,  the  interval  be- 
tween the  ingesting  of  the  blood  of  the  infected  animal  and  the 
recovery  of  the  virus  by  injection  was  forty  days  (33). 

Experiments  with  suspensions  made  from  the  various  organs 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

of  Heemophysalis  concinna,  tick  vector  of  Russian  spring-summer 
encephalitis,  showed  that  the  virus  circulates  in  the  body  of  the 
tick.  The  virus  concentrates  in  the  salivary  glands  and  is  prob- 
ably transmitted  to  man  through  the  saliva  (46). 

Several  specimens  of  Ixodes  persulcatus , Schulze,  a tick  vector 
of  Russian  spring-summer  encephalitis  virus,  were  allowed  to  feed 
on  mice  infected  with  a large  dose  of  the  virus.  Tests  showed  that 
the  ticks  conserved  the  virus  within  their  bodies  for  60  days  (46). 

In  1945  Smith  et  al.  (44),  working  on  the  transmission  of  St. 
Louis  encephalitis  virus  by  the  chicken  mite  Dermanyssus  gallince, 
demonstrated  that  mites  harboring  the  virus  could  transmit  it 
through  the  egg  and  larva  to  the  first  stage  nymph.  Mites  in- 
fected in  nature  have  retained  the  virus  after  5 months  of  propa- 
gation in  the  laboratory. 

Experiments  with  nymphs  and  adults  of  the  tick  Dermacentor 
silvarum  (a  vector  of  Russian  spring-summer  encephalitis)  that 
had  fed  in  the  larval  stage  on  infected  mice  transmitted  the  virus 
by  feeding  on  laboratory  animals.  The  virus  was  also  present  in 
larvae  of  D.  silvarum  and  I.  persulcatus  that  were  the  progeny  of 
naturally  infected  females.  Injection  of  a suspension  of  larvae 
of  1.  persulcatus  that  hatched  from  eggs  laid  by  females  collected 
in  an  endemic  area  produced  infection  in  mice  (46). 

During  1939,  it  was  shown  in  Japan  that  virus  of  Japanese 
epidemic  or  summer  encephalitis  was  present  in  eggs  deposited  by 
artificially  infected  Culex  pipiens  var.  pollens , a vector  of  the 
virus  disease.  The  virus  was  also  demonstrated  in  the  first  instar 
larvae  hatching  from  such  eggs.  In  addition,  twelve  mice  became 
infected  out  of  511  bitten  by  females  of  this  species  that  had 
developed  in  the  laboratory  from  larvae  and  pupae  taken  in 
nature  (31). 

No  infection  was  found  in  the  immature  stages  of  C.  pipiens  L. 
and  C.  tritceniorhynchus,  vectors  of  Russian  autumn  encephalitis 

Reservoirs  of  St.  Louis  Encephalitis  Virus. — As  mentioned  in 
the  discussion  of  the  virus  reservoirs  of  western  equine  encepha- 
lomyelitis, Hammon  et  al.  (9)  demonstrated  antibodies  of  St. 
Louis  encephalitis  in  fowls,  ducks,  geese,  pigeons,  turkeys,  birds, 
cows,  dogs,  goats,  horses,  pigs,  sheep,  and  rodents.  Later,  in 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 


1943,  Hammon  et  al.  (12)  demonstrated  that  Culex  tar salis,  a 
vector  of  St.  Louis  encephalitis  and  western  equine  encephalomye- 
litis, fed  readily  on  fowls.  St.  Louis  virus  was  transmitted  by  it 
from  fowls  and  from  ducks  to  fowls  in  laboratory  tests. 

Philip  et  al.  reported  in  1941  that  the  presence  of  antibodies  for 
St.  Louis  encephalitis  virus  had  been  demonstrated  in  the  serum 
of  man  and  horses.  The  investigators  suggested  that  the  virus 
existed  as  a natural  infection  in  horses,  thereby  contributing  to 
the  summer  encephalitis  epidemics  in  both  man  and  horses  (69). 

Hammon  et  al.  (13)  reported  that  in  the  1943  eastern  Nebraska 
survey  in  which  neutralization  tests  were  conducted  on  the  sera  of 
91  mammals  and  birds,  positive  results  were  obtained  with 
pheasants  and  horses  for  St.  Louis  virus. 

Reservoirs  of  Russian  Spring-Summer  Encephalitis  Virus. — 
Pavlovskii  (34)  found  a mole,  a hedgehog,  and  a vole  naturally 
infected  with  the  virus  of  Russian  spring-summer  encephalitis. 
The  hedgehog  and  vole  are  known  hosts  of  I.  persulcatus  and  H. 
concinna,  two  tick  vectors  of  the  virus.  Pavlovskii  maintained 
that  it  is  probable  that  an  inapparent  infection  in  man  and  ani- 
mals, followed  by  immunity,  is  of  common  occurrence,  as  anti- 
bodies were  present  in  the  sera  of  cows,  horses,  and  healthy  per- 
sons in  an  endemic  locality. 

Reservoirs  of  Japanese  Encephalitis  Virus. — In  Japan,  dogs 
are  often  inapparent  reservoirs  for  the  virus  of  Japanese  epi- 
demic encephalitis,  as  shown  by  the  presence  of  antibodies.  (31). 

Winter  Reservoirs  of  Encephalitis  Virus. — The  true  reservoir 
of  St.  Louis  virus  during  periods  or  seasons  when  it  is  apparently 
not  present  is  unknown.  The  two  chief  vectors,  C.  pipiens  and  C. 
tarsalis,  do  not  demonstrate  transovarian  passage  of  the  virus,  nor 
do  the  hibernating  adults  of  these  two  species  appear  to  be  in- 
fected. Experimentally  infected  dog  ticks  ( Dermacentor  vari- 
abilis ) are  capable  of  transmitting  the  infection,  and  transovarian 
infection  can  occur,  but  no  naturally  infected  tick  has  been  found 
(64).  Chicken  mites  ( Dermanyssus  gallince),  which  have  been 
found  naturally  infected  with  St.  Louis  virus,  can  transmit  the 
virus  transovarially  with  resultant  infected  progeny.  But  the 
mites  cannot  transmit  the  virus  by  bite,  thus  eliminating  them- 
selves as  potential  reserviors  (44,  64). 

New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

The  tables  summarize  the  following  data : 

Table  1.  Mosquito  transmission  of  equine  encephalomyelitis 
and  of  encephalitis. 

Table  2.  Arthropod  (other  than  mosquito)  transmission  of 
equine  encephalomyelitis  and  of  encephalitis. 

Table  3.  Mosquitoes  that  failed  to  transmit  equine  enceph- 
alomyelitis in  laboratory  experiments. 

Table  4.  Arthropods  (other  than  mosquitoes)  that  failed  to 
transmit  equine  encephalomyelitis  in  laboratory 

Table  5.  Animals  demonstrating  antibodies  of  equine  en- 
cephalomyelitis and  encephalitis. 

Table  6.  Animals  found  infected  in  field  with  either  equine 
encephalomyelitis  or  encephalitis. 

Mosquito  Transmission  of  Equine  Encephalomyelitis  and  of  Encephalus 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 




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Note:  Lower  case  letters  refer  to  virus  strain:  (a)  Western,  (b)  Eastern,  (c)  Venezuelan,  (d)  St.  Louis,  (e)  Russian 
lmn,  (f)  Japanese,  (g)  West  Nile,  (h)  Semliki  Forest. 

. ( Continued ) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVI 








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Note : Lower  case  letters  refer  to  virus  strain.  Numerals  refer  to  reference  list. 

. ( Continued ) 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 



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New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  L VI 


Arthropod  (other  than  mosquito)  Transmission  of  Equine 
Encephalomyelitis  and  Encephalitis 


Virus  strains 

isolated  in 







1.  Dermacentor  andersorii  



2.  Dermacentor  marginatus  ... 




3.  Dermacentor  variabilis  



4.  Dermacentor  silvarum  




5.  Dermanyssus  gallince  



X (a) (c) 

X (a)  (c) 

6.  Triatoma  sanguisuga  




7.  Triatoma  infestans 



8.  Ixodes  persulcatus  




9.  Hcemaphy salis  concinna  




10.  Ornithodoros  moubata  



11.  Liponyssus  sylviarum 




Note:  Lower  case  letters  refer  to  virus  strain:  (a)  Western,  (b)  Ven- 
ezuelan, (c)  St.  Louis,  (d)  Russian  Spring-Summer. 

( Continued ) 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvi 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 



Arthropods  (Other  than  Mosquitoes)  That  Failed  to  Transmit  Equine 
Encephalomyelitis  in  Laboratory  Experiments 


Strain  of  virus  used 
in  attempted 


1.  Siphona  irritans  L.  (horn  fly)  



2.  Tab  anus  punctifer  (horse  fly)  

i ( 


Tabanus  sp.  

( i 


3.  Stomoxys  calcitrans  (stable  fly)  

i ( 


Stomoxys  sp 

( ( 


4.  Dermacentor  variabilis  (tick)  

( c 


5.  Cimex  lectularius  (bedbug)  

1 1 


6.  Zelus  audax  (assassin  bug)  

( c 


7.  Sinea  diadema  (assassin  bug)  

( l 


8.  Chrysops  sp.  (deer  fly)  

1 1 


9.  (Black  crickets*)  

1 1 


10.  (Grasshoppers*)  

l c 


11.  Simulium  vittatum  (black  fly)  

t ( 

(results  inconclusive) 


Note:  Numerals  refer  to  reference  list. 
* Scientific  name  not  given  in  reference. 

Animals  Demonstrating  Antibodies  of  Equine  Encephalomyelitis  and  Encephalitis 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

O os 

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.a  ® d 
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n S' 


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© M 5 

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P H C 

fee  d 
o o 
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Q . W OQ 
OQ  O © $ 

P 02  pH  p 


rP  d 
■+J  3 

° d 

h co  co  'd  *o  cd 


Note:  Lower  case  letters  refer  to  virus  strain.  Numerals  refer  to  reference  list. 
* Doubtful  for  Eastern  Equine  Encephalomyelitis  (Ref.  #13). 

Animals  Found  Infected  in  Field  With  Either  Equine  Encephalomyelitis  or  Encephalitis 

June,  1948]  Manzelli:  Encephalomyelitis  101 

Note:  Lower  case  letters  refer  to  virus  strain:  (a)  Western,  (b)  Eastern,  (c)  Venezuelan,  (d)  St.  Louis,  (e)  Russian 
Spring-Summer,  (f)  Japanese,  (g)  West  Nile,  (h)  Semliki  Forest.  Numerals  refer  to  reference  list. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYI 


1.  Blattner,  R.  J.  and  Heys,  F.  M.  1941.  Experimental  transmission 

of  St.  Louis  encephalitis  to  white  Swiss  mice  by  Dermacentor  vari- 
abilis.  Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.  Med.,  Yol.  48,  No.  3,  pp.  707-710. 

2.  Casals,  J.  and  Webster,  L.  T.  1944.  Relationship  of  the  virus  of 

louping  ill  in  sheep  and  the  virus  of  Russian  spring-summer  encepha- 
litis in  man.  Jour.  Exp.  Med.,  Yol.  79,  No.  1,  «pp.  45-63. 

3.  Chumakov,  M.  P.  and  Seitlenok,  N.  A.  1940.  Tick-borne  human 

encephalitis  in  European  parts  of  U.S.S.R.  and  Siberia.  Science, 
Yol.  92,  No.  2386,  pp.  263-264. 

4.  Davis,  W.  A.  1940.  A study  of  birds  and  mosquitoes  as  hosts  for  the 

virus  of  eastern  equine  encephalomyelitis.  Amer.  Jour.  Hyg.,  Yol. 
32,  No.  2,  pp.  45-59. 

5.  Fulton,  J.  D.,  Greutter,  J.  E.,  Muether,  R.  O.,  Hauss,  E.  B.  and 

Broun,  G.  O.  1940  Observations  concerning  Culex  pipiens  as  a 
possible  carrier  of  St.  Louis  encephalitis.  Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol., 
Vol.  44,  No.  1,  pp.  255-256. 

6.  Giltner,  L.  T.  and  Shahan,  M.  S.  1936.  The  present  status  of  infec- 

tious equine  encephalomyelitis  in  the  U.  S.  Jour.  Amer.  Yet.  Med. 
Assoc.,  Yol.  88,  No.  2,  pp.  363-374. 

7.  Gilyard,  R.  T.  1944.  Mosquito  transmission  of  Venezuelan  virus 

equine  encephalomyelitis  in  Trinidad.  Bull.  U.  S.  Army  Med.  Dept., 
No.  75,  pp.  96-107. 

8.  Grundmann,  A.  W.,  Kitselman,  C.  M.,  Roderick,  L.  M.  and  Smith,  R. 

C.  1943.  Studies  on  the  transmission  of  the  western  strain  virus 
of  equine  encephalomyelitis  by  the  American  dog  tick  ( Dermacentor 
variabilis  Say)  and  by  Triatoma  sanguisuga.  Jour.  Infect.  Dis., 
Yol.  72,  No.  2,  pp.  163-171. 

9.  Hammon,  W.  McD.,  Gray,  J.  A.,  Evans,  F.  C.,  Izumi,  E.  M.  and  Lundy, 

H.  W.  1941.  Western  equine  and  St.  Louis  encephalitis  antibodies 
in  the  sera  of  mammals  and  birds  from  an  endemic  area.  Science, 
Yol.  94,  No.  2439,  pp.  305-307. 

10.  Hammon,  W.  McD.,  Reeves,  W.  C.,  Brookman,  B.,  Izumi,  E.  M.  and 

Gjullin,  C.  M.  1944#  Isolation  of  the  viruses  of  western  equine 
and  St.  Louis  encephalitis  from  Culex  tar  salts  mosquitoes.  Science, 
Yol.  94,  No.  2440,  pp.  328-330. 

11.  Hammon,  W.  McD.,  Reeves,  W.  C.,  Brookman,  B.  and  Izumi,  E.  M. 

1942.  Mosquitoes  and  encephalitis  in  the  Yakima  Valley,  Wash- 
ington. I.  Arthropods  tested  and  recovery  of  western  equine  and 
St.  Louis  viruses  from  Culex  tarsalis  Coq.  Jour.  Infect.  Dis.,  Yol. 
70,  No.  3,  pp.  263-366. 

12.  Hammon  W.  McD.,  Reeves,  W.  C.  and  Gray,  M.  1943.  Mosquito 

vectors  and  inapparent  animal  reservoirs  of  St.  Louis  and  western 
equine  encephalitis  viruses.  Amer.  Jour.  Public  Health,  Yol.  33, 
No.  3,  pp.  201-207. 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 


13.  Hammon,  W.  McD.,  Reeves,  W.  C.  and  Galindo,  P.  1945.  Epizoology 

of  western  equine  type  encephalomyelitis:  Eastern  Nebraska  field 
survey  of  1943  with  isolation  of  the  virus  from  mosquitoes.  Jour. 
Amer.  Yet.  Res.,  Yol.  6,  No.  20,  pp.  145-148. 

14.  Haseman,  L.  1936.  Possible  insect  carriers  in  the  1933  outbreak  of 

encephalitis  in  Columbus,  Missouri.  Jour.  Econ.  Ent.,  Vol.  29,  No. 
3,  pp.  618-621. 

15.  Herms,  W.  B.,  Wheeler,  C.  M.  and  Herms,  H.  P.  1934.  Attempts 

to  transmit  equine  encephalomyelitis  by  means  of  bloodsucking 
insects,  especially  mosquitoes.  Jour.  Econ.  Ent.,  Yol.  27,  No.  5,  pp. 

16.  Ishukov,  G.  Kh.  and  Ishukova,  F.  A.  1945.  The  role  of  the  pasture 

tick,  Dermacentor  marginatus  in  epizootics  of  infectious  encephalo- 
myelitis of  horses.  (In  Russian.)  Yeterinariya,  Yol.  22,  No.  4-5, 
pp.  17-&1.  ' Reviewed  in  R.A.E.*,  Yol.  34,  Ser.  B,  p.  12.  1946. 

17.  Kelser,  R.  A.  1933.  Mosquitoes  as  vectors  of  the  virus  of  equine 

encephalomyelitis.  Jour.  Amer.  Yet.  Med.  Assoc.,  Yol.  lxxxii  (N.S. 
xxv),  No.  5,  pp.  767-771. 

18.  Kelser,  R.  A.  1937.  Transmission  of  the  virus  of  equine  encephalo- 

myelitis by  Aedes  tceniorhynchus.  Science,  Vol.  85,  No.  2198,  pp. 


19.  Kitselman,  C.  H.  and  Grundmann,  O.  W.  1940.  Equine  encephalomy- 

elitis virus  isolated  from  naturally  infested  Triatoma  sanguisuga 
Le  Conte.  Tech.  Bull.  Kansas  Agric.  Expt.  Sta.,  No.  50. 

20.  Knowlton,  G.  F.  and  Rowe,  J.  A.  1934.  Preliminary  studies  of  insect 

transmission  of  equine  encephalomyelitis.  Proc.  Utah  Acad.  Sci., 
11,  pp.  267-270. 

21.  Kuzyakin,  A.  P.  1942.  On  the  role  of  mammals  in  the  epidemology  of 

tick-borne  encephalitis  of  Ussuri  District.  (In  Russian.)  Zool  Sk., 
Vol.  21,  Fasc.  3,  pp.  69-87.  (Summary  in  English.)  Reviewed  in 
R.A.E. , Yol.  31,  Ser.  B,  p.  249.  1943. 

22.  Lepine  P.,  Mathis,  M.  and  Sauter,  Y.  1943.  Infestation  experi- 

mentale  de  Triatoma  Infestans  por  le  virus  de  1 ’encephalomyelite 
equine  Americaine,  type  Venezuela.  Bull.  Soc.  Path.  Exot.,  34,  pp. 
115,  Paris  1941.  (Abstr.  in  Dtsch.  Tropenmed  Z.  47  pt.  5 p.  128.) 
Reviewed  in  R.A.E.,  Vol.  32,  Ser.  B,  p.  57.  1944. 

23.  Madsen,  D.  E.  and  Knowlton,  G.  F.  1935.  Mosquito  transmission  of 

equine  encephalomyelitis.  Jour.  Amer.  Yet.  Assoc.,  Vol.  86,  No.  5, 

pp.  662-666. 

24.  Madsen,  D.  C.,  Knowlton,  G.  F.  and  Rowe,  J.  A.  1936.  Further 

studies  on  transmission  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  by  mosquitoes. 
Jour.  Amer.  Yet.  Med.  Assoc.,  Yol.  89,  No.  2,  pp.  187-196. 

25.  Merrill,  M.  H.,  Lacaillade,  C.  W.  Jr.  and  Ten  Broeck,  C.  1934. 

Mosquito  transmission  of  equine  encephalomyelitis.  Science,  Yol. 
80,  No.  2072,  pp.  251-252. 

* R.A.E.  = Review  of  Applied  Entomology. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

26.  Merrill,  M.  H.  and  Ten  Broeck,  C.  1935.  The  transmission  of 

equine  encephalomyelitis  by  Aedes  cegypti.  Jour.  Exp.  Med.,  Yol. 
62,  No.  5,  pp.  687-695. 

27.  Merrill,  M.  H.  and  Ten  Broeck,  C.  1934.  Multiplication  of  equine 

encephalomyelitis  virus  in  mosquitoes.  Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.  Med., 
Yol.  32,  No.  3,  pp.  421-423. 

28.  Meyer,  K.  F.,  Haring,  C.  M.  and  Howitt,  B.  1931.  Newer  knowledge 

of  the  neurotropic  virus  infections  of  the  horse.  Jour.  Amer.  Yet. 
Med.  Assoc.,  Yol.  79  (N.S.  32),  No.  3,  pp.  376-389. 

29.  Mironov,  Y.  S.  1938.  Ticks  as  possible  carriers  of  spring  encephalitis. 

(In  Russian.)  Med.  Parasitol.,  Yol.  7,  No.  3,  pp.  415-435.  Moscow. 
Reviewed  in  R.A.E.,  Yol.  27,  Ser.  B,  pp.  69-70.  1939. 

30.  Mironov,  Y.  S.  1940.  Habits  of  the  Taiga  tick  Ixodes  persulcatus 

P.  Sch.  in  Kama  Region.  (In  Russian.)  Med.  Parasitol.,  Yol.  9, 
No.  1-2,  pp.  93-105.  Reviewed  in  R.A.E.,  Yol.  29,  Ser.  B,  p.  26. 

31.  Mitamura,  T.,  Kitaoka,  M.,  Watanabe,  S.,  Hosoi,  T.,  Tensin,  S.,  Seki, 

O.,  Nacahata,  K.,  Jo,  K.  and  Shimizu,  M.  1939.  Further  investi- 
gations on  the  transmission  of  Japanese  epidemic  encephalitis  by 
mosquitoes.  Trans.  Soc.  Path.  Jap.,  Yol.  29,  pp.  92-105.  Tokyo. 
Reviewed  in  R.A.E.,  Yol.  31,  Ser.  B,  pp.  3-4.  1943. 

32.  Mohler,  J.  R.  1938,  1939,  1940.  Report  of  the  chief  of  the  bureau 

of  animal  industry. 

33.  Parker,  R.  R.  1942.  Ornithodoros  ticks  as  a medium  for  the  transpor- 

tation of  disease  agents.  Public  Health  Reports,  Yol.  57,  No.  52, 
pp.  1963-1966. 

34.  Pavlovskii,  E.  N.  1940.  Yectors  and  reservoirs  of  the  virus  of  the 

spring-summer  tick-borne  encephalitis.  (In  Russian.)  Arch.  Sci. 
Biol.,  Yol.  59,  Part  1-2,  pp.  58-71.  Moscow.  Reviewed  in  R.A.E., 
Yol.  31,  Ser.  B,  p.  70.  1943. 

35.  Petrishcheva,  P.  A.  and  Shublaoze,  A.  K.  1940.  The  vectors  of  the 

autumn  encephalitis  in  the  maritime  district.  (In  Russian.)  Arch. 
Sci.  Biol.,  Yol.  59,  Part  1-2,  pp.  72-77.  Reviewed  in  R.A.E.,  Yol. 
3J,  Ser.  B,  p.  72.  1943. 

36.  Philip,  C.  B.  and  Smadel,  J.  E.  1943.  Transmission  of  West  Nile 

virus  by  infected  Aedes  dlbopictus.  Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.,.  Yol.  52, 
No.  2,  pp.  101-104. 

37.  Randall,  R.  and  Mills,  J.  W.  1944.  Fatal  encephalitis  in  man  due  to 

the  virus  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  in  Trinidad.  Science,  Yol.  99, 
No.  2568,  pp.  225-226. 

38.  Reeves,  W.  C.,  Hammon,  W.  McD.  and  Izumi,  E.  M.  1942.  Experi- 

mental transmission  of  St.  Louis  encephalitis  by  Culex  pipiens 
Linneaus.  Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.,  Yol.  50,  No.  1,  pp.  125-128. 

39.  Reeves,  W.  C.  and  Hammon,  W.  McD.  1944.  Feeding  habits  of  the 

proven  and  possible  mosquito  vectors  of  western  equine  and  St. 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 


Louis  encephalitis  in  the  Yakima  Valley,  Washington.  Amer.  Jour. 
Trop.  Med.,  Vol.  24,  No.  2,  pp.  131-134. 

40.  Riley,  W.  A.  1938.  The  role  of  insects  and  allied  forms  in  the  trans- 

mission of  diseases  due  to  filterable  viruses.  Minn.  Med.,  Vol.  21, 
pp.  817-821. 

41.  Rosenbusch,  F.  1942.  Equine  encephalomyelitis  in  the  Argentine  in 

its  experimental  aspects.  Proc.  6th  Pacific  Sci.  Cong.,  pp.  209-214. 
1939.  Reviewed  in  R.A.E.,  Vol.  32,  Ser.  B,  p.  10.  1944. 

42.  Roubaud,  E.,  Lepine,  P.,  Treillard,  M.  and  Sauter,  V.  1943.  Infec- 

tion experimentale  de  Culicides  (Aedines)  Europeens  avec  le  virus 
de  1 ’encephalomy elite  equine  americaine,  type  Venezuela.  Bull. 
Soc.  Path.  exot.  34,  p.  130,  Paris  1941.  Abst.  in  Dtsch  tropenmed. 
Z.  47  pt.  5,  p.  128.  Reviewed  in  R.A.E.,  Vol.  32,  Ser.  B,  p.  56. 

43.  Simmons,  J.  S.,  Reynolds,  F.  H.  K.  and  Cornell,  V.  H.  1936.  Trans- 

mission of  the  virus  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  through  Aedes 
albopictus  Skuse.  Amer.  Jour.  Trop.  Med.,  Vol.  16,  No.  3,  pp. 

44.  Smith,  M.  G.,  Blattner,  R.  J.  and  Heys,  F.  M.  1945.  Further  isola- 

tion of  St.  Louis  encephalitis  virus;  congenital  transfer  of  virus 
in  chicken  mites  ( Dermanyssus  gallince) . Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol. 
Med.,  Vol.  59,  No.  2,  pp.  136-138. 

45.  Sulkin,  S.  E.  1945.  Recovery  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus  (west- 

ern type)  from  chicken  mites.  Science,  Vol.  101,  No.  2624,  pp. 

46.  Summaries  of  Reports  of  the  All-Union  Conference  of  Workers  in 

Microbiology,  Epidemiology  and  Infectious  Diseases.  Moscow, 
25th-31st  Jan.,  1939.  (In  Russian.)  Reviewed  in  R.A.^1.,  Vol. 
27,  Ser.  B,  pp.  239-240.  1939. 

47.  Syverton,  J.  T.  and  Berry,  G.  P.  1936.  Susceptibility  of  the 

1 ‘gopher’ ’ Citellus  richardsonii  (Sabine)  to  equine  encephalomyeli- 
tis. Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.  Med.,  Vol.  34,  No.  5,  pp.  822-24. 

48.  Syverton,  J.  T.  and  Berry,  G.  P.  1936.  An  arthropod  vector  for 

equine  encephalomyelitis,  western  strain.  Science,  Vol.  84,  No. 
2173,  pp.  186-187. 

49.  Syverton,  J.  T.  and  Berry,  G.  P.  1941.  Hereditary  transmission  of 

the  western  type  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus  in  the  wood  tick, 
Dermacentor  andersoni,  Stiles.  Jour.  Exp.  Med.,  Vol.  73,  No.  4, 
pp.  507-530. 

50.  Watson,  D.  W.  and  Smadel,  J.  E.  1943.  Susceptibility  of  hamsters  to 

peripheral  inoculation  of  western,  eastern  and  west  Nile  encephalitis 
viruses.  Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.,  Vol.  52,  No.  2,  pp.  101-104. 

51.  Webster,  L.  T.  and  Wright,  F.  H.  1938.  Recovery  of  eastern  enceph- 

alomyelitis virus  from  brain  tissue  of  human  cases  of  encephalitis 
in  Massachusetts.  Science,  Vol.  88,  No.  2283,  pp.  305-306. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  lvi 

52.  Beaudette,  F.  R.  1939.  Equine  encephalomyelitis  in  avian  hosts. 

Reprint  from  Proc.  43rd  Ann.  Meeting  of  the  U.  S.  Live  Stock 
Sanitary  Assoc.,  Chicago,  111.,  December  6,  7,  8,  pp.  185-201. 

53.  Beaudette,  F.  R.,  Black,  J.  J.  and  Hudson,  C.  B.  1941.  Another  case 

of  equine  encephalomyelitis  in  New  Jersey  pheasants.  Jour.  Amer. 
Vet.  Med.  Assoc.,  Vol.  98,  No.  771,  pp.  449-450. 

54.  Beaudette,  F.  R.  and  Hudson,  C.  B.  1945.  Additional  outbreaks  of 

equine  encephalomyelitis  in  New  Jersey  pheasants.  Jour.  Amer. 
Vet.  Med.  Assoc.,  Vol.  107,  No.  825,  pp.  384-386. 

55.  Beck,  C.  E.  and  Wyckoff,  R.  W.  G.  1938.  Venezuelan  equine  enceph- 

alomyelitis. Science,  Vol.  88,  No.  2292,  pp.  5-30. 

56.  Cox,  H.  R.,  Philip,  C.  B.  and  Kilpatrick,  J.  W.  1941.  Susceptibility 

of  horses  to  St.  Louis  encephalitis  virus.  Public  Health  Reports, 
Vol.  56,  No.  27,  pp.  1391-1392. 

57.  Cox,  H.  R.,  Jellison,  W.  L.  and  Hughes,  L.  E.  1941.  Isolation  of 

western  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus  from  a naturally  infected 
prairie  chicken.  Public  Health  Reports,  Vol.  56,  No.  39,  pp. 

58.  Fothergill,  L.  D.  and  Dingle,  J.  H.  1938.  A fatal  disease  of 

pigeons  caused  by  the  virus  of  the  eastern  variety  of  equine  enceph- 
alomyelitis. Science,  Vol.  88,  No.  2293,  pp.  549-550. 

59.  Giltner,  L.  T.  and  Shahan,  M.  S.  1933.  Transmission  of  infectious 

equine  encephalomyelitis  'in  mammals  and  birds.  Science,  Vol.  78, 
No.  2013,  pp.  63-64. 

60.  Gw atkin,  R.  and  Moynihan,  I.  W.  1942.  Search  for  sources  and 

carriers  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  virus.  Canadian  Jour.  Re- 
search, Vol.  20,  Sec.  D,  No.  11,  pp.  321-337. 

61.  Harmon,  W.  McD.  and  Howitt,  B.  F.  1942.  Epidemiological  aspects 

of  encephalitis  in  the  Yakima  Valley,  Washington;  Mixed  St.  Louis 
and  western  equine  types.  Amer.  Jour.  Hygiene,  Vol.  35,  No.  2, 
pp.  163-185. 

62.  Hammon,  W.  McD.,  Reeves,  W.  C.,  Benner,  S.  R.  and  Brookman,  B. 

1945.  Human  encephalitis  in  the  Yakima  Valley,  Washington, 
1942.  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  Vol.  128,  No.  16,  pp.  1133-1139. 

63.  Hammon,  W.  McD.  1945.  The  encephalitides  of  virus  origin  with 

special  reference  to  those  of  North  America.  Reprint  from  Clinics, 
Vol.  4,  No.  2,  pp.  485-503. 

64.  Hammon,  W.  McD.  and  Reeves,  W.  C.  1945.  Recent  advances  in  the 

epidemiology  of  the  arthropod-borne  virus  encephalitides.  Amer. 
Jour.  Public  Health,  Vol.  35,  pp.  994-1004. 

65.  Howitt,  B.  1938.  Recovery  of  the  virus  of  equine  encephalomyelitis 

from  the  brain  of  a Child.  Science,  Vol.  88,  No.  2289,  pp.  455-456. 

66.  Howitt,  B.  1939.  Recovery  of  the  virus  of  equine  encephalomyelitis 

(western  type)  from  human  blood  serum.  Science,  Vol.  89,  No. 
2319,  pp.  541-542. 

June,  1948] 

Manzelli  : Encephalomyelitis 


67.  Howitt,  B.  1940.  Comparative  susceptibility  of  wild  and  domestic 

birds  and  animals  to  the  western  virus  of  equine  encephalomyelitis 
(Br.  Strain)  in  California.  Jour.  Infect.  Dis.,  Vol.  67,  No.  3,  pp. 

68.  Mohler,  J.  R.  Reports  on  infectious  equine  encephalomyelitis  in  the 

United  States.  Proc.  Pub.  Bur.  Anim.  Industry,  issued  annually, 
1935  to  1942. 

69.  Philip,  C.  B.,  Cox,  H.  R.  and  Fountain,  J.  H.  1941.  Protective  Anti- 

bodies against  St.  Louis  encephalitis  virus  in  the  serum  of  horses 
and  man.  Public  Health  Reports,  Vol.  56,  No.  27,  pp.  1388-1391. 

70.  Reeves,  W.  C.,  Hammon,  W.  McD.,  Furman,  D.  P.,  McClure,  H.  E. 

and  Brookman,  B.  1947.  Recovery  of  western  equine  encephalo- 
myelitis virus  from  wild  bird  mites,  ( Liponyssus  sylvarium ) in 
Kern  County,  California.  Science,  Vol.  105,  No.  2729,  pp.  411- 

71.  Sellards,  A.  W.,  Tyzzer,  E.  E.  and  Bennett,  B.  L.  1941.  The  infec- 

tion of  birds  with  the  virus  of  equine  encephalomyelitis.  Amer. 
Jour.  Hygiene,  Vol.  33,  No.  2,  Section  B,  pp.  63-68. 

72.  Shahan,  M.  S.  and  Giltner,  L.  T.  1945.  A preview  of  the  epizooti- 

ology  of  equine  encephalomyelitis  in  the  United  States.  Jour.  Amer. 
Vet.  Med.  Assoc.,  Vol.  107,  No.  824,  pp.  279-288. 

73.  Smithburn,  K.  C.  Hughes,  T.  B.,  Burke,  A.  W.  and  Paul,  J.  H. 

1940.  A neurotropic  virus  isolated  from  the  blood  of  a native  of 
Uganda.  Amer.  Jour.  Trop.  Med.,  Vol.  20,  pp.  471-492. 

74.  Smithburn,  K.  C.  and  Haddow,  A.  J.  1944.  Semliki  forest  virus  I- 

isolation  and  pathogenic  properties.  Jour.  Immunology,  Vol.  49, 
pp.  141-157. 

75.  Smithburn,  K.  C.,  Mahaffy,  A.  F.  and  Haddow,  A.  J.  1944.  Semliki 

forest  virus  II-  immunological  studies  with  specific  antiveral  sera 
and  sera  from  humans  and  wild  animals.  Jour.  Immunology,  Vol. 
49,  pp.  159-173. 

76.  Syverton,  J.  T.  and  Berry,  G.  P.  1941.  The  transmission  of  equine 

encephalomyelitis  to  the  western  burrowing  owl,  Speotyto  cunicu- 
laria  hypugae  (Bonaparte).  Amer.  Jour.  Hygiene,  Vol.  33,  No.  2, 
Section  B,  pp.  37-41. 

77.  Ten  Broeck,  C.,  Hurst,  E.  W.  and  Traub,  E.  1935.  Epidemiology  of 

equine  encephalomyelitis  in  the  eastern  United  States.  Jour.  Exp. 
Med.,  Vol.  62,  pp.  677-685. 

78.  Ten  Broeck,  C.  1938.  Birds  as  possible  carriers  of  the  virus  of  equine 

encephalomyelitis.  Archives  of  Pathology,  Vol.  25,  p.  759. 

79.  Tyzzer,  E.  E.,  Sellards,  A.  W.  and  Bennett,  B.  L.  1938.  The 

occurrence  in  nature  of  11  equine  encephalomyelitis”  in  the  ring 
necked  pheasant.  Science,  Vol.  88,  No.  2291,  pp.  505-506. 

80.  Van  Roekel,  H.  and  Clarke,  M.  K.  1939.  Equine  encephalomyelitis 

(eastern  type)  isolated  from  ring  necked  pheasant.  Jour.  Amer. 
Vet.  Assoc.,  Vol.  94,  N.  S.  Vol.  47,  No.  4,  pp.  466-468. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 


The  Insect  Guide.  By  Ralph  B.  Swain.  Illustrations  by  Suzan 
N.  Swain.  New  York,  Doubleday  & Co.,  Inc.  261  pages. 

As  a guide  to  the  principal  families  of  insects  of  North  Amer- 
ica, north  of  Mexico,  this  book  accomplishes  its  purpose  very 
nicely.  The  beginner  in  entomology,  or  the  general  reader,  is 
bound  to  come  away  with  some  orderly  understanding  of  insect 
classification.  Representatives  of  175  families  in  26  orders  and 
two  suborders  are  illustrated,  mostly  in  color.  By  a simple 
numbering  system  the  reader  is  then  referred  to  the  relevant 
text.  In  lay  language  the  text  provides  some  of  the  important 
distinguishing  characteristics  of  the  family  and  some  of  the  gen- 
eral habits  of  the  immature  and  mature  forms.  The  economic 
importance  of  the  family  is  also  recorded.  This  simple,  orderly 
presentation  is  an  outstanding  feature  ^of  the  book.  Outstand- 
ing also  are  Mrs.  Swain’s  fresh  and  life-like  illustrations. 

There  is  an  informative  introduction  to  the  guide.  The  place 
of  insects  in  the  phylum  of  Arthropoda  is  explained.  The  rela- 
tionships of  insects  to  plants,  animals  and  man  are  discussed. 
Important  basic  features  of  structure,  growth  and  development 
are  illustrated  and  explained.  Much  of  Doctor  Swain’s  enthu- 
siasm for  his  vocation  is  woven  into  the  pages,  adding  interest 
to  the  text. — F.  A.  Soraci. 

June,  1948] 

Jahn  and  Wulff:  Spectral  Sensitivity 



By  Theodore  Louis  Jahn  and  Verner  John  Wulff 
Departments  of  Zoology  and  Physiology,  State  University  of  Iowa 
and  Department  of  Zoology  and  Physiology,  University  of  Illinois 

The  spectral  sensitivity  of  various  insects  has  been  determined 
by  a number  of  methods,  most  of  which  are  based  on  the  behavior 
pattern  of  the  experimental  animal  (review,  Weiss,  1943,  1945). 
Recently,  however,  the  electroretinogram  has  been  used  as  an  in- 
dex of  spectral  sensitivity  of  grasshoppers  and  moths  (Crescitelli 
and  Jahn,  1939 ; Jahn  and  Crescitelli,  1939 ; Jahn,  1946) . In  cer- 
tain beetles  ( e.g .,  Dytiscus  and  Hydrous)  there  are  diurnal 
changes  in  several  aspects  of  visual  function,  and  these  can  be 
detected  through  changes  in  the  electroretinogram  (Jahn  and 
Crescitelli,  1940;  Jahn  and  Wulff,  1941a,  1941b,  1943;  Wulff  and 
Jahn,  1943).  Therefore,  it  was  considered  worthwhile  to  deter- 
mine by  means  of  the  electroretinogram  the  spectral  sensitivity 
of  Dytiscus  fascwentris  during  the  phases  of  its  diurnal  rhythm. 
The  data  resulting  from  this  investigation  are  given  in  the  pres- 
ent paper. 


The  sensitivity  to  various  wave  length  bands  in  the  visible 
spectrum  of  the  beetles  was  determined  by  measuring  the  elec- 
trical response  of  the  eye.  The  technique  used  for  stimulating 
and  recording  from  the  eye  has  been  described  previously 
(Crescitelli  and  Jahn,  1939).  The  wave  length  of  the  stimu- 
lating light  was  controlled  by  a series  of  Corning  glass  filters  used 
in  appropriate  combinations  to  yield  the  following  wave  bands : 

Filter  Comb. 







Width  of  Band 









Peak  of  Band 










New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

The  energy  transmitted  by  the  filter  combinations  was  deter- 
mined with  a thermopile,  and  the  stimulating  intensity  was  varied 
by  use  of  Wratten  neutral  tint  filters.  The  animals  were  main- 
tained in  a state  of  complete  dark  adaptation  throughout  the  ex- 
periments. The  exposure  duration  was  17  milliseconds,  and  the 
exposures  separated  by  a time  interval  of  15  or  20  minutes,  de- 
pending upon  the  intensity. 


Three  or  four  responses  were  recorded  at  different  intensities 
with  each  filter  combination.  The  magnitude  of  the  initial  spike- 
like deflection  of  these  responses  in  microvolts  (ordinate)  were 
plotted  against  the  common  logarithm  of  the  intensity  (abscissa), 
resulting  in  a curve  for  each  filter  combination  (Fig.  1),  which 
is  part  of  a sigmoid  curve  relating  the  response  magnitude  to  the 
logarithm  of  the  intensity  (Wulff  and  Jahn,  1943;  Wulff,  1943). 
The  resulting  family  of  curves  was  treated  as  follows : (1)  a con- 
stant response  magnitude  was  selected  which  would  intersect  all 
the  curves  (180  micro-volts  in  8 experiments  and  90  micro-volts 
in  2 experiments)  ; (2)  a vertical  line  was  dropped  from  the  point 
of  intersection  to  the  abscissa;  (3)  the  logarithm  of  the  intensity 
corresponding  to  the  points  on  the  abscissa  were  tabulated  op- 
posite the  wave  length  of  the  peak  transmission  of  the  filter  com- 
bination. These  values  for  10  experiments  are  plotted  in  Fig- 
ure 2. 

In  order  to  examine  the  results  in  more  compact  form  the  data 
were  manipulated  as  follows : (1)  the  reciprocal  of  the  intensities 
for  constant  response  magnitudes  were  calculated;  (2)  the  peak 
value  for  each  curve  was  set  at  100  per  cent  and  the  remaining 
points  of  each  curve  were  recalculated  in  terms  of  this  maximum ; 
(3)  the  values  of  the  reciprocal  of  the  intensity  in  per  cent  of 
maxima  were  then  averaged  and  tabulated  in  relation  to  wave 
length  of  the  peak  transmission  by  the  filter  combination,  Table  I, 
and  plotted  in  Figure  3.  The  two  uppermost  curves  (numbered 
10  and  3)  were  obtained  from  animals  in  the  day  phase,  and  all 
of  the  others  were  obtained  from  animals  in  the  night  phase. 


The  spectral  sensitivity  curves  of  Figure  2 are  dispersed  along 
the  ordinate.  These  variations  may  be  explained  as  follows:  (1) 

June,  1948] 

Jahn  and  Wulff:  Spectral  Sensitivity 


eight  curves  were  obtained  from  animals  in  the  night  phase  of 
their  diurnal  rhythm  and  two  curves  were  obtained  from  animals 
in  the  day  phase.  In  view  of  the  marked  differences  in  sensi- 

Figure  1.  Curves  for  each  filter  combination  relating  the  magnitude,  in 
millivolts,  of  the  initial  spike-like  deflection  of  the  retinal  electric  response 
to  the  common  logarithm  of  the  stimulus  intensity.  These  data  represent 
one  experiment.  The  points  of  intersection  of  the  180  micro-volt  constant 
response  line  give  the  values  of  Log  I for  constant  magnitude  response  for 
each  filter  combination. 

tivity  of  the  Dytiscus  eye  during  these  phases  a spread  is  to  be 
expected  in  the  above  instance;  (2)  the  experiments  were  of  long 
duration  (4r-6  hours)  and,  although  the  times  of  experimentation 


New  York  Entomological  Society  [Vol.  lvi 

Figure  2.  Continuous  lines — curves  relating  the  logarithm  of  the  stimulat- 
ing intensity  required  to  produce  a constant  magnitude  response  to  the  wave 
length  of  maximum  transmission  of  each  wave  length  band.  Each  curve 
represents  an  individual  experiment  and  the  numbers  correspond  with  the 
numbers  in  Table  I.  Curves  3 and  10  were  obtained  from  animals  in  the 
day  phase  and  all  others  from  animals  in  the  night  phase.  The  broken  line 
represents  the  average  of  the  ten  experimental  curves. 

2 Relating  Wave-Length  to  the  Logarithm  of  Intensity  for  Constant  Magnitude  Response. 

June,  1948] 

Jahn  and  Wulff:  Spectral  Sensitivity 



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lO  CO  t>- 

zL  i 
P P 

3 o 

3 rH  OS  hH 

® iq  io  m hi  hi 

Note:  Constant  response  magnitude  is  180  ^V,  except  in  Exp.  6 and  10,  where  it  is  90  jiV. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

were  chosen  to  correspond  to  the  theoretical  time  of  maximum 
day  and  night  phase,  they  may  have  not  corresponded  to  the 

Figure  3.  The  average  spectral  sensitivity  curve  for  Dytiscus  obtained 
from  data  presented  in  Figure  2. 

actual  time  of  maximum  day  and  night  phase  in  each  particular 
beetle;  (3)  minor  variations  occurred  in  the  mounting  of  the 
animal,  placing  of  the  animal  in  the  light  beam  and  in  the  placing 

June,  1948] 

Jahn  and  Wulff:  Spectral  Sensitivity 


of  the  filter,  and  all  of  these  factors  would  contribute  to  disper- 
sion along  the  ordinate. 

The  curves  of  Figure  2 resulting  from  individual  experiments 
are  quite  uniform  with  maximal  sensitivity  in  the  region  520  to 
575  m /x  and  correspond  generally  to  data  from  grasshoppers  ob- 
tained in  a similar  manner  (Crescitelli  and  Jahn,  1939-  Jahn, 
1946).  In  the  figures  published  by  Jahn  (1946)  the  data  for 
500  and  530  my  were  inadvertently  transposed  from  the  original 
data  of  Crescitelli  and  Jahn  (1939).  If  this  transposition  is  cor- 
rected and  the  maximum  for  the  grasshopper  taken  as  530  m^, 
then  the  limits  of  the  data  do  not  permit  the  assumption  of  any 
real  differences  between  Melanoplus  and  Dytiscus.  At  present 
the  data  on  Dytiscus  seem  to  be  the  most  accurate  insect  spectral 
sensitivity  data  obtained  by  the  electrical  method. 

The  data  agree  well  with  results  of  Graham  and  Hartline  (1935) 
obtained  from  electrical  studies  of  the  Limulus  photoreceptor  and 
with  results  obtained  from  Cecropia  moth  eyes  (Jahn  and 
Crescitelli,  1939)  using  similar  techniques.  Spectral  sensitivity 
data  obtained  from  behavior  studies  of  insects  placed  in  an  en- 
vironment of  equal  energy  monochromatic  wave  bands  yield  data 
which  are  grossly  similar  to  that  here  described  but  differ  in  the 
spectral  location  of  maximal  sensitivity.  Bertholf  (1931)  pre- 
sented data  which  indicate  that  for  the  honey  bee  the  region  of 
maximal  sensitivity  in  the  visible  spectrum  in  553  m y and  for 
Drosophila  (1932)  the  maximum  lies  at  487  my.  Weiss  and  his 
co-workers  (1941,  1942,  1943a,  b,  and  c,  1944a,  and  b)  reported 
data  on  a wide  variety  of  insects  which  indicate  sensitivity 
maxima  at  436,  492,  515,  606  and  642  my  in  the  visible  spectrum, 
with  an  average  maximal  sensitivity  in  the  wave-length  band 
whose  peak  transmission  is  at  492  m/x.  It  is  not  possible  at  pres- 
ent to  state  whether  the  differences  exhibited  by  the  data  obtained 
from  behavior  and  electrical  studies  are  significant  or,  if  so,  to 
what  the  differences  may  be  attributed. 

The  data  obtained  from  Dytiscus  fascwentris  indicate  that  no 
significant  difference  exists  in  the  spectral  sensitivity  of  the  eye 
in  the  day  and  night  phase  of  its  diurnal  rhythm.  The  disper- 
sion on  the  ordinate  may  be  explained  partly  on  the  basis  of  a 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

different  absolute  sensitivity  of  the  photoreceptor  during  the  day 
and  night  phases  (Jahn  and  Wulff,  1943). 


1.  The  spectral  sensitivity  of  the  dark  adapted  eye  of  the 
beetle,  Dytiscus  fasciventris,  was  determined  by  using  the  elec- 
trical response  of  the  photoreceptor  as  an  index  of  sensitivity. 

2.  The  region  of  maximal  sensitivity  in  the  visible  spectrum 
as  indicated  by  individual  data  is  520  to  575  m/z.  The  region  of 
maximal  sensitivity  as  indicated  by  the  averaged  data  is  530- 
540  m/z. 

3.  No  significant  difference  was  found  in  the  wave  length  sensi- 
tivity of  the  photoreceptor  during  the  day  and  night  phases  of 
its  diurnal  rhythm. 


Bertholf,  L.  M.  1931.  The  distribution  of  stimulative  efficiency  in  the 
ultraviolet  for  the  honey  bee.  J.  Agr.  Res.,  43 : 703-713. 

. 1932.  The  extent  of  the  spectrum  for  Drosophila  and  the  distribu- 
tion of  stimulative  efficiency  in  it.  Zeitschr.  f . vergleich.  Physiol.,  18 : 

Crescitelli,  F.  and  T.  L.  Jahn.  1939.  The  electrical  response  of  the  dark- 
adapted  grasshopper  eye  to  various  intensities  of  illumination  and  to  dif- 
ferent qualities  of  light.  Jour.  Cell,  and  Comp.  Physiol.,  13:  105-112. 
Graham,  C.  H.  and  H.  K.  Hartline.  1935.  The  response  of  single  visual 
sesne  cells  to  lights  of  different  wavelengths.  Jour.  Gen.  Physiol.,  18: 

Jahn,  T.  L.  1946.  The  electroretinogram  as  a measure  of  wave  length 
sensitivity  to  light.  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  65:  1-8. 

Jahn,  T.  L.  and  F.  Crescitelli.  1939.  The  electrical  responses  of  the 
Cecropia  moth  eye.  Jour.  Cell,  and  Comp.  Physiol.,  13:  113-119. 

. 1940.  Diurnal  changes  in  the  electrical  response  of  the  compound 

eye.  Biol.  Bull.,  78 : 42-52. 

Jahn,  T.  L.  and  Y.  J.  Wulff.  1941a.  Retinal  pigment  distribution  in 
relation  to  a diurnal  rhythm  in  the  compound  eye  of  Dytiscus.  Proc. 
Soc.  Exp.  Biol,  and  Med.,  48 : 656-660. 

. 1941b.  Influence  of  a visual  diurnal  rhythm  on  flicker  response 

contours  of  Dytiscus.  Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol,  and  Med.,  48 : 660-665. 

. 1943.  Electrical  aspects  of  a diurnal  rhythm  in  the  eye  of  Dytiscus 

fasciventris.  Physiol.  Zool.,  16:  101-109. 

. 1946.  The  spectral  sensitivity  of  Dytiscus  fasciventris.  Anat. 

Rec.,  96  Suppl:  11. 

Weiss,  H.  B.,  E.  A.  Soraci  and  E.  E.  McCoy,  Jr.  1941.  Insect  behavior  to 
various  wave  lengths  of  light.  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  49:  1-20;  149-151. 

June,  1948] 

Jahn  and  Wulff:  Spectral  Sensitivity 


, 1942.  Insect  behavior  to  various  wave  lengths  of  light.  Jour. 

N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  50:  1-35. 

. 1943a.  Insect  behavior  to  various  wave  lengths  of  light.  Jour. 

N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  51 : 117-131. 

Weiss,  H.  B.  1943b.  Color  perception  in  insects.  Jour.  Econ.  Ent.,  36: 

. 1943c.  The  group  behavior  of  14,000  insects  to  colors.  Ent. 

News,  54 : 152-156. 

. 1944a.  Insect  responses  to  colors.  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  52: 


Weiss,  H.  B.,  E.  E.  McCoy,  Jr.  and  W.  M.  Boyd.  1944b.  Group  motor 
responses  of  adult  and  larval  forms  of  insects  to  different  wave  lengths 
of  light.  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  52:  27-43. 

. 1945.  Insect  response  to  colors.  Sci.  Monthly,  61 : 51-56. 

Wulff,  Y.  J.  and  T.  L.  Jahn.  1943.  Intensity-EMF  relations  of  the  elec- 
troretinograms  of  bettles  possessing  a diurnal  rhythm.  Jour.  Coll,  and 
Comp.  Physiol.,  22:  189-194. 

Wulff,  V.  J.  1943.  Correlation  of  photochemical  events  with  the  action 
potential  of  the  retina.  Jour.  Cell,  and  Comp.  Physiol.,  21:  319-326. 

June,  1948] 

Weiss:  Entomological  Club 



By  Harry  B.  Weiss 

About  eighteen  years  ago  I tried  to  induce  the  late  William 
T.  Davis  to  write  an  account  of  the  New  York  Entomological 
Club  in  view  of  his  possession  of  the  Club  minutes.  However 
Mr.  Davis  never  got  around  to  it  and  after  his  death  the  minutes 
became  the  property  of  the  Staten  Island  Institute  of  Arts  and 
Sciences.  Through  the  kindness  of  Miss  Mabel  Abbott,  librarian 
of  the  Institute  I was  able  to  borrow  these  minutes  from  which 
the  following  account  has  been  partly  prepared. 

On  Sunday  afternoon  of  October  3,  1880,  at  the  home  of  Wm. 
B.  Neumoegen,  76  West  45th  Street,  New  York  City,  A.  R. 
Grote,  Edward  L.  Graef,  Albert  Koebele,  Henry  Edwards  and 
Berthold  Neumoegen  met  and  organized  the  New  York  Entomo- 
logical Club.  Mr.  Grote  was  temporary  chairman  and  Edwards 
temporary  secretary.  The  permanent  officers  elected  were 
President,  Augustus  R.  Grote,  Treasurer,  Berthold  Neumoegen, 
and  Secretary,  Henry  Edwards.  The  name  of  the  society  was 
agreed  upon  as  the  New  York  Entomological  Club,  and  the  ob- 
ject was  the  study  of  various  orders,  particularly  species  of  the 
United  States  and  the  publication  of  papers  thereon.  The  so- 
ciety was  to  consist  of  resident,  corresponding  and  honorary 
members.  There  were  no  limits  upon  the  number  of  corre- 
sponding members,  but  the  honorary  members  were  restricted 
to  fifty.  All  members  were  to  be  chosen  by  ballot  and  two 
black  balls  were  sufficient  for  exclusion.  Various  resolutions 
were  adopted  which  served  as  a sort  of  constitution.  Corre- 
sponding and  honorary  members  were  exempt  from  dues  and 
initiation  fees.  Meetings  were  to  be  held  twice  each  month. 
Messrs.  Grote,  Neumoegen  and  Edwards  enrolled  themselves  at 
once  as  members  of  the  Club,  but  Graef  and  Koebele  declined 
for  the  time  being.  Sunday  afternoons  were  selected  for  meet- 
ings and  the  second  meeting  was  to  be  at  the  home  of  Mr.  Ed- 
wards, 185  East  116th  Street,  New  York  City. 

From  October  3,  1880,  to  December  19,  1882,  inclusive  the 
Club  held  thirty-two  meetings.  The  first  ten  alternated  between 
the  homes  of  Mr.  Neumoegen  and  Mr.  Edwards.  The  remaining 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

ones  all  took  place  at  Mr.  Edwards’  house.  In  other  words,  Mr. 
Neumoegen  supplied  a meeting  place  five  times  and  Mr.  Ed- 
wards, twenty-seven  times.  From  the  start  until  September 
1881,  two  meetings  were  usually  held  each  month.  Beginning 
with  September  1881  only  one  monthly  meeting  was  held  and 
this  practice  continued  until  the  end.  No  meetings  were  held 
during  July  and  August.  The  attendance  of  resident  members 
ranged  from  one  to  nine  and  averaged  about  five  per  meeting. 
Occasionally  there  were  one  or  two  visitors.  There  were  about 
twenty  active  or  resident  members  and  these,  with  the  dates  of 
their  election,  are  noted  as  follows. 

October  3,  1880. 

B.  Neumoegen,  76  West  47th  Street,  New  York. 

A.  R.  Grote,  New  Brighton,  S.  I.,  New  York. 

Henry  Edwards,  185  East  116th  Street,  New  York. 

November  14,  1880. 

Theo.  L.  Mead,  674  Madison  Ave.,  New  York. 

Julius  E.  Meyer,  61  St.  Felix  Street,  Brooklyn. 

Albert  Koebele,  419  West  24th  Street,  New  York. 

December  12,  1880. 

Otto  Seifert,  7th  Ave.,  and  24th  Street,  New  York. 

January  9,  1881. 

William  T.  Davis,  Tompkinsville,  S.  I.,  New  York. 

February  6,  1881. 

James  Angus,  West  Farms,  New  York. 

February  20,  1881. 

Jacob  Doll,  35  Graham  Ave.,  Brooklyn. 

March  6,  1881. 

Jno.  Akhurst,  Brooklyn. 

S.  Bridgham,  New  York. 

April  3,  1881. 

S.  L.  Eliot,  439  East  87th  Street,  New  York. 

April  17,  1881. 

W.  S.  C.  Putman  Cramer,  227  East  93rd  Street,  New  York. 

A.  W.  P.  Cramer,  227  East  93rd  Street,  New  York. 

May  1,  1881. 

W.  E.  Waters,  103  Fulton  Street,  New  York. 

W.  Woodworth,  Sing  Sing,  N.  Y. 

G.  H.  VanWaggenen,  Rye,  N.  Y. 

June,  1948] 

Weiss:  Entomological  Club 


September  11,  1881. 

Mark  L.  Hubbell,  211  West  23rd  Street,  New  York. 

January  29,  1882. 

W.  Schaus,  Jr.,  38  West  30th  Street,  New  York. 

Instead  of  writing  a general,  condensed  summary  of  the  min- 
utes of  the  Club  it  was  thought  best  to  present  the  more  impor- 
tant proceedings,  as  recorded  for  particular  dates.  A large 
portion  of  the  minutes  of  many  meetings  is  occupied  with  lists 
of  entomological  publications  that  were  received,  and  with  the 
names  of  corresponding  members  who  were  elected  and  of  a 
repetition  of  their  names  when  they  wrote  letters  of  acceptance. 
These  will  be  excluded  from  this  account. 

Meeting  of  October  17,  1880 

Mr.  Grote  wanted  the  Club  to  be  worthy  of  the  great  city  of 
New  York  and  to  have  some  building  devoted  to  entomology  in 
the  forthcoming  Exposition  of  1883.  This  was  the  centennial 
anniversary  of  the  evacuation  of  New  York  by  the  British.  He 
suggested  that  collections  could  be  deposited  in  such  a building 
for  study  by  visiting  entomologists  and  it  was  the  hope  of  the 
Club  that  the  type  collections  of  Grote  and  Edwards  might  find 
a home  there  and  be  used  to  foster  the  study  of  entomology. 
Mr.  Grote  stated  that  his  collection  contained  nearly  1,500  types 
of  Noctuidse  and  Pyralidse.  Franz  G.  Schaupp  who  was  present 
as  a visitor  at  this  meeting  expressed  the  hope  that  the  Club 
would  eventually  consolidate  with  the  Brooklyn  Entomology 
Society.  Apparently  he  never  joined  the  Club.  Schaupp,  a 
coleopterist  was  a prominent  member  of  the  Brooklyn  society 
and  editor  of  their  Bulletin,  and  his  room  on  the  top  floor  of 
Schaeffer’s  saloon  at  9 Broadway,  Williamsburg  was  a favorite 
meeting  place  for  entomologists  around  1873. 

Meeting  of  November  14,  1880 

At  this  time  it  was  decided  not  to  collect  dues  or  initiation 
fees,  pending  the  adoption  of  a constitution.  In  addition  it 
was  agreed  that  the  first  duty  of  the  Club  was  to  publish  a 
monthly  journal  of  entomology,  and  a committee  on  publica- 
tion consisting  of  Messrs.  Edwards,  Mead  and  Grote  was  ap- 
pointed. The  name  of  the  journal  was  decided  upon  as  “Pa- 
pilio.”  Seventeen  corresponding  members  were  elected. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Meeting  of  November  28,  1880 

Mr.  Mead,  reporting  for  the  publication  committee,  had  gotten 
an  estimate  from  a firm  on  the  cost  of  printing  the  transactions 
of  the  Club.  For  500  copies — 14  pages,  thick  white  paper,  cover 
and  title  (small  pica  type) — size  of  page,  10  x 6J  inches — size 
of  type  page,  7 x 4-|  inches — price  $23.00  based  on  six  issues. 
This  figure  was  accepted  and  referred  to  the  publication  com- 

Upon  a motion  by  Neumoegen,  Messrs.  Grote  and  Mead  were 
asked  to  call  upon  the  trustees  of  the  Central  Park  Museum  to 
ask  about  the  possibility  of  their  receiving  type  specimens  of 
insects  belonging  to  the  Club  or  to  its  members.  Mr.  Grote  read 
a description  of  a new  species  Catocala  dulciola.  Three  corre- 
sponding members  were  elected. 

The  publication  committee  met  after  the  regular  meeting  and 
decided  to  devote  “Papilio”  entirely  to  Lepidoptera  at  least 
until  future  members  joined  who  were  interested  in  other  orders. 
Messrs.  Grote,  Edwards  and  Neumoegen  agreed  to  subscribe  a 
sum  sufficient  to  pay  the  expense  of  the  first  three  numbers. 

Meeting  of  December  12,  1880 

Three  corresponding  members  were  elected.  Edwards  read  a 
paper  describing  two  new  forms  of  Parnassius.  The  publica- 
tion committee  voted  to  prepare  copy  for  the  first  number  of 
“ Papilio  ” and  accepted  six  papers  for  publication.  Mr.  Ed- 
wards was  asked  to  prepare  a brief  introduction  for  the  first 

^SSUe‘  Meeting  of  January  9,  1881 

Six  corresponding  members  were  elected  and  the  following 
distinguished  entomologists  were  enrolled  as  honorary  members. 
Lord  Walsingham,  England 
Arthur  G.  Butler,  British  Museum,  London 
Dr.  O.  Staudinger,  Dresden 
Dr.  C.  von  Felder,  Vienna 
Prof.  P.  C.  Zeller,  Prussia 
Dr.  A.  Speyer,  Saxony 
W.  J.  Macleay,  Australian  Club,  Sydney. 

Alfred  Bussell  Wallace,  England 

H.  W.  Bates,  Geographical  Society,  London 

Mr.  Grote  read  a paper  on  some  new  species  of  Agrotis. 

June,  1948] 

Weiss:  Entomological  Club 


Meeting  of  January  23,  1881 

Mr.  Achille  Guenee,  of  France,  was  added  to  the  list  of  hon- 
orary members  and  four  corresponding  members  were  elected. 
Prof.  Fernald,  a corresponding  member  was  present  at  this 
meeting.  The  secretary  had  a letter  from  the  editor  of  “ Sci- 
ence’’ offering  to  incorporate  “Papilio”  with  his  publication  but 
this  offer  was  refused,  with  thanks.  The  publication  committee 
presented  the  first  number  of  “Papilio.”  Five  hundred  copies 
were  printed. 

Meeting  of  February  6,  1881 

Mr.  Tunnison  was  present  as  a visitor.  To  the  list  of  honor- 
ary members,  the  names  of  Charles  Darwin,  F.R.S.,  and  Sir 
John  Lubbock  were  added.  Sixteen  corresponding  members 
were  elected  and  various  papers  were  read.  A letter  was  read 
from  S.  H.  Scudder  of  Boston  offering  a paper  on  the  life  his- 
tory of  Retina  frustrana,  but  as  this  needed  illustrations  costing 
$130.00  of  which  Scudder  offered  to  pay  $50.00,  action  was 

Most  of  the  persons  who  were  elected  to  corresponding  and 
honorary  membership  accepted  and  replied  gracefully.  For  ex- 
ample Charles  Darwin  wrote  as  follows : 

Feb.  21,  1881 


Beckenham,  Kent. 

Railway  Station 


Dear  Sir 

I have  the  pleasure  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  letter  of  Feb.  7th 
in  which  you  inform  me  that  the  Entomological  Club  of  New  York  has  con- 
ferred on  me  the  honour  of  electing  me  an  honorary  member;  & I request 
that  you  will  be  so  good  as  to  return  to  the  association  my  sincere  thanks. 

I remain  Dear  Sir 

Your  sincere  & obedient  servant 
Charles  Darwin 

H.  Edwards  Esq. 

New  York  Ent. 

185  East  116th  st. 

New  York 
U.  States. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Meeting  of  February  20,  1881 

C.  V.  Riley  and  J.  Akhurst  were  present  as  visitors.  John 
Akhurst  was  the  taxidermist  and  dealer  in  entomological  supplies 
of  78  Ashland  Place,  Brooklyn.  His  advertisement  appeared  in 
the  first  number  of  the  Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomo- 
logical Society  and  for  some  years  later,  in  succeeding  num- 
bers. Eight  corresponding  members  were  elected  at  this  time 
and  Mr,  Grote  presented  a paper  on  new  species  of  Noctuidae. 
A “conversation  ensued”  between  Prof.  Riley  and  Mr.  Grote 
relative  to  variations  among  certain  examples  of  the  genus  Acro- 
basis.  Messrs.  Neumoegen,  Edwards  and  Grote  were  appointed 
as  a standing  committee  on  all  matters  relative  to  the  coming 
“World’s  Fair”  so  that  the  entomological  interests  of  the  United 
States  would  be  presented  properly. 

Meeting  of  March  6,  1881 

Seven  corresponding  members  were  elected  and  three  honor- 
ary ones,  the  latter  being  Prof.  J.  0.  Westwood,  England,  Dr. 
Felipe  Poey,  Cuba  and  Dr.  Herman  C.  C.  Burmeister,  Buenos 
Aires.  Mr.  Neumoegen  was  made  a member  of  the  publication 
committee  and  a committee  on  nomenclature  consisting  of  Mead 
and  Edwards  was  appointed  to  investigate  all  doubtful  points 
connected  with  synonymy.  A committee  was  also  appointed  to 
draft  a constitution  and  a set  of  by-laws,  but  no  further  refer- 
ence to  these  two  committees  was  ever  made  later.  The  secre- 
tary reported  that  he  had  had  1,000  one-page  circulars  printed 
advertising  “Papilio.”  According  to  this  circular  “Papilio” 
was  to  appear  about  the  15th  of  each  month,  except  July  and 
August.  The  names  of  distinguished  contributions  were  men- 
tioned and  the  projectors  believed  that  “Papilio”  had  “entered 
upon  a long  and  prosperous  existence.  ’ ’ The  cost  was  $2.00  per 
year  and  two  numbers  had  already  been  published.  The  cir- 
cular was  dated,  February,  1881  and  signed  by  the  four  editors, 
A.  R.  Grote,  Theo.  L.  Mead,  Hy.  Edwards  and  B.  Neumoegen. 

Meeting  of  April  3,  1881 

Four  corresponding  members  were  elected  at  this  meeting  and 
eight  at  the  meeting  of  March  20.  Mr.  Eliot  reported  the  cap- 
ture of  rare  Lepidoptera  in  Central  Park  and  showed  a mag- 

June,  1948] 

Weiss:  Entomological  Club 


nificent  series  of  Papilio  philenor  (24  specimens).  Mr.  Edwards 
exhibited  a new  air-tight  insect  case  and  also  a new  collecting 
bottle  contributed  by  Mr.  J.  S.  Johnson  of  Philadelphia,  the 
poison  vapor  being  communicated  through  a perforated  floor. 

During  the  course  of  the  next  four  meetings  nine  correspond- 
ing members  were  elected,  and  four  honorary  members,  the  latter 
being  as  follows : 

H.  T.  Stainton,  England 
H.  B.  Moeschler,  Germany 
P.  C.  T.  Snellen,  Rotterdam 
C.  R.  Ritzema,  Leyden 

Meeting  of  June  19,  1881 

A letter  from  B.  P.  Mann  was  read  in  which  it  was  stated 
that  he  was  about  to  dispose  of  the  whole  of  his  stock  and  en- 
tomological goods  at  greatly  reduced  prices.  Two  corresponding 
members  were  elected.  Mr.  Edwards  showed  a series  of  draw- 
ings of  Lepidoptera  by  Emily  L.  Morton,  who  had  promised 
Edwards  that  she  would  make  a plate  for  “Papilio.”  Miss 
Morton’s  work  was  greatly  admired  by  the  members. 

Meeting  of  September  11,  1811 

Prof.  C.  V.  Riley  was  present  as  a visitor  and  exhibited  Cram- 
bidse  and  other  insects  from  Georgia  which  were  mostly  identi- 
fied by  Mr.  Grote.  Insects  were  also  shown  by  Mr.  Eliot  and 
Mr.  Neumoegen  and  there  was  much  talk  about  the  abundance 
of  certain  species  of  Lepidoptera  during  the  summer. 

Meeting  of  October  2,  1881 

The  treasurer  reported  a considerable  deficit  and  urged  new 
efforts  for  new  subscribers  to  “Papilio.”  Mr.  Edwards  said 
that  business  engagements  would  take  him  from  the  city  for  six 
weeks  and  Mr.  Grote  consented  to  get  out  the  ninth  number  of 
‘ 1 Papilio.  ’ ’ Two  corresponding  members  were  elected  and  there 
was  some  conversation  about  the  escape  of  Prof.  Francis  H. 
Snow  of  Kansas  from  the  hands  of  Apache  Indians  during  a 
collecting  trip  in  New  Mexico. 

Meeting  of  November  27,  1881 

It  was  reported  that  Mr.  Grote  had  left  suddenly  for  Europe 
and  would  return  around  February,  1882.  Three  correspond- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

ing  members  were  elected  and  a ‘‘conversation  ensued ” about 
the  many  personalities  contained  in  an  article  by  Grote  that 
was  published  in  the  last  number  of  “Papilio.”  In  this  ar- 
ticle the  Rev.  George  D.  Hulst  and  Mr.  Herman  Strecker  were 
attacked  by  the  writer.  The  members  thought  that  the  publi- 
cation of  such  a paper  was  unjustified.  Mr.  Grote  had  acted 
without  conferring  with  anyone  or  with  the  publication  com- 
mittee. It  was  decided  that  personalities  should  be  excluded. 

Meeting  of  December  11,  1881 

Four  corresponding  members  elected,  and  a discussion  about 
Lepidoptera  took  place.  A letter  was  read,  from  C.  A.  Blake  of 
Philadelphia  referring  to  some  napthaline  cones  prepared  by 
him  for  preserving  specimens  in  cabinets.  The  members  agreed 
to  order  a quantity  for  experimental  use.  A letter  from  Rev. 
G.  D.  Hulst  was  read  after  which  a recess  was  taken.  The 
meeting  was  again  called  to  order  and  a resolution  was  adopted 
empowering  the  secretary  to  alter  and  modify  Mr.  Hulst ’s  letter 
of  rejoinder  to  Mr.  Grote  so  as  to  omit  all  personalities.  The 
modified  letter  was  to  be  sent  to  Mr.  Hulst  and  if  satisfactory 
to  him,  it  was  to  be  published  immediately.  If  Mr.  Hulst ’s 
original  rejoinder  was  printed  the  secretary  was  to  publish  in 
the  same  number  of  “Papilio”  all  the  evidence  in  his  possession 
relative  to  the  dispute,  over  the  names  of  Catocalas,/  between 
Strecker  and  Grote,  in  which  it  was  charged  that  Hulst  was  the 
mouthpiece  of  Strecker. 

The  secretary  in  his  yearly  report  reviewed  the  activities  of 
the  Club  which  then  had  nineteen  active  members,  seventeeen 
honorary  members,  and  ninety-one  corresponding  members. 
Outstanding  entomologists  all  over  the  world  were  selected  and 
elected  as  corresponding  members.  Many  of  them,  of  course, 
became  subscribers  to  “Papilio”  and  I am  of  the  opinion  that 
the  Club  had  this  in  mind  when  the  selections  were  made.  Ex- 
cept for  the  entomologists  who  corresponded  regularly  with  Ed- 
wards, Grote,  Neumoegen  and  perhaps  a few  other  members, 
most  of  the  corresponding  members  had  nothing  to  correspond 
about  and  so  far  as  recorded  in  the  minutes  of  the  Club  their 
only  correspondence  as  the  acceptance  of  the  honor  of  becoming 
a corresponding  member. 

June,  1948] 

Weiss:  Entomological  Club 


At  this  time  “Papilio”  had  100  subscribers,  with  a promise 
of  six  more.  Mr.  Edwards  reported  at  this  meeting  on  the  suc- 
cess of  the  journal  and  of  his  plans  for  the  future,;  and  also 
stated  that  Grote  had  gone  to  Europe  because  of  ill  health.  The 
number  of  copies  of  “Papilio”  printed  monthly  was  500,  of 
which  200  were  kept  in  reserve.  However  it  was  believed  that  a 
printing  of  350  would  be  ample. 

Mr.  Neumoegen  reporting,  as  treasurer,  said  that  the  position 
of  the  treasury  was  not  good.  Revenues  from  January  1 to 
December  1,  1881  amounted  to  $194.46.  Printing  and  other  ex- 
penses totalled  $415.73.  This  left  the  Club  in  debt  to  Mr.  Neu- 
moegen for  $221.27.  A long  “conversation  ensued’ ’ upon  the 
subject  of  finances  and  it  was  resolved  to  pay  off  the  indebted- 
ness by  voluntary  contributions  from  members.  Those  present 
agreed  to  pay  the  following  amounts: 

B.  Neumoegen $50.00 

Hy.  Edwards  15.00 

A.  W.  Cramer 10.00 

J.  Akhurst 10.00 

S.  L.  Eliot  10.00 

Jacob  Doll  10.00 

W.  Woodworth  5.00 

Otto  Seifert  10.00 

Another  source  25.00 


For  the  balance  of  $76.00  still  owing  to  Mr.  Neumoegen,  the 
secretary  was  instructed  to  canvass  other  members. 

Meeting  of  January  8,  1882 

At  this  meeting  the  secretary  reported  the  receipt  of  a letter 
from  Mr.  W.  H.  Edwards  complaining  of  the  numerous  errors 
in  the  Checklist  of  Lepidoptera  which  had  been  published  in 
the  “Bulletin  of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society”  and  of- 
fering to  submit  a corrected  list  to  “Papilio,”  the  reprints  of 
which  might  be  sold  by  the  Club  for  fifty  cents  per  copy.  This 
proposal  was  deferred  and  never  again  referred  to  in  the  min- 
utes— sharing  the  same  fate  as  the  proposed  constitution  and 
by-laws  and  several  other  proposals. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVl 

A new  estimate  for  printing  350  copies  per  month  of  “Pa- 
pilio”  was  received.  The  new  charge  for  a 20-page  journal  in- 
cluding covers  was  to  be  $22.50  per  month  and  $1.25  for  each 
additional  page.  Mr.  Edwards  proposed  that  “Papilio”  carry 
advertising  and  the  members  agreed  to  help  in  soliciting  ‘ ‘ ads.  ’ ’ 
Meetings  January  29  to  December  19,  1882 

The  minutes  of  the  remaining  nine  meetings  contain  little  of 
interest.  During  this  period  only  one  active  member  was  ad- 
mitted and  only  four  corresponding  members  were  elected.  Mr. 
Edwards  presented  a paper  on  butterflies  taken  in  Arizona  by 
Jacob  Doll.  Mr.  Schaus  exhibited  a fine  collection  of  Mexican 
Lepidoptera  collected  by  himself  near  Vera  Cruz.  On  March  5, 
1882  Mr.  Neumoegen  reported  that  President  Grote  had  returned 
from  Europe  and  the  secretary  was  instructed  to  write  to  him 
expressing  gratitude  at  his  return  and  wishing  for  his  speedy 
recovery  to  good  health.  Mr.  Neumoegen  exhibited  Lepidop- 
tera. At  the  May  28,  1882  meeting  only  Edwards  and  Akhurst 
were  present.  On  June  18, , 1882,  although  six  members  were 
present,  little  activity  was  recorded  and  the  Club  adjourned 
subject  to  the  call  of  the  president  or  secretary.  On  October- 
15,  1882,  Edwards,  Akhurst  and  Neumoegen  appeared,  but  as 
there  was  no  quorum,  no  business  was  transacted.  At  the  next 
two  meetings,  October  29  and  December’  19,  1882  only  the  sec- 
retary Mr.  Edwards  was  present  and  from  then  on,  the  record  is 
blank,  and  the  New  York  Entomological  Club  came  to  an  end. 

The  minutes  of  all  meetings  are  signed  “Hy.  Edwards,' Hon. 
Sec’y*”  Apparently  the  members  paid  no  dues  as  neither  the 
reports  of  the  secretary  nor  those  of  the  treasurer  mention  re- 
ceipts from  such  a source.  Of  course  more  conversation  went 
on  at  the  meetings  than  was  recorded  in  the  minutes  or  than  is 
indicated  in  the  summaries  that  have  been  presented.  And  at 
the  early  meetings  it  was  customary  for  Edwards  and  Grote  to 
read  descriptions  of  new  species  that  were  intended  for  publi- 
cation in  “Papilio.” 

The  most  active  members  of  the  New  York  Entomological 
Club  were  Henry  Edwards,  B.  Neumoegen,  A.  R.  Grote,  John 
Akhurst,  Theo.  L.  Mead,  S.  L.  Eliot  and  A.  W.  P.  Cramer.  At 
least  their  attendance  records  indicate  active  interest.  Of  the 

June,  1948]  Weiss:  Entomological  Club  129 

thirty-two  meetings  held  during  the  Club ’s  brief  existence, 
Henry  Edwards  the  secretary  was  present  at  all  of  them.  Neu- 
moegen  attended  twenty-three  meetings,  Akhurst  twenty  in- 
cluding the  four  times  he  was  present  as  a visitor,  A.  R.  Grote 
sixteen,  T.  L.  Mead  eleven,  A.  W.  P.  Cramer  thirteen*  Eliot 
ten.  Koebele  attended  six,  Davis  five,  Doll  five,  Seifert  seven 
and  the  balance  of  the  members  each  showed  up  from  one  to 
four  times.  Graef  attended  four  as  a visitor.  At  the  time  the 
Club  was  organized  in  1880,  the  approximate  ages  of  some  of 
the  most  active  members  and  visitors  were — Edwards  fifty, 
Grote  . thirty-nine,  Graef  thirty-eight,  Neumoegen  thirty-five, 
Seifert  thirty-two,  Koebele  twenty-eight,  Schaus  twenty-two, 
Davis  eighteen. 

Considering  the  smallness  of  the  Club  a singularly  large  pro- 
portion of  the  members  had  either  already  achieved  distinction 
as  entomologists,  or  did  so  later.  Augustus  Radcliffe  Grote 
started  his  entomological  activities  around  1862,  and  became  an 
extensive  author,  describing  over  1,000  new  species  of  Lepidop- 
tera,  especially  North  American  Noctuidae.  His  collection  was 
sold  to  the  British  Museum.  At  the  time  of  his  death  in  Ger- 
many in  1903  he  was  director  of  the  Roman  Museum.  Berthold 
Neumoegen  who  spoke  five  or  six  languages  fluently  was  in 
business  as  a banker  and  broker  at  40  Exchange  Place,  New 
York  City.  He  was  enthusiastic  about  Lepidoptera  and  began 
collecting  around  1874.  He  described  many  new  species  and 
wrote  papers  in  conjunction  with  H.  G.  Dyar.  At  one  time  he 
employed  Jacob  Doll  to  work  on  his  collection.  Henry  Edwards 
or  Hy.  Edwards  as  he  signed  all  the  minutes  of  the  Club  and 
his  various  writings,  was  well  known  as  an  actor  and  lepidop- 
terist.  In  1879  he  was  hired  by  Lester  Wallack  as  a member  of 
his  stock  company  and  became  stage  manager  of  the  theatre. 
He  traveled  extensively  in  South  America,  Australia,  and  the 
United  States  as  an  actor  and  was  a student  of  Pacific  coast 
Lepidoptera  and  North  American  Aegeridae.  He  had  numerous 
friends  and  correspondents. 

Otto  Seifert  was  a prosperous  druggist  of  New  York  City 
who  was  interested  in  the  Arctiidae  and  who  published  on  this 
family.  His  collection  was  purchased  by  the  New  York  Ento- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

mological  Society  and  presented  to  the  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History.  John  Akhurst,  as  has  been  noted,  was  a taxi- 
dermist and  dealer  in  butterflies  and  entomological  supplies  of 
Brooklyn.  Edward  Louis  Graef  was  in. business  at  58  Court 
Street,  Brooklyn  for  50  years  as  an  importer  of  wines,  and  the 
first  treasurer  of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society  when  it 
was  organized  in  1876  in  Prof.  Franz  G.  Schaupp’s  rooms  at  the 
foot  of  Broadway,  Williamsburg.  Both  Graef  and  Grote  while 
boys  attended  Prof.  Joseph  Deghuee’s  school  in  Brooklyn  1853- 
1858  and  formed  a friendship  that  lasted  many  years.  Both 
were  interested  in  Lepidoptera.  His  collection  of  10,000  speci- 
mens of  Lepidoptera,  including  about  80  types  based  on  his 
own  descriptions  in  the  early  volumes  of  the  Brooklyn  “Bulle- 
tin,” was  given  to  the  Brooklyn  Museum  in  1900. 

William  Schaus  made  extensive  contributions  to  the  knowledge 
of  world  Lepidoptera  and  described  numerous  new  species  from 
South  America.  At  one  time  he  was  Honorary  Curator  of  Lepi- 
doptera in  the  United  States  National  Museum.  Albert  Koe- 
bele  attracted  the  attention  of  Prof.  C.  V.  Riley  in  1881,  while 
Riley  was  attending  a meeting  of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological 
Society.  Riley  was  impressed  by  the  beautiful  condition  of 
Koebele’s  specimens  and  as  a result  he  offered  him  a job.  Koe- 
bele  went  to  Washington  early  in  1882,  where  he  first  worked 
in  the  office  and  later  in  the  field.  In  November  1882  he  was 
sent  to  Brazil  to  investigate  pests  of  cotton  and  later  to  Califor- 
nia to  experiment  with  washes  against  the  coftony  cushion scale 
of  orange.  While  in  Australia  in  1888  he  found  the  ladybird 
Vedalia  cardinalis  that  was  introduced  with  success  into  Cali- 
fornia as  an  enemy  of  the  cottony  cushion  scale  on  orange. 
This  discovery  and  subsequent  successful  introduction  made  Koe- 
bele’s  reputation.  In  1893  he  was  made  entomological  expert 
for  the  Department  of  Agriculture  and  Forestry  of  Hawaii.  He 
then  investigated  the  insect  fauna  of  Hawaii  and  visited  Aus- 
tralia, New  Zealand  and  other  countries  for  predators  and  para- 
sites that  might  prove  useful  in  Hawaii.  His  work  in  biological 
control  was  extensive.  He  pioneered  in  this  field  and  made 
numerous  contributions  to  th£  technique  of  handling  and  ship- 
ping such  material.  With  the  exception  of  Henry  Edwards 
who  was  born  in  England,  all  the  entomologists  who  have  just 

June,  1948] 

Weiss:  Entomological  Club 


been  noted,  from  Grote  to  Koebele  inclusive,  were  born  in  Ger- 
many. In  conclusion  mention  should  be  made  of  Theodore  L. 
Mead,  a son-in-law  of  William  H.  Edwards,  who  accompanied 
the  Denver  party  of  the  Wheeler  Survey  during  the  summer  of 
1871.  The  material  that  he  collected  was  determined  and  de- 
scribed by  his  father-in-law  W.  H.  Edwards.  In  the  June  1934 
number  of  the  Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomological  So- 
ciety, F.  Martin  Brown  wrote  on  “The  Localities  of  T.  L. 
Mead’s  Collection  of  Butterflies  from  Colorado  in  1871,”  trac- 
ing the  localities  for  Edwards’  types  and  a schedule  of  Mead’s 
travels,  from  a study  of  Mead’s  Report  of  the  Wheeler  Survey 
and  other  sources. 

“Papilio:  The  Organ  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Club” 
was  published  by  the  Club  during  the  years  1881  and  1882.  It 
was  devoted  exclusively  to.  Lepidoptera  during  its  entire  short 
life.  Its  size  was  8i  x 5J  inches.  Volume  I (11  numbers)  ran 
to  244, pages  and  volume  II  (10  numbers)  to  189  pages.  Henry 
Edwards  was  the  editor  of  these  two  volumes.  In  fact  Edwards 
als9  edited  volume  III  (10  numbers,  193  pages)  but  after  the 
cessation  of  the  activities  of  the  Club  at  the  end  of  1882,  the 
wording  “Organ  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Club”  dis- 
appeared from  the  title  page  and  apparently  Edwards  was  both 
editor  and  publisher  of  “Papilio”  during  1883.  In  a delayed 
notice  to  the  subscribers,  written  by  Edwards  June  10,  1884, 
after  he  had  completed  the  index  to  volume  III,  he  wrote  of  the 
foundation  of  the  Club  three  years  before  and  of  the  intense 
enthusiasm  of  the  promoters  of  “Papilio.”  After  a little  while 
the  excitement  abated  and  Edwards  was  gradually  saddled  with 
all  the  editorial  work  as  well  as  being  secretary  of  the  Club.  In 
addition  to  proofreading  he  had  to  go  to  the  printer’s  place  a 
distance  of  about  fifty  blocks  four  or  five  times  each  month  and 
he  even  folded  and  mailed  the  numbers.  Added  to  this  was  the 
burden  of  a heavy  correspondence,  all  on  top  of  the  duties  of 
his  profession.  In  view  of  this  he  was  compelled  to  relinquish 
the  journal  and  take  a personal  loss  of  $200.00  upon  the  three 
volumes.  As  he  still  had  back  numbers  on  hand  he  was  willing 
to  sell  the  three  volumes  for  $5.00  a set.  The  subscription  price 
per  volume  had  been  $2.00. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvi 

The  fourth  and  last  volume  of  “Papilio”  (1884)  appeared 
under  the  editorship  of  Eugene  M.  Aaron  of  Philadelphia  with 
George  B.  Cresson  (eldest  son  of  E.  T.  Cresson)  as  “Entomo- 
logical Printer.”  In  the  January  1884  issue  of  the  journal  Ed- 
wards wrote  a notice  to  the  subscribers  in  which  he  asked  them 
to  transfer  their  support  to  his  good  friend  Mr.  Aaron  who  was 
“eminently  fitted  for  the  task”  of  running  “Papilio”  and 
cited  as  a reason  for  his  withdrawal,  the  pressure  of  business 
engagements.  However  Mr.  Aaron  had  not  taken  over  a flour- 
ishing magazine  as  he  shortly  discovered.  In  the  May  1884 
issue  Mr.  Aaron  complained  that  up  to  June  1,  less  than  45  per 
cent  of  the  subscribers  had  paid  their  subscriptions.  This  was 
discouraging  and  Mr.  Aaron  found  that  he  was  $100.00  poorer 
after  the  year’s  work  was  only  half  done,  and  after  he  had  given 
the  magazine  many  hours  of  time  taken  from  profitable  employ- 
ment. When  he  sent  out  bills,  to  those  who  had  not  paid  by 
March  15,  answers  were  received  only  from  17  per  cent  and  al- 
most half  of  these  cancelled  their  subscriptions.  He  compares 
this  condition  with  the  comparatively  large  number  of  European 
subscribers  among  which  there  was  only  one  debtor.  He  finally 
predicted  that  “Papilio”  would  cease  at  the  end  of  1884,  and 
was  of  the  opinion  that  his  editorial  labors  were  for  the  most 
part  undervalued  and  largely  thrown  away. 

In  the  September  1884  issue  a notice  states  that  the  Brooklyn 
Entomological  Society  will  consider  the  advisability  of  taking 
over  ‘ ‘ Papilio  ’ 5 and  publishing  it  in  connection  with  their  ‘ ‘ Bull- 
etin.” At  this  time  Mr.  Aaron  said  that  of  its  250  subscribers, 
less  than  100  had  paid  for  the  journal.  His  personal  loss  then 
amounted  to  $200.00  and,  unless  the  Brooklyn  Society  took  over, 
“Papilio”  would  stop  with  the  December  1884  number. 

In  the  November  1884  issue  (Nos.  9 and  10),  p.  187,  the 
editor,  Mr.  Aaron,  said  that  the  question  of  publishing  an  Amer- 
ican magazine  devoted  to  entomology  was  discussed  by  the  Ento- 
mological Club  of  the  American  Association  for  the  Advance- 
ment of  Science  at  their  meeting  in  Philadelphia,  last  September. 
A committee  which  included  the  editors  of  “Psyche,”  The 
“Bulletin  of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society”  and  “Pa- 
pilio” reported  adversely,  not  so  much  on  account  of  their  dis- 

June,  1948] 

Weiss  : Entomological  Club 


approval  as  on  account  of  their  disinclination  to  commit  the 
Club  to  what  they  believed  would  turn  out  as  a failure.  Even 
before  this  meeting  the  doom  of  “Papilio”  had  been  sealed  be- 
cause of  the  failure  of  subscribers  to  pay  their  just  debts.  The 
representatives  of  the  Brooklyn  Society  advised  Mr.  Aaron  that 
they  were  ready  to  publish  a monthly  journal  devoted  to  gen- 
eral entomology  provided  “Papilio”  would  discontinue  and  give 
its  subscription  list  to  the  new  publication.  To  this  Mr.  Aaron 
agreed  immediately.  Between  the  time  the  agreement  was  made 
and  the  publication  of  Mr.  Aaron’s  comments  in  the  November 
1884  issue  of  “Papilio,”  two  numbers  of  “Entomologia  Ameri- 
cana” had  been  published  by  the  Brooklyn  Society. 

During  its  brief  existence  “Papilio”  carried  various  articles 
devoted  to  the  Lepidoptera,  descriptions  of  new  species,  notes, 
larval  habits,  discussions  of  nomenclature,  etc.,  many  by  well- 
known  authors  in  the  field  of  descriptive  entomology.  The  first 
two  volumes  included  several  colored  plates,  but  nothing  of  the 
sort  appeared  in  the  last  two,  probably  because  neither  Mr.  Ed- 
wards or  Mr.  Aaron  were  willing  to  spend  more  of  their  money 
on  a losing  venture. 

In  volume  I,  number  9,  October,  1881  of  “Papilio”  may  be 
found  the  article  by  A.  R.  Grote  on  “New  Moths  from  Arizona, 
with  Remarks  on  Catocala  and  Heliothis”  which  proved  so  em- 
barrassing to  the  publication  committee  of  the  New  York  Ento- 
mological Club  because  of  its  personal  criticisms  of  Herman 
Strecker  and  George  D.  Hulst,  to  which  the  latter  objected.  Of 
Strecker,  Grote  wrote  that  his  work  was  of  ‘ ‘ such  an  indifferent 
character”  that  he  (Grote)  was  unwilling  to  criticize  it.  “He 
(Strecker)  has  made  proportionately  more  and  more  unexcus- 
able  synonyms  than  any  other  writer,  and  his  slovenly  descrip- 
tions and  confessed  unacquaintance  with  structure  place  him  on 
a level  with  the  worst  amateur  who  has  ‘coined’  a ‘species.’  In 
vulgarity  and  misrepresentation  he  is,  fortunately,  without  a 
rival.  No  amount  of  ‘industry’  or  ‘facility  with  the  pencil’  can 
condone  his  conduct.”  As  for  Hulst,  Grote  in  referring  to  a 
paper  on  Catocala  by  Hulst,  which  appeared  in  the  ‘ ‘ Bulletin  of 
the  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society,”  said  that  its  publication 
was  “entirely  unnecessary  from  a scientific  point  of  view.”.  . . 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

‘‘Neither  from  the  literary  or  biological  point  of  view  did  the 
author  possess  sufficient  information  to  warrant  his  writing  ex- 
tendedly  upon  the  subject.”.  . . “Mr.  Hulst  prefers,  for  in- 
stance, the  name  Amestris  to  Anna,  on  the  ground  ‘that’  one  is 
‘strictly  Catocaline’  (?),  while  the  other  is  ‘not.’  It  appears 
from  this  that  ‘ Catocaline  ’ is  a new  euphemism  for  loose  behav- 
ior, and  that  the  Rev.  Mr.  Hulst  approves  the  names  of  Swin- 
burne’s heroines  being  applied  to  a group  of  moths  whose  con- 
duct is  no  worse,  so  far  as  I have  observed,  than  their  neighbors. 
To  prefer  the  ‘strange  woman’  to  a prophetess  is  singular  taste 
in  a clergyman.”  Mr.  Hulst ’s  reply  without  personalities  ap- 
peared in  the  December  1881  number  of  “Papilio”  under  the 
title  “Some  Remarks  Upon  Catocalae,  in  Reply  to  Mr.  A.  R. 
Grote,”  and  beneath  this  reply  the  publication  committee  added 
a note  regretting  that  “anything  like  personalities”  should  have 
crept  into  “Papilio.”  Grote ’s  paper  was  printed  while  the  edi- 
tor was  absent  from  the  city  and  it  was  stated  that  no  further 
personal  remarks  should  again  be  permitted  in  “Papilio.”  The 
entire  controversy  of  course  was  due  to  a difference  of  opinion 
between  specialists. 

In  volume  III  of  “Papilio,”  the  amusing  controversy  between 
Prof.  C.  V.  Riley  and  A.  R.  Grote  and  W.  H.  Edwards  appeared 
relative  to  the  capitalization  of  specific  names.  Riley  wrote  to 
the  editor  asking  upon  what  grounds  and  for  what  purpose  had 
American  lepidopterists  adopted  the  “vicious”  habit  of  capita- 
lizing the  specific  names  of  their  insects.  W.  H.  Edwards,  who 
answered  for  the  editor  admitted  being  a sinner  in  this  respect 
and  asked  “if  some  sort  of  function  attached  to  the  office  of  En- 
tomologist in  Chief  at  Washington”  made  it  his  duty  “to  have 
an  eye  to  entomological  obliquities  of  all  sorts.”  He  said  that 
his  purpose  was  not  wicked  and  that  the  Professor  might  rest  in 
peace.  And  in  addition  the  usage  was  not  new,  having  been  in- 
dulged in  by  Linnaeus,  Fabricius  and  Kirby.  If  Riley  believed 
the  old  way  to  be  vicious,  then  he  (W.  H.  Edwards)  could  say 
with  just  as  much  reason,  that  the  new  way  was  “vile.”  To  this 
and  to  the  replies  of  Grote  and  Kirby,  Prof.  Riley  answered  in 
a lengthy  paper,  in  which  he  apparently  had  the  last  word. 

I cannot  find  any  evidence  indicating  that  there  was  any  con- 

June,  1948] 

Weiss:  Entomological  Club 


nection  between  the  New  York  Entomological  Club  and  the  New 
York  Entomological  Society.  The  former  went  out  of  existence 
at  the  end  of  1882  and  the  latter  was  organized  June  29,  1892. 
In  the  Proceedings  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society 
for  May  5,  1936,  printed  in  the  Journal,  volume  45  (2)*:  p.  259, 
Mr.  W.  T.  Davis  is  credited  with  saying  that  the  Club  started  in 
1880  and  was  incorporated  in  1893.  The  Club  was  never  incor- 
porated at  all  and  it  was  the  Society  that  was  incorporated  in 
that  year.  In  the  same  Proceedings  it  is  further  recorded  that 
“Grote,  ” present  at  the  meeting,  stated  that  the  Club  started 
when  the  New  Yorkers  rebelled  at  the  idea  of  going  to  Brooklyn 
to  attend  the  meetings  of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society. 
Mr.  “Grote”  said  that  he  was  president  in  1902  and  1903,  after 
having  been  treasurer  for  several  previous  years.  Mr.  “Grote” 
was  not  present  at  the  May  5,  1936  meeting,  having  died  in  Ger- 
many, September  12,  1903.  However  Mr.  C.  F.  Groth  (not 
Grote)  was  present  and  the  statements  he  made  are  true  not  for 
the  New  York  Entomological  Club,  but  for  the  New  York  Ento- 
mological Society.  This  confusion  probably  resulted  from  the 
fact  that  the  secretary  who  recorded  the  proceedings  thought 
that  the  Club  and  the  Society  were  synonymous.  I suppose  the 
editor  of  the  Journal  should  have  caught  these  errors,  but  as 
a matter  of  fact,  he  was  not  familiar  with  the  history  of  the  Club 
at  the  time  they  were  made. 

Some  of  the  former  members  of  the  Club  joined  the  New 
York  Entomological  Society.  In  the  lists  of  members  of  the 
Society  printed  in  the  Journal  vol.  12,  p.  192,  1904,  and  vol.  13, 
p.  52,  1905  may  be  found  the  names  of  W.  T.  Davis,  Jacob  Doll, 
Otto  Seifert,  and  Edward  L.  Graef.  Other  members  of  the  Club 
may  also  have  belonged  to  the  Society  previous  to  1904.  In  any 
event  papers  by  A.  R.  Grote,  William  Schaus,  and  B.  Neumoegen 
appeared  in  its  Journal  between  1893  and  1898. 


Anon.  Augustus  Radcliffe  Grote.  Ent.  News,  xiv  (9)  : 277-278,  1903. 
Anon.  Berthold  Neumoegen.  Ent.  News,  vi  (3)  : -3-45-1895.  £ ' 

Anon.  Henry  Edwards.  Ent.  News,  ii  (7)  : tF-8,  1891. 

Bather,  William  T.  Another  Reminiscense  of  Early  Days.  Bull.  Brook. 

Ent.  Soc.,  xviii,  p.  56-57,  1893. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYI 

Engelhardt,  George  P.  Edward  Louis  Graef.  Bull.  Brook.  Ent.  Soc., 

xvii  (2)  : 43-45,  1922. 

Graef,  Edward  L.  1878-1912,  A Retrospect.  Bull.  Brook.  Ent.  Soc.,  viii 
(1),  1912. 

Groth,  Christian  F.  Otto  Seifert.  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  Mar.,  1911, 
p.  63. 

Howard,  L.  O.  A History  of  Applied  Entomology.  Washington,  1930. 
Leng,  Charles  W.  Memories  of  Fifty  Years  Ago.  Bull.  Brook.  Ent.  Soc., 

xviii  (1),  1923. 

Leng,  Charles  W.  Recollections  of  Charles  Fuchs.  Bull.  Brook.  Ent.  Soc., 
ix,  p.  73-74,  1914. 

New  York  Entomological  Club.  Minute  Book,  1880-1882,  in  Library 
Staten  Island  Institute  of  Arts  and  Sciences. 

Osborn,  Herbert.  Fragments  of  Entomological  History.  Columbus,  Ohio, 

No.  3 

Vol.  LVI 



of  the 

New  York  Entomological  Society 

&M.;V  r < , , yyr  Y rcA,d^M\  ^ :,z  ' />-■  '/  >>'■  , : 

Devoted  to  Entomology  in  General 



Publication  Committee 



Subscription  $4*00  per  Year 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 

NEW  YORK,  N.  Y. 


. ' ' ■<  W ‘ . H i 


Records  and  Descriptions  of  Neotropical  Crane-Flies 

(Tipulidae,  Diptera),  XXIII 

By  Charles  P.  Alexander  137 

Additions  and  Corrections  to  the  List  of  Nearctic  Species 
of  Dianthidium  (Hymenoptera,  Apoidea) 

By  P.  H.  Timberlake  149 

“Useless  and  Ill-Advised”  154 

Notes  on  a Colony  of  Polistes  Fuscatus  Hunteri  Bequaert 

By  Herman  T.  Spieth  155 

Insects  and  Slang  170 

T.  D.  A.  Cockerell 

By  Charles  D.  Michener  171 

Notes  on  the  Distribution,  Habits  and  Habitats  of  Some 
Panama  Culicines  (Diptera,  Culicidse) 

By  Ross  H.  Arnett,  Jr.  ; 175 

Book  Notice  194 

Honey-Bee  Predators 

By  S.  W.  Bromley 195 

Book  Notice  : 200 

A New  Member  of  the  Genus  Caddo  (Phalangida) 

By  Clarence  J.  and  Marie  L.  Goodnight  201 

NOTICE:  Volume  LV I , Number  2 of  the  Journal  of  the 
New  York  Entomological  Society  was  published 
on  August  10, 1948. 

Entered  as  second  class  matter  July  7,  1925,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 
under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  special  rate  of  postage  provided  for  in  Section  1103. 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  March  27,  1924. 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

Vol.  LVI  September,  1948  No.  3 


By  Charles  P.  Alexander 
Amherst,  Massachusetts 

The  preceding  part  under  this  general  title  was  published  in 
this  Journal  (vol.  55 : 173-184 ; June  1947) . The  types  of  the  nov- 
elties described  herewith  are  preserved  in  my  collection  through 
the  appreciated  kindness  of  the  various  collectors.  Two  species 
are  based  on  materials  in  the  United  States  National  Museum, 
sent  to  me  for  determination  by  Dr.  Alan  Stone. 

Genus  Austrolimnophila  Alexander 

Austro limnophila  (Austrolimnophila)  bulbulifera,  new  species. 

General  coloration  of  thorax  yellow,  the  pleura  with  a transverse  brown 
girdle  occupying  the  mesepisternum ; femora  obscure  yellow,  the  tips  nar- 
rowly blackened,  remainder  of  legs  brown,  the  tarsi  extensively  whitened; 
wings  subhyaline,  restrictedly  patterned  with  brown;  m-cu  about  three- 
fourths  its  length  beyond  the  fork  of  M;  male  hypopygium  with  the 
median  region  of  tergite  produced  into  a narrow  lobe,  its  tip  shallowly 
emarginate;  dististyle  complex,  the  main  body  with  long  coarse  nodulose 
setae;  face  of  style  with  a low  blackened  flange. 

Male. — Length  about  11  mm.;  wing  10  mm.;  antenna  about  1.9  mm. 

Eostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  short;  scape  and  pedicel  obscure  yel- 
low, flagellum  black;  flagellar  segments  subcylindrical  to  cylindrical,  the 
longest  verticils  unilaterally  arranged, # much  longer  than  the  segments. 
Head  brown. 

Pronotum  testaceous,  paling  to  yellow  on  the  sides  and  on  the  propleura. 
Mesonotal  praescutum  obscure  yellow,  the  stripes  not  or  scarcely  indicated; 
lateral  praescutal  borders  slightly  darkened,  representing  the  upper  end  of 
the  pleural  girdle  described  below ; scutum  and  scutellum  chiefly  pale ; 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

mediotergite  dark  brown;  pleurotergite  yellow,  its  posterior  border  more 
darkened.  Pleura  pale  yellow,  with  a narrow  dark  brown  transverse  girdle 
extending  from  the  prsescutum,  as  described,  across  the  entire  mesepisternum 
and  sternum.  Halteres  elongate,  stem  obscure  yellow,  knob  dark  brown. 
Legs  with  the  coxae  and  trochanters  pale  yellow;  femora  obscure  yellow, 
the  tips  narrowly  blackened;  tibiae  and  proximal  half  (hind)  to  three-fourths 
(fore)  of  basitarsi  medium  brown,  the  remainder  of  basitarsi  and  segments 
two  to  four  white,  the  terminal  segment  infuscated.  Wings  with  the  ground 
yellow  on  cephalic  third,  more  grayish  on  posterior  portions;  a restricted 
brown  pattern,  including  spots  at  origin  of  Bs,  cord,  outer  end  of  cell 
1st  M2,  B,  and  adjoining  veins,  fork  of  M1+2,  and  near  outer  end  of  cell 
Ba]  a faintly  indicated  dusky  wash  in  center  of  cell  B ; veins  dark  brown,, 
conspicuous.  Venation:  Scx  ending  shortly  beyond  the  fork  of  B2+s+i,  Sc2  a 
short  distance  from  its  tip;  B2+2+i  about  one-half  longer  than  m-cu ; -R1+2 
shorter  than  B2+s+i ; anterior  cord  oblique,  cell  B3  most  proximad;  petiole  of 
cell  Mx  about  twice  m)  m-cu  about  three-fourths  its  own  length  beyond  the 
fork  of  M. 

Abdominal  tergites  dark  brown,  the  caudal  margins  of  the  more  basal 
segments  narrowly  yellow,  the  outer  segments  more  uniformly  darkened; 
hypopygium  chiefly  black;  sternites  bicolored,  chiefly  yellow,  with  a narrow 
blackened  ring  before  midlength.  Male  hypopygium  with  the  tergite  pro- 
duced caudad  into  a medium  depressed-flattened  lobe,  its  apex  shallowly 
emarginate.  Basistyle  on  mesal  face  near  apex  with  a small  tubercle  tufted 
with  long  yellow  setae.  Interbase  a small  curved  yellow  structure,  the  tip 
acute.  Dististyle  complex,  the  main  body  more  or  less  triangular,  extended 
into  a long  slender  rostrum,  the  concave  mesal  face  of  style  with  several 
strong  yellow  setae  that  are  provided  for  most  of  their  length  with  globular 
excrescences;  on  face  of  style  a low  blackened  lobe  or  flange,  its  surface 
with  dense  microscopic  setulae. 

Habitat. — Southeastern  Brazil. 

Holotype,  JV  Boracea,  Sao  Paulo,  altitude  800  meters,  August 
1947  (John  Lane). 

Although  generally  similar  to  species  such  as  Austrolimno- 
phila  ( Austrolimnophila ) candiditarsis  Alexander , A.  ( A .) 
pallidistyla  Alexander,  and  other  regional  forms,  the  type  of 
structure  of  the  male  hypopygium  is  more  as  in  the  various 
species  of  the  subgenus  Limnophilella  Alexander,  as  A.  ( L .) 
multipicta  Alexander,  all  of  which  have  the  much  retracted  m-cu 
crossvein.  I am  deeply  indebted  to  Dr.  John  Lane  for  many  fine 
Tipulidae  from  Sao  Paulo  and  Bio  de  Janeiro. 

Genus  PseudoUmnophila  Alexander 

Pseudolimnophila  plutoides,  new  species. 

Allied  to  pluto ; size  large  (wing,  male,  over  9 mm.) ; general  coloration 

Sept,,  1948] 

Alexander  : Crane  Flies 


black,  the  praescutum  and  scutal  lobes  more  reddish  brown;  legs  and  wings 
strongly  blackened;  B2+s+i  from  two  to  three  times  as  long  as  B2-  abdomen 
dark  brown,  the  hypopygium  more  yellowish  brown. 

Male. — Length  about  9-10  mm. ; wing  9-10  mm. ; antenna  about  1.5  mm. 

Rostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  black,  the  pedicel  a very  little  paler; 
flagellar  segments  passing  through  long-oval  to  subcylindrical,  the  verticils, 
especially  of  the  outer  segments,  long  and  conspicuous.  Head  black;  anter- 
ior vertex  relatively  broad,  about  two  and  one-half  times  the  diameter  of  the 

Pronotum  black.  Mesonotal  praescutum  and  scutal  lobes  dark  reddish 
brown,  virtually  unpatterned;  posterior  sclerites  of  notum  more  brownish 
black.  Pleura,  including  the  dorsopleural  membrane,  blackened.  Halteres 
infuscated.  Legs  with  the  coxae  brownish  black;  trochanters  obscure  yellow; 
remainder  of  legs  dark  brown,  the  femoral  bases  restrictedly  obscure  yellow. 
Wings  with  a strong  blackish  tinge,  especially  in  the  outer  radial  field ; 
stigma  and  narrow  seams  over  cord  and  outer  cell  1st  M2  still  darker  brown ; 
veins  brown.  Venation:  Bs  long,  subequal  to  vein  Bx-  B2+ 3+4  from  two  to 
three  times  B2-  veins  B3  and  Bx  extending  generally  parallel  to  one  another, 
the  former  arched  at  near  midlength,  slightly  widening  the  cell  at  this 
point;  cell  Mx  more  than  three  times  its  petiole;  m-cu  at  near  two-fifths  to 
three-fifths  the  length  of  cell  1st  M2. 

Abdomen  dark  brown,  the  hypopygium  a trifle  brighter,  more  yellowish 
brown.  Male  hypopygium  with  the  ninth  tergite  bilobed,  the  lobes  narrower 
than  the  U-shaped  median  notch.  Outer  dististyle  with  the  entire  mesal 
face  densely  covered  with  erect  setae.  Gonapophyses  small,  bispinous. 

Habitat. — Pern. 

Holotype,  J1,  Carpish,  Huanuco,  in  dwarf  fog  forest,  altitude 
2800  meters  (9100  feet),  November  4,  1946  (Woytkowski) . Para- 
topotype,  J',  November  14,  1946. 

The  nearest  ally  of  the  present  fly  is  Pseudolimnophila  pluto 
Alexander,  from  the  Tropical  Zone  of  Amazonian  Ecuador,  a 
smaller  and  much  paler  fly.  The  male  hypopygia  of  the  two 
species  are  very  similar  and  indicate  a close  relationship. 

Genus  Teucholabis  Osten  Sacken 

Teucholabis  (Euparatropesa)  laetifica,  new  species. 

Size  small  (wing,  female,  5 mm.) ; allied  to  lindneri;  head,  pronotum  and 
pleura  orange;  mesonotum  shiny  black,  restrictedly  patterned  with  yellow; 
femora  yellow,  the  tips  blackened,  broadest  on  the  fore  femora;  wings 
whitish  subhyaline,  restrictedly  patterned  with  brown;  dark  areas  at  arculus 
and  origin  of  Bs  interconnected  in  the  costal  field;  Scx  ending  about  opposite 
one-third  the  length  of  Bs-  B2  nearly  twice  B2+3+i;  abdominal  tergites  dark 
brown,  sternites  obscure  yellow. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Female. — Length  about  5 mm.;  wing  5 mm. 

Bostrum  reddish  yellow,  shorter  than  remainder  of  head;  palpi  brown. 
Antennae  with  scape  and  pedicel  yellow,  flagellum  brown;  flagellar  segments 
oval,  much  shorter  than  the  verticils.  Head  orange. 

Pronotum  orange.  Mesonotum  shiny  black,  restrictedly  patterned  with 
yellow,  including  the  suture  and  most  of  the  scutum,  the  lobes  of  the  latter 
with  polished  black  centers;  humeral  region  of  praescutum  extensively  yel- 
low; pleurotergite  black.  Pleura  uniformly  orange  yellow.  Halteres  with 
stem  weakly  darkened,  knobs  light  yellow.  Legs  with  all  coxae  and  tro- 
chanters orange  or  orange-yellow;  femora  yellow,  the  tips  broadly  black, 
on  the  fore  legs  including  the  outer  three-fourths,  on  middle  and  hind  legs 
about  the  distal  fifth  or  sixth;  fore  tibiae  and  tarsi  black;  middle  and  hind 
tibiae  dirty  white,  blackened  at  base  and  tip;  middle  basitarsi  obscure  yel- 
low at  proximal  end,  remainder  of  tarsi  black.  Wings  whitish  subhyaline, 
restrictedly  patterned  with  brown;  dark  areas  at  arculus  and  origin  of  Rs, 
interconnected  without  a break  in  cells  C and  Sc,  the  latter  area  completely 
crossing  the  wing,  widest  in  cell  Cu;  a narrower  but  darker  band  at  cord,  ex- 
tending from  C to  Cu,  deepest  in  color  at  the  stigma,  nearly  parallel-sided; 
no  darkening  at  wing-tip;  veins  brownish  yellow,  darker  in  the  patterned 
areas.  Venation:  Sc1  ending  about  opposite  one-third  the  length  of  Rs,  Sc2 
a short  distance  before  the  origin  of  the  latter;  R2  nearly  twice  -R2+2+i  or 
H1+2;  cell  Rs  small,  vein  R4  subequal  to  B3+4;  cell  M2  open  .by  atrophy  of 
basal  section  of  Ms,  cell  2nd  M2  subequal  in  length  to  its  petiole;  m-cu  about 
two-thirds  its  length  beyond  the  fork  of  M ; vein  2nd  A nearly  straight  for 
most  of  its  length.  In  lindneri,  the  darkened  area  at  and  beyond  arculus 
and  that  at  origin  of  Rs  broadly  interrupted  in  cells  C and  Sc;  vein  Sc 
longer,  ending  beyond  one-tliird  the  length  of  Rs;  R2  at  fork  of  Rs ; m-cu 
at  or  close  to  the  fork  of  M. 

Abdominal  tergites  dark  brown,  sternites  obscure  yellow ; subterminal 
segment  orange;  genital  shield  extensively  darkened.  Ovipositor  with  the 
valves  orange;  cerci  strongly  upcurved. 

Habitat. — Pern. 

Holotype,  5,  Yarinacocha,  Loreto,  near  Pncallpa,  on  the  Upper 
Ucayali  River,  altitude  180  meters  (Schunke). 

T euchola'bis  ( Euparatropesa ) laetifica  is  closest  to  T.  ( E .) 
lindneri  Alexander,  of  the  Bolivian  Chaco  (Konowia,  12 : 42-44, 
figs.  1-2;  1933),  differing  in  the  coloration  of  the  body,  especially 
the  mesonotum  and  pleura,  and  in  the  details  of  wing  pattern 
and  venation,  as  compared  above. 

Teucholabis  (Teucholabis)  atrolata,  new  species. 

Antennae  dark  brown  throughout;  anterior  vertex  black,  elevated  into  a 
small  tubercle;  praescutum  yellow,  with  three  chestnut  brown  stripes,  darker 

Sept.,  1948] 

Alexander  : Crane  Flies 


behind;  scutellum  broadly  yellow  behind;  pleura  brown,  heavily  pruinose 
with  silvery;  femora  yellow,  the  tips  and  a medial  band  broadly  blackened, 
mid-femur  with  the  base  similarly  darkened;  wings  subhyaline,  with  three 
dark  bands,  the  apical  one  narrow;  costal  fringe  short;  abdomen  yellow, 
sternites  two  to  six  with  broad  black  lateral  areas;  male  hypopygium  with 
the  spine  of  the  basistyle  relatively  large,  strongly  curved;  outer  dististyle 
long  and  slender,  unequally  bidentate  at  tip;  inner  dististyle  conspicuously 
bifid,  both  arms  terminating  in  points. 

Male. — Length  about  9.5-10  mm.;  wing  7.5-8  mm. 

Rostrum  obscure  yellow  medially  above,  dark  brown  on  sides;  palpi 
black.  Antennae  dark  brown;  flagellar  segments  passing  through  oval,  long- 
oval  to  elongate-cylindrical,  the  verticils  long  and  conspicuous.  Front  yel- 
low; anterior  vertex  narrow,  black,  raised  into  a small  tubercle  near  its 
anterior  end;  posterior  vertex  paler  brown  or  yellowish  brown. 

Pronotum  chiefly  yellow,  variegated  with  chestnut  brown.  Mesonotal 
praescutum  with  three  chestnut  brown  stripes,  paler  in  front,  darker  and 
almost  contiguous  behind,  the  humeral  triangles  yellow,  lateral  praescutal 
borders  more  obscure;  median  region  of  praescutum  before  suture  and  the 
central  portion  of  scutum  more  grayish  yellow;  scutal  lobes  extensively 
darkened,  almost  black,  their  posterior  portions  yellow;  scutellum  broadly 
yellow  behind,  the  base  more  testaceous  yellow;  mediotergite  testaceous 
yellow,  with  almost  the  posterior  half  dark  brown.  Propleura  chestnut; 
remainder  of  pleura  darker  brown,  heavily  silvery  pruinose ; mid-meso- 
sternum  narrowly  yellow,  the  posterior  thoracic  sternites  entirely  yellow. 
Halteres  yellow,  knob  brown,  the  apex  paler.  Legs  with  coxae  orange-yellow, 
the  middle  and  posterior  pairs  more  pruinose;  trochanters  chestnut-yellow; 
femora  yellow,  the  tip  broadly  and  conspicuously  blackened;  middle  femora 
with  a basal  and  a median  dark  ring,  alternating  with  yellow  annuli,  the 
black  tip  a little  narrower  than  the  subterminal  yellow  ring;  darkened  basal 
annulus  wider  than  the  subbasal  yellow  one;  hind  femora  similar  but  with 
the  basal  darkening  less  evident;  tibiae  yellow,  the  tip  narrowly  to  scarcely 
darkened;  tarsi  yellow,  the  outer  two  segments  blackened.  Wings  subhya- 
line, trivittate  with  brown,  including  a broad  complete  band  at  cord,  darkest 
at  stigma;  wing-tip  narrowly  darkened;  subbasal  band  at  level  of  origin 
of  Es  and  across  vein  2nd  A ; veins  yellow,  darker  in  the  patterned  areas. 
Costal  fringe  short.  Venation:  Sc 1 ending  about  opposite  midlength  of  Es, 
Sc2  at  near  one-fifth  the  length ; E2  slightly  oblique,  in  cases  weakly  sinuous ; 
m-cu  about  one-third  to  one-half  its  length  beyond  the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen  conspicuous  hairy;  tergites  and  hypopygium  yellow;  sternites 
yellow,  segments  two  to  six  each  with  a conspicuous  brownish  black  lateral 
darkening.  Sternal  pocket  of  segment  five  close  to  the  posterior  end  of 
segment,  more  or  less  triangular  in  outline,  the  longest  setae  at  the  sides; 
pocket  of  segment  six  consisting  of  six  or  seven  strong  curved  setae  in  a 
vertical  row  on  either  side,  directed  mesad.  Male  hypopygium  with  the 
apical  spine  of  the  basistyle  relatively  large,  strongly  curved,  the  apical 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

third  narrowed  into  a long  straight  spine;  mesal  flange  coarsely  and  ir- 
regularly toothed.  Outer  dististyle  long  and  slender,  unequally  bidentate  at 
apex,  the  surface  with  long  scattered  setaB.  Inner  dististyle  conspicuously 
bifid,  the  larger  beak  terminating  in  a strong  spine;  lateral  lobe  terminating 
in  a short  conical  point. 

Habitat. — Panama  (Canal  Zone). 

Holotype,  J1,  Barro  Colorado  Island,  January — March  1944 
(Zetek  No.  5126)  ; United  States  National  Museum.  Paratopo- 
types,  2 one  of  these  is  much  paler,  including  the  leg  pat- 
tern and  may  not  prove  conspecific. 

The  allied  species  include  T eucholabis  (T eucholabis)  august - 
apicalis  Alexander,  T.  (T.)  cathariueusis  Alexander,  T.  (T.) 
melauocephala  (Fabricius),  T.  (T.)  ueosalva  Alexander,  T.  (T.) 
perangusta  Alexander,  and  T.  ( T .)  salva  Alexander,  all  having 
the  legs  and  wings  banded  and  with  the  sternal  pockets  of  the 
fifth  and  sixth  abdominal  segments  of  approximately  the  same 
type.  The  present  fly  differs  in  coloration  of  the  body,  legs  and 
wings,  especially  the  unusually  heavy  leg  pattern.  There  are 
further  differences  in  the  male  hypopygium,  especially  the  basi- 
style  and  inner  dististyle. 

Teucholabis  (Teucholabis)  hypomela,  new  species. 

Allied  to  flavithorax ; size  small  (wing,  female,  6 mm.);  pronotum  black; 
mesonotum  and  dorsal  part  of  pleura  orange,  the  ventral  pleura  and  sternum 
black;  legs  with  all  coxae  and  trochanters  black;  remainder  of  legs  black, 
the  basal  two  tarsal  segments  obscure  yellow;  wings  with  a strong  brownish 
suffusion;  Sc±  ending  about  opposite  three-fifths  J Ss;  vein  B2  transverse, 
about  one-half  -S2+3+4;  ovipositor  with  the  cerci  yellow. 

Female. — Length  about  6 mm.;  wing  6 mm. 

Eostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  black  throughout;  basal  flagellar 
segments  subglobular,  the  outer  ones  more  oval.  Head  black. 

Pronotum  black,  the  sides  of  the  scutellum  orange.  Mesonotum  orange, 
the  cephalic  third  of  the  praescutum  with  a triangular  black  area.  Pro- 
pleura,  sternopleurite,  anepisterum  and  meral  region  black,  the  remainder  of 
mesonotum  and  the  pleurotergite  orange.  Halteres  infuscated.  Legs  with  all 
coxae  and  trochanters  blackened;  femora  and  tibiae  black,  the  basal  two  tarsal 
segments  obscure  yellow,  the  outer  tarsal  segments  black.  Wings  with  a 
strong  brownish  suffusion,  stigma  a trifle  darker;  veins  dark  brown.  Vena- 
tion :Sc  relatively  long,  Scx  ending  about  opposite  three-fifths  Es,  Sc2  at 
near  one-third  the  length ; vein  B2  transverse,  about  one-half  B2+s+i  and  longer 
than  R1+2;  cell  1st  M2  slightly  widened  outwardly,  m slightly  longer  and  more 

Sept.,  1948] 

Alexander  : Crane  Flies 


arcuated  than  the  basal  section  of  Ma-,  m-cu  about  one-half  its  length  be- 
yond the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen  black;  cerci  slender,  yellow  strongly  upcurved. 

Habitat. — Peru. 

Holotype,  $ , Yahuarmayo,  February  8,  1910  (C.  H.  T.  Town- 
send) ; United  States  National  Museum. 

The  most  similar  species  are  Teucholabis  (T eucholahis)  cunei- 
formis  Alexander,  T.  ( T .)  dileuca  Alexander,  T.  ( T .)  rufithorax 
(Wiedemann),  T.  (T.)  rufula  Alexander,  and  T.  ( T .)  schineri 
Enderlein,  occurring  from  Mexico  to  southeastern  Brazil,  all 
differing  in  details  of  coloration  of  the  body  and  legs  and  in  the 
venation.  The  black  prothorax  and  narrowly  blackened  pleura 
and  mesosternum,  in  conjunction  with  the  small  size,  should 
be  emphasized. 

Teucholabis  (Teucholabis)  subargentea,  new  species. 

Allied  to  argentea;  general  coloration  polished  black,  the  mesonotum 
variegated  with  yellow;  pronotum  pale  yellow;  pleura  black,  with  a broad 
silvery  white  stripe;  femora  yellow,  the  tips  of  the  fore  pair  blackened; 
wings  yellowed,  crossbanded  with  brown;  sternal  pockets  of  male  strongly 
developed;  male  hypopygium  with  the  inner  dististyle  very  unequally  bi  dent  - 
ate,  with  two  approximated  setae  on  disk  of  style;  aedeagus  a moderately 
compressed  blade,  the  lower  edge  with  two  long  setae. 

Male. — Length  about  6.5  mm. ; wing  7-7.1  mm. 

Eostrum  orange ; palpi  black.  Antennae  black  throughout ; flagellar 
segments  passing  through  subglobular,  short-oval  to  long-oval,  the  verticils 
longer  than  the  segments.  Head  dull  black. 

Pronotum  and  pretergites  pale  yellow.  Mesonotum  polished  black,  the 
posterior  portions  of  the  scutal  lobes,  posterior  border  of  scutellum  and 
lateral  margins  of  mediotergite  obscure  brownish  yellow.  Dorsal  thoracic 
pleura  chiefly  polished  black,  the  dorsopleural  region  yellow ; a broad  silvery 
white  longitudinal  stripe  extending  from  behind  the  fore  coxae  to  base  of 
abdomen,  widened  behind;  ventral  sternopleurite  blackened,  the  remainder 
of  venter  pale.  Haiteres  black,  the  apices  of  the  knobs  obscure  yellow.  Legs 
with  the  fore  coxae  blackened  the  remaining  coxae  yellow;  trochanters 
yellow;  femora  yellow,  the  tips  of  the  fore  pair  blackened,  of  the  remaining 
femora  scarcely  darkened;  fore  and  middle  tibiae  and  tarsi  black;  hind  tibiae 
obscure  yellow,  the  tips  narrowly  blackened;  tarsi  black;  posterior  basitarsi 
dilated  on  about  the  proximal  fourth.  Wings  with  a weakly  yellowed  ground, 
the  prearcular  and  costal  fields  more  whitened ; a medium  brown  crossbanded 
pattern,  including  a narrow  band  at  cord,  crossing  the  wing  from  the  dark 
brown  oval  stigma  to  the  posterior  margin;  wing  tip  broadly  darkened,  ex- 
tending basad  about  to  the  level  of  the  outer  end  of  cell  1st  M2,  the  posterior 


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[Vol.  LVI 

margin  of  cell  Ma  pale;  a third  band  at  one-third  the  wing  length,  extending 
from  B to  the  anal  margin  at  vein  2nd  A ; veins  light  brown,  darker  in  the 
patterned  areas.  Venation:  &cx  ending  just  beyond  midlength  of  Bs , Sc2  a 
moderate  distance  from  its  tip;  B2  about  twice  B2+3+i ; branches  of  Bs  ex- 
tending generally  parallel  to  one  another,  cell  B2  correspondingly  wide  at 
margin;  cell  B±  slightly  widened  at  basal  third;  m-cu  close  to  fork  of  M. 

Abdominal  tergites  dark  brown,  sternites  paler ; sternal  pockets  dark 
colored  and  conspicuous;  hypopygium  black.  Sternal  pocket  of  segment  five 
large  and  conspicuous,  with  very  numerous  setae;  sternite  six  with  a narrowly 
transverse  oval  area  on  posterior  half;  on  anterior  half  of  sternite  with  a 
vertical  row  of  six  or  seven  very  long  setae  that  are  directed  mesad,  the  rows 
widely  separated.  Male  hypopygium  with  the  appendage  of  the  basistyle 
subterminal  in  position,  stout  at  base,  the  outer  third  narrowed  into  a 
straight  spine;  two  darkened  marginal  lobes  nearer  mesal  part  of  style. 
Outer  dististyle  a sinuous  elongate  rod  that  is  gradually  narrowed  into  a 
terminal  spine,  the  surface  with  long  coarse  setae  from  scabrous  tubercles. 
Inner  dististyle  with  beak  very  unequally  bidentate,  the  outer  spine  elongate ; 
two  approximated  elongate  bristles  on  disk  of  style.  Aedeagus  a moderately 
compressed  flattened  blade,  at  apex  produced  into  a blackened  beak  or  spine ; 
surface  just  back  from  tip  with  a few  microscopic  scabrous  points;  lower 
edge  of  aedeagus  with  two  long  setae. 

Habitat. — Southeastern  Brazil. 

Holotype,  \<$  Boracea,  Sao  Paulo,  altitude  800  meters,  August 
1947  (John  Lane).  Paratopotypes,  4 <$<$. 

The  most  similar  described  species  is  the  smaller  Teucholabis 
(T eucholabis)  argentea  Alexander,  which  differs  in  the  details 
of  coloration  and  in  the  structure  of  the  male  hypopygium. 

Teucholabis  (Teucholabis)  elissa,  new  species. 

Allied  to  laterospinosa ; mesonotum  chiefly  blackened,  prothorax  reddish 
yellow;  rostrum  reddish;  halteres  dusky,  the  knobs  yellow;  wings  subhyaline 
on  proximal  half,  very  weakly  infuscated  beyond  the  cord;  stigma  dark 
brown,  the  cord  narrowly  seamed;  apical  lobe  of  basistyle  of  male  hypo- 
pygium tumid,  terminating  in  a straight  spine;  outer  dististyle  unequally 
bispinous  at  apex;  surface  of  aedeagus  with  about  15  strong  setae. 

Male. — Length  about  4.5-5  mm.;  wing  4.8-5. 5 mm. 

Eostrum  reddish ; palpi  brown.  Antennae  with  the  scape  and  pedicel 
obscure  yellow,  flagellum  brownish  black;  basal  flagellar  segments  sub- 
globular,  the  outer  ones  passing  into  oval;  proximal  segments  abruptly 
narrowed  into  very  short  apical  necks,  producing  a moniliform  effect.  Head 

Prothorax  reddish  yellow.  Mesonotum  chiefly  black,  the  humeral  region 
of  praescutum,  suture,  scutellum,  and,  in  cases,  about  the  cephalic  fourth 
of  the  mediotergite  reddish  to  yellow;  pleurotergite  black.  Pleura  reddish 

Sept.,  1948] 

Alexander:  Crane  Flies 


yellow,  the  ventral  sternoplenrite  more  infuscated;  posterior  pleurites  some- 
what brighter  and  more  or  less  pruinose.  Halteres  dusky,  knobs  yellow. 
Legs  with  the  coxae  and  trochanters  yellow;  fore  femora  chiefly  black,  the 
basal  fifth  yellow;  tibiae  dark  brown,  the  tips  and  the  tarsi  black;  middle 
and  hind  femora  yellow;  tibae  and  basitarsi  obscure  yellow,  the  outer  tarsal 
segments  black;  posterior  tibiae  at  near  five-sixth  the  length  with  a slightly 
swollen  glandular  area.A  Wings  subhyaline  on  proximal  half,  very  weakly  to 
scarcely  infuscated  beyond  the  cord;  stigma  short-oval,  dark  brown,  sending 
a much  narrower  seam  back  over  the  cord;  cell  Sc  above  the  arculus  re- 
strictedly  darkened;  veins  brown.  Venation:  Sc  short,  Sc1  ending  just  beyond 
origin  of  Es , Sc2  some  distance  before  this  origin;  E2  at  or  just  beyond 
the  fork  of  Es;  branches  of  Es  parallel  to  one  another  on  about  the  basal 
half,  E5  thence  bent  strongly  eaudad  to  the  wing  tip,  cell  -K4  very  wide  at 
margin,  greater  than  cell  E2;  cell  1st  M2  closed;  m-cu  at  or  close  to  the  fork 
of  M. 

Abdominal  tergites  and  the  hypopygium  black ; sternites  weakly  bicolored, 
black,  the  narrow  apices  yellow,  the  amount  of  pale  color  decreasing  on  the 
outer  segments.  Sternal  pocket  of  segment  five  comprised  of  a transverse 
semicircular  row  of  relatively  short  setae;  sternite  six  without  a well-defined 
pocket.  Male  hypopygium  with  the  apical  lobe  of  basistyle  a tumid  structure 
that  terminates  abruptly  in  a straight  spine;  mesal  flange  of  basistyle 
blackened  but  smooth.  Outer  dististyle  a strong  darkened  club,  gradually 
widened  beyond  the  base,  the  apex  truncate,  the  outer  angle  thence  pro- 
duced into  a strong  spine  that  is  about  one-half  the  length  of  the  base, 
the  inner  apical  angle  with  a much  smaller  spine;  inner  margin  of  basal 
part  of  style  with  a series  of  strong  serrations  or  spines.  Inner  dististyle 
with  the  apex  unequally  bifid,  the  lower  arm  or  flange  with  marginal  micro- 
scopic serrulations ; a strong  basal  lobe  bearing  three  very  long  setae. 
iEdeagus  conspicuously  compressed  into  an  obtuse  blade,  the  apical  part 
a low  darkened  knob;  surface  of  aedeagus  with  about  15  strong  setae. 

Habitat. — Pern. 

Holotype,  J1,  Chanchamayo,  Junin,  altitude  1300  meters,  Feb- 
ruary 10,  1941  (Schunke).  Paratopotypes,  5 <$<$ , August  15, 
1941-February  10,  1942  (Schunke). 

The  most  similar  species  include  T eucholabis  (T  eucholabis) 
later ospinosa  Alexander  and  T.  ( T .)  tullochi  Alexander,  which 
differ  in  the  details  of  coloration  and  structure  of  the  male  hypo- 

Genus  Gnophomyia  Osten  Sacken 

Gnophomyia  (Eugnophomyia)  glabripennis,  new  species. 

Size  large  (wing,  male,  over  8 mm.)  ; general  coloration  of  body,  antennae, 
halteres  and  legs  black;  wings  with  a strong  blackish  ground,  the  centers 
of  most  of  the  cells  more  whitened  to  produce  a streaked  appearance;  cells 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

of  wings  glabrous;  male  hypopygium  with  the  dististyle  elongate,  its  tip 
narrowly  obtuse,  the  lower  surface  with  abundant  very  long  black  setae;  on 
outer  face  of  style  at  base  with  a small  obtuse  lobe;  aedeagus  strongly 
recurved  at  midlength. 

Male. — Length  about  7.5  mm. ; wing  8.3  mm. 

Bostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  black  throughout ; flagellar  segments 
subcylindrical ; terminal  segment  much  larger  than  the  penultimate.  Head 
dull  black. 

Thorax  uniformly  dull  black.  Halteres  and  legs  black.  Wings  with  a 
strong  blackish  ground,  the  centers  of  most  of  the  cells  beyond  wing  base 
whitened  to  produce  a streaked  appearance;  veins  brownish  black.  Cells  of 
wing  without  maerotrichia.  Venation:  Sc±  ending  a short  distance  before 
level  of  fork  of  Es,  S c^  alone  longer  than  r—m;  Es  long;  vein  E2  oblique,  its 
cephalic  end  entire  to  subatrophied  and  lying  more  basad  than  the  posterior 
portion;  cell  1st  M2  a little  shorter  than  vein  M4;  m-cu  at  near  one-third  the 
length  of  cell  1st  M2  or  about  one-half  its  length  beyond  the  fork  of  If; 
vein  2nd  A sinuous. 

Abdomen,  including  hypopygium,  black.  Male  hypopygium  generally  as 
in  the  subgenus;  apex  of  basistyle  produced  beyond  the  point  of  insertion 
of  the  dististyle  into  an  elongate  conical  point,  the  tip  subacute.  Dististyle 
a little  longer  and  larger  than  the  apex  of  the  basistyle,  its  tip  narrowly 
obtuse;  lower  surface  with  abundant  very  long  black  setae;  on  outer  face 
at  base  with  a small  obtuse  lobe.  iEdeagus  strongly  recurved  at  midlength, 
the  basal  part  more  expanded. 

Habitat. — Peru. 

Holotype,  <$,  Chancliamayo,  Junin,  altitude  1350  meters, 
March  10,  1941  (Schunke). 

Gnophomyia  ( Eugnophomyia)  glabripennis  is  readily  told 
from  all  other  regional  species  by  the  glabrous  wings.  All 
other  species  have  numerous  maerotrichia  in  the  outer  cells.  In 
general  appearance,  the  present  fly  is  most  like  Gnophomyict 
(. Eugnophomyia ) fimerea  Alexander,  from  which  it  is  further 
distinguished  by  the  streaked  wings  and  the  structure  of  the 
male  hypopygium. 

Genus  Gonomyia  Meigen 

Gonomyia  (Gonomyia)  sub  unicolor,  new  species. 

Allied  to  unicolor',  general  coloration  of  mesonotal  prseseutum  and  scutum 
dark  brown,  the  posterior  sclerites  of  the  notum  more  yellowed;  antennae 
black,  the  proximal  half  of  scape  yellow;  legs  blackened;  wings  with  a weak 
brownish  tinge;  Sc1  ending  a short  distance  beyond  origin  of  Es-,  E2+3+i 
long;  cell  1st  M2  closed;  male  hypopygium  having  much  the  structure  of 

Sept.,  1948] 

Alexander  : Crane  Flies 


unicolor  but  the  gonapophyses  very  reduced,  appearing  as  small  flattened 
black  blades. 

Male. — Length  about  4 mm.;  wing  4.5  mm. 

Rostrum  narrowly  yellow  basally,  the  palpi  and  mouthparts  black. 
Antennae  with  the  proximal  half  of  scape  yellow,  the  remainder  of  organ 
black ; flagellar  segments  long-oval,  with  elongate  verticils.  Head  dark  gray. 

Pronotum  yellowish  brown.  Mesonotal  praesutum  and  scutum  chiefly  dark 
brown,  the  sides  paler;  scutellum  and  postnotum  more  yellowed.  Pleura 
yellow,  the  propleura  and  mesepisternum  more  infuscated.  Halteres  brown- 
ish black.  Legs  with  the  coxae  yellow,  the  fore  pair  slightly  more  darkened; 
trochanters  infuscated;  remainder  of  legs  blackened.  Wings  with  a weak 
brownish  tinge,  the  long-oval  stigma  slightly  darker  brown ; veins  dark  brown. 
Venation:  Sc±  ending  a short  distance  beyond  origin  of  Rs,  Sc2  opposite 
this  origin;  Rs  in  direct  alignment  with  R5,  the  usual  basal  deflection  of  the 
latter  lacking;  i?2+3+4  long,  nearly  twice  vein  Rz;  cell  1st  M2  rectangular  with 
m-cu  at  near  one-third  the  length. 

Abdomen  with  tergites  brown,  the  sternites  more  yellowed;  hypopygium 
brownish  yellow.  Male  hypopygium  with  the  styli  much  as  in  unicolor  and 
with  the  phallosome  much  as  in  this  species  but  differing  in  an  important 
regard,  the  length  and  shape  of  the  gonapophyses;  in  the  present  fly  these 
appear  as  small  flattened  black  blades  that  extend  caudad  only  to  the  level 
of  the  apices  of  the  lateral  plates  of  the  phallosome;  in  unicolor  the 
apophyses  appear  as  long  blackened  rods,  much  exceeding  the  aedeagus  in 
length,  the  tips  acutely  pointed.  The  outer  portion  of  the  phallosome,  pre- 
sumed to  be  the  aedeagus,  shows  two  narrow  blackened  lines  or  sclerotized 

Habitat. — Panama. 

Holotype,  J1,  Cerro  Pena,  near  El  Valle,  November  1946  (Noel 
L.  H.  Krauss). 

The  present  fly  is  undoubtedly  close  to  Gonomyia  ( Gonomyia) 
unicolor  Alexander  (Mexico,  Salvador,  Guatemala)  but  differs  in 
the  important  genitalic  character  discussed  above. 

Gonomyia  (Lipophleps)  spiniterga,  new  species. 

Size  large  (wing,  male,  over  5 mm.)  ; mesonotum  dark  brown,  the  posterior 
border  of  scutellum  broadly  yellow;  pleura  with  a whitish  stripe;  legs  dark 
brown;  wings  with  a strong  dusky  tinge;  Sc  short,  Sc1  ending  some  distance 
before  origin  of  Rs;  male  hypopygium  with  the  tergite  provided  with  con- 
spicuous blackened  spinous  setae;  dististyle  single,  terminal  in  position, 

Male. — Length  about  5 mm. ; wing  5.2  mm. 

Rostrum  orange ; palpi  black.  Antennae  relatively  long,  blackened ; flagel- 
lar segments  elongate,  especially  the  outer  ones;  verticils  of  the  more  proxi- 
mal segments  very  long.  Head  above  chiefly  dark  colored. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Pronotum  and  pretergites  light  yellow.  Mesonotum  dark  brown,  the  sur- 
face pruinose,  more  heavily  so  behind ; scutellum  with  posterior  border 
broadly  yellow.  Pleura  black,  heavily  pruinose,  with  a broad  more  whitish 
longitudinal  stripe  extending  from  behind  the  fore  coxae  to  the  base  of  abdo- 
men, slightly  widened  behind.  Halteres  with  stem  pale,  knob  dusky.  Legs 
with  the  coxae  yellow,  more  or  less  darkened  basally,  the  surface  pruinose; 
trochanters  dusky;  remainder  of  legs  dark  brown.  Wings  with  a strong 
dusky  tinge,  the  prearcular  and  costal  fields  more  whitened;  stigma  very 
slightly  darker,  very  diffuse;  veins  brown,  paler  in  the  brightened  portions. 
Venation:  Sc  short,  Scx  ending  a distance  before  origin  of  Es  only  a little 
less  than  the  length  of  the  latter;  anterior  branch  of  Es  curved  strongly 
cephalad,  nearly  parallel  to  E1+2 ; cell  1st  M2  closed. 

Abdominal  tergites  brown;  sternites  obscure  yellow.  Male  hypopygium 
with  the  tergite  conspicuously  armed  with  blackened  spinous  setae,  including 
a marginal  row  of  six  or  seven  on  either  side,  the  more  basal  ones  larger  and 
stouter.  Basistyle  elongate,  slender.  Dististyle  single,  terminal  in  position, 
bilobed,  the  outer  lobe  a sinuous  rod  that  terminates  in  a blackened  spine, 
the  inner  lobe  fleshy,  tipped  with  a single  very  strong  fasciculate  bristle ; a 
few  other  setae  on  this  lobe.  Phallosome  consisting  essentially  of  a single  long 
straight  spine,  the  tip  blackened  and  acute;  at  bas.e  of  spine  more  dilated 
and  with  two  smaller  pale  acute  points. 

Habitat. — Southeastern  Brazil. 

Holotype,  J',  Boracea,  Sao  Paulo,  altitude  800  meters,  August 
1947  (John  Lane). 

In  the  strongly  developed  spinous  armature  of  the  tergite  of 
the  male  hypopygium,  the  present  fly  agrees  most  closely  with 
Gonomyia  ( Lipophleps ) ctenophora  Alexander  and  G.  ( L .)  ju- 
quiana  Alexander,  differing  in  the  large  size  and  in  all  details 
of  structure  of  the  male  hypopygium. 

Sept.,  1948] 

Timberlake  : Dianthidium 



By  P.  H.  Timberlake 

University  of  California  Citrus  Experiment  Station, 
Riverside,  California 

Two  new  species  of  Dianthidium  which  have  come  to  my  at- 
tention since  my  paper  on  this  genus  was  published,  in  1943 
(see  Journal  New  York  Entomological  Society,  Vol.  51,  pp. 

71- 109),  both  run  to  couplet  9 in  the  key  to  the  females  (pp. 

72- 74).  This  couplet  may  be  revised  as  follows: 

9 . Punctures  of  mesoscutum  all  of  one  size,  except  that  they  may  become 

finer  and  denser  on  anterior  middle 9a 

Mesoscutum  with  close,  minute  punctures  that  become  denser  on  anterior 
middle,  and  with  scattered  coarse  punctures;  punctures  of  frons 
very  coarse,  those  of  clypeus  and  mesopleura  hardly  smaller ; clypeus, 
frons,  and  sixth  tergite  immaculate  black ; yellow  band  on  tergites 
1 to  4 interrupted  on  each  side,  that  on  2 to  4 interrupted  also  in 

middle ; tergite  5 with  two  submedian  yellow  marks discors  n.  sp. 

9a.  Punctures  of  frons  close  and  at  most  only  slightly  coarser  than  those  of 

mesoscutum  : ,. 9b 

Punctures  of  frons  coarse  and  well  separated,  those  of  mesoscutum  being 
much  finer  and  becoming  very  fine  and  dense  on  anterior  middle; 
base  of  abdomen  more  or  less  red;  color  and  maculations  otherwise 
much  as  in  discors,  except  for  a small  additional  spot  on  each  side 

of  tgrgite  5 implicatum  n.  sp. 

9b.  Large,  more  coarsely  punctured  species,  resembling  sayi,  with  the  legs 

mainly  red  suhrufulum  Timb. 

Smaller  species,  with  punctures  of  frons  and  mesoscutum  fine  and  close, 
and  those  of  mesopleura  rather  coarse  pudicum  (Cresson) 

Dianthidium  discors  new  species. 

Easily  distinguished  from  all  our  other  species  of  Dianthidium  by  the 
coarsely  punctured  frons  and  by  the  dually  punctured  mesoscutum. 

Female. — Black,  with  pale-yellow  markings  as  follows:  sides  of  face,  in- 
cluding area  between  clypeus  and  eye  and  extending  narrowly  to  level  of 
anterior  ocellus;  short  line  behind  upper  part  of  eye;  pair  of  small  quadrate 

1 Paper  No.  580,  University  of  California  Citrus  Experiment  Station, 
Riverside,  California. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVI 

spots  on  anterior  margin  of  mesoscutum;  small  spot  on  tubercles  and  on 
axillae;  apical  margin  of  scutellum;  band  on  tergites  1 to  5,  interrupted 
on  each  side  on  1 to  4 and  also  in  middle  on  2 to  5,  the  band  on  5 being 
restricted  to  two  submedian  marks;  streak  on  outer  inferior  margin  of  an- 
terior and  middle  femora,  and  spot  at  base  of  all  the  tibiae.  Tegulae  and 
wing  bases  bright  ferruginous.  Extreme  apices  of  femora  and  tibiae,  the 
apical  joints  of  tarsi,  spur  of  hind  coxae,  and  apex  of  first  ventrite  ferrugin- 
ous. Apical  third  of  mandible  reddened.  Flagellum  a little  reddened  be- 
neath. Wings  subf uliginous,  darker  in  marginal  cell.  Nervures  piceous. 
Cutting  edge  of  mandible  a little  concavely  oblique,  with  the  preapical  notch 
very  small.  Face  shining,  the  punctures  of  frons  coarse  and  well  separated, 
those  of  remainder  of  face  a little  finer  and  closer,  and  those  of  cheeks  much 
finer.  Mesopleura  shining,  with  coarse,  close  punctures  a little  finer  than 
those  of  frons.  Mesoscutum  polished  and  shining  between  very  fine,  close 
punctures  which  become  dense  on  the  anterior  middle.  Interspersed  on  meso- 
scutum are  also  large,  scattered  punctures,  not  quite  so  coarse  as  those  of 
clypeus.  Scutellum  similarly  sculptured,  but  with  some  gradation  between 
the  coarse  and  fine  punctures.  Tegulae  finely  punctured.  Tergites  coarsely 
punctured,  the  punctures  about  like  those  of  mesopleura  and  becoming  coarser 
on  middle  of  the  first  tergite.  Pubescence  white,  densest  as  usual  on  sides 
of  thorax.  Hair  of  mesoscutum  fine,  short  and  appressed,  and  imparting  a 
whitish  bloom.  Ventral  scopa  pale  ochreous.  Length,  8 mm.;  anterior  wing, 
6.5  mm. 

Holotype,  female,  Sierra  Blanca,  Texas,  4,500  feet,  June  24, 
1942  (H.  A.  Scullen),  in  the  collection  of  the  California  Acad- 
emy of  Sciences. 

Dianthidium  implicatum  new  species 

This  species  resembles  T>.  pudicum  (Cresson)  in  structure  of  mandibles,  but 
is  easily  distinguished  by  the  coarse,  well-separated  punctures  of  the  frons. 

Female. — Color  and  markings  nearly  as  in  discors,  but  base  of  abdomen 
more  or  less  red  (tergite  1 and  part  of  tergite  2 red  in  holotype;  tergites  1 
and  2,  most  of  3,  and  part  of  tergite  4 red  in  paratype).  Yellow  spots  on 
anterior  margin  of  mesoscutum  and  on  tubercles  larger  than  in  discors.  A 
yellow  mark  also  present  on  tegulae;  yellow  marks  on  axillae  and  on  apical 
margin  of  scutellum  form  a continuous  band.  Markings  of  abdomen  as  in 
discors,  except  that  a small  yellow  spot  is  present  on  each  side  of  tergite  5. 
Apex  of  middle  and  hind  femora  with  a pale-yellow  spot  above,  the  markings 
of  legs  otherwise  as  in  discors.  Wings  slightly  tinged  with  fuliginous,  be- 
coming darker  in  marginal  cell.  Cutting  edge  of  mandible  almost  straight, 
the  preapical  notch  very  small.  Face  polished,  with  coarse,  well-separated 
punctures  on  the  frons,  and  close,  somewhat  finer  punctures  below  antennae. 
Mesoscutum  tessellate  and  dull  between  the  fine,  close  punctures,  which 
become  minute  and  very  dense  on  anterior  middle.  Scutellum  and  mesopleura 
shining  with  coarse,  close  punctures  about  like  those  of  clypeus.  Punctures 

Sept.,  19481 

Timberlake  : Dianthidium 


of  abdomen  a little  smaller  and  more  separated  than  those  of  scutellum. 
Pubescence  of  mesoscutum  short  and  subappressed,  but  considerably  sparser 
than  in  discors.  Ventral  scopa  pale  ochreous.  Length,  6.5-7  mm.;  anterior 
wing,  5.5  mm. 

Holotype,  female,  Morongo  Valley,  San  Bernardino  Co.,  Cali- 
fornia, on  Gutierrezia  lucida,  Sept.  27,  1941  (P.  F.  Timberlake), 
in  collection  of  the  Citrus  Experiment  Station.  Paratype,  fe- 
male, 15  miles  north  of  El  Paso,  Texas,  June  23,  1942  (H.  A. 

Changes  in  Nomenclature 

In  the  writer’s  recent  article  on  Dianthidium  there  are  two 
serious  errors  in  identification,  which  now  need  to  be  corrected, 
and  which  involve  changes  in  the  nomenclature  of  three  species. 

In  1940  Mr.  Schwarz  described  D.  heterulkei  from  Elk  Lake, 
Deschutes  National  Forest,  Oregon.  In  my  paper  I failed  to 
recognize  this  species,  as  I relied  too  much  on  the  figure  of  the 
male  pygidium,  which  shows  the  median  process  too  short  and 
blunt.  Since  then  I have  seen  the  types  of  heterulkei , and  my 
D.  fraternum  hirtulum  proves  to  be  identical  (new  synonymy). 
The  names  involved  need  correction  as  follows: 

Dianthidium  heterulkei  heterulkei  Schwarz. 

D.  heterulkei  Schwarz,  1940,  Amer.  Mus.  Novitates,  1058, 

p.  6. 

D.  fraternum  hirtulum  Timberlake,  1943,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent. 

Soc.,  51,  pp.  92,  94. 

Dianthidium  heterulkei  fraternum  Timberlake. 

D.  fraternum  fraternum  Timberlake,  1943,  l.c.,  p.  92. 

The  other  error  involves  the  use  of  the  name  Dianthidium 
consimile  (Ashmead).  In  1928  Mr.  Schwarz  reported  that  he 
considered  D.  provancheri  Titus  a synonym  of  D.  consimile.  In 
my  paper  I considered  that  Ashmead  had  described  the  southern 
California  form  of  D.  duhium  Schwarz,  because  of  the  mention 
of  two  yellow  spots  on  the  sixth  tergite  of  the  female.  The 
material  that  I identified  as  provancheri  had  the  sixth  tergite 
of  the  female  immaculate.  I now  have  a series  of  6 females 
reared  from  a nest  collected  on  Piute  Butte,  Los  Angeles  Co., 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvi 

of  which  3 have  the  sixth  tergite  immaculate  and  3 have  the 
same  segment  marked  with  two  yellow  spots.  I have  also  exam- 
ined Ashmead ’s  type  in  the  National  Museum  and  can  thus  re- 
affirm the  synonymy  first  proposed  by  Schwarz.  The  change  in 
use  of  the  name  consimile  involves  two  species,  D.  pudicum, 
and  D.  dubium,  as  follows: 

Dianthidium  pudicum  consimile  (Ashmead). 

Anthidium  consimile  Ashmead,  1896,  Ent.  News,  7,  p.  25. 

Dianthidium  provancheri  Titus,  1906,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash- 
ington, 7,  p.  165. 

D.  pudicum  provancheri  Timberlake,  1943,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent. 
Soc.,  57,  pp.  99,  102. 

Dianthidium  dubium  dubium  Schwarz. 

D.  dubium  Schwarz,  1928,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  36,  p.  404. 

D.  consimile  dubium  Timberlake,  1943,  l.c.,  p.  103. 
Dianthidium  dubium  mccrackenae  Timberlake. 

D.  consimile  mccrackenae  Timberlake,  1943,  l.c.,  p.  104. 

Dianthidium  dubium  dilectum  new  subspecies. 

D.  consimile  consimile  Timberlake,  1943,  l.c.,  p.  103  ( nec  Ashmead). 

Distinguished  specifically  by  the  characters  given  in  my  table  on  p.  98 
(l.c.)  under  consimile  (nec  Ashmead),  and  subspecifically  from  the  other 
races  of  dubium  by  the  much  fuller  and  brighter  yellow  maculations. 

Female. — Black,  with  bright-yellow  maculations  as  follows : clypeus,  small 
supranclypeal  spot,  sides  of  face  almost  to  summit  of  eyes,  oval  spot  on 
middle  of  frons;  transverse  band  on  vertex,  sometimes  interrupted  medially, 
and  broad  line  behind  eyes;  two  large  spots  on  anterior  margin  of  meso- 
scutum,  large  spot  on  tubercles,  comma-shaped  mark  on  tegulse;  axillae  and 
broad  apical  margin  of  scutellum;  very  large  mark  on  mesopleura,  small 
spot  on  metapleura,  and  small  prespiracular  spot  on  sides  of  propodeum; 
broad  band  on  tergites  1 to  6>  usually  interrupted  medially  on  2 to  5,  notched 
medially  in  front  on  6,  notched  on  each  side  behind  on  1 to  3 and  on  6,  and 
usually  with  enclosed  black  spot  on  each  side  behind  on  4 and  5;  apex  of 
femora  and  broad  stripe  beneath  on  front  and  middle  pair;  all  tibise  except 
beneath,  and  all  basitarsi.  Mesoscutum  dull,  finely  and  densely  punctured. 
Punctures  of  frons  finer  and  closer  than  in  pudicum.  Punctures  of  meso- 
pleura a little  separated.  Pubescence  of  the  usual  density  on  head  and  sides 
of  thorax,  that  on  the  mesoscutum  very  short  and  inconspicuous.  Ventral 
scopa  ochreous.  Length,  6.5-8  mm.;  anterior  wing,  5.5-6  mm. 

Male. — Markings  as  in  the  female,  except  supraclypeal  and  frontal  spots 
small  (the  latter  often  absent),  the  band  behind  ocelli  absent,  mark  on  meso- 
pleura smaller,  marks  on  metapleura  and  sides  of  propodeum  absent,  abdom- 

Sept.,  1948] 

Timberlake  : Dianthidium 


inal  bands  with  a broad  posterior  emargination  on  each  side,  and  band  on 
tergites  3 to  6 strongly  notched  anteriorly  in  middle  or  interrupted.  Mark- 
ings same  color  as  in  female,  except  that  those  of  face  and  anterior  marks 
of  mesoscutum  are  whitish.  Male  differs  from  that  of  typical  dubium  in 
having  the  tergites  not  reddened  and  testaceous  at  apex,  the  yellow  bands 
of  abdomen  brighter,  those  on  tergites  1 and  2 usually  entire  (divided  into 
three  or  even  four  spots  in  dubium),  and  outer  side  of  all  tibiae  usually 
entirely  yellow.  Punctures  of  mesopleura  close  (usually  more  separated  in 
typical  dubium).  Length,  7-9.5  mm.;  anterior  wing,  6-7.25  mm. 

Holotype,  female,  and  allotype,  from  Camp  Baldy,  San  Ga- 
briel Mts.,  California,  at  flowers  of  Stephanomeria  cichoriacea, 
Aug.  21,  1929  (Timberlake),  in  collection  of  tbe  Citrus  Experi- 
ment Station.  Paratypes  as  follows:  4 males,  4 females,  Camp 
Baldy,  on  Stephanomeria  and  on  Verbena  prostrata,  Aug.  18 
and  21,  1929 ; 1 female,  Camp  Baldy,  on  Eriogonum  fascicula- 
tum,  Aug.  22,  1920;  1 female,  Sheep  Creek,  San  Gabriel  Mts., 
on  Eriodictyon  trichocalyx,  June  3,  1928 ; 2 males  Mt.  Lowe, 
reared  from  nest  collected  in  fall  of  1912  (issued  July  26,  1914)  ; 
2 males,  Lone  Pine  Canyon,  San  Gabriel  Mts.,  on  Eriodictyon 
trichocalyx,  July  4,  1933;  and  3 males,  Mountain  Home  Creek, 
San  Bernardino  Mts.,  about  4,300  feet,  on  Phacelia  ramosissima 
and  Corethrogyne  filaginifolia,  Aug.  14,  1934,  and  on  Eriogonum 
fasciculatum,  Aug.  24,  1944  (all  Timberlake). 

A male  collected  at  Andreas  Canyon,  near  Palm  Springs,  on 
Lotus  scoparius,  April  14,  1946,  is  a form  of  D.  dubium,  near 
dilectum,  but  will  perhaps  deserve  a name  when  more  material 
is  available.  It  has  the  supraclypeal  and  frontal  spots  and 
band  on  vertex  absent,  the  stripe  behind  the  eye  very  short ; an- 
terior marks  on  mesoscutum  very  small;  band  on  ergite  1 di- 
vided into  three  marks,  that  on  four  following  segments  narrow- 
ly interrupted  medially,  while  that  on  tergite  6 is  represented 
by  a small  spot  on  each  far  side ; a dark  spot  on  outer  side  of 
hind  tibiae  at  the  middle,  and  the  front  and  middle  tibiae  black 
behind  on  outer  side. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 


“We  note  the  formation  of  the  ‘Entomological  Society  of 
America,  ’ having  been  formed  at  the  Philadelphia  meeting  of  the 
Entomological  Club  of  the  American  Association  for  the  Advance- 
ment of  Science.  This  appears  to  be  a new  society,  not  a new 
name  for  the  Entomological  Club.  We  fail  to  see  any  necessity 
for  this  organization,  or  any  special  purpose  in  its  formation. 
No  place  of  meeting  is  mentioned,  and  it  must  either  meet  in  some 
later  selected  place,  in  which  case  it  will  only  uselessly  compete 
with  the  local  society  there,  or  meet  with  the  American  Associa- 
tion for  the  Advancement  of  Science,  to  uselessly  compete  with 
the  Entomological  Club.  No  mention  of  a publication  appears 
with  the  prospectus,  and  we  heartily  hope  none  will  be  attempted. 
None  of  the  present  entomological  societies  are  able  to  pay  for 
their  publications  out  of  their  subscriptions,  except  ‘Entomo- 
logical News,’  so  that  a reduction  in  the  number  of  publishing 
societies  would  seem  to  be  in  order,  rather  than  an  increase.  The 
American  entomologist  is  a rather  rare  species,  and  the  number 
of  journals  he  has  to  purchase,  to  keep  up  to  date,  is  already  too 
great.  Unless  the  Entomological  Society  of  America  can  absorb 
one  or  more  of  the  existing  societies,  we  think  its  formation  not 
only  useless,  but  ill-advised.  ’ ’ 

The  above  was  written  42  years  ago  by  Dr.  H.  G.  Dyar  and 
published  in  the  Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomological 
Society,  vol.  14,  No.  4,  p.  231-232,  Dec.,  1906.  Although  there 
may  have  been  some  justification  for  that  opinion  in  1906,  the 
statement  is  an  example  of  the  danger  of  being  dogmatic,  espe- 
cially in  print. — H.  B.  W. 

Sept.,  1948] 

Spieth  : Polistes 



By  Herman  T.  Spieth 
The  City  College  of  New  York  and  The  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History 

The  genus  Polistes  consists  of  a cosmopolitan  group  of  social 
vespid  wasps.  Various  observers  have  described  the  founding 
and  maintenance  of  the  polistine  colonies.  As  information 
about  the  divers  species  accumulates,  it  is  obvious  that,  while  all 
the  species  follow  the  same  broad  basic  pattern,  there  are  many 
behavioral  differences  between  species  and  perhaps  between 
various  populations  of  the  same  species.  This  is  not  surprising, 
especially  when  one  considers  the  number  of  species  and  the  vast 
geographical  range  of  the  genus.  Just  how  diverse  the  pattern 
of  activities  of  the  genus  will  eventually  prove  to  be  can  not  be 
determined  until  many  more  observations  have  been  made  both 
on  previously  studied  species  and  on  those  species  which  have 
not  as  yet  been  critically  observed.  So  far  as  could  be  ascer- 
tained no  records  of  the  activities  of  Polistes  fuscatus  hunteri 
Bequaert  have  previously  been  made  known.  The  following  ob- 
servations on  this  sub-species,  although  in  no  sense  complete, 
are  based  on  the  data  collected  from  a colony  of  P.  hunteri  Beq. 
during  the  summer  of  1945  while  the  author  was  at  Tyndall 
Field,  Florida. 

The  nest  under  observation  was  located  on  the  ceiling  of  the 
open  porch  of  a small,  single  story  house  in  Port  Saint  Joe, 
Florida.  The  porch ’faced  south  and  the  nest  was  placed  in  the 
northwest  corner  with  the  holdfast  attached  to  the  upper  inner 
edge  of  a wooden,  cavetto  style  molding.  The  house  was  ap- 
proximately fifteen  months  old  and  had  been  occupied  continu- 
ously since  its  completion.  There  seems  to  be  adequate  evidence 
that  this  was  the  first  nest  that  P.  hunteri  had  constructed  on 
this  porch.  Another  nest  was  found  about  fifty  feet  away  in 
the  shrubbery  on  the  south  side  of  a house  of  the  same  type 
and  age  on  the  adjoining  lot.  This  shrubbery  had  been  planted 
during  the  fall  of  1944  so  that  the  nest  in  it  also  seems  to  rep- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVl 

resent  new  colonization  for  the  species.  When  the  author  moved 
into  the  house  on  1 March,  1945,  the  nest  on  the  porch  was  noted 
as  a tiny  comb  but  no  observations  were  made  until  July  30. 
Once  observations  were  started,  they  were  continued  daily  (with 
the  exception  of  five  days  from  September  10  to  14)  until  Oc- 
tober 7 and  were  made  during  the  early  morning  and  evening 
hours  and  on  occasional  off-duty  days. 

Although  the  nest  was  protected  from  the  elements  by  the 
porch,  it  was  easily  accessible  for  observation.  Polistes  fuscatus 
hunteri  Beq.,  is  a gentle  wasp  and  the  constant  presence  and 
activity  of  human  beings  on  the  porch  seemed  to  condition  this 
particular  colony  to  the  presence  of  large  animals.  At  any  rate, 
the  wasps  seemed  less  excited  by  my  presence  than  were  those  of 
the  nest  located  in  the  shrubbery.  The  method  of  observation 
was  to  stand  on  a stool  within  close  proximity  to  the  comb.  A 
thin  metal  mirror  attached  to  a stick  and  slipped  between  the 
ceiling  and  the  comb  showed  the  top  of  the  comb.  By  using  a 
flashlight  and  the  mirror,  it  was  possible  to  count  the  number  of 
individuals  that  slept  on  the  comb.  A porch  light  enabled  one 
one  to  make  general  observations  at  various  times  after  darkness 
had  fallen. 


From  July  30  to  August  15,  seven  individuals  worked  and 
slept  on  the  comb.  All  these  were  females  and  one,  by  virtue 
of  her  activity  as  well  as  her  more  worn  appearance,  was  con- 
sidered to  be  the  foundress  of  the  colony.  During  this  time,  no 
new  individuals  emerged.  On  August  15  two  individuals 
emerged  and  that  night  nine  specimens  were  counted.  One 
female  emerged  on  the  16th  and  another  on  the  18th,  so  that  on 
the  night  of  August  18  eleven  wasps  slept  on  the  comb.  During 
this  period  (July  30  to  August  18)  apparently  there  was  no 
mortality  among  the  adults.  From  then  on,  however,  disparity 
constantly  existed  between  the  number  that  was  expected  and 
the  actual  number  counted  sleeping  on  the  comb.  It  is  true  that 
apparently  an  occasional  individual  spent  the  night  away  from 
the  comb,  but  the  disparity  was  too  great  to  be  accounted  for  by 
this  cause  alone.  From  August  19  to  September  6,  at  least  thir- 
teen individuals  emerged,  making  a total  of  twenty-four  wasps 

Sept.,  1948] 

Spieth  : Polistes 


that  were  expected  in  the  population.  On  the  night  of  Septem- 
ber 6,  fifteen  individuals  slept  on  the  comb,  thus  leaving  nine 
unaccounted  for.  During  the  next  few  days  a number  of  indi- 
viduals emerged.  It  was  impossible  to  determine  the  exact  num- 
ber, but  on  September  9 twenty  females  slept  on  the  comb  and 
one  on  a morning  glory  vine  nearby.  From  then  on  it  was  not 
possible  to  take  an  accurate  census,  due  mainly  to  the  appear- 
ance of  males  in  the  nest.  It  would  seem  that  either  mortality 
or  desertion  from  the  colony  occurs  as  the  season  goes  along. 
Considering  the  hazards  that  the  wasps  must  face  when  foraging 
abroad  for  food  and  building  materials,  it  is  not  surprising  that 
some  individuals  should  fail  to  return  to  the  nest.  The  fact 
that  seven  individuals  should  have  suffered  no  fatalities  during 
the  period  from  July  30  to  August  18,  inclusive,  indicates  that 
an  adult  Polistes  is  well  able  to  care  for  herself  in  a hostile 

As  indicated  above,  no  observations  were  made  from  Septem- 
ber 10  to  14  inclusive  (at  which  time  I was  on  temporary  duty 
at  another  Army  post).  During  this  period  males  appeared  in 
the  colony  and  became  steadily  more  numerous  from  then  on. 
Due  to  the  hostility  of  the  females  toward  the  males,  the  latter 
were  usually  found  on  the  top  of  the  comb.  At  night  they,  plus 
some  workers,  slept  on  the  top,  packed  so  densely  that  it  was 
impossible  to  count  the  exact  number.  It  is  certain,  hoWever, 
that  the  adult  population  at  any  one  time  never  reached  more 
than  thirty  and  probably  was  less  than  twenty-five. 

The  “shrubbery  nest”  (as  we  shall  designate  the  previously 
mentioned  nest  located  in  the  neighbors’  shrubs  fifty  feet  away) 
underwent  a parallel  development  except  that  it  was  “younger” 
than  the  porch  nest.  At  all  times  it  was  smaller  and  males  did 
not  appear  until  September  28.  Unfortunately  this  nest  was 
destroyed  before  it  had  completed  its  cycle. 


On  March  1 the  comb  consisted  of  several  cells,  probably  not 
more  than  six.  By  August  3 there  were  forty-three  cells  and 
when  the  colony  broke  up  on  October  29  there  were  146  cells. 
The  final  nest  shape  was  asymmetrical,  probably  due  to  the  loca- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  Lvr 

tion  of  the  nest  in  the  corner  of  the  porch.  The  shrubbery  nest 
was  symmetrical  in  construction.  The  porch  nest  was  attached 
to  the  upper  edge  of  the  inner  face  of  a concave  cavetto  style 
molding  that  ran  around  the  porch  ceiling  with  the  holdfast  it- 
self adhered  to  the  wooden  molding  and  extended  on  up  to  the 
ceiling.  By  August  the  nest  had  grown  to  such  a size  that  it 
filled  the  corner  and  thus  new  cells  could  be  added  on  only  two 
sides,  viz.,  the  east  and  south  sides.  The  holdfast  was  strength- 
ened and  enlarged  from  time  to  time,  and  on  August  26  it  was 
observed  that  a secondary  attachment  had  been  made  to  the 
molding  on  the  north  side  of  the  porch. 

From  time  to  time  individuals  were  observed  returning  to  the 
nest  with  a pellet  of  wood  pulp  of  from  1 to  2 millimeters  in 
diameter.  This  pellet,  unlike  the  food  balls,  was  carried  and 
handled  almost  exclusively  by  the  mouth  parts,  although  once 
an  individual  was  seen  to  use  her  fore  legs  while  manipulating 
the  wood  pulp.  Upon  arrival  at  the  nest,  the  wasp  might  either 
divide  or  give  the  entire  pellet  to  other  wasps  or  might  retain 
the  whole  pellet  herself.  It  was  not  possible  to  learn  what  de- 
termined which  procedure  was  to  be  followed,  but  in  any  case 
the  wood  pulp  pellet  was  ready  for  immediate  use  when  brought 
into  the  nest.  Without  further  ado,  the  wasp  would  run  over 
the  surface  of  the  comb  until  she  found  a cell  that  suited  her  for 
further  construction.  She  would  then  align  her  longitudinal 
axis  with  the  wall  of  the  cell  and,  moving  backwards,  spread 
the  wood  pulp  over  the  edge  of  the  cell.  In  doing  this,,  the 
pulp  was  actually  spread  by  the  mandibles  while  the  other 
mouth  parts,  except  for  the  labrum,  were  used  to  support  the 
pellet.  At  the  same  time  the  antennae  rapidly  and  continuously 
tapped  the  wall  of  the  cell,  one  on  either  side.  The  antennae 
always  tapped  that  part  of  the  cell  that  had  been  previously 
constructed.  At  first  the  pulp  was  rapidly  and  thickly  spread 
over  the  edge  of  the  cell  wall,  and  then  the  wasp  went  over  it 
again  and  again  until  it  was  thinned  and  smoothed  to  her  satis- 
faction. Invariably  she  moved  backwards  as  she  worked  with 
the  wood  pulp,  but  she  might  move  either  clockwise  or  counter- 
clockwise and  often  changed  her  direction  several  times  during 
the  addition  of  a pellet. 

Sept.,  1948] 

Spieth  : Polistes 


To  the  queen  apparently  belonged  the  task  of  initiating  the 
construction  of  new  cells.  Since  she  apparently  did  not  leave 
the  comb  during  the  period  of  observation,  she  always  had  to 
solicit  the  wood  pulp  necessary  to  build  the  new  cells.  A single 
pellet  of  pulp  would  furnish  enough  material  to  build  a tiny 
shallow  cell.  While  it  was  still  damp,  she  would  at  once  (or, 
very  rarely,  shortly  thereafter)  oviposit  in  this  new  cell.  On 
August  29  the  queen  was  observed  to  build  a new  cell,  oviposit 
in  it  and  then,  after  having  very  briefly  cleaned  herself  and 
visited  two  larvae,  she  approached  a worker  who  was  building  on 
an  older  cell  and  not  only  demanded  and  received  what  was 
left  of  the  pellet  but  also  she  re-collected  what  had  been  spread 
out.  The  queen  then  proceeded  to  select  a site  and  start  a new 
cell.  It  took  her  seven  minutes  to  select  the  site  for  the  new  cell 
and  six  minutes  to  construct  it.  Having  finished  the  cell  she 
did  not  immediately  oviposit.  This,  however,  was  the  only  time 
that  she  was  not  observed  to  oviposit  immediately  after  complet- 
ing the  construction  of  a new  cell. 

The  new  cells  were  always  added  to  the  edge  of  the  comb  and 
were  directed  not  downward  but  laterally.  As  the  larvas  grew 
and  the  cells  were  enlarged,  then  the  additions  were  so  made 
that  the  opening  of  the  mature  cell  faced  downward.  During 
the  last  two  months  of  the  colony’s  existence,  the  new  cells  were 
piled  up  on  the  edge  of  the  comb  so  that  the  dorsal  surface  of 
the  comb  actually  became  concave.  This  shallow  concavity  was 
a favorite  resting  spot  for  the  sentinels  and  males  and  at  night 
was  filled  with  sleeping  individuals. 

No  more  wood  pulp  was  added  to  a new  cell  until  the  egg 
had  hatched  and  the  larva  started  growing.  Then  the  workers 
kept  constantly  adding  to  the  walls  of  the  cell  so  that  by  the 
time  the  larva  had  reached  maturity,  the  c,ell  was  large  enough 
to  accommodate  the  pupa.  Not  all  cells  were  of  exactly  the 
same  length  and  thus  the  stimuli  that  effected  the  construction 
of  the  cells  seemed  to  be  derived  from  the  larva  rather  than  from 
the  surrounding  cell  walls.  Different  stimuli,  however,  affected 
the  larva  and  if  when  it  was  ready  to  pupate  its  cell  was  shorter 
than  were  the  surrounding  ones,  then  it  would  add  silken  mate- 
rial until  it  brought  the  walls  to  the  approximate  level  of  the 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

surrounding  cells.  Having  done  this,  it  would  then  spin  a 
rounded  pupal  cell  cap.  If  the  cell  was  as  long  as,  or  longer 
than,  the  surrounding  cells,  then  the  pupal  cell  cap  was  spun  on 
the  ends  of  the  wood  pulp  walls  and  was  flat  rather  than 

When  the  adult  emerged  it  perforated  the  pupal  case  by  cut- 
ting a circular  flap  from  the  end  of  the  pupal  cell.  This  flap 
attached  at  one  side  hung  downwards  while  the  cut  edges  of  the 
cell  were  always  rough  and  ragged.  The  older  workers  would 
immediately  refurbish  the  cell  by  scraping  out  the  interior,  re- 
moving the  flap  and  leveling  the  ragged  edges  so  that  the  cell 
wall  was  even  with  that  of  the  surrounding  cells.  Quite  differ- 
ent stimuli  were  obviously  involved  in  refurbishing  the  cells  from 
those  involved  in  the  original  construction. 

The  materials  collected  during  the  refurbishing  of  the  cells 
were  not  discarded  but  were  chewed  up  into  pulp  and  used  for 
the  construction  of  other  cells.  Thus  the  final  comb  although 
principally  made  up  of  wood  pulp  also  contained  material  de- 
rived from  the  larval  silk. 


The  solid  food  utilized  by  the  colony  consisted  of  chunks  of 
caterpillars.  Apparently  this  did  not  include  any  part  of  the 
caterpillar  digestive  system  but  seemed  to  be  made  up  of  the 
body  wall.  These  pieces  varied  considerably  in  size,  an  average 
piece  being  3x3x3  mm.  Sometimes  the  pieces  were  very  small, 
although  occasionally  they  were  so  large  that  the  individual  was 
unable  to  make  a proper  landing  on  the  nest.  One  such  over- 
loaded worker  calmly  flew  across  the  porch,  landed  on  a flat  sur- 
face and  clipped  off  a protruding  piece  from  the  chunk  she  had 
been  carrying.  Having  done  this,  she  was  then  able  to  land  on 
the  comb.  At  no  time  was  an  entire  caterpillar  brought  to  the 
comb ; rather  the  food  always  consisted  of  pieces  that  had  been 
cut  from  individuals.  When  flying  the  wasp  carried  the  food 
by  means  of  the  mouth  parts  and  the  fore  legs.  When  such  an 
individual  landed  she  supported  herself  by  the  meso-  and  meta- 
thoracic  legs. 

Invariably  when  the  food  bearer  alighted  on  the  nest,  she  was 

Sept.,  1948] 

Spieth  : Polistes 


accosted  by  one  of  the  householders  and  then  one  of  three  things 
would  happen:  (1)  The  bearer  might  insist  on  retaining  the 
food.  If  she  insisted,  she  usually  would  succeed  although  she 
might  have  to  refuse  several  applicants.  (2)  The  entire  food 
mass  would  be  turned  over  to  the  applicant.  (3)  The  food  mass 
would  be  divided  with  another  individual.  The  third  procedure 
was  most  common  and  the  division  was  accomplished  by  means 
of  the  mandibles  and  usually  resulted  in  a rather  equitable  dis- 
tribution of  the  food.  Sometimes  in  the  case  of  a large  mass  the 
applicant  would  receive  the  larger  part  and  then  this  in  turn 
might  be  divided  with  another  nest-mate. 

Once  this  division  had  been  accomplished  then  the  wasps 
would  proceed  to  masticate  each  chunk  and  reduce  it  finally  to 
a spherical  bolus.  Having  started  the  process  of  mastication  an 
individual  would  only  rarely  be  molested  by  a nest-mate.  Mas- 
tication was  accomplished  by  the  mouth  parts  aided  by  the  an- 
tennae and  the  fore  legs.  Only  the  tips  of  the  fore  tibia  and 
the  basal  segments  of  the  tarsi — not  the  tarsal  claws  or  distal 
segment — came  into  contact  with  the  food.  Mastication  did  not 
appreciably  decrease  the  size  of  the  food  mass  and  an  adult  was 
never  observed  to  eat  any  of  the  food.  After  formation  of  the 
bolus,  the  wasp  would  then  walk  across  the  comb  and  finally 
select  a larva  which  would  then  be  offered  the  food.  This  was 
done  by  means  of  the  mouth  parts  alone  and  the  bolus,  plus 
most  of  the  head  of  the  adult,  was  inserted  into  the  larval  cell. 
The  larva  would  be  allowed  to  feed  for  five  to  ten  seconds  and 
then  the  adult  would  retract  her  head  and  a large  cavity  could 
be  seen  on  the  side  of  the  bolus  where  the  larva  had  eaten  away 
the  food.  The  bolus  would  then  be  reformed,  after  which  the 
adult  might  return  to  the  same  larva  that  she  had  been  feeding 
or  she  might  go  on  to  another  cell.  Sometimes  she  would  feed 
as  many  as  three  larvae  with  one  bolus.  Exception  to  the  nor- 
mal procedure  might  occur  with  older  larvae  to  whom  a small 
bolus  of  food  might  merely  be  given  and  then  the  adult  would 
immediately  remove  her  head  and  allow  the  larva  to  handle  the 
food  without  aid.  No  reasons  could  be  determined  for  the  selec- 
tion of  the  larvae  that  received  food.  Sometimes  an  adult  would 
visit  many  cells  before  she  selected  a larva  to  feed.  Obviously 
there  must  have  been  some  stimulus  involved  but  it  was  not 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

apparent  to  the  observer.  Neither  could  any  reason  be  deter- 
mined why  some  larvse  might  receive  an  entire  bolus  while  an- 
other one  would  be  given  only  a part  of  the  available  food. 

Often  individuals  would  return  to  the  nest  without  any  visible 
cargo.  They  would  be  accosted  immediately  by  a nest-mate  who 
would  usually  nudge  the  returnee,  and  then  there  would  ensue 
a brisk  tete-a-tete  between  the  two  individuals  involving  rapid 
mouth  movements  which  probably  accompanied  the  transfer  of 
materials  from  the  returnee  to  the  applicant.  Apparently  the 
returnee  had  a supply  of  nectar  or  other  substance  that  was 
sought  by  the  applicant.  If  the  tete-a-tete  lasted  for  some  time 
then  the  applicant,  after  having  finished  with  the  returnee, 
would  hold  a tete-a-tete  with  another  householder.  Now  and 
then  a wasp  would  return  and  refuse  to  cooperate  with  its  mess- 
mates. Such  individuals  were  often  roughly  handled  by  the 
householders.  In  such  instances,  if  nudging  and  shoving  did 
not  produce  results,  the  usual  treatment  was  for  the  householder 
to  seize  with  her  jaws  the  dorsum  of  the  returnee’s  abdomen  in 
the  region  of  the  petiole.  Then  she  would  chew  vigorously  and 
with  rare  exceptions  such  treatment  would  quickly  cause  the  re- 
turnees to  acquiesce  to  the  demands  made  upon  them.  All  in- 
dividuals that  returned  to  the  nests  were  accosted,  but  it  seemed 
that  those  that  carried  no  material  externally,  i.e.,  meat  or  wood 
pulp,  were  sought  most  eagerly.  When  males  appeared  in  the 
colony  they  would  rush  to  accost  those  returnees  that  might  be 
carrying  nectar  but  strictly  avoided  those  carrying  meat  or  wood 
pulp.  These  activities  between  the  adults  seem  to  be  best  classed 
as  examples  of  trophallaxis. 

On  two  occasions  when  the  humidity  was  obviously  low  (in 
each  case  a meteorological  front  had  passed  through  the  area 
just  a few  hours  before),  clear  fluid  was  seen  in  all  cells,  i.e., 
not  only  those  that  contained  larvae  but  also  those  in  which  eggs 
were  present.  This  was  placed  on  the  walls  of  the  cells  in  small 
droplets.  Other  than  on  these  two  occasions  there  was  no  sign 
of  fluid  per  such  being  distributed  to  the  developing  individuals. 


One  of  the  most  characteristic  features  of  the  colony  was  the 
behavioral  pattern  followed  by  the  individuals  on  the  comb. 

Sept.,  1948] 

Spieth  : Polistes 


This  consisted  of  periods  of  rest  followed  by  surges  of  physical 
activity.  If  an  individual  returned  from  afield,  she  was  invari- 
ably accosted  by  one  or  more  nest  mates.  This  activity  would 
in  turn  stimulate  all  other  individuals  on  the  comb  to  activity 
and  almost  immediately  all  of  them  would  be  visiting  larvae, 
tete-a-teting  with  the  returnee,  moving  about  on  the  comb,  or 
cleaning  themselves.  One  by  one,  if  no  other  stimulating  inci- 
dents occurred,  the  individuals  would  relapse  into  a state  of 
quiescence  until  all  the  individuals  would  be  resting.  Before 
the  colony  returned  to  a state  of  'rest,  every  individual  would 
have  cleaned  herself  and  have  visited  one  or  more,  usually  more, 

These  periods  of  rest  were  of  much  longer  duration  than  the 
periods  of  activity.  While  on  the  comb,  the  individual  wasp 
unquestionably  spent  most  of  the  time  resting.  After  a trip 
afield  an  individual  apparently  always  indulged  in  a prolonged 
rest  before  again  returning  to  the  field.  A resting  wasp  as- 
sumed a characteristic  posture  with  drooping  antennae,  and  with 
its  body  in  contact  with  the  comb. 

Next  to  resting,  the  individual  wasp  spent  most  of  her  time 
cleaning  herself.  After  activity  of  any  sort,  the  individual  in- 
variably cleaned  itself.  The  front  legs  were  used  to  clean  the 
face  and  associated  structures  such  as  the  mouth  parts  and  an- 
tennae. The  hind  legs,  assisted  by  abdominal  movements,  were 
used  to  clean  the  middle  legs,  abdomen  and  distal  three-quarters 
of  the  wings.  The  top  and  rear  of  the  head,  the  thorax  and  basal 
fourth  of  the  wings  were  cleaned  by  the  fore  legs.  Most  often 
just  the  face  and  associated  structures  were  cleaned,  and  least 
often  the  thorax  and  top  of  the  head.  The  latter  apparently 
was  a gymnastic  feat  of  some  difficulty. 

When  an  individual  returned  from  afield,  the  surge  of  activity 
she  created  would  continue  until  all  materials,  regardless  of  the 
type,  that  she  had  brought  back  had  been  disposed  of.  During 
periods  of  the  day  when  the  wasps  were  busily  returning  to  the 
nest  with  food  and  wood  pulp,  then  the  colony  was  in  an  almost 
constant  ferment  of  activity.  At  such  times  the  population  on 
the  comb  was  small,  but  never  was  it  deserted  and  usually  five 
or  more  individuals  were  somewhere  about.  One  or  more  of 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

these  that  remained  on  the  nest  was  always  on  the  top  of  the 
comb  and  seemed  to  serve  as  a sentinel ; these  individuals  on  the 
top  invariably  rested  with  their  faces-  directed  outward.  If  a 
strange  being  or  object  approached  the  nest  they  were  the  first 
to  become  alert.  Their  antennee  would  be  lifted,  straightened, 
and  directed  forward,  slightly  upward  and  divercated  at  about 
45  degrees.  Their  bodies  would  be  raised  from  the  comb  and, 
if  really  alerted,  they  would  also  raise  their  wings  in  prepara- 
tion for  attack.  Individuals  on  the  under  side  of  the  comb 
might  also  assume  the  alert  position  but  apparently  those  on 
the  dorsal  surface  were  the  first  and  most  easily  stimulated. 

If  the  colony  had  been  quiet  for  a time  and  no  intrusion  from 
foreign  objects  or  returnees  had  stimulated  the  individuals  to 
activity,  then  suddenly  one  of  the  resting  individuals  would  be- 
come active,  either  to  clean  itself,  to  move  about  preparatory  to 
leaving  the  comb  or  most  usually  to  visit  the  larvae.  Such  ac- 
tivity would  then  stimulate  the  rest  of  the  colony  to  activity. 
Thus  either  internal  or  external  stimuli  might  start  a cycle  of 
activity.  It  is  to  be  noted  that  if  an  individual  had  been  afield, 
or  had  been  working  with  wood  pulp  or  meat,  then  she  always 
cleaned  herself  both  before  and  after  visiting  the  larvae.  If  she 
had  been  merely  resting  then  she  might  visit  the  larvae  without 
cleaning  herself.  After  the  visit  she  would  clean  herself.  The 
rule  seemed  to  be  that  an  individual  cleaned  herself  after  every 
phase  of  activity. 

As  stated  above,  during  the  surges  of  activity  the  wasps  vis- 
ited the  larvae.  In  such  cases  the  wasp  would  move  over  the 
ventral  surface  of  the  comb,  pausing  momentarily  at  the  various 
cells,  select  a cell  in  which  a larva  was  present,  insert  her  head 
and  antennae  deeply  (much  further  than  when  the  wasps  prof- 
erred  food  to  the  larvae)  and  spend  twenty  to  forty  seconds  with 
the  larva.  During  this  time  the  antennae  could  be  seen  to  vibrate 
gently.  The  wasp  would  visit  from  one  to  twenty  larvae  in  suc- 
cession, but  in  doing  so  she  might  inspect  many  more  without  ac- 
tually sticking  her  head  into  the  cell.  This  activity  was  most 
characteristic  and  common  and  was  interpreted  as  trophallaxis. 
No  counts  were  made  as  to  cumulative  numbers  of  times  that  a 
single  larva  was  visited  during  a day,  but  it  certainly  must  have 
been  many  hundreds  of  times. 

Sept.,  1948] 



When  the  larvae  were  ready  to  pupate  they  were  ignored  by 
the  wasps  and  were  neither  fed  nor  visited  for  trophallactic  ex- 
change. Likewise  the  eggs  and  young  larvae  were  ignored.  One 
of  the  unobserved  features  about  the  colony  was  how  the  very 
young  larvae  were  cared  for.  Apparently,  until  they  were  about 
one-fifth  grown,  the  wasps  completely  ignored  them  with  the  ex- 
ception of  those  rare  instances  when  fluid  was  deposited  in  the 
cells.  At  that  time  all  cells  regardless  of  the  presence  or  non- 
presence of  an  occupant  received  a portion.  At  no  time  (even 
though  special  attention  was  paid  to  this  question)  was  a wasp 
observed  to  deal  with  any  of  those  cells  that  contained  eggs  or 
young  larvae. 

On  those  days  when  the  ambient  temperature  was  high,  indi- 
vidual wasps  were  observed  to  raise  their  bodies  from  the  comb 
and  rapidly  and  vigorously  beat  the  air  with  their  wings.  It 
was  not  possible  to  determine  the  significance  of  this  activity. 
There  seemed  no'  relationship  between  the  position  of  the  wasp 
on  the  comb  and  the  activity. 

In  cleaning  herself,  visiting  the  larvae,  resting,  etc.,  the  queen 
acted  like  all  the  wasps  except  that  (1)  she  seemed  to  prefer  the 
central  area  of  the  ventral  surface  of  the  comb  as  her  resting 
and  sleeping  locale;  (2)  she  quickly  and  easily  drove  all  other 
wasps  from  this  area,  and  (3)  often  she  would  violently  shake 
herself  much  in  the  fashion  that  a dog  shakes  the  water  from  its 
body  after  having  been  immersed.  The  queen  was  the  only  in- 
dividual that  indulged  in  this  peculiar  activity  and  no  signifi- 
cance could  be  attached  thereto. 


Oviposition  was  observed  numerous  times.  In  all  cases  ob- 
served, whether  in  a new  cell  or  an  old  one  that  had  been  vacated 
by  its  previous  inhabitant,  the  queen  was  the  individual  that 
produced  the  eggs.  In  the  case  of  new  cells  she  would,  as  shown 
above,  build  the  cells  from  a single  pellet  of  wood  pulp  and  then 
oviposit  in  the  cell  while  the  walls  were  still  damp.  The  ovi- 
positing sequence  was  as  follows:  (1)  As  soon  as  she  had  fin- 
ished a cell  or  discovered  an  empty  one  she  would  inspect  it 
carefully,  touching  the  inner  surfaces  with  her  antennae;  (2)  she 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

t Vol.  LVI 

would  then  turn  about,  insert  her  abdomen  for  a few  seconds; 
(3)  then  remove  her  abdomen,  change  her  position  on  the  comb 
and  re-insert  the  abdomen  into  the  cell  and  proceed  to  oviposit. 

During  the  actual  period  of  oviposition  the  abdomen  was 
arched  slightly  and  for  the  first  sixty  seconds  or  so  might  be  seen 
to  move  about  and  then  become  quiet.  About  four  to  five  min- 
utes were  necessary  for  oviposition  and  the  termination  could  be 
anticipated  by  the  fact  that  the  queen’s  antennas  began  to  vibrate 
for  several  seconds  before  she  removed  her  abdomen  from  the 
cell.  Having  placed  the  egg  in  the  cell  she  turned  quickly  and 
inspected  it  carefully  with  the  tips  of  her  antennas.  She  then 
cleaned  herself  and  visited  some  of  the  larvas. 

Oviposition  took  place  at  various  times  during  the  day  and 
there  seemed  no  definite  time  or  rhythm  involved,  although  it 
seemed  restricted  to  the  hours  of  daylight. 


Mature  larvas  pupated  at  all  hours  of  the  day  and  night. 
The  spinning  of  the  pupal  cap  took  several  hours.  A larva 
would  spin  a small  sector  by  wagging  its  head  back  and  forth 
with  a sidewise  motion,  then  suddenly  it  would  retract  into  the 
cell,  rotate  its  body  about  one-fifth  to  one-third  of  a turn  while 
retracted,  extend  itself  and  proceed  to  work  on  a new  sector 
which  invariably  overlapped  that  area  it  had  just  completed. 

When  the  adults  of  the  shrubbery  nest  were  destroyed,  the 
comb  itself  was  secured  and  the  larvas  and  pupas  removed  for 
study.  The  full  fed  larvas  that  had  just  spun  their  cocoons  but 
had  not  shed  the  last  larval  exuviae  were  located  in  the  cocoons 
with  their  heads  directed  downwards,  but  individuals  that  had 
just  shed  this  larval  exuviae  (just  transformed  into  exarate  pupae 
and  were  still  unpigmented)  had  their  heads  directed  upwards 
in  the  cells.  Those  individuals  that  were  fully  pigmented  and 
ready  to  emerge  had  their  heads  directed  downwards.  Thus  the 
individuals  change  direction  at  least  twice  after  the  cocoon  has 
been  spun.  Probably  the  full  fed  larva,  after  it  has  finished 
the  cocoon  and  when  ready  to  pupate,  is  located  so  that  its  head 
is  directed  toward  the  top  of  the  comb.  The  pupa  therefore  is 
similarly  oriented.  When  the  pharate  stage  of  the  adult  is  at- 

Sept.,  1948] 

Spieth  : Polishes 


tained,  however,  then  the  individual  reverses  its  position  in  the 
cell  and  with  its  head  directed  downwards  is  ready  to  emerge. 

Emergence  of  adults  took  place  at  all  hours  of  the  day  and 
night.  One  individual  was  observed  to  emerge  at  6.20  in  the 
evening.  She  cut  her  way  out,  crawled  out  of  the  cell  and  onto 
the  comb,  cleaned  her  antennae,  visited  the  nearest  larva,  tete- 
a-teted  with  an  adult,  visited  two  other  larvae,  cleaned  her  wings 
and  hind  legs,  explored  the  comb,  and  then  became  quiescent. 

In  the  meantime  an  adult  had  discovered  the  empty  cell  and 
became  much  excited.  She  cleared  away  the  flap-like  cap  and 
the  ragged  edges,  forming  a ball  of  pulp  from  the  material. 
Then  she  entered  the  cell  and  apparently  scraped  the  inner  walls 
with  her  mouth  parts.  She  moved  around  on  the  comb  but  kept 
constantly  returning  to  the  empty  cell  and  scraping  the  inside. 
This  continued  for  at  least  fifteen  minutes.  The  pellet  of  pulp 
which  was  derived  from  the  cap  and  the  scrapings  was  even- 
tually built  into  a cell. 


Sometime  during  the  break  in  the  daily  observations  that  oc- 
curred between  September  10  to  14,  the  males  appeared  in  the 
colony.  Because  of  their  color  and  the  shape  of  their  antennae, 
they  could  be  readily  identified.  The  females  constantly  drove 
the  males  from  the  ventral  surface  of  the  comb  and  perforce 
they  spent  most  of  their  time  on  the  top  of  the  comb.  They 
would,  however,  come  down  onto  the  ventral  surface  to  visit  the 
larvae  and  to  tete-a-tete  with  those  females  that  returned  to  the 
colony  without  any  visible  cargo.  They  never  approached  a fe- 
male that  was  bearing  meat  or  wood  pulp.  They  did,  however, 
forage  for  themselves  among  the  flowers  in  the  neighborhood 
where  they  could  be  caught  in  considerable  numbers. 

During  the  remainder  of  the  life  of  the  colony  the  males  be- 
came more  and  more  abundant.  Gradually  the  workers  were 
less  and  less  able  to  keep  the  males  from  almost  monopolizing 
the  ventral  surface  of  the  comb. 

As  stated  above  only  the  queen  was  observed  actually  to  lay 
eggs.  Since,  * however,  these  observations  covered  only  a frac- 
tion of  all  the  eggs  actually  laid,  it  is  impossible  to  say  that  the 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  lvi 

males  were  the  offspring  of  the  queen  although  circumstantial 
evidence  indicates  that  such  was  the  case  in  this  colony. 


On  September  23  it  was  observed  that  several  cells  were  empty 
and  that  apparently  this  was  due  to  larval  mortality  since  the 
larvae  that  had  occupied  these  cells  had  not  been  full-grown  and 
certainly  had  not  pupated.  Except  for  continuing  mortality  of 
this  type,  the  colony  seemed  to  proceed  normally  from  then  until 
September  27.  On  that  date  it  was  observed  that  the  workers 
were  no  longer  cleaning  up  the  cells  from  which  adults  were 
emerging.  The  new  adults  were  apparently  all  males.  On  the 
morning  of  September  28,  most  of  the  larval  cells  were  devoid  of 
inhabitants.  At  7.00  P.M.,  on  the  same  day,  all  the  larvae  as 
well  as  the  eggs  were  gone  from  the  nest  and  now  only  pupae 
(29),  males  and  females,  remained.  The  day  was  overcast  and 
showers  had  fallen.  Just  as  darkness  fell,  a rain  squall  accom- 
panied with  considerable  wind  struck  the  area.  At  8.30  P.M.* 
after  the  storm  had  abated,  the  comb  was  inspected  and  found 
to  be  completely  deserted  by  the  wasps.  Inspection  of  the  porch 
showed  numerous  individuals,  both  males  and  females,  resting 
on  the  wooden  surfaces  and  on  the  morning  glory  vines  that 
were  supported  by  trellises. 

From  September  28  to  October  7,  wasps  were  occasionally 
seen  on  the  comb  but  never  more  than  two  individuals  at  any 
given  time.  A few  of  the  twenty-nine  pupae  emerged,  but  once 
the  nest  was  deserted  by  the  adults,  ants  invaded  it  immediately 
(they  had  done  so  in  great  numbers  by  8.30  P.M.,  on  the  night  of 
September  28)  and  cut  their  way  through  the  pupal  cases  and 
ate  and  killed  the  pupae. 

On  October  7 the  comb  was  removed  except  for  the  basal  part 
of  the  holdfast.  From  then  until  November  1,  an  occasional 
wasp  would  spend  the  night  sleeping  on  the  holdfast. 


The  chief  enemies  of  these  wasps  appeared  to  be  various 
species  of  ants.  Constantly  the  wasps  drove  the  ants  away  and 
as  long  as  an  adult  was  about  the  comb,  the  ants  were  never  able 

Sept.,  1948] 



to  gain  access  to  the  colony.  An  attempt  was  made  to  transfer 
to  another  corner  of  the  porch  a colony  of  Polistes  fuscatus 
Ijellicosus  Cresson1  which  had  to  be  destroyed  from  its  original 
site.  The  adults  of  this  colony,  although  transferred  with  the 
comb,  immediately  left  the  comb  and  returned  to  the  old  site. 
Ants  invaded  this  comb  within  fifteen  minutes  of  the  time  it  was 

Parasites  also  attacked  the  colony,  although  the  actual  inva- 
sion was  never  observed.  As  stated  above,  observations  were 
not  made  from  September  10  to  14  and  when  observations  were 
resumed  on  September  15  it  was  noted  that  many  of  the  cells  in 
the  central  region  of  the  comb  had  a silken,  sheet-like  structure 
running  obliquely  from  the  mouth  of  the  cell  into  the  interior. 
It  was  not  possible  to  determine  just  what  parasite  was  re- 
sponsible for  this  condition.  This  sheet  was  not  removed  from 
the  cell  and,  even  though  the  volume  of  the  cell  was  greatly  re- 
duced by  its  presence,  nonetheless  eggs  were  laid  in  these  cells, 
presumably  by  the  queen. 

1 It  is  obviously  erroneous  to  consider  bellicosus  Cresson  and  hunteri  Beq. 
as  subspecies  of  fuscatus.  They  were  both  living  in  the  same  area  and 
clearly  not  interbreeding.  They  are  quite  distinct  in  many  ways  and  by  all 
known  criteria  belong  to  different  species.  Despite  this,  since  I am  not 
familiar  with  the  taxonomy  of  Polistes,  I am  following  the  present  but  in- 
correct nomenclature. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 


Slang  is  usually  humorous  and  satirical  and  its  use  is  world- 
wide. It  frequently  expresses  in  a few  words  something  that 
would  ordinarily  take  many  more.  Often,  but  not  always,  it  is 
characterized  as  coarse  or  vulgar.  All  sorts  of  callings,  pro- 
fessional and  otherwise  have  their  own  peculiar  slang,  and  it 
abounds  in  schools,  factories,  offices,  etc.  There  is  military  slang, 
stage  slang,  legal  slang,  etc.,  etc.,  etc. 

One  would  not  expect  any  but  the  most  common  insects,  usually 
those  associated  with  man,  to  be  used  in  slang  expressions.  And 
this  is  borne  out  by  the  following  examples  which  have  beer 
hastily  gathered  from  “The  Slang  Dictionary  ”,  London,  1894 
and  “Slang  and  Its  Analogues’’  by  John  S.  Farmer,  London, 
1890,  6 vols. 

Beeswax,  poor  soft  cheese. 

Beeswaxers,  thick  boots  used  for  playing  football. 

Beeswing,  a film  in  port  wines,  the  result  of  age. 

Beetle-crusher,  a large  foot. 

Beetle-sticker,  an  entomologist. 

Bug,  (thieves’)  a breast  pin. 

Bug  blinding,  (military)  whitewashing  operations. 

Bug  hunter,  a thief  who  robs  drunken  men. 

Bug  juice,  ginger  ale,  bad  whiskey,  etc. 

Bug  walk,  a bed. 

Butterfly,  (nautical)  a river  barge. 

Flea  bite,  a trifle. 

% Flea,  a miser,  skin  flint. 

Flea-bag,  a bed. 

Flies,  nonsense,  trickery,  deceit,  lies. 

Louse  ladder,  a ladder  in  a stocking. 

Louse  trap,  a small-tooth  comb. 

Louse  walk,  a back  hair  parting. 

Maggoty,  fanciful,  fidgety. 

A further  search  might  result  in  the  finding  of  additional  slang 
terms  involving  insects  and  perhaps  uncover  “entomological 
slang  ’ ’,  although  at  the  moment,  I am  unable  to  think  of  a single 
word  or  expression  that  belongs  to  the  latter  category. — H.  B.  W. 

(Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  You.  LVI 

(Plate  Y) 

T.  D.  A.  Cockerell 

Sept.,  1948] 

Michener:  Cockerell 



In  the  death  in  San  Diego,  California,  on  January  26,  1948, 
of  Theodore  Dru  Alison  Cockerell,  we  have  lost  one  of  our  very 
well  known  entomologists  and  zoologists.  The  loss  will  be  felt 
by  all  who  knew  him,  for  his  quiet  wit,  charming  whimsicality, 
kindliness,  and  his  personal  interest  in  fellow  biologists  endeared 
him  to  all.  Although  for  many  years  especially  interested  in 
the  taxonomy  of  wild  bees,  he  was  interested  in  and  wrote  about 
so  many  other  fields  that  there  is  scarcely  a taxonomic  biologist 
who  has  not  examined  some  of  his  papers.  He  wrote  extensively 
on  scale  insects,  land  snails,  slugs,  fossil  insects,  fish  scales, 
sunflower  taxonomy  and  genetics,  and  paleobotany.  Although 
he  regarded  himself  as  an  amateur  in  botany,  he  described  32 
new  plants  from  New  Mexico,  in  addition  to  others  from  other 

To  compile  a list  of  his  publications  would  be  a herculean 
task,  and  in  addition  to  thousands  of  short  papers,  they  include 
a general  zoology  book,  a book  entitled,  “The  Zoology  of  Colo- 
rado,” numerous  poems,  and  pamphlets  on  public  affairs  and 

Cockerell  was  born  in  Norwood,  England,  on  August  22,  1866. 
Although  he  has  written  that  his  interest  in  natural  history  be- 
gan as  early  as  he  can  remember,  he  debated  whether  to  go 
into  the  arts  or  into  science.  As  a child  he  was  interested  in 
every  phase  of  natural  history,  and  this  broad  interest  and  en- 
thusiasm continued  until  his  death.  He  was  a frail  child  and 
because  of  this  he  received  little  formal  education  but  had  time 
for  many  walks  in  the  meadows  and  woods,  where  he  acquired 
first  hand  information  on  natural  history. 

Because  of  an  illness  he  left  England  in  1887  to  live  in  Wet 
Mountain  Valley,  Colorado.  There  he  began  a catalogue  of  the 
biota  of  Colorado.  In  his  work  there  he  specialized  in  the 
Macrolepidoptera,  molluscs,  and  flowering  plants.  Being  os- 
tensibly cured  in  1890,  he  returned  to  England,  and  after  about 
a year  working  in  the  British  Museum  was  appointed  Curator 
of  the  Public  Museum,  Kingston,  Jamaica,  where  he  went  in 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYI 

1891.  Although  continuing  his  previous  studies,  he  acquired 
in  Jamaica  a special  interest  in  the  Coccidse  or  scale  insects,,  and 
described  many  new  species. 

In  1893,  because  of  new  signs  of  tuberculosis,  he  determined 
to  return  to  the  Rocky  Mountain  area  and  was  able  to  exchange 
positions  with  C.  H.  Tyler  Townsend,  the  well  known  dipterist. 
By  this  arrangeemnt  Cockerell  went  to  teach  at  the  New  Mexico 
College  of  Agriculture  near  Las  Cruces.  From  this  time  on  he 
lived  in  this  country,  and  became  a United  States  citizen. 

Cockerell’s  interest  in  wild  bees  began  in  New  Mexico,  where 
they  abound,  and  his  first  paper  on  them  was  published  in  1894. 
From  that  year  to  this  not  a year  passed  without  the  publica- 
tion of  numerous  papers  under  his  name  on  these  insects.  A few 
still  await  publication.  One  of  his  most  extensive  and  best  bee 
papers  was  a revision  of  the  genus  Perdita,  published  in  1896, 
only  three  years  after  his  arrival  in  New  Mexico. 

It  was  in  New  Mexico  that  Cockerell  met  Wilmatte  Porter, 
with,  whom  he  collaborated  in  various  bee  papers  both  before 
and  after  their  marriage.  After  brief  stays  at  other  schools  in 
New  Mexico  and  Colorado,  the  Cockerells  moved  in  1904  to 
Boulder,  Colorado,  where  he  became  a member  of  the  faculty 
of  the  University  of  Colorado. 

The  Cockerells  maintained  their  home  in  Boulder  for  44  years. 
During  this  time  they  were  able  to  make  expeditions,  principally 
for  collecting  bees  and  fossil  insects,  to  many  parts  of  the  world 
— Argentina,  Peru,  Madeira,  Morocco,  the  Belgian  Congo,  South 
Africa,  Australia,  New  Caledonia,  Siam,  Lake  Baikal,  and  the 
maritime  provinces  of  Siberia  and  Japan.  After  his  retire- 
ment from  the  University  of  Colorado  in  1934,  he  maintained 
an  office  there  but  spent  part  of  each  year  elsewhere,  usually  in 
California.  While  there  he  made  a special  effort  to  stimulate 
interest  in  the  coastal  islands  off  Southern  California  and  made 
several  trips  to  them.  The  Cockerells  spent  considerable  time 
in  1946  and  1947  at  the  Escuela  Agricola  Panamericana  in 
Honduras.  Here,  as  always,  they  collected  bees,  and  I have  a 
letter  written  only  five  days  before  his  death,  discussing  the 
progress  he  was  making  in  working  up  the  bees  obtained  there. 
Prior  to  the  work  in  Honduras,  the  Cockerells’  previous  major 

Sept.,  1948] 

Michener:  Cockerell 


expedition  was  to  South  Africa,  where  shortly  after  his  retire- 
ment, they  obtained,  with  the  aid  of  others,  the  largest  bee  col- 
lection ever  brought  out  of  Africa. 

Cockerell  had  a remarkable  ability  to  accurately  express  him- 
self, both  verbally  and  in  writing.  He  was  always  an  interest- 
ing, quiet  speaker,  but  this  ability  is  best  exemplified  by  his 
manner  of  writing  papers.  Examining  bees  with  a hand  lens, 
resorting  to  a binocular  microscope  only  for  occasional  elusive 
details,  he  would  write  out  the  descriptions  and  discussions  on 
separate  small  sheets  of  paper.  When  a sufficient  number  of 
these  had  accumulated,  and  the  paper  was  completed,  he  would 
rearrange  them  if  necessary,  reread  them,  but  without  changing 
more  than  a few  words  the  paper  was  ready  for  publication. 
This  seems  little  short  of  miraculous  to  those  of  us  who  have  to 
cross  out,  rewrite,  and  rearrange  the  greater  part  of  what  we 
write  before  submitting  it  for  publication.  More  remarkable,  his 
papers  were  consistently  accepted  in  longhand  by  dozens  of  edi- 
tors, for  Cockerell  never  used  a typewriter  and  apparently  never 
was  provided  with  a secretary. 

Another  remarkable  feature  of  his  working  methods  was  his 
dependence,  fully  justified,  upon  his  memory.  Only  rarely  was 
it  necessary  for  him  to  consult  the  Zoological  Record  or  other 
source  of  reference  to  learn  where  a given  description  was  pub- 
lished. Ordinarily  when  he  wished  to  see  the  description  of  a 
certain  bee,  he  could  go  directly  to  his  reprint  collection  and 
take  out  the  correct  reprint.  To  a large  extent  it  was  memory 
also  which  made  it  possible  for  him  to  almost  completely  avoid 
making  homonyms,  a remarkable  feat  considering  the  thousands 
of  species  which  he  named. 

Unlike  many  men  who  describe  great  numbers  of  new  animals, 
Cockerell  never  attempted  to  maintain  a monopoly  in  any  of 
the  groups  in  which  he  was  interested.  Indeed  his  greatest  de- 
sire was  to  start  others  working  in  the  same  lines,  so  that  addi- 
tional work  could  be  done  in  the  fields  in  which  he  was  so  in- 
terested. For  example,  after  hearing  that  I was  interested  in 
bees,  the  Cockerells  took  special  pains  to  arrange  a meeting  and 
later  invited  me  to  spend  a summer  with  them  in  Boulder,  living 
in  their  home.  Each  day  Professor  Cockerell  and  I walked  to 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

the  University,  he  always  carrying  an  insect  bottle  in  a pocket 
so  that  we  could  collect  any  interesting  specimen  we  might  see 
in  the  vacant  lots  we  passed.  In  his  office  he  always  gave  freely 
of  his  vast  store  of  knowledge  about  bees. 

Cockerell  has  written,  “We  build  on  foundations  often  poorly 
established,  and  no  matter  how  clever  or  industrious  we  may  be, 
posterity  will  have  to  revise  and  correct  much  of  what  we  have 
done.”  Speaking  of  his  naming  of  so  many  bees  and  the  need 
for  proper  revisional  studies,  he  has  said  to  me,  “I  have  gath- 
ered the  wood,  now  it  is  up  to  you  to  build  the  house.”  Thus 
we  see  one  of  his  most  admirable  characteristics.  Although  his 
own  work  as  largely  purely  descriptive,  he  never  found  fault 
when  others,  with  more  material  available  and  after  more  thorough 
study,  placed  his  names  in  synonymy;  indeed  he  treated  many 
of  his  own  names  in  this  way  himself.  Moreover,  he  fully  ap- 
preciated the  importance  of  extensive  revisional  and  experimen- 
tal studies  and  constantly  urged  individuals  and  groups  to  un- 
dertake such  projects  because  of  the  light  they  would  shed  on 
evolutionary  and  distributional  problems,  matters  in  which  he 
was  vitally  interested  and  highly  conversant,  although  he  wrote 
relatively  little  about  them. 

No  account  of  Professor  Cockerell  would  be  complete  without 
further  mention  of  Mrs.  Cockerell,  his  constant  companion  both 
in  Boulder  and  in  the  field.  The  Cockerells  had  a very  serious 
interest  in  conservation  and  through  the  years  assembled  a 
library  of  motion  picture  films  on  various  natural  history  sub- 
jects. These  they  showed  at  every  opportunity,  wherever  they 
might  be.  Indeed  they  made  numerous  long  and  difficult  trips 
for  the  sole  purpose  of  showing  these  films  and  talking  about 
conservation,  particularly  to  groups  of  children. — Charles  D. 
Michener,1  American  Museum  of  Natural  History. 

1 It  should  be  mentioned  that  Cockerell  wrote  a series  of  autobiographical 
notes,  from  which  some  of  the  above  information  was  obtained.  These  were 
published  in  Bios,  1935-1939,  6:  372-385;  7:  149-155,  205-211;  8:  12-18, 
51-56,  122-127;  9:  21-25,  66-70,  117-124;  10:  35-41,  99-106. 

Sept.,  1948] 

Arnett  : Culicid.® 



By  Ross  H.  Arnett,  Jr. 

Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

(Continued  from  Yol.  55,  p.  200) 

In  the  first  part  of  this  paper  I discussed  the  distribution, 
habits  and  habitats  of  some  Panama  Anophelines.  In  this  part 
I am  continuing  with  the  Panama  Culicines,  TJranotcenia  thru 



Uranotcenia  Lynch  Arribalzaga 
TJranotcenia  calosomata  Dyar  & Knab 

TJranotcenia  calosomata  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,,  15 : 
200,  1907  (Type  Loc. : Tabernilla,  C.  Z.). 

Distribution: — Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; Culebra  (Army  Medical 
Museum)  ; Paja  (Shropshire)  ; La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Halitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  shady,  swift  flow- 
ing streams,  associated  with  Chagasia  bathanus.  This  is  a rare 
species  collected  only  in  March.  (Bred  from  larvae  in  prints  of 
horse’s  feet  containing  water — Busck.  Ground  pools  and  often 
in  cattle  tracks — Dyar). 

TJranotcenia  contzacoalcos  Dyar  & Knab 

TJranotcenia  coatzacoalcos  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc., 
14:  186,  1906. 

TJranotcenia  typhlosomata  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent. 
Soc.,  15:  200,  1907.  (Type  Loc.:  Tabago  Island,  R.  de  P.) 
(Var.  coatzacoalcos  D.  & K.,  vide  Dyar  & Shannon,  Ins. 
Ins.  Mens.,  12:  191,  1924.)  (Syn.  coatzacoalcos  D.  & K., 
vide,  Dyar,;  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  13:  185,  1925.) 

Distribution: — Pedro  Miguel  (Jennings) ; Gatun  (Zetek)';  Barro 
Colorado  Island  (Shannon)  ; Caldera  Island,  Tabago  Island 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYI 

(Jennings)  ; Gamboa,  National  Forest,  La  Chorrera,  El 
Valle  de  Anton  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — Larvae  breed  in  rock  pools,  streams 
and  once  collected  in  water  in  a fallen  log.  This  species  is  a 
shade  breeder,  without  vegetation,  but  debris  may  be  present. 
It  is  not  collected  in  flowing  water. 

This  species  breeds  throughout  the  year  associated  with  Ano- 
pheles eiseni,  A.  punctimacula  and  A.  apicimacula. 

Adults  have  been  captured  flying  in  the  jungle  near  the 
breeding  pool. 

Uranotcenia  geometrica  Lutz 

Uranotcenia  geometrica  Lutz  (in  Theobald),  Mon.  Cul.,  2:  247, 

Distribution : — Empire,  Gatun,  Culebra  (Busck)  ; Cartagenita, 
La  Boca,  Ancon,  Pedro  Miguel,  Corozal,  Gorgona,  Gatun, 
Tabernilla  (Jennings)  ; Cano  (Zetek)  ; Paraiso  (Dunn)  ; 
Toro  Point,  Gold  Hill,  Summit,  Margarita,  Mindi,  Monte 
Lirio,  Miraflores,  Las  Cascades,  Partilla,  Mount  Hope,  Ma- 
jagual,  La  Pita,  Comacho,  Cativa,  Mandinga  (Shropshire)  ; 
Cano  Saddle  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Panama  (Zetek)  ; Tabago 
Island  (Jennings)  ; Empire,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  hoof  prints,  seepage 
areas,  small  streams,  swamps,  rock  pools  and  in  floating  river 
vegetation,  always  in  the  sun  and  with  various  types  of  vegeta- 
tion. It  is  associated  with  Anopheles  larvae  of  several  species. 

This  is  the  common  Uranotcenia  of  La  Chorrera.  The  adults 
have  not  been  taken  in  the  field. 

Uranotcenia  lowii  Theobald 

Uranotcenia  lowii  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  2 : 339,  1901. 
Distribution: — Las  Cascades  (Busck)  ; La  Boca,  Culebra,  Mira- 
flores, Ancon  (Jennings)  ; Corozal  (Zetek)  ; Frijoles,  Cano 
Saddle  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Arenal  River  (Shropshire)  ; 
Miraflores,  La  Chorrera,  Rio  Abajo,  Old  Panama  (Author). 
Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  streams,  swamps, 
pasture  marshes,  sand  flats,  seepage  areas,  ponds,  pools  and 
rock  pools.  They  breed  in  sunny  places  with  vegetation ; water 

Sept.,  1948] 

Arnett  : Culicid^ 


stagment,  clear  or  foul.  It  is  associated  with  several  species  of 
Anopheles  larvae. 

The  adults  were  not  taken  in  the  field.  (Not  known  to  bite — 

This  species  breeds  throughout  the  year.  It  is  less  common 
than  U.  geometries  but  more  generally  distributed. 

Uranotcenia  pulcherrima  Lynch  Arribalzaga 

Uranotcenia  pulcherrima  Lynch  Arribalzaga,  Rov.  Mus.  La  Plata, 
2:  165,  1891. 

Distribution: — Panama  (Dyar);  Empire,  Gamboa  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  floating  river  vege- 
tation. in  Najas  and  Pistia.  It  is  associated  with  A.  albimanus 
and  triannulatus. 

The  adults  have  not  been  taken  in  the  field. 

These  four  species  of  Uranotcenia  are  all  of  the  genus  that  are 
known  from  Panama  with  the  exception  of  Uranotcenia  hystera 
Dyar  & Knab,  which  is  reported  as  a very  rare  species  known 
only  from  a few  females,  and  is  unknown  to  the  author. 


Megarhinus  Robineau-Desvoidy 
Megarhinus  hypoptes  Knab 

Megarhinus  hypoptes  Knab,  Can.  Ent.,  29 : 50,  1907. 

Megarhinus  trinidadensis  Busck  (nec  D.  & K.)  Smith  Misc. 
Coll.,  53:  60,  1908.  (Syn.  hypoptes  Knab,  vide,  Howard, 
Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  159,  4 : 956, 1917.) 
Distribution: — Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; Mount  Hope,  Ancon,  Co-' 
macho  (Shropshire)  ; Cano  Saddle,  France  Field  (Dyar  & 
Shannon);  Porto  Bello  (Busck);  Chiva  Chiva,  Gamboa, 
La  Chorrera,  Old  Panama  (Author). 

Habits\  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  are  tree  hole  breeders.  They 
are  predaceous. 

Adults  have  been  collected  on  leaves  in  the  jungle.  The  eggs 
are  laid  singly  on  the  edge  of  tree  holes. 

The  pupas  are  distinctive  from  the  other  mosquitoes  by  the 
large  size. 

(Larvas  breed  in  bamboo — Dyar.) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Megarhinus  moctezuma  Dyar  & Knab 

Megarhinus  moctezuma  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls.,  Quar. 
Iss.,  48 : 251,  1906. 

Distribution: — La  Boca  (Bnsck)  ; Ancon,  Miraflores  (Jennings)  ; 
Panama  (Zetck)  ; Old  Panama  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  tree  holes.  (Gord 
husks — Dyar).  They  are  predaceous. 

Adults  were  not  seen  in  the  field. 

Megarhinus  superbus  Dyar  & Knab 

Megarhinus  superbus  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls.,  Quar. 
' Iss,,  48 : 255,  1906. 

Distribution: — Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; Majagual,  Porto  Grande 
(Shorpshire)  ; Cano  Saddle  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Fort  Ran- 
dolph (Baker)  ; Pina  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  leaf  bracts  of  wild 
pineapple  and  are  predaceous.  (Bromeliads — Dyar.) 

The  adults  may  be  recognized  in  the  field  by  the  bright  red 
abdominal  hair  tufts. 

These  three  species  are  the  only  Megarhinus  so  far  recorded 
from  Panama. 

Culex  Linnaeus 

There  are  no  really  satisfactory  keys  to  the  species  of  Culex 
found  in  Panama.  The  keys,  descriptions  and  figures  in  Dyar’s 
Mosquitoes  of  the  Americas  are  not  altogether  trustworthy 
‘(Komp,  1935),  and  of  course  there  are  many  new  descriptions 
since  Dyar’s  work,  making  it  necessary  to  refer  to  the  original 
papers.  These  papers  are  widely  scattered  throughout  the  lit- 
erature. Until  all  the  types  are  studied  and  new  accurate 
drawings  are  made,  this  genus  will  remain  relatively  unknown 
even  though  some  of  its  members  are  very  well  known.  It  is 
the  largest  genus  represented  in  Panama  in  both  species  and 
probably  in  individuals,  with  the  exception  of  some  of  the  major 
pest  mosquitoes  such  as  Mansonia  spp.  and  Aedes  tceniorhynchus 
or  Anopheles  spp. 


Sept.,  1948] 

Arnett  : Culicid^: 


Culex,  subgenus  Culex  sens.  str. 

Culex  chidesteri  Dyar 

Culex  chidesteri  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9 : 117,  1921.  (Type 
Loc. : Colon,  R.  de  P.) 

Distribution : — Colon  (Chidester)  ; La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  open  sunny 
swamps,  in  deeply  shaded  pools  and  in  slow  flowing  streams 
with  floating  debris.  It  apparently  has  rather  diversified  breed- 
ing habits.  It  appears  to  be  uncommon,  but  it  is  difficult  to 
identify,  and  may  prove  to  be  quite  common. 

No  adults  were  identified  in  any  material  collected. 

Culex  corniger  Theobald 

Culex  corniger  Theobald,  Mon.  Cuh,  3 : 173,  1903. 

Culex  lactator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14: 
206.  (Syn.  corniger  Theobald,  vide,  Howard,  Dyar  & 
Knab,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  159,  3:  240,  1951.) 

Culex  lactator  loquaculus  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls., 
Quar.  Iss.,  52:  254,  1908.  (Type  Loc.:  Canal  Zone.)  (Syn. 
corniger  Theobald,  vide,  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie 
Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  159,  3:  240,  1915.) 

Distribution: — Tabernilla,  Las  Cascades,  Pedro  Miguel,  Lion 
Hill,  Gatun  (Busck)  ; Culebra,  Empire,  Ancon  (Jennings)  ; 
Fort  Sherman,  Frijoles,  Corozal  (Zetek)  ; Mindi,  Gold  Hill, 
Golden  Green,  Mount  Hope,  Monte  Lirio,  Coco  Solo,  Cativa, 
Majagual,  La  Pita,  Cerro  Gordo,  Paja,  Fort  Randolph, 
Toro  Point,  Bella  Vista,  Margarita,  Flemenco  Island,  Lirio 
Mill  (Shropshire)  ; Fort  Davis,  Fort  Amador  (Baker)  ; 
Caldera  Island  (Jennings)  ; Panama  (Zetek)  ; Chiriqui 
(Dunn)  ; Chiva  Chiva,  Fort  Clayton,  La  Chorrera,  Rio 
Abajo,  Jaun  Diez,  Old  Panama,  Lagarto  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvge  breed  in  pools, , hoof  prints, 
pasture  marshes,  coconut  shells,  bamboo  joints,  rock  holes, 
stump  holes  and  root  holes.  (Barrels,  tin  cans,  rotten  banana 
trunk,  water  tub,  hollow  tree  stump — Busck.)  Usually  found  in 
shady  places  but  it  will  breed  in  the  sun.  It  was  never  found  in 
flowing  water  and  seldom  in  water  in  which  vegetation  is  pres- 
ent. The  body  of  water  in  which  it  breeds  is  always  small  and 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

of  a temporary  nature.  It  breeds  throughout  the  year  and  is 
very  common. 

The  eggs  are  laid  in  typical  “culex”  egg  rafts. 

The  adults  were  never  taken  in  trap  collections. 

Culex  coronator  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  coronator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Bnt.  Soc.,  14:  215, 
1906.  Culex  ousqua  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  6 : 99,  1918. 
(Type  Loc. : Panama.)  (Var.  coronator  Dyar  & Knab,  vide, 
Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  10 : 18,  1922 ; listed  as  syn.  coronator 
Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11:  172,  1923.) 
Culex  usquatissimus  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  10 : 19,  1922. 
(Described  as  a form  of  coronator ; listed  as  syn.  coronator 
Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11:  175,  1923.) 
Distribution : — Pedro  Miguel,  Culebra,  Bohio,  Tabernilla,  Las 
Cascades,  Alejuela  (Busck)  ; Corozal,  Gatun,  La  Boca,  An- 
con (Jennings)  ; Paraiso,  Mount  Hope  (Zetek)  ; Sabanas, 
Coco  Solo,  Mindi,  Gold  Hill,  Mandingo,  Piatella,  Majagual, 
Torro  Point,  Empire,  Cativa,  Paja,  Comacho  (Shropshire)  ; 
Culebra  (Dunn)  ; Panama,  Chagres  River,  Tabago  Island 
(Busck) ; Porto  Bello,  Caldera  Island  (Jennings)  ; Chiriqui 
(Dunn)  ; Pedro  Miguel,  Gamboa,  Chiva  Chiva,  Fort  Clay- 
ton, La  Chorrera,  Rio  Abajo,  Old  Panama,  Pina,  Lagarto 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvas  of  this  species  breeds  in 
rock  pools,  hoofprints,  swampy  pastures,  pools,  seepage  areas, 
potholes,  streams  (sluggish),  marshes,  road  ruts,  cement  drains, 
coconut  shells,  rowboats,  occasionally  in  tree  holes  and  artificial 
containers.  (Stagnant  foul  pool,  rain  barrel,  hoofprints, 
streams,  still  shady  pool,  tank,  rain  pool,  and  old  boat — Busck.) 

This  is  probably  the  most  common  Culex  in  Panama.  It 
breeds  in  many  different  situations  and  the  breeding  site  may  be 
sunny  or  shady.  They  seem  to  show  little  preference.  It  is 
seldom  found  in  flowing  water,  but  may  be  found  in  either  fresh 
or  foul  water  with  or  without  vegetation.  It  is  common 
throughout  the  year. 

Adults  are  taken  in  horse  traps,  but  there  are  no  records  of 
it  biting  man. 

Sept.,  1948] 

Arnett  : Culicid^ 


Culex  declarator  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  declarator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jonr.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  211, 

Culex  inquisitor  Dyar  & Knab,  Jonr.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14: 
211,  1906.  (Syn.  declarator  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins. 
Ins.  Mens.,  6 : 97,  1918.) 

Culex  jubilator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jonr.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  211, 
1906.  (Type  Loc.:  Panama).  (Syn.  declarator  Dyar  & 
Knab,  vide,  Dyar  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  6 : 97,  1918). 

Culex  proclamitor  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14: 
211,  1906.  (Var.  declarator  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins. 
Ins.  Mens.,  6:  97,  1918.)  (Syn.  declarator  Dyar  & Knab, 
vide , Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9 : 196,  1921.) 

Culex  revelator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jonr.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  15 : 
202,  1907.  (Type  Loc.:  Tabago  Island,  R.  de  P.)  (Syn. 
declarator  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  6 : 
97,  1918.) 

Distribution: — Pedro  Miguel,  Gatnn,  Rio  Chagres  (Bnsck)  ; Pa- 
raiso,  Las  Cascadas  (Jennings)  ; Ancon  (Dunn)  ; Bas  Obis- 
po (Zetek)  ; Toro  Point,  Mindi,  Monte  Lirio,  Miraflores, 
Cativa,  Gold  Hill,  Las  Cascades,  Golden  Green,  Sweetwater, 
Cerro  Gordo,  Mandingo,  Cardenas  River,  Paja,  Gold  Hill, 
Bella  Vista  Margarita,  Cnlebra,  Empire,  Comacho  (Shrop- 
shire) ; Port  Randolph  (Baker)  ; Cascajal  River,  Tabago 
Island  (Jennings)  ; Chiriqni  (Dunn)  ; Gamboa,  Pedro 
Miguel,  Chiva  Chiva,  Port  Clayton,  National  Forest,  La 
Chorrera,  Rio  Aba  jo,  Jaun  Diez,  Old  Panama,  Lagarto 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  swamps,  rock  pools, 
foul  pools,  cement  drains,  pasture  marshes,  stump  holes,  tree 
holes,  coconut  shells,  palm  spathes.  This  species  breeds  in  a 
variety  of  places,  either  sunny  or  shady,  usually  without  vegeta- 
tion and  often  in  foul  water.  “Tree  hole”  breeding  is  as  com- 
mon as  terrestrial  breeding.  The  species  is  fairly  common,  but 
no  adults  were  taken.  Egg  rafts  were  collected  in  stump  holes. 
It  breeds  mainly  during  the  rainy  season.  (Does  not  bite — 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Culex  quinquefasciatus  Say 

Culex  quinquefasciatus  Say,  Jour.  Ac.  Nat.  Sc.  Phila.,  3:  10, 

Culex  fatigans  Wiedemann,  Aussereurop.  Zweifl.  Ins.,  1 : 10, 
1828.  (Syn.  quinquefasciatus  Say,  vide , Dyar  & Knab, 
Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  11:  34,  1909.) 

Distribution ; — Ancon,  Tabernilla,  Las  Cascadas  (Busck;  Corazal 
(Jennings)  ; Miraflores,  Pedro  Mignel,  Gatnn,  Balboa 
(Zetek)  ; Empire,  Margarita  (Shropshire)  ; Fort  Davis 
(Baker)  ; Cocoli  Camp  (Jennings)  ; David  (Zetek)  ; Jaun 
Diez,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  foul  sunny  pools 
with  floating  debris.  (Largely  in  artificial  containers — Dyar.) 
Adults  were  collected  in  native  houses  at  the  seashore. 

This  species  seems  to  be  uncommon  on  the  Isthmus  of  Panama. 

Culex  inflectus  Theobald 

Culex  inflectus  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  2:  115,  1901. 

Culex  extricator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14: 
211,  1906.  (Probably  syn.  inflectus  Theobald,  i ride,  Bonne- 
Wepster  & Bonne,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9 : 18,  1921 ; syn.  inflectus 
Theobald,  vide , Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9 : 30,  1921.) 
Distribution: — Corozal,  Ancon  (Jennings)  ; Paraiso  (Zetek)  ; 
Fort  Sherman  (Dunn)  ; Torro  Point,  Majagual,  Cativa,  Gold 
Hill,  Margarita,  Balboa,  Empire,  (Shropshire)  ; Fort  Ran- 
dolph (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Fort  Davis  (Baker)  ; Colon 
(Busck  & Chidester)  ; Caldera  Island  (Jennings)  ; Pina 
(Army  Medical  Museum) ; Chiriqui  (Dunn)  ; Pina  (Au- 
thor) . 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  crab  holes.  Rarely 
in  dirty  receptacles  (Dyar).  Breeding  may  take  place  in  old  tin 
cans  and  in  hollow  logs.  It  is  associated  with  Trichoprosopon 
digitatum  in  tin  cans  and  with  Hcemagogus  lucifer  in  logs 

(The  adults  do  not  bite — Dyar.) 

This  appears  to  be  one  of  the  rarest  Culex,  subgenus  Culex  of 
those  found  in  Panama. 

Sept.,  1948] 

Arnett  : Culicid.® 


Culex  interrogator  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  interrogator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jonr.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  209, 
1906.  Culex  reflector  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls., 
Quar.  Iss.,  52:  256,  1908.  (Type  Loc. : Ancon,  C.  Z.)  (Syn. 
interrogator  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11 : 
176,  1923.) 

Distribution: — Paraiso,  Ancon  (Jennings)  ; Empire,  La  Boca, 
Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; Tabago  Island  (Busck)  ; Old  Panama, 
La  Chorrera,  Juan  Diez  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  foul  pools  and  wheel 
ruts.  They  are  always  in  foul  water,  sunny,  stagnant  and  with 
little  or  no  vegetation.  (Clear  ground  pools  and  tree  holes — 
Dyar;  Old  boat,  rain  barrel,  stagnant  pools — Busck.) 

Adults  were  not  taken  in  trap  collections. 

This  species  is  collected  during  the  rainy  season;  uncomon. 

Culex  mollis  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  mollis  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.,  19 : 171,  1906. 
(First  treated  as  a sp.,  vide,  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie 
Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  159,  3:  267,  1915.) 

Culex  carmodyice  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14: 
210,  1906.  (Distinct  from  mollis  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar 
& Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.,  19 : 171,  1906 ; syn.  nigri- 
palffius  Theobald,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9:  28,  1921.) 
Culex  equivocator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  15 : 
203,  1907.  (Syn.  mollis  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins. 
Mens.,  9:  28,  1921.) 

Culex  elocutiUs  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.,  Colls.,  Quar.  Iss., 
52:  255,  1908.  (Type  Loc.:  Porto  Bello  Bay,  Panama.) 
(Syn.  mollis  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar.  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9: 
28,  1921.) 

Culex  delys  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash., 
Pub.  159,  3 : 317,  1915.  (Type  Loc. : Tabernilla,  C.  Z.)  (Syn. 
mollis  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9 : 28,  1921.) 
Culex  lepostenis  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11:  70,  1923.  (Syn. 
mollis  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Komp,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  37 : 
10,  1935.) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Distribution: — Tabernilla,  Ahorca  Lagarto,  Lion  Hill  (Busck)  ; 
San  Pablo  (Jennings)  ; Paraiso  (Zetek)  ; Comacho,  Sweet- 
water, Miraflores,  La  Pita,  Majagual,  Toro  Point,  Paja,  Fort 
Randolph,  Margarita  (Shropshire)  ; Barro  Colorado  Island 
(Dyar  & Shannon);  Caldera  Island,  Cascajal  River  (Jen- 
nings) ; Colon  (Bnsck)  ; Cano  (Zetek)  ; Bruja,  Army  Medi- 
cal Museum)  ; Empire,  Gamboa,  National  Forest,  Chiva 
Chiva,  Fort  Clayton,  La  Joya,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 
Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  tree  holes,  jungle 
streams,  drains,  swamps,  pools,  rock  holes,  fallen  logs,  small 
ponds  (Bromeliads — Jennings).  Found  in  a variety  of  places, 
this  species  is  most  abundant  in  rock  holes,  in  shade,  but  also  in 
the  sun.  Water  is  usually  clear  and  wanting  vegetation.  (Bam- 
boo trunk,  water  foul — Busck.) 

The  adults  were  not  collected  in  traps. 

Culex  nigripalpus  Theobald 

Culex  nigripalpus  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  2 : 322,  1901. 

Culex  factor  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  212, 
1906.  (Syn.  nigripalpus  Theobald,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins. 
Mens.,  9:  28,  1921.) 

Culex  regulator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  213, 
1906.  (Syn.  nigripalpus  Theobald,  vide , Dyar,  Ins.  Ins. 
Mens.,  9 : 28,  1921.)  ^ 

Culex  carmodyiae  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14: 
210,  1906.  (Syn.  nigripalpus  Theobald,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins. 
Mens.,  9:  28,  1921.) 

Distribution: — Ancon,  Paraiso,  La  Boca  (Jennings)  ; Pedro 
Miguel  (Zetek)  ; Balboa,  Corozal,  Gatun,  Culebra,  Rio 
Grande,  Monte  Lirio,  La  Pita,  Sweetwater,  Toro  Point,  Mar- 
garita, Flemenco  Island,  Empire,  Coco  Solo  (Shropshire)  ; 
Colon,  (Zetek)  ; Tabago  Island  (Jennings)  ; Rio  Chagres 
(Busck)  ; Chiva  Chiva,  Fort  Clayton,  Old  Panama,  Rio 
Abajo,  Juan  Diez  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — -The  larvse  breed  in  wheel  ruts,  pools, 
drains,  pasture  marshes  and  axils  of  palm  fronds.  Usually  it 
breeds  in  foul  water,  either  sunny  or  shady.  Terrestrial,  it  is 
rarely  in  axils  of  leaves.  Vegetation  may  be  present  or  absent 

] 948  1 

Arnett  : Culicidze 



in  the  habitat.  (Old  boat  and  tub — Jennings;  clear  swamps 
and  coral  pools — Dyar ; Bromeliads — Bnsck. ) 

Adults  were  not  taken  in  trap  collecting,  but  they  will  bite 
„ humans. 


Subgenus  Melanoconion  Theobald 

Melanoconion  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  3:  238,  1903.  (Type:  Culex 
atratus  Theobald. ) 

Culex  aikenii  Aiken 

Gnopliodeomyia  aikenii  Aiken,  Brit.  Guiana  Med.  Ann.,  60,  1906. 
Culex  panacossa  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11 : 120,  1923.  (Syn. 
aikenii  Aiken,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  13 : 21,  1925. 
Distribution: — Bas  Obispo  (Shropshire);  Empire  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  floating  vegetation 
in  the  Rio  Mandinga.  It  is  collected  from  June  to  September. 
(Roots  of  Pistia — Dyar). 


Culex  bastigarius  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  bastigarius  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.,  19 : 170, 

Culex  cuclyx  Dyar  & Shannon,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  12 : 48,  1924. 
(Type  Loc. : Fort  Clayton,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  bastigarius  Dyar  & 
Knab,  vide,  Komp.  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  37:  7,  1935.) 
Culex  xivilis  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9:  78,  1920.  (Syn. 
bastigarius  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Komp,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc. 
Wash.,  37:  7,  1935.) 

Distribution: — Fort  Clayton  (Shannon)  ; La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats :— The  larvae  are  found  only  in  slow  flow- 
ing streams,  with  vegetation,  sunny.  It  is  collected  in  October. 
(Edge  of  streams — Dyar.) 

Culex  chrysonotnm  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  cJirysonotum  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.,  35 : 57, 
1908.  (Type  Loc.:  Canal  Zone.) 

Melanoconion  theobaldi  Lutz  (in  Bour.  Nom.  Nud.)  Mos. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVI 

Bras.,  39,  1904.  (Syn.  chrysonotum  Dyar  & Knab,  vide , 
Komp,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  37:  7,  1935.) 

Distribution: — Cartagenita,  Ancon,  Tabernilla,  Miraflores  (Jen- 
nings) ; Balboa,  Gatun  (Zetek)  ; Empire,  Gold  Hill,  Monte  , 
Lirio,  Margarita,  Mindi  (Shropshire)  • Fort  Clayton,  Cule- 
bra  (Baker);  La  Chorrera,  Old  Panama  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats : — The  larvae  breed  in  pools,  streams,  seep- 
age areas,  potholes,  pasture  marshes  and  ponds.  It  breeds  in 
sunny  places  usually  in  grassy  vegetation,  water  flowing,  slug- 
gish or  stagnant,  but  usually  clear.  Sometimes  it  will  breed  in 
foul  water. 

The  eggs  of  this  species  are  laid  on  grass  or  sedge  in  double 
rows  about  fifty  to  a row,  about  one  inch  above  the  surface  of  the 

The  adults  are  collected  on  screens  in  the  evening.  They  may 
be  recognized  in  the  field  by  the  golden  pronotum.  There  are  no 
records  of  it  biting  man.  It  is.  collected  throughout  the  year, 

Culex  conspirator  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  conspirator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  217, 

Culex  dymathes  Dyar  & Ludlow,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9 : 47,  1921. 
(Type  Loc. : Cativa,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  conspirator  Dyar  & Knab, 
vide,  Komp,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  37 : 4,  1935  and  Dyar, 
Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11 : 69,  1923.) 

Culex  fatuator  Dyar  & Shannon.  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  12 : 47, 
1924.  (Syn.  conspirator  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Komp,  Proc. 
Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  37 : 5,  1935.) 

Distribution: — Las  Cascades  (Jennings);  Sweetwater,  Cativa 
(Shropshire)  ; Fort  Clayton,  Cano  Saddle  (Shannon)  ; Barro 
Colorado  Island  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; France  Field  (Baker)  ; 
Pedro  Miguel  (Busck)  ; Tabago  Island,  Rio  Chagres 
(Busck)  ; Gamboa,  Empire,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitat : — The  larvae  breed  in  shady  rock  pools. 

It  is  collected  during  the  rainy  season.  (Ground  pools  and  in 
root  base  pools,  slow  stream  in  grass — Dyar.) 

Adults  not  collected  in  traps. 


Sept.,  19481 

Arnett  : Culicid2E 


Culex  dunni  Dyar 

Culex  dunni  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  6:  123,  1918.  (Type  Loc. : 
Rio  Mandinga,  C.  Z.) 

Culex  ruffinis  Dyar  & Shannon,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  12 : 143, 
1924.  (Type  Loc.:  Barro  Colorado  Is.,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  dunni 
Dyar,  vide , Komp,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  37 : 8,  1935.) 
Distribution: — Mandinga  River  (Dnnn)  ; Darian,  Frijoles  (Dyar 
& Shannon)  ; Barro  Colorado  Island  (Shannon)  ; Far  Fan 
(Curry);  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  sunny  swamps  and 
ponds  having  grass  or  sedge.  (Bred  from  larvae  associated 
with  Pistia — Dunn). 

(Adults  are  not  known  to  bite — Dyar.)  Collected  from  June 
to  December. 


Culex  eastor  Dyar 

Culex  eastor  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  8 : 71,  1920. 

Distribution: — Gatun  (Author).  (Previously  collected  in  this 
locality  by  W.  H.  W.  Komp,  but  not  published.) 

Habits  and  Habitats : — The  larvae  breed  in  ground  pools.  ( Col- 
lected in  a pool  at  the  base  of  a fallen  tree — Komp,  in  litt.) 
Adults  not  taken  in  trap  collections. 

Collected  in  May.  It  is  apparently  rare. 

Culex  educator  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  educator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  217, 


Culex  apateticus  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins. 
Wash.,  Pub.  159,  3:  331,  1915.  (Type  Loc.:  Canal  Zone.) 
(Syn.  pro  parte  educator  Dyar  & Knab,  vide  Ins.  Ins.  Mens., 
6:  106,  1918.) 

Culex  aneles  Dyar  & Ludlow,  The  Mil.  Surg.,  49 : 63,  1922. 
(Type  Loc.:  Fort  Clayton,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  educator  Dyar  & 
Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  387,  326,  1928.) 
Distribution: — Cardenas,  Majagual  .(Army  Medical  Museum); 
Gatun,  Mindi  (Shropshire)  ; Pedro  Miguel  (Busck)  ; Mira- 
flores,  Rio  Grande,  Tabernilla  (Jennings)  ; Gatun,  Cano, 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Fort  Sherman,  Quarry  Heights,  Fort  Amador  (Zetek)  ; Fort 
Clayton,  Barro  Colorado  Island  (Shannon)  ; Fort  Randolph 
(Baker)  ; Upper  Pequini  River  (Jennings)  ; Tabago  Island 
(Zetek)  ; La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats : — The  larvEe  breed  in  grassy  pools  and 
streams  in  the  sun.  It  is  collected  from  July  to  October. 

No  adults  taken  in  trap  collections. 


Culex  egcymon  Dyar 

Culex  egcymon  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11 : 67,  1923.  (Type  Loc. : 
Tabernilla,  C.  Z.) 

Distribution: — Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; Darien  (Dyar  & Shannon; 
Empire,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  jungle  streams, 
shady,  devoid  of  vegetation.  (Slowly  running  spring  full  of 
larvae  and  small  fish — Dyar ; slow  streams,  in  roots  of  Pistia — 
Dyar  & Shannon.)  Collected  from  May  to  September. 

Adults  were  taken  on  screens  in  the  evening. 


Culex  elevator  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  elevator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14 : 217,  1906. 
Culex  apateticus  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins. 
Wash.,  Pub.  159,  3:  321,  1915.  (Type  Loc.:  Canal  Zone.) 
(Syn.  pro  parte  elevator  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins. 
Mens.,  6:  106,  1918.) 

Culex  curryi  Dyar.  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  14:  112,  1926.  (Type 
Loc.:  Mojinga  Swamp,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  elevator  Dyar  & Knab, 
vide,  Komp,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  37 : 7,  1935.) 

Culex  dornarum  Dyar  & Shannon,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  12 ; 46, 
1924.  (Type  Loc.:  Fort  Sherman,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  elevator 
Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Komp,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  37 : 5, 

Distribution: — Fort  Clayton  (Shannon)  ; Barro  Colorado  Island 
(Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Fort  Sherman  (Shannon  and  Shrop- 
shire) ; Mojinga  Swamp  (Curry)  ; Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; Cal- 
dera Island,  Porto  Bello  (Jennings)  ; Chagres  River 
(Busck) ; Gamboa,  Empire,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Sept.,  19481 

Arnett  : CuLiciDiE 


Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  rock  pools,  rock 
holes,  jungle  streams,  and  one  record  of  it  in  water  in  a fallen 
log.  It  breeds  in  the  shade,  usually  in  flowing  water.  It  is  com- 
mon during  the  rainy  season.  (Ground  pools,  slow  streams 
with  leaves — Dyar.) 

No  adults  taken  in  trap  collections. 

Culex  er rations  Dyar  & Knab 

Mochlostyrax  erraticns  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14: 
224,  1906. 

Culex  leprincei  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  15 : 202, 
1907.  (Type  Loc. : Canal  Zone.)  (Syn.  erraticns  Dyar  & 
Knab,  vide , King  & Bradley,  An.  Ent.  Soc.  Am.,  30:  345, 

Culex  trachycampa  Dyar  & Knab,  Can.  Ent.,  41 : 101,  1909. 
(Syn.  leprincei  Dyar  & Knab,  vide , Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens., 
11:  119,  1923.) 

Distribution: — Pedro  Miguel,  Tabernilla,  Bas  Obispo,  Las  Cas- 
cades, Empire,  Culebra,  (Busck)  ; Balboa  (Zetek)  ; Gold 
Hill  (Shropshire)  ; Fort  Clayton,  Cano  Saddle  (Shannon)  ; 
Fort  San  Lorenzo,  Gamboa,  Monte  Lirio  (Dyar  & Shannon) ; 
Cardanas  River  (Baker)  ; Panama  (Zetek)  ; Gamboa,  Em- 
pire, La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  floating  river  vege- 
tation or  in  pond  vegetation,  in  the  sun.  Found  in  water  lettuce 
and  Najas  beds,  it  is  most  abundant  in  Najas  associated  with 
Anopheles  albimanus  and  Aedeomyia  squamipennis.  It  is  com- 
mon throughout  the  year. 

No  adults  taken  in  trap  collections. 

Subgenus  Isostomyia  Coquillett 

Isostomyia  Coquillett,  U.  S.  Dept,  of  Agr.,  Bur.  Ent.,  Tech.  Ser., 
11:  16,  1906.  (Type:  Culex  conservator  Dyar  & Knab.) 

Culex  conservator  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  conservator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  221, 

Culex  bifoliatus  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  10:  92,  1922.  (Syn. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvi 

conservator  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash., 
Pub.  387,  345,  1928.) 

Distribution: — Miraflores,  Mandinga  (Shropshire)  ; Gatun 
(Curry)  ; Empire,  Barro  Colorado  Island,  La  Chorrera,  Old 
Panama  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  tree  holes.  It  is 
common  during  the  rainy  season. 

No  adults  were  taken  in  trap  collections. 

Subgenus  Mochlostyrax  Dyar  & Knab 

Mochlostyrax  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  228,  1906 

(Type  : caudelli  Dyar  & Knab.) 

Culex  hesitator  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  hesitator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  15:  205, 
1907.  (Type  Loc. : Las  Cascadas,  C.  Z.) 

Distribution: — Las  Cascadas  (Busck)  ; Matachin  (Zetek)  ; La 
Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats : — The  larvae  are  collected  in  sunny  ponds 
in  thick  grass.  ( Small  sunny  streams — Dyar ; Swampy  stream — 

Culex  pilosus  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  pilosus  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  224,  1906. 
Mochlostyrax  cubensis  Dyar  & Knab  (nec  Bigot),  Jour. 
N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  14:  223,  1906.  (nom.  nud.  agitator  Dyar  & 
Knab,  vide,  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  15:  100, 

Culex  agitator  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  15 : 100, 
1907.  (Syn.  floridanus  Dyar  & Knab,  vide , Dyar  & Knab, 
Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  5:  180,  1917.) 

Culex  floridanus  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.,  19: 
171,  1906.  (Listed  as  a syn.  pilosus  Dyar  & Knab,  vide, 
Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  12:  186,  1924.) 

Distribution:— Matachin,  Gatun  (Zetek  and  Shannon)  ; Prance 
Field  (Dyar  & Shannon) ; Las  Cascadas  (Busck)  ; Tabago 
Island  (Busck)  ; Cristobal,  Juan  Diez,  La  Chorrera,  Old 
Panama  (Author). 

Sept.,  19481 

Arnett  : Culicid^e 


Halits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  salt  or  fresh  water 
in  permanent  bodies  of  water  or  streams.  They  will  breed  in 
the  sun  or  in  shade,  in  foul  or  in  clear  water.  The  breeding- 
place  is  usually  grassy.  (Temporary  surface  pools  with  Aedes 
and  Psorophora.  In  jungle  pools — Dyar.  In  temporary  rain 
pools  and  not  in  permanent  water — Komp.  Old  boat  and  foul 
water  in  old  machinery — Busek.) 

Common  during  the  rainy  season. 

No  adults  taken.  (Adults  do  not  bite — Dyar.) 

Subgenus  Lutzia  Theobald 

Lutzia  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  3:  155,  1903.  (Type:  Culex  bigoti 

Cidex  allostigma  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab 

Culex  allostigma  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash., 
Pub.  159,  3:  471,  1916.  (Type  Loc. : Panama.) 

Distribution: — Ancon,  San  Pablo,  Gatun,  Tabernilla,  Las  Cas- 
cades (Busek)  ; Corozal,  Pedro  Miguel  (Jennings)  ; Fort 
Sherman  (Zetek) ; Empire,  Golden  Green,  Cerro  Gordo, 
Majagual  (Shropshire)  ; Barro  Colorado  Island,  France 
Field,  Gamboa  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Culebra,  Fort  Davis 
(Baker)  ; Boca  del  Toro  (Osterhout)  ; Panama,  Caldera  Is- 
land (Jennings)  ; Gamboa,  Chiva  Chiva,  National  Forest, 
La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  rock  holes,  drains, 
and  small  ponds.  They  may  be  found  in  the  sun  or  in  shade, 
without  vegetation,  water  clear,  but  usually  with  fallen  leaves 
and  debris.  (Artificial  containers — Dyar.) 

The  eggs  are  laid  in  rafts.  The  pupae  are  large,  distinctive 
and  very  active.  The  larvae  when  disturbed  lie  on  the  bottom 
of  the  shallow  pool  in  mud  and  debris  for  long  periods  of  time. 
The  larvae  are  predaceous  on  other  mosquito  larvae  and  are  found 
with  Culex  mollis , Anopheles  eiseni,  A.  punctimacula  and  A . 

There  are  many  more  species  of  Culex  recorded  in  the  litera- 
ture as  occurring  in  Panama,  but  these  are  unknown  to  the  author. 
There  are  also  species  known  from  Panama,  some  of  which  are 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

t Vol.  LVI 

apparently  quite  common,  which  have  never  been  recorded.  The 
following  list  are  those  species  recorded  in  the  literature,  some 
of  which  are  undoubtly  misidentifications : Culex  distinguendus 
Dyar,  elaphas  Komp,  inhibitator  Dyar  & Knab  = erraticus  Dyar  ?, 
flabellifer  Komp,  iolambdis  Dyar,  jubifer  Komp,  latisquama 
Coquillett,  limacifer  Komp,  menytes  Dyar,  mutator  Dyar  & Knab, 
opisthopus  Komp,  paracrybda  Komp,  phlogistus  Dyar,  plecto- 
porpe  Koot,  psatharus  Dyar,  quadrif oliatus  Komp,  rooti  Rose- 
boom,  serratimargo  Root,  spissipes  Theobald,  taeniopus  Dyar  & 
Knab,  tecmarsis  Dyar,  vexillifer  Komp,  vomerifer  Komp,  zeteci 
Dyar,  browni  Komp,  corrigani  Dyar  & Knab,  alogistus  Dyar, 
daumastocampa  Dyar  & Knab,  imitator  Theobald,  jenningsi 
Dyar  & Knab,  bonnei  Dyar,  secunda  Bonne- Wepster  & Bonne, 
bigoti  Bellardi. 

Deinocerites  Theobald 

Deinocerites  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  2:  215,  1901.  (Type:  cancer 
Theobald. ) 

Deinocerites  cancer  Theobald 
Deinocerites  cancer  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  2 : 215,  1901. 

Deinocerites  melanophylum  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent. 
Soc.,  15:  200,  1907.  (Type  Loc. : Colon,  R.  de  P.)  (Listed 
as  syn.  cancer  Theobald,  vide , Dyar,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash., 
Pub.  387,  1928.) 

Deinocerites  monospathus  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  13 : 155, 
1923.  (Type  Loc.:  Fort  Sherman,  C.  Z.)  (Listed  as  ?aber. 
cancer  Theobald,  vide,  Edwards,  Genera  Insectorum,  fasc. 
194,  222,  1932.) 

Distribution: — La  Boca  (Busck)  ; Fort  Davis  (Baker) ; Fort 
Randolph,  France  Field,  Fort  Sherman  (Baker  and  Zetek)  ; 
Margarita,  Majagual,  Toro  Point  (Shropshire) ; Boca  del 
Toro  (Rosenau)  ; Colon  (Busck)  ; Caldera  Island  (Jenn- 
ings) ; Fort  Randolph  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  crab  holes.  (Adults 
do  not  bite  humans — Dyar. ) 

Deinocerites  pseudes  Dyar  & Knab 
Deinocerites  pseudes  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls.,  Quar. 
Iss.,  52:  260,  1909.  (Type  Loc.:  Ancon,  C.  Z.) 

Sept.,  1948] 

Arnett  : Culicid^ 


Distribution: — Corozal,  Miraflores,  Ancon  (Jennings)  ; Monte 
Lirio  (Army  Medical  Museum)  ; Fort  Sherman  (Zetek)  ; 
Toro  Point,  Cativa,  Margarita  (Shropshire)  ; Panama 
(Dunn)  ; La  Chorrera,  Rio  Abajo,  Old  Panama  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats: — The  larvae  breed  in  crab  holes  on  the 

Adults  are  collected  in  horse  traps  and  in  houses.  (Adults  do 
not  bite  humans — Dyar.) 

Common  throughout  the  year. 

There  are  two  more  species  of  Deinocerites  recorded  in  the 
literature  as  occurring  in  Panama,  but  these  are  unknown  to  the 
author.  They  are:  D.  epitedeus  Knab  and  D.  spanius  Dyar  & 

(To  be  continued ) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVl 


Spiders  of  Connecticut.  By  Benjamin  Julian  Kaston,  Pli.D. 

State  Geological  and  Natural  History  Survey  Bulletin  No. 

70,  Hartford,  Conn.,  1948.  9 x 5f  inches.  874  p.  142  pi. 

This  impressive  monograph  is  more  than  its  title  implies.  Its 
geographical  scope  extends  beyond  Connecticut  and  includes 
Massachusetts,  Rhode  Island  and  that  portion  of  New  York  east 
of  the  Hudson  River  and  south  of  the  westward  extension  of  the 
northern  boundary  of  Massachusetts.  From  this  region,  597 
species  (in  224  genera)  are  treated.  Of  this  number  462  species 
(in  184  genera)  were  collected  in  Connecticut. 

Approximately  the  first  fifty  pages  are  devoted  to  a general, 
informative  account  of  the  biology  of  spiders  including  their 
external  and  internal  anatomy,  life  history,  habits,  parasites, 
economic  importance,  and  the  collection  and  preservation  of 
specimens.  The  balance  of  the  work  is  taxonomic  and  includes 
keys  to  families,  genera  and  species,  as  well  as  diagnostic  charac- 
ters of  genera  and  species,  distribution  data,  notes  on  habits, 
life  histories,  etc.  This  portion  is  accompanied  by  142  plates 
with  over  2,100  figures  illustrating  various  species,  anatomical 
details,  webs,  egg  sacs,  etc.  A glossary  and  bibliography  add  to 
its  completeness. 

This  work  is  another  example  of  the  outstanding  contributions 
to  natural  science  that  originate  in  Connecticut.  It  is  the  result  of 
many  years  of  research  and  study,  and  Dr.  Kaston ’s  authorship 
of  it  is  a sufficient  guarantee  of  its  excellence  and  scholarship. 
It  is  gratifying  to  know  that  in  some  places,  funds  are  still  avail- 
able for  the  publication  of  extensive  biological  studies. — H.  B.  W. 

Sept.,  1948] 

Bromley:  Predators 



By  S.  W.  Bromley 

Bartlett  Tree  Research  Laboratories 
Stamford,  Conn. 

It  has  always  been  a source  of  wonder  that  certain  insects  are 
able  to  overcome  so  powerfully  defended  an  animal  as  the  do- 
mestic bee  equipped  as  she  is  with  a venomous  sting  which  would 
soon  kill  any  other  insect  if  it  could  be  successfully  brought  to 
bear.  The  writer  has  always  been  interested  in  apiculture  but 
has  never  been  able  to  work  around  bees  because  of  the  violent 
effects  of  their  stings.  Of  the  common  insects  able  to  sting,  the 
ordinary  honey-bee  is  by  far  the  worst  in  my  personal  experi- 
ence. This  is  probably  due  in  part  to  their  habit  of  stinging 
without  provocation  and  also  to  the  fact  that  the  poison  sac  is 
left,  with  the  sting,  in  the  wound  thus  enabling  a greater  amount 
of  toxin  to  enter  the  system  than  with  wasps  which  withdraw 
the  sting,  after  each  stab.  Just  one  sting  is  likely  to  have  a 
serious  systemic  effect  and  my  only  recourse  has  been  to  keep 
off  my  feet  several  hours  after  being  stung  and  to  apply  cold 
compresses  to  the  injury.  For  many  years  I have  made  obser- 
vations at  Stamford,  Connecticut,  on  the  Arthropods  which  kill 
bees  and  these  are  herewith  presented.  These  prey  records 
cover  the  years  1929  to  1947.  In  no  case  was  the  bee  predation 
sufficient  to  cause  economic  losses  to  bee-keepers.  The  role  of 
predators  in  bee-killing  is  a very  minor  one  these  days  compared 
with  the  losses  of  bees  poisoned  by  arsenicals,  DDT  and  other 
insecticidal  sprays  and  dusts,  or  dying,  from  such  diseases  as 
American  foul  brood.  It  seems  quite  probable,  moreover,  that 
in  New  England  at  least,  bee-predators  never  did  cause  eco- 
nomic losses  to  apiarists. 

Of  the  records  here  submitted;  260  pertain  to  insect  preda- 
tors, 243  to  spiders.  Honey-bee  predators  in  the  Stamford  area 
are  (1)  ambush  bugs,  (2)  robber  flies,  (3)  mantids,  (4)  dragon 
flies,  (5)  hornets  or  wasps,  and  (6)  soldier  bugs  among  the  in- 
sects ; and  certain  flower  spiders,  orbweavers,  ,grass  spiders  and 
house  spiders  among  the  Arachnida. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 


1.  ambush  bugs.  Certain  years  the  common  ambush  bug, 
Phymata  pennsylvanica  Handl.,  may  be  very  abundant  on  cer- 
tain flowers  during  mid  and  late  summer  feeding  on  flower- 
frequenting  insects.  They  are  especially  fond  of  the  honey-bee 
which  they  are  able  to  overcome  after  a struggle.  Sometimes  2 
or  3 other  ambush  bugs  will  feed  on  a kill,  often  simultaneously. 
I have  147  Stamford  records  of  their  preying  on  honey-bees. 
Most  of  these  were  on  hydrangea,  spirea,  helenium  and  asters 
in  flower  gardens  or  on  goldenrod  or  sumac  blossoms  in  the  wild. 

2.  robber  flies.  Certain  robber  flies  have  long  been  known 
as  enemies  of  the  honey-bee.  I have  the  following  Stamford 


Nebraska  bee-killer,  Promachus  fitchii  0.  S 22 

Bumblebee  robber  fly,  Bombomima  thoracica  Fabr 18 

Brown  robber  fly,  Proctacanthus  philadelphicus  Macq 10 

Discolored  robber  fly,  Diogmites  discolor  Loew 10 

False  Nebraska  bee-killer,  Promachus  bastardii  Macq 3 

Japanese  beetle-killer,  Bombomima  grossa  Fabr.  2 

Small  bumblebee  robber  fly,  Bombomima  flavicollis  Say J 1 

Fly-hawk,  Erax  aestuans  L 1 

Of  these  8 species,  the  bumble  bee  mimic,,  B.  thoracica  ( alias 
Dasyllis  or  Laphria  thoracica !)  is  the  only  one  I have  seen  kill- 
ing bees  close  to  the  hives;  most  of  the  others  take  bees  around 
flowers.  During  the  past  12  years,  Proctacanthus  philadelphi- 
cus, Promachus  fitchii , P.  bastardii  and  Diogmites  (formerly 
Deromyia)  discolor,  all  once  common,  have  become. increasingly 
rare  in  this  area,  due  no  doubt  to  the  growing  scarcity  of  the 
white  grub,  Pliyllophaga  fusca,  which  was  apparently  the  prin- 
cipal food  of  the  larvae  of  these  flies.  This  decrease  of  the  native 
white  grub  seems  to  have  coincided  with  the  advent  of  the  Japa- 
nese beetle,  Popillia  japonica,  which  has  successfully  invaded 
New  England  from  the  adjacent  areas  to  the  southwest. 

Of  the  above  records;  P.  fitchii  captured  honey-bees  in  hay 
fields  and  lawns  near  white  clover  blossoms;  B.  thoracica  in 
apiaries,  or  among  Deutzia  or  white  clover  blossoms;  P.  phila- 
delphicus in  old  fields  or  pastures  near  goldenrod  or  buckwheat 
blossoms;  D.  discolor  around  goldenrod,  asters,  flower  gardens 

Sept.,  1948] 

Bromley:  Predators 


and  buckwheat  fields;  P.  bastardii  at  sumac  blossoms  in  what 
had  been  an  open  oak  grove,  clean  cut  and  lumbered  out  a year 
or  two  before;  B.  grossa  in  a tasseling  corn  field  and  at  edge  of 
a sumac  clump ; B.  flavicollis  on  a log  in  the  sunlight  in  a cut- 
over woodlot;  and  E.  cestuans  (a  large  female)  on  a plantain 
blossom  within  100  yards  of  an  apiary. 

3.  mantids.  Twenty-eight  honey-bee  prey  records  were  taken 
from  the  Chinese  mantis,  Tenodera  sinensis  Sauss.  These  were 
obtained  either  on  goldenrod  blossoms  or  in  flower  gardens. 

4.  dragon  flies.  Many  dragon  flies  have  been  seen  to  dart 
at  honey-bees  in  flight,  but  only  5 actual  captures  where  feeding 
took  place  have  been  noted.  Three  records  of  the  green  darning- 
needle  fly,  Anax  junius  Drury,  have  been  taken : one  near  a bee- 
hive, two  others  over  goldenrod.  The  giant  dragon  fly  Epi- 
aesckna  keros  Fabr.,  was  in  one  instance  seen  to  seize  a honey- 
bee around  Chinese  beauty-bush  ( Kolkowitzia ) blossoms.  Amid 
a profusion  of  meadow  spirea  and  early  sumac  at  the  edge  of  a 
woods,  a wood  flying-adder,  C or duleg aster  diastatops  Selys.,  was 
taken  feeding  on  a honey-bee  worker. 

5.  hornets  or  wasps.  Worker  European  hornets,  Vespa 
crabro  L.,  were  seen  on  5 different  occasions  killing  honey-bees 
in  goldenrod  fields.  One  instance  each  of  the  English  wasp, 
Vespa  vulgaris  L.,  and  of  the  native  ground  nesting  yellow- 
jacket,  Vespa  maculifrons  Buy.,  were  noted  by  Stamford  bee- 
keepers. The  last  2 vespids  belong  to  the  subgenus  Vespula. 
While  hornets  are  of  little  importance  as  bee-predators  in  New 
England,  they  are  dangerous  enemies  of  bees  in  certain  parts  of 
the  World.  In  China,  the  great  Vespa  mandarina  is  one  of  the 
most  serious  of  bee-predators,  as  the  following  extract  from  a 
letter  written  by  Dr.  E.  R.  Tinkham  dated  October  13,  1947 

“You  may  be  interested  to  know  that  I was  on  the  Lingnan 
University  staff  from  1933-1936  and  full  time  Ass’t  Curator  of 
the  Lingnan  Natural  History  Survey  and  Museum  from  1934- 
1936.  A great  number  of  my  38  publications  are  on  the  Or- 
thoptera  of  China  and  a few  on  Lepidoptera  and  Odonata. 
Perhaps  you  would  be  interested  in  some  remarks  on  ‘bee- 
killers.’  In  1933-34  at  Lingnan  there  was  an  American  operat- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

ing  an  apiary  and  he  and  I used  to  have  many  dinner  table 
chats  on  his  problems.  The  two  biggest  seemed  to  be  the  giant 
wasps  and  the  Deaths-head  Hawk  Moths.  The  latter  stole  much 
honey  during  the  night  and  apparently  intimidated  the  bees  by 
their  squeak.  Their  depredations,  however,  were  controlled  by 
placing  coarse  wire  screen  over  the  entrance  to  the  hives.  A 
much  more  troublesome  and  unsolved  problem  was  the  control 
of  the  huge  wasps  Vespa  mandarina  that  perched  on  the  supers 
and  slaughtered  great  numbers  of  bees  daily.  The  numbers  seem 
to  stick  in  my  mind — 30-40  bees  daily  for  each  wasp.  As  far  as 
I can  recall  I do  not  think  Asilids  entered  into  the  situation  for 
on  the  whole  they  are  rare.  I have  collected  rather  extensively 
in  south  China,  west  to  Yunnan  and  in  Formosa  but  the  Asilids 
collected  were  very  few  and  probably  all  deposited  in  the  Ling- 
nan  Museum.  ” 

6.  soldier  bugs.  Four  instances  of  the  pale  soldierbug,  Podi- 
sus  placidus  Uhl.,  feeding  on  honey-bees  after  impaling  them  on 
sumac  blossoms  have  been  obtained.  Two  records  of  nymphs  of 
the  spined  soldier  bug,  Podisus  maculiventris  Say,  were  also 


Spiders  catch  many  honey-bees  either  in  their  webs  or  on 

1.  flower  spiders.  Forty-eight  records  of  the  yellow  crab 
spider,  Misumena  aleatoria  Hentz,1  have  been  obtained,  mostly 
on  goldenrod  blossoms,  among  which  the  spiders  nestle  and, 
secure  in  their  protective  coloration,  seize  the  unwary  bee  before 
she  is  cognizant  of  danger.  One  is  reminded  of  the  old  proverb 
by  Ben  Johnson: 

“The  bee  and  the  spider 
By  some  diverse  power 
Suck  honey  and  poison 
From  the  self-same  flower” 

except  that  in  this  case  the  bee  gets  the  poison  and  the  spider 
the  honey,  second  hand ! 

2.  orbweavers.  Certain  orbweaving  spiders  become  abun- 
dant in  late  summer.  Their  wheel-like  webs  occur  in  goldenrod, 
aster,  hydrangeas  and  the  blossoms  of  many  garden  flowers.  The 

Sept.,  1948] 

Bromley:  Predators 


largest  and  most  striking  spider  of  this  group  is  the  black  and 
yellow  garden  or  blackberry  spider,  Argiope  aurantia  Lucas. 
Seventy-nine  records  of  honey-bees  captured  in  the  webs  of  this 
spider,  mostly  in  goldenrod  have  been  secured.  Twenty-two 
honey-bees  have  been  noted  in  the  webs  of  the  smaller  Silvery 
garden  spider,  Argiope  trifasciata  Forskal.  In  among  hydran- 
gea, goldenrod  and  asters,  the  webs  of  the  large  white  orb- 
weaver,  Epeira  obesa  Hentz,  have  claimed  46  honey-bee  victims, 
while  38  have  been  noted  in  the  webs  of  the  red  and  yellow  orb- 
weaver,  Epeira  raji  Scopoli.2  One  was  noted  in  a web  of  the 
dusky  orbweaver,  Epeira  domiciliorum  Hentz. 

3.  grass  spiders.  In  the  webs  of  the  grass  funnel  spider, 
Agelena  ncevia  Walck.,  4 honey-bees  have  been  seen  near  a shed 
adjacent  to  an  apiary. 

4.  house  spiders.  Five  honey-bees  have  been  noted  trapped 
in  the  webs  of  the  common  house  spider,  Theridion  tepidariorum 
C.  Koch.,  located  outside  a shed  near  the  bee  hives. 

1, 2 Specifically  identified  through  the  kindness  of  Dr.  W.  J.  Gertsch  of 
the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York  City. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvi 


Days  Without  Time,  Adventures  of  a Naturalist,  Illustrated  with 
144  Photographs  Hy  the  Author.  By  Edwin  Way  Teale. 
Dodd,  Mead  & Company,  New  York,  1948.  10  x 7 inches, 

xiv  + 283  pages,  $6.00. 

I do-  not  know  anyone  who  writes  so  entertainingly  and  ac- 
curately on  such  a multiplicity  of  natural  history  subjects  as  Mr. 
Teale.  His  latest  book  is  full  of  his  “ adventures  ’ ’ among  ani- 
mals that  fly,  crawl,  cling,  run  and  swim  and  that  may  be 
watched  by  most  of  us,  close  to  our  homes.  To  be  exact  Mr. 
Teale  ’s  book  contains  29  natural  history  vignettes,  all  perfect 
delineations  of  the  behavior  of  insects,  toads,  dogs,  wolves,  rab- 
bits, rats,  spiders,  snakes,  swimming  cats,  birds,  turtles,  etc.,  as 
well  as  of  the  fauna  of  ditchwater,  of  the  heat  generated  by  the 
skunk  cabbage,  and  of  the  author’s  bird  observations  at  night 
on  the  top  of  the  Empire  State  Building,  to  mention  only  a 
few.  Mr.  Teale  is  always  interesting  whether  he  is  writing  about 
the  curl  in  a pig’s  tail  or  the  foam  tracks  on  a beach,  and  after 
reading  his  books  one  is  always  painlessly  and  quietly  enriched 
from  his  boundless  supply  of  facts. 

Sometimes  I wonder  if  there  are  sordid  sides  to  the  author’s 
adventures,  involving  mosquito  bites,  scratches  from  brambles, 
stepping  into  water-holes,  or  other  discomforts.  If  such  occur 
there  is  no  mention  of  them  to  mar  the  smoothness  of  his  narra- 
tives. Anyhow  his  readers  are  quite  willing  for  him  to  suffer 
if  it  results  in  such  skillful  and  eloquent  writing  supplemented 
by  his  own  extraordinary  photographs  which  are  just  as  full 
of  interest  as  his  texts. 

If  you  are  not  a naturalist  Days  Without  Time  will  open  up 
new  worlds  for  you.  If  you  are  a naturalist  you  will  get  infinite 
pleasure  from  reading  about  animals  outside  your  own  specialty. 
— H.  B.  Weiss. 

Sept.,  1948] 

Goodnight:  Caddo 



By  Clarence  J.  and  Marie  L.  Goodnight 

The  genus  Caddo,  a member  of  the  subfamily  Oligolophinae, 
(Palpatores:  Phalangiidse),  is  characterized  by  a prominent  eye 
tubercle.  The  species  within  the  genus  are  separated  mainly  on 
the  basis  of  the  spination  of  the  palpus. 

"With  this  present  description  there  are'  now  four  described 
species  in  this  genus.  Of  these,  three  are  modern.  The  two 
previously  described  modern  species,  Caddo  boopis  Banks  and 
Caddo  agilis  Crosby  and  Bishop  are  known  from  the  northeast- 
ern portion  of  the  United  States  and  the  southeastern  portion 
of  Canada.  They  are  small  forms  found  in  leaf  mould. 

The  third  described  species,  Caddo  dentipalpus  (Koch  and 
Berendt)  is  known  only  from  the  Tertiary  Baltic  amber.  It 
differs  markedly  from  the  modern  species  by  possessing  a group 
of  stiff  hairs  at  the  apical  median  portion  of  the  femur  of  the 

This  new  species  was  found  at  San  Cristobal  de  las  Casas, 
Chiapas,  at  an  altitude  of  about  5000  feet.  Due  to  prevailing 
winds  and  moisture,  this  region  is  very  cold,  has  a dense  forest 
of  oaks  and  pines  covering  the  mountains.  The  habitat  thus 
bears  a very  close  climatic  relationship  to  that  occupied  by  both 
boopis  and  agilis.  From  this  meager  evidence,  one  can  conclude 
that  this  genus  at  one  time  was  widely  distributed;  but  is  re- 
stricted at  present  to  widely  separated  localities. 

Suborder  Palpatores  Thorell 
Phalangiidae  Simon 
Tribe  Eupnoi  Hansen  and  Scerensen 
Oligolophinae  Banks 
Caddo  chomulae,  new  species 
(Figs.  1 and  2) 

Holotype. — Total  length  of  body,  0.9  mm.  Cephalothorax,  0.5  mm.  Width 
of  body  at  widest  portion,  0.5  mm.  Length  of  femora;  I,  0.4  mm.;  II, 
0.5  mm.;  Ill,  0.4  mm.;  IV,  0.4  mm. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Entire  dorsum  smooth,  eye  tubercle  characteristically  enlarged.  Supra- 
cheliceral  lamella  smooth,  barely  visible.  Eye  tubercle  somewhat  elliptical 
in  shape,  rounded  toward  the  front,  more  or  less  egg-shaped  toward  the 
rear.  Free  sternites  smooth,  coxae  smooth  except  for  a few  scattered  black 

Legs:  Trochanters  small  and  unarmed.  Each  femur  with  a basal  false 
articulation.  All  segments  of  legs  without  armature,  but  with  a few  scat- 
tered hairs  on  the  tarsi.  Metatarsi  with  false  articulations:  1-2-1-2. 
Tarsal  segments:  5— 6-6-7. 

Palpus:  Trochanter,  0.3  mm.  long;  femur,  1.1.;  patella,  0.4;  tibia,  0.4; 
and  tarsus,  0.3.  Total  length,  2.5  mm.  Palpus  armed  retrolaterally  as  in 
figure.  Prolaterally  the  femur  with  several  small  black  spines  at  the  apical 
porrion.  Patella,  tibia  and  tarsus  unarmed  prolaterally.  Ventral  portion 
of  tibia  with  black  hairs ; tarsus  thickly  clothed  with  black  hairs.  Tarsal 
claw  extremely  small. 

Chelicera  small,  normal,  unarmed,  without  a dorsal  elevation  on  the  prox- 
imal segment. 

Entire  body  reddish  brown  with  a few  lighter  streaks  between  the  seg- 
ments, enlarged  area  surrounding  the  eyes  characteristically  black.  Tro- 
chanter, femur,  and  patella  of  palpus  white.  Tibia  and  tarsus  light  brown. 
Legs  dusty  brown,  chelicera  yellowish,  claws  of  chelicerae  darker. 

Type  locality:  Holotype  from  Ciudad  de  las  Casas,  Chiapas, 
July  22,  1947  (C.  and  M.  Goodnight). 

This  new  species  differs  from  the  formerly  described  species 
in  the  shape  of  the  eye  tubercle  and  the  armature  of  the  palpus. 

Holotype  in  the  collection  of  the  American  Museum  of  Nat- 
ural History. 


Bishop,  Sherman  C.  and  C.  R.  Crosby.  1924.  A Fossil  Species  of  Caddo 
(Opiliones)  from  the  Baltic  Amber  and  Its  living  Relatives.  New  York 
State  Museum  Bulletin  No.  253,  19th  report  of  the  director. 

Koch,  C.  L.  and  G.  C.  Berendt.  1854.  Die  im  Bernstein  befindlichen 
Crustaceen,  Myriapoden,  Arachniden  und  Apteren  der  Vorwelt,  in 
Berendt,  Die  im  Bernstein  befindlichen  Organischen  Reste  der  Vorwelt. 
Berlin,  1854,  1(2):  1-124,  pi.  I-XVIII. 


Figure  1.  Caddo  chomulce,  new  species,  dorsal  view  of  holotoype. 

Figure  2.  Idem,  lateral  view  of  holotype. 

SDBPT.,  1948] 

Goodnight  : Caddo 


(Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Vol.  LVI 

(Plate  VI) 

..  . ' % 


t> ' ■ 


No.  4 

Devoted  to  Entomology  in  General 


DECEMBER,  1948 


of  the 

New  York  Entomological  Society 

Edited  by  HARRY  B. 

Publication  Committee 



Subscription  $4.00  per  Year 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 

NEW  YORK,  N.  Y. 


it ! iy 



A New  Genus  and  Species  of  Ant  From  India  (Hymenop- 
tera : Formicidae) 

By  Marion  R.  Smith 205 

Studies  on  the  Cotton  Jassid  (Empoasca  devastans  Dis- 
tant) in  the  Western  Punjab.  XIII,  Method  of  Cotton 
Breeding  for  Jassid  Resistance 

By  Muhammad  Afzal  and  M.  A.  Ghani 209 

Results  of  the  Pennsylvania  Mosquito  Survey  for  1947 

By,  William  L.  Brown,  Jr 219 

The  Description  of  a New  Species  of  the  Genus  Ceropales 
(Hymenoptera : Psammocharidae)  with  a Key  to  the 
Species  of  North  America 

By  R.  R.  Dreisbach  233 

Observations  on  the  Mating  Behavior  of  Harvester  Ants 

By  Charles  D.  Michener 239 

New  Jersey  Rhopalocera — Strymon  cecrops  Fabr. 

By  Sidney  A.  Hessel 243 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 245 

A New  Race  of  Pseudohazis  hera  From  Southern  Colorado 

By  J.  McDunnough  .; 249 

Insects  and  Slang  Again  250 

The  Genus  Trachys  in  the  United  States 

By  E.  Gorton  Linsley 251 

Old  Entomological  Signboards  252 

NOTICE : Volume  LVI,  Number  3 of  the  Journal  of  The 
New  York  Entomological  Society  was  published  on 
October  7,  1948. 

Entered  as  second  class  matter  July  7,  1925,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 
under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912; 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  special  rate  of  postage  provided  for  in  Section  1103. 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  March  27,  1924. 


-7  ,'f  \ \ V'  •Y“Ai,yr  ’ i'/-;  • Y (U  vVU ' Y/iV  ' V, 

,P--  .^V 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

Vol.  LVI  December,  1948  No.  4 


By  Marion  R.  Smith 

Bureau  of  Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine,  Agricultural  Research 
Administration,  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture 

The  specimens  representing  the  species  upon  which  this  ar- 
ticle is  based  were  intercepted  at  Honolulu,  Hawaii,  in  an  orchid 
shipment  originating  in  India.  In  Emery’s  keys  to  the  genera 
of  the  subfamily  Myrmicinae  (1921),  in  Wytsman,  Genera  In- 
sectorum,  Fascicule  174a,  pp.  1-94,  and  in  Wheeler’s  “Keys  to 
the  Genera  and  Subgenera  of  Ants”  (1922),  Bui.  Amer.  Mus. 
Nat.  Hist.,  45 : 631-710,  the  specimens  key  out  to  a position  near 
Lophomyrmex,  a genus  peculiar  to  continental  and  insular  India. 
They  definitely  do  not  belong  to  that  genus,  however,  as  they 
differ  in  many  characters,  including  the  following : Clypeus  not 
perpendicular  and  ending  in  the  middle  of  its  anterior  border 
as  an  obtuse  projection;  frontal  area  lacking;  promesonotal  su- 
ture obsolescent;  petiole  non-pedunculate ; epinotal  spines  not 
long  and  acute;  short  legs  with  greatly  enlarged  femora  and 
tibiae;  shorter  and  stouter  body,  and  presence  on  the  petiolar 
node  of  a sharp,  transverse  carina.  Both  Horace  Donisthorpe 
and  Wm.  L.  Brown,  Jr.,  have  confirmed  the  author’s  opinion 
that  the  specimens  belong  to  a new  genus. 

Although  the  species  clearly  belongs  to  the  subfamily  Myr- 
micinae, its  tribal  position  is  questionable.  Many,  if  not  all,  of 
the  tribes,  are  largely  determined  by  male  and  female  characters 
and  in  this  case  only  workers  are  present.  Furthermore,  the 
number  of  workers  at  hand  is  so  small  that  it  is  impossible  to 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

be  sure  whether  the  species  has  monomorphic,  dimorphic,  or 
polymorphic  workers. 

Recently  the  author  has  seen  specimens  belonging  to  this  new 
genus  from  Szechwan  Province,  China,  with  the  following  addi- 
tional data:  5 miles  north  Hsin  Ching,  1700  ft.,  6-24-44,  from 
trunk  and  roots  of  Ficus  sp. ; Schwangliu,  6-21-44,  from  a moist, 
moss-covered  bank  deeply  shaded  by  bamboo.  These  specimens 
were  collected  by  Wm.  L.  Brown,  Jr.,  who  is  of  the  opinion  that 
the  ants  may  nest  in  the  soil.  He  noted  that  those  from  the 
first-mentioned  locality  were  timid  and  stuck  tenaciously  to  the 
bark  when  an  attempt  was  made  to  collect  them.  Those  from 
the  other  locality,  however,  were  rather  quick  in  their  pace. 
In  view  of  the  small  number  of  workers  from  each  locality,  no 
attempt  has  been  made  to  place  them  specifically. 

The  name  proposed  for  the  new  genus  is  Acalama , which 
means  “without  a stalk  or  stem,”  this  reference  being  to  the 
non-pedunculate  petiole.  The  genotype  bears  the  specific  name 
donisthorpei  in  honor  of  the  eminent  formicologist,  Horace 
Donisthorpe,  of  the  British  Museum. 

Acalama,  new  genus. 

Worker. — Small,  apparently  monomorphic.  Head  (including  mandibles) 
subcordate,  with  rounded  posterior  corners  and  not  very  deep,  but  distinctly 
emarginate  posterior  border.  Antenna  11-segmented,  with  a prominent 
3-segmented  club,  the  latter  much  longer  than  the  remainder  of  the  funicu- 
lus; scape  short,  curved  basally,  enlarged  apically,  failing  by  one-fourth  to 
one-third  its  length  from  reaching  the  posterior  border  of  the  head. 
Frontal  carinae  short,  well-separated,  indistinctly  or  not  lobed,  concealing 
antennal  insertions.  Frontal  area  indistinct  or  absent.  Clypeus,  in  pro- 
file, flattened,  median  region  extended  as  a short  lobe,  the  anterior  border 
of  which  is  straight  or  indistinctly  emarginate.  Eye  well-developed,  placed 
nearer  the  anterior  than  the  posterior  border  of  the  head,  with  at  least  7-9 
ommatidia  in  its  greatest  length.  Mandible  of  ordinary  shape,  the  mas- 
ticatory border  with  2 large  apical  and  3 or  4 smaller  basal  teeth. 

Thorax,  in  profile,  flattened  or  weakly  convex.  Pronotum  with  a distinct 
humeral  tooth.  Promesonotal  suture  obsolescent.  Mesoepinotum  with  a 
remarkably  deep  constriction.  Epinotal  spines  unusually  short,  upwardly 
directed.  Legs  rather  short,  with  greatly  enlarged  femora  and  tibiae ; 
tibial  spur  of  anterior  leg  well-developed,  those  of  the  middle  and  posterior 
legs  vestigial  or  lacking.  Petiole  non-pedunculate ; anterior  and  posterior 
faces  of  the  node  declivous,  the  two  surfaces  meeting  to  form  a sharp, 
transverse  carina  which  is  distinctly  emarginate;  ventral  surface  of  petiole 

DEC.,  1948] 

Smith:  Formicid.® 


with  a tooth.  Post-petiole  slightly  broader  than  long,  also  broader  than 
the  petiole.  Gaster  truncate  basally,  with  distinct  humeral  angles. 
Genotype. — Acalama  donisthorpei,  new  species. 

Acalama  donisthorpei,  new  species 

(Figs.  1,  2.) 

Worker  of  Acalama  donisthorpei,  new  species.  Fig.  1,  frontal  view  of  head. 
Fig.  2,  body  in  profile.  (Illustrations  by  Arthur  D.  Cushman.) 

Worker. — Length  2.2  mm.  (holotype). 

Mandibles  with  rather  coarse,  scattered,  piligerous  punctures.  Clypeus 
with  a few,  fine,  longitudinal  rugulae  interspersed  with  minute  punctula- 
tions.  Cheeks  and  much  of  the  front  of  the  head  with  numerous,  fine,  longi- 
tudinal rugulae,  which  in  some  lights,  at  least,  give  these  regions  a sub- 
opaque appearance.  Posterior  part  of  head  with  scattered  but  distinct 
punctures.  Dorsal  surface  of  epinotum  punctulate,  also  with  very  fine,  in- 
distinct, longitudinal  rugulae.  Posterior  part  of  head,  legs,  and  gaster  more 
shining  than  the  remainder  of  body. 

Hairs  yellowish  or  grayish  according  to  the  light,  simple,  moderately 
abundant,  variable  in  length,  apparently  longest  and  most  abundant  on 

Body  brown,  gaster  darker. 

Type  locality. — Sikkim,  Province  of  Assam,  India. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Described  from  the  holotype  and  21  paratype  workers  col- 
lected at  Honolulu,  Hawaii,  April  14,  1947  by  T.  F.  Chong,  of 
the  Division  of  Foreign  Plant  Quarantines,  Bureau  of  Ento- 
mology and  Plant  Quarantine,  United  States  Department  of 
Agriculture.  The  ants  were  found  “in  or  on”  an  orchid  plant, 
Dendrobium  moschatum  Wall,  the  shipment  of  which  originated 
at  the  locality  mentioned  above.  The  holotype  and  paratype 
specimens,  which  bear  U.  S.  National  Museum  No.  58660,  have 
been  placed  in  the  United  States  National  Museum. 

One  paratype  is  slightly  smaller  than  the  holotype,  measuring 
2 mm.  in  length. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Afzal  and  Ghani:  Jassids 



By  Muhammad  Afzal  and  M.  A.  Ghani 
Cotton  Research  Laboratory,  Ly allpur  (Pakistan) 


Almost  all  the  workers  on  the  cotton  jassid  in  the  world  are 
of  the  opinion  that  hairiness  and  jassid  resistance  are  closely 
linked  together.  Macdonald,  Ruston  and  King  (1943),  sum- 
marizing all  the  previous  work  done  in  South  Africa,  have  stated 
that  there  exists  a very  close  relationship  between  hairiness  and 
jassid  resistance.  The  other  literature  bearing  on  this  point  has 
been  fully  reviewed  in  a previous  paper  (Afzal  and  Abbas,  1943) 
and  will  not  be  repeated  here.  It  was  also  pointed  out  that  all 
previous  work  suffered  from  the  serious  flaw  that  linkage  of  the 
two  characters  had  been  sought  from  the  study  on  pure  breed- 
ing varieties.  Genetic  linkage  can,  however,  be  only  fully  ap- 
preciated from  a study  of  hybrid  progenies.  A few  results  of 
this  study  have  already  been  reported  (Afzal  and  Abbas,  1943) 
and  it  has  been  shown  that  the  two  characters  were  closely 
linked.  In  these  studies  the  plants  were  classified  simply  by 
eye  observation  into  resistant  and  susceptible  groups.  These 
studies  were,  thus,  of  a qualitative  nature.  It  was,  however, 
realized  that  it  would  be  much  better  to  study  these  characters 
quantitatively  by  actually  counting  the  number  of  eggs  laid  on 
the  plants  with  varying  degree  of  hairiness  as  it  is  now  known 
that  resistance  to  jassid  is  really  resistance  to  oviposition  only 
and  the  eggs  once  laid  even  in  the  leaf -veins  of  immune  varieties 
of  arboreum  cotton  have  no  difficulty  in  hatching  out  and  de- 
veloping into  adults  (Verma  and  Afzal,  1940).  The  correla- 
tion of  various  plant  characters  should,  therefore,  be  worked 
out  with  resistance  to  oviposition.  Investigations  in  this  direc- 
tion were  carried  out  at  Lyallpur  during  1943  and  the  results 
of  these  observations  are  reported  here. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 


For  these  observations  the  following  two  4th  generation  hybrid 
progenies,  which  were  split  for  hairiness  were  selected: 

(1)  Progeny  No.  204  of  (920  Cambodia  x 58  F)  289F/43. 

(2)  Progeny  No.  226  of  (920  Cambodia  x 58  F)  124F. 

There  were  38  plants  in  Progeny  No.  204  and  37  in  Progeny 

No.  226  available  for  these  observations.  As  the  progenies  were 
split  for  hairiness,  plants  of  all  shades  of  hairiness  from  sparsely 
to  profusely  hairy,  were  represented  within  these  progenies. 

The  actual  counting  of  the  eggs  laid  in  the  leaf -veins  could  be 
carried  out  only  by  dissecting  the  leaf -veins  which  necessitated 
the  plucking  of  the  leaves.  This  method  was,  therefore,  not 
employed.  On  the  contrary,  the  oviposition  was  studied  indi- 
rectly by  counting  the  freshly  hatched  nymphs  on  all  leaves  of 
all  the  plants  on  alternate  days.  All  the  nymphs  were  killed 
and  removed  from  the  leaves  by  means  of  a camels-hair  brush. 
These  observations  were  continued  throughout  the  period  of 
severe  jassid  infestation  i.e.,  from  the  10th  August  to  the  end  of 

The  extent  of  hairiness  was  determined  by  counting,  under  a 
binocular,  the  total  number  of  hairs  on  one  centimeter  length  of 
each  of  the  three  prominent  leaf-veins  from  the  pulvinus 
spot  of  the  leaf.  These  observations  were  taken  from  the  fully 
formed  primary  leaves  of  the  20th,  25th,  30th  and  35th  nodes 
from  each  plant. 

The  toughness  of  leaf -veins  was  studied  by  means  of  a special 
apparatus  designed  for  the  purpose  (Ahmad,  Afzal  and  Ghani, 
in  press).  The  toughness  was  measured  in  the  c.c.  of  water  re- 
quired to  be  displaced  by  puncturing  a particular  vein  by  means 
of  a needle.  As  in  the  case  of  hairiness,  the  toughness  was  also 
determined  from  all  the  primary  leaves  available  on  the  main 
stem  of  each  plant  from  the  20th  to  the  45th  nodes.  It  was  re- 
corded from  the  mid-rib  of  each  leaf  at  a distance  of  one  centi- 
meter from  the  pulvinus  spot. 


The  total  nymphal  population,  mean  hairiness  and  toughness 
of  leaf  veins  of  all  the  plants  of  the  two  progenies  under  obser- 
vation are  given  in  Table  I. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Afzal  and  Ghani:  Jassids 


Table  I 

Nymphal  population  and  mean  hairiness  and  toughness  in  hybrid  progenies 

Progeny  204  Progeny  226 

Plant > ! — : 































































































108.38  * 























































































































































































New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvi 

From  the  figures  given  in  Table  I,  an  attempt  was  made  to 
find  out  the  correlations  of  the  three  factors,  namely,  oviposi- 
tion,  hairiness  and  toughness.  These  correlations  are  discussed 
below : 

(i)  Hairiness  and  toughness 

Progeny  204  r = + 0.6050  Significant  at  1%. 

Progeny  226  r = + 0.4022  Significant  at  5%. 

These  correlations  were  positive  and  significant  in  both  the 
progenies,  showing  thereby  that  the  more  the  number  of  hairs 
on  a leaf-vein,  the  tougher  its  veins  were  likely  to  be  or  in  other 
words  hairiness  and  toughness  went  together. 

(ii)  Toughness  and  jassid  popidation 

Progeny  204  r = - 0.5295  Significant  at  1%. 

Progeny  226  r = - 0.1899  Non-significant. 

This  correlation  was  significant  only  in  the  case  of  one  prog- 
eny and  its  validity  should,  therefore,  be  considered  somewhat 
doubtful.  The  negative  nature  of  this  correlation  in  both  the 
progenies,  however,  indicated  that  the  population  had  a tendency 
to  decrease  as  the  toughness  increased, 

(iii)  Hairiness  and  jassid  population 

Progeny  204  r = — 0.6873  Significant  at  1%. 

Progeny  226  r = - 0.8108  Significant  at  1%. 

This  correlation  in  both  the  progenies  was  negative  and  highly 
significant.  This  shows  that  the  more  hairy  plants  had  defi- 
nitely a smaller  population  than  the  less  hairy  ones. 

In  order,  however,  to  find  out  the  inter-relationship  of  these 
three  characters — population,  toughness  and  hairiness  partial 
regressions  were  worked  out,  as  it  is  only  by  this  method  that 
the  actual  relationship  can  be  determined. 

(iv)  Partial  regressions  of  toughness  and  popidation  by  keeping 
the  hairiness  as  constant 

Progeny  204  r = - 0.1966  Non-significant. 

Progeny  226  r = + 0.2542  Non-significant. 

Thus  it  appears  from  the  above  that  toughness  alone  played  a 
very  insignificant  part  in  determining  the  jassid  population  on 
a plant.  Moreover,  it  has  to  be  conceded  that  delicate  measure- 
ments of  toughness  will  not  prove  of  much  benefit  to  the  cotton 
breeder  unless  such  measurements  can  be  made  very  rapidly. 

Table  II 


Dec.,  1948] 

Afzal  and  Ghani:  Jassids 

*1  o 

rH  O 
O ^ 

r-i  o 











o o o 

GO  O 05 
H 05  05 

Note: — The  figures  starred  indicate  the  number  of  plants  of  Progeny  226,  while  others  that  of  Progeny  204. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

The  breeder  has  to  deal  with  literally  thousands  of  plants  in  a 
short  space  of  time  and  it  is  necessary  that  some  easily  recogniz- 
able morphological  character  of  the  plant  associated  with  jassid 
resistance  should  be  found. 

Painter  (1943)  is  of  the  opinion  that  hardness  of  tissue  as  a 
cause  of  resistance  is  open  to  question,  but  that  differences  in 
plant  structure  may  be  found  to  be  genetically  linked  with  re- 
sistance and  may  hence  prove  to  be  useful  marks  in  the  search 
for  resistance.  The  toughness  of  the  cuticle  of  the  leaf -vein  of 
cotton  is,  perhaps,  a character  which  is  not  the  primary  cause 
of  resistance  but  only  an  indication  of  it. 

(v)  Partial  regressions  of  hairiness  and  population  ~by  keeping 
the  toughness  as  constant 

Progeny  204  r = - 0.5434  Significant  at  1%. 

Progeny  226  r = -0.8171  Significant  at  1%. 

Both  these  regressions  were  negative  and  highly  significant 
showing  thereby  that  as  the  hairiness  increased  the  jassid  popu- 
lation decreased. 

The  behavior  of  different  plants  in  the  two  progenies,  as  re- 
gards hairiness  and  population  can  be  more  clearly  studied  from 
Table  II. 

It  will  be  observed  from  Table  II  that,  on  the  whole,  progeny 
204  was  more  hairy  than  226,  though  the  plants  with  the  largest 
number  of  hairs  were  met  with  in  progeny  226.  The  popula- 
tion showed  a definite  decrease  with  the  increase  in  hairiness. 
The  most  important  point  to  be  noted  from  this  table,  however, 
is  that  in  both  the  progenies,  with  the  exception  of  two  plants  in 
Progeny  204,  almost  all  the  plants  with  more  than  120  hairs  per 
centimeter  length  of  the  leaf -vein,  had  very  small  jassid  popula- 
tions and  hence  may  be  considered  as  resistant.  It  may  now, 
however,  be  stated  that  if  a cotton  breeder  selects  plants  with 
more  than  120  hairs  per  centimeter  length  of  the  leaf-vein,  an 
overwhelming  majority  of  these  will  be  resistant  to  the  attack 
of  jassids.  Thus  hairiness  has  proved  to  be  a most  important 
and  easily  recognizable  morphological  character  associated  with 
jassid  resistance  on  which  a breeder  can  rely  for  the  selection 
of  resistant  varieties  with  a fair  amount  of  certainty. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Afzal  and  Ghani:  Jassids 



Although  hairiness  has  been  shown  to  be  highly  correlated 
with  resistance,  there  is  still  some  doubt  regarding  the  nature  of 
this  interdependence.  If  hairiness  as  a physical  character  of 
the  plant,  was  inhibiting  oviposition  and  was  thus  directly  linked 
with  resistance  when  the  artificial  removal  of  hair  from  the  leaf- 
vein  should  render  the  plant  susceptible.  That  this  is  not  so 
has  been  shown  by  the  following  experiment. 

The  experiment  was  carried  out  for  the  first  time  in  1943 
when  the  jassid  population  in  the  fields  was  fairly  high.  Four 
plants  of  199  F,  a hairy  and  resistant  variety  were  encaged  in 
removable  muslin  cages  ( x 2\'  x 4/ ) . After  5-6  days  the 
cages  were  removed  and  all  the  nymphs  present  on  the  leaves 
were  killed  and  removed.  This  was  done  to  allow  sufficient 
time  for  the  eggs,  if  any  were  laid  before  the  commencement  of 

Table  III 

No.  of  nymph  hatching  on  shaved  and  unshaved  leaves,  1943 

T~V  „ i-  _ „ £t 





-Uctte  ox 

No.  of 

No.  of 

No.  of 

No.  of 







































































Total  . 





Average  No.  of  nymphs 
per  leaf. 




New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

the  experiment,  to  hatch  out.  The  hairs  from  the  prominent 
veins  of  the  alternate  leaves  of  the  each  plant  were  removed  by 
means  of  safety  razor  blades,  taking  care  not  to  injure  the 
cuticle.  The  shaved  leaves  were  tagged  to  distinguish  these 
from  the  unshaved  ones.  The  cages  were  then  removed  to  allow 
free  access  to  the  jassids.  The  oviposition  on  the  shaved  and 
unshaved  leaves  was  then  studied  as  already  described.  The 
data  obtained  are  presented  in  Table  III. 

The  experiment  was  repeated  in  1944  and  the  data  are  given 
in  Table  IV. 

Table  ,IV 

No.  of  nymphs  hatching  on  shaved  and  unshaved  leaves,  1944 

T\  „ i-  „ _ J? 





T'U'tG  or 

No.  of 

No.  of 

No.  of 

No.  of 







' 82 









15.  VIII 






























Average  No.  of  nymphs 

per  leaf. 



From  Tables  III  and  IV  it  is  abundantly  clear  that  the  re- 
moval of  hairs  made  no  difference  in  jassid  oviposition.  It  may, 
therefore,  he  stated  that  the  physical  presence  of  hair  on  the 
leaf-vein  does  not  induce  resistance.  It,  therefore,  appears 
highly  likely  that,  as  hairiness  is  closely  associated  with  tough- 
ness, the  combined  effect  of  these  two  characters  renders  a 
plant  resistant.  It  is  also  within  the  limits  of  possibility  that 
some  other  character  (moisture  contents  of  the  leaf -vein  for  ex- 
ample) may  also  be  associated  with  these  two  characters.  From 
the  plant  breeders  point  of  view,  however,  it  is  enough  to  know 

Dec.,  1948] 

Afzal  and  Ghani:  Jassids 


that  hairy  plants  are  resistant  to  the  attack  of  jassids  and  the 
present  work  has  been  useful  in  settling  all  the  previous  doubts 
(Afzal,  Husain  and  Lai,  1940),  regarding  the  utility  of  this 
character,  at  rest.  It  is,  therefore,  now  suggested  that  in  areas 
where  jassids  are  a serious  menace,  the  plant  breeder  should 
select  plants  with  more  than  120  hair  per  centimeter  length  of 
the  leaf -vein.  It  cannot,  however,  be  expected  of  the  breeder  to 
actually  count  the  number  of  hairs  on  the  leaf -veins  of  all  the 
plants  he  is  dealing  with,  and  an  easier  method  has,  therefore, 
to  be  prescribed.  Hutchinson,  Ramiah,  et  at.  (1938)  have  pub- 
lished grades  of  hairiness  of  the  stem-tip.  It  is  now  known 
that  the  stem-tip  hairiness  is  closely  associated  with  hairiness 
of  the  leaf.  It  is,  therefore,  proposed  that  the  breeder  should 
select,  by  visual  observation  only,  plants  of  grades  1 and  2. 
If  this  is  done  a vast  majority  of  the  plants  will  be  resistant  to 


Jassid  oviposition,  hairiness  and  toughness  were  studied  at 
Lyallpur  during  1943,  in  all  the  plants  of  two  hybrid  progenies 
which  were  split  for  hairiness. 

From  the  data  obtained  simple  correlations  between  jassid 
oviposition,  hairiness  and  toughness  were  worked  out.  The  cor- 
relation between  hairiness  and  toughness  was  positive  and  sig- 
nificant in  both  the  progenies,  showing  thereby  that  hairy  plants 
had  tougher  veins.  The  correlation  between  toughness  and 
jassid  population  was  significant  only  in  the  case  of  one  progeny, 
therefore,  its  validity  is  rather  doubtful.  But  it  was  negative 
in  both  the  cases  which  shows  that  the  jassid  population  had  a 
tendency  to  decrease  as  the  toughness  increased.  The  correla- 
tion between  hairiness  and  jassid  population  was  negative  and 
significant  in  both  the  progenies.  This  indicated  that  hairy 
plants  had  smaller  populations  and  vice-versa. 

The  partial  regressions  were  worked  out  from  these  three 
factors — jassid  population,  toughness  and  hairiness.  The  par- 
tial regression  of  hairiness  and  population,  keeping  the  tough- 
ness as  constant,  was  only  significant  and  was  a negative  one. 
This  showed,  that  out  of  these  two  plant  characters,  hairiness 


New;  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

played  the  major  role  in  determining  the  extent  of  jassid  in- 

Jassid  oviposition  was  also  studied  on  shaved  and  unshaved 
leaves.  It  was  seen  that  artificial  removal  of  hair  made  no  dif- 
ference to  jassid  oviposition.  It  is,  thus,  evident  that  the  phys- 
ical presence  of  hairs  does  not  induce  resistance,  though  hairi- 
ness is  closely  associated  with  it. 

It  was  further  observed  that  plants  having  more  than  120 
hair  per  c.m.  length  of  the  leaf -vein  had  very  little  jassid  popu- 
lation and  hence  may  be  considered  as  resistant.  It  is  therefore 
recommended  that  the  plant  breeder  should  select  plants  having 
more  than  120  hair  per  c.m.  length  of  the  leaf-vein.  But  as  he 
is  to  deal  with  a very  large  number  of  plants  in  a limited  space 
of  time,  it  is  not  possible  for  him  to  actually  count  the  number 
of  hair.  It  is,  therefore,  proposed  that  the  breeder  should  select 
plants,  by  visual  observation,  of  grades  I and  II  as  described  by 
Hutchinson,  Ramiah  et  al.,  (1938). 


1.  Afzal,  M.  and  Abbas,  M.  1943.  Cotton  Jassid  (E.  devastans  Dist.)  in 

the  Punjab.  V.  A note  on  the  characters  of  the  plant  associated 
with  jassid  resistance.  Ind.  J.  Ent.,  5,  41-51. 

2.  Afzal  Husain,  M.  and  Lal,  K.  B.  1940.  The  bionomics  of  E.  devastans 

Dist.  on  some  varieties  of  cotton  in  the  Punjab.  Ind.  J.  Ent.  2, 

3.  Ahmad,  N.,  Afzal,  M.  and  Ghani,  M.  A.  (In  press).  An  apparatus  for 

measuring  the  toughness  of  leaf -veins  of  Cotton. 

4.  Hutchinson,  J.  B.,  Ramiah,  K.  et  al.  1938.  The  description  of  crop 

plant  characters  and  their  ranges  of  variation.  The  variability  of 
Indian  Cottons.  Ind.  J.  Agri.  Sci.,  8,  567-591. 

5.  Macdonald,  D.,  Ruston,  D.  F.  and  King,  H.  E.  1943.  Progress  report 

for  the  season  1942-43.  Cotton  breeding  station  Barberton.  Prog. 
Rept.  Expt.  Sta.  Emp.  Cotton  Gr.  Corp.,  18-36. 

6.  Painter,  R.  H.  1943.  Insect  resistance  of  plants  in  relation  to  insect 

physiology  and  habits.  J.  American  Soc.  Agronomy,  35,  725-732. 

7.  Verma,  P.  M.  and  Afzal,  M.  1940.  Studies  on  the  Cotton  Jassid  ( E . 

devastans  Dist.)  in  the  Punjab.  I.  Varietal  susceptibility  and  de- 
velopment of  the  pest  on  different  varieties  of  cotton.  Ind.  J.  Agri. 
Sci.,  10,  911-926. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Brown:  Mosquitoes 


SURVEY  FOR  1947* 

By  William  L.  Brown,  Jr. 

The  Pennsylvania  State  College 

The  Pennsylvania  Mosquito  Survey  was  begun  in  February 
1947  and  became  a part  of  the  Pennsylvania  Ecological  Insect 
Survey  under  the  direction  of  Dr.  S.  W.  Frost.  The  Insect 
Survey  is  a function  of  the  Department  of  Entomology  of  the 
Pennsylvania  State  College.  The  Mosquito  Survey  owes  its  in- 
ception mainly  to  Dr.  Frost  and  to  Major  Russell  W.  Gies  of 
the  State  Department  of  Health  and  the  Delaware  County  (Pa.) 
Mosquito  Extermination  Commission. 

New  Jersey  Light  Traps  were  obtained  from  the  Communic- 
able Disease  Center,  U.  S.  Public  Health  Service,  Atlanta, 
through  the  kind  offices  of  Dr.  G.  H.  Bradley.  With  the  place- 
ment of  the  traps  throughout  the  state,  transportation  difficul- 
ties arose  that  were  solved  in  part  through  the  kindnesses  of 
Major  Gies  and  Dr.  Frost,  Mr.  Leo  Sterenberg  of  the  New  York 
Office  of  the  USPHS  and  others. 

The  work  would  have  been  impossible  but  for  the  cooperation 
of  the  public-spirited  citizens  throughout  the  state  who  went  to 
the  trouble  of  maintaining  and  operating  their  individual  traps. 

Primary  separation  was  effected  by  Messrs.  Pryor  and  Kauff- 
man and  the  Misses  Anderson  and  Pepper  under  the  direction 
of  Dr.  Frost.  Thanks  are  due  to  Dr.  E.  H.  Dusham  for  admin- 
istrative aid  and  direction  and  to  Mrs.  Miriam  B.  Horn  for  as- 
sistance in  identification  at  the  New  York  Office  of  the  USPHS, 
to  the  staff  of  the  Delaware  County  Commission  for  help  of 
all  sorts. 

This  paper  should  be  used  in  conjunction  with  the  excellent 
list  of  Wilson,  Barnes  and  Fellton  (1)  and  certain  papers  of 
Stabler  (2  and  mss.),  to  which  it  is  supplementary.  Many  rec- 
ords of  the  known  mosquitoes  of  the  state  are  included  whether 

* A contribution  from  the  laboratories  of  the  Department  of  Zoology 
and  Entomology  of  the  Pennsylvania  State  College. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

or  not  the  present  survey  has  captured  them.  Since  the  south- 
eastern part  of  the  state  is  best  known,  the  emphasis  of  this 
survey  was  placed  more  on  the  central  and  other  parts  of  the 
state  which  have  been  studied  less  carefully.  An  effort  was 
made  not  only  to  obtain  a more  satisfactory  idea  of  the  ranges 
of  the  various  species,  but  also  to  gain  some  idea  of  the  abun- 
dance at  the  different  points. 

Although  only  one  species  hitherto  unrecorded  from  the  state 
has  been  found  this  year  by  the  Survey,  we  believe  that  the  rec- 
ords given  below  will  prove  to  be  of  value  in  rounding  out  our 
knowledge  of  our  state’s  mosquito  population  as  other  states 
have  done  before  us.  Since  the  paper  (1)  published  in  1946  by 
Wilson,  Barnes  and  Fellton,  three  additional  species  of  culicids 
have  been  found  to  occur  in  the  state,  namely  Aedes  mitcliellae, 
Aedes  punctor  (or  implacabilis)  and  Megarhinus  septentrionalis. 
The  first  and  the  last  named  have  been  reported  (mss.)  by  Dr. 
R.  M.  Stabler  from  Delaware  County.  The  three  species  named 
as  of  probable  occurrence  in  the  1946  paper  have  not  yet  been 
found.  Aedes  aurifer  (Coquillett)  will  sooner  or  later  turn  up 
in  a biting  collection  from  within  the  state.  Anopheles  occi- 
dental^ Dyar  and  Knab  has  been  taken  by  Perry  of  the  USPHS 
on  the  Allegheny  River  just  across  the  border  from  Pennsyl- 
vania where  the  river  loops  into  New  York  State  for  a short 
distance.  A diligent  search  in  that  district  should  reveal  the 
species;  a hurried  search  by  the  author  in  the  area  of  Kinzua 
turned  up  only  a few  A.  punctipennis  females.  Wyeomyia 
smithii  (Coquillett)  occurs  only  in  pitcher  plants  of  the  genus 
Sarracenia.  The  areas  in  which  these  plants  occur  are  usually 
in  out-of-the-way  bogs  and  swamps,  and  the  one  or  two  small 
colonies  searched  did  not  contain  the  mosquito.  Search  should 
be  made  in  more  extensive  pitcher  plant  areas  in  the  Poconos, 
and  in  Sullivan  and  Lancaster  Counties  among  other  regions. 
Wyeomyia  will  eventually  be  found  if  the  search  is  stubborn 

In  the  list  of  species  following  we  use  the  generic  alphabetic 
order  as  do  Wilson,  Barnes  and  Fellton.  For  records  of  the 
commoner  species,  only  counties  are  given,  but  for  the  rarer 
types,  we  have  included  more  exact  data. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Brown:  Mosquitoes 


The  present  list  includes  thirty-seven  species  of  mosquitoes 
which  have  been  found  in  this  State  to  date. 

1.  Aedes  atropalpus  (Coquillett) 

This  mosquito,  a breeder  in  rock  holes,  was  first  reported  by 
Howard,  Dyar  and  Knab  from  Shenk’s  Ferry  in  Lancaster  Co. 
It  probably  occurs  at ’many  points  farther  up  the  Susquehanna 
and  along  other  rocky  rivers  and  streams  in  the  state.  We  have 
found  it  breeding  abundantly  along  the  Youghiogheny  River  at 
Ohiopyle,  Fayette  Co.,  and  have  taken  a specimen  from  the  trap 
operated  by  Mr.  Edward  J.  Pugh,  Director  of  Health,  at  Wilkes 
Barre,  Luzerne  Co.,  which  is  on  the  bank  of  East  Branch  of  the 
Susquehanna.  At  Ohiopyle,  the  first  breeding  occurred  in  1947 
only  after  the  20th  of  April.  The  1947  records  are  the  first  for 
over  thirty  years  in  Pennsylvania. 

2.  Aedes  canadensis  (Theobald) 

This  mosquito  is  far  and  away  the  commonest  early  spring 
breeder  in  the  state.  The  author  feels  that  it  occurs  in  every 
county  in  the  state,  breeding  in  open  situations  as  well  as  in 
woodland  pools.  It  begins  breeding  in  Delaware  Co.,  during 
the  first  or  second  week  of  March,  usually  a little  later  else- 
where, and  in  1947  was  strongly  retarded  in  the  cooler  parts 
of  the  state  except,  for  some  unexplained  reason,  in  the  north- 
eastern region,  where  heavy  breeding  occurred  throughout 

The  Survey  has  taken  canadensis  in  the  following  counties 
from  which  it  has  not  been  recorded  previously : Blair,  Center, 
Clearfield,  Crawford,  Carbon,  Erie,  Huntingdon,  Luzerne,  Mif- 
flin, McKean,  Northumberland,  Philadelphia,  Schuylkill,  West- 
moreland and  Wayne. 

3.  Aedes  cant  at  or  (Coquillett) 

Aedes  cantator  has  so  far  been  reported  only  from  the  south- 
eastern part  of  the  state.  The  Survey  has  one  specimen  from 
the  trap  at  the  Philadelphia  Navy  Yard  operated  by  Lieutenant 
Holway,  as  well  as  scattered  specimens  from  various  localities 
in  Delaware  Co.,  collected  by  the  Delaware  County  Mosquito 
Extermination  Commission. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

4.  Aedes  cinereus  (Meigen) 

This  small  and  inconspicuous  mosquito  has  heretofore  been 
considered  rather  rare  in  the  state.  The  author  agrees  with 
Stabler  that  it  is  not  uncommon  in  several  localities  in  Dela- 
ware Co.,  and  he  will  go  further  and  state  that  he  has  found  it 
among  the  commonest  of  mosquitoes  during  spring  and  early 
summer  in  other  parts  of  the  state.  At  Philipsburg  in  mid- 
April  the  larvae  were  associated  in  enormous  numbers  with  those 
of  A.  canadensis  in  open  swamps  and  grassy  ponds  as  well  as 
in  woodland  pools.  This  association  of  canadensis  and  cinereus 
seems  to  replace  in  Pennsylvania  the  association  of  other  Aedes 
spring  forms  found  farther  north. 

In  addition  to  the  above  localities,  breeding  of  cinereus  was 
observed  to  be  common  at  Ole  Bull  State  Park,  Potter  Co.,  again 
with  canadensis,  and  many  males  were  captured  during  May, 
June  and  July  in  the  light  trap  at  that  place. 

Taken  by  the  Survey  in  Centre,  Clearfield,  Erie,  Fayette, 
Philadelphia  and  Potter  counties;  by  the  Delaware  Co.  Com- 
mission in  Delaware  Co.,  and  Montgomery  Co.,  and  by  Wilson, 
Barnes  and  Fellton  in  Mercer  and  Wayne  counties. 

5.  Aedes  dorsalis  (Meigen) 

We  have  not  seen  any  specimens  during  1947.  Formerly  re- 
ported only  from  Philadelphia  by  Dyar. 

6.  Aedes  excrucians  (Walker) 

This  species  was  fairly  abundant  in  the  Philipsburg  area 
(Centre  and  Clearfield  Counties)  in  the  swamps  on  both  sides 
of  Moshannon  Creek  during  May.  Both  male  and  females  were 
captured  flying  low  among  cattails  at  dusk  during  the  last  week 
in  May ; the  females  made  no  attempt  to  bite  and  fled  ‘at  the 
approach  of  the  collector.  Mating  was  in  process  at  the  time. 
Male  specimens  were  captured  in  June,  one  in  the  trap  at  State 
College,  Centre  Co.,  and  two  in  the  trap  at  Wilkes  Barre,  Lu- 
zerne Co.  Male  genitalia  were  checked  on  specimens  from  each 

7.  Aedes  fitchii  (Felt  & Young) 

This  Survey  identified  no  fitchii  from  among  the  1947  catches. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Brown:  Mosquitoes 


Wilson,  Barnes  and  Fellton  claim  to  have  captured  a few  speci- 
mens in  Bucks  County  during  1945. 

8.  Aedes  mitchellae  (Dyar) 

Stabler  took  this  species  in  Delaware  Co.,  (Norwood,  Tini- 
cum)  during  1946  (mss.)  from  the  light  trap  catches. 

9.  Aedes  punctor  (Kirby) 

This  specie^  is  very  difficult  to  separate  from  A.  implacabilis 
(Walk.)  in  the  female  sex.  We  have  checked  a single  specimen 
taken  biting  at  Philipsburg,  Centre  Co.,  against  specimens  in 
other  collections,  and  it  seems  to  have  more  exactly  the  features 
of  punctor  than  those  of  its  close  relative.  Neither  punctor  nor 
implacabilis  has  been  previously  reported  from  the  state. 

The  taxonomy  of  the  punctor -implacabilis  and  the  fitchii-stimu- 
lans  groups  of  Aedes  seems  to  this  writer  and  to  other  entomolo- 
gists engaged  in  mosquito  work  to  be  very  dubiously  applied. 
Work  on  these  and  other  domestic  Aedes  complexes  has  been  vir- 
tually stalled,  probably  due  to  the  appearance  of  large  illustrated 
works  on  identification  which  have  given  an  air  of  stability  to  the 
names  presently  in  use.  The  occurrence  of  intergrading  forms 
in  the  larvae  and  both  sexes  of  adults  in  a large  series  from  New 
Jersey  of  the  fitchii-stimulans  group  seems  suspicious.  The 
matter  can  be  settled  only  by  the  rearing  of  large  series  from  a 
fair  sample  of  the  full  ranges  of  the  groups  in  question. 

10.  Aedes  sollicitans  (Walker) 

This  annoying  mosquito  breeds  in  Delaware  and  Philadelphia 
counties  in  small  numbers  except  during  dry  seasons,  when,  as 
in  late  summer  1947,  the  Delaware  River  may  become  slightly 
brackish,  with  sea  water  making  itself  felt  as  far  up  as  Chester, 
Delaware  Co.,  or  even  farther  upstream.  The  slight  brackish- 
ness is  reflected  in  an  immediate  rise  in  the  number  of  A.  solliei- 
tans  caught  in  the  light  traps  in  Delaware  and  Philadelphia 
counties.  The  adults  locally  produced  are  probably  augmented 
by  migrating  swarms  from  Delaware  and  New  Jersey  when  the 
wind  is  right. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

11.  Aedes  sticticus  (Meigen) 

This  species  was  taken  in  large  numbers  only  on  Presque  Isle, 
Erie  Co.,  where  the  adults  were  troublesome  in  the  woods  during 
the  day  in  July.  By  early  August,  they  were  present  in  im- 
mense swarms  on  much  of  the  peninsula  and  would  attack  in 
midday,  hot  sunlight  on  the  open  beaches  and  roads  about  the 
woods  wherever  the  stronger  breezes  could  not  reach  them.  A 
single  male  was  taken  at  Honesdale,  Wayne  Co.,  on  July  10,  the 
genitalia  verified. 

12.  Aedes  stimulans  (Walker) 

Taken  by  USPHS  group  in  the  northwestern  and  southeastern 
portions  of  the  State.  Neither  this  Survey  nor  the  Delaware 
County  Commission  has  been  any  clear  cut  examples  of  this  sup- 
posedly common  mosquito. 

' 13.  Aedes  taeniorhynchus  (Wiedemann) 

Known  only  from  Philadelphia  and  Delaware  counties;  may 
occur  in  Montgomery,  Chester  and  Bucks. 

14.  Aedes  triseriatus  (Say) 

This  mosquito  was  taken  fairly  abundantly  in  biting  collec- 
tions during  June,  July  and  August  at  Tiadaghton,  Lycoming 
Co. ; Presque  Isle  State  Park,  Erie  Co. ; and  near  Philipsburg  in 
Centre  and  Clearfield  Counties.  Major  Gies  has  taken  it  at  Old 
Forge  State  Park  in  Franklin  Co.  One  specimen  was  caught  in 
the  light  trap  at  Ohiopyle,  Fayette  Co.,  during  June.  The  au- 
thor has  observed  them  to  be  breeding  in  large  numbers  in  tree 
holes  in  Aldan,  Media  and  Tinicum,  all  in  Delaware  Co.  In 
wooded  areas  in  Delaware  County,  the  mosquito  is  often  quite 
troublesome.  In  Aldan  and  Media  during  July,  however,  the 
numbers  of  triseriatus  larvae  were  considerably  reduced  by  the 
voracious  Megarhinus  larvae  feeding  upon  them. 

15.  Aedes  trivittatus  (Coquillett) 

Aedes  trivittatus  was  taken  in  moderate  numbers  from  most 
of  the  light  traps  throughout  the  State  and  was  taken  abun- 
dantly in  biting  collections  along  Moshannon  Creek  near  Philips- 
burg, Centre  and  Clearfield  Counties,  up  until  the  time  of  air- 

Dec.,  1948] 

Brown:  Mosquitoes 


spraying  with  DDT.  Major  R.  W.  Gies  has  taken  them  biting 
at  Old  Forge  State  Park,  Franklin  Co.,  along  with  A.  triseriatus. 
The  trap  catches  of  trivittatus  were  small  except  at  Ohiopyle, 
Fayette  Co.,  where  as  many  as  100  per  night  were  taken  during 
July.  Males  were  taken  in  approximately  equal  proportion  to 
females  except  in  the  case  of  the  large  Ohiopyle  catches,  where 
females  were  very  much  in  the  majority.  Trapped  in:  Blair, 
Delaware,  Erie,  Centre,  Clearfield,  Fayette,  Luzerne  and  Potter 
Counties.  Biting  in : Adams,  Franklin,  Lycoming,  Centre,  Clear- 
field, Erie  Clinton  and  Mifflin  counties. 

16.  Aedes  vexans  (Meigen) 

This  species,  along  with  the  pipiens  group  of  Culex,  is  the 
principal  pest  in  Pennsylvania.  It  was  found  during  the  sum- 
mer in  just  about  every  locality  visited,  and  the  author  does  not 
hesitate  to  assert  his  belief  that  it  occurs  commonly  in  every 
county  in  the  state.  It  is  especially  common  in  the  vicinity  of 
inhabited  places,  though  it  is  also  found  in  wilder  districts. 
Taken  in  the  following  counties : Blair,  Centre,  Clearfield,  Dela- 
ware, Erie,  Clinton,  Wayne,  Bedford,  Adams,  Crawford,  Mont- 
gomery, Berks,  Warren,  McKean,  Potter,  Lycoming,  Fayette, 
Mercer,  Mifflin,  Huntingdon,  Luzerne,  Philadelphia,  Westmore- 
land, Indiana,  Armstrong,  Butler,  Forest,  Elk,  Juniata,  Cameron, 
Washington,  Venango  and  Bucks.  It  exceeded  an  average  of  12 
per  night  for  a month  or  more  at  the  following  localities:  Tini- 
cum,  Delaware  Co. ; Presque  Isle,  Erie  Co. ; Pymatuning,  Craw- 
ford Co. ; Altoona,  Blair  Co. ; Ole  Bull  Park,  Potter  Co. ; Ohio- 
pyle, Fayette  Co. ; Philipsburg  area,  Centre  and  Clearfield 
Counties  at  Moshannon  Creek.  Ohiopyle,  Presque  Isle,  and 
Philipsburg  were  the  heaviest  catchers  (outside  Delaware  Co.), 
with  catches  of  one  to  three  hundred  per  night  not  uncommon. 

A specimen  given  me  by  Dr.  Stabler,  collected  in  Delaware 
County  and  now  deposited  in  the  collection  of  the  Pennsylvania 
State  College,  differs  from  the  typical  vexans  in  having,  in  addi- 
tion to  the  inverted  V-shaped  white  patch  at  the  anterior  of 
each  dorsal  abdominal  segment,  a large,  central,  posterior  patch 
of  white  scales  which  is  half -oval  or  subtriangular  in  shape  with 
the  narrowest  part  directed  anteriorly.  Mrs.  Horn  informs  me 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

that  similar  specimens  turn  up  occasionally  and  that  intergrades 
to  the  typical  vexans  occur,  some  specimens  having  only  a few 
white  scales  at  the  posterior  edge  of  each  abdominal  specimen. 
Such  intergrades  would  not  necessarily  preclude  the  possibility 
of  these  aberrant  individuals  forming  an  ecological  race  of 
vexans.  More  specimens  are  needed  for  study. 

17.  Anopheles  barberi  (Coquillett) 

This  small  tree-hole  breeder  has  previously  been  taken  in  But- 
ler and  Cumberland  Counties.  I have  seen  specimens  taken  in 
light  traps  by  Dr.  R.  M.  Stabler  of  the  Delaware  County  Mos- 
quito Extermination  Commission  during  several  of  the  more 
recent  years.  I believe  he  will  mention  these  records  in  a forth- 
coming paper.  One  additional  record  is  added : Crooked  Creek 
Reservoir,  Armstrong  Co. — one  adult  female  taken  by  N.E. 
Good  of  the  USPHS  on  Sept.  12,  1945  at  an  adult  resting  station. 
Barberi  is  probably  present  but  difficult  to  locate  throughout 
most  of  the  State. 

18.  Anopheles  crucians  Wiedemann 

Known  from  Philadelphia,  Delaware  and  Montgomery  Coun- 

19.  Anopheles  punctipennis  Say 

This  species  is  usually  regarded  as  unimportant  in  the  trans- 
mission of  malaria,  though  it  has  been  experimentally  infected  in 
the  laboratory.  It  differs  in  distribution  from  other  species  of 
the  state  in  that  it  is  present  in  nearly  every  locality  examined, 
but  usually  not  in  very  large  numbers.  Quadrimaculatus  and 
walkeri , on  the  other  hand  tend  to  have  a localized  distribution 
in  the  extreme  northwestern  and  southeastern  parts  of  the  state, 
and  quite  often  are  exceedingly  abundant  where  they  are  found. 
Punctipennis,  at  least  in  this  state,  is  certainly  not  shy  about 
entering  houses  or  biting  humans  indoors  or  out.  During  1946 
in  State  College,  Centre  Co.,  females  were  seen  in  houses  during 
October  and  November,  apparently  seeking  shelter  for  hiberna- 
tion, and  during  August  1947,  several  cases  of  punctipennis  bit- 
ing were  observed  here  indoors.  At  Ohiopyle,  Payette  Co.,  where 
the  species  was  commoner  than  elsewhere  (often  10  to  12  per 

Dec.,  1948] 

Brown:  Mosquitoes 


night  in  the  trap ) , individuals  bit  freely  on  porches  and  in  gar- 
dens at  dusk  and  after  dark.  At  this  last-named  locality,  the 
larvae  were  breeding  in  many  of  the  rock  holes  along  the  Youghi- 
ogheny  River. 

Males  of  this  and  other  species  of  Anopheles  were  taken  only 
very  rarely  in  the  light  trap.  Specimens  from  traps  and  adult 
resting-places  in  the  following  counties : Blair,  Centre,  Crawford, 
Delaware,  Fayette,  Luzerne,  Lycoming,  McKean,  Potter  and 
Warren.  Unpublished  records  of  the  USPHS  are  as  follows: 
Conemaugh  and  Loyalhanna  Reservoirs  (sites)  (Westmoreland 
Co.),  Crooked  Creek  and  Mahoning  Dams  (Armstrong  Co.), 
Smicksburg  (Indiana  Co.),  Confluence  (Somerset  Co.);  [N.E. 
Good],  Sept.  1945. 

20.  Anopheles  quadrimaculatus  Say 

This  well  known  malaria  mosquito  has  so  far  been  taken  in 
three  general  regions  of  the  State.  It  is  sometimes  fairly  com- 
monly seen  in  Philadelphia  and  Delaware  Counties  and  is  less 
common  in  Montgomery  County.  Gies  and  Stabler  have  col- 
lected it  in  Chester  County  and  Gies  in  Berks  County.  The 
present  author  has  found  it  to  occur  sparingly  in  Bucks  County. 
Dr.  Mitchell  Carroll,  head  of  the  Zoology  Department  at  Frank- 
lin and  Marshall  College,  [Lancaster  Co.],  reports  fairly  heavy 
numbers  of  hibernating  “quads”  in  some  of  the  college  build- 
ings in  former  years.  The  MCWA  personnel  of  the  USPHS 
have  found  it  common  in  mid-summer  in  scattered  localities  in 
Crawford  and  Mercer  Counties.  The  present  survey  can  add 
a report  of  an  abundant  population  on  the  peninsula  at  Presque 
Isle,  Erie  Co.,  during  the  summer  of  1947.  Major  R.  W.  Gies 
had  already  noted  its  abundance  at  Presque  Isle  during  the 
month  of  October  in  1946.  On  the  peninsula,  the  mosquito  is 
most  abundant  in  natural  and  artificial  resting  places,  such  as 
hollow  logs,  bath-houses,  privies,  etc.  It  is  not  well  represented, 
however,  in  the  light  trap  collections  at  this  locality,  where  A. 
walkeri  was  found  to  be  taken  so  commonly.  The  one  other  sec- 
tion of  the  State  in  which  it  has  been  found  is  the  lower  Susque- 
hanna River  region,  where  it  has  been  recorded  from  West  Fair- 
view,  Cumberland  Co.,  by  Howard,  Dyar  and  Knab.  This  is 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

one  of  the  few  known  records  from  outside  the  extreme  north- 
western and  southeastern  portions  of  the  state.  Major  R.  W. 
Gies  has  suggested,  and  I concur,  that  A.  quadrimaculatus  popu- 
lation may  be  large  locally  in  many  localities  in  parts  of  the 
State  as  yet  unsurveyed,  and  that  cyclic  increases  in  abundance 
over  a period  of  years  may  play  a role  in  distribution.  Further 
surveys  will  be  needed  to  determine  the  frequency  of  such  phe- 

A record  from  the  USPHS  files  received  at  the  last  moment 
is  of  interest.  Two  females  were  taken  in  separate  resting  places 
near  the  Mahoning  Dam,  Armstrong  Co.,  by  N.  E.  Good  during 
September  1945.  Two  trips  to  that  area  by  the  present  writer 
during  1947  failed  to  reveal  quadrimaculatus . 

21.  Anopheles  walkeri  Theobald 

A few  specimens  of  walkeri  have  been  taken  in  the  traps  of 
the  Delaware  County  Mosquito  Extermination  Commission, 
but  the  most  phenomenal  catch  seen  was  that  of  the  Survey’s 
trap  on  the  neck  of  the  peninsula  at  Presque  Isle  State  Park, 
Erie  Co.  This  trap  was  placed  about  ten  feet  higher  than  the 
regulation  six  on  the  limb  of  a poplar  tree.  During  July  it  com- 
monly made  catches  of  50-120  walkeri,  and  on  the  night  of  Au- 
gust 8 exceeded  550.  A search  of  resting  places  such  as  dark 
privies  and  bath-houses  was  fruitless  as  far  as  revealing  speci- 
mens was  concerned,  although  A.  quadrimaculatus  and  a few  A. 
punctipennis  were  found,  along  with  species  of  other  genera. 
None  of  the  other  traps  turned  up  walkeri  during  the  season. 
Thus  walkeri,  like  quadrimaculatus,  seems  to  find  conditions 
most  favorable  in  the  northwestern  and  southeastern  portions 
of  the  state. 

22.  Culex  apicalis  Adams 

Previous  authors  have  found  this  species  widely  distributed 
in  the  State.  It  is  supposed  to  take  its  blood  from  amphibians ; 
data  are  needed  on  the  adult  feeding  habits.  The  Survey  has 
taken  a few  specimens  each  from  traps  in  Erie,  Luzerne,  Fayette 
and  Potter  counties.  Males  were  taken  in  the  traps  more  com- 
monly than  females.  Adults  were  reared  from  larvae  taken  in 

DEC.,  1948] 

Brown:  Mosquitoes 


rockholes  along  the  Youghiogheny  River  at  Ohiopyle,  Fayette 
Co.,  May  8,  1947. 

23.  Culex  ( Melanoconion ) sp.,  probably  erraticus  Dyar  and  ' 

Known  only  from  two  specimens  taken  in  the  Philadelphia 
area  by  Dr.  R.  M.  Stabler. 

24.  Culex  pipiens  Linnaeus 

The  common  house  mosquito  has  been  found  to  be  common 
mainly  in  the  urban  areas,  and  has  not  been  taken  as  frequently 
as  has  C.  restuans  in  other  areas  of  the  state.  Traps  at  sewage 
works  in  Altoona  and  State  College  yielded  quite  different 
catches,  the  former  giving  up  nearly  all  pipiens  and  the  latter 
nearly  all  restuans.  The  author  has  no  good  explanation  for 
this.  In  general,  pipiens  tended  to  become  slightly  more  and 
restuans  slightly  less  abundant  with  the  passing  of  July.  In 
several  areas,  search  for  females  in  resting  places  during  April 
and  May  yielded  only  restuans.  Thus,  it  seems  that,  in  Penn- 
sylvania at  least,  the  two  species  may  be  seasonally  different  in 
breeding  habits. 

New  records  resulting  from  the  survey  in  the  following  coun- 
ties : Bedford,  Centre,  Clearfield,  Crawford,  Erie,  Fayette,  Lu- 
zerne, Mifflin.  Records  from  several  counties  covered  by  Wilson, 
Barnes  and  Fellton  are  not  included  here.  The  species  certainly 
accurs  in  every  county  in  the  state. 

25.  Culex  restuans  Theobald 

This  species  requires  great  care  in  separation  from  related 
species  of  Culex.  We  have  found  it  more  common  than  pipiens 
in  most  sections  of  the  state,  breeding  in  all  sorts  of  situations, 
in  clear  water  and  foul,  in  tin  cans,  temporary  pools  and  rain 
barrels.  Specimens  carefuly  reared  from  such  situations  nearly 
always  turned  out  to  be  typically  white-spotted  restuans,  al- 
though such  places  are  generally  thought  to  be  principally  the 
breeding  domain  of  pipiens.  Many  males  and  females,  the  lat- 
ter predominating,  from  the  light  traps  in  Blair,  Centre,  Clear- 
field, Delaware,  Erie,  Crawford,  Bedford,  Luzerne,  Lycoming, 
Potter  and  Wayne  counties.  Other  specimens,  both  larval  and 
adult,  were  taken  in  Carbon,  Mercer,  Fayette,  Huntington,  Mif- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

flin,  Allegheny,  Warren,  Clinton,  McKean,  Chester,  Lancaster* 
Bucks,  Lehigh  and  Schuylkill  counties.  The  species  undoubtedly 
occurs  in  every  county  in  the  state;  it  is  among  the  commonest 
mosquitoes  in  most. 

26.  Culex  salinarius  Coquillett 

The  survey  found  salinarius  to  be  much  less  common  than 
either  pipiens  or  restuans.  It  was  taken  from  light  traps  in  the 
following  Counties:  Crawford,  Erie,  Fayette  and  Wayne.  Since 
the  specimens  in  many  cases  were  too  badly  damaged  to  differen- 
tiate salinarius  from  the  other  two  common  species,  the  range 
may  be  more  extensive  than  our  records  show.  Previous  papers 
seem  to  bear  this  out. 

27.  Culiseta  inornata  (Williston) 

Heretofore  known  only  from  Delaware  and  Philadelphia  Coun- 
ties. The  Survey  took  a female  specimen  from  the  trap  on 
Presque  Isle  Penninsula,  Erie  Co.,  July  24,  1947. 

28.  Culiseta  melanura  (Coquillett) 

This  species  is  known  only  from  Delaware  County. 

29.  Culiseta  morsitans  (Theobald) 

This  species  was  taken  in  larval  dippings  in  a flooded  area 
of  bunch  grass  together  with  Aedes  canadensis  and  A.  cinereus 
at  Ole  Bull  State  Park,  Potter  Co.,  during  May.  A male  was 
caught  in  the  same  locality  in  the  light  trap,  July  6,  1947,  and 
a female  was  taken  in  the  trap  at  Ohiopyle,  Fayette, Co.,  August 
13th.  Previously  recorded  from  Butler  and  Monroe  counties. 

30.  Mansonia  perturbans  (Walker) 

The  larvae  of  this  mosquito  live  beneath  the  surface  of  the 
water  with  their  air  tubes  piercing  the  roots  of  aquatic  plants 
for  air  supply.  The  species  has  heretofore  been  considered 
common  only  in  southeastern  Pennsylvania,  but  we  have  taken 
it  in  light  traps  in  the  following  counties  outside  that  area: 
Blair,  Centre,  Clearfield,  Erie  and  Potter.  The  catches  have 
ranged  from  1 to  25  individuals  per  night,  with  about  4 or  5 as 
a normal  number  in  all  stations  but  Philipsburg,  Centre  Co., 
where  the  catch  was  averaging  20  or  so  two  weeks  after  air- 

Dec.,  1948] 

Brown:  Mosquitoes 


spraying  of  the  area  with  one  gallon  of  5 per  cent  DDT  (in  kero- 
sene) to  the  acre.  Males  are  attracted  in  a proportion  of  about 
one  to  every  two  or  three  females,  but  they  occasionally  (Ole 
Bull,  Potter  Co.)  slightly  outnumber  the  females  in  the  New 
Jersey  trap. 

31.  Megarhinus  septentrionalis  Dyar  and  Knab 

Stabler  (mss.)  reports  a specimen  taken  in  Delaware  Co.  dur- 
ing 1946.  The  author  can  add  observations  of  breeding  in  tree- 
holes  in  Aldan,  Tinicum  and  Media,  Delaware  Co.,  where  the 
prey  seemed  in  all  cases  to  be  Aedes  triseriatus.  Populations  of 
triseriatus  were  greatly  reduced  and  even  obliterated  during 
early  and  mid-July  by  the  feeding  of  the  Megarhinus.  Several 
specimens  were  taken  home,  put  in  a jar  with  many  triseriatus 
larvae,  and  watched  periodically.  The  first  night,  July  2,  the 
largest  Megarhinus  larva  attacked  and  ate  two  Aedes  during 
a twelve-hour  period.  The  largest  Megarhinus  survived  as  a 
fourth  instar  larva  for  13  days  after  the  last  JEdes  and  smaller 
septentrionalis  larvae  had  disappeared.  Presumably  the  latter 
were  eaten  by  the  large  larva,  since  the  empty  larval  skins  were 
found  in  halves  at  the  bottom  of  the  jar  and  seemed  in  a condition 
similar  to  those  of  the  Aedes  preyed  upon.  This  is  the  first  record 
of  Megarhinus  actually  breeding  within  the  state. 

32.  Orthopodomyia  signifera  (Coquillett) 

This  rather  rare  treehole  breeder  should  be  closely  scrutinized 
whenever  found,  since  the  closely  related  0.  alia  Matheson  may 
quite  possibly  be  found  in  this  state.  The  Survey  has  taken  a 
single  specimen  each  from  the  traps  in  Nanticoke,  Luzerne  Co., 
Williamsport,  Lycoming  Co.,  and  Ohiopyle,  Fayette  Co.  Previ- 
ous reports  are  from  Philadelphia  and  Delaware  counties.  The 
mosquito  is  probably  rare  but  present  in  most  of  the  state. 

33.  Psorophora  ciliata  (Fabricius) 

The  Survey  has  failed  to  turn  up  any  new  records  of  this  mos- 
quito in  the  state  outside  of  southeastern  Pennsylvania,  although 
it  may  well  occur  in  other  parts. 

34.  Psorophora  confinnis  (Lynch  Arribalzaga) 

All  records  of  this  insect  seem  to  center  in  the  southeastern 
part  of  the  state ; the  Survey  has  nothing  to  add  in  the  way  of 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYI 

distributional  data.  Previously  known  from  Philadelphia,  Dela- 
ware and  Montgomery  counties. 

35.  Psorophora  ferox  (Humboldt) 

The  mosquito  has  been  reported  from  Montgomery  and  Phila- 
delphia Counties  only,  but  the  writer  has  a few  specimens  col- 
lected by  Stabler  (1945,  1946)  and  McGaughey  (1947)  in  Dela- 
ware Co. 

36.  Psorophora  horrida  (Dyar  and  Knab) 

This  species  has  been  taken  only  once  in  Pennsylvania — by 
the  USPHS  group  in  1945.  We  have  seen  no  further  specimens 
from  the  state. 

The  collection  of  the  Pennsylvania  State  College  received 
several  fine  specimens  of  this  mosquito  collected  by  Mr.  Merrill 
Wood  of  the  Department  of  Zoology  and  Entomology  during 
July  1947  near  Frejnont,  Nebraska.  Mr.  Wood  states  that  this 
species  is  a most  vicious  biter  throughout  much  of  that  state. 

37.  Uranotaznia  sapphirina  (Osten  Sacken) 

This  species  is  probably  a feeder  upon  frogs,  since  it  seems  to 
occur  only  where  the  latter  amphibians  are  abundant.  A re- 
lated species,  TJ.  lowii  Theobald  has  been  demonstrated  by  Rem- 
ington (4)  to  be  a feeder  mainly  upon  frogs,  toads  and  related 
amphibians.  Captured  in  light  traps  in  Blair,  Delaware,  Erie, 
Luzerne,  Lycoming  and  Potter  counties.  Five  individuals  is 
the  maximum  catch  for  one  night;  males  and  females  come  to 
the  traps  in  approximately  equal  numbers. 


For  a fuller  bibliography  on  Pennsylvania  mosquitoes,  see  reference 

(1)  below.  The  following  are  papers  referred  to  in  this  paper: 

(1) .  Wilson,  C.  A.,  R.  C.  Barnes  and  H.  L.  Fellton  1946.  A list  of 

the  mosquitoes  of  Pennsylvania  with  notes  on  their  distribution 
and  abundance.  Mosquito  News  Yol.  6,  No.  2. 

(2) .  Stabler,  R.  M.  1946.  New  Jersey  light  trap  versus  human  bait  as 

a mosquito  sampler.  Ent.  News  56:  93-99. 

(3) .  . mss.  (An  unpublished  paper  giving  further  mosquito 

records  from  Delaware  County.) 

(4) .  Remington,  C.  L.  1945.  The  feeding  habits  of  Uranotoenia  lowii 

Theobald.  Ent.  News  56:  32-37,  64-68. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Dreisbach:  Ceropales 



By  R.  R.  Dreisbach 
Midland,  Michigan 

The  following  species  in  the  collection  of  the  Mnsenm  of  Zool- 
ogy of  the  University  of  Michigan  is  entirely  different  than  any 
of  the  types  which  the  writer  has  recently  studied,  does  not  agree 
with  the  description  of  any  of  the  remaining  species  and  is  here- 
with described  as  new. 

Ceropales  floridensis  new  species. 

Holotype  female:  Ground  color  black;  clypeus,  mentum,  face  below  the 
antennae  a basal  band  on  anterior  orbits  extending  half  way  between  base  of 
antennae  and  anterior  ocellus,  large  prominence  between  and  just  above  the 
base  of  antennae,  the  anterior  half  of  the  first  two  antennal  segments,  a tiny 
spot  at  base  on  front  edge  of  third  antennal  segment,  a very  narrow  line 
along  upper  edge  on  posterior  orbits,  a broad  band  on  posterior  border  of 
pronotum,  a quadrate  spot  on  postscutellum,  the  outer  posterior  corners  of 
propodeum,  and  a stripe  on  the  upper  front  edge  of  posterior  coxae  a very  light 
yellow  color;  mandibles  except  tip,  posterior  half  of  first  two  antennal 
segments,  most  of  front,  vertex  except  ocellar  enclosure,  the  posterior  orbits 
except  as  noted  below,  all  the  pronotum  except  the  broad  posterior  yellow 
border,  the  tegulaB,  all  the  propodeum  except  a broad  transverse  basal  band  on 
dorsal  surface  which  is  black,  most  of  the  dorsal  surface  of  first  abdominal 
segment,  and  all  the  legs,  including  coxae,  a light  red  color;  the  ocellar 
triangle  with  the  surface  surrounding  it  at  sides  and  front,  a large  spot  on 
each  side  behind  the  head  on  posterior  orbits,  the  surface  just  behind  the 
mandibles  on  posterior  orbits,  the  tips  of  mandibles,  the  antennae  except  as 
noted  above,  black;  when  seen  from  in  front  the  ocellar  triangle  shows  up  as 
a very  noticeable  prominence,  with  rather  prominent  golden  hairs  borne  on 
the  whole  vertex,  the  anterior  ocellus  much  less  than  its  diameter  from  the 
lateral  ocelli,  and  these  in  turn  separated  from  each  other  by  about  their 
distance  from  the  eye  margins;  the  ventral  surface  of  thorax  as  well  as  the 
ventral  surface  of  the  coxae  very  loosely  covered  with  fine,  closely  appressed, 
sericeous  pubescence,  which  also  covers  about  the  lower  half  of  the  sides  of 
thorax;  no  sericeous  hairs  on  the  upper  half  of  dorsum,  but  these  surfaces 
with  light  golden  hairs  much  fewer  in  number,  upright  and  not  very  long, 
but  the  ones  on  sides  of  scutellum  and  postscutellum  are  rather  long ; the 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

abdomen  with  no  upright  hair  but  with  closely  appressed  fine  hair  which 
becomes  slightly  longer  and  more  prominent  near  apex;  wings  deep  black; 
the  extreme  bases  of  second,  third  and  fourth  posterior  tarsal  joints  black  as 
well  as  the  aroliae  of  all  the  legs. 

Length: — Head  and  thorax  7.25  mm.,  abdomen  7.25  mm.,  fore  wing  12.25 
mm.,  rear  wing  9.4  mm. 

Holotype  female ; Gainesville,  Alachua  Co.,  Fla.,  May  4,  1923. 
(Alexander- Walker)  Museum  of  Zoology,  Univ.  of  Mich.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

In  the  key  for  this  genus  as  given  by  Fox  not  all  the  species 
known  at  present  are  included.  The  following  key  is  presented 
in  the  hope  that  it  will  enable  a worker  to  determine  all  the  species 
of  the  genus.  Four  species  C.  fumipennis  Cam.,  C.  chiriquensis 
Cam.  from  Panama,  and  C.  apicipennis  Cam.  and  C.  azteca  Cam. 
from  Mexico  were  not  seen  but  were  included  from  the  descrip- 
tions and  color  plates,  as  given  in  reference  2 

Key  to  the  Species  of  Genus  Ceropales  Latreille 

Females  ... .• 2 

Males  !. .. 19 

Body  entirely  black,  at  the  most  with  a white  spot  on  the  postscutel- 
lum  and  the  posterior  outer  angles  of  propodeum  and  the  anterior 

orbits  with  a white  line  3 

Body  more  or  less  ornamented  with  white,  red  or  yellow 5 

All  the  femur  black  . nigripes  Cresson 

Some  of  the  femur  reddish  or  reddish  yellow  4 

Only  the  posterior  femur  reddish  bipunctata  Say 

First  two  pairs  of  femur  reddish  yellow  as  well  as  the  posterior  tro- 
chanters and  tibiae  bipunctata  v.  tibialis  Banks 

At  least  the  abdomen  with  a considerable  amount  of  reddish  6 

Body  ornamented  with  white  or  yellow  11 

Some  red  on  head  or  thorax,  abdomen  may  have  some  yellowish  mark- 
ings   9 

Head  and  thorax  black  7 

Dorsum  strongly  punctured;  wings  hyaline  except  at  apex  agilis  Smith 
Dorsum  and  sides  of  thorax  glabrous,  impunctate,  and  highly  pol- 
ished; wings  fuliginous  with  a hyaline  spot  at  apex  8 

Antennae  entirely  black;  stigma  of  fore  wings  dark  brown  like  rest 

of  wing  : robinsonii  Cresson 

Basal  half  of  antennae  reddish  or  yellowish,  only  the  apical  half  black ; 
stigma  of  fore  wings  clear  yellow;  marginal  and  discoidal  cells 
longer  than  in  preceding,  and  more  of  the  tip  of  wing  hyaline. 

robinsonii  v.  stigmatica  Yiereck 

Dec.,  1948] 

Dreisbach:  Ceropales 


9.  Entirely  reddish  all  over  with  yellow  markings  on  posterior  edge  of 
abdominal  segments,  posterior  edge  of  prothorax,  and  on  face. 

elegans  Cresson 

9.  Not  entirely  reddish  all  over  ; 10 

10.  Vertex  and  sides  of  thorax  black;  antennae  reaching  beyond  scutel- 
lum  cressoni  Fox 

10.  Vertex,  sides  and  dorsal  surface  of  propodeum  reddish;  abdomen 

entirely  black  except  a small  amount  of  ferrugineous  on  first  abdomi- 
nal segment  . floridensis  n.  sp. 

11.  First,  third,  fourth  and  fifth  abdominal  segments  entirely  yellow, 

the  second  with  one  half  of  its  surface  black;  propodeum  with  a 
very  short  median  sulcus  stretcM  Fox 

11.  Abdomen  not  marked  as  above  12 

12.  Abdomen  entirely  black,  except  the  first  segment  may  be  marked  with 

obscure  ferrugineous  clypeatus  Cresson 

12.  Abdomen  with  segments  marked  with  whitish  or  yellowish  in  much 

greater  amount  than  in  above  13 

13.  Propodeum  with  a very  short  median  sulcus  or  with  none  14 

13.  Propodeum  with  a long  distinct  median  furrow  16 

14.  First  abdominal  segment  with  the  apical  margin  pale  yellowish; 

posterior  surface  of  propodeum  very  much  excavated,  concave  each 
side  of  center;  third  cubital  cell  dark  yellow  fulvipes  Cresson 

14.  First  abdominal  segment  with  a large  yellow  spot  or  elongate  yellow- 
ish line  on  each  side;  posterior  surface  of  propodeum  flat  15 

15.  The  yellow  posterior  margins  of  the  tergites  interrupted  medially, 

and  broadly  emarginate  each  side  and  enlarged  at  their  lateral  ends 
into  a large  ovate  spot;  third  cubital  cell  dark  yellow;  first  tergite 
with  a large  yellow  spot  each  side ; legs  ferrugineous  longipes  Smith 

15.  The  yellow  posterior  margins  of  tergites  not  interruped  medially  and 
of  about  even  width  throughout;  the  first  tergite  with  a rather  long 
narrow  yellowish  line  crosswise  of  segment  slightly  before  the  pos- 

terior margin;  legs  mostly  dark  fraterna  Smith 

16.  White  lateral  marks  on  abdominal  segments,  without  continuous 

fasciae;  at  least  posterior  femur,  except  base,  reddish  17 

16.  Abdominal  tergites  two  to  five  with  continuous  fasciae  on  posterior 
edges  18 

17.  All  abdominal  segments  with  a lateral  sublunate,  white  mark  on  apical 
margin;  a yellow  spot  on  anterior  coxae  and  the  tips  of  the  four 
posterior  coxae;  face,  mesopleura,  and  propodeum  silvery;  second 

cubital  cell  almost  quadrate  femoralis  Cresson 

17.  Only  the  first  four  abdominal  segments  with  white  lateral  marks  and 
these  not  sublunate ; no  yellow  on  coxae ; posterior  face  of  propodeum 
and  posterior  coxae  with  dense  silvery  pile,  which  is  absent  from  rest 
of  body foxii  Rohwer 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

18.  First  abdominal  tergite  without  an  apical  fasciae,  but  with  a spot 
each  side;  second  tergite  with  the  fasciae  interrupted  in  the  middle; 
propodeal  sulcus  extra  long  cubensis  Cresson 

18.  First  abdominal  segment  with  an  apical  fasciae  and  with  an  additional 

mark  each  side;  second  cubital  cell  longer  than  broad  19 

19.  Tips  of  femur,  anterior  tibiae  in  front,  base  and  apex  of  middle  tibiae, 

and  base  of  four  anterior  tibiae  lemon-yellow;  apex  of  propodeum 
with  golden  sericeous  pile  mexicana  Cresson 

19.  Parts  of  legs  mentioned  above  reddish;  apex  of  propodeum  with 

silvery  pile azteca  Cameron 

20.  Wings  fuliginous,  size  large  for  the  most  part  21 

20.  Wings  hyaline  25 

21.  Abdomen  entirely  black,  posterior  femur  reddish  22 

21.  Abdomen  with  considerable  whitish  or  yellowish  color  23 

22.  Only  the  posterior  femur  reddish  bipunctata  Say 

22.  The  posterior  tibiae  as  well  as  posterior  femur  reddish. 

bipunctata  tibialis  Banks 

23.  The  whole  insect  yellow;  antennae  yellow  except  the  last  three  joints 
which  are  black;  sulcus  on  propodeum  long  and  deep;  third  cubital 
cell  half  as  long  on  marginal  vein  as  on  the  cubital  vein. 

quaint encii  Yiereck 

23.  Whole  insect  not  yellowish,  mostly  black  ; ...... 24 

24.  Only  the  last  apical  segment  white;  coxae  and  femur  densely  covered 

with  white  hair,  the  tibiae  and  tarsi  with  black  hair;  the  abdomen 
shining  fumipennis  Cameron 

24.  The  three  apical  segments  of  abdomen  white  nigripes  Cresson 

25.  The  abdomen  with  some  reddish  color  26 

25.  Abdomen  marked  with  white  or  yellow  , 29 

26.  Head  and  thorax  black  27 

26.  Some  red  color  on  head  and  thorax  28 

27.  Dorsum  strongly  punctured;  apex  of  wings  blackish  agilis  Smith 

27.  Dorsum  and  sides  of  thorax  glabrous,  impunctate,  polished,  and  shin- 
ing   robinsoni  Cresson 

28.  Entirely  reddish  all  over,  with  yellow  markings  on  posterior  edges  of 
abdominal  segments,  posterior  edge  of  pronotum,  and  on  face. 

elegans  Cresson 

28.  Not  entirely  reddish  all  over cressoni  Fox 

29.  Abdominal  segments  with  the  apical  margins  with  continuous  bands, 

except  the  first  may  be  interrupted  in  the  middle  30 

29.  Abdominal  segments  with  the  apical  bands  interrupted  in  the  middle 

or  some  of  the  tergites  without  maculations  35 

30.  Antennae  shorter  than  the  head  and  thorax  together;  propodeum, 

except  base  and  extreme  sides,  rugose;  the  band  on  first  abdominal 
segment  broadly  interrupted  fulvipes  Cresson 

30.  Not  with  the  above  assemblage  of  characters  31 

Dec.,  1948] 

Dreisbach:  Ceropales 


31.  Propodeum  with  a deep  sulcus  medially;  legs,  except  the  coxae,  some- 
times reddish  32 

31.  Propodeum  without  a deep  sulcus  medially;  femur,  except  apex, 

nearly  always  black  . . ; 33 

32.  Front  with  a rather  strong  pit  in  the  middle;  vertex  and  propotum 

impunctate;  abdomen  glabrous,  the  first  segment  with  a large  spot 
each  side  albopicta  Cresson 

32.  Front  with  a medial  impressed  line ; vertex  and  pronotum  with  sparse 

strong  punctures;  first  abdominal  segment  with  an  irregular  mark 
each  side  mexicana  Cresson 

33.  Propodeum  granular  and  posterior  face  transversely  aciculato-granu- 
lar;  third  cubital  cell  twice  as  long  on  the  cubital  vein  as  the  second 
cubital  cell,  and  but  little  shorter  on  the  marginal  vein  than  the 
second;  yellow  markings  not  so  profuse  as  in  the  following. 

minima  Provancher 

33.  Propodeum  hardly  granular  and  the  posterior  face  with  only  a faint 

indication  of  transverse  acicular  markings ; third  cubital  cell  one  and 
one  half  times  as  long  as  the  second  cubital  cell  on  the  cubital  vein 
and  only  two  thirds  as  long  on  the  marginal  vein  as  the  second; 
more  yellow  on  the  abdomen  than  the  preceding  species  34 

34.  First  abdominal  segment  with  the  yellow  margin  interrupted  in 

middle  and  the  second  with  the  yellow  spical  margin  of  about  even 
width  over  the  whole  length  fraterna  Smith 

34.  First  abdominal  segment  with  its  yellow  margin  deeply  emarginate 
above  in  the  middle  but  not  interrupted,  the  yellow  apical  band  on 
second  segment  also  deeply  emarginate  in  the  middle. 

fraterna  occidentalis  Cockerell 

35.  Maculations  on  third  and  seventh  tergites  only  36 

35.  Maculations  on  other  tergites  as  well  as  third  and  seventh  37 

36.  Two  large  marks  on  the  third  tergite,  the  apical  segment,  a line  on 
pronotum  behind,  and  the  clypeus,  white;  head  shining  and  closely 
punctured;  longest  spur  of  hind  tibise  reaches  to  the  fourth  tarsal 
joint  from  the  end  of  leg;  a cloud  over  the  basal  veins;  marginal 
cell  extending  much  beyond  the  third  cubital  cell quiriquensis  Cameron 

36.  A continuous  whole  band  on  second  tergite,  and  clypeus  white  only 
on  the  sides;  longer  spur  of  hind  tibiae  only  one  half  the  length  of 
posterior  metatarsal  joint;  no  cloud  over  the  basal  veins;  marginal 
cell  does  not  extend  beyond  the  end  of  third  cubital  cell. 

apicipennis  Cameron 

37.  Front  with  rather  a strong  pit  in  the  middle;  face,  clypeus  and 
thorax  densely  clothed  with  a silvery  pile ; head  and  thorax  subopaque. 

cubensis  Cresson 

37.  Front  with  a medial  impressed  line  38 

38.  Face  and  clypeus  black,  front  with  distinct,  separated  punctates; 

abdominal  segments  with  a lateral  pale  yellow  spot femoralis  Cresson 

38.  Face  and  clypeus  yellow  39 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

39.  Cross  banks  of  abdominal  segments  narrowly  interrupted  in  the 
middle,  legs  yellow,  hind  tarsi  with  each  joint  narrowly  black  at  base; 
length  about  7 mm longipes  Smith 

39.  Crossbands  widely  separated  in  the  middle,  hind  tarsi  dusky;  length 

about  5 mm.  | 40 

40.  Femur  rufous  foxi  Rohwer 

40.  Femur  black  hatoda  Brimley 


Cameron,  Peter.  Biol.  Centr.  Amer.,  34,  II,  1888-1890,  pp.  158-161. 

Fox,  W.  J.  Trans.  Amer.  Ent.  Soc.,  XIX,  1892,  pp.  49-63. 


Owing  to  increased  printing  costs  it  is  necessary  to  advance  the 
subscription  price  of  the  Journal  to  non-members  from  $4.00  to 
$5.00  beginning  with  the  year  1949.  At  the  same  time  ihe  price 
of  back  numbers  will  be  increased  to  $1.50  per  issue.  The  So- 
ciety was  faced  with  the  choice  of  either  reducing  the  number  of 
pages  per  issue  below  60  or  continuing  at  its  present  level  and  in- 
creasing the  subscription  price.  The  latter  course  was  decided 
upon.  Whenever  financial  conditions  permit,  the  number  of 
pages  per  issue 'will  be  increased  automatically.. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Michener:  Ants 



By  Charles  D.  Michener 
University  of  Kansas,  Lawrence,  Kansas 

A variety  of  observations  have  been  published  on  the  nuptual 
flights  of  harvester  ants  of  the  genus  Pogonomyrmex.  Winged 
males  and  females  have  been  observed  leaving  the  nests,  and 
the  establishment  of  new  nests  by  the  dealated  and  mated  fe- 
males has  been  recorded.  However,  observations  on  the  mating 
behavior,  which  intervenes  between  leaving  of  the  parental  nests 
and  establishment  of  new  ones,  have  not  been  published  to  my 
knowledge.  Some  individuals  mate  at  the  parental  nest  en- 
trance, for  Wheeler  (1910,  “Ants,”  p.  288)  in  describing  the 
flight  from  the  nest  of  Pogonomyrmex  barbatus  molefaciens 
Buckley,  says,  “The  amorous  males  seized  many  of  the  females 
before  they  could  leave  the  ground.”  The  great  majority  flew 
before  mating,  however,  and  the  observations  recorded  below 
concerning  Pogonomyrmex  barbatus  (Smith)  (determined  by 
M.  R.  Smith)  indicate  that  after  the  winged  individuals  fly 
from  their  parental  nests  many  of  them  assemble  at  the  summit 
of  some  distant  high  object  (a  hill  or  a tree)  and  mate  there. 
After  mating  the  females  fly  again,  presumably  dispersing  and, 
with  good  fortune,  establishing  new  nests. 

The  first  and  most  complete  observations  were  made  on  a hot 
sunny  afternoon  (beginning  at  3:00  p.m.)  June  23,  1947,  near 
El  Paso,  Texas.  Winged  individuals  of  both  sexes  were  found 
congregating  in  an  area  about  fifteen  feet  square  on  the  top  of  a 
high  and  very  steep  hill.2  Although  this  area  was  on  the  summit 

1 The  observations  here  recorded  were  made  on  the  David  Kockefeller 
Expedition  to  northern  Mexico  in  1947  from  the  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History. 

2 On  this  hill  the  mating  flights  of  another  ant,  Solenopsis  (Diplorhoptrum) 
sp?,  a small  dark  colored  species,  were  observed. 

The  males  swarm  in  small,  rather  compact  masses,  6-18  inches  above  the 
ground,  flying  about  very  actively  and  looking  exactly  like  a swarm  of  small 
chironomids.  Like  chironomid  swarms,  those  of  this  ant  are  dispersed  some- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

of  the  hill,  it  included  by  no  means  the  entire  summit.  It  is 
evident,  therefore,  that  some  factor  other  than  mere  altitude 
must  delimit  the  congregating  area.  There  were  thousands  of 
winged  ants  in  this  area,  buzzing  sufficiently  to  be  distinctly 
noticeable  from  the  sound.  Additional  individuals  approached 
constantly,  flying  upwind  toward  the  congregating  area  as 
though  they  were  attracted  by  odor.  They  flew  up  the  hill- 
side from  two  to  twenty  feet  above  the  ground.  It  was  not 
discovered  from  what  nests  these  individuals  came,  but  it  was 
evidently  from  some  distance  as  no  nests  were  found  on  the 
hill  or  in  the  immediate  vicinity.  The  great  number  of  indi- 
viduals suggested  that  they  may  have  come  from  many  nests. 

Within  the  congregating  area,  individuals  tended  to  alight  on 
the  highest  points.  Almost  the  only  vegetation  in  the  area  was 
a few  small  Agave  plants,  and  their  leaves  were  nearly  covered. 
Many  also  were  in  areas  shaded  by  the  Agave  leaves.  Great 
numbers  alighted  on  a person  standing  in  the  congregating  area. 

On  alighting  the  ants,  more  especially  the  males,  moved  about 
actively  as  though  excited.  Individuals  were  so  numerous  that 
within  a few  seconds  after  alighting  a female  was  usually  found 
by  a male.  Recognition  seemed  to  be  dependent  on  contact. 
Males  passing  very  close  to  females  did  not  show  indications  of 
recognition,  but  if  they  touched,  recognition  was  immediate  and 
the  male  climbed  onto  the  back  of  the  female.  When  two  males 
met  only  rarely  did  one  try  to  climb  onto  the  other,  and  after 
a moment  they  would  separate  and  run  about  again.  The  find- 
ing of  a female  by  a male  seemed  dependent  on  the  extremely 
active  running  about  of  the  latter. 

The  mating  behavior  is  very  sterotyped.  When  a male  finds 
a female  he  quickly  mounts  her,  grasping  her  body  with  his  legs, 
his  forelegs  usually  being  around  her  thorax,  his  mid  and  hind 
legs  around  her  abdomen.  Her  wings  are  flat  over  her  back, 
under  his  body.  He  also  grasps  the  anterior  end  of  her  thorax 

what  by  a breeze  but  reform  in  about  the  original  position  when  the  breeze 

The  females  fly  less  rapidly  than  the  males  and  are  seen  in  very  much 
smaller  numbers.  They  fly  more  or  less  erratically,  not  in  swarms.  Pre- 
sumably, as  with  chironomids,  the  females  are  pounced  upon  when  they 
pass  through  swarms  of  males.  Mating  was  not  observed,  however. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Michener:  Ants 


with  his  mandibles.  At  the  same  time,  he  curls  the  apex  of  his 
abdomen  downward  and  the  genitalia  meet  and  quickly  unite. 
At  this  time  the  bodies  of  both  are  approximately  straight.  Her 
mandibles  are  held  wide  open.  This  position  is  maintained  for 
from  10  to  60  seconds  (average  of  25  matings  about  28  seconds). 

After  this  the  male,  retaining  the  genitalic  union,  slides  back- 
ward, curling  his  body,  often  nipping  at  the  female’s  thorax, 
petiole,  and  gaster  on  the  way,  but  quickly  taking  up  a curled 
position  so  that  his  mandibles  can  reach  the  joined  genitalia, 
which  he  seems  to  chew.  At  about  the  same  time  the  female  also 
turns  or  curls  so  that  she  can  reach  his  body  with  her  mandibles. 
She  may  bite  his  petiole  momentarily,  but  quickly  finds  his  gaster, 
which  she  pinches  so  strongly  that  it  is  much  compressed.  This 
is  done  repeatedly,  and  continues,  with  the  biting  of  the  genitalic 
region  by  the  male,  for  as  long  as  this  position  is  maintained,  i.e., 
one  to  ten  minutes  (average  of  25,  3.1  minutes). 

Then  the  pair  separates,  the  male  scurrying  about  as  before 
and  the  female  walking  more  slowly,  also  as  before.  Often  she 
will  work  her  sting  in  and  out  a few  times.  She  may  fly  away 
after  a short  time,  flying  more  or  less  directly  upward.  More 
often,  however,  she  is  quickly  found  by  another  male.  Some- 
times a second  or  even  third  mating  occurs  in  quick  succession 
without  her  repulsing  the  males.  More  often  she  will  resist  for 
a few  seconds  by  projecting  her  sting  directly  upward  from  the 
apex  of  the  abdomen  each  time  the  male  attempts  to  copulate. 
This  may  happen  half  a dozen  times,  the  male  riding  on  her  back, 
but  in  every  case  observed  second  copulation  was  finally  per- 
mitted by  the  female.  It  differed  in  no  detail  from  first  copula- 
tions. Double  or  possibly  even  multiple  copulation  seemed  to  be 

Often  one  or  more  males  will  find  and  cling  to  copulating  pairs, 
and  such  individuals  often  are  the  ones  to  mate  with  the  female 
as  soon  as  the  first  copulation  is  completed. 

As  would  be  expected  from  the  constant  departure  of  mated 
females,  a very  great  excess  of  males  develops  in  the  congregat- 
ing area,  all  of  them,  apparently,  actively  searching  for  females, 
even  though  many  of  them  have  already  mated  one  or  more  times. 

Individuals  of  both  sexes  were  found  which  were  wholly  red 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

and  which  had  the  head  and  thorax  black.  Mating  occurred 
indiscriminately  between  these  two  color  forms. 

Another  series  of  observations  by  Dr.  Herman  T.  Spieth  was 
made  in  an  area  containing  numerous  nests  of  the  same  species 
at  Carta  Blanca,  sixteen  miles  west. of  Matachic,  Chihuahua, 
Mexico,  on  July  8,  1947. 

Winged  forms  were  emerging  from  the  nests. 

In  the  two  tallest  trees  in  the  area  winged  forms  were  assem- 
bling, approaching  the  trees  from  various  directions.  Among 
the  upper  branches  of  the  trees  they  were  buzzing  about  in  im- 
mense numbers.  Details  of  their  activity  there  could  not  be  ob- 
served because  of  the  height.  Each  gust  of  breeze,  however, 
dislodged  a number  of  small  balls  of  ants,  each  consisting  of  a 
pair  in  copulation  and  several  males.  No  doubt  the  females  most 
overburdened  by  males  were  the  ones  to  fall.  These  females,  so 
far  as  observed  refused  to  copulate  with  other  males  and  flew 
away  after  a time.  As  on  the  hilltop  a great  preponderance  of 
males  was  left,  partly  as  a result  of  the  departure  of  females. 

On  July  26,  1947,  at  Catarinas,  Chihuahua,  Mexico,  Dr.  Spieth 
found  great  numbers  of  dead  males  of  Pogonomyrmex  barbatus 
on  a hill  top  which  had  evidently  been  used  as  a congregating 
area,  and  some  dead  males  were  found  by  the  author  in  a similar 
situation  near  Encino,  Durango,  Mexico,  on  July  27,  1947. 

It  has  been  suggested  by  some  workers  that  the  frequency  of 
brother-sister  matings  resulting  from  colonial  life  might  be  one 
of  the  reasons  for  the  great  number  of  closely  related  but  recog- 
nizably distinct  populations  among  ants.  The  observations  here 
recorded  suggest,  however,  that  in  Pogonomyrmex  barbatus  in- 
dividuals from  numerous  colonies  assemble  and  mate  in  certain 
areas.  This,  together  with  multiple  mating  of  both  sexes,  in- 
sures considerable  panmixia.  Multiple  mating  is  of  regular 
occurrence  in  some  other  ants  as  well,  for  example  Prenolepis 
imparts  Say  (see  Talbot,  1945,  Amer.  Midland  Nat.,  34:  506). 

Dec.,  1948] 

Hessel:  Strymon 



On  September  7,  1948  while  collecting  with  Dr.  George  W. 
Rawson  of  Summit,  New  Jersey  near  Reed’s  Beach,  on  the  north- 
western part  of  the  Cape  May  Peninsula,  two  specimens  of 
Strymon  cecrops  were  captured,  both  badly  worn  and  torn.  A 
third  specimen  was  observed,  all  almost  exactly  at  the  same  spot 
in  a small  swamp  of  about  an  acre  in  area. 

Believing  these  specimens  were  not  strays  but  the  result  of  a 
breeding  colony  I visited  the  same  locality  this  year  on  August 
26,  1948  together  with  L.  J.  Sanford  of  New  York.  The  swamp 
was  under  18  inches  of  water  where  I had  stood  the  year  before. 
The  weather  was  clear  and  the  temperature  over  100°  F.,  in  the 

On  about  35  to  40  occasions  cecrops  was  observed  in  flight  on 
the  adjacent  higher  ground.  They  were  extremely  wary.  None 
were  seen  to  feed  on  the,  abundant  and  variety  of,  flowers  availa- 
ble within  and  out  of  the  swamp.  They  were  first  observed,  ap- 
parently having  been  startled  from  a resting  place  in  the  foliage, 
at  a height  of  about  8 to  12  feet  above  the  ground  and  at  a distance 
of  from  10  to  25  feet  from  the  observer.  Their  jerky  flight  was 
extremely  difficult  to  follow  but  on  many  occasions  they  appeared 
to  alight  on  a leaf  of  the  tall  sumacs,  just  behind  the  large  flower- 
ing heads,  and  almost  invariably  with  other  foliage  directly  above 
them.  Because  of  the  density  of  the  undergrowth,  movement  of 
the  collector  was  slow  and  because  of  the  location  of  the  insects  a 
free  swing  of  the  net  was  seldom  possible.  Four  specimens  were, 
however,  captured  after  several  hours  of  concentrated  effort. 

There  were  so  many  occasions  when  no  insect  could  be  located 
where  it  had  apparently  come  to  rest  that  some  peculiar  behavior 
was  indicated.  This  was  finally  observed.  A startled  insect  com- 
ing to  rest  in  a position  about  eight  feet  high  as  described  above, 
remained  in  view  as  a cautious  approach  was  being  negotiated 
from  about  25  feet  distant.  It  was  walking  slowly  along  a sumac 
leaf  and  when  the  collector  was  about  10  feet  distant  it  suddenly 
dropped  vertically  and  swiftly  to  the  ground.  Fortunately  it 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

landed  among  dead  leaves  in  a small  but  relatively  open  patch 
near  the  base  of  the  sumac  on  a spot  in  view  through  the  under- 

With  wings  held  tightly  together  it  walked  very  slowly  among 
the  leaves  while  a net  was  placed  carefully  over  it,  an  operation 
requiring  considerable  disturbance  of  the  underbrush  and  a half 
minute  of  time.  It  remained  motionless  under  the  net  until 
disturbed  whereupon  it  flew  upward  and  was  captured.  In  all, 
five  specimens  were  taken,  mostly  fresh  but  some  torn. 

How  many  of  the  observations  in  flight  involved  the  same  in- 
dividuals is  very  hard  to  estimate.  All  were  confined  to  an  area 
of  less  than  two  acres,  though  careful  search  was  made  beyond. 
In  any  event  the  evidence  involving  two  years  would  seem  to  in- 
dicate a breeding  colony. 

In  W.  P.  Comstock’s  “ Butterflies  of  New  Jersey,”  Journal  of 
the  New  York  Entomological  Society,  Yol.  XLVIII,  March 
1940,  the  species  is  recorded  in  the  “supplemental  list,”  consisting 
of  those  which  could  not  be  regarded  as  regular  inhabitants. 
Further  observations  in  the  locality  may  indicate  its  promotion 
to  regular  status  in  the  New  Jersey  list. — Sidney  A.  Hessel. 

Dec.,  1948] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 



Meeting  of  October  7,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
October  7,  1947  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President, 
Doctor  Hagan  was  in  the  chair.  Fourteen  members  and  four  visitors  were 

Miss  Joan  Pagano  of  the  staff  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History 
was  proposed  for  membership. 

Dr.  Hagan  reported  on  the  picnic  of  the  Society,  held  June  7,  1947,  at  the 
home  of  Mr.  Chris  Olsen  at  West  Nyack,  N.  Y.  A rainstorm  washed  out  all 
plans  for  collecting,  and  the  site  of  the  picnic  was  relocated  in  the  Olsen 
kitchen.  Dr.  Hagan  thanked  the  Olsens  for  the  fine  hospitality  extended 
to  the  eight  members  who  attended. 

The  meeting  was  then  opened  to  general  discussions  of  summer  experiences 
of  the  group. 

Mr.  Pallister  mentioned  a few  of  his  interesting  experiences  while  collect- 
ing in  Peru.  His  talk  at  the  October  21  meeting  will  cover  this  trip. 

Dr.  Schneirla  spoke  of  a suspected  activity,  equivalent  of  flight,  in  certain 
ants.  He  also  spoke  of  observations  on  a small  ant  of  the  genus  Prenolepis, 
the  queen  of  which  is  very  large.  He  spoke  of  the  issuance  of  large  numbers 
of  males  from  some  25  separate  but  nearby  colonies.  Only  a couple  of 
females  issued,  and  these  merely  wandered  about,  while  the  males  congregated 
in  large  numbers,  flying  a distance  of  only  four  or  five  feet,  then  descending. 
Dr.  Schneirla  observed  multiple  matings  and  simultaneous  multiple  matings. 

Mr.  Teale  reported  on  a mosquito  catching  cat,  which  he  had  observed,  and 
of  observations  on  landing  and  take-off  of  dragon-flies  at  an  angle  away  from 
the  direct  beams  of  the  sun.  He  also  reported  observing  bats  attracted  to 
the  green  light  of  a neon  sign,  while  ignoring  that  portion  of  the  same  sign, 
emitting  a red  glow. 

Mr.  G.  W.  Rawson  reported  he  had  observed  a scarcity  of  lepidopterous 
forms  over  a large  part  of  the  eastern  states  this  summer. 

Mr.  Gual  reported  an  exceptional  abundance  of  Vespinge,  and  Dr.  Schneirla 
reported  an  abundance  of  ants,  throughout  the  summer  months. 

Mr.  Roman  Vishniac  reported  an  abundance  of  mosquitoes  in  the  cities  of 
Germany,  which  he  visited  this  summer.  They  were  especially  troublesome 
in  Berlin. 

F.  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 
Meeting  of  October  21,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
October  21,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

Dr.  Hagan  was  in  the  chair.  Twenty-seven  members  and  thirty-one  visitors 
were  present. 

Joan  Pagano  was  elected  a member  of  the  Society. 

The  speaker  of  the  evening,  Mr.  John  C.  Pallister,  presented  an  interesting 
talk  on  “A  Naturalist  woes  to  Peru. ” Mr.  Pallister  told  of  his  experiences 
while  on  a nine  month  ’s  insect  collecting  trip  to  Peru  and  the  headwaters  of 
the  Amazon.  The  purpose  of  the  trip  was  to  collect  in  as  many  as  possible 
of  the  river  valleys  of  the  eastern  slope  of  the  Andes. 

Mr.  Pallister  established  two  base  headquarters.  The  first  was  at  Tingo 
Maria,  in  east  central  Peru,  from  which  he  worked  the  valleys  of  the  Rio 
Huallaga,  Monzon,  and  Ucayali. 

The  second  base  headquarters  was  at  Cuzco,  in  southeastern  Peru,  from 
which  he  penetrated  into  the  valleys  of  the  Rio  Urabamba,  Paucartamba,  and 
the  Amazonian  jungle  of  the  Rio  Madre  de  Dios. 

The  lecture  was  illustrated  with  Kodachrome  slides  and  colored  movies. 

Lina  Sordillo,  Asssitant  Secretary 

Meeting  of  November  18,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
November  18,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President 
Dr.  Hagan  was  in  the  chair.  Nine  members  and  eight  visitors  were  present. 

In  the  absence  of  the  Secretary  and  Assistant  Secretary,  Dr.  Hagan  ap- 
pointed Mr.  John  C.  Pallister,  Acting  Secretary. 

Mrs.  John  Hastings,  American  Museum  of  Natural  History  was  proposed 
for  membership. 

The  minutes  of  a trustee’s  meeting  held  November  7,  1947,  were  read  to 
the  Society.  The  President  then  appointed  a committee  of  Mr.  Teale,  Mr. 
Comstock  and  Dr.  King  to  take  under  consideration  the  action  of  the  Trustees. 

The  speaker  of  the  evening  Dr.  Daniel  Ludwig,  presented  an  interesting 
talk — “The  Effect  of  DDT  on  the  Metabolism  of  the  Japanese  Beetle.” 

Dr.  Ludwig  spoke  briefly  of  the  history  of  DDT  from  its  development  in 
Germany  in  1934  to  the  introduction  of  the  first  sample  into  this  country 
in  1942.  He  explained  that  DDT  was  not  a perfect  insecticide,  but  had  to 
be  used  with  caution,  because  of  its  effect  not  only  upon  other  beneficial 
insects,  especially  honeybees,  but  upon  animals,  birds,  fish,  and  even  plants. 

Dr.  Ludwig  found  that  the  eggs  and  pupa  of  the  Japanese  beetle  were 
not  effected  by  DDT  except  when  in  the  last  stages  of  their  development  or 
by  unusual  contact  with  the  DDT. 

The  larvae  were  poisoned  by  allowing  them  to  crawl  on  filter  paper  wet  with 
1 percent,  5 percent,  and  10  percent  solutions  of  DDT  in  peanut  oil.  In  all 
cases  there  were  no  recoveries  although  some  survived  as  long  as  two  weeks. 
The  larvae  shortly  after  contact  with  the  DDT  developed  tremors  and  loss  of 
weight.  The  greatest  loss  of  weight  was  in  the  glycogen  contents  of  the 
body,  the  least  in  the  protein. 

The  adults  were  very  sensitive  to  DDT. 

John  C.  Pallister,  Acting  Secretary 

Dec.,  1948] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 


Meeting  of  December  2,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
December  2,  1947,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President 
Doctor  Hagan  called  the  meeting  to  order  at  8 : 00  P.  M.  Sixteen  members 
were  present. 

Mrs.  John  Hastings  was  elected  to  membership. 

Mr.  Comstock  reported  for  the  committee  appointed  at  the  November  18, 
1947  meeting  to  consider  the  action  of  the  trustees  at  their  November  7,  1947 
meeting.  He  reported  that  the  signatures  of  at  least  75  per  cent  of  the 
membership  would  be  required  in  order  that  the  society  might  withdraw  funds 
from  its  account  with  the  City  Bank  Farmers  Trust  Company.  These  funds 
would  be  placed  in  a savings  account.  The  need  for  this  transfer  was  ex- 
plained by  Mr.  Comstock.  Mr.  Pallister  moved  that  the  necessary  resolution 
be  drawn  and  that  the  secretary  circulate  it  among  the  membership.  The 
motion  was  seconded  and  approved. 

The  secretary  was  instructed  to  forward  congratulations  and  best  wishes 
for  a long  and  useful  life  to  the  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society  on  the  oc- 
casion of  their  75th  anniversary. 

Doctor  Herman  Spieth  then  presented  his  talk  on  the  Museum  expedition 
to  North  Central  Mexico  during  the  summer  of  1947.  Doctors  Cazier, 
Gertsch,  Michener,  Spieth  and  Mr.  Schrammell  participated  in  this  expedi- 
tion, the  purpose  of  which  was  to  collect  insect,  spider,  and  reptilian  speci- 
mens. Many  beetles,  butterflies  and  spiders  were  taken,  along  with  a few 
Drosophila  on  the  trip  which  carried  them  from  El  Paso  to  Chihuahua,  and 
south  to  Durango  then  east  and  north  to  Saltillo  and  Eagle  Pass.  Their  trans- 
portation consisted  of  two  jeeps  and  trailers  and  one  carryall.  Many  interest- 
ing experiences  were  related  and  a good  sample  of  the  collection  was  shown. 

F.  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 

Meeting  of  December  16,  1947 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
December  16,  1947  at  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President 
Doctor  Hagan  called  the  meeting  to  order  at  8:  00  P.  M.  Sixteen  members 
and  six  visitors  were  present.  An  invitation  to  the  membership  to  attend 
the  International  Congress  of  Entomology  in  Sweden  during  August  1948 
was  read.  The  secretary  was  instructed  to  write  Mr.  Dos  Passos  asking  him 
to  represent  this  society  if  he  attends  the  congress. 

The  following  committees  were  appointed  for  the  annual  meeting : 

Nominating  Committee:  Mr.  Huntington,  Doctor  Ruckes,  Mr.  Pallister. 

Auditing  Committee:  Doctor  Spieth,  Mr.  Becker,  Doctor  Gertsch. 

The  speaker  of  the  evening,  Dr.  E.  Gorton  Linsley,  of  the  Department  of 
Entomology  of  the  University  of  California  was  introduced  and  he  presented 
a talk  on  the  “Biology  of  Some  Meloid  Beetles. ’ ’ His  talk  was  concerned 
primarily  with  hypermetamorphosis.  He  described  the  development  of  a 
meloid  from  the  egg  to  the  first  stage  larva,  called  “primary  larva’  ’,  also 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI 

triungulin  (because  of  the  3 lobed  tarsae  consisting  of  1 claw  with  a seta  on 
each  side).  Upon  molting  it  becomes  a “caraboid’’  larva,  then  molting  to 
the  1 1 first  scaraboid ’ ’ stage  and  then  molting  to  1 1 second  scaraboid  ’ 1 stage. 
These  first  four  stages  are  feeding  stages.  The  next  molt  brings  forth  a 
1 1 co-arctate  larva.  ’ ’ This  stage  is  well  protected  and  extremely  resistant. 
It  is  immotile  and  can  remain  inactive.  The  next  molt  produces  a motile 
non  feeding  stage.  This  is  the  final  larval  stage ; the  insect  now  pupates 
and  the  adult  emerges.  Doctor  Linsley  described  this  development  as  ap- 
parent degeneration  from  the  primary  larva  to  the  non  motile  stage,  then  a 
reversal  of  the  process  to  maturity. 

Similar  development  was  described  in  the  Strepsiptera  and  in  the  Syrphidae 
and  Bombyliidae  of  the  Diptera.  Hypermetamorphosis  is  also  present  in  the 
neuropteron,  Mantispa.  For  the  primary  larvae  of  the  Meloidae  he  reported 
two  main  types  of  food  (1)  parasites  on  eggs  of  grasshoppers  (2)  parasites 
in  nests  of  bees  and  wasps.  The  habits  of  the  primary  larvae  in  reaching  their 
hosts  are  used  in  distinguishing  the  subfamilies  Meloinae  and  Nemognathinae 
within  the  Meloidae. 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary 

Dec.,  1948] 




By  J.  McDunnough 

On  a recent  visit  to  New  York,  the  Reverend  Bernard  Rotger 
of  Capnlin,  Colorado  brought  with  him  for  identification  a very 
interesting  specimen  of  a Pseudohazis  which  evidently  belonged 
in  the  hero,  group  but  was  easily  distinguished  by  its  considerably 
larger  size,  the  dead  white  ground  of  the  wings  and  the  much 
heavier  black  suffusion,  especially  on  the  secondaries  where  the 
pale  areas  were  limited  to  the  cell  around  the  discal  spot  and  to 
a series  of  subterminal  rays.  On  his  assurance  that  he  possessed 
a series  of  similar  specimens,  he  was  advised  that  a racial  name 
was  indicated,  and  it  was  suggested  that  he  draw  up  a descrip- 
tion. He  has  now  complied  with  this  request  and  the  description, 
which  should  be  credited  to  Rotger  as  the  author,  is  appended  to 
the  present  article.  Besides  the  type  series  it  should  be  noted  that 
there  is  a similar  male  specimen  in  the  American  Museum  collec- 
tion without  data,  and  another  male  from  the  collection  of  the 
California  Academy  of  Sciences  has  been  examined  which  was 
collected  at  Taos,  New  Mexico,  August,  1934 ; both  these  specimens 
should  be  included  in  the  type  series.  The  new  race  will  be  illus- 
trated in  color  in  a forthcoming  monograph  of  the  Saturniidse  of 
North  and  South  America  which  is  in  course  of  preparation  by 
various  members  of  the  American  Museum  staff.  As  it  will  be 
some  time  before  this  work  will  be  ready  for  publication,  it  is 
thought  advisable  to  secure  validity  for  the  new  racial  name  at 
the  present  time.  The  description  by  Father  Rotger  follows : 

“ Pseudohazis  herct,  ssps.  magnified  Eotger 

Larger  and  blacker  than  hera,  ground  color  cream.  Fore  wings:  the  tri- 
angular markings  of  limbal  area  reaching  the  band ; black  discal  spot  united 
to  costal  margin.  Hind  wings:  triangular  markings  of  same  area,  pene- 
trating into  the  band ; the  large  discal  dash  with  both  ends  connecting  to  the 
band  and  leaving  a more  or  less  triangular  white  center;  base  and  inner 
margin  till  the  inner  veins,  black.  Transverse  reddish-fulvous  bands  of  ab- 
domen narrow,  black  bands  very  wide.  Expanse : 80  to  95  mm. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYI 

Caught  about  three  miles  east  of  Mesita,  Costilla  Co.,  Colorado 
in  the  sagebrush  country,  on  August  13,  1943  by  the  author. 

Holotype  male,  and  allotype  female  in  my  collection.  Eleven 
topoparatypes,  one  of  which  is  deposited  at  the  American  Mu- 
seum of  Natural  History.’ ’ 


Since  the  publication  of  the  note  on  insects  and  slang  in  the 
September,  1948  issue  of  this  Journal  Dr.  Edwin  P.  Meiners  has 
supplied  the  starred  expressions  in  the  following  list. 

Beehive,  a busy  place. 

#Bees  in  your  bonnet,  eccentric  ideas. 

*Bug  (colloquial  and  entomological),  any  insect. 

*Bug  (medical),  any  bacterium  or  micro-organism. 

#Bug,  a “nut”,  one  not  in  possession  of  his  full  senses ; one  who 
is  an  expert  in  a particular  field. 

#Bug-eater,  a worthless  fellow.  (See  “Field  and  Forest”  iii; 

132.  “A  Colorado  Yellow  Jacket”.) 

Bughouse,  an  insane  asylum. 

^Butterfly,  a woman  intent  only  upon  having  a good  time. 
^Butterflies  in  stomach,  nausea. 

Feeler,  a proposal. 

Flea,  a flea  in  the  ear,  a rebuff  or  an  irritating  hint. 

Fleabite,  a trifling  pain. 

Flyspeck,  any  small  dot. 

Grub,  food. 

^Hornet’s  nest,  to  stir  up  a,  to  cause  trouble. 

#Louse,  a contemptible  fellow. 

*Lousy,  anything  contemptible. 

— H.  B.  W. 

Dec.,  1948] 

.Linsley:  Trachys 



By  E.  Goeton  Linsley 
University  of  California,  Berkeley 

The  genus  Trachys,  as  currently  defined,  has  not  been  reported 
previously  in  our  fauna.  However,  between  June  6 and  June  18, 
1948,  the  writer  collected  a series  of  Trachys  pygmaea  (Fab.)  on 
hollyhock  leaves  in  Rutherford,  New  Jersey.  This  species,  in- 
digenous to  Europe,  Asia  Minor,  and  North  Africa  (Obenberger, 
1937)  has  apparently  been  introduced  and  the  indications  are  that 
it  has  become  well-established. 

The  key  to  related  North  American  genera  provided  by  Nicolay 
and  Weiss  (1920:  137)  may  be  modified  for  the  inclusion  of 
Trachys  as  follows : 

1.  Antennae,  in  repose,  received  in  a deep  sinus  in  the  prosternum;  scu- 

tellum  always  evident  2 

Antennae  free,  at  most  held  in  a feeble  impression  in  the  prosternum; 
scutellum  minute,  scarcely  visible  Trachys 

2.  Scutellum  small;  tibiae  linear  3 

Scutellum  large,  triangular;  tibiae  dilated  Pachyschelus 

3.  Body  ovate;  prosternum  obtuse  behind  Brachys 

Body  elongate;  prosternum  pointed  behind  Taphrocerus 

In  form,  Trachys  resembles  Brachys  but  the  free  antennae  and 
minute  scutellum  will  readily  distinguish  it.  T.  pygmaea  may  be 
easily  recognized  by  the  bright  green  or  blue-green  elytra  and 
brilliant  cupreous  head  and  pronotum.  The  ventral  surface  is 
black  with  a cupreous  lustre. 


Nicolay,  A.  S.,  and  H.  f>.  Weiss.  1920.  The  group  Traches  in  North 
America.  Part  I.  The  genera  Pachyschelus  and  Taphrocerus. 
Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  28:  136-150,  pi.  6. 

Obenberger,  J.  1937.  In:  Junk,  Coleopterorum  Catalogus,  pars  157:  1372- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvi 



Among  the  hundreds  of  signboards  mentioned  in  ‘ ‘ The  History 
of  Signboards,”  by  Jacob  Larwood  and  John  Camden  Hotten, 
London  c.1866,  only  a very  few  were  adorned  by  what  might  be 
called  entomological  devices  and  these  certainly  did  not  indicate 
the  business  of  the  shop  for  the  benefit  of  customers  who  could  not 
read.  Grasshoppers  on  London  signboards  of  the  sevententh  cen- 
tury were  good  luck  emblems.  The  shop  of  Sir  Thomas  Gresham 
carried  the  portrait  of  a grasshopper  and  Charles  Duncombe  and 
Richard  Kent,  goldsmiths  lived  at  the  Grasshopper  on  Lombard 
Street  in  1677. 

Many  shopkeepers  of  London  used  the  illustration  of  a beehive, 
beneath  which  the  following  lines  indicated  the  industry  of  the 

“Within  this  hive,  we’re  all  alive, 

Good  liquor  makes  us  funny : 

‘ 4 If  you  are  dry,  step  in  and  try 
The  flavour  of  our  honey.  ’ ’ 

Larwood  and  Hotten  mention  an  actual  hive  full  of  active  bees 
which  topped  a signpost,  at  Grantham  in  Lincolnshire,  many 
years  ago.  Fifty  years  ago  and  less,  I recall  seeing  the  beehive 
on  signboards  of  small  shops  in  Philadelphia  and  in  surrounding 
towns.  In  fact  some  were  called  The  Beehive  and  used  this  de- 
vice in  their  advertising. 

One  last  example  is  that  a tea-dealer  of  Oxford  Street,  Totten- 
ham Court  Road,  at  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century,  who  had 
the  leaf  insect  of  India  for  his  sign. — H.  B.  W. 


Generic  names  begin  with  capital  letters.  New  genera,  subgenera,  species, 
varieties  and  new  names  are  printed  in  italics. 

Acalama,  206 

donisthorpei,  207 

canadensis,  221 
cantator,  221 
cinereus,  222 
dorsalis,  222 
excrucians,  222 
fitchii,  222 
mitchellse,  223 
punctor,  223 
sollicitans,  223 
sticticus,  224 
stimulans,  224 
taeniorhynchus,  224 
triseriatus,  224 
trivittatus,  224 
vexans,  225 

barberi,  226 
crucians,  226 
punctipennis,  226 
quadrimaculatus,  227 
walkeri,  228 

Ants,  harvester,  mating  behavior, 


cottlei,  51 
bulbulifera,  137 

Behavior  of  Dytiscus  to  wave  lengths 
of  light,  109 

Bucculatricid  gall  maker,  43 

chomulce,  201 

excoecatus,  73 


floridensis,  233 
key  to  species  of,  234 
Cockerell,  T.  D.  A., 
death  of,  70 
obituary  of,  171 
portrait  of,  170 

Cotton  breeding  for  jassid  resist- 
ance, 209 
Cotton  jassid,  209 
Crane-flies,  neotropical,  137 

aikenii,  185 
allostigma,  191 
apicalis,  228 
bastigarius,  185 
chidesteri,  179 
chrysonotum,  185 
conservator,  189 
conspirator,  186 
corniger,  179 
coronator,  180 
declarator,  181 
dunni,  187 
eastor,  187 
educator,  187 
egcymon,  188 
elevator,  188 
erraticus,  189 
hesitator,  190 
inflectus,  182 
interrogator,  183 
mollis,  183 
nigropalpus,  184 
pilosus,  190 
pipiens,  229 
quinquefasciatus,  182 
restuans,  229 
salinarius,  230 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYI 

Culicidae,  Panama,  175 

inornata,  230 
melanura,  230 
morsitans,  230 

DDT,  effect  on  metabolism  of  Japa- 
nese beetle,  246 
cancer,  192 
psendes,  192 

moschatum,  208 

altus,  53 
Dianthidium,  149 
discors,  149 

dilectum,  152 
dubium,  152 
mccrackence,  152 

fraternum,  151 
heterulkei,  151 
implication,  150 

consimile,  152 

Dytiscus  fasciventris,  spectral  sensi- 
tivity of,  109 


burchelli,  72 

devastans,  209 

Encephalitis,  arthropod  vectors  of, 

Encephalomyelitis,  arthropod  vectors 
of,  79 

Entomological  signboards,  252 
Entomological  Society  of  America, 
early  reference  to,  154 
Ephemerida,  male  genitalia  of,  25 


glabripennis,  145 


spiniterga,  147 
subunicolor,  146 


lemniscata,  49 
Honey-bee  predators,  195 

Insects  attracted  by  smoke,  78 
Insects  and  slang,  170,  250 

Key  to  species  of  Ceropales,  234 



michiganensis,  59 


perturbans,  230 

liminoeca,  20 
mazaeus,  16 
beebei,  18 
bipuncta,  19 

mauensis,  15 
solaria,  15 
review  of,  1 

hypoptes,  177 
moctezuma,  178 
septentrionalis,  231 
superbus,  178 

isocomma,  6 
review  of,  1 

occidentals,  78 

Mosquitoes,  list  of  from  Pa.,  219 
Mosquito  survey  of  Pa.,  219 

New  York  Entomological  Club,  his- 
tory of,  119 

Obituary,  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell,  171 
signifera,  231 

Dec.,  1948] 



“Papilio”,  journal  of  New  York 
Entomological  Club,  119 

ventricosus,  48 

Pennsylvania  mosquitoes,  219 
barbatus,  239 

fuscatus,  155 
Predators,  honey-bee,  195 

magnified,  249 
plutoides,  138 

ciliata,  231 
confinnis,  231 
ferox,  232 
horrida,  232 

Spectral  sensitivity  of  Dytiscus,  109 

cecrops,  243 

Subscribers,  notice  to,  238 


atrolata,  140 
elissa,  144 
hypomela,  142 
Icetifica,  139 
subargentea,  143 

submetallicus,  49 
Trachys  in  U.  S.,  251 

pygmaea,  251 

calosomata,  175 
contzacoalcos,  175 
geometrica,  176 
lowii,  176 
pulcherrima,  177 
sapphirina,  232 

maculifrons,  73 

squamosum,  73 
Viviparity  in  insects,  63 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

Organized  June  29,  1892 — Incorporated  February  25,  1893 
Reincorporated  February  17,  1943 

The  meetings  of  the  Society  are  held  on  the  first  and  third  Tuesday  of  each  month 
(except  June,  July,  August  and  September)  at  8 p.  m.,  in  the  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History,  79th  St.,  & Central  Park  W.,  New  York  24,  N.  Y. 

Annual  dues  for  Active  Members,  $3.00;  including  subscription  to  the  Journal,  $5.00. 

Members  of  the  Society  will  please  remit  their  annual  dues,  payable  in  January,  to 
the  treasurer. 

A set  of  the  Journal,  volumes  I to  L inclusive,  unbound,  $90.00. 


Officers  for  the  Year  1948 

} 'y:- ' ; ( j » , V V i /,  , v 

President,  DR.  HAROLD  R.  HAGAN 

College  of  the  City  of  New  York,  New  York  31,  N.  Y. 

Vice-President,  DR.  MONT  A.  CAZIER  American  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Secretary , FRANK  A.  SORACI  Allentown,  N.  J. 

Assistant  Secretary,  MRS.  PATRICIA  VAURIE American  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Treasurer,  DR.  JAMES  C.  KING....J American  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Assistant  Treasurer,  LEONARD  J.  SANFORD American  Museum  of  Natural  History 



Dr.  James  C.  King 

E.  W.  Teale 

Dr.  Mont  A.  Cazieb 

Dr.  H.  T.  Spieth 

Dr.  Harold  R.  Hagan 


Harry  B.  Weiss 

Dr.  Charles  D.  Michener 

John  D.  Sherman,  Jr. 

, \ \ i r ; i , - 


Dr.  James  Forbes 

Albro  T.  Gaul 

Dr.  Lucy  W.  Clausen 


Dr.  Lucy  W.  Clausen 

E.  W.  Teale 

Chris.  E.  Olsen 

Wm.  P.  Comstock 


of  the 


Published  quarterly  by  the  Society  at  N.  Queen  St.,  and  Mc- 
Govern Ave.,  Lancaster,  Pa.  All  communications  relating  to 
manuscript  for  the  Journal  should  be  sent  to  the  Editor,  Harry  B. 
Weiss,  19  N<  7th  Ave.,  Highland  Park,  New  Jersey;  all  subscrip- 
tions to  the  Treasurer,  Dr.  James  C.  King,  American  Museum 
of  Natural  History,  New  York  24,  N.  Y.  Orders  for  back  issues 
should  be  sent  to  the  Treasurer,  Dr.  James  C.  King,  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York  24,  N.  Y.  The  society  has 
a complete  file  of  back  issues  in  stock.  The  Society  will  not  be 
responsible  for  lost  Journals  if  not  notified  immediately  of  change 
of  address.  We  do  not  exchange  publications. 

Terms  for  subscription,  $4.00  per  year,  strictly  in  advance. 

Please  make  all  cheeks , money -orders,  or  drafts  payable  to 
New  York  Entomological  Society. 

Twenty-five  reprints  without  covers  are  furnished  free  to 
authors.  Additional  copies  may  be  purchased  at  the  following 
rates : 

4 pp.  8 pp.  12  pp.  16  pp.  24  pp.  32  pp. 

25  copies  ' $3.2%  $7.02  $7.38  $7.38  $12.00  $12.78 

50  copies  ...iL..  3.48  7.62  8.10  8.10  13.02  13.86 

Additional  100*s  ...........  .90  2.10  2.76  2.76  4.02  4.32 

Covers  1.^ 50  copies,  $4.32;  additional  100 *s,  $2.58 

Half-tone  prints:  2 cents  for  each  half-tone  print. 

Authors  whose  papers  are  illustrated  with  text  figures  or 
full  page  plates  will  be  required  to  supply  the  electroplates  or 
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pay  the  cost  of  printing  full  page  plates  on  coated  paper,  when 





Sntnteh  to  iEntmiuilugu  tn  (general 

VOLUME  LVII,  1949 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 
North  Queen  St.  and  McGovern  Ave.  Lancaster,  Pa. 

New  York,  N.  Y. 




Alexander,  Charles  P. 

Records  and  Descriptions  of  Neotropical  Crane  Flies 

(Tipulidae:  Diptera)  XXIV  253 

Arnett,  Jr.,  Ross  H. 

Notes  on  the  Distribution,  Habits,  and  Habitats  of  Some 

Panama  Culicines  (Diptera:  CulicidaB)  233 

Barber,  George  W.  and  Eleanor  B.  Starnes 

The  Activities  of  House  Flies  203 

Beard,  Raimon 

Physiological  Effects  of  Induced  Hemorrhage  in  Japa- 
nese Beetle  Larvae  79 

Book  Notices 92,  117,  138,  182,  224,  231 

Breland,  Osmond  P. 

Distinctive  features  of  the  Larvae  of  Aedes  alleni  Tur- 
ner ( Diptera : CulicidaB)  93 

Goding,  Frederick  W. 

The  Old  World  Membracidae 183,  267 

Hatch,  Melville  H. 

Studies  on  the  Fauna  of  Pacific  Northwest  Green- 
houses, (Isopoda,  Coleoptera,  Dermaptera,  Orthoptera, 

Gastropoda)  141 

Hawley,  Ira  M. 

The  Effect  of  Summer  Rainfall  on  Japanese  Beetle 

Populations 167 

Huckett,  H.  C. 

The  Subgenus  Pycnoglossa  Coquillett  in  North  Amer- 
ica, Genus  Hylemyia  Sens.  Lat.  (Muscidae:  Diptera)  51 

Judd,  W.  W. 

Insects  Collected  in  the  Dundas  Marsh,  Hamilton,  On- 

tario, 1947-48  225 

Malkin,  Borys 

Notes  on  Oregon  Coccinellidae  (Coleoptera)  133 

Observations  on  the  Courtship  of  Brenthis  anchorago 

L.  (Coleoptera,  Brenthidae)  135 


Milliron,  H.  E. 

The  Identity  of  Two  Introduced  Clover  Seed  Weevils 

(Coleoptera:  Curculionidae)  109 

Molitor,  Arnulf 

Experiments  on  the  Colony  Foundation  of  European 

Ants  101 

Munroe,  Eugene 

A New  Genus  of  Nymphalidas  and  its  Affinities  (Lepi- 

doptera,  Rhopalocera)  67 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 193 

Rapp,  Janet  L.  C. 

The  Chloride  Ion  in  the  Hemolymph  of  the  Large  Milk- 
weed Bug,  Oncopeltus  fasciatus  (Dallas)  215 

Rupert,  Laurence  R. 

A Revision  of  the  North  American  Species  of  the  Genus 

Plagodis  (Lepidoptera : Geometridae,  Ennominae)  19 

Smith,  Marion  R. 

A New  Species  of  Camponotus,  Subg.  Colobopsis  from 

Mexico  (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)  177 

Spiess,  Eliot 

Drosophila  in  New  England  117 

Starnes,  Eleanor  B.,  see  George  W.  Barber 23 

Yaurie,  Charles  and  Patricia 

Insect  Collecting  in  Guatemala  65  Years  After  Cham- 
pion   * 1 

Weiss,  Harry  B. 

Army  Ant  Behavior  (Note)  214 

Cabbage  Worms  Conjured  (Note)  252 

Color  Discrimination  by  Eristalis  tenax  (Note)  140 

An  Early  New  Jersey  Insect  Collection  (Note)  202 

Entomologists  Are  Human  Beings  (Note)  50 

Entomology  Defined  in  1835  (Note)  66 

First  Scientific  Bibliography  (Note)  66 

The  Insect  Motif  in  Glass  Paperweights  (Note)  252 

Organic  Insecticides  (Note)  * 134 

Pre-Columbian  Aztec  Grasshopper  (Note)  166 

Sir  John  Maundevile’s  Ants  (Note)  266 


No.  1 

j V 



MARCH,  1949 


of  the 

New  York  Entomological  Society 

Devoted  to  Entomology  in  General 

Edited  by  HARRY  B.  WEISS 

Publication  Committee 



Subscription  $5.00  per  Year 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 

NEW  YORK,  N.  Y. 


^ 1 ::;r : fr<  ; ff;: 

l \ ■ V _'v\;  A i ■:'  ^.inl  ■ . '•  -'.  ‘c  "Tv  Jy  Jfj.  ' i':-^;>  ■ '■  k t‘t  W Xi~V  f ::^J 

Insect  Collecting  in  Guatemala  65  Years  After  Champion 

By  Charles  and  Patricia  Yaurie 1 

A Revision  of  the  North  American  Species*  of  the  Genus 
Plagodis  (Lepidoptera,  Geometridae,  Ennominse) 

By  Laurence  R.  RupeRt 19 

Entomologists  Are  Human  Beings  50 


The  Subgenus  Pycnoglossa  Coquillett  in  North  America, 
Genus  Hylemyia  Sens.  Lat.  (Muscidae,  Diptera) 

By  H.  6.  Huckett 51 

First  Scientific  Bibliography  66 

Entomology  Defined  in  1835  66 

A New  Genus  of  Nymphalidae  and  its  Affinities  (Lepi- 
doptera, Rhopalocera) 

By  Eugene  Munroe 67 

NOTICE:  Volume  LVI,  Number  4,  of  the  Journal  of 
the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  published 
on  January  26,  1949. 


Entered  as  second  class  matter  July  7,  1925,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 
under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  special  rate  of  postage  provided  for  in  Section  1103. 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  March  27,  1924. 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

Vol.  LVII  March,  1949  No.  1 


By  Charles  and  Patricia  Vaurie 

A great  deal  of  the  material  upon  which  the  insect  sections  of 
the  Biologia  Centrali- Americana  are  based  came  from  Guatemala. 
Some  of  this  material  was  collected  by  Salvin  and  Godman  them- 
selves or  later  sent  to  them  by  native  collectors,  but  most  of  it 
was  collected  by  the  expert  collector,  G.  C.  Champion. 

Champion  spent  four  years  in  Central  America  and  two  of 
these  years,  from  March  16,  1879,  to  April  7,  1881,  were  devoted 
exclusively  to  Guatemala.  Since  Champion’s  day  no  other  ex- 
tensive systematic  collecting  was  undertaken  in  Guatemala  until 
the  summer  of  1947,  when  the  present  authors  w~ere  sent  there 
by  Mr.  Frank  Johnson  under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Department 
of  Insects  and  Spiders  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  His- 

The  purpose  of  the  trip  was  to  collect  in  and  revisit,  in  so  far 
as  time  and  present  day  conditions  permitted,  the  same  localities 
or  areas  visite.d  by  Champion.  ‘ 

Changed  conditions  made  exact  duplication  of  localities  im- 
possible. In  the  first  place,  duplication  was  not  always  desirable 
because  some  of  the  places  visited  by  Champion  had  been  so 
drastically  altered  that  they  were  no  longer  suitable  collecting 
grounds  and  some  names  had  disappeared  altogether.  Secondly, 
it  was  not  always  possible  since  the  modes  of  traveling  differed. 
All  Champion’s  travels  were  on  horseback  or  on  foot  and  thus 
he  could,  and  did,  strike  camp  at  any  favorable  spot.  In  the 

New  York  Entomological  Society 


three  months  at  our  disposal  we  could  not  follow  such  a method, 
but,  although  the  modern  means  of  communication  we  employed 
did  not  allow  the  greater  leisure  and  elasticity  of  Champion’s 
method,  they  enabled  us  to  cover  an  even  larger  amount  of  terri- 
tory. We  were  able  to  visit,  in  addition  to  the  same  areas- and 
most  of  the  main  localities  in  which  Champion  collected,  two 
additional  areas,  one  in  the  wet  Cuchumatanes  Mountains,  and 
the  other  in  the  dry  south  east. 

Champion’s  itinerary  appeared  first  in  the  Entomological 
News  of  February,  1907,  and  later,  with  additional  notes,  in  the 
introductory  volume  (1915,  pp.  46-54)  of  the  Biologia.  Because 
of  the  great  changes  that  have  taken  place  in  the  land  cover  since 
those  notes  were  written,  a brief  account  of  all  the  localities 
visited  by  us  is  given  below,  with  comparisons  between  past  and 
present  conditions  at  localities  common  to  both  of  our  itineraries. 

In  order  to  present  a comprehensive  picture  and  to  avoid 
repetition,  the  specific  account  is  preceded  by  the  following  gen- 
eral notes  on  the  physiography,  climate,  and  vegetation  of  the 
regions  visited. 


Guatemala  has  for  its  size  (50,000  square  miles,  or  about  the 
area  of  the  state  of  New  York)  what  is  perhaps  the  most  com- 
plicated physiography  to  be  found  anywhere  in  the  world,  and 
as  a result  it  presents  a number  of  strongly  contrasting  climatic 

Geologically,  the  country  can  be  divided  into  six  main  regions : 
1.  the  Pacific  littoral,  2.  the  volcanic  coastal  mountains,  3.  the 
Highlands,  4.  the  limestone  mountains  of  the  interior,  5.  the 
desert  or  semi  arid  interior  valleys,  6.  the  Caribbean  lowlands 
and  the  high  plain  of  the  Peten.  Some  of  these  regions  can  be 
further  subdivided : the  volcanic  mountains  into  the  outer  chain 
of  the  recent  volcanoes,  and  the  inner  and  older  range  which 
forms  the  Continental  Divide ; the  limestone  mountains  into  the 
great  mass  of  the  Cuchumatanes  proper,  and  the  smaller  and 
lower  mountains  of  the  Alta  Yera  Paz.  Generalized  descriptions 
of  these  regions  have  been  given  by  Popenoe  (1926)  and  Griscom 
(1932)  and  a detailed,  excellently  treated  and  illustrated  cross 

Mar..  1949] 

Vaurie:  Collecting 


section  of  south  west  Guatemala,  from  the  shores  of  the  Pacific 
to  the  foot  of  the  Cuchumatanes,  has  been  given  by  McBryde 
(1947).  The  most  important  features  of  these  regions  may  be 
summarized  as  follows : 

On  the  Pacific,  a plain,  varying  in  width  from  30  to  50  miles, 
extends,  flat  at  first,  then  gradually  sloping  inland,  to  the  foot 
of  a nearly  straight  range  of  majestic  volcanoes.  These  volca- 
noes are  exceedingly  steep  and  rise  with  the  most  striking  abrupt- 
ness from  the  plain  below;  the  trend  of  this  range  runs  north 
west-south  east.  Inland  from  this  range,  and  separated  from 
it  by  a great  trough,  runs  a parallel  range  of  older  volcanic 
mountains  which  form  the  Continental  Divide.  At  the  northern 
end  the  two  ranges  come  together  at  the  great  cone  of  Tajumulco  ; 
south  of  Guatemala  City  they  get  gradually  lower  and  more 
barren  as  they  approach  the  border  of  El  Salvador.  The  trough 
between  the  two  ranges  is  irregular  and  is  cut  by  great  cross 
ridges  which  separate  basins  which  may  contain  nearly  flat  plains 
or  lakes,  such  as  Atitlan  and  Amatitlan. 

Inland  from  the  Continental  Divide,  the  plateau  of  the  High- 
lands (or  Altos)  stretches  to  the  Cuchumatanes.  Though  spoken 
of  as  a “ plateau,  ’ ’ ‘this  region  is  only  a plateau  of  the  most  ir- 
regular sort.  Everywhere  the  land  is  dissected  by  immensely 
deep  and  abrupt  gorges  (the  barrancas ),  slopes  and  ridges 
abound,  and  the  whole  area  is  extremely  broken  up. 

To  the  north  this  region  dips  into  the  drainage  troughs  of  the 
Cuilco  and  Negro  Rivers  on  the  other  side  of  which  rises  abruptly 
the  enormous  mass  of  the  Cuchumatanes.  These  mountains,  un- 
like the  coastal  ranges,  have  a west  to  east  trend,  the  easterly 
trend  becoming  more  marked  as  the  mountains  continue  eastward 
into  the  Yera  Paz.  The  Cuchumatanes  have  a maximum  altitude 
of  about  11,000  feet  and  the  mountains  in  the  Alta  Yera  Paz  of 
about  6,000.  Another  range  of  importance  is  a long  range  rising 
a little  to  the  south  of  the  Cuchumatanes.  This  range,  which 
also  runs  from  west  to  east,  changes  its  name  several  times  as  it 
proceeds  eastwards.  On  the  middle  course  of  the  Motagua  River, 
above  Zacapa,  parts  of  the  range,  here  called  Sierra  de  las  Minas,, 
rise  above  7,500  feet. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

The  west  to  east  course  of  all  these  interior  mountains  deter- 
mines the  trend  of  the  interior  valleys,  the  major  ones  of  which 
are  those  of  the  Rio  Negro,  Salama  and  Rabinal,  and  that  of  the 
Motagua  River. 

To  the  south  of  the  Motagua,  beyond  Zacapa,  is  a region  of 
more  or  less  arid  hills  and  valleys  which  stretches  to  the  frontiers 
of  Honduras  and  El  Salvador.  On  the  northern  side  of  the 
Sierra  de  las  Minas  are  the  valleys  of  the  Baja  Vera  Paz,  and  on 
the  northern  side  of  the  Alta  Vera  Paz  mountains  is  the  high 
plain  of  the  Peten.  These  last  are  drained  on  the  east  by  the 
Cahabon  and  on  the  south  by  the  Polochic,  both  of  which  empty 
into  a vast  swamp  and  from  there  into  Lake  Izabal  and  the 


Two  seasons  prevail  over  most  of  Guatemala,  a dry  and  a wet 
season,  the  dry  lasting  generally  from  early  November  through 
April.  In  addition  there  is  also  a more  or  less  marked  secondary 
dry  season  of  variable  duration.  This  secondary  dry  season, 
called  the  “ V eranillo  de  San  Juan”  or  “canicula,”  occurs  in  mid 
summer  in  about  half  of  the  country  and,  where  well  marked, 
has  an  effect  on  the  vegetation.  The  temperature  varies  accord- 
ing to  the  altitude,  but  at  any  given  level  seasonal  ranges  are 
slight,  and  although  during  the  North  American  winter  the  av- 
erage monthly  temperature  drops  somewhat  in  parts  of  Guate- 
mala, the  drop,  except  at  the  highest  elevations  where  frost 
occasionally  occurs,  has  little  effect  on  the  flora  and  fauna.  Cli- 
mate and  seasonal  changes,  then,  are  very  largely  a matter  of 
rainfall  and  as  the  distribution  of  rain  in  Guatemala  is  essentially 
determined  by  relief  and  exposure,  the  climate  is  very  diversified 
and  the  changes  are  apt  to  be  as  abrupt  as  the  physiography. 
(For  detailed  discussions  of  climate  and  weather  in  Guatemala, 
see  Sapper,  1932,  and  McBryde,  1942a  and  1942b.) 

On  the  Pacific  plain  and  slope,  the  wet  and  dry  seasons  are 
well  marked.  The  wet  season  extends  from  April  into  November, 
the  rainiest  months  being  June  and  September,  with  a drop  in 
between  during  July  and  August,  the  “ Veranillo  de  San  Juan” 
mentioned  above.  The  precipitation  increases  with  the  altitude, 

Mar.,  1949] 

Yaurie  : Collecting 


ranging,  according  to  McBryde  (1942a),  from  about  150  centi- 
meters along  the  shore,  to  200  at  300  feet,  300  at  600  feet,  until 
a zone  of  heavy  precipitation  is  reached  at  about  2500  feet.  In 
this  zone,  which  extends  up  to  about  4,600  feet,  the  annual  aver- 


Moca  Ttece  Ac/uas 

' m°3o'NL  9/°30  IVL ' H-  /Q00  m /5°25‘ NL  89°22  WL _ H-  725m 

^ear.  total  4376  mm  . y^ar.  total  5617mm,  2!'/3yri 

Pa  n 2 os 

IS°2S'Nl  89°45WL,  H = 36*, 
year  total  3318mm,  TVsyn 





iiimi  u 



Guatemala  C.  Coban  (Chi  max  ) Set /a  ma 

/4°  37  NL  90e3/VL,  H=  1490  m 13°  29  NL  90°/6WL,H  = /306m  13°  06' NL  90° /7  NL  H = 930  m 

year,  total  (257mm  , 23yn  year  total  2469  mm ; 9yrt.  year,  total  764mmi  7 y^ 

Figure  1.  Selected  graphs  of  rainfall  in  Guatemala;  from  Sapper  (1932) 
except  for  Moca,  which  is  from  original  data. 

age  is  about  400  centimeters,  going  up  to  550,  or  220  inches,  in 
some  localities.  The  graph  of  Moca  (3,000  feet)  with  an  annual 
average  of  437  centimeters,  or  172  inches,  is  typical  of  this  zone. 
(See  figure  1).  Above  this  heavy  rain  belt  there  is,  depending 

6 New  York  Entomological  Society  [Vol.  lvii 

on  the  local  mountain  condition,  a sharp  decrease  or  no  further 
increase  in  precipitation.  Above  and  below  the  heavy  rain  belt, 
the  double  maximum  (June  and  September)  is  not  so  pro- 
nounced. Only  a little  rain  falls  from  November  to  March  and 
during  this  season  many  of  the  smaller  streams  dry  up. 

The  rainy  belt  of  the  west  slope,  which,  in  terms  of  the  Koppen 
classification,  has  a “tropical  monsoon”  climate,  was  formerly 
clothed  with  a luxuriant  rain  forest.  But  today,  except  along 
the  deeper  stream  courses,  the  forest  has  been  cleared  or  drasti- 
cally thinned.  It  has  been  largely  replanted  by  smaller  trees, 
mostly  of  the  Leguminosse  family,  to  give  shade  to  the  coffee 
bushes  which  now  everywhere  occupy  this  zone. 

On  the  much  drier  plain  below,  the  climate  is  that  of  a tropical 
savanna.  The  vegetation  is  open  and  sparse  except  along  the 
river  courses,  which  are  bordered  by  large  trees  and  dense  under- 
growth. McBryde  applies  the  term  “gallery  forest”  to  these 
wooded  strips,  but  too  often  the  “forest”  has  been  reduced  to  but 
a screen.  The  plain  is  largely  occupied  by  extensive  cattle 
ranches,  but  there  are  also  occasional  areas,  mostly  along  the 
railroad,  which  go  in  for  diversified  crops. 

In  the  mountainous  region  above  the  Pacific,  as  well  as  through- 
out the  Highlands,  the  wet  and  dry  seasons  are  the  same  as  on 
the  Pacific,  but  the  rainfall  is  much  less.  Near  the  Continental 
Divide,  as  McBryde  states  (1942a),  the  precipitation  depends  on 
highly  variable  factors,  chief  of  which  is  the  exposure  to  the 
winds.  At  Guatemala  City,  where  the  mountains  are  rather 
open,  the  annual  precipitation  (figure  1)  averages  125  centi- 
meters, but  at  Quezaltenango,  which  is  sheltered  by  mountains 
both  to  the  east  and  west,  the  yearly  average  is  only  67  centi- 
meters. Throughout  the  Highlands,  particularly  inland,  the 
rainfall  appears  to  be  scanty,  and  the  annual  average  varies, 
according  to  McBryde,  from  about  70  centimeters  to  150.  On 
the  Pacific  lowlands  the  temperature  is  always  high,  but  on  the 
highlands  it  varies  from  temperate  to  decidedly  cool. 

Except  at  the  higher  altitudes  where  grassy  stretches  and 
scattered  forests  of  cypress  occur,  the  whole  of  this  region  was 
probably  once  covered  by  an  open  pine  and  oak  forest.  But 
today,  although  a few  remnants  of  this  forest  still  persist  in  the 

Mar.,  1949] 

Vaurie  : Collecting 

poorer  or  most  inaccessible  places,  it  is  fair  to  say  that  every 
acre  that  could  possibly  be  cultivated  has  been  deforested  long 
ago,  and,  as  Griscom  remarks  (1932),  at  least  nine  tenths  of  the 
region  under  8,000  feet  is  now  under  cultivation  or  has  been 

When  the  great  escarpment  of  the  Cuchumatanes  is  climbed, 
one  enters  into  a high  and  rolling  region  of  a totally  different 
aspect.  No  weather  data  was  available  but  as  the  marine  air 
moves  in  freely  from  both  coasts  the  rainfall  may  be  fairly  con- 
stant throughout  the  year.  Perhaps  the  precipitation  is  not 
regular  or  great,  but  the  fact  that  these  mountains  are  so  much 
in  the  clouds  makes  this  region  always  cool  and  very  damp.  Fog 
swirls  through  the  branches  of  great  and  lofty  trees  loaded  with 
epiphytes,  and  mists  slowly  drift  above  alpine  meadows  alive 
with  many  flowers.  Settlements  are  few  and  the  region  is  the 
least  disturbed  we  saw  in  Guatemala.  We  penetrated  only  a 
little  way  beyond  Nebaj,  or  as  far  as  the  road  went,  but  we  were 
told  that  the  interior  was  still  covered  with  many  stretches  of 
what  must  be  a nearly  primeval  forest. 

To  the  east  of  the  Cuchumatanes  proper,  in  the  region  of  the 
Alta  Vera  Paz,  the  weather  data  is  rather  extensive  and  was  col- 
lected and  discussed  by  Sapper  (1932).  This  area,  of  which 
Coban  is  the  center,  is  very  wet  and  there  are  no  really  dry 
months.  At  Coban  (see  figure  1)  the  yearly  average  (246  centi- 
meters) is  considerably  less  than  in  the  monsoon  belt  of  the 
Pacific  Slope,  but  a fine  rain  falls  almost  daily  throughout  the 
year.  With  the  exception  of  the  drier  southern  part,  facing  the 
Baja  Vera  Paz,  the  whole  of  this  region  was  once  covered  by  the 
luxuriant  forests  which  still  existed  in  Champion’s  time.  But- 
today,  due  to  the  great  spread  of  the  coffee  plantation,  combined 
with  lumbering  and  other  destructive  practices,  the  forests  have 
largely  disappeared.  The  eastern  slopes  of  the  mountains  of 
the  Alta  Vera  Paz  face  the  Caribbean  lowlands  and  receive  some 
of  the  highest  precipitation  anywhere  in  Guatemala.  There  the 
wet  season  is  very  marked,  but  lacks  the  double  maximum  of  the 
Pacific  Slope  region.  The  rainiest  months  are  June,  July,  and 
August,  with  September  not  far  behind.  In  this  region,  contrast 
the  graphs  (figure  1)  of  Trece  Aguas  and  Panzos;  both  localities 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  lvii 

are  very  close  to  each  other,  but  Panzos  is  nearly  at  sea  level  and 
Trece  Aguas  is  2,000  feet  higher. 

The  interior  valleys  are  the  driest  regions  of  Guatemala,  the 
mountains  or  highlands  which  hem  them  to  the  north  and  south 
intercepting  the  moisture  of  the  marine  winds  from  both  the 
Atlantic  and  Pacific.  As  most  of  these  valleys  are  rather  low 
they  are  also  very  hot.  The  lowest,  driest,  and  hottest  is  along 
the  middle  course  of  the  Motagua  in  the  region  of  Zacapa.  This 
area,  which,  according  to  Griscom  (1932),  receives  less  than  six 
inches,  or  about  20  centimeters  of  rain  a year,  is  a true  desert  with 
a vegetation  similar  to  that  of  the  deserts  of  southern  Arizona. 
The  valleys  of  Rabinal  and  Salama,  though  arid  enough,  are  less 
dry,  the  annual  precipitation  at  Salama  (figure  1)  averaging 
76.5  centimeters  a year.  Parts  of  these  valleys  are  cultivated, 
but  there  are  large  stretches  of  xerophytic  thorny  scrub.  A 
typical  plant  is  the  tree  cactus,  segments  of  which  are  used  for 
the  construction  of  fences. 

We  have  no  data  for  the  region  to  the  south  east  of  Zacapa, 
but  in  the  region  of  Chiquimula,  which  is  as  far  as  we  went, 
streams  were  dry  and  the  hills  barren  of  vegetation  or  sparsely 
covered  with  scrub.  The  climate  is  hot  and  during  our  stay  in 
late  July  at  the  height  of  the  “little  dry  season”  or  Veranillo, 
no  rain  fell  and  we  were  told  that  none  had  fallen  during  the 
three  weeks  prior  to  our  arrival. 

The  lowlands  of  the  Caribbean,  except  at  Panzos,  and  the 
great  plain  of  the  Peten  were  not  part  of  our  trip.  The  vegeta- 
tion in  these  places  is  that  of  the  humid  tropical  zone  and  the 
climate  has  the  usual  division  into  a dry  and  wet  season,  with 
very  abundant  rainfall  during  the  latter  (523  centimeters  a year 
at  Livingston). 


Localities  printed  in  italics  were  visited  by  Champion  between 
1879  and  1881  though  in  some  instances  he  was  not  in  the  actual 
place  but  nearby  and  all  material  in  quotes  is  from  Champion’s 
notes  (1915).  The  numbers  in  parentheses  following  each  lo- 
cality indicate  the  order  of  our  itinerary  and  correspond  with 
the  locality  on  the  map  in  figure  2.  After  the  numbers  follows 
the  name  of  the  department  in  which  the  locality  occurs. 

Mar.,  1949] 

Vaurie:  Collecting 




New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Pacific  Plain. 

Ayntla  (1),  San  Marcos;  about  100  feet  altitude.  Port  of 
entry  on  the  Guatemala-Mexico  frontier  in  dense  tropical  vegeta- 
tion along  the  Suchiate  River.  June  13. 

Guatalon  (4),  Suchitepequez;  587  feet.  A small  settlement 
on  the  railroad.  June  24. 

Tiquisate  (5),  Escuintla;  200  feet.  Large  United  Fruit  Com- 
pany plantation  of  100,000  acres.  The  land  has  been  cleared 
for  many  miles,  28,000  acres  are  at  present  in  bananas,  the  rest 
are  being  replanted  in  hard  woods.  There  are  many  tracts  of 
scrub  covered  with  impenetrable  tangles  of  vines.  The  settle- 
ment itself  is  park  like,  carefully  manicured  and  heavily  sprayed. 
As  a result,  collecting  was  poor  except  in  wooded  spots  along  the 
Siguacan  River,  where  beating  was  fairly  profitable.  An  at- 
tempt was  made  to  get  transportation  down  to  the  coast,  but 
heavy  rains  had  washed  out  the  roads.  June  26-29. 

Rio  Bravo  (6),  Suchitepequez;  about  600  feet.  Town  on  river 
by  that  name.  Narrow  gallery  forest.  June  28. 

Variedades  (7),  Suchitepequez;  400-900  feet.  Hacienda,  a 
combination  of  cattle  ranch,  citronella  and  cocoa  plantation, 
about  a mile  from  the  railroad  station  of  Variedades.  The  ha- 
cienda is  owned  by  Norman  Lind  and  was  being  redeveloped 
after  a period  of  neglect.  It  proved  to  be  our  best  all-round 
collecting  ground  in  Guatemala,  due,  in  part  at  least,  to  the  many 
recently  felled  trees  and  uprooted  fence  posts.  A series  of  the 
big  blue  Elateridae  of  the  genus  Chalcolepidus  was  taken  in 
flight.  June  30-July  3,  August  26-29,  September  1-2. 

Pacific  Slope. 

Moca  (2),  Suchitepequez;  3,000  feet.  A well  known  coffee 
finca  on  the  lower  slopes  of  Atitlan  volcano.  This  plantation  is 
the  property  of  Walter  Lind  and  associates  who  offered  us  hos- 
pitality. Much  of  the  land  is  cleared  for  coffee,  but  tall  trees 
still  exist  along  the  road,  as  wTell  as  a narrow  strip  of  rain  forest 
behind  a small  lake.  Collecting  was  excellent,  though  inter- 
rupted each  afternoon  by  heavy  rain.  More  Cerambycidse 
(mostly  subfamily  Laminae)  were  taken  here  than  anywhere  else 
but  at  Variedades.  Night  collecting  was  far  more  profitable  in 

Mar.,  1949] 

Vaurie:  Collecting 


June  than  on  our  return  in  late  August.  June  19-25,  August 

Panama  (3),  Suchitepequez ; 2,400  feet.  A coffee  tinea  below 
Moca  ancl  somewhat  drier  than  Moca.  Champion  spent  ten  days 
close  by  at  San  Agustln  (2,250  feet)  in  December.  June  23. 

Continental  Divide  and  Volcanic  Mountains. 

Patzicia  (29),  Chimaltenango ; about  5,000  feet.  Roadside 
station  below  town  of  Patzicia,  near  the  Continental  Divide,  in 
open  country  planted  in  corn  and  wheat.  This  house  possessed 
the  only  electric  lights  for  miles  around  and  when  our  bus 
stopped  at  11  a.m.,  many  moths,  including  Saturnidse,  were 
found  still  clinging  to  the  walls,  both  inside  and  out.  The  driver 
and  all  the  passengers  let  their  lunch  grow  cold  to  help  us  col- 
lect. Champion  passed  through  here  in  January  on  his  way 
from  Lake  Atitlan  to  Guatemala  City.  August  14. 

Lake  of  Amatitldn  (35),  Guatemala;  4,000  feet.  Near  the 
town  of  that  name.  Weedy  fields  and  moist  ditches  along  the 
lake  road  proved  good  for  collecting.  In  August  the  foliage  was 
thick  with  spiders.  Champion,  who  spent  January  13  at  Ama- 
titlan,  characterized  it  as  an  “arid  district”  which  it  is  no  longer. 
He  also  mentioned  ‘ ‘ plantations  of  Opuntia  for  rearing  the  cochi- 
neal insect,  all  inclosed  within  dusty  adobe  walls.”  Neither  the 
plantations  nor  the  walls  can  be  found  today.  July  6,  August  24. 

Guatemala  City  (36),  Guatemala,  4,852  feet.  No  concentrated 
collecting  was  done  here  as  the  quick  visits  to  the  city  were  con- 
cerned with  other  problems.  Champion  collected  ‘ ‘ on  the  banks 
of  the  streams  in  the  barrancas  (ravines)  ” in  March  and  April, 
but  of  course  the  city  has  grown  tremendously  since  he  was  there 
and  conditions  today  are  hardly  comparable.  Various  dates  in 
June,  July,  August. 

Antigua  (30),  Sacatepequez ; 5,047  feet.  Old  Guatemalan  city 
and  former  capital,  situated  in  the  broad  cultivated  valley  at 
the  foot  of  Agua  volcano.  Most  available  land  is  in  coffee,  the 
seven  miles  of  dirt  road  from  Antigua  to  Duenas  being  bordered 
by  coffee  plantations,  enclosed  by  barbed  wire  fences  or  high 
adobe  walls.  Collecting  was  done  in  the  ruins  of  ancient  con- 
vents, in  adjacent  cornfields,  in  the  entrances  to  coffee  groves, 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

and  on  a hill  of  pine  woods  to  one  side  of  the  valley.  There  was 
a noticeable  scarcity  of  Lepidoptera  in  all  this  area.  Much  time 
w^as  wasted  getting  out  of  the  interminable  walled  streets  in 
search  of  collecting  areas.  Champion  made  no  remarks  about 
Antigua  other  than  that  he  was  there  June  24  and  25.  Our  dates 
— August  15-17. 

Ciudad  Vieja  (31),  Sacatepequez ; 4,917  feet.  Town  three 
miles  from  Antigua.  Collecting  was  poor.  “Coffee-plantations 
and  cultivated  ground,  unsuitable  for  collecting-purposes.”  Au- 
gust 17. 

Duenas  (32),  Sacatepequez;  4,680  feet.  Town  about  eight 
miles  from  Antigua  along  the  same  road  as  that  to  Ciudad  Vieja. 
Collecting  was  fair  along  a muddy  stream,  but  here  also  the  land 
is  intensively  cultivated.  Champion  spent  most  of  July  in  this 
region,  making  various  excursions  up  the  slope  of  the  volcano  of 
Fuego.  The  Lake  of  Duenas  has  dried  up  and  the  “Opuntia 
plantations  adjacent  to  the  Lake”  are  now  represented  by  a few 
scattered  plants  along  the  highway.  August  18. 

Capetillo  (33),  Sacatepequez;  4,800  feet.  A coffee  and  sugar 
plantation  in  the  valley  between  the  lower  slopes  of  the  volcanoes 
of  Acatenango  and  Agua,  not  far  from  Antigua.  This  was  one 
of  Champion’s  principal  localities  where  he  stayed  for  about  a 
month  in  the  end  of  April  and  in  May,  1879.  At  that  time  it 
was  owned  by  Juan  J.  Rodriguez,  the  Guatemalan  naturalist, 
who,  for  about  thirty  years,  supplied  Salvin  and  Godman  with 
specimens  from  his  region.  His  son,  Federico  Rodriguez  Benito, 
who  was  our  host  at  Capetillo,  told  us  that  his  father  said  before 
he  died,  in  1916,  that  if  he  had  to  build  up  his  collection  again 
he  could  never  hope  to  duplicate  it  because  of  changing  condi- 
tions due  to  the  intensive  cultivation  of  the  land.  It  is  still, 
however,  a fine  collecting  spot.  August  20-22. 

Reunion  (34),  Sacatepequez;  4,000  feet.  Coffee  plantation  on 
southwestern  slope  of  volcano  of  Fuego,  facing  the  Pacific  plain. 
Spring  water  seeping  across  the  road  attracted  many  Lepidoptera 
and  general  collecting  was  good  for  the  short  time  we  spent  here. 
Champion  found  Zapote,  somewhat  lower  on  the  slope,  ‘ ‘ good  for 
insects”  and  he  spent  most  of  May  and  June  in  that  locality. 
In  his  time  there  was  “some  very  fine  forest  passed  through  at 

Mar.,  1949] 

Vaurie:  Collecting 


San  Cayetano,  between  Zapote  and  Capetillo,  along  the  descend- 
ing coast-road.”  This  forest  is  now  reduced  to  a mere  strip 
along  the  road,  partly  because  of  cultivation,  partly  because  of 
a destructive  eruption  of  the  volcano  of  Fuego  a few  years  ago. 
August  22. 

Highland  Plateau. 

Chichicastenango  (24),  Quiche;  6,032  feet.  Important  Indian 
town  in  the  typical  cool  highland  of  the  Quiche.  Cultivation 
here  has  been  very  intensive,  maize  fields  alternating  with  small 
open  stands  of  oak  and  pine,  with  grass  on  the  rougher  slopes. 
Some  insects  not  seen  before  on  the  trip  were  taken  here,  though 
collecting  on  the  whole  was  disappointing,  due,  perhaps,  to  the 
density  of  the  population  and  long  cultivation.  The  nights  were 
exceedingly  cool,  with  few  insects.  Champion  was  here  (it  was 
then  called  Santo  Tomas)  July  30  on  his  way  from  Joyabaz  to 
Quiche.  August  6-7. 

Santa  Cruz  del  Quiche  (28),  Quiche;  6,555  feet.  Large  active 
town  in  the  highlands,  11  miles  north  of  Chichicastenango. 
There  is  intensive  cultivation  here  as  in  Chichicastenango  but 
the  countryside  is  more  open.  The  one  night  we  spent  here  was 
very  cool,  and  few  insects  were  taken.  August’  13. 

Cuchumatanes  Mountains. 

Nebaj  (25) , Quiche ; 6,240  feet.  Indian  town  in  deep  beautiful 
valley  high  in  the  Chuchumatanes,  about  fifty  miles  northwest 
of  Quiche.  This  isolated  valley  is  abundantly  watered  and  pro- 
duces the  finest  maize  and  apples  in  the  country.  The  lower 
slopes  are  mostly  cleared,  but  the  higher  ones  are  forested. 
Until  a few  years  ago,  Nebaj  was  one  of  the  most  inaccessible 
regions  of  Guatemala,  but  now  a road  has  been  put  through.  The 
hinterland  directly  to  the  north  has  scarcely  been  touched  and 
it  seems  that  a more  extended  stay  in  this  remote  area  would  be 
well  repaid.  Collecting  was  most  productive.  August  8-10. 

Cunen  (26),  Quiche;  6,143  feet.  Indian  village  in  a small 
valley  in  a fold  of  the  southern  slope  of  the  Cuchumatanes. 
Cunen  was  drier,  warmer  and  less  varied  than  Nebaj,  but  still 
very  good  for  collecting.  Complete  lack  of  food  and  lodging 
unfortunately  cut  our  stay  too  short,  August  11. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 


Mountains  of  Alta  Vera  Paz. 

Cohan  (8),  Alta  Vera  Paz;  4,241  feet.  One  of  the  three  larg- 
est cities  of  Guatemala,  Champion  was  here  the  end  of  Decem- 
ber and  again  in  March  and  found  the  1 ‘ forest  nearly  all  cleared 
to  plant  coffee,  maize,  etc.”  This  is  still  even  more  true  today, 
but  there  are  considerable  stretches  of  open  pine  woods  which 
proved  good  for  collecting.  We  found  lodgings  in  the  city  dis- 
advantageous because  of  the  length  of  time  needed  to  get  out 
to  collecting  areas,  but  we  were  unable  to  secure  accommodations 
in  the  coffee  fineas  in  the  vicinity.  July  7-9,  31. 

Tactic  (9),  Alta  Vera  Paz;  4,300  feet.  Town  in  mountainous 
region  21  miles  south  of  Coban.  Champion  passed  through  in 
December  and  in  March.  “ Forest  all  cleared  to  near  the  in- 
accessible mountain-tops  ...  to  plant  maize.”  The  surround- 
ing hills  are  now  almost  completely  denuded.  No  collecting  was 
done  by  us.  July  10. 

Wet  Polochic  River  Valley,  to  the  Caribbean  Lowlands. 

Tamahu  (10),  Alta  Vera  Paz;  3,412  feet,  Indian  village  east 
of  Tactic,  near  the  source  of  the  Polochic  River.  The  valley  is 
very  narrow  at  this  point  and  the  slopes  are  intensively  cultivated 
for  maize.  Tamahu  was  visited  by  Champion  for  five  days  in 
December  and  even  then  it  was  “mostly  cultivated  ground.” 
Night  collecting  was  very  poor.  July  10-11. 

Tucuru  (11),  Alta  Vera  Paz;  1,625  feet.  Village  nine  miles 
east  of  Tamahu.  Collecting  was  disappointing,  especially  at 
night.  Champion  came  through  in  November,  March,  atid  June. 
“Mostly  cultivated  ground.”  July  11-13. 

Pancajche  (12),  Alta  Vera  Paz;  275  feet.  Station  on  the 
lower  Polochic,  head  of  the  Vera  Paz  railroad  to  Panzos.  The 
valley  is  wider  here  and  more  level.  Three  hours  of  collecting 
were  very  good.  The  whole  of  this  lower  valley  is  intensely  hot, 
wet,  and  unhealthy,  with  the  incidence  of  malaria  said  to  be  100 
per  cent.  July  14. 

La  Tint  a (13),  Alta  Vera  Paz;  about  200  feet.  Railroad  stop 
along  the  lower  Polochic  River.  Champion  mentioned  the 
“tropical  vegetation”  here  and  he  found  Chacoj,  also  called  La 
Hamaca,  nearby  “a  very  good  entomological  locality.”  Chacoj 

Mar.,  1949] 

Vaurie*.  Collecting 


is  no  longer  to  be  found  on  the  map  and  “La  Hamaca,”  which 
was  a rope  bridge  over  the  river,  has  long  since  disappeared. 
July  14. 

Panzos  (14),  Alta  Vera  Paz;  113  feet.  Terminal  of  railway 
from  Pancajche,  on  Polochic  River  and  at  the  head  of  navigation, 
45  miles  above  Lake  Izabal.  There  is  a screened  guest  house 
about  a mile  from  the  small  village.  This  whole  area  is  a vast 
swamp  and  the  water,  due  to  the  overflow  of  the  river  during  this 
rainy  season,  came  up  to  the  railroad  tracks.  Collecting  was 
fairly  good.  Mosquitoes  (including  Anopheles)  were  far  too 
abundant,  especially  so  when  stirred  up  by  beating.  Champion, 
who  spent  almost  two  weeks  at  Panzos  at  the  end  of  May,  at  the 
beginning  of  the  rains,  found  them  “so  bad  here,  even  by  day, 
that  it  was  almost  impossible  to  do  more  than  a few  hours  collect- 
ing at  a time.”  July  14-17. 

Livingston  (15) , Izabal ; sea  level.  Port  on  the  Atlantic  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Rio  Dulce,  in  the  Caribbean  lowlands.  The  locality 
itself  was  unsuitable  for  collecting  but  on  the  way  down  from 
Panzos  in  a small  launch,  we  saw  mountain  slopes,  below  Lake 
Izabal,  still  clothed  bj^  inaccessible  virgin  rain  forest.  July  18. 

Dry  Interior  Valleys. 

Zacapa  (16),  Zacapa;  603  feet.  Important  railroad  station 
in  the  middle  Motagua  River  Valley,  with  branch  line  to  El  Sal- 
vador. The  town  of  Zacapa  is  two  miles  distant.  The  vegeta- 
tion is  xerophytic  except  for  screens  of  trees  along  the  river. 
Much  of  the  area  is  fenced  in  with  cactus  or  barbed  wire  fences. 
Collecting  was  only  fair.  The  first  Cicadas  of  the  trip  were 
heard  here.  July  19-20. 

El  Rancho  (18),  El  Progresso;  900  feet.  Small  settlement  in 
the  middle  Motagua  River  Valley,  33  miles  by  rail  west  of  Zacapa. 
It  is  an  important  road  junction  for  Baja  and  Alta  Vera  Paz  with 
daily  bus  service.  The  landscape  was  bare  and  seemed  even  drier 
than  Zacapa.  A few  insects  were  taken  while  waiting  for  the 
bus.  July  24. 

San  Jeronimo  (19),  Baja  Vera  Paz;  3,150  feet.  Village  at  the 
foot  of  the  mountains  on  the  east  end  of  the  plain  of  Salama.  It 
was  hot  and  dry,  but  not  so  dry  as  the  rest  of  the  plain.  This 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

was  Champion’s  most  important  collecting  locality  and  served  as 
his  headquarters  for  about  a year,  beginning  in  August.  The 
sugar-cane  and  coffee  plantations  mentioned  by  him  no  longer 
exist.  There  are  many  cultivated  fields  around  the  village,  sepa- 
rated by  wide,  grassy,  tree-shaded  avenues  that  may  have  been 
7 intended  as  future  streets  and  which  provided  good  collecting. 
A few  kilometers  away  are  pine  woods  up  the  slopes.  July  24-28. 

Salama  (21),  Baja  Yera  Paz;  3,000  feet.  Toavii,  head  of  the 
department,  at  the  center  of  the  plain  of  Salama.  It  was  much 
drier  than  San  Jeronimo,  with  many  tree  cacti  and  other  xero- 
phytic  vegetation.  The  whole  plain  is  cut  up  into  fenced  fields 
for  cattle  grazing  or  cultivation  and  there  were  few  sites  for  good 
collecting.  Beating  the  scrub  and  low  bushes  in  the  nearby  hills, 
however,  produced  some  series  of  Coleoptera.  Champion  found 
“some  genera  of  Coleoptera  characteristic  of  the  drier  portions 
of  Mexico”  in  this  region.  July  29-30. 

Babinal  (22),  Baja  Yera  Paz;  3,000  feet.  Town  to  the  west 
of  Salama,  but  across  the  mountains  in  another  valley.  Although 
Champion,  who  passed  by  on  July  27  on  his  way  to  the  highland 
region,  described  Babinal  asau  dry  region,  with  scrubby  woods, 
cacti,  agaves,  yuccas,  etc.,  as  on  the  plain  of  Salama,”  we  found 
it  less  dry  than  Salama  and  better  watered.  A field  of  composite 
flowers  by  a sluggish  stream  was  an  ideal  spot  for  all  insects. 
Night  collecting  was  also  good  until  heavy  rain  made  it  impos- 
sible. August  1-3. 

Sacapulas  (27),  Quiche;  4,420  feet.  Small  town  in  isolated 
and  comparatively  deep  valley  on  the  banks  of  the  Rio  Negro, 
south  of  Cunen  and  Nebaj  and  32  miles  north  of  Santa  Cruz  del 
Quiche.  Here  it  is  hot,  arid,  and  barren,  the  vegetation  and 
weather  conditions  strongly  differentiated  from  the  rest  of  the 
highland  region  and  more  resembling  Zacapa  and  the  Motagua 
Yalley.  Collecting  was  not  very  good,  but  Cimicidse  could  have 
been  collected  in  great  quantities  in  the  only  lodgings  available. 
August  12-13. 

Three  localities  visited  do  not  come  under  any  of  the  previous 
headings.  These  are : 

Chiquimula  (17),  Chiquimula;  1,250  feet.  Town  18  miles  by 
rail  south  of  Zacapa,  from  which  it  is  separated  by  a range  of 

Mar.,  1949] 

Vaurie:  Collecting 


relatively  low  mountains  with  badly  deforested  slopes.  Chiqui- 
mula  is  slightly  less  arid  than  Zacapa  and  the  Motagua  Valley, 
but  still  it  is  dry.  The  small  white  blossoms  of  the  ‘ ‘ Chiehicaste  ’ 7 
shrub  (a  species  of  Cnidoscolus,  the  Jatropha  of  most  authors), 
which  grows  abundantly  in  the  region,  attracted  many  insects. 
Collecting  was  very  good  in  the  dry  arroyos.  July  21-23. 

Los  Bamones  (20),  Baja  Vera  Paz;  about  4,500  feet.  Small 
wooded  ravine  at  kilometer  143,  route  17,  on  the  road  from 
Guatemala  City  to  Salama,  in  the  mountains  above  San  Jeronimo. 
Collecting  was  excellent  in  the  short  time  spent  here.  Champion 
spent  a day  nearby,  at  Santa  Barbara,  in  September.  July  25. 

Cumbre  Rabinal-El  Choi  (23),  Baja  Vera  Paz;  6,000  feet. 
Mountain  pass  on  the  road  from  Rabinal  to  Guatemala  City. 
During  a twenty-minute  halt,  while  the  chains  were  being  re- 
moved from  the  bus  for  the  drier  down  grade,  many  insects  not 
previously  encountered  on  the  trip  were  caught.  These  included 
Scarabaeidae  (Macroclactylus) , Rhyncophora  ( Lixus , Bhodo- 
baenus),  and  Chrysomelidae  (Leptinotarsa) . August  4. 

Following  are  some  of  the  common  local  names  for  insects 
which  might  be  of  use  to  future  collectors : 

Animalitos,  insects  in  general 
Mariposa,  large  butterfly 
Papalote,  small  butterfly 
Tijereta,  earwig 
Esperanza,  katydid 
Salt  on,  grasshopper 
Chapulin,  locust 
Chicara,  cicada 
Palito,  walking  stick 
Zancudo,  mosquito 
Lorita,  Chrysomelid,  especially 

Frijol,  Chrysomelid  (black 

Zampopo,  leaf  cutting  ant 
Nino  dormido,  centipede 
Broca,  wood-boring  bee 
Chinches,  bugs  in  general 
Chinche  de  cam  a,  bedbug 
Chinche  de  arboles  or  chinche 
del  monte,  Pentatomids 
Bonron,  scarab 
Pimpirn,  click  beetle 
Cucujo,  click  beetle 
( Pyrophorus ) 

Luciernaga,  firefly 

Alacrdn,  scorpion 

Arana  de  caballo,  Tarantula 


To  a number  of  institutions  and  persons  we  are  indebted  for 
assistance  and  cooperation.  Chief  among  these  is  the  Carnegie 
Institution  of  Washington  and  its  director,  Dr.  A.  V.  Kidder. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  lvii 

Dr.  Kidder  generously  offered  us  the  use  of  his  offices  in  Guate- 
mala for  our  headquarters  and  his  assistants,  Mr.  Edwin  M. 
Shook  and  Mr.  Robert  E.  Smith,  as  well  as  the  rest  of  the  staff, 
gave  us  much  cordial  help  in  many  ways.  We  are  also  indebted 
for  the  courtesies  personally  extended  to  us  by  Senor  Rivera, 
Director  of  the  Instituto  Agropecuario  Nacional ; Mr.  William  L. 
Taillon,  General  Manager  of  the  United  Fruit  Company ; and  Sr. 
Fuentes  Novella,  Director  of  the  Defensa  Agricola. 

We  are  very  grateful  for  the  generous  hospitality  which  was 
given  us  by  Mrs.  Hempstead  at  Coban,  Sr.  Federico  Rodriguez 
Benito  and  J.  Falla  Aris  at  Capetillo,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  Lind 
at  Moca  and  by  their  son,  Norman,  at  Variedades.  Sr.  Rodri- 
guez Benito  and  Norman  Lind  were  especially  kind  and  went  out 
of  their  way  to  help  and  to  make  us  feel  at  home. 

Our  friend,  Mr.  Robert  G.  Stone,  Editor  of  the  Bulletin  of  the 
American  Meteorological  Society,  read  the  introductory  section, 
and  we  are  grateful  for  his  discussion  and  suggestions. 


Champion,  G.  C. 

1907.  Itinerary  of  Mr.  G.  C.  Champion’s  travels  in  Central  America, 
1879-1883.  Ent.  News.  vol.  18,  pp.  33-44. 

1915.  “Itinerary  of  Mr.  G.  C.  Champion’s  travels  in  Central  America, 
1879-1883,”  in  Salvin,  O.,  and  Godman,  F.  D.,  Biologia  Cen- 
trali- Americana,  introductory  volume,  pp.  46-54. 

Griscom,  Ludlow 

1932.  The  distribution  of  bird-life  in  Guatemala.  Bull.  Amer.  Mus. 
Nat.  Hist.,  vol.  64,  pp.  15-26. 

McBryde,  Felix  Webster 

1942a.  Studies  in  Guatemalan  meteorology.  1.  The  climates  of  south- 
west Guatemala.  Bull.  Amer.  Meteorol.  Soc.,  vol.  23,  pp. 

1942b.  Ibid.,  pp.  400-406. 

1947.  Cultural  and  historical  geography  of  southwest  Guatemala. 

Smithsonian  Inst.,  Inst.  Social  Anthropol.,  publ.,  4,  pp.  1-184. 
Popenoe,  Wilson 

1926.  “Guatemala,”  in  Shelford,  Victor  E.?  et  al.,  Naturalist’s  guide 
to  the  Americas.  Williams  and  Wilkins,  Baltimore,  pp. 

Sapper,  Karl  T. 

1932.  Klimakunde  von  Mittelamerika,  in  Koppen,  W.,  and  Geiger,  R., 
Handb.  Klimatol.,  vol.  2,  part  II.  Gebriider  Borntraeger, 
Berlin,  pp.  1-74. 

Mar.,  1949] 

Rupert:  Plagodis 



By  Laurence  R.  Rupert 
Horseheads,  N.  Y. 

The  confusion  that  has  existed  for  many  years  in  connection 
with  the  North  American  species  of  the  genus  Plagodis  Hiibner 
has  been  due,  in  part,  to  lack  of  understanding  of  the  relation- 
ship among  the  various  seasonal  forms  and  geographical  races, 
but  it  has  been  further  complicated  by  an  unusual  nomencla- 
torial  mix-up  which  was  begun  by  Grote  and  Packard  in  1876, 
and  which  has  never  been  satisfactorily  cleared  up.  The  pur- 
pose of  this  article  is  not  to  present  an  exhaustive  discussion  of 
the  genus,  but  rather  to  clarify  the  use  of  certain  specific  and 
subspecific  names,  to  correct  a few  prevalent  misunderstandings, 
and  to  present  a few  hitherto  unpublished  facts. 

The  nomenclatorial  mix-up  already  mentioned  is  concerned 
with  the  names  kuetzingi  Grote,  keutzingaria  Packard,  nigres- 
caria  Hulst,  pur  pur  aria  Pearsall,  and  altruaria  Pearsall.  To 
promote  a clearer  understanding  of  the  application  of  these 
names  as  used  later  in  this  article,  a brief  account  of  their  his- 
tory will  be  given,  followed  by  what  seems  to  be  the  most  logical 
interpretation  of  their  correct  usage. 

When  Packard  was  preparing  material  for  his  monograph  he 
had  for  observation  a series  composed  of  three  ^species,  but 
which  he  regarded  as  only  one.  For  this  supposed  species  he 
had  evidently  chosen  the  name  purpuraria.  At  least,  certain 
specimens,  notably  two  in  the  Field  Museum  in  Chicago,  still 
exist  so  labeled  in  his  handwriting.  In  the  meantime  Grote  had 
acquired  a single  specimen  of  the  darkest  of  these  species,  and 
had  sent  to  the  Canadian  Entomologist  a note  stating  that  the 
type  and  a description  of  this  purple-black  species  had  been 
sent  to  Packard,  who  would  include  in  the  Monograph  a de-  * 
scription  of  it  under  the  name  Eurymene  kuetzingi.  This  note 
was  published  in  the  June  1876  issue,  almost  simultaneously 
with  the  appearance  of  Packard’s  monograph. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVII 

Packard,  after  receiving*  this  material  from  Grote,  evidently 
revised  his  manuscript  slightly,  changing  the  name  from  pur- 
puraria  to  keutzingaria,  which  he  regarded  as  a corrected  and 
more  appropriate  form  of  the  Grote  name.  He  also  added  a 
sentence  of  description  applicable  to  Grote ’s  specimen,  and  fig- 
ured this  form  on  the  supplementary  plate. 

In  1887,  Hulst,  realizing  that  the  dark  purple  species  was 
distinct  from  the  paler  ones,  proposed  the  name  nigrescaria  for 
it  (Ent.  Amer.  II,  p.  212),  evidently  assuming  that  Grote  had 
not  described  the  species,  and  that  the  paler  ones  were  the  true 

In  1907,  Pearsall  decided  that  the  current  application  of  the 
names  was  incorrect  (Ent.  News,  XVIII,  p.  206).  He  as- 
sumed that  Grote ’s  note  in  the  Canadian  Entomologist  consti- 
tuted an  adequate  description,  and  that  it  preceded  Packard’s 
Monograph.  Thus  his  solution  was  to  validate  kuetzingi  Grote 
for  the  dark  species,  with  nigrescaria  Hulst  as  a synonym.  He 
then  proposed  the  name  altruaria  for  what  he  called  “the  other 
species,”  since  he  felt  that  keutzingaria  and  kuetzingi  could 
not  be  retained  in  the  same  genus.  On  the  next  page  Pearsall 
described  purpuraria.  He  had  seen  not  only  the  twTo  speci- 
mens which  are,  now  in  the  Field  Museum,  but  also  one  addi- 
tional specimen.  He  recognized  these  as  representing  a distinct 
species,  but  misinterpreted  the  significance  of  the  Packard 
labels,  evidently  believing  that  Packard  had  chosen  the  name 
for  this  as  a distinct  species,  but  had  not  actually  published 
the  description. 

By  1917,  when  the  Barnes  and  McDunnough  Contributions 
appeared,  the  name  keutzingaria  was  being  applied  to  the  com- 
mon light  colored  spring  form  that  occurs  in  the  northeastern 
states,  and  they  selected  a specimen  of  this  form  from  Pack- 
ard’s original  series  to  be  called  the  type  of  keutzingaria. 

The  following  interpretation  of  this  complicated  situation 
seems  reasonable,  logical,  and  not  likely  to  add  to  the  confusion. 
Since  Grote ’s  note  in  the  Canadian  Entomologist  designates  the 
name  kuetzingi  to  apply  to  a purple-black  species,  and  since 
that  note  includes  the  first  published  reference  to  that  name,  it 
constitutes  a description,  regardless  of  whether  Grote  intended 

Mar.,  1949] 

Kupert:  Plagodis 


it  as  such  or  not.  Furthermore  this  description  was  accom- 
panied by  a type  which  is  still  in  existence  in  the  British  Mu- 
seum, and  still  bears  Grote’s  original  type  label.  Mr.  Tams  has 
been  kind  enough  to  furnish  a photograph  of  it  and  of  the  label. 
There  is  no  doubt  as  to  the  species  involved. 

The  Packard  name  keutzingaria  is  actually  a distinct  name, 
even  though  it  was  evidently  intended  to  be  merely  a revision 
of  the  Grote  name.  Although  Packard’s  concept  of  keutzinga- 
ria included  Grote’s  kuetzingi,  his  description,  in  general,  indi- 
cates one  of  the  paler  forms,  and  is  reasonably  harmonious  with 
the  lectotype  chosen  by  Barnes  and  McDunnough.  I have  ex- 
amined this  specimen,  which  is  now  in  the  Museum  of  Com- 
parative Zoology  at  Cambridge. 

Pearsall’s  description  of  pur  pur  aria  provides  us  with  a suit- 
able name  for  the  third  species. 

Thus  the  names  will  be  applied  in  this  article — kuetzingi 
Grote  to  the  purple-black  species,  keutzingaria  Packard  to  the 
paler  form  common  in  the  northeastern  states,  and  now  known 
to  be  only  the  spring  form  of  phlogosaria  Guenee,  and  pur- 
puraria Pearsall  to  the  species  with  intermediate  coloring  and. 
more . southern  range. 

Genus  PLAGODIS  Hiibner 

Plagodis  Hiibner,  Verz.  bek.  Schmett.,  294.  1823. 

Type:  P.  Geometra  dolabraria  Linnaeus  (Monobasic). 
Ennomos  Treitschke  (pars),  Schmett.  Eur.,  V (2),  427.  1825. 

Eurymene  Duponchel,  in  Godart,  Hist,  Nat.  Lepid.  France  VII 
(2),  105,  185,  1829. 

Type:  P.  Geometra  dolabraria  Linnaeus  (Original  descrip- 
tion and  monobasic). 

(Genus  proposed  and  type  designated  105,  described  185.) 
Ennomos  Treitschke,  Boisduval  (pars),  Gen.  et  Ind.  Meth.  Eur. 
Lepid.,  182.  1840. 

An  examination  of  all  the  North  American  material  available 
seems  to  indicate  the  presence  of  only  six  distinct  species,  all 
strictly  congeneric  with  the  Eurasian  dolabraria  Linnaeus.  For 
purposes  of  comparison,  dolabraria  is  figured  on  Plate  V,  Fig.  1, 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

tlie  male  genitalia  on  Plate  I,  Fig.  1,  and  the  female  genitalia 
on  Plate  III,  Fig.  5.  It  might  also  be  noted  that  the  larva  as 
figured  by  Spuler  (Die  Schmetterlinge  Europas,  IV,  Die  Raupen, 
Plate  41,  Fig.  15,  1910)  appears  almost  identical  with  all  known 
American  larvae  of  the  genus.  I can  find  no  record,  however, 
that  moths  of  the  summer  generation,  as  they  occur  in  southern 
Europe,  differ  in  any  obvious  way  from  those  of  the  spring 
generation.  Although  the  species  ranges  from  Portugal  and 
Great  Britain  to  Japan,  racial  differences  are  far  less  pro- 
nounced than  in  the  one  American  species  that  ranges  across 
the  continent. 

PLAGODIS  SERINARIA  Herrich-Schaffer 

Plate  V,  Fig.  2;  Plate  I,  Fig.  2 (male  genitalia);  Plate  III, 
Fig.  3 (female  genitalia)  ; Plate  II,  Fig.  5 (larva). 
Plagodes  serinaria  Herrich-Schaffer,  Ausser.  Schmett.,  63 ; Fig. 
365.  1855. 

Ellopia  subprivata  Walker,  Cat.  Brit.  Museum,  XXVI,  1509. 

Eurymene  rosaria  Grote,  Bull.  Buff.  Soc.,  Ill,  131.  1876. 

Eurymene  rosaria  Grote,  Can.  Ent.,  VIII,  111.  1876. 

Plagodis  serinaria  H.-S.  Packard,  Mon.  of  Geom.  Moths,  469 ; 

Plate  XI.  Fig.  45.  1876. 

Plagodis  floscularia  Grote,  Pap.  I,  40.  1881. 

Plagodis  serinaria  II.-S.,  Holland,  Moth  Book,  349 ; Plate  XLIV, 
Fig.  33,  <?.  1903. 

Serinaria,  with  its  beautiful  blending  of  yellow  and  rose,  is 
. not  easily  confused  with  other  species,  and  is  too  well  known  to 
need  further  description.  It  varies  considerably  in  the  amount 
and  the  brilliance  of  the  rose,  and,  as  in  some  other  species  of 
the  genus,  the  discal  spot  may  be  either  present  or  absent. 

Male  Genitalia. — Examination  of  the  male  genitalia  of  the 
various  species  of  Plagodis  reveals  significant  differences  only 
in  the  shape  of  the  valves;  in  the  number,  size,  and  arrange- 
ment of  the  eornuti ; and  in  the  symmetry  and  spining  of  the 
furca.  Other  features,  which  seem  quite  constant  throughout 
the  genus,  are  shown  in  the  figures,  and  will  not  be  otherwise 

Mar.,  1949] 

Kupert:  Plagodis 


specifically  considered.  In  serinaria  the  outer  portions  of  the 
valves  are  somewhat  narrowed,  and  the  cornuti,  which  usually 
number  from  six  to  nine,  are  arranged  side  by  side  in  a single 
group.  In  all  specimens  examined  the  furca  is  asymmetrical, 
both  branches  tipped  with  a few  spines,  more  loosely  arranged 
on  the  long  right  branch  than  on  the  shorter  left  one.  The 
relative  length  of  the  branches  of  the  furca,  however,  is  not  too 
constant  in  some  species  of  this  group,  and  may  be  found  to 
vary  in  this  species  also. 

Female  Genitalia. — As  a basis  for  specific  determination,  the 
female  genitalia  seem  more  reliable  throughout  the  genus  than 
the  male  genitalia.  They  show,  on  the  whole,  greater  differ- 
ences among  the  species,  but  seem  relatively  constant  within 
the  species.  In  serinaria  the  most  distinctive  feature  is  the 
long,  slender,  plaited  ductus  bursae,  moderately  chitinized,  and 
separated  from  the  bursa  proper  by  a distinct  line  of  division. 
The  signum  is  comparatively  large  for  the  genus,  and  there  is 
no  chitinized  bar  above  the  ostium,  such  as  is  found  in  some  of 
the  species. 

Early  Stages. — The  eggs  are  smooth,  pale  yellow,  ellipsoidal, 
somewhat  flattened,  and  deposited  in  irregular  clusters  upon 
the  leaves.  Within  a few  days  they  develop  a few  pinkish 
flecks,  but  not  the  uniform  red  coloring  found  in  the  eggs  of 
many  of  the  Ennomince. 

The  newly  hatched  larvae  are  pale  yellowish  green,  smooth, 
with  no  obvious  markings.  During  the  next  two  instars  they 
remain  rather  nondescript  green  larvae  not  easily  distinguished 
from  those  of  various  other  species.  In  the  fourth  instar  a 
hump  develops  on  the  fifth  abdominal  segment,  and  some  brown 
and  purplish  mottling.  In  the  final  instar  the  larvae  are  brown- 
ish, irregularly  marked  with  fine  darker  flecks  and  larger  pale 
areas,  and  with  an  oblique  dark  lateral  stripe  on  each  side  of 
the  first  abdominal  segment.  These  stripes  do  not  quite  meet 
dorsally  to  form  a V and  each  is  bordered  with  an  indistinct 
paler  stripe  immediately  back  of  it.  The  second  abdominal  seg- 
ment has  traces  of  these  stripes  also.  Underneath  on  each  of 
the  first  five  abdominal  segments  there  are  two  small  but  dis- 
tinct black  tubercles,  each  tipped  with  a single  spine.  The 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

fifth  abdominal  segment  has  a conspicuous  dorsal  hump,  and 
the  eighth  abdominal  segment  a pair  of  moderately  well  devel- 
oped subdorsal  warts.  These  larvge  do  not  seem  to  have  the 
habit  of  withdrawing  the  head  into  the  thorax  when  at  rest, 
but  keep  it  well  extended  at  all  times.  They  feed  freely  upon 
basswood  ( Tilia  americana) , and  probably  upon  other  trees  and 
shrubs.  In  western  New  York  the  larvae  are  full  grown  in  late 
July  and  early  August. 

The  pupa  is  dark  brown,  with  wing  cases  almost  black,  and 
only  moderately  glossy.  The  cremaster  is  of  the  eight-hooked 
type,  with  the  two  apical  hooks  longer  and  stouter  than  the 
other  six,  and  all  hooks  with  recurved  tips.  The  dorsal  and 
lateral  grooves  of  the  adjacent  abdominal  segments,  that  in 
most  genera  accompany  the  eight-hooked  cremaster,  are  miss- 
ing, or  are  indicated  only  by  vestigial  lateral  grooves.  This 
combination  of  characters  at  the  tip  of  the  abdomen  is  unusual, 
but  has  been  observed  in  the  related  genus  Hyperetis,  and  prob- 
ably occurs  in  Anagoga. 

In  general  serinaria  is  the  closest  of  any  American  species 
to  dolabraria,  agreeing  with  it  in  size,  wTing  form,  male  genitalia, 
and  in  most  features  of  the  female  genitalia.  The  species  ranges 
from  Nova  Scotia  westward  at  least  to  Manitoba,  and  south  to 
the  latitude  of  southern  Ohio.  The  types  are  from  the  vicinity 
of  Cincinnati.  In  New  York  the  moths  fly  in  May  and  June, 
and  there  is  but  one  generation  a year. 

Number  of  specimens  examined:  109  25  5?.  (The  num- 

bers recorded  for  this  and  each  succeeding  species  do  not  in- 
clude the  specimens  in  the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  at 
Cambridge,  which  were  seen,  but,  unfortunately,  not  counted.) 


Plate  V,  Fig.  3;  Plate  I,  Fig.  3 (male  genitalia);  Plate  III, 
Fig.  4 (female  genitalia). 

Eurymene  kuetzingi  Grote,  Can.  Ent.,  VIII,  112.  1876. 

Plagodis  keutzingaria  Packard  (pars),  Mon.  of  Geom.  Moths, 
468;  Plate  XIII,  Fig.  51.  1876. 

Plagodis  nigrescaria  Hulst,  Ent.  Amer.,  II,  212.  1887. 

Plagodis  keutzingi  (sic)  Pearsall,  Ent.  News,  XVIII,  206.  1907. 

Mar.,  3 949] 

Rupert:  Plagodis 


Plagodis  keutzingi  (sic)  Holland,  Moth  Book,  349;  Plate  XLIY, 
Fig.  36,  1903. 

Plagodis  nigrescaria  Hulst.  B.  and  McD.,  Cont.  to  the  Nat.  Hist, 
of  the  Lepid.  of  N.  A.,  Ill,  249.  1917. 

Kuetzingi  is  recognized  at  once  by  the  large  area  of  purplish 
black  covering  the  outer  half  of  the  upper  wings  except  along 
the  costa.  The  postmedial  line  curves  far  inward,  and  forms,  in 
an  indistinct  sort  of  way,  the  inner  boundary  of  this  dark  area. 
The  antemedial  line  is  indicated  only  as  the  outer  boundary  of 
a light  brown  or  buff  basal  area.  The  lower  wings  also  show  a 
considerable  suffusion  of  purple  black  scales  over  the  wide  ter- 
minal area. 

Male  Genitalia. — The  male  genitalia  agree  with  those  of  seri- 
naria in  the  narrowed  extremities  of  the  valves,  but  differ  from 
those  of  all  other  species  in  the  presence  of  a well  defined  notch 
in  the  costa  of  the  valve  at  its  base.  The  furca  is  quite  sym- 
metrical in  all  specimens  examined,  with  both  branches  short, 
and  equipped  with  unusually  long  spines  at  the  tips.  The  cor- 
nuti  are  arranged  in  two  groups,  usually  of  two  each,  those  of 
one  group  somewhat  shorter  than  those  of  the  other. 

Female  Genitalia. — The  ductus  bursae,  which  is  less  heavily 
chitinized  and  less  distinctly  plaited  than  in  dolabraria  and 
serinaria,  is  short,  and  merges  gradually  into  the  bursa  proper. 
A more  or  less  curved,  heavily  chitinized  bar  is  present  above 
the  ostium. 

Early  Stages. — These  were  first  worked  out  in  the  summer 
of  1946  by  Mr.  Douglas  C.  Ferguson  of  Armdale,  Nova  Scotia. 
When,  in  July  of  that  year,  I saw  the  larvae  he  was  rearing, 
they  were  still  quite  small,  but  looked  about  like  those  of  other 
species  of  the  genus.  They  were  feeding  upon  ash,  which 
seemed  to  be,  of  all  the  foods  offered,  the  only  one  they  would 
accept.  Later  Mr.  Ferguson  sent  me  preserved  larvae  for  study. 
In  the  fourth  instar  they  are  still  uniform  pale  green,  with  a 
slight  hump  on  the  fifth  abdominal  segment.  In  the  fifth  and 
final  instar  they  resemble  the  larvae  of  serinaria,  but  are  con- 
siderably paler,  with  the  head  contrasting  dark  brown.  The 
oblique  lateral  lines  are  missing,  and  there  is  not  much  of  the 
darker  mottling  on  the  first  four  abdominal  segments,  although 


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[Yol.  lvii 

the  remaining  segments  show  traces  of  it.  The  paired  ventral 
tubercles  are  present  on  only  the  first  three  abdominal  seg- 
ments. These  larvse,  when  at  rest,  withdraw  the  head  into  the 
thoracic  segments,  but  apparently  not  so  completely  as  do  the 
larvas  of  pklogosaria  and  alcoolaria.  The  pupa  is  structurally 
similar  to  that  of  serinaria. 

Kuetzingi  is  one  of  the  most  clearly  defined  species  of  the 
genus,  differing  from  all  other  purplish  species  in  its  much 
darker  color,  its  very  narrow  median  area,  and  in  the  more 
shallow  excavation  at  the  anal  angle  of  the  upper  wing.  It 
has  a wide  range  from  Nova  Scotia  through  New  England,  New 
York,  and  Ontario,  at  least  as  far  west  as  northern  Illinois,  but 
seems  local  in  distribution,  and  is  rare  or  absent  south  of  t]je 
latitude  of  the  Great  Lakes.  In  western  New  York  the  moth 
flies  from  late  May  well  into  June.  A single  late  July  record 
from  Illinois  may  represent  a second  generation,  or,  more  prob- 
ably, an  accidentally  belated  individual. 

Number  of  specimens  examined:  62  J'J1,  5 JJ. 

Plate  Y,  Fig.  4;  Plate  I,  Fig.  4 (male  genitalia);  Plate  III, 
Fig.  6 (female  genitalia). 

Plagodis  keutzingaria  Packard  (pars),  Mon.  of  Geom.  Moths, 
468 ; Plate  XI,  Fig.  44,  1876. 

Plagodis  purpuraria  Pearsall,  Ent.  News,  XVIII,  207.  1907. 

Although  purpuraria  reminds  one  of  kuetzingi,  it  is  much 
paler,  and  the  postmedial  line  is  less  incurved.  The  purple 
scales  are  very  smoothly  distributed  over  the  terminal  areas  of 
all  four  wings,  but  are  denser  near  the  anal  angle  of  each  wing, 
becoming  gradually  lighter  near  the  costa,  without  the  spotty 
effect  found  in  pklogosaria  and  its  forms.  There  is  a consider- 
able washing  of  orange  in  the  median  area  and  underneath,  but 
few  or  no  transverse  striae,  and  no  discal  spot  in  any  specimen 
examined.  The  antemedial  line,  if  visible  at  all,  is  very  faint. 

Male  Genitalia. — The  valves  are  not  much  narrowed  apically. 
The  furca  is  symmetrical,  with  both  branches  short,  not  extend- 
ing to  the  costal  margin  of  the  valves,  and  each  branch  is  tipped 
with  a few  long  spines.  There  are  two  well  separated  groups 
of  cornuti,  usually  two  in  each  group. 

Mar.,  1949] 

Kupert:  Plagodis 


Female  Genitalia. — The  ductus  bursae  is  short,  only  slightly 
chitinized,  and  scarcely  plaited.  The  chitinized  bar  above  the 
ostium  is  about  as  wide  as  in  kuetzingi,  but  is  of  more  nearly 
uniform  width,  and  the  membrane  back  of  it  appears  to  have  a 
very  ragged  edge. 

Purpuraria  seems,  in  general,  to  be  a rather  scarce  species, 
but  it  has  been  taken  in  numbers  near  Finleyville,  Penna. 
The  type  is  from  Scranton,  and  other  specimens  have  been  seen 
from  Delaware,  Maryland,  southeastern  New  York,  and  north- 
ern Illinois.  I can  discover  no  record  of  the  early  stages. 

Number  of  specimens  examined:  78  4 5?- 

ENSIS  Grossbeck 

Plate  V,  Fig.  5. 

Plagodis  schuylkillensis  Grossbeck,  Ent.  News,  XIX,  315.  1908. 

In  the  same  limited  area  where  purpuraria  occurs  in  the 
spring,  a very  different  looking  form  flies  in  July  and  August. 
Since  the  differences  between  these  foriris  correspond  exactly  to 
known  differences  between  the  seasonal  forms  of  phlogosaria, 
there  can  be  no  doubt  that  schuylkillensis  is  merely  the  summer 
form  of  purpuraria. 

This  form  closely  resembles  typical  phlogosaria , but  differs 
chiefly  in  having  the  postmedial  line  nearer  the  middle  of  the 
wing,  and  in  having  the  dark  scales  spread  evenly  over  the 
upper  wings,  and  the  terminal  areas  of  the  lower  wings.  There 
is  no  discal  spot  in  any  specimen  seen,  and  scarcely  any  indica- 
tion of  the  green  sheen  so  often  found  in  phlogosaria. 

In  the  male  genitalia  a remarkable  situation  has  developed, 
similar  to  that  found  in  phlogosaria  and  fervidaria.  The  furca 
in  the  summer  form  is  asymmetrical,  with  the  right  branch  fully 
twice  as  long  as  in  the  spring  form,  and  the  left  branch  some- 
what longer  than  in  the  spring  form.  The  genus  Plagodis , so 
far  as  I know,  is  unique  among  the  Geometridce  in  having  species 
that  show  constant  seasonal  differences  in  mafle  genitalia.  Such 
differences  do  not  occur  in  the  female  genitalia. 

The  types  of  schuylkillensis  are  from  Philadelphia,  and  all 
the  specimens  I have  seen  are  from  West  Virginia,  Pennsyl- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

vania,  and  southeastern  New  York.  Most  of  the  known  speci- 
mens of  this  form,  as  well  as  of  typical  purpuraria,  are  from 
Finleyville,  Penna.,  and  are  in  the  Carnegie  Museum  collection. 
Number  of  specimens  examined : 61  7 5?. 


Plate  V,  Fig.  6 ; Plate  I,  Fig.  5 (male  genitalia)  ; Plate  IV, 
Fig.  1 (female  genitalia). 

Eurymene  phlogosaria  Guenee,  Lep.  Noct.  IX,  146.  1857. 

Eurymene  phlogosaria  Gn.,  Walker,  Cat.  Br.  Museum,  XX,  177. 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  (Gn.)  Packard,  Mon.  of  Geom.  Moths,  466; 
Plate  XI,  Fig.  42.  1876. 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  (Gn.)  Bruce,  Ent.  Amer.,  Ill,  48.  1887. 

(Early  stages.) 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  (Gn.)  B.  and  McD.,  Cont.  to  the  Nat.  Hist, 
of  the  Lepid.  of  N.  A.,  Ill,  248 ; Plate  XXII,  Fig.  3,  J'. 

Eurymene  phlogosaria  Gn.,  Oberthiir.  Etudes  de  Lep.  Comp., 
Fasc.  VI ; Plate  CLVIII,  Fig.  1532.  1920. 

In  the  typical  form  the  ground  color  is  bright  yellowish 
brown,  dusted  with  darker  scales,  and  usually  showing  a trace 
of  transverse  striae  of  brown  and  purple  near  the  costa  of  the 
upper  wings.  The  postmedial  line  of  the  upper  wings  is  nar- 
row, distinct,  and  nearly  straight,  almost  always  continuous, 
and  usually  bordered  inwardly  by  an  indistinct,  narrow  pur- 
plish shade.  In  the  terminal  area  there  may  be  some  scattered 
purple  scales,  and  there  is  always  a smudge  of  purple  and  brown 
near  the  anal  angle.  The  median  area  is  more  uniform  in 
color,  may  show  a strong  green  tinge,  and  usually  a discal  spot. 
The  dark  brown  antemedial  line  is  almost  always  well  defined, 
narrow,  and  widening  near  the  costa.  The  lower  wings  are 
lighter,  clearer  yellow,  overlaid  with  brown,  black,  and  a few 
purple  scales  in  the  terminal  area,  especially  near  the  anal 
angle,  where  the/  tend  to  form  lines  parallel  to  the  postmedial 
line.  On  the  underside  the  pattern  is  somewhat  similar,  but 
the  flecks  and  lines  are  rosy  purple  on  a bright  yellow  back- 
ground. The  two  sexes  are  similar  in  color,  but  the  anal  ex- 

Mar.,  1949] 

Kupert:  Plagodis 


cavation,  which  is  deeper  than  in  any  of  the  species  previously 
considered,  is  more  strongly  developed  in  the  females  than  in 
the  males. 

Male  Genitalia. — The  male  genitalia  are  scarcely  distinguish- 
able from  those  of  schuylkillensis,  showing  a similar  asymmet- 
rical fnrca  and  two  groups  of  cornuti.  There  are  usually  two 
cornuti  in  each  group,  but  occasionally  the  division  is  1-3,  1-2,  or 

Female  Genitalia. — In  general  these  are  similar  to  those  of 
purpuraria,  but  a few  significant  differences  seem  constant. 
The  ductus  bursse  is  a little  wider;  the  signum  is  larger  and 
carries  more  points;  the  chitinized  bar  near  the  ostium  is  nar- 
rower, less  strongly  curved  centrally,  but  with  the  ends  turning 
abruptly  downward;  and  the  ragged  membrane  behind  this  bar 
is  less  conspicuous  and  less  ragged  than  in  purpuraria. 

Early  Stages. — The  eggs  undergo  greater  color  change  than 
those  of  serinaria,  becoming  bright  red  a few  days  after  being 
laid.  The  larvae  in  all  stages  resemble  those  of  serinaria , ex- 
cept in  the  matter  of  the  retractile  head  in  the  last  instar. 
Resting  larvae  of  phlogosaria  usually  withdraw"  their  heads 
almost  completely  out  of  sight,  and  fold  their  legs  close  against 
the  thorax.  This  performance  gives  them  the  appearance  of 
small  gnarled  twigs,  each  ending  in  a smooth  rounded  knob. 
The  first  two  abdominal  segments  often  show  a trace  of  pale 
longitudinal  lateral  lines,  not  oblique  as  in  serinaria.  The 
paired  ventral  tubercles  are  present  on  each  of  the  first  five 
abdominal  segments,  but  they  are  smaller  than  in  serinaria. 
Evidently  the  larvae  will  feed  upon  various  trees  and  shrubs,  but 
I found  wild  cherry  ( Primus  serotina ) and  white  birch  (Betula 
alba)  the  most  satisfactory  of  anything  tried.  Dr.  McDun- 
nough  reported  rearing  the  northern  race  intermecliaria  on  bass- 
wood (Can.  Ent.,  June  1933,  p.  124). 

Structurally  the  pupa  is  similar  to  that  of  serinaria,  but  the 
general  appearance  is  quite  different,  for  it  is  lighter  brown, 
with  greenish  wing  cases,  and  rather  glossy. 

Typical  phlogosaria  is  the  regular  summer  form  in  the  New 
England  States,  New  York,  and  southern  Ontario,  ranging  west- 
ward at  least  to  Minnesota,  and  southward  to  southern  Penn- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

sylvania  and  Ohio.  It  flies  in  July  and  early  August,  and  in 
some  localities  is  quite  abundant. 

Number  of  specimens  examined : 164  28  }?• 



Plate  V,  Fig.  7 ; Plate  I,  Fig.  6 (male  genitalia)  ; Plate  IV, 
Fig.  2 (female  genitalia). 

Plagodis  keutzingaria  Packard  (pars),  Mon.  of  Geom.  Moths, 
468.  1876. 

Plagodis  altruaria  Pearsall,  Ent.  News,  XVIII,  206.  1907. 

Plagodis  kuet  zing  aria  (sic)  B.  and  McD.,  Cont.  to  the  Nat.  Hist, 
of  the  Lepid.  of  N.  A.,  Ill,  249;  IV,  155;  Plate  XXIII,  Fig. 
3.  1917. 

Except  in  the  basal  area  of  the  upper  wings  the  ground  color 
of  the  spring  form  is  less  tawny  than  in  typical  plilogosaria, 
and  is  usually  more  heavily  striated  with  purple  and  brown 
scales.  The  postmedial  line  is  broad,  dark  brown,  and  inwardly 
bordered  with  a much  wider  and  more  diffused  purple  shade 
than  in  the  typical  form,  and  is  usually  nearer  the  middle  of 
the  wing.  The  antemedial  line,  which  is  usually  not  quite  so 
heavy,  is  similar  in  color,  but  outwaydly  diffused.  There  is  a 
tendency  for  the  discal  spot  to  be  lost,  and  the  greenish  sheen 
of  the  median  area,  while  often  present,  may  be  obscured  by 
the  darker  striae.  The  dark  smudge  at  the  anal  angle  is  also 
more  diffused  than  in  typical  plilogosaria.  The  lower  wings 
are  straw  yellow,  with  some  purple  scales  in  the  terminal  area. 
The  pattern  of  the  under  side  is  similar  to  that  of  the  typical 
form,  but  more  liberally  flecked  with  rosy  purple,  which  may 
cover  the  terminal  area  almost  uniformly.  Occasional  speci- 
mens of  both  the  spring  and  summer  forms  are  intermediate  in 
coloring,  similar  to  the  northern  race  inter mediaria  B.  and  McD. 

The  male  genitalia,  as  in  purpuraria,  have  a symmetrical 
furca,  with  both  branches  quite  short,  and  tipped  with  shorter 
spines  than  in  typical  plilogosaria.  The  female  genitalia  are  in- 
distinguishable from  those  of  the  typical  form. 

Keutzingaria  flies  earlier  in  the  spring  than  any  other  north- 
ern Plagodis,  sometimes  appearing  in  western  New  York  in 

Mar.,  1949] 

Rupert:  Plagodis 


early  April,  continuing  on  the  wing  until  the  middle  of  May. 
Until  recently  it  had  been  regarded  as  a species  very  distinct 
from  phlogosaria,  and  it  was  something  of  a surprise  when,  in 
1945,  I obtained  the  typical  form  in  the  summer  from  eggs  laid 
by  a female  of  keutzingaria  in  April. 

Number  of  specimens  examined : 106  8 J'J. 

Barnes  and  McDunnough 

Plate  V,  Fig.  8. 

Plagodis  intermediaria  Barnes  and  McDunnough,  Cont.  to  the 
Nat.  Hist,  of  the  Lepid.  of.  N.  A.,  Ill,  248 ; Plate  XXII, 
Fig.  2,  £.  1917. 

Plagodis  intermediaria  B.  and  McD.,  McDunnough,  Can.  Ent., 
LXV,  124.  1933.  (Early  stages.) 

In  Ontario  and  Quebec,  north  of  the  area  where  typical  phlo- 
gosaria and  keutzingaria  occur,  is  found  an  apparently  single- 
brooded  race,  flying  in  May  and  June,  and  intermediate  in  ap- 
pearance between  the  seasonal  forms  found  farther  south.  On 
the  whole  it  tends  more  to  resemble  keutzingaria,  but  the  post- 
medial  line  is  narrower  and  clearer,  the  transverse  striae  are 
less  noticeable,  and  the  discal  spot  is  usually  present.  The 
genitalia  are  similar  to  those  of  keutzingaria. 

Dr.  McDunnough ’s  account  of  the  early  stages  seems  to  in- 
dicate a larva  and  pupa  identical  in  appearance  with  the  phlogo- 
saria  larvae  I have  reared  in  western  New  York.  His  statement 
that  the  hump  is  on  the  .seventh  abdominal  segment  is  probably 
a' purely  accidental  slip. 

Number  of  specimens  examined : 2 1 J. 

Plate  V,  Fig.  9. 

Plagodis  approximaria  B.  and  McD.  (pars),  Cont.  to  the  Nat.  Hist,  of  the 
Lepid.  of  N.  A.,  Ill,  248;  Plate  XXII,  Fig.  1,  $.  1917.  (nec.  ap- 

proximaria Dyar) 

In  Nova  Scotia  another  single-brooded  strain  occurs,  differing  sufficiently 
from  any  other  to  warrant  separation  as  a distinct  race.  Its  most  striking 
feature  is  the  brilliant  and  intense  coloring,  particularly  on  the  lower  wings 
and  under  side.  The  upper  wings  are  like  those  of  a dark  and  richly  colored 

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[Vol.  LVII 

Tceut  zing  aria,  with  bronze  undertones  and  the  usual  green  sheen,  but  with 
relatively  few  transverse  stride.  The  postmedial  line  is  sharply  defined,  almost 
black,  and  usually  set  farther  from  the  outer  margin  than  in  any  other 
phlogosaria  form  except  approximaria.  The  discal  spot  is  usually  absent  or 
very  obscure.  The  lower  wings  have  a wide  terminal  area  of  purple  pink, 
and  frequently  the  entire  lower  wings  are  heavily  overlaid  with  scales  of  the 
same  color.  Underneath  the  rosy  purple  suffusion  is  more  complete  than  in 
Tceutzingaria,  and  may  almost  cover  all  four  wings.  The  postmedial  line  on 
the  under  side  of  the  lower  wings  is  not  usually  well  defined,  as  in  Tceutz- 
ingaria, but  the  terminal  area  is  very  wide  and  intensely  purple.  The  moths 
average  a bit  larger  than  Tceutzingaria,  but  about  the  same  size  as  approxi- 
maria. The  wing  form  is  like  that  of  Tceutzingaria,  however,  with  a deeper 
anal  excavation  than  in  approximaria.  The  male  genitalia  are  like  those  of 

Unfortunately  the  accompanying  photograph  (Plate  5)  was  taken  before 
I had  seen  an  extensive  series  of  Nova  Scotia  specimens,  and  the  one  figured 
is  scarcely  typical  of  the  race.  It  is  too  pale,  and  shows  a more  distinct 
discal  spot  than  is  usual.  A few  other  Nova  Scotia  specimens  seen  are  even 
less  brilliant,  and  could  easily  be  referred  to  Tceutzingaria,  or  possibly  to 

Holotype. — Armdale,  N.  S.,  June  13,  1947  (D.  C.  Fergu- 
son). In  U.  S.  N.  M.  collection  (ex  Ferguson  coll.). 

Allotype. — 5,  Armdale,  N.  S.,  June  24,  1944  (D.  C.  Fergu- 
son). In  U.  S.  N.  M.  collection  (ex  Ferguson  coll.). 

Paratypes. — 8 jy1,  1 5,  Armdale,  N.  S.;  3 Annapolis 
Royal,  N.  S.;  4 MacNab’s  Island,  N.  S.  Dates  range  from 
early  June  to  early  July.  The  Armdale  and  Annapolis  Royal 
specimens  were  collected  by  Mr.  Ferguson,  and  are  in  the  Fer- 
guson and  Rupert  collections.  The  specimens  collected  on 
MacNab’s  Island,  in  Halifax  Harbour,  are  in  the  collection  of 
the  Nova  Scotia  Museum  of  Science  in  Halifax. 


Plate  Y,  Fig.  10  (spring  form),  Fig.  11  (summer  form)  ; Plate 
II,  Fig.  1 (male  genitalia,  summer  form)  ; Plate  IV,  Fig.  4 
(female  genitalia). 

Plagodis  approximaria  Dyar,  Can.  Ent.,  XXXI,  266.  1899. 

Plagodis  approximaria  B.  and  McD.  (pars),  Cont.  to  the  Nat. 
Hist,  of  the  Lepicl.  of  N.  A,  III,  248.  1917. 

From  the  eastern  spring  form  kent  zing  aria,  the  spring  form 
of  the  western  race  differs  most  conspicuously  in  the  form  and 

Mar.,  1949] 

Rupert:  Plagodis 


position  of  the  postmedial  line,  which  is  often  almost  as  com- 
pletely incurved  as  in  purpuraria.  In  general  approximaria  is 
slightly  larger  than  keutzingaria,  a little  ruddier,  with  fewer 
transverse  striae,  and  a shallower  anal  excavation  of  the  upper 
wings.  Neither  the  male  nor  the  female  genitalia  showT,  in  the 
spring  form,  any  significant  differences  from  those  of  the  eastern 
spring  form.  All  specimens  seen  from  Saskatchewan,  Idaho, 
Washington,  Oregon,  and  British  Columbia  seem  to  be  referable 
to  this  race. 

The  summer  form  of  approximated  differs  somewhat  less  in 
appearance  from  its  spring  form  than  does  its  counterpart,  typ- 
ical phlogosaria  in  the  east.  The  two  specimens  before  me 
scarcely  differ  in  general  color  from  the  spring  form.  The 
postmedial  line  of  the  upper  wings,  while  complete  and  obvious, 
is  not  contrastingly  dark,  as  in  most  forms  of  the  species,  but 
diffused  and  grayish,  and  is  much  less  incurved  than  in  the 
spring  form.  There  are  no  obvious  transverse  striae,  but  a 
small  discal  dot  is  present.  As  in  the  spring  form,  the  anal 
excavation  is  rather  shallow.  On  the  lower  wings  the  postmedial 
line  is  darker,  very  distinct  near  the  inner  margin,  and  nar- 
rower than  that  of  the  upper  wings. 

The  male  genitalia,  in  the  only  specimen  examined,  have  both 
branches  of  the  furca  longer  than  those  of  the  spring  form,  but 
without  the  much  elongated  right  branch  that  is  characteristic 
of  the  eastern  summer  forms  of  this  and  the  two  related  species. 

Number  of  specimens  examined : 13  J'J',  1 also  2 ££  of  the 
summer  form,  taken  at  Warrendale,  Multnomah  Co.,  Oregon, 
July  8,  1934,  and  now  in  the  Franclemont  collection. 

PLAGODIS  FERVIDARIA  (Herrieh-Schaffer) 

Plate  V,  Fig.  12;  Plate  II,  Fig.  2 (male  genitalia)  ; Plate  IV, 
Fig.  5 (female  genitalia). 

Eurymene  fervidaria  Plerrich-Schaffer,  Ausser*  Schmett.,  Fig. 
203.  1850-58. 

Eurymene  emargataria  Guenee,  Lep.  Noct.,  IX,  145.  1857. 

Eurymene  fervidaria  H.-S.,  Walker,  Cat.  of  the  Brit.  Museum, 
XX,  177.  1860. 

Eurymene  excavaria  Morrison,  Bull.  Buff.  Soc.,  I,  189.  1873. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

Plagodis  fervidaria  (H.-S.)  Packard,  Mon.  of  Geom.  Moths,  467; 

Plate  XI,  Fig.  43.  1876. 

Eurymene  fervidaria  H.-S.,  Hulst,  Ent.  News,  VI,  104.  1895. 

Fervidaria  is  very  closely  related  to  phlogosaria.  The  typical 
spring  form  can  be  separated  from  keutzingaria  by  the  deeper 
excavation  at  the  anal  angle  of  the  upper  wing,  by  the  blurred 
and  usually  incomplete  postmedial  and  antemedial  lines,  and  by 
the  greater  number  of  transverse  darker  striae.  These  fre- 
quently cover  the  upper  wings  so  completely  that  the  other 
markings  are  almost  lost  among  them.  As  a rule  the  post- 
medial  line  of  the  upper  wing  is  heavier  near  the  inner  margin, 
wide  and  diffused,  gradually  disappearing  toward  the  costal 
margin.  The  antemedial  line,  however,  is  heavier  near  the  costa, 
often  indicated  only  as  a dark  blur  at  that  edge  of  the  wing. 
Occasionally  the  complete  line  is  present  but  faint,  and  some- 
times no  trace  of  it  can  be  found.  There  is  rarely  any  sign  of 
a discal  dot.  The  lower  wings  are  similar  to  those  of  keutz- 
ingaria, but  brighter,  purer  yellow,  and  less  suffused  with  pur- 
ple. The  under  side  is  more  heavily  flecked  with  purple  scales 
than  in  keutzingaria,  and  the  ground  color,  which  shows  most 
clearly  in  the  basal  area  of  the  lower  wings  and  near  the  apex 
of  the  upper  wings,  is  more  intense  golden  yellow. 

The  male  genitalia  are  almost  like  those  of  keutzingaria,  ex- 
cept in  the  number  of  cornuti.  In  fervidaria  the  usual  number 
in  the  larger  group  is  from  five  to  seven,  with  four  the  minimum 
number  observed,  and  that  in  just  one  specimen.  The  female 
genitalia  differ  from  those  of  phlogosaria  chiefly  in  the  smaller 
bursa,  and  the  greater  curvature  of  the  bar  above  the  ostium. 

So  far  as  I know,  the  early  stages  of  this  species  have  not  been 
studied.  It  is  more  southern  in  its  range  than  any  of  the  spe- 
cies previously  considered,  occurring  from  the  southern  parts  of 
New  York  and  the  New  England  States  to  southern  Alabama 
and  Georgia. 

Number  of  specimens  examined:  35  3 



Plate  V,  Fig.  13,  J';  Fig.  14,  5;  Plate  II,  Fig.  3 (male  geni- 
talia) ; Plate  III,  Fig.  7 (female  genitalia). 

Mar.,  1949] 

Rupert:  Plagodis 


Eurymene  arrogaria  Hulst,  Ent.  Amer.,  I,  208.  1886. 

Plagodis  arrogaria  (Hist.)  B.  and  McD.,  Cont.  to  the  Nat.  Hist, 
of  the  Lepid.  of  N.  A.,  Ill,  186 ; Plate  XIV,  Fig.  12, 

Arrogaria  has  stood  as  a recognized  species  in  all  lists  for 
many  years,  but  since  it  bears  in  all  known  respects  the  same 
relation  to  typical  fervidaria  that  typical  phlogosaria  bears  to 
keutzingaria,  I do  not  hesitate  to  treat  it  merely  as  a seasonal 
form  of  fervidaria. 

It  is  slightly  smaller  than  typical  fervidaria,  brighter  yellow 
in  ground  color,  especially  on  the  lower  wings,  and  with  few 
transverse  striae.  The  postmedial  line  is  narrow,  usually  dis- 
tinct for  only  a short  distance  at  the  inner  margin  of  each  wing. 
In  most  specimens  the  remainder  of  the  line  is  very  obscure  or 
entirely  missing.  The  antemedial  line  is  also  obscure,  often  in- 
dicated by  only  a small  spot  on  the  costal  margin.  Every 
specimen  observed  has  a conspicuous  discal  dot  on  the  upper 
wing.  Underneath  the  colors  are  even  more  brilliant  than  in 
the  typical  form,  and  with  fewer  dark  flecks. 

The  male  genitalia  show  a furca  as  asymmetrical  as  that  of 
phlogosaria , but  the  other  features  are  like  those  of  typical 
fervidaria.  The  female  genitalia  cannot  be  distinguished  from 
those  of  the  typical  form.  Arrogaria  seems  to  occur  throughout 
the  geographical  range  of  the  species. 

Number  of  specimens  examined : 20  J'J',  7 


Plate  Y,  Fig.  15;  Plate  III,  Fig.  1 (male  genitalia)  ; Plate  IV,. 
Fig.  3 (female  genitalia). 

Eurymene  alcoolaria  Guenee,  Lep.  Noct.,  IX,  146.  1857. 

Eurymene  alcoolaria  Gn.,  Walker,  Cat.  of  the  Brit.  Museum, 
XX,  178.  1860. 

Plagodis  alcoolaria  (Gn.)  Packard,  Mon.  of  Geom.  Moths,  469; 
Plate  XI,  Fig.  41.  1876. 

Plagodis  emar  gat  aria  Holland  (nec  Guenee),  Moth  Book,  349; 
Plate  XLIY,  Fig.  32,  ?.  1903. 

Eurymene  alcoolaria  Gn.,  Oberthiir,  Etudes  de  Lep.  Comp.  Fasc. 
VI;  Plate  CLVIII,  Fig.  1531.  1920. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

The  ground  color  is  pale  yellow,  almost  white,  but  with  the 
upper  wings  considerably  flecked  with  rusty  brown  scales,  espe- 
cially in  the  median  area,  which,  as  a result,  appears  darker 
than  the  basal  and  terminal  areas.  The  postmedial  line  of  the 
upper  wings  is  dark  brown,  broad,  continuous,  and  nearly 
straight  or  slightly  wavy,  never  strongly  curved  inward  or  out- 
ward. The  antemedial  line  is  also  dark  brown  and  complete, 
and  may  be  nearly  straight  or  somewhat  excurved.  The  discal 
spot  of  the  upper  wings  is  always  conspicuous,  and  may  be 
either  uniform  dark  brown  or  with  a paler  center.  The  fringes 
of  the  upper  wings  are  dark  brown,  especially  along  the  anal 
excavation.  The  lower  wings  are  nearly  white,  with  no  mark- 
ings except  a trace  of  the  postmedial  line  at  the  inner  margin, 
and  a few  scattered  brown  scales  near  the  anal  angle.  On  the 
under  side  the  pattern  of  the  upper  side  is  repeated,  but  the 
dark  markings  tend  to  be  purple  brown,  on  a background  of 
brighter  yellow.  The  depth  of  the  anal  excavation  of  the  upper 
wings  is  somewhat  variable,  but  is  regularly  deeper  in  the  fe- 
males than  in  the  males. 

Male  Genitalia. — The  valves  are  similar  in  form  to  those  of 
phlogosaria,  and  the  furca  is  more  or  less  symmetrical,  with 
long-spined  tips  that  extend  just  beyond  the  costal  edges  of  the 
valves.  There  are,  as  a rule,  two  cornuti,  sometimes  only  one, 
and  they  are  much  longer  than  in  any  other  species  of  the  genus. 

Female  Genitalia.— The  ductus  bursae  is  long  and  slender, 
and  fairly  well  chitinized,  as  in  serinaria,  but  only  slightly 
fluted,  not  distinctly  plaited.  There  is  no  bar  above  the  ostium. 

Early  Stages. — The  eggs  are  deposited  in  a formation  that 
resembles  a string  of  miniature  beads  extending  out  from  the 
edge  of  a leaf.  Sometimes  these  egg  masses  are  forked,  and  there 
may  be  as  many  as  twenty  eggs  in  a mass. 

The  larvae  in  all  stages  are  quite  similar  to  those  of  phlogo- 
saria , but  are  less  mottled  and  lack  the  lateral  markings  of  the 
first  two  abdominal  segments.  They  have  the  same  habit  of 
withdrawing  the  head  into  the  thoracic  segments  when  at  rest. 
Mr.  Wyatt  reports  having  reared  the  larvae  successfully  on 
Tilia,  but  I had  previously  assumed  the  natural  food  to  be  oaks 

Mar.,  1949] 

Rupert:  Plagodis 


of  various  species.  A few  years  ago  I reared  the  larvae,  starting 
them  on  white  oak,  but  when  they  were  about  half  growrn  I 
transferred  them  to  beech,  since  oak  was  difficult  to  obtain  in  the 
locality.  They  accepted  the  change,  but  afterward  grew  more 
slowly,  and  the  mortality  rate  was  high.  In  western  New  York 
the  moths  do  not  seem  to  occur  in  areas  where  oak  trees  are 
absent,  even  though  beech  and  basswood  are  abundant. 

The  pupa  is  glossy,  with  greenish  wing  cases,  similar  to  that 
of  phlogosaria. 

Alcoolaria  is  the  eccentric  species  of  the  genus,  appearing  in 
the  matters  of  wing  form  and  early  stages  to  be  closely  related 
to  phlogosaria,  while  the  female  genitalia  show  a marked  simi- 
larity to  those  of  serinaria.  In  the  matters  of  color,  form  of  the 
discal  spot,  and  structure  of  the  asdoeagus,  it  is  quite  different 
from  any  other  species.  It  is  difficult  to  fit  it  into  a linear  ar- 
rangement of  the  species,  and,  for  want  of  a better  location  I am 
placing  it  last  in  the  genus.  Alcoolaria  has  an  extensive  range 
in  eastern  United  States  and  Canada,  from  Nova  Scotia  to  North 
Carolina,  and  westward  at  least  to  Manitoba.  In  New  York  the 
moths  fly  in  May  and  June. 

Number  of  specimens  examined : 153  43 

PLAGODIS  ALCOOLARIA  summer  form  KEMPII  Hulst 

Plate  V,  Pig.  16;  Plate  III,  Fig.  2 (male  genitalia). 

Plagodis  kempii  Hulst,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  VIII,  220.  1901. 

From  Pennsylvania  southward  a summer  form  occurs  in 
August,  which  is  slightly  smaller  than  typical  alcoolaria,  and 
brighter  yellow,  less  densely  sprinkled  with  darker  scales,  and 
with  the  other  markings  sharper  and  darker.  The  furca  of  the 
male  genitalia  has  longer  branches  than  in  typical  alcoolaria, 
but  in  the  single  specimen  examined  it  is  only  slightly  asym- 

The  types  of  kempii  are  from  western  Pennsylvania,  but  I 
have  seen  the  form  from  Lakehurst,  N.  J.,  and  from  the  moun- 
tains of  North  Carolina.  These  latter  specimens  are  larger  and 
brighter  yellow  than  the  Pennsylvania  and  New  Jersey  speci- 

Number  of  specimens  examined : 3 2 25- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

A discussion  of  the  genus  Plagodis  would  hardly  be  complete 
without  some  mention  of  the  very  closely  related  genus  Anagoga 
Hubner,  which  differs  so  slightly  from  Plagodis  that  at  first  I 
doubted  the  advisability  of  retaining  both  genera.  The  genus 
Anagoga  was  erected  at  the  same  time  as  Plagodis  (Verz.  p. 
294,  1823),  and  the  European  species  pulveraria  Linnaeus  is 
recognized  as  its  type.  There  seem  to  be  no  constant  differences 
between  the  genera  in  wing  venation,  antennae,  or  other  external 
structures,  but  differences  in  the  early  stages  and  in  the  geni- 
talia, while  not  too  great,  are  probably  sufficient  to  justify  the 
retention  of  Anagoga  as  a valid  genus. 

For  purposes  of  comparison,  the  American  species  occiduaria 
Wlk.  is  figured  (Plate  V,  Fig.  17;  Plate  II,  Fig.  4;  Plate  IV, 
Fig.  6).  Occiduaria  has  usually  been  considered  a race  of  the 
European  pulveraria,  but  the  genitalia  are  very  distinctly  dif- 
ferent, and  according  to  Bruce  (Ent.  Amer.,  II,  51.  1886),  so 

are  the  larvae.  I have  never  reared  occiduaria,  but  I have  a re- 
port of  the  larva  from  Mr.  Franclemont,  who  has  reared  it. 
The  mature  larva  has  a slightly  bifid,  non-retractile  head,  and 
the  body  is  thicker  at  the  rear,  tapering  toward  the  head.  There 
are  humps  and  warts  on  the  fifth  and  eighth  abdominal  seg- 
ments, somewhat  as  in  Plagodis,  but  smaller.  These  larvae, 
unlike  those  of  Plagodis,  have  the  habit  of  spinning  much  silk 
wherever  they  go,  and,  in  captivity,  frequently  become  hope- 
lessly entangled  in  their  own  webs.  Mr.  Franclemont  reared 
the  larvae  on  yellow  birch  ( Betula  lutea). 

In  the  male  genitalia  Anagoga  differs  somewhat  from  Plagodis 
in  the  structure  of  furca  and  valves,  as  shown  in  the  figures. 
These  differences  are  even  more  marked  in  pulveraria  than  in 
occiduaria.  There  are,  furthermore,  no  cornuti  in  the  aedoeagus. 
In  the  female  genitalia  the  signum  is  a chitinized  depression 
without  a pointed  edge,  quite  unlike  anything  observed  in 

In  conclusion,  it  gives  me  pleasure  to  acknowledge  the  as- 
sistance given  by  a number  of  entomologists  who  have  helped  in 
some  way  to  make  this  article  possible.  Among  them  are  Mr. 
John  Gf.  Franclemont  of  the  United  States  National  Museum, 

Mak.,  1949] 

Rupert:  Plagodis 


Dr.  W.  T.  M.  Forbes  of  Cornell  University,  Mr.  Douglas  C. 
Ferguson  of  Armdale,  N.  S.,  Dr.  Frank  M.  Jones  of  Wilming- 
ton, Del.,  Mr.  A.  K.  Wyatt  of  Chicago,  111.,  and  Mr.  Otto  Buch- 
holz  of  Roselle  Park,  N.  J.  I am  also  indebted  to  the  officials 
of  the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  for  the  privilege  of 
examining  the  material  in  that  collection,  and  to  Dr.  Walter  R. 
Sweadner,  whose  loan  to  Mr.  Franclemont  of  the  material  in 
the  Carnegie  Museum  was  of  great  value  in  determining  the 
true  status  of  purpurciria  and  schuylkillensis. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


Figure  1.  Plagodis  dolabraria  L.,  male  genitalia;  la,  aedceagus. 

Figure  2.  Plagodis  serinaria  H.-S.,  male  genitalia;  2a,  aedceagus. 

Figure  3.  Plagodis  Tcuetzingi  Grt.,  male  genitalia;  3a,  aedceagus. 

Figure  4.  Plagodis  purpuraria  Pears.,  male  genitalia;  4a,  aedceagus. 

Figure  5.  Plagodis  phlogosaria  Gn.,  male  genitalia;  5a,  aedceagus. 

Figure  6.  Plagodis  phlogosaria  spring  form  iceutzingaria  Pack.,  male 
genitalia ; 6a,  aedceagus. 

(Journ.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Vol.  LVII 

(Plate  I) 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


Figure  1.  Plagodis  phlogosaria  race  approximaria  Dyar,  male  genitalia 
(summer  form)  ; la,  sedceagus. 

Figure  2.  Plagodis  fervidaria  H.-S.,  male  genitalia;  2a,  sedceagus. 

Figure  3.  Plagodis  fervidaria  summer  form  arrogaria  Hist.,  male  genitalia; 
3a,  sedceagus. 

Figure  4.  Anagoga  occiduaria  Wlk.,  male  genitalia ; 4a,  sedceagus. 

Figure  5.  Plagodis  serinaria  H.-S.,  larva. 

(Journ.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Vol.  LYII  (Plate  II) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


Figure  1.  Plagodis  alcoolaria  Gn.,  male  genitalia  ; la,  sedceagus. 

Figure  2.  Plagodis  alcoolaria  summer  form  Icempii  Hist.,  male,  genitalia; 
2a,  sedceagus. 

Figure*  3.  Plagodis  serinaria  H.-S.,  female  genitalia. 

Figure  4.  Plagodis  Inietzingi  Grt.,  female  genitalia. 

Figure  5.  Plagodis  dolabraria  L.,  female  genitalia. 

Figure  6.  Plagodis  purpuraria  Pears.,  female  genitalia. 

Figure  7.  Plagodis  fervidaria  summer  form  arrogaria  Hist.,  female  geni- 

(Journ.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Vol.  LVII 

(Plate  III) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Figure  1. 
Figure  2. 

Figure  3, 
Figure  4. 
Figure  5. 
Figure  6, 


. Plagodis  phlogosaria  Gn.,  female  genitalia. 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  spring  form  Tceutzingaria  Pack.,  female 

Plagodis  alcoolaria  Gn.,  female  genitalia. 

Plagodis  pliologosaria  race  approximaria  Dyar,  female  genitalia. 
Plagodis  fervidaria  H.-S.,  female  genitalia. 

. Anagoga  occiduaria  Wlk.,  female  genitalia. 

(Journ.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  VOL.  LVII  (Plate  IV) 

* [VOL.  LVII 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

Figure  1. 
Figure  2. 

Figure  3. 

Figure  4. 

Figure  5. 

Figure  6. 
Figure  7. 

Figure  8. 

Figure  9. 
Figure  10. 

Figure  11. 

Figure  12. 

Figure  13. 

Figure  14. 

Figure  15. 
Figure  16. 

Figure  17. 


Plagodis  dolahraria  L.,  $ (Kaufung,  Germany).  Forbes  coll. 

Plagodis  serinaria  H.-S.,  $ £ McLean  Bogs,  Tompkins  Co., 

N.  Y.).  Franclemont  coll. 

Plagodis  Tcuetzingi  Grt.,  $ (Six  Mile  Creek,  Ithaca,  N.  Y.). 
Franclemont  coll. 

Plagodis  purpuijaria  Pears.,  $ (Oak  Station,  Allegheny  Co., 
Penna.).  Carnegie  Museum  coll. 

Plagodis  purpuraria  summer  form  schuylkillensis  Grossb.,  $ 
(Finleyville,  Washington  Co.,  Penna.).  Carnegie  Museum  coll. 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  Gn.,  $ (Sardinia,  N.  Y.). 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  spring  form  Tceutzingaria  Pack.,  $ (Horse- 
heads,  N.  Y.). 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  race  intermediaria  B.  and  McD.,  $ (Bob- 
caygeon,  Ont.,  bred  by  McDunnough) . Franclemont  coll. 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  race  iris  new  race,  $ (Armdale,  N.  S.). 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  race  approximaria  Dyar,  $ spring  form 
(Pullman,  Wash.).  Cornell  University  coll. 

Plagodis  phlogosaria  race  approximaria  Dyar,  $ summer  form 
(Warrendale,  Multnomah  Co.,  Ore.).  Franclemont  coll. 

Plagodis  fervidaria  H.-S.,  $ (Camp  Rucker,  Ozark,  Ala.). 

Franclemont  coll. 

Plagodis  fervidaria  summer  form  arrogaria  Hist.,  $ (Mont- 
eagle,  Tenn.).  Cornell  University  coll. 

Plagodis  fervidaria  summer  form  arrogaria  Hist.,  $ (Oak  Sta- 
tion, Penna.).  Carnegie  Museum  coll. 

Plagodis  alcoolaria  Gn.,  $ (Horseheads,  N.  Y.). 

Plagodis  alcoolaria  summer  form  Tcempii  Hist.,  $ (Brevard, 
N.  C.).  Cornell  University  coll. 

Anagoga  occiduaria  Wlk.,  $ (Six  Mile  Creek,  Ithaca,  N.  Y.). 
Franclemont  coll. 

(Journ.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Yol.  LVII 

(Plate  Y) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


During  the  early  part  of  1920  a group  of  young  entomologists 
of  the  United  States  published  and  circulated  an  anonymous  four 
page  circular  calling  attention  to  the  fact  that  younger  entomolo- 
gists engaged  in  research  and  teaching  were  greatly  underpaid. 
As  a result  many  promising  entomologists,  after  working  for 
several  years  and  being  rewarded  by  only  beggarly  increases, 
were  forced  by  economic  conditions  to  seek  employment  in  busi- 
ness. Their  positions  were  tilled  by  new  men  fresh  from  college 
who  accepted  the  low  salaries  with  high  expectations,  only  to 
find  within  three  to  five  years  that  their  economic  positions  were 
almost  stationary  and  that  the  well-paid  positions  were  mostly 
filled  by  men  who  kept  them  for  long  periods  of  time. 

The  circular  was  addressed  principally  to  the  heads  of  depart- 
ments of  entomology,  of  whom  many  were,  for  various  reasons, 
singularly  indifferent  to  the  monetary  needs  of  their  assistants. 
At  that  time  salaries  of  1,000  and  1,200  dollars  per  year  were 
not  unusual  for  assistants  and  increases  were  slow  and  uncertain. 
Considering  the  facts  in  the  case  the  plea  of  the  men,  for  increased 
recognition  as  human  beings  who  deserved  a living  wage,  was 
written  with  remarkable  restraint, — H.  B.  W. 

7l  . J Lrt*&  • ST 

, (%£Oj  I ^ 

Mar.,  1949] 

Huckett:  Hylemyia 




By  H.  C.  Huckett 
Eiverhead,  N.  Y. 

The  subgenus  Pycnoglossa  is  represented  in  North  America  by 
nine  species,  four  of  which  have  not  yet  been  recorded.  The 
described  forms  include  P.  cinerosa  (Zetterstedt),  P.  flavipennis 
(Fallen),  P.  proboscidalis  (Malloch),  found  also  in  Europe,  and 
the  native  forms  P.  spinosissima  (Malloch)  and  P.  gleniensis 
(Huckett)1.  The  group  is  characterized  by  the  possession  of  an 
enlarged  proboscis,  the  labellum  of  which  when  relaxed  may  be 
seen  to  bear  chitinous  teeth  or  hooks.  The  hind  tibia  has  an 
apical  posteroventral  bristle  in  all  species  except  one  of  the  un- 
described forms,  in  which  case  the  character  seems  to  be  variable. 
The  male  hypopygium  and  copulatory  appendages  do  not  exhibit 
any  striking  characters.  However  it  is  evident  that  within  the 
group  these  parts  tend  to  conform  to  a general  pattern,  which 
serves  to  suggest  the  common  kinship  of  all  species  (Plate  VII). 

The  distribution  of  the  species  extends  throughout  the  eastern 
and  north  central  regions  of  the  United  States  and  the  eastern 
provinces  of  Canada.  The  only  record  I have  seen  outside  this 
area  is  the  type  of  Pycnoglossa  flavipennis  Coquillett,  taken  in 
the  State  of  Washington  about  forty  eight  years  ago. 

The  larval  habits  of  most  of  the  species  are  apparently  little 
known.  De  Meijere2  has  fully  described  and  illustrated  the  min- 
ing of  the  leaves  of  the  fern  Pteris  aquilina  by  the  species  P. 
cinerosa  of  authors.  Two  additional  hosts,  namely  Polystichum 
sp.  and  Asplenium  ruta-muraria  L.  are  cited  by  Seguy  (1937). 3 

1 Pycnoglossa  varipes  Curran  (Can;  Ent.,  59:  255,  1927),  in  my  opinion, 
does  not  belong  to  the  group,  the  type  being  an  aberrant  female  specimen 
of  Hylemyia  ccenosicef ormis  Stein. 

2 Meijere,  J.  C.  H.  de.  1911.  Tiber  in  Farnen  Parasitierende  Hymenop- 
teren-  und  Dipteren-  Larven.  Tijdschrift  voor  Entomologie,  64:  111-114, 
figs.  26-30. 

3 Figures  in  parenthesis  refer  to  literature  citation  in  the  synonymies  as 
indicated  by  the  year  of  publication. 

New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


Subgenus  Pycnoglossa  Coquillett 

Pycnoglossa  Coquillett,  1901.  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.,  23 : 613. 
Aldrich,  1905.  Misc.  Coll.  Smithsn.  Inst.,  46 : 570.  Mal- 
loch,  1924.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  ser.  9 14:  513.  Karl, 

1928.  Tierwelt  Deutschlands,  13  Pt.  3 p.  177.  Ringdahl, 

1929.  Ent.  Tidskr.,  51 : 269.  Seguy,  1937.  Gen.  Insect., 
205 : 120.  Kloet  and  Hincks,  1945.  List  Brit.  Ins.,  p.  425. 

Pogonomyza  Schnabl  and  Dziedzicki,  1911.  Abh.  K.  Leop.- 
Carol.  Deutsch.  Akad.  Naturforsch.,  95  (2)  : 99.  Malloch, 
1921.  Can.  Ent.,  53:  78.  Huckett,  1924.  N.  Y.  (Cornell) 
Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Mem.  77  (1923)  p.  48. 

'Genotype:  Musca  flavipennis  Fallen  (by  designation  of  Karl, 

The  genus  Pycnoglossa  was  erected  by  Coquillett  (1901)  for 
the  reception  of  a single  species,  which  he  named  Pycnoglossa 
flavipennis.  The  author  placed  the  genus  with  the  Scatophagi- 
dae,  and  as  such  it  was  later  recorded  in  Aldrich’s  (1905)  cata- 
logue of  North  American  diptera. 

In  1911  Schnabl  and  Dziedzicki  described  the  subgenus  Pogo- 
nomyza, and  included  therein  the  two  european  forms  Musca 
flavipennis  Fallen  and  Hylemyia  cinerosa  of  authors. 

Malloch  (1924)  on  examining  the  type  specimen  of  the  geno- 
type of  Pycnoglossa  noted  that  the  specimen  was  an  anthomyid, 
and  concluded  that  the  genus  was  synonymous  with  Pogonomyza 
and  that  therefore  the  name  of  the  genotype  was  a homonym. 
The  type  specimen  of  Pycnoglossa  is  a female  in  poor  condition, 
and  it  might  well  be  a difficult  matter  to  come  to  any  definite 
conclusion  concerning  its  identity  were  it  not  for  the  fact  that 
Coquillett  mentions  in  his  description  that  the  arista  is  plumose. 
With  this  character  in  mind  however,  there  seems  to  me  little 
doubt  but  that  the  species  is  the  same  as  Musca  flavipennis  Fal- 

In  1928  Karl  designated  Musca  flavipennis  Fallen  as  the  geno- 
type of  Pycnoglossa  Coquillett. 

Subgeneric  characters : Head  proportionately  small ; proboscis 
enlarged  and  fleshy,  labellum  toothed ; vibrissae  robust,  and  genal 
bristles  restricted  to  ventral  margin,  uniserial ; hind  tibia  with  an 

Mar..  1949] 

Huckett:  Hylemia 


apical  posteroventral  bristle  (which  is  not  invariably  evident 
in  stratifrons)  ; wings  much  broadened,  costa  setulose  on  under 
surface,  m-cu  cross  vein  erect.  Male  with  a pair  of  minute  para- 
frontal  setulse  at  narrowest  width  of  frons ; postocular  series  of 
setulae  short  and  stiffish ; abdominal  terga  with  discal  as  well  as 
marginal  series  of  bristles ; hypopygium  inconspicuous,  anal  seg- 
ment (tergum  9)  roundish  in  outline  when  viewed  from  above 
and  strongly  appressed  dorsad  (cephalad),  sparsely  and  weakly 
bristled,  nearly  bisected  by  the  anal  membrane  (Figs.  1,  2,  3)  ; 
processes  of  fifth  abdominal  sternum  laminate,  sparsely  and 
weakly  bristled,  and  finely  fringed  on  inner  margin  (Figs.  7,  8, 

The  ventral  surface  of  the  scutellum  is  bare  in  nearly  all  spe- 
cies described  from  North  America,  the  most  notable  exceptions 
in  this  respect  being  the  European  species  P.  cinerosa  (Zetter- 
stedt)  and  P.  flavipennis  (Fallen). 


1.  Arista!  hairs  longer  than  width  of  third  antennal  segment. 

-flavipennis  (Fall.) 

Aristal  hairs  shorter  than  width  of  third  antennal  segment  2 

2.  Hind  femur  with  a series  of  robust  bristles  on  median  section  of  postero- 

ventral surface,  as  stout  as  those  on  anteroventral  surface;  aristal 

hairs  not  longer  than  basal  diameter  of  arista  3 

Hind  femur  with  "ho  such  bristles  on  median  section  of  posteroventral  sur- 
face, at  most  the  stronger  bristles  restricted  to  proximal  half,  other- 
wise bristles  weak  or  absent  4 

3.  Wings  yellowish;  abdomen  marked  with  a series  of  dorsocentral  subtri- 

angular  areas;  fore  tibia  with  1 posteroventral  bristle. 

proboscidalis  (Mall.) 

Wings  clear;  abdomen  marked  with  a linear  stripe;  fore  tibia  with  2 
posteroventral  bristles  delicata  n.  sp. 

4.  Eyes  separated  at  narrowest  width  of  frons  by  a distance  equal  to  diam- 

eter of  anterior  ocellus,  parafrontals  contiguous  caudad,  interrupting 

interfrontalia  stratifrons  n.  sp. 

Eyes  wider  apart  at  narrowest  width  of  frons  than  diameter  of  anterior 
ocellus,  parafrontals  narrowly  separated  caudad,  interfrontalia  un- 
interrupted   5 

5.  Mid  femur  with  one  or  more  stoutish  setulae  on  distal  half  of  antero- 

ventral surface 6 

Mid  femur  with  only  slender  setulae  on  distal  half  of  anteroventral  sur- 
face   ; 7 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

6.  Processes  fringed  uniformly  on  inner  margin  with  minute  hairs,  other- 

wise largely  bare;  mid  femur  with  notably  strong  posteroventral 
bristles,  longer  than  height  of  femur;  all  knees  distinctly  reddish 

yellow;  ventral  surface  of  scutellum  bare  spinosissima  (Mall.) 

Processes  not  noticeably  fringed  on  inner  margin,-  otherwise  sparsely 
clothed  with  fine  setulae;  mid  femur  with  posteroventral  bristles  not 
notably  stout  nor  long ; scutellum  with  a few  fine  hairs  on  ventral 
surface  cinerosa  (Zett.) 

7.  Prealar  bristle  longish,  at  least  equal  to  half  length  of  following  supraalar 

bristle,  or  longer;  larger  species,  5 mm filicis  n.  sp. 

Prealar  bristle  short,  less  than  half  length  of  following  supraalar  bristle; 
smaller  species,  4 mm.  8 

8.  Hind  tibia  with  3 posterodorsal  bristles;  mid  tibia  with  an  anterodorsal 

bristle  gleniensis  (Huek.) 

Hind  tibia  with  2 posterodorsal  bristles;  mid  tibia  with  no  anterodorsal 
. bristle  pusillans  n.  sp. 


1.  Aristal  hairs  longer  than  width  of  third  antennal  segment. 

flavipennis  (Fall.) 

Aristal  hairs  shorter  than  width  of  third  antennal  segment  2 

2.  Prealar  bristle  longish,  usually  about  equal  to  half  length  of  following 

supraalar  bristle : 3 

Prealar  bristle  shorter  than  half  length  of  following  supraalar  bristle 5 

3.  Fore  tibia  with  a robust  apical  posteroventral  bristle;  aristal  hairs  not 

longer  than  basal  diameter  of  arista 4 

Fore  tibia  with  apical  posteroventral  bristle  weak  or  setulose;  hairs  of 
arista  slightly  longer  than  basal  diameter  of  arista  filicis  n.  sp. 

4.  Abdominal  terga  3 and  4 entirely  black  and  shining,  tergum  5 polished; 

caudal  pair  of  ocellar  bristles  short  and  inclined  forward;  lower 
bristle  of  caudal  pair  of  sternopleurals  well  developed,  over  half 

length  of  upper  bristle  proboscidalis  (Mall.) 

Abdominal  terga  3 and  4 partly  pruinescent,  with  an  ill-defined  marking 
on  dorsocentral  and  anterior  regions  of  terga;  caudal  pair  of  ocellar 
bristles  longish  and  directed  outwards;  lower  bristle  of  caudal  pair 
of  sternopleurals  weak,  less  than  half  length  of  upper  bristle. 

delicata  n.  sp. 

5.  Mid  femur  with  one  or  more  robust  setulie  on  distal  half  of  anteroventral 

surface ; fore  tibia  with  a rdbust  apical  posteroventral  bristle  6 

Mid  femur  with  no  robust  setulse  on  distal  half  of  anteroventral  surface; 
fore  tibia  with  a weak  apical  posteroventral  bristle  7 

6.  Cruciate  bristles  well  developed;  anterior  extension  of  ocellar  triangle 

opaque  and  pruinescent ; abdomen  grayish  pruinescent,  and  with  a 
dorsocentral  marking;  knees  reddish  spinosissima  (Mall.) 

Mar.,  1949] 

Huckett:  Hylemyia 


Cruciate  bristles  weak;  anterior  extension  of  ocellar  triangle  partly  shin- 
ing (as  if  abraded)  ; abdomen  black,  unmarked;  knees  black. 

cinerosa  (Zett.) 

7.  Second  antennal  segment  brownish  or  reddish  tinged;  all  knees  narrowly 

brownish  tinged  stratifrons  n.  sp. 

Second  antennal  segment  blackish;  all  knees  black  8 

8.  Hind  tibia  with  2 posterodorsal  bristles;  mid  femur  devoid  of  postero- 
ventral  bristles;  sternopleural  bristles  arranged  1:  1 ...  pusillans  n.  sp. 

Hind  tibia  with  3 posterodorsal  bristles;  mid  femur  with  1 or  2 postero- 
• ventral  bristles;  sternopleural  bristles  arranged  1:2. 

gleniensis  (Huck.) 

Hylemyia  (Pycnoglossa)  delicata,  new  species 

Male,  closely  allied  to  proboscidalis  Mall.,  grayish  black,  parafrontals  and 
paraf acials  whitish  pruinescent ; mesonotum  lightly  grayish  pruinescent, 
faintly  streaked  along  planes  of  acrostical  and  dorsocentral  bristles,  sub- 
shining ; abdomen  more  densely  and  more  completely  grayish  than  in 
proboscidalis,  the  dorsocentral  vitta  linear;  wings  and  calyptrae  clear,  hyaline, 
wing  veins  brownish;  halteres  yellow. 

Head  slightly  teneral,  contracting  the  frons;  proboscis  not  as  enlarged  as 
in  proboscidalis;  aristal  hairs  not  longer  than  basal  diameter  of  arista; 
acrostical  bristles  weak,  irregular;  prealar  bristle  long;  sternopleural  bristles 
arranged  2:  2,  the  lower  anterior  bristle  weak;  under  surface  of  scutellum 
with  a few  hairs;  processes  of  fifth  abdominal  sternum  sparsely  and  finely 
setose.  Fore  tibia  with  2 median  bristles  posteroventrally ; mid  femur  with 
no  robust  setulee  on  distal  half  of  anteroventral  surface,  and  with  the  series 
of  bristles  on  posteroventral  surface  extending  to  middle  of  femur;  mid 
tibia  with  a median  anterodorsal  and  posterodorsal  bristle,  2 fine  bristles  on 
posterior  surface;  hind  femur  with  a series  of  short  robust  anteroventral 
bristles,  and  with  posteroventral  bristles  extending  distad  of  middle  of 
femur,  and  becoming  stouter;  hind  tibia  with  a robust  apical  posterodorsal 
and  posteroventral  bristle,  3 posterodorsal,  3 longer  anterodorsal,  4 or  5 
anteroventral,  of  which  the  distal  bristle  is  much  the  stronger,  with  a sparse 
series  of  weaker  posteroventral  bristles;  mid  and  hind  tarsi  shorter  than 
the  respective  tibiae. 

Female,  frontal  vitta  reddish  on  cephalic  half ; mesonotum  more  densely 
pruinescent;  abdomen  with  pruinescenee  on  terga  1 + 2,  3 and  4,  tergum  5 
largely  lustrous,  terga  3 and  4 with  indications  of  a dorsocentral  marking 
and  dark  anterior,  incisures;  wings  yellowish  tinged.  Cruciate  and  caudal 
pair  of  ocellar  bristles  well  developed,  the  latter  longish  and  directed  out- 
wards; lower  bristle  of  caudal  pair  of  sternopleurals  weak  and  short.  Fore 
tibia  with  1 median  posteroventral  bristle,  mid  and  hind  femora  with  postero- 
ventral bristles  restricted  to  proximal  half  and  not  so  robust;  wings  broader 
than  in  male,  costal  thorns  and  setulae  stronger.  Otherwise  similar  to  male 
except  for  sexual  characters.  Length,  5 mm. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Holotype:  (Cf,  Wading  River,  Long  Island,  N.  Y.,  May  17,  1925 
[C.  N.  C.] . Allotype  : ?,  Middle  Island,  Long  Island,  N.  Y,  May 
30,  1931  [C.  N.  C.]. 

The  male  of  delicata  structurally  resembles  that  of  probosci- 
dalis,  differing  in  that  the  dorsum  of  abdomen  is  more  completely 
grayish  pruinescent,  thereby  restricting  the  dorsocentral  mark- 
ing to  lineal  dimensions,  and  in  that  the  wings  are  hyaline.  The 

female  of  delicata  has  distinct  pruinescence  on  terga  1 + 2,  3 and 


4.  In  both  sexes  the  proboscis  is  not  so  notably  enlarged  as  in 
other  species  belonging  to  the  group. 

Hylemyia  (Pycnoglossa)  filicis,  new  species 

Male,  blackish  with  trace  of  brownish  gray  pruinescence,  subshining ; inter- 
f rontalia  and  paraf acials  brownish  to  blackish  tinged ; first  and  second 
antenna]  segments  reddish  or  brownish  tinged ; mesonotum,  viewed  from 
above  and  in  front,  with  two  pale  streaks,  each  placed  between  the  acrostical 
and  dorsocentral  series  of  bristles;  abdomen  with  a series  of  subtriangular 
marks  and  anterior  incisures;  wings,  calyptrse  and  halteres  yellowish. 

Eyes  at  narrowest  Avidth  of  frons  separated  by  a distance  slightly  greater 
than  that  between  posterior  ocelli  exclusive,  interfrontalia  uninterrupted 
caudad,  cruciate  setulae  present;  aristal  hairs  about  as  long  as  basal  diameter 
of  arista ; acrostical  bristles  weakly  developed,  prealar  bristle  at  least  as  long 
as  half  length  of  following  supraalar  bristle;  posthumeral  bristle  weakly 
duplicated,  sternopleural  bristles  arranged  1:2;  processes  of  fifth  abdominal 
sternum  slightly  narrowed  distad,  sparsely  clothed . with  fine  slender  setae. 
Fore  tibia  with  a median  anterodorsal  and  2 slender  posteroventral  bristles, 
apical  posteroventral  bristle  setulose  or  lacking ; mid  femur  with  no  robust 
setulae  on  distal  half  of  anteroventral  surface;  mid  tibia  with  or  without 
a weak  anterocJorsal  bristle,  with  1 posterodorsal  and  1 weak  posterior  and 
posteroventral  bristle;  hind  femur  with  a series  of  4 or  5 longisli  bristles  on 
distal  two-thirds  of  anteroventral  surface,  and  with  a diverse  series  of  slender 
bristles  and  setulae  on  proximal  two-thirds  of  posteroventral  surface;  hind 
tibia  with  2 to  4 anteroventral,  4 to  6 anterodorsal,  3 posterodorsal,  and  a 
series  of  weaker  bristles  on  median  third  of  posteroventral  surface,  apical 
posterodorsal  bristle  nearly  as  long  as  apical  dorsal,  apical  posteroventral 
bristle  well  developed.  Costal  thorns  well  formed. 

Female  similar  to  male  except  for  sexual  characters;  abdomen  unmarked, 
more  shiny,  less  densely  pruinescent ; cruciate  bristles  well  developed ; caudal 
pair  of  ocellar  bristles  longish  and  directed  outwards;  mid  tibia  with  a well 
developed  median  anterodorsal  bristle,  hind  femur  with  fewer  posteroventral 
bristles,  hind  tibia  with  a weaker  apical  posterodorsal  bristle.  Length, 
5.25  mm. 

Mar.,  1949] 

Huckett:  Hylemia 


Holotype  and  allotype  : J',  $,  Hicksville,  Long  Island,  N.  Y., 
May  26,  1944  (H.  C.  Hnckett)  [C.  N.  C.].  A series  of  28  speci- 
mens was  collected  on  ferns  in  woods  near  Hicksville  from  May 
18  to  June  12,  1944. 

The  species  filicis  has  a longish  prealar  bristle,  a notably  weak 
or  minnte  apical  posteroventral  bristle  on  fore  tibia,  and  has  no 
robust  setulae  on  distal  half  of  anteroventral  surface  of  mid 

Hylemyia  (Pycnoglossa)  pusillans,  new  species 

Male,  blackish,  subshining,  with  scant  pruinescence  on  mesonotum,  slightly 
denser  on  abdominal  terga;  mesonotum  unmarked,  abdomen  with  a broad 
poorly  defined  dorsocentral  marking;  wings  and  calyptrse  faintly  yellowish 
tinged;  halteres  faintly  reddish  tinged. 

Eyes  separated  at  narrowest  width  of  frons  by  a distance  about  equal  to 
that  between  posterior  ocelli  exclusive,  interfrontalia  uninterrupted  eaudad; 
cruciate  bristles  present,  2 pairs  of  paraf rontal  bristles ; aristal  hairs  slightly 
longer  than  basal  diameter  of  arista ; acrostical  bristles  weak,  prealar  bristle 
short,  sternopleural  bristles  arranged  1 : 2,  scutellum  bare  on  ventral  surface ; 
processes  of  fifth  abdominal  sternum  proportionately  broad  throughout  and 
broadly  rounded  at  apex.  Fore  tibia  with  1 anterodorsal  and  1 posteroventral 
bristle,  apical  posteroventral  bristle  slender;  mid  femur  with  1 or  2 weak 
posteroventral  bristles  on  basal  region,  with  no  robust  setulae  on  distal  half 
of  anteroventral  surface;  mid  tibia  with  no  anterodorsal  bristle,  1 postero- 
dorsal,  1 posterior,  1 posteroventral  bristle,  all  short;  hind  femur  with  5 to 
8 anteroventral  bristles,  with  1 or  2 weak  proximal  posteroventral  bristles; 
hind  tibia  with  4 anteroventral,  2 long  and  1 short  anterodorsal,  2 postero- 
dorsal  bristles,  with  a few  weak  posteroventral  bristles,  apical  posteroventral 
bristle  slender. 

Female,  abdomen  shiny,  unmarked ; cruciate  bristles  well  developed,  caudal 
pair  of  ocellar  bristles  longish  and  directed  outwards;  one  pair  of  presutural 
acrostical  bristles  longer,  sternopleural  bristles  arranged  1:1;  mid  and  hind 
femora  devoid  of  posteroventral  bristles;  mid  tibia  with  1 anterodorsal 
bristle.  Otherwise  similar  to  male  except  for  sexual  characters.  Length, 
3.5  mm. 

Holotype  and  allotype : §,  Hicksville,  Long  Island,  New 

York,  May  26,  1944  (H.  C.  Huckett),  in  author’s  collection. 
Paratype:  J',  Ottawa,  Ontario,  June  25,  1946  (A.  R.  Brooks) 

[c.  n.  a]. 

The  species  pusillans  may  be  readily  distinguished  by  the 
presence  of  only  two  bristles  on  posterodorsal  surface  of  hind 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

tibia,  and  in  the  male  by  the  absence  of  an  anterodorsal  bristle 
on  mid  tibia.  The  pubescence  of  arista  is  slightly  longer  than 
in  gleniensis,  which  it  most  nearly  resembles  on  account  of  its 
small  size.  The  Long  Island  specimens  were  taken  along  with 
filicis  on  ferns  in  woods  near  Hicksville. 

Hylemyia  (Pycnoglossa)  stratifrons,  new  species 

Male,  black,  lightly  grayish  pruinescent,  subshining;  parafrontals  and 
paraf acials  pruinose,  second  antennal  segment  brownish ; mesonotum  Un- 
marked ; abdomen  with  a poorly  defined  dorsoeentral  mark,  which  gradually 
becomes  wider  basad;  knees  narrowly  reddish  or  brownish  tinged;  wings 
yellowish,  and  calyptrse  faintly  so. 

Eyes  at  narrowest  width  of  frons  separated  by  a distance  about  equal 
to  diameter  of  anterior  ocellus,  parafrontals  contiguous  caudad,  interrupting 
interf rontalia,  cruciate  setulae  present ; hairs  of  arista  about  as  long  as  basal 
diameter  of  arista  ; acrostical  bristles  in  two  series,  with  one  or  two  presutural 
pairs  longer,  prealar  bristle  short ; sternopleural  bristles  arranged  1:2; 
ventral  surface  of  scutellum  bare.  Basal  sclerite  of  hypopygium  with  fine 
weak  bristles;  processes  of  fifth  abdominal  sternum  broad,  apical  margin 
broadly  rounded.  Fore  tibia  with  1 or  2 median  posteroventral,  and  1 
anterodorsal  bristle,  apical  posteroventral  bristle  weak,  setulose;  mid  femur 
with  no  robust  setulae  on  distal  half  of  anteroventral  surface;  mid  tibia  with 
1 weak  anterodorsal,  1 posterodorsal,  and  1 weak  posterior  and  postero- 
ventral bristle;  hind  femur  with  a series  of  6 to  8 shortish  anteroventral 
bristles,  extending  to  prebasal  region,  bristles  on  proximal  half  of  posteror 
ventral  surface  weak  or  lacking;  hind  tibia  with  4 to  6 weak  anteroventral 
bristles,  with  2 longer  and  2 or  more  shorter  anterodorsal,  3 posterodorsal,  and 
a series  of  weak  bristles  on  median  half  of  posteroventral  surface,  apical 
poster odorsal  weak,  apical  posteroventral  weak,  setulose.  Costal  thorns  well 

Female  similar  to  male  except  for  sexual  characters ; frontal  vitta  brownish 
or  reddish  cephalad,  second  antennal  segment  yellowish  brown;  abdomen 
blackish,  more  distinctly  subshining,  unmarked ; knees  broadly  reddish. 
Cruciate  bristles  well  developed,  caudal  pair  of  ocellar  bristles  longish  and 
directed  outwards;  lower  bristle  of  caudal  pair  of  sternopleurals  weakly 
developed.  Mid  tibia  with  a well  developed  anterodorsal  bristle;  postero- 
ventral bristles  on  mid  and  hind  femora  weak  and  sparse.  Length,  5 mm. 

Holotype:  Hull,  Quebec,  June  15,  1913  (C.  H.  Curran), 

allotype,  §,  Buttonwoods,  Khode  Island,  June  20-21,  1912  (C.  W. 
Johnson)  [C.  N.  C.]. 

This  species  was  recognized  by  Johnson  (1925)  as  probosci- 
dalis  Mall.,  an  error  that  caused  me  to  apply  the  name  to  the 
same  species  in  my  earlier  study  of  the  New  York  fauna  (1924). 

Mar.,  1949] 

Huckett:  Hylemyia 


The  male  of  stratifrons  may  be  readily  distinguished  from  allied 
forms  by  the  contiguity  of  the  parafrontals  caudad  and  the 
close  approximation  of  the  eyes  at  this  point;  in  the  female  by 
the  yellowish  brown  second  antennal  segment.  In  both  sexes 
the  knees  are  paler  tinged,  and  apical  posteroventral  bristle  on 
fore  and  hind  tibiae  may  be  so  weakly  developed  as  to  be 
scarcely  distinguishable. 

Massachusetts:  J1,  Great  Barrington,  June  15,  1915  (C.  "W. 
Johnson)  [A.  N.  S.  P.].  Petersham,  July  19,  1926  (A.  L. 
Melander) . 

New  York:  Ithaca,  May  15,  1915,  3 J1,  Hempstead,  Long- 

Island,  June  19,  1921,  5,  Plandome,  Long  Island,  May  21,  1921 
(H.  C.  Huckett). 

Ontario  : <?,  Ottawa,  May  23,  1938  (G.  E.  Shewell)  [C.  N.  C.] . 

Pennsylvania:  2,  Darby,  June  4,  1904  [A.  N.  S.  P.]. 

Quebec:  J1,  Hemmingford,  Quebec,  June  27,  1923  (C.  H.  Cur- 
ran). [C.  N.  C.]. 

Rhode  Island:  J1,  Buttonwoods,  June  20-21,  1912  (C.  W. 

Vermont:  $,  St.  Albans,  June  21,  1913  (C.  W.  Johnson) 
[A.  N.  S.  P.]. 

Hylemyia  ( Pycnoglossa ) cinerosa  (Zetterstedt) 

Aricia  cinerosa  Zetterstedt,  1845.  Dipt.  Scand.,  4 : 1450. 
Pycnoglossa  luteipennis  Ringdahl,  1937.  Opus.  Entom.,  2 : 126. 
Pycnoglossa  cinerosa  Ringdahl,  1939.  Opus.  Entom.,  4 (3—4)': 


According  to  Ringdahl  (1939)  Zetterstedt ’s  name  Aricia  cine- 
rosa has  been  generally  misapplied  to  denote  another  species,  for 
which  Ringdahl  proposed  the  new  name  setifemur.  The  latter 
species,  in  my  opinion,  had  been  described  earlier  by  Malloch 
(1920)  under  the  name  Pogonomyza  proboscidalis.  The  male 
of  cinerosa  does  not  possess  the  robust  postero-ventral  bristles  of 
hind  femur  that  serve  to  characterize  proboscidalis^  In  both 
sexes  of  cinerosa  there  are  one  or  more  stoutish  setulae  on  distal 
half  of  anteroventral  surface  of  mid  femur,  which  are  not  evi- 
dent in  proboscidalis. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Massachusetts:  Petersham,  July  30,  1926  (A.  L.  Melander). 

Michigan:  J',  Midland  County,  July  17,  1947,  J,  Missaukee 
County,  July  8,  1941  (R.  R.  Dreisbach). 

New  York:  $,  Ringwood,  near  Ithaca,  July  13,  1920  (H.  C. 

Ontario:  $,  Grand  Bend,  July  11,  1939  (G.  E.  Shewell) 
[C.  N.  C.]. 

Hylemyia  ( Pycnoglossa ) flavipennis  (Fallen) 

Musca  flavipennis  Fallen,  1823.  Muscides,  p.  59. 

Anthomyia  crassirostris  Meigen,  1826.  Syst.  Beschr.,  5 : 107. 
Hylemyia  crassirostris  Macquart,  1835.  Hist.  Nat.  d.  Ins.,  2: 
319.  t 

Aricia  flavipennis  Zetterstedt,  1845.  Dipt.  Scand.,  4 : 1420. 
Hylemyia  flavipennis  Schiner,  1862.  Faun.  Austr.,  1 : 628.  Stein, 
1907.  Kat.  Palaark.  Dipt.,  3 : 691.  Stein,  1916.  Arch.  f. 
Naturgesch.,  (1915)  81  A (10)  : 148.  Seguy,  1923.  Faune 
de  France,  6 : 95. 

Pycnoglossa  flavipennis  Coquillett,  1901.  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus., 
23:  613.  Aldrich,  1905.  Misc.  Coll.  Smithsn.  Inst.,  46: 
570.  Coquillett,  1910.  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.,  37 : 598. 
Malloch,  1924.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  ser.  9 14 : 513.  Karl, 

1928.  Tierwelt  Deutschlands,  13  Pt.  3 p.  177.  Ringdahl, 

1929.  Ent.  Tidskr.,  51:  270.  Seguy,  1937.  Gen.  Insect., 
205 : 121.  Kloet  and  Hincks,  1945.  List  Brit.  Ins.,  p.  425. 

Hylemyia  ( Pogonomyza ) flavipennis  Schnabl  and  Dziedzicki, 
1911.  Abh.  K.  Leop.  Carol.  Deutsch.  Akad.  Naturforsch., 
95  (2)  : 99. 

Pogonomyza  flavipennis  Malloch,  1921.  Can.  Ent.,  52:  78. 
Huckett,  1924.  N.  Y.  (Cornell)  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Mem.  77 
(1923)  p.  49.  Johnson,  1927.  Insect  Faun.  Biol.  Surv.  Mt. 
Desert  Region,  p.  211. 

Hylemyia  ( Pycnoglossa ) flavipennis  Johnson,  1925.  Occ.  Pap. 
Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  7 : 235. 

The  species  flavipennis  may  be  readily  distinguished  from  its 
congeners  by  the  long  pectinate  aristal  hairs. 

Maine:  S.  W.  Harbor,  June,  1927,  2 Machias,  July  19, — 

[A.  N.  S.  P.]. 

Mar.,  1949] 

Huckett:  Hylemia 


Massachusetts:  2>  Petersham,  July,  1926  (A.  L.  Melander). 

Michigan:  J1,  Alger  County,  July  4,  1946,  2,  Ogemaw  County, 
June  30,  1946,  2>  Wexford  County,  July  5,  1940  (R.  R.  Dreis- 
bach).  2 J1,  Copper  Harbor,  June  25,  1940,  J',  Carp  Lake,  July 
16,  1938,  2>  Gaylord,  July  17,  1938  (C.  W.  Sabrosky)  [Mich. 
State  Col.] . 

New  York:  J',  Malloryville,  Tompkins  County,  June  18-20, 
1904,  2,  Freevide,  July  4,  1904. 

Nova  Scotia:  2>  Kentville,  July  15,  1924  (N.  A.  Patterson), 
J1,  2,  Truro,  July  13,  1913  (R.  Matheson). 

Ontario:  2,  Chalk  River,  August  26-27,  1919  (R.  N.  Chrystal), 
2,  Mer  Bleue,  June  22,  1916,  Kearney,  July  8,  1926  (F.  P. 
Ide),  2,  Ottawa,  July  27,  1946  (A.  R.  Brooks),  2 J',  Waubamick, 
July,  1915  (H.  S.  Parish),  J1,  Severn,  July  3,  1926  (C.  H.  Cur- 
ran), J1,  Washago,  June  27,  1926,  4 J1,  3 2?  Simcoe,  June  6-19, 
1939  (G.  E.  Shewell)  [C.  N.  C.]. 

Pennsylvania:  J1,  Pocono  Lake,  July  22,  1912  [A.  N.  S.  P.]. 
Quebec:  J1,  Covey  Hill,  June  25,  1924,  2 J',  Lac  Ste.  Marie, 
July  27,  1936  (F.  A.  Urquhart),  Wakefield,  June  20,  1946 
(G.  S.  Walley),  <?,  Gracefield,  June  14,  1937  (O.  Peck), 
Laniel,  June  10,  1944  (A.  R.  Brooks)  [C.  N.  C.]. 

Hylemyia1  {Pycnoglossa)  gleniensis  (Huckett) 

Pogonomyza  gleniensis  Huckett,  1924.  N.  Y.  (Cornell)  Agr. 
Exp.  Sta.  Mem.  77  (1923)  p.  49. 

Pycnoglossa  gleniensis  Leonard,  1928.  N.  Y.  (Cornell)  Agr. 
Exp.  Sta.  Mem.  101  (1926)  p.  839. 

The  species  gleniensis,  as  indicated  in  keys,  is  most  closely 
associated  with  pusillans,  from  which  it  may  be  distinguished  by 
the  bristling  on  posterodorsal  surface  of  hind  tibia.  Further 
comparisons  between  the  two  species  may  be  found  in  the  para- 
graphs devoted  to  pusillans. 

New  York:  Coy  Glen,  near  Ithaca,  May  14,  1922,  type  of 

Pogonomyza  gleniensis  Huckett,  2,  Stanley,  May  17,  1920  (C.  R. 

Quebec : Old  Chelsea,  May  8 1938  (G.  E.  Shewed)  [C.  N.  C.] . 

Wisconsin:  J1,  Iowa  County,  May  19,  1937  (F.  M.  Snyder). 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Hylemyia  ( Pycnoglossa ) proboscidalis  (Malloch) 

Hylemyia  cinerosa  Stein  not  Zett.,  1916.  Arch.  f.  Naturgesch., 
(1915)  81  A (10)  : 147. 

Pogonomyza  proboscidalis  Malloch,  1920.  Trans.  Amer.  Ent. 
Soc.,  46:  185.  Malloch,  1921.  Can.  Ent.,  53:  79.  Frison, 
1927.  Bull.  111.  Nat.  Hist.  Surv.,  16  Art.  4 p.  208. 
Pycnoglossa  proboscidalis  Malloch,  1924.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist., 
ser.  9 14:  513.  Leonard,  1928.  N.  Y.  (Cornell)  Agr.  Exp. 
Sta.  Mem.  101  (1923)  p.  839. 

Pogonomyza  campestris  Huckett,  1924.  N.  Y.  (Cornell)  Agr. 
Exp.  Sta.  Mem.  77  (1923)  p.  49. 

Pycnoglossa  cinerosa  Karl  not  Zett.,  1928.  Tierwelt  Deutsch- 
lands,  13  Pt.  3 p.  178.  Ringdahl,  1929.  Ent.  Tidskr.,  51 : 
270.  Ringdahl,  1937.  Opus.  Entom.,  2 : 127. 

Pycnoglossa  setifemur  Ringdahl,  1939.  Opus.  Entom.,  4 (3-4)  : 

After  examining  specimens  of  this  species  from  Europe  and 
North  America  I have  come  to  the  conclusion  that  proboscidalis 
is  none  other  than  the  species  reported  by  Ringdahl  (1939)  to 
have  been  generally  mistaken  for  cinerosa  of  Zetterstedt,  and 
for  which  Ringdahl  proposed  the  new  name  setifemur.  The 
male  of  proboscidalis  possesses  a series  of  strong  bristles  on 
median  section  of  posteroventral  surface  of  hind  femur,  as  is  also 
present  in  delicata.  From  the  latter  species  proboscidalis  may 
be  distinguished  by  a stouter  proboscis,  and  in  the  male  sex  by 
the  wider  abdominal  marking  and  yellowish  tinge  of  wings.  In 
the  female  of  proboscidalis  the  abdomen  is  shining  black,  lacking 
pruinescence,  and  the  fifth  tergum  is  polished. 

Michigan : J1,  Livingston  County,  June  6,  1943,  J,  same  local- 
ity, May  28,  1944  (R.  R.  Dreisbach). 

New  York:  §,  Montezuma  Marsh,  June  1,  1920  (H.  C. 
Huckett),  type  of  Pogonomyza  campestris  Huckett. 

Pennsylvania:  lCf,  J,  Swarthmore,  Delaware  County,  May  21, 
1905,  types  of  Pogonomyza  proboscidalis  Malloch.  [A.  N.  S.  P.] . 

Hylemyia  ( Pycnoglossa ) spinosissima  (Malloch) 

Hylemyia  ( Pogonomyza ) spinosissima  Malloch,  1919.  Can.  Ent., 
51:  95. 

Mar.,  1949] 

Huckett:  Hylemyia 


Pogonomyza  spinosissima  Malloch,  1921.  Can.  Ent.,  53:  79. 
Huckett,  1924.  N.  Y.  (Cornell)  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Mem.  77 
(1923)  p.  50. 

Pycnoglossa  spinosissima  Malloch,  1924.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist., 
ser.  9 14:  513. 

The  males  of  spinosissima  and  flavipennis  are  armed  with 
notably  stout  bristles  on  posteroventral  surface  of  mid  femur, 
and  in  the  females  of  both  species  the  abdomen  is  greyish  pruin- 
escent  with  a dorsocentral  marking.  However  in  spinosissima 
the  arista  does  not  have  the  long  plumose  hairs  of  flavipennis. 
In  the  male  of  spinosissima  the  inner  margin  of  processes  of 
fifth  abdominal  sternum  are  distinctly  fringed  with  minute  hairs, 
and  in  both  sexes  the  knees  are  all  reddish  tinged. 

Michigan : Midland,  June  6,  1936,  Bay  County,  June  2, 

1940,  J1,  East  Lansing,  May  28,  1940  (C.  AY.  Sabrosky)  [Mich. 
State  Col.]. 

Quebec:  2,  Laniel,  July  18,  1939  (F.  P.  Ide)  [C.  N.  C.]. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Plate  VI 

Male  copulatory  appendages,  showing  dorsal  and  lateral  aspects  of  tergum 
9,  ventral  aspect  of  sternum  5 and  lateral  view  of  processes  with  bristles 

Figures  1,  4,  7,  7a.  H.  ( Pycnoglossa ) flavipennis  (Fallen). 

Figures  2,  5,  8,  8a.  H.  ( Pycnoglossa ) filids  new  species. 

Figures  3,  6,  9,  9a.  H.  ( Pycnoglossa ) stratifrons  new  species. 

(Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Vol.  LYII 

(Plate  VI) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVI1 


The  first  annual  scientific  bibliography  in  the  United  States 
was  compiled  by  Dr.  Charles  Girard  and  published  by  the  Smith- 
sonian Institution  in  1851.  It  is  entitled  “American  Zoological, 
Botanical  and  Geological  Bibliography  for  the  Year  1851”.  Of 
its  sixty-five  pages,  fifteen  are  devoted  to  entomology.  Dr.  Girard 
was  a physician  who  published  principally  on  herpetology,  ich- 
thyology and  helminthology.  At  one  time  he  was  an  assistant  to 
Professor  Agassiz,  and  to  Professor  Baird  at  the  Smithsonian 
Institution. — H.  B.  W. 


V Entomology  is  that  branch  of  natural  science  which  treats 
of  the  history  and  habits  of  the  insect  tribes.  Its  subjects  are  the 
most  numerous  and  diversified  of  any  of  those  topics  which  engage 
the  attention  of  the  student  of  nature ; and  as  they  exemplify  in 
a most  surprising  and  admirable  manner,  both  *by  their  structure 
and  instincts,  the  wisdom  of  the  author  and  creator  of  all  things, 
and  form  a highly  interesting  department  of  human  knowledge, 
we  deem  their  elucidation  deserving  of  a lengthened  disserta- 
tion.’7 This  definition  of  entomology  is  from  the  seventh  edition 
of  the  Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  1835  and  was  written  by  James 
Wilson.— H.  B.  W. 

Mar.,  1949] 

Munroe:  Nymphalidjs 



By  Eugene  Munroe 

In  the  course  of  a study  of  the  West  Indian  butterfly  fauna, 
the  relationships  of  the  species  commonly  known  as  Mestra  (or 
Cystineura)  teleboas  came  into  question.  Accordingly,  an  exami- 
nation of  the  morphology  of  this  and  allied  forms  was  under- 
taken, in  order  to  determine  these  relationships  as  far  as  possible. 
It  was  concluded  that  teleboas  is  generically  distinct  from  hyper- 
mestra  Hiibner,  the  genotype  of  Mestra,  and  cannot  legitimately 
be  referred  to  any  other  described  genus.  A brief  synopsis  of  the 
genera  studied  is  therefore  presented,  together  with  a description 
of  the  new  genus. 

The  genera  under  consideration  belong  to  a small  group  of 
Nymphalinae,  distributed  in  the  Neotropical,  Ethiopian,  and  Ori- 
ental regions,  and  characterized  in  the  adult  by  the  strong  infla- 
tion of  the  basal  part  of  subcosta  of  the  fore  wing,  without  a 
corresponding  inflation  of  any  other  vein.  The  adults  appear  to 
be  similar  in  habits,  in  whatever  region  they  may  be  found;  the 
known  larvae  are  also  similar,  and  all  feed  on  Euphorbiaceae, 
mostly  on  species  of  Tragia.  The  homogeneity  of  the  group  was 
recognized  by  Doubleday  and  Westwood  (1851),  who,  however, 
included  with  it  certain  aberrant  Satyrine  genera  under  the 
family  name  Eurytelidae.  Schatz  (1887)  did  not  treat  the  group 
as  a unit,  but  included  all  its  genera  in  the  Nymphalinae,  and  it 
remained  for  Aurivillius  (1898)  to  erect  the  tribe  Eurytelidi  for 
the  African  genera.  Seitz  (1921)  pointed  out  the  similarities 
of  the  American  genera  to  those  of  the  Old  World,  and  united 
them  under  the  tribal  name  Ergolini. 

The  following  ten  genera,  which  constitute  the  tribe  Eurytelini 
or  Ergolini  as  understood  by  Seitz,  appear,  with  the  probable 
exception  of  Biblis,  to  be  closely  related.  They  are  certainly  also 
nearly  allied  to  the  other  swollen- veined  Nymphalinae  ( Eunica , 
etc.),  many  genera  among  which  feed  on  Euphorbiaceae,  while  the 
group  as  a whole  shows  the  same  tendency  toward  specialization 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

of  the  eighth  abdominal  sternite  of  the  male  that  is  so  character- 
istic of  the  present  tribe.  There  is  something  to  be  said  for  the 
gathering  of  all  the  swollen-veined  forms  and  their  allies,  includ- 
ing even  the  highly  specialized  Hamadryas  (Ageronia) , in  a 
single  tribe ; whether  this  would  be  the  most  convenient  arrange- 
ment, the  writer  is  not  prepared  to  say : it  would  have  the  dis- 
advantage, for  instance,  of  obscuring  the  fact  that  the  Ergolis 
complex  is  the  only  part  of  the  group  which  is  generally  dis- 
tributed, all  the  remaining  genera,  with  the  one  exception  of 
Crenis,  being  limited  to  tropical  America. 

The  internal  relationships  of  the  Eurytelini  are  not  entirely 
clear,  owing  to  the  fact  that  the  individual  genera  diverge  rather 
strikingly  in  structure  and  pattern  within  the  limits  defined  by 
the  characters  of  the  group.  Several  of  the  more  striking  charac- 
ters, useful  in  generic  diagnosis,  appear  to  be  distributed  hap- 
hazardly, without  evident  regard  to  true  relationship.  Nonethe- 
less, certain  affinities  can  be  made  out.  The  three  genera  Ergolis , 
Laringa,  and  Eurytela  are  closely  allied,  agreeing  in  the  angular 
wing  form  and  in  pattern  (except  in  certain  species  of  Ergolis , 
mimetic  of  Euploea),  and  also  in  some  characters  of  the  male 
genitalia,  notably  in  the  gedoeagus,  which  is  heavy  and  dorsiven- 
trally  flattened,  or  even  trough-shaped,  and  in  the  valve,  which 
is  emarginate  ventrally  and  closely  articulated  with  the  lateral 
process  of  the  deeply  bilobed  juxta,  so  as  to  form  a biramous 
composite  structure.  Bylolia  is  evidently  fairly  close  to  these 
genera,  having  the  same  heavy,  flattened  gedoeagus,  but  appears 
to  be  more  primitive  in  having  rounded  wings,  and  in  having  the 
valve  less  intimately  associated  with  the  juxta.  Neptidopsis, 
Mesoxantha,  and  the  new  genus  agree  in  having  the  valve  reduced 
ventrally  but  not  closely  associated  with  the  juxta ; otherwise  the 
three  genera  are  not  particularly  close  in  structure,  although  Nept- 
idopsis  and  the  new  genus  agree  in  pattern.  This  black  and  white 
pattern  is  suggestive  of  the  Limenitini,  and  may  be  the  primitive 
pattern  of  the  group.  The  stout  aedoeagus  and  heavily  sclero- 
tized  genitalia  of  Neptidopsis  are  vaguely  suggestive  of  Ergolis 
and  its  associated  genera,  but  Neptidopsis  shows  none  of  the 
definite  specializations  which  characterize  them,  so  the  resem- 
blance may  be  illusory.  Like  Mesoxantha,  Mestra  and  Vila  have 

Mar.,  1949] 

Munroe:  Nymphalid^e 


a long  slender  aedoeagus,  but  differ  from  all  the  other  genera  in 
having  the  valve  normally  developed.  Biblis  is  nniqne  in  having 
the  male  palpi  strikingly  modified,  and  its  male  genitalia  differ 
markedly  from  those  of  the  other  genera  here  considered;  in  the 
writer ’s  opinion  it  cannot  be  included  in  the  Eurytelini,  and  must 
occupy  a somewhat  isolated,  position  in  the  general  swollen-veined 
group.  * 

Genus  1.  Ergolis  Boisduval 

Ergolis  Boisduval,  1838,  pi.  4,  f.4.  Genotype  and  sole  original 
species:  Papilio  ariadne  Johannson  (1763). 

Ariadne  Horsfield,  1829,  pi.  6,  f.2.  Genotype  and  sole  original 
species:  Papilio  ariadne  Johannson  (1763).  Homonym  of 
Ariadne  Savigny  (1825). 

Palpi  long  and  porrect;  eyes  naked.  Fore  wing  with  cell 
closed;  lower  discocellular  sinuate  (in  merione  and  pupillata 
almost  straight),  terminating  posteriorly  at  the  fork  of  M3  and 
Cui.  Hind  wing  with  cell  closed ; basal  part  of  M2  (middle 
discocellular)  strongly  curved;  lower  discocellular  concave  out- 
wards, terminating  at  the  fork  of  M3  and  Cui.  Male  with  prom- 
inent sex  scaling  on  the  posterior  half  of  the  fore  wing  beneath 
and  on  the  anterior  part  of  the  hind  wing  above,  in  some  species 
also  on  the  upper  side  of  the  fore  wing.  In  E.  obseura,  M3  and 
Cui  of  both  fore  and  hind  wings  are  stalked  for  a short  distance. 

Male  genitalia  showing  considerable  specific  variation;  some- 
times highly  specialized.  Eighth  tergite  with  a weak  antero- 
lateral process  on  each  side.  Eighth  sternite  variable,  always 
bilobed  and  spined  posteriorly;  in  the  genotype  the  lobes  are 
inconspicuous  and  rounded,  in  pupillata  they  are  somewhat  more 
conspicuous  and  upturned,  in  enotrea  they  form  long  slender 
processes,  which  bear  a comb-like  row  of  spines  and  a stout 
terminal  spine,  and  extend  dorsad  beyond  the  costa  of  the  valve. 
Saccus  slender,  straight  or  curved,  length  varying  with  the 
species.  Uncus  rather  broad,  pointed,  not  clearly  distinct  from 
tegumen.  Valve  rather  slender,  somewhat  emarginate  ventrally, 
rounded  or  hooked  at  the  tip.  Juxta  deeply  divided,  lobes  closely 
associated  with  ventral  margin  of  valves.  Aedoeagus  variable; 
in  the  genotype  long,  rather  slender,  and  slightly  decurved,  with 


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[Yol.  lvii 

a blunt  tip,  in  other  species  much  stouter,  upcurved,  and  dorsi- 
ventrally  flattened  or  even  trough-shaped. 

A moderately  large  genus,  distributed  throughout  the  Oriental 
and  Ethiopian  regions.  The  great  variation  in  structure,  even 
among  the  few  species  examined,  is  striking,  and  a morphological 
study  of  the  full  range  of  species  should  be  most  fruitful.  It  is 
quite  possible  that  the  results  of  such  a study  would  necessitate 
the  splitting  of  the  genus,  while  they  would  certainly  reveal 
interesting  interrelationships  among  the  species. 

Species  examined:  ariadne  Joh.,  enotrea  Cr.,  isoeus  pupillaia 
Fruhst.,  meriorie  Cr.,  actisanes  Hew.,  ohscura  Fldr.  (external 
characters)  ; ariadne  Joh.,  enotrea  Cr.,  isoeus  pupillata  Fruhst. 
(male  genitalia). 

Genus  2.  Laringa  Moore 

Laringa  Moore,  1901 : 24.  Genotype,  by  original  designation : 
Eurytela  horsfieldii  Boisduval  (1833). 

Palpi  densely  scaled,  moderately  long,  porrect;  eyes  naked. 
Cell  of  fore  wing  closed;  lower  discocellular  gently  concave  ex- 
ternally, ending  at  or  slightly  beyond  the  fork  of  M3  and  Cui. 
Hind  wing  with  cell  closed;  M2  sharply  angled  shortly  beyond 
its  origin  from  Mi,  then  rather  gently  curved ; lower  discocellular 
slightly  concave  outwards,  terminating  at  fork  of  M3  and  Cui. 
Male  differing  from  female  in  colour,  in  horsfieldii  moderately, 
in  castelnaui  strikingly.  Male  without  conspicuous  sex  scaling. 

Male  genitalia  of  the  Ergolis  type,  but  less  specialized.  Eighth 
sternite  elongate,  somewhat  emarginate  laterally,  very  moder- 
ately bifid  posteriorly,  without  spines.  Saccus  long  and  slender, 
slightly  upcurved  anteriorly.  Uncus  simple,  not  sharply  distinct 
from  tegumen.  Subscaphram  moderately  well  developed,  con- 
nected by  lateral  arms  with  the  tegumen.  Valve  narrow,  bearing 
ventrally  at  the  base  a lobe  belonging  to  the  juxta.  Aedceagus 
heavy,  depressed,  upturned  posteriorly. 

This  genus  is  closely  related  to  Ergolis,  with  which  it  might 
perhaps  be  united,  but  in  certain  respects  it  appears  to  mark  a 
transition  to  Eurytela.  It  is  limited  to  tropical  Asia. 

Species  examined:  horsfieldii  Bsd.  (external  characters  and 
male  genitalia)  ; castelnaui  niha  Fruhst.  (external  characters). 

Mar.,  1949] 

Munroe:  Nymphalhee 


Genus  3.  Eurytela  Boisduval 

Eurybela  Boisduval,  1833 : 54.  Genotype : Papilio  dryope  Cramer. 
Doubleday  (1844)  selected  a genotype  by  elimination;  this 
action  was  accepted  as  valid  by  Scudder  (1875),  who 
formally  designated  dryope  as  the  genotype. 

Palpi  very  long,  third  joint  porrect;  eyes  densely  hairy. 
Pore  wing  with  cell  weakly  closed;  lower  discocellular  very 
gently  concave,  terminating  beyond  fork  of  M3  and  Cui.  Hind 
wing  with  cell  closed ; M2  arising  just  beyond  fork  of  RS  and  Mi ; 
lower  discocellular  straight,  arising  well  beyond  fork  of  Mx  and 
M2,  terminating  at  fork  of  M3  and  Cui ; fork  Mx_2  nearer  base 
than  fork  Cui_2. 

Male  genitalia  of  the  Ergolis  type;  eighth  sternite  moderately 
elongate,  trilobed  posteriorly,  but  with  posterior  median  portion, 
including  median  lobe,  very  weakly  sclerotized;  lateral  lobes 
spined.  Uncus  simple,  clearly  distinct  from  tegumen.  Sub- 
scaphium  well  developed,  connected  with  tegumen  by  a pair  of 
lateral  arms.  Saccus  moderately  long,  tapering  anteriorly. 
Valve  narrow,  bearing  ventrally  at  the  base  a lobe  belonging  to 
the  juxta.  Aedoeagus  stout,  flattened,  straight. 

The  only  genus  of  the  tribe  with  hairy  eyes.  Confined  to  the 
Ethiopian  region,  where  three  species  are  known,  alinda  Mab. 
certainly  being  distinct. 

Species  examined:  hiarbas  Dru.  (external  characters  and  male 
genitalia)  ; dryope  Cr.,  alinda  Mab.  (external  characters). 

Genus  4.  Byblia  Hiibner 

Byblia  Hiibner,  1819 : 28.  Genotype  and  sole  original  species: 
Papilio  ilitiiyia  Drury  (1773). 

Hypanis  Boisduval,  1833  : 55.  Genotype  : Papilio  ilithyia  Drury 
(1773),  designated  by  Scudder  (1875),  who  believed  the  two 
original  species  to  be  identical. 

Palpi  finely  scaled,  third  joint  very  long  and  porrect;  eyes 
naked.  Cell  of  fore  wing  weakly  closed ; lower  discocellular  con- 
cave outwards,  ending  just  beyond  fork  of  M3  and  Cui.  Hind 
wing  with  cell  closed ; M2  strongly  curved  at  base ; fork  RS-Mi 
slightly  nearer  base  than  fork  Cui_2 ; lower  discocellular  concave 
outwards,  ending  at  fork  of  M3  and  Cui.  As  pointed  out  by 


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[Vol.  LVII 

Aurivillius,  in  occasional  specimens  the  hind  wings  have  the  cell 

Male  genitalia:  eighth  tergite  with  an  antero-lateral  process; 
eighth  sternite  long  and  heavy,  somewhat  upturned  posteriorly; 
posterolateral  angles  somewhat  produced,  bearing  three  or  four 
somewhat  fusiform  spines.  Saccus  long,  slender,  and  curved. 
Uncus  very  slender,  pointed,  and  decurved,  clearly  distinct  from 
the  tegumen ; the  latter  bears  a small  posteriorly  directed  process 
on  either  side  of  the  base  of  the  uncus,  representing  the  subsca- 
phium,  which  is  otherwise  totally  absent.  V alve  posteroventrally 
emarginate.  Juxta  well  developed,  articulating  with  the  lower 
margin  of  the  valve.  Aedoeagus  heavy,  depressed,  upturned 

A small  genus,  distributed  throughout  the  tropics  of  the  Old 

Species  examined:  acheloia  Cr.  (external  characters  and  male 
genitalia)  ; ilithyia  Dru.  (external  characters). 

Genus  5.  Neptidopsis  Aurivillius 

Neptidopsis  Aurivillius,  1898:  155.  Genotype:  Papilio  ophione 
Cramer  (1779),  new  designation. 

Palpi  long,  finely  scaled,  porrect;  eyes  naked.  Pore  wing 
with  cell  closed;  lower  discocellular  gently  concave  externally, 
ending  at  fork  of  M3  and  Cux.  Hind  wing  with  cell  open;  fork 
RS-Mj  about  opposite  to  fork  Cui_2,  both  very  close  to  base ; M? 
strongly  curved  at  base. 

Male  genitalia;  eighth  sternite  long  and  slender,  somewhat 
bilobed  posteriorly,  each  lobe  bearing  a single  fusiform  spine. 
Eighth  tergite  with  a strong  antero-lateral  process.  Saccus  long, 
slender,  and  straight.  Uncus  pointed,  not  clearly  distinct  from 
tegumen.  Subscaphium  well  developed,  connected  by  lateral 
arms  with  the  tegumen.  Valve  narrow.  Aedoeagus  long,  heavy, 
cylindrical,  straight. 

Distribution  Ethiopian.  Of  the  twTo  species  included  by  Auri- 
villius, ophione  is  here  selected  as  the  type.  • 

Species  examined:  ophione  Cr.  (external  characters  and  male 
genitalia)  ; f ulgur  at  a Bsd.  (external  characters). 

Mar.,  1949] 

Munroe:  Nymphalid^e 


Genus  6.  Mesoxantha  Aurivillius 

Mesoxantha  Aurivillius,  1898 : 157.  Genotype  and  sole  original 
species:  Papilio  ethosea  Drury  (1782). 

Palpi  rather  slender,  porrect,  with  bushy  scaling ; eyes  naked. 
Fore  wing  with  discocellular  strongly  concave  externally,  ending 
slightly  beyond  fork  of  M3  and  Cui.  Hind  wing  with  cell  closed ; 
middle  discocellular  straight,  arising  from  fork  RS-Ma,  longer 
than  lower  discocellular,  the  latter  character  being  unique  in  the 
tribe ; lower  discocellular  ending  about  midway  between  forks 
Cui_2  and  M3-Cu!. 

Male  genitalia : eighth  sternite  .slightly  elongate,  weakly 
bilobed  posteriorly,  unspined.  Saccus  long,  slender,  and  straight. 
Uncus  simple,  distinct  from  tegumen.  Subscaphium  moderately 
well  developed,  connected  by  lateral  arms  with  the  tegumen. 
Valves  somewhat  emarginate  postero-ventrally.  Aedoeagus  long, 
slender  except  at  base,  pointed,  bent  upwards  somewhat  before 
the  middle. 

The  genus  is  confined  to  tropical  Africa.  The  contrast  be- 
tween the  primitive  genitalia,  which  do  not  differ  greatly  from 
those  of  Eunica,  and  the  specialized  wing  venation  is  striking. 
The  venation  has  perhaps  become  modified  in  connection  with 
the  development  of  Acraeine  mimicry. 

Species  examined:  ethosea  Dru.  (external  characters  and  male 

Genus  7.  Archimestra  new  genus 
Genotype:  Argynnis  teleboas  Menetries  (1832) 

Palpi  long  and  porrect ; eyes  naked.  Fore  wing  with  cell  closed ; R2  and  R3 
arising  together  before  end  of  cell;  lower  discocellular  strongly  concave  out- 
wards, ending  at  fork  of  M3  and  Cu^  Hind  wing  with  cell  Closed;  M2 
strongly  curved  at  base,  arising  slightly  beyond  fork  RS-M^;  latter  farther 
from  base  of  wing  than  fork  Cu^o,  but  both  fairly  close;  lower  discocellu- 
lar concave  outwards  ending  between  forks  Cu^  and  M^-Cu^ 

Male  genitalia  weakly  sclerotized,  with  the  parts  somewhat  reduced ; eighth 
sternite  not  elongate,  faintly  bilobed  posteriorly,  without  spines,  though 
with  a rather  stout  apical  seta  on  each  lobe;  eighth  tergite  with  a weak 
antero-lateral  process.  Saccus  of  moderate  length,  slender  and  slightly 
sinuate,  pointed  anteriorly.  Uncus  simple,  clearly  distinct  from  tegumen. 
Subscaphium  absent,  although  the  lateral  arms  articulating  with  the 
tegumen  are  weakly  represented.  Valve  narrow,  ventral  part  reduced. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVir 

Juxta  weak  and  bifid.  Aedceagus  short,  weakly  sclerotized,  moderately 
thick,  upturned  at  about  the  middle. 

The  single  species  referred  to  this  genus  has  been  placed  by 
all  recent  authors  in  Mestra,  usually  under  the  synonymous  name 
Cystineura.  The  anomalous  nature  of  the  species  has,  however, 
frequently  been  recognized,  and  Seitz  (1921)  suggested  that  it 
might  well  be  referred  to  Neptidopsis,  in  view  of  the  similarity 
in  wing  pattern  and  length  of  palpi,  but  did  not  go  so  far  as  to 
make  this  revision  himself.  In  point  of  fact,  the  detailed  cor- 
respondence in  pattern  between  the  two  genera  is  not  too  good, 
and,  as  already  pointed  out,  the  genitalia  and  wing  venation  are 
not  similar.  From  Mestra,  the  new  genus  is  easily  distinguished 
by  the  closed  cell  of  the  hind  wing,  the  sharply  curved  base  of 
M2  in  the  same  wing,  the  absence  of  the  subscaphium,  and,  super- 
ficially, by  the  strongly  contrasting  wing  pattern  of  black  and 
white.  The  absence  of  the  subscaphium  and  the  generally  weak 
development  of  the  male  genitalia  are  probably  secondary;  the 
other  characters  of  the  genus  may  well  be  primitive.  There  is 
no  clear  indication  of  an  immediate  relationship  with  either 
Mestra  or  Neptidopsis. 

Archimestra  has  a relict  distribution,  being  confined  to  His- 
paniola, where  it  is  locally  common.  It  no  doubt  represents  an 
archaic  type — a conjecture  which  has  suggested  the  name. 

Species  examined:  teleljoas  Men.  (external  characters  and  male 
genitalia) . 

Genus  8.  Mestra  Hiibner 

Mestra  Hiibner,  1825,  vol.  2,  pi.  45.  Genotype  and  sole  original 
species:  Mestra  hypermestra  Hiibner  (1825). 

Cystineura  Boisduval,  1836,  pi.  9.  Genotype  and  sole  original 
species:  Papilio  hersilia  Fabricius  (1777). 

Palpi  moderately  long,  porrect;  eyes  naked.  Fore  wing  with 
cell  closed ; R2  and  R3  arising  together  at  approximately  the  end 
of  the  cell;  lower  discocellular  bent  rather  sharply  near  its 
posterior  extremity.  Hind  wing  with  cell  open ; fork  RS-Mi 
somewhat  farther  from  base  than  fork  Cui_2;  M2  rather  gently 
curved  at  base. 

Male  genitalia : eighth  sternite  long,  narrow,  bilobed  poste- 
riorly; eighth  tergite  with  a weak,  downwardly  directed  antero- 

Mar.,  1949] 

Munroe:  Nymphalid.® 


lateral  process.  Saccus  long,  slender,  and  straight.  Uncus 
simple,  not  clearly  distinct  from  tegumen.  Subscaphium  mod- 
erately well  developed,  connected  by  lateral  arms  with  the  tegu- 
men. Valve  of  normal  width,  bilobed  at  tip.  Juxta  weak,  en- 
tire. Aedceagus  pointed,  slender  except  at  base. 

A Neotropical  genus,  with  a small  number  of  closely  similar 
species,  whose  precise  limits  are  not  yet  fully  understood. 

Species  examined:  hypermestra  Hbn.,  amymone  Men.,  dorcas 
F.  (external  characters  and  male  genitalia). 

Genus  9.  Vila  Kirby 

Yila  Kirby,  1871 : 217.  Genotype : Olina  azeca  Doubleday 
(1848),  automatically,  as  this  name  was  proposed  to  replace 
Olina  Doubleday,  of  which  azeca  is  the  type. 

Olina  Doubleday,  1848,  pi.  31.  Genotype  and  sole  original 
species:  Olina  azeca  Doubleday  (1848).  Homonym  of 
Olina  Robineau-Desvoidy  (1830). 

Palpi  moderately  long,  porrect,  with  third  joint  rather  short; 
eyes  naked.  Fore  wing  with  cell  closed;  lower  discocellular 
straight,  ending  between  forks  M3-Cui  and  Cu!_2.  Hind  wing 
with  cell  closed;  fork  RS-Mi  somewhat  farther  from  base  than 
fork  Cui_2 ; M2  rather  strongly  bent  at  base ; lower  discocellular 
strongly  concave  outwards,  ending  basad  of  fork  M3-Cu!. 

The  above  description  was  made  from  V.  ccecilia ; V.  emilia 
agrees  with  it;  V.  cacica  differs  in  having  the  cell  of  the  hind 
wing  open  and  that  of  the  fore  wing  very  weakly  closed,  while 
V.  azeca,  the  genotype,  has  the  cell  open  in  both  wings.  These 
species  are  otherwise  very  similar  in  structure,  and  the  differ- 
ences mentioned  do  not  appear  to  be  of  more  than  specific  value. 

Male  genitalia  (V.  azeca)  : abdomen  with  very  wide  mem- 
branous pleural  region ; behind  tergites  4 and  5 are  conspicuous 
invaginated  and  presumably  eversible  mid-dorsal  pockets,  con- 
taining long,  black  scales.  Eighth  tergite  with  a long  antero- 
lateral process.  Eighth  sternite  very  long,  extending  anteriorly 
into  segment  6 ; at  the  anterior  extremity  it  is  slender  and  fur- 
cate, posteriorly  it  is  prolonged  into  two  long,  upwardly  directed 
processes,  bearing  a comb-like  row  of  long  spines  on  the  posterior 
margin.  Saccus  slender,  of  moderate  length,  bent  upwards  an- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

teriorly.  Tegumen  broad  and  heavy,  with  a slender  lateral 
process  articulating  with  the  valve.  Uncus  stout,  spatulate,  not 
clearly  distinct  from  tegumen.  Subscaphium  prominent,  lateral 
arms  connecting  with  tegumen  rather  short.  Valve  slender, 
hairy,  simple  in  outline,  rather  deeply  emarginate  basally  be- 
tween dorsal  and  ventral  articulations.  Juxta  bilobed.  Aedoe- 
agus  fairly  thick,  upturned  before  middle,  pointed  distally. 

V.  ccecilia  differs  in  having  a third  pouch  of  scales  behind  the 
sixth  abdominal  tergite,  in  having  the  eighth  sternite  only  mod- 
erately expanded  and  bilobed  posteriorly,  the  lobes  being  thickly 
set  internally  with  short  spines,  in  having  the  uncus  slender  and 
pointed,  in  the  valve  being  provided  with  a hand-shaped  ex- 
pansion distally,  and  not  being  emarginate  basally  between  the 
articulations,  in  the  saccus  being  long,  slender,  and  straight,  and 
in  the  form  of  the  juxta.  Other  species  would  no  doubt  show 
correspondingly  great  differences. 

The  genus  is  Neotropical  in  distribution. 

The  data  concerning  the  original  publication  of  Olina  Double- 
day are  taken  from  Scudder  (1875)  ; the  plate  cited  bears  no 
date.  Whether  or  not  it  antedated  the  corresponding  text  is 
immaterial  from  the  present  standpoint,  as  azeca  remains  the 
genotype  in  the  latter  event,  on  the  basis  of  Scudder ’s  designa- 
tion. Those  interested  in  this  question  may  consult  Brown 
(1941)  and  Hemming  (1941). 

Species  examined:  azeca  Dbl.,  ccecilia  Fldr.  (external  char- 
acters and  male  genitalia)  ; emilia  Cr.,  cacica  Stgr.  (external 

Genus  10.  Biblis  Fabricius 

Biblis  Fabricius,  1807 : xi,  no.  14.  Genotype,  by  absolute 
tantonymy:  Papilio  biblis  Fabricius  (1775). 

Zonaga  Billberg,  1820 : 7. . Genotype  and  sole  original  species : 
Papilio  biblis  Fabricius  (1775). 

Palpi  long,  those  of  female  very  long;  in  the  male  the  third 
joint  is  considerably  modified,  being  short,  compressed,  and 
rounded  at  the  tip;  in  the  female  this  joint  is  of  normal  form, 
moderately  long,  and  pointed  at  the  tip.  Eyes  naked.  Fore 
wing  with  cell  closed ; lower  discocellular  very  gently  convex  out- 

Mak.,  1949] 



wards,  ending  distinctly  basad  of  fork  M3-Cui.  Hind  wing  with 
cell  open;  M2  strongly  curved  at  base,  arising  well  beyond  fork 
RS-Mi,  which  is  opposite  fork  Cui_2.  Male  with  a conspicuous 
oval  patch  of  modified  scales  on  the  under  side  of  the  fore  wings, 
just  anterior  to  A2. 

Male  genitalia  highly  modified;  .eighth  tergite  without  an 
antero-lateral  process ; eighth  sternite  heavily  sclerotized,  greatly 
expanded,  especially  at  front,  with  anterior  and  posterior  angles 
heavily  spined;  saccus  moderately  long  and  stout;  uncus  deeply 
bifid,  distinct  from  tegumen;  subscaphium  long  and  broad,  boat 
shaped,  with  short  and  very  broad  lateral  arms,  which  narrow 
rapidly  toward  the  tegumen;  valve  of  normal  width,  pointed  at 
tip ; juxta  strongly  bilobed ; sedoeagus  long,  slender,  tubular  and 
straight,  pointed  at  tip. 

'The  genitalia  differ  in  almost  every  important  character  from 
those  of  the  Ergolini,  and  there  is  little  probability  of  a direct 
relationship.  The  single  species  is  Neotropical. 

As  pointed  out  by  Scudder  (1875),  D ’Almeida  (1942),  and 
Comstock  (1943),  the  type  of  Didonis  is  a Satyrine,  and  the  name 
cannot  legitimately  be  used  for  the  present  genus. 

Species  examined  : hyperia  Cr.  (=  biblis  F.). 


The  writer  is  greatly  indebted  to  Dr.  Wm.  T.  M.  Forbes  of 
Cornell  University,  and  to  Mr.  Wm.  P.  Comstock  of  the  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History  for  permission  to  examine  and  dissect 
material  in  the  collections  of  those  two  institutions.  In  addition, 
Dr.  Forbes  was  kind  enough  to  read  preliminary  manuscript  of 
this  paper,  and  offered  some  valuable  suggestions  as  to  arrange- 
ment and  terminology. 


D ’Almeida,  E.  Ferreira.  1941.  Algumas  observances  sobre  a fauna  de 
Lepidoptera  da  America.  Arq.  de  Zool.  do  Estado  de  Sao  Paulo,  2: 

Aurivillius,  C.  1898.  Ehopalocera  Aetliiopica.  Kongl.  Svensk.  Vetenskaps- 
Akad.  Handl.,  31  (5). 

Billberg,  G.  J.  1820.  Enumeratio  insectorum  in  museo  Billberg.  Stock- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Boisduval,  J.  B.  A.  1833.  Lepidopteres  de  Madagascar.  Nouv.  Ann.  Mus. 
Hist.  Nat.,  2:  149-270,  7 pi. 

. 1836.  Species  general  de  Lepidoteres.  Paris. 

Brown,  F.  M.  1941.  Some  notes  on  four  primary  reference  works  on 
Lepidoptera.  Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  Amer.,  34:  127-138. 

Comstock,  Wm.  P.  1942.  The  name  Biblis,  generic  and  specific.  Bull. 
Brookl.  Ent.  Soc.,  37 : 89-90. 

Doubleday,  E.  1848.  The  genera  of*  diurnal  Lepidoptera,  pi.  31.  London. 
Doubleday,  E.  and  J.  O.  Westwood.  1851.  Eurytelidae,  in  The  genera  of 
diurnal  Lepidoptera,  vol.  2.  London. 

Fabricius,  J.  C.  1807.  Systema  Glossatorum.  Braunschweig. 

Hemming,  F.  1941.  The  types  of  genera  established  by  Doubleday  (E.)  in 
“the  genera  of  diurnal  Lepidoptera”  and  by  Westwood  (J.  O.)  in  the 
continuation  thereof.  Jour.  Soc.  Bibl.  Nat.  Hist.,  1:  413-446. 
Horsfield,  T.  1829.  A descriptive  catalogue  of  the  Lepidopterous  insects 
contained  in  the  museum  of  the  Honourable  East  India  Company,  Part  2. 
Hubner,  J.  1819.  Verzeichniss  bekannter  Schmett[er]linge.  Signature  2. 

. 1825.  Sammlung  exotischer  Schmetterlinge,  vol.  2.  Augsburg. 

Kirby,  W.  F.  1871.  A synonymic  catalogue  of  diurnal  Lepidoptera. 

M£netries,  E.  1832.  Catalogue  de  quelques  lepidopteres  des  Antilles  avec 
la  description  de  plusieurs  especes  nouvelles.  Bull.  Soc.  Imp.  Nat. 
Moscou,  5:  291-316. 

. 1834.  Notice  surquelques  lepidopteres  des  Antilles.  Nouv.  Mem. 

Soc.  Imp.  Nat.  Moscou,  3 : H’3-133,  pi.  10,  11. 

Moore,  F.  1901.  Lepidoptera  Indica,  vol.  5.  London. 

Schatz,  E.  1887.  Exotische  Schmetterlinge,  II  Theil:  Die  Familien  und 
Gattungen  der  Tagfalter  Systematisch  und  analytisch  bearbeitet.  Fiirth, 

Scudder,  S.  H.  1875.  Historical  sketch  of  the  generic  names  proposed  for 
butterflies.  Proc.  Amer.  Acad.  Arts  and  Sci.,  10:  91-293. 

Seitz,  A.  1921.  Ergolidi,  in  Macrolepidoptera  of  the  World,  Fauna  Ameri- 
cana, vol.  5. 


Vol.  LVII 

JUNE,  1949 

j ■■  > . i 


of  the 


No*  2 

New  York  Entomological  Society 

Devoted  to  Entomology  in  General 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 

NEW  YORK,  N.  Y. 


Publication  Committee 


17  ™ TEALE 

ouoscnpnon  $5*00  per 





Physiological  Effects  of  Induced  Hemorrhage  in  Japanese 
Beetle  Larvae 

By  Eaimon  L.  Beard  79 

Book  Notice 92 

Distinctive  Features  of  the  Larvae  of  Aedes  alleni  Turner 
(Diptera:  Culicidae) 

By  Osmond  P.  Breland  93 

Experiments  on  the  Colony  Foundation  of  European  Ants 

By  Dr.  Arnulf  Molitor 101 

The  Identity  of  Two  Introduced  Clover  Seed  Weevils 
(Coleoptera:  Curcuiionidae) 

By  H.  E.  Milliron  109 


Drosophila  in  New  England 

By  Eliot  B.  Spiess 117 

Book  Notice 132 

Notes  on  Oregon  Coccinellidae  (Coleoptera) 

By  Borys  Malkin 133 

Organic  Insecticides  134 

Observation  on  the  Courtship  of  Brenthis  anchorago  L. 
(Coleoptera:  Brenthidae) 

By  Borys  Malkin 135 

Book  Notice 138 

Color  Discrimination  by  Eristalis  tenax  140 

Insects  and  Slang  140 

NOTICE:  Volume  LVII,  Number  1,  of  the  Journal  of 
the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  published 
on  February  26.  1949. 

Entered  as  second  class  matter  July  7,  1925,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 
under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  special  rate  of  postage  provided  for  in  Section  1103. 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  March  27,  1924. 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

Vol.  LVII  June,  1949  No.  2 


By  Raimon  L.  Beard 

Connecticut  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 

In  the  course  of  studying  various  aspects  of  Japanese  beetle 
( Popillia  japonica  Newm.)  larvae  infected  with  Bacillus  popillice 
Dutky  (Beard,  1945)  it  was  observed  that  blood  (hemolymph) 
samples  could  be  taken  repeatedly  from  individual  grubs  without 
apparent  ill  effects.  Since  the  size  of  the  samples  was  relatively 
large  on  Occasion,  rapid  replacement  of  blood  was  indicated. 
Confirmation  of  this  was  the  primary  objective  of  the  observa- 
tions reported  here. 

These  investigations  were  made  upon  third  instar  larvae  of  the 
Japanese  beetle,  incubated  in  soil  with  sprouting  grass  seed  for 
food  and  maintained  at  a constant  temperature  of  80°F. 

In  interpreting  the  effects  of  loss  of  blood  induced  by  punctur- 
ing the  integument,  it  is  important  to  know  the  normal  blood 
volume  present  in  an  individual  grub.  The  total  blood  volume 
of  insects  is  difficult  to  determine  with  accuracy  because  of  unsat- 
isfactory techniques.  Approximations  can  be  made,  however, 
using  several  methods  (Richardson  et  al,  1931;  Yeager  and 
Tauber,  1932;  Yeager  and  Munson,  in  press).  As  much  as  29 
per  cent  of  the  body  weight  of  a third  instar  J apanese  beetle  grub 
has  been  lost  at  a single  bleeding,  so  the  total  blood  volume  must 
exceed  this  figure  at  least  in  some  individuals. 

; HIM  on 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

The  method  of  Richardson  et  al.,  (1931)  for  determining  blood 
volume,  in  which  the  animal  is  cut  open  and  the  blood  taken  up 
with  filter  paper,  yielded  values  ranging  from  25.1  per  cent  to  40.8 
per  cent  of  the  body  weight,  the  mean  of  ten  determinations  being 
31.9  per  cent  . Since  these  figures  are  little  more  than  can  be 
obtained  by  draining  blood  from  punctured  grubs  killed  by  im- 
mersion in  water  heated  to  60°  C.,  the  values  are  undoubtedly 
low.  The  difficulties  with  this  method  lie  in  the  facts  that  blood 
in  the  legs,  head,  and  other  inaccessible  places,  is  not  removed, 
and  on  the  other  hand,  as  blood  is  removed,  the  fat  body  and 
other  soft,  loosely  attached  tissues  may  be  taken  out  inadvert- 

Although  the  dye  dilution  method  of  determining  blood  volume 
is  the  simplest  and  is  suitable  for  some  insects  (Yeager  and  Mun- 
son, loc.  cit.),  it  is  not  usable  for  Japanese  beetle  larvae.  The  dyes 
most  useful  for  this  purpose — Amaranth  or  Ponceau  3 R — when 
injected  into  beetle  grubs,  are  not  circulated  promptly,  but  ap- 
pear to  be  taken  up  locally  by  other  tissues.  Moreover  the  in- 
jection irritates  the  insect  to  the  extent  of  inducing  the  grub  to 
bite  itself,  thus  causing  hemorrhage.  Attempts  to  artificially 
circulate  the  dye  by  gently  massaging  the  grub  while  under 
carbon  dioxide  anaesthesia,  have  not  been  successful  because  the 
gut  usually  ruptured  with  such  treatment. 

The  injection  of  chloride  (as  NaCl)  and  its  subsequent  de- 
termination after  dilution  by  the  blood  likewise  did  not  prove 
feasible.  With  this  technique  the  chief  difficulty  is  in  the  lack  of 
a precise  end-point  when  the  chloride  is  titrated  with  silver  ni- 
trate. Neither  the  method  of  Yeager  and  Munson  (loc.  cit.)  nor 
the  adsorption  indicator  method  described  by  King  (1947) 
yielded  reliable  results  with  this  species  of  insect. 

Another  technique,  which  is  peculiarly  adapted  to  determining 
the  blood  volume  in  Japanese  beetle  larvae,  has  several  advantages 
but  certain  technical  disadvantages.  This  method  depends  upon 
the  presence  of  bacterial  spores  (Bacillus  popilliaz)  in  the  blood. 
Infected  individuals  can  be  found  in  the  field  or  infection  can  be 
induced  readily  by  rearing  grubs  in  inoculated  soil.  The  tech- 
nique assumes  that  the  spores  are  resident  only  in  the  blood  and 
that  their  distribution  in  the  blood  is  uniform.  Both  of  these  as- 

June,  1949] 

Beard:  Hemolymph 


sumptions  are  entirely  reasonable  in  view  of  observations  re- 
ported previously  (Beard,  1945).  The  results  obtained,  however, 
must  be  expressed  in  terms  of  infected  individuals,  for  at  present 
it  is  not  known  if  the  presence  of  the  bacteria  otherwise  affects 
the  blood  volume  of  the  insects.  The  method,  then,  is  to  de- 
termine the  number  of  spores  in  a given  quantity  of  blood  and 
also  the  total  number  of  spores  present  in  the  grub.  From  these 
data  the  blood  volume  can  be  calculated  simply.  The  concentra- 
tion of  spores  in  the  blood  is  determined  by  making  suitable  dilu- 
tion and  counting  with  a hemocytometer.  The  total  number  of 
spores  present  is  found  by  macerating  the  grub,  suspending  the 
brei  in  water,  and  counting  the  spores  in  representative  samples, 
using  the  counting  chamber.  The  spores  have  a characteristic 
shape  and  usually  can  be  distinguished  from  the  other  particles 
in  the  suspension.  The  procedures  involved  are  relatively  simple, 
but  two  factors  make  for  inaccuracy.  One  is  that  the  spores  are 
so  numerous  that  great  dilution  is  required  for  counting.  This 
means  that  large  sampling  errors  may  occur.  The  other  is  that 
even  though  the  spore  is  characteristic  in  shape,  it  cannot  always 
be  distinguished  with  certainty  from  other  bits  of  tissue  of  the 
macerated  grubs.  A different  type  of  counting  than  is  usually 
employed,  however,  tends  to  reduce  the  personal  error  and  makes 
possible  a statistical  check  on  the  reliability  of  the  sampling 
method,  (Bliss,  1948).  Instead  of  making  only  a total  numerical 
count  of  the  spores  present  within  a given  number  of  squares  of 
a counting  chamber,  the  number  of  squares  containing  0,  1,  2,  3, 
. . . n spores  is  recorded  for  a total  of  80  squares  in  each  of  four 
fields  sampled  separately.  Agreement  with  Poisson  distribution 
then  serves  to  check  on  the  randomness  of  the  sample  and  sub- 
samples. Bliss  {loc.  cit.)  has  described  a method  for  using  a 
truncated  Poisson  distribution,  in  which  the  squares  of  the  count- 
ing chambers  would  be  recorded  in  terms  of  those  containing  0, 
1,  2,  3,  and  4 or  more  spores.  While  this  simplifies  somewhat  the 
actual  recording  of  data,  it  seems  more  satisfactory  to  record  the 
entire  series  for  greater  precision,  and  in  some  respects,  for 
greater  ease  of  both  execution  and  calculation.  As  might  be  ex- 
pected, this  technique  demonstrated  that  the  determination  of 
the  number  of  spores  per  unit  volume  of  blood  was  more  accurate 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

than  the  determination  of  the  total  number  of  spores  present  in 
the  grub.  The  technique  can  be  used,  however,  to  yield  figures  in 
which  some  confidence  can  be  placed.  The  time  required  for 
making  the  determinations  and  calculations  was  great  enough 
that,  when  a simpler  method,  described  below,  presented  itself, 
no  more  determinations  were  made  than  were  required  to  estab- 
lish the  validity  of  the  technique. 

A third  dilution  technique  differing  from  those  mentioned 
above  was  employed  successfully  by  taking  advantage  of  the 
spectrographic  method  of  analysis.  A known  amount  (7 
lambda1)  of  a 3 per  cent  solution  of  manganese  chloride  was  in- 
jected into  a beetle  grub  of  known  weight  anaesthetized  with 
carbon  dioxide.  After  a definite  time  interval,  the  grub  was 
killed  by  immersion  in  water  heated  to  60°  C.  to  inhibit  blood 
coagulation,  and  a sample  of  blood  (20  lambda)  was  withdrawn 
and  absorbed  on  filter  paper.  The  filter  paper  was  then  ashed, 
the  residue  taken  up  in  1 ml.  of  water,  and  samples  were  tested 
spectrographically2  for  manganese.  This  element  was  chosen  be- 
cause it  is  a normal  constituent  of  the  blood  of  this  insect  and 
because  its  spectrographic  lines  are  very  sensitive.  Blanks  and 
standards  were  prepared  simultaneously  by  adding  a known 
volume  of  MnCl2  to  known  volumes  of  pooled  blood.  Samples 
(20  lambda)  of  these  were  absorbed  on  filter  paper  and  analyzed 
in  the  same  way  as  the  other  blood  samples.  By  this  means  the 
normal  manganese  of  the  blood  was  taken  into  account  without 
further  correction.  The  standards  prepared  yielded  reliable  and 
reproduceable  curves  with  which  the  unknowns  could  be  com- 
pared and  calculated  in  terms  of  blood  volume.  Determinations 
were  made  on  three  groups  of  nine  grubs  each,  samples  being 
taken  after  killing  the  grubs  five,  10,  and  20  minutes  after  injec- 
tion. This  was  done  because  the  time  required  for  circulation, 
and  hence  good  distribution,  of  the  injected  material  was  not 
known.  Too  short  a time-  interval  would  be  expected  to  give  er- 
ratic results,  whereas  too  great  a time  interval  might  permit  the 
injected  material  to  be  taken  up  by  other  tissues,  excreted,  or 
possibly  even  induce  dilution  of  the  blood  if  the  osmotic  balance 

1 (=  .007  ml.) 

2 The  writer  gratefully  acknowledges  the  assistance  given  by  Mr.  W.  T. 
Mathis  in  designing  this  technique  and  executing  the  spectrographic  analyses. 

June,  1949] 

Beard:  Hemolymph 


was  appreciably  upset  by  the  MnCl2.  The  volume  of  blood  found 
for  each  grub  was  converted  to  volumes  per  cent  based  on  body 
weight,  the  means  being  as  follows : 


Mean  blood 
vol.  per  cent 



Grubs  killed  5 min.  after  injection 



Grubs  killed  10  min.  after  injection 



Grubs  killed  20  min.  after  injection 



All  determinations 



Although  the  lower  figure  might  suggest  that  five  minutes  was 
not  sufficient  time  for  the  MnCl2  to  circulate,  the  difference  be- 
tween the  mean  of  this  group  and  that  of  grubs  killed  10  minutes 
after  injection  is  not  statistically  significant.  It  would  appear, 
then,  that  the  mean  of  all  determinations  could  serve  as  a reason- 
able figure  for  the  average  blood  volume  of  a Japanese  beetle 

Although  the  hemolymph  of  the  Japanese  beetle  grub  coagu- 
lates promptly  upon  exuding  from  a wound,  this  coagulation  has 
little  effect  in  reducing  hemorrhage,  chiefly  because  there  is  an 
immediate  and  copious  outflow  of  blood  when  the  integument  is 
punctured.  This  is  borne  out  by  the  following  experiment.  Each 
of  ten  grubs  was  pricked  with  a needle  and  as  the  blood  flowed 
out  it  was  taken  up  with  absorbent  paper  before  it  coagulated. 
Another  series  of  ten  grubs  was  similarly  pricked,  but  the  blood 
was  allowed  to  coagulate  before  it  was  wiped  off.  Weight 
measurements  before  and  after  bleeding  indicated  the  amount  of 
hemorrhage.  In  the  former  group  the  loss  of  blood  per  grub 
ranged  from  8.86  per  cent  body  weight  to  23.89  per  cent  with  a 
mean  of  15.74  per  cent.  Among  the  grubs  whose  blood  was  al- 
lowed to  coagulate,  the  blood  loss  ranged  from  5.72  per  cent  to 
25.44  per  cent,  with  a mean  of  14.08  per  cent.  These  differences 
are  not  significant.  Bleeding  tends  to  be  less  in  quiet  individuals 
which  maintain  good  muscle  tonus.  The  wounds  in  flaccid  in- 
dividuals do  not  seem  to  close  as  promptly  as  in  others,  and  those 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LY1I 

highly  active  tend  to  “pump  out’*  blood  by  their  body  move- 
ments. It  has  also  been  observed  that  the  activity  of  grubs  when 
removed  from  soil  may  open  up  old  wounds,  indicating  that 
coagulation  has  not  formed  an  efficient  plug  before  tissue  growth 
has  healed  the  wound. 

The  maximum  amount  of  blood  a given  grub  can  lose  at  one 
time  without  fatal  results  is,  of  course,  impossible  to  determine. 
Among  different  grubs  the  amount  that  flows  freely  from  an  in- 
duced wound,  without  external  pressure  being  applied,  varies 
within  broad  limits.  It  has  already  been  noted  that  in  one  in- 
stance 29  per  cent  of  the  body  weight  was  lost,  and  among  200 
grubs  punctured  with  a needle,  the  loss  of  blood  ranged  from  1.3 
milligrams  to  59.7  milligrams,  or  from  0.9  per  cent  to  22.5  per 
cent  of  the  body  weight.  Several  observed  grubs  have  survived 
losses  of  blood  in  excess  of  20  per  cent  of  their  body  weight,  in- 
dicating that  possibly  as  much  as  50  per  cent  of  their  total  blood 
volume  might  be  lost  at  one  time  without  fatal  effects. 

The  effect  of  a single  bleeding  upon  subsequent  growth  as 
measured  by  body  weight  was  observed  by  wounding  a series  of 
grubs  and  comparing  the  body  weights  with  those  of  uninjured 
grubs  incubated  under  the  same  conditions.  If  the  initial  weight 
is  taken  as  a point  of  reference,  the  uninjured  larvas  followed  the 
more  or  less  expected  sigmoid  growth  curve.  Among  the  punc- 
tured grubs,  the  loss  of  blood,  of  course,  resulted  in  an  immediate 
reduction  in  body  weight.  This  was  followed  by  a slight  further 
reduction  in  weight  which  may  have  been  associated  with  inter- 
rupted feeding  activity,  as  it  has  been  observed  that  normal  grubs 
when  taken  from  abundant  to  restricted  pasture  may  similarly 
lose  weight  temporarily.  Although  the  weaker  grubs  continue  to 
lose  weight  and  eventually  die,  the  tendency  is  toward  a recovery 
of  the  original  weight  within  three  days  after  injury  and  a con- 
tinued increase  in  body  weight  at  a rate  depending  upon  the  vigor 
of  the  individual.  The  most  vigorous  individuals  gain  weight 
more  rapidly  than  the  uninjured  controls,  but  the  general  tend- 
ency is  to  parallel  the  growth  rate  of  the  controls  with  a definite 
time  lag.  Depending  upon  the  amount  of  blood  lost,  pupation 
may  be  delayed  two  or  even  three  weeks. 

Similar  observations  were  made  on  the  effect  of  repeated  hem- 

•June,  1949] 

Beard:  Hemolymph 


orrhages  in  terms  of  the  body  weight  changes  during  a period  of 
two  weeks.  Groups  of  grubs  were  punctured  one,  two  or  three 
times  each  week,  or  two,  four  or  six  times  during  the  period  of 
observation.  Individual  weight  records  were  kept  and  the 
amount  of  blood  lost  was  noted.  The  data  obtained  from  the 
grubs  surviving  treatment  are  summarized  in  Table  II,  which 
indicates  the  changes  in  body  weight  based  upon  the  means  within 
each  group  and  expressed  in  terms  of  the  per  cent  of  the  initial 
weight.  The  net  increase  represents  the  body  weight  changes  ex- 
clusive of  the  blood  removed,  whereas  the  gross  increase  includes 
the  weight  of  the  blood  lost  as  this  is  tissue  formed  by  the  insect, 
but  withdrawn  from  it.  Data  on  one  individual  are  included  to 
indicate  an  extreme  case. 


Mean  Changes  in  Body  Weight 

Number  of 

Number  of 

Per  cent  of  initial  weight 


n , Net  increase 

Blood  lost  , , , 

body  weight 

Gross  increase 
body  weight 

























Although  these  summary  data  obscure  the  individual  variation, 
it  is  apparent  that  the  greater  the  loss  of  blood,  the  slower  is  the 
rate  of  increase  of  net  body  weight.  In  other  words,  blood  re- 
placement is  made  at  the  expense  of  other  tissue  formation.  It  is 
significant,  however,  that  50  per  cent  or  more  of  the  body  weight 
can  be  lost  as  blood  in  a two  week  period  and  there  still  be  an 
increase  in  net  body  weight.  This  means  that  the  volume  of  blood 
lost  probably  more  than  equalled  the  normal  blood  volume  pre- 
sent at  one  time,  considering  the  normal  blood  volume  to  be  the 
40.89  per  cent  mentioned  above.  In  an  extreme  case  of  the  one 
individual  indicated,  which  lost  68  per  cent  of  its  body  weight  as 
blood  in  six  hemorrhages,  replacement  of  this  loss  was  made  at 
the  expense  of  maintaining  its  initial  body  weight.  Even  so,  if 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

this  blood  is  included  as  tissue  formation,  the  gross  increase  is 
more  than  equal  that  of  the  mean  of  the  uninjured  controls. 

As  might  be  expected  not  all  grubs  can  withstand  the  drastic 
treatment  imposed  upon  them  in  the  above  test,  and  the  mortality 
reflects  the  severity  of  hemorrhage.  This  is  evidenced  by  the 
mortality  figures  of  three  series  of  observations  involving  a total 
of  160  grubs — 40  in  each  of  the  groups  indicated  below. 


Number  of 

Number  of 

Per  cent  mortality  at 
end  of  two  weeks 













In  this  series  the  higher  value  of  37.5  per  cent  over  35.0  probably 
has  no  significance. 

It  is  doubtful  if  infection  was  responsible  for  any  of  this  in- 
crease in  mortality  attending  wounding.  Although  fatal  infec- 
tion invariably  occurs  if  the  gut  is  punctured,  it  has  rarely  been 
observed  that  infection  from  soil  bacteria  has  resulted  from 
wounding.  Beard  (1945)  has  given  experimental  evidence  that 
preliminary  wounding  does  not  increase  the  infection  rate  among 
grubs  exposed  to  heavy  spore  concentration  of  Bacillus  popillice, 
a bacteriemic  parasite  of  this  insect. 

Although  the  above  experiments  suggest  a fairly  rapid  quanti- 
tative replacement  of  blood  following  hemorrhage,  a somewhat 
more  direct  estimate  of  the  time  required  for  the  blood  volume 
to  return  to  normal  can  be  made.  Actual  volume  determinations 
using  the  manganese  dilution  technique  would  of  course  be  the 
most  precise,  but  a simpler  method  can  be  used  for  comparative 
purposes  in  determining  the  time  factor,  if  not  the  actual  volume 
relationships.  If  grubs  are  heat-fixed  to  prevent  blood  coagula- 
tion, it  is  found  that  considerably  more  blood  can  be  drawn  from 
normal  grubs  than  from  grubs  that  have  been  wounded  pre- 
viously. Accordingly,  by  determining  the  amount  of  blood  that 
can  be  drawn  from  wounded  grubs  at  various  times  after  hem- 

June,  1949] 

Beard:  Hemolymph 


orrhage  in  comparison  with  that  from  intact  controls,  the  ap- 
proach to  normal  can  be  approximated.  In  such  a test,  the 
wounded  grubs  yielded  67  per  cent  of  that  from  uninjured  con- 
trols seven  hours  after  hemorrhage,  88  per  cent  24  hours  after 
hemorrhage,  and  91  per  cent  after  48  hours.  Of  course  these 
figures  definitely  exaggerate  the  difference  in  terms  of  the  true 
values  because  of  the  residual  blood  that  cannot  be  drained.  Al- 
though the  return  to  normal  is  probably  more  or  less  asymptotic, 
these  data  tend  to  support  the  impression  gained  in  the  above 
experiments  that  normal  blood  volume  is  essentially  restored 
within  two  to  three  days  after  hemorrhage. 

Some  consideration  was  given  to  the  qualitative  effects  of  in- 
duced hemorrhage. 

Specific  gavity  determinations  were  made  on  samples  of  blood 
taken  from  grubs  seven,  24,  and  48  hours  after  wounding,  using 
a falling  drop  technique  essentially  that  of  Barbour  and  Hamil- 
ton (1926).  Similar  determinations  were  made  on  samples  taken 
from  intact  grubs  handled  under  the  same  environmental  condi- 
tions. Successive  samples  could  not,  of  course,  be  taken  from  the 
same  grub,  so  for  each  time  interval,  groups  of  5 larvae  each  were 
tested  independently.  The  mean  specific  gravity  for  each  group 
was  found  to  be  as  follows : 


Mean  loss  of 
blood  (mg/gm 

Specific  gravity 
Hours  after  hemorrhage 

body  weight) 


24  48 

Wounded  grubs 







Intact  controls 



1.0346  1.0338 

As  compared  with  the  controls,  the  specific  gravity  of  blood 
from  the  test  grubs  was  significantly  less  among  the  samples  taken 
seven  hours  after  hemorrhage  but,  as  time  went  on,  it  gradually 
approached  the  normal  control,  the  differences  being  not  statis- 
tically significant  at  the  24  and  48  hour  intervals.  It  will  be 
noted,  however,  that  the  reduction  of  the  difference  between  the 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

groups  is  due  less  to  an  increase  in  specific  gravity  of  the  test  in- 
sects than  it  is  to  a decrease  in  the  specific  gravity  of  the  blood 
from  the  control  grubs.  The  reason  for  the  latter  is  not  known, 
but  it  may  be  associated  with  the  change  in  pasture,  since  all 
grubs  were  removed  from  a common  rearing  container  to  indi- 
vidual containers  for  each  group  with  a replenished  source  of  food. 
The  fact  that  the  second  group  of  wounded  grubs  lost  an  appreci- 
ably greater  amount  of  blood  than  the  other  groups  does  not  seem 
to  affect  the  recovery  trend. 

Spectrographic  analyses  were  made*  of  pooled  samples  of 
blood  taken  from  grubs  seven,  24  and  48  hours  after  hemorrhage 
induced  by  wounding.  Similar  analysis  was  made  of  blood  from 
comparable  controls,  duplicates  being  run  of  both  series.  The 
spectrographs  of  all  samples  were  similar  in  most  respects  and, 
while  certain  slight  variations  appeared,  these  could  not  be  attri- 
buted to  the  effect  of  loss  of  blood  prior  to  sampling.  The  lines 
representing  aluminum,  copper,  magnesium,  and  phosphorus 
were  remarkably  uniform.  Those  of  sodium,  calcium,  manganese, 
and  iron  showed  more  variation,  but  the  control  samples  varied 
as  much  among  themselves  as  with  the  samples  from  bled  grubs. 
One  notable  difference  appeared,  however,  in  both  of  the  dupli- 
cate blood  samples  taken  seven  hours  after  hemorrhage.  This  was 
a difference  in  the  potassium  lines,  indicating  a definite  reduction 
in  the  blood  K,  which  was  not  apparent  in  the  samples  taken  24 
and  48  hours  after  injury.  It  would  seem  that  chemical  balance 
is  restored  within  24  hours,  but  following  bleeding  there  is  a 
depletion  of  blood  K due  either  to  a selective  withdrawal  of 
K by  other  tissues,  or  what  is  more  likely  in  view  of  the  reduction 
in  blood  density,  to  a slower  replacement  of  K than  of  the  other 
common  elements  at  the  time  the  internal  water  balance  is  being 

From  previous  observations,  both  published  and  unpublished, 
it  is  known  that  the  blood  cell  counts  of  Japanese  beetle  larvae 
may  vary  within  wide  limits  even  under  apparently  normal  con- 
ditions. It  is  not  surprising  then,  to  find  that  blood  cell  counts 
taken  approximately  six  hours  after  induced  hemorrhage  do  not 
differ  significantly  from  those  of  grubs  not  wounded,  as  judged 

* These  analyses  were  made  through  the  kindness  of  Mr.  W.  T.  Mathis. 

June,  1949] 

Beard:  Hemolymph 


by  four  determinations  in  each  group.  The  data  obtained  are  as 
follows : 


Blood  cells  per  mm3  in 

Wounded  grubs 

Intact  grubs 









Mean  17,337 


Although  the  accumulation  of  a larger  mass  of  data  might  dem- 
onstrate a statistically  significant  reduction  in  the  number  of 
blood  cells  in  wounded  grubs,  it  seems  apparent  from  these  few 
figures  that  there  is  no  very  striking  difference  and  additional 
counts  do  not  seem  called  for  in  an  attempt  to  prove  a difference. 

Concluding  from  a single  test  series,  there  is  no  apparent 
change  in  the  blood  pH  following  hemorrhage,  as  measured  by  a 
quinhydrone  electrode  designed  to  measure  pH  of  single  drops 
of  fluid.  Six  hours  after  hemorrhage  was  induced  by  punctur- 
ing the  integument,  determinations  were  made  on  the  blood  of 
each  of  five  wounded  grubs  and  of  five  intact  grubs  as  controls. 
Although  too  much  confidence  should  not  be  placed  in  the  results 
because  of  the  technique  employed,  the  variation  among  the  grubs 
within  a group  was  great  enough  to  indicate  no  statistical  differ- 
ence between  the  groups.  The  pH  of  normal  blood  exposed  to 
air  may  be  taken  to  be  approximately  7.2. 

Discussion  : From  the  data  presented,  it  is  obvious  that  al- 

though loss  of  hemolymph  is  not  uniformly  tolerated,  surpris- 
ingly large  volumes  may  be  drained  from  a grub,  particularly  if 
repeated  wounds  are  inflicted.  Comparatively  little  is  known 
about  hemotopoiesis  in  insects,  although  it  is  generally  believed 
that  new  blood  cells  are  formed  from  those  in  circulation.  The 
wide  variation  in  numbers  of  hematocytes  normally  found  make 
it  difficult  to  learn  much  about  blood  replacement  from  them, 
but  in  view  of  the  various  functions  of  the  blood,  perhaps  the 
plasma  relationships  are  more  important.  The  diminished  spe- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVII 

cific  gravity  of  the  residual  blood  following  wounding  suggests 
that  other  tissue  fluids  are  poured  into  the  circulating  fluid  which 
is  thereby  diluted,  but  this  cannot  be  adequate  in  meeting  the 
loss  because  the  total  blood  volume  remains  subnormal  for  a 
period  of  two  to  three  days.  Apparently  this  is  not  restored  until 
ingestion  of  succulent  food  and  the  accumulation  of  metabolic 
water  make  up  the  loss.  There  also  appears  to  be  a rapid  mo- 
bilizing of  the  common  inorganic  constituents  with  the  exception 
of  potassium,  the  replacement  of  which  is  delayed.  Undoubtedly 
the  picture  would  be  clearer  if  quantitative  determinations  had 
been  made  of  the  organic  constituents  of  the  blood,  particularly 
those  of  glucose,  glycogen,  and  amino  acids.  In  any  case  it  seems 
certain  that  when  tissue  fluid  replaces  that  lost  from  the  circula- 
tion, various  constituents  are  contributed  more  or  less  independ- 
ently and  at  different  rates  before  the  “normal”  balance  is  re- 

Summary.-  The  mean  volume  of  blood  in  a third  instar  Japa- 
nese beetle  larva  was  estimated  to  be  approximately  40  volumes 
per  cent  body  weight,  as  determined  by  a manganese  dilution 
technique  using  spectrographic  analysis. 

Coagulation  has  little  effect  in  reducing  hemorrhage  induced 
by  puncturing  the  integument,  and  in  some  individuals  an  es- 
timated 50  per  cent  or  more  of  the  blood  volume  can  be  lost  at 
one  time  without  fatal  results.  Hemorrhage  results  in  a loss  of 
body  weight  greater  than  the  weight  of  the  blood  lost,  but  this 
tends  to  be  restored  within  two  to  three  days  following  injury. 
Thereafter  body  weight  increases  tend  to  parallel  the  growth 
rate  of  uninjured  controls,  but  with  a definite  time  lag.  Pupa- 
tion may  be  delayed  two  to  three  weeks,  depending  upon  the 
amount  of  blood  lost.  Repeated  hemorrhage  causes  mortality 
in  direct  relation  to  the  extent  of  bleeding,  but  among  the  sur- 
vivors of  such  treatment,  50  per  cent  or  more  of  the  body  weight 
can  be  lost  as  blood  in  a two  week  period  and  there  still  be  an 
increase  in  net  body  weight. 

Quantitatively,  blood  replacement  approaches  completion  two 
to  three  days  following  hemorrhage.  Qualitatively,  the  specific 
gravity  of  the  blood  becomes  less  following  hemorrhage,  but 
approaches  the  normal  after  24  hours.  Similarly  there  is  a de- 

June,  1949] 

Beard:  Hemolymph 


crease  in  blood  potassium  following  loss  of  blood,  but  this  is  re- 
stored within  24  hours.  Other  elements  tested  appear  to  be  un- 
affected by  this  type  of  injury.  The  pH  of  the  blood  and  the 
number  of  blood  cells  per  unit  volume  appear  to  be  relatively 
unchanged  as  a result  of  bleeding. 


Barbour,  H.  G.,  and  W.  F.  Hamilton.  1926.  The  falling  drop  method  for 
determining  specific  gravity.  Jour.  Biol.  Chem.,  69:  625-640. 

Beard,  R.  L.  1945.  Studies  on  milky  disease  of  Japanese  beetle  larvae. 
Conn.  Agric.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.,  491. 

Bliss,  C.  I.  1948.  Estimation  of  the  mean  and  its  error  from  incomplete 
Poisson  distributions.  Conn.  Agric.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.,  513. 

King,  E.  J.  1947.  Micro-analysis  in  medical  biochemistry.  Grune  & 
Stratton,  New  York. 

Richardson,  C.  H.,  R.  C.  Burdette,  and  C.  W.  Eagleson.  1931.  The  de- 
termination of  the  blood  volume  of  insect  larvae.  Ann.  Ent.  Soc. 
Amer.,  24:  503-507. 

Yeager,  J.  F.,  and  S.  C.  Munson.  Blood  volume  of  the  roach,  Periplaneta 
americana  determined  by  several  methods.  In  press. 

Yeager,  J.  F.,  and  O.  E.  Tauber.  1932.  Determination  of  total  blood 
volume  in  the  cockroach,  P.  fuliginosa  with  special  reference  to 
method.  Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  Amer.,  25:  315-327. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


Coleoptera  or  Beetles  East  of  the  Great  Plains.  By  J.  Gordon 
Edwards.  Lithoprinted  by  Edwards  Brothers,  Inc.,  Ann 
Arbor,  Michigan.  1949,  181  pp. 

This  book  consolidates  much  information  that  will  be  of  nse 
to  students  of  Coleoptera.  Illustrated  and  simplified  keys  are 
given  to  the  families  of  beetles  occurring  east  of  the  Great  Plains 
(east  of  the  Mississippi  River),  and  a general  discussion  is  given 
of  each  family  and  in  some  instances  of  the  genera  and  species 
in  these  families.  The  latest  family  nomenclature  has  been 
followed  and,  although  the  families  have  been  arranged  alpha- 
betically throughout  most  of  the  book,  a phylogenetic  list  based 
primarily  upon  the  morphology  of  the  beetle  larvae  is  presented. 
A glossary  of  terms  used  in  the  book  is  included  for  the  use  of 
the  beginning  student  and  a list  of  important  supplementary 
references  follows  the  discussion  of  each  family.  An  interesting 
tabulation  of  the  136  families  occurring  in  the  United  States, 
based  on  Leng’s  catalogue,  reveals  that  in  the  area  east  of  the 
Mississippi  River  there  are  approximately  8,346  species  and  553 
varieties  described  to  date.  In  the  area  west  of  the  Mississippi 
River  there  are  known  to  be  some  15,371  species  and  1,548  varie- 
ties. The  book  will  be  a valuable  addition  to  the  libraries  of 
beginning  students  and  amateur  coleopterists, — Mont  A.  Cazier. 

June,  1949] 

Breland:  Culichle 



By  Osmond  P.  Breland2 
The  University  of  Texas 


The  adult  of  the  mosquito,  Aedes  alleni  Turner  was  described 
in  1924  from  insects  reared  from  larvae  collected  in  a rot  cavity 
of  a willow  tree  at  Mission,  Texas  (Turner  1924) . The  larva  was 
described  during  the  same  year  from  specimens  taken  at  the 
same  locality  (Dyar  1924).  Since  the  original  description,  the 
collection  of  the  species  has  been  reported  several  times  in  the 
literature,  but  it  has  not  been  collected  in  large  numbers,  and 
has  been  considered  relatively  rare.  The  mosquito  is  now  known 
to  occur  in  Texas,  Oklahoma  and  Kansas  (Jenkins  and  Carpenter 
1946).  According  to  Jenkins  and  Carpenter  (1946),  willow  is 
the  only  kind  of  tree  from  which  larvae  had  been  collected  at  the 
time  their  paper  was  published,  although  these  authors  state  that 
larvae  have  been  found  in  artificial  containers. 

In  reported  collections,  A.  alleni  larvae  have  usually  been  asso- 
ciated with  Aedes  triseriatus  (Say),  another  tree  hole  breeding 
form.  The  adults  of  these  two  species  are  relatively  easy  to 
distinguish,  one  of  the  outstanding  differences  being  the  white 
banded  tarsi  of  A.  alleni  as  opposed  to  the  dark  tarsi  of  A.  tri- 
seriatus. The  larvae  of  the  two  species,  however,  have  been  con- 
sidered to  be  almost  identical,  although  various  structures  have 
been  reported  to  distinguish  them.  Within  the  past  few  years 
it  has  become  increasingly  evident  that  at  least  some  previously 
used  criteria  cannot  be  relied  upon  for  the  separation  of  the  two 

During  the  past  several  years  the  writer  and  his  associates 
have  made  a large  number  of  collections  of  tree  hole  breeding  mos- 

1 Supported  by  The  University  of  Texas  Research  Institute. 

2 The  writer  greatly  appreciates  the  assistance  of  Mr.  Orin  Wilkins,  who 
helped  with  the  collections  of  the  larvae  discussed  in  this  paper,  and  of  Mrs. 
Roland  Schmitt  who  made  the  drawings. 

s Considered  by  some  to  be  a Synonym  of  Aedes  zoosophus  Dyar  & Knab. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LV1I 

quitoes  from  central  Texas.  Aedes  alleni  occurs  in  fair  numbers 
in  this  area,  but  it  is  considerably  outnumbered  by  A.  triseriatus. 
Numerous  larvae  of  both  species  have  been  studied  with  the  ob- 
jective of  finding  constant  distinguishing  features  between  the 
two  species.  In  the  writer’s  collections  Aedes  alleni  has  usually 
been  associated  with  A.  triseriatus,  and  it  is  conceivable  that  this 
almost  invariable  association  has  been  one  reason  for  the  con- 
fusion now  existing  regarding  distinguishing  features  of  the  two 
forms.  Workers  may  have  studied  a mixed  population,  believing 
that  it  consisted  of  only  a single  species. 

Larvae  of  A.  alleni  have  been  collected  from  tree  holes  in  sev- 
eral species  of  trees  including  live  oak  ( Quercus  virginiana) , post 
oak  ( Quercus  stellata),  blackjack  oak  ( Quercus  marilandica) 
and  elm  ( Ulmus  crassifolia) . The  writer  has  not  collected  the 
mosquito  from  artificial  containers. 


Larvae  of  Aedes  alleni  and  A.  triseriatus  were  collected  and 
brought  into  the  laboratory  for  rearing.  They  were  placed  in 
individual  staining  dishes  and  reared  at  laboratory  temperature 
in  tree  hole  water  which  was  replenished  by  water  from  an  arti- 
ficial pond  as  it  evaporated.  Some  of  the  water  was  so  dark  that 
the  larvae  could  not  be  seen,  and  in  such  cases  clear  water  was 
added  until  the  insects  could  be  distinguished.  When  the  adults 
emerged,  the  fourth  larval  skins  were  checked  for  distinguishing 
features.  As  soon  as  such  structures  were  discovered,  living 
larvae  were  then  isolated  on  the  basis  of  these  features,  and  the 
distinctions  confirmed  by  rearing  the  larvae  to  adults. 

The  conclusions  to  be  presented  are  based  upon  a study  of  a 
large  number  of  living  larvae,  freshly  killed  specimens,  mounted 
and  preserved  larvae  and  larval  skins  from  which  known  adults 
have  been  reared.  More  than  50  larvae  and  larval  skins  of  each 
species  from  several  localities  have  been  studied  in  detail,  and 
certain  structures  have  been  checked  on  many  more  specimens. 
Larvae  of  A.  alleni  have  been  studied  from  many  collections  near 
Austin,  Texas,  and  the  conclusions  confirmed  by  reared  speci- 
mens from  Round  Rock,  Stephenville,  Bartlett  and  Fredericks- 
burg, Texas.  Larvae  of  A.  triseriatus  have  been  examined  from 

June,  1949] 

Breland:  Culicid^ 


Austin,  Luling,  Round  Rock,  Stephenville,  Bartlett  and  Mar- 
quez, Texas.  Since  numerous  specimens  from  several  localities 
have  been  examined,  it  is  believed  that  the  most  important  varia- 
tions in  the  populations  of  this  general  area  have  been  noted. 
Additional  collections  from  distant  localities  may  reveal  other 


The  following  larval  features  were  studied  with  the  results 
indicated  below. 

Head  Hairs.-  According  to  Dyar  (1928)  the  larvae  of  A.  tri- 
seriatus  have  two  branches  in  the  lower  head  hairs  while  those  of 
A.  alleni  have  four.  However,  there  is  considerable  variation  in 
both  upper  and  lower  head  hairs.  In  the  majority  of  both  spe- 
cies, the  upper  head  hairs  are  single,  but  in  some  cases  the  upper 
head  hairs  are  double,  and  in  a few  specimens  one  hair  is  single 
while  the  other  is  double.  Double  upper  head  hairs  occur  more 
often  in  A.  alleni  than  in  A.  triseriatus.  Lower  head  hairs  vary 
from  two  to  four  in  both  species,  and  the  number  may  be  differ- 
ent on  opposite  sides  of  the  head.  Two  larvae  of  A.  triseriatus 
were  seen  that  had  only  one  branch  in  one  lower  head  hair  and 
two  in  the  other,  while  a single  larva  of  the  same  species  was 
examined  in  which  both  lower  head  hairs  were  single. 

Subventral  Tuft  ( Siphoual  Tuft ) : The  majority  of  both 
species  in  this  area  have  a subventral  tuft  of  two  branches  with 
an  occasional  specimen  having  three.  Two  larvae  of  A.  triseriatus 
were  examined  with  a single  hair,  but  no  single-haired  A.  alleni 
were  discovered. 

Comb  Scales:  Matheson  (1944)  distinguishes  the  two  species 
on  the  basis  of  shape  of  comb  scales.  There  is  some  average  vari- 
ation in  the  number,  arrangement  and  shape  of  the  comb  scales, 
but  the  differences  are  slight  and  overlapping  occurs.  In  both 
species  the  comb  scales  may  be  different  on  the  two  sides.  In  A. 
triseriatus  the  number  of  comb  scales  vary  from  6 to  14  on  one 
side,  and  they  form  a partial  double  row  in  most  cases.  In  a few 
specimens  with  a low  number  of  comb  scales,  the  structures  occur 
in  a single  row.  The  individual  scale  of  A.  triseriatus  is  usually 
somewhat  more  slender  and  thorn-like  than  in  A.  alleni,  but  these 
differences  are  not  invariable.  The  larvse  of  A.  alleni  have  from 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

6 to  12  comb  scales,  sometimes  arranged  in  a partial  double  row, 
and  in  other  cases  forming  a single  essentially  straight  row. 
More  larvae  of  A.  alleni  than  A.  triseriatus  have  been  examined 
in  which  the  comb  scales  are  arranged  in  a single  row. 

Lateral  Hair  Abdominal  Segment:  Dyar  (1928)  indicates 
that  4 branches  occur  in  this  hair  in  A.  alleni  while  larvae  of  A. 
triseriatus  have  7.  The  number  of  branches  in  the  writer’s 
specimens  varies  from  2 to  8 in  A.  triseriatus , and  from  3 to  7 in 
A.  alleni.  The  number  of  branches  is  frequently  different  on  the 
two  sides.  As  will  be  indicated  more  in  detail  later,  the  position 
of  attachment  of  this  hair  to  the  dorsal  plate  differs  somewhat  in 
the  two  species. 

Dorsal  Brush  : Matheson  (1944)  states  that  larvae  of  A.  alleni 
have  a dorsal  brush  consisting  of  1 long  hair  plus  6 shorter  hairs 
on  each  side,  as  opposed  to  1 long  hair  and  7 shorter  hairs  in  A. 
triseriatus.  Jenkins  and  Carpenter  (1946)  report  specimens  of 
A.  alleni  with  7 or  8 short  hairs  in  addition  to  the  long  one.  In 
this  area,  larvae  of  A.  alleni  that  were  studied  have  a dorsal  brush 
that  varies  from  4 to  8 short  hairs  plus  the  long  hair.  More 
specimens  have  5 short  hairs  than  any  other  number.  A.  tri- 
seriatus varies  from  4 to  8 short  hairs  with  6 being  the  most  com- 
mon number.  The  number  of  short  hairs  may  be  different  on 
opposite  sides  in  both  species. 

Siphon  : As  a rule,  the  siphon  of  A.  alleni  is  somewhat  stouter 
than  that  of  A.  triseriatus,  but  the  distinction  is  slight  and  over- 
lapping occurs  so  that  the  feature  is  of  doubtful  value  in  separat- 
ing the  two  species. 

Color:  All  larvae  of  A.  alleni  that  have  been  seen  are  almost 
white  in  color,  the  head,  siphon,  dorsal  plate  of  the  abdominal 
segment  and  comb  scales  usually  being  the  only  dark  parts.  The 
thorax  is  occasionally  of  a light  brown  color,  but  the  abdomen  is 
frequently  semi-transparent  so  that  tracheae,  parts  of  the  diges- 
tive tract  and  other  structures  can  be  seen  through  the  body  wall. 
The  dorsal  posterior  margins  of  the  abdominal  segments  are 
usually  obscure,  and  no  specimens  have  been  noted  in  which  the 
abdomen  contained  dark  pigment. 

Most  larvae  of  A.  triseriatus  are  dark  or  black  in  color,  but 
some  appear  almost  as  light  as  A.  alleni  when  they  are  examined 

June,  1949] 

Breland:  Culicid^e 


with  the  unaided  eye.  Under  the  binocular  microscope,  how- 
ever, even  these  light  specimens  usually  exhibit  some  dark  pig- 
ment near  the  dorsal  posterior  edges  of  the  abdominal  segments 
so  that  the  margins  can  be  easily  distinguished.  So  far  as  could 
be  determined,  pigmentation  differences  are  not  influenced  by 
the  color  of  the  water  in  which  the  larvae  are  developing.  Both 
light  and  dark  specimens  may  occur  together  in  clear  as  well  as 
in  very  dark  tree  hole  water. 

It  is  thus  frequently  possible  to  separate  tentatively  living 
larvae  on  the  basis  of  color,,  but  this  feature  is  not  as  reliable  as 
structural  differences  to  be  noted  later.  Pigmentation  differ- 
ences are  frequently  not  of  value  in  distinguishing  preserved  or 
mounted  specimens. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Dorsal  Plate  Anal  Segment:  This  plate  is  the  only  struc- 
ture in  which  invariable  differences  between  the  two  species 
of  larvaB  have  been  found.  The  larvas  of  A.  alleni  have  a definite 
depression  in  this  plate  on  each  side  near  the  ventral  margin 
(Pig.  1).  The  appearance  of  these  depressions  varies  consider- 
ably. In  some  specimens  it  is  large,  almost  round,  and  under 

the  low  power  of  a dissecting  microscope  the  area  is  so  transpar- 
ent that  it  appears  to  be  a hole.  In  other  larvaB  of  A.  alleni,  the 
depressions  are  not  obviously  thinner  than  the  surrounding  areas 
of  the  plate.  A dark  margin  about  each  depression.  causes  it  to 
be  noticeable.  Details  of  structure  of  these  depressions  are  diffi- 
cult to  distinguish.  If  the  dorsal  plate  is  removed  from  the  anal 

June,  1949] 

Breland:  CuLiciDiE 


segment,  a thin  membrane,  very  difficult  to  dissect  away,  adheres 
closely  to  the  under  surface  of  the  plate.  It  appears,  however, 
that  in  some  instances  the  depressions  completely  penetrate  the 
plate,  but  not  the  membrane,  while  in  other  cases  true  depressions 
rather  than  holes  are  formed. 

These  depressions  do  not  occur  in  A.  triseriatus  (Fig.  2),  al- 
though the  lower  margin  of  the  plate  may  be  irregular  or  notched. 
The  dorsal  plate  frequently  extends  farther  ventral  in  A.  alleni, 
and  the  attachment  of  the  lateral  hair  of  the  abdominal  segment 
in  this  species  is  usually  near  the  center  of  the  posterior  border 
of  the  plate.  The  attachment  of  the  lateral  hair  in  A.  triseriatus 
is  near  the  ventral  edge  of  the  plate  in  most  cases. 

The  writer  does  not  have  any  suggestions  as  to  the  possible 
function  of  these  depressions,  but  it  appears  that  the  structures 
may  have  arisen  by  one  of  two  possible  methods.  A single  mu- 
tation may  have  resulted  in  the  depressions  appearing  fully  de- 
veloped, or  they  may  have  arisen  by  a series  of  steps.  The  de- 
pressions have  never  been  found  in  A.  triseriatus,  although  a 
notch  frequently  occurs  near  the  center  or  the  ventral  margin 
of  the  plate  on  each  side.  A mutation  causing  an  extension  of 
the  plate  on  each  side  of  and  ventral  to  the  notch,  could  conceiv- 
ably have  resulted  in  the  condition  now  present  in  A.  alleni. 
This  later  theory  would  be  more  tenable  if  it  could  be  demon- 
trated  that  notches  and  depressions  in  the  dorsal  plate  have  more 
survival  value  than  plates  with  smooth  ventral  margins. 


1.  A study  has  been  made  of  series  of  larvae  of  Aedes  alleni 
Turner  and  Aedes  triseriatus  (Say)  collected  from  tree  holes  at 
several  lbcalities  in  central  Texas.  The  objective  of  this  study 
was  to  determine  if  there  are  distinct  morphological  differences 
of  practical  value  for  distinguishing  between  the  larvae  of  the 
two  species.  Distinctive  features  were  discovered  by  rearing  the 
larvae  individually  and  by  studying  the  fourth  instar  larval  skins 
of  known  adults. 

2.  It  was  found  that  criteria  used  in  the  past  are  of  doubtful 
value  in  distinguishing  the  species,  since  in  a large  series  over- 
lapping occurs;  or  the  differences  are  so  slight  that  their  use  is 
impractical  for  one  unfamiliar  with  the  two  species.  Previous 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVII 

records  of  A.  alleni  based  only  upon  larval  determinations  are 
thus  open  to  question.  Records  of  A.  triseriatus  from  larval 
determinations  are  not  as  doubtful,  since  A.  triseriatus  is  much 
more  common  than  A.  alleni,  and  in  most  instances,  collections 
of  A.  alleni  have  also  yielded  A.  triseriatus  larvae. 

3.  All  larvae  of  A.  alleni  that  have  been  examined  are  light  in 
color,  while  most  of  A.  triseriatus  are  dark  to  black.  The  two 
species  may  thus  be  tentatively  distinguished  on  the  basis  of 
color,  but  this  feature  alone  is  not  as  reliable  as  certain  struc- 
tural differences.  Some  larvae  of  A.  triseriatus  are  almost  as 
light  as  those  of  A.  alleni,  and  pigmentation  differences  are  not 
as  evident  in  preserved  or  mounted  specimens. 

4.  The  structure  of  the  dorsal  plate  of  the  anal  segment 
has  been  found  to  be  different  in  all  larvae  of  the  two  species  that 
have  been  examined.  In  A.  alleni  there  is  a definite  depression 
near  the  ventral  margin  of  the  plate  on  each  side.  Larvae  of  A. 
triseriatus  do  not  have  these  depressions,  although  the  ventral 
margins  of  the  plate  are  frequently  notched  or  irregular.  The 
lateral  hair  of  the  abdominal  segment  is  usually  attached  near 
the  center  of  the  posterior  edge  of  the  plate  in  A.  alleni,  while  in 
A.  triseriatus  the  attachment  is  most  often  farther  ventral.  The 
dorsal  plate  frequently  extends  farther  ventral  in  A.  alleni  than 
in  A.  triseriatus,  and  in  some  instances  the  plate  almost  sur- 
rounds the  segment  in  the  former  species. 

5.  This  study  emphasizes  that  a large  series  of  larvae  may  ex- 
hibit considerable  individual  variation,  and  that  such  structures 
as  hairs  and  comb  scales  may  be  different  on  opposite  sides  of  the 
same  specimen. 


Dyar,  Harrison  G.  1924.  The  larva  of  Aedes  alleni  Turner.  Inseeutor 
Inscitiae  Menstruus,  12:  131. 

Dyar,  Harrison  G.  1928.  The  mosquitoes  of  the  Americas.  Carnegie 
Institute  of  Washington,  publication  number  387. 

Jenkins,  Dale  W.  and  Carpenter,  Stanley  J.  1946.  Ecology  of  the  tree 
hole  breeding  mosquitoes  of  nearctic  North  America.  Ecological 
Monographs,  16:  33-47. 

Matheson,  Robert.  1944.  Handbook  of  the  mosquitoes  of  North  America. 

Comstock  Publishing  Company,  Ithaca,  New  York. 

Turner,  R.  L.  1924.  A new  mosquito  from  Texas.  Inseeutor  Inscitiae 
Menstruus,  12:  84. 

June,  1949] 

Molitor:  Ants 



By  Dr.  Arnulf  Molitor 

Perchtoldsdorf  bei  Wien,  Austria 

Since  experiments  on  colony  foundation  in  general  have  been 
needed  for  a long  time,  and  since  I have  been  able  to  work  with 
only  a few  species  and  individuals  up  until  now  I am  quite  aware 
in  presenting  the  following  observations  of  the  impossibility,  at 
this  time,  of  drawing  from  them  conclusions  that  are  relatively 
broad  in  their  significance.  I offer  these  observations  to  the  public 
nevertheless,  since  as  Eidmann2  has  pointed  out,  “Each  success 
[of  such  an  experiment]  is  to  be  marked  down  as  a lucky  in- 
cident, ’ ’ upon  whose  repetition  we  must  not  count  with  certainty. 
Above  all,  I hope  to  interest  younger  American  myrmecologists 
in  similar  experiments,  especially  with  the  American  races  of  the 
European  species  treated  in  this  paper,  since  these  races  may 
show  some  degree  of  deviation  in  their  behavior  and  may  there- 
fore deter  us  from  making  hasty  generalizations. 

1.  Messor  barbarus  struct  or  (Latr.) 

This  species  is  common  in  this  vicinity.  For  some  years  I 
have  observed  as  early  as  April,  but  never  much  later,  numbers 
of  the  young  wingless  queens  following  the  nuptial  flight.  This 
seems  strange  inasmuch  as  the  mating  of  the  other  Myrmicinag 
i TRANSLATOR ’S  FOOTNOTE:  This  paper  was  translated  from  the 
manuscript  of  Dr.  Molitor,  which  was  entitled:  “Versuche  betreffend  die 
Koloniegriinding  Europaischer  Ameisen.  ’ ’ Inasmuch  as  there  is  a critical 
paper  shortage  in  many  parts  of  Europe,  few  workers  can  now  publish  the 
results  of  their  work.  I was  happy  therefore  to  help  Dr.  Molitor  in  the 
matter  of  translating  the  present  paper. 

I wish  here  to  express  my  appreciation  to  Miss  Doris  Sharpe  of  the  De- 
partment of  English  for  her  kindness  in  eliminating  some  of  my  errors  of 
English  from  the  preliminary  manuscript.  Many  thanks  are  also  due  my 
wife  who  kindly  consented  to  type  the  final  manuscript. — Prof.  M.  W.  Wing, 
North  Carolina  State  College  of  Agriculture  and  Engineering  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina. 

2“Weitere  Beobachtungen  fiber  die  Koloniegrfindung  einheimischer 
Ameisen’’,  Zeitschr.  vergleich.  Physiologie,  7.  Band,  1.  Heft,  1928. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lyii 

does  not  take  place  before  the  beginning  of  the  astronomic  sum- 
mer (at  the  earliest,  in  late  June  for  Tetramorium ; at  the  latest, 
August  to  the  end  of  October  for  Solenopsis) . And  furthermore 
the  nuptial  flight  of  Messor  struct  or,  a so-called  “xerothermie 
species”  of  decidedly  more  southern  distribution,  would  be  ex- 
pected in  a warmer  season.  The  mating  takes  place  in  November 
in  the  Mediterranean  region,  at  least  in  the  Balearic  Islands, 
according  to  information  received  from  Prof.  Eidmann.  In  the 
vicinity  of  Vienna  the  sexual  forms  of  our  species  are  to  be  found 
from  the  end  of  August  in  the  nests,  where  they  overwinter. 
The  riddle  then  is  solved  very  simply  by  the  assumption  that  the 
seemingly  very  early  nuptial  flight  is  in  actuality  a delayed  one 
caused  by  the  comparatively  colder  autumn  weather  of  our  region 
where,  after  the  emergence  of  the  males  and  the  queens  in  a given 
year,  nothing  more  can  take  place. 

Concerning  the  colony  foundation  of  M.  structor,  there  exist 
so  far  as  I know  only  the  experiments  of  E.  Meyer3,  who  on  this 
subject  states  among  other  things:  “The  nutrition  of  the  young 
ant  family  and  the  mother  ant  herself,  while  they  are  still  shut 
off  from  the  outer  world  occurs  . . . above  all  at  the  cost  of  the 
eggs  laid  by  the  queen,  and  also  to  a certain  degree  other  im- 
mature stages  (larvae).”  Prof.  Eidmann  is  inclined,  and  I think 
correctly,  to  associate  this  kind  of  ant  nutrition  with  the  in- 
dependent4 method  of  colony  foundation.  If  it  occurs  in  M. 
structor  (a  grain  ant),  which  lives  principally  on  vegetable  food, 
then  it  certainly  must  occur  in  carnivorous  ants. 

My  own  experimental  plan  varied  from  that  of  Meyer,  with 
which  I was  not  then  acquainted,  in  that  I placed  together  in  a 
roomy  glass  container  furnished  with  some  moist  earth,  two 
young  wingless  queens  which  had  just  been  collected  on  the  sur- 
face of  the  ground.  The  queens  were  fed  with  rice,  dough,  and 
seeds.  The  result  was  that  they  soon  began  to  lay  eggs,  from 
which  larvae  hatched.  By  the  beginning  of  the  summer  these 
larvae  had  developed  into  large  and  small  workers.  Messor  work- 

3 1 1 Die  Ernahrung  der  Mutterameise  und  ihrer  Brut  wahrend  der  solitaren 
Koloniegriindung  ’ Biol.  Zentralbl.  Band  47,  1927.  Cited  from  the  above- 
mentioned  work  of  Eidmann. 

4 That  is,  colony  foundation  by  a lone  queen,  without  the  help  of  workers 
of  her  own  or  of  another  species. 

June,  1949] 

Molitor:  Ants 


ers  are  typically  dimorphic.  The  two  queens  lived  at  complete 
peace  with  each  other  not  only  before  the  appearance  of  the 
workers,  but  also  for  a long  time  thereafter.  During  this  time  I 
never  observed  fights  between  them,  but  one  day  I found  the  body 
of  one  of  the  queens  without  the  head.  It  lay  nearby,  appearing 
to  have  been  bitten  off.  Unfortunately,  it  was  impossible  to  de- 
termine whether  the  other  queen  or  perhaps  some  of  the  workers 
were  the  culprits. 

In  one  of  the  cases  which  Meyer  reported  a M.  structor  queen 
lived  396  days  without  food,  but  did  not  succeed  in  founding  a 
colony.  She  had  replenished  the  dwindling  reserve  materials 
of  her  body  by  eating  her  own  brood.  It  should  not,  however, 
be  assumed  that  the  success  of  colony  founding  is  dependent 
upon  food.  On  the  contrary,  according  to  the  accounts  of  Prof. 
Eidmann,  which,  of  course,  deal  with  other  species  also  char- 
acterized by  independent  colony  foundation,  it  appears  that  the 
feeding  of  the  queen  before  the  emergence  of  the  first  workers 
tends  to  endanger  the  outcome. 

2.  Tetramorium  ccespitum  (L.) 

About  four  or  five  young  dealated  queens  were  captured  at 
the  end  of  June  last  year.  They  were  all  put  into  a glass  con- 
tainer like  the  one  mentioned  above.  They  received  moist  sand5 
for  nest  material,  but  they  were  not  fed.  After  a relatively 
short  time,  still  in  the  month  of  July,  I found  adhering  to  one 
another  in  this  nest  a sizable  group  of  eggs,  which  the  queens, 
who  were  completely  friendly,  were  tending  together.  Unfor- 
tunately I lost  this  colony  because  of  my  lack  of  attention  and 
my  forgetfulness.  I neglected  it  when  it  should  have  been 
watered.  Whether  the  artificial  Pleometrosis  (in  the  sense  of 
Wasmann)  would  have  continued  is  difficult  to  say.  Since  I 
collected  the  queens  all  in  close  proximity  to  one  another  and 
at  the  same  time,  approximately  within  one  or  two  hours,  it  is 
quite  possible  that  they  all  came  from  the  same  nest.  The  pos- 
sibility of  their  all  having  the  same  common  nest  odor  may  have 
accounted  for  their  friendly  association  with  one  another.  In 

s Sand  is  especially  suitable  for  this  purpose,  since  it  becomes  moistened 
throughout,  does  not  mold,  and  allows  the  ants  to  dig  and  build  with  ease. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

nature  I have  never  found  more  than  one  queen  in  a Tetra- 
morium  nest.6 

3.  Formica  fusca  rufibarbis  Fabr. 

In  June  of  last  year  I found  a young  queen  that  was  crawl- 
ing over  the  surface  of  the  ground  after  the  nuptial  flight.  I 
put  her  in  a broad  glass  medicine  bottle,  which  was  partially 
filled  with  moist  sand  and  was  closed  with  a metal  screw  cover.7 
On  the  first  of  July  I saw  the  first  eggs  which  she  had  laid; 
there  were  about  half  a dozen  of  them  in  all.  About  two  weeks 
later  there  were  four  small  larvse,  which  had  pupated  by  July  27. 
These  cocoons  were  the  smallest  I have  ever  observed  for  rufi- 
barbis. The  workers  emerged  in  August.  I kept  only  occa- 
sional notes  on  this  colony  and  not  a really  complete  record, 
and  therefore  I cannot  say  with  certainty  that  some  eggs,  or 
the  larvas  that  hatched  from  them,  were  not  at  times  devoured 
by  the  queen.  I believe,  however,  that  it  was  no  more  true  than 
with  my  comparable  experiments  of  this  year.  At  least  I was 
unable  to  note  any  difference  in  this  behavior. 

Again  on  June  21  I found  a rufibarbis  queen  and  put  her  in 
a bottle  of  the  type  mentioned  above.  By  digging  in  the  sand 
she  made  a cavity  in  one  corner  of  the  bottle,  which  was  square 
in  cross-section.  On  July  4 I noticed  about  six  to  ten  eggs 
stuck  together  in  this  brood  chamber,  which  was  open  above. 
On  July  8 the  eggs  were  still  stuck  together,  and  apparently 
their  number  had  neither  increased  nor  decreased,  but  they 
were  no  longer  in  their  corner.  The  queen  had  moved  them, 
presumably  because  of  the  disturbance  made  when  the  cover 
was  unscrewed.  The  eggs  had  hatched  at  the  latest  by  July  14. 
By  July  19  the  small  larvae  had  grown  visibly,  and  after  a few 
days  they  were  no  longer  in  the  brood  chamber,  but  rather  were 

6 In  order  to  capture  the  queens,  large  flat  stones  are  laid  suitably  on  the 
soil  nest  in  question.  This  is  best  done  in  the  early  spring  during  the  late 
afternoon  hours.  Later  on  in  the  season  toward  summer,  it  is  best  done  in 
the  evening  hours,  particularly  after  long  rains.  The  stones  are  turned  over 
after  a few  days.  Not  only  is  the  queen  usually  found,  but  also  the  greater 
part  of  the  brood  and,  above  all,  the  myrmecophiles  (beetles,  etc.).  This 
method  can  also  be  used  profitably  with  other  species  which  build  earth  nests. 

7 This  screw-type  cover  is  advantageous  if  the  cover  is  not  closed  so  as  to 
exclude  all  air,  but  is  rather  used  to  slow  down  a too  rapid  evaporation. 

June,  1949] 

Molitor:  Ants 


piled  in  a small  heap  on  the  surface  of  the  sand  near  the  open- 
ing. The  queen  remained  by  them  constantly. 

On  July  24  all  the  larvae  had  pupated.  The  pupae  rested  in 
relatively  very  small  cocoons ; they  were  approximately  the  size 
of  Lasius  cocoons.  By  August  9 there  were  no  changes;  the 
queen  seemed  quite  lively  and  vigorous.  This  was  also  the 
case  on  August  12.  On  August  15  the  first  worker  emerged. 
The  duration  of  the  pupal  period  was  about  three  weeks,  as  in 
the  previous  year.  Up  to  the  time  of  the  emergence  of  the  first 
workers,  the  queen  was  not  fed.  From  that  time  up  to  August 
29  there  were  no  changes  in  this  colony,  which  seemed  to  be  in 
the  best  of  health.  Particularly  worthy  of  note  is  the  fact  that 
the  queen  laid  no  more  eggs  in  so  far  as  I was  able  to  observe, 
even  though  I often  looked  with  a magnifying  glass. 

4.  Formica  rufa  rufa  L.  and  Formica  rufa  pratensis  Betz. 

The  colony  founding  of  this  species,  and  of  the  species  group 
in  general,  is  known  to  be  “dependent”;  that  is,  the  young  fer- 
tilized queens  require  the  help  of  workers  of  their  own  or  of  a 
closely  related  species.  Usually  Formica  fusca  subserves  this 
function,  and  then  there  results  at  first  a “temporarily  mixed” 
colony  (in  the  sense  of  Wasmann)  of  rufa  and  fusca  or  of  pra- 
tensis and  fusca , which  later  becomes  a pure  rufa  or  a pure 
pratensis  colony  following  the  dying  off  of  the  fusca  workers. 
I am  aware,  of  course,  of  the  fairly  common  case  in  which  a 
young  rufa  queen  is  accepted  in  a colony  of  her  own  species. 
This  is  about  the  way  myrmecological  literature  represents  the 
matter.  Since  I was  trying  to  duplicate  these  relationships  as 
faithfully  as  possible,  following  their  nuptial  flight,  I placed  the 
young  dealated  queens,  which  I had  captured  in  various  places, 
on  the  surface  of  the  ground  (May  to  June),  in  containers  with 
fusca  workers.  In  order  to  facilitate  the  acceptance  of  the 
queen,  I first  bathed  her  so  as  to  free  her  as  much  as  possible 
from  the  foreign  fusca  nest  odor  and  of  the  species  odor,  or  in 
the  latter  case  at  least  to  weaken  it  temporarily.  Furthermore, 
I isolated  her  for  a period  of  at  least  a day  in  a container  with 
nest  material  from  the  fusca  nest  in  question.  Also  I always 
used  only  a small  number  of  fusca  workers  on  the  supposition 
that  they  would  be  less  belligerent  than  a large  group,  and  I 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lyii 

introduced  them  one  at  a time  and  gradually  (at  least  for  all 
the  later  experiments)  into  the  queen  cage.  These  fusca  work- 
ers were  without  brood — only  workers.  In  spite  of  all  of  these 
precautions,  I never  did  get  anything  in  the  way  of  positive  re- 
sults. If  the  rufa  and  pratensis  queens  were  not  attacked,  as 
occasionally  occurred,  then  they  were  merely  tolerated,  without 
being  adopted  in  any  true  sense  of  the  word.  I never  ob- 
served feeding  of  the  queen  by  the  workers,  and  always  after  a 
few  days  I found  the  queen  dead.  I was  unable  to  account  for 
the  persistent  failure  of  these  experiments. 

5.  Formica  sanguinea  Latr. 

At  first  I was  unable  to  get  any  better  results  in  comparable 
experiments  on  this  species  until  I decided  to  furnish  the  queens 
with  pupas,  not  workers,  of  a different  species,  I found  two 
young  dealated  queens  crawling  on  the  surface  of  the  ground 
on  June  26  and  put  each  one  of  them  into  a separate  glass  con- 
tainer of  the  type  already  described  for  rufibarbis.  Each  one 
of  the  queens  received  a small  number  of  pratensis  pupae,  which 
were  thrown  in  to  them  irregularly.  They  immediately  took 
the  pupae  and  carefully  made  a little  pile  out  of  them.  On 
July  4 and  5 the  first  pratensis  workers  emerged.  I noticed  on 
July  19  in  one  of  the  culture  bottles,  that  had  obviously  become 
too  moist,  a heavy  growth  of  mold,  which  had  killed  all  of  the 
pratensis  workers.  However,  the  sanguinea  queen  was  left  safe 
and  sound.  She  was  changed  to  another  culture  bottle,  which 
contained  only  rufibarbis  pupae,  the  first  of  which  began  to 
emerge  on  August  14.  On  July  25  the  queen  had  laid  a few 
eggs,  which,  however,  had  disappeared  a few  days  thereafter.  It 
is  possible  that  they  were  eaten.  Up  until  August  31  there  were 
no  changes  which  could  be  detected  in  either  of  these  colonies; 
particularly  there  were  no  more  eggs  laid.  On  occasions  I ob- 
served the  feeding  of  the  queen  by  the  pratensis  workers. 

The  normal  slave  ant  of  F.  sanguinea  in  Europe  is  F.  fusca 
and  its  race  rufibarbis,  occasionally  and  by  way  of  exception  (in 
this  vicinity  at  least)  F.  fusca  gagates.  There  are,  however, 
naturally  occurring  mixed  colonies  of  sanguinea  and  rufa  and 
also  of  sanguinea  and  pratensis.  Since  pratensis  is  much  more 
common  in  certain  localities,  sanguinea  is  more  likely  to  locate 

June,  1949] 

Molitor:  Ants 


this  race.  My  experiments  were  not  intended  to  demonstrate 
this  possibility,  but  rather  to  clarify  the  beginning  stages  of  a 
sanguined  colony,  particularly  in  comparison  with  those  of  a 
colony  of  Polyergus  rufescens. 

6.  Polyergus  rufescens  (Latr.) 

On  July  24  I captured  a young  queen  of  this  species  after 
the  nuptial  flight,  and  on  the  following  day  I placed  her  in  an 
observation  nest.  It  contained  likewise  a small  number  of  pra- 
tensis  worker  pupae,  to  which  she,  however,  quite  unlike  the 
sanguined  queens,  gave  no  attention  at  all.  A few  days  there- 
after I found  her  dead.  The  usual  slave  ant  of  Polyergus  is 
F.  fusca  and  rufibarbis.  However,  according  to  Wasmann,  nat- 
urally occurring  mixed  colonies  of  Polyergus  rufescens  and  For- 
mica rufa  pratensis,  which  I had  wanted  to  duplicate,  are  occa- 
sionally found.  The  fact  that  the  Polyergus  queen  did  not  pay 
any  attention  to  the  pratensis  pupse  may  have  had  its  basis  in 
that  it  is  not  the  normal  slave  species.  In  my  experiments,8  on 

8 I am  borrowing  material  on  this  subject  from  my  daily  notebook:  On 
July  27  I took  from  their  nest  a considerable  number  of  Polyergus  workers 
and  some  of  their  slave  ants  {rufibarbis) . About  ten  steps  away  from  this 
nest,  I poured  out  onto  the  ground  a small  pile  of  pratensis  worker  pupae 
and,  since  it  was  not  easily  avoidable,  also  a few  pratensis  workers  them- 
selves. Then  I poured  the  Polyergus  together  with  their  few  slave  ants  on 
them.  Naturally  at  first  there  was  a battle  with  pratensis,  which,  however, 
did  not  result  in  any  deaths.  After  a few  minutes  single  Polyergus  workers 
seized  a few  pupae  in  their  mandibles  and  carried  them  around  in  the  tumult, 
apparently  without  any  plan  or  purpose,  usually  letting  them  drop  again 
soon.  Also  the  rufibarbis  joined  in,  only  more  effectively,  and  soon  I noticed 
two  of  them  on  the  way  toward  their  nest  with  pupae.  To  be  sure,  in  the 
grass  their  movements  were  rather  meandering,  but  on  the  foot  path, 
which  they  had  to  cross,  they  moved  with  ‘ 1 purpose  ” in  a perfectly  straight 
line.  About  a quarter  hour  after  pouring  out  the  ants,  these  two  had 
reached  the  nest.  After  another  quarter  hour  the  rufibarbis  had  carried  into 
the  nest  two  pupae,  which  I believed  to  be  Polyergus  although  I could  not 
ascertain  definitely;  and  like  the  previous  rufibarbis  workers,  they  moved 
in  a winding  manner  in  the  grass,  but  travelled  in  a straight  line  on  the 
foot  path  to  the  nest.  Thirty-five  to  forty  minutes  after  the  beginning  of 
the  experiment  they  had  reached  the  nest  with  their  burdens.  At  the  place 
where  the  ants  were  poured  out,  a few  Polyergus  were  still  running  about, 
some  with  and  some  without  pupae. 

On  August  7 I repeated  the  same  experiment  with  Polyergus  workers 
from  the  same  nest.  This  time,  however,  I obtained  fewer  results.  Only 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

the  contrary,  workers  have  carried  off  such  pupae.  Probably 
more  consistent  with  a true  picture  and  with  the  former  indif- 
ference, if  not  the  psychic  inability  of  Polyergus  to  do  nest- 
work  of  all  kinds  (not  merely  brood  care)  is  the  assumption 
that  the  queen  of  this  species  is  completely  incapable  of  founding 
a colony  in  this  way,  but  rather  that  such  a fertilized  queen  re- 
quires the  help  of  slave  ants.  Does  she  break  vigorously  into 
the  nest  and  kill  the  queen,  or  is  she  taken  into  a queenless 
colony  in  a friendly  way  by  the  workers?  With  F.  sanguined, 
on  the  other  hand,  it  appears  to  me  that  according  to  the  fore- 
going experiments  the  queen  normally  appropriates  by  robbery 
and  brings  up  a small  number  of  pupae  of  the  slave  ant,  although 
the  other  two  above-mentioned  possibilities  should  not  be  ex- 
cluded. Only  further  experiments  by  a number  of  observers 
in  different  regions  can  clarify  these  matters.* I * * * * * * * 9 

a few  workers  seized  the  pratensis  pupae  and  carried  them  about  a little, 
described  Turner  curves  with  them,  but  did  not  carry  them  to  the  nest. 
Others  seemed  indisposed  to  bother  with  them,  as  if  these  pupae  were  too  big 
for  them.  They  were,  to  be  sure,  particularly  well-developed  pupae,  so 
that  it  is,  in  fact,  quite  possible  that  the  behavior  of  the  ants,  which  differed 
from  the  previous  time,  may  be  explained  by  this  circumstance.  Then 

I placed  directly  on  the  spot  for  them  a small  pile  of  rufibarbis  pupae,  which 
are  considerably  smaller  than  those  described  above.  The  ants  immediately 
seized  them  and  very  rapidly  carried  them  to  the  nest,  with  fewer  and 

shorter  curves.  On  August  8 I performed  the  same  experiment  once  again, 

but  with  workers  from  another  nest.  These  ants  seemed  to  struggle  a great 

deal  with  these  large,  heavy  pratensis  pupae,  but  they  obviously  could  not 
handle  them  any  more  than  their  colleagues  of  the  day  before  could.  None 
succeeded  in  taking  one  of  these  pupae  between  their  mandibles  in  the  normal 

manner.  Immediately  thereafter,  I placed  some  F.  fusca  pupae  before  them; 
these  lay  there  quite  unnoticed,  although  here  the  pupal  size  could  play  no 
part.  The  Polyergus  crawled  over  them  again  and  again  without  making  a 

single  attempt  to  seize  them.  In  both  of  the  nests  here  mentioned  rufibarbis 
was  the  slave  ant.  It  almost  seems  as  though  in  the  last  experiment  the 

usual  species  or  race  odor  of  rufibarbis,  which  differs  from  that  of  fusca, 
had  played  the  deciding  role,  although  it  still  remains  difficult  to  under- 
stand why  a like  factor  should  not  have  value  a fortiori  for  pratensis.  This 
is  especially  puzzling  because  in  a region  next  to  open  country,  such  as 
prevails,  rufibarbis  is  clearly  favored,  occuring  as  the  slave  ant  of  P.  rufe- 

scens.  F.  fusca  also  occurs  as  the  slave  of  P.  rufescens,  if  only  by  way  of  ex- 
ception, as  for  example,  at  the  edges  of  woods,  etc.  Only  further  experi- 
ments can  clarify  this  matter. 

9 It  is  possible  that  this  behavior  of  ants  is  also  regionally  different. 

June,  1949] 

Millirgn:  Curculionid.® 



H.  E.  Milliron 
Glendale,  West  Virginia 

Within  recent  years  two  introduced  species  of  seed  weevils  have 
established  themselves  in  the  United  States  and  Canada  as  pests 
of  clover.  Hitherto,  these  two  species  have  been  confused  and, 
to  the  present,  their  identity  has  not  been  clearly  defined.  Be- 
cause the  two  weevils  appear  to  have  become  increasingly  more 
important  as  pests  in  the  clover  seed  producing  areas  of  this 
country,  as  well  as  in  Canada,  the  limited  study  presented  in 
this  paper  was  undertaken. 

In  North  American  curculionid  literature  the  two  species  un- 
der discussion  have  always  been  assigned  to  the  genus  Tychius, 
which  was  established  by  Germar  in  1817  (Mag.  der  Ent.,  vol.  2, 
p.  340,  No.  19).  It  is  obvious  that  the  two  are  generically  dis- 
tinct; one  belongs  in  the  above  genus  and  the  other  must  be 
placed  in  Miccotrogus  Schoenherr.  Since  the  latter,  as  a generic 
name,  has  never  been  applied  to  a species  of  these  weevils  in  the 
North  American  literature  it  seems  advisable  to  elaborate  slightly 
on  the  status  of  the  name. 

Considering  the  species  known  to  belong  to  this  group  of 
weevils,  Schoenherr  in  1825  listed  six  in  Tychius  proper  and 
erected  the  subgenus  Miccotrogus  to  which  he  assigned  three 
species,  indicating  M.  cuprifer  (Panz.)  as  the  typical  species. 
In  1826  this  same  worker  characterized  the  species  assigned  to 
his  subgenus  as  possessing  only  six  segments  in  the  funicle  (the 
term  funicle  includes  the  pedicel  of  the  more  generalized  an- 
tenna) whereas  typical  Tychius  species  have  seven  segments. 
In  a subsequent  classic  by  the  same  author  (1836)  he  used 
Miccotrogus  as  the  name  of  a small  group  of  species  within  the 
genus  Tychius.  But,  in  a later  volume  of  the  same  work  (1843, 
p.  312)  Schoenherr  appears  to  have  discontinued  the  use  of  the 
name  employed  in  the  same  sense  as  before  and  merely  indicated 

1 Paper  No.  2418  of  the  Scientific  Journal  Series  of  the  Minnesota  Agricul- 
tural Experiment  Station,  St.  Paul,  Minnesota. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

the  group  as  follows  “Grex  II-Funiculus  6-articulatus.  Micco- 
trogus  Schh.  olim.”  Schoenherr  had  never,  therefore,  employed 
the  name  in  a generic  sense. 

Stephens  (1839)  apparently  was  the  first  to  use  Miccotrogus 
as  a generic  name ; in  previous  works  he  did  recognize  Miccotro- 
gus and  credited  it  to  Schoenherr  but  actually  did  not  assign 
any  species  to  it.  Laporte  (1840)  also  used  the  name  in  a 
generic  sense.  Since  that  time  in  most  of  the  numerous  European 
publications  dealing  with  the  Coleoptera  the  name  Miccotrogus 
has  been  recognized  and  applied  to  a group  of  species  distinctly 
different  from  Tychius. 

Our  North  American  literature  has  not  been  enlightening  with 
regard  to  the  correct  nomenclature  of  our  two  introduced  clover 
seed  weevils,  chiefly  because  they  have  been  incorrectly  identified 
or  confused  by  most  workers.  Although  Blatchley  and  Leng 
(1916)  described  specimens  of  a species  that  belongs  in  Tychius 
they  used  the  name  of  a species  belonging  to  Miccotrogus.  Leng 
(1920)  used  Miccotrogus  (cited  in  error  by  authors,  not  Schoen- 
herr) as  being  synonymous  with  Tychius.  This  led  to  some  con- 
fusion because  Detwiler  (1923),  dealing  with  a misidentified  spe- 
cies he  called  picirostris,  stated  ‘ ‘ It  has  been  called  Miccotrogus 
picirostris  by  various  authors,  but  not  by  Schoenherr,  who  es- 
tablished the  genus  Miccotrogus and  gives  as  references 
Blatchley  and  Leng,  and  Leng.  Baker  (1934)  correctly  pointed 
out  that  no  such  information  was  to  be  found  in  these  sources. 
He  might  have  added  that  Schoenherr  did  include  picirostris 
Fab.  in  Miccotrogus.  Apparently  Detwiler ’s  statement  was  the 
result  of  some  misinterpretation  of  information  given  under 
Tychius  in  the  Leng  catalog. 

The  principal  difference  between  Tychius  and  Miccotrogus  is 
that  species  of  the  former  have  a seven  segmented  funicle  while 
species  of  the  latter  have  but  six  segments  in  the  funicle.  This 
difference  is  at  least  generically  significant,  which  has  been 
recognized  by  European  wmrkers,  for  example  Joy  (1932)  and 
Kloet  and  Hincks  (1945). 

These  two  introduced  clover  seed  weevils  have  been  frequently 
misidentified  by  both  European  and  North  American  workers. 
They  are  potentially  serious  pests  particularly  in  clover  seed 
producing  areas.  For  this  reason  it  is  important  to  establish  as 

June,  1949] 

Milliron  : Curculionid^ 


soon  as  possible  their  correct  identity  which  is  the  purpose  of 
this  paper.  The  synonymy  as  given  for  each  species  refers 
almost  entirely  to  the  North  American  literature,  being  as  com- 
plete as  possible  and  intended  for  use  by  interested  workers  in 
this  country. 

Tychius  stephensi  Schoen. 

1836.  Tychius  stephensi  Schoenherr,  C.  J.,  Gen.  et  Spec.  Cure., 
3 (1)  : 412  (Emend,  of  stepheni,  the  orig.  spelling). 
1908.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeffer,  Chas.,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc., 
16  : 217,  (New  synonymy). 

1915.  Tychius  ( Microtrogus ) picirostris  Fabr.,  Schaeffer,  Chas., 
Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  23 : 197. 

1915.  Tychius  picirostris  DuPorte,  E.  M.,  47th  Ann.  Rpt.  Ent. 

Soc.  Ont.,  pp.  49-50. 

1916.  Tychius  picirostris  Fabr.,  Blatchley,  W.  S.  & C.  W.  Leng, 

Rhyn.  or  Weevils,  N.  E.  Amer.,  p.  246. 

1916.  Tychius  picirostris  DuPorte,  E.  M.,  8th  Ann.  Rept.  Que. 
Soc.  Protect.  Pits.,  pp.  73-74. 

1916.  Tychius  picirostris  DuPorte,  E.  M.,  Jr.  An.  Behav.,  6 : 


1917.  Tychius  picirostris  Fabr.,  Felt,  E.  P.,  32nd  Rpt.  St.  Ent. 

N.  Y.,  p.  81. 

1919.  Tychius  picirostris  Fab.,  Herrick,  Glenn  W.  & J.  D. 

Detwiler,  Jour.  Econ.  Ent.,  12:  209. 

1920.  Tychius  picirostris  (Fab.),  Leng,  C.  W.,  Cat.  Coleop. 

Amer.,  p.  320  (No.  17074). 

1923.  Tychius  picirostris  Fab.,  Detwiler,  J.  D.,  Cornell  Agr. 
Exp.  Sta.  Bui.,  420,  pp.  20-27. 

1925.  Tychius  picirostris  Fab.,  Petch,  C.  E.  and  J.  Armstrong, 
17th  Ann.  Rpt.  Que.  Soc.  Protect.  Pits.,  p.  73. 

1927.  Tychius  picirostris  Fab.,  Criddle,  N.,  58th  Ann.  Rpt.  Ont. 

Ent.  Soc.,  p.  98. 

1928.  Tychius  picirostris  Fab.,  Leonard,  M.  D.,  Cornell  Agr. 

Exp.  Sta.  Mem.,  101,  p.  498. 

1931.  Tychius  picirostris  Fab.,  Gorham,  R.  P.,  G.  P.  Walker  & 
L.  J.  Simpson,  62nd  Ann.  Rpt.  Ont.  Ent.  Soc.,  p.  18. 
1931.  Tychius  picirostris  Fab.,  A.A.E.E.  Comm,  on  Nomen., 
Jour.  Ec.  Ent.,  24:  1310. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

1937.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  A.A.E.E.  Comm,  on  Com.  Names, 
Jour.  Ec.  Ent.,  30 : 560. 

1940.  Tychius  picirostris  F.,  Chagnon,  G.,  Coleop.  de  la  Prov. 
de  Que.  Fasc.,  6,  p.  367. 

1942.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  Muesebeck  C.  F.  W.,  Jour.  Ec. 
Ent.,  35 : 101. 

1947.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  Muesebeck,  C.F.W.,  Jour.  Econ. 
Ent.,  39 : 448. 

1947.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  Stirrett,  G.  M.,  Can.  Ins.  Pest 
Surv.,  25:  17  (In  part). 

1947.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  Arnott,  D.  A.,  and  W.  N.  Cole- 
man, Can.  Ins.  Pest  Surv.,  25:  131  & 155  (In  part). 
1947.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  Arnott,  D.  A.,  Can  Ins.  Pest 
Surv.,  25:  210  (In  part). 

1947.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  Arnott,  D.  A.,  Can  Ins.  Pest 
Surv.,  25 : 288. 

Recently  the  writer  strongly  suspected  that  the  species  we 
were  calling  griseus  was  in  reality  the  same  as  tomentosus 
Herbst.  Ohio  specimens  of  griseus  were  sent  to  the  British 
Museum  (N.  H.)  and  found  to  be  identical  with  the  authenti- 
cally identified  specimens  of  tomentosus  Herbst  (and  stephensi 
Schoen.).  The  fact  that  Herbst  and  Schoenherr  were  dealing 
with  the  same  species  had  not  been  generally  realized  by  all 
European  coleopterists  even  though  such  was  indicated  as  early 
as  1843  by  Schoenherr  (p.  303)  and  1849  by  Gaubil.  It  happens 
that  Herbst ’s  name  is  a homonym  of  Olivier’s  tomentosus  and 
therefore  has  to  be  discarded.  The  next  available  name  is 
stephensi  of  Schoenherr  which  is  clearly  shown  by  Kloet  and 
Hincks  (1945).  Thus,  the  correct  name  for  this  species  of  clover 
seed  weevil  hitherto  known  as  griseus  appears  to  be  stephensi. 

Available  data  indicate  that  T.  stephensi  was  introduced  into 
eastern  North  America  apparently  sometime  during  the  early 
part  of  the  present  century.  It  first  came  to  our  attention  in 
New  York  in  1908  when  Schaeffer  described  it  as  a new  species.2 
It  has  now  spread  westward  at  least  as  far  as  Edmonton,  Alberta, 
Canada  and  southward  as  far  as  southern  Ohio.  Since  the  rec- 
ord from  Alberta  is  associated  with  specimens  captured  in  1921 

2 One  specimen  is  known  from  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  July  8,  1907. 

June,  1949] 

Milliron  : Curculionid^e 


it  is  not  unreasonable  to  assume  that  an  intensive  search  likely 
would  reveal  that  by  now  the  species  has  extended  its  range  all 
the  way  to  the  Pacific  Coast.3 

Sufficient  records  are  at  hand  to  show  that  the  species  is  widely 
distributed  in  the  following  Canadian  Provinces : Nova  Scotia, 
New  Brunswick,  Quebec  and  Ontario,  and  as  already  mentioned, 
it  is  known  to  occur  as  far  west  as  Alberta.  Records  in  the 
United  States  show  it  to  be  present  in  Maine,  Massachusetts, 
New  Hampshire,  New  York,  Michigan,  Ohio,  Wisconsin  and 
Minnesota.  Undoubtedly  it  occurs  in  localized  areas  in  the  re- 
maining New  England  states  and  very  likely  in  several  addi- 
tional mid- Atlantic  and  mid-western  states. 

In  Europe  this  species  does  not  appear  to  cause  serious  damage 
but  in  this  country  we  are  beginning  to  regard  it  as  an  impor- 
tant pest  of  red  clover.  In  Europe  it  attacks  red  clover,  and 
adults  are  said  to  occur  on  Melilotus,  Fragaria,  Crataegus  and 
vetch.  Although  adult  weevils  may  have  been  taken  on  plants 
other  than  Trifolium  in  North  America,  the  species  appears  to 
confine  its  attack  entirely  to  red  clover,  Trifolium  pratense  L. 
Apparently  the  only  biological  treatment  of  this  species  is  the 
very  good  account  published  by  Detwiler  (1923),  under  the 
name  Ty chius  picirostris  Fab. 

Miccotrogus  picirostris  (Fab.) 

1787.  Curculio  picirostris  Fabricius,  J.  C.,  Mant.  Insect.,  p.  101. 
1825.  Tychius  ( Miccotrogus ) picirostris  (Fab.),  Schoenherr, 
C.  F.,  Isis  v.  Oken,  col.  583. 

1839.  Miccotrogus  picirostris  (Fab.),  Stephens,  J.  F.,  Man.  Br. 
Coleop.,  p.  229. 

1934.  Tychius  picirostris  Fab.,  Hyslop,  J.  A.,  Jour.  Ec.  Ent., 
27:  563. 

1934.  Tychius  ( Miccotrogus ) picirostris  Fab.,  Baker,  W.  W., 
Jour.  Ec.  Ent.,  27:  1103. 

1943.  Tychius  picirostris  (Fab.),  Venables,  E.  P.,  Can.  Ent., 
75:  118. 

1947.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  Stirrett,  G.  M.,  Can.  Ins.  Pest 
Rev.,  25:  17  (In  part). 

3 The  writer  since  has  seen  specimens  of  this  species  from  the  state  of 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

1947.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  Arnott,  D.  A.  & W.  N.  Coleman, 
Can.  Ins.  Pest  Rev.,  25:  131  & 155  (In  part). 

1947.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.,  Arnott,  D.  A.,  Can.  Ins.  Pest 
Rev.,  25  r 210  (In  part). 

1947.  Tychius  griseus  Schaeff.  (Ont.  Mthly.  Crop  Rpt.)  Can. 
Ins.  Pest  Rev.,  25 : 253. 

M.  picirostris  appears  to  have  been  introduced  into  North 
America  on  the  West  Coast.  The  first  published  record  of  its 
occurrence  here  refers  to  specimens  taken  from  clover  in  1929 
and  1931  at  Puyallup,  Washington,  as  recorded  by  Hyslop 
(1934)  and  reported  on  by  Baker  (1934).  Numerous  subse- 
quent adult  collections  showed  that  it  not  only  occurred  there 
but  also  at  Sumner,  Graham,  near  Falls  City  and  Monroe,  all 
in  western  Washington.  It  also  has  been  taken  at  Clackman’s 
Lake  in  Oregon.  Authentic  identification  by  Mr.  W.  J.  Brown 
of  the  Canadian  Department  of  Agriculture,  Ottawa,  reveals 
that  the  species  was  taken  at  Vancouver  as  early  as  1920,  and 
later  in  southern  British  Columbia  at  Summerland,  where  it  is 
very  abundant,  and  at  Vernon.  Other  records  indicate  that  the 
species  has  spread  eastward  at  least  as  far  as  southwestern 
Ontario,  Canada,  in  the  counties  of  Kent,  Lambton,  Elgin, 
Norfolk  and  Haldimand,  where  it  is  doing  considerable  damage 
to  alsike  clover  (D.  A.  Arnott,  in  litt.)  Although  the  species 
must  occur  generally  through  the  intervening  area,  few  records 
are  available.  The  writer  has  studied  numerous  specimens  col- 
lected from  alsike  clover,  near  Baudette,  Minnesota,  and  has 
collected  specimens  from  mixed  clovers  at  St.  Paul.  Some  of 
the  latter  appear  to  have  infested  white  Dutch  clover. 

In  Europe  the  species  has  been  reported  occurring  on  alsike 
clover,  Trifolium  hybridum  L.,  red  clover,  T.  pratense  L.,  spe- 
cies of  the  genus  Genista , and  on  plantain.  However,  there  is 
some  question  whether  the  identifications  in  all  cases  are  correct. 
Valle’s  (1936)  investigations  indicate  that  this  species  has  be- 
come a pest  of  alsike  clover  in  Finland. 

Regarding  the  hosts  of  this  species  Baker  (1934)  stated  “it 
appears  that  here  they  prefer  white,  alsike  and  red  clovers  in 
the  order  named.  ’ ’ He  also  referred  to  adults  being  swept  from 
Bubus  spp.,  Spiraea , a plantain,  and  a species  of  sedge,  and  ob- 

June,  1949] 

Milliron:  Curculionid^ 


served  others  feeding  in  the  blossoms  of  native  strawberry,  and 
on  the  drupelets  of  the  Evergreen  blackberry  where  damage  to 
the  fruit  was  noted. 

Apparently  nothing  has  been  published  on  the  biology  of  M. 

Superficially  these  two  weevils  are  strikingly  similar  and  this 
has  resulted  in  numerous  misidentifications.  The  following  dis- 
tinguishing features  are  given  to  facilitate  correct  identification, 
especially  of  specimens  lacking  antennae  or  where  the  segments 
of  the  funicle  are  difficult  to  count  due  to  awkward  or  con- 
cealed position. 

Tychius  stephensi  Schoen. 

1.  Scales  above  yellowish  gray,  to 
ash  gray  especially  on  younger 

2.  Scales  on  pronotum  denser,  those 
on  the  extreme  posterior  margin 
thicker  and  slightly  wider  but 
otherwise  not  conspicuously  dif- 
ferent from  those  on  the  disk  (ex- 
cept center). 

3.  Most  scales  in  striae  anteriorly  on 
elytra  at  least  \ as  wide  as  inter- 
stitial scales  which  are  com- 
pactly arranged  in  three  very  ir- 
regular rows.  Row  of  scales  on 
each  side  of  11  suture”  whitish, 
broad,  and  similar  to  those  on 

Miccotrogus  picirostris  (Fab.) 

1.  Scales  above  ash  gray. 

2.  Scales  on  pronotum  sparser,  those 
on  extreme  posterior  margin  con- 
spicuously wider  and  thicker  than 
those  elsewhere  on  pronotum. 

3.  Scales  in  striae  on  elytra  more  uni- 
form in  width  and  less  than  | as 
wide  as  the  interstitial  scales 
which  are  not  especially  compact, 
and  the  majority  are  arranged  in 
what  would  appear  to  be  two 
very  irregular  rows.  No  broad, 
whitish  scales  along  the  1 1 su- 
ture, ” except  posteriorly. 

In  addition  the  beak  of  stephensi  is  nearly  straight  in  lateral 
aspect  and  is  reddish  from  the  antennal  base  to  the  tip ; whereas 
the  beak  of  picirostris  is  weakly  curved,  attenuate  and  frequently 
reddish  only  at  the  tip. 


The  writer  is  indebted  to  several  individuals  who  have  ren- 
dered assistance.  Mr.  J.  Balfour-Browne,  of  the  British  Museum 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

(N.  H.),  London  through  the  courtesy  of  Mr.  R.  B.  Benson  of 
the  same  institution,  kindly  compared  North  American  speci- 
mens of  stephensi  with  authentically  identified  European  speci- 
mens of  that  species  as  well  as  those  of  tomentosus  Herbst.  Mr. 
W.  J.  Brown  of  the  Canadian  Department  of  Agriculture  at 
Ottawa,  and  Dr.  D.  A.  Arnott  at  the  Entomological  Laboratory, 
Chatham,  Ontario  supplied  numerous  distribution  records  of 
these  two  species,  both  in  Canada  and  the  United  States.  And 
Mr.  Ray  T.  Everly,  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Entomology  and  Plant 
Quarantine,  Columbus,  Ohio  contributed  numerous  specimens 
of  both  species  for  study. 


1934.  Baker,  W.  W.  Notes  on  the  Occurrence  of  the  European  Weevil, 
Tychius  ( Miccotrogus ) picirostris  Fab.,  in  Western  Washington. 
Jour.  Econ.  Ent.,  27:  1103-1104. 

1916.  Blatchley,  W.  S.  and  C.  W.  Leng.  Rhynchophora  or  Weevils  of 
Northeastern  America,  pp.  1-682  (pp.  245-246). 

1923.  Detwiler,  J.  D.  Three  Little-Known  Clover  Insects.  Cornell  Agr. 
Exp.  Sta.  Bui.,  420,  pp.  20-27. 

1849.  Gaubil,  J.  Catalogue  Synonymique  des  Coleopteres  d ’Europe  et 
d’Algerie.  pp.  1-296  (p.  141). 

1932.  Joy,  N.  H.  A Practical  Handbook  of  British  Beetles.  Vol.  1, 
XXVII + 622  pp.  (pp.  218,  219,  221). 

1945.  Kloet,  G.  S.  and  W.  D.  Hincks.  A Check  List  of  British  Insects. 
LIX  + 483  pp.  (p.  213). 

1840.  Laporte,  F.  L.  (Comte  de  Castelnau).  Histoire  Naturelle  des 
Insectes-Coleopteres.  Vol.  2,  563  pp.,  38  pis  (p.  344). 

1920.  Leng,  C.  W.  Catalogue  of  the  Coleoptera  of  American,  North  of 
Mexico.  VIII  + 470  pp. 

1825.  Schoenherr,  C.  J.  Tabulae  Synopticae  Familiae  Curculionidum,  Isis 
v.  Oken,  cols.  581-588. 

1826.  . Curculionidum  Dispositio  Methodica,  Partem  IV,  x + 338 


1836.  . Genera  et  Species  Curculionidum,  3(1):  1-505. 

1843.  . Ibid.  7(2):  1-453. 

1839.  Stephens,  J.  F.  A Manual  of  British  Coleoptera.  XII  + 443  pp. 
(p.  229). 

1936.  Valle,  O.  Untersuchungen  zui  Bekampfung  von  Samenschadlingen 
verschiedener  Kleearten.  Maataloust.  Aikakausk.,  8:  195-209  (In 
R.A.E.,  25:  306-307,  1937). 

June,  1949] 

Spiess:  Drosophila 



By  Eliot  B.  Spiess 


With  the  current  growing  interest  in  genetic  analysis  of  na- 
tural populations  of  Drosophila,  it  has  become  important  to  fill 
in  the  many  gaps  in  our  knowledge  of  distribution  and  seasonal 
fluctuations  of  the  numerous  species  of  the  genus.  One  of  the 
sections  of  the  United  States  which  has  most  urgently  needed 
collecting  heretofore  is  the  northeast. 

This  section  is  an  interesting  one  because  it  lies  in  the  north- 
eastern part  of  the  Transition  Life  Zone  on  the  eastern  edge  of 
the  Canadian  Life  Zone.  Conditions  are  particularly  severe  in 
winter,  and  only  a few  species  of  the  genus  are  actually  able  to 
survive  in  the  wild  state.  Just  what  species  these  are  and  what 
adaptations  they  possess  in  order  to  establish  themselves  as  na- 
tive wild  species  are  of  particular  interest.  The  limits  of  dis- 
tribution of  these  species  and  those  of  more  southerly  distribu- 
tion throughout  the  New  England  region  cannot  be  definitely 
Stated  as  yet. 


Collections  were  begun  in  1946  in  an  effort  to  discover  good 
material  for  genetic  studies.  The  collections  cover  the  seasons 
of  1946  and  1947.  At  the  end  of  the  second  season  the  genetic 
work  was  terminated,  but  the  data  obtained  from  trapping  flies 
should  provide  for  possible  future  patterns  of  collecting  for  any 
desired  cytogenetic  analysis. 

During  the  1946  season  two  methods  of  trapping  were  used, 
and  improvements  were  made  from  time  to  time  so  that  by  the 
1947  season  an  efficient  scheme  was  worked  out.  At  first,  pint 
mason  pars  were  used  with  molasses  cornmeal  agar  food  yeasted 
to  attract  the  flies.  However,  this  trap,  which  was  used  during 
April  and  May  of  1946,  proved  to  be  too  heavy  and  bulky. 
Paper  cups  and  fermenting  banana  mash  were  used  from  then 

Traps  were  left  out  for  from  three  to  five  days  depending  on 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

the  drying  rate  of  the  food  surface.  Fresh  banana  mash  was 
added,  or  new  cups  were  set  out  whenever  the  surface  of  the 
bananas  became  hard  or  unsatisfactory  for  collecting. 

All  specimens  were  etherized  in  the  field  in  the  following 
manner : a flat  finely  meshed  net  which  fitted  snugly  around  the 
top  of  a paper  cup  was  used  to  prevent  escape  of  flies;  the  cup 
was  turned  so  that  etherized  flies  would  not  fall  into  the  sticky 
banana;  ether  was  applied  to  the  net,  and  after  about  thirty 
seconds  the  flies  could  be  collected  into  a vial. 

In  all  cases  traps  were  placed  in  areas  of  continuous  shade. 
It  was  found  that  most  flies  in  summer  occurred  in  large 
wooded  areas  which  were  somewhat  more  cool  and  moist  on  hot 
days  than  open  country.  Whenever  more  than  one  collection 
was  made  on  one  day,  it  was  always  observed  that  more  flies 
were  caught  toward  evening  than  during  the  sunny  hours  of 
the  day.  Such  behavior  agrees  with  Dobzhansky’s  observations 
that  D.  pseudoobscura  comes  to  traps  in  largest  quantities  just 
after  sunrise  and  just  before  sunset. 


Collecting  was  started  in  the  Arnold  Arboretum,  Jamaica 
Plain,  Massachusetts.  A great  deal  of  time  was  spent  in  de- 
veloping technique  in  this  locality,  so  that  the  data  are  not  as 
complete  as  could  be  desired.  Also  because  the  locality  was 
constantly  being  visited  by  crowds  of  sight-seers  this  was  not 
kept  up  as  a trapping  area  after  early  July.  The  results  of 
this  collection  and  subsequent  collections  are  given  in  tables  at 
the  end  of  the  text. 

The  writer  is  very  grateful  to  Mr.  Gorden  Allen  who  was 
kind  enough  to  set  out  a few  traps  at  North  Haven  Island, 
Penobscot  Bay,  Maine,  during  the  last  week  in  June. 

The  third  collecting  locality  was  Windham  township,  Ver- 
mont, at  an  elevation  of  1800-2000  feet  in  sugar  maple,  beech, 
birch,  and  conifer  forest.  Human  habitations  in  this  area  are 
very  few  and  were  approximately  one  fourth  to  one  half  mile 
from  the  trapping  locality  at  the  very  nearest.  Two  collections 
were  made,  one  in  late  June  and  early  July,  the  other  in  early 

June,  1949] 

Spiess:  Drosophila 


A fourth  area  was  in  a woodland  in  Braintree,  Massachu- 
setts, during  July,  August,  and  September.  This  is  a residen- 
tial suburban  district  where  houses  are  widely  separated,  and 
open  meadows  and  small  woods  are  common.  Collecting  here 
was  done  close  to  fruit  trees  where  the  last  year’s  fruit  covered 
the  ground  and  also  in  the  nearby  small  woodland  of  oak,  birch, 
and  maple. 

The  last  and  most  rewarding  area  from  the  standpoint  of 
numbers  of  individuals  and  species  was  the  Gray  Herbarium 
Gardens  located  in  Cambridge,  Massachusetts.  The  gardens  oc- 
cupy an  area  of  about  seven  acres  which  before  the  war  had  in- 
cluded well-cultivated  plots  and  groves  of  native  and  exotic 
plants,  but  at  present  they  are  untouched  and  seldom  visited  by 
outsiders.  The  gardens  are  fenced  in  and  are  located  near  a 
residential  suburban  area. 


The  Gray  Herbarium  Gardens  site  was  chosen  for  the  1947 
season’s  collection,  and  it  was  decided  that  the  entire  season 
should  be  sampled  in  that  area  alone  to  discover  which  popula- 
tions undergo  significant  seasonal  fluctuations.  In  order  to  get 
as  accurate  an  estimate  as  possible  of  the  species’  concentra- 
tions, sampling  was  performed  in  the  following  manner : fresh 
food  or  new  traps  were  put  out  as  needed  approximately  every 
three  to  five  days ; six  traps  were  continually  maintained  in  the 
area;  and  samples  were  taken  on  convenient  evenings  about 
twice  a week  (that  is,  on  evenings  when  there  had  been  no  rain 
nor  considerable  cloudiness  during  the  afternoon).  The  tem- 
perature and  state  of  the  weather  were  recorded  at  each  collec- 
tion. Taking  the  samples  just  prior  to  sunset  each  time  should 
have  largely  eliminated  any  variation  in  numbers  coming  to  the 
traps  owing  to  diurnal  periodicity  in  activity  of  the  flies. 

The  weather  data  included  in  the  table  following  are  from 
the  Boston  Weather  Station.  No  significant  differences  were 
found  between  temperature  readings  at  the  collecting  area  and 
the  readings  given  by  the  Boston  Weather  Station. 


From  a total  of  about  thirty  species  of  Drosophila  which  have 
been  found  in  or  near  the  New  England  area  (that  is,  as  far 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

west  as  Ohio  or  south  to  New  Jersey)  only  seventeen  species 
were  definitely  identified  by  this  writer  during  1946-47  from 
the  localities  mentioned  above.  However  two  species  may  be 
added  to  this  number : (1)  B.  narragansett  was  not  distinguished 
from  B.  athabasca  in  this  work;  yet  because  it  is  such  a rare 
species,  it  would  not  greatly  alter  the  numbers  given  for  atha- 
basca. (2)  A species  in  the  quinaria  group  was  found  which 
is  either  a subspecies  of  B.  subquinaria  or  possibly  a new  spe- 

Subgenus  Hirtodrosophila 

No  members  of  this  subgenus  were  found,  although  B.  dun- 
cani  and  B.  chagrinensis  have  been  reported  in  the  past  from 
eastern  Ohio. 

Subgenus  Borsilopha 

B.  busckii  was  found  in  small  quantities  in  Cambridge,  Mass., 
during  July,  1946,  and  from  July  to  October,  1947.  This  spe- 
cies is  unquestionably  associated  with  human  habitations  and 
probably  does  not  overwinter  in  the  wild  state. 

Subgenus  Sophophora 

(1)  Melanogaster  group.  Either  B.  simulans  or  B.  melano- 
gaster  or  both  occurs  in  every  locality  at  which  more  than  one 
collection  was  made  during  the  stated  breeding  seasons.  It  is  of 
interest,  however,  to  note  that  in  no  case  was  a single  individual 
trapped  prior  to  June  26  (the  date  of  first  occurrence  in  the 
Cambridge,  Mass.,  area  for  1947).  Also  in  the  Windham,  Ver- 
mont, collection  only  one  female  was  found  in  the  middle  of 
August.  Evidently  the  season  is  so  short  at  that  locality,  and  the 
area  is  so  isolated  from  any  markets  or  stores  that  this  group 
has  a difficult  time  establishing  itself  in  a wild  environment. 
The  town  of  Windham  lies  on  the  northeast  side  of  one  of  the 
Green  Mountains  of  Southern  Vermont  in  the  Canadian  Life 
Zone  and  is  evidently  located  in  a region  too  severe  for  large 
expansion  of  the  melanogaster  group. 

(2)  Obscura  group.  Certainly  three  of  the  members  of  the 
affinis  subgroup  are  found  throughout  this  area  and  undoubtedly 
constitute  a native  population.  These  are  B.  affinis,  B.  algon- 

June,  1949] 

Spiess:  Drosophila 


quin,  and  D.  athabasca.  A few  athabasca  individuals  were  re- 
corded in  the  Gray  Gardens  which  might  have  proved  to  be  nar- 
ragansett.  From  the  results  of  the  small  collections  within  the 
Canadian  Life  Zone  it  would  appear  that  D.  athabasca  is  the 
most  successful  species  in  getting  established  there : it  was  the 
most  common  species  in  the  North  Haven  Island,  Maine;  the 
Vermont;  and  the  Mount  Washington  collections.  Probably 
D.  algonquin  holds  an  intermediate  position  between  D.  atha- 
basca and  D.  affinis  in  regard  to  success  in  this  area  although 
it  is  possible  that  D.  algonquin  and  D.  affinis  are  about  equal 
in  their  ability  to  withstand  the  adverse  conditions  of  this  region. 

Sub  genus  Drosophila 

(1)  Quinaria  group.  Together  with  the  affinis  subgroup  D. 
quinaria,  D.  transversa,  and  possibly  a third  species  (as  yet 
undescribed  from  this  area  intermediate  between  these  two  and 
strikingly  similar  to  D.  sub  quinaria  in  morphological  characters) 
form  what  seems  to  be  the  principal  native  population  of  the 
genus  in  New  England. 

D.  transversa  is  most  common;  it  occurs  in  every  collection 
in  which  more  than  one  species  was  found.  It  accompanies  D. 
athabasca  into  the  Canadian  Life  Zone  and  is  successful  in  all 
the  regions  in  which  athabasca  is  established.  D.  quinaria  is 
much  less  common  in  all  parts  of  the  area;  but  possibly  fewer 
quinaria  come  to  banana  traps  than  to  other  fruits  like  tomato 
for  instance.  Normal  D.  quinaria  as  described  by  Sturtevant 
was  not  obtained  in  any  of  the  Vermont  collections  (although 
the  numbers  are  so  listed  in  the  accompanying  tables  because 
of  undecided  classification).  A smaller  fly  which  is  interme- 
diate in  color  pattern  between  quinaria  and  transversa  was 
present  instead  (four  specimens).  It  is  suggested  that  this 
intermediate  form  is  a subspecies  of  D.  subquinaria  or  a new 
species  strongly  resembling  D.  subquinaria.  This  type  was 
also  found  in  the  Arnold  Arboretum,  Boston,  and  in  the  Gray 
Gardens,  Cambridge.  In  the  latter  locality,  however,  normal 
D.  quinaria  was  much  more  common  (22  D.  quinaria  specimens 
and  3 D.  subquinaria  (?)  specimens). 

(2)  Testacea  group.  D.  putrida  is  about  equal  in  numbers 


New  York  Entomological  Society 


of  individuals  to  D.  transversa  among  the  native  wild  popula- 
tions. This  species  occurs  in  almost  every  locality  in  which 
transversa  and  athabasca  are  found.  There  seems  to  be  a 
slightly  greater  difficulty  on  the  part  of  putrida  in  becoming 
established  in  colder  regions  or  colder  seasons  of  the  year  than 
in  the  case  of  the  other  two  common  species.  Perhaps  the  fig- 
ures are  not  too  significant,  but  putrida  is  slightly  less  numerous 
than  transversa  in  the  Vermont  collection;  it  is  not  found  at 
all  in  the  Maine  island  collection ; and  it  is  more  warm-weather- 
loving  in  the  Gray  Gardens  1947  collections. 

D.  testacea  is  a rare  fly  which  occurs  in  August  in  the  Ver- 
mont collection  and  in  summer  and  fall  in  Cambridge.  The 
Vermont  area  may  represent  the  borderline  of  its  distribution 

(3)  Melanica  group.  Perhaps  the  most  common  and  suc- 
cessful species  of  the  genus  in  summer  except  for  melanogaster- 
simulans  is  D.  melanica  paramelanica.  This  subspecies  is  rare 
in  Vermont  at  the  height  of  the  summer,  but  it  is  very  common 
in  lower  country. 

D.  nigromelanica,  on  the  other  hand,  is  quite  rare  even  in  the 
low  regions.  This  species  has  been  collected  only  around  Boston. 

(4)  Robusta  group.  The  last  group  which  can  be  consid- 
ered native  is  represented  by  D.  robusta  which  occurs  in  small 
numbers  in  practically  every  locality.  It  is  as  common  as 
transversa  in  Vermont  where  it  can  be  found  in  deep  forest  of 
conifers,  maple,  and  beech.  It  was  especially  common  near 
small  streams  in  the  woods,  showing  that  it  prefers  high  humid- 
ity and  cool  conditions.  It  is  somewhat  less  common  near  Bos- 
ton where  summer  heat  is  more  intense  and  woodland  is  not  so 
denser  The  1947  collection  was  unexpectedly  deficient  in  this 

(5)  Funebris  group.  D.  funebris  is  not  common  in  any  lo- 
cality and  is  quite  spotty  in  distribution,  having  been  found 
only  in  Vermont  (one  specimen)  and  around  Boston. 

(6)  Immigrans  group.  D.  immigrans  accompanies  D.  fune-  * 
bris  in  the  discontinuity  and  rarity  of  its  occurrence.  There 
can  be  no  doubt  that  these  two  species  do  not  overwinter  in  the 
wild  state  here,  and  they  represent  a small  percentage  of  the 

June,  1949] 

Spiess:  Drosophila 


genus  which  is  associated  with  man  but  breeds  in  small  quanti- 
ties during  the  summer  in  the  wild. 

(7)  Tripunctata  group.  It  was  a surprise  to  discover  D.  tri- 
punctata  in  the  Gray  Gardens  in  August  and  September,  1947. 
According  to  the  latest  distribution  map  (Patterson,  1943)  it 
had  never  been  recorded  farther  north  than  New  Jersey.  It 
is  a fly  of  predominantly  southern  distribution,  but  it  seems  to 
breed  here  for  two  or  three  generations  during  the  summer 
(Gray  Gardens:  Aug.  15,  2 specimens;  Aug.  25,  1 specimen; 
and  Sept.  18,  1 specimen). 

(8)  Repleta  group.  Because  the  writer  was  chiefly  interested 
in  obtaining  flies  in  forested  areas  at  some  distance  from  human 
habitation,  D.  repleta  was  of  rare  occurrence.  At  any  rate  it 
was  found  only  in  collections  near  Boston,  and  is  obviously  not 
a wild  species. 


In  May,  1946,  a male  specimen  of  this  group  and  intermedi- 
ate in  many  key  characters  between  D.  transversa  and  D.  quina- 
ria  was  found  at  the  Arnold  Arboretum,  Mass.  The  specimen 
differed  from  ordinary  male  quinaria  in  the  following  charac- 
ters : clouds  on  the  apices  of  the  second,  third,  and  fourth  longi- 
tudinal veins  were  absent ; only  two  brown  spots  on  tergite  6 ; 
and  the  lateral  marginal  spots  on  each  tergite  were  nearly  ab- 

Later  on  in  Vermont  four  females  were  obtained,  which  were 
of  this  intermediate  type.  No  clouding  at  the  apices  of  the 
longitudinal  veins  was  observed;  the  abdominal  tergite  spotting 
was  typical  of  quinaria  in  size  except  on  tergite  six  where  the 
spotting  was  variable,  usually  reduced  in  size  in  comparison 
with  normal  quinaria.  The  small  lateral  marginal  spots  typ- 
ical of  quinaria  were  greatly  reduced  or  absent.  Egg  filaments 
were  characteristic  of  quinaria  rather  than  transversa.  Male 
progeny  from  these  females  had  only  two  spots  on  tergite  six 
and  no  definite  marginal  spots  at  all.  These  males  surprisingly 
had  six  or  seven  short  recurved  hairs  on  the  median  side  of  the 
fore-tarsus  as  described  by  Sturtevant  (1942)  for  D.  sub  quina- 
ria rather  than  the  long  hairs  in  double  row  as  in  D.  quinaria. 
Ordinary  D.  quinaria  females  were  larger  and  darker  in  color 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LVII 

than  these  specimens.  A few  attempts  were  made  to  cross 
quinaria  to  the  new  type  both  in  single  pair  matings  and  in 
mass  matings  of  about  five  parents  each.  No  fertile  eggs  were 
laid  in  any  of  the  matings,  but  it  is  known  to  be  difficult  to 
raise  quinaria  by  itself  in  the  laboratory. 

Some  single  pair  matings  of  D.  quinaria  and  of  the  new  sub- 
species (or  species)  were  made  separately  with  interesting  re- 
sults: (1)  In  D.  quinaria  a few  progenies  lacked  some  or  all 
of  the  clouding  at  the  apices  of  the  longitudinal  veins;  often 
reduction  in  size  and  number  of  abdominal  tergite  spots  was 
encountered ; that  is,  in  females  loss  of  lateral  spots  on  the  sixth 
tergite  and  in  males  loss  of  both  these  and  the  median  spots. 
(2)  In  the  progenies  of  the  questionable  specimens  further  re- 
duction in  spotting  was  quite  common.  Females  often  tend  to 
lose  all  spots  on  the  sixth  tergite  while  males  often  showed  a 
reduction  or  complete  loss  of  lateral  spots  on  the  fifth  tergite 
as  well.  This  latter  pattern  is  the  common  type  of  D.  trans- 
versa,  and  shows  that  there  is  a possible  breakdown  here  in  the 
taxonomic  characters. 

If  the  difficulties  involved  in  breeding  these  flies  can  be  sur- 
mounted, it  seems  that  a vast  storehouse  of  easily  recognizable 
morphological  variation  is  involved  in  these  species. 

It  is  evident  that  we  are  dealing  either  with  a new  species  or 
with  an  eastern  subspecies  of  D.  subquinaria.  Since  collecting 
has  not  been  extensively  carried  on  north  of  this  area  in  New 
England  heretofore,  there  remains  the  possibility  that  sub- 
quinaria occupies  the  Canadian  region  and  extends  down  into 
the  Canadian  and  Transitional  Zones  of  New  England.  At  any 
rate  we  do  know  that  some  members  of  the  affinis  subgroup  do 
occupy  the  entire  northern  section  of  the  country,  and  undoubt- 
edly some  members  of  the  quinaria  group  accompany  them. 
This  supposition  will  merit  further  investigation,  and  the 
writer  has  reason  to  believe  that  specimens  are  not  too  rare  for 
adequate  collecting  of  this  type  or  species  in  the  future. 


For  the  breeding  season  of  1947  it  was  decided  that  sampling 
should  be  done  for  a single  small  area  convenient  to  the  labora- 
tory at  Harvard  University.  The  Gray  Herbarium  Gardens, 

June,  1949] 

Spiess:  Drosophila 


appeared  to  be  the  best  site,  and  continuous  collecting  was  car- 
ried on  as  often  as  possible  from  early  April  until  late  October. 
(The  methods  of  sampling  this  area  have  been  given  previously.) 

If  we  consider  only  the  fluctuations  in  species  populations  of 
large  enough  size  to  be  statistically  significant,  we  can  observe 
some  rather  interesting  facts.  Also  a comparison  of  results  for 
species  with  those  obtained  at  the  Aldrich  Farm  by  Patterson 
(1943)  shows  some  interesting  parallels. 

A graph  has  been  constructed  (see  supplementary  material) 
to  show  the  maxima  of  each  species  during  the  season.  In  each 

Figure  1.  Gray  Herbarium  Gardens,  Cambridge,  Massachusetts,  for  1947. 
This  graph  shows  the  fluctuations  of  those  species  whose  maxima  occur  in 
the  spring.  Each  point  represents  that  per  cent  of  the  weighted  number  of 
specimens  which  was  collected  in  that  month  (considering  the  total  number 
for  one  species  equal  to  100  per  cent. 

species  the  data  have  been  weighted  to  conform  with  the  number 
of  collections  each  month.  Each  point  in  the  graph  represents 
that  per  cent  of  the  weighted  number  of  specimens  which  was 
collected  in  that  month  (considering  the  total  number  for  one 
species  equal  to  100%). 

(1)  The  affinis  subgroup  together  with  D.  transversa  form  a 
definite  peak  in  June,  then  fall  off  for  the  remainder  of  the 
season.  All  of  these  species  increase  again  slightly  but  not  sig- 
nificantly as  temperatures  get  cooler  in  late  summer  and  early 
fall,  but  they  fail  to  increase  to  their  former  proportions  be- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

cause  other  more  aggressive  species  are  then  present  in  great 
number  competing  for  space  and  food.  The  Aldrich  Farm 
data  for  affinis-algonquin  for  1939-40  show  a very  significant 
negative  correlation  with  temperature  (the  writer  has  calcu- 
lated r = -57.0  per  cent.  In  New  England  too  there  is  a very 
real  preference  in  the  affinis  group  and  in  D.  transversa  for 
mild  temperatures.  Temperature  is  apparently  one  of  the  most 
effective  ecological  factors  in  the  distribution  of  these  popula- 

Figure  2.  Gray  Herbarium  Gardens  for  1947,  showing  the  fluctuations  of 
those  species  whose  maxima  occur  in  summer  and  early  fall. 

(2)  During  the  month  of  July  when  temperatures  average 
highest  for  the  summer  D.  putrida  attains  a moderate  peak; 
but  probably  this  peak  is  not  so  much  because  of  high  tempera- 
ture as  because  the  previously  dominant  species  have  dropped 
considerably  in  numbers  so  that  competition  is  effectively  re- 
duced. The  fluctuations  in  size  of  putrida  populations  have 
always  appeared  somewhat  enigmatical  when  compared  with 
the  weather  data.  Patterson  (1943)  has  stated  that  some  of 
the  peaks  of  putrida  in  Texas  coincide  with  rainfall  peaks  which 
in  turn  tend  to  increase  fungus  growth.  However  the  writer 
has  found  no  significant  correlation  between  the  rainfall  data 
and  the  number  of  putrida  specimens  collected  at  the  Aldrich 

June,  1949] 

Spiess:  Drosophila 


Farm.  On  the  contrary  the  only  significant  correlation  found 
from  all  the  weather  data  given  in  the  Patterson  report  was 
negative  between  humidity  and  number  of  specimens  (r  = 
- 64.3  per  cent) . This  correlation  is  more  or  less  substantiated  by 
the  evidence  here  in  New  England : August  was  the  most  humid 
month  but  had  the  lowest  number  of  putrida  for  the  summer; 
October  was  an  unusually  dry  month  with  exceptionally  low 
rainfall,  and  putrida  had  its  highest  peak  of  the  season.  Prob- 
ably D.  putrida  is  a species  which  can  increase  in  frequency 
when  other  species  are  not  successful  under  dry  conditions. 
It  seems  to  be  a mild  temperature  dry  air  fly;  but  when  other 
more  dominant  species  occur  in  the  same  environment,  putrida 
is  prevented  from  expressing  much  increase  in  size.  It  would 
appear  from  the  accompanying  graph  that  competition  with 
larger  species  is  a very  important  factor  in  the  distribution  of 

(3)  D.  melanica  paramelanica  succeeds  in  forming  an  almost 
perfectly  normal  curve  with  its  peak  in  August,  the  hottest 
month  of  the  season.  This  species  certainly  follows  the  mean 
monthly  temperature  very  well.  Because  it  is  a species  which 
probably  does  overwinter  in  Boston  and  environs,  it  gets  started 
early  in  the  season  and  becomes  well-established  in  the  wild 
after  the  cool-loving  species  have  dropped  in  frequency  and  just 
before  the  melanogaster-simulans  complex  becomes  too  nu- 

(4)  No  members  of  the  melanog aster  group  were  found  until 
late  June.  As  in  the  case  of  the  Aldrich  Farm  collection  me- 
lanogaster  males  appeared  first  to  be  followed  by  simulans. 
Simulans  lagged  slightly  behind  melanogaster  for  July  and 
August  but  then  formed  a tremendous  peak  in  September. 
Both  species  are  quite  significantly  correlated  with  temperature 
in  the  Aldrich  Farm  data  (the  writer  calculates  r = 79.0  per 
cent),  and  unquestionably  warm  temperature  is  one  of  the  chief 
ecological  factors  effecting  a peak  here  in  New  England  as  well. 

Considerable  variation  may  possibly  be  encountered  from  year 
to  year  owing  to  changes  in  external  conditions,  but  the  pattern 
described  here  for  this  single  seasons’  fluctuations  among  the 
more  prominent  northeastern  species  will  in  general  remain 
the  same. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

New  England  Collections — 1946 

Gray  Herbarium, 
Cambridge,  Mass. 





No.  of  collections 





B.  afflnis 





D.  algonquin 





B.  athabasca 





D.  busclcii 





B.  immigrans 





B.  paramelanica 





B.  mel-simulans 





B.  nigromelanica 





B.  putrida 





D.  quinaria 





B.  robusta 





B.  testacea 





D.  transversa 





New  England  Collections — 1946 

Arnold  Arboretum, 
Boston,  Mass. 


May  June  July 


No.  of  Collections 


4 1 



B.  algonquin 


1 1 



B.  immigrans 


2 0 



B.  mel-simulans 


0 0 

' 3 


B.  putrida 


6 1 



B.  quinaria 


1 0 



B.  robusta 


0 0 

' 3 


B.  transversa 


9 2 



New  England  Collections — 1946 

Windham,  Vermont 





No.  of  collections 





B.  afflnis 





B.  algonquin 





B.  athabasca 





B.  funebris 





B.  immigrans 





B.  mel-simulans 





B.  paramelanica 





B.  putrida 





B.  quinaria* 





B.  robusta 





B.  testacea 





B.  transversa 





* All  individuals  of  this  species  in  the  Windham  collection  are  atypical. 
See  text. 

June,  1949] 

Spiess:  Drosophila 


New  England  Collections — 1946 

Braintree,  Mass 





No.  of  collections 





D.  algonquin 





D.  athabasca 





D.  funebris 





D.  immigrans 





D.  mel-simulans 





D.  nigromelanica 





D.  paramelanica 





D.  putrida 





D.  repleta 





D.  robusta 





D.  transversa 

Northhaven  Island, 
Penobscot  Bay,  Maine 
D.  algonquin 
D.  athabasca 
D.  transversa 

4 1 

June  23rd 







Dobzhansky,  Th.  and  C.  Epling.  1944.  Taxonomy,  geographic  distribu- 
tion, and  ecology  of  Drosophila  pseudoobscura  and  its  relatives. 
Carnegie  Inst.  Wash.  Publ.,  554:  1-46. 

Patterson,  J.  T.  1943.  The  Drosophilidae  of  the  Southwest.  Univ.  Tex. 
Publ.,  4313:  7-216. 

Patterson,  J.  T.  and  R.  P.  Wagner.  1943.  Geographical  distribution  of 
species  of  the  genus  Drosophila  in  the  United  States  and  Mexico. 
Univ.  Tex.  Publ.,  4313:  217-281. 

Spencer,  W.  P.  1942.  New  species  in  the  quinaria  group  of  the  subgenus 
Drosophila.  Univ.  Tex.  Publ.,  4213:  53-66. 

Sturtevant,  A.  H.  1921.  The  North  American  Species  of  Drosophila. 
Carnegie  Inst.  Wash.  Publ.,  301. 

. 1942.  The  classification  of  the  genus  Drosophila  with 

descriptions  of  nine  new  species.  Univ.  Tex.  Publ.,  4213 : 5-51. 

Gray  Herbarium  Collection — 1947 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

t Vol.  LVII 

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Spiess:  Drosophila 



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female,  although  two  collections  had  been  made  previously.  The  weather  suddenly  turned  cold  at  the  end  of  October 
and  no  collections  were  made  in  November. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 


A Century  of  Entomology  in  the  Pacific  Northwest.  By  Melville 
H.  Hatch.  University  of  Washington  Press,  Seattle,  1949. 
9x6  inches.  V + 43  p.  9 pi.  $1.50 
This  is  a study  of  the  progress  of  entomology  in  British  Colum- 
bia, Washington,  Idaho  and  Oregon  involving  collectors,  explor- 
ing expeditions,  laboratories,  institutions,  control  work,  im- 
portant insect  pests,  and  insect  collections.  Dr.  Hatch  begins 
with  1834  and  outlines  the  principal  entomological  happenings, 
from  that  time  until  the  present,  with  particular  emphasis  upon 
outstanding  individuals,  their  accomplishments,  and  their  con- 
tributions to  the  science  of  entomology.  The  author ’s  interesting 
and  authentic  narrative  of  the  development  of  entomology  in  the 
Pacific  Northwest  is  an  example  of  what  is  needed  for  other 
regions  of  North  America  and  a welcome  contribution  to  the 
literature  on  the  history  of  entomology.  Dr.  Hatch’s  account 
concludes  with  a bibliography,  a taxonomic  index  and  an  index  of 
names.  Entomology,  although  a comparatively  young  science, 
has  enough  of  a historical  background  for  entomologists  to  be 
conscious  of  it  and  it  would  not  be  a bad  idea  for  our  two  national 
organizations  to  work  out  plans  for  a comprehensive  national 
history  of  it. — H.  B.  W. 

June,  1949] 

Malkin:  Coleoptera 



By  Borys  Malkin 

The  following  are  the  more  interesting  records  of  the  beetles 
of  this  family  that  came  to  the  writer’s  attention  chiefly  from 
the  collection  of  Mr.  K.  M.  Fender  of  McMinnville,  Oregon  and 
some  from  his  own.  New  State  records  are  indicated  by  an 
asterisk  preceding  Leng’s  catalogue  number.  These  supple- 
ment the  published  state  list.1  Collectors  names  are  given  in 

10873.  Hyperaspis  lateralis  montanica  Csy.  Ten  Cent  Lake, 
29  July,  1937  (Fender). 

10972.  Brachyacantha  ursina  (Fab.)  Eugene,  6 June,  1942 
(Malkin).  This  is  the  first  record  of  this  species  from  the  west- 
ern part  of  the  state. 

*10997.  Nipus  niger  Csy.  Siskyou  Summit,  10  June,  1945 
(Fender).  This  is  only  the  second  known  record  of  the  species. 
Described  from  unique  collection  in  Sonoma  Co.,  north  of  San 

*  . Scymnus  renoincus  Csy.  Government  Camp,  5 

July,  1942  (Malkin),  Siskyou  Summit,  el.  3000  ft.  5 July,  1946 
(Malkin),  Crater  Lake  nr.  Hq.  4 Aug.,  1930  (Scullen). 

*11044.  Scymnus  humboldti  Csy.  Eagle  Point,  4 July,  1946 
(Malkin),  Talent,  21  April,  1933  (Gentner). 

11079.  Scymnus  nanus  Csy.  Bear  Spgs.  18  May,  1940 
(Fender),  Eagle  Point,  19  October, .1939  (Gentner). 

*  . Scymnus  sp.  nov.f  nr.  cinctus.  McMinnville, 

May,  1931  (Fender). 

11181c.  Coccinella  trifasciata  subversa  Lee.  Redmond  2 May, 
1940  (Scullen).  This  is  the  first  record  of  this  species  from 
eastern  Oregon.  Generally  restricted  to  the  western  portion  of 
the  state. 

11185b.  Coccinella  transver  so  guttata  nugatoria  Muls.  Harper 
22  May,  1947  (Malkin),  Middle  Fork  of  the  Willamette  River, 

1 Malkin  B.  1943.  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  Vol.  LI.  no.  3.  p.  191-198. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

22  May,  1947  (Malkin).  Additional  records  of  this  uncommon 

11187a.  Coccinella  difficilis  Cr.  Malheur  Lake  21  May,  1941 
(Fender),  Dnrkee  6 May,  1941  (Fender),  Middle  Fork  of  the 
Willamette  River,  22  May,  1947  (Malkin).  All  these  are  records 
from  the  eastern  portion  of  the  state. 


Review  No.  1,  on  “The  Mode  of  Action  of  Organic  Insecticides” 
by  Robert  L.  Metcalf  has  just  been  published  by  the  Chemical- 
Biological  Coordination  Center  of  the  National  Research  Council. 
This  important  review  prepared  at  the  request  of  the  Entomology 
Subcommittee  of  which  Dr.  Roger  B.  Friend  is  chairman  sum- 
marizes in  84  pages  the  major  contributions  to  the  literature  of 
organic  insecticides.  There  are  nine  chapters  each  dealing  with 
such  insecticdes  as  nicotine,  pyrethrum,  rotenone,  organic  thio- 
cyanates, dinitrophenols,  phenothiazine,  DDT,  benzine  hexa- 
chloride,  and  organic  phosphates.  For  each  material  or  class  of 
insecticides,  there  is  a brief  review  of  ts  chemistry,  relation  of 
chemical  structure  to  toxicity,  theories  of  toxic  action,  physio- 
logical effects,  biochemistry,  etc.  In  view  of  the  current  interest 
in  organic  insecticides  this  well  organized  and  presented  review 
should  gain  the  immedate  approval  of  economic  entomologists, 
and  credit  is  due  also  to  the  Entomology  Subcommittee  of  the 
Chemical-Biological  Coordination  Center  for  its  sponsorship  of 
the  study. — H.B.W. 

June,  1949] 

Malkin:  Brenthid^ 



By  Borys  Malkin 

The  following  observations  were  recorded  by  the  writer  while 
on  a collecting  trip  in  the  vicinity  of  Tolosa,  Oaxaca,  in  Mexico, 
during  the  first  two  weeks  of  September  1947.  Tolosa  is  located 
on  the  Trans-Isthmian  railroad  on  the  Atlantic  side  of  the 
Isthmus  of  Tehuantepec  about  10  miles  south  of  the  Vera  Cruz 
border.  The  country  is  low,  the  hills  not  exceeding  500  feet,  the 
average  being  less  than  200  feet.  There  is  some  grassland  but, 
in  the  main,  dense  tropical  rainforest  covers  the  area. 

The  visit  took  place  during  the  peak  of  the  rainy  season.  The 
rains  fell  throughout  the  night  and  also  with  interruptions  dur- 
ing the  day.  Only  two  days,  in  the  four  weeks  that  the  writer 
remained  in  the  locality,  could  be  considered  as  completely  sunny. 
On  other  days  the  sun  appeared  only  sporadically. 

Brenthis  anchor  ago  L.  is  certainly  the  most  common  beetle  of 
the  family  Brentidce  in  the  area,  in  fact  it  is  probably  the  most 
common  of  all  Central  American  representatives  of  this  group. 
The  beetles  were  numerous  and  gregarious.  Sometimes  as  many 
as  40  specimens  would  appear  on  a log  or  a portion  of  it.  No 
preference  for  any  particular  section  of  the  log  was  observed. 
However,  exposure  to  direct  sunshine  was  obviously  avoided. 
The  beetles  retreated  to  the  shaded  part  of  the  fallen  timber  as 
the  sun’s  rays  fell  upon  them.  The  greatest  activity  was  ob- 
served during  the  morning  hours,  slackening  toward  noon  until 
most  of  the  insects  would  gradually  disappear  in  crevices  or 
under  bark  by  5 : 00  P.M. 

The  courtship  activities  of  these  insects  may  be  summarized  as 
follows : The  male  is  the  active  party  while  the  females  remain 
passive  at  least  until  males  appear  in  their  vicinity.  Occasion- 
ally the  female  may  remain  unreceptive  and  walk  away  from  the 
approaching  male.  Usually,  both  male  and  the  female  in  each 
other’s  presence  show  excitement  in  moving  the  antennae  about 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

rapidly  and  in  their  nervous,  haphazard  movements.  Then  the 
male  will  wander  about  the  female  until  he  succeeds  in  placing  his 
proboscis  upon  her  thorax  or  head.  The  male  attempts  to  place 
the  proboscis  as  close  to  the  head  as  possible.  This  apparently 
stimulates  the  female  who  remains  on  the  spot.  The  male  then 
proceeds  to  rub  the  proboscis  against  her  thorax  and  head. 
Should  it  slide,  the  male  will  promptly  adjust  the  proboscis  and 
restore  it  to  the  former  position. 

This  action  may  last  for  a considerable  length  of  time.  While 
the  average  time  ranged  from  5 to  10  minutes,  I observed  certain 
males  continuing  this  action  for  much  longer.  This  seems  to  be 
preparatory  to  copulation  which  almost  never  takes  place  with- 
out it.  Unlike  the  copulation  in  some  beetles,  notably  the  Coc- 
cinellidce,  here  it  is  brief.  A number  of  observed  pairs  remained 
in  contact  for  30  to  100  seconds  with  45  seconds  being  the  aver- 
age. If  the  male  is  larger  than  the  female  they  usually  remain 
in  one  spot.  If  smaller,  which  does  not  happen  frequently,  the 
female  may  wander  around  carrying  the  male  on  her  back. 

As  soon  as  the  male  mounts  the  female  she  begins  boring  into 
the  wood  by  moving  her  thorax  up  and  down.  This  she  usually 
keeps  on  doing  during  the  actual  mating  and  after  it  has  been 
completed,  seemingly  ignoring  the  male’s  presence.  The  court- 
ship does  not  end  with  the  copulation  but  continues  after  it  has 
been  consummated.  As  in  the  initial  approach  the  male  attempts 
to  rub  the  female’s  thorax  or  head  with  his  proboscis.  Some 
pairs  were  observed  courting  for  15  minutes  until  the  second 
mating  took  place.  Casual  contacts  with  the  female  occur  but 
rarely.  One  pair  may  remain  together  for  as  long  as  half  an 
hour  or  longer.  In  one  instance  that  much  time  elapsed  between 
the  initial  and  the  second  copulation.  This  is  in  striking  contrast 
with  the  C occinellidce  where  the  mating  is  long  when  compared 
with  the  duration  of  the  courtship. 

Leaving  the  female,  the  male  wanders  away  in  search  of  other 
partners.  In  the  meanwhile  the  female  will  remain  passive  con- 
tinuing her  borings.  These  are  very  dense.  On  one  side  of  a 
log  I counted  from  twenty  to  thirty  to  a square  inch  which  shows 
that  one  female  makes  several  of  them  in  a day.  The  use  of 
these  I do  not  know.  Very  likely  the  eggs  are  deposited  in  them 

June,  1949] 

Malkin:  Bkenthid^ 


although  I have  never  observed  this  myself.  Beeson*  believes 
that  some  of  the  Indian  species  of  the  family  lay  their  eggs  in 
this  manner. 

The  males  usually  do  not  attempt  to  mate  with  another  male 
unless  the  individual  is  already  in  contact  with  a female.  Then 
hurriedly  and  excitedly  they  crawl  upon  the  back  of  a more  suc- 
cessful male  and  attempt  to  mate  with  either  the  male  or  female 
indiscriminately.  It  seems  that  the  smaller  male  will  attempt 
this  more  frequently  as  this  is  the  time  when  they  presumably 
can  approach  the  female  unnoticed  while  the  larger  individual  is 
totally  preoccupied  with  her. 

In  general,  however,  the  size  of  the  male  seems  to  have  little 
effect  on  his  ability  to  find  a mating  partner.  In  direct  ap- 
proaches to  the  female,  large  size  is  rather  detrimental  as  the 
larger  male  specimens  are  slower  and  clumsier  in  walking  on  the 
rough  surface  of  the  log  than  the  smaller  ones.  Their  enorm- 
ously developed  thorax  and  proboscis  are  detrimental  in  this  re- 
spect. The  male  is  inclined  to  the  exclusive  possession  of  the 
female  during  the  courtship  and  will  drive  off  any  competitor 
that  may  come  close  to  the  scene.  These  fights  are  not  intense 
and  consist  chiefly  of  pushing  each  other  with  the  proboscis  until 
one  of  them  retires.  The  victorious  male  will  follow  the  in- 
truder occasionally  as  far  as  10  inches  from  the  female.  Usually 
the  male,  already  in  possession  of  the  female,  wins  the  contest. 
Here  it  is  that  size  seems  to  be  of  some  advantage  as  the  larger 
male  always  succeeds  in  driving  the  competitor  off.  These  in- 
trusions are  frequent.  In  one  observed  instance  a large  male 
remained  with  the  female  for  38  minutes  during  which  time  he 
had  fought  off  four  different  males.  Each  time  when  the  danger 
had  passed  he  returned  to  the  female. 

* Beeson  C.  F.  C.  Notes  on  the  Biology  of  Brenthidce.  Indian  Forest 
Records.  Yol.  XI.  part.  IY.  p.  178-188. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


Larvae  of  Insects.  Lepidoptera  and  Hymenoptera.  Part  I.  By 
Alvah  Peterson,  Ph.D.  Edwards  Brothers,  Inc.  Ann  Arbor, 
Mich.,  Lithoprinted,  8J  x lOf  inches.  315  p.  84  pi. 

For  more  than  thirty-five  years  Dr.  Peterson  has  been  inter- 
ested in  the  study  and  identification  of  immature  stages  of  in- 
sects. However,  it  was  only  during  the  past  ten  years  or  so  that 
he  could  devote  much  time  to  this  interest,  and  this  volume  is 
the  long  anticipated  result. 

The  importance  to  agriculture  and  public  health  of  recogniz- 
ing many  insects  in  their  immature  stages  is  accepted.  And 
insect  taxonomists  with  interests  in  phylogeny  are  turning  in 
greater  numbers  to  consult  the  larval,  nymphal,  and  pupal  stages 
for  answers  to  questions  of  identity  and  relationships,  which  they 
may  be  unable  to  decide  from  study  of  adults  alone.  But  the 
problem  of  finding  keys  and  illustrations  to  aid  in  their  identifi- 
cation is  often  discouraging.  The  present  volume,  part  I of  two 
parts,  will  enable  the  student  to  get  an  excellent  start  toward  the 
recognition  of  representatives  of  larvae,  nymphs  and  pupae  of  all 
the  orders  of  insects  in  North  America  except  the  Zoraptera  and 
Strepsiptera.  About  100  illustrations  are  provided  to  aid  in  the 
recognition  of  the  orders.  The  volume  then  considers  the  Lepi- 
doptera and  plant  infesting  Hymenoptera  with  emphasis  placed 
upon  those  species  of  economic  importance. 

There  is  a detailed  discussion  with  more  than  100  illustrations 
of  larval  structures  in  nearly  all  families  of  Lepidoptera  in  which 
larval  stages  of  one  or  more  species  are  known.  The  keys  to 
families  are  first  divided  into  four  sections  which  combine  some 
characters  such  as  size  and  habits  with  structure.  Following 
the  keys  the  families  are  considered  in  alphabetical  order  with 
an  indication  of  the  number  of  known  North  American  species  in 
each,  a discussion  of  the  habits  of  the  family,  and  a description  of 
fully  grown  larvaa.  Once  the  family  is  known  to  which  a larva 
belongs,  illustrations  with  accompanying  explanations  of  figures 
may  be  consulted  for  specific  identification.  There  are  separate 
keys  to  the  species  of  Pyralidse  injurious  to  stored  food  products, 

June,  1949] 

Book  Notice 


and  Pyralidae  injurious  to  corn,  sugarcane  and  related  plants. 
No  other  keys  are  provided  to  the  species  considered  in  each 
family  but  the  illustrations  and  explanations  should  enable  one 
to  make  the  identification  if  the  species  is  among  those  treated. 
For  each  species  figured,  the  scientific  and  common  names  are 
given,  length  of  fully  grown  larva,  color  and  shape  of  living 
specimen,  morphological  features,  food  habits,  and  frequently 
citations  to  literature  which  describe  larval  stages.  More  than 
220  larvae  have  been  figured  and  there  are  approximately  650 
illustrations  of  entire  larvae  or  structural  details. 

The  section  on  plant  infesting  Hymenoptera  follows  the  pat- 
tern used  for  the  Lepidoptera.  All  the  species  considered  belong 
to  the  several  families  of  sawflies  and  chalcidflies  of  which  over 
40  species  are  figured. 

Throughout  the  book  there  is  considerable  supplementary  in- 
formation of  value.  There  are  separate  lists  of  some  common, 
important  or  unusual  species  of  Lepidoptera  and  Hymenoptera 
as  well  as  selected  bibliographies  for  the  two  orders;  a selected 
general  bibliography  on  nymphs  and  larvae  of  insects;  and  an 
extensive  glossary  chiefly  of  morphological  terms  found  in  the 
published  literature  on  immature  stages  of  insects.  A general 
index  includes  chiefly  the  common  and  scientific  names  of  all 
insects  considered  in  this  volume. — M.  W.  Sanderson. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


In  Nature,  Vol.  163,  p.  255,  February  12,  1949,  Dora  Ilse, 
reports  on  her  successful  training  to  colors  of  a solitary  insect, 
Eristalis  tenax,  for  the  first  time,  in  the  Department  of  Physiology 
of  the  Medical  School,  Hospital  Centre  in  Birmingham.  These 
drone  flies  were  trained  to  find  their  food  on  flower  models  made 
of  colored  papers,  offered  in  a greenhouse.  The  flies  were  trained 
to  yellow  and  in  order  to  determine  if  they  recognized  the  specific 
wave-length  band  reflected  by  the  yellow  paper  or  its  special 
degree  of  brightness  they  were  offered  without  any  food,  models 
in  the  training  color  along  with  two  other  shades  of  yellow,  as  well 
as  models  in  various  shades  of  gray,  ranging  from  black  to  white, 
all  exposed  to  full  sunlight.  The  behavior  of  the  flies  in  visiting 
in  abundance  the  yellow  models  which  varied  considerably  in 
reflectance  indicated  that  they  were  influenced  by  wave-length 
rather  than  brightness.  Other  experiments  indicated  that  the 
insects  preferred  their  training  color  rather  than  red,  green,  blue 
and  violet.  Incomplete  experiments  gave  promise  that  the  insects 
could  be  trained  to  come  to  blue. — H.B.W. 


To  the  expressions  previously  noted  in  Volume  56,  p.  170  and 
p.  250  of  this  Journal,  Professor  Minnie  B.  Scotland  of  the  New 
York  State  College  for  Teachers,  Albany,  N.  Y.,  has  supplied  the 
following,  garnered  from  her  students. 

Cootie  garage,  a hair-roll. 

Cute  as-a-bug’s  ear,  self-explanatory. 

Snug  as  a bug  in  a rug,  cozy. 

Stung,  cheated. 

Vest  “vulchers,  ” moths  in  clothing. 


No.  3 



of  the 

New  York  Entomological  Society 

Edited  by  HARRY  B.  WEISS 


$5.00  per  Year 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 


NEV  YORK,  N.  Y. 


■ - '’/.  viv'  'S-  A'A^^r^tC  '•  S«  ~kK;'"'^  <Fj  ^ V*'"C  '■'  -.ii?  ’!~&'  1 jr>''  ^ ' . ' Hv  :•  ('.•»•  \ Tg'jJ- 
•.  . \r-:-^  \ 5 ' xfV^>  ,;'L>  y y-'  y^  S'-  s-  'v  > •'  • ->A 


Studies  on  the  Fauna  of  Pacific  Northwest  Greenhouses 
(Isopoda,  Coleoptera,  Dermaptera,  Orthoptera,  Gas- 

By  Melville  H.  Hatch 141 

Pre-Columbian  Aztec  Grasshopper  166 

The  Effect  of  Summer  Rainfall  on  Japanese  Beetle  Popu- 

By  Ira  M.  Hawley 167 

A New  Species  of  Camponotus,  Subg.  Colobopsis  from 
Mexico  (Hymenoptera:  Formicidae) 

By  Marion  R.  Smith  177 

Book  Notice  182 

The  Old  World  Membracidae 

By  Frederic  W.  Coding 183 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 193 

An  Early  New  Jersey  Insect  Collection 202 

i . y.  ■ . , - : . - ' > . ' / j yy  yy 

NOTICE:  Volume  LVII,  Number  2,  of  the  Journal  of 
the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  published 
on  June  2,  1949. 


Entered  as  second  class  matter  July  7,  1925,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 
under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  special  rate  of  postage  provided  for  in  Section  1103. 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  March  27,  1924. 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

Vol.  LYII  September,  1949  No.  3 



By  Melville  H.  Hatch 

The  present  paper  represents  a contribution  to  the  knowledge 
of  that  interesting  assemblage  of  animals  (the  synanthropes) 
that  in  varying  degrees  have  adapted  themselves  to  conditions 
provided  by  man.  'The  author  became  interested  in  greenhouse 
fauna  in  1946  in  connection  with  his  study  of  isopods.  Myria- 
pods were  collected  extensively  from  the  first  and,  it  is  hoped, 
will  be  reported  on  separately  by  Mr.  Ervin  F.  Dailey.  The 
Araneida  will  likewise  be  reported  on  later.  At  the  beginning 
beetles  were  collected  only  desultorily  and  it  was  not  until  the 
1946  collections  were  studied  that  it  was  realized  that  they 
presented  features  worthy  of  further  investigation.  The  re- 
sult was  that  the  1947  collections  were  more  thorough,  though 
still  only  Isopoda,  Myriapoda,  Coleoptera,  Araneida,  snails, 
and  a few  earwigs  and  crickets  were  collected.  Sixty-seven 
greenhouses  in  45  localities  in  British  Columbia,  Washington, 
Idaho,  and  Oregon  were  visited  in  1946  and  25  additional  green- 
houses in  18  additional  localities  were  visited  in  1947. 


This  report  is  supplemental  to  a previous  one  (Hatch  1947 : 
182-184)  in  which  eleven  species  of  oniscoids  were  reported 
from  67  greenhouses  in  45  localities  in  the  Pacific  Northwest. 
In  1947,  28  greenhouses  (2  in  British  Columbia,  6 in  Washing- 

SEP  1 5 1949 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

ton,  20  in  Oregon),  25  of  which  were  not  seen  the  previous 
year,  revealed  9 species  of  Oniscoidea.  Of  these  5 contained  no 
oniscoids,  as  opposed  to  one  out  of  67  in  1946.  Three  of  these  5 
were  in  the  dry  area  east  of  the  Cascade  Mountains : Ephrata, 
Wash. ; Bend  and  Klamath  Falls,  Ore.  The  other  two  were  in 
Coos  Bay  and  Waldport,  Ore.  Of  the  remaining  25,  4 con- 
tained one  species;  9,  2 species;  5,  3 species;  3,  4 species;  1,  5 
species;  and  1,  six  species.  Trichoniscus  sp.  and  Cordioniscus 
stebbingi  Patience  from  Corvallis,  Ore.,  Cylisticus  convexus 
DeG.  from  Pullman,  and  Trachelipus  rathkei  Br.  from  Seattle, 
Wash,  in  1946  were  not  taken  in  1947.  All  13  species  of  iso- 
pods occurring  in  Pacific  Northwest  greenhouses  may  be  intro- 
duced with  the  dubious  exception  of  Trichoniscus  demivirgo 
Blake  and  Porcellio  scaber  Latr. 

Trichoniscus  demivirgo  Blake.  This  species,  not  found  in 
any  greenhouse  in  1946,  was  taken  in  greenhouses  in  Seattle, 
Wash,  and  North  Vancouver,  B.  C.  It  was  likewise  taken  im- 
mediately outside  the  greenhouse  in  the  latter  locality.  This  is 
the  first  British  Columbia  record  for  this  species. 

Philo scia  muscorum  Scop.  Taken  in  2 greenhouses : Kelso 
and  Seattle,  Wash. 

Oniscus  asellus  L.  Taken  in  5 greenhouses,  the  only  new 
locality  being  Kelso,  Wash. 

Porcellionides  pruinosus  Br.  Taken  in  5 greenhouses:  Lang- 
ley Prairie,  B.  C. ; Seattle,  Wash. ; Ashland,  Grants  Pass,  Med- 
ford, Ore. 

Porcellio  Icevis  Latr.  Taken  in  two  greenhouses : Medford 
and  Koseburg,  Ore.  Not  previously  recorded  from  the  Pacific 

Porcellio  scaber  Latr.  Taken  in  16  greenhouses,  new  locali- 
ties being  Ashland,  Albany,  Canby,  Coos  Bay,  Grants  Pass, 
Myrtle  Point,  Reedsport,  Roseburg,  Salem,  and  Woodburn,  Ore. 

Porcellio  dilatatus  Br.  Taken  in  7 greenhouses : Seattle, 
Kelso,  Ritzvelle,  Wash. ; Ashland,  Albany,  Medford,  Salem,  Ore. 
Occurred  in  54  per  cent  of  the  greenhouses  visited  in  1946.  Ab- 
sent from  most  of  the  southwestern  Oregon  greenhouses.  I 
have  recently  received  specimens  taken  outdoors  near  Garden 
Grove,  Cal.  in  1948. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


Armadillidium  nasatum  B.-L.  Found  only  at  Langley  Prai- 
rie, B.  C.,  where  it  has  occurred  since  1941. 

Armadillidium  vulgare  Latr.  Taken  in  20  greenhouses,  new 
localities  being:  Kelso,  Wash.;  Ashland,  Albany,  Canby,  Coos 
Bay,  Eugene,  Grants  Pass,  Medford,  Myrtle  Point,  Roseburg, 
Salem,  and  Woodburn,  Ore. 


In  the  following  list  of  61  species  of  Coleoptera,  the  24  species 
known  likewise  from  Europe  are  starred  and  the  6 of  these  24 
not  previously  known  from  North  America  are  double-starred. 
In  nearly  every  instance  European  material  has  been  available 
to  help  authenticate  the  identification  of  the  European  species, 
the  exceptions  being  Platysma  ( Bothriopterus ) adstrictum 
Esch.  and  Amara  (s.  str.)  anthobia  Vill.  The  previously  re- 
corded distribution  of  each  species  is  indicated  and  the  species 
previously  undescribed  in  the  American  literature  are  suffi- 
ciently described  so  that  it  is  hoped  future  students  of  the 
Nearctic  fauna  will  be  able  to  recognize  them. 

The  taxonomic  interest  in  this  list  of  beetles  derives  from 
its  introduction  of  five  or  six  well-established  European  species 
into  our  fauna.  It  must  be  emphasized,  however,  that  the  oc- 
currence of  these  introduced  species  in  greenhouses  may  be 
only  incidental,  since  in  every  instance  except  that  of  Bem- 
bidion  ( Metallina ) lampros  Hbst.  the  newly  reported  species  is 
established  outdoors,  and  I have  reason  to  believe  that  the 
Bembidion  will  eventually  be  found  outdoors  likewise. 


Scaphinotus  ( Brennus ) f idler i Horn.  ORE. : Roseburg.  A 
western  Oregon  species. 

*Carabus  granulatus  L.  B.  C. : Burnaby,  Langley  Prairie, 
North  Vancouver;  WASH.:  Lynden.  The  previous  status  of 
this  species  in  America  has  been  traced  by  Hatch  (1933:  117; 
1946),  Brown  (1940:  69),  and  VanDyke  (1945:  92,  128-129). 
In  Eurasia  it  occurs  throughout  Europe  except  the  Iberian 
Peninsula  and  southern  Italy,  and  across  northern  Asia  to 
Japan  (Apfelbeck  1904:  33;  Porta  1923:  58;  Jeannel  1941: 
115).  It  is  said  to  be  native  to  the  Transcaspian  region  and 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  LY1I 

Persia  (Schaufuss  1907 : 16).  Andrewes  (1935:  14)  points  out 
that  the  fixation  of  the  type  of  Cardbus  by  Curtis  in  1833  as 
C.  violaceus  L.  (=  Megodontus  Solier  1848)  has  priority  over  its 
fixation  as  C.  granulatus  L.  by  C.  G.  Thomson  in  1875.  Earlier 
than  this  (1859:  2)  C.  G.  Thomson  had  already  designated  C. 
hortensis  L.  {=  Euporocarabus  Reitter)  as  the  generitype.  In 
consequence  of  the  above,  I propose  the  subgenus  Neocarabus 
nov.  for  C.  granulatus  L. 

*Carabus  ( Archicarabus ) nemoralis  Mull.  WASH. : Aber- 
deen, CleElum,  Colfax,  Ellensburg,  Kelso,  Port  Angeles,  Pull- 
man. The  status  of  this  species  in  America  is  traced  by  Hatch 
(1933:  117-118;  1946),  Brown  (1940:  69),  and  Van  Dyke 
(1945:  92,  129),  and  I have  specimens  taken  outdoors  previ- 
ously unrecorded  from  Port  Angeles,  Olympia,  Montesano, 
Wenatchee,  Cheney,  and  Vancouver,  Wash,  and  McMinnville, 
Ore.  A native  of  northern  and  middle  Europe  (Jeannel  1941: 

Notiophilus  sylvaticus  Esch.  ORE.:  Coos  Bay.  Occurs  from 
northern  California  to  south  central  Alaska  (Fall  1906:  89). 

*Bembidion  ( Peryphus ) ustulatum  L.  ( f tetracolum  Say). 
B.  C. : Langley  Prairie,  North  Vancouver;  WASH.:  Everett, 
Marysville,  Seattle.  I can  detect  no  difference  between  North 
American  specimens  and  examples  in  my  collection  from  Mora- 
via in  central  Europe.  I have  similar  specimens  taken  out- 
doors from  Toronto,  Ont. ; Calumet,  Mich.;  North  Vancouver, 
B.  C. ; Seattle  and  vicinity  (Lake  Forest  Park,  Bothell,  Juanita 
Beach,  Renton,  Redmond)  and  from  Pacific  City  and  Port  An- 
geles, Wash.  In  the  Old  World  ustulatum  occurs  throughout 
nearly  the  entire  Palaearctic  region  (Jeannel  (1941:  509)  and 
I am  beginning  to  suspect  it  is  introduced  in  North  America. 
If  tetracolum  Say  1823  is  really  a synonym,  its  introduction  oc- 
curred at  an  early  date,  but  tetracolum  may  refer  to  a related 
native  species  like  substrictum  LeC  (=  lucidum  LeC.).  My 
suspicion  of  ustulatum’ s introduced  status  in  this  country  is 
due  to  its  predominance  in  my  experience  in  and  near  cities 
and  in  cultivated  fields  and  its  general  absence  from  ‘ ‘ natural  ’ 7 
habitats.  Hayward’s  (1897 : 80)  record  of  it  as  “very  widely 
distributed,  occurring  locally  throughout  the  greater  part  of  the 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


region  east  of  the  Rocky  Mountains”  (italics  mine)  would  fit 
in  with  this  hypothesis. 

Bembidion  (. Peryphus ) substrictum  LeC.  ( lucidum  LeC.  nec 
Fald.).  WASH. : Ephrata,  Ritzville.  Occurs  from  Alaska  (Van 
Dyke  1924:  7)  to  Newfoundland,  Illinois,  Mexico,  and  Califor- 
nia ( Csiki  1928:  114). 

Bembidion  ( Peryphus ) fusicrunv  Mots.  WASH.:  Ritzville. 
Occurs  in  Turkestan  and  Siberia  and  from  Alaska  ( Csiki 
1928:  96)  and  Quebec  (Brown  1930:  232)  to  New  Mexico  (Fall 
and  Cockerell  1907:  157)  and  eastern  Washington.  It  has 
probably  not  been  introduced  into  North  America  by  human 

**Bembidion  ( Metallina ) lampros  Hbst.  B.  C.:  Langley 
Prairie,  one  specimen  taken  in  1946,  seven  in  1947,  the  latter 
in  the  damp  dirt  on  the  floor  under  one  of  the  tables.  This 
European  and  western  Siberian  species  (Muller  1918:  58)  has 
not  previously  been  recorded  from  North  America.1 

The  subgenus  Metallina  Motsch.  has  not  previously  been  rec- 
ognized in  America  and  may  be  defined  as  follows : Elytra  with 
marginal  line  angulate  at  humerus  and  attaining  the  base  of 
the  fourth  stria,  the  third  interval  with  two  dorsal  punctures, 
the  striae  strongly  punctate,  the  discal  striae  obsolete  towards 
apex,  the  eighth  stria  more  deeply  impressed  and  narrowly 
separated  from  the  glabrous  margin ; shining  metallic ; frontal 
striae  simple,  impressed,  straight  in  front,  arcuate  behind;  pro- 
notum  strongly  cordate,  the  hind  angles  rectangular,  the  base 
not  or  scarcely  wider  than  the  apex,  the  marginal  seta  in  front 
of  the  middle. 

B.  lampros  Hbst.  may  be  further  described  as  follows : 

Shining  black,  metallic,  the  legs  and  first  four  segments  of 
antennae  more  or  less  rufous;  head  with  frontal  striae  single, 
subparallel  in  front  and  sinuate  and  deeply  prolonged  behind 
the  anterior  supraorbital  seta  and  divergent  behind,  the  eyes 
large;  pronotum  strongly  cordate,  about  three-fourths  as  long 
as  wide,  widest  just  in  front  of  middle,  the  base  about  nine- 
tenths  as  wide  as  the  apex,  the  side  margins  strongly  arcuate 

1 Not  to  be  confused  with  the  lampros  Horn  (1890;  Hamilton  1894:  351) 
nec  Herbst  muscicola  Hayward  1897:  122-123). 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

in  front,  strongly  constricted  in  front  of  the  prominent  rec- 
tangular carinate  hind,  angles,  the  basal  impressions  deep  and 
bistriate  and  connected  by  a well  impressed  coarsely  punctate 
transverse  impression;  elytra  with  the  first  and  eighth  strise 
entire  and  impressed,  the  second  through  the  sixth  striae  feebly 
impressed,  obsolete  towards  apex,  the  first  through  the  sixth 
striae  and  the  scutellar  stria  coarsely  punctate,  the  seventh  stria 
obsolete,  the  eighth  distinct  from  the  margin,  the  third  interval 
with  two  dorsal  punctures  distant  from  the  third  stria,  the 
marginal  line  obtusely  angulate  at  the  humerus  and  inwardly 
prolonged  to  the  base  of  the  fourth  stria ; mentum  with  a large 
entire  tooth;  length  2.5-4  mm.  (3.25-4  in  my  series). 

Belonging  likewise  to  Metallina  apparently  is  the  B.  dyschi- 
rinurn  LeC.  of  Hayward  and  the  related  forms  described  by 
Casey  ( aleneanum , perturbatum,  agitabile,  atrolucens).  From 
my  extensive  series  of  dyschirinum,  lampros  may  be  distin- 
guished by  its  slightly  more  coarsely  punctate  elytral  striae,  the 
punctures  becoming  obsolete  behind  the  middle  rather  than 
about  at  the  middle  as  in  dyschirinum.  Moreover,  the  pro- 
notum  is  slightly  less  cordate  in  dyschirinum , the  base  being 
nearly  equal  to  the  apex  in  width,  the  transverse  basal  impres- 
sion smooth  and  nearly  obsolete  at  the  middle. 

Bembidion  (s.  str.)  dubitans  LeC.  WASH. : Dayton.  Oc- 
curs from  Alberta  and  British  Columbia  (Csiki  1928:  143)  to 
New  Mexico  (Fall  and  Cockerell  1907:  157). 

* Trechus  (s.  str.)  obtusus  Er.  WASH.:  Everett,  Seattle. 
First  reported  from  North  America  at  Seattle  by  Hatch  (1933: 
119),  this  species  has  since  been  taken  at  Bothell,  Kenton,  Silver 
Lake  (Snohomish  Co.),  and  Tacoma,  all  in  western  Washington. 
It  is  a native  of  western  Europe  from  Iceland  and  southern 
Scandinavia  to  Albania,  Sicily,  Tunis,  and  Morocco  (Jeannel 
1927:  303-309).  Western  Washington  specimens  are  said  by 
Jeannel  (1941:  329)  to  belong  to  the  form  obtusioides  Jeann. 
from  north  Africa,  Spain,  and  southern  France.  It  may  be 
described  as  follows  : 

Rufo-testaceous,  shining,  impunctate,  the  legs  flavous;  head 
with  frontal  sutures  well  impressed,  extending  from  the  clypeus 
broadly  arcuating  behind  the  well  developed  eyes  nearly  to  the 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


gula;  pronotum  nearly  five-sixths  as  long  as  broad,  the  apex 
seven-eighths  as  wide  as  the  base,  the  sides  broadly  snbevenly 
arcuate,  the  basal  margin  within  the  hind  angles  narrowly 
beaded  but  not  at  all  flattened,  the  hind  angles  obtusely  rounded 
and  very  minutely  prominent,  the  side  margins  narrowly  re- 
flexed, the  basal  impressions  feebly  impressed  and  separated 
from  the  hind  angle  by  a convex  undifferentiated  extension  of 
the  pronotal  disc ; elytra  with  eight  sparsely  evanescently  punc- 
tate striae,  the  first  three  well  impressed,  the  first  with  a deeply 
impressed  apical  portion  recurving  to  near  the  apex  of  the  fifth 
stria,  the  third  with  two  dorsal  punctures  and  an  apical  punc- 
ture at  its  confluence  with  the  second,  the  sixth  and  seventh 
striae  evanescent,  the  eighth  evanescent  except  at  its  apical  third 
where  it  is  sulciform;  length  3.75-4.25  mm. 

Distinguished  from  chalybceus  Dej.  and  ovipennis  Mots.,  the 
native  Pacific  Northwest  species  of  the  genus,  by  the  hind  angles 
of  the  pronotum,  which  in  these  species  are  rectangular  or 
subrectangular  with  the  side  margin  more  or  less  slightly  sinu- 
ate in  front  of  the  hind  angles,  the  basal  impressions  larger 
than  in  obtusus , the  basal  margin  just  within  the  hind  angles 
appreciably  but  narrowly  flattened. 

Platysma  ( Hypherpes ) herculaneum  Mann.  WASH. : Ev- 
erett. Occurs  from  southeastern  Alaska  to  Oregon  west  of  the 
Cascade  Mountains  and  in  northeastern  Washington  and  north- 
ern Idaho. 

Platysma  ( Hypherpes ) algidum  LeC.  WASH.:  Everett, 
Kelso,  Port  Angeles,  Seattle.  ORE.:  Grants  Pass,  Roseburg. 
Occurs  from  south  central  Alaska  to  Oregon  west  of  the  Cas- 
cade Mountains,  the  most  abundant  species  of  the  genus. 

Platysma  ( Poecilus ) occidentale  Dej.  ORE.:  Grants  Pass. 
A single  specimen  appears  to  belong  to  this  southern  Califor- 
nian and  Nevadan  species.  I am  not  familiar  enough  with  the 
fauna  of  southern  Oregon  to  say  whether  or  not  it  occurs  out- 
doors in  that  area. 

Platysma  (Poecilus)  lucublandum  Say.  WASH. : Walla 
Walla,  Yakima.  This  species  ranges  from  Alaska  (Csiki  1930: 
601)  and  Quebec  (Chagnon  1917:  170)  to  Oregon,  Utah,  and 
District  of  Columbia  (Ulke  1902:  6). 


New  York  Entomological  Society 


*Platysma  ( Omaseidius ) vulgare  L.  B.  C. : Burnaby,  Lang- 
ley Prairie,  North  Vancouver.  WASH. : Ellensburg,  Everett, 
Mt.  Vernon,  Port  Angeles.  First  reported  from  North  America 
by  Hatch  (1933:  120)  from  various  localities  in  western  Wash- 
ington and  northwestern  Oregon,  this  species  has  since  been 
taken  outdoors  at  the  following  additional  localities:  B.  C. : 
Burnaby,  North  Vancouver,  Vancouver,  Victoria;  W.  Wash.: 
Alpha,  Bellingham,  Blaine,  Bothell,  Custer,  Friday  Harbor, 
Olympia,  Port  Townsend,  Redmond,  Renton,  Snoqualmie  Falls; 
E.  Wash.:  Wenatchee.  Jeannel  (1942:  785)  records  this  spe- 
cies from  central  and  northern  Europe  and  Siberia.  It  may  be 
described  as  follows: 

Black,  shining,  finely  alutaceous,  the  tarsi  and  palpi  piceous; 
pronotum  seven-tenths  as  long  as  wide,  the  apex  about  ninety- 
five  per  cent  as  wide  as  the  base,  the  sides  arcuate  in  front  of 
the  very  briefly  prominent  bluntly  rectangular  hind  angles,  the 
side  margins  evidently  flattened,  the  basal  impressions  well  im- 
pressed rugoso-punctate  bistriate,  a prominent  convex  carina 
between  the  outer  stria  and  the  side  margin,  median  line  fine 
and  entire;  elytra  with  a scutellar  and  eight  discal  well  im- 
pressed sparsely  evanescently  punctulate  striae,  the  intervals 
convex,  the  third  interval  with  two  dorsal  punctures  adherent 
to  the  second  stria,  the  eighth  stria  with  about  fifteen  ocellate 
punctures,  the  humeri  rounded  and  not  dentate ; venter  im- 
punctate,  sparsely  punctate  towards  the  sides  of  the  meso-  and 
metathorax;  male  with  protarsi  dilated  and  with  one  anal  seta 
on  either  side  of  the  last  abdominal  sternite ; female  with  pro- 
tarsi  narrow  and  two  anal  setae;  tarsi  with  last  segment  with 
two  or  three  setae  along  the  lower  margin ; length  14-19  mm. 

This  member  of  the  subgenus  Omaseidius  Jeannel  (1942:  781, 
782,  784)  (generitype  vulgare  L.)  (=  Omaseus  auct.  nec  Steph. 
— Jeannel  1942:  755)  runs  to  Lophoglossits  LeC.,  but  is  distin- 
guished therefrom  by  the  two  or  three  setae  on  the  lower  sur- 
face of  the  last  tarsal  segment.  It  is  likewise  distinguished  by 
its  more  roughly  sculptured  basal  pronotal  impressions.  From 
Melanius  Bon.  (=  Omaseus  Casey  nec  Steph.)  it  is  distinguished 
by  the  same  tarsal  character  as  well  as  by  its  more  broadly  flat- 
tened pronotal  side  margins. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


Platysma  ( Parargutor ) atrolucens  Csy.  WASH. : Seattle. 
ORE. : Salem.  Atrolucens  is  distinguished  from  the  Californian 
lust  runs  LeC.  by  its  averagely  larger  size  and  its  posterior  tho- 
racic angles,  the  side  margins  curving  out  almost  directly  from 
the  hind  angles  and  not  perceptibly  in  front  of  them,  as  in  lus- 
trans.  Widely  distributed  throughout  Washington  and  north- 
ern Oregon. 

*Platysma  ( Bothriopterus ) adstrictum  Esch.  WASH.:  Mt. 
Vernon,  Port  Angeles.  Many  years  ago  Fall  (1926:  135) 
opined  that  “nearly  all  the  names  under  Bothriopterus  of  the 
Leng  list  apply  to  more  or  less  trifling  variations  of  this  ubiqui- 
tous northern  species.”  The  species  is  nearly  circumpolar,  is 
common  throughout  the  Pacific  Northwest,  and  I know  of  no 
reason  to  believe  that  it  is  introduced. 

Amara  ( Curtonotus ) jacobina  LeC.  ORE.:  Klamath  Falls. 
Washington  and  California  (Hayward  1908:  22-23)  to  Idaho, 
Colorado  (Wickham  1902:  236),  and  Arizona  (Hayward) . 

Amara  ( Percosia ) obesa  Say.  WASH. : Ellensburg.  Widely 
distributed  in  Canada  and  the  United  States  north  of  Oregon 
(Horn  1892:  26),  Oklahoma,  and  the  District  of  Columbia 

Amara  (Celia)  calif  ornica  Dej.  WASH.:  Port  Townsend. 
ORE.:  Eugene,  Medford.  California  and  New  Mexico  (Horn 
1892:  27-28)  to  Washington. 

Amara  (s.  str.)  impuncticollis  Say.  WASH.:  Walla  Walla. 
ORE.:  Grants  Pass,  Medford,  Woodburn.  Alaska  (Csiki  1929: 
418)  and  Quebec  ( Chagnon  1917 : 171)  to  Alabama  (Lodirig 
1945:  18)  and  Oregon. 

** Amara  (s.  str.)  anthobia  Vill.  Wash.:  Marysville  (1946), 
Seattle  (1947).  My  first  two  specimens  of  this  European  spe- 
cies are  dated  June  1945  from  Lake  Forest  Park  (north  of 
Seattle,  collected  by  Arnie  Brown).  Additional  specimens  have 
been  taken  at  Bothell  in  1946  and  1947.  This  species  is  dis- 
tributed throughout  southern  Europe  and  Asia  Minor  (Jeannel 
1941:  912)  to  England  (Fowler  and  Donisthorpe  1913:  7), 
Netherlands  (Everts  1903:  83),  and  southern  Germany  (Reitter 
1908:  161).  It  has  not  previously  been  reported  from  North 
America.  Mj^  identification  is  not  based  on  comparison  wTith 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

European  examples,  but  my  specimens  fit  so  perfectly  the  de- 
scriptions of  anthobia  that  I am  virtually  certain  of  my  identi- 
fication. It  may  be  recognized  as  follows. 

Above  aeneous,  shining,  nearly  impunctate,  very  finely  and 
feebly  alutaceous ; below  shining  black,  nearly  impunctate ; legs 
and  first  three  or  four  antennal  segments  clear  rufo-flavous,  the 
second  and  third  segments  not  carinate,  the  outer  antennal  seg- 
ments piceous;  pronotum  about  two-thirds  as  long  as  broad, 
broadest  at  about  the  basal  third  in  front  of  which  the  sides  are 
broadly  arcuate  to  the  broadly  rounded  anterior  angles  and  be- 
hind which  the  sides  are  just  visibly  convergent  to  the  narrowly 
rectangularly  rounded  posterior  angles ; pronotum  with  the 
apex  nearly  truncate  and  about  two-fifths  as  wide  as  the  base, 
the  disc  convex  and  with  a finely  impressed  median  line  not  at- 
taining either  apical  or  basal  margins,  the  side  margins  and  the 
basal  margin  at  either  side  finely  beaded,  the  inner  basal  im- 
pression strongly  impressed  and  linear,  the  outer  impression 
feeble,  the  side  margin  with  the  anterior  seta-bearing  puncture 
at  apical  third,  the  posterior  one  in  the  hind  angles  closer  to  the 
basal  than  to  the  lateral  margin;  elytra  with  a scutellar  and 
eight  discal  striae  finely  impressed  (more  strongly  impressed  at 
extreme  apex)  and  evanescently  punctulate,  the  scutellar  stria 
more  or  less  interrupted  and  with  a seta-bearing  puncture  at  its 
base,  the  intervals  nearly  flat  (convex  at  extreme  apex),  the  lat- 
eral and  apical  margin  with  about  sixteen  seta-bearing  punc- 
tures, the  apical  margin  sinuate ; male  with  first  three  protarsal 
segments  dilated,  the  inner  surface  of  the  distal  portion  of  the 
metatibia  pubescent,  the  prosternum  smooth,  the  last  abdominal 
sternite  with  a single  anal  seta  on  either  side;  female  with  the 
protarsi  and  metatibise  unmodified,  with  two  anal  setae;  length 
5.5-7  mm. 

Anthobia  runs  to  impuncticollis  Say  and  its  allies  from  which 
it  is  distinguished  by  its  smaller  size,  its  uniform  rufo-flavous 
legs,  and  its  nearly  truncate  pronotal  apex. 

*Amara  (s.  str.)  familiaris  Duft.  (humilis  Csy.).  B.  C. : Bur- 
naby. WASH.:  Enumclaw,  Vancouver.  ORE.:  Woodburn. 
This  widely  distributed  Palaearctic  species  was  first  recorded 
from  North  America  in  1918  by  Casey  (1918:  302)  under  the 

Sept.,  1949] 

. Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


name  humilis  Csy.  on  the  basis  of  specimens  from  Rhode  Island 
and  Long  Island.  According  to  Mr.  L.  L.  Buchanan,  who  has 
been  so  kind  as  to  look  into  the  matter  for  me,  the  Long  Island 
specimens  were  taken  in  1915,  the  Rhode  Island  specimens  at 
an  undetermined  date.  Mr.  Buchanan  likewise  reports  speci- 
mens in  the  United  States  National  Museum  from  West  Point, 
N.  Y.,  1913,  and  Mt.  Vernon  and  Seattle,  Wash.,  1943.  Dar- 
lington (1936:  20)  established  the  true  identity  of  American 
material,  reporting  familiaris  common  in  eastern  Massachusetts 
and  New  Hampshire,  and  Mr.  C.  A.  Frost  writes  me  he  has  it 
from  eastern  Massachusetts  from  1919  or  before.  I collected 
specimens  in  central  (Onondaga  Co.,  1923)  and  northern  NewT 
York  (Cranberry  Lake,  1922).  The  species  is  common  in  the 
Pacific  Northwest,  my  earliest  material  being  a male  from  Seattle 
taken  in  1913.  I have  additional  males  taken  since  1928  from 
Ariel,  Auburn,  Camano  Is.,  Cedar  Mt.,  Barrington,  Evans 
Creek,  Juanita  Beach,  Kent,  Moclips,  Mora,  Mt.  Vernon,  North 
Bend,  Oak  Harbor,  Olympia,  Panther  Lake  (King  Co.),  Posses- 
sion, Puyallup,  San  Juan  Is.,  Seattle,  Snoquahnie  Falls,  and 
Tacoma,  all  in  western  Washington;  from  Walla  Walla  (1942) 
in  eastern  Washington;  and  from  Cannon  Beach  (1937)  in 
western  Oregon. 

**Calathus  (s.  str.)  fuscipes  Goeze.  B.  C. : North  Vancouver 
— a single  specimen,  1946.  Additional  specimens  were  secured 
outside  the  same  greenhouse  in  1946  (2),  May  1947  (2),  and 
July  1947  (2).  Mr.  G.  Stace  Smith  has  two  specimens  taken  in 
North  Vancouver  in  1928  (G.  H.  Larnder  collector)  and  there 
are  seven  additional  specimens  in  the  Ralph  Hopping  collection, 
same  place,  same  year,  same  collector.  This  European-Medi- 
terranean species  (Schaufuss  1908:  96;  Jeannel  1941:  850)  has 
not  previously  been  reported  from  North  America.  It  may  be 
recognized  as  follows. 

Black,  shining,  finely  alutaceous,  the  elytra  somewhat  more 
alutaceous  and  less  shining  (male)  or  opaquely  alutaceous  (fe- 
male) ; legs,  mouthparts,  and  antennas  piceous  to  rufous,  the 
basal  antennal  segment  frequently  evidently  paler;  pronotum 
about  four-fifths  as  long  as  wide,  very  feebly  deplanate  at  sides, 
more  strongly  so  towards  the  hind  angles  which  are  variably 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  lvii 

slightly  punctate  in  the  position  of  the  “ outer”  and  '‘inner” 
basal  impressions  which  are  feebly  impressed,  the  apex  emar- 
ginate  and  about  seven-tenths  as  wide  as  the  base,  the  sides 
broadly  arcuate  in  front,  nearly  parallel  to  very  slightly  con- 
vergent behind  the  basal  half  or  third,  the  posterior  angles 
rounded,  the  base  feebly  broadly  emarginate  at  middle,  the  disc 
with  impressed  median  line  not  attaining  either  margin;  elytra 
with  finely  impressed  finely  punctate  scutellar  and  nine  discal 
striae,  the  scutellar  stria  with  an  ocellate  puncture  at  its  base, 
the  second  (especially  behind),  third,  fifth,  and  eighth  striae 
set  with  numerous  larger  seta-bearing  punctures ; length  10-14 
mm.  (10.5-12  mm.  in  my  material). 

This  species  is  distinguished  from  the  previously  known 
* North  American  species  of  Calathus  by  the  series  of  punctures 
on  the  second,  third,  and  fifth  elytral  striae. 

*Lcemostenus  (s.  str.)  complanatus  Dej.  WASH.:  Enum- 
claw.  ORE. : Canby.  The  World  and  American  status  of  this 
Mediterranean  species  has  been  detailed  by  Gray  and  Hatch 
(1941:  13-14)  and  Hatch  (1942:  1211).  It  is  a subcosmopoli- 
tan predator  said  to  be  associated  primarily  with  stored  grain, 
but  its  occurrence  in  two  greenhouses  may  suggest  other  asso- 
ciations as  well. 

Agonum  (Melanagonum)  fossigerum  Dej.  WASH.:  Chehalis. 
ID. : Moscow.  California  to  Washington,  along  stream  margins. 

Chlcenius  tricolor  Dej.  WASH.:  Dayton.  This  is  one  of  a 
group  of  species  represented  likewise  by  Harpalus  caliginosus 
F.  (which  does  not,  however,  get  beyond  the  extreme  eastern 
margin  of  Washington)  and  H.  pennsylv aniens  DeG.,  which,  ex- 
tending all  the  way  to  the  Atlantic  Ocean,  do  not  in  Washing- 
ton surpass  the  barrier  of  the  Cascade  Mountains. 

Harpalus  (Megapangus)  caliginosus  F.  WASH.:  Rosalia — 
a single  dead  specimen.  My  only  other  Northwestern  speci- 
mens are  from  Almota,  Wash,  and  Homestead,  Ore. 

Harpalus  (Harpalomerus)  amputatus  Say.  WASH.:  Pull- 
man. Occurs  from  South  Dakota  and  British  Columbia  east  of 
the  Cascade  Mountains  to  Wyoming  and  Arizona. 

Harpalus  ( Pardileus ) pennsylv anicus  DeG.  WASH.:  Clarks- 
ton,  Kennewick,  Sunnyside,  Wenatchee.  ORE. : Grants  Pass,, 
Medford.  See  note  under  Chlcenius  tricolor  Dej. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


Harpalus  cautus  Dej.  WASH.:  Seattle.  ORE.:  Salem. 
The  commonest  species  of  the  genus  west  of  the  Cascade  Moun- 

Harpalus  sp.  WASH. : Prosser,  Sunnysicle. 

Harpalus  fraternus  LeC.  WASH. : Ephrata.  British  Co- 
lumbia to  northern  California  and  Wyoming  (Casey  1914:  118). 

Anisodactylus  consobrinus  LeC.  ORE. : Ashland.  Northern 
California  (Casey  1914:  187)  to  eastern  Washington. 

Anisodactylus  calif ornicus  Dej.  WASH.:  Chehalis,  Clarks- 
ton,  Seattle,  Wenatchee.  ORE. : Dayton,  Eugene,  Grants  Pass, 
Reedsport,  Roseburg.  Middle  California  (Casey  1914:  189)  to 
British  Columbia  and  Idaho.  The  commonest  species  of  the 
genus  in  the  Pacific  Northwest. 

Anisodactylus  semipunctatus  LeC.  ID. : Moscow.  Northern 
California  (Casey  1914:  186)  to  Washington  and  Idaho. 

## Anisodactylus  binotatus  P.  B.  C. : Burnaby  (1946),  Lang- 
ley Prairie  (1946).  This  widely  distributed  common  Palae- 
arctic  species  has  not  previously  been  reported  from  America. 
My  first  specimens  were  taken  by  Mr.  M.  J.  Forsell  in  1944  at 
Seattle,  Bothell,  Redmond,  Mt.  Vernon,  and  Conway,  all  in 
western  Washington  (Apr.  30-Aug.  19,  19  specimens).  I have 
two  specimens  from  Seattle  taken  in  1946  and  one  taken  in  1947, 
and  two  specimens  from  Bothell  taken  in  1947.  It  may  be  de- 
scribed as  follows. 

Black,  a transverse  rufous  spot  between  the  eyes,  the  first 
two  and  one-half  segments  of  the  antennae  conspicuously  paler; 
head  shining,  minutely  punctulate ; pronotum  nearly  two-thirds 
as  long  as  wide,  widest  just  before  middle,  apex  emarginate  and 
five-sixths  as  wide  as  base ; sides  of  pronotum  broadly  arcuate, 
oblique  before  the  minutely  prominent  hind  angles;  disc  of 
pronotum  shining,  minutely  punctulate,  slightly  more  coarsely 
punctate  along  apical  margin,  the  sides,  and  the  base,  the  basal 
impressions  conspicuously  punctato-rugose ; elytra  shining,  alu- 
taceous  (more  opaquely  so  in  female),  obscurely  punctate  (more 
obscurely  so  in  female),  the  scutellar  and  nine  discal  striae  en- 
tire, impressed,  impunctate,  the  intervals  feebly  convex,  the 
third  interval  with  a single  dorsal  puncture  behind  the  middle 
at  or  near  the  second  stria,  the  two  outer  intervals  and  the  api- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

cal  third  or  fourth  (female)  or  sixth  or  seventh  (male)  with 
minute  seta-bearing  punctures;  venter  shining  minutely  aluta- 
ceous,  the  metepisterna  punctate,  the  sterna  and  first  two  ab- 
dominal sternites  pubescent  especially  towards  their  median 
portions,  the  male  with  the  median  portion  of  the  metasternum 
in  front  of  the  antecoxal  piece  and  of  the  first  two  abdominal 
sternites  glabrous ; male  with  the  first  four  segments  of  the  pro- 
and  mesotarsi  dilated  and  spongy  pubescent  beneath;  length 
10-11.5  mm. 

Distinguished  from  the  other  American  species  of  Anisodac- 
tylus  s.  str.  known  to  me  by  its  conspicuously  paler  two 
and  one-half  basal  antennal  segments,  the  other  species  having 
only  the  basal  segment  paler.  From  all  our  species  except 
semipunctatus  LeC.  and  related  forms  it  is  distinguished  by  its 
pubescent  lateral  and  apical  elytral  margins.  From  semipunc- 
tatus it  is  distinguished  by  its  slightly  smaller  size,  nearly  fiat 
elytral  intervals,  and  the  fact  that  in  semipunctatus  the  pro- 
notum  is  throughout  more  or  less  uniformly  punctate  rugose  and 
the  median  portions  of  the  sterna  and  first  two  abdominal  ster- 
nites are  pubescent  in  both  sexes. 

Stenocellus  nubicollis  Csy.  WASH. : Dayton.  ORE. : Eu- 
gene, Grants  Pass.  California  (Casey  1914:  253)  to  Washing- 
ton. Nubicollis  differs  from  such  eastern  species  as  rupestris 
Say  and  debilipes  Say  by  the  very  much  less,  almost  evanescent, 
minutely  prominent  pronotal  angles. 

Stenolophus  conjunctus  Say.  ORE. : Grants  Pass.  Rhode 
Island  to  California  (Casey  1914:  281)  and  Washington. 


Necrophilus  hydrophiloides  Mann.  B.  C. : North  Vancouver. 
Southeastern  Alaska  to  central  California  west  of  the  Cascade 


Lathrotropis  jacobina  LeC.  ORE. : Roseburg.  Southern 
California  and  Nevada  (Casey  1905:  116)  to  Washington. 

Gyrohypnus  liamatus  Say.  WASH. : Seattle.  Rhode  Island 
and  California  (Casey  1906:  39)  to  Washington. 

**Xantholinus  linearis  Oliv.  ID. : Lewiston.  This  generally 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


distributed  Palaearctic  species  has  not  previously  been  reported 
from  America.  My  first  specimen  was  taken  in  Seattle  in  1931, 
from  which  locality  I have  21  other  specimens  dated  from  1932 
to  1941.  Additional  specimens  are  from  McDonald  Lake,, 
Bothell,  and  Cedar  Mt.  in  King  Co.,  and  from  Tacoma,  Wash., 
and  from  Portland  and  Cornelius,  Ore,  (1934).  It  may  be  de- 
scribed as  follows : 

Black,  shining ; legs,  mouthparts,  and  antennae  reddish  brown ; 
head  and  pronotum  sometimes  somewhat  microstrigulate ; elytra 
frequently  brownish;  head  quadrate,  about  five-sixths  as  broad 
as  long,  slightly  wider  before  the  arcuate  hind  angles  where  it 
is  subequal  to  the  apex  of  the  pronotum  in  width,  the  frontal 
punctures  about  as  distant  from  each  other  as  from  the  eyes, 
which  are  circular  and  separated  from  the  neck  by  about  four 
times  their  diameter;  surface  of  head  shining,  smooth  along 
mid-dorsal  line,  punctate  towards  either  side  and  below,  the 
sides  evenly  rounded  with  an  irregularly  delimited  smooth 
area  extending  back  from  the  eye,  the  gular  sutures  confluent 
behind  middle;  maxillary  palpi  with  the  fourth  segment  nearly 
as  long  as  the  third,  pointed  at  apex,  obviously  narrower  than 
third  segment  at  base ; neck  three-sevenths  as  wide  as  head ; 
pronotum  seven-tenths  as  wide  as  long,  obliquely  narrowed  be- 
hind, the  angles  broadly  rounded,  the  disc  with  a series  of  about 
12  to  14  punctures  on  either  side  of  the  median  line  with  scat- 
tered punctures  laterally,  especially  towards  the  front  angles; 
elytra  together  about  four-fifths  as  wide  as  long,  the  surface 
with  seta-bearing  punctures  some  of  which  are  faintly  linear 
in  arrangement;  abdomen  finely  sparsely  punctulate  and  pubes- 
cent; length  5-8.5  mm. 

Distinguished  from  Xantholinus  picipennis  LeC.  of  Casey  by 
the  evenly  rounded  not  densely  opaquely  punctate  lateral  sur- 
face of  the  head. 

*Philonthus  fuscipennis  Mann.  ORE.:  Woodburn.  This 
Palaearctic  species  (Ganglbauer  1895:  447)  was  first  reported 
from  America  from  North  Carolina  by  Horn  (1884:  186)  under 
the  name  of  politus  P.  Horn  had  not  seen  any  specimens.  Leech 
(1947 : 23)  reported  it  from  southern  British  Columbia,  1931  to 
1938.  My  Seattle  records  go  back  to  1910.  It  is  one  of  our 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvii 

common  species  and  I have  specimens  from : Ballinger  L.  (Sno- 
homish Co.),  Bellingham,  Bothell,  Duvall,  Elwa,  Evans  Cr. 
(King  Co.),  Montesano,  Mora,  Mt.  Vernon,  Point  Koberts,  Port 
Townsend,  Kenton,  Richmond  Beach,  Tacoma,  Tokeland,  Vashon, 
Washougal  River,  all  in  western  Washington;  Walla  Walla  and 
Yakima  Co.,  eastern  Washington;  Harrison  Hot  Springs  and 
Ocean  Falls,  B.  C. ; Dayton  and  Lostine,  Ore. 

Philonthus  hepaticus  Er.  WASH. : Bellingham — a single  fe- 
male. Widely  distributed  throughout  the  Nearctic  region 
(Horn  1884:  189). 

* Philonthus  sordidus  Grav.  ORE.:  Bend.  Holarctic  (Horn 
1884:  209),  Chile  (Ganglbauer  1895:  451).  At  present  I be- 
lieve it  is  impossible  to  say  whether  or  not  this  species  has  been 
introduced  into  North  America  through  human  agency. 

* Philonthus  nigritulus  Grav.  WASH.:  Ephrata.  ORE.: 
Bend,  Corvallis,  Waldport.  Females,  possibly  of  this  species, 
from  B.  C. : Langley  Prairie;  WASH.:  Kelso;  ORE.:  Eugene. 
Europe,  Mediterranean,  Siberia,  Chile,  Australia  (Ganglbauer 
1895:  460)  ; New  England  to  Arizona  and  British  Columbia 
(Horn  1884:  216).  It  is  impossible  to  say  whether  or  not  this 
species  has  been  introduced  into  North  America  through  human 

*Stapkylinus  ( Ocypus ) globulifer  Fourc.  B.  C. : Burnaby. 
WASH. : Seattle.  This  widely  distributed  Palsearctic  species 
(Ganglbauer  1895:  436)  was  first  recorded  in  North  America 
from  Montreal,  Que.  by  Chagnon  (1936:  116)  from  three  speci- 
mens taken  in  1935.  In  addition  to  the  two  specimens  from 
greenhouses,  I have  16  specimens  from  western  Washington: 
North  Creek  near  Bothell  (1925),  Vashon  (1930),  Seattle  (1932- 
1946),  Bothell  (1938)  ; also  one  specimen  from  Burns,  Ore. 
(1938).  Chagnon  has  given  a short  description.  It  is  placed 
in  the  subgenus  Ocypus  in  Ganglbauer ’s  table  by  its  slender 
mandible  without  a tooth  on  the  inner  margin. 

Staphylinus  ( Tasgius ) nigrellus  Horn.  ORE.:  Canby. 

Northern  California  (Horn  (1879:  188)  to  Washington.  I have 
used  Ganglbauer’s  table  (1895:  424)  in  assigning  this  species  to 
the  subg.  Tasgius  Steph.,  in  which  the  mandibles  have  a single 
large  tooth  along  the  inner  margin. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


*8taphylinus  ( Tasgius ) ater  Gray.  ( Ocypus  auct.) . WASH.: 
Bellingham,  Chehalis,  Dayton,  Port  Townsend,  Walla  Walla. 
ORE.:  Dayton.  This  Holarctic  species  (Ganglbaner  1895: 
435)  is  said  to  be  rare  in  Eurasia.  Such  is  hardly  true  in 
North  America.  I have  specimens  from  New  York,  Michigan, 
and  Utah.  From  western  Washington  I have  taken  outdoors 
164  specimens  from  32  localities  as  well  as  specimens  from  Walla 
Walla  in  eastern  Washington  and  Corvallis  and  Dayton  in 
western  Oregon.  It  is  especially  common  on  but  not  confined 
to  salt  water  beaches  in  western  Washington,  and  I know  of  no 
particular  reason  for  regarding  it  as  introduced  into  North 
America  through  human  agency.  It  was  first  reported  in  this 
country  by  Say  in  1834  (p.  452). 

**Quedius  (s.  str.)  fuliginosus  Grav.  WASH.:  Seattle — 2 
specimens,  1947.  This  European  and  Mediterranean  species 
(Ganglbauer  1895:  403)  has  not  previously  been  reported  from 
North  America.  In  addition  to  the  two  specimens  from  green- 
houses, I have  eight  specimens  from  Seattle  taken  in  1939,  1941, 
1942,  and  1946,  and  a single  specimen  from  near  Renton,  just 
south  of  Seattle  taken  in  1946.  The  species  may  be  described 
as  follows. 

Black,  shining,  the  antennae,  palpi,  tibiae,  and  tarsi  rufo- 
piceous,  the  abdomen  iridescent ; head  above  with  a puncture  at 
base  of  antennae,  a pair  of  frontal  punctures  on  either  side  in 
line  with  the  anterior  ocular  puncture,  two  punctures  along  the 
posterior  margin  of  the  eye,  and  one  or  two  punctures  obliquely 
between  the  inner  posterior  ocular  puncture  and  the  distinct 
nuchial  line ; labrum  broadly  arcuate ; eyes  separated  from 
nuehial  line  by  less  than  one-third  their  length;  head  below 
with  well  developed  subocular  carina,  the  posterio-ventral  mar- 
gin of  the  eye  with  three  large  punctures  behind  which  are  a 
number  of  small  bristle-bearing  punctures;  pronotum  nearly  as 
long  as  wide,  broadly  arcuate  at  sides  and  behind ; the  an- 
terior portion  of  pronotal  disc  with  2 to  4 (usually  3)  punc- 
tures on  either  side  of  the  median  line  lateral  to  which  are 
about  6 discal  punctures,  some  of  which  may  be  lateral  or  sub- 
lateral, the  extreme  margins  with  sparse  smaller  punctures; 
scutellum  impunctate,  finely  alutaceous;  elytra  and  abdomen 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

moderately  densely  punctato-pubescent ; male  with  fifth  ventral 
abdominal  segment  feebly  and  the  sixth  deeply  broadly  emargi- 
nate  behind,  the  emarginations  bordered  by  crescent  shaped 
flattened  impnnctate  areas;  length  10-16  mm. 

Distinguished  from  the  other  European  and  Nearctic  species 
of  the  subgenus  by  the  impunctate  scutellum. 

Quedius  ( Distichalius ) marginalis  Makl.  ( brunneipennis 
Mann,  of  Casey).  ORE.:  Dayton.  Alaska  (Casey  1915:  406) 
to  Oregon,  west  of  the  Cascade  Mountains. 

Quedius  ( Microsaurus ) limbifer  Horn.  WASH. : CleElum. 
Vancouver  Is.  to  California  (Casey  1915:  406). 

* Quedius  ( Microsaurus ) mesomelinus  Marsh.  ( groenlandicus 
Zett.).  WASH.:  Seattle.  ORE.:  Ashland.  Europe,  Peru, 
Australia,  New  Zealand  (Ganglbauer  1895:  400);  New  York, 
Iowa,  California,  British  Columbia  (Casey  1915:  411);  Wash- 
ington (Seattle). 

* Quedius  ( Microsaurus ) fulgidus  P.  ( iracundus  Say  of 
Casey).  WASH.:  Ephrata.  Europe,  Mediterranean  Region, 
Atlantic  Islands,  India,  Australia,  New  Zealand  (Ganglbauer 
1895:  399);  Iowa,  Indiana  (Casey  1915:  411);  eastern  and 
western  Washington.  I am  unable  to  follow  Casey  (pp.  411, 
416)  in  separating  iracundus  from  fulgidus.  American  speci- 
mens match  very  closely  European  specimens  in  my  collection 
from  Austria  and  Moravia.  Fulgidus  may  be  distinguished 
from  mesomelinus  by  its  reddish  elytra  as  pointed  out  by  Horn 
(1878:  159)  and  Casey,  but  the  difference  in  chsetotaxy  men- 
tioned by  Ganglbauer  (1895:  394)  is  somewhat  more  satisfac- 
tory. In  mesomelinus  the  group  of  thoracic  punctures  laterad 
to  the  submedian  series  of  3 punctures  is  anterior  to  the  level 
of  the  large  sublateral  puncture ; in  fulgidus  these  punctures 
extend  to  behind  the  level  of  the  large  sublateral  puncture. 
At  present  it  is  impossible  to  say  whether  or  not  mesomelinus 
and  fulgidus  are  introduced  in  North  America.  My  Washing- 
ton specimens  were  taken  under  conditions  which  make  me 
feel  they  may  possibly  be  introduced. 


Drasterius  dorsalis  Say.  ORE. : Grants  Pass.  A widely  dis- 
tributed Nearctic  species. 

SEPT.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 



Eleodes  (Blapylis)  nunemacheri  var.  verrucula  Blais. 
WASH. : Kennewick,  Sunnyside.  Widely  distributed  in  the 
Pacific  Northwest  east  of  the  Cascade  Mountains. 


*Pleurophorus  ccesus  Creutz.  ORE. : Grants  Pass.  The  dis- 
tribution and  present  status  in  North  America  of  this  probably 
native  European  species  is  given  by  Hatch  (1946a:  80).  It 
occurs  outdoors  in  eastern  Washington  and  western  Oregon. 


*Brachyrhinus  (N ormotianus)  sidcatus  F.  WASH. : Sunny- 
side.  ORE. : Canby — a single  specimen  from  each  locality. 
This  species  is  reported  as  injurious  in  greenhouses  in  Penn- 
sylvania, especially  to  cyclamen  (Smith  1932).  Its  general 
status  is  discussed  by  Smith  (1932),  Essig  (1931:  187-192), 
and  Wilcox  et  al.  (1934:  72-76).  Essig  opines  that  “this 
weevil  was  early  introduced  into  North  America,  probably  upon 
potted  plant  material  from  Europe.2 

*Brachyrhinus  ( Zustalestus ) rugosostriatus  Goeze  ( rugifrons 
LeC.  et  Horn  nec  Gyll.).  WASH.:  Centralia.  The  status  of 
this  species  in  North  America  has  been  discussed  by  Essig 
(1931:  184-187)  and  Wilcox  et  al.  (1934:  63-71).  Its  discon- 
tinuous distribution  in  North  America  is  partial  evidence  in 
favor  of  its  introduction  by  human  agency. 


Both  the  following  species  are  introduced. 

Anisolabris  annulipes  Lucas.  ORE.:  Medford.  Well  estab- 
lished and  numerous  in  a greenhouse  near  Medford.  The  Ne- 

2 Eleven  species  constitute  the  entire  Nearctic  fauna  of  Brachyrhinus  in 
contrast  with  more  than  a thousand  species  in  Europe.  All  these  eleven  spe- 
cies are  likewise  found  in  Europe.  It  is  extremely  probable,  therefore,  that 
all  of  the  Nearctic  species  are  migrants  from  the  Palsearctic  region.  The 
only  question,  therefore,  is  whether  they  arrived  before  or  after  the  advent  of 
European  man.  Downes  (1922)  suggests  that  the  presence  of  B.  ovatus  L. 
in  British  Columbia  1 1 on  rocky  islands  away  from  settlements  where  it  could 
not  possibly  have  been  introduced  artificially  ” is  evidence  against  the  in- 
troduced status  of  at  least  this  one  species. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

arctic  status  of  this  “cosmopolitan”  species  is  given  by  Blatch- 
ley  (1920:  47-48)  and  Buckell  (1929:  16-17).  In  the  Pacific 
Northwest  the  species  has  been  previously  known  only  from  a 
colony  established  since  1927  in  the  gardens  of  the  Empress 
Hotel  in  Victoria. 

Forficula  auricularia  L.  ORE.:  Grants  Pass,  Klamath  Palls, 
Medford,  Woodburn.  Probably  elsewhere,  but  not  collected. 
The  American  status  of  this  native  western  Palsearctic  species 
is  given  by  Crumb  et  al.  (1941:  2-3).  It  is  generally  distrib- 
uted throughout  the  Pacific  Northwest. 


Both  the  following  species  are  native. 

Ceuthophilus  agassizii  Scudder.  ORE. : Salem.  Central 
British  Columbia  and  northern  Idaho  to  middle  Oregon  (Hub- 
bell  1936:  135). 

Stenopelmatus  longispina  Bruner.  ORE. : Roseburg.  British 
Columbia  and  Wyoming  to  New  Mexico,  Mexico  and  California 
(Essig  1926:  97). 


Oxychilus  draparnaldi  Beck.  B.  C. : Langley  Prairie,  North 
Vancouver.  WASH. : Dayton,  Seattle,  Walla  Walla,  Wenat- 
chee. ORE. : Coos  Bay,  Klamath  Palls,  Medford,  Salem.  Taken 
outside  greenhouses  in  North  Vancouver,  B.  C.  and  Seattle, 
Wash.  This  species  is  a native  of  Europe,  western  Asia,  and 
north  Africa,  but  is  widely  distributed  in  the  United  States 
where  it  was  introduced  before  1850  (Pilsbry  1946:  251).  I 
am  indebted  to  Mr.  Charles  B.  Wurtz  of  the  Academy  of  Nat- 
ural Sciences  of  Philadelphia  for  naming  my  material. 


About  92  Pacific  Northwest  greenhouses  were  visited.  The 
greenhouse  species  that  are  the  subject  of  the  present  report 
constitute  13  species  of  Isopoda,  61  species  of  Coleoptera,  two 
species  each  of  Demaptera  and  Orthoptera,  and  one  species  of 
Gastropoda.  Of  these  only  5 species  of  Isopoda  can  be  con- 
sidered as  in  any  sense  common  greenhouse  inhabitants : Arma- 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


dillidium  vulgare  taken  in  74  greenhouses,  Porcellio  scaber  in 
52,  Porcellio  dilatatus  in  43,  Porcellionides  pruinosus  in  20, 
and  Oniscus  asellus  in  17.  Of  the  other  species  eight  ( Oxy - 
chilus  draparnaldi  in  10 ; Anisodactylus  calif  ornicus  in  9 ; Cara- 
bus  nemoralis  and  Platysma  vulgare  in  7 ; Platysma  algidum, 
Harpalus  pennsylvanicus,  and  Staphylinus  ater  in  6 ; Bembi- 
dion  ust ulat uni  in  5)  occurred  in  from  5 to  9 greenhouses,  6 in 
4,  3 in  3,  18  in  2,  and  43  in  a single  greenhouse. 

Noteworthy  is  the  preponderance  of  beetles  in  three  carabid 
genera  (Amara,  Harpalus,  and  Anisodactylus)  which  are  un- 
usually phytophagous  in  their  habits  for  carabids.  Perhaps  this 
is  correlated  with  an  abundance  of  plant  food  in  the  greenhouse 

From  another  point  of  view,  the  species  may  be  classified  as 
follows : 

( 1 ) Species  peculiar  to  the  greenhouse : Porcellio  dilatatus, 
Cordioniscus  stebbingi,  Trichoniscus  sp.,  Armadillidium  nasa- 
tum.  Bembidion  lampros  has  been  taken  so  far  only  in  a single 
greenhouse  in  British  Columbia.  The  general  biology  of  the 
species  indicates,  however,  that  it  probably  likewise  occurs  or 
will  occur  outdoors  in  our  region.  Porcellio  Icevis  and  Platysma 
occidentale  are  Californian  species  that  have  been  taken  in  the 
Northwest  only  in  greenhouses  in  southern  Oregon.  They  may 
be,  but  probably  are  not,  confined  to  greenhouses  in  that  region. 
Only  more  extensive  collecting  in  southern  Oregon  can  decide. 
Anisolabris  annulipes  would  fall  in  this  same  first  category,  ex- 
cept that  it  occurs  outdoors  at  Victoria,  B.  C. 

(2)  Species  living  both  in  greenhouses  and  outdoors:  all  the 

A peculiarity  of  the  greenhouse  fauna  is  the  high  percentage 
of  introduced  species,  by  which  is  meant  species  introduced  into 
the  United  States  and  Canada  by  human  agency.  These  in- 
clude all  or  nearly  all  of  the  13  Isopoda,  over  a third  of  the  61 
Coleoptra,  both  the  Dermaptera,  and  the  single  gastropod. 
The  explanation  of  this  preponderance  of  European  species  in 
Northwestern  greenhouses  is,  I believe,  to  be  understood  in 
terms  of  the  somewhat  similar  conditions  prevailing  in  and 
around  greenhouses  in  the  two  regions,  and  the  lines  of  com- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

munication  open  between  the  greenhouses  in  the  two  areas.  It 
Is  simply  a special  case  of  the  more  general  question  as  to  why 
a preponderance  of  introduced  species  are  synanthropic  (asso- 
ciated with  man)  rather  than  otherwise.  Since  man  is  the 
agency  for  the  spread  of  such  species,  it  is  only  natural  that 
most  of  the  species  so  distributed  should  be  closely  associated 
wdth  some  phase  of  his  activity.  If  analogous  channels  of  dis- 
persal were  open  to  carrion-inhabiting,  stream-side,  carvernico- 
lous,  aquatic,  or  alpine  species  such  as  are  open  to  the  synan- 
thropic ones,  we  might  well  witness  a similar  influx  of  foreign 
species  into  such  situations. 

There  are  three  ways  in  which  a greenhouse  may  become  in- 
habited : directly  from  the  surrounding  outdoor  habitats, 

through  the  introduction  of  plant  materials  or  soil  from  some 
distant  location,  or  through  the  introduction  of  similar  mate- 
rials from  another  greenhouse. 

Porcellio  dilatatus  demonstrates  the  great  facility  with  which 
a properly  adapted  species  can  spread  from  greenhouse  to  green- 
house without  being  able  to  live  in  the  surrounding  situations. 
This  species  has  been  taken  in  46  per  cent  of  the  greenhouses 
visited  and  does  not  occur  outdoors  in  our  area.  Therefore,  it 
secures  entry  to  a greenhouse  only  on  materials  from  another 
greenhouse  or  from  a region  like  middle  or  southern  California 
where  it  lives  outdoors.  Porcellio  dilatatus  also  suggests  a 
manner  in  which  greenhouse  species  that  are  able  to  live  out- 
doors as  well  may  be  spread. 

The  greater  portion  of  the  Northwest  greenhouse  fauna,  how- 
ever, consists  of  species  living  in  adjacent  outdoor  habitats. 
The  city  lot,  the  nursery,  or  the  cultivated  field  where  the 
greenhouse  is  located  provide  the  inhabitants,  some  of  whom 
find  the  greenhouse  a suitable  abode.  And,  vice  versa , some  of 
the  greenhouse  forms  find  their  way  into  the  surrounding  en- 

To  the  extent  to  which  greenhouse  species  are  introduced,  it 
is  probable  that  the  shipment  of  nursery  stock  and  other  plant 
materials  have  played  an  important  if  not  exclusive  role  in  their 
dispersal.  And  some  of  these  species  may  first  have  found 
their  way  into  this  country  through  the  medium  of  greenhouse 

SEPT.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


In  this  connection  it  may  be  noted  that  in  the  genera  Platys- 
ma,  Harpalus,  and  Anisodactylus  the  commonest  of  the  native 
species  in  western  Washington  (P.  algidum,  H.  cautus,  A.  cali- 
fornicus ) in  each  casfe  is  involved  in  the  greenhouse  list,  and 
the  first  and  last  of  them  are  among  the  commonest  of  the  green- 
house beetles.  Species  are  common  in  part  by  virtue  of  their 
ability  to  adapt  to  varying  conditions.  It  is  possible  that  some 
of  these  species  are  in  the  course  of  becoming  synanthropes  and 
may  eventually  be  carried  elsewhere  by  commerce  just  as  for- 
eign species  have  been  carried  here. 


Andrewes,  H.  E.  1935.  On  the  genotypes  of  British  Coleoptera — II.  Ann. 
Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  (10),  16:  12-25. 

Apfelbeck,  Viktor.  1904.  Die  , Kaferfauna  cler  Balkenhalbinsel  mit 
Beriicksichtigung  Klein-Asien  und  der  Insel  Krete.  Erster  Band : 
Familienreihe  Caraboidea.  422  pp. 

Blatchley,  W.  S.  1920.  Orthoptera  of  North-Eastern  America.  Indiana- 
polis 1920,  784  pp.,  286  figs. 

Brown,  W.  J.  1930.  Coleoptera  of  the  north  shore  of  the  Gulf  of  St. 
Lawrence.  Can.  Ent.,  66:  231-237,  239-246. 

. 1940.  Notes  on  the  American  distribution  of  some  species  of 

Coleoptera  common  to  the  European  and  North  American  continents. 
Can.  Ent.,  72:65-78. 

Buckell,  E.  R.  1929.  The  Dermaptera  of  Canada.  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  B.  C., 
26:  9-27. 

Casey,  Thomas  L.  1905.  A revision  of  the  American  Paederini.  Trans. 
Acad.  Sci.  St.  Louis,  15:17-248. 

. 1906.  Observations  on  the  Staphylinid  groups  Aleoeharinae  and 

Xantholinini  chiefly  of  America.  Trans.  Acad.  Sci.  St.  Louis,  16: 

. 1914.  A revision  of  the  Nearctic  Harpalinse.  Mem.  Col.,  5: 


; . 1915.  Studies  in  some  Staphylinid  genera  of  North  America. 

Mem.  Col.,  6:  395-450. 

. 1918.  Studies  among  some  of  the  American  Amarinae  and 

Pterostichinae.  Mem.  Col.,  8:  224-393. 

Chagnon,  Gustave.  1917.  A preliminary  list  of  the  insects  of  the  Province 
of  Quebec.  Part  III — Coleoptera.  Queb.  Soc.  for  the  Protection  of 
Plants,  pp.  159-277. 

. 1936.  The  European  beetle,  Staphylimis  globulifer  Fourc.,  in 

Eastern  Canada.  Can.  Ent.,  68:116. 

Criddle,  Norman.  1928.  The  Entomological  Record  1927.  58th  Ann.  Rep. 
Ent.  Soc.  Ont.,  for  1927:  92-103. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Crumb,  S.  E.,  P.  M.  Eide,  and  A.  E.  Bonn.  1941.  The  European  earwig. 
TJ.  S.  Dept.  Agric.  Tech.  Bull.,  766,  75  pp.,  27  figs. 

Csiki,  E.  1928-31.  Carabidae:  Mormolycinae,  Harpalinae  I — V.  Junk- 

Schenkling  Col.  Cat.,  97 : 1—1022. 

Darlington,  P.  J.  1936.  Two  recently  introduced  species  of  Amara  (Cole- 
optera:  Carabidae).  Psyche,  43:20. 

Downes,  W.  1922.  The  strawberry  root  weevil  with  notes  on  other  insects 
affecting  strawberries.  Can.  Dept.  Agric.,  Pamphlet  5,  n.  s. 

Essig,  E.  O.  1926.  Insects  of  Western  North  America.  New  York,  1035 
pp.,  766  figs. 

. 1931.  A history  of  entomology.  New  York,  1029  pp.,  263  figs. 

Everts,  Jhr.  Ed.  1903.  Coleoptera  Neerlandica,  I,  677  pp. ; II,  798  pp., 
viii  pi. 

Fall,  H.  C.  1906.  A review  of  the  North  American  species  of  Notiophilus. 
Psyche,  13 : 79-92. 

. 1926.  A list  of  the  Coleoptera  taken  in  Alaska  and  adjacent 

parts  of  the  Yukon  Territory  in  the  summer  of  1924.  Pan-P.  Ent., 
2:  127-154,  191-208. 

and  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell.  1907.  The  Coleoptera  of  New  Mexico. 

Trans.  Amer.  Ent.  Soc.,  33:  145-272. 

Fowler,  W.  W.  and  Horace  St  John  Donisthorp.  1913.  The  Coleoptera 
of  the  British  Islands,  Yol.  VI  (Supplement),  351  pp.,  20  pi. 

Ganglbauer,  Ludwig.  1892-1904.  Die  Kafer  von  Mitteleuropa,  I,  1892, 
557  pp.;  II,  1895,  881  pp.;  Ill,  1899,  1046  pp.;  IY,  1904,  286  pp. 

Gray,  Barbara  and  Melville  H.  Hatch.  1941.  The  Coleoptera  of  Wash- 
ington: Carabidae:  Agonini.  Univ.  Wash.  Publ.  Biol.,  10:  5-46,  35 

Hamilton,  John.  1894.  Catalogue  of  the  Coleoptera  common  to  North 
America,  northern  Asia,  and  Europe,  with  distribution  and  bibliogra- 
phy. Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.,  21:  345-416. 

Hatch,  Melville  H.  1933.  Notes  on  Carabidae.  Pan-P.  Ent.,  9:  117-121. 

. 1942j  The  biology  of  stored  grain  insects.  Bull.  Assoc.  Oper- 
ative Millers,  July  1942:  1207-1211. 

. 1946.  Note  on  introduced  species  of  Carabus  in  North  America. 

Bull.  Brooklyn  Ent.  Soc.,  41:  71. 

. 1946a.  Notes  on  European  Coleoptera  in  Washington,  including 

a new  species  of  Megasternum.  Pan.-P.  Ent.,  22:  77—80. 

. 1947.  The  Chelifera  and  Isopoda  of  Washington  and  adjacent 

regions.  Univ.  Wash.  Publ.  Biol.,  10:  155-274,  234  figs. 

Hayward,  Roland.  1897.  On  the  species  of  Bembidium  of  America  north 
of  Mexico.  Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.,  24:  32-158. 

. 1908.  Studies  in  Amara.  Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.,  34:  13-65. 

Horn,  George  H.  1878.  Synopsis  of  the  Quediini  of  the  United  States. 
Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.,  7 : 149-167. 

. 1879.  Synopsis  of  the  species  of  Staphylinus  and  the  more 

closely  allied  genera  inhabiting  the  United  States.  Trans.  Am.  Ent. 
Soc.,  7:  185-200. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hatch:  Greenhouse  Fauna 


. 1884.  Synopsis  of  the  Philonthi  of  Boreal  America.  Trans.  Am. 

Ent.  Soc.,  11:  177-244. 

. 1890.  [Bembidion  lampros  in  America.]  Ent.  News,  2:  100. 

. 1892.  A study  of  Amara  s.  g.  Celia.  Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.,  19 : 


Hubbell,  Theodore  Huntington.  1936.  A monographic  revision  of  the 
genus  Ceuthophilus  (Orthoptera,  Gryllacrididse,  Rhaphidophorinse) . 
Univ.  Fla.  Publ.  Biol.  Sci.  Ser.,  2 (1)  : 1-551,  xxxvii  pi. 

Jeannel,  R.  1926-1928.  Monographie  des  Trechinse.  L’Abeille,  32,  1926, 
pp.  221-550 ; 33,  1927,  pp.  1-592;  35,  1928,  pp.  1-808. 

. 1941-1942.  Faune  de  France,  39-40  Coleopteres  Carabiques. 

1173  pp.,  2137  figs. 

Leech,  Hugh  B.  1947.  List  of  some  Philonthus  from  British  Columbia. 
Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  B.  C.,  43 : 23-24. 

Loding,  Henry  Peter.  1945.  Catalogue  of  the  beetles  of  Alabama.  Geol. 
Surv.  Alab.,  Mon.  11,  172  pp. 

Muller,  Josef.  1918.  Bestimmungstabelle  der  Bembidion- Arten  Europas 
und  des  Mittelmeergebietes.  Kol.  Rund.,  7 : 26-117. 

Pilsbry,  Henry  A.  1946.  Land  Mollusca  of  North  America  (North  of 
Mexico).  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Phila.,  Mon.  3,  Vol.  II,  Pt.  1,  520  pp.,  1 pi., 
280  figs. 

Porta,  Antonio.  1923.  Fauna  Coleopterorum  Italica,  Vol.  I — Adephaga. 
285  pp.,  278  figs. 

Reitter,  Edmund.  1908.  Fauna  Germanica  Kafer,  I,  248  pp.,  40  pi. 

Say,  Thomas.  1834.  Descriptions  of  new  North  American  insects  and  ob- 
servations on  some  already  described.  Trans.  Amer.  Phil.  Soc.,  4: 

Schaufuss,  Camillo.  1907-1916.  Calwer’s  Kaferbuch,  ed.  6,  88+  1390 
pp.,  244  figs.,  3 + 48  pi. 

Smith,  Floyd  F.  1932.  Biology  and  control  of  the  black  vine  weevil. 

U.  S.  Dept.  Agric.  Tech.  Bull.,  325,  45  pp.,  16  figs. 

Smith,  John  B.  1910.  Catalogue  of  the  insects  of  New  Jersey.  Ed.  3, 
Ann.  Rep.  N.  J.  St.  Mus.,  for  1909,  888  pp. 

Tanner,  Vasco  M.  1928.  The  Coleoptera  of  Zion  National  Park,  Utah. 

Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  Amer.,  21 : 269-281. 

Thomson,  C.  G.  1859.  Skandinaviens  Coleoptera.,  1:1-290. 

Ulke,  Henry.  1902.  A list  of  the  beetles  of  the  District  of  Columbia. 

Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.,  25  (1275)  : 1-57. 

Van  Dyke,  Edwin  C.  1924.  The  Coleoptera  collected  by  the  Katmai  Ex- 
peditions. Nat.  Geog.  Soc.  Contrib.  Tech.  Papers,  2(1)  : 1-26. 

. 1945.  A review  of  the  North  American  species  of  the  genus 

Carabus  Linnaeus.  Ent.  Amer.,  24:  87-137,  24  figs. 

Wickham,  H.  F.  1902.  A catalogue  of  the  Coleoptera  of  Colorado.  Bull. 

Lab.  Nat.  Hist.  St.  Univ.  Iowa,  5:  217-310. 

'Wilcox,  J.,  Don  C.  Mote,  and  Leroy  Childs.  1934.  The  root-weevils 
injurious  to  strawberries  in  Oregon.  Ore.  St.  Agric.  Coll.  Agric.  Exp. 
Sta.  Bull.,  330,  109  pp.,  illus. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


In  a note  in  Isis,  (No.  86,  Vol.  XXXII  (2),  June,  1949),  Dr. 
George  Sarton,  calls  attention  to  a gigantic,  monumental  repre- 
sentation of  a grasshopper,  of  red  stone,  weighing  48:(/2  pounds, 
Aztec  style  (XlV-XVth  cent.),  that  was  borrowed  from  the 
Museo  Nacional  of  Mexico  City  for  the  Exhibition  of  Pre- 
Columbian  Art,  arranged  by  the  Peabody  and  Fogg  Museums 
of  Harvard  University  (Jan.-Feb.  1940).  He  supposes  that  it 
had  a religious  significance  and  his  note  is  accompanied  by  a 
photograph  of  it.  In  the  same  note  he  mentions  the  enormous 
scarab  of  Amenophis  III  (1411-1375)  which  he  saw  in  November, 
1931  near  the  Sacred  Lake  of  Karnak.  This  granite  scarab  was  of 
considerable  weight.  Another  Egyptian  scarab  of  monumental 
size,  in  the  British  Museum,  is  of  green  granite,  5 feet  long  and 
3 feet  high,  and  weighs  about  43  cwt. — H.  B.  W. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hawley:  Japanese  Beetle 



By  Ira  M.  Hawley 
U.S.D.A.,  Agr.  Bes.  Adm., 

Bureau  of  Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine 

The  amount  of  rainfall  during  the  summer  is  an  important 
cause  of  year-to-year  fluctuations  in  the  abundance  of  the 
Japanese  beetle  ( Popillia  japonica  Newm.).  Such  fluctuations 
are  often  independent  of  long-time  trends,  which  may  be  brought 
about,  in  part  at  least,  by  the  action  of  biotic  factors,  such  as 
pathogenic  microorganisms  (9)*,  insect  parasites  and  predators, 
and  nematodes.  Hawley  and  Dobbins  (7)  have  given  a compre- 
hensive account  of  changes  in  beetle  abundance  from  1935 
through  1943 ; the  reducing  effect  of  summer  droughts  on  beetle 
populations  and  the  increase  in  numbers  resulting  from  unsually 
favorable  rainfall  conditions  are  also  discussed. 

* In  the  large  eastern  section  of  the  country  now*  infested  by  the 
Japanese  beetle,  summer  rainfall  is  sufficient  in  average  years 
to  ensure  survival  and,  in  most  places,  to  permit  an  increase  in 
the  number  of  beetles.  When  precipitation  is  deficient,  how- 
ever, the  soil  may  become  so  dry  that  certain  of  the  soil-inhabit- 
ing stages  are  killed.  As  pointed  out  by  Fox  ( 1 ) , summer  rain- 
fall has  such  an  important  effect  on  Japanese  beetle  populations 
that  this  insect  would  not  be  expected  to  survive  in  certain  parts 
of  the  western  United  States  if  accidentally  carried  there. 


According  to  Ludwig  (2),  Japanese  beetle  eggs  increase  in 
weight  during  the  incubation  period  from  about  0.86  to  2.4  milli- 
grams, chiefly  by  the  absorption  of  moisture  through  the  egg 
shell  from  the  surrounding  soil.  If  there  is  not  sufficient  mois- 
ture, the  eggs  will  not  complete  their  embryological  development, 
but  will  perish.  A dry  soil  condition  is  also  unfavorable  to  the 
newly  hatched  larvae.  According  to  Fox  (1),  the  body  wall  of 
the  newly  hatched  larva  is  only  lightly  chitinized  and  not 

* Numbers  in  parentheses  refer  to  Literature  Cited. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

adapted  to  conserve  moisture.  Furthermore,  the  soft-bodied 
small  grub  is  unable  to  dig  long  distances  through  the  soil  to 
find  food  to  replenish  its  body  moisture. 

Older  larvte  of  the  Japanese  beetle  are  resistant  to  desiccation 
under  conditions  of  low  soil  moisture.  As  Ludwig  (3)  has 
shown,  larvae  in  all  three  instars  may  be  reduced  to  about  50 
per  cent  of  their  initial  weight  and  still  survive  if  returned  to  a 
favorable  soil  moisture  condition.  The  prepupae  and  pupae  are 
also  able  to  stand  considerable  desiccation. 


In  an  average  year  in  the  Philadelphia  area,  soil  surveys  have 
indicated  that  eggs  and  first  instars  of  the  Japanese  beetle  occur 
in  the  soil  from  July  1 through  September  30.  Data  on  these 
surveys,  which  consisted  of  13,413  square-foot  diggings  made 
in  turf  between  June  21  and  September  30  during  an  11-year 
period,  are  given  in  table  1. 


Frequency  Distribution  of  All  Eggs  and  First  Instars  of  Japanese 
Beetles  Found  in  Soil  Surveys  in  the  Philadelphia  Area, 

1926  to  1936,  Inclusive 



(per  cent) 

First  instars 
(per  cent) 

June  21—30 



July  1-10 









Aug.  1-10 









Sept.  1-10 









All  the  viable  eggs  were  found  in  the  period  shown  in  the 
table.  First  instars  were  found  throughout  the  year,  but  99.7 
per  cent  of  them  occurred  between  July  1 and  September  30. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hawley:  Japanese  Beetle 


The  data  in  table  1 apply  only  to  conditions  in  the  Phila- 
delphia area.  South  of  this  point,  events  in  the  seasonal  cycle 
occur  earlier,  and  at  points  further  north,  later.  At  Richmond, 
Ya.,  the  beetle  season  normally  begins  about  10  days  earlier  than 
at  Philadelphia;  at  Washington,  D.  C.,  3 days  earlier;  at  New 
York  City,  5 days  later;  and  at  New  Haven,  Conn.,  Boston,  Mass., 
and  Cleveland,  Ohio,  10  to  12  days  later  than  at  Philadelphia. 
At  the  extreme  northern  range  of  the  insect  in  New  Hampshire, 
beetles  and  eggs  often  continue  to  be  found  late  in  the  fall  (5).' 
For  this  reason,  a severe  drought  in  late  summer  or  fall  would 
have  more  of  an  adverse  effect  on  beetle  populations  in  New 
Hampshire  than  it  would  further  south. 


The  Japanese  beetle  was  first  found  near  Philadelphia  in  1916 
(4),  and  for  15  years  or  more  the  general  infestation  was  re- 
stricted to  a comparatively  small  area  having  much  the  same 
climatic  conditions.  In  determining  the  effect  of  rainfall  defi- 
ciencies on  the  beetle  in  this  area,  the  records  of  the  Philadelphia 
office  of  the  United  States  Weather  Bureau  have  been  used. 
During  a 75-year  period,  rainfall  has  averaged  12.01  inches  at 
this  station  for  the  three  summer  months  of  June,  July,  and 
August.  In  11  of  the  30  years  since  1916,  summer  rainfall  was 
below  10  inches,  as  may  be  seen  from  table  2.  The  rainfall  for 
July  alone  is  also  given  since  this  is  the  month  when  rainfall 
has  the  greatest  influence  on  egg  survival  in  that  area  as  is  evi- 
dent from  table  1. 

Rainfall  in  the  summer  of  1916,  the  year  beetles  were  first 
found,  and  1918  (table  2),  was  considerably  below  normal.  If 
these  years  had  been  more  favorable  for  the  survival  of  eggs 
and  small  larvae,  the  Japanese  beetle  would  probably  have  built 
up  more  rapidly  at  the  time  that  it  was  becoming  established  in 
the  United  States.  The  summer  of  1929  has  been  mentioned  as 
one  in  which  rainfall  was  markedly  deficient  in  the  Philadelphia 
area  (1).  From  July  1 through  August  .10,  the  critical  period 
for  eggs,  the  rainfall  was  only  2.29  inches.  Since  94  per  cent 
of  all  eggs  are  usually  found  in  this  period,  the  marked  reduc- 
tion in  the  beetle  population  in  1930  was  not  surprising. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYir 

Summer  rainfall  from  1932  through  1937  (table  2),  was  gen- 
erally unfavorable  for  the  survival  of  eggs  and  small  larvae  of 
the  J apanese  beetle,  since  in  all  but  two  of  these  years  there  had 
been  less  than  10  inches  of  rain.  In  addition,  the  winter  of 
1935-36  was  the  only  one,  since  the  beetle  first  became  estab- 
lished in  this  country,  in  which  larval  mortality  is  known  to 


Years  With  Less  than  10  Inches  of  Summer  Rainfall, 
1916-45,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 



June,  July,  August 

July  alone 


































have  been  high  (6).  As  a result  of  the  action  of  these  unfavor- 
able conditions,  the  beetle  population  in  the  Philadelphia  area 
by  1937  had  fallen  far  below  that  in  the  summer  of  1932.  In 
soil  surveys  made  near  Philadelphia  in  the  spring  of  1937,  larvas 
averaged  only  1.7  per  square  foot  as  compared  with  16.0  per 
square  foot  in  1932.  The  beetles  continued  to  be  present  in  re- 
duced numbers  in  this  area  until  1946,  but  the  continued  low 
population  was  probably  due  as  much  to  the  action  of  biotic 
agents  as  to  climatic  influences. 

The  drought  of  1944  was  general  throughout  most  of  the  con- 
tinuously infested  area,  which  by  this  time  extended  from  Massa- 
chusetts to  Virginia,  but  the  greatest  rainfall  deficiency  was  in 
the  area  running  from  eastern  Massachusetts  through  Rhode 
Island  and  southern  Connecticut  to  the  New  York  City  area. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hawley:  Japanese  Beetle 


In  this  latter  area  rainfall  was  especially  deficient  on  Long 
Island  and  in  northern  New  Jersey.  Rainfall  was  also  markedly 
reduced  in  eastern  Pennsylvania,  southern  New  Jersey,  northern 
Delaware  and  parts  of  Maryland,  and  at  some  points  in  the 
Middle  West.  The  severity  of  the  drought  is  apparent  when 
summer  rainfall  in  1944  is  compared  with  the  normal  summer 
precipitation  for  various  places  in  the  beetle  infested  area;  this 
comparison  for  a few  selected  locations  is  as  follows : Boston, 
Mass.,  47.8  per  cent  of  the  normal  amount;  Providence,  R.  I., 

34.0  per  cent;  New  Haven,  Conn.,  23.7  per  cent;  Setauket,  N.  Y., 
48.9  per  cent;  New  Brunswick,  N.  J.,  44.6  per  cent;  Moorestown, 
N.  J.,  52.3  per  cent;  Cape  May,  N.  J.,  44.0  per  cent;  Coatesville, 
Pa.,  45.0  per  cent;  Millsboro,  Del.,  51.0  per  cent;  Elkton,  Md., 

58.0  per  cent;  Frederick,  Md.,  60.6  per  cent;  Salisbury,  Md.,  52.1 
per  cent;  and  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  61.2  per  cent.  The  deficiency 
was  less  pronounced  in  central  Delaware  and  in  the  adjoining 
part  of  Maryland  than  elsewhere  in  the  southern  part  of  the 
area  of  general  distribution.  Rainfall  was  normal  only  at  cer- 
tain inland  points  in  New  England,  in  the  upper  Hudson  River 
Valley,  at  some  points  in' Lancaster  and  York  Counties  in  Penn- 
sylvania, and  at  isolated  colony  sites  in  Virginia  and  North 

At  most  places  in  the  1944  area  of  low  rainfall  fewer  beetles 
were  found  in  1945.  A marked  drop  in  beetle  populations  oc- 
curred in  Rhode  Island,  southern  Connecticut,  on  Long  Island, 
in  New  Jersey,  eastern  Pennsylvania,  most  of  Delaware,  and 
in  parts  of  Maryland,  all  of  which  are  in  the  zone  where  rain- 
fall was  most  deficient  in  1944.  Less  marked  reductions  were 
observed  at  other  points.  The  only  parts  of  the  infested  area 
that  maintained  their  previous  population  densities,  or  where 
numbers  increased  in  1945,  were  those  already  mentioned  where 
rainfall  was  close  to  the  normal  or  higher.  In  some  places,  such 
a£  the  Berkshire  section  of  Massachusetts,  rainfall  was  far  above 
normal,  and  the  beetles  greatly  increased  in  numbers. 


Variations  in  the  abundance  of  the  Japanese  beetle  from  year 
to  year  may  be  estimated  in  several  ways.  The  degree  of  brown- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

ing  of  favored  food  plants  (8)  may  be  used  to  judge  the  density 
of  beetle  populations,  but  the  most  accurate  method  is  to  make 
a series  of  soil  surveys  to  determine  the  abundance  of  the  soil- 
inhabiting  stages.  If  a large  number  of  scattered  diggings  are 
made  at  the  same  time  and  place  each  year,  an  accurate  indica- 
tion of  population  trends  may  be  obtained. 

In  a few  specific  locations  reductions  in  grub  populations 
could  be  traced  to  the  deficient  rainfall  in  1929  and  1932.  On 
a golf  course  at  Merchantville,  N.  J.,  soil  surveys  showed  that 
the  larval  population  per  square  foot  decreased  from  17.1  in  the 
spring  of  1929  to  2.0  in  the  spring  of  1930  (5),  and  at  Moores- 
town,  N.  J.,  from  9.4  to  1.9  in  the  same  period.  On  a golf  course 
at  Jenkintown,  Pa.,  there  was  a drop  from  24.9  larvae  per  square 
foot  in  1932  to  8.9  in  1933.  The  evidence  of  reductions  else- 
where as  determined  by  soil  surveys  was  not  always  so  clear  as 
in  these  cases,  owing  perhaps  to  local  variations  in  rainfall  that 
did  not  show  up  in  the  records  of  Weather  Bureau  stations,  or 
to  the  action  of  other  influences. 



Just  as  a deficiency  in  summer  rainfall  brings  about  a reduc- 
tion in  beetle  populations  so  an  excess  of  precipitation  usually 
results  in  a marked  increase  in  numbers.  The  importance  of 
summer  rainfall  is  especially  apparent  when  two  or  more  favor- 
able years  fall  in  succession.  Beetles  apparently  reached  their 
peak  of  abundance  in  the  Philadelphia  area  about  1929,  follow- 
ing three  years  with  summer  rainfalls  of  15.54,  17.84,  and  14.88 
inches.  This  suggests  that  the  normal  summer  rainfall  for 
Philadelphia,  about  12  inches,  may  be  slightly  below  the  optimum 
for  the  insect. 

Summer  rainfall  was  normal,  or  above,  at  most  points  in  the 
infested  area  in  both  1945  and  1946.  The  precipitation  at  nine 
key  stations  of  the  United  States  Weather  Bureau  in  the  heavily 
infested  area  averaged  25.5  per  cent  above  normal  in  1945,  and 
14.3  per  cent  above  in  1946.  In  1945  the  variation  was  frorn 
1.2  per  cent  below  normal  to  54.6  per  cent  above,  and  in  1946, 
from  19.1  per  cent  below  normal  to  51.8  per  cent  above  at  these 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hawley:  Japanese  Beetle 


nine  stations.  The  high  rainfall  in  these  two  years  brought 
about  increased  beetle  populations  in  1947  in  most  parts  of  the 
infested  area.  This  was  true  where  the  insect  was  already  abun- 
dant, as  well  as  where  it  had  become  reduced  in  numbers,  as  in 
the  long-infested  area  about  Philadelphia.  Soil  surveys  in  the 
Philadelphia  area  in  the  fall  of  1947  showed  from  10  to  20  larvae 
per  square  foot  where  the  count  had  been  2 or  less  prior  to  1946. 
The  trend  was  the  same  in  most  of  the  infested  area  and  numer- 
ous counts  of  30  or  more  grubs  per  square  foot  were  found  in 
the  fall  of  1947.  It  should  be  noted -that  the  increasingly  high 
grub  populations  favor  the  activity  of  milky  disease  organisms 
and  other  parasitic  forms,  and  that  these  factors  will,  in  turn, 
operate  to  reduce  soil  populations  before  emergence  starts  in 


It  has  been  pointed  out  that  the  normal  summer  rainfall  is 
about  12  inches  at  Philadelphia.  It  is  also  close  to  this  amount 
in  much  of  the  beetle-infested  area  in  southern  New  England, 
southeastern  New  York,  the  eastern  half  of  Pennsylvania,  New 
Jersey,  Delaware,  and  Maryland.  At  points  in  the  Central 
States,  such  as  Saint  Louis,  Mo.,  Chicago,  111.,  and  Indianapolis, 
Ind.,  the  normal  summer  rainfall  is  about  10  inches,  and  at 
Cleveland,  Ohio,  it  is  only  9.5  inches.  An  infestation  of  the 
Japanese  beetle  in  Cleveland  has  been  under  observation  by  ento- 
mologists of  the  Ohio  Agricultural  Experiment  Station  since 
1939,  and  large  increases  in  numbers  had  occurred  there  by 
1944,  following  two  years  in  which  the  summer  rainfall  was  11.68 
and  11.89  inches;  in  both  of  these  years  it  was  plentiful  during 
the  critical  month  of  July.  Rainfall  in  1944,  1945,  and  1946 
w^as  below  normal,  the  totals  for  these  three  years  being  8.01, 
9.13  and  8.11  inches.  The  1947  beetle  populations  were  greatly 

It  has  been  suggested  that,  because  of  the  low  summer  rain- 
fall, the  Japanese  beetle  will  never  become  so  serious  a pest  in 
the  Central  States  as  it  has  in  the  Eastern  States  (1).  It  is 
obvious  that  years  with  less  than  10  inches  of  summer  rainfall 
occur  more  frequently  in  the  Central  States.  The  beetle  infesta- 
tions in  this  area  are  still  relatively  new  and  small,  but  popula- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  lvii 

tion  trends  at  Cleveland  in  recent  years  indicate  that  summer 
rainfall  may  have  a most  important  influence  on  population 
trends  in  that  area. 

In  July  1943  rainfall  at  Philadelphia  totaled  4.26  inches,  but 
only  0.62  of  an  inch  in  August  and  1.18  inches  in  September. 
The  soil  became  so  dry  that  the  grass  turned  brown  and  some 
plants  wilted.  At  the  time  of  the  drought  most  of  the  larvae  had 
developed  to  a point  where  they  were  resistant  to  desiccation 
(3)  and  probably  few  were  killed,  though  many  appeared 
shrunken  and  stunted.  Except  in  certain  northern  areas,  where 
beetles  and  eggs  are  commonly  found  in  the  fall  months, 
droughts  of  this  type  are  less  critical  to  the  Japanese  beetle  than 
those  in  mid-summer. 

At  some  nearby  points  in  eastern  Pennsylvania,  there  was  less 
rainfall  in  1932  than  at  Philadelphia.  The  records  of  eighteen 
United  States  Weather  Bureau  Stations  show  that  at  six  of 
these  points  the  summer  rainfall  was  lower  than  at  the  Phila- 
delphia city  office,  and  at  eleven  locations  it  was  higher.  At 
twelve  stations  the  summer  rainfall  was  below  10  inches.  There 
was  a variation  of  from  5.56  inches  at  Marcus  Hook  southwest 
of  the  city  to  14.02  inches  at  Neshaminy  Falls  north  of  Phila- 
delphia. In  July  1932  alone,  the  rainfall  ranged . from  1.25 
inches  at  Marcus  Hook  to  4.04  inches  at  Conshohocken  north- 
west of  the  city.  These  variations  in  rainfall  are  often  due  to 
local  thunderstorms,  but  differences  as  large  as  those  experi- 
enced at  Philadelphia  in  1932  are  unusual.  Such  variations 
result  in  wide  differences  in  beetle  populations  in  relatively 
small  sections  of  the  infested  area,  with  increases  in  numbers  at 
some  points  and  reductions  at  others.  It  is  evident  that  to  cor- 
rectly interpret  the  action  of  rainfall  deficiencies  on  beetle  pop- 
ulations, it  is  necessary  to  have  an  exact  knowledge  of  the  pre- 
cipitation at  numerous  points  throughout  an  area. 


Soil  surveys  carried  out  over  a period  of  years  have  shown 
that  in  dry  summers  the  beetles  tend  to  congregate  their  egg 
laying  in  low  places  with  favorable  soil  moisture  where  entrance 
into  the  soil  is  comparatively  easy.  A concentration  of  larvae 

Sept.,  1949] 

Hawley:  Japanese  Beetle 


in  these  moist  areas  and  low  populations  in  the  drier  places  is 
the  result.  In  years  with  abundant  evenly-spaced  precipita- 
tion, the  eggs  are  more  generally  distributed  and  the  larval 
populations  are  more  uniform.  When  this  condition  prevails, 
the  number  of  larvae  per  square  foot  will  be  lower  in  the  loca- 
tions favored  in  dry  years,  even  though  there  may  be  more 
larvae  in  the  area  as  a whole. 

The  distribution  of  summer  rainfall  is  important.  Mod- 
erate amounts  of  rain  evenly  distributed  are  more  favorable  for 
the  survival  of  the  Japanese  beetle  than  several  heavy  showers 
close  together.  In  the  latter  case,  much  of  the  water  runs  off 
and,  beyond  certain  limits,  contributes  little  to  wetting  the  soil 
where  the  immature  stages  occur. 

Although  summer  rainfall  is  important,  several  other  factors 
are  now  acting  to  bring  about  changes  in  beetle  abundance  and 
these  must  be  considered  in  evaluating  changes  in  numbers. 
The  effectiveness  of  the  milky  disease  organisms  in  destroying 
larvae  is  generally  recognized  and  other  biotic  factors  are  known 
to  operate  in  restricted  areas.  The  high  grub  populations  of 
1947  will  aid  in  the  distribution  and  build  up  of  the  milky 
diseases,  so  that  a favorable  rainfall  condition  has  a bearing  on 
the  action  of  this  and  other  biotic  control  factors. 

The  area  infested  by  the  Japanese  beetle  is  now  so  large  that 
the  amounts  of  summer  rainfall  will  vary  widely  and  popula- 
tions will  differ  accordingly.  As  the  beetle  spreads  into  new 
areas,  it  will  encounter  new  rainfall  conditions  and  differences 
in  ecological  influences,  such  as  soil  type,  food  plants  and  the 
nature  of  breeding  areas,  as  well  as  new  combinations  of  biotic 
factors.  All  of  these  factors  working  together  w7ill  determine 
whether  the  insect  will  build  up  and  become  a serious  pest,  or 
wdiether  it  will  only  persist  in  small  numbers  and  cause  little 


Fox,  H.  1939.  The  probable  future  distribution  of  the  Japanese  beetle 
in  North  America.  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  47:*  [105J-123. 

Ludwig,  D.  1932.  The  effect  of  temperature  on  the  growth  curves  of  the 
Japanese  beetle  ( Popillia  japonica  Newman).  Physiol.  Zool.,  5:  431- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Ludwig,  D.  1936.  The  effect  of  desiccation  on  survival  and  metamorphosis 
of  the  Japanese  beetle . (Popillia  japonica  Newman).  Physiol.  Zool., 
9:  27-42. 

Hadley,  C.  H.,  and  Hawley,  I.  M.  1934.  General  information  about  the 
Japanese  beetle  in  the  United  States.  U.  S.  Dept.  Agr.  Cir.,  332, 
23  pp.,  illus. 

Hawley,  I.  M.  1944.  Notes  on  the  biology  of  the  Japanese  beetle.  U.  S. 
Bur.  Ent.  and  Plant  Quar.,  615,  18  pp.,  illus.  [Processed] 

Hawley,  I.  M.,  and  Dobbins,  T.  N.  1941.  Mortality  among  hibernating 
larvae  of  the  Japanese  beetle  with  special  reference  to  conditions  in 
the  winter  of  1935-36.  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  49:  47-56,  illus. 

Hawley,  I.  M.,  and  Dobbins,  T.  N.  1945.  The  distribution  and  abundance 
of  the  Japanese  beetle  from  1935  through  1943,  with  a discussion  of 
some  of  the  known  factors  that  influence  its  behavior.  Jour.  N.  Y. 
Ent.  Soc.,  53:  [l]-20,  illus. 

Hawley,  I.  M.,  and  Metzger,  E.  W.  1940.  Feeding  habits  of  the  adult 
Japanese  beetle.  U.  S.  Dept.  Agr.  Cir.,  547,  31  pp.,  illus. 

White,  B.  T,  1941.  Development  of  milky  disease  on  Japanese  beetle 
larvae  under  field  conditions.  Jour.  Econ.  Ent.,  34:  213-215. 

Sept.,  1949  J 

Smith:  Formichme 



By  Marion  R.  Smith 

Bureau  of  Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine,  Agricultural  Research 
Administration  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture 

Ants  of  the  genus  Camponotus,  subgenus  Colobopsis  Mayr, 
occur  in  all  zoogeographical  regions  of  the  world  except  possibly 
the  Ethiopian.  They  form  small  colonies  of  a few  dozen  to  sev- 
eral hundred  individuals,  nesting  in  culms  of  sedges,  stalks  of 
plants,  branches  of  trees  and  shrubs,  insect  galls,  hollow  nuts 
and  acorns,  and  crevices  of  wood.  Some  forms,  if  not  all,  may 
be  polydomous.  Although  most  of  them  are  diurnal,  there  are 
also  some  that  are  nocturnal.  Their  food  seems  to  be  largely 
honeydew  and  the  flesh  of  arthropods. 

In  the  species  of  this  group  there  are  dimorphic  or  feebly 
polymorphic  workers,  the  largest  individuals  of  which  are  known 
as  soldiers  and  are  easily  recognized  by  the  peculiarly  shaped 
subcylindrical  head,  the  anterior  portion  of  which  is  truncated 
and  very  often  concave.  The  head  is  well  adapted  for  blocking 
the  small,  circular  openings  of  the  nest  to  keep  out  intruders. 
Although  the  soldier  and  female  can  be  readily  distinguished 
from  other  forms  of  Camponotus,  the  worker  and  male  are  not 
so  easily  recognized. 

Camponotus  ( Colobopsis ) mathildece  is,  so  far  as  I am  aware, 
the  second  species  to  be  described  from  Mexico,  Emery  having 
described  cerberulus  from  a female  collected  in  the  State  of 
Michoacan  (1920,  Bol.  Soc.  Ent.  Ital.  52:  34).  Wheeler  (1934, 
Bui.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool.  77 : 214)  described  the  soldier  and  male 
of  what  he  believes  to  be  cerberulus.  If  Wheeler’s  interpreta- 
tion is  correct,  mathildece  cannot  possibly  be  synonymous  with 

■ There  is  no  described  form  of  Camponotus,  subgenus  Colobop- 
sis,  known  to  me  which  has  even  a near  affinity  to  mathildece. 
This  new  species  has  so  many  excellent  and  easily  recognizable 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

characters  that  one  should  have  no  difficulty  in  identifying  it  in 
future  collections.  Since  it  has  been  intercepted  on  at  least 
three  occasions  on  orchids  originating  in  Mexico,  it  does  not  ap- 
pear to  be  an  especially  rare  form. 

Camponotus  (Colobopsis)  mathildese,  new  species 

Soldier. — Length  5.75  mm.  (Fig.  2,  anterior  view  of  head;  Fig.  3,  profile 
of  body). 

Head  subeylindrical,  longer  than  broad,  widest  anteriorly;  posterior 
border  almost  imperceptibly  emarginate.  Antenna  12-segmented;  scape 
flattened,  narrowest  at  the  base,  widening  apically,  the  apex  distinctly 
surpassing  the  posterior  corner  of  the  head;  funiculus  widening  apically 
but  not  forming  a well  defined  club.  Eye  oblong,  moderately  convex,  with 
numerous  facets;  situated  less  than  its  length  from  the  posterior  corner  of 
the  head.  Frontal  carinae  distant  from  each  other,  divergent  posteriorly. 
Clypeus  viewed  from  above,  more  than  two  and  one-half  times  as  wide  as 
long,  with  sharp,  bimarginate  anterior  border.  In  profile,  the  truncated 
surface  of  the  head  sloping  anteroventrally ; viewed  anteriorly,  the  trunca- 
ted surface  subeylindrical,  slightly  wider  than  high,  and  concave,  with 
sharply  carinate  lateral  borders.  Clypeus  somewhat  wedge-shaped,  nar- 
rowest ventrally,  with  sharply  carinate,  uneven  lateral  borders;  divided 
longitudinally,  by  a sharp,  uneven  carina.  Mandible  with  4 apical  teeth  and 
an  edentate  basal  portion.  In  profile,  the  posterior  part  of  the  prothorax 
and  much  of  the  mesothorax  moderately  convex  and  almost  on  the  same 
plane.  Mesoepinotal  impression  distinct  but  not  noticeably  wide  or  deep. 
Base  of  epinotum  meeting  the  declivity  in  an  obtuse  angle.  From  above,  the 
posterior  portion  of  the  proiiotum  and  epinotum  with  a distinct  but  not  deep, 
longitudinal  impression.  Legs  moderately  long,  with  somewhat  incrassated 
femora  and  tibiae,  the  femora  of  the  anterior  pair  of  legs  more  noticeably 
incrassated  than  those  of  the  other  legs.  Petiole,  in  profile,  with  a sub- 
rectangular  node;  the  node,  from  above,  wider  dorsally  than  ventrally  and 
with  a distinct  but  not  deep  impression. 

Anterior  two-thirds  or  more  of  the  head  subopaque,  more  or  less  coarsely 
rugose-reticulate  with  punctate  interrugal  spaces;  the  coarse  sculpturing 
extending  on  the  dorsal  surface  of  the  head  as  far  posteriorly  as  the  termina- 
tion of  the  frontal  carinse ; remainder  of  head  and  body  finely  shagreened. 

Hairs  on  the  head  yellowish,  short,  erect,  obtuse,  absent  on  the  truncated 
surface,  extending  on  the  sides  almost  to  the  eyes  and  on  the  dorsal  surface 
almost  to  the  posterior  border.  The  hairs  slightly  longer  and  less  obtuse  on 
the  front  and  vertex  of  the  head.  Antennal  scape  with  a few,  short,  erect 
hairs.  Gaster  with  scattered,  erect  hairs  in  addition  to  the  transverse  row 
of  hairs  near  the  posterior  border  of  each  segment;  hairs  on  the  venter  and 
at  the  apex  longer  than  elsewhere. 

Anterior  two-thirds  or  more  of  the  head  light  brown  or  yellowish  brown; 
borders  of  the  mandibles,  sides  of  the  truncated  surface,  and  clypeal  carinse 

Sept.,  1949] 

Smith:  Formicid^ 


darker;  remainder  of  head,  body  and  appendages  blackish  to  black,  with 
the  exception  of  the  tarsi. 

Worker. — Length  5.37  mm.  (Fig.  1,  profile  of  body) 

Head  longer  than  broad,  narrowest  anteriorly,  with  rounded  posterior 
border  and  moderately  convex  sides.  Eye  of  approximately  the  same  shape 
and  position  as  that  of  the  soldier.  Scape  proportionally  longer  than  that 
of  the  soldier  exceeding  by  approximately  one-fourth  its  length,  the  posterior 
border  of  the  head.  Frontal  carinse  well  separated,  posteriorly  divergent, 
not  as  long  as  the  greatest  width  between  them;  with  a distinct  but  not 
strongly  developed  frontal  furrow  extending  their  full  length.  Clypeus  sub- 
rectangular,  approximately  as  wide  as  long,  with  a median  carina  extending 
its  full  length.  In  profile,  the  thorax  is  highest  where  the  anterior  face  of 
the  prothorax  meets  the  dorsal  surface  of  the  pronotum.  Mesoepinotal  im- 
pression extraordinarily  deep  and  broad,  with  a distinct  and  very  protuberant 
spiracle  on  each  side.  Base  of  epinotum  highest  at  the  point  where  it  meets 
the  declivous  surface  in  a prominent  angle.  From  above,  both  pronotum 
and  epinotum  with  a distinct  but  not  deep,  longitudinal  impression,  which  in 
some  aspects,  at  least,  gives  the  epinotum  a somewhat  bicarinate  appearance. 
Legs,  petiole,  and  gaster  not  materially  different  from  that  of  the  soldier. 

Anterior  part  of  head  not  sculptured  as  in  the  soldier  but  with  a few 
small  punctures  on  the  mandibles,  clypeus  and  cheeks ; remainder  of  body 
and  appendages  shagreened  as  in  the  soldier. 

Hairs  on  head  yellowish,  fairly  short  and  erect ; confined  to  mandibles, 
clypeus,  front  and  vertex;  lacking  on  the  sides  and  ventral  surface  of  the 
head.  Antennal  scape  with  a few  short,  erect  hairs.  Gaster  -with  hairs 
similar  to  those  on  gaster  of  the  soldier. 

Color  somewhat  lighter  than  that  of  the  soldier,  with  head,  thorax,  and 
petiole  dark  brown,  and  the  gaster  blackish.  Mandibles  and  tarsi  an  even 
lighter  brown. 

Type  locality — Mexico  (D.  F.) 

Described  from  a holotype  soldier,  a paratype  soldier,  and  14 
paratype  workers  collected  from  orchids  at  Laredo,  Texas  on 
Jan.  28,  1948  by  H.  R.  Cary  of  the  Division  of  Foreign  Plant 
Quarantines,  Bureau  of  Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine,  U.  S. 
Department  of  Agriculture.  These  specimens  bear  Laredo  In- 
terception No.  46044.  All  have  been  placed  in  the  United  States 
National  Museum  under  U.S.N.M.  No.  59300.  There  are  two 
other  collections  which  I consider  to  be  this  same  species:  one 
made  at  Laredo  by  the  same  collector  and  on  the  same  date  as 
the  type  series,  from  orchids  originating  in  the  type  locality, 
and  recorded  under  Laredo  Interception  No.  46043;  and  the 
other  made  on  July  31,  1948  by  T.  P.  Chapman  at  Laredo,  from 
orchids  originating  in  Tamazunchale,  San  Luis  Potosi,  Mexico, 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

recorded  under  Laredo  Interception  No.  46986.  Except  for  the 
fact  that  the  ants  were  collected  on  orchids,  nothing  is  known 
concerning  their  habits.  t 

Paratype  workers  show  considerable  variation  in  the  width 
and  depth  of  the  mesoepinotal  constriction,  and  also  in  the 
height  and  acuteness  of  the  angle  formed  by  the  base  and  decliv- 
ity of  the  epinotum.  The  erect  hairs  on  the  antennal  scape 
vary  in  number  from  none  to  five  or  six.  Workers  under  La- 
redo Interception  No.  46043  are  much  darker  (almost  black) 
than  the  paratypes  and  also  have  the  basal  surface  of  the  epino- 
tum almost  horizontal  instead  of  ascending  to  meet  the  declivity. 

The  soldier  can  be  distinguished  from  that  of  other  species  by 
the  shape  of  its  head  which  is  much  widened  anteriorly ; the  con- 
cave truncated  surface  with  sharp  lateral  borders,  the  wedge- 
shaped  clypeus  with  sharp  lateral  borders  and  a sharp,  longi- 
tudinal carina  dividing  it  into  two  equal  parts,  and  by  the  dis- 
tinct, longitudinal  impression  on  the  posterior  part  of  the  pro- 
notum  and  epinotum. 

The  worker  can  be  distinguished  by  an  impression  on  the  pro- 
notum  and  epinotum  similar  to  that  of  the  soldier,  by  the  wide 
and  deep  mesoepinotal  impression  with  a prominent  spiracle  on 
each  side,  and  by  the  basal  surface  of  the  epinotum  meeting  the 
declivity  in  a high  and  prominent  angle.  The  thorax  of  the 
worker  bears  a striking  similarity  to  that  of  some  of  the  ants  of 
Camponotus,  subg.  Myrmocladozcus. 

I take  pleasure  in  naming  this  ant  for  Miss  Mathilde  M.  Car- 
penter, the  very  efficient  and  courteous  librarian  of  the  Division 
of  Insects,  U.  S.  National  Museum. 

(Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.),  Vol.  LYII 

(Plate  YII) 

Camponotus  (Colobopsis)  mathildece,  new  species.  Fig.  1,  body  of  worker 
in  profile.  Fig.  2,  anterior  view  of  head  of  soldier.  Fig.  3,  body  of  soldier 
in  profile.  (Illustrations  by  Miss  Addie  Egbert.) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 


The  Insect  World  of  J.  Henri  Fabre.  With  Introduction  and 
Interpretive  Comments  by  Edwin  Way  Teale.  Dodd,  Mead  and 
Company,  New  York,  1949.  8x/2  x 5%  inches,  xvi  + 333  p.  $3.50. 

After  a lapse  of  many  years  Dodd,  Mead  and  Company  have 
added  another  volume  to  the  series  of  Fabre ’s  works  which  they 
liublished  from  1912  to  1923.  In  the  present,  well-printed  and 
attractively  bound  volume,  Edwin  Way  Teale,  the  well-known 
naturalist,  author  and  photographer,  has  brought  together  forty 
of  the  best  known  of  Fabre ’s  studies  and  has  prefaced  them  with 
a concise  and  appreciative  summary  of  Fabre  ’s  life  and  observa- 
tions. Mr.  Teale  has  followed  Alexander  Teixeira  de  Mattos’ 
original  translation  into  English  and  Fabre ’s  accounts  will  always 
retain  their  original  charm  and  interest.  Although  students  of 
animal  behavior  now  operate  on  a different  level,  frequently  with 
complex  laboratory  apparatus,  they  are  all  indebted  to  the  facts 
harvested  by  Fabre  and  embedded  in  his  “Souvenirs  Entomolo- 
giques”,  after  years  of  patient  observation. 

The  works  of  Fabre  need  not  be  recommended  to  entomologists. 
His  basic  observations  are  familiar  to  all  of  us,  and  it  is  likely  that 
all  entomologists,  at  one  time  or  other,  have  taken  inspiration 
from  them.  His  experiments  are  classics  of  simplicity.  As  an 
observer  he  was  a genius.  If  we  do  not  agree  with  his  interpre- 
tation of  all  his  experiments,  they  are  nevertheless  always  in- 
teresting and  worthy  of  study.  Though  many  of  his  experiments 
w^ere  conducted  in  the  late  years  of  his  long  life,  they  were 
pursued  with  the  vigor  and  application  of  a crusader.  For  he 
was  one,  who  wanted  his  insects  studied  and  understood,  so  that 
they  might  be  loved.  His  views  on  natural  history  education, 
which  caused  him  considerable  embarrassment,  have  only  recently 
become  established  in  our  schools.  Perhaps  he  could  be  called 
the  father  of  the  “field  trip”  and  the  “summer  camp.” 

This  book  provides  a generous  and  a very  well  chosen  sample  of 
the  prodigious  work  of  a man  who  did  much  to  establish  the 
entomological  profession,  and  whose  timeless  accounts  and  lucid 
prose  will  always  be  read  and  enjoyed  by  people  who  recognize 
insects  as  living  creatures  of  infinite  interest. — F.A.S. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Goding:  Membracid^e 


















By  Frederic  W.  Goding 

(Continued  from  Yol.  XLVII,  p.  349) 

Key  to  Species 

Suprahumerals  inclined  more  or  less  forward,  slightly  elevated 
above  the  scutellum  then  impinging  upon  margins  of  tegmina. 

Suprahumerals  porrect,  short,  posterior  process  sinuate ; tegmina 
subhyaline,  costal  margin  and  tips  black;  reddish  brown;  5x3 
mm badius 

Suprahumerals  slightly  inclined  forward,  twice  as  long  as  the 
intervening  space;  tegmina  pale  tawny  hyaline,  base  tawny; 
ferruginous,  yellow  pubescent;  7 mm invarius 

Suprahumerals  transversely  oblique  or  horizontal. 

Posterior  process  extended  beyond  apex  of  clavus;  median  carina 

Suprahumerals  more  or  less  oblique. 

Suprahumerals  at  least  as  long  as  the  intervening  space. 

Suprahumerals  strongly  oblique,  distinctly  longer  than  the  space 
between  bases. 

Posterior  process  sinuate,  scarcely  separated  from  the  scutellum, 
tips  recurved;  tawny  or  brown,  pubescent. 

Posterior  process  unicarinate,  suprahumerals  slender;  tegmina 
pale  testaceous  hyaline,  base  ochraceous ; 6—7  x 3.5  mm. 


Posterior  process  tricarinate,  suprahumerals  moderately  broad; 
tegmina  semihyaline,  base  narrowly  piceous;  5-6  x 3.5  mm. 


Posterior  process  straight,  tricarinate,  slightly  elevated  above 
scutellum,  suprahumerals  broad,  straight;  castaneous,  legs  ochra- 
ceous ; tegmina  pale  bronze  brown,  apical  margins  darker ; 
7 x 4.5  mm ! albosignatus 

Suprahumerals  weakly  oblique,  about  as  long  as  space  between 
bases,  posterior  process  slightly  elevated  above  scutellum. 

Fuscous  brown,  pilose;  suprahumerals  broad  at  base,  tips  obtuse, 
posterior  process  unicarinate,  robust,  narrowed  beyond  middle; 
tegmina  pale  hyaline,  basal  area  fuscous ; 5x3  mm doddi 

Black,  legs  brown ; suprahumerals  hardly  long  as  intervening 
space,  tips  acute,  posterior  process  tricarinate,  slightly  curved 
at  base,  tip  just  passing  apex  of  clavus;  tegmina  bronze  ochra- 
ceous, basal  area,  costal  apical  margin  and  first  apical  cell 
black,  costal  margin  narrowly  testaceous ; 7 x 3 mm cavendus 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

16(7).  Suprahumerals  very  short,  long  as  one-fourth  the  intervening 
space ; pronotum  black,  posterior  process  brown,  sinuate,  uni- 
carinate,  slightly  separated  from  seutellum;  legs  ochraceous; 

tegmina  dull  subhyaline,  base  black ; 5-5.5  x 2 mm.  brevicornis 

17(6).  Suprahumerals  horizontal  or  subhorizontal. 

18(21).  Apex  of  posterior  process  extended  far  beyond  apex  of  clavus; 
entirely  brown. 

19(20).  Posterior  process  straight,  hardly  separated  from  seutellum,  supra- 
humerals half  as  long  as  the  intervening  space;  tegmina  dense 

brown,  veins  indistinct ; 9x4  mm.  midas 

20(19).  Posterior  process  slightly  sinuate,  tricarinate,  slightly  separated 

from  seutellum,  suprahumerals  slightly  longer  than  half  the  in- 
tervening space;  tegmina  pale  shining  ochraceous,  base  broadly 
black  enclosing  large  white  spot,  costal  and  inner  apical  margins 

narrowly  black ; 8x4  mm mimicus 

21(18).  Apex  of  posterior  process  slightly  passing  apex  of  clavus,  sinuate, 
tricarinate,  one-half  ochraceous,  tip  black,  suprahumerals  slender, 
straight ; pronotum  fuscous  brown ; tegmina  subhyaline,  basal 

angular  area  ochraceous ; 4 x 2 mm.  trails  versus 

22(5).  Posterior  extended  to  not  passing  apex  of  clavus. 

23(30).  Suprahumerals  horizontal  or  subhorizontal;  median  carina  per- 


24(29).  Black  or  piceous  black;  suprahumerals  long  as  intervening  space, 
posterior  process  sinuate,  slightly  elevated  above  seutellum. 
25(28).  Tegmina  pale  bronze,  destitute  of  a basal  white  spot. 

26(27).  Suprahumerals  substraight,  narrow;  base  of  tegmina  and  legs 

black ; 7-8  x 4 mm ammon 

27(26).  Suprahumerals  strongly  recurved;  base  of  tegmina  black  with  a 
subbasal  pale  transverse  area ; legs  pale  ochraceous,  tips  of 

tibiae  and  tarsi  black;  6 x 3-3.5  mm.  karenianus 

28(25).  Tegmina  shining  ochraceous,  basal  angle  and  narrow  costal  margin 
black,  a large  subbasal  white  spot;  suprahumerals  short;  legs 
pale  brown,  tips  of  tibiae  and  tarsi  black;  5.5  mm.  albomaculatus 
29(24).  Testaceous  red,  pilose;  suprahumerals  moderately  long,  tips  and 
tip  of  posterior  process  piceous ; tegmina  pale  bronze  ochraceous, 

base  narrowly  piceous ; ' 6 x 4-4.5  mm rufescens 

30(23).  Suprahumerals  short,  weakly  oblique,  posterior  process  straight, 
tricarinate,  slightly  separated  from  seutellum;  pronotum  fuscous 
brown;  tegmina  dull  brown  ochraceous,  veins  hirsute,  two  och- 
raceous basal  spots;  9 mm.  campbelli 

List  of  Species 

badius  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  vi,  App.  p.  158.  (1916).  Nilgiri  Hills, 


invarius  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  621.  (1851).  ? China. 

Sept.,  1949] 

Goding:  Membracid^e 


oneratus  Walker,  Ins.  Saund.  Horn.  p.  78.  (1858) ; Distant,  Faun.  Brit. 

Ind.  iv,  p.  40.  (1908).  Common  all  over  India. 

lignicola  Buckton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  224,  pi.  49,  tig.  6.  (1903).  Bani- 

seram,  Ceylon. 

pallescens  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  iv,  p.  41.  (1908).  Mainpura, 

Bangalore,  Bombay,  India. 

elongatus  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  iv,  p.  41.  (1908).  Calcutta,  Mysore, 

Trivandrum,  Travancore,  India. 

albosignatus  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  vi,  App.  p.  159.  (1916).  Nilgiri 

Hills,  India. 

doddi  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  40.  (1916).  N.  Queensland, 


cavendus  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  vi,  App.  p.  153,  fig.  111.  (1916). 

Nilgiri  Hills,  India. 

brevicornis  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  vi,  App.  p.  160,  fig.  118.  (1916). 

Dehra  Dun,  Lahore,  Punjab,  India. 

midas  Buckton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  233,  pi.  52,  fig.  8.  (1903).  Perak,  Sumatra, 
mimicus  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  vi,  App.  p.  159,  fig.  117.  (1916).  Nil- 
giri Hills,  India. 

transversus  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  vi,  App.  p.  161.  (1916).  Lahore, 

Punjab,  India. 

ammon  Buckton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  233,  pi.  52,  fig.  6.  (1903) ; Distant,  Faun. 

Brit.  Ind.  iv,  p.  39,  fig.  32.  (1908).  Nilgiri  Hills,  India, 

karenianus  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xiv,  p.  332.  (1914).  nom.  nov. 
pallipes  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  iv,  p.  40.  (1908).  Karen  Hills, 


albomaculatus  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  vi,  App.  p.  159.  (1916).  Nilgiri 
Hills,  India. 

rufescens  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  iv,  p.  40.  (1908).  Tenasserim,  Myitta, 
India;  Burma. 

campbelli  Distant,  Faun.  Brit.  Ind.  vi,  App.  p.  158.  (1916).  Nilgiri  Hills, 



Goding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  24.  (May  5,  1903)  ; Ibiceps  Buckton,  Mon. 
Memb.  p.  239.  (1903). 

Key  to  Species 

1(2).  Bobust,  piceous  brown;  suprahumerals  with-  apical  fourth  strongly 
curved  outward  and  lightly  downward,  extreme  tips  excavated, 
posterior  process  strongly  arcuate;  7-9x6  mm.  falcata 

2(1).  Slender,  dark  ferruginous,  head  and  basal  area  of  metopidium 
black ; suprahumerals  with  tips  briefly  curved  outward,  roundly 
truncate,  minutely  acute  at  middle,  posterior  process  nearly  straight, 
middle  and  apex  lightly  depressed ; 6x3  mm leae 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

List  of  Species 

falcata  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  622.  (1851)  ; Buckton,  Mon.  Memb. 

p.  239,  pi.  54,  fig.  6.  (1903).  Tasmania;  Murray  Bridge,  S. 


biturris  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  Suppl.  p.  164.  (1958).  New  Heb- 

rides, Victoria,  Australia.  (Label  in  Walker’s  handwriting). 
curvicornis  Stal,  Bid.  Memb.  K.  p.  287.  (1869).  Adelaide,  S.  Aus- 


leas  Goding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  26,  pi.  1,  fig.  5.  (1903).  West  Australia. 


Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p,  39.  (1916). 

Key  to  Species 

1(4).  Apex  of  posterior  process  passing  tips  of  tegmina,  substraight; 

reddish  testaceous,  venation  of  tegmina  testaceous. 

2(3).  Suprahumerals  robust,  obtusely  narrowed  at  tips;  tegmina  subhya- 
line; 6x4  mm.  godingi 

3(2).  Suprahumerals  short,  acuminate,  tips  and  marginal  carinae  piceous, 
posterior  process  lightly  arcuate  and  piceous  on  dorsum  to  tip, 
piceous  spot  each  side  of  chest;  tegmina  colorless  hyaline;  6x3 

mm tenuis 

4(1).  Apex  of  posterior  process  extended  to  tip  of  abdomen;  tegmina 
clear  hyaline. 

5(6).  Pronotum  piceous  or  dark  ferruginous,  suprahumerals  paler,  legs 
ferruginous;  venation  toward  base  and  surrounding  third  apical 
cell,  and  spot  beyond  clavus  piceous ; tip  of  posterior  process 

decurved ; 7x4  mm transiens 

6(5).  Pronotum  ferruginous,  legs  yellowish,  suprahumerals  less  diverging, 
slender,  sharp,  compressed ; 6 mm paria 

List  of  Species 

godingi  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  39.  (1916).  Australia. 

rubridorsi  Distant,  supra  p.  40.  nom.  nud. 
tenuis  Goding,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.  xxxiv,  p.  245.  (1926).  Homebush, 

N.  S.  W. ; S.  Australia;  Victoria,  Australia, 
transiens  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  624.  (1851).  Unknown. 

bicolor  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  625.  (1851).  Unknown. 

arolatus  Goding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  23,  pi.  1,  fig.  3.  (1903).  Quean- 
beyan,  Braidwood,  N.  S.  W. ; Victoria;  S.  Australia, 
paria  Fairmaire,  *Rev.  Memb.  p.  513.  (1846).  East  Indies. 


Goding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  28.  (1903). 

Sept.,  1949] 

Goding:  Membracid.® 


Key  to  Species 

1(2).  Tips  of  suprahumerals  acuminate  and  curved  inwardly  on  apical 

area  and  contiguous,  short  spine  exteriorly ; 7 x 4 mm.  regalis 

2(1).  Tips  of  suprahumerals  gibbous  approaching  but  not  contiguous, 

short  spine  exteriorly ; 8x3  mm.  spinicornis 

* Judging  from  the  description  by  Fairmaire  this  species  can  be  included 
in  no  other  modern  genus. 

List  of  Species 

regalis  Goding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  30,  pi.  4,  figs.  4,  9.  (1903).  Brisbane, 
Queensland,  Australia. 

spinicornis  Walker,  Jour.  Ent.  i,  p.  316.  (1862) ; Goding,  Mon.  Aust. 

Memb.  p.  29,  pi.  1,  fig.  22.  (1903).  Moreton  Bay,  Queensland; 

Tweed  and  Clarence  Rivers,  N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 


Stal,  Tr.  Ent.  Soc.  Lond.  (3),  i,  p.  592.  (1863). 

Key  to  Species 

1(4).  Basal  half  of  tegmina  black  or  fuscous,  apical  half  hyaline;  pro- 
notum  black,  legs  brown,  suprahumerals  at  least  3 mm.  long. 

2(3).  Tips  of  suprahumerals  slightly  recurved;  tegmina  fuscous,  apical  area 
vitreous,  tips  fuscous;  10  mm.  ! wallacei 

3(2).  Tips  of  suprahumerals  slightly  curved  outwardly,  central  carina  on 
upper  surface;  tegmina  black,  opaque,  apical  third  vinaceous  hya- 
line; 10  mm.  similis 

4(1).  Tegmina  black  or  reddish  brown,  opaque,  apical  half  paler  semi- 
opaque, apical  margins  partly  hyaline;  brown. 

5(6).  Black;  tegmina  black,  apical  half  blackish  brown,  hyaline  spot  on 
exterior  apical  margin;  suprahumerals  1.5  mm.  long,  tips  slightly 
elevated,  central  carina  on  upper  surface,  posterior  process  lightly 
sinuate;  8 mm.  margin alis 

6(5).  Brown,  head  black;  tegmina  reddish  brown,  opaque,  paler  subopaque 
apically,  inner  apical  margins  hyaline;  suprahumerals  4 mm.  long, 
apical  half  curved  upwardly;  posterior  process  straight;  9.5  mm. 


List  of  Species 

wallacei  Stal,  Tr.  Ent.  Soc.  Lond.  (3),  i,  p.  592.  (1863);  Walker,  Jour. 

Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  193,  pi.  3,  fig.  12.  (1868).  Waigiu  Is.,  New 


similis  Schmidt,  Soc.  Ent.  xl,  p.  16.  (1925).  Kapaor,  New  Guinea. 

marginalis  Schmidt,  Soc.  Ent.  xl,  p.  15.  (1925).  Purari,  New  Guinea. 

apicalis  Schmidt,  Soc.  Ent.  xl,  p.  15.  (1925)..  Wokan,  Aru  Is.;  Andai,, 

New  Guinea. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 



Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  31.  (1916). 

Key  to  Species 

1(4).  Posterior  process  distinctly  longer  than  tegmina,  suprahumerals  2.5 
mm.  long. 

2(3).  Shining  purplish  black;  tegmina  colorless  hyaline  with  a broad  lon- 
gitudinal percurrent  reddish  stripe;  10  mm australensis 

3(2).  Piceous,  body  and  legs  ferruginous;  tegmina  pale  vinaceous  hyaline; 

10  mm nqbilis 

4(1).  Posterior  process  extended  to  tips  of  tegmina,  suprahumerals 
4 mm.  long,  brown;  tegmina  pale  bronze  brown,  apical  third 
purplish  brown;  piceous,  legs  ochradeous;  9-10  mm. 


List  of  Species 

australensis  Goding,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.  xxxiv,  p.  208.  (1926).  Brisbane, 

Queensland,  Australia. 

nobilis  Kirkaldy,  Kept.  Exp.  Sta.  Haw.  Sug.  PI.  Assoc,  p.  374.  (1906). 

Cairns,  Queensland,  Australia. 

queenslandensis  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  32.  (1916).  North 

Queensland,  Australia. 


Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xvii,  p.  321.  (1916)  ; Gondopharnes  Distant, 

Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xvii,  p.  321.  (1916) 

Key  to  Species 

1(22).  Suprahumerals  more  or  less  oblique,  posterior  process  tricarinate, 
median  carina  percurrent. 

2.(9).  Suprahumerals  distinctly  oblique,  well  elevated. 

3(8).  Tegmina  brown,  or  piceous,  translucent,  base  and  costal  area 
darker,  opaque. 

4(7).  Suprahumerals  long  as  width  of  pronotum,  acute,  posterior  proc- 
ess decurved;  wings  vitreous. 

5(6).  Pronotum  shining  purplish  black,  legs  dark  brown,  tarsi  paler; 

suprahumerals  straight ; tegmina  brown,  small  decolored  Spot 
just  behind  apex  of  clavus;  7x4  mm acuticornis 

6(5).  Pronotum  and  legs  black,  knees  ochraceous,  tips  of  suprahumerals 
recurved;  tegmina  purplish  brown;  5.5x4  mm solomonensis 

7(4).  Suprahumerals  much  longer  than  width  of  pronotum,  posterior 
process  straight;  pronotum  and  chest  piceous,  abdomen  and 
legs  pale  luteus;  tegmina  piceous,  wings  blackish;  7 mm. 


Sept.,  1949] 

Goding:  Membracid^e 





















Tegmina  subhyaline,  base  and  costal  margin  testaceous  brown;  pro- 
notum, body  and  legs  testaceous  brown ; suprahumerals  long  as 
■width  of  pronotum,  tips  recurved;  posterior  process  decurved; 
5x3  mm intermedius 

Suprahumerals  weakly  oblique,  lightly  elevated,  posterior  process 
tricarinate,  median  carina  percurrent. 

Tegmina  yellowish  hyaline. 

Costal  margin  and  base  of  tegmina  black  or  brown. 

Apical  margin  of  tegmina  more  or  less  black  or  brown. 

Pronotum  black. 

Suprahumerals  long  as  width  between  bases,  posterior  process 
weakly  undulate,  hind  legs  testaceous ; tegmina  lurid ; 4.5  mm. 


Suprahumerals  one-third  as  long  as  the  intervening  space,  pos- 
terior process  decurved,  tarsi  tawny;  tegmina  cinereous;  4.5 
mm albidus 

Pronotum  and  legs  brownish  ochraceous,  suprahumerals  black  long 
as  width  between  bases,  posterior  process  black  except  base, 
decurved ; tegmina  pale  stramineous ; 5 x 3 mm.  australis 

Apical  margin  of  tegmina  concolorous  yellow  hyaline ; entirely 
piceous ; suprahumerals  long  as  half  the  width  of  pronotum, 
posterior  process  decurved;  5 mm.  brevivitta 

Costal  margin  and  base  of  tegmina  with  pronotum  and  legs  pale 
brown,  densely  pubescent;  suprahumerals  long  as  width  between 
bases,  posterior  process  heavy,  decurved ; 5.6  x 3.8  mm. 


Tegmina  brown  or  piceous. 

Entirely  fuscous  brown  including  tegmina;  suprahumerals  long 
as  width  between  bases,  recurved,  posterior  process  decurved; 
6x4  mm.  spicatus 

Piceous,  head,  metopidium  and  abdomen  black,  legs  red;  supra- 
humerals shorter  than  the  intervening  space,  posterior  process 
straight  with  median  gray  band;  tegmina  piceous,  incomplete 
median  and  subapical  bands  and  tips  hyaline;  4 mm.  piceus 

Suprahumerals  horizontal. 

Tegmina  lurid  hyaline,  base  and  costal  margin  black,  two  dis- 
coidal  cells. 

Apical  margin  of  tegmina  more  or  less  blaek. 

Posterior  process  decurved,  suprahumerals  straight  about  half  as 
long  as  width  of  pronotum;  black,  legs  pale  yellow;  5-6  mm. 


Posterior  process  undulate,  suprahumerals  lightly  curved  much 
longer  than  width  between  bases,  tips  recurved;  black  or  dark 
yellowish  brown,  hind  legs  testaceous ; tegmina  with  transverse 
subapical  brown  fascia  from  costal  margin ; 8-10  x 5-6  mm. 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Yol.  lvii 

27(24).  Apical  margin  of  tegmina  concolorous  hyaline;  suprahumerals 
short,  posterior  process  undulate ; piceous,  legs  pale  yellow ; 

5 mm subflavipes 

28(23).  Tegmina  mottled  brown,  subopaque,  base  and  costal  margin  dark 
brown,  three  discoidal  cells;  suprahumerals  long  as  space  be- 
tween bases,  posterior  process  heavy,  much  decurved,  apical  two- 

thirds  slender ; 6.8  x 5 mm.  brunneus 

List  of  Species 

acuticomis  Goding,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.  xxxiv,  p.  244.  (1926).  Kuranda, 
Queensland,  Australia. 

solomonensis  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  41.  (1916).  Solomon  Is. 
contractus  Walker,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  188.  (1868).  Aru  Is.,  New 


intermedius  Distant*  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  41.  (1916).  Large  Bay, 
N.  S.  W. ; Gayndah,  Peak  Downs,  Queensland,  Australia, 
semilucidus  Walker,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  186.  (1868),  Waigiou  Is., 

New  Guinea. 

tibialis  Buckton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  238,  pi.  54,  fig.  3.  (1903).  Dory, 

New  Guinea. 

albidus  Walker,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  188.  (1868).  Mysol  Is.,  New  Guinea, 
australis  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  40.  (1916).  Queensland, 


brevivitta  Walker,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  189.  (1868).  New  Guinea, 
pubescens  Funkhouser,  Phil.  Jour.  Sci.  xl,  p.  115,  pi.  1,  fig.  7.  (1929). 

Amboina  Is.,  Moluccas. 

spicatus  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  42.  (1916).  Queensland, 


piceus  Walker,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  187.  (1868).  Batchian  Is.,  Moluccas, 
pallipes  Walker,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  185.  (1868)  ; Buckton,  Mon.  Memb. 

p.  232,  pi.  52,  fig.  4.  (1903).  Batchian  Is.,  Myson  Is.,  New 


tibialis  Walker,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  188.  (1868).  New  Guinea. 

ramivitta  Distant,  nom.  nud;  semilusus  Distant,  Nom.  nud. 
strigatus  Walker,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  184.  (1868).  New  Guinea. 

curvicornis  Buckton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  250,  pi.  57,  fig.  3.  (1903).  Ste- 

phansort,  German  New  Guinea. 

subflavipes  Walker,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  x,  p.  189.  (1868).  New  Guinea, 
brunneus  Funkhouser,  Kec.  Aust.  Mus.  xv,  p.  309,  pi.  26,  figs.  11,  12.  (1927). 
Lavoro  Plantation,  Guadalcanar  Is.,  Solomon  group. 


Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xvii,  p.  152.  (1916). 

Key  to  Species 

One  black  species  with  body  and  legs  piceous,  tegmina  bronze  brown, 
the  costal  cell  black;  7 mm merinjakensis 

Sept.,  1949] 

Goding:  Membracid^e 


List  of  Species 

merinjakensis  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xvii,  p.  153.  (1916)  Mt. 

Merinjak,  Borneo. 


Buekton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  228.  (1903) ; Daunus  Stal,  Hemip.  Afric.  iv, 

p.  87.  (1866);  Zanophara  Kirkaldy,  Entom.  xxxvii,  p.  279.  (1904). 

Key  to  Species 

1(4).  Posterior  process  long  as  tegmina,  slightly  sinuate,  suprahumerals 
slightly  diverging. 

2(3).  Tegmina  with  central  longitudinal  brown  stripe  sometimes  forked 
at  tip ; piceous  or  ferruginous,  suprahumerals  twisted,  rarely 

slightly  inclined  forward ; 6x3  mm vitta 

3(2).  Tegmina  piceous  toward  base,  without  brown  stripe;  piceous,  supra- 
humerals twisted,  tips  dilated;  7 mm | contractus 

4(1).  Posterior  process  shorter  than  tegmina,  straight. 

5(8).  Suprahumerals  broadly  diverging,  tips  not  dilated. 

6(7).  Tegmina  ferruginous,  suboqaque;  ferruginous  yellow,  median  carina 

eoncolorous ; 8x3  mm.  succisus 

7(6).  Tegmina  hyaline;  fusco-ferruginous,  suprahumerals  darker,  median 

carina.  reddish ; 8x3  mm rubridorsatum 

8(5).  Suprahumerals  subparallel,  tips  slightly  dilated;  ferruginous  brown 
to  black,  legs  reddish  ferruginous;  tegmina  ferruginous,  apical  area 
subhyaline;  8-9  mm.  „ tasmaniae 

List  of  Species 

vitta  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  626.  (1851) ; Goding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb. 

p.  32,  pi.  1,  fig.  25.  (1903).  Camden  Haven,  Penrith,  Sydney, 

Queanbeyan,  Bungadore,  N.  S.  W. ; South  Australia;  Tasmania. 
contorta  Walker,  Ins.  Saund.  Horn.  p.  66.  (1858).  Tasmania. 
albovitta  Kirkaldy,  Kept.  Exp.  Sta.  Haw.  S.  P.  Assoc.  Ill,  p.  96. 
(1907).  Bundaberg,  Queensland,  Australia, 
contractus  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  622.  (1851).  New  Holland, 


succisus  Buekton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  226,  pi.  50,  fig.  3.  (1903).  Adelaide, 

S.  Australia. 

rubridorsatum  Buekton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  230,  pi.  51,  fig.  6 (1903).  Ade- 
laide, South  Australia. 

tasmaniae  Fairmaire,  Rev.  Memb.  p.  513,  pi.  3,  fig.  15.  (1846)  ; Goding, 

Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  31,  pi.  1,  figs.  6,  20.  (1903)  ; Buekton,  Mon. 
Memb.  p.  227,  pi.  50,  fig.  6.  (1903).  Hobart,  Tasmania;  Mel- 

bourne, Gisbourne,  Victoria;  Brisbane,  Queensland;  New  Holland, 

truncaticornis  Walker,  Ins.  Saund.  Horn.  p.  81.  (1858).  Melbourne, 

Victoria,  Australia. 

tumescens  Buekton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  229,  pi.  51,  fig.  1.  (1903).  Tas- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

contortum  Buckton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  229,  pi.  51,  fig.  2.  (1903).  Tas- 


leda  Kirkaldy,  Kept.  Exp.  Sta.  Haw.  S.  P.  Assoc.  Ill,  p.  90.  (1907). 
Mittagong,  N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 


Buckton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  256.  (1903). 

Key  To  Species 

1(4).  Posterior  process  long  as  tegmina,  lightly  sinuate,  dorsum  alti- 
tude gradually  decreasing. 

2(3).  Tegmina  with  base  and  costal  cell  black,  central  area  hyaline, 
apical  fourth  red  with  brown  margin;  metopidium  slightly  ad- 
vanced upwardly  without  median  carina;  8-10.5x7-8.6  mm. 


3(2).  Tegmina  entirely  colorless  hyaline;  metopidium  vertical,  weakly 
carinate ; 6.5-9  x 4.5  mm occidentals 

4(1).  Posterior  process  shorter  than  tegmina. 

5(10).  Tegmina  brown,  translucent  or  opaque,  base  and  costal  margin 
black  or  brown  or  concolorous. 

6(9).  Pronotum  obtusely  elevated,  concave  posteriorly,  seen  from  front 
coarctate;  suprahumerals  moderately  long,  and  slender,  posterior 
process  moderately  thick;  tegmina  with  two  discoidal  cells; 
ocelli  equidistant. 

7(8).  Pronotum  purplish  brown,  seen  from  front  lengthily  coarctate 

two  vertical  tomentose  fasciae  each  side;  tegmina  purplish  brown, 
base  darker ; 9-10  x S mm •. ansatus 

8(7).  Pronotum  black,  rugose,  seen  from  front  gradually  narrowed  to 
just  below  suprahumerals  with  one  tomentose  fascia  each  side; 

tegmina  bronze  brown,  base  and  costal  cell  black,  hya- 
line spot  near  apex  of  clavus;  9x5.5  mm.  rugosus 

9(6).  Pronotum  elevated  in  an  enormous  globular  swelling  inclined 

forward,  including  basal  half  of  posterior  process,  dark  purplish 
brown,  reticulate,  seen  from  front  broadened  from  base  to  the 
short  suprahumerals,  apical  half  of  posterior  process  slender; 
tegmina  bronze,  three  discoidal  cells ; ocelli  nearer  to  eyes ; 

7x5,  alt.  5 mm globosus 

10(5).  Tegmina  hyaline  with  brown  or  black  markings. 

11(18).  Pronotum  moderately  elevated,  seen  from  front  the  inferior  mar- 
gins of  suprahumerals  very  little  elevated  above  the  eyes. 

12(15).  Suprahumerals  acuminate,  tips  acute. 

13(14).  Dark  purplish  brown,  median  carina  percurrent,  suprahumerals 
recurved,  posterior  process  slightly  separated  from  scutellum ; 
tegmina  ochraceous,  base  and  costal  cell  purplish  brown,  apical 
area  tinged  with  brown ; 10  x 6 mm.  agnatus 

(To  be  continued) 

Sept.,  1949] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 



Meeting  of  January  6,  1948 

The  annual  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
January  6,  1948  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President 
Doctor  Hagan  called  the  meeting  to  order  at  8 P.M. 

Mr.  Comstock  reported  as  the  delegate  to  the  New  York  Academy  of 
Sciences.  He  said  that  the  Academy  is  anxious  to  obtain  new  quarters  and 
that  a drive  for  $3,000,000  for  this  purpose  has  been  initiated.  He  reported 
there  had  been  no  other  action  by  the  Academy  during  the  year  that  would 
affect  the  Society. 

The  secretary  read  a letter  of  thanks  to  the  membership  from  the  Brooklyn 
Entomological  Society  in  response  to  the  letter  from  this  Society  on  the 
occasion  of  their  75th  anniversary. 

A second  letter  was  read  concerning  the  increase  of  20  per  cent  in  the  cost 
of  printing  the  Journal. 

The  nominating  committee  submitted  the  following  slate  of  officers  for 

Vice  President 

Assistant  Secretary 

Assistant  Treasurer 



Dr.  Harold  E.  Hagen 
Dr.  Mont  A.  Cazier 
Mr.  Frank  A.  Soraci 
Mrs.  Patricia  Yaurie 
Dr.  James  C.  King 
Mr.  Leonard  H.  Sandford 
Mr.  Harry  B.  Weiss 
Dr.  James  C.  King 
Dr.  Mont  A.  Cazier 
Dr.  H.  T.  Spieth 
Dr.  Harold  E.  Hagan 

Mr.  E .W.  Teale 

Publication  Committee  Mr.  Harry  B.  Weiss 

Dr.  Charles  D.  Michener 
Mr.  John  D.  Sherman,  Jr. 

Delegate  to  the  N.  Y.  Academy  of  Sciences  Mr.  William  P.  Comstock 
The  entire  slate  was  duly  elected. 

There  being  no  further  business,  Dr.  Hagan,  the  speaker  of  the  evening, 
presented  his  paper  on  “Viviparity  in  Insects.  ’ ’ The  following  four  types 
of  viviparity  were  described  and  discussed : 1,  Ovoviviparity  2,  Adenotrophie 
viviparity  3,  Metagonadic  viviparity  4,  Pseudoplacental  viviparity.  His 
paper  was  published  in  the  Journal,  vol.  LYI,  p.  63. 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary . 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Meeting  of  January  20,  1948 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
January  20,  1948  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History;  President 
Dr.  Hagan  in  the  chair.  There  w'ere  10  members  and  9 visitors  present. 

Dr.  Lucy  Clausen  reported  for  the  field  committee  that  one  field  trip  was 
held  during  1947. 

The  treasurer,  Dr.  King,  gave  his  annual  report. 

The  program  and  field  committees  were  then  appointed  by  the  president, 
as  follows: 

Program  Committee 
Dr.  J ames  Forbes 
Albro  T.  Gaul 
Dr.  Lucy  W.  Clausen 

Field  Committee 
E.  W.  Teale 
Chris  E.  Olsen 
Dr.  Lucy  W.  Clausen 

Dr.  Albert  Hartzell  then  proceeded  with  the  paper  of  the  evening,  titled, 
*‘DDT,  Its  Proper  Use  as  an  Insecticide.  ’ ’ 

He  traced  the  history  of  this  insecticide  from  the  time  it  was  first  synthe- 
sized in  1874,  by  Othmar  Zeidler,  a young  chemistry  student  at  Strasbourg, 
Germany,  to  its  appearance  as  a miracle  drug  during  the  recent  war.  The 
insecticide  reached  this  country  through  the  Geigy  Company  which  offered 
it  to  the  U.  S.  Army  after  rediscovering  and  proving  it  in  Switzerland  in 
1938  and  later.  The  remarkable  insecticidal  properties  of  the  material  were 
proved  by  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture  and  army  authorities  here,  and 
its  effectiveness  against  lice  was,  in  large  part,  responsible  for  the  abatement 
of  the  typhus  epidemic  of  late  1943  and  early  1944  in  Italy.  Since  then  it  has 
been  used  successfully  in  combating  the  insect  vectors  of  cholera,  malaria, 
and  other  diseases  in  many  parts  of  the  world. 

Dr.  Hartzell  spoke  of  the  pharmacology  of  DDT,  and  of  the  precautions 
which  need  to  be  taken  in  using  this  insecticide.  He  stated  that  cold  blooded 
animals  are  more  susceptible  than  warm  blooded  animals  to  its  effects. 

Mention  was  made  of  the  use  for  DDT  in  the  garden  and  on  ornamental 
material.  Some  plants  are  injured  by  direct  applications  of  DDT,  while 
others  do  not  fare  well  in  soil  which  has  been  heavily  dosed.  Far  from  being 
a cure-all,  DDT  has  proven  valueless  against  some  insects. 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary. 

Meeting  of  February  3,  1948 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
February  3,  1948,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History;  President 
Dr.  Hagan  in  the  chair.  There  were  17  members  and  13  visitors  present. 

Mr.  Leon  Siroto  of  the  Hoboken  Inspection  House,  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Ento- 
mology and  Plant  Quarantine,  was  proposed  for  membership  by  Dr.  Swain. 

Dr.  King,  the  treasurer,  announced  that  there  had  been  four  resignations 
within  the  last  few  weeks  and  that  one  member,  Mr.  Alfred  Fenton,  of  Texas 
had  died. 

SEPT.,  1949] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 


There  being  no  further  business,  the  paper  of  the  evening  was  given.  Mr. 
Albro  T.  Gaul  spoke  on  “Economy  and  Labor  in  the  Yespine  Society.” 

The  observations  of  Mr.  Gaul  were  made  on  a number  of  species  of  hornets, 
notably  Dolichovespula  arenaria  and  Vespula  maculifrons,  whose  nests  he 
had  transferred  indoors.  He  described  in  detail  8 categories  of  labor  in  the 
colonies,  the  production  of  eggs,  foraging  for  food,  brood  nursing,  nest  con- 
struction, nest  sanitation,  the  tending  of  tenerals,  or  not  fully  mature 
queens,  defense  of  the  colony,  and  water  collecting.  Excellent  colored  slides 
of  a number  of  nests  were  shown. 

Mr.  Gaul ’s  original  observations  and  interesting  topic  provoked  many  ques- 
tions and  a long  discussion  followed. 

Patricia  Yaurie,  Assistant  Secretary. 

Meeting  of  Feburary  17,  1948 

The  regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held  Feb. 
17,  1948  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  President  Dr.  Hagan 
in  the  chair.  There  were  12  members  and  5 visitors  present. 

Mr.  Leon  Siroto  of  40-71  Elbertson  St.,  Elmhurst,  L.  I.,  N.  Y.  was  elected 
to  active  membership. 

Mr.  Jack  Colvard  Jones  of  the  Department  of  Entomology  and  Zoology  of 
the  Agricultural  Experiment  Station  at  Auburn,  Alabama  was  proposed  for 

The  speaker  of  the  evening  Dr.  Nellie  Payne  then  gave  her  talk  on  “The 
Yearly  Round  of  Insect  Pests  in  a Suburban  Garden.  ’ ’ 

On  a garden  plot  of  60'  x 30',  surrounded  by  brambles  and  sod,  she  studied 
horizontal  and  vertical  migrations  of  insects.  She  found  that  a cold  wet 
spring  results  in  the  influx  of  large  numbers  of  cut  worms,  Japanese 
beetle  grubs,  Asiatic  beetle  grubs  and  native  white  grubs  from  the  surround- 
ing land  through  a 2'  cleared  strip  around  the  garden,  into  the  garden  plot. 
In  dry  years  migration  across  the  strip  into  the  garden  does  not  take  place. 

With  regard  to  vertical  migration,  Dr.  Payne  observed  that  in  bare  soil 
the  greatest  concentration  of  grubs  occurs  just  below  the  frost  line.  Largest 
numbers  occurred  in  the  2 foot  strip,  between  the  sod  and  the  garden. 

Population  studies  in  the  garden  plot  were  made  on  a number  of  insects. 
Dr.  Payne  observed  that  the  first  annual  appearance  of  some  forms  could  be 
accurately  forecast.  Certain  ground  beetles,  flea  beetles,  millipedes  and  sow- 
bugs  were  given  as  examples  of  this.  The  following  succession  had  been 
observed  in  her  garden  plot.  The  cabbage  aphid  was  present  and  active  on 
broccoli  during  the  months  of  Dec.,  Jan.  and  Feb.  From  March  15  to  the 
26  millipedes  and  sowbugs  appear.  In  April  the  flea  beetles  appear.  In 
May  and  June,  the  various  grubs  were  noticed.  The  adult  Japanese  beetles, 
and  Asiatic  beetles  are  abundant  in  July.  Then  in  August  and  September 
an  enormous  increase  in  the  population  of  various  aphids  occurs.  Finally, 
in  late  Sept,  the  garden  reverts  back  to  the  millipedes  and  sowbugs. 

Yarious  types  of  population  build-up  were  then  described.  Examples 
given  were : 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

(1)  Tlie  cabbage  aphid.  There  are  3 to  5 of  these  insects  per  broccoli 
head  throughout  the  winter  months.  Then  a slow  increase  with  a spectacular 
build-up  to  25,000  or  so  aphids  per  head  during  Sept.  In  October  the  pop- 
ulation decreases  just  as  spectacularly  to  its  spring  level. 

(2)  Other  aphids  such  as  the  potato  aphid  are  not  as  predictable.  With 
this  aphid  a dry  August  means  a build-up  of  the  population.  Otherwise 
the  population  might  remain  more  or  less  constant. 

(3)  The  Mexican  bean  beetle.  This  population  starts  out  with  2-5 
beetles  per  leaf  on  the  first  crop  of  beans.  On  the  2nd  crop  of  beans,  5-10 
beetles  are  common.  The  third  crop  is  the  vanished  crop  for  the  population 
has  eaten  itself  out  of  food. 

(4)  The  Japanese  beetle.  The  downward  trend  in  numbers  during  the 
past  5 years  indicates  a secular  swing. 

(5)  A wooly  bear.  This  insect  seems  to  build  up  to  5 per  bean  plant; 
then  stops.  The  population  studies  indicated  that  for  this  garden  there 
were  3 general  patterns.  (1)  the  constant  population,  (2)  the  population 
with  predictable  fluctuations,  (3)  the  population  with  unpredictable  fluctua- 

There  was  considerable  discussion  of  Dr.  Payne’s  paper.  The  meeting 
adjourned  at  9:45  P.  M. 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary. 

Meeting  of  March  2,  1948 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held  March 
2,  1948,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Dr.  Hagan 
called  the  meeting  to  order  at  8:00  P.  M.  There  were  11  members  and  17 
guests  present.  Mr.  Pallister  introduced  to  the  Society  Miss  John  lecturer 
in  Zoology  of  Andra  Christian  College  of  India.  Miss  John  spoke  briefly 
of  her  connection  with  that  Lutheran  institution  and  of  the  fine  progress 
which  is  being  made  in  India  along  educational  lines.  She  expressed  her 
gratitude  for  the  fine  spirit  with  which  she  has  been  received  in  her  tour  of 
the  various  institutions  in  this  country. 

Mr.  Jack  Colvard  Jones  of  the  Alabama  Agricultural  Experiment  Sta- 
tion was  elected  to  active  membership. 

There  were  three  proposals  for  membership,  as  follows: 

Barnard  D.  Burks,  associate  taxonomist,  Illinois  Natural  History  Survey. 

A.  C.  Miller,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

John  P.  Barrett,  Armour  and  Company  in  Chicago. 

A committee  of  Mr.  William  P.  Comstock  and  John  C.  Pallister  was  ap- 
pointed to  draw  up  a formal  resolution  appointing  C.  F.  dos  Passos  to  serve 
as  the  representative  of  this  Society  at  the  13th  International  Congress  of 
Zoology  in  Paris  and  the  8th  International  Congress  of  Entomology  in 
Sweden,  both  to  be  held  during  the  coming  summer. 

There  being  no  further  business,  Dr.  Brayton  Eddy,  curator  of  insects  at 
the  Bronx  Zoological  Gardens  presented  the  paper  of  the  evening  titled  1 1 In- 

Sept.,  1949] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 


sects  Alive.”  He  spoke  of  the  dependency  of  man  upon  insects  for  the 
food  he  eats;  of  the  estimate  that  only  1/2  of  1 percent  of  insects  are  in- 
jurious to  man,  and  that  many  insects  are  kept  in  check  through  the  ef- 
forts of  other  insects,  i.  e.,  the  predators,  parasites  and  scavengers. 

Motion  pictures  of  some  of  the  live  insects  exhibits  which  he  maintained 
at  a Rhode  Island  public  park  were  shown.  He  also  presented  a group  of 
excellent  color  slides  of  popular  interest. 

After  a discussion  of  Dr.  Eddy’s  talk  the  meeting  was  adjourned  at 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary. 

Meeting  of  March  16,  1948 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
March  16,  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Dr. 
Hagan  called  the  meeting  to  order  at  8:00  P.  M.  There  were  16  members 
and  18  visitors  present. 

The  following  new  members  were  elected: 

A.  C.  Miller,  P.  O.  Drawer  2038,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

John  P.  Barrett,  Armour  & Co.,  Chemical  Research  & Development  De- 
partment, Union  Stock  Yards,  Chicago  9,  111. 

Barnard  D.  Burks,  Assoc.  Taxonomist,  State  Natural  History  Survey 
Division,  Urbana,  111. 

The  following  were  proposed  for  membership : 

Prof.  Osmond  P.  Breland,  Assoc.  Professor  of  Zoology,  Department  of 
Zoology,  University  of  Texas,  Austin  12,  Texas. 

Esmond  B.  Martin,  465  East  57th  Street,  New  York  22,  N.  Y. 

Mr.  Chris  Olsen  offered  the  use  of  his  home  for  the  society  field  trip  during 
May.  The  president  thanked  him  for  this  kind  offer  and  expressed  the  hope 
that  many  of  the  members  might  be  able  to  partake  of  the  Olsen  hospitality 
on  that  occasion. 

There  being  no  further  business,  Mr.  Roman  Vishniac  speaker  of  the 
evening  proceeded  with  his  talk  on  ‘ 1 Photographing  Insects.”  He  spoke 
of  the  many  mysteries  of  the  insect  world,  and  of  the  fact  that  interest  in 
insects  is  growing.  This  growth  is  more  than  matched  by  the  growth  of  the 
insecticide  industry,  but  he  feels  it  would  be  a most  desolate  world  if  the 
insecticides  ever  actually  catch  up  with  the  insects.  Of  greatest  interest  to 
Mr.  Vishniac  was  the  development  of  the  insect  from  the  egg  through  the 
various  stages,  often  unrecognizable  one  to  the  other,  to  the  adult  form. 

In  his  photography,  Mr.  Vishniac  has  always  made  it  his  primary  ob- 
jective to  picture  the  free  insect.  In  captivity  these  animals  do  not  perform 
naturally  and,  when  dead,  they  are  a poor  substitute  for  the  real  thing. 

Mr.  Vishniac  then  showed  an  excellent  collection  of  slides  in  color,  and 
black  and  white,  which  were  outstanding  for  their  depiction  of  insect  faces, 
and  especially  eyes.  He  also  showed  some  fine  colored  moving  pictures  of 
insects  in  action. 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Meeting  of  April  6,  1948 

The  regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held 
April  6 in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Dr.  Hagan 
called  the  meeting  to  order  at  8:00  P.  M.  There  were  12  members  and  16 
visitors  present.  The  following  men  were  elected  to  active  membership, 
Prof.  Osmond  P.  Breland,  Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  Texas, 
Austin,  and  Dr.  Esmond  B.  Martin,  465  East  57th  Street,  New  York. 

The  following  were  proposed  for  membership. 

Prof.  C.  L.  Fluke,  Department  of  Entomology,  University  of  Wisconsin, 
College  of  Agriculture,  Madison  6,  Wisconsin. 

Dr.  Norman  S.  Easton,  458  High  Street,  Fall  River,  Massachusetts. 

Mr.  Chris  Olsen  offered  the  use  of  his  grounds  at  West  Nyack,  N.  Y.  for 
a Society  field  trip.  His  invitation  was  accepted  for  June  6. 

Dr.  Hagan  welcomed  Dr.  Schneirla  on  his  return  from  Panama.  Dr. 
Schneirla  promised  to  talk  to  the  society  on  his  experiences  at  an  early  date. 

Prof.  Virgil  N.  Argo  presented  the  talk  of  the  evening  titled  “Ramblings 
of  a Biologist  in  Mexico.  ” He  related  his  many  interesting  experiences  in 
traveling  by  automobile  from  Laredo  south  to  Mexico  City  and  Vera  Cruz. 
His  excellent  photographs  were  of  wide  general  interest. 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary. 

Meeting  of -April  20,  1948 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held  April 
20,  1948,  at  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Dr.  Hagan 
called  the  meeting  to  order  at  8:  00  P.  M.  There  were  18  members  and  38 
visitors  present. 

The  following  men  were  elected  to  active  membership : 

Prof.  C.  L.  Fluke,  Dept,  of  Entomology,  University  of  Wisconsin,  College 
of  Agriculture,  Madison,  Wisconsin. 

Dr.  Norman  S.  Easton,  458  High  Street,  Fall  River,  Massachusetts. 

The  following  was  proposed  for  membership: 

Dr.  H.  I.  Wechsler,  Dept,  of  Biology,  Fordham  University. 

Mr.  E.  W.  Teale  offered  the  use  of  his  grounds  at  Baldwin,  L.  I.,  for  a 
Society  outing  during  August.  His  kind  offer  was  accepted  and  the  Field 
Committee  agreed  to  send  proper  announcements  to  the  membership  at  a later 

There  being  no  further  business,  Mr.  Leon  Siroto  presented  his  talk  on 
“An  Amateur  Naturalist  on  the  Amazon  River.”  Mr.  Siroto  made  this 
trip  to  satisfy  his  desire  to  see  the  jungle  for  himself.  He  also  hoped  to  track 
down  the  so-called  “bush  dog”  of  the  Amazon.  His  interest  in  insects  was 
limited  to  the  collection  of  the  large,  spectacular  forms,  primarily  beetles. 
Equipped  only  with  those  things  which  could  be  carried  he  proceeded  by 
boat  to  Belem,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Amazon  river.  He  discarded  his  plan 
of  hiking  from  there  to  Rio  de  Janeiro  when  he  found  his  map  was  in  error, 
in  showing  the  presence  of  a road.  Mr.  Siroto  finally  settled  for  a trip  up 

■Sept.,  1949] 

Proceedings  of  the  Society 


the  Amazon.  He  boated  to  Manaus  in  the  state  of  Amazonas,  and  then  up 
to  Fonte  Boa  by  small  boat.  The  speaker  mentioned  his  difficulty  in  obtain- 
ing food  and  his  stay  was  not  as  long  as  he  had  planned  for  he  found  he  was 
not  well  adapted  to  starving.  He  was  impressed  with  the  many  birds,  and  in 
the  Upper  Amazon  the  birds  of  prey  were  especially  abundant  and  interest- 
ing. He  was  able  to  collect  some  Buprestidse  and  Cerambycidse  at  Fonte  Boa, 
but  his  mission,  as  it  concerned  the  bush  dog,  was  a failure.  The  trip  from 
Fonte  Boa  back  to  Manaus  was  made  by  plane,  and  the  return  to  this 
country  by  boat.  Mr.  Siroto  hopes  that  he  might  be  able  to  revisit  the 
Amazon,  avoiding  the  many  pitfalls  that  beset  the  explorer  on  his  first  trip 
to  the  jungle. 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary. 

Meeting  of  May  4,  1948 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held  May 
4,  1948  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Dr.  Hagan 
called*  the  meeting  to  order  at  8:00  P.M.  There  was  20  members  and  17 
guests  present. 

Dr.  Salvador  de  la  Torre  y Caldejas  of  Playa  75^  Matanzas,  Cuba  was 
proposed  for  membership. 

Dr.  Harry  I.  Wechsler,  85  Central  Avenue,  White  Plains,  New  York  was 
elected  to  active  membership. 

Miss  Hoffman,  daughter  of  Prof.  Hoffman  of  Mexico  City  was  introduced. 
She  spoke  of  her  interest  in  ticks  and  chiggers  and  was  appreciative  of  the 
help  extended  her  by  various  members  of  the  museum  staff. 

Mr.  John  D.  Sherman,  Jr.,  read  a note,  prepared  by  Dr.  Herbert  Ruckes 
concerning  the  death  on  May  2,  1948  of  Jose  Rollin  de  la  Torre  Bueno  at 
Tucson,  Arizona.  This  note  was  spread  on  the  minutes  of  the  society  and 
the  secretary  was  directed  to  mail  a copy  to  the  family. 

There  being  no  further  business,  Mr.  Jay  T.  Fox  of  Seaford,  Long  Island, 
proceeded  with  the  paper  of  the  evening  titled  “Entomological  Photo- 
macrography  and  Photomicrography.  ’ ’ 

He  stressed  the  importance  of  photography  in  depicting  man’s  activities, 
then  spoke  briefly  on  the  history  of  black  and  white  and  color  photography. 
The  3-color  subtractive  process  of  color  photography  was  invented  by  Dr. 
Fisher  in  Germany  in  1914,  and  almost  exactly  duplicated  by  two  Russian 
musicians  in  1921.  The  Eastman  Kodak  Company  hired  the  musicians  and 
in  1936  Kodachrome  appeared  on  the  market.  There  has  been  considerable 
improvement  in  color,  so  that  slides  in  Mr.  Fox’s  collection  which  were  made 
some  8 years  ago,  show  practically  no  fading  at  this  time.  Mr.  Fox  spoke  of 
the  need  for  accurate  exposures  in  color  work  and  of  the  need  for  proper 
adjustments  for  color  temperature.  In  his  work  he  corrects  his  exposures  to 
a half  stop.  He  then  showed  a series  of  insect  pictures,  most  of  which  were 
taken  from  the  collections  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  His 
equipment  was  set  up  for  this  work  in  such  manner  that  photographs  of  the 
specimens  could  be  taken  quickly  and  accurately. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Note  on  Torre-Bueno 

Jose  Rollin  de  la  Torre-Bueno  died  at  Ms  home  in  Tucson,  Arizona,  on 
Sunday,  May  2nd,  1948,  at  the  age  of  76.  By  his  passing  American  Ento- 
mology has  lost  one  of  its  outstanding  personalities  and  leaders.  A goodly 
part  of  his  life,  prior  to  retirement  to  Arizona,  was  spent  as  Assistant  to  the 
President  of  the  General  Chemical  Company,  but  early  in  his  career  he  found 
time  to  become  interested  in  the  biology  of  the  Hemiptera.  He  soon  estab- 
lished for  himself  an  enviable  reputation  for  his  amateur  standing  in  ento- 
mology and  it  was  not  long  before  the  now  familiar  initials  J-R-T-B.  were 
universally  recognized  wherever  Hemipterists  gathered.  Bueno ’s  earlier 
studies  centered  on  the  aquatic  hemiptera  in  which  he  became  a specialist. 
Kirkaldy  thought  so  highly  of  his  work  that  he  erected  the  genus  Buenoa  in 
honor  of  our  late  confrere. 

Torre-Bueno ’s  aristocratic  heritage  dating  from  the  time  of  the  Spanish 
Conquistadores  marked  him  as  one  who  had  the  courage  of  his  convictions 
and  who  strove  to  be  a perfectionist  in  all  his  undertakings.  Not  all  ento- 
mologists were  his  friends,  however,  for  he  was  a severe  and  bitter  critic  to 
all  who  stepped  beyond  the  bounds  of  accepted  procedure.  His  caustic 
editorials  in  the  Brooklyn  Bulletin  and  his  sharp  comments  in  other  ento- 
mological joqrnals  are  classics,  and  frequently  were  the  cause  for  pause  to 
reconsider  the  validity  of  one ’s  own  decision.  He  was,  on  the  other"  hand, 
a helping  friend  and  'adviser  to  many.  The  greatest  aim  of  his  entomologi- 
cal career  was  to  make  available  to  all  interested  as  much  of  the  general 
knowledge  of  the  systematics  of  Hemiptera  as  possible.  Thus  in  his  later 
life  he  undertook  the  herculean  task  of  preparing  and  publishing  his  Synop- 
sis of  the  families  of  Hemiptera  of  North  America,  a work  that  now  is  in- 
complete and  interrupted  by  his  death. 

Torre-Bueno ’s  indefatigable  energy,  his  devotion  to  his  entomological 
studies  and  his  unselfish  contribution  of  time  and  effort  toward  the  editorial 
work  of  the  Bulletin  of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society  and  Entomol- 
ogica  Americana,  have  marked  him  as  a man  to  be  admired  and  to  whom  we 
all  owe  a debt  of  gratitude.  Another  monumental  contribution,  his  Glos- 
sary, is  the  accepted  hand  book  of  all  workers  in  our  science. 

In  recognition  of  his  achievements  and  his  faithful  service  to  them,  the 
members  of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society  elected  him  Honorary  Presi- 
dent of  their  association. 

Now  that  he  has  passed  to  his  reward,  we  salute  Torre-Bueno  and  say  that 
whoever  made  his  acquaintance  was  a better  man  for  having  known  him. 

Herbert  Rttckes, 

Frank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary. 

Meeting  of  May  18,  1948 

A regular  meeting  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  held  May 
18,  1948  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  President  Doctor 
Hagan  called  the  meeting  to  order  at  8:  00  P.  M.  There  were  15  members 
and  11  visitors  present. 

Mr.  E.  W.  Teale  gave  notice  of  the  field  trip  which  would  be  held  on  his 
grounds  on  August  22. 

Doctor  Caldejas  was  elected  to  membership. 

There  being  no  further  business,  Mr.  Herbert  T.  Schwarz,  speaker  of  the 
evening,  gave  a talk  on  “The  Stingless  Bees  of  the  Western  Hemisphere.  ’ r 

Some  of  the  information  presented  in  his  recently  issued  Stingless  Bees 
(Meliponidae)  of  the  Western  Hemisphere  was  covered  by  Mr.  Schwarz.  He- 

Sept.,  1949] 

Proceedings  op  the  Society 


pointed  out  that  these  bees  belong  to  the  small  minority  among  the  Apoidea 
(perhaps  only  about  5 per  cent) that  are  social  in  habit.  Although  they 
live  in  colonies,  they  have,  however,  retained  the  technique,  characteristic  of 
the  solitary  bees,  of  stocking  a cell  with  provisions  (the  task  of  the  workers), 
of  laying  an  egg  thereon  (the  task  of  the  queen),  and  then  of  sealing  the 
cell,  with  the  result  that  the  larva  that  emerges  from  the  egg  is  shut 
off  from  contact  with  the  world  until  it  issues  from  the  cell  as  a winged 

The  speaker  made  some  reference  to  the  wide  diversity — of  size  as  well  as 
structure — among  the  different  species  of  stingless  bees,  which  range  from 
insects  larger  than  the  honeybee  to  creatures  so  tiny  that  they  sometimes 
get  caught  in  the  human  eye  when  visiting  it  to  lap  its  moisture.  He  also 
spoke  of  the  different  components  of  the  hive  and  pointed  out  that  the  sting- 
less bee  queen,  like  the  honeybee  queen,  has  undergone  structural  degenera- 
tion concomitant  with  her  relinquishment  of  certain  of  the  functions  per- 
formed by  the  female  in  the  case  of  the  solitary  bees. 

Mr.  Schwarz  noted  that  stingless  bees  occur  in  the  tropical  parts  of  the 
Old  World  as  well  as  the  New  but  that  their  distribution  is  discontinuous, 
with  a wide  area  unoccupied  by  them  in  the  Pacific  eastward  of  the  Solomon 
Islands,  their  last  known  outpost,  until  the  west  coast  of  South  America  is 
reached.  Stingless  bees  are  known  from  all  the  states  of  South  America 
with  the  possible  exception  of  Chile,  and  from  all  the  Central  American 
states  and  Mexico,  but  they  fail  to  reach  even  the  southern  limits  of  the 
United  States  (although  they  have  recently  been  artifically  introduced  into 
Louisiana)  and  are  absent  from  many  of  the  West  Indian  islands. 

Another  phase  of  the  subject  was  the  nest  and  its  structure,  with  emphasis 
not  only  on  the  architecture  but  also  on  the  choice  of  nest  sites,  to  the  in- 
clusion of  arboreal  as  well  as  subterranean  nests,  as  well  as  nests  erected  in 
the  structures  of  other  creatures,  termites,  ants,  wasps,  and  even  birds. 
While  many  of  the  nests  are  of  the  standard  pattern,  horizontal  story  built 
above  horizontal  story,  other  nests,  more  primitive  in  type,  have  the  brood 
cells  arranged  in  clusters.  As  many  as  35  or  40  stories  may  occur  in  nests 
where  this  kind  of  architecture  prevails.  Honey  and  pollen  are  stored  in 
jars  irregularly  clustered. 

Hue  to  limitations  of  time  many  phases  of  stingless  bee  biology  had  to  be 
omitted  but  brief  reference  was  made  to  the  many  enemies  of  stingless  bees, 
including  among  the  invertebrates  especially  bees,  ants,  wasps,  cockroaches, 
and  saltidid  spiders  and  among  the  vertebrates,  in  addition  to  man,  many 
mammals,  birds,  and  reptiles.  Against  these  enemies  the  bees  have  developed 
defenses,  partly  architectural  (for  a stingless  bee  nest  is  a citadel  as  well 
as  a habitation)  but  largely  individual.  Acting  in  concert  the  individual  bees 
of  a colony  are  capable  of  effective  defense.  Deprived  of  a sting,  they 
nevertheless  resort  to  biting;  some  of  them  ( Oxytrigona ) discharge  caustic 
fluids;  a few  species  have  been  observed  gluing  up  small  intruders  of  the 
nest  with  a sticky  substance,  rendering  them  utterly  impotent. 

Prank  A.  Soraci,  Secretary. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


In  1831  Professor  Benedict  Jaeger,  a native  of- Austria,  visited 
the  United  States  and  was  engaged  in  1832  by  the  College  of  New 
Jersey,  now  Princeton  University,  to  put  the  Zoological  Museum 
in  good  order.  Later  in  that  year  he  was  appointed  curator  of  the 
Museum  and  Lecturer  on  Natural  History  at  a salary  of  $200  per 
year.  He  also  taught  German,  Italian,  and  French,  probably 
for  additional  remuneration.  In  1839  he  offered  his  private  cabi- 
net of  natural  history  including  2,000  specimens  of  insects  to  the 
College,  provided  his  salary  was  paid  in  advance.  The  Board  of 
Trustees  agreed  to  this  but  he  resigned  in  September  1811  and 
his  account  with  the  College  was  left  in  confusion  and  it  was 
not  until  1846  that  a committee  of  the  Board  was  appointed  to 
settle  the  controversy.  The  Princeton  University  Library  has  a 
copy  of  his  manuscript  “Museum  Neo-Caesariensis”  dated  1832, 
which  is  a catalogue  of  the  natural  history  specimens  in  the  col- 
lege museum.  The  insects  included  252  species  in  the  Coleoptera, 
Hemiptera,  Lepidoptera,  Neuroptera,  Hymenoptera,  Diptera  and 
Aptera,  all  collected  at  Princeton.  Nothing  remains  of  this  col- 
lection of  insects.  If  any  escaped  the  first  fire  in  Nassau  Hall, 
they  must  have  been  destroyed  by  the  second  fire  of  March  10, 
1855,  when  the  entire  interior  was  demolished. — H.B.W. 


iNew  iorK  entomological  Society 

Devoted  to  Entomology  in  General 


No*  4 

ur  . < 1943 


PubiichtiditjUpmmittee  4 

4^AL  MUStU*\,X 


E.  W.  TEALE 

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: ; v h,  r^-V  ' ' ' >'  ■'  - • !,>  ;V  J $'.;<■  J ^ - 

a Subscription  $5.00  per  Year 

Published  Quarterly  by  the  Society 


NEV  YORK,  N.  Y. 



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The  Activities  o£  House  Flies 

By  George  W.  Barber  and  Eleanor  B.  Starnes 203 

Army-Ant  Behavior  214 

The  Chloride  Ion  in  the  Hemolymph  of  the  Large  Milk- 
Weed  Bug,  Oncopeltus  fasciatus  (Dallas) 

By  Janet  L.  C.  Rapp i . 215 

Book  Notice  224  • 

Insects  Collected  in  the  Dundas  Marsh,  Hamilton, 
Ontario,  1947-48 

By  W.  W.  Judd 225 

Book  Notice  231 

Notes  on  the  Distribution,  Habits,  and  Habitats  of  Some 
Panama  Cuiicines  (Diptera:  Culicidae) 

By  Ross  H.  Arnett,  Jr 233 

The  Insect  Motif  in  Glass  Paperweights  252 

Cabbage  Worms  Conjured  252 

Records  and  Descriptions  of  Neotropical  Crane  Flies 
(Tipulidae:  Diptera),  XXIV 

By  Charles  P.  Alexander 253 

Sir  John  Maundevile’s  Ants  266 

...  ■ ' : 

The  Old  World  Membracidae 

By  Frederic  W.  Goding 267 

NOTICE:  Volume  LVII,  Number  3,  of  the  Journal  of 
the  New  York  Entomological  Society  was  published 
on  September  12,  1949. 

Entered  as  second  class  matter  July  7,  1925,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 
under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  special  rate  of  postage  provided  for  in  Section  1103. 

Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  March  27,  1924. 

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New  York  Entomological  Society 

Vol.  LVII  December,  1949  No.  4 


By  George  W.  Barber  and  Eleanor  B.  Starnes 

Department  of  Entomology, 

Rutgers  University,  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey 


The  observations  that  are  described  herein  were  undertaken  to 
obtain  a better  understanding  of  the  activities  of  house  flies.  It 
was  desired  to  keep  a given  fly  under  continuous  observation  for 
periods  of  several  hours  at  a time.  Since  it  was  impossible  to 
make  such  observations  using  free  flies  out-of-doors,  it  was  neces- 
sary to  confine  them  in  a cage  small  enough  to  enable  the  constant, 
desired  observations  to  be  made. 


Pairs  of  flies  of  known  age  and  of  normal  size  were  confined  in 
a cage,  each  inside  dimension  of  which  was  12  inches,  or  which 
was  of  one  cubic  foot  capacity.  The  cage  was  constructed  so  that 
it  could  be  taken  apart  quickly  to  facilitate  cleaning.  The  two 
sides,  the  bottom  and  the  back  were  of  unpainted  plywood;  the 
top  was  of  wire  screening  of  16  mesh,  and  the  front  was  of  glass. 
When  in  use  the  cage  was  placed  on  a table  about  four  feet  be- 
low a light  consisting  of  two  GE  Mazda  Daylight  Fluorescent 

i Journal  Series  paper  of  the  New  Jersey  Agricultural  Experiment  Station, 
Rutgers  University,  Department  of  Entomology.  Research  carried  out  with 
funds  provided  by  the  Office  of  the  Quartermaster  General,  Department  of 
the  Army. 


DEC  2 0 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

bulbs.  The  temperature  was  about  75°  F.  Two  workers  cooper- 
ated, one  who  watched  a fly  continuously,  using  a stop-watch  to 
time  the  various  activities  observed,  and  dictated  the  observations 
to  a second  worker  who  entered  the  information  on  prepared 
forms.  The  activity  of  one  fly  of  a pair  was  observed  and  re- 
corded in  this  way  for  continuous  periods  ranging  from  30  min- 
utes to  three  hours.  Information  applicable  to  22  females  and  16 
males  was  obtained  and  will  be  described  in  the  following  sec- 


The  flies  of  each  sex,  that  were  observed,  ranged  in  age  from 
newly  emerged  individuals  to  those  that  had  emerged  11  days  be- 
fore. Although  each  observation  was  scheduled  for  a particular 
length  of  time,  it  was  never  possible  to  account  for  exactly  the 
planned  interval  because  short  periods  were  unavoidably  gained 
or  lost  at  each  change  of  activity  of  a fly  which,  during  the  course 
of  one  experiment,  might  result  in  several  hundred  separate  ob- 
servations to  be  entered  on  the  data  sheets.  A compilation  of  the 
data  applicable  to  each  fly  gave  the  exact  time  for  which  observa- 
tions were  obtained,  and  these  totals  served  as  a basis  for  the  cal- 
culations given  herein. 


Prior  observations  of  flies  under  the  conditions  of  the  experi- 
ments showed  that  their  activity  could  be  divided  into  six  cate- 
gories. They  spent  much  time  in  resting  ; intermittently  they 
cleaned  their  feet,  head,  mouth  parts,  wings  or  abdomen;  they 
sought  food  with  the  proboscis  extended ; they  fed ; they  regurgi- 
tated the  food — which  evidently  is  a part  of  digestion,  and  they 
walked  or  flew  about  without  reference  to  food-seeking  and,  in 
the  males,  this  often  consisted  of  advances  to  the  female.  There- 
fore all  the  activities  of  the  flies  were  classified  under  the  follow- 
ing categories: — 1,  walking  or  flying;  2,  searching  for  food;  3, 
feeding;  4,  regurgitating;  5,  resting;  and  6,  cleaning.  A sum- 
mary showing  the  percentages  of  time  observed  that  was  spent  by 
each  fly  in  each  of  these  activities  is  given  in  table  1. 


Comparison  of  the  Time  Spent  by  House  Flies  in  Each  of  Six 
Categories  into  Which  Their  Activity  was  Divided 

Age  in 

Time  spent  by  individual  flies  in  the  following  activities 




for  food 






Per  cent 

Per  cent 

Per  cent 

Per  cent 

Per  cent 

Per  cent 
















































































































































































































































New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 


In  the  cage  that  has  been  described  there  was  a choice  of  three 
types  of  surfaces  on  which  the  flies  could  rest,  including  resting 
during  regurgitation.  Observations  showed  that  they  preferred 
to  rest  on  the  plywood  and  wire  screening,  but  avoided  the  glass. 
When  cleaning  the  middle  legs  were  used  less  often  than  the 
others,  and  one  middle  leg  rested  on  the  surface  at  all  times.  The 
tarsi  of  these  legs  were  observed  to  slip  on  the  vertical  glass  sur- 
face indicating  that  it  did  not  afford  a secure  foothold  for  the 
flies  and  that  they  avoided  it  for  this  reason. 

The  avoidance  of  glass  surfaces  has  been  shown  also  by  the 
choice  of  resting  places  by  flies  in  small  rectangular  cages  in 
which  the  sides,  bottom  and  top  were  of  glass,  and  the  two  ends 
were  of  cloth.  In  these  cages  the  flies  carried  on  most  of  their 
activities  on  the  cloth,  leaving  it  only  to  search  for  food  or  when 
they  were  disturbed.  In  these  cages  this  choice  by  the  flies  was 
shown  by  the  occurrence  of  excrement  specks,  which  were  found 
much  more  abundantly  on  the  cloth  than  on  the  glass.  It  was 
indicated,  therefore,  that  the  relative  smoothness  of  surfaces  was 
a factor  in  the  choice  of  resting  places  by  the  flies  and  that  they 
avoided  very  smooth  surfaces  on  which  their  foothold  was  inse- 


In  these  experiments  the  food  provided  for  paired  flies  con- 
sisted of  milk  on  cotton  in  10  cc.  beakers  placed  in  the  center  of 
the  bottom  of  a cage.  The  observations  failed  to  show  that  the 
flies  were  attracted  to  this  food  by  odor.  They  seemed  to  find  it 
rather  accidentally  after  searching  for  a shorter  or  longer  period. 
The  length  of  time  that  previously  unfed  flies  searched  before 
finding  the  food  was,  for  8 males  from  8 seconds  to  46  minutes, 
37  seconds ; and  for  7 females  from  2 minutes,  28  seconds  to  139 
minutes,  15  seconds.  The  average  searching  time  for  the  males 
was  11  minutes,  14  seconds,  and  it  was  31  minutes,  44  seconds  for 
the  females.  After  the  food  was  found  the  males  fed  for  periods 
ranging  from  66  seconds  to  3 minutes,  10  seconds,  or  an  average 
of  1 minute,  39  seconds,  and  the  females  fed  for  periods  ranging 

Dec.,  1949] 

Barber  & Starnes:  House  Flies 


from  40  seconds  to  6 minutes,  55  seconds,  or  an  average  of  2 min- 
utes, 15  seconds. 


Heretofore  it  has  been  known  that  house  flies  regurgitated  food, 
but  the  details  of  the  regurgitation  and  the  probable  reason  for 
this  activity  has  been  little  understood.  Regurgitation  began 
soon  after  feeding  and  continued  for  some  time,  probably  depend- 
ing on  the  amount  of  food  that  had  been  taken.  When  milk  was 
colored  with  red  stain  the  regurgitated  droplets  at  first  were 
colored  identical  with  the  colored  milk,  but  as  the  process  con- 
tinued the  color  gradually  became  less  intense  until  the  droplets 
were  colorless.  It  was  indicated,  therefore,  that  regurgitation 
is  a process  of  digestion  during  which  the  food  is  brought  up 
from  the  crop  bit  by  bit  and  is  mixed  with  saliva  before  being 
passed  on  to  the  digestive  tract.  Of  the  679  regurgitated  drop- 
lets observed  only  one  was  dropped,  indicating  that  fly  specks 
consist  almost  entirely  of  excrement. 

The  duration  in  time  of  individual  exposed  droplets  at  the  end 
of  the  proboscis  varied  from  less  than  15  seconds  to  more  than 
3 minutes  for  both  males  and  females,  as  shown  in  table  2.  The 
average  duration  of  droplets  by  male  flies  was  73.3  seconds  and 
for  female  flies  it  was  76.5  seconds.  The  total  number  of  droplets 
regurgitated  by  individual  flies,  which  were  observed  for  varying 
lengths  of  time,  ranged  from  6 to  53,  or  an  average  of  32  for  the 
males  and  from  1 to  76,  or  an  average  of  32.6,  for  the  females. 

The  length  of  time  droplets  were  exposed  ranged  from  33.3  to 
139.7  seconds  for  the  females  and  from  34.3  to  188.8  seconds  for 
the  males.  For  male  flies  61.1  per  cent  of  the  droplets  were  ex- 
posed for  one  minute  or  less,  21.2  per  cent  for  from  1 to  2 min- 
utes, 10.8  per  cent  for  from  2 to  3 minutes,  and  6.9  per  cent  for 
more  than  3 minutes.  For  female  flies  56  per  cent  of  the  droplets 
were  exposed  for  one  minute  or  less,  25.6  per  cent,  for  from  1 to 
2 minutes,  10.5  per  cent  for  from  2 to  3 minutes,  and  7.9  per  cent 
for  more  than  3 minutes. 

In  the  case  of  female  flies  the  duration  of  regurgitated  droplets 
of  flies  one  day  old  was  much  greater  than  was  the  case  with  older 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

05  05 

CO  o 
co  oo 







CO  o 

CO  to 


.CO  CM 

05  05 
XH  TjH 

05  CO 

rH  CO 
05  lO 

i — I l — I 

05  i— I 
CO  © 
rH  CM 

t-  CM 
05  CM' 

Dec.,  1949] 

Barber  & Starnes  : House  Flies 


flies.  The  average  number  of  droplets  regurgitated  by  female 
flies  one  day  old  was  46.5  and  the  average  length  of  time  they 
were  exposed  was  99.2  seconds.  For  female  flies  from  3 to  6 days 
old  these  figures  were  24.5  droplets  and  66.6  seconds,  and  for  fe- 
male flies  from  9 to  11  days  old  they  were  21  droplets  and  34.9 
seconds.  Since  a similar  correlation  was  not  observed  in  the  case 
of  male  flies  it  is  probable  that  the  observations  noted  as  being 
applicable  to  the  females  were  related  to  the  development  of  eggs 
by  the  young  females. 

The  process  of  regurgitation  was  frequently  interrupted  by 
movements  of  the  fly  or  by  cleaning  without  other  movement.  It 
occurred  after  the  flies  had  moved  away  from  the  food  and  were 
resting  in  any  position  on  parts  of  the  cage.  Male  flies  regurgi- 
tated from  1 to  18  droplets  without  movement  and  female  flies 
regurgitated  from  1 to  32  droplets  without  movement.  On  an 
average  the  male  flies  regurgitated  4.5  droplets  without  move- 
ment and  the  females  regurgitated  5.4  droplets. 


Flies  of  each  sex  cleaned  themselves  intermittently,  particu- 
larly the  males,  which  spent  an  average  of  20.7  per  cent  of  their 
time  in  this  way  whereas  the  females  spent  an  average  of  14.6 
per  cent  of  their  time  in  this  activity.  As  in  other  respects  the 
flies  were  quite  individualistic  in  their  cleaning  activities  as  may 
be  seen  from  the  data  given  in  table  3. 

In  this  table  the  insect  parts  involved  in  cleaning  are  repre- 
sented by  symbols  which  are  described  in. the  table.  The  various 
combinations  of  symbols  show  when  the  flies  used  the  indicated 
parts  in  one  cleaning  operation.  A total  of  18  of  these  combina- 
tions were  represented  in  the  data,  and  the  table  shows  the  per- 
centage of  the  time  devoted  to  cleaning  when  each  combination  of 
parts  was  used. 

The  fore-legs  were  used 'with  or  without  the  middle  legs  to 
clean  the  head  and  mouth  parts,  and  the  rear  legs  were  used  to 
clean  the  wings  and  abdomen.  The  middle  legs  were  used  for 
cleaning  much  less  than  either  of  the  others  and  in  no  case  was 
more  than  one  of  them  removed  at  a time  from  the  surface  on 
which  a fly  rested.  More  time  was  devoted  to  cleaning  the  head 

Comparison  of  the  Time  Spent  by  House  Flies  in  Cleaning  Their  Several  Parts 


& .5 

® g fi 

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S £ 

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i — 1 



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i — i 


I— IO3C0C0^lOCDCDt> 

9 11.6  2.2  7.1  2.0  4.5  9.4  10.2  12.7  0.9  9.1  2.0  23.1  21.5 

11  5.3  4.5  6.4  15.7  11.8  0.7  2.3  4.9  9.3  0.7  34.4  16.0 

11  2.6  32.7  9.2  14.6  33.0  2.3  22.3  9.6 

? 12.2  3.3  3.8  16.3  11.3  40.2  29.2  18.3 

Average  15.6  6.3  11.5  8.0  5.3  6.6  3.3  8.6  0.1  0.2  0.6  1.2  1.4  0.8  5.6  1.3  18.3  4.3  1.0  14.6 

Percentages  of  the  time  spent  in  cleaning  that  was  devoted  to  cleaning  the  following  body  parts 

£ ^ 


M pj  a 

G>  -1"1  0$ 

: ^ 

a £ § 

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g §3 

H C3 

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ft  ^ 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  lvii 

and  proboscis  and  fore  legs  than  other  patts,  as  shown  in  the  fol- 
lowing summary : 

Comparison  of  the  Average  Time  Spent  by  House  Flies  in 
Cleaning  Parts  of  Their  Bodies 

Parts  cleaned 

Percentage  of  time  devoted 
to  cleaning  that  involved 
the  use  of  the  stated 

Males  Females 

Fore  legs,  head  and  mouth  parts 42.97  41.30 

Fore  and  middle  legs,  head  and  mouth  parts 18.56  23.86 

Involving  the  middle  and  rear  legs 7.42  5.28 

Bear  legs,  wings  and  abdomen : 29.50  29.55 

Undetermined  parts 1.53 

Cleaning  involving  the  use  of  the  fore  legs,  the  mouth  parts 
and  head  and  the  rear  legs,  wings  and  abdomen  accounted  for  91 
per  cent  of  the  time  devoted  to  cleaning  by  the  males  and  94.7  per 
cent  by  females.  The  time  devoted  to  cleaning  by  male  flies 
ranged  from  8.6  to  50.9  per  cent  of  the  time  they  were  observed,, 
and  for  female  flies  this  range  was  from  4.8  to  42.3  per  cent. 


The  males  were  much  more  excitable  than  the  females,  as  was 
indicated  by  their  much  greater  activity  in  walking  and  flying, 
and  after  the  first  few  days  following  emergence  they  made  fre- 
quent advances  to  the  females,  but  they  were  usually  rejected. 
The  data  show  that  the  males  did  not  become  interested  in  the 
females  until  the  second  or  third  day  after  emergence.  Their 
interest  became  less  from  the  4th  to  the  6th  day  after  emergence, 
but  it  increased  on  the  7th  to  the  11th  day. 

During  the  course  of  the  observations  mating  was  seen  in  the 
case  of  one  pair  of  flies.  A female  that  was  one  day  old  was  ob- 
served in  copulation  at  8 : 30  A.M.  on  July  18,  and  mating  con- 
tinued until  about  9 : 50,  thus  lasting  for  about  one  hour,  20  min- 


The  observations  showed  that  the  females  were  quite  capable 
of  resisting  the  advances  by  the  males,  and  that  any  fly  was  well 
equipped  for  competition  for  food  or  mates  with  other  flies. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Barber  & Starnes:  House  Flies 


In  cages  where  the  mass  of  food  was  small  in  proportion  to  the 
nnmber  of  flies,  there  were  frequent  clashes  for  feeding  positions 
about  the  food.  These  engagements  were  carried  out  by  using 
one  or  the  other  of  the  middle  legs  as  weapons  of  defense  or  of- 
fense. The  appendage  was  raised  high  into  the  air  where  it  was 
poised  until  the  encroaching  fly  was  close : then  it  lashed  out. 
A well-placed  blow  could  break  several  legs  or  tear  a wing  to 

A similar  action  was  observed  when  a single  male  and  female 
were  confined  in  a cage.  After  the  female  had  become  gravid 
she  fended  off  the  approaches  of  the  male  by  using  one  of  her 
middle  legs  in  a similar  way.  By  the  fifth  or  sixth  day  the  male 
often  was  crippled  in  legs  or  wings  or  both.  It  had  been  noted 
often  that  the  males  died  sooner  than  the  females,  and  that  after 
a few  days  they  were  much  battered  with  frayed  wings.  It  ap- 
peared that  much  of  this  early  mortality  might  be  caused  by  the 
females  when  resisting  the  rather  frequent  advances  by  the  males. 
Less  frequently  the  female  disturbed  the  male  while  he  was  feed- 
ing or  regurgitating,  in  which  case  he  protected  himself  by  the 
same  method. 


Pairs  of  house  flies  were  confined  in  a cage  in  which  milk  was 
provided  as  food.  Each  was  watched  continuously  for  varying 
lengths  of  time;  their  successive  activities  were  observed  and 
timed  by  use  of  a stop  watch  and  the  observations  were  entered 
on  forms. 

Their  activity  was  divided  into  six  categories : walking  or 
flying,  searching  for  food,  feeding,  regurgitating,  resting,  and 
cleaning.  There  was  much  variation  in  the  proportion  of  time 
spent  by  individual  flies  in  each  of  these  activities.  The  males 
spent  more  time  in  walking,  flying  and  cleaning,  and  the  females 
spent  more  time  in  resting. 

After  feeding  the  flies  spent  much  time  in  regurgitating  the 
food  drop  by  drop.  The  first-exposed  droplets  were  colored 
identical  with  the  food,  but  the  color  gradually  disappeared  and 
the  last  exposed  droplets  were  a clear  liquid.  Prom  the  obser- 
vations it  appeared  that  regurgitation  was  a process  of  digestion 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

wherein  the  food  was  brought  up  from  the  crop  and  mixed  with 
saliva  before  passing  on  to  the  intestines. 

The  fore  legs  were  used  with  or  without  the  middle  legs  to 
clean  the  head  and  proboscis,  and  the  rear  legs  were  used  to 
clean  the  wings  and  abdomen.  The  middle  legs  were  used  for 
cleaning  much  less  than  either  of  the  others  and  in  no  case  was 
more  than  one  of  them  removed  at  a time  from  the  surface  on 
which  the  fly  rested.  More  time  was  devoted  to  cleaning  the 
head  and  mouth  parts  than  any  other  parts. 


The  American  Museum  of  Natural  History  has  just  published 
the  results  of  Dr.  T.  C.  Schneirla’s  behavior  studies  entitled 
“Army-Ant  Life  and  Behavior  Under  Dry-Season  Conditions, 
3 The  Course  of  Reproduction  and  Colony  Behavior”  (Bull. 
Amer.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  Vol.  94,  Article  1,  p.  1-82,  1949).  The 
observations  on  which  the  study  is  based  extended  over  a period 
of  four  and  a half  months  in  the  dry  season  on  Barro  Colorado 
Island  in  the  Canal  Zone  and  involved  the  species  Eciton  hama- 
ium  and  Eciton  burchelli.  The  purpose  was  to  determine  if  the 
general  activities  of  army  ants  are  materially  affected  by  seasonal 
dry  conditions.  Detailed  observations  of  particular  colonies  for 
a period  of  four  months  are  presented  together  with  records  of 
other  colonies  for  shorter  periods  of  time,  the  whole  being  fol- 
lowed by  an  informative  and  interesting  discussion  of  the  varia- 
tions in  different  phases  of  the  behavior  pattern  of  these  ants. 
Dr.  Schneirla  concludes  that  the  cyclic  system  of  events  making 
up  the  behavior  pattern  persists  during  both  the  rainy  and  dry 
seasons  and  that  such  differences  as  occur  during  the  dry  season 
are  secondary  and  do  not  materially  damage  the  orderly  persist- 
ence of  the  events.  Dr.  Schneirla’s  present  paper  is  another 
in  his  series  of  authentic  and  erudite  contributions,  dealing  with 
the  behavior  of  army  ants,  over  many  years. — H.  B.  W. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Rapp  : Hemolymph 


(DALLAS)  x’ 2 

By  Janet  L.  C.  Rapp 
Department  of  Biology,  Doane  College3 

Although  the  literature  revealed  some  figures  on  the  chloride 
ion  content  of  the  hemolymph  of  a few  insects,  only  one  adult 
insect,  Dytiscus  marginalis  L.,  has  been  so  studied.  Most  work- 
ers bled  a great  many  insects  to  obtain  a sufficiently  large  sample 
or  chose  a larva  or  pupa  of  a species  with  complete  metamorphosis 
relatively  rich  in  hemolymph.  The  following  table  indicates 
the  species,  life  stage,  chloride  in  milligrams  per  100  ml.  and 
the  investigator  for  all  such  references : 


Chloride  Determinations  in  Hemolymph  from  the  Literature 

Species  of  Insect 


Cl-  mg./ 
100  ml. 


Prodenia  eridania  (Cramer) 



Babers  (1938) 

Apis  mellifera  Linne 



Bishop,  Briggs,  and 
Ronzoni  (1925) 

Sphinx  pinastri  Linne 


58.1  $ 

Breeher  (1929) 

Deilephila  eupliorbice  Linne 



Heller  and  Moklowska 

Dytiscus  marginalis  Linne 



Portier  and  Duval  (1927) 

Saturnia  carpini  Schiffner 



Portier  and  Duval  (1927) 

Cossus  cossus  Linne 



Portier  and  Duval  (1927) 

Bombyx  mori  Linne 



Portier  and  Duval  (1927) 

Bombyx  rubi  Fabricius 



Portier  and  Duval  (1927) 

Sphinx  ligustri  Linne 



Portier  and  Duval  (1927) 

Saturnia  pyri  Schiffner 



Portier  and  Duval  (1927) 

Aedes  cegypti  (Linne) 



Wigglesworth  (1938) 

Culex  pipiens  Linne 



Wigglesworth  (1938) 

1 A portion  of  a thesis  submitted  in  partial  fulfillment  of  the  requirements 
for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy  in  Entomology  in  the  Graduate 
College  of  the  University  of  Illinois,  1948. 

2 This  work  was  completed  under  a fellowship  from  the  Graduate  College 
of  Illinois.  The  work  was  directed  by  Professor  William  P.  Hayes  to 
whom  I wish  to  extend  my  thanks. 

3 Present  address  Archem  Corporation,  Crete,  Nebraska. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVll 

Of  the  six  papers  treating  of.  an  analysis  of  insect  hemolymph 
for  chloride,  two,  Heller  and  Moklowska  (1930)  and  Portier  and 
Duval  (1927)  did  not  give  the  method  of  analysis.  The  rest, 
including  Wigglesworth ’s  (1937),  were  all  special  modifications 
of  the  Volhard  determination  of  chlorides,  a method  dependent 
on  a colorimetric  end  point. 

The  method  used  involved  a potentiometric  determination  of 
the  end  point.  Basically  this  method  was  first  proposed  by  Cun- 
ningham, Kirk,  and  Brooks  (1941).  In  this  present  study  there 
were  several  modifications  of  the  original  methods,  the  most  im- 
portant being  the  substitution  of  a vacuum-tube  voltmeter  for 
the  potentiometer. 


1.  Electrodes.  A potentiometric  method  utilizing  a bimetallic 
system  of  electrodes  was  used.  One  electrode  was  of  Number 
23  silver  wire  soldered  to  a piece  of  Number  14  copper  wire  to 
afford  a good  connection  with  the  electrode  holder.  This  elec- 
trode was  the  indicator  electrode.  A small  bulb  was  fashioned 
in  the  end  which  dipped  into  the  solution  to  furnish  a good  sur- 
face for  contact  with  the  solution.  The  other  electrode,  which 
was  of  Number  23  tungsten  wire,  served  merely  to  complete  the 
circuit.  Both  electrodes  were  thoroughly  cleaned  with  fine  em- 
ery paper  at  the  beginning  of  a series  of  titrations  to  remove 
any  deposit  of  silver  chloride.  It  was  found  that  this  had  the 
same  effect  on  the  silver  electrode  as  dipping  it  in  a solution  of 
nitric  acid  with  a small  amount  of  sodium  nitrite  added  until 
effervescence  occurred  as  recommended  by  Cunningham,  Kirk, 
and  Brooks  (1941). 

2.  Vacuum-Tube  Voltmeter.  An  instrument  of  this  kind  was 
found  to  be  more  convenient  than  a potentiometer  in  determining 
the  difference  in  potential  across  the  electrodes,  because  once  set 
there  is  no  manipulation  needed  to  determine  the  individual  read- 
ings, because  the  latter  are  read  directly  from  a meter.  Further- 
more, the  titration  curve  can  be  obtained  more  accurately  in  a 
shorter  period  of  time  than  by  the  use  of  a potentiometer,  because 
after  each  addition  of  silver  nitrate  a shorter  or  longer  period  of 

Dec.,  1949] 

Rapp  : Hemolymph 


time  elapses  before  equilibrium  is  reached.  On  a vacuum-tube  the 
needle  continues  to  swing  back  and  forth  slowly  until  an  equilib- 
rium for  that  addition  of  silver  nitrate  is  reached. 

The  vacuum-tube  voltmeter  was  constructed  from  a diagram 
given  in  ‘ 4 Radio  Test  Instruments”  by  R.  P.  Turner.  The  only 
change  which  was  made  was  the  use  of  a d ’Arsonval  galvanometer 
instead  of  the  0-1  D.  C.  milliammeter  suggested.  The  latter  is  not 
sensitive  enough  to  record  the  end  point  satisfactorily  in  all  titra- 
tions, since  the  magnitude  of  the  break  in  potential  may  be  greater 
or  lesser  in  several  titrations,  the  important  point  being  that  it 
corresponds  with  the  equivalence  point. 

3.  Burette.  The  burette,  manufactured  by  Microchemical 
Specialties  in  Berkeley,  California,  had  a total  capacity  of  0-1 
ml.  which  was  divided  into  350  divisions.  Therefore,  additions 
could  be  made  as  small  as  0.286  microliters  without  estimations. 
Readings  could  be  estimated  to  tenths  of  each  division.  The 
burette  was  calibrated  by  the  company  and  was  similar  to  the  one 
described  by  Cunningham,  Kirk,  and  Brooks  (1941). 

4.  Stirrer.  The  solution  being  titrated  was  stirred  rapidly  by 
means  of  a fine  glass  rod  cemented  by  rosin  to  a copper  wire  which 
in  turn  was  soldered  to  the  vibrator  of  an  electric  buzzer.  The 
speed  of  vibration  was  controlled  by  a rheostat  inserted  into  the 
circuit,  the  speed  being  cut  down  to  the  point  where  it  did  not 
cause  splashing  of  the  solution. 

5.  Collecting  of  hemolymph.  Although  some  workers  have 
stated  that  the  hemolymph  may  be  easily  collected  by  cutting  the 
legs  or  by  making  a dorsal  incision  and  allowing  the  hemolymph 
to  drip  into  a test  tube,  I have  not  found  this  to  be  true  with  the 
large  milkweed  bug.  A small  droplet  of  hemolymph  did  appear 
when  an  incision  was  made.  However,  this  did  not  “drip”  of  its 
own  accord.  It  was  necessary  to  touch  the  edge  of  the  vessel  to 
the  droplet  in  order  to  secure  the  hemolymph.  A microvial  which 
is  generally  used  in  taxonomic  studies,  was  employed  to  collect 
the  fluid.  Since  the  hemolymph  of  the  milkweed  bug  does  not  clot, 
the  insect  did  not  have  to  be  first  dipped  in  hot  water  or  treated 
with  acetic  acid.  In  all  cases  the  legs  were  cut  off  approximately 
midway  along  the  femur  and  the  slightly  yellow  clear  drops  of 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

hemolymph  which  formed  were  touched  with  the  collecting  vial. 
A small  amount  of  pressure  was  placed  on  the  abdomen  to  force 
out  an  additional  amount  of  hemolymph.  However,  care  was 
exercised  in  forebearing  from  collecting  any  fluid  which  appeared 
turbid  or  in  any  way  contaminated  with  another  tissue.  Pre- 
cautions were  also  taken  to  avoid  contaminating  the  collected 
hemolymph  with  sodium  chloride  from  the  hands.  The  collecting 
vial  was  washed  in  distilled  water  and  dried  inside  and  out  with 
fresh  cotton  before  use  and  handled  only  with  forceps.  When 
actually  in  use,  it  was  inserted  into  a glass  tube  filled  almost  to 
the  top  with  paraffin.  In  this  way  one  could  hold  the  glass  tube 
instead  of  attempting  to  maintain  the  proper  tension  with  forceps. 
About  five  adults,  sometimes  one  or  two  more  for  males  and  some- 
times one  or  two  less  for  females  were  needed  to  collect  an  ade- 
quate amount  to  furnish  a sample  of  7.58  microliters.  Approxi- 
mately eight  nymphs  of  the  fifth  instar  and  fifteen  nymphs  of  the 
fourth  instar  were  required  to  obtain  a volume  of  the  same  size. 
In  order  to  obtain  3.98  microliters  in  the  neighborhood  of  twenty- 
five  to  thirty  individuals  of  the  third,  second  and  first  instar  had 
to  be  bled.  About  ten  minutes  were  required  to  bleed  the  adults ; 
approximately  twenty  minutes  to  bleed  the  fifth  and  fourth  in- 
stars, and  over  thirty  minutes  for  the  third,  second  and  first. 
When  a suitable  amount  was  obtained,  the  hemolymph  was  taken 
up  with  a calibrated  pipette.  The  pipette  could  not  be  used 
directly  without  the  use  of  the  collecting  vial,  because  air  tended 
to  be  introduced  with  a subsequent  misconception  of  volume. 

6.  Pipettes,  The  pipettes  were  made  of  soft  glass  with  a fine 
point  on  one  end  to  insert  into  the  collecting  vial,  a rounded  bulb 
to  contain  the  bulk  of  the  sample,  and  a -constricted  area  where  the 
capacity  mark  was  made  with  a diamond  marking  pencil.  This 
was  similar  to  an  ordinary  pipette  except  that  it  was  made  on  a 
smaller  scale  and  it  was  in  this  respect  that  it  differed  from  the 
pipette  employed  by  Cunningham,  Kirk,  and  Brooks  (1941)  from 
whose  work  the  remainder  of  the  pipette  was  designed.  After 
the  constriction,  the  glass  widened  out.  Into  this  area  a Number 
27  syringe  needle  was  inserted  and  glued  by  means  of  rosin.  A 
0.1  ml.  syringe  was  then  inserted  into  the  needle  of  this  pipette  to 

Dec.,  1949] 

Rapp  : Hemolymph 


force  hemolymph  in  and  out  of  the  measuring  chamber.  When  a 
syringe  having  a larger  bore  was  used,  the  vacuum  created  was 
too  great  and  the  hemolymph  was  moved  past  the  capacity  mark 
into  the  needle  of  the  syringe. 

The  pipettes  were  calibrated  by  weighing  the  amount  of  mer- 
cury delivered  on  an  analytical  balance. 


The  method  was  tested  for  accuracy  by  titrating  various  con- 
centrations of  silver  nitrate  against  known  amounts  of  sodium 
chloride  solutions,  calculating  on  the  basis  of  chloride  ion  content 
rather  than  on  the  salt  concentration.  Using  analytical  grade 
chemicals  a 0.1  M solution  of  sodium  chloride' and  a 0.1  M solution 
of  silver  nitrate  were  made  up  as  primary  standards  by  the  use 
of  approved  methods.  Just  before  use^  these  were  carefully 
diluted  to  the  necessary  concentration.  Table  2 shows  the 
titrations  of  various  concentrations  of  sodium  chloride  with 
various  concentrations  of  silver  nitrate  together  with  the  ac- 
curacy thereof. 

In  order  to  determine  the  applicability  of  the  method  to  hemo- 
lymph two  samples  of  adult  hemolymph  were  taken.  One  was 
analyzed  directly  in  the  described  manner.  To  the  other  a small 
quantity  of  sodium  bicarbonate  was  added.  The  sample  was 
then  ashed.  The  ash  was  taken  up  in  40  microliters  of  distilled’ 
water  and  subjected  to  analysis  in  the  same  manner  as  the  first 
sample.  The  results  of  the  two  determinations  were  practically 
the  same. 


Adults  of  various  ages,  males,  and  females,  and  all  five  instars 
of  the  nymphs  were  analyzed  for  chloride  content  of  the  hemo- 
lymph. The  molarity  of  the  silver  nitrate  used  for  the  adults 
through  the  fourth  instar  nymphs  was  0.005 ; for  the  first  three 
instars,  0.001.  The  results  are  shown  in  Table  3.  The  plasma  of 
adults  and  of  the  fifth  instar  nymphs  was  also  analyzed,  the  re- 
sults also  appearing  in  Table  3. 

Titrations  of  Known  Concentrations  of  Chloride 

[Vol.  LVII 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

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TABLE  2 ( Continued ) 

Dec.,  1949] 

Rapp:  Hemolymph 


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New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


No.  of 

Amt.  Cl  - 
100  Ml. 





Error  of 

Chloride  in  Whole  Hemo- 
lymph of  Adults — Male 
and  Female  






Chloride  in  Whole  Hemo- 
lymph of  Male  Adults  ... 






Chloride  in  Whole  Hemo- 
lymph of  Female  Adults 






Chloride  in  Whole  Hemo- 
lymph of  Fifth  Instar 






Chloride  in  Whole  Hemo- 
lymph of  Fourth  Instar 






Chloride  in  Whole  Hemo- 
lymph of  Third  Instar 




0.257  , 


Chloride  in  Whole  Hemo- 
lymph of  Second  Instar 






Chloride  in  Whole  Hemo- 
lymph of  First  Instar 






Chloride  in  Plasma  of 






Chloride  in  Plasma  of 
Fifth  Instar  Nymphs  



± 0.009 




1.  A potentiometric  method,  utilizing  a bimetallic  system  of 
electrodes  and  a vacuum-tube  voltmeter  was  established  for 
measuring  the  chloride  ion  content  of  a microsample  of  hemo- 
lymph  with  an  error  of  not  more  than  0.2  per  cent  down  to  0.03546 
micrograms  of  chloride  per  microliter. 

2.  The  chloride  ion  content  of  the  hemolymph  of  the  large  milk- 
weed bug,  Oncopeltus  fasciatus  (Dallas),  was  found  to  be  6.93 

Dec.,  1949]  Rapp:  Hemolymph  223 

micrograms  per  7.58  microliters  or  91.4  milligrams  per  100 

3.  No  difference  was  determined  in  the  chloride  content  of  the 
hemolymph  between  the  sexes  or  between  the  adults  and  any  one 
of  the  five  instars  of  nymphs. 

4.  The  chloride  ion  content  of  the  plasma  alone  was  found  to  be 
10.83  micrograms  per  7.58  microliters  or  143  milligrams  per  100 

5.  There  was  no  difference  in  the  chloride  content  of  the  plasma 
between  the  adults  and  fifth  instar  nymphs. 


Babers,  F.  H.  1938.  An  analysis  of  the  blood  of  the  sixth-instar  southern 
armyworm  ( Prodenia  eridania) . Jour.  Agr.  Res.,  57:  697-706. 

Bishop,  G.  H.,  A.  P.  Briggs,  and  E.  Ronzoni.'  1925.  Body  fluids  of  the 
honeybee  larva.  II.  Chemical  constituents  of  the  blood,  and  their 
osmotic  effects.  Jour.  Biol.  Chem.,  66:  77-88. 

Brecher,  L.  1929.  Die  anorganischen  Bestandteile  des  Schmetterlings- 
puppenblutes  ( Sphynx  pinastri,  Pieris  brassicce) . Yeranderungen  im 
Gehalt  an  anorganischen  Bestandteilen  bei  der  Yerpuppung  ( Pieris 
brassicce).  Biochem.  Z.,  211:  40-64. 

Cunningham,  B.,  P.  L.  Kirk,  and  S.  C.  Brooks.  1941.  Quantitative  drop 
analysis  XIY.  Potentiometric  determination  of  chloride.  Jour. 
Biol.  Chem.,  139:  11-19. 

Heller,  J.  and  A.  Moklowska.  1930.  liber  die  Zusammensetzung  des 
Raupenblutes  bei  DeilepMla  euphorbice  und  deren  Yeranderungen  im 
Yerlauf  der  Metamorphose.  Chemische  TJntersuchungen  uber  die 
Metamorphose  der  Insekten.  YII.  Biochem.  Z.,  219:  473-489. 

Portier,  P.  and  Marcel  Duval.  1927.  Concentration  moleculaire  et  teneur 
en  chlore  du  sang  du  quelques  inseetes.  Compt.  rend.  soc.  biol.,  97 : 

Turner,  R.  P.  1945.  Radio  test  instruments.  Ziff-Davis  Publishing  Com- 
pany. Pp.  33-35. 

Yolhard,  J.  1878.  Die  Anwendung  des  Schwefelcyanammoniums  in  der 
Massanalyse.  In  Justus  Liebigs  Ann.  Chem.,  190:  1-61. 

Wigglesworth,  Y.  B.  1937.  A simple  method  of  volumetric  analysis  for 
small  quantities  of  fluid : estimation  in  0.3  p 1.  of  tissue  fluid.  Bio- 
chem. Jour.,  31 : 1719-1722. 

. 1938.  The  regulation  of  osmotic  pressure  and  chloride  concentra- 
tion in  the  haemolymph  of  mosquito  larvae.  Jour.  Exp.  Biol.,  15: 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


American  Spiders  by  Willis  J.  Gertsch,  Ph.D.  D.  Van  Nos- 
trand Company,  Inc.,  Toronto,  New  York,  London,  1949.  x 5J 
inches,  xiii  + 285  p.  32  col.  pi.  32  black  and  white  pi.,  6 text 
figs.  $6.95. 

Many  entomologists  know  nothing  about  spiders  although  it 
is  virtually  impossible  to  collect  insects  without  coming  into  con- 
tact with  spiders.  When  I think  of  the  hundreds  of  these  inter- 
esting creatures  that  I allowed  to  escape,  unmolested,  from  my 
sweep-net  in  the  past,  I am  amazed  at  my  neglect  of  this  astonish- 
ing group,  whose  predaceous  activities,  in  enormous  numbers,  are 
barely  appreciated.  However  it  is  still  possible  for  me  to  read 
the  extraordinary  accounts  of  the  life  histories,  habits,  morphol- 
ogy and  peculiarities  of  these  animals,  of  which  Doctor  Gertsch 
has  written,  in  fascinating  detail,  from  his  abundant  knowledge 
and  studies. 

His  book  which  is  admirably  planned  and  executed  begins  with 
statements  about  spiders  in  general,  legendary  beliefs,  and  their 
place  in  nature.  These  are  followed  by  a chapter  on  the  life 
of  the  spider  which  includes  ballooning ; egg  laying ; egg  sacs ; 
early  development;  molting;  longevity;  its  ability  to  drop  an 
appendage,  its  habit  of  sucking  the  juice  from  the  dropped  ap- 
pendage, and  the  subsequent  regeneration  of  the  appendage. 
There  are  chapters  on  silk  spinning,  courtship,  the  evolution  of 
spiders,  the  tarantulas,  the  cribellate  spiders,  the  aerial  web 
spinners  and  the  hunting  spiders  together  with  accounts  of  their 
economic  and  medical  importance,  the  spider  fauna  of  North 
America,  a glossary,  and  a brief  bibliography. 

, Although  the  book  does  not  deal  with  identification,  its  excel- 
lent colored  and  black  and  white  illustrations,  together  with 
textual  statements,  enable  the  reader  to  identify  the  most  com- 
mon species.  Doctor  Gertsch ’s  book  should  do  much  to  remove 
the  unwarranted  enmity  with  which  spiders  are  regarded  by 
most  persons  and  its  entertaining  and  informative  text  should 
provide  many  with  a new  approach  toward  the  study  of  this 
comparatively  neglected  group.  Everyone  interested  in  natural 
history,  specialist  and  non-specialist  will  enjoy  Doctor  Gertsch 7s 
skillful  presentation  and  his  authentic  and  extensive  insight  into 
araneology. — H.  B.  W. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Jitdd:  Marsh  Insects 


HAMILTON,  ONTARIO,  1947-481 

By  W.  W.  Judd2 

In  a previous  paper  (Judd,  1949)  the  writer  reported  upon 
collections  of  insects  made  in  the  Dundas  Marsh  during  the  sum- 
mers of  1946  and  1947  and  upon  studies  of  the  times  of  appear- 
ance of  adults  of  aquatic  insects  emerging  from  the  waters  of  the 
marsh  in  1947.  During  1948  collections  of  insects  on  the  marsh 
were  continued  and  they  are  reported  upon  herewith,  together 
with  additional  records  from  1947.  Some  of  the  insects  were 
collected  by  sweeping  the  vegetation  around  the  borders  of  the 
marsh,  some  were  collected  from  leaves  and  flowers  of  aquatic 
plants  and  some  were  reached  by  canoe,  being  swept  from  their 
resting  places  on  the  broad  leaves  of  water  lilies  (Nymphcea  odor- 
ala  Ait.  and  Nuphar  advena  Ait.)  and  the  extensive  mats  of 
duckweed  ( Lenina  minor  L.  and  Spirodela  polyrhiza  (L.) 
Scheld.)  which  formed  in  quiet  stretches  of  the  marsh.  As  re- 
ported in  the  previous  paper,  insects  emerging  from  the  water 
during  1947  were  trapped  in  five  cages  set  out  at  various  loca- 
tions. Cage  1 was  about  twenty  feet  from  shore  in  a growth  of 
cat-tail,  Typha  latifolia  L.,  cage  2 was  set  out  over  a growth  of 
submerged  plants  among  which  the  bladderwort,  TJtricularia 
vulgaris  var.  americana  Gray  predominated,  cages  3 and  5 were 
placed  over  submerged  plants,  mainly  coontail,  Ceratophyllum 
demersum  L.  and  cage  4 was  over  a growth  of  the  white  water  lily 
Nymphcea  odorata  Ait.  A fuller  account  of  the  plants  occurring 
in  the  cages  is  given  in  the  previous  paper. 


Nemoura  valljcularia  Wu 

Thirteen  stoneflies  were  captured  in  flight  or  on  the  trunks  of 
trees  about  an  inlet  of  the  marsh  on  April  17,  1948.  Of  these, 

1 Contribution  from  the  Department  of  Zoology,  McMaster  University; 
part  of  a project  supported  by  funds  from  the  Research  Council  of  Ontario. 

2 Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  McMaster  University. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

two  males  and  one  female  are  deposited  in  the  collection  of  Dr. 
W.  E.  Ricker,  Indiana  University. 



Micromus  'posticus  (Walker) 

One  specimen  captured  in  flight,  along  border  of  marsh,  May 
13,  1947. 

Hemerobius  humulinus  L. 

Three  specimens  captured  in  flight  along  border  of  marsh, 
April  29,  May  15,  July  28,  1947. 



Donacia  subtilis  Kunze 

Larvae  and  cocoons  of  the  beetle  were  found  on  a plant  of  the 
bur-reed,  Sparganium  eurycarpum  Englm.  growing  in  two  feet 
of  water  about  fifty  feet  from  shore.  Seven  brown  cocoons  were 
stuck  to  the  leaves,  the  ones  highest  up  on  the  plant  being  about 
two  inches  below  the  surface  of  the  water  and  the  others  ranging 
downward  to  the  tops  of  the  roots.  Four  of  the  cocoons  con- 
tained white  pupge  and  the  other  three  contained  fully  formed 
adults.  Seven  larvae  were  found  with  their  ends  stuck  into  the 
tissues  of  the  plant,  below  the  surface  of  the  water,  some  being 
attached  to  the  outside  of  the  leaves  and  others  being  lodged  be- 
tween the  bases  of  the  leaves.  Hoffman  (1939)  reports  the  oc- 
currence of  larvae  and  eggs  on  various  species  of  Sparganium  and 
other  aquatic  plants. 



Rhopalosiphum  nymphece  L. 

Specimens  were  collected  on  November  5 and  8,  1948  from 
plants  of  Typha  latifolia  L.  close  to  the  edge  of  the  marsh. 
These  were  the  winged  sexes  of  this  species  which  was  previously 
reported  from  leaves  of  the  water  lily  Nymphcea  odorata  Ait. 
(Judd,  1949).  They  were  found  among  the  bases  of  the  dead 
leaves  of  the  cat-tail  and  were  interspersed  with  numerous  cast- 

Dec.,  1949] 

Judd:  Marsh  Insects 


off  skins.  Although  the  leaves  were  frozen  together  and  the 
bases  of  the  plants  were  surrounded  with  frost  the  insects  moved 
sluggishly  when  removed  from  the  leaves. 





Trichocera  garretti  Alex. 

A single  specimen  was  captured  in  flight  on  March  14,  1948 
when  the  marsh  was  still  frozen  over  and  covered  with  snow  and 
the  flowers  of  skunk  cabbage  were  in  bloom  and  producing  pollen. 


Erioptera  (Symplecta)  cana  (Walker) 

One  specimen  was  trapped  in  cage  1,  July  31,  1947  when  the 
water  depth  was  32  inches,  and  another  was  captured  in  flight 
April  15,  1948. 


Mycetophila  punctata  Meigen 

Two  flies  were  swept  from  vegetation  at  the  border  of  the 
marsh,  May  13,  1947. 



Odontomyia  vertebrata  Say 

Five  adults  of  this  fly  emerged  in  the  cages  during  1947. 
Four  of  these  appeared  in  cage  1 : July  17  (water  depth — 34 
inches),  Aug.  1 (water  depth — 33  inches),  Aug.  4 (water  depth 
— 33  inches)  and  Aug.  5 (water  depth — 33  inches).  The  fifth 
appeared  in  cage  5 on  July  29  (water  depth — 55  inches).  These 
records  indicate  that  the  adults  emerge  in  the  latter  half  of  July 
and  the  first  part  of  August  and  that  the  larvae  inhabit  the  shal- 
lower weed-choked  waters  as  at  cage  1,  but  can  be  found  in 
deeper,  more  open  water  as  at  cage  5. 


Chrysops  aberrans  Phil. 

One  fly  was  captured  on  Aug.  3,  1947  and  three  were  captured 
on  July  16,  1948.  They  were  collected  while  settling  on  the 
skin  of  workers  on  the  marsh. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


Sympycnus  lineatus  Lw. 

Seven  adults  were  swept  from  vegetation  around  the  marsh 
during  1947:  May  5 (1),  May  6 (1),  May  13  (4),' Aug.  11  (1). 
Pelastoneurus  vagans  Lw. 

One  specimen  was  trapped  in  cage  4 (water  depth — 58  inches) , 
July  17,  1947. 



Platycheirus  quadratus  Say 

Two  adults  were  swept  from  vegetation,  May  22,  1947. 


Chymomyza  amoena  (Lw.) 

Two  adults  were  swept  from  vegetation,  May  13,  1947. 


Elachiptera  bilineata  Ad. 

Flies  were  swept  from  vegetation  on  April  26  (2),  April  29 
(3),  April  30  (5),  May  21  (1),  1947. 


Discocerina  obscurella  (Fin.) 

Three  adults  were  swept  from  vegetation:  June  28  (2),  and 
Aug.  11  (1),  1947. 

Dichceta  caudata  (Fin.) 

Three  adults  were  swept  from  vegetation:  April  28  (2),  and 
May  6 (1),  1947. 

Pelina  truncatus  Lw. 

Four  adults  were  swept  from  vegetation:  April  24,  April  26, 
April  29  (2)  and  one  was  collected  from  leaves  of  the  water  lily, 
Nymphcea  odorata  Ait.,  June  25,  1947. 

Se'ctacera  atrovirens  (Lw.) 

Six  flies  were  swept  from  vegetation  Aug.  11,  1947. 

Hydrellia  griseola  var.  scapularis  (Lw.) 

Five  flies  were  swept  from  vegetation  on  May  6 (1)  and  June 
25  (4),  and  one  from  lily  pads,  Aug.  11,  1947. 

Dec.,  19491 

Judd:  Marsh  Insects 



Sphyracephala  brevicornis  Say 

One  adult  was  swept  from  a growth  of  skunk  cabbage,  Sym- 
plocarpus  foetidus  (L.)  Nutt,  April  30,  1947  and  four  were  cap- 
tured in  flight  about  an  inlet  of  the  marsh  on  March  21,  1948. 


Leptocera  (Scotophilella)  mirabilis  (Coll.) 

Two  flies  were  swept  from  leaves  of  the  lily,  Nymphcea  odorata 
Ait.,  July  25,  1947.  One  specimen  is  deposited  in  the  Canadian 
National  Collection,  Ottawa. 

Leptocera  (Opacifrons)  wheeleri  Spul. 

One  fly  was  swept  from  vegetation  June  28,  1947.  The  speci- 
men is  deposited  in  the  Canadian  National  Collection,  Ottawa. 


Sepedon  fuscipennis  Lw. 

Adults  of  this  species  appeared  in  large  numbers  in  the  vege- 
tation around  the  border  of  the  marsh  in  the  spring  of  1947  and 
the  following  specimens  were  captured:  April  24  (4),  April  26 
(4),  April  28  (2),  April  29  (1).  One  was  captured  later  on 
Aug.  11,  1947.  One  appeared  in  cage  1 on  Sept.  11,  1947  (water 
depth — 26  inches,  and  one  in  cage  5 on  July  19,  1947  (water 
depth — 55  inches).  Pupae  have  been  reported  by  Johannsen 
(1935)  from  the  margin  of  a pond. 

Elgiva  rufa  (Pz.) 

This  species  occurred  in  company  with  Sepedon  fuscipennis  in 
the  vegetation  about  the  marsh  in  1947,  the  following  specimens 
being  captured:  Apr.  6 (7),  April  28  (12),  April  29' (5),  April 
30  (6),  May  5 (2),  May  6 (3).  One  specimen  emerged  in  cage 
5,  Oct.  25,  1947  (water  depth — 36  inches). 

Melina  schoenherri  Pin. 

Three  flies  were  swept  from  vegetation,  April  28  (2),  May  5 
(1),  1947.  One  specimen  is  deposited  in  the  Canadian  National 


Pyropa  furcata  Say 

Adults  were  found  in  company  with  Sepedon  fuscipennis  and 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVli 

Elgiva  rufa  in  vegetation  about  the  Marsh  in  1947,  the  following 
specimens  being  captured:  April  26  (2),  April  28  (5),  April 
30  (2). 


Lispe  albitarsus  Stn. 

Adults  appeared  in  cages  during  1947  as  follows:  cage  3 — 
July  17  (1)  (water  depth — 51  inches)  ; cage  4 — July  16  (1) 
(water  depth — 59  inches),  July  17  (1)  (water  depth — 58 
inches),  July  22  (1)  (water  depth — 57  inches)  ; cage  5 — July  5 
(1)  (water  depth — 55  inches),  July  15  (1)  (water  depth — 57 
inches).  These  records  indicate  that  this  species  emerges  during 
July  from  deeper  waters  away  from  the  shore. 

Scopeuma  ster  cor  aria  (L.) 

One  adult  was  captured  from  vegetation,  May  22,  1947. 
Helina  rufitibia  Stn. 

One  adult  was  captured  on  vegetation,  April  26,  1947. 


The  writer  is  grateful  to  Professor  A.  E.  Warren,  in  charge  of 
the  Marsh  Research  Project  of  McMaster  University,  for  advice 
and  encouragement  during  the  course  of  this  work.  I wish  to 
express  my  thanks  to  the  staff  of  the  Marsh  Research  Project 
who  have  co-operated,  and  especially  to  Miss  Mary  Inksetter  and 
Mr.  Arthur  Rayner  who  aided  daily,  during  the  summers  of 
1947  and  1948  respectively,  in  collecting  insects  and  recording 
data.  I am  deeply  obliged  to  the  following  specialists  in  the 
taxonomy  of  various  groups  for  their  kindness  in  making  and 
checking  the  indentifications  of  insects:  Dr.  W.  E.  Ricker,  In- 
diana University  (Plecoptera),  Dr.  P.  M.  Carpenter,  Museum  of 
Comparative  Zoology,  Harvard  University  (Neuroptera),  Dr. 
A.  A.  Granovsky,  University  of  Minnesota  (Aphidae),  Mr.  G.  E. 
Shewell,  Division  of  Entomology,  Department  of  Agriculture, 
Ottawa  (Diptera),  and  Dr.  C.  P.  Alexander,  University  of 
Massachusetts  (Trichoceridae,  Tipulidae). 

Dec.,  1949] 

Judd:  Marsh  Insects 



1.  Hoffman,  C.  E.  Morphology  of  the  immature  stages  of  some  northern 

Michigan  Donaciini  ( Chrysomelidse ; Coleoptera).  Papers  Michigan 
Academy  of  Science,  Arts  and  Letters,  25:  243-290.  1939.^ 

2.  Johannsen,  O.  A.  Aquatic  Diptera.  Part  II.  Orthorrhapha-Brachy- 

cera  and  Cyclorrhapha.  Cornell  Univ.  Agric.  Exp.  Sta.,  Memoir  177. 

3.  Judd,  W.  W.  Insects  collected  in  the  Dundas  Marsh,  Hamilton,  Ontario, 

1946-47,  with  observations  on  their  periods  of  emergence.  Canadian 
Entomologist,  81 : 1-10.  1949. 


The  Life  of  William  T.  Davis.  By  Mabel  Abbott.  Cornell 
University  Press,  Ithaca,  N.  Y.  1949.  9 \ x 6 inches,  xv  + 321 

p.  26  illns.  $3.50. 

This  is  a book  to  be  read,  rather  than  written  about.  Follow- 
ing an  appreciative  introduction  by  Edwin  Way  Teale,  Miss  Ab- 
bott, in  20  chapters,  presents  a sincere,  full  length  portrait  of 
William  T.  Davis.  Most  entomologists  are  unfortunate  in  their 
biographers,  if  they  have  any  at  all  and  only  rarely  is  the  human 
side  of  the  subject  presented.  But  this  is  not  true  of  Miss 
Abbott’s  book  which  begins  with  the  background  and  boyhood 
of  Mr.  Davis  and  continues  through  his  long  life.  Included 
therein  are  chapters  on  his  youthful  reading  habits,  his  numerous 
friendships  and  correspondents,  his  helpfulness  to  many  persons, 
his  continuous  interest  in  cicadas  and  the  natural  history  of 
Staten  Island,  his  travels,  his  financial  worries,  his  diet,  of  which 
he  had  to  be  careful,  and  his  long  active  interest  in  the  Staten 
Island  Institute  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  and  other  cultural  bodies 
of  the  Island. 

In  her  account  Miss  Abbott  has  included  many  extracts  from 
Mr.  Davis’  “ Natural  History  Notes”  a manuscript  record,  which 
he  kept  for  56  years,  of  his  observations,  thoughts,  and  bits  of 
reflections,  all  indicating  his  philosophy  and  attitude  toward  life. 
Although  Mr.  Davis,  a lifelong  resident  of  Staten  Island,  was 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

an  authority  on  the  Cicadidse  and  a student  of  the  fauna  and  flora 
of  the  Island,  and  of  its  history,  his  scientific  and  historical  con- 
tributions are  not  unduly  stressed.  Instead  there  emerges  a 
faithful  portrait  of  Mr.  Davis  himself,  his  mild  disposition,  his 
quiet  humor,  his  unfailing  kindliness,  his  long  and  fast  compan- 
ionships, his  abounding  and  tireless  interest  in  natural  history, 
his  pleasure  in  the  behavior  of  creatures  of  the  field  and  woods, 
and  in  little  happenings  which  most  of  us  fail  to  notice,  his  appre- 
ciation of  warm  sunshine,  the  song  of  a chickadee,  and  a crow  he 
saw  from  a ferryboat.  Mr.  Davis  was  continually  aware  of  the 
ceaseless  and  varied  animal  and  plant  life  that  went  on  all  about 
him,  from  which  he  took  much  satisfaction  and  which  filled  his 

This  is  a biography  of  Mr.  Davis  as  he  lived,  thought  and 
worked,  a gentle,  all-around  naturalist,  kindly  disposed  toward 
everything,  except  perhaps  the  despoilation  of  his  beloved  Island 
by  so-called  improvements.  Miss  Abbott  has  reproduced  the 
quiet  flow  of  his  life,  interrupted  at  times  by  sadness  and  wor- 
ries, but  continuing  as  before  bright  and  unruffled  with  no  devia- 
tion from  his  self-appointed  tasks.  Mr.  Davis  was  fortunate  in 
his  biographer.  Excellent  taste  is  evident  in  the  format  of  this 
biography  which  includes  a list  of  Mr.  Davis’  writings  and  an 
index. — H.  B.  W. 


In  the  “ South  Carolina  Gazette”  of  September  11,  1762, 
Richard  Bird,  upholsterer  from  London  informed  the  ladies 
and  gentlemen  of  Charles-Town  that  he  hung  paper  “with  a 
paste  that  has  a peculiar  quality  of  destroying  all  vermin  in 
walls.”  About  the  same  time  John  Webster  in  Philadelphia 
another  upholsterer  from  London  advertised  in  the  “Pennsyl- 
vania Journal,”  August  20,  1767  that  he  sold  Webster’s  Liquor 
“for  entirely  destroying  that  offensive  and  destructive  vermin 
called  Buggs.  ” — H.  B.  W. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Arnett:  Culicid.e 



By  Ross  H.  Arnett,  Jr. 

Arlington,  Va. 

(Continued  from  Vol.  56,  p.  193) 

In  the  second  part  of  this  paper  I discussed  the  distribution, 
habits  and  habitats  of  some  Panama  Uranotcenia,  Megarhinus, 
Culex,  and  Deinocerites.  I am  continuing  with  the  Panama  Culi- 
cines,  Mansonia  through  the  Sabethini. 


Culicini  (Cont.) 

Mansonia  Blanchard 
Mansonia  titillans  (Walker) 

Culex  titillans  Walker,  Cat.  Brit.  Mus.,  Dipt.,  1 : 5,  1848. 
Distribution. — Alejuela  (Busck)  ; Miraflores,  Ancon,  Paraiso, 
Camp  Perdun,  Frijoles,  Gatun,  Monte  Lirio,  Cano,  Bas 
Obispo,  Darien  (Zetek)  ; Culebra  (Dunn)  ; Rio  Grande, 
France  Field,  Quarry  Heights  (Zetek)  ; Cativa,  Empire, 
Margarita,  Comacho  (Shropshire)  ; Fort  Clayton  (Baker)  ; 
Rio  Trinidad  (Busck)  ; Gatuneita  River  (Zetek)  ; Colon 
(Chidester) ; Pital,  Chiriqui  (Dunn) ; Empire,  Lake  Gatun; 
La  Chorrera,  La  Joya,  Chilibre,  Nuevo  Chagres,  Pina,  La- 
garto,  New  Providence  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  attached  to  the  roots  of 
Pistia.  They  are  abundant  in  vegetation  in  rivers  and  in  Gatun 


The  adults  are  common  in  horse  traps  and  on  screens.  They 
readily  bite  man.  They  are  distinctive  in  their  large  size,  mot- 
tled wings  and  absence  of  rings  or  bands  of  white  on  the  legs. 

This  species  breeds  throughout  the  year.  (Rare  prior  to  the 
Canal — Knab.)  (The  adults  fly  great  distances  and  bite  severely 
— Dyar. ) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

Mansonia  fasciolatus  ( Arribalzaga) 

Tceniorhynchus  fasciolatus  Arribalzaga,  Rev.  Mus.  La  Plata,  150, 

Distribution. — Gatun  (Jennings)  ; Ancon,  Cano  (Zetek)  ; Maja- 
gnal,  Cativa  (Shropshire)  ; Cano  Saddle,  Barro  Colorado 
Island  (Shannon)  ; Boca  del  Toro  (McKenney)  ; Porto  Bello 
(Jennings)  ; Trinidad  River  (Busck)  ; Caldera  Island,  Up- 
per Peqnini  River  (Jennings)  ; Panama  (Ross)  ; Colon 
(Russell)  ; Gamboa,  Gatun  Lake,  La  Joya,  La  Chorrera, 
Pina,  Lagarto,  Salud  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvse  have  not  been  collected. 

The  adults  are  very  abundant  in  horse  trap  collections  and  on 
screens.  They  will  readily  bite  humans.  This  species  and  the 
following  species  are  important  pest  mosquitoes  in  the  area.  An 
estimated  10,000  or  more  were  seen  on  several  occassions  in  horse 
traps,  about  half  of  each  species.  Males  are  found  in  small  num- 
bers with  the  females.  (Rare  prior  to  the  canal — Knab.) 

Mansonia  nigricans  (Coquillett) 

Tceniorhynchus  nigricans  Coquillett,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  6 : 
166,  1904.  (Type  Loc. : Panama). 

Distribution. — Culebra,  Ancon  (Jennings)  ; Frijoles,  Monte 
Lirio,  Darien  (Zetek)  ; Paraiso  (Dunn)  ; Cano  Saddle,  Barro 
Colorado  Island  (Shannon)  ; Gamboa  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; 
Panama  (Ross)  ; Trinidad  River  (Busck)  ; Gamboa,  Empire, 
Lake  Gatun,  La  Chorrera,  Chilibrillo  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — (Larvae  in  roots  of  sedges  in  floating 
islands,  undescribed — Dyar). 

The  adults  of  this  species  have  the  same  habits  and  habitats  as 
M.  fasciolaUcs.  They  are  abundant  in  horse  traps  and  on  screens. 
They  are  vicious  biters  and  are  an  important  pest  mosquito.  The 
two  species  may  be  recognized  in  the  field.  They  may  be  told 
from  M.  titillans  by  the  smaller  size  and  presence  of  white  bands 
on  the  legs.  They  may  be  distinguished  from  each  other  by  the 
presence  of  pale  spots  on  the  tibia  of  M.  fasciolatus  and  the  black 
tibia  of  M.  nigricans. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Arnett:  Culicid^e 


Only  one  other  Mansonia  species  recorded — Mansonia  arribal- 
zagoe  (Theobald),  which  is  unknown  to  the  author.  Recent 
works  indicate  that  M.  indubitans  Dyar  & Shannon  is  here  de- 
termined as  M.  fasciolatus  (Arribalzaga)  in  part. 

Aedeomyia  Theobald 

One  species  only  in  the  New  World. 

Aedeomyia  squamipennis  Lynch  Arribalzaga 
Aedeomyia  squamipennis  Lynch  Arribalzaga,  El  Nat.  Agr.,  6 : 
151,  1878. 

Distribution. — Gatun,  Ancon,  Cano  (Zetek)  ; Bas  Obispo  (Shrop- 
shire) ; Gamboa  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Fort  Sherman  (Baker)  ; 
Trinidad  River  (Busck)  ; Gamboa,  Gatun  Lake,  La  Chor- 
rera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  floating  river  vege- 
tation associated  with  Mansonia  titillans.  One  record  was  made 
of  them  occurring  in  a pothole  at  La  Chorrera.  They  are  seldom 
seen  at  the  surface  of  the  water,  but  are  found  resting  against 
the  roots  of  floating  aquatic  plants,  but  not  attached. 

The  adults  have  been  taken  on  screens  at  night  and  in  human 
bait  traps.  No  record  of  them  biting  man.  (Rare  prior  to  the 
Canal.  Dependent  on  Pistia — Knab.) 


Ortkopodomyia  Theobald 
Orthopodomyia  fascipes  (Coquillett) 

Mansonia  fascipes  Coquillett,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  7 : 192,  1905. 
Distribution. — Tabernilla  (Jennings)  ; Fort  Sherman  (Dunn)  ; 
Majagual,  Toro  Point,  Comacho,  Empire,  Mindi,  Cativa, 
Margarita,  (Shropshire)  ; Cano  Saddle  (Shannon)  ; Gam- 
boa (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Fort  Randolph,  France  Field 
(Army  Medical  Museum)  ; Trinidad  River,  Alhajuelo 
(Busck);  Rio  Chagres  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  usually  breed  in  tree  holes. 
The  author  has  collected  them  in  great  numbers  in  a cement 
sewage  digestion  tank. 

Adults  were  collected  resting  inside  of  the  latrine.  They 
made  no  attempt  to  bite. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

Collected  in  June  and  July.  Uncommon. 

One  other  species,  Orthopodomyia  phyllozoa  Dyar  & Knab  re- 
corded from  Panama,  but  is  unknown  to  the  author. 

Aedes  Meigen 

Subgenus  Stegomyia  Theobald 
Aedes  cegypti  (Linnaeus) 

Culex  cegypti  Linnaeus,  Reise  Nach,  Palestina,  470,  1762. 

Culex  fasciatus  Fabricius  (nec  Muller),  Syst.  Antliat.,  36, 
1805.  (Syn.  calopus  Meigen,  vide  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N .Y. 
Ent.  Soc.,  14:  196,  1906.) 

Culex  calopus  Meigen,  Syst.  Beschr.  Ent.  Zwefl.  (Syn.  ar- 
genteus  Poiet,  vide , Knab,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  4:  59,  1916.) 
(argenteus  syn.  cegypti  L.,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  8: 
208,  1920.) 

Distribution. — Tabernilla,  Pedro  Miguel,  San  Pablo,  La  Boca 
(Busck)  ; Ancon,  Bas  Obispo,  Gatun  (Jennings);  Corozal, 
Matachin  (Zetek)  ; Cativa,  Majagual  (Shropshire)  ; Fort 
Davis  (Baker)  ; Cristobal  (Vernes)  ; Panama  (Busck)  ; 
Porto  Bello  (Jennings)  ; Tabago  Island  (Zetek)  ; Fort  Clay- 
ton, Chiva  Chiva,  Gamboa,  La  Chorrera,  Pina,  Lagarto, 
Nuevo  Chagres,  Salud  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  artificial  containers. 
The  adults  are  collected  in  horse  traps,  houses  and  on  screens. 
This  is  a well  known  domestic  mosquito,  common  throughout  the 
tropics  and  subtropics  and  vector  of  yellow  fever. 

Subgenus  Finlaya  Theobald 
Aedes  terrens  (Walker) 

Culex  terrens  Walker,  Ins.  Saund.,  429,  1859. 

Distribution. — Paraiso  (Zetek)  ; Mandingo,  Toro  Point,  Ma- 
jagual, Margarita,  Sweetwater,  Empire,  Comacho,  Cunette 
(Shropshire)  ; Tabernilla  (Jennings)  ; Fort  Sherman 
(Dunn)  ; Barro  Colorado  Island,  Fort  San  Lorenzo  (Dyar 
& Shannon)  ; Chagres  River  (Busck)  ; Caldera  Island  (Tur- 
ner) ; Alhajuela  (Jennings)  ; Empire,  La  Chorrera,  La  Joya 

Dec.,  1949] 

Arnett:  Culicidje 


Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  tree  holes.  Adults 
will  readily  bite  humans  in  the  jungle;  not  found  near  human 


Subgenus  Ochlerotatus  Lynch  Arribalzaga 
Aedes  angustivittatus  Dyar  & Knab 

Aedes  angustivittatus  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  15: 
9,  1907. 

Aedes  trivittatus  of  authors  (nec  Coq.)  (Syn.  angustivitta- 
tus Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub. 
387,  162,  1928). 

Distribution. — Las  Caseadas,  La  Boca,  Pedro  Miguel,  Alhajuela 
(Busck)  ; Tabernilla,  Miraflores,  Gatun,  Pedro  Miguel  (Jen- 
nings) ; Matachin,  Port  Sherman  (Zetek)  ; Panama  (Zetek)  ; 
Colon  (Chidester  & Busck)  ; Chiriqui  (Dunn)  ; La  Chorrera, 
Chilibra  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  temporary  shady 
pools.  The  adults  are  collected  in  horse  traps ; no  record  of  them 
biting  humans;  rest  during  the  day  in  tall  grass  near  breeding 

Aedes  fulvus  (Wiedemann) 

Culex  fulvus  Wiedemann,  Auss.  Zweifl.  Ins.,  1 : 548,  1826. 
Distribution. — Gatun  (Jennings)  ; Barro  Colorado  Island,  Fort 
Sherman  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Prance  Field  (Baker)  ; Trini- 
dad River  (Busck)  ; Colon  (Chidester)  ; La  Joy  a (Author). 
Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  have  not  been  collected  in 
Panama;  live  in  temporary  rain  pools  elsewhere.  The  adults 
will  readily  bite  humans  during  the  day  in  the  jungle. 

Aedes  serratus  Theobald 

Aedes  serratus  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  2 : 45,  1901. 

Distribution. — Gatun,  Pedro  Miguel,  La  Boca  (Jennings)  ; Fort 
Sherman,  France  Field  (Zetek)  ; Colon  (Chidester)  ; David 
(Zetek)  ; Chiva  Chiva,  Fort  Clayton,  La  Joya  (Author). 
Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  small  shady  ponds, 
also  collected  in  an  old,  abandoned  cistern.  (Transient  surface 
pools  in  the  jungle — Dyar.) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

The  adults  will  bite  during  the  day  in  the  jungle. 

Aedes  tceniorhynchus  Wiedemann 

Aedes  tceniorhyncKus  Wiedemann,  Dipt.  Exot.,  1 : 43,  1821. 
Distribution. — La  Boca,  Paraiso  (Busck)  ; Tabernilla,  Ancon, 
Pedro  Miguel  (Jennings)  ; Matachin,  Gatun,  Balboa,  Prance 
Field  (Zetek)  ; Miraflores,  Cardenas  River,  Monte  Lirio, 
Flemenco  Island,  Mindi,  Coco  Solo,  Margarita  (Shropshire)  ; 
Cabina,  Tabago  Island  (Busck)  ; Panama  (Zetek)  ; Colon 
(Chidester)  ; Farfan  Beach,  Gatun  Lake,  La  Chorrera,  La 
Joya,  Old  Panama,  Chilibre,  Salud,  Pina,  Nuevo  Chagres, 
Lagarto  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  salt  marshes,  tidal 
flats  and  potholes,  all  brackish,  as  well  as  in  fresh  water  in  pot- 
holes, flooded  areas  and  small  shallow  lakes  filled  with  grass. 
Always  breeds  in  sunlight,  in  sparse  grass.  It  was  also  found  in 
a hole  in  the  sand  on  the  beach  (see  pool  mentioned  under  Ano- 
pheles albimanus,  vol.  55,  p.  195).  (In  brackish  swamp — 

This  species  is  usually  thought  of  as  a salt  marsh  breeder  and 
is  usually  collected  in  such  a situation.  However,  it  will  breed 
in  large  numbers  in  fresh  water  habitats,  although  rarely. 

The  adults  are  present  in  great  numbers  throughout  the  low- 
lands of  Panama,  and  in  April  to  June,  depending  on  the  ad- 
vance of  the  rainy  season,  there  are  flights  of  this  species,  'during 
which  time  they  are  a great  pest  even  in  the  Canal  Zone  towns. 
(Flies  20  miles— Dyar.)  It  is  common  in  horse  traps  at  this 
season  and  will  of  course  readily  bite. 

The  genus  Aedes  is  poorly  represented  in  Panama.  In  addi- 
tion to  the  above,  the  following  are  recorded  from  Panama,  but 
are  unknown  to  the  author : Aedes  quadrivittatus  Coquillett,  A. 
septemstriatus  Dyar  & Knab,  A.  fluviatilis  Lutz,  A.  leucotceniatus 
Komp,  A.  thorntoni  Dyar  & Knab  (syn.  A.  terrens  Walk.?),  A. 
podographicus  Dyar  & Knab  (syn.  A.  terrens  Walk.?),  A.  euplo- 
camus  Dyar  & Knab,  A.  hastatus  Dyar,  A.  lithoecetor  Dyar  & 
Knab,  and  A.  nubilus  Theobald. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Arnett:  Culicid^e 


Hcemagogus  Williston 
Hcemagogus  argyromeris  Dyar  & Ludlow 

Hcemagogus  argyromeris  Dyar  & Ludlow,  The  Mil.  Surg.,  48: 
679,  1921. 

Hcemagogus  gladiator  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9 : 108,  1921. 
(Type  Loc. : Corozal,  C.  Z.)  (Listed  as  syn.  argyromeris 
Dyar  & Ludlow,  vide,  Dyar,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  387, 
137,  1928.) 

Hcemagogus  regalis  Busck  (nec  Dyar  & Knab),  Smith,  Misc. 
Colls.,  Quar.  Iss.,  52:  64,  1908.  (Syn.  argyromeris  Dyar  & 
Ludlow,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9:  113,  1921.) 
Distribution. — Paraiso,  Corozal,  Bas  Obispo,  Empire,  Ancon, 
Miraflores,  Bohio  (Jennings)  ; Pedro  Miguel,  Corozal,  Pa- 
raiso (Zetek)  ; Gatun  (Trash  and  Zetek)  ; Empire,  La  Pita 
(Army  Medical  Museum) ^ Gold  Hill,  Bella  Vista,  Majagual, 
Las  Cascades,  Mandingo,  Toro  Point,  West  Culebra,  Perico 
Island,  Golden  Green,  Monte  Lirio,  Comacho,  Margarita, 
Cardenas  River,  Cerro  Gordo,  Naos  Island,  Cativa,  Coco 
Solo  (Shropshire)  ; Las  Cascadas,  Lion  Hill  (Busck)  ; 'Cha- 
gres  River,  Tabago  Island  (Busck  and  Jennings)  ; Panama, 
Caldera  Island  (Jennings)  ; Chiva  Chiva,  Fort  Clayton, 
Gamboa,  Panama,  La  Joy  a,  La  Chorrera,  Old  PanamavRio 
Aba  jo  (Author.) 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  are  thought  to  breed  prima- 
rily in  tree  holes.  However,  many  collections  have  been  made 
in  other  habitats  such  as  artificial  containers,  bamboo  joints, 
stump  holes,  coconut  shells  and  rock  holes.  One  collection  was 
made  in  a small  permanent  pool,  in  the  grassy  part  in  direct 
sunlight.  (Tree  hole,  container,  and  old  kettle — Jennings; 
wooden  box,  old  machinery  and  potholes — Busck.) 

Adults  are  collected  inside  of  native  huts.  They  have  been 
observed  biting  humans  standing  in  a banana  grove. 

Hcemagogus  chalcospilans  Dyar 

Hcemagogus  chalcospilans  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9:  110,  1921. 

(Type  Loc.:  Caldera  Island,  R.  de  P.) 

Distribution. — Ancon,  Porto  Bello  (Jennings)  ; Margarita 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

(Shropshire)  ; Panama,  Caldera  Island  (Jennings)  ; Rio 
Aba  jo  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  are  collected  in  coconut 
shells.  (Ground  pools — Dyar;  salt  pools  in  rock  and  in  old 
kettle — J ennings. ) 

Adults  have  not  been  taken  in  the  field. 

Hcemagogus  lucifer  (Howard,  Dyar  and  Knab) 

Stegoconops  lucifer  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins. 
Wash.,  Pub.  159,  pi.  23,  fig.  164,  1912.  (Type  Loc. : Taber- 
nilla,  C.  Z.) 

Distribution. — Tabernilla  (Jennings)  ; Tabernilla,  Gatun,  Ahorca 
Lagarto,  Pedro  Miguel,  Las  Cascadas,  Lion  Hill  (Busck)  ; 
Toro  Point,  Empire,  Mount  Hope  (Shropshire)  ; Caldera 
Island  (Jennings)  ; Chiriqui  (Dunn)  ; Empire,  Chiva  Chiva, 
Fort  Clayton,  La  Joya,  Panama,  La  Chorrera,  Rio  Abajo, 
Old  Panama  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  and  adults  closely  resemble 
H.  argyromeris  both  in  appearance  and  habits.  They  have  been 
collected  with  this  species  in  nearly  every  case. 

Hcemagogus  equinus  Theobald 

Hcemagogus  equinus  Theobald,  Ent.  36 : 282,  1903. 

Aedes  affirmatus  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.,  19 : 
164,  1906.  (Syn.  equinus  Theobald,  vide,  Howard,  Dyar  & 
Knab,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  159,  4:  871,  1917.) 
Distribution. — Ancon,  Miraflores  (Jennings)  ; Empire,  Comacho 
(Shropshire)  ; Summit  (Komp)  ; Porto  Bello  (Busck)  ; El 
Valle  de  Anton  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — (Larvae  in  tree  holes — Dyar.) 

Adults  were  captured,  both  males  and  females  swarming  and 
biting  in  sparse  jungle.  The  males  can  be  readily  distinguished 
from  all  other  Panama  Hcemagogus  by  the  long  palpi.  All 
other  Panama  species  have  short  palpi  in  both  sexes.  (Adults 
biting  in  swamp — Busck.) 

There  is  only  one  other  species  of  Hcemagogus  recorded  from 
Panama,  H.  iridicolor  Dyar,  and  it  is  unknown  to  the  author. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Arnett:  Culicid^ 


Psorophora  Robineau-Desvoidy 
Psorophora  s.  str. 

Psorophora  lineata  (Humboldt) 

Culex  lineata  Humboldt,  Voy.  Reg.  Equim.,  7 : 119,  1820. 

Psorophora  sceva  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.,  19 : 
133,  1906.  (Listed  as  syn.  lineata  Humboldt,  vide,  Dyar, 
Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11:  180,  1923.) 

Distribution. — Las  Cascades  (Busck)  ; Tabernilla,  Miraflores 
(Jennings)  ; La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  large,  shallow  ponds 
filled  with  grass.  They  are  predaceous,  feeding  on  Aed'es  toenio- 

Adults  were  collected  on  screens  in  the  evening.  They  were 
also  collected  in  a coconut  grove  biting,  and  in  horse  traps. 

Subgenus  Janthinosoma  Lynch  Arribalzaga 
Psorophora  ferox  (Humboldt) 

Culex  ferox  Humboldt,  Voy.  Reg.  Equin.,  7 : 119,  1820. 

Culex  posticata  Wiedemann,  Dipt.  Exot.,  1 : 43,  1821. 
(Listed  as  syn.  ferox  Humboldt,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens., 
11:  180,  1923.) 

Distribution. — Culebra  (Black)  ; Las  Cascadas,  Lion  Hill,  Alha- 
juela  (Busck)  ; Tabernilla,  Gatun,  Miraflores,  Cristobal 
(Jennings)  ; Ancon,  Matachin,  Balboa,  Paitilla,  Pedro 
Miguel,  Camp  Gaillard,  Fort  Sherman  (Zetek)  ; Toro  Point, 
Monte  Lirio,  Coco  Solo,  Margarita  (Shropshire)  ; France 
Field  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Chagres  River,  Tabago  Island, 
Trinidad  River  (Busck)  ; Cascajal  River  (Jennings)  ; Colon 
(Dunn)  ; David,  Panama  (Zetek)  ; Chiva  Chiva,  Empire, 
Gamboa,  Cocoli,  La  Joy  a,  Empire,  La  Chorrera,  Old  Panama 
(Author) . 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  clear,  shady  pools. 
(Newly  flooded  meadow  and  still  pool — Busck;  transient  rain 
pools — Dyar. ) 

The  adults  are  common,  found  in  horse  traps  and  on  screens 
at  night  as  well  as  biting  during  the  day  in  the  jungle. 

The  eggs  of  Dermatobia  hominis,  the  “human”  bot  fly  are  laid 
on  the  abdomen  of  the  adult  female  of  this  species.  The  larvae 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LYII 

crawl  out  of  the  shell  while  the  adult  mosquito  is  feeding.  They 
are  prevalent  in  the  jungle  at  La  Joya;  several  of  the  author’s 
associates  became  infected  with  the  larvae  of  Dermatobia  while  in 
the  jungle.  (See  Dunn,  Psyche,  37:  327-342,  1930  for  an  ac- 
count of  Dermatobia  Jiominis  infection  in  man.)  (Adults  bite 
by  day  in  the  jungle — Dyar.) 

Psorophora  lutzi  (Theobald) 

Janthinosoma  lutzi  Theobald  (nec  Coquillett),  Mon.  Cul.,  1 : 257, 

Janthinosoma  champerico  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc. 
Wash.,  19 : 134,  1906.  (Probably  syn.  lutzi  Theobald,  vide, 
Dyar,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  387,  119,  1928.) 
Distribution. — Tabernilla,  Lion  Hill,  Alhajuela  (Busck)  ; Taber- 
nilla  (Jennings)  ; Gatun,  Port  Sherman  (Zetek)  ; Cano 
Saddle  (Shannon)  ; Barro  Colorado  Island,  France  Field 
(Dyar  & Shannon)  ; Caldera  Island  (Jennings)  ; Trinidad 
River  (Busck)  ; Gamboa,  La  Joya,  Salud  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — (Larvae  breed  in  transient  rain  pools — 
Dyar. ) 

Adults  are  common  in  horse  traps.  They  are  also  taken  biting 
by  day  in  the  jungle.  (Adults  in  jungle,  bite  by  day — Dyar.) 

Subgenus  Grabhamia  Theobald 
Psorophora  confinnis  (Lynch  Arribalzaga) 

Tceniorhynchus  confinnis  Lynch  Arribalzaga,  Rev.  Mus.  de  la 
Platta,  2 : 149,  1891. 

Janthinosoma  columbice  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc. 
Wash.,  19:  135,  1906.  (Syn.  confinnis  L.  Arrib.,  vide , 
Aiken,  Rev.  de  Ent.,  11:  677,  1940.) 

Distribution. — Panama  (Komp)  ; Rio  Abajo,  Old  Panama  (Au- 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  hoofprints,  small 
temporary  pools  and  pasture  marshes.  It  is  collected  in  sun- 
light among  grass  in  foul  water. 

Adults  were  not  collected  in  the  field.  (Will  bite  humans — 

This  species  is  common  during  the  rainy  season. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Arnett:  Culicid^e 


Psorophora  cyanescens  (Coquillett) 

Culex  cyanescens  Coquillett,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  10 : 137,  1902. 
Distribution. — La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  adults  were  collected  in  a mangrove 
thicket,  biting  during  the  day.  (Larvae  breed  in  transient  rain 
pools — Dyar. ) 

In  addition  to  the  above  species,  the  following  which  are  un- 
known to  the  author  are  reported  from  Panama : Psorophora 
cilipes  (Fabricius),  and  P.  cingulatus  (Fabricius). 


Trichoprosopon  Theobald 
Trichoprosopon  s.  str. 

Trichoprosopon  digit  at urn  (Rondani) 

Culex  digitatum  Rondani,  Baudi  et  Truqui,  Studi  Ent.,  1 : 109, 

Trichoprosopon  wilsoni  Ludlow,  Psyche,  24:  66,  1918. 
(Type  Loc. : Las  Cascadas,  C.  Z.)  (Listed  as  syn.  digita- 
tum Rondani,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11:  175,  1923.) 
Distribution. — Corozal,  Barro  Colorado  Island  (U.S.N.M.)  ; Ta- 
bernilla  (Busck)  ; Bohio,  Gatun  (Jennings)  ; Culebra,  Fort 
Sherman  (Zetek)  ; Paraiso  (Dunn) ; Ancon  (Wilson)  ; Maja- 
gual,  Comacho,  Torro  Point  (Shropshire)  ; France  Field 
(Baker)  ; Upper  Pequini  River,  Caldera  Island  (Jennings)  ; 
Porto  Bello  (Busck)  ; Colon,  Panama  (Dunn)  ; Caldera  Is- 
land, Cano  Saddle,  Erwin  Island,  Fort  Davis  (U.S.N.M.)  ; 
La  Chorrera,  La  Joya  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  coconut  shells  and 
in  tin  cans.  They  are  predaceous  and  cannibalistic. 

The  eggs  are  laid  singly  at  the  edge  of  coconut  shells  or  tin 
cans.  (Coconut  shells  and  bamboo,  eggs  in  a boat-shaped  mass 
— Dyar.)  The  author  captured  a female  of  this  species  in  the 
act  of  egg  laying.  The  eggs  were  deposited  one  at  a time  on  the 
surface  of  water  in  a tin  can.  These  eggs  were  brought  back  to 
the  laboratory  and  reared.  Individual  rearings  were  made,  the 
larval  skins  and  pupal  skins  preserved  with  the  adults,  and  in 
each  case  they  proved  to  be  T.  digitatum.  (14  days  from  egg  to 
adults — Busck.)  (Adults  in  bamboo  woods,  biting — Busck.) 

Common  throughout  the  rainy  season. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  Lvir 

Trichoprosopon  compressum  Lutz 

Trichoprosopon  compressum  Lutz,  Imp.  Med.,  13 : 151,  1905. 
Joblotia  trichorryes  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  15 : 
206,  1907.  (Type  Loc. : Tabernilla,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  compres- 
sum Lutz,  vide,  Stone,  Rev.  de  Ent.,  15:  338,  1944.) 
Distribution — Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  coconut  shells. 
(Bamboo — Busck.)  (The  eggs  are  laid  singly  and  float  on  the 
water — Busck. ) 

Adults  have  been  captured  on  screens  in  the  evening.  (Adults 
bite — Busck. ) 

Subgenus  Hyloconops  Lutz 
Trichoprosopon  longipes  (Fabricius) 

Culex  longipes  Fabricius  (nec  Macquart,  Theobald),  Syst. 
Antliat.,  34,  1805. 

Lesticocampa  ulopus  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.,, 
19:  137,  1906.  (Syn.  longipes  Fabricius,  vide,  Howard, 
Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  159,  3:  172,  1915.) 
Lesticocampa  culicivora  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc., 
15  : 207, 1907.  (Type  Loc. : Tabernilla,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  longipes 
Fabricius,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11:  124,  1923.) 
Distribution. — Tabernilla,  Lion  Hill  (Busck)  ; Las  Cascadas, 
Gorgona,  San  Pablo,  Gatun  (Jennings)  ; Paraiso,  Corozal 
(Zetek)  ; Ancon,  Empire  (Dunn)  ; Culebra  (Army  Medical 
Museum)  ; Miraflores,  Monte  Lirio,  La  Pita,  Camp  Gaillard, 
Toro  Point  (Shropshire)  ; Cano  Saddle  (Dyar  & Shannon)  • 
Fort  Clayton,  Fort  Davis  (Baker)  ; Boca  del  Toro  (Oster- 
haut)  ; David  (Zetek)  ; La  Joya  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  the  leaf  bracts  of 
“Skunk  Cabbage/’  (Breed  in  red  flowered  Heliconia  and  leaf 
axils  of  Calladium.  Predaceous  on  Wyeomyia  pseudopecten,  W. 
ulcoma,  W.  chalcocephala  and  W.  melanocephala.  Leaf  of 
“ Monstera  deliciosa ” and  Heliconia — Busck.)  (Larvae  feed  on 
Wyeomyia  pseudopecten  and  ulcoma  in  flower  bracts  of  Heli- 
conia— Dyar. ) 

Adults  were  not  captured  in  the  field. 

In  addition  to  these  species,  the  following,  which  are  unknown 
to  the  author  are  other  Trichoprosopon  reported  from  Panama: 

Dec.,  1949] 

Arnett:  Culichle 


Trickoprosopon  digitatum  var.  townsendi  Stone,  T.  compressum 
var.  mogilasium  Dyar  & Knab,  T.  espini  Martini,  T.  magna  Theo- 
bald, T.  leucopus  Dyar  & Knab  and  T . lampropus  Dyar  & Knab. 

Wyeomyia  Theobald 
Wyeomyia  s.  str. 

Wyeomyia  scotinomus  (Dyar  & Knab) 

Phoniomyia  scotinomus  Dyar  & Knab,  Jonr.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  15 : 
209,  1907.  (Type  Loc. : Canal  Zone.) 

Wyeomyia  leucopisthopus  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent. 
Soc.,  15 : 212,  1907.  (Type  Loc. : Tabernilla,  C.  Z.)  (Syn. 
scotinomus  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar  & Shannon,  Ins.  Ins. 
Mens.,  12:  88,  1924.) 

Wyeomyia  dymodora  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus., 
35:  68,  1908.  (Type  Loc.:  Panama.)  (Syn.  scotinomus 
Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins. 
Wash.,  Pub.  159,  3:  158,  1915.) 

Wyeomyia  dbrachys  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls.,  Quar. 
Iss.,  52:  263,  1909.  (Type  Loc.:  Caldera  Island,  R.  de  P.) 
(Syn.  leucopistkepus  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins. 
Mens.,  11:  173,  1923.) 

Wyeomyia  chesta  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls.,  Quar. 
Iss.,  52:  263,  1909.  (Type  Loc.:  Tabernilla,  C.  Z.)  (Syn. 
leucopistkepus  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens., 
11:  173,  1923.) 

Wyeomyia  kapla  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Coll.,  Quar. 
Iss.,  52:  265,  1908.  (Type  Loc.:  Caldera  Island,  R.  de  P.) 
(Syn.  leucopistkepus  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins. 
Mens.,  11:  173,  1923.) 

Wyeomyia  labesba  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins. 
Wash.,  Pub.  159,  3:  106,  1915.  (Type  Loc.:  Canal  Zone.) 
(Syn.  leucopistkepus  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar  Ins.  Ins. 
Mens,  11:  173,  1923.) 

Wyeomyia  incana  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens,  10 : 189,  1922. 
(Type  Loc.:  Margarita,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  leucopistkepus  Dyar 
& Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens,  11:  173,  1923.) 
Distribution. — Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; Ancon  (Jennings)  ; Bas 
Obispo,  Gatun  (Zetek)  ; Empire  (Dunn)  ; Margarita,  Ma- 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

jagual  (Shropshire)  ; Gamboa,  Barro  Colorado  Island  (Dyar 
& Shannon)  ; Baoquaron  River  (Busck)  ; Caldera  Island, 
Coscojar  River,  Porto  Bello  (Jennings)  ; Panama  City 
(Dnnn)  ; Gamboa,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats . — The  larvae  breed  in  bromeliads,  both 
smooth  and  spiny-leaved  species.  (Wild  Pineapple,  Tillandsia, 
and  spiny  head,  bromeliaceae  ( Aechmea  steigera  Mart.) — Dyar.) 
Adults  were  not  collected  in  the  field.  This  species  breeds  during 
the  rainy  season  and  is  common. 

Wyeomyia  celcenocephala  Dyar  & Knab 

Wyeomyia  celcenocephala  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash., 
19 : 140,  1906. 

Phoniomyia  chrysomus  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc., 
15:  208,  1907.  (Type  Loc. : Tabernilla,  C.  Z.)  (Listed  as 
syn.  celcenocephala  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens., 
11:  172,  1923.) 

Phoniomyia  philophone  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc., 
15:  209,  1907.  (Type  Loc.:  Tabernilla,  C.  Z.)  (Syn.  chry- 
somus Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11 : 66, 

Wyeomyia  megalodora  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus., 
35;  69,  1908.  (Syn.  celcenocephala  Dyar  & Knab,  vide, 
Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11:  172,  1923.) 

Wyeomyia  matcea  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.,  35 : 
70,  1908.  (Syn.  chrysomus  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar  Ins. 
Ins.  Mens.,  7 : 125,  1919.) 

Distribution. — Tabernilla,  Lion  Hill  (Busck)  ; Gatun,  Empire 
(Jennings)  ; Majagual,  Seco  Hill  (Shropshire)  ; Mount 
Hope,  Barro  Colorado  Island,  Mindi  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; 
Cano  Saddle  (Shannon)  ; Porto  Bello  (Jennings)  ; David 
(Zetek)  ; Tabago  Island  (Zetek,  Busck  and  Jennings)  ; Gam- 
boa, Chiva  Chiva,  Port  Clayton,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 
Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  bromeliads.  {Til- 
landsia species  and  Aedines  setigera — Dyar.  Flower  bracts  of 
Heliconia — Shannon;  Tillandsia — Busck.)  Adults  were  col- 

lected biting  during  the  day.  This  species  is  collected  during 
the  rainy  season. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Arnett:  Culicid^e 


Wyeomyia  quasileoventralis  (Theobald) 

Dendromyia  quasiluteoventralis  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  3 : 317, 

Wyeomyia  charimon  Dyar,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  387, 
(addenda),  1928.  (Listed  as  syn.  quasiluteoventralis  Theo- 
bald, vide,  Lane  & Cerqueira,  Arq.  Zool.  Estado  Sao  Paulo, 
3:  557,  1942.) 

Distribution. — Gatun  (Bath);  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — -The  larvse  breed  in  bromeliads  and 
leaves  of  wild  pineapple  ( Ananas  magdalence) . 

Wyeomyia  arthrostigma  (Lutz) 

Miamyia  arthrostigma  Lutz,  Imp.  Med.,  13 : 311,  1905. 

Wyeomyia  bromeliarum  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc. 
Wash.,  19:  138,  1906.  (Syn,  arthrostigma  Lutz,  vide,  Lane 
& Cerqueira,  Arq.  Zool.  Estado  Sao  Paulo,  3:  561,  1942.) 
Wyeomyia  espartana  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash., 
19:  140,  1906.  (Syn.  bromeliarum  Dyar  & Knab,  vide, 
Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  7 : 122,  1919.) 

Wyeomyia  panamena  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc., 
15:  210,  1907.  (Type  Loc. : Tabernilla,  C.  Z.)  (Listed  as 
syn.  bromeliarum  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  11:  174,  1923.) 
Distribution. — Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; Gatun,  Margarita  (Shrop- 
shire) ; Ancon  (Curry)  ; Fort  Davis,  Corozal  (Baker)  ; Cal- 
dera Island  (Jennings)  ; Las  Sabahas  (Army  Medical  Mu- 
seum) ; Chiva  Chiva,  Fort  Clayton  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  bamboo  joints  and 
occasionally  in  tin  cans.  (Tree  holes  if  foul — Dyar.)  This 
species  is  common  throughout  the  year. 

Subgenus  Dendromyia  Theobald 
Wyeomyia  per  sonata  (Lutz) 

Dendromyia  personata  Lutz  (in  Bourroul),  Mos.  Bras.,  22,  1904. 
Wyeomyia  aporonoma  Dyar  & Knab,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc., 
14:  230,  1906.  (Syn.  personata  (Lutz),  vide,  Lane  & Cer- 
queira, Arq.  Zool.  Estado  Sao  Paulo,  3:  602,  1942.) 
Distribution. — Gatun  (Busck)  ; Tabernilla,  Las  Cascadas  (Jen- 
nings) ; Paraiso,  Fort  Sherman  (Dunn)  ; Pedro  Miguel 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

(Zetek)  ; Fort  Randolph,  Cerro  Gordo,  Golden  Green,  West 
Cnlebra  (Shropshire)  ; Fort  Clayton  (Baker)  ; Caldera  Is- 
land (Jennings)  ; Porto  Bello  (Bnsck)  ; Chiva  Chiva,  Fort 
Clayton,  Empire,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  bamboo  joints,  tree 
holes,  coconut  shells,  and  tin  cans.  Adults  were  captured  while 
biting,  during  the  day.  This  species  breeds  throughout  the  year 
and  is  common. 

W yeomyia  pseudopecten  Dyar  & Knab 

Wyeomyia  pseudopecten  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash., 
19:  139,  1906. 

Wyeomyia  galoa  Dyar  & Knab,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.,  19 : 
140,  1906.  (Syn.  pseudopecten  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Dyar 
& Shannon,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  12:  86,  1924.) 

Wyeomyia  eloisa  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  Carnegie  Ins. 
Wash.,  Pub.  159,  2,  pi.  6,  fig.  36,  1912.)  (Listed  as  syn.? 
pseudopecten  Dyar  & Knab,  vide,  Lane  & Cerqueira,  Arq. 
Zool.  Estado  Sao  Paulo,  3:  605,  1942.) 

Distribution. — Culebra  (Black)  ; Miraflores,  Tabernilla,  Gatun- 
eilla  River  (Jennings)  ; Gatun  (Dyar)  ; Cano  Saddle  (Shan- 
non) ; Gatuneilla  River  (Zetek)  ; Colon  (Chidester)  ; Porto 
Bello  (Shannon)  ; Caldera  Island  (Jennings)  ; Fort  Clay- 
ton, Chiva  Chiva  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats.- — The  larvse  breed  in  the  leaf  bases  and 
flower  bracts  of  Heliconia.  (Larvae  can  crawl  up  side  of  breed- 
ing glass— Dyar.) 

Adults  were  not  collected  in  the  field.  This  is  a common  spe- 
cies during  the  rainy  season. 

Wyeomyia  ulocoma  (Theobald) 

Dendromyia  ulocoma  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  3 : 313,  1903. 

Wyeomyia  onidus  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls.,  Quar. 
Iss.,  52:  261,  1909.  (Type  Loc. : Tabernilla,  C.  Z.)  (Syn. 
idocoma  Theobald,  vide,  Dyar  & Shannon,  Jour.  Wash.  Acad. 
Sci.,  14:  482,  1924.) 

Wyeomyia  pantoia  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls.,  Quar. 
Iss.,  52:  265,  1909.  (Type  Loc.:  Canal  Zone.)  (Syn.  ulo- 

Dec.,  1949] 

Arnett  : Culicid.e 


coma  Theobald,  vide , Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  7 : 136,  1919.) 
Wyeomyia  cacodela  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls.,  Qnar. 
Iss.,  52:  265,  1909.  (Type  Loc. : Canal  Zone.)  (Syn.  ulo- 
coma  Theobald,  vide,  Dyar,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  7 : 136,  1919.) 
Distribution. — Tabernilla  (Bnsck)  ; Gorgona,  San  Pablo  (Jen- 
nings) ; Culebra  (Zetek)  ; Empire  (Dyar) ; France  Field 
Dyar  & Shannon);  Golden  Green,  Fort  Davis  (Baker); 
Porto  Bello,  Upper  Peqnini  River  (Jennings)  ; Fort  Clay- 
ton, Chiva  Chiva  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  the  flower  bracts  of 
Heliconia.  There  are  several  larvae  to  a bract. 

The  adults  were  not  collected  in  the  field.  This  species  is  col- 
lected from  August  to  October.  It  is  uncommon. 

Wyeomyia  complosa  (Dyar  & Knab) 

Dendromyia  complosa  Dyar,  Carnegie  Ins.  Wash.,  Pub.  387,  74, 
1928.  (Type  Loc.:  San  Juan  de  Pequini,  R.  de  P.) 
Distribution. — San  Juan  de  Pequini  (Curry)  ; National  Forest, 
La  Joy  a (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  “Skunk  Cabbage.” 
These  species  of  Wyeomyia  are  all  that  are  known  to  the 
author  from  Panama.  The  following  have  been  reported  also 
from  Panama:  Wyeomyia  melanopus  Dyar,  17.  simmsi  Dyar  & 
Knab,  17.  guatemala  Dyar  & Knab,  17.  codiocampa  Dyar  & 
Knab,  17.  florestan  Dyar,  17.  hosautus  Dyar  & Knab,  17.  auto- 
cratica  Dyar  & Knab  ?,  17.  ypsipola  Dyar,  17.  melancephala  Dyar 
& Knab,  17.  circumcincta  Dyar  & Knab,  17.  chalco'cephala  Dyar 
& Knab,  17.  phrosa  Howard,  Dyar  & Knab,  W.  clasoleuca  Dyar 
& Knab,  and  17.  jocosa  Dyar  & Knab. 

Limatus  Theobald 
Limatus  durhami  Theobald 

Limatus  durhami  Theobald,  Mon.  Cul.,  2:  350,  1901. 
Distribution. — Tabernilla  (Busck)  ; Ancon,  Bas  Obispo,  Paraiso,. 
Bohio  (Jennings)  ; Pedro  Miguel,  Fort  Sherman  (Dunn)  ; 
Gatun,  Toro  Point,  Mindi,  Miraflores,  Gold  Hill,  Cerro 
Gordo,  Golden  Green,  Comacho,  Culebra,  Empire,  Majagual 
(Shropshire)  ; Caldera  Island  (Jennings)  ; Colon,  David 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

t Vol.  LVII 

(Zetek)  ; Chagres  River  (Busck)  ; Empire,  Chiva  Chiva, 
Fort  Clayton,  Rio  Aba  jo,  La  Chorrera,  Old  Panama  (Au- 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  coconut  shells,  arti- 
ficial containers,  bamboo  joints,  and  palm  boats,  either  in  sun- 
light or  in  shade.  (Tree  holes — Dyar ; palm  leaf,  tin  can,  wooden 
barrel — Busck.) 

(The  adults  fly  by  day  in  the  forest  and  will  occasionally  bite 
man — Dyar. ) 

The  larvae  are  common  throughout  the  year. 

Limatus  asullepta  Theobald 

Limatus  asullepta  Theobald,  Mon.  CuL,  3 : 315,  1903. 

Limatus  methysticus  Dyar  & Knab,  Smith.  Misc.  Colls., 
Quar.  Iss.,  52:  266,  1909.  (Syn.  asullepta  Theobald,  vide, 
Bonne-Wepster  & Bonne,  Ins.  Ins.  Mens.,  9 : 6,  1921.) 
Distribution. — Fort  Sherman,  Corozal  (Zetek)  ; Gold  Hill,  Co- 
macho, Empire,  Cerro  Gordo  (Shropshire)  ; Cano  Saddle 
(Shannon)  ; Barro  Colorado  Island  (Dyar  & Shannon)  ; 
Caldera  Island,  Upper  Pequini  River  (Jennings)  ; Colon, 
David,  Bella  Vista  (Zetek)  ; Empire,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 
Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  artificial  containers, 
coconut  shells,  and  rock  pools  in  the  shade.  (Tree  holes,  husks 
and  bamboo — Dyar;  palm  spathe — Jennings.)  The  adults  were 
not  taken  in  trap  collections.  This  species  breeds  throughout 
the  rainy  season  and  it  is  uncommon. 

These  are  the  only  two  Limatus  species  thus  far  recorded  from 

Sabethes  Robineau-Desvoidy 
Sabethes  s.  str. 

Sabethes  cyaneus  (Fabricius) 

Culex  cyaneus  Fabricius  (nec  Borroul.),  Syst.  Antliat.,  35,  1805. 
Sabethes  locuples  Robineau-Desvoidy,  Mem.  Soc.  d’Hist. 
Nat.  Paris,  3 : 405,  412,  1827.  (Syn.  cyaneus  Fabricius,  vide , 
Knab,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  11:  154,  1909.) 

Distribution. — Empire  (Simms,  Shropshire)  ; Gatun  (Jennings)  ; 
Tabernilla,  Paraiso,  Alajuela  (Busck)  ; Culebra  (Trask)  ; 
Corozal  (Dunn)  ; Fort  Sherman  (Shropshire)  ; Cano  Sad- 

Dec.,  19^9] 

Arnett:  Culicid^e 


die  (Sanders)  ; Porto  Bello  (Schwartz)  ; Rio  Trinidad 
(Bnsck)  ; Chiva  Chiva,  Fort  Clayton,  La  Chorrera  (Author). 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  tree  holes.  They 
are  predaceous ; laboratory  reared  specimens  fed  on  Aedes  cegypti 
larvae  Unfortunately,  larval  skins  of  this  species  were  de- 
stroyed. The  larvae  are  undescribed.  The  pupae  took  seven  days 
to  emerge.  (Larvae  in  Spanish  bayonet — Busck.)  Adults  were 
captured  biting  by  day  and  flying  in  a building. 

Subgenus  Sabethoides  Theobald 
Sabethes  undosus  Coquillett 

Sabethes  undosus  Coquillett,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  7 : 186,  1906. 
Distribution. — Tabernilla,  Lion  Hill,  Gatun  (Busck) ; Taber- 
nilla  (Jennings)  ; Porto  Bello  (Shannon)  ; Fort  Clayton 

Habits  and  Habitats. — The  larvae  breed  in  Bamboo,  collected 
in  bamboo  joints  with  no  other  species.  This  species  was  bred 
in  the  laboratory  and  fed  on  Aedes  cegypti  larvae.  (Bamboo — 
Jennings,  Busck;  vegetable  feeders — Dyar;  predaceous — Busck.) 
(Adults  bite  in  bamboo  woods,  diurnal — Busck.) 

In  addition  to  these  two  species,  Sabethes  tarsopus  Dyar  & 
Knab,  S.  chloropterus  (Humboldt)  and  S.  aurescens  Lutz  are 
also  known  from  Panama. 

This  completes  the  discussion  of  The  distribution,  habits  and 
habitats  of  the  Panama  Culicines. 

(To  be  continued.) 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


Among  the  various  motifs  depicted  in  old  glass  paperweights, 
one  finds  insects,  usually  butterflies.  In  “Old  Glass  Paper- 
weights’ 7 by  Evangeline  H.  Bergstrom,  there  are  two  colored 
illustrations  of  paperweights  made  in  Baccarat,  France.  One 
figures  a butterfly  resting  upon  a flower  and  the  other  a butterfly 
within  a circle  of  small  conventionalized  flowers.  Another  illus- 
tration shows  a Bristol  (England)  paperweight  containing  a 
conventionalized  butterfly  on  a sapphire  blue  background.  The 
skill,  workmanship,  and  artistry  that  went  into  the  making  of 
many  of  these  old  paperweights  was  of  the  highest,  except  appar- 
ently when  it  came  to  entomological  subjects.  In  these  the 
artistry  disappeared.  From  an  entomological  viewpoint  the  two 
Baccarat  butterflies  do  not  resemble  butterflies  at  all,  in  form, 
color  or  design.  In  this  connection  the  craftsmen  had  paid  but 
fleeting  attention  to  real  butterflies. — H.  B.  W. 


According  to  Gorres’  “ Historisch-Politische  Blatter”  for  1845 
(Heft  VII,  p.  516)  a man  in  Westphalia,  whose  garden  was  being 
eaten  by  worms,  against  which  the  ordinary  remedies  were  use- 
less, employed  a professional  conjurer  who  walked  among  the 
plants,  muttering  enchantments  and  touching  them  with  a wand. 
These  actions  were  made  fun  of  by  several  workmen  who  were 
repairing  the  roof  of  a nearby  stable  and  the  conjurer  threatened 
to  send  the  worms  up  on  the  roof  unless  they  left  him  in  peace. 
This  threat  only  increased  their  gayety  which  interfered  with  the 
work  of  the  conjurer,  who  in  retaliation  went  to  the  nearest  hedge 
from  which  he  cut  some  twigs.  These  he  placed  against  the 
wall  of  the  stable  and  soon  the  worms  began  to  leave  the  plants 
and  crawl  up  the  twigs  and  the  wall.  In  less  than  an  hour  the 
men  had  to  stop  work  because  they  were  covered  with  cabbage 
worms. — H.  B.  W. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Alexander  : Tipulid^e 



By  Charles  P.  Alexander 
Amherst,  Massachusetts 

The  preceding  part  under  this  general  title  was  published  in 
this  JOURNAL  (vol.  56:  137-148;  September  1948).  The  nov- 
elties described  herewith  are  all  from  Pern  where  they  were  col- 
lected by  my  friends  Messrs.  Jose  M.  Schnnke  and  Felix  L. 
Woytkowski,  the  latter  assisted  by  his  son  George.  The  types  of 
the  species  are  preserved  in  my  personal  collection  of  these  flies. 

Genus  Epiphragma  Osten  Sacken 

Epiphragma  (Epiphragma)  mithras  new  species. 

Size  small  (wing,  male,  9 mm.  or  less)  ; praescutum  conspicuously  pat- 
terned, chiefly  covered  by  a Y-shaped  brown  area,  the  sublateral  parts  yel- 
lowed; pleura  yellow,  striped  longitudinally  with  brownish  black;  femora 
yellow,  with  a single  brown  subterminal  ring;  wings  pale  yellow,  with  a 
brown  pattern  that  is  partly  ocellif orm ; basal  half  of  cell  Cu  uniformly 
darkened;  abdominal  sternites  conspicuously  patterned  with  yellow  and  dark 
brown;  outer  dististyle  terminating  in  a curved  spine  and  with  a subapical 

Male. — Length  about  7-8  mm. ; wing  8-9  mm. ; antenna  about  1.8-2  mm. 

Female. — Length  about  7.5-9  mm. ; wing  7-9.5  mm. 

Rostrum  brown,  palpi  somewhat  darker  brown.  Antennae  short,  as  shown 
by  the  measurements;  scape  and  pedicel  black,  the  former  pruinose;  basal 
flagellar  segments  yellow,  including  the  fusion-segment,  the  outer  segments 
deepening  to  yellowish  brown;  fusion  segment  involving  three  segments. 
Head  fulvous  orange,  the  center  of  vertex  slightly  more  darkened. 

Pronotum  and  cervical  sclerites  buffy  above,  blackened  on  sides.  Meso- 
notal  praescutum  conspicuously  patterned,  chiefly  covered  by  a dark  brown 
Y-shaped  area,  the  fork  or  cephalic  portion  more  reddish  brown,  the  sub- 
lateral parts  yellowed,  the  color  continued  caudad  onto  the  scutal  lobes; 
posterior  sclerites  of  notum  chiefly  dark  brown,  the  central  area  of  scutum 
and  the  scutellum  sparsely  yellow  pollinose.  Pleura  obscure  yellow,  striped 
longitudinally  with  brownish  black,  the  complete  dorsal  stripe  extending 
from  the  cervical  region  to  the  postnotum,  widened  behind;  ventral  darken- 
ing best  indicated  on  the  coxae  and  meral  region,  on  the  latter  variegated 
with  paler.  Halteres  yellow.  Legs  with  the  coxae  blackened  basally,  as 
described,  the  tips  broadly  yellow;  trochanters  infuscated  above,  yellow  on 
inner  face;  remainder  of  legs  yellow,  the  femora  with  a single  brown  ring 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

that  is  subequal  to  or  a trifle  wider  than  the  pale  tip.  Wings  with  the 
ground  pale  yellow,  the  costal  region  more  saturated;  a conspicuous  brown 
pattern  that  is  in  part  ocelliform;  pale  costal  interspaces  very  extensive; 
dark  ocelli  centering  at  origin  of  Rs,  cord,  outer  end  of  cell  1st  M2  and  fork 
of  M1  + 2-  incomplete  ocelli  at  arculus  and  marginally  at  ends  of  veins  R5  to 
Cux,  inclusive;  dark  marginal  areas  of  radial  field,  except  as  noted,  solid; 
more  than  the  basal  half  of  cell  Cu  uniformly  darkened;  outer  end  of  cell 
1st  A with  three,  cell  2nd  A with  about  six  linear  dashes,  additional  to  those 
at  ends  of  the  veins;  veins  yellow  in  the  ground  portions,  clear  light  yellow 
on  cephalic  third,  brown  in  the  patterned  areas.  Venation:  S'c2  longer  than 
Scx,  ending  about  opposite  the  fork  of  -E2  + 3 + 4;  Rs  square  at  origin;  R2  + 3 + i 
subequal  to  either  R1  + 2 or  R2  + s',  ni-cu  at  near  midlength  of  cell  1st  M2. 

Abdomen  dark  brown,  narrowly  paler  at  the  impressed  areas;  sternites 
dark  brown,  conspicuously  patterned  with  obscure  yellow,  on  the  intermediate 
segments  including  three  areas,  one  basal  and  medial,  the  others  apical  in 
position;  on  the  outer  segments  these  areas  increase  in  size  and  finally  be- 
come confluent  and  more  or  less  pruinose;  hypopygium  brownish  -yellow. 
Male  hypopygium  with  the  lobes  of  the  tergite  obtuse,  narrower  than  the 
median  notch.  Interbase  with  the  inner  rod  slender,  the  tip  abruptly  re- 
curved into  a spine.  Membranous  notch  on  mesal  face  of  basistyle  unusually 
deep  and  conspicuous.  Outer  dististyle  terminating  in  a curved  spine,  with 
a flange  on  lower  margin  at  base  of  spine.  Inner  dististyle  longer,  appear- 
ing as  a flattened  yellow  paddle,  the  tip  obtuse,  on  the  disk  with  a group  of 
five  or  six  strong  setae. 

Habitat. — Pern. 

Holotype,  J',  Chinchao,  Huanuco,  on  wooded  hills,  altitude 
2500  meters,  September  20,  1947  (George  Woytkowski).  Allo- 
topotype,  J,  September  21,  1947.  Paratopotypes,  10  §,  Sep- 

tember 14-27,  1947. 

This  unusually  small  and  attractive  member  of  the  genus  is 
most  similar  to  Epiphragma  (Epiphragma)  jurat  or  Alexander, 
differing  in  the  pattern  of  the  body  and  wings  and  in  the  de- 
tails of  venation.  The  male  of  jurator  is  still  unknown.  The 
Tropical  American  species  of  the  genus  have  been  listed  in  a 
recent  paper  (Rev.  de  Ent.,  19:  168-175,  fig.  5;  1948). 

Genus  Teucholabis  Osten  Sacken 

Teucholabis  (Teucholabis)  ludicra  new  species. 

Allied  to  perangusta ; head  above  yellow  with  a brownish  black  median 
stripe  on  vertex,  terminating  in  a small  more  blackened  tubercle  on  anterior 
vertex ; thorax  reddish,  with  a transverse  girdle  on  the  praescutum  and 
anepisternum ; femora  yellow,  with  two  narrow  brown  rings;  wings  whitish 

Dec.,  1949] 

Alexander:  Tipulhle 


subhyaline,  restrictedly  patterned  with  brown,  the  apex  narrowly  darkened; 
male  hypopygium  with  the  apical  lobe  of  basistyle  unusually  long  and  slen- 
der; appendage  of  style  a gently  curved  rod  that  narrows  gradually  into  a 
black  terminal  spine. 

Male. — Length  about  10  mm.;  wing  7 mm. 

Eostrum  darkened  above,  yellow  on  sides,  about  two-thirds  as  long  as  re- 
mainder of  head;  palpi  black.  Antennae  with  scape  yellow,  pedicel  brown, 
flagellum  black;  flagellar  segments  oval  to  long-oval,  shorter  than  the  ver- 
ticils. Front  light  yellow,  remainder  of  head  somewhat  deeper  yellow;  a 
brownish  black  median  stripe  on  vertex,  on  the  anterior  vertex  produced  into 
a small,  more  intensely  blackened  tubercle. 

Cervical  region  and  pronotum  dark  liver  brown.  Mesonotal  praescutum 
chiefly  reddish,  on  either  side  with  a transverse  black  line  placed  just  be- 
hind the  pseudosutural  foveae;  remainder  of  notum  reddish,  each  scutal  lobe 
extensively  blackened;  both  the  mediotergite  and  pleurotergite  with  large 
brownish  black  areas.  Pleura  with  central  portion  chiefly  covered  by  a silvery 
gray  bloom;  anepisternum  darkened,  being  a continuation  of  the  praescutal 
darkened  area;  ventral  pleurites  more  reddish.  Halteres  dark  brown,  the 
base  of  stem  and  apex  of  knob  obscure  yellow.  Legs  with  the  coxae  and 
trochanters  yellow;  femora  yellow,  each  with  two  narrow  brown  rings,  the 
outer  one  paler  and  subterminal  in  position;  pale  space  between  the  dark 
rings  four  or  five  times  as  extensive  as  the  basal  dark  ring;  dark  rings  of 
posterior  femora  somewhat  broader  and  darker;  tibiae  yellow,  the  tips  nar- 
rowly pale  brown;  basitarsi  yellow,  the  remaining  tarsal  segments  brownish 
black;  proximal  fifth  of  posterior  basitarsi  dilated  and  provided  with  a 
linear  glandular  area.  Wings  whitish  subhyaline,  restrictedly  patterned  with 
pale  brown,  including  the  very  narrow  wing  tip ; a somewhat  wider  band  at 
cord  and  a larger  but  more  diffuse  subbasal  area;  stigma  darker  brown; 
veins  pale  brown  to  brownish  yellow,  the  latter  including  the  costa.  Vena- 
ton;  Scx  ending  about  opposite  three-fifths  Bs,  the  branches  of  the  latter 
parallel  to  one  another  for  virtually  their  entire  length;  m— cu  about  one- 
fourth  to  one-fifth  its  length  beyond  the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen  yellow,  the  intermediate  sternites  with  a pair  of  linear  brown 
dashes,  these  diverging  outwardly;  basal  sternites  more  extensively  dark- 
ened. Sternal  pockets  on  segments  five  and  six  well  developed,  particularly 
on  the  former,  the  more  posterior  setae  of  the  pocket  thickened  and  strongly 
curved;  pocket  of  sternite  six  including  about  a dozen  powerful  bristles  on 
either  side,  the  more  cephalic  ones  smaller.  Male  hypopygium  with  the 
apical  lobe  of  basistyle  unusually  long  and  slender,  provided  with  numerous 
setae,  some  of  which  are  very  long,  subequal  to  or  slightly  longer  than  the 
lobe;  appendage  of  basistyle  a gently  curved  rod  that  gradually  narrows 
into  a black  terminal  spine,  the  lower  face  of  the  rod  fringed  with  long 
yellow  setae ; mesal  flange  of  basistyle  coarsely  and  irregularly  crenate 
or  serrate.  Outer  dististyle  a simple  darkened  rod,  provided  along  lower 
margin  and  near  apex  with  long  coarse  setae  and  a few  microscopic  serru- 


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[Vol.  LVII 

lations.  Inner  dististyle  with  the  usual  apical  blade  narrow,  terminating 
in  a single  point;  the  usual  basal  lobe  of  the  style  of  unusual  size,  much 
larger  than  the  blade,  terminating  in  about  four  stout  setae,  with  a few 
other  subterminal  ones.  Aedeagus  at  apex  directed  laterad  into  a slender 
blackened  spine;  lower  face  below  apex  slightly  protuberant  and  provided 
with  about  15  or  16  strong  setae. 

Habitat. — Pern. 

Holotype,  Cerro  Azul,  Loreto,  April  20,  1947  (Jose  M. 
Schunke ) . 

The  most  similar  described  species  is  Teucholabis  ( Teucho - 
labis)  perangusta  Alexander,  which  has  the  pattern  of  the  body, 
wings  and  legs  somewhat  the  same.  The  present  fly  differs  in 
the  hypopygial  characters,  particularly  the  unusually  slender 
apical  lobe  of  the  basistyle  and  the  structure  of  the  appendage 
of  the  latter.  The  Tropical  American  species  of  Teucholabis 
have  been  listed  in  a recent  paper  (Rev.  de  Ent.,  17 : 375-400,  14 
figs.,  1947). 

Teucholabis  (Teucholabis)  lauta  new  species. 

Mesonotal  praescutum  reddish  yellow,  with  three  brownish  black  areas; 
pleura  yellow,  conspicuously  variegated  with  brownish  black;  anterior  part 
of  head  black,  the  posterior  portion  abruptly  yellow;  femora  yellow,  the  tips 
narrowly  blackened;  wings  broad,  pale  yellow,  very  restrictedly  patterned 
with  brown,  including  a small  spot  at  end  of  vein  2nd  A;  abdomen  bicolored, 
dark  brown,  the  incisures  yellow;  male  hypopygium  with  the  appendage  of 
basistyle  short,  broad-based;  outer  dististyle  simple. 

Male. — Length  about  7.5  mm. ; wing  6.2  mm. 

Rostrum,  palpi  and  antennas  black;  flagellar  segments  oval.  Head  in 
front  black,  the  color  continued  onto  the  posterior  vertex  as  far  as  the  pos- 
terior border  of  eyes,  the  remainder  of  head  behind  abruptly  yellow. 

Pronotum  light  yellow,  narrowly  darkened  on  sides.  Mesonotal  praescutum 
reddish  yellow,  with  three  brownish  black  areas,  the  median  one  most  exten- 
sive; lateral  areas  elongate,  occupying  the  outer  borders  of  the  lateral 
stripes;  humeral  and  lateral  portions  clearer  yellow;  scutal  lobes  reddish 
yellow,  the  central  region  clearer  yellow,  crossing  the  suture  onto  the  prae- 
scutum, the  lateral  border  of  each  lobe  narrowly  dark  brown ; scutellum  light 
yellow,  restrictedly  darkened  on  either  side;  mediotergite  yellow  on  anterior 
half  but  narrowly  infuseated  behind  the  scutellum,  the  posterior  half  more 
reddish  brown.  Pleura  and  pleurotergite  pale  yellow,  variegated  with  brown- 
ish black,  the  most  conspicuous  area  being  a slightly  broken  dorsal  stripe 
across  the  propleura,  dorsal  anepisternum,  dorsal  pteropleurite  and  the  pleu- 
rotergite, the  last  paler ; a further  restricted  darkening  on  the  ventral  sterno- 
pleurite.  Halteres  yellow.  Legs  with  all  coxae  and  trochanters  yellow;  fe- 

Dec.,  1949] 

Alexander  : Tipulid^e 


mora  yellow,  the  tips  narrowly  blackened,  the  amount  subequal  on  all  legs, 
involving  about  the  outer  sixth  of  the  posterior  femora;  tibiae  and  basitarsi 
yellow,  the  tips  more  narrowly  blackened,  remainder  of  tarsi  black;  posterior 
basitarsi  very  feebly  dilated  on  proximal  fifth.  Wings  broad,  pale  cream 
yellow,  very  restrictedly  patterned  with  brown,  including  the  subcircular 
stigma  and  a very  narrow  seam  over  the  cord,  best  indicated  by  a deepening 
in  color  of  the  veins;  a much  paler  brown  cloud  near  outer  end  of  vein 
2nd  A in  cell  1st  A;  veins  yellow,  darkened  as  described.  Venation:  Sc  long, 
Sex  ending  nearly  opposite  two-thirds  the  length  of  Rs,  Scx  relatively  long; 
branches  of  Rs  parallel  for  most  of  their  lengths,  R3  thence  strongly  de- 
flected caudad,  cell  R4  at  margin  approximately  two-thirds  of  cell  R2;  distal 
section  of  vein  M1  + 2 arcuated  at  origin;  m-cu  more  than  one-half  its  length 
beyond  the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen  conspicuously  bicolored,  the  incisures,  especially  the  apices  of 
the  segments,  yellow,  the  remainder  broadly  dark  brown ; hypopygium  yellow, 
the  basistyles  chiefly  darkened.  Sternites  five  to  seven,  inclusive,  with  glan- 
dular pockets,  that  on  segment  five  largest  and  best  developed,  consisting 
of  a patch  of  microscopic  spinulae  interspersed  with  scattered  strong  setae; 
on  segments  six  and  seven,  the  setae  are  long  and  delicate,  in  more  or  less 
distinct  longitudinal  rows  on  either  side  of  the  broad  median  space.  Male 
hypopygium  with  the  appendage  of  basistyle  apical  in  positioh,  short,  broad- 
based,  with  slightly  less  than  the  outer  half  narrowed  into  a straight  black 
spine,  the  expanded  portion  with  setae;  mesal  flange  inconspicuous.  Outer 
dististyle  a simple  rod  that  is  about  twice  as  long  as  the  appendage  of 
basistyle,  gradually  narrowed  to  a short  acute  spine;  surface  of  style  with 
coarse  setae.  Inner  dististyle  with  the  outer  blade  or  beak  produced  into 
two  unequal  points,  the  outer  one  longest;  lobe  of  style  low,  with  three  or 
four  setae,  the  longest  apical.  Aedeagus  terminating  in  a stout  black  spine 
or  lobe,  oblique  in  position,  the  lower  margin  below  the  lobe  with  three  long 

Habitat. — Peru. 

Holotype,  Fundo  Sinchono,  Huanuco,  altitude  1500  meters, 
August  8,  1947  (Jose  M.  Schunke). 

The  present  fly  is  not  closely  allied  to  any  of  the  species  so 
far  described.  Superficially  it  suggests  forms  such  as  Teucho- 
labis  (T eucholabis)  mendax  Alexander,  differing  in  all  details 
of  body  coloration  and  in  the  structure  of  the  male  hypopygium. 

Teucholabis  (Teucholabis)  lineipleura  new  species. 

Mesonotum  brownish  yellow,  the  pleura  conspicuously  striped  with  black; 
rostrum  yellow;  femora  obscure  yellow,  the  tips  blackened;  wings  with  a 
strong  brownish  tinge,  the  prearcular  and  costal  fields  more  whitened ; 
branches  of  Rs  generally  parallel  to  one  another,  cell  R2  at  margin  being 
fully  three  times  as  extensive  as  cell  jS4;  male  hypopygium  with  the  append- 


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[Vol.  LVII 

age  of  basistyle  subapical  in  position,  a virtually  straight  spine  that  is 
fringed  with  conspicuous  yellow  setae;  outer  dististyle  a long  sinuous  simple 
rod  provided  with  strong  setae,  aedeagus  terminating  in  a curved  spine. 

Male. — Length  about  5.3— 5.5  mm. ; wing  5. 8-6.4  mm. 

Rostrum  yellow,  of  moderate  length,  approximately  one-half  the  remainder 
of  head;  palpi  brownish  black.  Antennae  black  throughout;  flagellar  seg- 
ments oval,  shorter  than  the  verticils.  Head  brownish  black,  opaque  by  a 
sparse  pruinosity. 

Cervical  region  and  pronotum  brownish  yellow.  Mesonotum  almost  uni- 
formly brownish  yellow,  the  praescutum  with  a median  black  stripe,  most 
distinct  on  cephalic  portion,  narrowed  or  obsolete  behind.  Pleura  with  two 
black  stripes,  the  long  dorsal  one  extending  from  the  propleura  through  the 
pleurotergite,  the  lower  stripe  occupying  the  ventral  sternopleurite ; inter- 
mediate region  of  pleura  with  a broad  longitudinal  yellow  stripe,  the  surface 
more  or  less  silvery,  especially  behind.  Halteres  infuscated.  Legs  with  the 
coxae  and  trochanters  yellow;  femora  obscure  yellow,  clearer  basally,  the  tips 
blackened,  broadly  and  gradually  so  on  the  fore  femora,  narrowly  on  the 
middle  and  posterior  legs;  fore  tibiae  and  tarsi  blackened;  posterior  tibiae 
obscure  yellow,  the  tips  blackened;  tarsi  black,  the  posterior  fourth  of  basi- 
tarsus  weakly  dilated.  Wings  with  a strong  brownish  tinge,  especially  on 
the  cells  beyond  the  cord ; prearcular  and  costal  fields  more  whitened ; stigma 
oval,  dark  brown;  veins  brown,  paler  brown  in  the  basal  part  of  wing.  Vena- 
tion: Sc  long,  Sc1  ending  about  opposite  two-thirds  to  three-fourths  Bs,  Sc2, 
at  near  one-third  the  length  of  this  vein;  B2  subequal  to  or  longer  than 
R2+3+4;  branches  of  Rs  parallel  to  one  another  for  virtually  their  whole 
length,  slightly  diverging  at  outer  ends,  cell  B2  from  three  to  three  and  one- 
half  times  as  extensive  as  cell  R4;  m-cu  about  one-third  its  length  beyond 
the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen,  including  hypopygium,  black,  the  proximal  sternites  a little 
paler.  Sternal  pocket  of  segment  five  concentrated  on  posterior  half  of  seg- 
ment, the  more  cephalic  part  comprised  of  a transverse  band  of  strong  setae,, 
directed  caudad  towards  a transversely  oval  concentrated  area  near  the  pos- 
terior border;  on  sternite  six  with  a longitudinal  row  of  about  18  strong 
setae  on  either  side,  with  a transverse  elongated  glandular  area  near  the 
posterior  border  of  segment.  Male  hypopygium  with  the  appendage  of  the 
basistyle  subapical,  on  the  mesal  face  opposite  the  smooth  mesal  flange,, 
appearing  as  a long  slender  spine,  subequal  in  length  to  the  basistyle,  virtu- 
ally straight,  the  apical  fourth  narrowed  into  a 'black  spine,  the  remainder- 
yellow  with  a lateral  fringe  of  yellow  setae.  Outer  dististyle  a long  sinuous 
rod,  narrowed  to  the  apical  spine,  the  entire  outer  surface  of  style  with  strong 
scattered  bristles.  Inner  dististyle  with  the  beak  terminating  in  two  strong 
unequal  spines;  lateral  lobe  terminating  in  a microscopic  point  that  is  sub- 
tended by  two  strong  bristles.  Aedeagus  flattened,  terminating  in  a curved 
black  spine,  before  apex  with  three  pairs  of  setae. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Alexander:  Tipulid2e 


Habitat. — Peru. 

Holotype,  Fundo  Sinchono,  Huanuco,  altitude  1500  meters, 
August  12,  1947  (Jose  M.  Schunke).  Paratopotypes,  3 

The  most  similar  species  is  T eucholalis  (T eucholabis)  spini- 
gera  Schiner,  which  differs  in  the  coloration  and  especially  in 
all  details  of  structure  of  the  male  hypopygium. 

Teucholabis  (Teucholabis)  perbasalis  new  species. 

General  coloration  light  brown,  the  pleura  yellow  with  a conspicuous 
brownish  black  longitudinal  stripe;  rostrum  black,  relatively  long;  head 
dark  brown;  femora  yellow,  the  tips  narrowly  blackened;  wings  subhyaline, 
the  small  oval  stigma  brown;  abdomen  bicolored,  brown,  the  apices  of  the 
segments  yellow;  male  hypopygium  with  the  appendage  of  basistyle  un- 
usually proximal  in  position;  outer  dististyle  with  the  main  blade  terminat- 
ing in  a single  point. 

Male. — Length  about  5.5  mm.;  wing  4. 6-4.8  mm. 

Rostrum  black,  unusually  long,  subequal  to  the  remainder  of  head;  palpi 
black.  Antennae  black  throughout;  flagellar  segments  oval,  verticils  long 
and  conspicuous.  Head  dark  brown  or  brownish  black. 

Cervical' region  dark  brown.  Pronotum  above  light  brown,  more  darkened 
on  sides.  Mesonotum  light  brown,  the  pretergites  yellow;  scutellum  some- 
what clearer  yellow.  Pleura  yellow  with  a conspicuous  brownish  black  longi- 
tudinal stripe  over  the  dorsal  sclerites.  Halteres  uniformly  brownish  black. 
Legs  with  the  coxae  and  trochanters  yellow;  femora  yellow,  the  tips  narrowly 
blackened,  the  amount  subequal  on  all  legs,  including  about  the  distal  eighth 
of  the  posterior  femora;  tibiae  obscure  yellow,  the  tips  more  narrowly  dark- 
ened; tarsi  black;  proximal  third  of  basitarsus  conspicuously  dilated.  Wings 
subhyaline,  the  small  oval  stigma  brown;  veins  brown,  more  brownish  yellow 
in  the  prearcular  field.  Venation:  Scx  ending  about  opposite  midlength  of 
Es,  Sc2  a short  distance  from  its  tip;  branches  of  Us  nearly  parallel  for 
most  of  their  length,  E5  thence  diverging  very  strongly  to  the  wing  tip,  cell 
E±  at  margin  a little  more  extensive  than  cell  E2‘,  m—cu  approximately  one- 
half  its  length  beyond  the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen  bicolored,  brown,  the  apices  of  the  segments  more  narrowly  yel- 
low; hypopygium  yellow.  Sternal  pockets  developed  on  segments  five  to 
seven,  inclusive;  on  sternite  five  near  posterior  border  with  a darkened  oval 
area,  with  further  more  scattered  rows  of  microscopic  papillae  but  without 
a well-defined  setal  pattern;  on  sternites  six  and  seven  with  relatively  few 
stout  setae  on  either  side  of  a wide  median  space.  Male  hypopygium  with 
the  appendage  of  basistyle  unusually  basal  in  position,  appearing  as  a long 
sinuous  rod  arising  just  beyond  base  of  mesal  face  of  style,  more  cephalad 
than  the  low  darkened  mesal  flange;  appendage  dilated  on  more  than  the 
basal  half,  provided  at  near  midlength  with  relatively  numerous  long  yellow 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

f Vol.  LVII 

setae,  the  apical  fourth  narrowed  into  a blackened  spine.  Outer  dististyle  a 
stout  simple  rod  with  strong  scattered  setae,  the  tip  obtuse  or  with  a very 
short  and  weak  spine.  Inner  dististyle  with  the  main  blade  or  beak  ter- 
minating in  a single  point;  lobe  of  style  with  four  apical  and  one  further 
more  basal  seta.  Aedeagus  stout,  apex  truncated,  the  lower  angle  produced 
laterad  into  a short  blackened  obtuse  point;  four  strong  setae  beyond  mid- 
length of  organ,  with  two  weaker  ones  just  back  of  tip.  Proctiger  with  un- 
usually long  coarse  setae. 

Habitat. — Peru. 

Holotype,  Pucallpa,  Loreto,  altitude  180  meters,  March  22, 
1947  (Jose  M.  Schunke).  Paratopotype,  J',  March  9,  1947. 

The  most  similar  species  include  Teucholabis  (T eucholabis) 
pleuralis  Alexander  and  T.  (T.)  lineipleura  new  species,  which 
likewise  have  the  thoracic  pleura  distinctly  striped.  The  pres- 
ent fly  differs  from  all  described  species  in  the  fauna  by  the  un- 
usually proximal  position  of  the  appendage  of  the  basistyle,  as 

Teucholabis  (Teucholabis)  hera  new  species. 

General  coloration  black,  the  scutellum  broadly  yellow;  fore  femora  black,, 
the  middle  and  hind  pairs  brownish  yellow  with  darkened  tips;  posterior 
tibia  with  a slight  swelling  before  tip ; wings  with  cells  before  cord  very 
weakly  darkened,  beyond  the  cord  more  strongly  so,  especially  the  outer 
fourth  of  wing;  male  hypopygium  with  the  appendage  of  basistyle  a slen- 
der spine;  outer  dististyle  distinctive,  long  and  slender,  the  tip  expanded 
into  an  elongate  pointed  head,  on  mesal  face  at  near  midlength  with  two 
unequal  spines ; aedeagus  a stout  straight  pale  rod,  the  apex  obtuse. 

Male. — Length  about  6.5  mm. ; wing  6.8  mm. 

Eostrum  black,  about  one-half  as  long  as  the  remainder  of  head;  palpi 
black.  Antennae  black;  flagellar  segments  oval,  the  more  proximal  ones 
somewhat  more  elongate.  Head  black. 

Pronotum  reddish  yellow;  pretergites  and  dorsopleural  membrane  clearer 
yellow.  Praescutum  and  scutum  polished  black,  the  median  region  of  latter 
and  adjoining  part  of  the  praescutum  obscure  yellow;  scutellum  extensively 
light  yellow,  very  narrowly  darkened  basally;  postnotum  black,  the  medio- 
tergite  sparsely  pruinose.  Pleura  black,  with  a paler  more  silvery  area  ex- 
tending from  above  the  midcoxa,  expanded  behind.  Halteres  with  stem 
infuscated,  knob  obscure  yellow.  Legs  with  the  fore  coxae  brown,  the  re- 
maining coxae  black;  trochanters  obscure  brownish  yellow,  darker  at  tips; 
fore  legs  black,  only  the  femoral  bases  narrowly  brightened;  middle  and 
hind  femora  brownish  yellow,  the  tips  brownish  black,  involving  about  the 
distal  fifth  or  sixth;  tarsi  black;  posterior  tibia  with  a slight  swelling  be- 
fore tip ; posterior  basitarsus  weakly  dilated  on  more  than  the  proximal  third. 
Wings  with  the  cells  before  cord  very  weakly  darkened,  beyond  the  cord 

Dec.,  1949] 

Alexander:  Tipulid.® 


more  strongly  so,  especially  the  outer  fourth  of  wing;  stigma  oval,  dark 
brown;  a very  narrow  and  ill-defined  darkening  over  the  anterior  cord; 
prearcular  cells  restrictedly  yellow;  veins  brown.  Venation:  Sc  relatively 
long,  Scr  ending  about  opposite  three-fifths  the  length  of  Rs;  R1  + 2 a trifle 
longer  than  R2\  branches  of  Rs  extending  nearly  parallel  to  one  another  for 
virtually  their  entire  lengths,  cell  _R4  only  a little  widened  at  margin ; m-cu 
shortly  beyond  the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen,  including  hypopygium,  black.  Sternal  pocket  of  segment  five 
triangular  in  outline,  the  point  directed  cephalad,  the  outer  setae  directed 
inward ; on  sternite  six  with  a row  of  about  a dozen  setae  on  either  side  of 
the  broad  median  area.  Male  hypopygium  with  the  spine  of  basistyle  sub- 
apical  in  position,  slender,  apparently  with  a smaller  point  at  base.  Outer 
dististyle  of  distinctive  form,  long  and  slender,  the  tip  expanded  into  an 
elongate  head,  the  extreme  apex  a spine;  on  mesal  face  at  near  midlength 
the  style  bears  two  unequal  spines  from  a common  base;  proximal  half  of 
style  dilated,  provided  with  unusually  long  coarse  setae,  the  outer  margin 
with  microscopic  serrulations.  Inner  dististyle  with  the  outer  blade  or  beak 
blackened,  its  apex  microscopically  roughened;  setiferous  lobe  small  and 
inconspicuous,  provided  with  about  three  setae.  Aedeagus  a stout  straight 
pale  rod,  the  apex  obtuse. 

Habitat. — Peru. 

IXolotype,  Utcuyacu,  Tarma,  Junin,  altitude  1600-3000 
meters,  February  10,  1945  (Felix  Woytkowski). 

The  only  generally  similar  described  species  is  Teucliolabis 
( Teuckolabis ) ducalis  Alexander,  which  has  the  male  hypo- 
pygium quite  different  in  all  details. 

Genus  Gonomyia  Meigen 

G-onomyia  (Progonomyia)  adela  new  species. 

General  coloration  of  mesonotum  gray,  the  praescutum  with  three  brown 
stripes;  antennae  black,  the  proximal  end  of  the  first  flagellar  segment  Avhit- 
ened;  thoracic  pleura  striped  with  black  and  yellow;  knob  of  halteres 
blackened ; legs  black ; wings  whitish  subhyaline,  with  a heavy  brown  pat- 
tern; Scx  ending  about  opposite  one-third  the  length  of  Rs. 

Female. — Length  about  6.8  mm.;  wing  7.5  mm. 

Rostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  relatively  long  for  the  female  sex  in 
this  subgenus,  black,  the  basal  fourth  of  the  first  flagellar  segment  white; 
flagellar  segments  long-oval,  a little  shorter  than  the  verticils.  Front  yel- 
low; posterior  portion  of  head  dark  gray,  the  anterior  vertex  extensively 
blackened,  relatively  broad,  nearly  four  times  the  diameter  of  scape. 

Pronotal  scutum  blackened  in  front,  light  brown  behind;  scutellum  and 
anterior  pretergites  whitened.  Mesonotal  praescutum  gray,  with  three  brown 
stripes  that  are  more  or  less  confluent  behind,  extended  laterad  along  the 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

suture;  pseudosutural  foveae  black,  humeral  region  yellow,  the  lateral  prae- 
scutal  border  more  obscure  yellow;  scutum  brownish  yellow,  the  lobes  varie- 
gated with  brown;  scutellum  reddish  brown,  parascutella  more  blackened; 
mediotergite  black,  the  lateral  borders  of  cephalic  half  conspicuously  light 
yellow ; pleurotergite  black  ventrally,  the  dorsal  half  testaceous  yellow. 
Pleura  striped  with  black  and  yellow,  the  conspicuous  black  dorsal  stripe 
extending  from  the  cervical  region  to  the  abdomen,  more  widened  behind; 
ventrad  of  this  a slightly  narrower  yellow  stripe,  beginning  behind  the  fore 
coxse,  passing  beneath  the  halteres;  ventral  sternopleurite  black,  pruinose. 
Halteres  with  stem  light  yellow,  knob  blackened.  Legs  with  the  coxae  brown- 
ish black,  the  tips  restrictedly  yellow,  the  surface  pruinose;  trochanters  and 
remainder  of  legs  black  throughout.  Wings  with  the  ground  color  whitish 
subhyaline,  with  an  unusually  heavy  brown  pattern,  as  follows : A postarcu- 
lar  area  in  bases  of  cells  B and  M ; a major  cloud  at  origin  of  Bs,  not  quite 
reaching  vein  M behind;  broad  seams  over  cord;  spots  at  outer  fork  of  M 
and  near  outer  ends  of  veins  Cu  and  2nd  A ; further  diffuse  clouds  or  washes 
in  cell  M and  in  centers  of  cells  1st  A and  2nd  A;  veins  dark  brown.  Vena- 
tion; Sct  ending  about  opposite  one-third  the  length  of  Bs,  Sc2  a short  dis- 
tance beyond  this  origin;  B3  + i present,  about  one-third  vein  B2  alone; 
veins  B3  and  B±  divergent,  nearly  straight;  outer  fork  of  M with  a spur 
backward  from  the  point  of  angulation  of  m and  outer  section  of  vein  M3 ; 
m—cu  just  before  or  close  to  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen  black,  the  pleural  membrane  yellow ; genital  shield  blackened. 

Habitat. — Peru. 

Holotype,  J,  Chinchao,  Huanuco,  on  wooded  bills,  altitude 
2500  meters,  September  20,  1947  (George  Woytkowski). 

Among  the  relatively  few  described  species  of  the  subgenus 
having  patterned  wings,  the  present  fly  is  closest  to  Gonomyia 
( Progonomyia ) paramoensis  Alexander  and  G.  (P.)  velutina 
Alexander,  especially  the  former.  It  differs  in  the  distinctive 
body  coloration  and  in  the  unusually  heavy  pattern  of  the  wings. 
The  Tropical  American  species  of  Gonomyia  have  been  listed  in 
a recent  paper  (Rev.  de  Ent.,  18:  83-99,  figs.  17-29;  1947). 

Gronomyia  (Lipophleps)  troilus  new  species. 

Belongs  to  the  manca  group ; rostrum  yellow ; general  coloration  of  meso- 
notum  light  brown;  thoracic  pleura  reddish  brown,  variegated  with  yellow; 
legs  brown;  wings  with  a dusky  tinge,  the  stigma  a trifle  darker;  male 
hypopygium  with  the  outer  angle  of  basistyle  produced  into  a stout  sinuous 
spine,  its  outer  third  setulif erous ; dististyle  single,  elongate;  sedeagus  elon- 
gate, very  slender,  at  apex  dilated  into  a small  blade. 

Male. — Length  about  3.2  mm.;  wing  3.8  mm. 

Rostrum  yellow;  palpi  dark  brown.  Antennse  black;  flagellar  verticils 
very  long.  Head  fulvous  orange,  vaguely  patterned  medially  behind  with 

Dec.,  1949] 

Alexander  : Tipulid^e 


Pronotum  and  pretergites  whitish  yellow.  Mesonotal  praescutum  almost 
uniformly  light  brown,  restrictedly  darkened  in  front;  seutal  lobes  light 
brown,  the  median  region  obscure  yellow;  scutellum  weakly  infuscated  at 
base,  the  posterior  border  obscure  yellow;  mediotergite  light  brown,  the 
sides,  with  the  pleurotergite,  whitish.  Pleura  reddish  brown,  the  propleura 
and  a ventral  stripe  from  behind  the  fore  coxae  yellow,  extended  backward 
to  the  base  of  abdomen.  Halteres  infuscated.  Legs  with,  the  coxae  testa- 
ceous, the  fore  pair  darker ; trochanters  testaceous ; remainder  of  legs  brown. 
Wings  with  a dusky  tinge,  the  stigma  a very  little  darker;  prearcular  and 
costal  fields  yellow;  veins  pale  brown.  Venation:  Sc1  ending  a distance 
before  origin  of  Bs  about  equal  to  three-fourths  the  length  of  the  latter; 
cell  1st  Mo  conspicuously  widened  at  outer  end;  m—cu  at  or  close  to  fork  of 

Abdomen  brown,  hypopygium  more  yellowed.  Male  hypopygium  with  the 
basistyle  relatively  small,  the  outer  apical  angle  produced  caudad  into  a long 
sinuous  spine  that  narrows  very  gradually  into  an  acute  blackened  point; 
outer  third  or  more  of  spine  with  abundant  microscopic  setulae.  Dististyle 
single,  subterminal  in  position,  a little  more  than  one-half  as  long  as  the 
spine  of  the  basistyle,  the  extreme  tip  slightly  pointed;  two  fasciculate  setae 
near  apex,  the  more  basal  one  stouter.  Aedeagus  elongate,  slender,  broad  at 
base,  the  apex  dilated  into  a small  blade. 

Habitat. — Pern. 

Holotype,  J1,  Utcuyacu,  Tarma,  Junin,  altitude  1600-3000 
meters,  February  11,  1947  (Felix  Woytkowski). 

The  most  similar  described  species  include  Gonomyia  ( Lipo - 
phleps)  orthomera  Alexander,  G (L.)  reyesi  Alexander,  and 
others,  all  of  which  differ  evidently  in  the  structure  of  the  male 

Gonomyia  (Lipophleps)  tersa  new  species. 

Belongs  to  the  manca  group;  pleura  pale  brown,  the  silvery  stripe  well 
indicated;  Scx  ending  opposite  or  immediately  beyond  the  origin  of  Bs}  Sc2 
removed  from  its  tip;  male  hypopygium  with  the  apical  lobe  of  basistyle 
nearly  equal  in  length  to  the  main  body  of  style,  provided  with  long  setae; 
dististyles  of  the  two  sides  asymmetrical,  one  with  two  blackened  points,  the 
other  with  three  such  points  or  spines;  phallosome  asymmetrical,  provided 
with  two  blackened  spines  and  other  projections. 

Male. — Length  about  3.5  mm.;  wing  3.7  mm. 

Rostrum  obscure  yellow;  palpi  black.  Antennae  black,  the  elongate  flagel- 
lar segments  provided  with  a dense  erect  pale  pubescence  of  unusual  length, 
additional  to  the  scattered  verticils.  Head  above  variegated  with  dark 
brown  and  obscure  yellow. 

Thorax  almost  uniformly  dark  plumbeous;  median  region  of  scutum  and 
the  scutellum  obscure  yfcllow,  the  latter  more  darkened  basally;  mediotergite 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

obscure  yellow,  restrictedly  darkened  on  posterior  portion;  pleurotergite 
obscure  yellow.  Pleura  pale  brown  with  a broad  more  silvery  gray  stripe 
that  widens  posteriorly.  Halteres  infuscated,  the  base  of  stem  restrictedly 
yellow.  Legs  with  coxae  and  trochanters  yellow;  remainder  of  legs  brown. 
Wings  with  a weak  brown  tinge,  the  prearcular  and  costal  fields  more  whit- 
ened; stigma  a little  darker  than  the  ground,  inconspicuous;  veins  brown. 
Venation:  Sc±.  ending  opposite  or  immediately  beyond  the  origin  of  Bs,  Sc2 
some  distance  from  its  tip,  Sc±  alone  subequal  to  m-cu ; branches  of  Bs  di- 
vergent, more  strongly  so  one  the  outer  half,  cell  B±  at  margin  approximately 
three  times  cell  B2 ; m-cu  shortly  before  the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen  dark  brown,  the  hypopygium  somewhat  paler.  Male  hypopygium 
with  the  apical  lobe  of  basistyle  nearly  as  long  as  the  main  body,  provided 
with  unusually  long  setae,  especially  on  the  outer  portion.  Dististyles  of  the 
two  sides  asymmetrical,  one  with  two  short  blackened  spines,  the  other  with 
an  additional  elongate  spine ; fasciculate  bristles  not  or  poorly  differentiated. 
Phallosome  asymmetrical,  with  two  blackened  spines,  the  longest  a curved 
sickle  from  an  enlarged  setuliferous  disk,  besides  the  blackened  point  with 
a slender  elongate  pale  rod;  main  body  of  phallosome  flattened,  the  trun- 
cated apex  at  lower  angle  produced  into  a simple  pale  spinous  point. 

Habitat. — Peru. 

Holotype,  J',  Pucallpa,  Loreto,  altitude  .180  meters,  March  16, 
1947  (Jose  M.  Schunke). 

There  are  rather  numerous  species  of  the  group  in  Tropical 
America  that  have  the  male  hypopygium  of  this  general  type, 
that  is,  with  an  elongate  fleshy  apical  lobe  on  the  basistyle  and 
with  the  phallosome  asymmetrical.  Such  forms  include  Gono- 
myia  {Lipophleps)  anduzeana  Alexander,  G.  ( L .)  dotata  Alex- 
ander, G.  (L.)  lustralis  Alexander,  G.  ( L .)  macs waini  Alexander, 
G.  ( L .)  petronis  Alexander,  G.  (L.)  philomela  Alexander,  G. 
(L.)  ramus  Alexander,  and  others,  all  differing  among  them- 
selves in  the  structure  of  the  male  hypopygium.  G.  (L.)  car- 
rerai  Alexander  falls  in  a different  subgroup  but  has  the  disti- 
styles on  the  two  sides  of  the  hypopygium  even  more  dissimilar 
than  is  the  case  in  the  various  forms  so  far  described.  Of  the 
species  above  listed,  some  have  symmetrical  dististyles  while 
others  have  these  modified  and  differing  from  one  another  in 
various  degrees. 

Gonomyia  (Lipophleps)  vehemens  new  species. 

Belongs  to  the  manca  group ; general  coloration  of  thorax  medium  brown, 
the  pleura  more  reddish  brown  with  a poorly  indicated  pale  longitudinal 
stripe;  male  hypopygium  with  the  outer  apical  angle  of  basistyle  produced 

Dec.,  1949] 

Alexander:  Tipulidje  - 


caudad  into  a long  fleshy  lobe;  dististyles  of  the  two  sides  symmetrical, 
bilobed,  the  outer  lobe  a blackened  spine;  phallosome  consisting  of  blades 
and  spinous  points  from  a bell-shaped  base. 

Male. — Length  about  3.5  mm.;  wing  4.2  mm. 

Bostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  black,  relatively  long,  if  bent  back- 
ward extending  approximately  to  the  wing  root;  more  proximal  flagellar 
segments  elongate,  the  four  outer  ones  short;  verticils  of  the  elongate  seg- 
ments of  unusual  length.  Head  above  obscure  orange  to  yellow,  the  pos- 
terior vertex  extensively  gray. 

Pronotum  and  pretergites  pale  yellowish  white.  Mesonotal  prsescutum  and 
scutal  lobes  medium  brown;  median  region  of  scutum,  posterior  ends  of 
scutal  lobes  and  the  broad  posterior  border  of  the  scutellum  obscure  yellow; 
mediotergite  weakly  darkened.  Pleura  pale  reddish  brown  with  a poorly 
indicated  longitudinal  pale  stripe.  Halteres  infuscated.  Legs  with  the 
coxae  pale  reddish  brown;  trochanters  obscure  yellow;  remainder  of  legs 
dark  b’rown.  Wings  with  a brownish  tinge,  the  stigma  barely  darker;  pre- 
arcular  and  costal  fields  pale  yellow;  veins  brown,  those  in  the  yellow  fields 
paler.  Venation:  Sct  endng  opposite  origin  of  Bs,  Scx  subequal  in  length 
to  vein  m;  Bs  nearly  as  long  as  its  anterior  branch;  m-cu  a short  distance 
before  the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen  brown;  hypopygium  brownish  yellow.  Male  hypopygium  with 
the  outer  apical  angle  of  basistyle  produced  caudad  into  a stout  fleshy  lobe 
that  is  subequal  in  length  to  the  remainder  of  style;  lobe  obtuse,  provided 
with  relatively  few  but  very  long  stout  setae.  Dististyles  of  the  two  sides 
symmetrical,  conspicuously  bilobed,  the  outer  lobe  a blackened  spine,  the 
subequal  inner  lobe  a little  broader,  its  tip  narrowly  blackened,  obtuse,  and 
provided  with  microscopic  setulae;  face  of  inner  lobe  with  several  strong 
erect  setae;  a single  fasciculate  bristle  before  the  blackened  tip.  Phallosome 
large,  from  a bell-shaped  or  calyx-like  base,  produced  into  two  flattened, 
slightly  divergent  blades,  with  a shorter  heavily  blackened  bispinous  struc- 
ture at  their  base ; an  additional  more  slender  pale  rod  arising  from  the  apex 
of  the  calyx. 

Habitat. — Peru. 

Holotype,  J1,  Utcuyacu,  Tarma,  Junin,  altitude  1600-3000 
meters,  February,  9,  1948  (Felix  Woytkowski). 

The  present  fly  is  most  similar  to  species  such  as  Gonomyia 
( Lipophleps ) vindex  Alexander,  differing  from  this  and  all  other 
regional  members  of  the  subgenus  in  the  structure  of  the  male 


New  York  Entomological  Society. 

[Vol.  LYII 

Sir  John  Maundevile’s  Ants 

Sir  John  Maundevile  ’s  “Boke  of  Trauels,  ” which  was  popular 
during  the  fourteenth  and  fifteenth  centuries  contains  some  amaz- 
ing statements  about  remote  kingdoms,  giants,  pygmies,  animals 
and  people,  and  hundreds  of  editions  and  versions  have  appeared 
in  various  languages.  According  to  Maundevile,  on  the  island  of 
Taprobane,  toward  the  eastern  part  of  Prester  John’s  Land,  there 
were  hills  of  gold  kept  by  ants  as  large  as  hounds.  These  ants 
refined  the  gold  and  devoured  people  who  came  to  the  hills.  How- 
ever some  men  outwitted  these  giant  ants.  When  the  weather  was 
hot  and  when  the  ants  were  resting  in  the  earth  the  country  folk 
would  take  camels,  horses  and  other  beasts  and  carry  off  the  gold 
while  the  ants  were  in  the  earth.  At  other  times  when  the 
weather  was  not  hot  and  when  the  ants  were  abroad,  some  people 
would  load  mares  with  wide-mouthed,  empty,  low-hanging  vessels, 
and  send  them  forth  to  pasture  in  the  fields.  When  the  ants  saw 
the  vessels,  their  instinct  being  to  allow  nothing  to  remain  empty, 
they  would  fill  them  up  with  anything  nearby  and  in  this  case  it 
was  gold.  The  ants  would  tolerate  all  animals  except  man. 
Some  scholars  claim  that  Maundevile  never  existed,  or  that  if  he 
did,  he  was  a collossal  borrower  and  liar.  Others  believe  that 
his  book  was  a compilation  by  a physician  of  Liege  named  Jehan 
de  Bourgogne  who  borrowed  freely  from  the  works  of  early 
geographers  and  added  the  results  of  his  imagination. — H.  B.  W. 

Db<\,  1949] 

Goding:  Membracid^ 



By  Frederic  W.  Goding 

(Continued  from  Vol.  LVII,  p.  192) 

14(13).  Indigo  black,  no  median  carina  on  metopidium,  suprahumerals  sub- 
straight,  posterior  process  impinging  upon  seutellum;  tegmina 
almost  colorless,  base,  costal  and  radial  cells,  and  apical  area 
piceus ; 8-8.5  x 6-6.5  mm obesus 

15(12).  Suprahumerals  broad,  sides  parallel,  tips  obtuse  almost  roundly 
truncate;  pronotum  bluish  black. 

16(17).  Tips  of  suprahumerals  slightly  curved,  upwardly  and  recurved; 

tegmina  pale  yellow,  base  and  costal  cell  black,  apical  area 
bronze  brown  ; 10  x 7 mm.  perarmatus 

17(16).  Tips  of  suprahumerals  straight  or  slightly  decurved;  tegmina  lurid, 
base  and  costal  margin  piceous,  apical  margin  partly  colorless, 
tarsi  ferruginous ; 8 x 5.5  mm.  malleolus 

18(11).  Black,  strongly  bulbously  elevated,  seen  from  front  broadened 
upwardly,  inferior  margin  of  suprahumerals  distant  from  eyes 
tips  acute,  posterior  process  not  touching  tegmina ; tegmina 
smoky  hyaline,  base  black,  costal  and  apical  areas  reddish 
bordered  with  brown;  10x7.2  mm.  bulbifer 

List  of  Species 

bakeri  Funkhouser,  Phil.  Jour.  Sci.  x,  p.  381,  pi.  1,  fig.  7.  (1915).  Iligan, 
Mindanao,  Philippines. 

occidentalis  Goding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  27.  (1903).  Swan  R.,  West 


ansatus  Bucktoii,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  239,  pi.  54,  fig.  7.  (1903).  Mt.  Alex- 

ander, New  Guinea. 

Tyicornis  Funkhouser,  Rec.  Aust.  Mus.  xv,  p.  305,  pi.  26,  figs.  1,  2.  (1927). 
Elanagora,  Koitaki,  British  New  Guinea. 

rugosus  Funkhouser,  Phil.  Jour.  Sci.  xxxiii,  p.  Ill,  pi.  2,  figs.  7,  8.  (1927). 
Sibuyan  Is.,  Philippines. 

globosus  Funkhouser,  Phil.  Jour.  Sci.  xviii,  p.  683,  pi.  1,  figs.  5,  6.  (1921). 
Dapitan,  Mindanao,  Philippines. 

agnatus  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xvii,  p.  319.  (1916).  Chantaboun,  Siam. 

obesus  Fairmaire,  Rev.  Memb.  p.  518.  (1846).  Java. 

malleator  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  612.  (1851).  Java. 
malleus  Walker,  List*  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  613.  (1851);  Distant,  Faun. 

Brit.  Ind.  iv,  p.  37,  fig.  29.  (1908)  ; Funkhouser,  Biol.  Memb. 

pi.  34,  fig.  12.  (1917).  Kalutara,  Ceylon;  Castle  Rock,  N. 

Kanara,  Bombay,  India. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 

tumescens  Buckton,  Mon.  Memb.  p.  256,  pi.  59,  fig.  6.  (1903).  Sam- 
arang,  Java. 

perarmatus  Distant,  Fann.  Brit.  Ind.  vi,  App.  p.  156,  fig.  114.  (1916). 

Trichur,  Cochin  State,  British  India. 

malleolus  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  614.  (1851).  Java. 

bulbifer  Funkhouser,  Bui.  Brook.  Ent.  Soc.  xxii,  p.  106,  pi.  6,  figs.  1-3. 
(1927).  Lubuksikaping,  Sumatra. 


Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  43.  (1916)  ; Acanthuchus  Kirkaldy, 

Kept.  Exp.  Sta.  Haw.  S.  P.  Assoc.  Bui.  Ill,  p.  89.  (1907),  part. 

Key  to  Species 

1(6).  Suprahumerals  horizontal,  very  short. 

2(5).  Tegmina  pale  yellow  hyaline,  base,  costal  and  radial  cells  darker. 

3(4).  Brown,  head,  body,  base  of  metopidium,  median  carina,  and  apex 
of  posterior  process  black,  the  latter  tectiform  from  middle  of 
pronotal  disk  and  slightly  shorter  than  tegmina;  ocelli  nearer  to 
eyes ; 3-5  x 1.2  mm minutus 

4(3).  Entirely  fuscous,  posterior  process  long  as  tegmina;  ocelli  equidis- 
tant ; 4x2  mm.  interpositus 

5(2).  Tegmina  bronze  subhyaline,  apical  third  pale  brown,  apical  margin 
purplish  brown ; piceous,  legs  pale  ochraceous,  tips  suprahumerals 
acute,  posterior  process  shorter  than  tegmina ; ocelli  equidistant : 
5-6  x 3 mm festivus 

6(1).  Suprahumerals  moderately  oblique,  some  longer,  posterior  process 
long  as  tegmina;  reddish  piceous,  legs  yellow  ferruginous;  teg- 
mina ferruginous ; ocelli  slightly  nearer  to  eyes ; 5-6  mm iasis 

List  of  Species 

minutus  Coding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  28.  (1903).  Mosman’s  Bay, 
Clarence  R.,  Tamworth,  N.  S.  W. ; South  Australia. 

euryone  Kirkaldy,  Rept.  Exp.  Sta.  Haw.  S.  P.  Assoc.  Bui.  Ill,  p.  90. 
(1907).  N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 

eurynomus  Kirkaldy,  ibid.  p.  91.  (1907).  Bundaberg,  Queensland, 


bispinus  Kirkaldy,  ibid.  p.  91.  (1907).  Cairns,  Brisbane,  Queensland, 

interpositus  Buckton,  ($),  Mon.  Memb.  p.  231,  pi.  52,  fig.  la.  (1903). 
Adelaide,  S.  Australia. 

festivus  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  43.  (1916).  Queensland, 

interpositus  Buckton,  ($),  Mon.  Memb.  p.  231,  pi.  52,  fig.  1.  (1903). 
Adelaide,  S.  Australia. 

iasis  Kirkaldy,  Rept.  Exp.  Sta.  Haw.  S.  P.  Assoc.  Bui.  Ill,  p.  90.  (1907). 
Kuranda,  Cairns,  Queensland,  Australia. 

Dec.,  1949] 

Goding:  Membracid^e 



Stal,  Hemip.  Afric.  iv,  p.  87.  (1866) ; Acanthusus  Distant,  Ann.  Mag. 

N.  H.  xviii,  p.  27.  (1916). 

Key  to  Species 

1(8).  Suprahumerals  directed  more  or  less  forward  and  oblique. 

2(7).  Posterior  process  shorter  than  tegmina;  suprahumerals  slightly 
inclined  forward. 

3(6).  Posterior  process  straight  apical  half  strongly  decurved;  not 

4(5).  Greenish  brown,  rugose;  suprahumerals  straight,  median  carina 
foliaceous  behind  them,  posterior  process  nearly  long  as  tegmina; 
tegmina  vinaceous  hyaline,  base  and  costal  area  yellow,  opaque; 
5.4  x 3 mm carinatus 

5(4).  Ferruginous,  legs  yellow;  suprahumerals  lightly  recurved, 
median  carina  angulate  behind  them,  posterior  process  slightly 
longer  than  clavus;  tegmina  sordid  hyaline,  base,  costa  and 
apical  spot  ferruginous;  5x2.5  mm.  conspurcatus 

6(3).  Posterior  process  strongly  sinuate,  almost  long  as  tegmina,  middle 
of  dorsum  bright  yellow,  apical  third  piceous  brown,  decurved ; 
ferruginous,  suprahumerals  piceous  brown,  tips  depressed;  teg- 
mina pale  vinaceous  hyaline,  broad  base  and  costal  margin 
opaque  dark  ferruginous;  5x2.5  mm.  flavidorsus 

7(2).  Head  broader  than  long,  strongly  recurved  below  the  eyes,  base 
arched,  brown,  finely  punctate;  eyes  pale  yellow,  globular,  very 
prominent;  ocelli  vitreous,  slightly  nearer  to  and  just  above 
a line  through  center  of  eyes ; margins  of  genae  sinuate,  small 
lobule  each  side  of  clypeus  which  is  long,  narrow,  tip  rounded, 
well  extended  beneath.  Pronotum  piceous  brown,  finely  punctate, 
not  pubescent,  median  carina  strongly  percurrent;  metopidium 
vertical ; humerals  large,  prominent ; suprahumerals  medium, 
triearinate,  flat,  obliquely  porrect,  compressed,  base  broad, 
gradually  acuminate,  tips  curved  outwardly,  transversely  carinate, 
acute;  posterior  process  slender,  unicarinate,  impinging  upon 
the  scutellum,  a slight  rounded  dorsal  node  at  base,  straight, 
apical  third  testaceous,  strongly  decurved,  longer  than  tegmina. 
Sides  of  scutellum  exposed.  Tegmina  two  and  a half  times 
longer  than  broad,  finely  wrinkled,  vinaceous  subhyaline,  basal 
third  and  costal  area  dark  brown,  opaque,  punctate,  two  un- 
equal discoidal  and  five  apical  cells  their  veins  oblique,  apical 
angle  acute ; clavus  slightly  narrowed  to  obtuse  apex,  two  veins 
the  exterior  vein  curved  to  inner  margin  behind  middle.  Wings 
with  four  apical  cells.  Sides  of  chest  and  abdomen  beneath 
densely  white  tomentose,  legs  simple,  tibiae  and  tarsi  yellow. 
Type,  female;  long.  6,  lat.  int.  sum.  corn.  3 mm.  ( Tepper ). 
Coll.  F.  W.  G.  proclivus,  new  species 


New  York  Entomological  Society 
















Suprahumerals  transversely  oblique  or  subliorizontal,  not  in- 
clined forward. 

Suprahumerals  oblique,  posterior  process  reaching  or  passing 
apex  of  clavus. 

Dorsum  of  pronotum  with  one  elevation  on  median  carina, 
erect,  angular  or  foliaceous,  just  behind  suprahumerals. 

Suprahumerals  long  as  the  intervening  space. 

Dorsal  crest  triangular,  size  variable,  base  broad  as  high,  supra- 
humerals recurved;  pubescent,  legs  ferruginous. 

Yellow  brown;  ocelli  near  eyes;  dorsal  very  large,  much  higher 
than  tips  of  suprahumerals,  gradually  passing  into  the  pos- 
terior process,  the  latter  thick,  heavy,  tip  lightly  decurved; 
tegmina  hyaline,  base  opaque  brown;  7x4  mm.  pyramidatus 

Black;  ocelli  equidistant;  dorsal  crest  very  small,  high  as  tips  of 
suprahumerals,  posterior  process  straight,  slender,  thickest  at 
middle,  tip  lightly  elevated;  tegmina  smoky  hyaline,  extreme 
base  opaque ; 7.5  x 3.5  mm minutispinus 

Dorsal  crest  moderately  long,  slender,  erect,  tips  suprahumerals 
decurved,  posterior  process  distinctly  sinuate,  apical  area  de- 
curved; pronotum  ferruginous;  tegmina  hyaline,  base  and  tips 
ferruginous;  5.5  x 2.5  mm.  gracilispinus 

Suprahumerals  less  than  half  as  long  as  the  intervening  space, 
dorsal  crest  a very  small  foliaceous  elevation  of  median  carina, 
posterior  process  slightly  separated  from  the  scutellum,  strongly 
sinuate,  apical  are  decurved ; ocelli  nearer  to  eyes ; reddish 
brown,  distal  half  of  tibiae  whitish  yellow;  tegmina  hyaline, 
basal  third,  irregular  transverse  fascia  beyond  middle  and  apical 
angle  brown ; 6x2  mm brevicornis,  new  species 

Dorsum  of  posterior  process  with  two  high  acute  erect  spines,  one 
behind  suprahumerals,  another  at  middle;  ferruginous,  tips  of 
suprahumerals  black,  abdomen  reddish  or  yellowish ; tegmina 
pale  tawny ; 6 x 4 mm rufiventris 

Suprahumerals  subhorizontal,  median  carina  with  one  elevation, 
foliaceous,  angulate  or  produced  in  a spine  just  behind  bases 
of  suprahumerals. 

Posterior  process  almost  as  long  as  tegmina,  dorsum  gibbously 
elevated  in  a rather  large  compressed  crest-,  basal  area  concave, 
apical  half  convex;  suprahumerals  long  as  the  intervening  space; 
ocelli  equidistant. 

Piceous,  thickly  pilose ; suprahumerals  with  tips  recurved ; tegmina 
bronze,  base  and  costal  area  piceous,  pilose;  3.5-4  x 2.5-3  mm. 


Reddish  ochraceous,  posterior  process  nearly  to  tip  testaceous, 
tibiae  and  tarsi  stramineous,  median  carina  in  front  and  mar- 
gins suprahumerals  black ; tegmina  bronze  brown,  subapical 

Dec.,  1949] 

Goding:  Membracid.® 


costal  spot  and  larger  apical  spot  stramineous ; 4 x 2.5  mm. 


22(19).  Apex  of  posterior  process  reaching  or  slightly  passing  apex  of 
clavus,  much  shorter  than  tegmina,  veins  to  apical  cells  irreg- 
ularly curved. 

23(26).  Dorsal  crest  a slightly  foliaceous  or  angular  elevation  of  the 
median  carina,  not  produced  in  a spine;  suprahumerals  very 

24(25).  Median  carina  elevated  behind  suprahumerals  in  a slight  folia- 
ceous crest,  posterior  process  slightly  sinuate;  4.5-5  x 2.5-3  mm. 


25(24).  Median  carina  elevated  behind  suprahumerals  in  a small  obtuse 
angle,  posterior  process  strongly  sinuate;  piceous  brown,  yellow 
pubescent;  ocelli  near  base  and  nearer  to  eyes;  exterior  discoidal 
cell  almost  touching  costa;  3.5-4  x 1-1.5  mm kershawi 

26(23).  Dorsal  crest  elevated  in  a strong  acute  spine;  tips  of  suprahumerals 
recurved,  lightly  depressed,  posterior  process  strongly  sinuate ; 
tegmina  hyaline,  base  ferruginous ; ferruginous  brown ; 6x3 
mm trispinifer 

List  of  Species 

carinatus  Funkhouser,  Rec.  Aust.  Mus.  xv,  p.  311,  pi.  26,  fig.  15.  (1927). 
South  Australia. 

conspurcatus  Stal,  Bid.  Memb.  K.  p.  288.  (1869).  West  Australia; 

Tweed  R.,  Blue  Mts.,  N.  S.  W. ; Mt.  Wellington,  Huon  R.,  Tas- 
mania ; Victoria ; South  Australia. 

flavidorsus  Goding,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.  xxxiv,  p.  244.  (1926).  Tweed 

R. ,  N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 

proclivus  Goding,  in  this  paper,  supra,  new  species.  South  Australia. 

pyramidatus  Funkhouser,  Rec.  Aust.  Mus.  xv,  p.  310,  pi.  26,  figs.  13,  14. 
(1927).  Wedge  Bay,  Tasmania. 

minutispinus  Funkhouser,  Rec.  Ind.  Mus.  xxiv,  p.  323,  pi.  10,  fig.  1. 
(1922).  Sureil,  Darjiling,  E.  Himalayas,  India. 

gracilispinus  Stal,  Bid.  Memb.  K.  p.  289.  (1869).  Victoria;  Tweed  R., 

Clarence  R.,  N.  S.  W. ; North  Australia;  South  Australia;  Bun- 
bury,  W.  Australia. 

brevicornis  Goding,  in  this  paper,  supra,  new  species.  Bruni  Is.,  Tasmania. 
trispinifer  Goding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  15.  (1903),  part.  Bruni  Is., 

rufiventris  Walker,  List  Horn.  B.  M.  p.  616.  (1851).;  Goding,  Mon.  Aust. 

Memb.  p.  14,  pi.  1,  fig.  13.  (1903).  Morton  Bay,  Queensland; 

S.  Australia. 

nivialis  Distant,  Ann.  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  28.  (1916).  Kuranda,  Bris- 

bane, Queensland,  Australia. 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

t V ol.  LVII 

festivus  Distant,  Ann,  Mag.  N.  H.  xviii,  p.  28.  (1916).  Queensland, 


bispinus  Stal,  Bid.  Memb.  K.  p.  288.  (1869).  Homebush,  Sydney,  Tweed 
R.,  Clermont,  Maitland,  Mittagong,  Richmond  R.,  N.  S.  W. ; Ger- 
aldton,  Pinjarran,  Swan  R.,  W.  Australia;  Largs  Bay,  N.  Meck- 
lenburg, S.  Australia;  Victoria;  Tasmania. 
obtusus  Kirkaldy,  Rept.  Exp.  Sta.  Haw.  S.  P.  Assoc,  ix,  p.  377.  (1906). 
Sydney,  N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 

kershawi  Goding,  Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  17.  (1903).  Thornleigh,  Blue 

Mts.,  N.  S.  W.,  Australia. 

dromedarius  Kirkaldy,  Rept.  Exp.  Sta.  Haw.  S.  P.  Assoc,  iv,  p.  377. 
(1906).  Cairns,  Brisbane,  Queensland,  Australia. 

trispinifer  Fairmaire,  Rev.  Memb.  p.  515,  pi.  7,  fig.  35.  (1846);  Goding, 
Mon.  Aust.  Memb.  p.  15,  pi.  1,  fig.  7.  (1903),  part;  Buckton, 

Mon.  Memb.  p.  250,  pi.  57,  fig.  2.  (1903).  New  Holland;  Huon 
R.,  Hobart,  Mt.  Wellington,  Tasmania;  Tweed  R.,  Gloucester, 
N.  S.  W.;  Victoria;  S.  Australia. 


Stal,  Hemip.  Afric.  iv,  p.  88.  (1866). 

Key  to  Species 

1(6).  Posterior  process  as  long  or  almost  as  long  as  tegmina,  the  latter 
vinaceous  hyaline. 

2(5).  Costal  area  of  tegmina  concolorous  hyaline;  tips  of  suprahumerals 
acute,  recurved. 

3(4).  Posterior  process  long  as  tegmina,  substraight,  apical  half  abruptly 
narrowed,  decurved;  piceous  black,  legs  ferruginous,  tarsi  piceous; 
female  with  brown  spot  near  apex  of  clavus ; 6-7  x 4-3  mm. 


4(3).  Posterior  process  shorter  than  tegmina,  gradually  acuminate  from 
base,  suprahumerals  more  slender  and  longer;  entirely,  castaneous; 
8 x 4.5  mm.  castaneeus 

5(2).  Tegmina  subhyaline  base  and  basal  half  of  costal  and  radial  cells 
black ; tips  suprahumerals  recurved,  obtuse,  posterior  process  a 
little  shorter  than  tegmina ; black,  legs  piceous ; 6x3  mm. 


6(1).  Posterior  process  extended  to  or  slightly  beyond  apex  of  clavus, 
much  shorter  than  tegmina,  apical  half  abruptly  slender,  decurved. 

7(8).  Base  of  posterior  process  straight;  black,  legs  ferruginous;  tegmina 

cinerous  vitreous,  base  piceous ; 7x3  mm.  obstans 

8(7).  Base  of  posterior  process  slightly  convex  above  scutellum;  black, 
legs  yellowish;  tegmina  vitreous;  8x4.75  mm.  hospes 

(to  be  continued) 


Generic  names  begin  with  capital  letters.  New  genera,  subgenera,  spe 
cies,  varieties  and  new  names  are  printed  in  italics. 


bispinus,  271 
brevicornis,  270 
carinatus,  269 
conspurcatus,  269 
festivus,  271 
flavidorsus,  269 
gracilispinus,  270 

Ants,  European,  experiments  on 
colony  foundation  of,  101 
Archimestra,  73 
nasatum,  143 
vulgare,  143 
Army  ant  behavior,  214 

kershawi,  271 
key  to  species,  269 
minutispinus,  270 
nivialis,  270 
proclivus,  269 
pyramidatus,  270 
rufiventris,  270 
trispinifer,  271 

squamipennis,  235 

aegypti,  236 
alleni,  features  of,  93 
angustivittatus,  237 
fulvus,  237 
serratus,  237 
taeniorhynchus,  238 


popillae,  79 

dubitans,  146 
fusicrum,  145 
lampros,  145 
substrictum,  145 
Biblis,  76 
ursina,  133 

rugosostriatus,  159 
sulcatus,  159 

anchorago,  courtship  of,  135 
Byblia,  71 

terrens,  236 

fossigerum,  152 

anthobia,  149 
familiaris,  150 
irnpuncticollis,  149 
obesa,  149 
jacobina,  149 

binotatus,  153 
californicus,  153 

annulipes,  159 

Cabbage  worms,  conjured,  252 

fuscipes,  151 

maihildeae,  178 

granulatus,  143 
nemoralis,  144 

godingi,  186 
key  to  species,  186 
paria,  186 
tenuis,  186 
transiens,  186 



New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LVII 


contractus,  191 
key  to  species,  191 
rubridorsatum,  191 
succisus,  191 
tasmaniae,  191 
vitta,  191 

agassizii,  160 
Champion,  Gr.  C.,  1 

tricolor,  152 

aberrans,  227 

amcena,  228 

difficilis,  134 
nugatoria,  133 

subversa,  133 
Coceinellidae,  Oregon,  133 
Coleoptera  in  Pacific  Northwest 
greenhouses,  list  of,  143 
Collections,  insect,  in  Dundas 
Marsh,  225 

Color  discrimination  by  Eristalis 
tenax,  140 

stebbingi,  142 

Courtship  of  Brenthis  anehorago,  135 

festivus,  268 
iasis,  268 
interpositus,  268 
key  to  species,  268 
minutus,  268 
Culicidae,  Panama,  233 

convexus,  142 

Dermaptera  in  Pacific  Northwest 
greenhouses,  159 

caudata,  228 


obscurella,  228 

subtilis,  226 

dorsalis,  158 

Drosophia  in  New  England,  117 


bilineata,  228 

key  to  species,  190 
merinjakensis,  190 

nunemacheri,  159 

rufa,  2'29,  230 

agnatus,  192 
ansatus,  192 
bakeri,  192 
bulbifer,  267 
globosus,  192 
key  to  species,  192,  267 
malleolus,  267 
obesus,  267 
occidentalis,  192 
perarmatus,  267 
rugosus,  192 

mitliras,  253 
Ergolis,  69 

cana,  227 

Eristalis  tenax,  color  discrimination 
by,  140 

falcata,  185 
key  to  species,  185 
leae,  185 
Eurytela,  71 

Fauna  of  Pacific  Northwest  green- 
houses, 141 

auricularia,  160 

Dec.,  1949] 





rufibarbis,  104 


pratensis,  105 
rufa,  105 
sanguinea,  106 

Gastropoda  in  Pacific  Northwest 
greenhouses,  160 

australensis,  188 
key  to  species,  188 
nobilis,  188 
queenslandensis,  188 

adela,  261 
tersa,  263 
troilus,  262 
vehemens,  264 

Grasshopper,  Pre-Columbian  Aztec, 

Greenhouse  fauna  of  Pacific  North- 
west, 141 

Guatemala,  insect  collecting  in,  1 

hamatus,  154 


argyromeris,  239 
chalcospilans,  239 
equinus,  240 
lucifer,  240 

amputatus,  152 
caliginosus,  152 
cautus,  153 
fraternus,  153 
pennsylvanicus,  152 

rufitibia,  230 

humulinus,  226 

Hemolymph,  chloride  ion  in,  215 
Hemolymph  of  Japanese  beetle 
grubs,  79 

House  flies,  activities  of,  203 



seapularis,  228 

cinerosa,  59 
delicata,  55 
filicis,  56 
flavipennis,  60 
gleniensis,  61 
key  to  species,  53 
proboscidalis,  62 
pusillans,  57 
spinosissima,  62 
stratifrons,  58 

montanica,  133 

Insect  collecting  in  Guatemala,  1 
Insect  collection,  early  New  Jersey, 

Insect  motif  in  grass  paperweights, 

Insects  of  Dundas  Marsh,  225 
Insects,  greenhouse,  list  of,  in  Pa- 
cific Northwest,  141 
‘Insects  and  slang,  140 
Isopoda  in  Pacific  Northwest  green- 
houses, list  of,  141 

Japanese  beetle,  effect  of  summer 
rainfall  on,  167 

Japanese  beetle  larvae,  induced  hem- 
orrhage in,  79 

Laringa,  70 

jacobina,  154 

mirabilis,  229 
wheeleri,  229 

asullepta,  250 
durhami,  249 

albitarsus,  230 


New  York  Entomological  Society 

[Vol.  LV1I 


complanatus,  152 

key  to  species,  187 
regalis,  187 
spinicornis,  187 


fasciolatus,  234 
nigricans,  234 
titillans,  233 

schoenherri,  229 

Membracidse,  Old  World,  183,  267 


structor,  101 
Mestra,  74 
• picirostris,  113 

posticus,  226 

Milkweed  bug,  liemolymph  of,  215 

punctata,  227 


hydrophiloides,  154 

vallicularia,  225 
Neptidopsis,  72 

niger,  133 

sylvaticus,  144 

odorata,  228 

Nymph  alidse,  genera  of,  67 


vertebrata,  227 

fasciatus,  215 

asellus,  142 

Oregon  Coccinellidse,  133 

fuscipes,  235 

Orthoptera  in  Pacific  Northwest 
greenhouses,  160 

acuticornis,  188 
albidus,  189 
australis,  189 
brevivitta,  189 
brunneus,  190 
contractus,  188 
intermedius,  189 
key  to  species,  188 
pallipes,  189 
piceus,  189 
pubescens,  189 
semilucidus,  189 
solomonensis,  188 
spicatus,  189 
strigatus,  189 
subflavipes,  190 

albomaculatus,  184 
albosignatus,  183 
ammon,  184 
badius,  183 
brevieornis,  184 
campbelli,  184 
eavendus,  183 
doddi,  183 
elongatus,  183 
invarius,  183 
karenianus,  184 
key  to  species,  183 
midas,  184 
mimicus,  184 
oneratus,  183 
rufescens,  184 
transversus,  184 

draparnaldi,  160 

Panama  Culicines,  233 

truncatus,  228 

Dec.,  1949] 




fuscipennis,  155 
hepaticus,  156 
nigritulus,  156 
sordidus,  156 

muscorum,  142 

alcoolaria,  35 
kempii,  37 
fervidaria,  33 

arrogaria,  34 
kuetzingi,  24 
phlogosaria,  28 

approximaria,  32 
intermedia,  31 
iris,  31 

keutzingaria,  30 
purpuraria,  26 

schuylkillensis,  27 
revision  of,  19 
serinaria,  22 

quadratus,  228 

adstrictum,  149 
algidum,  147 
atrolucens,  149 
herculaneum,  147 
lucublandum,  147 
oecidentale,  147 
vulgare,  148 
ccesus,  159 

rufescens,  107 

japonica,  167 

pruinosus,  142 

dilatatus,  142 
lsevis,  142 
scaber,  142 

confinnis,  242 

cyanescens,  243 
ferox,  241 
lineata,  241 
lutzi,  242 

key  to  species,  53 

furcata,  229 


fnlgidus,  158 
fuliginosus,  157 
limbifer,  158 
marginalis,  158 
mesomelinus,  158 

nymphea,  226 


cyaneus,  250 
undosus,  251 

apicalis,  187 
key  to  species,  187 
marginalis,  186 
similis,  186 
wallaeei,  187 
fuller  i,  143 

stercoraria,  230 

liumboldti,  133 
nanus,  133 
renoincus,  133 

atro virens,  228 

fuscipennis,  229 

australis,  272 
castanasus,  272 
hospes,  272 
insularis,  272 


New  York  Entomologigal  Society 

[Vol.  L VII 

key  to  species,  272 
obstans,  272 

brevicornis,  229 
ater,  157 
globulifer,  156 
nigrellus,  156 

nubicollis,  154 

conjnnctus,  154 

longispina,  160 
Stingless  bees,  200 

lineatus,  228 


caespitum,  103 
her  a,  260 
lauta,  256 
lineipleura,  257 
ludicra,  254 
perbasalis,  259 
Torre-Bueno,  J.  R.  de  la, 
death,  200 


rathkei,  142 

obtusus,  146 

garretti,  227 

demivirgo,  142 

compressum,  244 
digitatum,  243 
longipes,  244 

stephensi,  111 

Vila,  75 


ar  thro  stigma,  247 
celsenocephala,  246 
complosa,  249 
personata,  247 
pseudopecten,  248 
quasileoventralis,  247 
scotinomus,  245 
ulocoma,  248 

of  Xantholinus 

linearis,  154 



of  the 


Published  quarterly  by  the  Society  at  N.  Queen  St.,  and  Mc- 
Govern Ave.,  Lancaster,  Pa.  All  communications  relating  to 
manuscript  for  the  Journal  should  be  sent  to  the  Editor,  Harry 
B.  Weiss,  19  N.  7th  Ave.,  Highland  Park,  New  Jersey;  all  sub- 
scriptions to  the  Treasurer,  David  Bigelow,  American  Museum 
of  Natural  History,  New  York  24,  N.  Y.  Orders  for  back  issues 
should  be  sent  to  the  Treasurer,  David  Bigelow,  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York  24,  N.  Y.  The  society  has 
a complete  file  of  back  issues  in  stock.  The  Society  will  not  be 
responsible  for  lost  Journals  if  not  notified  immediately  of  change 
of  address.  We  do  not  exchange  publications. 

Terms  for  subscription,  $5.00  per  year,  net  to  the  Society, 
strictly  in  advance. 

Please  make  all  checks,  money-orders,  or  drafts  payable  to 
New  York  Entomological  Society. 

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i,  ! , ; ; ■ 

New  York  Entomological  Society 

Organized  June  29,  1892 — Incorporated  February  25,  1893 
Reincorporated  February  17,  1943 


; PAp).1''  / , ■/:  —Vv-  : At,  tk 

The  meetings  of  the  Society  are  held  on  the  first  and  third  Tuesday  of  each  month 
(except  June,  July,  August  and  September)  at  8 p.  m.,  in  the  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History,  79th  St.,  & Central  Park  W.,  New  York  24,  N.  Y. 

Annual  dues  for  Active  Members,  $4.00;  including  subscription  to  the  Journal,  $6.00. 
Members  of  the  Society  will  please  remit  their  annual  dues,  payable  in  January,  to 
the  treasurer. 

Officers  for  the  Year  1949 

President,  DR.  T.  C.  SCHNEIRLA American  Museum  of  Natural  History 


Vice-President,  DR.  JAMES  FORBES Fordham  University,  New  York  City,  N.  Y. 

Secretary,  FRANK  A.  SORACI  p ..L.^.i... Allentown,  N.  J. 

Assistant  Secretary,  MRS.  PATRICIA  VAURIE American  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Treasurer,  DAVID  BIGELOW American  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Assistant  Treasurer,  DR.  LUCY  W.  CLAUSEN American  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Editor , HARRY  B.  WEISS  J.!/. 2 .1 —'1^. Highland  Park,  N.  J. 

Associate  Editor,  FRANK  A.  SORACI Allentown,  N.  J. 



Dr.  T.  C.  Schneirla  E.  W.  Teale  Dr.  Mont  A.  Cazier 

E.  Irving  Huntington  Dr.  Harold  R.  Hagan 

lie. • -W  i a p v , .*>’1 :v  'y 


Harry  B.  Weiss  E.  W.  Teale  John  D.  Sherman,  Jr. 


Dr.  James  Forbes  Roman  Vishniac  Dr.  Lucy  W.  Clausen 

. . . ■' 

;k  , H ;;  p p 1 y A ;;  p- | ' .-'2 



Samuel  C.  Harriott  E.  W.  Teale  James  T.  Farrelly 

Wm.  P.  Comstock 

v 2;  V-f  'lv;,;  Vp^f-v ' -ir  1 ^ ^ J ■’  1 i 


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