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The  Journal 
OF  Research 

Volume  42  2003  (2010) 

ISSN  0022  4324 


The  Journal  of  Research  on  the  Lepidoptera 
ISSN  0022  4324 

PuBi.isiiKD  Bv:  The  Lepidoptera  Research  Foundation,  Inc. 

9620  Heather  Road 

Beverly  Hills,  California  90210-1757 

TEL  (310)  274  1052 

E-mail:  Editorial:  niattoni@ucla.edn 



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n  IE  JOfTRNALOF  RESEARCH  ON  THE  LEPID(4PTERAwill  be  published  two  timesayear  by  the  LEPIDOPTERA 
RF,SEARCH  FOUNDAITON,  INC.  Publication  and  business  offices  are  located  at  the  Beverly  Hills,  California 
address  given  above.  The  Foundation  is  a  non-profit  organization  incorporated  in  the  State  of  California  in  1965. 
The  president  is  Rudolf  H.  T.  Mattoni,  the  vice-president  is  Jeremiah  George,  the  secretary-treasurer  is  Leona 
Mattoni.  The  board  of  directors  (2005-)  is  comprised  of  Konrad  Fiedler,  Dan  Rubinoff,  Jeremiah  George,  and 
Rudolf  1 1.  T.  Mattoni. 

Pa.sf  isstiES  ARE  A\'AiLABLF.  AF  OLR  I'F.Mi’ORARV’  WEBSFFE  : 

journal  of  Research  on  the  Lepiilojjlera 

42:  1-4,  200.4  (2010) 

Differences  in  thermal  responses  in  a  fragmented  landscape;  temperature 
affects  the  sampling  of  diurnal,  but  not  nocturnal  fruit-feeding  Lepidoptera 

Danilo  B.  Ribfjro'  - and  Andre  V.  L.  Freitas'** 

'De|)artamento  de  Zoologia,  Iiistituto  cle  Biologia,  Univer.sidade  E.stadiial  de  (4ini|jinas.  (4’  6109,  14083-970  Oampinas,  SP.  Brazil,  tel. 
-t-+.6.5 19-452 16.3 10 

-Prog'iama  de  Po.s-Giadiiagao  ein  Ecologia,  hi.sliluto  de  Biologia,  Uiiiversidade  Estadual  de  (’.anipinas,  Brazil. 

-’DepartanieiUo  de  Zoologia,  In.stiiuto  de  Biologia,  Univer.sidade  Estadual  de  Cam|tinas.  UP  6109,  1,3084-970  Uainpinas,  SP,  Brazil,  tel. 
+-r55 19-452 16.3 10 

Ab.stract.  Weather  is  the  primary  determinant  in  hiittei  lly  activity,  with  tem|3eralnre  one  of  the 
key  factors  affecting  the  hiolog)’  and  behavior  of  most  Lepidoptera.  Despite  et  idence  about  the 
inllttence  of  temperature  in  Lejtidoptera  capture  jtatterns,  few  stttdies  have  analyzed  microclimatic 
characteristics.  Most  studies  focused  on  broad  geographic  scales  and  historical  climatic  jtatterns. 
The  present  stitdr  contrasts  the  effect  of  local  temperature  on  the  capttire  rates  ol  two  groups  of 
ft  iiit-feeding  Lepidoptera,  btttterllies  (dittrnal)  and  noctuid  tnoths  (noctttrnal),  iti  a  fragmented 
landscape.  Ten  fragments  with  live  traps  each  were  sampled  in  sotttheast  Brazilian  Atlantic  Forest 
dttring  eight  days  iti  |tily-2005.  We  fotmd  a  jtositive  relation  between  mean  tem|teratiire  and  both 
richness  and  abundance  of  captttred  butterflies,  but  not  the  noctnid  moths.  These  difleretices  are 
jtrobably  a  result  ol  the  miothermic  natttre  of  moths,  making  the  moth  assemblage  less  dependent 
of  solar  radiation  than  butterflies.  4'he  differences  between  moths  and  htittei  flies  coitld  affect  the 
distribittion  of  these  insects  across  fragmented  latidsca|3es  and  sttggest  that  adult  moths  are  |)robably 
less  sensitive  to  changes  in  the  amottnt  of  solar  radiation  than  adtilt  btitlerflies, 

Key  word.s:  frtiit-feeding  btitterllies,  Nym|3halidae,  Noctitidae,  temperatitre. 


Ehrlich  (1984)  stated  that  weather  is  the  [triinary 
determinant  in  btitterfly  activity.  Temperature  is  a  key 
factor  affecting  most  Lepidoptera  because  it  has  direct 
effects  on  larval  behavior  and  performance,  flight 
activity  and  associated  behaviors  such  as  foraging 
and  territoriality  (Broersma  et  al.,  1976;  Scriber  & 
Slansky,  1981;  Hrdy  el  al,  1996;  Shirai  el  al.,  1998; 
Kiilirt  et  al.,  2005;  Nabeta  et  al.,  2005;  Merckx  et  al., 
2006).  Many  btitterfly  species  are  able  to  maintain 
their  body  temperattire  above  ambient  through 
basking  and/or  shivering  behaviors  (Kemp,  2002), 
such  that  individuals  with  higher  body  temperatnres 
can  be  active  for  longer  periods  than  their  cooler 
bodied  counterparts  (Dudley,  1991).  On  sunny  days 
some  butterflies  have  been  reported  to  fly  for  longer 
periods  and  maintain  higher  body  temperatnres  than 
on  cloudy  days  (Shelly  &  Ludwig,  1985).  Temperattire 

*■  Corresponding  author.  Departamento  dc  Zoologia,  In.stiluto  cle 
Biologia,  L'niversidacle  E.stadual  de  Ciampina.s.  C.P  6109,  14083- 
970  Campina.s,  SP,  Brazil,  tel.  -1+5519-35216310 
baku@unicamp.  br 

Rereived:  5  March  2009 
Accepted:  6  March  2009 

is  also  known  to  affect  the  seasonal  dislribtition 
of  some  species  (Turner  et  al,  1987),  probability 
of  capttire  in  temperate  regions  (Yela  &:  Holyoak, 
1997;  Holyoak  et  al.,  1997),  and  the  abundance  and 
diversity  patterns  of  both  butterflies  (Turner  et  al., 
1987;  White  &  Kerr,  2007)  and  moths  (Brehin  et  al, 
2007;  Choi,  2008). 

Despite  the  evidence  that  ambient  temperature 
influences  activity  patterns  in  Lepidoptera,  few 
studies  have  analyzed  the  effect  on  a  microclimatic 
scale  (e.g.  Yela  &  Holyoak,  1997) .  Most  have  focused 
on  broad  geograjihic  scales  and  historic  climatic 
patterns  (e.g.  Brown  Sc  Freitas,  2000;  Menendez  et  al, 
2007).  However,  anthropogenic  activity  is  known  to 
prodtice  major  changes  in  microclimatic  conditions 
(Saunders,  1991;  Vitonsek  et  al,  1997)  which  likely 
in  turn  could  affect  the  insects  that  occtipy  a  given 

Accordingly  the  present  study  attempts  to  test  the 
effect  of  local  temperature  in  the  capttire  rates  of 
fruit-feeding  butterflies  and  moths  in  a  fragmented 
landscape.  Here  we  ask  whether  there  are  differences 
in  the  responses  of  diurnal  versus  nocturnal 
Lepidoptera  to  average  temperature,  linking 
the  possible  differences  with  the  effects  of  forest 
fragmentation  among  these  two  sets  of  insects. 

/.  Res.Lepid. 





Richness  Abundance 

Figure  1.  Linear  regressions  between  temperature  and  species  richness  and  between  temperature  and  abundance  for  both 
butterflies  and  moths  sampled  with  baited  traps  in  a  fragmented  landscape  in  Brazilian  Atlantic  Forest,  a)  Linear  regression 
between  mean  temperature  and  richness  of  fruit-feeding  butterflies;  b)  linear  regression  between  mean  temperature  and 
abundance  of  fruit-feeding  butterflies;  c)  linear  regression  between  mean  temperature  and  richness  of  bait  attracted  moths;  d) 
linear  regression  between  mean  temperature  and  abundance  of  bait  attracted  moths. 

Materials  and  methods 

Field  work  was  carried  out  in  the  Sao  Liiiz  do 
Paraitinga  municipality  (Fig.  1),  Sao  Paulo  State, 
south-eastern  Brazil  (centered  in  23°20’  S,  45°20’  W). 
The  original  vegetation  of  the  area  was  mainly  a  dense 
humid  forest  (MME  1983);  however,  the  process  of 
forest  fragmentation  drastically  changed  the  plant 
community  cover  across  the  region  (Schmidt,  1949; 
Petrone,  1959;  Dean,  1997).  Today,  large  parts  of  the 
native  vegetation  has  been  removed  with  the  resulting 
landscape  now  being  composed  of  small  patches  of 
disturbed  forest  scattered  in  a  matrix  of  farm  fields 
and  abandoned  pastures  and  including  some  patches 
of  Eucalyptus  plantations. 

Ten  forest  fragments  were  chosen  at  random  for 
sampling.  In  each  fragment,  five  traps  were  arranged 
along  a  linear  transect  for  a  total  of  50  traps.  Detailed 
information  of  sampling  methods  and  the  study  site 
are  given  in  Ribeiro  ct  al.  (2008). 

Butterflies  (diurnal)  andiioctuid  moths  (nocturnal) 
were  sampled  during  |une  2005.  The  traps  remained 

in  the  field  for  eight  days  and  were  visited  at  48-hoiir 
intervals.  During  each  visit  bait  was  replaced  and 
each  captured  individual  was  identified,  marked  and 
released.  Species  not  determinable  in  the  field  were 
taken  for  later  identification  (following  Ribeiro  et  at, 
2008).  All  butterflies  were  identified  to  species  level 
and  the  moths  (all  Noctuidae)  were  discriminated  as 

Ambient  temperatures  were  measured  with  a  niax- 
min  thermometer  at  each  visit.  The  arithmetic  mean 
of  the  maximal  and  minimal  temperature  measured 
during  the  period  between  visits  (48  hours)  was  used 
as  mean  temperature. 

We  use  simple  linear  regression  to  test  if  there  was 
a  relationship  between  abundance  and  richness  of 
butterflies  and  moths  with  mean  temperature. 


A  total  of  233  individuals  comprising  27  species 
of  fruit-feeding  Nymphalidae  and  475  individuals  of 
nine  morphospecies  of  noctuid  moths  were  captured. 

42:  1-4,  2003  (2010) 


The  mean  temperatures  recorded  during  tlie  study 
period  ranged  between  1 1.5  and  21.()°(1.  We  found  a 
significant  relation  between  mean  temperature  and 
species  richness  (p  <  O.OOOl;  R-  =  0.362;  N  =  40;  y  = 
0.2481x+  14.84)  (Fig.  la)  and  individual  abundance  (p 
<  0.0001;  R"  =  0.362;  N  =  40;  y  =  0,2481x  +  14.84)  (Fig. 
lb)  in  our  butterfly  samples.  In  contrast,  we  did  not 
find  a  significant  relation  between  mean  temperature 
in  either  richness  (p  =  0.  581 1;  R-  =  0.0084;  N  =  40;  y  = 
-0.1608x+  16.599)  (Fig.  Ic)  or  abundance  (p  =  0.8936; 
R2=  0.0004;  N  =  40;  y  =  -0.0079x  +  16.094)  (Fig.  Id)  of 
the  moth  samples. 


We  found  a  strong  relation  between  microhabitat 
temperature  and  richness  and  abundance  in  samples  of 
diurnal,  but  not  nocturnal  noctuid  Lepidoptera.  The 
relation  between  butterfly  capture  and  temperature 
is  likely  the  result  of  differences  in  daily  activity  of  the 
diurnal  set  of  species  compared  with  the  nocturnal 
noctuids.  Despite  the  great  variety  of  behaviors  related 
to  thermoregulation  in  butterflies  (Clench,  1966), 
air  temperature  remains  important  in  determining 
butterfly  activity  (Douwes,  1976).  Tbus  we  would 
expect  greater  butterfly  activity  and  capture  rate 
on  hot  rather  than  in  cold  days.  Although  weather, 
especially  temperature,  is  usually  considered  the  most 
important  factor  determining  butterfly  and  moth 
diversity  (Holyoak  et  al,  1997;  Yela  &  Molyoak,  1997; 
Hawkins  &  Porter,  2003;  Brehm  et  al.,  2007;  Menendez 
et  al.,  2007;  Choi,  2008),  few  studies  demonstrate 
significant  relations  between  microhabitat  conditions 
with  species  richness  and  abundance  of  Lepidoptera 
(e.g.  Yela  &  Holyoak,  1997;  Doha  et  al,  2008). 

The  differences  found  in  diurnal  versus  nocturnal 
fruit-feeding  Lepidoptera  are  likely  the  result  of  the 
latter  being  miothermic  and  therefore  independent 
of  solar  radiation  to  enable  their  activities  (Daily  & 
Ehrlich,  1996).  If  the  conclusion  is  correct,  we  would 
expect  that  butterflies  in  the  subfamily  Brassolinae 
should  respond  similarly  to  nocturnal  moths,  since 
brassolines  are  not  as  dependent  upon  solar  radiation 
as  other  butterflies  are  (Siygley,  1994). 

The  degree  of  fragmentation  has  significant 
influence  on  microclimatic  conditions,  as  temperature, 
humidity  and  amount  of  solar  radiation  (Saunders, 
1991),  with  many  studies  of  diurnal  fruit-feeding 
Lepidoptera  reporting  changes  in  the  community 
correlated  with  forest  fragmentation  (Ki'auss  et  al, 
2003;  Shahabuddin  &  Ponte,  2005;  Uehara-Prado  et 
al.,  2007).  The  change  in  microclimatic  conditions 
also  affects  the  distribution  of  butterflies  in  forest 
fragments,  probably  because  fragmentation  impacts 

the  activity  of  these  insects  by  being  beneficial  to 
heliophylous  species  that  are  more  likely  to  displace 
shade-loving  species.  Another  important  alteration 
caused  by  microclimatic  changes  in  temperature  is 
the  effects  upon  life-history  traits  of  butterflies  by 
changing  daily  fecundity  and  lifetime  number  of  eggs 
of  females  (Ktirlsson  &  Van  Dyck,  2005) .  However,  the 
same  effect  may  be  less  important  in  moths  because 
they  are  not  directly  influenced  by  solar  radiation 
(Daily  &  Ehrlich,  1996)  and  suffer  only  the  indirect 
effects  of  the  changes  (e.g.  alteration  in  leaf  quality, 
resource  offer  and  so  on). 

Both  .sample  richness  and  abundance  are  positively 
correlated  with  mean  temperature  in  the  present  study. 
Since  trap  capture  is  considered  as  a  reliable  measure 
of  activity  and  density  in  fruit-feeding  Lepidoptera,  we 
can  conclude  that  temperature  had  an  undeniable 
effect  in  butterfly  richness  and  abundance.  I  lowever, 
in  view  of  the  great  importance  of  temperature  in 
determining  the  behavior  and  distribution  of  diurnal 
Lepidoptera,  other  studies  are  necessary  to  verify  if 
this  relation  could  be  found  in  other  habitats,  with 
different  climates  and  land  covers. 


We  es|)ecially  thank  ('.aria  Pen/,  and  Niklas  Walilberg  lor 
critically  reading  and  connnenting  tt]>on  oitr  mamtscript.  W'e 
also  tliank  tlie  severtil  land  owners  who  permitted  held  work  on 
their  |jroperties.  DBR  thanks  FAPKSI’  tor  ;i  tellowship  (grants 
#03/  1 1697-0,  07/.5089(>0).  AVLF  acknowledges  the  FAPESP  (grants 
#00/01484-1  and  #01/05269-9),  the  Bra/ihan  CNPq  (lellowshi]) 
#300315/200.5-8),  and  the  National  Science  Foundation  (DEB grant 
#0527441 ).  This  project  is  part  ol  BIOTA-FAPFSP  program  (grants 
#98/05101-8  and  #02/08558-6). 

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ScRiBER,  J.  M.  &  F.  SianskyJr.  1981.  The  nutritional  ecology  of 
immature  insects.  Annual  Review  of  Entomology  26:  183-211. 

Shahabuddin,  G.  Sc  C.  A.  Ponte.  2005.  Frugivorous  butterfly  species 
in  tropical  forest  fragments:  correlates  of  vulnerability  to 
extinction.  Biodiversity  and  Conservation  14:  1137-1152. 

SiiELi.Y,  T.  E.  &  D.  Ludwig.  1985.  Thermoregulatory  behavior  of 
the  butterfly  Cafisto  nubila  (Satyridae)  in  a  Puerto  Rican  Forest. 
Oikos  44:  229-233. 

SiiiR.\i,  Y.,  Y.  Kosugi,  &  I.  Noguchi.  1998.  Effects  of  sex,  mating 
status  and  temperature  on  flight  activity  of  the  Oriental  tea 
tortrix,  Homona  magnanima  (l.epidoptera:  Tortricidae).  Applied 
Entomology  and  Zoology  33:  413-418. 

Sryc.ley,  R.  B.  1994.  Shivering  and  its  cost  during  reproductive 
behavior  in  owl  butterllies  Caligoiind  Opsiphanes  (Ntyuphalidae: 
Brassolinae).  Animal  Behaviour  47:  2.3-32. 

Turner,  }.  R.  G.,  C.  M.  Gatehoiese  &  C.  A.  Corey.  1987.  Does  solar 
energy  control  organic  diversity?  Butterflies,  moths  and  the 
British  climate.  Oikos  48:  195-205. 

Uehar.a-Pr.4do,  M.,  Brown  Jr.,  K.  S.,  &  A.  V.  L.  Freita.s.  2007. 
Species  richness,  composition  and  abundance  of  fruit-feeding 
butterflies  in  the  Brazilian  Atlantic  Forest:  comparison  beftveen 
a  fragmented  and  a  continuous  landscape.  Global  Ecolog)'  and 
Biogeography  16:  43-54. 

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Human  domination  of  earth’s  ecosystems.  Science  277:  494- 

White,  P.  |.  T.  &J.  T.  Kerr.  2007.  Human  impacts  on  environment- 
diversity  relationships:  evidence  for  biotic  homogenization 
from  butterfly  species  richness  patterns.  Global  Ecolog}'  and 
Biogeography  16:  290-299. 

Yela,  J.  L.  &  M.  Hoi.yoak.  1997.  Effects  of  moonlight  and 
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Vol.  26,  lY  6,  pp,  1283-1290. 

journal  oj  Ri'searrh  on  Uw  IjjndojHm 

42;  5-12,  2003  (2010) 

Use  of  sound  and  aerial  chases  in  sexual  recognition  in  Neotropical 
Hamadryas  butterflies  (Nymphalidae) 

Onildo  }.  Marini-Fii.ho'  -^  and  Woodruff  W.  Benson'^ 

‘Dep.  Biologia  Animal,  Universidade  Estadual  de  Oampinas,  C.  R.  6109,  13083-970  Oam|)inas,  SP,  Brazil 

-Instituto  Ohico  Mendes  de  Oonsei  vacjao  da  Biodiversidade,  EQSW  103/104,  Bloco  D,  1-  aiidar.  Setor  Sudoeste.  CEP:  70670-350. 
Bra.silia,  DF,  Brazil 
0.  m  a  ri  ni  @gm  a  il.  com 

'14ei3.  Biologia  Animal,  Universidade  Estadual  de  Campinas,  C.  P.  6109,  13083-970  Camjtinas,  SP,  Brazil 

Abstract.  Neotropical  Hamadryas  butterllies  are  notorious  for  the  clicking  noise  they  produce  in 
flight.  Tests  of  the  sotind  production  cajtacitv  of  nine  species  of  Hamadryas  and  observations  on 
aerial  interactions  of  six  .s|tecies  showed  that,  among  the  three  species  grotips,  onh  males  of  the 
jeronia  grotip  produced  sounds,  whereas  females  of  all  species  and  males  of  the  jcbrna  and  laodamia 
gron|ts  never  did  so.  .Vlost  of  the  aerial  interactions  occurred  during  mid-day,  generally  initiated  by 
males  in  exploratory  flights.  Chasers  were  always  males.  Male.s  engaging  in  chases  with  other  males 
continnallv  nroduced  clickine  sotmds  dnrinsi:  the  interactions  whereas  males  chasing  females  usnallv 

restricted  their  auditory  displays  to  the  initial  jt 
of  both  sexes  of  six  species  of  Hamadryas,  m; 
observed,  with  one  single  male  participating  it 
females  and  male.s  of //.  jeronia.  There  was  no  i 
successfully  defended  a  feeding  jterch  and  the  n 
is  probably  involved  in  finding  mates,  while  at 
dominance  hierarchy  among  male  Hamadrya.s. 

Key  words:  agonistic  interactions,  behavior, 
connntmication,  sexual  recognition,  sound. 


Butterflies  couununicate  by  means  of  a  variety 
of  stereotyped  acoustic,  visual,  chemical,  and 
tactile  signals  (Swihart,  1967;  Wickman  &  Wikluud, 
1983;  Boppre,  1984;  Silberglied,  1984;  Bernard 
&  Remington,  1991;  Lees,  1992).  Among  these, 
acoustic  signaling  is  relatively  infrequently  cited 
in  the  literature  (Swihart,  1967).  The  Neotropical 
Hamadryas  (Hiihner,  1806)  butterflies,  a  tight-knit 
group  containing  20  species  (Jenkins,  1983),  are 
famous  for  their  production  of  loud  clicking  sounds 
during  aerial  chases  (Bates,  1865;  Darwin,  1871; 
Swihart,  1967;  Otero,  1990).  Adult  butterflies  feed 
on  tree  sap  and  rotting  fruits,  and  individuals  of  both 
sexes  may  display  and  fight  to  defend  feeding  sites 
from  congeners  (Marini-Filho,  1996).  Ross  (1963) 
classified  Hamadryas  ‘pugnacious,’  although  he  did 
not  obseiwe  site  fidelity  or  other  evidence  for  territorial 
behavior.  //mMadryzo  butterflies  are  capable  of  hearing 
sounds  produced  by  other  conspecific  butterflies  and 
consider  that  once  these  sounds  are  produced  during 
social  interactions,  these  are  probably  involved  in 
conspecific  communication  (Yack  et  at,  2()()0) .  Yack  et 

Received:  27  Aj>ril  2009 
AccejHed:  1  May  2009  of  the  pursuit.  In  a  cage  contaiuiug  24  iiulividuals 
‘s  were  involved  in  100%  of  the  aerial  interactions 
1  57%  of  them.  The  most  chased  iudividttals  were 
elatioti  between  the  ntimber  of  times  an  individual 
utiiber  of  aerial  chases  initiated.  Sound  prodttctiou 
■rial  chases  may  be  used  in  the  establishment  of  a 

btttterflies,  comiminicatioti,  Hamadryas,  acoustic 

al,  2000  also  discuss  that  the  po.ssible  origin  of  sound 
production  in  the  Papilionoidea  btUterllies  could 
be  derived  from  bat-detecliou  in  the  basal  clade  of 
Hedyloidea  moths,  thus  being  a  degeneration 
former  structures. 

Although  Seitz  (1913)  reported  that  almost  all 
Hamadryas  [members  of  the  genus  Agmrnia  and 
jWidromia  (genus  Hamadryas  Stcnsn  Jenkins,  1983)] 
make  sound  on  llight,  species  typical  tropical 
forests  (e.g.  H.  chloe,  H.  alicia,  H.  rosandra  and  H. 

Jenkins,  1983)  apparently  do  not  ttiake 
sounds.  Otero  (1986),  based  on  the  observation  that 
males  of  //.  jeronia  intensely  produce  sound  when 
pursuing  other  Hamadryasm  flight,  whereas  H.  j'ebrua 
were  ‘mute’  and  performed  a  spiral  flight,  argues  that 
the  behaviors  represent  alternative  means  of  sexual 
recognition  in  the  genus.  Hamadryas  were  placed  by 
Jenkins  (1983)  in  three  species  groups  (subgenera) 
based  mainly  in  wing  venation  differences  (note  that 
species  names  preceded  by  *  are  possible  exceptions): 
(1)  jeronia  species  group  (subgenus  Hamadryas) , 
including  H.  jeronia,  H.  gualemalena,  H.  il)litliim.e, 
H.  ej)inome,  H.  fornax,  *H.  alicia,  *H.  rosandra,  H. 
amphinome,  H.  belladonna,  //.  arinome,  (2)  yf/zrR// species 
group  (subgenus  Ageronia),  including  H.  februa,  H. 
amphichloe,  H.  glaiiconome,  H.  honorina,  H.  allanlis,  II. 
chloe,  H.  albicornis;  and  (3)  laodamia  species  group 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

(subgeniis  Peridromia) ,  including  H.  laodamia,  H.  arete, 
//.  veiutina. 

The  mechanism  of  sound  production  by  Hamadryas 
is  still  subject  of  controversy.  At  least  seven  different 
places  on  the  thorax,  abdomen  and  fore  wings  have 
been  proposed  as  sound-producing  organs  (Jenkins, 
1983;  DeVries,  1987;  Monge-Najera  &  Hernandez, 
1991;  Swihart,  1967).  Otero  (1990)  presents  good 
evidence  that  Hamadryas  feronia  produce  percussive 
sound  through  the  striking  of  the  wings.  He  points  out 
that  the  structures  responsible  for  the  loud  snapping 
sound  are  the  swollen  veins  at  the  distal  end  of  the  fore 
wing  discal  cell.  These  modihcations  also  occur  in  the 
Australian  Hecatesia  moths  and  were  called  castanets 
by  Bailey  ( 1 978) .  Some  Satyrinae  species  in  the  genus 
Pharneuptycliia  and  Euptychoides  also  seem  to  have 
identical  structures  a.ssociated  with  sound  production 
(Kane,  1982;  Murillo-Hiller,  2006).  According  to 
Otero  (1990),  castanets  were  only  observed  in  the 
males  of  the  sound-producing  pnvnia.  species,  while 
males  and  females  of  H.  fehrua  in  Venezuela  do  not 
show  these  structures.  The  swellings  of  the  snb-costal 
venation  of  the  forewings  have  also  been  supposed 
to  be  associated  with  sound  production  by  Monge- 
Najera  and  Hernandez  (1991),  however,  these  authors 
pointed  that  swollen  snb-costal  veins  occur  in  all 
Hamadryas  species  they  dissected  {amphinome,  feronia, 
gualemalena,  glauconome,  and  fehrua)  independent 
of  sex.  Further  studies  made  by  Yack  et  al.  (2000) 
contradicts  the  percussion  mechanism  arguing  that 
sound  can  be  produced  by  a  single  forewing,  thus 
pro])osing  a  wing  deformation  mechanism  for  the 
production  of  sound.  This  ‘flip-flop’  changes  the  side 
of  the  wing  concavity  as  shown  in  the  photographs 
])resented  by  Monge-Najera  et  al.  1998. 

In  the  present  study  we  evaluate  the  sound 
production  capacity  of  nine  species  of  the  genus 
Hamadryas  and  analyze  the  hypotheses  related  to  the 
possible  functions  of  sound  production  and  aerial 
chases  in  sexual  recognition.  After  determining  which 
species  and  sexes  are  capable  of  producing  sounds,  we 
use  behavioral  and  morphological  data  to  conjecture 
if  ( 1 )  aerial  interactions  with  sound  production  are 
used  for  sexual  recognition  between  Hamadryas,  and 
(2)  aerial  interactions  are  related  to  the  establishment 
of  a  dominance  hierarchy  between  the  males  present 
in  the  feeding  arena. 

Study  sites  and  methods 

But  ter  flies  were  captured  using  standard  Van 
Someren-Rydon  butterfly  traps  baited  with  a  mixture 
of  fermented  sugarcane  juice  and  banana  (DeVries, 
1 987) .  Traps  were  set  several  times  from  1992  to  2090 

along  the  edges  and  interiors  of  forests  and  woodlands 
at  eight  different  localities:  Linhares  Forest  Reserve 
(tropical  semi-deciduous  forest),  Linhares,  ES,  Brazil 
(19°04’  S;  40°08’  W);  Santa  Genebra  Forest  Reserve 
(subtropical  semi-deciduous  forest),  Campinas,  SP, 
Brazil  (47°04’  S,  22°50’  W);  Brasilia  Botanical  Garden 
and  Agna  Limpa  Reserve  (tropical  cerrado  savanna 
and  galleiy  forest) ,  Brasilia,  DF,  Brazil  (15°57’  S;  47°56’ 
W);  Pipeline  Road  (tropical  evergreen  rain  forest), 
Gamboa,  Panama  (09°  10’  N,  79°51’  W);  the  restinga 
dry-forest  of  Praia  das  Neves  (semi-deciduous  tropical 
dune  forest)  ES,  Brazil  (21°18’  S,  41°02’  W) ;  Ecological 
Station  of  the  University  of  Minas  Gerais  (upland 
tropical  semi-deciduous  forest),  Belo  Horizonte,  MG, 
Brazil  (19°43’  S,  43°57’  W) ;  Serra  da  Canastra  National 
Park  (cerrado  savanna  and  gallery  forest) ,  MG,  Brazil 
(20°  14’  S,  46°33’  W);  and  the  cerrado  woodlands  of 
Fazenda Jatoba,  Correntina,  BA,  Brazil. 

We  tested  freshly  captured  butterflies  for  sound 
production  capacity  by  holding  the  hind  wings  dosed 
over  their  backs  with  forceps  and  passing  the  fore 
wings  below  the  hind  wings,  so  that  the  fore  wings 
were  free  to  beat  and  produce  their  typical  clicking 
sound  (Otero,  1990). 

Data  on  flight  interactions  were  obtained  from 
butterflies  kept  in  an  outdoor  cage  (4x6  m  at  the 
base  and  4  m  in  height  containing  the  trunks  of  two 
trees)  set  in  a  plantation  of  native  trees  in  the  Linhares 
Forest  Reserve.  This  area  was  regularly  used  by  at  least 
five  Hamadryas  species.  Caged  butterflies  permitted 
observations  on  butterfly  social  behavior  during  a 
period  of  Hamadryas  scarcity  between  June  1993 
and  March  1994.  Observations  of  flight  interactions 
were  all  from  October  1993  on  24  caged  butterflies, 
comprising  13  males  (m)  and  5  females  (f)  H.  feronia,  2 
m  atid  1  f  H.  amphinome,  1  m  H.  iphthime,  1  f //.  arinome, 
and  1  m  H.  laodamia  (Table  1). 

Butterflies  were  fed  with  fermented  banana  and 
sugarcane  juice  every  morning.  Each  butterfly  was 
individually  numbered  on  the  hind  wing  underside 
with  India  ink  or  marked  with  highly  visible  colored 
spots  on  the  upper  side  of  each  fore  wing  to  indicate 
its  sex  and  species.  For  each  interaction,  the  species 
and  sex  of  both  individuals  and  which  of  them  was 
the  chaser  and  the  chased  were  recorded.  Sounds 
produced  and,  when  possible,  the  individual 
responsible  for  it  were  also  recorded.  Nomenclature 
is  based  on  Jenkins  (1983). 

The  non-parametric  statistic  Chi  squared  was 
used  to  test  the  heterogeneity  of  the  interactions 
among  the  sexes  while  the  binomial  statistic  (Z)  was 
used  to  compare  the  distributions  of  probabilities 
of  interactions  among  individuals  of  the  same  sex 
or  species  and  those  of  different  sex  or  species. 

42:  5-12,  2003  (2010) 

Table  1 .  Observed  and  expected  [  ]  number  of  aerial  interactions  from  24  caged  Hamadryas  butterflies  kept  in  an  outdoor  cage 
(A/=  129  interactions).  Expected  values  of  the  main  diagonal  were  calculated  as  [n(n-^)/N]  x  129,  while  the  other  elements  were 
calculated  as  {if/N)  x  129.  FR  =  H.  feronia,  AM  =  H.  amphinome,  ARI  =  H.  arinome,  IP  =  H.  iphthime,  LA  =  H.  laodamia. 

FR  m  (»?=13) 


AM  m  (n=2) 



IP  III  (»!=1) 

LA  III  (;/=l ) 

FR  m 

91  [55]*** 

28  [23] 

1  [9|** 

0  [5]* 

2  [5] 

6  [  5] 

0  [  5]* 


0  [7]*** 

0  [-/]* 

0  [2] 


1  [2] 

0  [2] 

AM  m 

0  [  /] 

0  [  /] 

0  [i] 

0  [1] 

0  [i] 


0  [0] 

0  [0] 

(»  [9] 

ARI  / 

0  [0] 

«  [0] 

IP  m 

0  [0] 

Hypothe.sis  Lor  .sample  proportion  vs.  hypothesized  value:  *  =  P  <  0.05,  **  =  P  <  0.01,  ***  =  P  <  0.001. 

Spearman  rank  correlation  was  used  to  assess  the 
relationship  between  two  discrete  variables  describing 
the  number  of  events  observed. 


Sound  production.  The  sound  production  tests 
carried  out  with  recently  captured  butterflies  showed 
that  only  males  of  the  five  species  of  the  yrrortm  group 
(sub-genus  Hamadryas'.  H.  feronia,  H.  iphthime,  H. 
epinorne,  H.  amphinome,  H.  arinome)  produced  sounds 
under  the  test  conditions  (Table  2).  These  were  also 
the  only  species  in  which  one  can  perceive  .swollen 
veins  in  the  middle  of  the  proximal  border  of  the 
males’  forewings.  The  feronia  group  females  and 
individuals  of  both  sexes  of  the  laodamia  (H.  laodamia 
and  H.  arete)  and  februa  {H.  februa and  H.  chloe)  groups 
never  produced  sounds  in  the  hand  tests  (Table  2) 
nor  in  the  flight  cage.  Males  of//,  feronia,  H.  epinorne 
and  H.  iphthime  (/eroruVegroup  species)  produced  most 
.sounds,  whether  in  flight  interactions,  when  perched 
over  food,  or  while  walking  on  tree  trunks.  Data 
a.ssembled  from  the  literature  (Table  3)  suggest  that 
there  may  be  variation  in  sound  production  capacity 
of  some  species;  however,  since  many  Hamadryas 
species  have  veiy  similar  color  patterns,  these  results 
need  confirmation. 

Flying  chases.  Of  the  104  observed  flight 
interactions  in  which  the  departing  points  of  the 
participating  individuals  were  observed,  74  occurred 
between  two  H.  feronia  males  and  23  between  a  male 
and  a  female  H.  feronia.  The  other  7  interactions 
involved  a  male  H.  feronia  and  another  species.  The 
most  frequent  interactions  between  two  males  were 
initiated  by  a  flying  chaser  (64%),  while  the  most 
frequent  interactions  between  a  male  and  a  female 
were  between  perched  individuals  (39%)  (y-  =  58.7, 

d.  f.  -  ?>,  P  <  O.OOOl).  Aerial  chases  occurred  almost 
exclusively  during  periods  of  intense  sunshine,  mainly 
from  1 130  h  to  1330  h  on  hot  windless  days.  Hamadryas 
males  commonly  made  exploratory  flights  ca.  1.5  to 
2.5  m  high,  surrounding  the  two  trees  inside  the  cage. 
Such  behavior  normally  stimulated  other  individuals 
in  the  cage  to  fly. 

When  encountering  a  perched  individual,  flying 
Hamadryas  of  the  feronia-growp  frequently  made  a 
pendidar  flight  display.  This  display  comprised  a 
.semicircular  flight  with  constant  .sound  production  for 
5  to  10  s,  10  cm  below  the  perched  individual,  which 
could  be  of  either  sex.  Some  perched  individuals 
did  not  respond  to  the  display,  but  others  took  flight 
after  or  ahead  of  the  displaying  individual.  When 
this  happened  with  two  males,  a  chase  was  normally 
initiated  with  one  or  both  butterflies  vigorously 
producing  sounds  during  the  first  10-20  s  of  the 
interaction.  During  a  chase  both  individuals  flew 
rapidly  and  performed  complex  aerobatic  maneuvers 
which  included  downward  spiral  fliglits,  fast  dives- 
and-rises,  zigzags,  and  sudden,  momentary  (<1  sec) 

Twenty-five  percent  of  the  aerial  chases  (n  =  27) 
began  when  an  individual  walked  on  the  trunk  and 
found  and  touched  another  individual.  Apparently 
individuals  walking  on  trunks  after  feeding  were 
deliberately  looking  for  other  Hamadryas  w\d\  which 
to  interact  (and  not  for  food).  Another  33%  of  the 
aerial  chases  (n  =  35)  began  with  a  perched  butterfly 
darting  after  a  hovering  individual,  and  18%  of  the  (n  =  19)  began  with  a  flying  butterfly  provoking 
a  perched  individual  to  fly  using  the  pendular  display. 
The  other  24%  of  the  aerial  interactions  (n  =  26)  were 
initiated  when  two  individuals  met  in  flight;  these 
occurred  mainly  during  the  hottest  hours  when  many 
butterflies  were  flying.  Interactions  between  more 
than  two  butterflies  were  not  considered. 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

Table  2.  Number  of  individuals  producing  sound  in  the  hand  tests  carried  out  with  males  and  females  of  nine  Hamadryas 

species  in  Brazil  and  Panama. 

Species  group  (Siibgenus) 



Number  producing 

Number  soundless 

Percent  individuals 
producing  sound 

febma  {Agmmi(i) 


















laod a  m  id  ( Peri d  ro  in  id) 



















feronia  ( Haniadryds) 










iphihimr-  ^ 


















amphinomr'  '■  “ 


















1 )  .SV«,v(( Jenkins  (1983).  Butterflies  front:  (2)  Linhares,  ES,  Brazil;  (3)  Campinas,  SP,  Brazil;  (4)  Balboa,  Panama;  (5)  Brasilia,  DF, 
Brazil;  (6)  Praia  das  Neves,  ES,  Brazil;  (1)  Belo  Horizonte,  MG,  Brazil;  (8)  Serra  da  Canastra  National  Park,  MG,  Brazil;  (9)  Faz, 
Jatttba,  Correntina,  Bahia,  Brazil. 

Table  3.  Summary  of  published  reports  of  sound  production  in  Hamadryas  butterflies  based  on  field  observations  (FO)  and 
manual  tests  using  Otero’s  (1990)  hand  test  (OHT).  References;  (1)  Jenkins  (1983);  (2)  Ross  (1963);  (3)  Monge-Najera  and 
Hernandez  (1991);  (4)  Otero  (1990). 




Method  (FO/OHT*) 

Sound  production 


felmid  species  Group 

II.  amphichlop 


Dominican  Republic 




//.  chloe 


?  (dense  rainforest) 




II.  fcbrun 






II.  pdmia 






II.  februd 

m  and  / 





II.  guatemdlend 






pronid  species  Group 

H.  feronia 






II.  feronia 






42:  5-12,  2003  (2010) 


Of  the  129  aerial  chases  with  interacting  individuals 
of  known  sex,  among  17  ni  and  7  f,  76%  (n  =  98)  were 
between  two  males,  which  was  more  than  expected  (Z 
=  3.097,  P  <  0.001 ) ,  24%  (n  =  3 1 )  with  a  male  chasing  a 
female  (Z  =  -0.600,  P  >  0.05),  and  none  with  a  female 
as  the  chaser,  which  was  less  than  expected  (Z  =  -3.802, 
P<  0.001)  (Table  1).  Hamadryas  feronia  \yAi'\\c\p'Aied 
in  all  interactions,  generally  chasing  a  conspecific 
(90.1%,  n  =  120).  Only  8  aerial  interactions  (6.2%) 
involved  other  species,  and  7  of  these  were  between 
H.  feronin'cmd  a  male  H.  iphthime  (Table  1). 

Chases  between  two  male  H.  feronia  occurred  in 
a  higher  frequency  than  was  expected  (Z  =  6.409,  P 
<  0.001),  and  those  involving  a  male  and  a  female 
H.  feronia  occurred  in  a  smaller  frequency  than  was 
expected  (Z  =  -2.721,  P  <  0.005)  (Table  1).  Chases 
involved  fast  flights  and  much  sound  production. 
These  interactions  nsnally  ended  with  one  of  the 
individuals  perching  while  tlie  other  continued  flying. 
Interactions  between  a  male  and  a  female  nsnally 
began  with  some  sound  production  by  the  chasing 
male  in  a  short  period  of  fast  flight,  after  which  the 
male  followed  the  female  in  a  slow  flight  with  little  or 
no  sound  production  until  she  perched.  Frequently, 
the  male  would  alight  behind  and  court  the  female 
(described  below).  Individuals  that  were  chased  a 
lot  seemed  to  avoid  interactions  and  apparently  flew 
less  during  the  periods  of  greater  exploratoi^  flight 

The  majority  of  the  were  carried  out  by  only 
a  few  individuals  (Fig.  la) ,  with  one  H.  feronia  (no.  89) 
performing  no  less  than  57%  of  all  chases  (33  of  the 
58  chases  by  identified  individuals).  The  next  most 
active  males  initiated  only  four  chases  each.  Three  of 
the  ten  most  chased  individuals  were  females,  but  the 
frequency  distribution  of  clia,sed  butterflies  was  much 
more  uniform  than  the  frequency  distribution  of  the 
chasers  (Fig.  lb). 

Sometimes  more  than  two  /-/rt/wr/rfr'yrw  engaged  in 
aerial  interactions.  These  interactions  tended  to  be 
intense,  long  lasting,  and  difficult  to  keep  track  of  the 
individuals.  Most  involved  three  or  four  individuals, 
but  a  few  had  up  to  seven.  These  happened  when 
individuals  met  during  exploratory  flights  in  the 
hottest  hours  of  the  day  and  perched  individuals 
joined  the  flying  party.  Some  of  these  interactions  in 
which  all  individuals  cotild  be  identified  consisted  of 
two  or  more  males  chasing  a  female. 

All  Hamadryas  species  of  both  sexes  may  defend 
feeding  sites  through  displays  and  physical  interactions. 
However,  there  was  no  relation  between  the  success 
of  an  individual  in  defending  a  feeding  site  and  the 
number  of  times  it  chased  after  other  individuals. 
Only  one  individual  seemed  to  be  efficient  in  both 

Figure  1.  Frequencies  of  aerial  chases  of  identified 
Hamadryas  individuals  in  a  flight  cage  (n  =  58).  A)  Chases 
effected  by  a  chasing  individual.  B)  Chases  suffered  by 
a  chased  individual.  Individuals  are  represented  by  a 
species/sex/number  code:  AM  =  Hamadryas  amphinome, 
API  =  H.  arinome,  FR  =  H.  feronia,  IP  =  H.  iphthime,  m 
=  males,  f  =  females,  and  the  capture  number  of  the 

tasks  (f/.  feronia  no.  89).  Of  the  species  engaging 
in  aerial  chases,  H.  amphinome  did  much  better 
at  defending  feeding  sites  than  at  chasing  other 
Hamadryads  (Table  1;  Fig.  2,  Spearman  correlation, 
N  =  14,  R  =  0.25,  t,  =  0.90,  T=  0.39).  Individuals 
of  other  species  participated  in  chases  than  was 
expected  (Table  1). 

Courtship.  In  the  cage,  six  observations  were  made 
on  male  H.  feronia  cotirting  females  perched  on  a 
tree  trunk.  All  of  them  around  noon.  Usually  a  male 
perched  5  to  10  cm  behind  a  female  and  facing  her 
and  remained  1  to  5  min  slowly  opening  and  closing 


J.  Res.Lepid. 

Figure  2.  Relation  between  the  number  of  times 
individuals  successfully  defended  food  and  the  number 
of  aerial  chases  initiated  by  the  same  individuals.  AM  = 
amphinome,  FR  =  feronia,  IP  =  iphthime. 

his  wings  while  slowly  approaching  the  female  by 
taking  a  few  steps  at  a  time.  The  female  responded 
to  this  approach  with  similar  wing  movement.  When 
the  male  got  close  (<  1  cm),  she  usually  walked  15 
to  100  cm  down  the  trunk.  If  the  male  touched  her 
with  his  wings  or  legs,  she  usually  flew  to  another  tree 
trunk  or  to  the  cage  walk  The  male  either  followed 
her  to  the  new  perch  or  quit  after  some  unsuccessful 
attempts.  After  this  he  would  fly  around  the  trees 
apparently  looking  for  another  individual  with  which 
to  interact. 

The  first  author  once  observed  a  much  longer 
courtship  in  H.  epinom.em  a  reforested  area  containing 
Joannesia princeps  (Euphorbiaceae)  and  Senna  nmltijuga 
(Leguminosae).  The  butterflies  behaved  essentially 
like  the  H.  feronia  described  above,  differing  principally 
in  that  when  they  changed  perches  they  usually  flew 
over  a  much  larger  area  (about  20  x  20  in)  from  1  to 
7  Ill  high  (canopy  height),  and  usually  perched  higher 
up  (4-6  m)  than  did  the  caged  H.  feronia. 


Our  results,  added  to  the  observations  of  Jenkins 
(1983),  Otero  (1988)  and  Yack  et  al.  (2000),  indicate 
that  sound  production  capacity  in  Hamadryas  is 
restricted  to  the  males  of  tiie  feronia  species  group, 
with  the  possible  exception  of  H.  amphichloe,  which 

belongs  to  the  februa  species  group.  Monge-Najera 
and  Hernandez  (1991)  allude  to  one  population 
of  sound  producing  H.  februa  which  disagrees  with 
our  data  and  those  of  other  workers.  Species  of  the 
feronia  group  are  unique  in  their  possession  of  swollen 
wing  veins  associated  with  sound  production  (Otero, 
1988  and  our  observations),  and  the  rare  reports 
of  sound  production  in  the  februa  group  (Monge- 
Najera  &  Hernandez,  1991;  Ross,  1963)  may  result 
from  identification  errors.  The  five  populations  of 
H.  februa  tested  in  the  present  study  did  not  produce 
sound,  as  is  the  case  of  the  Venezuelan  population 
studied  by  Otero  (1988,  1990),  which  contrasts  with 
the  results  of  Monge-Najera  and  Hernandez  (1991) 
and  Ross  (1963). 

Hamadryas  feroniais  monomorphic,  suggesting  that 
sound  production  or  other  non-visual  cues  may  be 
related  to  the  discovery  of  females  for  mating.  The 
absence  of  sound  production  and  the  presence  of 
sexual  color  diinoiq)hism  in  the  laodamia  species  group 
suggest  that  sexual  recognition  between  individuals 
of  this  group  may  have  a  visual  component,  since 
butterflies  that  possess  sexual  color  dimorphism 
are  supposed  to  recognize  each  other  visually 
(Silberglied,  1984),  although  there  is  little  evidence 
for  this.  The  absence  of  both  sound  production  and 
color  dimorphism  in  the  species  of  the  februa  species 
group  suggests  that  chemical  signals  may  be  used  for 
determination  of  gender. 

All  the  species  mentioned  by  Jenkins  (1983)  and 
Otero  (1988)  in  which  sound  production  has  not 
been  noted  belong  either  to  the  laodamia  or  februa 
species  groups.  Species  of  the  februa  group  have  been 
reported  as  capable  [H.  amphichloe,  and  H.  februa)  or 
incapable  of  producing  sounds  {H.  chloe  (Jenkins, 
1983)  and  H.  februa  (Otero,  1988)].  This  suggests 
that  there  may  exist  different  mechanisms  of  sexual 
recognition  between  species  of  the  same  group  or  that 
the  dogma  that  has  developed  in  relation  to  the  sound 
production  capacity  of  the  whole  group  Hamadryas  has 
been  due  to  misidentifications  of  flying  individuals 
because  of  their  great  similarity.  In  the  past,  this 
genus  had  a  very  confusing  taxonomy,  comprising 
about  100  species.  Jenkins  (1983)  synoiiymized  more 
than  two  thirds  of  these,  leaving  only  20  species  and 
21  subspecies  in  the  genus  Hamadryas.  Probably 
many  reports  prior  to  the  revision  of  Jenkins  (1983) 
contain  identification  errors,  which  may  have  added 
to  the  confusion  about  the  sound  production  capacity 
of  each  species. 

Jenkins  (1983)  recorded  two  copulations  for 
Hamadryas,  one  at  1130  h  {H.  amphinome)  and  the 
other  at  1400  h  (H.  velutina).  Most  of  the  aerial 
interactions  and  courtship  behavior  in  the  present 

42:  5-12,  2003  (2010) 

Study  occurred  around  noon,  simultaneously  with 
the  majority  of  the  flight  interactions.  The  sounds 
were  produced  at  will  during  flight  interactions  by 
male  butterflies.  Haviadryas  feronia  has  been  proven 
to  hear  the  sounds  in  the  same  acoustic  range  they 
produce  (Yack  et  ai,  2000) .  Therefore,  these  situations 
may  be  used  to  promote  sexual  recognition  which 
apparently  takes  place  quickly  at  the  very  beginning 
of  chases  carried  out  by  males  after  females.  Thus, 
males  initiating  chases  shift  to  courtship  behavior 
almost  immediately  upon  approaching  a  female  or 
proceed  in  aerial  pursuit  when  finding  a  male.  Some 
moths  {Hecatesia  thyridion)  and  Satyrinae  butterflies 
are  among  the  few  Lepidoptera  known  to  produce 
high  frequency  sounds,  similar  to  those  produced 
by  Haviadryas  males,  which  are  voluntarily  used  in 
intraspecific  communication  while  in  courtship  flight 
(Bailey,  1978;  Kiine,  1982;  Murillo-Hiller,  2006).  Thus, 
it  seems  difficult  to  ascertain  what  role  the  clicking 
sounds  play  in  Haviadryas'  behavioral  repertoire. 
We  conjecture  that  the  clicks  are  used  as  an  early 
recognition  of  sexual  partners  and  that  sound  intensity 
may  also  be  used  by  females  as  a  means  to  assess  the 
male’s  htness,  as  bigger  healthier  males  may  produce 
louder  clicks.  Behavioral  experiments  are  needed  to 
provide  evidence  for  either  hypotheses. 

Although  Haviadryas  butterflies  of  both  sexes 
defend  feeding  sites,  the  aerial  chases  observed  here 
do  not  seem  to  be  associated  \vith  resource  defense 
or  to  territoriality  (Ross,  1963).  Food  was  provided  ad 
lihituvi  in  two  localized  spots  in  the  flight  cage  and  the 
majority  of  the  individuals  had  ceased  feeding  when 
aerial  chases  reached  a  climax  (Marini-Filho,  1996). 
With  the  exception  of  one  very  successful  male,  males 
that  had  the  greatest  success  in  defending  feeding  sites 
were  different  from  those  that  initiated  aerial  chases. 
W'hile  H.  feronia  was  the  species  that  performed  the 
majority  of  the  aerial  chases,  H.  aviphinotne  was  the 
one  that  defended  the  feeding  resource  more  fiercely. 
This  is  consistent  with  their  size  difference,  as  body 
size  determines  to  a  great  extent  the  winner  of  those 
interactions  (Marini-Filho,  1996). 

Aerial  chases  apparently  play  two  intimately 
related  functions:  the  discovery  of  receptive  females 
and  the  establishment  of  dominance  hierarchies  for 
mating  priority,  although  we  did  not  consider  this 
during  the  experiment.  Dominance  hierarchies  may 
be  the  result  of  natural  selection  over  intraspecihc 
differences  in  flight  capacity  or  other  fitness-related 
character,  promoting  the  individual  spacing  in  natural 
populations  and  enhancing  the  mating  chances  of 
hierarchically  superior  individuals  (see  Rutowski  etal, 
1989),  the  priority  order  being  generally  established 
through  previous  agonistic  encounters  (Archer,  1988: 

,1 14).  The  establishment  of  dominance  hierarchies 
may  come  about  by  the  recognition  of  the  individual 
aggre.ssiveness  by  the  butterflies  present  in  the  .same 
feeding  area  (usually  one  or  a  few  tree  trunks  oozing 
fermenting  sap).  It  is  unlikely  that  monomorphic 
butterflies  as  other  monomorphic  insects  are  able 
to  visually  recognize  others  of  the  same  or  similar 
species  (Ewing,  1984).  Males  and  females  of  most 
species  of  the  groups  feronia  and  februa  have  a  cryptic 
marbled  color  pattern,  making  them  difficult  to  be 
recognized  in  flight.  It  is  more  likely  that  after  a  series 
of  aerial  chases  the  individuals  present  in  the  area  can 
recognize  behaviorally  that  there  are  other  individuals 
more  aggre.ssive  a,ssuming  then  a  submissive  attitude, 
either  evading  chases  or  refusing  to  fly  during  the 
period  of  most  aerial  interactions.  Possibly  the  most 
chased  Haviadryas  were  receptive,  while  non- 

receptive  females  would  not  stay  close  to  the  food 
source  during  the  period  of  aerial  chases,  and  would 
otherwise  be  looking  for  suitable  host-plants  for  their 
larvae  if  they  could  have  left  the  cage. 

These  results  may  also  help  the  definition  of  the 
Haviadryas  phylogeny  once  it  seems  that  there  is  a 
high  agreement  between  the  ability  to  produce  .sounds 
observed  on  the  males  of  the  feronia  species  group 
and  the  inability  to  produce  sound  in  the  other  two 
species  groups  {laodaviia  And  februa).  The  ability  of //. 
aviphkhloeio  produce  sound  must  be  checked  by  hand 
test  and  further  considered  with  the  morphologic 
factors  to  find  if  it  is  an  exception  from  this  pattern 
or  in  fact  more  associated  to  the  feronia  species  group 
than  to  the  februa  species  group. 


We  thank  the  direction  and  staf'f'oftlie  Linharcs  Forest  Preserve 
for  essential  logistic  stijtport  dtiring  this  study.  We  are  grateltil  to 
Andre  V.  1..  Fieitas,  Carla  M.  Penz.  Rogerio  P.  Martins,  Dottglas 
Yanega,  Robert  Srygley  and  .Stanley  Rand  Ibr  discussions  and/or 
critical  cotnnients  on  earlier  drafts  of  the  inaiuiscript.  Sttidy  grants 
to  0|M-F  were  |)rovided  by  Coordenadoria  de  Aperfeicoainento  de 
Pessoal  de  Nivel  Sttjterior  (CAPES)  and  tbe  Smithsonian  Tropical 
Research  Institute.  Financial  support  for  this  sttidy  was  |>rovided 
by  FAPESP  to  WWB. 

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Ecobiology  of  the  common  castor  butterfly  Ariarfwc  merione  merione  (Cramer) 
(Lepidoptera:  Rhopalocera:  Nymphalidae) 

Janaki  Bai  Atluri'*,  Samatha  Bodapati',  Bhupathi  Rwalu  Mataia',  Sandhya  Deepira,  Devara'  and 
SUBBA  Reddi  Chiiakaia- 

‘Department  of  Botany,  Andhra  Lhiiversity,  Visakhapatnam  -  530003,  Andhra  Pradesh,  India 

-Department  of  Environmental  Sciences,  Andhra  University,  Visakhapatnam  -  530003,  Andhra  Pradesh,  India 


Abstract.  We  describe  the  life  histoiy  of  the  comtnon  castor  butterfly,  Ariadne  merione  merione,  monthly 
occurrence  and  seasonality'  of  eai  ly  stages  and  larval  performance  in  terms  of  food  consnmjition 
and  ittilization,  and  the  length  of  life  cycle.  Onr  study  was  conducted  during  2002  itt  the  Andhra 
University  campus  at  Visakhapattiam  (17'’42'  N,  82°18'  E),  South  India.  Field  study  itidicated 
that  A.  merione  merione  wna  in  continitoiis  flight  and  reproduction,  with  highest  densities  of  earlv 
and  achtlt  stages  occurring  during  June  -  Se|)tember,  the  time  of  the  entire  South-West  monsoon. 
Occurrence  of  the  early  stages  was  positively,  but  non-significantly  correlated  with  rainfall,  relative 
humidity,  tetnperatnre  and  day-length.  Multiple  regression  analysis  showed  that  the  effect  of  any 
combination  of  weather  parameters  on  the  rejtroductive  activity  was  less  than  40%.  The  Sotith-West 
monsoon  period  jtrobably  infhienced  the  reprodttetive  activity  by  promoting  fresh  growth  of  the 
larval  host  plant,  Ririnus  ronimunis,  which  in  turn  sup|rorted  development  of  early  stages.  Ariadne 
merione  meiionew’-As.  exemplified  by  a  life  cycle  of  27.4  ±  3.57  days  (eggs  3-4,  larvae  1 3-18,  and  pupa  6-9 
days)  permitting  a  maximum  of  8-9  overlapping  generations  per  year.  The  values  of  the  tuitritioniil 
indices  across  the  instars  were  A.l).  87.02-95.50%;  E.U.l.  3.80-20.90%;  E.U.D.  4.00-24.08%,  measured 
at  28°U  in  the  laboratoi-)'.  These  relatively  high  values,  at  least  partially  explain  the  ecological  success 
of  A.  merione  merione 'm  the  urban  environment. 

Key  words:  castor  butterfly,  Ariadne  merione,  life  history,  po|)itlatioti  index,  mttritional  indices. 


Of  the  estimated  20, ()()()  -  30, GOO  sj^ecies  of 
butterflies  occurring  globally,  at  least  1,500  species 
occur  in  India.  Several  field  guides  for  the  identification 
of  the  Indian  btitterflies  are  available  (Wynter-  Blyth, 
1957;  Haribal,  1992;  Gay  et  al,  1992;  Gunathilagaraj 
et  ai,  1998;  Kunte,  2000  and  the  references  therein). 
A  list  of  the  works  giving  the  descriptions  of  the  life 
histories  was  given  by  Pant  and  Ghatterjee  (1950), 
of  which  those  of  Bell  (1909  -  1927)  are  important. 
However,  review  of  these  early  works  indicated  that 
for  many  species  data,  particularly  on  the  duration 
and  phenology  of  early  lifestages,  are  either  absent 
or  incomplete.  Haribal  (1992)  noted  that  the  life 
histories  of  nearly  70%  of  the  Indian  species  require 
description.  We  began  sttidies  to  address  the  sittiation. 
Here  we  describe  the  life  history  of  Ariadne  merione 
merione  (Gramer),  the  common  castor  butterfly,  of 
the  Oriental  region.  It  is  a  sj^ecific  pest  of  the  castor 

^Corresponding  author 

Received:  24  July  2008 
Accepted:  20  August  2008 

seed  jjlant  Jiicinus  communis  (Nayar  el  ai,  1976)  and 
the  larvae  also  feed  on  the  stinging  nettles  Tragia 
involucrata  And  T.  Jduhenetti  (Euphorbiaceae)  (Ktmte, 
2000).  Because  reprodtictive  efficiency  dej^ends  on 
life  style  and  feeding  pattern  (Boggs,  1981;  Slansky  & 
Scriber,  1985;  Muthnkrishnan  Sc  Pandian,  1987),  we 
also  studied  larval  performance  with  resj^ect  of  food 
tuilization  by  feeding  them  on  a  daily  stij3|)ly  of  pieces 
of  fresh  leaf  of  the  castor  j^lant. 

Materials  and  methods 

The  sttidy  was  conducted  dtiring  the  year  2002 
in  the  Andhra  Lhiiversity  campus  (168  ha)  at 
Visakhapatnam  (17°42’  N,  82°18’  E)  situated  in  the 
east  coast  of  India.  The  natural  plant  commtmity 
of  the  camjius  was  searched  for  the  distribution 
and  reproductive  activity  of  the  common  castor 
btitterfly  Ariadne  merione  merione  (Cramer).  Adult 
btitterflies  were  seen  mostly  near  the  larval  host  plant 
Ricinus  communis  Linnaetis.  Once  located  detailed 
observations  were  made  at  10  sites  in  order  to  observe 
the  flight  activity  and  abundance  of  adtilLs,  the  period 
of  cojiulation  and  ovijiosition,  following  which  we 
collected  fresh  eggs  to  study  the  life  history  and  the 
duration  of  early  stages.  After  oviposition,  the  leaf 


J.  Res.Lepid. 

with  egg(s)  was  collected  in  Petri  dishes  (15  cm  x  2.5 
cm  depth)  and  brought  to  the  laboratory.  The  piece 
of  the  leaf  with  the  egg  was  then  placed  in  a  smaller 
Petri  dish  (10  cm  x  1.5  cm  depth)  the  inside  of  which 
lined  with  moistened  blotter  to  prevent  the  leaf  from 
drying.  Five  such  samples  were  placed  in  a  cage 
covered  with  wire  mesh.  The  laboratory  temperature 
was  28  ±  2°  C  and  relative  humidity  80  ±  10%  with 
normal  indirect  sunlight  conditions  that  varied  in 
duration  between  12h  during  November/Jamiary  and 
14h  dnring  june/july.  The  eggs  were  then  examined 
at  6h  intervals  daily  for  recording  time  to  eclosion. 
The  larvae  were  subsequently  reared  on  a  weighed 
quantity  of  fresh  leaves  supplied  daily.  The  time  of 
each  moult  was  noted.  The  morphological  characters, 
body  measurements,  body  weight  of  each  instar  and 
the  faeces  egested  were  taken  daily.  The  prepiipal 
behavior  of  the  final  iiistar,  pupal  particulars  and  the 
time  of  adult  eclosion  were  also  recorded.  Larval 
performance  in  terms  of  food  utilization  indices  were 
calculated  as  described  by  Waldbauer  (1968)  as: 

arbitrary  scale  of  rare,  less  common,  and  common. 
The  relation  between  the  monthly  distribution  of 
early  stages  and  prevailing  rainfall,  relative  humidity, 
temperature,  and  day-length  was  assessed  by  statistical 
correlation  and  multiple  regression  analysis  using 
Minitab  Statistical  Software  14,  2003. 


Adult  stage  (Fig.  la,  b) 

Both  male  and  female  adults  were  nearly  identical, 
characterized  by  their  reddish  brown  colored  wings 
bearing  black  colored  wavy  lines.  Copulations 
occurred  during  mid-day,  mostly  between  1100  - 
1500  h  and  lasting  for  more  than  one  hour.  Adults 
were  found  feeding  on  spoiled  flowers  of  Lantana 
camam,  overripe,  fallen  and  damaged  fruits  of  Annona 
squamosa,  Syzygiuni  cumini  and  Artocarpus  heterophyllus, 
and  the  sap  oozing  from  wounds  in  the  tree  trunks  of 
Citrus  aurantifolia. 

Food  c{>nsuinpti()ii  index  (C'.l.) 

Relative  gnjwth  rate  (Ci.  R.) 

Approximate  digestibility  (A.  D.) 

F.tliciency  ol  conversion  of 
digested  food  (E.  C.  D.) 

Egg  stage  (Fig.  Ic) 

Wl.  of  foofl  consumed 

Wt.  of  instar  X  No.  of  feeding  days 

Wt.  gained  by  the  instar 

Mean  wt.  of  instar  x  No.  of  feeding  days 

Wt.  of  food  ingested  -  Wt.  of  faeces 

-  X  100 

Wt.  of  food  ingested 

Wt.  gained  bv  the  instar 

-  X  100 

W't.  of  food  consumed  *  Wt.  of  faeces 

Gravid  females  lay  eggs  singly  on  the  under  surface 
of  the  leaves  of  the  castor  plant  mostly  before  mid-day, 
between  0900  -1200h.  Females  spread  their  wings 
during  egg  laying,  depositing  1  to  clutches  of  15. 
There  was  no  bias  for  the  age  of  the  leaf.  During  one 
survey  old  leaves  had  1-7  and  young  tender  leaves  1  - 
3  eggs.  The  eggs  were  round,  0.80  -  0.90  (0.83  ±  0.04) 
mm  in  diameter.  At  oviposition  they  were  white,  the 
color  changing  to  light  brown  before  hatching.  Wlien 
first  laid  eggs  appeared  soft  in  texture,  but  within  6  - 
10  seconds  they  became  hairy.  They  hatched  in  3  -  4 
days.  Soon  after  hatching,  larvae  ate  their  egg-shells. 
Each  larva  passed  through  five  distinct  instars  over  a 
period  of  13  -  18  days. 

Ff  ficicncy  ol  conversion  of 
ingested  food  (E.  C.  1.) 

Wt.  gained  bv  the  inslar 
-  X  100 

Wt.  of  food  ingested 

To  determine  the  developmental  success  of  each 
of  the  early  stages,  a  number  of  eggs  were  placed  in 
Petri  dishes  in  each  month  and  the  number  of  larvae 
hatched,  pupae  formed  and  the  adults  eclosed  were 
recorded.  To  record  the  different  early  stages  on  the 
natural  host  plant,  one  plant  at  each  of  the  10  study 
sites  was  thoroughly  searched  at  10  day  intervals  eacli 
month  and  the  early  stages  found  were  enumerated 
and  pooled  for  each  month.  During  the  same  visits, 
the  (light  frequency  of  adults  was  also  noted  using  the 

Larval  stage  (Fig.  Id-h) 

Instar  I  lasted  for  2-3  days.  Larvae  were  1 .8  -  2.0  ( 1 .9 
±  0.08)  mm  on  Dl,  growing  to  a  length  of  2.50  -  3.00 
(2.80  ±0.21)  mm  and  width  ofO.30- 0.50  (0.43  ±0.09) 
mm  before  moult.  Body  was  somewhat  rectangular  in 
siiape,  but  slightly  narrowing  posteriorly.  Its  color  was 
pale  brown  immediately  after  hatching,  later  turning 
brownish  green  with  three  brown  colored  horizontal 
bands  on  dorsal  side.  Head  was  very  minute,  and 
brown.  Instar  II  also  lasted  for  2-3  days  and  attained 
a  length  of  3.30  -  4.00  (3.73  ±  0.30)  mm  and  width  of 
0.60  -  0.90  (0.73  ±  0.12)  mm.  Whitish  green  spines 
with  branched  ends  appeared  over  the  entire  body. 
Head  was  brown  with  a  pair  of  brown  horns.  There 

42;  13-20,  2003  (2010) 


were  no  changes  in  other  characters  seen  in  instar  I. 
Instar  III  lasted  for  3-4  days.  Developing  to  a  length 
of  6.00  -  8.00  (7.00  ±  0.81)  mm  and  width  of  1.10  - 
1.50  (1.36  ±0.18)  mm.  Dorsally  they  had  a  yellowish 
green  broad  stripe  with  brown  edge  longitudinal  to 
the  body.  The  body  spines  present  on  the  three  brown 
horizontal  bands  were  also  brown.  Head  was  1  mm  in 
size,  blackish  brown  in  color  with  white  markings.  The 
head  horns  were  0.80  -  1.00  (0.90  ±  0.08)  mm  long 
and  branched.  Legs  were  clearly  visible.  The  larva 
did  not  move  much,  but  moved  its  head  continuously 
when  disturbed.  There  were  no  changes  in  other 
characters  from  previous  instar.  Instar  IV  also  lasted 
for  3-4  days,  growing  to  a  length  of  1 0.00  - 1 5.00  ( 1 2.00 
±  0.21)  mm  and  a  width  of  1.50  -  2.00  (1.73  ±  0.20) 
mm.  Body  became  green  in  color.  The  dorsal  stripe 
turned  iDiown  with  yellowish  cream  edges.  The  three 
black  horizontal  bands  began  to  disappear.  Head  was 
blackish  brown  in  color,  square  shaped  and  measured 
1 .00  -  2.00  ( 1 .53  ±  0.41 )  mm  in  diameter.  There  were 
three  triangular  white  markings  on  the  head.  The 
head  horns  were  reddish  brown  in  color  and  measured 
2  mm  in  length.  Segmentation  was  clear.  Body  spines 
were  green  in  color,  arranged  in  four  lines  on  each 
side  of  the  body  on  all  the  segments.  The  legs  were 
green.  Instar  V  also  lasted  for  3-4  days.  When  full 
grown  the  larva  was  23.0  -  30.0  (25.6  ±  0.32)  mm  long 
and  2.20  -  3.00  (2.73  ±  0.37)  mm  wide.  Body  was  dark 
green.  The  dorsal  stripe  changed  to  orange  with  black 
edges  showing  numerous  small  white  to  cream  colored 
spots.  The  dorsal  three  horizontal  bands  disappeared 
completely.  Head  was  2.00  -  3.00  (2.56  ±  0.41 )  mm  in 
diameter.  It  had  prominent  white  triangular  markings 
with  black  border  two  present  above  and  one  below. 
The  horns  became  orange  in  color,  with  black  tips, 
and  measured  3.00  -  4.00  (3.60  ±  0.43)  mm  in  length. 
Light  and  dark  green  crossed  lines  developed  on  both 
lateral  sides  of  the  body.  The  color  of  spines  changed 
to  brown  with  black  tips  and  with  yellow  to  orange 
colored  spots  at  their  base. 

Pupal  stage  ( 

During  the  prepupal  period  of  1  -  2  days  the  full- 
grown  larva  stopped  feeding,  turned  brown  and  its 
lateral  crossed  lines  changed  to  brown  and  white.  The 
body  contracted  and  the  larva  attached  itself  to  the 
substratum  with  its  posterior  end  hanging  downwards. 
It  measured  20.00  -  25.00  (22.60  ±  0.20)  mm  in  length 
and  3  mm  in  width.  The  pupal  stage  lasted  for  5-7 
days.  The  brown  color  changed  to  black  with  pupal 
maturation  until  adult  eclosion.  It  measured  15.00 
-  17.00  (16.00  ±  0.08)  mm  in  length  and  6.00  -  7.00 
(6.46  ±  0.41)  mm  in  width  at  the  broadest  end.  The 
anterior  end  was  narrow.  At  the  broadest  point  both 
lateral  sides  were  curved  inwards,  between  which  two 
pointed  projections  appeared  on  dorsal  side.  Average 
pupal  weight  was  202.3  mg. 

Development  success  and  population  index 

Hatching  success  varied  between  40  and  100%, 
being  highest  duringjune  to  September.  Both  larval 
and  pupal  development  success  varied  between  50  and 
100%,  (Table  1).  The  numerical  frequency  of  eggs, 
larvae,  pupae  recorded  on  the  host  plants  and  adult 
abundance,  along  with  the  prevailing  weather  data 
are  given  in  Table  2.  The  three  early  stages  and  adults 
could  be  found  under  natural  conditions  throughout 
the  year.  However,  the  period  ofjune  and  September 
provided  the  highest  frequency  of  all  stages,  with  peak 
numbers  in  July.  Correlation  between  the  counts  of 
early  stages  and  monthly  average  temjterature,  average 
relative  humidity,  total  rainfall,  and  average  day-length 
was  positive,  but  non-significant,  the  coefficient  values 
being  0.566,  0.333,  0.468,  and  0.521  respectively. 
The  four  weather  variables  jointly  influenced  the 
distribution  of  early  stages  to  the  extent  of  about  40%, 
as  indicated  by  multiple  regression  coefficients,  R- 
0.216-0.396  (Table  3).  Other  combinations  including 
temperat  lire /rain  fall-/ day-length,  temperature/ 

Table  1 .  Hatching,  larval  and  pupal  development  success  of  Ariadne  merione  merione  in  the  laboratory. 

Life  cycle  stage 

Calendar  nioiith.s 













#  eggs  incubaled 













#  larvae  hatched 













#  pupae  formed 













#  adults  emerged 














/.  Res.Lepid. 

Table  2.  Distribution  of  early  stages  of  Ariadne  merione  merione  on  Ricinus  communis  and  the  associated  weather 


Life  cycle  stage, 

Calendar  months 













Eaiiy  stages 

















Temperature  (°C) 













Relative  humidity  (%) 




74.5  , 









Rainfall  (mm) 













Daylength  (h) 













*  Rare,  **  Common,  ***  Very  common. 

Table  3.  Multiple  regression  of  the  counts  of  the  early  stages  in  relation  to  the  prevailing  weather  parameters. 

Constant  (A) 





































1 .094 



















X|  -  Monthly  average  temperature;  X„  -  Monthly  average  relative  humidity;  -  Monthly  total  rainfall;  X^  -  Monthly  average 

Table  4.  Food  consumption,  growth  and  food  utilization  efficiencies  of  Ariadne  merione  merione  larva  fed  with  Ricinus  communis 


Wt.  of  food  Wt.  of  faeces  (mg) 

Wt.  gained  by 







ingested  (mg) 

larva  (mg) 








45.0  ±  10.03 

2.0  ±  0.35 

1.72  ±0.1 6 







150.0  +  16.39 

13.0  ±2. 16 

10.85  ±0..59 







2,50.0  ±  05.65 

25.0  ±  5.09 

31.00  ±  1.65 







925  ±  22.22 

120.0  ±5.88 

193.87  ±2.61 






-  ln(licate.s  no  data  due  to  very  small  size  of  first  instar. 

42:  13-20,  2003  (2010) 


Figure  1 .  Photographs  of  the  sequential  stages  in  the  life  history  of  Ariadne  merione  merione.  a)  Adult  pairing,  b)  Adults  feeding 
on  the  damaged  fruits  of  Annona  squamosa,  c)  Egg.  d)  Instar  I.  e)  Instar  II.  f)  Instar  III.  g)  Instar  IV.  h)  Instar  V.  i)  Pupa. 


J.  Res.Lepid. 

relative  humidity/ rainfall,  and  temperature-rainfall 
also  liad  similar  to  lower  values. 

Food  consumption,  growth  and  utilization 

The  data  for  the  weight  of  food  consumed  and 
weight  gained  by  the  larvae  are  given  in  Table  4.  The 
same  data  could  not  be  collected  for  instar  I  due  to  its 
small  size  with  consequent  danger  in  handling.  The 
amount  of  food  consumed  increased  from  instar  to 
instar,  the  proportion  of  total  food  consumed  in  instars 
from  II  to  V  being  3.28,  10.94,  18.24,  and  67.51%. 
Thus,  there  was  greatest  consumption  in  instar  V.  The 
weight  gain  corresponded  to  the  food  consumption 
trend  of  the  respective  iiistars.  The  weight  gain  in 
instar  V  was  81 .65%  of  total  larval  weight.  The  weight 
of  successive  instars  plotted  against  the  food  consumed 
indicated  a  clear  relationship  between  these  two 
parameters  (y  =  0.227  X  and  18.383;  r  =  0.9963).  The 
values  of  growth  rate  (G.  R.)  decreased  from  instar  II 
to  III  and  then  increased  to  instar  V,  the  values  varying 
between  0.34  and  0.45  mg/day/mg.  Consumption 
index  (C.  I.)  progressively  decreased  from  iiistar  to 
instar,  the  values  ranging  between  2.16  and  1 1.02  mg/ 
day/mg.  Table  4  also  includes  the  indices  of  food 
utilization  efficiencies  A.  D.,  E.  C.  L,  and  E.  C.  D.  The 
range  of  A.  D.  values  was  87.02  to  95.5%,  that  of  E. 
C.  I.  3.8  to  20.9%  and  E.  C.  D.  4.0  to  24.08%.  While 
E.  C.  I.  and  E.  C.  D.  decreased,  A.  D.  increased  as  the 
larvae  progressed. 


The  year  round  occurrence  of  early  stages  on 
the  host  plant  Ridnus  communis  showed  that  Ariadne 
merione  merione  breeds  continuously,  corresponding 
with  the  usual  pattern  noted  for  most  tropical 
butterflies  (Owen,  1971;  Owen  et  ai,  1972).  The 
period  of  highest  frequency  from  June  to  September 
correlates  with  the  South  -  West  monsoon.  Thus 
rainfall  appears  to  be  the  most  important  factor 
promoting  higher  reproduction  rates  in  A.  merione 
merione  as  is  the  case  for  both  Catopsilia  crocale 
(Chirstopher  &  Mathavan,  1986)  and  Catopsilia 
pyranthe  (Atluri  et  ai,  2004a).  However,  statistical 
correlation  of  the  distribution  and  abundance  of 
early  stages  with  the  rainfall,  though  positive,  was 
non-significant.  Precipitation  during  the  South-West 
monsoon  likely  had  its  influence  on  reproduction 
via  the  host  plant.  During  this  season,  the  host  plant 
had  its  greatest  fresh  growtii,  a  resource  needed  by 
the  larvae  for  better  performance  due  to  the  likely 
higher  levels  of  nitrogen  and  water  content  (Slaosky  & 
Feeny,  1977;  Scriber,  1977;  Mattson,  1986).  Although 

Figure  2.  Relationship  between  food  consumption 
and  growth  in  Ariadne  merione  merione  on  Ridnus 

the  host  plant  was  available  throughout  the  year,  leaf 
quality  in  terms  of  nitrogen  and  water  content  might 
have  varied  through  the  year,  hence  the  observed 
trend  in  the  pattern  of  reproduction  of  A.  merione 
merione.  The  work  of  Pullin  (1987)  on  the  growth  of 
larvae  of  Aglais  urticae  fed  with  foliage  with  different 
water  contents  also  suggested  the  likely  variations  in 
the  breeding  success  as  being  due  to  variations  in 
rainfall.  Pollard  et  al.  (1997)  also  examined  a  similar 
relationship.  The  low  incidence  of  early  stages  during 
periods  other  than  the  South  -  West  monsoon  could 
have  been  due  to  a  decrease  in  mature  egg  number  as 
reported  by  Braby  (1995)  in  the  Satyriiie  butterflies, 
which  also  breed  continuously. 

Few  other  species  noted  at  the  study  biotope 
also  reproduced  all  year,  but  at  a  higher  rate  during 
different  periods:  Pachliopta  arisolochiae  April  to  May, 
and  October  to  November  (Atluri  et  al,  2004b) ,  Papilio 
polytes  August  to  Februaiy  (Atluri  et  al,  2002) ,  Graphiurn 
agamemnon  August  to  December  (Veiikataramana  et 
al,  2003a),  Eurema  hecabe  September  to  November 
(Veiikataramana  et  al,  2003b),  Euploea  core  November 
tojaniiaiy  (Veiikataramana  et  al,  2001).  For  most  of 
India,  Wynter  -  Blyth  (1957)  rated  spring  as  the  most 
favorable  period,  followed  by  post  monsoon  and  South 
-  West  monsoon.  In  the  northern  western  Ghats, 
Kimte  (1997)  observed  highest  flight  activity  during 
late  monsoon  (August  to  September)  and  early  winter 
(October  to  November).  These  differences  in  the 
phenology  of  butterflies  suggest  that  different  species 
respond  differently  to  the  prevailing  environmental 
seasonality  and  exhibit  different  life  history  patterns. 
Even  different  species  of  a  genus  may  behave 
differently  as  observed  by  Jones  and  Rieiiks  (1987)  in 
tlie  three  species  of  the  tropical  Eurema  they  studied. 

42:  13-20,  2003  (2010) 


The  overall  effect  of  weather  on  population  trends  is 
complex  and  difficult  to  predict,  as  also  expressed  by 
Pollard  (1988). 

The  characters  of  full  grown  larva  observed  in 
this  stndy  substantiate  those  given  in  Bell  (1910) 
and  Sevastopulo  (1939)  as  well  as  pupal  duration. 
The  total  development  time  from  egg  laying  to 
adult  eclosion  was  determined  as  27.4  ±  3.57  days 
at  about  28°C,  thus  permitting  a  maximum  of  8  to 
9  overlapping  broods  per  year.  This  behavior  is  in 
line  with  the  expectation  of  tropical  butterflies  to 
have  a  short  life  cycle,  and  multiple  broods  over  the 
year  (Owen,  1971).  Since  temperature  influences 
instar  duration  and  the  overall  development  time 
(Mathavan  &  Pandian,  1975;  Palanichamy  et  ah,  1982; 
Pathak  &  Pizvi,  2003;  Braby,  2003) ,  tlie  brood  ntun!)er 
in  other  parts  of  A.  nierione  merione  distribution  may 
vary  from  our  records  depending  on  the  prevailing 
temperattires.  As  no  temperature  extremes  occur  at 
Visakhapatnam,  especially  at  the  Andhra  University 
site,  the  duration  of  life  cycle  did  not  vary  much  over 
the  overlapping  seasons. 

Adult  feeding  on  the  damaged  and  ripened  fruit 
helps  them  obtain  proteins  and  carbon  sources  (Tevey 
&  del  Rio,  2001 ),  with  such  nutrient  uptake  improving 
egg  productivity  (Fischer  et  al,  2004) .  The  larval  food 
also  appears  to  be  highly  nutritional  as  indicated  by 
the  observed  values  of  assimilation  efficiency  (A.  D.), 
the  efficiency  of  conversion  of  ingested  food  (E.  C.  1.) , 
and  the  efficiency  of  conversion  of  digested  food  (E.  C. 
D.)  into  the  body  substance.  The  chemistr)’  of  the  leaf, 
particularly  its  nitrogen  and  water  content,  influences 
the  assimilation  efficiency  (Pandian  &  Marian,  1986). 
The  castor  leaves  contain  2.54%  nitrogen  and  75.20% 
water  (Senthamizhselvan  &  Mnrngan,  1988).  Hence 
(he  observed  high  A.  D.  value,  mean  90.97%.  Stich 
high  values  are  characteristic  of  the  foliage  feeders 
(Slansky  &  Scriber,  1985)  and  indicative  of  their  high 
growth  efficiency  (Singhal,  1980).  The  values  of  E. 
C7  D.  and  E.  C.  1.,  particularly  those  of  the  last  two 
instars,  are  also  relatively  high  (12.4%,  20.9%;  13.7%, 
24.1%),  thus  respectively  indicating  tissue  growth 
efficiency  and  ecological  growth  efficiency,  which 
enabled  A.  merione  nierione  io  thrive  successfully  in  the 
urban  environment. 


riie  autliors  thank  Profe.ssnr  Frances  S.  Cliew  of  tlie 
De|3artinent  of  Biology  of  Tufts  University.  Medford,  USA  for 
appraising  ottr  work.  We  also  thank  Mr.  S.  Naresh  of  the  Andhra 
University  Statistics  Department  for  help  in  the  statistical  analysis 
of  the  data,  and  the  Librarian,  BNHS,  Mtnnbai,  for  the  supply 
of  literature.  Two  anonymous  reviewers  improved  otir  original 
manuscript  for  which  we  thank  them. 

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fournal  of  Research  on  the  Lepidoftera 

42:  21-33,  2003  (2010) 

Larval  feeding  behaviour  and  myrmecophily  of  the  Brenton  Blue, 
Orachrysops  niobe  (Trimen)  (Lepidoptera:  Lycaenidae) 

David  A.  Edcif*  and  Hliib  van  Hambl'rc; 

Scliool  of  Environmental  Sciences  and  Development,  North-West  University,  I’rivate  Bag  XOOOl.  Potchefstrooni,  2.520,  Sotith  Alrica. 
daveedge@xnets.  co.  za 

Abstract.  The  larval  feeding  hehaviotir  and  myrinecophih'  of  the  Brenton  Bltie  Orachrysops  niohe. 
an  endangered  polyommatine  htitterfly  from  Knysna  in  Sotith  Africa,  were  investigated  by  field 
observations  and  captive  larval  rearing.  The  aerial  and  stihterranean  parts  of  the  Indigofera  erecta 
legtmie  host  plants  were  searched  for  O.  niohe  eggs,  larvae  and  potential  host  ants.  I’hird  and 
fonrtli  instar  larvae  and  ptipae  were  fotind  in  association  witfi  Camponotns  baynei dwts  on  tfie  host 
plant  rootstock.  Ant  colonies  in  viewable  artificial  C.  baynei  nests  were  sited  near  host  jtlants 
bearing  nudtiple  O.  niobe  eggs,  bm  no  larvae  were  taken  into  the  nests.  Uannibalism  was  observed 
between  larvae  raised  in  captivity  on  cm  host  plant.  A  third  instar  captive  larva  was  enclosed 
with  a  potted  host  plant  connected  to  a  similar  artificial  ant  nest.  The  larva  disappeared  and  was 
later  fotind  feeding  on  the  depleted  plant  rootstock,  tended  Itv  the  ants,  and  tfiis  behaviour  was 
confirmed  by  field  observations.  O.  niobe’s  ant  association  is  inferred  to  be  obligate.  Leguminous 
Indigoferahosi  plants  have  amino  acid  enriched  rootstocks,  wliich  inav  have  pre-adapted  the  larval 
digestive  system  to  a  cannibalistic  or  carnivorous  lifestvle.  I.arval  growth  characteristics  are  used 
to  compare  African  polvommatine  genera  and  Orachrysops  is  intermediate  fietween  the  facultative 
myrmeco|thilous  genera  and  the  predaceous/parasitic  Lepidochrysops species.  A  cladistic  analysis 
based  on  host  jilants,  ant  associations  and  feeding  behaviour  leads  to  a  hypothetical  phylogenv 
of  the  Af  rican  im  i  inecopliilotis  jiolyoimnatines. 

Keywords:  myrmecophily,  Orachrysops  niobe.  polyommatine,  phytophagv',  rootstock  feeding. 


South  Africa  lias  a  wealth  of  niyrniecophiloiis 
lycaeiiicls  (Terblaiiche  &  van  Hamburg,  2003),  many 
of  which  exhibit  restricted  ranges  (endemism)  and 
are  Red  Listed  species  (Henning  Sc  Henning,  1989; 
Henning  et  al,  2009).  The  phenomena  of  endemism 
and  rarity  are  believed  to  restdf  from  the  narrow 
environmental  niches  available  to  species  that  reqtiire 
the  overlapping  jiresence  of  host  plants  and  tending 
ants  (Pierce  et  al.,  2002).  Nearly  all  of  the  ohligately 
myrmecophilous  South  African  lycaenid  butterflies 
are  in  the  tribes  Aphnaeini  and  Polyouuuatiui  (sensu 
Pringle  et  al,  1994). 

Orachrysops  is  a  recently  erected  polyommatine 
genus  (Vari  &  Kroon,  1986),  for  which  the  life  history 
and  myrmecophily  of  its  1 1  species  and  one  subspecies 
are  little  known.  Clark  and  Dickson  ( 1971)  were  otily 
able  to  rear  larvae  of  Orachrysops  lacrimosa  (Bethnne- 
Bakei',  1923)  to  the  end  of  the  second  instar,  after 
which  the  larvae  died.  Recent  work  on  the  two  most 

^Corresponding  author 

Received:  27  October  20()H 
Accepted:  5  November  2008 

endangered  species  in  the  genus  has  extended  this 
knowledge  to  all  stages  of  their  life  history.  Edge  and 
Pringle  (1996)  reported  that  the  larvae  oi  Orachrysops 
niobe  (Trimen,  1862)  were  phytophagous  in  all  instars 
during  captive  rearing  to  the  adult  stage,  and  whilst 
a  dorsal  nectary  organ  (DNO)  was  present  no  ant 
association  appeared  to  be  necessary.  Ln  and  Sainways 
(2001;  2002a;  2002b)  made  field  observations  of 
all  larval  stages  and  jDupae  for  Orachrysops  ariadne 
(Butler,  1898)  and  detected  an  apparently  obligate  ant 
association  with  Camponotus  natalensis  (F.  Smith). 

Polyommatine  larvae  display  a  range  of  ant 
associations,  including  predacious  parasitism, 
facultative  mutualisms  and  myrmecoxeny  (no  ant 
association).  Larval  diets  vary  from  phytophagy  to 
entomophagy,  or  combinations  thereof  (Cottrell, 
1984;  Fiedler,  1991b;  Fiedler,  1998;  Pierce  et  al, 
2002).  Variation  is  evident  within  genera  (e.g. 
Maculinea)  as  well  as  between  genera,  with  significant 
implications  for  the  ecology  and  population  dynamics 
of  each  species  (Thomas  et  al,  1998).  Consequently 
extrapolations  between  even  closely  related  species 
can  be  misleading,  and  detailed  field  observations 
as  well  as  laboratoiy  experiments  are  the  only  way  to 
establish  with  any  certainty  the  laiwal  diet  and  the  exact 
nature  of  the  myrmecophily  for  each  species  (Thomas 
et  (d.,  1989;  Ehnes  &  Thomas,  1992). 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

Materials  and  methods 

Study  site 

riie  study  site  was  the  Breiiton  Blue  Butterfly 
Reserve  (BBBR)  at  Breutoii-ou-Sea  nearKuysnain  the 
Western  (lape  Province  of  South  Africa.  It  has  a  total 
area  of  14.670  m-,  is  centred  at  co-ordinates  34®()4’2()” 
S,  23-()2’()()”  E,  and  lies  at  90-115  metres  above  mean 
sea  level  on  a  well-drained  south-facing  slope  with  an 
average  inclination  of  1  in  3  (18°),  vaiying between  10° 
and  26°.  The  climatic,  topographical  and  geological 
featttres  ol'  the  site  and  its  vegetation  communities 
have  been  fully  described  elsewhere  (Edge,  2005; 
Edge  et  al,  2008a). 

Field  observations 

All  O.  nioh('hos\  plants  {ludigofera  erertaThunhevg, 
Eabaceae)  were  systematically  searched  for  eggs 
between  November  2001  and  April  2003  and  all  plants 
with  >5  eggs  were  searched  repeatedly  to  detect  the 
j)resence  of  any  larvae,  pupae  or  ants,  at  various  times 
of  day  including  the  evening.  The  size,  stage  and 
behaviour  of  any  larvae  discovered  were  recorded,  and 
samples  were  taken  of  ants  for  identification.  Sizes 
were  meastired  with  a  vernier  scale  using  a  hand  lens. 
Erom  April  2002  not  only  were  the  leaves  and  stems 
of  the  plants  down  to  ground  level  searched,  but  also 
some  of  tbe  rootstocks  were  carefully  excavated  to  a 
depth  of  2-4  cm. 

Captive  rearing  on  cut  host  plant 

I  lost  plant  sprigs  bearing  eggs  were  cut  off  and 
placed  in  clear  air-tight  plastic  containers  25mm 
diameter  x  55  mm  high,  with  a  drop  of  water 
maintained  in  the  bottom  of  the  container  to  prevent 
desiccation  of  the  plant.  The  oviposition  date  (if 
known),  hatching  date  and  all  subsequent  dates 
and  measurements  were  written  on  labels  attached 
to  the  container  lids.  If  there  were  two  or  more  ova 
on  a  sprig,  the  larvae  were  separated  into  individual 
coutainers  on  emergence.  Every  few  days  the  contents 
were  carefully  removed,  the  larvae  examined  and  the 
overall  length  (from  the  tip  of  the  mandibles  to  the 
end  of  the  final  segment  for  the  first  instar  larvae, 
and  of  the  dorsal  carapace  for  the  second,  third  and 
fourth  instars)  measured  to  an  accuracy  of  0.5  mm 
with  a  vernier  calliper.  The  containers  were  cleaned 
otit  with  water  and  fresh  cut  sprigs  of  host  plant  were 
inserted  after  careftilly  transferring  the  larvae  to  the 
new  leaves.  Erom  the  third  instar  onwards,  the  larvae 
were  transferred  to  larger  flatter  plastic  containers  90 

mm  diameter  x  50  mm  high  that  would  accommodate 
larger  pieces  of  host  plant.  Upon  pupation,  the  pupae 
were  removed  and  placed  on  cotton  wool  under  a 
netting  eclosion  cage.  Any  adults  emerging  were 
preserved  as  voucher  specimens. 

Artificial  ant  nests 

Artificial  ant  nests  similar  to  those  used  by  Britton 
(1997)  300  mm  xl50  mm  x  20  mm  deep,  with 
labyrinthine  passages,  were  made  from  wood  with 
sealed  transparent  tops,  and  covered  by  a  detachable 
hardboard  lid  to  exclude  light.  Three  queen  right 
colonies  of  the  host  ant  Camponotus  baynei  Arnold 
were  collected  on  5  October  2002,  at  a  location  away 
from  the  BBBR,  by  breaking  open  decayed  logs  lying 
on  the  ground  under  dense  bushes.  Each  ant  colony 
was  kept  in  a  large  plastic  box  320  x  220  x  60  mm  deep 
with  flnon  (active  ingredient:  polytetrafluoroethylene) 
coated  walls  to  prevent  escape,  and  the  ants  were 
offered  access  into  one  of  the  artificial  nests  through 
a  translucent  plastic  tube.  The  ants  quickly  took  up 
residence  in  the  artificial  nests  and  feeding  stations 
were  set  up  in  the  large  plastic  box  where  a  50% 
v/v  solution  of  sugar,  plain  water  and  chopped  up 
dead  insects  was  provided.  On  several  occasions  a 
third  instar  larva  of  O.  riiobe  on  its  sprig  of  host  plant 
was  placed  in  the  plastic  box  to  observe  any  ant 

Two  of  these  ant  nests  were  slightly  bitried  (covered 
with  10-20  mm  soil)  on  16  October  2002,  close  to 
host  plants  on  which  a  large  number  of  O.  niobeeggs 
had  been  laid,  to  see  whether  butterfly  larvae  would 
be  taken  into  the  artificial  ant  nest.  Transhtcent 
plastic  tubing  provided  access  from  the  ant  nest  to 
the  base  of  the  host  plant.  The  nests  were  inspected 
every  week  until  27  January  2003,  when  one  of  the 
nests  was  removed  to  the  laboratory  to  prepare  for  a 
captive  rearing  experiment  (see  below).  The  other 
nest  remained  in  the  field  until  January  2004,  when  it 
too  was  removed  to  the  laboratory  for  another  captive 
rearing  experiment. 

Captive  rearing  with  live  host  plant  and  ants 

Two  /.  erecta  plants  were  tratisplanted  from  the 
field  with  their  sitrrounding  soil  into  pots  I75mm 
diatneter  x  100  mm  deep  in  December  2002,  and 
w'atered  regidarly.  An  experiment  was  set  up  in 
February  2003  with  the  two  potted  and  caged  /.  erecta 
plants,  an  artificial  ant  nest  containing  an  ant  colony 
with  brood  of  all  stages,  and  one  of  the  large  plastic 
boxes  with  atit  feeding  stations,  all  connected  by  clear 
6  mtn  diameter  plastic  tubes  (Fig.  1 ).  A  3“’  instar  larva 

42:  21-33,  2003  (2010) 


Figure  1.  Experimental  set  up  for  captive  rearing  with  live  host  plant  and  ants 

(7  mm  long)  was  placed  on  each  of  the  I.  erecta  plants 
on  8  March  2003.  The  plants  and  the  ant  nest  were 
examined  regularly  to  detect  any  larval  activity  and 
any  ant-larva  interactions. 

Morphology  of  the  immature  stages  of  O.  niobe 

Larvae  were  examined  with  a  Wild  M5 
stereomicroscope  at  magnifications  of  tip  to  50x. 
The  various  stages  were  photographed  under 
magnification  with  a  Nikon  (loolpix  E4600  digital 
camera.  Particular  attention  was  given  to  the  dorsal 
nectary  organs  (DNOs),  perforated  cupola  organs 
(PCOs),  tentacular  organs  (TOs)  and  the  mandibles 
of  the  4"'  instar  larva. 

Growth  characteristics  of  O.  niohe  larvae  and 
comparison  with  other  polyommatines 

Data  were  obtained  from  Clark  and  Dickson  (1971) 
and  Elmes  et  al.  (2001)  to  enable  a  comparison  to 
be  made  between  the  growth  patterns  observed  in 
the  early  stages  of  O.  niobe  and  other  polyommatine 

Host  plants  recorded  for  other  Orachrysops  species 

Data  were  obtained  from  variotis  published  sources 
and  from  fellow  lepidopterists  of  the  host  plants 
recorded  for  the  genus  Orachrysops.  Localities  for 
other  Orrtc/try,5o/is  species  were  \asited,  the  females  were 
observed  ovipositing,  and  specimens  were  tiiken  of  the 
host  plants  and  sent  to  an  expert  for  identification. 

Ova  of  the  Orac/nyvo/«  species  were  collected  and  it  was 
confirmed  that  the  larvae  stirvived  and  fed  on  the  host 
plant  on  which  they  were  laid.  High  magnification 
photographs  were  taken  of  the  eggs  and  the  larvae 
that  hatched  from  them. 


Field  observations  -  larvae  and  pupae 

The  1*‘  and  2"''  instar  larvae  of  O.  niobe  make  0.5 
mm  -  1.0  mm  grooves  in  the  epidermis  and  pali.sade 
parenchyma  of  the  glabrous  uppersides  of  the  leaflets 
of  I.  erecta.  When  not  feeding,  the  larvae  descend  to 
the  lowest  part  of  the  plant  and  rest  on  tlie  stem  in 
a  head-down  position,  making  them  very  difficult  to 
find  in  the  field. 

The  first  4‘'’  instar  larva  was  discovered  on  27  March 
2002  at  15.50  pm  on  a  cool,  cloudy  day.  A  vertical  hole 
abotit  8  mm  diameter  was  alongside  the  rootstock  of 
this  plant,  from  which  several  ants  emerged.  Down  the 
hole  about  20  mm  deep  was  a  4th  instar  larva,  which 
was  careftilly  removed  for  meastirement  and  found 
to  be  18  mm  long  x  4  mm  wide,  and  then  replaced 
in  the  hole.  A  sample  was  taken  of  the  ants  and  H. 
G.  Robertson  of  the  South  African  Iziko  Museum 
identified  them  as  Camponotus  baynei  Arnold.  The 
next  day  the  larva  had  pupated  (dimensions  12  mm 
X  4  mm).  A  few  days  later  the  ptipa  could  not  be 
found,  so  possibly  the  attendant  ants  must  have  taken 
it  deeper  underground. 

Most  of  the  subsequent  observations  were  also 
made  later  in  the  day  and  early  evening,  when  the  O. 


/.  Res.Lcpid. 

Figures  2-6.  2.  O.  niobe  larval  feeding  marks  can  be  seen  on  the  18mm  diameter  rootstock  of  I.  erecta  host  plant,  where  3 
larvae  were  found  at  different  times.  3.  Rootstock  of  /.  erecta  showing  feeding  damage  inflicted  by  larva  of  O.  niobe  (original 
diameter  of  6mm  reduced  to  2mm)  (x20).  4.  2"''  instar  O.  niobe  larva  (2.5  mm  long).  5.  3'"’  instar  O.  niobe  larva  (7mm  long) 
showing  the  head  shield  (Photos  by  D.  A.  Edge).  6.  4"'  instar  O.  niobe  larva  (18mm  long)  showing  an  everted  tentacular  organ 
(TO)  on  abdominal  segment  A8  (top  right)  (Photo  by  L.  du  Preez). 

42:  21-33,  2003  (2010) 


attendant  ants  appeared  to  be  more  active.  On 
two  occasions  two  fully-grown  4‘'’  instar  larvae  were 
found  on  the  same  I.  erecta  rootstock.  In  one  instance 
the  C.  originally  in  attendance  were  supplanted 

by  a  Pheidole  species  (in  large  numbers),  and  the  two 
larvae  could  no  longer  be  found.  The  ant  attendants 
were  C.  baynei  in  thirteen  out  of  hfteen  observations 
made  (seven  4'*'  instar  larvae;  hve  pupae  and  three 
pupa  cases) ,  with  Camponohis  berichti  in  attendance  in 
the  other  two  cases. 

Mature  rootstocks  of  I.  erecta  are  up  to  18  mm 
diameter  (Fig.  2).  The  holes  alongside  the  rootstocks 
of  I.  erecta  appear  to  be  excavated  by  the  C.  ba^jnei-c\nis, 
but  these  holes  do  not  lead  to  ant  nests.  C.  baynei  was 
only  found  to  be  nesting  above  ground  in  decayed 
dead  wood  with  holes  bored  out  by  a  beetle  larva, 
and  this  was  usually  some  distance  away  from  the  1. 
erecta  plants. 

Captive  rearing  with  cut  host  plant 

The  size  and  duration  of  the  early  stages  of  O. 
niobe  during  captive  rearing  on  cut  host  plant  are 
summarised  in  Table  1.  The  few  adults  that  were 
reared  were  dwarfs,  notwithstanding  their  rarity  in 
nature  (Edge,  2008). 

During  the  2004  and  2005  captive  rearing 
experiments  a  number  of  new  observations  were 
made.  It  was  conhrmed  that  the  first  and  second 
instars  (and  presumably  the  third)  normally  consume 
their  shed  cuticle,  including  the  head  capsule,  after 

In  April  2005  experiments  were  conducted 
whereby  pairs  of  well-fed  fourth  instar  larvae  were 
placed  in  the  same  container  with  fresh  host  plant. 
Within  24  hours  in  each  case  one  of  the  larvae 
disappeared  and  the  survivor  grew  in  size.  In  one 

Table  1.  Summary  of  the  size  and  duration  of  the  early 

stages  of  O.  niobe,  reared  on  cut  host  plant. 





0.6  dia  X  O.Snnn  high 

6  -7  days 

P'  instar 

0.8  -  1 .5inm* 

5  -  6  days 

2'"'  instar 

1 .5  -  3. Omni* 

8-12  days 

3"‘  instar 

3.0  -  7.5mm* 

35  -  57  days 

4"'  instar 

7.5  -  12.0mm* 

26  -  61  days 


7.5  -  8.0mm 

13 -23  days 


10  -  13mm 

L'p  to  15  days 

*  For  the  larval  instars  the  sizes  are  at  the  start  and  Hnish  of 
the  instar. 

instance  the  act  of  cannibalism  was  observed.  Whilst 
the  prey  larva  was  feeding  on  a  host  plant  leaf,  the 
predator  larva  attacked  it  from  behind  and  below, 
through  the  soft  ventral  parts  of  abdominal  segments 
A7  and  A8.  After  penetrating  the  integument  with  its 
jaws,  the  predator  larva  sucked  out  the  prey’s  body 
contents,  eventually  reducing  it  to  just  a  skin  and 
head  shield,  which  was  also  subsequently  consumed 
by  the  predator  larva. 

The  prey  larva  thrashed  about  during  the  attack 
trying  to  free  itself,  with  the  tentacular  organs  (TOs) 
being  very  active.  The  predator  lar%'a  increased  in 
size  from  9  mm  to  1 1  mm  before  and  after  this  attack. 
The  attacking  behaviour  appears  to  be  calculated  and 

Artificial  ant  nests 

Regular  inspections  of  the  artificial  C.  baynei  ant 
nests  showed  that  the  ant  colonies  remained  healthy, 
with  stable  abundances  of  adult  ants  and  brood. 
During  the  1 03  days  that  the  first  nest  was  in  place,  no 
larvae  of  O.  niobe  were  observed  inside  the  nest,  nor 
were  any  ().  niobe  larvae  seen  at  all.  The  other  nest 
was  in  the  field  for  15  months  and  although  the  nest 
remained  active,  no  larvae  were  observed  to  come  into 
the  nest.  Both  host  plants  had  large  numbers  of  O. 
niobeeggs  laid  on  them,  and  there  is  a  high  probability 
that  ().  niobe  larvae  were  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of 
the  nests. 

Captive  rearing  with  live  host  plant  and  ants 

The  two  third  instar  larvae  that  were  placed  on  the 
two  host  plants  could  not  be  found  after  the  first  24 
hours.  When  the  ants  were  given  access  to  the  plant, 
they  were  observed  crawling  on  the  plant  and  on  the 
soil  under  the  plant  in  the  evenings,  but  no  larvae 
were  detected.  The  larvae  were  also  not  seen  in  the 
ant  nest.  Three  months  later,  the  plants  were  isolated 
from  the  rest  of  the  experiment  and  the  soil  around 
the  rootstock  of  the  plants  was  carefully  excavated. 
Nothing  was  found  around  the  rootstock  of  the  more 
healthy  plant.  The  stems  of  the  other  plant  were  badly 
withered  and  many  were  dead.  A  large  hole  (±20 
mm)  was  discovered  alongside  the  rootstock.  The 
plant  became  loose  and  it  was  lifted  out  of  the  hole. 
A  final  instar  O.  nta/zclarva  ( 1 5  mm  long  x  4  mm  wide) 
w'as  clinging  to  the  rootstock  in  a  hunched  position. 
The  rootstock  was  badly  damaged  (reduced  to  2  mm 
diameter  from  6  mm). 

This  larva  was  observed  for  the  next  few  months 
with  ants  remaining  in  attendance  at  all  times.  Since 
both  the  larva  and  the  ants  were  photophobic,  the 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

larva  was  relocated  to  a  vertical  wooden  box  with  a 
red  perspex  translucent  viewing  window.  The  box 
was  filled  with  soil  and  a  rootstock  from  a  live  plant 
above  was  placed  in  a  groove  visible  through  the 
window.  Ants  from  the  artificial  nest  were  given 
access,  and  were  observed  tending  the  larva  and 
imbibing  secretions  from  the  dorsal  nectary  organ 
(DNO) .  The  larva  mostly  stayed  on  the  rootstock  until 
it  became  clear  that  the  larva  was  eating  the  rootstock, 
cutting  out  deep  grooves  (Fig.  3).  The  length  of  the 
larva  was  now  about  18  mm.  The  larva  eventually  lost 
interest  in  the  rootstock,  and  accompanied  by  ants 
made  its  way  to  the  bottom  of  the  box  where  the  ants 
had  excavated  a  hole.  The  C.  baynei  ants  continued 
to  imbibe  secretions  from  the  DNO,  cover  the  larva 
with  soil  when  exposed  to  light,  and  occasionally 
bodily  carried  the  larva  into  deeper  holes  that  they 
had  excavated.  At  no  stage  was  there  an  attempt  to 
carry  the  larva  into  the  ant  nest,  nor  were  the  ants 
observed  to  feed  the  larva  by  trophallaxis  or  any  other 
method.  When  the  soil  was  excavated  again  on  5 
August  the  larva  had  pupated  (pupa  15  mm  long), 
still  tended  by  the  ants.  The  pupa  was  removed  in 
mid-October  and  placed  under  a  hatching  cage.  A  full 
size  male  butterfly  (forewing  length  17  mm)  eclosed 
on  3  November  2003. 

Morphology  of  the  immature  stages 

The  following  features  of  the  morphology  of  the 
immature  stages  of  O.  niobe  were  not  reported  by 
Edge  and  Pringle  (1996).  The  2'”'  instar  has  much 
shorter  dorsal  and  ventral  setae  than  the  P'  instar, 
and  already  has  active  TOs  (Fig.  4) .  Tlie  head  shield 
of  the  3'^'*  instar  larva  completely  covers  the  head 
(Fig.  5).  The  4'’'  instar  larva  frequently  everts  its 
TOs  (Fig.  6). 

Comparative  growth  characteristics  of 
polyommatine  larvae 

The  ratios  between  the  lengths  at  the  finish  to  the 
lengths  at  the  start  of  each  larval  instar  are  depicted 
in  Fig.  7.  Note  particularly  the  contrast  between 
the  normally  phytophagous  taxa,  Latnpides  boeticus 
(Linnaeus,  1767)  and  Euchrysops  barkeri  (Trimen, 
1893),  and  the  myrmecophagous  species  Lepidochrysops 
palricia  (Trimen  &  Bowker,  1887),  Lepidochrysops 
varinhilis  (Cottrell,  1965)  and  Maculinea  avion 
(Linnaeus,  1767).  The  difference  between  O.  niobe 
reared  purely  on  leaves  cut  from  the  host  plant  and 
the  same  species  reared  on  live  host  plant,  including 
rootstock  and  with  ants  in  attendance,  is  also  notable, 
particularly  in  the  4’''  instar. 

Host  plants  and  ant  associates  recorded  for  other 
Orachrysops  species 

The  data  currently  available  for  the  host  plants 
and  known  ant  attendants  for  Orachrysops  species  are 
summarised  in  Table  2.  All  host  plants  recorded  so 
far  are  in  the  genus  Indigofera  or  the  closely  affiliated 
genus  Indigas trum.'And  all  ant  associates  yet  known  are 
in  the  genus  Camponotus. 



The  life  histories  of  several  Lepidochrysops  species 
have  already  been  described: 

L.  patricia  -  by  Clark  and  Dickson  (1957). 

L.  variabilis  -  by  Cottrell  (1965). 

L.  methymna  (Trimen,  1862)  -  by  Clark  and  Dickson 

L.  trimeni  (Bethune-Baker,  1923)  -  by  Claassens 
(1972;  1974  and  1976). 

L.  ign.ota  (Trimen  &  Bowker,  1887)  -  by  Henning 

L.  plebeia  (Butler,  1898)  -  by  Williams  (1990). 

It  was  generally  accepted  from  these  observations 
that  the  larvae  of  Lepidochrysops  are  mostly 

Clark  and  Dickson  (1971)  reared  Orachrysops 
lacriniosa  (Bethune-Baker,  1923)  as  far  as  the  start 
of  the  3"'  instar,  when  the  larvae  died.  When  Vari 
(1986)  separated  the  genus  Orachrysops  from  genus 
Lepidochrysops  Hedicke  on  adult  morphological 

Figure  7.  Ratios  between  lengths  at  the  finish  and  lengths 

at  start  of  larval  instars  for  six  polyommatine  butterflies: 

O.  niobe  1  =  reared  on  cut  host  plant;  O.  niobe  2  =  reared 

on  live  host  piant  with  ants;  E  barken  and  L.  boeticus  = 

Clark  &  Dickson  1 971 ;  L.  patricia  -  Clark  &  Dickson  1 957; 

L  variabilis  =  Cottreil  1 965;  M.  arion^  Elmes  et  al.  2001 . 


42:  21-33,  2003  (2010) 


Table  2.  Host  plants  and  ant  associates  recorded  for  Orachrysops  species. 

Orachrysops  species 

Indigofera  host  plant 

Locality  region 

Camponotus  ant  associate 


0.  niobe  (Trimen) 

I.  erecta  Thnml>. 

Brenton  S.  Cape 

C.  baynei  Arnold 

Williams,  19‘)(i;  Lnbke  et 
at.,  1997 

().  firiftdne  (Buder) 

I.  7ww/;var.  laxaW. 


Ivirlool  KZN 

C.  nalatensis  (F.  Smith) 

Ell  K:  Samways,  2001 

0.  tacrimosa  (Betlume- 

I.  nbscura  N.  F,.  Br. 

Cireylingstad  Gauteng 

Not  known 

Edge  ]iersonal 
observations  2004 

().  tacrimosa  (Betlmne- 

Indigastrum  fastigium  (E, 

Verloren  Valei 

Not  known 

Edge  persomil 
observations  2004 

().  brinkmarii  Heath 

I.  dectinala  E.  Mey. 

Kammanassie  .S.  Cape 

Not  know'll 

Heath  1997 

O.  subraxnis  G.  A.  &  S.  F. 

I.  woodiwAY.  woodiiH. 

I.  trislis  E.  Mey. 

Wahroonga  KZN 

Camponotus  sp. 

Not  known 

Samways  &,  2007 

Lit,  2003 

0.  nasnlus  nasulus  G.  A. 

&  S.  F.  Henning 

1.  elandsbergensis  P.  B. 

I  logsback  E.  Cajte 

Not  known 

Edge  personal 
observations  2004 

().  mijburghi  G.  A.  &  S.  F. 

I  lenning 

/.  exiansiana  Bnrtl  Davy 

Heilbron  OFS 

Not  known 

Pringe  et  at.,  1994 

().  near  myburghi 

I.  dimidiata  Woge\  ex 
Walp.  sensu  stricto 

Snikerbosrand  Gauteng 

Not  know'll 

Terblaticlie  &  FAlge, 


0.  regalis  G.  A.  &  S.  F. 

I.  accepta  N.  E.  Br. 

Wolkberg  Eimjtopo 

Not  ktiown 

Edge  ]iersonal 
observtuions  2004 

().  warreni  G.  A.  &  S.  F', 

/.  dimidiala  \'ogel  ex 
Walp.  sensn  stricto 

X'erloren  \'alei 

Not  ktiown 

Edge  personal 
observations  2004 

0.  montanus  G.  A.  &  S.  F. 

I.  di midiala  Vogel  ex 
Wal|3.  sensti  lato 

Golden  Gate  GFS 

Not  known 

Edge  jiersotial 
observations  2004 

N.  B.  All  Indigofeni  And  Indigasirumphwu  names  deteriiiined  bySchrire  (200r)a) 

grounds,  the  larvae  of  both  genera  were  still  assumed 
to  be  myrmecophagous.  Edge  and  Pringle  (1996) 
reared  O.  niobe  larvae  in  captivity  on  host  plant 
cuttings  without  ants,  and  this  discovery  added  a  clear 
biological  jtistification  for  the  separation  of  Orachrysops 
fro m  Lepid och  rysops. 

The  O.  niobe  larvae  reared  on  host  j)lant  cuttings 
restdted  in  dwarf  adtilts.  In  held  observations  P'  and 
2"^'  instar  larvae  were  nearly  always  fotind  feeding  on 
the  leaves  of  the  host  plant  (with  a  single  observation 
of  a  P‘  instar  larva  feeding  on  the  rootstock).  3”^ 
and  4'''  instar  larvae  were  always  found  tindergrotind 
feeding  on  the  rootstock  attended  by  ants,  and  have 
never  been  found  feeding  on  the  leaves.  Rootstock 
feeding  in  the  Lycaenidae  has  only  been  recorded 
once  before.  Jackson  (1937)  observed  that  the  larvae 
oi Eiiclirysops  crawshayi  crawshayi  (Butler)  fed  “on  the 
fleshy  otiter  cortex  of  Cynoglossum  coeruleum  Hochst. 
et  D.C.,  Boraginaceae,  always  below  the  grotind;  and 
they  are  attended  by  many  species  of  ants.”  Rootstock 
feeding  in  O.  appears  to  be  essential  to  produce 
full  size  adults,  since  there  is  no  evidence  that  the 
diet  of  Orachrysops  larvae  incltides  any  ant  provided 

food.  Rootstock  feeding  has  also  sidjsequently  been 
obseiA’ed  in  another  Orar/ny.^e/As  species  (Terblanche 
&  Edge,  2007). 

Rootstocks  as  a  dietary  source 

Pierce  (1985)  noted  that  many  myrmecophilotts 
lycaenid  larvae  feed  on  nitrogen  rich  plants  and 
nitrogen  rich  parts  thereof  (such  as  flowers  and 
legtmie  pods) .  More  recent  work  has  questioned  this 
association  (Fiedler,  1995;  1996),  but  the  rootstock 
feeding  behaviour  of  the  3"'  and  4"’  instar  larvae  of 
O.  accords  with  Pierce  (1985),  if  the  rootstock 
is  indeed  protein  rich.  The  rootstock  of  the  legtime 
I.  erecta  is  a  storage  organ  from  which  the  plant  can 
resprout,  storing  carbohydrates  and  bearing  nitrogen 
fixing  root  nodules  probably  rich  iu  amino  acids  and 
protein.  Analysis  of  /.  erecta  leaves  and  rootstocks 
showed  that  although  their  overall  amino  acid  content 
is  quite  similar  (11600  nmol  per  g  dry  weight),  the 
rootstocks  had  more  than  double  the  content  of 
essential  amino  acids,  particularly  threonine,  histidene 
and  allo-isoleucine.  These  amino  acids  could  play 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

an  important  role  in  the  development  of  4'''  instar 
larvae  and  pupae  (e.g.  threonine  is  important  for 
the  synthesis  of  collagen,  a  basic  constituent  of  the 
more  complex  connective  tissites  generated  in  the 
lepidopteran  ptipal  stage). 


Cannibalism  by  O.  niobe  larvae  is  another  potent 
source  of  protein.  Freqtiently  mtiltiple  eggs  are  laid 
on  a  single  host  plant  (tip  to  31  eggs  were  recorded), 
so  encounters  between  T',  2”''  and  3"'  instar  larvae 
on  the  host  plant  (where  attacks  are  most  likely  to 
sncceed)  must  be  quite  freqtient.  A  larva  grows  rapidly 
after  it  has  successfully  attacked  and  constmied  one  of 
its  siblings,  and  its  sttrvival  chances  are  considerably 
enhanced.  The  habit  that  the  larvae  have  of  resting  on 
the  lower  thicker  part  of  the  stem  no  doubt  protects 
their  vtilnerable  ventral  jjarts  from  such  attacks.  Laiwae 
that  stirvive  long  enotigh  to  reach  and  start  feeding  on 
the  rootstock  are  much  better  protected  from  attack, 
since  the  thick  dorsal  integument  (carapace)  extends 
down  to  the  rootstock  on  both  sides. 

Morphological  and  behavioural  adaptations  of  the 
larvae  of  O.  niobe 

Cottrell  ( 1984)  described  a  ntimber  of  adaptations 
of  lycaenid  larvae  that  enable  them  to  ptirstie  a 
myrmecophilous  life  style.  These  adaptations  have 
great  vahte  in  not  only  creating  “enemyTVee  space” 
(At.satt,  1981 ),  but  also  by  providing  access  to  a  more 
reliable  nutritious  diet  restthing  in  more  rapid  growth 
and  larger  adtilts  (Pierce  et  al.,  2002).  A  number  of 
these  adaptations  have  been  observed  in  the  larx  ae  of 
().  niobe.  They  have  a  thick,  tough  integument,  which 
defends  the  larvae  from  attack  by  the  ants  or  from 
conspecilic  larvae.  They  have  an  onisciform  body 
shape  with  an  expansion  of  the  dorsal  and  dorsolateral 
areas,  which  slope  down  to  well-develo]>ed  setadVinged 
marginal  ridges  that  can  be  brought  in  close  contact 
with  the  snbstrate,  and  seal  off  the  ventral  areas 
inchiding  the  retracted  head  and  legs.  The  ants  (and 
the  larva’s  siblings)  therefore  cannot  gain  access  to 
the  softer  ventral  parts  and  vital  organs  when  the  larva 
crawls  or  rests  on  a  hard  stibstrate. 

().  niobe  larvae  have  a  dorsal  nectary  organ 
(DNO)  on  the  seventh  abdominal  segment  in  the 
2"'',  3"'atKl  4''’  instars,  producing  a  secretion  that  aids 
myrmecojthily  (Pierce,  1989;  Fiedler  &  Maschwitz, 
1989).  4’hey  have  tentacular  organs  (TOs)  on  the 
eighth  abdominal  segment  that  appear  to  excite 
the  ants  in  attendance  and  draw  them  to  the  DNO 
(C.laassens  &  Dickson,  1977;  Fiedler  &  Maschwitz, 

1987).  The  larvae  of  O.  niobe '^ho  have  a  number  of 
other  adaptations  not  yet  observed  in  other  lycaenid 
larvae,  including  powerful  mandibles,  which  adapt 
them  for  rootstock  feeding  and  cannibalism,  and  an 
ability  to  burrow  in  the  soil  -  although  the  attendant 
ants  may  assist  this  burrowing. 

Larval  shelter  and  overwintering 

The  sitbterranean,  myrmecophilous  lifestyle  of 
the  larvae  of  O.  niobe  insulates  them  from  extremes 
of  temperature  and  humidity  changes;  provides 
protection  from  bres;  and  gives  them  access  to  a  food 
source  (the  rootstock)  and  a  safe  place  to  shelter 
during  the  winter  when  the  growth  of  the  host  plants 

Larval  growth  patterns 

Dyar  (1890)  postulated  that  insect  dimensions 
increased  by  the  same  factor  at  each  moult. 
Phytocarniverous  lycaenid  larvae  such  as  Maculinea 
that  parasitise  ant  colonies  are  exceptions  to  this  rule 
(Elmes  et  ai,  2001).  Maculineei  larvae  show  a  normal 
growth  pattern  during  the  first  three  instars,  but  after 
adoption  by  their  M-yrrairaant  hosts,  in  the  final  instar 
they  increase  in  length  by  a  factor  of  five,  and  by  >50 
times  in  mass  (Elmes  et  al,  1991;  Thomas  &  Wardlaw, 
1992).  Elmes  et  al.  (2001)  hypothesi.sed  that  these 
growth  patterns  may  have  evolved  to  make  the  newly 
moulted  3"*  instar  butterfly  larvae  approximately  the 
same  size  as  the  ant  larvae  at  adoption  and  better  able 
to  mimic  the  larvae  of  their  ant  hosts.  Once  in  the 
ant  nest  and  accepted  by  the  ants  they  could  grow  to  a 
larger  size  than  other  lycaenids  becaitse  of  the  readily 
available,  high  quality  food  source. 

In  Eig.  6  it  is  clear  that  the  phytocarnivorous 
larvae  of  Maculinea  and  Lepidochrysops  show  similar 
growth  patterns.  Whilst  O.  niobe  larvae  raised  under 
artificial  (1)  or  natural  conditions  (2)  have  a  higher 
rate  of  growth  in  the  third  instar  than  any  of  the  other 
examples,  in  the  final  instar  the  growth  rate  of  O.  niobe 
under  natural  conditions  (2)  is  intermediate  between 
the  phytophagous  larvae  {E.  barkeri  and  L.  boeticus)  and 
the  phytocarnivorous  larvae.  Rootstock  feeding  may 
be  the  key  to  the  higher  growth  achieved  in  the  final 
instar  relative  to  the  normally  phytophagous  taxa. 

Specialisation  of  Orachrysops  associations 

All  the  known  host  plants  of  the  Orachrysops  genu?, 
are  in  the  genus  Indigofera  or  the  very  closely  affiliated 
genus  Indigastrum  (Table  2).  Monophagy  is  common 
in  the  localised  species  and  allows  such  species  to 

42:  21-33,  2003  (2010) 


Table  3.  Ant  associations  of  southern  African  polyommatine  butterflies. 

Key  to  third  column  [coding  adopted  from  Fiedler  (1991a)] 

0  =  No  ant  relationship  (myrmecoxenous) 

1  =  Very  few  ant  associations  reported  (weakly  myrmecophilous) 

2  =  A  varying  proportion  of  larvae  attended  by  ants  (moderately  myrmecophilous) 

3  =  Most  if  not  all  mature  larvae  ant-associated  (steadily  myrmecophilous) 

4  =  Larvae  dependent  on  ants  as  commensals  or  parasites  (obligately  myrmecophilous) 
**  =  DNO  -r  TOs 

*  =  DNO  only 
=  PCOs  only 
(  )  =  hypothetical 
?  =  likely  but  not  confirmed 


Known  ant  a.s.sociates 

Degree  of 


U ra n  oth  a  u  ma  Butler 



Ps/’udon/KYuiub/i  Stem|)tfer 



Carireus  Butler 


a,  c 

Harpmdymts  I  leron 



Brephid'tum  Scudcler 



Oraidium  Bethune-Baker 



Tuxenlius  Larsen 



ZiiUlia  Eliot 



Ziziila  Ghapman 



Actizera  Ghapman 


Lrploles  Scudcler 




Zizina  Ghajnnan 



Cupidopsis  Etarsch 

a,  c 

Eirochrysops  Bethuue-Baker 



Lampides  Hubuer 




c,  f 

Zizeeria  Ghapman 


c,  f 

Azanus  Moore 


a,  c.  f 

Chilades  Moore 



c,  f 

Ihniru.s  Moore 



c,  f 

Euchrysops  Butler 



a,  c 

Oral  hrysops  Vari 




Erpidochrysops  I  ledicke 



b,  c, d.  e 

Sources:  a  =  Jackson.  1937;  b  =  Gottrell,  1965;  c  = 
1991a;  g  =  Pringle  el  at..  1994;  h  =  Williams,  1999; 

Glark  &  Dickson.  1971;  d  =  Glaaseus, 
i  =  Lu  &  Samways,  2901. 

1974  &  1976;  e  =  Henning, 

1983a;  r=  Fiedler, 

avoid  direct  competition  and  co-exist  at  a  locality 
(e.g.  O.  lacrimosa  and  ().  warreni  at  Verloren  Valei  and 
O.  subravus  and  O.  ariadne  at  Wahroonga  -  Samways 
&  Lu,  2007). 

Although  only  two  ant  associations  are  known  as  yet 
for  Orachrysops  species,  the  ants  concerned,  C.  baynei 
and  C.  natalensis  have  some  ecological  similarities 
(both  are  primarily  nocturnal  ants).  C.  baynei  is  only 
found  in  fynbos  or  thicket  and  nests  in  dead  wood 

above  ground  level  (Edge  et  at.,  2008b),  whereas  C. 
natalensis  can  be  found  in  fynbos  as  well  as  grasslanrl 
and  nests  in  the  ground  (Lu  &  Samways,  20()2a). 

Ant  associates  of  South  African  polyommatines 

The  records  of  known  or  hypothesised  ant 
associations  within  the  South  African  polyommatines 
[members  of  the  tribe  Polyonnnatini  as  dehned  by 


/.  Rfs.Lepid. 

Eliot  ( 1973)  J  are  listed  in  Table  3.  (Sotirces:  Claassens, 
1974,  1976;  Clark  &  Dickson,  1971;  Cottrell,  1965; 
Fiedler,  1991a;  Henning,  1983a;  Jackson,  1937;  Lu  & 
Samvvays,  2001;  Pringle  et  al,  1994;  Williams,  1999). 
The  coding  system  used  in  the  final  column  has  been 
adopted  from  Fiedler  (1991a). 

Idle  close  affinities  between  Orachrysops  and 
Lepidochrysops  wotild  have  always  made  a  species  of 
Camponotus  the  most  likely  host  ant  for  Orachrysops, 
and  this  has  now  been  confirmed  for  two  of  its  species. 
However,  with  only  1  1  out  of  126  Lepidochrysops 
species  ant  associates  known  (Pierce  et  al,  2002)  and 
2  otit  of  1 1  Orachrysops  ant  associates  known,  there 
is  insufficient  evidence  to  conclude  that  Camponotus 
species  are  the  only  ant  associates  for  both  genera. 

Nature  of  the  ant  association  of  O.  niohe 

3’'*  and  4'''  instar  O.  larvae  were  almost  always 
tended  by  the  same  ant,  C.  bayncL  O.  niohe  s  congener 
O.  ariadnehds  only  been  fotind  in  association  with  one 
ant  (C.  natalensis)  (Lu  &  Samways,  2001).  Cottrell 
(1984)  considered  that  relationships  specific  to  one  ant 
species  tended  to  be  obligate.  Even  when  more  than 
one  ant  species  interacts  with  the  larvae,  in  obligate 
relationships  one  ant  species  is  the  most  sticcessful 
host  (Thomas  et  al,  1989).  Facultative  relationships 
by  contrast  tend  to  be  formed  with  several  species  of 
ant,  even  from  different  genera  (Fiedler,  2001). 

The  larvae  of  O.  niobe  did  not  enter  into  ant  nests 
either  in  the  field  (artificial  nests)  or  in  the  laboratoiy 
The  nests  of  the  attendant  ants  found  to  date  are 
relatively  remote  from  the  plants  on  which  O.  niohe 
feeds,  but  the  plants  need  to  be  within  the  foraging 
range  of  worker  attendant  ants  so  they  can  find  the 

No  trophallaxis  or  other  feeding  of  the  larvae  by 
ants  has  been  observed.  The  larvae  are  rootstock 
feeders  in  the  later  instars,  and  appear  to  need  the 
assistance  of  the  ants  to  access  the  rootstock.  After 
pupation,  clear  access  to  the  surface  through  a  hole 
or  tunnel  is  necessary  for  the  eclosed  adult  to  escape 
and  expand  its  wings.  Ants  have  been  observed  both 
in  captivity  and  in  the  field  repositioning  pupae  and 
their  assistance  may  be  essential  to  place  the  pupa  in 
a  safe  position  to  eclose.  The  balance  of  evidence  is 
therefore  that  O.  niobe  is  obligately  dependent  on  an 
ant  association  with  C.  baynei. 

Phylogenetic  origins  of  Orachrysops  and 

Various  atithors  have  proposed  phylogenetic 
hypotheses  regarding  the  origins  and  evolution  of 
lycaenid  ant  associations  (Hinton,  1951;  Eliot,  1973; 
Fiedler,  1991b;  Pierce  et  al,  2002).  Hinton  (1951) 
believed  that  the  possession  of  a  DNO  was  a  primitive 
feature  in  the  Lycaenidae,  and  that  its  absence  was  a 

Figure  8.  Hypothetical  cladogram  of  the  myrmecophilous  polyommatine  genera  of  South  Africa  based  on  genus  of  ant  associates, 
larval  feeding  behaviour  and  host  plant  families  and  genera. 

Polyommatine  genus  Azanus  Chilades  Tarucus  Euchrysops  Orachrysops  Lepidochrysops 


42:  21-33,  2003  (2010) 


derived  condition.  Fiedler  (1991b)  pointed  out  that 
the  lycaenid  subfamilies  that  were  apparently  more 
primitive  on  other  morphological  considerations 
(Poritiinae,  Miletinae  and  Curetinae)  were  not 
generally  ant  associated;  whereas  the  more  advanced 
subfamily  Lycaeninae  [sensu  Eliot  (1973)  =  Theclini 
+  Aphnaeini  -i-  Lycaenini  +  Polyommatini]  contained 
most  of  the  myrmecophilous  lineages.  Within 
Lycaeninae  sensu  Eliot  Pierce  ei  al.  (2002)  predicted 
that  the  Aphnaeini  and  certain  subtribes  of  Theclini 
would  be  shown  to  be  basal  and  that  Lycaenini  and 
Polyommatini  were  derived  groups. 

In  Table  3,  southern  African  polyommatine  genera 
are  listed  in  ascending  order  of  their  degree  of 
myrmecophily.  A  tentative  cladogram  of  the  steadily 
myrmecophilous  polyommatine  genera  (denoted  as  3 
or  4  in  Table  3) ,  based  on  genus  of  ant  associates,  lanal 
feeding  behaviour  and  host  plants  is  presented  in  Fig. 
8.  Azanus  and  Chilades  are  associated  with  Pheidole 
ants,  which  are  the  dominant  ants  in  some  habitats. 
Tarucus  is  associated  with  a  few  ant  genera,  including 
Camponotus.  The  genera  Oreic/irysops,  Euchrysops 
and  Lepidochrysops  are  predominantly  Camponotus 
associated.  Ornchrysops  has  evolved  rootstock  feeding, 
cannibalism,  an  obligate  ant  relationship  and 
specialisation  on  Indigofera.  Euchrysops  has  a  looser 
ant  association,  and  normal  phytophagy,  with  the 
exception  of  A.  crawshayi.  This  interesting  taxon  has 
genitalia  similar  to  Euchrysops  (Stempffer,  1967),  facies 
similar  to  Harpend.yreus,  and  larval  behaviour  with 
features  found  in  Orachrysops.  It  is  of  note  that  this 
species  has  been  placed  in  different  genera  by  various 
authors  (by  Butler  in  ScoUtantides\  by  Aurivillius  in 
Harpendyreus  Awd  later  Cupido\  by  Jackson  in  Cyclirius; 
and  finally  by  Stempffer  in  Euchrysops) . 

The  larvae  of  Eepidochrysops  are  phytophagous 
in  the  first  two  instars,  and  myrmecophagous  in  the 
last  two  instars  (they  feed  on  the  ant  brood).  This  is 
considered  to  be  the  closest  ant  relationship  (Fiedler, 
1998),  with  the  larvae  being  treated  as  if  they  were  ant 
brood  within  the  ants’  nests.  It  is  here  hypothesised 
that  the  larvae  of  the  common  ancestor  of  the  three 
genera  Euchrysops,  Orachrysops,  and  Lepidochrysops 
could  have  had  rootstock  feeding  habits,  which 
physiologically  adapted  them  to  a  higher  protein  diet. 
Furthermore,  the  cannibalistic  behaviour  of  O.  niobe 
larvae  may  have  evolved  in  the  common  ancestors. 
This  wovdcl  have  enabled  them  to  develop  a  taste 
and  a  need  for  insect  protein,  a  trait  that  could  have 
evolved  in  a  sister  lineage  into  the  myrmecophagous 
behaviour  of  Lepidochrysops  larvae. 

A  higher  protein  diet  may  have  made  closer  ant 
associations  possible  because  of  the  enhanced  ability 
to  produce  nutritious  (high  protein)  secretions  from 

the  DNO  (Pierce,  1985).  This  would  have  enabled 
the  larvae  to  attract  more  ant  attendants  and  given 
them  the  opportunity  to  evolve  more  advanced 
chemical  camouHage  and  signaling  skills  (Fiedler, 
1991b;  1998) .  Such  adaptations  would  have  generated 
further  selective  advantages  in  these  butterfly  lineages, 
residting  in  more  complex  ant  associations  and 
greater  interdependence  of  the  butterllies  and  their 
ant  associates. 


O.  niobe  is  a  specialised  organism,  being 
monophagons  and  having  an  obligate  relationship 
with  a  single  ant  species.  Its  habit  of  rootstock  feeding, 
which  may  be  shared  with  other  Orachrysops  species, 
distinguishes  it  from  nearly  all  other  afrotropical 
polyommatines.  A  close  phylogenetic  relationship 
between  the  genera  Orachrysops,  Euchrysops  and 
Lepidochrysops  is  inferred  from  a  cladistic  analysis. 


(^apeNature  is  thanked  ft)i'  allowing  access  to  the  BBBR  to 
conditct  research.  The  Green  IVitst’s  financial  sn|t])ort  is  gratefully 
acknowledged,  and  North  West  Lhiiversity  kindly  provided 
a  stereoinicroscope  oti  loan.  Dr.  Brian  Schrire  of  the  Royal 
Botanic  Gardens,  Kew  identified  the  Indigofera  and  Indigaslnim 

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journal  oj  Ri'searrh  on  the  Lepidoptera 

42:  34-49,  2003  (2010) 

Life  history  of  the  Imperial  Moth  Fades  imperialis  (Drury)  (Saturniidae: 
Ceratocampinae)  in  New  England^  U.S.A.I  distribution^  decline,  and 
nutritional  ecology  of  a  relictual  islandic  population 

Paul  Z.  Goldstein 

1 1 1  Gay  Head  Ave.,  Vineyard  Haven,  MA  02568. 
drpzgoldslein  @gmail.  com 

Abstract.  The  decline  and  current  status  oi Earles  impeiialis  (Drury)  (Saturniidae:  Ceratocampinae) 
in  New  England  are  re\4ewed,  and  primary  data  surrounding  the  life  history  and  nutritional  ecology 
presented.  Though  common  throughout  much  of  its  historical  North  American  range,  this  species 
declined  precipitously  in  New  England  during  the  20'''  century.  Suggested  explanations  for  this 
region-wide  decline  include  the  deployment  of  pesticides  and  metal  halide  street  lamps  and  the 
introduction  of  parasitoid  flies.  The  existence  of  a  remnant  population  of  E.  mperialis,  thought  to  have 
been  extirpated  from  New  England  as  early  as  the  195()s,  is  reported  from  Martha’s  Vineyard  Island, 
Dukes  County,  Massachusetts,  U.S.A.,  representing  the  last  relict  of  a  phenotypically,  phenologically, 
and  possibly  ecologically  infrasubspecific  entity.  Based  on  comparisons  with  museum  specimens, 
adults  from  this  population  appear  to  be  indistinguishable  from  the  few  historical  specimens  known 
from  nearby  mainland  Massachusetts,  smaller  than  those  from  now  extirpated  populations  in 
Connecticut,  New  York,  and  New  Jersey,  and  slightly  larger  than  members  of,  the  northernmost  E. 
/m/tcnVf/A  populations  (£.  i.  /tinlMichener)  found  in  the  Great  Lakes  region.  The  Martha’s  Vineyard 
population  is  univoltine,  peaking  in  late  July  and  exhibiting  a  more  contracted  flight  season  than 
other  extant  North  American  populations.  Both  parentage  and  food  plant  significantly  affect  larval 
growth  and  development,  and  although  laiwae  on  Martha’s  Vineyard  feed  extensively  if  not  exclusively 
on  pitch  pine  (Pinus  rigida)  in  the  wild,  they  grow  significantly  faster,  attain  greater  pupal  weights, 
and  more  efficiently  convert  ingested  and  digested  tissues  of  post  oak  (Qiierrus  stellata)  to  biomass 
in  the  laboratory.  Performance  as  measured  by  relative  growth  rate  and  the  efficiency  of  conversion 
of  ingested  and  digested  food  to  biomass  (ECI  and  ECD)  are  correlated  with  foliar  nitrogen  and 
water  content:  post  oak  foliage  during  the  larval  growth  season  contains  more  nitrogen  and  water 
than  corresponding  amounts  of  pitch  pine  foliage  growing  in  the  same  soils.  It  is  suggested  that 
there  exists  a  non-ntitritional  explanation  for  the  association  of  E.  imperialis  with  pitch  pine  and  for 
its  pattern  of  decline  and  persistence.  The  taxonomic  and  possible  biogeographic  affinities  of  this 
population  are  discussed  from  within  the  context  of  a  growing  understanding  of  New  England’s 
diverse  yet  threatened  lepidopteran  fauna,  and  the  potential  for  reintroducing  E.  imperialis  to 
mainland  New  England  is  discussed. 

Keywords:  Earles  imperialis,  invertebrate  conservation,  Martha’s  Vineyard,  pitch  pine. 


The  imperial  moth  Eacles  imperialis  (Drury) 
(Saturniidae:  Ceratocampinae),  is  one  of  North 
America’s  largest  and  familiar  saturniids.  Throughout 
its  extensive  range,  this  species  exhibits  considerable 
regional  variation  in  coloration  and  size — on  the  basis 
of  which  three  North  American  subspecific  epithets  are 
currently  attributed — as  well  as  variation  in  phenology 
and  liost  plant  utilization  (Ferguson,  1971;  Coveil, 
1984;  Tiiskes  et  ai,  1996) .  Considered  a  common  moth 
in  tlie  southern  United  States,  E.  imperialis,  like  many 
large  bombycoid  moths,  underwent  a  precipitous 
decline  in  much  of  northeastern  North  America 
during  the  mid-2()'''  century  (Hessel,  1976;  Ferguson, 

liereived:  24  July  2006 
Accepted:  24  August  2006 

1971;  Schweitzer,  1988).  Ferguson  (1971:  25)  writes 
“[the  imperial  moth]... like  some  of  the  other  large 
saturniids,  is  said  to  have  largely  disappeared  from 
heavily  populated  areas  such  as  those  in  Connecticut 
and  the  vicinity  of  New  York  City,  where  it  was 
formerly  common.”  Various  hypotheses  for  such 
declines,  ranging  from  the  expanded  use  of  metal 
halide  bulbs  in  street  lamps  (Hessel,  1976)  to  the 
widespread  deployment  of  pesticides  aimed  at  gypsy 
moths  (Goldstein,  1991)  and  to  the  introduction  of 
parasitoids,  specifically  the  tachiiiid  fly  Compsilura 
concinnata,  for  the  same  purpose  (Boettner  et  al, 
2000)  have  been  invoked  to  explain  these  declines. 
Believed  extirpated  from  New  England,  a  relict 
population  of  E.  imperialis  was  verified  by  the  author 
in  1982  on  Martha’s  Vineyard  Island  (Dukes  Co.),  off 
Cape  Cod,  Massachusetts,  where  it  quickly  became  of 
interest  to  conservationists.  In  this  paper,  following  a 

42:  34-49,  2003  (2010) 


review  of  the  taxonomy  and  regional  variation  in  this 
species  complex,  I  present  life  histoiy  obseiwations  and 
larval  growth  and  performance  data  on  this  population 
between  1986  and  1989,  discuss  this  species’  decline 
by  summarizing  historical  records  and  information 
on  pesticide  deployment  and  parasitoid  impacts,  and 
discuss  the  nutritional  and  life  history  requirements 
of  this  species  in  light  of  putative  reestablishment  on 
mainland  New  England. 

Distribution  and  variation  in  the  Fades  imperialis 
complex  in  North  America 

Extending  from  (lanada  to  Ai  gentina,  the  imperial 
moth  E.  imperialis  is  both  the  widest-ranging  and  the 
northernmost  occurring  species  in  its  genus  and  one 
of  the  most  widely  distributed  saturniids  that  occurs 
in  North  America  (Lemaire,  1988),  representing  a 
complex  of  ecologically  and  possibly  phylogenetically 
distinct  intra-nominal  entities.  Authors  have  differed 
in  their  treatment  of  subspecific  epithets,  variously 
recognizing  the  western  E.  oslari  as  a  fidl  species 
versus  a  subspecies  of  imperialis  and  the  southern  E.i. 
nobilis  Neumoegen  as  a  subspecies  versus  a  synonym 
of  nominate  imperialis  (reviewed  in  Tuskes  el  al,  1996) . 
Not  including  these,  two  recognized  subspecies  of /f. 
imperialis  occur  in  North  America  (Eemaire,  1988; 
Tuskes  ei  al,  1996):  the  nominate  subspecies  and  E. 
i.  pini,  which  is  distributed  in  the  Great  Lakes  region 
and  the  Adirondacks. 

According  to  Eerguson  (1971:  24),  E.  imperialis 
“occupies  nearly  all  of  the  United  States  east  of  the 
Great  Plains,  with  the  exception  of  northern  New 
England  and  northern  portions  of  Michigan  and 
Wisconsin.”  Eerguson  (1971:  25)  further  reports 
records  “from  southern  New  Hampshire... through 
New  York  State,  the  Niagara  Peninsula  of  Ontario, 
and  southern  Michigan,  westward  to  the  eastern  edge 
of  the  Great  Plains,  and  southward  to  the  Gulf  Goast 
and  southern  Florida  (but  not  the  Florida  Keys).  It 
has  not  been  taken  in  Maine.”  The  New  England 
states  are  represented  by  specimens  in  collections  at 
the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History  (AMNH), 
the  Museum  of  Gomparative  Zoology,  (MCZ),  the 
Peabody  Museum  of  Natural  History  (PMNH),  which 
houses  the  bulk  of  the  F.  M.  Jones  collection  from 
Martha’s  Vineyard,  and  the  collection  of  the  now 
defunct  Boston  Society  of  Natural  History  (BSNH), 
which  curreittly  resides  at  Boston  University  (Fig.  1). 
A  single  1900  specimen  from  Kittery  Point  (southern 
Maine’s  York  Gounty)  is  housed  at  the  MGZ,  and  Patch 
(1908;  cited  in  Tuskes  et  al.  [1996:  65])  reported  it 
from  Girmberland  Gounty,  ME.  Beyond  these  r  ecor  ds, 
Farquhar’s  (1934)  thesis  enumerated  various  other 

Figure  1.  Historical  distribution  of  E.  imperialis  in  New 
England  by  county.  Arrow  indicates  presence  of  lone 
extant  population  on  Martha’s  Vineyard  Island,  Dukes 
Co.,  MA. 

New  England  r  ecords,  also  included  in  Fig.  1. 

The  species’  crrrrent  occurrence  iir  the 
rrortheastern  portion  of  its  range  sorrth  of  New 
Errgland,  iirchtdiirg  Long  Island,  N.  Y.  and  southern 
New  Jer  sey,  is  associated  at  least  in  part  with  habitats 
char  acter  ized  by  sandy  soils  such  as  pitch  piire-scr  uh 
oak  barreirs,  where  its  larval  host  plant,  pitch  j)ine 
{Pinas  rigida),  aboutrds.  Srrch  habitats  have  been 
heavily  impacted,  in  large  part  due  to  the  ease  with 
which  sandy  soils  are  maniprrlated  for  building  and 
constrirction  pitrposes.  Sandy,  well-drained  soils 
nray  be  a  requirement  for  Eacles  imperialis  in  that, 
like  all  ceratocarrrpine  satrrnriids,  Eacles  lar  vae  do 
not  constrirct  cocoons  but  burrow  into  and  pupate 
within  the  soil,  from  which  the  pupae  themselves 
emer'ge  so  that  the  adults  may  edose  above-gr'ound. 
The  cotrspicrroits  dearth  of  historical  recor  ds  fr  om 
Gape  God,  where  sandy  soils  predominate,  may 
he  attributable  to  a  combination  of  small  |)rivate 
collections’  having  been  orphaned. 

Each'S  imperialis exhihxis  apparently  clinal  variation 
in  wing  maculation  and  shading  as  well  as  in  size  and 
pherrology,  with  southern  popirlations  (formerly 
attribirted  to  E.  i.  nobilis)  often  exhibiting  rrror  e  intense 
bi'owtr  postmedial  shading  than  northern  poprrlations. 
It  has  also  been  observed  that  adrrlt  individuals 
of  northern  popirlations  attributed  to  E.  i.  pini  in 


J.  Res.Lepid. 

nortliern  Michigan  ,  Ontario,  Quebec,  and  New  York, 
are  markedly  smaller  than  their  southern  and  eastern 
coimteiparts  (Ferguson,  197l;Tuskes  etaL,  1996),  and 
bear  more  intensive  peppering  with  blackish  spots;  the 
larvae  exhibit  pronounced  dorsolateral  scoli  relative 
to  nominate  imperialis.  The  maciilation  on  specimens 
taken  from  Martha’s  Vineyard  is  consistent  both 
with  museum  specimens  from  the  island  and  with 
those  taken  from  mainland  New  England  prior  to 
the  species’  decline  there.  Based  on  an  examination 
of  these  and  other  specimens  from  the  northeast, 
the  mean  forewing  length  for  male  E.  imperialis 
from  Martha’s  Vineyard  was  49.64  mm  (N  =  60,  se  = 
.401),  significantly  smaller  than  that  of  78  specimens 
examined  from  New  York,  Connecticut,  and  New 
Jersey  (one-way  AN OVA,  p  <  .0001,  DF  =  1,  F-ratio 
=  88.241;  Fig.  2),  and  at  the  lower  end  of  the  range 
of  47.59  mm  reported  by  Tuskes  et  al.  (1996).  This 
number  is  higher  than  the  average  male  wing  length 
of  47  mm  reported  for  A.  i  pinihy  Michener  (1950)  in 
the  original  description  and  out  of  the  42  mm  -  48  mm 
range  reported  for  male  pini  by  Tuskes  et  ai  (1996). 
Michener  (1950)  also  reported  an  average  wing  length 
of  54  mm  for  male  nominate  imperialisfrom  the  vicinity 
of  New  York  City;  specimens  I  measured  from  this 
area  averaged  54.92  mm  (N  =  36,  se  =  .92),  by  way 
of  comparison.  Although  female  wing  lengths  for 
mainland  New  England  specimens  were  not  analyzed 
due  to  their  scarcity  in  collections,  Martha’s  Vineyard 
female  specimens  averaged  57  mm  in  wingspan,  just 
below  tlie  range  of  58-68  mm  reported  by  Tuskes  et  al, 
greater  than  tlie  51  mm  average  pini  female  wingspan 
reported  by  Michener  and  out  of  the  47  mm  -  54  mm 
range  reported  for  pini  by  Tuskes  et  al 

The  familiar  green/brown  larval  polymorphism 
of  E.  imperialis  is  apparent  both  among  lab-reared 
caterpillars  and  those  obseiwed  in  the  wild  on  Martha’s 
Vineyard.  Both  maternity  and  food  plant  affect  the 
expression  of  this  polymorphism:  among  the  larvae 
reared  for  this  study  and  in  situ  (P.  Goldstein,  unpubl.) , 
the  lime  green  color  form  was  less  prevalent  than  the 
dark  brown,  with  the  majority  of  reared  green  larvae 
developing  on  pine  versus  oak.  Ferguson  (1971:  26) 
writes  that  “[a]  brood  from  Massachusetts,  described 
by  Eliot  and  Soule  [1902],  contained  only  one  green 
larva.”  Flarris  (1890:  404),  on  the  other  hand,  writes 
“[the  caterpillars  are]  for  the  most  part,  of  a  green 
color,  slightly  tinged  with  red  on  the  back;  but  many  of 
them  become  more  or  less  tanned  or  swarthy,  and  are 
sometimes  found  entirely  brown.”  During  the  course 
of  my  rearing,  I  observed  seven  cases  in  which  larvae 
switched  from  brown  to  green  at  one  molt  only  to  shift 
back  at  a  subsequent  molt;  a  common  color  morph 
of  oak-fed  larvae.  The  most  common  color  morpli 

Figure  2.  Mean  forewing  length  (base  to  apex,  in  mm) 
of  1 38  male  Eacles  imperialis  from  Martha’s  Vineyard, 
Connecticut,  New  York,  and  New  Jersey.  The  mean 
forewing  length  for  male  E.  imperiaiis  from  Martha’s 
Vineyard  was  49.64mm  (N=60,  se=.401),  significantly 
smaller  than  that  of  specimens  examined  from  New  York, 
Connecticut,  and  New  Jersey  (one-way  ANOVA,  p<.0001 , 
DF=1 ,  F-ratio=88.241).  See  text. 

*  of  Individuals 

Figure  3.  Flight  season  of  E.  imperialis  on  Martha’s 
Vineyard,  1984-1989  inclusive,  based  on  observations  of 
107  individuals,  86  male  and  21  female  (see  text). 

of  oak-fed  larvae  is  orange  to  reddish  brown,  often 
with  the  spiracles  and  dorsolateral  scoli  surrounded 
by  paler  patches. 

With  respect  to  life  history  timing,  Harris  (1890: 
404) writes:  “The  moth  appears  here  [Massachusetts] 
from  the  12'''  of  June  to  the  beginning  of  July,  and 
then  lays  its  eggs  on  the  buttonwood  [sycamore, 
Liquidambar  sty  rad  folia]  tree.  The  caterpillars  maybe 
found  upon  this  tree,  grown  to  their  full  size,  between 
the  2()th  of  August  and  the  end  of  September,  during 
which  time  tliey  descend  from  the  trees  to  go  into  the 
ground.”  Phenologically,  based  on  a  sample  of  107 
individuals  (86  male,  21  female)  collected  or  observed 

42:  34-49,  2003  (2010) 


on  Martha’s  Vineyard  between  1982  and  1989,  the 
population  is  protandrous,  and  both  males  and 
females  peak  at  the  end  of  July:  65%  (56)  of  the  males 
were  observed  between  21  July  and  1  August,  and  71% 
(15)  of  the  females  were  observed  between  25  July 
and  1  August  (Fig.  3).  This  flight  season  is  consistent 
with  the  collection  dates  of  museum  specimens  from 
the  nearest  known  mainland  historical  records  (e.g. 
Cohasset,  MA;  Bristol,  RI),  has  remained  predictable 
in  the  years  since  this  study  was  conducted,  and  may 
represent  a  more  contracted  flight  season  than  that 
reported  in  Tuskes  et  al.  (1996)  for  northern  E.  i. 
imperialis.  Most  indiMduals  appeared  at  lights  after 
2200h,  and  individuals  were  observed  coming  to  light 
until  040()h. 

Taken  collectively,  these  observations  hint  at  the 
possibility  that  northern  E.  imperialis  represents  at 
least  one  and  possibly  two  biological  entities  distinct 
from  southern  imperinlis.  It  is  noteworthy  that  Lemaire 
(1988:  31)  portrays  the  range  o^  E.  i.  pmii\s  crossing 
the  Appallachian  divide  to  northern  New  England. 
Although  there  exists  a  phenetic  similarity  of  adult 
New  England  specimens  to  individuals  typical  of  T.  i. 
piniwith  respect  to  size  and  macnlation,  the  diagnostic 
characters  of  adult  and  larval  pini  (Tuskes  et  al,  1996: 
67,  68;  Pis.  1 , 7,  &  8)  do  not  appear  in  specimens  from 
New  England.  Historically,  the  superficially  clinal 
nature  of  variation  in  this  complex  has  presented 
obstacles  to  a  clear  understanding  of  what  may  be 
taxonomically  and  biologically  distinct  natural  entities. 
Notwithstanding  the  perhaps  controversial  criteria  on 
which  the  retention  of  saturniid  snbspecific  epithets 
rely  (Goldstein,  1997;  but  see  Tuskes  et  al,  1996  for 
an  alternative  viewpoint),  the  similarities  between 
nominate  E.  impeiialis  cmd  E.  i.  pini  in  wing  macnlation, 
size,  phenology,  and  especially  host  plant  use  are 
relevant  to  the  holobiology  of  this  complex.  It  is 
conceivable  that  the  small  size  of  E.  i.  pini  and  the  New 
England  T.  i.  imperialism  s  related  to  the  combination 
of  a  short  growing  season  and  an  apparently  exclusive 
association  with  pines  at  northern  latitudes.  I  would 
recognize  E.  pini  as  a  full  species  and  anticipate  that 
the  northeastern,  pine-feeding  popidations  of  E. 
imperialis  and  those  comprising  pini  will  ultimately 
be  recognized  as  separate  sister  species.  Since  the 
type  locality  of  Earles  imperialis  is  in  New  York,  I  would 
further  anticipate  that  nohilis  be  resurrected. 

Eacles  imperialis  on  Martha’s  Vineyard:  past  and 

Jones  and  Kimball  (1943),  in  their  extensive 
treatment  of  the  Lepidoptera  of  Martha’s  Vineyard 
and  Nantucket  Islands,  described  E.  imperialis  as 

Figure  4.  Current  distribution  of  E.  imperialis  on  Martha’s 
Vineyard  as  of  28  August,  2009.  Courtesy  Massachusetts 
Natural  Heritage  &  Endangered  Species  Program. 
Westboro,  MA. 

occurring  regularly  on  Martha’s  Vineyard,  where  it 
persists  and  is  widely  distributed  on  both  moraine 
and  ontwash  plain  soils  (Fig.  4).  It  is  not  known 
from  Nantucket,  and  virtually  all  mainland  New 
England  specimens  deposited  in  museum  collections 
I  examined  were  taken  during  the  first  half  of  the 
20th  century,  with  only  a  few  taken  as  late  as  the  early 
1950s.  By  all  accounts,  this  species  had  essentially 
declined  dramatically  in  New  England  more  than  a 
decade  before  Ferguson’s  (1971)  publication,  and 
indeed  was  considered  extirpated  from  Massachusetts 
during  the  early  drafting  stages  of  the  Massaclursetts 
Endangered  Species  Act  (MESA;  M.G.L.  c.  131Aand 
regulations  321  GMR  10.00).  It  is  currently  listed  as 
“threatened”  in  Massachusetts. 

The  decline  of  A.  imperialism  northeastern  North 
America  is  not  tiniqne,  but  rather  consistent  with 
a  well-known  pattern  of  decline  among  saturniids 
(Hes.sel,  1976;  Fergitson,  1971;  Frank,  1988;  Schweitzer, 
1988).  In  fact,  the  three  most  dramatic  declines  of 
saturniids  in  New  England  have  been  ceratocampines: 
E.  imperialis,  the  royal  walnut  moth  Citheronia  regalis 
(Fabricius) ,  another  of  North  America’s  most  massive 
saturniids,  and  the  pine  devil  moth  C.  sepulcralis  Grots 
&  Robinson,  another  barrens  species  that  feeds  on 
pine  and  the  type  locality  of  which  is  Andover,  MA. 

Martha’s  Vineyard  appears  to  have  served  as  a 
regional  refugium  for  several  species  (e.g.  Actias 
Inna)  that  remained  extremely  abundant  on  the 
island  while  undergoing  anecdotal  declines — even 
temporaiy  ones — on  the  mainland.  It  is  not  at  j)resent 
possible  to  single  out  any  one  of  the  various  possible 
causes  for  these  declines;  none  are  mutually  exclusive. 
Moreover  the  weak  coincidence  of  the  deployment 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

of  metal  halide  street  lights  and  pesticides  several 
decades  following  the  introduction  of  the  tachinid  fly 
Compsilura  concinnata  (Diptera:  Tachinidae)  in  1906 
to  combat  gypsy  moths  and  other  pests  (Howard  & 
Fiske,  1911)  makes  parsing  the  relative  importance  of 
these  factors  difficult.  In  hindsight,  it  is  not  surprising 
that  the  sole  New  England  population  of  E.  imperialis 
to  persist  did  so  on  an  island  that  was  not  as  heavily 
subjected  to  as  heavy  aerial  deployment  of  pesticides 
or  high-wattage  metal  halide  streetlights,  or  to  the 
intentional  release  of  parasitoids,  as  the  mainland. 

Available  data  on  the  use  of  DDT  and  other 
pesticides,  recorded  on  a  per-county  basis  between 
1948  and  1965,  indicate  that  Dukes  Co.  (including 
Martha’s  Vineyard)  was  one  of  four  counties  sprayed 
only  once  during  this  period,  and  was  subjected  to 
less  intensive  treatment  (as  measured  by  total  spray- 
acres)  than  any  other  county  in  the  Commonwealth 
excepting  Middlesex  (Bewick,  1979,  reproduced  in 
Table  1).  Martha’s  Vineyard  is  approximately  100 
square  miles,  or  64,000  acres;  its  single  documented 
pesticide  treatment  of  17,000  acres  in  1956  is  less 
intensive,  for  example,  than  the  31,071  acres  sprayed 
on  Nantucket,  whose  land  mass  is  roughly  half  that 
of  the  Vineyard;  and  far  less  than  the  hundreds  of 
thousands  of  acres  of  maritime  barrens  habitats  in 
Plymouth  and  Barnstable  comities  routinely  subjected 
to  spraying  before  the  use  of  DDT  was  discontinued. 

Prior  to  the  widespread  deployment  of  DDT,  the 
parasitoid  fly  C.  concinnatah'Ad  become  well-established 
in  New  England,  shortly  after  its  1906  introduction 
(Culver,  1919) .  Introduced  to  combat  the  gypsy  moth 

Table  1.  Massachusetts  DDT  spray  history  1948-1965 

(Reproduced  from  Bewick,  1979). 




#  Years 


Avg.  acres 
sprayed  per 

treatment  year 





1  taiii])shire, 

1  taiiKlfii,  Franklin 








Worcester,  Norfolk 




























Lymantria  dispar  (L.),  the  browntail  moth  Euproctis 
chrysorrhoea  (L.)  and  other  pests,  it  quickly  became 
apparent  that  this  animal  attacks  a  large  and  diverse 
assemblage  of  macrolepidopteran  larvae  (Webber  & 
Schaffner,  1926;  Ai  nauld,  1978).  Recent  observations 
by  Boettner  et  al.  (2000  and  unpnbl.)  confirm  the 
extraordinaiy  impact  of  C.  concinnata  on  several  native 
saturniids  on  mainland  New  England  and  that  the  flies 
will  attack  E.  dw/icria/A  caterpillars  when  presented  with 
the  opportunity.  Compsilura  concinnata  is  considered 
a  stong  candidate  for  playing  a  role  in  the  demise 
of  E.  imperialis  and  other  large  moths  on  mainland 
New  England  (Boettner  et  al,  2000);  Compsilura 
concinnata  occurrence  on  Martha’s  Vineyard  has  not 
been  verified. 

Regional  variation  and  host  plant  use 

Eacles  imperialis  (and  can  certainly  be  reared) 
on  a  wide  range  of  tree  hosts  (Ferguson,  1971;  Stone, 
1991;  Tuskes  et  al,  1996),  to  which  it  may  be  locally 
specialized,  and  the  moth’s  range  exceeds  that  of  any 
recorded  host  plant  species.  Ferguson  (1971)  lists 
an  impressive  array  of  recorded  hosts:  “oak,  hickory, 
walnut,  sycamore,  basswood,  maple,  honey  locust, 
chokecheriy,  sumac,  sweet  gum,  sassafras,  elm,  beech, 
hornbeam,  birch,  alder,  pine,  spruce,  hemlock,  cedar, 
cypress,  and  juniper.”  However,  the  degree  to  which 
a  given  population  of  E.  imperialis  is  ever  genuinely 
polyphagous  in  nature  is  not  well  studied.  On  Martha’s 
Vineyard,  E.  imperialis  appears  to  feed  exclusively  on 
pitch  pine  {Pinus  ri.gida),  a  common  tree  associated 
with  sandy,  well-drained  soils  and  barrens  habitats. 
Pine-feeding  is  not  nnusnal  for  Eacles  impeiialis 
elsewhere,  nor  is  it  restricted  to  the  northernmost 
tier  of  the  moth’s  range:  Abbot  and  Smith  (1797) 
observed  pine-feeding  in  Georgia  over  two  centuries 
ago,  and  pitch  pine  is  a  common  host  in  the  New  Jersey 
pine  barrens  (D.  F.  Schweitzer,  pers.  comm.).  All  the 
recorded  hosts  of  E.  i.  pini  are  conifers  (Tuskes  et  al, 
1996),  including  jack  pine  {Pinus  hanksiana),  which 
replaces  P.  rigida  to  the  north  and  west  of  southern 
New  England.  Erom  the  perspective  of  consumption 
and  digestion,  conifer  foliage  represents  a  diet  high 
in  fiber,  relatively  low  in  water  and  nitrogen  content, 
and  possessed  of  allelochemical  defenses  such  as 
monoterpenes  stored  in  resin  ducts  (Raffa,  1991). 
The  observation  of  localized  conifer  specialization 
on  the  part  of  A.  imperialis  i?,  of  interest  both  from  the 
perspective  of  pine-herbivore  biology  and  from  that 
of  the  species’  northeastern  decline. 

Host  plant  specificity  among  herbivorous  insects 
in  general  and  Lepidoptera  in  particular  has  been 
of  broad  interest  to  entomologists  at  least  since  the 

42:  34-49,  2003  (2010) 


works  of  Brues’  (1920,  1924),  which  were  followed  by 
seminal  ecological  studies  and  reviews  highlighting- 
general  patterns  in  the  ecology  and  evolution  of  host 
use  breadth  (e.g.  Ehrlich  &  Raven,  1964;  Futuyma, 
1976;  Gilbert,  1979;  Cates,  1980; Jenny,  1984).  Adult 
oviposition  cues  play  a  critical  role  in  host  plant 
specialization  (Wiklund,  1975),  and  variables  such 
as  host  plant  chemistry  and  architecture  (Cates  & 
Rhoades,  1977;  Scriber  &  Feeny,  1979;  Berenbaum, 
1981;  Bowers,  1983,  1984;  Bernays,  1989),  foliar 
water,  nitrogen  and  fiber  content  (Scriber,  1977, 
1979b;  Mattson,  1980;  Mattson  &  Scriber,  1987), 
and  maternity  (e.g.  Mousseati  8c  Dingle,  1991)  effect 
lepidopteraii  digestive  efficiency.  Poptilation  genetic 
and  phylogenetic  data  have  been  brought  to  bear  on 
the  evolution  of  host  specialization  and  the  role  of 
host  shifts  in  speciation  (Berlocher,  1998),  and  the 
co-cladogenesis  of  insects  and  plants  (Farrell  8c  Mitter, 
1990,  1998;  Futuyma  8c  McCafferty,  1990;  Funk  et  ciL, 
1995;  Becerra,  1997;  Farrell,  1998). 

Studies  of  the  ecophysiological  roles  of  host  plant 
growth  form  and  seasonality  (e.g.  Tilton,  1977;James 
8c  Smith,  1978;  Scriber,  1978)  in  mediating  insect-plant 
associations  are  directly  relevant  to  the  evolution  of 
pine  feeding.  From  a  nutritional  perspective,  folivores 
of  trees  and  other  woody  plants  represent  a  guild 
that  must  often  contend  with  low  nitrogen  and  water 
contents  relative  to  graminivores  or  forb  feeders,  for 
example.  Nitrogen  is  an  important  growth-limiting 
factor  for  many  herbivores  which  may  covary  with 
water  content  (Mattson,  1980);  low  foliar  water 
content  can  impede  the  growth  and  development  of 
herbivores  (Scriber,  1977)  as  well  as  a  given  herbivore’s 
ability  to  utilize  available  nitrogen  (Scriber,  1979a,  b). 
These  effects  can  be  particularly  severe  with  regard 
to  the  performance  of  tree  feeders  (Scriber,  1979b); 
since  low  nitrogen  and  water  contents  are  typically 
associated  witli  woody  plants  as  opposed  to  forbs  and 
grasses,  folivores  of  trees  often  display  low  growth  and 
utilization  efficiencies  (Scriber  &  Slansky,  1981). 

I  pursued  a  line  of  investigation  tow'ards  better 
understanding  host  plant  use  in  the  relictual 
population  of  this  moth,  specifically  the  question 
of  whether  the  apparent  confinement  to  pines  is 
nutritionally  imposed  or  the  result  of  some  unknown 
non-nutrionally  based  or  abiotic  factor.  This  endeavor 
comprised  laboratory-based  experiments  focusing  on 
the  role  of  food  plant  in  influencing  larval  growth 
and  development.  Given  the  considerable  range¬ 
wide  variation  in  host  use  among  geographically 
delimited  populations  of  £.  imperialis,  the  notion  that 
such  local  specialization  may  have  been  accompanied 
by  physiological  adaptation  is  of  interest  from  the 
perspective  of  understanding  host  shifts,  regardless 

of  whether  they  accompany  speciation  per  se. 

Materials  and  methods 

Five  treatments  from  fotir  species  of  host  plants 
were  chosen  on  the  basis  of  recorded  use  by  E. 
imperialis,  availability  and,  in  the  case  of  pitch  pine, 
comparability  between  material  from  wild  populations 
known  to  be  used  by  £.  imperialis  arboretum-raised 
material.  Pitch  pine  is  the  only  known  host  of  E. 
imperialis  on  Martha’s  Vineyard  (personal  obseiwations 
of  both  larvae  and  wild  oviposition  behavior  of  adult 
females) ,  and  was  reported  as  the  favored  lan  al  host  of 
other  Massacliusetts  E.  imperiaUs  (Eliot  8c  Soule,  1902). 
The  jack  pine  P.  beraksiana  was  chosen  because  it  is 
associated  with  E.  imperialis  pini  (Michener,  1950;  M. 
C.  Nielsen,  pers.  comm.;  B.  Scholtens,  pers.  comm.), 
comprising  the  northernmost  named  subspecies  of 
E.  imperialis  and  the  only  other  regional  populations 
associated  exclusively  with  conifers.  Jack  pine  may 
be  considered  an  ecological  analog  of  pitch  pine,  in 
that  it  replaces  the  latter  in  habitats  to  the  north  and 
west  characterized  by  granitic  soils  that,  like  maritime 
pitch  pine-scrub  oak  barrens,  are  sandy,  well-drained, 
and  acidic  soils  (Little,  1979;  Schweitzer  &  Rawinsky, 
1988).  M.  C.  Nielsen  (pers.  comm.)  reports  that  E. 
i.  pini  appears  most  commonly  in  association  with 
jack  pine  on  Grayling  soils.  With  the  exception  of 
tiny  remnant  stands  such  as  that  at  West  Rock,  New 
Flaven,  CT,  the  post  oak  (X  stellala  is  represented  in 
New  England  primarily  as  a  di.sjunct  population  on 
Martha’s  Vineyard.  The  nearest  large  stands  of  Q. 
stellala  occur  on  Long  Island,  N.  Y.  and  in  the  New 
Jersey  pine  barrens,  which  also  hosts  the  largest 
northeastern  population  of  E.  imperialis.  The  black 
walntU  J.  nigra  was  chosen  because  it  is  a  recorded 
host  of  E.  imperialis,  yet  does  not  occur  regularly  on 
Martha’s  Vineyard.  Food  plant  material  was  harvested 
every  five  days  from  the  Felix  Neck  Wildlife  Sanctuai'y, 
Edgartown,  MA  (pitch  pine  and  post  oak)  and  the 
Arnold  Arboretum,  Jamaica  Plain,  MA  (pitch  pine, 
jack  pine,  and  black  walnut).  LIpon  cutting,  plant 
material  was  placed  in  water  pics  and  maintained  at 
4()°F  until  used. 

Foliage  fitted  with  water  pics  was  placed  in  rearing 
containers,  the  supply  of  fresh  food  maintained,  and 
the  container  cleaned  of  frass  every  five  days.  Since 
foliar  water  and  nitrogen  concentrations  have  been 
demonstrated  to  decrease  with  leaf  age  (Axelsson  & 
Agren,  1979;  Slansky  8c  Scriber,  1985) ,  it  was  therefore 
important  to  be  as  consistent  as  possible  when 
selecting  plant  material  so  that  foliage  treatments 
of  wildly  disparate  ages  were  not  lumped  under  the 
same  heading. 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

Gravid  females  from  Martha’s  Vineyard  were 
collected  in  1988  and  1989  at  light  and  placed  in 
paper  bags  for  oviposition.  Ova  were  harvested  and 
segregated  according  to  parent,  then  maintained  in 
4”  diameter  petri  dishes  tinder  constant  conditions 
of  light  and  temperature  (per  day,  14  hours  light 
at  25°G  and  10  hours  darkness  at  20°C).  The  1988 
livestock  came  from  four  females  taken  between  31 
July  and  5  August  at  three  different  sites  oit  Martha’s 
Vineyard:  Gedar  Tree  Neck,  West  Tisbnry  (4  Atigust, 
1 10  ova);  Makonikey,  West  Tisbnry  (3  and  5  August, 
155  and  78  ova);  and  Pennywise  Path,  Edgartown  (31 
Jtily,  107  ova). 

During  the  hrst  (1988)  season’s  experiments,  ova 
were  selectively  cooled  at  50°F  for  up  to  four  days  to 
synchronize  hatching.  Larvae  from  each  clutch  were 
weighed  tipon  hatching,  placed  on  each  of  live  of 
the  food  plant  cohorts,  and  weighed  every  five  days 
(116  hours)  through  day  15  in  all  cases  and  day  20 
when  ]4ossible.  Larvae  were  reared  individually,  first 
in  4.0”  petri  dishes  for  their  hrst  hve  days,  and  then 
in  plastic  containers  4.5”  in  diameter  and  3.5”  in 
height.  Humidity  was  maintained  iisitig  1”  x  2”  cut 
sections  of  paper  towels  secured  to  the  container  lid 
and  moistened  twice  every  live  days.  All  larvae  were 
maintained  under  constant  conditions  of  temperature 
and  lighting  as  described  above.  Since  leaves  that 
remain  attached  to  the  stem  are  generally  less  apt 
to  lose  water  than  if  they  are  cut  (Schroeder,  1984), 
food  plant  freshness  was  maintained  by  placing  plant 
sprigs  (or  petioles,  in  the  case  of/,  nigia)  in  water  pics 
sititated  in  larval  rearing  containers. 

Weights  of  surviving  larvae  from  different  clutches 
and  on  different  host  plants  were  natural  log- 
transformed  and  compared  (2-way  ANOVA)  for  each 
weighing  interval  through  Day  15.  The  influence 
of  food  plant  treatment  was  further  analyzed  (1-way 
ANOVA)  by  lumpittg  all  suiwiving  larvae  of  a  giveti  food 
plant  treatment  and  age  regardless  of  parentage. 

In  1989  these  experiments  were  repeated  in  part 
and  with  several  modihcations,  using  ova  from  seven 
lemales  collected  between  26  and  28  Jitly  from  three 
sites  on  Martha’s  Vineyard;  Lobsterville,  Aquinnah 
(26  July,  178  ova);  Gedar  Tree  Neck,  West  Tisbnry 
(three  females,  all  27  July;  55,  125,  and  169  ova); 
and  Makonikey,  M'est  Tisbtiry  (three  females,  26,  27, 
and  28  Jtily;  178,  50,  and  104  ova).  The  1989  work 
focused  exclusively  on  two  food  plants  taken  from 
ctirrent  E.  habitat  (71  rigida,  the  native  host, 

and  Q.  strllala,  with  all  plant  material  taken  from  Felix 
Neck  M'ildlife  Sanctuary,  Edgartown,  MA.  Eggs  were 
not  cooled  to  synchronize  hatching,  and  in  order 
to  minimize  handling  of  yotmg  larvae,  all  hatchling 
caterpillars  were  started  not  in  petri  dishes  but  in  the 

larger  plastic  containers.  Given  observations  that 
hatchling  larvae  lost  weight  to  desiccation  quickly, 
care  was  taken  to  ensure  that  every  larva  was  weighed 
and  placed  on  the  appropriate  food  plant  immediately 
upon  hatching.  To  maintain  humidity,  I  used  1”  x 
1”  X  2”  sponges,  washed  at  each  weighing  instead  of 
paper  towel  sections.  The  sponge  holds  more  water 
and  for  a  longer  period  of  time  and  does  not  require 
additional  moistening  between  weightings.  All  sponge 
blocks  were  washed  repeatedly  prior  to  use  to  clear 
them  of  chemical  additives,  and  thoroughly  cleaned 
of  larval  frass  at  each  weighing  to  avoid  mold.  Food 
plants  were  maintained  as  in  1988  at  40°F,  misted  with 
distilled  water  and  given  refreshed  water  pics  every  24 
hours.  Feedings  were  made  as  close  to  identical  as 
possible;  all  the  feedings  for  a  given  weighing  interval 
and  food  plant  species  consisted  of  material  cut  from 
a  single  tree.  Sample  sizes  were  increased  to  fifteen 
larvae  per  female  per  food  plant  treatment  initially, 
for  104  larvae  in  total  on  each  food  plant.  Color 
morph  and  instar  were  noted  at  each  weighing  and 
larvae  were  reared  to  pupation,  sexed  and  weighed 
again.  Weights  were  analyzed  as  described  through 
day  20  for  all  larvae  and  pupae.  Since  E.  imperialis  is 
a  sexually  dimorphic  species,  male  and  female  pupae 
were  compared  separately  (1-way  ANOVA)  for  each 
food  plant  cohort.  Weights  upon  hatching  were 
compared  independent  of  a  food  plant  effect  (one-way 
ANOVA)  to  evaluate  bias  in  assigning  larvae  to  food 
plants.  There  was  not  a  large  enough  sample  size  per 
sex  per  clutch  to  retrieve  any  significant  data  regarding 
a  maternal  effect  on  pupal  weight.  However,  all  pupal 
weights  representing  each  sex  were  lumped  for  each 
food  plant  in  order  to  test  for  a  food  plant  effect  via 
one-way  ANOVA. 

The  gravimetric  assessment  of  digestive  and  growth 
indices  involved  forty  offspring  of  a  single  female  on 
four  of  the  1988  food  plant  treatments:  both  wild 
and  arboretnm-grown  P.  rigida,  arboretum-grown  P. 
hanksiana,  and  wild  Q.  stellata.  Low  survivorship  on  /. 
nigra  precluded  there  being  enough  data  to  analyze. 
These  indices  were:  relative  growth  rate  (RGR); 
relative  consumption  rate  (RGR);  approximate 
digestibility  (AD);  efficiency  of  conversion  of  ingested 
food  to  biomass  (ECI) ;  and  efficiency  of  conversion  of 
digested  food  to  biomass  (ECD).  The  experimental 
regime  employed  here  involved  monitoring  the 
food  uptake  and  utilization  during  the  course  of  a 
single  instar,  from  the  beginning  of  the  third  to  the 
beginning  of  the  fourth  instar.  All  vegetative  material 
used  in  these  experiments  consisted  of  pre-weighed 
individual  leaves  or  sprigs;  unconsumed  food  and  frass 
was  dried  at  95°F  and  re-weighed.  Control  samples 
of  plant  material  for  each  feeding  were  also  weighed. 

42:  34-49,  2003  (2010) 


dried,  and  re-weighed  for  tlie  purpose  of  calculating 
conversion  factors.  Larvae  were  weighed  at  the 
beginning  and  end  of  the  experiment,  then  frozen, 
dried,  and  re-weighed  to  determine  the  dry  weight 
gained  by  each  larva.  Each  larva  thus  provided  its 
own  conversion  factor,  its  final  dry  weight  treated  as  a 
percentage  of  its  final  fresh  weight  and  used  to  estimate 
initial  dry  weight.  Based  on  these  weights  of  plant  and 
larval  material,  the  hve  food  plant  utilization  measures 
were  determined  following  Waldbatier  (1968).  For 
each  larva  used  in  the  calculation  of  utilization  indices, 
the  dried  control  food  plant  material  was  ground  and 
analyzed  for  percent-nitrogen  using  a  Kjeltec  nitrogen 
analysis  system.  Mean  digestive  indices  were  compared 
via  one-way  AN OVA. 

The  gravimetric  assessment  of  performance  has 
been  reviewed  and  critiqued  numerotis  times  since 
its  introchiction  (Scriber  &  Slansky,  1981;  Schroeder, 
1984;  Agren  Sc  AxeLsson,  1979;  Bowers  et  al,  1991), 
and  a  substantial  body  of  literature  has  been  devoted 
to  evaluating  the  various  sources  of  error  associated 
with  this  method.  A  significant  methodological 
source  of  error  in  the  calculation  of  such  nutritional 
indices  derives  from  the  indirect  calculation  of  the 
dry  weight  of  plant  material  and  of  the  initial  dry 
weight  of  the  larva  (Bowers  et  «/.,199 1 ) .  Since  the  host 
plants  used  differ  in  megaphyll  morphology,  achieving 
similarity  between  treatment  and  controls  is  difficult 
to  standardize.  This  necessitated  frequent  feeding 
of  fresh  plant  material  in  order  to  minimize  the 
differential  effects  of  desiccation  on  digestibility.  For 
each  feeding  of  stellata,  a  single  leaf  was  bisected, 
half  used  to  determine  the  dry  weight  conversion 
factor.  Conversion  factors  for  P.  ngidz/ involved  the  use 
of  individtial  needles  excised  from  sheaths:  for  each 
needle-bearing  sheath,  a  single  needle  was  removed 
for  immediate  drying  wliile  the  others  were  tised  for 
feeding.  This  method  has  the  dual  advantages  of 
providing  as  accurate  a  control  as  possible,  since  all 
needles  within  a  given  sheath  are  the  same  age  and 
size,  and  of  minimizing  damage  to  both  treatment 
and  control,  since  the  sheath  can  be  removed  from 
its  enclosed  needles  without  tearing  or  severing 
significant  mesophyll  ti.sstie. 

Preliminary  work  showed  that  the  short  needles 
of  P.  banksiana,  which  occtir  in  pairs,  were  more 
vulnerable  to  desiccation  than  those  of  P.  rigida.  To 
offset  desiccation,  single  needles  were  therefore 
retained  intact  within  bisected  sheaths,  the  dry 
weight  of  the  inedible  sheath  later  stibtracted  from 
the  estimated  dry  weight  of  the  initial  feeding  prior 
to  calculation  of  fresh  weight/ dry  weight  conversion 


Food  plant  and  maternal  effects  on  growth 

Larval  growth  varied  considerably  across  the  1988 
food  plant  treatments.  The  (1988)  data  indicated 
that  E.  imperkdis  larvae  grew  more  slowly  at  first  on 
the  decidtiotis  plants  than  conifers,  with  growth  most 
markedly  retarded  among  the  larvae  fed  /.  nigra  (Table 
2,  Fig.  5).  Based  on  weight,  larvae  responded  best  to 
the  diet  of  arboretum-grown  P  banksiana,  followed  by 
that  of  arboretum-grown  P.  rigida,  wild  (X  stellata  and 
finally  wild  P.  rigida.  However,  for  a  period  between 
the  second  and  third  weightings  (days  5  and  10),  the 
growth  of  larvae  fed  Q.  stellata  stirpassed  that  of  the 
other  food  plant  cohorts.  Most  larvae  fed  arborettim- 
grown  jack  pine  and  pitch  pine  weighed  more  at 
Day  20  than  those  given  other  food  plants.  ANOVA 
indicated  signiheant  food  plant  as  well  as  maternal 
effects  on  larval  growth  (Table  3),  the  latter  far  less 
marked  than  the  former. 

Larvae  in  the  1989  follow-iqD  growth  ex])eriments, 
conducted  under  modified  conditions  where  foliar 
water  was  more  rigorously  ensured,  consistently  gained 
biomass  and  molted  earlier  when  fed  post  oak  than 
when  fed  pitch  pine,  nnambignotisly  demonstrating 
enhanced  performance  of  E.  iniperialis  on  wild  Q. 
stellata  relative  to  wild  P  rigida  based  on  larval  growth 
and  pupal  weight  (Fig.  6;  Tables  4,  5),  again  with 
significant  differences  attribtitable  both  to  food  plant 
and  to  maternity  in  eacli  of  the  host  plant  treatments 
(Table  6;  Figs.  7,  8). 

The  variation  in  larval  growth  attributable  to 
maternal  effects  was,  as  in  1988  (4able  3),  small  relative 

Figure  5.  Fresh  weight  (mg)  of  E.  imperialison  five  food  plant 
treatments  taken  at  5-day  intervals,  1988.  Cf.  Table  2. 


/.  lies.Lepid. 

Table  2.  Weights  (mg)  of  larvae  reared  on  five  food-plant  treatments,  1988.  x=  mean;  se  =  standard  error;  N=  sample  size; 
AA  =  foliage  used  from  Arnold  Arboretum,  Jamaica  Plain,  MA;  FN  =  foliage  used  from  Felix  Neck  Wildlife  Sanctuary,  Edgartown, 

MA.  Cf.  Fig.  5. 



Pimis  rigida  (FN) 

Pinus  rigida  (AA) 

Qiiercus  stellata  (FN) 

Pinus  banksiana  (AA) 

Juglans  nigra  (AA) 


9.384  (0.083) 


8.9  (0.081) 


9.47  (0.0653) 


7.632  (0.069) 


8.411  (0.083) 



43.947  (0.213) 


45.968  (0.21) 

40.335  (0.179) 


59.058  (0.311) 


34.211  (0.191) 



157.789  (.495) 


203.158  (0.45) 

246  (0.562) 


243.342  (0.556) 


68.618  (0.409) 



652.829  (1.279) 

988.174  (0.865) 

973.099  (1.068) 

1219.421  (1.185) 

160.769  (0.851) 



1964.592  (2.479) 

2471.57  (2.54) 

1867.557  (3.629) 


3320.9  (1.869) 


296.788  (1.783) 


Table  3.  Analysis  of  variation  due  to  food-plant  and  maternal  effects  on  larval  growth,  1 988.  NA  not  applicable. 

Variation  due  to  foodplant 

Variation  due  to  maternal  effects 

Larval  age  (days) 



































Table  4.  Weights  (mg)  of  E.  imperialis  reared  on  P.  rigida  and  O.  stellata  at  ages  0  through  20  days,  1989,  followed  by  pupal 
weights  for  males  and  females.  Range  refers  to  mean  values  for  offspring  of  a  given  female  (not  applicable  for  pupal  weights). 
Cf.  Fig.  6. 

Pinus  rigida 

Quercus  stellata 

L.arval  age  (days) 






10.221  (0.013) 


10.315  (0.014) 



47.803  (0.035) 


59.227  (0.044) 



315.042  (0.118) 


555.959  (0.213) 




1516.205  (0.268) 

1 161.357-2013.193 

2195.288  (0.328) 



3561.943  (0.349) 


4484.786  (0.387) 


.Vlale  pupal  weight  (mg) 

3719.304  (0.936) 


4751.297  (0.786) 


Female  pupal  weight  (mg) 

4473.514  (1.199) 


5705.4  (1.277) 



42;  34-49,  2003  (2010) 


Table  5.  Summary  and  analysis  of  development  of  E.  imperialis  in  therms  of  instar  on  R  rigida  and  Q.  stellata. 

Day  5 

Day  10 

Day  15 

Day  20 

Instar  1 

2  2 

3  3 

4  4 


#  Piiic-fcd  larvae  24 

80  13 

89  8 

88  28 


#  Oak-fed  larvae  fi 

96  2 

90  1 

91  12 


G-value  13 




P-value  <.001 




Table  6.  Analysis  of  food-plant  and  maternal  effects  on  larval  growth,  1989.  NA  = 

:  not  applicable;  NS  =  insufficient  data. 

Variation  due  to  foodplant 

Variation  due  to  maternal  effects 

Larval  age  (day.s)  DF 


P-\aluc  DF 



0  NA 


NA  6 



5  1 


<.001  6 



10  1 


<.001  6 

6. 1 76 


15  1 


<.001  6 



20  1 


<.001  6 



Male  pupa  1 


<.001  NS 



Female  pupa  1 


<.001  NS 



Table  7.  Summary  and  analysis  of  nutritional  indices  obtained  on  four  food-plant  treatments.  AA  =  foliage  used  from  Arnold 
Arboretum,  Jamaica  Plain,  MA;  FN  =  foliage  used  from  Felix  Neck  Wildlife  Sanctuary,  Edgartown,  MA. 

Nutritional  Pinus  rigida  (FN) 


Pinus  hanksiana 

Pinus  rigida  (AA) 

Qiiercus  stellata 

One-way  AN  OVA 
F-ratio  P-value 





AD  31.09(0.6) 


31.64  (0.431) 


28.78  (0.2.59) 


26.5  (0.283) 




FXID  32.16(0.714) 


39.38  (0.647) 


41.96  (0.331) 

46.22  (0.43) 


1 .056 


ECl  15.01  (0..304) 


16..35  (0.197) 


18.08  (0.126) 

18.48  (0.208) 




RGR  0.205  (0.04) 


0.244  (0.021) 


0.251  (0.022) 


0.264  (0.032) 




RGR  0.473  (0.072) 


0.49  (0.04) 


0.414  (0.02) 


0.425  (0.04) 



0.1 18 

%N  5.83  (0.052) 


6.79  (0.086) 


6.84  (0.048) 


8.07  (0.091) 




to  that  attributable  to  host  plant.  One  trend  is  tliat  of 
the  consistent  relative  growth  of  offspring  of  several 
females;  mean  larval  weights  for  each  of  four  females 
on  post  oak  were  more  massive  than  on  pitch  pine  by 
Day  5,  remaining  so  at  every  consecutive  weighting 

through  Day  20.  The  offspring  of  each  of  the  four 
females  grew,  relative  to  one  another,  in  exactly  the 
same  order  on  oak  and  pine,  with  the  offspring  of 
female  5  outdistancing  of  females  6,  7,  and  2, 
respectively  (Figs.  7,  8).  This  trend  implies  that  there 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

Mean  Individual 
l.arval  wgt  (mg) 

Larval  Age  (Days) 

Figure  6.  Fresh  weight  (mg)  of  E.  impehalis  on  pitch  pine 
P.  rigida  and  post  oak  Q.  stellata,  1989.  Cf.  Table  4. 

Figure  8.  Fresh  weight  (mg)  of  pine-fed  offspring  of  four 
females  of  E.  imperialis,  1989. 

I  4000 

t  3500 

.?  3000 

>  2500 

I  2000 

j  1500 


0  5  10  15  20  25 

1  arval  Age  (Days) 

Figure  7.  Fresh  weight  (mg)  of  oak-fed  offspring  from  four 
female  E.  imperialis,  1989. 

exists  little  trade-off  in  relative  efficiency  from  oak  to 
pine.  That  is,  a  larva  vvell-eqnipped  to  utilize  pine 
relative  to  another  larva  may  be  just  as  relatively  well 
equipped  to  utilize  oak.  This  explanation  is  consistent 
with  the  fact  that  no  statistically  significant  interaction 
exists  between  the  parental  effect  and  the  food  plant 
effect.  Significant  differences  appeared  among  mean 
weights  of  larvae  from  different  clutches  at  each 
weighing  and  among  mean  weights  of  hatchling  laiwae, 
but  these  relative  differences  did  not  persist  as  such  at 
snb.sequent  weighings.  Since  there  were  no  significant 
differences  between  mean  weights  of  hatchling  larvae 
given  different  food-plant  treatments,  these  results 
can  not  be  attributed  to  bias  in  the  initial  separation 
of  larvae  into  treatment  cohorts. 

A  comparison  of  the  numbers  of  larvae  that  had 

achieved  a  given  instar  by  a  given  age  revealed  the 
following;  significantly  more  of  the  oak-fed  larvae  than 
the  pine-fed  larvae  molted  to  second  instar  by  Day  5 
(DF=1,  G=12.996),  third  instar  by  Day  10  (G=8.5()2), 
fourth  instar  by  Day  15  (G=:6.162),  and  fifth  instar 
by  Day  20  (G=6.688).  Additionally,  mean  male  and 
female  pupal  weights  were  significantly  higher  for  oak- 
fed  larvae  (4751.297  mg  and  5705.4  mg,  respectively) 
than  for  pine-fed  larvae  (3119.304  mg  and  4473.514 
mg,  respectively). 

In  both  years  the  number  of  larvae  exhibiting 
the  green  color  morph  was  higher  for  the  pine-fed 
cohort  than  tiie  oak-fed  cohort.  Exactly  50%  (52  of 
104)  of  all  the  1989  larvae  reared  on  pine  exhibited 
green  coloration;  most  of  these  turned  green  at  the 
.second  molt  (beginning  of  the  third  instar),  and  seven 
reverted  to  brown  at  subsequent  molts,  five  at  the  third 
and  two  at  the  fourth.  Of  the  52  green  larvae  from 
both  1989  food  plant  treatments,  only  four  had  been 
reared  on  oak.  As  many  as  13  of  15  and  as  few  as  5 
of  15  offspring  of  a  given  female  fed  pitch  pine  were 
green.  Almost  all  larvae  reared  on  oak  exhibited  a 
lighter  brown  or  reddish  body  color. 

Nutritional  indices 

Nutritional  indices,  calculated  exclusively  during 
the  third  instar,  corroborated  enhanced  growth  rate 
and  efficiency  on  oak  relative  to  pine,  as  did  the  higher 
pupal  weights  among  oak-fed  versus  pine-fed  larvae 
(Table  7).  The  efficiency  of  conversion  of  ingested 
food  (ECD),  the  efficiency  of  conversion  of  digested 
food  (EGI),  and  the  relative  growth  rate  (RGR) 
were  positively  correlated  with  foliar  nitrogen  and 

42:  34-49,  2003  (2010) 


water  content  across  food  plants;  the  approximate 
digestibility  (AD)  and  the  relative  consnmption  rate 
(RCR)  were  not.  The  only  significant  differences, 
however,  were  among  the  ECI  and  percent  nitrogen 
values.  The  foliage  of  wild  grown  post  oak  and 
arboretnm  grown  pitch  pine  contained  significantly 
more  nitrogen  and  water  than  corres]>onding  amounts 
of  wild  pitch  pine  and  arboretum-grown  jack  pine, 
and  these  numbers  were  paralleled  by  larval  ECIs. 
(Table  7). 


The  life  history  constraints  of  host  specialization 
have  been  an  important  focus  within  the  study  of 
herbivore  evolution.  It  has  been  hypothesized  that 
the  limits  imposed  by  a  contraction  in  the  spectrum 
of  potential  host  species  are  offset  by  an  enhanced 
efficiency  with  which  an  herbivore  utilizes  that 
narrower  host  range  (Brties,  1924;  House,  1962; 
Emlen,  1973;  Gilbert,  1979).  The  validity  of  this 
“feeding  specialization  hypotliesis”  is  central  to  our 
understanding  of  evolved  herbivoi'y  (Slansky  &  Scriber, 
1985).  Not  only  have  consistent  patterns  of  higher 
utilization  efficiencies  among  monophagous  versus 
polyphagotis  or  oligophagous  herbivores  failed  to  be 
demonstrated,  but  Scriber  and  Feeny  (1979)  have 
contended  that  host  plant  chemistry  is  responsible 
for  most  of  the  variation  seen  in  larval  performance. 
That  is  to  say  the  “costs”  of  specialization  have  not 
been  well-dehned  or  demonstrated  in  a  broad  sense 
because  the  axes  along  which  organisms  specialize 
may  or  may  not  intersect.  It  has  become  increasingly 
clear  that  in  order  to  effect  proper  experimental  and 
analytical  procedures  to  test  the  feeding  specialization 
hypothesis  as  a  general  paradigm,  one  must  recognize 
a  range  of  organism-specific  variables,  from  elements 
in  plant  foliage  that  affect  herbivore  development  to 
life  history  manifestations  of  constraints  imposed  by 
the  host  plant.  These  variables  defy  simple  patterns, 
being  too  numerous  and  interdependent  for  their 
roles  to  be  parsed  except  very  broadly  (Gaston  8c 
Reavey,  1989).  Scriber  (1983)  suggested  that  one 
reason  for  our  relative  lack  of  understanding  derives 
from  the  paucity  of  studies  narrowly  focused  on  groups 
of  taxonomically  and  ecologically  similar  organisms. 
To  these  I  would  add  studies  of  ecologically  similar  but 
phylogenetically  independent  and  phylogenetically 
well  understood  groups. 

Notwithstanding  the  predictable  effects  of  nutrient 
rich  foliage  among  arboretum-grown  plants  relative 
to  wild  foliage,  the  growth  rates  and  efficiencies  of 
consumption  and  digestion  of  oak  versus  the  wild  pine 
host  suggest  that,  ntitritionally.  New  England  imperial 

moth  caterpillars  do  not  require  pitch  pine  alone  in 
order  to  survive.  At  the  same  time,  E.  imperialis  may 
be  adapted  or  pre-adapted  physiologically  to  conifers. 
Conifer  feeding  on  the  part  of  herbivorous  insects 
represents  a  nutritional  dynamic  different  from 
deciduous  leaf  feeding.  Pitch  pine,  in  particidar, 
is  a  complicated  fire-adapted  plant,  and  perhaps  a 
more  relevant  comparison  than  that  between  larval 
performance  on  arboretum-grown,  well-fertilized 
plants  and  performance  on  native  hosts  of  disjtinct 
moth  populations  might  be  undertaken  between 
geographically  disparate  populations  on  the  wild 
northern  conifer  hosts  and  among  different  age 
cohorts  of  pitch  pine  foliage  growth  in  viable  habitats 
of  E.  imperialis.  That  said,  differential  patterns  in 
nutritional  content  between  evergreen  and  deciduous 
trees  have  been  demonstrated  (Miller  &  Stoner,  1979), 
with  evergreen  foliage  having  generally  lower  nutrient 
contents.  Pines  and  other  conifers  typically  contain 
less  foliar  nitrogen  than  deciduous  angiosperms 
under  similar  conditions  of  growth  and  development 
(Bidwell  &  Dnrzon,  1975;  Slansky  &  Scriber,  1985),  and 
wild  pitch  pine  from  barrens  and  typically  nutrient- 
poor  (Forman,  1979;  Schweitzer  &  Rawinski,  1988). 
Eolivores  of  nutrient-poor,  woody  plants  tend  to  show 
greater  breadth  of  dietary  tolerance  (i.e.  be  more 
polyphagotis)  than  those  on  highly  nutritions  foliage 
(Matt-son  &  Scriber,  1987).  Mattson  and  Scriber  (1987) 
cite  Holloway  and  Hebert  (1979)  who  found  that 
conifer-feeding  Lepidoptera  “are  less  specific  in  host 
plant  choice  than  species  feeding  on  angiosperms.” 
The  data  presented  in  this  study  are  consistent  with 
this  claim  in  that  the  larvae  of  E.  imperialis ure  capable 
of  sustained  development  on  different  hosts.  Both 
the  published  host  records  of  E.  imperialis  and  the 
restilts  of  this  study  support  the  contention  that  this 
species,  including  populations  functionally  restricted 
to  pine,  can  metabolize  a  broad  range  of  potential  if 
not  realized  host  plants. 

Large  body  size  is  also  considered  an  advantage 
when  feeding  on  low-nutrient  diets  (Wasserman  & 
Mitter,  1978;  Peters,  1983;  Mattson  &  Scriber,  1987), 
such  as  pines  or  late-season  tree  foliage.  In  fact,  tree¬ 
feeding  lepidopteran  species  active  late  in  the  growing 
season  tend  to  be  large  (Mattson,  1980;  Niemela  et 
ai,  1981),  as  would  be  expected  especially  for  those 
in  which  the  adults  do  not  feed  (Slansky  &  Scriber, 
1985)  such  as  E.  impenalis.  There  may  also  exist  such 
a  trend  for  folivores  of  evergreen  versus  deciduous 
plants.  Opler  (1978)  noted  that  leafminers  feeding 
on  evergreen  oak  species  tended  to  be  larger  than 
those  on  deciduous  species.  Although  phylogenetic 
data  were  not  yet  available  to  evaluate  the  evolution 
of  size  in  a  cladistic  framework,  ntimerous  authors 

/.  Res.Lepid. 


have  observed  phylogenetically  biased  patterns  in 
lepidopteran  size  associated  with  host  plant  use  and 
life  histoiy  (Mattson,  1977;  Wasserman  &  Mitter,  1978; 
Nieinela  et  at.,  1981;  Hayes,  1983;  Gaston  &  Reavey, 
1989),  and  although  adaptive  speculation  is  frivolous, 
it  is  woi'th  noting  that  E.  imperialis,  the  most  massive 
saturniid  extant  in  New  England,  is  also  the  latest 
feeding  saturniid  in  the  region,  active  as  larvae  as 
late  as  October.  By  this  time  many  of  the  host  plants 
utilized  further  south,  where  the  flight  season  of  E. 
imperialis  is  more  protracted,  are  senescent  or  nearly 
so  northward,  potentially  accounting  in  part  for  the 
more  strict  association  with  conifers  northward. 

In  contrast  to  pitch  pine,  wild  grown  post  oak 
contained  significantly  higher  amounts  of  nitrogen 
than  even  arboretum  grown  j)itch  pine,  even  tbough 
ECl’s  were  not  significantly  different  for  larvae  fed  the 
two  food  plants.  This  implies  either  more  efficient 
nitrogen  utilization  of  pitch  pine  versus  post  oak  on 
the  part  of  Earles  or  simply  that  oak  contains  more 
nitrogen  than  EV/cfes  larvae  can  effectively  metabolize. 
Despite  the  fact  that  the  only  two  plant  cohorts  for 
which  nitrogen  content  was  not  significantly  different 
were  the  two  arboretum-grown  pines,  the  ntean  EGI 
was  significantly  higher  for  larvae  on  arboretum- 
grown  pitch  pine  than  for  those  on  Jack  pine;  both 
were  significantly  higher  than  for  wild  pitch  pine. 
The  mean  EGI  for  arboretum-grown  pitch  pine  was 
comparable  to  (i.e.  not  significantly  different  from) 
that  of  Martha’s  Vineyard  post  oak,  on  which  larvae  had 
the  liighest  ECIs,  and  which  supported  a  significantly 
higher  nitrogen  content  (in  fact  the  highest  of  all  food 
plants  measured).  Taken  collectively,  these  results 
suggest  a  potential  physiological  adaptation  to  pine¬ 
feeding  in  general,  and  pitch  feeding  specifically  on 
the  part  of  northern  E.  imperialis. 

The  results  presented  here  go  to  show  that  simply 
because  a  particular  food  plant  species  meets  an 
berbivorous  organism’s  nutritional  requirements  and 
the  organism  is  ]ihysiologically  capable  of  growth  and 
development  on  that  food  is  not  an  indication  that 
it  is  an  actual,  realized  host  in  nature.  There  might 
be  any  of  a  number  of  possible  explanations  for  the 
fact  that  Massachusetts  E.  imperialis  larvae  appear  to 
grow  faster  and  more  efficiently  on  a  non-utilized 
host  (Q.  stellala)  than  on  the  native  host  {P.  rigida). 
Ghemical  oviposition  cues  such  as  terpenes  specific 
to  conifers,  selective  predation  of  larvae  on  one  host 
versus  another,  abiotic  habitat  requirements  of  soil 
pupation,  and  even  simple  availability  may  all  play 
a  role  in  the  restriction  of  northern  E.  imperialis  to 
conifers.  Eor  example,  I  observed  late  instars  of  wild- 
reared  larvae  placed  on  (7.  stellala  undergo  heavy 
predation  by  vespid  wasps  {Vespa  vulgaris-,  pers.  obs.) 

relative  to  those  reared  in  situ  on  P.  rigida.  The  frass 
of  oak-feeding  larvae  is  less  dry  and  more  prone  to 
mold  than  that  of  pine-feeding  larvae,  and  may  serve 
to  attract  predators. 

The  restriction  of  Earles  imperialis  to  the  common 
pitch  pine  on  Martha’s  Vineyard  is  of  interest 
from  the  standpoint  of  conservation  as  well  as 
evolutionary  ecology.  Earles  imperirdis  is  one  of  24 
regionally  threatened  moth  species  occurring  on 
Martha’s  Vineyard  protected  under  the  Massachusetts 
Endangered  Species  Act  (MESA;  M.G.L.  c.  ISlAand 
regulations  32 1  GMR  1 0.00) ,  not  including  at  least  one 
additional  species,  Dntana  rontrarta  (Notodontidae) 
that  appears  to  have  been  impacted  severely  on 
mainland  southern  New  England  and  may  be  locally 
extirpated.  As  thorough  an  understanding  as  possible 
of  why  species  such  as  these  have  declined — and 
what  they  require  to  persist — is  a  mission-critical 
prerequisite  to  any  reintroduction  and  restoration 
effort.  As  conservationists  consider  potential  sites 
at  which  to  reintroduce  and  restore  this  species, 
we  must  weigh  a  variety  of  considerations,  among 
them  suitability  of  habitat,  availability  of  host  plant, 
probability  of  success,  verifiability  of  historical 
occurrence,  and  legal  logistics. 

Biologically,  the  most  obvious  candidate  sites,  those 
showing  the  greatest  promise  for  success,  are  barrens 
habitats  on  Cape  God  and  in  Plymouth  County  and 
on  Nantucket  Island.  Ironically,  historical  records 
of  E.  imperirdis  from  Cape  Cod  are  lacking,  and  the 
conspicuous  absence  of  this  moth  and  its  near  relatives 
from  Nantucket  has  long  been  noted:  Jones  and 
Kimball  (1943)  made  the  observation  that  although 
four  species  of  ceratocampine  saturniids  occur  on 
Martha’s  Vineyard,  none  were  known  at  the  time 
of  that  writing  from  Nantucket.  Jones  and  Kimball 
speculated  that  such  heavy  bodied  moths  found  it 
difficult  to  distribute  across  water  barriers.  As  was 
the  case  during Jones  and  Kimball’s  time,  four  species 
of  Ceratocampinae  {E.  imperialis,  Anisota  senatoria, 
A.  stigma,  and  A.  virginiensis)  persist  in  numbers  on 
Martha’s  Vineyard.  Anisota  stigtua,  at  one  point  listed 
under  the  Massachusetts  Endangered  Species  Act, 
occurs  less  ubiquitously  on  mainland  New  England  than 
on  Martha’s  Vineyard  (Mello  et  rd.,  1999).  However, 
this  species  has  apparently  colonized  Nantucket  (K. 
Coombs-Beattie,  pers.  comm.;  Goldstein,  1997), 
where  it  now  occurs  commonly,  possibly  obviating 
the  argument  that  all  ceratocampines  have  difficulty 
crossing  water  barriers. 

Although  Jones  and  Kimball  did  not  discuss  the 
historical  ecology  or  land  use  history  per  se  of  either 
island,  the  possible  role  of  habitat  destruction  and 
fragmentation  of  barrens  habitats  must  be  considered. 

42:  34-49,  2003  (2010) 


There  can  be  little  debate  that  viable  habitat  persists 
at  mainland  barrens  sites,  including  the  extensive 
maritime  barrens  in  Plymouth  County  at  Myles 
Standish  State  Forest  (approx.  16, ()()()  acres)  and 
at  the  Massachusetts  Military  Reservation  (roughly 
15,000  acres),  as  well  the  2,000  acre  inland  barrens  at 
Montague  Plain,  Franklin  Co.,  MA  and  on  Nantucket 
Island.  Jones  and  KimbalFs  (1943)  observation  that 
ceratocampines  were  absent  from  Nantucket  during 
the20th  century  of  course  begs  the  question  of 
whether  they  were  ever  there.  The  land  use  history 
of  Nantucket,  like  that  of  Martha’s  Vineyard,  involved 
significant  alteration  and  conversion  of  forested  and 
shrubland  habitats  for  the  purposes  of  agriculture 
(Dunwiddie,  1992).  Although  both  Martha’s  Vineyard 
and  Nantucket  were  part  of  an  extensive  coastal 
plain  as  recently  as  10, GOO  years  ago,  Nantucket  was 
almost  completely  denuded  of  forest  during  the 
Revolutionaiy  War,  which  no  doubt  had  an  impact 
on  the  lepidopteran  fauna.  It  may  be  observed  that, 
in  addition  to  the  ceratocampines,  other  groups  of 
forest  tree  Lepidoptera  are  depauperate  on  that  island 
relative  to  Martha’s  Vineyard.  There  is  a  marked 
contrast,  for  example,  between  the  islandic  faunas 
of  Limacodidae:  whereas  nine  species  of  limacodids 
{Euclea  delphinii,  Isa  textiila,  Phobetron  pitchecium, 
Prolhnacodes  hadia.  Apod  a  bigut  tat  a,  Lithacodes  fasciola, 
Packardia  elegans,  P  geminata,  Torticidia  flexuosa)  occur 
regularly  oil  Martha’s  Vineyard,  only  two  {E.  delphinii 
and  L.  fasciola)  were  recorded  on  Nantucket  byjones 
and  Kimball  (1943:  123-125) .  Jones  and  Kimball’s  data 
also  suggest  a  comparative  dearth  of  leaf  litter  feeding 
deltoid  noctuids  on  Nantucket  relative  to  Martha’s 
Vineyard,  which  would  be  expected  following  systemic 

Pitch  pine,  however,  is  now  an  extremely  common 
plant  on  Nantucket  and,  ironically,  it  is  conceivable  that 
the  introduced  tachinid  C.  concinnata,  to  be  verified 
from  the  island  of  Martha’s  Vineyard  or  Nantucket, 
may  prevent  the  re-establishment  of  E.  imperialis  on 
mainland  New  England.  It  has  yet  to  be  determined 
whether  or  not  the  introduced  parasitoid  C.  concinnata 
poses  a  barrier  to  recolouizing  the  mainland,  whether 
or  not  the  fly’s  absence  on  Martha’s  Vineyard  is,  if 
not  an  artifact  of  under-sampling,  a  reason  for  Eacles' 
persistence  there. 


Much  of  this  \vt)rk  was  conducted  as  an  undergraduate  tltesis 
under  the  mentorship  of  M.  Deane  Bowers  and  James  M.  Carpenter. 
All  errors,  omissions  and  otlicr  such  gaffes  remain  the  author’s  sole 
responsibility.  Many  then  at  the  .Vluseum  of  Comparative  Zoolog}' 
and  the  Biological  Laboratories  at  Harvard  University  are  to  be 
thanked  for  their  help,  guidance,  and  friendship:  Eric  Fajer,  Ed 

Armstrong,  Charlie  Vogt,  Scott  Shaw,  David  Furth,  Mark  Skinner, 
Katht'  Brown-Wing,  and  Peter  Frumlioff.  E(|nally  iinjtortant  were 
my  fellow  naturalists  in  southeastern  Massachusetts  who  kindly 
contributed  field  work  and  observations  and,  through  the  various 
conservation  organizations  for  which  they  worked,  granted 
|3ermission  to  conduct  that  work  on  a  variety  of  protected  areas.  Of 
particular  help  were  Tim  Simmons  (Sheriff’s  Meadow  Foundation), 
Gus  Ben  David  (Massachusetts  Audubon  Society),  anti  'Fttm  Chase 
(The  Trustees  of  Reservations).  Mary  Lesniak  kindly  enabled  to  the  collection  of  the  Boston  Society  of  Natural  History, 
currently  housed  at  Boston  University.  Jeff  Boettner  (University  of 
Massachusetts)  and  Tim  Simmons  (Massachusetts  Natural  Heritage 
&  Findangered  Species  Program)  |)rovided  tnany  valuable  insights 
and  clarifications.  I  thank  Mo  Nielsen  (Michigan  State  University), 
Paul  Opler  (Colorado  State  University),  Rav  Pupedis  (Peabody 
Museum  of  Natural  History,  Yale  Lhiivesity),  and  Brian  Scholtens 
(College  of  Charleston)  for  relevant  observations  and  collection 
records  from  their  respective  institutions.  Rodger  Gwiazdowski 
(University  of  Ma.ssachusetts,  .Amherst)  provided  real-time  checking 
of  EV/efevdata  labels  at  UMass.  I  thank  Sean  Bober  for  assisting  with 
the  assemblage  of  figures  and  Mike  Nelson  (Massachusetts  Natural 
Heritage  &  Endangered  Species  Program)  for  invaluable  eleventh 
hour  help  with  maps. 

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journal  oj  Rrsearrh  on  the  Lepuloptera 

42:  50-55.  2003  (2010) 

Association  of  three  species  of  Strymon  Hiibner  (Lycaenidae:  Theclinae; 
Eumaeini)  with  bromeliads  in  southern  Brazil 

Simone  Schmid*'--,  Volki:r  S.  Schmid'-^,  Rafael  Kamke'^,  Josefina  Steiner^  and  Anne  Zillikens'-'^ 

'Mecl.-Naturwissenschaftliches  Forschiingszentrum,  Universitat  Tubingen,  72074  Tubingen,  Germany 

-De])artnieiit  of  Cell  Biology,  Embiyology  and  Genetics  (BEG),  CCB,  Federal  Lbiiversity  of  Santa  Catarina,  Campus  Universitario  Trin- 

dade,  88.040-900  Florianopolis,  SC,  Brazil 


Abstract.  As  part  of  a  project  studying  the  species  richness  of  bromeliad  flower  visitors  and  the 
diversity  and  nature  of  their  animal-plant  interactions,  three  species  of  the  lycaenid  butterfly  genus 
Strymon  were  recorded  as  pests  of  bromeliad  inflorescences.  Strymon  ziba  fed  on  the  fruits  of  Aechmea 
n udicaulis,  S.  oreaki  on  those  of  Ae.  lindenii and  Ae.  caudata  and  S.  serapio  on  the  dry  capsules  of  Vriesea 
friburgensis.  The  caterpillars  of  5.  zAfland  S.  oreala,  pests  t)f  cultivated  pineapple,  were  facultatively 
associated  with  ants.  One  S.  ziba  pupa  was  parasitized  by  a  chalcidid  wasp.  One  S.  oreala  pupa  was 
parasitized  by  an  ichneumonid  wasp.  BehaGoiir  and  life  history  data  of  the  caterpillars  are  described 
and  aspects  of  the  host  specificity  of  the  lycaenids  and  potential  pest  control  by  parasitoid  wasps 
are  discussed. 

Key  words:  Aechmea,  animal-plant  interactions,  Atlantic  rain  forest,  Bromeliaceae,  Chalcididae, 
herbivory,  Ichneiimonidae,  parasitism,  restinga,  Vriesea. 


Bromeliaceae,  a  neotropical  plant  family,  can  be 
considered  keystone  species  by  providing  microcosms 
for  the  richness  of  tropical  rain  forests  due  to  the 
high  diversity  of  animal  taxa,  especially  arthropods, 
associated  -with  them  (Frank  &  Lounibos,  2008). 
Among  the  latter,  Lepidoptera  are  major  lierbivores 
with  many  caterpillars  feeding  upon  bromeliad  foliage: 
Napaea  eiicharilla  Bates  (Riodinidae)  on  Werauhia 
sanguinolenta  (Cogniaux  &  Marchal)  R.  Grant  (syn. 
Vriesea  sanguinolenta,  Schmidt  &  Zotz  2000),  Aechmea 
bracteata  Grisebach,  Ae.  nudicaulis  (L.)  Grisebach 
(Beiitelspacher,  1972)  And  Ananas  comosus  {V.)  Merrill 
(Schmidt  &  Zotz,  2000),  Cana  domitianus  moFabridiis 
(1793)  (Riodinidae)  on  TUlandsia  caput-medusae  E. 
Morren  (Beuteispacher,  1972;  Frank  &  Lounibos, 
2008),  Dynastor  darius  darius  Stichel  and  D.  niacrosiris 
Westwood  (Nymphalidae,  Urich  &  Emmel,  1991a, 
b)  on  Ae.  nudicaulis  and  Castnia  boisdiivalii  Walker 
(Castniidae,  Biezaiiko,  1961;  Frank  &  Lounibos,  2008) 
on  T.  aeranthos  (Loiseleur)  L.  B.  Smith.  Beuteispacher 
( 1972)  also  mentioned  Theda  te|;m7«ButIer  &  Druce 
1872  (Lycaenidae),  which  is  a  mistaken  record  of 
Ziegleria  hesperilis,  feeding  on  TUlandsia  caput-medusae, 
but  voucher  specimens  of  “Theda  hesperitis"  in  UNAM 

*Correspon d i ng  a ulhor 

ReceixH'd:  25  Sepletnber  2009 
Accepted:  15  October  2009 

(Universidad  Nacional  Autonoma  de  Mexico) 
examined  by  Robert  K.  Robbins  are  in  fact  S.  serapio 
Godman  &  Salvin  (1887)  (R.  K.  Robbins,  pers. 
comm.).  Not  only  the  plants’  vegetative  parts,  but 
also  their  inflorescences  contribute  significantly  to  the 
local  fauna!  biodiversity  by  providing  resources  for  a 
great  variety  of  flower  visitors  that  act  as  pollinators 
or  pollen  and  nectar  robbers  (Sazima  &  Sazima,  1999; 
Machado  &  Semir,  2006;  Caneia  &  Sazima,  2003; 
Schmid  et  al,  b,  submitted).  In  addition  to  causing 
leaf  damage,  some  herbivorous  arthropods  associated 
with  bromeliad  inflorescences  directly  interfere 
with  plant  reproduction  by  feeding  on  reproductive 
tissues  of  flowers  and  fruits,  like  beetles,  butterflies 
and  moths,  grasshoppers  and  even  crabs  (Fischer  et 
al.,  1997;  Caneia  &  Sazima,  2003;  Frank  &  Lounibos, 
2008).  An  example  of  inconspicuous  herbivory 
affecting  plant  reproductive  success  was  observed  in 
the  bromeliads  Vriesea  friburgensis  Mez  and  Werauhia 
gladioliflora  (H.  Wendland)  J.  R.  Grant  whose  buds 
are  parasitized  by  Eurytoma  wasps  (Hymenoptera, 
Eurytomidae)  so  no  fruits  are  formed  (Gates  & 
Cascaiite-Marm,  2004;  Grohme  et  at,  2007).  Beyond 
that,  cases  of  seed  predation  by  C/jo/ms  and  Metamasius 
weevils  (Coleoptera,  Ciircolioiiidae)  (Frank  1999)  and 
Epimoritis  testaceellusVAigonoi  1887  (Pyralidae)  larvae 
that  develop  in  flower  pods  of  TUlandsia  fasciculata 
Swartz  (1788)  (Biigbee,  1975;  Heppiier,  1992)  have 
been  I'eported.  New  World  hairstreaks  (genus  Strymon, 
Lycaenidae:  Theclinae:  Eumaeini)  use  ornamental 
bromeliads  (genera  Aechmea,  TUlandsia)  and  the 
commercial  pineapple  {Ananas  comosus)  as  host  plants 

42;  50-55,  2003  (2010) 


(Robbins  &  Nicolay,  2002).  Strymon  megarus  Godart 
1824  (syn.  Theda  basilides,  also  misspelled  as  T.  basalides) 
larvae  feed  on  Ananas  and  odier  bromeliads  like  Ae. 
bracteata  (Bentelspacher,  1972;  Frank  &  Lonnibos, 
2008)  and  can  be  considered  pest  species.  Strymon 
ziba,  S.  serapio  (Robbins  &  Nicolay,  2002)  and  .S',  oreala 
(Zikan,  1956) ,  the  species  examined  in  our  study,  were 
reported  to  eat  bromeliads,  S.  ziba  Hewitson  1868  and 
S.  oreala  Hewitson  1868  are  known  pests  of  A.  comosus 
(Harris,  1927;  Zikan,  1956).  Since  caterpillars  and 
other  immature  stages  of  the  Eumaeini  are  small  and 
ci'yptically  coloured,  food  plants  have  been  recorded 
for  only  25%  of  the  species  (Duarte  et  al.,  2005). 

Studying  the  species  richness  of  bromeliad 
flower  visitors  and  the  diversity  and  nature  of  their 
animal-plant  interactions  in  tlie  Atlantic  rain  forest 
of  southern  Brazil,  we  found  lycaenid  caterpillars 
attacking  developing  fruits.  In  order  to  assess 
the  specificity  of  these  associations  we  examined 
inflorescences  of  four  common  sympatric  bromeliad 
species,  Aechmea  nudicauUs,  Ae.  Undenii  (E.  Morren) 
Baker,  caudato  Lindman  1891  (Bromelioideae)  and 
Vriesea  friburgensis  (Tillandsioideae),  for  the  presence 
of  larvae  and  reared  them  for  identification.  also 
recorded  basic  data  on  development,  behaviour  and 
natural  enemies  of  the  caterpillars. 

Materials  and  methods 

Bromeliads  with  inflorescences  were  searched  for 
eggs  and  larvae  between  November  2006  and  June 
2008  at  four  study  sites  (frost-free  subtropical  habitats) : 
Santo  Antonio  de  Lisboa  and  the  Environmental 
Conservation  Unit  Desterro  UGAD  (both  secondary 
forest;  27°.80’26”  S,  48°30’28”  ’V\^;  27°.3r  50”  S,  48°30’50” 
W)  (Zillikens  et  al,  2001;  Zillikens  &  Steiner,  2004)  as 
well  as  Joaquina  Beach  and  Campeche  Beach  (dune 
vegetation,  Sampaio  et  al,  2002;  27°40’.38”  S,  48°28’48” 
W;  27°37’37”  S,  48°26’59”  W),  on  Santa  Catarina 
Island,  southern  Brazil.  All  bromeliads  examined  were 
growing  terrestrially  although  Aechmea  nudicaidis  Aho 
occurs  on  trees.  In  total,  20  infested  bromeliads  of 
four  species  {Aechmea  nudicauUs,  n  =  11;  Ae.  lindenii, 
n  =  2;  Ae.  caudata,  n  =  5;  and  Vriesea  friburgensis,  n  = 
2),  growing  terrestrially  on  rocks,  in  sand  or  shallow 
soil,  were  taken  to  the  laboratory.  Presence,  size  and 
colour  of  eggs  and  caterpillars  on  the  inflorescences 
were  observed  regularly  eveiy  1-2  days.  Ants  a.s.sociated 
with  lycaenid  larvae  were  also  collected.  When  larvae 
had  finished  feeding  and  retreated  for  pupation,  tlie 
bromeliad  plants  were  enclosed  with  fine  gauze  to 
capture  the  emerging  adult  butterflies. 

Voucher  specimens  of  the  recorded  butterfly, 
ant  and  parasitoid  species  were  deposited  in  the 

entomological  collection  of  J.  Steiner  at  the  Native 
Bee  Laboratory  (LANUESC),  BEG,  Federal  University 
of  Santa  Catarina,  Florianopolis,  Santa  Catarina, 


Three  lycaenid  species  of  the  genus  Strymon  were 

reared  from  the  caterpillars  found  on  four  bromeliad 
species.  All  constitute  new  records  of  parasite/ 
host  association.  Up  to  four  caterpillars  were  found 
simultaneously  on  one  inflorescence. 

Strymon  ziba  (Hewitson  1868) 

We  found  24  laiwae  of  S.  ziba  on  1 1  inflorescences  of 
the  bromeliad  Aechmea  nudicauUs,  yielding  an  average 
of  2.2  caterpillars  per  inflorescence  (range  1-4)  from 
November  2006  to  January  2007.  Seventeen  adults 
emerged  in  the  laboratory,  overall  sex  ratio  was  0.7 
(M/F) .  On  all  inflorescences  we  detected  small  white 
spherical  bodies,  the  eggs  from  which  the  larvae  had 
hatched  (Fig.  lA,  B). 

The  colour  of  the  larvae  was  cryptic  and  changed 
during  their  growth  from  wliitish-yellow  to  reddisli- 
pink  (Fig.  1C,  D).  The  former  matched  well  to 
the  fruits  whereas  the  latter  matched  well  to  the 
inflorescence  stem.  The  larvae  appeared  shortly  after 
the  end  of  the  flowering  period  and  stayed  close  to  the 
ripening  fruits.  Larval  feeding  behaviour  consisted  of 
gnawing  a  hole  into  the  fruit  base  large  enough  for  the 
smaller  larval  stages  to  enter  the  fruit  completely  and 
for  the  larger  stages  to  insert  the  head  anrl  anterior 
part  into  the  cavity.  Through  this  hole  they  fed  on  the 
soft  nutritive  tissues  of  the  ovaiy  and  ovules,  leaving 
the  rigid  cortical  outer  wall  of  the  developing  fruit 
mostly  intact  (Fig.  lA,  B).  On  an  inflorescence  of 
Ae.  nudicauUs  with  two  larvae  feeding,  30  fruits  were 
damaged,  resulting  in  a  mean  of  15  fruits  damaged 
per  larva.  Mean  fruit  loss  per  inflorescence  was  84.5% 
(n  =  2).  Occasionally,  the  larvae  drew  back  from  the 
fruits  to  hide  under  the  bracts  for  about  lialf  a  day, 
probably  for  moulting. 

Development  in  the  egg  took  five  days  (n  =  2). 
The  larval  phase  lasted  1.3-15  days  (ii  =  1 ).  The  fully 
grown  larvae  (-12-15  mm  length)  moved  into  the 
bromeliad  rosette  where  they  pupated  on  the  upper 
side  of  the  leaves  half  way  between  tip  and  base; 
one  male  pupated  on  a  bract  of  the  inflorescence. 
Pupation  took  8-11  days  (n  =  3).  Imagines  (Fig.  IE) 
emerged  between  mid  November  until  end  of  January, 
synchronized  to  the  flowering/fruiting  period  of  Ae. 

In  the  laboratory,  caterpillars  were  occasionally 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

Figure  1.  Strymon  larvae  on  bromeliads  on  Santa  Catarina  Island,  Southern  Brazil. 

A-P;  Strymon  larvae  and  imagines  and  associated  ants 

A-B:  Infested  fruits  of  Aechmea  nudicauiis,  Santa  Catarina  Island,  Brazil.  A:  Fruit  with  feeding  hole  and  larval  faeces  of 
Strymon  caterpillar  and  a  hatched  egg  of  Strymon  ziba  at  the  base  of  the  fruit.  B:  Fruit  with  feeding  hole  and  a  closed  egg. 
C-D:  Colour  change  in  Strymon  ziba  larvae.  C:  Small,  whitish-yellow.  D:  Larger  larva  after  colour  change  to  reddish-pink.  E: 
Strymon  ziba  female,  collected  on  Aechmea  nudicauiis,  Santa  Catarina  Island,  Brazil.  Right-hand  side  ventral  view,  left-hand 
side  dorsal  view.  F-l:  Ants  associated  with  Strymon  ziba  caterpillars.  F;  Crematogaster  limata.  G:  Linepithema  iniquum.  H: 
Monomorium  sp.  (floricola).  I:  Paratrechina  sp.  J:  Strymon  oreala,  female,  right-hand  side  ventral  view,  left-hand  side  dorsal 
view.  K;  Strymon  oreala  larva  feeding  on  fruits  of  Aechmea  caudata.  L:  Larva  of  S.  oreala  feeding  on  withered  flower  petals. 
M:  Tapinoma  melanocephalum  ant  on  the  back  of  a  S.  oreala  larva  (v/hite  arrow).  N:  Strymon  serapio,  female,  right-hand  side 
ventral  view,  left-hand  side  dorsal  view.  O:  Larva  of  S.  serapio  on  dry  fruit  of  Vriesea  friburgensis  with  feeding  hole.  P:  Dry  fruit 
of  Vriesea  friburgensis  with  exuvia  of  S.  serapio  inside.  Length  of  exuvia:  =  1 2  mm. 

Q-W:  Strymon  larvae  at  A.  lindenii  and  parasitoids. 

Q-R:  Strymon  larvae.  Q:  Strymon  larva  on  A.  lindenii  feeding  on  fruit.  R:  Strymon  pupa  on  infructescence. 

S-T:  Anisobas,  a  parasitoid  of  Strymon  sp.  S:  Lateral  view  of  the  Anisobas  imago  that  hatched  from  the  Strymon  exuvia.  T; 
Opened  Strymon  exuvia  besides  hatched  Anisobas  imago.  U-W:  Conura,  a  parasitoid  of  Strymon  sp.  U:  Opened  pupal  case 
of  Strymon  sp.  V:  Imago  of  Conura  sp.,  dorsal  view.  W:  Lateral  view. 

42:  50-55,  2003  (2010) 


tended  by  ants  of  four  species:  Crematogaster  limatn^mith 
1858,  Linepithema  iniquum  Mayr  1870,  Monomorium 
//onro/fl  Jerdon  1851  and  Paratrechina  (Fig.  lF-1). 
Tending  worker  ants  walked  over  the  bodies  of  the 
caterpillars  and  took  up  small  droplets  secreted 
posterodorsally  (Fig.  IF). 

Additionally,  we  observed  S.  z//;a  imagines  sucking 
extrafloral  and  floral  nectar  from  inflorescences  of 
Ae.  nudicaulis  and  one  female  laying  one  single  egg 
on  each  of  two  recently  withered  flowers,  respectively. 
The  female  flew  around  the  inflorescence  and  sucked 
nectar  of  several  flowers  before  ovipositing.  The 
initially  greenish  eggs  turned  white  after  a  few  minutes. 
Thereafter,  the  female  left  the  inflorescence. 

Strymon  oreala  (Hewitson  1868) 

We  discovered  seven  larvae  of  ,S’.  oreala  (Fig.  IJ)  on 
five  inflorescences  of  the  bromeliad  Ae.  caudata  (April 
2008)  and  two  larvae  on  two  inflorescences  of  Ae. 
lindenii  (August  -  September  2007) .  As  described  foi¬ 
ls'.  ziha  on  Ae.  nudicaulis  larvae  fed  on  the  developing 
fruits  of  A^'.  lindenii  And  Ae.  caudata  (Fig.  IK-M)  and 
retreated  into  the  rosette  for  pupation.  Additionally, 
a  larva  was  seen  feeding  on  withered  flower  leaves, 
probably  eating  old  reproductive  structures  inside  the 
petals  (Fig.  IL).  On  an  inflorescence  of  Ac.  caudata 
with  one  larva  feeding,  15  fruits  were  damaged.  The 
pupal  stage  took  15-16  days  (n  =  4).  The  larvae  were 
reddish-pink  like  the  inflorescence  stem  (Fig.  1  K-M). 
Occasionally,  single  ants  of  the  species  Tapinoma 
melanocephalum  Fabricius  1793  were  observed  on  .S', 
orm/rt  larvae  (Fig.  IM). 

Strymon  serapio  (Godman  8c  Salvin  1887) 

We  detected  four  browuish-yellow  larvae  of 
S.  serapio  (Fig.  IN)  on  two  inflorescences  of  the 
bromeliad  Vriesea  friburgensis  in  secondary  forest  in 
December  2007.  The  larvae  chewed  a  hole  into  the 
hard  capsule  of  the  developing  fruit  (Fig.  lO)  and 
fed  on  the  seeds  within.  Pupation  took  place  inside 
the  empty  fruit  capsule  (Fig.  IP),  the  imago  emerged 
after  1 1  days  (n  =  1). 


On  two  occasions  we  found  Strymon  brood  infested 
with  a  parasitoid.  The  first  case  (14  November  2005, 
Oampeche  Beach)  was  a  larva  on  an  inflorescence 
of  Ac.  lindenii  (Fig.  IQ).  Since  the  only  identified 
Strymon  infestation  of  this  bromeliad  was  by  .S’,  orecda 
(see  above)  we  assume  that  the  parasitized  larva 
belonged  to  the  same  species.  The  larva  pupated 

on  the  infriictescence  on  18’'’  November  2005  (Fig. 
IR).  This  might,  however,  not  be  the  usual  location 
for  pupating  because  Aurum®  insect  glue  had  been 
applied  to  the  infriictescence  stem,  thus  preventing 
the  caterpillar  from  moving  down  to  the  rosette.  After 
18  days  an  ichneumonid  wasp  of  the  genus  Anisohas 
(subfamily  Ichneumoninae)  emerged  from  the  pupa 
(Fig.  IS,  T). 

In  the  second  case,  discovered  6  January  2007  at 
Santo  Antonio,  a  pupa  (Fig.  lU)  was  located  at  the 
upper  margin  of  a  leaf  of  Ac.  nudicaulis  (plant  with 
infriictescence).  So  far,  we  found  this  bromeliad 
species  only  to  be  infested  with  .S',  ziba  (see  above); 
hence  we  assume  that  the  pupa  belonged  to  this 
species.  On  23  January  2007,  a  chalcidid  wasp  of  the 
genus  Conura  (subfamily  Chalcidinae),  “most  probably 
of  the  //aw;  group”  (Gerard  Delvare,  pers.  comm.), 
emerged  from  the  pupa  (Fig.  IV,  W). 


Larval  behaviour  and  host  plants 

Our  findings  constitute  new  host  records  for  the 
associated  Strymon  species.  The  only  lycaeuids  so  far 
recorded  on  Ac.  lindenii  Are  larvae  of  an  uuidentified 
species  of  Theda  on  Santa  Catarina  Island  (Lenzi 
et  al.  2006)  with  a  similar  feeding  behaviour  and 
life  history  data  as  described  here  for  .S',  oreala.  It 
is  therefore  possible  that  they  did  in  fact  observe 
larvae  of  a  species  of  Strymon.  Our  observations  also 
confirm  some  life  history  traits  rejiorted  by  Duarte  et 
al.  (2005)  such  as  the  cryptic  coloration  of  the  larvae 
w4uch  is  well  adapted  to  parts  of  the  plants  on  which 
they  move  or  feed.  Besides  the  evident  association 
of  Strymon  larvae  with  infructescences,  they  were 
even  more  selective  in  the  sense  that  they  fed  only 
on  the  internal  parts  of  the  developing  fruits,  i.e. 
the  ovaries,  but  not  on  leaves,  sepals  or  other  plant 
tissues.  By  hollowing  out  the  fruits  they  create  their 
own  shelter  for  feeding  or  even  pupal  chambers  (in 
case  of  .S',  serapio) . 

We  further  report  here  the  first  data  ou  the 
life  cycle  of  the  three  species,  all  of  which  develop 
within  about  one  month  and  without  diapause.  It  is 
therefore  likely  that  the  Strymon  species  studied  by 
us  are  multivoltine  having  several  generations  per 
year.  This  is  in  agreement  with  the  pattern  reported 
for  other  Strymon  species  in  the  tropics  (Opler  et  al. 
2009).  The  choice  of  hosts  by  ovipositing  females 
depends  on  seasonal  availability  of  fruiting  plants. 
The  bromeliads  studied  by  us  all  have  relatively  short 
and  seasonal  fruiting  periods,  so  that  only  one  or  two 
generations  can  develop  on  a  given  ])lant  population. 


J.  Res.Lep  'td. 

Adults  emerging  at  the  end  of  a  flowering  period  have 
to  seek  for  alternative  hosts  for  egg  laying.  In  our 
study,  Strymon  orealawAS  the  only  species  recorded  on 
two  hosts  both  in  the  genus  Aechmea.  Interestingly, 
the  inflorescences  and  flowers  of  Ac.  lindenii  and  Ae. 
caudata  are  very  similar  in  floral  morphology  and 
coloration  (Kiimke,  pers.  obs.),  but  Aechmea  lindenii 
flowers  from  August  to  November  (Dorneles  et  at, 
ms)  whereas  Ae.  caudata  flowers  from  March  to  June 
without  overlap,  though  single  plants  of  both  Aechmea 
species  can  be  found  flowering  outside  the  main 
flowering  period,  for  example  Ae.  lindenii  on  more 
open  areas  in  restinga  sites  throughout  the  year  (Lenzi 
et  al.  2006)  and  Ae.  caudata  in  secondary  forest  in 
September  (Ktimke,  pers.  obs.).  Nevertheless,  there  is 
a  gap  of  several  months  for  which  we  do  not  yet  know 
the  host  plants.  We  know,  however,  that  S.  oreala  does 
not  attack  the  infructescences  of  Ae.  nudicaulis  or  V. 
frihurgensis,  which  flower  between.  Therefore,  a  switch 
to  another  host,  whether  bromeliad  or  not,  must  occur 
in  .S’,  orecdn,  S.  serapio  and  S.  ziba. 

As  .S',  ziba  and  S.  oreala  are  pests  of  cultivated 
pineapple  it  would  be  interesting  to  further  identify 
alternative  host  plant  species  in  order  to  better 
understand  under  which  circumstances  the  larvae 
reach  pest  status  and  to  assess  their  damage  to  the 
crop.  In  this  context  it  is  also  worth  emphasizing 
our  record  of  a  possible  natural  enemy  of  S.  ziba,  a 
parasitoid  wasp  of  the  family  Chalcididae.  Its  potential 
as  natural  biological  control  agent  should  be  assessed 
by  elucidating  its  life  history,  abundance  and  host 

Association  with  ants 

As  has  been  reported  from  other  lycaenid 
caterpillars,  the  larvae  of  .S',  ziba  possess  a  dorsal 
secretory  organ,  the  Newcomer’s  gland  (Malicky 
1970),  that  might  exude  honey-like  droplets  to 
appease  ants.  Of  the  species  recorded,  Monomorium 
Jloricola dnd  Tapinoma  melanocephalumme  invasive  ants 
(Delabie  et  al.  1995;  Campos-Farinha  2005)  and  only 
occurred  in  the  laboratory.  We  consider  the  same 
to  be  true  for  Pciratrechina  sp.  for  this  species  was 
only  observed  in  the  laboratory.  Cremcitognster  limata 
and  Linepithema  inicjuum,  however,  were  frequently 
found  nesting  in  the  bromeliads  or  visiting  their 
inflorescences  (Rostimek  et  al.  2008,  Schmid  et  al  a, 
ms)  and  were  thus  brought  to  the  laboratory  together 
with  the  plants  taken  in  the  field.  These  two,  at 
least,  may  be  considered  associated  with  the  Strymon 
cater|)illars  under  natural  conditions,  albeit  only 
facidtatively  since  larvae  observed  in  the  held  were 
mostly  not  tended  by  ants. 

Diversity  of  the  Strymon  -  bromeliad  association 

Our  hnding  that  four  species  of  bromeliads  were 
parasitized  in  very  similar  ways  by  Strymoyi  larvae 
is  remarkable  in  yet  another  aspect.  It  conhrms  a 
relatively  high  diversity  and  abundance  of  sympatric, 
even  syntopic,  Strymon  species  in  bromeliad-rich 
Atlantic  forest  and  restinga  habitats  of  southern  Brazil. 
Thus,  the  fact  that  three  co-occurring  species  were 
recorded  in  studies  on  only  four  bromeliad  species 
sitggests  that  a  thorough  examination  of  further 
bromeliad  inflorescences  might  result  in  the  hnding  of 
more  Strymon  species  and  underlines  the  importance 
of  these  plants  for  sustaining  a  high  diversity  of  the 
lepidopteran  fauna  in  the  Mata  Atlantica. 


We  tliank  Robert  K.  Robbins  for  lycaenid  identibcation  and 
valuable  help  with  Strymon  taxonomy  and  literature,  as  well  as  David 
Wahl  and  Gerard  Delvare  for  parasitoid  identification.  This  study 
is  part  of  the  Project  “Internal  dynamics  of  rain  forest:  specificity 
of  animal-plant  interaction”  within  the  Brazilian-German  program 
“Mata  Atlantica”,  and  we  acknowledge  the  financial  sup]>ort  by 
BMBF  (01LB02()5A1)  and  CNPq  (59004()/2()0(>5). 

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Schmidt,  G.  &  G.  Zotz.  2000.  Herbivoiy  in  the  epiphyte,  Vriesea 
sanguinolen/a  Cogn.  &  Marchal  (Bronieliaceae).  Journal  of 
Tropical  Ecology  16:  829-839. 

Urich,  F.  C.  &  T.  C.  Emmel.  1991a.  Life  history  of  neotropical 
butterflies  from  Trinidad  4.  Dynastor  macrosiris  (Lepidoptera: 
Nymjihalidae:  Bra.ssolinae).  Tropical  Lepidoptera  2:  141-144. 
Urich,  F.  C.  &  T.  C.  Emmet.  1991b.  Life  history  of  neotropical 
butterflies  from  Trinidad  5.  Dynastor darius  darius  (Lepidoptera: 
Nymphalidae:  Brassolinae).  Tropical  Lepidoptera  2:  14.5-149. 
ZiK.\N,  J.  F.  1956.  Beitrag  zur  Biologie  von  12  Theclinen-Arten. 
Dusenia  7:  139-148. 

Zii.LiKENS,  A.,  J.  .Steiner  &  Z.  Mihalko.  2001.  Nests  of  A ugochlora 
(A.)  raoxin  bronieliads,  a  previously  unknown  site  for  sweat  bees 
(1  Ivmenoptera:  Halictidae).  Studies  on  Netitropical  Fauna  and 
Environment  36:  137-142. 

Zii.i.ikens,  A.  &  J.  Steiner.  2004.  Nest  architecture,  life  cycle  and 
cleptoparasite  of  the  neotropical  leaf-cutting  bee  Megachile 
{(ihrysosanis)  pseudanthidioides  .Moure  ( Hymenojitera: 
Megachilidae).  Journal  of  the  Kansas  Entomological  Society 
77:  19.3-202. 

journal  of  lirsearch  on  the  I .epidoptera 

42;  56-63,  2003  (2010) 

Temporal  and  spatial  segregation  of  Battus  devilliers  and  B.  polydamm  cubemis 

(Papilionidae)  in  La  Habana,  Cuba 

Ormaily  Madrliga  Rios*  and  Alejandro  Barro  Canamero 

Departamento  de  Biologia  Aiiinial  y  Humana,  Faciiltad  de  Biologi'a,  Universidad  de  La  Habana,  calle  25  #  455  e/  I  yj,  Vedado,  CP:  10 

400,  Ciudad  de  La  Habana,  Cuba. 
al)airo@fhio.  uh.  ru 

Abstract.  The  spatial  and  temporal  distribution  of  two  syntopic  species  of  the  genus  Battus 
(Papilionidae)  that  inhabit  two  areas  in  the  north  coast  of  La  Habana,  Cuba,  is  analyzed.  The  study 
was  carried  out  from  April  2006  to  March  2007.  Samples  were  taken  using  transects  100  m  long, 
separated  from  each  other  by  80  m  gaps.  Populations  of  E.  polydamas  rubensis  and  B.  devillim  of 
(he  evergreen  forest  at  Boca  de  Canasi,  the  most  natural  habitat,  had  similar  abundance,  while  in 
the  secondary  scrub  at  Boca  dejaruco,  an  extremely  degraded  area,  B.  polydamas  cubmsis  wd.s  much 
more  abundant  than  B.  devilliers.  Analysis  of  structural  subniche  usage  by  season  showed  significant 
differences  in  daily  actirity  (from  9:00  am  to  12:00  m  and  from  12:{)()  m  to  3:00  pm)  and  habifcit 
type  for  each  species.  Flight  stratum  had  lesser  influence  than  sunlight  intensity  on  both  butterflies. 
Populations  of  the  latter  seemed  to  be  influenced  by  seasonality,  while  those  of  if.  polydamas  cubensis 
seemed  more  infhienced  by  habitat. 

Keywords:  Battus,  Cuba,  Papilionidae,  .segregation,  syntopic  species. 


Ecological  roles  of  butterflies  are  important  for 
ecosystems  functioning,  with  their  study  needed  to 
better  understand  their  ecological  interactions  and 
functions.  In  Cuba,  only  Fontenla  (1989)  and  Genaro 
et  al.  (1994)  have  conducted  studies  focusing  on 
butterflies  communities  and  their  resource  partitioning 
in  a  particular  habitat.  Due  to  their  rapid  reproduction 
and  close  association  with  specific  physical  factors 
and  plant  resources  butterflies  are  highly  sensitive  to 
environmental  changes,  so  they  are  good  indicators 
of  ecosystem  health  (Brown,  1991;  Kremen,  1992; 
New  et  al,  1995;  New,  1997;  Brown  &  Freitas,  2000). 
Battus  presents  a  Neotropical  distribution  (Sims  & 
Shapiro,  1983)  with  12  or  14  species  (Tyler  et  at, 
1994;  Racheli  &  Pariset,  1992,  respectively).  The 
coevolutionary  association  of  Battus  with  their  host 
plant,  Arist(}lochias\i\).  (Aristolochiaceae),  as  well  as  the 
mimetic  interactions  among  members  of  this  butterfly 
genus  may  be  the  subject  of  many  studies  on  butterfly 
community  structure  (Young,  1972,  1973). 

Battus  devilliers  (Godart,  1823)  and  B.  polydamas 

^Current  addres.r.  Vicedirecdoii  Curatofial,  Miuseo  Nacioiial  de 
Histoi'ia  Natural  de  Guba.  Obispo  61,  esq.  Oficios,  Habana  Vieja, 
CP:  10  100,  Ciudad  de  La  Habaua. 

Received:  21  May  2009 
Accepted:  30 July  2009 

cubensis  (Dufraiie,  1946)  are  the  only  members  of 
the  genus  that  inhabit  Cuba.  The  former  occurs  in 
Bahamas  (Knowles  &  Smith,  1995)  and  the  latter  was 
reported  at  Cayman  Islands  in  1938  (Carpenter  & 
Lewis,  1943),  but  there  has  been  no  recent  mention 
of  further  records  for  these  islands  (Askew,  1980, 
1988;  Schwartz  et  al,  1987).  On  several  occasions 
(Alayoii  &  Solana,  1989;  Racheli  &  Pariset,  1992; 
Nunez  &  Barro,  2003)  both  species  were  recorded  in 
Cuba  as  syntopic  {sensu  Rivas,  1964) .  The  interaction 
becomes  more  interesting  considering  the  different 
habitat  requirements  of  B.  polydamas  and  B.  devilliers 
mentioned  by  Tyler  et  al  (1994),  who  established 
that  Battus  polydamas  is  very  common  in  disturbed 
forest,  while  B.  devilliers  prefer  more  natural  seasonal 
forest.  Since  resource  use  for  both  species  in  Cuba 
is  completely  unknown,  we  undertook  a  study  of 
temporal  and  spatial  patterns  of  two  populations  on 
the  northwestern  coast  of  Cuba. 

Materials  and  methods 
Study  areas 

The  study  was  conducted  at  two  localities  of  tlie  north 
coast  of  La  Habana.  Both  areas  are  dose  to  human 
populations  and  show  different  levels  of  degradation. 
Boca  de  Jariico  is  45  km  east  of  La  Habana  city,  at 
23°  1  r  N,  82°0r  W.  The  site  is  typified  by  secondaiy 
vegetation  with  many  herbs  and  bushes  and  is  the  most 
impacted  area,  which  is  why  the  habitat  is  categorized 

42;  r>(>63,  2003  (2010) 


Figure  1 .  Study  Sites.  A:  Secondary  scrub  of  Boca  de  Jaruco.  B:  Sea  grape  forest  of  Boca  de  Canasi.  C:  Evergreen  forest 
of  Boca  de  Canasi.  D:  Summit  of  the  hill  where  the  evergreen  forest  canopy  of  Boca  de  Canasi  becomes  open. 

as  secondaiy  scrub  (Fig.  la).  The  unique  eniei'gent 
large  trees  are  isolated  Ficus  sp.  (Moraceae).  There 
are  many  invasive  plants,  the  most  abundant  being 
Acacia  famesiana  (L.)  Willd.,  (Mimosaceae),  Comocladia 
dentaia  ]-AC(\.  (Anacardiaceac)  and  members  of  the 
family  Poaceae.  Common  species  also  includes  Lantaua 
Camara  L.  (Verbenaceae)  and  Viguiera  dcntata  (Cav.) 
Spreng.,  (Asteraceae),  and  vines  as  Merrcmia  dissecta 
(|acq.)  Hallierf.,  (Convolvulaceae),  Cucumis  dipsacnis 
Ehrenb.,  (Curcubitaceae)  and  Aristolochia  hilahiata  L.. 
During  the  dry  season  there  are  natural  burns. 

Boca  de  Canasi  is  20  km  east  from  Boca  de  jaruco, 
at  23°09’  N  and  81°47’  W.  Two  different  habitat  were 
analyzed  there:  a  sea  grape  [Coccoloba  uvifera  (L.)  L. 
(Polygonaceae)]  forest  (Fig.  lb),  and  an  evergreen 
forest  (Fig.  Ic,  d).  The  latter  is  crossed  by  several 
paths,  but  is  less  frequented  by  persons  than  the 
former.  It  also  has  higher  relative  humidity  due  to 

the  cover  of  arboreal  species  such  as  Burscra  simaruha 
(L.)  Sarg.  (Burseraceae)  and  Coccoloba  divcrsifolia 
Jacq.  that  reduce  incident  sunlight.  Endemic  plants 
like  Coccolriuax  borhidiaua  O.  Mnhiz  (Arecaceae), 
Lcptocercus  lurightii  Leon  (Cactaceae)  and  Eugenia 
molUfoUaXJrh.  (Myrtaceae)  are  also  common  (Borhidi, 
1996).  On  the  summit  of  the  hill  (ca.  100  m  above 
sea  level)  the  evergreen  forest  canopy  opens  and 
bushes  like  Acacia  faruesiana  and  Croton  lucidus  L. 
(Euphorbiaceae)  are  abundant. 

Ecological  counts 

Boca  de  Jaruco  was  sampled  from  April  2006  to 
March  2007.  At  Boca  de  Canasi  sampling  started  July 

2006  in  the  evergreen  forest,  while  in  the  sea  grape 
habitat  counts  began  on  April  2006,  ending  on  March 

2007  and  January  2007,  respectively.  The  transect 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

iiietliod  was  followed.  Individuals  were  counted  only 
when  seen  from  the  sides  or  the  front  of  observer, 
never  from  behind,  within  a  range  of  approximately  5 
m.  At  least  once  a  month,  eight  transects  were  sampled 
each  hour,  from  9:00  a.m.  to  3:00  p.m.,  at  each 
studied  site.  Transect  length  was  100  m,  the  transects 
se|)arated  from  each  other  by  80  m.  At  the  end  of  the 
study  a  total  of  992  transects  in  the  secondary  scrub 
of  Boca  dejarnco  were  covered,  352  in  the  sea  grape 
and  336  in  the  evergreen  forest. 

Simlight  intensity  and  flight  stratum  were  recorded 
for  each  specimen.  These  dimensions  of  structural 
snbniche  were  used  to  analyze  part  of  the  spatial 
segregation.  Border  values  of  each  category  in  a 
particidar  dimension  were  determined  following 
previous  Cid^an  ecological  studies  on  butterflies 
(Fontenlak,  1989;  Genaro  et  al,  1994). 

For  sunlight  intensity  three  categories  were  dehned: 
sunny  (when  individual  flies  directly  in  sunlight, 
without  any  vegetation  cover),  filtered  sun  (when 
individual  flies  under  some  vegetation  cover,  but  still 
in  sunlight)  and  shading  (when  individual  flies  where 
vegetation  cover  is  so  dense  that  it  is  difficult  for 
sunlight  to  enter).  Three  categories  of  flight  stratum 
from  ground  to  above  3  m  were  defined:  first  level  from 
the  ground  (0  -  1.5  m),  second  1.5  -  3.0  m,  and  third  > 
3.0  m.  Wdien  the  same  individual  moved  from  one  level 
to  another  only  the  first  stratum  seen  was  recorded. 
Due  to  variation  of  climate  throughout  the  day,  the 
ttvo  variables  were  analyzed  separately  over  a  two  hours 
range,  9:00  am  -12:00  m,  and  12:00  m  -3:00  pm. 

Relative  abundance  was  correlated  with  mean 
precipitation  of  the  previous  month.  This  correlation 
was  due  to  both  the  influence  of  rain  on  vegetation  and 
the  time  it  taikes  for  plant  growth  (rains  increase  flower 
abundance,  for  example).  We  used  a  correlation 
between  these  variables  based  on  published  residts 
showing  that  nectar  source  availability  is  an  important 
condition  for  a  well  developed  butterfly  community 
(('Jansen  et  al,  2001).  'Values  of  mean  precipitation 
per  month  were  supplied  by  the  Instituto  Nacional  de 
Recursos  Hidraulicos. 

Statistical  analysis 

(iraphPad  InStat,  version  3.01  (1998)  software 
was  used  for  data  analysis.  The  Kohnogorov-Smirnov 
test  was  the  first  step  in  every  case  to  evaluate  data 
normality  (p  <  0.10).  Median  and  25  and  75  percentils 
were  calculated.  A  Mann-  Whitney  U-test  was  used  to 
compare  the  values  of  the  same  variable  due  to  the 
nonparametric  natitre  of  data.  Comparison  of  three 
or  more  values  was  performed  with  a  Kruskal-Wallis 
test.  W'hen  the  later  was  significant  (p  <  0.05),  a 

Dunn’s  Multiple  Comparisons  Post-Test  was  applied. 
Correlation  between  two  variables  was  analyzed  with 
a  Nonparametric  Correlation  (Spearman  r). 

Results  and  discussion 

Spatial  segregation 

Habitat  use.  The  greatest  difference  between 
populations  of  both  species  relates  to  their  abundance 
in  each  habitat  type.  In  the  three  habitats  B.  polydamas 
cubensis  is  common  while  B.  dexnlliers  is  rare  (Fig.  2). 
Human  disturbance  of  both  studied  areas  may  be 
one  of  the  factors  affecting  rarity,  considering  the 
habitat  requirements  mentioned  by  Tyler  et  al.  (1994) . 
Boca  de  Jarnco  is  the  most  disturbed  site  and  has 
the  highest  proportional  abundance  of  B.  polydamas 
cubensis  across  all  the  sites  sampled.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  evergreen  forest  of  Boca  de  Canasf  is  the 
best  preserved  habitat  of  the  triad  and  possesses  the 
highest  proportion  of  B.  devilliers  individuals,  even 
during  the  dry  season  (Fig.  3).  Concerning  habitat 
requirements,  Alayon  and  Solatia  (1989)  reported  that 
both  species  coexist  in  Cuchillas  del  Toa,  specifically 
in  the  ecotone  between  forest  and  cleared  areas. 

No  statistical  significance  was  found  correlating 
precipitation  mean  of  the  previous  month  and  species 
relative  abundance,  except  in  the  sea  grape  forest 
(Table  1).  This  may  be  due  this  site  being  mostly  a 
feeding  area,  since  no  host  plants  were  found.  Thus 
the  presence  of  butterflies  is  strongly  related  with 
flower  availability.  Additionally,  the  presence,  in  this 
habitat,  of  non  native  plants  probably  might  increase 
tlie  flower  availability  annually  (Nunez  &  Barro,  2003) , 
and  could  be  the  reason  why  the  rain  acts  like  the 
primary  factor  influencing  flowering.  Although  the 
secondary  scrub  presents  almost  the  same  non  native 
plants  as  the  sea  grape  forest,  there  is  no  correlation 
of  butterfly  abtmdance  with  rain.  It  is  likely  that,  in 
this  habitat,  flower  availability  is  not  the  primaiy  factor 

Table  1.  Values  of  the  Nonparametric  Correlation 
(Spearman  r)  between  relative  abundance  of  the 
populations  (measured  as  the  mean  of  the  major  number 
of  individuals  in  a  single  count)  and  precipitation  mean  of 
the  previous  month. 

Specie.s/I  labitat 





Sea  grape 

Battus  pots'damns 





Battus  dndttiers 




42;  56-63,  2003  (2010) 


2006  2007 

I  I  Battus  polydamas  cubensis  ■■■  Battus  devilliers  — Precipitations 













2006  2007 

I  I  Battus  polydamas  cubensis 

I  Battus  devilliers 

—h—  Precipitations 

I  I  Battus  polydamas  cubensis  Battus  devilliers  — Precipitations 

Figure  2.  Population  densities  of  Battus  devilliers  and  B.  polydamas  cubensis,  from  April,  2006  to  March,  2007.  A:  Secondary 
scrub  of  Boca  de  Jaruco.  B:  Evergreen  forest  of  Boca  de  Canasi.  C:  Sea  grape  forest  of  Boca  de  Canasi.  Gray  line  represents 
precipitations  per  month.  Black  squares  represents  relative  abundance  of  Battus  devilliers  and  the  white  ones  those  of  B. 
polydamas  cubensis.  The  blank  spaces  were  not  sampled.  Relative  abundance  was  the  highest  number  of  individuals  observed 
in  one  hour. 


















Rain  Season 

Dry  Season 

Rain  Season 

Dry  Season 

Figure  3.  Proportional  abundance  of  Battus  devilliers  and  B.  polydamas  cubensis  in  the  habitats  in  which  they  coexist.  A: 
Secondary  scrub  of  Boca  de  Jaruco.  B:  Evergreen  forest  of  Boca  de  Canasi.  The  black  colour  represents  Battus  devilliers 
and  white  shows  B.  polydamas  cubensis. 

influencing  the  abundance  of  butterflies.  It  may 
be  host  plant  availability,  for  example. 

At  Boca  de  Canasi  both  species  coexist  only  in  the 
evergreen  forest  (Fig.  2),  thus,  no  statistical  analysis 
was  made  for  the  sea  grape  liabitat.  However,  nearness 
of  the  two  sites  and  the  floristic  diversity  at  the  latter 
(Nunez  &  Barro,  2003)  seem  to  support  the  idea  of 

delimited  feeding  and  breeding  areas  for  a  single 
population  of  B.  polydamm  cubensis.  In  this  manner, 
the  sea  grape  forest  may  be  the  foraging  area  and  the 
evergreen  forest  the  reproductive  site  (liost  plants 
observed  only  in  the  latter).  This  behavior  was 
previously  described  for  a  Costa  Rican  population 
of  this  species  by  Young  (1972).  It  may  also  explain 

/.  Res.Lepid. 


the  differential  abtindance  of  /j.  polydamas  cubensis  Al 
each  habitat,  secondary  scrub  and  evergreen  forest. 
Another  consec|nence  of  the  behavior  may  be  the 
similarity  between  relative  abtindance  of  both  species 
in  the  evergreen  forest  dtiring  the  rainy  season  (U  = 
3.5,  p  =  0.2469)  due  to  an  underestimation  in  counts  of 
the  actual  ntimber  of  individttals  in  the  population  of 
B.  polydai/ias  cuhensis  (Fig.  4).  Data  for  the  dry  season 
were  instifficient  for  analysis. 

By  contrast,  populations  of  both  species  in  Boca 
de  Jarnco  differed  significantly  (U  =  1.5,  p  =  0.01 04) 
during  the  rainy  season  and  more  so  dtiring  the  dry 
period  (U  =  0,  p  =  0.0022).  Battus  dnrilliers  was  always 
rare  compared  with  B.  polydamas  cuhensis  (Fig.  4). 
However,  OMR  saw  both  species  in  equal  proportion 
during  the  study  period  at  another  site  approximately 
1  km  west  of  transects  and  nearest  to  Jarnco  River, 
where  native  vegetation  was  best  preserved. 

Another  reason  concerning  life  cycle  and 
reprochictive  strategy  may  contribtite  to  the  success 
of  B.  polydamas  cuhensis.  Gregarionsness  of  eggs  and 
larval  stages  may  be  the  most  important  becatise  of 
the  benefits  described  for  the  behavior  as  stated  by 
Stamp  (1980),  Matsttmoto  (1989)  and  Reader  and 
Hochtili  (2003).  Gregariotis  early  stages  are  absent 
in  B.  dmilliers. 

Structural  subniche 

Sunlight  intensity.  Large  sunny  patches  are  common 
in  Boca  de  [ariico  due  to  the  presence  of  abundant 
herbs  and  bushes  and  only  few  isolated  large  trees. 
Accordingly,  sunny  patches  were  the  category  most 
tised  in  that  habitat.  The  Kruskall-Wallis  Test  shows 
differences  among  the  different  levels  for  both 
s})ecies.  The  Dunn’s  Mtiltiple  (ionijjarisons  post  test 
demonstrates  that  in  the  morning  those  differences 
occur  between  sunny  patches  and  the  other  levels 
(p  <  0.001  for  both  species).  During  the  afternoon 
differences  in  the  tise  of  three  levels  were  also  present. 
The  results  of  post  test  were  p  <  0.001  comparing 
stmny  patches  w'ith  the  other  two,  although  sun  filtered 
and  shading  patches  usage  by  B.  polydamas  cuhensis 
increases  (Fig.  5a,  b). 

At  Boca  de  (ianasf,  vegetation  cover  is  more  highly 
developed,  .so  snn  filtered  and  shading  patches  are 
more  freqtient  than  at  Boca  de  Jarnco., 
vahies  of  Krnskall-Wallis  Test  show  differences  among 
the  mentioned  levels.  Only  B.  devilliers  increased 
significantly  the  using  of  sun  filtered  sites  in  the  same 
|)roportion  as  stmny  patches.  Statistical  differences 
were  between  stmny  and  shading  levels  (p  <  0.05) 
and  between  filtered  and  shading  ones  (p  <  0.01)  in 
the  first  hours  of  day,  while  dtiring  the  afternoon  the 

same  relation  occurs,  btit  without  individuals  flying 
in  shading  patches  (Fig.  5c,  d).  On  the  other  hand, 
B.  polydamas  cuhensis  always  preferred  sunny  patches. 
Differences  in  the  morning  were  between  first  level 
(stmny)  and  the  filtered  and  shading  patches  (p  <  0.001 
in  both  cases).  During  the  afternoon  no  individuals 
were  observed  flying  in  shading  patches  (Fig.  5c,  cl). 

Our  results  show  that  the  tise  of  this  structural 
dimension  depends  not  only  c:m  habitat,  but  on 
the  ecological  requirements  of  species.  At  Boca  de 
Jarnco,  sunny  sites  ccwer  most  of  the  sttidy  area  and 
coirsequently  both  species  made  major  use  of  them. 
Nevertheless,  in  Boca  de  Canasf,  even  when  vegetation 
cover  increased  in  the  forest,  t^nly  B.  devilliers  used 
filtered  patches  as  well  as  sunny  ones.  This  tendency 
matches  witli  the  primary  habitat  of  each  species, 
mentioned  by  Tyler  et  al.  (1994) ,  that  explains  why  B. 
polydamas  \s  a  widespread  and  flexible  species,  whereas 
B.  devilliers  is  sensitive  and  vtilnerable,  dependent  on 
forested  areas. 

Flight  stratum 

In  the  morning,  at  Boca  de  Jarnco  both  species 
mostly  fly  in  the  two  lower  strata  (Fig.  6a,  b).  Battus 
dn)illi(ms  c\id  nc:)t  change  this  strategy  during  the  entire 
all  day,  while  B.  polydamas  cuhensis  started  to  use  any 
strattim  indiscriminately  after  midday.  Krtiskall-Wallis 
valties  were  significant  in  the  morning  for  both  species. 
The  post  hoc  test  demonstrated  differences  between 
the  highest  strattim  and  the  lowest  one  for  both  species 
(p  <  0.001),  and  between  the  intermediate  and  the 
highest  stratum  with  p  <  0.01  for  B.  devilliers  and  p 
<  0.001  for  B.  polydamas  cuhensis.  After  midday,  KW 
vahies  did  not  show  any  difference  among  strata  used 
by  either  species,  although  graphically  we  observed 
that  B.  devilliers  keeps  similar  proportions  to  those  of 
the  morning  (Fig.  6a,  b). 

At  Boca  de  Canasf,  there  was  no  difference  in  flight 
stratum  use  during  the  day.  Bcdtus  devilliers  mostly  flies 
in  the  lowest  strattim,  with  patches  of  filtered  sun. 
On  the  other  hand,  B.  polydamas  cuhensis  iWes  in  all  of 
the  three  strata.  For  B.  devilliers  the  post  test  display 
differences  between  the  lowest  and  the  intermediate 
strata  with  p  <  0.01  at  both  time  intervals.  Between 
the  lowest  and  the  highest  strata  we  found  the  same  p 
value  for  the  morning,  and  p  <  0.001  for  the  afternoon. 
By  contrast,  there  was  no  statistical  difference  in  the 
tise  of  flight  stratum  by  B.  polydamas  cuhensis  in  this 
habitat  (Fig.  6c,  d). 

Flight  strata  were  more  indiscriminately  used 

by  both  species  in  the  two  habitats.  The  restdts 
demonstrate  almost  no  selection  for  this  structtiral 
dimension,  perhaps  because  strata  are  not  limiting 

42:  5r)-63,  2003  (2010) 



45  T 









Rain  Season 

Dry  Season 


Figure  4.  Relative  abundance  (individuals/hour)  of  Battus  devilliers  (gray)  and  B.  polydamas  cubensis  (black)  In  the  two  seasons 
defined  in  Cuba  as  Rain  (May-October)  and  Dry  (November-April).  A:  Secondary  scrub  of  Boca  de  Jaruco.  B:  Evergreen  forest 
of  Boca  de  Canasi.  The  graphic  represents  the  median  and  the  25%  and  75%  percentils. 



■  shading 
□  filtered  sun 

B.  devilliers  B.  polydamas  cubensis 

B.  devilliers  B.  polydamas  cubensis 






25%  ■ 


■  shading 
□  filtered  sun 

B.  devilliers  B.  polydamas  cubensis 

B.  devilliers  B.  polydamas  cubensis 

Figure  5.  Spacial  segregation  of  Battus  devilliers  and  B.  polydamas  cubensis  in  the  structural  subniche,  specifically  in  the  light 
intensity  used  by  each  one.  A  and  B:  Secondary  scrub  of  Boca  de  Jaruco  (morning  and  afternoon,  respectively).  C  and  D: 
Evergreen  forest  of  Boca  de  Canasi  (morning  and  afternoon,  respectively).  Analysis  only  for  the  rainy  season.  Morning  9;00 
am  -11 :00  am  and  afternoon  12:00  pm  -  2:00  pm. 

resources  like  flowers  and  host  plant  availability  or 
because  of'  low  ecological  relevance  for  both  species. 
Similar  results  were  obtained  by  Fontenla  (1989)  in  a 
larger  butterfly  community. 

Temporal  segregation 

Seasonality.  Another  relevant  divergence  in  population 
ecology  is  the  seasonal  pattern  of  B.  devilliers  (U  =  3.5, 

p  =  0.0425)  by  contrast  to  the  continuous  dynamics 
of  the  other  species  (U  =  10.5,  p  =  0.2620)  (Fig.  2a,  b; 
Fig.  4).  This  strategy  and  its  presence  in  all  sampled 
habitats  show  the  greater  ecological  plasticity  of  B. 
polydamas  cubensis.  It  is  relevant  that  absence  of  B. 
devilliers  in  the  sea  grape  habitat  is  recent,  as  five  years 
ago  it  was  observed  by  Nunez  and  Barro  (2003)  and 
again  in  lower  frequency  than  B.  polydamas  cubensis. 
Annual  fluctuations  of  popnlations,  like  those 

/.  Res.Lepid. 




■  3,0m 


□  l,5-3,0m 


□  0-1, 5m 



B.  devilliers  B.  polydamas  cubensis 

B.  devilliers  B.  polydamas  cubensis 

B.  devilliers  B.  polydamas  cubensis 

Figure  6.  Spacial  segregation  of  Battus  devilliers  and  B.  polydamas  cubensis  in  the  structural  subniche,  specifically  in  the 
flight  height  or  stratum  used  by  each.  A  and  B:  Secondary  scrub  of  Boca  de  Jaruco  (morning  and  afternoon,  respectively).  C: 
Evergreen  forest  of  Boca  de  Canasi  (there  were  not  found  significant  differences  in  both  day-hours).  It  was  analized  only  rain 
season.  Morning  9;00  am  -  11:00  am  and  afternoon  12:00  pm  -2:00  pm. 

Battus  polydamas  cubensis 
Battus  devilliers 

Figure  7.  Daily  activity  of  Battus  devilliers  (gray  line)  and  B.  polydamas  cubensis  (black  line)  for  the  rain  season  in  the  two 
studied  habitats.  A:  Evergreen  forest  of  Boca  de  Canasi.  B:  Secondary  scrub  of  Boca  de  Jaruco. 

obsen'ed  in  years  in  Boca  clejarnco  by  the  second 
author  or  changes  in  habitat  structure  may  influence 
population  dynamics. 

Daily  activity.  We  analyzed  the  daily  activity  for  each 
species  and  habitat  during  the  rainy  season  (Fig.  7). 
Although  no  statistical  analyses  were  made  with  these 
data,  two  different  trends  were  observed  in  each 
population.  While  the  abundance  of  B.  polydamas 
cubensis  decreases  during  the  day,  with  a  peak  of 

activity  at  10:00  am,  abundance  of  B.  devilliers  tends 
to  increase  until  midday  with  the  maximum  number 
of  individuals  at  noon.  Thus  at  12:00  the  means  of 
both  pojtulations  were  similar  in  the  evergreen  forest. 
At  the  same  time,  in  the  secondary  scrub  of  Boca 
de  Jaruco,  although  the  mean  values  of  abundance 
were  so  different,  the  standard  tleviations  were  too 
overlapped.  This  behavior  is  not  surprising  since  B. 
polydamas  cubensis  flies  in  sunny  patches  more  than 

42:  5f>63,  2003  (2010) 


B.  devilliers  that  prefers  sliade  and  is  less  influenced 

by  high  temperature  of  noon.  This  mechanism  may 
affect  thermoregulation  permitting  the  species  a 
longer  diurnal  flight  period. 

Battus  deiulliers  and  B.  polydamas  cubensis  present 
more  selectivity  for  the  dimension  sunlight  intensity 
of  tlie  structural  subniche  than  for  the  flight  stratum 
since  the  late  was  more  indiscriminate  used.  Temporal 
segregation  seems  to  occur  between  these  species,  B. 
dniilUersx^  influenced  by  seasonality  wliile  B.  polydamas 
cubensis  is  present  all  tlie  year. 


We  thank  especially  the  persons  who  helped  with  the  field 
work:  Rayner  Nunez,  Alejandro  Garcia,  Joel  Lastra,  Elier  Fonseca 
and  Rene  Marzuk.  We  also  are  gratel'ul  to  Ariam  jinienez.  who  was 
ol  great  help  w’ith  the  statistical  analysis.  Our  gratitude  to  Gilberto 
Silva,  Rayner  Nunez  and  Oraily  Madrtiga  tor  their  helpful  conunents 
about  the  manuscript  and  also  our  thanks  tor  the  botanical 
assistance  to  Iralis  Ventosa  and  Antonio  l.opez.  Three  anonymous 
reviewers  contributed  to  clarifying  the  submitted  manuscri|5t. 

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42:  64-73,  2()()3  (2010) 

A  tale  of  two  species:  detritivory,  parapatry,  and  sexual  dimorphism  in 
Lamprospilus  collucia  and  L,  orcidia  (Lycaenidae:  Theclinae:  Eumaeini) 

Roberi  K.  Robbins',  Annexe  Aiello-,  Julie  Feinstein'\  Amy  Berkov'\  Astrid  Caldas*,  Robert  C.  Busby"’ 

'DejDartmciit  of  Entomolog)'.  I’O  Box  37012,  NllB  SU)p  105,  Smithsonian  Institution,  Washington,  DC  20013-7012,  USA 

-Smithsonian  'IVo]>ical  Research  Institute,  Smithsonian  Institution,  A|3artado  0843-03092  Balboa,  Ancon,  Panama 

■’Department  of  Biology,  City  College  of  New  York,  City  University  of  New  York,  Convent  Avenue  at  138th  Street,  New  York,  NY,  10031,  USA,  herhov@.sri. 

'De|5ariment  of  Entomology,  PO  Box  37012,  NHB  Stop  105,  Smithsonian  Institution,  Washington,  DC  20013-7012  USA 
ast  rid  ra !  das  @yah  m 

■’’7  Countryside  Way,  Andover,  MA  01810-6041  USA 
rr.  busby@romrast.  net 

'’Coleyao  de  Lepidoptera,  Museu  de  Zoologia,  Lhiiversidade  de  Silo  Paulo,  Av.  Nazare  481,  04263-000  Sao  Paulo,  SP  Brasil 

Abstract.  Lamprosj)ilus  rolluria  (I  lewitson)  and  L.  orridia  (Hewitson)  are  facultatively  detritivorous 
hairstreaks.  Eeinales  in  nature  lay  eggs  on  dead  twigs  and  leaves  that  are  on  or  near  the  ground.  In 
the  lab,  females  oviposit  readily  on  dead  leaves.  Caterpillars  of  both  species  eat  dead  plant  material 
in  nature  and  can  be  reared  in  the  lab  to  the  adult  stage  on  artificial  diet  to  which  no  plant  material 
has  been  added.  Lamprospilus  rolluria  and  L.  orridia  have  parapatric  distributions;  the  former  species 
is  endemic  to  the  Transandean  Region  and  the  latter  to  the  Amazonian  and  Atlantic  Regions.  Both 
species  have  similar  male  behavior,  which  is  consistent  with  the  hypothesis  that  their  parapatric 
distributions  are  maintained  by  mating  interference.  The  sexes  of  L.  rolluria  and  L.  orridia  have 
been  incorrectly  associated  in  compendia  of  Neotropical  butterllies  and  are  associated  in  this  paper 
by  geographic  distribution,  wing  pattern  similarity,  and  rearing  data.  Although  L.  rolluria  and  L. 
orridia  have  been  considered  to  be  conspecific,  an  analysis  of  geogra|rhical  variation  supports  the 
hypothesis  that  they  are  distinct  biological  species. 

Key  words:  Amazonian  Region,  biogeography,  hairstreak  systematics,  Lecythidaceae,  Transandean 


Lantpw.spilits  collucia  (Hewitson)  and  L.  orcidia 
(Hewitson)  are  common  and  widespread  lowland 
Neotropical  lycaenids  (Theclinae:  Eumaeini)  that 
are  biologically  significant  for  a  ntimber  of  reasons. 
First,  L.  collucia  and  T.  orcidia  are  ecologically 
tmusual.  LaiYal  detritivory  occurs  rarely  in  the 
“Macrolepidoptera”  (Powell  e!  al.,  1998;  Holm  & 
W’agner,  2002),  but  has  been  reported  in  Lamprospilus 
Geyer  (Duarte  &  Robbins,  in  press),  specifically  in 
L.  collucia  and  L.  orcidia.  Second,  L.  collucia  and  L. 
orcidia  are  biogeographically  significant  because  they 
have  been  cited  as  a  representative  parapatric  species 
|)air  with  a  Gentral/South  American  distribution 
(Robbins,  2004a).  This  biogeographic  pattern,  while 
well-known  in  forest-dwelling  aposematic  butterfly 
laxa  (Brown,  1982),  has  not  been  doctimented 

Rerewed:  15  September  2009 
Accepted:  12  October  2009 

previously  in  the  Eumaeini.  Third,  L.  collucia  and 
L.  orcidia  are  of  taxonomic  interest  because  they  are 
widely  misidentihed  in  publications  on  Neotropical 
btitterflies  (e.g.,  Godman  &  Salvin,  1887;  Weeks 
1911;  Draudt,  1919-1920;  Kitye,  1921;  Barcant,  1970; 
Robbins  &  Small,  1981;  D’Abrera,  1995).  Both  species 
are  sexually  dimorphic.  The  males  have  similar  wing 
patterns  (Figs.  1-4,  13-16,  21-22),  forwhich  rea.son  they 
have  been  considered  to  be  conspecihe  (Godman  & 
Salvin,  1887-1901;  Kitye,  1921).  Alternately,  the  female 
wing  patterns  (Figs.  5-12,  17-20,  23)  are  different 
from  each  other  and  from  those  of  the  males,  with 
which  they  have  rarely  been  associated  (e.g.,  Dratidt, 

The  purpose  of  this  paper  is  to  address  the 
ecology,  biogeography,  and  taxonomy  of  L.  collucia 
and  L.  orcidia  by  answering  basic  questions  abotit 
them.  Where  do  females  oviposit?  What  do  their 
caterpillars  eat?  When  and  where  do  males  set  tip 
mating  territories?  What  are  the  distributions  of  L. 
collucia  and  L.  orcidia?  In  which  habitats  do  they  occur? 
How  are  T.  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  distinguished?  How 

42:  64-73,  2003  (2010) 


do  they  vary  seasonally  and  geographically?  On  what 
basis  are  the  sexes  associated?  What  is  the  available 
evidence  that  they  are  different  biological  species? 
We  add  brief  notes  on  nomenclature  to  confirm  that 
we  are  using  the  correct  names.  The  placement  of/.. 
coUuciam\d  L.  orcidiam  /.rtw/;ros/>//«5Geyer  is  dealt  with 
elsewhere  (Duarte  &  Robbins,  in  press). 

Materials  and  methods 

Eggs  were  obtained  in  the  lab  following  the 
methods  detailed  in  Duarte  et  al.  (2005) .  Larvae  from 
these  eggs  were  reared  on  artificial  diet  to  which  no 
vascular  plant  material  was  added  other  than  wheat 
germ  and  linseed  oil  (Duarte  et  al.,  2005).  Rearing 
methods  for  immatures  collected  in  nature  generally 
follow  Feinstein  et  al.  (2007).  Depositories  for 
vouchers  are  noted. 

Biogeographic  and  taxonomic  results  for  L. 
collucia  are  based  on  96  males  (6  genitalic  dissections 
from  Mexico,  Panama,  western  Ecuador,  and  eastern 
Colombia)  and  70  females  (6  genitalic  dissections 
from  Mexico,  Costa  Rica,  Panama,  and  Trinidad). 
Analogous  results  for  L.  orridia  are  based  on  50  males 
(6  genitalic  dissections  from  Ecuador,  Peru,  and  3  states 
in  Brazil)  and  57  females  (6  genitalic  dissections  from 
Peru  and  Brazil).  We  map  the  distributions  of  each 
species  by  sex  because  these  distributions  are  evidence 
for  associating  the  sexes.  Although  mitochondrial 
“barcodes”  are  reported  for  L.  collucia  and  L.  orridia 
(BOLD  website,  http://w\\'\’iews/ 
login. php,  accessed  26  Aug  2009),  the  barcodes  are 
not  publically  available  and  the  “barcoded  specimen” 
of  L.  orcidia  is  misidentified. 

Genitalic  terms  follow  Klots  (1970),  as  modified  for 
theEumaeini  (Robbins,  1991).  Wing  venation  follows 
Comstock  (1918),  and  other  morphological  terms 
follow  Snodgrass  (1935).  Geographic  distributions 
are  mapped  by  gender.  Months  are  abbreviated  by 
their  first  three  letters  in  English. 

Vouchers  for  the  distribution  maps  and  other 
results  are  deposited  in  the  following  collections: 
(AA)  Annette  Aiello  Collection,  Ancon,  Panama; 
(BMNH)  Natural  History  Museum,  London,  UK; 
(DZUP)  Universidade  Federal  do  Parana,  Curitiba, 
Parana,  Brazil;  (MCZ)  Museum  of  Comparative 
Zoology,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge  MA,  USA; 
(MECN)  Museo  Ecuatoriano  de  Ciencias  Naturales, 
Quito,  Ecuador;  (MUSM)  Museo  de  Historia  Natural, 
Universidad  Nacional  Mayor  de  San  Marcos,  Lima, 
Peru;  (MZUSP)  Museu  de  Zoologia,  Universidade 
de  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil;  (RCB)  Robert  C.  Busby 
Collection,  Andover,  MA,  USA;  (USNM)  National 
Museum  of  Natural  History,  Smithsonian  Institution, 

Washington,  DC,  USA. 


Ecology  and  biogeography 

Oviposition  and  food  “plants.”  As  part  of  a  study  of 
plant  fungal  diseases  (Davidson  et  al.,  2000),  a  “mostly 
dead”  seedling  of  Anacardium  excelsurn  (wild  cashew, 
Anacardiaceae)  was  collected  by  Davidson  about  9 
Jun  1996  near  the  Rio  Frijoles,  Pipeline  Road,  Canal 
Area,  Panama  (see  Ridgely,  1976  for  information  on 
the  Pipeline  Road  locality).  A  dark  reddish  brown 
larva  of  L.  collucia  was  found  three  days  later  eating 
the  cotyledon  of  the  dead  seedling.  Aiello  fed  the 
caterpillar  the  peduncle  of  Anacardium  occidentale 
to  complete  its  development.  On  18  Jun  1996,  a 
dark  brown  pupa  with  erect  setae  on  the  sides  of  the 
abdomen  was  formed.  The  pupa  turned  black  on  1 
Jul  1996,  and  a  male  of  L.  collucia  emerged  later  that 
day.  The  reared  adult  male  is  deposited  in  AA  (Aiello 
lot:  1996-10). 

A  female  of  L.  collucia  was  collected  by  Robbins 
and  Caldas  on  30  Mar  2000  in  Ancon,  Canal  Area, 
Panama.  She  laid  22  eggs  over  6  days  in  the  lab  on 
dead  leaves  and  on  the  side  of  a  \'ial.  Aiello  reared 
the  hatched  larvae  on  artificial  diet  without  any  added 
plant  material.  A  female  emerged  on  13  May  2000. 
The  reared  female  and  her  mother  are  de[)osited  in 

Robbins  and  Caldas  observed  a  female  of  L.  collucia 
ovipositing  on  a  twig  on  the  ground  in  Ancon  on  31 
Mar  2000.  After  caj)ture,  the  female  butterfly  laid 
another  44  eggs  over  the  next  5  days  on  dead  leaves 
in  the  lab.  Aiello  reared  the  resulting  caterpillars  on 
artificial  diet  without  any  added  plant  material,  and 
three  males  and  one  female  emerged  14-16  May  2000 
(Figs.  1,5).  The  mother  and  her  reared  offspring  are 
deposited  in  USNM. 

Robbins  and  Caldas  observed  a  female  of  L.  collucia 
ovipositing  on  a  green  leaf  about  10  cm  from  the 
ground  on  2  Apr  2000  (Fig.  9) .  She  was  not  captured 
and  the  egg  was  not  collected. 

A  male  of  L.  orcidia  was  reared  from  the  fallen 
androecia  of  Esclnoeilera  coriacea  (Lecythidaceae,  plant 
vouchers  deposited  in  New  York  Botanical  Garden) 
from  lowland  moist  forest  7  km  north  of  Saiil,  French 
Guiana  (3°37’  N,  53°  12’  W).  The  androecia  were 
collected  by  Berkov  21  Oct  1995  in  the  diy  season, 
and  the  adult  male  of  L.  orcidia  emerged  8  Nov  1995 
(voucher  deposited  in  USNM,  Fig.  1 6) .  Another  eight 
Lycaenidae  that  belong  to  another  genus  were  also 
reared  from  these  androecia  (Feinstein,  Robbins,  & 
Berkov,  in  prep.). 

/.  Res.Lepid. 


Figures  1-12.  Lamprospilus  coilucia  adults.  1.  c?  ventral,  Panama,  reared,  male  sibling  of  5.  2.  ventral,  Panama,  form 
typically  seen  in  the  wet  season.  3.  (J  ventral,  Panama,  form  typically  seen  in  the  dry  season.  4.  dorsal  of  1 .  5.  $  ventral, 
Panama,  reared,  female  sibling  of  1 .  6.  $  ventral,  Panama,  form  typically  seen  in  the  wet  season.  7.  $  ventral,  Nicaragua, 
form  typically  seen  in  the  dry  season.  8.  $  ventral,  no  locality,  reproduction  of  figure  from  the  original  description.  9.  $  ventral, 
Panama,  female  walking  on  a  twig  near  the  ground  before  laying  an  egg.  10.  $  dorsal,  Venezuela.  11.  5  dorsal,  Venezuela. 
12.  $  dorsal,  no  locality,  reproduction  of  figure  from  the  original  description. 

A  male  and  two  females  (Fig.  20)  of  L.  orcidia 
(identified  as  Lycaenidae  #2  in  Feinstein  el  at  2007) 
were  reared  from  larvae  found  in  fallen  androecia  of 
L('cylhis  corrugata  (I.ecythidaceae)  during  the  first  three 
months  of  2003  in  the  wet  season  at  Les  Noiiragues  Station  in  French  Guiana  (4°05’  N,  52°4rW; 
IK)  km  south  of  Gayenne).  Although  17  other 
Lycaenidae  were  reared,  none  belong  to  Lamprospilus. 
Reared  adult  vouchers  are  deposited  in  USNM. 

Male  behavior.  Lamprospilus  males  display 
“territorial”  behavior  that  is  similar  to  that  reported  in 
other  eiimaeines  (e.g.,  Alcock  &  O’Neill,  1986;  1987); 
males  wait  for  receptive  females  to  fly  through  the 
territory  and  “defend”  these  areas  by  flying  at  other 
males  that  enter  tlie  territory.  Males  of  L.  colluda  and 
L.  orcidia  set  up  mating  territories  in  the  morning  on 
hilltops  (vouchers  below  are  deposited  in  USNM, 
observations  are  by  Robbins;  times  are  standard  time 

42:  64-73,  2003  (2010) 


1  cm 

Figures  13-23.  Lamprospilus  orcidia  aduWs.  13.  c?  ventral,  Brazil  (Para),  presumed  holotype.  14.  ventral,  Peru.  15.  (S 
ventral,  Peru.  16.  c?  ventral,  French  Guiana,  reared  from  fallen  androecia  of  Lecythidaceae.  17.  $  ventral,  Peru,  arrow  points 
to  brown  scales  basal  of  the  postmedian  line.  18.  $  ventral,  Peru.  19.  $  ventral,  Peru.  20.  $  ventral,  French  Guiana,  reared 
from  fallen  androecia  of  Lecythidaceae.  21.  (5*  dorsal,  Brazil  (Para),  presumed  holotype.  22.  (5' dorsal,  Peru.  23.  $  dorsal, 

at  that  locality). 

Lamprospihis  collucia  in  Panama,  0730-1045  hours 

4  S  observed  (2  vouchers),  5  Oct  1978,  0730-0745 
hours,  Canal  Area,  Paraiso,  Cerro  Paraiso. 

5  S  (5  vouchers),  1  Jan  1979,  1000-1030  hours. 
Canal  Area,  Paraiso,  Cerro  Paraiso. 

1(5'  (1  voucher),  5  Mar  1979,  1045  hours.  Canal 

Area,  Paraiso,  Cerro  Paraiso. 

>25(5'  observed  (2  vouchers),  17  May  1979,  0830- 
1030  hours,  Canal  Area,  Cerro  Calera. 

\S  (1  voucher),  28  Jiil  1979,  1000  hours,  Canal 
Ai  ea,  Paraiso,  Cerro  Paraiso. 

Lamprospihis  orcidia  in  Brazil,  0904-0920  hours 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

1(5'  (1  v(3ucher),  18  Mar  1991,  0904  hours,  Sao 

Paulo,  17  km  west  of  Teodoro  Sampaio. 

1(5  (1  voucher),  24  May  1998,  0920  hours,  Rio  de 

Janeiro,  Iguaba  Grande. 

Habitat.  Lmnprospilus  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  occur 
in  wet  and  dry  lowland  forest,  ranging  from  “relatively 
virgin”  forest  (e.g.,  Parque  Manu,  Peru)  to  mature 
secondary  forest  (e.g.,  Gamboa,  Canal  Ai'ea,  Panama) 
to  patchy  disturbed  forest  in  urban  areas  (e.g..  Ancon, 
Canal  Area,  Panama) .  We  have  seen  no  specimens  of 
L.  coZ/Mcm  collected  above  1,000  m  elevation  in  Central 
America,  but  in  western  Ecuador  they  have  been 
found  in  wet  forest  at  1,500  m  and  on  a  ridge  with  dry 
forest  at  2,100  m  where  there  is  often  a  strong  westerly 
wind.  Most  individuals  of  L.  orcidia  m'e  recorded  from 
lowland  forest,  but  some  have  been  recorded  from 
1,000  m  elevation  in  southern  Brazil.  Adults  of  L. 
collucia  and  L.  orcidia  are  most  abundant  at  the  end 
of  the  dry  season  and  beginning  of  the  wet  season  in 
Panama  and  southeastern  Peru,  a  pattern  typical  of  the 
I Mniprospilus  ^eciion  (Duarte  &  Robbins,  in  press). 

Distribution.  Males  of  L.  collucia  are  recorded  from 
northeastern  Mexico  to  Ecuador  west  of  the  Andes 
and  to  Trinidad,  northern  Venezuela,  and  central 
Colombia  east  of  the  Andes  (circles  in  Fig.  24)  while 
males  of  L.  orcidia  are  known  east  of  the  Andes  from 
central  Venezuela  to  southern  Brazil  and  Bolivia 
(squares  in  Fig.  24).  Males  of  L.  colliiciamd  L.  orcidia 
are  not  sympatric. 

Females  of  L.  collucia'dre  recorded  from  northeastern 
Mexico  to  the  northwestern  tip  of  Peru  west  of  the 
Andes  and  to  Trinidad,  and  central  Venezuela  east  of 
the  Andes  (circles  in  Fig.  25)  while  females  of  L.  orcidia 
are  known  from  east  of  the  Andes  from  the  Guianas 
and  southern  Venezuela  and  southern  Colombia  to 
southern  Brazil  (squares  in  Fig.  25).  Females  of  L. 
collucia 'And  L.  orcidia  Ate  not  sympatric. 

There  is  one  ntale  of  L.  orcidia  and  one  female  of 
L.  collucia  from  the  Rio  Suapure,  Venezuela  (MCZ), 
a  tributary  of  the  Rio  Orinoco  in  central  Venezuela 
(Bolivar  state)  that  flows  through  llanos  (savannah) 
and  Amazonian  forest  habitats  (arrows  in  Figs.  24-25) . 
These  specimens  lack  collection  date  or  more  specific 
locality  data.  Weeks  (1911)  noted  only  that  they  were 
collected  in  “the  neighborhood  of  the  Suapure  River 
in  Venezuela.”  It  is  unknown  if  both  were  collected  at 
the  same  locality  along  the  Rio  Suapure,  but  if  so,  it  is 
the  only  locality  where  both  species  have  been  found. 
The  female  from  Rio  Suapure  was  listed  and  illustrated 
as  Theda  madie  Weeks,  but  the  male  was  apparently 
misidentilied  as  Theda  xenata  (a  misspelling  of  Theda 
xeneta  Hewitson,  see  taxonomy  section  below)  (Weeks, 
1911).  There  are  no  males  of  Calycopis  xeneta  from  the 

Rio  Suapure  in  the  Weeks  Collection  (MCZ). 

Distinguishing  male  characters.  Location  of  the 
charcoal-black  patch  on  the  ventral  forewing  is  the 
most  consistent  and  easy  way  to  distinguish  males 
of  L.  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  (Figs.  1-3,  13-16).  In  L. 
collucia,  this  patch  is  distal  of  the  postmedian  line 
whereas  in  L.  orcidia,  it  is  distal  and  basal  with  the  basal 
part  darker  in  some  individuals.  We  have  not  seen  a 
male  with  an  intermediate  wing  pattern.  Godman 
and  Salvin  (1887-1901)  and  Kaye  (1921)  apparently 
considered  this  difference  to  be  intraspecific  variation, 
but  Comstock  and  Huntington  (1962)  noted  that  the 
two  wing  patterns  were  distinct. 

The  ventral  wing  patterns  of  these  males  are  similar 
to  those  of  other  species  with  charcoal-black  patches. 
Males  of  some  other  Lamprospilus  species,  such  as  L. 
coelicolor  (Butler  &  Druce)  and  L.  aunus  (Cramer), 
are  easily  distinguished  by  the  better  defined  and 
more  triangular  shape  of  the  dark  brown  patch  on 
the  ventral  forewing  (Fig.  42  in  Duarte  8c  Robbins, 
in  press).  Males  of  Calycopis  xeneta  (Hewitson)  have  a 
brown  spot  in  ventral  hindwing  cell  Cip-2Ajust  distal 
of  the  postmedian  line  (Fig.  58  in  Duarte  &  Robbins, 
in  press)  that  is  lacking  in  Lamprospilus. 

Variation  of  male  wing  pattern.  Wing  pattern 
variation  in  male  L.  collucia  is  most  evident  on  the 
ventral  wings  (Figs.  1-3).  The  width  and  exact  shape 
of  the  postmedian  line  on  both  wings  is  perhaps  the 
most  variable  element.  The  darkness  and  extent  of 
the  charcoal-black  patches  is  also  variable.  Those 
individuals  with  a  ventral  wing  pattern  which  is  a  bit 
lighter  than  average  (Fig.  3)  are  more  prevalent  in  the 
dry  season,  but  we  find  no  evidence  for  geographical 

Wing  pattern  variation  in  male  L.  orcidia  is  also 
most  evident  on  the  ventral  wings  (Figs.  13-16).  Again, 
the  shape  of  the  postmediaii  line  and  the  extent 
and  darkness  of  the  charcoal-black  patches  on  both 
wings  are  the  most  variable  elements.  We  do  not  have 
sufficient  data  to  assess  seasonal  wing  pattern  variation, 
but  find  no  evidence  of  geographical  variation. 

Distinguishing  female  characters.  Shape  and  color 
of  the  ventral  forewing  postmedian  line  is  the  most 
consistent  way  to  distinguish  females  of  L.  collucia  and 
L.  orcidia.  This  line  is  relatively  thick  and  reddisli  to 
dark  maroon  in  L.  collucia  (Figs.  5-9)  and  is  a  relatively 
thin  black  and  white  line  with  diffuse  liglit  brown 
scaling  basally  in  L.  orcidia  (Figs.  17-20,  arrow  points 
to  brown  scaling). 

The  ventral  wing  pattern  of  female  L.  collucia  could 
be  confused  with  that  of  female  L.  lanckena  (Schaus), 

42:  64-73,  2()()3  (2010) 


Figures  24-25.  Distribution  of  L.  coHucia  (circles)  and  L.  orcidia  (squares).  Arrows  point  to  possible  sympatry  on  the  Rio  Suapure 
(Venezuela).  The  shaded  area  is  an  extremely  close  approximation  to  the  Transandean  Region  of  Brown  (1982:  456);  this  area 
of  endemism  was  proposed  without  exact  borders.  24.  Males.  25.  Females. 

but  the  later  has  the  ventral  forevving  postmedian 
line  of  L.  collucia  in  cell  Car,-2A  and  more  rounded 
hinchvings.  The  black  and  white  forewing  postmedian 
line  with  brown  basal  scaling  is  the  best  way  to 
distinguish  L.  orcidia  from  other  hairstreak  species, 
hut  this  character  is  sometimes  inconspicuous  (Fig. 
19).  Even  with  genitalic  dissection,  some  females  of 
L.  orcidia  may  he  difficult  to  identify  definitively. 

Variation  of  female  wing  pattern.  Wing  pattern 
in  female  L.  collucia  is  quite  variable.  Dorsal  ground 
color  has  variable  amounts  of  blue  scaling  (Figs.  10- 
11),  which  varies  in  hue  from  shining  blue  to  chalky 
gray.  The  ventral  brownish-black  patch  of  scales  distal 
of  the  postmeclian  line  varies  from  absent  (Fig.  7) 
to  conspicuous  (Figs.  5-6).  The  color  of  the  ventral 
postmedian  line  varies  from  reddish  to  dark  maroon, 
but  the  thick  forewing  line  from  the  costa  to  vein  Cu,, 
is  a  constant  feature.  As  in  the  male,  intlividuals  with 
a  lighter  ventral  wing  pattern  (Fig.  7)  tend  to  be  most 
frequent  in  the  dry  season. 

Wing  pattern  variation  in  female  L.  orcidia  is 
similarly  variable.  Dorsal  ground  color  varies  from 
blue  to  chalky  gray.  The  ventral  wing  pattern  is  rather 
“non-descript”,  but  the  black  and  white  postmedian 
line  with  basal  brownish  scaling  appears  to  be  constant, 

even  if  its  expression  is  variable  (Figs.  17-20). 

Male  genitalia  and  their  variation.  The  male 
genitalia  of  L.  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  are  typical  of 
Lamprospilus  (Duarte  &  Robbins,  in  press)  with  a  single 
medium  sized  tooth  on  each  gnathos  arm  (arrow 
in  Fig.  26).  The  only  evident  genitalic  difference 
between  the  two  species  is  that  the  penis  of  L.  orcidia 
consistently  has  a  small  second  cornutus  (arrow  in  Fig. 
27)  while  that  of  L.  collucia  may  or  may  not  (Fig.  26) 
have  the  second  cornutus.  Otherwise,  the  illustrated 
differences  in  the  saccus,  penis,  and  valvae  (Figs.  26- 
27)  fall  within  the  range  of  intraspecific  variation. 

Female  genitalia  and  their  variation.  The  female 
genitalia  of/.,  collucia  me  typical  of  Lamprospilus  Wnh 
“fan-shaped”  signa  (Figs.  28-29)  and  an  inwardly 
curved  sclerotized  ridge  on  the  distal  end  of  the  8th 
abdominal  tergum  (illustrated  in  Duarte  &  Robbins, 
in  press).  The  shape  of  the  ductus  bursae,  especially 
the  posterior  end,  varies  intras(}ecifically,  but  does  not 
distinguish  the  species.  The  signa  of  the  two  species 
differ  in  the  sample  (Figs.  28-29),  but  are  structurally 
quite  variable,  for  which  reason  we  suspect  that  this 
difference  might  not  be  confirmed  by  a  larger  sample 

Nomenclature.  Theda  collucia  Hewitson  was 


/.  lies.Lepid. 

Figures  26-27.  Male  genitalia,  ventral  aspect  (left),  lateral  aspect  (right),  penis  in  lateral  aspect  (bottom).  26.  L  collucia, 
Panama  (Canal  Area),  arrow  points  to  single  “tooth”  on  the  gnathos.  27.  L.  orcidia,  Brazil  (Minas  Gerais),  arrow  points  to  small 
second  terminal  cornutus.  Scale  1  mm. 

described  from  at  least  one  pair  in  the  Hewitson 
Collection  (now  in  BMNH),  but  only  the  female  was 
illustrated  (Figs.  8,  12).  No  type  locality  was  given. 
Johnson  (1993:  22)  designated  a  female  lectotype 
(B.M.  Type  Rh  1010)  from  Esp.  Santo  (presumably 
Espirito  Santo,  Brazil)  that  fits  the  original  illustration 
very  well  even  though  it  is  missing  most  of  its  forewings. 
However,  there  was  no  type  locality  in  the  original 
description,  and  a  photograph  of  the  lectotype  and 
its  labels  from  the  1970s  shows  that  this  specimen 
lacked  a  locality  label  at  that  time.  Johnson  (1993: 
22)  did  not  list  Brazil  as  part  of  the  South  American 
distribution  of  collucia,  so  his  “Esp.  Santo”  citation  is 
difficult  to  interpret.  Primary  types  of  Theda  collucia's 
Junior  synonyms  have  been  examined:  madie  Weeks 
($,  MCZ),  am/Wradc  Schaus  ($,  USNM,  the  original 
description  erroneously  listed  the  BMNH),  iodiniis 
Kaye  {S,  BMNH),  Dyar  ($,  USNM),  and  shueyi 

Johnson  ((5',AMNH). 

lliecla  orcidia  Hewitson  was  described  from  at  least 
one  male  in  the  H.  W.  Bates  collection  (now  in  BMNH) 
from  the  Amazon.  There  is  one  male  in  the  BMNH 
that  fits  this  description  (Figs.  13,  21,  B.M.  Type  Rh 
872)  and  is  presumed  to  be  a  liolotype.  Illustrations 
of  the  holotypes  (by  original  designation)  of  junior 
.synonyms  to/i'cm'w  Johnson  (AMNH),  Johnson 
&  Kroenlein  (BMNH),  .vi/uw  Austin  &  K.  Johnson 
(I)ZUP),  ron doni a  Xmiin  &  K.  Johnson  (DZUP), 

ofaarra Austin  &  K. Johnson  (DZUP),  j&cr/ifexa Austin  Sc 
K.  Johnson  (DZUP) ,  and  purpura Kiisiin  Sc  K.  Johnson 
(DZUP)  can  be  found  in  the  original  descriptions 
(Johnson,  1993;  Johnson  &  Ki'oenleiii,  1993;  Austin 
&  Johnson,  1997). 

The  wing  pattern  of  female  L.  orcidia  is  non¬ 
descript,  as  noted.  Perhaps  for  that  reason,  a  female 
of  L.  orcidia  was  included  in  the  type  series  of  the 
unrelated  Theda  ceromiaHeMntson.  However, Johnson 
and  Kroenlein  (1993:4)  designated  another  specimen 
as  the  lectotype,  which  is  the  reason  that  Theda  ceromia 
is  now  placed  in  Ziegleria  (Robbins,  2004b;  Duarte  Sc 
Robbins,  in  press). 


Detritivory,  Females  of  L.  collucia  have  been 
recorded  in  nature  ovipositing  on  dead  twigs  on  the 
ground  and  on  a  leaf  near  the  ground.  In  the  lab, 
females  oviposit  readily  on  dead  leaves.  Caterpillars 
of  L.  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  in  nature  have  been  found 
eating  a  “nearly”  dead  seedling  and  the  androecia 
of  Lecythidaceae  flowers  on  the  ground.  In  the 
lab,  larvae  complete  development  on  live  and  dead 
organic  matter.  Although  many  butterflies,  including 
Lycaenidae,  can  be  reared  on  an  artificial  diet  to 
which  dried,  ground  leaves  of  the  food  plant  are 
added  (Morton,  1981;  Mark,  1993;  1995),  larvae  of 

42:  64-73,  2003  (2010) 


Figures  28"29.  Female  genitalia,  dorsal  (left)  and  lateral  aspects.  28.  L.  collucia,  Panama  (Canal  Area).  29.  L.  orcidia,  Peru 
(Madre  de  Dios).  Scale  1  mm. 

L.  collucia  and  L.  orcicUa  readily  ate  and  completed 
development  on  an  agar-ba.sed  artificial  diet  without 
the  addition  of'leaves.  These  results  are  very  similar  to 
those  reported  for  Calycopis  (S.  Johnson,  1985;  Rohhins 
et  al.,  199(i;  Duarte  et  ah,  2005),  and  are  consistent 
with  the  hypothesis  that  L.  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  are 
facultative  detritivores. 

Different  kinds  of  detritus  provide  different  kinds 
of  nutrition  for  a  caterpillar.  A  preliminaiy  analysis 
of  some  Lecythidaceae  androecia  showed  that  they 
have  higher  sugar  and  phosphorus  content  than  “leaf 
litter”  (nitrogen  levels  were  variable),  but  a  lower 
content  of  other  minerals  and  fiber  (A.  Wliigham  pers. 
comm.).  Detritivores  may  also  eat  micro-organisms 
living  on  detritus  (Findlay  &  Tenore,  1982;  Hohn  8c 
Wagner,  2002) ,  but  to  date,  the  ntitrition  that  lycaenid 
detritivorous  caterpillars  derive  from  different  food 
objects  is  an  unexplored  subject. 

Maximal  adult  abundance  of  L.  collucia  and  L. 
orcidia  at  the  end  of  the  dry  season  and  beginning  of 
the  wet  season  suggests  that  larvae  find  more  suitable 

food  or  suffer  lower  mortality  during  the  dry  season. 
Many  trees  are  deciduous  during  the  dry  season,  hut 
whether  fungi  and  other  caterpillar  pathogens  and 
predators  are  less  abundant  at  that  time  is  an  open 

Parapatry.  Brown  (1982)  partitioned  the 
distribution  of  Neotropical  forest  butterflies  into 
four  slightly  overlajjping  “fuzzy-edged”  biogeographic 
regions  of  endemism,  three  of  which  (Transandcan, 
Amazonian,  and  Atlantic)  consist  primarily  of 
areas  under  1,500  m  elevation.  The  biogeographic 
distribution  of  L.  collucia  is  a  “textbook”  example  of 
Brown’s  Transandean  Region;  this  species  occupies 
virtually  the  entire  Transandean  Region  (shaded 
part  of  Figs.  24-25).  The  distribution  of  L.  orcidia  is 
a  combination  of  Brown’s  Amazonian  and  Atlantic 
Regions.  So  far  as  we  are  aware,  this  is  the  first  time 
that  a  clear-cut  Transandean/Amazonian  parapatric 
distribution  has  been  documented  in  the  Eumaeini. 
In  most  other  potential  cases,  such  as  Lamasina  drauclti 
(Lathy)  and  L.  ganimedes  (Cramer)  (Robbins  &  Lamas, 


J.  Res.Lepid. 

2008),  species  are  not  sufficiently  well-represented 
in  ninsenin  collections  to  determine  whether 
distiibntions  are  allopatric  or  parapatric. 

The  parapatric  distributions  of  L.  collucia  and  L. 
orcidia  (Figs.  24-25)  are  unlikely  to  be  maintained  by 
competition  for  larval  food;  it  is  difficult  to  visualize 
the  dead  organic  matter  that  the  caterpillars  eat  as 
a  limiting  resource.  However,  males  of  both  species 
set  up  mating  territories  in  the  morning  on  hilltops 
and  occur  in  similar  habitats.  These  findings  suggest 
the  testable  hypothesis  that  mating  interference  is 
responsible  for  maintaining  parapatry  between  the 
two  species. 

Associating  males  and  females.  The  evidence  that 
males  and  females  of  L.  coZ/wr/a  are  correctly  associated 
is  that  the  distribution  of  each  sex  is  almost  identical 
(Figs.  24-25),  both  sexes  have  a  dark  brown  patch  on 
the  ventral  forewing  distal  of  the  postniedian  line 
(Figs.  1-3,  5-9) ,  and  both  sexes  have  been  reared  from 
eggs  laid  by  the  same  mother  (Figs.  1,5).  The  evidence 
that  the  male  and  female  of  L.  orcidia  are  the  same 
species  is  that  the  distribution  of  males  and  females  is 
almost  identical  (Figs.  24-25),  both  sexes  have  darker 
scales  (albeit,  much  reduced  in  the  female)  basal  of 
the  ventral  forewing  postniedian  line  (Figs.  13-20), 
and  both  have  been  reared  from  fallen  flowers  of 
Lecythidaceae  (Figs.  16,  20;  no  other  Lamprospilus 
species  were  reared  from  these  flowers).  Finally,  no 
other  “unassociated”  Lamprospilus  male  or  female  has 
the  same  distribution  as  either  species. 

Biological  species.  With  the  possible  exception 
of  the  old  Rio  Siiapure  specimens  mentioned  above 
from  Weeks  ( 1 9 1 1 ) ,  the  distributions  of  L.  collucia  and 
L.  orcidia 'Ave  parapatric  (Fig.  24-25).  Distinguishing 
characters  are  consistent  throughout  the  range  of 
each  species  and  do  not  vary  in  the  areas  where  the 
distributions  meet.  This  evidence  is  consistent  with 
the  hypothesis  that  the  two  taxa  do  not  interbreed. 

Lamprospilus  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  are  likely  to 
be  phylogenetic  sisters.  In  a  phylogenetic  analysis 
intended  to  determine  relations  among  the  genera 
of  the  '‘'Lamprospilus  Section”  (Duarte  &  Robbins, 
in  press),  the  morphological  character  coding  for 
L.  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  was  identical.  However,  the 
coding  was  also  very  similar  to  that  for  L.  coelicolor  And  L. 
aivnus.  For  this  reason,  an  analysis  of  phylogenetically 
informative  characters  among  Lamprospilus  species  is 
needed  to  test  whether  L.  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  are 
indeed  sister  species. 


We  are  grateful  to  Karie  Darrow  for  preparing  the  plates  of 
adults,  to  Vichai  Malikul  for  preparing  the  genitalic  illustrations, 

to  Brian  Harris  for  help  with  technical  aspects  of  this  project,  to 
Gerardo  Lamas  for  providing  data  on  L.  collucia  in  Peru,  and  to 
Amie  Wliigham  for  allowing  us  to  cite  lier  preliminary  iinpublislied 
information.  For  supporting  travel  by  both  Duarte  and  Robbins  and 
for  substantial  funds,  we  thank  Fundagao  de  Amparo  a  Pe.squisa  do 
Estado  de  Sao  Paulo/FAPESP  (as  part  of  the  project  “Systematics, 
Bionomy,  and  Evolution  of  Neotropical  Lepidoptera”;  process 
numbers  02/ 1 3898-0  and  03/ 1 3985-3)  and  Pro-Reitoria  de  Pesqitisa 
da  Universidade  de  Sao  Paulo/USP/Projeto  1.  For  excellent 
suggestions  on  the  manuscript,  we  thank  Paul  Goldstein,  Andre 
Freitas,  and  Rudi  Mattoni. 

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Journal  oj  Research  on  the  Lepidoptera 

42:  74-78,  2003  (2010) 

Ag-gregated  oviposition  in  Actinote  pellmea  pellenea  Hubner  (Lepidoptera? 


Ronaldo  Bastos  Francini'  and  Andre  Victor  Lucci  Freitas-* 

'Universidade  Catolica  de  Santos,  Campus  D.  Idiliojose  Soares,  Av.  Conselheiro  Nebias,  300,  11015-200,  Santos,  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil. 
fra  ncini@unisan  las.  br 

“Departamento  de  Bioiogia  Animal  and  Museu  de  Zoologia,  Instituto  de  Biologia,  Universidade  Estadual  de  Campinas,  CP  6109, 
13083-970,  Campinas,  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil. 
bak  u@ii  nka  mp.  br 

Abstract.  The  oviposition  pattern  of  Actinote  pellenea  pellenea  on  Austroeiipatorium  inulaefolium  was 
investigated  in  two  coastal  sites  in  SE  Brazil  to  test  if  there  is  any  pattern  of  preference  for  host  plant 
traits.  At  both  sites,  host  plants  were  marked  and  measured  for  height,  distance  of  the  nearest  plant, 
number  of  leaves  with  A.  p.  pellenea  immatiires  (eggs  and  first  instar  larvae),  number  of  groups  of 
immatures,  and  total  number  of  eggs  per  plant.  An  apparency  index  was  calculated  relating  plant  size 
to  distance  from  its  three  nearest  conspecific  neighbours.  Total  leaf  area,  orientation  and  inclination 
were  recorded  for  each  leaf  with  a  group  of  immatures.  There  was  no  significant  correlation  between 
the  number  of  ovipositions  on  each  plant  and  habitat  and  plant  characteristics  as  plant  height 
and  apparency  index.  The  number  and  density  of  eggs  by  oviposition  was  not  correlated  with  leaf 
characters  as  area,  orientation  or  inclination.  At  botli  sites  clusters  of  immatures  showed  a  grouped 
distribution,  with  some  plants  having  more  immatures  than  predicted  by  chance.  In  the  only  case 
of  a  double  oviposition  on  the  same  leaf,  the  later  cluster  was  significantly  smaller.  The  results  show 
that  distribution  of  eggs  -  reflecting  female  choice  -  was  not  related  w'ith  the  above  measured  plant 
and  leaf  traits.  However,  the  results  do  suggest  that  females  probably  choose  plants  where  immatures 
are  already  present,  resulting  in  the  observed  grouping  pattern. 

Keywords:  Actinote,  Austroeupatorium,  host  plant  selection,  oviposition. 


For  most  holometabolous  insects  in  general,  and 
with  herbivores  in  particular,  adults  are  more  mobile 
than  immatures,  with  the  decisions  of  ovipositing 
females  often  critical  for  the  fitness  of  the  offspring 
(Doak  et  at,  2006).  For  most  herbivorous  insects, 
host  plant  acceptability  and  quality  vary  strongly 
among  plant  species,  populations  and  individuals 
and  even  among  different  plant  parts  (Strong  et  al, 
1984;  Price,  1997;  Kerpel  et  at,  2006).  The  ability 
of  females  to  choose  among  different  liosts  or  host 
parts  has  important  consequences  on  their  offspring’s 
performance,  with  the  females  usually  using  plant 
cues  to  identify  the  most  suitable  food  resource. 
Many  different  cues  are  used  by  females  during 
the  oviposition  process.  These  include  secondary 
compounds,  visual  signals  (plant  and  leaf  shape), 
presence  of  natural  enemies  or  mutualists,  presence  of 
conspecific  immatures,  microclimate  (Raiisher,  1978; 
Williams  &  Gilbert,  1981;  Freitas  &  Oliveira,  1996) 

H’.orrespon  den  ce  a  u  thor 

Received:  22  June  2009 
Accepted:  25  June  2009 

and  plant  vigour  (Price,  1991,  1997).  Furthermore, 
ovipositing  females  can  also  respond  to  indirect  cues 
such  as  leaf  age  and  size,  internode  length  (Price  et  al, 
1987;  Freitas  et  al,  1999),  plant  apparency,  grouping 
and  position  of  host  plants  across  the  landscape 
(Feeiiy,  1976;  Courtney  &  Courtney,  1982;  Mackay  & 
Singer,  1982). 

The  Neotropical  genus  Actinote  Hiibner,  [1819] 
(Nymphalidae:  Helicoiiiinae:  Acraeiiii)  has  31 
described  species  distributed  through  Central  and 
South  America,  reaching  maximum  diversity  in  the 
montane  regions  in  the  Andes  and  Southern  Brazil 
(Francini  et  al,  2004;  Lamas,  2004;  Paluch,  2006; 
Paluch  et  al,  2006;  Silva-Brandao  et  al,  2008).  Al 
known  species  feed  on  Asteraceae  and  are  gregarious 
during  all  stages  (Francini,  1989,  1992;  Paluch  et  al, 
2005;  Freitas  et  al,  2009). 

The  widespread  Actinote  pellenea  Hiibner,  [1821] 
has  17  recognized  subspecies  distributed  across  all 
South  Aiierica  from  Colombia  to  Northern  Argentina 
found  over  a  wide  variety  of  secondary  and  open 
habitats  (Francini,  1989,  1992;  Paluch,  2006).  In 
coastal  Southern  Brazil,  A.  pellenea  pellenea  Hubner, 
[1821]  is  very  common  with  four  or  five  generations 
per  year.  Here  larvae  of  A.  p.  pellenea  feed  on  three 
species  of  Asteraceae:  the  vines  Mikania  micrantha 
and  Mikania  cordifolia,  and  the  shrub  Austroeupatorium 

42:  74-78,  2003  (2010) 


inulaefolium  (Francini,  1989,  1992)  (Fig.  1). 

The  following  study  describes  the  pattern  of 
oviposition  distribution  of  A.  p.  pellenea  on  patches 
of  A.  inulaefolium,  and  discusses  the  factors  that  may 
explain  the  observed  patterns. 


Study  sites 

The  study  was  carried  out  at  two  coastal  sites  of  Sao 
Paulo  State,  Southern  Brazil:  1)  Xixova-Japui  State 
Park  (JAPUI),  Sao  Vicente,  Sao  Paulo  (23°59’  S,  46°23’ 
W),  in  July  and  2"‘‘  ,  1991,  and  2)  the  valley  of  the 
Cubatao  river,  (VRCUB),  Cubatao,  Sao  Paulo  (23°53’ 
S,  46°27’  W)  during  November  12,  1992.  Both  sites 
are  covered  by  lowland  subtropical  forest  (Ururahy  el 
ai,  1984).  Annual  rainfall  reaches  2500  mm  and  the 
average  annual  temperature  is  21°C  (Setzer,  1949; 
Nimer,  1989).  Field  work  was  conducted  along  open 
trail  edges  and  in  early  succession  stages  secondary 

Sampling  procedures 

At  each  site  all  individuals  of  A.  inulaefolium  j^resent 
along  a  previously  defined  linear  transect  of  200 
m  were  sampled,  including  all  plants  to  a  5  meters 
distance  on  both  sides  of  the  transect,  including  all 
nearby  plants  in  the  area.  Immatures  of  A.  p.  pellenea 
of  each  host  plant  were  recorded  and  all  ovipositions 
were  collected  for  laboratory  work.  Each  individual 
plant  was  tagged  and  recorded  for  height  (five 
classes  of  100  cm),  distance  of  the  nearest  plant  (in 
meters),  orientation  in  relation  to  the  nearest  plant 
(in  degrees),  number  of  leaves  with  immatures,  total 
number  of  immature  groups  and  total  number  of 
immatures.  For  each  leaf  with  immatures,  the  area, 
inclination  (to  the  horizontal),  orientation  (in  degrees 
to  the  central  axis  of  the  plant),  amount  of  herbivory 
and  number  of  immatures  per  group  were  recorded. 
An  “apparency  index”  (AI,  follow'ing  Feeny,  1976)  was 
calculated  for  each  individual  plant,  as:  AI  =  [(Ho  - 
Ha  +  DA)  +  (Ho  -  Hb  +  DB)  +  (Ho  -  He  +  DC)]  /  3; 
where  Ho  =  plant  height,  Ha,  Hb,  He  =  height  of  the 
nearest  three  plants  of  the  species,  and  DA,  DB,  DC 
=  distance  of  the  nearest  three  plants  of  the  same 
species  present  along  the  linear  transect.  This  index 
is  lowest  (including  negative  values)  when  the  distance 
between  a  pair  of  plants  is  less  than  the  lower  plant  of 
the  pair.  The  index  increases  with  increasing  distance 
between  the  two  plants.  To  determine  the  distribution 
of  the  plants,  the  study  area  was  included  in  a  108 
m-  rectangle,  and  this  was  subdivided  in  27  squared 

sectors  of  2x2  m  (three  rows  and  nine  columns).  The 
distribution  pattern  of  plants  was  determined  using 
the  index  of  dispersion  (Ludwig  &  Reynolds,  1988) 
with  values  <  I  indicating  a  uniform  distribution,  =  1  a 
random  distribution  and  >  1  a  grouped  distribution. 

Inclination  and  orientation  of  each  leaf  was 
estimated  with  compass  and  protractor  with  a 
precision  of  1°.  Each  oviposition  was  assigned  to  one 
of  three  developmental  stages  based  on  predominant 
egg  colour  following  Erancini  (1989),  where  Y  = 
yellow  (0-1  day  after  oviposition),  O  =  orange  (1-3 
days  after  oviposition),  R  =  red  (more  than  3  days 
after  oviposition),  B  =  black  (1  or  two  days  before 
eclosion).  First  instars  were  also  considered  in  the 
present  study,  since  larvae  usually  remain,  together 
with  their  empty  egg  shells,  on  the  same  leaf  for  the 
first  days  following  eclosion. 

All  measured  leaves  were  scored  into  four 
categories  of  herbivore  damage:  (0)  0%;  (1)  up  to 
10%;  (2)  11%  to  25%;  (3)  26%\o  50%;  (4)  more  than 
51%.  Since  the  leaves  of  A.  inulaefolium  are  nearly 
rhombus-shaped,  leaf  area  (in  cm-)  was  estimated 
using  the  formula  (L*W)/2,  where  L  =  length  and 
W  =  width. 

Egg  density  for  each  oviposition  was  estimated  from 
the  average  of  hve  independent  counts  of  eggs  over 
different  sections  of  each  oviposition  event,  giving 
the  number  of  eggs  per  cm'*^.  The  number  of  eggs  in 
each  oviposition  was  estimated  as  the  product  of  the 
average  density  by  the  area  of  the  oviposition. 


Host  plant  density.  At  JAPUI  23  |)lants  of  A. 
inulaefolium  \were  inspected  showing  a  density  of  0.21 
plants/m‘‘^  with  a  non-random  distribution  (Poi.s.son 
test,  x-  =  4.2031,  DF  =  2,  p  <  0.05).  The  dispersion  index 
was  1.331,  indicating  that  the  plants  are  grouped.  At 
VRCUB  1 1  plants  were  inspected  with  a  density  of  0. 10 
plants/m-  with  a  random  distribution  (Poisson  test; 
y-  =  0.7365,  DF  =  1,  p  >  0.70)  and  dispersion  index  of 
0.8042,  which  indicated  a  homogenous  distribution. 

Host  plant  height.  AtJAPUl  A.  inulaefolium  height 
ranged  from  100  to  500  cm  (  J  -  213.0  cm,  SD  =  109.98, 
n  =  13),  significantly  lower  than  from  VRCUB,  that 
ranged  from  300  to  700  cm  (  x  =  472.7  cm,  SD  =  1 10.37, 
n  =  1 1 )  (t  test  =  -6.4339,  DF  =  32,  p  <  0.001 ) .  At  JAPUl 
the  AI  (apparency  index)  ranged  from  -100  to  1760 
while  at  VRCUB  the  range  was  greater,  from  800  to 
3040,  indicating  that  plants  with  high  apparency  co¬ 
occur  with  plants  with  low  apparency.  There  was  no 
correlation  between  the  AI  and  plant  height  at  either 
site  (Spearman,  r  =  0.0689  in  JAPUI,  t  =  0.3163,  DF  = 
21,  p  >  0.75,  and  r  =  0.1908  in  VRCUB,  t  =  0.5831,  DF 


J.  Res.Lepid. 

=  9,  P>().57). 

Distribution  of  immatures.  AtJAPUI  43  groups  of 
ininiatures  (eggs  or  first  iiistar  larvae)  were  recorded 
on  42  leaves  of  all  plants  with  the  number  of  groups 
per  plant  ranging  from  0  to  9  {X=  1.9  ovipositioiis/ 
plant,  SD  =  2.40,  n  =  23)  and  a  dispersion  index 
of  3.078.  At  VRCUB  41  groups  of  immatures  were 
recorded  on  41  leaves  of  all  plants,  with  a  range  from 
0  and  to  1 1  (X  =  3.7  ovipositioiis/ plant,  SD  =  12.82, 
n  =  23)  and  a  dispersion  index  of  3.439.  The  values 
of  the  dispersion  indexes  indicate  that  distribution  of 
immatures  on  the  plants  of  both  sites  was  grouped. 
Ovipositions  were  recorded  on  leaves  ranging  from  15 
to  450  cm  above  ground  atJAPUI  and  from  130  to  500 
cm  at  VRCUB.  When  grouped  into  intervals  of  100 
cm,  the  data  showed  a  concentration  of  27  ovipositions 
within  the  interval  101  -  200  cm  in  JAPUI,  and  of  16 
ovipositions  in  the  interval  201  -  300  cm  in  VRCUB. 
A  double  oviposition  on  the  same  leaf  was  observed 
once  during  the  study. 

Oviposited  leaves.  The  average  surface  area  of 
leaves  that  showed  oviposition  atJAPUI  (  X  =  2553.21 
mm2,  SD  =1929.36,  n  =  58)  was  significantly  lower  than 
at  VRCUB  (x  =  4549.3  mm2,  SD  =  2653.82,  n  =  25) 
(t  test  =  -3.8755,  p  <  0.0002,  DF  =  81).  There  was  no 
preferential  orientation  of  oviposited  leaves  at  either 
site  (JAPUI  X-'  =  2.00,  p  =  0.57,  DF  =  3;  VRCUB  X’  = 
3.37,  p  =  0.34,  DF  =  3) .  With  respect  to  leaf  inclination, 
most  oviposited  leaves  were  between  10°  and  20° 
from  the  horizon  at  both  sites.  Considering  only 
leaves  showing  oviposition,  most  were  leaves  with  low 
herbivoiy  damage  (0  to  10%  herbivoiy)  at  both  JAPUI 
(67.6%)  and  VRCUB  (92.6%).  However,  because 
the  patterns  of  leaf  orientation  and  inclination,  and 
herbivory,  were  not  evaluated  for  all  plants,  these  data 
are  not  useful  in  sliowing  tendencies  or  preferences 
by  ovipositing  females. 

Eggs  X  plants.  AtJAPUI  the  number  of  eggs  per 
plant  ranged  from  0  to  3850,  with  a  total  of  20,100 
eggs  from  14  of  23  plants  (X  =  873.9  eggs/plant,  SD 
=  1154.42)  and  with  a  dispersion  index  of  1525,  a 
significant  grouped  pattern.  No  significant  correlation 
was  determined  among  the  following  parameters: 
number  of  eggs  and  plant  height  (Spearman,  r  = 
0.1179,  t  =  O.sW,  DF  =  21,  p  >  0.59),  number  of 
ovipositions  and  plant  height  (Spearman,  r  =  0.0982, 
t  =  0.4521,  DF  =  21,  p  >  0.66),  the  AI  and  number  of 
eggs  per  plant  (Spearman,  r  =  -0.1485,  t  =  -0.6879,  DF 
=  21,  p  >  0.49),  or  the  AI  and  number  of  ovipositions 
per  plant  (Spearman,  r  =  -0.3571;  t=  -1.7521,  DF  =  21, 
p  <  0.09).  At  VRCUB  the  number  of  eggs  per  plant 
ranged  from  338  to  4236  (all  plants  with  at  least  one 
oviposition)  giving  a  total  of  15,880  eggs  on  1 1  plants 
(X=  1443.6  eggs/plant,  SD  =  1399.91)  and  with  a 

Figure  1 .  A  female  Actinote  pellenea  pellenea  ovipositing 
in  Austroeupatorium  inulaefolium. 

dispersion  index  equal  to  1357.55.  These  data  also 
revealed  a  significant  grouped  pattern.  Again,  as  at 
JAPUI,  no  significant  correlation  was  demonstrated 
between  the  following  parameters:  number  of  eggs 
and  plant  height  (Spearman,  r  =  0.1908,  t  =  0.5830, 
DF  =  9,  p  >  0.57),  number  of  ovipositions  and  plant 
height  (Spearman,  r  =  0.2435,  t  =  0.5392,  DF  =  9,  p  > 
0.6) ,  the  AI  and  number  of  eggs  per  plant  (Spearman, 
r  =  0.3184,  t  =  0.31,  DF  =  9,  p  >  0.76),  or  the  AI  and 
the  number  of  ovipositions  per  plant  (Spearman,  r  = 
0.3184,  t  =  1.0078,  DF  =  9,  p  >  0.33). 

Eggs  X  leaves.  AtJAPUI  the  average  density  of  eggs 
ranged  from  1 1 1  to  470  eggs/ cm-  (  x  =  259.5  eggs/ 
cm-,  SD  =  68.32,  n  =  57)  with  the  number  of  eggs 
per  oviposition  ranging  from  86  to  1266  (x  =  479.2 
eggs,  SD  =  228.93,  n  =  56).  There  was  no  significant 
correlation  among  the  following  parameters:  mimber 
of  eggs  and  leaf  area  (Spearman,  r  =  0.1054,  t  =  0.7934, 
DF  =  56,  p  <  0.43) ,  number  of  eggs  and  leaf  orientation 
(Spearman,  r  =  -0.01 14,  t  =  -0.0856,  DF  =  56,  p  >  0.93), 
or  number  of  eggs  and  leaf  inclination  (Spearman,  r 
=  0.0144,  t  =  0.1078,  DF  =  56,  p  >  0.91).  At  VRCUB 
the  average  density  of  eggs  was  from  95  to  374  eggs/ 
cm'*^  (  X  =  238.5  eggs/cm^;  SD  =  66.81,  ii  =  27)  with  the 
number  of  eggs  per  oviposition  ranging  from  100  to 
883  (  X  =  422.31  eggs,  SD  =  199.01  eggs;  ii  =  26).  And 
again  there  was  no  significant  correlation  among  the 
parameters:  number  of  eggs  and  leaf  area  (Spearman, 
r  =  -0.2736,  t  =  -1.3644,  DF  =  23,  p  >  0.18),  number 
of  eggs  and  leaf  orientation  (Spearman,  r  =  -0.0415,  t 
=  -0.1991,  DF  =  23,  p  >  0.84),  or  number  of  eggs  and 
leaf  inclination  (Spearman,  r  =  0.0327,  t=  1.1571,  DF 
=  23,  p  <  0.87).  Correlations  between  leaf  area  and 

42:  74-78,  200,8  (2010) 

egg  density  were  also  not  significant  at  either  JAPUI 
(Spearman,  r  =  -0.718,  t  =  -0.339,  DF  =  55,  p  >  0.9)  and 
in  VRCUB  (Spearman,  r  =  -0.1327,  t  =  -0.0419,  DF  = 
23,  p>  0.52). 


Oiir  study  was  not  conclusive  in  revealing  any 
consistent  pattern  of  oviposition  in  A.  p.  pellenea, 
except  for  clearly  indicating  that  ovipositions  tend 
to  be  grouped.  The  morphological  plant  traits 
investigated  by  our  study  were  apparently  not  used  by 
the  females  when  selecting  oviposition  sites.  There 
are  of  course  several  additional  factors  that  would 
be  important  in  selection  by  oviposition  sites  by  A.  p. 
pellenea  females  that  were  not  evaluated  in  our  study, 
such  as:  1)  other  plant  features,  such  as  secondary 
compounds,  nutritional  c|uality  and/or  vigor  (Kerpel 
et  ai,  2006),  2)  presence  of  alternative  host  plants 
in  the  same  area  (the  common  scandent  vines  M. 
micranlha  And  M.  cordifolia)  that  might  influence  the 
patterns  we  found,  and  3)  a  strong  preference  for 
plants  previously  oviposited  by  females  (Ulmer  et 
ai,  2003).  Despite  of  which  factors  are  influencing 
female  choice,  it  is  worth  noting  that  the  grouped 
pattern  of  immatures  was  revealed  at  both  sites.  As 
a  result,  many  plants  were  not  used  for  oviposition 
females  at  all,  by  contrast  to  a  few  that  received  up 
to  nine  ovipositions  (>  3000  eggs).  The  advantages 
of  grouped  eggs  are  well  known  for  many  species  of 
Lepidoptera,  including  protection  against  desiccation 
and  predation  (Stamp,  1980;  (dark  &  Faeth,  1998). 
Gregarious  larvae  from  egg  clusters  also  benefit 
from  increased  develojiment  rates  and  survival  as 
well  as  reduced  predation  and  parasitism  (Lawrence, 
1990;  Clark  &  Faeth,  1998;  Denno  &  Benrey,  1997). 
On  the  other  hand,  as  pointed  out  above,  super- 
oviposition  results  in  high  mortality  of  small  larvae 
which  will  not  get  enough  food  as  we  frequently 
observed  in  the  field.  The  reasons  for  this  grouped 
pattern  of  immatures  in  A.  p.  pellenea  require  further 
investigation  to  reveal  if  the  advantages  in  many  larvae 
feeding  in  the  same  plant  are  higher  than  the  risk  of 
death  by  starvation.  Additionally  comparisons  with 
other  species  of  Actinote  are  also  needed  to  reveal  if 
the  pattern  of  group  immatures  can  be  generalized 
in  this  genus. 


We  would  like  to  thank  Renato  Rogner  Ramos  tor  help  in  field 
work,  and  Carla  Penz,  Daniela  Rodrigues  and  Rudi  Mattoni  for 
valuable  suggestions  in  the  manuscript.  This  study  was  funded  by 
FAPESP  (grants  84/04.82-.8,  86/0618-5,  88/;t069-8  and  93/0097-9  to 

RBF,  and  grants  00/01484-1  and  04/05269-9  for  AVl.F)  and  is  jtart 
of  the  project  “Lepidoptera  of  Siio  Paulo  State”  (BIOd'A-FAPFSP 
program  -  grant  98/05101-8).  Andre  V.  L.  Freitas  thanks  also 
the  Brazilian  CNPq  (fellowship  300282/2008-7)  and  the  National 
Science  Fotmdation  (DEB-0527441). 

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levantamento  de  Recursos  Naturais.  Vol.  32.  fls.  SF  23-24.  Rio 
de  Janeiro  e  Vitoria.  Fundapao  IBGE,  Rio  de  Janeiro. 

Williams,  K.  S.  &  L.  E.  Gilbert.  1981.  Insects  as  selective  agents  on 
plant  vegetative  morphology:  egg  mimicry  reduces  egg  laying 
by  butterflies.  Science  212:  467-469. 

journal  of  Research  on  the  Lepidoptna 

42:  79-83,  2003  (2010) 


A  new  subspecies  of  Argynnis  nokomis  from  the  Sacramento  Mountains  of 
New  Mexico  (Nymphalidae) 

The  most  vexing  question  in  New  Mexico  butterfly 
lore  long  was,  “Did  the  Sacramento  Mts.  ever  support 
the  Nokomis  Fritillary?”  At  Paul  Grey’s  instigation, 
I  first  started  searching  for  colonies  in  1963.  The 
next  44  years  produced  nothing.  I  still  believed 
that  colonies  had  once  existed  at  Bent,  Otero  Co., 
and  at  Ft.  Stanton,  Lincoln  Co.,  but  I  had  only  utter 
frustration  to  show  for  it.  Eventually,  I  reasoned 
where  any  museum  specimens  would  most  likely  be, 
and  had  the  AMNH  collection  searched  accordingly. 
Eureka^two  male  Argynnis  nokomis  from  Bent,  Otero 
Co.  This  success  inspired  John  Rawlins  to  search  the 
Carnegie.  Result:  more  specimens,  including  two  of 
the  magnificently  colored  dark  yellow-green  females 
(Holland,  2008). 

Within  the  current  concept  of  A.  nokomis  ssp.,  the 
Sacramento  Mts.  population  is  distinctive.  This  case 
deals  with  a  most  likely  extinct,  high-profile  organism 
that  may  come  to  be  called  by  an  English  name  in 
town  meetings.  I  would  prefer  that  name  be  easily 
translated  into  Latin,  with  the  result  being  near  its 
actual  Latin  name.  “The  Tularosa  Fritillary”  seemed 
reasonable  in  this  context.  My  use  of  Argv«»Afollows 
the  recent  phylogenetic  placement  by  Simonsen  et 
al.  (2006). 

Argynnis  nokomis  tularosa  R.  Holland,  new  stibspecies 

Diagnosis:  The  general  shape  of  all  markings,  black  and  silver 
resemble  t\pical  A.  n.  nokomis.  Two  known  female  spec  imens  lack 
the  fnlviis  spot  on  DHW  costa,  DHW  with  redticed  eycspots  on 
the  PM  band,  silvered  spots  on  disc  redticed,  DFW  and  DHW  with 
redticed  black  scaling  along  the  veins. 

Holotype:  Female,  Mescalero,  Tularosa  River,  Otero  County, 
New'  Mexico,  ca.  7000',  Atig.  13,  1931,  leg.  W.  Huber,  CMNH 
collection,  ex.  Philadelphia  Academy  of  Sciences  Collection. 

Paratypes:  2  males.  Bent,  Otero  County,  New  Mexico,  ca.  6000', 
Ang.  12,  AMNl  1  collection,  ex  Paul  Grey  coll.,  ex.  Paul  Ehrlich  coll. 
Year  is  not  specified,  but  Paul  Ehrlich  was  born  in  1932,  and  Paul 
Grey  donated  his  collection  to  the  AMNH  in  1948.  1  female,  tlata 
as  |ter  hokitype. 

Identification:  The  key  below  will  distingtiish  A.  n.  tularosa  h  am 
all  other  subspecies  based  on  females  characters  and  provide  my 
diagnosis.  Vlales  are  harder  to  separate. 

Etymology:  The  name  is  feminine,  as  that  of  the  nearest  town 
and  oldest  Eitropean  settlemetit  in  the  Tularosa  Valley  or  Tularosa 
Basiti.  Tularosa  itself  is  not  a  Spatiish  root,  btit  is  Nahuatl  (Aztec), 
tneaning  “cattail”  (|ulyan,  1996).  One  is  tempted  to  spectilate  it 
has  the  satne  etvmolog)'  as  the  English  word  “toolies.” 

Habitat:  The  past  and  present  habitats  are  described  iti  detail 
by  Holland  (2008). 

Comments:  The  locality  where  the  specitnens  are  from  give 
eticouragemetit  to  the  possibility  A.  n.  tularosa  is  tiot  extinct.  y\h 
ktiown  specimens  were  taken  on  the  Mescalero  A|iache  Itulian 
Reservation.  The  .VIescaleros  were  borti  xenophobic  and  live  in 
alpine  meadow's  an  hoitr  outside  El  Paso  which  has  done  little  to 
tnake  them  trust  clem  city  slicker  Texan  strangers.  The  Mescaleros 

Key  to  the  subspecies  of  Argynnis  nokomis. 












Sexually  dimorphic . 2 

Not  .so . ivenona  (dos  Passos  &  Grey) 

Dorsally  yellow'  green  in  the  lighter  wing  portions . 3 

These  areas  veity  blue,  discal  cell  of  VEW  black  aticl  silver . coerulesceiis  (W.  Holland) 

DHW  discal  cell  yellowish,  silver  spots  large,  dorsally  the  eyespots  iti  the  PM  batid  reduced,  fulvus  spot  on  costa  ol  DHW 

absent . apacheana  (Skinner) 

Not  so . 4 

Very  black  wings,  terminal  regions  of  bctth  wings,  bcjth  stirfaces,  ahnost  solid  black.  DI IW  wanting  a  fulvous  sjtot,  VI IW'  silvering 

of  disc  reduced . nitocris  (W.  11.  Edwards) 

Not  so . 5 

The  typical  nokomis  cluster  i 

DHW  with  ftilvtis  .s|)ot  on  costa  abotit  80%.  DHW  with  large  eyespots  in  p.m.  band,  silvered  spots  in  disc  large,  DEW  atid  VEW 
with  heavy  black  scaling  alotig  veins,  occtirs  iti  few  large  colotiies,  fore  wing  >  41  turn,  fulvous  scaling  not  always  presetit  in  DFW' 

yellow-green  areas,  yellow-green  does  not  invade  DFW  cell . Sangre  de  Gristo  typical  nokomis 

DHW  with  ftilvtis  spot  on  costa  nearly  always,  DHW  w’ith  large  eyespots  in  the  p.  m.  band,  silvered  spots  in  disc  large,  DFW  and 
VFM'  with  heai'y  black  scaling  along  the  veins,  occtirs  in  a  myriad  of  tiny  colonies,  fore  wing  >  40  mm,  noticeable  ftilvtis  scaling  in 

DFW  yellow-green  areas,  yellow-green  may  invade  DFW'  cell  Chuska  Mts.,  Navajo  Res . nigrocaerulea  (W.  &  T.  Gockerell) 

Two  known  specimens  lack  fulvits  sjtot  on  DHW  costa,  DHW  with  redticed  eyespots  on  the  p.m.  baiul,  silvered  spots  on  disc 
reduced,  DFW  and  DHW  with  reduced  black  scaling  along  the  veins;  not  seen  in  70  years  and  feared  extinct,  wingspread  closer  to 
typical  nokomis  than  nigrocaerulea,  Sacramento  Mts.,  Mescalero  Res . Speyeria  nokomis  tularosa 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

Figure  1.  The  Sacramento  Mountains  Argynnis  nokomis  tuiarosa  population.  Top  two  rows,  males,  Bent,  Otero  County,  New 
Mexico,  ca.  6000’,  Aug.  12,  AMNH  collection,  ex  Paul  Grey  coll.,  ex.  Paul  Ehrlich  coll.  Year  is  not  specified,  but  Paul  Ehrlich 
was  born  in  1 932,  and  Paul  Grey  donated  his  collection  to  the  AMNH  in  1 948.  Bottom  two  rows,  females,  Mescalero,  Tuiarosa 
River,  Otero  County,  New  Mexico,  ca.  7000’,  Aug.  13,  1931,  leg.  W.  Huber,  CMNH  collection,  ex.  Philadelphia  Academy  of 
Sciences  Collection.  The  specimen  in  the  third  row  is  designated  the  female  holotype.  Of  the  two  known  females,  it  is  the  only 
one  with  both  antennae  intact. 

42:  79-83,  2003  (2010) 


patrol  ever)' inch  t)f  road  like  they  were  providing  the  Coliseum  with 
virgins;  merely  stopping  is  forbidden.  Permits  to  collect,  stirvey, 
or  just  watch  the  wildlife  are  very  nearly  unobtainable:  they  don’t 
want  yon  spotting  anything  endangered,  the  existence  of  which 
could  be  cause  for  limiting  the  absolute  control  the  tribe  enjoys 
on  its  land.  The  endemic  Euphydryas  anicia  doudcrofti  Ferris  and 
R  Holland,  is  known  right  up  to  the  reservation  line,  hut  there  is 
not  one  report  from  on  the  re.servation  anywhere  in  the  |)ublic 
domain.  The  only  person  I  ever  knew  to  negotiate  sticcessftilly  to 
collect  on  the  Mescalero  Reservation  posed  au  natural  for  a  tribal 
art  class  in  exchange. 


My  sincerest  thanks  to  Jocelyn  Gill  of  the  Canadian  National 
Museum  for  the  magnibcent  photo  work  that  can  protect  an 
irreplaceable  national  asset  from  pointless  handling.  All  specimens 
of  Argynnis  nokomis  from  Otero  Co.  in  either  the  AMNH  or  the 

Carnegie  are  paratypes,  the  holoty|je  in  the  latter  instittition. 

Literature  Cited 

DOS  P.-\s,sos,  C.  F.  &  L.  P.  Grkv.  1947.  Systematic  catalog  oi  Spryeria 
(Lepidoptera,  Nymphalidae)  with  designations  of  types  and 
fixations  of  type  localities.  Amer.  Mus.  Nat.  1  list.  Novitates 
1297:  1-30. 

Holiand,  R.  2008.  The  holv  grail  of  New  Mexico  Lepidoptera: 
Sacramento  Motintains  Speyeria  nokomis  (W.  H.  Edwards) 
(Nymphalidae).  j.  Lepid.  Soc.  62(3):  171-173. 

Jui.VAN,  R.  1996.  The  place  names  of  New  Mexico.  Albuquer(]ue 
SiMttN'SEN,  T.  J.,  N.  W.AHI.BliRG,  A.  V.  Z.  BrOWKR  &:  R.  [)E  JttNG.  2006. 
Morphokygv',  molecules  and  Fritillaries:  a|j]jroaching  a  stable 
]>hylogenv  for  Argrnuini  (Lepidoptera:  Nvmphalidae).  Insect 
Systematics  and  Evohition  37:40.6-418. 

Richard  Holiand,  1625  Roma  NE,  .-Mbuqnerque,  NM  87106 

Use  of  Hippuris,  an  emergent  aquatic  plant,  as  a  larval  host  by  the  buckeye, /Mwonm  coenia, 
in  Northern  California 

Recent  advances  in  DNA-seqnence-based  phylogeny 
have  radically  altered  botanists’  concepts  of  the 
relationships  within  the  old  family  Scrophnlariaceae 
and  between  the  now-disaggregated  components 
of  that  family  and  others  previously  classified  in  a 
variety  of  ways  (Olmstead  et  al,  2001;  Kadereit  in 
Kubitzki  &  Kadereit,  2004).  In  addition  to  DNA 
evidence,  the  distribution  of  characteristic  secondary 
phytochemicals  affords  a  partially-independent 
indication  of  plant  relationships.  In  that  vein, 
host-plant  choices  by  oligophagous  insects  may 

suggest  underlying  chemical,  and  thus  potentially 
phylogenetic,  affinities  among  the  taxa  involved. 
The  chemical  basis  for  host  selection  in  various 
Melitaeiui  (Nymphalidae)  is  the  presence  of  the 
bitter  compounds  called  iridoid  glycosides  (Bowers 
&:  Puttick,  1986;  Gardner  &  Sternitz,  1988).  Shapiro 
and  Hertfelder  (2009)  recently  reported  the  iridoid- 
selecting  variable  checkerspot,  Euphydryas  clialcedona, 
feeding  spontaneously,  repeatedly  and  successfully 
on  the  exotic  garden  shrub  butterfly  bush,  Buddleja 
davidii,  historically  placed  in  the  Loganiaceae  or  its 
ow'ii  family  Buddleiaceae  but  now  incorporated  into 

The  common  buckeye,  Junonia  coenia  is  also  a 
Nymphalid  but  not  a  Melitaeine,  and  its  host  range 
in  California  embraces  Scrophnlariaceae,  the  very 

Figure  1.  The  Biggs  garden  pond.  Emergent  stand  of 
mare’s  tail  at  right. 

Figure  2.  Two  buckeye  larvae,  Junonia  coenia,  feeding 
on  mare’s  tail  in  situ. 


/.  Res.Lepid. 

closely-related  Plantaginaceae,  and  the  genus  Phyla 
{=Lipj>ia)  in  the  Verbenaceae  (Shapiro  &  Manolis, 
2007).  The  chemical  basis  for  host  selection  in 
this  species  has  been  shown  to  involve  the  presence 
of  iridoid  glycosides  (Bowers,  1984)  although  the 
story  must  be  more  complicated  insofar  as  some 
Verbenaceous  genera  known  to  produce  iridoids, 
such  as  Lantana  (Rimpier  &  Sauerbier,  1986) 
are  common  in  buckeye  environments  but  never 

Mare’s  tail,  Hippiiris  vulgaris,  is  an  emergent 
aquatic  flowering  plant  with  a  superficial  resemblance 
to  a  horsetail  (Equisetaceae);  it  is  widely  distributed 
in  the  cooler  parts  of  both  North  and  South 
America  but  rather  rare  and  local  in  California 
where,  however,  it  is  occasionally  grown  in  garden 
ponds.  It  has  been  classified  in  the  monotypic  family 
Hippuridaceae,  whose  affinities  have  been  obscure 
until  recently  although  several  authors  placed 
it  near  the  Scrophulariaceae.  Iridoid  glycosides 
were  reported  in  mare’s  tail  by  the  pioneering 
phytochemist  Hegnauer  in  the  1970s  and  confirmed 
by  Damtoft  et  at  (1994).  Their  importance  for 
plant  systematics  was  emphasized  by  Jensen  et  al. 
(1975)  and  El-Naggar  and  Beal  (1980).  Grayer  et 
at  (1999)  noted  the  convergence  of  phytochemical 
and  molecular-phylogenetic  data  in  the  group  of 
families  around  Scrophulariaceae,  and  subsequent 
autliors  have  treated  Hippuridaceae  as  a  member  of 
the  “Scroph”  dade  (Kadereit,  2004). 

Given  these  facts  it  was  not  completely  surprising 
when  one  of  us  (KB)  found  common  buckeye 
larvae  feeding  on  mare’s  tail  in  her  home  pond  at 
Sebastopol,  CA  (see  photo) — twice  in  the  pond’s 
12-year  existence.  We  subsequently  learned  that 
Mr.  Michael  Koslosky  found  buckeye  larvae  on  the 
same  plant  “about  ten  years  ago  while  shopping  at 
Gonnie’s  Pond  Supply  in  Castro  Valley  [CA]”  and 
reared  them  out  successfully  on  it  (M.  Koslosky,  pers. 
comm.).  This  is  the  only  emergent  aquatic  plant 
known  to  be  a  buckeye  host.  It  is  not  dear  whether 
a  larva  can  complete  development  on  a  single  shoot 
or  has  to  access  an  adjacent  one  at  least  once  in  its 
development;  KB  has  seen  them  use  downed  stems 
as  “bridges.”  The  stems  are  tall  enough  to  permit 
pupation  and  edosion  well  above  the  water  line. 

The  distribution  of  iridoid  glycosides  is  such  that 
many  otlier  plants  not  known  to  be  buckeye  hosts 
are  potentially  usable.  One  of  us  (AMS),  based  on 
the  confirmed  presence  of  iridoids  in  princess  tree, 
Pauloumia  (Bignoniaceae)  foliage  (Lino  von  Poser  A 
ai,  2000) ,  has  on  several  occasions  confined  buckeye 
females  on  it,  obtained  eggs  easily,  and  reared  the 
larvae  througli  to  the  adult  on  it.  The  same  is  true  on 

both  Catalpa  speciosa3.nd  C.  hignonioides  (currently  but 
shakily  placed  in  Bignoniaceae  or  Scrophulariaceae), 
which  also  produce  iridoids  (Sha’ban  et  al,  1980; 
Iwaga  et  al,  1991).  All  of  these  are  trees,  and  there 
are  no  records  of  the  common  buckeye  using  any 
tree  as  a  host.  However,  the  tropica!  buckeye, 
Junonia  genoveva,  feeds  on  black  mangrove,  Avicennia 
(Avicenniaceae,  sometimes  put  in  Verbenaceae)  and 
occasionally  on  Lippia  (Scott,  1986),  and  these  are 
iridoid  producers.  There  is  a  suggestion  that  host 
selection  by  these  butterflies  is  mediated  by  both 
apparency  (growth  form)  and,  at  dose  range,  iridoid 
chemistry.  Clearly,  we  have  a  lot  to  learn. 


We  thank  Mr.  Jeffrey  Caldwell  for  getting  us  in  touch,  and  Mr. 
Michael  Koslosky  for  sharing  his  record  with  us. 

Literature  cited 

Bowers,  M.  D.  1984.  Iridoid  glycosides  and  host-plant  specificity  in 
larvae  of  the  buckeye  butterfly, /Mtionta  coenia  (Nymphalidae). 

J.  Chem.  Ecol.  10:  1567-1577. 

Bower.s,  M.  D.  &  G.  M.  Plittick.  1986.  Fate  of  ingested  iridoid 
glycosides  in  Lepidopteran  herbivores.  J.  Chem.  Ecol.  12: 

DM'Itoft,  S.,  S.  R.Jensen,J.  Thorsen,  P.  Molgard  &  C.  E.  OitiEN.  1994. 
Iridoids  and  verbascoside  in  Callitrichaceae,  Hippuridaceae  and 
Lentibulariaceae.  Phytochemistry  36:  927-929. 

E[,-N.4GG.4R,  L.J.  &J.  1..  Beal.  1980.  Iridoids:  a  review.  J.  Nat.  Prod. 
43:  649-707. 

G.ardner,  D.  R.  &  F.  R.  Sternitz.  1988.  Hostplant  utilization  and 
iridoid-glycoside  sequestration  by  Etiphydryas  (Lepidoptera: 
Nymphalidae).  J.  Clieni.  Ecol.  14:  147-168. 

Grayer,  R.  J.,  M.  W.  Chase  &  M.  S.  J.  Simmonds.  1999.  A 
comparison  between  chemical  and  molecular  characters  for 
the  determination  of  phylogenetic  relationships  among  plant 
families:  an  appreciation  of  Hegnauer’s  “Chemotaxonomie  der 
Pflanzen.”  Biocheni.  Syst.  and  Ecol.  27:  369-393. 

Iwaga,  T.,  T.  H.amada,  S.  Kurogi,  T.  H.ase,  T.  Okubo  &  M.  Kjm.  1991. 
Iridoids  from  Catalpa  bignonioides.  Phytochemistry  30:  4057- 

Jensen,  S.  R.,  B.J.  Nielsen  &  R.  D/Wlcren.  1975.  Iridoid  compounds: 
their  occurrence  and  systematic  importance  in  the  Angiosperms. 
Bot.  Not.  128:  148-180. 

Kadereit,  J.  W.  2004.  Lamiales:  introduction  and  conspectus,  hr. 

K. Kiibitzki  and  J.W.Kadereit,  eds.,  The  families  and  genera  of 
flowering  plants,  Vol.7.  Springer-Verlag. 

Lino  von  Poser,  G.,  J.  Sghripsema,  A.  T.  Henriques  &  S.  R.  Jen.sen. 
2000.  The  distribution  of  iridoids  in  Bignoniaceae.  Biochem. 
Syst.  and  Ecol.  28:  351-366. 

Oemstead,  R.  G.,  C.  W.  DePamphilis,  A.  D.  Wolfe,  N.  D.  Young, 
J.  W.  El. ISONS  &  P.  A.  Reeves.  2001.  Disintegration  of  the 
Scrophulariaceae.  Am.  j.  Bot.  88:  348-361. 

Rimpler.H.  and  H.  Sauerbier.  1986.  Iridoid  glucosides  as  taxonomic 
markers  in  the  genera  Lantana,  Lippia,  Aloysia  and  Phyla. 
Biochem.  Syst.  and  Ecol.  14:  307-310. 

Sc:oTr,J.  A.  1986.  The  butterflies  of  North  America.  Stanford. 
Siia’ban,  R.,  S.  F.  Ei.-N.aggar  &  R.  K.  Doskotch.  1980.  Spedoside: 
a  new  iridoid  glycoside  from  Catalpa  speciosa.  J.  Nat.  Prod.  43: 

42:  79-83,  2003  (2010) 


SiiAPiRfi,  A.  M.  &  K.  Uertfki.dkr.  2009.  Use  of  Buddleja  as  host 
plant  by  Euphydryas  chalcedonn  in  the  Sierra  Nevada  foothills, 
California.  News  Lep.  Soc.  51:  27,  39. 

Shapiro,  A.  M.  &  T.  2007.  Field  guide  to  the  butterflies 
of  the  San  Francisco  Bay  and  Sacramento  Valley  Regions, 
California.  Univ.  of  Calif. 

Arthur  M.  Shapiro,  Center  for  Population  Biology',  University  of 
California,  Davis,  California  95616 
a  mshapi  ro@u  ala  vh.edii 

Kathy  Biggs,  308  Bloomfield  Road,  Sebastopol,  California  95472 
big;snesl@sonk.  net 

Journal  of  Research  on  the  LepiclojHera 

42:  S5,  2003  (2010) 


Auf  Wiedersehen  Gutenberg 

The  recent  trends  of  disappearing  print  media  -  words  and  images  on  paper  -  is  disturbing.  Many  newspaper 
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publications  are  also  threatened  by  the  global  financial  crisis  as  budgets  everywhere  are  being  drastically  cut 
back.  More  distressing  is  serious  economic  analysis  that  indicates  the  situation  is  likely  to  become  much  worse, 
or  not  much  better  for  quite  some  time.  University  and  research  institution  libraries  are  shiny  targets  as 
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Elimination  of  transitory  matter,  novels,  magazines  and  so  forth  will  save  many  trees,  yet  all  print  media  share 
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only  copy  left  of  Imaging  in  Oncology  were  the  Kindle  version,  with  its  garbled  tables  and  lost  color  coding? 
Or,  a  more  likely  scenario,  if  several  copies  of  the  book  existed  in  different  formats,  each  with  a  different 
visual  presentation?”  Then  there  is  long  range  political  stability.  A  luddite  dictatorship  would  have  a  grand 
following  for  a  data  farm  auto  de  fe. 

So  science  presses  face  an  increasing  problem  of  how  to  pay  for  printed  copy  when  there  is  increasing 
resistance  concerning  cost.  Our  subscription  base  does  not  begin  to  cover  costs  and  the  base  is  shrinking. 
Instittitional  sub.scribers  are  also  canceling.  No  funds.  We  are  investigating  on  line  publishing,  whereby  a 
small  print  run  by  a  Docutecb  system  will  provide  a  limited  press  run  for  archival  pitrposes,  along  the  lines  of 

Lastly,  and  perhaps  most  disturbing  is  an  observation  by  an  academic  colleague  in  Europe  that  students  no 
longer  are  interested  in  joining  scientific  societies.  Now  if  this  becomes  the  postmodern  world  view,  where  are 
we  headed  and  what  is  to  be  done?  If  rape  is  inevitable,  should  we  relax  and  enjoy  it? 

Rudi  Mattoni,  Editor 

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Atkins,  A.  F.  1975.  The  life  history  of  Anisynta  ////ymrfi  Waterhouse  and  Lyell  (Lepidoptera:Hersperiidae: 
Trapezitinae).  Australian  Entomological  Magazine  2:  72-75. 

-  1987.  The  life  history  of  Trapezites  Waterhouse  and  Tmpezites  /i/hgrt/iotV/c.s  Waterhouse 

(Lepidoptera:  Hesperiidae:  Trapezitinae).  Australian  Entomological  Magazine  13:  53-58. 

Larsen,  T.  B.  1990.  The  butterflies  of  Egypt,  Apollo  Books,  Svendborg.  112  pp.  Figurny-Pttchalska  E.,  R.  M. 

E.  Gadeberg  &J.  J.  Boomsma.  2()()0.  Comparison  of  genetic  population  structure  of  the  large  bltte  btitterflies 
Maculinea  ytausithous  'awA  M.  teleius.  Biodiversity  Conservation  9:  419-432. 

Thomas,  J.  A.,  R.  T.  Clarke,  G.  W.  Elmes  &  M.  E.  Hochberg.  1998a.  Population  dynamics  in  the  genus  Maculinea 
(Lepidoptera:  Lycaenidae),  pp.  262-290.  In:  Dempster, J.  P.  8c  1.  F.  G.  McLean  (eds.).  Insect  popitlations. 
Kltiwer  Academic  Publishers,  Dordrecht. 

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The  Journal  of  research 



3  9088  01964  3899 

VOLUME  42  2003  (2010) 


Date  of  publication:  January  31,  2010 


Differences  in  thermal  responses  in  a  fragmented  landscape:  temperature  affects  the  sampling  of  diurnal,  but  not  nocturnal 
fruit-feeding  Lepidoptera 

Danila  H.  Riheiro  and  Andre  V.  L.  Freitas  1 

Use  of  sound  and  aerial  chases  in  sexual  recognition  in  Neotropical  Hamadryas  butterflies  (Nymphalidae) 

Onildo  J.  Marini-FiUw  and  Woodruff  W.  Benson  .  5 

Ecobiology  of  the  common  castor  hutterfly  Ariadne  merione  merione  (Cramer)  (Lepidoptera:  Rhopalocera:  Nymphalidae) 

Janaki  Bai  Alluri,  Samatha  Bodapati,  Bhupathi  Rayalu  Matala,  Sandhya  Deepika  Devara  and  Subba  Reddi  Chilakala  13 

Larval  feeding  behaviour  and  myrmecophily  of  the  Brenton  Blue,  Orachrysops  niobe  (Trimen)  (Lepidoptera:  Lycaenidae) 

David  A.  Edge  and  Huih  van  Hamburg  21 

Life  history  of  the  Imperial  Moth  Eacles  imperialis  (Drury)  (Saturniidae:  Ceratocampinae)  in  New  England,  U.S.A.:  distribution, 
decline,  and  nutritional  ecology  of  a  relictual  islandic  population 

Paul  Z.  Goldstein  34 

Association  of  three  species  of  Strymon  Hiibner  (Lycaenidae:  Theclinae:  Eumaeini)  with  bromeliads  in  southern  Brazil 

Simone  Schmid,  VolkerS.  Schmid,  Rafael  Kamke,  Josefina  Steiner  and  Anne  ZJllikens  50 

Temporal  and  spatial  segregation  of  Battus  devilliers  und  B.  polydamas  cubensis  (Papilionidae)  in  La  Habana,  Cuba 

Ormaily  Madruga  Rios  and  Alejandro  Barro  Caiiamero  56 

A  tale  of  two  species:  detritivoiy,  parapatry,  and  sexual  dimorphism  in  Lamprospiliis  collucia  and  L.  orcidia  (Lycaenidae: 

Theclinae:  Eumaeini) 

Robert  K.  Robbins,  Annete  Aiello,  Julie  Femstein,  Amy  Berkov,  Astrid  Caldas,  Robert  C.  Busby  and  Marcelo  Duarte  64 

Aggregated  oviposition  in  Actinote pelU>neci  pellenea}r{nhi\ev  (Lepidoptera:  Nymphalidae) 

Ronaldo  Bustos  Francini  and  Andre  Victor  Liicci  Freitas  74 


A  new  subspecies  of  Argynnis  nokomis  from  the  Sacramento  Mountains  of  New  Mexico  (Nymphalidae) 

Richard  Holland  79 

Use  of  Hippuris,  an  emergent  aquatic  plant,  as  a  larval  host  by  the  buckeye, coenia,  in  Northern  California 

Arthur  M.  Shapiro  and  Kathy  Biggs  81 


Auf  Wiedersehen  Gutenberg 

Riidi  Mattoni  85 

Cover:  adult  of  Eacles  impericdis,  7  August,  2004.  ©  M.  W.  Nelson/MtissachusetLs  Natural  Heritage  &  Endangered  Species  Program.