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VOLUME 38, 1948 




J. P. E. Morrison JAMES S. WILLIAMS 
EvsBert L. Lirt ye, JR. Watpo R. WEDEL 


450 AHNAIP St. 
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. 4, pp. 
. Oo, Pp. 
One DD: 
. &. pp: 
U8, pp: 

1-32, January 15, 1948. 
33-80, February 16, 1948. 
81-112, March 13, 1948. 
113-144, April 14, 1948. 
145-192, May 20, 1948. 
193-224, June 21, 1948. 
225-256, August 2, 1948. 
257-288, August 23, 1948. 

pp. 289-320, October 1, 1948." 

a) pp. 321-352, November 2, 1948. 
. 11, pp. 353-388, November 12, 1948. 
12 pp. 389-425, December 30, 1948. 



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Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

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Vou. 38 

and mathematical systems.* 
nance, Navy Department. 

Foreword——Many mathematicians as 
well as engineers and physicists sometimes 
fail to recognize the great principles un- 
derlying mathematical reasoning and meth- 
ods that permeate their particular fields. 

- Instead, they are apt to turn their attention 

solely to the formalism of the techniques 

- involved. This is a tendency to be guarded 

against and one to which professional 
people and educators should give continued 
attention, particularly in the teaching of 
mathematics, science, and engineering. 
This paper, therefore, urges wider consider- 

ation of mathematical principles and meth- 

ods by scientists and engineers, whether 
or not they are primarily interested in 
mathematics, and gives examples with 

reference to one well-known mathematical 


1. Introduction.—The concept of equiva- 
lence lies at the heart of nearly every trans- 
action, physical theory, and mathematical 
system. The literature abounds in such 
phrases as 

1 This paper was prepared from the manuscripts 
of two addresses by the writer: The concept (and 
misconcept) of equivalence, presented to the 
Philosophical Society of Washington on January 

18, 1947, and On the role of equivalence in pure and 

applied science and in practical and everyday ae, 
presented to the Oberlin Mathematics Club, 

nual Banquet Meeting, on May 17, 1946. The 
writer wishes to express his appreciation of the 

_ Many constructive suggestions and critical com- 

ments made during the preparation of the paper 
by his colleagues Dr. D May, Mrs. A. B. 
McCaleb Nazary, and Miss A. Madsen, of the 
Bureau of Ordnance. The opinions expressed 
herein are those of the author and not necessarily 
Raa of the Navy Department. Received June 20, 

See also Burineton, RicHarp 6&., 

_ frontiers, Science 101: 313-320. Mar. 30, 1945, 

JANUARY 15, 1948 

No. 1 

MATHEMATICS.—The role of the concept of equivalence in the study of physical 

Bureau of Ord- 


which, unless properly defined, are often 
meaningless or misleading (e.g., ‘‘an elec- 
tric organ is equivalent to a pipe organ’”’; 
“one 1937 dollar is equivalent to 60 cents’’). 

When S is a physical system, the ele- 
ments A, B,... of the system are identi- 
fied with specific physical objects, quan- 
tities, ..., and the types of equivalence 
relations used must be carefully defined. 
Each such definition constitutes a separa- 
tion of A, B, . . . and the associated physical 
picture into classes. Such separation may be 
of considerable physical significance, each 
type of equivalence often having associated 
with it an extensive physical theory. Thus, 
in electrical theory are defined: ‘‘equiva- 
lent m-pole networks,” involving the ‘‘con- 
gruence”’ of certain matrices characterizing 
the physical system; ‘‘symmetric compo- 
nents,” involving the ‘‘similarity”’ of certain 
matrices; etc. 

In the study of physical systems, perfect, 
or approximate isomorphic (abstractly 
identical) systems play a fundamental 
role. Equivalent physical (or mathematical) 
models are integral parts of the methods 
used (e.g., as in hydrodynamic similitude 
theories, .. . ) 

Considerable progress has been made by 
mathematicians in extending the theory of 
equivalence relations. To what extent 
these abstractions will be of value in the 
applied fields remains to be seen. This 
much is clear. A consciousness of the con- 
cept of equivalence is of real value. It 
helps to clarify problems. It provides a 
means of attack. The involved details of 
the modern abstract theories of equivalence 

A is equivalent to B, 


will be in themselves of little value in prac- 
tical problems unless a penetrating inquiry 
into the economic, physical, or other perti- 
nent background of the problem at hand is 

2. The phrase (P) must be defined.—The 


to have a well-defined meaning, requires 
appropriate definitions of the entities A and 
B, as well as a precise statement as to the 
meaning to be attached to the phrase “‘is 
equivalent to” as used in relation to A and 
B. Thus, the use of the phrase (P) should 
be accompanied by adequate and proper 
definitions. For example, in the phrase 
“1937 dollar is equivalent to 60 cents” 
it is not known what a “1937 dollar’’ is, 
what ‘‘60 cents” is, or what “is equivalent 
to’? means. One would be at a loss to ex- 
plain what the phrase means. Likewise, 
the phrase ‘‘an electric organ is equivalent to 
a pipe organ”’ is questionable since there is 
nothing in the statement indicating in 
_ what sense the two organs are considered 
to be equivalent. Does the phrase mean 
that the two organs can generate the same 
level of noise as measured (in some manner 
or other) in decibels in a given auditorium; 
does it mean that each of the two instru- 
ments can be used to play church music; or 
does it mean that their tonal potentialities 
are comparable to each other, and so on? 
The list need not be extended further, for 
the reader can no doubt contribute hun- 
dreds of similar examples and queries. 

_ 3. Importance of such statements as (P).— 
The importance of such statements as (P) 
becomes evident when one realizes that 
the notion of equivalence lies at the very 
basis of nearly every transaction and of 
nearly every mathematical system or form- 
ulation of a physical theory. For example, 
in order that the statement ‘3 feet=1 
yard” be understood, the concept of equiv- 
alent lengths must be thoroughly under- 
stood, and the fact that there exists stand- 
ards of length, such as 1 foot and 1 yard, 
must be appreciated. A proper understand- 
ing of such statements as ‘2X3=6”’ re- 
quires an accurate theory containing ade- 

A is equivalent to B, 

VOL. 38, NO. 1 

quate definitions. Surely the operation of 
multiplying 2 by 3 is not “the same”’ as 6. 
If not “‘the same,” then what is meant by 
the statement that 2X3=6? A complete 
answer to such questions requires a rather 
extensive treatment of the foundation of 
the theory of numbers. This will not be 
attempted here. 

4. Historical remarks on the definitions of 
equality—As man first attempted to dis- 
cover the reasons for things, he began using 
the concepts of equivalence and identity. 
The philosophical considerations of these 
concepts have been debated at length. 
This phase of the subject is too vast to 
enter into here. 

Leibnitz, in Opera philosophica (Erd- 
mann) gave the definition: ‘‘T'wo things are 
called equal if, in every expression, one 
may be replaced by the other.”’ This defini- 
tion is open to much criticism. 

Whitehead and Russell, in their Principia 
mathematica (1910), set forth a number of 
sets of postulates which an identity or an 
equality should satisfy. These postulates 
were developed over a period of time and 
were not original with Whitehead and Rus- 
sell. A certain set of these postulates is, es- 
sentially, as follows: 

I. Given any two elements A and B, either 
A=B or A+B. (Determinative property.) 

II..A =A. (Reflexivity property.) 

III. If A=B, then B=A. (Symmetrical prop- 


IV. id “3 and B=C, then A =C. (Transitiv- 
; ity property.) 

The critical student might well object to 
the use of these postulates as the basis for 
definitions of identity or equality. However, 
they are a great improvement over earlier 

As MacDuffee? has pointed out, the 
teleological concept of equality has been 
favored by many mathematicians—until 
recently by most of them. (Teleology: the 
philosophical study of evidence of a co- 
ordinated creative design in nature.) 

It should be noted that equality is some- 
times taken as one of the basic principles 
of logic and not subject to further definition 
or analysis. 

3 MacDuFFEE, C. C., Different kinds of equality, 
The Mathematics Teacher, Jan. 1936: 10-13. 

Jan. 15, 1948 

The newer approach to the subject is to 
define a new type of equality for the ele- 
ments of some system. When this is done, 
it must be shown that the equality relation 
as defined actually has the required pro- 
perties I, ..., IV. This removes the con- 
cept completely from philosophical study. 

5. Abstract definition of the phrase (P).— 
The abstract formulation of the notion of 
equivalence has been carefully studied by 
mathematicians. A brief outline of one 
such formulation seems appropriate for the 
purpose of this discussion, the formulation 
given being one commonly used in defining 
equivalence in algebraic systems, and in 
many formulations of physical theories. 

One abstract formulation of this concept 
of equivalence may be embodied in the fol- 
lowing four postulates and associated de- 
finitions. | 

Let A, B, C, . . . be elements in the fixed 
system S being considered (such as abstract 
entities, quantities,...), and suppose a 
possible relationship that may occur be- 
tween these elements A, B, C,...1is de- 
fined in some manner or other. Suppose that 
when A and B are so related, the relation- 
ship is indicated by the symbol E, and 
the expression A E B is written; and that 
when A and B are not so related, the fact 
is indicated by the symbol A E B. Then 
the relationship expressed by the symbol 
A E B is known as the equivalence relation 
provided that it is defined to satisfy the 
following four properties: 

I. Determination. For any pair of elements A 
and B of S the relation A E B either holds 
or does not hold. 

II. Reflerivity. For any A one has AE A. 

Ill. Symmetry. When AE B, then BE 

E E A. 
IV. Transitivity, When AE Band BEC, then 

A is said to be equivalent to Bif A E Bis 
an equivalence relation. 

[The symbol E is to be read ‘‘is equiva- 
Jent to”; the symbol F is to be read ‘‘is not 
equivalent to.’’] 

Every such definition of equivalence, 
which is ordinarily not unique for the given 
system, constitutes a division of the ele- 
ments A, B,C, ... into classes. 

The determinative property (I) suggests 
the existence of at most two cases for the 


definition of equivalence used, and that the 
relation is determinative. 

The reflexive property (II) is an exten- 
sion of the earlier equivalence relation 
known as the zdentzty. 

The symmetric property (III) insures 
that the relation of equivalence is sym- 

The transitive property (IV) is an ex- 
tension of the old concept ‘‘things equal to- 
the same thing are equal to each other.” 

The special equivalence relation A U B, 
which is defined to hold for any pair of 
elements A and B is called the universal 

The equivalence relation A I B, which 
holds only when A and B are the same or 
‘Identical elements,”’ is called the zdentzty 
or unit relation. 

A serious study of systems which satisfy 
these properties would be a large under- 
taking. It would include study of systems 
that do not satisfy all these—properties.. 
Such an undertaking would involve a great 
many fields of mathematics. This will not 
be attempted in the present paper. 

6. Equality and equivalence—It should 
be remarked that the formulation given in 
paragraph 5 has been used to define the 


For the purposes of this paper the fine 
points of reasoning which have led some 
scholars to use the above postulates to 
define ‘‘is equal to” and others to use them 
to define ‘‘is equivalent to,” and to dis- 
tinguish between ‘‘is equal to” and “1 

A is equal to B. 

equivalent to,”’ need not be discussed here. 

7. Ordinary plane (Euclidean) geometry. 
—Ordinary plane geometry when viewed 
from the newer point of view is crudely as 

(1) The elements of this geometry are points 
and lines forming geometric figures. 

(2) The concept of superposition is taken for 
granted in such an intuitional geometry. 

(3) Two geometric figures A and B are called 
congruent (equal) if one figure may be ro- 
tated and translated until it is brought into 
coincidence with the other figure. 

(4) Given any two geometric figures A and B: 
(a) Hither these figures can be made to co- 

incide (A E B), or they can not be made 


to coincide (A E B), Thus the property 
of determination holds for the geome- 
try under consideration. 

(b) Every figure can be superimposed upon 
itself. (A E A). Hence the property of 
reflexivity holds. 

(c) If one figure can be made to coincide 
with a second figure, (A E B), then the 
second can be made to coincide with 
the first, (B E A). Thus the property of 
symmetry holds. 

(d) If one figure can be made to coincide 
with a second figure, (A E B), and the 

’ second figure can be made to coincide 
with a third figure, (B E C), then the 
first can be made to coincide with the 
third, (A E C). Hence, the property of 
transitivity holds. 

Therefore, ordinary plane (Euclidean) 
geometry satisfies the four required pro- 
perties of an equivalence relation as de- 
fined in paragraph 5. 

(5) In this type of geometry, the geometry of 
congruent figures is the study of those prop- 
erties relating to the figures which remain 
invariant under the equivalence relation of 
congruence. (Thus, if two triangles are con- 
gruent, their areas are equal.) 

8. Other examples from elementary ge- 
ometry.—In addition to the example given 
above there are many other simple exam- 
ples of equivalence to be found in elemen- 
tary geometry. Thus, in Euclidean geo- 
metry, two polygons A and B may be 
equivalent in the sense that they have 
equal areas, but they may or may not be 
equivalent in the sense that they have the 
same number of sides or angles, and so on. 

Again, any two proper conics, A and B, 
are equivalent (that is A E B) in the sense 
that A may be transformed into B by 
means of a _ projective transformation, 
while on the other hand A may or may not 
be equivalent to B in the sense that A may 
be transformed into B by means of a trans- 
lation and rotation. 

In general, in geometry, whether two 
geometric quantities are equivalent can be 
determined by calculating certain numbers 
known as invariants, which are associated 
with the objects under study. In such cases, 
if certain relative invariants for an object 
A are identical, respectively, to the cor- 
responding invariants for the object B, 
the object A is equivalent to the object 
B. If these two sets of invariants are not 

VOL. 38, NO. 1 

identical, respectively, A is not equivalent 
to B. 

For example, in ordinary translational 
geometry, two lines 

(1) ax+by+c=0, 
(2) dx+ey+tf=0, 

are equivalent in the sense of being parallel 
if, and only if, the ratio a/b is equal to the 
ratio d/e. These ratios are invariants of the 
lines (1) and (2), respectively, for a trans- 
lational geometry. 

Ordinary plane similarity geometry. The 
geometry of similar figures is a geometry 
quite distinct from ordinary Euclidean 
geometry. In this geometry the relation of 
similarity is easily shown to satisfy all 
four properties of an equivalence relation. 

Other geometries. There are many other 
geometries, and the relationships of con- 
gruence used in them are examples of 
equivalence relations. Familiar examples of 
these types of geometries are projective, 
non-Euclidean, affine, and the like. 

9. Example from  transportation.—In 
order to show how these equivalence prob- 
lems come up in practical fields outside of 
mathematical subjects, an example may be 
noted in the field of railroading. In the 
transportation literature many types of 
equivalence are commonly used. An ex- 
ample of current discussion in the trans- 
portation literature’ is that of locomotive 
ratings, ‘‘equivalent locomotives.’’ A num- 
ber of methods of rating locomotives are 
commonly used, and much general con- 
fusion exists as the result of careless use of 
various types of equivalence relations. 

Under present conventional systems of 
rating, a steam, a Diesel, and an electric 
locomotive, each locomotive rated as hav- 
ing “a 6,000 h.p. output,” are actually only 
equivalent: in the sense that the number 
6,000 used happens to be the same, since 
the method of calculating the horsepower 
number is totally different in each case 
(one is cylinder output; the second is 
Diesel-engine output; the third is continu- 

4 Wynne, F. E., Comparable locomotive ratings, 
Railway Age 120 (6): 316-318. Feb. 9, 1946. 

JAN. 15, 1948 © 

ous output at rails; and each of them re- 
quires careful definitions). 

If three locomotives are equivalent in the 
sense that they can each deliver the same 
useful output to the rail, they are not neces- 
sarily equivalent in the sense of their ability 
to handle the same weight of cars at 100 
m.p.h. on level tangent track. And, if 
three locomotives are equivalent in this 
latter sense, they are not necessarily equiv- 
alent in the sense that they can deliver 
the same useful horsepower continuously at 
the rails; nor are they necessarily equivalent 
in the sense of their earning power, avail- 
ability, reliability, etc. 

Actually under present conventional 
systems of ratings, three locomotives hav- 
ing an advertised 6,000 h.p. output, one 
steam, one Diesel, one electric, while 
equivalent in the sense that the number of 
6,000 is the same for all, are not equivalent 
in the sense of the weight of cars that they 
can handle at 100 m.p.h. on level tangent 
track continuously, the values actually be- 
ing about 1,000 tons, 900 tons, 1,300 tons, 
respectively. Nor are they necessarily 
equivalent in their cost per ton mile hauled, 
availability ratio, etc. Furthermore, there 
are many other equivalence relations used 
in rating locomotives, all different, and 
many times badly misunderstood because 
of the lack, or omission, of good defini- 
tions. A general practical definition of 
“equivalent locomotives” has never been 
adequately given; and any such definition 
would doubtlessly involve the listing of 
many categories of equivalence and a 
scheme, or a set of schemes, for weighting 
these equivalences. A similar situation 
exists In many other fields. 

10. Equivalence in the elementary theory 
of sets—In the elementary theory of sets, 
one of the basic notions is that of equiva- 
lence. If the elements in two sets, A and B, 

can be paired with each other in such a> 

manner that to each element of A there 
corresponds one and only one element of 
B, and to each element of B there corre- 
sponds one and only one element of A, then 
the correspondence is said to be bi-unique, 
and A and B are said to be equivalent. 

Two finite sets have the same number 
of elements if and only if the elements of the 


two sets can be put into bi-unique corre- 
spondence. This is the idea of counting, for 
when one counts a finite set of objects one 
simply establishes a bi-unique correspond- 
ence between these objects and a set of 
number symbols 1, 2, 3,...., n. Thus, the 
notion of equivalence for finite sets corre- 
sponds to the ordinary notion of equality of 

The concept of equivalence has been 
extended to infinite sets. This was done to 
construct an arithmetic of infinities. In this 
sort of theory there are just as many points 
on a straight line as there are real num- 
bers. This means that the set of all real 
numbers and the set of all the points on a 
straight line are equivalent in the sense 
that, once an origin and a unit are chosen, 
a bi-unique correspondence between the 
real numbers and the points on the line 
can be made. With this understanding of 
equivalence, a finite set cannot be equiva- 
lent to any one of its proper subsets, for ~ 
if the finite set contains n elements and 
no more, any one of its proper subsets can 
contain at most n—1 elements. 

If a set contains infinitely many objects, 
it may be equivalent to a proper subset of 
itself. For example, there are just as many 
positive integers as there are positive even 
integers. This is easy to see from the bi- 
unique correspondence shown below. 

ioe 4.4505 n 
a ge A: 0 
2 ARS ccr = 20 

In fact, there are just as many rational 
fractions as there are integers. However, 
the set of all real numbers is not equivalent 
to the set of integers. 

For those who wish to pursue this sort 
of equivalence theory, much can be found 
concerning the subject in the theory of 
sets (begun by George Cantor at the end 
of the nineteenth century). 

11. Algebra.—Algebra furnishes many 
illustrations of the appropriateness of the 
concept of equivalence. Thus, if real posi- 
tive numbers are assumed to be properly 
defined, then it is possible to introduce 
negative numbers in quite a logical manner 
by means of a certain definition for the 
equivalence of pairs of real positive num- 


bers. Such a treatment may be found in the 
literature’ and gives quite satisfactory an- 
swers to such questions as: Why does 
(—1)(—1)=1? A similar treatment based 
on the equality of pairs of real numbers can 
be formulated to give a logical introduction 
to complex numbers. 

12. Klein’s definition of a geometry. 
Groups.—In order to illustrate the connec- 
tion between the theory of groups and the 
theory of equivalence further examples 
from geometry may be considered. Felix 
Klein (1871) defined geometry as the study 
of the invariants of a group of transforma- 
tions. A group of transformations is a set 
such that: 

1. The resultant transformation of two trans- 

formations is a transformation of the set. 

2. The associative law holds. 

3. There exists an identity transformation. 

4. Every transformation has an inverse. 

In ordinary Euclidean geometry, the 
transformations (of rotations and transla- 
tions) form a group. Likewise in similarity 
geometry, the similarity transformations 
form a group. Thus, the geometry of con- 
gruent figures and the geometry of similar 
figures are examples of geometries as de- 
fined above. 

13. The resemblance between the definition 
of group and the definition of equivalence.— 
This resemblance is a fundamental one. 
In associating an equivalence relation with 
a set of transformations, one associates 
with a set A of elements the set 7 of trans- 
formations which operates on A transform- 
ing it into some set B of elements. One 
might make a definition of equivalence by 
saying that B is equivalent to A if there 
exists a tranformation in the set 7’ which 
transforms A into B, provided of course 
that the four properties of an equivalence 
relation are met. That this can be done, zf 
and only if the transformations 7 form a 
group, can be shown readily. 

It can be shown quite easily that: 

THEOREM. Equivalence relative to a group of 
transformations is an equivalence relation 
(satisfying properties I, II, III, IV). 

Something of what this theorem means 
may be illustrated by the following example: 

5 See C. C. MacDurFes, loc. cit. 

VOL. 38, No. 1 

Example. Consider the set of all real rotations 
T of the points in a plane about a fixed point O. 
This group may be represented by the equation 

CY) (42= —1). 

By this formula any point z in the plane having 
polar coordinates p and @ is rotated about the 
point O into a point w in the plane having polar 
coordinates p and (a+). 

That the set (7') of rotations form a group can 
be seen readily since: 

1. The resultant of two rotations 6, and @ is a 

rotation 6 =6,+6, of the set (7). 
2. The associative relation holds since for suc- 

w =ze*®, 

cessive rotations, 61, 62, 63, 6:+(62+63) 
= (6: +62) +43. 

3. The rotation 6 =0 is the identity transforma- 

4, Every rotation 6 has the inverse rotation 

All points P in the plane at a fixed distance p 
from the point O could then be defined as equiv- 
alent with respect to the group of rotations (7) in 
the sense that any one point A of the points P can 
be transformed into any other point B of the set 
P by an appropriate rotation 9. 

Thus, in this sense, all points on a circle with 
radius p and center O are equivalent to each 
other. But points on this circle are not equivalent 
to points on a circle with center at O and radius r 
where rp. However, all points on the second 
circle are equivalent to each other in the sense 

That this definition satisfies the four properties 
for an equivalence relation follows since: 

(A) Either two points in the plane fall on the 
same circle with center at O, or they do 
not. Thus property (I) is satisfied. 

Two coincident points lie on the same circle 

with center at O; hence property (II) is 


When one point is equivalent to a second 

point they fall on the same circle with 

center at O; hence the second point is 

equivalent to the first point. Thus prop- 

erty (III) holds. . 

(D) When a point A is equivalent to a point B, 
they lie on a circle with center at O, and if 
B is equivalent to C they lie on a circle 
with center at O; hence A and C lie on the 
same circle since B lies on both circles with 
center at O. Thus property (IV) holds. 



This example serves to illustrate the 
resemblance between the definitions of 
group and equivalence. 

14. Isomorphic systems.—Another math- 
ematical concept of considerable impor- 
tance in its own right as well as in its appli- 
cations is that known as isomorphic sys- 

Consider two systems A and B each 
consisting of a set of elements and a set of 

’ Jan. 15, 1948 

operations on these elements. Suppose that 
each system is closed with respect to a given 
system of operations in the system. The 
two systems A and B are said to be 2s0- 
morphic or abstractly identical with respect 
to these operations if there exists a bi- 
unique one-to-one correspondence between 
the elements of A and B, such that any 
formal combination of, or operation on, 
the elements in A corresponds to the analo- 
gous construction with the corresponding 
elements in B. 

In mathematics (such as in algebra) 
two isomorphic systems are commonly 
considered as equivalent; and the subject 
matter of mathematics, in this sense, may 
be considered as dealing with those pro- 
perties of systems which are invariant 
(remain unchanged) for isomorphic sys- 

15. Applications to physical phenomena. 
—In any specific situation the elements 
a,b,c...ofasystem S are identified with 
specific physical objects, numbers, quanti- 
ties, entities, or the like, and the definitions 
of equivalence used must be carefully given 
in terms of these elements and the physical 
systems to which they belong. Each defini- 
tion of equivalence used constitutes a 
separation of the set of elements a, b,c,... 
and associated physical phenomena or 
systems into classes. This separation into 
classes is often of considerable physical 
significance, each type of equivalence often 
having associated with it an extensive 
physical theory. 

16. Hxamples from circuit theory.—As in 
mathematical theories, so in physical 
theories, many non-isomorphic types of 
equality have been and can be defined, 
each type of equality often having associ- 
ated with it an extensive theory. Thus, in 
the theory of equivalent linear electrical 
circuits, two 2-pole networks may be equiv- 
alent® in the sense that for all frequencies 
they have identical driving-point admit- 
tances (or more generally, for 2N-pole net- 

_§ Burineton, Ricuarp S., Matrices in electric 
circuit theory, Journ. Math. and Phys. 14 (4): 
325-349. Dec. 1935; A matric theory development 
of the Theory of Symmetric Components, Philos. 
Mag. (ser. 7) 27: 605. May 1939; On circavariant 
matrices and circa-equivalent networks, Trans. 
Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (3): 377-390. Nov. 1940. 


works, that they have identical charac- 
teristic coefficient admittance matrices), 
yet they may not be equivalent in the sense 
that they have the same number of inde- 
pendent mesh circuits; or, are structurally 
the same; or, are equally economical to 
operate; or, are both readily physically 
realizable; and that if A and B respectively, 
are their network matrices, A and B may 
or may not be equivalent in the sense of 
matric congruence, . 

Again in the theory of symmetric com- 
ponents as used in electrical engineering, 
the equivalence relationship used may 
often involve that of matric similarity be- 
tween the matrices used to represent certain 
characteristics of the network in the various 
reference systems used in the theory. In 
this sort of equivalence the actual values 
of the voltages, currents, and impedances 
are left undisturbed, though the values of 
their representations in the various refer- 
ence systems may be greatly different. Here ~ 
the equivalence relation known as matric 
similarity is distinctly different from the 
equivalence relation known as matric con- 
gruence. Yet, both of these types of equi- 
valence happen to be examples of another 
type of equivalence known as ordinary 
matric equivalence. 

17. Isomorphism as used 1n model stud- 
ves. Principles of similitude—In the design 
of structures, bridges, ships, dams, flood 
control projects, and the like, the engineer, 
naval architect, and others responsible for 
the design must make accurate predictions 
as to the characteristics, cost, and perform- 
ance of the various proposed designs. In 
such work the designers and planners can 
ill afford to make errors. Such projects are 
too expensive. Perhaps only one can ever 
be constructed. The final product must be 
right. It must do what it is designed to do, 
reliably, safely, and economically. 

Engineers and scientists, in such instan- 
ces, frequently take recourse to the con- 
struction and testing of models of the pro- 
posed structure. The results of the tests of 
the models are then used to predict the per- 
formance and characteristics of the pro- 
posed prototype. In order that a model test 
be of real use in predicting the properties of 
the prototype, great care must be exercised 


in its design. Furthermore, considerable 
care is necessary in interpreting the meas- 
ured and computed properties of the model 
test in terms of the prototype. 

Theoretically, in designing a model test 
and in constructing the models for the 
test, every physical parameter of impor- 
tance in the prototype must be considered 
and taken into account. It is not sufficient 
merely to make the dimensions of the model 
and prototype proportional. If a theory of 
similitude is not available, then one must 
be developed. Such a theory must serve as 
the basis for designing and constructing the 
model from its prototype dimensions. It 
must serve also as the guiding principle in 
interpreting the measurements made on the 
model in terms of the corresponding meas- 
urements as predicted for the prototype. If 
this theory of similitude is a perfect one, 
and the application of this theory is also 
perfect, then there is a one-to-one bi-unique 
correspondence between the various physi- 
cal parameters of the prototype and the 
corresponding ones of the model; and every 
operation on or with the prototype has a 
corresponding operation on the model. In 
other words, any characteristic of the model 
as predicted through the isomorphism thus 
stated must be a true characteristic of the 
prototype, and vice versa. (This is an ex- 
ample of the equivalence property, if A E 
B, then BE A.) 

In practice it is impossible to apply per- 
fectly such a theory and expect the results 
predicted through the model test to be 
completely true for the prototype. A meas- 
ure of this perfection lies in a comparison of 
the actual characteristics of the prototype 
with those predicted by the model studies. 
Consequently the aim in all such work is 
the construction of as near perfect an equiv- 
alent system of models as is humanly pos- 
sible. In other words, these models must be 
as nearly isomorphic with their correspond- 
ing prototypes as possible. 

An example where consideration is given 
to many physical parameters of importance 
may be found in hydrodynamics. In hydro- 
dynamic studies, lengths L, a, b, c,..., 
time 7’, velocity V, mass M, force F, 
pressure increment p, mass density , 
specific weight yy, viscosity wu, surface 

VOL. 38, No. 1 

tension o, and elastic modulus e for the 
object and fluid must be considered. (For 
convenience, L, M, F may be taken as the 
three fundamental dimensions. ) 

A number of theories of similitude have 
been developed for use in aero- and hydro- 
dynamics. In one such theory, widely used, 
there is defined a certain set of dimension- 
less numbers 

a pV? V2/a 
Va Va Ve 

which must be kept unchanged if true 
similarity (i.e., isomorphism) is to exist 
between the flow about the prototype and 
the flow about the model. In other words, 
if true similarity is to exist, every dimen- 
sionless parameter z,, referring to condi- 
tions in the model, must have the same 
numerical value as the corresponding 
parameter for the prototype. This means, 
for one thing, that the model and prototype 
must be completely similar geometrically. 
To put the problem in another way, the set 
of dimensionless numbers 7m, ... for the 
prototype must be identical with the cor- 
responding set m,...for the model—if 
true similarity between prototype and — 
model exists, and if predictions made from 
model studies are to be valid for the actual 
prototype. A mathematician would say that 
the parameters 7,..., must be absolute 
invariants for the prototype and model 
systems. Because the quantities m,..., 
Tn,-..are invariant for these isomorphic 
systems, the model and prototype systems 
are said to be equivalent. 

Thus, if 7:=a/b is to be invariant, where 
a and 6 are any two linear dimensions of the 
prototype, the corresponding linear di- 
mensions a’ and 0’ of the model must be so 
related that 2:=a’/b’. The reader can, for 
himself, discover other requirements on the 
model by merely holding each of the other 
parameters ze,... fixed and interpreting 
the quantities in these parameters first, in 
terms of the prototype, and secondly, in 
terms of the model. 

From a practical standpoint it is usually 

Jan. 15, 1948 

_ impossible to realize fluids and values of the 
_ physical parameters of these fluids to 
satisfy all the requirements implied when 
the absolute invariance of the set m, ... 1S 
demanded. This means that it is impossible 
to obtain a true model on any but the same 
scale using any but the same fluid as proto- 
type. Of course, in this case, the model and 
the prototype would be equivalent. (‘This is 
an example of the equivalence property 
A EA.) In spite of the difficulty and the 
knowledge that any practical model system 
cannot be made perfectly isomorphic with 
its prototype, much can be learned and 
reasonably reliable predictions can be ob- 

- tained from such model studies. 

In the testing of ship models and partly 
submerged objects, such as buoys and sea- 
planes, it has been found possible to make 
rather good predictions as to the behavior 
of the prototype by designing the model 
studies so as to keep the Froude number 75 
invariant. This compromise places the 
emphasis on the dominant physical para- 
meters involved, namely, inertia and gra- 
vity forces, since z; is their ratio. In such 
work, 7, known as Newton’s number, can 
also be kept invariant. As a rule it is not 
possible to keep the remaining functions 
12, 13, Ws,--. Invariant. This compromise 
means that the model system will be equiva- 
lent to the prototype system in the sense 
that the Froude and Newton’s numbers are 
identical, respectively, for both the proto- 
type and the model; but it does not mean 
that the prototype system and the model 
system are completely isomorphic other- 

When other physical parameters different 
from mass and inertia are considered to be 
of greater importance, then some other 
dimensionless numbers become of prime 
interest, and the functions 7;, 7;, correspond- 
ing to the two most important physical 
parameters are made absolutely invariant. 
Thus, in aerodynamics, emphasis is often 
placed on Reynold’s number, ze, rather 
than the Froude number 7s, since skin fric- 
tion (viscosity) is then of prime importance. 
m, 1s the ratio of inertia and viscous forces. 

Where inertia force and compressibility 
predominate, emphasis is placed on the 
Mach number, 7, which is the ratio of the 


velocity of flow to the velocity of sound in 
the fluid at the given temperature. 

18. The use of equivalence principles in 
the design and testing of equipment.—Air- 
craft, railway cars, and the like must be able 
to withstand great stresses and strains and 
much rough handling and must not be too 
vulnerable to damage from a great variety 
of causes. In designing such equipment a 
great deal of attention must be given to 
strength, safety, reliability, and costs, while 
recognizing economical and _ utilitarian 
values. Such considerations commonly in- 
volve various types of testing procedures 
designed to indicate the strength, reliabili- 
ty, etc, of vital portions of the equipment, 
as well as of the structure as a whole. Thus, 
the wings of an airplane or the axles of a 
truck can be tested in various ways for 
strength, ability to withstand shock, etc; 
the vulnerability of the fuselage or body to 
fire can be studied; and so on. But the re- 
sults of such studies are only a partial indi- 
cation of the strength and vulnerability of 
the airplane or car as a whole. Conse- 
quently, when possible, tests of the equip- 
ment as a whole are sometimes set up and the 
results obtained compared with the results 
of the tests of specific parts of the equip- 
ment. Of course, the ultimate test lies in the 
experience gained with the equipment un- 
der actual service conditions for a long pe- 
riod of time under a great variety of cir- 

The quantities involved in criteria de- 
veloped for use in testing may be quite 
different from the quantities available from 
over-all testing or from operational experi- 
ence. An adequate theory for correlating 
(a theory of equivalence) these measures 
obtained in tests of specific parts and in 
over-all testing and experience must be 
formulated. Thus in attempting to measure, 
say, the ability of a car to withstand colli- 
sion, controlled tests might be made in the 
laboratory, in which such parameters as 
energy, velocity, deformation, stress distri- 
bution, bending moments, momentum, 
pressure, and the like are used. Yet such 
parameters as these may not be available 
in examining the damage to such a car in 
collision; the only real information available 
being that which can be observed and de- 


duced from the wreckage. The need for a 
theory for correlation (equivalence) is evi- 
dent in such a case. 

To summarize in connection with such 
test results there appears: 

(1) The problem of the formulation of criteria 

and methods for describing, defining, and 

measuring such things as strength, safety, 

vulnerability to damage, ...of the com- 

ponent parts of the equipment, as well as of 

the equipment as a whole. 

The problem of formulating principles for 

correlating these measures of strength, 

safety, damage, .... These measures may 

be observed in experiments— 

(a) with specific parts of the equipment, 

(b) with specific assemblies of the equip- 

(c) with the equipment as a whole under 
test conditions, 

(d) with the equipment as used in actual 



In order that an adequate basis for 
reliably predicting the worth and safety of 
a design be realized, each of these major 
problems must be faced and an adequate 
solution obtained when at all possible. The 
construction of such a theory and mode of 
prediction, if it is to be a good one, must 
involve a careful use of the principles of 
equivalence. The importance of this pro- 
cedure is all the more important since ac- 
tual operational experience with a new de- 
sign of certain types of equipment may be, 
costly (or even dangerous to human life) 
and such experience cannot always be made 
available before production. 

Thus, in the field of design, testing, etc., 
there is a continuing need for the wise use 
of the principles of equivalence. 

19. Recent mathematical developments’.— 
In recent years much progress has been 
made by such mathematicians as Ore, 
MacDuffee, Garrett Birkhoff, and others in 
extending the analysis of the theory of 
equivalence relations. ‘These extensions 
have served to connect rather diverse math- 
ematical fields and have gone deeply into 

7 Wuitman, P. M., Lattices, equivalence rela- 
tions and subgroups, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 
52 (6): 507-522. June 1946; Orz, OysTEIN, 
Theory of equivalence relations, Duke Math. 
Journ. 9 (3). Sept. 1942; BrrxkHorr, GARRETT, 
On the structure of abstract algebras, Proc. Cam- 
bridge Philos. Soc. 31: 433-454. 1935; Mac- 
DuFFEE, C. C., loc. cit. 

VOL. 38, NO. 1 

various fields of abstract algebra, topology, 
and related fields and apparently are lead- 
ing to still a more general and abstract 
theory of mathematical relations. These 
investigations are of interest chiefly to 
workers in certain branches of pure mathe- 
matics. To what extent some of these ab- 
stractions will be of immediate value to 
workers in the applied fields remains to be 
seen. But this much seems clear, that: 
Consciousness of the concept of equivalence 
as outlined herein is of real value in many 
physical fields. It helps to clarify many 
problems. It provides a means of attack. It 
should be remarked, however, that the 
involved details in the development of the 
modern theory of equivalence relations 
will in themselves be of little value in prac- 
tical and scientific problems unless a pene- 
trating inquiry into the economic, physical, 
or other pertinent background of the prob- 
lem at hand is made. This last point is of 
great importance. 

To illustrate what is meant, consider the 
following well known mathematical results: 

A partition P of the set S is a decomposition 
of S into subsets Ci, - + -, Cn, > + - such that every 
element in S belongs to one and only one set Cn. 

The sets C, are called blocks of the partition P, 
and P=P(C,) is written to indicate this. 


Turorem. Any partition P(C,) defines an 

equivalence relation E in the set S when one 
puts AEB whenever A and B belong to the 
same block Cn. Conversely, any equivalence 

relation E defines a partition P(C,) where 

the block C, consists of all elements equiva- 
lent to any given element A. 

This theorem tells us that there are many 
possible equivalence relations definable for 
a set S. Which particular equivalence rela- 
tions are worth studying seriously will de- 
pend on the set itself and what general 
problems are under consideration. Thus, if 
S is the set of all locomotives, many types 
of equivalance relations can be defined, such 
as equivalence in the sense of the same 
cylinder output; or continuous output at the 
rails; or equivalence in the sense that they 
have, or do not have, brass trimming around 
the edge of the headlight; or equivalence in 
the sense that they can reach a maximum 
speed of 100 miles per hour, or not; or 
equivalence in the sense that the locomo- 



tives are named after some one, or are not; 
etc. Now obviously, some of these types of 
equivalence have some reason for existence, 
while others are of course trivial or ridicu- 
lous. To repeat the point: Involved details 
in the theory of equivalence relations will 
in themselves be of little value in practical 
problems unless a penetrating inquiry into 
the economic, physical, or other pertinent 
background of the problem at hand is made. 

20. Summary.—The present paper dis- 
cusses some of the meanings that may be 
attached to the phrase ‘“‘A is equivalent to 
B.” A glimpse of the mathematical prop- 
erties that must be possessed by an 
equivalence relation has been shown. Iso- 
lated examples of equivalences in geom- 
etry, set theory, number theory, algebra, 
electrical networks, hydrodynamics, and 
engineering have been cited. Some atten- 
tion has been given to the theories of 
modeling and similitude, which are so im- 
portant in hydro- and aerodynamics, 
theories in which a form of equivalence 
known as isomorphism plays a leading role. 

The use of either perfect or approximate 
isomorphic systems (or more general equiv- 
alent systems) appears as a fundamental 
process in almost all studies of physical 
phenomena. The method consists broadly 

(1) The extraction from the physical phe- 
nomena S of a nearly isomorphic (equiv- 
alent) physical model P. 

(2) Reduction of the physical model P to 
an isomorphic (equivalent) mathematical 
model M amenable to treatment. 

(3) A solution of this mathematical system M. 

(4) The interpretation of the solution found in 
(3) in terms of the mathematical model M. 

(5) The interpretation of the solution found in 

(4) in the physical model P. 

Finally, the interpretation of the result (5) 

in the original physical settings. 



Although at present it is not clear how 
much value the abstract extensions of the 
theory of equivalence relations will prove 
to be for use in the applied fields, it does 
appear that the theory will be beneficial in 
offering a background for the broad ap- 
proaches to practical problems. 

BOTAN Y.—Studies in Lonchocarpus and related genera, II: Miscellaneous Middle 

American Lonchocarpi.' 

The most extensive and generally useful 
of the comparatively recent partial treat- 
ments of the genus Lonchocarpus is Henri 
Pittier’s The Middle American species of 
Lonchocarpus (Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 20: 
37-93. 1917). This monographic account 
embraces the 40 species known from Mexico 
and Central America 30 years ago, to which 
are appended a list of six excluded or doubt- 
ful species and detailed descriptions of nine 
related South American and West Indian 
Lonchocarpi. One of the first tasks of a 
current review of the genus as.a whole is, 
therefore, to attempt to allocate within the 
framework of the classification proposed by 
the author of that work the miscellaneous 
_ species subsequently described by various 
other authors from the same area. In some 
cases the systematic position of a recently 
proposed species has been correctly indi- 
cated by its author and characteristics dis- 

1 Received July 8, 1947. 

FREDERICK J. HmeRMANN, U. 8. Department of 

tinguishing it from its nearest allies may have 
been pointed out; in others lack of either 
flowering or fruiting material may have 
prevented this; in still others a misinterpre- 
tation, due either to faulty earlier descrip- 
tions or to the author’s lack of comprehen- 
sive familiarity with the group, may vitiate 
the supposed relationship and hence sec- 
tional position or taxonomic status; and, 
finally, in some instances no attempt what- 
ever has been made to indicate the rela- 
tionship of the new species. 

No discussion seems to be required here 
of such of these species as have been satis- 
factorily disposed of by other authors, such 
as Lonchocarpus caribaeus Urban (referred 
to the synonymy of L. benthamianus Pit- 
tier by Harms in Fedde Rep. Spec. Nov. 
17: 323. 1924), L. capensis M. E. Jones 
(shown to be actually Tamarindus indica 
L. by Morton in Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 29: 
103. 1945), L. modestus Standl. & Steyerm. 
(transferred to Lennea by its authors in 


Fieldiana, Botany, 24 (5): 275. 1946), and 
L. trifoliolatus Stand]. (equated with L. 
phaseolifolius Benth. by Standley and 
Steyermark in Fieldiana, Botany, 24 (5): 
282. 1946). Six additional names (L. argy- 
rotrichus Harms, L. calderona Standl., L. 
lindsayi Standl., L. obovatus Benth., L. 
salvinii Harms, and L. schiedeanus (Sch- 
lecht.) Harms) have been recently trans- 
ferred to Willardia by the writer (Journ. 
Washington Acad. Sci. 37: 427. 1947), 
to which genus Standley (Contr. U. S. 
Nat. Herb. 23: 483. 1922) had already 
referred L. eriophyllus Benth. 

It seems desirable to present the conclu- 
sions of the writer upon the following ad- 
ditional eight species, particularly since 
certain original misinterpretations are 
being perpetuated in recent important 
floristic works such as the Flora of Guate- 

Lonchocarpus amarus Standl., Carnegie 
Inst. Washington Publ. 461: 63. 1935=Va- 
TAIREA LUNDELLII (Standl.) Killip ex Record 
(Tipuana lundellai Standl. l.c. 65). 

Since the original material of Tipuana lun- 
dellti lacked flowers and that of Lonchocarpus 
amarus is without fruit, the failure to realize 
the identity of the two is readily understand- 
able. The alternate leaflets, diadelphous sta- 
mens, wings of the corolla free from the keel, 
and the strikingly funnelform calyx of Loncho- 
carpus amarus definitely exclude it from that 
genus. Flowering specimens of Vatairea lun- 
dellit (collected since the publication of that 
species), kindly lent to the writer for study by 
the Chicago Natural History Museum, are 
identical with the type of L. amarus. Vatairea 
lundellit appears to be most nearly related to 
the Amazonian V. fusca Ducke, from which it 
is distinguishable by the appressed rather 
than spreading pubescence of the calyx, pedi- 
cels, and peduncles, by its broader wing petals 
(4.5 mm), by having the stamens definitely 
shorter than the pistil, and by the tendency of 
the calyx to split in the late-bud stage, be- 
tween the vexillar teeth. 

Lonchocarpus dumetorum Brandegee, Univ. 
California Publ. Bot. 10: 181. 1922=L. paRI- 
ENsIS Pittier, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 69. 


The type specimen of L. dumetorum (Purpus 

von. 38, No. 1 

8591; this and other Brandegee types reviewed 
through the courtesy of the University of 
California Herbarium) is a good match with 
that of L. dariensis (Pittier 5615, U.S. National 
Herbarium). It has, in addition to flowers and 
leaves, nearly mature legumes, which are very 
closely similar to those of L. megalanthus 
Pittier, this similarity bearing out Dr. Pittier’s 
tentative alignment of it, in the absence of 
fruit, with the latter species. Both L. dariensis 
and L. megalanthus, however, as well as the 
closely related L. mexicanus Pittier, have leaflets 
conspicuously punctate, and so they could not 
be keyed out to his section Epunctati wherein 
he placed them. It seems probable that this is 
what led Brandegee to believe that he had an 
undescribed species in his L. dumetorum, and 
the same discrepancy may have been partly 
responsible for his proposal of L. purpusit. 

Lonchocarpus izabalanus Blake, Contr. U. 
S. Nat. Herb. 24: 7. 1922=L. LUTEOMACULA- 
Tus Pittier, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 64. 

Lonchocarpus luteomaculatus is a highly vari- 
able species, almost as polymorphic in fact as 
its near ally L. latifolius (Willd.) HBK. The 
type of L. izabalanus is very similar to many 
recent collections of L. luteomaculatus. It was 
differentiated, in the original description, prin- 
cipally by the possession of a maroon banner 
with a green spot at the base instead of a 
purple banner with a basal yellow spot, but it 
seems likely that the flower color ascribed to 
L. luteemaculatus by its author was that of the 
dried plant and that in the fresh state it may 
be actually closer to the maroon-green pattern. 
At any rate, there now seems to be no dis- 
tinguishable difference between the corolla 
colors of the two type specimens (Blake 7841 
and Pittier 4170, U.S. Nat. Herb.). 

Lonchocarpus kerberi Harms, Fedde Rep. 
Spec. Nov. 17: 322. 1921=L. PENINSULARIS 
(Donn. Smith) Pittier, Contr. U. S. Nat. 
Herb. 20: 56. 1917. 

A fragment of the type of L. kerberi (Kerber 
35) is fortunately preserved in the herbarium 
of the Chicago Natural History Museum. This 
is sufficiently ample to show that it is not at all 
related to L. benthamianus Pittier, L. proteran- 
thus Pittier, and L. punctatus HBK., as sup- 
posed by Harms, and that it differs from the 
type of L. peninsularis (Tonduz s.n. (Inst. 


Fis. Geogr. Costa Rica 13961), U.S. Nat. Herb.) 
only in the corolla being slightly less pubescent. 
It is not surprising that L. kerberz was regarded 
as a new species by its author and that its 
affinities were misinterpreted. Since it has 
leaflets that are not impressed-nerved and 
that are unmistakably punctate, its relation- 
ship with L. peninsularis would scarcely be 
suspected in view of the fact that the latter is 
placed by Pittier in his series Impressinervi 
and that his description includes no reference 
to the conspicuously punctate character of the 
leaflets mentioned by Donnell Smith in his 
original description of the species as Derris 
peninsularis (Bot. Gaz. 44: 111. 1907). Ac- 
tually, Lonchocarpus peninsularis and the 
likewise misplaced L. nicoyensis (Donn. Smith) 
Pittier and L. costaricensis (Donn. Smith) 
Pittier belong to the series Planinervi. Both L. 
peninsularis and L. nicoyensis fall into the 
section Punctati, the former being apparently 
most closely related to L. longistylis Pittier. It 
is doubtless due to the anomalous position in 
Pittier’s classification of the frequently col- 
lected L. peninsularis that still another syn- 
onym of this species was created—L. purpusti 

Lonchocarpus monospermus Standl., Field 
Mus. Publ. Bot. 4: 311. 1929=L. LuTEoMaAcu- 
LATuS Pittier, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 64. 

The distinguishing feature (‘‘small one- 
seeded pods’’) attributed to L. monospermus 
is quite prevalent in L. luteomaculatus, the 
pods of the type specimen of L. luteomaculatus 
(Pitter 4170, U. S. Nat. Herb.) being pre- 
dominently l-seeded and 2.5 cm long. The 
type of L. monospermus (Standley 538716, 
Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus.) appears to differ in 
no tangible respect from this. 

Lonchocarpus purpusii Brandegee, Univ. 
California Publ. Bot. 6: 500. 1919=L. PpENtN- 
SULARIS (Donn. Smith) Pittier, Contr. U. S. 
Nat. Herb. 20: 56. 1917. 

The type specimen of L. purpusit (Purpus 
7849, Univ. Calif.) is a very close match with 
that of Derris peninsularis in the U. S. Na- 
tional Herbarium. For discussion see L. dume- 
torum and L. kerberi above. 

Lonchocarpus seleri Harms, Fedde Rep. 
Spec. Nov. 17: 324. 1921=L. HoNDURENSIS 
Benth., Journ. Linn. Soc. 4: Suppl. 91. 1860. 

L. seleri was set off from L. hondurensis by 

_ Harms ‘durch fast sitzende Bliten auf lan- 

gerem gemeinsamen Stiele und wohl auch 
gréssere Vorblatten.”’ Examination of a large 
series of L. hondurensis, however, shows the 
relative length of peduncle and pedicel to be 
very unstable; for example, Mell 530 (U. S.) 
is L. selert in its peduncles but not in its pedi- 
cels whereas Wilson 706 (U. 8.) is L. seleri in 
its pedicels but not in its peduncles. No dif- 
ference was found between the bracts in the 
type fragment of L. selert in the Chicago 
Natural History Museum (Seler 5052) and 
those of L. hondurensis, which are exceedingly 

Lonchocarpus xuul Lundell, Bull. Torrey 
Bot. Club 69: 391. 1942. 

The reference of this species to the synon- 
ymy of L. guatemalensis Benth. in the recently 

‘published Flora of Guatemala (Fieldiana, 

Botany, 24(5): 278-279. 1946) seems to be 
clearly erroneous. The long stipes (averaging 
1 em) of the short, thick pods (generally 2.5—4 
em long) of ZL. ruul and its much smaller 
flowers set it off at a glance from L. guatema- 
lensis with its sessile or subsessile, long, flat 
legumes (averaging 6-20 cm long). The author 
of L. xuul correctly indicated its close rela- 
tionship with L. constrictus Pittier among the 
Middle American species. Its nearest ally in the 
genus as a whole is the Venezuelan L. miran- 
dinus Pittier, with which it shows a striking 
similarity in its fruit but from which it differs 
in its few (5 to 9 rather than averaging 15), 
blunt leaflets and in its mainly green flowers. 

The disposition of the following 17 bino- 
mials, the remainder of those proposed from 
Middle America since 1917, must be postponed 
either because no specimens have yet been 
procurable for study or because the material 
so far available has not been sufficient for more 
than tentative conclusions: 

L. apricus Lundell, Lloydia 2: 90. 1939. Chiapas, 

L. belizensis Lundell, Wrightia 1: 55. British Hon- 

L. castillot Standl., Tropical Woods 32: 15. 1932. 
Guatemala; British Honduras. 

L. chiapensis Lundell, Wrightia 1: 152. 1946. 
Chiapas, Mexico. 

L. cruentus Lundell, Wrightia 1: 55. 1945. To- 
basco, Mexico. 

L. fuscopurpureus Brandegee, Univ. California 
Publ. Bot. 10: 405. 1924. Veracruz, Mexico. 


L. galleotianus Harms, Fedde Rep. Spec. Nov. 17: 
322. 1921. Oaxaca, Mexico. 

L. gillyi Lundell, Wrightia 1: 56. 1945. Chiapas, 

L. hidalgensis Lundell, Wrightia 1: 153. 1946. 
Hidalgo, Mexico. 

L. hintoni Sandwith, Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1936: 
4. 1936. Mexico and Guerrero, Mexico. 

L. malacotrichus Harms, Fedde Rep. Spec. Nov. 
17: 323. 1921. Mexico. 

L. monofoliaris Schery, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 
30: 89. 1943. Panama. 


VOL. 38, No. 1 

L. nicaraguensis Lundell, Wrightia 1: 154. 1946 

L. phlebophyllus Standl. & Steyerm., Field Mus. 
Publ. Bot. 23 (2): 56. 1944. Guatemala. 

L. stenodon Harms, Fedde Rep. Spec. Nov. 17: 
324. 1921. Oaxaca, Mexico. 

L. whitet Lundell, Wrightia 1: 154. 1946. Nica- 

L. yoroensis Standl., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 9 (4): 
296. 1940. Honduras. 

ZOOLOGY.—On the crayfishes of the Limosus section of the genus Orconectes 

(Decapoda: Astacidae).} 
University of Virginia. 

In the course of working over a series of 
crayfishes from the Nashville, Tenn., area 
collected for me by Dr. C. 8. Shoup, of 
Vanderbilt University, and Dr. Mike 
Wright, of Tusculum College, it was neces- 
sary to examine the type specimens of 
several of the species of the Limosus section. 
In making this study I arrived at certain 
conclusions, which are discussed below, 
concerning the affinities of the members of 
this section which are not in accord with the 
opinions of others. In addition to the de- 
scription of a new species I am including a 
key to the species of the Limosus section. 

The new species herein described was 
first reported by Fleming (1939) under the 
name Cambarus propinquus sanbornt Faxon. 
I have compared my specimens with Flem- 
ing’s description and figures which leave 
much to be desired. In addition, I have 
examined several crayfish he sent to the 
United States National Museum? from the 
only locality he cited for his C. propinquus 
sanbornt, and I am convinced that his 
specimens were members of the species 
I am.describing below. The only locality 
that Fleming recorded is ‘‘Mill creek, lo- 
cated about 4 miles south of Nashville 
where this creek crosses the Murfreesboro 
Road [U. 8. Hy. 41], studied on August 18, 
1935”’ (Fleming, 1939, 13: 298).® 

1Received July 17, 1947. 

2 These are not the specimens mentioned by 
Fleming in his report of the higher Crustacea in 
the Nashville region, for he stated that Mill 
Creek was “studied on August 18, 1935,” and 
these were collected on August 15, 1936. 

3 This peculiar citation is necessary because 

Horton H. Hoss, Jr., Miller School of Biology, 
(Communicated by FENNER A. CHACE, JR.) 

Genus Orconectes Cope 1872 
Orconectes shoupl, n. sp.‘ 

Cambarus propinkuus Fleming, 1939, 14: 305 

(in part). 

Cambarus propinquus sanborni Fleming (not 
Faxon), 19389, 14: 305, 306 (in part), 319, 320, 
and pl. 14. 

Diagnosis.—Rostrum with lateral spines, 
margins thickened and concave laterad; upper 
surface with or without a median carina. Fin- 
gers of chela with usual longitudinal ridges much 
reduced; whole hand resembling that of O. 
rusticus placidus (Hagen, 1870: 65). Epistome 
with a median carina (see Fig. 4). Areola ap- 
proximately 9 to 10 times longer than broad, 
with two or three punctations in narrowest 
part—length 34-36 percent of entire length of 
carapace; in male, hooks on ischiopodites of 
third pereiopods only. Terminal elements of 
first pleopod of first-form male short, reaching 
almost to coxopodite of second pereiopod. Two 
terminal elements separated for only a short 
distance near tip: mesial process recurved 
caudomesiad and shorter than central pro- 
jection. Annulus ventralis immovable. (See 
Fig. 5 for surface contour.) 

Holotypic male, form I.—Body subovate, 

Fleming’s paper was divided, and appeared in 
two volumes of the Proceedings of the Tennessee 
Academy of Sciences; an overlapping in page 
references causes a further complication. See 
“Literature Cited.” 

4Dr. C. S. Shoup has made a definite and 
worth-while contribution toward a knowledge of 
the fauna of the State of Tennessee. In token of 
the interest he has shown in my work on the cray- 
fishes and the many specimens he has added to 
iy collection, I name this new species in his 


distinctly depressed. Abdomen narrower than 
thorax. Width of carapace greater than depth 
in region of caudodorsal margin of cervical 
groove (15.2-9.4 mm). 

Areola moderately narrow (9.6 times longer 
than broad), with two or three punctations 
in narrowest part; cephalic section of carapace 
about 1.8 times as long as areola (length of 
areola about 35.6 percent of entire length of 

Rostrum with thickened margins concave 
laterad. Upper surface concave, but bearing a 
weak median carina. Base of acumen set off by 
corneous knoblike tubercles directed cephalo- 
dorsad. Acumen long and terminating cephalad 
in a corneous knob similarly disposed as the 
tubercles at its base. Subrostral ridges promi- 
nent and visible in dorsal aspect to base of 
acumen. Raised lateral margins of rostrum 
flanked laterally and mesially by rows of 
prominent setiferous punctations. 

Postorbital ridges prominent, grooved dorsad 
and terminating cephalad in heavy acute tu- 
bercles. Suborbital angle absent. Branchio- 
stegal spine obtuse, very much reduced. Small 
lateral spine present on each side of carapace. 
Surface of carapace granulate laterally and 
bearing prominent punctations dorsally; small 
polished area in gastric region. 

Cephalic section of telson with two spines 
in each caudolateral corner. 

Epistome bell-shaped in profile with a me- 
dian longitudinal ridge; no cephalomedian pro- 

Antennules of the usual form, with a small 
spine present on ventral surface of basal seg- 

Antennae broken in holotype but extending 
caudad to cephalic margin of telson in other 
specimens. Antennal scale of moderate width 
with subparallel mesial and lateral margins; 
outer portion broad and swollen and terminat- 
ing distad in a heavy spine; lamellar portion 
broad (see Fig. 9). 

Chela somewhat depressed; palm inflated; 
prominent setiferous punctations present over 
most of chela. Inner margin of palm with three 
rows of squamous ciliated tubercles. Fingers 
widely gaping at base. Upper surface of im- 
movable finger with a narrow well-defined 
ridge along mesial margin; lateral and lower 
margins with prominent punctations; upper 
opposable margin with a row of 18 rounded 

corneous tubercles; an additional prominent 
tubercle present below this row at base of distal 
fifth of finger; minute denticles occurring in a 
single row on penultimate fifth of mesial sur- - 
face of immovable finger; mesial distal fifth 
with a broader zone of similar denticles; lower 
proximomesial surface bearded. Opposable 
margin of dactyl with 23 rounded corneous 
tubercles; distal half of mesial margin bearing 
minute denticles interspersed between the 
rounded tubercles. Otherwise dactyl similar to 
immovable finger. 

Carpus of first pereiopod longer than broad, 
with a prominent longitudinal furrow on 
upper surface; all surfaces with scattered punc- 
tations. Mesial surface with a heavy spinous 
tubercle; distal upper mesial margin with a 
prominent rounded tubercle; lower distal mar- 
gin with two heavy tubercles. 

Merus, viewed laterally, with a single promi- 
nent tubercle on upper distal surface (a some- 
what less prominent one lying mesiad of it but 
not evident in lateral aspect, nor is it present 
on sinistral merus). Lateral and mesial surfaces 
sparsely punctate. Lower surface with a lateral 
row of five small tubercles and a mesial row of 
eight (only the distal one in each row at all 

Hooks on ischiopodites of third pereiopods 
only; hooks strong with proximal surfaces sub- 
plane and bearing setae. 

First pleopod almost reaching coxopodite of 
second pereiopod when abdomen is flexed. Tip 
terminating in two distinct parts, which are 
separated for only a short distance. Central 
projection corneous, almost straight, and some- 
what bladelike, with tip slightly recurved. 
Mesial process extending distad for the proxi- 
mal half of its length, then bending somewhat 
sharply caudomesiad. 

Morphotypic male, form II.—The only sec- 
ond-form male collected from the type locality 
is immature. Most of the tubercles mentioned 
in the description of the first-form male are 
present in this specimen as acute spines. The 
lower surface of the carpus and the cephalo- 
mesial surface of the merus of the cheliped with 
tufts of long plumose setae. Rostrum without 
median carina. Hook on ischiopodite of third 
pereiopod very much reduced. See Figs. 16 and 
19 for structure of first pleopod of a mature 
second-form male from Mill Creek. 

Allotypic female—Differs from the holo- 



Figs. 1-14.—1, Dorsal view of carapace of Orconectes shoupt, n. sp.; 2, lateral view of same; 3, upper 
surface of chela of first-form male, O. shoupi; 4, epistome of O. shoupi; 5, annulus ventralis of O. shoupi; 
6, mesial view of first pleopod of first-form male of O. pellucidus australis (Rhoades), from McFarlen 
Cave, SWi NWisec. 22, T. 3, R.3 E., near Garth, Jackson County, Ala.;7, mesial view of first pleopod 
of first-form male of O. pellucidus pelluicdus (Tellkampf), from Mammoth Cave, Roaring River, Ed- 
monson County, Ky.; 8, caudal view of first pleopods of first-form male, O. pellucidus packardi Rhoades 
(holotype), from Cumberland Crystal Cave at Alpine, Pulaski County, Ky.; 9, antennal scale of O. 
shoupz; 10, mesial view of first pleopod of first-form male, of O. ¢znermzs Cope, from Seibert’s Well Cave 
near Wyandotte Cave, Crawford County, Ind.; 11, mesial view of first pleopod of first-form male of 
O. pelluctdus packardi Rhoades (holotype) (see explanation of Fig. 8); 12, caudal view of first pleopods ~ 
of first-form male of O. pellucidus pellucidus (Tellkampf) (see explanation of Fig. 7); 13, caudal view 
of first pleopods of first-form male of O. pelluctdus australis (Rhoades) (see explanation of Fig. 6); 
14, caudal view of first pleopods of first-form male of O. inermis Cope (see explanation of Fig. 10). 


pi 17 
i ay 
Fies, 15-28 (all figures except 15, 16, and 19 lateral views of the first pleopods of first-form males) .— 


15, Mesial view of first pleopod of first-form male of Orconectes shoupi, n. sp.; 16, same, second-form 
male: 17, O. harrisont (Faxon), from stream at Irondale, Washington County, Mo.; 18, O. sloant 
(Bundy), from Little Creek, Jefferson Township, Preble County, Ohio; 19, lateral view of first pleopod 
of second-form male of 0. shoupi; 20, O. shoupi; 21, O. rafinesquei Rhoades (holotype), from Rough 
River, at Falls-of-Rough, Grayson- Breckinridge Counties, Ky.; 22, O. lumosus (Rafinesque), from Le- 
man Place, Lancaster County, Pa.; 23, O. tricuspis Rhoades (holotype), from Pete Light’s arene, 
3 miles east of Canton, Trigg County, Ky.; 24, O. indianensis (Hay), no locality given, U.S.N.M. n 
44448; 25, O. propinquus propinquus (Girard), from Rocky Creek, Muncie County, III.; 26, O. di fiicilis 
(Faxon), from stream 1 mile south of Wilburton, Latimer County, Okla.; 27, O. kentuckiensis Rhoades 
(holotype), from Piney Creek, 3 miles west of Shady Grove, Crittenden County, Ky.; 28, O. sloana 
(Bundy), Indiana (probably from near New Albany), U.S.N.M. no. 58058. 

a 23 


typic male in that the tubercles are for the 
most part more spiniform; epistome with a 
small cephalomedian spine; upper distal surface 
of merus of cheliped with two prominent 
tubercles evident in lateral aspect; extreme 
distal margin of merus emarginate; lower sur- 
face of merus and mesial surface of carpus with 
tufts of plumose setae. Annulus ventralis sub- 
spindle-shaped, with the greatest length in the 
transverse axis; cephalic margin evenly rounded 
and firmly fused with sternum; sinus originates 
near cephalomedian margin, extends caudad 
for a short distance, and turns gently caudodex- 
trad, then abruptly sinistrad to cross the me- 
dian line; here it turns caudad and slightly dex- 
trad to the median line and then caudad to the 
mideaudal margin of the annulus (see Fig. 5). 

Measurements.—Ho.LotyPic MALE: Cara- 
pace, height 9.4, width 15.2, length 26.9 mm; 
areola, width 1.0, length 9.6 mm; rostrum, 
width 3.8, length 6.4 mm; abdomen, length 
27.7 mm; right chela, length of inner margin of 
palm 7.5, width of palm 11.4, length of outer 
margin of hand 28.7, length of dactyl 19.3 mm. 
ALLOTYPIC FEMALE: Carapace, height 8.0, 
width 11.6, length 22.6 mm; areola, width 
0.70, length 7.8 mm; rostrum, width 3.2, 
length 5.9 mm; abdomen, length approx. 24 
mm; right chela, length of inner margin of 
palm 5.2, width of palm 7.3, length of outer 
margin of hand 17.2, length of dactyl 11.3 mm. 

Type locality—Mill Creek, tributary of 
Cumberland River, east of Oglesby near An- 
tioch Pike, 10 miles south of Nashville, David- 
son County, Tenn. Dr. Shoup has kindly fur- 
nished the following information: This creek is 
a hard-water stream flowing over sand and 
rubble and in its upper reaches over limestone 
ledges. The banks are silty and muddy, and 
shade is provided by reeds and trees along its 
banks. Much of its course is through pasture 
and cultivated lands. In riffle areas the water 
has a slightly greenish cast on cloudy days. 
(M. O. alkalinity—154.0 p.p.m. on January 
24, 1947.) 

Disposition of types——The holotypic male, 
the allotypic female, and the morphotypic 
male, form IJ, are deposited in the United 
States National Museum (no. 84072), and in 
addition five second-form males and one fe- 
male, collected by R. 8. Fleming (U.S.N.M. 
no. 77908) are designated as paratypes. Of the 
remaining paratypes, one male, form I, and one 

VOL. 38, NO. 1 

female are deposited in the University of 
Michigan Museum of Zoology; one male, form 
I, and one female in the Museum of Compara- 
tive Zoology; and 11 males, form I, one male, 
form II, two females, five immature males, and 
one immature female are in my personal col- 
lection at the University of Virginia. 

Specimens examined.—TENNESSEE, David- 
son County: Seven Mile Creek, 5 miles south- 
east of Nashville, November 11, 1944, two 
males, form I, one male, form II, and two 
females—C. 8. Shoup, collector; Mill Creek, 
10 miles south of Nashville, November 11, 
1944, eight males, form I, one male, form II, 
and three females—C. §. Shoup, collector; 
Mill Creek at junction with U. 8S. Highway 41, 
about 8 or 4 miles south of Nashville, October 
11, 1939, two males, form I—W. K. Smith, 
collector; same locality, August 15, 1936, five 
males, form II, and one female—R. S. Fleming, 
collector; Mill Creek at Antioch Pike, July 
19, 1945, two males, form I, one male, form 
II (shed test), and four immature males— 
Mike Wright, collector. 

Fleming (1939, 14: 319) states: ‘‘All of these 
species (including C. propinquus sanborni 
Faxon) were present throughout the region 
studied ...”’; however, he cites only one lo- 
cality in which this species was taken. I 
strongly doubt that his statement is correct, 
for Drs. Shoup and Wright have collected in a 
large number of localities in the Nashville 
region and have taken O. shoupi (=Fleming’s 
C. propinguus sanbornt Faxon) from only the 
localities cited above. 

Variation—The rostrum may or may not 
bear a median carina. The bearded condition 
of the cheliped which is pointed out in the 
description of the morphotypic male, form II, 
is best developed in young specimens and may 
be reduced or obsolete in older ones. As in most 
species the spiniform condition is accentuated 
in the younger specimens, and in the older 
ones very much reduced; further, in some of the 
females mirrored images of.the annulus ven- 
tralis as described for the allotype occur. 

Relationships.—Orconectes shoupi is a mem- 
ber of the Limosus section; it possesses short 
gonopods, the tips of which are separated for 
only a short distance. Its closest affinities are 
with O. sloanit (Bundy) (1876:24), O. tricus- 
pis Rhoades (1944:117), and O. rafinesquer 
Rhoades (1944:116). O. showpi may readily be 


distinguished from any other species of the 
Limosus section by the rostrum with thickened 
ridges and the long-fingered chelae—both of 
which resemble those of O. rusticus placidus. 
(see further remarks below.) 

Limosus SECTION 

Ortmann (1931:64) defined the section of 
Orconectes limosus as follows: ‘‘Gonopods of 
male, short, rather thick up to near the tips, 
reaching to the coxopodites of the third peraeo- 
pod. Tips separated for a short distance only, 
each tapering to a point. Males with hooks on 
third, or on third and fourth peraeopods.” In 
this section he included O. harrisoni, O. sloant, 
- O. indianensis, O. limosus, O. pellucidus pel- 
lucidus pellucidus, and O. pellucidus testit. 

Since 1931 Rhoades has described several 
additional species and subspecies belonging to 
the Limosus section, and in his Crayfishes of 
Kentucky (1944:117) recognized two groups 
of the section, and listed under them the spe- 
cies indicated below: 

Limosus group—‘‘characterized by strongly di- 
verging tips of the gonopods.” Species: O. limosus 
(Rafinesque), O. sloani (Bundy), and O. indian- 
ensis (Hay). 

Rafinesquei group—‘‘the tips of the first pleo- 
pod are both recurved in the same direction.”’ 
Species: O. rafinesquet Rhoades, O. tricuspis 
Rhoades, O. pellucidus pellucidus (Tellkampf), 
O. pellucidus testia (Hay), O. pellucitdus australis 
(Rhoades), O. pellucidus packardt Rhoades, O. 
kentuckiensis Rhoades, and O. harrisonz (Faxon) 

It is questionable that the above subdivision 
of the section into the Limosus and Rafinesquet 
groups is based on true affinities: e.g., if the 
pleopod of O. kentuckiensis is compared with 
that of O. sloani and O. tricuspis, certainly it is 
more like that of the former. This relationship 
is seen not only in the first pleopod but also in 
the annuli ventralis of the two. It also seems 
to me that O. harrisoni is more nearly related 
to O. sloani than it is to O. tricuspis or O. 
rafinesquet. Except for the fact that the ter- 
minal elements of the first pleopods of the 
several subspecies of O. pellucidus are “‘re- 
curved in the same direction” (and I might 
indicate that among the specimens I have 
examined of pellucidus pellucidus the terminal 
elements are straight), I can see no indication 
of closer affinities of these forms with the mem- 
bers of the Rafinesquei group than with those 
_ of the Limosus group—in fact, if any division 


of the Limosus section is made then it would 
seem that O. inermis and the various sub- 
species of O. pellucidus would constitute a 
natural group that should receive a status 
equivalent to that of the other subdivisions. 

The problem of the status of O. inermis re- 
mains unsolved. Though I have seen relatively 
few specimens or the several subspecies of O. 
pellucidus I have examined several belonging 
to all of them, and none are like O. inermis. 
Perhaps it will be shown to be a subspecies of 
O. pellucidus; however, until future work will 
indicate intergradation between the two, it 
seems advisable to retain its specific status. 

As might be expected, with the discovery of 
additional species the Limosus section has 
become decidedly less clear cut, and certain 
species exhibit characters transitional between 
the more typical members of the Limosus 
section and members of other sections of the 
genus. Even in Ortmann’s diagnosis of the 
Limosus section quoted above the best charac- 
ter is stated on a relative basis, and a worker 
not already familiar with an over-all picture of 
the genus would have difficulty in deciding 
whether a given specimen belonged to the 
Limosus or Propinquus sections (Ortmann, 
1931: 64, 65). The difficulty at the time that 
Ortmann diagnosed the section was not so 
great as it has been since the somewhat 
“atypical” O. tricuspis, O. rafinesquei, and O. 
shoupt have been added to the list of described 
species belonging to the section. In these spe- 
cies the terminal elements of the first pleopod 
are almost as slender and long as are those of 
some of the members of the Propinquus section 
(see Figs. 21, 23, 25). These obvious resem- 
blances as well as the similarities of the annuli 
ventralis and other anatomical features be- 
tween O. propinquus propinquus (Girard, 
1852: 88) and O. tricuspis make the distinction 
between the two sections seem somewhat 
unnatural—i.e., there seem to me to be about 
as many resemblances between O. tricuspis and 
the subspecies of O. propinquus as between 
O. tricuspis and O. sloani, O. limosus, and O. 
Furthermore, considering the 
pleopods alone, O. kentuckiensis is transitional 
between O. limosus and O. sloant on one side 
and O. difficilis (Faxon, 1898: 656) on the 
other—the latter at present being relegated to 
the Virilis section (Ortmann, 1931: 90). 
Rhoades (1944: 123) states in reference to the 


affinities of O. kentuckiensis that it “represents 
a more advanced stage in the series of the 
‘Group rafinesquei’. The tips are stouter and 
more differentiated and the annulus is more 
depressed as in sloani and other members of the 
‘Group limosus’. In this character it resembles 
closely O. immunis immunits. Furthermore, it 
is not difficult to see a possible affinity to the 
‘Section of C. virilis’ [=O. virilis] even in the 
gonopods of the male.” 

Whether these similarities are results of 
convergence or whether they indicate actual 
close relationships can hardly be determined 
until a more exhaustive study of the group 
(which will necessarily mean extensive collect- 
ing) is made. On the basis of the evidence at 
hand I find it difficult to consider these re- 
semblances arising independently in the three 

The taxonomists working with the cray- 
fishes of the Cambarinae have for a long time 
found it convenient to recognize “‘sections,”’ 
“sroups,”’ and ‘‘subgroups,”’ and even though 
there are certain species that on the bases of the 
diagnostic characters appear to be intermedi- 
ate between two sections or groups, at least a 
temporary retention of their usage seems de- 
sirable. Whereas the limits of variation in the 
three sections of the subgenus Orconectes are 
not decidedly marked, and almost impossible 
to define in words, recourse to determined 
specimens or figures should alleviate difficulty 
in determining to which section or group any 
specimen in question belongs. For this reason 
I am including a sketch of the pleopods of 
all the species and subspecies (except O. pel- 
lucidus testit, of which I do not havea first form 
male) belonging to the Limosus section, and in 
addition, for comparative purposes, the pleo- 
pods of O. propinquus propinquus and O. 


1. Body pigmented, eyes well developed...... 2 
Body not pigmented, eyes reduced......... 9 

2. Terminal elements of first pleopod subequal 
in length and distinctly divergent (central 
projection directed cephalodistad and me- 

sial process caudodistad)............... 3 
Terminal elements of first pleopod subequal 
or not subequal in length, but central pro- 
jection never bent cephalodistad—either 
straight, directed caudad, or caudodistad. .4 

VOL. 38, No. 1 

3. Lateral surface of carapace with only one 
BR oss ahi ech 5 ae, O. tndianensis (Hay) 
Lateral surface of carapace with more than 
one spine...... O. limosus (Rafinesque) 

4. Central projection bent caudad at an angle 
greater than 45°....O. harrisoni (Faxon) 
Central projection directed distad or bent 
caudad at an angle less than 45°.......... 5 

5. Terminal elements of first pleopod subequal 
in length or mesial process slightly longer 
than central projection... ..5.../.....6.5 

bs tty i Beek Sh RS O. tricuspis Rhoades 
Mesial process never extending quite so far 
distad as central projection.......:.... 6 

6. Central projection recurved (caudodistad) 
throughout its length; no median carina 

on rostrum....O. kentuckiensis Rhoades 
Central projection not recurved caudodistad 
throughout its length; median carina on 

rostrum present or absebtzcu. «a. .e eee 7 
7. Margins of rostrum thickened and concave 
laterad Fie 2S? ee O. shoupt Hobbs 

Margins of rostrum not thickened, and sub- 
parallel or convergent up to base of lateral 
SPINES... j...2 wa 2% «fs. os eer 8 

8. Terminal elements of first pleopod widely 
separated and thick (heavy); tip of mesial 
process caudomesiad of central projection 
Sn cue get ee nae See: Se O. sloani (Bundy) 

Terminal elements of first pleopod not widely 
separated, and slender and tapering; tip of 
mesial process caudolaterad of central 
projection...... O. rafinesquei Rhoades 

9. Margins of rostrum uninterrupted; acumen 
not distinctly set off from rest of rostrum 
SAPS corto ae a ae O. pellucidus testit (Hay) 

Margins of rostrum interrupted; acumen dis- 
tinctly set off from rest of rostrum......10 

10. Cephalic margin of pleopod without a shoul- 
der at base of central projection; however, 
either straight or curved.............. 11 
Cephalic margin of pleopod with an angular 
or. rounded shoulder... .... .....; .55eeee 12 
11. Cephalic surface of first pleopod in region of 
central projection straight; mesial process 
directed distad and extending distad be- 
yond. central projection... .. ..:2.s/2esnee 
...O. pellucidus pellucidus (Tellkampf) 

Cephalic surface of first pleopod in region of 
central projection curved; mesial process 
directed caudodistad and somewhat lat- 
erad, and not extending distad beyond 
central projection..... O. <inermis Cope 

12. Shoulder on cephalic margin at base of central 
projection rounded; hooks present only on 
ischiopodites of third pereiopods.......... 
ES eet a: O. pellucidus australis (Rhoades)5 

5 The holotype of O. pellucidus australis has a 
small short acute spine (probably corresponding 
to the caudal process seen in many members of 
the genus Procambarus), which in lateral aspect 
lies between the central projection and the mesial 

JAN. 15, 1948 DEIGNAN: 

Shoulder on cephalic margin at base of cen- 
tral projection distinctly angular; hooks 
present on ischiopodites of third and fourth 
pereiopods. O. pellucidus packardz Rhoades. 


Bunpy, W. F. List of Illinois Crustacea, with 
descriptions of new species. Bull. Illinois 
Mus. Nat. Hist. 1: 3-25. 1876. 

Faxon, W. Observations on the Astacidae in 
the United States National Museum and in 
the Museum of Comparative Zoology with 
descriptions of new species. Proc. 

Nat. Mus. 20: 643-694, 9 pls. 1898. 

Freminc, R. 8. The larger Crustacea of the 
Nashville region. Journ. Tennessee Acad. 
Sci. 13(4): 296-324; 14(2): 261-264; 
14(3): 299-324. 1938-39. 

Grrarp, C. A revision of the North American 
Astaci, with observations on their habits and 


geographical distribution. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philadelphia 6: 87-91. 1852. 

Hacen, H. Monograph of the North American 
Astacidae. Illus. Cat. Mus. Comp. Zool. 
no. 3: 1-109, 11 pls. 1870. 

Haye Week The crawfishes of the State of 
Indiana. 20th Ann. Rep. Indiana Geol. 
and Nat. Res. Sury.: 446-507, 15 figs. 

OrTMANN, A. E. Crayfishes of the Southern 
Appalachians and the Cumberland Plateau. 
Ann. Carnegie Mus. 20(2): 61-160. 1931. 

RAFINESQUE, C. S. Synopsis of four new 
genera and ten new species of Crustacea 
found in the United States. Amer. Monthly 
Mag. and Crit. Rev. 2. art. 7(9): 40-43. 

Ruoapes, R. The crayfishes of Kentucky, 
with notes on variation, distribution and 
descriptions of new species and subspecies. 
Amer. Midl. Nat. 31 (1): 111-149, 10 figs. 
10 maps. 1944. 

ORNITHOLOGY—The races of the black-throated sunbird, Aethopyga saturata 
(Hodgson).1 H. G. Deianan, U. 8. National Museum. 

For more than 30 years the race of 
Aethopyga saturata common on the moun- 
tains of northwestern Siam has, without any 
direct comparison of specimens, been re- 
corded as sanguinipectus (a name originally 
applied to the form of the Karen Hills). 
Topotypes of sanguinipectus and of its pre- 
sumed synonym waldenz (described from 
Mount Muleyit in Tenasserim) are nowhere 
available in America, but reference to the 
first descriptions and especially to Shelley’s 
Monograph of the Nectariniidae, pt. 6, 1878, 
pp. 37-38 and colored plate (where the 
description is taken from the types of 
 sanguinipectus and the illustration from the 
types of waldenz), has shown that sanguini- 
pectus has the entire throat (except only 
the center of the chin) metallic blue or 
violet and is thus quite different from the 
_Siamese bird, as well as from the several 
populations of Indochine that have been 
masquerading under its name. This dis- 
covery has made necessary a revision of the 
species, with the result that the number of 
races has been increased from the five ac- 
cepted by Delacour (Zoologica 29: 34. 
1944) to nine, of which three are here de- 
scribed for the first time. 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 

the Smithsonian Institution. Received June 10, 

Material essential to the prosecution of 
this study has been courteously sent me by 
the Museum of Comparative Zoology 
(M.C.Z.), the American Museum of Natu- 
ral History (A.M.N.H.), the Princeton 
Museum of Zoology (P.M.Z.), the Acad- 
emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 
(A.N.S.P.), and the Chicago Natural His- 
tory Museum (C.N.H.M.). 

1. Aethopyga saturata saturata (Hodgson) 

[Cinnyris] Saturata Hodgson, India Rev. and 
Journ. Foreign Sci. and Arts 1 (7): 273. Oct. 
1836 (Nepal). 

Nectarinia hodgsonis [sic] Jardine, Naturalist’s 
Library 36 [Nectariniidae]: 240, 269 [where 
spelled hodgsonzl, pl. 28, 1843 (Nepal). 

Range. Himalayas, from Garhwal to Bhutan. 
Remarks. The reference to Hodgson’s name 
is incorrectly cited by Stuart Baker (Fauna of 

British India, birds, ed. 2, 7: 285. 1930) as 

“Ind. Review, vol. ii, p. 273, 1837.’’ Sherborn 

(Index Animalium, p. 5753) gives ‘‘India Rev. 

I. 1837, 273.’’ According to the researches of the 

late C. W. Richmond, the first volume of the 

India Review appeared in 12 monthly install- 

ments from April 1836 to March 1837, and the 

proper citation is that given above. 

2. Aethopyga saturata assamensis 

Cinnyris assamensis McClelland, Quart. Journ. 


Calcutta Med. and Phys. Soe. 1 (3): 322. July 

1837 (Assam). Nomen nudum! 

Cinnyris Assamensis McClelland, Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London 7: 167. Mar. 1840 (Assam; type 
locality here restricted to the neighborhood of 
Sadiya, Sadiya Frontier Tract, Assam Prov- 
ince, India). 

Range.—Assam; Burma (north); Yunnan 

Remarks.—Mayr (Ibis 1938: 302) has shown 
that the bird of northern Burma, while most 
like saturata; differs from it by a broadening 
of the yellow band across the lower back and 
by a slightly shorter wing and a much shorter 
tail. For this population the old name assamen- 
sis may be revived. 

3. Aethopyga saturata sanguinipectus 

Aithopyga sanguinipectus Walden, Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist. (4) 15: 400. June 1875 (‘“‘Tonghoo 
hills [Karen-hee],’’ error; type locality cor- 
rected to “the Tonghoo and Karen-nee hills’’ 
by Wardlaw Ramsay, zn The ornithological 
works of Arthur, Ninth Marquis of Tweeddale, 
p. 414, 1881). 

Athopyga Walden1 Hume, Stray Feathers 5 (1): 
51. Apr. 1877 (Mount Muleyit, Amherst Dis- 
trict, Tenasserim Division, Burma). 

Range.—Southeastern Burma, from lat. 
19° N. south to lat. 14° N. (but see Remarks). 

Remarks.—Shelley (loc. cit. in introductory 
paragraph above) has observed that “the illus- 
trations of both sexes are taken from the speci- 
mens collected by Mr. Davison, and described 
as 4. waldent by Mr. Hume, who has kindly 
forwarded them to me from India to compare 
with the types of 4. sanguinipectus, to which 
species they evidently belong.” It may be 
hoped that some latter-day students in London 
will compare the two again to learn whether 
they belong to the same subspecies! 

The one bird of sanguinipectus-type avail- 
able to me is a male from Mount Nwalabo 
(lat. 14° N.), which may or may not be properly 
placed under this name. The synonymy and 
range given above for sanguinipectus must 
therefore be considered only tentative. 

4. Aethopyga saturata anomala Richmond 

Aithopyga anomala Richmond, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus. 22: 319. May 12, 1900 (Khao Sung, pe- 
ninsular Siam at lat. 7°32’ N., long. 99°50’ E.). 

Range——Specimens are known from Khao 

VOL. 38, NO. 1 

Soi Dao (lat. 7°20’ N., long. 99°50’ E.), Khao 
Nok Ra (lat. 7°25’ N., long. 99°55’ E.), Khao 
Nam Pliu (lat. 7°35’ N., long. 99°50’ E.), and 
the type locality, all hills in the range dividing 
the Siamese provinces of Phatthalung and 

5. Aethopyga saturata wrayi Bowdler Sharpe 

Aithopyga wrayt Bowdler Sharpe, Proce. Zool. 
Soe. London 1887, pt. 3: 440, pl. 38, fig. 2. 
Oct. 1 (Larut Range, at elev. 4,400 ft., Perak 
State, Malaya). 

Range.—Mountains of Malaya from north- 
ern Perak to southern Selangor and in Pahang. 

6. Aethopyga saturata petersi, n. subsp. 

Type.—C.N.H.M. no. 76209, adult male, col- 
lected at Pa Kha (lat. 22°32’ N., long. 104°18/ 
E.), Laokay Province, Tongking, on Decem- 
ber 28, 1929, by J. Delacour and P. Jabouille 
(original number 3312). 

Diagnosis—The adult male of the new form 
is immediately distinguishable from those of 
A. s. saturata (Nepal), A. s. assamensis (As- 
sam), and A. s. anomala (peninsular Siam) by 
having the lower breast sulphur yellow, con- 
spicuously streaked with blood red. 

From those of A. s. sanguinipectus (Karen 
Hills) and A. s. johnsi (southern Annam) it is 
separable by having the entire area between 
the metallic-blue mustachial streaks, from chin 
to breast, unglossed black (not metallic blue). 

It is, in fact, nearest the geographically re- 
mote A. s. wrayt (Malaya), from which it may 
be known by its having the sulphur-yellow 
breast patch more clearly defined and poste- 
riorly more extensive, the red streaks on the 
breast patch more numerous, and the remain- 
ing under parts a slightly paler, more yellowish, 
less grayish, olive green. 

Range—Yunnan (southeast); Tongking; 
Annam (north); Haut-Laos; Southern Shan 
States (Kengtung State); northern Siam (Chi- 
ang Rai and Nan Provinces). 

Specimens examined.—34 males, 3 females. 

Remarks.—This race is named in honor of 
James Lee Peters, of the Museum of Compara- 
tive Zoology. 

7. Aethopyga saturata galenae, n. subsp. 

Type.—U.S.N.M. no. 331074, adult male, 
collected on Doi Langka (Khao Pha Cho), 
northern Siam at lat. 19°00’ N., long. 99°25’ E., 

on November 10, 1930, by Hugh M. Smith 
(original number 4307). 

Diagnosis—The adult male is nearest that 
of A. s. petersi (Tongking) but differs by having 
the sulphur-yellow breast patch posteriorly 
more extensive and less clearly defined from 
the remaining underparts, which are oliva- 
ceous-yellow (not grayish olive-green). 

The adult female is separable from that of 
A. s. petersi by having the underparts suffused 
posteriorly with yellow, rather than a uniform 
grayish olive-green. 

Range.—Siam (northwest). 

Specimens examined.—18 males, 3 females. 

Remarks—Of four males from Doi Ang Ka 
(lat. 18°35’ N., long. 98°30’ E.), three are in- 
separable from topotypical A. s. galenae; the 
exceptional specimen has the majority of the 
feathers of the upper half of the throat wholly 
or partly metallic blue and thus shows ap- 
proach to A. s. sanguinipectus-waldenit of 
Mount Muleyit. It is highly probable that 
birds of the unexplored hills lying between Ang 
Ka and Muleyit will prove to be true sanguini- 

This race is named in honor of my mother. 

8. Aethopyga saturata ochra, n. subsp. 


Type—C.N.H.M. no. 91613, adult male, 
collected at Thateng (lat. 15°31’ N., long. 
106°22’ E.), Saravane Province, Bas-Laos, on 
November 26, 1931, by J. Delacour (original 
number 312). 

Diagnosis.—The adult male is nearest that of 
A. s. galenae (northwestern Siam), from which 
it differs (and so much the more from that of 
A. s. petersi) by having the sulphur-yellow 
breast patch posteriorly still more extensive 
and scarcely defined at all from the remaining 
underparts, which are more strongly suffused 
with yellow then in any other race. 

The adult female seems to be identical with 
that of A. s. galenae. 

Range——Bas-Laos (Boloven Plateau). 

Specimens examined.—7 males, 2 females. 

9. Aethopyga saturata johnsi Robinson and 
Boden Kloss 

Aithopyga sanguinipectus johnst Robinson and 
Boden Kloss, Ibis (11) 1 (4): 621. Oct. 23, 1919 
(Dran, Haut-Donai Province, southern An- 
nam), ° 
Range.—Southern Annam (Langbian Pla- 




The 413th meeting of the Board of Man- 
agers, held in the Cosmos Club, December 15, 
1947, was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by the 
President, Dr. Watpo L. Scumirr. Others 
present were: H. S. Rappieye, H. A. REHDER, 
H. B. Couurns, Jr., F. G. Brickweppk, F. L. 
Mouter, J. S. Want, W. W. Rusey, L. E. 
Yocum, W. A. Dayton, M. A. Mason, C. L. 
GaRNER, and C. L. Gazin. 

Highteen persons were elected to member- 
ship. Dr. Percy W. BripGMaNn, a member of 
the Academy and a Nobel Prize winner, who 
has spoken before the Academy, was proposed 
for Honorary Membership. The Board voted 
unanimously that he be awarded this distinc- 
tion. Ten nominations for resident membership 
were presented. 

The Secretary, Dr. C. L. Gazin, reported the 

death of Dr. Dwicut F. WINDENBURG on 
November 14, 1947, formerly with the David 
Taylor Model Basin. He also reported the resig- 
nations of Drs. ALBERT E. LonGLry and JoHN 
B. Murti, Jr. The Board accepted these resig- 
nations, with regret, effective December 31, 
1947. The request of Dr. H. C. OBERHOLSER, 
who has paid dues from 1906 through 1947 
and who has retired from the gainful practice 
of his profession, that he be placed on the re- 
tired list of Academy members was approved 
by the Board. 

The Secretary announced that he received, 
on November 28, 1947, the nomination of Dr. 
GILBERT GROSVENOR for President of the 
Academy in 1948. |This candidate subsequently 
withdrew.— Ed.] 

The Treasurer, H. S. RAPPLEYE, requested 
that he be authorized to transfer the present 
two investment certificates, amounting to 
$5,000 in total, in the First Federal Savings & 


Loan Association, to a single account-book 
form as proposed by the Association. This re- 
quest was granted. 
The meeting was adjourned at 9:42 p.m. 
C. L. Gazin, Secretary. 


There follows a list of persons elected to 
membership in the Academy, by vote of its 
Board of Managers, since December 16, 1946, 
who have since qualified as members in ac- 
cordance with the bylaws. (See also previous 
list in May 15, 1947, issue of the Journal.) The 
bases for election are stated with the names of 
the new members. 

Elected December 16, 1946 

WatTreR A. McCussin, botanist, Bureau of 
Entomology and Plant Quarantine, in recog- 
nition of his contributions to the scientific basis 
of plant quarantines and the means of distribu- 
tion of parasitic fungi. 

Drawn B. Cowrs, physicist, Department of 
Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of 
Washington, in recognition of his work in the 
construction of the cyclotron at the Depart- 
ment, for many cooperative researches in which 
cyclotron products made by him were used, and 
especially his work on the distribution of anti- 
mony in Filaria infections. 

Elected January 13, 1947 

Marx W. Woops, botanist, National Cancer 
Institute, in recognition of his studies on the 
cytology of plant virus diseases and the origin 
and nature of viruses. 

Joun W. Avpricu, biologist, U. 8. Fish and 
Wildlife Service, in recognition of his contribu- 
tions to knowledge of the taxonomy and dis- 
tribution of North American birds. 

Elected April 14, 1947 

Puitie Drucker, anthropologist, Bureau of 
American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, 
in recognition of his contribution to the eth- 
nology of the Northwest coast and to the 
archaeology of these regions and of Veracruz, 

Harriet L. FrusuH, chemist, National Bu- 
reau of Standards, in recognition of her con- 
tribution to organic chemistry, more especially 

VOL. 38, No. 1 

the development of the first satisfaetory mech- 
anism for the production of orthoesters from 
transacetohalogen compounds and the de- 
velopment of methods for the separation of 
manuric and galacturonic acids. 

CaMILLE L. Leresyre, botanist, Bureau of 
Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engi- 
neering, in recognition of his researches in plant 
pathology, especially fungous diseases of forage 

Curtis W. SaBrosky, entomologist, Bureau 
of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, in recog- 
nition of his contributions to the classification 
of the Diptera and in particular his work on the 
taxonomy of the family Chloropidae. 

WALTER B. Lang, geologist, U. 8S. Geological 
Survey, in recognition of the pioneer study of 
the stratigraphy and sedimentation of the 
Permian of the Southwestern United States 
and its application to the discovery of potash 
and the development of a self-sufficient potash 

LouisE M. RussELt, entomologist, Bureau 
of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, in recog- 
nition of her contributions to the taxonomy of 
the sternorhynchous Homoptera, in particular 
her studies on the classification of the coccid 
genus Asterolecanium, on various groups of the 
whitefly family Aleyrodidae, and on various 
species of the Psyllidae. 

Grorce M. Foster, Jr., anthropologist, 
Institute of Social Anthropology, Smithsonian 
Institution, in recognition of his contributions 
to the development of the science of ethnology 
in Mexico. 

FENNER A. CuHAce, Jr., biologist, U. S. Na- 
tional Museum, in recognition of his contribu- 
tions in zoology, especially in the field of 

Rutu E. Gorpon, bacteriologist, Bureau of 
Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engi- 
neering, in recognition of her contributions to 
bacteriology, especially her, researches on the 
acid-fast and on the spore-forming bacteria. 

Elected October 6, 1947 

Husert R. SNoKE, engineer, National Bu- 
reau of Standards, in recognition of his impor- — 
tant work on roofing and building materials. 

EvuLiotT B. Roperts, engineer, U. S. Coast 
and Geodetic Survey, in recognition of his con- 
tributions in the development of oceanographic 
instruments and techniques, and in exploration 

JAN. 15, 1948 

and geodetic surveying in the Philippine Is- 
lands, the Aleutian Islands, and other areas. 

Curtis J. Humpureys, physicist, National 
Bureau of Standards, in recognition of his work 
on spectroscopy, including Zeeman effect and 
intensity measurements in the spectrum of the 
solar chromosphere. 

Ricuarp K. Cook, physicist, National Bu- 
reau of Standards, in recognition of his con- 
tributions to acoustics and in particular to the 
absolute measurement of sound intensity. - 

Elected October 6, 1947 

THEroporE E. Waits, paleontologist, Mu- 
seum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, 
Mass., in recognition of his contributions to 
vertebrate paleontology, in particular to the 
morphology of primitive tetrapods. 

1268th Meeting 

The 1268th meeting, the occasion of the 
Fifteenth Joseph Henry Lecture, was held in 
the Auditorium of the U. 8. National Museum, 
May 25, 1946, President DEFANDORF presiding. 

Program: Harvey FLrercHer, Bell Tele- 
phone Laboratories: The pitch, loudness and 
quality of musical tones. This paper has been 
published in full in the American Journal of 
Physics 14: 215-225. 1946. 

1269th Meeting 

The 1269th meeting was held in the Cosmos 
Club Auditorium, October 12, 1946, President 
_ DEFANDORF presiding. 

Program: H. W. Wetts, Department of 
Terrestrial Magnetism: Panoramic ionospheric 
recorder.—The application of a new technique 
for ionospheric research, developed at the 
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Car- 
negie Institution of Washington, under spon- 
sorship of the United States Army Signal 
Corps, has led to the discovery of hitherto un- 
suspected rapid motions and fluctuations. The 
panoramic ionospheric recorder in develop- 
. Ment, operating over a range 1.0 to 20.0 
megacycles per sec and registering the iono- 
spheric echoes on a single frame of 16-mm 
motion-picture film, was described briefly. This 
apparatus makes two records each minute in 
normal operation. Projection of the series of 


16-mm records thus obtained as a motion pic- 
ture gives a condensation of time scale and a 
continuity of events which reveal ionospheric 
fluctuations of a surprising nature. 

During periods of ionospheric and magnetic 
storms, rapidly moving clouds are ‘‘tracked”’ 
into the F2 (outer) layer. Upon merging of the 
clouds with the F2 layer the ionization is seen 
to increase, and downward rippling motions 
suggest an extension of the effect into lower 
regions of the ionosphere. 

The techrique of recording offers consider- 
able promise both as a research tool leading to 
a better understanding of atmospheric physics 
and as an educational aid in training of per- 
sonnel for ionospheric investigations. (A uthor’s 

NEWBORN Smi1TH, National Bureau of Stand- 
ards (paper read by Mr. SILBeRsTEIN): Longi- 
tude effect in F2-layer characteristics—Before 
adequate world-wide ionospheric observations 
had been made, it was assumed that the 
monthly average F2-layer critical frequencies 
and virtual heights were the same, at the same 
local time, for stations at the same geographic 
latitude but different longitudes. Radio operat- 
ing data indicated, however, that this assump- 
tion was questionable, and ionospheric observa- 
tions from the world-wide network of stations 
established during the war showed a pronounced 
longitudinal variation, apparently associ- 
ated with differences in geomagnetic latitude. 
This paper presented the evidence for the 
longitude effect, indicating how it led to the 
operational use of separate ionospheric predic- 
tion charts for the different world zones. 
(A uthor’s abstract.) 

1270th Meeting 

The 1270th meeting was held in the audi-— 
torium of the Cosmos Club, October 26, 1946, 
President DEFANDORF presiding. 

Program: N. P. Hays, Wright Field: Polar 
navigation.—Major Hays discussed his part as 
navigator in the preparations and flight of the 
Pacusan Dreamboat from Oahu to Cairo by 
way of the geomagnetic pole. (Secretary’s ab- 

Str Ropert Watson-WatTtT, Radio Board 
of Great Britain: Air navigation by radio meth- 
ods.—The early history, development, and use 
of radio were discussed. The use of radio re- 
flections from the ionosphere and other small 


reflections was also emphasized. (Secretary’s 

1271st Meeting 

The 172lst meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, November 9, 1946, 
President DmraNporRF presiding. 

Program: J. H. Curtiss, National Bureau of 
Standards: High-speed digital computing ma- 
chines, Pt. 1—The chief purpose of this paper 
was to list and describe the various current 
Federally financed projects in the field of 
automatic digital computing machines. Those 
already in existence, listed in the approximate 
order of completion, are: the “IBM Automatic 
Sequence Controlled Calculator’ at Harvard 
University; two small Bell Telephone Labora- 
tories relay computers, of which one is at the 
Naval Research Laboratory and the other is at 
Fort Bliss, Tex.; five small relay calculators 
developed by the International Business Ma- 
chines Corporation, of which one is at the 
Naval Proving grounds at Dahlgren, two are 
at the Ballistics Research Laboratory of the 
Aberdeen Proving Grounds, and two are at 
Watson Laboratories in New York City; and 
finally, the electronic ‘“ENIAC,” built at the 
University of Pennsylvania for Aberdeen. Two 
large Bell Telephone relay computers are al- 
most finished; one is for Aberdeen and the other 
for the Langley Memorial Laboratory of 
N.A.C.A. Harvard University is constructing 
a large relay machine for the Naval Proving 

Important development projects are: (1) At 
the National Bureau of Standards, construc- 
tion of large-capacity digital computers for 
the U. 8S. Navy and the Bureau of the Cen- 
sus, and a component development project 
for the Ordnance Department of the Army; 
(2) at the University of Pennsylvania, con- 
struction of another electronic digital computer 
for Aberdeen; (3) at the Institute for Advanced 
Study and RCA Laboratories at Princeton, 
N. J., construction of an electronic digital 
computer; (4) at the Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology, construction of a large electron- 
ic digital simulator for the Navy and also a 
component research project financed by the 
Rockefeller Foundation. (A uthor’s abstract.) 

S. N. AupxanpEerR, National Bureau of 
Standards: High-speed digital computing ma- 
chines, Pt. 2—There are two basic approaches 

VOL. 38, NO. 1. 

by which scientific computations can be re- 
duced to an automatic operation. These are the 
analogue and the digital procedures. The ana- 
logue procedure had been exploited to the 
greater extent prior to the war. During the 
war the need for greater accuracy and flexi- 
bility led to intensive development of the digi- 
tal procedure. The first of these machines, 
using electromechanical devices, was developed 
jointly by Harvard University and the In- 
ternational Business Machines Corporation. 
Next, the Bell Telephone Laboratories de- 
veloped a computing machine using electrical 
relays. Finally, an essentially electronic ma- 
chine of greatly increased operating speed was 
constructed at the University of Pennsylvania 
for the Army Ordnance. These applications of 
electromechanical and electronic techniques 
pointed the way toward making available the 
flexibility that is inherent in the digital pro- 
cedure. An immediate goal is to apply this 
flexibility to the solution of partial differential 
equations. To accomplish this will require the 
development of still faster electronic machines 
of much greater capacity. Consequently, the 
present program for the development of large- 
scale, high-speed digital computing machines 
is being pursued with even more vigor than 
during the war. (A uthor’s abstract.) 

1272d Meeting 

The 1272d meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, November 23, 
1946, President DEFANDORF presiding. 

Program: R. J. SpncER, Naval Ordnance 
Laboratory: Shock-wave phenomena.—A signifi- 
cant property of linear differential equations 
is the principle of superposition of solutions, 
e.g., Huygens’s principle in physics. Is there a 
corresponding principle in the case of nonlinear 
differential equations? Shock-wave phenomena 
presents a means of studying this question from 
the viewpoint of Nature’s own integrations. 
This paper formed essentially a report of the 
research along this line initiated at the Bureau 
of Ordnance (Navy Department) by J. Von 
NerumaAN. It started with optical illustrations 
of shock waves occurring in ballistics, air jets, — 
wind tunnels, and explosions. The mathemati- 
cal concept of a shock wave was presented, 
leading to the simple step-shock model de- 
scribed by the Rankine-Hugoniot equations. 
This model has been used in the investigation 

Jan. 15, 1948 

of the interaction of shock waves. The theoreti- 
cal predictions for reflection from a rigid wall 
were compared with the experimental obser- 
vations. For so-called regular reflection the 
simple model is adequate. In the case of Mach 
reflection, which involves an intersection of 
three shock waves (and a temperature dis- 
continuity) moving away from the wall, there 
is an enigma that can not be solved by any 
simple physical picture such as uniform pres- 
sure between the shocks or even by Prandtl- 
Meyer modification of this uniformity. (Au- 
thor’s abstract.) 

F. J. Weyut, Naval Ordnance Laboratory: 
Optical analysis of supersonic flow.—The varia- 
tions in density, which will be found whenever 
a compressible fluid is engaged in nonuniform 
motion, imply accompanying variations in the 
local index of refraction. Consequently a beam 
of transluminating light will be disturbed by 
the presence of flow without, in its turn, dis- 
turbing the flow. This fact is used in three 
basically different fashions, depending on the 
optical apparatus inserted into the light path, 
to obtain records of the density variations in 
the compressible flows. Referred to as the 
shadowgraph, the schlieren, and the inter- 
ferometric methods, they render visible re- 
spectively the total distortion, the change in 
direction, and the change in the time of transit 
experienced by the transluminating light beam 
on account of the presence of the flow. These 
three methods were first discussed from a 
quantitative analytic viewpoint and were then 
illustrated individually by typical records al- 
lowing a direct comparison of their respective 
strengths and weaknesses. (Author’s abstract.) 

1273d Meeting 

The 1273d meeting, the 76th annual meeting, 
was held in the auditorium of the Cosmos Club, 
December 7, 1946, President DeraNnporF pre- 

The report of the treasurer, confirmed by the 
report of the auditing committee, showed an 
income from dues and interest on investments 
of $1357.54 and expenditures of $1137.20, 
leaving a net gain of $220.34 on ordinary ex- 
penses. The ordinary expenses were at the 
rate of $3.27 per member. The total estimated 
assets of the Society showed a decrease of 
$271.76 from $16,694.19 as of December 1, 
1945, to $16,377.43 as of December 1, 1946. 


The joint report of the Secretaries showed an 
active membership of 359 as of December 1, 
1946—a, net increase of 12 members during the 
year. The following persons were elected during 
the year: W. D. Apprt, C. E. BartTHELt, 
R. D. BenneETT, T. J. Carrout, G. E. Davis, 
R. F. Gevuer, P. H. Grrovarp, D. Harkin, 
W. N. Harrison, Mary W. Hopeas, H. J. 
Hoge, R. L. McKinney, D. E. Parsons, 
G. W. Prerrerson, E. K. Piyuter, B. P. Ram- 
say, E. B. Roperts, L. H. Rumpavuau, G. B. 
SaBINE, G. H. SHortiy, H. 8. Stewart, R. D. 
F. J. Wey, W. J. Wyatt. 

The Secretaries reported the deaths of 
Pauu Brockett, W. N. HamiuTon, and W. P. 

Following the report of the Committee on 
Elections, these officers were declared elected 
for the year 1947: President, FRED L. MouHLER; 
Vice-Presidents, WALTER RAMBERG and KEN- 
NETH L. SHERMAN; Recording Secretary, 
WaLTeR L. CuHeney; Treasurer, FRANK C. 
Kracexk; Members-at-Large of General Com- 
mittee, Kari F. HerzFeLD, and LAWRENCE A. 

Program: R. P. Pererson, Johns Hopkins 
Applied Physics Laboratory: Exploration of the 
upper atmosphere by rockets, Pt. 1—A review 
of the advancements in cosmic rays shows that 
measurement vs altitude has been important 
in illuminating the subject. The measurement 
of residual ionization vs altitude by Hess and 
by Koehorster in 1912 gave the first positive 
evidence of the extraterrestrial nature of the 
cosmic radiation. Later, the measurements of 
Bowen, Millikan, and Neher of ionization vs 
altitude at various latitudes indicated the 
charged-particlelike character of the primaries 
and gave an energy spectrum for the primary 
radiation. At present there remain important 
unsolved problems; the mesatron component 
increases to the highest altitudes to which meas- 
urements have been made, yet its radioactive 
character insists that it is a secondary and 
therefore that it must eventually decrease; 
there is reported an overabundance of soft 
component at higher altitude; primary particles 
and their basic interactions (at energies 10,000 
times the highest now sought for in man-made 
machines), which produce the soft and mesa- 
tronic secondaries appear to be largely observ- 
able only above the highest balloon flights. 


This paper described the G. M. telescope of 
the type that Schein has used. This telescope 
measures total ionizing flux and compares the 
penetrating ionizing flux with the penetrating 
nonionizing flux, which converts in 2 em of 
lead. The paper also described the arrangement 
used in the V-2 and presented a short discussion 
of the results obtained. There was indicated a 
need for additional verification, because of a 
rather large and unexpected presence of a 
nonionizing component of the primaries, or 
energy greater than 109 HV and capable of 
converting in 2 cm of lead. 

Finally, there was presented a general de- 
scription of data recovery from such rocket 
flights including results of aerodynamic spoiling 
to obtain lower landing speeds for the recovery 
of mechanical recorders, air sample bottles, 
cameras, spectrographs, etc. (Author’s abstract.) 

H. E. Newer, Naval Research Laboratory: 
Exploration of the upper atmosphere by rockets, 
Pt. 2—The principal features of the V-2 rocket 
and its usefulness as a vehicle for upper-at- 
mosphere experimentation were discussed. 

Following a review of the general aspects of | 

upper atmosphere research including a dis- 
cussion of the recovery problems, there was a 
discussion of the Naval Research Laboratory’s 
work on solar spectroscopy, cosmic rays, pres- 
sure measurements, and ion-density measure- 
ments in the ionosphere. The paper was illus- 
trated by means of slides pertaining to the 
October 10 V-2 flight at White Sands, N. Mex. 
(A uther’s abstract.) 

1274th Meeting 

The 1274th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, January 4, 1947, 
President MouHLmr presiding. 

The retiring president, Francis M. Dsg- 
FANDORF, National Bureau of Standards, de- 
livered his presidential address on the subject 
The measurement of high voltage. This address 
will be published in full in the JouRNAL. 

1275th Meeting 

The 1275th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, January 18, 1947, 
President MouLER presiding. 

Program: R. §S. Burinetron, Bureau of 
Ordnance: The concept (and misconcept) of 
equivalence—This paper in expanded form is 

VOL. 38, No. 1 

published in this number of the JouRNAL (38: 
1-11. 1948). 

1276th Meeting 

The 1276th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, February 1, 1947, 
President MouueEr presiding. 

Program: JamMEs M. Kuaasse, Naval Ord- 
nance Laboratory: Airborne magnetometer in 
geophysical exploration, Pt. 1—The magnetic 
airborne detector AN/ASQ-3A was developed 
by the Naval Ordnance Laboratory and the 
Bell Telephone Laboratories and was produced 
by the Western Electric Co. for use in the U. 8. 
Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics for locating 
submarines from aircraft. Modified systems of 
this type have been used extensively by the 
Naval Ordnance Laboratory and the U. S. 
Geological Survey in airborne geophysical sur- 
veys throughout the United States and in 

In the magnetometer described, detection of 
a magnetic field employs an inductor with 
nearly ideal magnetization and saturation 
characteristics and negligible hysteresis. When 
the inductor winding is driven well beyond 
saturation field for the core material by a sine- 
wave current, the resulting distortion of flux 
wave-form produces harmonics of the driving 
frequency. The even-harmonic content is pro- 
portional to the magnetic field applied along 

the inductor axis. The second harmonic is 

selected by suitable filtering. Three such induc- 
tors are arranged mutually perpendicular. Two 
of these are used in a servo system to maintain 
automatically the axis of the third along the 
direction of the total field, and also to com- 
pensate for flight errors in the orientation 
system. A controlled variable direct current 
is supplied to the third inductor winding to 
suppress the total field to a small fraction of the 
earth’s field. The low-frequency response of the 
system permits continuous recording of the 
earth’s magnetic field intensity and anomalies 
as small as 1075 gauss (1 gamma) while air- 
borne. (Author’s abstract.) 

F. Ketter, U. 8. Geological Survey: Air- 

borne magnetometer in geophysical explorations, 

Pt. 2—The adaptation by the Geological 
Survey in cooperation with the Naval Ordnance 
Laboratory of the AN/ASQ-3A Magnetic 
Airborne Detector to problems of exploration 
in geophysics has made it possible to produce 

wate rest 

~ JAN. 15, 1948 

maps of large areas showing total intensity 
variations of the earth’s magnetic field with 
greater accuracy and speed and with less ex- 
pense than by ground measurements. 

The U. 8S. Geological Survey obtains the 
data by towing the magnetic detector element 
behind a twin-engined airplane in a stream- 
lined housing called a ‘“‘bird.” Variations in 
magnetic intensity are recorded on a tape in the 
plane. The location of the plane is determined 
at all times by a gyroscopically stabilized 
Sonne continuous strip camera. A system of 
electrically operated counters and edge mark- 
ers make it possible to correlate recognizable 
ground check points with the strip film and 
magnetometer record. 

Magnetic surveys of over 120,000 square 
miles in areas which covered extreme contrasts 
of geological and magnetic environments have 
proved the value of the airborne magnetometer 
as a reconnaissance tool in exploration for 
mineral resources. (A uthor’s abstract.) 

1277th Meeting 

The 1277th meeting was the occasion of the 
Sixteenth Joseph Henry Lecture and was held 
in the auditorium of the U. S. National Mu- 
seum, February 15, 1947, President MoHLER 

Program: JESSE W. Beams, Professor of 
Physics in the University of Virginia: High 
centrifugal fields. This address has been pub- 
lished in full in the JouRNAL 37: 221-241. July 

1278th Meeting 

The 1278th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, March 1, 1947, 
President Mouter presiding. 

Program: U. Fano, National Bureau of 
Standards: Contributions of physics to biology, 
Pt. 1—The borderland between physics and 
biology is today the subject of widespread 
interest, especially from the side of young 
physicists, who think of making it their main 
line of work. It seems timely, therefore, to 
examine critically which specific, actual or 
potential, lines of endeavor should go under the 

name of biophysics. A few lines are well 
defined, such as: (a) the design, production, 

and employment of physical tools which help 
in solving biological problems; this is primarily 
a branch of applied physics; (6) the investiga- 



tion of biological problems which involve phys- 
ical measurements and tools; this requires 
knowledge of physical apparatus and _ tech- 
niques belonging primarily to biology as far as 
its motivation and methodology are concerned; 
(c) the participation of workers with training 
and experience in physics in the investigation 
of biological problems; this has often proved 
extremely effective. 

It should be stressed that the field of en- 
deavor is a biological one and physics plays no 
further part than lending ways of thought and 
methods of approach to problems. (Author’s 

G. Gamow, The George Washintgon Uni- 
versity: Contributions of physics to biology, Pt. 
2—Until comparatively recent time the phe- 
nomena of life were so widely separated from 
familiar physical and chemical phenomena in 
inorganic matter that it seemed that the gap 
between the two could never be covered. This 
led to various “‘vitalistic’ theories which in- 
sisted that the phenomenon of life is principally - 
different from the ordinary physical phenom- 
ena and requires for their explanation some 
peculiar force known as “‘vis vitalis.”’ 

The recent progress of biology seems to 
cover the existing gap. In fact, the things like 
viruses and genes seem to represent the ‘‘missing 
links” between organic and inorganic matter. 
Although there is little doubt that viruses and 
genes represent the ordinary (although very 
complex) chemical molecules obeying the or- 
dinary laws of quantum chemistry, they are 
also attributed to all basic properties of living 

It is time now to attack the problem of these 
elementary living organisms from the purely 
physical point of view, and, while the biolo- 
gists dig deeper and deeper into the properties 
of these entities from the complex and of bio- 
logical forms, the physicist may be expected to 
approach the problem from the other end and 
“build up” the theory of gene and virus mole- 
cules on the basis of our present vast knowledge 
concerning the properties of atoms and atomic 
combinations. Just as the hydrogen atom 
represents the simplest model of atomic struc- 
ture, and the deuteron the simplest nucleus, 
virus-particles are most probably the simplest 
biological models which can be treated theo- 

Although there are still tremendous difficul- 


ties ahead, we may not be so far from the pos- 
sibility of constructing the model of the sim- 
plest living unit on the basis of purely atomic 
considerations. (A uthor’s abstract.) 

1279th Meeting 

The 1279th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, March 15, 1947, 
President MoutLeEr presiding. 

Program: 8. E. Forsusy, Department of 
Terrestrial Magnetism: Cosmic rays from the 
sun?—During the past 10 years three unusual 
and sudden increases in cosmic-ray intensity, 
lasting several hours, have been observed 
simultaneously in different parts of the world 
except at the Equator, where no increase was 
observed. All three increases began nearly 
simultaneously with unusually long and intense 
radio-fadeouts and solar-flares. The cosmic-ray 
increases were similar and simultaneous on the 
day and night side of the earth. Magnetograms 
from several magnetic observatories indicate 
that the increase in cosmic-ray intensity can 
not be ascribed to changes in the earth’s mag- 
netic field. While the increases in cosmic-ray 
intensity might be ascribed to changes in the 
sun’s general magnetic field which would per- 
mit more cosmic rays from outer space to reach 
the earth, such mechanism should be equally 
effective whether the solar-flare occurred in the 
front or back side of the sun. This with other 
arguments indicates that changing magnetic 
fields associated with a sunspot or flare may 
act as a magnetic accelerator for charged par- 
ticles. Similar processes on stars might account 
for all cosmic rays. (A.uthor’s abstract.) 

P. H. Asetson, Department of Terrestrial 
Magnetism: The transuranic elements——The 
paper reviewed the facts leading to the dis- 
covery of neptunium. The nuclear and chemi- 
cal properties of the transuranic elements were 
discussed. Possible methods of producing ele- 
ments of higher atomic number than 96 were 
described. These included the bombardment 
of uranium or plutonium with high speed 
carbon, oxygen, or other nuclei. (Author’s ab- 

1280th Meeting 

The 1280th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, March 29, 1947, 
President MoHLER presiding. 

Program: Hueu L. Drypsn, National Bu- 
reau of Standards: Exploring the fundamentals 

VOL. 38, NO. 1 

of aerodynamics.—This paper has been pub- 
lished in full in the JourNAL 37: 145-156. May 

1281st Meeting 

The 1281st meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, April 12, 1947, 
President MouueEr presiding. 

Program: A. H. Bennett, American Optical 
Co.: The phase contrast microscope.—The older 
microscopic methods are particularly useful for 
certain types of specimens, but for materials 
whose details have little absorption differences 
but differences in optical path, the phase 
method has advantages. In phase microscopy 
such microscopic details are imaged as bright- 
ness differences to which the eye or photo- 
graphic plate are sensitive. Work leading to 
phase microscopy was done by Abbé (prior 
to 1892), Bratuschek (1892), Rheinberg (1904), 
and Conrady (1905). Zernicke (1935) de- 
scribed the application of the phase contrast 
method to microscopy. Burch and Stock 
(1942) described their results using simplified 
equipment. Study of the theory, application, 
and apparatus for the method was begun by 
Richards, Osterberg, Jupnik, and the writer 
in 1941. In phase microscopy an annular ring 
placed near the lower focal plane of the sub- 
stage condenser acts as a secondary light 
source. This ring is imaged by the condenser 
and the objective onto a diffraction plate which 
by means of evaporated metal and dielectric 
films, alters the amplitude and phase relation- 
ships between the light undeviated by the 
specimen and the diffracted light. The light 
distribution in the image formed under the 
above conditions is determined by means of 
diffraction theory. (A uthor’s abstract.) 

O. W. RicHarps, American Optical Co.: 
Applications of the phase contrast microscope.— 
While theoretical considerations indicate the 
possibility of a large number of diffraction 
plates, a relatively small number serve the 
needs of practical microscopy. Bright contrast 
is useful in counting and for finer details. 
Dark contrast is useful and sometimes is pre- 
ferred as the image resembles that from stained 
preparations. Detail is brought out in living 
cells, emulsions, and on transparent surfaces. 
Photomicrographic records are possible and 
stereophotomicrographs reveal detail in three 
dimensions. When stained or pigmented, speci- 

Jan. 15, 1948 

mens do not have high contrast, it is possible 
to add phase contrast of greater visibility. All 
four types of Spencer diffraction plates have 
proved of use in microscopy. Replicas of Form- 
var, acetate, or silica surfaces may be examined 
with the phase microscope which opens a new 
field for investigation. Photomicrograph lan- 
tern slides were shown of typical applications 
including living unstained epithelial cells, 
bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and spermatozoa; 
unstained tissues, chromosomes, and malaria 
parasites; stained chromosomes, urine casts, 
emulsions, wool, rayon, paper, and replicas of 
steel surfaces. (A uthor’s abstract.) 

W. R. Duryer, Department of Terrestrial 
Magnetism: A film on the mechanism of cell 
division.—The paper consisted essentially of 
the showing of a film prepared by K. Michel 
of the Zeiss Co. using phase contrast lenses and 
time-lapse photography. 

The material photographed consisted of 
living spermatocytes of the grasshopper Pso- 
phus stridulus Linnaeus isolated in a physiolog- 
ical salt solution. Since time lapse photog- 
raphy was used, processes lasting over 5 to 
15 hours were reviewed in a few minutes. In 
addition the phase contrast lenses brought out 
many details, relationships, and structural 
contrast that the human eye unaided could not 
see in normally transparent cells. 

Major sequences in the film were, first, 
prophase changes in the nucleus. Chromosomes 
were visible shortening and thickening in their 
colloidal matrix. Arrangement of chromosomes 
on the spindles was followed by grouping of 
mitochondria in the mid-cytoplasm, next in the 
metaphase details of spindle lateral spread 
preceded actual elongation. Thirdly, separation 
of the chromosomes and other cytoplasmic 
movements during anaphase were shown. Final 
stages of cytoplasmic fission and telophase 
reconstitution of the daughter nuclei were 
clearly photographed. 

A remarkable sequence showed continual 
elongation of spindle substance even after each 
eell had divided. Concomitant sol-gel reversals 
of the polar surfaces were evident. New details 
of spermatocyte transformation into the early 
spermatic concluded the picture. 

The film has been adopted by the Surgeon 
General’s office as a medical technicians’ train- 
ing film and was shown through the courtesy 
of the War Department. (A uthor’s abstract.) 


1282d Meeting 

This was a joint meeting with the Washing- 
ton Academy of Sciences, held in the audito- 
rium of the Cosmos Club, April 17, 1947. 

Program: P. W. Bripaman, Professor of 
Physics in Harvard University.—High pres- 
sures and their effects. 

1283d Meeting 

The 1283d meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, April 26, 1947, 
President MoHLER presiding. 

Program: Pau F. Wacxksr, National Bureau 
of Standards: Heat capacities of gases.—Ex- 
perimental heat capacity data for gases are 
useful both for the calculations of heat require- 
ments in industrial operations and in checking 
statistical calculations of heat capacity, heat 
content, entropy, and free energy of compli- 
cated molecules. These calculations are made 
for extremely wide temperature ranges and 
permit calculations of yields of reactions as - 
well as heat requirements. 

Heat leaks were made negligible by the use 
of thermostated radiation shields and a care- 
fully designed calorimeter. This absence of 
heat leaks made high precision possible and rez 
duced consistent errors to very small values. 
The working time was also reduced, since or- 
dinarily it is necessary to make measurements 
as a function of flow rate in order to correct for 
heat leak. As a check for consistent errors, the 
heat capacity of oxygen was measured and 
compared with highly accurate values calcu- 
lated statistically from spectroscopic data. The 
values at — 30°C and + 90°C differed from the 
spectroscopic data by 0.06 percent and 0.10 
percent, respectively, while the experimental 
value at +40°C did not differ from the spec- 
troscopic data by a significant amount. Con- 
sideration of the data obtained for oxygen and 
the known sources of error indicates that the 
measurements with the apparatus have a 
probable error of 0.06 percent or 0.07 percent. 
(Author’s abstract.) 

W. H. Avery, Johns Hopkins Applied 
Physics Laboratory: Infrared spectra at low 
temperatures.—Difficulties caused by overlap- 
ping of the infrared absorption bands restrict 
the application of these spectra to the analysis 
of complex hydrocarbon mixtures. Theoretical 
considerations suggested that these difficulties 


might be minimized by observing the spectra 
at low temperatures, since the width of the 
absorption bands is predicted to be propor- 
tional to the square root of the absolute tem- 
perature. Using a cell with a reflecting bottom 
surface which could be immersed in liquid 
hydrogen, upon which films were condensed, 
spectra were obtained of a number of saturated 
hydrocarbons. The spectra were found to show 
the predicted narrowing of the absorption 
bands and a striking decrease in overlapping of 
the bands. Quantitative application of the 
method was interfered with, however, because 
of the scattering due to small crystals of the 
condensed hydrocarbons. A change from the 
gaseous to solid phase did not produce any 
significant shifts in the position of the bands of 
saturated hydrocarbons, but there were some 
indications that overtone and combination 
bands were changed in intensity by the conden- 
sation. The use of liquid helium was suggested 
for a further improvement in resolution of the 
spectra. A theoretical analysis of probability 
of the overlapping bands in complex mixtures 
showed that the use of low temperatures might 
be expected to increase tremendously the num- 
ber of mixtures susceptible to infrared analysis. 
(Author’s abstract.) 

1284th Meeting 

The 1284th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, May 10, 1947, 
President MOHLER presiding. 

Program: D. H. Mrnznu, Harvard College 
Observatory: Problems of the sun.—Our rapidly 
accumulating observational data on the sun 
have served to focus our attention on the many 
unsolved problems of the solar atmosphere. 
Although the surface layers appear to possess 
a temperature of about 6,000°C, the tempera- 
ture and excitation rise rapidly in the higher 
levels. In the upper chromosphere and promi- 
nences, the temperatures range from 10,000°C 
to 25,000°C. In the solar corona, temperatures 
may attain values in excess of a million de- 
grees. There are many additional problems such 
as the support of the prominences and chromo- 
spheric layers and the explanation of the gases 
in the solar atmosphere. Thus far, we have no 
completely satisfactory theory of any of these 

VOL. 38, NO. 1. 

The solar observations made regularly at the 
High Altitude Observatory of the Harvard 
University and the University of Colorado, 
located at Climax, Colo., have provided the 
astrophysicists with new indices of solar ac- 
tivity. Even though we do not yet understand 
the basic physical processes, we realize that 
marked changes in the output of solar ultra- 
violet radiation accompany the prominences 
and coronal disturbances. These ultraviolet 
variations, in turn, affect the ionosphere, the 
earth’s magnetic field, and the luminosity of 
the night sky. There is also a high probability 
that there may be a relationship between solar 
activity and terrestrial weather. The ozone 
layer of the earth’s atmosphere acts as a me- 
dium to transmit solar impulses from the upper 
to the lower atmospheric levels. 

Study of the sun, for the above-mentioned 
practical reasons, assumes an increasingly im- 
portant place in science. Accurate forecasting 

of radio-propagation conditions or of weatherin — 

general would possess immense economic value. 
For example, if only we could tell the farmer 
that the next growing season will be hot or 
cold, wet or dry, late or early, many losses 
would be avoided. 

For the long-range view, study of solar radi- 
ation has additional practical applications. No 
natural process is now replacing the stock of 
oil and coal, produced over geological ages. 
An understanding of the sun and solar process- 
es will help us to utilize more effectively the 
solar radiation, upon which we shall eventually 
have to depend for heat and power. (Author’s 

1285th Meeting 

The 1285th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, May 24, 1947, 
President Mouunmr presiding. 

Program: A. E. Ruarx, Johns Hopkins 
Applied Physics Laboratory: Behavior of par- 
ticles 1n scattering and absorbing media. 

A. J. SHNEIDEROV presented an informal 
communication regarding gravitation. ; 

The president announced the election of the 
following Committee on Communications for 
the season 1947-48: G. B. SaBinz, chairman, 
R. C. HerMAn, and THomMas CARROLL. 

WaLttTerR L. CHeney, Recording Secretary. 

_ Marsematics.—The rile of the deiteepe of ee het 9 in a 
physical and mathematical systems. ! eke sag is sgt INS 

Borany.—Studiesin ipckacasaes, and seine genera, Il: 
Middle American Loe 2 Rtas: Bee ; sea 

OnnrrHoLocy.—The Traces of the: core Sab i 
saturata ae ue G. Daicnan 




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Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

This JournaAL, the official organ of the Washington Academy of Sciences, publishes: 
(1) Short original papers, written or communicated by members of the Academy; (2) 
proceedings and programs of meetings of the Academy and affiliated societies; (3) 
notes of events connected with the scientific life of Washington. The JouRNAL is issued 
monthly, on the fifteenth of each month. Volumes correspond to calendar years, 

Manuscripis may be sent to any member of the Board of Editors. It is boy osm | re- 
quested that contributors consult the latest numbers of the JourNaAt and conform their 
manuscripts to the usage found there as regards arrangement of title, subheads, syn- — 
onymies, footnotes, tables, bibliography, legends for illustrations, and other matter. 
Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced, on good Seip Footnotes should 
be numbered serially in pencil and submitted on a separate sheet. The editors de not 
assume responsibility for the ideas expressed by the author, nor can they undertake to 
correct other than obvious minor errors. 

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Vou. 38 

PHYSICS.—The measurement of high voltage.' 

Bureau of Standards. 


This paper presents an outline of the 
basic principles used in measuring high 
voltages. It appraises the accuracies at- 
tained by some of the methods and devices 

currently in use, rather than attempts to 


give historical credit for discovery and in- 
vention, although numerous references are 
cited which should prove useful to one inter- 
ested in tracing such matters. The expres- 

sion “‘high voltage,” in the title of this paper, 

will be construed to include voltages of the 

order of 100 kilovolts and higher. It will be 

convenient to leave out of consideration 

many voltage measuring devices useful in 
the neighborhood of 100 kv and lower but 
of doubtful value in extending the range to 

much higher voltage by increasing the pro- 

portions of the device. This demarcation 
also serves to exclude from this discussion 

the methods of measurement of voltage at 
extremely high frequencies because voltages 
of this magnitude are nonexistent at those 
frequencies. The first portion of this paper 
will logically be devoted to a discussion of 
certain reliable methods of extension in 
range from low voltage standards. 

It is proper to ask why one should be in- 
terested in the accurate measurement of 
high voltage. One must be interested be- 
cause many phenomena depend on voltage. 
For instance, the hardness limit of X-radia- 
tion emitted by an X-ray tube depends 
upon the maximum value of the voltage 
across the tube including the ripple or any 
‘Superposed surge. Similarly the sparkover 

voltage of a sphere gap and the a-c flash- 

+ Address of the Retiring President of the 
Philosophical Society of Washington, delivered at 
the 1274th meeting of the Society on January 
4, 1947. Received July 28, 1947. 

FEBRUARY 15, 1948 



No. 2 

F. M. Derranporr, National 

over values for a string of line insulators 
depend upon the crest of the alternating 
voltage applied to the gap or string. In 
those cases it is the maximum voltage aris- 
ing from the combination of all voltage 
components in which we are interested. In 
the surge-voltage breakdown test of a light- 
ning arrester it is the crest of the applied 
surge that is fundamental, although the 
form of the surge, if it rises very rapidly, 
may be important. This is because with 

surges of increasingly steep wave front the © 

crest breakdown voltage actually increases 
because it requires an appreciable though 
short time to establish the mechanism of 
breakdown. On the other hand, in the com- 
mercial sale of energy it is the effective value 
of the voltage and its phase with respect to 
the current that is important. Thus the 
measurement of high voltage in the cases 
just mentioned presupposes some knowl- 
edge not only of the magnitude of voltage, 
say from thousands to several millions of 
volts, but also a knowledge of the variation 
of the voltage with time. This variation of 
voltage with time, which may have the 
form of a wave, pulse, ripple, or some other 
shape in no way resembling our everyday 
conception of a wave, is called wave form. 

From the foregoing discussion one may 
conclude that the significant characteristics 
of voltage to be measured, illustrated in 
Fig. 1, may be listed as: 

1. Direct voltage (d-c voltage). 

2. Effective alternating voltage (effective a-c 

3. Average alternating voltage (average a-c 

4. Crest or maximum voltage of a rippled 
d-c-, alternating-, or surge-voltage. 

5. The wave form of a surge- or alternating- 


For the measurement of voltage it has 
been found convenient to adopt as a pri- 
mary standard, the vcltage of the standard 
cell. The unsaturated standard cell, the 
voltage of which is approximately 1.0186 + 
volts, is almost universally used as a lab- 
oratory reference standard for voltage 
measurements. When kept in a thermo- 
stated enclosure and used under favorable 
conditions, it exhibits a remarkable con- 
stancy of voltage. The small differences that 
may arise in a thermostated group of cells 
from year to year are of the order of micro- 
volts. Unfortunately, similar electrochem- 
ical devices having 100, 1,000, or 1,000,000 
times the voltage of a standard cell do not 
exist. Therefore, in the usual measurement 
of higher voltages, it has been necessary to 
develop devices which ultimately refer back 
to the standard cell. 

Resistance methods of extending the 
range of voltage upward from the value of 
the voltage of the standard cell make use of 
the fact that by selecting suitable alloys and 
heat treating them properly resistors can be 
constructed to have a resistance, or a ratio 
of resistance, that remains constant to 
within a few parts in 100,000 over a satis- 






VOL. 38, NO. 2 

factory temperature range. The use of a ; 

potentiometer or of a tap resistor (volt box) 
is the simplest method for extending the 
range of measurements of direct voltages by 
reference to the standard cell. If r is the 
resistance from one end to the tap point and 
R is the total resistance including r, then 

the voltage e across r can be measured with — 

reference to a standard cell by using a 

potentiometer and the voltage V across R — 

is then V =e-R/r. 

“q hee te —* 


Although this simple resistance method © 

is adequate for small steady direct voltages 
it requires modification for the precise 

measurement of the high varying direct-, © 
alternating-, surge-, and pulse-voltages that _ 

one encounters in practice. The manner in 

which the voltage at any instant varies — 
with the time is a fundamental factor in the © 
problem of measurement. It is necessary to — 
express alternating voltage in terms of di- © 
rect voltage which can be evaluated by ~ 

reference to the standard cell. Instruments 
designed to read the same on the effective 

value of alternating voltage as on direct — 
voltage are called “‘transfer instruments.” — 
As transfer instruments, electrostatic in- — 
struments (1) are favored in Great Britain, © 

Vg: SOR ts soe 
m --Vm 
| 1 
i a Scars Ae Cian 2 
A Sec Time 



Fig. 1.—Wave forms. 

Fes. 15, 1948 

while electrodynamic instruments (2) find 
favor in this country. An electrostatic volt- 
meter, for instance, should give the same 
indication for a direct voltage V as it does 
in the case of an alternating voltage of pure 
sine-wave form for which the crest or maxi- 
mum voltage Vn=vV/2 V. 

If rectified alternating voltage is applied 

to a direct current voltmeter the instru- 
ment will read the average value of voltage 
applied to it, i.e., Vare= (1/t)/, vdt. 
- If, however, completely rectified alter- 
nating voltage is applied to a good electro- 
static voltmeter the voltmeter will read the 
crest voltage. Crest voltage can also be de- 
termined from the length of a spark gap 
across which it will just cause a discharge, 
or it can be readily evaluated from the wave 
form determined by use of a calibrated os- 

A more detailed knowledge of the varia- 
tion of the voltage with time such as is 
given by an oscillograph becomes of special 
interest in the case of pulse and surge volt- 
ages. Thus it would seem appropriate to ap- 
praise the value of the several devices used 
in the delineation of wave form, and to men- 
tion each type under the particular voltage 
divider or device with which it is generally 

A consideration of high-voltage measur- 
ing devices appears to lend itself better for 
discussion under a classification of methods 
of measurement or types of devices rather 
than under the classification of character- 
istics of voltage previously outlined. The 
devices which are useful in measuring high 
voltage may be conveniently classified as 
to type by considering whether the method 
of measurement employs: 

1. A high series impedance with a low-imped- 
ance instrument to indicate current through the 

2. A potential divider in which a fraction of the 
total voltage is measured across tap points of 
the impedance. 

3. A voltage transformer that permits measure- 
ment of a low voltage having a direct ratio to the 
high voltage. 

4. A generating voltmeter in which a voltage 
proportional to the field intensity in the region of 
the instrument is indicated. 

5. A spark discharge in which the length of the 
spark gives a measure of the voltage. 

6. The cooling effect of an “electric wind”’ as in 
the ionic wind voltmeter. 


7. Force arising from the attraction or repul- 
sion of electrostatic charges on electrodes. 

8. The deflection of a stream of charged par- 
ticles by means of a known field, either electro- 
static or magnetic, after their acceleration in 
vacuo by the voltage to be measured. 

The devices used in measuring high volt- 
age will be considered in accordance with 
the above classification and in the order 


The simplest method of measuring high 
voltage would appear to be to connect a 
high impedance in series with a sufficiently 
sensitive current measuring instrument hav- 
ing a negligible impedance compared to the 
value of the high series impedance, Z. Val- 
ues of the indicated current, 2, would then 
give the high voltage, V=7Z. The imped- 
ance Z may, of course, be primarily resis- 
tive, inductive, or capacitive or combina- 
tions of these elements. 

Series resistors —This basically simple 
method has been widely used in nuclear dis- 
integration work for direct voltage measure- 
ments, wherein the impedance Z is built: of 
many high resistance units in series (dia- 
gram at A in Fig. 2), care being taken to 
insure that the current entering at the high 
voltage end of the resistor is the same as 
that leaving through the deflecting instru- 
ment at the low voltage end. For reliable 
measurements it is necessary to be sure that 
the electrical leakage across insulating sup- 
ports of the resistor and from section to sec- 
tion is negligible and that there is negligible 
corona current from the units. Changes 
arising from self-heating must be made 
negligibly small or must be allowed for. The 
design of such a series resistor should be 
substantially the same as for the potential 
divider type to be discussed later in detail. 

Series reactors.—For alternating voltage 
measurements, series reactors have been 
used as the series impedance (3). They have 
the drawback, however, of requiring iron 
cores at lower frequencies if the inductive 
reactance is to be made large in comparison 
with the resistance of the windings. Stray 
and distributed capacitance effects raise 
additional objections so that series reactors 
have been little used in high voltage meas- 




VOL. 38, NO. 2 

m. Am. 

Fig. 2.—Diagrams of series impedors. 

Series capacitors —For the measurement 
of high alternating voltage, capacitance 
may be used in series with the low voltage 
indicating instrument, as indicated at B 
and C in Fig. 2. The capacitor, which must 
be relatively free from losses, corona, and 
brush discharges, magnifies the effect of 
harmonics present in the voltage wave form 
unless the low voltage instrument is of the 
capacitance type.? However, if harmonics 
are present, corrections can be applied. 
This device in a form for measuring high- 
crest voltage was originally described by 
Chubb (4) who employed the two spheres 
of a sphere gap as the capacitor, the lower 
and grounded sphere being insulated to 
permit rectification of the capacitance cur- 
rent to it. Such devices (5, 6, 7) appear to 
have been used more generally in foreign 
laboratories than in this country. The ar- 
rangement is indicated at C in Fig. 2. Hae- 
fely & Co. patented (7) such a device which 
employs as one electrode of the high-volt- 
age capacitor, a large insulated circular 
segment of the lower sphere. The remainder 
of the sphere serves as the grounded guard 
for this segmental electrode. The upper 
sphere serves as the high-voltage electrode. 

2 Here the combination serves as a potential 
divider and a low voltage electrostatic voltmeter 
across a large capacitance gives effective values 
of voltage independent of wave form. 

These devices generally permit only a 
rough computation of capacitance and 
therefore need to be calibrated against some 
other voltage standard, but they have the 
advantage over the sphere spark gap of giv- 
ing a continuous rather than transient indi- 
cation of voltage when used with an elec- 
trostatic voltmeter or rectifier-milliam- 
meter combination. Although the early de- 
vice of Chubb gave the crest value’ of volt- 
age, later similar arrangements (9) were 
devised that permit the determination of 
both crest- and effective-values of voltage, 
and when supplemented with a cathode ray 
oscillograph or synchronous commutator 
(8) give the high voltage wave form as well. 
For relative measurements, this series ca- 
pacitance method should be good to a few 
tenths of one percent. 


The potential divider is essentially some 
form of impedance with one or more tap 
points permitting the measurement of the 
voltage drop between tap points by a 
method which preferably does not change 
appreciably the current flowing through the 
divider. The potential divider is connected 
across the voltage to be measured. The 

3 Except in the case of alternating voltages of 

unusual wave form in which there are several 
maxima (8). 

LY 0) 
ao Rm 
(e) a= 
A 3S 
A Ss 
a fe| 
ma 6 
» M 




Fes. 15, 1948 

value of voltage measured between taps, 
when multiplied by the ratio of the value 
of the total impedance to that of the tapped 
section then gives the value of voltage 
across the total impedance. Potential di- 
viders are commonly constructed of sections 
of resistance, of resistance shunted by 
capacitance, or of capacitance. Types of 
each of these will be described. 

Corona shielded resistor.—For a resistive 
divider one may use 7 resistors, each of re- 
sistance 7, all exactly alike (or nearly so), 
connected in series, or one resistor (n—1) 
times as large as the smaller one connected 
in series with it, and across which the volt- 
age drop is measured. For use at higher 
voltages, both the electrical and mechanical 
designs of the physical device require care. 
Improvements in his earlier designs (10) 
have been incorporated by L. 8. Taylor in a 
resistor, not yet described, which is in 
use in the measurement of the high rec- 
tified voltage supply for a _ 1.4-million- 
volt X-ray tube in the X-ray Labora- 
tory of the National Bureau of Standards. 
As seen in Fig. 3, the column at the left 
side contains the corona-shielded. resistor, 
which is installed immediately adjacent 
to the column of 10 large cascaded-rectifier 
tanks, each of which at maximum volt- 
age contributes 140 kv to the total voltage 
of 1.4 million. This arrangement provides 
double shielding. The external system 
seen in Fig. 3 has tubular connections 
from the spun-metal corona shields to 
each section of the cascaded supply. The 
internal resistor assembly, also separately 
corona shielded, is thoroughly insulated 
from this outer system. Thus the currents 
required by the outer shields are supplied 
as a sectionalized direct load on the supply 
independently of the measuring circuit. 
This outer shield therefore takes care of 
current flow arising from external ioniza- 
tion, migratory dust particles, and minor 
surface discharges as well as surface leakage 
across the insulating columnar supports, 
and relieves the internal resistor of the 
resulting irregularly varying effects. In 
addition, the separate outer shields provide 
mutual field grading and the large top 
shield is effective in shaping the general 
electrostatic field. The internal resistor as- 


sembly is sectionalized, each section con- 
sisting of uniformly spaced wire-wound re- 
sistors located between toroidally shaped 
corona shields, which are electrically con- 
nected to the end of each group of resistors. 
Isolantite insulation is used for supporting 
the resistors and the uniformly spaced co- 
rona shields. The shields were constructed 
of smooth copper-tubing of circular section 
in order to provide satisfactory field grading 
along the resistor and thus to insure free- 
dom from corona discharge currents at the 
highest intended operating voltage. The de- 
sign provides for adequate insulation, me- 
chanical support, and centering of this 

Fig. 3.—1.4-million-volt rectifier column with 
shielded resistor column on left side. 


column inside the outer corona shield. Each 
section was adjusted and thoroughly tested 
at rated voltage before assembly and subse- 
quent measurements of individual sections 
show their resistance to be practically free 
from drift. These precautions were taken to 
make sure that the current throughout the 
resistor will be the same as at its low voltage 
end where measurement of the current is 
made; i.e., in order that the high voltage, 
V, being measured is equal to nri where nr 
is the total resistance of the stack of n 
shielded resistors. Actually the current, 2, 
is often determined by adding a small re- 
sistor, 7, and measuring v=27r, by means of 
a potentiometer. 

Manganin wire-wound resistors and a 
relatively large current of 1 milliampere 
were chosen as design values in order to 
minimize parasitic effects of leakage, ab- 
sorption, and corona currents, and thus to 
insure a resistor that would permit measure- 
ments to 0.1 percent or better. A current of 
1 milliampere corresponds to a load of 1.4 
kilowatts, so that the resistor was designed 
to dissipate a corresponding amount of 
heat. Carbon or the so-called “‘metallized”’ 
radio-type resistors have a much higher 
temperature coefficient and are in general 
less stable than wire-wound resistors. Con- 
siderable care must therefore be taken in 
their use to insure freedom from thermal 
and voltage effects. Although reduction in 
self-heating and in energy loss in such resis- 
tors may be secured by reducing the current 
say to 0.1 milliampere, the effects of leakage 
currents become relatively more important 
and may contribute to some extent in re- 
ducing the attainable accuracy to the order 
of 0.5 percent. . 

Still another consideration that should 
not be overlooked is the shunting effect on 
the resistance of the capacitance of the 
shields. In the case of a resistor of the high 
resistance type, sudden surges are easily 
transmitted through the shunting capaci- 
tances so that the measuring instrument, 
which must be correspondingly more sen- 
sitive, requires increased surge-protection. 
Thus there are drawbacks to either in- 
creasing the current in the measuring resis- 
tor to values greatly exceeding one milli- 
ampere because of increased energy loss, or 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 

decreasing it to values much below 0.05 
milliampere because of the instability of the 
resistance insulation, and of other troubles. 
For much of the pioneering nuclear disinte- 
gration work (1/1) carbon resistors available 
in units of much higher resistance per unit 
length than the wire-wound type have 
proved both economical and useful. 

It should be observed that the relatively 
high shunting capacitance of the corona 
shields of this type of resistor limits its 
usefulness as a resistor for alternating cur- 
rent measurements. 

Capacitance shielded and guarded resistors 
for alternating current.—The resistor di- 
vider, in high favor for the measurement 
of direct voltage, has certain specific defects 
in addition to its relatively large consump- 
tion of power. It necessarily has residual 
inductance and stray capacitance associ- 
ated with its resistance. As shown at A in 
Fig. 4, each section 71--+ 7, may be con- 
sidered as having at its terminals a lumped 
shunting capacitance of value (i--- Cn, 
and between its upper terminal and ground 
a capacitance Ca---Cm. If the value of 
capacitive reactance 1/27fCi is >r and 
1/2xfC.>n7 and if the impedance used in 
the measuring circuit shunting 7, is >rn, 
the voltage division by resistance will be 
trustworthy. As a result of the increase in 
shunting effect of the stray capacitances 
with frequency, these inequalities grow 
less until the division of the applied voltage 
is no longer proportional to resistance. 

The shielded a-c resistor (12) minimizes 
the effects of the unavoidable ground ca- 
pacitances at the cost of additional energy 
dissipation, by employing a second or guard 
resistor in parallel with the first or “‘work- 
ing’ resistor. This guard resistor is so con- 
nected to the shields that it supplies current 
to the ground capacitances that otherwise 
would have to be charged through and 
along portions of the working resistor. In 
an a-c shielded resistor the working, or 
shielded resistor, is composed of sections 
of value r each contained within a metal 
shield or box as indicated at B in Fig. 4. 
Each shield is maintained at a potential 
corresponding to the midpoint of its en- 
closed resistor by connecting it to a tap 
point on the proper section R,, of the guard 

Fes. 15, 1948 

resistor. Thus this arrangement makes the 
value of each shunting capacitance definite 
and supplies the ground capacitance cur- 
rent from the guard circuit. This is ac- 
complished at the cost of a slight increase 
in the shunting capacitance of the indi- 
vidual resistors because of the capacitance 
to the shield in which they are located, 
since one end of the enclosed resistor is 
above and the other below the potential of 
the shield. However, because the potential 
difference across the capacitance of either 
end of the resistor element to its shield is 
only one-half the voltage drop in this sec- 
tion of resistance r, the shunting effect 
need not be excessive at low frequencies, 
say 25 or 60 cycles. Such a resistor, com- 
posed of about 25 shielded sections, is used 
in a voltage transformer testing setup for 
phase-angle measurements and ratio meas- 
urements to 0.01 percent at the National 
Bureau of Standards. This resistor is rated 
at 0.05 amperes in each of the two (working 
and guard) 500,000-ohm circuits. In this 
device, which at 25 kv absorbs 2.5 kw, the 

individual sections of the working resistor 

are enclosed in metal shield boxes, which 


are filled with oil in order to improve ther- 
mal characteristics. This resistor is ar- 
ranged in tiers, each tier consisting of four 
working resistor boxes with corresponding 
sections of the guard resistor supported on 
a mahogany framework. Tiers are as- 
sembled one above the other by means of 
porcelain bus-type insulators, which serve 
to provide additional insulation and to 
permit bolting together of the resistor- 
supporting frameworks to form a mechan- 
ically stable assembly. Each box contains 
20 flat mica cards wound unifilarly with 
manganin wire. It is not feasible to extend 
the range of a-c shielded resistors and retain 
the same order of accuracy (0.01 percent) 
by this procedure much above 30 kv because 
of the effects of the capacitances which 
shunt the guard resistances. The resulting 
error increases as the fourth power of the 

An a-c shielded resistor of this type is 
also satisfactory for use as a series resistor: 
in conjunction with an indicating volt- 
meter or sensitive oscillograph. It may be 
used equally well on direct current but 
would ordinarily not be used because its 

Fig. 4.—A-C shielded resistor. 



VOL. 38, NO. 2 

Fig. 5.—Surge resistor. 

load on the source is greater than that for 
the simpler corona shielded resistor. 

Weller (13) devised a shielded a-c resistor 
for use in transformer testing up to 132 kv 
in which the shield current was supplied by 
auto-transformers rated at 75 kva, instead 
of by a tapped resistor. 

Surge resistors.—In surge voltage testing 
equipment used for studies of surge effects 
on electric power and transmission equip- 
ment, the fundamental component of volt- 
age in a 14X40 microsecond wave’ is of 
the order of 10° cycles per second. Hence 
components as high in frequency as 10’ 
cycles per second are of significance in 
fixing the wave form. The cathode ray 
oscillograph used to delineate such surge 
wave forms in conjunction with a potential- 
dividing resistor is generally located at some 
distance from the resistor and main dis- 
charge circuit in order to avoid induction 
effects from the large surge currents. Fig. 5 
indicates the common method used for 
connecting the resistor tap point through a 
coaxial cable to the deflecting plates of the 
oscillograph. The resistor is composed of a 
series of resistance cards. Each card has two 
similar windings wound in opposite direc- 
tions and connected in parallel to reduce 

4JT.e., one that rises to crest in 1} micro- 
seconds and falls again to one-half crest value in 
40 microseconds. 

inductance. The cable connection to the 
cathode ray oscillograph has a surge im- 
pedance usually of the order of 50 ohms, 
whereas the full-scale sensitivity of the 
cathode ray oscillograph is of the order of 
2,000 volts for a cold cathode-type and 200 
volts for a hot cathode-type cathode-ray 
oscillograph. Thus for full-scale deflection 
the currents to a cable considered as a 
resistance would be of the order of 40 or 
4 amperes, respectively. 

Resistance dividers for high-voltage 
surge measurements are not provided with 
corona shields because they would add 
excessive stray capacitance but are often 
so located adjacent to the surge generator — 
itself that some degree of shielding and 
field grading along the divider is secured. 
Since a resistor for a 2,000,000-volt surge 
measurement must be at least 700 cm. long 
to provide adequate longitudinal insulations 
and avoid flashover troubles in air, its 
distributed and stray capacitances intro- 
duce disturbing effects unless the resistance 
is held proportionately low. Thus a divider 
resistor for a 2,000,000-volt surge may have 
a resistance as low as 5,000 ohms and, if 
wire-wound, the wire must be of sufficient 
diameter to carry high momentary currents 
without damage. As a rule, accuracies of 
the order of one percent are all that are 
required. If it is desired to study surge com- 

Fes. 15, 1948 

ponents of the order of 10° or 10° cycles per 
second the residual inductance of each ele- 
ment and the distributed and particularly 
the non-uniform stray capacitance effects, 
assume especial significance in surge resis- 
tor dividers. For those frequencies, sup- 
plementary capacitance elements (14) may 
be added to the resistance elements of the 
divider in such a manner as to make uniform 
the capacitance shunting effect on each 
element and thus insure proper division of 
the surge voltage and its correct delineation 
by the oscillograph. The present interest in 
better voltage measurements of surge wave- 
fronts of duration less than one microsecond 
should lead to improved designs of surge- 
voltage resistor dividers. 

The cathode ray oscillograph plays such 
an important role in the field of surge- 
voltage (and surge-current) measurements 
that its contribution should be mentioned 
at this point. Although its value for use at 
lower frequencies should not be underesti- 
mated, it stands alone in versatility for use 
in high-frequency, surge, and pulse meas- 
urements. It owes this versatility to the 
small inertia of its electron beam, which 
serves at the same time as the moving ele- 
ment and pointer. The cathode-ray oscillo- 
graph, with a suitable sweep circuit, am- 
plifiers, shunts, and potential dividers, has 
been developed into one of the most useful 
pieces of electrical laboratory equipment 
and covers a range from a few cycles per 
second to frequencies of millions of cycles 
per second. Developments in electron optics 
and of new phosphors are constantly en- 
larging the place of the cathode-ray oscillo- 
graph as a useful precision device in spite 
of the complication of its accessory equip- 
ment. In the future an order of accuracy 
better than 1 percent may be expected. 
For most measurements, and especially 
those of high voltage surges, its high effec- 
tive impedance results from the low capaci- 
tance between its deflection plates. The 
energy loss, arising largely from stray ions 
and electrons within the tube, is so small 
as to be of little concern. Thus in the visual 
or photographic delineation of wave, surge, 
and pulse shape the starting point now 
seems to be a calibrated cathode-ray oscillo- 
graph except in very special instances in the 


low frequency range where a higher order 
of accuracy is required. 

Capacitor dividers.—Because residual in- 
ductance and residual capacitance effects 
in a resistance divider are unavoidable, not 
only in the resistance elements themselves 
but also in their electrical connections, it is 
natural to turn to the use of capacitance 
elements for alternating voltage division. 
The capacitance divider generally consists 
of a single high-voltage guarded-electrode 
capacitor in series with a low-voltage capac- 
itor of very much higher capacitance. The 


Lh hhh hhh 

finned copper 

~ \ t 
Qe hi oo rr 

Fic. 6.—Compressed-gas capacitor. Diagram of 
Bousman and Ten Broeck capacitor altered to 
include complete shielding of the working elec- 


residual inductance effects in capacitors are 
minimized by properly shaping their sizable 
conducting parts. The residual resistance 
effects are minimized (1) by using high 
grade solid insulation for the electrode sup- 
ports in order to keep electrical leakage 
through and across the surface of the insu- 
lation low; (2) by using free-air or com- 
pressed gases (15, 16) as the dielectric 
because of their low dielectric loss; and 
(3) by using electrodes with well-rounded 
contours and smooth surfaces to insure 
freedom from corona discharge. It is cus- 
tomary to support the guard electrode on 
its own insulation opposite the high-voltage 
electrode and in turn to support the guarded 
low-voltage electrode on the guard. The 
insulation between the guard and the 
guarded electrode is arranged to lie outside 
the high electrostatic field so that dielectric 
losses as well as surface and volume leak- 
age to the working capacitance are mini- 

The range of various types in free air is 
limited by the breakdown voltage of air to 
a practical value of about 15,000 v/cem 
gradient. Churcher (17) has described a 
capacitor for use at 300 kv, cylindrical in 
form, with an over-all diameter of 2 meters 
and a height of 7 meters. This unit is to 
some extent an absolute standard as it 
permits computation of its capacitance 
from dimensions measured under normal 
working conditions. To that extent it is 
preferable to a smaller compressed gas 
type (16) shown in Fig. 6° for use up to 300 
ky, having an outside diameter of less than 
1 meter and height over the bushing of 
3 meters, and a shielded capacitance to the 
high-voltage electrode of 50 micromicro- 
farads. However, when the space available 
is limited, the compressed-gas equipment 
may be built to occupy about one-fourth 
the space of a free air unit of the same rating. 
The one advantage, which may be in part 
psychological, of constructing a capacitor 
whose capacitance can be calculated from 
its dimensions lies in the care and precision 
demanded in its design and manufacture. 

§ In this figure the original design of Bousman 
and Ten Broeck has been modified to show com- 
plete shielding of the outer guarded cylindrical 
section by the guard. 

VOL. 38, No. 2 

A rather recent and desirable circuit ar- 
rangement using a compressed-gas shielded 
capacitor for testing potential transformers 
is described by Bousman and Ten Broeck 
(16). Their circuit arrangement is similar to 
a Schering bridge, i.e., a bridge in which 
the A and X arms are capacitances instead 
of resistances. The difference lies primarily 
in the mode of supplying the voltage to the 
bridge, the high-voltage arm (A) being 
supplied by connection to the ungrounded 
end of the high-voltage winding of the 
transformer, and the low-voltage arm (X) 
being connected to the ungrounded end of 
the low-voltage winding. Thusif this bridge 
is balanced when supplying power to one 
winding of the transformer, one may de- 
termine from the settings of the bridge arms 
both the voltage ratio and phase angle of 
the transformer. A simple reconnection of 
the bridge arms to a suitable supply per- 
mits quickly checking the constancy of the 
bridge arm components before and after 
ratio and phase angle measurements. Thus 
in this bridge reliance for the ratio measure- 
ment is placed primarily not on capacitanc- 
es but on the -constancy of resistance 
coils which are more suitable as reference 
standards because of their stability, while 
the phase angles are based on the air ca- 
pacitors. An extension in range to higher 
voltages might logically follow the arrange- 
ment of Bousman and Ten Broeck without 
serious reduction in the accuracy of 0.1 
percent claimed for their equipment. 

The subject of high-voltage wave form 
should also be considered in connection 
with capacitance dividers. Offhand, capaci- 
tance dividers would appear to be ideal for 
use with the cathode-ray oscillograph, as 
its impedance is essentially capacitive reac- 
tance. In surge measurements, however, 
it is usually both desirable and convenient 
to locate the cathode-ray oscillograph 
at some distance from the surge circuit 
in order to minimize inductive effects. 
This involves the use of a fairly long 
high-quality cable (preferably coaxial) con- 
necting the divider to the oscillograph so 
that the surge impedance of the cable, 
primarily resistive, rather than the capaci- 
tive impedance of the oscillograph plates 
assumes the major role in the measurement 

Fes. 15, 1948 

circuit. Thus, as suggested earlier, a surge 
resistor is to be preferred although surge 
capacitor dividers (18) have been used. For 
lower-frequency measurements this objec- 
tion does not exist to the same extent and 
capacitor dividers with cathode-ray oscillo- 
graphs as well as with amplifiers supplying 
electromagnetic oscillographs (string or 
loop in use up to several thousand cycles 
per second) have been found useful in 
delineating wave form with an accuracy of 
a few percent. 

A eapacitance-divider method yielding a 
high order of precision in delineating low- 
frequency wave form is due to Silsbee (19) 
who, in line with the early work of Rosa, 
used a point-by-point method. In his device 
a potentiometric balance by means of a 
quadrant electrometer is obtained across 
the low voltage portion of a capacitance po- 
tential divider for as many points in a 
repeated voltage wave as may be desired, 
thus permitting the evaluation of crest-, 
average-, and effective-values of the wave 
form. This method requires a synchro- 
nously driven contactor which may be. set 
accurately for each balance point selected 
for delineating the wave. The accuracy of 
measurement is very high and appears to be 
limited primarily by the steadiness of the 
alternating voltage source, say to a few 
parts in ten thousand. 


Voltage transformer—The method of 
measuring high alternating voltage in com- 
mon use in the United States employs a 
step-down transformer termed a voltage or 
‘notential’”’ transformer by the manufac- 
turer in order to designate its intended use 
in voltage and power measurement. The 
high-voltage winding is connected across 
the terminals of the voltage source to be 
measured, a voltmeter is connected across 
the low-voltage winding and its reading is 
multiplied by the ratio of transformation to 
obtain the value of the high voltage. The 
ratio of voltage of the high-voltage winding 
to that of the low-voltage winding of a 
well-designed transformer remains nearly 
constant over a wide range of voltage. The 
measured values of ratio of well-built 
transformers kept under normal laboratory 


conditions have been found to remain re- 
markably constant over long periods of 
time, variations in ratio requiring for their 
detection measurements having an accuracy 
of the order of 0.01 percent. Departures 
from nominal ratio have been determined 
by resistance bridge methods (20) up to 30 
ky with a precision of 0.01 percent and by 
capacitance bridge methods up to 132 kv 
with a precision of 0.1 percent or better 

Where symmetrical multiple high-voltage 
windings are provided in a voltage trans- 
former the following “‘series-parallel prin- 
ciple’ has been found valid for extrapolat- 
ing measurements of ratio factor at low 
voltage to permit their use at higher volt- 
age. Within the voltage limits of a high- 
voltage shielded resistor or capacitor, and 
with the high-voltage windings in parallel, 
measurements of ratio factor are made to 
cover the voltage per coil range of the low- 
voltage winding. The nominal ratio for 
series connection is then multiplied by the 
measured ratio factor at the same volts per 
coil for the parallel connection. Reliable 
measurements of effective alternating volt- 
age by this method can be made to better 
than 0.1 percent (20) and are in use up to 
250 kv. The cost of transformers with such 
symmetrical multiple windings increases 
rapidly with voltage. Other less expensive 
and less accurate (1 percent to 0.5 percent) 
transforming devices such as (1) a number 
of small chain-connected or cascaded trans- 
formers (21, 22) and (2) a high-voltage 
resistor (23), reactor (24), or capacitor 
(25) in series with a small transformer, have 
been introduced in Europe for measuring 
high voltage but have not met with general 
favor in the United States. 

Supply transformer with high-voltage wind- 
ing tap or with voltmeter coil Although the 
use of a voltage transformer with only an 
instrument connected as the burden on the 
low-voltage winding represents the ideal 
arrangement, it should be mentioned that 
adequately precise values of high voltage 
may often be deduced from voltage meas- 
urements made on the low-voltage input 
windings. This is particularly true if the 
resistance and leakage reactance of the 
high-voltage winding are low and the cur- 


rent drawn by the load on the high-voltage 
winding is small. Better still, an instrument 
connected between ground and a tap point 
on the high-voltage winding (26) near its 
erounded end may serve for measuring 
a relatively low voltage which will be pro- 
portional to the high voltage except in so 
far as the voltage across the tapped section 
of winding is affected by distributed and 
stray capacitance currents which flow 
through it from the rest of the high-voltage 
winding. Fig. 7 shows three such 350 kv 
60 c/s 1,000 kva transformers in the High 
Voltage Laboratory of the National Bureau 
of Standards. These units are shown con- 
nected in cascade to give 1,000,000 volts. 
Each unit has a high-voltage winding tap 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 

connection giving an accuracy of voltage 
measurement of about 2 percent at full 
load and correspondingly better accuracy 
at lighter loads. Still another arrangement 
consists in providing a third winding or 
voltmeter coil (27) so located relative to the 
low- and high-voltage windings that the 
magnetic flux linked by it automatically 
takes into account any voltage drop in the 
high voltage winding arising from the load 
connected to it. An accuracy of one-half 
of 1 percent at full-load leading current and 
better accuracy at smaller loads is claimed 
for a good design. These latter arrange- 
ments are not considered to be as trust- 
worthy as the use of a separate voltage 

Fic. 7.—Three transformers connected in cascade to give 1,000,000 volts. 


Furs. 15, 1948 




Fic. 8.—Bipolar generating voltmeter. 


The generating (rotary) voltmeter (28) 
first described by Kirkpatrick has been 
useful in estimating local potential gradi- 
ents and as an auxiliary control device. It 
has been likened to a d-c generator, but 
instead of currents induced by moving 
Wires in a magnetic field it employs a 
configuration of electrodes which permits 
the commutation of charges induced on 
plates alternately exposed to and shielded 
from an electrostatic field. Fig. 8 shows the 
diagram of a bipolar generating voltmeter. 
Fig. 9 shows a ceiling-mounted type de- 
signed by Behr that employs a sector disk 
as the rotating element. 

The fundamental idea has been incor- 
porated in many designs. Because of the 
necessity of alternately exposing and shield- 
ing the active plates (electrodes) the gen- 


erating voltmeter appears to offer greater 
promise for use in relative measurements 
than in absolute measurements. Thus it is 
usually first calibrated in terms of other 
satisfactory low-voltage standards, prior 
to use at higher voltage, but it may be used 
in those cases not requiring a high order of 
accuracy and thus amenable to simplifying 
assumptions for the purpose of computing 
the high voltage from dimensions. By so 
shaping the high voltage electrodes that 
discharges and consequent space charges 
are avoided it may be used by extrapolation 
techniques to extremely high voltages both 
on direct and alternating voltage. Without 
an incorporated high-voltage electrode it is 
essentially a gradient measuring device. It 
has been useful in a study of atmospheric 
electric charge and field phenomena re- 
sponsible for lightning (29), and as a voltage 

Fic. 9.—Rotating segments of Behr generating voltmeter. 


measuring device associated with high- 
voltage generators of the Van de Graaff 

When the generating voltmeter is used 
as a voltage measuring component (i.e., as 
an instrument for determining a value of 
gradient to be multiplied by a constant 
factor in order to obtain the total voltage 
difference) it is not sufficient that the fields 
in the immediate neighborhood of the in- 
strument shall be below corona or dis- 
charge-forming values, but it is equally 
necessary that the gradients at surfaces in 
the neighborhood of the sample field as 
well as those at the high-voltage electrode 
be below discharge-forming values and that 
there be no nearby relatively large sources 
of air ionization or dust. The effect of dust 
and charged particles may indirectly pro- 
duce serious distortions in high fields by 
being deposited and aligned on otherwise 
smooth polished metal surfaces so as to 
form the necessary points for initiating 
discharges and consequent space charges 
that would otherwise not exist. If the 
charge on the surface of the segments al- 
ternately exposed to the electric field is to 
be in definite ratio to the total field, then 
at no place in the field may the gradient 
exceed the approximate breakdown gradi- 
ent, 30 kv crest/cm, in air at NPT. The 
practical limit is actually much lower. For 
instance, the value of average gradient at 
which self-propagating discharges occur 
in the case of thunderstorms appears to be 
about 10 kv/cem. In the ease of the Brooks 
electrometer (30) discharges have been 
known to occur between the parallel faces 
of the electrometer plates when the voltage 
applied divided by the spacing had a value 
of 5 kv eff/ecm. Thus in air at NPT it is 
doubtful that for a generating voltmeter an 
average value of gradient exceeding 7 kv 
max/em with an upper limit of 20 kv/em at 
the electrode surfaces can be employed con- 
tinuously without some error in measure- 
ment arising from the above causes. Pre- 
sumably this practical limit arises from 
the almost ever-present small particles of 
dust (insulating or semi-conducting) which 
when deposited on the surface upset the 
ideal condition of pointless smooth surfaces 
one wishes to assume after the instrument 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 

maker has done his best to produce them. 
With reasonable care and cleanliness in 
assembly, dust has not been found to be a 
problem in generating voltmeters operating 
within a pressure chamber at higher gradi- 
ents (31). 

When used with suitable precautions, the 
generating voltmeter offers a means of ob- 
taining information not readily available in 
other ways. For instance when its com- 
mutating device is provided with a phase- 
shifting mechanism and the rotor is syn- 
chronously driven it provides a means of 
determining wave form (32) at high voltage 
with practically no load on the source being 
investigated. It is effective on a rippled 
direct voltage as well as on alternating 
voltage. When used for determining wave 
form it may be located in an undisturbed 
and readily accessible portion of the high 
voltage field. The generating voltmeter 
method of determining wave form should 
be good to a few tenths of 1 percent. 


Sphere and rod gaps.—If an accuracy of 
the order of 3 percent in determining crest 
voltage is sufficient, as in the case of insu- 
lator testing, the sphere spark gap in air is 
useful as a crest voltage measuring device. 
For voltages above 17 kv spheres of 6.25 
em diameter and larger (up to 2 meter 
diameter for approximately 2,000,000 volts) 
operated under controlled conditions serve 
as voltage standards for electrical break- 
down measurements of dielectrics (33). 
Earlier theories of breakdown of sphere 
gaps assumed that pure air, as well as other 
gases, has a definite breakdown strength or 
breakdown gradient at normal pressure and 
temperature. Paschen’s law relating the 
length of the breakdown gap with air den- 
sity permits correction for usual tempera- 
ture and pressure variations. Russel, Dean, 
Peek, and others have given empirical re- 
lationships based in part on electrostatic 
field theory for both sphere and cylindrical 
gaps, which, although they fit well in a 
limited domain of pressure and tempera- 
ture, are not so satisfying as relations (34) 
developed at a later date on the basis of the 
newer atom-physical background. The de- 

tailed work on discharges in gases by Loeb 

ey Dep 

Fes. 15, 1948 

(35) and his collaborators as well as much 
other valuable work in this field has pro- 
vided a fairly satisfactory explanation of 
some of the scattering of breakdown values 
of spark gaps. Meek (36) suggests that in 
the case of the shorter gaps the electron 
avalanche initiated at the cathode con- 
stitutes the usual initial process whereas in 
the case of larger gaps the mechanism is 
more akin to the positive streamer dis- 
charge of lightning and originates within 
the gap at some distance from the electrode. 
For gaps of intermediate length there lies a 
domain in which the initiation may be of 
either variety and such gaps show a larger 
scattering of breakdown values. The prob- 
ability of a free electron existing in the right 
location to initiate a discharge is, of course, 
an important factor in the scattering of the 
initial breakdown voltage when the time 
of application of voltage is extremely short. 
Irradiation (37) of small electrodes of the 
gap with radium or with ultraviolet light to 
produce photoelectrons is helpful in reduc- 
ing this type of scattering but appears not 
to be necessary in the case of large spheres 
because of the much higher probability, in 
the larger volume of air between the spheres 
of the presence of an initiating ion or elec- 

An idea of the effectiveness of ultraviolet 
irradiation in reducing scattering may be 
cited in the case of 12.5 em diameter brass 
spheres. Irradiation of the spheres by an 
open carbon arc reduced the scattering of 
individual 60-cycle sparkover values by a 
factor of 5 as compared with the results 
obtained without irradiation. On the other 
hand the average values of sparkover volt- 
age were lower by from two to five percent 
in the irradiated case, the amount of lower- 
ing being dependent on the intensity of 

Basing his work on the detailed informa- 
tion now available on the mechanism of 
spark formation Ver Planck (38) appears to 
have successfully correlated the enormous 
amount of data on sphere spark gaps. 

From the very nature of the spark be- 
tween spheres and of corona on cylinders, 
voltage measurements based on sphere 
gaps and corona cylinders (34), because of 
their dependence on surface shape, cleanli- 


ness of the surface, and cleanliness of the 
air, appear to be limited to a rather low and 
questionable accuracy, say from 1 to 3 
percent. When extreme precautions are 
used by following a ritual of cleansing, the 
use of ultraviolet irradiation of the spheres, 
limitation by resistance of surface pitting 
by the spark current, and by insuring 
“cleanup” of the sparking surfaces of the 
sphere gap through preliminary sparking, a 
series of 10 or more sparkover values often 
may be observed to agree to within +0.1 
percent. However, this apparent high pre- 
cision, equal to that of the high-grade indi- 
cating voltmeter employed as part of the 
equipment in making such observations, is 
deceptive. Painstaking observations made 
the following day under seemingly identical 
conditions may agree among themselves to 
the same precision but their average value 
will almost invariably differ by several 
tenths of one percent, and sometimes by 
more than 1 percent from those made on the 
previous day. In spite of its low order of 
accuracy the sphere gap serves as a com- 
mercial standard (33) for high alternating- 
and surge-voltage measurements appar- 
ently because of its basic simplicity. In 
larger sizes it gives a useful measurement of 
the maximum value of surge voltage and 
essentially serves as a voltage limiter when 
it is used in parallel with a device under- 
going voltage-withstand tests. 

Simple needle gaps, as a matter of his- 
torical interest, were once accepted as al- 
ternative standard voltage measuring gaps, 
but as a result of the inherently high scat- 
tering of values of sparkover voltage, varia- 
tion in sparkover values with changes in 
humidity, and large scattering in sparkover 
voltage when used for measuring surge 
voltage, they have been discarded as stand- 
ards. Rod gaps (39) in which the elec- 
trodes are used repeatedly as contrasted 
with the formerly prescribed use of new 
#00 needles for each sparkover of the needle 
gap, have sparkover values which are also 
affected by humidity to about the same 
extent as the flashover of porcelain insula- 
tion and appear to have replaced needle 
(or point) gaps for those uses where gaps 
are desired for correlating the flashover 
voltage of insulators. 



The Ionic Wind Voltmeter described by 
Thornton, Waters, and Thompson (40) 
merits some mention because it represents 
a unique application of a thermal method 
to the measurement of high alternating 
voltage. Use is made of the cooling effect 
on a heated filament arising from ‘‘elec- 
tric wind.”’ (See Fig. 10.) The heated fila- 
ment, with a suitable grounded shield, is 
located at a distance from the high-voltage 
electrode in such a position that, although 
in the electric field, it will always be below 
corona-forming voltage. Ions that may be 
present move back and forth as a result of 
the alternating electric field and in striking 
neutral molecules increase the general 
molecular motion. This results in an in- 
crease in cooling effect on the heated fila- 
ment proportional to the electric field. A 
filament that has a high temperature co- 
efficient of resistance is connected in one 
arm of a Wheatstone bridge. The bridge 
out-of-balance indicator is then calibrated 
in terms of the high voltage applied to the 
Ionic Wind Voltmeter. Although this de- 
vice may be constructed to have good 
sensitivity and is useful as a control device 
or relay, its indications are affected by 
change in wave form and an accuracy of 
only +2 percent is claimed for it. 


Electrostatic voltmeters and electrom- 
eters basically depend for their indication 
on a measurement of the force of attraction 
between charges on the movable portion 
of one electrode surface and charges of 
opposite sign on another fixed electrode 
surface. By arranging the movable portion 
of the electrode to be part of a suitable 
geometric surface—sphere, ellipsoid, or 
plane—it is possible to devise an instrument 
in which the voltage applied can be com- 
puted theoretically from measured dimen- 
sions and the measured force of attraction. 
An electrometer designed to approximate 
quite closely the theoretical assumptions as 
to the conductor shape and relative di- 
mensions required for simple theoretical 
computations, and thus to permit computa- 
tion of the value of applied voltage from 


VOL. 38, NO. 2 

dimensions and the resulting force, is 
termed an absolute electrometer. This is in 
contradistinction to the term electrostatic 
voltmeter, which signifies an instrument 
that may be used for relative measurements 
but that requires calibration by means of 
some other standard of voltage measure- 
ment. A number of designs of high-voltage 
electrostatic voltmeters (47-51) have been 
constructed. Such instruments require 
much less electrical energy for their opera- 
tion than an electrodynamic instrument 
with a series resistor. Corners rounded suf- 
ficiently to avoid electric discharges, high- 
quality insulation, and electrode spacing 
adequate to prevent discharges are pre- 
requisites in the construction of both elec- 
trostatic voltmeters and electrometers. 
Electrostatic voltmeters —With a few ex- 
ceptions (46, 47, 49) the high voltage elec- 
trostatic voltmeters follow the pattern of 
the Kelvin (52) guard-ring electrometer by 
having a guard ring for the attracted disk 
or movable electrode while placing less 
emphasis on the flatness of the movable 
electrode. Provision is usually made for 


Fig. 10.~~Ionic wind voltmeter. 

Fes. 15, 1948 

change in range by adjusting the spacing 
between the high-voltage electrode and 
grounded electrode of which the moving 
element usually forms a part. It is interest- 
ing to consider the developments in these. 
instruments over a few years as shown in 
Figs. 11, 12, and 13. In the early design of 
Abraham and Villard (47) (1911), Fig. 11, 
the curvature of the disk and guard is 

Fig. 11.—Abraham and Villard electrostatic 



nearly spherical. The moving system is 
rather massive with a separate damping 
chamber within the guard. The Imhof (44) 
(1926) design, Fig. 12, provides a flattened 
guard ring and fits the light-weight at- 
tracted electrode into its own damping 
chamber. Starke and Schroeder (43) (1928) 
in one model, Fig. 13, employed a relatively 
larger flat-guarded electrode and a flat- 
strip suspension for the movable rectangu- 
lar flat electrode, P, providing it with a 
mirror instead of a mechanical pointer, as 
well as with a balanced damping chamber 
arrangement. Nearby objects would be 
increasingly less effective in producing de- 
flection errors at equivalent spacings in the 
later voltmeters. These voltmeters may be 
read to closer than 1 percent but unless 
calibrated in place, especially when used at 
large spacings at maximum rated voltage, 
are likely to be affected by nearby objects. 

Ellipsoidal voltmeter.—The _ ellipsoidal 
voltmeter of Thornton and Thompson 
(58), illustrated in Fig. 14, is of the nature 
of an electrometer and satisfactory theoret- 
ical equations have been developed for it. 
It, like the electrometer, depends on a 
relatively undistorted axial field if it is to 
be used as an absolute instrument. 

The moving element consists of a metallic 
ellipsoid of revolution carried on a bifilar 
silk suspension and is provided at its lower 
end with a reflecting mirror and damping 

Fig. 12.—Imhof electrostatic voltmeter. 




eenwaes as ees 
CY eta f Sy LP Ph rh Be | 
SSSA aaa * 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 



Fig. 13.—Starke and Schroeder electrostatic voltmeter. 

vane. The ellipsoid is suspended with its 
long axis horizontal and is centrally located 
between two vertical circular plates facing 
each other and at an adjustable distance 
apart. Polarization of the ellipsoid by the 
electric field established between the plates 
by the source of voltage to be measured, 
gives rise to a mechanical couple tending to 
align the ellipsoid, which is initially set at 
an angle to the horizontal axis perpendicu- 
lar to both plates. Although the change in 
the angular deflection of the ellipsoid may 
be used as a measure of the voltage applied, 
a more sensitive and rather interesting 
method of voltage indication has been con- 
trived which involves measuring the in- 
crease in frequency of its swings when volt- 
age 1s applied. Thus: 

E=k(n?—n,?)'? (1) 

where £ is the electric field strength, kis a 
constant found from dimensions, 7 is the 
number of swings per second with the volt- 
age on, and n, is the number of swings per 
second with the voltage off. 

Sufficiently large plates are used and at 
such a separation that the electric gradient 
FE throughout a considerable volume along 
the axis would be substantially uniform if 
the ellipsoid were not present. Since the 
disturbance effected by the ellipsoid is 
small, the voltage applied to the plates is 

V = Ea, | (2) 

where d is the plate separation. 

The instrument described was designed 
for measurements up to 200 kv. As shown 
schematically in Fig. 14 the plates were 
140 cm in diameter and were spaced as 
much as 100 cm apart (1.e., average gradi- 
ent of 2 kv per cm). An exploration of the 
field indicated that it was quite uniform at 
the midpoint between the plates within a 
radial distance of 25 cm; however, no study 
of its longitudinal variation appears to have 
been made. Great care was taken to insure 
that the ellipsoids of revolution were ac- 
curately shaped so that the theoretical 
relationships would apply. One ellipsoid 
of duralumin was 3.9692 cm long and 0.5970 
cm in diameter and weighed 2.0496 grams. 

The electric gradients at the tips of the 
ellipsoids are considerably higher than the 
average gradient between the plates. These 
gradients must be kept well below corona- 
forming values if disturbing effects from 
electric wind are to be avoided. In its prac- 
tical form where it is to be used as a de- 
flection instrument for laboratory or shop 
measurements an insulating enclosure is 
provided for the suspension, ellipsoid, mir- 
ror, and damping mechanism to shield 
them against wind and dust. At the bottom 
end of the moving-system assembly the 
damping vane is suspended in a damping 
chamber attached to a tube whose upper 
end is cemented to the bottom of a hollow 
glass sphere in which the ellipsoid is cen- 
tered. The upper end of the sphere is ce- 
mented to a second tube housing the bifilar - 

Fes. 15, 1948 

suspension and an adjustable suspension 
control for changing the period of swing. 
The control mechanism and the torsion 
head are mounted at the supported upper 
end of the tube. A spherical shape was used 
for the hollow glass sphere enclosure for the 
ellipsoid so as to permit a theoretical eval- 
uation of the effect of the dielectric of the 
sphere on the electric field H at the ellip- 
solid. The theoretical correction derived 
for this spherical glass enclosure agreed 
well with experimental results when the 
relative humidity was not high enough to 
cause electrical surface leakage. 

The ellipsoidal voltmeter is said to be 
accurate to 0.1 percent and to be only 
slightly affected by humidity. Because of 
low average gradient, 2 kv eff/cm, it ap- 
pears to be more bulky than other electro- 
static voltmeters and is of interest mainly 
because it is a unique arrangement per- 
mitting absolute measurements. 

Sparkless sphere-gap _ voltmeter.—Large 
spheres ordinarily used as sphere spark-gap 
voltmeters in measuring high crest-voltage 
have been modified to permit their use as 
electrostatic voltmeters for measuring the 
effective value of voltage at spacings 
slightly in excess of sparking distances. 
This arrangement has been called a spark- 
less sphere-gap voltmeter (47). 

Hueter (46) employed a vertical ar- 
rangement of 1-meter spheres. The upper 
high-voltage sphere was supported on a 
spring whose additional extension as a 
result of the electrostatic force was magni- 
fied by a lamp-mirror-scale arrangement. 
The spring and the mirror optical-lever 
»arrangement were mounted within the 
sphere shank which was provided with a 
small window. An external arc-lamp and 
scale were mounted on an adjacent wall 
in the laboratory and gave satisfactory 
readings in daylight. The vertically adjust- 
able lower sphere was grounded and its 
driving screw mechanism was arranged to 
indicate the gap length. The weight of the 
upper one-meter sphere was 60 kg and for a 
75 cm gap the electrostatic attraction was 
approximately 800 grams at 1,000,000 
volts. In order to minimize effects of 
changing gap length, only small displace- 
ments (less than 0.5 percent of the gap 
length) of the spring-suspended sphere were 

Draught = 
H.T. ee 
H.T. eo 
busbar ~—— 


used. An oil-cup damper made the sphere 
motion nearly aperiodic. An accuracy of 1 
percent was claimed. 

Sorensen (47, 48) employed a horizontal 
arrangement of l-meter spheres with rather 
long slender shanks presumably in order 
to reduce effects of attraction arising from 
the shanks. The electrostatic attraction of 
the grounded sphere could be readily meas- 
ured as it was supported by suspending its 
shank by four ropes tied to the shank at 
the apices of the two thus-formed V-sus- 
pensions. The upper ends of the ropes were 
attached to ceiling members. This laterally 
stable suspension possessed only a small 
longitudinal stability so that differences in 
longitudinal electrostatic forces of several 
hundred grams could be measured to better 
than one gram. A small wire in line with and 
attached to the end of the grounded sphere 
shaft ran over the rim of a bicycle wheel 
thus insuring low friction. A small weight 
pan attached to the end of the wire per- 
mitted weighing the force of attraction. 

These two sphere-electrometer devices 
represent useful laboratory tools for they 
can be calibrated and used as voltmeters 
for measuring effective voltage. They can 

Mirror & dashpot 

Fia. 14.—Ellipsoidal voltmeter. 


also be employed in the usual manner as 
sphere spark-gaps for the measurement of 
crest voltage. If one is satisfied with the 
accuracy of the sphere spark-gap as a 
high-voltage standard, measurement of the 
voltage wave form permits calibration of 
these devices as electrometers for the meas- 
urement of effective voltage without re- 
course to other methods. To a very limited 
extent they may be considered to be abso- 
lute electrometers, particularly if adequate 
relative clearances to the floor, walls, leads 
and other conductors and insulators are 
maintained so that approximate corrections 
can be made for the presence of these ob- 
jects. Simple theoretical calculations of the 
force of attraction can be made by the 
method of image charges in the case of two 
insulated or one grounded and one insulated 
sphere. For a 25-cm spacing of his 1-meter 
spheres Sorensen considered that no cor- 
rection was necessary, and at 35 cm the 
effect of shanks and other nearby objects 
was sald not to exceed 1.5 percent. 

One may hope for an accuracy approach- 
ing 0.5 percent with the design of Hueter 
in making relative measurements up to one 
million volts. This would involve ample 
clearance for the spheres and first calibrat- 
ing by an accurate lower voltage method 
using a separation of the spheres adequate 
for one million volts and making certain 
that corona-free electric field conditions 
exist in the neighborhood. 

Disk electrometers—About 1880 Lord 
Kelvin made an outstanding contribution 
by incorporating a guard ring for the disk 
of the attracted disk electrometer. The 
guard ring not only validified the use of the 
simplifying mathematical assumptions in 
computing the electrostatic force of attrac- 
tion of the disk but it established the basis 
for a design whose readings were less ef- 
fected by nearby objects. When coplanar 
with the guard ring the force 

eae (3) 

where V, the voltage is in electrostatic 
units, A is the area of the disk, and d the sep- 
aration from the opposite grounded plate. 

For deflections of a guarded disk away 


VOL. 38, NO. 2 

from coplanarity, Snow (54) has developed 
a mathematical solution which takes into 
account the change in force arising from 
change in position of the disk. This change 
in force might at first appear only to vary 
inversely with the separation d (shown by 
a simple differentiation of equation (3)). 
However, Snow has evaluated the addi- 
tional change in force arising from the 
redistribution of the charges, which in the 
case of a protruding disk results in an 
increase in concentration of charge at the 
edge of the disk at the expense of the charge 
on the adjacent edge of the guard plate 
and vice versa in the case of a retracted 
disk. Troublesome instability in disk elec- 
trometers arising from this latter com- 
ponent of force has for a long time been 
recognized as a weakness in electrometers 
designed to cover a wide range of voltage 
measurement by adjusting the spacing d. 
One may either elect to provide a linear 
restoring force adequate for all spacings d 
at a considerable sacrifice in sensitivity at 
large spacings or provide for some adjust- 
ment of the restoring force with change in 
spacings at nearly constant maximum al- 
lowable gradient. The restoring force re- 
quired to balance the electrostatic attrac- 
tion in high voltage electrostatic volt- 
meters and electrometers has been pro- 
vided by the following devices: 

(1) Suspension of the moving electrode on one 
arm of a gravity balance, 1.e., change of restoring 
force secured by adjustment of e.g. of balance 
relative to central knife edges (52, 30). 

(2) Suspension of moving electrode on a coiled 
spring (46, 61). 

(3) Pendulous suspension of electrode (49). 

(4) Suspension of disk electrode assembly on a® 
flat-strip (torsion) suspension (43, 58). 

(5) Suspension of the disk from a metallic 
membrane (50, 81). 

(6) By combining the torque provided by a 
flat-strip supporting suspension with that pro- 
duced in a current-balance arrangement of coils 

which permits adjustment of the restoring force 
(55) by change in current. 

The last three types merit special men- 
tion because of the novelty of their ar- 
rangement. Fig. 13 illustrates the flat-strip 
suspension arrangement of Starke and 
Schroeder. The sixth of the above arrange- 
ments, used by Nacken (55), employs two 
pairs of “current balance”’ coils in a con- 

Fes. 15, 1948 

nection that permits adjustment of sta- 
bility as well as of sensitivity. The restoring 
force arises in part from the vertical strip 
suspension which carries the disk with its 
plane vertical as well as the two similarly 
mounted astatically connected current bal- 
ance coils. One pair of field coils with cur- 
rent 2; is connected in series aiding one 
moving coil and provides a torque propor- 
tional to 7; for balancing the electrostatic 
force on the disk; the other pair of coils 
with current 7» 1s connected in series op- 
posing so that by reversing 27,, and adjusting 
its value relative to the current in the mov- 
ing coil the restoring force of the strip 
suspension toward the null or coplanar 
position of the disk may be either opposed 
or aided thus altering the stability of this 
system by the simple adjustment of the 
current in this pair of coils. Thus this ar- 
rangement permits a desirable adjustment 
toward higher sensitivity at large spacings 
of the electrodes where the deflecting force 

The fifth of the above arrangements is 
exemplified in the devices of Rogowski and 
Boécker (50, 51) (illustrated in Fig. 15) in 
which an elastic diaphragm D provides the 
restoring force for the attracted disk. The 
diaphragm supports an iron-cored coil 
(above) which is actually part of a current 
transformer (‘‘Messdose’’) constructed 
with two air gaps in its iron core. The fixed 
coil with its core form the other part of the 
current transformer which is supplied from 
a voltage-regulated alternating-current sup- 
ply. Very small changes in the air gap 
(moving coil position) suffice to produce 
full scale deflections of an ammeter con- 
nected across the moving coil and this am- 
meter is calibrated to read the high voltage. 
As part of this particular moving system, 
arranged for use in a compressed gas en- 
closure, a force coil (Druckspiile) K is sus- 
pended below in an iron-clad solenoid es- 
pecially constructed to permit a measure- 
ment of force in terms of solenoid current. 
This arrangement permits, prior to assem- 
bly of the unit in the compressed gas cham- 
ber, a direct calibration with known weights 
on the disk for current in the solenoid 
against deflections of the diaphragm as in- 
dicated by the ammeter. This preliminary 


calibration with known weights against 
current is made in order to permit subse- 
quent checking of the calibration of the 
electrometer by means of the current in- 
stead of weights after it has been filled with 
compressed gas. 

Brooks absolute electrometer—The ab- 
solute high voltage electrometer of Brooks 
(30) (Figs. 16 and 17) is illustrative of what 
can be accomplished in the way of precision 
when the attracted disk is supported on 
one arm of a gravity-type balance. Brooks’s 
modification of the Kelvin electrostatic 
attracted disk electrometer with guard ring 
was designed for use in free air up to 275 
kv on alternating voltage and was arranged 
to allow a step by step experimental evalua- 
tion of errors not readily calculable. In ad- 
dition to a guard ring, it employed guard 

(©) (©) (2) 


Fie. 15.—Rogowski and Bécker compressed- 
gas electrostatic voltmeter. 


hoops equally spaced between the guarded 
and grounded electrodes. These guard 
hoops, spaced 2 cm apart, are connected to 
tap points on a potential dividing capacitor 
also across the voltage source. Thus the 

equally spaced hoops are maintained at 
equally spaced potentials corresponding to 
the voltage applied between the high-volt- 
age (upper) and grounded (lower) plates of 
the electrometer. The hoops not only screen 




sae peoeenerte ea 

Goes SS NN 

a Q 

Bal Cay 



“ULL b, 


SPDR ee oe Se 
oa a So es Diag 

\ Visa yAl 
ic E 

2. ES Bee CAS ee a eS 
- & 
. se « . 

4 3ST 
Bled habe 
SS ee 
= ys 




Se So 

Fic. 16.—Brooks attracted disk electrometer (schematic). 

Fes. 15, 1948 

the disk from external fields, but by their 
potential distribution tend to correct, 
within their diameter, electric field distor- 
tion that would otherwise arise from edge 
effects at the upper guard ring and lower 
plate. A mathematical solution of the con- 
tribution to force on the disk arising from 
these hoops has been carried through by 
Snow (54) and Silsbee (30) and has been 
demonstrated to be adequate by suitable 
experimental tests. For instance by omit- 
ting hoops, or electrically shorting various 
sets of hoops, their potential distribution 
was changed drastically. For such condi- 
tions when the corresponding corrections 
were applied based on the mathematical 
solution and experimentally measured po- 
tential distribution, very good agreement in 
the measured values of voltages was ob- 

As a result of the work on the Brooks 
Absolute Electrometer, which was com- 
pared with the transformer voltmeter 
method of measuring voltage, it was con- 
cluded that this instrument is reliable for 
absolute determinations to about 0.01 per- 
cent. This work was limited to 100,000 
volts—approximately one-third its rated 
voltage—because the clearances in the 
space in which the equipment was housed 
were inadequate. Results up to full rated 
value, 275 kv, are not yet available. (With 
the cessation of the war it is expected to 
extend the measurements to higher values 
of voltage in the modern High Voltage 
Laboratory of the National Bureau of 
Standards. ) 

6 The simple equation (3) may be rearranged 
V.=2dV2F/A. This equation may be thought 
of as being satisfactory for measurements yield- 
ing an accuracy of 1 per cent. If an accuracy of 
0.01 per cent is desired, correspondingly refined 
experimental techniques must be employed and 
additional physical measurements must be made 
as indicated by the larger number of terms in the 
complete equation for the voltage in electro- 
magnetic units of the Brooks electrometer, 

y,, sole the) ae A,—A, 
o (ro +14) 2M rg 
Y f(Sv—Sm) fhm 
its (S»—So) ci 2¢ =P 9 

Ree —1 h 
—-> CC eee, (=) +¢2 (=) |. 
k=1 2 Td Th 


Compressed gas electrometer.—A consider- 
ation of the compressed gas electrometers 
of Tschernyscheff (56), Palm (57), Rogow- 
ski, Bécker (50, 51), and others who at- 
tained accuracies approaching 0.1 percent 
leads one to consider whether additional 
design features might be incorporated in 
the compressed gas type in order to give 
an accuracy approaching that of the Brooks 
electrometer in free air. 

Actually the matter of precise weighing 
of the forces (less than 2.5 grams) on a 
16-cm diameter disk, involved in the Brooks 
electrometer offers no serious problem in 
free air aside from the necessity of providing 
a carefully thermostated enclosure to 
avoid air currents. The possibility of having 
correspondingly higher forces to measure 
has its appeal. In the Rogowski and Boécker 
voltmeter the maximum force of attraction 
of the disk may reach 250 grams and is 
measured to 0.2 grams. Thus the forces 
employed in measurements are one hundred 
times as large as in the Brooks electrom- 
eter, however, the relative accuracy of 
measurement of this larger force is less in 
their device. 

At the outset one would have to provide 
a force-measuring device approaching the 
accuracy and repeatability of a high-grade 
gravity balance, i.e., something better than 
that incorporated in the Rogowski and 
Bocker electrometer. Smaller-scale length 
measurement would have to be made with 
about the same relative accuracy and the 
flat metal surfaces of the plates would re- 
quire a high quality optical finish. The 
greatest loss involved in the use of com- 
pressed gas rather than free air, as in the 
Brooks electrometer, lies in the relative 
difficulty of making and checking mechani- 
cal measurements under pressure before 
and after voltage observations. 

The immediate gain from the use of 
compressed air (15) or other gases (51B) 
is to increase sparkover voltages nearly in 
proportion to pressure. For instance in the 
design for use to 400 kv alternating, Bocker 
used carbon dioxide at 15 atmospheres 
pressure which permits a gradient of 100 
kv eff/em as compared with 2.5 kv eff/cem 
in the Brooks electrometer as limited by the 
present potential dividing capacitor con- 


nected to the hoops. Gaseous ‘‘freon’’ (48) 
(dichlorodifluoromethane) has between 
smooth electrodes about 2.3 times the 
breakdown strength of air at pressures up 
to six atmospheres where it still remains 
gaseous. In the case of points or sharp 
edges the relative breakdown strength of 
freon is still higher. Freon has the disad- 
vantage of breaking down into highly 
corrosive products if corona or other dis- 
charges actually take place in it, making it 
less desirable than carbon dioxide on that 
account. Sulfurhexafluoride (S8C) appears 
to offer some advantages over freon be- 
cause of its greater chemical stability and 
higher equilibrium pressure at normal 

The greater size of the “free air’ as 
compared with the “compressed gas’’ elec- 
trometer appears to be its chief drawback, 
making it too cumbersome at the highest 


The cathode ray oscillograph and electro- 
static (and magnetic) analyzers are ex- 
amples of devices that employ the deflection 
of free-moving charged particles. Employ- 
ing for this discussion the relations given 
by Hanson and Benedict (59), if a slowly 
moving stream of charged particles is 
accelerated in vacuo along an electrostatic 
field of total voltage V, then 

V.e=smv? (4) 

where m is the mass of the particle, v its 
velocity, and e the charge on the particle. 
When a stream of particles with the velocity 
v is directed between parallel plates perpen- 
dicular to the electric field established by 
the voltage Vz between the plates then for 
the idealized arrangement of plates at the 
far edge the deflection 

d= V gel?/2Smv? (5) 

where / is the length and S is separation of 
the plates. For nonrelativistic velocities if 
L is the distance to and D the deflection at 
the screen or receiver 

D=Ld/(1/2)=VaeLl/Sme? (6) 


VOL. 38, NO. 2 

so that 
Va/Va=Ll/2SD, (7) 

and if the relativistic velocities are taken 
into account (59) 


ye a eee 
/ ( 2(E,+V.e) 

)-Ly/2sp, (8) 

where the rest energy L,=m,c? and m, is 
the rest mass and c the velocity of light. 
For relation (8) it may be shown that 
the relativistic correction is about 1 percent 
for electrons accelerated by a voltage V.= 
10.5 kv and increases to about 14 percent 
at 200 kv. The existence of a relativistic 
correction of such magnitudes on account 
of high electron velocity may be looked on 
as somewhat of a nuisance and as a limita- 
tion of the cathode-ray oscillograph when 
used for the direct measurement of high 
voltages. Applications of the cathode-ray 
oscillograph therefore seem to have been 
limited to the measurement of lower volt- 
ages. As is well known, the beam-accelerat- 
ing voltage source for V, is generally main- 
tained as constant as possible in order to 
preserve the sharpness of the cathode spot. 
The voltage to be measured (or a fraction of 
it from the voltage divider) is applied as the 
voltage Vz to the deflecting plates. Va is 
kept sufficiently low to leave the deflection 
D materially unaffected by the relativistic 
mass correction for velocity of the electrons. 
At first thought the fundamental simplic- 
ity of this method of measuring voltage is 
decidedly appealing. It applies the accel- 
erating voltage field directly to the elemen- 
tary charge of the electron unhampered by 
additional matter. As indicated above and 
by equation (8) there is a disadvantage 
because the resulting high electron veloci- 
ties even for relatively low-voltage accel- 
erating fields become so large that relativ- 
istic corrections for moving charges must 
be introduced. Thus on second thought, the 
method involving the acceleration of elec- 
trons appears far from ideal but an exami- 

nation of equation (5) indicates the ad- 

vantage to be gained by using charged par- 
ticles of greater mass than the electron be- 
cause of the resulting lower velocity. Al- 
though what one might consider a practical 

Fes. 15, 1948 

device for everyday use in the measurement 
of high voltage by deflecting a stream of 
free-moving positively charged particles 
has not been developed, the nuclear phys- 
icist has used such a device in his work for 
a number of years. To help him on his way 
in measuring high voltages he has estab- 


lished the High Voltage Scale. A short di- 
gression in explanation of how this was 
accomplished seems in order prior to a 
presentation of the contribution of the 
free-moving charged-particle deflection- 
method in this work. 

The study of atom physical phenomena 



Fig. 17.—Brooks attracted disk electrometer. 


led to the physicists’ need for a voltage 
reference standard of the order of 1,000,000 
times the voltage of the standard cell. 

Historically, one may go back to Planck’s 
equation hy=Ve wherein fh is Planck’s 
constant, v is the maximum frequency cor- 
responding to the maximum accelerating 
voltage V, and e is the value of the ele- 
mentary charge. Duane and Hunt (60) 
used a steady high-voltage storage battery 
in order to evaluate A from a careful meas- 
urement of the accelerating voltage V and 
the corresponding maximum frequency 
limit of the continuous X-ray spectrum 
produced. Since those measurements were 
made the value of h has been well estab- 
lished by other methods. Thus this relation 
affords a method of determining V by a 
measurement of the maximum frequency of 
emitted continuous X-radiation. Little use 
has been made of this method as a high- 
voltage reference standard largely because 
of the accuracy required in evaluating the 
frequency. With the advent of work on 
nuclear disintegration a pressing need for 
high voltage reference standards became 
apparent as the usual extrapolation meth- 
ods of measuring V, the particle accelerat- 
ing voltage, were both cumbersome and 
none too reliable. In early bombardment 
work it was found that resonance radiation 
of gamma rays occurred within a rather 
narrow range of the voltage used in accel- 
erating the protons. The early careful 
measurements by Tuve, Hafstad, and Hey- 
denburg (11) of the voltage at which these 
radiations occurred provided the basis for 
their adoption of certain values of voltage 
corresponding to the resonance gamma ra- 
diation for selected elements as fixed points 
on the High Voltage Scale. 

The measurement process for establishing 
values for the fixed points on the High Volt- 
age Scale consists in: 

(1) Providing a source of protons which are ac- 
celerated by a carefully measured adjustable volt- 
age V. 

(2) Directing this beam of protons on a target 
of a selected element such as lithium or one of its 

(8) Measuring the gamma-ray resonance radia- 
tion effects by means of Geiger-Mueller counters 
or similar devices which permit a quantitative 
measurement of this radiation as a function of the 
accelerating voltage. 

VOL. 38, No. 2 

From plotted curves of gamma radiation 
against accelerating voltage (proton en- 
ergy) the rather sharp maximum of gamma 
ray effect fixes the value of voltage chosen 
as the resonance voltage. By selecting 
elements for these reactions in which a 
single sharp maximum occurs and by care- 
fully determining the corresponding volt- 
ages in terms of the standard cell, the volt- 
ages at which particular reactions occur 
were established as reference points on the 
High Voltage Scale. In a similar manner 
but using a boron fluoride ionization cham- 
ber (paraffin surrounding the target tube 
and nearby chamber) instead of the Geiger- 
Mueller counter, neutron counts may be 
made for similar reactions In which neu- 
trons are ejected from the bombarded tar- 
get by voltage accelerated protons. In this 
case points for the scale are determined by 
gradually reducing the accelerating voltage 
V and choosing that voltage at which there 
is an abrupt decrease in ionization chamber 
current as the limiting voltage for ejection 
of neutrons is reached. 

Early experimental values of voltage cor- 
responding to the resonant radiation in the 
bombardment of lithium by protons was 
fixed at 440 kv for Li (py) with a probable 
error of 2 percent and a relative accuracy 
of 1 percent by Tuve, Hafstad, and Hey- 
denburg (11) of the Carnegie Department 
of Terrestrial Magnetism. A redetermina- 
tion of voltage values for some of the fixed 
points was reported in 1944 by Hanson and | 
Benedict (59), of the University of Wiscon- . _ 
sin. Their electrostatic analyzer (a device 
for determining the value of the electro- 
static field at right angles to a beam of 
charged particles that will deflect the beam 
a given amount) was carefully constructed 
so that its deflection constant could be 
computed from dimensions as a check on 
values determined experimentally. Their 
experimental method employed an elec- 
tron beam in place of the proton beam 
used later in their evaluation of the fixed 
points. The use of a low-voltage electron 
beam (accelerating voltages of 8 to 20 
kv) and of small deflecting voltages (150 
tc 360 volts) permitted precise voltage 
measurements and higher precision for de- — 
termining the deflection constant of their 

‘Fup. 15, 1948 

analyzer than the absolute method consist- 
ing of a computation of the deflection con- 
stant using carefully measured dimensions. 
Various refinements including the use of a 
highly stabilized source for the deflecting 
voltage and automatic regulation of the 
ion-accelerating voltage reduced fluctua- 
tions and contributed to highly precise 
measurements of the fixed points on the 
High Voltage Scale. Hanson and Benedict 
consider the following values expressed in 
terms of the Million Electron Volt scale 
to be accurate to 0.3 percent: L1(py) 
0.4465, F(py) 0.877, Li(pn) 1.883, Be(pn) 
2.058. Their apparatus gave relative values 
agreeing to better than 0.1 percent. Their 
values are seen to agree within the toler- 
ances given for the values of Tuve, Haf- 
stad, and Heydenburg although they are 
approximately 1.5 percent higher. 

The establishment of the High Voltage 
Scale based on a phenomenon unaffected by 
temperature, pressure, and humidity except 
as their abnormalities plague the collateral 
work of the investigator, thus represents a 
distinct step forward in the process of better 
measurements and standards for high volt- 



The principal methods in use for measur- 
ing high voltages have been outlined 
through the discussion of a number of 
devices. Mention was first made of the 
correlation of different methods of high- 
voltage measurements through extrapola- 
tion techniques in which the standard cell 
was used as the primary standard of volt- 
age. Absolute high-voltage electrometers 
were later discussed and the good agree- 
ment between their independently deter- 
mined values when compared with a stand- 
ard-cell voltage-extrapolation method was 
noted. Concluding remarks cited the use of 
both the standard-cell voltage extrapola- 
tion-technique and a less precise absolute 
method in establishing the voltage values 
for certain fixed points on the High Voltage 

At the moment it appears that high 
voltages as we know them in the laboratory 
stop with values of the order of 10,000,000 
volts. On the other hand, charged particles 


come to us from space or may be accelerated 
in the laboratory by resonance techniques 
to have electron velocity equivalents ap- 
proaching one hundred times that value. 
Presumably the future holds in store some 
new insulating arrangement for the col- 
lector of the high energy particles that man 
is able to produce—an arrangement that 
will permit the collector to build up to the 
unbelievable potentials we think of when 
we hear of a new machine in the rumor or 
blueprint stage that will produce 1,000 
million electron-volt particles. Just what 
such voltages will be used for and how they 
will be measured I wish to leave as part of 
your field of conjecture. 

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833. 1934;56: 1319. 1935. 

SORENSEN, Hopson, and Ramo. 
Eng. 54: 651. 1935. 

SORENSEN and Ramo. Electr. Eng. 55: 
444, 1936. 

Rocowskr. Arch. fiir Elektr. 25: 521. 


RoGowskI Arch. fiir 
Elektr. 32: 44. Elektrotechn. 
Zeitschr. 59: 123. 1938. 

Bocxer. Arch. fiir Elektr. 33: 801. 
1939. Elektrotechn. Zeitschr. 61: 729. 

Kevin. Papers on_ electrostatics and 
electromagnetism, ed. 2, sect. 360: 287. 
London, 1884. 

A. THORNTON and THompson. Journ. 

Inst. Electr. Eng. 71: 1. 1982. 

B. Bruce. Journ. Inst. Electr. Eng. 94 
(2): 129. 1947. (Published sub- 
sequent to delivery of this paper.) 

Snow. Bur. Stand. Journ. Res. 1: 513. 

and BOCKER. 

Nackxen. Arch. fiir Elektr. 33: 60. 
1939; 36: 678. 1942. 
TscHERNYSCHEFF. Phys. Zeitschr. 11: 
445. 1910. 
Paum. Zeitschr. fiir techn. Physik 1: 
el ee, 
A. CHARLTON and Cooper. Gen. Electr. 
Rev. 40: 488. 1937. 
B. Trump, SaFForRD, and  CLowp. 
Trans. Amer. Inst. Electr. Eng. 60: 
kooe. A941: 

Phys. Rev. 69: 692. 1946. 
Phys. Rev. 65: 

Hanson and BENEDICT. 

33. 1944. 

Duane and Hunt. Phys. Rev. 6: 166. 

WINKELBRANDT. Arch. fiir Elektr. 31: 

Frs. 15, 1948 

CHEMISTRY.—Standardization of the pH scale. 


RoGcer G. Bates and EDGAR 

REYNOLDS Smi1TH, National Bureau of Standards. 

The pH is not a definite thermodynamic 
quantity, and the lack of a universally 
accepted definition of the pH scale has led 
to an unfortunate state of confusion. The 
two scales of pHin common use at the pres- 
ent time differ by 0.04 unit. Some workers 
are using one definition for computations 
and measuring a different quantity. To 
correct this situation it is of primary impor- 
tance that a single scale be generally adopted 

Commercial pH meters of the glass-elec- 
trode type are now found in nearly every 
laboratory where chemical analyses and 
tests are performed. These instruments 
must be calibrated from time to time with 
buffer solutions of assigned pH. Two difficul- 
ties are encountered in any attempt to 
measure pH accurately. First, neither the 

concentration nor the activity of hydrogen 
ion in a buffer solution can be exactly and 
uniquely determined. In the second place, 
the potentials at the liquid junctions be- 
tween the various standard and unknown 
solutions and the bridge solution of the 
reference electrode can never be perfectly 
matched or eliminated. Measured pH 
values will still be uncertain for this reason, 
even when exact standards are available. 
Nevertheless, the larger differences due to 
lack of agreement on a fundamental defini- 
tion and on a method of calculation can be 
avoided by the co-operation of all who 
determine pH. As a means to this end, the 
National Bureau of Standards proposes the 
adoption of a standard scale of pH having 
reference points based upon certain repro- 
ducible buffers. In this discussion, the ad- 
vantages and limitations of the several 
common pH scales will be considered, and 
the nature of the problems involved in an 
evaluation of the hydrogen-ion activity of 
the standard buffer solutions from electro- 
motive-force measurements will be indi- 

S. P. L. Sgrensen first proposed the use of 
the hydrogen-ion exponent (Potenz) to 
facilitate the designation of the extremely 

1 Received September 2, 1947. 

small concentrations of hydrogen ion of 
physiological significance (2). This unit of 
acidity will be called pcH. Its definition is 

pcH = —log cy; ppeH=—log mz, (1) 

where c represents volume concentration 
(molarity or normality) and m is molality. 
The hydrogen-ion concentration, it was 
supposed, could be obtained experimentally 
by measurement of the electromotive force 
(emf, E) of a suitable galvanic cell. Sgrensen 
chose the cell, 

: 3.5-M | 0.1-M 
Pt; H2(g), Solution | 

KCl Res 
Hg.Cl, (s); Hg, (2) 

for the practical determination of pcH. The 
vertical lines represent liquid junctions. Ion 
transfer across these boundaries gives rise to 
an unknown liquid-junction potential, E;, 
which was partially eliminated by the ex- 
trapolation procedure suggested by Bjer- 
rum (3). 

With the aid of standard solutions com- 
posed of hydrochloric acid with and without 
sodium or potassium chloride, Sgrensen 
determined H°, the ‘“‘standard potential”’ or 
‘normal potential’’ of cell (2). The hydro- 
gen-ion concentration of these standard 
solutions was taken to be the product of the 
concentration of hydrochloric acid and the 
classical degree of dissociation derived from 
measurements of electrolytic conductance. 
By definition, E° is the potential of cell (2) 
when the hydrogen-ion concentration of the 
solution is 1 normal. Sgrensen’s value of H° 
0.5050 at 182 C (2 4.5, 6)« At. 25° C, the 
standard potential is 0.3376 (6). It was in- 
tended that the pH at 25° C of ‘‘unknown”’ 
solutions should be computed by the simple 

_ E-0.3376 

ae 3 
8 0.0591 8) 

where F is corrected insofar as possible for 
the undesired potential at the liquid junc- 
tion between the solution and 3.5-/V/ potas- 


sium chloride. This experimental pH value 
defined by Sgrensen’s value of #° is not, as 
he intended, pcH. It is designated psH in 
equation (3). The constant 0.0591 in the 
denominator is the value of 2.303 RT'/F at 
25° C, where R, 7’, and F represent the gas 
constant, absolute temperature, and fara- 
day, respectively. 

In the light of modern concepts, it is 
clear that the laws of ideal solutions can not 
justifiably be employed in this way. Nor 
will the classical degree of dissociation 
yield, as Sgrensen assumed, the hydrogen- 
ion concentration of mixtures of strong 
electrolytes. Activity now replaces concen- 
tration in the equations for the emf. Indeed, 
at a temperature of 25° C, 

E—E’'—E; (4) 
a2 So Seon 

where a represents activity. The standard 
potential, H”, is referred to unit activity 
instead of normality and includes the 
constant chloride-ion activity in the vicin- 
ity of the calomel electrode. The activity, a, 
is the product of concentration, c or m, and 
an activity coefficient, f. If H; could be 
evaluated, the exact hydrogen-ion activity 
would be forthcoming. Unfortunately, the 







Fic. 1.—pH of acetate buffer solutions at 25°C 
on four different seales as a function of concen- 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 

liquid-junction potential can not be caleu- 
lated without a knowledge not only of fx 
and other activity coefficients but also of 
the compositions of the multitude of transi- 
tion layers of which the boundary is com- 
posed. For this reason, the activity of a 
single ionic species is without physical 
reality (7). 

The new concept of the thermodynamics 
of cell (2) led to the definition of paH by 
S¢grensen and Linderstrgm-Lang (4): 

paH = —log ax. (5) 

Although paH can not be determined by 
thermodynamic methods, its character can 
be simply and unequivocally defined in 
terms of measurable mean activity coeffi- 
cients. The paH scale has likewise been 
defined in terms of the thermodynamic 
ionization constants of weak acids in dilute 
buffer solutions (8, 9, 10, 11). 

The pH values, on these three scales, of 
buffer solutions composed of equal molar- 
ities of acetic acid and sodium acetate are 
compared in Fig. 1. At infinite dilution, 
paH and pcH are equal, for the activity 
coefficient becomes unity by definition in 
that limit. However, the Sgrensen value, 
psH, remains lower by about 0.04 unit than 
paH at all concentrations. The pwH, defined 
as —log (agfci), changes but little with dilu- 

‘tion. This unit will receive further mention. 

When it is desired to convert psH to paH, 
the following relationship will serve with an 
uncertainty probably less than 0.02 unit: 

paH = psH+ 0.04. (6) 

The Sgrensen scale, or psH, is probably 
the scale most widely used today. The pH 
values given in the well-known monograph 
of Clark (6) correspond to this scale. Yet 
psH is neither —log ay nor—log cg. It usually 
lies, in fact, between these. When a pH 
meter is standardized on this scale, all 
measured values must be corrected to yield 
a quantity that can be employed in equilib- 
rium computations, if they are to have 
quantitative significance. The hydrogen- 
ion concentration possesses the physical 
reality that the activity lacks. A knowledge 
of the hydrogen-ion concentration would be 
useful, but this quantity can not readily be 
determined by an emf measurement with 

Fup. 15, 1948 

the pH meter. For this reason, the activity 
scale has been chosen as the most practical 
for general use. We shall now consider the 
assignment of paH values to the buffer 
solutions that will serve as fixed reference 
points on this scale. 

Cells without liquid junction are not only 
somewhat more advantageous from a theo- 
retical standpoint than are cells with liquid 
junction, but they are also more reproduci- 
ble and can readily be measured at different 
temperatures. They are, however, usually 
impractical for routine measurements. 
Efforts have been made at the National 
Bureau of Standards to use emf measure- 
ments of cells without liquid junction to 
establish standards of hydrogen-ion activity 
with which to calibrate the pH meter. Each 
emf measurement of the hydrogen-silver 
chloride cell, 

Pt; H.(g, 1 atm), Buffer solution, 
Cl-(m), AgCl(s); Ag, 
yields a value of —log (fufcimn), if the 
standard potential, #°, and the molality, 

‘m, of chloride ion in the solution are known, 
by the following equation: 


If the buffer solution is composed of a weak 
acid, HA, and its salt, where HA is either a 

—log (fafcimn) = +log mc. (8) 


monobasic acid or an acid anion, and pK 
for the dissociation equilibrium is known, 
f, is also obtained unequivocally: 

log f. Digg tlon 
= pK —log a +log (fufcimn). (9) 

The quantity —log (fafcymu) will be 
termed pwH. Inasmuch as pwH is thermo- 
dynamically exact, its use as a unit of acid- 
ity has been suggested (12, 13). The pwH of 
a buffer solution composed of a weak mono- 
basic acid, such as acetic acid, and its salt, 
however, changes but slightly with rela- 
tively large variations in hydrogen-ion con- 
centration, as shown in Fig. 1. For this 
reason, —log (fafcimx) is often not a useful 
unit of acidity in spite of the fact that it 
retains its significance at all ionic strengths. 
The paH is derived from pwH by adding the 
logarithm of an ionic activity coefficient: 

paH = pwH+log fei 


= pK —log —log f,+log fei. (10) 

Thermodynamics can offer no help in 
estimating the activity coefficient of chloride 
ion in equation (10). For this reason it 1s 
usually necessary to resort to theoretical 
equations or to assumed relationships 


Molality Toke mii for— paH, cells 
Buffer system* of each pH p3H ps psH with liquid 
strength 5 5 
component +—4 a; =6 junction 
Acetic acid + f 0.01 0.01 4.714 4.717 4.716 — — — 4.700; 4.714 
sodium acetate.......... \ 0.1 0.1 4.648 4.663 4.663 = — — 4.640; 4.645 
Acid potassium phthalate.} 0.05 0.053 4.002 4.011 4.010 — — 4.005 4.000; 4.010 
: : 0.01 0.04 5.169 Sailr if 5.174 5.170 5.164 5.168 
Acid pot 
— 0.02 0.08 5.098 | 5.111 | 5.109 | 5.100 | 5.089 | 5.096 
phthalate +dipotassium 
_ 0.05 0.2 4.991 5.013 5.019 4.996 4.969 4.987 
le Oe t! 0.4 4.907 4.940 4.960 4.919 4.867 4.902 
( 0.005 0.02 GeO, 7.022 7.020 7.018 7.019 7.018 7.026 
Potassium dihydrogen 0.01 0.04 6.956 6.964 6.961 6.958 6.961 6.959 6.963 
phosphate+disodium — 0.025 0.1 6.856 6.871 6.873 6.858 6.865 6.860 6.858 
hydrogen phosphate..... 0.05 0.2 6.767 6.789 6.796 6.767 6.783 6.772 
0.1 0.4 6.663 6.696 6.716 6.660 6.693 6.671 
] Se 0.01 0.02 9.177 9.182 9.180 — — — 9.178 
0.025 0.05 9.172 9.181 9.179 — a --- 9.167 

* When two components are present, their concentrations are equal. 


among the ionic activity coefficients in com- 
binations that can be experimentally deter- 
mined, such as mean activity coefficients or 
f, of equation (9). These methods give 
equivalent results in very dilute solutions. 
Some of these assumptions will now be con- 

The equations of Debye and Hiickel (74, 
15) represent observed values of the mean 
activity coefficients of strong electrolytes 
with considerable success. Thus the Hiickel 

1+ Bai/p 

might be employed to evaluate the activity 
coefficient of an ion 2 of valence z;. In this 
equation, A and B are constants at a par- 
ticular temperature for the water medium, 
whereas a; and 8; are parameters character- 
istic of the mixture of ions. At ionic 
strengths, u, below 0.1, the linear term can 
_ often be compensated by a small change in 
a; and the logarithm of the activity coeffi- 
cient expressed satisfactorily by the first 
term on the right alone. The magnitude of 
a; 1s of the same order as the ionic diameter 
in angstroms. Although the numerical 
value of this parameter lies between 3.5 and 
6.5 for many strong electrolytes, there is no 
known basis for selecting the correct value 
of a; for a single ionic species. 

Inasmuch as cell (7) is reversible to hy- 
drogen and chloride ions, it would not be 
unreasonable to assume that the activity 
coefhicient of chloride ion is about equal to 
the mean activity coefficient of hydrochloric 
acid in the buffer solution or in a mixture of 
strong electrolytes of the same _ ionic 
strength and composition with respect to 
cations. Unfortunately, these mean activity 
coefficients are often unknown. The mean 
activity coefficient of hydrochloric acid in 
its pure aqueous solution is well established, 
however, over a wide range of concen- 
trations (16, 17, 18). A practical scale of 
paH can be defined by assuming the equal- 
ity of fc, in the buffer mixture and fgo) in a 
solution of hydrochloric acid of the same 
ionic strength. 

Another possible approach is the sepa- 
ration of the measured f, into fo:and fra/fa. 

—log fi= = Bip; (11) 

Practical considerations limit this compu- 
tation to buffer systems in which HA is an 
anion, that is, to systems where A bears a 
charge different from Cl. The partition of 
f, might reasonably be based upon valence 
relationships valid in very dilute solutions, 

fa=fa—=fa—-—'? =f, 

where A~, A~~, and A~—~ represent anions 
with 1, 2, and 3 negative charges. 

Two other separation formulas are most 
readily described in terms of the parameters 
of equation (11). When the acid, HA, is a 
singly charged anion, it has been found that 

,’, the limit of f, in chloride-free solutions, 
can be expressed by 

14+ Bay 

One method of obtaining fc; assumes that a° 
and 6° can be identified with a; and £; for 
the computation of foi by equation (11). 
The other method identifies a° with a; of 
equation (11) and drops the linear or “‘salt- 
effect’? term in computing fo; in a buffer 
solution that contains no chloride. 

These five assumptions lead to five differ- 
ent paH scales (19). When —log fc) is com- 
puted by the first term on the right of equa- 
tion (11) with a value of a; not derived from 
experimental data, the scale will be called 
mili. The poH is that unit obtained by set- 
ting fc; equal to fac; in a solution of the 
same ionic strength as the buffer solution. 
Partition of f, according to the relationships 
assumed in equation (12) yields p3H. Iden- 
tification of a° and 6° with a; and B; leads to 
the unit designated psH, whereas omission 
of the salt-effect term gives p;sH. The paH 
of buffer solutions without added chloride is 
thus expressed in terms of experimentally 
defined quantities by the following equations: 


log fiP= + Bp. (13) 

pill =(pwH)*—Av/u/(1+Ban/u). (14) 
poH = (pwH )?+log faci. (15) 
p3H = (pwH)°— 1/2 log f,°. (16) 
psH = (pwH)°—1/2 log f,°+3/2 6%. (17) 
psH = (pwH)°— 1/2 log f,9+1/2 Bm. (18) 

The relationship among these last three 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 3 

Fes. 15, 1948 

paH scales is evidently given by 

pal =p;H + 6u=p3H+3/2 Bu. (19) 

In each of these equations the superscript 
zero indicates that the effect of chloride has 
been removed by extrapolation to a pure 
buffer solution without chloride. 

The paH at 25° C of several buffer solu- 
tions on these five scales is listed in Table 1 
and compared, where possible, with the paH 
derived from measurements of cells with 
liquid junction reported by Hitchcock and 
Taylor (9) and by MacInnes, Belcher, and 
Shedlovsky (11). Inasmuch as the choice of 
a; in equation (14) is partially arbitrary, 
two piH values, calculated with 4 and 6 for 
a;, are given. When the ionic strength is 
0.01, these differ by only 0.003 unit. The 
pwH of the acetate, phthalate, phosphate, 
and borax solutions was derived from pub- 
lished emf data (19, 20, 21, 22). 

It must be emphasized that thermody- 
- namics offers as much, or as little, support 
for the choice of one paH scale as another. 
One cannot state categorically that a partic- 
ular method of computation is wrong and 
another right. The assumptions can only be 
compared with respect to their reasonable- 
ness. Chloride ion evidently plays a unique 
role in these pH equations. None of these 
formulas can qualify as adequate unless it 
furnishes the same paH for a given buffer 
solution in the absence of sodium bromide 
or sodium iodide, for example, as it gives in 
the limit of zero concentration of sodium 
chloride. Electromotive-force measurements 
of hydrogen-silver halide cells containing 
phosphate buffer solutions with added 
sodium chloride, sodium bromide, and so- 
dium iodide (23) offer an interesting, though 
not exhaustive, test of the adequacy of 
these five methods of computation (19). 
Both pwH and log f, were obtained for 
varying ratios of halide to phosphate. The 
limiting values in the phosphate buffer so- 
lutions without halide were found by extra- 
polation. By fitting f,° to equation (13), a° 
and 8° were determined as well. 

The paH of equimolal phosphate buffer 
solutions on the poeH, p3H, psH, and p;H 
scales was computed by equations (15), 
(16), (17), and (18). The values on the last 
four scales are shown in Fig. 2 as a function 



of ionic strength. The lines representing 
these scales are labeled 2, 3, 4, and 5. The 
results derived from bromide cells are 
marked with a single prime and those from 
iodide cells with a double prime. Lines un- 
marked save for the identifying figure repre- 
sent data from the chloride cells. The dots 
(curve 5) are the values of the NBS scale. 
The upper and lower dashed lines locate the 
pili curve when a; is arbitrarily assigned the 
extreme values of 8 and 3 for the computa- 
tion. The molality of each phosphate salt 
is one quarter of the ionic strength. 

The three sets of p2H values computed by 
equations of the form of equation (15) from 
—log (fufxmu), where X represents halide, 
and the activity coefficient of the correspond- 
ing halogen acids agree well among them- 
selves but are from 0.01 to 0.03 unit higher 
than curve 5 at ionic strengths between 0.1 
and 0.2. It is noteworthy, however, that all 
methods of calculation give essentially the 
same paH at low ionic strengths. The course 
of the true —log aq curve can never be ascer- 
tained. Nevertheless, at ionic strengths of 

0 0.04 0.08 O12 

Fic. 2.—p.H, p3H, psH, and p;H of phosphate 
buffer solutions as a function of ionic strength. 
Curves representing the four scales are labeled 
2, 3, 4, and 5. The values were derived from the 
emf of cells with silver-silver chloride electrodes 
(unprimed), silver-silver bromide electrodes (sin- 
gle prime), and silver-silver iodide electrodes 
(double prime). The dashed lines indicate the 
course of the curve of piH for a; values of 8 
(upper line) and 3 (lower line). The dots (curve 
5) are the NBS values. 


0.01 or below, where all of these reasonable 
assumptions give practically identical re- 
sults, the paH can be said to possess some 
measure of thermodynamic significance. 

It is evident that the paH is markedly 
affected at high or even moderate ionic 
strengths by the assumption used in its 
evaluation. For this reason, primary stand- 
ards of hydrogen-ion activity should be 
solutions of low salt concentration. Al- 
though the true activity is unknown at the 
higher ionic strengths, the NBS pH stand- 
ards are consistent with one another over 
the pH range 4 to 9.2 at all concentrations 
to which the pH has been assigned. The 
NBS scale is a true scale of activity at low 
concentrations. At the higher ionic strengths 
it is best regarded as a self-consistent scale 
which, though based upon activity, per- 
force embraces an assumption not subject 
to experimental proof. This scale of pH ap- 
pears to be the most convenient and useful 
to adopt as standard. 


(1) Smiru, E. R., and Batzs, R. G. Comptes 
rendus de la reprise de contact du bureau, 
du consetl, et des commissions, a issue 

de la seconde guerre mondiale, p. 63. 
International Union of Chemistry, 
London, July 1946. 

(2) SéRENSEN, 8. P. L. Compt. Rend. Lab. 
Carlsberg 8: 1. 1909. 

(3) BspRruM, N. Zeitschr. Physik. Chem. 
53: 428. 1905. 

(4) SdrensEN, 8. P. L. Ergeb. Physiol. 12: 
393. 1912. 

(5) Sdrensen, S. P. L., and LinpERSTR¢M- 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 

Lane, K. Compt. Rend. Trav. Lab. 
Carlsberg 15, No. 6. 1924. 

(6) CLARK, M. The determination of 
hydrogen ions, ed. 3. Baltimore, 1928. 

(7) Taytor, P. B. Journ. Phys. Chem. 31: 
1478. 1927. 

(8) Coun, E. J., Heyrorn, F. F., and Mren- 
Kin, M. F. Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. 
50: 696. 1928. 

(9) Hircucockx, D. I., and Tayrtor, A. C. 
Journ. Amer. Chem. Soe. 59: 1812. 
1937; 60: 2710. 1938. 

Kauxo, Y., and Arroua, A. Zeitschr. 
Physik. Chem. A178: 437. 1937. 

MacInnss, D. A., BeLcuer, D., and 
SHEDLOVSKY, T. Journ. Amer. Chem. 
Soc. 60: 1094. 1938. 

GuGcGENHEIM, E. A. Journ. Phys. Chem. 
34: 1758. 1930. 

Hitcucock, D. I. Journ. Amer. Chem. 
Soc. 58: 855. 1936; 59: 2753. 1937. 

Desyre, P., and Hticxent, E. Physik. 
Zeitschr. 24: 185. 1923. 

Htcxet, E. Physik. Zeitschr. 26: 93. 

Harnep, H. 8., and Enters, R. W. 
Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. 55: 2179. 

SHEDLOVSKY, T., and MacInnss, D. A. 
Journ. Amér. Chem. Soc. 58: 1970. 

> 1936. 

AKERLOF, G., and TEAaRE, J. W. Journ. 
Amer. Chem. Soc. 59: 1855. 1937. 

Batrs, R. G. Chem. Rev., in press. 

Hamer, W. J., and Acres, S. F. Journ. 
Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 32: 215. 
1944; 35: 381. 1945. 

Batss, R. G., and Acres, 8. F. Journ. 
Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 34: 373. 1945. 

Manov, G. G., DeLouus, N. J., Linp- 
VALL, P. W., and Acrrz, S. F. Journ. 
Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 36: 543. 1946. 

Bates, R. G. Journ. Res. Nat. Bur. 
Standards 39: 411. 1947. 





ANTHROPOLOGY.—The true form of the cranial deformity originally described 
under the name “‘téte trilobée.”! T. D. Stewart, U. S. National Museum. 

Among the earliest accounts of deformed 
skulls from America is one by Louis-André 
Gosse, a Swiss physician-anthropologist, 
published in 1855. Included in this essay, 
which is concerned primarily with the classi- 
fication of deformity types, is the first de- 
scription of a skull from Isla de los Sacri- 
ficios, a tiny island 5.5 km southeast of the 
port of Veracruz, Mexico. Gosse’s descrip- 
tion of this skull is of historical importance 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 

the Smithsonian Institution. Received September 
9, 1947. 

because the artificial distortion which it 
exhibited which he characterized as “téte 
trilobée”’ has influenced all subsequent gen- 
eralizations regarding the distribution of de- 
formity types in Middle America. Thus in 
Dingwall’s book on cranial deformity 
(1931, p. 154) it is stated that— 

The skulls from Isla de los Sacrificios, near 
Veracruz, where the Spaniards first saw the gory 
remains of human sacrifice are unusually dis- 
torted, and Salas [1921, quoting Gosse] describes 
them as trilobed on account of the depressions 
doubtless left by the constricting bandages. This 
again suggests that at least two important forms 

<a? ey 
aa eae 

Fes. 15, 1948 

of cranial deformation were known in Central 
America from early times, that produced by 
boards and that produced by bandages. 

Also, Imbelloni (1934, p. 65), in plotting out 
the regions of deformity throughout the 
hemisphere, says that— 

[The Quiché-Huasteca] region presents deformi- 
ties of the type [tabular erecto], with the peculiarity 
of transverse grooves that, according to Gosse, 
facilitated the carrying of burdens (they are what 
Gosse calls trilobed). It comprises the coast of 
Mexico corresponding to the province of Vera- 
cruz (with the nearby Isla de los Sacrificios) and 
Guatemala. (Free translation.) 

Recently (1948) a careful archeological 
investigation was made on Isla de los Sacri- 
ficios by the Mexican archeologist Wilfrido 
du Solier in the course of which several 
skulls were encountered. Through the 
kindness of du Solier I was able to examine 
these skulls during my visit to Mexico City 
in September 1946. So different from the 
classical description of Gosse is the type of 
deformity in these new specimens that I 
have reviewed the whole subject with the 

- interesting results that follow. 


According to Gosse, his description of the 
Sacrificios type of deformity was based upon 
the cast of one of several male skulls brought 
to France and deposited in the ‘‘Anthro- 
pological Museum of Paris’ by a French 
naval officer named ‘‘Reymond.”’ The cast 
was made by a Paris physician, Guy the 
Elder, and was seen by Gosse in the museum 
in Geneva. The peculiar trilobed shape ex- 
hibited by the cast is clearly shown in 
Gosse’s drawings (Fig. 1). 

In 1861, at a meeting of the Anthropologi- 
cal Society of Paris, Gosse again referred 
to this type of deformity; this time in con- 
nection with his paper on a deformed skull 
from Ghovel, Mexico. Here he uses the 
term “‘trilobée’”’ synonymously with ‘‘occi- 
pito-sincipito-frontale.”’ In explanation he 
says (1861, pp. 576-577): 

The impressions left on the skull seem to indi- 
cate that the trilobed form was obtained by means 
of a thick compress, narrow and long, extending 
from the neck to the sinciput, that produced a 
deep depression along the median line of the 
occipital squama and along the posterior half of 
the sagittal suture, thus dividing the back of 



the head into two lobes. Moreover, one or two 
small compresses were applied on the frontal and 
the whole was held in place by the aid of two 
bands, one transverse, passing over the sinciput, 
and the other circular, passing around the base 
of the skull. (Free translation.) 

Further information on this type of de- 
formity was supplied by Hamy (1884- 
1891).? According to this author, the cast 
seen by Gosse had been considerably altered 
(“‘fortement remanié’’) and consequently 
the description based thereon should be 
modified in many important points (foot- 
note 2, p. 91; footnote 1, p. 93). Further- 
more, Hamy states that the skull from 
which this cast was made may have come 
from the Dumanoir collection (footnote 2, 
p. 91). This was plausible because Captain 
Dumanoir, who commanded the French 
corvette Ceres, explored Isla de los Sacri- 
ficios in 1841 and discovered sepulchers 
there containing human remains (Mayer, 
1844, p. 96). However, all this is difficult to 
reconcile with Hamy’s specific statement 
(p. 91) that the Dumanoir collection had 
not been described before 1884. 

Besides the Dumanoir collection, Hamy 
mentions (p. 91) a collection made by a Dr. 
Fuzier, who excavated at Sacrificios during 
the French occupation (1838) and who gave 
to the museum “‘a certain number’’ of more 
or less damaged skulls. Three of these skulls 
are shown in line drawings of the norma 
verticalis in Hamy’s plates 10 and 11. No 
other skulls from Sacrificios are specifically 
mentioned in the text or tables of measure- 
ments. A total of 6 specimens, 5 male and 1 
female, without reference to collector, is 
indicated in the table on Hamy’s p. 92. 

In the plate illustrating the two skulls 
from the Fuzier collection, which plate Iam 
designating no. 10, are featured two other 
skulls. These are stated in the legend to be 
from Sabine Lake and the Reynaud collec- 
tion. Referring to the relevant text (p. 98), 
we find that— 

2 This publication appeared in three parts be- 
tween the dates given. Most bibliographies list 
it as incomplete, perhaps because plate no. 18 is 
missing. It does not appear that this plate ever 
was printed. Moreover, two plates are given the 
number 10, whereas none bears the number 12. I 
have assumed from the wording of the text that 
the plate illustrating the skulls from Sacrificios 
and Sabine should be no. 10. 


VOL. 38, NO. 2 

Fic. 1.—Two views of the cast of a deformed skull from Isla de los Sacrificios, 
Mexico, as illustrated by Gosse in 1855 (pl. 1, figs. 4* and 4°). 

The skulls offered to the Museum of Natural 
History of Paris by Admiral Reynaud under the 
name of skulls from Sabine Gulf of Mexico do not 
differ sensibly from those of the second type from 
the island of Sacrificios.® 

Footnotes 3 and 4 on the same page offer 
the additional information that these 

... for a long time have been confused under the 
name of Sacrificios, but their primitive label is 
such that we came to transcribe it. Sabine is the 
name of a gulf and of a river which forms the 
boundary between Texas and Louisiana. 

Our first type of Sacrificios was not encoun- 
tered among these skulls. (Free translation.) 

Line drawings of one of the skulls said to 
have come from Sabine are shown in Fig. 2. 

Readers will recall that Gosse attributed 
the original of his cast to the collection of a 
naval officer named ‘‘Reymond.”’ This 
name is remarkably similar to that of the 
admiral, Reynaud, who, Hamy says, made 
the Sabine collection, which was believed 
for a long time to have come from Sacrifi- 

3’ Hamy’s second type of deformity corresponds 
to Gosse’s ‘‘téte trilobée.’? Hamy’s first type is 
based upon a single specimen and differs merely 

in having a greater compression of the frontal 

cios. Could it be, therefore, that one of these 
names is an erroneous spelling and that the 
same collector is referred to? If so, did Gosse 
really describe a skull from Sabine instead 
of from Sacrificios? Or is Hamy in error in 
changing the locality of the collection from 
Sacrificios to Sabine? These are important 
questions, because if it can be proved that 
this deformity type occurs as far north on 
the coast of the Gulf of Mexico as the 
boundary between Texas and Louisiana, 
another cultural link between Mexico and 
the southeastern United States will have 
been established. 

Further search in the literature has 
brought to light two references that clarify 
this subject somewhat:* (1) In Larousse’s 
Grand dictionnaire universel du XIX* siécle 
(1875, vol. 3, p. 1136) there is a biography of 
a distingusihed French naval officer by the 
name of Aimé-Félix-Saint-Elme Reynaud 
who began his maritime career in 1827. In 
1850 he became Captain of a frigate and in 
1864 a Vice-Admiral. This biographical dic- 

4J am indebted to Mrs. Elizabeth H. Gazin, 
U. S. National Museum librarian, for locating 
these references. 

Fes. 15, 1948 

tionary fails to list a ‘‘Reymond.”’ (2) A foot- 
note to a paper by Serres (1855, footnote 1, 
p. 46) reads in part as follows: 

The ideal beauty that the Aztecs sought to 
produce was favored by the normal elongation 
of the bones of the skull and face of this tribe. By 
compression they only exaggerated their normal 
type. This is true also of the skulls which for the 
first time have been given to the museum by Reynaud, 
distinguished officer of the French navy and so far 
found only in the island of the sacrifices, in the Gulf 
of Mexico. All of the bores of the skull and face 
are large, the inverse of the preceding. The com- 
pression thus was exerted in inverse sense; it was 
for the purpose of enlarging the skull and giving it 
the trilobed form that they represent... . (Free 
translation; italics mine.) 

Since Serres’ paper was published in the 
same year—1855—as that by Gosse, and 
both he and Gosse refer to a collection of 
skulls from Sacrificios given earlier to a 
_ Paris museum by a French naval officer, it 
seems reasonable to believe that they are 
speaking of the same event.’ Furthermore, 
since Serres gives this officer’s name as 
“Reynaud” and there was a distinguished 

°> Gosse (1855, Paris ed., p. 40) states that Prof. 
Serres gave him permission to examine the speci- 
mens in the anthropological museum. 


French naval officer by that name living at 
that time, whereas Gosse gives this officer’s 
name as ‘‘Reymond,” for which there is no 
corresponding biographical record, it seems 
likely that Gosse misspelled the name. 
Such misspelling is understandable because 
in longhand a’s may look like 0o’s, u’s like 
n’s, and m’s like n’s. 

What is still not explained is the later 
confusion as to the provenience of this col- 
lection. It seems to have been well estab- 
lished in 1855 that Reynaud obtained it 
from Sacrificios. And yet in 1891 Hamy 
reports the old label as reading “‘cranes de 
Sabine, gulfe du Mexique.”’ In view of the 
improbability that a French naval officer 
would have an opportunity just prior to 
1855 to carry out archeological excavations 
in the region of Sabine Lake (Texas- 
Louisiana) and in view of the subsequent 
failure to recover other skulls thus deformed 
from either Texas or Louisiana, I believe 
that Hamy was wrong in attributing the 
Reynaud collection to the Sabine. There- 
fore, I regard these skulls not only as ex- 
hibiting a type of deformity characteristic 
of Sacrificios, as Hamy admits, but as 
actually coming from that place. 

Fic. 2.—Two views of deformed skull no. 5 from the Reynaud collection believed by Hamy to have 
come from Sabine Lake on the Texas-Louisiana boundary. Redrawn and reoriented from Hamy’s 

illustrations of 1884-91 (pl. 10, figs. 1 and 5). 



Taking into account this decision, let 
us now summarize what is known about the 
skulls from Sacrificios. All these, except for 
the new finds of du Solier, seem to be in 
Paris and to total at least 15. The early 
collectors, who visited the island around the 
years 1838-1841, were Dumanoir, Fuzier, 
and Reynaud. The only firsthand descrip- 
tions of the deformity are by Gosse (1855) 
and Hamy (1884-1891). These descriptions 
seem to be based upon extreme cases, for 
both Gosse and Hamy admit that the arti- 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 

ficial characteristics are less pronounced in 
the majority of cases than they have de- 
scribed them. Thus there is good reason to 
believe that the skull shown in Fig. 2, 
which was illustrated originally only be- 
cause it was believed to come from Sabine 
rather than from Sacrificios, is more typi- 
cally deformed. So far as I can discover 
from the descriptions, only one skull has 
the curious projection of the upper part of 
the frontal bone illustrated by Gosse (Fig. 
1). This one specimen seems to have fur- 
nished the excuse for the name “téte tri- 

Fic. 3.—Two views of a deformed skull collected by du Solier in 1943 on Isla de los Sacrificios, 
Mexico. (Photographs supplied by the Museo Nacional of Mexico.) 

Fes. 15, 1948 

lobée”’ under which this deformity is gen- 
erally known. 

If we ignore this extreme case, the de- 
formity can be recognized by the following 
characteristics: (1) When the skull is held 
in the Frankfort position the vertex or 
highest point is at or near bregma; (2) 
looked at from above, the skull is very 
broad, sometimes broader than long; (3) 
the posterior parietals are pressed down- 
ward and forward, sometimes with ac- 
companying compression of the frontal 
and/or occiput (the latter tending to as- 
sume a vertical plane); and (4) there may 
be more or less of a depression along the 
sagittal suture and behind the coronal su- 
ture. A skull deformed in this manner sug- 
gests that it has had its growth restricted 
along the midline of the vault and conse- 
quently that expansion took place laterally, 
Also, when compression is high upon the 
parietals the skull appears to have a low 

The skulls recovered by du Solier are not 
markedly distorted. Indeed, the lateral 

view of the skull shown in Fig. 3 looks un-. 

deformed. This is due to the fact that the 
flattening of the posterior parietals in this 
case 1s asymmetrical (see vertical view) and 
the least involved side has been presented 
to the camera. As a matter of fact, this 
skull illustrates, if not ideally, the really 
significant element of the Sacrificios de- 
_ formity type; namely, the inclined compres- 
sion plane involving the posterior parietals 
and the upper part of the occipital. In ac- 
cordance with current custom I am calling 
this element of the deformity “lambdoid” 
flattening, although it might with more ac- 
curacy be called ‘‘obelionic’”’ (Stewart, 
1939). As I have shown elsewhere (Stewart, 
1947; in press), lambdoid flattening, with 
or without frontal and/or occipital compres- 
sion, made its appearance in late prehis- 
toric times throughout a large part of Mexi- 
co. Having seen numerous skulls with lamb- 
doid deformity from other late sites in this 
region, I have no doubt that this is the true 
and significant form of the Sacrificios de- 
formity type. 

The so-called lobation (double or triple) 
which is present in extreme cases of the de- 
_ formity and which Gosse stressed, appears 


to be a secondary feature. Owing perhaps 
to the pattern of cranial growth under arti- 
ficial restraint there is present sometimes a 
postcoronal depression and a depression 
along the sagittal suture. The opposite con- 
dition, an expansion, usually characterizes 
the midparietal parts in these cases. Thus 
the effect is that of lobation. Because some 
lobation can be found in all classes of de- 
formity and wherever deformity was prac- 
ticed, I attribute it to altered growth proc- 
esses rather than to direct pressure from 
longitudinal and transverse constricting 

In view of what is here pointed out, gen- 
eralizations regarding the distribution of 
deformity types, such as that of Imbelloni, 
are misleading where they have to rely 
upon early descriptions of atypical speci- 
mens and where the chronological sequences 
have not been worked out. 


DINGWALL, Eric JoHn. Artificial cranial de- 
formation; a contribution to the study of 
ethnic mutilations xvi+313, pp. London, 

Du Souter, WILFRIDO. A reconnaissance on 
Isla de Sacrificios, Veracruz, Mexico. 
Notes on Middle American Archaeology 
and Ethnology, Carnegie Inst. Washing- 
ton, Div. Hist. Res., no. 14: 63-80 (mimeo- 
graphed). 1943. 

Gossz, L.-A. Essai sur les déformations arti- 
ficielles dw crane. Ann. Hygiéne Publ. 
et Méd. Légale, ser. 2, 3: 317-393; 4: 1- 
83. (Also published separately in Paris, 
159 pp.+7 pls.) 1855. 

. Présentation d’un crane deformé de 
Nahoa trouvé dans la vallée de Chovel 
(Mexique). Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris 2: 
567-577. 1861. 

Hamy, E.-T. Anthropologie du Mexique. Mis- 
sion scientifique au Mexique et dans l Amér- 
ique Centrale. Recherches zoologiques pub- 
liées sous la direction de M. Milne Ed- 
wards. Pt. 1, 148 pp.+pls. 1-17, 19-21. 
Paris, 1884-1891. 

IMBELLONI, J. América; cuartel general de las 
deformaciones craneanas. Actas XXVe 
Congr. Internac. Americanistas (La Plata, 
1932) 1: 59-68. Buenos Aires, 1934. 

LAROUSSE, PreRRE. Grand dictionnaire uni- 
versel du XIX siécle, vol. 3. Paris, 1875. 

Mayer, Brantz. Mevico as it was and as it is, 
x1i+390 pp. New York, 1844. 

Serres, A.-E.-R.-A. Note sur deux Micro- 
céphales vivants, attribués a une race amér- 
icaine. Compt. Rend. Hebdomadaires 
Séances Acad. Sci. Paris 41: 43-47. 1855. 


Stewart, T.D. A new type of artificial cranial 
deformation from Florida. Journ. Washing- 
ton Acad. Sci. 29: 460-465. 1939. 

. The cultural significance of lambdoid 
deformity in Mexico. Amer. Journ. Phys. 
Anthrop., n.s., 5: 233-234, abst. 10. 1947. 

——. Distribution of the type of cranial de- 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 

formity originally described under the name 
“téte trilobée.”’ El Occidente de México. 
4e Reunidn de Mesa Redonda sobre 
Problemas antropolégicos de México y 
Centro América, 23 a 28 de septiembre 
de 1946, Sociedad Mexicana de Antro- 
pologia. (In press.) 

BOTAN Y.—Studies in Lonchocarpus and related genera, III: Humboldtiella and 


Next to Willardia the two plants most 
frequently confused with Lonchocarpus in 
America are Humboldtiella ferruginea 
(HBK.) Harms and Callistylon arboreum 
(Grieseb.) Pittier. Belonging as they do to 
the tribe Galegeae, both of these shrubs or 
small trees of arid open or sparsely wooded 
slopes, coasts, and roadside thickets are 
readily separable when bearing mature 
fruit from Lonchocarpus and other genera 
of the Dalbergieae by their dehiscent pods. 
Their alternate (occasionally subopposite) 
leaflets likewise distinguish them from 
Lonchocarpus. But, like many tropical 
shrubs, they have a tendency to drop both 
pods and leaves toward the end of the dry 
season and to burst into flower with the 
first rains, generally before the new leaf- 
buds have begun to expand. This leafless 
flowering stage is particularly attractive to 
collectors, and the superficial resemblance 
between their inflorescences and those of 
some of the Lonchocarpi accounts for the 
large number of specimens in herbaria re- 
ferred at least tentatively to the latter 
genus. In this leafless condition both plants 
seem to be most readily separable from 
Lonchocarpus by their persistent, indurated, 
awl-shaped stipules, by the lack of evident 
bractlets, and by the conspicuous articula- 
tion of the pedicels at both base and apex. 
The calyx, with its deep tube, its compara- 
tively long teeth, and its subbilabiate form, 
so pronounced in the bud, might also be 
considered diagnostic. 

The combination of the half-dozen or so 
characters, for the most part of fundamen- 
tal taxonomic significance, here listed for 
setting off these two plants from Loncho- 
carpus is found in both the monotypic 
genera Humboldtiella and Callistylon. Such 

1 Received August 7, 1947. 

FREDERICK J. HERMANN, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

an apparently fortuitous combination of 
characters occurring simultaneously in sup- 
posedly separate genera naturally raises the 
question of their status, and an examination 
of their history reveals that in each case 
this has had a varied career. 

First known of the two was Humbold- 
tiella, originally described by Kunth in 
Humboldt and Bonpland’s Nova genera et 
species plantarum (6: 395. 1823) as Robinia 
(?) ferruginea. The basis of Kunth’s de- 
scription was a fragmentary flowering speci- 
men, lacking leaves and fruit, collected by 
Humboldt or Bonpland in the Quebrada 
de Tacagua near Caracas, Venezuela, and 
deposited in the quondam Berlin Herbar- 
ium (Field Museum photograph no. 2079). 
In 1924 Harms (Fedde Repert. Spec. Nov. 
19: 12-14) pointed out its departure from 
Robinia, in its rostrate carina and narrow 
pod with unmargined lower suture, and 
from Coursetia, which does possess these 
characteristics, in its broad, short calyx- 
teeth and its coalesced vexillar stamen. 
Because of these discrepancies he proposed 
for it the new genus Humboldtiella. Pittier, 
however, maintained (Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci. 18 (8): 209. 1928) that the only — 
character that would exclude it from Ro- 
binia ‘is the absence of a conspicuous 
margin on the upper suture of the pod, 
which would certainly not be sufficient to 
establish a new genus’’—a conclusion diffi- 
cult to reconcile with the fact that the plant 
differs from Robinia in possessing monodel- 
phous stamens, a thick, fleshy calyx with 
short, relatively blunt teeth, and articulate 
pedicels, in addition to the rostrate keel 
noted by Harms. At any rate, Pittier 
seems to have abandoned his original low 
opinion of the merits of Humboldizella for — 
generic recognition, since in his latest work — 
on the subject (Leguminosas de Venezuela, — 

Fess. 15, 1948 

I—Papilionaceas. Boletin Técnico No. 5, 
Ministerio Agric. y Cria, Caracas, 1944) we 
find (p. 152): ‘Como lo habia hecho entrever 
el Dr. Harms, hace algunos ajios, la planta 
que acabamos de definir no pertenece real- 
mente al género Robinia. Difiere principal- 
mente en la forma del c4liz y de las semillas, 
en la ausencia de un ala en la sutura su- 
perior de la legumbre y en otros detalles.” 

The second plant, the Colombian ‘‘Ra- 
moncillo,”’ was originally described as Cour- 
setia arborea by Grisebach (Flora of British 
West Indies, 183) in 1859. Harms considered 
it, or at least such material of it as was 
available to him, to be sufficiently close to 
Robinia ferruginea to be relegated to its 
synonymy in his transfer of the latter to 
Humboldtiella. This fact seems to have been 
overlooked by Pittier when he expressed 
surprise at finding Coursetia arborea among 
the numbers cited by Harms under his 
Humboldtiella ferruginea (l.c., 208-209). 
His own comment (‘‘Later, when revising 
the Papilionatae for the Venezuelan Her- 
barium, I was surprised to find that, among 
the numbers cited by Dr. Harms as belong- 
ing to his Humboldtiella ferruginea, one 
(no. 5780) apparently corresponds to 
Gliricidia sepium HBK., another (no. 
9078) is unmistakably Coursetia arborea 
Griseb., and only one (no. 6004) belongs to 
the real Robinia ferruginea HBK...”’) 
seems to be a more fitting basis for surprise 
not only because one would logically expect 
to find Coursetia arborea (Pittier 9078) 
cited under Humboldtiella ferruginea when 
treated as a synonym of that species but 
also because at least the specimens in the 
U. S. National Herbarium of the other 
cited numbers bear out Harms’s rather than 
Pittier’s determinations, that is, Pittder 
8780 shows no resemblance to Gliricidia 
but is typical Robinia ferruginea, while 
Pittier 6004 is Coursetia arborea, not Robinia 
ferruginea. Following his criticism of 
Harms’s work, Pittier proposes segregating 
Coursetia arborea as the type of a new 
genus, Callistylon. In the proposal of 
Callistylon, its distinctiveness from Cour- 
setia is carefully elaborated ; but no reference 
is made to its relationship with Humbold- 
tiella until the necessity of keying out both 
genera arose in the Leguminosas de Vene- 


zuela. Here we find (l.c., 189-140, 152) car- 
ried still further a confusion in the char- 
acters of Humboldtiella and Callistylon, 
which was already apparent in the original 
publication of Callistylon. In the proposal 
of Callistylon the lateral calyx teeth are 
described as more or less acute and the 
lowermost tooth as acute, whereas a new 
description of Robinia ferruginea accom- 
panying the same paper states that the 
calyx teeth in that plant are obtuse. Ex- 
actly the reverse is true, however, as is 
apparent from Kunth’s original description 
of Robinia ferruginea (Humboldt & Bon- 
pland 6: 395) as having the calyx “lobis 
...acutis” and from an examination of a 
photograph of the type specimen. In the 
generic key to the Venezuelan Papilionatae 
this inversion is perpetuated as ‘‘Dientes 
del caliz cortos y todos obtusos...”’ for 
Humboldtiella, and ‘‘Dientes del cAliz 
alargados o desiguales, pero siempre el 
carinal largo y agudo...”’ in the lead for 
Callistylon and Coursetia together. The lead 
setting off Callistylon from Coursetia de- 
scribes the calyx teeth as ‘‘muy desiguales, 
los 2 superiores obtusos y unidos, los la- 
terales mAs cortos y agudos, el inferior otra 
vez mAs largo y agudo,”’ but it is only in the 
bud stage that the teeth could strictly be 
called very unequal and the lateral teeth 
shorter than the upper pair. In flowering 
and fruiting material of typical Callistylon 
arboreum the calyx teeth are subequal, the 
lateral and lower ovate and obtuse to sem- 
iorbicular rather than deltoid and acute as 
in typical Humboldtiella ferruginea. The 
original description of Callistylon calls for a 
plant with leaflets ‘“‘petiolulatis ... ex- 
stipellatis,’’ whereas the petiolules are ac- 
tually stipellate, and describes the style as 
glabrous as opposed to “‘basi glabro apicem 
versus utrinque villosulo,’ whereas the 
villosulous character applies equally well 

‘to the styles of both plants. Callistylon is 

originally described as having ‘‘bracteolae 
parvae et inconspicuae,”’ but the generic 
description in Pittier’s later treatment 
specifies ‘‘bracteas y bracteolas nullas.”’ 
Diligent search of the 38 sheets of Callisty- 
lon available to the writer has failed to 
reveal any trace of bractlets, but the bracts, 
although caducous, are fully as conspicuous 


during most of the bud stage as are the 
equally evanescent bracts of Humboldtiella 
ferruginea. Callistylon is keyed out from 
Coursetia in Leguminosas de Venezuela by 
the additional character of having ‘“‘valvas 
de la legumbre de dehiscencia plana y no 
elastica,’’ yet the elastic dehiscence of the 
pods in the Pittier collections of Callistylon 
numbered 7833, 10780, and 11447 (the 
last cited under the original description) 
could not be more striking. 

There can scarcely be any question that 
the peculiarities of the calyx alone in 
Callistylon are sufficient to set it off generi- 
cally from Coursetia, just as the calyx 
morphology in Humboldtiella is adequate 
basis for removing HA. ferruginea from 
Robinia. But between Humoboldtiella and 
Callistylon there appears to be no distin- 
guishing character of generic rank. The 
treatment of the two plants by Harms as 
specifically indistinguishable, and Pittier’s 
inability to consistently separate the two as 
evidenced by his citation of his collection 
6004 (typical Callistylon arborea) under 
Robinia ferruginea, would seem to be signif- 
icant corroboration of this view. It is 
therefore proposed that the genus Callisty- 
lon be abandoned, and that Coursetia 
arborea be transferred as follows: 

Humboldtiella arborea (Griseb.) Hermann, 
comb. nov. 
Coursetia arborea Griseb., Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 183. 
Callistylon arboreum (Griseb.) Pittier, 
Washington Acad. Sci. 18 (8): 212. 1928. 

The submergence of this species in Hum- 
boldtiella ferruginea by Harms is not difficult 
to understand when one considers the prev- 
alence of collections which are annoyingly 
intermediate between the two. Of the 53 col- 
lections of Humboldtiella in the U. S. National 
Herbarium, 7 can be conscientiously referred 
to H. ferruginea, 38 may be with varying de- 
grees of confidence assigned to H. arborea, but 
8 are too nicely balanced between the two to 
justify outright committal in favor of one or 
the other. On the other hand, the differences 
between the typical forms of both plants (well 
illustrated in plates 80 and 81 in Pittier’s 
Leguminosas de Venezuela) are too fundamental 
to permit of their being interpreted as mere 
ecological extremes of a single polymorphic 
species, nor is there a geographic segregation of 


VOL. 38, NO. 2 

the two sufficiently marked to warrant their 
designation as varieties (i.e., “subspecies,” 
as currently employed with increasing fre- 
quency). A hypothesis of hybridization be- 
tween the two species, and that of a contem- 
poraneous, fertile and vigorous type, would 
seem to be the most plausible explanation of 
the frequency of these transitional forms and 
the comparative impurity of many of the forms 
identifiable as possessing predominantly the 
characteristics of one of the extremes. Geo- 
graphically the specimens of H. arborea at 
hand represent localities scattered throughout 
most of northern South America north of 
latitude 5°, from the Department of Bolivar, 
Colombia, eastward to Trinidad and the Ka- 
nuku Mountains in British Guiana; H. fer- 
ruginea is almost restricted to the Venezuelan 
North-Central States of Yaracuy, Carabobo, 
Aragua, Distrito Federal and Miranda, with 
one outlying station in Sucre; and the inter- 
mediates are apparently centered in two dis- 
junct areas, in the Venezuelan North-Central 
States where the ranges of the putative parents 
overlap and on Trinidad and the extreme east- 
ern tip of the Paria Peninsula in Sucre, Vene- 
zuela. The nearest authenticated specimen of 
H. ferruginea is from a locality approximately 
80 miles west of this second area of extensive 
hybridization, although Pittier cites two 
Trinidad specimens that are not available 
for verification. Harms cites a Brazilian col- 
lection under his H. ferruginea, as well as re- 
ports for Panama and Guiana, but his concept, 
of course, included both species. 

The following key is an attempt to empha- 
size the more constant characters by which the 
two species may be separated. Pronounced 
departures from these distinctions are indi- 
cated in the citations of collections below. 

Calyx slightly if at all gibbous, generally tapering 
toward base, averaging 6 mm in length, densely 
ferruginous-strigose, tube 1} to 2} times length of 
lateral teeth; calyx-teeth typically deltoid, acute, 
lateral averaging 2 mm long; leaflets generally 
elliptic-lanceolate- to oblong-lanceolate, broad- 
est below middle, acute, sparsely strigose above, 
pilose-strigose beneath.......... H. ferruginea 

Calyx typically gibbous on vexillar side, generally 
rounded at base, averaging 5 mm in length, 
with thinner and paler pubescence, tube 33 to 4 
times length of lateral teeth; calyx-teeth typically 
ovate to semiorbicular, obtuse, lateral averag- 
ing 1 mm long; leaflets generally oval-elliptic 
to oblong, broadest at middle, obtuse, typi- 
cally slabrous):) io G50. see ree H. arborea 




dillin and Antioquia, 


(Allin U. S. National Herbarium, except Steyer- 
mark collections in Chicago Natural 
History Museum) 


VENEZUELA: Ll. Williams 12331, La Entrada, 
Carabobo (typical); Pittier 7594, between El 
Eneanton and Los Teques, Aragua (typical); 
Pittier 9159, between La Victoria and Los Teques, 
Aragua (calyx-lobes mostly obtuse); Pztizer 5780, 
La Trinidad de Maracay, Aragua; F. Tamayo 
1305, near Guayas, Aragua; Pittter 11956, Los 
Moriches, Miranda; A. Allart 283, near Las 
Moriches, Miranda; A. Allart 283, near Las Mos- 
tazas, Miranda (calyx pale); Steyermark 62403, 
between Cumanacoa and Cocollar, Sucre (calyx- 
tube nearly 4 times the length of lateral teeth). 


Cotomstia: R. D. Metcalf 30017, between Me- 
Antioquia; Dugand & 
Jaramillo 2849, between Cartegena and Turbaco, 
Bolivar; H. M. Curran s. n., Apr.—May 1916, 
Island of Mompos, Bolivar; Bro. Elias 1192, 
Puerto Colombia, Atlantico; Dugand 1181 & 323, 
Barranquilla, Atlantico; Dugand & Jaramillo 
4042, between Juanmina and Cuatrobocas, Atlan- 
tico; Dugand 3640, Juanmina, Atlantico; H. H. 
Smith 935, Santa Marta, Magdalena (calyx-lobes 

VENEZUELA: Pittier 10780, near Valera, Tru- 
jillo; Pattier 13125, Escuque, Trujillo; F. Tamayo 
1694, Valera, Trujillo; Saer 230, La Ruesga, 
Lara; Saer 247, Barquisimeto, Lara (indument 
ferrugineous); A. Jahn 1197, Humocaro, Lara; 
Pittier 7665, between Valencia and Puerto Ca- 
bello, Carabobo (typical); Pzttier 9078, between 
Puerto Cabello and San Filipe, Carabobo (calyx- 
lobes unusually acute); Pitiier 9413, same, in 
fruit (calyx-lobes blunt); Pittter 7631, near Va- 
lencia, Carabobo; Pittier 10310, between Caracas 

and La Guaira, Dist. Federal; Killip & Tamayo 

37053, Santa Lucia, Miranda; Pittier 6004, 


Siquire Valley, Miranda (typical); Pztiter 7833, 
Guatire, Miranda; Pvttter 11447, El Sombrero, 
Guarico; Archer 3025, between El Sombrero and 
La Democracia, Gudrico (typical); Ll. Williams 
12566, El Cristo, Bolivar (calyx acute at base); 
Steyermark 61488, Bergantin, Anzoategui; Brown, 
Gillin & Bond 21, Paria Peninsula, Sucre; Broad- 
way 796, Cristébal Colén, Sucre; Broadway 809, 
same (typical). 

TRINIDAD: Brition 478, Teteran Bay; Britton 
485, same (leaflets broadest below middle); Brit- 
ton, Hazen, & Mendelson 523, Patos Island; 
Britton, Freeman, & Watis 2704, Chacachacare; 
A. Fendler in 1877-1880, without definite locality; 
Britton & Broadway 466, Lady Chancellor Road. 

BritisH Guiana: A. C. Smith 3092, Kanuku 


VENEZUELA: Pittier 12601, San Pedro, Yaracuy 
(calyx nearest H. arborea; leaflets nearest H. 
ferruginea); Pittter 8196, between Puerto Cabello 
and San Esteban, Carabobo (calyx proportions of 
H. arborea, but lateral teeth rounded-deltoid; 
indument dense, dark); Ll. Williams 10400, 
Carmen, Aragua (calyx gibbous but tapering at 
base, densely hairy, the tube only twice the length 
of the acute lateral lobes; leaflets of H. arborea); 
Broadway 266, Cristébal Colén, Sucre (calyx pro- 
portions of H. arborea but teeth nearly deltoid, 
varying to broadly obtuse; leaflet shape and size 
of H. ferruginea, but glabrous); Broadway 813, 
same (calyx proportions of H. ferruginea and lat- 
eral lobes acute, but vesture pale; leaflets blunt, 
not broadest below middle). 

TRINIDAD: Broadway s. n., March 7, 1930 (lat- 
eral calyx-teeth deltoid but the tube 4 times their 
length; indument pale); Broadway 3619, without 
definite locality (calyx proportions intermediate, 
the tube 3 times the length of the lateral teeth; 
leaflets blunt, but broadest below middle); 
N. L. & E. G. Britton 2201 coastal thicket (calyx 
teeth deltoid but tube 33 times as long). 

ZOOLOGY .—Some interesting starfishes and brittle-stars dredged by the Atlantis 

an the mid-Atlantic. 

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- 
tion has recently submitted to me for ex- 
amination, through Dr. Louis W. Hutchins, 
a small but interesting collection of star- 

fishes and brittle-stars dredged by the At- 

lanizs in the mid-Atlantic. The expedition 
on which these were found, Cruise No. 150 

of the Ailantis, was sponsored by the Na- 

tional Geographic Society, Columbia Uni- 

? Contribution from the Woods Hole Oceano- 

graphic Institution No. 410. Published with the 

ermission of the Secretary of the Smithsonian 
nstitution. Received November 5, 1947. 


AusTIN H. Ciark, U. 8. National Museum. 

versity, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic 
Institution. I am much indebted to the 
Institution and to Dr. Hutchins for the 
privilege of studying this collection. 

The species represented in the collection 
are the following: 

Hyphalaster parfaiti E. Perrier 
Locality —Atlantis station 15; mid-Atlantic 
west of Gibraltar (lat. 35° 37’ N., long. 30° 51’ 
W.); 3,200 meters; August 16, 1947. Seven 
Notes—The details of the seven specimens 
are as follows: 

Cribriform United The arms beyond the swollen basal portion 
Specimen R r organ marginals ; ‘ ‘ - 

are in cross section triangular with the apex 
1 34 mm 14 mm. 7 10 rounded, about as high as broad, becoming 

: es if d i higher than broad toward the arm tips. 
4 30 7m 7 8 The adambulacral plates have a strongly 
5 27 11 7 8 curved crest which is set at an angle of about 
: - : . ; 60° with the axis of the arm, the distal end of 

Pythonaster atlantidis n. sp. 

Description.—R =165 mm, r=28 mm. The 
height at the center of the abactinal system is 
26 mm. The rays are 31 mm wide at the base, 
tapering rapidly to 10 mm at 30 mm from the 
base, from this point tapering gradually to 3 
mm at the tip. A shallow interradial sulcus 
runs from the middle of each interradius to the 
center of the disk. The animal may be de- 
scribed as broadly stellate, with each point of 
the star produced into a long and slender arm. 

There is no abactinal skeleton, but the skin 
is filled with minute rounded plates, which are 
almost contiguous on the disk and arm bases 
but become scattered on the outer part of the 
arms. Among these are the much larger and 
denser circular lenticular plates, which carry 
the groups of spines. 

On the midline of each ray, running from the 
center of the disk to the end of the swollen 
portion of the arm bases, is a band 10-15 mm 
wide consisting of groups of from 2 or 3 to 
about 10, commonly 5 or 6, very slender and 
delicate spines 2-3 mm long arising from a 
common base on a deeply embedded lenticular 
plate, the whole enclosed in a bag of thick skin 
by which the spines are entirely concealed. In 
a patch about 15 mm long on the inner part of 
the disk these spine-containing sacculi are in- 
termixed with papulae. On the disk this band 
of sacculi is bordered on each side by a patch of 
bare skin through which the large eggs, 2 mm 
in diameter, are visible. These bare patches 
may bear two or three sacculi including 4-7 
spines. The apical region is closed by 5 large 
radially placed triangular flaps consisting of 
numerous delicate spines enclosed in a web of 
thick skin. The madreporite is situated at the 
inner end of an interradial sulcus at the outer 
end of the line between two of these valves or 
flaps. Just beyond the central valves and bor- 
dering the interradial sulcus for about half its 
length are a few cup-shaped structures consist- 
ing of about a dozen slender spines radiating 
upward from a common base and enclosed in 
thick skin. 

each crest being considerably farther inward 
than the proximal end of the crest following. 
These crests carry a row of 8-10 slender spines 
which are closely placed with their swollen 
bases contiguous and are united by a web; 
the innermost spines are about 1 mm long, 
those following gradually increasing in length 
to the outermost, which is 3 mm long. The 
outer part of each adambulacral plate bears a 
single much stouter spine 4 mm long, these 
stouter spines supporting a broad fin-like web 
which runs along the actinolateral border of 
the arm resembling the actinal web of many 
Pterasteridae. Beyond the proximal swollen 
portion of the arms the adambulacral spines be- 
come reduced in number, being usually 5. 

Running upward from each adambulacral 
plate to the dorsolateral border is a band about 
1.5 mm broad composed of numerous fine 
spines arising in small groups, sometimes 
singly, from a row of independent concretions, 
the whole band being enclosed in a continuous 
envelope of thick skin. Beyond the swollen 
proximal portion of the ray the bands of the 
two sides meet in the middorsal line. Distally 
these bands become narrower, the concretions 
bearing only 1-3 spinelets. 

The pair of mouth plates is 9 mm broad at 
the mouth edge, 2 mm broad on the outer bor- 
der, and 7 mm long. The line of union of the 
two plates is raised into a rounded erest. The 
inner border at the mouth edge is everted and 
curved, and the outer borders are somewhat 
concave. The everted inner border of each 
mouth plate bears 4 large spines, beyond 
which are 5 much smaller spines. There are no 
spines on the actinal surface. The mouth 
plates recall those of some of the Pterasteridae, 
as for instance Hymenaster perissonotus. 

The mouth is circular, 23 mm in diameter. 
The very large stomach is empty. The tube 
feet, in two series, are large and stout and end 
in a large sucking disk. 

On the arms beyond the swollen basal por- 
tion the ambulacral plates are long and slender. 
The sides of the lower half diverge gradually 
so that the end adjoining the adambulacrals is 


- about 2 mm broad, the central portion of the 
plate being only 0.5 mm wide. The upper third 
of the ambulacrals is abruptly broadened in 
the form of a broad Y with very thick arms. 
When viewed from the exterior the distal arm 
of the Y is entirely concealed by the proximal 
arm of the Y of the ambulacral following, which 
imbricates over it. This causes the ambulacrals 
when viewed from the exterior, to appear ab- 
ruptly bent proximally, but when viewed from 
the interior they are seen to be straight with 
both arms of the Y about equal. 

The adambulacrals as viewed from the ac- 
tinal edge are seen to be narrowly rhombic, 
about 3 mm long and 0.75 mm wide. The inner 
side of the lower angle of the rhombic figure is 
abruptly swollen, appearing as if a rather thick 
flat pad had been soldered to it. The distal edge 
of this pad is evenly curved and bears the spines 
that form the adambulacral comb. The stout 
adambulacral spine is situated at about the 
middle, and widest part, of the adambulacral 
plate at some distance from the comb-bearing 
pad and entirely out of line with it. The adam- 
bulacral plates are strongly imbricated so that 
the large spine is in line with the spines of the 
comb of the plate following, to which it appears 
to belong unless the arm is cleaned, when its 
true relationship becomes apparent. 

Just above each adambulacral and parallel 
to its long axis, lying practically on its surface, 
there is a long, slender and delicate plate 4 or 
5 times as long as broad, and a little over half 
as long as the adambulacral; in some cases 
_ there are two of these lying closely side by side. 
These plates appear to be vestigial marginals. 

In a line from these vestigial marginals to 
the midradial line, as viewed from the inner 
surface of the skin, there is a regular row of 
elongate sharply carinate plates 2 or 3 times as 
long as broad closely placed with their long 
axes parallel. Between these regular columns 
of elongate plates (from the center of which on 
the outer side spines arise) there are very 
numerous and closely packed minute concre- 

Distally the plates in these columns become 
smaller, fewer, and more widely spaced, and the 
concretions become more widely scattered. 

Locality Atlantis station 15; mid-Atlantic 
west of Gibraltar (lat. 35° 37’ N., long. 30° 51’ 
W.); 3,200 meters; August 16, 1947. One speci- 
men (type, U.S.N.M. No. E. 7175). 

Notes—The genus Pythonaster, the sole 

genus in the family Pythonasteridae, includes 
only the type species Pythonaster murrayti 
Sladen described from a single specimen 
dredged by the Challenger at station 323 east 
of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1,900 fathoms, 
on February 28, 1876. 

The type specimen of P. murrayz is slightly 
smaller than the type specimen of P. atlan- 
tidis, and the bases of the rays are much less 
swollen; but this difference may be due to the 
occurrence of large masses of eggs in the type 
of B. atlantidis. 

According to Sladen’s description and figure 
the actinolateral areas of P. murray? are tra- 
versed by regular rows of isolated skin sacks, 
whereas in P. atlantidis these skin sacks are 
coalesced into continuous lines. The skin sacks 
on the abactinal surface of P. murray are much 
smaller and more widely separated than those 
of P. atlantidis in which they are almost or 
quite in contact. 

In P. murray: the adambulacral combs are 
composed of about 6 spines the number be- 
coming reduced to 5 distally. In P. atlantidis 
there are 8-10 proximally, 5 distally. In P. mur- 
rayi the outermost and largest spine on the 
adambulacrals is counted as one of the comb, 
being united to the next by a web. In P. at- 
lantidis the outermost spine on the adambulac- 
rals is abruptly larger than the others and rela- 
tively much larger than in P. murray and is 
joined to the outermost spines on each side by 
a web, all the spines together and the web 
forming a continuous broad actinolateral web 
or fin which appears to be absent in P. mur- 

The mouth plates of P. murrayi as figured 
are not of the same shape as those of P. at- 
lantidis. They bear 3 or 4 large inner mouth 
spines and 3 small outer ones instead of 4 large 
and 5 small as in P. atlantidis. Furthermore, 
there are in P. murrayi spines on the actinal 
surface of the mouth plates which are not pres- 
ent in P. atlantidis; however, in the latter these 
may have been rubbed off during capture. 

With only a single specimen of each species 
it is impossible to form any idea of the limits 
of variation. It is possible, though not probable, 
that P. atlantidis is a more fully developed ex- 
ample of the species represented by P. mur- 
rayt. It is also possible, though not probable, 
that P. atlantidis is a female of the species of 
which the type of P. murray is the male; but 
Sladen did not give the sex of his specimen. 


Asteroschema inornatum Koehler 

Locality.—Altlantis station 6; mid-Atlantic 
east of Bermuda (lat. 30° 06’ N., long. 42° 08’ 
W.), 1,554 meters; August 8, 1947. One speci- 

Notes.——As the original description of this 
species was brief and lacking in detail the fol- 
lowing supplementary information derived 
from the present specimen may be of interest: 

The disk is 6 mm in diameter, stellate with 
truncated angles and regularly incurved inter- 
radial borders; the outer ends of the radial 
shields are raised about 0.75 mm above the 
arm bases. The arms are about 60 mm long, 
slender, 1.3 mm broad at the base and tapering 
gradually to a delicate tip; they are only 
slightly higher than broad. 

The disk is covered rather thickly with mi- 
nute granules of coarse and spongy structure. 
The radial shields are rather broad, widest in 
the middle, the outer border having a broadly 
obtuse median angle, and those of each pair are 
almost in contact. They extend inward for 
about two-thirds distance to center of disk. 

The first two tentacle pores have no scales. 
The next five have a single tentacle scale. Those 
following have two scales of which the large 
inner scale is about a segment and a half in 
length. At the arm tip the outer scale is only 
slightly longer than the inner, but neither as- 
sumes a hooklike shape. The larger inner scale 
is cylindrical in the basal third or fourth, from 
that point being less dense and tapering to the 
tip. The distal three-fourths bears on the outer 
side numerous long and slender sharp spine- 
lets, longest near the tip, which through the 
dried skin appear as small conical points. There 
are similar but smaller spinelets on the inner 
side. The small outer scale is similarly armed. 

There are 5 stout triangular teeth. 

On the sides of the jaw plates within the 
mouth there are about 8 rather large and well 
separated granules; these are irregularly scat- 
tered, the group as a whole running upward and 
outward, the outermost being a pair, one on 
each side of the uppermost tooth. 

The skin of the arms contains large delicate 
filmy plates that appear to form an almost 
continuous pavement. 

The color in alcohol is pale dull pinkish, be- 
coming dark purple on the outer half or more 
of the tentacle scales. 

This species was described by Prof. René 

Koehler (1907) on the basis of two specimens — 

dredged by the Talisman in the Gulf of Gas- 
cony (the inner part of the Bay of Biscay) (lat. 
45° 59’ N., long. 6° 29’ W.) in 1,480 meters, 

coral bottom, on August 30, 1883. Sanderson | 
Smith (1888) gives this station as No. 156. — 

Koehler gave the color in alcohol as white. 

A single specimen was subsequently dredged 
by the Princesse-Alice at station 2248, in lat. 
37° 02’ 30” N., long. 27° 35’ W., in 1,478 meters, 
on September 6, 1905 (Koehler, 1909). In his 
report on the Princesse-Alice echinoderms 
Koehler did not amplify his original descrip- 
tion, but he gave a colored figure showing the 
animal as deep pink, lighter on the radial 
shields and becoming lighter on the arms after 
the basal 20 mm. 

Ophiura inornata (Lyman) 
Locality— Atlantis station 15; mid-Atlantic 
west of Gibraltar (lat. 35° 37’ N., long. 30° 51’ 
W.); 3,200 meters; August 16, 1947. Seven 

Notes.—In these specimens the oral shields 

are in most divided into two elongate plates — 

meeting in the median line as an angle of about 

90°. The jaw plates, the adoral shields, and the © 
two sections of the oral shields are similar, and 

of about the same size, appearing as three 
similar chevrons. 

In a small specimen one of the oral shields 
is undivided. In other cases it appears as if the 
third or outer chevron was composed in reality 
of a pair of supplementary plates intercalated 
between the oral shield, much reduced in size, 
and the adoral shields. 

Opiomusium armigerum Lyman 

Locality.—Atlantis station 15; mid-Atlantie 
west of Gibraltar (lat. 35° 37’ N., long. 30° 51’ 

W.); 3,200 meters; August 16, 1947. Two spec- | 


KoEHLER, RENE. Descriptions des ophiures nou- 

velles recuetllies par le Travailleur et le Talis- | 

man pendant les campagnes de 1880, 1881, 
1882, & 1883. Mém. Soe. Zool. France 19: 
(for 1906): 30, pl. 3, figs. 46, 47. 1907. 

. Résultats des campagnes scientifique ac- 

complies sur son yacht par Albert 1¢°, Prince | 
souverain de Monaco, fase. 34: 205, pl. 7, 

fig. 1. 1909. 

SmitH, SANDERSON. Lists of dredging stations in | 

North American waters from 1867 to 1887. 
Ann. Rep. Commissioner Fish and Fisheries 
for 1886: 871-1016 (p. 984). 1888. 

: | 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 “ 

Rae Te 

Fup. 15, 1948 





The 414th meeting of the Board of Man- 
agers, held in the Cosmos Club, January 12, 
1948, was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by the 

_ President, Dr. Watpo L. Scumirtr. Others 

present were: H. 8. Rappieys, N. R. Smiru, 
H. A. Renver, M. A. McCatt, H. B. Cotuins, 
JR., J. S. Wann, A. Wetmore, W. W. RuBEY, 
L. E. Yocum, W. A. Dayton, C. A. BeErTts, 
A. O. Foster, C. L. Gazin, and, by invitation, 
G. P. Watton, J. I. Horrman, E. A. CHaPin, 
and A. T. McPHERSoN. 

The Chairman of the Committee on Mono- 
graphs, Dr. E. A. CHAPIN, announced that 
estimates had been obtained from several 
printers for the publication of Dr. HerBert 
FRIEDMANN’S monograph The Parasitic Birds 
of Africa. These ranged from about $1,500 to 
$2,500 for 1,000 paper-bound copies. Buckram 

Jinding increased the estimates $450 to $460. 

From the record of the sale of Dr. Friedmann’s 
earlier monograph of the cowbirds, Dr. Chapin 
considered that the present volume, published 
possibly as a supplement to the JouRNAL, 

_ would in all probability pay its way and 
- recommended that the Academy accept it. 

The monograph was referred to the Board of 
Editors for further review and recommenda- 

Ten persons were elected to membership. 

The Chairman of the Committee on Science 
Legislation, Dr. A. T. McPusrson, briefly 
summarized current activity in science legisla- 
tion, on which he would report more fully 
at the annual meeting. His talk was concerned 
principally with the progress of the Foreign 
Scholarships program and on H. R. 3342. Dr. 
McPherson proposed that serious considera- 
tion be given to the formation of a study group 
on science legislation. By an informal showing 
of hands the outgoing Board recommended to 
the incoming Board that a Science Legislation 
Committee or Study Group be reappointed for 
the coming year. 

The Acting Chairman of the Committee on 
Academy Awards for Scientific Achievement in 
1947, Dr. Henry B. Co.tins, JR., presented 
the following recommendations for the three 

Biological Sciences: None. 
Engineering Sciences: HARRY WARREN WELLS, 

of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of 
the Carnegie Institution of Washington, in 
recognition of his distinguished upper-air re- 
search and organization of a world-wide network 
of ionospheric stations. 

Physical Sciences: Dr. RopERT D. Huntoon, of 
the National Bureau of Standards, in recognition 
of his distinguished service in the advancement 
of electronics and its applications to other sci- 
ences and to modern ordnance. 

The Board accepted the recommendations, 
but during the discussion it developed that 
there existed some misunderstanding as to the 
age limit of award winners. The Board voted 
that for future purposes the nominee for the 
award must not have passed his 40th birthday 
during the year for which the award was made. 

The Chairman of the Committee on the 
JOURNAL and its Improvement, Dr. R. J. 
SEEGER, reported as follows: 

The Committee has had several meetings, in- 
cluding those of special subcommittees, over a 
period of almost a year. During this time it has 
reviewed the reports of similar previous com- 
mittees; it has also consulted with various past 
Editors of the JourNAL and with the George 
Banta Publishing Co. After considering many as- 
pects the Committee unanimously makes the 
following recommendations pertaining to the 
JOURNAL and its improvement: 

(1) That an index of the JouRNAL be prepared 
and published for the first 40 volumes 
and for each succeeding 10 volumes. 

(2) That the address of the Retiring President 
of the Academy be published without 
charge, including the first 50 reprints 
with covers. 

(3) That each author be allowed, without 
charge, the equivalent of the first 50 
four-page reprints without covers. 

(4) That each invited Academy speaker whose 
address is published in the JouRNAL be 
allowed, without charge, the first 50 re- 
prints without covers. 

(5) That the size of the JoURNAL be increased 
to approximately 500 pages per year and 
that the JouRNAL be published economi- 
cally in issues of 32 or 48 pages—say, 
6 issues of each size. 

(6) That in each issue one page (the Editorial 
Page) be allotted to the President of the 
Academy for his own use or designation. 

(7) That the list of officers and committees 
(standing and special) of the Academy be 


published on the third cover page (inside 
back) of each issue of the JouRNAL. 

(8) That Editors of the JouRNAL be continu- 
ously vigilant in seeking papers of gen- 
eral interest, in securing copies of out- 
standing Academy addresses (footnote 
reference to occasion of delivery), and 
in selecting papers from different fields 
for any particular issue. 

(9) That the Board of Managers authorize the 
appointment of a committee to study the 
functions of the Academy and to formu- 
late a program that will integrate these 
functions, including the JoURNAL. 

The Board voted that the recommendations 
of the JouRNAL Committee be brought up at 
the next meeting of the Board. 

The Secretary, Dr. C. L. Gazin, announced 
the death of Maj. Gen. Grorcrs PERRIER, 
honorary member, formerly of Paris, France, 
on February 16, 1946; Harprr CHAMBLISS, 
formerly of Catholic University of America, on 
June 1, 1947; and Ropertr H. LomsBarp, for- 
merly of the Norton Company, Research 
Laboratories, Worcester, Mass., on October 11, 

Dr. Harvey IJ. Curtis was transferred to the 
list of retired members, effective December 31, 

The following letter to the Secretary from 
Dr. P. W. BripG@Man was read to the Board: 

It is a great pleasure to learn that I have been 
transferred from regular membership to honorary 
membership in the Washington Academy of Sci- 
ences. Will you please express my appreciation to 
the Board of Managers. 

The Treasurer, H. 8S. RappLeye, announced 
that the auditing committee had met that 
morning, examined his books and the Academy 
securities, and gave him a “clean bill of 
health.’”? He announced also that the transfer 
of investment certificates to an account book 
form in the First Federal Savings and Loan 
Association, as authorized at the 413th meet- 
ing, had been made. 

The President, Dr. W. L. Scumrrt, stated 
that expenses of the Meetings Committee had 
exceeded the amount of the budget for this 
purpose and that in order to secure outstanding 
speakers he had paid out $100.30 more than 
allowed. It was his hope that, at the close of 

the Academy Year 1947, the unexpended 

amounts from the budgets of other offices and 
committees might be transferred to that of the 
Meetings Committee, up to the amount of 
$100.30, but without increasing the budget for 
the year. The Board authorized that Dr. 
Schmitt be so reimbursed for the expenditures 
made by him on behalf of the Meetings Com- 
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. 
C. L. Gazin, Secretary 

VOL. 38, NO. 2 

| a President ae FPS FTO ',Freperick D. Reka, National Bureau of Weandaris 
Secretary. . Pee ry Wear sane We ee .C. Lewis Gazin, U. S. National Museum 

Treasurer. . Paes fis sets dinigie «sale Howarp S. RAPPLEYE, Coast and Geodetic Survey 
Archivist. ..... .NatHan R. Smitu, Plant Industry Station 
Custodian and iBibaaipiion Ma anager of Publican ee Ma aca 
Ee? See ares. ais vera a its eee at H. A. Renper, U.S. National Museum — 
" Vice-Presidents Representing the A filiated Socteties: 
_ Philosophical wociety 64, Washington: os. eee ... WALTER RAMBERG 
Anthropological Society of Washington........... Nae eek ae T. Date STEWART 
_ Biological Society of Washington.......... a RAS Joun W. ALDRICH 
_ Chemical Society of Washington.............. ccf AD Ca Oe, Cuarues E. WHITE 
_ Entomological Society of Washington... pk ureigtae ya Maa C. F. W. Mursepeck 
National Geographic Society........... eae Baa Be S: ALEXANDER WETMORE 
(a aaa _ Geological Society of Washington... ...2..05..... Ma ... Wintiam W. Rupey 
i a : _Medieal Society of the District of Columbia......... ee eerie FREDERICK O. CoE 
a Columbia Historical Society. . ae RRR ae ere a crate hy GILBERT GROSVENOR 
br gtadicnl Society of. Washington a eee See PSA ee Mom RONALD BAMFORD 
Wa ineton Section, Society of American Foresters........ WriiiamM A, Dayton 
_ Washington Society i TaPeINGCIR « 61) che On heen ee he ak Cuirrorp A. BreTTs 
_ Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical TMM ECRS Jitoa 5. ipa as ae ee 

aa tae hyo: d outa ete EL at let sev tar Ng me Francts B. SILsBEE 
Washington Section, American Society of Mechanical POMUMIC OPS ier a5 8h nk 
N.S rere ge Sei Si Mia te ature Raa gos basin Martin A. Mason 
eaiaathological Society of Washington. SB ice ea Ahi CRMC Noe Reg AUREL QO. FostTER 
a Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists spd Lore A. RoGERs | 
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers. CLEMenT L. GARNER 
. Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers..... HERBERT GROVE DORSEY 
-_* Washington Section, American Society of Civil Engineers..... OweEN B. FRENCH 
2 Elected Members of the Board of M Hc ak ‘ 
% oupeaary 1949. he ..Max A. McCatit, Wautpo L. Scamittr 
A Morennuary 1950)...0. 6... 5056. 8 ...F. G. Brickwreppz, WiLuiaAM W. Dinau 
awe ed aminsey CMOS ae aia iw gs Francis M. Deranporr, WILLIAM N. FENTON 
Board POT cia ck le Ps nie es ..All the above officers plus the Senior Editor 
| i. Board of Editors and Assotiate Editors..... SRC Cae DS eiotatic ek iasens . (See front cover] 
: Executive Committee. -...s...FREDERICK D. Rossini (chairman), WALTER RAMBERG, 
Pe peas eso .. Waupo L. Scumitr, Howarp 8. Rappieyn, C. Lewis G-AzIN 
-Commiitee TROT MTOR IE ogre kal «ei iia ERS WON Eis ss ale oliatatiel SIG Soha lg son etal a ra! cake ; 
HaRoLb E. McComs (chairman), Lewis W. Burz, C. WytTHE Cooxz, WinuiaM 
t oeeeees-sW. Drent, Fioyp D. FELTON, REGINA FLANNERY, Grorce G. Manoy 
Committee TOLER OR 2 me ey re ulna ews . RAYMOND J. SEGEER (chairman), 
mE ctw RANK P, CULLINAN, Frep L. Mouter, Francis O. Riczt, FRANK THONE 
way Committee on M ee: 

To January 1949........,..Lewis V. Jupson (chairman), Enwarp A. CHAPIN 
To January POTN ee os Ly os. SROBAND. Wi Brown, Haratp A. REHDER 
To January 1951..... a oe kd lees 8 WOE IN FENTON, Emmett W. PRIcE 

Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (Karu F. HErzre.p, general chairman): 
For the Biological Sciences... .. AR a NG NET: a ict aan ees Cate 
C, F. W. MursesBreck (chairman), Harry §. ‘BERNTON, Cuestar W. Emmons, 
_ Exmer Hicerns, Marto Mouuari, GorrHoLp STEINER, L. Epwin Yocum 
_ For the Engineering Riker ts OUR Le. ad hantce tarp meee Bn 
Harry Diamonp (chairman), Luoyp V. ‘BERKNER, ‘Rosert C. Duncan, 
Herpert N. Eaton, ARNo C. FIs.tpNiER, FRANK B. Scuzuetz, W. D. SUTCLIFFE 
For the Physical Rdtonmes er oe att ek es BS? Oita th RSM) Salen kn 
Kart F. Herzrevp (chairman), Natuan L. DRakE, LLoYD D. FELTon, 
ws | Herspert Insupy, Witt1am J. Roongy, Rosert Simua, Micuag. X. SULLIVAN 
Commiitice on Grant-in-aid for TERS eS Ge et ateaa as Beit aimee eS hi, 
' ..F. H. H. Roperts, Jr. (chairman), “Anna E, ‘JENKINS, a aes SHERESHEVSKY 
Representative on Council of FY a: Goals Ao MER eI EE MD eR Oa tts . FRANK THONE 
Committee of Auditors. Tet rae UNS AC ee CR Le LN at LURE, SARI oa Me datcl Deer as og 
_ WriuriraM G. BROMBACHER (chairman), Haro.p F. STIMSON, HERBERT L. HALLER 
Sy NR ecru Ree UC Wov Nine ovine ola a wae hac oie weeaa® aes 
Ppt ee SOHN W. McBurney (chairman), Rocmr C. BATES, Wituam A. WinpHAck 


Prysics.—The measurement of high voltage. F. M. Deranporr.... 

CHEMISTRY.—Standardization of the pH scale. Roger G. Bares and — 

ANTHROPOLOGY.—The true form of the cranial deformity originally de- 
scribed under the name ‘‘téte trilobée.” T. D. Srewart........ 

Borany.—Studies in Lonchocarpus and related genera, III: Humbold- 
tiella and Callistylon. FREepERIcK J. HERMANN 

e\ e's eV ele, 000 5) se 8 (eee ae 

Zoo.ocy.—Some interesting starfishes and brittle-stars dredged by the 
Atlantis in the mid-Atlantic. Austin H. CLark 


» © 0 ee) 6) ® he. wee we @ ae 8 @ es 6 ee « Sie > » e518 ps ee ee 

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L. Litre, ives Me Wa.po R. WEDEL 




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Vou. 38 

Marcu 15, 1948 

No. 3 

PHILOLOGY.—English-language surnames of biological origin.! PErEz SIMMONS, 

Fresno, Calif. 

In the normal course of events every per- 
son born in the United States possesses im- 
mediately two permanent designations, his 
family name and his national citizenship. 
To most people these are perhaps equally 
precious, but the first is of course the more 
personal. Family names are treasured inher- 
- itances, and even those that may seem, to 
the other fellow, to be trivial, amusing, or 
absurd are likely to be continued for scores 
of generations. Surnames are our handholds 
on the family tree, and most of us refuse to 
let go. 

The surnames of biological origin listed in 
this report I have found in telephone direc- 
_ tories. Included are plant and animal names 
_ and terms referring to the parts of plants 
and animals (Daisy, Moose, Seed, Antler). 
Associations of plants and of animals (Or- 
chard, Herd, Covey) are left out, as are 

also descriptive-anatomical names (Bare- 
foot, Smallback) and physical abnormali- 
ties. Not too strictly, I have omitted va- 
rieties of domesticated plants and animals 
(Pippin, Beagle), some products made from 
and most constituents of plants and ani- 
mals (Cream, Hay, Leather, Pickles, Pitch), 
and obsolete words (Poe and Coe for pea- 
cock and jackdaw). Most compounds such 
as those of big, bird, berry, corn, crow, gold, 
long, short, silver, small, wood, and the 
names of colors are left out (Birdseye, 
Greenleaf, Redapple). No attempt has been 
made to trace derivations. One advantage 
of making my own rules has been freedom 
_ to appropriate names of dual or multiple 

Books and other references on the subject 
point out that in Biblical times, and until 

' Received August 22, 1947. 

(Communicated by JosEPH 8. WADE.) 

after the Norman Conquest in 1066, or- 
dinary people had only one name, such as 
Joseph. As populations increased, the con- 
venience of having another name was recog- 
nized, and surnames began to be adopted. 
That was some 700 years before Linnaeus 
established the binomial system for the 
science of biology. 

In Great Britain the cities were ahead of 
the countryside in making the change. 
Whether the surnames established there 
were allotted to families or were chosen by 
them without official guidance is not on 
record in the sources that I have examined. 
It seems likely that both methods were 
used. From the wide coverage of the names 
that I shall list farther on, one would sur- 
mise that some system was involved, at one 
time or another. 

Surnames have been grouped under four 
classifications: locality names derived from 
the home of the bearer (Kent); patronym- 
ics, those referring to the father’s Chris- 
tian name (Robertson); names taken from 
occupations (Weaver); and nicknames 
(Fox, House, Longfellow, Stone). 

On the whole, the family names that I 
have found in my hunting through tele- 
phone directories have a homespun dignity, 
an earthy quality that reflects what was 
prominent and important in day-by-day 
living on the island of Great Britain 25 or 
more generations ago. In those days men, 
women, and children lived closer to their 
farm animals, their vegetable gardens, and 
to wild nature than most people do now. 

As my collection has grown, and with the 
use of the Oxford Dictionary and other 
dictionaries, it has become clear to me that 
there is no need to seek obscure explana- 
tions for the greater number of the biologi- 


mnR D4 1948 


cal surnames found. Nearly all of them, 
quite evidently, were taken directly from 
the names of living things of interest in 
everyday life in Britain before the discovery 
of America. Doubled consonants, final e’s 
added, and some other departures from 
modern spellings are for the most part 
straightforward legacies from olden times. 

My first adventure into the vast assem- 
blage of American family names was by way 
of the Fresno, Calif., Telephone Directory. 
Since this modest book involved scanning 
only some 200 linear feet of columns—about 
25,000 names—the entire list was searched. 

There were 15 tree names listed in the 
Fresno book: 

Ash Elder Maple 
Bay Elms Palm 
Cherry Haw Peach 
Coffee Holly Pistacchio 
Crabtree Lemon Thorn 

And 22 varieties of plants which attract 
attention because of their beauty or utility: 

Bean Ivy Rice 
Bluett Lilly Rose 
Chess Mellon Rue 
Cotton Moss Rush 
Daisy Nutgrass Sage 
Dill Pease Stocks 
Furze Radish 

Grass Reed 

General plant terms found were Bush and 
Herb, and plant parts were well represented 
among Fresno surnames, as follows: 

Berry Cobb Root 
Bloom Cone Shuck 
Branch Flower Stump 
Budd Fruit Trunk 
Burr Hull Turnipseed 

As might be expected, nearly all of the 
animal names referred to vertebrates. 
Fishes, so important to the island-dwelling 
British, were well represented. All refer to 
European species but all of their names 
have been transplanted for use in North 

Bass Pickerel Salmon 
Bream Pike Sturgeon 
Darter Pollack Trout 
Herring Ray - Whiting 
Perch Roach 

Farther up the scale are the reptiles, rep- 
resented by one name only: Asp. 

VOL. 38, NO. 3 

Birds, being conspicuous and abundant 
as to species, were of frequent occurrence. 
There were 19 of them, and the majority 
are of rather large size: 

Brant Heron Ruff 
Coote Kite Sprigg 
Crow Knott Swan 
Duck Martin Swift 
Eagle Parrott Wren 
Finch Peacock 

Hawk Quail 

Excluding domesticated forms there were 
only 11 mammals, if Fisher is considered to 
be an occupational surname: 

Badger Fitch Lion 
Batt Fox Puma 
Bear Hare Wolf 
Fawns Hart 

Among miscellaneous terms were the 

Bird Fish Maiden 

Anatomical terms were plentiful: 
Beard Hand Pate 
Brain Head Scales 
Chin Horn Shank 
Elbow Joint Venter 
Furr Lips Wing 
Gill Lung 

Names of domestic animals, including 
poultry, number more than 50. There usu- 
ally are separate designations for mature 
males and females, newborn young, juve- 
niles of both sexes, and unsexed males. In 
addition, call-names and pet names have 
been used for centuries. Surnames based on 
these terms probably are nearly all pre- 
Columbian, since the only domesticated 
animals native to the Western Hemisphere 
that have been put to general use by the 
settlers of North America are the turkey 
and the muscovy duck. The dog was com- 
mon to both the New World and the Old at 
the time of the discovery of the New. 

In the Fresno Telephone Directory there 
were four surnames that refer to the names 
of farm animals: 

Barrows Lamb 

Following the page-by-page scanning of | 
the Fresno directory it seemed necessary to 
change the method of hunting for surnames 
of biological origin. A detailed examination 



of the 455 pages from Aabel to Zzylch in the 
San Francisco book and of the 1,032 pages 
of Los Angeles namesfrom Aaen to Zylstra 
seemed too much of a project. Therefore, 
lists of terms that probably had been 
adopted as surnames were compiled. The 
chief sources of these were the indexes of 
reference books on botany, horticulture, 
and zoology. All the findings from both 
cities were combined and are listed here 
under several classifications. 

Forage plants, small grains, fiber plants, 

Bramble Darnel Milo 
Bracken Flax Rye 
Clover Hemp Timothy 
Corn Millet Wheat 
Vegetables, flavoring plants, etc.: 
Carrott Garlick Mustard 
Chard Hops Onions 
Citron Kale Parsley 
Clove Leek Pepper 
Collard Lettice 
Cress Mangel 
Garden ornamentals, perfume plants: 
Aster Fern Marigold 
Balsam Flagg Pink 
Broom Heather Poppy 
Cosmos Lavender Primrose 

Fruit and ornamental trees were: 

Aspen Hawthorne Pine 
Beech Laurel Plane 

» Box Limes Privett 
Cedar Linden Shaddock 
Figg Medlar 

Other botanical terms in the San Fran- 
cisco and Los Angeles telephone books were 
Nut, Plant, Posey, Spore, Stem, and Vine. 

As was the case in the Fresno directory, 
the two leading Pacific coast cities revealed 
an extensive list of fishes: 

Bleak Eeles Sauger 
Carp Fluke Skates 
Char Haddock Sole 
Chubb Ling Spratt 
Codd Loach Tench 
Conger Pilchard Tunney 
Dace Puffer 

Drum Rudd 

There was a single form of amphibian, 
Frogge, and one reptile, Turtle. The birds 
were even more abundant; 27 were found, 
not including Loon, a Chinese name: 

Bunting Jay Rook 
Bustard Lark Sparrow 
Buzzard Nightingale Starling 
Diver Ostrich Stilts 
Dove Partridge Stork 
Finch Petrell Swallow 
Grebe Rail Thrush 
Gull Raven Titmus 
Hobby Roller Woodcock 

Domestic animals were represented by 
the following useful inhabitants of the 

Boss Dobbin Jack 
Bull Dogge Jenny 
Burro Donk Kidde 
Capon Drake Malkin 
Catt Filley Mare 
Cattell Gander Nanny 
Chick Gilt Rabbitt 
Cocke Gosling Shoat 
Cockrell Hogg Steer 
Colt Hoggett 

Sixteen more mammals were trophies of 
the hunt: 

Boy Hind Otter 
Deer Lemming Panther 
Elefant Leopard Sable 
Elk Mink Tiger 
Gibbon Mole 

Grison Moose 

The directories of San Francisco and Los 
Angeles provided the following additions to 
the list of anatomical terms: 

Ankle Finger Nail 
Arch Fist Ribbe 
Arms Gut Sides 
Back Hair Skinn 
Bone Hock Teat 
Bowell Hoof Thumb 
Brow Kidney Thye 
Cheek Knee Tongue 
Eggs Legge Tooth 
Kye Maw 

Having had good hunting on the Pacific 
coast, I prepared for larger fields by adding 
to my list of unfound possibilities until it 
numbered about 625. Of much help were 
the many plants and animals illustrated in 
a dictionary, and I included in the list about 
50 biological surnames encountered in gen- 
eral reading. All the latter were found sub- 
sequently in telephone directories of cities 
in the eastern part of the United States. 

Giant among telephone directories is the 
Chicago book, because New York City sub- 


scribers are grouped in several separate 
volumes based on the boroughs, and the 
third telephone city of the world, London, 
divides its directory into .two volumes. 
From Aabad to Zyzik in the Chicago direc- 
tory the distance was 1,741 four-column 
pages, a total column length of 6,021 feet. 

From a systematic standpoint the most 
lowly among the surnames of plant origin in 
Chicago was Kelp, followed by Brake. 
Wild and cultivated plants, except trees, 
were as follows: 

Aloe Dock Nettles 
Anis Ginger Oats 
Begonia Gourd Orris 
Burdock Honeysuckle Thistle 
Brier Mallow Tulip 
Columbine Marguerite Violet 
Caraway Millet Yarrow 

There were 17 trees and shrubs, as well as 
the name Tree. 

Alder Filbert Oak 
Almond Hazel Olive 
Birch Hemlock Quince 
Cinnamon Magnolia Spruce 
Cypress Myrtle Willow 
Elm Orange 

Names that refer to plant anatomy were: 

Cedarleaf Seed Tuber 
Peel Straw 

Although lists already given include 
many fishes, there were still others in the 
Chicago directory: 

Dolphin Guppy Shark 
Goby Hake Snook 
Gudgeon Mullet Wrasse 
And still more birds: 
Cardinal Grouse Robin 
Crane Merlin Sora 
Dipper Owl Snipe 
Falcon Pheasant Teal 
Flicker Plover Willet 
Gannett Pellican 

Among the following mammals were 
several additions to the list of domestic 

Baby Lady Ram 
Buffalo Lass Stripling 
Beaver Man Seal 
Camel Marten Stag 
Foale Mule Virgin 
Ferret Muskrat Whale 

Lad Puss 

VOL. 38, NO. 3 

Chicago furnished additions, also, to the 
group of anatomical terms: 

Belly Gum Pastern 
Clawes Heart Quill 
Fang Heel Rump 
Feather Kneebone Talon 
Flank Liver Wattles 
Foot Mane Wool 
Fin Nape 

Following the expedition through the 
Chicago directory, the list of possibilities 
were checked through the ’phone books of 
Boston, Brooklyn, and Detroit. From 
Aaberg to Zynsky, in Boston, was a dis- 
tance of 804 pages and 2,780 linear feet of 
columns; there were 784 pages in the Brook- 
lyn book, from Aa to Zytynski; and the 
Detroit directory, from Aaberg to Zzzpt, 
was 910 pages in length. Trophies from all 
three hunts are combined in the lists which 

In Detroit I found Winston Churchill’s 
famous trio of Blood, Sweat, and Tears. 
Other materials found in the three books 
were Butter, Milk, Ivory, and Breath. 

The botanical names were these: 

Awn Larch Saffron 
Basil Leaf Savory 
Belladonna Lilac - Shamrock 
Calla Maize Stock 
Cassia Poplar Tea 
Chicory Raisin Teasel 
There were more fishes: 
Dabbs Goldfish Shad 
Elver Grunt Thresher 
Gar Lamprey 

One reptile, Blackadder, occurred. 

In addition to the many species of birds 
recorded from directories previously exam- 
ined, there were 10 in Boston, Brooklyn, 
and Detroit, with Brood for good measure. 

Auk Goose Sheldrake 
Bittern Hen Terns 
Eider Oriole 
Erne Pullett 

A few more mammals: 
Bunny Goat Squirrel 
Ewe Ratte Weasel 

And further anatomical names: 





After having explored seven telephone 
directories I began to get the feel of the 
undertaking. A sense of the kind of words 
likely to be found as biological surnames 
had developed, so I went back over some of 
the indexes of botanical and zoological 

More possibilities were obtained by 
scanning references on the botany and zo- 
ology of the British Isles. This was a pleas- 
ant experience because so many of the 
common names used in the mother country 
have been adopted here. On the other hand, 
many were wholly strange. If an American, 
reading about rural England, should find 
this statement: ‘‘Then I glimpsed an effet 
as it dashed from a patch of squitch and 
gobbled a mawk beneath a paigle,”’ he 
would be confused. Having translated, he 
would find that a lizard had left its hiding 
place in couch grass (Agropyron repens) and 
eaten a maggot under a cowslip (Primula 
veris). We need to understand our neigh- 
bor’s language better! 

Several hundred possibilities resulted 
from this more effective approach. 
Equipped with the new list I hunted again 
through the telephone directories of Los 
Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, 
Boston, and Brooklyn. Using both lists, I 
then examined the Philadelphia Telephone 
Directory. The plants found in the seven 
books, omitting a number of unfamiliar 
ones, were as follows: 

Arum Cornel Redwood 
Balm Crowfoot Rosemary 
Barley Currant Rust 
Bent Fennell Senna 
Bunt Gale Sorrel 
Burnet Gorse Speedwell 
Cabbage Grape Spelt 
Calamus Heather Spice 
Camphor Hop Thyme 
Campion Leatherwood Tansy 
Cane Mayberry Walnut 
Caper Mints Woodbine 
Celandine Osier Woodruff 
Chives Pear Wormwood 
Colliflower Ramson Yew 

There were more plant parts: 

Acorn Cork Spike 
Bark Gall Twigg 
Blossom Pod 

Fishes were represented by: 

Barbel Grindle Pogge 
Brill Gunnell Ruffe 
Burbot Mackerell Smolt 
Cisco Minnow Sparling 
Dace Molla Shiner 
Flounders Parr 

Fry Pilchard 

Two of the surnames found were trans- 
fers from the names of amphibians: Asker, 
Eft. Three reptiles, Boa, Luth, and Ser- 
pente, were discovered. 

Birds and their parts were as follows: 

Biddy Combs Pinnock 
Bill Down Pippitt 
Bulfinch Hummer Spurr 
Canary Macaw Tit | 
Chaffinch Ortolan Web 
Chat Peregrin 

Mammals and their structures were: 
Body Gazelle Pore 
Bruin Goa Roebuck 
Chest Hock “Tabby 
Craw Kitt Wethers 
Ermine Knuckles Withers 
Farrow Leverett Wrinkle 

Every collector at length awakens from 
his self-induced trance to admit a need for 
setting a limit to his enterprise. So, after 
Philadelphia, I decided to use the two long 
lists only once more, in London. But I 
couldn’t drop certain unfound probabilities. 
Therefore I made a list of about 50 choice 
ones and set out to find them in the direc- 
tories for Baltimore, Bronx, Cleveland, 
Houston, Long Beach, Manhattan, Milwau- 
kee, Minneapolis, Newark, New Orleans, 
Portland (Oregon), Queens, St. Louis, San 
Diego, Seattle, and Washington. There 
were satisfactions in this search, since most 
of the surnames that turned up may be 
considered to be rarities. First, the plants, 
the last one being more recent than most 
biological surnames: 

Bellrose Seallion Tobacco 


There was one fish, Girling (a young sal- 
mon), as well as several other vertebrates: 

Chicken Mouse Pups 

And some interesting anatomy: 





Examination of the London Telephone 
Directory, of 2,209 three-column pages, 
from Aaggard to Zyrot, followed. I was in 
effect searching the ‘‘mother lode,” the orig- 
inal source from which family names of 
English-speaking people have been scat- 
tered over the world. None of the following 
had been found in American lists. 

Botanical surnames were: 

Daphne Majoram Spurge 
Iris Madder Sycamore 
Lupine Mold Vetch 

And, as always, a few additions to the 
long list of fishes: 

Gargett Flaice Smelt 
Grayling Pout Sucker 

One amphibian, Newte, and three birds: 
Condor Gooney Phoebe 

The list of mammals included several of 
the few names of domesticated animals that 
had not been located before: 

Boar Girle Stallion 
Calf Lynx Stoat 
Cow Marmot Voles 
Gelding Ox 

Anatomical terms were Beak, Chine, 
Hide, Skinn, Skull, Toe, and Wrist. 

Invertebrates found in all directories are. 

combined in a single list, which includes a 
few surnames associated with parts or prod- 
ucts of backboneless animals. 

Ant Grubbs Pupa 
Barnacle Honey Scallop 
Bee Hornett Shell 
Beetle Leach Silk 
Bot Locust Slug 
Bug Looper Spider 

' Clam Maddock Sting 
Cockle Mantis Tick 
Coral Moths Warble 
Crabb Mussel Wasps 
Cricket Oyster Wax 
Drill Pearl Winkle 
Goldflies Piddock Worm 

In the course of the investigation I re- 
corded a number of surnames which have 
their origin in mythological persons and 

Angel Fairy Indra 

Atlas Faun Merman 

Cherubin Fay Phoenix 

Dragon Genius Satyr 

VOL. 38, NO. 3 

Not so much mythological as fictional, 
Doe (John) and Roe (Richard), long prom- 
inent in the symbolism of the law, both 
refer to names of deer. Other imaginary 
persons were Punch and Judy. 

Even after the good returns from my 
hunt through the London books, I was not 
satisfied. Missing were many surnames that 
could have escaped transfer from the names 
of common living things only by some im- 
probable accident. I had located more than 
300 fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and 
mammals, but where were Donkey, Heifer, 
Hinny, Horse, Sheep, Toad, and Woman? 
About 100 family names were based on 
animal structures, but why had Jowl, 
Stomach, and Tail eluded search? Plant 
surnames to the number of about 200, not 
to mention some 35 terms for plant parts, 
had turned up, but not Lentil and Turnip. 
A fair representation of the small but useful 
invertebrates did not include the super- 
latively toothsome Lobster. 

Are some of the “‘lost”’ families still oceu- 
pying the same English farms where their 
family trees became established hundreds 
of years ago? Perhaps certain of the male 
lines have run out, or other names have 
been chosen. Possibly some are living in the 
United States outside of large cities. They 
may have no telephones. Some of them may 
be living in other countries. 

According to an analysis of surnames re- 
corded during the first United States Cen- 
sus,” the following families which I have 
been unable to find in telephone books were 
living in this country in 1790: 

Bantam Sealion 


It is of interest to record that surnames 
found in the course of the First Census 
were 83.5 percent English and 91.8 percent 
from the British Isles. 

In a final effort to find Horse, Sheep, and 
Turnip I looked in the telephone direc- 
tories of Atlanta, Buffalo, Cincinnati, 
Columbus, Dallas, Dayton, Denver, Fort 
Wayne, Fort Worth, Indianapolis, and 
Pittsburgh; Montreal, Toronto, and Van- 

2 A century of population growth. From the First 
Census of the United States to the Twelfth, 1790— 

1900. U. S. Department of Commerce and Labor, 
Bureau of the Census. 303 pp., 1909. 


couver, Canada; Melbourne and Sidney, 
Australia. Although the Turnipseed family 
is well distributed, Turnip still eluded me. I 
could get no closer to Horse than Horsey, 
which occurs plentifully. But I found Sheep. 
That is my rara avis; or, more accurately, 
rara ovis! 

Those who write reports of the results of 

their research seldom mention one influence 
that helps to shape the course of their en- 
deavors. I refer to the comments of wives. 
In my case attention was called to the 
possibility of sometime bringing the search 
to a close by a gentle remark, “‘I’m getting a 
little tired of seeing piles of telephone books 
around the house.”’ 

BOTAN Y.—WNew species of trees from western Ecuador! ELBERT L. LiTrue, JR., 
Forest Service, U. 8. Department of Agriculture. 

The 19 new species here described and il- 
lustrated are from the author’s collection of 
tree specimens made in 1943 in western 
Ecuador with the Latin American Forest 
Resources Project of the U. 8. Forest Serv- 
ice. Genera represented are: Hezsteria, Hir- 
tella (2), Brownea (3), Humiria, Erythro- 
chiton, Tetragastris, Guarea, Trichilia, Be- 
lotia, Matisia (2), Clusia (2), Neosprucea, 
Symplocos, and Aspidosperma. Twelve spe- 
cies are from the province of Esmeraldas, 
and others from the provinces of Pichincha, 
Chimborazo, Los Rios, and El Oro. Addi- 
tional new species from this collection are 
being published elsewhere by specialists, 
and others must remain undescribed at 
present because of incomplete material. 

Type specimens have been deposited in 
the U.S. National Herbarium, Washington, 
D.C., and a set of isotypes in the herbarium 
of the U. 8. Forest Service, Washington, 
D. C. Additional isotypes of most species 
are in the following herbaria: Tropical 
Forest Experiment Station, U. 8S. Forest 
Service, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico; Yale 
University School of Forestry, New Haven, 
Conn.; Chicago Natural History Museum, 
Chicago, Ill.; and Instituto BotAnica, Uni- 
versidad Central, Quito, Ecuador. 

Acknowledgment is due C. V. Morton, 
of the U. 8. National Museum, for assist- 
ance in checking the Latin diagnoses, to 
Ellsworth P. Killip, also of the National 
Museum, for suggestions, to Miss Leta 
Hughey, botanical artist, Forest Service, 
for making the drawings of the new species, 
and the late Dean Samuel J. Record, Yale 
University School of Forestry, for making 
generic determinations of wood samples of 

1 Received October 3, 1947. 

four of these new species. The Forest Serv- 
ice project in Ecuador is described in the 
following report: HoupripGE, L. R., et al., 
The forests of western and central Ecuador. 
134 pp., illus. Forest Service, U. S. Dept. 
Agr., Washington, D. C. 1947. (Processed.) 

Heisteria cyathiformis Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 7 

Sec. Euheisteria Engl. Frutex vel arbor parva 
4 m alta, trunco 3 cm diametro, glabra, ramulis 
gracilibus teretibus viridulis, novellis subangu- 
latis, internodiis brevibus 0.5-3 em longis. Folia 
petiolata, petiolis 4-11 mm longis, supra leviter 
canaliculatis; laminae anguste ellipticae vel 
oblanceolatae, (5) 8-15 em longae, 3—5.5 cm 
latae, basi acutae vel acuminatae, apice sub- 
abrupte acuminatae, acumine 4-9 mm longo, 
membranaceae, margine integrae, costa supra 
plana subtus elevata, nervis lateralibus utrin- 
que 5-9, prope marginem arcuato-conjunctis, 
subtus prominulis. Flores fasciculares in axillis 
2 vel 3; pedicellus 3 mm longus, apicem versus 
crassus; albastrum ca. 1.5 mm longum; calyx 
1 mm longus ad medium 5-lobus, lobis triangu- 
laribus acutis; corolla in alabastro globoso- 
ellipsoidalis, 1.3 mm longa, viridulo-albida, 5- 
lobata, intus minute puberulenta; stamina 10, 
5 longiora et 5 alternatim breviora; ovarium tri- 
angulare, apicem versus acuminatum, 1 mm 
longum, 1 mm diametro, 3-loculare ovulis 8, 
stigmate minuto sessili 3-lobato. Fructus soli- 
tarius, pedicello in stato fructifero 12-15 mm 
longo, calyce fructifero accrescente cyathi- 
formi, 4-5 mm longo et 7 mm lato, truncato, 
subintegro vel minute 5-dentato, rubro; drupa 
ellipsoidalis, 11 mm long, 7 mm diametro, 

Shrub or small tree 4 m tall and 3 cm in 
trunk diameter, said to become larger. Speci- 


mens collected from two plants in wet tropical 
forest at Quinindé. ‘‘Aji.” 

ESMERALDAS: Quinindé, altitude 65 m, April 
15, 1943, Little 6263A (Forest Service no. 
96832; U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 1854915, Typs). 
Little 6263 (Forest Service no. 96833). 

Heisteria Jacq. has more than 40 species in 
South and Central America and 3 in western 
Africa. Most species have the enlarged calyx 
of the fruit lobed and rotate, reflexed, or loosely 
enclosed the drupe. In H. cyathiformis the red, 
cup-shaped or hemispherical calyx is about one- 
third the length of the black, ellipsoidal drupe 
(red when immature) and closely adheres to 
the lower part of the drupe. This enlarged 
fruiting calyx is truncate and subentire or 
minutely 5-toothed. Superficially the fruit, 
with its elongated drupe and cuplike calyx, 

resembles that of some members of the Laura-. 

ceae, though the other characters are unlike 
that family. Caroline K. Allen and I. W. Bailey 
kindly have suggested that this material prob- 
ably belongs in Heisteria, where it apparently is 

Heisteria cyathiformis is related to H. cyano- 
carpa Poepp. & Endl., of the Amazonian region 
of Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador, which has larger 
and thicker leaves, more flowers in a fascicle, 
and the fruiting calyx broad, orbicular, usually 
reflexed. The collection contains material of 
another species of this genus, doubtfully re- 
ferred to the Central American species H. mac- 
rophylla Oerst. 

Hirtella carbonaria Little, sp. nov. 

Arbor mediocris 12 m alta, trunco 25 em 
diametro. Cortex laevis, griseus. Ramuli parce 
hirsutuli mox glabrescentes. Folia petiolata 
cum stipulis linearibus, ca. 3 mm longis, in- 
volutis, strigosis; petiolis ca. 2mm longis, parce 
hirsutulis; laminae ellipticae, 5-9 em longae et 
2.5-4 cm latae, basi rotundatae, apice abrupte 
acuminatae, integrae, inflexae, coriaceae, re- 
ticulatae, supra glabrae, subtus in costa et 
venis pilis paucis subappressis praeditae, venis 
primariis 5—8-jJugis, arcuatis et margine anasta- 
mosantibus, his cum costa utrinque paullo ele- 
vatis. Inflorescentiae terminales atque axillares, 
thyrsiformes, multiflorae, cum floribus multis 
abortivis, 6-9 cm longae et 2-4 cm latae, pe- 
dunculo 2-5 cm longo, rhachibus pilos paucos 
appressos gerentibus; bracteae triangulares, 

VOL. 38, No. 3 

acutae, 1-2 mm. longae; pedicelli 3 mm longi; 
hypanthium campanulatum, 3 mm longum et 
2 mm latum, externe sparse pubescens, intus 
glabrum; sepala 5, elliptica, obtusa, 3 mm longa 
et 2.5 mm lata, externe strigillosa, intus densius 
strigillosa; petala 5, alba, elliptica, 4 mm longa 
et 2.5 mm lata, retusa, glabra; stamina 3, 8— 
12 mm longa, filamentis glabris, basi connatis; 
staminodia 2, 1.5 mm longa; ovarium fere 2 
mm longum, dense pilosum; stylus deorsum 
sparse pilosus, 10-15 mm longus. Drupa ob- 
ovoidea, 15 mm longa, 8 mm lata, 3.5 mm 
crassa, compressa, atra, glabrescens, intus 
dense pilosa; semen ellipsoideum, compres- 
sum, fuscum, ca. 10 mm longum, 5 mm latum, 
2.5 mm crassum. 

Medium-sized tree to 12 m tall and 25 cm 
in trunk diameter. Bark smooth, gray. Wood 
used for charcoal, as the common and specific 
names indicate. Common in moist soil, flood 
plain forest near Rio Nadadero, wet tropical 
forest zone at San Lorenzo. ‘Carbonero,”’ 

ESMERALDAS: San Lorenzo, altitude near 
tidewater, April 19, 1943, Little 6275 (Forest 
Service no. 96790; U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 
1858838, TYPE). 

Besides Hirtella triandra Sw., this collection 
contains two undescribed species of Hirtella L. 
Hirtella carbonaria has elliptic, coriaceous, 
glabrescent leaves that are turned inward 
slightly at the midrib. The pubescence of twigs, 
leaves, and inflorescence is rather sparse, con- 
sisting generally of a few appressed hairs, which 
are lost as the parts become nearly glabrous 
with age. The thyrsiform inflorescence contains 
many abortive flowers. 

Hirtella pauciflora Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 2 

Arbor magna 25 m alta, trunco 50 cm diame- 
tro. Cortex laevis, leviter fissilis, fuseus. Ramuli 
dense hirtelli. Folia petiolata cum _ stipulis 
linearibus, ca. 3 mm longis, dense hirtellis; 
petiolis 3-4 mm longis, dense hirtellis; laminae 
ellipticae, 7-13 cm longae et 3-5 em latae, 
basi acutae, apice acuminatae, integrae, mem- 
branaceae, pallide virides, supra costis his- 
pidae, pilis paucis rigidis in venis et venulis 
ferentes, mox glabratae, subtus in venis et 
venulis hispidae, nervis primariis 6—9-jugis, 
ascendentibus, his cum costa supra leviter im- 
pressis, subtus prominentibus. Inflorescentiae 


Mar. 15, 1948 










Fic. 2.—Hirtella pauciflora, 3X; flower, 

Fic. 1.—Belotia australis, 4 X; flower, 2 X; fruits, 3X. 
Fig. 4.—Guarea polymera, 

2X. Fig. 3.—Hirtella carbonaria, 3 X; flower, about 3 X; fruit, $ X. 
oe; lower, | ><; fruit, 1x. 



racemosae terminales in ramulis brevibus, in- 
conspicuae, 2- vel 3-florae, 3-6 cm longae, 
pedunculo hirtello, 1-4 em longo; pedicelli 
crassi, inflati, lignei, 10-12 mm longi, basi fere 
1 mm diametro, medio et apice 1.5-2 mm di- 
ametro, dense hirtelli; flores viridulo-fusci, ca. 
5 mm longi et 5 mm diametro; hypanthium ca. 
2 mm longum et 2 mm latum, externe hir- 
tellum, intus fauce dense retrorse pilosum, alibi 
glabrum; sepala 5, late elliptica, obtusa, 3 mm 
longa et 2-3 mm lata, externe dense hirtella, 
intus dense puberula; petala 5, elliptica, obtusa 
vel retusa, 3 mm longa et fere 2 mm lata; 
stamina 3, filamentis glabris, basi connatis, 
5-7 mm longis; staminodia 2, minuta, 0.2 mm 
longa; ovarium fere 2 mm longum, dense pi- 
losum; stylus basin versus sparse pilosus, alibi 
glaber, 4 mm longus. Fructus deest. 

Large tree 25 m tall and 50 cm in trunk di- 
ameter. Bark smooth, slightly cracked, brown. 
Virgin wet tropical forest and old cacao planta- 
tion at Pichilingue. ‘“‘Coquito.” - 

Los Rfos: Pichilingue, altitude 45 m, May 
21, 1948, Litile 6475 (Forest Service no. 95855; 
U.S. Nat. Herb. No. 1876218, Typx). 

The inconspicuous, small racemes terminal 
on short branches and bearing only 2 or 3 
flowers distinguish H. pauciflora. 

Brownea disepala Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 9 

Arbor magna 30 m alta; trunco 35 cm di- 
ametro, florifero, cum tumoribus ellipsoidalibus 
magnis et conspicuis, 3-5 cm crassis, 3-5 cm 
longis, et 3-10 cm latis, cicatricibus inflores- 
centiarum ferentibus. Cortex griseus, fere 
laevis; ramuli glabri. Folia paripinnata; petioli 
crassi, subglabrati, 6-15 mm longi et 3-4 mm 
diametro; rhaches 20—40 cm longi, fere glabri; 
petioluli crassi, corrugati, 3-5 mm longi, sub- 
glabri; foliolae (4) 6—9-jugae, oppositae, ob- 
longo-ellipticae, (5) 9-12 em longae, (2) 3-4 
cm latae, basi inaequales, apice longe caudato- 
acuminatae, subcoriaceae, nitidae, reticulatae, 
glabrae, costae basi glande uno minuto 
gerentes. Inflorescentia caulina capitata, stro- 
biliformis, globosa, sessilis, pallide incarnata, 
5 em diametro; bracteae multae, subrotundae 
vel ovatae vel oblongae, valde concavae, 1-7 
em longae, externe dense tomentosae, intus 
glabrae vel leviter pilosae, exteriores satis 
crassae et coriaceae, interlores membranaceae; 
rhachis 2.5-3 cm longa et 8-10 mm diametro, ad 

VOL. 38, NO. 3 

% longitudinis bracteata, apicem versus flori- 
fera. Flores multi (ca. 30-40), albidi; pedicelli 
10-18 mm longi, pilosuli; vagina nulla; hy- 
panthium campanulatum, subtetragonum, 8 
mm longum, 5-6 mm latum, pilosulum; sepala 
2, oblanceolata vel oblonga, apice bidentata 
dentibus 3-5 mm longis, pilosula vel glabrata, 
nervis parallelis, 30-50 mm longa et 10-15 
mm lata; petala 4, longe angusteque unguicu- 
lata, glabrata, pinninervia, 2 majora oblance- 
olata, obtusa, 37-43 mm longa et 10 mm lata, 
2 minora lineari-spathulata, acuta, 25-27 mm 
longa et 3 mm lata; vagina staminalis 3 cm 
longa, pilosula; stamina 17 vel 18, filamentis 
25-50 mm longis, antheris 5-6 mm longis; 
ovarium stipitatum (6 mm), 15 mm longum, 
2.5 mm latum, compressum, dense tomento- 
sum; stylus glaber, 50-60 mm longus; stigma 
capitellatum. Legumen paucum, ca. 15 cm 
longum, 4 cm latum, plano-compressum, rufo- 
puberulum, valvis post dehiscentiam tortuosis. 

Large tree 30 m tall and 35 cm in trunk diam- 
eter, distinguished by cauliflory. Bark gray, 
smoothish. Trunk easily recognized by the en- 
larged elliptical swellings at scars of former in- 
florescences. The large whitish flowers are borne 
in a headlike cluster from a spherical pink, 
bracteate, strobiliform bud about 5 em in di- 
ameter which is sessile on the trunk. From the 
flower cluster a few large flat pods develop. 
Mountain (wet tropical) forest in southwestern 
Ecuador. ‘‘Palo de vaina.”’ 

Ex Oro: Near Piedras, altitude about 800 m, 
June 21, 1943, Little 6677 (Forest Service no. 
98587; U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 1857106 and 
1857107, Typ). Guayas: Near Pedro Carbo, 
altitude about 300 m, Jan. 13, 1943, Oscar 
Haught 3131 (U. S. Nat. Herb.). 

Haught 3131 has flowers similar to those of 
the type but differs in having the leaflets 
slightly smaller (5-7 cm long and 2-2.5 cm 
broad). It is described by the collector as a 
moderate-sized tree, strictly cauliflorous, with 
white flowers, in a forest on calcareous soil. 

The genus Brownea Jacq. contains more than 
25 known species, principally from Venezuela, 
Colombia, and Peru, with more from Venezu- 
ela than any other country. Some species occur 
also in Panama, the Guianas, and Brazil. 
Many of these are of restricted distribution. 
Only one new species, B. herthae Harms, has 
heretofore been described from Ecuador. In 
addition to that species, this collection contains 


Fic. 6.—Tetragastris varians. +X; flower, 
x. Fic. 8.—Brownea puberula, 3X. 

Fic. 5.—Brownea angustiflora, 4 X; flowers, about 
4X. Fic. 7.—Heisteria cyathiformis, 

cole Ico 


three new species of Brownea. Most species of 
Brownea have very showy, brilliant red flowers 
borne in terminal inflorescences. Very few spe- 
cies have white flowers and very few have cauli- 
flory. Brownea disepala is odd in both ways in 
having white flowers borne in clusters on the 

The segregate genus Browneopsis Huber 
(Bol. Mus. Goeldi 4: 565. 1906) was proposed 
for the species with sheath absent, larger num- 
ber of stamens, and lesser development of 
petals (lacking, rudimentary, or 4). However, 
Ducke, Record and Hess, and Macbride have 
reduced the segregate to synonymy. Besides 
Brownea disepala, other species in this group 
are: Brownea ucayalina (Huber) Ducke, Brown- 
ea cauliflora Poepp. & Endl., Brownea excelsa 
(Pittier) Macbr., and Brownea peruviana 
Macbr. Of these, the new species is like the 
last in its calyx. Macbride (Field Mus. Bot. 13, 
pt. 3, no. 1: 184-135, 132. 1943) in the original 
description noted that B. peruviana was aber- 
rant in having 4 petals and 2 colored, petaloid 
bractlets or sepals. After examining a specimen 
of one of the two collections cited by Macbride 
(Klug 3810), I interpret as sepals the two paral- 
lel nerved structures of both species attached in 
the usual position of the calyx, at the summit of 
the hypanthium and outside the four clawed, 
pinnately nerved petals. These sepals, which 
in both species are slightly 2-toothed or 2-lobed 
at the apex, may represent a reduction from 4 
sepals to 2 connate ones. This interpretation is 
simpler than the alternate one also mentioned 
by Macbride of regarding the petals as absent, 
the 4 clawed petaloid structures as bractlets. 
In Brownea the bractlets or sheath, when 
present, are attached at the base of the hypan- 
thium, not at the summit. 

Brownea puberula Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 8 

Arbor 6 m alta vel major, trunco 10 em di- 
ametro. Ramuli, petioli, rhaches, et petioluli 
dense et minute fusco-puberuli vel demum 
glabrati. Folia paripinnata; petioli basi crassi, 
5-40 mm longi; rhaches’ (3) 7-25 em longae; 
petioluli 3-7 mm longi; foliolae (1) 3—7-jugae, 
oppositae, oblongo-ellipticae vel ovatae, (4) 
7-12 cm longae, (2) 3-6 cm latae, basi inae- 
quales, obtusae vel rotundatae, apice longe 
caudato-acuminatae (1.5-2.5 cm longa), cori- 

VOL. 38, No. 3 

aceae, supra glabrae, subtus minute puberulae, 
reticulatae, costae basi glande uno gerentes. 
Inflorescentiae terminales vel laterales, inter- 
dum ex rhachibus inflorescentiarum priorium; 
racemi breves, umbelliformes, rhache 2 em 
longa, bracteis caducis; flores 15-25, rubri vel 
coccinei, spectabiles; pedicelli tenues, puberuli, 
10-20 mm longi; vagina petaloidea tubulosa, 
bilabiata, 30-32 mm longa, externe appresso- 
puberula, intus glabra, lobis acutis 10-12 mm 
longis; hypanthium anguste tubulosum, 12-14 
mm longum, 3 mm diametro, puberulentum vel 
glabratum; sepala 4, petaloidea, glabra, 24-27 
mm longa, anterius obovatum, acutum, 8-11 
mm latum, alia oblanceolata, obtusa, 4-6 mm 
lata; petala 5, fere aequalia, 37-46 mm longa, 
9-13 mm lata, longe angusteque unguiculata, 
glabra, obovata, obtusa; stamina 11, 38-45 
mm longa, ad 4 vel 3 longitudinis connata; 
vagina staminalis externe glabra, intus basi 
pilosa; filamentis glabris, 10-18 mm _ longis; 
antheris 2 mm longis; ovarium 7—8 mm long- 
um, dense tomentosum; stylus tenuis, deorsum 
tomentosus, 27-35 mm longus; stigma capitel- 
latum. Legumen 20 cm longum, 4.5 cm latum, 
planocompressum, minute fusco-tomentosum, 
valvis post dehiscentiam tortuosis. 

Tree 6 m tall and 10 cm in trunk diameter. 
Uncommon in understory of wet, swampy 
tropical forests at sea level, including flood 
plain at edge of river and higher level of man- 
grove swamp forest at San Lorenzo. 

ESMERALDAS: San Lorenzo, sea level, April 
22, 1943, Little 6338 (Forest Service no. 98230; 
U.S. Nat. Herb. no. 1909574, TypE); April 22, 
1943, Little 6338A (Forest Service no. 98231); 
April 19, 1948, Little 6291 (Forest Service no. 
96719). PROVINCE NoT KNOWN: Moist forest at 
foot of Western Cordillera, altitude 200 m, 
Rimbach 183 (U. 8. Nat. Herb.). 

Rimbach 183, from an inland locality, was 
described by the collector as a tree 20 m high 
and 25 cm in trunk diameter, with red flowers 
in dense umbels, mostly from old wood, some- 
times near base of trunk, and more rarely from 
the branches. 

This species is unusual in the dense, minute, 
dark brown pubescence of the young branches, 
petioles, rachises, and petiolules. However, in 
age the pubescence may be nearly absent. The 
inforescences are fewer flowered and the flowers 
more nearly glabrous than in most species of 
Brownea. Though it has the bilabiate floral 


sheath found in most species of the genus, 
Brownea puberula is distinct in the size, shape, 
and pubsecence of the floral parts. It resembles 
B. birschellii Hook. f., of Venezuela, which is 
glabrous and has much larger clusters of larger 
flowers. In publishing that species, J. D. 
Hooker (Bot. Mag. 98: pl. 5998. 1872) men- 
tioned that “it closely resembles a species from 
the Pacific sea-coast of New Granada, at Es- 
meraldas, collected by Colonel Hall, and pre- 
served in the Hookerian Herbarium.” Hall’s 
specimen, collected near the type locality of 
B. puberula, upon examination may prove to 
be a much earlier collection of this species. 

Brownea angustiflora Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 5 

Arbor parva 10 m alta, trunco 15 cm diame- 
tro. Ramuli glabri. Folia paripinnata, glabra; 
petioli basi crassi, 4-25 mm longi; rhaches 3-15 
em longae; petioluli 3-5 mm long); foliolae 2— 
vel 3-jugae, oppositae, oblongo-ellipticae, (7) 
10-23 cm longae, (3) 4-7 cm latae, basi inae- 
quales, obtusae vel acutae, apice caudatoacumi- 
natae (1-8 cm longo), coriaceae, reticulatae, 
costae basi glande uno gerentes. Inflorescentiae 
terminales et laterales vel caulines; racemi 
breves, umbelliformes, rhache 1.5—2 cm longa, 
bracteis caducis; flores ca. 15-20, rubrae vel 
coccineae, spectabiles; pedicelli tenues, pu- 
beruli, 9-12 mm longi; vagina petaloidea, 
anguste tubulosa, 35-52 mm longa, 6 mm 
diametro, uno latere ad 15-20 mm fissa, externe 
puberula, intus glabra; hypanthium anguste 
tubulosum, 11-15 mm longum, 2-2.5 mm 
diametro, glabrum; sepala 4, petaloidea, glabra, 
anterius oblanceolatum, acutum, 35 mm lon- 
gum et 6-7 mm latum, alia linearia, acuta, 28— 
30 mm longa et 2-3 mm lata; petala 5, longe 
angusteque unguiculata, glabra, maximum ob- 
lanceolatum, retusum vel apiculatum, 42 mm 
longum, 6-8 mm latum, duo oblanceolata, 
retusa, 35-38 mm longa, 4-6 mm lata, duo 
linearia, obtusa, 20-22 mm longa, 1—2 mm lata; 
vagina staminalis 25-29 mm longa, glabra vel 
leviter pilosa; stamina 9 vel 10, filamentis 10- 
20 mm longis, antheris 2 mm longis; ovarium 
9-10 mm longum, 2 mm latum, dense tomento- 
sum; stylus tenuis, inferne tomentosus, 35-40 
mm longus; stigma capitellatum. Legumen 
paucum, 20 cm longum, 4 cm latum, plano- 
compressum, minute puberulum; valvis post 

dehiscentiam tortuosis; semina orbiculata, 
plana, 2.5 cm diametro. 

Small tree 10 m tall and 15 cm in trunk 
diameter, in understory of wet tropical forest 
and in clearing. ‘‘Flor de mayo.” 

ESMERALDAS: Borbén, elevation 15 m, May 
3, 1948, Little 6418 (Forest Service no. 98232; 
U.S. Nat. Herb. no. 1879851, Typ); April 26, 
1943, Little 6382 (Forest Service no. 98225). 

Two collections of this species were made, 
both at the same locality. In the type collec- 
tion, Little 6418, the inflorescences are terminal 
or lateral on the leafy branches. Little 6382 
has the flowers borne on the trunk and slightly 
larger and more mature. 

This species is characterized by long, narrow, 
slender, nearly glabrous flowers in few flowered 
clusters. The narrowly tubular flower sheath, 
which is cleft on one side, is unusually long, 35- 
52 mm long, and nearly encloses the perianth, 
though the three larger petals are exserted. The 
sheath generally varies from 12 to 32 mm long 
in other species of Brownea. Only a few others, 
such as B. coccinea Jacq. and B. aroensis Pit- 
tier, have the sheath cleft on only one side 
instead of bilabiate. 

Humiria procera Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 12 

Arbor magna recta, 30-34 m alta vel major. 
Ramuli glabri, 4-alati ex foliis et costis decur- 
rentibus, alis 1-2 mm latis. Folia disticha, de- 
currentia, sessilia, coriacea, vivo atroviridia, 
nitida, late elliptica, 8-13 cm longa et 5-7 cm 
lata, basi obtusa, apice abrupte et breviter 
acuminata (5-10 mm), margine remote glandu- 
loso-crenulata, supra glabra, subtus minute 
rugulosa, costa subtus carinata, carina angusta, 
basi 1 mm alta, decurrente. Inflorescentia axil- 
laris, corymbosa multiflora, 4-6 ecm longa et 
3-5 cm lata, puberula, ca. 5 vel 6 dichotoma 
vel trichotoma; bracteae triangulares, acutae, 
1-2 mm longae; pedunculus alatus anceps, 2- 
2.5 ecm longus; pedicelli 1 mm longi; flores 
minuti, viriduli, ca. 2 mm longi et 1.5 mm lati; 
sepala 5, rotundata, ciliata, leviter puberula, 
1 mm longa; petala 5, oblonga, externe leviter 
puberula, 1.5-2 mm longa et 0.5 mm. lata; 
stamina 20, glabra, ca. 1.5 mm longa; fila- 
menta basi connata; cupula hypogyna e 
Ssquamis plus minus connatis composita; pistil- 
lum ca. 1.5 mm longum; ovarium ovoideum, 
parce puberulum, 5-loculare, ovulis 2 in loculo; 


stylus crassus; stigma 5-radiatum. Drupa 
ovoidea vel ellipsoidea, base obtusa, apice 
acuta vel obtusa, tomentosa, 25-35 mm longa, 
17-20 mm lata; endocarpium osseum, sub 
apice 5-foveolatum. 

Large erect tree of forest canopy in wet 
tropical forest, 30 to 34 m tall and 40 cm in 
diameter, according to measurements from 
trees felled for wood samples, but becoming 
larger. The fruits resemble pecans (Carya il- 
linoensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch) in size and 
shape. It is said that the oily seeds are edible. 

EsSMERALDAS: Playa de Oro, altitude about 
65 m, May 1, 1948, Little 6412 (Forest Service 
no. 95906; U. 8. Nat. Herb. no. 1876214, TYPE; 
with wood sample). Little 6413 (Forest Service 
no. 95907; with wood sample). San Lorenzo, 
altitude about 10 m, April 21, 19438, Little 
6320 (Forest Service no. 96880; with wood 
sample). Quinindé, altitude 65 m, April 9, 
1943, Little 6233 (old fruits only). 

Common and probably widely distributed in 
the wet tropical forest of Esmeraldas. In some 
locations near San Lorenzo it comprises a large 
part of the big timber. Very common also along 
the banks of Rio Santiago above Selva Alegre, 
where Chanuzal, a group of houses, apparently 
derives its name from the many trees of 
‘“chanul.” After partial cutting of other tree 
species, ‘‘chanul” occurs in nearly pure stands. 
It exists in quantities along the main rivers and 
trails. ; 

The South American genus Humiria Jaume 
St.-Hil. is distributed in Brazil, the Guianas, 
Venezuela, and Colombia and apparently has 
not been reported previously from Ecuador. 
Though the characteristic size is that of shrubs 
and small trees, two species are described as 
becoming large trees under favorable condi- 
tions. Selling (Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 39: 257-269, 
illus. 1945) distinguished 6 living species and 3 
fossil ones. The latter, based upon fruits from 
Brazil, Colombia, and Peru (Piura), indicated 
a broader distribution of the genus in the Ter- 
tiary than at present. 

Wood samples of the Ecuadorian material 
were first determined by 8S. J. Record as 
Humiria sp. near H. floribunda Mart., which 
occurs in the Guianas, Amazonian Brazil, 
Venezuela, and Colombia. Subsequent study 
of herbarium specimens confirmed this deter- 
mination and showed that an undescribed spe- 

VOL. 38, No. 3 

cies was represented. Humiria procera is readily 
separated from other species of the genus by 
the numerous minute flowers only about 2 mm 
long, while the others have fewer, larger flowers 
usually about 4-5 mm long. In H. procera 
the twigs are prominently 4-winged and the 
leaves are distichous, abruptly acuminate, and 
crenulate, while in H. floribunda the twigs are 
only slightly winged, the leaves spirally ar- 
ranged, smaller, usually obtuse at apex, and 
entire or nearly so. The distichous leaves dis- 
tinguish H. procera from most species of the 
genus also. 

The following notes on the wood of Humiria 
procera were made by J. Edson Myer, of the 
Forest Service field party. Sapwood grayish 
white, about 5 cm thick. Heartwood dull red, 
becoming brownish on exposure, hard and 
heavy, having a specific gravity of 0.68 based 
upon volume when green or 0.82 based upon 
volume when oven dry. Texture fine and uni- 
form. Growth rings are indistinct due to fewer 
pores in denser zones; the pores are minute, 
thin walled, and numerous. The rays are very 
fine, not visible on cross section and low and 
inconspicuous on radial section. Wood fairly 
difficult to cut, rather harsh, readily polished, 
strong but brittle, and of medium durability. 
Not used much because of alleged silica content 
which dulls saws. Might be used for construc- 
tion where not exposed to the weather. 

Waterman (Trop. Woods 88: 1-11. 1946 
(1947)) included wood samples of the collec- 
tions cited above in tests of decay resistance of 
water-soluble extractives of several tropical 
American woods to growth of wood-decay 
fungi. This species, listed as Humiria sp., was 
found to be nontoxic or not resistant to decay. 

Erythrochiton carinatus Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 14 

Sect. Toxosiphon (Baill.) Engl. Frutex vel 
arbor parva 2—5 m alta, trunco 5 em diametro. 
Cortex griseus, leviter asper et fissilis, decorti- 
eans. Folia solitaria, unifoliata; petioli (2) 
4.5-7 cm longi, 1.5 mm diametro, glabri, 
tenues, semiteretes, apice tumido-articulati; 
laminae oblongo-ellipticae, 11-20 cm longae et 
5-8 cm latae, basi cuneatae, apice abrupte 
acuminatae, integrae, papyraceae, glabrae, in- 
conspicue glanduloso-punctatae, venis lateral- 
ibus primariis ca. 12-14, angulo obtuso egredi- 
entibus, arcuatis, venulis reticulatis. Inflores- 


Fic. 9.—Brownea disepala, + X; axis of old inflorescence, 4 X; young globose, unopened inflorescence, 
3X; flower, +X. Fic. 10.—Trichilia floribunda, + X; bud, 6 X; flower, 6X. 


centia terminalis, 17-19 ecm longa, longepedun- 
culata; pedunculus 11-15 em longus, sulcatus, 
strigillosus, apice furcatus, ca. 3-florus; flores 
desunt. Sepala libera, persistentia, bractei- 
formia, viridia, lanceolata, acuminata, reticu- 
lata, inconspicue glanduloso-punctata, externe 
fere glabra, intus dense tomentulosa, in fructu 
30-37 mm longa et 4-8 mm lata, capsulis sub- 
duplo longiora; capsula fere ad medium 5- 
lobata, pallide viridis, 15 mm alta et ca. 20 mm 
lata, coccis 5, reticulatis, inconspicue glandulo- 
so-punctatis, puberulis, ca. 15 mm altis et 9 
mm latis, carina prominente 1-2 mm lata, 
mucrone 1 mm longo; semina 2, superposita, 
fusea, fere laeve, 5 mm longa et 4 mm lata et 

Shrub or small tree 2 to 5 m tall and 5 cm 
in diameter. Bark gray, slightly rough and fis- 
sured, shredding. Common locally in under- 
story of mountain (wet tropical) forest. 

Eu Oro: Piedras, altitude about 500 m, 
June 18, 1943, Little 6632 (Forest Service no. 
98509; U. 8. Nat. Herb. no. 1909573, TYPE). 

The genus Erythrochiton Nees & Mart. con- 
tains seven previously described species of 
shrubs or small trees widely but sparingly dis- 
tributed in tropical America from southern 
Mexico to Colombia, Brazil, and Peru. Engler 
(in Engler and Prantl, Natiirl. Pflanzenfam. ed. 
2, 19a: 288. 1931) listed five species, and two 
others have been added. Apparently this genus 
‘ has not heretofore been reported from Ecua- 
dor. Specimens of both Erythrochiton brasilien- 
sis Nees & Mart. and this new species were 
collected near Piedras, El Oro. 

Erythrochiton carinatus belongs to Section 
Toxositphon (Baill.) Engl., in which the 5 
sepals are free, and is distinguished in fruit 
from the other four species of this section by the 
elongate, acuminate sepals about twice the 
length of the capsule and by the deeply lobed 
capsule, with a prominent keel on each seg- 

Tetragastris varians Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 6 

Arbor 25 m alta, truneo 50 cm diametro. 
Ramuli crassi, subteretes, brunnescentes, glab- 
ri, lenticellis elevatis. Folia alterna, pinnata, 
apicem ramulorum versus trifoliolata vel uni- 
foliolata, petioli 4-9 (21) cm. longi, evidenter 

VOL. 38, NO. 3 

suleati, subancipites, glabri, supra _plani; 
rhaches foliorum trifoliolatorum 2—4 em longae, 
suleatae, glabrae, supra planae; petioluli 2—4 
mm longi; laminae foliolarum late ellipticae ad 
obovatae, 9-20 cm longae et 5-10 cm latae, 
basi obtusae vel cuneatae, apice abrupte 
acuminatae (5-10 mm), chartaceae, integrae, 
venis primariis utrinque latere ca. 9-12, angulo 
lato divergentibus, arcuatis et prope marginem 
anastomosantibus, utrinque venis et venulis 
elevatis et prominente reticulatis, supra 
glabrae, subtus glabratae, minute papillosae, 
ad costam pilis paucissimis appressis praeditae. 
Paniculae laterales apicem ramulorum versus, 
7-12 cm longae, multiflorae; rhaches leviter 
compressae, minute strigillosae, bracteatae; 
bracteae triangulares, acutae, 1 mm longae; 
pedicelli 0.5-1 mm longi; flores 4-meri (raro 5- 
meri), 4.5-5 mm longi; calyx 2.5 mm longus et 
3mm latus, glaber, lobis 3 vel 4, triangularibus, 
acutiusculis, 1-1.5 mm longis, corolla anguste 
campanulata, 4.5-5 mm longa, externe minute 
strigillosa, intus glabra, ad medium in lobis 4 
(raro 5) divisa, lobis lanceolatis, 2.56 mm longis 
et 1 mm latis, acutis, valvatis, carinatis, cras- 
sis, marginibus apiculoque inflexis; stamina 8 
(raro 10), sub disco inserta, 1.5 mm longa, 
glabra, antheribus 1 mm longis; discus annu- 
laris, 0.7 mm longus, 2 mm diametro, glaber, 
margine crenatus; ovarium ovoideum, 1.5 mm 
longum et 1.3 mm diametro, sparse pilosum, 4- 
loculare (raro 5-loculare) ovulis in loculis 2; 
stylus brevis; stigma capitatum, 4-lobulatum 
(raro 5-lobulatum). Fructus deest. 

Large tree 25 m tall and 50 em in trunk diam- 
eter, in wet tropical forest. Wood used for 
lumber. ‘‘Quemapecho.” 

ESMERALDAS: San Lorenzo, altitude about 
10 m, April 20, 1943, Little 6292 (Forest Serv- 
ice no. 96876; U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 1877653, 

Six species of Tetragastris Gaertn. are recog- 
nized in the recent monograph by Swart (Ree. 
Trav. Bot. Neerland. 39: 403-419, illus. 1942), 
and another was published in 1939. This generic 
name is retained here over the technically valid, 
older generic name Hedwigia Sw. (1788), which 
is not in use. Hedwigia [Ehrh. 1781] Beauv. 
(1805) should be made a nomen conservandum 
for a monotypic genus of mosses (LITTLE, 
Bryologist 46: 114-115. 1943). The genus is 
distributed from Brazil and British Guiana to 
the West Indies and Central America and now 


Fie. 11.—Symplocos ecuadorensis, 4X; flowers, PP OGeirulteel yc: Fic. 12.—Humiria procera, in- 
cluding fruit and two old fruits showing bony endocarp, all4X. Fic. 138.—Neosprucea pedicellata, 
4 X; flower 3X. Fic. 14.—Erythrochiton carinatus, 4 X; carpels of fruit, 1X. 



is reported for the first time from Ecuador and 
the Pacific slope of South America. 

Tetragastris varians is easily distinguished by 
the broadly elliptic leaflets, which vary in 
number. Leaves at the ends of twigs have only 
3 leaflets or 1, but apparently some leaves have 
more leaflets. Other species of the genus have 
narrower leaflets, 5 (rarely 3) to 11 in number. 
In the new species the calyx is glabrous, the 
corolla is minutely strigillose outside and 
glabrous inside, and the ovary is sparsely pilose. 
Specimens of the type collection in the U. 58. 
National Herbarium and Forest Service 
Herbarium are terminal portions of twigs with 
both trifoliolate and unifoliolate leaves. How- 
ever, the type bears, at a distance of 30cm 
from the apex of the twig, the base of a much 
longer pinnate leaf with petiole 21 cm long and 
with a single leaflet attached. 

Guarea polymera Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 4 

Sect. Huguarea C. DC. Arbor 12 m alta, 
myrmecophila, trunco 15 cm diametro. Ramuli 
minute et dense brunneo-glanduloso-tomentu- 
losi. Folia pinnata; petioli 6-7 cm longi, supra 
canaliculati; rhaches ca. 26 cm longi; foliolae 
6- vel 7-jugae, breviter (4-5 mm) petiolulatae; 
laminae oblongo-lanceolatae, base acutae, apice 
acuminatae, membranaceae, 20-23 cm longae, 
6-7 cm latae, supra glabrae, subtus incon- 
spicue et minute cinereo-puberulae, nervis 
lateralibus utrinque 12-15, ascendentibus et 
margine curvatis, his cum costa supra fere 
planibus, subtus prominentibus. Paniculae 
axillares 6-12 cm longae, 3-6 cm latae, ramulis 
minute glanduloso-tomentulosis, bracteae tri- 
angulares, acutae, 2-3 mm longae; pedicelli 
clavellati 5-15 cm longi. Flores albidi, fra- 
grantes, (5) 6- vel 7-meri, calyx late cupu- 
latus, 3 mm longus, 7 mm latus, leviter 10—16- 
lobatus, lobulis 0.5 mm longis, mox 3—4-fissus 
fere ad basin, externe brunneo-tomentulosis, 
intus glaber. Petala 5-7, valvata, lanceolata, 
acuta, leviter involuta, 10 mm longa, 3 mm 
lata, externe dense albido-sericeo-tomentulosa, 
intus glabra; tubus stamineus cylindricus, mar- 
gine crenulatus, 7 mm longus, 4 mm diametro, 
glaber; antherae 10-14, inclusae, sub margine 
sessiles, 1.5 mm longae; gynophorum 1 mm 
altum, glabrum, apice annulum glandulosum 
gerens, 4 mm diametro; ovarlum ovoideum, 

VOL. 38, NO. 3 

suleatum, dense sericeo-tomentulosum, 3 mm 
longum, 2.5 mm diametro, 6—8-loculare, locu- 
lis 2-ovulatis, ovulis superpositis; stylus cras- 
sus, strigillosus, 3 mm longus, 1 mm diametro; 
stigma crassum discoideum, glabrum, 2 mm 
diametro. Capsula fere matura globosa, rugu- 
losa, brunnea, 11 mm diametro, 6—8-loculare; 
semina in loculo 2 superposita, atra, ca. 3 mm 

Tree 12°m tall and 15cm in diameter, said to 
become larger. Twigs hollow and inhabited by 
ants. Wet tropical forest. ‘‘Pialde macho.” 

EsMERALDAS: Playa de Oro, altitude 65 m, 
April 30, 1943, Little 6404 (Forest Service no. 
98254; U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 1877588, TYPE; 
with wood sample). 

This specimen is readily associated with the 
group of a few species in the large genus 
Guarea Allem. ex. L. and Sect. Huguarea C. 
DC. having ovaries and capsules with more 
than 5 cells (6 to 12). The flowers are 6- or 7- 
merous, rarely 5-merous, and the ovaries are 
6-8-celled. Petals are 5 to 7, instead of the usual 
number in this genus, 4 or 5. The wood sample 
was identified by 8S. J. Record as Guarea. Other 
species with approximately the same number of 
carpels are G. purusana C. DC., of Amazonian 
Brazil, with 6—9-celled ovary but much larger 
fruit and dense brownish pubescence, and G. 
grandifolia DC., of Guiana, 7-celled but other- 
wise 4-merous. This Ecuadoran collection con- 
tains also specimens of G. syringoides C. H. 
Wright (?) and G. trichilioides L. 

Perhaps Guarea Allem. ex L. (Mant. Pl. 2: 
150. 1771) should be made a nomen conservan- 
dum over Elutheria P. Br. (Civ. Nat. Hist. 
Jamaica 369. 1756). The latter was referred to 
Guarea by Fawcett and Rendle (Fl. Jam. 4: 
215. 1920) and cited by Harms (in Engler and 
Prantl, Natiirl. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 19bI: 129. 
1940). Rendle (Journ. Bot. 50: 129. 1912) con- 
tended that it was unnecessary to conserve 
names against earlier names by Patrick Browne 
observing that Browne published descriptions 
of species only, not genera. Whether Browne’s 
descriptions in monotypic genera, such as 
Elutheria, would be valid as combined generic 
and specific descriptions (art. 43) is uncertain 
because binomial nomenclature was not 
adopted. Nevertheless, several generic names 
of Browne having priority have formally been 
made nomina rejicienda. 


Trichilia floribunda Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 10 

Sect. Moschoxrylum (A. Juss.) C. DC. Arbor 
10-20 m alta vel major, tr&nco 20 em diametro. 
Ramuli minute strigillosi. Folia alterna, magna, 
imparipinnata; petioli 8-11 cm longi; rhaches 
30-35 cm longae; foliolae 11-14, alternae; 
petioluli 5-12 mm longi; petioli, rhaches, et 
petioluli minute strigillosi; laminae foliolarum 
oblanceolatae, (11) 25-33 cm longae et (5) 7-10 
em latae, infimae minores, basi acutae, apice 

acutae, integrae, subcoriaceae, supra glabres- 

centes, subtus minute et sparse puberulentae 
vel glabrescentes, nervis lateralibus utrinque 
(9) 20-25, ascendentibus, marginem versus 
curvatis, his cum costa supra fere planibus vel 
leviter impressis, subtus prominentibus. Pani- 
culae axillares, corymbiformes, multiflorae, 
20-30 cm longae, fere 20 cm latae, ramulis 
strigillosis; pedicelli tenues, 1-2 mm longi; 
flores flavo-albidi, fragrantes; alabastrum 
oblongo-ovoideum, 6 mm. longum et 2-2.5 mm 
latum; calyx patelliformis, brevissimus, sub- 
integer vel leviter 4- vel 5-lobulatus, 0.6 mm 
longus et 2.5 mm latus, externe strigillosus, 
intus glaber; corolla in alabastro 6 mm longa 
et 2-2.5 mm diametro, externe dense cinereo- 
strigillosa, intus glabra; tubus cylindricus, 4- 
lobatus (raro 3-lobatus) fere ad medium, lobis 
lanceolatis, obtusis, cucullatis, valvatis, leviter 
involutis; tubus stamineus urceolatus, 4 mm. 
longus, apice 6-8 denticulatus (denticulis 1 
mm longis), externe glabrescens vel parce ap- 
presso-pilosus, intus hirtellus; antherae 6-8, 
vulgo 7, inter denticulos insertae, exsertae, 1 
mm longae; ovarium ovoideum, cum gyno- 
phoro 1.5 mm longum et 1 mm latum, dense 
strigillosum, 2- vel 3-loculare, loculis 2-ovu- 
latis; stylus tenuis, inferne strigillosus, 1.5 mm 
longus; stigma clavatum. Fructus deest. 

Tree 10—20 m tall and 20 cm in diameter, re- 
ported to become a large tree of forest canopy. 
Wood said to be used for axe handles. Possibly 
of ornamental value because of the abundant 
small, yellowish-white, fragrant flowers. Wet 
tropical forest of northwestern Esmeraldas. 
“Pialde.” | 

ESMERALDAS: San Lorenzo, altitude 10 m, 
April 21, 1943, Little 6323 (Forest Service no. 
96852; U. 8. Nat. Herb. no. 1877646, Type); 
Borbén, altitude 15 m, April 26, 1943, Little 6372 
(Forest Service no. 98283; with wood sample). 

The very numerous flowers in this species of 
Trichilia P. Br. have a saucerlike calyx very 
slightly 4- or 5-lobed, and the 4-lobed corolla 
united more than half its length. This species 
has relatively large leaves and leaflets for the 
genus. 8. J. Record named the wood sample as 
Trichilia. Also represented in this collection 
are J’. hirta Land T. macrophylla Benth. 

Belotia australis Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 1 

Arbor 18 m alta vel major; trunco 35 cm. 
diametro. Cortex glaber, albidus. Ramuli et 
petioli minute dense stellato-puberuli, grisei. 
Petioli 8-15 mm longi. Laminae ellipticae vel 
lanceolatae, 9-14 cm longae, 3-6 cm latae, 
basi obtusae vel acutae, apice acuminatae, 
acumine 1—1.5 cm longo, glanduloso-serrulatae, 
d-nervatae, chartaceae, discolores, supra viri- 
des, minute sparse stellato-puberulae, subtus 
griseae, minute dense stellato-puberulae, pilis 
paucis stellatis majoribus praeditae. Inflores- 
centia cymosa axillaris, 3-6 cm longa, ca. 10- 
flora; pedicelli 3-6 mm longi; bracteae lanceo- 
latae, 2-4 mm longae, interdum 2- vel 3-den- 
tatae; pedunculus et pedicelli bracteaeque 
minute dense stellato-puberulae, griseae; ala- 
bastra ca. 8 mm longa; flores 10-11 mm longi; 
sepala 5, rubella, lanceolata, 9-11 mm longa, 
2.5 mm lata, margine involuta, apice obtusa, 
cucullata, 5-nervata, externe minute dense 
stellato-puberula, intus fere glabra, pilis paucis 
stellatis praedita; petala 5, ligulata, 8-9 mm 
longa, 1.5 mm lata, apice 2—4-dentata, 5-ner- 
vata, externe sparse pubescentia, intus basi et 
circum nectarium stellato-pilosa, ceterum gla- 
bra; androgynophorum 1 mm altum, apice 
discum dense stellato-pilosum 3 mm diametro 
ferens; stamina 15, 2-3 mm longa; filamenta 
deorsum stellato-pilosa; antherae suboribcu- 
lares, 0.8 mm longae; ovarium ovoideum, 3 mm 
longum, 2.5 mm diametro, dense pilosum, 2- 
loculare, ovulis paucis; stylus 3-4 mm longus, 
basi stellato-pilosus; stigma 4-lobatum, lobis 
laciniatis, 0.6 mm longis. Capsula bilocularis, 
valde obcompressa, loculicida, brunnea, 15 
inm longa, 20 mm lata, 4 mm crassa, basi ro- 
tundata, apice truncata, sparse puberula, 
pilis minutis stellatis et pilis stellatis multo 
longioribus interspersis, stylo persistente cus- 
pidato 3 mm. longo coronata. Semina desunt. 

Tree 18 m tall or larger, and 35 cm in diame- 


ter. Bark smooth, whitish. The light-weight 
wood is sometimes mixed with that of balsa 
(Ochroma lagopus Sw.) and substituted for the 
latter. Scattered in cutover wet tropical forest 
and fields at San Lorenzo but not common. 
“Chillarde.’? Also improperly called “balsa.” 

ESMERALDAS: San Lorenzo, altitude about 
10 m, April 19, 1943, Little 6273 (Forest Service 
no. 96826; U.S. Nat. Herb. no. 1858843, Typn; 
with wood sample). 

In the genus Belotia A. Rich., T. A. Sprague 
(Kew Bull. 1921: 270-278. 1921) distinguished 
11 species, including 6 new, distributed from 
southern Mexico through Central America to 
Panama and in Cuba and Santa Lucia in the 
West Indies. A. A. Bullock (Kew Bull. 1939: 
517-521. 1939) later examined additional ma- 
terial and reduced the number of species to 9. 
Sprague predicted that this genus might be 
found later in the Pacific coast forests of Co- 
lombia, and this collection represents a further 
southward extension of Belotia to Ecuador. 

Belotia australis is related to B. panamensis 
Pittier (B. macrantha Sprague) of Panama. 
Pubescence in the former is finer, more minute, 
and gray, while the latter has the twigs and 
branches of inflorescence coarsely ferrugineous 
tomentose. The leaves of B. panamensis usu- 
ally are larger, rounded or obtuse at base, and 
with teeth more prominent. The under surface 
of the leaves in B. australis has finer pubescence 
with the larger hairs of the upper tier scattered 
and fewer. The flowers of B. panamensis are 
slightly larger. Capsules in both species are 
similar in size and shape, but those of B. pana- 
mensis are much more densely stellate pubes- 
cent and have shorter styles less than 3 mm 

Sprague noted that the common name 
“‘balsa,”’ which is applied to B. australis, is used 
also in British Honduras for B. campbellii 

Matisia alata Little, sp nov. 
Fig. 16 

Arbor 20 m. alta, trunco 20-30 ecm diametro. 
Ramuli et petioli minute stellato-tomentosi, 
pilis flavis, radiis numerosis, brevissimis, 
glandulosis, demum glabrescentes. Folia magna 
petiolata, petiolis 2-5 cm longis; laminae 
oblongo-obovatae, 15-38 cm longae, 8-18 cm 
latae, basi subrotundatae vel leviter cordatae, 
apice acutae, margine integrae vel obscure un- 


VOL. 38, No. 3 

dulatae, penninervis, nervis lateralibus 9-12 
utrinque latere, prope marginem arcuatis et 
anastomosantibus, subtus elevatis, venulis 
prominente reticulatis, supra glabratae, subtus 
sparse et minute stellato-puberulae. Flores 
solitarii, oppositifolii, 2 vel 3 apice ramulorum, 
magni, 7 cm longi; pedicellus crassus, curvatus, 
fulvus, 4-7 cm longus, 3 mm diametro; calyx 
anguste campanulatus, 45 mm longus, 22 mm 
diametro cum alis, basi attenuatus, crassus, 
plus minusve succulentus, ochraceus, dense et 
minute stellato-tomentosus, pilis glandulosis, 
intus dense sericeus, lobis 5 brevibus, acutis, 
3-5 mm longis, alis 10, longis, angustis, usque 
ad 6 mm latis; petala 5, ochracea, 70 mm longa, 
basi connata tubo 2 mm, limbo spatulato vel 
obovato, obtuso, ca. 32 mm longo et 15-18 mm 
lato, externe dense stellato-tomentoso, intus 
glabro; columna staminea longe exserta, leviter 
curvata, 5 cm longa, 5-lobata, lobulis leviter 
pubescentibus, 10-16 mm longis, antherarum 
loculis 4-6 linearibus; ovarium 5-lobatum, 5- 
loculare, 3 mm longum, stellato-tomentosum; 
stylus 60 mm longus, 10 mm exsertus, curva- 
tus, stellato-tomentosus; stigma capitatum, 2 
mm longum. Fructus globosus, succulentus, 
ochraceus, magnus, 8-10 cm diametro, calyce 
accrescente 6-7 cm longo, cum alis 4-10 mm 
latis, suffultus. 

Tree 20 m tall and 20-30 cm in trunk diam- 
eter. It is said that the large, fleshy fruits are 
edible. Observed also at San Lorenzo, Esmeral- 
das. Wet tropical forest of Esmeraldas and 
Pichincha, northwestern Ecuador. ‘‘Sapote,”’ 

ESMERALDAS: Quinindé, altitude 65 m, April 
12, 1943, Little 6244 (Forest Service no. 96751; 
U.S. Nat. Herb. no. 1858828, TypE). PiIncH- 
INCHA: between Santo Domingo de los Colora- 
dos and Quinindé, April 7, 19438, Little 6197 
(Forest Service no. 96867); April 8, 19438, 
Little 6200 (Forest Service no. 96785; in fruit). 

More than 20 species of the genus Matisia 
H. B. K. have been described, a third of these 
in 1945-1946. This genus of small to medium- 
sized trees ranges from. Brazil to Colombia and 
Keuador and north to Panama and Costa Rica. 
Some of the species apparently are of local 
range. In this Ecuadorian collection are M. 
cordata Humb. & Bonpl., a cultivated species, 
M. coloradorum R. Benoist, an Ecuadorian 
species found again at the type locality, and 
two species proposed here as new. 



ING / \ 

Yypy «\\" a 
TZ ny 

Fic. 15.—Clusia polystigma, including bud and immature fruit, all 4X. Fic. 16.—Matisia alata, 
1X; flower, 3X. Fig. 17.—Clusia plurivalvis, including separate staminate flowers and fruits, 
all 3 X. Fic. 18.—Matisia grandifolia, § X; flower, about 1X. 


Matisia alata, one of the few species with 
pinnately veined leaves, is distinguished from 
other species of the genus by the prominent 
wings on the calyx, to which the specific name 
refers, and by the large flowers, which are 
orange or brownish in color. The 10 conspicu- 
ous wings of the calyx tube are longitudinal, 
narrow, slightly curled projecting ridges, start- 
ing at the base of the calyx and reaching a 
maximum width of 6 mm. near their rounded 
ends of the apex of the calyx. The 5 wings oppo- 
site the calyx lobes are larger, while the alter- 
nate wings are smaller and shorter or may be 
almost absent. 

Matisia grandifolia Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 18 

Arbor parva, 5 m alta, trunco 5 cm diametro. 
Ramuli et petioli dense et minute stellato-to- 
mentosi, pilis multiradiatis, glandulosis. Folia 
magna, petiolata, petiolis 1-1.5 cm longis, 4 
min diametro; laminae late ellipticae, 50-60 em 
longae, ca. 28 cm latae, basi rotundatae, apice 
acuminatae, margine integrae vel obscure un- 
dulatae, penninervis, nervis lateralibus 12-14 
utrinque latere, prope marginem arcuatis et 
anastamosantibus, subtus elevatis, venulis 
prominente reticulatis, supra glabrae, subtus 
minute stellato-puberulae. Flores pauci, soli- 
taril, oppositifolii, 3-3.5 em longi; pedicellus 
brevis, leviter curvatus, 5-7 mm longus; brac- 
teis 3, basi floris, subulatis, 3-6 mm longis; 
calyx anguste campanulatus, fulvus, 22-25 mm 
longus, 8 mm diametro, uno latere 10-12 mm 
fissus, lobis plerumque cohaerentibus, saepe 
2-4, sinubus 2-7 mm longis, alis 10 longis, 
angustis, 1 mm latis, dense et minute stellato- 
tomentosus, pilis glandulosis, intus dense seri- 
ceus, petala 5, in sicco rubida, anguste oblan- 
ceolata, apice obtusa, 30-34 mm longa, 4-5 mm 
lata, externe apice appresso-stellato-tomentosa; 
columna staminea 17-20 mm longa, apice le- 
viter pubescens, 4- vel 5-lobata, lobulis 3-9 mm 
longis, antherarum loculis ellipticis usque ad 8; 
ovarium conicum, 5-loculare, 3-4 mm longum, 
stellato-tomentosum; stylus 24 mm longus, 3 
mm exsertus, stellato-tomentosus; stigma 5- 
lobatum, lobulis obtusis, fere 2 mm longis. 
Fructus deest. 

Small tree 5 m tall and 5 cm in diameter, 
said to become larger. One tree seen in cacao 
plantation, wet tropical forest area. ‘‘Peni- 


VOL. 38, NO. 3 

PicuincHa: Santo Domingo de los Colora- 
dos, altitude 560 m, April 7, 1943, Little 6146 
(Forest Service no. 96782; U. 8. Nat. Herb. no. 
1858834, TYPE). 

This species is characterized by unusually 
large, pinnately veined leaves, by the short 
pedicels, and by the calyx split on one side, 
with 10 narrow wings or ridges. 

Clusia plurivalvis Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 17 

Arbor dioica, recta, extensa, 15 m alta, 
trunco 30 cm diametro. Cortex fuscus, leviter 
asper, fissus, latice alba. Ramuli crassi, teretes. 
Folia petiolata; petioli 1.5-4 em longi, 4-7 mm 
lati, leviter alati; laminae ovales vel obovatae, 
(8) 12-24 cm longae, (5) 8-14 em latae, basi 
obtusae vel acutae, apice rotundatae, valde 
coriaceae, nervis lateralibus numerosis, paral- 
lelis, sub angulo ca. 60—-70° adscendentibus. 
Inflorescentia terminalis, capitata, pauciflora 
pedunculo crasso, 2.5-4 em longo, 6 mm dia- 
metro, floribus sessilibus. Flores masculi magni, 
5 em diametro; bracteae calycinae rotundae, 
4-9 mm longae, 8-13 mm latae, obtusae, 
carinatae; sepala 4—6, biseriata, late rotundata, 
obtusa, concava, coriacea, 2 inferiora minora 
6-10 mm longa et 15 mm lata, superiora 10-15 
mm longa et 12-20 mm lata; petala 5, obovata, 
28-32 mm longa, 20-25 mm lata, obtusa, in 
vivo alba, basi incarnata vel ochracea; stamina 
in disco convexo 5-6 mm alto et 10-13 mm dia- 
metro inserta, numerosissima, spissa, fere 
sessilia, antheris 1.5 mm longis, longitudina- 
liter dehiscentibus; staminodia in globo re- 
sinoso 5 mm diametro apice disci aggregata. 
Flores feminei desunt; sepala in fructu per- 
sistentia, similia sepalis florium masculorum; 
staminodia nulla. Capsula succulenta depresso- 
globosa, 17 mm alta et 21 mm diametro, 13- 
16-locularis et 13—16-valvatis; stigmata 13-16, 
peltata, radiata, sessilia, triangularia, plana, 
8 mm longa et 2-3 mm lata, atra, in disco 17 
mm diametro; semina in loculis 2. 

Large, erect, widely spreading tree 15 m tall 
and 30 cm in trunk diameter. Bark dark brown, 
slightly rough, with white latex. Common and 
with another, probably undescribed species 
of Clusia (Little 6769) a dominant tree species 
of the dry mountain forest in ravines at Huigra. 
Common name “lamai,” according to Rose. 

CHIMBORAZO: Huigra, altitude 1300 m, July 
17, 1943, Little 6768A (Forest Service no. 



98525; U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 1857089, TyPE; 
with fruits). Little 6768 (Forest Service no. 
95852; with staminate flowers). Little 6768B 
(Forest Service no. 98526; with staminate 
flowers). Huigra, Aug. 19, 1918, J. N’. Rose and 
George Rose 2223 (U.S. Nat. Herb. no. 1021907; 
with fruits and staminate flowers but also 
containing larger, detached, sectioned fruits 

of a different species). 

Rose and Rose 2223 bears the note, ‘‘ ‘Not 
at Kew’ N. L. Blritton]. Sept. 1920.’ Clusia 
plurivalvis is not readily placed in the proper 

section in the latest summary of Clusia L. 
by Engler (Natiirl. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 42: 


199-204. 1925). It seems to be in subgenus 
Thysanoclusia Vesque and related to section 
Euclusia Planch. & Triana, which differs in 
having the connectives elongate and pointed. 
In this species the numerous stamens are 
crowded and almost sessile in a convex disc, 
which bears a central resinous mass of stami- 
nodia. The number of carpels in the ovary in 
this species, 13-16, is very high. Of the species 
in which the number of carpels is known, only 
afew, such as C. flava Jacq. with 12-14 car- 
pels, C. cuneata Benth. with 16, and the new 
species described below have more than 12 


Fic. 19.—Aspidosperma elatum, +X; fruit, 3X. 


Clusia polystigma Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 15 

Epiphyta magna, scandens, arborea, dioica, 
10 m alta, trunco 10 em diametro. Ramuli 
crassi, teretes. Folia subsessilia, obovata, 15-20 
em longa, 8-11 em lata, basi angustata et sub- 
petioliformes, apice obtusae, valde coriaceae, 
nervis lateralibus numerosis, parallelis, sub 
angulo ca. 50° adscendentibus. Flores masculi 
desunt. Inflorescentia feminea terminalis, race- 
mosa, pauciflora, rhache 6 cm longa, bracteata, 
bracteis oppositis, late ovatis, 5-8 mm longis 
et 6-10 mm latis; pedicelli 3-6 mm longi; 
bracteae calycinae 2 late rotundatae, 3 mm 
longae et 5-6 mm latae, obtusae, crassae; 
sepala 4-6, biseriata, late rotundata, obtusa, 
coriacea, minora 2 inferiora, 7-11 mm longa et 
9-12 mm lata, 2-4 superiora 15-16 mm longa 
et 12-18 mm lata; petala 6 vel 7, obovata, 
32-34 mm longa et 22-24 mm lata, obtusa, in 
vivo albida, leviter incarnato-tincta; cupula 
staminodialis 3-4 mm longa, 12 mm diametro, 
apice leviter lobata; ovarium cylindricum, 4 
mm longum, 6 mm diametro, sulcis longitudi- 
nalibus et loculis 16-19, loculis multiovulatis; 
stigmata 16-19, radiata, sessilia, anguste tri- 
angularia, 5-6 mm longa et 1.5 mm lata, atra, 
connata in annulo 4-5 mm longo et 8-9 mm 
diametro. Capsula succulenta immatura sub- 
globosa, 18 mm longa et 16 mm diametro, sul- 
cata, stigmatibus sessilibus coronata. 

Large woody vine 10 m tall and 10 cm in 
trunk diameter, epiphytic on a tree of Ficus sp. 
nov. (Little 6356) left in a clearing, wet tropical 
forest. ‘‘Matapalo.”’ 

ESMERALDAS: San Lorenzo, altitude about 
10 m, April 28, 1948, Little 6355 (Forest Service 
no. 98245; U.S. Nat. Herb. no. 1857080, TyPs). 

In the absence of staminate flowers, this 
species of Clusia L. cannot be definitely placed 
as to section. When more material is available, 
this species perhaps may be included in sub- 
genus Thysanoclusia Vesque, section Huclusia 
Planch. & Triana, according to the summary 
by A. Engler (Natiirl. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 21: 
199-204. 1925). The large, 6- or 7-petaled 
flowers suggest affinities with this section. This 
species is readily distinguished by the very high 
number of carpels, 16-19, apparently more 
than have been recorded previously in this 


VOL. 38, No. 3 

Neosprucea pedicellata Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 13 

Arbor parva, 10 m alta, trunco 20 em dia- 
metro, ramulis teretibus griseis, minute ap- 
presso-pubescentibus. Folia petiolata, pe- 
tiolis appresso pubescentibus, 12-16 mm longis; 
laminae ellipticae, 10-20 cm longae, 6-10 
cm latae, membranaceae, basi subrotundatae, 
apice attenuatae, margine remote obtuseque 
glanduloso-serratae, e basi distincte tripli- 
nerviae, glabrae nervis subtus minute paullo 
appresso-pubescentibus exceptis. Racemus la- 
teralis laxus divergens, pauciflorus (2 vel 3), 
5-6 em longus; rachis et pedicelli subangulati, 
minute denseque tomentosi; pedicelli 25-30 
mm longi; flores magni, albidi, sepala et petala 
similia, valvata, persistentia, utrinque breviter 
denseque appresso-tomentosa; sepala 4, basi 
leviter connata, ovata, 16-17 mm _ longa, 
5-7 mm lata, acuminata, 5—-8-nervata; petala 
4, ovata, acuta, carinata, 15-17 mm longa; 
stamina numerosa; filamenta filiformia, 2 mm 
longa; antherae linearae, hirsutae, 5 mm 
longae; receptaculum dense hirtum; ovarium 
globosum, fere glabrum, 5 mm diametro, 
semi-5—7-loculare, placentis parietalibus pro- 
minentibus; stylus crasse filiformis, 9 mm lon- 
gus; stigmate truncato. Fructus deest. 

Small tree about 10 m. tall and 20 cm. in 
diameter, wet tropical forest. 

PICHINCHA: Santo Domingo de los Colorados 
altitude about 560 m, April 2, 1943, Little 6152 
(Forest Service no. 96909; U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 
1858861, TYPE). 

Neosprucea Sleumer (Notizbl. Berl. 14: 47. 
1938), a monotypic genus of the Flacourtiaceae, 
was based upon WN. grandiflora (Spruce) Sleu- 
mer (Notizbl. Berl. 44: 47. 1938), originally 
described as Banara grandiflora Spruce (Journ. 
Linn. Soc. Bot. 5. Suppl. 2: 93. 1861). The type 
was collected at Tarapoto, Peru, by Spruce, 
and the species now is known from the Atlantic 
slope in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. The sec- 
ond species, N. pedicellata, represents an ex- 
tension of range of the genus to Ecuador and 
possibly the first record on the Pacific slope. 

N. pedicellata is a distinct species readily 
separated from the type species by the follow- 
ing characters: leaves membranaceous (instead 
of chartaceous); leaves mostly larger, broader, 
and rounded at base; petioles slightly longer; 


greatly elongated pedicels 25-30 mm iong; 
and larger flowers. Though N. grandiflora was 
described by Sleumer with a spikelike raceme 
and pedicels only 2 mm. long, Mutis’ specimens 
from Colombia have pedicels 10 to 20 mm. 

Symplocos ecuadorensis Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 11 

Subgenus EHusymplocos Brand, sect. Symplo- 
castrum Brand, subsect. Ciponimastrum Brand. 
Arbor 15 m alta, trunco 20 cm diametro. Ra- 
muli leviter hirsuti. Folia petiolata, petiolis 
hirsutis, 5-8 mm longis; laminae oblanceolatae, 
5-10 cm longae, 2.5—-4 cm latae, basi cuneatae, 
apice abrupte acuminatae, remote crenulatae, 
subcoriaceae, lucidae, supra glabrae, subtus 
parce hirsutulae, costa et venis primariis subtus 
prominentibus. Paniculae axillares, 1-2 cm. 
longae, rachibus hirsutis, bracteis ovatis, hir- 
sutis, ciliatis, 1 mm longis; flores 7-8 mm longi, 
subsessiles; calyx 2—2.5 mm longus, hypanthio 
campanulato ca. 1 mm longo, glabro, lobis 5, 
late ovatis, ciliatis, 1-1.5 mm. longis; corolla 
alba, 6-7 mm longa, tubo ca. 3 mm longo, lobis 
5, ellipticis, obtusis, apice ciliolatis, 3-4 mm 
longis et 2 mm latis; tubus stamineus tubo 
corollae adnatus, 1 mm longus; stamina 28-32 
triserialia; filamenta complanata, 0.2-2.5 mm 
longa; ovarium fere omnino inferum, 1.5 cm. 
altum, apice pilosum, 3- vel 4-lobulatum. Fruc- 
tus baccatus, cylindricus, lobis calycinis et 
basi styl coronatus, 10 mm. longus, 5 mm 
diametro, 3- vel 4-locularis. 

Tree 15 m tall and 20 cm in diameter. Two 
trees were seen in a pasture, cleared wet trop- 
ical forest. 

ESMERALDAS: San Lorenzo, altitude about 
10 m, April 22, 19438, Little 6349 (Forest Serv- 
ice no. 98370; U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 1858685, 

Though the genus Symplocos Jacq. is widely 
distributed with about 300 species in tropical 
and subtropical America, Asia, and Australia, 
most species have restricted ranges. This ma- 
terial from the poorly explored Ecuadorian 
province of Esmeraldas could not be assigned 


to any of the species from northwestern South 

Aspidosperma elatum Little, sp. nov. 
Fig. 19 

Arbor magna, 35 m alta; trunco 1 m dia- 
metro, profunde suleato et angulato. Cortex 
fere laevis, leviter fissus, albido-griseus. Ra- 
muli subteretes, puberuli. Folia alterna, non 
congesta, internodiis 4-7 cm longis, petiolata, 
petiolis fusco-puberulis, 1 cm longis; laminae 
magnae, oblongo-oblanceolatae, chartaceae, 
22-26 cm longae, 7-9 cm latae, basi subrotun- 
datae, apice acutae vel obtusae, fere glabrae, 
supra virides, subtus glaucescentes, costa 
leviter puberula, supra canaliculata, subtus 
elevata, nervis lateralibus utrinque 13-16, fere 
rectis, prope marginem leviter arcuatis, subtus 
elevatis, secundariis inconspicuis. Inflorescen- 
tiae desunt. Mericarpia magna, compressa, 
suborbicularia, 10-12 em longa, 9-10 ecm lata, 
2 cm crassa, externe dense fusco-tomentosa, 
pericarpio lignoso, 5-8 mm crasso; semina 
plano-compressa, suborbicularia, 9 em longa, 
7 cm lata, alis latis, papyraceis. 

Large tree of forest canopy, to 35 m tall and 
1 m in trunk diameter. Easily recognized in the 
field by the odd, fluted trunk with deep, 
branching, vertical grooves. Bark smoothish, 
slightly cracked, whitish-gray. Wet tropical 
forest at Pichilingue. ‘‘Naranjo de monte.” 

Los Rios: Pichilingue, altitude about 45 m, 
May 25, 1948. Little 6517 (Forest Service no. 
98223; U.S. Nat. Herb., Typr). 

The genus Aspidosperma Mart. & Zuce. is 
widely distributed in tropical America from 
Mexico and the West Indies to Brazil and Ar- 
gentina, centering in Brazil and represented in 
northwestern South America by only a few 
species. Four species were recorded from Col- 
ombia by Standley (Trop. Woods 36: 13-20. 
1933). The herbarium material of Aspido- 
sperma elatum, which consists of foliage and 
detached fruits, seems sufficiently distinctive, 
as the leaves and fruits are larger than in most 
species. Apparently this is the second species of 
Aspidosperma recorded from Ecuador. 



VOL. 38, No. 3 

HERPETOLOGY.—A collection of salamanders from Mount Rogers, Virginia.’ 
RicHarp L. Horrman and Husertr |. Kirrnrerer. (Communicated by 


Although White Top Mountain, Va., is 
well known to students of salamander dis- 
tribution, and is subjected to periodic dep- 
redation by different collectors; its ad- 
jacent neighbor to the northeast, Mount 
Rogers, has apparently escaped the atten- 
tion of most herpetologists. The absence of 
any particular road to the summit of Mount 
Rogers may be partly responsible for this 

When, in the summer of 1947, we had 
the opportunity to be in southwestern Vir- 
ginia, we avoided White Top believing that 
we could make no particular contribution 
by further depleting its already well-known 
herpetological fauna. Instead a period of 
three days was spent on Mount Rogers. 
Our station was located on the eastern slope, 
in Grayson County, at an elevation of about 
4,500 feet, from which one all-day journey 
was made to the top, as well as many short 
trips in the general region about the camp. 

The lower slopes of the mountain are 
thickly forested with a mesophytic flora 
which might be characterized as a maple- 
hemlock-dogwood association, with com- 
paratively little undergrowth of herbaceous 
plants. Although fir and spruce trees are 
widely scattered, the extensive stands are 
restricted to the uppermost 500 or 600 feet 
of the knob. Here red spruce, Picea rubra 
(DuRoi) Dietr., and southern fir, Abies 
fraserz (Pursh) Poir., seem to comprise the 
entire evergreen forest, the latter being by 
far the more abundant. The ground is com- 
pletely covered by mosses and thick car- 
pets of the wood sorrel, Oxalis acetosella L. 
A striking feature of the evergreen stands 
is the large number of logs and stumps, all 
in approximately the same stage of de- 
composition. The more level parts of the 
top are covered by heavy growths of vari- 
ous ferns. 

From a physiographic standpoint, the 
Balsam Mountains (of which White Top 
and Mount Rogers form the bulk) are char- 

1 Received October 20, 1947. 

acteristic of the Southern Section of the 
Blue Ridge Province. White Top has previ- 
ously been designated part of the Iron 
Mountains, but the recent Mount Rogers 
Quadrangle (q.v.) of the U. 8. Geological 
Survey ranks the Iron and Balsam 
Mountains as separate units. 

Although a rather large number of sala- 
manders was encountered, they represented 
but a few species. The contrast between the 
salamander fauna of White Top and Mount 
Rogers is interesting in that the following 
species reported from the former were not 
found by us on Mount Rogers: Triturus v. 
viridescens, Desmognathus monticola, Ple- 
thodon c. cinereus, P. g. glutinosus, P. 
yonahlossee, and Pseudotriton ruber nitidus. 
It is difficult to account for the apparent 
absence of several of these species, whereas 
at least one other form which is scarce on 
White Top (Plethodon wellerz), is extremely 
common on Rogers. In the case of P. yonah- 
lossee, it is not inconceivable that we col- 
lected above its maximum elevation prefer- 
ences. The lower slopes seemed very favor- 
able for P. glutinosus, but the only Pletho- 
don found there was metcalfi, which was 
present in considerable numbers. 

In addition to the salamanders which 
(with the exception of a small series of a 
strange Desmognathus reserved by the jun- 
ior author for further examination) have 
been donated to the United States National 
Museum, the following amphibians and rep- 
tiles were found on Mount Rogers: Bufo ter- 
restris americanus, Lampropeltis t. triangu- 
lum, and Thamnophis s. sirtalis. One speci- 
men of the last named was seen sunning 
itself on a rock at approximately 5,500 feet; 
the others were all seen near our station at 
4,500 feet. | 

We take pleasure in indicating our grati- 
tude to Drs. Horton H. Hobbs, Jr., and 
Arnold B. Grobman for help in preparation 
of this paper, and to Dr. Doris M. Cochran 
for courtesies attendant upon our visits to 
the National Museum. 


Desmognathus fuscus fuscus (Rafinesque) 

Six specimens, which were not presented to 
the Museum, were collected in a large seepage 
area located in a cleared saddle on the northeast 
side of Mount Rogers. This species was not 
represented farther down in the stream em- 
anating from the spring. 

Desmognathus ochrophaeus carolinensis Dunn 

Sixteen individuals, U.S.N.M. nos. 124455- 
70, were collected at elevations from 4,500 to 
5,700 feet. The species seemed to be equally 
common in evergreen and deciduous forests. 

Desmognathus quadramaculatus quadra- 

maculatus (Holbrook) 

Nine specimens, mostly large adults, 
U.S.N.M. nos. 124471-79. On July 2 we col- 
lected in a small but cold and swift stream on 
the eastern slope of the mountain at an eleva- 
tion of about 4,300 feet. This species was es- 
pecially common; most of the specimens found 
being under submerged rocks in rapids. The 
largest specimen included in our series meas- 
ures 78 mm from snout to vent, a size not ap- 
proached by specimens from farther north in 

Desmognathus wrighti King 

Two adults, U.S.N.M. nos. 124480 and 
124634, were collected at an elevation of ap- 
proximately 5,600 feet. They were found in 
rotting logs in company with Plethodon wel- 
lertx. Mount Rogers is the northernmost locality 
at which this diminutive salamander has been 

Plethodon metcalfi Brimley 

Hight specimens, U.S.N.M. nos. 124412-18, 
124631. This species shares with D. o. carolinen- 
sis the distinction of being one of the two most 
abundant salamanders on Mount Rogers, and 
the size of our series is in no way indicative of 
the abundance of the animal. In the evergreen 
forests, metcalfi occurred all the way to the very 
summit of the mountain, although less common 
on the top; in and under logs but notinstumps. 

Plethodon welleri Walker 

Eleven specimens, U.S.N.M. nos. 124442- 
49, 124632-33. The size of the series serves to 


indicate the relative abundance of this hereto- 
fore supposedly rare species. Far more were 
collected than were retained. It was not until 
we were several hundred yards within the 
evergreen forest that we found the first wellerz, 
but thereafter almost every log or stump ex- 
amined contained one and occasionally two 
specimens. Most frequently, welleri was found 
in decaying, moss-covered stumps, usually in 
the upper portion. Individuals found in logs 
were usually lying with the body in a ‘‘U’”’—the 
end of the tail near the head. Many of them 
remained still and were easily caught. 

One log, nearly at the top, was found to con- 
tain two females with their eggs. This log, seem- 
ingly identical with many others investigated, 
was supported about 18 inches above the 
ground. The females were discovered in small 
crevices in the damp wood, about 6 inches 
apart, an inch under the surface of a layer of 
moss. Both were curled around the eggs, and 
showed some reluctance to leave them. In fact, 
one, on being dislodged, moved back after a 
short time. The larger clutch contained nine 
eggs, which were slightly pear-shaped and 
averaged 4.2 (3.6—5.0) mm in the largest diame- 
ter. We could detect no particular pedicles, and 
the eggs clung together by the adhesive nature 
of the outer envelopes. The smaller clutch in- 
cluded seven eggs, which are arranged in a ring 
of five with one above and below at the center. 
In color, the eggs were a light creamy yellow, 
and no trace of embryos could be discerned 
within. The mothers differed in size in accord- 
ance with the number of eggs, the larger meas- 
uring 47 mm snout to vent (87.5 mm total 
length) and the smaller 43.5 mm snout to vent 
(79.1 mm total length). It is interesting that of 
the many wellert seen, the only two with egg 
masses were in the same log. We wonder if it 
was due to coincidence or to a tendency of the 
females to congregate at a sort of Wochenstube 
where conditions for hatching and growth (not 
apparent to humans) are optimum. 

Mount Rogers is the fourth locality reported 
for this form, and it is probably more abundant 
there than at any other place. Only a dozen or 
So specimens have been taken altogether on 
White Top, thus its abundance on Mount 
Rogers is the more interesting, particularly in 
view of the fact that we covered such a small 


Gyrinophilus sp. 

One larval specimen, U.S.N.M. no. 124487. 
This individual was found in the stream noted 
above under D. q. quadramaculatus and was but 
one of several seen in this and the rivulet 
where D. f. fuscus was secured. We expended 
several hours in a particular attempt to ob- 
tain adults, which seem to have escaped the 
efforts of White Top collectors as well. One 
would expect the adults, from geographic prob- 
ability, to be Gyrinophilus danielst. An attempt 
which was made to raise the larva to trans- 


VOL. 38, NO. 3 

formation was unsuccessful. Collectors who 
visit the Balsams in the future should make 
special efforts to obtain adult specimens. 

Eurycea bislineata wilderae Dunn 

Two adults, U.S.N.M. nos. 124484, 124629, 
were taken, of which one was found under a 
rock in a marshy area at about 4,900 feet on the 
east side of the top. The second example was 
discovered in a thick leaf pile along the side of 
the creek mentioned above under D. q. quadra- 

ORNITHOLOGY .—The races of the silver-breasted broadbill, Serilophus lunatus 


Through the kindness of the authorities 
of the Chicago Natural History Museum 
(C.N.H.M.), the Academy of Natural 
Sciences of Philadelphia (A.N.S.P.), and 
the American Museum of Natural History 
(A.M.N.H.), I have been enabled to add to 
the series of the silver-breasted broadbill in 
the United States National Museum 
(U.S.N.M.) to make a total of 93 specimens. 

From the taxonomic point of view, this 
has proved to be a highly unsatisfactory 
species. While the races may be immedi- 
ately broken into three main groups, in 
accordance with the color of the lores 
(black, rusty, or ashy), further subdivision 
hinges upon such subtle factors as the 
extent and intensity of tones of gray and 
brown and is complicated by a certain 
degree of individual variation in almost any 
given character. Thus, while subspeciation 
appears in all the zoogeographic areas where 
such might be expected, yet it is a matter of 
the greatest difficulty to set forth intelli- 
gible diagnoses, even when these apply, not 
to individuals, but to series. In the diag- 
noses given below, only characters that 
possess subspecific importance will be 
noted; it may be said at once that no con- 
sequential variation has been found in 
measurements or in the complicated pat- 
terns of wing and tail. 

With the understanding that Serzlophus 
rubropygius (Hodgson) represents a closely 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 

the Smithsonian Institution. Received July 18, 

H. G. Derenan, U. 8. National Museum. 

allied but independent species, I find the 
following populations of S. lunatus ap- 
parently worthy of nomenclatorial recog- 

1. Serilophus lunatus polionotus Rothschild 

Sertlophus lunatus polionotus Rothschild, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Club 14: 7. Oct. 30, 1903 (Mount 
Wuchi, Hainan). 

Diagnosis ——The lores black; the sides of the 
head and the ear coverts pale ashy ferruginous; 
the forehead pale ashy gray, this color changing 
insensibly to the pale ashy ferruginous of the 
crown and nape; the scapulars and upper back 
ashy gray; the lower back rufous, this color 
changing to rufous-chestnut on the rump and 
upper tail coverts; the innermost secondaries 


Specimens examined.mHAINan: 
Wuchi (10 males, 3 females). 


2. Serilophus lunatus elisabethae La Touche 

Serilophus lunatus elisabethe La Touche, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Club 42: 14. Oct. 29, 1921 (Hokow, 
elev. 300 feet, southeastern Yunnan Province, 

Diagnosis——The lores blackish; the sides of 
the head and the ear coverts pale ferruginous; 
the forehead pale ashy, this color changing 
insensibly to the ferruginous of the crown 
and nape; the scapulars and upper back deep 
ashy brown; the lower back chestnut-rufous, 
this color changing to rufous-chestnut on the 
rump and upper tail coverts; the innermost 
secondaries chestnut-rufous. 


Range—The valley of the Red River from 
the Chinese frontier to its mouths and thence 
southward into northern Annam. 

Specimens examined.—YUNNAN: Southeast: 
Hokow (1 female); ANNAm: Thanhoa Province: 
Lunglunh (2 males); Vinh Province: Phuqui 
(1 female). 

3. Serilophus lunatus impavidus, n. subsp. 

Type—C.N.H.M. no. 90275, adult male, 
collected at Thateng (lat. 15°31’ N., long. 
106°22’ E.), Saravane Province, Bas-Laos, on 
December 6, 1931, by Jean Delacour (original 
number 743). 

Diagnosis.—The lores black or blackish; the 
sides of the head and the ear coverts pale 
ferruginous; the forehead pale ashy, this color 
changing insensibly to the light ferruginous of 
the crown and nape; the scapulars and upper 
back brownish ashy; the lower back chestnut- 
rufous, this color changing to rufous-chestnut 
on the rump and upper tail coverts; the inner- 
most secondaries chestnut-rufous. 

Range.—Bas-Laos (Boloven region). 

Specimens examined.—Bas-Laos: Saravane 
Province: ‘‘Boloven Plateau” (1 male), Tha- 
teng (4 males, 4 females), Ban Kok (1 male), 
Pakse (1 male, 1 female). 

Remarks—This race is very near to S. l. 
elisabethae, with which it has been heretofore 
confused, but is easily distinguishable, es- 
pecially in series, by the predominantly ashy 
hue of the scapulars and upper back. Certain 
examples of true elisabethae seem to approach 
it in this respect but prove to be less well- 
made skins, in which the grayish bases of the 
feathers are exposed to view. In series also the 
reds of crown, nape, lower back, rump, upper 
tail coverts, and innermost secondaries average 
slightly paler in zmpavidus than in elisabethae. 

4. Serilophus lunatus aphobus, n. subsp. 

Type—U.S.N.M. no. 330375, adult male, 
collected on Khao Laem ( a mountain of the 
San Kamphaeng Range at lat. 14°25’ N., 
long. 101°30’ E.), at the southwestern corner 
of the eastern Siamese Plateau, on December 
28, 1930, by Hugh M. Smith (original number 

Diagnosis.—The lores blackish rusty; the 
sides of the head and the ear coverts ferrugi- 
nous; the forehead pale ashy, this color changing 
insensibly to the light ferruginous of the crown 


and nape; the scapulars and upper back ashy 
brown; the lower back chestnut-rufous, this 
color changing to rufous-chestnut on the rump 
and upper tail coverts; the innermost second- 
aries chestnut-rufous. 

Range.—Eastern Siam. 

Specimens examined.—St1am: East: Ban Lam 
Thong Lang (1 male), Khao Laem (1 male, 1 

Remarks.—The present form is similar to 
both S. l. elisabethae and S. 1. impavidus, but 
separable from either by having the lores 
blackish rusty instead of black, and the sides 
of the head and ear coverts a rather more 
vivid ferruginous. The color of the scapulars 
and upper back is intermediate between those 
of elisabethae and impavidus. 

A male from Khao Soi Dao and another from 
Ban Bang Phra, localities in extreme south- 
eastern Siam, are near aphobus but have the 
reds slightly deeper in tone. For the present 
they must be left unnamed. 

5. Serilophus lunatus atrestus, n. subsp. . 

Type-—A.M.N.H. no. 143346, adult male, 
collected at Mengting (lat. 23°33’ N., long. 
99°05’ E.), western Yunnan Province, China, 
on February 19, 1917, by Roy C. Andrews and 
Edmund Heller (original number 492). 

Diagnosis —The lores blackish rusty; the 
sides of the head and the ear coverts bright 
ferruginous; the forehead pale ashy, this color 
changing insensibly to the bright ferruginous 
of the crown and nape; the scapulars and 
upper back ashy brown; the lower back chest- 
nut-rufous, this color changing to rufous- 
chestnut on the rump and upper tail coverts; 
the innermost secondaries chestnut-rufous. 

Range.—Northeastern Burma; Northern 
and Southern Shan States; western Yunnan; 
Haut-Laos; Tongking (west of the Black 
River-Red River divide); northern Siam 
(eastern provinces. ) 

Specimens examined—YUNNAN: West: 
Mengting (1 male); SourHERN SHAN STATES: 
Kengtung State: Mong Len (1 male); Siam: 
Northeast: Muang Lom Sak (1 male); Havut- 
LAOS: 5° Territoire Militaire: Muong Yo (2 
males, 2 females); Tonexine: Laichau Proy- 
ince: Muong Mo (1 male). 

Remarks——This race is distinguishable in 
series from S. 1. aphobus by the more vivid 


tones of the reds of the sides of the head, ear 
coverts, and upper parts. 

From S. l. elisabethae it may be separated by 
having the lores blackish rusty instead of black, 
and by having the reds of the sides of the head, 
ear coverts, and upper parts distinctly lighter 
and brighter. 

6. Serilophus lunatus lunatus (Gould) 

Eurylaimus lunatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don 1 (12): 133. Apr. 16, 1834 (‘‘apud Ran- 
goon’’; type locality here restricted to the hills 
of the Pegu District, Pegu Division, Burma). 

Eurylaimus lunatus Gould, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don 1 (2): 176, pl. 25. Apr. 23-25, 1834 (‘“‘apud 
Rangoon, Peninsule Indie ulterioris’’). 

Diagnosis——The lores rusty or blackish 
rusty; the sides of the head and the ear coverts 
ferruginous; the forehead pale ashy, this color 
changing insensibly to the light ferruginous of 
the crown and nape; the scapulars and upper 
back ashy brown; the lower back rufescent, 
this color changing to chestnut-rufous on the 
rump and upper tail coverts; the innermost 
secondaries rufous-buff. 

Range.—Pegu Yomas; Karenni; Tenasserim 
(south to the Amherst District); northwestern 
Siam (including Chiang Rai Province). 

Specimens examined.—Siam: Northwest: 
Chiang Saen Kao (1 male, 2 females), Wiang 
Khae (1 female), Ban Muang Sum (1 male), 
Doi Pha Hom Pok (1 male, 1 female), Doi Hua 
Mot (1 male, 2 females), Doi Chiang Dao 
(1 male, 2 females), Doi Suthep (1 male, 2 
females), Doi Khun Tan (1 male, 2 females); 
TENASSERIM: Salween District: Papun (1 

Remarks.—The population I have taken to 
represent S. /. lunatus is immediately separable 
from all except the next following by the pale 
coloration of its innermost secondaries. 

It must be said, however, that no topo- 
typical material has been available to me, and 
the assumption that the bird of Pegu is the 
same as that of northwestern Siam rests only 
upon zoogeographical probability. The colored 
portrait of ‘‘lunatus’’ in Gould’s Birds of Asia 
is, as observed by Hume (Stray Feathers 3: 
53. 1875), altogether too brightly colored; that 
given in the Trans. Zool. Soc. London could 
as easily picture the race described below from 
southwestern Siam. 


VOL. 38, NO. 3 

7. Serilophus lunatus intrepidus, n. subsp. 

Type.—A.M.N.H. no. 203342, adult female, 
collected 28 miles southeast of Ban Um Phang 
(a village at lat. 15°47’ N., long. 98°50’ E.), 
southwestern Siam, on February 2, 1924, by 
Arthur S. Vernay (original number 611). 

Diagnosis—The lores rusty or blackish 
rusty; the sides of the head and the ear coverts 
ferruginous; the forehead pale ashy, this color 
changing insensibly to the light ferruginous of 
the crown and nape; the scapulars and upper 
back ashy brown; the lower back chestnut- 
rufous, this color changing to rufous-chestnut 
on the rump and upper tail coverts; the inner- 
most secondaries rufous-buff. 

Range.—Southwestern Siam and the adja- 
cent parts of Tenasserim (Amherst and Tavoy 

Specimens examined.—TENASSERIM: Am- 
herst District: ‘“Thaungyin valley” (1 male), 
“Thoungyin” (1 male), Moulmein (1 male), 
headwaters of the Mepale Chaung (1 female), 
Mitan (1 male); Sram: Southwest: 17 miles 
east of Lakya, Tenasserim (1 female), 28 miles 
southeast of Ban Um Phang (1 male, 1 female), 
20 miles west of Muang Kamphaeng Phet (1 

Remarks.—S. l. intrepidus is distinguished 
from all races except lunatus by the light- 
colored innermost secondaries. From lunatus 
itself it is separable only by the richer colora- 
tion of the posterior upper parts, in this show- 
ing normal intergradation between the more 
northern form and S. 1. stolidus. 

It is probable that the differentiating charac- 
ter of the race would appear more strongly in 
specimens from more southerly localities; in 
default of such material, I have selected as type 
locality the most southern provenience repre- 
sented in my series. 

8. Serilophus lunatus stolidus Robinson 
and Boden Kloss 
Serilophus lunatus stolidus Robinson and Boden 

Kloss, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 40: 16. Dec. 8, 1919 

(Khao Nong, a mountain in peninsular Siam at 

lat. $°55’ N., long. 99°38’ E.). 

Diagnosis —The lores ashy rusty; the sides 
of the head and the ear coverts ashy ferrugi- 
nous; the forehead and forecrown pale ashy, 
this color changing insensibly to the pale ashy 
ferruginous of the hindcrown and nape; the 


scapulars and upper back ashy brown; the 
lower back chestnut-rufous, this color changing 
to rufous-chestnut on the rump and upper tail 
coverts; the innermost secondaries chestnut- 

Range.—Peninsular Siam (south of lat. 
11°40’ N.); Tenasserim (Mergui District). 

Specimens examined.—Si1am: Peninsula: 

Khao Luang, at lat. 11°40’ N., long. 99°35’ E. 
(1 female), Khao Luang, at lat. 8°30’ N., long. 
99°45’ BE. (3 males). “1 

Remarks—Compared with “lunatus’’ from 
the Isthmus of Kra, Robinson and Boden 
Kloss found that stolidus had “‘deeper-coloured 
inner secondaries and tertiaries”’ and “‘slightly 
more drab, less fulvous ear coverts.’’ One would 
not ordinarily expect isthmian examples (lat. 
10° N.) to differ in any important way from 
those of Khao Nong (lat. 8°55’ N.), and the 
fact that the single specimen from lat. 11°40’ 
N. is indistinguishable from those of lat. 8°30’ 
N. seems to show that only one race occurs in 
the Siamese portion of the Peninsula. 

9. Serilophus lunatus rothschildi Hartert 
and Butler 

Serilophus rothschildt Hartert and Butler, Bull. 

Brit. Orn. Club 7: 50. May 25, 1898 (Gunong 

Ijau, elev. 3,000 feet, Perak State, Malaya). 

Diagnosis——The lores pale ashy; the sides 
of the head and the ear coverts ashy or brown- 
ish ashy; the forehead and forecrown pale 
ashy, this color changing insensibly to the 
brownish ashy or ashy brown of the hindcrown 
and nape; the scapulars and upper back deep 
ashy brown; the lower back chestnut-rufous, 
this color changing to rufous-chestnut on the 
rump and upper tail coverts; the innermost 
secondaries chestnut-rufous. 

Range—Malaya (northern Perak to south- 
ern Selangor). 

Specimens examined—Mataya: Perak 
State: Gunong ITjau (2 females); Selangor 
State: Ginting Bidei (2 females). 

10. Serilophus lunatus moderatus Chasen 

Serilophus lunatus moderatus Chasen, Treubia 17 
(2): 187. July 1939 (Palok, near Mount Leuser, 
elev. ca. 1,000 meters, Achin, northern Su- 


Diagnosis—The lores blackish ashy; the 
sides of the head and the ear coverts ashy or 
brownish ashy; the forehead and forecrown 
pale ashy, this color changing insensibly to the 
brownish ashy or ashy brown of the hindcrown 
and nape; the scapulars and upper back deep 
ashy brown; the lower back chestnut-rufous, 
this color changing to rufous-chestnut on the 
rump and upper tail coverts; the innermost 
secondaries chestnut-rufous. 

Range.—Northern Sumatra (Achin). 

Specimens examined.—Sumatra: North: 
Bandar Bahru (1 male), Blangnanga (2 males, 
2 females), Blangbeke (1 male, 1 female), 
Kungke (1 female). 

Remarks.—This form seems to be separable 
from rothschildi only by its darker lores. 

11. Serilophus lunatus intensus Robinson 
and Boden Kloss 

Serilophus lunatus intensus Robinson and Boden 
Kloss, Journ. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 
73: 276. July 1916 (Siolak Dras, Korinchi Valley 
at elev. 3,100 feet, southwestern Sumatra). 

Diagnosis—The lores blackish ashy; the 
sides of the head and the ear coverts brownish 
ashy; the forehead and forecrown pale ashy, 
this color changing insensibly to the brownish 
ashy or ashy brown of the hindcrown and nape; 
the scapulars and upper back deep ashy brown, 
lightly suffused with rufous; the lower back 
chestnut-rufous, this color changing to rufous- 
chestnut on the rump and upper tail coverts; 
the innermost secondaries chestnut-rufous. 

Range.—Sumatra (excepting Achin). 

Specimens examined.—SuMatTRa: Southwest: 
Siolak Dras (2 males, 1 female). 

Remarks.—Meyer de Schauensee and Ripley 
(Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 91: 336. 
1940) have combined moderatus with rothschildi 
but have kept intensus as a “thin” race, barely 
separable from their rothschildi-moderatus. All 
Sumatran birds seen by me, however, are 
easily distinguishable from true rothschildi by 
the color of the lores. To my-eyes, the real 
problem is to divide moderatus from intensus, 
and this seems to be just possible in series by 
the tone of the brown of the scapulars and 
upper back. 



VOL. 38, No. 3 



The Executive Committee met in the Cos- 
mos Club at 8:10 p.m. on February 2, 1948, to 
consider the budget submitted by the Treas- 
urer. The President, F. D. Rossin1, presided; 
others present were: H.S. RapPpLEYE, WALTER 
RaMBERG, W. L. Scumitrt, and C. L. Gazin. 
After careful consideration of the separate 
items, the Committee unanimously approved 
the following budget for 1948: 

Item Amount 
Operating Expenses: 
Meetings Committee..... $ 500 
SECKEUCATY?. cnc oe nl ole cae 400 
ELKEASUTET {Oe ek Stet ee 250 
Sa Nid (Ceol Pubs: 50 $1,200 
Printing, mailing, illustra- 
tions, & reprints....... $4,776 
Editorial Assistant....... 300 
Miscellaneous...) -/aen.e 50 85,126 
Total expenditures. ... $6 , 326 
Estimated receipts......... 6,144 
Dehenties: {25k Nes $ 182 

In view of the evident deficit the Committee 
turned its attention to ways and means of in- 
creasing the Academy income so that running 
expenses in the future might be met from yearly 
income without depleting the invested assets. 
Discussion was centered about two means: in- 
creasing the number of paying members and 
initiating a drive for JouURNAL subscriptions. 

About 18 vacancies exist in the Academy 
membership, and an informal discussion the 
Committee showed agreement in favor of rais- 
ing the limit of membership to permit a greater 
income from this source. 

With regard to the possibility of obtaining 
additional funds from new subscriptions, the 
Secretary was instructed to inform the Custod- 
ian and Subscription Manager of Publications 
that the Executive Committee is desirous of 
having the Subscription Manager attempt to 
secure these subscriptions through distribution 
of approximately 100 copies of an appropriate 
issue of the JouRNAL, each with a reprint of the 
index of the JouRNAL for 1947 and a covering 
letter to various university and scientific insti- 
tution libraries in this country and abroad not 
now subscribing to the JoURNAL. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. 

C. L. Gazin, Secretary. 


Rosert HamiItTon LOMBARD was born in 
Ashburnham, Mass., on December 3, 1887, and 
died on October 11, 1947. He was graduated 
from Cushing Academy in Ashburnham in 
1906, and from Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology in 1910 with the 8.B. degree. While 
at M.I.T. he was research assistant in physical 
chemistry. He published papers with Prof. M. 
DeKay Thompson and Prof. A. A. Noyes, un- 
der whom he worked. He obtained his Ph.D. 
degree at Columbia University in 1915 in 
chemistry and was an instructor there. He pub- 
lished two papers with Prof. Alexander Smith, 
one dealing with phosphorus pentachloride and 
the other with ammonium halides. 

From 1915 to 1927 Dr. Lombard was em- 
ployed as a chemist in the Geophysical Labo- 
ratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- 
ton, where he conducted research on the sys- 
tem copper-iron-sulphur. He published three 
papers on this work, with E. T. Allen and 
H. KE. Merwin as co-authors. 

For the last 20 years Lombard was a research 
chemist in the Norton Company, Research 
Laboratories, at Worcester, Mass. He made 
important contributions to the abrasive in- 
dustry, and a number of patents, both domestic 

and foreign, have been granted covering his 
developments. Most of his researches were 
connected with the vitrified bonding of grind- 
ing wheels and other abrasive products. The 
most important new product resulting from his 
work is a grinding wheel having diamonds as 
the abrasive grains and a new-type vitrified 
bond. This product is superior to resinoid 
bonded and metal bonded diamond wheels in 
that the diamonds are held more firmly and 
efficiently while, at the same time, a freer cut- 
ting action is obtained. . 

Dr. Lombard was a member of the honorary 
scientific societies Sigma Xi and Phi Lambda 
Upsilon. He was a member of the American 
Chemical Society, the Washington Academy 
of Sciences, the American Fern Society, and the 
Worcester Chemists’ Club and was a fellow of 
the American Association for the Advancement 
of Science. His hobbies included botany and 
photography, and he had a collection of fine 
cameras. He was a member of the First Baptist 
Church of Worcester. 

He is survived by his wife, Hazel Soule Lom- 
bard, and a 12-year old daughter, Anne. 


- Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

Rete. wee eeeeeeeeseeseeLREDERICK D. Rossini, National Bureau of Standards 
| Seoretary eee & Lewis Gazin, U. S. National Museum 
Treasurer. Sa REE ate ae ne See em -Howarp S. RAPPLEYE, Coast and Geodetic Survey 
RR PeNIUIS. 2 hae 8 e ; .NATHAN R. SMirH, Plant Industry Station 
_ Custodian and Subscription Mo anager of Peiblepgignte 2 fis: eee 

Toe Gade co ee eer, CA ARALD AL REHDER, U. S. National Museum 
View Presidents Representing the Affiliated Societies: 
Philosophical Society of Washington...... SA. ree aK Sos WaLTER RAMBERG 
Anthropological Society of Washington.................... T. Date STEWART 
Paolosieal Society of Washington. 2.02. 6 ee JOHN W. ALDRICH 
Chemical Society of Washington.......... Bees Soap ete CHARLES E, WHITE 
Entomological Society of Washington................... C. F. W. MursEBECK 
_ National Geographic Society..... A Te eS, EN GRE ak SRR HEU ALEXANDER WETMORE 
w(seolopical Society of Washington... 0. 602252. es Winuiam W. Rusey 
‘Medical Society of the District of Columbia................ FREDERICK O. CoE 
aoe Wolumbia Historical Society... 2.2... ....6. kat GILBERT GROSVENOR 
- = tovanical society of Washinfton........2 006. ee ek RoNALD BAMFORD 
Washington Section, Society of American Foresters.. ... Wintr1amM A. Dayton 
Washington Society Ol Mee iner Esa So OSs ous sms be alee we CLIFFORD A. BETTS 
Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers.......... 
RY het Meer ne Bal Se ce Se Sp ai oars 6a Nee ee FRANCIS. B. SILSBEE 
Washington Section, American Society of Mechanical Engineers..............5 
RE epee fo katie pce 3 Seal oe SE ere & aes a a> abe tus oS Wore y we MartTIn A. Eason: 
Helminthological Society of Washington nk pe tate tee OR cee AUREL O. FosTER 
Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists ies Lore A. ROGERS 
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers. CLEMENT L. GARNER 
Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers..... HERBERT GROVE DORSEY 
Washington Section, American Society of Civil Engineers..... OwEN B. FRENcH 
Elected Members of the Board of M sagen 
To January 1949...:........ cegeee ap at Max A. McCati, Watpo L. Scumitt 
weeuannary 19505 SoS o . ..........F. G, BrRICKWEDDE, WILLIAM W. DIEHL 
Timwantary 1951 23.55 5.....% ....-.FRANCIS M. DEFANDORF, WILLIAM N. FENTON 
PMTM OPE ONOUCTS ..0 35.0 0s bos tek Se 0s All the above officers plus the Senior Editor 
Board of Editors and Associate Editors............000eeeees fare ee [See front cover] 
_ Executive Committee......... FrREepErRIcK D. Rosstn1 (chairman), WALTER RAMBERG, 
2 OS ais ....Watpo L. Scumirr, Howarp S. Rappieye, C. LEwis GazINn 
Committee on M embership yards SNR Lae ee Mantis Sereno w peuk ea Cl ‘a-atale ie «ie es? 

Harotp E. McComs (chairman), Lewis Ww. Butz, ©. “WYTHE Cooxs, WILLIAM 
+-+-.--.. W. Direut, Liuoyp D. FEtToN, REGINA FLANNERY, Grorcr G. Manov 
Committee MIR GOTO OE Po i BT Ss sic wade a RayMonpD J. SEEGER (chairman), 
tenes acd RANK P, CULLINAN, _Frep L. Monuer, Francis O. Ricz, FRANK THONE 
~ Committee on M ae 
To January 1949........... Lewis V. Jupson (chairman), Epwarp A. CHAPIN 
To January 1 aera es more nas Roitanp W. Brown, Haratp A. REHDER 
To January 1951..... Se eee eget ls WiuuiAM N. Fenton, Emmett W. Price 
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (Karu F. HERzrELp, general chairman): 
Mame BIOIDP IGN! OLENGES 5 eS ica altos ha wale esis vee be beads EEN 
. F. W. Mvusseseck (chairman), Harry 8. BERNTON, CHESTER W. Emmons, 
ELMER Hiecins, Mario Motuarl, GOTTHOLD STEINER, ‘L. Epwin Yocum 
Por the Engineering SM NS 5 SRE Re Tig ee gaa a en eae 
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«Kart F,. Herzreip (chairman), NATHAN L. DRAKE, Luoyp D. FELTON, 

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aot - JOHN iw McBurney (chairman), Rocer G. BATES, Witutam A. WiLpHAcK 

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Vou. 38 

APRIL 15, 1948 

No. 4 

BIOCHEMISTRY .—The chemical nature of enzymes.! JAMES BATCHELLER SUM- 

NER, Cornell University. 

Why was it difficult to isolate an enzyme? 
Here I employ the word “‘isolate’”’ as mean- 
ing preparing in pure condition. It does not 
seem difficult to isolate and crystallize an 
enzyme now, but it was difficult 20 years 
ago. The reasons were several. One was the 
inertia of men’s ideas. Another reason was 

the influence exerted by Willstatter and 

his school, who held that enzymes were 
neither lipids, carbohydrates, nor proteins 
and who believed enzymes to exist in ex- 
cessively low concentrations in plants and 
animals. The misconception that colloidal 
substances had a chemistry different from 
that of crystalloids was another stumbling 
block. A yet more important reason why 
enzymes could not be isolated readily was 
because work with these substances requires 
a special technique. The enzyme is present 
in relatively low concentration in the raw 
material. It often is highly unstable. The 
raw material nearly always contains natural 
protectors which are left behind during the 
purification processes. In the absence of 
these natural protectors, the enzyme may 
become destroyed by traces of heavy metals, 
by oxidation, by unfavorable pH, or even 
by autolysis. 

I wish to tell next why I decided in 1917 
to attempt to isolate an enzyme. At that 
time I had little time for research, not much 
apparatus, research money, or assistance. 
I desired to accomplish something of real 
importance. In other words, I decided to 
take a “ong shot.’”’ A number of persons 
advised me that my attempt to isolate an 

1 Nobel Laureate Lecture delivered at Stock- 
holm, Sweden, December 12, 1946. Previously 
published by the Royal Academy of Sciences, 


} > 


A » 

(Communicated by Waxpo L. Scumirt.) 

enzyme was foolish, but this advice made 
me feel all the more certain that if success- 
ful the quest would be worth while. 

The reasons why I chose to work with 
urease were several. I had been working 
with urease as a reagent for the estimation 
of urea in muscle, blood, and urine. This 
urease was prepared from soy bean meal. 
In 1916, Mateer and Marshall found that 
the jack bean, Canavalia ensiformis, con- 
tained about 16-fold more urease than the 
soy bean. The jack bean appeared to me 
to be extraordinarily rich in urease and I 
could see no reason why this enzyme could 
not be isolated in pure form and charac- 
terized chemically. Claude Bernard has said 
that success or failure may depend upon 
the lucky choice of some reagent or raw 
material. Willstatter was unfortunate in 
his choice of saccharase as an enzyme to 
isolate. I was fortunate in choosing urease. 

I hoped that urease would turn out to be 
a globulin, since globulins usually, if not 
always, are present in beans and seeds, and 
since globulins are easy to precipitate by 
dialysis. Other reasons for choosing urease 
as the enzyme to isolate were that this 
enzyme can be estimated quantitatively 
very accurately and readily, and that 
urease could be expected to be one enzyme, 
rather than a mixture of enzymes, acting 
as it does on such a simple substrate as urea. 

I started trying to isolate urease in the 
fall of 1917, having been occupied previ- 
ously with analytical methods. At this 
time, our laboratory contained no adequate 
apparatus for grinding jack beans. We first 
used a coffee mill and then ground the 
coarse material with a mortar and pestle. 
Years later, we constructed a mill which 
was run by an electric motor and which 

BPR 2 3 194E 


employed a bolting device, However, in the 
meanwhile we usually used commercial 
jack bean meal. This commercial meal was 
not always satisfactory. 

The jack bean is a miniature world in 
itself and contains all of the elements re- 
quired for life, growth, and reproduction. I 
decided to isolate and characterize as many 
as possible of the chemical compounds pres- 
ent in the bean. I found various minerals, 
proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, extractives, 
pigments, and enzymes to be present. Par- 
ticular attention was paid to the proteins 
of the jack bean, since I expected to find 
that urease was one of these. I isolated two 
globulins in crystalline form and named 
these concanavalin A and concanavalin B. 
A third globulin which I called “‘canavilin”’ 
separated as spheroids upon dialysis. Years 
later Howell and I were able to crystallize 
this, after a preliminary digestion with 
trypsin. Many years later we discovered 
that concanavalin A is a hemagglutinin for 
the red cells of certain animal species as 
well as an excellent precipitant for certain 
polysaccharides. A lipid fraction of the 
jack bean was observed to function as a 
thromboplastic agent. 

In attempting to concentrate and purify 
urease, I employed fractional precipitation 
with alcohol, acetone, and other organic 
solvents. Fractional precipitation with am- 
monium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, and 
other neutral salts was tried. I tested a large 
number of salts of heavy metals or precipi- 
tants. I employed a very large number of 
reagents as absorbents. This work covered 
many years. At times I grew discouraged 
and temporarily abandoned the quest, but 
always returned to it again. 

At first we used to extract urease from 
jack bean meal with water. These aqueous 
extracts were viscous and therefore very 
difficult to filter. Glycerol extracts were 
even more bothersome. I learned that 
Folin used 30 percent alcoholic extracts of 
jack bean meal as a source of urease for 
analytical purposes. It was found that ex- 
traction with 30 percent alcohol was of 
distinct advantage, inasmuch as this sol- 
vent dissolved most of the urease but 
failed to dissolve a rather large quantity of 
the other proteins. Hence, a considerable 


VOL. 38, No. 4 

purification was achieved through the use 
of this solvent. The alcoholic extracts 
filtered very rapidly, leaving the undis- 
solved material behind on the filter paper. 
The only disadvantage of 30 percent alco- 
hol lay in the slow inactivating action of 
this solvent upon the urease. However, if 
kept at low temperatures, there was no 
inactivation of the enzyme. 

When kept at low temperatures, 30 per- 
cent alcoholic extracts of jack bean meal 
formed precipitates. These precipitates con- 
tained practically all of the urease, together 
with concanavalin A, concanavalin B, and 
other proteins. At this time we had no ice 
chest in our laboratory and we used to place 
cylinders of 30 percent alcoholic extracts on 
our window ledges and pray for cold 

It seemed to me of interest to employ 
dilute acetone instead of 30 percent alcohol 
and to see whether this substitution would 
result in any improvement in the method of 
purification. Accordingly I diluted 316 ce 
of pure acetone to 1,000 cc and used this as 
the means of extracting the urease. I rou- 
tinely employed this dilution of acetone, 
since I had been preparing 30 percent alco- 
hol through diluting 95 percent alcohol in 
this manner. The acetone extract was 
chilled in our newly acquired ice chest over- 
night. The next morning I examined the 
filtrate. It contained practically no precipi- 
tate, thus differing from alcoholic filtrates. 
However, upon observing a drop of the 
liquid under the microscope, it was seen to 
contain many tiny crystals. These were of a 
shape that I had never observed previously. 
I centrifuged off some of the crystals and 
observed that they dissolved readily in 
water. I then tested this water solution. 
It gave tests for protein and possessed a 
very high urease activity. I then telephoned 
to my wife, ‘‘I have crystallized the first 
enzyme.”’ } 

Now I should like to tell this audience 
what enzyme crystals look like. This de- 
scription applies also to proteins, since 
enzymes are proteins. Enzyme crystals are 
nearly always microscopic, since these 
compounds, being of high molecular weight, 
diffuse relatively slowly and_ therefore 
crystallize slowly. Enzyme crystals belong 

Apr. 15, 1948 

nearly always to the isometric or hexagonal 
systems. Sometimes enzymes separate from 
solution as spheroids. This formation indi- 
cates a tendency to crystallize, as Dr. 
Northrop can tell you from his experience. 
Spheroids are nearer the crystalline state 
than purely amorphous material, such, for 
example, as casein which has been precipi- 
tated from milk by the addition of acetic 
acid. Spheroids have sometimes been found 
by us to be aggregations of many needles 
either in parallel or concentrically arranged. 

Having convinced myself that I really 
had isolated urease in crystalline form, I 
read a paper on this matter at Clifton 
Springs, N. Y., and published an article 
in the August number of the Journal of 
Biological Chemistry for the year 1926. But 
now a difficulty arose. The commercial jack 
bean meal which we had been using suffered 
a decline in quality and we could obtain no 
urease crystals from it unless we added a 
small amount of acetic acid to the alcoholic 
filtrates. Even then, the yield of crystals 
was low. Analyses showed that the recent 
samples of jack bean meal contained only 
about one-half as much urease as the ear- 
lier samples. Accordingly, attempts were 
made to obtain satisfactory meal, or satis- 
factory jack beans. We grew jack beans in 
one of the Cornell greenhouses. The beans 
grew poorly and the yield was less than the 
number of beans planted. We obtained 
jack beans from Texas, Guatemala, and 
Honduras, but these were low in urease. I 
happened to meet a plant physiologist, Dr. 
Albert Muller, who said he would grow me 
some jack beans at Mayagiiez, Puerto Rico. 
I gave him about a kilo of jack beans rich in 
urease, the last I had left. Some seven 
months later about a bushel of beans ar- 
rived from Puerto Rico. These beans were 
rich in urease. The finely ground meal gave 
a high yield of urease crystals. Later we 
were able to obtain excellent jack beans 
from an Arkansas farmer. He has supplied 
us with jack beans ever since. 

I wish to speak now about. proofs of the 
identity of the crystals with urease. In 
cases of this sort, one piece of experimental 
evidence is not sufficient to constitute a 
valid and satisfactory proof; one must sub- 
mit many pieces of evidence. At this time 



I had no access to the ultracentrifuge of 
Svedberg nor to the electrophoresis appara- 
tus of Tiselius. However, I was able to offer 
evidence of another sort, as is shown below: 

1. When the crystals separated there 
occurred a great increase in purity, namely 
from 700 to 1,400-fold. Using other methods 
the increase in purity observed was very 
much less than this and at times there even 
occurred a decrease in purity. 

2. When the distribution of urease was 
followed quantitatively it was found that 
of the urease passing into the filtrate as 
much as 40 percent or more separated with 
the crystals. 

3. Recrystallization increased the purity 
of the urease. 

4. Adding traces of poisons, such as 
mercuric chloride or formaldehyde, to jack 
bean meal inactivated the urease and, at 
the same time, prevented the appearance of 
the crystals. 

In obtaining the crystals, I felt much the 
same as a person does who is trying vainly 
to place in position a piece of a machine. 
Suddenly the piece slides in as if covered 
with butter. One knows that it is now where 
it belongs. 

During later work on crystalline urease, 
I was fortunate to have a number of excel- 
lent men in our laboratory. These were 
Doctors Hand, Kirk, Poland, and Dounce. 
We found that trypsin neither digested 
nor inactivated urease. Since trypsin is a 
proteolytic enzyme of second attack, it 
does not digest certain native proteins 
readily. Some proteins that are digested 
with great difficulty are hemoglobin, oval- 
bumin, and the serum proteins. After urease 
had been denatured by acid or by heating, 
it was found to be very readily digested by 

Pepsin acts best in a strongly acid me- 
dium and strong acid rapidly destroys ure- 
ase. However, at pH 4.3 we found that 
urease was so slowly destroyed that it was 
possible to demonstrate a parallel digestion 
and inactivation by pepsin. In place of 
pepsin it was possible to use papaincysteine. 

In our laboratory Dr. J. Stanley Kirk 
was able to immunize rabbits to crystalline 
urease. Kirk started by giving rabbits as 
little as 0.03 mg of crystalline urease intra- 


peritoneally. This dose was given twice 
weekly and was finally increased to 1,000 
lethal doses. The immunized rabbits con- 
tained antiurease in their blood serum. This 
antiurease could be purified by precipitat- 
ing it by adding urease, washing the urease- 
antiurease precipitate, decomposing the 
complex with 0.05 N hydrochloric acid, 
bringing to pH 5.0, and centrifuging down 
the denatured urease. The antiurease was 
not harmed by this treatment and could 
be employed as an excellent precipitant in 
testing for urease. It gave a visible precipi- 
tate with solutions of urease diluted 1 to 
500,000. However, urease allowed to stand 
for a few seconds with 0.05 N hydrochloric 
acid and then neutralized gave no precipi- 
tate with antiurease; neither did it possess 
any urease activity. ‘ 

Northrop has made good use of physical 
methods to demonstrate the identity of 
pepsin with his pepsin crystals. While we 
have not employed such methods, Kubo- 
witzand Haas, working in Warburg’s labora- 
tory, have demonstrated that ultraviolet 
light is absorbed by highly dilute solutions 
of crystalline urease and that exactly the 
same wavelengths that are absorbed are 
those which destroy urease. 

In 1930, Northrop of the Rockefeller 
Institute obtained pepsin in crystalline 
form. A short time later, Northrop and 
Kunitz obtained crystalline trypsin, crys- 
talline chymotrypsin, and also the zymo- 
gens oi these enzymes in crystalline form. 
Their monumental work was of very great 
help in bringing the scientific world to ad- 
mit that enzymes can be isolated in pure 
and crystalline condition. In this connec- 
tion I wish to note that Professor von Euler 
aided me greatly when I worked on urease 
in his laboratory at Stockholm’s Hégskule 
in 1929 and that I received valuable help 
in 1987 while working in the laboratory of 
Prof. Thé Svedberg at the University of 

The announcement of the crystallization 
of urease and pepsin was not accepted by 
some biological chemists. In Germany stu- 
dents of Willstatter attempted to show that 
our crystalline proteins were merely carriers 
of the enzymes. It suffices to say that these 
attempts to disprove our work failed, as 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

they were bound to fail, since Northrop and 
I were right and since our evidence was 

To date about thirty enzymes have been 
obtained in crystalline and in presumably 
pure condition. Certain enzymes are col- 
ored, being combinations of specific pro- 
teins with such prosthetic groups as ribo- 
flavin, phosphate, or hematin. Theorell 
has crystallized the yellow enzyme of War- 
burg and Christian and, remarkably enough, 
has been able to split the protein from the 
riboflavin phosphate and later to reunite 
these two components. He has shown con- 
clusively that the union of these compo- 
nents proceeds stoichiometrically. 

The enzymes catalase and peroxidase 
are compounds of protein with hematin and 
these two enzymes possess characteristic 
absorption bands. This property has greatly 
facilitated the crystallization of these two 
enzymes. In addition, it should be noted 
that these two enzymes have been shown 
to form compounds with hydrogen sulfide, 
sodium fluoride, sodium azide, etc. 

All enzymes are proteins but not all pro- 
teins are enzymes. Many, if not all enzymes 
can be crystallized. The oxidizing enzymes 
all appear to be conjugated, or compound, 
proteins, while the hydrolytic enzymes are, 
as far as we can tell, without prosthetic 
groups. However, even hydrolytic enzymes 
must have reactive groups. Every enzyme 
requires a specific method for its purifica- 
tion. Our present methods of purifying 
both enzymes and proteins are crude and 
unsatisfactory for the most part. It is fairly 
certain that better methods will be dis- 
covered in the near future. One can purify 
an enzyme either by precipitating the im- 
purities or else by precipitating the enzyme. 
The latter procedure is to be preferred, but 
the former procedure often is necessary at 
the beginning. When I speak of precipitat- 
ing the enzyme I mean, of course, a more or 
less specific precipitation and not a general 
precipitation of everything, much as occurs 
on adding a great excess of alcohol or ace- 

Some day every enzyme in living matter 
will have been discovered and described. 
Every chemical reaction which goes on will 
have been recorded. We probably can ex- 

Apr. 15, 1948 

pect to find some enzymes which are glyco- 
proteins, others which are lipoproteins, and 
others which are nucleoproteins. 

In 1917, the role played by enzymes was 
only partially understood. Digestive en- 
zymes were well known, autolytic and oxi- 
dative enzymes were somewhat known, but 
not well understood. At present we realize 
the tremendous complexity of the cell. In 
muscle alone, some 60 enzymes are known 
to occur. Thanks to relatively recent in- 
vestigation, practically all of the compli- 
cated reactions involved in the breaking 
down of glycogen to carbon dioxide and 
water have been made clear. 

The organic chemist has never been able 
to synthesize cane sugar, but, by using en- 
zymes, the biological chemist can synthesize 
not only cane sugar, but also gum dextran, 
gum levan, starch, and glycogen. 

We know now of the existence of enzymes 
which employ phosphoric acid instead of 
water and which might be given the general 
_ term ‘‘phosphorases.’”’ There are the phos- 
phorylases, transphosphorylases, phospho- 



isomerases, phosphomutases, and phospho- 

From the work of Cori and his associates, 
we now have evidence that hormones func- 
tion through their effect on enzymes. Thus, 
glucose is transformed into glucose-6-phos- 
phate when it reacts with ATP in the pres- 
ence of the enzyme known as hexokinase. 
This reaction, essential for utilization of 
glucose, is inhibited by the diabetogenic 
hormone coming from the anterior pitui- 
tary. This inhibiting action is abolished by 

We can sum up by saying that, as the re- 
sult of discoveries in the field of enzyme 
chemistry, some questions have been an- 
swered and many new questions have 
arisen. We live in an expanding universe in 
more senses than that of the astronomers. 

In conclusion, I wish to pay tribute te my 
former teacher, Otto Folin, who emigrated 
as a boy of 17 from SmAaland to America and 
who, as professor of biochemistry at Har- 
vard, inspired me as he did many other 
young men. 

CHEMISTRY.—Dr. Stephen Brunauer’s contributions in the field of adsorption. 

Raupu A. BEEBE, Amherst College. 

At the outset I think it is desirable to 
distinguish clearly between physical ad- 
sorption and chemisorption, and with that 
in view I have tabulated below a number of 
characteristics of each type of process: 

Physical Adsorption Chemisor ption 

1. Rapid Rapid or slow 

2. Reversible Often irreversible 
3. Low heat High heat 

4. Non-specific Specific 

5. Multilayer Monolayer only 

Since this comparison should perhaps be 
discussed in some more detail, attention is 
called to the following: 

1. Physical adsorption is generally a 
rapid process whenever the surface is read- 
ily accessible to the gas or vapor being ad- 
sorbed, although one may encounter a slow 

1 Address delivered before the Chemical Society 
of Washington, March 1946, on the occasion of 
the awarding of the Society’s Hillebrand Prize to 
Dr. Stephen Brunauer. Dr. Beebe’s preliminary 

congratulatory remarks are here omitted. Re- 
ceived September 24, 1947. 

(Communicated by JAMzs I. HorrMan.) 

adsorption when it is necessary for the ad- 
sorbate to diffuse into cracks or capillaries 
to reach the adsorbing surface. Chemisorp- 
tion, on the other hand, like chemical reac- 
tions in general, may be rapid or slow, and 
frequently displays a temperature coeffi- 
cient requiring an activation energy of the 
order of magnitude found in chemical reac- 

2. Physical adsorption is in general re- 
versible, and it is possible to remove the 
adsorbate from the surface by outgassing 
at the temperature of adsorption or at 
slightly elevated temperatures. Chemisorp- 
tion, on the other hand, may be truly ir- 
reversible, indeed to such an extent that 
the adsorbate can be removed only by 
chemical action at elevated temperatures. 
For instance, oxygen chemisorbed on tung- 
sten can be removed only by heating to 
about 2000°C. Other chemisorbed layers, 
however, can be removed by less drastic 
treatment, let us say by outgassing at 


temperatures of a few hundred degrees 
above that at which the adsorption process 
takes place. 

3. In general, the heat of adsorption 
which indicates the energy of binding of the 
adsorbate molecules to the solid surface is 
of a low order of magnitude in the case of 
physical adsorption, usually two to three 
times the heat of vaporization for the first 
portions of adsorbate added to the surface. 
This means that for such gases as nitrogen, 
oxygen, argon, or carbon monoxide, all of 
which boil at temperatures approximately 
that of liquid air, the heat of adsorption 
will not exceed 5 kcals per mole. With 
larger molecules, such as butane, we en- 
counter higher heats of physical adsorption, 
which, however, do not exceed 15 to 16 
keals per mole. Again one finds a marked 
difference in chemisorption, the heats of 
this process, like those of ordinary chemical 
reactions, running as high as 100 kcals per 
mole in certain instances. 

4. Although, as is pointed out in Dr. 
Brunauer’s book (1), there has never been 
given an exact definition of the term spe- 
cificity as applied to adsorption, yet this 
term is of some use in a qualitative sense. 
It may be said that in the case of physical 
adsorption the heats evolved tend to be 
nonspecific to the chemical nature of the 
gases or vapors involved if these adsorbates 
have molecular weights, and therefore heats 
of vaporization, of the same order of mag- 
nitude. For instance, one finds that the four 
substances mentioned above have heats of 
adsorption of the same order of magnitude. 
However, we shall see in a later portion of 
this paper that we must not generalize too 
far about this nonspecificity of physical 
adsorption, and that, indeed, significant 
differences become apparent’ especially 
when we study the physical adsorption of 
the same adsorbate on different surfaces. As 
might be expected, the heat of adsorption 
in chemical processes is highly specific and 
may vary all the way from, let us say, 15 
keals to 100 keals in different instances. In 
this respect, of course, chemisorption again 
resembles chemical reactions in general. 

5. It has been well established by the 
work of Dr. Brunauer and others that the 
forces which give rise to chemisorption ex- 


~ vou. 38, NO. 4 

tend to a negligible extent beyond the 
monolayer of adsorbed molecules. On the 
other hand the work of the group with 
which Dr. Brunauer has been associated 
seems to establish beyond reasonable 
doubt that we are concerned in physical 
adsorption with the formation of multi- 
layers of adsorbate on the solid surface (2). 
With this background, we are now pre- 
pared to turn to a discussion and review of 
of some of the significant work to which Dr. 
Brunauer has contributed. In making a 
selection from Dr. Brunauer’s experiments, 
I have chosen the work that has been es- 
pecially helpful to my own investigations. 
In Fig. 1 are shown the isotherms ob- 
tained by Emmett and Brunauer (3) for the 
adsorption of carbon monoxide on two iron 
catalysts at the temperature of liquid oxy- 
gen. Looking first at the isotherms for the 
pure iron catalyst, it is evident that the 
curve labeled ‘‘total adsorption” lies very 
much above the “physical adsorption” 
curve. For reasons which have been abun- 
dantly established by the group with which 
Dr. Brunauer has been associated, the 
points labeled B on each curve represent 
approximately the completion of the sta- 
tistical monolayer of physically adsorbed 
gas. Thus the volume indicated by Point B 
in the “physical adsorption” curve is the 
volume of gas required to complete a layer 
of carbon monoxide molecules in direct con- 
tact with the solid surface. The curve la- 
beled ‘‘total adsorption”? was obtained by 
outgassing the sample at 400°C and then 
admitting carbon monoxide to the system 
at —183°C. After this experiment, the sur- 
face was outgassed at —78°, or indeed 
within the range from —78° to 0°, the tem- 
perature of outgassing not being very criti- 
cal within this range. Following the out- 
gassing process, the adsorption of carbon 
monoxide was again measured and was 
found to follow the curve labeled ‘“‘physical 
adsorption.’”’ Emmett and Brunauer inter- 
preted these experiments to indicate that in 
the initial experiment the carbon monoxide 
was adsorbed first as a chemisorbed layer 
with the carbon monoxide molecules held 
by relatively strong chemical bonds to the 
underlying atoms, and next as a physically 
adsorbed layer on top of the chemisorbed 

Apr. 15, 1948 

molecules. On outgassing in the tempera- 
ture range from — 78° to 0°C, the physically 
adsorbed molecules were removed, but the 
thermal energy was insufficient for the re- 
moval of the chemisorbed layer, with the 
result that the extent of physical adsorption 
could be determined by a subsequent ad- 
sorption measurement. It is obvious then 
that the difference in heights of the two 
curves represents chemisorption. 

From the isotherms for the promoted iron 
catalyst given in Fig. 1, it is evident again 
that the two types of adsorption process 
can be separated. In this case, the relatively 
large physical adsorption appears to indi- 
cate that the small percentage of promoter 
material present in the catalyst must cover 
a relatively large fraction of the surface 
since it is assumed that carbon monoxide is 
chemisorbed only on that fraction of the 
surface in which the iron atoms are exposed, 
but is physically adsorbed on the whole sur- 
face. This deduction comprises an impor- 
tant contribution by Emmett and Brunau- 
er to the understanding of promoter action. 

Following the completion of these experi- 
ments, Dr. Emmett suggested to me that it 
would be worth while to apply to this prob- 
lem the technique developed at Amherst 
for the calorimetric measurement of heats 
of adsorption. In Fig. 2 are shown the re- 
sults of these calorimetric experiments (4). 
Emmett and Brunauer, from an interpreta- 
tion of their curves, would have predicted 
that the chemisorption process would be 
superseded by physical adsorption after 
0.24 ce and 0.21 cc of carbon monoxide at 
—78 and —183° respectively had been ad- 
sorbed per gram of catalyst. The initial 
high values in the differential heats of ad- 
sorption, of course, indicate chemisorption 
at 0°, —78°, and even at —183°, although 
the heat values are lower at the latter tem- 
perature. The sharp drop in the heats of 
adsorption at —78° to the region of 4 kcals 
per mole at 0.25 cc per g, the point pre- 
dicted by Emmett and Brunauer as a result 
of the analysis of their isotherms, supplies 
experimental confirmation of the validity 
of their interpretations. This confirmation 
from the heat data at — 183°, while not so 
strikingly apparent, is nevertheless seen to 
be present. 



Next we shall turn our attention to an- 
other important facet of the work to which 
Dr. Brunauer has contributed heavily. I 
refer to the experimental and theoretical 
development of the theory of multimolecu- 
lar adsorption, known as the Brunauer, 
Emmett, and Teller theory (2). In the early 
development of the experimental work, 
Emmett and Brunauer came to the tenta- 
tive conclusion that the monolayer is com- 
plete at the Point B of the characteristic 
isotherms obtained in many adsorption sys- 
tems and illustrated in Fig. 1. This conclu- 
sion was found to be consistent with the 
theoretical considerations developed by 
Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller. The funda- 
mental equation most generally used is 
given below: 

Iv( If it C-1 
p/v(po— P) Oe p/Po- 

In this equation, v represents volume of 
vapor adsorbed, p the equilibrium pressure, 




Fic. 1.—Isotherms for CO on iron catalysts at 
—183°: Pure iron catalyst, 973; promoted iron 
catalyst (K:O, 1.59 percent, and Al:O;3, 1.3 per- 
cent), 931. 


and po the saturation pressure of the vapor 
at the temperature of the experiment, v» 
the volume of gas necessary to fill the mono- 
layer, and C a constant which is approxi- 
mately defined as C=e1-£)/RT jn which 
EH, is the heat of adsorption in the first 
layer, and Hy, is the heat of vaporization, 
and R and 7 have their usual meaning, 
Ey, E,, and R being expressed in calories 
and 7’ as the absolute temperature. It is 
apparent that a straight line should be ob- 
tained if the function (p/v(po—p)) is plotted 
against p/po, and indeed literally scores if 
not hundreds of cases provide experimental 
data which conform to this condition. From 
such a plot, known as the B.E.T. plot, it is 
possible to obtain the slope and intercept 
of the straight line, and from these to calcu- 
late the values of v,, and of C. Knowing vm 
and making an estimate of the area occu- 
pied by the adsorbate molecule on the sur- 
face, we can calculate the surface area. 
Obviously such an estimate of surface area, 
especially on finely divided or porous solids, 
is a welcome additional technique in the 
field of adsorption, and as a result has come 
into very wide use. It will become apparent, 

Diff. heats, heal. /mole 

: 03 0.6 0.9 
Vol. ads. c/a. 

Fia. 2.—Heats of adsorption of CO on catalyst 
931; —1835,0O7 @; —12 pee OF": 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

I think, in the experiments to be described 
below, that our ability to estimate the sur- 
face area has added greatly to the signifi- 
cance of the interpretation of the experi- 
mental results. 

Now I want to tell you about some work 
we have been doing in Amherst on the heats 
of adsorption of vapors on carbon black 
(5). This work was initiated about a year 
ago as a result of a series of conversations 
between the writer and Dr. Walter R. 
Smith of Godfrey L. Cabot, Inc. At that 
time Dr. Smith was especially interested in 
getting at the fundamental reasons for the 
effectiveness of carbon blacks in reinforcing 
rubber. The investigations in his laboratory 
had indicated that different carbon blacks 
presented a very high degree of specificity 
in their reinforcing ability, especially as de- 
termined by the modulus of elasticity. It is 
apparent, since the carbon black is dis- 
persed through the rubber as particles of 
the order of several hundred Angstroms di- 
ameter, that the binding forces between the 
particles of black and the rubber must be 
adsorption forces between the surface of 
the blacks and the adjacent sections of the 
rubber molecules. Following this line of 
reasoning, one would be tempted te predict 
that a close correlation might be found be- © 
tween the extent of surface of a carbon 
black pigment and its reinforcing ability. 

That the above prediction is not borne 
out by the experimental facts is shown in 
Table 1, which contains data on two sam- 
ples selected from the several blacks which 
have been studied; these are labeled Spher- 
on Grade 6 and Graphon respectively. More 

2 Modulus, 
Sample Diameter | Area 300% elone. 
- eet ES 
A sq. m./g. | lb. sq. in. 
Spheron Grade 6........ 285 110 1,720 eee 300 85 230 

complete data on these blacks especially as 
regards the chemical composition of their 
surfaces and their underlying crystal struc- 
ture have been published elsewhere (4). 
Spheron Grade 6 is a channel black having 
good rubber reinforcing ability. The Graph- 
on has been prepared from the Spheron 

Apr. 15, 1948 



Dee Mears. 

Fic. 3.—Heats of adsorption on carbon blacks 
at —195°C: Ne on Spheron Grade 6, O; Ne on 
Graphon ©@. 

Grade 6 by electrical heating to tempera- 
tures of 2,800 to 3,000°C (6). As is seen in 
Table 1, this heating process had relatively 
little effect on the particle diameters as de- 
termined by the electron microscope and on 
the specific surface areas as determined by 
the B.E.T. nitrogen adsorption method, al- 
though there was a profound effect on the 
rubber reinforcing ability as indicated by 
the modulus of rubber samples reinforced 
by the two pigments. 

Although there appeared to be no definite 
correlation between the extent of surface 
and the rubber reinforcing ability, it seemed 
possible that there might be a significant 
difference in state of surface if the two 
blacks were compared. Since a convenient 
means of testing the quality or state of sur- 
face of these carbon black samples seemed 
to be offered by data on heats of adsorption, 
calorimetric measurements have been un- 
dertaken using the elementary gases nitro- 
gen, oxygen, and argon at —195°C (7). The 
results of the experiments with nitrogen are 
shown in Fig. 3 in which the differential 
heats of adsorption are plotted against the 



number of layers adsorbed (v/v,,=1 repre- 
sents a monolayer). 

In relation to the rubber reinforcing prob- 
lem, the difference in behavior of the Graph- 
on and the Grade 6 black is of great interest. 
It is apparent that although the high tem- 
perature treatment, by which the Graphon 
was made from the Grade 6 carbon black, 
resulted in a relatively small change in the 
total surface of the black, this treatment 
nevertheless produced a profound change in 
the energy state of the surface, with the re- 
sult that approximately the first third of the 
surface would hold adsorbate molecules 
considerably less firmly than the original 
Spheron Grade 6. Thus there appears to be 
a correlation between the rubber reinforcing 
abilities of the two blacks and the energy 
states of their surfaces as indicated by the 
heats of adsorption. 

Apart from the problem of rubber rein- 
forcement several other conclusions of con- 
siderable general interest may be drawn 
from the data of Fig. 3. (1) The order of 
magnitude of the heats indicates that the 
process is exclusively physical adsorption. 
(2) The rapid decrease in the differential 

keal. /mole 

Diff. heats, 

Fic. 4.—Heats of adsorption of Spheron Grade 
6 carbon black at 0°C: n-butane, O; 1-butene, @; 
cis-2-butene, @; trans-2-butene, &. 


heats of adsorption for the first parts of the 
surface covered on the Grade 6 carbon 
black suggests a considerable heterogeneity 
of the surface with the fractions first cov- 
ered exhibiting excessively high binding 
energies. (3) The rapid approach in the 
vicinity of v/vm=1 of the differential heats 
for nitrogen on all the carbon surfaces 
studied to values only slightly greater than 
H,, the heat of vaporization of nitrogen, 
provides experimental confirmation of the 
B.E.T. theory since the value of v,, is deter- 
mined from the experimental data by a 
method which is entirely dependent upon 
this theory. 

Calorimetric studies with the elementary 
gases oxygen and argon produced results 
entirely analogous to those for nitrogen, the 
adsorption of both these gases being ex- 
clusively of the physical type. 

Although the experiments with nitrogen 
already described have served to bring out 
differences among the various carbon blacks 
used, it is obvious that heats of adsorption 
using hydrocarbons as adsorbates would 
provide data which would be more closely 
related to the problem of rubber reinforce- 
ment, in which there must be forces in op- 
eration between the carbon black surface 
and adjacent portions of the large hydro- 
carbon molecule, rubber. For this reason, 
the next phase of the work to be described 
involves calorimetric measurements with 
butane and the butenes as adsorbates at the 
convenient temperature 0°C. Because each 
of these substances boils within a few de- 
grees of 0°C, the po value for each is in the 
vicinity of one atmosphere pressure, and it 
is convenient to work over the relative pres- 
sure range in which the monolayer is com- 
pletely filled. The results of these experi- 
ments are summarized in Fig. 4. In this 
figure are given the differential heat curves 
for butane, 1-butene, cis-2-butene, and 
trans-2-butene on Grade 6 carbon black. 
It is to be noted that the general shape of 
the heat curves is similar to that of nitrogen 
at —195° with the differential heats ap- 
proaching H; after the completion of the 
statistical monolayer. It is noteworthy that 
there is no great difference in the heats of 
adsorption of the butane and the unsat- 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

urated hydrocarbons. This evidence ap- 
pears to indicate that the unsaturated sec- 
tions of the rubber molecule are not neces- 
sarily the points at which the rubber is 
bonded to the carbon surface, and that the 
adsorption process and possibly also rubber 
reinforcement involve forces which are pri- 
marily physical in nature. 

As this talk has progressed, I think it 
must have become abundantly evident that 
those of us who have done the heats of ad- 
sorption work at Amherst are very greatly 
indebted to Dr. Brunauer and his co- 
workers for the pioneer work they have done 
in the field of adsorption, work which has 
made our experimental results considerably 
easier to interpret as a contribution to the 
fundamental problems of adsorption as well 
as to the application to rubber reinforce- 


(1) BrunavEeR. The adserption of gases and 
Vapors, Vol. 1: Physical adsorption. 
Princeton, 1943. 

Amer. Chem. Soc. 60: 309. 1938. 

(3) EmmMetr and Brunaver. Journ. Amer. 
Chem. Soc. 59: 310. 1937; 59: 1553. 
1937; 62: 1732. 1940. 

(4) BrEEBE and STEVENS. Journ. 
Chem. Soc. 62: 2134. 1940. 

(5) Bersr, Biscon, SmirH, and WENDELL. 
Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc. 69: 96. 
1947; Breese, PoLtey, Smiru, and Wen- 
DELL. Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc., forth- 

(6) This high temperature treatment would of 
course have the effect of removing any 
volatile matter from the surface of the 
Grade 6 carbon as well as changing the 
degree of crystallinity of the underlying 
solid. Our calorimetric experiments on a 
sample of Grade 6 black ‘‘devolatilized” at 
927°C make it more plausible to conclude 
that the marked difference in the energy 
states of surface between the Grade 6 
black and the Graphon is due to an al- 
teration in the underlying solid by the 
high temperature treatment rather than 
to any chemical change in the super- 
ficial layers of the pigment (see reference 




(7) Details of the experimental method, as 
well as data on several other blacks and 
a more extensive discussion are to be 
found in the publications cited in refer- 
ence 5. 

Apr. 15, 1948 

METEOROLOGY .—Loose usage of weather words." 

Fog, haze, visibility, cyclone, blizzard, 
sleet, drought—what are they? There is no 
excuse for so using words that they convey 
no idea whatever or, at most, only vague 
suggestions of an idea. But frequently they 
are so used, and for several reasons. The 
usual reason is the ignorance of the speaker 
or writer, and the next most common, per- 
haps, the fact that few indeed practice that 
best of all courses in rhetoric: ‘‘Have some- 
thing to say; say it; quit talking about it.” 
Of course, an unwilling witness may be 
consciously vague, and sometimes justly so, 
but most of us do a lot of talking in our 
sleep, as it were. And the subject we discuss 
in vaguest terms is that which concerns us 
most, and about which we have talked the 
most since that time when certain things 
happened in the Garden of Eden “‘in the 
cool of the day’—the weather. Even the 
term ‘‘weather’’ itself is used in the vaguest 
sort of way, as anyone will realize as soon 
as he tries to define it accurately. 

Not only are we nearly always vague 
when speaking about weather as a whole, 
but also, as a rule, we are equally inexact 
when speaking of any of its elements, or 
of other phenomena dependent upon or 
associated with it. For example, fog and 
haze: are mixed up in a scandalous way 
despite the great and growing importance 
of each to the aviator. They often are used 
as synonymous terms, and again as though 
a fog were just a dense haze and a haze 
merely a light fog. Now, they are not the 
same thing at all and need not often be con- 
fused with one another. A true fog is a cloud 
of water droplets in the space immediately 
above the surface of the earth—a cloud on 
the earth. A haze, on the other hand, is a 
cloud of dust particles of whatever origin, 
such as impalpable sand caught up by 
desert winds, the smoke of forest fires, 
pollen from pine clad mountains, and the 
like. It may, and commonly does, extend 
down to the surface of the earth, but it does 
not always do so. Sometimes, too, its upper 
surface is as sharply limited and: as clearly 
visible in the direction of the horizon (not 
vertically) as is that of a waveless ocean. 

! Received October 10, 1947. 




Each decreases visibility. That is why the 
aviator is so concerned with them. Perhaps, 
too, as they bother him in much the same 
way he may feel justified in calling either or 
both of them by whichever bad name hap- 
pens to come to his mind first. Indeed they 
often are so confused, but they do not need 
to be, for it is quite easy to distinguish 
between them. The fog droplets are so large 
that they reflect equally, or nearly so, 
lights of all colors. It therefore appears 
white. A large portion of the haze particles, 
on the other hand, are so small that they 
scarcely reflect light at all, but just diffuse 
or scatter it. Furthermore, they scatter the 
blue, or short-wavelength light, to a far 
greater extent than they do the longer 
wavelength, or red light. This being so, the 
glare that results from the scattered light, 
and which so greatly reduces visibility, can 
largely be prevented from reaching the eye 
by the use of amber, or red, glasses. Clearly, 
then, the cloudlike obstruction is a dust 
haze whenever it has a bluish color, and 
whenever visibility through it is improved 
by the use of a red or amber screen. Simi- 
larly, it almost certainly is a fog when it is 
white and equally opaque to all colors. 

Not only is it generally easy to make this 
distinction, but frequently it is important. 
to do so, because a fog is likely soon to dis- 
appear by evaporation, while a haze hangs 
on until washed out by rain, thinned by 
convection, or blown away by clear air. 

Visibility—We have just been glibly 
using a rather new weather term, visibility, 
that needs some explanation. It seems to 
have an obvious enough meaning until we 
try so to define it that one visibility can be © 
numerically compared with another. Then 
the trouble begins, for it is hard to say how 
many times one object is more visible than 
another. In fact for practical purposes we 
never define visibility that way, but just 
say that it is the distance to which objects 
can be seen, or, better, the greatest distance 
to which objects of appropriate size can be 
recognized by a person of average but un- 
aided vision. Evidently visibility is not a 
distance at all, though dependent on it. 
Nevertheless, this term with its forced 
definition is very useful and seems destined 


to hold indefinitely an honorable place 
among the innumerable and growing host 
of weather words. 

It is worth while also to note that there 
are two quite differently caused visibilities, 
night visibility and day visibility. The 
former may be defined as the greatest dis- 
tance at which a standard light can be seen 
by a normal, unaided eye. This distance ob- 
viously is fixed by the rate of depletion of 
the light on its way to the observer, since 
perception fails in this case owing to the 
feebleness of the light received. Day visibil- 
ity, on the other hand, is limited mainly by 
an entirely different cause—not chiefly by 
depletion of light but by addition of light. 
When the fog or haze between the observer 
and distant objects reflects or scatters so 
much light from the sun, or other sources, 
as to appear luminous the contrasts of 
light, by which outlines are perceived and 
things recognized, soon are lost in the gen- 
eral glare. To repeat, for it is an important 
distinction, the brighter the light the farther 
it can be seen. The brighter the day the 
worse the visibility—the greater the blind- 
ing glare. 

Fog and cloud.—Not only is fog often 
confused with haze, to our occasional an- 
noyance, but frequently, too, it is con- 
founded with cloud, and the second of these 
confusions is the more difficult of the two to 
disentangle. We may say, and it is quite 
true, that a fog is a surface cloud formed by 
surface conditions. But what then shall we 
call what is left of it when the under portion 
is burned off, as so commonly happens to 
sea fog when it drifts in over land? Shall we 
call it high fog, lifted fog, veillo cloud (the 
name given to it in southern California), 
or stratus cloud? All these terms are in good 
and constant usage, but “stratus cloud”’ is 
the best, for that is what the erstwhile fog 
has now become. Wherever, though, it con- 
tacts with the surface, whether water, hill 
or mountain, it should still be, and generally 
is, called fog. That is, the same sheet of 
water droplets is called cloud at one place, 
where it does not extend to the surface, and 
fog at another, where it does. 

Name of cloud.—And then when we are 
sure the thing we observe and want to talk 
about, or record, really is a cloud and not a 


VOL. 38, No. 4 

fog, what sort of a cloud shall we call it, 
for there are several kinds to which distinct 
names are given? Way back in the year 
1803 an English chemist, or apothecary, as 
we would say in America, Luke Howard, 
gave Latin names to several distinct kinds 
of clouds, names so apt that they soon 
came into general use in all countries. Later 
on a few other names were added to the 
original list until all the more common varie- 
ties of clouds had each a distinct designa- 
tion that seemed entirely appropriate and 
was Clearly defined. But new cloud pictures 
soon were needed, the old charts being out 
of print, and this offered an opportunity to 
revise names and definitions as well. So a 
committee was appointed for that purpose, 
a committee that at once began ‘‘throwing 
monkey-wrenches,”’ or so some think, into 
the erstwhile smoothly running cloud ma- 
chine. We used to be quite sure, for in- 
stance, that a nimbus cloud was one from 
which rain or snow was falling in quantity, 
or looked as though precipitation from it 
was imminent. This was pretty satisfactory, 
and many of us want to keep the good we 
have. But no, we are told by this committee 
that those who feel that they really must 
retain this life-long name may be graciously 
permitted to do so provided they pledge 
to mean thereby only that insignificant 
little cloud that drifts along in the rain 
somewhere between the surface of the earth 
and the base of the heavy cloud out of which 
the rain is falling. That is, this ancient and 
honorable name must go out of use alto- 
gether, or else be given to that little, unim- 
portant ragamuffin the sailor calls ‘‘scud.” 
This is not clarification. It is needless con- 

Then, too, we felt as certain as one could 
about anything that the good and appropri- 
ate name ‘‘cumulo-nimbus” had come to 
stay and to mean a cumulus (wool-pack or 
heaped-up) cloud from which rain was fall- 
ing, and in which thunder and lightning 
nearly always occur. No. We now are asked 
to restrict this name to the cumulus cloud 
whose top has been, or is in the process of 
being, drawn out into a thin, fibrous sheet. 
And this in spite of the fact that often a 
thunderstorm cloud, a cumulo-nimbus as 
heretofore known, may give much rain and 

Apr. 15, 1948 

yet produce no fibrous sheet at all; and in 
face, of the further fact that occasionally a 
cumulus cloud may produce no rain, but, 
for all that, a high sheet of fibrous cloud. 
For generations we have been accustomed 
to consider the falling of rain from the base 
of a cumulus cloud the necessary and suf- 
ficient condition for calling it a cumulo- 
nimbus. Now we are asked to note whether 
or not a fibrous cloud is developing out of its 
top—certainly a radical change of meaning, 
and a wholly unnecessary one. 

It would be well, however, for the aviator 
to remember that, in middle latitudes, a 
cumulus cloud that is developing a high 
fibrous sheet very probably, though not cer- 
tainly, is also, and at the same time, giving 
rain below with thunder and lightning; and 
that the region under a cumulus that has 
not yet begun to display such a sheet, pre- 
sumably, but not surely, still is free from 
rain or other disturbance. To him it is a 
very real warning flag. Nevertheless, this 
fact does not in the least justify this change 
of name, a change that is only confusion 
confounded—or the other way around. 

The next monkey-wrench disarranged the 
alto-stratus cloud. This term used to mean 
just what it says—a high layer cloud; that 
and nothing more. Now we are asked to use 
this term only when portions of the cloud 
show some fibrous structure. Here, too, is 
only confusion, for those who insist on this 
definition insist, too, that this is the rain- 
producing cloud. That is, we must call that 
wide-spread, lightning-free cloud, from 
which rain is falling abundantly, alto-stra- 
tus, and at the same time we must not call 
it alto-stratus unless we can see in it one or 
more fibrous patches—thread-bare por- 
tions, consisting, we believe, of snow parti- 
cles. Truly, this puts us in much the same 
puzzled frame of mind as was Pat when the 
doctor told him to take one pill three times 
a day! 

The cirro-cumulus cloud is another vari- 
ety that many of us will insist that we 
know when we see it, since it is just a field 
of many little cloudlet balls and ripples (a 
“mackerel sky” if in orderly rows, a ‘‘cur- 
dle sky” if the cloudlets are numerous and 
without order) very high and too tenuous to 
show evidence of shading, or hide the sun. 



No, again says our authority, this thing 
that is a cirro-cumulus cloud must not be 
called cirro-cumulus unless it has been seen 
to be formed from a cirrus cloud or cirro- 
stratus, that is, from a thin or relatively 
dense cloud, respectively, of fibrous form. 
Said the yeoman to a yokel: ‘That is a 
fine hog of mine over there in the barn 
lot.” “‘I. am not so sure it is a hog,” said the 
yokel. ‘““Why not?” ‘“‘Oh, I didn’t see him 
grow up from a pig.”’ ““Damned fool.”’ 

Humidity, a term that comes to mind 
when we are talking about clouds, is one of 
the most vaguely used of all weather words. 
Most of us realize that water is somehow 
or other involved in its meaning, but just 
how, when we speak of the air as being 
humid, is not always clear. Certainly the 
air is not wet in the sense that our hands 
become wet when we wash them. Perhaps 
we can run the trouble down this way: 
Water can and does exist in the gaseous 
state as well as in the liquid and solid 
states. Furthermore, the amount of water 
that can occupy a given space in the form 
of a gas, for instance the amount that is in 
a cubic inch of the “‘empty” space in a 
tightly closed bottle containing some water, 
rapidly increases with increase of tempera- 
ture. Strange as it may seem, too, this 
amount is not appreciably affected by the 
presence of other gases, whether added 
singly or in whatever combination. 

From these facts it is evident that the 

expression “humidity of the air,” or ‘hu- 

midity,’’ for short, can mean any one of at 
least three different things. To be under- 
stood, therefore, one must specify which 
particular humidity he is talking about. If 
he just says “‘humidity”’ he will be nearly 
as badly off as the fellow who called for 
Jones at a Welsh college. ‘“‘Ah Jones’”— 
most of the windows went up. ‘‘Tom 
Jones’’—half of the windows stayed up. 
“JT mean the Tom Jones that has a tooth- 

If one means, as often is meant, the 
amount or weight of the water vapor in the 
air per unit volume he must say “absolute 
humidity.” If, however, as is more often 
the case, one means the ratio of the amount 
of water vapor actually present per unit 
volume to the greatest amount that could 


exist in the same volume at the same tem- 
perature—the ratio, in brief, of the actual 
quantity to the saturation quantity—it is 
necessary to say “relative humidity.” 
Finally, we sometimes mean the weight of 
the water vapor per unit weight of the moist 
air, in which case the proper expression is 
“specific humidity.” The term “humidity,” 
as qualified in any one of the above three 
ways, has a definite and useful meaning; 
but as commonly used in weather talk it 
seldom conveys a clear idea to the hearer, 
and rarely contains a definite concept when 
it leaves the speaker. Generally, such idea 
as is associated with this term starts mud- 
dled and ends fuddled. 

Wind direction.—Here is another source 
of confusion, one from which force of mem- 
ory alone can protect us, the naming and 
charting of wind directions. The weather 
man’s wind vane generally is in the form of 
an arrow of some sort, and so constructed 
that the point of the arrow always turns to 
face the wind. In other words it flies against 
the wind. On his maps and charts, however, 
he gets all his little wind arrows turned the 
other way around, for here they fly not 
against the wind but with the wind. What, 
then, does he mean when he says “north 
wind,”’ for instance? That is a toss-up until 
he tells us that he always means a wind from 
the north. Similarly, by ‘‘east wind” he 
means a wind from the east, by ‘‘south 
wind” a wind from the south, and so on for 
every point of the compass. It is all simple 
enough—if you don’t forget. 

Veering and backing.— Not only the word 
used to designate the direction of a wind 
can be confusing, as just explained, but 
also, and to an even greater extent, those 
commonly employed to specify the order of 
its change of direction. Whenever the wind 
at a particular place so shifts, or changes in 
direction, as to cause the wind vane to 
turn clockwise we say that it is veering, 
and when it so changes as to cause the vane 
to turn counter clockwise we say it is 
backing. This, too, is very plain and easy, 
if only we could remember it—if we could 
keep from getting like the old lady who said 
she knew that good eggs sank or swam, 
but had forgotten which. Indeed it is even 
worse than that, for while, as used by most 


VOL. 38, No. 4 

writers, backing is backing, and veering is 
veering, the world over, others reverse the 
terms with change of hemisphere, calling 
that shifting of direction veering, in the 
southern hemisphere, which, in the northern 
they call backing; and in the southern 
backing, that which, in the northern, they 
call veering. Surely the way some words 
are used is perplexing. 

Surface wind is another of the vague 
terms often used in discussions of the move- 
ments of the air. The trouble comes from 
the uncertainty as to where and what the 
“‘surface’’ is. In the case of calm water there 
is not much doubt about where the surface 
is, at least in the every day practical use of 
the term surface. Over land, however, we 
usually find a greater and greater entangle- 
ment of grass and other vegetation before 
reaching the soil, and therefore are quite © 
unable to say just where the “surface”’ is. 
But in any case where there is a definite sur- 
face, as over a lake, for example, the air 
exactly at the surface we believe to be calm, 
whatever the wind at appreciable heights 
above that surface. It would seem then that 
by the expression “surface wind” we 
should always mean no wind—no horizon- 
tal movement of the air. However, this 
strictly face value of the expression is not 
at all what we do mean when we use it. We 
mean the wind, not at the surface, as the 
expression implies, but at some appreciable 
height above it, namely at the level at 
which the velocity of the air is measured— 
a level that in practice may be anything 
from a few feet to twice as many hundred 
feet above the ground. Clearly then, since 
the velocity of the wind increases rapidly 
with increase of height, and since hills and 
hollows, trees, buildings, and every other ir- 
regularity of, and on, the ground affect the 
velocity of the lower air, the term “surface 
wind,” like the expression ‘‘quarter of a 
lot,” has the semblance of meaning some- 
thing definite but only the semblance. 

Fair.—Certainly everyone should know 
the exact meaning of this term, but many 
do not and refuse to learn. We may use as 
vague terms as we like when merely making 
talk about the weather, but the few terse 
sentences used by the forecaster certainly 
should be clearly and correctly understood 

Apr. 15, 1948 

by all who read or hear them. Indeed they 
are clearly understood for they are very 
carefully constructed to that end, but un- 
fortunately they are by no means always 
correctly understood. The chief confusion 
arises from a single one of the forecaster’s 
terms, ‘‘fair’—his favorite word (formerly, 
at least) if one might judge from the fre- 
quency of its occurrence. The trouble here 
comes from the fact that the forecaster and 
a large portion of his audience, that is, the 
general public, attach entirely different 
meanings to this familiar word. He means 
fair weather; they mean fair skies. To him 
it is the antonym of foul, and means 
weather suitable for outdoor occupation; 
to them it is the antonym of clouds and im- 
plies abundant sunshine. 

What to do about it is the question. It is 
precisely the word to use, or certainly 
would be if rightly understood, but unfor- 
tunately there are many who do not know 
what it means in this connection, and who 
even are unwilling to learn—who resent 
being told, who insist that they know what 
words mean without looking them up in a 
dictionary or having some smart Aleck tell 
them. It is too bad, this confusion of mean- 
ings, and the worst of it is, there is no ob- 
vious and simple way to make the matter 
any better. 

Cyclone.—This is another weather term 
that often fails to carry the meaning in- 
tended. Many people call the “twister” a 
cyclone, that smallest but most violent, 
freakish and destructive of all storms. The 
meteorologist calls this madly whirling devil 
a tornado, but the man from Missouri, or a 
neighboring State, comes back with em- 
phasis: ‘‘What are you talking about? If 
my cyclone cellar isn’t a place for dodging 
cyclones, then you will have to show me.” 
This much of the confusion comes mainly 
from giving the same name, ‘‘cyclone,’’ to 
two entirely different kinds of storms, and 
two different names, “cyclone” and “‘tor- 
nado,” to the same sort of disturbance— 
the same name to two things, and two 
names to the same thing. 

But this is not all the confusion. If you 
turn to the word ‘‘cyclone”’ in some large 
dictionary, or even a meteorological vo- 
cabulary prepared by experts, you are likely 



to find its definition to be: ‘“‘An area of low 
atmospheric pressure,’’ or some similar ex- 
pression. Now, this is inexcusable confusion. 
A cyclone is not an area at all, any more 
than a house is an area. It is first and fore- 
most a system of winds, and secondly, 
characterized by such and such particulars 
(extensive and about a center of low pres- 
sure, accompanied by clouds and wide- 
spread precipitation, et cetera) as suffice to 
distinguish it from all other systems of 
winds; just as ‘‘man”’’ is first of all an ani- 
mal, and, secondly, possessed of certain 
qualities, such as rationality, risibility, or 
whatnot, that belong to no other animal. 
This is Just a fine example of the innumer- 
able cases in which we neither say what we 
mean nor mean what we say. 

Anticyclone—By its very name one 
would expect the anticyclone to be some- 
thing quite the reverse of the cyclone. And 
so it is in several respects. It occupies a 
region of relatively high atmospheric pres- 
sure, not low, as does the cyclone; its winds, | 
like those of the cyclone, are directed 
spirally about its center, but outward, not 
inward, and in the opposite sense; it is at- 
tended, usually, by clear skies, not over- 
cast, and fair weather not foul. Meteoro- 
logically the cyclone and the anticyclone 
are distinctly antithetical. Lexicologically, 
however, they usually have one important 
feature in common, for generally each is er- 
roneously defined as an area, and not cor- 
rectly defined as a particular system of 

Secondary.—lIf one were in a teasing 
frame of mind and wanted some fun with 
a meteorologist, he hardly could find a bet- 
ter way to succeed than by asking him what 
a secondary is. He uses this term a lot, and 
by it he always means a cyclonic storm. 
Likely as not he will tell you that a second- 
ary cyclone is any one that is not a pri- 
mary; and that a primary cyclone is any 
one that is not a secondary. Often, and es- 
pecially in certain regions, there develops on 
or near the outer border of a system of cy- 
clonic winds, and doubtless incident to 
them, a similar system, at first of relatively 
small extent and strength, but which later 
grows in size and intensity until, in many 
cases it itself becomes the main storm, and 


occasionally even the only one. This storm, 
at least in its earlier stages, is often called a 
secondary cyclone, or secondary, for short, 
But other storms of less certain history also 
have been called secondaries for reasons 
that sometimes seem to be known only to 
the perpetrator—and he never tells. Yes, 
ask a meteorologist about secondaries and 
pretty soon you will have him in a corner, 
if not up a tree. 

Blizzard, a good example of things con- 
fused, is a fine word, even if its pedigree 1s 
unknown, so long as it means a cold, driving 
wind filled with blinding snow—a sure-to- 
goodness storm of the Plains. But how un- 
worthy of itself, how fallen, how decrepit 
and addled it is when made to mean only a 
little snow flurry that even a baby scarce 
would notice. A real blizzard commands re- 
spect and deserves a strong name all its 
own, but the little parlor things that in the 
Eastern States we so often braggingly call 
blizzards are not worthy, in comparison, 
even to be called ‘“‘blizzetts.” A blizzard 
used to be a blizzard with no doubt about it; 
now it is anything that has a little snow in 
it, but one never knows exactly what. 

Hail.—Here is a mix-up, too. As used by 
the U. S. Weather Bureau, and by many 
people all over the country, only lumps of 
ice that fall in thunder storms are called 
hail. Lots of others, though, will not hear of 
this restriction, but insist that the little ice 
pellets that fall only in the winter shall also 
be called hail. That is what they call them, 
as of course they have a perfect right to do, 
despite the confusion it causes, and there is 
no help for it, swear as you may. 

Sleet.—Hail is bad enough in its confu- 
sion, but sleet is worse, for it has three en- 
tirely distinct and much-used meanings. As 
sung by the poets, and as recorded by the 
U.S. Weather Bureau, sleet is that which 
rattles against the windowpane and nothing 
else. It is frozen raindrops and occurs only 
in winter and when the temperature of the 
lower air is below the freezing point while 
that of the air at around 500 to 1,000 feet 
elevation is distinctly above it. The rain 
that falls from the warmer air is frozen by 
the colder layer below, and reaches the sur- 
face in the form of Small roundish pellets— 
ice shot. This is sleet, according to one defi- 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

nition and extensive usage. According to 
British usage, though, and the custom of 
many in America also, sleet is a mixture of 
rain and snow. They call the frozen rain- 
drops hail, or winter hail. This is confusion 
enough, but by no means the whole of it, 
for the engineer, ignoring both the above 
definitions, restricts the name sleet to the 
smoothish coats of ice that sometimes form 
on wires, street-car rails and other exposed 
objects. This sleet, in the engineer’s sense 
of the term, the U. 8. Weather Bureau calls 
glaze. It is the characteristic feature of an 
ice storm. 

And nothing can be done about it. Even 
if we could get the engineer to call glaze 
(an excellent word) that which he now calls 
sleet and restrict this term, as so many of us 
do, to the stuff that rattles, there still would 
remain the mixture of snow and rain to re- 
christen. Of course, a word-telescoping 
genius like Lewis Carroll might call it 
“snane,”’ but then some one would be sure 
to laugh at it, if he did not even make a face. 

Ice-flower.—lIf sleet is a vague term owing 
to its three definitions, what shall we say 
about ‘‘ice-flower’’ that means any one of 
five distinct things? Two or three genera- 
tions ago Tyndall tried the happy experi- 
ment of putting a sheet of ice in the usual 
position of a lantern slide, and was rejoiced 
to see blossom on the screen a beautiful 
bed of six petaled flowers—images of course, 
of internal melted ice crystals. These 6- 
rayed cavities Tyndall, in his poetic way, 
and very appropriately, called ice-flowers. 
Pretty soon some one else, also with a poetic 
fancy, gave the same name to the beautiful 
fernlike figures Jack Frost traces on your 
windowpane. Then some nature lover, en- 
thusiastically describing the tufts of frost 
that sometimes in bitterly cold weather 
grow up numerously on a sheet of ice, called 
them also ‘‘ice-flowers.”’ Even the little 
columns. of ice that spring up from damp 
soil, and resemble in a measure the familiar 
Indian pipe, have been called ice-flowers. 
Finally, at least finally up to the present, 
the exquisite, curling and satiny ice ribbons, 
as thin and broad as the blade of a case 
knife, and often fully as long, that in early 
winter grow out from the dead stems of rock 
mint, likewise have been called ice-flowers. 

Apr. 15, 1948 

And no wonder, for among the brown leaves 
of the woods these ice formations look for 
all the world like a field of beautiful white 

In every one of these five cases the name 
ice-flowers seems appropriate, yet its use 
for more than one, preferably the first, is 
to be deprecated, for it leads only to con- 

Climate.—It is a long call in one sense 
from ice-flowers to climate, but the terms 
have one bad feature, muddle meaning, in 
common. Perhaps climate is most often de- 
fined as “average weather.” That would 
seem to justify defining weather as irregular 
climate. However, both these snap defini- 
tions are hopelessly inadequate. The aver- 
age annual temperature of a place, average 
rainfall, and average all-the-other-things do 
not tell the story of its climate. We need 
for this purpose to know also the extremes, 
frequencies of such and such values, normal 
run of the weather elements through the 
year, and a lot of other matters as well. In 
short, the climate of a place is neither its 
average weather nor the average of its 
weather, but the history of its past weather. 

Drought.—This much used term also is a 
term confused. Most of us use it glibly as 
though we knew exactly what it meant 
until, perchance, we need to define it pre- 
cisely whereupon our concept of it begins to 
fade away. We ask ourselves whether it is 
a number of consecutive days without rain 
or snow, and, if so, how many. Then we 
wonder whether the amount of the immedi- 
ately preceding precipitation should be con- 
sidered in our definition, and whether the 
time of the year matters. And if we take a 
certain number of consecutive days without 
rain as our definition of drought for one 
region will that also hold for every other re- 
gion? Would such a drought for New Eng- 
land be also a drought for New Mexico? 
If not, then what is a drought? Most of us 
will agree that one one-hundredth of an 
inch of rain will not break a drought, and if 
it will not then certainly we can not define 
a drought as so many consecutive days 
without any rain at all, though sometimes, 
and for statistical purposes, such a rainless 
spell has been called an absolute drought. 
Perhaps we might better define a drought 



as SO many consecutive days without more 
than a specified small amount of rain. But 
this does not avoid the difficulties as to 
season and place. 

Really, drought is a hard term to deal 
with. Possibly the best thing to do when- 
ever accuracy is essential is to give it an 
arbitrary, but reasonably exact, definition 
appropriate to the needs of the occasion. 

Spring.—Who knows when spring begins, 
or any of the other seasons, for that mat- 
ter? If we take Tennyson’s dictum that it is 
“when a young man’s fancy turns to 
thoughts of love,’’ we must conclude that 
it is a perpetual season! If, on the other 
hand, we take the word at its primitive 
meaning, signifying the season when plants 
spring up, we will be forced to conclude that 
the beginning of spring varies from place to 
place and year to year, and also that it de- 
pends on the kind of plant selected as the 
criterion. We will even conclude that it has 
no beginning in ice covered regions, and 
that it goes on forever in tropical lands. 

This indefiniteness led to the more or less 
general adoption of fixed dates for the be- 
ginning and end of each season. In so doing 
the spice of life was amply preserved for 
surely in the dates of these beginnings there 
is abundant variety. According to popular 
English usage spring begins with the first 
of February. In America we put it a month 
later, first of March. Astronomers, though, 
say 1t begins with the vernal equinox, which 
may be at any instant through the day, 
usually, but not always, on the twenty-first 
of March, and lasts until the coming sum- 
mer solstice, also a slightly variable date. 
Here are three widely used but distinctly 
different dates for the beginning of spring. 
February 1, March 1, and March 21 or 22, 
spread over a period of seven weeks. And 
so it is with the other seasons, for they follow 
each other at approximately equal intervals 
of time. Clearly, then, ‘‘first day of spring,” 
“last day of summer,”’ and all others of 
their kind are confusing expressions for to 
equally well informed people they convey 
the concept of distinctly different dates. 

End of twilight—When the end of twi- 
light comes is another point about which the 
astronomer and the general public have oc- 
casion to differ, though confusion in this 


case is not nearly so bad as it is in regard to 
the beginning of spring. The astronomer 
who, for most of his work, prefers the clear- 
est skies and the darkest hours, says twi- 
light ends only with the last trace of scat- 
tered sunlight in the western heavens. On 
clear nights, the only kind in which he is 
interested, this last glimmer disappears 
when the center of the sun is about 18 de- 
grees below the horizon. This does not suit 
the average person who considers twilight 
to end as soon as it gets too dark for people 
to go about their ordinary outdoor occupa- 
tions. On clear evenings this occurs when 
the center of the sun is about 6° below the 
horizon, or in about one-third the time from 
sundown to the end of astronomical twi- 
light. On cloudy evenings twilight, in this 
work-a-day sense, ends much sooner, but 
there is no fixed time for it—the term is 
vague and often confusing. 

Light and dark of the moon.—Whoever 
follows the foolish occupation of moon- 
farming, of planting things that fruit above 
the ground in the light of the moon, and 
tubers that grow under the soil in the dark 
of the moon, is confronted with the puzzling 
necessity of knowing just when it is light of 
the moon and when dark. And the more he 
tries to be certain of the matter the more 
confused he is likely to become. Some will 
tell him that dark of the moon is that brief 
time, three or four days, before new moon 
when it is not seen at all owing to its near- 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

ness to the sun, and light of the moon the 
three or four days centered about full 
moon. Others, while agreeing with this 
definition of dark of the moon, will insist 
that all the rest of the time is light of the 
moon. Still others, with equal assurance, 
will insist that the time the moon is waxing, 
that is, the time of the first and second 
quarters, is light of the moon, and that the 
time of its waning, the duration of the third 
and fourth quarters, is dark of the moon. 
Finally, there are many who recognize light 
of the moon to be all the days when the 
moon is above the horizon most of the fore 
part of the might, and all the rest of the 
time dark of the moon. 

Here are three distinct and widely recog- 
nized definitions of dark of the moon, and 
four of the light of the moon. What then 
can the poor moon farmer do when up 
against such conflicting definitions as these? 
Nobody knows, though it is quite certain 
what he should do—forget the moon fool- 
ishness and plant when the ground is ready 
and the season right, as all sensible farmers 

And these listed above are not the only 
weather words loosely used by the general 
public, whose omnibus excuse is the fact 
that, if restricted to correct understanding 
and clear expression, the pleasant glibness 
of its tongue would be lost in many a dreary 
silence—an honest enough excuse but a 
mighty poor one. 

PALEONTOLOGY .—An interesting occurrence of fossil tracks in West Virginia.* 

Davip H. DunxKtgE, U. 8. National Museum. 


Recently, through the generosity of 
Harold T. Stowell, of Westmoreland Hills, 
Md., the U. S. National Museum received 
a small slab of rock exhibiting two distinctly 
impressed tracks. The following brief report 
on the specimen is prompted by the proba- 
ble tetrapod nature of the prints and by the 
geologic details of its occurrence. 

The prints are impressed upon the upper 
undulating surface of a thin block of dense, 
finely grained sandstone, composed of many 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 
the Smithsonian Institution. Received December 
5, 1947. 

(Communicated by C. L. 

small cross-bedded laminae of variegated 
red and buff color. As found by Mr. Stowell 
in 1939, the slab lay loose at the base of a 
cliff on the East Bank of the Greenbrier 
River, about 1 mile south of the mouth of 
Island Lick Run, in the Watoga State Park, 
Pocahontas County, W. Va. 

The physical expression of fossil track- 
ways is dependent on a number of variable 
conditions. Seldom are the remains of the 
causative agent found associated with the 
prints. The structure of the contributing 
organ, therefore, must be inferred. This 
latter is very often difficult because the 


completeness of the impression is subject, 
at the time the tracks were made, to the 
composition and the consistency of the sub- 
stratum and, subsequently, to all the mul- 
tiple, special factors for their preservation. 
The interpretation of the present examples 
is not exempted from these general difficul- 

The two tracks, oriented parallel to each 
other, are each composed of the depressions 
made by three, stout, distally tapering dig- 
its. When the block is placed with the di- 
vergent extremities of the impressions di- 
rected away from the observer (Fig. 1), it 
may be seen that the track on the left is 
more deeply impressed and is situated 
slightly above the one on the right. 

From the similar lengths and practically 
identical angles of divergence of the corre- 
sponding digital impressions in each of the 


two tracks, it is conceivable that the prints 
could have been made by one and the same 
appendage of an animal crossing the photo- 
graph transversely. In this latter event, 
however, the limb would seem necessarily 
to have extended out at a right angle to the 
longitudinal axis of the body with little or 
no anterior flexure. The literature on fossil 
trackways fails to reveal the occurrence of 
such a structural condition in the Late 

‘Paleozoic. Further in opposition to such an 

interpretation is the fact that the distance 
between the two prints would represent an 
extremely short stride, especially when the 
slab is large enough transversely to exhibit 
both preceding and succeeding impressions. 

During the tetrapod propulsive cycle 
(Schaeffer, 1941; Evans, 1946), the body 
weight, first distributed over the entire sur- 
face of either the hand or foot, progressively 

Fig. 1.—Photograph of fossil tracks (U.S.N.M. no. 17656) obtained in the Watoga State Park, 
Pocahontas County, W. Va. Reproduction approx. X3/5. 


shifts to a final concentration on the medial 
digits. While variable (Colbert and Schaef- 
fer, 1947), this action ideally results in a 
deeper impression of the inner side of the 
organ than any other of its parts. The sides 
of the present fossil footprints, which are 
adjacent to each other, are clearly more 
deeply impressed than their distant sides. 
Thus, while the evidences are conflicting, it 
is here assumed that these tracks were made 
by a limb and its complement from the 
opposite side. Whether that pair of append- 
ages was anterior or posterior can not be 

Markings of the pads of either heel or 
palm are not discernible. Impression of the 
digits alone indicates that the tracks were 
made on a fairly firm substratum. As 
pointed out by Colbert and Schaeffer (1947), 
the lateral digits are structurally the most 
divergent and under the least optimum of 
conditions are the most poorly defined in 
trackways. Thus, while 3-toed impressions 
have been encountered in practically every 
known geologic occurrence of tetrapod 
tracks, it remains uncertain whether com- 
plete impressions are being dealt with in 
the present case. No attempt here is made 
to assign these prints to any of the scientific 
names available because of the above men- 
tioned uncertainties of interpretation and 
because of the questionable advisability of 
such practice. The specimen is no less in- 
teresting for this failure, however, because 
an early and unknown animal of considera- 
ble dimensions is indicated. The better pre- 

served left imprint measures roughly 35. 

mm across the proximal base of the digits. 
The distance between parallel lines pro- 
jected through the medial borders of the 
prints approaches 62 mm. 

The block of sandstone bearing the im- 
pressions may be assumed to have been de- 
rived at or very near the site of its discovery. 
No evidences of transportation can be ob- 
served. The edges of the slab remain sharply 
angular. Fragments of soft red shale still 
adhere in the concavities on both its upper 
and lower surfaces. Furthermore, its lithol- 
ogy is identical with that of the bedrock 
exposed in the immediate vicinity as well as 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

for many miles upstream. Price (1929) iden- 
tifies this rock as the Pocono formation. As 
summarized by Branson (1910) and Colbert 
and Schaeffer (1947), the oldest previous re- 
ports of definitive tetrapod tracks in the 
United States are restricted to the upper 
Mississippian Chester Series. The literature 
(Butts, 1940; Chadwick, 1935; Willard, 
1936) suggests a transgressive character to 
the Pocono sediments and a consequent 
variation in age from place to place. Not- 
withstanding, the Pocono is well below the 
Chester equivalent, the Mauch Chunk, in 
the West Virginia section. The present oc- 
currence, therefore, seems to be the earliest 
yet known from our country and approaches 
in age the oldest authenticated tetrapod 
tracks from the Horton Series of Nova 
Scotia (Dawson, 1894; Sternberg, 1933). 


Branson, E. B. Amphibian footprints from 
the Mississippian of Virginia. Journ. 
Geol. 18(4): 356-358, 1 fig. 1910. 

Butts, CHARLES. Geology of the Appalachian 
Valley in Virginia. Pt. 1: Geologic text and 
illustrations. Virginia Geol. Surv. Bull. 
52: i-xxxil, 1-568, 10 figs. incl. index and 
geol. sketch maps, 10 tables, 63 pls. 1940. 

CHapwick,G.H. Whatis “Pocono”? Amer. 
Journ. Sci., ser. 5, 29(170): 1383-143, map. 

CoLtBerT, E. H., and ScHarrrer, B. Some 
Mississippian footprints from Indiana. 
Amer. Journ. Sci. 245(10): 614-623, 1 fig., 
1 plo ay. 

Dawson, W. Synopsis of the air-breathing ani- 
mals of the Paleozoic in Canada, up to 1894. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada 12(4): 71-88. 

Evans, F. G. The anatomy and function of the 
foreleg in salamander locomotion. Anat. 
Ree. 95: 257-281, 6 figs. 1946. 

Price, P. H. Pocahontas County. West Vir- 
ginia Geol. Surv. County Repts.: 531, 21 
figs., 71 pls., 2 maps. 1929. 

ScHAEFFER, B. The morphological and func- 
tional evolution of the tarsus in amphibians 
and reptiles. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 
78(6): 395-472, 21 figs. 1941. 

STERNBERG, C. M. Carboniferous tracks from 
Nova Scotia. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 44: 
951-964, 1 fig., 3 pls. 1938. 

WILLARD, B. Continental upper Devonian of 
northeastern Pennsylvania. Geol. Soe. 
Amer. Bull. 47(4): 597-599, 3 figs., 3 pls. 

Apr. 15, 1948 

MYCOLOGY.—The swarm-cells of Myxomycetes.' 
(Communicated by G. W. Martin.) 

University of Iowa. 

Biflagellate swarm-cells have been ob- 
~served as occurring occasionally in Myxo- 
mycetes by many observers, but it has been 
generally held that the swarm-cells in this 
group are normally uniflagellate. DeBary 
(7) in 1884 and Vouk (20) in 1911 reported 
bifiagellate forms in exceptional cases only. 
Gilbert (6) found one-fourth of the swarm- 
cells of Stemonztis fusca biflagellate. Von 
Stosch (19) saw biflagellate cells in many 
other species, but none in the single species 
of Stemonitis that he studied. Gilbert (7) 
reported Dictydiaethalium plumbeum to be 
uniflagellate, but E. C. Smith (17, 18) twice 
within the following year published photo- 
micrographs showing biflagellate swarm- 
cells in the same species. Howard (10) 
termed biflagellate swarm-cells in Physarum 
polycephalum ‘‘common.”’ Sinoto and Yuasa 
(16) studied Cerattomyzxa and four species of 
Myxogastres, finding only one flagellum in 
Cerattomyxa but occasional bi- and even tri- 
flagellate forms in all the others. Yuasa (2/) 
likewise found bi- and triflagellate cells in 
Fuligo septica. Jahn (11) in 1928 ignored the 
previous reports of biflagellate swarm-cells; 
and in 1936 (12) he criticized the work of 
Von Stosch, insisting that swarm-cells are 
normally uniflagellate and that all biflagel- 
late swarm-cells are anomalies. Karling 
(73) in his general summary of the literature 
pertinent to the relationships between the 
Plasmodiophorales and the Myxomycetes, 
says that “although the majority are uni- 
flagellate, zoospores with two flagella are 
not uncommon....” In 1945 Ellison (5) 
reported biflagellate swarm-cells in propor- 
tions varying from 2 to 26 percent for a 
number of species of Myxomycetes but re- 
tained the assumption that the majority are 

It is not inconceivable that an occasional 
biflagellate swarm-cell could occur as an ab- 
normality in an otherwise uniflagellate 
group. But biflagellation has already been 
reported too frequently in the Myxomycetes 
to represent mere abnormality. And on the 
basis of flagellation as reported in other 
groups it is very unlikely that both uni- 

1 Received December 15, 1947. 



EucEeNE W. E.uiott, State 

flagellate and biflagellate forms would nor- 
mally exist in the same life stage of the 
Myxomycetes. It seems more probable that 
the second, shorter flagellum is difficult to 
see and is frequently hidden. This study was 
undertaken to determine whether this latter 
assumption is not the case. 


Spores of 21 collections representing 11 
species were germinated for these tests. Fol- 
lowing is a list of the collections, with the 
State and year of collection: 

1. Arcyria denudata lowa 1947 
2. Dictydiaethalium plumbeum Iowa 1947 
3. Dictydiaethalium plumbeum Iowa 1947 
4, Enteridium rozeanum lowa 1946 
5. Enteridium rozeanum Iowa 1946 
6. Enteridium rozeanum Iowa 1947 
7. Fuligo septica Indiana 1944 
8. Fuligo septica Michigan 1947 
9. Lycogala epidendrum Indiana 1944 
10. Lycogala epidendrum lowa 1946 
11. Lycogala epidendrum lowa 1947 
12. Oligonema schweinitzit Iowa 1947 
13. Oligonema schweinttziz lowa 1947 
14. Physarum polycephalum lowa 1947 
15. Reticularia lycoperdon Iowa 1929 
16. Reticularia lycoperdon lowa 1942 
17. Reticularia lycoperdon New York 1947 
18. Reticularia lycoperdon lowa 1947 
19. Stemonitis flavogenita West Vir- 
ginia 1947 
20. Stemonitis splendens lowa 1947 
21. Trichia affinis lowa 1946 

The first cultures were prepared in Sep- 
tember 1946, using Reticularza lycoperdon 
(Coll. no. 15, above), Lycogala epidendrum 
(no. 10), and Trichza affints (no. 21). Abun- 
dant germination was obtained in the first 
attempts with R. lycoperdon and T. affinis, 
but only one of several cultures of L. 
epidendrum was observed to germinate. 
Repeated attempts to germinate cultures of 
the two oldest collections of Enterzdiwm 
rozeanum (nos. 4 and 5) resulted in the ob- 
servation of occasional swarm-cells in no. 4, 
but only very low percentages of germina- 
tion. Other species gave similar results. 

Cultures were made in Syracuse watch 
glasses using distilled water from which the 
traces of toxic minerals were removed with 
powdered charcoal. It was observed fre- 


quently that most of the spores placed in 
the culture dish continued to float on the 
surface of the water, never becoming wet. 
This was especially true of those forms hav- 
ing very small spores, such as Hnteridiwm 
and Lycogala. Various wetting agents were 
tried in an attempt to accelerate the wetting 
and increase the germination of these spores. 

Alcohol was the first wetting agent tested. 
Cayley(4) used 20 percent alcohol for wet- 
ting spores of Didymium sp., securing ap- 
proximately 50 percent germination 
whether the spores were in the alcohol “a 
few minutes” or a full hour. Also she used a 
solution of 0.2 percent mercuric chloride in 
a mixture of equal parts of 95 percent alco- 
hol and water, as a combined wetting agent 
and bactericide. The resulting cultures were 
not bacteria-free and germination was poor. 

In the tests here reported a number of 
different dilutions of alcohol were tried, 95 
percent being the strongest and 20 percent 
the weakest concentration used. Lower con- 
centrations had negligible wetting effect. 
After wetting, spores were washed three 
times with centrifuging and cultured as be- 
fore. No germination was obtained from 
spores wetted with-alcohol, even in Reticu- 
laria lycoperdon, in which nearly 100 per- 
cent germination had been secured without 
the use of a wetting agent. 

Trisodium phosphate was tried next. By 
experimentation it was found that spores of 
Enteridium rozeanum, which has the smal- 
lest spores of any species used up to the time 
of these tests, would sink immediately in a 
0.5 percent solution and slowly in a 0.2 per- 
cent solution. In preparing cultures using 
trisodium phosphate as a detergent, wash- 
ing was done as when alcohol was the wet- 
ting agent. Cultures of E. rozeanum (no. 5), 
prepared with the use of trisodium phos- 
phate in either 0.5 percent or 0.2 percent 
solution, germinated nearly 100 percent 
within one hour. Swarm-cells had not been 
seen in cultures of this collection before. 

Trisodium phosphate in 0.5 percent solu- 
tion was used as a detergent in preparation 
of cultures of a number of other collections. 
Abundant germination was produced occa- 
sionally in Lycogala epidendrum (no. 10), 
but no consistent germination was secured 
with any species except H. rozeanum, hence 
toxic effects were suspected. 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

In the search for an active detergent 
without toxic effects, two commercial de- 
tergents, “Soilax’’ and “‘Dreft,’’ were tried, 
both in 0.5 percent solution. Both acted as 
effective wetting agents, but many spores 
were caught in the foam on the ‘‘Dreft’’ so- 
lution and could not be reclaimed by centri- 
fuging. Germination in cultures thus pre- 
pared was similar to, and no more satisfac- 
tory than, that obtained with trisodium 
phosphate. | 

The fact that bile salts greatly lower the 
surface tension of solutions, as exemplified 
in the Hay test for bile in urine (9), inspired 
the testing of solutions of sodium glyco- 
cholate and sodium taurocholate as wetting 
agents for preparation of cultures. It was 
found that either the glycocholate or the 
taurocholate will wet the spores satisfac- 
torily in 1 percent solution, but lower con- 
centrations act so slowly as to be inade- 
quate. In equal concentrations, these two 
salts, or a mixture of them, are equally effec- 
tive as wetting agents. 

Spores of many species of Myxomycetes 
that did not germinate at all when prepared 
directly in water or with other detergents, 
germinated when previously wetted with 
either of the bile salts. And all those callec- 
tions which germinated directly in water 
germinated more quickly and in greater per- 
centage when previously wetted with the 
bile salts. Of course, the spores of two dif- 
ferent collections of the same species fre- 
quently show greatly different percentages 
of germination. Similar differences are ap- 
parent when the bile salts are used, other 
conditions being equal; but the differences 
are substantially reduced. 

Germination of spores directly in 1 per- 
cent solution of the bile salts was tried. 
Protoplasts emerged from the spore cases, 
but developed no further. However, a 
technique was developed in which only one 
washing with water is necessary to free 
wetted spores of the detergent. Approxi- 
mately 1 cc of the wetting agent is placed in 
a centrifuge tube and the spores to be cul-. 
tured are added and stirred until wetted, a 
process which usually takes one-half minute. 
Then the solution is diluted to 5 or 6 ce with 
water and promptly centrifuged. The spores 
are then washed once with distilled water 
by centrifuging and are finally cultured in 

Apr. 15, 1948 

distilled water prepared with charcoal as 
described above. 

It was found that in order to preserve the 
flagella of swarm-cells for observation, the 
killing agent used in preparation of material 
for microscopic examination must act very 
quickly. Smears prepared by air-drying, or 
even by drying as quickly as possible over 
mild heat, as is done in the preparation of 
bacterial mounts, showed recognizable 
swarm-cells, all of which, however, com- 
pletely lacked flagella. 

The most satisfactory results for tem- 
porary mounts were obtained by killing and 
staining on the slide with a drop of iodine- 
potassium iodide solution. For this purpose 
Gram’s iodine is used without dilution, den- 
sity of staining being controlled by varying 
the proportions of culture solution and io- 
dine solution which are mixed on the slide. 
Whatever proportions are used, mixing 
must be accomplished quickly and thor- 
oughly if the flagella are to be preserved for 

Permanent slides were prepared for obser- 
vation of flagella by use of a modification of 
the Loeffler stain for bacterial flagella (3). 
The mordant and stain were prepared as 
directed, but the times of application of 
both mordant and stain were reduced from 
five minutes to one-half minute. Smears 
were prepared by various means. Slides were 
thinly coated with albumin fixative, on 
which a drop of culture solution was placed 
and inverted over osmic acid fumes. This 
was then allowed to dry in air. Other 
smears, killed over osmic acid, were fixed by 
heating gently after drying. Still others 
were killed with iodine, as was done in the 
preparation of temporary mounts, and al- 
lowed to stand until the iodine had sub- 
limed. These slides were fixed over heat. The 
crystals of potassium iodide were dissolved 
off in distilled water before staining. 
Equally satisfactory results were obtained 
with all these methods. The iodine method, 
being the simplest, was used. 


Some biflagellate swarm-cells were ob- 
served in every culture prepared of every 
species studied. In some species, notably 
Lycogala epidendrum, Oligonema schweinit- 



zi, and Fuligo septica, the proportion 
of swarm-cells obviously biflagellate was 
nearly 100 percent. In one culture of Dicty- 
diaethalium plumbeum, many zygotes with 
four flagella, in two pairs of two each, were 

In all species except Stemonitis splendens, 
the two flagella were of greatly different 
length, the shorter one being sometimes 
scarcely more than lu long. The length of 
the shorter flagellum is quite constant for a 
given species. The flagella of Stemonitis 
splendens averaged 16yu for the longer flagel- 



Figs. 1—8.—Outlines of representative swarm- 
cells: 1, Dectydiaethalium plumbeum (a—b, swarm- 
cells; c, zygote) (all others are swarm-cells); 2, 
Enteridium rozeanum; 3, a—b, Fuligo septica; 4, 
Lycogala epidendrum; 5, Oligonema schweinitzii: 
6, Physarum polycephalum; 7, Reticularia ly- 
coperdon; 8, Stemonitis splendens, 


lum and 14, for the shorter. Ellison drew 
swarm-cells of Stemonitis fusca and 
S. ferruginea with two flagella approxi- 
mately equal in length, though the other 
biflagellate forms he records have one flagel- 
lum much shorter than the other. Similarly, 
Gilbert (6) shows S. fusca with two nearly 
equal flagella, but all other forms definitely 

The second flagellum, in addition to being 
very short, is usually recurved so as to be 
almost indistinguishable from the outline of 
the cell itself. Even in Slemonitis splendens, 
in which both flagella are relatively long, 
one is usually trailing, so that it is easily 
overlooked. The significance of this point is 
borne out in the following observation: A 
temporary mount was prepared from a cul- 
ture of swarm cells of Duzctydiaethalhum 
plumbeum. The mount was killed and stained 
with Gram’s iodine. Using the 90X oil im- 
mersion objective, the microscope was fo- 
cused upon a swarm-cell in which both 
flagella were easily seen. Then, by touching 
the edge of the cover slip with a dissecting 
needle, the mount was disturbed while the 
original swarm-cell was kept in view. This 
swarm-cell was observed to roll over and 
again come to rest. In its new position, the 
shorter flagellum could not be seen with any 
manipulation of the microscope. A second 
swarm-cell which presented only the longer 
flagellum to view was found, and by simu- 
larly disturbing the cover slip the swarm- 
cell was maneuvered until the shorter flagel- 
lum could also be seen. This same demon- 
stration of the fact that the shorter flagel- 
lum may be—and frequently is—hidden by 
the body of the cell, was also performed on 
mounts of Fultgo septica and Arcyria de- 

The second flagellum is clearly visible on 
only a very few swarm-cells in most mounts. 
Some mounts stained with Loeffler’s tech- 
nique were destained to transparency with 
acid alcohol. On swarm-cells thus prepared 
the flagella remained clearly stained, but the 
body of the cell was sufficiently destained so 
that the nucleus and other cellular details 
were visible. When swarm-cells are properly 
stained by this method, careful focusing on 
the anterior portion of the body of the cell 
will reveal a dark line reaching backward 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

from the apex to the base of the conical 
anterior portion. Occasionally this dark line 
will be found lying across the conical por- 
tion, either on or underneath the body of 
the cell, but most frequently it is barely dis- 
tinguishable from the outline of the cell. It is 
not found on those swarm-cells on which the 
second flagellum is clearly visible apart from 
the body of the cell. It is believed that this 
is the shorter flagellum which ordinarily is 
closely appressed to the anterior portion of 
the cell. 

Spores of 21 collections representing 11 
species of Myxomycetes were germinated. 
The flagellation of the swarm-cells of these 
species was observed in temporary and 
permanent preparations. In three species, 
Fuligo septica, Lycogala epidendrum, and 
Oligonema schweinitzi, it was possible to 
see two flagella on nearly every swarm-cell 
observed. In all other species, two flagella 
were Clearly visible on some swarm-cells, 
and it was demonstrated by manipulation 
of fluid mounts that the second flagellum 
could be brought into view even though not 
originally visible. From this it is inferred 
that if adequate technique were used, the 
second flagellum would be found on all 
myxomycete swarm-cells. 

All of the biflagellate swarm-cells ob- 
served in this study were heterocont. In all 
species except Stemonztis splendens the two 
flagella differ greatly in length. In S. 
splendens the difference is slight, but is 
nevertheless constant. 

The Myxomycetes and the Plasmodio- 
phorales have long been considered related 
groups by may investigators. Formerly, 
the reported existence of anteriorly uni- 
flagellate zoospores in the reproductive cy- 
cle of both groups was regarded as strong 
evidence of this relationship. However, Led- 
ingham (14, 15) showed that the zoospores 
of the Plasmodiophorales are anteriorly bi- 
flagellate, the second flagellum being very 
short and, hence, easily obscured. As a re- 
sult of Ledingham’s finding, the supposed 
difference in flagellation was thought by 
many to emphasize a separation between the 
two groups. 

The existence of two blepharoplasts has 
been reported in several species of Myxomy- 

Apr. 15, 1948 

cetes (5, 8, 19). Bessey (2) regards the 
second blepharoplast as a vestige of the 
biflagellate condition, indicating that the 
Myxomycetes and the Plasmodiophorales 
have arisen from a common ancestor. He 
considers the loss of the second flagellum as 
evidence that the Myxomycetes are of 
higher phylogenetic position. 

Insofar as flagellation is of phylogenetic 
significance, the existence of the second 
flagellum in the swarm-cells of Myxomy- 
cetes as demonstrated by this study, may 
indicate a closer relationship with the Plas- 
modiophorales than has recently been sup- 


(1) Bary, A. pr. Vergleichende Morphologie 
und Biologie der Pilze, Mycetozoen, und 
Bacterien. Leipzig, 1884. 

(2) Bessny, E. A. Some problems in fungus 
phylogeny. Mycologia 34: 355-397. 

(3) Bucwanan, E. D., and Bucuanany, R. E. 
Bacteriology, ed. 2. New York, 1931. 
(Pp. 153-154.) 

(4) CayLtey, Dororay M. Some observa- 
tions on Mycetozoa of the genus Didym- 
ium. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 14: 227- 
248. 1929. 

(5) Extison, Bernarp R. Flagellar studies 
on zoospores of some members of the 
Mycetozoa, Plasmodiophorales, and Chu- 
tridales. Mycologia 37: 444-454. 

(6) GizBEerT, F. A. On the occurrence of bi- 
flagellate swarm cells in certain Myxo- 
mycetes. Mycologia 19: 277-283. 


Feeding habits of the swarm cells 
of the Myxomycete, Dictydiaethalium 
plumbeum. Amer. Journ. Bot. 15: 
123-132: 1928. 

(8) GILBERT, Henry C. Critical events in the 

ORNITHOLOGY.—A small collection of birds from Eritrea.' 

MANN, U.S. National Museum. 

During the early stages of World War II 
when North Africa was an important battle- 
field, numbers of American troops were sta- 
tioned in Eritrea, a rather neglected and 
little-known part of eastern Africa. Two of 
the men who were destined to spend some 
time in that former Italian colony collected 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 
ae ae conian Institution. Received October 
, 1947. 



life history of Ceratiomyxa. Amer. 
Journ. Bot. 22: 52-74. 1935. 

(9) Hawk, Puitie B., and Bercerm, Oar. 
Practical physiological chemistry, ed. 11. 
Philadelphia, 1937. (P. 653.) 

(10) Howarp, Frank L. The life history of 
Physarum polycephalum. Amer. 
Journ. Bot. 18: 116-133. 1931. 

(11) Jann, E. Myzxomycetes. In Engler & 
Prantl, Die Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamil- 
ven, ed. 2, 2: 304. Leipzig, 1928. 

Myxomycetenstudien 16. Dre 
Kernphase und die Zahl der Chromo- 
somen. Ber. Deutsche Bot. Ges. 54: 
517-528. 1936. 

(13) Karuinc, JoHn 8S. Plasmodiophorales. 
New York, 1942. 

(14) LepincHam, G. A. Zoospore ciliation in 
the Plasmodiophorales. Nature 133: 


534. 1934. 

(15) Occurrence of zoosporangia in 
Spongospora subterranea (Wallroth) 
Lagerheim. Nature 135: 394-895. 

(16) Stnoto, Y., and Yuasa, A. Studies on 
the cytology of reproductive cells. I. On 
the planocytes in five forms of Myxomy- 
cetes. Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 48: 720-729. 

(17) Smita, E. C. 
spores. Mycologia 21: 321-323. 

The longevity of myxomycete 

(18) Some phases of spore germina- 
tion of Myxomycetes. Amer. Journ. 
Bot. 16: 645-650. 1929. 

(19) Stoscu, H. A. von. Untersuchungen iiber 
die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Myxo- 

mycetes. Sexualitie und Apogamie ber 
Didymiaceen. Planta 23: 623-656. 

(20) Voux, V. Uber den Generationswechsel 
ber Myxomyceten. Oe¢csterr. Bot. 
Zeitsch. 61: 131-139. 1911. [Cited in 
Karling (13).] 

(21) Yuasa, Akira. Studies in cytology of re- 
productive cells. III. The genesis of the 
flagellum in the planocyte of Fuligo sep- 
tica Gmelin. Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 49: 
538-545, 1935. 


birds as time and opportunity permitted. 
Col. L. R. Wolfe sent in to the U. 8. Na- 
tional Museum a small box containing eight 
birds. A second and larger shipment com- 
prising about 300 specimens was most un- 
fortunately lost in transit. Thane Riney 
similarly suffered the loss of the bulk of his 
collection, but was able to bring back some 
37 birds, which he forwarded to the Mu- 
seum of Vertebrate Zoology of the Univer- 


sity of California, where most of them are 
now. A small number, chiefly duplicates, 
were generously presented by that insti- 
tution to the National Museum, where they 
together with Wolfe’s handful of specimens, 
are incorporated with the large East African 
material previously brought together by 
Mearns and others. 

Because of the paucity of published data 
concerning Eritrean birds I thought it ad- 
visable to put on record the contents of the 
Wolfe and Riney collections, small though 
they be, and, thanks to the cooperation of 
Dr. Alden H. Miller and Dr. Frank A. Pi- 
telka, I have been able to examine all the 
specimens and to combine them in this re- 
port. A collection containing only 34 species 
could hardly be expected to yield many new 
facts, but as may be seen from the subjoined 
annotated list, a few items of interest have 
been found to be contained in it. 

Family AccIPIrRIpAE: Hawks, Eagles, 
and Kites 

Elanus coeruleus coeruleus 

Falco coeruleus Desfontains, Hist. (i.e., Mém.) 
Acad. Roy. Paris, for 1787: 503. 1789 (near 

One specimen, in somewhat abraded plu- 

mage, was collected at Ghinda, altitude 962 

meters, on February 2, 1943, by Thane Riney. 

Melierax metabates metabates Heuglin 

Melierax metabates Heuglin, Ibis 1861: 78 (White 

Nile between 6° and 7° lat. N.). 

During August (16-26), 1942, Wolfe col- 
lected an adult male, adult female, and a juve- 
nal male 15-20 miles south of Gura. Riney 
obtained an adult (unsexed) between Cheren 
and Agordat, on December 12, 1942. The very 
extensive white freckling on the secondaries 
and inner primaries of the adults suggests that 
they may be somewhat intermediate between 
neumanni and true metabates, but nearer to the 
latter. They have the barred upper tail coverts 
of the nominate race. 

Seclater and Mackworth Praed (Ibis 1919: 
702) consider all Sudanese birds south of Khar- 
toum and north of Lake No as intermediate 
between the two races. Moltoni and Rusconi 
(Gli Uccelli dell’ Africa Orientale Italiana 2: 
240. 1942) record newmanni from Eritrea near 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

the border of the Red Sea Province of the Su- 
dan, and metabates from the rest of Eritrea. 

The birds are rather small, the adult male 
having a wing length of 300, the female of 307 
mm. In this respect they approach the south- 
west Arabian race ignoscens. 

The August birds show evidences of molting. 

The juvenal female is slightly more rufescent 
on the breast and darker on the upperparts 
than comparable birds from extreme north- 
western Uganda. 

Buteo rofofuscus augur (Riippell) 

Falco (Buteo) augur Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., 

Vdg.: 38, pl. 16. 1836 (Abyssinia). 

A female was taken by Riney about 20 km 
from Decamera, on January 1, 1943, at an ele- 
vation of 2,000 meters. A second specimen is 
unfortunately without data of any kind. Both 
are in the light phase. 

Lophaetus occipitalis (Daudin) 

Falco occipitalis Daudin, Traité 2: 40. 1800 (the 
Anteniquoi country, i.e., Knysna district, Cape | 

Wolfe eollected a male and an unsexed bird, 
both adults, 15-20 miles south of Gura, August 
16, 1942. He found the crested eagle not un- 
common at elevations of about 5,000 feet. 

Aquila rapax raptor Brehm 

Aquila raptor Brehm, Naumannia 1855: 13 (Blue 
and White Nile). 

An adult female in worn plumage was taken 
by Riney-on a nest in a baobab tree, south of 
Barentu, January 17, 1943. The date is in agree- 
ment with Blanford’s observation (Geol. and 
Zool. Abyss.: 295-296. 1870) that in Ethiopia 
the birds breed in January. 

Circus pygargus (Linnaeus) 

Falco pygargus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1: 
89. 1758 (Europe). 
Riney collected an unsexed bird (female by 

plumage) 5 km west of Asmara at an elevation 

of 2,409 meters, on January 4, 1943, when he 
saw it foraging over open fields. The bird is in 
rather poor plumage and is molting its remiges, 
making definite identification somewhat diffi- 
cult. The third primary, from the outside, is 
only partly grown in, while the remainder of 
the remiges is considerably abraded. 
Montagu’s harrier is a Palearctic bird and 

Pigs k 8 

Apr. 15, 1948 

comes into Africa only during the northern 
winter. In eastern Africa it has been recorded 
all the way to South Africa. 

Family FaLconipasz: Falcons 
Falco naumanni pekinensis Swinhoe 

Falco cenchris var. pekinensis Swinhoe, Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London 1870: 442 (Shihshanling 
(Ming Tombs) near Peking). 

An adult male, taken near Asmara, 2,371 

- meters, on January 31, 1943, by Thane Riney, 

is in somewhat worn plumage and differs from 
the nominate race in its darker rufescent back. 
Archer and Godman (Birds of British Somali- 
land and the Gulf of Aden 1: 180-183. 1937.) 
consider this race a rare straggler to their area 
and suggest that it may follow down the Nile 
Valley to the west. If we were to apply this 
suggestion to Eritrea we should have to con- 
sider the bird a rare visitor to that country as 
well, which actually seems to be the case; in 
fact, Riney’s specimen is the first record for 
Eritrea, at least as far as published data indi- 
cate. The bird is known to reach South Africa 
during the northern winter and is probably 
commoner along the eastern part of the conti- 
nent than the few records would indicate. 

Falco alopex (Heuglin) 

Tinnunculus alopex Heuglin, Ibis 1861: 69, pl. 3 

(Gallabat, Egyptian Sudan). 

A male, collected by Wolfe, 15 miles south of 
Gura, August 16, 1942, is noticeably darker 
than a female from Talodi, Kordofan, Anglo- 
Egyptian Sudan, the only other example of the 
species available for comparison. Our male also 
differs from this female in having the black 
bars on the median rectrices more complete, 
less marginal in character, and in having those 
on the lateral rectrices less broadened. There 
is a tendency in the female to have these bars 
dilated marginally on all the tail feathers, but 
this is most highly developed on the outer ones. 

Bannerman (Birds Tropical West Africa 1: 
216-219. 1930) has given more extensive com- 
ments on this species than any other recent 
writer. He states that the wing measurement of 
the males varies from 266 to 293 (our example 
measures 276 mm). His account is unfortu- 
nately garbled by some misprinting of his orig- 
inal intention as he then goes on to state that 
the “largest birds are those from N. Nigeria 
with wings ~ 212 9 210....” 



The intensity (darkness or paleness) of the 
coloration appears to vary individually in this 
kestrel. Bannerman had 23 specimens for study 
and found the darkest birds came from such 
widely separated areas as Kulikoro on the Niger 
River, Jebel Marra in Darfur Province, Anglo- 
Egyptian Sudan, and Ethiopia. On the basis of 
this spotty occurrence of dark birds (among 
which the present Eritrean example appears to 
belong) it seems impracticable to recognize 
Oberholser’s race eremica from Togoland, which 
is based entirely on its paler tone. Bannerman 
(loc. cit.) has placed eremica in the synonymy 
of alopex, but, probably by oversight, he uses 
a trinomial for the latter. 

Our specimen shows signs of molt in the 
remiges and rectrices. This suggests the possi- 
bility that its darker tone may be due to the 
freshness of its plumage and that paler birds 
may show the results of fading under the hot 
sun in the dry open country it inhabits. 

Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus Linnaeus 

Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10,-1: 
90. 1758, (Europe; restricted type locality, 
Sweden apud Hartert). 

Riney shot a female 10 km from Decamera, 
at 2,050 meters, on January 1, 1943. The bird 
has a wing length of 258 mm and is therefore 
too large to be F. t. archeri Hartert and Neu- 
mann from the Waghar Mountains, and also 
too large to be F. t. carla (Hartert and Neu- 
mann) of the mountains of East Africa. In 
coloration it is slightly darker than typical 
tinnunculus but not as dark as carlo. It seems 
best treated as a darkish example of the nomi- 
nate race. 

Family PHASIANIDAE: Pheasants, 
Francolins, and Quails 

Francolinus erckelii erckelii (Riippell) 
Perdiz erckelii Riippell, Neue Wirbelth. Vog.: 12, 
pl. 6. 1835 (Taranta Mountains, Abyssinia). 

Erckel’s francolin is a poorly known bird, 
and any additional material of it is still of inter- 
est. Riney collected a female, 40 km north of 
Asmara, 2,390 meters altitude, on January 9, 
1943. It is smaller than any mentioned by Mol- 
toni and Rusconi (Gli Uccelli dell’ Africa Orien- 
tale Italiana 3: 22-25. 1944.) having a wing 
length of only 202.6 (their series ranges from 
205 to 230), and a tail length of 91 (as against 
110-140 mm in Moltoni’s series). 


Moltoni and Rusconi write that the race pen- 
toni ranges from the Red Sea Province of the 
Sudan into the adjacent parts of Eritrea, but 
as far as I can learn no actual specimens of this 
paler, grayer race have been taken in Eritrea. 

Family CoLuMBIDAE: Pigeons and Doves 
Oena capensis capensis (Linnaeus) 

Columba capensis Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1: 

286. 1766. (Cape of Good Hope). 

Riney collected a male in low bush near the 
Decamera turn off on the Adi-Ugri Road, 45 km 
south-southwest of Asmara, on January 1, 
1948. The bird is in abraded plumage. 

Family APopiDAB: Swifts 
Apus aequatorialis aequatorialis 

Cypselus aequatorialis Miller, Naumannia 1: 27. 

1851 (Abyssinia). 

A female mottled swift was taken by Riney 
on the Citao compound at Asmara on February 
2, 1943. It is a bird in rather worn feathering. 

Family Conimpaz: Colies, or Mousebirds 
Colius striatus leucotis Riippell 

Colius leucotis Riippell, Mus. Senck. 3: 42, pl. 2. 

1839 (Temben Province, Abyssinia). 

Two unsexed examples of this common spe- 
cies were obtained by Riney, one on the Adi- 
Ugri Road at the base of the Asmara Plateau, 
on November 14, 1942, and one near Cheren, 
on March 15, 1943. This race inhabits Eritrea, 
Bogosland, northern Ethiopia, and adjacent 
portions of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. 

Family Coracrmpaz: Rollers 
Coracias naevius naevius Daudin 

Coracias naevia Daudin, Traité 2: 258. 1800 (Sen- 

Wolfe obtained one specimen, unsexed, south 
of Gura, on July 26, 1942. It has the white 
stripes on the anterior underparts unusually 
broad and has the purplish brown of the top of 
the head and the greenish of the back slightly 
darker than in Ethiopian specimens. It has an 
unusually large bill, the culmen measuring 47 
mm from the base; the largest billed birds from 
Ethiopia and Kenya Colony seen having cul- 
men lengths of 43 mm or less. The specimen 
was molting when collected, the outer remiges 
still showing their sheaths basally. 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

Family Upupimpan: Hoopoes 
Upupa epops somaliensis Salvin 
Upupa somaliensis Salvin, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. 

16: 13. 1902 (Somaliland). 

On February 2, 1943, Riney obtained an 
adult female on the acacia plain between Ne- 
fasit and Decamara, altitude 1,825 meters. It 
matches Ethiopian and East Africa examples 
very well. This is the resident race, the nomi- 
nate one being only a winter visitor from Eur- 

Family Bucrrotipar: Hornbills 
Tockus nasutus nasutus (Linnaeus) 
Buceros nasutus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1: 

154. 1766 (Senegal). 

The gray hornbill is represented by a head 
collected south of Gura, in August 1942, by 
Colonel Wolfe. 

Tockus erythrorhynchus erythrorhynchus 

Buceros erythrorhynchus Temminck, Pl. Col., livr. 

36: sp. 19. 1823 (Senegal). 

Riney collected a male red-billed hornbill on 
the plains west of Agadat, 700 meters altitude, 
on December 13, 1942, and Wolfe shot another 
individual south of Gura, July 26, 1942. 
Riney’s bird shows active molt in the tail. 

Family Tima.impAE: Babblers 
Turdoides leucopygia leucopygia 

Ixos leucopygius Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., Vég.: 
82, pl. 30, fig. 1. 1840 (coast of Abyssinia). 
Riney met with this northern race of the 

white-rumped babbler 40 km north of Asmara, 

2,390 meters altitude, on January 9, 1943, when 

he collected a male and an unsexed specimen. 

This race has the whole forehead and fore- 

crown white, while the four more southern sub- 

species have the white reduced or absent. 
The male shows signs of active molt in the 
Family Turpipazg: Thrushes, Chats, and 
Monticola solitaria solitaria (Linnaeus) 

Turdus solitarius Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10:1: 
170. 1758 (Italy, apud Hartert). 

The blue rock-thrush of central and southern 
Europe winters in northeastern Africa, along 

Apr. 15, 1948 

with the race longirostris of western Asia. Riney 
collected a female 20 km south-southwest of 
Asmara, 1,930 meters altitude, on January 1, 
1943, which agrees with the nominate form in 
its dark and brownish color (the western Asiatic 
form is paler and more grayish). 

Oenanthe hispanica melanoleuca 

Muscicapa melanoleuca Giildenstadt, Nov, Com, 
Petrop. 19: 468. 1775 (Georgia; Caucasus). 

An unsexed specimen of the eastern black- 
eared wheatear was obtained by Riney 20 km- 
south-southwest of Asmara, 1,930 meters alti- 
tude, on January 1, 1943. The race is known 
to winter from Egypt to Darfur Province in the 
Angol-Egyptian Sudan and to Eritrea and to 
southwestern Arabia (Aden Protectorate). 

Oenanthe lugubris (Riippell) 

Sazxicola lugubris Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., Vog.: 

77, pl. 28, fig. 1. 1837 (Simen, Abyssinia). 

The Abyssinian black chat was met with by 
Riney on January 1, 1943, when he collected an 
adult male and female 20 km south-southwest 
of Asmara, at an altitude of 1,930 meters. These 
_ two specimens are definite evidence that Zed- 
litz (Journ. fiir Orn. 1911: 85) was wrong when 
he suggested that this species was migratory in 
Eritrea, leaving for the south after breeding, 
and returning in the latter part of March. To- 
gether with December and January birds pre- 
viously recorded from Ethiopia (Friedmann, 
U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 153, pt. 2: 135. 1937.) 
these examples indicate that the migration, if 
any, 1s very limited in geographical extent. 

Both specimens are in fairly fresh plumage; 
the female has pale tips on the outer rectrices 
(curiously enough, only on the left side of the 
tail, but not on the right), the male has none 
at all. 

Oenanthe isabellina (Temminck) 

Sazxicola isabellina Temminck, Pl. Col., livr. 79: 
pl. 472, fig. 1. 1829 (Nubia). 

Riney obtained a female isabelline chat in 
the low brushland of the Asmara Plateau, 2,040 
meters elevation, near Asmara, on January 1, 
1943. The species breeds in Europe and east to 
Mongolia and winters in northeastern Africa, 
Arabia, and India. 



Cossypha semirufa semirufa (Riippell) 

Petrocincla semirufa Rippell, Neue Wirbelth., 

Vog.: 81. 1840 (Abyssinia). 

In the dense forest of Monte Marara, 2,340 
meters altitude, about 40 km north of Asmara, 
on January 9, 1943, Riney shot an example (un- 
sexed) of this robin-chat. This must be about as 
far north as it is known to occur; I know of no 
published records north of Bogosland. 

Family MusctcapipagE: Old 
World Flycatchers 

Bradornis pallidus bowdleri Collin 
and Hartert 

Bradornis pallidus bowdleri Collin and Hartert, 
Nov. Zool. 34: 52. 1927 (new name for B. p. 
sharpet Rothschild, 1913, not B. sharper Bo- 
cage, 1894: Abyssinia). 

One female was collected by Riney near De- 
camera, 2,000 meters altitude, on January 1, 
1943. This race of the pale flycatcher inhabits 
northern Ethiopia (south to the vicinity of Adis 
Ababa) and Eritrea, where it lives on open 
bushy areas. 

Batis minor erlangeri Neumann 
Batis minor erlangert Neumann, Journ. fiir Orn. 

1907: 352 (Gara Mulata, near Harrar, Ethio- 


Riney obtained an unsexed specimen (male 
by plumage characters) near Decamera, 2,000 
meters altitude, on January 1, 1943. Inasmuch 
as this example agrees with Ethiopian speci- 
mens of erlangeri and shows no approach to the 
characters ascribed to chadensis, I have no 
hesitancy in so classifying it, although it ex- 
tends the known range of erlangeri northward 
a very considerable distance. It was known pre- 
viously from the Harrar area in central eastern 
Ethiopia, southwest to southern Shoa, and to 
Lake Stefanie. 

Family Moracttuipar: Wagtails and Pipits 
Anthus richardi cinnamomeus Riippell 

Anthus cinnamomeus Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., 
Vog., 103. 1840 (Simien Province, Abyssinia). 
On January 1, 1943, Riney collected a female 

of this pipit about 15 km south-southwest of 

Asmara, at 2,040 meters altitude. The bird was 

seen on the ground in low brushlands. The 

specimen, which is in somewhat frayed plumage 
agrees well with others from Ethiopia. 


Family LanipaAg: Shrikes 
Lanius collaris humeralis Stanley 
Lanius humeralis Stanley, in Salt, Travels in 

Abyssinia... , Appendix, li, no. 4. 1814 (Cheli- 

cut, Abyssinia). 

One female, collected by Riney 15 km south 
southwest of Asmara, 2,040 meters, January 1, 
1943, is of this subspecies, which occurs from 
Eritrea and Ethiopia, south through eastern 
Africa (west to central Uganda), to Zululand 
and Natal. 

Family PrionoprpArE: Wood-shrikes 
Prionops cristata cristata Riippell 
Prionops (Lanius) cristatus Rippell, N. Wir- 

belth., Vég., lief. 183: 30, pl. 12, fig. 2. 1837 

(coast at Massawa). 

Riney obtained an unsexed bird at Ghinda, 
962 meters altitude, on February 2, 1943. The 
specimen is in very worn feathering. 

Family SturNIDAE: Starlings 

Lamprocolius chalybeus chalybeus 
(Hemprich and Ehrenberg) 

Lamprotornis chalybeus Hemprich and Ehrenberg, 
Symbolae physicae, folio y: pl. 10. 1828 (Am- 
bukol, Dongola). 

A female, showing evidence of active molting 
in the wings, was collected by Riney 30 km 
from Asmara, 1,930 meters altitude, on Janu- 
ary 1, 1948. 

Family PLoceipar: Weaverbirds 
Sporopipes frontalis abyssinicus Mearns 

Sporopipes frontalis abyssinicus Mearns, Smith- 
sonian Misc. Coll. 56(14): 7. 1910 (Abyssinia). 
Three examples of the speckle-fronted 

weaver were collected by Riney, 2 males and 

1 female, on the acacia plain between Nefasit 

and Decamera, elevation 1,852 meters, Feb- 

ruary 7, 1943. One of the males shows evidence 
of molting in the tail. 

These specimens are somewhat darker on the 
upper surface of the wings than is the type, 
but this may be due to the fact that the latter 
is in very fresh plumage and has more exten- 
sive pale margins to these feathers. 

Ploceus baglafecht baglafecht (Daudin) 

Loxia baglafecht Daudin, in Buffon, Hist. Nat. 
~ (Didot’s ed.), Quadrupeds 14: 245. 1799 (ac- 
tually 1802) (Abyssinia). 


VOL. 38, NO. 4 

Riney collected a male, 40 km north of As- 
mara, 2,390 meters elevation, on January 9, 
1943. This weaver is known to occur at alti- 
tudes of from 5,000 to 12,000 feet in Bogosland 
and Ethiopia. 

Uraeginthus bengalus bengalus 

Fringilla bengala Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1: 
323. 1766 (‘‘Bengal’; Senegal substituted by 
Sclater, Syst. Avium Ethiop. 2: 804. 1930). 
One male and one female were taken by 

Riney on January 1, 1943 in low acacia-dotted 

open grassy country between Decamera and the 

Adi-Ugri Road, 2,000 meters elevation. The 

male had the testes enlarged. Both birds are in 

worn plumage. 

I can see little advantage in accepting the 
recent suggestion that bengalus and its races 
are conspecific with the angolensis group. There 
is more to be said for Delacour’s action in 
‘lumping’? Uraeginthus in the genus Estrilda, 
but even in this I hesitate to follow him as the 
cordon-bleus are a very distinctive section, at 
least, of the waxbill aggregate. 

Family FRINGILLIDAE: Finches, Sparrows, 
and Buntings 

Poliospiza tristriata tristriata 

Serinus tristriatus Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., Vog.: 
97, pl. 35, fig. 2. 1840 (Taranta Pass, Abys- 

Riney collected a female in the Bermuda 
grass at the base of the Asmara Plateau, at 
1,930 meters elevation 20 km south-southwest 
of Asmara, January 1, 1943. This seedeater ap- 
pears to range from altitudes of from 4,000 to 
11,000 feet, and is reported (in literature) to be 
common in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia. 

Fringillaria tahapisi septemstriata 

Emberiza septemstriata Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., 

Vog.: 86, pl. 30. 1840 (Gondar, Abyssinia). 

A male in fairly worn plumage was taken by 
Riney on January 1, 1943, 45 km from Asmara, 
1,930 meters elevation. 

This race of this rock bunting is characterized 
by the extensive rufescent area on the basal 
portion of the inner web of the outermost pri- 

_ Apr. 15, 1948 

ZOOLOGY .—Some echinoderms from Brak, Schouten Islands.' 




and FREDERICK M. Baysgr, U. 8. National Museum. 

Biak (or Wiak) is the largest and most 
easterly of the Schouten Islands, a small 
group of islands just north of Geelvink Bay, 
New Guinea, in approximately latitude 1°S. 
It is 45 miles long and 23 miles wide. It is a 
low island, not rising more than 50 feet 
above sea level except at the southern end 
where there is a hill 800 feet in height. 

Until the late war Biak was regarded as 
of little importance. It was remote from the 
Netherlands East Indies capital of Batavia, 
and the natives, addicted to headhunting 
and other unpleasant practices, were hostile 
to strangers. Few collections of any kind 
had ever been made there, and no echino- 
derms have ever been recorded from the 

During the war the junior author, then a 
member of a 5th Airforce Photo Recon- 
naisance Squadron, was fortunate enough 
to spend four months at Sarido village 
within a stone’s throw of a luxuriant coral 
reef. This reef is a fringing reef of rather in- 
significant proportions. It is perhaps 200 
yards wide at the most and approaches 
quite close to the shore, which is sandy in 
the small embayment in which Sarido 
stands, and rocky southward toward the 
point on which the airstrip is located. In the 
little bay the actively growing reef is some- 
what farther from shore than elsewhere and 
is separated from it by a strip of slightly 
deeper water, from 3 to 5 or 6 feet deep at 
low tide, with a sandy bottom on which are 
scattered living and dead clumps of coral 
and patches of eelgrass and algae. This is a 
rather restricted zone, grading rapidly into 
the active reef zone. 

The reef itself is covered with water at all 
but the very lowest tides when a few of the 
highest coral prominences are exposed. It is 
made up of great masses of living coral, 
huge rounded heads of massive species 
many feet thick and submarine “brier 
patches” of branched madrepores in which 
reef fishes of indescribable colors hide by 
day. It is not an algal reef of the type found 

* Published by permission of the Secretary of 
oe omen Institution. Received November 

in the Marshall Islands and generally 
throughout the Pacific. There is no promi- 
nent ridge of Lithothamnion, nor are these 
plants even present in noticeable numbers. 

The coral masses afford precarious foot- 
holds, for the delicate Acroporas and other 
branched species are liable to give way, 
plunging one’s foot into 4 or 5 feet of water 
and raking one’s legs with razor-sharp edges 
in the descent. Among these coral masses 
are pools of deep water with sandy bottoms, 
providing a fine habitat for marine ani- 

Two invertebrates especially force them- 
selves on the attention of the collector, the 
giant clam, T'ridacna, with its mantle rich 
shades of blue, green, and purple, and a 
starfish, Linckia laevigata, with a very small 
disk and long, rigid, cylindrical arms of the 
most outlandish blue imaginable. These 
two creatures are everywhere. Coral masses 
are studded with the multicolored zigzags 
formed by the clams, and the entire reef is 
dotted here and there on sand and coral 
alike with the brilliant blue 5-pointed stars. 

The most interesting animals were less 
evident, and it required poking into dark 
crevices, turning over coral blocks, and stir- 
ring up sand pockets to find them. Occa- 
sionally one of the giant slate-pencil urchins, 
Heterocentrotus mammillatus, would be 
found in the open, though usually they were 
tucked away in remote nooks and cran- 
nies, their presence betrayed only by a stray 
spine or two projecting from a small open- 
ing, apparently much too small to allow the 
creature free passage. Cidarids could be 
found in similiar situations, though they 
were much less common. 

Turning over coral heads was a simple 
way of finding interesting things. Brittle- 
stars were, of course, under every one, and 
those with large enough recesses often con- 
tained comatulids of unusual beauty. The 
less conspicuous starfishes also were often 
found in such situations. The little sand 
pockets under the rocks produced very in- 
teresting mollusks, such as the venomous 
cone shells, Conus textile, C. striatus, and C. 
geographus, not to mention dozens of less 
conspicuous things such as abalones (Halto- 

tis), several species of Trochus, Mitra, 
Cymatium, and many other genera. 

The large starfishes Culcita novaeguineae 
and Acanthaster planci were found crawling 
about in the open, but because of their pro- 
tective coloration were more often over- 
looked than seen. The latter is adorned with 
the most vicious 3-cornered spines imagin- 
able. In collecting one of these the spines 
drew blood through a pair of heavy leather 

Toward the outer reef the water deepens, 
the coral heads become more widely spaced, 
and, reaching the brink, one can look down 
the almost vertical wall into fathomless 
blue. Sharks were sometimes seen cruising 
along in the hazy middle distance, and al- 
ways myriads of reeffishes, moorish idols, 
parrotfishes, pomacentrids, wrasses, scor- 
pionfishes, and many others. To the right 
and left on almost every coral pinnacle 
could be seen a huge black or deep red 
comatulid, gently swaying in the aquatic 
breezes. These seemed never to stray from 
their own chosen perch, for on several visits 
to the same spot we found them unchanged. 

The occurrence of Heterocentrotus mam- 
mullatus at Biak is especially interesting, for 
only H. trigonartus has been definitely re- 
corded from nearby New Guinea. Hetero- 
centrotus trigonarius occurs in the Philip- 
pines and generally throughout the Pacific 
islands. It is replaced by H. mammillatus in 
the Hawaiian, Bonin, and Riu Kiu islands, 
which is also found at Lord Howe Island, 
in the Murray Islands at the northern end 
of the Great Barrier reef, and at Cape Jau- 
bert, Western Australia. 

The specimens listed below are in the U.S. 
National Museum, and the numbers follow- 
ing the names are those in the catalogue of 
the Division of Echinoderms. 


Comantheria briareus (Bell), 4, E.6935, E.6937, 
E.6939, E.6961. 

Comanthus bennettt (J. Miller), 4, E.6963, 
E.6970, E.6972, E.6976. 

Comanthus timorensis (J. Miiller), 5, E.6936, 
E.6954, E.6962, E.6874. 


VOL. 38, No. 4 

Comanthus parvicirra (J. Miller), 5, E.6841, 
E.6842, £.6966, E.6971. 

Himerometra magnipinna (A. H. Clark), 7, 
E.6957, E.6958, E.6964, E.6965, E.6973. 
Stephanometra spicata (P. H. Carpenter), 1, 

Stephanometra protectus (Liitken), 1, E.6843. 
Lamprometra palmata palmata (J. Miiller), 4, 
E.6959, E.6960, E.6969, E.6987. 


Plococidaris verticillata (Lamarck), 1, E.6967. 
Eucidaris metularia (Lamarck), 3, E.6968. 
Mespilia globulus (Linné), 1, E.6951. 
Heterocentrotus mammillatus (Linné), 1, E.6977. 


Archaster typicus Miller and Troschel, 1, 

Protoreaster nodosus (Linné), 1, E.6830. 

Culcita novaeguineae Miiller and Troschel, 3, 

Gomophia aegyptica Gray, 1, E.6828. 

Nardoa mollis de Loriol, 2, E.6981. 

Linckia laevigata (Linné), 4, E.6982—E.6984. 

Linckia multifora (Lamarck), 3, E.6986. 

Linckia guildingu Gray, 1, E.6985. 

Asterope carinifera (Gray), 1, E.6827. 

Asterina cepheus (Miller and Troschel), 1, 

Othilia luzonica Gray, 1, E.6978. 

Acanthaster planci (Linné), 2, E.6955, E.6956. 


Ophiodera brevispina (von Martens), 1, E.6950. 

Ophiothrix longipeda (Lamarck), 1, E.6944. 

Ophiocema erinaceus (Miller and Troschel), 1, 

Ophiocoma scolopendrina (Lamarck), 2, E.6953. 

Ophiomastix annulosa (Lamarck), 2, E.6949. 

Ophiomastix litkenii Pfeffer, 2, E.6948. 

Ophiarthrum pictum (Miller and Troschel), 5, 
E.6946, E.6947. 

Ophiarachna incrassata (Lamarck), 1, E.6943. 

Ophiarachnella septemspinosa (Miller and Tro- 
schel), 1, E.6945. 

Ophiolepis superba H. L. Clark, 5, E.6940. 

Ophiolepis cincta Miller and Troschel, 2, 

Ophioplocus imbricatus (Miller and Troschel), 
5, E.6941. 

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‘Officers of the Washington Read my of Sciences 

President........+sese0e- ... FREDERICK D. Rossint, National Bureau of Standards 
| a aS SOG EE A Sees ....C, Lewis "Gazin, U. S. National Museum 
Treasurer... = DEE Ree i ag a ae ge ge .-- HOWARD 8S. RApplEYE, Coast and Geodetic Survey 
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Board of Editors and Associate Editors..... 0... cece eee eee cee eens {See front cover] 
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eta hitless 9s we Waupo L. Scumitt, Howarp §. Rappers, C. Lewis Gazin 
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For the Engineering ORCS FC By Sai VEE ke, OR Sa AAC ae ane a 
_ Harry Diamonp (chairman), Luoyp V. BERKNER, Ropert C. Duncan, 
HERBERT N. Eaton, ARNO C, FIELDNER, FRANK B. ScHEeEtz, W. D. Sutcuirrs 
eee MSE POCORN GG 11, bite ais wih Vita aig cw’ ven ores ance aelb whe ded ce UAee ad 
Karu F. Herzrevp (chairman), NatHan L. Drakes, Luoyp D. FEtron, 

Committee on Grants-in-aid for Research. ...... 1... cece eee c cece ccc ee ete neneacs 

2a H. Roperts, JR. Se rare Anna E. JEnxt1ns, J. LEoN SHERESHEVSKY 
Representative Ly LE SES Ue rE RAN SSR Re a ee Dene MEE FRANK THONE 
MM RARTELOR ES Jol) A potas eC Fate olor A ein Sida bales wee We a4 ok S ae kee 8% 

Wiuiiam G. BromBacuer (chairman), Harotp F, Stimson, HERBERT L. Hatter 

tamer OE EOE CS REAR 1 TING ey MERI Dt ah 0s a ag DO A OE RC ER SL Ae 

.. JOHN W. McBurney amie Rocer G. Bates, Wititiam A. WILDHACE 


BIOCHEMISTRY.—The chemical nature of enzymes. JAMES BATCHEL- 
LER SUMNER |) 9°60 Goer hs aes. Bag ad Wr oe eh eth eee oe 

CHEMISTRY.—Dr. Stephen Brunauer’s contributions in the field of 
adsorption: “ RAbpH A!) BEMBe. 3 2202 ela). 6 oo ee 

MeErEorROLOGY.—Loose usage of weather words. W. J. HUMPHREYS. . 

PaLEONTOLOGY.—An interesting occurrence of fossil tracks in West 
Virginia. ‘Davin FS DUNKEE i. ide soe tea ee ee 

Mycotocy.—The swarm-cells of Myxomycetes. EUGENE W. ELuiorr 

ORNITHOLOGY.—A small collection of birds from Eritrea. HERBERT 
FRED MAIN eR NG PD ere a Pk te oe ee ae Oe 

ZOOLOGY.—Some echinoderms from Biak, Schouten Islands. Austin 

H. CnarkK and Freprrick)M: BAYER... eee ae io 

This Journal is Indexed in the Internationa] Index to Periodicals 






No. 5 








Waupo R. WEDEL a: 





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VoL. 38 

May 15, 1948 

No. 5 

PHYSICS.—General survey of certain results in the field of high pressure physics.' 
Percy W. BripGMan, Harvard University. 

In this lecture I shall attempt to present 
a general survey of those parts of the field 
of high pressure physics with which I have 
had direct contact, dealing first with tech- 
nical matters of producing and measuring 
high pressure, and secondly with the physi- 
cal phenomena which occur under. high 

With regard to technique, several differ- 
ent ranges of pressure are to be recognized. 
The first step was to devise a method of 
packing which should be without leak, 
since leak had limited the range of previous 
experiments. A packing was devised, shown 
in Fig. 1, which automatically becomes 
tighter the higher the pressure, so that any 
pressure is accessible up to the strength of 
the containing vessels. If the vessels are 
made of one-piece construction, from the 
best heat treated alloy steels, it is possible 
to reach pressures of 12,000 kg/cm? as a 
routine matter and on occasion for short 
intervals of time as high as 20,000. For 
many years my work was confined to this 
range, and in this range it proved feasible 
to measure nearly all the ordinary physical 
properties of substances. The next step was 
to give the pressure vessel external support 
which increases in magnitude at the same 
time the internal pressure increases. A sim- 
ple method of doing this is to make the ex- 
ternal surface of the pressure vessel conical 
in shape, and to push it into a heavy collar 
with a force which increases as the internal 
pressure increases, as illustrated in Fig. 2. 
With apparatus of this kind it is possible to 
make routine experiments up to 30,000 

1 Nobel Laureate Lecture delivered at Stock- 
holm, Sweden, December 11, 1946. Reprinted by 
permission from the proof of the article for Les 
Prix Nobel en 1946. 

kg/cm? with volumes of the order of 15 cm‘', 
to get electrically insulated leads into the 
apparatus, and practically to repeat all the 
former work in the range to 12,000. I am 
still engaged in carrying out this program. 
An extension of the same technique on a, 

Fig. 1.—The general scheme of the packing by 
which pressure in the soft packing materials is 
automatically maintained a fixed percentage 
higher than in the liquid. 

smaller scale with capacities of the order of 
0.5 cm? can be made up to 50,000 kg/cm?. 
In this range all ordinary liquids freeze 
solid, electrically insulated leads cannot be 
got into the apparatus, and the phenomena 
which can be studied are limited to various 
volume effects, such as compressibilities and 
phase changes, including fusions and poly- 
morphic transitions. 



The external support of the vessel is only 
one of the factors that make possible the 
extension of range from 12,000 to 50,000. 
No steel piston will support as much as 
50,000; carboloy, however, the recently de- 
veloped substance for tools formed by 
cementing a fine powder of tungsten carbide 
with cobalt, fortunately proves to have a 
compressive strength high enough for the 

Fie. 2.—TIllustrating the general principle of the 
method for giving external support to the pressure 
vessel in such a way that support increases auto- 
matically with the increase of internal pressure. 

The next step in extension of range, from 
50,000 to 100,000 kg/cm?, demands still 
more effective support of the pressure ves- 
sel. This is done by immersing the entire 
pressure vessel in a fluid under pressures 
ranging up to 30,000 kg/cm?. The pressure 
apparatus has to be made still smaller, the 
pistons are only 1.6 mm in diameter, and 
the capacity is only a few cubic millimeters. 
The pressure cylinder itself, as well as the 
pistons, is now made of carboloy with an 
external jacket of shrunk-on steel to give it 
greater strength. The piezometer is illus- 
trated in Fig. 3. Even with this type of con- 
struction so great an extension of range as 
from 50,000 to 160,000 would not have been 
possible if it were not for a fortunate change 
in the properties of metals under pressure. 
At pressures of 25,000 kg/cm? ordinary 
grades of steel become capable of almost 
indefinite deformation without fracture, so 
greatly has their ductility been increased, 
as shown in Fig. 4. Even carboloy loses its 
normal brittleness and becomes capable of 
supporting higher tensile stresses without 
fracture than steel. 

Up to the present, the compressibilities 
and polymorphic transitions of some 30 ele- 
ments and simple compounds have been 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

studied in the range to 100,000 kg/cm. 

Much higher pressures than 100,000 can 
be reached in very small regions by con- 
structing the apparatus entirely of carboloy, 
but up to the present no particularly im- 
portant physical results have been attained 
in this range. 

In addition to the problem of attaining 
the pressures, there is the problem of meas- 
uring them and measuring the effects which 
they produce. This demands in the first 
place the establishment of various fixed 
points. In the range up to 30,000 a sufficient 
number of such points has been established 
to permit measurements to an accuracy of 
about 0.1 percent. A transition of bismuth 
in the neighborhood of 25,000 gives one 
convenient such point. An essential part of 
the measuring technique is the utilization of 
the change of resistance of manganin under 
pressure, first suggested by Lisell at 
Uppsala. Above 30,000 the territory is not 
so well marked out; it is probable that the 
measurements to 100,000 have an accuracy 
of about 2 percent. 

Fig. 3.—The miniature apparatus 
for reaching 100,000 kg/cm. 

It is natural to think of volume compres- 
sion as the simplest and most fundamental 
of all the effects of hydrostatic pressure, and 
for that reason it will be discussed first here. 
It is not, however, the simplest to measure 
experimentally, because the measurements 
immediately obtained are relative to the 

containing vessel, which is itself distorted. 

May 15, 1948 

Elaborate procedures may be necessary to 
eliminate the effect of such distortion. 

The compression of gases is outside the 
range of this work; at pressures of 1,000 
kg/cm” or more the densities of gases be- 
come of the same order of magnitude as 
those of their liquid phase, and there ceases 
to be any essential difference between gas 
and liquid. If the volume of any ordinary 
liquid is plotted as a function of pressure at 
constant temperature, a curve will be ob- 
tained which at low pressures has a high 
degree of curvature and a steep tangent, 
meaning a high compressibility, but as pres- 
sure increases the curvature rapidly be- 
comes less and the curve flattens off. In 
Fig. 5 the volume of a typical liquid, ether, 
is shown as a function of pressure. For com- 
parison, the curve of the most compressible 
solid, caesium, is also shown. Two different 
physical mechanisms are primarily responsi- 
ble for the different behavior in the low and 
high pressure ranges. The low range of high 
compressibility is the range in which the 
chief effect of pressure is to push the mole- 



cules into closer contact, eliminating the 
free spaces between them. In this range 
individual substances may show large and 
characteristic individual differences. In the 
higher range..the molecules have been 
pushed into effective contact, and the com- 
pressibility now arises from the decrease of 
volume of the molecules themselves. This 
effect persists with comparatively little 
decrease over a wide range of pressure. This 
effect is of course present also in the lower 
range of pressure, but there it is masked by 
the much larger effect arising from squeez- 
ing out the free spaces between the mole- 
cules. If one attempts to set up a formula 
for the effect of pressure on volume on the 
basis of measurements in the low range only, 
one will be likely to neglect too much the 
contribution from the compressibility of the 
molecules, with the result that the actual 
volumes at high pressures will be found to 
be materially smaller than the volumes 
which would be extrapolated from the low 
pressure formulas. This, as a matter of fact, 
has been a property of practically all the 

Fig. 4.—Illustrating the effect of pressure in increasing the ductility of steel. On the left, a piece 
of mild steel broken in tension at atmospheric pressure. On the right, the same steel pulled to a much 
greater reduction of area without fracture in a liquid at 25,000 kg/cm?. 


formulas that have been derived from low 
pressure data. 

At high pressures, the volumes of ordi- 
nary organic liquids become surprisingly 
alike in spite of initial differences. To illus- 
trate the rapid falling off of compressibility 
with pressure, the volume change in the 
first 5,000 kg/cm? is roughly the same on the 
average as the volume change between 
5,000 and 50,000; the effect is accentuated 
by the fact that the volume decrement in 
the latter range often includes the volume 
discontinuity on freezing. 

In the low pressure range, in which the 
molecules are being pushed into effective 

contact, one might expect effects depending 
on the shapes of the molecules, and that 
these effects would be highly specific with 
the liquid. This is the case. In the low pres- 
sure range a great variety of small-scale ab- 
normalities are superposed on the larger 
scale uniformities, and these small-scale 
effects vary greatly from liquid to liquid. 
Thus there may be sub-ranges of an extent 
of a few thousand kg/cm? in which the com- 
pressibility increases with increasing pres- 
sure instead of decreasing as is normal, or 



VOL. 38, NO. 5 

the thermal expansion may also increase 
with increasing pressure instead of decreas- 
ing. Any satisfactory theory of liquids must 
ultimately give an account of these small- 
scale effects but for the present the large- 
scale effects must have first attention. When 
the theory of liquids does come to be writ- 
ten, the first step may well be to set up an 
idealized ‘‘perfect liquid” in analogy to the 
perfect gas which has played so important a 
role in the theory of gases. The-experimen- 
tal results at high pressures show sufficient 
uniformity in the behavior of all ordinary 
organic liquids to indicate that such an 
idealized perfect liquid is not too far from 
the actuality. 

The compressibility of solids varies over 
a much wider range than does that of the 
ordinary liquids; caesium, for example, is 
350 times more compressible than diamond. 
The highest compressibilities among solids, 
judging from indirect evidence, are probably 
to be found in solid hydrogen and helium. 
As in the case of liquids, the compressibility 
of solids normally drops off with increasing 
pressure. This would be expected in general 

because of the operation of a law of “di- 


Fig. 5.—Volume as a function of pressure for a typical liquid, ether. The corresponding curve is also 
shown for caesium, the most compressible solic. The liquid is initially much more compressible than 
the solid, but at higher pressures is less compressible. 

May 15, 1948 

minishing returns,” and is obviously neces- 
sary when pressure is raised indefinitely 
because if volume continued to decrease at 
its initial rate it would eventually become 
negative. For instance, the volume of 
caesium would become negative at a pres- 
sure of only 14,000 kg/cm? if it contin- 
ued to decrease with pressure at the ini- 
tial rate. In spite of the fact that the 
compressibility of solids on the average 
must decrease with increasing pressure, 
there is a very marked qualitative dif- 
ference as compared with liquids. The 
initial phase of very rapid decrease is ab- 
sent, and the decrease is spread more uni- 
formly over the entire pressure range. The 
difference is to be accounted for by the lat- 
tice structure of solids; with increasing 
pressure the atoms retain their position in 
the lattice with the result that a smaller 
part of the free space between the atoms is 
available for occupancy as the centers of 
the atoms are forced closer together. 

The volume decrements of a number of 
the more compressible solids are shown as a 
function of pressure up to 100,000 kg/cm? 
in Fig. 6. The curvature is in general very 

There is no thermodynamic necessity 
that the compressibility should decrease 
with increasing pressure, although this 
opinion has sometimes been expressed. Solid 
substances are known in which the com- 
pressibility may increase with increasing 
pressure over a comparatively wide range of 
pressure. The most striking example is 
quartz glass. The compressibility not only 
increases with pressure, but increases at an 
accelerating rate. This continues up to 
35,000 kg/cm? and then abruptly stops. At 
this pressure there is a discontinuity in the 
derivative, a transition of the ‘‘second kind”’ 
in the nomenclature of Ehrenfest, and from 
here on compressibility decreases with rising 
pressure as is normal. The mechanism 
which is responsible for the low pressure 
effect abruptly ceases to act. Fig. 7 shows 
the relations. 

So far we have been considering the effect 
of pressure on the volume of isotropic sub- 
stances; this includes substances like glass 
and all cubic crystals. If the material crys- 
tallizes in some non-cubic system, the ef- 



fects are more complicated. The compressi- 
bility is not the same in all directions, so 
that the shape of bodies composed of such 
crystals may change under pressure. The 
differences of compressibility in different di- 
rections may be large; thus zinc is eight 
times as compressible in the direction of the 
hexagonal axis as at right angles to it. Some 
difference in this direction might be ex- 
pected, because the atomic spacing is 
greater along the axis than at right angles, 
but no simple consideration would lead to 
the expectation of differences as large as 
this. There is even one substance, tellurium, 
which has a negative compressibility along 
the axis. That is, when a single crystal of 
tellurium is subjected to hydrostatic pres- 
sure by a fluid in which it is completely im- 
mersed, it expands along the axis. 
Considerable success has been achieved 
in calculating theoretically the effect of 






PE er eee eee er, 

EN i oe a 

. Pie Nace NS 




Teck ho 

Pr he 



eee el. 

rer hs es 

° 60900 100,000 

Fig. 6.—The volume compression of several 
elements up to 100,000 kg/cm?. The breaks in 
some of the curves indicate polymorphic tran- 


pressure on the volume of simple solids. The 
first success was with simple ionic lattices of 
the type of NaCl by Max Born, who was 
able to get acceptable values for the lattice 
spacing and for the initial compressibility. 
He was not at first successful, however, in 
reproducing the change of compressibility 
with pressure, and even today complete 
success has not been attained in this regard. 
More complete results have recently been 
obtained for the alkali metals by applying 
the methods of wave mechanics. Bardeen 
has had surprising success in reproducing 
the entire volume curve over the experi- 
mental pressure range for the alkali metals. 
The calculations are particularly simple 
here because there is only one free electron 
per atom, and it turns out that the major 
part of the effect arises from the increase of 
kinetic energy of the free electrons arising 
from their decrease in effective wave length 
when the volume is decreased. Other metals, 
with more free electrons, are more difficult 
to compute, but it is pp eves ted that the 
difficulties are merely difficulties of the com- 
plexity of the calculation. 

Theory is apparently not yet in a position 
to attack with much success the problem of 
non-cubic crystals. 

We now consider the discontinuous vol- 
ume effects arising from phase changes of 
various sorts. The simplest of these is the 
effect of pressure on melting. Historically 
the study of the effect of pressure on melt- 




VOL. 38, NO. 5 

ing was approached with the anticipation 
that the effects would be found to be similar 
to the effect of pressure on vaporization, 
and in particular that there would be criti- 
cal phenomena, so that above a certain 
pressure and temperature continuous pas- 
sage would be possible between liquid and 
solid. It soon appeared, however, that the 
pressure scale of any such effects must be 
much more extensive than the scale of the 
critical effects between liquid and vapor, 
and that whereas pressures of a few hun- 
dred kg/cm? were adequate in the latter 
case, pressures of thousands of kg/cm? 
would be required to produce analogous ef- 
fects for solid and liquid, if indeed they 
could be produced at all. With every exten- 
sion of pressure range the probability of the 
existence of any such critical phenomena 
has become increasingly remote. Melting 
curves have now been followed up to 40,000 
kg/cem?; a number of these are shown in 
Fig. 8. The melting curves of all substances 
have certain qualitative features in com- 
mon, so that it is appropriate to speak of 
“the” melting curve just as one may speak 
of ‘‘the’’ vaporization curve. In other re- 
spects, however, the situation with regard 
to melting is qualitatively different from 
that with regard to vaporization. In par- 
ticular, all melting curves, that is, the curve 
of melting temperature against pressure, 
are concave toward the pressure axis with a. 
curvature becoming less at higher pressures, 


30,000 40000 

Pressure Kg/cm* 
SiOz Glass 

Fig. 7.—The deviations from linearity of the volume decrements of quartz glass for pressure in- 
crements of 5,000 kg/cm? plotted against pressure. The cusp in the curve marks the change from_ab- 

normal to normal behavior. 

May 15, 1948 

and the curve of difference of volume be- 
tween liquid and solid as a function of 
pressure is convex toward the pressure axis 
with a curvature decreasing with increasing 
pressure. No critical point has ever been ob- 
served in the experimental range. If there 
were such a point outside the range, the 
latent heats and the volume difference be- 
tween liquid and solid would have to vanish 
at a common pressure and temperature. 
Extrapolation of the curves for latent heat 
and volume difference indicates that neither 
of them will vanish at any finite pressure or 
temperature, to say nothing of both vanish- 
ing at the same pressure and temperature. 
The probability at present seems over- 
whelming that there can be no critical point 
between liquid and solid, at least for the 
type of substance investigated up to now, 
which includes organic substances of vari- 
ous types and a few metals. The same line 
-of argument rules out the existence of other 
such features on the melting curve as a 
maximum temperature or an asymptotic 
temperature. In general, the melting curve 
rises to indefinitely high temperatures with 
indefinitely increasing pressure but at a 
diminishing rate, the curve becoming more 
nearly linear. 

It is possible to show thermodynamically 
that if a substance expands when it melts, 
its melting temperature must rise with in- 
creasing pressure, and, conversely, it falls. 
There are only three substances which be- 
long to the latter category in the ordinary 
range, water, bismuth, and gallium. Con- 
sistent with thermodynamics the melting 
curves of these three substances are found 
to fall. Furthermore, the curvature in- 
creases and the curves drop more and more 
rapidly as pressure increases. Such a state 
of affairs apparently cannot continue in- 
definitely. Nature extricates itself from the 
dilemma by the “liquidating” of such ab- 
normal substances. Above a certain pres- 
sure the lattices in which these substances 
initially crystallize become unstable, and 
the lattice collapses into another lattice. 
The new lattice has a volume so much less 
than the former lattice that the solid phase 
is now more dense than the liquid, and from 
here on the melting curve rises as for other 
substances. The collapse of the lattice oc- 



Tem perature 

Pressure, Kglem? 



Fig. 8.—Melting temperature against pressure 
for a number of substances. At 15,000 kg/cm? 
the order of substances, reading from top down, 
is chloroform, chlorobenzene, chlorobenzene 
(second modification), water (ice VI), n-butyl 
alcohol, carbon bisulphide, methylene chloride, 
n-propyl bromide, ethyl bromide, and ethyl] alco- 

curs at a pressure of about 2,000 kg/cm? for 
water, at 12,000 for gallium, and at 25,000 
for bismuth. 

The phase changes of these three sub- 
stances afford a particular example of poly- 

-morphism. The phase diagram of bismuth 

is shown in Fig. 9. Under pressure, poly- 
morphism is a very common phenomenon; 
the number of instances increases with in- 
crease in the experimental pressure range 
and with increasing sensitiveness in the 
methods for detecting small discontinuities 
of volume. In the range from room tempera- 
ture to 200° C and up to pressures of 50,000 
kg/cm?, roughly one-third of the substances 
examined have proved to be polymorphic. 
In the much greater range of conditions en- 
countered in the crust of the earth, the pre- 
sumption seems to be that no substance 
exists in the lattice with which we are fa- 
miliar under laboratory conditions, unless 
perhaps the lattice is of a particularly sim- 
ple type. The importance of such a con- 
clusion for geophysics is obvious. 

The thermodynamics of a polymorphic 
phase change is the same as the thermody- 
namics of melting, but beyond that there is 
little resemblance between the two phe- 
nomena; there is no such thing as “‘a’”’ poly- 

morphic transition curve as there is ‘‘a” 
melting curve. There are only three falling 
melting curves, and these disappear at 
higher pressures; there are many falling 
transition curves, and they become increas- 
ingly numerous at higher pressures. Be- 
tween 12,000 and 50,000, 41 percent of the 
new transition curves are of the falling type. 
Transition curves may have horizontal or 
vertical tangents; melting curves have 
neither. Transition curves may have up- 
ward or downward curvature; melting 
curves are always concave downward. The 
difference of volume of two polymorphic 
phases may increase or decrease in the direc- 
tion of increasing temperature along the 
transition line; the difference of volume be- 
tween liquid and solid always decreases. 
The compressibility of the high pressure 
phase may be greater or less than that of 
the low pressure phase; the compressibility 
of the liquid is always greater than that of 
the solid. Substances are capable of existing 
in a number of polymorphic forms, and the 
complete mapping of the transition tem- 
peratures and pressures for all the forms 
may result in phase diagrams of great com- 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

plication. Thus bismuth has six different 
phases; water, which has some striking 
analogies to bismuth, has seven phases. The 
most complicated phase diagram investi- 
gated to date is that of camphor, which has 
eleven phases. 

There are only two generalizations with 
regard to polymorphic transitions that 
stand to date. The first is that critical points 
and continuous transitions between differ- 
ent polymorphic forms do not occur. If 
there were such points this would demand a 
continuous transition from one type of lat- 
tice to another, and this seems highly im- 
probable, although perhaps not logically 
inconceivable. The second generalization is 
that transitions in the simple CsCl type of 
lattice in the direction of smaller volumes 
are not produced by pressure; this lattice 
seems to be of such a simplicity that it is not 
likely to be disturbed. This second generali- 
zation naturally rests on a much smaller 
number of examples than the first, and is 
correspondingly less secure. 

We have so far been discussing transi- 
tions which are thermodynamically re- 
versible; when pressure is released the origi- 

10,000 20,000 

30,000 40,000 



Fig. 9.—The phase diagram of bismuth. The arrows on the transition line III-IV indicate the 
pressure limits within which the transition runs with increasing or decreasing pressure. 

May 15, 1948 

nal form is resumed. In addition to these 
reversible transitions, the existence of irre- 
versible transitions is to be recognized, that 
is, of changes effected by pressure which re- 
main permanent when they have once taken 
place. Two well-marked examples of this 
have been found. The first was phosphorus. 
If ordinary yellow phosphorus is exposed to 
pressures above 12,000 kg/cm? at tempera- 
tures above 200° C, it is permanently 
changed into a black solid much like graph- 
ite in appearance and like it a conductor of 
electricity, although yellow phosphorus is a 
good insulator. This remained the only ex- 
ample for many years. Recently I have 
found that ordinary liquid CS, may simi- 
larly be changed permanently into a black 
solid at temperatures in the neighborhood 
of 200° C and by pressures of the order of 
40,000 kg/cm?. This black substance is defi- 
nitely not a mixture of sulphur and carbon, 
which one might at first expect, but is ap- 
parently a unitary substance, truly a black 
solid form of carbon bisulphide. It has been 
suggested that the structure may be that of 
a single giant molecule like the known struc- 
ture of SiO2, which from the atomic point of 
view is very similar. It is fascinating to 
speculate that there may be many other 
common substances which may be pushed 
by sufficiently high pressures over a po- 
tential hill of some kind permanently into 
some hitherto unknown form. Until we 
have theoretical understanding of these two 
known permanent transitions, we can not 
help attaching a certain reasonableness to 
the assumption of the possible existence of 
other such substances. In fact, there is 
experimental evidence that many other 
such transformations may be effected. In 
experiments in which I combined high 
shearing stresses with high hydrostatic 
pressure I have observed some cases of ir- 
reversible transitions to forms already 
known, and have also observed a large 
number of color changes, which are the indi- 
cation of some sort of permanent change. It 
was not possible to establish whether new 
substances were formed under these con- 
ditions because the quantities of material 
involved were too small to permit satisfac- 
tory analysis. 

We pass now to other sorts of pressure 



effects. Perhaps the simplest of these to 
measure are the effects of pressure on elec- 
trical resistance. Measurements have been 
made at room temperature or higher up to 
30,000 kg/cm? and at the temperature of 
liquid air to 7,000. At low temperatures 
there is a natural limit to the pressure range 
imposed by the freezing of the medium 
transmitting pressure, which in this case 
was gaseous nitrogen. Fig. 10 shows the ef- 
fect of pressure on the alkali metals at room 
temperature up to 30,000 kg/cm’. 

In the first place, there is a specific effect 
of pressure on resistance; the pressure co- 
efficient of resistance is in general of the 
order of magnitude of ten times greater than 
the volume compressibility. This would in- 
volve as a corollary that the effect of pres- 
sure on the resistance of a highly compres- 
sible metal is greater than on a metal of low 
compressibility. This is indeed true in 
general, but exceptions are common. The 
resistance of perhaps three-quarters of the 
metals decreases with increasing pressure; 
as is to be expected, the rate of decrease 
itself decreases with increasing pressure, 
that is, the curve of resistance against pres- 
sure is convex toward the pressure axis. On 
the other hand, there are several metals, of 
which lithium, strontium, and bismuth are 
examples, whose resistance increases under 
pressure. For these metals, surprisingly, 
there is a law of increasing returns, that is, 
the rate of increase of resistance itself in- 
creases with increasing pressure. This means 
that for these metals also the curve of re- 
sistance against pressure is concave up- 
ward. Finally, there are a few metals which 
combine both types of behavior, that is, 
the resistance initially decreases, then 
passes through a minimum, and then turns 
upward. Examples are caesium, rubidium, 
potassium, and barium. It would appear, 
therefore, that the upward curvature is 
common to all metals, and that all resist- 
ance curves may be regarded as pieces of 
one single curve, the only difference for 
different metals being that what might be 
called the intrinsic zero of pressure is dif- 
ferently situated with respect to atmos- 
pheric pressure for different metals. 

Considerable success has been achieved 
by theoretical physicists in explaining theo- 


retically the effect of pressure on resistance. 
As might be expected when effects depart- 
ing so largely from linearity are concerned, 
we can recognize the presence of at least two 
different mechanisms working in opposite 
directions. There is in the first place an 
effect of pressure on what is the analogue of 
the electron free path in the old electron gas 
theory of metallic conduction. This is con- 
nected with the change of dimensions, and 
in general works in the direction of an in- 
crease of free path, that is, a decrease of 
resistance, with increasing pressure. In the 
second place, there is a rearrangement of 
the energy levels, and this may, when the 
energy bands are nearly completely occu- 
pied, work in the direction of a change in 
the effective number of free electrons. De- 
eonding on the details of the atomic rela- 
tions, this effect may be either an increase 
or a decrease. The calculations have been 
carried through approximately in a few 










5000 10,000 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

simple cases. It turns out that the increase 
of resistance of lithium with pressure is due 
to the preponderating effect of a decrease in 
the effective number of free electrons. 

The effect of pressure on the electrical re- 
sistance of single crystals is sometimes very 
complicated. If the crystal system is cubic, 
the material behaves electrically like an 
isotropic body, but if the system has lower 
symmetry, there may be differences in dif- 
ferent directions. In antimony, for example, 
the sign of the pressure effect is different in 
different directions. There are directions in 
the crystal for which the resistance passes 
through a maximum with increasing pres- 
sure, whereas for other directions the re- 
sistance decreases with normal curvature. 

The resistance of some semi-conductors 
may be decreased by such large amounts 
that they approach the absolute resistances 
characteristic of the metals. An early in- 
vestigation in this field was made on 


Hie; 10: —The relative resistances of the alkali metals up to 30,000 kg/cm?, The break in the curve 
for caesium is due to a polymorphic transition. Potassium has a very flat minimum near 23,000. 

May 15, 1948 

selenium and silver sulphide by Montén in 
Uppsala. At higher pressures, tellurium 
approaches the properties of a metallic con- 
ductor under 30,000 kg/cm”. Not only does 
the absolute value of the resistance drop to 
a characteristically low figure, but the tem- 
perature coefficient, which initially is nega- 
tive, reverses sign under high pressure and 
becomes positive like that of the metals 
proper. Theory is as yet hardly in a position 
to explain these complicated effects, either 
in single crystals or in semi-conductors. 

Closely related to the electrical conduc- 
tivity of metals is their thermal conductiv- 
ity; the relationship is expressed by the 
approximate equality of the Wiedemann- 
Franz ratio of electrical to thermal con- 
ductivity for all metals. Under pressure, 
thermal conductivity changes as well as 
electrical conductivity. It is much more dif- 
ficult to measure than electrical conductiv- 
ity, and satisfactory measurements have 
been made only for a few metals and those 
up to only 12,000 kg/cm’. It appears that 
for these metals the Wiedemann-Franz ratio 
is approximately independent of pressure. 

The effect of pressure on the thermal con- 
ductivity of liquids is much larger than on 
that of metals, and is much easier to meas- 
ure. In general, the thermal conductivity 
increases for ordinary liquids under a pres- 
sure of 12,000 kg/cm? by a factor varying 
between 2 and 3. The effect on water is 
smaller; at 12,000 the increase for it is only 
50 percent. There is a close connection be- 
tween the effect of pressure on thermal con- 
ductivity of normal liquids and the effect of 
pressure on the velocity of sound in the 
liquid. That is, thermal conductivity in a 
liquid is primarily a mechanical affair; heat 
is transferred by microscopic mechanical 
waves travelling with the velocity deter- 
mined in the conventional way by the com- 
pressibility. The small effect in water is 
associated with the small change in the 
compressibility of water brought about by 

Another property of metals obviously re- 
lated to electrical and thermal conductivity 
is the thermo-electric characteristics. These 
properties are also affected by pressure. In 
general, a metal under pressure behaves 
thermoelectrically differently from the same 
metal not under pressure, so that a thermo- 



Relative Viacosity 

Pressure, Kg/cn® 

Fig. 11.—The effect of pressure on the 
viscosity of i-butyl alcohol. 

couple may be made with one branch of any 
ordinary metal and the other branch of the 
same metal exposed to hydrostatic pressure. 
Under a pressure of 12,000 kg/cm? the 
thermoelectric power of such couples may 
be as large as that of ordinary couples com- 
posed of two entirely different metals. A 
number of such “pressure couples’ have 
been investigated. The effects are compli- 
cated; there is not any universal rule with 
regard to the sign of the effect. There may 
be reversals of sign and large departures 
from linearity. No satisfactory theory of 
these effects has been formulated. At pres- 
ent one can only draw the conclusion that 
the interplay of several different mecha- 
nisms must be involved. 

The largest of all the pressure effects 
studied to date is on the viscosity of liquids. 
In general, viscosity increases under pres- 
sure at a rate increasing rapidly with in- 
creasing pressure. The curve of viscosity 
against pressure usually rises exponentially 
with pressure and sometimes more rapidly 
than exponentially. In Fig. 11 is shown 


the viscosity of i-butyl alcohol at 30° and 
75° at pressures up to 12,000 kg/cm?. The 
total rise may be by as much as a factor of 
10’ for a pressure increase of 10,000 kg/cm? 
(for eugenol). The rate of rise is definitely 
linked with the complication of the mole- 
cule, and is greater the more complicated 
the molecule. For the comparatively simple 
liquid water the rise of viscosity under 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

10,000 kg/cm? is by a factor of only 2 or 3 
and for monatomic mercury by only 30 per- 
cent. For methyl alcohol the increase is by 
a factor of 10, for propyl alcohol by a factor 
of 100, and for amyl alcohol by a factor of 
1,000. In the last few years the theoretical 
physicists have had considerable success in 
accounting for the effect of pressure on the 
viscosity of liquids. 


Readers of Professor Bridgman’s Nobel 
Lecture may be interested also in his re- 
marks on the subject ‘‘Science and Free- 
dom”’ that he made on January 11, 1947, at 
a dinner given in his honor by the Dean of 
the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Harvard 
University at the Harvard Club of Boston. 
The address is here reprinted from the Isis 
37: 128-131. 1947, by the kind permission 
of Dr. George Sarton, editor of that journal. 
In introducing Professor Bridgman’s re- 
marks in the Isis, Dr. Sarton wrote: “They 

are of great interest to historians of science 
because they reveal the afterthoughts which 
do not appear in [his] scientific papers, nor 
even in the philosophical ones, yet which 
are essential for the understanding of a 
man’s personality. The document .. . is of 
great value for the ‘new humanists,’ who 
wish to understand not only the technical 
aspects, but also the human factors, with- 
out which there would be no science, or 
without which science would lose its mean- 
ing and its grace.” 

By Percy W. BripGMAN 7 

This will not attempt to reproduce exactly 
what J said at the dinner on January 11, 1947, 
but I shall avail myself of the suggestion of 
Dr. Sarton to make a partly imaginary speech, 
composed of parts of what I actually said, and 
of what, in the light of afterthought, I wish I 
had said. I shall not attempt to reproduce a 
number of the more or less personal and in- 
formal details, but shall confine myself to mat- 
ters of more general interest. 

Of all the conditions of my work which in 
retrospect appears most important, and of 
which at the time also I was keenly conscious, 
freedom of investigation is outstanding. There 
has never been any suggestion from any out- 
side source as to the nature of my investiga- 
tions. Even in the early days, when I sought 
and obtained the maximum relief from teach- 
ing and administrative duties for the ostensible 
purpose of more complete devotion to my re- 
search, no attempt was made by the University 

authorities to impose as a condition that I 
continue to devote myself to high pressure in- 

vestigation or even to investigation itself. The 

apparent attitude of the authorities was that 
if you are going to gamble that you have found 
a good man, a gamble without strings attached 
is the most likely to succeed. Any consistency 
which my experimental program may have 
shown has been a consistency imposed entirely 
from within; this I believe to be the proper 
source of consistency. In spite of the fact that 
I have in the main followed one guiding experi- 
mental idea, I have nevertheless at all times 
felt free to pursue other lines of interest, wheth- 
er experiment, or theory, or fundamental 

Another outstanding characteristic of my 
work has been the smallness of its scale. Not 
only is the apparatus itself small, in fact be- 
coming smaller the higher the pressure, because 
of inherent physical limitations on strength, 

May 15, 1948 

but I have never had more than two or three 
students at a time or a couple of assistants. 
The result has been that I have been able at all 
times to maintain the closest contact with the 
details of the work, and also have been able to 
conserve the requisite amount of leisure. Both 
of these features have been of the highest im- 
portance. In advancing into new territory, as 
in this high pressure work, the necessity is con- 
tinuous for the development of new methods 
and new ideas. For me, at least, new ideas 
germinate only in an atmosphere of leisure. I 
have to immerse myself in a problem and then 
let it gestate in my brain, without the distrac- 
tion of other interests, if I am to expect the 
solution to come sauntering into my mind 
when I wake up two or three mornings later. 
In this process manual cooperation plays a 
great part. Adjoining my laboratory is my 
machine shop; in fact, it is an integral part of 
the laboratory to which I can repair and stimu- 
late inspiration by working out half-formed 
ideas with my own hands. Not only do I have 
enough leisure so that I can work in the shop 
with my own hands on occasion, but I am also 
able to carry through my own experiment, in- 
cluding making all the readings, myself. I find 
this necessary if I am to have confidence in the 
results of some method not hitherto tried. 
There are too many pitfalls of unanticipated 
sources of error, which often require ingenuity 
for their elimination, and which may take 
much time to discover if one is only watching 
from the side lines. I have been able to make 
it an invariable practice to stay with each new 
method long enough to get material for a com- 
plete paper, before turning the method over to 
an assistant for more or less routine application 
to a large number of substances. Not only this, 
but even when an assistant makes the experi- 
ment and the readings, I have always made the 
computations and written the paper myself. 
This gives me a confidence in the results not 
possible when working on a larger scale. An- 
other great advantage of working on a small 
scale is that one gives no hostages to one’s 
own past. If I wake up in the morning with a 
new idea, the utilization of which involves 
scrapping elaborate preparations already made, 
I am free to scrap what I have done and start 
off on the new and better line. This would not 
be possible without crippling loss of morale if 
one were working on a large scale with a com- 
plex organization under one. 


Another characteristic of the field in which I 
have been working is that it is not a particularly 
popular field, so that there have been com- 
paratively few workers in it and corresponding- 
ly little competition. This has both advantages 
and disadvantages. It is an advantage that one 
can do his work with no sense of hurry, so that 
there is little temptation to make premature 
announcements, and should questions arise 
one can take the time to repeat the experiment 
or make other modifications that will clear up 
the matter. Also, the order in which the prob- 
lems are attacked can be the order of greatest 
scientific economy, rather than the order of a 
competitive politics. On the other hand, the 
principal disadvantage, obvious enough to 
everyone, is that the investigator loses the 
stimulation of conversation with his colleagues 
on mutual problems. Just how important this 
stimulus is will depend in considerable measure 
on the individual investigator; some may find it 
well nigh indispensable, whereas others may be 
much less dependent on it. I myself have been 
able to get along in considerable measure with- 
out it. Even at scientific meetings, which every 
physicist seems to have to attend at intervals 
for rehabilitation of his inner man, the stimulus 
which I have received has not been detailed 
and specific, but rather general, in suggestions 
of trends and areas of coming interest. It has, 
I think, been a happy circumstance that my 
field, although obviously narrow in the sense 
that pressure is a highly specialized physical 
parameter, nevertheless from another point of 
view has been exceedingly broad. For the gen- 
eral problem has been no less than to deter- 
mine the effect of pressure on all physical prop- 
erties, and it therefore covers the entire reach 
of physical phenomena with the exception of 
such things as vacuum tube phenomena. 

Mention of the stimulus of conversation with 
one’s colleagues naturally prompts one to con- 
sider the increasing trend during the last few 
years to large-scale cooperative enterprises 
among physicists. The reasons for this are 
obvious in the enormously increasing size and 
expense of the apparatus necessary for modern 
physical research, such as the cyclotrons and 
the piles of nuclear physics. Although we may 
recognize that such instruments are necessary, 
we may nevertheless deplore some of the conse- 
quences. Up to now ideas have been in such a 
rapid state of flux that the instrument itself 
has been continually evolving, with the result 


that most physicists in this field have been 
spending an increasingly large fraction of their 
time on the purely engineering job of the design 
and construction of new and better instruments 
and correspondingly an increasingly small pro- 
portion of time on the calculation of results 
and rumination on their significance. The 
competition in this field is intense; rivalry 
between different groups at different universi- 
ties can offer little opportunity for leisure or the 
scholarly digestion of results before publication. 
Within the last year there has been one glaring 
example of hasty publication of a spectacular 
result of such presumptive importance as to 
start a rush of other investigators into the field, 
only later to be withdrawn as erroneous be- 
cause of inadequate consideration of factors 
which obviously were crying for evaluation in 
the beginning. Not only is there haste because 
of competition, but there is haste because of 
financial considerations. The apparatus is so 
expensive that consideration of the overhead 
demands that the apparatus be kept in opera- 
tion for twenty-four hours a day, and this is 
not conducive to a feeling of leisure. Each of 
the teams which is the slave of one of these in- 
struments has to be driven by some one at the 
head who has the ideas. There is danger here 
that all the rest of the team will pick the brains 
of one man, with an ultimate decrease in the 
number of physicists in the community capable 
of independent and critical thought. Still worse, 
the physicist who should be directing his team 
by his creative ideas is likely to be so swamped 
by the administrative details of the large en- 
terprise under him that he is overwhelmed and 
his purely scientific activity destroyed. This is 
well known to have happened, at least tem- 
porarily, in the case of one of the new mammoth 
calculating machines, machines whose osten- 
sible purpose is to free the scientist from drud- 
gery and make possible the creative use of his 
time. Doubtless some physicists have the nat- 
ural knack of being able to work together 
harmoniously and perhaps even efficiently in 
teams, and perhaps others can acquire it, but 
I believe there are many who are permanently 
unfitted for effective cooperation in this way, 
and it will be a major loss if they are not able 
to find a niche in which they may function. 
During the war practically all the physicists 
in this country were diverted to war work of 
one sort or another, and a large part of them 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

were engaged in large-scale enterprises which 
involved team work developed to its maximum 
efficiency, with the consequent and necessary 
submergence of the individual. The older men, 
who had previously worked on their own prob- 
lems in their own laboratories, put up with this 
as a patriotic necessity, to be tolerated only 
while they must, and to be escaped from as soon 
as decent. But the younger men, who had been 
drawn into the maelstrom before starting work 
for their Ph.D. degree, had never experienced 
independent work and did not know what it is 
like. Some of these younger men will continue 
in government work; others who return to 
academic circles will there join in the teams 
serving the mammoth instruments. The result 
is that a generation of physicists is growing up 
who have never exercised any particular degree 
of individual initiative, who have had no op- 
portunity to experience its satisfactions or its 
possibilities, and who regard cooperative work 
in large teams as the normal thing. It is a 
natural corollary for them to feel that the ob- 
jectives of these large teams must be something 
of large social significance. The temper of the 
rising generation is recognizably different from 
that of the older. I may mention one example 
with which I have had personal acquaintance. 
The Association of Cambridge Scientists was 
one of many similar associations formed soon 
after the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiro- 
shima to consider all the implications of the 
situation thus created. In the early days of the 
Association the May-Johnson bill was a matter 
of much concern. With regard to this there was 
in the ranks of the Association a cleavage of 
attitude almost exclusively along lines of age. 
The older men were troubled and concerned 
by the threats to scientific freedom contained 
in the bill, whereas the younger men were not 
at all concerned about this, but took the oppo- 
site view that it was on the whole a rather base 
and self-indulgent thing for the individual not 
to be willing to sacrifice his scientific freedom 
on the altar of the good of society. The young 
men, never having experienced scientific free- 
dom, did and could not see that the question of . 
self-indulgence does not enter at all into the 
situation, but the existence of science itself, 
which I think all conceded to be a social good, 
is impossible without scientific freedom. 

The increasing amount of administrative 
work falling on some of the scientists compos- 

May 15, 1948 

ing the large teams has a parallel in the ever 
increasing amount of routine administrative 
work expected from the members of a Univer- 
sity faculty. As I look back on the forty years 
of my work there can be no question but that 
the fraction of the time of the average faculty 
member spent in routine of administrative or 
other sorts has increased unconscionably. 
There seems to be a natural law operating here; 
the larger an institution becomes, the more 
cumbersome and less efficient it becomes. One 
might think that when the institution becomes 
ten times as large it would have ten times as 
much business and ten times as many people 
to do it, so that each individual would need to 
give only the same amount of time. But it does 
not work this way; it is more like the develop- 
ment of a telephone exchange, which when it 
increases by a factor of n has to provide for the 
handling of factorial n as many combinations. 
Each new functionary in a University has to 
justify himself, which he does by exacting at- 
tention from every member of the faculty. 
When, for example, the office of archivist is 
created, every member of the faculty is asked to 
provide material for the archives. Ten times as 
many officials tend to demand ten times as 
much attention from each member of the 
faculty. In a recent number of the Scientific 
Monthly there was an amusing and satirical 
article depicting the eventual extinction of the 



human race by suffocation in its own intel- 
lectual effluvia. It is well known that every 
large library tends to increase in size geometri- 
cally with the simple arithmetical passage of 
time. Why this should have to be true does not 
seem to have been explained, but it is an un- 
doubted description of the observed behavior 
of the human animal. Unless some way can be 
discovered of breaking the cycle, the logical 
final result is catastrophic. In the past the cycle 
has been broken by wars and the collapse of 
civilizations. In the hoped-for brighter future 
in which war has been eliminated, some specific 
means will have to be devised to cope with the 
situation. The satirical article portrayed the 
consequences of the inability of the human race 
to devise an adequate means. It is no less a 
problem to devise a means by which the time 
of the members of university faculties may be 
saved for creative effort. Otherwise creative 
science will be driven to other asylums, if in- 
deed it is not destroyed. 

As I look to the future I am therefore trou- 
bled by two misgivings: that there will be less 
and less place for the small individual experi- 
menter, and that the time of all of us will be 
increasingly commandeered by administrative 
mechanical details. In view of these misgivings 
I cannot help wondering as I look back on the 
past whether, if I were to start over again now, 
I would be able to do again what I have done. 

CHEMISTRY.—A method for the determination of certain metals present in minor 

concentration in various substances. 
and Bruck McDurriz, Princeton University. 

I. HorrMan.) 

This paper presents an account of a 
systematic scheme for the determination 
of certain metals in a variety of substances. 
The scheme at first was directed toward the 
estimation of minor amounts of a few other 
metals that were found to occur in uranium 

1 Lecture delivered March 13, 1947, on the oc- 
casion of the award of the Hillebrand Prize in 
Chemistry by the Chemical Society of Washing- 
ton to Dr. James I, Hoffman in recognition of his 
contributions on the extraction of alumina from 
clay and the purification of uranium for atomic 
energy. Received December 31, 1947. 

Parts of the work briefly reported on herein 
were done under O.S.R.D. contracts NDRC-121 
and OEM-sr-649 and Manhattan Project Con- 
tract W-7405-eng.-81, and this support is grate- 
fully acknowledged. 

N. HoweEuu Furman, C. E. BRICKER, 
(Communicated by JAMES 

or its compounds and salts. The method 
was gradually modified and extended in 
scope from 1942 to 1945 with the aid of 
G. P. Haight, Jr., J. A. Nyitrai, and others. 
The proved applications of the process, in 
addition to those already mentioned, in- 
clude the estimation of minor amounts of 
various metals in the salts, alloys, or nearly 
pure metallic specimens of Ba, Be, Ca, Mg, 
and Na. From the experience thus far ob- 
tained it appears probable that the method 
could be applied to the testing of many 
other pure metals, their alloys, or com- 
pounds. The method is also applicable to 
the collection of the traces of metals that 
may occur in organic compounds or in 


materials of biological and pharmaceutical 

The original problem had to do with the 
detection or the determination of certain 
metals of the hydrogen sulphide group, 
notably copper, cadmium, lead, and molyb- 
denum, or the detection of copper, cadmium, 
iron, ete., in lead and its salts, or in bismuth 
and its compounds. It was therefore natural 
to explore the possibilities of mercury cath- 
ode electrolysis as a preliminary to polarog- 
raphy and colorimetry. The pioneer work 
of EK. F. Smith on mercury cathode separa- 
tions was at once utilized (1942) in connec- 
tion with the estimation of minor amounts 
of cadmium in lead or bismuth or in lead 


The majority of the procedures that were 
later developed in detail centered around 
the use of a small mercury cathode as a 
collector for minor amounts of metals which 
were electrolyzed into the cathode under 
the conditions chosen. The mercury cath- 
ode was then drained into a weighed silica 
combustion boat without interrupting the 
current, and after removal of the mercury 
by distillation in a current of nitrogen the 
residues were weighed and dissolved and 
the conditions were adjusted for the ap- 
plication of polarography. After the polaro- 
graphic estimations the residual solution 
was further utilized for certain spectro- 
photometric determinations. The solution, 
from which the electrodeposited metals 
had been removed by electrolysis, was ex- 
amined systematically by extractions and 
colorimetric procedures for minor amounts 
of other metals, e.g. Mo, Fe, Ti, and V (2). 

This method of concentration has very 
decided advantages prior to polarography 
because the supporting electrolyte can be 
controlled very simply for the estimation of 
minor amounts of metals recovered froma 
great variety of samples. The method has 
been found useful for the concentration of 
materials prior to spectrophotometric or 
spectrographic estimations. For routine ap- 
plication to a given material the weight of 
the residue from the mercury distillation 
gives an idea of the gross contamination 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

of the material by the electrolyzable metals. 
Chance contamination of some part of a 
sample can be detected by virtue of the 
fact that a very large sample may be 

The general facts of electrolysis into a 
mercury cathode have been summarized 
as follows (2): The following metals singly 
or in association are quantitatively de- 
posited in a mercury cathode: Cu, Ag, Au, 
Zn, Cd, Hg, Ga, In, Tl, Ge, Sn, Bi, Po, Cr, 
Mo, Re, Fe, Co, Ni, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt. Further 
Pb, As, Se, Te, and Os are quantitatively 
separated from the solution, but are not 
necessarily deposited in the mercury. Mn, 
Ru, and Sb are partially separated from the 

The foregoing general facts had not been 
studied exhaustively in the minor concen- 
tration ranges in which we were interested, 
nor had the recovery of various metals by 
electrolysis into mercury and distillation of 
the latter been studied, although the re- 
covery of gold after amalgamation is a 
well-known process. 

Oxidation-reduction buffers.—In the elec- 
trolysis of specimens of which the major 
constituents may form oxidation-reduction 
systems such as the U'Y—U™, TiVY—Ti!, 
Vilt_yt etc., the list of metals that are 
completely deposited in the mercury is cur- 
tailed because the cathode potential is not 
depressed far enough to reach the level 
necessary to deposit some of the metals. For 
example, from rather concentrated solu- 
tions of uranium sulphate no Mo, Cr, and 

-Mn are deposited under conventional con- 

ditions of electrolysis. A further point that 
we have noted is that the level which the 
cathode reaches is affected by the deposition 
of traces of platinum, iron, copper, etc., on 
the mercury. These and other metals tend 
to lower the overvoltage of hydrogen depo- 
sition and to make the removal of certain 
metals less complete. Iron under some con- 
ditions is completely removed from a solu- 
tion containing uranium but from concen- 
trated solutions the removal is uncertain 
and it is necessary to test for iron both in 
the mercury deposit and in the aqueous 
solution after electrolysis. 

The details of electrolysis, distillation, 
and colorimetry can best be described in the 

May 15, 1948 

following outline of the experimental de- 


The scale of operation was set up prima- 
rily for the analysis of micro-amounts of 
metals. The apparatus was so chosen that 
distillation residues in the range from 10 
micrograms up to 5 mg of material could be 
handled. The sample size is adjusted so that 
the material electrolyzed and left after dis- 
tillation will be in this range. This scale of 
operation is well suited to polarography. In 
general residues between a few tenths of a 
mg and 1.5 mg were handled so that the 
process is a true microprocedure from this 

Apparatus and materials.—Silica dishes 
of 250 ml capacity or smaller were used in 
the preparation of solutions except for 
fluorides: which were treated in platinum 

The reagents used to dissolve the samples 
were at first redistilled from a silica still for 
acids or from Pyrex for distilled water. Re- 
distilled mercury was used. Later it was 
found feasible to use analytical reagent 
acids and to run frequent reagent blanks 
through the whole process. 

Electrolysis cells of special design as 
shown in Fig. 1 were used. It is important to 
have the wire leading to the cathode termi- 
nate as near the stop-cock as possible. 
Anodes of platinum alloyed with 10 percent 
of iridium are satisfactory. The mercury 
cathode is drained into a silica combustion 
boat 14 by 75 mm and 10 mm deep, with 
handle. Silica beakers of 150 ml capacity 
are used for dissolving the deposit. 

A 12-inch split tube furnace of conven- 
tional design is used for the distillation. 
The nitrogen that is used to sweep out the 
mercury is not freed from air. 

A recording polarograph, preferably of 
the Heyrovsky type is desirable. The instru- 
ment that was used in the development of 
the method has been described in the litera- 
ture (3). 


The initial experiments were made by 
electrolyzing exhaustively a solution con- 
taining a large amount of the substance to 



be tested. The first mercury cathode was 
drained out and washed out with a little 
mercury. Then with a fresh mercury cath- 
ode a known addition of any metal to be 
tested was made, and the electrolysis was 
repeated and the mercury was drained out, 
distilled, and the residue tested. Since cad- 
mium did not occur in the reagents, as 
proved by frequent blank tests, the extent 
of recovery of varying amounts of cadmium 
may be used as an illustration of the effec- 
tiveness of the method, Table 1. 


Cadmium Cadmium Percent 

added | recovered recovered 
mg mg 

0.010 0.0095—0.010 95-100* 
0.100 0.095 —0.100 95-100* 
0.50 0.45 -0.50 90-100* 
1.00 | 0.935 93.5 
2.00 | 1.94 97 
2.50 2.56 102 
3.00 2.94 98 
4.00 3.89 97 

4.79 96 

* Where a range is given several individual determinations 
were made. 

A number of similar experiments were 
made with small amounts of various sub- 

“> OI 


Fig. 1.—Cell for electrolysis. The cell is pro- 
vided with a lip not shown. The anode is inserted 
over the lip and a cover glass is used. 


stances added to uranyl solutions that had 
been purified by electrolytic or other meth- 
ods. The results are corrected for blank 
values, and typical data are given in 
Table 2 


Method of 

Amount} Percent | 

added | recovered | 


Co 0.05 95-100* Colorimetric 
0.10 95-100* = 
5.00 97°75 # 
Cu 0.05 95-100* Ealaoenan bic 
5. 00 103 
Pb 0.02 | about 100* s 
Ni 0.02 95-100* . 
0.10 95 = 
5.00 98 s 
Zn 0.05 95-100* 2 
1.00 98-100* | - 
Mo 0.20 None deposited, owing to oxidation-reduc- 
; 1.00 tion buffering action. 
Cr 1.00 | Doubtful. Probably none deposited. 
Mn tO00) ih 0-2 Colorimetric. In general no 
Mn is electrolyzed into the 
ce eee ee ee oe PL mercury. 

* Several individual determinations were made. 

A superficial investigation was made of 
the behavior of Bi, In, Tl, Ir, Ru, Ga, Au, 
Pd, Re, Se, and Te. The first three are 
quantitatively taken into the mercury. It 
was not definitely established that the re- 
maining substances can be deposited in the 
mercury, although Ga, Au, Pd, and Re gave 
distillation residues that indicated sub- 
stantial recoveries. 

Blanks on reagents.—In routine opera- 
tion, blanks are run each time a new bottle 
or other supply of any reagent is introduced. 
A number of sealed containers of reagents 
of the same lot are set aside for the work 
that is planned. A typical set of reagents for 
handling many types of samples is as fol- 

Mercury, 2.5 ml. 

Water, distilled, 160-165 ml. 
Nitric acid, conc. 6 ml. 
Maximum supressor, 0.1 ml. 
Sulphuric acid, conc. 5.35 ml. 
Hydrochloric acid, cone. 2.1 ml. 

Potassium chloride, 25 mg. 
Pyridine 0.15 ml. 

Successive blanks obtained over a period 
of several weeks had the following range, in 
milligrams, Cu, 0.011 to 0.026; Fe, 0.023 to 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

0.039; Ni, 0.001 to 0.002; and Pb, 0.002 to 

Cadmium, cobalt, and zinc were not en- 
countered in these reagents. Fluctuations in 
copper blanks were in one instance traced 
to a copper pin in an atomizer bulb that was 
used with a stock bottle of nitric acid. A 
series of erratic results for cadmium was due 
to cadmium contained in methanol that 
was used to wash metallic specimens that 
were greasy. The cadmium content of the 
methanol was 2 parts per million. It proved 
to be unwise to use the polarographic cells 
and the silica beakers for experiments with 
major amounts of any of the metals that 
were being estimated. The iron blank in- 
cludes additional iron introduced by a suc- 
cession of reagents that were used in con- 
nection with the recovery of iron from the 
solution that had been electrolyzed. 

Calibrations.—Although it was possible 
to control the composition of the solution 
that was subjected to polarographic analy- 
sis rather rigorously, it was considered de- 
sirable to calibrate with mixtures of ele- 
ments in the normal ranges that were 
encountered in applying the method. Cer- 
tain calibrations were made with materials 
put through the complete process and with 
proper blank deductions. Other calibrations 
were made with mixtures of elements taken 
from standard solutions of their chlorides or 
nitrates. The solutions were handled in 
exactly the same fashion as the residues 
from the distillation of mercury. Perhaps 
the best evidence that the calibrations were 
consistent is to be found in the data of 
Tables 1 and 2. Some of the determinations 
there reported were on single substances 
and others were for mixtures of Cd, Cu, Co, 
Ni, Zn, and Fe in varying ratios. 

Reproducibility of the procedure.—A few 
typical results on the recovery of minor 
amounts of elements from solutions are 
shown in Table 3. 

Approximately the same degree of re- 
producibility was obtained in check deter- 
minations on numerous samples of various 
types. A typical example of the polaro- 
graphic findings is shown in Fig. 2, which 
presents the polarograms taken from solu- 
tions of two equal samples of a slightly 
alloyed light metal. 


é . 

RUN] 2 
| 0.001 
= °o 
Zn oO 
: f 

Fig. 2.—Duplicate analyses. Curves 1 and 2 are taken before adding pyridine; curves 3 and 4 

after the addition of pyridine. The zinc wave in curve 4 is used for the qualitative estimation of this 



A sample is taken of suitable size to give 
a residue in the range of tenths of a milli- 
gram to 2 mg after electrolysis and distilla- 
tion. The samples may range from a few 
tenths of a gram up to 20 g or more with 
the equipment specified. If the material will 
dissolve in sulphuric acid, an amount calcu- 
lated to leave 0.5 ml of the free concentrated 
acid in excess is used. If nitric acid is 
needed, a measured minimal amount is 
used. With samples containing much cal- 
cium, it is desirable to use hydrochloric acid 
followed by sulphuric acid and evaporation 
and fuming to convert to sulphates. Alter- 
natively for samples containing calcium 
perchloric acid may be used during the solu- 
tion and electrolysis. 

Uranium and its compounds are con- 
verted to sulphates, usually after prior 
treatment such as burning the metal to 
oxide and treatment with sulphuric acid. It 
is important to fume off the free sulphuric 
acid and then to add prior to the electroly- 
sis an amount of free sulphuric acid equiva- 
lent to 1 mole of H2SO, per gram atom of 
uranium because there is an average con- 
sumption of 1 mole of acid during the con- 
version of one gram atom of UY! to UM. 
Two moles of acid are used up in the reduc- 
tion from state VI to state IV and one mole 
of acid is regenerated in the reduction of 
UY to Ul. If the acidity is not regulated, 
the recovery of the desired metals may be 
incomplete. If too little acid is present, hy- 
drolysis may occur during the electrolysis. 

A reagent blank has to be carried through 
with any type of process. 

If there is an insoluble residue, it may be 


cas oe Cue Tron Lead | Nickel 

mium balt per 
1s 25 0.004 | 0.023 | 0.029 | 0.367 | 0.029 | 0.005 
b. 0.004 | 0.025 | 0.026 | 0.373 | 0.029 | 0.005 
2,4. 0.001 | 0.025 | 0.026 | 0.620 | 0.012 | 0.005 
b. 0.000;| 0.014 | 0.022 | 0.615 | 0.012 | 0.006 
Shy, a — 0.018 | 0.043 | 0.923 | 0.009 | 00.33 
b. — 0.020 | 0.038 | 0.918 — 00.30 
Ania: — 0.022 | 0.059 | 0.888 | 0.016 | 0.015 
b. — 0.023 | 0.058 | 0.863 | 0.010 | 0.011 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

filtered and if silica is present, its weight is 
determined by hydrofluoric acid treatment 
and the residual oxides are dissolved and 
added to the filtrate. 

Electrolysis —A 2.5 ml mercury cathode 
is placed in the cell, Fig. 1, and the solution 
is added and diluted to 100 ml. A platinum- 
iridium (10 percent) anode is inserted to a 
depth of 1.5 cm. A wire of B. and 8. gauge 
15 (0.058 inch diameter) is satisfactory. 
The cell is covered with a watch glass. With 
an applied voltage of 10 volts the series re- 
sistance is regulated so that 0.8 ampere 
flows. This corresponds to an initial cathode 
current density of about 0:08 ampere per 
cm?. At the end of the electrolysis the 
current has usually dropped to about half 
the initial value. In order to remove the 

more active metals such as zine it is desira- 

ble that the cathode potential shall go down 
well into the region of the lowest soluble 
oxidation-reduction system that may be 
present. In the case of uranium it is desira- 
ble to have as much trivalent uranium 
present as possible. Mechanical stirring 
causes much of the U!™ to be oxidized to 
UY at the anode or at the exposed sur- 
face. Such stirring does not interfere with 
the complete removal of iron. Lead if pres- 
ent in minor amounts goes completely into 
the cathode when an oxidation-reduction 
buffer is present. Iron is completely electro- 
lyzed out of solutions that have no oxida- 
tion-reduction buffering action. With many 
types of samples the small mercury cathode 
is observed to rotate spontaneously at a 
slow rate that gives a certain desirable 
amount of agitation near the cathode. 
Distillation—After the electrolysis, 
which is normally allowed to proceed from 
late afternoon to the next morning, or from 
early morning to late afternoon, the mer- 
cury cathode is drained into a weighed silica 
boat, without interrupting the current. The 
last drop of mercury is caught on a dry 
filter paper to free it from any trace of solu- 
tion, and then added to the boat. The 
aqueous solution is quickly washed into a 
beaker and the cell is inverted and tapped 
over a filter paper to recover the last glob- 
ules of mercury which are blotted dry and 
added to the boat. If there is as much as a 
few tenths of a milligram of other metals 

May 15, 1948 

present, the mercury has a visible surface 

The temperature of the boat is observed 
during the distillation with the aid of a 
thermometer inserted through the inlet 
stopper of the tube furnace. A current of 
nitrogen, not freed from oxygen, is passed 
through the furnace during the distillation, 
and the mercury is condensed in a beaker of 
water into which the outlet tube dips. As 
many as three boats at a time are handled 
in a 12-inch furnace. After distillation the 
temperature is lowered and when the boat is 
nearly at room temperature a cylinder of 
clean paper is inserted in order to avoid 
contact of the boat with condensed mer- 
cury droplets. There is a characteristic 
change from a golden brown color to bluish 
with amalgams rich in cadmium and the 
temperature is lowered as soon as this 
change becomes evident. If little or no zine 
is present and the residue is largely iron it 
will be distributed in small specks on the 
bottom of the boat. Zine and indium form 
amalgams which are decomposed only at a 
much higher temperature. The zinc amal- 
gam forms a continuous layer. The weight 
of the residue is of little significance when 
zinc 1S a major component of the residue. 
Indium was only encountered in synthetic 

In residues that contain primarily iron 
plus very minor amounts of copper, lead, 
etc.,.the weight of the residue less the Fe2Qs3, 
that is equivalent to the iron, agrees fairly 
closely with the sum of the metals other 
than iron in about 65-75 percent of the 
cases. The weight is therefore only a rough 
index of over-all content of electrolyzable 
metals. The average ratio of weight of de- 
posit to weight recovered polarographically 
and colorimetrically in the residue is about 
1.88 for a given class of material. The ratio 
Fe.03;/2Fe is 1.48. The discrepancy is in 
part due to the presence of minor amounts 
of mercury or platinum and to the fact that 
the elements other than iron probably are 
converted more or less completely to oxides. 

Solution of the deposit. Polarography.— 
The boat is placed handle end up in a silica 
beaker of 150 ml capacity, and the residue 
is treated with 2 ml of concentrated hydro- 
chloric acid and 1 ml of concentrated ni- 



tric acid. The acids are caused to come 
into contact with all the residue and 
the covered beaker is heated until solu- 
tion is complete. The boat is then washed 
with a minimum amount of water and re- 
moved. The solution is evaporated to dry- 
ness. Then 0.5 ml of concentrated hydro- 
chloric acid and an aliquot of a potassium 
chloride solution containing 25 mg of KCl 
are added and the evaporation is repeated. 
If mercury is known or suspected to be 
present, it is volatilized by heating on a hot 
plate at medium heat. The residue is finally 
evaporated after the addition of another 
0.5 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid 
and a little water, at 100°C. The heating is 
stopped while the odor of HCl is faint but 
present in the dry residue. This step is very 
important because sufficient acid remains in 
the residue to prevent loss of iron or other 
metals. The residue is dissolved in 2.9 ml of 
water, and 0.1 ml of 0.1 percent methy] cel- 
lulose is added as a maximum supressor. 
The solution is made homogeneous and: as 
much as possible is transferred to a polaro- 
graphic cell of the type devised in this labo- 
ratory (10). The solution is deaerated with 
nitrogen for 10 minutes, the nitrogen being 
passed through a purifying train and a wash 
bottle containing water. 

A polarogram is taken at the highest 
feasible sensitivity, recording that portion 
of the current voltage curve immediately 
following the spontaneous initial wave due 
to iron, etc. In this medium only the cad- 
mium and lead waves are useful. A second 
polarogram is taken after adding one drop 
of hydrochloric acid and three drops of 
pyridine and deaerating for a few minutes; 
the pH of the solution is about 5.2. Lingane 
and Kerlinger (4) proved that the precipi- 
tate of hydrated ferric oxide does not carry 
Cd, Cu, Co, Ni, or Zn. In this second 
polarogram the copper is determined from 
the Cu'to Cu° wave and a check is ob- 
tained as to the amount of cadmium. The 
nickel and cobalt waves are well separated, 
but the cobalt and zinc waves are merged. 
Iron and cobalt are estimated colorimetri- 
cally. If there is a large amount of zinc a 
third partial polarogram at lower sensitivity 
has to be taken to get the sum of the zinc 
and cobalt. 


Platinum, if present in the residue from 
the mercury distillation, is sometimes re- 
vealed in the polarogram by a spontaneous 
rise at the start and an anomalous dip or 
decrease in current after the lead wave. The 
dip usually begins to be evident at —0.9 
volt applied and reaches a minimum at 
—1.10 volt applied. The addition of a drop 
or two of hydrochloric acid eliminates this 
dip but causes a catalytic hydrogen wave to 
start at —0.8 volt applied. Platinum may 
make it difficult or impossible to determine 
the amount of zine from the polarogram 
taken after adding pyridine. The terminal 
wave is shifted from —1.48 volts to —1.28 
volts by 0.01 mg of Pt in3 ml. With 10 times 
as much platinum the terminal wave begins 
at —1.13 volts. 

Under the conditions chosen 10 micro- 
grams per 3 ml of any of the common 
metals Cu, Cd, Pb, Co, Ni, or Zn cause a 
wave of the order of 1 em. Under the most 
favorable conditions 1 microgram of a metal 
may be detected, provided the metal does 
not occur in the reagents. If iron is the 
dominant component of the solution the 
sensitivity of the detection of lead may be 
greatly diminished because lead can be de- 
tected only in the most acid medium where 
the sensitivity that may be used is governed 
by the height of the initial iron wave. 

Other determinations.—Systematic pro- 
cedures have been adapted from colori- 
metric determinations in the literature for 
the estimation of iron and cobalt in the 
solution that has been polarographed. The 
solution after electrolysis and separation of 

U. S. National Museum. 

When George Catlin, the artist and 
Indian enthusiast, published (1841) the 
first graphic account of the practice of 
self-torture in a Plains Indian ceremony, 
which he had witnessed in 1832, his de- 
scription was termed fantastic by D. D. 
Mitchell, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. 
Apparently shocked by Catlin’s vivid por- 
trayal of coolly premeditated self-sacrifice 
of human flesh and blood by participants 
in the Okipa ceremony of the Mandan, 

1 Received January 30, 1948. 


.—Self-torture in the Blood Indian sun dance. 

VOL. 38, No. 5 

the electrolyzable metals may be tested 
systematically for such elements as molyb- 
denum by thiocyanate extraction, after 
which iron, titanium, and vanadium may 
be extracted as cupferrates and determined 
by separate colorimetric tests. 


The possibility of using a small mercury 
cathode as a collector for minor amounts of 
electrolyzable metals has been explored and 
the procedure has been tested for a variety 
of applications. 

A novel combination of techniques based 
on the distillation of the mercury from the 
cathode and the polarographic and colori- 
metric examination of the residue has been 
devised and studied extensively in a rather 
limited range of applications. The pro- 
cedure appears to be capable of many 
further applications to a great variety of 
organic or inorganic substances. 


(1) Haicnr, G. P., Jn; McDernz ire 
Spasyrx, G. W., and Furman, N. ise 
Madison Square Area Inf. Rep. ’ A-1033, 
sect. 2, p. 1, Mar. 29, 1944. Revised 
Procedures. Ci. also Reports A-1045, 
2E, p. 1, July 4, 1944; A-1054, 2E, p. 1, 
Aug. 12, 1944; A-1076, Mar. 20, 1945. 

(2) Lunpet., G, E. F., and Horrman, J. L 
Outlines of methods of chemical analysis. 
J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1938. 

(3) Furman, N. H.; Bricker, C. E.; and 
WHITESELL, E. B. Ind. Eng. Chem., 
Anal. Ed. 14: 333. 1942. 

(4) Lineane, J. J., and Keriincer, H. Ind. 
Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 13: 77. 1941. 

JoHN C. EweErs, 

Mitchell declared, ““The scenes described 
by Catlin, existed almost entirely in the 
fertile imagination of that gentleman” 
(Schoolcraft, vol. 3, p. 254; Catlin, vol. 1. 
pp. 157-177). 

Catlin’s deena was substantiated, 
however, some years before Mitchell’s 
Pes sh were made, by the Independent 
Mandan investigations of Prince Maximilian 
in 1833-34, (Maximilian, vol. 23, pp. 324— 
334). Catlin was defended strongly by the 
intelligent fur trader James Kipp, who had 

been with Catlin when he witnessed the 
_ ceremony (Kipp, pp. 436-438). 

Smee the days of that historic contro- 
versy, the practice of self-torture in tribal 
sun-dance ceremonies has been reported, on 

_Teliable authority, as once characteristic 
_ of the Arapaho, Arikara, Assiniboin, Cana- 
dian Dakota, Cheyenne, Crow, Gros Ven- 
_ tres, Hidatsa, Oglala Dakota, Plains Cree, 
_ Plams Ojibway, Sarcee, Sisseton Dakoia, 

and the three Blackfoot tribes (Spier, pp. 
473-475). Furthermore, brief accounts have 
been published of ceremonial self-torture, 
witnessed as early as 1805, among the 
Arikara and Hidatsa by the fur traders 
Pierre-Antoine Tabeau and Charles Mac- 
kenzie (Tabeau, pp. 191-193; Mackenzie, 
pp. 354-357). 

lt seems most probable that some Plains 
tribes practiced forms of seli-torture in the 
period before first white contact. 

_~__ Among the Plains Indian tribes of the 

United States the- practice of self-torture 
was prohibited more than 60 years ago. 
This ban resulted from the combined op- 
position of missionaries and the civil and 
military branches of the Federal Govern- 
ment to such seli-imposed cruelties, which 
tended to excite the Indians, to perpetuate 

_ both Indian-white and intertribal hostili- 

ties, and to make difficult the process of 

civilization and Christianization of the 


Published descriptions of seli-torture 
among these tribes have been primarily of 
two kinds. Some were eye-witness accounts 

_of interested but untrained white observers 

who not infrequently misinterpreted the 
purpose of the torture as a ceremony for 
“making braves.” Others were based on the 
testimony of older Indians who had wit- 
nessed the tortures some years earlier but 
had not experienced torture themselves. 
Detailed case histories from the mouths of 
men who had submitied themselves to 
torture are few and fragmentary in the 
extensive literature on the sun dance. 
Self-torture survived in the sun dances of 
the Blood and North Blackfoot Indians of 

- southern Alberta for a few years aiter its 

discontinuance among the Plains tribes of 
this country. In the course of field work on 

© the Blood Reserve in September, 1947, the 


writer met two elderly full-bloods who had 
been tortured in the sun dance oi their 
tribe. They were the last survivors of men 
of that trnbe who had experienced this 
ordeal, and they were particularly desirous 
that their torture experiences should be 
recorded accurately. These narratives by 
Scraping White (now 81 years old) and 
Heavy Head (now 78), related to the writer 
through the miterpreter Percy Creighton, 
provide new and significant information 
on the procedure of seli-torture in the 
Blood sun dance ceremony and its meaning 
to those who submitted to it. They help to 
round out the only published description 
oi the Blood self-torture, that of the mis- 
sionary John McLean, who witnessed the 
ceremony prior to 1889. 

In the summer of 1889 the Blood medicine 
lodge was erected on the north bank of the 
Kootenay River, in southern Alberia. 
Three young men, Scraping White (then 
23 years of age), Tough Bread (now de- 
ceased), and Heavy Head (then 20 years 
old), presented themselves to be tortured. 

Scraping White described his experience 

Three of us tortured ourselves in the sun 
dance that year—Tough Bread, Heavy Head, 
and I. I was the oldest of the three. 

I was on a war party to take horses from the 
Assiniboine when I made my vow to be tor- 
tured. Shortly before the sun went down, when 
we were in sight of the enemy camp, I turned 
to the sun and said, “I want good luck. Now I 
zo to the enemy. I want to capture a good horse 
and go ee safely. I'll be tortured this coming 
sun dance.” As soon as it was dark I went into 
the enemy camp and took two fast horses out 
of their corral without any of them knowing 
it. I had good luck and reached home safely. 

Then I told my relatives of the vow I had 
made. Yellow Horn, an older relative, who had 
been through the torture before, told me, “Put 
up a sweat lodge for me and I shall look after 
you.” I made the sweat lodge the very next 

Not long after that the sun dance was held. 
The torture took place the day after the center 
pole was raised for the medieme lodge. I was 
the first one to be tortured. The torture began 
about noon. Old Yellow Horn cut my breasts 
with an iron arrowhead and imserted a skewer 
through the cuts at each breast. These skewers 
were of serviceberry wood, flattened on both 


sides, thinned toward the ends but not sharp- 
ened, and about this long. [Scraping White 
indicated a distance of about 2 inches between 
his thumb and forefinger.| Then sinew was 
wrapped around the ends of the skewers and 
they “were tied, each skewer to a 4-strand 
plaited rawhide rope. The two ropes were 
fastened at their far ends to the center pole at 
its forks. 

I stood up and Yellow Horn told me, ‘““Now 
you walk up, put your arms around the center 
pole and pray. Tell Sun, now your vow is being 
fulfilled.’”’ I did just as he told me. Then I 
stepped back. Yellow Horn pulled hard on the 
rawhide ropes attached to the skewers. Then I 
danced. I didn’t dance long before my flesh 
gave way and the skewers pulled out. Yellow 
Horn came to me and cut the skin that had 
broken. He trimmed it off even. Then he gave 
me the pieces of skin he had cut away and told 
me to take them and stick them in the ground 
at the base of the center pole, saying, ‘“Now 
sun, I have completed my vow.” 

Heavy Head’s narrative of his torture 
experience was still more detailed: 

There were only two of us, Buffalo Teeth, 
my partner, and I. We went to war together to 
take horses. At Medicine Hat we found a small 
camp of Cree half-breeds. It was night when 
we saw their camp. It was moonlight. I looked 
up at the moon and prayed to it, “I shall be 
tortured at the sun dance if I have good luck 
and get home safely.”’ Then I stole up to the 
camp and got one bay that was tied in front of 
a lodge without any of the enemy waking or 
seeing me. Buffalo Teeth took a roan. We 
started back to the Blood camp, traveled three 
days and three nights with no food other than 
a black rabbit. We got awfully weak and 

When I reached home I told my story to my 
father, Water Bull. The old man got up and 
sang his encouraging song. Then he told me, 
“My son, you have done something worth 
doing. You have made a vow that you will be 
tortured at the sun dance. You must do it this 
coming sun dance.”’ 

A few days later I went out to the east point 
of Belly Butte to fast. While I fasted I dreamed 
that a sacred person came to me and gave mea 
drum and certain herbs to use for doctoring. 
Then I returned home. 

A short time after that the bands began to 
come together for the sun dance encampment. 
I prepared myself to go to an old man named 
Little Bear, a relative of mine, who had been 
through the torture himself, years before. I 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

filled my pipe and took it to him. I gave him the 
pipe and a buckskin horse, and said, “Here is a 
horse for you. Keep this pipe too. I want you to 
look after me in the torture.”’ When I gave him 
the pipe he put it down and went over to the 
next lodge. There were two old men there, Green 
Grass Bull and Red Bead. These men were not 
related to me, but they were both older than 
Little Bear, and both had been through the 
torture. Little Bear asked them to come to his 
lodge, to take my pipe and pray for me. After 
they prayed, they told me not to take any food 
or water the day I was to be tortured. 

The day before the torture I ate or drank 
nothing. Next day I ate or drank nothing until 
after the torture. However, the three old men 
gave me some sagebrush to chew. 

I was the last of the three Blood Indians to 
undergo the torture that day. Scraping White, 
who was the oldest, was first. Then Tough 
Bread, then I. I was the youngest. Inside the 
medicine lodge, on. the west side of the center 
pole and north of the weather dancer’s arbor, a 
shelter was built of sticks like a sweat lodge, 
covered with willow leaves. I went in there be- 
fore noon of the day of the torture. I was laid on 
my back with my head pointed north. I was 
barefoot, and wore only a breechcloth made 
from a small, red, trade shawl purchased from 
the Hudson’s Bay Company. There was a little 
bowl of white paint and another of black paint 
nearby. The three old men painted four black 
dots, one below the other, under each of my 
eyes. This was called “tear paint.” If I cried 
the tears would run down there. Then they 
painted a double row of six black dots on each 
arm. They painted the symbol of the moon, 
points up, on my forehead in black. On the out- 
side of each of my legs they painted a double 
row of six black dots. The rest of my body was 
painted white, also my face. They took some of 
the broad-leafed sagebrush from the ground 
inside the sweat lodge and bound it together, 
placed a wreath of it around my head, and 
bands of it around each wrist and ankle. 

I was taken from the sweat lodge and laid 
upon a blanket on the ground at the north side 
of the center pole with my head to the north, 
my feet toward the center pole. Other people 
were told to keep back away from me. Then an 
old man named Low Horn was brought for- 
ward. He counted four of his coups. The three 
old men, Little Bear, Red Bead, and Green 
Grass Bull, held me—one at each arm, and one 
at my head. Red Bead took a sharp, iron ar- 
rowhead in his hand, and asked me, “‘How do 
you want me‘to cut them? Thick or thin?” I 
said, ‘‘Thin.’’ (I learned later that this question 


Fig. 1.—Scraping White (left) and Heavy Head (right), two men who were 
tortured in the Blood sun dance of 1889. 

Fig. 2.—An act of self-torture in the Blood sun dance of 1891. Photograph by R. N. Wilson. 


was always asked of the man undergoing the 
torture before his breasts were pierced, and the 
one doing the cutting always did just the 
opposite of the young man’s request. So when 
I said ‘‘thin,’? Red Bead knew to make his in- 
cisions deep).2 Red Bead gave four of his own 
war coups. He made no prayer. Then he pierced 
my breasts with the sharp arrowhead and in- 
serted a serviceberry stick through each breast. 
The sticks were not sharp but flattened at the 
ends. The other two men held my arms as he 
cut and inserted the sticks. Blood flowed down 
my chest and legs over the white paint. Then 
Red Bead pressed the sticks against my body 
with his hands. They turned me around to face 
the sun and pierced my back. To the skewers 
on my back they hung an imitation shield, not 
so heavy as a war shield. The shield had 
feathers on it, but I don’t remember how it was 
painted. It belonged to a man named Peninsula. 

The ropes were brought out from the center 
pole and tied to the skewers in my breasts— 
right side first, then left side. Red Bead then 
grabbed the ropes and jerked them hard twice. 
Then he told me, ‘‘Now you go to the center 
pole and pray that your vow will come true.” 
I walked up there. I knew I was supposed to 
pretend to cry. But oh! I really cried. It hurt 
so much. Coming back from the center pole I 
was shouting. Then, before I started to dance, 
I jerked the shield off my back. 

I leaned back and began dancing, facing the 
center pole. It felt just like the center pole was 
pulling me toward it. I began to dance from the 
west toward the doorway of the sun lodge and 
back. Then, when the skewers did not break 
loose, the old men realized that the incisions 
had been made too deep. Red Bead came up 
and cut the outside of the incisions again so 
they would break loose. As I started dancing 
again the left side gave way and I had to con- 
tinue dancing with only my right side holding. 
An old man named Strangling Wolf jumped up 
from the crowd and came toward me shouting. 
He called out four coups he had counted and 
jumped on me. The last rope gave way and I 
fell to the ground. 

The three old men came to me and cut the 
rough pieces of flesh hanging from my breasts 
off even. They told me to take this flesh that 
had been trimmed off, and the sagebrush from 
my head, wrists, and ankles, and place them at 
the base of the center pole. I did as they told 

* Jenness, pp. 54-5, reported the same con- 
trariness of action on the part of the Sarcee 
surgeon when the suppliant pleaded for a ‘‘thin” 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

Then I took my robe and walked out of the 
medicine lodge alone. I went to a lonely place 
and fasted for a night. I wanted to dream. But 
I couldn’t sleep at all because of the pain. At 
sunrise I prayed to the sun. 

Some time after that I saw a man approach- 
ing on horseback. He said, “I’m going to take 
you home right away.”’ He took me up behind 
him on his horse and rode me slowly back to 
camp. My breasts were swollen and hurt. The 
rider’s name was Red Crane. He told me of a 
mix-up that took place at the sun dance over 
horses stolen from the Gros Ventres. 

When I got to my lodge, my mother gave me 
something to eat. She and my father told me 
what had happened at the sun dance gathering 
—a mix-up between the Mounted Police and 
Indians.* I had to stay in the lodge several 
days. My breasts were so swollen I could 
hardly move. Indian doctors used herb medi- 
cines to take the swelling away and cure my 

The common elements in these two ac- 
counts reveal the pattern of the self-torture 
experience among the Blood Indians more 
clearly and completely than the brief de- 
scription of the ordeal previously published 
by McLean. This experience was initiated 
by a warrior through a vow to the celestial 
deities, sun or moon (the latter in Blackfoot 
belief was sun’s wife), very shortly before 
the man exposed himself to danger. The 
vow was a simple, direct appeal to the 
deity for protection and success in the im- 
mediate, hazardous undertaking. In return 
for such aid the petitioner promised to make 
the self-torture sacrifice in the sun dance 
lodge of his people. On return home after 
the successful exploit the pledger made 
known his vow to his relatives. They helped 
him to obtain the services of one or more 
older men who had been through the ordeal 
and were qualified, therefore, to instruct and 
care for the young man in the ceremonial 
fulfillment of his vow. The public cere- 

3 In the summer of 1889, the Mounted Police 
sought to apprehend Calf Robe, a Blood horse 
thief, who sought sanctuary in the medicine lodge 
of his people. The Indians overpowered the police 
and set Calf Robe free, but there was no blood- 
shed (Steele, pp. 262-265). This incident serves 
to verify the year of Scraping White’s and Heavy 
Head’s torture. 

4 These narratives follow as closely as possible 
the words of the interpreter. In a few places de- 

tails obtained during further questioning of the 
informants have been inserted. 

May 15, 1948 

mony took place in the sun-dance lodge, 
about midday of the day following the 
erection of the center pole. One man was 
tortured at a time. Each young man’s 
experienced helper or helpers prepared him 
for the ordeal, pierced his breasts, inserted 
the wooden skewers, and attached the 
thongs leading from the crotch of the center 
pole. They guided his actions by telling him 
first to embrace the center pole and pray 
for successful fulfillment of his vow, watched 
him closely until he freed himself from the 
ropes, trimmed off the ragged edges of 
flesh from his breasts and instructed him 
to place them at the base of the center 
pole as an offering to the sun. With this 
act the vow was fulfilled. 

Both informants stated that the helpers 
were always men well advanced in years, 
rather than men who had been through the 
torture only a few years earlier. The num- 
ber of helpers depended primarily on the 
age of the victim and his relative’s confi- 
dence in his ability to take the punishment. 
Younger men generally had more helpers 
to hold them as the incisions were made. 
Fasting was not considered obligatory. 
Scraping White said he was not required 
to abstain from food on the day prior to the 
torture. Scraping White’s narrative omits 
mention of the painting of his body in prep- 
aration for the torture. However, Heavy 
Head asserted that all who underwent the 
torture were painted just as he had been. 

Neither Scraping White nor Heavy Head 
took any active part in the tortures at the 
sun dance of 1891, the last occurrence of 
self-torture in the Blood ceremony. They 
said that four men, Calf Tail, Buckskin 
Tom, Old Man Owl, and Takes Paint, all 
now deceased, were tortured in that year. 
R. N. Wilson, a trader on the Blood Re- 
serve, photographed these torture cere- 
monies. One of his photographs is repro- 
duced here, through the courtesy of Arch- 
deacon S. H. Middleton, principal of St. 
Paul’s Residential School, on the Blood 
Reserve, owner of a print from the original 
glass plate negative. Percy Creighton be- 
lieved that the Indian shown in the act 
of torture was Takes Paint. 

The Blood Indians were the last Black- 
foot tribe, and probably the last tribe of 



Plains Indians to observe the self-torture 
ceremony. After their 1891 performance of 
the torture it was prohibited by the Indian 
Department and the Mounted Police. A 
year earlier the North Blackfoot had been 
persuaded to abandon torture (Ann. Rept., 
pp. 83-84). The Piegan eliminated torture 
from their sun dances at least 20 years 
earlier. Weasel Head (born about 1860), for 
many years a prominent weather dancer in 
the South Piegan sun dance, told the writer 
before his death in 1943, that he had never 
seen the torture performed in the sun dance 
of his tribe, although he recalled that as a 
youth he had seen older men who bore the 
scars of torture. Red Plume (born ante 
1850), informed Curtis that he had seen the 
torture rites in the Piegan sun dance only 
four times, thrice when a small boy and 
once when a young man. Each time a 
single man had submitted to the torture. 
Red Plume attributed the discontinuance 
of self-torture in the Piegan sun 
the warning of a North Piegan weather 
dancer that ‘‘they would die if they gave 
their bodies to the sun” (Curtis, vol. 6, p. 
55). Clark Wissler (p. 262) and Walter 
MeClintock (p. 320) reported the persist- 
ence of this belief among the Piegan in the 
first decade of the present century. 

Wissler (p. 263) believed that self-torture 
had not become thoroughly adjusted to its 
place in the Piegan sun-dance ceremony at 
the time it was abandoned. On the other 
hand, the torture appears to have found 
much more favor among the neighboring 
Blood Indians. McLean (p. 236), stated 
that from two to five men underwent this 
torture every year in the Blood sun dance. 
Whereas the Piegan seem to have aban- 
doned torture as a result of native fear and 
distaste for the ceremony, the Blood con- 
tinued to practice it until they were com- 
pelled by Government authorities to give it 

Wissler (pp. 263-264) was inclined to 
credit a Piegan tradition that the Blackfoot 
tribes borrowed the torture ceremony from 
the Arapaho. There still exist among the 
Piegan vague but persistent traditions of a 
group of Blood Indians who sojourned for a 
number of years with the Arapaho in the 
early part of the nineteenth century. Chey- 


enne traditions, obtained from elderly men 
of the Southern Cheyenne nearly half a 
century ago by George Bird Grinnell and 
George E. Hyde, tell of a group of Gros 
Ventres and “Blackfeet”? (division not in- 
dicated), who joined the Cheyenne and 
Arapaho in the Black Hills or on the Platte 
about the year 1826. According to one ver- 
sion of this tradition the ‘‘Blackfeet’’ 
returned north a few years later (Grinnell, 
vol. 1, pp. 39-40). Major Culbertson, who 
was married to a Blood woman, is reported 
to have found ten lodges of Blood Indians 
living with the Arapaho, when he attended 
the Fort Laramie Treaty Council in 1851. 
“They were unknown to him, and he did 
not learn how long they had been there 
or whether they ever returned” (Bradley, 
Book A, p. 184). These data, and the fact 
that the Piegan were relatively indifferent 
to the torture in later years, suggest the 
possibility that the torture feature was 
introduced among the Blackfoot tribes by 
Blood Indians, who may have borrowed it 
from the Arapaho no earlier than the second 
quarter of the nineteenth century. 

Spier (p. 491) regarded the self-torture as 
a nonessential element in the sun-dance 
ceremony of most Plains tribes. Our evi- 
dence certainly supports this conclusion in- 
sofar as the Blood sun dance is concerned. 
Both the torture pledger and his helpers 
played no necessary part in the sun-dance 
ceremony. They entered the medicine lodge 
for the sole purpose of fulfilling the pledg- 
er’s vow. The Blackfoot tribes have con- 
tinued their annual sun dances to the pres- 
ent day, with no apparent sense of loss of 
any essential feature. Now as formerly the 
sun dance centers about the elaborate ritual 
prescribed for the fulfillment of the vow of 
the medicine woman who pledged the cere- 
mony. Her objective was reached with the 
completion of the medicine lodge, the day 
before the tortures took place. 

The Blackfoot tribes regarded the tor- 
ture, such as was endured by Scraping 
White and Heavy Head, as the most dan- 
gerous and severe form of physical sacrifice 
to the sun. The mutilation of the body by 
offerings of a finger or bits of flesh from the 
arms and legs were considered lesser ordeals 
(Wissler, pp. 263-265). Scraping White 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

showed the writer scars on his legs resulting 
from the sacrifice of pieces of flesh to the 
sun prior to the year of his torture experi- 
ence. Nevertheless, the belief of the Piegan 
that men who submitted to the torture 
would not live long after they had given 
their bodies to the sun, appears to have 
been based upon religious fear rather than 
the life histories of men who had been tor- 
tured. Several of our elderly South Piegan 
informants recalled having seen older men 
of the tribe who bore the scars of the torture. 
The severity of the torture varied with 
the depth of the incisions. Older men 
watched the suppliant carefully, and did 
not permit the torture to be prolonged in- 
definitely. Even in the case of Heavy Head, 
whose experience was described by other 
elderly Blood Indians as the most severe 
punishment they had witnessed in sun- 
dance tortures, the performance lasted 
only a few minutes. His narrative indicates 
the pain and nervous shock must have been 
intense. But in the majority of cases it 
probably did no permanent damage to the 
individual. Although Scraping White and 
Heavy Head still bear the scars of their 
torture, these men appear to be in fair 
health, active of mind and body, nearly 
six decades after they expiated their 
vows to the sun in the Blood medicine lodge 
in the summer of 1889. 


ANNUAL Report of Department of Indian Af- 
fairs for 1891. Ottawa, Canada, 1892. 

BRADLEY MANUSCRIPT, In Montana Historical 
Society Library, Helena. 

CaTLIN, GEORGE. Letters and notes of the man- 
ners, customs and condition of the North 
American Indians, 2 vols. London, 1841. 

Curtis, Epwarp 8. The North American 
Indian, 6. Norwood, Mass., 1911. 

GRINNELL, GEORGE Birp. The Cheyenne In- 
dians, 2 vols. New Haven, 1923. 

JENNESS, DiamMonp. The Sarcee Indians of 
Alberta. Canada Dept. Mines and Re- 
sources. Bull. 98, Anthropological Series 
23. Ottawa, 1938. 

Kipp, JAMES. On the accuracy of Catlin’s ac- 
count of the Mandan ceremonies. Ann. 
Rept. Board Regents Smithsonian Insti- 
tution for 1872. Washington, 1878. 

McCuintock, WatTEeR. The Old North Trail. 
London, 1910. 

McLean, Joun. The Blackfoot sun dance. 
Proc. Can. Inst., ser. 3,6. Toronto, 1888. 

May 15, 1948 

MaAcKENZIE, CHARLES. The Missouri In- 
dians, a narrative of four trading expedi- 
tions to the Missouri, 1804-1806. In L. 
R. Masson, “Les Bourgeois de la Com- 
pagnie du Nord-Ouest.” Quebec, 1889. 

Maximiuian (Prince of Wied-Neuwied). 
Travels in the interior of North America. 
Early Western Travels Edition, edited by 
Reuben Gold Thwaites, vols. 22-24. 
Cleveland, 1906. 

ScHooLcRaFT, HENRY R. Information respect- 
ing the history, condition and prospects of 
the Indian tribes of the United States, 6 vols. 
Philadelphia, 1851-7. 



SpreR, Lesuiz. The sun dance of the Plains 
Indians. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. An- 
throp. Papers, 16 (pt. 7). 1921. 

STEELE, 8. B. Forty years in Canada. 
don, 1915. 

TaBEAU’s Narrative of Loisel’s Expedition to 
the Upper Missouri. Edited by Annie H. 
Abel. Norman, Okla., 1939. 

WIssLER, CLarK. The sun dance of the Black- 
foot Indians. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 
Anthrop. Papers, 16 (pt. 3). 1918. 


PALEONTOLOGY .—On two previously unreported selachians from the Upper Cre- 

taceous of North America. 

Davin H. Dunxtez, U. 8S. National Museum. 

(Communicated by C. Lewis Gazin.) 

Recently, the U. 8S. Geological Survey 
transferred to the National Museum two 
interesting toothlike fossils obtained by Dr. 
_L. W. Stephenson during the course of his 
prolonged geological investigations on the 
Cretaceous formations of Texas. These 
specimens have proved to be examples of 
the structures currently interpreted as 
rostral teeth of pristid sharks. They are as- 
signable to the genera Onchopristis Stromer 
and Schizorhiza Weiler, both of which were 
founded on materials from various upper 
Cretaceous horizons and localities in North 
Africa. In the Western Hemisphere, Oncho- 
pristis has not heretofore been known and 
Schizorhiza only from a single, doubtful re- 
port from the upper Senonian of Chile 
(Wetzel, 1930; and Weiler, 1930). 

The definitive record of the fossil Pristi- 
dae in North America is confined to the iso- 
lated rostral armament of Pristis from the 
Cretaceous and a number of Tertiary hori- 
zons. In addition, during recent years the 
problematical genus Ischyrhiza has been in- 
cluded here. In the Eastern Hemisphere no 
less than 12 genera of fossil pristids are 
recognized. The majority of these are 
founded on isolated rostral teeth and their 
assignment to the family Pristidae, often- 
times doubtfully, has been based on the na- 
ture of their insertion onto the rostral carti- 
lages as shown by gross morphological 
features and by histological considerations. 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 

the Smithsonian Institution. Received January 
30, 1948. 

The present two specimens can not lend 
themselves to histological preparation with- 
out destruction, and little of general mor- 
phological and systematic information can 
be deduced from them. However, the new 
occurrences in essential stratigraphic con- 
temporaneity with their North African 
genotypes seems of sufficient interest to 
warrant the following brief description. 

The illustrations accompanying this note 
have been prepared by Mrs. Elinor Strom- 
berg, scientific illustrator of the U. 8. Geo- 
logical Survey. 

Onchopristis cf. numidus (Haug) 

A single unassociated tooth (U.S.N.M. no. 
17088), although with only one side exposed 
and lacking the distal extremity, exhibits well 
the characteristics of the genus as defined by 
Stromer (1917). 

The structure is strongly compressed, dorso- 
ventrally, and is composed of a short inserted 
base and an exposed, enamel-covered crown. 
The line of demarcation between these two 
parts is prominent, being remarked by a con- 
striction of the base adjacent to the proximal 
limit of the enamel. This latter shows a border 
arched in gentle convexity toward the base and 
extended obliquely across the long axis of the 
element. The preserved portion of the crown 
possesses one posterior barb. Both anterior 
and posterior margins of the crown form sharp 
cutting edges except at the proximal reen- 
trance of the barb where the edge is bluntly 
rounded. The enamel on the slightly convex, 
exposed surface of the tooth is checked both 



ee . 

Fic. 1.—Onchopristis cf. numidus (Haug) 
(U.S.N.M. no. 17088). Rostral tooth from the 
Woodbine formation of Texas. Approx. x4. 

longitudinally and transversely as a result of 
weathering but exhibits no observable orna- 
mentation. The base, in dorsoventral aspect, is 
expanded and is marked by a few regularly 
spaced furrows, which are extended in the 
direction of the longest axis of the tooth. 

Measured in relation to the longest axis, the 
specimen has the following dimensions: Total 
preserved length, 13.7 mm; greatest length of 
base, 4.56 mm; maximum width of base, 8.4 
mm; width of crown immediately below barb, 
6.0 mm; and greatest thickness of crown on 
fractured distal exposure, 2.4 mm. 

Fic. 2.—Schizorhiza cf. weilerit Serra (U.S.N.M. no. 17087). Rostral tooth from the Escondido for- 

mation of Texas in (A) dorsoventral aspect as restored from a cast of the preserved impression and 
in (B) ideal transverse section. Approx. X4. 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

Remarks.—The systematic history of On- 
chopristis numidus (Haug) has been completely 
summarized by Stromer (1917). The present 
example from Texas differs from the North 
African specimens in the shortness of that 
portion of the enameled crown proximal to the 
barb. Stromer (1917, 1925, and 1927), however, | 
in his discussions on this sawfish, has demon- 
strated wide variation between individual ros- 
tral teeth and has described examples with 
multiple posterior barbs. In consequence there 
seems to be no immediate basis for erecting 
additional species within the genus. 

Geological horizon and _ locality Collected 
from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) in 
the Lewisville member of the Woodbine for- 
mation, approximately 2.4 miles southwest of 
Lewisville, Denton County, Tex., by L. W. 
Stephenson, October 25, 1945. 

Distribution —All the North African occur- 
rences of Onchopristis are considered by 
Stromer to be of Cenomanian Age. 

Schizorhiza cf. weileri Serra 

To this form is assigned a small imperfectly 
preserved tooth (U.S.N.M. no. 17087). The 
complete outline of one side of the specimen is 
clearly impressed in the limy sandstone matrix, 
although almost all the tooth tissue from that 
side has been lost. The opposite side of the 
tooth is deeply imbedded in the matrix of the 
counterpart. As thus incompletely exposed it 
was necessary to crack the counterpart in two 
and examine the cross section of the imbedded 
part before any structural interpretation could 
be made. 

May 15, 1948 

It is assumed that this tooth projected later- 
ally from firm attachment along the edge of a 
rostrum. In orientation, therefore, the long 
axis of the tooth is a transverse dimension, and 
this breadth exceeds the shorter length by 
about three times. The element is moderately 
compressed, dorsoventrally, and the top and 
bottom halves are apparently symmetrical. 
The crown. occupies approximately one-third 
the longest axial dimension, and from the 
shiny smoothness of its impression is indicated 
to have been enamelled. It projects directly out 
in the frontal plane of the tooth without dorsad 
or ventrad flexure; is arched very slightly to- 
ward the rear; and is basally emarginated at 
the anterior and posterior edges. The free lateral 
margins are sharp, straight, and converge to an 
obtuse distal point. The root, viewed either 
dorsally or ventrally, is seen to expand proxi- 
mally from a narrow distal neck. The part is 
divided into flat upper and lower lips by a 
frontal groove which extends outward nearly 
to the base of the crown. Three furrows trav- 
erse the outer surfaces of both upper and lower 
lips, parallel to the long axis of the element. 
These grooves are continued proximally as 
deep notches in the inner edges of the root 
lips. Thus, mesially, the lips are each produced 
into four acutely conical projections, of which 
the central two are the longest. 

Measured in relation to the longest axis, the 
tooth possesses the following dimensions: Total 
length 15.0 mm; length of crown, 4.0 mm; maxi- 
mum width of crown, 5.0 mm; maximum width 
of root, 6.0 mm; length of longer proximal 
rays, 5.5 mm; and depth of proximal divergence 
of root lips, 6 mm. 

Remarks.—The genus Schizorhiza is known 
only from isolated teeth and the genotype is 
the species stromeri (Weiler, 1930). In addition 
to some Egyptian specimens, Weiler included 
in his original description a number of frag- 
mentary teeth from several widely scattered 
localities (Di Stephano, 1919; Quaas, 1902; and 
Wetzel, 1930). This type series presented a 
range of structural variation from teeth as 
here described to examples which in gross 
features appear similar to Ischyrhiza, with long 
tapering, scimiterlike crowns and robust roots 
exhibiting only a shallow frontal groove. Ap- 
parently no one specimen among those was 
designated the type. Subsequently, Serra 
(1933) abandoned the name stromeri for all of 



the teeth of the type series except that pic- 
tured by Weiler in his Fig. 1a, Pl. II. In return, 
the specific name weileri was proposed for the 
tooth illustrated as Fig. 3a, Pl. II, and a col- 
lection of identical specimens from Sofeggin, 

Of these two species, the present Texas speci- 
men is more closely comparable with wezvlert. It 
differs from it only in the more pronounced 
asymmetry of the crown profile in dorsoven- 
tral aspect and in exhibiting a greater size than 
reported by Serra. Provisional assignment to 
the latter species is therefore made. While 
possibly representing a new species, it does not 
seem advisable to establish a type on this, an 
incomplete tooth heretofore unrecorded from 
North America. A more critical evaluation will 
depend upon the acquisition of a series of the 
Texas specimens which permit qualitative 
studies and histological examination. 

Geological horizon and locality —Collected 
from the Upper Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) in 
the Escondido formation, 2 miles east of Eagle 
Pass, Maverick County, Tex., by L. W. Ste- 
phenson, October 30, 1912. 

Distribution —Weiler (1930) gave a Senonian 
Age to all the teeth from North Africa, Arabia, 
and Chile on which he based his definition of 
Schizorhiza stromeri (sensu lato). Serra (1933) 
considered the occurrence of S. weileri as 


Have, E. (Paleontologie, in Foureau, T.) 
Documents scientifiques de la mission sas 
harienne 2. Paris, 1905. 

Quaas, A. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fauna der 
obersten Kreidebildungen in der Libyschen 
Wiiste (Overwegischichten und Bléttertone). 
Paleontographica 30 (3): 153-334. 1902. 

SERRA, G. Di nuova specie di Schizorhiza del 

Maestrichtiano della Tripolitania. Riv. 
Ital. Paleont. 11 (2-8): 103-107, pl. 3. 

STEPHANO, G. DE. Osservazioni sul Cretaceo e 
sul Eocene del deserto Arabico e di Sibaiya, 
nella valle del Nilo. Boll. Comit. Geol. 
Ital. 47: 1-39, pls. 1-11. 1919. 

STROMER, E. Die Sage des Pristiden Oncho- 
pristis numidus Haug sp., und iiber die 
Sdgen der Sdgehaie. Abh. Bayer. Akad. 
Wiss., math.—nat. Abt., 28 (8): 1-28, 1 pl. 

. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. 
E. Stromer in den Wiisten Agyptens. IT. 
Wirbeltier-Reste der Baharize-Stufe (un- 
terstes Cenoman). 8. Hin Skelettreste des 
Pristiden Onchopristis numidus Haug sp. 


Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., math.-nat. Abt., 
30 (6): 11-12, 1 pl. 1925. 

. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. 
E. Stromer in den Wiisten Agyptens. II. 
Wirbeltier-Reste der Baharije-Stufe (un- 
terstes Cenoman). 9. Die Plagiostomen 
mit einem Anhang iiber kdno- und meso- 
zoische Riickenflossen-Stacheln von Elasmo- 
branchiern. Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 
math.-nat. Abt., 31 (5): 1-64, 3 pls., 14 
figs. 1927. 


VOL. 38, NO. 9 

Weiter, W. (In Stromer, E., and W. Weiler). 
Beschreibung von Wirbeltierresten aus dem 
nubischen Sandsteine Oberdgyptens und aus 
agyptischen Phosphaten nebst Bemerkungen 
liber die Geologie der Umgegend von Ma- 
hamid in  Oberdgyptens. Abh. Bayer. 
Akad. Wiss., math.-nat. Abt., new ser., 7: 
1-42, 4 pls. 1930. 

WerzeL, W. Die Quiriquina-Schichten als 
Sediment und paldontologisches Archiv. 
Palaeontographica 73 (Fishes) : 94-97. 1930. 

ENTOMOLOGY.—Synoptic revision of the United States scarab beetles of the sub- 
family Dynastinae, No. 4: Tribes Oryctini (part), Dynastini, and Phileurini.* 
LAWRENCE W. Saytor, California Academy of Sciences. 

This paper is the fourth in the series of 
my United States dynastine scarab beetle 
studies and completes the specific listings 
and notes. The fifth, and last, part will in- 
clude a complete classification of the tribes 
and genera, from the Nearctic standpoint. 

Genus Aphonus LeConte 

Aphonus LeConte, 1856, p. 21; Horn, 1882, p. 
122; LeConte and Horn, 1883, p. 259; Casey, 
1915, pp. 178, 210; Ritcher, 1944, p. 28, Cart- 
wright, 1944, p. 36. 

Podalgus (part) Burmeister, 1847, p. 117; Lacor- 
daire, 1856, p. 408. 

Aphonus (as now constituted) is limited to 
the Eastern United States and contains four 
valid species; the farthest west I have knowl- 
edge of the genus occurring is Texas, where 
brevicruris Cartwright was collected. 

The only character separating the adults of 
Aphonus from United States species of Chevro- 
platys Hope is the trilobed (varying to sub- 
tridentate to even simply carinate in worn ex- 
amples) preapical carina of the clypeus. In the 
larvae, Ritcher has pointed out (1944) the very 
close similarity between Cheiroplatys pyriformis 
LeConte and Aphonus castaneus (Melsheimer), 
the only real difference being that the first 
antennal segment in the latter is bare of setae, 
and the other two key characters being those 
of degree only (relative distance between lobes 
of the thoracic spiracle, respiratory plate, and 
width of the head capsule). In the adults, the 
peculiar preapical carina and the rather odd 
apical, front tibial tooth, as well as external 
facies and proportions in general, immedi- 
ately disclose the close affinity of the two 
groups at present called Aphonus and Cheiro- 

1 Received September 3, 1947. 

platys. Indeed, I have relatively fresh speci- 
mens of A. castaneus (from Massachusetts and 
New Hampshire) in which the preapical clypeal 
carina is distinctly bidentate, so that the only 
character for the retention of the name 
Aphonus as a valid genus is gone. 

However, even though I feel that Aphonus 
must eventually be considered a synonym of 
the earlier described Cheiroplatys I am unable 
definitely to synonymize the two genera until 
I can review the genotypes; I desire also to 
dissect carefully the mouthparts of many of 
the Neotropical and Australian forms of the 

The sexes of Aphonus are rather similar in 
most characters, but in the male the last ab- 
dominal sternite is shorter and is feebly but 
distinctly emarginate apically, whereas the last 
abdominal in the female is longer and the apex 
is evenly rounded. 

I have been unable to construct a satisfac- 
tory key to the species based on nonvariable 
external differences, so that to place the species 
properly it is necessary to make genital dissec- 
tions. The only general statement that can be 
made as to the external facies is that castaneus 
is most frequently rufous, averages 10 to 11 
mm in length, and is more robust; whereas 
densicauda and tridentata are both more 
elongate, and the former averages 13 mm in 
length and the latter 15 mm. Obviously, such 
generalities are interesting but of little assist- 
ance in actually separating closely allied and 
variable species. According to Cartwright’s 
description of brevicruris (the unique type of 
which I have not seen) the proportions of the 
heavy, short tibia and femora will readily sep- 
arate this species from all other described 

May 15, 1948 

Aphonus castaneus (Melsheimer) 
Fig. 1, k, m 

Bothynus castaneus Melsheimer, 1856, p. 138; 
LeConte, 1856, p. 22. 

Podalgus obesus Burmeister, 1847, p. 119; Arrow, 
1909, p. 341. 

Aphonus castaneus (Melsheimer) Casey, 1915, p. 
220; Sims, 1934, p. 334 (larvae); Johnson, 
1942, p. 79; Ritcher, 1944, p. 30, pls. 2-5 

Aphonus cubiformis Casey, 1915, p. 221. 

Aphonus saginatus Casey, 1915, p. 220. 

Aphonus trapezicollis Casey, 1915, p. 219. 

All examples of this small species that I have 
examined vary from rufocastaneous to piceo- 
castaneous in color, and from 8 to 13 mm in 
length. The species ranges generally along the 
East Coast from Maine south through the 
Carolinas, Georgia, and Alabama. Johnson 
mentions finding numerous larvae on the sur- 
face of a Connecticut golf course during a gen- 
tle July rain, and these larvae retreated into 
the sod when the sun reappeared. Sims records 
the larvae as common in the turf of the coastal 
plains golf courses and in sandy soil generally. 

Aphonus densicauda Casey 
Fig. 1, h, 1 

Aphonus densicauda Casey, 1915, p. 216; Ritcher, 
p. 31 (larvae). 

Described from Pennsylvania, and seen also 
from New Hampshire, south to Georgia and 
Kentucky and west to Iowa; will probably be 
found to have a much wider distribution than 
indicated by available specimens. Ritcher re- 
cords it as fairly common in Kentucky where 
full-grown larvae may be found in pastureland, 
in or just beneath the sod, from November to 
May, and pupation occurs late in May or 
early in June; he found adults in the soil 
throughout the year. | 

The color is usually piceous or piceocastane- 
ous, varying to rufous, as do all species of the 
genus, and the length averages 13 mm. The 
adults are hard to separate from typically 
black tridentatus other than on genital charac- 
ters and the slightly larger average size of the 
latter (15 mm.); the larvae are also very similar 
but distinct according to Ritcher (1944). 

Aphonus tridentatus (Say) 
Fig. 1, f, 2, j, 
Scarabaeus tridentatus Say, 1823, p. 209. 

Bothynus variolosus LeConte, 1848, p. 88 (new 



Aphonus tridentatus (Say) Horn, 1882, p. 122; 
Casey, 1915, p. 215; Ritcher 1944, p. 33 (lar- 
vae); Arrow, 1937, p. 42 (additional refs.). 

Aphonus aterrimus Casey, 1915, p. 216. 

Aphonus congestus Casey, 1915, p. 218. 

Aphonus elongatus Casey, 1915, p. 215. 

Aphonus frater LeConte, 1856, p. 22. 

Aphonus hydropicus LeConte, 1856, p. 22. 

Aphonus ingens Casey, 1924, p. 334. 

Aphonus modulatus Casey, 1915, p. 219. 

Aphonus politus Casey, 1915, p. 218. 

Aphonus scutellaris Casey, 1924, p. 335. ~ 

Usually piceous, this largest United States 
species of the genus varies to entirely rufous, 
especially in specimens from Florida, and these 
latter are the variolosus of LeConte; the Florida 
specimens are often 2-3 mm smaller than the 
more northern specimens and superficially look 
different, but the genitalia and all essential di- 
agnostic characters are identical and I have no 
doubt of the correctness of the synonymy. I 
have seen specimens from Michigan, Indiana, 
Illinois, south through Georgia, South Caro- 
lina, and Florida; also recorded from New 
York and Wisconsin. Cartwright has taken 
numbers at Clemson, 8S. C., from March 
through July. Ritcher says that the larvae are 
found in woodland loam; collected by Yeager 
from “forest duff’ in Michigan. 

Aphonus brevicruris Cartwright 
Rigs 1. -¢ 

Aphonus brevicruris Cartwright, 1944, p. 36, pl. 1. 
fig. 5. 

Described from a unique male collected at 
Austwell, Tex., May 20, 1941 (Goodpaster 
collector), and not taken since to my knowl- 
edge. I have not seen the type, and the informa- 
tion here is reworded and taken from Cart- 
wright’s paper: Easily separable from all other 
United States species by the proportions of 
the hind legs: the femur is three-fifths as wide 
as it is long, the tibia is shorter than the femur, 
and the tibial apex is widely flared and more 
than half as wide at apex as the full tibial 
length; in all other United States species the 
hind femur is only half as wide as long, the hind 
tibia and femur are subequal in length and the 
hind tibial apex is flared but at most is one- 
third as wide at apex as the length. 


Some of the largest and heaviest insects 
in the world occur in this tribe, including 


the well-known Dynastes hercules of the 
American Tropics. Arrow (1937) lists only 
21 genera in the tribe from the world, many 
of these genera being monobasic. The essen- 
tial character of the enlarged male forelegs 
is not too well shown in our United States 
species, but in our relatively common Golofa 
Hope and such Megasoma as elephas the 
character is strongly indicated. In the 
Colombian Golofa porteri Hope the front 
legs in the male are as long as the entire 
body and exactly twice as long as the fore- 
legs of the females. Bates (1889) reports the 
immense Megasoma elephas (Fabricius) as 
feeding in numbers on ripe mangoes in 
Panama, and my father has collected num- 
bers around street lights in central Panama, 
where the large lumbering insects often fly 
into the faces of passersby and occasionally 
badly scratch or at least scare them! Since a 
large male specimen weighs nearly half a 
pound, the bruises and abrasions that could 
be occasioned by such a specimen flying 
into a person’s face is easily imaginable. 

We have only two genera in the United 


First segment of hind tarsus sharp on outer side 
but not really extended into a long spine (length 
of segment on outer side exclusive of apical 
movable setae only one-third to one-fifth 
longer than length on inner side); prosternal 
spine high between front coxae (as ‘“‘tall’”’ as its 
own width across base) and always either 
densely hairy or at least hairy or setose api- 
cally on posterior side; surface glabrous and 
usually gray, speckled with piceous spots 
(rarely unicolorous in some females); male with 
front thoracic angles normal, that is, not sinu- 
ous (southeast and southern United States and 
IMiexic@)): Sais Becta geen tare tan Dynastes Kirby 

First segment of hind tarsus with a long distinct 
apical spine (length of segment on outside, in- 
cluding spine, one-half to three-fourths times 
longer than length on inner side); prosternal 
spine much shorter than coxal length (two- 
thirds as “‘tall’’ as its own width across base) 
and always quite glabrous on external face; 
surface always hairy (velvety) and unicolorous 
piceous; male with each front thoracic horn 
strongly sinuous (Arizona and Mexico)...... 
Data: wren aes toes Re .....-Megasoma Kirby 

Genus Dynastes Kirby 

Dynastes Kirby, 1825, p. 568; Burmeister, 1847, 
p. 256; Lacordaire, 1856, p. 444; Casey, 1915, 
p. 258; Arrow, 1937 (many references given), 
p. 95; Ritcher, 1944, p. 39 (larvae). 


VoL. 38, NO. 5 

Our species have been variously listed or de- 
scribed in the genera Scarabaeus, Geotrupes, 
X ylotrupes, and others by the older authors and 
such references are readily available in Arrow 
(1937) and Burmeister (1847). 

Arrow lists 13 species of these so-called 
“rhinoceros beetles’ as valid in his 1937 cata- 
logue, these occurring in India, the Philippines, 
Java, Burma, Borneo, Nigeria, the Congo, and 
the Americas. I seriously doubt that all these 
could possibly be congeneric. At any rate, six 
species are listed from the Americas, and two 
of these are supposed to occur in the United 
States. The large and well-known hercules ap- 
parently has not been taken yet north of Gua- 
temala, except possibly in quarantine intercep- 
tions, and it appears to be replaced in Mexico 
by the much smaller so-called hyllus of Chevro- 
lat. I have seen specimens of the latter species 
from central and southern Mexico and am 
entirely unable to separate them either on 
genital or external characters from our common 
tityus (Linnaeus). 

Our Arizona Dynastes are usually called 
grantt Horn; the male genital characters are 
identical with those of tityus and the only dif- 
ferences can be summed up in the following 
(the thoracic horn is measured with a microme- 
ter scale in a direct line between the laterobasal 
denticles at each side of the horn base, and the 
horn apex): 

Male thoracic horn distinctly 6-8 times longer 
than scutellar length (19-23 mm/3 mm); this 
horn also much broader basally through the 
denticles; horn on head long, with a very dis- 
tinct and large, preapical tooth on the dorsal 
side; CAniZ0Na >... 82a 50 terrae grantt Horn 

Male thoracic horn 3—5 times longer than scutel- 
lar length (7-12 mm/2.5 mm); horn of head 
usually faintly notched dorsally or entirely 
smocth, never with a dorsal preapical tooth. 

Eastern United States and Mexico.......... 
Ae eet trae een ee. tityus (Linnaeus) 

As anyone who has worked to any extent in 
the Dynastini knows, these characters as listed 
above are highly variable in a group where ex- 
ceptionally dimorphic forms are the rule rather 
than the exception, and I am not at all sure of 
the validity of grantz. We have an exact coun- 
terpart of this in the related and well-known 
Golofa imperialis Thomson and pizarro Hope 
where the males are unusually variable and the 
thoracic horn in male majors is unusually long 
and toothed within, varying through all de- 
grees to the male minors, in which the horn is 


the merest sort of a knob with a smooth inner andthe more typically eastern tityus, it appears 
surface. Until such time as exact intermediate best to retain the name granti as a weak sub- 
specimens can be collected between Arizona species of tityus. 

Fic. 1.—a, Phileurus truncatus (Beauvois): Male genitalia; b, Archophileurus cribrosus (LeConte): 
Male genitalia; c, Phzleurus illatus LeConte: Male genitalia; d, Phileurus castaneus Haldeman: Male 
genitalia; e, Aphonus brevicruris Cartwright: Male genitalia; f, Aphonus tridentatus (Say): Head of female, 
front view; g, Dynastes tityus (Linnaeus): Male genitalia; h, Aphonus densicauda Casey: Male genitalia; 
1, Aphonus tridentatus (Say): Male genitalia, from Jacksonville, Fla.; 7, Aphonus tridentatus (Say): Male 
genitalia, from South Carolina; k, Aphonus castaneus (Melsheimer); Male genitalia; from Rhode Island; 
l, Aphonus densicauda Casey: Female genitalia; m, Aphonus castaneus (Melsheimer): Female genitalia; n, 

Aphonus tridentatus (Say): Female genitalia. 


‘Dynastes tityus (Linnaeus) 
Fig. 1, g 

Scarabaeus tityus Linnaeus, 1763, p. 391. 

Scarabaeus marianus Linnaeus, 1767, p. 549. 

Scarabaeus pennsylvanicus DeGeer, 1774, p. 308. 

Scarabaeus hyllus Chevrolat, 18438, p. 33 (new 
synonymy); Bates, 1888 (as Dynastes), p. 336; 
Dugés, 1887 (as Dynastes), p. 137 (biology). 

Scarabaeus iphiclus (Panzer) Burmeister, 1847, 
p. 259. 

Dynastes tityus (Linnaeus) Burmeister, 1847, p. 
260; Lacordaire, 1856, p. 444; Arrow, 1937, 
p. 98 (many references); Casey, 1915, p. 260; 
Hamilton, 1886, p. 112 (biology); Manee, 1915, 
p. 266 (biology); Ritcher, 1944, p. 39 (larvae). 

Dynastes corniger Sternberg, 1910, p. 26 (new 

Subspecies: Dynastes grantt Horn, 1870, p. 78; 
Casey, 1915, p. 261; Arrow, 1937, p. 97. 

This large and familiar species is widespread 
throughout the eastern United States from 
New York and Pennsylvania south through 
Florida, west to Arizona and south into Mexi- 
co, and possibly Guatemala. Varies greatly in 
size and color, especially in the females. The 
smallest specimen I have seen was 37 mm and 
the largest 74 mm; with the average about 55 
mm. The often asymmetrical (bilateral) colora- 
tion has been frequently noted, especially in 
the females, and a good description is given by 
Ritcher (1944) of this variation in adults he 
collected in a single stump and very probably 
from a single parent: in 14 pupal cells (7 males, 
7 females), 8 individuals were spotted, 5 had 
one elytron spotted and the other of a solid 
dark mahogany color, and 1 was of a uniform 
dark mahogany color. The larvae are recorded 
as feeding in decaying wood of oaks, pines, 
chestnut, willows, wild cherries, black locust, 
and fruit trees such as peaches and apples. 
The adults feed on the sap of wounded trees as 
well as decaying fruit of peaches, plums, pears, 
and apples, and Casey claims that the adults 
have a characteristic odor that can be smelled 
for some distance, if the observer is downwind 
of a considerable number of individuals. 

D. granti Horn was described from Arizona, 
though tityus has also been recorded from this 
State. As stated above, Iam not at all sure that 
the form is sufficiently distinct to warrant its 

Genus Megasoma Kirby 

Megasoma Kirby, 1825, p. 566; LeConte and 
Horn, 1883, p. 260; Casey, 1915, p. 261; Arrow, 
1937, p. 98 (other references). 


VOL. 38, NO. 9 

Megasominus Casey, 1915, p. 261; Arrow, 1937, 
p. 35. 

Megalosoma Burmeister, 1847, p. 273. 

Lycophontes Bruch, 1910, p. 73. 

Arrow lists eight species of this American 
genus, five of them from South America. Our 
only species in the United States is the ther- 
sites of LeConte, which occurs in Arizona and 
Lower California. Casey erected the genus 
Megasominus for this species, the essential dif- 
ferences between it and the very much larger 
Neotropical elephas (Fabricius) being the pres- 
ence of a large basal horn dorsally on the base 
of the male cephalic horn in the latter, and also 
the marked sexual dimorphism in the front 
legs of the two sexes of elephas (fore tibia of 
male noticeably elongated and curved, and not 
so in female); in thersites there is no trace of a 
dorsal tooth on the base of the large cephalic 
horn, nor is there any difference between the 
length of the front legs in the two sexes. At 
first glance, there is a marked difference be- 
tween male elephas and thersites: the former is 
very large (34 to 43 inches) and with a dense 
uniform clothing of short velvety pile, and a 
very large forward-projecting tooth on the base 
of the cephalic horn, and the mid-dise of the 
thorax is evenly convex without a central horn; 
whereas in thersites the male is small (14 to 14 
inches long), the cephalic horn has no basal 
tooth, the dorsal clothing of pile is slightly 
longer, less velvety, and much less uniformly 
placed, and the mid-dise of the thorax hasa 
narrow, semierect horn, which is slightly bi- 
furcate apically. However, in the females of the 
two species, the only essential difference be- 
sides size is that the thorax base in elephas is 
strongly margined, as opposed to the non- 
margined base of thersites, but all other essen- 
tial characters are so closely similar that it is 
necessary to treat the two species as congeneric. 

Megasoma thersites LeConte 

Megasoma thersites LeConte, p. 336. 
Megasominus thersites (LeConte) Casey, 1915, p. 
259. a 

This uncommon species is usually confined 
to Lower California, but I have a specimen 
taken in the ‘‘Coyote Mts., Arizona, August, 
3,500 ft. elevation.’”’ Ross and Bohart collected 
the species at San Venancio in Lower Cali- 
fornia on October 8, 1941. Easily separable in 
the male from all other United States Dynas- 

May 15, 1948 

tini by the combination of the strongly bi- 
fureate clypeal horn, and the sharp tooth of 
each front thoracic angle, as well as the mod- 
erate to short, narrow, erect, weakly bifurcate 
horn of the mid-dise of the thorax. The female 
is readily separable from female Strategus by 
the widely separated front teeth on the apex 
of the clypeus (one at each side angle) as well 
as the sharp, bidentate mandibles and the non- 
margined center base of the thorax. The female 
thersites somewhat resembles a female A pho- 
nides dunnianus, but the clypeus there is uni- 
dentate at apex and the mandibles are equally 
rounded and not at all toothed. The life his- 
tory is apparently unknown. 

It is very surprising to me that the male 
aedeagus of this species is inseparable in form 
from that of male Dynastes tityus, but such ap- 
pears to be the case, based on my own careful 
dissections; throughout dynastines generally, 
the characters of the male genitalia appear to 
be specific within narrow boundaries of varia- 


This tribe is the most aberrant of the sub- 
family Dynastinae, as the labial palpi are 
inserted on the wnderside of the ligular 
plate instead of at the sides, and the gener- 
ally black color and the depressed (majority 
of species) dorsal surface is suggestive of the 
Passalidae. Numerous genera and species 
are described and the tribe is world-wide; 
our American (Neotropical) species and 
genera are very poorly and inadequately 

The two sexes are not well differentiated 
externally in this tribe. The only obvious 
external sexual difference is that the male 
sixth abdominal sternite (instead of being 
emarginate apically aS in most other 
dynastine tribes) is subtruncate at apex, 
whereas the same sternite in the female is 
somewhat narrowly rounded, though at 
times it is practically impossible for even an 
experienced student of the group to be cer- 
tain of the sex unless he dissects the speci- 
men. This condition, however, does not hold 
good throughout the tribe, since males of 
the Neotropical Amblyodus Westwood show 
the typical emargination of the last sternite. 

1. Completely lacking any tubercles or horns on 



either head or thorax; clypeal base consisting 
of a wide carina which is obsolescent lat- 
erally; front not at all concave, but coarsely 
punctate; side of thorax exceptionally hairy 
(hairs really extend from beneath thoracic 
margin); elytra short and very coarsely crib- 
rate; apex of hind tibia slightly irregular 
but not really toothed; all tarsal segments 
short and subrectangular in shape; elytra 
“‘soldered’”’ at sutures and wings reduced to 
..Archophileurus cribrosus (LeConte) 

With tubercles or horns on either head or 
thorax or both, without transverse clypeal 
carina; front always strongly concave; elytra 
longer, depressed; hind tibial apex distinctly 
spinose, at least at sides; tarsal segments 
longer, basal segment of mid and hind legs 
with strong apical spine; elytra not soldered 
at suture and wings of normal length. 
UMMC UIES a oes Re hone a a 3 
2. Size large (29-34 mm); clypeal horn very large, 
as long as exposed dorsal portion of head, 
each horn situated right at and on lateral 
margin of head; small canthus in front of 
eye (dorsal view) very obsolescent, not at all 
conspicuous. . Phileurus truncatus (Beauvois) 
Size much smaller (16-23 mm); clypeal horn 
small or represented by a tubercle, always 
much shorter than head length; clypeal horn 
situated znside each lateral margin, and not 
at it; eye canthus moderate to strong..... 3 
3. Front tibia distinctly 4-dentate, the subapical 
and apical external teeth very narrowly sep- 
arated by a distinctly U-shaped incision; 
the sides of the ‘“‘incision”’ parallel........ 
ee eS Phileurus castaneus Haldeman 
Front tibia tridentate, at most with the merest 
suggestion of a fourth tooth (near base if 
present) apical and subapical external tooth 
separated by a wide non-parallel-sided emar- 
eG Ss . . Phileurus illatus LeConte 

Genus Archophileurus Kolbe 

Archophileurus Kolbe, 1910, p. 334; Casey, 1915, 
p. 271; Arrow, 1937, p. 38; Cazier, 1399, p. 170. 

Arrow in his 1937 catalogue lists a number of 
American species in this genus, some of these 
however actually being synonyms, but the 
group is not well enough known to definitely 
list them as such at the present time. Our 
single United States species also occurs in 
northern Mexico: 

Archophileurus cribrosus (LeConte) 
Fig. 1, 6 
Phileurus cribrosus LeConte, 1854, p. 80; Bates, 
1887, p. 338. 
Archophileurus cribrosus (LeConte) Casey, 1915, 
p. 264; Arrow, 1937, p. 87; Cazier, 1939, p. 170. 

Judged from collected specimens apparently 
the center of distribution of this species is in 


northern Mexico (Durango, Coahuila, and 
Tamaulipas), with further distribution in the 
southwestern United States (Texas, Arizona, 
and New Mexico). Nothing is known regarding 
its habits. The slender vestigial wings are inter- 
esting, and owing to this flightless condition we 
might expect to find local races in such a wide- 
ranging form. 

Genus Phileurus Latreille 

Phileurus Latrielle, 1807, p. 103; Burmeister, 
1947, p. 148; Lacordaire, 1856, p. 456; Kolbe, 
1910, p. 336; Casey, 1915, p. 264; Arrow, 1937, 
p. 89; Cazier, 1939, p. 170. 

In his 1937 catalogue Arrow lists 27 species, 
at least 10 of which are known to me to be 
synonyms. The species range generally through- 
out the Americas and the West Indies. The 
larvae live in decaying wood. Because of the 
flattened dorsal surface and the black color, 
these Phileurus are often mistaken for passalid 
beetles, which they do indeed superficially re- 

Phileurus truncatus (Beauvois) 
Fig. 1, a 

Scarabaeus truncatus Palisot de Beauvois, 1807, 
p. 41. 

Phileurus truncatus (Beauvois) Casey, 1915, p. 
265; Bates, 1889, p. 340; Arrow, 1937, p. 90; 
Cazier, 1939, p. 170. 

Phaleurus recurvatus Casey, 1915, p. 266. 

Recorded by Bates and Casey from Mexico 
and ranging also rather commonly throughout 
our southeastern United States. Has been re- 
corded as mistaking chimneys for hollow trees 
and thus falling into fireplaces. The large size 
and strong cephalic horns readily place the 

Phileurus illatus LeConte 
Hig Se 

Phileurus illatus LeConte, 1854, p. 80; Casey, 
1915, p. 267; Ritcher, 1944, p. 47 (larvae). 

Phileurus vitulus LeConte, 1866, p. 80; Cazier, 
1939, p. 170. 

Phileurus phoenicis Casey, 1915, p. 267; Cazier, 
1939, p. 170. 

Phileurus puncticollis Casey, 1915, p. 268; Cazier, 
1939, p. 170. 

Goniophileurus femoratus (Burmeister) Kolbe, 
1910, p. 149, p. 344 (pars); Arrow, 1937, p. 
86, 90; Blackwelder, 1944, pp. 257-258; Ca- 
zier, 1939, p. 170. 

There has been a great deal of controversy 
about and incorrect citations for this species 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

since Kolbe erected the genus Goniophileurus 
for femoratus Burmeister and placed illatus 
LeConte and vitulus LeConte as synonyms of 
it. Burmeister’s types of femoratus were from 
French Guiana and this name (the species is 
unknown to me) should apply to that locality, 
and vitulus and illatus should be removed from 
the synonymy of that species. Kolbe’s main 
character for the genus Goniophileurus was the 
2- or 3-toothed mandible, whereas my dissec- 
tions show without doubt that the mandibles 
of our U.S. species are quite simple. Thus in 
the catalogues of Arrow (1937) and of Black- 
welder (1944) following Arrow, vitulus and 
illatus are listed both as synonyms of Gonio- 
phileurus femoratus (Burmeister) and also as 
valid species of Phileurus; actually, they have 
nothing to do with femoratus, and vitulus is a 
synonym of our common tllatus. 

Ritcher has studied larvae taken in the 
trunks of trees (Dasylirion) in Arizona. The 
species occurs fairly commonly in Arizona, very 
rarely in southern California and in northern 
Mexico and Lower California (Triunfo, July 7, 
Ross and Michelbacher). I have also seen a 
specimen some time ago, apparently of this 
species, taken from the La Brea tar pits in 
southern California, probably representing a 
specimen of the (?) Pleistocene period. 

Phileurus castaneus Haldeman 
Fig. 1, d 

Phileurus castaneus Haldeman, 1843, p. 304; 
Casey, 1915, p. 270; Arrow, 1937, p. 89; Ca- 
zier, 1939, p. 170; Ritcher, 1944, p. 42 (larvae). 

Phileurus valgus Olivier (nec Linnaeus), 1789, 
p. 48; Arrow, 1937, p. 89. 

Phileurus texensis Casey, 1915, p. 268; Cazier, 
1939, p. 170. 

Phileurus sulcifer Casey, 1915, p. 269; Cazier 
1939, p. 170. 

Phileurus floridanus Casey, 1915, p. 270; Cazier, 
1939, p. 170. 

Phileurus carolinae Casey, 1915, p. 269; Cazier, 
1939, p. 170. 

Arrow in his 1937 catalogue lists four varie- 
ties of this species from the West Indies and 
South America. It is a fairly common species in 
the United States, ranging from Virginia 
through the Southern States and Florida and 
Texas into Mexico, and supposedly also Gua- 
temala. Ritcher has reared the larva from a 
specimen collected in a cavity of a dead Bass- 
wood tree. 

May 15, 1948 


Arrow, G. J. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 1909: 

. Coleop. Catalogus, pars 156: 89. 1937. 

. Trans. Ent. Soc. London (A) 86: 38. 

Bates, H. W. Biologia Centrali-Americana, 

Coleoptera 2(2): 338. 1889. 

Beavuvois, A. M. J. Patisor pr. Insectes 
recuerllis en Afrique et en Amerique: 41. 

BLACKWELDER, R. E. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 
185, part 2: 257-258. 1944. 

Brucu, Cartos. Rev. Mus. La Plata 4(2): 

erect O10, - 

BurRMEIsTER, H. Handbuch der Entomologie 
5: 148. 1847. 

Cartwricut, O. L. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 
37(1): 36. 1944. 

Casny, T. L. Memoirs on the Coleoptera 6: 
178. 1915; 11: 334. 1924. 

Cazier, M. A. Bull. Southern California 
Acad. Sci. 38(3): 170. 1939. 

CuHEVROLAT, L. A. A. Jn Guerin, Mag. Zool., 
Coléoptéres du Mexique, 13: 33. 1842. 
DeGsEeER, Cart. Mémoires pour servir a Vhis- 

toure des insectes 4: 322. 1774. 

Ducks, HEucenge. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belgique 31: 
137. 1887. 

HatpEMAN,S.S. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia 1: 304. 18438. 

Hamiuton, J. Can. Ent. 18: 112. 1886. 

Horn, G. H. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 2: 78. 
1870; 10: 122. 1882. 



JOHNSON, R. Connecticut Agr. Exp. Stat. 
Bull. 461: 79-86. 1942. 

Kirpy, W. ‘Trans. Linn. Soc. London 14: 
566-568. 1825. 

Kose, T. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belgique 54: 334. 

LacoRDAIRE, J. T. Genera des coléopteres 3: 
456. 1856. 

LATREILLE, P. A. Genera crustaceorum et in- 
sectorum 2: 103. 1807. 

LeConts, J. L. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia (2), 1:88. 1848. 

. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 6: 
80. 1854; 8: 21. 1856; 13: 336. 1861. 
LreConte, J. L., and Horn, G. Classification 
of the Coleoptera of North America 259. 


LinnakEus, C. Amoen. Academy 6: 391. 1763. 

. Systema naturae (ed. 12) 1(2): 549. 

Maneg, A. H. Ent. News 26: 266. 1915. 

MELSHEIMER, F. E. V. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philadelphia 2: 138. 1856. 

OxuivieR, A. G. Entomologie ou histovre na- 
turelle des insectes 1 (pars 5): 48. 1789. 
Ritcuer, P. O. Kentucky Agr. Exp. Stat. 

Bull. No. 467: 48. 1944. 

Say, Tuomas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
delphia 3: 209. 1823. 

Sartor, L. W. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 
35(12): 378-386. 1945; 36(1): 16-22. 
1946; 36(2): 41-46. 1946. 

Sims, Ropert. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cire. 334.1934. 

STERNBERG, R. Stett. Ent. Zeitung 71: 26. 
1910 (1909). 


ORNITHOLOGY .—WNote on the races of the black-throated sunbird, Aethopyga 
saturata (Hodgson).1 J. DELAcour, American Museum of Natural History. 
(Communicated by HERBERT FRIEDMANN.) 

While I was in Europe in the summer of 
1947, I made a complete examination of the 
specimens of Aethopyga saturata preserved 
in the Museums of Paris and London at the 
instance of H. G. Deignan, who has re- 
cently revised the races of the species, using 
the material available in the United States. 
I found that the races stand as he has indi- 
cated in his recent paper (This JoURNAL 38: 
21-23. 1948) with one addition. Also new 
indications are supplied by the specimens in 
the Paris and London collections, many of 
which have been collected by me in Indo- 
china. The metallic blue, or dull black, 
coloration of the middle of the throat of the 
males is an important characteristic, but it 
is not quite stable, and specimens varying 

1 Received January 30, 1948. 

in that way may be found apparently in 
several populations. I have listed the fol- 
lowing ratios of metallic and dull throats in 
two subspecies from the specimens de- 
posited in Paris and London. 

Subspecies and locality Metallic throat Dull throat 

Karenni 3 1 
(including type) 
Tenasserim 9 0 
Southern Shan 
States 0 14 
Haut Laos 2 9 
Tongking 2 6 

Even in specimens with a completely 
metallic blue throat the center is always 
somewhat duller than the sides, so that in 
some cases it is a question of degree and 
there is a gradation between the two ex- 


tremes. Also there is a good deal of variation 
in the intensity and extent of the yellow of 
the underparts among specimens from 
Tongking and Haut Laos. Two males from 
Dakto, Central Annam, are similar to speci- 
mens from the Boloven Plateau and should 
be referred to ochra. 

Mr. Deignan was unable to examine ma- 
terial from Bokor, southwestern Cambodia. 
This population is isolated on the Chaines 
des Eléphants et des Cardamomes and has 
special characteristics. I propose to call it: 

Aethopyga saturata cambodiana, n. subsp. 

Type.—Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. no. 1578, 
adult male, collected at Bokor, Cambodia, on 
December 12, 1927, by J. Delacour (original 
number 798). 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

Diagnosis.—Nearest to ochra Deignan (Bas 
Laos and Central Annam), differing in having 
the middle of throat usually metallic blue, not 
dull black, the mantle of a darker maroon red 
color and the abdomen grayer. Resembles 
sanguinipectus Walden (South Burma), but 
darker red on the mantle. In its dark mantle 
and metallic throat it approaches johnsi Robin- 
son and Kloss (South Annam), which, how- 
ever, is very distinct from all other races in the 
almost plain red color of the breast. Iris dark 
brown; bill black; legs blackish brown. Female 
similar to petersi, very yellow underneath. 

Range.—The mountains of southwestern 
Cambodia and probably the border of Siam. 

Specimens examined.—8 males, 3 females. 

Remarks.—One of the males (Paris) has the 
center of throat dull black. 

ORNITHOLOGY .—Some races of the babbling thrush, Malacocincla abbotti Blyth.! 
H. G. Deienan, U. 8. National Museum. 

Despite the fact that this common bab- 
bler is generally admitted to show normal 
subspecific variation in the Malaysian Sub- 
region, ornithological writers have con- 
sistently held that the nominate race 
ranges, without the least geographical 
change, from the eastern Himalayan foot- 
hills to Malaya and Indochine. Inasmuch as 
the rich material before me shows unde- 
niable subspeciation, it must be supposed 
that lack of specimens from Arakan, the 
type locality of the species, has inhibited its 
proper study in the past. 

It may be said at once that I have not 
myself seen a single topotype of Malaco- 
cincla abbott: and that all remarks to follow 
are based upon the premise that specimens 
from southwestern Siam and _ northern 
Tenasserim represent the Arakanese form 
—an assumption supported by careful com- 
parison of these birds with the original de- 
scription of Blyth (Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 
14, pt. 2: 601. Aug. 1845). 

In my diagnoses of new subspecies, only 
fresh-plumaged adult examples have been 
employed, and ‘‘foxing’”’ has been taken into 
account by comparison of birds of approxi- 
mately the same date of collection. After 
these precautions, I still find it necessary 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 

the Smithsonian Institution. Received January 
16, 1948. 

to name three races from Siam alone. Their 
descriptions follow. 

1. Malacocincla abbotti rufescentior, n. subsp. 

Type.—U. 8. N. M. no. 330572, adult female, 
collected at Ban Tha Lo, southwest of Surat 
Thani or Ban Don (ca. lat. 9°05’ N., long. 
99°15’ E.), peninsular Siam, on September 20, 
1931, by Hugh M. Smith (original number 

Diagnosis.—Separable in series from M. a. 
abbottt (as exemplified by birds from south- 
western Siam and northern Tenasserim) by 
having the upperparts slightly more rufescent, 
and especially by having the underparts (ex- 
cept the white throat and abdomen) more 
strongly washed with a much brighter ferrugi- 

Range.—Peninsular Siam (except Pattani 
Province) and southern Tenasserim. 

Remarks.—M. a. rufescentior is distinguish- 
able from olivacea of Pattani Province and 
Malaya by the same characters as separate it 
from abbotti. The material before me does not 
show any very obvious difference between 
abbottt and olwacea, although the latter seems 
to have the upperparts the least bit darker in 
tone; larger series would probably show this 

Twenty-four winter-taken adults of rufes- 
centior have been examined. 

May 15, 1948 

2. Malacocincla abbotti obscurior, n. subsp. 

Type.—U. 5S. N. M. no. 333912, adult male, 
collected at Khao Sa Bap (lat. 12°35’ N., long. 
102°15’ E.), Chanthaburi Province, southeast- 
ern Siam, on October 25, 1933, by Hugh M. 
Smith (original number 6545). 

Diagnosis——Separable in series from M. a. 
rufescentior by having the coloration of the 
crown, especially anteriorly, darker and more 
olivaceous; by having the remaining upper- 
parts equally rufescent, but decidedly deeper 
in tone; and by having the rufescent of the 
underparts (excepting the white throat and 
abdomen) slightly brighter and deeper. 

Range.—Southeastern Siam. 

Remarks.—Twenty-five winter-taken adults 
of obscurior have been examined. 

3. Malacocincla abbotti williamsoni, 1. subsp. 

Type.—uvU.S. N. M. no. 324357, adult male, 
collected at Sathani Pak Chong, eastern Siam 



at lat. 14°40’ N., long. 101°25’ E., on November 

16, 1929, by Hugh M. Smith (original number 

Diagnosis.—Like M, a. obscurior in the dark 
coloration of the crown but easily distinguish- 
able from it in series by having the remaining 
upperparts olivaceous brown, but slightly suf- 
fused with rufescent, and by having the under- 
parts (except the white throat and abdomen) 
more lightly washed with a paler ferruginous. 

From M. a. abbottr, which it resembles be- 
neath, williamsoni is separable by the deeper 
tone of the more olivaceous-brown upperparts 
and the darker coloration of the crown. 

Range.—Eastern Siam and Laos (Vientiane). 

Remarks.—This race is named in honor of Sir 
Walter J. F. Williamson, C.M.G., the well- 
known student of Siamese ornithology. 

Eleven winter-taken adults of williamsoni 
have been examined. 

ZOOLOGY .—Two new millipeds of Jamaica.! H. F. Loomis, Coconut Grove, Fla. 

Late in January and early in February, 
1937, Dr. E. A. Chapin, curator of insects, 
United States National Museum, collected 
insects and members of lower groups in 
Jamaica. The millipeds included in this 
collection were sent to me for identification, 
there being eight species of which two ap- 
pear to be undescribed, one representing a 
new generic type. These two new millipeds 
are here described and the previously known 
species in the collection listed. All speci- 
mens have been deposited in the National 

Glomeridesmus angulosus, n. sp. 

One male (type) and six other specimens in 
bottle labeled only “Sifting fern gully, Feb. 
2,’ but probably collected at Moneague, where 
other collecting was done the same day. 

Diagnosis.—This is the smallest West Indian 
species of the genus and has the posterior cor- 
ners of more of the caudal segments produced 
into acute angles than any other species. The 
last male legs also are distinctive. 

Description — Length of largest specimen, a 
female, with 21 segments, 4 mm, width 1 mm; 

1 Received January 16, 1948. 

largest male, with 20 segments, 3 mm long. The 
generally dark color of living animals probably 
is almost entirely derived from the internal 
organs showing through the quite transparent 
and colorless body wall noticeable in preserved 

The pit behind each antenna is circular and 
not opened on any side, nor is the antennal 
socket opened behind or below although there 
is a depression below it as in the Haitian G. 
jenkinsi Loomis. 

From segment 12 or 13 to segment 19 in- 
clusive the posterior corners are increasingly 
produced into acute angles as shown in Fig. 1. 

Basal joint of the legs with posterior margin 
minutely serrate. Pleurae with about three 
transverse ridges in front, the back margin 
smooth but with 6 to 8 minute, short, pro- 
jecting setae; inner posterior corner acute. 
Penultimate legs of male with basal joints di- 
rected outward, the three terminal ones bent 
caudad. Last male legs with only the two ter- 
minal joints projecting beyond the penultimate 
legs, modified as shown in Fig. 2. 

Siphonophora robusta Chamberlin 

A female, apparently of this species from 
Moneague, station 370, February 2. 


Rhinocricus sabulosus Pocock Rhinocricus sp. 

A female from Moneague, station 370, A young specimen from near White Horses, 
February 2, and several specimens from ‘‘under _ station 386, February 6. 

dung” at Mocho, February 16. Spirostrophus naresi (Pocock) 

Rhinocricus solitarius Pocock 

Numerous specimens from Bath St. Thomas, 
A male collected with R. sabulosus above. February 6 and 8. 

—_ ————— 

.0 Gaane "00 9 99.9005 5 9929 
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2-2 4 2 oe 



Fiaes. 1-2.—Glomeridesmus angulosus, n. sp.: 1, Segments 16 to 20, lateral view; 2, two apical joints’ 

of last male leg on left side, ventral view over penultimate leg. 

Fies. 3-6.—Xaymacia granulata, n. sp.: 3, Antenna and part of opposite socket; 4, head and first 
penultimate three segments, the nonsetiferous tubercles not shown; 5, segment 9 of male showing 
typieal dorsal sculpture; 6, gonopods, ventral view. 


May 15, 1948 

Xaymacia, n. gen. 

Genoty pe.-—X aymacia granulata, n. sp. 

Diagnosis.—From the shape of the gonopods 
it does not appear that this genus has any close 
relatives in the known chelodesmid fauna of 
the West Indies or the mainland surrounding 
the Caribbean area. The ornamentation of the 
dorsum is not duplicated in other members of 
the family in the region. 

Description.—Body of the size and propor- 
tions of the common Orthomorpha coarctata 
(Saussure) with which species specimens were 
collected in several localities. Males more 
slender and with the dorsum flatter than fe- 
males. Dorsum thickly granulate in addition 
to three transverse series of slightly larger 
setose tubercles on segments 1 to 19, inclusive. 

Head large, as wide as segment 1; a strong 
sulcus on the vertex; antennae separated by 
little more than the diameter of one of the 
sockets, geniculate at joint 4; joints 5 and 6 
with a group of sensory hairs on the outer side 
near apex. 

Produced posterior corners of lateral keels, 
from segment 2 to 18 inclusive, subequal in 
size. Pore formula normal, the pores opening 
outward from the margin of the carinae. Sterna 
sparsely hispid. 

Gonopods with the apical half of the poste- 
rior division slender, pointed, and curving be- 
hind and partly obscured by the anterior divi- 
sion which is biramose and with its apical half 
in a sigmoid curve. 

The generic name is in reference to the old 
name ‘‘Xaymaca”’ from which the modern 
name of Jamaica was derived. 

Xaymacia granulata, n. sp. 

From January 28 to February 8, 1937, 
numerous specimens were collected at the fol- 
lowing localities: Caymanas, along Rio Cobre, 
(male type); Annotto Bay; Half Way Tree; 
Hope Gardens; Bath St. Thomas. 

Description.—Length 16 to 18 mm; body 
parallel-sided from segment 1 to 16; males 
definitely more slender than females and the 
dorsum flatter, nearly horizontal; general size 
and color very similar to Orthomorpha coarctata 

Living color dark brown except for the cor- 
ners of segment 1 and the lateral carinae of 
succeeding segments which are light yellow, 



the color being restricted to the outer margin 
of the carina at the front of each segment but 
broadening to include the entire posterior cor- 
ner; last segment wholly brown; sterna, legs, 
preanal scale, and the anal valves colorless. 

Head almost as wide as remainder of body; 
strongly and evenly inflated, subglobose, with 
a very definite sulcus extending across the 
vertex to between the antennae; the vertex 
shining, glabrous behind, sparsely and finely 
hispid in front, the remainder of the head much 
more densely hispid with erect hairs varying in 
length from very short to others several times 
as long. Antennae close together near the front 
of the head, separated by little more than the 
diameter of one socket, shaped as shown in 
Fig. 3; joints 5 and 6 each with a small area of 
sensory hairs near apex on the outer side. 

First segment semicircular, strongly convex, 
with the posterior corners depressed, thin, 
horizontal, rather acute but not produced 
backward; surface densely scattered with 
small vesiclelike granules as high as broad, and 
three transverse rows of slightly larger setifer- 
ous granules, 12 of which are along the anterior 
margin,10 in the median row and 8 to 10 some- 
what in advance of the posterior margin; a 
single seta projects outward from the margin 
just in advance of the posterior corner. 

Ensuing segments with granules and trans- 
verse rows of setiferous tubercles similar to 
those of segment 1; a pronounced transverse 
sulcus crosses the middle of each segment and 
the lateral carinae have one or two setae pro- 
jecting outward from the outer margin (Fig. 
4). Second segment with the outer margin of 
the keels slightly longer than on ensuing ones, 
the posterior corners produced backward in 
the same degree which remains uniform to 
segment 18, corners of segment 19 reduced to 
half size; from segment 5 backward the outer 
margin of the keels thickened and containing 
an elongate impressed area opening outward, 
this being much broader in the poriferous keels 
(Fig. 5). Pore formula normal. 

Last segment short, conical, abruptly nar- 
rower at apex, the dorsal surface lacking gran- 
ules except those bearing the setae, there being 
an anterior row of six of these and a posterior, 
subapical, row of four, the outermost actually 
being on the lateral surface. 

Preanal scale large, triangular, the posterior 
margin of segment 19 just in front of it with 6 to 


10 marginal setae. Anal valves moderately in- 
flated, the margins thinly elevated. 

Sterna sparsely hispid with long erect hairs. 
Sterna of fourth male legs with two rather 
large conical tubercles, other sterna and legs 
normal. Gonopods as shown in Fig. 6. 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

Orthomorpha coarctata (Saussure) 

Numerous specimens collected at Annotto 
Bay, January 30; Half Way Tree, January 28 
and 31; Caymanas, on sandy beach along Rio 
Cobre, February 3. 



The 416th meeting of the Board of Man- 
agers, held in the Cosmos Club, March 15, 
1948, was called to order at 8 p.m. by the 
President, Dr. F. D. Rossini. Others present 
were: H. 8. Rappleye, W. L, Scumirt, W. W. 
Diex., F. M. Dreranporr, C. F. W. Muzss- 
BECK, R. Bamrorp, W. A. Dayron, F. B. 
SILSBEE, M. A. Mason, A. O. Fostsr, L. A. 
Rogers, C. L. Garner, C. L. Gazin, and, by 
invitation, H. E. McComps, R. J. Sescer, and 

The President announced the appointment 
of a Committee on Science Legislation: J. E. 
GraF, Chairman, A. T. McPHEerson, W. W. 

It was reported that the Executive Commit- 
tee had agreed to accept an invitation to join 
with the Library of Congress, the American 
Council of Learned Societies, and the Founda- 
tion for Integrated Education in cosponsoring 
a memorial meeting in honor of the late Alfred 
North Whitehead at the Library of Congress on 
Sunday, March 21, 1948. 

The Executive Committee recommended to 
the Board that an allotment of $20 be made 
to the Membership Committee to cover ex- 
penses of office, including the preparation of 
mimeographed summaries of the new-member 
qualifications for presentation to the Board. 

The Chairman of the Committee on Meet- 
ings, Dr. R. J. SEEGER, announced that the 
March meeting would be given over to the 
Academy Award winners for 1947. 

The secretary read the following report sub- 
mitted by a committee appointed to consider 
the creation of an office of President-Elect, 
increase in the permitted number of members, 
and the addition of two standing committees: 

The Committee met on 25 February 1948 in 
the office of Dr. Gazin at the National Museum to 
consider the questions referred to it by the Board 
of Managers, namely, the questions of creating 
the office of ‘“‘President-Elect”’ of the Washington 
Academy of Sciences, of increasing the permitted 
number of members, and of adding the Committee 
on Awards for Scientific Achievement and the 
Committee on Grants-in-Aid for Research to the 
standing committees of the Board of Managers. 

The Committee recommends the creation of the 
office of President-Elect to promote continuity of 
policies and objectives of the Academy by ae- 
quainting the income president with the current 
business and the administrative routine of the 

The Committee regards with favor the proposal 
to raise the permitted number of members of the 
Academy since this would make possible an ex- 
pansion of the Academy more nearly in propor- 
tion to the growth of Washington as a center of 
science, and would at the same time provide addi- 
tional income for the Academy. However, the 
Committee feels that the increase in number 
should be a modest one. A large increase would 
create so many vacancies that there might be a 
danger of lowering the standards of admission of 
the Academy. The Committee suggests that the 
permitted number of active members be raised 
from 650 to 700 and the number of resident active 
members from 500 to 550. The Committee feels 
that such action would provide ample room for 
suitable candidates for several years to come, 
especially since there are at present about 20 
vacancies in the Academy. 

The Committee recommends increasing the 
number of standing committees of the Board of 
Managers from four to six to include the Commit- 
tee on Awards for Scientific Achievement and the 
Committee on Grants-in-Aid for Research. Both 
of these committees have been standing commit- 
tees in effect for the past several years. 

[There followed a list of suggested changes in 
the Bylaws and Standing Rules to carry out these 
recommendations. | 

The Board accepted the report and in- 
structed the Secretary to submit to a vote of 
the membership the recommended changes in 

May 15, 1948 

the Bylaws, with the emendation that the 
increase in the number of members permitted in 
the Academy be changed from 50 to 100. 
Changes in the Standing Rules were accepted 
with one amendment. These changes are re- 
quired to be presented at the next meeting of 
the Board for final approval. 

Upon further discussion of the composition 
and duties of the various standing committees, 
it was voted that the present Special Commit- 
tee that recommended the changes in the By- 
laws look into the matter of the tenure of 
membership in the standing committees to 
consider the suggestion that some arrangement 
be made to permit a rotation or carry-over of a 
certain number of each committee to the suc- 
ceeding year, in order to facilitate functioning 
of the committee and continuity in plans. 

The Secretary reported the request by Dr. 
O. E. Meinzer that H. FREEBoRN JOHNSTON 
be reinstated as a member of the Academy. Mr. 
Johnston resigned in 1939 as a result of ill 
health. The Board voted to reinstate him to 

The Secretary reported the death of Dr. 
Neuson Horatio Darton, formerly with the 
Geological Survey, an original member of the 
Academy, on February 28, 1948; and of Dr. 
Wiuu1am Rautpu Maxon, formerly curator of 
the U. S. National Herbarium, Smithsonian 
Institution, on February 25, 1948. 

The Board approved the request of Dr. 
Oscar Ripp.eE to be placed on the retired list, 
effective December 31, 1946. 

The Senior Editor, Dr. J. I. HorrMan, re- 
ported that he had read the monograph re- 
ferred to the Board of Editors for comment 
and had found it to be in good order and 
worthy of publication. The monograph, The 
Parasitic Birds of Africa, by Dr. HERBERT 
FRIEDMANN, was then referred to the new 
Committee on Monographs for its recommen- 
dations. Dr. Horrman then brought up the 
question of the proposed index to the first 40 
volumes of the JouRNAL, and after some dis- 
cussion the President was authorized to ap- 
point a committee to consider the index and 
make recommendations on its publication. 

The Board accepted the nomination of Dr. 
T. Date STEWaRT as a Vice-President of the 
Academy representing the Anthropological So- 
ciety, replacing Dr. W. N. Fenton who with- 
drew from this office because of his election to 



the Board of Managers. 

Item 9 of the recommendations of the Com- 
mittee to consider ‘“‘various matters pertaining 
to the JouRNAL and its improvement,” carried 
over from the unfinished business of the previ- 
ous meeting of the Board, was again discussed. 
The President was authorized to appoint the 
committee recommended, i.e., to study the 
functions of the Academy and to formulate a 
program that will integrate these functions, in- 
cluding the JournaL. The Board requested 
that this committee make its report by Janu- 
ary 1949. 

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. 

C. L. Gazin, Secretary 


There follows a list of persons elected to 
membership in the Academy, by vote of its 
Board of Managers, since January 13, 1947, 
who have since qualified as members in accord- 
ance with the bylaws. (See also previous list 
in January 15, 1948, issue of the JouRNAL.) The 
bases for election are stated with the names of 
the new members. 

Elected January 13, 1947 

JosEPH P. E. Morrison, zoologist, U. S. 
National Museum, in recognition of his scien- 
tific attainments in the field of malacology, es- 
pecially for his studies on the taxonomy, 
anatomy, and biology of the fresh-water mol- 

Elected October 6, 1947 

Ear_Le K. PLyYuer, physicist, National Bu- 
reau of Standards, in recognition of his work on 
the structure of molecules from infrared spec- 
tra, chemical analysis by infrared absorption 
measurements, and properties of matter as ex- 
hibited by characteristic absorption spectra. 

Elected December 15, 1947 

RoseErt C. Cook, biologist, managing editor 
of the Journal of Heredity, in recognition of his 
services to biology, in particular his long-time 
distinguished editorship of the Journal of 

Ira A. Goutp, Jr., chemist, University of 
Maryland, in recognition of his studies on the 
chemistry of milk, especially of the chemical 


changes brought about by the application of 

Tirrey F. Forp, chemist, Bureau of Dairy 
Industry, in recognition of his contributions to 
the ultracentrifugal measurement of micellar 
sizes and in particular his researches on the 
particle size of the proteins of milk. 

Harotp H. SHEPARD, entomologist, U. S. 
Department of Agriculture, in recognition of 
his contributions to entomology, particularly 
the action of insecticides, the biology of stored 
products, insects, and the bibliography of the 

PauL R. Miuuer, plant pathologist, Bureau 
of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural En- 
gineering, in recognition of his contributions to 
the science of plant pathology and in particular 
his researches on apple rusts and on plant- 
disease survey methods, including spore load 
studies, development of new techniques, epi- 
demiological studies, etc. 

W. GARDNER Lynv, biologist, Catholic Uni- 
versity of America, in recognition of his studies 
in embryology and herpetology. 

Hueu T. O'NEILL, botanist, Catholic Uni- 
versity of America, in recognition of his contri- 
bution to systematic botany, especially the 
Cyperaceae and Arctic plants. 

Lex Line, plant pathologist, Food and Agri- 
cultural Division, United Nations Organiza- 
tion, in recognition of his contributions to the 
mycology and plant pathology of China. 

_Grorce D. Rock, physicist, Catholic Uni- 
versity of America, in recognition of his contri- 
butions to ultrasonics. 

Francis EK. Fox, physicist, Catholic Uni- 
versity of America, in recognition of his work in 
ultrasonics, particularly on the absorption of 
ultrasonic waves in liquids. 

JOSEPH S. CALDWELL, physiologist, U.S. De- 
partment of Agriculture, in recognition of his 
studies in the physiology of fruit and vegetable 

FRANK L. CAMPBELL, entomologist, editor of 
the Scientific Monthly, in recognition of his 
researches in entomology, in particular the 
physiology of insects in relation to toxicology. 

RicHarp 8. DIu, engineer, Heating and Air 
Conditioning Section, National Bureau of 
Standards, in recognition of his outstanding re- 
-search in the fields of heating, insulation, and 
air-conditioning of structures. 


VOL. 38, NO. 5 

Joun K. Taytor, chemist, National Bureau 
of Standards, in recognition of his work on 
electrode potentials, refractive index, and 

J. Brookes Knicur, paleontologist, U. S. 
National Museum, in recognition of his contri- 
butions to the knowledge of Paleozoic Gastro- 

Doris M. Cocuran, zoologist, U. 8S. Na- 
tional Museum, in recognition of her scientific 
work in taxonomic herpetology, especially for 
the Herpetology of Hispaniola, U. S. National 
Museum Bulletin 177, 1941. 

Elected January 12, 1948 

JoHun C. Ewsrs, ethnologist, U. S. National 
Museum, in recognition of his research on the 
material culture and arts and crafts of the 
Plains Indians in historic times. 

WattrerR §. Dieux, engineer, Bureau of 
Aeronautics, Department of the Navy, in 
recognition of his contributions to aerody- 
namics and to aeronautics. 

ASHLEY B. GuRNeEY, entomologist, Bureau 
of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, in recog- 
nition of his contributions to the taxonomy of 
the Orthoptera, SEB Neuroptera, and 

Harry A. Bortuwick, botanist, Bureau of 
Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engi- 
neering, in recognition of his work in plant 
physiology and in particular his researches on 
photoperiodism in relation to plant morphology. 

Marion W. Parker, botanist, Bureau of 
Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engi- 
neering, in recognition of his work in plant 
physiology and especially on the relation of 
light and temperature to plant growth. 

Puitip BRIERLEY, plant pathologist, Bureau 
of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engi- 
neering, in recognition of his contributions to 
plant pathology, particularly in clearing up the 
nature and complexity of the virus diseases of 
Inlium longiflorum. 

Wiitpur D. McCuietuan, plant pathologist, 
Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricul- 
tural Engineering, in recognition of his work on 
use of fungicides and interaction of nutritives 
and fungicides in the pathogenicity of certain 

Paut C. Marta, botanist, Bursar of Plant 
Industry, Soils, at Agricultural Engineering, 

May 15, 1948 

in recognition of his work in plant physiology, 
in particular his pioneering research on the ef- 
fects of growth regulators on plants and fruits. 

Fioyp F. Smiru, entomologist, Bureau of 
Entomology and Plant Quarantine, in recog- 
nition of his investigations of insects as vectors 
of viruses and the application of aerosols to in- 
sect enemies of ornamental plants. 

Elected January 13, 1947 

Acssitau A. Brrancourt, biologist, Insti- 
tuto Biolégico Sao Paulo, Brazil, in recognition 
of his contributions to tropical researches in 
plant pathology, particularly in citrus diseases. 

Elected December 15, 1947 

JuLIAN H. MiuieEr, plant pathologist, Uni- 
versity of Georgia, Athens, Ga., in recognition 
of his researches in mycology, in particular his 
contributions on the comparative morphology 
and taxonomy of the Sphaeriales. 

Ernest H. VouLwiLer, chemist, Abbott 
Laboratories, North Chicago, IIl., inrecognition 
of his contributions to organic chemistry, par- 
ticularly the synthesis of organic medicinals. 


The Anthropological Society of Washington 
at its annual meeting held on January 7, 1948, 
elected the following officers: President, WIL- 
LIAM N. Fenton; Vice-President, W. Monta- 
GuE Coss: Secretary, MarsHatu T. Newman: 
Treasurer, JoHN C. Ewers: Councilors to the 
Board of Managers, E. Wytitys ANpREws IV, 
STELLA L. Deicnan, Grorce M. Foster, 
Wiuu1aM H. GILBert, Jr., Gorpon R. WILLEY; 
Representative to the Washington Academy 
of Sciences, T. D. Stewart. 

A report of the membership and activities 
of the Society since the last annual meeting 

Life members, 1; Active members, 62; Asso- 
ciate members, 20; Total, 83. This represents 
a decrease of six since last year. 

The members elected during the year were: 
Active members: Dr. E. W. ANpREws, Comdr. 
SYDNEY Connor, J. R. CaLtpwrELu, Dr. N. 
Datra-MasumpER, Dr. Pxtuip Drucker, 
Miss E. C. Davis, Dr. C. E. Hurcuinson, 
Dr. D. W. Locxarp, Dr. W. O. NEGHERBON, 



Dr. PuitteEo Nasu, Dr. M. H. Warkxins, 
Associate member: Dr. GEorcrE M. Foster. 

The Society records its deep sense of loss at 
the death of Dr. BratTricze BicKEL, member 
since 1933. 

Except for the joint meeting with the Wash- 
ington Academy of Sciences at the Cosmos 
Club on January 16, 1947, all regular meetings 
were held at the U. 8. National Museum. The 
Program Committee for the year comprised 
Dr. MarsHatt T. Newman, chairman, and 
Dr. MarGareT LANTIs. 

Titles of papers presented before the regular 
meetings of the Society were: 

January 16, 1947, 739th meeting, WaLpo R. 
WEDEL, Archeology and the Missouri River 
development program (slides; refreshments 
served by Washington Academy of Sciences). 

February 18, 1947, 740th meeting, R. Ruc- 
GLES GaTES, Human ancestry from a geneticist’s 
viewpoint (slides). 

March 18, 1947, 741st meeting, PRESTON 
HoupEer, The Motion Indians, an untouched 
tropical forest group in northwestern South 
America. (Published in this JouRNAL 37: 417- 
427, 1947). 

April 15, 1947, 742d meeting, W. Montacur 
Coss, The American Negro in the light of 
modern physical anthropology (slides). 

May 23, 1947, 743d meeting (joint meeting 
with the Medico-Chirurgical Society of the 
District of Columbia), Witton M. Kroaman, 
Anthropology and race relations. 

October 21, 1947, 744th meeting, Father 
Ernst Worms, The natives of northwestern 
Australia—a contemporary picture of their 
language and culture (sound color film). 

November 5, 1947, 745th meeting, GEORGE 
M. Foster, The People of Tzintzuntzan—a con- 
temporary study of social and economic adjust- 
ment in Mexico (color films). 

December 3, 1947, 746th meeting, EUGENE 
C. Worman, Jr., The neolithic period in 
India—new evidence on early cultural move- 
ments in Asia. 

The Society voted to freeze the Perpetual 
Building fund at $2,000 and to subsequently 
add the interest to dues and other income for 
running expenses. In this way the scope of activ- 
ities can be enlarged. It was decided also to 
govern annual expenditures by a budget esti- 
mate made at the start of each year. 


The report of the Treasurer follows: 

A.B.W. dues. collepted...... «- . x est<tuay 34.0 26 Glee bine cae aan eee $ 112. 
Back dues (A.A.A.) collected to reimburse A.S.W. for carrying delinquents. . 5. 
Interest, Perpetual Building Association... 7.0i2<. : 2.702 0. oben ae 57. 
Dividends, Washington Sanitary Improvement Co...............-...204.. 33. 
Dividends, Washington Sanitary Housing Co................-.000-eeeee 12. 
Interest, U.S. Savings..Bond.s.< 4.025 nes ioe eis et eee ee ee eee 12. 
Sale of Old Series. Anthrapalogists ....... -0%.. asrunn- 22 a Ob ee oe ee eee hs 
A.A.A. dues paid for Secretary and one life member..................... 10. 
Expenses,: speakers...) isoevnn exxgey. eel. i a eee eae 60. 
Dues, Inter-American Society of Anthropology and Geography........... 3. 
Printing and. mailing notiGes.s: + 5. fis a « ees 2 ee ee ee a he 
Incidental -méeting expenses... . 020, . . oc bes 3 oe ee Oe 24. 
Miscellaneous expenses, Secretary and Treasurer.............. BP BE ia 9. 
Balance. ¢ ....)23 sz 0.0% os % See 6 el ekye pn ee a ee eee 
Funds invested in Perpetual Building Association (with interest to Dec. 31, 

VG4Y) seid. a eed este ES BS ER et SS ee ee a ee $1,956. 
21 Shares Washington Sanitary Improvement Co. (par value $10 per share) 210. 
2 Shares Washington Sanitary Housing Co. (par value $100 per share)..... 200. 
U. S. Savings Bond, Series G.- - So. ce te os ee ee eee 500. 
Cash'in bank... 2.402 S272. 2 ee ee oo eee eee 261. 

Totalas of December 311947. oe > ce h.s e eeeeeee 
Total as.of December. 31; 1946. c4 2.3: 2... =. ee ee ee ee 
Wncrease. SOS COS Re ee ee ee 
Less bills outstanding: 
To A.A.A. (Subscriptions to American Anthropologist): 
For~l member, 3: years, 1948-50 yA. =o. 5 oh) oo oe ee $ 15 

Net: increase econ eck CE aes Se ee ee eee 

For.l member, 1 year, 1948). 0.02 o. coen sks 2 eee ee eee 5. 

$ 240.08 

$ 56.41 
$ 56.41 
20 .00 

$ 36.41 

MarsHALu T. Newman, Secretary. 


Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

President...........+.++++++FREDERICK D. Ross1in1, National Bureau of Standards 
DEMME hic AS a cage bm bo epi bist «nel binds C. Lewis "Gazin, U. 8. National Museum 
CE PUT ER oo wae’ sa ieee Wate .»- HOWARD S. RApPLEYE, Coast and Geodetic Survey 
UME shen icy Ste A ds oes, w ahallel aie NaTHAN R. Situ, Plant Industry Station 
Custodian and Subscription Manager of Publications.......... 00.0 c cc cee eee eee 
PEE I o)2 war's! Nai Gie ig els (ale lied Haraup A, Renper, U. 8. National Museum 
Vice-Presidents Representing the Affiliated Societies: 
Philosophical Society of Washington............0c cece eee. WALTER RAMBERG 
Anthropological Society of Washington...............0008: T. DaLe STEWART 
Pananioa pociety OF Washington . oc. 0 os cee die wk eb eee JOHN W. ALDRICH 
ipaeeuens society of Washington. . 2... 662 ae ice eee ce mess CHARLES E. WHITE 
Entomological Society of Washington...............202: C. F. W. MuESEBECK 
Namonal Geographic Society. ..3 05 ce. ee wee eae ALEXANDER WETMORE 
Geological Society of Washington..:..5......c.cccceccee WiuuiamM W. RuseEy 
Medical Society of the District of Columbia................ FREDERICK QO. CoE 
Saumdiioi Hastorical Society... oo. Cos acces mec ceeavwe GILBERT GROSVENOR 
Botanies! Society of Washington... 0.2.5... ees cee cece cece: RoNALD BAMFORD 
- Washington Section, Society of American Foresters........ WiiuiaM A. Dayton 
Washington Society of Engineers.............00c0e ee eeees CuirrorD A. BETTS 
Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers............... 
IMD eS ae VER Se D Bra wid cl Phd wy ts ele RIGS Te wie Soh ears Francis B, SILSBEE 
Washington Section, American Society of Mechanical Engineers............... 
TE Mees Bh Eas See) Cire. okays sce lufave oe aiieiel pine egha ke a. 3 Martin A. Mason 
_ Helminthological Society of Washington.................0-: AUREL O. FosTER 
Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists...... Lore A. RoGERS 
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers. CLEMENT L. GARNER 
Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers..... HERBERT GROVE DORSEY 
Washington Section, American Society of Civil Engineers..... OwEN RB. FRENCH 
Elected Members of the Board of Managers: 
eAEY 1949 ce a me ew wae Max A. McCautu, Watpo L. ScumittT 
MPIMARYT VIGO hin os viele a et ove aSieeu F. G. BricKWEDDE, WILLIAM W. DIEHL 
Proremmnry, 1950S oe. is chee es Francis M. Deranporr, WILLIAM N. FENTON 
MaMMRRPOT IE ILTURGETE 2. s,s ae cae «sve d's bie All the above officers plus the Senior Editor 
Board of Editors and Associate Editors.......... ccc cece ccc ccecenes [See front cover] 
Executive Commitiee......... FREDERICK D. Rosstnr (chairman), WALTER RAMBERG, 
1 AS Wa.po L. Scumitt, Howarp §S. RappLeye, C. Lewis GAziIn 
ESTES ICES) 08. US aon G's Sah g Sw ha 0 Sis Pataca’ a oelgrw wtkye. Sia wie 86 8 Sow Wb s Glee OW mi 
Haroutp E. McComs (chairman), LEwis W. Butz, C. WytHE CooKE, WILLIAM 
a W. Dieu, Luoyp D. Fetron, Reeina FLANNERY, GEoRGE G. Manov 
meemamimtee OF6 IM celings 2... ug Fe et ele ecneees RAYMOND J. SEEGER (chairman), 
......FRANK P, CULLINAN, Frep L. Mouter, Francis O. Ricz, FRANK THONB 
Committee on Monographs: 
To January 1949...... rote th Lewis V. Jupson (chairman), Epwarp A. CHAPIN 
SO CMMMEAT TE ODO iS a o's de wb o wees we RoLanD W. Brown, Haratp A. REHDER 
ERD VOR Ps Sle aa s ke ee ic Wiuu1aM N. Fenton, EMmMett W. Price 
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (Karu F. HeEnrzFeE xp, general chairman): 
INPUT Betray Wf ir 60. Se dia ok eas bea Ue ave bie en 8 biel wo he weirs 
C. F. W. Murseseck (chairman), Harry S. BERNTON, CHESTER W. Emmons, 
Eimer Hicerns, Marto Mouuari, GorrHoLpD STEINER, L. Epwin Yocum 
For the Engineering Mert alee eet aah, hae Mtg eee Oke, ec Uae 
Harry Dramonp (chairman), Luoyp V. BERKNER, Ropert C. Duncan, 
HERBERT N. Eaton, ARNo C. FIELDNER, FRANK B. ScuHzetz, W. D. SutTciirre 
For the Physical Srp WEARS JABS SSO agai FH Sa oa 
Kart F. Herzrevp (chairman), Natsan L. Draxsz, Luoyp D. FEtron, 

Committee on Grants-in-aid Pep RE ROMEMND AS 02 Ota). raise aia ia Riiah odcgh wade ie die o, wiaenis ete ew 
.F. H. H. Rossrts, Jr. - Raat Anna E. Jenxins, J. LEON SHERESHEVSKY 
Representative MU OUGEL Dh eile EE, OO go as e's BR Ate nse BMA ab og a wee FRANK THONE 
ER Cr PURSE A rat cdg Mia bo fois cig ta a sAURULETE Ci Go alee o hie dined wie'm ewmyeie eine vie 
Wit1i1amM G. BRoMBACHER (chairman), Haroup F. Stimson, Hersert L. HALLER 
MEE ROT EMR TE crac Sia ee ALES Coke 6 AG ace Ae Us sc dele ed Wee es 

.JoHN W. McBurney (chairman), Roger G. Bates, Wituiam A. WILDHACK 



Puysics.—General survey of certain results in the field of high pressure 
physics. .-Percy W. BRIDGMAN. Wc. J howdon ee aan ee 

SCIENCE AND FreeEpom: Reflections of a physicist. Prrcy W. Brine- 

CuEMistRY.—A method for the determination of certain metals pres- 

ent in minor concentration in various substances N. HoweE.u 
Furman, C. E. Bricker, and Bruck McDvurffiz...,.... Bey 

ETHNOLOGY.—Self-torture in the Blood Indian sun dance. Joun C. 

PALEONTOLOGY.—On two previously unreported selachians from the 
Upper Cretaceous of North America. Davin H. DunKLE...... 

ENTOMOLOGY.—Synoptic revision of the United States scarab beetles 
of the ‘subfamily Dynastinae, No. 4: Tribes Oryctini (part), 
Dynastini, and Phileurini. LAwrRENCE W. SAYLOR............ 

ORNITHOLOGY.—Note on the races of the black-throated sunbird, 
Aethopyga saturata (Hodgson). J. DELACOUR................. 

ORNITHOLOGY.—Some races of the babbling thrush, Malacocincla 
abbotit: (Blyth) ::; HG. DEIGNAN. 35.3 fee eee 

ZooLocy.—Two new millipeds of Jamaica. H. F. Loomis.......... 
PROOREDINGS: “THE ACADEMWi: 00 es Re ee ee ees 



This Journal is Indexed in the International Index to Periodicals 



Vot. 38 JuNE 15, 1948 No. 6 




James I. HorrMan ALAN STONE FRANK C. Kracrex 



J. P. E. Morrison JAMES S. WILLIAMS 
Evsert L. Litre, Jr. Watpo R. WEDEL 


450 Aunarp St. 

Entered as second class matter under the Act of August 24, 1912, at Menasha, Wis. 
Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925. 
Authorized January 21, 1933. 

Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

This JoURNAL, the official organ of the Washington Academy of Sciences, publishes: 
(1) Short original papers, written or communicated by members of the Academy; (2) 
proceedings and programs of meetings of the Academy and affiliated societies; (3) 
notes of events connected with the scientific life of Washington. The JouRNAL is issued 
monthly, on the fifteenth of each month. Volumes correspond to calendar years. 

Manuscripts may be sent to any member of the Board of Editors. It is urgently re- 
quested that contributors consult the latest numbers of the JouRNAL and conform their 
manuscripts to the usage found there as regards arrangement of title, subheads, syn- 
onymies, footnotes, tables, bibliography, legends for illustrations, and other matter. 
Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced, on good el Sd Footnotes should 
be numbered serially in pencil and submitted on a separate sheet. The editors do not 
assume responsibility for the ideas expressed by the author, nor can they undertake to 
correct other than obvious minor errors. 

Illustrations in excess of the equivalent (in cost) of one full-page halftone are to 
de paid for by the author. 

Proof.—In order to facilitate prompt publication one proof will generally be sent 
to authors in or near Washington. It is urged that manuscript be submitted in final 
form; the editors will exercise due care in seeing that copy is followed. 

Unusual cost of foreign, mathematical, and tabular material, as well as alterations 
made in the proof by the author, may be charged to the author. 

Author’s Reprints.—Reprints will be furnished in accordance with the following 
schedule of prices (approximate): 

Copies 4 pp. 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 20 pp. Gover 
50 $2 .40 $3 .90 $ 6.25 $ 6.55 $ 8.70 $2.40 
100 3.00 4.80 7.40 8.10 10.50 3.30 
150 3.60: 5.70 9.15 9.70 +s Pa 4.20 
200 4.20 6.60 10.60 11.25 14.10 5.10 
250 4.80 7.50 12.00 12.80 15.90 6.00 

Subscriptions or requests for the purchase of back numbers or volumes of the Jour- 
NAL or the PrRoceEpin@s should be sent to HARALD A. REHDER, Custodian and Sub- 
scription Manager of Publications, U. S. National Museum, Washington 25, D. C. 

Subscription Rates for the JOURNAL.—Per year, .......++- ++ es eeeecee eee 91-50 
Price of back numbers and volumes: Per Vol. Per Number © 
Vol. 1 to vol. 10, incl.—not available.*...... Seis oe _ —_— 
Vol. 11 to vol. 15, incl. (21 numbers per vol.)...... $10.00 $0.70 
Vol. 16 to vol. 22, incl. (21 numbers per vol.)..... - 8.00 0.60 
Vol. 23 to current vol. (12 numbers per vol.)...... ‘ 7.50 0.90 

* Limited number of complete sets of the JouRNAL (vol. 1 to vol. 37, inel.) available 
for sale to libraries at $318.50. 

PROCEEDINGS, vols. 1-13 (1899-1911) complete....... Sele eee «cede ve «$5000 
Single volumes, unbound..........cceecceeceees wba me» + 0) blaidiwls se alan cee 
Single numbers................ a ie Mate eae Be ose 2 pe ae A aS Pert tr 

Missing Numbers will be replaced without charge provided that claim i is made to the 
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addressed to the Treasurer, H. S. RappLeye, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Wash- 
ington 25, D. C. 

Exchanges.—The Academy does not exchange its publications for those of other 




VoL. 38 

PHYSICS.—Mass spectra of hydrocarbons.' 

of Standards. 

Mass spectra were first observed by J. J. 
Thompson by passing canal rays through 
transverse electric and magnetic fields. His 
discovery in 1913 (1) that there appeared 
to be two isotopes of neon led Aston (2) 
to much more elaborate experiments. For 
many years interest centered in discovery 
of new isotopes and precision atomic-weight 
measurements. Studies of molecular mass 

spectra were largely an American develop- 

ment. (3) The purpose was to study the 
mechanism of ionization of polyatomic mole- 
cules. Later Hipple (4) at Westinghouse 
and Washburn (5) of the Consolidated 
Engineering Corporation developed this 
type of mass spectrometer into an instru- 
ment suitable for chemical analysis of gas 
mixtures. The requirements for such an 
instrument are accurate automatic elec- 
trical recording and reliable reproducibility. 

An important feature intioduced by 
Bleakney was the ionization chamber in 
which the ions were produced. A beam of 
univelocity electrons traverses the ioniza- 
tion chamber and a magnetic field parallel 
to the beam keeps this beam centered while 
a small transverse electric field draws the 
ions produced out of the ionization cham- 
ber. The ions are then accelerated by a 
large electric field and bent by a magnetic 

field to give a mass spectrum. 

The gas to be ionized enters the ioniza- 
tion chamber in a jet at very low pressure 
(about 10-* mm), and fast pumps maintain 
a pressure of about 10-* mm outside the 
ionization chamber. This insures ideally 
simple conditions. There is no appreciable 
accumulation of ionization products in the 

1 Address of the retiring President of the Philo- 
sophical Society of Washington, January 17, 
1948. Received March 17, 1948. 

JUNE 15, 1948 

No. 6 

Frep L. Montusr, National Bureau 

ionization chamber and there are no colli- 
sions between ions and gas molecules. As 
the applied voltage of the electron beam is 
increased, molecule ions first appear at 
about 10 to 12 volts. Then with increasing 
voltage, ions of various dissociation prod- 
ucts are formed. Twenty-five or 30 volts 
are sufficient to produce almost every pos- 
sible dissociation product of a hydrocarbon 
and, in the range 50 to 100 volts, the rela- 
tive intensities of the molecule ion and the 
various dissociation products remain nearly 
independent of voltage. The resulting mass 

spectrum is a property of the molecule modi- 

fied only slightly by instrumental factors. 
In the Consolidated mass spectrometer 
the ions from the ionization chamber are 
accelerated by a variable electric field and 
bent through an arc of 180° by the field of 
a large magnet to reach a collecting elec- 
trode. After passing through the electric 
field V all the singly charged ions will have 
the same kinetic energy 1/2 mv?=eV and 
light ions will have a high velocity and 
heavy ions a small velocity. The magnetic 
field exerts a force proportional to the veloc- 
ity at right angles to the field and to the 
velocity. Ions of mass m and charge e 
will move on the arc of a circle of radius 
R defined by the relation m/e=CH? R?/V 
where C is a constant, H is the magnetic 
field, and V the ion accelerating voltage. 
If V is gradually changed from high to low 
values, ions of different masses will succes- 
sively reach the ion collector. The current 
reaching the collector is amplified and re- 
corded by galvanometers on a moving 
sheet while 1/V changes at a uniform rate. 
Thus, the resulting record shows a series of 
peaks at the values of 1/V or m/e corre- 
sponding to the molecular weights of the 
compound and its dissociation products. 

193 SN Q ~ 1G i 


Fig. 1 is part of the mass spectrum record 
obtained with a Consolidated mass spec- 
trometer of n butane, CH;:CH»2-CH2-CHs3. 
Four galvanometers with four ranges of 
sensitivity record the ion current. The 
upper trace records the galvanometer of 
highest sensitivity. Deflections of the other 
galvanometer traces are to be multiplied 
by 3, 10, and 30 to give deflections in terms 
of the upper trace. The parent peak, the 
undissociated molecule ion, is at mass 58 
and a peak at 59 comes from molecules 
containing one C' isotope. Then there are 
molecules which have lost from 1 to 10 
hydrogen atoms. It is a remarkable fact 
that in a single ionization process all ten 
hydrogen atoms can be removed to give 
C,*. The most probable ionization process is 
losing CH; to give mass 48. Losing an ad- 
ditional CHe to give 29 is also probable. 

One finds indeed every possible dissocia- 
tion plocess consistent with the structural 
formula. Peaks at 2553 and 2653 come from 
doubly charged ions of mass 51 and 58. 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

The small broad peaks are metastable ion 
transitions resulting from ions which dis- 
sociate after traversing the electric field. 
Hipple, Fox, and Condon (6) have studied 
and explained these metastable transition 

The use of mass spectra for chemical 
analysis involves the direct comparison 
of the mass spectrum of an unknown with 
the spectra of pure compounds and an im- 
portant project of the Mass Spectrometry 
Section is compiling mass spectra of pure 

To show characteristics of the mass 

‘spectra of hydrocarbons it is convenient 

to use a greatly simplified picture in which 
only peaks greater than 2 percent of the 
maximum peak are included. The maximum 
peak is uniformly given a height vf 100. 
First are shown spectra of saturated hydro- 
carbons of formula C, Hoy. Fig. 2 shows 
some of these. 

In methane the most probable process is 
ionization without dissociation. Ionization 

8 ESE 
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SRR 0 RS a ES a ee es eR ee es 
G GS | (ET Ree ee ee ee a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee | BS 
ae GRRE ad RR aa ee OE Ee CE SS eee? § SS PS 
—————— © GRRE BR a a a a «Ee ee 9 ESET So 
1 =e 0 6 Re ee SS 
2 Gee a 2 eee See Ee 
o aes 2 5 EE 2 Gee SE 
a aaa a ee ee ne ee Sees | ESTES EE 
8 Bae 9 a aa er ee ee ee ee ee ae eee | SS) SS SS 
5 SD, PR ee en a EE EE ee ee eee es) | EEE OG BSS I SS 
FR ae a ee eS I RSS A es I SS 
RRS 0) eae aa a EE SE Ee a ee a eee) | GEE & SSE 
RG RR aaa a a ees | EE 9 SS 
2 ES 8 a ee Se ee ee ee | Ee GC Se 
Ba eae nea a ee Oe Ee ee ee ee § RS O ESE Co 
BB RS 0) a ee OE EE SE EES OE, | ae eee § Eee OQ Ee a 
RE) ee ee ee en Sey | RE See GMS Ge GS 
5 Ge 2 Gee ea ee ee a ee EE Eee ee ee O Sa ee AE OS 
| ES Ef GES) 9) Ce oe ee a ee ee eee!) Sa eee 9 ES OO SS 
2 ERS A RRR] (ra ee ee i ee eS 0 PSS ee 8 ees OF SS Se 
( SES 2 Ge 0 Ee eee eee En er ee eee ee 0 ESSE 3 LSS OO ee 
1 ee 2 OE 2 ee a a ee ee ee ee eee © ee SS OG OO ee 
(See 9} ee er ee ee ee eee Oe ee eee 2 Pee ee SG BE) & Se Se 
‘SR ) RN Fag ee ee a ee ee eS § GSS Sars @ Gas HN GE Coo Se 
1 f es 0 a a a a eS f Sree es fees oe as 2 a = SS 
2 eS BE ee 5 eee OS ESE Ss SS CSE 
1 ie 2 ee Ge eee ee ee ee ee Eee fi Se ere Ts EB eS SS) a 
) Se 0 SES) ee ee ee ee ee ee ne eee © ee Ff ES SS 
0 Es © Ee) WB er ee ee ee ee ee eee ee eee) (Gn eS FS Ses OH Rs SS 
} eee GR) 9 Ge ee i ee ee Se eee ae ) Gee ee i Se SS 
5 Saas El es Gs ee ee ep Ee ee Ee es eee Ee 2 See ae SE SS 
0 Sees ee © ey es |) eae ee ee ee eee ee) ©} eee SS SS SS 
1 een 2 ie 0 ees | es 0] Ce eee eee ee eee eee ee Oe) i SSE SS GS I SS Se 
6 CE=SEEs ©) RE i ERE | GS 6 Se ee ee ee ee ee ee eee eee S| ee , § GE EE a DS a Ss 
0 GE 2 Bes Se | Gee § Ge ee ee eee eee fi Gene Gh Ge SS ES SS Ce SL 
2 ee F ES OB SSS | ee ee en eee Gees 8 TS BS Se ei 
8 GHEE | 6 EES GS GSS 0 Ge § Ee ee eee eee, @ et 8S SS i Cs 
@ Ee |. Ges OS Es 9 eee 8 ee a ee ee ee eee Gee 0 PR GS Os Gee OS Se I 
5 GEES Ee OS eS i Eee 8 ee ee ee ee ee eee ee Eee 3 eae SESE ei Se CSS 
oS SES © Gee 7" GER 0 CO & Gee eee eee eee § SE 2 Be Be eee SSeS I 
OS Ges Ge | 6 PSE SS 6 Gee Ss ee ee ee ees f Sn oe Pe SSS eRe aos ol 
@ Sess 2 ET 2 SO ee el Gee ee ee eee 0 EE SE Se Re SS Se 
2 GSES GEES 2) SS 2 Ce & ee ee ee ee ee eee © Ee SS Gees es EE OS a 
OG ae & Be 2 ee) Se © ee eee eee ee eee, © Ee i Pee Ss Trin SSS Sa 
@ GREER © GEE) © FE 2 SEES OS Ge ee ee ee eee 6 ae 6 GSE i La | eS I ee 
6 Se © Gee DE 0 ee Ss ee eee ene ee eee 8 CE SS Sees 2 SA A SSeS SSS 
2 BE SD SES © BE EE ) er ee ee ee S) Ee 0 Ce ee Ge Gs Gs A ee 
@ Sees FE 0 EEE ©) OS 8 2 ee Ss ee Ee eee © Ge | .| Ge | EE SE ASS IE 
BG EE © 1 Ge © 0 GE 0 GE SS Ee  —6 CE ee ee eee EES | | i Be SS 
. (EGE 19 A Ee GD GS © Ge 0 GS GE ee 2 eee eee 2 eee SS ee) Ss ee I a eT 
O1.@. 0! |) CEE SS © GE Ws @) GS 0 ns es Ee ee ee El Pa) GE EE 0 Ge) CS OS) as SS 
28 0 2 GD | 2 | GE Gs “Se GG 0 eee ee eee SE ees 6 0 ee ee GS OS aie 
BE 2 ee 6 i 2 oo, SS GS © a * a Se 2), Ge eee ee. ~ Se 2 es | Gee SS SS aS = 
_. SEE GG as es EEE, GE Sn WE ee ee Se eee eee 6S | SESS ES GES SS STS SS I 
@ GSS © Gi © SE Bi 7 2 GEE GES Si Sas 
@ Een | a | ES 3 Eee |S a GEE OS Ges) | GS Ss 
SS EE 2 | RE SIG DE Sa SS Geis Enel GEE GM | EE 1S EES 
@ eee 6 | Ge © | Ces BR. RAO SiS Se SEoeg 
i BSS © 6 GS © WE a EE GW. 2 Bas BA SSO 
Lo~*a@awaoens a 88 ~—s 2 ~ .. “4. a." 1 EE es 2 eee ed. eee SF 
Beis 5 Ges HS Gees BEES i US" © Gees Ee ES | 
Oo GEES GS GEES © TE Oo SSE = 6 SS SS 0 Es es Ss ae 
eee ee ee 2 b. “ee = aa _ ea! =| 
= = Wie 8 Wes EE) Cli .. Ge) SSS oo GEESE eee EA ee 
aE ee See a se as = Ee = 

Fig. 1.—Part of the mass spectrum record of n-butane as obtained 
by a Consolidated mass spectrometer. 

JUNE 15, 1948 

with removal of one hydrogen atom is prob- 
able but removal of H* is improbable and 
this is true in all hydrocarbons. In ethane 
the most probable ionization process in- 
volves removal of two hydrogen atoms. 
Production of CH3;* is relatively improbable 
here and in all hydrocarbons except meth- 
ane. In propane and the two butanes loss 
of CH; is the most probable ionization 

It is a useful property of the structure of 
saturated hydrocarbons that the parent 
peak of each hydrocarbon is characteristic 
of that hydrocarbon and can not be pro- 
duced as a dissociation product of other 
compounds. The other mass peaks recur 
in spectra of heavier compounds. This is 
very convenient for the purpose of chemical 

There are two isomers of butane and the 
different structures give markedly different 
spectra. One difference between n-butane 

mass “/e 
30 40 



Fie. 2.— Mass spectra of methane, ethane, 
propane, and two butanes. 




10 20 30 40 50 60 790 80. 



40 : 


Fig. 3.—Mass spectra of pentanes. 

and iso-butane is that one can not break 
iso-butane in half without first rearranging 
the hydrogen atoms. A peak at mass 29 
is found so this rearrangement must occur 
before dissociation. Such rearrangements 
are common in more complicated molecules. 
The parent peak is much smaller in iso- 
butane and it is a general rule that mole- 
cules with side chains have smaller parent 
peaks than the normal molecule. 

Fig. 3 shows spectra of the three isomers 
of pentane. In normal and iso-pentane losing 
CH:+CH; is the most probable process. In 
neopentane losing CH; is most probable 
and the parent peak is only a fewhundredths 
of a percent. Losing two CH; radicals is 
quite improbable and the loss of CH3;+CH, 
involving breaking of three bonds is quite 
probable. The peak at C2H;* is large al- 
though this requires a rearrangement of 
hydrogen atoms before dissociation, as in 
iso-butane. Here the spectrum gives little 
clue as to the structure of the molecule. 

There are five hexanes shown in Fig. 4 
and these give five very different mass 
spectra. Many of the features of these 
spectra can be described qualitatively by 
the statement that there is a tendency to 
dissociate at either side of each side chain. 
Normal hexane like normal pentane loses 
C.2H; most readily. In 2-methyl-pentane, 
loss of one or three carbon groups is pre- 
ferred, while in 3-methyl-pentane, loss of 



1 4 


Fira. 4.—Mass spectra of hexanes. 

CoH; is again preferred. In 2,3-dimethyl- 
butane, loss of one and three are preferred 
while in 2,2-dimethyl-butane, one and two 
are preferred. In the last case, however, 
the most probable ionization process is 
breaking in half to give 43* although this 
involves a rearrangement of hydrogen 
atoms. Peaks involving rearrangement are 
also noted at 43 in 3-methyl-pentane and 
at 29 in 2,3-dimethyl-butane. We know 
that these cases involve rearrangement be- 
cause the original structure does not yield 
such masses but obviously rearrangement 
may occur in other cases where it is indis- 
tinguishable from simple dissociation. 

Our measurements include the nine iso- 
mers of the heptanes and the 18 octanes. 
All these show a great variety of mass spec- 
tra depending on the structure of the mole- 
cules. The tendency to dissociate on either 
side of a side chain is again found except 
in cases where rearrangements give ions 
which would not be expected on the basis 
of the molecular structure. 

Fig. 5 shows some unsaturated molecules 
with double or triple bonds. In ethylene the 
parent peak is the maximum peak, while in 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

ethane it is about 25 percent of the maxi- 
mum. In acetylene the parent peak is by 
far the largest peak. In propylene the parent 
peak is not the largest, but the whole C 
three group of ions is much larger than in 
propane. Propylene always loses CH; rather 
than CHe and this is true of most of the 
unsaturated molecules. There are two iso- 
mers of C3H,, propadiene and methyl-acety- 
lene, and their mass spectia are almost 
exactly alike in spite of the difference in 
structure. It seems very probable that in 
this case first a molecule ion is formed and 
then the hydrogen atoms are redistributed 
to give identical ions from both isomers. 

Fig. 6 shows some unsaturated C four 
molecules. There are four butene isomers 
and they all give mass spectra similar to 


Fig. 5.—Mass spectra of ethylene, acetylene, 
propylene, propadiene, and methyl acetylene. 

Frep L. Mouser, president of the Philosophical Society of Washington, 1947 

a ~ 

JUNE 15, 1948 

the 1-butene spectrum shown in the figure. 
2-butene, CH; -CH=CH—CHs, has a cis 
and a trans form depending on whether the 
two central hydrogens are on the same side 
or opposite sides of the chain. The mass 
spectra are nearly identical, the most con- 
spicuous difference being that the mass 29 
peak is 15.5 percent of the maximum in the 
cis compound and 19.8 percent in the trans 
compound. These two molecules cannot 
give a 29* ion without a rearrangement of 
hydrogen atoms. 

There are four isomers of C,H, and the 
mass spectra show differences of a rather 
unexpected nature. The most probable 

-jonization process in CH2.:CH-CH:CHs is 

loss of mass 15 which involves a double 
dissociation while in the other isomers 
which can lose 15 in a simple dissociation 
this transition is less probable. Also, the 
mass 28 peak is largest in 1,3-butadiene 
where production of 28* involves a rear- 
rangement of hydrogen atoms. 

The unsaturated hydrocarbons show 
several characteristics as a class. The parent 
peaks are larger than for saturated com- 
pounds and larger for doubly unsaturated 
compounds than for mono-olefins. Ioniza- 
tion by loss of CH, is very improbable even 
where both terminal radicals are CH». Both 

_ properties reflect the fact that the unsatu- 

rated bonds are stronger than the saturated 
bonds. Mass spectra of unsaturated mole- 
cules are also much less sensitive to struc- 
tural differences among different isomers 
than is the case with saturated molecules. 
This indicates that rearrangements of hy- 
drogen atoms in the molecule ion occur more 
readily in the unsaturated molecules. It 
may seem surprising that there are any 
rearrangements in saturated hydrocarbons 
and it will be of interest to study mass 
spectra with deuterium substituted at one 
position in the molecule and see where it 
appears in the mass spectrum. 

On the basis of momentum considerations 
it must be assumed that electron collisions 
always produce molecule ions and that 
these ions may be left in a highly excited 
state and subsequently dissociate spon- 
taneously to give the great variety of ions 
observed in the mass spectrum. I have re- 
ferred before to small wide peaks in the 



CH,=C=CHCH, — 




Fig. 6.— Mass spectra of butene-l, 
butadienes, and butynes. 

mass spectrum that arise from ions which 
dissociate after they have traversed the 
electric field. Because of this phenomenon 
of delayed dissociation we can obtain direct 
experimental evidence as to some of the 
dissociation processes which occur. 

The apparent mass m, of an ion which 
dissociates immediately after traversing the 
electric field is 


where m; is the initial mass and my, the 
final mass of the ion (6). Because the ions 
dissociate over a range of positions the 
peaks are wide. The dissociating ions are 
presumably metastable ions with a life of 
the order of 10-* seconds (7). As m; and m; 
are integers equal to or less then the molec- 
ular weight the numerical value of m, 
is sufficient to determine both m; and m,. An 
important aid in finding my; and m; is a 
qualitative intensity rule that the mass 
peaks corresponding to m; and m; are always 
fairly large peaks in the mass spectrum. 


To return to Fig. 1, there are seven me- 
tastable transitions in the range of this 
record but some are very hard to see. The 
one at mass 32 comes from the parent ion 
of mass 58 losing mass 15, a CH; radical. 
The one near mass 30 comes from 58 losing 
CH,. These two transitions only occur in 
n-butane. A large peak near 39 comes from 
43+ losing two hydrogen atoms and near 
25 is a peak from 29 losing two hydrogens. 
These last two recur in many hydrocarbons. 

Mrs. Bloom of our Section has made a 
careful compilation of mass spectra of 56 
hydrocarbons and has found 362 cases of 
metastable transition peaks and has identi- 
fied the transitions involved (8). The com- 
pounds include saturated hydrocarbons 
through C eights, mono-olefins through C 
fives, and four CH, isomers. The data have 

been published in the American Petroleum . 

Institute Catalogue of Mass Spectral Data 

The transitions frequently recur in dif- 
ferent hydrocarbons and 32 different tran- 
sitions are found. These involve loss of 
masses ranging from 2 to 44. Table 1 
summarizes the metastable transitions. 
Loss of mass 2 is by far the most common 
type of metastable transition and it appears 
in nearly all cases where there are two large 
peaks differing by two mass units. Losses 
of masses 1 or 3 are never observed. 

It is also significant that there are no 
metastable transitions involving loss of 
CHe as this is a structural unit in most hy- 
drocarbons and large peaks often fall at 
intervals of 14. 

Loss of CH; is only observed from parent 
ions and is a comparatively infrequent 
phenomenon. CH, is not a structural unit 
and loss of 16 involves a double dissociation. 
The loss from the ion 57+ recurs in 30 of 
the 40 saturated hydrocarbons. 

Loss of C2H»2 seems to be a unique prop- 
erty of the 55+ ion and recurs in most of 
the hydrocarbons. The loss of C.H3 occurs 
only when the butadienes and butyne-2 
split in half. It is of interest that the un- 
symmetrical molecule CH,=C=CH—CH; 
splits in half although this requires a re- 
arrangement before splitting. C2H, in the 
form CH2:CHe or CH: CH; is a structural 
unit of many saturated molecules and the 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

2 metastable transitions recur in many of 
them. In this case, the terminal CH; radical 
must first be removed from the initial ion. 

The loss of mass 29 comes from loss of 
the structural unit CH.-CH; and includes 
the terminal radical as is shown by the fact 
that it comes from parent ions. Loss of 
mass 30 comes from losing two CH; radicals 
from the parent ion and necessarily involves 
a double dissociation. | 

The mass C:H, can be CH2:CHe-CHz or 
can involve methyl side chains, but like 
CH, it will never come from parent ions. 
Of course, it can only come from rather 
large molecules. Loss of mass 44 from the 
parent mass of 3 heptanes is perhaps doubt- 
ful. We are not certain that there is not an 
alternative explanation. It involves a double 
dissociation, removal of mass 43 and one 
hydrogen. . 

This looks very complicated, and I have 
given it in detail to show that dissociation 
of ions does indeed involve many alterna- 
tive processes. If the initial metastable ion 
is the parent ion this means that the mole- 
cule ion traverses the electric field and then 
dissociates. When the initial ion is not the 
parent ion then the dissociation takes place 
in at least two stages. The initial metastable 


Mass lost | 

2 2H 8 transitions in all hydrocarbons except 
15 CH; 7 transitions from parent ions of 13 unsatu- 
rated and 5 saturated hydrocarbons. 
16 CH, 55+ 39+ +16 in pentenes. 
57* >41* +16 in 30 saturates. 
5842 +16 in n-butane. 
26 C:H: | 55*—29*+26 in 41 hydrocarbons. 
27 C:H; | 54¢—27+-+27 in 3 isomers of C.He. 
28 C:H, | 71*--43++28 in 21 saturates. 
85' 357 +28 in 14 saturates. 
29 C.H;s | 3 transitions from parent ions of pentenes, 
n-hexane, and 3 octanes. 
30 C:H.e | 4 transitions from parent ions of 12 satu- 
rated hydrocarbons. 
42 C:H. | 85'—-43* +42 in 19 heptanes and octanes. 
99* 57* +42 in 17 octanes. 
44 C:H: | 100‘—56++44 in 3 heptanes. 


ion is formed by dissociation within the 
ionization chamber, then it passes through 
the electric field and dissociates again. 
- Sometimes large structural units are broken 
off in a single dissociation; in other cases at 
least two bonds must be broken in the de- 
layed dissociation as in losing two CH; radi- 
cals or CHa. 

The metastable transitions account for 
only a small fraction of all the dissociations. 
Hipple (7) has made quantitative estimates 
in the case of n-butane. The parent ion 
gives rise to two metastable transitions 
with loss of masses 15 and 16. The life of 
each excited state is about 2X10-° sec 
and initially at time zero not over 10 per- 
cent of the 58* ions are in the excited state 
or states which give rise to these transitions. 
Now the 58+ ions account for only about 
4 percent of all the n-butane ions. Ninety- 
six percent of all the ions dissociate im- 
mediately or very quickly, about 3.6 per- 
cent become stable 58* ions and 0.4 per cent 
fall into the metastable states. This is prob- 
‘ably a typical case as far as orders of magni- 
tude are concerned. 

What I have said has been largely de- 
scriptive and probably seems like little more 
than a catalog of empirical facts. However, 
this is largely a matter of viewpoint. As I 
pointed out in the introduction, these mass 
spectra are a molecular property and are 

BOTANY.—New species of Achaetogeron (Compositae) from Mexico." 
L. Larsen, Crown Point, Indiana. 

The new species here described were 
discovered some years ago when the genus 
Achaetogeron was being studied together 
- with several related genera of the tribe 
Astereae. The work was done at the Mis- 
sour! Botanical Garden. The following ab- 
breviations are used for herbaria cited: 
M= Missouri Botanical Garden; N Y = New 
York Botanical Garden; Phil= Academy of 
Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; US=U. S. 
National Herbarium. 

Achaetogeron filiformis Larsen, sp. nov. 

Annuus 15-45 cm altus; caules tenues juven- 
tate simplices maturitate diffuse ramosi foliosi 
patenti-hirsuti; folia obovata ad obovato- 

1 Received March 23, 1948. 


somewhat analogous to intensities in molec- 
ular absorption spectra but in absorption 
spectra there is a theoretical basis for the 
interpretation of results. In spite of all the 
work on mass spectra we still lack this 
theoretical background. This is not onlya 
challenging problem but it is of considerable 
practical importance. Chemical analysis 
now depends on comparing unknowns with 
pure samples of the various components. 
It would be very useful if we could deduce 
the structure of pure compounds of un- 
known structure. Beyond C sevens the 
possibilities become so many that empirical 
methods can never give the complete an- 


(1) J. J. THompson in an address to the Royal 
Institution, 1913. 

(2) Astron. Mass spectra and isotopes. Lon- 
don, 1942 

(3) SmyrH. Rev. Mod. Phys. 3: 347. 1931. 

(4) Hreppte. Journ. Applied Phys. 13: 551. 

(5) WasHpuRN, WILEY, and Rock. Ind. 
Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 15: 541. 1948. 

(6) Hippie, Fox, and Conpon. Phys. Rev. 
69: 347. 1946. 

(7) Hippie. Phys. Rev. 71: 594. 1947. 

(8) Broom, Mouter, LENGEL, and Wise. (In 

press Journ. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards). 
search Project 44. 

(Communicated by 8. F. Buake.) 

spathulata pinnatifida 0.5-4 cm longa, lobis 
obtusis apiculatis strigosis; folia suprema brac- 
teiformia oblonga integra; pedunculi filiformes 
1.5-2.5 em longi infra capitulum dense patenti- 
hirsuti; capitula 0.7—1 cm diam.; phyllaria 2—-3- 
seriata lineari-lanceolata acuminata glandulari- 
puberula basi hirsuta; radii albi vel caerulei 
supra discum arcte circinnati; pappus incon- 
spicuus coroniformis laceratus, in floribus radii 
interdum etiam setis paucis donatus; achenia 
pubescentia pilis apice rectis vel obscure biden- 

TAMAULIPAS: Vicinity of Tampico, alt. 15 
m, March 10—April 19, 1910, #. Palmer 249 
(type, M, also US); vicinity of La Barra, 8 
km east of Tampico, at sea level, February 
1-8, 1910, H. Palmer 281 (M, US); en route 


from San Luis Potosi to Tampico, December 
1878 to February 1879, HE. Palmer 1089 (US). 
Veracruz: Vicinity of Panuco, April 20-25, 
1910, E. Palmer 356 (US). 

The filiform peduneles, small heads, and 
circinate rays which scarcely exceed the disc 
distinguish this species. 

Achaetogeron fisheri Larsen, sp. nov. 

Herbaceus 20-45 cm altus ubique strigosus, 
ramis adscendentibus e caule decumbente sub- 
lignoso; folia caulina sessilia alte pinnatisecta 
1-3 em longa lobis 3-7 lineari-lanceolatis 
obtusis, folia suprema saepius integra linearia; 
pedunculi 2-4 em longi strigosi; capitula 2—2.5 
em diam. (radiis inclusis); involucri 2-seriati 
0.5 em alti phyllaria lineari-lanceolata acumi- 
nata glanduloso-puberula et strigosa, margine 
secariosa; pappus annularis laceratus incon- 
spicuus cum setis caducis interioribus; achenia 
basi callosa pubescentia; pilis bidentatis. 

STaTE oF Mexico: Amecameca, alt. 2,648 
m, July 29, 1924, Fisher (M, No. 914802 type); 
Amecameca, alt. 2,676 m, July 29, 1924, Fisher 
220 (US). Pursia; Teutla, October 1913, 
Salazar (US); Manzanilla, vicinity of Puebla, 
November 24, 1908, Arséne 10184 (US). 

The subpinnatifid leaves and a pappus crown 
so reduced as to be nearly lacking are charac- 

Achaetogeron sophiaefolius Larsen, sp. nov. 

Perennis 30—60 cm altus; caules plures e basi 
sublignoso ramosi striati patenti-hirsuti et 
subglandulari-puberuli; folia elliptica ad ovata, 
pinnatisecta vel bipinnatisecta inferiora petio- 
lata usque ad 9 em longa pilis longis multicel- 
lularibus appressis pubescentia et minute glan- 
dulari-puberula, segmentis ultimis obtusis, 
superiora sensim  reducta sessilia, suprema 
bracteiformia; pedunculi 1.5-3 em longi dense 
appresse pubescentes; capitula terminalia soli- 
taria 2—2.5 cm diam. (radiis inclusis); involucri 
1—1.2 em diam. phyllaria 2-seriata 4 mm longa 
lineari-lanceolata acuminata glandulosa et parce 
hirsuta pilis multicellularibus, margine mem- 
branacea; pappus minutus coroniformis lace- 
ratus cum setis paucis caducis interioribus; 
achenia basi callosa pubescentia pilis apice 
rectis vel dentatis. 

Duranco: City of Durango and vicinity, 
April—November 1896, E. Palmer 158 (M, No. 
123017 type, NY, US). 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

A relatively coarse plant with conspicuously 
bipinnatisect leaves, which are pubescent with 
long appressed multicellular hairs. 

Achaetogeron pringlei Larsen, sp. nov. 

Herbaceus erectus ca. 65 cm altus ubique 
glandulari-puberulus et patenti-hirsutus; folia 
caulina sessilia alte pinnatisecta lobis ca. 5-9 
linearibus vel lineari-spathulatis obtusis utrim- 
que sparse villosa margine ciliata; folia in- 
florescentiae lineari-lanceolata integra vel inter- 
dum lobata sensim reducta, suprema ca. 1 em 
longa; pedunculi 1.5—2.5 em longi dense glandu- 
Jari-puberuli pilis sparsis intermixtis; capitula 
1.5-2.5 em diam.; involucri 2-seriati phyllaria 
lineari-lanceolata acuminata anguste mem- 
branaceo-marginata glandulari-puberula et 
sparse pilosa; radii numerosi albi saepe reflexi; 
flores disci numerosi; pappus minutus coroni- 
formis laceratus cum setis paucis interioribus 
caducis; achenia anguste obovata basi minute 
callosa pubescentia pilis apice rectis vel biden- 
tities. fe 

CHIHUAHUA: Cool slopes, Sierra Madre, 
October 10, 1888, Pringle 1625 (M, type); 
cool slopes, foothills of the Sierra Madre, 
October 11, 1887 Pringle 1272 (Phil). PuzBLA: 
Santa Maria de Zacatepec, vicinity of Puebla 
December 1908, Arséne (US). 

Distinguished by deeply pinnatisect, spar- 
ingly villous leaves and a relatively finer habit 
than A. sophiaefolius. 

Achaetogeron polycephalus Larsen, sp. nov. 

Herbaceus Im altus et ultra (basi inviso) 
ubique strigosus et minute glandulari-puber- 
ulus; caulis supra valde ramosus aetate glabra- 
tus; folia caulina majora oblanceolata sessilia 
prope apicem serrata usque ad 5 em longa 1.5 
em lata, minora valde reducta integra; pedun- 
culi 1-4 cm longi striati strigosi et minute — 
glandulari-puberuli; capitula 2-3 em diam. 
(radiis inclusis); involueri 2-seriati phyllaria 
lineari-lanceolata acuminata anguste mem- 
branaceo-marginata minute glandulari-puber- 
ula basi patentipilosa margine angusto mem- 
branaceo leviter lacerato; radii numerosi albi; 
pappus minutus annularis laceratus cum paucis 
setis interioribus; achenia basi callosa dense 
pubescentia pilis apice rectis vel bidentatis. 

DuraAnGo: San Ramon, April 21—May 18, 
1906, E. Palmer 52 (M, type). 

A profusely branching, strigose-pubescent 

JUNE 15, 1948 

plant with serrate leaves and many scattered 

Achaetogeron corymbosus Larsen, sp. nov. 

Herbaceus 20—40 cm altus dense breviterque 
einereo-hirsutus et minute glandulari-puberulus; 
caules erecti ramosi ramis apice corymboso- 
ramosis; folia caulina oblanceolata sessilia 
supra serrata 5 cm longa 1.5 cm lata, superiora 
ad bracteas sensim reducta; folia infima non 

visa; pedunculi 0.5—1 cm longi; capitula 1-1.5 © 

em diam. (radlis inclusis); involucri 2-seriati 
phyllaria lineari-lanceolata acuminata minute 
glandulari-pubescentia et sparsissime hirsuta, 
margine angusto scarioso leviter lacerato; 
radii albi; pappus minutus coroniformis vel 



annularis laceratus cum setis paucis caducis 
interioribus; achenia basi late callosa dense 
pubescentia pilis longis apice rectis. 

JALIScO: Canyons, moist rocks, Tuxpan, 
February 1904, Purpus 527 (G, type). 

The serrate leaves, crowded corymbs, and 
cinereous aspect are characteristic. 

Achaetogeron garciae (Blake) 
Larsen, comb. nov. 

Bellis garciae Blake, Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 
22: 593. 1924. 

Still known only from the type, P. [bana 
Garcia 310 (U. S. Nat. Herb. 1032782) from 
the State of Durango, alt. 100 m. 

ENTOMOLOGY .—Notes and descriptions of Nearctic Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) 
Herpert H. Ross, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana, III. 

In the caddisflies of the family Hydroptil- 
idae there undoubtedly exists a number of 
genera that bear their closest relationship 
with forms known from other regions and 
with which they have not yet been associ- 
ated. Two such cases are outlined in this 
paper, and in each the geographic limits of 
the genera involved are extended into 
another continent. During the investigation 
of these cases some interesting morpho- 
logical considerations have arisen, and as a 
result a few suggestions regarding termi- 

nology are made in this paper. 

Tam greatly indebted to Dr. G. T. Riegel, 
University of Illinois, and to Dr. H. K. 
Gloyd, Chicago Academy of Sciences, for 
making material available to me for study, 
and to Dr. D. G. Denning for the loan of 
type material of some of the species studied. 
Types of new species described in this paper 
are deposited in the collection of the Illinois 
Natural History Survey. 


In reviewing the terminology I have used 
for parts of the male genitalia of Hydroptili- 
dae, one change and one addition seem indi- 
cated in the interests of clarity and struc- 
tural identification. 

Subgenital plate—In most genera of Hy- 
droptilidae there is a variously shaped, 

1 Received March 8, 1948. 

mesal structure usually occurring above or 
between the claspers. In Hydroptila, Fig. 6, 
sp, and Neotrichia this structure is platelike 
and bears at its apex a pair of setae. In 
Oxyethira and Stactobiella what appears to 
be this same structure is heavily sclerotized, 
frequently arched, and assumes a variety of 
shapes in different species; in these two 
genera I have heretofore called this struc- 
ture the tenth tergite (Ross, 1938, 1944). 
The tenth tergite, however, must be above 
the aedeagus, whereas in the structure in 
question, Fig. 1A, sp, it is situated below the 
aedeagus. It may be a sort of guide for the 
aedeagus or it may assist in the coupling 
action during copulation. Because it lies 
below the aedeagus and because its exact 
homology is obscure, I am proposing that 
this plate be called the subgenital plate. 
Bracteole—In quite a number of Hy- 
droptilidae, especially in Stactobiella, there 
occurs a structure associated with the area 
dorsad of the base of each clasper. In some 
cases, Fig. 1, br, this appears as a small 
structure at the base of each clasper, in 
others, Fig. 2, br, the structure is larger and 
more conspicuous than, the clasper and 
probably usurps its function. For this I 
propose the term bracteole. Here again the 
homology is difficult to determine, but I 
believe that the term will be a useful one for 
purposes of taxonomic description. 


Genus Stactobiella Martynov 

Stactobiella Martynov, Pract. Ent. 5: 58. 1924. 
(Genotype, monobasic, Stactobia ulmeri Sil- 

Tascobia Ross, Bull. Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv. 23: 
124. 1944. (Genotype, by original designation, 
Stactobia palmata Ross.) New synonymy. 

Comparing Nearctic species of this genus 
with illustrations of Palearctic species shows 
that not only are the two genera synonymous 
but also that two Nearctic forms each have 
their closest known relative in the Palearctic 
fauna. S. palmata (Ross) is very similar to 
Martynov’s illustrations of biramosa Marty- 
nov, the former having the claspers short and 
ovate, coustricted at base, and the stalked 
process tridentate, the latter having the clasp- 
ers slightly longer and parallel-sided, and the 
stalked process bidentate. In each the aedeagus 
is simple and tubular. The Nearctic species 
delira (Ross) is similar to the Palearctic ulmeri 
(Siltala) and risi (Felber), especially in regard 
to the curved, fingerlike subgenital plate, but 
exhibits marked differences in the shape of each 
structure. The Nearctic brustia Ross is not 
allied closely to any of the other species and 
forms a species complex of its own. Thus, not 
only is Stactobiella as a genus Holarctic in dis- 
tribution, but two of its three component 
phylogenetic units are truly Holarctic also. 

To assist in identifying these species, a key 
is given to the males of these six species, which 
comprise the known world fauna of the genus. 
I have taken characters of the Palearctic forms 
from illustrations in the literature, cited in the 


1. Claspers apparently fused to form a ventral 
plate. bearing three whiskerlike brushes of 
setae; aedeagus with apex curved and bent 
into shape of a crook (Ross, 1938, p. 115, fig. 
22). Nearctic (Wyoming)... .brustia (Ross) 

Claspers not fused, either elongate or biscuit- 
shaped) 2. freee one wi sce he ogee ees oe even 2 

2. A curved process, the bracteole, arising above 
each clasper, longer than the clasper and di- 
vided at apex into two or three fingerlike 
branches, Fig. 2; subgenital plate short and 
WIC. so Ly ones. cic Rs, © eee Ae ee 3 

Bracteole represented by only a small process 
associated with a lateral clump of setae, 
clasper long, parallel-sided or tapering to 
apex; subgenital plate long and fingerlike, 
often curved orangled, Pigsle 2 hae 4 

3. Bracteole having apex divided into two 
“fingers’”’ (Martynov, 1934, p. 159, fig. 105). 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

Palearctic (Russia)..... biramosa Martynow 
Bracteole having apex divided into three 
“fingers,” Fig. 2. Nearctic (central U.S. A.) 
Rr te eee MENT MgTy palmata (Ross) 

4, Apical portion of aedeagus divided into one 
mesal and two Jateral lobes, Fig. 1A. Nearc- 

tic (northcentral U.S. A.).....delira (Ross) 
Apical] portion of aedeagus tubular, much as in 
Pg. 2... sre senses es ou 2 bin ei a » 2 5 

5. Apical margin of clasper truncate and slightly 
oblique (Felber, 1908, p. 721, fig. 2). Paleare- 

tic (Switzerland). :):: . .:\nnee rist (Felber) 
Apical margin of clasper rounded, the clasper 
tip narrow (Martynov, 1934, p. 159, fig. 
103). Palearctic (northern Europe)......... 

Sip ate Mee 2 ea ee ee ee ulmeri (Siltala) 

Genus Oxyethira Eaton 

Argyrobothrus Barnard, Trans. Roy. Soc. South 
Africa 21: 392. 1934. (Genotype, monobasic, A. 
velocipes Barnard.) New synonymy. 

Barnard’s illustrations of pupal case, vena- 
tion, and genitalia of both sexes leave no 
doubt that Argyrobothrus velocipes is a typical 
member of Oxyethira. The genus as such has 
not been recorded previously from central or 
southern Africa. 

Oxyethira arizona, new species 

The wide, curved lateral process of the aede- 
agus and the long, ventral internal projection 
of the base of the ninth segment show a rela- 
tionship of this species with pallida (Banks) 
and maya Denning, but arizona differs from 
both of these in the straight apical portion of 
the aedeagus (this part is angled and twisted 
in pallida and maya) and the elongate lateral 
processes of the eighth tergite. 

Male.—Length from front of head to tip of 
wings, 2.5 mm. Color entirely pallid or straw 
color, with an annulation of a darker shade on 
some segments of the antennae and some darker 
areas on the front wings. General structure 
typical for genus. Seventh sternite with a sharp 
curved apical process. Genitalia as in Fig. 4.. 
HKighth tergite divided into a pair of lateral 
lobes, the lower margin of each produced into 
a long, smooth, sharp process, the left one 
curved dorsad at tip, as shown, the right one 
curved slightly ventrad; the base of each lobe 
bears abundant long setae, but the projecting 
portion is without vestiture. Eighth sternite 
forming the lateral and ventral part of a ring, 
trapezoidal from lateral view, the apical mar- 
gin gently curved on the meson. Ninth tergite 
membranous. Subgenital plate moderately 



¢ / 


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Fic. 1.—Stactobiella delira, male genitalia, ventral aspect; 1A, same, lateral aspect. Fie. 2.— 
Stactobiella palmata, male genitalia, ventral aspect. Fic. 3.—Ozxyethira lumosa, male genitalia, lateral 
aspect; 3A, apical portion of male genitalia, ventral aspect. Fic. 4.—Ozyethira arizona, male genitalia, 
lateral aspect; 4A, claspers and associated structures, ventral aspect; 4B aedeagus; 4C, aedeagus as 
seen at right angles to long axis of 4B. Fic. 5.—WNeotrichia numiz, male genitalia, lateral aspect; 5A, 
aedeagus, 5B, claspers and associated structures, ventral aspect; 5C, bracteole. Fic. 6.—Hydroptila 
denza, male genitalia, ventral aspect; 6A, aedeagus. Abbreviations: br, bracteole; cl, clasper; sp, 

subgenital plate. 


heavily sclerotized, lateral aspect evenly curved 
to form about a quarter of a circle, ventral 
aspect, Fig. 4A, incised at apex to form a mesal 
arcuate area on each side of which is a short 
fingerlike process. Claspers fused on meson, 
very deep dorsoventrad, the ventral apical 
margin bearing a fingerlike projection on each 
side with a truncate edge between them. Style 
sinuate, membranous, and tipped with a long 
seta. Aedeagus, Figs. 4B and C, with base only 
a little longer than apex; neck only indistinctly 
set off: and apex divided at base into a taper- 
ing, slightly twisted central portion bearing 
the penis, and a wide, ribbonlike twisted pro- 
cess which makes a complete circle around the 
central portion, and which is concave on its 
inside surface. 

Female.—Size, color, and general structure 
similar to male. Genitalia simple; tenth tergite 
fairly wide at base, tapering to a round apex; 
ninth tergite with a narrow, spiculate, dorso- 
apical hump and with straight internal apo- 
demes. Spermatheca and its associated struc- 
tures similar in most respects to pallida, but 
differing in having the ventral bar of the sperma- 
theca arcuate but only moderately wide. 

Holotype, male—Superior, Pinal County, 
Ariz., taken at light in Boyce Thompson 
Arboretum, May 17-24, 1946. 

Allotype, female—Same data as for holotype. 

Paratypes—Same data as for holotype, 2, 

Oxyethira pallida (Banks) 

Ozxyethira cibola Denning, Can. Ent. 79: 12. 1947. 

New synonymy. 

The most outstanding character of this 
species is the more slender of the two curved 
lateral processes of the aedeagus. This is ab- 
sent in maya Denning; the other apical struc- 
tures of the aedeagus are subject to twisting in 
both species and, in comparably twisted speci- 
mens, are remarkably similar in both. 

Collecting generously afforded by Dr. Swingle 
around artificial fish ponds near Auburn, Ala., 
brought in several catches of this species. It is 
probable that it is the first species of caddisfly 
to invade these ponds after they are filled. 

Oxyethira lumosa, new species 

This species is most closely related to grisea 
Betten and novasota Ross on the basis of simple 
eighth segment and the long, curled spiral 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

process of the aedeagus. From both species and 
others in the genus it differs markedly in the 
small, compact, ovate ventral aspect of claspers 
and subgenital plate, Fig. 3A. 

Male.—Length from front of head to tip of 
wings, 2.5 mm. Color a salt and pepper mixture 
of cream and brown. General structure typical 
for genus. Seventh sternite with a sharp apico- 
mesal spur. Genitalia as in Fig. 3. Eighth 
segment almost cylindrical, the apical margin 
slightly roughened and its ventral aspect U- 
shaped. Ninth segment with ventral portion 
forming only a rounded internal lobe extending 
only slightly into the seventh segment. Ninth 
segment also having no prominent marginal 
structures, the dorsal portion membranous and 
the ventral portion membranous and emargi- 
nate to form a deep V around the base of the 
claspers. Subgenital plate with lateral aspect 
forming a stout, hook-shaped structure with a 
wide base and stout, curved apex with a sharp 
tip, and with ventral aspect ovate and slightly 
incised on meson. Claspers fused to form an 
ovate plate deeply incised on meson from apex 
to over half the distance to base, Fig. 3A. 
Aedeagus not very long, base only about as 
long as apex, and the neck indicated by a shal- 
low constriction and the origin of the spiral 
process. This structure is stout and long, and 
encircles the aedeagus one and a half times, 
the first circle making almost a ring and the 
other half circle made while extending pos- 
teriad to the apex of the aedeagus. Apex of 
aedeagus cylindrical, semimembranous, and 
with a sclerotized, sharp, triangular sclerite 
placed transversely across the structure near 
the tip. 

Holotype, male—Daytona 
August 27, 1945, G. T. Riegel. 

Beach, Fla., 

Genus Hydroptila Dalman 

This is the most abundant and widespread 
genus of Hydroptilidae, with species known 
from every part of the globe. It is interesting 
that the Nearctic fauna contains many species 
whose closest relatives are in the Palearctic 
fauna, and other species which have apparently 
arisen from Neotropical nuclei of evolving forms. 
The species described below is of this latter 

Hydroptila denza, new species 

Among some material from Mexico a speci- 

JUNE 15, 1948 

men was encountered that is of the general 
type of meralda Mosely, but differs from it in a 
variety of characters: The claspers are little 
longer than the subgenital plate, the apex of the 
tenth tergite is deeply incised, and the apical 
blades of the aedeagus are wide and swordlike, 
Fig. 6A. 

Male.—Length from front of head to tip of 

wings, 3 mm. Color moderately dark brown, 

the wings mottled with gray and brown. 
General structure typical for genus and scent 
cap ovate. Seventh sternite with a short, sharp 
apicomesal process. Genitalia as in Fig. 6. 
Ninth segment projecting freely from eighth 
segment, its internal portion rounded and only 
moderately produced, the apicolateral margin 
bearing a fingerlike lobe which appears sharp 
and spurlike from ventral view. Tenth tergite 
with lateral margins sclerotized, mesal portion 
membranous and deeply incised. Clasper of 
moderate length, ventral aspect with apex 
slightly widened, lateral aspect with apex 
much widened and trianguloid; apicolateral 
corner projecting as a small sharp point, apico- 
mesal corner slightly angulate and a small 
sclerotized point just within it. Subgenital 
plate triangular, over two-thirds as long as 
clasper, and bearin’g a pair of setae near apex. 
Aedeagus, Fig. 6A, with base extremely long, 
extending internally through three full seg- 
ments of a completely extended specimen; neck 
bearing a rufflike collar of membranous folds 
and a slender spiral process which encircles 
the aedeagus one and a half times; base of apex 
swollen, the apex beyond this divided into two 
parts, a long, bladelike, flattened, sclerotized 
process, and a tapering, straight style which 
bears the penis tube and which is membranous 
and corrugated at its base. 

Holotype, male——Hacienda Santa Engracia, 
Tamaulipas, Mexico, March 9, 1939. 

Genus Neotrichia Morton 

As is true of Ochrotrichia, Mayatrichia, and a 
few other genera, additional United States 
species of Neotrichia continue to follow patterns 
of general structure found in Central American 
forms. To date these genera are known only 
from the New World, and their distribution 
seems to indicate clearly that these genera 
originated in the Neotropics, and various spe- 
cies are spreading horthward following the 
retreat of the glacial area. 



Neotrichia numii, new species 

The elongate and triangular claspers and the 
structure of the aedeagus indicate definite 
affinities between this species and digitata . 
Mosely on the one hand and collata Morton 
on the other. From both this species differs in 
the extremely long, beaklike process of the 
subgenital plate, and the very dissimilar sclero- 
tized processes at the apex of the aedeagus. 

Male.——Length from front of head to tip of 
wings, 2.5 mm. Color entirely dark brown, the 
legs paler. General structure typical for genus. 
Genitalia as in Fig. 5. Ninth segment having 
an angulate internal portion, each side ending 
in a spurlike process; the dorsal portion is 
fused with the tenth tergite, the lateral portion 
is large and its apical margin is produced into 
a low, wide angle. Tenth tergite moderately 
narrow, rounded at apex and forming a simple, 
undivided mesal structure projecting above the 
other apical parts of the genitalia. Clasper 
elongate, lateral aspect tapering and curved at 
apex, ventral aspect having a broad, parallel- 
sided base narrowing suddenly to a short, 
pointed apex, heavily sclerotized and bearing 
only a few short setae. Bracteole, Fig. 5C, 
spatulate, pale, and bearing a series of long 
hairs.on its ventral and apical margin, the 
base of the bracteole short and narrow, the 
apical portion broad and slightly curved dor- 
sad. Subgenital plate unusually complex; the 
mesal portion, Fig. 5B, ends in a long beak 
which in lateral view is narrow and sharp, and 
in ventral view is expanded at apex into a 
platelike area bearing a hooked lateral process 
and a pair of mesal setae; this mesal part is 
joined ventrad with a large, convex lateral 
sclerite which narrows dorsad and appears to 
fuse with the inner margin of the tenth tergite. 
Aedeagus, Fig. 5A, elongate, the base tubular 
and narrowing to a long neck from the apex 
of which arises a stout spiral process encircling 
the aedeagus a little more than a complete 
turn; apex swollen at base, and divided at 
apex into a sharp spur bearing the penis and a 
lateral plate that is broad at base, slightly 
narrower at apex, and almost truncate at tip. 

Holotype, male—Lake George, Colo., in 11- 
mile canyon of the South Platte River, August 
8, 1943, J. A. and H. H. Ross. 

Neotrichia vibrans Ross 

Neotrichia ranea Denning, Can. Ent. 79: 20. 1947. 
New synonymy. 


Further study of this species indicates that 
there is considerable lateral movement of 
several parts of the genital capsule, and that 
this may result in considerable difference of 
appearance between one specimen and another. 
The widely expanded condition is shown in 
my own drawing (Ross, 1938, p. 120, Fig. 29), 
and a more contracted condition is illustrated 
by Denning in the description of ranea. Dr. 
Denning has kindly loaned me his type ma- 
terial for study. 


BaRNARD, K. H. South African caddis-flies 
(Trichoptera). Trans. Roy. Soc. South 
Africa 21: 20-394, illus. 1934. 



VOL. 38, NO. 6 

DenninG, Donautp G. Hydroptilidae (Tri- 
choptera) from southern United States. 
Can. Ent. 79: 12-20, illus. 1947. 

FELBER, JAcQuES. Microptila risi nov. sp. 
Zool. Anz. 32: 720-722, illus. 1908. 

Martynov, ANDREAS B. Trichoptera. Prac- 
tical Entomology 5: 67 and 388 pp., illus. 

1924. Leningrad. 

— Trichoptera Annulipalpia. Tabl. 
Analyt. Faune U.R.S.S. 13: 1-343, illus. 

Ross, Herpert H. Descriptions of Nearctic 
caddis flies (Trichoptera) with special refer- 
ence torthe Illinois species. Bull. Illinois 
Nat. Hist. Surv. 21 (4): 101-183, illus. 

. The caddis flies, or Trichoptera, of 
Illinois. Illinois Nat. Hist. Survey 23 
(1): 1-326, illus. 1944. 

ZOOLOGY.—An analysis of specific homonyms in zoological nomenclature.’ 
RicHARD E. BLACKWELDER, U. 8. National Museum. 

In the systematic study of animals, 
which is the science known as systematics 
or taxonomy, the scientific names of the 
animals are at once an essential tool and a 
source of much confusion and discussion 
because of their vast number and the com- 
plexity of our system of using them. A 
branch of systematics has grown up which 
concerns itself entirely with these names 
and the principles to be used in applying 
them; this is nomenclature. Its principal 
aims are to formulate and establish systems 
under which each species can be given 
a distinetive name and to provide machin- 
ery to insure as great stability or perma- 
nence as possible to each of these names. 

One of the difficulties which plague the 
taxonomist in his use of scientific names is 
the situation that arises when the same 
name is inadvertently given to two different 
species of animals. If a name is to be useful 
in exact science it must always refer to but 
one species, and always to the same species. 
Therefore, we cannot permit the use of one 
name for two or more species, and when 
duplicate names are found we must provide 
another name for one of the species. Identi- 
cal names used for two or more species are 
called homonyms. They may be further 
classified by calling the older of the two 
usages the senior homonym and the younger 
one the junior homonym. 

1 Received April 2, 1948. 

The discovery of homonyms very often 
results in a change of name for one of the 
species, and this type of change accounts 
for a large proportion of the annoying al- 
terations of names that have given taxon- 
omy a bad reputation among biologists. It 
is thus of special importance to taxono- 
mists to study the problem of homonymy 
and find a way to protect names from this 
major source of instability. 

The treatment of homonymy of specific 
names in zoological nomenclature is one of 
the oldest problems with which the writers 
of rules of nomenclature have had to deal, 
and it is one that has not been solved on 
any universal basis even after 75 years of 
code-building. It is therefore not unreason- 
able to reexamine the problem to present a 
possible new approach. 

In the various nomenclatural codes that 
have been proposed, the treatment of the 
problem of homonymy differs widely. The 
reason for this divergent treatment is not 
clear, except on the assumption that none 
of them have given real satisfaction. It is 
therefore believed useful to examine the 
procedures that have been proposed here- 
tofore and to analyze the requirements of a 
satisfactory system. 

(1) The first method we will examine for 
dealing with homonyms is that prescribed 
by the International Rules of Zoological 
Nomenclature in articles 35 and 36. It is 


the most direct and the simplest approach 
but may not be the one giving the most 
desirable results. This treatment is based on 
two principles: (1) ‘‘A specific name is to be 
rejected as a homonym when it has pre- 
viously been used for some other species or 
subspecies of the same genus”’ (from article 
35), and (2) “rejected homonyms can never 
be used again” (from article 36).? This is a 

2 The term specific name is here used in its cur- 
rently official meaning, in which the combination 
of the generic and the trivial names is a specific 
name. Article 2 holds that the scientific designa- 
tion of a species is binomial, and it is therefore 
only the binomial combination that can be a 

simple and direct solution, and it has been 
reinforced by Opinion 83. Unfortunately 
the ramifications of nomenclature are not 
as simple as this rule, and names do not 
conform to a pattern of being irrevocably 
either “homonyms” or “not homonyms” 
at any given time. 

This can be illustrated by diagrams of the 
eight major types of homonyms (Fig. 1). 
You may recognize in these diagrams your 
old friends X-ws albus and Y-us albus. In 
these diagrams two genera are represented 
in parallel vertical columns. The passage 
of time as one reads down each diagram is 
indicatéd by the dates at the left, and the 

‘yao ALBUS ras. «00 ALBUS ras 1300 ALBUS ras. 
exo ALBUS darn sa 
i900 ALBUS sari 1900 i390 ALBUS sw 
1800 Sp Six ees ALBUS «are. 
1850 nace Wh isso ALBUS swt 
1900 ALBUS SMITH 1900 
| | 
1800 ALBUS une | i800 ALBUS tare i800 ALBUS ur 
850 ALBUS SMITH 1850 
1880 1880 ALBUS SMITH 
1800 900 





subsequent history of each specific name is 
indicated by the solid line beneath it. The 
heavy horizontal line at the bottom repre- 
sents the time at which the homonymy is 
discovered. In A, albus was proposed twice 
in X-us, producing unequivocal homonymy 
from 1900 on. B is just like A except for the 
later removal of one of the species to Y-us. 
It would be just the same if it had been the 
other name that was removed. In C the 
older name has been removed before the 
proposal of the second name. In D the two 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

were originally proposed in separate genera, 
but by the time the second was proposed 
in X-us, the older name had been trans- 
ferred to X-us, producing unquestiona- 
ble homonymy. E is similar except that 
the transfer of the older name is later 
than the proposal by Smith. And F, G, H 
are the same as D and E except that the 
transfer of the older name to X-us was 
temporary—in F entirely prior to Smith, in 
G entirely subsequent to Smith, and in H 
partly before and partly after Smith. 

i300 ALBUS ras. i300 ALBUS ras. i300 ALBUS rae. 
co ALBUS svn ae 
i900 ALBUS satu 1900 i390 ALBUS sam 
1800 ALBUS usr tev ALBUS usr _i00 ALBUS ur 
1850 1850 1850 
1880 is80 ALBUS sam 
i900 ALBUS swtu i900 ALBUS sum 1900 

D F 


1800 ALBUS tare 

i850 ALBUS sw 


1800 ALBUS tare 

50 ALBUS swrn 




Ete. 2 


Under the International Rules every one 
of these eight types of homonyms requires 
a change of name, because in every case 
there has been combined with X-us a name 
albus that is older than X-us albus Smith 
1900. This is the rigid interpretation of the 
present wording of the Rules, which has 
been followed by many taxonomists but by 
no means by all. 

Many taxonomists have felt that in some 
of these cases, such as diagram F in which 
- the homonymy was of a tempoiary histori- 
cal nature, it is not really necessary to re- 
place the 1900 name. They have argued that 
a distinction of some sort should be made to 
prevent the change of such names. 

(II) The question of whether all homo- 
nyms should be treated alike has led to wide 

discussion of a possible distinction between © 

two types called primary and secondary 
homonyms, so that different treatment might 
be accorded them after revision of this part 
of the Rules. There have been at least two 
_ definitions of primary and secondary homo- 
nyms, but the one most commonly known 
is this. A homonym is primary if the 
names were originally proposed in the 
same genus; it is secondary if the two names 
occur in the same genus only through trans- 
fer of one from another genus. It is argued 
that all primary homonyms must be re- 
placed, but that secondary homonyms 
should require replacing only if the names 
are still in the same genus. The examples in 
the top row of Fig. 1 (A, B, C) are primary, 
since the names were originally in the same 
genus; all the rest are secondary, under this 
definition, because the names were origi- 
nally in different genera. A, B, C require 
replacing of the younger name, since these 
are primary homonyms, but D and E also 
require replacing, because both names are 
currently in use in X-us. Only F, G, and H 
can be saved by this procedure. Stability 
of the names is indicated by a tabulation, 

Method Change Keep 
I. International Rules 8 6 
II. Primary-Secondary (original 
genus) 5 3 

(III) A third school employs primary and 
secondary in a very different sense. Here, a 
homonym is primary if it was a homonym 

at the time of its proposal, whether this 
fact was recognized or not; it is secondary 
if it was valid when proposed and became 
a homonym later by other action. 

Again, the primary homonyms are treated 
as in the International Rules—they must 
be replaced. And secondary homonyms are 
considered to be such only as long as the 
two names remain in the same genus. In 
Fig. 2 we find the top two rows representing 
the primary homonyms under this defini- 
tion. A, B, C, D, F, and H are primary, 
since the later name was already preoccu- 
pied by an older combination with X-us. 
But E, which is secondary, must also be 
replaced, since the names are both in cur- 
rent use in X-us. This would appear in the 
stability tabulation, thus: 

Method Change Keep 
I. International Rules 8 0 
II. Pri-Sec (original genus) 5 3 
III. Pri-Sec (validity when pro- 
posed) c 1 

(IIIa) A variant of the third procedure 
might be required by those persons who 
believe that temporary transfer of a name 
into X-uws does not preoccupy the name for 
later use in X-us. In this case, A, B, C, D, 
and E would be primary. This would give 
results in the stability table of Change 5, 
Keep 3. 

The first of these procedures for separat- 
ing homonyms into primary and secondary 
(our second system) is based on two new 
principles (see Fig. 1): (1) The fact that the 
identical names were originally proposed 
in the same genus is held to be of first im- 
portance, making the top row primary. In 
this manner, in Fig. 3, diagram A is set 
apart from diagram D, although they are 
identical except for the original assignment 
of the names, yet we must take the same 
action in the two cases because there is 
actual homonymy in each. They must be 
treated alike even though one is primary 
and one secondary. In diagrams B and H, 
which also are identical except for the orig- 
inal genus of the names, we should be re- 
quired to change a name in B and not in H 
because B is primary and H is secondary. 
This time we do not treat them alike, al- 
though they differ in exactly the same way. 
There appears to be no justification for 


X-US Y-US X-US Y-uUS later removed from X-us (H and G, in 
soo ALBUS rs 1 oe As ea Fn which H is called primary and G secondary) 

we would be required under this third pro- 
cedure to replace the newer name in H 
(because it was a primary homonym) and 
would not be required to replace it in G 
(where it is secondary). Again we find that 

D (primary) and E (secondary) must be 
treated alike, whereas H (primary) and G 
(secondary) must be treated differently. 
There appears to be no reason for such a 
A D distinction. 
In summarizing these last two proce- 

dures, it is apparent that there has appeared 

KoUS._ ous ais KM Hs the new principle that a name may not be 

woo ALBUS rs ind ALBUS ur replaced unless the older name is still in the 
same genus when the homonymy is dis- 

1850 covered, as in D and E of Fig. 4. But this 

weo ALBUS sum principle is applied only to the class of 

ALBUS sen secondary homonyms as variously defined. 

1300 B00 It would require a change in D and in E, 

and it would require a change in H but not 
G. There does not seem to be any reason 
why all types of homonyms should not be 
B - treated in this way. In other words, if there 
is no real justification for the distinction 

Fie. 3 

these distinctions, and there also appears to geo ALBUS ca ae ALBUS ure 

be no basis for the principle of segregating 
homonyms on the basis of their original = = me 
assignment. (2) Asecondary homonym must 
be replaced only if the older name is still in 
the same genus at the time the homonymis _,,,. ALBUS sum ia 
discovered. There can be no question that ; 
the younger name in diagram D must be 
replaced, because there is active homonymy 

at the present time, but if in diagram H it is D 
not necessary to rename the younger name, 
why must we do so in diagram B? Merely 

because of the accident of the original gen- X-US  Y-US X-US  Y-US 
eric assignment of the older name? There “ aiBuSun SD 
appears to be no justification for the use of 
this principle either. a 
The second procedure for separating “™ wso ALBUS sun 

homonyms into primary and secondary uses *% ALBUS om = 
another new principle (see Fig. 4). It places 
first importance upon the fact that Smith in ks sa 
1850 (in E) was correct in believing that 
the name albus had never been used before 

in the genus X-us, whereas in D he failed 

in 1900 to recognize the older name. D is H G 
therefore called primary and E secondary. | 
But in these cases if the older name had been Fie. 4 

1800 ALBUS FAB. | 1800 ALBUS LATR. 1800 ALBUS LATR. 
1850 1880 ALBUS sax 
i300 ALBUS sanx i900 ALBUS sax 1900 
| ee eee aawaeua“aesa—a— 
soo ALBUS ras is00 ALBUS as. 
seo ALBUS own 
& ce co ALBUS sun 
1800 ALBUS ur i800 ALBUS ure i800 ALBUS ure 
1850 al 
isso ALBUS sum 

between primary and secondary, why not 
judge both types on the same ground? 

(IV) Now if we apply this new plan uni- 
formly to all types of homonyms, we need 
new terms for the ones that are to be re- 
placed and those that are not, to avoid con- 
fusion with primary and secondary. We are 
now interested, in the first place, in the situ- 
ation as we find it at the time of discovery 
of the homonymy. (This time is represented 
by the heavy line across the bottom of each 
diagram.) The question to be asked is, Is 
there concurrent use of two names of iden- 

tical spelling? — 



Fig. 5 

In Fig. 5, in A, D, and E two identical 
names are in use in the genus X-us at the 
present time—they occur together and are 
therefore coincident homonyms. In B, C, F, 
G, and H the names are not now in the 
same genus and are therefore homonyms 
only in an historical sense—only because 
of their antecedents. We may therefore 
term them antecedent homonyms.? 

3 Other terms may be thought more readily 
understood in these uses, such as concurrent and 
historical or present and past, but the need for 
any such terms would be eliminated in a new rule 
by calling only the first group “homonyms,”’ 

eliminating the need for any term for the second 


By replacing only the coincident homo- 
hnyms, we obtain a rating on the stability 
tabulation thus: 

Method Change Keep 
I. International Rules 8 0 
II. Pri-Sec (original genus) 5 3 
III. Pri-See (validity when pro- 
posed) Uf 1 
IIIa. 5 3 
IV. Coincident-Antecedent 3 5) 

I should point out here that in this table 
a very false impression can be made. These 
figures are the number of types of homo- 
nyms that require change. One of these 
types might be much more common than 
another, completely overshadowing it in 
importance. But it appears that in number 
IV, changes are required only in cases which 
would have had to be changed under all of 
the other systems as-well (A, D, E in Fig. 
5), and the remaining cases are an improve- 
ment in stability over the other procedures. 

A summary of this distinction between 
coincident and antecedent homonyms can 
be made by defining them and the treat- 
ment of them. Any name that 1s discovered 
to be of the same spelling as an older name 
currently assigned to the same genus is a 
and is to be replaced. Any name that is dis- 
covered to be of the same spelling as an older 
name that was at one time in the same genus 
but 1s not now so assigned 1s an ANTE- 
not to be replaced. 

Obviously, an antecedent homonym can 
become coincident, as would be the case in 
diagram Cif after 1900 the older name was 
brought back into X-us. It is the actual 
state of affairs at the time of discovery of 
the homonymy that determines the type of 
homonymy and the action to be taken. 

In some discussions of primary and second- 
ary homonymy there has been proposed 
another new principle, which is a radical 
departure from the International Rules in 
that it requires the revival of a name pre- 
viously suppressed as a homonym. 

In Fig. 6, which represents a case of 
secondary homonymy in procedure II, 
X-us albus Smith, 1900, required replacing, 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

even though it was a secondary homonym. 
It was renamed in 1910 by Jones as X-us 
novus. This is an action that would have 
been necessary under any of the four pro- 
cedures we have examined. Then in 1920 
albus of Latreille, the older name, was re- 
moved by Brown from X-us; the new pro- 
cedure would then require that X-us albus 
Smith 1900 be reinstated with novus Jones 
as a Synonym. 

This appears to be completely contrary 
to the primary aim of the Rules, which is 
stability in nomenclature, since it produces 
an extra name change that is not absolutely 
necessary. If it stopped here, it would be 
fairly reasonable, but there is nothing to 
prevent, some other worker from claiming 
(in 1925 for example) that albus of Latreille 
was correctly transferred to X-us, and 
therefore novus must be used for albus 
Smith once again. And in 1926 Brown reit- 
erates his belief that albus Latreille does not 
belong in X-us, and therefore novus is only 
a synonym of X-us albus Smith. 

It is more than possible that such a con- 
troversy should continue for years, since 
there are many cases in which two authors 

1800 ALBUS ‘ure 
1850 on 
woo ALBUS sum 

10 NOVUS ones 

s ee 
Novus : 

1028 NOVUS Jones 

Fia. 6 

JUNE 15, 1948 

have consistently used different generic 
assignments for a given species. 

Again, when two workers disagree on the 
correct generic assignment of a species, as 
has occurred many times over long periods 
of years, the first worker, calling the genus 
X-us, finds that X-us albus is a secondary 
homonym, as in D, requiring a new name; 
whereas simultaneously and equally cor- 
rectly the second worker, who believes the 
genus should be called Z-us, finds that the 
name Z-us albus is not preoccupied at 1900 
and is therefore the correct name for the 
species. On the basis of their beliefs concern- 
ing the generic name, both are correct in 
their use of the specific names, so that we 
have two apparently correct names in use 
for one species. 

The possibility of this result from a dif- 
ference of opinion on generic assignment of 
another species, or of the correct name for 
a@ genus, can not occur under our present 
Rules. In procedure II as generally stated 
it can occur in five of the examples. In 
procedure III it can occur in two of the 
examples. If the conclusions of this discus- 
sion are made part of procedure IV, such a 
situation could not arise in any case. 



The only point that I have seen raised 
against this principle of accepting a valid 
renaming in spite of later actions is that 
malicious transfer could provide the means 
for some one to rename any species desired, 
on a small or large scale. I have not found 
any one who knows of such a case of mali- 
cious misappropriation of a rule, and I con- 
sider it at best as a possibility of importance 
insufficient to warrant action designed to 
prevent it. If a case should occur, the 
International Commission has ample au- 
thority to take action against the offender, 
without adding to the complexity of our 
nomenclatural system. 

There appears to be no other reasonable 
course than to accept the valid renaming 
of a homonym as final. There are other 
cases in which we find that strict priority 
gives less stability to names than a care- 
fully controlled departure from priority. 
And this appears to be an opportunity to 
prevent the possible (or rather certain) con- 
fusion of having two valid trivial names in 
current use for one species, merely through 
a difference of opinion concerning the status 
of some other species which happens. to 
have an identical name. 



The 50th annual meeting, concurrently with 
the 353d meeting of the Academy, held in the 
Auditorium of the Cosmos Club, January: 15, 
1948, was called to order at 8:15 p.m. by the 
President, WaLpo L. Scumitt, with 55 persons 
in attendance. 

The minutes of the 49th annual meeting were 
approved as published in the JoURNAL 37: 436— 
444, 1947. 

The reports of several officers and of the 
Committees of Auditors and Tellers were read 
and accepted. These reports are recorded at the 
end of the minutes. 

After the acceptance of the report of the 
Committee of Tellers, the President declared 
the following duly elected to the given offices: 

FREDERICK D. Rosstnt, President, 

C. Lewis Gazin, Secretary, 

Howarp S. RapPpLEYE, Treasurer, 

Franeigs M. DrFANDORF and WILLIAM N. 
FENTON, Board of Managers to January 1951. 

The Secretary presented for the Affiliated 
Societies their nominations for Vice-Presidents 
of the Academy as follows: 

Philosophical Society of Washington— WALTER 

Anthropological Society of Washington—WIL- 

Biological Society of Washington—Joun W. 

Chemical Society of Washington—CHaARLES 

Entomological Society of Washington—CarL 
F. W. MursEBECK 

National Geographic Society—-ALEXANDER 

Geological Society of Washington—WILLIAM 

Medical Society of the District of Columbia— 

Columbia Historical Society—GILBERT GrRos- 

Botanical Society 

Washington Section of the Society of American 
Foresters—WIiLiLiaM A. Dayton . 

of Washington—RoNaLpD 


Washington Society of Engineers—C.uirrorp 
A. BEerts 

Washington Section of the American Institute 
of Electrical Engineers—FRaAncis B. SILSBEE 

Washington Section of the American Society of 
Mechanical Engineers—Marrin A. Mason 

Helminthological Society of Washington— 

Washington Branch of the Society of American 
Bacteriologists—Lorr A. RoGERsS 

Washington Post of the Society of American 
Military Engineers—CLEMENT L. GARNER 

Washington Section of the Institute of Radio 

Washington Section of the American Society of 
Civil Engineers—OweEn B. FRENCH 

The Secretary was instructed by the mem- 
bers present to cast a unanimous ballot for 
these nominees. 

The President announced the recipients of 
the Academy’s Awards for Scientific Achieve- 
ment for 1947 as follows: 

In the Biological Sciences, no award made. 

In the Engineering Sciences, Harry W. 
WELLs, of the Department of Terrestrial Mag- 
netism of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- 
ton, in recognition of his distinguished upper- 
air research and organization of a world-wide 
network of ionospheric stations. 

In the Physical Sciences, Ropert D. Hun- 
TOON, of the National Bureau of Standards, in 
recognition of his distinguished service in the 
- advancement of electronics and its applications 
to other sciences and to modern ordnance. 

The reports of three special committees were 
_ presented as a part of the program as follows: 

~The Journal, by the Chairman of the Commit- 
tee, Raymonp J. SrxcerR; National Science 
Legislation, by the Chairman of the Commit- 
tee, A. T. McPurrson; A Junior Academy of 
Sciences, by the Vice-Chairman of the Com- 
mittee, EaprrT H. WALKER. 

The retiring President, Wautpo L. ScumirTT, 
presented his address, The Academy in Retro- 
spect and Prospect, then appointed Past Presi- 
dents EUGENE C. CRITTENDEN and Oscar E. 
MEINzER to escort the incoming President, 
FREDERICK D. Rossini, to the chair. Dr. 
Rossini adjourned the meeting at 10:20 P.M. 


During the Academy year, January 16, 1947, 
to January 15, 1948, one person was elected to 
honorary membership and 45 persons were 
elected to regular membership, including 42 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

resident and 3 nonresident. Of these, 26 resi- 
dent and 2 nonresident qualified for member- 
ship. Ten resident members, elected to mem- 
bership January 12, 1948, were notified on 
January 13, but insufficient time has elapsed for 
their reply. Sixteen resident members and 4 
nonresident members elected to membership in 
the preceding Academy year qualified during 
the present Academy year just ending. The > 
new members were distributed among the vari- 
ous sciences as follows: 9 in botany, 8 in 
physics, 5 each in zoology and entomology, 4 
each in chemistry and engineering, 2 each in pa- 
leontology, geology, anthropology, and plant 
pathology, and 1 each in biology, bacteriology, 
genetics, physiology, and ceramics. 
Twelve resident and 3 nonresident members, 
having retired from the gainful practice of their 
professions, were placed on the retired list of 
members to enjoy all the privileges of active 
membership without further payment of dues. 
The deaths of the following members were 
reported to the Secretary: 
CHARLES 8. BuTiER, Bristol, Tenn., on October 
7, 1944. 

GEORGES PERRIER, Paris, France, on February 
16, 1946. ? 

Epwarp A. GOLDMAN, Washington, D. C., on 
September 2, 1946. 

Sir JAMES Harwoop Jeans, Dorking, Surrey, 
England, on September 16, 1946. 

Wits L. Jepson, Berkeley, Calif., on Novem- 
ber 7, 1946. 

Henry G. Avers, Washington, D. C., on Janu- 

ary 19, 1947. | 
Howarp S. Roperts, 2d, Washington, D. C., 
on January 30, 1947. 

CHARLES A. Browne, Washington, D. C., on 
February 3, 1947. 

W. P. Hay, Bradenton, Fla., on May 26, 1947. 

HARDEE CHAMBLISS, Washington, D. C., on 
June 1, 1947. 

Rupour W. GuasezR, Princeton, N. J., on Sep- 
tember 4, 1947. 

Ropert H. Lomparp, Worcester, Mass., on 
October 11, 1947. 

Dwiaut W. WINDENBURG, Washington, D. C., 
on November 14, 1947. 

Sir JamMEs Harwoop JEANs and General 
GEORGES PERRIER were honorary members. 

On January 15, 1947, the status of member- 
ship was as follows: 

Boe oe Ts Patron Total 
lar tired ary 
Resident....... 457 52 2 0 511 
Nonresident.... 161 26 15 0 202 
Wotal@us cece: 618 78 17 0 713 

_ JuNE 15, 1948 

~The net changes in membership during the 
past year are as follows: 

Regu- Re- Honor- 

: Patron Toal 

lar tired ary 
Resident....... + 8 +12 - 0 0 20 
Nonresident.... 9 —2 —1 0 + 6 
Motalon. s+ +17 +10 —1 0 +26 

During the Academy year 1947 the Board of 
Managers held 9 meetings, with an average at- 
tendance of 18 persons. The following impor- 
tant matters were considered by the Board: 

1. Observance of the 50th Anniversary of the 
Academy.—The President appointed a commit- 
tee to look into the various ways in which the 
50th Anniversary of the Academy might be ob- 
served and make recommendations to assist 
the incoming 1948 Board in its selection and 
carrying out of the observance. It was antici- 
pated that this committee might render timely 
services inasmuch as the anniversary date, 
February 18, 1948, falls such a short time after 
the induction of the new Board of Managers. 

2. Preparation of an Illustrated Anniversary 
Edition of the ‘‘Red Book’’ or Directory.—The 
Board of Managers authorized the publication 
of an Anniversary Edition of the Red Book, 
which is to include photographs of members of 
the Academy together with as complete a list 
as possible of the membership of the various 
scientific societies affiliated with the Academy, 
and to include the constitutions, bylaws and 
current lists of officers of the Academy and 
affiliated societies. The Board authorized the 
expenditure of $3,000 for the publication of the 
directory, with a leeway of $600 to cover un- 
expected charges, such as proofreading, ete. 

3. Consideration of a Monograph.—A mono- 
graph on The parasitic birds of Africa, by 
Herbert Friedmann, was presented to the 
Board of Managers and recommended for pub- 
lication by the chairman of the Monograph 
Committee. Estimates for the cost of publica- 
tion were secured and the Board referred the 
manuscript to the Board of Editors for review 
and recommendation. 



During the Academy year, seven meetings of 
the Academy were held as follows: 

On February 20, 1947, Huecu L. DrypEn, as 
retiring President, offered an address entitled 
Exploring the fundamentals of aerodynamics. 
Owing to unusually inclement weather the 
paper was read by title only. 

On March 20, 1947, the 1946 Academy 
Awards for Scientific Achievement were pre- 
sented to WaLpo R. WeEpEL, U. S. National 
Museum, for work in the biological sciences; to 
Martin A. Mason, Beach Erosion Board, for 
work in the engineering sciences; and GEORGE 
W. Irvine, Jr., Bureau of Agricultural and 
Industrial Chemistry, for work in the physical 

On April 17, 1947, His Excellency, Mr. 
HerMan Eriksson, Minister from Sweden, 
contributed a few remarks on Alfred Nobel and 
the Nobel prizes, introducing P. W. Bripaman, 
of Harvard University, who addressed the 
Academy on High pressures and their effects. 

On May 15, 1947, JAmzs B. SuMNER, Cornell 
University, addressed the Academy on The 
chemical nature of enzymes. 

On October 16, 1947, Epwarp A. Dotsy, St. 
Louis University School of Medicine, addressed 
the Academy on Vitamin K. 

On November 20, 1947, I. I. Rasr, Columbia 
University, addressed the Academy on The 
hyperfine structure of the hydrogens and other 

On January 15, 1948, the meeting of the 
Academy was devoted to the business of the 
50th Annual Meeting and included the address 
of the retiring President, Waupo L. ScumirT, 
entitled The Academy in retrospect and prospect. 

The meetings were all held in the Assembly 
Hall of the Cosmos Club. 

C. L. Gazin, Secretary 


Your Treasurer submits the following re- 
port concerning the finances of the Washington 
Academy of Sciences for the year ended De- 
cember 31, 1947: 


MM OAD we PRS ts, Fe ce 2 ae AEN 5 $ 30.00 
Neer re PE eke. os Seg pM iO Neo ong ela Waters alia eb 75 .00 
aor eae, A ee eN eee ye an oes 3,167.00 
EA eS on LVN! 3.015 Roe Sead Gens 70.00 $ 3,342.00 

Sohne, <a auller steele) leitelys’ «:' «ene ice) ale 


Subseriptions, 1044, ; «innate ars vile bh ak alee: canes eee eee $ 6.00 
TOTS. cn 2.0 > siphon.» etna’ Beis Moves roe ao tae et Nah eee 6.00 
TOAG 2 OPN UR Ga On ee, Monee ties bead tae San. ee nS 6 .00 
1OAT, 2 hei, Sb Rae. aE, ie ea ee eee 735 .09 
LOLS oi sin gts valet ts bveah ty fe-ard een ws a) tye a gape Ue es 557 . 84 
TOAD: 2 cu lle dud tujhe abled bse reaakae ste eo ee peas Manne eels 3.38 
Reprints; 19465 00 Aiken os breyten Fok vp ipa Re SezteN eI Oe nee es $ 515.41 
ht: Y Ce ee Ree tre A A SR la SMe ot tye 672.73 
Sales, LOAF 225 stsusnnah Bas Mt <yenpiltee states ep dubai ewelase..c. hash, Ce etl te hepa tay cai Deiat = Ae ee Ae 
Interest: & Dividendse.. ops, sik eon sys cide sun CRE cana © custo dene deed) ae 
DIPGGDORY i555 got ag che: ca enh gh am, erate tee TS GLA pce A gee ie ann eee, tae 

Cash received in connection with the transfer from the 6 percent to the 3.6 percent pref. 
stock of the Potomac Electric/Power Cos. 220.202 PI ee ee 

Payment of balance of principal on the Chicago Railways Bond.................... 
Received, from Amer, Assoc.:for Ady.\of Sete ss: : 2 da bi: heen cls b wig erace aan ae 
Photostats and postage: a. come eaee eters es ee oe cite ee es oh aaa 
Overpaymentiof dues i. oa fia dec cee Sots ee eee WE eee ie ten on 
Total receipts; alQ47y>: . eee eo eee: RR) 2 1 A Wea Yee A: BP AS 
Cash<balance, Jamal, U947 (05 2 tik, oad Seas » eee ai edet odd ce 
Total-to: be accounted forse «ssn ocd tke ahve’ eine ak tea Waseca he ee 
1946 1947 
Secretary's OMicew ec: en ee ea ea nae go eee $ 82.80 $ 224.95 
MPreasurer s+ Olnces, 5. ss: 5-Sie woes aaa ea ee ee eee 72S) 236.78 
Subsers Mer @Custodian es oi 7 ae ee en en Sees ee eae 48 .36 
Meetings: Committee:..2) 2.5. a eek hee eee ee eae 40 .25 327.10 
Printing! & Mianlinie. (5c See ter gee 2 Nes ye Se We ee eee 333.83 3,451.27 
TW MStRAtIONS « ciese Sek cer gn eee heesas Coe SCAT ears hot eh ee 50 .90 516.44 
Reprints... thee caw te os eee ete oP eae eee eee ices «ae 108.59 399.88 
EditAsstis se hesitate Sees er ae 20 .00 270 .00 
Mise., postage ete wx Jitaae steno atime Sees eee rem 5.34 33.08 
2—$1,000 Series G bonds................ a eR Ge eT 2,000 .00 
Grrantisorny- Bhd seco TN Bee ep ce toa Ee oe ee ee 479.00 
1948 Red} Books) 2 Figs. ee Sy See Gate Cece eee eta a 292.00 
SetioP JOURNALS 97.1) OF; SAINT ARCS Aare. See gee 100 .00 
Share in projector for Cosmos Clib-i..22 te ee eee: 27 .85 
IPHOLGSEB US: Sieh So Ree a A ea aan re ret mI "18 oi ae 2.23 
Refund, overpayment of dues........ PRR ERR Sean kets! 1.00 
Povals ire WOE AI eR AR Ee ey ete, oF RBC age. ie $663.01 $8,409.94 
Cash book balance, Dec31) 1O4%en. ie Tiel. eo Se ae ee Eice: Sie 
Total. accounted: for... sey eae or ea oe Seg ke ee es a ee 


Balanceéas per cash book} Deesail,alGar; aan. 2 ed eee ce eee 
Balance as per Amer. Sec. & Trust Co. 
Statementof Dees 12.194 7s fic) ian eae aera ee aie yi hs ere de Cee $4 ,972 .67 
Receipts: deposited: since Deco 425 O47 pa nee aay eee 397 .69 
10) 1:)) Mag gone ORM ta oe Ae eR opie a Acys SEE ches ob 2. Wl en eamere ce = $5 ,370 .36 
Checks outstanding, as of Dec. 31, 1947 
No. TORS 832 ee RaOoD, eae: 2a ee geen eee ar $ 5.41 
i) 15 Page eRe ee NG Sg. tis temNB ee ee Sy) cae oy Sai. ae 5.00 
) 17-4 0 Wie Be A ie Soe oe Unie ig ent sme 4 SE MS oe acne 25.73 
i 1) pan ROR ct RAN ae ar cae RRO ae, 1 ORR Sa 518.36 
D QOS Cece eke 2 se Rig anon WW. Racha ee 292 .00 
1204 onc ce a RE eee eae ee tr 168.55 
TOD i er ees ibe? er PT ne “Ge a ear ces 10.81 

j 10 ay etait ange Pant tc Mi RE pRB sig. eee eer Shs cen 1.00 1,026.86 


$ 8,632.20 

4,784 .25 

$:.. BOs .7e 
258 .08 
367 .35 

508 .47 

290 .00 
38 .42 

$ 9,072.95 
~ 4,343.50 

$ 4,343.50 

$ 4,343.50 



Washington Sanitary Improvement Co. 
SertimcaienNo.,434—100 shares at: $10200....:..-.-.0.2..0-0...00.--4. $1,000. 
Semtieatcuno. +49—100 shares at $10.00........0. 02.00.05 ce I 1,000. 
Mekwucite Nory2,—— . & Shares at $10.00... 25.02 2.4 ec ee 80. 
Semiaeste Noro ~"l share at $1000... 4... eee ee 10% 
Weraicate Ne. 5952—200 shares at $10.00. 5 0/2 oo. i ee ee 2,000. 

Potomac Electric Power Co. 

Certificate No. TAO 1977—40 shares 3.6 percent pref. at $50.00....... 

City of New York—3 percent (Transit Unification) Due—June 1, 1980 
puberty CURSO 2 hese ee SE. ej oben. oe wee $ 500. 
Sern Cre ATO eS Ri ee I, ook as gn See ee dee. 100. 
Deemer Mere tO 39.8. oe bog. ages ek ee lke cote oe be os 100. 
Meeameirrmne@ GINA tr eles cg ee ee OO 100. 

First Federal Savings & Loan Ass’n. 

Suen MICMERVECORME WOOK: 2o. 5.2 3 oe SP... SLL eed ete se Ab, See Bore 

Northwestern Fed. Savings & Loan Ass’n. 
pale BV ays LSC Oia Paired ee een i ear gn i ane are ae aa er ee $4 ,500. 
ae a OPEN CLANG  o e cn ie eti sev sos wu Oa eR eee es 500. 

United States Government 
pee seebends No: MS32990 Gee elie ok. bss ce ele ens $1,000. 

Giese att oes el aS 1,000. 

[UL BB DGS RSE G Sete Te Roe eI a rh SR ang See coe 1,000. 

BW aesey a enh frsg te Se tare Soret ha ee Rae, eee ee 1,000. 

EL TA Ufo BI (2 sea gt tea lg ie ae ee eC ce ap Ea 1,000. 

DBZ AZGU Geers tts eee Soe aa IC I ass 1,000. 

INA OAS Sr Ea ip See 2 eon § ee a ed ge aN oa So 1 ,000. 

PATA GO AG owe gee le.. 5 2s inner ga Mbey ae Sars 1 ,000. 

IMA SET RENE R Gal Ss set eg ee SRR 2M Ay ie aE i ea 1 ,000. 

Toll Bile alle-2y fl & sash ie oS ren me 1,000. 

American Security and Trust Co. 

SST TUES BSTC Se Se dole ae a cee a rare eee 
De tis sos ef ie Peels Ae os bgin ssf Gk a i wwe 
SS Rots LZ SiG 57 Ue RR Si a en 
Sieger NCSI S820: APS eS ER. og eee oo we eR Re Oe 

Sa NET POT Gyo NN Eel conc va hd nde bile a ums aldose) Ue mw ee Hee $30,718. 

RR fet oe he aS ete aw 0 bp pd cud. ok wi ejertbese bine eee 31,280. 

$ 65561 


$ 4,090 



5 ,000 




4 343 








$26 ,936. 



$31 ,280.: 

At the close of business on December 31, 1947, there were 50 members of the Academy who were 

in arrears, as follows: 

No. of members In arrears for 
25 1 year 
10! 2 years 
5 3 years 
2 4 years 
6 5 years 
1 6 years 
Total 50 

Probably at least half of these will regain the status of ‘“‘“member in good standing”’ eventually. 
However, the above tabulation shows plainly that a “house cleaning”’ is in order, and it is hoped that 

this work can be attended to early in 1948. 

Howarp 8. RappiEYE, Treasurer. 



The accounts of the Treasurer of the Wash- 
ington Academy of Sciences for the year 1947 
were examined by your auditing committee on 
January 12, 1948. 

The Treasurer’s report was checked and 
found to be in agreement with the records. All 
disbursements had been authorized and were 
found to be supported by vouchers and can- 
celled checks. The securities of the Society were 
inspected and found to be in agreement with 
the list given in the report and to have all 
coupons attached that are not yet due. 

Your Committee highly commends the 
Treasurer of the Academy upon the orderly and 
businesslike manner in which he has main- 
tained the fiscal records. The Academy con- 
tinues to be indebted to Mr. Rappleye for his 
conscientious and efficient performance of the 
arduous duties of his office. 

FREDERICK D. Rossini, Chairman 
Austin H. CLark 
Haroutp EK. McComs 


Volume 37 of the JouRNAL, for the year 1947, 
contained 448 pages in 12 issues, a gain of 16 
pages over Volume 36 of the previous year, in 
this respect more nearly approximating the 
ideal of 500 pages recommended by previous 
editors. There were 59 papers distributed 
among the various sciences as shown in the 
table below. 

These figures show an even poorer balance 
between the physical sciences and the biological 
sciences than the previous year. In 1946 about 
one-fourth of the pages of the JOURNAL were 
devoted to physical sciences including geology, 
whereas in 1947 the papers in the physical 
sciences used only about one-tenth of the pages 
of the JouRNAL. The disproportion reflects the 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

production of the biologists and the activity of 
the freshman editor, Dr. Sronr, who has been 
successful in procuring good papers. In 1947, 
moreover, the members of the Academy sub- 
mitted over 50 percent of the papers published, 
an improvement over 1946 when less than half 
of the papers were submitted by our own mem- 
bers. A considerably larger number of papers 
was received than the editors felt merited pub- 
lication in the JouRNAL. A slight decline in the 
number of papers published this year is offset 
by the space given to several papers, of which 
at least one has been widely noticed in this 
country and abroad. Anthropology continues 
to contribute a fair share of papers, and papers 
from its constituent disciplines may be expected 
to be a substantial part of the JouRNAL. Owing 
to the vigilance of Dr. Horrman, who assumed 
responsibility for necrology, the number of 
obituaries procured was double that of 1946. 

The JouRNAL and the new Board of Editors 
face the new year with confidence. Instead of 
the customary dearth of papers, the supply on 
hand will carry the JouRNAL through the first 
quarter of the year. Among the papers on hand 
and at the printer’s are several in the physical 
sciences which the editors gathered during 1947 
or which came to them through the activities of 
the Meetings Committee. 

The JourNnat faced a financial crisis in 
September, when the George Banta Publishing 
Co., through its representative, informed the 
Senior Editor, Dr. W. N. Fenton, that the 
costs of printing had increased to the extent 
that they had found it necessary to submit a 
new contract which, in effect, would increase 
the cost of printing the JouRNAL by about 31 
percent. Dr. Fenton reported the matter to the 
Board of Managers, who referred the question 
to the Executive Committee, who, meeting 
October 13, 1947, recommended action, which 
the Board of Managers voted, October 20, to 

Sciences of papers, 

Biological eae ee ee ea esas See ee 41 
Physical ts scien se ces reat ae eae oe es 3 
Anthropological.) = 1. ..ok oe ye cee 11 
Geologicals2e oak Paes eee eee 2 
Other (History of Science)................... 2 
Obituaries, Proceedings, etc.................. ces 
Nid OX 22h sec iaciee thea ec ee = 
Totals 59 

Number Percentage Number Percentage 
of pages, by pages, of pages, of pages, 
1947 1947 1946 _ 1946 
241 53.8 178.8 41.4 
37 8.3 78.8 18.2 
90 20.1 114.0 26.4 
12 Prsil 24.2 5.6 
19 4.2 9.5 22 
45 10.0 23.0 5.3. 
4 0.9 4.0 0.9 
448 100.0 432.0 100.0 

JUNE 15, 1948 

increase the budget for the JouRNAL by $225 to 
meet the increase in cost of publication for the 
remainder of the year, and authorized Dr. 
Fenton to sign the new contract with the 
George Banta Publishing Co. for printing the 

The original 1947 budget provided $4,000 for 
printing and mailing, to which was added $225 
(mentioned above), $300 for editorial assist- 
ance, and $50 for miscellaneous office supplies 
and postage, bringing the total to $4,575. To 
this is to be added the charges to authors, which 
amounted to $936.38, making a grand total of 

The disbursements for the JouRNAL have 

Printmpand mailing: 20.2626. ee $3,831.14 
PRIN RNO Sees Ge clo as ak ae de wee oa 532.95 
FRIED. oe Eide Senet oe ee 473 .64 
PiniPOUIAASSISLANCE >. 2-4. cee yee ee es 295.00 
Gimecomiscelianecous. ) 205.5 62 42.31 

PRG lero ide ocaces me a. 8 $5,175.04 

To recapitulate, the total cost of the printing 
bills was $4,837.73. From this may be sub- 
tracted $936.38, the amount charged to authors 
for reprints, excess illustrations, and excess 
typesetting charges. Thus the net cost to the 
Academy of printing the JoURNAL was 

It should be noted that on several items the 
Editors are well within their appropriation and 
that, despite the rise in printing costs at the 
end of the year, they were able to get by with- 
out the supplemental appropriation. 

The Board of Editors wishes to acknowledge 
the cooperation of the Board of Managers and 
the officers of the Academy. The Associate 
Editors met with the Board of Editors early in 
the year and worked out a procedure for han- 
dling manuscripts in special fields, for reading 
galley proofs, and for consultation, in all of 
which the Associate Editors have supported the 
Board of Editors ably and willingly. Dr. R. E. 
BLACKWELDER supplied for Dr. Stone during 
the latter’s field work in Alaska, and special 
thanks are due to Mr. Pau. H. O§&HSER, our 
editorial assistant, for taking over administra- 
tive duties during the summer months while 
Dr. FENTON was away teaching. Mr. OEHSER’sS 
very considerable specialized knowledge and his 
genuine interest in the continual improvement 
of the JouRNAL far exceed the implication of his 



The Editors also wish to cite Mr. Irwin H. 
WENSINK, Washington representative of the 
George Banta Publishing Co., for his help in 
maintaining the continuity and high standard 
of the JouRNAL and for the courteous way that 
he conducted negotiations for a new contract 
for his company. We do not think it entirely 
flattery when he tells us that the Academy’s 
editorial set-up has come to be a model which 

his company recommends to other learned 




Nonmember subscriptions in the United States...... 131 
Nonmember subscriptions in foreign countries......: 75 
WON Dae Rn Pe a RD oh Re Ac eee MRT Shor 206 


Reserve Sets of the JoURNAL: 
Bound Volumes 1-29 and unbound Volumes 

31 SS -7 he Sey Ca Tee ih Nee ee ene ee ee 1 set 
Unbound Volumes 1-372). 3235-0. wy 3 sets 
Unbound Volumes 11-37) .>.2 2255 3 42 one 6 sets 
Unbound Volumes 16-37................--. 11 sets 

Miscellaneous numbers of the JOURNAL........- 18,911 
Total numbers in the Reserve Sets............ 8,070 
Grand total of back numbers.........-...-- 26,981 

The only important change that has taken 
place during the year 1947 was the resignation 
of Frank M. Serzuer as Custodian and Sub- 
scription Manager of Publications. Mr. SETZLER 
was forced to hand in his resignation toward the 
end of this year because of his leaving the 
country for an extended field trip. To fill this 
vacancy, I was appointed at the 411th meeting 
of the Board of Managers held on October 20, 
1747. Mr. SetTzuer has admirably filled this 
position for five years, and during this tenure 
of office he has organized the operations and 
records in a most efficient manner, so that when 
I took over this position I found everything in 
perfect order and all information readily acces- 
sible. I feel that Mr. SrrzLer deserves to be 
highly commended for the excellent way in 
which he has run this office. 


During the year no complete sets were sold, 
but the sale of individual volumes and numbers 


has continued, 24 volumes and 115 numbers 
having been sold. One complete set (Vol. 1-36) 
was purchased from one of the members of the 

Income from Sales 

Miscellaneous mumbers...........0:.-2..565 $178.07 
Set ioiidTourRNAmV ol. 1=36. ie" es ek oar... Pee $100.00* 
Postage and office expenses................. 48 .36 
1947 Budgetary allotment//34% sarsse sae «oak $ 50.00T 
Hnexpenditures tor (O47. oe er oe ene 48.36 
Wnexpended! balancesen. » fna es ees oe $ 1.64 

* Deducted from special fund earmarked for purchase of 
volumes and numbers needed to form complete reserve sets. 

+ This does not include the additional $50 that was added 
to the budget allotment by vote of the Executive Committee 
for the purpose of carrying out a campaign to increase the 
present subscription list. This money was not expended in 

Haraup A. REHDER, Custodian and 
Subscription Manager of Publications 


A total of 325 envelopes were delivered to 
the Secretary. The count of valid ballots 
showed the following officers were elected: 

President, FREDERICK D. Rossini 
Secretary, C. LEw1s GazIn 
Treasurer, Howarp 8S. RAPPLEYE 

Board of Managers to January 1951, FRANcIS 

ANNA E. JENKINS, Chairman 
Miriam L. BomMHARD 


The Committee on Legislation, composed of 
J. E. Grar, W. W. Rupery, and A. T. Mc- 
PHERSON, reported on recent and pending 
legislation in three phases of Government ac- 
tivity, each of especial interest and importance 
to science. Unusual possibilities for the ad- 
vancement of science were seen in the inter- 
national exchange of scholars and information 
provided by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship 
Act (Public Law 584, 79th Congress) and by 
the proposed Information and Educational 
Exchange Act of 1948 (HR 3342, January 7, 
1948). Funds for the program under the former 
act are in foreign currencies derived from the 
sale of surplus war property abroad. The latter 
bill which was expected to be passed at an early 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

date contains provision for the dollars needed 
to send American scholars abroad and will ex- 
tend the international exchange of scholars to 
countries in which there was no surplus prop- 

The second phase of legislative action re- 
ported on was that concerned with the future 
of the synthetic rubber industry. The Com- 
mittee felt that the most important considera- 
tion for future national security regarding 
rubber lay in establishing an adequate research 
and development program, entirely apart from 
any production program. The cost of sucha 
program would be less even than the cost of 
maintaining the unused plants in standby con- 

_ The third subject dealt with by the Commit- 
tee was that of the National Science Founda- 
tion. At the time of the report, it was thought 
that a compromise bill acceptable to both the 
Congress and the Administration would be in- 
troduced soon. 

The recent report of the President’s Scien- 
tific Research Board was reviewed and was 
compared with a similar study made by Rosa 
after World War I.* The fact that many of the 
recommendations regarding the scientific pro- 
gram of the Government made in the Rosa re- 
port are similar to those in the current report 
was cited by the Committee in support of their 
recommendation that the Academy give serious 
and sustained attention to legislation relating 
to science. 7 

A. T. McPHERson, Chairman 


Dr. Waupo L. Scumitt, President of the 
Washington Academy of Sciences in 1947, ap- 
pointed a committee on junior academies of 
science consisting of Austin H. Clark, Chair- 
man, E. H. Walker, Vice Chairman, and Frank 
Thone, and requested it to study the subject 
and make recommendations to the Washington 
Academy of Sciences. The following is the re- 
port of the vice chairman based upon the results 
of the study as given in his talk at the 50th 

* Expenditures and revenues of the Federal Gov- 
ernment, by Epwarp B. Rosa. Publication No. 
1518. Reprinted from “Taxation and Public Ex- 
penditures,’’ Vol. 95 of the Annals of the Ameri- 

can Academy of Political and Social Science, 
Philadelphia, May 1921. 

JUNE 15, 1948 

annual meeting of the Washington Academy on 
January 15, 1948. 

The growing interest in the early recognition 
and encouragement of potential scientists has 
found expression in the development of organi- 
zations working with and for these young scien- 
tists. Their activities are centered largely on 
the approximately 15,000 science clubs in the 
secondary schools throughout the country. 
Assisting in the coordinating of these clubs is 
Science Clubs of America, administered by 
Science Service, Inc., Washington, D. C. An 
important activity of this coordinating organi- 
zation is the conducting of the annual Science 
Talent Search for the Westinghouse Science 
Scholarships. Scholarships totaling $11,000 are 
distributed among the 40 winners on the basis 
of a nation-wide examination. In 11 states 
additional awards are granted to local winners 
in this same examination, this usually under 
the auspices of the state junior or senior acade- 
mies of science. 

Junior academies of science exist in more 
than 30 states. The first one was formed in II- 
linois in 1919. These organizations provide to 
the young scientists and their sponsors, mostly 
organized into school science clubs, (1) valuable 
training through cooperative endeavors; (2) 
association with other young scientists and 
with adult scientists; (3) incentives to the stu- 
dents through exhibits, fairs, and congresses, to 
engage in creative activities; (4) incentives and 
assistance to the adult sponsors; (5) insight 
into senior scientific organizations and their ac- 
tivities; and (6) opportunities to take an active 
part in adult scientific projects. 

Membership in these junior academies usu- 
ally consists of the science clubs as chapters and 
their members as individuals. They are vari- 
ously financed, the funds coming from dues 
paid by the chapters or by the members, or 
both, and subsidies by senior academies, 
teacher organizations, sponsors, friends, com- 
mercial organizations, etc. Sums run from 
about $20 to $400 annually. Additional services 
and facilities are often provided by associated 
and sponsoring organizations. 

The Junior academies of science are usually 
governed by committees of the senior acade- 
mies and of the school sponsors of the clubs. 
They function best where there is an experi- 
enced and active adult leader on both commit- 
tees or at least actively supported by them. 



These junior academies, besides assisting in 
the conduct of the science clubs’ activities, 
provide stimulating and coordinating publica- 
tions, sectional meetings, an annual state con- 
gress, usually in connection with the annual 
state academy meeting, with exhibits, fairs, 
trips, talks, etc., and awards of various kinds. 
They often enlist the aid of juniors in various 
senior scientific projects where such is appro- 
priate. j 

The organization of a Junior Washington 
Academy of Science is favored by local indi- 
viduals and organizations engaged in junior 
scientific work. The head of the science work in 
the public schools and the teacher-sponsors of 
the science clubs believe it would be a spur to 
their efforts and could provide valuable facili- 
ties they are otherwise unable to obtain. Sci- 
ence Clubs of America would be glad for such 
an Academy to take over its responsibilities in 
the annual science fair, an activity which it has 
previously assumed in the absence of other 
suitable organizations to do so. It would be glad 
to assist in the selection of the best science 
talent in this area for awards in addition to the 
national Westinghouse Science Scholarships. 

This committee’s investigation of the local 
organizations and individuals who might be in- 
terested in this project is incomplete. More 
work should be done in this field before a final 
plan of organization is prepared. There should 
be careful investigation of the activities of the 
Virginia Junior Academy of Science, centered 
in Charlottesville, in order to coordinate the 
considered activities of a Junior Washington 
Academy of Sciences with those of this nearby 
organization working within the greater Wash- 
ington area. We have had a preliminary meet- 
ing with officers of the Maryland Academy of 
Sciences in Baltimore and find that our activi- 
ties would supplement theirs in the adjacent 
portion of Maryland, with which we might be 
concerned, and that cooperation with that or- 
ganization would be highly desirable and wel- 
comed. Their junior academy is temporarily 
suspended for lack of a director, but much 
junior work is being carried on along with their 
program of interpretation of science. The dif- 
ferent emphases and perspectives of the Mary- 
land and of the Washington Academies of Sci- 
ence would find common ground through this 
proposed Junior Washington Academy of Sci- 


We, therefore, recommend that the Board in 
control of the Washington Academy of Sciences 
continue this committee with new or aug- 
mented personnel and instruct it to report at 
the April meeting of the Academy definite and 
detailed plans for organizing a Junior Washing- 
ton Academy of Sciences with proposals for 
implementing this plan. 

Eapert H. Waker, Vice Chairman 


The report of this committee was included in 
the published Proceedings of the Academy, 
414th Meeting of the Board of Managers: This 
JOURNAL 38 (2): 79-80. Feb. 15, 1948. 

Submitted by C. Lewis Gazin, Secretary 


The 417th meeting of the Board of Mana- 
gers, held in the Cosmos Club, April 12, 1948, 
was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by the Presi- 
dent, Dr. F. D. Rossini. Others present were: 
H.S. Rappers, N. R. Smiru, H. A. REHDER, 
W. W. Disut, W. RamBere, T. D. STEWART, 
C. E. Wuitrt, A. Wetmore, W. A. Dayton, 
C. A. Berts, M. A. Mason, L. A. Roasrs, 
C. L. Gazin, and, by invitation, H. E. Mc- 
Comps, R. J. Srecer, A. Stonn, J. E. Grar, 
and F. H. H. Rossrts, Jr. 

The following appointments were announced 
by the President: Committee on the Index of 
the Journal: W. N. Fenton, Chairman, J. I. 
Horrman, M. C. Merriti, H. A. REHDER, 
PauL H. OxrHseER (consultant). Committee on 
Functions and Policies of the Academy: E. C. 
CRITTENDEN, Chairman, A. H. Cuark, W. A. 
Dayton, M. A. Mason, L. W. Parr, F. B. 

The Chairman of the Meetings Committee 
announced that Prof. PHinipp Frank, of Har- 
vard University, would speak at the April 
meeting of the Academy. 

The Chairman of the Special Committee to 
consider certain revisions of the Bylaws of the 
Academy and Standing Rules of the Board of 
Managers, Dr. WaLTER RAMBERG, read the 
following report: 

The Committee has considered means of revis- 
ing the Standing Rules of the Board of Managers 


VOL. 38, NO. 6 

in order to provide greater continuity in the 
Standing Committees of the Board, The Commit- 
tee recommends the following revisions for this 

Standing Rules 

Section 3, third sentence, replace by: “The Com- 
mittee on Membership, Meetings, Grants-in- 
Aid for Research, and each of the Subcommittees 
of the Committee on Awards for Scientific 
Achievement shall include, if possible, at least two 
members reappointed from the preceding year. 
The Committee on Monographs shall have six 
members, each appointed for 3 years at the rate 
of two each year. At least three members of the 
Committee on Monographs shall be past editors 
of the JOURNAL, if possible.’ 

In addition the Committee recommends the 
following revision in the Standing Rules in order 
to describe more accurately the duties of the Com- 
mittee on Awards for Scientific Achievement: 

New Section 8, second sentence, replace by: “A 
candidate must be a member of the Washington 
Academy of Sciences or a resident member of one 
of the affiliated societies, and shall not have 
passed the 40th anniversary of the date of his 
birth by the end of the calendar year for which 
the award is made; recommendations by the 
Committee must reach the Board of Managers 
not later than the meeting preceding the Annual 
Meeting of the Academy in January.” 

The Chairman of the Committee on Science 
Legislation, JoHn E. Grar, reported that 
Senate Bill 526 had been vetoed by President 
Truman but that Senator Smith of New Jersey 
was sponsoring $3285, introduced March 25, 
which would overcome some of the objections 
raised to the previous bill. 

The president announced that the results of 
the study to be made by the Special Commit- 
tee appointed to consider the policy and func- 
tions of the Academy were to be available by 
the end of the calendar year and to be pub- 
lished in the JOURNAL as a matter of permanent 
record and in order to bring them to the atten- 
tion of the membership of the Academy. 

Changes in the Standing Rules of the Board 
of Managers introduced at the 416th meeting 
were approved as follows: 

Section 2 
After c. iv., insert: - 
‘““~ Committee on Awards for Scientific 
“vi. Committee on Grants-in-aid for Re- 

Section 3 

Replace first sentence by: ‘“There shall be six 
STANDING COMMITTEES, as follows: Executive 


JUNE 15, 1948 

Committee, Committee on Meetings, Commit- 
tee on Membership, Committee on Mono- 
graphs, Committee on Awards for Scientific 
Achievement, Committee on Grants-in-Aid for 

Section 4, first sentence: 

In place of ‘‘or acting President,”’ insert ‘‘Presi- 
dent-Elect”’ (providing the Academy approves 
of the new office of President-Elect). 

Following Section 6, insert: 

7. The CoMMITTEE ON Monocrapus shall re- 
ceive for review and recommendation regard- 
ing publication such monographs as may be 
submitted to the Academy, preference being 
given to members of the Academy. 

8. It shall be the duty of the COMMITTEE ON 
recommending one candidate each for the Bio- 
logical Sciences, the Engineering Sciences, and 
the Physical Sciences. A candidate shall. not 
have passed the 40th anniversary of the date of 
his birth by the end of the calendar year for 
which the Award is made; recommendations 



by the Committee must reach the Board of 
Managers not later than the meeting immedi- 
ately preceding the annual meeting of the 
Academy in January. Each recommendation 
to the Board must be accompanied by a written 
- supporting statement giving the necessary in- 
formation concerning the candidate, together 
with a citation covering not over 80 spaces, as 
‘in recognition of his distinguished service in 
(80 spaces) ng 
RESEARCH shall review applications for grants- 
in-aid from such funds as may be at the dis- 
posal of the Board of Managers for this purpose. 


present Section 7 as new Section 10 
present Section 8 as new Section 11 
present Section 9 as new Section 12 
present Section 10 as new Section 13 
present Section 11 as new Section 14 
present Section 12 as new Section 15. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. 

C. Lewis Gazin, Secretary. 


GrorGE Rocers MANSFIELD, retired geolo- 
gist of the U. S. Geological Survey, member of 
the Geological Society of Washington, and its 
39th President in 1930, died at the home of one 
of his daughters, Mrs. John W. Carroll, at 
Swarthmore, Pa., on Sunday, July 11, 1947. He 
was born August 30, 1875, in Gloucester, Mass. 
At Amherst College he received the B.S. degree 
and membership in Phi Beta Kappa in 1897, 
and the M.A. degree in 1901. From 1897 to 
1903 he was science teacher at Central High 
School in Cleveland, Ohio. At Harvard Uni- 
versity he received the Ph.D. degree in 1906 
and was instructor in geology from 1906 to 
1909. At Northwestern University he was as- 
sistant professor in geology from 1909 to 1912. 
He worked during the summers of 1910 to 1912 
for the U. S. Geological Survey in Idaho. In 
1913 he joined the permanent staff as geologist 
and was placed in charge of phosphate investi- 
gations, which he carried on for many years. In 
1922 he was made chief of the Section of Non- 
metalliferous Deposits, in 1921 editor of geolog- 
ic maps, and in 1927 chief of the Section of 
Areal and Nonmetalliferous Geology. He re- 
tired in 1943. 

Dr. Mansfield’s contributions to geology 
over a period of 36 years (1906-42), include 109 
titles, of which Professional Paper 152: Geog- 

raphy, geology, and mineral resources of a part of 
southeastern Idaho, published in 1927, may be 
cited as an example of his outstanding com- 
petence in investigation, description, discussion 
and solution of the areal, physiographic, strati- 
graphic, structural, and economic problems en- 
countered in the detailed study of an area (in 
this case of some 2,200 square miles). Other 
publications of the Survey of which he was 
either author or joint author described the 
phosphates of Florida, the greensands of New 
Jersey, the nitrates of California, Texas, Idaho, 
and Oregon, and the potash deposits of Texas 
and New Mexico. His other contributions ap- 
peared in many publications, mainly those of 
the Geological Society of America, American 
Association of Geographers, the American 
Journal of Science (of which he was associate 
editor from 1938 to 1945), the Journal of Ge- 
ology, Washington Academy of Sciences, 
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Kco- 
nomic Geology, Science, Proceedings of Section 
E of the American Association for the Advance- 
ment of Science. 

He was a member of the National Research 
Council 1925 to 1934 and chairman of the com- 
mittee on tectonics from 1924 to 1934, a fellow 
of the Geological Society of America, and a 
member of the American Institute of Mining 


and Metallurgical Engineers, the Society of versity, Dr. James 8. Mansfield, of Cambridge, 
Economic Geologists, the American Geophysi- Mass., and Robert H. Mansfield, of Caracas, 
cal Union, the Washington Academy of Sci- Venezuela; two daughters, Mrs. George W. 
ences (vice president 1931), and the Cosmos Patterson, of Morton, Pa., and Mrs. John W. 

Club. Carroll, of Swarthmore, Pa.; and twelve grand- 
He is survived by his wife, Adelaide Clafi children. 
Mansfield; three sons, Harvey C. Mansfield, a Raupu W. RicHAarps 

professor of political science at Ohio State Uni- 

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Puystcs.—Mass spectra of hydrocarbons. Frep L. Mouumr........ 193 © 
Botany.—New species of Achaetogeron (Compositae) from Mexico. 

Estner Gy. LABRBENG'S 2255s 22 oe A ee ee ee 199 
ENTOMOLOGY.—Notes and descriptions of Nearctic Hydroptilidae 

(Trichoptera). : Hunperr Ross: os) Sos. ae tee 201 
Zootocy.—An analysis of specific homonyms in zoological nomen- - 

clature. RicHarp E. BLACKWELDER.............-..-++.+-+--- 206 
PROCEEDINGS: THe ACADEMY (2.240. 332. 252 ceoe talons eee ee 213. 
OprTuary: George Rogers Mansfield... ............. 0.0.0 cee eeees 223 

This Journal! is Indexed in the International Index to Periodicals 

VoL. 38 Jury 18, 1948 No. 7 







J. P. E. Morrison JAMES S. WILLIAMS 
Eusert L. Litt ez, JR. Wapo R. WEDEL 


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yD y j 




Vou. 38 

ARCHEOLOGY .—Florida archeology and recent ecological changes.! 
Goaein, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. 

municated by W. R. WEDEL.) 

American archeology in the past few 
years has turned to several of the natural 
sciences for aid in dating recent sites and 
for a fuller understanding of the natural 
environment in which primitive man played 
his role. In the Southwest, for example, 
archeologists have been able to obtain ca- 
lendric or absolute dates from the study of 
tree rings (Glock, 1937; Haury, 1935). 
Pollen analysis, of considerable value in 
European prehistory, also shows promise of 
utility in the New World (Sears, 1937). 
Other methods of dating and interpretation 
are based upon work done by the geologist 
and conchologist (Baker, 1937; Richards, 

The best results are now being obtained 
by cooperative research on the part of both 
archeologists and natural scientists. Two 
such studies can be briefly summarized: 
One in Oregon gave a relative date for ar- 
cheological material sealed in a cave deposit 
under volcanic ash. The same ash layer was 
found in peat deposits. By pollen analysis 
the history of the peat deposit was worked 
out, and the relative date of this ash layer 
was determined, which in turn gave an 

1 Data used in this paper were gathered as part 
of the Yale Caribbean Program directed by Dr. 
Cornelius Osgood. The 1947 summer’s work was 
done under a fellowship from the Social Science 
Research Council. Many persons have been very 
helpful in offering me unpublished data, especially 
Irving Rouse, Vera M. Masius, and John W. 
Griffin. Others have generously read and criti- 
cized the manuscript. For this special thanks are 
due Frederick Johnson, R. 8. Peabody Founda- 
tion, Philips Academy, Andover, Mass.; Irving 
Rouse, Department of Anthropology, Yale Uni- 
versity; Richard F. Flint, Department of Ge- 
ology, Yale University; and Martin Burkenroad 

Newport, North Carolina. Received March 22, 

JuLY 15, 1948 

No. 7 

JoHn M. 

upper limit relative date for the archeo- 
logical material in the cave.? 

Another recent example of a combined 
project of this type is the Boylston Street 
fishweir. In the course of a construction 
excavation in Boston the remains of a fish- 
weir were found many feet below the pres- 
ent surface of the land. The indications are 
that man lived in the Charles River estuary 
‘when the level of the sea in relation to 
land, was about fifteen feet eight inches 
lower than it is at the present time”’ (John- 
son et al., 1942). A more recent joint prob- 
lem of archeology and botany is the Grassy 
Island site (Johnson and Raup, 1947).° 

Approaches like these were originally 
developed in the Old World where the usual 
time span involved was much greater.* Al- 
though American archeologists had been 
aware of the European results, it was 
thought until recently that the length of 
time in which the greatest developments in 
American cultures took place was too short 
to have resulted in ecological changes of any 
importance. It is now realized that while 
the changes that have taken place in the 
New World are not so sharp as those in 
some parts of Europe, such as in Scandi- 
navia, nevertheless they are present and 
can be detected by more refined analysis. 

2 Symposium on Early Man in Oregon: Cress- 
man, 1946; Hansen, 1946; Allison, 1946. Han- 
sen, 1947. 

3 As a point of historical interest it can be noted 
that E. 8. Morse was perhaps one of the first to 
point out a series of ecological changes in vegeta- 
tion, species of animals, and erosional factors in a 
single Maine shell heap (1868; 1925: 430). 

-4 A complete summary of the methods and re- 
sults of archeological and geological dating will be 
found in Zeuner, 1946. 


fri (f. ‘ ; 2 fA 5 
AUG LU pedis 


The twofold problem facing the archeolo- 
gist can be briefly summarized as follows: 
The first phase will necessitate the prepara- 
tion of a detailed ecological history of late 
Pleistocene and Recent times covering the 
climate, the composition and changes in 
flora and fauna, and the changes in land 
form, especially the coast line. These are 
factors directly affecting primitive man on 
a simple subsistence level. The second 
problem, of special interest to the archeolo- 
gist, is Whether any of these changes can be 
used *for either absolute or comparative 
dating. A hope for absolute dating possibly 
lies in the analysis of some constant process 
such as tree rings or the deposition of sedi- 
ments like varves or peats, and less likely 
in sea-level changes. But sea-level changes, 
as well as ecological changes, do offer hope 
of comparative correlations with other 
regions where similar conditions can be 

The analysis of climatic fluctuations with 
the attendant floral and faunal changes also 
offers much hope for comparative correla- 
tions. This should be especially helpful in 
Florida where a relatively sharp temperate 
versus tropical physiographic line can now 
be drawn. Minor climatic changes, only 
scantily reflected in either more temperate 
or tropical regions, probably resulted in 
appreciable movements of the border line 
in Florida.’ This meant that abrupt changes 
often took place in Florida, which necessi- 
tated adjustment of the biota to the new 

In the course of recent archeological work 
in Florida the writer has noticed a number 
of situations that may offer valuable infor- 
mation if they can be considered in detail 
by competent specialists. It is the object of 
this paper to bring these situations to the 
attention of the respective specialists in the 
hope that they may be stimulated to follow 
up some of the problems, or to instill an 

5 It is probably no accident that the bulk of the 
comparable data for ecological changes in Eastern 
United States, mentioned in later sections of this 
paper, comes from Maine. This too is a physio- 
graphic boundary area and climatic variances 
would make appreciable changes here as in 
Florida. An area in the middle of a large physio- 
graphic region, Virginia for example, would not be 
affected by variances which would result in pro- 
nounced changes in Florida or Maine. 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

awareness of the problems in event that 
similar situations arise in routine biological 
or geological research. Some of the following 
situations have been directly observed in 
the field and others are taken from existing 
literature. In most cases there is not enough 
information to formulate concrete conclu- 
sions. They must be thought of as inter- 
esting leads offering promise with future 
detailed work. 

No attempt has been made to gather 
similar data from purely natural-history 
sources or to evaluate the material pre- 
sented here in terms of other ecological 
data. To repeat, it is the purpose of this 

“paper to present evidence of ecological 

changes that can be related to human ac- 
tivity in this region for dating purposes. An 
explanation of the various archeological 
cultures referred to in this article will be 
found in a recent paper (Goggin, 1947). A 
chronological chart from that paper is re- 
produced here (Fig. 1). 

Changes in sea level—Careful measure- 
ments in recent years have brought forth 
data on the rise of sea level relative to a 
stable coast line (Flint, 1947: 426-428). In 
south Florida this rise has been demon- 
strated by Davis (1940: 402-405; 1946: 180— 
181) in his study of the mangrove swamp. 

It is of interest therefore to be able to 
correlate this rise in sea level with sites oc- 
cupied by man. Numerous midden sites in 
southern Florida, particularly those on the 
lower east coast, in the Ten Thousand Is- 
lands, and in the Cape Sable region, which 
are now small islands in the mangroves, 
were probably on dry land when first oc- 
cupied. A good example is one located in 
the present village of Surfside north of 
Miami Beach. This site consists of a black 
dirt and shell midden with an adjacent 
burial mound made of beach sand. The mid- 
den site was first occupied in Glades II 
times, but the burial mound is believed to 
date from Glades III times (Fig. 1). Pre- 
vious to the filling operations the site was 
a small dry, hammock-covered island in 
the mangrove swamp. 

Excavation in the burial mound has re- 
vealed the lowermost group of human bones 
to be completely below low tide level. No 
mangrove peat underlies the mound. It is 


very unlikely that the burials were made 
under water and then covered with sand; 
therefore the sea level must have risen since 
the burials were deposited. This postulation 
is substantiated by trenches in the midden 
part of the site, which show that deposit to 
be resting on clean beach sand, not man- 
grove peat. 

A reconstruction of the history of the 
site would be as follows: The first occupa- 
tion here was on the dry inner shore of the 
beach ridge. Subsequently the rise of sea 
level inundated the low shoreline and iso- 
lated the site, which by that time had been 
built up enough to be above the rising sea. 
Thus the site became an island which in 
time was surrounded by a mangrove swamp. 

Changes 1n ground-water level—In parts 
of southern Florida there has been an ap- 
preciable demonstrable rise in ground-water 
level, which is in some places associated 
with a deposition of sediments. 

South Indian Field is a sand midden site 

COAS } cenraat cute | 

Ir pas 








Fig. 1.—Archeological areas and periods in Florida. The term 







in the valley of the St. Johns River near its 
head, west of Malabar, Brevard County. 
This little cabbage-palm hammock is a 
mound composed of sand and refuse about 
3 feet higher than the surrounding sawgrass 
prairie (Rouse, MS.). Previous to modern 
drainage water normally surrounded the 
site, and often only the constricted highest 
portions were above water. 

Excavations in the site (Masius, MS.) 
indicate that the first occupation began here 
on a level approximately the same as the 
present surface of the prairie. As refuse ac- 
cumulated the site was built to its present 
height. In terms of the archeological picture 
this site was fairly early, its initial occupa- 
tion in the Orange Period being about 700 
A. D. or earlier (Fig. 1). 

An interesting problem is posed here 
(Rouse, MS.). In the light of recent con- 
ditions, the earliest level of the site could 
not have been a suitable camp site for the 
Indians, for it was never dry enough. Even 




MELBOURNE REGION(6) | pe cign (7) 










as used 

“Archaic Horizon,”’ 
- in the text, refers to the Orange, Tick Island, and Nonceramic periods. 


a short seasonal dry spell or several years of 
drought would not have given a sufficient 
period of time for the beginnings of the 
midden, as the deposit shows no signs of a 
rapid accumulation which might have en- 
abled its builders to get above the present 
water level. Therefore, we have to postu- 
late a different initial ecological condition, 
one in which the prairie was completely dry. 
Since that time the water table has risen 
and the surrounding area become a marsh. 

As corroborative evidence for the dry- 
ness of the locality Rouse (MS8.) has noted 
that the present surface material of the 
prairie is sand, but until recently there was 
a thin layer of muck or peat, which has 
burned off since drainage. There is no muck 
under the refuse deposit; so such material 
must have formed since the development of 
the site. In addition there are traces of a 
large number of pits which were dug around 
the site during the early period of occupa- 
tion. They seem admirable wells, but other- 
wise their presence is difficult to account, 
for. Under present conditions (that is, be- 
fore drainage) wells are not needed, but if 
the prairie was once dry they would have 
been very necessary. 

Several possible theories to account for 
the apparent history of this locality can be 
given, but field study is necessary to deter- 
mine the true cause. A rise in sea level 
would result in a higher ground-water table, 
but this could only account for part of the 
rise. Increased precipitation would certainly 
be important, and another possible factor 
would be the damming up of the St. Johns 
Valley farther down the river, by the de- 
velopment of extensive peat beds. 

Archeological sites in the northern Ever- 
glades, on the south shore of Lake Okeecho- 
bee, are found in conditions indicating con- 
siderable rise in ground water level along 
with sedimentation. The large midden site 
at Chosen near Belle Glade has a foot of 
muck over its edges, while the bottom was 
two feet below the 1934 ground surface 
(Stirling, 1935: 374; Willey, MS.). A con- 
sideration of local muck subsidence prob- 
ably would increase this depth figure. The 
midden must have been begun at some 
period of low water when the Everglades 
were dry or nearly so, possibly at one of the 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

low water stages indicated by Dachnowski- 
Stokes (1930). 

At South Bay, to the west of Belle Glade, 
even deeper archeological sites have been 
reported.® These are small midden deposits 
with animal bones and pottery which lay 
about three feet below the present surface 
of the muck. A number of these have been 
noted in the sides of drainage ditches in this 
region. All appear to be on the same strati- 
graphic horizon. The reported two-foot 
subsidence in this region gives an original 
depth of five feet for these small sites. Like 
the Belle Glade site, they could not have 
been formed under anything similar to the 
modern predrainage conditions, but must 
have been begun at a relatively dry period. 

Changes in local ecology.—There is some 
archeological evidence that coastal lagoons 
such as the Indian River and Halifax River 
were once much fresher than in recent years. 

The Florida Archaic peoples, using fiber- 
tempered pottery, lived mainly along the 
St. Johns River, where their large shell 
middens indicate the use of almost all the 
available forms of Mollusca and animals for 
food. Evidence of their residence along the 
Atlantic coast is scanty but two sites have 
been examined and one more is reported. 
These two sites, one near Malabar on the 
beach ridge (Rouse, MS.) and the other on 
the west shore of Halifax River north of 
Ormond (Blatchley, 1902),7 are unique in 
that they are mainly composed of coquina 
shells (Donax sp.) with occasional moon 
shells. Other shells are uncommon but in- 
clude fresh-water forms and occasional oy- 
sters. The latter site is an unusually large 
deposit, being over 100 yards in length and 
up to 12 feet in depth, while the former is 
much shallower. 

The composition of these sites is unusual 
because other archeological sites on this 
coast are predominantly formed of oyster 
shells, with only occasional small pockets 
of coquina shells. Moreover, the oyster 

§ Personal communication from L. M. Hardy of 
South Bay, a University of Florida student, July 
10, 1947. Unfortunately, high water made it im- 
possible to examine these sites in the 1947 sum- 
mer season. 

7 Excavations here in the summer of 1947 by 
the Florida Park Service will give us much more 
data when the results are studied. 


shell heaps are all of the St. Johns I and II 
periods dating from a.later time (Fig. 1). 
Therefore, the difference in composition of 
these sites has temporal significance. 

It seems probable that if oysters were 
available in quantity they would have been 
eaten by the Archaic peoples. They cer- 
tainly showed little selectivity for foods on 
the St. Johns, and the occasional oyster 
shell in the coastal middens indicates that 
they were used when available. Under pres- 
ent ecological conditions (before dredging) 
and for some time previous, judging from 
the St. Johns I and II shell heaps, oysters 
were abundant in the coastal lagoons. By 
inference from their absence in the early 
sites, it seems probable that at the time 
these middens were deposited oysters were 
not available in quantity. 

A successful oyster habitat is one that 
has the proper concentration of brackish 
water; therefore oysters usually grow in 
large bays and estuaries where fresh water 
constantly mingles with salt water. If this 
proper habitat was not available in Archaic 

times then the water must have been either. 

too fresh or too salty. The possibility of its 
being too salty is not so probable in view of 
the lower sea level, unless there was a period 
of drought which reduced the supply of 
fresh water from the interior. It is more 
probable that the level of the sea was 
enough lower (perhaps no more than a 
couple of feet) to allow fresh water or only 
slightly brackish water to stand in these 
shallow lagoons. A similar situation could 
be the result of greater runoff, from in- 
creased precipitation, in the feeding streams. 
However, the shallowness of these coastal 
lagoons favors the former theory. Rein- 
forcing evidence for this is the fact that a 
slightly lower sea level would be accom- 
panied by a steeper gradient in the streams 
emptying into the lagoons, which would 
probably have resulted in a greater dis- 
charge of fresh water. In this flat country 
with the short streams such a change in 
gradient would be of importance. _ 
Another possible explanation for the fresh- 
ness of lagoon water takes into considera- 
tion the alternate opening and closing of 
inlets along the coast. This is an observed 
situation noted from the late eighteenth 


century (Romans, 1775: 287) to the present. 
However, inlet closing would produce 
purely local phenomena while we are deal- 
ing with areas as far apart as Ormond and 
Malabar, but which appear to share the 
same ecological situations. 

Another possibility, which seems least 
probable to the writer, is that there was 
little or no change in depth and salinity of 
the coastal lagoons and that the absence of 
oysters must be due to other causes. In 
event of such a situation the possibility of 
some catastrophe killing the oysters cannot 
be ignored. Cold waves, salinity changes, 
and micro-organisms are known to have 
caused much damage among fish, although 
the damage to invertebrates is not well 
known (Gunter, 1947). Such disasters would 
be much more severe in the coastal lagoons 
than along the open Atlantic. Thus Mol- 
lusca such as the coquina would be less 

It has been suggested (personal com- 
munication, Martin Burkenroad, January 
1948) that considerable time might have 
been necessary after the water had reached 
the proper salinity before oysters would 
have been numerous. This would have de- 
pended on the nature of the bottom; 
neither a very sandy nor a very muddy 
situation would have been conducive to a 
rapid growth of oyster beds. Under such 
conditions they would have developed 
slowly until the dead shells finally produced 
the proper base for an extensive growth. 

In summary we can reconstruct the situ- 
ation as follows: In late Archaic times—the 
Orange and Tick Island periods (Fig. 1)— 
there was little occupation of the north At- 
lantic coast of Florida. The few people 
there made shell middens of coquina shells 
gathered on sandy beaches. Because the 
coastal lagoons were too fresh, oysters were 
not common. In a few localities, perhaps at 
the mouths of inlets, some oysters were 
available and these were eaten when found. 
The freshness of the coastal lagoons may 
have been due to a number of factors, but 
the most probable is the lower sea level, 
with the possibility of increased precipita- 
tion being an additional factor. 

The problem of local ecological changes 
has been considered to some extent in 


studies of the famous Vero and Melbourne 
sites. Data on these finds are being reex- 
amined and evaluated by Irving Rouse 
(MS.) in terms of the newer ecological 
studies. It is probable that the history of 
these sites is closely tied to changes in the 
Indian River. 

In the northern Everglades around the 
south shore of Lake Okeechobee, peat pro- 
file studies have disclosed considerable local 
ecological changes (Dachnowski-Stokes, 
1930). Alternate low and high water stages 
are indicated by the sediments. This is 
mentioned here because of the evidence of 
deep archeological sites in these sediments 
(see the previous section). Unfortunately it 
is not clear if these variances represent local 
shoreline or other conditions or whether 
they are an expression of a broader climatic 
fluctuation. An examination of the biota of 
these beds might be fruitful. 

Changes in faunal composition.—The 
West Indies top shell, Lzvona pica Linnaeus, 
is an abundant shell in many middens along 
the lower east coast of Florida. It has been 
seen in almost every archeological site ex- 
amined between Key Largo and Sugarloaf 
Key in Monroe County and in numerous 
sites from Hillsborough Inlet north to 
Singers Island in Palm Beach County. This 
distribution coincides with the range of 
favorable habitat; that is, a rocky shore. 
These sites were occupied by the Indians 
in Glades II and III times, circa 1000-1500 
AD (Ris 1)t 

The presence of this shell is of consider- 
able interest because, with the exception of 
a couple of doubtful records, this mollusk 
is not now found in Florida (Clench and 
Abbott, 1943:9). The present range of the 
species is the West Indies, and the nearest 
modern occurrence is their reported pres- 
ence on Dog Rocks, Cay Sal Bank, not far 
southeast of the Florida Keys. 

What is the significance of their presence? 
The large quantity of shell found» in the 
sites and the close correlation of their oc- 
currence with their natural rock shore habi- 
tat suggests that the shells were locally 
collected, presumably for food, in the im- 
mediate vicinity of the sites. It is of interest 
to the archeologist whether their extinction 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

in Florida can be attributed to man, to 
disease, or possibly to some environmental 
change which caused the animal to contract 
its range. If the last is the answer, was it 
purely a local manifestation or was it an 
expression of a broader change? 

Examples of Anodonta imbecillis Say 
(probably specimens of a local species 
closely related to A. imbecillis), a fresh- 
water shell, are described from the Ormond 
Archaic midden. Blatchley (1902: 72-74) 
cites Simpson to the effect that the present 
range of this mollusk is not south of North 

On the Florida Gulf Coast the Strombus 
gigas Linnaeus, is not now present, although 
there are records of dead shells or occasional 
specimens.*® However, they are reported to 
occur in shell mounds at Cedar Keys (Cal- 
kins, 1878: 228; Ecker, 1878: 101). No shells 
of this species were seen in shell middens 
here in the course of a brief visit to this 
region, but a more intensive study may con- 
firm their presence. Most of these sites were 
occupied subsequent to 1000 A.D.° 

Vertebrate remains have not generally 
been carefully identified in Florida arche- 
ology, but one excellent study does point 
out differences in faunal composition. At 
South Indian Field, west of Malabar, a 
wide variety of vertebrate bones were 

8 Worn dead specimens have been noted at 
Sanibel and Captiva Islands (Perry, 1940: 135). 
Strombus costatus rarely occurs in the vicinity of 
Tampa Bay (Simpson, 1887-89: 53). 

9 Evidence from other regions in the New 
World indicates that similar molluscan faunal 
changes have taken place in recent times. Oysters 
form a large part of Maine shell heaps, although 
they are now uncommon in that area. The scallop 
Pecten sp. is also found in these shell heaps al- 
though it now lives from Cape Cod to the south- 
ward, and the clam Mercenaria mercenaria is at 
present rare north of Cape Cod although it is 
abundant in Maine shell heaps (Morse, 1925: 430). 

In shellheaps on the Pear] Islands, west of the 
Isthmus of Darién, there were found three species 
of shells, Strombus peruvianus, Ostrea chilensis, 
and Solen (Tagelus) dombeyi, which do not have 
that northern range at the present time. To com- 
plicate things further there was found another 
species, Venus (Ventricola) rugosa, whose present 
habitat is the Antilles (Linné, 1929: 128-129). 

On the Rio Preto, a tributary of the Rio 
Grande da Conceicéo in Brazil, Azara sp. shells 
were found (in middens) which are of a form not 
now occurring in the surrounding region (Koenigs- 

wald, 1905: 346; also see Serrano, 1946, Ihering, 
1903, and Krone, 1914). - 


identified (Houck, MS.). Among them was 
an unworked jaw fragment of a beaver, 
Castor sp., found in the early Orange period 
(Fig. 1). This animal is not now found in 
the vicinity of the site, although beavers 
were reported in unspecified localities in 
northern Florida in Colonial times.’ 

Remains of the great auk have been 
found in a shell heap near Ormond (Hitch- 
cock, 1902; Blatchley, 1902). Details of 
the find are lacking, but the identification 
is apparently well confirmed."! This is the 
same site previously mentioned which was 
recently excavated by the Florida Park 

Changes in faunal size-—Jeffries Wyman 
(1875: 14) first pointed out that Ampullaria 
and Paludina shells (now known as Poma- 
cea and Viwiparus respectively) much larger 
than those now known, were to be found in 
shell heaps on the St. Johns River. He gives 
measurements which illustrate this clearly. 
Clarence B. Moore substantiated Wyman’s 
findings by discovering even larger ex- 
amples. However, he went further, pointing 
out that there has been considerable change 
in shell size, with the oldest and most 
modern being similar in size, while those 
of an intermediate period were larger 

(Moore, 1892: 921-922; 1893: 115). 

It has not been possible to equate pre- 
cisely Moore’s old, middle, and late periods 
of shell change with the present chronology 
(Fig. 1), but a rough approximation is pos- 
sible. There is little question that the first 
or oldest period with small size shells is the 
equivalent of the preceramic horizon, for 
he clearly states this. The period with the 
largest shells certainly includes in part the 
Orange and Tick Island horizons (see the 
Orange Mound, Moore, 1893: 616). How- 
ever, the other sites listed by Moore as 
having large shells appear to have been oc- 
cupied in part into St. Johns II times. 
Whether these large shells occur in that 
late horizon is not clear. But it does appear 
from the data that at least by some time in 

10 7¢ may be noted that an extinct form of 
mink has been described from Maine shell heaps 
(Prentiss, 1903; Loomis, 1911). 

u Although the great auk has long been extinct 
in New England, bones of the bird are very com- 

ae Maine shell heaps (Loomis and Young, 


the St. Johns II horizon, the large size 
shells disappeared and the mollusks re- 
verted to a size comparable to that now 

In association with the large size Viv7- 
parus georgianus of the middle period was 
a new form Viviparus georgianus var. altior 
Pilsbry (1892: 142). Moore (1892: 922) notes 
that the proportions of aperture to height 
of the Viviparus changed, but it is not clear 
whether this new variety represents the 
change or whether it is within the regular 
Vwiparus georgianus.'? 

Data on mammals are limited, but deer 
bones from South Indian Field appear to 
represent individuals much larger and more 
massive than the present range of Florida 
deer. The remains of the round-tailed musk- 
rat, Neofiber allent True, are also much 
larger than contemporary forms, so much 
so that Houck (MS.) has expressed the pos- 
sibility that they may represent a new 

Climatic change as evidenced by vegetation. 
—The well-known royal palms on the St. 
Johns River reported by Bartram (1940: 
113) are a good example of what may be a 
recent climatic change in the past 200 
years. The modern (circa 1900) natural 
range of the royal palm is twofold. One area 
of scattered occurrences is from Little 
River, Dade County, south and westward 
beyond Royal Palm Park to the Cape 
Sable region. In this spread of distribution 
they are closely associated with tropical 
vegetation. The other region is the southern 
end of Fakahatchee Slough or Strand in 
Collier County. Here the palms flourish in 
great numbers, reaching 80 to 100 feet in 
height, but in a temperate cypress and 
water-oak association. Strangely enough, a 
thatch palm is also found here. Between 
these two areas is the small group of palms 
on Lostmans River. 

The most obvious explanation for the 
presence of the royal palms on the St. 
Johns would be that they made their 
northern extension during a warm period 
and then held on in favorable localities 

12 Comparable changes in proportion have been 
noted in Maine shell heaps and elsewhere in the 

world in other species of shells (Morse, 1882; 


until cold weather finally killed them off, 
moving their range southward. It is pos- 
sible that, once established, they can sur- 
vive a long time in a nontropical environ- 
ment (as in Collier County), and that the 
climatic change that resulted in their ex- 
tinction in north Florida actually was begun 
sometime before Bartram’s visit in 1773. 


A series of situations has been presented 
showing changes in the Recent ecology of 
Florida. These were either observations of 
early travelers or are data derived from 
archeological excavation. The changes in- 
cluded differences in sea level, coastal 
ecology, and in flora and fauna. 

At best, much of the value of these data 
is to awaken interest and to stimulate 
further work. Because of the nonscientific 
method of gathering, most of the changes 
described can not be used for critical work. 
However, many of these finds could be du- 
plicated under controlled collecting con- 

The work at South Indian Field can serve 
as a model for further work, especially when 
biological and geological specialists are in- 
cluded in the research program. At this site 
every fragment of animal bone was saved 
and when possible was identified (Masius, 
MS8.; Houck, MS.). As a result, strati- 
graphic data, which are tied to the cultural 
sequence can be given for the animal re- 
mains. The detailed survey and testing of 
Rouse (MS.) clearly bring out the unusual 
nature of the site in relation to the physical 

The future of Recent ecological work in 
Florida appears to be promising. The very 
nature of the environment on the border 
between tropical and temperate zones, plus 
a long low coastline must have resulted in 
many changes since the Pleistocene. It is 
probable that this survey has pointed out 
only a small amount of the information to 
be derived in conjunction with archeologi- 
cal work. 

To gain the utmost ecological data from 
archeological work will require real coopera- 
tion. The archeologist whose interest is 
usually only cultural history is loath to 
collect all animal materials. He has found 


‘GoaeiIn, JOHN M. 

VOL. 38, NO. 7 

from experience that few naturalists are 
equipped to identify or even interested in 
identifying zoological .material, which is 
often in very fragmentary condition. How- 
ever, if given any encouragement he will 
probably be found eager to cooperate in col- 
lecting non-cultural material, for the ar- 
cheological awareness of their value is grow- 

ALLISON, Ira 8. Pluvial lakes and pumice. 
Monthly 42: 63-65. 1946. 

BAKER, FRANK C. Pleistocene land and fresh 
water Mollusca as indicators of time and eco- 
logical conditions. In ‘“‘Early Man,” edited 
by G. G. MacCurdy: 67-74. 1937. 

BarTRAM, WiiuramM. The travels of William 
Bartram. New York, 1940. 

BLaTCcHLEY, W.8. A nature wooing at Ormond by 
the Sea. Indianapolis, 1902. 

CaLkins, W. W. Some notes of personal in- 
vestigation among the shell mounds of Flor- 
ida. Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci. 2: 
225-229. 1878. 

CrencuH, W. J., and Apsott, R. Tucker. The 
genera Gaza and Livona in the western At- 
lantic. Johnsonia (12). Cambridge, 1943. 

CrESsMAN, L. 8. Stratigraphic evidence. Sci. 
Monthly 42: 48-51. 1946. 

of the Everglades in Florida The strati- 
graphic features of the ‘‘Upper” Everglades and 


correlation with environmental changes. 
Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 20: 89-106. 

Davis, JoHN H., Jr. The ecology and geologic 
role of mangroves in Florida. Carnegie Inst. 
Washington Publ. 517. 1940. 

The peat deposits of Florida. Florida 
Geol. Surv. Geol. Bull. 30. Tallahassee, 1946. 

Ecker, A. Zur Kenntniss des Kérperbaues 
friiherer Einwohner der Halbinsel Florida. 
Arch. fiir Anthrop. 10: 101-114. 1878. 

EIsELY, LOREN C. Pollen analysis and its bear- 
ing upon American prehistory. Amer. 
Antiq. 5: 115—139. 1939. 

Fuint, Ricuarp F. Glacial geology and _ the 
Pleistocene epoch. New York, 1947. 

A preliminary definition of 
archeological areas and periods in Florida. 
Amer. Antiq. 13: 114-127. 1947. 

Guock, W.S. Principles and methods of tree ring 
analysis. Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 
486. 1937. 

HANSEN, Henry P. Pollen analysis and post- 
glacial climaie and chronology. Sci. Monthly 
42: 52-62. 1946. 

Postglacial forest succession, climate, and 
chronology in the Pacific Northwest. Trans. 
Amer. Philos. Soe. 37(1). 1947. 

Haury, E. W. Tree rings, the archeologist’s tume 
piece. Amer. Antiq. 1: 98-108, 1935. 



JuLy 15, 1948 

Hitrcucocx, C. H. The Hernandes shell-heap, 
Ormond, Florida. Science 16: 203. 1902. 

Houck, Marcaret Van WINKLE. Animal re- 
mains in kitchen-middens from South Indian 
Field, Florida. MS., Yale Peabody Mu- 
seum, New Haven, Conn. 

IHERING, HERMAN VON. A origem dos Samba- 
quis. Rev. Inst. Hist. e Geogr. Brazil 8: 
446-457. 1903. 

Street fishweir. Papers Robert 8. Peabody 
Foundation for Archeology 2. 1942. 

Grassy Island. Archeological and botanical 
investigations of an Indian site in the Taunton 

River, Massachusetts. Papers Robert S. 
Peabody Foundation for Archeology 1(2). 

Die indianischen 
Globus 87: 

Muschelberge in Svidbrasilien. 
341-347, 1905. 

Krone, Ricarpo. Informacées ethnographicas 
do valle do Rio Ribeira de Iguapé. Bol. Com. 
Geogr.e Geol. Estado de Sao Paulo. 1914. 

Linn, 8. © Darien in the past. Géteborgs Kungl. 
Vet. Vitter-Samh. Handl. Femte Fdéljden, 
ser. A, 1(3). 1929. 

Loomis, F. B. New mink from the shell heaps of 
Maine. Amer. Journ, Sci., ser. 4, 31: 227— 
229. . 1911. 

Loomis, F. B., and Youne, D. B. On the shell 
heaps in Maine. Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 4, 
34: 17-42. 1912. 

Masius, VERA M. Chronology at South Indian 
Field, Florida. MS., Yale Peabody Mu- 
seum, New Haven Conn. 

Moore, CLARENCE B. Certain shell heaps of the 
St. John’s River, Florida, hitherto unex- 
plored. Amer. Nat. 26: 912-922. 1892. 

. Idem. Amer. Nat. 27: 8-13, 113-117, 

605-624, 708-723. 1893. 

Idem. Amer. Nat. 28: 15-26. 1894. 

Morss, E. S. LHvidences of great antiquity in the 
shell heaps at. Goose Island. Proc. Boston 

CHEMISTRY.— Purification of uranium oxide.! 

Bureau of Standards. 

Early in the summer of 1941 Leo Szilard? 
gave a sample of impure uranyl nitrate to 
the author and requested that the uranium 
be separated from everything else. It was 
his desire to obtain the residue, after the 

1 Received April 28, 1948. The information 
covered in this paper will appear at a later date in 
Division VIII of the Manhattan Project Techni- 
cal Series. 

2 Member of Power Production Subsection of 
the Uranium Committee. See Atomic Energy, by 
pewy D. Smyth, Princeton University Press, 



Soc. Nat. Hist. 11: 301-302. 1868. 

. Changes in Mya and Lunatia since the 

deposition of the New England shell heaps. 

Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 30: 345. 1882. 

Shell-mounds and changes in the shell. 
composing them. Sci. Monthly 21: 429-440. 

Perry, Louise M. 
west coast of Florida. 
(95). 1940. 

PiusBry, Henry A. Preliminary notices of new 
forms of fresh water shells. Nautilus 3: 142- 
143. 1892. 

Prentiss, D. W. Description of an extinct mink 
from the shell heaps of the Mainecoast. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 26: 887-888. 1903. 

RicHaRDs, Horace G. Marine Pleistocene mol- 
lusks as indicators of tume and ecclogical con- 
ditions. In ‘‘Early Man,” edited by G. G. 
MacCurdy: 75-84. Philadelphia, 1937. 

RoMaANSs, BERNARD. A concise natural history of 
east and west Florida. New York, 1775. 

Rousse, Irvine. An introduction to the archeol- 
ogy of the Melbourne region, Florida. MS., 
Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven, 

SERRANO, ANTONIO. The Sambaquis of the Bra- 
zilian coast. Handbook of South American 
Indians (Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Bull. 143) 1: 
401-407. 1946. 

Simpson, CHARLES T. Contributions to the Mol- 
lusca of Florida. Proc. Davenport Acad. 
Nat. Sci. 5: 45-72. 1887-89. 

WILLEY, GorRDON R. Excavations in southeast 
Florida. MS., Yale Peabody Museum and 
Bureau of American Ethnology, Smith- 
sonian Institution, New Haven and Wash- 

Marine shells of ihe south- 
Bull. Amer. Pal. 26 

WYMAN, JEFFRIES. Fresh-water shell mounds of 
ithe St. John’s River, Florida. Peabody 

Acad. Sci. Mem. 4. Salem, 1875. 
ZEUNER, FREDERICK E. Dating the past, an in_ 
troduction to geochronology. London, 1946. 

JAMES I. Horrman, National 

removal of uranium, for measurements of 
neutron absorption. During the same period 
samples of impure uranium oxide were sent 
to the National Bureau of Standards for 
chemical analysis. For both purposes it was 
desirable to use a solvent that would dis- 
solve the bulk of the uranium without dis- 
solving any of the other substances. The 
solubility of uranyl nitrate in ethyl ether, 
first reported by E. Peligot,*? suggested its 

3 Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 5: 5. 1842. 


use for extraction of uranium as the nitrate, 
somewhat as ether is used in steel analysis 
for the extraction of ferric chloride. This 
extraction had been successfully applied in 
1939 for separating uranyl nitrate from 
rhenium and certain rare earths in work on 
the determination of rhenium and molyb- 
denum,* but, because of the conflicting 
statements concerning the solubility of the 
rare earth nitrates in ether,® it was obvious 
that experimental work was necessary, es- 
pecially since Szilard stated that certain 
members of the rare earth group are strong 
neutron absorbers. 

The work herein described is not intended 
to give the procedure finally used in large- 
scale production of uranium or the methods 
used in the various laboratories of the Man- 
hattan Area. Many improvements in pro- 
cedure have been made since this prelimi- 
nary work was done. 


The bulk of the uranium was extracted 
with ether from 100 g of uranyl nitrate, 
UO.(NO3)2.6H20, to which had been added 
5 ml of water and “rare earth” nitrates 
(equivalent to 0.0084 g of oxides) contain- 
ing cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, 
erbium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, 
-holmium, erbium, ytterbium, lutecium, 
scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, and tho- 
rium. After removal of most of the uranium, 
the combined “rare earths’? were deter- 
mined in the residual water solution by pre- 
cipitating them as fluorides, converting the 
fluorides to sulphates, then precipitating as 
oxalates, and igniting the oxalates to ‘‘rare 
earth’’ oxides. These oxides weighed 0.0086 
g. In this particular case the uranium ex- 
tracted by the ether was not examined for 

4 Kther extraction of uranyl nitrate actually 
was first suggested to the author by the work of 
W. F. Hillebrand, U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 78: 47. 
1891, and such extractions were in use in our 
laboratory during the 1930’s. Although the fact 
that uranyl nitrate could be extracted with ethyl 
ether was known for many years prior to the work 
recorded in this paper (see references in footnotes 
3 and 5), data on the neutron-absorbing elements 
in atomic-energy work were of course not avail- 

5 R. C. Weuts, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 
20: 146. 1930; F. Soppy and R. Prrret, Phil. 
Mag. (6) 20: 345. 1910; W. F. HiLLEBRaANpD, U.S. 
Geol."Surv. Bull) 78) 470 's9le (CW... Davis: 
Amer. Journ. Sci. (5) 11: 20. 1926. 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

impurities, but 1t was evident that extrac- 
tion of uranyl nitrate with ether should be 
a good starting point for the purification of 

To obtain a quick answer to the possi- 
bility of using ether for the purification of 
uranium a nitric-acid solution of the ele- 
ments listed in mixture A® in nitric-acid 
solution was evaporated as far as possible 
on the steam bath. The dry residue was ex- 
tracted with 100 ml of ether, the ether was 
washed twice with 5 drops of water, and 
then the uranium in the ether was con- 
verted to oxide. . 

Qualitative spectrochemical analysis 
showed that this oxide contained only cal- 
clum, magnesium, and silicon, besides ura- 
nium. These encouraging results prompted 
further experiments, which formed the basis 
for the procedure given in the following 


Fifty grams of U3;03 was transferred to a 
600-ml beaker, 75 ml of diluted nitric acid 
(1 volume of concentrated nitric acid, sp. gr. 
1.42, diluted with 1 volume of water) was 
added, and the beaker was placed on the 
steambath until all action ceased. The in- 
soluble matter was removed by filtration, 
and the residue was washed four or five 
times with diluted nitric acid (1 volume of 
nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.42, diluted with 20 
volumes of water). The filtrate and wash- 
ings containing the uranyl nitrate were 
evaporated to dryness on the steambath. To 
the cooled and dried residue in the beaker 5 
ml of water and 100 ml of ethyl ether were 
added, and the beaker was swirled until the 
uranyl nitrate was dissolved. The large 
quantities of impurities caused the aqueous 
phase in the bottom of the beaker to have 
the appearance of an emulsion, but this did 
not interfere in separating the layers be- 

6 Mixture A consisted of 2.5 g of uranium metal 
dissolved in an excess of nitric acid. To this was 
added as nitrates 2.5 mg each of copper, anti- 
mony, lead, aluminum, lithium, zirconium, 
indium, gallium, bismuth, potassium, dysprosium, 
cadmium, gadolinium, chromium, magnesium, 
holmium, cobalt, tin, calcium, and 10 mg of a 
mixture of ‘“‘rare earths’? known to contain 
cerium, lanthanum, scandium, praseodymium, 
thorium, and yttrium. 

JuLy 15, 1948 

cause it was possible to pour the ether into a 
separatory funnel without mixing with the 
water layer. 

The beaker was washed three times with 
5-ml portions of ether, which were likewise 
transferred to the separatory funnel. The 



funnel was stoppered and shaken vigorously 
for 3 to 1 minute. After allowing the liquid 
to stand 3 minutes, a few drops of water 
appeared in the bottom of the separatory 
funnel. This water was drained into the 
beaker that originally contained the ether 


Carnotite ore? Pitchblende ore? 
U306 #155 U30s 7181 concentrate concentrate 
ge Original Water Purified Original Water Purified Oneal U303 On nae ee U;303 
oxide extract oxide oxide extract oxide centrate | Obtained | centrate | obtained 
aaa eee 
Ag T W at VW WwW T it any ale T 
Al VW W VW VW W VW N) — S) — 
As WwW M — WwW WwW — = == Ne ane 
Au = T — Vw VW — at — — = 
B T VW = at W 7 — 1 a = 
Ba — — — —— VS — M — W — 
Be — — — — = = = = VW 
a i VW W VW W — == — W — 
Ca VS W — W M Lh VS ah Ss — 
Cb — — — 
Cd — — = = = = = — — — 
Ce — W — — W — 
Co — _. — W M — WwW — Vw me 
ee — VW = — VS oa — — At _ 
Ss —— — — — — —— 
Cu Vw M ae W M a aly 4h Th ae 
Dy — Ss — — S — 
Er — M — — M — 
Eu — M — _ M — 
Fe WwW M Vw W M Vw NS) M S — 
Ga = — = 
Gd — M — — M = 
Ge — — — — ase = | = = = = 
Hf — — — | = — — — 
Hg — — — = a = — = — 
Ho — M — — M — — — — — 
In — — _ = Vw — —— — — — 
Ir — — — 
K ap W — Ww M — 
La — aT — — Tr = — — 
Li — a — — Vw — 
Lu = Vw a= — VW — 
Mg W WwW oT W W Vw M dk M 4h 
Mn VW W — W W — WwW — y = 
Mo W M W WwW M — — — Vw a 
Na WwW M ap M S it 
Nd — WwW — _ Ww — 
Ni = Vw = Vw W a — — — — 
Os — — — = — — 
et VW W — WwW M — Vw — M — 
Pr — W — W — 
iby — — _. _ WwW —_ — 
Rb — — — — = — 
Re — — — — — — 
Ru — — = = — — 
Sb WwW M — W M — — — — 
Se — W — _. WwW — 
Si M M Vw M W Ww S VW Ww Vw 
Sm — W oa — W — 
Sn — VW — —= — — — — Vw —- 
’ Sr — _—. — Vw — W — VW — 
Ta — — — — — 
Tb — M M — 
Th — — — — — — a Siat 4 
Ti — — — — “ 
Tl — a — — — — — — Ww — 
Tm — WwW — — WwW — — — 
V Vw W — VS VS WwW — 
WwW — — — WwW —— 
Y — VS — — vs = M — 
Yb _ M | — — M — 

Notr.—The designations VS and S correspond to major constituents (greater than 1 percent); M and W to minor constituents 
(1 to 0.01 percent); and VW, T, and FT to trace constituents (less than 0.01 percent). The absence of a designation indicates that 
a test was not made for that element. 

1 By V. F. Scribner and H. R. Mullin. 

2 The water extracts contained rare earths, but no attempt was made to identify them individually. 


solution. Five ml of water was now added 
to the solution in the separatory funnel, the 
mixture was shaken vigorously, and the 
solution was again allowed to stand until 
two layers formed. The aqueous phase was 
drained into the beaker that originally con- 
tained the ether solution. The washing with 
another 5-ml portion of water was repeated 
once more. 

To convert the purified uranyl nitrate to 
oxide a little water was added to the ether, 
the ether was cautiously evaporated, and 
the residue was ignited to U30s at 1000°C. 
It was afterward found preferable to add 
20 ml of water to the ether solution, shake 
vigorously for 1 minute, and allow the liquid 
to separate into two layers. The water 
layer containing the uranium was drained 
into a suitable dish, and the extraction with 
20-m1 portions of water was repeated until 
the ether above the water was colorless. 
Three or four such extractions were suffi- 
cient to remove the uranium. The combined 
water extracts were evaporated to dryness, 
and the uranyl nitrate in the residue was 
ignited to U30, at 1000°C. The ether from 
which the uranyl nitrate had been removed 
was suitable for future extractions. 

The procedure was also applied to the 
extraction of uranium from pitchblende and 
carnotite ore concentrates by digesting the 
ore concentrate with nitric acid, evapo- 
rating to dryness, and extracting the residue 
with ether. The efficacy of this method of 
purification is shown in Table 1. The table 
shows that in many cases impurities that 
were not detected in the original oxide were 
concentrated and detected in the water ex- 
tract. Note especially Ce, Co, Cr, Dy, Er, 
Eu, Gd, Ho; la; bu, Nd, Pr Sey Sm,-lb; 
Tm, and Y. 

BOTAN Y.—Notes on North American 
U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

In the course of routine identification of 
collections of Leguminosae sent to the U.S. 
Department of Agriculture over a period of 
several years the advisability of proposing 
the following transfers and changes in status 
has become apparent. Included also is a 

1 Received March 25, 1948. 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 


It was evident that the purification of 
crude uranium oxide and the removal of 
uranium from ore concentrates by conver- 
sion of the uranium to uranyl nitrate and 
extraction with ether had possibilities be- 
cause practically all impurities were re- 
moved in a single operation. Tests by L. F. 
Curtiss’ indicate that practically none of 
the radium in the original ore was extracted 
by the ether. 

Under stress of wartime conditions not 
all the possible confirmatory tests were 
made, but, as a check on removal of the 
rare earths, the purified oxides obtained 
from no. 155 and no. 181, Table 1, were put 
through a second purification by the same 
procedure. The water extracts in this case 
showed no rare earths. Tests by K. D. 
Fleischer indicated that if 0.5 mg of ‘‘rare 
earth” oxides had remained in the purified 
oxide, a positive test would have been ob- 
tained here. These tests showed also that 
by this simple procedure the combined 
‘“‘rare earths” in the purified oxide were 
reduced to less than 5 parts per million. 
The spectrochemical tests showed that not 
more than 0.5 part of cadmium or boron 
per million remained in the purified mate- 
rial. . 


A procedure is given for the purification 
of uranium oxide by converting the oxide 
to the nitrate and partitioning the nitrate 
between a large amount of ether and a rela- 
tively small amount of water. In modified 
form, the procedure was found to be appli- 
cable to pitchblende and carnotite ore con- 
centrates, as indicated in Table 1. 

7 Chief of Section on Radioactivity at the Na- 
tional Bureau of Standards. 

Leguminosae.! FREDERICK J. HERMANN, 

diagnosis for an apparently hitherto un- 
described Phaseolus from Mexico. 

Acacia schaffneri (S. Wats.), comb. nov. 

Pithecolobium schaffnert S. Wats., Proc. Amer. 
Acad. 17: 352. 1882; Samanea schaffneri Mac- 
bride, Contr. Gray Herb. 59: 2. 1919; Poponaz 

Juny 15, 1948 

schaffnert Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Flora 23: 
89. 1928. 

Acacia pinetorum, nom. nov. 
Vachellia peninsularis Small, Man. Southeastern 
Flora 654. 1933; not Acacia peninsularis 
(Britton & Rose) Standl., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 

11: 158. 1936, based on Senegalia peninsularis 
Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Flora 23: 116. 1928. 

Schrankia angustisiliqua (Britton & Rose), 
comb. nov. 

Leptoglottis angustisiliqua Britton & Rose, N. 
Amer. Flora 23: 143. 1928. 

Schrankia chapmani (Small ex Britton & Rose), 
comb. nov. 

Leptoglottis chapmani Small ex Britton & Rose, 
N. Amer. Flora 23: 141. 1928. 

Desmanthus pringlei (Britton & Rose), 
comb. nov. 

Acuan pringler Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Flora 
23: 134. 1928. 

Caesalpinia colimensis, nom. nov. 

Brasilettia glabra Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Flora 
23: 321. 1920, not Caesalpinia glabra (Mill.) 
Merrill, Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5: 54. 1910. 

Caesalpinia pumila (Britton & Rose), 
comb. nov. 

Guaymasia pumila Britton & Rose, N. Amer. 
Flora 23: 322. 1930; Caesalpinia gracilis 
Benth. ex Hemsi., Diag. PJ. Nov. 9. 1878, not 
Migs) Bl, Ind. Bat, 1: 110. 1855. 

Dalea tuberculina (Rydb.), comb. nov. 

Parosela tuberculina Rydb., N. Amer. Flora 24: 
89. 1920. 

Petalostemum candidum Michx., var. oligo- 
phyllum (Torr.), comb. nov. 
Petalostemum gracile var. oligophyllum Torr. in 
Emory, Notes Mil. Rec. 139. 1848; P. candidus 
var. occidentalis Gray ex Heller in Britton & 
Kearney, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 14: 33. 1895; 
Petalostemon oligophyllus ‘‘Torr.,’”’ Smyth, 
Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 15: 61. 1898; P. oc- 
cidentale (Gray) Fernald, Rhodora 39: 28. 1937. 

Tephrosia virginiana (L.) Pers., var. leuco- 
sericea (Rydb.), comb. nov. 

Cracca leucosericea Rdyb., N. Amer. Flora 24: 
163. 1923; Tephrosia leucosericea (Rydb.) Cory, 
Rhodora 38: 406. 1936. 

Tephrosia ambigua (M. A. Curtis) Chapm., 
var. intermedia (Small), comb. nov. 

Cracca intermedia Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 21: 
—- 3038. 1894. 



Astragalus tenellus Pursh, var. strigulosus 
(Rydb.), comb. nov. 

Homalobus strigulosus Rydb., Bull. Torr. Bot 
Club 34: 420. 1907; Astragalus tenellus f. 
strigulosus Macbr., Contr. Gray Herb. 65: 34. 

Astralagus michauxii (Kunize). 
comb. nov. 

Tragacantha michauzii Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 941. 
1891; A. glaber Michx. 1803, not Lam. 1783. 

Astragalus ceramicus Sheld., var. filifolius 
(Gray), comb. nov. 

Astragalus pictus var. filifolius A. Gray, Proc. 
Amer. Acad. 6: 215. 1864; Psoralea longifolia 
-Pursh, F]. Amer. Sept. 741. 1841, not Astra- 
galus longifolius Lam. 1783; Astragalus mito- 
phyllus Kearney, Leafl. W. Bot. 4 (8): 216. 

The above combination is necessitated by 
the fact that Gray’s Astragalus pictus (Proc. 
Amer. Acad. 6: 214. 1864) is a later homonym 
of the validly published A. pictus Boiss..& 
Guillardot in Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. Ser. 2, 
3 (6): 55. 1859, so that A. ceramicus Sheld. 
must be taken up in its stead for our American 
plant. Although Dr. Kearney’s epithet is avail- 
able for Gray’s var. filifolius when treated in 
specific rank, the proportion of specimens in- 
termediate between it and A. ceramicus that 
have come to the attention of the writer leads 
to the conclusion that varietal status may be 
more appropriate for it. 

Centrosema arenicola (Small), comb. nov. 

Bradburya arenicola Small, Fl. Southeastern U. S. 
651. 1903. . 

Desmodium arenicola (Vail), comb. nov. 

Meibomia arenicola Vail, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 
23: 140. 1896; Hedysarum lineatum Michx., FI. 
Bor. Amer. 2: 72. 1803, not L. 1759; Des- 
modium lineatum (Michx.) DC., Prodr. 2: 330. 

Although the name Desmodium lineatum 
(Michx.) DC. has been in general use for this 
plant it can be maintained only in spite of 
Article 61. An unfortunate consequence of this 
rule, as it now stands, is that a later homonym 
is rendered permanently hors de combat, even 
though the specific epithet upon transference 
to another genus would not constitute a homo- 
nym in its new context. 


Rhynchosia simplicifolia (Walt.) Wood, 
var. intermedia (T. & G.), comb. nov. 
Rhynchosia tomentosa B intermedia T. & G., N. 

Amer. F]. 1: 285. 1838; R. intermedia (T. & G.) 
Small, Man. Southeastern Flora 715. 1933. 

Phaseolus neglectus, sp. nov. 

Herba volubilis; stipulis lineari-oblongis, 3—5 
nervis, 5-6 mm longis, rigidis; stipellis lineari- 
oblongis, 2-3 mm longis; foliolis deltoideo- 
acuminatis vulgo plus minusve lobatis; pedun- 
culis 5-11 cm longis: bracteis persistentibus, 
rigidis, 6-9 mm longis, 5-nerviis, subtus ple- 
rumque pilosis: pedicellis tenuibus glabratis; 
bracteolis caducis, uninerviis; calyce campanu- 
lato-cupuliformi; corolla 20 mm longa; vexillo 
obovato, valde emarginato; alis orbiculari- 
ovatis; ovario dense piloso. 

Herbaceous vine; stems slender, sparsely 
puberulous with reflexed hairs to glabrate; 
stipules linear-oblong, 3-5 nerved, 5-6 mm 
long, rigid; petioles puberulous to glabrate, 3-6 
cm long; stipels linear-oblong, rigid, 2-3 mm 
long; leaflets 3, membranaceous, deltoid- 
acuminate, sparsely puberulent above, glabrous 
to sparsely puberulent beneath, 2-6 cm long, 
2-4.5 cm wide, lobed (often only shallowly so 
or even entire), the median 3-lobed, the lateral 
2-lobed, the lobes round-ovate and generally 
shallow; peduncles slender, 5-11 cm long, 11— 
25-flowered; bracts persistent, green, lanceo- 
late-acuminate, firm, 5-nerved, generally more 
or less pilose beneath, sparingly so to glabrate 
above, 6-9 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide at base; 

MYCOLOGY.—Two new species of Physarum.! 

of Iowa. 

The two species of Physarum here noted 
were included in the extensive collections of 
Myxomycetes made by William Bridge 
Cooke on Mount Shasta, Calif., and sub- 
mitted by him for identification. One of 
them proves to be identical with two old 
collections from Mount Rainier, Wash., 
which have been in this laboratory for many 
years awaiting determination. Both appear 
to be clearly distinct from any recognized 
species in this large genus. 

1 Received November 5, 1947. 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

pedicels slender, glabrate, 3.5-5 mm long; 
bracteoles caducous, green, narrowly linear- 
lanceolate, one-nerved, glabrous, 2—-2.5 mm 
long; calyx campanulate-cupuliform, 2.5-3.5 
(lower lip up to 5) mm long, very sparingly 
ciliolate, the lower lip irregularly pilose, promi- 
nently 3-lobed with median lobe 2.5 mm long, 
acute, upper lip very shallowly 2-lobed; 
corolla 20 mm long, pale salmon to light blue; 
standard obovate, 16 mm long, 12 mm wide, 
deeply emarginate, the upper half reflexed; 
wings orbicular-ovate, abruptly contracted into 
a broad claw, its lower half adnate to the keel; 
keel tubular, with two complete coils; free 
stamen with a reniform enlargement above the 
base; style-beard extending around the first 
coil; stigma lateral; ovary linear, densely 

Nuevo Leén, Mexico in oak woods along 
trail up Sierra de la Cebolla from La Trinidad, 
Municipio de Montemorelos, C. H. Muller 
2881, Aug. 20, 1939 (Typr—U. S. National 
Arboretum Herbarium). 

Nearest allied to Phaseolus foliaceus Piper, of 
the Sierra Madre. From this it differs in its 
longer, linear-oblong, rather than triangular- 
lanceolate stipules; its 5-nerved, linear-lanceo- 
late bracts which are pilose below; its shallowly 
lobed leaflets; longer peduncles bearing ra- 
cemes with more numerous flowers; campanu- 
late-cupuliform calyx which is almost imper- 
ceptibly ciliolate; corolla 20, rather than 10, 
mm long; obovate, deeply emarginate stand- 
ard; and orbicular-ovate wings. 

G. W. Martin, State University 

Physarum rubronodum, sp. nov. 

Sporangiate, globose to obovate or pulvi- 
nate, sessile or borne on weak, strandlike stalks 
produced as extensions of the hypothallus, 
pinkish brown, or dark when lime is scanty in 
peridium, 1-1.5 mm in diameter, densely 
clustered on a common hypothallus; peridium 
double, the outer layer cartilaginous, calcareous, 
shining, crustose, smooth except for a coarse 
overlying reticulation or, when lime is scanty, 
dark and lacking the reticulation, the inner 
layer membranous, closely applied, colorless, 

JuLy 15, 1948 

iridescent; hypothallus prominent, silvery to 
yellow, venose, the veins often projecting as 
_ stalk-like extensions on which sporangia are 
borne; capillitium profuse, close-meshed, bear- 
ing large fusiform or irregularly angular scarlet 
or pinkish nodes, most of the junctions lime- 
less; spores nearly black in mass, dark viola- 
ceous brown by transmitted light, slightly 
paler on one side, densely and somewhat ir- 

Fie. 1.—Physarum rubronodum. Left, group of 
sporangia (Cooke 15671a) on hypothallus, X12; 
right, detail of capillitium with two spores (Cooke 
18126), 520; above, spore of same, 1,000. 

regularly verrucose, globose, 11—13y in dia- 
meter, or oval and correspondingly longer and 
narrower. Plasmodium scarlet or orange-red. 

Sporangiis globosis vel obovatis vel pulvi- 
natis, sessilis vel substipitatibus, miniato-brun- 
neis, 1-1.5 mm diam., dense caespitosis sub 
hypothallo commune; peridio duplici, extus 
eartilagineo, calcareo, crustaceo, nitente, laeve 
praeter crasso reticulato; intus membranaceo, 
applicato, hyalino, iridescente; capillitio denso 
e filamentis hyalinis reticulato-anastomosatis, 
nodulis calcareis, magnis, fusiformibus vel 
irregulariter angulafibus, coccineis vel miniatis 
multis axillis ecalcareix; sporis globosis vel 
subovoideis, atropurpureo-brunneis  crebro 
grosseque tuberculatis 11—13u diam. Plasmodio 
coccineo vel aurantiaco.? 

CALIFORNIA: Mount Shasta, 8,000 feet, elev., 
July 7, 1941, W. B. Cooke 15671a, Typr. Same 
locality, June 29, 1947, W. B. Cooke 18126. 

Physarum rubronodum is obviously close to 
P. albescens Macbr. Like that species, it has a 
crustose outer wall suggesting Leocarpus, and 
many of the sporangia are borne on strandlike 
extensions of the hypothallus. It differs in the 

2 I am indebted to Sister Mary Cecelia Bodman 
for assistance with the Latin diagnoses. 



pinkish-brown or dark peridium, in the striking 
scarlet nodes, in the somewhat smaller, warted 
rather than spiny spores, and in the scarlet or 
deep orange-red plasmodium. 

Physarum auripigmentum, sp. nov. 

Sporangiate, stalked, gregarious; sporangium 
globose, 0.4-0.6 mm in diameter, total height 
0.6—1 mm., clear to opaque yellow (about lemon- 
chrome of Ridgway); peridium membranous, 
closely covered by subcircular limy scales; 
dehiscence somewhat petaloid; columella none; 
stalk short, about half the diameter of the 
sporangium, cylindrical, expanded at the base, 
orange-red, limeless, translucent; hypothallus 
scarcely evident; capillitium dense, delicate, 
persistent, the nodes small, rounded, bright 
yellow, many of the junctions limeless and with 
numerous free, ‘pointed ends; spores dark 
brown in mass, clear violet-brown by trans- 
mitted light, nearly smooth, (8.5-) 9.5-11 
(-12.5)u in diameter, Plasmodium unknown. 

Sporangiis stipitatibus, gregariis, globosis, 
0.4-0.6 mm diam., totis 0.6—-1 mm altis, lucidis 
haud pellucidis luteis; peridiis membranaceis, 
squamis suborbiculatis calecareis applicatis; 
subfloriforme dehiscentibus; columella nulla; 
stipes brevis, attingens dimidium diametrosis 
sporangii, cylindraceus, expansus basi, auran- 
tiacus, ecalcareus, translucidus; hypothallo quo 

Fig. 2.—Physarum auripigmentum (Cooke 
20099). Left below, two sporangia, X60; right, 
detail of capillitium, with two spores, X520; left, 
above, three spores, 1,000. 

=) |= 

vix sentiri; capillitio denso, delicato, persis- 
tente, nodulis parvulis rotundatis, luteis, mul- 
tis axillis ecalcareis, apicibusque multiplicibus, 
apertis, acutis; sporis atro-brunneis, violaceo- 
brunneis pellucente, sublevibus, 9.5-lly diam. 
Plasmodio ignoto. 

CatrorniA: Mount Shasta, 8,000 feet elev., 
June 23, 1947, W. B. Cooke 20099, TYPE. 


WASHINGTON: Longmire Springs, Mount 
Rainier, August 10-17, 1928, D. B. Creager 
S. U. I. 1722; Paradise Valley, Mount Rainier, 
August, 10-17, 1928, D. B. Creager S. U. I. 

Physarum auripigmentum suggests P. obla- 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

tum Macbr. but differs in the scaly character 
of the peridium, in the shorter and brighter 
stalks without dark basal deposits, and espe- 
cially in the dense capillitium, with its small, 
regular nodes, numerous lime-free junctions 
and conspicuous free ends. 

ENTOMOLOGY.—Synoptic revision of the United States scarab beetles of the 

subfamily Dynastinae, No. 5: Keys to tribes and genera. 


SAYLOR, California Academy of Sciences. 

This paper completes my studies covering 
a synoptic review of the United States dy- 
nastine scarab beetles, the preceding four 
parts having been published in this same 

A great deal of work, from a taxonomic 
standpoint, remains to be done in the 
American members of this tribe, especially 
in the Neotropical genera. Generic limits of 
such genera as Ligyrus and Stenocrates, as 
well as many others, must be thoroughly 
studied and the relative importance of such 
characters as the front male claws (enlarged 
or not), the dentition of the mandibles, and 
the usual sexual dimorphism must be better 

In the present studies I have had the 
cooperation of many institutions and indi- 
viduals in obtaining material, or submitting 
material for identification: United States 
National Museum, through the courtesy of 
Drs. Wetmore and Chapin; the extensive 
collections of the California Academy of 
Sciences through its director Dr. Miller and 
its entomological curators Drs. Ross and 
Van Dyke; American Museum of Natural 
History through its curator Dr. Cazier; and 
many private individuals, among them 
Drs. Cartwright, Ritcher, Reinhard, and 
Sanderson, as well as Dr. Dampf of Mexico 
City. I have also received material from the 
Paris Museum through Dr. Paulian, and 
from the British Museum through Dr. 
Hinton and Mr. Arrow, to all of whom I am 
indebted for numerous past favors. 


Diagnostic characters—Tarsal claws always 
equal in size, or at least so on the middle legs 
(one claw of the front pair is frequently en- 

1 Received September 3, 1947. 

larged in males of certain species); mandibles 

entirely corneous, and usually exposed beyond 

the clypeus (from dorsal view); mandibles fre- 
quently large and dentate externally; labrum 
hidden under the clypeus; clypeus more com- 
monly acuminate apically, and dentate or 
edentate; scutellum normal, never greatly en- 
larged; sexes frequently dimorphic, the males 
frequently with tubercles or horns on either 
head or thorax or both, the females in many 
species likewise equipped; coloration usually 
some shade of black or brown, only very rarely 
with any metallic lustre; antennal club always 
relatively small and 3-segmented; ligula en- 
tirely connate with the mentum; abdominal 
spiracles diverging strongly behind; anterior 
coxae transverse, not prominent; stridulating 
organs frequently appear in many species, lo- 
cated on propygidium or inside the elytra; 
fifth ventral sternite and propygidium connate, 
the last spiracle on the suture between them; 
onychium between the tarsal claws commonly 
bisetose, varying to multisetose in certain 


1. Labial palpi inserted behind the mentum; body 
always depressed above; frequently with 
tubercles or horns on head or thorax; mid- 
disc of thorax often longitudinally im- 
pressed; hind tibia digitate or truncate at 
apex but not noticeahly widened; first seg- 
ment of hind tarsus with strong spine at 
apex; sexual differences hardly apparent... 
PRE SR SS te wee bes Sn ae) ene 

Labial palpi inserted at the sides of the ligular 
part of the mentum; body never strongly de- 
pressed, usually evenly convex dorsally; 
head and thorax horned or not; sexual char- 
acters noticeable in last abdominal sternite 
or front tarsal claw in all instances....... 2 

2. Head and thorax in both sexes entirely un- 
armed, without tubercles or carinae or horns, 
and never depressed or foveate; claw with 
the onychium always bisetose (never more 



cylindrical and usually elongate, never tri- 
angular; prosternal spine prominent behind 
thes fore). Coxaes az ies at )s 4. CYCLOCEPHALINI 

Head and thorax (either or both) armed with 

than two cilia); stridulating organs absent; 
male front claws in many species either en- 
larged or larger than in female; antenna 
often larger in male than female; tarsi 

Fic. 1.—a, Ligyrus relictus Say: Hind tibia of male; b, Euetheola subglabra Schaeffer: Hind tibia 
of male; c, Aphonus densicauda Casey: Hind tibia of male; d, Cheiroplatys clunalis LeConte: Hind 
tibia of male; e, Xyloryctes jamaicensts (Drury): Worn hind tibia of male; f, same as e, fresh tibia; g, 
Strategus antaeus (Drury): Hind tibia of male; h, Strategus mormon Burmeister: Hind tibia of male. 


horns or tubercles (on fore margin of thorax 
if nowhere else) in both sexes, ard frequently 
foveate (or with strong head carina and 
large, well-rounded mandibles as in A phon- 
ides); claw with onychium bisetose to multi- 
setose; striduJating organs variable; other 
characters:wariable cers «ssi ines o eee 3 
3. Onychium between claws bisetose to pluri- 
setose; tarsal segments, especially basally, 
frequently triangular in shape; fore tibia and 
tarsus of same length in both sexes; stridulat- 
ing organs frequently present; dorsal surface 
always wunicolorous; never spotted or with 
Genser ek ee a ee ORYCTINI 
Onychium between claws always with three or 
more setae apically; tarsal segments elongate 
smooth, never triangular, the basal segment 
usually with a strong apical spine; front 
tibia and tarsus a little longer in the male 
than in the female (very distinct in neo- 
tropical species, but must be carefully com- 
pared in United States species); stridulating 
organs absent; dorsal surface either clothed 
with a fine velvety short hair, or spotted and 
speckled, onl, rarely entirely unicolorous in 
SOME TOMALES HI) sas Gen ait ue eee DYNASTINI 

The genera of the tribes Phileurini and 
Dynastini were covered in Part 4 of this 
series, and the genera of the tribe Cycloce- 
phalini in Part 1. ? The tribe Oryctini was 
discussed in Part 2° and in Part 34 and was 
completed in Part 45; these eight United 
States genera of Oryctini may be separated 
as follows: 


1. Apex of hind tibia uneven, with sharp angula- 
tions or teeth (see Fig. 1, g, f); head fre- 
quently with horn (male) or large tubercle 
(female) (this character will place those 
specimens with worn tibia as in some Xy- 
lonuctes asuin gio ol ce uaa. eee ee 2 

Apex of hind tibia moderately to strongly ex- 
panded, with very fine serrations (not sharp 
teeth) or entirely smooth (see Fig. 1, a, d); 
head never with horns, at most with a strong 
to weak transverse carina or a small tubercle 

2. Clypeal apex acute and unidentate; mandibles 
large and exposed, and evenly rounded, never 
toothed; thorax never foveate or tubercu- 
late; base of clypeus with a strong transverse 
carina (Texas and) Arizona)e > 4.5. = oan 

Be £8 OP SMe nae: 28) 4d Aphonides Rivers 
Glypeus acute, bidentate or bluntly rounded 
(if acute, inen the mandibles always dis- 
tinctly eémarginate or toothed externally, 

2 Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 35 (12): 378- 
386. 1945. 

3 Ibid. 36 (1): 16-22. 1946. 

4Tbid. 36 (2): 41-46. 1946. 

5 Ibid. 38 (5): 176-183. 1948. 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

and thorax always foveate and tuberculate) 

3. Mandibles usually hidden beneath the clypeus, 
or only edges exposed, and always unarmed 
externally; usually with 5 to 9 small teeth 
on outer apical margin of hind tibia....... 

eae Acie Die ey ne X yloryctes Hope 
Mandibles always large, always well exposed, 
always armed externally with teeth or else 
right-angled in outline (cessuws); apical mar- 
gin of hind tibia usually with 1 or 2 sharp 
angulations, or 3 or 4 teeth... cae euse 
Wh See Te eh ee Strategus Hope 

4. Clypeal apex acute, wnidentate; clypeal base 
with an acute transverse carina; mandibles 
large and tridentate; thorax with fovea at 
midapex and a small tubercle in front of the 
fovea; color usually rufous............... 
Leet Se See ere kl Oxygrylius Casey 

Clypeal apex distinctly bidentate, or evenly 
truncate, or very bluntly rounded, never 
with a single sharp point (or if somewhat 
pointed, then the mandibles small and nearly 
hidden under the clypeus); color variable. .5 

5. Clypeus with a distinct carina just before (i.e., 
practically on) the apex, this carina entire, 
or wide bidentate, or tridentate; front male 
tibia frequently edentate, the tibia unusually 
wide in both sexes and the emarginations 
between the externa] teeth very shallowly 
indicated, especially the two apical teeth. .6 

Clypeus carinate or not; if carinate the carina 
located quite a distance before the apex; 
front tibia always strongly tridentate... .7 

6. Preapical clypeal carina entire, or bidentate; 
thorax and head tuberculate or not (South- 
western United States). Cheiroplatys Hope 

Preapical clypeal carina strongly to weakly 
tridentate; thorax not tuberculate, head 
rarely so (Eastern United States)......... 
il a ES yg Het ci Aphonus LeConte 

7. Mandibles Aeanitcly tridentate externally, the 
basal tooth often worn and barely visible; 
thorax not more than two-thirds the ienein 
of the elytra; color rufous to rufopiceous or 
rufocastaneous........ Lagyrus Burmeister 

Mandibles bidentate externally (do not count 
lacinia tooth as mandibular!); thorax about 
three-fourths length of elytra; color always 
black? See os. ee Euetheola Bates 

Euetheola subglabra Schaeffer 

Since Part 2 of this series was published I have 
received a male specimen from Tepic, Mexico, 
from Dr. Chapin, of the U. S. National Museum; 
this has very worn mandibles and clypeus, but 
the genitalia are typical, and the thoracic punc- 
turation is very minute and sparse but still visible 
on the center disc in a good light. I have also just 
recently mounted an additional pair (male and 
female) from ‘‘Compostella, Tepic, Nayarit, col- 
lected VI-24-40 at light by Morgan M. and L. W. 
Saylor’; these were mixed in with some un- 


mounted Dyscinetus material, which they greatly 
resemble superficially. The female has not been 
described before and I am designating this speci- 
men as the Allotype: Very similar to male ex- 
cept that it is a little larger (16 mm), the minute 
thoracic punctures are entirely absent over most 
of the center-disc, the apical half of the pygidium 
is smooth and very sparsely punctate and the 


apical half of the sixth sternite is entirely smooth 
and impunctate. It is interesting that nearly the 
entire abdomen (except for a single transverse 
setigerous row on each sternite near sides) and 
the metasternum (except at sides) are highly 
polished and entirely impunctate in both sexes. 
Both specimens remain in the Saylor Collection 
at the California Academy of Sciences. 

ENTOMOLOGY.—The Herbert H. Smith collection of South American Chalci- 
doidea described by W. H. Ashmead.! A. B. Gauan, U. 8. Bureau of Ento- 

mology and Plant Quarantine. 

In his Classification of the chalcid flies or 
the superfamily Chalcidoidea (Mem. Carne- 
gie Mus. 1 (No. 4, pt. 2): 394-551. 1904) 
W. H. Ashmead published results of his 
study of the Herbert H. Smith collection of 
South American chalcidoids, including a 
bibliographic catalogue of all the known 
South American species. Many new species 
were described, most of them based upon 
material in the Smith collection, but several 
of the included new species were based upon 
material in the United States National 
Museum, collected by Albert Koebele. In 
the bibliographic catalogue, citations were 
given for a number of species previously 
described by Ashmead from material in the 
Smith collection, these descriptions appear- 
ing in Insect Life 3: 456. 1891; Proc. Ent. 
Soc. Washington 3: 233. 1895, and 4: 11- 
14. 1896; and Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 22: 
368-375. 1900. Also included were Ash- 
mead’s identifications of a number of spe- 
cies described by Walker, Westwood, 
Fabricius, Perty, and other authors. 

Holotypes of 8 species and duplicate par- 
atypes of 36 additional species, as well as 
duplicates of some of the determined spe- 
cies, were retained by Ashmead from the 
Smith collection. The remainder of the col- 
lection was returned to the Carnegie Mu- 
seum, which had acquired it by purchase 
from the collector. There the collection re- 
mained practically undisturbed until 1934, 
when through the kind cooperation of the 
late Dr. Hugo Kahl, then curator of the 
section of entomology at Carnegie Museum, 
and with the consent of the Museum direc- 
tor, I was permitted to bring the whole 

1 Received March 7, 1948. 

(Communicated by E. A. CHAPIN.) 

collection to the United States National 
Museum for study. Though it still remained 
the property of Carnegie Museum, it has 
reposed in the National Museum since that 
date and while being used for reference has 
been kept, until very recently, in the orig- 
inal boxes and arrangement in which Ash- 
mead left it. 

Early in 1947, through collaboration with 
Dr. George E. Wallace, successor to Dr. 
Kahl at the Carnegie Museum, and with 
the approval of the authorities of both the 
Carnegie Museum and the National Mu- 
seum, arrangements were completed where- 
by, in exchange for a representative collec- 
tion of named North American chalcidoids, 
the entire Smith collection covered by Ash- 
mead’s paper, with the exceptions of one- 
half the duplicates in any series of para- 
types or of determined specimens of any 
species, became the property of the National 
Museum. With consummation of the ex- 
change the Carnegie Museum received a 
named collection of North American ma- 
terial comprising 412 species represented by 
1,222 specimens and also a return of 22 
paratypes representing 16 species and 84 
specimens representing 19 determined spe- 
cies from the South American material. 
The National Collection acquires named 
representatives of 248 species made up of 
192 holotypes, 79 paratypes (8 of which 
represent species the holotypes of which 
were already in the National Museum), and 
156 determined specimens representing 48 
species. Also included are 122 unidentified 
specimens, making a total of 549 specimens. 

Unfortunately, the unique types of Par- 
encyrtus brasiliensis Ashmead, Pelorotelus 
coeruleus Ashmead, Horismenus corumbae 


Ashmead, Euplectrus brasiliensis Ashmead, 
and Stenomesius dimidiatus Ashmead have 
become dislodged from the mounting points 
and lost. Since the first two species are gen- 
otypes, their loss is doubly unfortunate. 
Also missing from the collection is the speci- 
men (or specimens) of [doleupelmus annuli- 
cornis Ashmead recorded from Santarém, 
Brazil. This species was originally described 
(Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 4: 13. 1896) 
from the Island of St. Vincent, West Indies, 
and the holotype is presumably in the Brit- 
ish Museum. ; 

The material from the Smith collection 
acquired by the National Museum has now 
been removed from the original boxes and 
placed in standard trays and drawers. While 
making the transfer I made the following 
notes regarding certain species: 

Hemitorymus thoracicus Ashmead.—In my 
opinion this is not a monodontomerine. The 
type appears to be a typical Torymus and the 
genus Hemitorymus, therefore, a synonym. 
New synonymy. 

Plesiostigmodes brasiliensis Ashmead.—The 
unique type is a male, not a female as stated in 
the description. 

Spilochalcis tarsalis Ashmead.—The type is 
from Corumba instead of Chapada. 

Spilochalcis persimilis Ashmead.—Type lo- 
cality Santarém instead of Chapada. 

Spilochalecis bimaculata Ashmead.—De- 
scribed only in the key to species. The type, a 
female, is from Trinidad. 

Sptlochalcis nigropleuralis Ashmead.—The 
holotype female is from Trinidad. The only 
male associated with this female in the collec- 
tion is from Corumba (not Chapada), Brazil, 
and does not entirely fit the description given 
of the male. It does not bear a name label and 
may or may not be the allotype. 

Spilochalcis mayri Ashmead.—The type is 
from Corumba, not Chapada. 

Spilochalcis urichi Ashmead.—No male is 
described, but included among the 12 speci- 
mens in the type series is one male. This is 
colored almost exactly like the females and not 
easily distinguished. 

Spilochalcis lineocoxalis Ashmead.—The 
unique holotype is a male, not a female. 

Spilochalcis chapadensis Ashmead.—In the 
key to species (p. 427) and on the name label, 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

the name of this species is chapadensis, but 
heading the formal description (p. 443) it is 
given as chapadae. That the latter spelling is a 
lapsus is obvious, since the name chapadae had 
already been used for another species of Spilo- 
chalcis (p. 432). The name chapadensis should 
be retained for the species on p. 443. 
Spilochalcis  persimilis Ashmead.—The 
unique holotype is a male instead of a female. 
Octosmicra nigromaculata Ashmead.—The 
locality is Corumba instead of Chapada. 
Heptasmicra  lineaticora Ashmead.—One 
paratype is from Maruru, the type and 2 para- 
types from Santarém. 
Metadontia similis Ashmead.—The unique 
holotype is a female instead of a male. 
Pentasmicra brasiliensis Ashmead.—De- 
scribed only in the key to genera. See article by 
Hugo Kahl (Ann. Carnegie Mus. 13: 265. 

Azima brevicornis Ashmead.—The male al- 

lotype and 4 male paratypes of this species do 
not appear to be the same species as the female 
holotype and the female paratype. Instead, 
these males all seem to me to be A. koebelei 

Azimopsis morio Ashmead.—The type local- 
ity for this genotype species, not recorded by 
Ashmead, is Santerém, Brazil. 

Isomodes brasiliensis Ashmead.—Only 4 of 
the 5 specimens recorded by Ashmead were 
found, the specimen from Santarém being 

Prodecatoma bruneiventris Ashmead.—The 
type series consists of 3 females and 1 male. In 
my opinion the 3 females represent 3 different 
species. The male allotype is labeled “‘Prode- 
catoma flavescens Ashmead. & Type,” but since 
no male was described for flavescens and since 
this male specimen agrees with the description 
of the male as given for bruneiventris, it is ob- 
vious that the labeling is a lapsus. 

Neorilya flavipes AShmead.—The type series, 
of which orly 9 specimens can be located, is a 
composite made up of apparently 3 different 

Rileya orbitalis Ashmead.—The unique holo- 
type female is from Chapada instead of San- 
tarém. A male in the National Museum col- 
lection from Chapada is labeled ‘‘Rileya orbi- 
talis #, Type No. 8080.”’ Ashmead may have 
originally associated this with the female holo- 
type, but since no male is mentioned in the 

JuLy 15, 1948 

description it should not be considered a para- 
type. This male is apparently not the same 
species as the holotype but appears to be identi- 
cal with Rileya insularis Ashmead. 

Lelaps affinis Ashmead.—A paratype, 
U.S.N.M. no. 8087, is not the same species as 
the holotype but belongs instead to Lelaps 
ferruginea Ashmead. — 

Chalcedectes annulipes Ashmead.—Holotype 
from Corumba in May. Paratype from Cha- 
pada already in National Museum collection. 

Macreupelmus brasiliensis Ashmead.—Only 
3 of the 4 specimens mentioned by Ashmead 
located. U.S.N.M. type, no. 8091. 

Anastatus auriceps Ashmead.—Holotype 
from Corumba. Paratype from Chapada miss- 
ing from pin. 

Trichencyrtus chapadae Ashmead (pp. 291, 
392) (= robustus Ashmead, p. 495). See com- 
ments by Gahan and Peck, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci. 36: 317. 1946; also Gomes, Bol. Soc. 
Brazil. Agronomia 5: 287. 1942. 

Metopon brasiliensis Ashmead.—The holo- 
type female is from Corumba. The 2 paratype 
females are from Santarém and appear to be not 
the same species as the type. The allotype male, 
also from Santarém, is missing from the pin. 

Horismenus brasiliensis Ashmead.—A speci- 
men in the National Museum from Chapada 
labeled ‘““Type No. 8094” is not the same spe- 
cies as the holotype, which is from Rio de 



Janeiro. This specimen from Chapada is not 
mentioned in the description and hence is 
neither type nor paratype. 

Ametallon chapadae Ashmead.—The holo- 
type from the Smith collection is in poor con- 
dition. The paratype which was in the National 
Museum and recorded in the type book under 
no. 8097 is missing from the pin. 

Trichoporus melleus Ashmead.—The holo- 
type acquired with the Smith collection is a 
female from Santarém. The alleged male de- 
scribed by Ashmead and bearing U.S.N.M. 
type, no. 8098 is a female from Chapada and 
is not the same species as the holotype. 

Trichoporus viridicyaneus Ashmead.—All 20 
specimens of the type series located, 3 of them 
in the National Museum under type no. 8099. 
These 3 are the same species as the holotype, 
but at least 5 of the paratypes in the Smith 
collection appear to be a different species. 

Alophus flavus Ashmead (p. 358, 365) 
( =brasiliensis Ashmead, p. 520). See comments 
by Gahan and Peck, Journ. Washington Acad. 
Sci. 36: 314. 1946. Holotype and allotype from 
Chapada and one paratype from Rio de Janeiro 
in Smith collection. Holotype and paratype are 
alike, but the allotype male is a different spe- 
cies. Also two alleged paratypes in the National 
Museum, type no. 8100, are not the same as 
the holotype and represent two different 

ORNITHOLOGY .—Continental races of the bulbul Pycnonotus dispar (Horsfield).! 
H. G. Drienan, U.S. National Museum. 

Geographical variation in continental 
populations of Pycnonotus dispar (‘‘Oto- 
—compsa flaviventris” of the older authors) 
appears in a tendency to darker coloration 
of the upperparts, shortening of the crest, 
and reduced wing length from north and 
west to east and south. The effects of wear 
on the plumage are so marked that only 
fresh-plumaged specimens are suitable for 
taxonomic study, and the change from one 
form to another is so gradual that the dis- 
tinctions between juxtaposed races can be 
observed only in series. The difficulty of 
establishing satisfactory limits of range for 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 

the Smithsonian Institution. Received January 
16, 1948. 

the several subspecies is complicated by the 
appearance of winter-wandering examples 
of one within the breeding territory of an- 
other. Two hundred and one specimens from 
the Asiatic mainland, brought together in 
Washington with the kind cooperation of 
the authorities of the Academy of Natural 
Sciences of Philadelphia (A.N.S.P.) and of 
the Chicago Natural History Museum 
(C.N.H.M.), enable me to accept the fol- 
lowing forms: 

1. Pycnonotus dispar flaviventris (Tickell) 

Vanga Flaviventris Tickell, Journ. Asiat. Soc. 
Bengal 2: 573. Nov. 1833 (Dampara, ‘“‘in Dhol- 
bhim’”’=Singhbhum District, Chota Nagpur 
Division, Province of Bihar and Orissa, India). 


Diagnosis.—Head and neck blue-black; up- 
perparts golden olive-green, somewhat brighter 
posteriorly; exposed portions of remiges and 
rectrices blackish brown, edged with golden 
olive-green; underparts rich yellow, somewhat 
suffused with olive on the breast and along the 

Wing length—86-91 mm. (5 males), 85-89 
mm. (4 females), 85-96 mm. (4 unsexed). 

Specimens examined.—‘‘Inp1a’”’: No definite 
locality (3 unsexed). BencGau: Darjiling Dis- 
trict: Sivok (1 male, 2 females). Assam: No 
definite locality (1 unsexed); Cachar District: 
Rupachena (1 female); Lakhimpur District: 
Margherita (1 male, 1 female). Burma: Myit- 
kyina District: N’ Pon Village (1 male); Pakok- 
ku District: Dudaw Taung (2 males). 

2. Pycnonotus dispar vantynei, 
n. subsp. 

Type.-—C.N.H.M. no. 79247, adult male, 
collected at Phongtho (lat. 22°32’ N., long. 
103°20’ E.), Laokay or Laichau Province, 
northwestern Tongking, on February 24, 1929, 
by J. Van Tyne (original number 396). 

Diagnosis.—As large as P. d. flaviventris, but 
easily separable by having the upperparts a 
darker and duller olive-green, almost without 
golden suffusion. 

Wing length—85-91 mm (20 males), 85-87 
mm (4 females). 

Specumens examined.mANNAM: No definite 
locality (1 male); Thanhhoa Province: Hoixuan 
(1 female), Lunglunh (1 male). Tonexine: 
Laokay or Laichau Province: Phongtho (2 
males); Laokay Province: Ba Nam Nhung 
(1 male); Laichau Province: Muong Mo (1 
male, 2 females), Muong Moun (1 male), 
Paham (1 male), Laichau (1 male), 27 km 
WSW. of Laichau (2 males). Laos: 5° Terri- 
toire Militaire: Bountai (3 males), Muong Yo 
(1 male, 1 female); Pakse Province: Pakse (1 
male, winter). BurMA: Kengtung State: Loi 
Mwe (3 males, 1 female), Mong Len (1 male); 
Stam: North: Chiang Saen Kao (2 females), 
Chiang Rai (1 male), Muang Fang (1 male), 
Wiang Pa Pao (1 female), Doi Suthep (2 males, 
winter); East: Ban Chanuman (1 male, winter). 

Remarks.—Only one of these examples shows 
the red-throated phase of plumage (discussed 
below under P. d. johnsont). 

This race is named in honor of Toeegn Van 
Tyne, collector of the type specimen. 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

3. Pycnonotus dispar xanthops, n. subsp’ 

Type.—U.S.N.M. no. 332362, adult male, 
collected at ‘Khan River’’=Ban Mae (lat. 
18°40’ N., long, 98°50’ E.), Chiang Mai Prov- 
ince, northwestern Siam, on February 8, 1932, 
by Hugh M. Smith (original number 5321). 

Diagnosis.—Smaller than either of the two 
precedent races and with the color of the upper- 
parts darker, more greenish, less golden, than 
in flaviventris, but much lighter and more 
golden than in vantynet. 

Wing length—83-87 mm. (16 males), 83-85 
mm. (4 females). 

Specimens examined.—S1am: Northwest: Doi 
Chiang Dao (1 male), Muang Pai (1 male), 
30 km N. of Chiang Mai (1 male), Doi Suthep 
(5 males, 3 females), vicinity of Chiang Mai 
(3 males, 1 female), Ban Mae (2 males), Doi 
Khun Tan (6 males). Burma: Amherst District 
Myawadi (1 male), Kawkareik (1 female). 

Remarks.—This race presumably has a much 
more extensive range than my material shows; 
it should be the form of all southern Burma. 

The few skins available from southwestern 
Siam are smaller than zanthops; their plumage 
is so badly worn that, for the present, they must 
be left unnamed. 

4, Pycnonotus dispar auratus, n. subsp. 

Type.—A.N.S.P. no. 115110, adult male, 
collected at Amphoe Wat Pa=Muang Lom 
Sak, on the borders of central and eastern Siam 
at lat. 16°45’ N., long 101°10’ E., on October 
26, 1934, by collectors for R. Meyer de Schau- 
ensee (original number 1705). 

Diagnosis.—Smaller than either vantynei or 
flaviventris and with the color of the upperparts 
lighter, less greenish, more golden, than in the 
former, but much darker and less golden than | 
in the latter. 

From P. d. xanthops, with which it agrees in 
size, auratus is separable by having the upper 
parts slightly darker and less golden. 

Wing length—85-87 mm (4 males), 82-84 
mm (5 females). 

Specimens examined.—Laos: Vientiane Prov- 
ince: Vientiane (1 female). Stam: Central or 
East: Muang Lom Sak (4 males, 5 females). 
ANNAM: Phanrang Province: Krongpha (1 
female, winter). 

Remarks.—P. d. auratus and P. d. xanthops 
are equivalent ‘‘links’’ in the cline between 
flaviventris and vantyner. The range of auratus 

Juuy 15, 1948 

may be expected to cover the more eastern 
provinces of northern Siam, the northern half 
of the eastern Siamese plateau, and portions of 
Haut- and Moyen-Laos between the territories 
of vantyner and johnson. 

One of my specimens shows the red-throated 
phase of plumage; another has an irregular 
spot of red and yellow feathers at the left side 
of the chin. 

5. Pycnonotus dispar johnsoni (Gyldenstolpe) 
Rubigula johnsoni Gyldenstolpe, Kungl. Svenska 
Vet.-Akad. Handl. 50 (8): p. 25, col. pl. 1. July 
19, 1913 (near Sathani Chakkrarat, Nakhon 
Ratchasima Province, eastern Siam at lat. 

15-00’ N> long. 102°25’ E.). 

Diagnosis.—Near to P. d. auratus, but smaller 
and with the upperparts slightly darker and 
less suffused with golden. 

Wing length—79-85 mm (33 males), 76-83 
mim (34 females), 81-83 mm (3 unsexed). 

Specimens examined.—S1am: East: Sathani 
Pak Chong (7 males, 9 females), Sathani Hin 
Lap (3 males), Sathani Lat Bua Khao (5 males, 
3 females), Ban Tha Chang (1 unsexed), Ban 
Khanong Phra (2 females), Ban Pang Sok (1 
male), Nakhon Nayok (1 unsexed), Ban Chanu- 
man (4 females), Ban Khulu (1 unsexed), 
Ban Khemmarat (1 female); Southeast: 
Khao Saming (2 males, 1 female), Ban Bang 
Phra (1 male, 1 female), Ban Laem Ngop (1 
male), Khao Sa Bap (3 males, 1 female), Khao 
Soi Dao (1 male), Muang Rayong (2 females), 
Siracha (1 male), Ban Nong Kho (3 males), 
Ban Nong Yang (4 males); Laos: Pakse Prov- 
ince: Pakse (2 males, 4 females), Paksong (1 
female, 1 unsexed), Bassac (1 female). Cam- 
BopiIA: Kampot Province: Ok Yam (1 female); 
Siemreap Province: Banteai Srei (1 female); 
Kompong Cham Province: Kompong Cham (1 
female). ANNAM: Phanrang Province: Krong- 
pha (1 female, 1 unsexed), between Bellevue 
and Daban (1 male, 3 females), Fimnon (1 fe- 
male), Ban Methuot (1 male). 

Remarks.—A color phase in which the lower 
throat is clothed in shining red feathers is fre- 
quent in johnsoni; in the population of the 
southwestern corner of the eastern Siamese 
plateau (topotypical), all the specimens seen 
show the character, which appears with dimin- 
ishing frequency as one moves away from this 
center and is then often indicated merely by a 
few red feathers among the black. Since red- 
throated individuals appear in any predomi- 



nantly black-throated population of southeast- 
ern Indo-China (and even in populations other- 
wise representative of the races auratus and 
vantyner), it is not possible to restrict the use of 
Gyldenstolpe’s name to red-throated birds 
without seeming to have two subspecies resi- 
dent at the same localities, and there is, of 
course, no question here of two sympatric 
species. A case precisely similar to this is pre- 
sented by the bulbul Pycnonotus atriceps (Tem- 
minck), in which the several color phases ap- 
pear with varying frequencies from one to an- 
other part of the ranges of the different races. 

The problem has been discussed at some 
length by R. Meyer de Schauensee (Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 98: 53-56. 1946), whose 
conclusions, however, do not wholly agree with 

6. Pycnonotus dispar caecilii, n. subsp. 

Type—vU.S.N.M. no. 160418, adult male, 
collected in Trang Province, peninsular Siam 
at ca. lat. 7°-8° N., on February 12, 1897,- by 
William L. Abbott. 

Diagnosis—Nearest P. d. johnsoni (black- 
throated phase), but with the upperparts a 
decidedly darker olive green, almost without 
golden suffusion. 

Wing length—78-82 mm (10 peninsular 
males), 78-81 mm (6 peninsular females). 

Specimens examined.—S1aM: Southeast: Ko 
Kut (3 males, 1 female, 1 unsexed), Ko Chang 
(8 males, 1 female, 1 unsexed); Southwest: 
Prachuap Khiri Khan (1 female), Khao Luang 
(1 male, 2 females), Khao Nok Wua (1 male, 1 
female); Peninsula: Ban Tha Lo (1 female), 
Nakhon Si Thammarat (1 male), Khao Pha- 
nom Bencha (3 males, 1 female), Trang Prov- 
ince (4 males, 2 females). Burma: Mergui 
District: Victoria Point (1 male). Mavaya: 
Selangor State: Ginting Bidei (1 male). 

Remarks.—This race was named Otocompsa 
flavwentris minor by Boden Kloss (Ibis, ser. 
10, 6 (2): 200. Apr. 9, 1918), with the type 
specimen from Ko lLak=Prachuap Khiri 
Khan. With the submersion of ‘“‘Otecompsa”’ in 
Pycnonotus, Kloss’s name becomes preoccupied 
by Pycononotus nigricans Var. minor von 
Heuglin (Ornithologie Nordost-Afrika’s 1: 398. 
1869), and a new designation is required for the 
bird of the Malay Peninsula. 

Kloss’s type lies before me and seems to be 
inseparable from more southern specimens. 


Nevertheless, since Prachuap Khiri Khan is 
situated just where numerous peninsular races 
intergrade with distinct forms of southwestern 
Siam, it has seemed to me desirable to fix the 
new name on a much more southern population, 
rather than simply to rename Kloss’s bird. The 
word “caeciliz”’ derives, of course, from this 
earlier worker’s given name. 

That the 15 specimens from Ko Kut and Ko 
Chang should be quite distinct from birds of 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

the neighboring mainland, but virtually insep- 
arable from those of the Malay Peninsula, is 
of considerable interest. Their wing length 
ranges from 81 to 85 mm (11 males), 80 to 83 
mm (2 females); they are thus a trifle larger 
than topotypical caecilii, but hardly enough 
to justify their separation at this time. One 
example has a few red feathers on the lower 

ICHTHYOLOGY.—Acanthurus triostegus marquesensis, a@ new subspecies of 

surgeonfish, family Acanthuridae, with notes on related forms. 

ScHULTzZ and LorEN P. Woops. 

During our studies of tropical Pacific 
Ocean fishes, we observed that in the vast 
area from the East African coast to the 
western shores of the Americas certain 
species said by certain ichthyologists to be 
the same throughout this entire region are 
actually separate species, subspecies, or 
distinct populations. Among these, the sur- 
geonfish, Acanthurus triostegus (Linnaeus), 
is one of the most abundant and widely 
distributed species of the Indo-Pacific re- 
gion. It ranges from the Red Sea and Natal 
coast of South Africa eastward to Australia 
and thence in Oceania to the offshore Amer- 
ican islands—Clarion, Clipperton, and Co- 
cos. In the Hawaiian chain of islands this 
surgeonfish is represented by a distinct 
species, Acanthurus sandvicensis Streets, 
and by some means it has extended its 
range to include Johnston Island, 520 miles 

In order to clarify the status of the vari- 
ous species and subspecies of surgeonfishes 
closely related to A. triostegus we studied 
specimens from the Pacific and Indian 
Oceans and found that certain of the larger 
island groups of the Pacific have popula- 
tions of this surgeonfish morphologically 
distinct from other island groups. There- 
fore, we find it necessary to describe as 
new a subspecies from the Marquesas and 
to point out other distinct populations 
without naming them at this time. 

Throughout the entire range of this 
surgeonfish the five narrow dark bars on 

1 Published with the permission of the Secre- 
tary of the Smithsonian Institution. Received 
March 23, 1948. 


the sides show no significant variability. 
The first body band ends in the axil of the 
pectoral base. In contrast the dark bar 
on caudal peduncle varies greatly from a 
dorsally located spot to one completely 
encircling the peduncle. Usually it is in the 
form of a dorsal saddle with a spot ventrally 
disconnected from the saddlelike dark 

The larval stages of this surgeonfish are 
unknown to us, but numerous examples of 
postlarvae occur in the U. S. National 
Museum collections. All have been taken 
over reefs or near land; those from 21 to 
25 mm in length have been collected from 
tidal pools. The smallest specimen seen by 
us was 20.5 mm. It was colorless when it 
appeared at a light at night. This suggests 
a pelagic habitat for the young. 

Acanthurus sandvicensis Streets 

Acanthurus triostegus sandvicensis Streets, U. 8S. 
Nat. Mus. Bull. 7: 67. 1877. (Type locality, 
Honolulu Harbor, Oahu, T. H.) Lectotype, 
U.S.N.M. no. 15398, and paratypes, U.S.N.M. 
no. 143446. 

Acanthurus sandvicensis Streets is character- 

ized by having a black streak running from the 

upperpart of the pectoral base to near the ven- 
tral surface (see Fig. 1, A), and by averaging 
one or two more soft rays in the dorsal, anal, 
and pectoral fins. (See Table 1.) The streak be- 
low the pectoral was found in all specimens 
examined (about 100) from the Hawaiian and 
Johnston Islands and in no specimen from any 
other locality. 

The distinct character of the color pattern of — 
Acanthurus sandvicensis and its complete lack 
of intergradation with representatives of trio- 

Juiy 15, 1948 

stegus from other island groups reemphasize the 
recognized long-time isolation of the Hawaiian 
Chain. The average temperature of the water 
around the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston 
Island is a little lower than the average for most 
parts of the equatorial western Pacific Ocean. 
This may have caused the meristic differences 
recorded for sandvicensis, but it does not ex- 
plain the difference in color pattern. 

Acanthurus triostegus triostegus (Linnaeus) 

Chaetodon triostegus Linnaeus, Systema naturae, 
ed. 10: 274. 1758. (Type locality, Indies.) 

The normal color pattern of alcoholic speci- 
mens is a light-gray to dark-brown background 
on head and body with the dorsal parts darker, 
and ventral region whitish; middorsal line of 
interorbital space and of snout usually with a 
brown streak; head and body with 5 narrow 
transverse brownish or blackish bars, the first 
from nape through eye across cheek to lower 
margin of preopercle, the second from dorsal 
origin to base of pectoral, the third from below 
fifth dorsal spine nearly to anus, the fourth 
from base of second dorsal soft ray to first soft 
anal ray, and the fifth from about the seventh 
to ninth dorsal rays to below the eighth soft 
anal ray; caudal peduncle usually with a nar- 
row black saddle across dorsal surface extend- 
ing down to about middle of sides, lower part of 
caudal peduncle usually with a small spot or 
short dash (sometimes the dorsal saddle is con- 
nected with this spot but this character has 
been found to be too variable to consider here) ; 
median fins dusky, the anal with a narrow 
white margin; pectoral fin translucent. 

The normal or typical color mark on the 
upper part of pectoral fin base (Fig. 1, B) con- 
sists of a single dark spot. 

Specimens in breeding colors have a distinct 
lengthwise line along lower sides, below this, 
body abruptly white, anal fin black basally, 
often with a broad white margin; the transverse 
lines on females apparently narrower than 
those of males. 

Variability among island groups—The spe- 
cific marks that show consistent variability 
along certain lines center around the pectoral 
fin base, such as (1) a dark spot below pectoral 
fin base, or (2) the elongation of the usual 
round dark spot into a short bar. These changes 
usually occur along with an increase of about 
one additional ray in the dorsal, anal, or pec- 
toral fins. 



Among the specimens from the Indian Ocean 
and western Pacific—Marianas, Marshall, and 
Samoan Island groups—only an occasional 
specimen differed from the normal color pattern 
of triostegus. Four out of five specimens from 
Tahiti had one more pectoral fin ray on both 
sides, but no color variations. One specimen 
each available from the isolated Baker, Christ- 
mas, and Fanning Islands were normal ftrio- 

In one-third of the Phoenix Island specimens 
there occurred either an extra spot, a bar (Fig. 
1, D), or an elongate spot (Fig. 1, E), and about 
one-third had one more pectoral fin ray than 
the average for triostegus. This may indicate a 
variation in the direction of sandvicensis. 

Of the six small specimens examined from the 

‘Tuamotus, four had a bar across the pectoral 

base (Fig. 1, D) and two had one spot, and one 
specimen had an additional pectoral fin ray. 

<i) ~ 

Fig. 1.—Diagram showing different color pat- 
terns on base of pectoral fin: A, Acanthurus sand- 
vicensis; B, normal A. triostegus; C, A. triostegus 
marquesensis (adult); D, bar; E, elongate spot 
(Phoenix Islands); F, elongate spot (in juvenile 

No notable difference in color pattern was 
observed for examples from the American off- 
shore islands of Clarion, Clipperton, and Cocos, 
but half of them have an extra ray in the 
pectoral fin. Jordan and Evermann (Bull. U.S. 
Bur. Fish. 23 (1): 395. 1905) state: ‘““To the 
Hawaiian species, Hepatus sandvicensis, belong 
the specimens recorded by Jordan and Ever- 
mann (U. 8. Nat. Mus. Bull. 47, pt. 2: 1690. 
1898), from Clarion and Socorro Islands.’’ Our 
11 specimens from Clarion have a single spot 
on the pectoral base with no indication of the 
extension or streak below the pectoral char- 
acteristic of sandvicensis. Heller and Snod- 
grass (Proc. Washington Acad. Sci. 6: 403. 
1900) list 37 specimens from Cocos Island and 
say: ‘All of the Revillagigedo and Cocos speci- 
mens differ from Hawaiian specimens of the 
very closely related Hepatus sandvicensis 


(Streets) in lacking the black band reaching 
from the base of the pectoral to the base of the 
ventral. There is a dark spot on the outer side 
of the base of the pectoral and in some a similar 
spot below this one.”’ This is in harmony with 
our findings. 

Acanthurus triostegus is one of the few tropi- 
cal Indo-Pacific species that crosses the East 
Pacific Barrier (Ekman, 1935, pp. 105-107). 
One would suppose this Eastern Pacific- 
American area to be more isolated than any of 
the Central Pacific island groups, yet we can 
detect no significant variation. — 

Acanthurus triostegus marquesensis, 
n. subsp. 
Hepatus triostegus Fowler, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 

80: 10. 1932. 

Holotype.—U.S.N.M. no. 89771, Marquesas 
Islands, Ua Huka, September 24, 1929, Gifford 
Pinchot, 84.3 mm. 

Paratypes.—U.8.N.M. no. 143447, same data 
as holotypes, 13 specimens, 49 to 86 mm; 
C.N.H.M. nos. 23065, 23066, Marquesas Is- 
lands, Nuka Hiva Island, February 7, 1929, 
Crane Pacific Expedition, 2 specimens, 31 and 
38 mm; C.N.H.M., nos. 23062, 23063, 23064, 
Marquesas Islands, Hiva Oa Island, February 
6, 1929, Crane Pacific Expedition, 3 specimens, 
25.7 to 28.5 mm. 


Description—(The counts and measure- 
ments of the holotype are given first, the range 
of variation of paratypes in parentheses, meas- 
urements expressed in thousandths of the 
standard length.) Dorsal rays IX, 24 (1X, 22 to 
24); anal rays III, 21 (III, 19 to 21); pectoral 
rays I, i, 14 (13 or 14); pelvic rays I, 5 (I, 5); 
branched caudal rays upper lobe 7, lower lobe 
7; teeth on one side of jaws, upper 7 (7), lower 
8 (7 or 8). 

Depth of body 529 (510 to 605); length of 
head (tip of snout to upper edge of gill open- 
ing) 312 (315 to 331); length of snout 193 (176 
to 198); diameter of eye 93 (93 to 136); least 
depth of caudal peduncle 109 (110 to 127); 
length of pectoral fin 173 (268 to 321); postor- 
bital part of head (hind margin of eye to upper 
edge of gill opening) 54 (51 to 78); lower lobe of 
caudal fin 284 (268 to 315), upper lobe 285 (277 
to 333); interorbital width 91 (94 to 125); 
length of caudal spine 32 (29 to 47; angle of 
snout profile 57 (54 to 56); snout profile slightly 
concave convex in young; caudal fin slightly 

Color—tIn alcohol, head and body dark 
brown, with five transverse narrow dark lines, 
the first from nape through eye to lower margin 
of preopercle, the second from origin of spiny 
dorsal to axil of pectoral fin, the remaining 
three as described for triostegus; dark line form- 


Dorsal rays 
Species and 

VIED 5 | XS Xe e222, 12 3u 4 eoe 

—_— | | | OO 

Acanthurus triostegus trioste- 

Indian Ocean, Mauritius; 

Seychelles............. — | ll Tp 6 oe | ode 
Sumatra; New Guinea; 

Solomons; Philippines...| — | 10| —| 1] 3] 6] —|}— 
Okinawa; Japan.......... — Ts ete a AE 
Guam; Marshalls......... (>) (y(n | 
Niuafu; Samoa........... — Sh eh alae) ee 
Phoenix Islands.......... — |11};/—;—] 1] 8] 2] — 
Tahitinte emg acetate: 1 3) —)}— 1 2 1); — 
Tuamotus; Mangareva; 

Takaroa staan ret : : — 6) — 1 5 | — 
Eastern Pacific, Clarion, 

Clipperton; Cocos Is- 

Acanthurus triostegus marque- 
Marquesas... 52 ohn 2s — | 14) — 2/10} 2] — 
Acanthurus sandvicensis: 
Hawaiian and Johnston 
Tslandsiiiss\ 2 oe wae — | 32) — UN TB nay & 

Coloration of 

Anal rays Pectoral rays pentomllvece 
T, i, | Li, 114, | One aa Two 
TIL | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 49! 43'| 14 lapot} 28") spots | Streaks 
12 1 1 7 3}/—|—/12,—} 10 2 
10'S) | sage pede he Aka ee eae 
7|— 3 3 1|;—;|;— 7); — 5 1 1 
Pt Ne se Lua Ay a ST Pa Pl etal Upc Saal) 
8) —}]— 5 3/—)— 6 2 7 1 
11; — | — 7 4} — 10 6 | 30 | 10 Sie 
Ages antes eal |e een elle (fee 
6/—]|— 4 2/;— alle alut Di 2 4 
14 | — 2 6 5 | — 7 Ta WA 
14 |} — 1 6 7)— 10 | 24 4 15 
5 | 27 32 

Soe el ao eae ee 

VOL. 38, NO. 7 


JuLy 15, 1948 

ing saddle over dorsal surface of caudal pe- 
duncle extending down sides of caudal peduncle 
and joining with spot on lower side on one side, 
lower spot separate on other side (these are 
joined on at least one side in 45 paratypes, 
separate on both sides in 17); holotype and 
paratypes 49 to 86 mm, with a large distinct 
spot below the pectoral fin base (Fig. 1, C); 
young specimens 25.7 mm have a faint dark 
bar about twice as long as diameter of pectoral 
base, narrowing and fading ventrally but not 
as long asin A. sandvicensis; in the 31-mm speci- 
men the pectoral spot is conspicuous and in the 
form of an elongate bar, pinched in the middle 
and tapering ventrally; on one 38-mm example 
the bar has completely divided into a short bar 
across the base of pectoral in one side and lower 
half is more or less rounded into a spot as those 
of 49 to 86 mm, but on the other side the di- 
vision into two parts is not quite complete 

ZOOLOGY .—The tardigrade fauna of the District of Columbia. 
CurtTIN,” Catholic University of America. 


The Tardigrada constitute a group of 
microscopic animals usually included, as a 
class, in the phylum Arthropoda. All are 
hygrophilous, but some species are re- 
stricted to marine and fresh-water habitats. 
Their distribution is world-wide, the num- 
ber of species being greater in the sub-Arctic 
than in the tropical regions. No reference to 
a study of the Tardigrada of the District of 
Columbia was found in the literature, but 
Marcus (1929, p. 576) and Mathews (1938, 
pp. 624-626) listed one species, Macrobiotus 
hufelandit C. Schultze, as an inhabitant of 
this area. The results of a survey conducted 
by the writer in this region are contained in 
this paper. 

Packard (1873, p. 740) was the first to 
note the presence of a tardigrade in the 
United States, but his description is unfor- 
tunately inadequate. A tardigrade from 

1 A contribution from the Department of Bi- 
ology, the Catholic University of America, Wash- 
ington, D. C. This paper, prepared under the 
direction of Dr. E. G. Reinhard, is based on the 
author’s dissertation submitted in partial fulfill- 
ment of the requirements for the degree master of 
science. Received January 16, 1948. 

2 Now biology instructor at Mount St. Mary’s 
College, Emmitsburg, Md. 



(Fig. 1, F). A distinct spot on pectoral fin base; 
a small faint spot near lower edge of gill open- 
ing, and 3 faint spots in line along side of breast, 
median fins dark, the anal witha narrow white 
border; pelvics dark, their outer margin and tips 

Remarks—On all the Marquesas Islands 
specimens occurs a large dark spot below the 
pectoral fin base except in very small specimens 
as described above in addition to the usual spot 
on the pectoral base. Only occasional specimens 
of A. triostegus triostegus from other parts of the 
Pacific and Indian Oceans have this additional 
spot. In the Marquesas Islands this extra spot 
occurs along with a consistently higher average 
number of anal and pectoral fin rays, thus 
separating the new subspecies from A. frio- 
stegus triostegus. Named marquesensis after the 
island group where this subspecies occurs. 

(Communicated by E. G. REIN- 

New Gloucester, Maine, was described by 
Beal (1880, p. 593). The species, however, 
can not be determined with accuracy. 
Mathews (1938, p. 625) stated that it fits the 
description of Hypsibius augustt Murray. 
To date, 14 species of Tardigrada have been 
reported for the United States. Of this num- 
ber, two, Batillipes mirus Richters and 
Bathyechiniscus tetronyx Steiner, are ma- 
rine species. The two described by Packard 
and Beal are incertae sedis. None of the 
species reported for the United States are 
peculiar to this country as they have been 
previously noted as inhabitants of other 

Terrestrial Tardigrada inhabit lichens 
and mosses while aquatic species may be 
found on water plants. Richters (1927, pp. 
1-3) noted that the tropical mosses were 
poor both in species and number. In his 
survey, Murray (1907, p. 515, and 1913, p. 
136) listed 25 species of Tardigrada from 
South Africa. The exact localities of the col- 
lections were not given, but from the 
regional topography the average elevation 
was 4,000 feet. Teunissen (1938, pp. 6—15) 
listed 1,200 meters as the lowest elevation 



VOL. 38, NO. 7 

(compiled from papers of Marcus, Mathews, and Packard)’ 


1. Batillipes mirus Richters 

(B. caudatus Hay) 
. Bathyechiniscus tetronyx G. Steiner 
. Echiniscus arctomys Ehrenberg 
. Echiniscus merokensis Richters 
. Pseudechiniscus suillus Ehrenberg 
. Macrobiotus hufelandii C. Schultze 

HD Or & co bo 

7. Hypsibius schaudinni Richters 
8. Hypsibius prosostomus Thulin 
9. Hypsibius canadensis Murray 
10. Hypstbius convergens Urbanpwicz 
11. Hypsibius oberhdusert Doyére 
12. Milnesium tardigradum (Schrank) 

13. Hypsibius augustt Murray 

Locality Authority 

Beaufort, N. C. W._P. Bay 
California coast Mathews 
Brandon, Vt.; East Troy, Wis. Mathews 
San Juan Island and Longmires Springs, Wash. Mathews 
Brandon, Vt.; Catalina Island, Calif. Mathews 
Ephraim and East Troy, Wis.; Washington, Mathews 

D. C.; Isle Royal, Mich.; San Juan Island, Marcus 

Wash. Mathews 
Galveston, Tex. Mathews 
Isle Royal, Mich. Mathews 
Catalina Island, Calif. Mathews 
Niagara Falls, N. Y. Marcus 
East Troy, Wis.; Catalina Island, Calif. Mathews 
East Troy Wis.; Techny, Ill.; Friday Harbor Neuhaus 

and San Juan Island, Wash. Mathews 


New Gloucester, Maine Beal 
New Gloucester, Maine Packard 

14. Hypsibius americanus Packard 

at which he found Tardigrada. These eleva- 
tions approximated those of the subalpine 
region, and environmental conditions would 
favor the support of a tardigrade fauna. De- 

spite the unfavorable physiography of the 

District of Columbia, foliose lichens and 
water samples collected from the Rock 
Creek Park, Fort Dupont Park, and the 
Catholic University campus yielded 39 
specimens. Two were aquatic and 37 were 
terrestrial forms. These represented three 
definite species and two of uncertain nature. 
Table 2 lists the species and location where 
the Tardigrada were obtained. 

Macrobiotus hufelandii C. Schultze 

1834. Macrobiotus hufelandit Schultze, Macro- 
biotus Hufelandii, animal e crustaceo- 
rum classe novum reviviscendi post 
diuturnam asphyxiam et  ariditatem 

potens ... Berolini. 
1895. Macrobiotus eminens Ehrenberg, Abh. 
Adad. Wiss. Berlin, 1858: 452, pl. 2, fig. 

1, A-E. 
1914. Macrobiotus interruptus Della Valle, Ann. 
Mus. Zool. Napoli, Suppl. 1, no. 7: 29. 

Twenty-one specimens of this species were 
obtained. The average length of the larger 
specimens was 500u. The eyespots were black 
and prominent. The cuticle of the live animals 
appeared annulated with wide bands of gray- 
white color separated by a thin,’ clear con- 

stricted area. Typical claws present with bas- 
al lunulae. Lamellae surrounded the mouth. 
The pharynx was ovoid with distinct commas. 
The anterior macroplacoid touched the apoph- 

Milnesium tardigradum (Schrank) 
Fig. 2 

1803. Arctiscon tardigradum ? Schrank, Fauna 
Boica 3 (1): 195. 

1840. Milnesium tardigradum Doyére, Ann. Sci. 
Nat., Zool. ser. 2, 14: 283. 

1859. Acrophanes schlagintweitii Ehrenberg, Abh. 
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1858: 451, pl. 1, fig. 
1, A-F. 

Fifteen specimens were obtained which were 
well pigmented and of the characteristic orange- 
brown color. The largest was 416u long. The 
eye spots were large and black. The cephalic 
palps were prominent and the wide, short buccal 


Species Locality 

1. Macrobiotus hufelandii Rock Creek Park 

C. Schultze 
2. Milnesium tardigradum Rock Creek Park 
3. Hypsibius dujardini Catholic University Campus 

Catholic University Campus 
Fort Dupont Park 

4. Hypsibius sp. 
5. Hypsibius sp. 



tube emptied into a saclike pharynx lacking 
placoids. The claws were united at the base by 
a cuticular band. 


Fie. 1.—Macrobiotus hufelandii, lateral view: 
a, eyespot; b, cuticular depression or pearl; c, peri- 
buccal lamellae; d, macroplacoids. Fig. la.— 
Pharynx of M. hufelandiz: a, buccal tube; b, sty- 
let; c, tooth bearer; d, apophysis; e, macroplacoid; 
f, microplacoid or comma; g, pharyngeal bulb. 

Fie. 2.—Milnesium tardigradum, ventral view: 
a, external palp; b, lateral palp; c, eye spot; d, 


Hypsibius dujardini (Doyére) 
Fig. 3, 3a 

Macrobiotus dujardin Doyére, Ann. Sci. 
Nat., Zool., ser. 2, 14: 288. 

Macrobiotus lacustris Dujardin, Ann. Sci. 
Nat., Zool., ser. 3, 15: 164. 

Hypsibius dujardint Thulin, Arkiv Zool. 
7 (16): 33. 

Of this small, transparent, aquatic form, 
only a single specimen was obtained. It meas- 
ured 177u. The eyespots were black and the 
claws dissimilar, the basal part being short. 
In the short straight buccal tube, the anterior 
macroplacoid was longer than the posterior. 
The cuticle appeared to be a faint gray-green 
color in the abdominal region. 



Hypsibius species 
Fig. 4 

The identification is based upon a molt 
which contained four ovoid eggs. These meas- 
ured 22u by 39u. The length of the animal 
was 162u. The claws were partially concealed 
but appeared to be the Hypsibius type. The 
cuticleshowed some spiny protuberances leading 
to the belief it might be Hypsibius ornatus 

Hypsibius species 
Fig. 5 

This identification is assigned to a skin with 
13 eggs obtained in a water sample. The eggs 
were slightly ovoid measuring 48u by 61u. The 
molt measured 168u. The claws appeared to 
be of the Hypsibius type and it approximated 
the description of Hypsibius dujardini (Doy- 
ére). It appeared very probable that it was the 
molt of this species. 

Thirty-nine specimens of Tardigrada were 
obtained in the survey, and duplicates have 
been deposited in the United States National 
Museum. Three distinct species and two of a 
dubious nature were represented. Mosses were 
found to be poor habitations for Tardigrada, 
while foliose lichens in the Rock Creek Park 
area yielded the best results. Of the 10 good 
terrestrial and aquatic species reported for the 
United States, two, Macrobiotus hufelandii C. 
Schultze and Milnesium tardigradum (Schrank) 
are inhabitants of the District of Columbia. 
The range of Milnesium tardigradum (Schrank) 
can now be extended to include this region. 
The presence of Hypsibius dujardini (Doyére) 
is the first reported occurrence of this species 
for the United States. The possibility of one 


molt being Hypsibius ornatus Richters would 
add another species to the list of those that 
inhabit the United States. All specimens were 
found to be smaller than the average of those 
reported from colder regions. 


Brat, F. E. Tardigrades and eggs. 
Nat. 14 (8): 593-594. 1880. 
Doyersg, P. L. M. Mémoire sur les tardigrades. 
Ann. Sci. Nat.,.Zool., ser. 2, 14: 269-361, 

pls. 12-19. 1840. 

Hay, W. P. A new species of bear-animalcule 
from the coast of North Carolina. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 53: 251-254. 1917. 

Marcus, E. Tardigraden. In: Bronn, Klas- 
sen und Ordnungen des Tier-Reichs 5 (4): 
608 pp. 1929. 



VOL. 38, NO. 7 

Matuews. G. Tardigrada from North 
America. Amer. Mid]. Nat. 19: 619-627. 

Morray, J. Some South African Tardigrada. 
Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. 1907: 515-524. 

African Tardigrada. Journ. Roy. 

Mier. Soe. 1913: 136-140. 
PackaRD, A. Discovery of a_ tardigrade. 
Amer. Nat. 7 (12): 740-741. 1873. 

Ricuters, F. Tardigrada. In: Kiikenthal 
und Krumbach, ‘‘Handbuch der Zoologie”’ 
3: 1-68. 1927. 

ScHRANK, F. Fauna Boica 3: viiit+272 pp. 

TEUNISSEN, R. Tardigraden. Exploratie van 
het Nationaal Albert Park, pt. 16: 1-21. 

Fic. 3.—Hypsibius dujardini, lateral view: a, mouth; b, eyespot; c, claws. 
Fic. 3a.—Pharynx of H. dujardini: a, stylet; b, macroplacoid; c, microplacoid. 
Fig. 4.—Hypsibius species. Molt containing 13 eggs: a, the cuticle; b, an egg; c, a claw. 
Fig. 5.—Hypsibius species. Molt containing 4 eggs: a, the cuticle; b, an egg; c, a spine; d, a claw. 



The 418th meeting of the Board of Managers 
held in the Cosmos Club, May 17, 1948, was 
called to order at 8:05 p.m. by the President, 
Dr. F. D. Rossrni. Others present were: H. S. 
Rappueye, N. R. Smita, J. I. Horrman, F. G. 
T. D. Stewart, J. W. Aupricu, C. E. WHITE, 
W. W. Russy, W. A. Dayton, C. A. BETTs, 
M.A. Mason, A. O. Fostsr, C. L. Gazin, and, 
by invitation, H. E. McComp, F. C. Kracrx, 
L. V. Jupson, and F. THonE. 

The Chairman of the Committee on Mem- 
bership, H. E. McComb, presented 27 nomina- 
tions for resident membership. 

The Chairman of the Committee on Mono- 
graphs, Dr. L. V. Jupson, reported the com- 
mittee’s favorable reaction to Dr. HERBERT 
FRIEDMANN’S monograph on The parasitic 
birds of Africa. Upon a motion by Dr. Judson, 
the Board voted to accept the bid of the Lord 
Baltimore Press to publish, in buckram bind- 
ing, 1,000 copies of the monograph at a cost to” 
the Academy of approximately $2,100. It was 
agreed that the map of North Africa recom- | 

Juty 15, 1948 

mended to Dr. Friedmann should be included, 
raising the printing cost about $30. Dr. Judson 
recommended that the price the Academy is to 
charge for copies of the monograph be fixed so 
that the cost of publication is returned in the 
sale of half of the edition. 

Dr. FRANK THONE, the Academy representa- 
tive on the Joint Committee on Press Relations, 
presented a report on the financial standing of 
the committee which the Board voted to refer 
to the Executive Committee for consideration 
and recomendation. _ 

The Chairman of the committee appointed 
to consider and make recommendations regard- 
ing an index to the JouRNAL, Dr. W. N. FEn- 
TON, presented a report which was also referred 
to the Executive Committee for consideration 
and recommendation. 

The Secretary reported the result of the bal- 
lot submitted to the membership regarding the 
change in the Bylaws proposed at the 417th 
meeting of the Board: 1. Amendment to create 
office of President-elect (Yes, 254; No. 10). 2. 
Amendment to increase permitted number of 



active members (Yes, 251; No. 13). Total bal- 
lots cast, 264. 

The Secretary announced the death of AL- 
BERT FRED Woops, an original member, on 
April 12, 1948. 

The Board approved the following changes 
in the Standing Rules proposed at the 417th 

Section 3, third sentence, replace by— 

“The Committee on Membership, Meetings, 
Grants-in-Aid for Research, and each of the Sub- 
committees of the Committee on Awards for Sci- 
entific Achievement shall include, if possible, at 
least two members reappointed from the preced- 
ing year. The Committee on Monographs shall 
have six members, each appointed for three years 
at the rate of two each year. At least three mem- 
bers of the Committee on Monographs shall be 
past editors of the JouRNAL, if possible.” 

New Section S, second sentence, replace by— 

‘“‘A candidate must be a member of the Washing- 
ton Academy of Sciences or a resident member of 
one of the Affiliated Societies and shall not have 
passed the 40th anniversary, etc....” 

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. 
C. L. Gazin, Secretary - 


As encouragement to younger scientists 
the Washington Academy of Sciences makes 
three annual Awards for Scientific Achieve- 
ment to members of the Academy or resi- 

dent members of the affiliated societies— © 

one in the Biological Sciences, one in the 
Engineering Sciences, and one in the Physi- 
cal Sciences. 

Only two awards were made for 1947. 
The winners were Robert DeWitt Huntoon, 
of the National Bureau of Standards, in the 
Physical Sciences; and Harry Warren Wells, 
of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 
in the Engineering Sciences. The awards 
were made at the regular meeting of the 
Academy at the Cosmos Club on the eve- 
ning of March 18, 1948. Dr. Huntoon’s 
citation was “in recognition of his distin- 
guished service in the advancement of 
electronics and its applications to other 
sciences and to modern ordnance.” Mr. 
Wells’s was ‘“‘in recognition of his distin- 
guished upper-air research and organization 

of a world-wide network of ionospheric sta- 


Dr. Huntoon was born at Waterloo, 
Iowa, on July 20, 1909. After obtaining his 
B.A. degree from Iowa State Teachers Col- 
lege in 1932, he began graduate work at the 
State University of Iowa, receiving his 
M.S. degree in 1935 and his Ph.D. in 1988. 
During this time he also served as graduate 
teaching assistant (1933-35) and research 
assistant in the University’s department of 
physics (1935-38). Leaving Iowa, he be- 
came instructor in physics at New York 
University (1938-40), then research physi- 
cist with the Hygrade Sylvania Corporation 
(Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.) at Em- 
porium, Pa. (1940-41), and in 1941 joined 
the staff of the National Bureau of Stand- 
ards to work on electronic ordnance devices. 
In 1944-45 he served as expert consultant 
to the Office of the Secretary of War, but 


returned to the Bureau to become chief of 
the Basic Research Section, Ordnance De- 
velopment Division, and later chief of the 
Electronics Section. At present he is assist- 
ant chief of the Atomic Physics Division. 


In addition to the Academy Award, Dr. 
Huntoon is the recipient of two other dis- 
tinguished recognitions of his abilities: A 
Naval Ordnance Development Award and 
a War Department Certificate of Apprecia- 
tion, both in 1946. He is a member of the 
American Physical Society, the Philosophi- 
cal Society of Washington, the Institute of 
Radio Engineers (senior member), Sigma 
Xi, and Kappa Delta Pi. 


Mr. Wells is a native of Washington, 
D. C., where he was born on January 13, 
1907. He received the B.S. degree in elec- 
trical engineering in 1928 and the E.E. de- 


VOL. 38, NO. 7 

gree in 1937 from the University of Mary- 
land. Between 1928 and 1932 he was associ- 
ated with the Westinghouse Electric & 
Manufacturing Co., the All-American Ma- 
laysian Expedition to Borneo, Heintz & 
Kaufman, Ltd., and the Army Air Forces. 
He has been a member of the scientific staff 
of the Department of Terrestrial Mag- 
netism, Carnegie Institution of Washing- 
ton, since 1932. His investigations, both 
here and abroad, have contributed mate- 
rially to knowledge of the ionosphere, radio 
wave propagation, and related geophysical 

Mr. Wells is a member of the Committee 
on Wave Propagation and Utilization of the 


Institute of Radio Engineers and is a senior 
member of that Institute. His other profes- 
sional affiliations include the Washington 
Academy of Sciences, the American Geo- 
physical Union, and the Philosophical Soci- 
ety of Washington. 


_ Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

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ARCHEOLOGY.—Florida archeology and recent ecological changes. 
JOHN M. GOGGIN: 2 32 Fan aeons a) eee i Aa a aca aa 

CHEMISTRY.—Purification of uranium oxide. JAMESI. HorFMAN .... 

Borany.—Notes in North American Leguminosae. FRrEpeErRick J. 
TIER MANN 30) Sh a ls Oe A ee ea 

Myco.Logy.—T wo new species of Physarum. G. W. MaArTIN....... 

ENTOMOLOGY.—Synoptic revision of the United States scarab beetles 
of the subfamily Dynastinae, No. 5: Keys to tribes and genera. 
LAWRENCE Wo SASLOR Soo). Le ie en 

EntTomo.Locy.—The Herbert H. Smith collection of South American 
Chalcidoidea described by W. H. Ashmead. A.B. GAHAN...... 

ORNITHOLOGY.—Continental races of the bulbul Pycnonotus dispar 
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IcHTHYOLOGY.—Acanthurus triostegus marquesensis, a new subspecies 
of surgeonfish, family Acanthuridae, with notes on related forms. 
LEeonarD P. Scouttz and Loren P. Woops.................. 

ZooLtoGy.—The tardigrade fauna of the District of Columbia. 
Ciarnces B: Cuntin, 260.500. Seiko, ae er 











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Vou. 38 

Avaeust 15, 1948 

No. 8 

ETHNOLOGY .—Utilization of marine life by the Wampanoag Indians of Mas- 
sachusetits.1\ FRANK G. SpEcK, University of Pennsylvania, and Ratpu W. 

DeExtTeER, Kent State University. 

Coastal Indians have always possessed a 
unique advantage. Marine resources have 
been at their disposal for use in many ways, 
especially for food. Undoubtedly marine 
foods played the most important part in the 
diet of these aboriginals as indicated by 
numerous prehistoric shell heaps, and_also 
by the persistence to the present day of the 
use of marine animals by the living descend- 
ants of the shell-heap builders. The writers 
have made a study of the use of marine life, 
with special reference to the marine inverte- 
brates, by the Wampanoag Indians living 
at Mashpee on Cape Cod and at Gay Head 
on Marthas Vineyard. Information ob- 
tained from informants? portrays the use of 
marine life from about 1850 to the present. 
This is correlated with published records on 
the contents of shell heaps which have been 
excavated in the region. 

A preliminary survey was made at 
Mashpee and Gay Head in August 1940. In 
1946 a concentrated study was made in the 
Mashpee area (including Herring Pond). 
In 1947 a brief revisit to this area and a 
concentrated study with the Gay Head 
group was undertaken. Table 1 summarizes 


* Received April 20, 1948. To the Faculty Re- 
search Fund (Grant no. 594), University of 
Pennsylvania, the senior author is indebted for 
financial support of this Wampanoag Ethnological 

2 We are grateful to the following informants: 
From the Mashpee group: Mr. and Mrs. William 
Sturgis, Marshall Jeffers, Edward Amos, Fred 
Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Pells, and 
Clinton Haynes. From the Herring Pond group: 
Mrs. Josephine Webquish, Mrs. Ella Hirsh 
Grover, and Howard Hirsh. From the Gay Head 
group: Linus Jeffers, Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan, 
Harry Vanderhoop, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Diamond, 
Grover Ryan, and Eva Ryan. 

(Communicated by WILLIAM N. FENTON.) 

the marine life known to have been used by 
the Wampanoag, and compares marine 
forms cited by living Indians with marine 
life collected in the vicinity and with re- 
mains recovered from local shell heaps. 

Byers and Johnson (1940) characterize 
the Wampanoag as “a rather undeveloped 
fishing and hunting people” and say that 
‘“‘shellfish were the principal part of their 
diet.” Earlier, Chase (1885) stated that 
they were “‘largely dependent for food upon 
the fish and shellfish which they caught at 
the mouth of streams and sheltered bays.” 
In reporting an early journey of Edward 
Winslow and Stephen MHopkins_. with 
Squanto from Plymouth to Narragansett 
Bay, Miller (1880) described the travelers 
meeting Indians ‘“‘with baskets of roasted 
crab fishes and other dried shell fish.’’ They 
also encountered Indians fishing for bass at 
a weir on the Taunton River, and “at 
Mattapoiset they ate oysters and other 
fish.’’ Miller also pointed out that ‘‘as soon 
as the shores were clear of snow and ice, in 
the spring, they would naturally flock to 
them, for shellfish, and watch for the 
coming of the early sea fish.”’ The abundant 
shell heaps of coastal Massachusetts leave 
no doubts as to the importance of marine 
life, especially the mollusks, in the economy 
of the aboriginals. There is also evidence 
that the Indians of the interior journeyed 
to the coast to obtain shellfish, which were 
smoked or dried for winter use. 

The salt-water ponds, inlets, and bays 
along the shore have provided sea foods for 
these people for many centuries. Squib- 
nocket Pond at Marthas Vineyard is no 
longer connected with the sea, but Guernsey 
(1916) presented evidence that the Indians 



had opened it to the sea with a channel way 
for the purpose of introducing marine fish 
and shellfish. Such ponds as Menemsha 
Pond and Tisbury Pond still furnish them 
with food. In August 1947, the junior writer 
accompanied Linus Jeffers of the Gay Head 
band on a trip into Menemsha Pond for the 
collection of shellfish, and notes were taken 
on the marine life available there for com- 
parison with archeological records and re- 
cent ethnological information on the use of 
such marine organisms in past and recent 
times by the inhabitants of Gay Head. 
Fresh-water ponds such as Mashpee Pond, 
and Herring Pond have long provided an 
abundance of such fishes as the alewife or 
fresh-water herring. While the sea foods 
once formed the bulk of their diet, and ma- 
rine animals were adapted for many uses in 
their culture, the Wampanoag have gradu- 
ally become less and less dependent upon 
marine resources, although they are still 
important as items of food. The ethnic 
character of these people has been described 
by Speck (1928). 

Of all the marine invertebrates utilized 
by the Wampanoag, the pelecypods or bi- 
valve mollusks have been of the greatest 
importance. Many species were common 
items of food, some were used in tempering 
clay for pottery, and some were used for 
beads, scrapers, and ornaments. The oyster 
(Ostrea virginica) was at one time a staple 
food. This mollusk lived in Menemsha 
Pond, and other salt-water ponds at Gay 
Head, and probably in sheltered bays along 
the southern shore of Cape Cod. In recent 
times this species has become scarce in the 
locality of this study. Efforts have been 
made by present day Indians to reintroduce 
the oyster into the salt-water ponds at Gay 
Head without success, so that now it is ob- 
tained only through commercial sources. In 
former times, however, the oyster was un- 
doubtedly fished in large quantities and 
eaten frequently, as attested by the great 
bulk of oyster shells found in many of the 
excavated shell heaps. In modern times 
they are stored by spreading them over a 
basement floor with the deep shell down 
and sprinkled with corn meal, or packed in 
seaweed in a cool, dark place. 

Equally important as the oyster was the 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

bay scallop (Pecten itrradians). This shell- 

fish was also obtained from the salt-water 
ponds and inlets, and today still ranks first 
among local food mollusks. As in the case 
of the oyster, shell heaps reveal a large con- 
sumption of this bivalve. Some shell heaps 
are largely oyster shells; others are largely 
scallop shells. At times the two are mixed, 
and at other times there are alternating 
layers of the two species. The latter case 
may indicate fluctuations of abundance of 
these mollusks from one time to another, or 
the greater availability of one over the 
other at certain seasons. Besides food, scal- 
lops were used in the manufacture of pot- 
tery. Byers and Johnson (1940) found that 
“By far the greatest number of sherds are 
tempered with scallop shell.’”’ An interesting 
superstition of recent times among the 
Gay Head Indian people is the belief that 
domestic cats, which eat the rim of the 
scallop (edge of the mantle containing the 
eyes), have their ears rot off in a short time. 

The quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria) 
ranks third in importance in the all-time 
list, although in recent times it shares with 
the scallop the honor of first place. Quahog 
shells are abundant in the shell heaps, and 
today it is the commonest clam consumed 
in the area. They are obtained by treading 
in shallow water and by the use of quahog 
rakes in deeper water. They are stored by 
spreading out on cool basement floors. In 
addition to steaming and frying, they are 
used in clam chowder, clam fritters, and 
clam pie. They have also been used for bait 
although less valuable shellfish are now 
substituted for that purpose. In pre-historic 
and proto-historic times purple wampum or 
beads were cut from the purple nacre of the 
quahog shells. Chase (1885) found quahog 
shells perforated in such a manner as to 
suggest they had been strung in the form 
of a necklace. 

The soft-shelled clam (Mya arenaria) is 
another common bivalve that has been in 
use over a long period of time, but this 
species is no longer as important on the 
south shore of Massachusetts as it is and 
has long been along the coast north of Cape 
Cod, where it is more abundant and where 
the quahog or hard-shelled clam does not 
live in any significant quantity. South of 

[Allinvertebrates are listed by Sumner, Osburn, and Cole (1913) and fishes by Bigelow and Welch (1925) for the region. 1, Collected 
from Menemsha Bight by Lee (1944). 2, Collected from Menemsha Pond by Dexter and Jeffers. 3, Found in Marthas Vineyard shell- 
heaps by Byers and Johnson. 4, Found in Nantucket shellheaps by Bullen and Brooks. 
5, Reported by Wampanoag informants from Mashpee and Gay Head.] 

Fucus vesiculosis, rock seaweed 
Ascophyllum nodosum, rock seaweed 
Chondrus crispus, Irish moss 
Argina campechiensis pexata, combed ark 
Ostrea virginica, oyster - + 
Pecten irradians, bay scallop 
P. grandis, deep sea scallop 
Anomia simplex, jingle shell 
Mytilus edulis, blue mussel 
Volsella demissa, ribbed mussel 
Mercenaria mercenaria, quahog 
Ensis directus, razor clam 
Spisula solidissima, sea clam 
Tagelus gibbus 
Mya arenaria, soit-shelled clam 
Polwnices heros, sand-collar snail 
P.. duplicata, sand-collar snail 
Crepidula fornicata, boatshell _ 
Iuttorina littorea, English periwinkle 
Urosalpinx cinereus, oyster drill 
Nassarius trivittata, sand snail + 
N. obsoletus, mud snail 
Buccinum undatum, English whelk 
Busycon canaliculatum, pear conch 
B. carica, pear conch 
Loligo pealii, squid 
Limulus polyphemus, horseshoe crab = 
Balanus balanoides, rock barnacle 
B. eburneus (?), ivory barnacle + 
Homarus americanus, lobster 
Cancer irroratus, rock crab + 
Callinectes sapidus, blue crab 
Carcinides maenas, green crab 
Uca spp., fiddler crabs 
Squalus acanthias, spiny dogfish = 
Raja spp., skates 
Acipenser sp., sturgeon 
Anguilla bostoniensis, eel 
Pomolobus pseudo-harengus, alewife 
Osmerus mordax, smelt 
Scomber scombrus, mackerel 
Pomatomus saltatrizx, bluefish 
Roccus sazxatilis, striped bass 
Morone americana, white perch 
Centropristes striatus, sea bass 
Stenatomus chrysops, porgy 
Tautogolabrus adspersus, cunner 
Tautoga onitis, tautog a5 
Opsanus tau, toadfish 
Merluccius bilinearis, whiting 
Gadus morhua, cod 
Pseudopleuronectes americanus, flounder 
Sea turtles 
Physeter catodon, sperm whale 
Globicephala ventricosa blackfish 
Phoca vitulina, harbor seal 
Halichoerus grypus, gray seal 



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Cape Cod the quahog is now the most valu- 
able of the clams. The soft-shelled clam 
has, however, been used for the same 
general purpose as the quahog—steaming, 
frying, chowder, fritters, pie—but in this 
case the stomach of the soft-shelled clam is 
usually removed because of its size and soft 
texture. This species is not stored because 
of its poor keeping qualities. It has also been 
used for bait. After the hurricane and tidal 
wave of 1938, the soft-shelled clams practi- 
cally disappeared from the shores of 
Menemsha Pond. It is believed that they 
were buried and smothered. In any case 
this recent and sudden disappearance sug- 
gests that similar natural phenomena may 
be the explanation for variations in the 
composition of shells in the local kitchen 
middens from one period of accumulation 
to another. Byers ‘and Johnson (1940) ex- 
plained in part the variations in the com- 
position of shell heaps studied by them as 
a function of the ease of obtaining certain 
species at certain times. Molluscan popu- 
lations are known to fluctuate in abundance 
from time to time to a great degree, some- 
times in a cyclical pattern. Some observa- 
tions of this nature have been published by 
Dexter (1944). Over long periods of time 
the ecological balance may change dras- 

tically. Thus, for example, in 1931-32 the. 

eelgrass completely disappeared from Me- 
nemsha Pond as it did in nearly all other 
localities along the Eastern Seaboard as the 
result of a wasting disease. There is evi- 
dence that eelgrass decline has been peri- 
odic. According to Linus Jeffers the eel- 
grass returned to Menemsha Pond in 1945. 
A note on the status of eelgrass in this pond 
in the summer of 1947 and its relation to 
the mollusks there has been published by 
Dexter (1947). Such drastic changes in the 
natural resources and the consequences of 
an upset ecological balance are bound to be 
reflected in the economy of a people who 
depend wholly or largely on local resources 
such as the Wampanoag did at one time. 
Periodic failure of marine populations may 
account for such conditions as reported by 
Miller (1880) who wrote that “this lack 
of food at Massasoit’s home indicates a pre- 
carious state of subsistence with the 


VOL. 38, No. 8 

The sea clam or hen clam (Spisula solidis- | 

sima) has been used for chowder and some- 

times for clam pie, after being finely — 

chopped up, but for little else because of 
its tough texture. It has been used exten- 
sively, however, for bait, especially for 
taking codfish. These clams are dug at low 
water during the perigee tides. The shells 
were formerly used for hoes and scrapers. 
Several other species of bivalves have also 
been used occasionally for food, but pri- 
marily for bait. These include the blue mus- 
sel (Mytilus edulis), the razor clam (Ensis 
directus), and the ribbed mussel (Volsella 
demissa). The intertidal bivalves were dug 
out of the muds and sands during times of 
low tide. In places where the sediments 

were unusually soft, making standing and | 

walking difficult, the Indians sat down and 
slid over the flats to obtain the shellfish. 
Oysters, scallops, and quahogs are some- 
times eaten raw. Possibly this practice was 
more common in older times. In the past 
century shellfish have been prepared by 
steaming, frying, stewing, and baking. At 
one time they were fried in skunk, ground- 
hog, and bird grease. In recent times the 
shells of bivalves have been burned and 
used for liming the soil. 

One bivalve, the common jingle shell 
(Anomia simplex), played a part in local 
(Gay Head) Wampanoag fables and myths, 
in which the shells are referred to as 
“Granny Squanit’s toe nails.” These were 
doubtless used as toys for children because 
of their bright golden and silver colors and 
the jingle sounds which they make. On the 
Chesapeake Bay region the modern Indians 
string them to make necklaces for their 

Two species of bivalves were recovered 
from the Vineyard Shell Heap by Byers and 
Johnson (1940) for which no special use is 
known. They are Tagelus gibbus and the 
combed ark shell, Argina campechiensis 
pexata. Not many have been recovered, and 
since they are subtidal forms, they may 
have been acquired only incidentally along 
with the collection of common food mol- 
lusks. One species which has been used only 
in recent times is the deep-sea scallop (Pec- 
ten grandis) which the aboriginal inhabi- 
tants doubtless had no means of securing. 




It is interesting that fresh-water clams, 
common in Mashpee Pond, and probably 
in others as well, never seem to have been 
utilized either in former or in recent times. 
Many of the present-day Indians believe 
them to be poisonous, and the easily avail- 
able and more palatable marine clams left 
the fresh-water forms without value. 

The marine gastropods or snails also 
played a leading part in the economy of the 
Wampanoag. The winkles or pear conchs 
(Busycon canaliculatum and B. carica) were 
ground up, made into a paste, and eaten on 
bread. A hash and a chowder were also pre- 
pared by boiling the chopped snails with 
vegetables. These snails were also used for 
bait, and the largest of the shells were used 
for trumpets. White wampum was manu- 
factured from the columella of these shells. 
The sand collar snails (Polinices heros and 
P. duplicata) and, in recent times at least, 
the whelk (Buccinum undatum), were like- 
wise utilized for food and bait. Boatshells 
(Crepidula fornicata) have long been eaten 
and are commonly called ‘‘sweetmeats.” 
Three species of snails, the sand snail (Nas- 
sarius trivittata), the mud snail (NV. obsole- 
tus), and the oyster drill (Urosalpinz 
cinereus) have been found in shell heaps, 
but there is no evidence as to the nature of 
their use, if any. The last species named 
probably reached the refuse piles acciden- 
tally on the shells of oysters through which 
it drills to obtain its food. The other two 
species may also have been collected inci- 
dentally when the food mollusks were 

It is not clear as to what species Chase 
(1885) refers to by the name of ‘‘periwinkle”’ 
which he found in Wampanoag shell heaps. 
Besides having found them in shell deposits, 
some of the shells perforated for stringing, 
he reported on a skeleton discovered in 
South Wellfleet with a necklace consisting 
of ‘‘a double row of common periwinkles.” 
Chase (1885), Byers and Johnson (1940), 
and Bullen and Brooks (1947) all reported 
finding small clusters of land snails among 
the marine shells. Some of these land shells 
may have been eaten by the natives and 
possibly some may have been strung for 
ornaments. However, Ingram (1944) has 
described the underground storage of land 


snails by shrews, which behavior should not 
be overlooked as a possible explanation for 
the occurrence of such shells in kitchen 
middens. The two species recovered by 
Byers and Johnson (1940) and Bullen and 
Brooks (1947) are among those cited by 
Ingram in his study. Also, the notation by 
Byers and Johnson (ibid.) that recent shells 
of a third species of a land snail were found 
in the heaps indicates without question 
that they were deposited by some subter- 
ranean animal, and very possibly by a 

Fig. 1.—Basket made from shells of the horse- 
shoe crab by Grover Ryan of the Gay Head band. 
Drawing made by Ernest 8S. Dodge. Specimen in 
collection of Peabody Museum of Salem. 

In recent times a new species has been 
added to the fauna of the Eastern Seaboard 
which has been utilized by the modern 
Wampanoag. The English periwinkle (Lizt- 
torina littorea), which was introduced into 
North America at the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 
spread southward very rapidly. According 
to Morse (1880), this snail was collected at 
Barnstable on Cape Cod Bay in large quan- 
tities in 1875. That year it was rare at 
Woods Hole on the southern shore of Cape 
Cod, but by the following year it had be- 
come a common species there. These were 
eaten by the coastal Wampanoag as boiled 
snails and, after being cooked with vege- 
tables, in the form of hash. 

Present-day Indians also eat the common 
squid (Loligo pealzz), a cephalopod mollusk. 
We have no information as to how far back 


in time this practice extended. The internal 
pen or skeleton of this animal would not 
likely remain preserved in rubbish heaps. 
Although the horseshoe crab (Limulus 
polyphemus), one of the most primitive 
forms of arthropods alive, goes untouched 
today, it was used extensively in the nine- 
teenth century, if not earlier. First of all it 
was an item of food. It was boiled and the 
ege’s or roe were eaten much as lobster eggs 
were eaten at one time. Some also ate the 
meat from the legs. Then too the shells were 
used as boat bailers. Other shells, matched 
for size, were tied together rim to rim 
to make baskets (Fig. 1). The tails were 
used as needles and awls. They were also 


Fig. 2.—Spear made from tail of the horse- 
shoe crab by Jerry Diamond of the Gay Head 
band. Nearly natural size. Drawing made by Er- 
nest 8. Dodge. Specimen in collection of Peabody 
Museum of Salem. 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

fastened on sticks and used as improvised 
spears by hunters wading at low tide in 
shoal water, for the capture of bottom 
fishes, especially the flounder (Fig. 2). 
Finally, the chelicerae of the males were 
saved, polished with repeated rubbing, and 
carried as good-luck charms. These were 
commonly called “‘lucky bones” (Fig. 3). 

Fie. 3.—‘‘Lucky bones,” or chelicerae of the 
horseshoe crab. Natural size. Drawing made by 
L. R. Tcherky. Specimens in collection of Pea- 
body Museum of Salem. 

One informant (Ambrose Pells) reported 
that he has eaten rock barnacles (Balanus 
balanoides). It is known that in certain areas 
where large species of barnacles grow they 
are used to prepare a stew, especially when 
they are filled with eggs. Probably barnacles 
were little used by the Massachusetts 
Indians, however, except possibly as an 
emergency food. Byers and Johnson (1940) 
list what is believed to be the ivory bar- 
nacle (Balanus eburneus) from a shell heap 
excavated by them. This is a subtidal spe- 
cies, and without question owes its presence 
in the shell heap to the fact that 1t was at- 
tached to a mollusk shell and hence was 
collected only incidentally. Other crusta- 
ceans, on the other hand, have been valu- 
able items in the food of the Wampanoag. 
The lobster (Homarus americanus) has long 
been a choice sea food. It was reported by 
Mrs. Bessie Sturgis that her husband’s 
grandfather was known to capture lobsters 
with an iron hook in the 1840’s and 1850’s. 
These he placed in a back-basket of woven 
ash while he continued to fish out more of 

Ave. 15, 1948 

them from the sand and among the rocks. 
Later the Indians adopted the white man’s 
method of using lobster pots. For the latter, 
skate slash was used as bait, the skates 
being taken by spearing them from a boat 
with a single-barbed iron spear. Crabs were 
also captured for food, usually by spearing. 
The blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) has been 
the most valuable one, but green crabs 
(Carcinides maenas) and rock crabs (Cancer 
irroratus) have been eaten somewhat as 
well as being used for bait. The fiddler 
crabs (Uca spp.) have been used for bait 
only. ; 

In spite of the large number of marine 
invertebrates that have been utilized in one 
form or another by the Wampanoag, no in- 
dication has ever been made of using the 
echinoderms, the only major group of 
marine animals for which no information 
on utility is available. While the white man 
who settled and has lived on the coast of 
North America has likewise neglected pos- 
sible uses of the echinoderms, Europeans 
have long relished the food value of the sea- 
urchins, and the sea-cucumbers are eaten 
in the Far East. 

The marine vertebrates, especially the 
fishes, have also been a very important 
group in the economy of the Wampanoag 
people. The most valuable one was the ale- 
wife (Pomolobus pseudo-harengus), more 
commonly called locally the fresh-water 
herring. This should not be confused with 
the true herring (Clupea harengus). The 
fresh-water herring is an anadromous fish, 
penetrating into fresh-water ponds from the 
sea for spawning. It was at such times of 
migration that the Indians caught them in 
great quantities and preserved them for 
future use. Smoked herring was a stable 
winter food on Cape Cod for many years. 
During the “run” of the herring, nets were 
placed in the streams leading to the breed- 
ing ponds. The nets were made of twine 
with a mesh two fingers in width. Only the 
fingers were and still are used in measuring 
the mesh, not a wooden gauge. One type of 
net was square with the corners and center 
tied to a pole which served to lift the net 
from the water. Stone sinkers were attached 
to submerge the nets. Notched sinkers have 
been recovered from a number of excava- 



tions, and Byers and Johnson (1940) re- 
ported that such sinkers are still in use to- 
day at Gay Head. The herring were salted 
on the streambank at the time of collection 
and placed in barrels for four days. They 
were then dried for three days, after which 
they were smoked in a smoke house. The 
fish were suspended on a stick pushed 
through the eyes, with a dozen or so spaced 
on one stick. White oak, sugar maple, and 
sweet fern were burned to produce the 
smoke. At one time a thousand barrels were 
taken each season from the Mashpee River. 
A generation ago each family at Mashpee 
consumed on the average 300 smoked her- 
ring a year. Today the average is no more 
than two or three dozen. In recent times 
herring have been smoked by Edward 
Amos, Tom and Russell Mingo, and George 
Avant at Mashpee. The first named is the 
only one continuing the practice today. As 
far as can be learned, fresh-water herring 
were never smoked at Gay Head. 

The eel (Anguilla bostoniensis) was 
speared in shallow water and salted for 
preservation. Chase (1885) mentioned that 
the Indians at Mashpee sought the eels at 
night from a canoe with the aid of a torch. 
The flatfish or flounder (Pseudopleuronectes 
americanus) and the striped bass (Roccus 
saxatilis) were speared with the tail of a 
horseshoe crab attached to a stick as men- 
tioned earlier, or with a stick having a 
short, sharp side branch at the bottom 
which served as a barb. Codfishing has been 
pursued off No Man’s Land for many years 
and continues to the present time, although 
to a much less extent in recent years. In 
addition to the flesh, the liver and the 
sounds (air sacs) are boiled for food. When 
fish chowder is made, the sounds are left in 
the fish. The roe is fried. Lucky bones (prob- 
ably otoliths) were formerly obtained from 
the head of the cod and carried as a charm. 
Mrs. Bessie Sturges of Mashpee recalls her 
grandfather, George Oakley, carrying two 
such lucky bones. The liver of the spiny 
dogfish (Squalus acanthias) was collected 
for extraction of oil for lamps. Fred Gardner 
claims that toadfish or puffer (Opsanus tau) 
was given to sick people to eat because it 
was believed to be very easily digested. 
Other fishes in the diet of the Wampanoag 


include the following: Skates (Raja spp.); 
smelt (Osmerus mordax); mackerel (Scomber 
scombrus); bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) ; 
white perch (Morone americana); sea bass 
(Centropristes striatus); porgy (Stenatomus 
chrysops); cunner, or choksi (tcdékse), as it 
is called by the Wampanoag (T'autogolabrus 
adspersus); tautog (Tautoga onitis); and 
whiting (Merluccius bilinearis). Miscellane- 
ous and unidentified fish bones have been 
found in many of the shell heaps which have 
been studied. Remains of one fish have been 
found in these refuse piles which no longer 
lives in the area—Byers and Johnson (1940) 
uncovered scales of a sturgeon (Aczpenser 
sp.). Fish weirs were built in shallow water 
with nets having notched stone sinkers tied 
to them for anchorage. Guernsey (1916) 
quotes from the Massachusetts Historical 
Collections which describe another method 
of capturing fish by the Wampanoag as 
follows. A passage was opened from the sea 
to Great Pond (now called Squibnocket 
Pond). Hurdles were sunk to the bottom of 
the connecting channel in a horizontal posi- 
tion. After the fish had entered the pond, 
the hurdles were raised to prevent the es- 
cape of the fish, which were then sought by 
spearing from canoes in the shallow water 
of the pond. 

Rock seaweeds (Fucus vesiculosis, As- 
cophyllum nodosum) have been used for 
keeping the catch of marine animals cool 
and moist until they were ready for use. 
This practice is continued today at Glouces- 
ter by the world’s largest distributor of 
lobsters, who ships live lobsters all over 
North America packed in barrels of rock 
seaweeds. Also, these algae have long been 
used as packing materials for the famous 
New England clam bakes. Guernsey (1916) 
discovered a bundle of seaweed at the bot- 
tom of a pit which he believed may have 
been used as a mattress. The red alga known 
as Irish moss (Chondrus crispus) was used 
as a source of gelatin. 

While there is no archeological evidence 
that sea turtles were ever captured, such 
have been eaten in modern times at least. 
The tooth of a sperm whale (Physeter cato- 
don) found by Byers and Johnson (1940) 
indicates that stranded whales were utilized 
by the ancient Wampanoag. Remains of a 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

smaller whale, the blackfish (Globicephala 
ventricosa) have also been recovered from 
shell heaps, and there are historical records 
which give further information. Chase 
(1885) quotes an observation made by an 
exploring party of Gov. John Carver which 
discovered Wampanoag cutting up a black- 
fish on the shore of what is now called 
Blackfish Bay. Both the flesh and the oil 
were used. When the whaling industry of 
Massachusetts developed, Wampanoag 
from Cape Cod and Marthas Vineyard were 
among the whaling crews. On their trips, 
porpoises, among other things, were cap- 
tured for food. Bones of the harbor seal 
(Phoca vitulina) and the gray seal (Hali- 
choerus grypus) have been identified from 
shell heaps, but these animals have not 
been used for many years, and the gray 
seal is no longer found in the region. 

An ancient tribal festival of the Indians 
at Gay Head has persisted to the present 
day. The annual occasion, once a week-long 
affair, is now referred to as Cranberry Day. 
The Indians come to the town cranberry 
bogs for harvesting the crop at the height 
of the season and to have a social gathering 
of the townspeople. The youths entertain 
themselves with games, sports, and con- 
tests, and a feast is prepared with shellfish 
taken from Menemsha Pond nearby. Qua- 
hogs, scallops, and clams have been the 
main foods for some time, but formerly 
oysters were gathered as well. Guernsey 
(1916) found two small shell heaps in the 
dunes close by the cranberry bogs and be- 
lieved they contained the refuse from such 
an occasion. In the old wigwam days the 
inhabitants assembled after driving to the 
bogs in ox carts. One of the tribal rites at 
these affairs has come down to recent 
times, within the memory of living Indians. 
At the feast, a child was given a basket of 
food to carry into the dunes to set down at 
a lonely spot as a gift to old Granny Squa- 
nit, and cautioned to hurry away without 
ever looking back. 


BieELow, H. B., and WetsH, W. W. Fishes of 
the Gulf of Maine. Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish. 40 
(for 1924): part 1, 567 pp. 1925. 

BuLuten, R. P., and Brooks, E. The Squam 
Pond Indian site, Nantucket, Massachusetts. 

Ave. 15, 1948 

Bull. Massachusetts Arch. Soc. 8(4): 56-59. 

Byers, D. §., and Jounson, F. Two sites on 
Martha’s Vineyard. Papers Robert 8. Pea- 
body Foundation for Archeology 1(1): 1-104. 
1940. § 

Cuast, H. E. Notes on the Wampanoag Indians. 
Ann. Rept. Smithsonian Institution for 1883: 
878-907. 1885. 

DeExTER, RauepH W. Annual fluctuation of 
abundance of some marine mollusks. Nautilus 
58(1): 18-24. 1944. 

. Status of eelgrass in the Annisquam tidal 
river and Menemsha saltwater pond in Massa- 
chusetts during the summer of 1947. Plant 
Disease Reporter 31(11): 448-449. 1947. 

GuERNSEY, S. J. Notes on explorations of 
Martha’s Vineyard. Amer. Anthrop. 18(1): 
81-97. 1916. 


Snails hoarded by Blarina 



at Ithaca, New York. Nautilus 57(4): 135- 
137. 1944. 

Lez, R. E. A quantitative survey of the inverte- 
brate bottom fauna in Menemsha Bight. Biol. 
Bull. 86(2): 83-97. 1944. 

Mi.tuir, W. J. Notes concerning the Wampanoag 
tribe of Indians, etc., 148 pp. 1880. 

Morsze, Epwarp 8. The gradual dispersion of 
certain mollusks in New England. Bull. Essex 
Inst. 12: 3-8. 1880. 

Speck, FRANK G. Territorial subdivisions and 
boundaries of the Wampanoag, Massachusett, 
and Nauset Indians. Indian Notes and 
Monographs No. 44. Museum of the Ameri- 
can Indian, Heye Foundation, 152 pp. 1928. 

Sumner, F. B., Ospurn, R. C., and Cos, L. J., 
with Davis, B. M. A biological survey of the 
waters of Woods Hole and vicinity. Bull. U.S. 
Bur. Fish. 31 (for 1911): parts 1 and 2, 860 
pp. 1913. 

PHYSICS.—Transition from international to absolute electrical units as it affects 

the physical chemist. 

Revised values of the units of electricity 
and light, effective January 1, 1948, have 
been adopted pursuant to decisions of the 
International Committee on Weights and 
Measures. The definitions of the new ‘‘ab- 
solute” units and the methods of fixing their 
magnitudes are quite different from those 
formerly employed for the practical system 
of units in use from 1911 to 1947, but the 
actual changes in magnitude are small and 
affect only measurements of high precision. 

The object of this paper is to indicate 
briefly (1) what has been done; (2) why a 
change was made at that time; (3) how 
much the units are altered; and (4) how the 
change does or does not affect calculations 
of the physical chemist in such matters as 
electrode potentials, activity coefficients, 
pH, the calorie, free energy, conductivity, 
and other items. 

The absolute system of electrical units is 
derived from fundamental mechanical units 
of length, mass, and time by the use of ac- 
cepted principles of electromagnetism, with 
the permeability of space taken as unity in 
the centimeter-gram-second units or as 
10~7 in the corresponding meter-kilogram- 
second units. Electrical measurements are 
thus made concordant with measurements 

1 This paper was presented on April 19, 1948, 
at a symposium on batteries and galvanic cells, 
American Chemical Society, Chicago, Ill. Re- 
ceived June 10, 1948. 

GEORGE W. ViINAL, National Bureau of Standards. 

in other fields of science and engineering. 
This is a guiding principle which has been 
recognized as desirable since Weber pro- 
posed it in 1851. Theoretically this principle 
is most important, but practically the 
difficulties in making precise electrical 
measurements in terms of mechanical units 
were very great. 

An electrical congress, comprising official 
delegates (Fig. 1) from various countries, 
met at the World’s Fair in Chicago in 1893 
and agreed upon definitions for electrical 
units, recognizing in principle the absolute 
system but providing concrete standards to 
represent them. Public law No. 105, 53d 
Congress, approved July 12, 1894, embodies 
the decisions of this international body but 
contains ambiguities which were not recog- 
nized until many years later. 

As time went on greater accuracy of the 
standards was needed, and an International 
Conference on Electrical Units and Stand- 
ards, meeting in London in 1908, took 
definitive action to recognize the absolute 
system of units, but established for practical 
purposes a separate and independent system 
based on concrete standards, the mercury 
ohm, the silver voltameter, and the stand- 
ard cell. 

The electromotive force of the Weston 
Normal Cell was determined experimentally 
by a committee, including representatives 
from four countries who met at the National 


Scena Orn Dr ca Trovanse 

LuMeEeR Vorr ViouLe 

Fennanis Avatesn Vow HE. emourz 


VOL. 38, No. 8 

Airenis WENKMAN 

Trury i / 

Payas Hasmtauirn CARMABT 

SP, Taomeson 
E. Tomson 


Fic. 1.—Official delegates to the International Electrical Congress held at Chicago, 18938. 
(Courtesy of ‘‘Weston Engineering Notes’’.) 

Bureau of Standards in April 1910 (Fig. 2). 
The international electrical units, in use 
from 1911 to 1947, were based on these 
standards. Subsequent measurements of 
the ohm and ampere revealed differences 
between the units as realized from these 
concrete standards and the absolute units 
based on length, mass and time. The 
largest discrepancy was in the ohm, 
amounting to about 1 part in 2,000. Precise 
measurements of the present day make it 
very desirable, therefore, that a readjust- 
ment should be made. 

This step has not been taken without 
mature deliberation. The American In- 
stitute of Electrical Engineers recom- 
mended it 20 years ago. The National 
Bureau of Standards, charged with main- 
taining the units in this country, consulted 
an advisory committee consisting of repre- 
sentatives appointed by leading scientific 
and engineering bodies. The Eighth General 
Conference on Weights and Measures (an 
international body) approved the change, 

which was set for 1940, but for obvious 
reasons postponed until the present time. 

The relation of the fundamental units to 
the measurement of power and energy in 
both the new and former systems of units 
is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 3. The 
left half represents functions of the National 
Bureau of Standards, the right half the 
units and certified standards as you use 
them in the laboratory. Details of the steps 
taken may be found in Circular C459 of 
the National Bureau of Standards, issued 
May 15, 1947. 


Units of the new system will be main- 
tained, as in the past, by standard resistors 
and standard cells with reassigned values. 
The relative magnitudes of the ohms and 
volts in the two systems as accepted by the 
International Committee on Weights and 
Measures in October 1946 are as follows: 

1 mean international ohm =1.00049 absolute ohms 
1 mean international volt =1.00034 absolute volts 

Ave. 15, 1948 

These are averages of units maintained in 
national laboratories of France, Germany, 
Great Britain, Japan, U.S.S.R., and the 
United States, which took part in the work 
before the outbreak of the war. 

Specifically, the units maintained in the 
United States by the National Bureau of 
Standards have differed from the above 
averages by a few parts in a million, so that 
the conversion factors for adjusting the 
above and other values in this country are 
as follows: 

1 international ohm (US) =1.000495 absolute ohms 

1 " volt (US) =1.00033 £ volts 

1 « ampere (US) =0.99)835 . ampere 
1 é coulomb (US) =0.999835 & coulomb 
1 & henry (US) =1.000495 = henries 
il farad (US) =0.999505 - farad 

1 & watt (US) =1.000165 « watts 

iL a joule (US) =1.000165 « joules 

These factors should be used in con- 
verting values in certificates of the NBS 



issued previous to January 1, 1948, to the 
present absolute units. 


The calory and thermodynamic quantities. 
—At various times, quantities of heat 
energy have been measured in mechanical 
units, in electrical units, and in thermal 
units. Various calories, specifically defined, 
as units of heat energy and based on the ab- 
sorption of heat by water were measured 
thermally until about 1910, when it became 
more usual to measure them in international 
joules. Difficulties were encountered in in- 
troducing the joule as a substitute for the 
traditional calory and this led to the adop- 
tion of an artificial calory? for thermochemi- 
cal purposes. It was defined without refer- 
ence to water as— 

2H. F. Muevuer and F. D. Rossint1, The calory 

and the joule in thermodynamics and thermochem- 
astry. Amer. Journ. Phys. 12: 1. 1944. 

Fic. 2.—Members (*) of the International Technical Committee of 1910 and assistants at the Na- 
tional Bureau of Standards. Left to right. F. Laporte* of France, Sir Frank Smith* of England, Dr. 
F. A. Wolff*, Dr. W. Jaeger* of Germany, M. P. Shoemaker, Dr. S. W. Stratton*, Director N.B.S., 
Dr. F. Wenner, Dr. A. S. McDaniel, G. E. Post, Dr. F. W. Grover, Dr. E. B. Rosa*, Dr. G. W. Vinal. 


1 calory =4.1833 international joules (NBS). 

With the transition from international to 


TABLE 1.—CorRECTION Facrors 

‘ . | Unit of Correction 
absolute units, the calory remains the same Caantats | corresponding Saiton int tet 
but the above relation becomes |. dimensions abs. units 

J calory = 4.1840 absolute joules. Activity coefficient | (dimensionless) no change 
Likewise various thermodynamic quantities Gs constant R joule, deg™ mole | 1.000165 
ja eee : £3 l : Cee Faraday F coulomb, g-equiv™! «0.999835 
such as the increment of internal or intrinsic — yactor RT/nF oak 1.00033 
energy, AH; increment of heat energy, Stand. elec. pot.E° | volt X1.00033 
AH; the product of absolute temperature Redox potentials ) ver 1.00033 
5 Tonization constant | (dimensionless) no change 
by the change in entropy, TAS; the increase Energy & work | soule 1.000165 
of free energy, AP: are unchanging physical Values of pH (dimensionless) no change 
sy: : . Brit. Therm. unit joule 1.000165 
quantities expressed numerically as joules Resistivere gees i ona 
per mole. Old values in international joules Conductivity (elec) | ohm-}, em- +1.000495 
can be converted to corresponding absolute Ampere-hour | coulomb X0. 999835 
: l b Iti ina b th f t 1 000 Electric potential volt X1.00033 
Joules by Multiplying by € factor I. F Electric field strength | volt, em7 1.00033 
165. Ionic mobility | volt, em?, sec! +1.00033 
Table of corrections. —A considerable Free energy change | volt, coulomb 1.000165 
etre 5 Led é Electron charge (emu) | coulomb X0.999835 
number of quantities with which the physi- Electron volt (emu) coulomb, volt 1.000165 

cal chemist has to deal is listed in Table 1. 


VOL. 38, No. 8 

Secondary Std. 

Mercury Ohm Wire Stondard 
~~~ “Silver Ampere‘ 



Wire Standard 


Saturated Cell 



Secondary Std. 


Fia. 3 

Unsaturated Cell 


(Stic @ 


a a (Power) 






| st 

Ave. 15, 1948 

The corrections given in the last column are 
factors by which values in international 
units are to be multiplied (X) or divided 
(+) to give the corresponding value in ab- 
solute units, provided that electrical meas- 
urements are involved. Doubtless the list 
might be considerably extended but enough 
are reported to illustrate the principles in- 

The international temperature scale.— 
Measurements on the international temper- 

BOTAN Y.—Heliopsis longipes, a Mexican insecticidal plant species." 

LirtLe, Jr., U. S. Forest Service. 

Heliopsis longipes (A. Gray) Blake 
(family Compositae), common name ‘‘chil- 
cuague,’ is a Mexican herbaceous plant 
species of possible commercial value as a 
source of insecticide. In testing various 
wild plants for new insecticides during the 
late war, the Bureau of Entomology and 
Plant Quarantine, United States Depart- 
ment of Agriculture, found root extracts 
from this species to have the same order of 
paralyzing action and toxicity to house 
flies as pyrethrins and to be toxic also to 
other insects. 

The dried roots without botanical mate- 
rial for identification had been submitted 
from a Mexican company under the name 
Erigeron affinis DC. (family Compositae), 
common names “pelitre del pais’ and 
“chilcudn.’”’ Acree, Jacobson, and Haller 
(1, 2, 5), of the bureau mentioned, isolated 
from the roots the toxic principle, which 
they identified as N-isobutyl-2, 6, 8-deca- 
trienoamide and which they named 
‘‘afinin,”’ from the reported scientific name, 
Toxicity tests against house flies, mos- 
quitoes, and other insects were made by 
McGovran and others (6), of the same 
bureau. On the basis of these investigations, 
R. C. Roark (11a), also of this bureau, re- 
cently included this species among promis- 
ing insecticidal plants meriting further re- 
search. It seems appropriate, therefore, to 
report upon the botanical aspects of this 
insecticide, especially since the scientific 

1 This study was made while the author was 
employed in Mexico in 1945 as production special- 
ist (drugs), by the United States Commercial 

Company, an agency of the United States Gov- 
ernment. Received May 25, 1948, 



ature scale by the use of electric thermom- 
eters are little, if at all, affected by the 
change in units. Platinum resistance ther- 
mometers involve a ratio of resistances. 
This is obviously dimensionless and in- 
dependent of the units. Thermocouple 
measurements are affected only at high 
temperatures. At the gold point the correc- 
tion is 4 microvolts and from this correc- 
tions at lower temperatures can be 


name has been confused and not previously 

The name Erigeron affinis for the samples 
tested apparently was taken from the 
reference books on Mexican plant names, 
useful plants, and medicinal plants by 
Martinez (7, 8, 9, 10), who also cited older 
publications. The early physician Dr. 
Francisco Hernandez (1514-1578), in a 
work first published in 1615, described a 
plant, ‘“‘chilmecatl” or “ychcha,”’ the slender 
roots of which relieved the toothache and 
other pains (4, pp. 383-384; 15, p..121). 
His description, which Martinez referred to 
Erigeron affinis, is not that of Heliopsis 

Erigeron affinis was mentioned in 1902 in 
Noriega’s (117, p. 419) Mexican reference on 
medicinal plants as a substitute for “‘peritre 
de Africa,” Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. and 
Anthemis pyrethrum L., used for rheuma- 
tism, neuralgia, toothache, etc., in the fol- 
lowing statement (translated from Spanish): 
“Substituted for it is the root of “‘chileuam’ 
or ‘peritre del pais,’ Erygeron affinis, which 
is abundant in the surroundings of Mexico 
City and is probably the same root abun- 
dant in the Sierra de Querétaro, known by 
the name of ‘chilcudn’ and Spilanthes 
leccabunga [beccabunga]| DC., found in 
Tizapan; their properties appear to be iden- 

The following year a chemical analysis of 
the root of chileuan (Erigeron affinis) by 
Prof. D. Miguel Cordero (14, pp. 237-254) 
was reported. Escobar (3, 1: 1015, 1194; 
3: 93) in his encyclopedia on agriculture 
mentioned Hrigeron affinis, with the com- 

mon names “‘chileudn,” ‘‘chalehuan,”’ ‘‘pe- 
litre,’ “pelitre del pais,” and ‘‘peritre del 

pafs.”’ Santamaria (12, 1: 492-493; 2: 450; 
3: 450) listed for this species the common 
names ‘“chalchudn,” ‘‘chileagtie,” ‘‘chil- 
cuague,” ‘‘chilcuahui,” ‘‘chilcudn,” ‘“‘pe- 
litre,’ and ‘‘peritre,”’ and associated Spz- 
lanthes beccabunga with some of these names 

Martinez’ .(7, pp. 152-155; 9; pp. 110— 
112) description of ‘‘chileuan,”’ ‘‘chileuam,”’ 
or “chileuague,” Hrigeron affinis DC., as a 
plant with alternate leaves and white or 
violet flowers agrees with Erigeron and not 
Heliopsis longipes. However, his drawing 
shows a group of 10 small flower heads on a 
peduncle, while Hrzgeron affinis has large, 
solitary, long-peduncled heads. He men- 
tioned various uses for the roots, including 
stimulation of flow of saliva, relief from 
toothache, as a dentrifrice, as an insec- 
ticide (from the smoke produced: by burn- 
ing), and as a spice substituted for chile 
in flavoring foods. In San Luis Potosf an 
alcoholic tincture was applied for pimples, 
itch, and lice. 

Apparently the roots of two or mere 
genera of Compositae with similar prop- 
erties and similar common names have been 
confused in the absence of complete botani- 
cal specimens. As Erigeron affinis was not 
included in my study, there is no reason to 
doubt the descriptions of its properties by 
the authors cited. In May, June, and July, 
1945, I made field studies of ‘“‘chileuague”’ 
in northeastern Guanajuato and collected 
flowering material, which Dr. 8. F. Blake 
kindly determined as Heliopsis longipes 
(A. Gray) Blake. Earlier references of 
“chilcuan” from Querétaro, Guanajuato, 
and San Luis Potosi may apply in part to 
the same species. A different kind of 
“pelitre’’ or ‘“‘chileuague,” with weaker 
properties, collected for me by Henry W. 
Turner at Zamora, Michoacan, was identi- 
fied by Dr. Blake as Spilanthes ocymifolia 
(Lam.) A. H. Moore. A compound similar 
to affinin, spilanthol, has been isolated from 
flower heads of another species of Spilanthes. 

The discovery of an _ insecticide in 
Heliopsis longipes is of special interest, as 
apparently there are no previous reports of 
insecticidal or medicinal properties in this 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

genus. Heliopsis Pers., a genus closely re- 
lated to Zinnia L., consists of about 10 
species of American herbs, distributed from 
Canada and the United States south 
through Mexico and Central America to 
Peru. Two of the four species native in the 
United States, H. helianthoides (L.) Sweet 
and H. scabra Dunal, are widely distributed 
weeds with yellow flower heads resembling 
sunflowers and have been cultivated as 
hardy ornamentals. It would be desirable 
to determine whether other species of this 
genus have insecticidal properties. 


Heliopsis longipes (A. Gray) Blake, Contr. U. S. 
Nat. Herb. 22: 608. 1924. 
Philactis longipes A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 
Arts and Sci. 15: 35. 1879. 
Common names: ‘‘chilcuague, 

9 66 


Perennial herb or with stems slightly woody 
and shrubby at base, 2 to 5 dm tall, hirtellous, 
with one or more stems, spreading and curved 
to nearly erect, usually unbranched above base, 
3 to 7 dm long. Leaves opposite, few, short- 
petioled, the blades ovate, about 2 to 4 cm 
long, dentate-serrate. Peduncles 1 to several, 
terminal, elongate, 10 to 25 cm long, each with 
a solitary flower head. Involucre of 7 to 9 
green ovate or lance-ovate bracts 7 to 10 mm 
long. Receptable columnar elongated, 10 to 
20 mm long. Flowers yellow, rays fertile, about 
10, the lamina sessile, about 15 to 18 mm long 
and 6 mm broad, achenes trigonous—ob- 
compressed, without pappus. Disk flowers 
fertile, quadrangular and few ribbed, without 
pappus or with 2 or 4 minute teeth. Bracts of 
the receptacle 6 to 7 mm long, yellow or orange- 
tipped, projecting beyond the disk flowers. 

This description based upon my addi- 
tional specimens is modified slightly from 
that by 8. F. Blake (13, p. 1527) of the two 
previous collections, in which the leaves 
were smaller (to 2.5 em long) and the rays 
shorter (about 1 cm long). Heliopsis 
longipes is generally a perennial herb form- 
ing new shoots each year from the perennial 
root system but was properly included by 
Blake as a “suffrutescent’’ species in the 
Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Though most 
stems die back to the ground each autumn, 
a few of the lowest, purplish internodes, or 

Ave. 15, 1948 

sometimes more, may survive the winter 
and dry spring. Old stems in protected 
places beneath shrubs may be as long as 6 
to 7 dm and only about 1.5 mm in diameter 
throughout their length. There are also 
horizontal stems, or rhizomes, near the sur- 
face or in leaf litter. 

The roots are distinctive, usually fascicled 
or sometimes single, slightly fleshy, light 
brown, about 1.5 to 3 dm long and 3 to 4 
mm in diameter. These slightly fleshy roots 
are unbranched, except for a few fibrous 
lateral roots, and spread out and down at 
angles in the soil. The leaves are variable, 
from ovate to oval and from nearly entire to 
conspicuously toothed. Small, young leaves 
have relatively denser whitish pubescence. 
Though usually there are only 1 or 2 flower 
heads, large plants may have as many as 10 
or more flower heads borne on separate 
elongated peduncles, to which the speciic 
name alludes. 

Field recognition of chilcuague in the 
dormant season is difficult because the 
plants are low and inconspicuous, with 
nearly dead stems. However, positive iden- 
tification can be made by a taste of the 
roots. In the spring small, immature leaves 
less than 1 cm long appear on short axillary 
branches. Growth of stems and leaves is 
most active in the growing season of sum- 
mer rains from June to September. Flowers 
are produced from July to September. 


Heliopsis longipes is known from southern 
San Luis Potosi and northeastern Guana- 
juato and has been reported from northern 
Querétaro. It is so restricted in geographic 
distribution and so infrequent that it was 
known previously to botanists from only 
two collections in San Luis Potosi, both 
deposited in the United States National 
Herbarium. These are the type, collected 
by ©. C. Parry and Edward Palmer (No. 
465) in 1878 “in valleys along the foot- 
hills of the mountains near San Luis Potosi” 
and the second, by J. G. Schaffner (No. 
763/338) in 1879. Herb dealers in the city 
of San Luis Potosi told me in October 1945 
that chilcuague grows in the mountainous 
area south and southeast towards Alvarez. 
In the State of San Luis Potosi it is re- 



stricted apparently to the mountains in the 
southern part, near the border of Guana- 
juato, as most of the State is too low in 
elevation and too arid for it. 

In Guanajuato I located Heliopsis 
longipes only in the mountainous area east 
and north of San Luis de la Paz, about 40 
kilometers (25 miles) square. Scattered 
colonies occur near the highway from San 
Luis de la Paz east to Xicht. Localities 
near which this species occurs include: 
Hacienda de la Mesa, Palmillas, Vergel, 
Macuala, Ahorcados, La Cueva, Charco 
Azul, and Santa Catarina. My specimens 
from several localities have been deposited 
in the United States National Herbarium 
and Herbarium of the National Arboretum. 

The altitudinal zone of chilcuague in 
northeastern Guanajuato is from about 
1,825 to 2,250 meters (about 6,000 to 7,400 
feet). This mountainous area just east of 
the Continental Divide in the headwaters of 
the Atlantic drainages is exposed to the 
easterly winds and receives a higher pre- 
cipitation than the plateau area around 
San Luis de la Paz and westward. San Luis 
de la Paz, elevation 2,020 meters (6,626 
feet), is in the semidesert zone and has an 
annual rainfall of about 370 mm (15 inches). 
The oak-forest zone, in which chilcuague 
occurs, extends down the eastern slopes to 
about 1,825 meters (6,000 feet) near Xichu, 
elevation 1,400 meters (4,600 feet) and on 
the western slope near San Luis de la Paz 
to about 2,125 meters (7,000 feet). 


“Chileuague”’ (Heliopsis longipes) is an 
undergrowth species of the oak forest, or 
oak-pine forest, though neither widely dis- 
tributed nor characteristic. This forest, 
generally open, is characterized by small 
oaks (‘‘encinos’’) 5 to 12 meters or more in 
height and about 10 to 40 cm. D. B. H., 
with small to large, thick, evergreen leaves. 
In some areas the larger trees have been 
cut for charcoal. The species represented 
include Quercus rugulosa Mart. & Gal., Q. 
lanceolata Humb. & Bonpl., and Q. macrc- 
phylla Née. Occasionally pines (‘‘pinos’’; 
Pinus teocote Schlecht. & Cham.) are as- 
sociated with the oaks. “Tejocote”’ (Cra- 
taegus sp.) is common in places, and 


‘“madrono” (Arbutus ralapensis H. B. K.) 
is relatively sparse. The undergrowth in- 
cludes scattered herbs and low shrubs, and 
grasses are characteristic of the open slopes. 
A few widespread herbaceous species of 
Compositae resemble chilcuague in having 
similar yellow flowers and opposite leaves 
but may be distinguished readily by their 
smaller, fibrous roots without the peculiar, 
burning and numbing taste. 

Rare and scattered in the oak forests, 
chileuague generally is found on the best 
sites, where the trees are larger and denser, 
such as gradual to steep, well-drained slopes 
of mountain sides and canyons. In one area 
chileuague plants were observed in open 
pastures and shrub thickets where the oaks 
had been cleared. Preliminary observations 
indicate that plants in partial sunlight grow 
more rapidly, become larger, flower earlier 
in the season, and have better-developed 
root systems than plants in dense shade. 

This species has been found only in areas 
with fertile top soil and adequate soil 
moisture, usually with a litter of oak leaves, 
humus, and organic loam soil 10 cm or 
more in depth. The mineral soil varies from 
sandy to clay and may be rocky. The entire 
soil layer on these slopes is only about 30 
cm deep, overlying purplish volcanic rock. 
Chilcuague was not observed on the poorer 
sites, such as eroded slopes with mineral 
soil exposed and areas where the under- 
growth had been damaged by recent fires. 

Soil samples from five localities were 
analyzed with the Lamotte field tests. The 
soils were slightly acid, with pH of 6.4 to 
6.8. The only serious deficiency was the low 
nitrogen content of most samples. Phos- 
phorus was average, potassium average to 
high, sulphates low, and replaceable cal- 
cium high. 

Small black beetles about 3 mm long and 
common on the flower heads were deter- 
mined by H. 8. Barber, of the Bureau of 
Entomology and Plant Quarantine, as 
Pristocelis sp. (family Dasytidae). 


When a very small piece (1 or 2 mm long) 
of fresh or dried chilcuague root is chewed, 
there is a strong numbing, burning sensa- 
tion, somewhat anesthetic or paralyzing, 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

in the adjacent parts of the mouth and 
tongue, lasting for several minutes. Secre- 
tion of saliva is stimulated also. In the roots 
this peculiar, strong taste is nearly all in the 
outer fleshy part, the pericycle, and very 
slight in the smaller, fibrous, inner part, 
mostly xylem. Cut fresh roots have a weak 
odor similar to the taste. If it is associated 
with this taste, the active insecticidal 
principle is almost limited to the under- 
ground parts, both the fleshy roots and 

Green stems of the current year show a 
weak but characteristic taste test through- 
out their length to the flowers. This taste 
was not detected in old, woody stems of the 
previous year nor in the leaves. However, 
the leaves, green stems, and flowers do 
have a slightly resinous taste common to 
many composites. The flower heads, in- 
cluding bracts and rays, have a stronger 
taste than the green stems but weaker than 
the roots. 

It would be desirable to test the flowers 
to determine whether the active principle is 
present in significant quantities. It is not 
known whether the active principle varies 
significantly in different plants or with age 
or season. 


Use of chilcuague roots is small and 
mostly restricted to the localities where the 
species is native. Persons living in the 
mountains bring in a few bunches to town 
on the weekly market day. The roots are 
dug with a pointed steel bar about 0.6 
meter long or a similar tool. In being air 
dried, the roots lose in moisture about two- 
thirds their weight. 

Small bunches of nearly dried, bees 
roots weighing about 25 bunches to a kilo 
sold retail at local markets in 1945 for 
about 20 to 30 centavos (about 5 or 6 
cents U. S. currency) a bunch. This retail 
price was about $6.25 (pesos) a kilo, or 59 
cents (U.S. currency) a pound. 

The main use is as a sort of spice, because 
of the property of the root to make the 
mouth and tongue numb and burn when 
minute pieces are chewed. The roots are 
used, like chile, to flavor beans and other 
foods and to strengthen alcoholic drinks. 

Aua. 15, 1948 

It was reported that an extract of the root 
is used for colds and pneumonia. The root 
is chewed to relieve toothache. However, 
there is danger of choking if too much is 
eaten, and deaths have been reported from 
this cause. 

A small quantity of chilcuague roots is 
shipped to Mexico City for use in making a 
local insecticide. The ground root put in a 
dish of milk has been employed also to kill 
flies drinking the milk. It is said that 
larvae of warble flies in the skin of cattle 
may be killed by putting powdered root in 
the wound. In the United States use of 
chilcuague roots in insecticides has been 
confined to experiments by the Bureau of 
Entomology and Plant Quarantine. 

Possibly medicinal or other uses may be 
discovered. An alcoholic extract of the root 
has been tested successfully by dentists as 
an anesthetic in the extraction of teeth. 


Preliminary tests of propagating 
Heliopsis longipes were made in Mexico in 
1945. If this species should become im- 
portant commercially, cultivation would be 
necessary because of the rather limited 
and poorly accessible supply of the rare 
wild plants. At four localities with eleva- 
tions from about 1,800 to 2,400 meters, 
wild plants were transplanted successfully 
in rows and beds on a small scale. The 
plants were dug with picks, most of the tops 
were cut off, and the roots were trimmed. 
However, where it was necessary to retain 
the plants up to a week before transplant- 
ing, even though kept moist, survival was 
low. In spite of the succulent character of 
the roots, ordinary care must be used in 
transplanting. When exposed to the air 
the succulent roots dry out rapidly and 
shrivel within a week. In tests, cut fleshy 
roots planted in the ground did not grow, 
though they remained fleshy as long as a 
month or more before dying. The marketed 
dried roots with bases of stems attached will 
not grow. As the rhizomes sprout readily 
at the nodes, propagation by rhizome cut- 
tings might be successful. Doubtless chil- 
cuague could be propagated commercially by 
seeds also, though there was no oppor- 
tunity to test this method. Roots of suitable 



size and quantity for harvest should be 
ready within 2 or 3 years after planting. 

Under care, transplants grew better than 
wild plants. One small plant with a few 
short stems about 5 cm long in a block of 
soil 15 cm square and 10 cm thick was 
transplanted in Mexico City on June 8. 
It grew rapidly and opened its first flower 
head on July 21. By July 30, 5 flower heads 
were open, and by the end of August there 
were 10 open heads and about 10 more 
flower buds. More than 40 flower heads 
had matured by October 5, when 2 flower 
heads were still open. 


“‘Chilcuague,”’ a Mexican herbaceous 
plant species of possible commercial value 
as a source of insecticide and previously 
designated as ‘“Erigeron affinis,’ has been 
identified as Heliopsis longipes (A. Gray) 
Blake (family Compositae). This species of 
restricted geographic «distribution was 
known botanically from only two collections 
in southern San Luis Potosi but now has 
been found also in northeastern Guanajuato 
and has been reported from northern 
Querétaro. In Guanajuato it is rare and 
scattered in forests of Quercus spp. at about 
1,825 to 2,250 meters in altitude. The 
fleshy roots, which produce a strong numb- 
ing, burning sensation in the mouth when 
chewed, are used locally as a spice and are 
the source of the insecticidal principle. 
Because of the limited occurrence, cultiva- 
tion would be necessary to supply com- 
mercial quantities of the roots. Wild plants 
were transplanted successfully on a small 


(1) Acres, Frep, Jr., Jacopson, Martin, 
and HauuER, H. L. An amide possess- 
ing insecticidal properties from the roots 
of Erigeron affinis DC. Journ. Org. 
Chem. 10: 236-242, illus. 1945. 

(2) —————_.._ The structure of affinin, the 
insecticidal amide from Erigeron affinis 
DC. Journ. Org. Chem. 10: 449-451. 

(3) Escospar, Romuto. Enciclopedia agricola 
y de conocimientos afines, 3 vols., illus. 
Eo ead | 

(4) HernAnpEz, Francisco. De historia 

plantarum Novae Hispaniae, 3 vols. 
Matriti, 1790. 


(5) Jacopson, Martin, AcREE, FReEp, Jr., 
and Hauuer, H. L. Correction of the 
source of ‘“‘affinin” (N-isobutyl-2, 6, 8- 
decatrienoamide). Journ. Org. Chem. 
12: 731-732. 1947. 

(6) McGovran, EK. R., Borrerr, G. T., Gers- 
porFF, W. A., and Fauss, J. H. In- 
secticidal action of Heliopsis longipes 
and Krigeron spp. U.S. Dept. Agr., 
Bur. Entom. Plant Quar., E-736. 5 
pp. 1947. [Processed.] 

(7) Martinez, Maximino. Plantas utiles de 
México, ed. 2, 400 pp., illus. México, 


(8) Catdlogo de nombres vulgares y 
cientificos de plantas mexicanas, 551 pp. 
México, 1937. 

(9) Las plantas medicinales de Méx- 

ico, ed. 3, 630 pp., illus. México, 1944. 
FomrEntTo. Catdlogo alfabético de nom- 
bres vulgares y cientificos de plantas que 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

existen en México, 670 pp. 

(11) Norieca, JuAN Manugu. Curso de his- 
toria de drogas, 837 pp. México, 1902. 

(lla) Roark, R. C. Some promising insectict- 
dal plants. Keon. Bot. 1: 437-445, illus. 

(12) SanrTaMARIA, Francisco J. Diccionario 
general de Americanismos, 3 vols. 
México, D. F., 1942. 

(13) Sranpuey, Paut C. Trees and shrubs of 
Mexico. Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 23: 
1,721 pp. 1920-1926. 

(14) Vrntuasenor, F. F. Chilcudn (Erigeron 
affinis). Inst. Méd. Nac. [Méx.] An. 6 
(1): 237-254. 1903. 

(15) XimpNzEZ, Francisco. Cuatro libros de la 
naturaleza y virtudes de las plantas y ani- 
males, de uso medicinal en la Nueva Es- 
pana, 342 pp. México, 1888. (Re- 

_ printed from edition published in Mex- 
ico in 1615.) 


ENTOMOLOGY.—New species of Metachroma and other chrysomelid beetles 

from the West Indies.' 

This paper contains the description of 
six new black or dark metallic colored spe- 
cies of Metachroma Dejean, a small pale spe- 
cies of Aphthona Dejean, and the second 
species of Megasus Jacoby to be described, 
all of which are from the West Indies. 

Megasus semivittatus, n. sp. 
Fig. 1 

Length 3 mm, faintly shining, pale yellow- 
brown with a dark median spot extending from 
occiput down front of head, a dark stripe on 
each side of prothorax bordering on the expla- 
nate margin and a stripe along the sides of the 
elytra, a short sutural vitta at base and another 
interrupted one at the middle; also running 
diagonally across each elytron from apex to 
humerus a faint orange band. Basal sulcus on 
prothorax not very distinct and not limited at 
the ends. Antennae as long as beetle. 

Head with interocular space a little more 
than half its width; occiput smooth, impunc- 
tate, a broad median dark stripe extending to 
above tubercles; tubercles faintly marked, 
without median groove, bulging slightly over 
antennal sockets: a fovea on each side near 
eye. Below antennal sockets on each side a 
shallow excavation divided in the middle by a 
narrow, slightly produced carina. Antennae as 

1 Received April 21, 1948. 

Doris H. Buaxs, Arlington, Va. 

long as body, joints 2 and 3 short, joints 4-7 
long, remainder a little shorter; the basal joints 
pale, apices of joints 4-11 slightly darker. Pro- 
thorax approximately twice as broad as long, 
with slightly rounded sides, obtuse anteriorly 
and a sharp tooth at basal angle; a very in- 
distinct and shallow basal groove, not limited 
at the ends by a longitudinal fovea; surface 
impunctate, pale, with a dark stripe along the 
side next to the explanate margin. Elytra a 
little broader than prothorax and also with 
a dark stripe along the side extending to the 
suture at the apex, and at base extending 
around and down suture but not to th: middle, 
also a short interrupted median stripe at base 
and middle, and a faint orange diagonal stripe 
across the elytron; surface impunctate and 
faintly shining. Body beneath pale, with paler 
legs. Anterior coxal cavities open, hind femora 
enlarged, hind tibiae slightly grooved, a short 
spur at the tip, first tarsal joint long, claws ap- 
pendiculate. Length 3 mm, width 1.3 mm. 

Type male, U.S.N.M. no. 58777, 

Type locality—Mandeville, Jamaica, col- 
lected by Van Duzee in April 1906 (from the 
Wickham collection). 

Remarks.—The genus Megasus was described 
by Jacoby? to accommodate a beetle from Gua- 

2 Jacosy, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Coleop- 
tera, 6(pt. 1): 321. 1884. 




, x 
hi i 
l. Megasus semivitiatus 2. Metachroma schwarzi 5. Aphthona elachia 

4. Metachroma piceum 9. Metachroma hottense 6. Metachroma nigroviride 

: d-b 


1 Metachroma felis 8.™Metachroma longitarsum (ark form) 9. “Metachroma Flavolimbatum 
Figs. 1-9.—New West Indian Chrysomelidae. 



temala that did not quite fit into the genus 
Lactica because of its very long antennae and 
the thoracic groove, which was not limited at 
the ends by a longitudinal fovea. This second 
species closely corresponds with Megasus bi- 
maculatus in all but marks of coloration. The 
strikingly long antennae, the head with its 
poorly developed frontal tubercles and closely 
set antennae, the transverse thorax with its ob- 
tuse anterior angles, and with the basal groove 
in this species rather more indistinct than in 
bimaculatus and without limiting side fovea, 
the large scutellum, the legs with the hind 
tibiae grooved and with a spur at the end, the 
appendiculate claws, the open anterior coxal 
cavities, all fit into this genus erected by 
Jacoby. I have compared the beetle with a 
specimen labeled by Jacoby as M. bimaculatus 
in the Bowditch collection at Cambridge. 

Aphthona elachia, n. sp. 
Fig. 3 

About 1.3 mm. in length, ovate, shining pale 
yellow-brown, eighth and ninth antennal 
joints dark; thorax finely punctate, elytral 
striae fine and disappearing before the apex. 

Head polished, a short sulcus on each side 
of front, interantennal carina narrow, slightly 
produced, interocular space about half width 
of head. Antennae not reaching the middle of 
the elytra, pale yellow with eighth and ninth 
joints and tip of last black. Prothorax not quite 
twice as broad as long, moderately convex with 
rounded sides and obliquely cut anterior angles, 
basal margin at sides obtusely angulate; sur- 
face shining, finely and shallowly punctate. 
Elytra broad and somewhat convex, shining, 
striate punctures fine and becoming indistinct 
at apex. Body beneath pale, shining, lightly 
pubescent. Length 1.3-1.4 mm; width 0.7 mm. 

Type female and one female paratype, 
M.C.Z. type no. 27828. 

Type locality —Morne:Trou d’Eau, Haiti, col- 
lected by P. J. Darlington, November 19, 1934. 
Other locality: Port-au-Prince, Haiti, collected 
by P. J. Darlington, October 6, 1934. 

Remarks.—This is a smaller, paler, less con- 
vex species than A. fraterna Blake and has only 
the eighth and ninth and tip of the last joint 
of the antennae dark; in that species joints 
6-9 are dark. 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

Metachroma schwarzi, n. sp. 
Fig. 2 

About 4.5 mm in length, oblong, shining 
black with reddish-brown mouthparts, anten- 
nae, and tarsi; elytral striae distinct to the 

Head with interocular space about half its 
width, shining above, alutaceous in lower front, 
densely punctate, no distinct transverse line 
between antennal sockets, groove about inner 
side of eye distinct. Antennae not extending 
halfway down the elytra, deep reddish brown, 
of the usual proportions. Prothorax not twice 
as wide as long, with arcuate sides and a small 
tooth at apical and basal angles, an impressed 
line along basal margin and behind the eyes on 
the anterior margin; surface polished, finely 
punctate. Elytra entirely dark, shining, a very 
slight lateral depression below the humerus, 
striate punctures coarse and distinct to the 
apex and rather deeply impressed. Epipleura 
distinct almost to the apex. Body beneath 
shining, piceous with the tip of the abdomen a 
little paler, legs dark with pale tarsi, a tiny 
tooth on hind femora. Length 4.4-4.5 mm; 
width 2.5 mm. 

Type female, U.S.N.M. no. 58778, and one 
female paratype in M.C.Z. 

Type locality —Cayamas, Santa Clara Prov- 
ince, Cuba, collected by E. A. Schwarz. 

Remarks.—Dr. Schwarz himself labeled this 
as a new species. It strongly resembles M. adus- 
tum Suffrian but has entirely black elytra and 
black legs. The elytral punctation is coarser 
and distinct to the apex and the eyes are 
smaller and more widely set. 

There is a series of seven specimens taken 
by Darlington at Soledad (Cienfuegos), Cuba, 
in 1929 and 1936 that also have entirely dark 
elytra, but which are clearly very closely re- 
lated to M. adustum, if not a color variety. 
They seem a little less deeply and coarsely 
striate-punctate than M. adustum, and the tip 
of the aedeagus is a little thinner. Whether this 
is a subspecies of adustum Suffrian or merely a 
color form is not clear. 

Metachroma felis, n. sp. 
Fig. 7 

About 5 mm in length, oblong, shining black 
with pale antennae, legs, and elytral apex. 

Aug. 15, 1948 

Head with interocular space less than half 
the width, shining on occiput and front, more 
alutaceous on lower front, densely punctate, no 
distinct transverse line between antennal 
sockets, a slight, short, median vertical groove 
and the usual groove around eye, labrum and 
mouthparts reddish or yellowish brown. An- 
tennae pale, extending about to the middle of 
the elytra, of the usual proportions. Prothorax 
not twice as wide as long with arcuate sides 
and a small tooth at each corner, and an im- 
pressed line along the sides and basal margin 
and up behind the eyes on anterior margin; 
surface polished, with obsolete and moderately 
dense punctation. Elytra very shining, rows of 
punctures distinct in basal half but becoming 
indistinct after the middle and vanishing at 
the apex, the striate punctures on the sides 
regular but short. Elytra entirely dark except 
for a narrow strip along the apex. Epipleura 
vanishing shortly before the apex. Body be- 
- neath deep brown, shining, legs pale with the 
narrowed apex of femora dark and a dark 
streak down the tibiae. Hind femora with a 
small tooth. Length 4.7-5.5 mm; width 2.5- 

Type male and one female paratype, M.C.Z. 
type no. 27827. 

Type locality—Arthurstown, Cat Island, 
Bahamas, collected July 23, 1935, by W. J. 

Remarks.—This is one of the species very 
closely related to M. adustum Suffrian. It dif- 
fers from the others in having only a narrow 
pale apex to the elytra and no pale area along 
the sides or on the humeri, which are usually 
pale in the Florida and Cuban beetles. It is also 
slightly larger than either-of them, and the tip 
of the aedeagus is broader than that of M. 
adustum and more like that of M. terminale 
Horn. The elytral striae are not so impressed 
as in the other closely related species. There is 
one specimen, a female, in the National Mu- 
seum collection from Eleuthera, Bahamas, col- 
lected in July by H. F. Wickham, that seems 
to be the same species. 

A single specimen, a female, from Constanza, 
Dominican Republic, elevation 3000—4000 feet, 
collected in August 1938 by P. J. Darlington, 
represents another closely allied species or sub- 
species. In this specimen the head is more 



polished and finely punctate, the punctures of 
the elytral striae are not so dense, and the pale 
area on the elytra extends broadly along the 
sides and at the apex. This single specimen, 
however, does not present such distinct dif- 
ferences as occur in M. schwarzi and felts. 

Metachroma flavolimbatum, n. sp. 
Fig. 9 

About 5 mm in length, oblong, shining pice- 
ous with head in part, basal antennal joints, 
anterior margin of prothorax, margin of elytra 
and legs reddish, femora banded near apex. 

Head with interocular space less than half 
its width, no distinct line between clypeus and 
front, a median depression on front, the usual 
groove around eye; surface alutaceous and 
rather densely and obsoletely punctate, the oc- 
ciput and a median area down front piceous, 
rest reddish brown, jaws piceous. Antennae 
extending to the middle of the elytra, second 
and third joints subequal, remainder longer 
and with only apices pale. Prothorax not twice 
as broad as long with arcuate sides and a small 
tooth at basal and anterior angles, an impressed 
line along basal margin and on sides of anterior 
margin behind the eyes; surface very finely and 
obsoletely punctate, mostly shining piceous but 
reddish brown anteriorly. Elytra with small 
humeri and a slight basal callosity and depres- 
sion below it, striate punctures deeply im- 
pressed and dense, becoming finer and 
shallower in apical half, in short, regular rows 
on sides; shining piceous with the sides from 
humerus to apex pale, the pale area wider at 
apex. Body beneath reddish brown, shining, 
almost glabrous, legs pale yellow with a dark 
band around narrowed part of femora and a 
dark streak down tibiae; hind femora with a 
faint trace of tooth. Length 5 mm.; width 
2.8 mm. 

Type male U.S.N.M. no. 58779. 

Type locality—Mess Castle near Antully, 
St. Thomas Parish, Jamaica, collected No- 
vember 5, 1928, by C. R. Orcutt. 

Remarks.—This is another of the adustwm 
group of species. It is slightly larger than 
adustum, and the aedeagus has a shorter point 
to the tip. Unlike most of the species in the 
adustum group it has the antennae mostly 



Metachroma piceum, n. sp. 
Fig. 4 

About 4.5 mm in length, ovate, shining, deep 
reddish brown to piceous with pale legs, the 
femora banded at the narrowed apex, tibiae in 
part darkened, elytra with paler streaks along 
the basal margin and on humeri and pale along 
the sides at the apex, base of antennal joints 
3-11 dark. All femora mucronate. 

Head with interocular space about half its 
width, rounded over occiput with broad front 
having a short median depression between the 
nearly obsolete frontal tubercles; dark piceous 
with a reddish-brown area on each side of front, 
lower front and labrum also reddish; surface 
dull and alutaceous with fine, shallow punc- 
tures. Antennae not reaching the middle of the 
elytra, third joint shorter than fourth, basal 
joints pale reddish and joints 3-11 darker at 
the base. Prothorax wider than long with arcu- 
ate sides, a small tooth at each corner and an 
impressed line along basal margin and behind 
the eyes on anterior margin; surface polished, 
very minutely punctate; piceous with deep 
reddish brown streaks along anterior and basal 
margins, possibly in pale specimens only a 
piceous transverse band. Elytra_ striately 
punctate, the punctures coarsest in transverse 
depression below basal callosity, becoming fine 
at apex; shining deep piceous with reddish 
brown streaks along short raised basal costae 
and on humeri and a pale margin along the 
apex, and partly along the sides. Epipleura 
disappearing before the apex. Body beneath 
deep reddish brown with tip of abdomen and 
legs paler, femora near apex banded and tibiae 
with deeper shading in basal half, all femora 
with a small tooth, tibiae ridged and emargi- 
nate in two hind pairs, claw joint very long. 
Length 4.4-4.6 mm; width 2.6 mm. 

Type male, M.C.Z. type no. 27824; one 

Type locality—Main Range, Blue Moun- 
tains, 5,000—7,388 feet elevation, Jamaica, col- 
lected August 17-19, 1934, by P. J. Darlington; 
paratype collected at Whitfield Hall, Blue 
Mountains, near 4,500 feet elevation, Jamai- 
ca, August 138-20, 1934, by P. J. Darlington. 

Remarks.—Although the pale coloration at 
the apex of the elytra is suggestive of beetles 
of the M. adustum alliance, M. piceum does not 
belong to that group, being more oval and with 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

reddish-brown markings and with more widely 
set eyes. 

Metachroma longitarsum Blake 
(dark color form) 
Fig. 8 
Metachroma longitarsum Blake, Journ. Washing- 

ton Acad. Sci. 36: 24. 1946. 

A dark color form of this species, represented 
by three black specimens not associated with 
the pale reddish-brown spotted female in the 
original working up of the material, has come 
to my notice. Except for the dark color these 
three specimens agree in every way with the 
pale spotted form, having similar size, shape, 
and punctation, and furthermore they were 
collected at the same time and place. They are 
entirely dark except for the mouthparts, 
frontal tubercles in part, antennae, and tarsi. 

Metachroma nigroviride, n. sp. 
Fig. 6 

From 4 to 4.5 mm in length, broadly oblong, 
shining, deep reddish brown to dark metallic 
green with reddish antennae and legs varying 
from reddish brown to metallic green, pro- 
thorax lightly punctate; elytral striate punc- 
tures becoming very fine at apex. 

Head with interocular space about half its 
width, smoothly rounded over occiput and 
down front, no distinct transverse sulcus be- 
tween antennal sockets, a faint median vertical 
line down front in some specimens, the usual 
groove about inner side of eye; finely and ob- 
soletely punctate, more distinctly in lower 
front. Antennae reaching about to the middle 
of the elytra, reddish, the distal joints tending 
to be darker. Prothorax not quite twice as wide 
as long, smoothly convex, with arcuate sides 
and a small tooth at apical and basal angles, 
surface polished, finely and not densly punc- 
tate. Scutellum polished. Elytra with a slight 
basal callosity, well-marked humeri, and a 
short intrahumeral depression and slight trans- 
verse depression below basal callosity; rows of 
striate punctures distinct but not very coarse 
and becoming finer towards apex; epipleura 
disappearing shortly before apex. Body beneath 
deep reddish brown to piceous, shining, lightly 
pubescent, hind femora with a small tooth, 
tibiae ridged and in middle and posterior pair 
emarginate near apex. Length 4-4.5 mm; width 
2.0-2.6 mm. 

Ava. 15, 1948 

Type male, M.C.Z. type no. 27825; 6 para- 
types, 1 paratype (no. 58781) in U.S. National 

Type locality—Puerto Plata, Dominican 
Republic, collected by Hurst. Other localities: 
Villa Altagracia, collected in July 1938 by P. 
J. Darlington; Constanza, elevation 3,000— 
4,000 feet, collected in August 1938 by P. J. 
Darlington, both in Dominican Republic. 

Remarks.—Three of the eight specimens ex- 
amined are deep reddish brown without trace 
of the metallic green of the others. Possibly 
these are immature specimens. 

Metachroma hottense, n. sp. 
Fig. 5 

About 3 mm in length, broadly oblong, 
polished dark metallic green with dark brown 
mouthparts, antennae, legs, and undersurface; 
head and thorax impunctate, striate punctures 
on elytra coarsest below basal callosity, on 
sides and at apex becoming indistinct. 

Head with interocular space more than half 
its width, front broad, flat, impunctate, no 
transverse groove between antennal sockets; 
the usual groove running up on inner side of 



eye. Labrum reddish brown. Antennae scarcely 
reaching the middle of the elytra, five basal 
joints reddish, distal joints deep piceous, joints 
2-4 subequal and shorter than the remainder. 
Prothorax not twice as broad as long, moder- 
ately convex, with arcuate sides and small 
tooth at each angle, surface polished, im- 
punctate, basal margin lightly sinuate, an im- 
pressed line along it and behind the eyes on 
anterior margin. Elytra a little broader than 
prothorax with a short intrahumeral sulcus and 
a transverse depression below basal callosity, 
the striate punctures in this coarser than else- 
where, at sides and apex becoming rather in- 
distinct; surface polished. Epipleura disappear- 
ing shortly before apex; body beneath dark, 
shining, lightly pubescent, femora not toothed, 
tibiae ridged; middle and hind tibiae emargi- 
nate near apex. Length 3.2 mm; width 2 mm. 

Type male, M.C.Z. type no. 27826. 

Type locality—Desbarriere, Morne La 
Hotte, Haiti, near 4,000 feet, collected Octo- 
ber 12—14, 1934, by P. J. Darlington. 

Remarks—This_ beetle is considerably 
smaller than M. nigroviride and the thorax 
differs in not being punctate at all. 

ORNITHOLOGY .—The races of the red-whiskered bulbul, Pyecnonotus jocosus 
(Linnaeus).1 H. G. Deianan, U.S. National Museum. 

The red-whiskered bulbuls may be con- 
veniently divided into two main groups, in 
one of which adults have the red feathers of 
the infraocular tuft long and. brighter, 
while in the other they have them short and 
darker. To the first category belong only 
fuscicaudatus, abuensis, pyrrhotis, emeria, 
and peguensis. A tentative arrangement of 
the races, with descriptions of two new 
forms, is offered below. 

For the privilege of examining their series 
of this species, my thanks are hereby 
tendered to the authorities of the American 
Museum of Natural History and of the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- 

1. Pycnonotus jocosus fuscicaudatus (Gould) 

Otocompsa fuscicaudata Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, for 1865, pt. 3: 664. March 1866 (‘‘The 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 
the Smithsonian Institution. Received January 
16, 1948. 

southern portion of the peninsula of India... 
very common in many parts of the Madras 
Presidency’’; type locality restricted to the 
Nilgiri Hills, Nilgiri Hills District, Madras 
Presidency, by Whistler and Kinnear, Journ. 
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 35: 756. July 15, 1932). 
Range.—Western India, from the Tapti 
River south to Cape Comorin and the Salem 
District of the Madras Presidency. 

2. Pycnonotus jocosus abuensis (Whistler) 

Otocompsa jocosa abuensis Whistler, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Club 52: 40. Dec. 1, 1931 (Mount Abu, 
Abu District, Sirohi State, South Rajputana 
Agency, India). 

Range.—Southeastern Rajputana. 

Remarks.—This race and the precedent one 
differ from all others in the absence of con- 
spicuous white tips from the outer tail feathers. 

3. Pycnonotus jocosus pyrrhotis (Hodgson) 

[[xos] pyrrhotis Hodgson, in J. E. Gray, Zoological 
Miscellany, No. 3: 84. “June’’ 1844 (Nepal). 
Izxos jocosus v{el]. pyrrhotis “Hodgs.”’ J. E. Gray, 


Catalogue of the specimens and drawings of 
Mammalia and birds of Nepal and Thibet: 
89. 1846 (Nepal). 

I [xos]. pyrrhotis ‘““Hodgs.’’ Bonaparte, Conspec- 
tus generum avium 1: 265, 1850 (India; type 
locality here corrected to Nepal, ex Hodgson). 

Otocompsa jocosa provincialis Whistler, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Club 52: 40. Dec. 1, 1931 (‘‘Kumaon 
Bhabar,”’ United Provinces, India). 
Range.—The Valley of Nepal, and northern 

India from the eastern Punjab to Bihar. 
Remarks.—Under [Ixos] pyrrhotis Hodgson, 

1844, we find “J. jocosus? viel]. pyrrhotis, 

209.” This seems by the narrowest margin to 

validate the name from 1844; if, however, the 

reference is rejected, it seems certain that, by 
analogy with Opinion 53 of the International 

Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, the 

name must be taken from J. E. Gray, 1846. 

The first proper description attached to pyr- 

rhetis was given by Bonaparte in 1850. 

4. Pycnonotus jocosus emeria (Linnaeus) 
[Motacilla] Emeria Linnaeus, Systema naturae, 

ed. 10, 1: 187. 1758 (Bengal). 

[Lantus] Emerita Linnaeus, Systema naturae, ed. 
12, 1: 1387. 1766 (Bengal). 

[Muscicapa] Emeria Linnaeus, Systema naturae, 
ed. 12, 1: 326. 1766 (Bengal). 

Haematornis erythrotts ‘‘Swains.” J. E. Gray, 
Catalogue of the specimens and drawings of 
Mammalia and birds of Nepal and Thibet: 89. 
1846. Nomen nudum! 

I{xos]. erythrotis “Bp. ex Sw. Mus. Lugd.”’ Bona- 
parte, Conspectus generum avium 1: 265. 1850 
(Java, error; type locality here corrected to Cal- 
cutta, Bengal Province, India). 
Range.——Lowlands of eastern India from 

Madras to Calcutta and possibly farther. 
Remarks.—The name erythrolis was, at its 

first appearance, a nomen nudum, treated as a 
synonym of ‘“‘yocosus”’ of J. E. Gray (not the 
true jocosus of Linnaeus), which equals pyr- 
rhotis of Hodgson. Since the specimen upon 
which Swainson based his MS. name is the 
same as served for type to Bonaparte and is, 
according to information courteously furnished 
me by Dr. G. C. A. Junge, almost certainly an 
example of emeria, I feel justified in sinking 
the name in synonymy with emeria rather than 
with pyrrhotis. 

Chasen (Handlist of Malaysian Birds: 204. 
1935) altered the type locality of J[xos). ery- 
throtis Bonaparte from Java to Tavoy, Tavoy 
District, Tenasserim Division, Burma, but Dr. 
Junge’s examination of the type specimen has 
shown that this ‘‘correction” can not stand. 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

5. Pycnonotus jocosus peguensis 
(Stuart Baker) 

Otocompsa emeria peguensis Stuart Baker, Fauna 
of British India, Birds, ed. 2, 1: 396. Aug. 16, 
1922 (Pegu Division, Burma, by implication, 
and so stated by Stuart Baker, Fauna of British 
India, Birds, ed. 2, 7: 81. May 14, 1930; type 
locality here restricted to Rangoon, Rangoon 
Town District, Pegu Division, Burma). 
Range.—Lower Burma from Arakan (San- 

doway District) to Tenasserim (Thaton Dis- 


Remarks.—The range given for this form at 
the original description was ‘South Chin 
Hills and South Kachin Hills to Tenasserim, 
Arrakan and the whole of the Central Hills of 
Burma, Siam and Shan States. Andamans and 
Nicobars.’”’ My material indicates that no less 
than four races divide this territory among 
themselves, of which one, the bird of Pegu, 
differs strikingly from the other three on its 
bright, elongated infraocular tufts. 

Although I have accepted peguensis as a 
valid subspecies here, I am not at all convinced 
that this name should not be synonymized 
with emerza. 

6. Pycnonotus jocosus whistleri, n. subsp. 

Type.—U. S. N. M. no. 178729, adult male, 
collected at the Cinque Islands (southeast of 
Rutland Island), Andaman Islands, Bay of 
Bengal, on January 18, 1901, by William L. 

Diagnosis.—Nearest P. j. peguensis in the 
brownish tone of the upperparts, but easily 
separable from that race by having the feath- 
ers of the infraocular tuft distinctly shorter and 
usually darker, and by having the bill, sex for 
sex, decidedly longer and more robust. 

Range.—Andaman Islands; Nicobar Islands 
(introduced, fide Davison, in Hume, Stray 
Feathers 2: 225. 1874). 

Remarks.—Thirteen winter-taken specimens 
of P. j. whistleri have been compared with 5 
similar examples of P. 7. peguensis and 29 of the 
Malayo-Siamese race. For distinctions between 
the last-mentioned and whistlert, see below. 

7. Pycnonotus jocosus pattani, n. subsp. 

Type—vU. 8S. N. M. no. 330406, adult male, 
collected at Pattani (lat. 6°50’ N., long. 101°- 
15’ E.), Pattani Province, southernmost Siam, 
on January 26, 1931, by Hugh M. Smith (ori- 
ginal number 4479). 

Ava. 15, 1948 

Diagnosis.—Nearest P. j. fuscicaudatus in 
the cold grayish-brown tone of the upperparts, 
but immediately separable from that race by 
having the feathers of the infraocular tuft short 
and dark and the majority of the rectrices con- 
spicuously tipped with white. 

From P. 7. whistleri distinguished by having 
the brown of the upperparts paler and grayer, 
and by having the bill, sex for sex, shorter and 
less robust. 

From P. 7. monticola easily separated by 
having the brown of the upperparts much 
paler and grayer. 

Range.—Indochine south of central Annam 
and Haut-Laos, all Siam, and Malaya south to 
Penang Island and Kelantan State. 

Remarks.—I can find no character by which 
southern birds can be distinguished from more 
northern ones. Specimens before me from the 
Malay Peninsula seem to have the broken pec- 
toral band more nearly joined across the breast, 
but this could easily result from their having 
the body less tightly stuffed with cotton. 

8. Pycnonotus jocosus monticola (McClelland) 

Ixos monticola McClelland, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, March 1840, pt. 7: 160 (‘‘Kossia moun- 
tains,’ Khasi and Jaintia Hills District, Surma 
Valley and Hill Division, Assam Province, 

Otocompsa jocosa hainanensis Hachisuka, Orn. 




Soc. Japan Supp]. Publ. No. 15: 74. Oct. 30, 

1939 (Nauchan, Hainan Island). 

Range.—Sikkim; Bhutan; Assam; northern 
Burma and the Shan States; Yunnan; Indo- 
chine north of the range of P. 7. pattani. 

Remarks.—I was at first inclined to place all 
birds from localities between Sikkim and Hong- 
kong under the name jocosus, as has been done 
by British ornithologists, but three Kwantung 
specimens have the upperparts so much paler 
than the rest, that for the present I shall keep 
them apart. McClelland’s name is available 
for the darker populations, but it must be re- 
gretted that his type did not come from north- 
easternmost Assam, where the saturate colora- 
tion of the upperparts reaches its highest de- 

It is extremely difficult to believe that the 
unique specimen of hainanensis is anything but 
an escaped cage bird. Whether Hachisuka’s 
name should be synonymized with monticola 
or with jocosus cannot be decided without 
examination of the type. 

9. Pycnonetus jocosus jocosus (Linnaeus) 

[Lanius] jocosus Linnaeus, Systema naturae, ed. 
10, 1: 95. 1758 (China; type locality here re- 
stricted to Canton, Kwangtung Province). 

Range.-—Hongkong, Kwangtung, and ad- 
jacent areas of Kwangsi. 




The 419th meeting of the Board of Mana- 
gers, held in the Cosmos Club, June 7, 1948, 
was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by the Presi- 
dent, Dr. Frepmrick D. Rossini. Others 
present were H. S. Rappiteye, H. A. Reuper, 
W. L. Scumitt, W. W. Dieut, F. M. Deran- 
porF, W. N. Fenton, WALTER RaMBERG, C. E. 
Wurtz, W. A. Darron, C. A. Berrs, F. B. 
SiusBEE, M. A. Mason, O. B. Frencg, C. L. 
Gazin, and, by invitation, FRANK THONE. 

The Secretary read the following minutes of 
the Executive Committee: 

The Executive Committee met in Dr. Rossini’s 
office at the Bureau of Standards at 8:05 p.m. on 
May 26, 1948. The President, Dr. F. D. Ros- 
SINI, presided. Others present were: WALTER 
RaMBERG, H. 8. Rappteys, W. L. Scumirt, and 
C. L. Gazin. 

The meeting was called to consider matters per- 
taining to the annual meeting, intersociety affairs, 
the Index to the JoURNAL, and the ‘“‘Red Book.” 

The subject of the annual meeting in January 
was discussed, and it was decided to recommend 
to the Board of Managers that instead of the cus- 
tomary lecture an Academy dinner be held in con- 
junction with the regular business of the annual 

Dr. Schmitt exhibited a page proof of the ‘‘Red 
Book”’ and announced that the cost of publication 
had been determined as follows: Cost of printing, 
slightly less than $2,000; incidental bills including 
typing, approximately $500; cost of cuts, a little 
over $900; totaling approximately $3,400. Dis- 
cussion then arose as to the adequacy of 1,000 
copies and it was suggested that the approximately 
$200 difference from the maximum of $3,600 al- 
lowed for the publication of the ‘‘Red Book’’ be 
used to print extra copies and absorb the cost of 
distribution. The cost of additional copies was 
quoted as $584 per 1,000 and about 60 cents per 
copy for a smaller number. Upon further discus- 
sion it was proposed that a price of $1 be charged 
for outside purchases but that a prepublication 


price of 75 cents per copy be offered to the Af- 
filiated Societies prior to a fixed date, up to which 
the printer will agree to keep the type set up. The 
motion was then approved that the Committee 
recommend to the Board of Managers that the 
number of copies above 1,000 to be printed be 
determined by the balance remaining from. the 
original $3,600 as stated above, allowing approxi- 
mately $75 for distribution costs, and increasing 
the number still-further by whatever quantity is 
ordered by the Affiliated Societies during the pre- 
publication period. 

The matter of an index to the first 40 volumes 
of the JouRNAL, referred to the Executive Com- 
mittee by the Board at its 418th meeting, was in- 
troduced. After considerable discussion, the Exec- 
utive Committee voted to recommend to the 
Board that it authorize, for the necessary expenses 
of preparing the manuscript, including the mate- 
rials, a sum not to exceed $2,000, dispersable as 
required during the period 1949 to 1951, inclusive. 
It was the feeling of the Committee that outside 
funds might be secured for the cost of publication. 

The matter of the request on the part of the 
Joint Committee on Press Relations that the 
Academy pay half of its operating expenses, re- 
ferred to the Executive Committee by the Board 
of Managers at its 418th meeting, was intro- 
duced. The Committee decided to recommend to 
the Board that the Academy appropriate to Dr. 
Frank Thone for discharge of the Academy obli- 
gation $62.10 covering the last part of 1947 and 
all of 1948. The Committee then recommended 
that the Affiliated Societies be approached con- 
cerning the future of the Science Calendar, and if 
the response accounts for at least 70 percent of the 
annual cost, that the Academy proceed to act as 
a collection agency for these contributions from 
the Affiliated Societies, add the necessary amount 
from its own funds, and continue to support its 
share of the project. 

The subject of the Science Fair for the sec- 
ondary-school children was introduced and after 
some discussion of past arrangements and the 
manner of its operation in certain other cities, the 
Executive Committee approved the motion that a 
recommendation be made to the Board that the 
Academy appropriate $100 to forward the Sci- 
ence Fair in Washington for 1949, provided that 
the Fair is sponsored by Science Service, and pro- 
vided that the necessary balance is secured from 
other soures. 

In consideration of the matter of the Science 
Calendar and of the Science Fair, discussion was 
introduced regarding implementation of inter- 
society activities, and the means whereby a closer 
coordination might be secured with the Affiliated 
Societies in such matters. The Executive Com- 
mittee then agreed to recommend to the Board 
that the president be authorized to appoint a com- 
mittee of vice-presidents to study the question of 
providing a more effective bond between the 
Academy and the Affiliated Societies. 

The Board of Managers considered sepa- 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

rately the various recommendations of the 
Executive Committee and all were approved 
by vote of the Board, with the exception that, 
with regard to the recommendation of an 
annual dinner, the Board approved, providing 
the dinner be less than $5 per person and pre- 
ferably less than $3 per person. 

As a result of the discussion which ensued 
with respect to recommendations regarding the 
Joint Committee on Press Relations, the Sec- 
retary was instructed to write letters of ap- 
preciation to Mr. Darnell for his work in get- 
ting up the “Science Calendar’ and to the 
three Washington newspapers in which it has 
appeared for their cooperation in its publica- 
tion. The Secretary was also instructed to 
contact the Affiliated Societies in the fall, in 
an attempt to secure their cooperation in the 
matter of contributions to operating expenses 
of the Joint Committee on Press Relations, as 
outlined in the recommendation of the Exec- 
utive Committee. 

The 27 persons nominated for resident mem- 
bership in the Academy at the 418th meeting 
were elected. 

Upon recommendation of the Treasurer, 
Howarp S. Rapp.eyYe#, the following resolution 
was passed. 

RESOLVED, that the Washington Academy of 
Sciences transmit its certificates of stock owned in 
the Washington Sanitary Improvement Co. to the 
Washington Loan and Trust Co., Transfer Agent, 
for reissue on the basis of two shares of new stock 
for each share of old stock, in accordance with the 
plan outlined in the letter of the Washington 
Sanitary Improvement Co. under date of May 27, 
1948, and that Howard S. Rappleye, Treasurer, 
be authorized to prepare the necessary transmit- 
tal letter, deliver the certificates, and receive the 
new certificates when issued. 

Dr. THONE, representing Science Service, 
recommended to the Board of Managers that 
the Academy extend its interests to participa- 
tion in the annual Science Talent Search for 
the District of Columbia. Upon discussion, the 
Board decided that before committing the 
Academy to this program a committee be 
appointed by the President to study the gen- 
eral matter of encouragement of Science Talent 
in the schools of the Washington area, the 
manner in which the Academy might partici- 
pate, and make recommendations to the Board. 

The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. 

C. Lewis Gazin, Secretary. 

Aug. 15, 1948 

1286th Meeting 

The 1286th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, October 11, 1947, 
President Mouumr presiding. 

Program: E. U. Conpon, National Bureau 
of Standards: Nuclear forces—There was pre- 
sented a general review of the present position 
of our knowledge with regard to the nonelec- 
tromagnetic forces of interaction between the 
fundamental particles of physics, electrons, 
protons, and neutrons. The different sources 
of experimental information about strength 
and range of such forces, such as nuclear mass 
defects and angular scattering data were cor- 
related. (Author’s abstract.) 

1287th Meeting 

The 1287th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, October 25, 1947, 
President Mou.emr presiding. 

Program: Rosuey C. WiuuiAms, University 
of Michigan: Recent developments in electron 
microscopy.—Some of the recent developments 
in electron microscopy during the past three 
years have been: (1) the successful microtomy 
of sections thin enough to allow 60 kv electrons 
to penetrate them, (2) the tissue culture of 
cells of sufficient thinness to allow the nucleus 
to be observed, (3) the ‘“‘shadow-casting”’ of 
minute particulate specimens to improve the 
contrast between them and their substrate 
background, (4) the microincineration of 
biological specimens to afford an estimate of 
their ash content, (5) the improvement in 
substrate smoothness to allow particles of diam- 
eters less than 50A to be photographed, and 
(6) the beginnings of an electron lens technique 
to allow radioactive specimens to be photo- 
graphed by means of their own beta particles. 

Development (5) has particularly interested 
the author and his colleagues. They have found 
that glass is an almost perfectly smooth sub- 
strate, with maximum deviations of less than 
10A from perfect smoothness. The technique 
most adaptable to the photography of ex- 
tremely small objects appears to be to cause 
the objects to adhere to a cleaned glass surface, 
shadow-cast them with uranium sulphide, and 
then strip the particles and the uranium sul- 
phide film from the glass with a thin film of 
collodion. (Author’s abstract.) 



1288th Meeting 

The 1288th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, November §8, 
1947, President presiding. 

Program: D. C. Ginnines, National Bureau 
of Standards: The Bunsen ice calorimeter in 
modern heat measurements——There was de- 
scribed an improved form of a Bunsen ice 
calorimeter constructed for use in connection 
with measurements of specific heats at high 
temperatures (up to 1,000°C.). The ice calorim- 
eter was investigated carefully from the 
standpoint of high reproducibility and high 
accuracy. The calibration factor of the calorim- 
eter (from a large number of electrical cali- 
bration experiments) was established to be 
270.37 +0.06 international joules per gram of 
mercury. Using this factor, the density of ice 
at 0°C. and one atmosphere pressure was cal- 
culated to be 0.91671 +0.00005 g/ml. 

The ice calorimeter was used to measure 
specific heats at high temperatures by the 
“drop” method, that is, heating the sample 
in a furnace to a known temperature, dropping 
the sample into the calorimeter, and measuring 
the heat given up by the sample to the calorim- 
eter. Measurements were made in this man- 
ner on uranium, uranium trichloride, uranium 
tetrachloride, aluminum oxide, p-xylene, and 
isopropyl] alcohol. Although the resulting values 
of enthalpy were reproducible to about 0.02 
percent, an over-all accuracy of about 0.2 per- 
cent was estimated from consideration of sys- 
tematic errors such as temperature measure- 
ment, ete. (Author’s abstract.) 

A. I. Dau, National Bureau of Standards: 
Temperature measurements in gas streams.—The 
temperature indicated by a thermocouple junc- 
tion immersed in a stream of hot gas will not, 
in general, be that of the gas but will be an 
equilibrium temperature representing the state 
at which the heat transferred from the gas to 
the junction by convection and impact is 
balanced by the heat transferred from the 
junction to the surroundings by radiation and 
conduction. In applications involving temper- 
atures above 1,000°F. and velocities up to 200— 
300 ft/sec, the radiation effect is generally the 
chief source of error. 

The effect of gas velocity on temperature 
measurements becomes appreciable at veloc- 
ities in excess of 300 ft/sec, and increases as 
the square of the velocity. At a gas velocity of 


1,000 ft/sec, the difference between the total 
and the static temperature of an air stream is 
about 80°F. A thermocouple immersed in the 
stream will attain a temperature somewhere 
intermediate between the total and static tem- 
peratures—assuming no radiation or conduc- 
tion losses. 

The National Bureau of Standards is con- 
ducting a research project for the development 
of means of reducing and determining accu- 
rately the effects of radiation, conduction, and 
gas velocity on temperature measurements in 
large-velocity, high-temperature gas streams. 
(Author’s abstract.) 

1289th Meeting 

The 1289th meeting was held jointly with 
the Washington Academy of Sciences in the 
auditorium of the Cosmos Club, November 20, 
1947, President Scumirr of the Academy pre- 

Program: I. I. Raxsi, Columbia University: 
The hyperfine structure of the hydrogens and 
other atoms. 

1290th Meeting 

The 1290th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, November 22, 
1947, President Moutmr presiding. 

Program: J. Howard McMrtuan, Naval 
Ordnance Laboratory: Spark shadowgraphy in 
hydrodynamics.—The impact of an object on a 
water surface compresses the water and 
generates a compression wave which spreads 
out from the point of impact with the velocity 
of sound. If the wave is formed by a fast-mov- 
ing sphere, the wave travels as a shock wave 
and has a velocity greater than the acoustic 
velocity. These shock waves were investigated 
by obtaining their spark shadowgrams. Spheres 
were shot vertically downward from a rifle 
into a tank of water 12 x6 X12 inches with 
plexiglass sides. The spark was an electroni- 
cally operated noninductive discharge from a 

The shadowgrams have shown that when 
steel spheres with a velocity of 1,000 to 3,000 
ft/sec strike the water a compression wave with 
a peak of several hundred atmospheres is 
generated. The distribution of pressure along 
the wave front can be inferred from the shadow- 
gram. These impact waves are very strong near 
the center of the wave and become quite weak 
(acoustic) near the water surface. 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

A steel sphere is also set into vibration when 
it strikes the water. These vibrations have a 
frequency of nearly a megacycle per second, 
and a pattern of secondary shock waves ap- 
pears on the shadowgram. The frequency of the 
waves depends on the velocity of the elastic 
wave in the sphere and on the sphere diameter. 
By shooting two spheres simultaneously, these 
secondary waves interfere to produce areas 
of diminished intensity resembling the double- 
slit optical diffraction pattern. 

By permitting the shock waves in water to 
strike walls having varying acoustic impedanc- 

-es lower than that of water, the waves are 

observed to reflect with a change in phase. 
This change in phase also appears at glancing 
reflection for walls of large acoustic impedance. 

If specimens of various elastic media, such 
as steel and rock, are placed in the water and 
struck with a missile, dilatation waves and 
Rayleigh surface waves are produced in the 
elastic solid. These waves pass into the water 
and are recorded on the shadowgram. The 
orientation of the wave in water permits an 
evaluation of the elastic-wave velocity in the 

Spheres shot into water at velocities of 7,000 
ft/sec produced shadowgrams of supersonic 
travel in water, the velocity of sound in water 
being 5,000 ft/sec. From the refraction of the 
optical rays the pressure distribution around 
the missile and shock wave was inferred. It was 
observed that the pressure did not fall off 
monotonically in front of the sphere but showed 
evidence of small ripples in the pressure distri- 
bution. (Author’s abstract.) 

A.G. MeN1su, National Bureau of Standards, 
presented an informal communication on a new 
theory of the origin of cosmic radiation recently 
proposed by Menzel and Salisbury. He pointed 
out that the low frequency electromagnetic 
radiation from the sun, hypothesized for the 
theory, could not produce particles of cosmic- 
ray energies. Particles would have limiting 
velocities equal to that of light and could not 
fall far enough in the electric field of the radia-. 
tion to acquire the necessary energies. Charged 
particles, however, injected into an electro- 
magnetic wave at suitable velocities would 
travel with the wave in accordance with 
the laws of motion of a charge of particle in 
crossed electric and magnetic fields. Such par- 
ticles might acquire cosmic-ray energies, but 
the process could occur only in interstellar 

Ava. 15, 1948 

space, not within the confines of the solar 
system. | 

1291st Meeting 

The 1291st meeting, the 77th annual meet- 
ing, was held in the auditorium of the Cosmos 
Club, December 6, 1947, President 

The report of the Treasurer, confirmed by 
the report of the auditing committed, showed 
an income from dues and interest on invest- 
ments of $1,659.41 and expenditures of $1,683.22 
leaving a net deficit of $23.81 on ordinary ex- 
penses. The ordinary expenses were at the rate 
of $3.75 per member. The total estimated as- 
sets of the Society showed a decrease of $403.01 
from $16,377.48 as of December 1, 1946, to 
$15,974.42 as of December 1, 1947. 

The joint report of the Secretaries showed 
an active membership of 449 as of December 1, 
1947, a net gain of 90 active members during 
the year. 

The following persons were elected to mem- 
bership during the year: P. ABrE.son, A. B. 
AuLEeNn, R. A. ALPHER, J. ARIsTEI, J. M. Asx- 
crorr, J. V. Aranasorr, W. H. Avery, T. F. 
Bai, L. I. Barsier, H. C. Beaman, W. G. 
Bert, C. L. M. Buocuer, F. G. BRAMMER, 
C. W. Brown, V. A. Brown, B. H. Buckine- 
HAM, S. A. BuckineHam, D.S. Carper, A. C. 
CuartTers, B. F. Coeypieur, E. U. Connon, 
J. H. Curtiss, R. K. Dauustrom, S. M. Darr, 
Bessiz B. Day, J. Dr Launay, M. F. Distap, 
R. L. Dolecek, R. B. Dow, W. H. Dusric, 
W. R. Douryes, G. E. Fark, 8. N. Foner, L. 
W. Frassr, R. C. Grsss, 8. GirHens, M. P. 
Givens, J. W. Granam, D. E. Gray, J: B. 
GREEN, S. Harris, G. K. Hartman, H. M. 
Hayuor, F. B. Haynes, R. C. Herman, H. G. 
Hertz, F. K. Hitt, W. B. Hotton, J. J. Hop- 

_ «kins, G. A. Hornbeck, C. R. Horner, B. M. 

Horton, J. J. JENSEN, Myrrte R. KELuING- 
TON, EvELYN M. Kennepy, R. B. KersHner, 
wy) WwW. Krrenens,-J. H. Kuck, C.. J. Lapp, 
P. J. Larsen, D. P. Le Gatiey, A. LEVINE, 
E. S. Manson, W. H. Marswatt, L. L. Mar- 
ton, H. Mason, F. T. McCuurs, E. E. Msr- 
KEL, 8. J. Merzimr, C. F. Meyer, H. R. Mrr- 
CHELL, T. F. C. Mucumors, G. C. Munro, D. 
Netson, P. G. Nuttine, Jr., R. M. Parkes, W. 
PERINE, B. Perxins, Jr., R. B. PeTeRsEn, 
H. H. Porter, J. W. Ray, Mina Ress, O. F. 
Ritzman, A. L. Ropertson, H. M. Ryper, S. 
N. Sampurorr, T. W. SHEPPARD, S. SILVER- 



MAN, EH. F. Smeviizn, E. H. Smiru, 8S. W. 
SmitTH, J. H. Srus, C. E. Swartz, H. Tatet, 
G. R. Tatum, H. A. Tetuman, H. A., 
A. L. THomas, C. A. TRUESDELL, E. A. TurR- 
NER, JR., A. J. Wapman, G. V. Wa.po, C. N. 
WaARFIELD, F. D. Werner, R. E. Witson, A. 

The Secretaries reported the deaths of H. G. 
Avers, C. A. Bricas, H. 8. Roperts, GEORGE 

Following the report of the Committee on 
Elections, the following officers were declared 
elected for the year 1948: President, WALTER 
RaMBERG; Vice Presidents, Francis E. JoHN- 
sTON and Frank C. KRraAceExK; Corresponding 
Secretary, Autvin G. McNisu; Treasurer, 
Arcute I. Manan; Members-at-large of the 
General Committee, A. E. Ruark and W. J. 

kins University Applied Physics Laboratory: A 
cinema-spectrograph for photographing rapid 
spectral sequences.—A simple spectrograph de- 
signed around a 16-mm camera was described. 
This spectrograph was built for the purpose of 
obtaining spectrograms from light sources 
showing transient phenomena, in particular 
such light sources as the new types of rocket 
and jet combustion engines. The study of the 
light emitted from an acetylene-oxygen flame 
as a function of time illustrated its usefulness. 
(Author’s abstract.) 

1292d Meeting 

The 1292d meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, December 20, 
1947, President RAMBERG presiding. 

Program: J. B. Green, Naval Ordnance 
Laboratory: The spectra of atoms.—During the 
past 50 years, the spectra of atoms have fur- 
nished the most fruitful sources of information 
regarding the structure of atoms. Even before 
the isolation of the electron, the discovery of 
the Zeeman effect and its explanation by Lor- 
entz gave the physicist a measure of the ratio 

The very rapid developments in the theory 
of atomic spectra, beginning with Bohr’s ex- 
planation of the spectrum of hydrogen on the 
basis of the Rutherford atom, and the similari- 
ties and dissimilarities of this spectrum with 
those of other atoms illustrate the correlation 
of spectra and atomic structure. 

The work of Hund on complex spectrashowed 


how the entire electron configuration was neces- 
sary to define the problem. The variations in 
parameters which determine the coupling co- 
efficients among the electrons can be deter- 
mined theoretically, and measurements of the 
Zeeman effect can be used to verify the calcula- 

The study of hyperfine structure and its 
Zeeman effect gave us the first clue that the 
nucleus of the atom had an intrinsic spin, just 
as the study of fine structure led to the first 
evidence of intrinsic spin of the electron. 

The ionization potentials of atoms were 
among the first successes of early theory. It is 
recommended that the investigation of broad 
lines excited by atoms in states with sufficient 
energy to cause auto-ionization be undertaken 
as a matter of immediate interest in the de- 
velopment of the theory. 

During the war great advances in the devel- 
opment of near infrared sensitive materials 
has given us a powerful tool for the study of 
atomic spectra in a region which has hitherto 
been practically unexplored. (A uthor’s abstract.) 

1293d Meeting 

The 1293d meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, January 17, 1948, 
President RAMBERG presiding. 

The retiring president, Frep L. Mouumr, 
National Bureau of Standards, delivered his 
presidential address on the subject Mass spectra 
of hydrocarbons. This address was published in 
this JOURNAL 38: 193-199. 1948. 

1294th Meeting 

The 1294th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, January 31, 1948, 
Vice President JOHNSTON presiding. - 

Program: Auvin G. McNisu, National 
Bureau of Standards; Radio observations of 
meteor trails—Observations of radio echoes 
from meteor trails by various investigators 
were summarized. It was then explained how 
ionization produced by the*impact of meteors 
on the upper atmosphere affords a means for 
studying processes of recombination, diffusion, 
and attachment of electrons in the ionosphere. 
(Secretary’s abstract.) 

1295th Meeting 

The 1295th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, February 14, 
1948, President RamBeEre presiding. 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 

Program: FREDERICK Seitz, Carnegie Insti- 
tute of Technology: The theory of plastic flow 
in solids—The high degree of plasticity ex- 
hibited by single crystals of metals and close- 
packed salts presents a fore-front problem of 
the physics of solids. Elementary reasoning 
shows that this plasticity must be associated 
with the presence of lattice imperfections which 
either exist or can be induced with ease in even 
the most perfect and pure crystals which are 
available at the present time. It was suggested 
by Taylor and Orowan in the last decade that 
these imperfections are lattice dislocations of 
the type first introduced by Prandtl to explain 
internal damping in metals. The theory sur- 
rounding dislocations has gradually evolved 
since it was first proposed, important develop- 
ments being introduced by Burgers during the 
early years of the recent war. The relationship 
between the theory of dislocations and the 
observed phenomena of plastic flow in single 
crystals of metals is surveyed in a manner that 
places particular emphasis upon some of the 
most recent developments. (Author’s abstract.) 

A. G. McNisuH presented an informal com- 
munication describing the peculiar behavior of 
the F.-layer in the ionosphere over regions of 
the earth’s magnetic equator. 

1296th Meeting 

The 1296th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, February 28, 
1948, President RAMBERG presiding. 

Program: JoHN Strrone, Johns Hopkins 
University: An extension of the application of 
evaporated films.—In this illustrated lecture the 
extension of the applications of aluminizing the 

astronomical mirrors was traced from its be- ©— | 

ginnings, when amateur Philip 8. Fogg’s 6-inch 
reflector was aluminized in January 1931, to 
its culmination in the aluminization of the 200- 
inch Palomar reflector in November 1947. The 
first metal tank used to coat mirrors to 12-inch 
diameters was shown by lantern slides. The 
speaker, together with Dr. Enrique Gaviola, of 
the Observatory of Cérdoba, used this tank to 
develop methods of parabolizing spheric mir- 
rors, and of correcting the figure of imperfect 
reflectors, by the deposition of suitably non- 
uniform aluminum films. The 40-inch alumi- 
nizing tank was illustrated in which the mirrors 
of Dr. Hale’s observatory and many mirrors of 
the Mount Wilson Observatory were coated. 
The use of this equipment culminated in the 

Ave. 15, 1948 

aluminizing of the Crossley reflector of the 
Lick Observatory in December 1933. The 108- 
inch aluminizing tank used for coating the 60- 
inch and 100-inch telescope mirrors of Mount 
Wilson Observatory in February 1935 was 
illustrated. Finally Mr. Porter’s excellent draw- 
ings of the new Palomar telescope were pro- 
jected together with photographs of the alu- 
minized 200-inch mirror. Various details of these 
large scale operations were discussed. (Author’s 

In an informal communication, MIcHAEL 
GoupBERG, Navy Department, exhibited sev- 
eral models of surfaces resembling ellipsoids of 
large eccentricities which share with the sphere 
the property of being rotatable through all 
possible orientations in space while remaining 
in contact with the four faces of a regular tetra- 
hedron. The equations of the surfaces and a 
mathematical demonstration of their unusual 
property were shown. 

A second informal communication was pre- 
sented by Luoyp Jonns, Naval Gun Factory, 
on the use of certain misleading notations in 
vector analysis. 

1297th Meeting 

The 1297th meeting was held in the audi- 
torium of the Cosmos Club, March 13, 1948, 
President RAMBERG presiding. 

Program: JoHn C. Huspparp,! Catholic Uni- 
versity of America: Ultrasonic propagation and 
its measurement.—The application of ultra- 
sonics during the late war to testing and loca- 
tion of faults in materials, the finding and 
continuous recording of depths in the sea, and 
the measurement of position and velocity of 
enemy ships, particularly submarines, has 
raised the subject to a level of popular appreci- 
ation and official support little dreamed of at 
the outbreak of hostilities. The great impor- 
tance of the subject as compared with audible 
sound lies in the range of wave lengths which, 
in general, are small compared even with the 
dimensions or ordinary tools or apparatus. 
The recent development at the University of 
Virginia of electric sparks of extremely short 
duration has made it possible to photograph 
progressive ultrasonic waves,” showing clearly 
the effects of diffraction and interference, the 

1 Assisted by the Office of Naval Research. 

aa. © Hoursarp, I. F. ZARTMAN, and C. R. 
Larkin, Journ. Opt. Soc. Amer. 37: 832-836. 



spacing of waves in a transparent medium, and 
the attenuation and change of form of the 
waves as they progress through the medium. 
All the experience in this field emphasizes the 
making of measurements, where accuracy is 
required, at the lowest possible level of inten- 
sity. The application of ultrasonics to the study 
of elastic and viscous properties of liquids and 
amorphous and crystalline solids was discussed 
briefly and the usefulness to the physicist and 
chemist of ultrasonic data of great precision 
was shown by means of a number of illustrative 

1298th Meeting 

The 1298th meeting was the occasion of the 
Seventeenth Joseph Henry Lecture and was 
held in the auditorium of the United States 
National Museum, March 27, 1948, President 
RAMBERG presiding. 

Program: Ropert B. Brops, University of 
California: Cosmic-ray mesotrons. This address 
will be published in full in this JouRNAL. 

1299th Meeting 

The 1299th meeting was held in the audi- 
torlum of the Cosmos Club, April 10, 1948, 
President RAMBERG presiding. 

Program: F. ZeRNIcKE, Johns Hopkins Uni- 
versity: Tolerances in lens errors. 

Special Joint Meeting with the Washington 
Academy of Sciences 

This meeting was held in the auditorium of 
the Cosmos Club, April 15, 1948, President 
RAMBERG presiding. 

Program: Puitipp FRANK, Harvard Univer- 
sity: Philosophical interpretations of physical 

1300th Meeting 

The 1300th meeting was held in the audito- 
rium of the Cosmos Club, April 12, 1948, 
President RAMBERG presiding. 

Program: Col. Lrsuiz E. Simon, Aberdeen 
Proving Ground: Organization and Adminis- 
tration of German research in World War II.— 
The physical conditions for German research 
in World War II, with emphasis on the most 
successful kind of research, 1.e., for the Air 
Force, were first discussed. Inasmuch as nearly 
all research during that time was war research, 
research agencies sought to identify themselves 
with the armed services; this, combined with 
competition between government offices for 


research services, caused considerable confusion 
in the over-all organization for research. 

In order to appraise the German effort, the 
logical flow of contributions to new articles 
was next discussed. Three defects in the Ger- 
man system appear. First, organizations re- 
sponsible for development and manufacture did 
not take research into their confidence. Sec- 
ondly, research received too little over-all 
supervision, resulting in unwise duplication. 
Thirdly, research failed to establish com- 
munication with military plans and trends. 
Therefore, most new articles originated in the 
design state which was based on past research 
and were independent of contemporary re- 
search. Hence, an enormous amount of research 
was unremunerative in this respect. 

Study of Germany’s war research demon- 
strates that we can not continue to rely on re- 
sults of past research. It is the duty of indus- 
tries and government to support currently 
reasonable amounts of basic research. (Author’s 

1301st Meeting 

The 1301st meeting was held in the audito- 
rium of the Cosmos Club, May 8, 1948, Presi- 
dent RAMBERG presiding. 

Program: O. S. Durrenpack, Philips Lab- 
oratories, Inc.: Magnetic ferrites——Although it 
was known that certain ferrites have magnetic 
properties, systematic investigation by Snoek, 
Verwey, and their co-workers at the Research 
Laboratories of the Philips Company at Eind- 
hoven, Holland, resulted in the development of 
magnetic ferrites having desirable character- 
istics for use as cores of transformers and in- 
ductance coils. These ferrites, under the trade- 
name ‘‘Ferroxcube,”’ are of different’ types for 
different applications, but they are all char- 
acterized by high resistivities resulting in low 
eddy current losses without the necessity of 
laminating the cores. The hysteresis losses of 
these materials are low also and special types 
of ‘‘Ferroxcube”’ have considerable permeabil- 
ity at frequencies in the megacycle range. 

Typical characteristics of ‘“‘Ferroxcube III,” 
which is now in limited production in Eind- 
hoven, are: 

Initial permeability up 1,000 to 1,500. 

Losses, at 60 ke tan 6/u (9.08 to 0.12) X10. 

Hysteresis coefficient, at 2 ke (2 to 5) X10~%. 
(Author’s abstract.) 


VOL. 38, NO. 8 — 

H. M. O’Bryan, Research and Development 
Board, presented an informal communication 
in which he demonstrated a special Perot- 
Fabry interferometer. 

= = 

1302d Meeting 

The 1302d meeting was held in the audito- 
rium of the Cosmos Club, May 22, 1948, Presi- 
dent RAMBERG presiding. 

Program: Raurx E. ALpHER, Johns Hopkins 
University Applied Physics Laboratory: The 
origin of chemical elements.—It is generally 
accepted that the present relative abundance of 
elements was established in a prestellar stage 
of the universe. The direct correlation of rela- 
tive abundance with nuclear binding energies 
has suggested to several investigators that the 
elements were formed in thermodynamic equi- 
librium at some high temperature and density 
in this prestellar stage. However, without as- 
sumptions difficult to justify physically, it is 
not possible to explain the abundance of both 
light and heavy elements as corresponding to 
equilibrium at a given temperature and density. 

Because of the rapid change in physical con- 
ditions due to the universal expansion, Gamow 
suggested several years ago that some non- 
equilibrium process must have been respon- 
sible for the formation of elements. A process 
of successive neutron captures, with interven- 
ing beta-decay to correct the neutron-proton 
ratio, is indicated by the correlation of nuclei 
of large abundance with small neutron capture 
cross sections for these nuclei, and vice versa. 
Preliminary calculations indicate that a neu- 
tron-capture theory leads to the correct relative © 

The neutron-capture theory suggests that 
the cosmological model for the early stages of — 
the universe is one of black body radiation, — 
with a trace of matter present in the form of ~ 
neutrons, protons, and electrons. Some 300 — 
seconds after expansion began, the temperature ~ 
had dropped to 10°°K., below which tempera- | 
ture building up of nuclei by successive neutron | 
captures could go on. At this time the density — 
of matter was of the order 10~* gm/cm3. The © 
process was terminated in a time of the order 
of a neutron decay lifetime by neutron decay — 
and by the expansion. (Author’s abstract.) 

Water L. CHEnry, Recording Secretary. 

a a — 
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Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

President...... fT lsea in cis aie .- FREDERICK D. Rossin1, National Bureau of Standards 
DPR OSES Seen Lie pe eats scp ales eleam « bares C. Lewis Gazin, U. S. National Museum 
TE Sea a a ie a st ca .-.- HOWARD S. RAppLEeYeE, Coast and Geodetic Survey 
REMI rns Es nig hE gy 5:'a00'S Sa. 0 bate NatTHan R. Suiru, Plant Industry Station 
Custodian and Subscription Manager of Publications...........0c cece cece ccc scces 
TTT ait cto wos iie' ees Hiss apemte Haraup A. Reuper, U. 8. National Museum 
Vice-Presidents Representing the Affiliated Societies: 
Philosophical Society of Washington..............-2.000200% WALTER RAMBERG 
Anthropological Society of Washington.................... T. Dap STEWART 
Biological Society of Washington.............0cc cc eee ees JoHN W. ALDRICH 
Chemical Society of Washington. .......... 000 cece cee ees CHaries E. WHITE 
Entomological Society of Washington.................00- C. F. W. MuESEBECK 
National Geographic Society............c0evceees ipetaton = ALEXANDER WETMORE 
Geological Society of Washington...............000ceeees Wiiiiam W. Rusey 
Medical Society of the District of Columbia................ FREDERICK O. CoE 
Perret: HIsLOrical DOCIECY. 625.5 eos we ces boc ne ees 8a GILBERT GROSVENOR 
PoLanies! society of Washington. io... se ccc ewes eaes RONALD BAMFORD 
Washington Section, Society of American Foresters........ Wiui1am A. Dayton 
Washington Society of Engineers............00e cece cecces CuirrorD A, BETTS 
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ErHNOLOGY.— Utilization of marine life by the Wampanoag Indians of 
Massachusetts. Frank G. Speck and Ratpo W. DExTER..... 

Puysics.—Transition from international to absolute electrical units as 
it affects the physical chemist. GrorGE W. VINAL............ 

Botrany.—Heliopsis longipes, a Mexican insecticidal plant species. 
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EnToMOoLoGy.—New species of Metachroma and other chrysomelid 
beetles from the West Indies. Dorts H. Buake.............. 

ORNITHOLOGY.—The races of the red-whiskered bulbul, Pycnonotus 
jocosus (Linnaeus). H. G. DEIGNAN J AES 3 6% a er 

PROCEEDINGS: THE ACADEMY 2). fo 2322 De Vee ae ee eee 

PROCEEDINGS. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY... .....-..2-cc+e cece tes uses 




 Supremper 15, 1948 No. 9 


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eh, ae | | rohan 

_ ALAN STONE Frank C. Kracex 



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: _ Larris, Jn. AREAL ks ~Waxpo R:. WEpDEL ; : ‘ 

: Irt C. ScHoonover . 




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Vout. 38 

SEPTEMBER 15, 1948 

No. 9 

GEOLOGY .—Some aspects of the geology, petrology, and mineralogy of Switzerland.1 
Pau. Nieeu, Mineralogisches-Petrographisches Institut der Eidgenossischen 

Technische Hochschule und Universitat Zurich. 

T. Faust.) 

The Alps are the youngest mountain 
range of Europe. Deep valleys, due to 
river erosion, allow the study of sequences 
of rocks, their metamorphism and folding 
within a thickness of some 2,000 to 4,000 
meters. In many places a sparse covering of 
forest, scree, or snow is present; bare rocks 
can be found everywhere. So by climbing 
up the cliffs and gullies, by following the 
contacts of the rocks, and by collecting 
samples of rocks, fossils, and minerals, 
Swiss geologists and mineralogists have 
been able to build up a geological and petro- 
graphical synthesis of their country, based 
on evidence that can be directly investi- 
gated in the field. 

Taken from north to south, the main 
zones found in Switzerland are as follows: 

(1) The southern part of the Schwarz- 
wald (Black Forest), a massif of Hercynian 
age, not folded in Tertiary times, upon 
which lies the Jura tableland. 

(2) The folded Jura or Jura Mountains 
proper, resembling a virgation of the Alps 
and composed of rocks varying from Trias- 
sic to Tertiary age. 

(3) The Swiss Plateau or Plain consisting 
of a huge thickness of relatively undisturbed 
marine and fresh water deposits dating 
from the Middle Tertiary. This rock assem- 
blage is called ‘‘Molasse,”’ a word originally 
meaning soft sandstone in the local Swiss 
dialect. Most of this material is derived 
from the Alps, in which erosion was setting 
in as folding and uplifting gradually began. 
Here also we find the more recent glacial 

1 Presented before the Geological Society of 
Washington, January 14, 1948. 

(Communicated by GEORGE 

deposits. fluvioglacial gravels, and sands 
of Quaternary age, filling out the deeper 
part of the broad valleys which traverse the 
Swiss Plateau. : 

The southern part of the Molasse region 
has been affected by the northward push 
of the Alps. The layers are no longer hori- 
zontal but steeply tilted and sometimes 
folded. The Alpine mountain chain had 
started to override its own debris. 

(4) The fourth important zone in Swit- 
zerland is that of the High Calcareous Alps, 
which include rocks from the Perm or Trias 
to the Tertiary. These mountains belong to 
the main chain of the Alps. They show folds, 
nappes, and clean-cut thrusts of the sedi- 
mentary cover. The latter originates from 
the central massifs and is more or less 
autochthonous or may derive from the 
southern parts of these massifs. These sedi- 
ments are said to be of Helvetic origin. 
From a general petrographic standpoint we 
can unite with the Helvetic High Calcar- 
eous Alps the so-called Prealps. These con- 
stitute an overlying mass of Mesozoic and 
Tertiary rocks, which in some cases are 
reduced to isolated outliers (Klippen), re- 
maining in certain synclines of the Helvetic 
Alps. In other cases they form mountain 
areas built of material entirely foreign to 
the district in which they stand. The Pre- 
alps are composed of nappes piled up on one 
another, and there seems to be no doubt 
that they must be considered as frontal parts 
of Pennine or east-Alpine nappes that have 
traveled far to the north in Oligocene and 
Miocene times. 

(5) In the western part of Switzerland, 
south of the Calcareous Alps, lies a broad 



zone of little-altered old igneous rocks, 
eneisses, and schists of pre-Triassic age. 
These are interrupted by zones of meta- 
morphosed post-Triassic sediments. Con- 
spicuous in this zone are the so-called cen- 
tral massifs, which bear the names Aarmas- 
sif, Gotthardmassif, Mont Blanemassif, and 
Massif of the Aiguilles Rouges. These mas- 
sifs are composed of crystalline rocks of 
Hercynian age and were originally cov- 
ered by others of post-Hercynian age, rang- 
ing from Permian to Tertiary. The Alpine 
folding pushed up, often as a series of 
slices, the rigid part of the massifs with 
the granite nuclei and old schists, while the 
softer and more pliable sedimentary cover 
was thrown into the succession of folds and 
nappes just referred to in connection with 
the Helvetic High Calcareous Alps. Be- 
tween the crystalline wedges some of the 
roots of the Helvetic nappes are still to be 
found as more or less highly metamorphosed 
sedimentary synclinal zones. 

(6) On the whole, the central massifs with 
their original sedimentary cover of epi- 
continental post-Carbonic rocks belong to 
the foreland of the great alpine geosyncline. 
To the south of the central massifs, how- 
ever, we find the so-called Pennine Nappes, 
formed in the geosyncline itself. The rocks 
called ‘“‘schistes lustrées’ or ‘‘Bindner- 
schiefer’’ represent the metamorphosed 
sediments deposited in this geosyncline. 
But the older rocks now also form a series 
of nappes of which the Simplon-Ticino 
nappes are the lower elements. The Casanna 
schists of the higher nappes do not belong 
to the schistes lustrées of Triassic to Ter- 
tiary age, but are Paleozoic. Since they 
originate from similar sedimentary rocks, 
they often bear a strong resemblance in 
their metamorphic state to these schistes 

(7) In the eastern Alps the Pennine 
Nappes are overridden by the thrusts and 
nappes of the Austrides or eastern Alps. 
The lower part of this great overlap is very 
well developed in the Canton of Grisons, 
whence the name Grisonides that has been 
given to these units. The main part of the 
Austride nappes belongs generally to the 
southern coast or Hinterland of the main 
Pennine Syncline. And elements of this 


VOL. 38, No. 9 

tectonic zone are also to be found in the 
western Alps in the zone of the nappe-roots 
and in the higher nappes. The Alpine geo- 
syncline had, perhaps, a highly complicated 
structure and was divided into two main 
parts. It seems likely that the Austro-Al- 
pine nappes belong to the so-called ‘‘Be- 
twixt-mountains” and not to the hinterland 
of only one syncline. In any case the sedi- 
ments of the Austrides are different in 
facies from the Pennine sediments, and 
there is no question of the foreward drive of 
these rocks over those of the northern main 
syncline and the northern foreland. 

(8) In the Canton of Ticino and to the 
south of the steeply tilted zone of nappe 
roots lies a complex of old and younger 
rocks in fairly undisturbed position. They 
are regarded as belonging to the Dinarides 
and are called in Switzerland the rocks of 
the ‘‘lake district’? (lakes of Lugano, Lo- 
carno, and Como). 

From the standpoint of sedimentary pe- 
trography five examples are to be found in 
Switzerland of sedimentary provinces of 
the following types: 

(1) The Alpine diluvial-alluvial type of 
continental sediments.—This is found in the 
topographically young region of high moun- 
tains and in the elevated features surround- 
ing the Swiss Plateau. It is an association 
of residual and talus breccia, cave deposits, 
landslide deposits, cobble and boulder beds 
deriving from mountain rivers, pebble beds 
of fluviatile or fluvioglacial character, 
glacial boulder layers of various types, 
glacial drifts, grits, sands and silts of fluvia- 
tile, lacustrine, glacial, and aeolian deriva- 
tion, loam of the slopes, muds, marls and 
clays, and freshwater or lake marls called 
‘‘Seekreide”’ (that is, ‘ake chalk’’) with 
layers of peat and schistose lignites. These 
sediments are more or less unconsolidated 
and lend themselves readily to the study of 
mechanical and statistical analysis. Thus 
the shapes and mineralogical composition 
can be analyzed and determinations made 
of the origin and behavior of the material 
during the different kinds of transport. 

(2) The molassic or paralic type of sedi- 
mentation in a continental trough, the last 
marginal deep of the alpine belt. The matter 
brought down by rivers and streams from 

Sept. 15, 1948 

the alpine ranges which had been folded 
and uplifted during and after the Oligocene 
epoch, provides the constituents of the 
Molasse. The coarser conglomeratic depos- 
its (Nagelfluh) are of the nature of shore or 
delta sediments, deposited under fresh-water 
or marine conditions. They play an impor- 
tant role in the topography, forming great 
cliffs as on the Righi. Sandstones, marls, 
and clays, sometimes with lignites and 
fresh-water limestones, are the other im- 
portant rocks. Two continental periods are 
separated by a marine transgression and 
ean be correlated with contemporaneous 
movements of the Alps. Interior compres- 
sion persisted in the Alps during the Plio- 
cene and led to the overthrust of the Hel- 
vetic Nappes over the Molasse. It can be 
seen from the nature of the pebbles and 

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detritic minerals that the uplift and folding 
of the Alps began in the south. The first 
layers of the Molasse contain material 
from the higher tectonic elements only and 
were formed before the central massifs 
were pushed up and denuded of their sedi- 
ments. At the close of the Pliocene the Alps 
finally rose up as a huge and lofty mountain 
range subjected to erosion by glaciers and 
rivers. Much work has been done on the 
characterization of the pebbles and heavy 
minerals, the processes of diagenesis, lithi- 
fication, ete. 

(3) The true geosyncline (engeosyncline) 
type of sedimentation, represented by a 
comprehensive series of sediments of great 
thickness and persistent facies, called 
schistes lustrées, Biindnerschiefer, and the 
younger Flysch. Interbedded in these sedi- 

+ % caf 
Schaffhausen (65> > 


x = 

10 20 30 60 S0hkm 

Fig. 1.—Sketch map showing the tectonic zones of Switzerland: 

Zone 1: Swiss Plateau (Molasse Region) 
Zone 2: Zone of folded Molasse 

Zone 3: Jura Mountains 

Zone 4: Black Forest-Massif (Hercynian) 
Zone 5: High Caleareous Alps 

Zone 6: Zone of the Prealps: 

Zones 7, 8, 9: Central Massifs (7, Aarmassif; 8, Gotthardmassif; 9, Aiguilles-Rouges Massif) 

Zone 10: Zone of the Pennine Nappes 
Zone 11: Zone of the East Alpine Nappes 

Zone 12: Lake District Mountains (Dinarides) 

Zone 13: Tertiary Granite of Val Bregaglia, 


ments are layers of basic igneous rocks, 
The whole mass was afterward folded and 
transformed into calcareous phyllites, and 
greenstones or ophiolites. The series in- 
cludes representatives of Triassic, Jurassic, 
Cretaceous, and in some regions also of 
Tertiary formations. Radiolarites with man- 
ganese ores and greenstones are found in 
some places, but a typical abyssal or bathyal 
facies is lacking. During the sedimentation 
the basin was steadily sinking, but in some 
zones the folding began to form islands, 
arches, and geanticlines. The Flysch fur- 
nishes ample proof that in the Eocene some 
folded chains were raised up and subjected 
to denudation. ; 

(4) The epicontinental type of sedimenta- 
tion 1s especially to be found in the Calear- 
eous Alps and the Jura Mountains. It is 
characterized by regressions and trans- 
gressions and cyclical changes of facies. The 
sediments were laid down on continental 
shelfs and are of more or less neritic facies 
with frequent reef limestones, greensands, 
and oolithic rocks. 

The Perm and Trias of northern Switzer- 
land include continental and desert sand- 
stones, dolomites, beds of gypsum and salt. 
They make it probable that evaporations 
occurred in lagoons and basins shut off 
from the sea. 

This great variety of sedimentary prov- 
inces, the remarkable changes of facies, 
and the stratigraphical sequences have been 
an invaluable aid for the geological syn- 
thesis of the country. But for the petrolo- 
gist the metamorphism of rocks during the 
Alpine orogenic cycle and the formation of 
mineral parageneses of a peculiar type have 
provided the more fascinating subjects to 

As the Swiss part of the Alps is, from a 
tectonic point of view, one of the best- 
known young mountain ranges, it seemed a 
promising undertaking to study the rela- 
tions between the tectonic events and what 
is called alpine dynamic and dynamic-re- 
gional metamorphism (dislocation meta- 
morphism of the Swiss petrologists). It is 
to be remembered that we find in the Alps 
rocks of pre- and postcarbonic age and that 
many of the older rocks were folded in 
Hercynian time. This period of the Upper 


VOL. 38, NO. 9 

Carboniferous was also a time of great mag- 
matic intrusions. All rocks older than Per- 
mian have for this reason undergone not 
only the Mesozoic-Tertiary dislocation, but 
at least one older dislocation metamor- 
phism as well. In addition to these, an old 
contact metamorphism has left its traces at 
many places. 

The rocks are, therefore, typically poly- 
metamorphic, and at first sight it seems 
difficult to establish which of their present 
features are due to the influence of the 
young Alpine tectonic movements. 

Three groups of observations have in the 
course of time helped in unraveling of the 

(1) In the Schwarzwald are to be found 
old rocks quite similar to those occurring 
in the central massifs and in the cores of 
many nappes. As the Schwarzwald region 
lay outside the Alpine orogenic area, such 
rocks have there been practically undis- 
turbed since Carboniferous times. A com- 
parison of the two regions gives clear indi- 
cation of any changes the rocks have under- 
gone since that time. 

(2) Many of the great magmatic intru- 
sions in the central massifs and in the nappes 
are in respect to the Hercynian folding of 
postorogenic character. The magma in- 
truded at the end of the Hercynian folding 
and remained more or less unaffected by the 

latter. Analogous rocks in the Schwarzwald 

are true, unmetamorphosed igneous rocks. 
All changes suffered by their alpine coun- 
terparts must be ascribed to the alpine oro- 
genic cycle. 

(3) There can be no doubt that in many 
parts of the Alps the great masses of solid 
rock piled up to form the various nappes 
prevented magmatic solutions from ascend- - 
ing during the main period of mountain 
building and tectonic activity. Triassic and 
Mesozoic rocks are wedged between or 
folded as a whole into the older rocks and 
their metamorphism can only be of the 
pure Alpine dislocation type without any 
influencing by truly magmatic solutions. 

In other parts, especially in the zone of 
nappe roots, magmatic migration was con- 
temporaneous with some phases of the 
tectonic movements. There we find Triassic 
and Mesozoic rocks bearing the signs of 

Sept. 15, 1948 

magmatic contact metamorphism com- 
bined with dislocation-metamorphism. 

These indications will suffice to show that 
Swiss petrologists have a splendid working 
field in which to study the metamorphism 
of rock masses, subjected to external stress 
forces and when brought under new condi- 
tions of load and temperature. 

You know that the results arrived at 
during the petrological exploration of the 
Alps have brought with them great ad- 
vances in the science of metamorphism. I 
need only mention the names of Heim, 
Duparc, Grubenmann, and Koenigsberger 
in this connection. 

The post-Permian rocks of the superficial 
nappes of the High Calcareous Alps, the 

Prealps, and the Eastern Alpine thrusts — 

include dolomites, limestones, marls, clays, 
sandstones, and siliceous limestones. They 
have generally not suffered much alteration 
and resemble normal consolidated sedi- 
ments. They do, however, show greater 
lithification and hardening than the rocks 
of the same age in the Jura Mountains and 
are often superior as building stones. But 
at the same time they have suffered an ap- 
parently plastic deformation and often 
exhibit very fine folding and overfolding. 
Such folding is often unharmonious, hard 
limestones or sandstones being frequently 
thrown into few large folds while marls and 
clays are puckered into numerous smaller 
ones. Harder strata also show the tendency 
to glide over the marls and clays and to fold 
separately or to break into pieces. But even 
in the folded rocks with flowage textures, 
joints, and fissures are everywhere to be 
found. When the latter occur in limestone, 
they are filled with calcite, while those in 
siliceous limestones, cherts, and sandstones 
predominantly contain quartz. Taken as a 
whole the rocks were during the period of 
folding a solid aggregate of crystals with 
increasing diagenesis. To a large extent the 
plastic behavior of the rocks was not due to 
the plasticity of the individual crystals. 
Different parts of each crystal and different 
crystals suffered different stresses. There 
was not only a differential movement of the 
grains, but also a recrystallization pro- 
moted by an interstitial liquid solvent, 
present in all these rocks. The solubility 



of a crystal is very sensibly increased under 
the influencing of shearing stress. Material 
can thus be dissolved where minerals or 
parts of minerals are under high stress and 
added to others or other parts, which at a 
given moment are not subjected to the 
Same shearing stress. That solutions are 
effective even under these epithermal and 
not hypabyssal conditions is proved by new 
erystallizations out of solutions along 
cracks and fissures and in the pressure 
shadow of larger crystals or pebbles. Quite 
commonly open cavities or crevices were 
formed by tensional stresses in the anticlines 
and synclines of small folds and were then 
suddenly filled with crystallizing solutions. 
This seems to be analogous to the well- 
known quartz-filled saddle reefs, but the 
crystallizing material is always of the same 
nature as the rock minerals. There is no 
essential transport of material from depth, 
no material foreign to the rock to be found 
in such formations. This is the first what 
we may call embryonic stage in the forma- 
tion of the so-called Alpine mineral fissures, 
taking place in this case under strongly epi- 
thermal conditions. Indeed at many places 
in the zone of the Calcareous Alps larger 
fissures are met with containing great 
crystals of calcite and sometimes of fluorite 
or quartz. Even in the Jura Mountains 
fissures occur with fine specimens of calcite, 
quartz, fluorite, pyrite, marcasite, celes- 
tite, and strontianite. There can be no 
doubt that they are the product of lateral 
secretion. In normal,sedimentary rocks and 
in the small fissures only the minerals typi- 
cal of diagenetically altered sediments are 
found. The temperature was too low to give 
more varied reaction products. But in some 
intercalations of peculiar composition, the 
same filled fissures, originally produced by 
stress, now contain a paragenesis of special 
minerals which can only derive from the 
surrounding medium. Thus at the Gonzen 
for example a bedded layer of iron man- 
ganese minerals, including hematite, mag- 
netite, ferroan-calcite, hausmannite, rhodo- 
chrosite, calcite, and quartz, is intercalated 
between limestones belonging to the Malm. 
The Alpine dislocation metamorphism pro- 
duced folding and fracture with a system of 
fine joints, cracks, and fissures in the ore 



VOL. 38, NO. 9 

Fig. 2.—Typical alpine mineral fissure. Note the quartzband and the more or less vertical 
position in respect to the schistosity of the country rock. 

deposit and adjoining rocks. In the iron 
ore the small veins and joints contain: 

(1) Quartz, siderite, calcite, sometimes 
pyrite, or 

(2) Stilpnomelane or ripidolite with cal- 
cite + quartz. 

In fissures within the manganese-rich 
part, the minerals are rhodochrosite and 
calcite, while in the limestone itself the 
filling of the fissures is restricted to calcite 
and sometimes a little quartz. Stilpnome- 
lane, ripidolite, siderite and rhodochrosite 
are in this case the new epithermal vein 
minerals and correspond in composition 
to that of the mother rock. 

A slightly higher degree of deformation is 
met with in an east Alpine complex of radio- 
larites, red shales, and aptychus-limestones 
with a concordant intercalation of man- 
ganese minerals, chiefly braunite. The fer- 
ruginous shales and the radiolarite (con- 
taining some amounts of sodium) are the 
rocks directly adjoining the manganese de- 
posit. Within the radiolarites many of the 
very small fissures are filled with milky 
quartz; but in the manganese-ore, quartz 1s 
accompanied by new and peculiar hydro- 
thermal minerals such as piedmontite, sur- 
sassite (a peculiar Mn-zoisite), parsettens- 
ite, manganiferous stilpnomelane, tinzen- 
ite, a Ca-Mn-silicate with water, sometimes 
rhodochrosite, magnanocalcite and rhodo- 
nite, also occasionally albite. Some of these 
minerals were first found in the fissures of 
this locality. As the dislocation and defor- 

mation of the rocks took place in several 
phases, veins of slightly different age can be 
observed with a normal succession of the 
minerals quoted. This is due to the fact that 
the temperature also was changing during 
the period of deformation. 

Some illustrations will give you a good 
insight into the fissure system and its con- 
tent of crystals. It must be added that the 
manganese minerals are only found in the 
fractured massive ore rock. 

Thus we see that the content of the solu- 
tions had its origin in the rock itself and 
that the local formation of such solutions 
proceeded side by side with the processes 
of deformation and metamorphism which 
in this particular case was slight (forma- 
tion of braunite out of silica- and manganif- 
erous gels and recrystallization of the 
radiolarian ooze with partial destruction of 
the organic structure). The filling of and 
crystallization within the fissures and open- 
ings along the lines of fracture took place 
as temperatures tended to fall as a result 
of the gradual cessation of the mechanical 
strains and of increasing denudation by 

This is, as we can prove by many exam- 
ples, also the history of the formation of the 
Alpine fissures in the crystalline rocks of the 
central massifs and the pennine nappes. 
And it is these which contain the beautifully 
developed crystals so characteristic of the 
Alpine region, which have found their way 
into mineral collections all over the world. 

Sept. 15, 1948 

Before giving a short summary of the 
parageneses of these interesting fissure- 
deposits (clefts) or ‘‘Zerrklifte,”’ as they 
are called in Switzerland, we must deal with 
the alpine metamorphism as manifested 
by the rocks in the central massifs and 
pennine region. To what extent the meta- 
morphism assumes different grades accord- 
ing to the position within the system of 
uplifts and foldings, is best seen by a study 
of the wedged in or folded in syncliness of 
younger sediments. 

Between the Aar- and Gotthardmassifs 
occurs a steeply tilted syncline composed of 
Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic strata. A 
crystalline thrust-wedge, the Tavetsch- 
massif, divides the eastern part of this 
syncline into two parts. The southern part 
is called the zone of Tavetsch or Urseren 
and can be followed over a distance of more 
than 90 km along the northern edge of the 
Gotthardmassif from the Alp Nadels in the 
Canton of Grisons to the valley of the 
Rhone. The passes of the Oberalp and Furka 
as well as the Urseren valley have been 
carved out of it or the schists of the Ta- 
vetschmassif. The sediments are those of the 
normal cover of the Gotthardmassif with a 




thick layer of Permain facies called Ver- 
rucano, made up of detritus deriving from 
the Hercynian folding. The Trias is repre- 
sented by quartzites, dolomites and dolo- 
mitic marls, and to the Lias belong sandy, 
often ferruginous limestones, sandstones, 
shales, echinodermal breccia, or compact 
limestones. The same strata, but without 
the Permian, are present in a sedimentary 
zone called the Nufenen Piora zone on the 
south side of the Gotthardmassif. Especially 
at the east end of the Gotthard pass, in the 
neighborhood of Lake Piora and Mount 
Scopi, parts of this zone are intensively 
folded and squeezed between the rising 
Gotthardmassif and the partly inverted 
frontal units of the deepest Pennine nappes. 
The push exerted by these nappes was 
very intensive in this region, and the 
erosion enables us to gain an insight into 
regions which were originally covered by 
higher elements of the upper Pennine 
nappes. There can be no doubt that this 
southern zone and also the southern parts 
of the crystalline rocks of the Gotthard- 
massif were subjected to higher stress and 
temperatures than were the zone of Ta- 
vetsch, Urseren, and the Aarmassif. 

Fig. 3.—Quartzband with mineral fissures which have been opened up and emptied. 


The metamorphic derivatives of the 
Triassic and Liassic sediments with rem- 
nants of fossils are as follows: 

Northern zone: 

Dolomite: sometimes converted to marble, 
sometimes crushed. 

Dolomite marls: metamorphosed to chloritoid 
schist with chloritoid porphyroblasts and a 
groundmass of quartz, sericite, chlorite, 

Calcareous sandstones and argillaceous sand- 
stones: metamorphosed to: so-called cipo- 
lin, a sericite quartzite with or without carbo- 

Clays: converted to phyllite. 

Limestones: slight formation of marble and 
some crushing. 

Southern zone with higher grade of metamorphism: 

Dolomites: mainly converted to marble, some- 
times squeezed out into lenses. Newly formed 
minerals include grammatite, actinolite and 
in some places phlogopite. 

Dolomite marls: metamorphosed to mica- 
schists with biotite, hornblende and often 
garnet as porphyroblasts with often a little 
sodic plagioclase. In some zones it can be ob- 
served that chlorite and biotite were formed 
together while in a transitional zone sericite- 
albite-chlorite schists occur. 

Calcareous marls and limestones: newly formed 
minerals are zoisite, epidote, garnet. 

Sandstones furnish mica quartzites. 

Clays: are transformed into beautiful mica- 
schists with biotite or cyanite and staurolite 
or garnet as large porphyroblasts. Sometimes 
hematite is replaced by magnetite. 

All these schists have a freely developed 
crystalloblastic, porphyroblastic, or poicilo- 
blastic structure with crystal growth under 
stress. As a result of differential movement 
the growing porphyroblasts often show a 
marked rotation with S-shaped inclusions. 
The same is true of the chloritoid porphyro- 
blasts in the chloritoid schists of the north- 
ern zone. Indeed, the movement of the 
chloritoid porphyroblasts in respect to the 
fine-grained ground mass may be so pro- 
nounced as to lead to the formation of 
crevices on both sides of the porphyroblast 
crystals. Such spaces became filled with 
solutions out of which crystallized un- 
strained individuals of quartz, chlorite, or 
sericite. This is another proof that already 
in the stage of metamorphism solvents were 
active and that solution followed by re- 
newed crystallization was proceeding on a 
considerable scale. 


VOL. 38, No. 9 

In the southern zone the metamorphosed 
sediments are often of a coarse-grained 
nature and show no relicts of the original 
textures. Typical isometric porphyroblasts 
such as garnet may have diameters of 1 to 
3cm, whereas the length of cyanite, stauro- 
lite, or hornblende crystals may attain 
several centimeters in length. But in some 
of the folded and twisted rocks irregular 
open spaces are frequently found. They 
were filled with solutions from which quartz, 
idiomorphic cyanite, staurolite, and garnet 
free from inclusions have crystallized. So 
here again there can be no doubt that sol- 
vents were active during the period of meta- 
morphism. Nevertheless, the succession of 
different metamorphic rocks, even when 
extreme folding has occurred, accurately 
reflects the original sedimentary sequence 
with very sharp boundaries between the 
original layers. No signs of long distance 
diffusions or metasomatism with solutions 
coming from below are to be found, and all 
observations point to recrystallizations 
from locally formed solutions during a long 
period of deformation. 

Swiss petrologists call metamorphism of 
the type found in the northern zone of the 
Gotthardmassif epimetamorphis. The rocks 
there constitute an epithermal metamorphic 
facies. The metamorphism found on the 
southern border of the Massif and especially 
in the Lukamnier-Piora region, is termed 
mesometamorphism, and produces a meso- 
thermal metamorphic facies. A study of 
the pre-Permain rocks in the Massif itself 
and of the rocks of the deepest Pennine 
nappes shows that the tectonic events there 
are correspondingly more intense. Judged 
from the same point of view it is to be 
expected that the metamorphism of the 
higher and more superficial Austride nappes 
will be of epizonal character, while in the 
Pennine roots katametamorphism is likely 
to prevail. For here intrusions of magma 
(basic at first, acidic later on) took place 
during the folding and invaded areas in 
which a slackening of pressure made itself 
felt. The reason for the latter was the 
squeezing out by the compressing forces of 
material, which making its way northward 
went to build the nappes. | 

It is not possible in this paper to discuss 

<=. _ 

Supt. 15, 1948 

in detail the correctness of these deductions. 
We must limit ourselves to an examination 
of the metamorphism exhibited by the old 
crystalline units of the central massifs, 
these being important as containing the 
chief localities at which fissure-minerals are 

The older rocks of these massifs are as 
follows: . 

(1) Great complexes of diorites, grano- 
diorites, granites and quartz-porphyries of 
the post-Hercynian epoch were found in 
upper carboniferous times. In the Aarmassif 
they are accompanied by syenites and mon- 
zonites with an intrusion of related magmas 
of rather greater age. Pegmatites, aplites 
and lamprophyres as well as porphyritic 
rocks are plentiful. 

(2) The Hercynian magma was intruded 
into old paragneisses and mica schists with 
basic intrusions of amphibolitic or perido- 
titic character. 

(3) A series of old orthogneisses with local 
occurrences of old hornfelses, conglomer- 
atic gneisses, eclogites, and rarely of Paleo- 
zoic limestones. 

Apophyses of the old orthogneisses and 
of the younger intrusive rocks have pene- 
trated, digested and metamorphosed the 
schists. At some places fine examples of an 
old magmatization are visible and old in- 
jection gneisses are frequent. 

(4) The permocarboniferous is often con- 
cordantly enwrapped and consists of sericite 
and muscovite gneisses and schists, con- 
glomeratic gneisses, psammitic to pelitic 
eneisses with intercalations of permocar- 
boniferous quartz porphyries, spilites and 

The rigid masses of the Hercynian in- 
trusive rocks and a great part of the old 
gneisses were not folded by the Alpine tec- 
tonic movements, which merely compressed 
these old Hercynian massifs. 

The push of the Pennine nappes from the 
Alpine geosyncline was naturally stronger 
in the more southern massifs of the Mont 
Blane and Gotthard than in those of the 
Aiguilles Rouges and Aar farther to the 

The old massifs were uplifted and de- 
veloped a more or less vertical schistosity. 

- However as the push made itself most felt 



at the base, a fan-shaped structure has 
been produced at many places. 

Phenomena of destructive metamor- 
phism in the epizone are very widespread 
and include the formation slices, zones of 
mylonitic or crushed rocks, etc., features 
which are very conspicuous in the present 

Every massif has one or two transversal 
anticlines, that is, culminations in the up- 
lift, whose axes sink down on each side, pro- 
ducing a domelike shape. The greatest cul- 
minations are situated on a line running 
from north to south, from the valley of the 
Reuss to the valley of the Ticino and the 
Simplon-Ticino culmination. To the south 
of these massif culminations the deepest 
nappes outcrop in the depressions, while on 
each side the highest nappes are exposed at 
the surface and the deeper ones remain in- 
visible in depth. 

But the schists of the massifs have, as a 
result of the compression, everywhere been 
brought into a more or less vertical position. 
Only at the east end of the Gotthardmassif 
could the Pennine and Austrian nappes in 
the course of their northward movement 
thrust the sinking massif over the rocks of 
the Aarmassif. 

In the main part of the Gotthardmassif 
the metamorphism of the old rocks often 
exhibits the following typical features: In 
rocks of massive texture quartz has suf- 
fered internal fracturing and possesses a 
cataclastic structure with some signs of re- 
crystallization. Along the planes of strong 
differential movements the relicts of larger 
quartz crystals have assumed a lenticular 
or eye shape (augen) with mortar-structure 
in a finely crushed and sometimes recrys- 
tallized ground mass. In the mylonites the 
intensive crushing is combined with a 
schistose texture. But everywhere the de- 
structive processes are followed by construc- 
tive ones, comprising not only recrystalliza- 
tion of the original constituents such as 
quartz, but also chemical reactions giving 
rise to new minerals. Sericite or muscovite 
is formed from alkali-rich feldspar, zoisite, 
and epidote from plagioclase, the mixture 
of these minerals with newly formed albite 
constituting what is called  saussurite. 
Chlorite develops at the expense of biotite, 


serpentine and tale from olivine and ortho- 
pyroxene, actinolite from augites and the 
more complex hornblendes etc. Many min- 
erals of complex composition suffer un- 
mixing accompanied by the formulation of 
iron-ore minerals, rutile, etc. Analogous 
mineral changes accompany the metamor- 
phism of already metamorphic rocks and, 
as we have seen, the newly formed minerals 
in the younger sediments exhibit the same 
epimetamorphic character. 

In the southern part of the Gotthard- 
massif in the so-called ‘“Tremola-schists”’ 
and also in the deepest Pennine nappes a 
complete recrystallization of old and young 
rocks has taken place under mesozonal 
conditions. Granites have been transformed 
into two-mica gneisses. And in the zone of 
the nappe-roots where pegmatites strike 
across the schists, contact metamorphism 
of katazonal character is combined with the 
dislocation metamorphism. 

One effect of the strain of the great tec- 
tonic movements, especially in the regions 
of the greatest uplifts, was the formation of 
torsion cracks and fissures. These developed 
in directions more or less perpendicular to 
the foliation or schistosity of the rocks and 
consequently lie horizontally in the central 
massifs and nearly vertically in the nappe- 
regions. Larger fissures resulted in massive 
rocks under relatively small loads than in 
finely foliated paragneisses or paraschists or 
in the region of the deepest nappes. Rela- 
tively large dimensions were attained by 
the fissures especially in the slightly epi- 
metamorphic granites of the central mas- 
sifs. Here open cavities of the size of caves 
were sometimes formed. The solutions cir- 
culating in the pores of the metamorphosed 
rocks filled the crevices and effected a very 
marked decomposition of the surrounding 
rocks. It thus often happens that the crev- 
ices are surrounded by narrow zones of 
altered or leached rocks. As the tectonic 
stresses gradually diminished and increas- 
ing erosion resulted in a reduction both in 
load and temperature, conditions were 
attained under which crystallization could 
take place out of these solutions or from 
others of low temperature which had 
joined them. The resulting crystals were 
able freely to develop into the spaces occu- 


VOL. 38, NO. 9 

pied by the solutions and thus to attain the 
size and perfection often characteristic of 
the alpine specimens. In many cases the 
leached zone became impregnated with 
newly formed crystals. This had the effect 
of sealing off the cavities and the contained 
solutions from their surroundings. Koenigs- 
berger was the first to prove that the newly 
formed minerals found in the fissures are 
derived chiefly from the surrounding rocks. 
Lateral secretion during the period of tec- 
tonic deformations followed by ecrystalliza- 
tion from the cooling solutions are the fac- 
tors leading to their formation. According 
to his estimates crystallization may have 
started at temperatures of about 350° and 
proceeded at intervals down to tempera- 
tures of 100° or lower. Many investigations 
(some not yet published) by students of the 
Federal School of Technology at Ziirich 
have confirmed his results and furnished 
many additional details about the processes 

The best description and systematic ar- 
rangement of the various mineral paragen- 
eses found in the alpine fissures were given 
in the book published in 1940, Die Mzne- 
ralien der Schweizeralpen, by my friend and 
collaborator Prof. R. L. Parker, who is also 
keeper of the well-known collection of 
Swiss minerals at the Swiss Federal Insti- 
tute of Technology in Ziirich. He divides 
the Swiss section of the Alps into twelve 
characteristic areas as follows: 

1. Maderanertal 
. Guttannen-Goppenstein 
. Fellital-Giuf 
Géschenera]p and Grimsel 
. Oberwallis and Urserental 
Tavetsch and Vorderrheintal 
. Gotthardpass and Greina 
. Adula 
. Southern and easterly Grisons 
10. Ticino 
11. Binnental-Simplon 
12. Zermatt 


In each region he distinguishes a number of 
groups of localities comprising occurrences 
belonging to the same mother rock and of 
similar paragenesis. The connection that is 
thus brought out between mother-rock and 
mineral assemblages, is a typical feature of 
the Alpine-type localities and one that is 
only to be expected if Koenigsberger’s 

Sper. 15, 1948 

theory of lateral secretion is correct. Of the 
_ 58 groups described in the book only a few 
can be selected for mention here as illus- 
trating the occurrence of typical Alpine 

In the Maderanertal area, which is situ- 
ated in the northern zone of schists in the 
Aarmassif, fissures in the paraschists show 
the following paragenesis of minerals: 
Quartz, adularia, albite, calcite, brookite, 
anatase, rutile, apatite, ilmenite, pyrite, 
sphene, and monazite. Of the TiO, minerals 
brookite is certainly the most conspicuous 
and these localities, which include the 
famous Grieserntal, furnish the best Swiss 
specimens today. Anatase is also frequent 
and the two minerals frequently show the 
phenomenon known as differentiation in the 
fissures. That is to say they either occur on 
different walls of the same fissure, or else 
appear separately in adjoining fissures. 
Cases are, however, frequent in which both 
minerals occur in close association, and are 
even joined by the third TiO. mineral, 
rutile. This is a quite anomalous state of 
affairs as according to physical chemical 
theory only one of these phases can be 
stable. Investigations in the laboratory has 
proved rutile to be the actually stable 
phase, and this is borne out by the obser- 
vation that both brookite and anatase may 
be wholly or partially changed into aggre- 
gates of fine acicular crystals of rutile. Of 
the other minerals quartz may be men- 
tioned as very frequently showing ghosts 
or phantoms as many as seven or eight be- 
ing sometimes visible within a single crys- 
The importance of the Ti02 minerals in the 
fissures of para-rocks is confirmed by the 
reappearance of similar parageneses in 
other areas. Thus in the now largely ex- 
hausted fissures of the Adula (area of Vals 
Platz) magnificent brookites 3 to 4 cm in 
length were found. Here also anatase oc- 
curred, and rutile often contained as 
needles in the quartz crystals has been 
found in superb specimens of rutilated 
quartz. In the Tavetsch valley, again, a 
similar paragenesis is found in para schists, 
though in this case anatase and rutile are 
generally far more important than brookite. 
The same is true of the fissures in the para- 



rocks of the famous Alpe Lercheltini near 
the village of Binn in the Valais. Here the 
conditions for the crystallization of anatase 
must have been ideal ones, for crystals of a 
size and richness in form development are 
found, which surpass anything found at 
other Swiss localities. 

It is thus seen that while a given para- 
genesis may repeat itself at several or even 
many widely separated localities, each one 
of these exhibits its own local particularities 
as regards the mineral selection, form and 
habit development. 

Returning to the Maderanertal, we find 
intercalated between the schists amphibo- 
lites deriving from basic igneous rocks. The 
assemblage carried by the fissures in these 
rocks is totally different from that just 
mentioned and can be given as follows: 
Calcite, adularia, quartz, albite, chlorite, 
amiant,? sphene, epidote, apatite, prehnite, 
pyrite. Especially the appearance of amiant, 
sphene, and epidote accurately reflects the 
change in chemical composition of the 
mother rock and gives rise to crystalliza- 
tions as interesting in their way as the ones 
just described. In many of the valleys and 
ravines at the west end of the Maderanertal 
quite unusually rich crystallizations of 
amiant occur. The mineral is often of al- 
most hairlike habit and may occur in loose 
heaps or in a more or less fluffy or felted 
state of aggregation, often resembling ani- 
mal fur. On the other hand, it may also 
assume a more leathery consistence. At 
some localities in the west, but especially 
to the east of the Maderanertal at the Alp 
Cavrein, epidote is found in large crystals 
rich in faces and the same is true for crystal 
lizations found in the frame work of this 
paragenesis in other areas, for instance at 
the Kammegg near Guttannen. But quite 
the most famous instance of this type of 
epidote occurrence lies in the Tyrolese 
Alps in the eastern Alps. The Knappen- 
wald locality in the Untersulzbachtal pro- 
duced what were certainly Europes finest 
epidotes in exactly the association given 
above and formed under just the conditions 
and in a similar mother rock as at the Swiss 

2 An exceedingly fine silky variety of asbestos. 


Sphene is a very notable constituent of 
fissures of this type in some areas, three 
well-known examples being the Drun Tobel 
just north of Sedrun in the Tavetsch valley, 
the Motta Nera in the val Nalps and the 
Alpe della Sella. The first and last named of 
these places have been famous for large 
sphene crystals, in fine V-shaped twins, for 
many years. They are often of yellow color. 
passing abruptly to green at the ends where 
the binary axis passes through the crystal. 
The Motta Nera area is a comparatively 
recent discovery which has supplied not 
only excellent dark brown sphene but also 
prehnite in profusion and sometimes very 
large crusty specimens. An interesting 
feature of the calcite found in this paragen- 
esis is the fact that the early crystallizations 
are tabular in habit, while at later stages 
the chief rhombohedron tends to develop 
strongly. Thus calcite plates are sometimes 
found covered by rhombohedral elevations. 

Rather similar to the amphibolite para- 
genesis is that carried by the fissures in the 
_ so-called potash-syenite of the Piz Giuf 
area. The following list of minerals shows, 
however, that the zeolite minerals are often 
much more plentifully represented than in 
the last case where they are of more inci- 
dental occurrence. The mineral assemblage 
for syenite fissures is as follows: quartz, 
adularia, calcite, chlorite, desmine, scole- 
cite, stilbite, apophyllite, laumontite, chab- 
azite, amiant, apatite, sphene, epidote, mil- 
arite, etc. 

Amiant is one of the first minerals to 
crystallize and in these fissures is often 
shorter and stiffer in form that in the oc- 
currences mentioned just now. A point of 
genetic interest is the very intimate rela- 
tionship between this fissure mineral and 
the hornblende in the rock which some- 
times shows signs of recrystallization on the 
fissure walls with transitions into amiant 
fibers. At the other end of the sequence of 
crystallization lie the zeolites which are 
among the last minerals to separate. In rich 
associations comprising all the species just 
mentioned, they form crusts covering the 
other minerals and especially the quartz 
crystals, following every detail of their 
contour. It is as though a semiplastic mass 
had been molded around the earlier formed 


VOL. 38, No. 9 

minerals. An interesting specimen in the 
Ziirich collection is a fairly large quartz 
crystal which, having attained a certain 
weight, broke off from the wall of the fissure 
at the bottom of which it was found. The 
fractured surface has become covered by 
aggregates of desmine which proves that 
the break occurred while crystallization was 
still in progress. It is in fissures of all types 
a common occurrence for quartz to break 
off and then regenerate the fractured sur- 
face, producing finally crystals without any 
apparent center of growth. 

In the syenite fissures the quartz crystals 
are colorless to dark brown or even black, 
the latter being called morion. These vari- 
eties appear at quite different localities, 
the general rule being that the darkest col- 
ored crystals come from the highest points 
and usually from such at least 3,000 m 
above sea level. This peculiar fact is ex- 
plained by Koenigsberger as follows: The 
dark coloration is produced by the radio- 
active influence of certain constituents in 
the mother rock. In order for these to be 
effective, low temperatures are required 
which is, of course, the case at the highest 
localities. Strict comparisons on these lines 
are only possible when, as in the Giuf area, 
higher and lower localities within the same 
mother rock are available. Many of the 
quartzes from here are beautifully de- 
veloped with several broad trapezohedron. 
forms beside the S-faces. They nearly always 
show signs of Dauphiné twinning, the com- 
bination of two right crystals being, as 
several statistical counts have shown, of the 
same frequency as the left+left combina- 
tion. It must, however, be added that ex- 
tensive research, carried out on quartzes 
from these and other Swiss localities, have 
shown the individuals to possess a very 
much more complicated system of twin- 
ning (including the brazil law) than can be 
inferred from the face development alone. 
The Giuf localities are one of the main 
sources of what Swiss collectors call ‘“‘Gwin- 
del,” that is, twisted quartz crystals. These, 
as is well known, consist of a series of indi- 
viduals each slightly rotated in position 
against their neighbors. The degree to which 
these various crystals are intergrown varies 
very much from specimen to specimen. 

Supt. 15, 1948 

Some show very clearly where each indi- 
vidual ends and the next one begins and are 
called ‘‘open’’ specimens. ‘‘Closed”’ speci- 
mens are those in which the intergrowth is 
so complete that all individual points have 
disappeared and have been substituted by 
one long curved edge. 

In some fissures from marginal areas of 
the syenite the quartz crystals often con- 
tain long hollow cavities of rectangular 
cross section. It has been shown that they 
originally contained anhydrite which has, 
however, been redissolved, leaving the hol- 
low shape of its crystal form. This redis- 
solution took place fairly early as zeolite 
minerals have often been deposited within 
these ‘‘air pipes” as we call them. 

Let us finish this brief survey of the Val 
Giuf minerals with a mention of the inter- 
esting mineral milarite, so-named by one of 
my predecessors in Zirich after the Val 
Milar. Unfortunately the mineral does not 
occur at the locality after which it is 
named, Professor Kenngott having been the 
victim of a deception on the part of the 
original finder. The actual locality, as is 
now known, was the Giuf glacier, and a 
pupil of mine, Mr. Huber, has recently 
found new occurrences with some excep- 
tionally large crystals. Milarite was orig- 
inally considered to be a potassium-cal- 
cium-aluminium-silicate, but Prof. Charles 
Palache in 1931 showed that it contains 
beryllium in addition to these elements. 

Of the greatest importance for their 
mineral fissures are the great granite areas 
of the Aar and Gotthard massifs. In the 
Aarmassif the granite forms one connected 
mass, stretching from the Grimsel area in 
the west to beyond the Reuss valley in the 
east. The fissures throughout this broad 
expanse of mountains all bear much the 
Same paragenesis consisting of: Quartz, 
calcite, chlorite, fluorite, apatite, hematite, 
pyrite. Adularia and albite are not plentiful 
in these fissures, which in this respect form 
a contrast to most others. Accessory min- 
erals are zeolites, epidote, sphene, Ti02- 
minerals, and, rather strangely, galena, a 
clump or two of which is often found with 
the ordinary minerals. 

The fissures in this area are often of quite 
exceptional size and have sometimes at- 



tained the dimensions of caves in the rock. 
This was the case at the famous locality 
found in 1866 at the Tiefenglacier and again 
at a spot quite recently discovered in the 
same neighborhood. It must not be thought 
however that on entering such a cavern the 
discoverers found the walls covered by beau- 
tiful crystals. Quite the reverse was the 
case. For in the available free space the 
quartzes had grown to a size and weight 

Ausheutung der Kryliallhéhle 
* ? : 
« Siefertglet{cber , Carlow ‘Lat «tte Quicjiiot iS; 

Fie. 4.—Exploitation of the large mineral fis- 
sure on the Tiefenglacier in August 1866 (con- 
temporary etching). 

which caused them to break off from the 
walls and fall on to the floors of the cavities. 
However, as there had previously been 
copious crystallizations of sandy chlorite 
material, they feel on to a soft yielding mass 
and so remained imbedded in this material 
and quite undamaged. Crystals from the 
old Tiefenglacier locality attained a length 
of 23 to 3 feet and in some cases a weight of 
250 to 260 pounds. 

These very large fissures are remarkable 
also for their very broad quartzbands. 
These consist of granular or massive quartz 
which forms as an early crystallization at 
the tapering ends and around the fissure- 


cavities proper. Most fissures possess more 
or less quartzband and are frequently dis- 
covered by the appearance of this massive 
quartz on the rock surface. But in these 
cases the bands attained unusual dimen- 
sions, sometimes as much as 7 feet. The 
exploitation of this fissure assumed the 
proportions of a small mining operation, 
regular adits being driven into the rock. 
That was late in the seventeenth century, 
a time when the collectors were only in- 
terested in the rock crystal. What is really 
the most beautiful mineral of this paragen- 
esis, the fluorite, they threw aside and it has 
remained for collectors of later generations 
to appreciate and study this mineral. It 
possesses a very remarkable rose red or pink 
color quite unlike the fluorite found else- 
where. Many crystals are uniform in color, 
but in a beautiful lot of specimens in the 
Ziirich collection the cores of the crystals 
are pink and the surrounding layers quite 
colorless. The commonest form is the octa- 
hedron, though the bicolored crystals just 
mentioned show the cube also, and others a 
trace of the rhombic dodecahedron. It was 
long believed that the Aarmassif alone pos- 
sessed these pink fluorites, but material of 
similar color has been found in pennine 
series of the Adula, and in an occurrence in 
the Gotthardmassif (Nalps glacier) which 
aroused much interest in 1938. 

The granite of the Gotthardmassif is (in 
contrast to the Aarmassif) not one con- 
nected mass, but divided into several sepa- 
rate units of rather different mineralogical 
and structural composition. To the min- 
eralogist one of the most interesting varie- 
ties is the Fibbia granite, a rather por- 
phyritic rock, building the mountains sur- 
rounding the Hostel on the Gotthard pass. 
It contains many fissures whose character- 
istic paragenesis is as follows: 

Adularia, quartz, albite, muscovite, chlo- 
rite, hematite or apatite (these minerals very 
seldom occur together), and accessories 
such as zeolites, pyrite, some Ti02-minerals, 
etc. The term adularia as we understand it 
generally applies to a colorless transparent 
potash feldspar with rather pronounced 
pearly luster and a typical crystal habit 
dominated by (110)(101) and small to 
medium faces of the basal plane (001). 


VoL. 38, No. 9 

The general aspect is sometimes rather 
pseudorhombohedral in character. But 
many occurrences of adularia show that 
these features do not always appear to- 
gether. Thus many fissures contain milky 
white crystals of only translucent or even 
nontransparent character. On the other 
hand, the fissures of the Gotthard granites 
show that typically transparent adularia 
may assume the elongated prismatic habit 
of the Baveno type. The fine crystals found 
in this area are very often complex twins, 
consisting of four individuals of which ad- 
jacent ones are twinned on the Baveno law 
while opposite ones show twinning after 
Manebach. The appearance of muscovite 
in the paragenesis is a characteristic feature 
not found in the more northerly Aarmassif. 
But undoubtedly the main interest of these 
occurrences concentrates on the minerals 
hematite and apatite which are found in 
specimens of outstanding quality. 

The hematite of the Gotthard pass is of 
pronouncedly tabular habit and on the 
whole not very rich in faces. It shows the 
tendency to form subparallel aggregates 
much resembling the arrangement of petals 
in a filled rose bloom, and this comparison 
has caught the imagination of the collectors, 
who have long since chosen the name of 
iron roses for these groupings. 

Very notable specimens have come from 
these fissures, some of the finest being as big 
as a fist and showing brilliant metallic 
luster. Comparisons could be made between 
these hematite crystals and the crystallo- 
graphically very much more complex speci- 
mens occurring at the Alp Cavradi south 
of Tschamutt in the Tavetsch valley, but 
this would take more time than we can 
spare now. 

Turning to the apatite crystals, we can 
only suppose that the conditions for the 
formation of this mineral were quite ideal 
ones, for in some fissures it occurs in very 
numerous individuals, of sometimes large 
size and always very complex development. 
It is no rare thing to find 50 or 60 per- 
fectly reflecting faces on one small crystal 
which may be tabular, short or long, pris- 
matic or occasionally bipyramidal in habit. 
The crystals are colorless or sometimes of a 
pale violet color which, however, like the 

Sep. 15, 1948 

violet of the rare Swiss amethyst, fades in 
sunlight. Some recently found large crystals 
are practically opaque and milky white. 

In a granite area farther east called the 
Cristalina granite, a paragenesis of other 
character is found in rather plentiful oc- 
currences. It contains the following min- 
erals: Adularia, albite, quartz, chlorite, 
calcite, muscovite, axinite, apatite, epidote, 
sphene. It is the axinite which distinguishes 
these localities and often appears in excel- 
lent large-sized crystals. Many of them are 
chlorite covered and then gray green in 
color and without luster; but on specimens 
free of chlorite the crystals are of a brilli- 
ant purplish to reddish-violet color, and in 
every respect equal to the famous ones from 
Bourg d’Oisans in the French (Dauphiné) 
Alps. The appearance of this boron-silicate 
in some quantity is interesting and not easy 
to explain satisfactorily out of the mineral 
and chemical composition of the mother 

To the south of these granites follows the 
zone of the so-called Tremola schists, which 
have many fissures with the following min- 
eral assemblage: Albite, quartz, calcite, 
siderite, ripidolite, rutile, tremolite or 
amiant, tourmaline, pyrite, etc. A remark- 
able feature of the specimens from these 
localities is the morphological development 
of the quartz crystals which contrast sharply 
with those found in all the more northerly 
occurrences. The faces of the prisms and of 
the unit rhombohedra are often reduced to 
fairly small dimensions, while those of 
numerous acute rhombohedra dominate the 
habit. This gives the erystals a peculiar 
tapering aspect, which is quite typical for 
the zone 1n question, but is also found in the 
Pennine areas of the Ticino. The habit has 
therefore been called the Ticino-habit and 
constitutes a classical example of how the 
development of a crystal habit depends upon 
the surroundings and circumstances under 
which it is formed. These quartzes are of 
quite unusual limpidity in spite of the fact 
that they are often full of inclusions, these 
latter consisting chiefly of chlorite, tremo- 
lite and tourmaline. 

Passing to the fissures of the Pennine 
nappes, we can only briefly mention the 
famous locality of Campo Lungo, where 



the white saccharoid dolomite marble con- 
tains many fissures with grey grammatite, 
bright green tourmaline, reddish or bluish 
crystals of corundum, diaspore and beauti- 
fully developed and twinned crystals of 
dolomite. Near here a unique paragenesis 
was found in fissures of a calcareous phyl- 
lite. It contained scapolite crystals of gem 
quality which are quite unlike any other 
alpine occurrence of this mineral. 

A few words must be devoted to the 
contents of the fissures found during the 



Fig. 5.—Iron rose (Binnental area). Typical 
subparallel aggregate of tabular hematite crystals. 

construction of the Simplon tunnel. The 
paragenesis included very rich crystalliza- 
tions of calcite, dolomite, and siderite be- 
side beautiful violet crystals of anhydrite. 
Quartz, adularia, albite, chlorite, rutile, 
muscovite, and the rare hamlinite (Al-Sr- 
phosphate) were other minerals. Both in 
composition and aspect these crystalliza- 
tions are markedly different from the min- 
eral assemblages found in more superficial 
fissures. It is worth remarking, however, 
that in other tunnels such as the Gotthard 
and also in some underground workings as 
for instance at Monte Piottino, rather simi- 
lar formations have been met with. This 
raises the question whether with increasing 
depth the character of the fissure fillings 
undergoes a certain change and whether 
these ‘‘tunnel parageneses’”” as we some- 
times call them, are indicative of the type 
of mineral formation prevalent in lower 
levels than those usually accessible. 


The most famous locality in the Pennine 
area west of the Ticino is, of course, the 
Binnental. Reference has already been 
made to the superb anatase crystals from 
here and I shall presently return to the 
unique mineral assemblage found in the 
white saccharoid dolomite rock at Lengen- 

Let us now conclude this very rapid sur- 
vey of the Alpine fissure deposits with a 
brief glance at the famous minerals from the 
Zermatt area. These are contained in fis- 
sures of basic rocks (metamorphosed gab- 
bros, peridotites, etc.) and also in rocks pro- 
duced by contact metamorphism of the 
basic igneous rocks on limestones. Garnets, 
both red and green, the latter sometimes in 
large nodular masses, idocrase in lustrous 
beautifully developed green or brown crys- 
tals, epidote and large well-developed pseu- 
dorhombohedral crystals of pennine are 
among the minerals more commonly met 
with. Perovskite is rarer but also of fairly 
frequent occurrence, sometimes in honey 
yellow or orange colored nodular masses, 
sometimes in well formed reddish brown 
cubes. Another mineral sometimes met with 
is lasulite in sky blue masses, which can be 
cut and polished to make attractive gem 

It is in general true to say that all the 
important chemical elements found in the 
rocks are also represented in the fissure 


VOL. 38, NO. 9 

minerals. In what particular mineral or 
minerals each element is contained, can 
best be seen from Table 1. Under epi to 
meso conditions the metamorphic processes 
run more or less concurrently with the for- 
mation of the crystals in the fissures. 

The general succession of order of crys- 
tallization of the fissure minerals is given 
in Table 2. 

The observed facts can be summarized as 
follows: The crystallizations often begin 
with the formation of alkali feldspar or epi- 
dote or amiant. In later stages water-rich 
minerals such as muscovite and the zeolites 
are formed beside oxides such as hematite, 
rutile, etc. From the residual solutions which 
have become poor in alkalis and rich in Mg 
and earbonate ions, chlorite and the ear- 
bonates are the chief minerals to crystallize. 
Quartz is in the fissures of silica-rich rocks, 
an ‘‘ubiquitous”’ mineral, that is to say one 
that can appear in practically all paragen- 
eses and at all periods of the crystallization. 
In especially quartz-rich rocks, quartz is 
without doubt the dominant fissure-min- 
eral. Fluid and gaseous inclusions in which 
the bubbles disappear on heating, some- 
times enable estimates to be made of the 
temperatures and pressures prevailing at 
the time of crystallization. 

The fissure minerals of the Alpine type 
are scarcely found elsewhere in the same 
parageneses and development. Even in the 


Original minerals Processes 

Alkali-feldspars. . . 

Biotite x ist =a: ay 
oxides; release of potash 

Augites and 

hornblendes........ decomposition and solution 
Olinvaner jobs pee Hydrolysis, loss of Fe oxida- 
Quartagias. genes Partial solution 
Carbonates "57 2 of Partial solution 

Decomposition of the calcian 
feldspar molecules; solution 
Unmixing and partial solu- 

Separation of TiO, and Fe- 

Loss of Al, Ti, Ca, often Fe- 

Crystallization of: 

Epidote, prehnite, calcian zeolites. albite, 
carbonates, quartz 

Potassian feldspar (adularia) and sodian 
feldspar (albite), rarely of alkali-zeolites 

Chlorite, hematite, limonite, Ti-oxides, be- 
side adularia and quartz; sometimes forma- 
tion of Fe- and Mg-carbonates 

Epidote, hornblende asbestos, calcian zeo- 
lites, calcite, dolomite, Fe- and Ti-oxides, or 
titanite, quartz 

Serpentine or tale and magnesite together 
with Fe-oxides 

Renewed crystallization of quartz 

Renewed crystallization of carbonates 

Sept. 15, 1948 



(Early stages of crystallization: 

First succession: 

Water-free or 

sometimes hematite, anhydrite. 

Muscovite, titanite, 

-( Second succession: 
fluorite, chlorite, carbonates. 

silicates, oxides, 

Final crystallization: 
Calcite, chlorite, prehnite, zeolites. 

Alps conditions favorable for their forma- 
tions were not everywhere present. They are 
found especially in the following regions: 
The central massifs from Pelvoux, Grandes 
Rousses; Belledone in the Dauphiné to the 
Mont Blanc-, the Gotthard- and Aar-mas- 
sifs, the Pennine nappes from the Simplon 
to the Adula and the great culminations of 
the Zillertal alps, Grossvenediger and Sonn- 
blick-Hochalm in the eastern Alps. All these 
regions are transversal culminations or anti- 
clines of the Alpine arc. In the neighborhood 
of these great anticlines (and not in the tec- 
tonic depressions) conditions were favor- 
able for the formation of open fissures dur- 
ing the uplift. This in turn was a necessary 
condition for the circulation of the solutions 
which having gathered their material, were 
able to deposit it in the open spaces and 
give rise to the mineral specimens we now 

As the chief rocks of the Alps are of nor- 
mal chemical composition, the common 
fissure minerals themselves are of quite 
usual composition also. But where rocks of 
special character and chemical composition 
were concerned, the peculiar genesis of the 
fissure minerals finds its expression in the 
appearance of rare mineral species. 

This has already been pointed out in 
connection with the manganese ore de- 
posits and further confirmation is furnished 
by the classic mineral locality of Binn in the 
Canton of Valais. With the Triassic dolo- 
mite rock, found there, is incorporated a 
sulphide layer containing as primary min- 

Albite, tourmaline, apatite, rutile, anatase, 

Amphibole-asbestos, epidote, adularia, usually also quartz. 

[Continued crystallization 
jot adularia and epidote 

| Continued 
of quartz 

hematite, beomaaites some minerals of the 

Continued Pere ee Wel 

) first succession 

erals pyrite, a little argentiferous galena 
and blende, chalcopyrite, and arsenopyrite. 
During the Alpine metamorphism the dolo- 
mite was converted into a_ saccharoidal 
marble while in small cavities new minerals 
of the sulpho-salt-type were formed which 
are for the most part exceedingly rare spe- 
cies. They include lengenbachite, rathite, 
hutchinsonite, seligmanite, baumhauerite, 
dufrenoysite, jordanite, and sartorite, most 
of which were first described from this local- 
ity and some of which have never been 
found elsewhere. Tennantite, realgar, orpi- 
ment, proustite, barite, hyalophane, and 
dolomite are other minerals occurring in 
these fissures. 

Such special paragenes allow a compari- 
son to be made with those of the ore de- 
posits, as given for instance in Lindgren’s 
classification. Judged by their mineral con- 
tent and temperature of crystallization the 
alpine fissures may be called an autoch- 
thonous hydrothermal type of deposit of 
meso- to epithermal character. They are 
related to ore deposits formed near the sur- 
face and also to the deposits of native cop- 
per and zeolites in the Lake Superior region. 
What is essential is the recognition of the 
fact that the fissure minerals were formed in 
a more or less closed system during the dis- 
location and metamorphism of the rocks 
without the participation of substances 
contained in solution by ascending waters 
or liquors. 

Let us recapitulate: 

After the chief system of nappes had 


already developed in the Alps, a very pro- 
nounced longitudinal corrugation came into 
being during the last phase of the compres- 
sion of the Alpine chain. As a result of the 
obstruction offered by the crustal masses in 
the foreland great culminations and de- 
pressions gradually took shape while the 
flat mountain land was erected into a sys- 
tem of high mountains. Erosion set in and 
became increasingly active, though it could 
not keep pace with the uplift or carry away 
what the folding had built up. In the cul- 
mination zones and particularly on the 
flanks of the chief uplifts fissures were 
formed and quickly filled with aqueous 
solutions. These thermal waters had _ be- 
come charged with substances previously 
dissolved from the surrounding rocks. Crys- 
tallization from these solutions set in as the 
effects of gradually diminishing pressure and 

BIOLOGY.—The principle of priority in biological nomenclature.' 


VOL. 38, NO. 9 

temperature made themselves felt. In the 
course of long crystallization processes crys- 
tals of unusual perfection were formed 
which today are the ornaments of the 
high Alps. The composition and associations 
of these minerals give indications as to the 
temperatures which must have prevailed in 
the mountain area at the time of their for- 
mation. Crystal species which at an earlier 
period had been formed in the rocks are 
found to have become unstable and to have 
undergone unmixing and decomposition, 
thus giving rise to other minerals. The 
search for and collection of these crystals 
not only provide aesthetic pleasure but also 
furnish much valuable information about 
the formation of the Alps themselves, of the 
mountain range, which is the backbone of 


BLACKWELDER, U.S. National Museum. 

An article under this title by Dr. A. C. 
Smith of the Arnold Arboretum appeared 
in Chronica Botanica 9: 114-119. 1945. It 
consists largely of a critical review of a 
paper from the zoological viewpoint by 
Franz Heikertinger, published in 1942 in 
Germany” which is ‘‘an undisguised attack 
on the principle of priority’”® 

Both Dr. Heikertinger’s proposal of a 
principle of continuity and Dr. Smith’s 
critique are of interest to taxonomists in 
zoology as well as in botany. The present 
remarks are intended to expand Dr. Smith’s 
review and to carry on the arguments 
against Heikertinger’s proposal. 

The goal which Dr. Heikertinger hopes 
to attain with his new proposal is very at- 
tractive. It is that within 30 years every 
species of animal will have one single uni- 
versal name in use. This is the millennium 
in nomenclature, the goal of complete sta- 
bility which has seemed so far away to 
most taxonomists. This goal is to be at- 

1 Received May 14, 1948. 

* HEIKERTINGER, FRANz. Das Nomenklatur- 
problem der Gegenwart. Zugleich ein Aufruf an alle 
Biologen. Der Biologe, 1942: pp. 20-27. 

§ Direct quotations are from Dr. Smith’s paper. 

tained by discarding the principle of pri- 
ority and substituting for it the so-called 
principle of continuity, that ‘“‘the valid 
name of a genus or species is the one which 
the monographer finds in scientific usage, 
regardless of whether or not this is the ear- 
liest name.” 

This statement of principle immediately 
raises several questions which must be 
satisfactorily answered before the principle 
could be applied in actual practice. (1) 
Who is to be accorded the status of monog- 
rapher with authority so much above the 
ordinary taxonomist? (2) If monographers 
disagree, which is to be accepted? (3) How 
can biological considerations be kept sepa- 
rate from nomenclatural ones, or, as Dr. 
Smith implies, are biological facts to fall at 
the monographer’s whim along with the 
nomenclatural ones? (4) What will happen 
when the monographer bases his work on- 
totally inadequate bibliographic or taxo- 
nomic research and makes an obvious and 
demonstrable error? (5) Would complete 
stability be reached even with the elimina- 
tion of purely nomenclatural changes? 

(1) Apparently the question of who is a 
monographer is not discussed by Heiker- 


tinger. There is an implication that the 
monographer is someone special, readily 
distinguished from other workers. One 
group of “monographs’”’ is mentioned that 
may give us a clue. Heikertinger states that 
zoological nomenclature was more or less 
established about 1850, because of the 
thorough monographs of that _ period. 
Since Heikertinger is an entomologist, 
these monographs were probably the large 
regional works such as the Naturgeschichte 
der Insecten Deutschlands, and the nu- 
merous large works of Erichson, Kraatz, 
Redtenbacher, Mulsant, and others. 

These works were of restricted geographi- 
cal scope, being in fact not true monographs 
at all but revisions of the species of one re- 
gion. They doubtless helped to fix names in 
use locally for a few years, but their in- 
fluence in the long run depended upon their 
accuracy in a broad sense. Stable nomen- 
clature can not be based upon the names in 
use in one region, and it is to works of this 
sort, based on less than a world viewpoint, 
that we owe much of the confusion in names 
with which we now contend, because the 
names were thereby brought into common 
usage. A monograph of a genus or large 
group for the world will give the only 
sound results, both taxonomically and 
nomenclaturally. There have been works 
of this nature in many groups and at many 
times, but no decade produced enough to 
claim a stabilizing effect on all zoological 

A publication that has the appearance of 
being a monographic study may fall far 
short of complete or adequate treatment. 
For example, a recent work on a world- 
wide genus of insects, purported to deal with 
all the known species. It gives keys and 
descriptions and distribution and was based 
on extensive material obtained from all 
over the world. The work thus purports to 
be a monograph of the genus. Yet on closer 
examination it appears that at least half 
of the specific names that had previously 
been used in the genus are not mentioned, 
and numerous cases of homonymy and ob- 
jective synonymy are completely over- 
looked. Even if the zoological aspect of this 
study is thoroughly and competently 
treated, the nomenclatural treatment is so 


bad that the revision is nearly useless. It is 
even possible to find the genotype of one 
subgenus listed in a different subgenus! To 
accept this work as a monograph for the 
purpose of stabilizing names would mean 
throwing overboard not only the principle 
of priority but also the concept of geno- 
types as the anchor of generic names and 
the requirement of thoroughness and ac- 
curacy for general acceptance. 

In short, the only way to define a mono- 
graph in the sense of Heikertinger would 
be to set up an authority to pass on each 
publication. Acceptance of any given work 
as a monograph on a certain group of ani- 
mals would automatically set up a list of 
nomina conservanda for both genera and 
species in that group, except for changes 
required on taxonomic grounds, as will be 
discussed under question 5. 

(2) Disagreement between monographers 
would be taken care of by the authority 
mentioned above. If the acceptance of one 
work as a ‘“‘monograph”’ did not serve to 
discourage a later work on the same subject, 
the authority would have to pass on the 
later work when it appeared. Rejection of 
the later work would uphold the earlier one, 
but acceptance of the later one would per- 
haps reverse some nomenclatural as well as 
taxonomic decisions and cause name 

(3) Many apparently nomenclatural de- 
cisions are based at least in part on purely 
taxonomic considerations. Under the law 
of priority, the correct name for any species 
is the oldest nonpreoccupied name that 
has been applied to it, assuming that un- 
recognized biological 1dentity with another so- 
called species does not exist. This assumption 
is seldom expressed but always exists. When 
it can be demonstrated that there zs taxo- 
nomic identity, there is certain to be a 
change in the status of one of the names. 
This change is nomenclatural and is made 
because of the law of priority, and yet 
abolition of that law would not prevent the 
change because of the biological considera- 

Nomenclaturally we hold that each 

genus must have a type species. The actual 

identity of that species cannot be deter- 
mined nomenclaturally, however, for it is 


necessary to make at least a morphological 
study of the type specimens of that species 
to demonstrate its characteristics. Under 
a recent interpretation, apparently em- 
ployed by the International Commission 
in Opinions 168, 169, 173, 175, 177, 179, and 
181, it is even necessary to examine the 
specimens that were before the worker who 
subsequently selected the genotype. These 
are biological considerations, although the 
problem of genotype fixation is generally 
thought of as primarily nomenclatural. 

It is simply impossible in many cases to 
separate taxonomic from nomenclatural 
considerations, and if nomenclatural prob- 
lems are to be decided by the whim of a 
monographer, it is difficult to see how we 
can prevent confusion of the taxonomic 
facts. Dr. Smith interprets Heikertinger’s 
position thus: “These zoological mono- 
graphs, one is led to believe, should be 
preferred to the older often superficial 
works, even when the monographic con- 
cept of a species differs from the original 
concept, and even when this difference in 
concept is caused by the monographer’s 
misinterpretation of an earlier writer’s 
type specimen.”’ 

(4) Heikertinger appears to believe that 
a monographer will always be in a position 
to make a sound decision on which name 
is in current use. Yet very few studies take 
into account all the previous literature and 
all the previous specimens. In actuality 
our monographs vary from this down to 
mere compilations or condensations which 
critically evaluate none of the previous 

Some decisions of some monographers 
would inevitably be demonstrated to be 
based on inadequate or erroneous data. To 
refuse to reverse such a decision would be 
ridiculous, yet the principle of continuity 
would require just that. 

If writer Jones finds that P. niger is in 
use and is to be retained over the older P. 
obscurus, does this decision give perma- 
nence to P. niger even when it is pointed out 
that Jones failed to note that niger is a 
junior homonym? This is a strictly nomen- 
clatural change, but if both nzgers are in 
current use, continuity could save only one 
of them. 


VOL. 38, No. 9 

In view of the low quality of the biblio- 
graphic work of some monographers, it is 
likely that in some cases a later monog- 
rapher would be able to prove that the 
first monographer failed to consider a large 
number of pertinent works which would 
tend to reverse his decision. One world 
authority on a family of insects is unable to 
keep track of even his own proposals. He 
has repeatedly used a name in one genus 
not twice but three times. In one case, dis- 
covering the homonymy of two of his 
names he renamed the younger. The new 
name was promptly recognized (by another 
worker) as a homonym of another of his 
and renamed. Several years later this 
writer rediscovered the original homonymy 
and again renamed it, using the same new 
name as before, now twice a homonym as 
well as a junior synonym. This same writer 
habitually pays no attention to genotypes. 
It is not difficult to believe that any 
nomenclatural decision he made in a mono- 
graph or elsewhere is at least likely to be 
seriously defective. 

(5) It is a popular pastime among cer- 
tain biologists to ridicule the taxonomists 
for the large number of name changes that 
are made, generally implying that it is 
because of religious fervor for certain Rules 
of Nomenclature that such changes are 
proposed. In this way nomenclature is often 
made to take the blame for all changes of 
name. There can be little doubt that this is 
a most misleading assumption. Many names 
are changed because of discovery of older 
synonyms or the recognition of forgotten 
homonyms of prior date. These are the only 
truly nomenclatural changes. But many 
more changes are made (at least in some 
groups of organisms) because of generic 
transfer, proposal of segregate genera, 
recognition of generic equivalence, and 
similar purely biological considerations. 
And many are made because of nomen- 
clatural requirements growing out of zoo- 
logical actions, such as renaming of con- 
current homonyms produced by union of 
genera. In many groups it is not difficult to 
demonstrate that a substantial majority of 
changes of names over a period of years has 
been caused by the second and third means 
listed above, namely those involving zoo- 


logical actions rather than exclusively 
nomenclatural ones. These changes can not 
be prevented at all by the ‘‘principle of con- 

If Heikertinger’s proposition were to be 
adopted and means provided to make it 
work, we would still have changes of names 
as long as students search out new facts of 
relationships of organisms. Some changes 
would be prevented, it is true, but these 
could probably be prevented more easily by 
other means. 

The overemphasis on the need for com- 
plete stability of nomenclature is demon- 
strated by a quotation by Dr. Smith from a 
German botanist. This botanist contends 
that we fail in our responsibility to our 
studying youth by making them unlearn 
the names each semester to follow the 
latest changes. Dr. Smith replies that this 
exaggerated statement “‘scarcely causes us 
to shed a tear, since this same (student) is 
expected to discard preconceived notions of 
all other branches of biological science at 
the drop of a chromosome. Why is it that 
workers in other fields of biology expect ab- 
solute stability of systematics (that is, 
~ comparative morphology and its attendant 
nomenclatural expression), while they are 
willing to accept any degree of flux in the 
fields of genetics, physiology, cytology, and 
... sociology?” 

The reason for this emphasis on stability 
is doubtless the desire of these scientists 
to have means of tying their experiments 
and theories definitely to specific kinds of 
organisms, in order to use them for synthesis 
and generalization. But this desire for fixed 
names is impossible of gratification under 
any system as yet dreamed of and should 
not be given consideration over the neces- 
sity of the science of taxonomy for growth 
and development itself. All means should 
be found to prevent unnecessary changes 
of names, but it is not to be expected that a 
rapidly growing science like taxonomy can 


be for long conducted with an unchanging 
set of tools. Nomenclature will become 
stable only when monographs of high 
quality have been produced, based on all 
possible material, bibliographic sources, 
and techniques, and even these cannot be 
expected to stand indefinitely against new 
information and conceptions. 

Dr. Smith criticizes the attitude of cer- 
tain non-taxonomists as follows: ‘“Too many 
criticisms of the present Rules of Nomen- 
clature are based upon the assumption that 
professional systematists are playing a ma- 
licious game which has no relation to the 
biological sciences. The authors of these 
criticisms tacitly assume that systematists 
already have reached all the conclusions 
necessary regarding the classification of 
plants and animals, and that only their 
innate perversity prevents them from pub- 
lishing a final and immutable list of the 
“correct”? names of all living things. Im- 
mutability is not to be found in science, 
least of all in a virile branch like sys- 
tematics, which builds upon facts disclosed 
by many other disciplines, each of which in 
itself is vigorous and, as human endeavor 
goes, young.” 

Systematists can find many reasons for 
wanting to reduce to a minimum the 
changes of scientific names, but this does 
not mean that absolute stability is the 
principal goal of systematics or of nomen- 
clature. The goal of systematics is to dis- 
cover the relationships between organisms 
so they may be classified in a usable system. 
The goal of nomenclature is to provide a 
method of designating the organisms ex- 
plicitly, with as much uniformity and 
permanence as the growth of the classifica- 
tion permits. Any proposal that rates 
stability ahead of the advancement of the 
science of systematics or the development of 
one of its myriad components is a backward 
step and one doomed to ultimate failure and 



VOL. 38, NO. 9 

BOTAN Y.—Studies in Lonchocarpus and related genera, IV: The Lonchocarpus 

rugosus complex and additional Middle American species.' 


HERMANN, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

In Part IT of this study (Journ. Washing- 
ton Acad. Sci. 38: 11-14. 1948) an attempt 
was made to dispose of the various species 
of Lonchocarpus described from Middle 
America since.the publication in 1917 of 
Pittier’s monograph of the species known 
from that area. Because of lack of herbar- 
ium material, however, 17 of these names 
could not at that time be taken into con- 
sideration. Specimens of 10 of these have 
subsequently become available, through the 
courtesy of Dr. C. L. Lundell and of the 
Chicago Natural History Museum, and the 
result of their study is presented herewith. 
Several of the names prove to be referable 
to the protean L. rugosus Benth., so a brief 
discussion of the variations exhibited by 
that species is appended. 

Lonchocarpus apricus Lundell, Lloydia 2: 90. 
1939 = L. Rucosus Benth., Journ. Linn. Soc. 
4:92. 1860; Standley & Steyermark, Fieldi- 
ana, Botany, 24(5): 283-284. 1946. 

It was not found possible to correlate with 
other characters the “numerous approximate 
lateral veins of the leaflets” by which L. apricus 
was originally set off from L. rugosus and L. 
hintoni, nor is this character constant or of 
geographical significance. Further ‘‘differences 
in pubescence flower size, number of ovules, 
and leaf form’’ ascribed to the plant were not 
detected except in so far as the cited material 
showed a somewhat more appressed pubescence 
than most of the collections from Campeche 
where Bentham’s type originated. This, how- 
ever, is clearly a tendency only and is appar- 
ently an ecologic response rather than the 
result of geographic factors. 

Lonchocarpus belizensis Lundell, Wrightia 1: 
55.1945 = L. LUTEOMACULATUS Pittier, Contr. 
U.S. Nat. Herb. 20: 64. 1917. 

Although the petals of ZL. belizensis are de- 
scribed in the original description merely as 
dark red, the standard shows a well-defined yel- 
low area in the center. This and the large size of 
the standard indicate that the alliance of the 
plant is with ZL. luteomaculatus rather than 
with L. latifolius. 

1 Received June 15, 1948. 

Pittier’s key (Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 20: 
51-52. 1917) does not satisfactorily separate 
L. latifolius from L. luteomaculatus. One of the 
few reliable differences between the two ap- 
pears to be in the shape of the pods. In L. 
latifolius these are elliptic and pointed at both 
ends; in L. luteomaculatus they vary from al- 
most circular to oblong with rounded ends. 
The length of the standard (6 mm in L. lati- 
folius, 10 mm in L. luteomaculatus) also seems 
to be constant. L. latifolius frequently has a 
yellow-centered standard like that of L. luteo- 
maculatus but when it does it is a less well- 
defined ‘‘spot’”’ or area and shades off into the 
red background. The inflorescence in L. lati- 
folius tends to be in the form of simple racemes 
in the upper leaf axils; in L. luteomaculatus 
the racemes are more often compound, or the 
upper internodes are so greatly shortened that 
the numerous racemes become crowded and 
appear to be fastigiate and terminal or nearly 
so, and at times the inflorescence actually be- 
comes a terminal panicle. 

Lonchocarpus chiapensis Lundell, Wrightia 1: 
152. 1946 =L. PENINSULARIS (Donn. Smith) 
Pittier, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 20: 56. 1917. 

The specimen (Inst. Fis. Geogr. Costa Rica 
13966) from which the characteristics of the 
fruit in Pittier’s description of L. peninsularis 
were drawn. (Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 20: 57. 
1917) has ovate, 1-seeded pods only (and these, 
incidentally, are decidedly overripe, hence the 
“remarkably recurved carinal margin” which is 
consequently an infrequently seen condition). 
Plants with oblong, 2- and 3-seeded legumes 
are also common, and often both types are 
found in a single inflorescence as in the type 
of L. chiapensis (Matuda 5008). A similar 
situation obtains in L. luteomaculatus. The 
leaflets in ZL. chiapensis are conspicuously 
punctate, a characteristic omitted from the 
original description. In other respects, as well, 
the type collection closely matches authentic 
material of L. peninsularis. 

Lonchocarpus cruentus Lundell, Wrightia 1: 
55. 1945 =L. spricreus (Poir.) HBK. Nov. 
Gen. & Sp. 6: 383. 1823. 

The type of L. cruentus has the nerves on the 

Sepr. 15, 1948 

upper surfaces of some of the leaflets as strongly 
impressed as any to be found in L. sericeus. 
Truly impressed nerves in L. sericeus, however, 
are not the prevailing condition; only in un- 
usual cases can they be said to be plainly im- 
pressed. The one difference detected between 
L. cruentus and the prevalent form of L. seri- 
ceus was in the calyx length of 2.5-4 mm, 
rather than 5 mm, but the form with shorter 
calyx not infrequently turns up elsewhere, as 
in Eggers 1432 from Trinidad (calyx 3 mm 

Lonchocarpus gillyi Lundell, Wrightia 1: 56. 
1945 =L. rucosus Benth., Journ. Linn. Soc. 
4: 92. 1860. 

Leaflet size appears to be an altogether un- 
reliable diagnostic feature in L. rugosus. In the 
majority of instances they may be larger in that 
species than are those in the form proposed as 
L. gillyt, yet in some specimens of otherwise 
typical L. rugosus they are even smaller. The 
fact that the racemes are borne on the old 
wood in the type of L. gillyi is taxonomically 
meaningless. Among others Matuda 4020, re- 
ferred by the author of L. gillyi to his L. apri- 
cus, likewise has the racemes borne on the old 
wood; and the type of L. hidalgensis Lundell 
has inflorescences on both the old and the 
new branches. 

Lonchocarpus hidalgensis Lundell, Wrightia 1: 
153. 1946 = L. Rucosus Benth., Journ. Linn. 
Soc. 4: 92. 1860. 

The purportedly distinguishing character of 
axillary racemes in L. hidalgensis is found also 
in L. gillyz; in the Chicago Natural History 
Museum sheet of Lundell 857, referred by its 
collector (Lloydia 2: 92. 1939) to typical L. 
rugosus, and in Matuda 4525, referred in the 
same paper to L. apricus. Other peculiarities 
characterizing L. hidalgensis represent varia- 
tions too unstable to merit nomenclatorial 

Lonchocarpus hintoni Sandwith, Kew Bull. 
Mise. Inf. 1936: 4. 19836 =L. RuGosuUS var. 
hintoni (Sandwith) comb. nov. 

This appears to be the only variant of L. 
rugosus, of the several recently proposed as 
specifically distinct, deserving of taxonomic 
status. So far as known, it is geographically 
segregated in the Mexican States of Michoacan, 
Guerrero, and México, and is distinguished 
from typical L. rugosus by the cinereous stri- 



gosity of the leaves (except the upper surfaces 
of the leaflets which tend to be glabrous and 
shining at maturity)and inflorescence, this 
being especially pronounced on the pods which 
are firmer and more coriaceous than in other 
forms, and by flowering before the leaves ex- 
pand. These characteristics are striking in their 
extreme form, particularly in flowering or 
fruiting specimens, but they show considerable > 
variation and sterile material very often is 
decidedly intermediate. 

The locality cited for the Langlassé collection 
(No. 108) in the original description of L. 
hintont apparently is in southeastern Michoa- 
can rather than in Guerrero. 

Lonchocarpus nicaraguensis Lundell, Wrightia 
1: 154. -1946=L. PENINSULARIS (Donn. 
Smith) Pittier, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 
56. 1917. 

The nonimpressed nerves and the clearly 
punctate leaflets (the latter feature, however, 
not noted in the original description) of the 
type material of L. nicaraguensis may well 
have been the reason for its affinity having 
been surmised to be with L. michelianus rather 
than with L. peninsularis. The misplacement 
of the latter species in Pittier’s key (Contr. 
U.S. Nat. Herb. 20:51, where it is placed under 
section Spongoptert of series Impressinervi 
instead of under section Punctati of series 
Planinervi) was the apparent cause of the 
proposal of at least two other synonyms, L. 
kerberi Harms and L. purpusiit Brandegee 
(cf. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 38: 13. 
1948), of this common species. 

Lonchocarpus phlebophyllus Standl. & Stey- 
erm., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 23(2): 56. 1944. 

This appears to differ from L. ertocarinalis 
Micheli only in its apparently consistently 
5-leaflets (rather than 7-11) with more numer- 
ous nerves. The vein-number has proved to be 
of negligible diagnostic value in the closely 
related L. rugosus, but it is possible that when 
flowering material of L. phlebophyilus has been 
collected additional characters may be found 
which could be correlated with the anomalous 
leaflet number. 

Lonchocarpus whitei Lundell, Wrightia 1: 154. 
1946 =L. mMinimiFLoRUS Donn. Smith, Bot. 
Gaz. 44: 110. 1907. 

In the publication of this name no affinity 
with other species was suggested, but the type 


material (in fruit) compares well in all respects 
with typical L. minimiflorus, and White & 
Gilly 5367 shows the very short, densely sericeus 
standard which sets off this species from its 
allies in the Series Pubiflort. 


This is the most plentiful of the Middle Amer- 
ican Lonchocarpi. It is also the most poly- 
morphic of all the species in the genus, not only 
in shape, size and venation of the leaflets, in 
vesture and in stipule characteristics but also 
strikingly so in its pods. Consequently its 
variations include much greater extremes than 
those that have been singled out as the bases 
for most of the recently proposed segregates. 
On the basis of a single character most of the 
specimens may be readily assorted into two 
groups, but the substitution of a second, equal- 
ly well-marked, characteristic results in a 
very different composition of the two groups. 
Furthermore, as soon as a correlation is at- 
tempted between two or more of the differ- 
entiating features (with the single exception of 
var. hintont), the number of recalcitrant in- 
termediates becomes disconcerting, as has been 
pointed out by Standley and Steyermark in 
their discussion of LZ. apricus (Fieldiana, Bot- 
any, 24(5): 284. 1946). 

Among the most outstanding forms of the 
species are those characterized by divergence 
in type of pubescence. A copious, shaggy type 
of villosity found in combination with very 
large (9X2.5 cm), few-nerved leaflets and 
large, widely divaricate, persistent stipules 
in Steyermark 45744 from Guatemala is so 
striking that this plant at first appears to have 
little in common with L. rugosus. This villosity 

BOTAN Y.—New species of Salix from Szechwan, China. 
tional Szechwan University, Chengtu, 

Ee@srert H. WALKER.) 

The four new species of willows de- 
scribed herein were found among the nu- 
merous collections that have been made in 
Szechwan Province, China, in recent years. 
The types are deposited in the herbarium 
of the National Szechwan University at 
Chengtu. Duplicates are being distributed 
to various herbaria in China and the United 

1 Received April 22, 1948. 


VOL. 38, NO. 9 

reappears in a similarly pronounced degree in 
Schipp 508 from British Honduras, but is 
here associated with small, ascending caducous 
stipules and moderately nerved leaflets of 
average size (4X2 cm). Between this overde- 
veloped villosity and the prevalent form with 
short, only moderately dense villosity, an 
extensive series of transitional stages is found 
in innumerable combinations with other char- 
acters. In other collections the vesture fluc- 
tuates toward either of two additional ex- 
tremes; a dense tomentum in such individual 
plants as Hinton 6325 from Mexico and Steyer- 
mark 51554 from Guatamala, or a compara- 
tively sparse strigosity represented by Standley 
19254 from El Salvador. 

A similarly extensive range of fluctuation is 
evident from a comparison of the legumes, from 
the standpoint of their shape, size, texture, 
type of pubescence or number of seeds; of the 
leaflets, from the standpoint of number, size, 
texture, venation, or type of apex or base; 
or of the characteristics of the inflorescence. 
And in each case a similar lack of consistency, 
a refusal to submit to the taxonomist’s pen- 
chant for pigeon-holing, will be noted. 

Extensive field acquaintance with Loncho- 
carpus rugosus would doubtless be helpful in 
suggesting explanations for its seemingly un- 
predictable behavior. From herbarium evi- 
dence alone conjectures are risky, but it seems 
not altogether improbable that frequently suf- 
ficient allowance has not been made for the 
influence of environmental factors upon the 
species, since it is not only one of the most 
widely distributed of the Lonchocarpi but is to 
be found in a greater diversity of habitats than 
the majority of its congeners. 

WeEN-PEI Fane, Na- 

Szechwan. (Communicated by 

1. Salix triandroides Fang, sp. nov. 

Frutex parvus, 2 m altus, cortico laevi, 
flavescenti- vel fusco-cinereo. Ramuli erect, 
cylindrici, hiemales dense nigrescenti- vel 
fusco-tomentosi, vernales glabrescentes. Gem- 
mae ovoideae, 8 mm longae, perulis late ovatis 
extrinsecus dense cinereo-tomentosis. Folia 
alterna, chartacea, glabra, lanceolata vel 
oblanceolata, rarius oblongo-ovata vel oblongo- 
obovata, 8-5 cm, rarius ad 12 cm longa, 1-1.5 

Sept. 15, 1948 

em, rarius ad 2.2 cm lata, apice caudato- 
acuminata vel breviter acuminata, basi late 
cuneata, margine glanduloso-serrulata, supra 
atroviridia, subtus pallidiora; costa media 
supra obscura subtus prominens; nervi laterales 
utrinsecus 5-20, obsoleti; petioli cylindrici, 8 
mm longi, glabri, supra canaliculati, subtus 
rotundati. Flores coetanei, amenta mascula 
2-2.5 cm, rarius ad 3 em longa, flava vel viridi- 
flava, densiflora, rhachi albo-pilosa et albo- 
pubescente; pedunculi 5-8 mm longi, pube- 
scentes, foliis 2 vel 3 suffulti; bracteae flavae 
vel fusco-flavae, obovatae, 2 mm _ longae, 
utrinque pilosae. Stamina 3, filamentis gracili- 
bus 3 mm longis basi villosis, antheris flavis 
ovalibus, glandula ventrali simplici flava 
oblongo-conicali, glandula dorsali simplici flava 
oblonga. Amenta feminea alterna, 2.5-3 cm 
longa, viridia, densiflora, rhachi cinereo-pube- 
scenti vel pilosa; pedunculi 1-1.5 cm longi, 
foliis obovatis 2 vel 3 suffulti; bracteae flave- 
scenti-virides, oblongae, 2-3 mm longae, ex- 
trinsecus albo-pilosae, intrinsecus glabrae; 
ovaria conico-ovoidea, 5 mm longa, viridia, 
glabra; pedicelli 1-1.5 mm longi, glabri; stylus 
brevior; stigmata divergentia; glandula ven- 
tralis flava, oblongo-ovoidea. Amenta fructifera 
3-3.5 cm longa, capsulis conico-ovoideis 5 mm 
longis flavescenti-viridibus: bractea extus albo- 
pilosa; pedicelli 1-1.5 mm, longi, tenues, 

East or CueEnctu: Tsing-chu-ssu, W. P. 
Fang 194279, 19598 3, K. Y. Ning 76602; 
Kuan-ying-chiao, W. P. Fang 19411 4%; Wu- 
kuai-chiao, K. Y. Ning 79109, 79189. 
meee YY. Ning 7953. 0, 79548, 7955 2; 
campus of National Szechwan University, W. 
P. Fang 19604 9, 19605 2, 19605A 3%, 19606 &, 
19608 #, 19611 9, 19617 9; T’ou-wa-you, W. 
foi 769% 9, 7695 9, W. P. Fang 19876.9, 
MOHGO 19/15 S, 19417 @, 194184, K. Y. 
Ning 7917 3, 7938 3, 7939 3; Chung-shu-chiao 
W. K. Hu 76383 3, 7639 %; Kao-pan-chiao, W. 
Eee rong 1939/70 8, 19879 0, 198838 9, 19885 
(type) 9, 19435 2, 19516 9, 19637 9. SouTH 
or New VILLAGE or Cuenectu: W. P. Fang 
19322 9, 19393 %, 19440 2. West oF CHENGTU: 
Chia-tien-tzu, K. Y. Ning 7962 7. NorTHWEST 
of CurEeneTu: Tu-chu-miao, K. Y. Ning 
TILT SF, TE48 So. 

This new species is nearly always found by a 
stream, occasionally by the roadside. All the 
cited specimens were collected in the month of 



March, 1945-1947, except K. Y. Ning 7917 
and 7933, staminate specimens collected on 
February 16, 1946. Fruiting specimens may be 
found late in March. 

This species is quite distinct from all the 
known species. It may be near Salix triandra 
L., from which it differs in its shrubby habit 
with blackish-gray, densely tomentose branch- 
lets in winter, in its short staminate catkins 
with oblanceolate bracts which are pilose on 
the outer surface, in its pistillate catkins with 
glabrous ovaries and oblanceolate bracts which 
are longer than the pedicels, and in the lanceo- 
late leaves which are pale green but not glau- 
cous below. Salix triandra L. is widely dis- 
tributed in Europe, northern Asia, and north- 
ern Africa, but in China it occurs only along the 
eastern coast from Manchuria to. Kiangsu. This 
new species is fairly common along the streams 
in the vicinity of Chengtu. The young leaves of 
the flowering branchlets are ovate or obovate, 
but adult ones on the leafy branches are usually 
lanceolate, and those from the stout branches 
are exceptionally large in size. 

2. Salix neowilsonii Fang, sp. nov. 

Arbor 6-15 m alta, cortice fusco-cinereo 
sulcato. Ramuli erecti, teretes, graciles, glabri; 
hornotini purpureo-virides, annotini fusco- 
virides vel pallido-virides. Gemmae conoideae, 
6 mm longae, perulis late ovatis fuscis pube- 
scentibus; bracteae 2, obovatae, membrana- 
ceae, fusco-virides. Folia alterna, chartacea, 
glabra, lanceolata, 6-14 cm longa, 2.5-4 cm 
lata, apice acuminata vel abrupte acuminata, 
basi cuneata, margine adpresse glanduloso- 
serrulata, supra atroviridia, subtus pallidiora, 
costa media supra distincta, subtus prominente, 
nervis lateralibus utrinsecus 25-30 obsoletis; 
petioli graciles, 1-2 cm longi, supra canaliculati, 
primum pubescentes et purpurescentes, adulti 
glabri et virides, tandem rubri, apice 2- rarius 
4-olandulosi; stipulae deciduae. Flores coetanei; 
amenta mascula viridi-flava, cylindrica, 3.5—4.5 
em, rarius ad 6.5 em longa, laxiflora; rhachis 
albo-pubescens; pedunculi 7-10 mm _ longi, 
albo-pubescentes, foliis 2—6 suffulti; bracteae 
oblongae, 2 mm longae, flavescenti-virides, ex- 
trinsecus sparse pubescentes, intrinsecus pube- 
scentes et margine ciliatae. Stamina 3-5, in- 
aequalia, plerumque 2 longiora circa 4 mm 
longa, 3 breviora circa 2 mm longa; filamenta 
gracilia, sursum glabra, basi villosa; antherae 
subovoideae, flavae, glandulis ventralibus et 


dorsalibus flavis pseudodiscum formantibus. 
Amenta feminea et fructus ignoti. 

Kast oF Cuenetu: Near Tsing-chu-ssu, W. 
P. Fang 19408 (type). SoUTHEAST OF CHENGTU: 
Wang-kiang-lau, near Lei-shun-miao, K. Y. 
Ning 7956, W. P. Fang 19616, 19628, 19378, 
19405; campus of National Szechwan Univer- 
sity, W. P. Fang 19414, 19610; T’ou-wa-you, 
Ke iin Ning TOSI 7982,. 7984, We Phang 
19414: near the Arsenal, K. Y. Ning 7937, W. 
P. Fang 19438, 19434; Kao-pan-chiao, K. Y. 
Ning 7948. SouTH oF CuENGTu: Outside the 
new south gate, W. P. Fang 19390; Hua-hsi-pa, 
W. P. Fang 19390A. West oF CHENGTU: 
Tsing-young-kon, K. Y. Ning 7981; Tao-chu- 
miao, K. Y. Ning 7949; Cha-tien-tzu, K. Y. 
Ning 7964; King-niu-pa K. Y. Ning 7972, 
7976. NoRTHWEsST OF CHENGTU: Chiang-chun- 
pao, kK. Y. Ning 7981; Chung-cheng Memorial 
Park of Chengtu, W. P. Fang 19634 (culti- 
vated). SouTHWEST OF CHENGTU: Pei hua- 
tan; WoPR. Fang, 12041, 18272: 

This new species is closely related to Salix 
wilsonit Seemen but is separated easily from 
that species by the branches and leaves which 
are glabrous even during the young stage, by 
the petioles which are provided with 2 or 4 
glands near the apex, and by the oblong bracts 
which are pubescent on the inner surface. Al- 
though we have not yet found the pistillate 
flowers, the material on hand is sufficient to 
indicate an undescribed species. The tree is 
usually cultivated as an avenue-tree in the 
vicinity of Chengtu. 

3. Salix hsinhsuaniana Fang, sp. nov. 

Frutex 1 vel 2 m altus, cortice nigrescenti- 
cinereo laevi. Ramuli graciles, teretes; horno- 
tini pubescentes; annotini glabrescentes, pur- 
pureo-virides. Gemmae conicae, fusco-pur- 
pureae, glabrescentes. Folia decidua, alterna, 
chartacea, elliptica vel elliptico-oblonga vel 
elliptico-oblanceolata, 2-2.5 em longa, 8-10 
mm lata, apice obtussa vel subrotundata, basi 
obtusa vel late cuneata, margine integra, supra 
atroviridia, glabra, costa media puberula ex- 
cepta, subtus viridia, juvenilia sparse tomentosa 
vel villosa, maturitate glabrescentia; costa 
media supra depressa subtus conspicua; nervi 
laterales utrinsecus 8-10 supra obsoleti, subtus 
conspicul; petioli 2-3 mm longi, juveniles 
pubescentes, maturitate glabri. Flores sero- 
tini; amenta masculina fusco-flava, densiflora, 


VOL. 38, No. 9 

cylindrica, 2—2.5 em longa, 7 mm crassa, rhachi 
albo-villosa; pedunculi 1-1.2 cm longi, pube- 
scentes, foliis normalibus 3—4 suffulti. Stamina 
2 plerumque 3 mm longa; filamenta gracilis, 
glabra nisiad medium villosum; antherae sub- 
globosae, fusco-purpureae; bracteae ovatae, 
0.8 mm longae, glabrae, margine ciliatae; 
glandulae ventrales purpurescenti-flavae, ob- 
longae, plerumque 0.2 mm longae. Amenta 
feminea densiflora, cylindrica, 3-4 em longa, 
6 mm crassa, rhachi villosa; pedunculi 1—1.5 
em longi, cinereo-villosi, foliis normalibus 2-3 
suffulti; ovaria sessilia longo-conico-ovoidea, 
2 mm longa, fusca, glabra, stylis gracilibus 
2-lobatis, stigmate subcapitato; bracteae sub- 
orbiculares, 0.4 mm longae, glabrae, margine 
sparse ciliatae; glandulae ventrales flavae 
oblongae, quam bracteae breviores. Capsulae 
sessiles, 5 mm longae. 

SzEcHWAN: Mount Omei: Chin-ting, alt. 
3135 m, H. C. Chow 7670 June 27, 1938 (pistil- 
late flower, type); en route from Chin-ting to 
Chien-fu-ting, alt. 3150, common in thickets, 
C. L. Sun 445, June 10, 1939, Chien-fu-ting, 
alt. 3,150 m,-T..C.. Lee. 28467 July cameo 
(typical of fruit), W. P. Fang 19002, June 18, 
1942 (typical of staminate flower). 

Srtkana: Tien-chun-hsien (formerly known 
as Mupin), K.0G. Chu_2317,2Apmiai 2 ieee 

This new species is near Salix luctuosa 
Léveillé, from which it differs in the bracts of 
both staminate and pistillate flowers, which are 
glabrous on both surfaces, although they are 
ciliate on the margin, and in the ventral glands 
which are much shorter than the bracts. 

This new species is named in honor of Prof. 
Hsin-hsuan Chung, of the National Wuhan 
University, under whose direction H. C. Chow 
made several expeditions on Mount Omei. 
The pistillate flower is here described from a 
duplicate set of their collections kindly sent by 
Professor Chung. 

4, Salix chuniana Fang, sp. nov. 

Frutex 38-5 m altus, cortice nigro-fusco. 
Ramuli graciles, teretes; hornotini virides vel 
purpureo-virides, pubescentes; annotini flave- 
scenti-fusci vel nigro-fusci, glabri. Gemmae 
conicae, 7 mm longae, fuscae, sparse pube- 
rulae. Folia alterna, chartacea, lanceolata, basi 
late cuneata vel subrotundata, margine leviter 
appresso-serrulata, supra atroviridia, juvenilia 
sparse pubescentia, maturitate glabrescentia, 

Sept. 15, 1948 

costa media pubescenti excepta; nervi laterales 
plerumque obsoleti; folia subtus cinerescenti- 
viridia, leviter glauca, flavescenti- vel albo- 
sericeo-tomentosa; costa media prominens; 
nervi laterales utrinsecus 11-13, conspicui, 
incurvati; petioli graciles, 5-8 mm longi, supra 
canaliculati, subtus rotundati, tomentosi vel 
pubescentes. Flores serotini; amenta masculina 
ignota; amenta feminea laxiflora cylindrica, 
4.5-5 em longa, 4 mm lata, basi efoliosa; 
rhachis pubescens; pedunculi 5-7 mm longi 
albo- vel flavescenti-pubescentes; bractae ob- 
longo-ovatae 0.5-0.8 mm longae, utrinsecus 
albo- vel flavescenti-sericeo-tomentosae; ovaria 
subsessilia, conico-ovoidea, 2 mm longa, sparse 
glandulosa ad basin et plerumque sparse vil- 
losa, stigmate 3- vel 4-lobato, glandula ven- 
trali flava, lineari, 1 mm longa, plerumque 
quam bractae longiore ovarium medium ae- 
quante. Fructus subsessilis; capsula 5 mm longa 
sparse villosa. 

SzecHWAN: Mount Omei: Tsuan-tien-po, 
alt. 2000 m, in thickets, C. L. Sun 284 (type); 
Opien-hsien, Wa-shan, in forests, C. L. Sun 



1073; Mount Omei, W. C. Cheng 10314, C. W. 
Yao 2315, 2345, 3866. 

All were pistillate specimens collected in 
May except Sun 1073 in fruit collected in 

Although the staminate flower has not been 
seen, this is a very distinct new species in the 
section Chingianae Hao. It is near Salix reh- 
deriana Schneider in general appearance but 
differs in the habit of flowering after the leaves 
and in the pedunculate long and narrow pistil- 
late catkins, which are leafless at the base. The 
flowers of Salix rehderiana are precocious and 
the sessile catkin is just 2.5 cm in length and 
8 mm in width, and provided with two or three 
normal lanceolate leaves at the base of the 

This new species is named in honor of my 
former teacher, Prof. Woon-Young Chun, the 
founder of the Botanical Institute of the Na- 
tional Sun Yatsen University at Canton, and 
the leading systematic botanist in China, for 
his unceasing devotion to floristic investigation 
and his encouragement to young botanists. 

ENTOMOLOGY .—Two new Ithomiinae in the Schaus collection (Lepidoptera: 


The two butterflies described here are 
from the collection of the late Dr. William 
Schaus, which is now part of the United 
States National Museum collection of 
Lepidoptera. A few years ago the writer was 
invited by Dr. Schaus to study the itho- 
mines he had accumulated, and through 
the courtesy of the National Museum and 
of the Academy of Natural Sciences of 
Philadelphia was enabled to do so. Some of 
the species and subspecies discovered 
among this material already have been 
published upon.’ | 

Pteronymia schausi, n. sp. 

This series, labeled ‘‘Colombia,’”’ approxi- 
mates P. tucuna (Bates),? a number of speci- 
mens of which I have seen from northern Peru. 

1 Received March 7, 1948. 

* Fox, R. M. New Ithomiinae, Sci. Publ. Read- 
ing Public Mus. 2: 34 pp., 2 pls. 1941. 

3 Bates, H. W. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 23: 
544. 1862. (SAo Paulo, Amazons.) 

Ricoarp M. Fox, Pittsburgh, Pa. 

(Communicated by 

There are many points of difference, however: 
The opaque costal spot of the forewing is less 
briliantly yellow, is only half as long as in 
tucuna, and is cut off by the brown R, (this is 
yellow in tucuna). The end of the cell, is yellow- 
transparent, the base yellow-orange-transpar- 
ent and R and the cubitus are very narrowly 
red-tawny. The spots in the transparent areas 
of the rest of the wing are smaller, more trans- 
lucent than in tucuna; these are located as 
follows: A yellow-transparent spot beyond the 
narrow, pointed brown discocellular band, 
crossing the base of My, cut off at M2; a tiny 
yellow-white-transparent spot halfway to the 
margin in M.-M3; a series of submarginal 
whitish-transparent spots R, to Cus, the last 
of these elongated. The anal border fills the 
space posterior of cubitus-Cus. 

The hind wing has an even border, brown- 
black, 1 to 2 mm wide, the cell and part of the 
disc toward the anal margin suffused with 
yellow-orange, the veins here yellow-brown. 
Between this suffused area and the opaque 


marginal color there is a colorless transparent 
lunate line traversed by brown veins running 
from Cuz to the wing apex. 

Beneath as above, but the borders filled with 
rusty-tawny; three tiny white admarginal spots 
in the forewing apex; the hind wing with a 
series of oval white admarginal spots M, to 

Fig. 1.—Pteronymia schaust, n. sp.: Type male, 
from Colombia; collection William Schaus. 

Fic. 2.—Hypoleria meridana, n. sp. Type female, 
from Mérida, Venezuela. (Detached wings on left 
are under sides; wings on right are upper sides.) 

ZOOLOGY.—A new subspecies of tree frog from Pernambuco, Brazzil." 
CocHran, U.S. National Museum. 

While studying the small hylas of Brazil, 
I noted differences between examples of 
Hyla bipunctata Spix from the state of Rio 
de Janeiro and four Pernambuco examples 
received from Dr. Thomas Barbour likewise 
identified as bzpunctata. The Museum of 
Comparative Zoology kindly lent 16 addi- 
tional frogs of the original series from 
Pernambuco. Their characters are stable 
enough to warrant their description as a 
new subspecies. 

Hyla bipunctata branneri, n. subsp. 

Diagnosis —Closely related to Hyla wh- 
punctata Spix, differing from it mainly in the 

1 Received May 12, 1948. 


VOL. 38, No. 9 

2A, paired Cu.-2A; costal margin rusty-tawny, 
the humeral angle yellowed. 

Antennae black with orange-brown clubs; 
thorax black-brown with white scaling; abdo- 
men brown above, yellow beneath. 

Type.—Male; Colombia; coll. Wm. Schaus; 
U.S.N.M. no. 58560. 

Paratypes.—5 males, same data; 2 Academy 
of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 2 U. S. 
National Museum. 

Hypoleria meridana, n. sp. 

This is related to H. vanilia (Herrich- 
Schaffer), and might be taken for an aberrant 
individual. The postdiscal dark band is placed 
farther apicad, however, reducing the size of 
the subapical transparent spots R; to My» and 
eliminating entirely the one in M,-M;3. The 
white discal band is stronger; the tawny on the 
hind wing is reduced to a narrow edging on the 
proximal side of the border between Cu; and 
2A. The white band of the forewing crosses 
Rs, Mi, and Mo, whitening these veins proximad 
and nearly filling the cells between the disco- 
cellular band and the postdiscal band, entirely 
filling M3-Cuy, although M3; is narrowly black. 

In other respects the colors and markings 
are exactly as in H. vanilia, of which this may 
be relegated eventually as a subspecies. 

Type.—Female; Mérida, Venezuela; 
U.S.N.M. no. 58561. 

4 HERRICH-SCHAFFER, G. A. W. Corr.-Blatt. 
Regensburg 18: 175. 1864. (New Grenada.) 

Doris M. 


absence of the purple areolate pattern on the 
sides of the snout, in the presence of a single 
silvery-white spot under the eye, in a less pro- 
nounced dorsal pattern, and apparently in 
smaller adult size (21.5 mm for 9, 18 mm for 
3 in branneri, compared to 25 mm for 9, 25.5 
mm for & in typical bipunctata). 
Type-—U.8.N.M. no. 48861, an adult fe- 
male from Bonito, Pernambuco, Brazil, col- 
lected by J. C. Branner for the Museum of 
Comparative Zoology, and donated to the 
U. S. National Museum in 1912. Paratypes: 
U.S.N.M. Nos. 48862-4 and M.C.Z. nos. 
2827A—P, all with the same data as the type. 
Description of the type—Vomerine teeth in 
two small, well-separated patches between the 
choanae; tongue a little more than half as wide 

Supt. 15, 1948 

as mouth-opening, rounded, notched and 
slightly free behind; snout short and rounded 
when viewed from above, truncate in profile, 
the upper jaw extending only slightly beyond 
the lower; nostrils superolateral, projecting, 
their distance from end of snout about one- 
third that to anterior border of eye, separated 
from each other by an interval equal to their 
distance from eye. Canthus rostralis not well 
defined, merging with the loreal region which 
is flat. Eye large, prominent, its diameter equal 
to its distance from end of snout; interorbital 
diameter about 1? times the width of upper 
eyelid, greater than distance between nostrils. 
Tympanum distinct, about one-third the eye 
diameter, separated from eye by an interval 

equal to two-thirds its own diameter. Fingers ~ 

one-third webbed, fourth considerably longer 
than second; disk of third finger just covering 
tympanum; no rudiment of a pollex visible; 
toes three-fourths webbed, third a little longer 
than fifth; disk of fourth toe covering tym- 
panum; a distinct, projecting inner meta- 
tarsal tubercle, but no outer one; no true tarsal 
ridges or heel appendages; metacarpal and 
metatarsal tubercles present. Body somewhat 
elongate, in the postaxillary region slightly nar- 
rower than greatest width of head; when hind 
leg is adpressed, heel reaches to nostril; when 
limbs are laid along the sides, knee and elbow 



touch; when hind legs are bent at right angles 
to body, heels considerably overlap. Skin of 
upperparts nearly smooth, with small pustules 
on shoulders and back of head; no pronounced 
ridge encircling upper part of tympanum; skin 
of throat and chest smooth in the female; in 
the male the throat is finely plicate because of 
the large vocal sac which covers the center and 
sides of the throat; skin of belly coarsely granu- 
lar, that of posterior femur and anal region less 
heavily granular. A skin fold across the chest. 
Color (in alcohol): Dorsum pinkish vinaceous 
to fawn color; a light-brown cross bar between 
the eyes, followed by a pale )(-shaped mark on 
the back extending to the sacral region. A 
metallic white mark below the eye extending to 
the upper lip border; remainder of upper lip 
finely punctate with gray dots, but with no 
alveolar pattern like that found in bipunctata; 
a wide dark canthal line edged narrowly with 
white above, continuing behind the ear and 
along the side of the body where it becomes less 
distinct as it approaches the groin; femur im- 
maculate; upper surface of tibia with faint 
darker markings. 
Variations: The white spot below the eye is 
very prominent in 18 of the 20 specimens at 
hand; in the remaining 2 it is somewhat. re- 
duced. The heel reaches from between center of 
eye to tip of snout, most often to nostril. In 3 


% % 
Specimen ee a ees | ead seal repiat Woot)| Hand || Head aa % | % | % % 
length} length| width || : Femur} Tibia} Foot | Hand 
| length width | 

U.S.N.M. 48861 2 PALS GE5 Gro |e LOsou | ll s5 9 5.5 SOPAelsOs2 te on lt Osean) 4109 51-2526 
48862 Q 20 5.5 6 Visi yh ala! 8.5 6 Zed 0020) |eAeo. C5020) | 42/25) | 300 

48863 Q 19 - 6 6.5 9 11 8 6 SG Of 20 14704 Dee On 42 le STAG 

48864 Q 14.5 4.5 5 7 1.5 5.0 4 Se ten ete Olen nlinond sons urate 

M.C.Z. 2827 A Q 18 6 GES 9 10 8 HAs Soon OOO mOOLON ODED E | 440 sOno 
2827 B Q 16.5 5 6 8 9 a 4.5 30.3 | 36.4 | 48.5 | 54.6 | 42.5 | 27.3 

2827 C fof eG 3.0 3.5 8 8.5 7 5 || 32.4 | 32.4 | 47.1 | 50.0 | 41.2 | 29.4 

2827 D Q 19 6.5 6 9 9.5 8 Ro 34.2 | 31.6 | 47.4 | 50.0 | 42.1 | 29.0 

2827 E of 17 5 SO 8 8 7.5 5 ZORA Soham |e Ad | AAs 2 OR: 

2827 F ot 17 5 5.5 8 9 G5 5 QORSY |e So2eoy ptt |p oocO) | 44 cial 2OR4: 

2827 G of 16 5 5.5 (AR) 8 7 4.5 SISSeoteo |) 4059 15020. 4358) (2 28n 1 

2827 H 2 19.5 6 6 QSsy HOSE ((Be) 5.5 || 30.8 | 30.8 | 48.7-| 53.9 | 38.5 | 28.2 

2827 I fof 17/ 5.5 5.5 8 9 @ 5 S2he) | oso +ie8 | ooLOn|) 4he2 2954 

2827 J ot 16.5 5.5 20 7.5 8 C5 4.5 333358) |) Goes || eas |) Zkesaks 4) G5) A768 

2827 K fof 16 5.5 DEO 8 9 7 5 SFOuIOs oO. | OOROmmoOe Zn Ao on |ilese 

2827 L of i765 5.5 Deo 8 9 7 5 31.4 | 31.4 | 45.7 | 51.4 | 40.0 | 28.6 

2827 M e) lp fei59 5.5 5.5 9 10 Uo 5 Sle olee | oN S242 97 286 

2827 N oe 16 5 5.5 8 9 7 5 Sl OMIMOA on OOO MmoOGrom| roo cure ise 

2827 O on 18 6 6 (hee 9 6.5 5 S08) [Peace |) ZBL | SOO | S1ORO) yh Az/ ote: 

2827 P ofl 17 5.5 5.5 8 8.5 8 4.5 So soa Ome aie se OOs OnE aye. lonte Ome 

N =20 MC SSW BL PSAs Wh eb ore | bere i) Abe Ss Bf 

o 1.6 2.0 2.98) 2.3 eS: 

Nes} 4.2 Ne7/ 5.4 5.3 

0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.3 


specimens no dorsal pattern was visible; in 3, 
faint mottlings appeared; in 2, scattered spots 
occurred, while in the remaining 12, the 


VOL. 38, NO. 9 

)(-shaped pattern found in the type was 
fairly apparent. 

ZOOLOGY.—American Caudata IV: Allocation of the name Bolitoglossa mexi- 

The most .recent discussion (Smith, 

Herpetologica 3: 17. 1945) of Bolztoglossa 
mexicana Duméril, Bibron, and Duméril 
1845 (Erp. Gen. 9: 93, pls. 104. 1845) con- 
cludes by allocating the name with B. 
platydactyla Gray, an earlier (1831) name. 
This action was based chiefly upon Brocchi 
(Miss. Sci. au Mexique, Batr., livr. 3: 113, 
pl. 18 bis. 1883), who illustrated four speci- 
mens, presumably cotypes of mexicana, one 
of which was indicated as “type,” while 
each of the others was called “‘variété.”’ All 
were stated to be from Veracruz, where only 
platydactyla (of the involved species) occurs. 
In reality, as discovered by the senior 
author, the locality citation in the plate 
explanation is obviously in error. On page 
114 Broecchi clearly selects (from the ex- 
traordinary mixture of specimens of belliz, 
platydactyla, and a species from Petén, 
Guatemala, that together comprise the co- 
types of B. mexicana) the two Petén speci- 
mens as types. Brocchi’s text may be trans- 
lated literally as follows (1883: 114): 
Coloration.—The coloration varies considera- 
bly. In the type, the body is a uniform reddish 
brown; the same coloration is found on the upper 
parts, but there may be made out numerous spots 
of a distinct light hue. These spots, which are 
orange, are disposed to form three longitudinal 
and parallel bands in one of the examples sent by 
M. Morelet, and form a kind of mantle in the 
other specimen; in this latter, there are on the 
surface of the mantle a number of spots which 

again show the basic reddish brown color (figs. 3 
and 4). 

That Brocchi in this discussion actually se- 
lected one of the two as the type is debat- 
able, but he may be considered to have 
clearly indicated his type through a com- 
bination of the above text, plus the legend 
to his plate 18 bis, and figure 3 of this plate, 
which the legend designates as the type 
from ‘‘Vera Cruz.’ This figure exactly 
matches the description for the first 
Morelet specimen (‘‘These spots, which are 
orange, are disposed to form three longitu- 

t Received June 4, 1948, 

M. B. MirrteEMAN and Hospartr M. Smiru. 

(Communicated by 

dinal and parallel bands in one of the ex- 
amples sent by M. Morelet.’”). Brocchi’s 
reference to figures 3 and 4 in the passage 
quoted above, as well as his ascribing a 
Veracruzan origin to the type, figure 3, in 
the accompanying legend, seems explain- 
able as a simple lapsus. That this is the case 
is borne out by comparing his figure 4 with 

- his description of “Variété I,” which fits 

the figure very well. This specimen is listed, 
under ‘“Variété I,” as coming from 
‘‘Mexico”’ (although the plate legend states 
“Vera Cruz’’), and of it Brocchi says, ““it 
is a dark gray, and not reddish brown as in 
the specimens of M. Morelet. All of the 
upper surface of the body and tail is covered 
with an orange mantle, the surface of which 
has a few dark gray spots.”’ Brocchi thus 
succinctly summarizes the difference be- 
tween this specimen and that figured above 
it on the same plate (figure 3). 

Figure 1 of Brocchi’s plate is listed on the 
legend as being from ‘‘Vera Cruz,” and is 
similarly cited in his discussion of “‘Variété 
II,” which almost certainly refers to the 
specimen illustrated as figure 1, since the 
discussion states that the specimen—unlike 
the others shown—has distinct orange mac- 
ulations on its limbs, and the delineation in 
figure 1 clearly shows this. Figure 2 of the 
plate is described in Brocchi’s text under 
“Variété III.’ The description given there 
fits the figure perfectly, even to the strongly 
annulated tail shown in the plate, and which 
Brocchi specifically mentions as “les annu- 
lations de la queue sont tres marquées 
(hee 2) 2’ 

Figures 1, 2, and 4 of Brocchi’s plate 18 
bis are clearly Bolitoglossa platydactyla. 
Figure 3, although described in the plate 
legend as being from ‘‘Vera Cruz,” is clearly 
associated through textual reference with 
one of those sent to Duméril, Bibron, and 
Duméril by Morelet from Dolores, Ptéen, 
Guatemala. Moreover, the specimen de- 
scribed by Brocchi as the first of the two 
sent by Morelet, and which we believe is 


depicted in figure 3 of Brocchi’s plate, is 
described by the original authors in much 
the same terms: ‘‘ the other, these 
spots are united to form two black bands on 
the trunk, and between these bands there 
are distributed many spots of the same 
eolor.”’ Brocchi of course described three 
orange bands, while Duméril, Bibron, and 
Duméril described the dark ground color 
between the orange bands. In either case, 
the general effect is the same, namely 
alternating bands of orange and black. 

So far as Brocchi is concerned, then, the 
conclusion that he validly restricted the 
name mexicana to the Petén species is not 
reasonably contestable. Even if the word 
“type” in the plate explanation is con- 
strued to mean only ‘“‘typical’’ instead of 
“the type’’—as indeed is implied by various 
facts, including citation of the other figures 
as ‘‘variété’’—the restriction of the name 
to at least the series from Petén is unequivo- 

Smith’s conclusion, on the basis stated, 
that mexicana is a synonym of platydactyla 
is therefore incorrect. On the evidence given 
it is a valid name for the Petén species and 
moreletz (Smith, 1945) is a later synonym. 

If Brocchi’s action were the only one to 
be considered the nomenclature of these 
species would be clearly evident. Un- 
fortunately, two other factors throw doubt 
upon the permanence of any conclusion 
now reached. 

First, Duméril et al. (1854, p. 94), after 
discussing the “‘Caractéres”’ of B. mexicana, 
cite the following: ‘“Synonymre. 1838. 
Oedipus platydactylus? Tschudi, Class. 
Batrach. p. 93, no. 7.’’ Had the question 
mark not been included, there is little doubt 
that this citation could automatically place 
mexicana in the synonymy of platydactyla. 
The question mark actually, however, in- 
troduces a situation for which there is no 
policy recommended by either the Opinions 
or Rules of the International Commission 
on Zoological Nomenclature. Moreover the 
identity of Oedipus platydactylus Tschudi is 
not absolutely clear, inasmuch as he cites a 
nomen nudum (Salamandra_ platydactyla 
Cuvier) for the source of the specific name, 
although the genus Oedipus (monotypic) 
was new. One realizes that the reference is 
to Gray’s work (Reptilia, in Griffith’s 
Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom, 1831, p. 107), in 


which ‘‘Salamandra platydactyla Cuvier” 
is very briefly described. In reality Cuvier 
never described the species; Gray was, 
apparently, accepting the names on certain 
museum labels of Cuvier. So far as Cuvier 
is concerned, the name may be considered 
a nomen nudum, although most authors, 
even a recent monographer of the group 
(Dunn, Salam. Fam. Plethodontidae, 1926, 
p. 400) have accepted Cuvier as the author 
of the name. The point is perhaps academic, 
but as long as it remains a debatable point 
the proper allocation of the name mexicana 
remains in doubt. 

A second complicating factor is the action 
of Boulenger in 1882 (Cat. Batr. Grad. 
Caud. Batr. Apoda Brit. Mus., ed. 2), one 
year prior to the publication of Brocchi’s 
work. In the synonymy of Spelerpes belliz 
Gray 1850 (p. 68) he cites the following: 
‘“‘Bolitoglossa mexicana Dum. & Bibr., p. 
93, pl. 104, f. 2.” The allocation is correct; 
certain specimens, including the one whose 
figure was cited, did belong to Spelerpes 
belliz Gray [=Pseudoeurycea belliz (Gray) 
as of today]. But on page 73 he cites the 
following in the synonymy of Spelerpes 
variegata Gray |=Bolitoglossa platydactyla 
Gray]: “‘Bolitoglossa mexicana, part., Dum. 
& Bibr., pl. 104. fig. 1.’’ Actually the figure 
cited does not belong to platydactyla, but to 
the Petén species. Not until 1936, however, 
was it realized that the Petén species was 
different from platydactyla; even a recent 
monographer (Dunn, Salam. Fam. Pletho- 
dontidae, 1926, p. 400) was not aware of 
their distinctness. Whether Boulenger was 
correct at all, or correct even by the in- 
terpretation of his time, in allocation of the 
cotypes of mexicana other than those repre- 
senting belli: is perhaps immaterial; the 
point is one, again, open for debate since no 
procedure is specified by taxonomic rules. 
This is certain: that as the species was then 
(1882 up to 1936) thought of, all the cotypes 
of mexicana, other than those of belliz, were 
correctly placed by Boulenger with platy- 
dactyla. The really important action by 
Boulenger, however, was the inclusion of 
the word “part” with reference to Duméril 
et al. under variegata, and omission of any 
qualification in the reference under bellzz. 
Does this constitute a restriction of the 
name to the synonymy of belli: by Bou- 
lenger? It seems quite possible. Is Bou- 


lenger’s restriction, if admitted, superseded 
by Brocchi’s? 

Until these questions are settled, there is 
absolutely no certainty whatever of the 
proper name, under the Rules, for the Petén 
species. A request has been submitted, ac- 
cordingly, to the International Commission 
fora ruling on each of the three chief princi- 
ples involved on which a decision is necessary 
prior to definite establishment of the name. 


1. The name _ Bolitoglossa mexicana 
Duméril, Bibron, and Duméril is not a 
synonym of b. platydactyla because of any 


VoL. 38, No. 9 

action by Brocchi. 

2. Said name may, however, possibly be 
regarded a synonym of Bb. platydactyla on 
the basis of inclusion of the latter name in 
the synonymy of B. mexicana by Duméril 
et al. 

3. Said name may also, if No. 2 is not 
true, be regarded a synonym of Pseudo- 
eurycea bellit, on the basis of the supposed 
restriction of that name by Boulenger. 

4. Said name, finally, if neither No. 2 nor 
No. 3 is true, may be regarded as a valid 
name for the Petén species (of which B. 
moreleti would then be a synonym) on the 
basis of type designation by Brocchi. 


Harry Diamonp, chief of the Electronics Di- 
vision of the National Bureau of Standards, 
died suddenly at his Washington home on 
June 21, 1948. 

Mr. Diamond was -born on February 12, 
1900, and attended schools in and around 
Quincy and Boston, Mass. He received his 
bachelor of science degree from the Massa- 
chusetts Institute of Technology in 1922, where 
he served in the SATC during World War I, 
and took his master’s degree in electrical en- 
gineering from Lehigh University in 1925. 

After Mr. Diamond joined the staff of the 
National Bureau of Standards as a radio en- 
gineer in 1927, his brilliant scientific achieve- 
ments led to rapid advancement. He was chief 
of the Bureau’s Ordnance Development Divi- 
sion during the war, and later of the Electronics 
Division, which now includes the ordnance 
work. During the five years between gradua- 
tion from M.I.T. and entry on the bureau staff, 
he was at first employed by various industrial 
concerns in the Boston area and later taught for 
four years at Lehigh University, where he or- 
ganized the first radio course at the Univer- 

His work at the National Bureau of Stand- 
ards was diversified, including aviation radio, 
radio aids to meteorological observations, radio 
direction finding, electronic ordnance, and gen- 
eral electronics. One of the inventors of the 
radio proximity fuze (No. 2 secret weapon of 
World War II), Mr. Diamond was widely 
honored for his work. Among the acknowledg- 
ments he had received were the 1940 Award for 
Engineering Achievement of the Washington 
Academy of Sciences; the Naval Ordnance 
Development Award for Exceptional Service, 

1945; and the War Department Certificate for 
Outstanding Service, 1945. He was a fellow of 
the Institute of Radio Engineers; a fellow of the 
American Institute of Electrical Engineers; a 
division member of the National Defense Re- 
search Committee; a panel member of the 
Joint Research and Development Board; a 
director of the American Ordnance Association; 
and a member of the Washington Academy of 
Sciences and Sigma Xi. 

Mr. Diamond played a large part in the de- 
velopment of the Instrument Landing System 
(ILS) and participated in the first completely 
blind flight and landing of an aircraft in 
March 1933. His ILS is now operating at many 
airports, and wide adoption throughout the 
world is planned. Another development of 
world-wide importance in which he had a major 
role is the radiosonde, which automatically col- 
lects weather information from the upper at- 
mosphere. This device was a vital element in 
weather forecasting during the past war. 

Late in 1942 Mr. Diamond was asked to form 
a new division within the Bureau of Stand- 
ards, primarily for research and development 
on electronic devices for Government and in- 
dustry. It was this division that worked on the 
radio proximity fuze for bombs, rockets, and 
mortar shells. Other contributions of the divi- 
sion to the radio art include visual beacons for 
aircraft guidance, antenna systems, range- 
beacon course-alignment procedures, a simul- 
taneous phone and range-beacon system, air- 
craft-engine ignition shielding, automatic 
weather stations, upper-air wind-velocity de-. 
termination by radio, a method for measuring 
direction-finder polarization errors, and an 
electronic bomb director. 




Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

President..........++++++++.FREDERICK D. Rossrnt, National Bureau of Standards 
Secretary...... PEDLS Wi a whic ask otal a's Wetteyal ¢ i C. Lewis Gazin, U. S. National Museum 
PP CREMT OR ir iia sis ne ois dc on eh vegies  LLOWARD ©. RAPPLEYE, Coast and Geodetic Survey 
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Elected Members of the Board of M dake 
PRIMEY AOA ec eee av cewek Max A. McCaut, Waupo L. Scumitt 
eer ariery 1950.5. oc ee PeBLG Lox F. G. BricKWEDDE, WILLIAM W. DirHu 
To January 1951..... athe ecckalent es Francis M. Deranporr, WiLLiAM N. Fenton 
AGP OF DI OHGGESS), .. ioie vice niu sv cacces All the above officers plus the Senior Editor 
Peara a, westors and Associate Fditors.. 0. he oe ee nee cease [See front cover] 
Executive Committee......... FREDERICK D. Rossini (chairman), WALTER RAMBERG, 
seta Relat IN Wate: x xe’ ww ws Watpo L. Scumirt, Howarp 8. Raprpieys, C. Lewis GazIn 
Committee on M Sachorslie Pune eRe EEO Le aD Ata ate eaaye od sede eat fe fel adetkOdiw b's aera 
Haroutp E. McComs (chairman), LEwis W. Butz, C. WYTHE Cooxs, WILLIAM 
......- W. Dies, Luoyp D. Fetton, REGINA FLANNERY, Grorce G. Manov 
Commiitee on M MCA IRM Diet ATbha Noh iRe a aiid) va sdhfafdie ogre, 6 RAYMOND J. SEEGER (chairman), 
. FRANK P. CULLINAN, Frep L. Mouter, Francis O. Rice, FRanK THONB 

Committee on M pag uphe 

To January 1949. .....-LEWIs V. Jupson (chairman), Epwarp A. CHAPIN 
To January ET UU Ee ee Roitanpd W. Brown, Haraup A. REHDER 
MRR BOs ei. iS inikie ome, ble Wiui1aM N. Fenton, Emmett W. Price 
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (Karu F. HERzFELD, general chairman): 
MOE MAIICHE OMIONERS. O05. Pe res els eine gic elocaisiad be Welded cia lea SSK wikis 
C. F. W. Mursrpeck (chairman), Harry §. BERNTON, CHESTER W. Emmons, 
EuMER Hiaeins, Mario Mo.uuari, GorrHoLpD STEINER, L. Epwin Yocum 
For the Engineering Bee er ast wiekahs Mme Ue rig eatin | 
Harry Diamonp (chairman), Luoyp V. BERKNER, RopErT C. DUNCAN, 
For the Physical SE od OS GEOR RETR TE Sie UE Tal ee aR 
Kart F. Herzre vp (chairman), Naraan L. Draxe, Luoyp D. FELTON, 

enero AIT ANtS-1N-O40 JOP WeSEArChe ou bs aie og d alee dle a vices dine eice ue dueeee dices 
..F. H. H. Rozsrts, Jr. (chairman), ANNA E. Jenkins, J. Lron SHERESHEVSKY 
Representative on Council of PUES UNH eNO EO kel sigle ict miele aus « FRANK THONE 
WiiuiaAM G. BRoMBACHER (chairman), Haroup F. Stimson, Hersert L. HALLER 
Pesenitier Shey PSS Thy AS TE pt LE Cale moa a a Ph Aen eC OO 

.. JOHN W. McBurney (chairman), Roger G. Bates, Wiuiiam A. WILDHACK 

Hi ; +f 
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Gua, —Some aspects of he geology, petrology, and as 
of Switzerland. as ibe ccc 

weed me Beuillee'; in Tohchpostons aa dbiteldy genera, IV: 
_chocarpus rugosus complex and additional arin America 
aM a Aes. Frmpmrion, J) HERMANN. aon ered eereeee 

\ | } * ay 
_ Borany. —New species of Salix from Suechwan, hina. — 
WAAING foci in wih & adage te ala ee ea sae cs 
ENnToMmonoey. Cries 4 new Ithomiinae i in the Schaus ode 1 
doptera: Nymphalidae). (Ricnanp- M. Fox. Bieta PPLE, 

- Zoowoey. —A new subspecies L tree frog from. » Pemambu 10, 1 Bra 1 
py ee gts Mi COCHRAN I. ie Bite el oo UE gut tat ee Bai 

- Zoouoey. =A mericain Caalee IV: Ailapatia of te 
. mexicana. M. B. MrrrLEMan and Hoparr M. 
‘Oprrvary: Harry Diamond. copimcave ie bed sere ante ne es 
; Tus Journa 1s INDEXED taf goreul Tovrecepaeeohea INDEX ° TO 
4 “Aso 

VoL. 38 OcToBER 15, 1948 No. 10 





James I. HorrmMan ALAN STONE Frank C. Kracex 



J. P. E. Morrison James §. WILLIAMS 
Evsert L. Lirtte, Jr. Watpo R. WEDEL 


Be NOVZ< iGo. | 
Pag A>. | 

5 eerie: eee ’ BY THE 
450 AuNalp Sr. 
aT Menasua, WISCONSIN 

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‘Shee SAE ~e- 




VoL. 38 


OcToBER 15, 1948 


No. 10 

Hampton County, South Carolina.! 

JOSEPH R. CALDWELL, River Basin Surveys, Bureau of American Ethnology, 

Smithsonian Institution. 

The importance of the archeological site 
Palachacolas Town on the lower Savannah 
River lies in the certainty of its historical 
dating and ethnological identification. Pend- 
ing the development of a general method of 
dating archeological materials in eastern 
North America,” the only absolute chronol- 
ogy available is for localities known to have 
been occupied by specific groups of Indians 
in historic times. Archeological materials 
and artifacts from sites which were not re- 
occupied or inhabited prior to the docu- 
mented dating can be presumed to have 
been in use during the period of the recorded 
dates. Conversely, such artifacts can then 
help date other undocumented sites at 
which they may be found. 

Palachacolas Town, later called Paracho- 
colas Fort or simply Parachuckle, was situ- 
ated on the right bank of the Savannah 
River about 50 miles from the mouth. The 
site had been occupied sometime during 
1680-1716 A.D. by a band of Appalachicola 
Indians, who were Lower Creeks speaking 
the Hitchiti dialect. 

The Creek Migration legend places these 
people in southwestern Georgia when they 
were first encountered by the invading 
Muscogee, and Swanton has pointed out 
that they later composed an important 
town in the Creek Confederacy?: 

. shown by the Creek name which it bears, 
Talwa lako, “Big Town,” and from Bartram’s 

1 Received August 16, 1948. This paper is pub- 
lished by permission of the Secretary, Smithson- 
ian Institution. The bulk of the material de- 
scribed is in the United States National Museum. 

2 See Martin, QuimBy, and CoLuisErR, 1947, pp. 
9-13, for arecent summary of methods of archeo- 
logical dating. Also Kelly, 19389. 

3 SWANTON, 1922, p. 129. 

(Communicated by Frank H. H. Roserrts, JR.) 

statement that it was the leading White or Peace 
town .. .in Chiaha Square, September 18, 1768, a 
Lower Creek speaker says: There are four head 
men of us who have signed our names in the pres- 
ence of the whole lower Creeks as you will see: 
Two of us out of Pallachicolas which is reckoned 
the head town of the upper and lower Creeks. . 

The Appalachicola remained in southwest 
Georgia at least until 1680+ but Milling has 
marshalled data to show that they arrived 
on the Savannah River no later than 1684.° 
Certain it is that these people were located 
on the Savannah River for some time prior 
to 1716 and abandoned the town in that 
year, after the Yamassee War. According 
to Swanton: 

...the Apalachicola, and part of the Yuchi and 
Shawnee, abandoned their settlements on the Sa- 
vannah and moved over to the Chattahoochee. 
The Apalachicola chief at that time was named 
Cherokee Leechee (Cherokee killer). The date is 
fixed by a manuscript map preserved in South 
Carolina. They settled first at the junction of the 
Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers, at a place known 
long afterwards as Apalachicola Fort. Later they 
abandoned this site and went higher up; in fact, 
they probably moved several times.® 

Evidence to substantiate a dating be- 
tween 1680 and 1716 is found at the Pa- 
lachacolas site itself, for the fragments of 
Indian clay pottery there closely resemble 
potsherd material from the historic (Hit- 
chiti) Trading Post, at Ocmulgee near Ma- 
con, Ga., dated 1680-1718, and resemble 
sherds from the Kasita site, near Columbus, 
Ga., late seventeenth to early eighteenth 

4 Ibid., p. 130. 

5 MiLuinG, 1940, pp. 176-177. 

6 SWANTON, 1922, p. 131. 

7 Keuiy, 1939, p. 332. See also Newsletter, 
Southeastern Archaeological Conference, pottery 


NOVS 1948 



VOL. 38, No. 10 

Fig. 1.—Historic Indian pottery from Palachacolas ca. 1680-1716 a.p. 

In 1901 D. Roland Steiner sent two small 
pottery vessels and some glass beads from 
Palachacolas to the United States National 
Museum. We do not, unfortunately, know 
the circumstances under which this material 
was found. A much larger collection was 
received in 1943 through the courtesy of 
Marmaduke H. Floyd, of Savannah, Ga. A 
few potsherds were also obtained by the 
writer when he accompanied Mr. Floyd to 
the site in 1939. 


The larger of the two pottery vessels 
found by Steiner is shown in Fig 2, A. Both 
have a similar form which is characteristic 
of the western Georgia type Kasita Red 
Filmed.® They are fired to a reddish color 
extending through the paste, and the smaller 

types: Ocmulgee Fields 
Filmed, Walnut Roughened. 
8 See preceding footnote. 

Incised, Kasita Red 

vessel appears as if it might have been 
painted. This specimen shows no tempering 
material, but grit particles are present in the 
larger. Both have their surfaces carelessly 
smoothed, but the coil fillets on the exterior 
of the one shown were left partly unobliter- 
ated, perhaps for the effect. 

The sherds in Fig. 1 are all from the 
writer’s collection, but the description here 
includes Floyd’s ceramic material as well. Al- 
together there are seven sherds decorated by 
incising (B, F, G, H, I) conforming closely 
to the type Ocmulgee Fields Inctsed. Six are 
from shallow bowls, two with a carinated 
shoulder. The firing colors range from red- 
dish buff to dark gray. The two dark gray 
sherds are burnished, and nearly all the 
rest are carefully smoothed on both sur- 
faces. No tempering material can be seen, 
but some small lacunae are present. 

The 16 plain sherds have the same paste 
features as those decorated by incising, but 


S. C. 


Fig. 2.—Historic artifacts from Palachacolas. 


three of the four rimsherds in the sample 
are from flaring rim vessels, and the form 
of the other is uncertain. One has an in- 
dented rim band, and another has a handle 
suggesting Mississippian influence (Fig. 1, 
C). No historic plain type has yet been de- 
scribed from Ocmulgee or Kasita, but un- 
decorated sherds are represented in the 
collections there. 

Three sherds show a roughening of the 
exterior by the use of short incised or 
scratched lines (Fig. 1, D, E) and are evi- 
dently counterparts of the Ocmulgee type 
Walnut Roughened. They have the same 
paste characteristics as the sherds described 
above. One shows a pinched rim band. 

There are six shell-tempered sherds. The 
specimen illustrated (Fig. 1, A) is from a 
flaring rim vessel with a thickened lip, 
notched at the lower edge. Four sherds are 
decorated with a carelessly applied cord- 
wrapped stick or paddle, the impressions 
somewhat smoothed over. Another is the 
rounded base of a vessel, again showing the 
use of cord. 

There was one sherd of the type Lamar 
Complicated Stamped, a type slightly earlier 
than those we have been discussing.® 


The glass beads in Fig. 2, B, E, are a 
small portion of a number found by Floyd 
with a burial 18 inches deep in the exposed 
face of the bluff. Similar beads and other 
objects were sifted from sand at the foot of 
the bluff and were presumably from the 

° Newsletter, Southeastern Archeological Con- 
ference, 1939, pottery type Lamar Complicated 


VOL. 38, No. 10 

same interment. There were two massive 
conch columella beads similar to the string 
shown in Fig. 2, I. The group of small red 
beads shown adhering to an iron fragment 
(C) was apparently from beadwork sewn to 
clothing. The wrought-iron nail (D) is one 
of two which, if actually associated with the 
burial, may indicate that it was originally 
in a wooden coffin. 

With another burial 12 inches deep in the 
bluff Floyd found many glass beads, two 
massive columella beads, and three of the 
shell-tempered sherds mentioned earlier. 
Also present were a conch shell disc, Fig. 2, 
H, an iron ringlike object (G), and a part of 
a copper cauldron (F). 

With a third burial which had fallen out 
of the bluff Floyd found glass beads sim- 
ilar to those shown, as well as the shell 
beads (I), pipestem (K), and lead bullet (J) 
illustrated in Fig. 2. 

On the surface but near the bluff Floyd 
found, in addition to some of the Indian 
pottery described, crockery (L, P), china- 
ware, glass (M, N), and trade pipe frag- 


Kewiuiy, ArtHur R. The Macon Trading Post, 
an historical foundling. Amer. Antiq. 4(4) 
328-33. 1939. 

Martin, Pau 8., QuimBy, GEORGE L., and CoL- 
LIER, Donaup. Indians before Columbus. 
Chicago, 1947. 

MILLING, CHaPpMAN J. Red Carolinians. Chap- 
el Hill, 1940. . 

Newsletter (mimeographed), University of 
Kentucky, Lexington. 1939. 

SWANTON, JOHN R. Early history of the Creek 
Indians and their neighbors. Bur. Amer. 
Ethnol. Bull. 73. 1922. 

ARCHEOLOGY .—A_ seventeenth-century fireplace at Maspeth, Long Island. 
RaupH 8S. SoLecki, River Basin Surveys, Bureau of American Ethnology, 

Smithsonian Institution. 

In April 1935 an early colonial fireplace 
dating from cirea 1650 was found by the 
writer and a companion, Stanley Wisniew- 
ski, in an open lot at Maspeth, Long Island. 
The material found in the fireplace links the 
historic with the prehistoric periods there. 

1 Received August 16, 1948. 

(Communicated by Frank H. H. Rosperts, JR.) 

Maspeth is an incorporated town situated 
within the limits of Greater New York City 
in the Borough of Queens. It is on a trib- 
utary of Newtown Creek, which is part of 
the boundary line between the Boroughs of 
Brooklyn and Queens, and opens at the 
Kast River opposite lower Manhattan. The 
tributary, Maspeth Creek, was _ called 

Oct. 15, 1948 

““Mespat Kill’ in the seventeenth century, 
and the land adjacent to it was called 
“English Kills” in recognition of the first 
English settlement made in this locale. 

Newtown Creek today is one of New 
York City’s most important unloading 
points for sea traffic in coal, oil, and lumber. 
Maspeth, now only half an hour from Times 
Square, was the backwoods and outlying 
settlement of New Netherlands 300 years 

Maspeth, the present name of the town, 
is derived from both the English and Dutch 
versions of Mespaetches or Maspechtes, 
which approaches the idiom of the aborig- 
ines. The names ‘‘Mespat’”’ and ‘‘Mispat’’ 
appear in seventeenth century writings and 
maps, and in keeping with this practice we 
will use the name Mespat. Mispat appears 
on A. Van der Donck’s map of 1656 (see 
Fig. 1), which apparently had been copied 
by later cartographers. 

The Canarsee Indians, with whom the 
early settlers had many dealings, were a 
strong western Long Island tribe of the 
Metoac or Matouwac confederacy. They 
had one of their principal villages on 
Mespat Kill. 

Aboriginal artifacts attesting to occu- 
pancy in pre-historic times were there 
prior to the development of Newtown Creek 
and environs. These artifacts were quite 
numerous, suggesting that a fairly large 
Indian village had been there (Bolton, 1922, 
pp.173-175). The situation was favorable 
enough, with creeks, hills, forests, and 
pleasant country. Game.of all kinds was 
plentiful, according to early records. 

The first settlement within the bounds of 
Newtown was made in 1642 by a Reverend 
Francis Doughty, a newcomer to New 
Netherlands from New England, where he 
had experienced difficulty with the founding 
fathers. He and his associates were granted 
settlement privileges at Mespat by William 
Kieft, the Director-General of New Nether- 
land (Riker, 1852, pp. 17-19). Reverend 
Doughty and his flock had barely time to 
establish house, when the native Indians, 
instigated into war in 1643 with the colo- 
nists by the gross blunders of Kieft, attacked 
the settlements around New Netherland, 
including Mespat. Its inhabitants were 


forced to flee, and their homes and farms 
were devastated and ruined. Thus was 
broken up one of the budding English 
settlements on Long Island. 

Director Kieft made overtures to the 
Indians and, with the help of several wiser 
men, placated them. The settlers returned 
to Mespat, but the settlement never re- 
covered from the shock of warfare. 

Mespat was seized with terror again in 
1653, during the Dutch and English war 
(1652-1654), when the English settlers 
learned that the Dutch were negotiating 
with the Indians to destroy the English on 
Long Island. The Mespat settlers once 
again fled, this time to Stamford, Conn., 
a strong English settlement. The war ended, 
and the settlers dribbled back again. An- 
other alarm was made in 1656, when this 
time the Dutch neighbors of the English at 
Mespat, in fear of retaliations from the 
Indians, banded together for safety. They 
concentrated themselves for mutual pro- 
tection on Smith’s Island at English Kills. 
This island appears on later maps as Fur- 
man’s Island, or Maspeth Island (now a 
part of the mainland, and covered by an 
aluminum plant). 

This new settlement was called Aernheim 
in honor of the leader’s birthplace on the 
Rhine. The leader was Nicasius De Sille, 
one of the governor’s council, who had 
obtained the patent to the island on March 
27, 1656. By April the diligent villagers 
were mowing the meadows. 

Brief excitement occurred when a small 
group of Raritan Indians killed a family at 
Mespat Kill in 1659. 

Director Stuyvesant and his council 
terminated the existence of Aernheim on 
Smith’s Island in 1661, because they feared 
that it might hinder the growth of Bush- 
wick, which was planted in 1660 by the 
French and a few Dutch. 

There were no further Indian troubles, 
and the Canarsees settled the last piece of 
their reservation to the English in 1666 for 
£66 and some change. A scattering of 
Indians remained, ‘‘some of whom had their 
wigwams at Mespat Kills” (Riker, 1852, p. 
73) for several years later. Disease, wars, 
pestilences took their toll of the Indian 
population within the first 50 years of the 


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With a view of New Amsterdam, ( now New-York,) A. D.165 6. 
Copied for the . VY. 3° Tiist. Suc. from the Wap of A. Vander Deuck.) 

Fig. 1.—Map of New Netherlands, a.p. 1656. From A. Van der Donck, 
Description of New Netherlands. 

Ocr. 15, 1948 

colonization of New Netherland, as it did 
everywhere on New England, and Indian 
survivors into the eighteenth century were 
few indeed. 


The .site of the fireplace was located 
between what was formerly known as 
Shanty Man’s Creek and Maspeth Creek, 
or Mespat Kill, on the road to old Aern- 
heim. The present road is called Maspeth 
Avenue. The fireplace faced the northeast 
about 30 feet south of Maspeth Avenue in 
line with Milton Street. When found, the 
fireplace was covered (Fig. 2, F) except fora 
corner of yellow brick protruding from the 
slope, by an eroded sand bank 3 feet deep. 
The hearth and back and sides of the fire- 
place were uncovered easily in the sandy 
soil. It was 34 feet long and 14 feet high. A 
6-inch layer of wood ashes and black earth 
was found at the top, lying over a care- 
fully laid arrangement of yellow bricks on 
the left side of the hearth. Directly be- 
neath them was a large flat oblong stone, 
weighing about 150 pounds. To the right 
of it, at the same level, were several smaller 
flagstones, obviously part of the hearth 
also. The bricks and paving stones were sur- 
rounded by ashes and charcoal. The major- 
ity of the specimens recovered were found 
in the ash bed above the floor of the fire- 

In clearing around the outside on a level 
with the fireplace, we found the remains of 
what probably had been a shelter at the 
southwest side. To judge from the amount 
of ashes and charcoal present, this shelter 
had evidently burned down. Enough identi- 
fiable wood material remained to ascertain 
that pine was used in the structure. Un- 
fortunately, more could not be determined 
about it, as the sand bank had been con- 
siderably eroded in this part of the area. An 
iron hammer resembling a cobbler’s ham- 
mer with iron shanks at the handle end was 
found in association with the ashes. 

Both native Indian and Colonial mate- 
rials were found in the fireplace. 

The Indian material consisted of 25 flakes 
and chips of red and black flint, and a 
broken reject artifact of dark flint. 

Among the European material were 22 



pieces of white kaolin pipestems, 7 complete 
pipe bowls of which three were marked with 
the initials PG on the heel, 1 fragmentary 
pipe bowl, 17 lead buckshot balls about .26 
caliber, 8 balls about .38 caliber, 2 lead balls 
about .70 caliber, a dark gunflint, 6 small 
pieces of blue china plate, 39 hand-wrought 
iron nails, and 26 pieces of clay bricks, 
mentioned above. These were crudely fash- 
ioned, not all of the same dimensions and 
somewhat smaller than modern building 
bricks. There were five whole bricks in the 
collection. There were also found two pieces 
of reddish-clay pipe bowls, which seem to 
have been fashioned in crude imitation of 
the European kaolin pipes. 

Leisure time at the hearth was not only 
spent in “‘drinking smoke,” as the custom 
was known in the early seventeenth century 
but apparently also in more artistic pur- 
suits. This evidence we find in the form of a 
flat bit of diamond-shaped bone, three 
quarters of an inch in length, carefully cut 
to shape and carved on its face with a sharp 
tool Fig. 2, D). 

The dating of this fireplace may be brack- 
eted by the finds through comparing the 
specimens with similar objects of known 

It is a matter of history that the Dutch, 
during the colonization of New Netherland, 
imported numerous lots of bricks from the 
Continent. These bricks served as ballast in 
the holds of their ships, which went back 
laden with products of the New World, 
especially furs. The white kaolin pipes, how- 
ever, are a more sensitive time indicator, 
because clay pipes are not so indestructible 
as the bricks. In addition, it is known and 
recorded that several styles of pipes were in 
vogue among the pipemakers since the first 
“Hlizabethan” or ‘‘fairy’’ pipes appeared in 
the latter part of the sixteenth century, with 
the introduction of the smoking habit by 
Ralph Lane in 1586. Tobacco at this early 
date was quite an expensive luxury, and 
pipe bowls were thus necessarily small. The 
pipe bowl illustrated (Fig. 2, A) is one of the 
typical bowls found in the fireplace. The 
bowl is barrel-shaped, slanting upward 
obliquely from the stem. It has a milled 
edge around the rim, as if made with a small 
coin. The bottom of the bowl terminates in 


a flat “‘heel,’’ which was typical of the seven- 
teenth-century pipes and was supposed to 
hold the pipe in an upright positon when 
placed on a flat surface. The fact that this 
heel changed its shape into a pointed spur a 
century later may belie the efficacy of the 



VOL. 38, No. 10 

heel for supporting the pipe. Of particular 
interest for the antiquarian are the pipe- 
makers’ trade marks, generally found on the 
heel (Fig. 2, C). These were usually the 
pipemaker’s initials impressed in relief with- 
in a circle. A search through the lists of 

’s impres- 

s. C, Heel of pipe bowl with maker 



rought-iron nails. F, Top view and vertical section of the fireplace. 

, B, European pipe bowl and stem 



ia. 2.—The Maspeth fireplace and artifacts: A 
sion “PG.” D, Worked bit of bone. I 


Oct. 15, 1948 

pipemakers of Hull and Bristol, England, 
will identify many of the pipes brought to 
America. A good many of these were used 
in the Indian trade. The Dutch had lively 
pipe manufactories also, which they seem to 
have copied from the English. They also 
kept a brisk business in pipes overseas. We 
do not have any data on the pipemaker 
“PG,” whose stamp was found on three of 
the pipebowl heels, but from comparison 
of the type bowl with pipes of known date 
we can place the date of manufacture about 
the middle of the seventeenth century. The 
fleur-de-lis design found on eight of the 
pipestem pieces (Fig. 2, B) is also a good 
time marker, as it was popularly impressed 
on stems about this period. The holes in the 
pipestems were large, and the stems were 
about 8 inches long, tapering toward the 
mouthpiece. The so-called ‘‘church-warden”’ 
pipes, with the long stems for the cool 
smoke, did not make their appearance until 
considerably later in pipemaking history. 


We may well speculate whether this fire- 
place had been part of Reverend Doughty’s 
settlement and had been destroyed by the 

CHEMISTRY.—A study of dithizone as a reagent for indium. 



Indians during their depredations here, as 
the material evidence seems to be coeval. 
This is important to the historian, but of 
interest and significance to the archeologist 
is the presence of the flint chips. These 
point to associations of the whites with the 
Indians. We cannot say definitely that the 
fireplace was not of Indian construction, 
but from what we know of early Colonial 
and Indian fireplaces, the possibilities are 
greater that this fireplace had been made by 
the settlers. How to explain the presence 
of the flint chips other than that they 
demonstrate the contact period between the 
whites and Indians is a moot point. This 
borderline phase of our early history had 
not received the research and attention it 
justly deserves by archeologists. 


Boiron, REGINALD PELHAM. IJndian paths in 
the Great Metropolis. Indian Notes and 
Monographs, Museum of American Indian. 
New York, 1922. 

RimKER, JAMES. Annals of Newtown. 

VAN DER Donck, A. 
erlands (1656). 
Soc., new ser., l. 

New York, 
A description of New Neth- 

Collections New York Hist. 

Irvine May? and 

JAMES I. HorrMan, Lecturer in Chemistry at The George Washington Uni- 


Indium is generally found in nature as a 
trace constituent of zinc ores and is ob- 
tained commercially from the residues of 
zinc distillations. Sensitive methods for de- 
termining indium in the presence of zinc 
are therefore of importance in the analysis 
of indium-bearing materials. 

The spectrographic method is the most 
common one in use for determining small 
amounts of indium, and only a few colori- 
metric methods are described. 

Therald Moeller (1) developed a colori- 

1 From a thesis submitted by Irving May to the 
faculty of The George Washington University in 
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the de- 
gree of master of science, February 1948. Re- 
ceived August 13, 1948. 

2 Present address, U. S. Geological Survey, 
Washington 25, D. C. 

metric procedure for estimating small a- 
mounts of indium based upon a chloroform 
extraction of the indium derivative of 8- 
hydroxyquinoline. This method has the 
disadvantages of being somewhat insensi- 
tive and of being subject to numerous inter- 
ferences. Nevertheless, it is capable of effect- 
ing a number of important separations and 
is useful for isolating indium from many 

The reaction of dithizone with mdium 
was first reported by Hellmut Fischer in a 
brief statement which is given in transla- 

Indium is one of the few trivalent cations which 
react with dithizone. To be sure, solutions of tri- 
valent indium salts, upon shaking with a solution 

of dithizone dissolved in carbon tetrachloride, 
give a red coloration in the carbon tetrachloride 


phase only when a very definite and narrow pH 
range (between 5 and 6) is maintained. The reac- 
tion also proceeds in the presence of cyanide ion, 
if the solution is previously brought to the above 
mentioned pH range. The dithizone complex is 
decomposed merely by washing with a dilute am- 
monia solution (1 part of ammonia to 1000 parts 
of distilled water). Further investigation of the 
composition of the complex and its analytical ap- 
plication have not yet been carried out (2). 

Subsequent investigators of the dithi- 
zone reagent have not published any ad- 
ditional material on its reaction with in- 
dium. Wichmann (3), in a comprehensive 
review of the dithizone system, stated that 
indium, as well as ferrous iron, manganese, 
and trivalent thallium “react with dithi- 
zone under certain conditions, but their 
dithizonates are of limited stability and 
probably of no analytical significance. The 
field for further investigation is still wide 

It was thought that a more thorough in- 
vestigation of the reaction of indium with 
dithizone than had been made by Fischer 
might lead to a useful method for the deter- 
mination of indium. A general study was 
therefore made of the reaction of indium 
with dithizone. Tentative procedures were 
then developed for separating indium from 
other metals and its determination with 

The authors are aware of the fact that 
further work on this subject would be highly 
desirable. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that 
they will be in a position to pursue this 
study any further, but enough new informa- 
tion concerning the reaction of indium with 
dithizone has been developed to make its 
publication of value to others interested in 
this subject. It is believed that the tenta- 
tive methods developed will be useful for 
determining indium in many types of ma- 


The optimum conditions for the extrac- 
tion of indium by carbon tetrachloride solu- 
tions of dithizone were determined. The ab- 
sorption characteristics and the stability of 
indium dithizonate were next investigated. 
Similar studies were also made employing 
chloroform as the solvent. 


VOL. 38, NO. 10 

The color of indium dithizonate in carbon 
tetrachloride and in chloroform solutions is 
rose-red. It was observed that carbon tetra- 
chloride solutions of indium dithizonate 
underwent a visible reddening in color on 
standing exposed to afternoon room light. 

The absorption curve of indium dithizo- 
nate in carbon tetrachloride medium was 
measured. A solution for this purpose was 
prepared by shaking a carbon tetrachloride 
solution of dithizone (0.001 percent wt/vol, 
that is, carbon tetrachloride containing 10 
mg. of dithizone in a liter) with an excess of 
an indium nitrate solution at pH 5.8, avoid- 
ing any exposure to light. Part of the dithi- 
zone layer was drawn off and the absorption 
curve was measured. The absorption curve 
was also determined on another portion of 
the sample which had been permitted to 
stand for 22 hours in the absence of light. 
These curves are shown in Fig. 1 as is the 
curve of the 0.001 percent dithizone solu- 

The curve for the dithizone solution 
agrees closely with similar ones previously 
published (4, 5). The absorption curves 
for indium dithizonate are very similar to 
those for other metal dithizonates. The 
maximum absorption of indium dithizonate 
is at 510muy, at which wavelength dithizone 
has a minimum absorption. 

Comparison of the two indium dithizo- 
nate curves reveals that, on standing, there 
is a small but definite increase in optical 
density in the regions of 510 and 600mu. The 
aging effect over a short period of time, such 
as an hour or less, is not likely to result in 
serious errors in quantitative work. 

Indium dithizonate solutions in carbon 
tetrachloride were found to be sensitive to 
light. A portion of indium dithizonate solu- 
tion, prepared as described above, was ex- 
exposed to afternoon room light for 13 - 
hours. The optical density at 510 my 
changed from 0.688 to 0.713, whereas an 
unexposed portion of the sample changed to 

Exposure to the intense light of a 750 W 
projection bulb resulted in appreciable de- 
composition of the dithizonate. The light 
was focused on the sample, and heat was 
removed by heat-absorbing filters. Samples 
were exposed for 5 and for 15 minutes. The 

Ocr. 15, 1948 

samples looked green when first removed 
from the light, and some recovery of color 
was apparent in the short interval that 
elapsed before the measurements could be 
made. The optical density changed from an 
initial value of 0.688 to 0.664 for a 5-minute 







exposure and to 0.465 for a 15-minute ex- 
posure. After standing in the instrument for 
10 minutes, the density of the 15-minute 
sample increased to 0.512 and then re- 
mained unchanged. This behavior is similar 
to that of mercury dithizonate. 

600 700 


Fig. 1.—Absorption curve of indium dithizonate in carbon tetrachloride solution: 

a, Absorption curve of freshly prepared indium dithizonate solution; 6, Absorption curve of indium 
dithizonate solution after standing for 22 hours; c, Absorption curve of the dithizone reagent, in carbon 
tetrachloride. (The same general form of curve is obtained with chloroform as the solvent.) 






Fig. 2.—Absorption curve of indium dithizonate in chloroform solution. 

600 700 


The optimum pH range for the extrac- 
tion of indium by carbon tetrachloride solu- 
tions of dithizone was found to be between 
5.2 and 6.3, agreeing with the values given 
by Fischer (pH 5-6). Some extraction oc- 
curs on either side of this range. Thus, at a 
pH of 4.8 or 6.7, about 60 percent as much 
indium could be extracted bya givenvolume 
of dithizone, compared with what would 
extract at the optimum pH. There was some 
evidence that small amounts of indium 
would extract at as low a pH as 2 and possi- 
bly even at as high a pH as 8. 

Indium dithizonate in carbon tetrachlo- 
ride solution was found to obey Beer’s Law. 
Solutions containing 0 to 14 micrograms of 
indium at a pH of 5.5 were extracted with 
15-ml portions of a carbon tetrachloride 
solution of dithizone (16 mg of dithizone 
per liter of carbon tetrachloride). A plot of 
the transmittancies of the dithizone layers 
at 490 my against concentration of indium 
showed that the solutions adhered to Beer’s 

It was found that the presence of citrates 
or tartrates prevented the extraction of 
indium by dithizone, but extraction did 
proceed readily in the presence of hydroxyl- 

The conditions which were established 
for the optimum extraction of indium by 
carbon tetrachloride solutions of dithizone 
are the very ones which favor the extraction 
of zinc. Attempts to find a complexing rea- 
gent which would prevent extraction of zine 
and yet allow indium to be extracted by the 
dithizone solution were fruitless. A method, 
however, was desired for indium in the 
presence of zinc. Since there was nothing 
in the literature on the extraction of indium 
with chloroform solutions of dithizone, it 
was decided to investigate the extraction, 
employing chloroform as the solvent. 


Investigation of the reaction of indium 
with chloroform solutions of dithizone re- 
vealed that indium formed a dithizonate in 
the presence of moderate concentrations of 
cyanide, at a higher alkalinity than in the 
ease of the carbon tetrachloride medium. 
Maximum extraction of indium occurred 


VOL. 38, No. 10 

in the pH range 8.3 to 9.6. Extraction of 
indium was very incomplete at pH below 7 
and above 10. 

The absorption curve of a chloroform so- 
lution of indium dithizonate was measured 
(Fig. 2). The dithizonate was prepared by 
extracting a solution of indium nitrate 
containing potassium cyanide (pH=9.1) 
with chloroform containing 10 mg of dithi- 
zone in a liter. The absorption peak of the 
dithizonate in chloroform is at 510-—520muz. 
The hump in the curve in the region of 600 
my is probably caused by the presence of 
unreacted dithizone. 

A study was made of the stability of 
indium dithizonate in chloroform solution. 
On standing in the absence of light, there 
was a slow decrease in optical density at 
510mu, accompanied by a slight increase in 
density at 620my. At 510myu the density 
dropped from an initial value of 0.845 to 
0.822 after a lapse of 37 minutes, and to 
0.798 after 22 hours. 

Unlike carbon-tetrachloride solutions of 
indium dithizonate, chloroform solutions of 
the dithizonate were found to be fairly sta- 
ble to light. Exposure to room light for 45 
minutes resulted in no greater change in 
density at 510 my than in the case of the 
sample standing for a similar period pro- 
tected from light. Exposure to intense light 
resulted in a change in density at 510 mu 
from an initial value of 0.839 to 0.862 after 
a 5-minute exposure, and from 0.820 to 
0.840 after a 15-minute exposure. 


It was discovered that if cupferron is 
present and dithizone absent in aqueous 
cyanide solutions of indium, lead, or bis- 
muth, all these metals could be readily 
extracted by chloroform at pH 8.5 The re- 
sulting chloroform solutions are colorless. 
It was then observed that if dithizone solu- 
tions were added to the chloroform-cupfer- 
ron extracts, the corresponding dithizonate 
colors were obtained. The dithizonates are 
therefore stronger complexes than the cup- 
ferrates. As a result of a number of experi- 
ments, the following conclusions were 
reached concerning the extraction of indium 

Oct. 15, 1948 

from solutions at a pH of 8.5 containing 

(1) In the presence of cupferron, but in 
the absence of citrate, indium is extracted 
by chloroform even if no dithizone is pres- 

(2) In the presence of both citrate and 
cupferron, the extraction is sufficiently re- 
tarded to require dithizone in the chloro- 
form for efficient extraction of indium. 

(3) Indium is extracted more readily 
with chloroform solutions of dithizone in 
the presence of cupferron and moderate 
concentrations of citrate than when both 
are absent. 

When extractions are made from alka- 
line solutions with dithizone, it is generally 
advantageous to have citrates (or tartrates) 
present to avoid the precipitation of a large 
number of metals. The use of cupferron en- 
ables one to overcome the very pronounced 
retarding effect of citrates on the extrac- 
tion of indium by dithizone. 


The conditions established above for the 
extraction of indium by chloroform solu- 
tions of dithizone are essentially those gen- 
erally employed for the extraction of lead. 
Bismuth, bivalent tin, and univalent thal- 
lum also form dithizonates under these 
conditions. Zinc, in moderate concentra- 
tions, is not extracted with this group. 

It was determined that concentrations of 
cyanide greater than 0.3 g of KCN in 60 
ml of solution at a pH of 8.5 hinder the ex- 
traction of indium by chloroform solutions 
of dithizone. It was also found that at this 
pH and in the presence of 0.3 g of KCN 
in 60 ml of solution, up to 10 mg of zine 
may be present without any zinc being ex- 
tracted by chloroform solutions containing 
10 mg of dithizone in a liter. 

Moeller (1) found that on extraction of 
indium with chloroform solutions of 8- 
hydroxyquinoline (oxine) at a pH range of 
3.2 to 4.5 the interfering ions were alumi- 
num, gallium, thallic, stannous, bismuth, 
cupric, ferrous, nickel, and cobalt. He re- 
ported that the ions not extracted under 
these conditions were magnesium, calcium, 
strontium, zinc, cadmium, mercuric, stan- 



nic, lead, manganous, chromic, and silver. 

It can be seen that, with the exception of 
bismuth, extraction with oxine will separate 
indium from the metals which otherwise 
would interfere with the extraction of in- 
dium by dithizone. A procedure published 
by Hubbard (6) for the separation of bis- 
muth from lead by extracting bismuth with 
dithizone from a solution at a pH of 3 would 
also serve to separate bismuth from indium. 

On the basis of the foregoing considera- 
tions, tentative procedures for determining 
indium were evolved. The general plan was 
to first extract indium at a pH of 4 witha 
chloroform solution of oxine, free indium 
from the oxine complex, and then deter- 
mine indium by extraction with a chloro- 
form solution of dithizone. 


Detailed instructions for the preparation 
and purification of most of the following 
reagents are to be found in papers by 
Clifford and Wichmann (4), and Bambach 
and Burkey (7). 

Water—Double-distilled in an _ all-Pyrex 
still, or otherwise prepared so that it yields a 
satisfactory blank. 

Nitric acid, conc.——Reagent nitric acid dis- 
tilled in a Pyrex still. 

Nitric acid, 1:99——Ten ml of conc nitric 
acid made up to a liter with water. 

Sulphuric acid, conc.—Select a bottle having 
a low blank value for lead and indium. 

Perchloric acid, 60 percent. 

Potassium cyanide, 10 percent.—Potassium 
cyanide frequently has a high metal content 
and may require purification. 

Ammonium hydroxide, conc. (sp. gr. 0.9).— 
May be purified by distilling reagent am- 
monium hydroxide into double-distilled water. 

Ammonia-cyanide mixture—Two hundred 
ml of a 10-percent solution of KCN and 150 ml 
of concentrated ammonium hydroxide made 
up to 1,000 ml. 

Chloroform.—U.S.P. or C.P. grades are gen- 
erally satisfactory. 

Dithizone solution. 0.001 percent.—Ten mg of 
dithizone dissolved in 1,000 ml of chloroform. 

8-Hydroxyquinoline. 0.02 M.—Diissolve 1.5 
g of reagent in 500 ml of chloroform. 

Buffer. pH 4.—Dilute 115 ml of acetic acid 


with about 500 ml of water, titrate with am- 
monium hydroxide to a pH of 4.0, and dilute to 
2 liters with water. 

Cupferron, 1 percent.—Dissolve 1 g of cup- 
ferron in 100 ml of water. A clear colorless solu- 
tion should be obtained with a good grade of 
cupferron. Prepare immediately before use. 

Sodium citrate, 20 percent—Two hundred 
grams of the dihydrate in a liter of water. 

M-Cresol purple wndicator, 0.1 percent. 

Methyl orange indicator, 0.1 percent. 


The following procedure permits the 
presence of more than 10 mg of zinc. Lead, 
thallium, and tin are separated from in- 
dium and do not interfere. The presence of 
large amounts of tin and aluminum may 
give low results. 

1. Dissolve the sample in nitric acid and 
evaporate. If tin is present, dissolve in hydro- 
chloric acid, add bromine, and evaporate to 

2. Dissolve the residue in a few drops of 
nitric acid (hydrochloric, if used in no. 1) add 
0.5 ml of sodium citrate solution and 10 ml of 
water. (If thallium is present and the treatment 
of the sample has resulted in its oxidation, add 
1 ml of 20-percent hydroxylamine-hydrochlo- 

3. Add 2 drops of methyl orange indicator 
and adjust to orange color (pH 4) with 1:4 am- 
monium hydroxide. 

4. Add 25 ml of the buffer solution and 
transfer the sample to a separatory funnel. 

5. Extract with four 5-ml portions of a 0.02- 
M chloroform solution of oxine. 

6. Wash the oxine extracts with 25 ml of the 
buffer solution. 

7. Drain the oxine extracts into a 100-ml 
Kjeldahl flask, wash the buffer solution with a 
5-ml portion of the oxine solution, and add the 
oxine wash to the flask. 

8. Add 1 ml of sulphuric acid and heat until 
the chloroform is volatilized. Destroy organic 
matter by adding 1 ml of nitric acid and heating 
gently until the reaction subsides. Add 1 ml of 
perchloric acid, heating gently at first and then 
vigorously until fumes of sulphuric acid are 

9. Add 25 ml of water and 1 ml of 20-percent 


VOL. 38, No. 10 

sodium citrate solution. If iron is present, add 
1 ml of 20 percent hydroxylamine-hydro- 
chloride. Heat the solution and boil gently for a 
few minutes. 

10. Cool and add 2 drops of m-cresol purple 
indicator and then ammonium hydroxide until 
the indicator turns orange. Add 3 ml of 10-per- 
cent potassium-cyanide solution and then add 
ammonium hydroxide until a purple color is 

11. Wash the sample into a separatory fun- 
nel and add 5 ml of a 1-percent cupferron solu- 

12. Extract with 5-ml portions of 0.001-per- 
cent chloroform solution of dithizone until the 
dithizone no longer changes color. 

13. Add 50 ml of 1:99 nitrie acid to the di- 
thizone extracts and shake for 1 minute. 

14. Discard the dithizone layer, wash the 
nitric acid extract with 5 ml of chloroform, and 
then remove the chloroform completely. 

15. Add 5 ml of the ammonia-cyanide mix- 
ture to the nitric acid extract, or to an aliquot 
of it made up to 50 ml with 1:99 nitric acid. 

16. Add 15.0 ml of a standardized 0.001-per- 
cent dithizone solution and shake for 1 minute. 

17. Read the dithizone layer in a spectro- 
photometer at 510mu. 

The dithizone solution is standardized by 
taking solutions containing 0 to 15 micro- 
grams of indium and 1 ml of sulfuric acid 
through the procedure, beginning at step 
no. 9. A blank determination should be run 
through the entire procedure. 

If bismuth is to be separated, the above 
procedure should be followed through step 
no. 14. Then adjust the pH to 3.0 by adding 
dilute ammonium hydroxide, using m- 
cresol purple indicator. Extract the bis- 
muth with dithizone (the extraction is slow). 
Wash the aqueous layer with chloroform. 
Add the proper volumes of ammonium hy- 
droxide and potassium cyanide solutions to 
bring conditions to step no. 16 and continue 
with steps nos. 16-17. 


In many cases it would be quite possible 
to use a simpler procedure than the one 
outlined above. Thus, the following modi- 
fications could be made in a limit test for 
indium in zine samples: 


510 mp 

Oct. 15, 1948 

A dilute nitric-acid solution of the sample 
is adjusted with ammonium hydroxide (m- 
cresol purple) to an orange color. Three ml 
of 10-percent potassium-cyanide solution 
are added, and the adjustment of pH is 
continued until a purple color is obtained. 
The sample is extracted for 3 minutes with 
15.0 ml of 0.001 -percent dithizone solution. 
The dithizone extract is then compared 
with indium standards, 0 to 15 micrograms 
of indium, which have been taken through 
the same procedure. This comparison may 
be made visually, or in a spectrophotometer 
at 510 mu. Lead, bismuth, and thallium, if 
present, would be read as indium. High 
concentrations of tin, iron, and aluminum 
would probably cause low results. A varia- 
ation of this simplified procedure would be 
the addition of sodium citrate before neu- 
tralization, and cupferron before extrac- 
bons * 

Another variation in the procedure may 
be employed where the greatest accuracy 
and sensitivity are not necessary. The pro- 
cedure outlined above is followed through 
step no. 11. Then the sample, or a suitable 



30 20 

to) 10 15 


Fig. 3.—Indium dithizonate standards: 
a, Single extraction procedure. Extraction in 

presence of sulphate, citrate, cyanide, and cupfer- 

-b, Double extraction procedure; 

c, Single extraction procedure. Extraction in the 
presence of citrate, cyanide, and cupferron (sul- 
phate absent). 



aliquot thereof, is extracted with 15.0 ml 
of dithizone-chloroform solution, and the 
transmittancy is read at 510 my. Standards, 
containing 1 ml of sulphuric acid, should 
be run beginning with step no. 9. 

Foreign metal | 
initially present Indium Indium 
sats added found 
Metal Amount 
micrograms micrograms 
— — 1.0 ie? 
— — 33 0) 3.0 
—— — 5.0 5 
— — 9.0 8.7 
— — 10.0 9.2 
— — 14.0 13} 311 
Cu 10 mg 10.0 10.5 
Pb 10 10.0 9.3 
Fe Oo 10.0 10.2 
Ni 5 10.0 9.3 
Co 5 10.0 9.0 
Zn 10 10.0 9.0 
Ga 5 10.0 Wi se) 
Sn 10 10.0 5.0 
Al 5 10.0 aay 
Al 10 10.0 68) 
Mn 5 10.0 8.4 
Cd 5 10.0 8.4 
“bi 5 10.0 8.1 


Standardization of the same batch of 
dithizone solution by three of the above- 
mentioned procedures is shown in Fig. 3. 
Comparison of curves a and ¢ indicates 
that there is a loss of sensitivity when the 
extraction is performed in the presence of 
high concentrations of ammonium sulphate. 

The results for the recovery of known 
amounts of indium obtained with the pro- 
cedure employing an oxine separation fol- 
lowed by a single extraction of indium are 
given in Table 1. 

It will be observed that poor recoveries 
of indium were obtained in the presence of 
high concentrations of tin and aluminum. 
Samples containing much tin could prob- 
ably best be handled by completely vol- 
atilizing the tin as stannic bromide from 
perchloric acid solution by the procedure of 
Wichmann and Clifford (8). 


The extraction of indium by carbon tetra- 
chloride and chloroform solutions of dithiz- 


one has been studied. Indium was found to 
be extracted with chloroform solutions of 
dithizone under the same conditions as the 
lead, tin, thalhum, and bismuth group. 
Tentative procedures have been presented 
for the separation of indium from various 
metals and its determination by dithizone 

(1) MoELLER, T. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 

15: 270. 1948. 
(2) FiscHeR, H. Angewandte Chemie 50: 919. 


VOL. 38, NO. 10 

(3) WicuMANN, H. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. 
Ed., 11:66. 1939. 

(4) CuirForp, P. A., and WicumMann, H. J. 
Journ. Assoc. Off. Agr. Chem. 19: 130. 

(5) FiscHer, H., and Wryt, W. Wiss. Verdf- 
fentlich. Siemens-Konzern 14: 41. 1935. 

(6) Huspsparp, D. M. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. 
Ed., 11: 344. 1939. 

(7) BampBacn, K., and BrukeEy, R. E. 
Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 14: 904. 1942. 

(8) WicoMANN, H. J., and Cuirrorp, P. A. 
Journ. Assoc. Off. Agr. Chem. 18: 315. 


PLANT PATHOLOGY.—Bacillus megaterium de Bary from the interior of 
healthy potato tubers... BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LUTMAN and Harry E. WHEELER, 
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Louisiana State University. 
(Communicated by NATHAN R. SMITH.) 

For several years the writers have been 
attempting to grow microorganisms from 
the filamentous plant intercellular inclu- 
sions which had been described by Lutman 
(6, 7). Various methods were used to induce 
them to leave their intercellular habitat and 
grow in another medium, but without suc- 
cess. Although a few actinomycetes were 
occasionally obtained, no assurance could 
be given that they were not accidentally 
introduced in the transfer of material from 
tubers to medium. 

The technique that was used in the fol- 
lowing work was neither new nor compli- 
cated. Burbank Russet tubers, grown in 
Idaho, were used for much of this work be- 
cause they were available in the market and 
their long shape made them easy to break. 
At the time most of these trials were made 
these mature tubers showed sprouts, indi- 
cating that the rest period had been passed. 

Clean, selected tubers were disinfected for 
2 hours in 0.5 percent formaldehyde solu- 
tion. They were dried and then cut on one 
side so that they could be broken readily. 
Disks of tuber tissue were removed with a 
sterile cork borer and a scalpel. Usually 
three or four of these circular disks (1 cm 
across and 1—2 mm thick) were taken from 
the broken surfaces and removed to bottles 

1 Received August 5, 1948. 

of sterile water. After washing they were 
placed in a small, sterile porcelain mortar, 
ground to a fine paste, and transferred to 
another similar flask of sterile water. The 
material from these flasks was plated out on 
nutrient agar to which had been added 2 per- 
cent dextrose and 1 percent yeast extract. 

The broken tubers were placed between 
layers of sterile filter paper in a glass dish 
for five or six days, and then they were again 
used for samples. In this time the cut sur- 
faces had developed a new cork layer from 
a cork cambium. The walls of the new cork 
cambium were filled with strands of hyphae, 
indicating that the microorganism had re- 
newed its activity after being dormant in 
the tuber. The broken surfaces were washed 
off in 95 percent alcohol and the adhering 
alcohol burned off. Tissue disks, removed as 
just described, were broken up in the 
mortar to a fine paste and diluted 1 to 
10,000 before plating. 

The number of organisms obtained in the 
3 operations varied widely with the tubers 
used. In one set of trials were 100 colonies 
per disk from the wash water, 700 colonies 
after the disk had been broken into frag- 
ments, and 33,000 from the disks taken 
from the regenerated skin. In another trial 
the numbers were 300 from a washed disk, 
1,200 from a ground-up one, and 48,000 
from a disk from a regenerated skin layer. 

Oct. 15, 1948 

The organisms obtained, however, were 
not actinomycetes, but a large, curved-rod 
bacillus which was easily identified as the 
highly pleomorphic de Bary organism, 
Bacillus megaterium.* Occasionally, colonies 
of other organisms appeared on the plates, 
but the predominant form was always this 

For a long time these organisms were re- 
garded as intruders from the soil and were 
disregarded. But, since they were so fre- 
quent, even with all precautions taken 
against the introduction of soil bacteria, a 
more careful examination was made of the 
colonies and of the individuals composing 
them. For this purpose the colonies that re- 
sulted from plating out the tissues were 
used, their age usually being 24 to 72 hours. 

Colony margin.—The filaments protrud- 
ing from the margins of the colony fre- 
quently showed branching, although in 
some colonies the individuals were pressed 
together in parallel, concentric circles to 
form a smooth margin. The most striking 
variation from an ordinary bacterial colony 
was the long filaments that would break 
away from the colony margin to push out 
across the agar to some distance, where 
they would bud off a new, small daughter 
colony. Rettger and Gillespie (9) gave the 
appropriate name of “‘runners”’ to these long 
nonseptate and unfragmented hyphae and 
offered the explanation that their appear- 
ance was stimulated by a lack of oxygen in 
the parent colony. 

Reproduction and unusual individuals.— 
The unusually large size. of the organisms 
(1.2 to 1.7 microns in width and averaging 
5 to 10 microns in length) gave an oppor- 
tunity to observe the details of cell repro- 
duction by budding. Smith, Gordon, and 
Clark (10) in their monograph of this 
group state that B. megatercum produces 
apical and side buds. This description of 
bud formation is shorter and clearer than 
that of de Bary (2) who goes into consider- 
able detail in the growth of the buds and 
the curvature of the rods: ‘‘The rods divide 
by the formation of a transverse septum 
into two members, the transverse septa are 

2 The authors will use the original de Bary 



extremely delicate when young. When two 
sister rods begin to separate transversely 
from one another, the curvature usually 
becomes more pronounced at the extremi- 
ties where division takes place, and the ends 
of the rods become slightly oblique to one 
another and overlap each other a little, or 
one thrusts itself laterally past the other, like 
the short commencement of a so-called false 
branch in Syctonema and similar genera of 
the Nostcaceae.”’ His figure, however, shows 
clearly side buds, although all buds origi- 
nate near cell apices. 

Budding would automatically deny the 
name of the group to which it had been - 
assigned, the Schizomycetes (fission-fungi). 
As a result of the buds and continued apical 
growth, true branching is common in the 
cells of these colonies derived directly from 
potato tissue. On replating these colonies, 
however, the branches or buds were shorter, 
so that the curved rods usually considered 
typical for this species now predominated. 
Rettger and Gillespie (9) had noted that 
these so-called ‘‘abnormalities” were always 
more frequent near the colony margins 
where oxygen supply was more abundant. 
At the centers and in the depths of the 
colonies fragmentation into short curved 
rods introduced the ‘‘normal,” i.e., the lab- 
oratory type, of the species. The long fila- 
ments, branching cells, etc. were not per- 
manent, but would resume their normal 
form if returned to any of the standard 
media (4). 

Spore formation and sheath.—Occasional 
long filaments may be seen in the colonies. 
They fragment by the introduction of bi- 
convex vacuoles. The protoplasm retreats 
and the empty space enlarges and becomes 
biconcave. This fragmentation is marked 
near the end of a filament where the proto- 
plasm frequently fragments in a_ short 
branch into three or four capsule-shaped 
spores enclosed in a clear sheath. These 
short rows of spores are usually curved as 
are those of the actinomycetes. These 
spores would be the conidia of these latter 
filamentous species and are to be distin- 
guished from the endospores described in 
some strains of B. megatervwm but which 
are absent in other strains, and may be lost 
occasionally from those having them (8). 


No endospores were observed on these 
strains when grown on dextrose agar.’ 

Rettger and Gillespie (8) noted so-called 
“empty sausage” skins (sheaths empty of 
protoplasm) but did not consider them of 
special importance, presenting their ob- 
servations ‘‘as a matter of general interest, 
rather than as evidence of the occurrence of 
a highly specialized cell membrane or en- 
velope in bacteria.”’ They did not call atten- 
tion to the fact that the actinomycetes have 
such an envelope or sheath, even if other 
microorganisms do not. This envelope or 
skin has been investigated by a number of 
electron microscope workers. Dubin and 
Sharp (3) arrived at the conclusion that 
“electron micrographs indicate plainly the 
presence of two structures constituting the 
bacterial cell, an inner dense substance and 
outer less dense substance. The outer sub- 
stance of the bacterial cell is invisible in 
light micrographs.” To the latter statement, 
the authors would in part disagree, since 
this sheath may often be seen between the 
fragments of protoplasm, especially after 
dense staining. 

Germination of the intercellular strands.— 
The best proof of the origin of the colonies 
from the intercellular filaments would be to 
grow them from between the cells out into 
a culture medium. In order to demonstrate 
this point a somewhat different technique 
was used. 

Some of the ground-up regenerated cork 
layer in a 100-cc water suspension was 
pipetted on large (24 by 50 mm) cover 
glasses, where it was allowed to air dry. A 
thin layer of the nutrient agar used in the 
plates was then spread over these dried tis- 
sue fragments. After it had hardened the 
cover glass was inverted over a slide, the 
ends of the cover glass being suspended by 
fine glass rods. The slide was then placed in 
a damp chamber. 

In a warm room germination would be- 
gin in about two to three hours. Probably 
more than 90 percent of the germinations 
would have no connection with bits of tis- 

3The writers wish to thank Dr. Nathan R. 
Smith for the additional information that the 
three isolations sent to him after this work was 
done readily produced spores on the ordinary beef 


VOL. 38, No. 10 

sue. They seemed to originate in frag- 
ments of mycelium loosened from their 
intercellular attachments by the pounding 
in the mortar. No indication of remains of a 
spore could be seen even in the early 1- and 
2-celled stages. They were bits of mycelium 
free from all tissue connections. This fact 
would indicate that the mycelium is not 
deeply imbedded in the pectin of the inter- 
cellular region. 

An occasional filament can be traced 
back into strands inside the tuber tissue. 
Such a filament will be seen to break up in 
the culture medium into the rods of B. 
megaterium. In the two figures shown, the 
dried tissue had been covered with agar at 
11:30 a.m. When examined and _ photo- 
graphed at 2:30 p.m. the filament was pro- 
jecting into the medium and had thrown 
off a long bud, which lay parallel to it. The 
growth was rapid during the first half hour, 
but a series of five exposures were made of 
which only one, that at 4:30 is reproduced. 
At this time the true point of origin of the 
cluster of bacilli could be determined only 
by referring back to the earlier stage. 

A careful study of such filaments ger- 
minating from tissue showed that in every 
case the part in the tissue lay close to the 
margin and that all connection with the 
hyphae of the cells had been broken. In no 
instance was a germination observed from | 
the end of a hyphae extending unbroken 
back into the tissue. 

Occurrence in other parts of the potato plant 
and in other plants—No extended efforts 
were made to isolate B. megaterium from 
other parts of the potato or from other 
plants. It was noted that, with the same 
technique used, this organism was common 
in disinfected sweet potatoes and also in 
potato roots after they had been washed 
and dipped in 95 percent alcohol from 10 to 
15 seconds before crushing them up in the 
mortar. The same is true of garden carrots. 

Since the Burbank Russet potatoes were 
mature and had been in storage for at least 
four months, the same technic was used on 
small Bliss’ Triumph tubers taken fresh 
from the soil and larger tubers of the same 
variety grown in Florida. The same organ- 
isms appeared as when the storage tubers 
had been used. 

Oct. 15, 1948 

Sheath on the hyphae in the tubers.—No 
note was taken of the occurrence of a sheath 
on the filaments stained in the intercellular 
regions of the potato tuber by Lutman (7), 
but such a sheath shows distinctly in many 
of the photographs, especially those of sec- 
tions of mature tubers. In one of the illus- 
trations of these filaments in the turnip, the 
tube is shown cut through in such a manner 
that the organism inside it was missed and 
the tube in part seemed empty. As shown 
in the same paper the enclosed filaments 
were also Gram-positive, although a special 
timing and technique had to be used to 
demonstrate them. 

Tissue cultures with sterile matertal.—The 
interior of healthy plants was formerly held 
to be free from bacteria and sterile. Tissue 
cultures have been made of many organs 
without any evidence of bacterial growths 
on the bits of tissue. The reason for this 
apparent freedom from bacteria is due, so 
far as B. megaterzwm is concerned at any 
rate, to its marked aerobic habit. It will not 
grow in a stab in a solid culture medium to 
a depth of much more than two millimeters. 
In tissue-culture technique, the bits of 
tissue are covered with the nutrient fluid to 
a depth sufficient to stifle the growth of this 
highly aerobic species. If growth should 
start, the colonies would be so small owing 
to lack of oxygen that they have been over- 

Systematic position of the organism.—The 
question arises at once in the mind of any 
systematist of microorganisms of the nam- 
ing and grouping of the. pleomorphic spe- 
cies which lives part of its life as a branching 
mycelium inside plants and breaks up into 
short, motile bacilli in culture media. 

In the sixth edition of Bergey’s Manual 
of determinative bacteriology (1), Order II. 
Actinomycetales Buchanan has as family I. 
Mycobacteriaceae Chester, a single genus: 
I. Mycobactervxum Lehmann and Neumann. 
This group contains many important or- 
ganisms such as those associated with tuber- 
culosis and leprosy. These organisms are 
also filamentous at times but break up 
readily into nonmotile rods. Bacillus mega- 
tercum would not fit into such a genus 
since the organisms are typically motile. It 
can not be regarded as a true Actinomyces, 



although it has a sheath and the rest- 
ing spores are similar to those of the latter 
group. No member of the Actinomyces 

Figs. 1-12.—Pleomorphic forms assumed by 
Bacillus megateritum in culture media, aqueous 
crystal violet stain: 1, ‘‘Runner” type with vacu- 
oles; 2, types of short bacilli; 3, budding, and 4, 
bud almost separated; 5, extreme branching with 
variation in size of branches; 6, end of filament 
with empty “sausage’’ skin; 7-10, resting spores 
formed by fragmentation, spores still enclosed or 
connected by clear-walled sheath; 11, filament 
arising from a bit of potato tuber tissue with a 
parallel branch or bud at right, taken at 2:30 
P.M.; 12, same, at 4:30 p.m. (Figs. 1 and 5-9 mag- 
nified 1,100 times, Figs. 2-4 magnified 1,350 times; 
11 and 12, 400 times.) 


is known, however, to have a motile stage 
or endospores. The intermediate position 
of this microorganism is clearer than its dis- 
position in any present classification. 

The middle lamellae.—To the botanist the 
fundamental contribution of these obser- 
vations is that the denser material between 
plant cell walls is not a chemical (calcium 
pectate), as suggested by Mangin who dis- 
covered these bodies, but living microor- 
ganisms that may be grown in culture 
media outside the plant. Further, the old 
conception that the interior of plants is 
sterile is not tenable. The role which these 
microorganisms play in the physiology of 
the higher plants will have to be determined 
by future experiments, but the abundance 
of the filaments in enlarged roots (carrots, 
beets, turnips) and tubers (potato, sweet- 
potato, and Jerusalem artichoke) suggests 
the formation of some type of growth- 
stimulating substances. It may be pointed 
out that the invasion of the cork cambium 
of young potato tubers by a similar microor- 
ganism stimulates the cork cells to produce 
hypertrophied tissue known as common or 
corky scab. 


The day following the receipt of the manu- 
script for transmittal to the editors of the 
JOURNAL, word was received of the fatal illness 
of the senior author of this paper. In the mean- 
time it has come to my attention that G. B. 
Sanford recently published a paper in Scientific 
Agriculture, vol. 28, pp. 23-25, 1948, entitled 
The occurrence of bacteria in normal potato plants 
and legumes. In addition, I am informed that a 


VOL. 38, No. 10 

manuscript by Tervet and Hollis along the 
same line has been accepted for publication and 
will shortly appear in Phytopathology. These 
and former papers seem to leave little doubt 
that healthy plant tissues may contain micro- 
organisms. The frequency of their occurrence 
and their function still remain to be discovered. 
—NatTpan R. SMITH. 


(1) Berery’s Manual of determinative bacteriol- 
ogy, ed. 6. Baltimore, 1948. 

(2) pE Bary, AnToN. Vergleichende Morpholo- 
gie der Pilze, Mycetozoan und Bakterien. 
Leipzig, 1884. (English translation of 
same, Oxford Press, 1887.) 

(3) Dupin, I. N., and SHarp, D. G. Compari- 
son of the morphology of Bacillus megathe- 
rium with light and electron microscopy. 
Journ. Bact. 48: 313-328. 1944. 

(4) GILLESPIE, Hazeu B., and Retrcer, Leo F. 
Bacterial variation: formation and fate of 
certain variant cells of Bacillus megathe- 
rium. Journ. Bact. 39: 41-60. 1939. 

(5) Knaysi, GEorGE. Morphological and cul- 
tural studies of Bacillus megatherium. 
Journ. Bact. 26: 623-644. 1933. 

(6) Lurman, BENJAMIN F. Actinomyces in po- 
tato tubers. Phytopath. 31: 702-717. 1941. 

(7) Actinomycetes in various parts of 
the potato and other plants. Vermont 
Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 522. 1945. 

(8) Rerreer, LEo F., and GILLESPIE, HazeEu B. 
Bacterial variation with special reference to 

pleomorphism and _ filirabtlity. Journ. 
Bact. 26: 289-318. 1933. 
(9) ——————.._ Bacterial variation: an inquiry 

into the underlying principles concerning 
the cell morphology of Bacillus megathe- 
rium. Journ. Bact. 30: 213-234. 1935. 

(10) SmitH, NaTHaNn R., Gorpon, Ruta E., and 
CLARK, Franotis E. Aerobic mesophilic 
sporeforming bacteria. U.S. Dept. Agr. 
Mise. Publ. 559. 1946. 

ZOOLOGY.—Hesperochernes thomomysi, a new species of chernetid pseudoscor- 

pion from California. 

C. Cuayton Horr, University of New Mexico. 

(Communicated by Epwarp A. CHAPIN.) 

Pseudoscorpions are common in the nests 
of burrowing rodents. The species found in 
rodent nests have received relatively little 
attention, however, perhaps as a result of 
difficulties encountered in making species 
determinations in the groups to which most 
of these forms belong. In the present paper, 

1 Received June 7, 1948. 

a new species of the genus Hesperochernes 
is described from the nest of Thomomys 
monticola from California, the description 
being based on material submitted by Dr. 
Edward A. Chapin, of the United States 
National Museum. The type specimens 
mounted on microscope slides are deposited 
in the National Museum. As a result of our 
very inadequate knowledge of chernetid 


pseudoscorpions, the inclusion of the generic 
description is considered advisable. 

Suborder MonospHyronipA Chamberlin, 1929 
Family CHERNETIDAE Menge, 1855 

Genus Hesperochernes Chamberlin, 

Hesperochernes Chamberlin, Pan-Pacific Ent. 1: 
89-90. 1924; Beier, Das Tierreich 58: 174. 1932; 
Hoff, Bull. Ilinois Nat. Hist. Survey. (In 
press. ) 

Cephalothorax clearly longer than wide; 
carapace granular, with two transverse cara- 
pacal furrows. Tergites divided, granular. 
Palpi stout, femur with well-defined pedicle. 
Setae of body and palps usually lightly, but 
clearly clavate. Flagellum with four setae; 
setae b and sb of hand of chelicera thickened 
and denticulate. The sensory seta ist of the 
fixed chelal finger is distal to est; st of the mov- 
able chelal finger is found nearer to ¢t than to 
sb. The tarsus of the fourth leg is without a 
true sensory seta, although a short toothed 
pseudotactile seta may be present. 

Genotype: H. laurae Chamberlin, 
(through original designation). 


Hesperochernes thomomysi, new species 

Female.—The description of the female is 
based on two specimens, the holotype and a 
paratype. The measurements of various struc- 
tures of the holotype are followed in parenthe- 
ses by the corresponding measurements of the 
paratype whenever the two differ significantly. 
Body stout, light yellowish brown in color; 
palpi deeper brown, often golden brown to 
reddish brown, and moderately stout; body 
length 3.1 (2.7) mm. Carapace light yellowish 
brown to golden brown, transverse furrows 
well marked, posterior furrow nearer to the 
posterior carapacal margin than to the median 
furrow; posterior margin well rounded, lateral 
margins convex and passing without interrup- 
tion into the anterior margin; carapace some- 
what subtriangular in shape; dorsal surface of 
carapace virtually smooth except for very fine 
netlike markings, lateral surfaces moderately 
granulate; setae very numerous, well scattered, 
terminally denticulate, not clavate; eyes not 
distinguished; length of carapace 0.98 (0.92) 
mm, width 0.96 (0.83) mm; greatest width in 
the posterior half of the carapace. Abdomen 
oval in shape, very stout; tergal halves well 
separated by rugose and nonsclerotic areas; 


setae small, mostly nonclavate, terminally 
denticulate, similar to those of the carapace; 
each tergal half of tergite 1 with eight or nine 
setae, maximum number of setae on any tergal 
half is 10; tergite 11 not divided; surface of 
tergites marked much like the dorsal surface 
of the carapace. Ventral surface of abdomen 
with the sternal halves well separated medially; 
halves of sternite 4 with two setae in holotype, 
with three or four in paratype; each half of 
sternite 5 with seven to nine setae; maximum 
number of setae on any sternal half is 10; setae 
longer and more conspicuous than on the 
tergites; setae of sternites acuminate. Each 
anterior stigmatic plate with two or three 
acuminate setae; each posterior plate with one 
seta; pleural membranes with rugose and wavy 
parallel striations. Abdomen 2.1 (1.8) mm in 
length; width 1.73 (1.42) mm. 

Chelicera: Yellow in color; moderately 

stout; 0.28 (0.27) mm long, base 0.17 mm wide; 

subbasal seta of base stout, widened, with 
numerous terminal and subterminal denticu- 
lations; basal seta more slender and with 
fewer denticulations, in some instances the 
denticulations are difficult to observe; internal 
and laminal setae very long and acuminate; 
surface of hand unsculptured except for a 
roughened area in the region of the insertion 
of the subbasal seta; flagellum with the largest 
seta distinctly bladelike, a little curved, and 
deeply serrate along one margin throughout 
almost the entire length of the blade; the two 
proximally placed setae subequal in length and 
each longer than half the length of the longest 
blade of the flagellum. Fixed cheliceral finger 
with well-developed lamina exterior, markedly 
convex near the center of the finger; apical 
tooth with three or four small and rounded 
denticles on the inner margin; inner finger 
margin with four or five denticles in the distal 
third of the margin, the distal two heavy and 
conical in shape, the proximal two or three 
more weakly developed and more retroconical; 
serrula interior with four distal plates free, 
others fused. Movable finger stout, little curved; 
0.22 (0.23) mm long; serrula exterior of 17 to 
19 ligulate plates, of which the proximal one 
is much longer than the others; galeal seta 
almost reaching the tip of the galea; galea 
with a stout base, antlerlike, with six somewhat 
curved branches confined to the distal half of 
the galea; apical tooth sclerotic and terminally 


bicuspid; subapical lobe just basal to the apical 
tooth and distal to the base of the galeal seta, 
somewhat smaller than the apical tooth and 
frequently blunt. 

Palpus: Moderately stout; surface of podo- 
meres virtually unmarked and almost non- 
granulate except the maxilla; maxilla with 
weakly granulate surface and with numerous, 
short and stout setae, many of which have a 
few terminal denticulations; setae of podo- 
meres in general subclavate and fairly stout 
on the proximal podomeres, longer, more 
slender, and nonclavate on the distal podo- 
meres, each seta with a few terminal and sub- 
terminal denticulations; investing setae of 
chelal fingers acuminate; color variable, deep 
golden brown in holotype to light yellowish 
brown in paratype. Maxilla 0.48 (0.43) mm 
long, 0.34 (0.31) mm wide. Trochanter some- 
what club-shaped; pedicle stout, two protu- 
berances present, 0.44 mm long, 0.26 (0.24) mm 
wide in strict dorsal view. Femur with pedicle 
about as long as wide and well set-off from the 
rest of the podomere; extensor margin very 
little convex in the center, more convex near 
the ends; flexor margin weakly S-shaped 
femur widest near the center; greatest over-all 
length 0.74 (0.73) mm, length along either the 
extensor or flexor margin 0.68 (0.66) mm; width 
0.275 (0.26) mm. Tibia with stout pedicle; 
flexor margin somewhat evenly convex except 
towards the distal end and in the region of the 
pedicle; extensor margin markedly convex near 
the ends; length 0.67 (0.64) mm, width 0.28 
(0.26) mm. Chela with hand stout and fingers 
fairly well separated from the hand; extensor 
margin of hand flatly convex, flexor margin 
more or less evenly and distinctly convex; 
hand somewhat bulging in the flexor-basal 
angle and the pedicle far displaced towards the 
extensor margin; fingers gently curved and 
narrowed regularly and decisively from base 
to distal end; length of chela 1.14 (1.08 )mm, 
width 0.43 (0.40) mm; length of hand 0.57 
(0.55) mm; length of movable finger 0.57 
(0.55) mm. From the side, the chela has a 
subrectangular hand, with the pedicle almost 
at the ventral-basal corner; ventral margin 
weakly and evenly convex; dorsal margin more 
convex and, with the basal margin, forming 
a well-rounded angle; depth of hand 0.43 
(0.41) mm; fixed finger nearly straight, more or 
less cone-shaped in outline and broadly joined 


VOL. 38, No. 10 

to the hand; external aspect of fixed finger near 
the inner margin is conspicuously granulate; 
the movable finger less stout but well curved, 
especially in the proximal third of the finger. 
Each finger with between 40 and 45 marginal 
teeth, all with cusps and contiguous; the mar- 
ginal teeth of the distal end of the row more 
acute and with better developed cusps than 
those at the proximal end of the row; fixed 
finger with four or five internal and four or five 
external accessory teeth, all confined to the 
distal one-half of the finger; movable finger 
with two internal and three to five external 
accessory teeth, all found in less than the distal 
half of the finger; nodus ramosus of movable 
finger somewhat nearer tactile seta ¢ than st 
in the holotype and nearer st than ¢ in the para- 
type. Tactile setae as usual in the genus; st 
varying from a little (holotype) to consider- 
ably (paratype) closer to ¢ than to sb; other 
tactile setae as shown in the figure. 

Legs: Moderately ‘stout; yellowish brown, 
often very light in color; surface of podomeres 
nongranular; setae except on tarsi fairly heavy, 
subclavate, with numerous subterminal and 
terminal denticulations; setae of tarsi like 
those of other podomeres basally and on the 
extensor surface, but distally and on the flexor 
surface relatively stout and acuminate; ter- 
minal tarsal claws well curved and slender. 
First leg with trochanter subquadrate, 0.185 
mm long, 0.147 mm deep; pars basalis distally 
deepened, flexor margin more or less evenly 
rounded, length measured along the flexor 
margin 0.245 (0.24) mm, depth 0.175 (0.165) 
mm; pars tibialis with both flexor and extensor 
margins evenly convex, deepest near the center, 
length measured along the extensor margin 
0.37 (0.36) mm, depth 0.147 (0.135) mm; tibia 
with extensor margin weakly S-shaped, flexor 
margin somewhat evenly convex, 0.405 (0.39) 
mm long, 0.118 (0.105) mm deep; tarsus sub- 
cylindrical, flexor margin a little convex, length 
0.41 (0.40) mm, depth 0.083 (0.076) mm. Fourth 
leg with trochanter having a very weakly but 
evenly convex flexor margin, extensor margin 
much more convex, especially in the central 
portion, entire podomore somewhat quadrate 
in outline, length 0.34 mm, depth 0.195 (0.178) 
mm: pars basalis subtriangular, flexor margin 
weakly convex to almost straight, length meas- 
ured along the flexor margin 0.27 (0.25) mm, 
depth 0.18 (0.17) mm; pars tibialis with 


flexor margin nearly straight, extensor margin 
evenly or flatly convex, deepest near the center, 
length measured along the extensor margin 
0.52 (0.50) mm, depth 0.20 (0.18) mm; length 
of entire femur 0.73 (0.70) mm; tibia shaped 
much as in the first leg but much more slender, 
very weakly S-shaped or extensor margin 
virtually straight except near the proximal 
end, length 0.60 (0.61) mm, depth 0.125 (0.12) 
mm; tarsus subcylindrical but the flexor margin 


somewhat convex, podomere deepest near the 
center, length 0.47 (0.46) mm, depth 0.095 
(0.09) mm. 

External genitalia: Simple; anterior oper- 
culum with 14 closely clustered setae, posterior 
to which is found a group of 13 (11) well-spaced 
and well-separated setae; posterior operculum 
with a single row of eight (13) setae. 

Male.—The collection contains four males, 
one of which is designated the allotype. The 

Fic. 1.—Tip of movable finger of chelicera, female holotype; scale 0.05 mm. Fie. 2.—Dorsal view 
of palpus, female holotype; scale0.6 mm. Fic. 3.—Lateral view of chelal hand, female holotype; scale 
as in Fig. 2; marginal and accessory teeth omitted. Fic. 4.—Dorsal view of tibia and chela of palpus, 

male allotype; scale as in Fig. 5. 
marginal and accessory teeth omitted. 

Fic. 5.—Lateral view of chelal hand, male allotype; scale 0.5 mm; 


measurements given are the limits of range of 
the four specimens. In general, male similar to 
female but smaller; body length 2.0—-2.4 mm; 
earapace 0.76—-0.82 mm long, 0.62-0.73 mm 
wide. Abdomen usually with seven setae on 
each half of tergite 1, other tergal halves 
usually with eight or nine setae; each half of 
sternite 4 with three to four acuminate setae, 
each half of sternite 5 with seven to ten setae, 
maximum number of setae on any sternal half 
is ten, In some specimens only eight or nine; 

anterior stigmatic plate with three setae, © 

posterior plate with one seta; length of ab- 
domen 1.19—-1.60 mm. 

Chelicera: Much as in the female; serrula 
exterior with 17 to 19, but usually 18, ligulate 
plates; length of chelicera about 0.24 mm, 
width of base between 0.14 and 0.15 mm, 
length of movable cheliceral finger 0.18—0.195 

Palpus: Variable but much like that of the 
female except podomeres a little smaller, tibia 
and chela distinctly stouter and of different 
shape, and a tendency for the flexor surfaces 
of the femur and tibia to be very weakly gran- 
ulate. Some specimens with palpi dark reddish- 
brown in color. Maxilla 0.38-0.43 mm long, 
0.27-0.28 mm wide. Trochanter 0.37-0.39 mm 
long, 0.195-0.23 mm wide. Femur with flexor 
margin more S-shaped and extensor margin 
more irregular and more flattened near the 
center than in the female; greatest length 
0.57-0.66 mm, length measured along either 
margin 0.53-0.58 mm, width 0.23-0.25 mm, 
greatest length between 2.5 and 2.8 times the 
width, length along either margin 2.25 to 2.5 
times the width. Tibia with slight to well- 
marked concavity just proximal to the distal 
end of the flexor margin, length 0.53-0.59 mm, 
width 0.24—0.26 mm, length 2.2 to 2.3 times the 
width. Chela very stout;extensor margin evenly 
and markedly convex, the flexor margin more 
rounded and convex, giving the hand a sub- 
spherical appearance when viewed from the 
dorsad; flexor-basal corner distinctly swollen; 
fingers from the dorsad as in the female; length 
of chela without pedicle 0.97-1.07 mm, width 
0.415-0.52 mm, length 2.05 to 2.35 times the 
width; length of hand 0.50-0.53 mm, length 
of movable finger 0.53-0.62 mm. From the side, 
the chela of the male relatively deeper than 
in the female, depth 0.44-0.55 mm; ventral 
margin evenly but not greatly convex, dorsal 


VOL. 38, No. 10 

margin bulging and rounded, especially in the 
area where it merges with the basal margin; 
marginal teeth about 40, varying from 35 to 
45; accessory teeth extremely variable, each 
row with three (in one instance two) to as 
many as eight accessory teeth; on movable 
finger tactile seta st is nearer to ¢ than to sb 
and the nodus ramosus in most individuals is 
conspicuously nearer to st than to ¢; tactile 
setae somewhat variable in the fixed finger but 
in general as shown in the figure. 

Legs: Conspicuously smaller than in the 
female, otherwise very similar; some podo- 
meres possibly a little more slender but limited 
material precludes definite statement regarding 
the condition in all podomeres. First leg with 
trochanter 0.14-0.155 mm long, 0.12-0.135 
mm deep, length 1.15 to 1.25 times the depth; 
pars basalis 0.185—-0.2 mm long, 0.135-0.15 mm 
deep, length 1.3 to 1.4 times the depth; pars 
tibialis 0.29-0.31 mm long, 0.12—0.13 mm deep; 
length 2.35 to 2.5 times the depth; tibia 0.31- 
0.35 mm long, 0.09-0.105 mm deep, length 3.3 
to 3.4 times the depth; tarsus 0.32-0.345 mm 
long, 0.07—-0.075 mm deep, length 4.55 to 4.75 
times the depth. Fourth leg with trochanter 
0.25-0.275 mm long, 0.135-0.155 mm deep, 
length 1.7 to 1.85 times the depth; pars basalis 
0.195-0.22 mm long, 0.135-0.155 mm deep, 
length 1.35 to 1.4 times the depth; pars tibialis 
0.39-0.46 mm long, 0.155-0.175 mm deep, 
length 2.45 to 2.65 times the depth; entire 
femur 0.54-0.62 mm long, length 3.35 to 3.65 
times the depth; tibia 0.45-0.55 mm long, 
0.10-0.122 mm deep, length 4.4 to 4.7 times the 
depth; tarsus 0.39-0.41 mm long, 0.08—0.09 
mm deep, length 4.55 to 5.0 times the depth. 

External genitalia: 20 to 25 fine and acu- 
minate setae on the anterior operculum anterior 
and lateral to the genital slit; the posterior 
operculum with four setae in a row immedi- 
ately posterior to the genital slit and 16 to 
25 setae, many in a single row but a few scat- 
tered, behind the four setae; chaetotaxy vari- 
able. “+e 

Tritonymph.—Measurements are given as 
the limits of variation of five individuals. 
Measurements of the legs are not included since 
these may be considered of little importance to 
the species description. Tritonymph much like 
the female but smaller and lighter in color; 
length of body 1.9-2.5 mm. Carapace possibly 
a little more granulate than in the female and 


the investing setae a little more clavate; length 
of carapace 0.67—0.76 mm, width 0.51—0.62 
mm. Abdomen with each half of tergite 1 
having five to seven setae, other tergal halves 
usually with six to eight setae; each half of 
sternite 4 with two to five setae, of sternite 5 
with six or seven setae; maximum number of 
setae on any sternal half is seven; each anterior 
stigmatic plate with one or two setae; posterior 
stigmatic plate with one seta; abdomen other- 
wise much as in the female; length 1.35-1.8 
mm, width 0.9-1.4 mm. 

Chelicera: General structure like that of the 
female. Tactile seta b noticeably smaller than 
sb, less stout and with very few denticulations 
or appearing acuminate perhaps as a result of 
being in a position unfavorable for study; inner 
margin of fixed finger sometimes with three or 
six teeth but usually four or five; galea rela- 
tively stouter than in the female, four or five 
antlerlike branches in the distal half; 14 to 16, 
usually 15, plates in the serrula exterior; length 
of movable cheliceral finger 0.17—0.18 mm. 

Palpus: In general like that of the female but 
on the average lighter in color; podomeres 
smaller in size; tibia and femur stouter; setae 
much less numerous but of the same type as in 
the adult; surface of all podomeres, especially 
the flexor surfaces, moderately granular; pedicle 
of all podomeres relatively stouter than in the 
adult; pedicle of chela nearer the center of the 
base of the hand than in the adult; trochanter 
0.28-0.32 mm long, width 0.175—0.20 mm, 
length 1.6 to 1.75 times the width; femur 
0.48-0.54 mm long, 0.195-0.21 mm _ wide, 
length 2.25 to 2.55 times the width; tibia 0.40- 
0.49 mm long, 0.20—0.23 mm wide, length 2.0 
to 2.25 times the width; chela 0.72-0.85 mm 
long, 0.27—-0.32 mm wide, length 2.6 to 2.7 
times the width; length of hand 0.34—0.43 mm, 
depth of hand 0.31—0.34 mm; movable chelal 


finger 0.39-0.45 mm in length. From the side, 
the chelal hand is much more like that of the fe- 
male than the male; marginal teeth of fingers 
nsually between 30 and 35 in a number; acces- 
sory teeth variable, one to four in each row. 
Movable chelal finger with nodus ramosus just 
proximal to tactile seta ¢; one tactile seta absent; 
the center one of the three tactile setae may be 
closer to the basal (6 or sb?) or to the distal 
seta t. Fixed finger with ist missing; other tac- 
tile setae much as in the adult except it is 
relatively farther removed from et. 

Legs: Lighter in color, with fewer setae, 
smaller, and stouter than in the adult, but 
otherwise very similar. Tarsus of first and 
fourth legs somewhat fusiform, narrowed dis- 

Type Locality—Fresno County, Calif. The 
female holotype, one female paratype, the male 
allotype, three male paratypes, and five trito- 
nymph paratypes were taken from a nest of 
Thomomys monticola on January 27, 1947, at 
Huntington Lake, elevation 7,000 feet, by I. 
G. Ingles. 

Remarks.—Our new species, H. thomomysi, 
may be separated from other species of the 
genus by the shape and size of the palpal podo- 
meres as well as other characteristics. The 
species seems somewhat closely related to 
H. sanborni (Hagen, 1869) from the New Eng- 
land states and to H. pallipes (Banks, 1893) 
from California. No difficulty is experienced in 
separating this form from the two closely re- 
lated species on the basis of characteristics 
given in the above description. From the type 
of the genus, H. lawrae Chamberlin, 1924, our 
form is easily separated by the smaller and 
stouter palpal podomeres. Only two species, 
H. laurae and H. pallipes, have been reported 
previously from California. 



VOL. 38, No. 10 

ZOOLOGY .—Three new eastern millipeds of the family Xystodesmidae.! RicHARD 
L. Horrman, Miller School of Biology, University of Virginia. (Communi- 

cated by E. A. CHAPIN.) 

Through the kindness of Drs. Edward A. 
Chapin, Waldo L. Schmitt, and Alexander 
Wetmore, I have been enabled to carry on 
extended work on the diplopod collection 
of the U. 8. National Museum. During the 
course of identifying and arranging ma- 
terial, a number of undescribed species have 
been discovered. Three of these are de- 
scribed below, representing three genera of 
the large Holarctic family Xystodesmidae. 

In one instance personal field work has 
resulted in the independent discovery of 
one of the new forms, and in this case my 
specimen has been designated holotype, 
since it is a fresh one and in better condi- 
tion. It has been deposited in the National 
Museum collection. 

Two of the species are of considerable 
interest from a systematic standpoint, and 
remarks on their relationships are included. 
A key to the known species of the genus 
Tucoria, based on males, is also appended. 

The figures illustrate the configuration of 
the left male gonopod, and are made from 
cephalic and mesial aspects following re- 
moval and orientation of the appendage. 
Setae have been removed in order to show 
basal structure. 

Apheloria intermedia, n. sp. 
Figs. 1, 2 

Diagnosis.—Male gonopod with lateral proc- 
ess produced upward in the manner of Delto- 
tarva, lateral spine scarcely perceptible at end; 
mesial process low, rounded; blade of telopo- 
dite forming a loose curve, tip of blade not 
bent out of line with rest of the structure. 

Description of male holotype—Length 34, 
width 8.2 mm. Body rather slender, gently 
tapering caudad, more abruptly cephalad. 
Segments 4 through 14 of full width. 

Collum large, almost semicircular in dorsal 
aspect, caudal margin almost straight (lateral 
portion swept slightly forward), cephalic 
margin rather evenly rounded and swept back. 
Marginal ridge perceptible on lateral extrem- 
ities of collum. 

1 Received July 28, 1948. 

Second and third segments with cephalo- 
lateral corners of keels widely rounded, margi- 
nal ridges well developed. Posterior edges of 
tergites straight except in being tapered for- 
ward on keels. 

Segments 4 through 14 subsimilar, anterior 
corners rounded, slightly lobed cephalad; 
lateral margins of keels somewhat convex in 
dorsal aspect, marginal thickenings prominent, 
smooth. Posterior corners of keels not pro- 
duced; caudal margins of keels but little caudad 
of rest of tergite across body. Dorsum well 
arched, keels not especially wide, but con- 
tinuing slope of dorsum, particularly on the 
anterior half of the body. Repugnatorial pores 
dorsal in position. 

Segments 15 through 19 with keels becoming 
increasingly produced caudad, those of nine- 
teenth being small, somewhat angular lobes. 

Anal segment triangular in dorsal aspect, 
somewhat longer than broad; distally truncate. 
Anal valves inflated, smooth, glabrous; mesial 
ridges conspicuous. Preanal scale semicircular, 
terminal lobe sharp, lateral tubercules small. 

Bases of last pair of legs almost in contact. 
Sternites between other legs wide, those poste- 
rior to seventh pair of legs smooth and glabrous, 
not produced into lobes or spines. Trochanti 
and femora bearing large and sharp ventral 
spines. Distal tarsal joint equal in length to 
basal two, much shorter than femur. Legs 
bearing slender curved terminal claws. 

Coxae of second legs of males with the usual 
cylindrical distally flattened seminal processes. 

Gonopods large, protruding from large oval 
aperture; at rest retracted snugly against 
sternites and lying against one another, usually 
with the blades interlocked. Lateral process 
unusual for the genus, strongly produced up- 
ward suggesting the development found in the 
genus Deltotaria; basal spine represented by a 
slight acumen at the terminal end of the 
process; mesial process low, rounded, rather 
large, the cephalic margin very setiferous. 
Blade of telopodite highly arched, slightly 
compressed dorsoventrally toward the end; 
distal portion not bent either laterally or 

Ocr. 15, 1948 

Color in life not known, appearing to have 
been blackish with most if not all of the dorsal 
surface of keels yellow or red. 

Description of female allotype-—Agreeing in 
most respects with the male. Differs as follows: 
Body more arched and compact; keels of seg- 
ment 19 more rounded; femoral spines longer. 
Length 35, width 7.6 mm. 

Type locality —Asheville, Ashe County, N.C. 

Type specimens.—Male holotype and female 
allotype, and a paratype of each sex in the 



U. 8. National Museum collection, no. 1833. 
These specimens were collected in August 1896, 
presumably by Dr. L. M. Underwood, of 
Syracuse University, although no collector is 
indicated on the label. Underwood collected 
many specimens in the Southeast during the 
summer of 1896. 

Remarks.—The discovery of this strikingly 
disjunct form of Apheloria is of considerable 
importance. In addition to providing a link be- 
tween the hitherto widely separated coriacea 


Figs. 1-6.—1, Cephalic view of left gonopod of male type, Apheloria intermedia, from Asheville, 
N. C.; 2, mesial view of same; 3, cephalic view of left gonopod of male paratype, Nannaria morri- 
soni, from Page County, Va.; 4, mesial view of same; 5, cephalic view of left gonopod of male 
type, Tucoria viridicolens, from Greensburg, Ky.; 6, mesial view of same. Pubescence has been re- 
moved from all structures figured. 


and trimaculata sections of the genus (hence 
the specific name), A. intermedia seems to 
represent an ancestral stock from which the 
genera Apheloria and Deltotaria have been 
derived. It furthermore inhabits an area where 
one would expect just such a form to be found 
—western North Carolina, from whence many 
species of both genera have been described. 

Detailed information on the relationships 
and phylogeny of this species is reserved for in- 
clusion in a future publication treating the 
entire genus A pheloria. 

Nannaria morrisoni, Nn. sp. 
Figs. 3, 4 

Diagnosis.—Size small; processes between 
fourth pair of legs greatly developed; gonopods 
of male with main branch of telopodite distally 
bifurcated, and lateral branch long, flattened, 
and directed mesiad. 

Description of holotype-—Length 21, width 
4.1 mm. Body with sides subparallel, both ends 
abruptly tapering; segments 3 through 16 of 
full width. 

Collum large, trapezoidal, almost as long as 
succeeding two segments; lateral marginal 
thickenings large; lateral extremities slightly 
rounded; posterior margin straight across 

Segments 2 through 4 similar, dorsal margi- 
nal ridges large, posterior edges of keels swept 
forward, caudal margins of tergites slightly con- 
cave. Segments 5 through 15 subsimiiar, ante- 
rior corners rounded, posterior corners right- 
angled or somewhat acutely angled, with a 
weakly indicated dentation; tergites about 
same width at edges of keels as at midline, and 
keels well separated, giving impression of 
evenly rectangular segments; segments 16 
through 19 with keels becoming more produced 
caudad, those of segment 19 into subangular 
lobes about equal in length to one-half the 
distance between their bases. Dorsum not 
strongly arched, keels rather small, continuing 
slope of dorsum, the lateral edges directed 
cephaloventrad. Repugnatorial pores very 
small, not in a noticeable depression, on the 
ventral side of the edge of the keel. 

Anal segment triangular in dorsal aspect, its 
sides concave, the usual subterminal lateral 
tubercules prominent, the tip more truncate 
than usual, directed ventrad. Anal valves sub- 
plane, finely wrinkled, the usual setiferous 


VOL. 38, No. 10 

tubercules not observed, mesial ridges very 
large. Preanal scale large, subtriangular, the 
median terminal lobe largest and well set off. 

Bases of last pair of legs well separated. Legs 
of segments 8 through 18 subsimilar, sternites 
broad, glabrous, produced into conspicous 
sharp lobes at bases of legs; coxae and tro- 
chanti unarmed, femoral spines large, becoming 
more elongated caudad. Those of last several 
pairs of legs as long as femora; tarsal joints 
with terminal as long as basal two, almost as 
long as femur, tarsal claw short, strongly 
curved at right angle to axis of legs. 

Coxae of second pair of legs with the usual 
seminal projections, these unusual in becoming 
swollen distally; sternites between fourth pair 
of legs with two greatly developed lobes, these 
being as long as seminal projections but evenly 
tapered distad. Pregenital limbs hairy and lack- 
ing femoral armature, tarsal claws heavy, 

Gonopods project from a large oval aperture, 
directed cephalad between bases of fifth pair of 
legs; in situ with the telopodite blades crossed 
at midline, the entire appendages twisted so 
that the small accessory branch is lowermost, 
in contact with the sternites. When in use the 
gonopods are forced out slightly and stand 
parallel to each other and perpendicular to the 
plane of the sternites, with the smaller branch 
lateral in position. Coxal joint of gonopod rela- 
tively undifferentiated, higher (longer) than 
broad; telopodite with 4 somewhat elongated 
basal portion, mesial process or shoulder large, 
heavily setiferous, merging into blade of the 
appendage; lateral process small, inconspicu- 
ous, much lower than mesial; a narrow groove 
between the two, extending distad; blade of 
telopodite long, slender, curved cephalad over 
base, distally bifurcated into a larger, lateral, 
apically mucronate branch and a smaller, 
spiniform, mesial one. A secondary division 
of the telopodite, arising from the lateral side 
of the basal portion is elongated, flattened 
slightly expanded distally, and bent mesiad 
from the base across the larger branch. For 
exact configuration of the. gonopods, coasult 
the accompanying figure. 

Color in life as follows: tergites dark olive, 
suffused with black, a suggestion of a median 
dark line on the posterior part of the body; 
anterior and posterior corners of keels, lateral 
ends of collum, and distal half of anal segment 

Ocr. 15, 1948 

bright pink; top of head light brown to about 
level of antennal sockets, front of head, includ- 
ing sockets and first antennal segment very 
dilute brown; antennae mostly olive with last 
article dark gray in striking contrast. Under- 
parts entirely whitish gray. 

Type locality—Saddle Hollow, about 3 
miles west of Crozet, Albemarle County, Va., 
elevation about 2,000 feet, on the east side of 
the Blue Ridge. Dominant vegetation Lirioden- 
dron tulipifera, Quercus spp., and Cercis cana- 

Type specumens.—Male holotype, U.S.N.M. 
no. 1834, collected on March 28, 1948, by the 
writer; two male paratypes collected in April 
1936 by Drs. Irving Fox and J. P. E. Morrison, 
U.S.N.M. no. 1836. 

Remarks—The paratypes were collected 
along Skyline Drive, 4 miles north of Thornton 
Gap, Page County, Va., and still another 
locality is afforded by a female tentatively as- 
signed to this form, collected on the Blue Ridge 
about 5 miles southeast of Charlestown, Jeffer- 
son County, W. Va. The range is thus seen to 
be restricted to the Blue Ridge Physiographic 
Province between the Potomac and James 
Rivers, but of course the species may be found 
elsewhere as well. The Blue Ridge in Virginia 
is occupied by several distinct, probably 
endemic, forms of animals, so that the addition 
of this milliped to the list is interesting but not 

Nannaria morrisoni is so manifestly different 
from most of the other members of the genus, 
such as media, minor, conservata, fowleri, and 
terricola, that its inclusion in that genus may 
be questioned. I place it here for the following 
reasons: except for the greatly produced sternal 
processes morrisoni can be separated from other 
forms only by the small size and nature of the 
gonopods. These processes are present in other 
species as small lobes and probably will be 
found to vary in size in the different forms. As 
regards the gonopods, while they seem very dis- 
junct, I am describing elsewhere a species from 
Mountain Lake, Va., which is perhaps inter- 
mediate between morrison and the other spe- 
cies. Judged from the material I have exam- 
ined, and from species figured in the literature, 
Nannaria can be divided into several groups 
on the basis of the gonopods—one based 
on media and its relatives, one on scutellaria, 
and one to include morrisoni and the related 



species mentioned above. Recognition of 
those groups as genera may become convenient 
when numerous species have been described in 
Nannaria. A thorough treatment of the genus 
is much needed, and in fact is contemplated, 
but must be preceded by extensive field work. 

This species is named in honor of Dr. Joseph 
P. E. Morrison, of the U. 8. National Museum, 
whose diligence and interest in securing 
myriapods incidentally to collection of land 
snails have enriched the Museum collection 
with much valuable material. 

Tucoria viridicolens, n. sp 
Figs. 5, 6 

Diagnosis.—Size small for the genus; gono- 
pods of the splendida type, apical process small, 
upper part of telopodite distad of constriction 
bearing three sharp teeth. 

Description of holotype —Body robust, length 
about 40 mm (specimen broken), width 9.3 
mm; sides subparallel, segments 4 through 14 
of full width; body tapering abruptly cephalad, 
very gradually caudad. Tergites well arched, 
keels wide, continuing slope of dorsum. 

Collum crescentic in dorsal aspect, caudo- 
lateral edges tapering slightly cephalad; lateral 
marginal thickenings absent. 

Segments 2, 3, and 4 similar, caudal margins 
of tergites straight, of keels swept forward, 
smoothly rounded; dorsal marginal thickenings 
present only on fourth, very obscure. 

Segments 5 through 14 similar, caudal mar- 
gins of keels produced slightly caudad, caudo- 
lateral corners of keels not produced into lobes; 
sides of keels smooth, rounded, somewhat con- 
vex; cephalolateral corners broadly rounded 
off. Dorsal marginal thickenings rather poorly 
developed, smooth; upper surface of keel finely 
granular, of dorsum slightly wrinkled. 

Segments posterior to twelfth agree with 
those preceding, but with keels becoming in- 
creasingly produced caudad, and segments be- 
coming narrower; keels of the nineteenth form 
short, bluntly triangular lobes. 

Anal segment triangular in dorsal aspect, tip 
slightly truncated, two tiny subterminal lateral 
tubercules present. Anal valves slightly in- 
flated, smooth, the setiferous tubercules almost 
obsolete; mesial ridges very prominent. Preanal 
seale broadly triangular. 

Bases of last pair of legs separated. All 
sternites smooth, glabrous, very weakly pro- 


duced into lobes at bases of legs, those posterior 
to gonopods broad, those between third, fourth, 
and fifth pairs of legs with conspicuous, low, 
pointed lobes. Coxae small, unarmed; trochanti 
weakly armed; femora with well developed 
spines. Terminal tarsal joint shorter than 
proximal two, but slightly longer than the unu- 
sually short femur. 

Gonopods large, conspicious, projecting 
cephalad and in contact mesially. Mesial 
process large, very setiferous, area immediately 
posterior on the mesial side trilobed; lateral 
process very small, not produced apically; 
blade of telopodite flat, curved forward over 
base, strongly constricted about one-third its 
length from distal end; terminal portion bent 
laterad, very flattened, a small apical projection, 
outer surface with three conspicuous sharp 
teeth in an oblique row. Configuration of 
gonopods as shown in the accompanying draw- 

Second pair of legs with the usual cylindrical 
distally truncate seminal lobes. Pregenital 
limbs hairy, without spines on the femora; 
tarsal claws short, heavy, blunt. 

Color faded from long preservation, but ap- 
pears to have been black or very dark brown 
in life with caudolateral halves of the keels 
orange or yellow. 

Type locality—Trace Creek, Greensburg, 
Green County, Ky. 

Type specuomen.—Male holotype, U.S.N.M. 


VOL. 38, No. 10 

no. 1835, collected by L. Garman on July 15 
(no year given). 

Remarks.—This species is the smallest mem- 
ber of the genus to be described so far. Its rela- 
tionships seem to be clearly with T. ken- 
tuckiana and T. splendida rather than with T. 

Following is a key to the known species of 
Tucoria, based on males. Females of all of the 
species are not known, and the genitalia of the 
others not figured. 


1. Lateral process of male gonopod small, incon- 
spicuous, not produced upward nto any sort 

of spine or projection ~~ ....+..49) 1. 2 
Lateral process of male gonopod larger, pro- 
duced upward into a noticeable, occasionally 
sharp, projection... }.2 5%. = 2.20 eee ) 

2. Apical process on telopodite of gonopod small, 
simple; distal portion of telopodite with 
three denticies on outer side............... 

oe eyes 2 ep ace a viridicolens, n. sp. 
Apical process larger, curved, slightly crenu- 
late; distal portion of telopodite without 
denticles):3 445% ae kentuckiana (Causey) 

3. Lateral process of gonopod produced into a 
broadly triangular spine; distal portion 
gently curved; dorsum black, trimaculate 
with yellowiit See os ee splendida (Causey) 
Lateral process of gonopod produced into an 
upright slender peg, distally slightly acumi- 
nate; distal portion of telopodite strongly re- 
curved toward base, much expanded; 
dorsum with yellow cross bands........... 

» Shoes ee eee dynama Chamberlin 

ZOOLOGY .—More about Mexican urocoptid mollusks.1 Pauu Bartscu, U. §. 

National Museum. 

The tireless efforts of Miss Marie E. 
Bourgeois in personally collecting mollusks 
and interesting her friends in this group 
have brought to light two species of urocops 
not heretofore known to science. These are 
here diagnosed. A detailed description of 
Oligostylus hegeweschi is also made possible 
from topotypes that she collected. 

Oligostylus hegewischi Bartsch 

In my paper Notes on some Mexican urocoptid 
mollusks, with the description of new species in 
this JourNAL.2 I renamed Bulimus truncatus 

1 Received July 8, 1948. 

* Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 37: 284-288, 

Pfeiffer, 1841 (preoccupied by Bulimus trun- 
catus Bruguiére, 1792), calling it Oligostylus? 
hegewischt. No material from the type locality 
being available, I placed a query after the gen- 
eric designation. I closed my remarks under 
that species with the statement: ‘“‘It is to be 
hoped that Miss Bourgeois will rediscover it 
at Angangueo.”’ Miss Bourgeois took this to 
heart and paid a visit to Angangueo, Michoa- 
cAn, and secured a fine series of specimens of 
this species and donated a splendid lot (No. 
488018) to the U. S. National Museum which 
makes it possible for me to confirm the state- 
ment made in my paper and to remove the 
question mark after the generic name, for these 
topotypes prove to be a typical Olzgostylus. 

Ocr. 15, 1948 

Miss Bourgeois tells us that the specimens 
were found ‘‘well buried in the leaf mold, or 
humus (perhaps they were depositing eggs) 
under dead agave leaves, always well buried in 
the earth, near the roots, or center of almost 
every agave (or maguey plant).’’ These plants, 
she says, “strange to say, were far up on the 
mountainside of Cerro Guadalupe, just north 
of town.” This mountain contains no limestone, 
and the superintendent of the mines told her 
that there was no limestone within 40 kilo- 
meters of Angangueo, which is 2,800 meters 
above sea level. 

Fic. 1.—Coelocentrum anconai, n. 

sp. Fie. 2.— 
Inocentrum wilmoti, n. sp. 

To my translation of Pfeiffer’s description 
I may now add: 

The eggs are white, symmetrically oval, 
finely, microscopically granulose, measuring 
in length 4.2 mm, diameter 2.3 mm. 

The first 5 whorls of the shell form a cylindri- 
eal apex; beyond this the shell gains very 
gradually. The apex is blunt. The first turn and 
a half are smooth; the whorls thereafter be- 
come axially ribbed and are at first weakly, 
then more strongly, retractively curved. The 



ribs are sinuous and average about half the 
width of the spaces that separate them. They 
are strongest in the middle turns and weaken 
toward the end, where the surface shows irregu- 
lar, small malleations. Fifty of them are 
present on the last turn of the young speci- 
mens here figured. Suture well impressed, 
Periphery of the last whorl weakly angulated. 
Base short, with a small umbilical chink, well 
rounded, and marked by the continuations of 
the axial ribs. Aperture subcircular. Peristome 
white, thickened at the outer margin, adnate 
to the preceding whorl. The columella is slen- 
der. The shell on the later turns is chestnut 
brown, gradually paling to horn color near the 
summit of the whorls, contrasting markedly 
with the yellowish-white peristome. 

The young specimen figured has 10.1 whorls 
and measures: Length 10.3 mm, diameter 4.1 
mm. The adult shell figured has 7.5 whorls re- 
maining and measures: Length 29.2 mm, diam- 
eter 10 mm. 

This species resembles Olzgostylus mariae 
Bartsch but is readily distinguished from it by 
its much weaker ribs and by the malleation 
of the later turns. 

Coelocentrum anconai, n. sp. 

Shell large, elongate-turreted. Our bleached 
specimens are yellowish white with the peri- 
stome buff. Early whorls decollated. The 9.5 
whorls remaining in the type are slightly 
rounded and crossed by numerous closely 
spaced, retractively curved axial ribs, which are 
best developed near the periphery and summit 
of the whorls, becoming decidedly reduced on 
the middle of the turns. More than 200 of these 
are present upon the penultimate turn. 
Suture weakly impressed. Periphery obscurely 
angulated. Base well rounded, with an umbili- 
cal chink, marked by the feeble continuation 
of the axial ribs. Aperture subquadrate. Peri- 
stome slightly thickened and reflected at the 
edge, free for about 1 mm from the preceding 
whorl. There is a slight carina present on the 
outside at the posterior angle. A fold is appar- 
ent on the columella deep within the aperture. 
Columella narrow with a decided twist, bearing 
distantly spaced, sigmoid, and sublamellar 
folds. The type, U. S. N. M. no. 589052, has 
9.5 whorls remaining and measures: Length 61 
mm; diameter 20 mm. It was collected in the 


woods of Ocote, at Ocozocoantla, Chiapas, and 
donated to the Museum by Prof. I. Ancona, 
whose name I am pleased to attach to the 

A second specimen somewhat less perfect is 
in Professor Ancona’s collection. 

The large size and slender columella will 
readily distinguish this from the other known 
species of Coelocentrum. 

In the narrowness of the columella it re- 
sembles Coelocentrum pfeiffert Dall from the 
same general region. That species, however, is 
very much smaller. The type measures: Length 
38 mm, diameter 16 mm. The largest specimen, 
a topotype, having 8.2 whorls, measures: 
Length 44.8 mm, diameter 16 mm. 

Liocentrum wilmoti, n. sp 
Fig. 2 

Shell of medium size, white. The truncated 
specimen almost cylindric. The remaining 
whorls are slightly rounded and marked by 
numerous slightly curved, retractively slanting 


VOL. 38, NO. 10 

axial ribs separated by spaces about as wide as 
the ribs, of which 140 are present upon the 
penultimate whorl. These riblets pass un- 
diminished from the summit to the periphery. 
Suture slightly impressed. Periphery with a 
weak keel. Base short, well rounded, with an 
umbilical chink, marked by the continuation 
of the axial ribs. Aperture obliquely subcircular 
with a columellar fold deep within; peristome 
adnate to the preceding whorl at the parietal 
wall. Columella slender, twisted, smooth. The 
type U.S.N.M. no. 589051, was collected by 
George Wilmot in Oaxaca, on a mountainside 
near the auto highway, between the cities of 
Oaxaca and Tehuantepec. It has 8.1 whorls re- 
maining and measures: Length 27.3 mm; 
diameter 10.4 mm. 

In outline it somewhat resembles von 
Martens’ Coelocentrum champion: from the 
Cerro Zunil, Guatemala, differing from this, 
however, in the aperture, which is solute in von 
Martens’ species, the size of columella, and 
other details. 


The thirty-third edition of the Academy’s 
Directory, or ‘‘Red Book,”’ commemorating 
the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of 
the Academy and containing pictures of 499 
of its members, was published in July and 
distributed to the membership. This is the 
first Directory so illustrated to appear. Car- 
rying as it does halftone reproductions of 
portraits of many of the leading scientists 
and engineers of the Washington area, it 
forms a pictorial and historical record that 
should increase in interest and value over 
the years. 

As usual, The Directory carries a com- 

plete list of Academy members and mem- 
bers of affiliated societies, with addresses. 
Also given are names of the officers, text of 
the bylaws and constitutions, and brief his- 
torical résumés of the organization of each 
of the 19 societies affiliated with the Acad- 
emy. The book aggregates 300 pages. 

Less than 90 copies remain available for 
sale. They are priced at $1 per copy to indi- 
viduals. Orders and remittances should be 
addressed to Howarp 8. RAppLEye, Treas- 
urer of the Washington Academy of Sci- 
ences, U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 
Washington 25, D. C. 



Sty ee 


gt SIE RR ee ta 

Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

Peenhas: see ecceceseesss++-PREDERICK D. Rossini, National Bureau of Standards 

De ic dik cacela seks eee KE hs C. Lewis Gazin, U. 8. National Museum 

PMEUNI as oc nv se leh ce pe os es HOWARD DO, RAPPLEYE, Coast and Geodetic Survey 
EMM eo ke ek Use we. NaTHAN R Suiru, Plant Industry Station 
Custodian and Subscription iM anager of Banh irie: SUR gue” Oi in ee anc Meea  oai arate 

O81 OR (BEES GOR es BO eR aaa Ra Haraup A, Reuper, U.S. National Museum 

Vice-Presidents Representing the Affiliated Societies: 

Philosophical Society of Washington...... PERE E> ¢eeeceess WALTER RAMBERG 
Anthropological Society of Washington....... i phar s wsaasee een a ae T. DALE STEWART 
Paoioeical pociety of. Washinrton. 2... ceo ec ec vena ees ... JOHN W. ALDRICH 
Chemical Society of Washington...... ae ein a Nene Br gee CuHarues E. WHITE 
Entomological Society of Washington...... Or Le A .....C. F. W. Murseseck 
National Geographic Society................ seeeeeees+ALEXANDER WETMORE 
Geological Society of Washington.............. SPs sean WiiuiaAM W. Rupey 
Medical Society of the District of Columbia..... iat Sisal abner oes FREDERICK O. CoE 
Columbia Historical Society.. epee ih Wiavekkt are aare oct 6 GILBERT GROSVENOR 
Botanical Society of Washington 2 Sie hg SAR CRS SET gp hy GRINS eo RoNALD BAMFORD 
Washington Section, Society of American Foresters Pie ie tan ee Witiiam A, Dayton 
Washington Society Gr ammetnerrs: oe baer tec ye eee 2 CiirrorpD A. BETTS 
Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers............... 
RMON rate) dire Bind SSM: chin le & Hee ache simi dwn mba to oid .e’ de ayy s Francis B. SILSBEE 
Washington Section, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.............. 
SERN ie a Poise a oS oak bce 6 Sook 66 Hla“a! v0.8 se obo dessa se5o. Mapmn AS Mason 
Helminthological Society of Washington. iE Ee et ay Rs AUREL QO. FostER 
Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists...... Lore A. RoGErRs 
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers. CLEMENT L. GARNER 
Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers..... HERBERT GROVE DoRSEY 
Washington Section, American Society of Civil Engineers..... Owen B. FreNcH 
Elected Members of the Board of Managers: : 
RT LOA oS is Su cas oie'g ees Max A. McCatu, Watpo L. Scumirtr 
ERT LODO Sa dis eis ec ae whew ee F. G. BrickwEepps, Wiii1amM W. Dieu 
MAURY: LOD | ie 6's 6 sine aise 'e 00 Francis M. Deranporr, WiLtLtIaAM N. Fenton 
PRADO P OVI OR AICTS og cs cn Gs wine e bus All the above officers plus the Senior Editor 
Board of Editors and eae Tp I LENGE AEs EE ase 9 oe a ae a WE [See front cover] 
Executive Commitiee......... Freperick D. Rossini (chairman), WALTER RAMBERG, 
Sl a a Sea Wa.po L. Scumirt, Howarp 8. Rarrisys, C. Lewis Gazin 

‘ Committee mE CSUPECUEWE LC. c MMPS cute we PhS oy a tok oll teak a op lord Cate elete acta 2 

Haroup E. McComs (chairman), Lewis W. Butz, C. WrTHE Cooxn, Winuam 

etd ss 5 W. Dieut, Luorp D. Freiton, Recina FLANNERY, Grorcr G. Manov 

MMT COR IOTE AVL COLENGS 250) 5 aon cies'e ss! eideels 's'chw'y vie a'b a's Raymonpd J. SeecerR (chairman), 

sis ot Frank P. Cunuinan, Frep L. Mouwimr, Francis O. Ricg, FRANK THONHE 

Committee on M Spa anla: 

Towanuary 1949... ees Lewis V. Jupson (chairman), Epwarp A. CHAPIN 

Fo January 1950.....5... Sy et eae RoutanpD W. Brown, Haratp A. REHDER 

Ce lenapary AOS 1 Yay weee Ca ee a Witu1aAM N, Fenton, Emmett W. Pricer 

Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (Karu F. HeRzFe xp, general chairman): 

RRR OO MIO RL CLCDGR Rei Vain aie 5 Gale She odie ule pinnae oid a adi o eeas. cy Si Mietpa sata sieve 

C. F. W. Murseseck (chairman), Harry 8. Bernton, Cuustar W. Emmons, 

rad Eimer Hieeins, Marto Mouuari, GoTttHoLD Steiner, L. Epwin Yocum 

eee Wsinecring SCHEER 2. i). yk cick fs bea a wae We aback te oe dee en ta con 

Luoyp V. BERKNER, (chairman), Ropert C. Duncan, Hersert N. Eaton, 
Arno C, FIELDNER, FRANK B. Scurxrtz, W. D. Sutciirre 

For the Physical eee ea ae i en AOL a ami ea al 

. Karu F. Herzreip (chairman), Naruan L. Drake, Liorp D. FELTON, 


Committee on Grants-in-aid LOT LESCOTEUD gives seis lace aide ae eee LU Ree Spumiaia tks rahe Bink 
..F. H. H. Roserts, Jr. eee Anna KE. JENKINS, J. LEON SHERESHEVSKY 
Representative on Council of Mp A ah ee tala gate So as nid ce ape ece «Wie eae FRANK THONB 
IRIE EOF A ULATIONS 1 Agen Ss Nie ow ate olds foie aula» okie ts tee via ens Meld en ageimictaeg ‘ay 
Witi1am G. BroMBACHER (chairman), Harotp F. Stimson, HerBert L. HALLER 
ee GRU NEUET Se po oe Cee leis Dae Wial Swiss nie uersaneelnalh gies com Gee wee pga 

..JOHN W. McBurnny (chairman), Rocmr G. BatTss, WILLIAM A. WILDHACK 


ARCHEOLOGY.—Palachacolas Town, Hampton County, South Caro- — 

lina.-. Josepa: KR. CALDWELL. 2% os F i oi eee 

ARCHEOLOGY.—A seventeenth-century ArepIegs at Maspeth, Long Is- 
land; Raper 8: Soumows 00) Soi he Hos 0 eet oe 

CHEMISTRY.—A study of dithizone as a reagent for indium. Irvine 
May and James J; HorrmMan 0.0) fo. ep) a 

Piant PatHotocy.—Bacillus megatertum de Bary from the interior of 
healthy potato tubers. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LUTMAN and 
Harry E. WHEELER....... ee EN aay pert gs ey) 

ZooLtoay.—Hesperochernes thomomysi, a new species of chernetid 

pseudoscorpion from California. C. CLayTon HorFr........... 

ZooLtocy.—Three new eastern millipeds of the family Xystodesmidae. 
RicHarn.:L. TIORFMAN Ss ae wetness Co ee 

ZooLogy.—More about Mexican urocoptid mollusks. Paut BartscH 




* AR # <4 







By, “ALAN STONE Frank C, Kracex 



ENCE ie Woon Ms Yee ean | RicHaRD E, BLAcK WELDER 

Jamps S. WinL1aMs 

Watpo R. WaDEL 

Int C. Scroonover 


: 450 ABNAIP Sr. | . 
AT Menasza, WISCONSIN — = 

pore soy 

Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

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250 4.80 7250 12.00 12.80 15.90 6.00 

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7 / : ~ 
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~gaababtes cote 


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Vou. 38 

NOVEMBER 15, 1948 

No. 11 

ANTHROPOLOGY .—Glossary of names used in colonial Latin America for crosses 

among Indians, Negroes, and Whuites.' 
(Communicated by T. D. StEwart.) 

paign, Ill. 

Society in colonial Spanish and Portu- 
guese America was divided into several 
groups, each of which had its own privileges 
and social position. First and foremost were 
the chapetones? or gachupines® or the Span- 
iards from Spain, to whom the important 
government and church positions were 
usually given. Next were the criollos,* who 
were those born in the colonies of European 
or Spanish parents. The Indians, the Ne- 
groes, who were often slaves, and the off- 
spring of the mixing of these races—White, 
Indian, and Negro—were the other impor- 
tant groups of this diversified society. 

This brief note is not interested in the su- 
perior position occupied by the first two 
classes of society mentioned above, nor will 
it be attempted here to trace the reasons 

1 Received August 16, 1948. 

2 The origin of chapeton is still an undecided 
matter, though all would accept the definition 
“the European or Spaniard, who has recently ar- 
rived in the New World.” The word was evidently 
first used at the beginning of the seventeenth cen- 
tury and was more commonly used in South 
America than in Spanish North America, where 
the term gachupin was more frequent. 

3 The bibliography of gachupin or cachupin is 
enormous; authorities differ on whether it is de- 
rived from the Portuguese, cachopo, or from the 
Aztec words cacitlt and tzopinia, which mean in 
the contracted form “‘he who pricks with or wears 
spurs.” The present writer can only state that the 
majority of some 30 studies consulted favor the 
Aztec derivation of the word. 

4 The word criollo was introduced to Spanish 
America by Negro slaves and is to be found in the 
works of Garcilaso de la Vega, el Inca, early in the 
seventeenth century. The Dic. leng. esp. (1947, p. 
369) notes that the word has the following mean- 
ings: (1) “Offspring of European parents, no mat- 
ter where born,” (2) ‘‘Negro born in America in 
contrast to the one born in Africa,”’ (3) ‘‘Used to 
designate Americans, the offspring of Europeans.”’ 
In Spanish America the last of these three mean- 
ings is the most frequent one. 



for the antagonisms, which existed between 
the gachupines and the criollos. Excellent 
studies already exist dealing with the his- 
tory and position of the Indian® and Negro® 
in colonial society, and there seems to be no 
reason to review these facts even briefly. 

Yet only a few studies have appeared 
that have attempted to define or explain the 
various designations applied to the off- 
spring of racial mixtures.’ It is interesting, 
though confusing, to note that these terms 
vary from region to region, century to cen- 
tury, and that the same word can have a 
variety of meanings, which might then cause 
one to agree with Aguirre Beltran (1946, p. 
177) that these ‘‘erudite classifications had 
the defect of being unintelligible and im- 
practicable, as the logical product of minds 
filled with affectation.”? However, these 
terms cannot be ignored, for they appear 
in Spanish and Portuguese works, written 
since the sixteenth century, as well as in 
the works of Humboldt, Mantegazza, and 
other foreigners who have written of their 
travels in Spanish and Portuguese America. 
It shall, therefore, be the purpose of this 

5 For a bibliography on this subject see Haring 
(1947, pp. 360-362). G 

6 The volumes by Saco (1938), Aguirre Beltran 
(1946), Ramos (1943), Tannenbaum (1947), and 
Freyre (1946) are useful for the study of the Ne- 
gro in this hemisphere. Haring (1947, pp. 362-363) 
gives a very short bibliography, while the Jour- 
nal of Negro History and Phylon can often be con- 
sulted with profit. 

7 The historian usually uses the word caste to 
designate the offspring of these racia] mixtures. 
See the studies by Nicolas Leén and Laureano 
Vallenilla Lanz listed in the bibliography. The 
White, Indian, and Negro races are the only ones 
here considered, though it is true that a few Chi- 

nese are to be found in Mexico as early as the first 
part of the seventeenth century. 

HOV 18 1948 


glossary to define well over a hundred terms 
denoting racial mixture; most of these are 
Spanish, a few are Portuguese, though stud- 
ies on{this subject in!Portuguese appear to 
be rather rare.® 

One must make a few general remarks 
about the number of individuals who were 
the product of racial mixture. Humboldt 
(1941, 2: 30-31) notes that in Spanish 
America, as a whole, 45 percent of the popu- 
lation was Indian; 42 percent was composed 
of mixed races; 19 percent of members of 
the White race; and 4 percent of Negroes. 
He and Bonpland® estimated the popula- 
tion of Venezuela at the beginning of the 
nineteenth century at 800,000; of which 
12,000 were chapetones; 200,000 crzollos; 
406,000 persons of mixed races; 62,000 
Negro slaves, and 120,000 Indians. In other 
words, more than half of the Venezuelan 
population was composed of mixed races. 

In regard to New Spain, or Mexico, 
Aguirre Beltran (1946, especially p. 237) 
has conclusively shown, from a study of the 
various historians, censuses, and other data, 
that the percentage of the White and Negro 
population remained almost stationary and 
that the population formed of racial mix- 
tures constantly grew. His tables show that 
the racial mixtures formed 0.44 percent of 
the population in 1570; 22.6 percent in 1646; 
36.6 percent in 1742; 38.7 percent in 1793; 
and 39.5 percent in 1810. 

The above statistics are indicative of the 
numerical position of these mixed groups, 
though it is true that in Brazil the propor- 
tion might have been higher than the 42 
percent mentioned above, but in Chile and 
the Rio Plata area, for a variety of historical 
reasons, the proportion of inhabitants off- 
spring of racial intermarriage was corre- 
spondingly smaller. 

The various racial mixtures were con- 
sidered to possess different physical and 
moral characteristics. Aleedo (1786-89, 5: 
184) notes that the zambo was the group 
most scorned because of the perverse cus- 
toms of its members; while Humboldt (1941, 

8 Aguirre Beltran (1946, p. 178) notes that “‘the 
Brazilian classification ought to have been as com- 
plicated as that used in the Spanish colonies: 
nevertheless, there does not exist a systematic 

study of Brazilian nomenclature.” 
9 Quoted by Baralt (1939, p. 361). 


VOL. 38, NO. 11 

2: 140) notes that 'the mulatos are distin- 
guished by the violence of their passions and 
by a peculiar talkativeness. Viceroy Enri- 
quez in the sixteenth century states that 
the mulatos pardos have the three following 
characteristics: Great fecundity, outstand- 
ing strength, and cleverness. He finds that 
the mestizos are, on the whole, well behaved, 
agile, and courageous. The Spanish writers 
of the colonial period had no respect at all 
for the Negro and for the racial mixtures 
formed from the union of Negro and Indian. 
They were called lazy, vile, insolent, and 
other insulting names, which later came 
even to be applied to the mulatos and 
mestizos “‘because they are universally so 
evilly inclined.” However, after Mexico 
became independent, Lucas Alam4n! wrote 
that “these castes, defamed by the laws, 
condemned by prejudice, were nevertheless 
the most useful portion of the population.” 

Space forbids the listing of the so-called 
characteristics of each racial group. The 
racial mixtures were plagued with the same 
diseases which carried off so many Indians 
and Negroes. Smallpox, dysentery, matlaza- 
huatl and other diseases identifiable only 
with difficulty made enormous inroads on 
the population. The Indian, Negro, and ra- 
cial mixtures appear to have been able to 
resist malaria and yellow fever to a much 
greater degree than the White element of 
the population.” 

Passing from one group to another was 
carefully watched, though at the end of 
the viceroyalty in Mexico members of cer- 
tain of the racial mixtures passed to the 
crtollo and Indian groups. It is impossible 
here to study the economic, social, and legal 
reasons which would cause an individual to 
prefer to be a member of one caste rather 
than another. Suffice it to mention that 
the mulatos were subject to the payment of 
tribute and a head tax, while the mestizos 
were exempt from these taxes (Aguirre 
Beltran, 1946, pp. 154, 172). 

10 Quoted by Aguirre Beltran, p. 190. 

1 The identification of matlasahuatl has aroused 
great controversy. The writer purposely refrains 
from presenting a 2-page bibliography on the sub- 
ject and desires only to point out that the major- 
ity of the recent writers such as Aguirre Beltran 
(1946) and Ashburn (1947) identify it as typhus. 

2 These two paragraphs have been based on 
chapter 10 of Aguirre Beltran (1946). 



No detailed studies have been found con- 

cerning the social position of the individual 

castes. Haring (1947, p. 218) notes that 
“free mulatos and zambos were regarded as 
peculiarly inferior” and that they were for- 
bidden to appear on the streets after dark, 
carry arms, have Indians as servants, hold 
public office or be admitted to the craft 
guilds; Laureano Vallenilla Lanz (1921, p. 
113) remarks that members of the castes 
could not be lawyers, priests (this applied 
especially to the pardos), or members of 
the religious orders, nor could they wear 
jewels, silks, or laces or use carpets in the 
churches, swords, pistols, or umbrellas; 
Millau (1947, pp. 42-438) states that the 
Negroes and mulatos were, for the most part 
slaves and that they served as water car- 
riers; as for the Indians and mestizos, their 
occupations were working in the brick 
kilns and serving on the ranches and as 
cartmen. At the end of the colonial régime 
certain of these groups were permitted to 
serve in the militia. 

The glossary that follows is based on the 
terms denoting the offspring of racial mix- 
ture to be found in the various volumes men- 
tioned in the bibliography as well as in a 
series of tables or collections of portraits 
to be found in various museums and repro- 
duced by a number of authors. 

Lack of space forbids the reproduction of 
the 15 tables that have been gathered. 

138 The Coleccié6n Riva Palacio: Humboldt (1941, 
2: 118); Leén (1924, 47-48); Espasa (34: 1090- 
1094); Aguirre Beltran (1946, pp. 175-176). 

The Coleccién del museo nacional de México: 
Humboldt (1941, 2: 113-114), Leon (1924, pp. 
42-47); Aguirre Beltran (1946, pp. 176-177). 

The Coleccién Larrauri Montano: Aguirre Bel- 
tran (1946, p. 176); Leén (1924, p. 41). 

Flores (1886-1888, 2: 407) reproduces the table 
in México a través de los siglos (2: 472). 

Leén (1924, pp. 39-40). gives the titles of the 
Coleccién Magon, while five other tables are to be 

found in his book: pp. 37—38; 40—41; 58-66; 29, 9. 
Saco (1938, 2: 68) reproduces Gumilla’s table 


However, the Coleccién Larraurt Montafo 
is as follows: 

Father Mother Offspring 
Spanish! India Mestizo 
Spanish Mestiza Castizo 
Spanish Castiza Spanish 
Spanish Negra Mulato 
Spanish Mulata Morisco 
Spanish Morisea Albino 
Spanish Albina Torna atrAs 
Spanish Torna atrAs Tente en el aire 
Indio Negra Cambujo 
Chino cambujo India Lobo 
Lobo India Albarazado 
Albarazado Mestiza Barnocino 
Barnocino India Sambaigo 
Mestizo Castiza Chamiso 
Mestizo India Coyote 

No attempt has been made to deal with 
the various nicknames which were applied 
only to the Spaniards in the different parts 
of America, and the Portuguese portion of 
the glossary is decidedly weak in its nomen- 
clature. The Spanish portion of the glossary 
is more complete than any of the attempts 
of this type that have preceded it. Though 
the glossary is composed chiefly of terms re- 
corded as having been used in Mexico, the 
writer has attempted to list the other areas 
in which the word was used, if and when the 
word was found among the authorities 

(n.d., p. 85); another table is to be found in Gu- 
milla (n.d., pp. 86-87). 

Saco (1938, 2: 66-67) reproduces Unanue’s ta- 
bles (1940, pp. 50-51). 

Jaime Jaramullo-Arango (1948) gives a brief 
list of 12 racial mixtures. - 

The Espasa enciclopedia (n.d., 34: 1094) pre- 
sents information from which a table of Brazilian 
nomenclature could be formed, and Aguirre Bel- 
tran (1946, pp. 177-178) reproduces Saint Méry’s 
French table. 

Humboldt (1941, 2: 142) also gives a short ta- 

14 The above is an exact reproduction of the 
table, except that the word espafiol has been 
translated by Spanish. Barnocino is probably 
another spelling for barcino and has so been 
treated in the glossary. 

Term Used in 
Aca Brazil 
Ahi te estas (or Alli Mexico 
te estas) 
a a 
Albarazado (or alba- = 
rasado alvaraza- 
“ “ 
“ “ 
« “ 
Albarazado + 
Albino Mexico, Brazil, 
Santo Domingo 
“ Mexico 
= Brazil 
Ariboco Brazil 
Aracuaba Bahia, Brazil 
Barcino (or baroina, Mexico 
barzino barquina) 
“« “ 
« “ 
Bujamé Ceara, Brazil 
Caboclo Brazil 
« “ 
Caboré Brazil, especially 
the Sierra del 
Norte region 
Caboverde Brazil 
Cabra = 
<4 “ 
Cabre . 
Cabrocha = 
Cafus (or cafuso, ca- ss 
“ “ 
Calpamuato Mexico 
“ “ 
« “ 
a a- 
“ a 
a « 
Calpamulo : 
Cambujo “ 
& Rio de la Plata 
= Mexico 
“ “ 

Oaxaca, Mexico 


VOL. 38, NO. 11 

Father Mother Remarks Sources 
Negro White Another term for mulato claro Ramos-Vivé, 359; Freire, 1: 94. 
Coyote Mestiza Santamaria, 1: 64; Espasa, 34: 1093; 
Leén, 21. 
Coyote-mestizo Mulata Coleccién Riva Palacio. 
Noteentiendo Indian Flores, 2: 407 
Cambujo Mulata Santamaria, 1: 74. 
3d White . 
= Indian . 
Tente enelaire Mulata 25 percent White; 40.6 In- Santamaria, 1: 74; Ledén, 21. 
dian; 34.4 Negro 
Chino Genizara Santamaria, 1: 74; Dic. hist. leng. esp., 
1: 376; Dic. leng. esp., 48. 
Zambaigo Indian Espasa, 34: 1094. 
Gibaro Mulata Aguirre Beltran, 176-177. 
Lobo Indian Coleccién Larrauri Montafio. 
Gibaro Indian Flores, 2: 407; Ledn, 9. 
Coyote Morisca Coleccién Magon. 
Morisco White Espasa, 34: 1094; Santamaria, 1: 75; 
Dic. hist. leng. esp., 1: 383; Dic. leng. 
esp. ,00; Ledn, 21. 
Negro Negro Negro born White Malaret, 82. 
os White “Tncorrect’”’ designation for Ramos-Vivé, 335. 
Brazilian mulato 
€ Indian } Saco, 2: 65. 
z White Regonal term for mulato claro Ramos-Viv6, 359. 
Albarazado Mulata Espasa, 34: 1094; Santamaria, 1: 189. 
sd Indian 12.5 percent white; 70.3 In- Santamaria, 1: 189; Ledn, 21. 
dian; 17.2 Negro 
2 White Santamaria, 1: 189. 
“ Mestiza Coleccién Larrauri Montano. 
Gibaro Loba Santamaria, 1: 189. 
Negro White Regional term for mulato clare Ramos-Vivé, 364. 
White Indian 11 percent of the Brazilian Gran.enc. port. tra., 5:278; Ramos-Viv6, 
population 364-365; Freyre, 49, 67, 481 
Indian Negro Freire, 2: 1131; Santamaria, 1: 248 
Negro Indian Freire, 2: 1131; Ramos-Vivé, 365; 
Freyre, 481; Gran. enc. port. bra., 5: 
= “ Ramos-Viy6, 335. 
« Mulata Gran. enc., port. bra., 5: 297; Freire, 2: 
1132; Ledn, 21; Espasa, 34: 1094. 
¢ White Sometimes applied to mulato Ramos-Vivé, 335, 365. 
- Mulata Santamaria, 1: 248. 
Feminine dark-skinned mes- Freyre, 481. 
tizo type 
# Indian Freire, 2: 1152; Freyre, 481; Ramos- 
Viv6é, 365; Espasa, 34: 1092; Santa- 
maria, 1: 264; Gran. enc. port. bra., 5: 
= Mulata Freire, 2: 1152. 
Zambaigo Loba Santamaria, 1: 276. 
Mulato Mestiza S 
iz Zamba Flores, 2: 407. 
Barcino Indian 6.25 percent White; 85.15 In- Ledn, 22; Santamaria, 1: 276; Espasa 
dian; 8.6 Negro 34: 1094. 
Mulato =: Coleccién Magon. 
Sambaygo Mulata Leén, 9. 
Albarazado Negro Santamaria, 1: 276; Dic. leng esp., 224; 
Dic. hist. leng. esp., 2: 537 
Lobo Indian - Santamaria, 1: 281. 
Chino 5 62.5 percent Indian; 37.5 Ne- Leén, 21-22. 
Negro & Malaret, 197. 
5 2 Dic. hist. leng. esp., 2: 564. 
x Albarazado Santamaria, 1: 281. 
= White Regional term for mulato Aguirre Beltran, 169. 







Castizo cuatraluo 




C oyote-mestizo 



Cuarterén de chino 

Cuarterdén de mestizo 
Cuarteron de mulato 


Cuarter6én de salta 


Chamiso (or chamizo) 






Espanol ~ 


Gente blanca 

Used in 


Various regions 


Spanish-A merica 

Michoacan, Mex- 



Especially Cuba 

Colombia, Mex- 
ico, Brazil 

Northern Brazil 



Mexico, Cuba 



| Peru 

Argentina, Uru- 
guay, Paraguay 
Costa Rica 

Chile, Peru, Ec- 
uador, Bolivia, 















Salto atras 






Quinterén de 




















Chinese or other 
Quinterona de 
de mulato 

de mulata 


Anyone with a dark complex- 

Regional term for mulato 

25 percent White; 75 Indian 

Used for mestizo pardo and 
mestizo blanco 

36.3 percent White; 52.7 In- 
dian; 11 Negro 

87.5 percent White; 12.5 Ne- 

56.25 percent White; 6.25 In- 
dian; 37.5 Negro 

75 percent White; 25 Indian 

75 percent White; 25 Negro 

22.6 percent White; 55.5 In- 
dian; 21.9 Negro 

25 percent Indian; 75 Negro 

Used for mestizo 

Indian or any dark individual 
Mestizo, with Indian features 

Sometimes used for requinte- 
rén de mestizo 

25 percent White; 75 Negro 

17.975 percent White; 72.65 
Indian; 9.37 Negro 

96.87 percent White; 3.13 Ne- 



Santamaria, 1: 281. 

Dic. hist. leng. esp., 2: 564; Dic. leng. esp., 

Santamaria, 1: 281; Malaret, 197; Dic. 
hist. leng. esp., 2: 564. 

Freyre, 483. 

Ramos-Viv6, 335. 

Malaret, 226; Leén, 22; Espasa, 12: 346; 
34: 1093; Dic. leng. esp., 269; Dic. 
hist. leng. esp., 2: 854. 

Santamaria, 1: 334; Espasa, 34: 1094. 

Leén, 22. 

Ramos-Viv6, 366. 

Aguirre Beltran, 169. 

Leon, 22; Espasa, 15: 1447. 
Espasa, 15: 1447. 

Aguirre Beltran, 171. 
Leon, 22. 

Macias, 392; Malaret, 271; Saco, 2: 66; 
Unanue, 50; Santamaria, 1: 419; Dic. 
leng. esp., 376. 

Ramos-Viv6, 367; Malaret, 271; Macias, 
392; Santamaria, 1: 419 

Le6én, 22; Espasa, 34: 1094; Ulloa, 1: 30. 

Coleccién Magon. 
Leén, 22; Santamaria, 1: 419. 


Santamaria, 1: 419. 
Leon, 22. 
Santamaria, 1: 419; Espasa, 34: 1094. 

Freyre, 483. 
Le6n, 22; Santamaria, 1: 461. 

Coleccién Larrauri Montafo. 

Lenz, 1: 295; Dic. leng. esp., 399. 

Espasa, 17: 521. 

Espasa, 17: 521; Santamaria, 1: 510. 
Leén, 22-23. 

Malaret, 327; Dic. leng. esp., 399; Santa- 
maria, 1: 510. 

Flores, 2: 407; Leon, 9; Espasa, 17: 521; 
Santamaria, 1: 510. 

Santamaria, 1: 510. 

Malaret 327; Mantegazza, 50; Santa- 
maria, 1: 510. 

Santamaria, 1: 510; Espasa, 17: 521. 

Santamaria, 1: 510; Espasa 17: 521. 

Malaret, 327. 

Malaret, 340; Santamaria, 1: 531. 


Dic. leng. esp., 401; Espasa, 17: 608; Ma- 
laret, 327; Lenz, 1:311; Granada, 199; 
Roman, 2: 49. 

Santamaria, 1: 531. 

Coleccién Larrauri Montano. 
Leon, 37-38. 


Leén, 23. 

Leén, 23; Espasa, 34: 1094; Santamaria, 
722 OXG, 

Leoén, 23. 




Hay te estas 

Indio alobado 


Jibaro (see Gibaro) 


Lobo torna atras 



Mestizo blanco 

Mestizo castizo 

Mestizo claro 

Mestizo pardo (or 
mestizo amulata- 

Mestizo prieto (or 

’ mulato amestiza- 








Used in 
Mexico, Puerto 
West Indies 
Northeast Brazil 

Veracruz, Mexico 

Parts of South 

Central America; 
Tabasco, Mex- 


RR? RR. 


Chiapas, Mexico 


Spanish and Por- 
tuguese Amer- 


Rio de la Plata 






Interior of Brazil 


VOL. 38, No. 11 

Father Mother Remarks Sources 
Albarazado Calpamulo Espasa, 34: 1094; Santamaria, 2: 145- 
146; Dic. leng. esp., 744. 
e Grifa Espasa, 34: 1094. 
Lobo China 67.19 percent White; 12.5 In- Ledén, 23. 
dian; 20.31 Negro 
4 Mulata Leén, 9. 
Chino 5 Flores, 2: 407. 
Calpamulato Indian Coleccién Magon. 
Zaimbo Grifa Espasa, 34: 1094. 
Lobo Indian 30 percent White; 20.7 In- Leén, 23; Espasa, 34: 1094, 
dian; 49.3 Negro 
Used for mulato Aguirre Beltran, 177-178. 
Used to designate a colored Malaret, 440. 
Coyote White 82.4 percent White; 12.5 In- Ledén, 23; Espasa, 34: 1094; Santamaria, 
dian; 3.1 Negro 2: 90. 
No te entiendo Indian 59.38 percent Indian; 15.62 Ledn, 9, 23. 
White; 25 Negro 
Mulato alobado * Aguirre Beltran, 170. 
Caboclo with Negro blood Ramos-Viv6, 373. 
Applied to mulato pardo Aguirre Beltran, 169; 178-179. 
Negro * Leén, 23-24, 
White $ Boudin, quoted by Mantegazza, 50. 
s € Used for mestizo Malaret, 498; Santamaria, 2: 168. 
Used by Indians to designate Malaret, 498. 
mestizos or Whites 
White Gente blanca 99 percent White; 1 Negro Leén, 24. 
Negro Indian Espasa, 30: 1244; Ramos i Duarte, 337; 

Torna atras 

Chino cambujo 




Mestizo blanco 

Mestizo blanco 


Salta atras 




Indian (Caribe) 
Mulata parda 


See mulato pardo 

Generic term for every type of 

racial mixture 

Used instead of mulato 
Generic term which includes 
the zambo, chino, and the 


25 percent White; 75 Indian 

75 percent White; 25 Negro 

Espasa, 34: 1094; Leén, 24. 

Coleccién Riva Palacio 

Coleccién del museo nacional de Mexico. 

Coleccién Larrauri Montafio. 

Ledn, 9. 

Santamaria, 2: 189. 

Aguirre Beltran, 169. 

Saco, 2: 65; Freyre, 489; Espasa, 
34: 1092, 1095. 

Freyre, 489. 

Leon, 24-25; any of the dictionaries and 

Ramos-Viv6, 377. 
Mantegazza, 50. 

Aguirre Beltran, 170-171 
Aguirre Beltran, 171. 
Espasa, 34: 1094. 


Aguirre Beltran, 171. 

Aguirre Beltran, 172; Leén, 24. 
Leon, 58. 
Ramos-Viv6, 377. 


Dic. leng. esp., 866; Leén, 25; Ramos- 

Viv6, 377; Santamaria, 2: 299. 

Santamaria, 2: 314. 
5 « 



Term Used in 

Mulato Argentina, Bra- 
zil, Mexico, 

¢ Dominican Re- 


Mulato blanco Mexico 

Mulato claro Brazil 

Mulato lobo Mexico 

Mulato morisco oS 

Mulato obscuro & 

Mulato pardo « 

Mulato prieto (or x 
mulato anegrado) 

Mulato tornatras 



Coastal Brazil 
No te entiendo Mexico 

Octavén (or ocha- Mexico, Vene- 

yon, octar6n) zuela, Cuba 

Pardo Cuba 

= Brazil 

S Argentina, West 

Indies, Brazil 
2 Brazil, Cuba, 
Puerto Rico 

Pardavasco Brazil 

“ “ 

“ “ 
Paréara & 
Postizo Mexico 
Puchuel “ 


Puchuela Mexico 

4 Venezuela 
Puchuela de negro Mexico 
Quinterdén Mexico 

“ “ 
Quinterén de mestizo “ 

“ “ 
Quinterén de mulato & 

«“ “ 
Quinterén salta atras ae 
Requinterén S 
Requinter6n de mes- & 

a “« 

Requinterén de mu- 

Salta atras (some- 
times written sal- 
to atras) 





Negro with Se- 
mitic or Ha- 
mitic blood 

Mulato pardo 

Mulato blanco 





Tente en el aire 









Octavén!5 indio 





Quinterén de 
de mestizo 
Quinterén de 







Mulata parda 


Tupi and Tapu- 
yas Indians 










Terceron negra!’ 

Cuarterona de 
Cuarterona de 
de mestizo 
de mulato 


25 percent White; 25 Negro; 
50 Indian 

May occasionally be part Ne- 

87.5 percent White; 12.5 Ne- 
gro; last two sources limit 
word’s use to Cuba. 

Used for mulato, which has an 
unpleasant connotation for 
some people 

General designation for mes- 
tizo and colored individuals 

See mulato 
Caboclo, who migrated north 

93.75 pereent White; 6.25 In- 

All white, in regard to color 

93.75 percent White; 6.25 Ne- 

87.5 percent White; 12.5 Ne- 

87.5 percent White; 12.5 In- 

93.75 percent White; 6.25 In- 

93.75 percent White; 6.25 Ne- 



Mantegazza, 50; Ramos-Viv6, 377; Ma- 
cias, 875; Dic. leng. esp., 876; Espasa, 
37: 216; Aguirre Beltran, 158, 167- 
170; Santmaria, 2: 314; Le6on, 25; 
Alcedo, 126; Freire, 4: 3525. 

Santamaria, 2: 314. 

Aguirre Beltran, 167. 
Ramos-Viv6, 334. 

Aguirre Beltran, 170. 
Aguirre Beltran, 167. 
Leon, 25. 

Aguirre Beltran, 169. 
Aguirre Beltran, 168-9. 

Espasa, 34: 1094; Santamaria, 2: 314. 
Ramos-Viv6, 377. 

Leon, 25, 9; Santamaria, 2: 335; Espasa, 
34: 1093. 

Leén, 25; Ramos-Vivé, 379-380; Saco, 
2: 68; Gumilla, 85; Malaret, 597; Es- 
pasa, 39: 669; Dic. leng. esp., 905. 

Macias, 935. 

Santamaria, 2: 411. 

Santamaria, 2: 411; Malaret, 624; 
Ramos-Viv6 ,381; Espasa, 34: 1093-4 
Freire, 4: 3820. 

Santamaria, 2: 411; Ramos-Vivé, 381, 
Dic. leng. esp., 947. 

Santamaria, 2: 411. 

Freyre, 493. 

Freire 4: 3820. 

Ramos-Viv6, 381. 

Santamaria, 2: 520; Espasa, 34: 1093; 

Leén, 25. 

Espasa, 34: 1093. 


Santamaria, 2: 528. 
Le6én, 25. 

Gumilla, 85; Saco, 2: 68. 
Leén, 25. 

Santamaria, 2: 553; Malaret, 695. 
Leon, 26. 

Espasa, 34: 1093. 
Leén, 26. 

Espasa, 34: 1093. 
Leén, 26, 37-38. 

Espasa, 34: 1094. 
Santamaria, 3: 31. 
Leén. 26. 

Leén, 37-38. 
Leon, 26. 

Torna atréds more common in Santamaria, 3: 60. 


% Though none of the sources consulted discuss this mixture as a separate term, it is obvious that it is 12.5 percent Indian and 

87.5 percent White. 

16 Octavén negro is a More accurate way of expressing octavon, 1.e., an individual 87.5 percent White; 12.5 percent Negro. 
17 This term does not appear to be discussed in the sources consulted; a tercerén Negro would be an individual 33.3 percent Negro 

and 66.7 percent White. 


Term Used in 
Salta atdrs Mexico, Peru, 
= Venezuela 
a Mexico 
Salta atras cuarterén . 
Salta atrds quinterén J 
Sambayo (or sam- « 
baigo, sambahigo) 
Saraca Brazil 
Sarara i 
“ “ 
Tapanuna : 
Tapuio a 
Tente en el aire!8 Peru 
“ “ 
“& “ 
« Mexico 
“ “ 
“ “ 
“ “ 
“ “ 
a “ 
“ “ 
“ “ 
“ « 
a“ “ 
Tercer6n Colombia, Mex- 

Tercer6n (or cuarte- Brazil 
ron cuatraluo) 

Tornatras!’ (or torna Mexico 

Torna atras 
“ “ 


Tresalbo (or tresa- Mexico, Peru 

Xibaro Brazil 
“ “ 
“ « 

18 The comment of Alcedo (p. 172) accords with that of Saco (2: 69) who writes: 








Civilized Indian 

Mestizo de indio 



Salta atras 

No te entiendo 











Mestiza de india 
Torna atras 










An individual whose parents 
are seemingly White, but 
who reveals by his color, 
skin, or features that in his 
remote ancestry there ex- 
isted some Negro blood 

95.75 percent White; 4.25 Ne- 

The offspring is so-called, “‘be- 
cause instead of advancing 
somewhat (i.e., in white- 
ness), it goes backward to a 
great or lesser degree.” 

So called “because instead of 
increasing its color, it goes 
backward; and the same 
‘throw back’ occurs when 
the Indian and Negro races 
are mixed.” 

Offspring with the character- 
istics of a Negro 

62.5 percent Negro; 37.5 

43.75 percent White; 56.25 

23.45 percent White; 75 In- 
dian; 1.55 Negro 
See mulato claro 
Light-colored Negro with 
kinky hair 
12.5 percent White; 87.5 Ne- 
gro; term coined by Saco 

81.25 percent Indian; 18.75 

Used for salta atrds 
More common in Peru 

VOL. 38, NO. 11 


Alcedo, 164; Macias, 1074. 

Leén, 26. 

Gumilla, 85. 

Saco, 2: 69. 

Flores, 2: 407. 

Leon, 26. 

Ramos-Viv6, 383. 
Freyre, 497. 

Saco, 2: 67. 
Espasa, 34: 1094. 
Ramos-Viv6, 385. 
Alcedo, 172. 



Coleccién Laurrauri Montano. 
Leén, 9. 

Santamaria, 3: 155. 
Santamaria, 3: 155; Ledn, 26. 

Santamaria, 3: 155. 

Santamaria, 3: 155; Dic. leng. esp., 1209. 
Espasa, 34: 1093. 

Coleccién Magon. 

Dic. leng. esp., 1209. 

Espasa, 60: 1164; Ulloa, 1: 29. 

Santamaria, 3: 161; Espasa, 34: 1093. 
Santamaria, 3: 204. 
Santamaria, 3: 204. 
Alcedo quoted by Leon, 26. 
Santamaria, 3: 216; Espasa, 34: 1093; 

Aguirre Beltran, 177; Ledén, 26. 
Ramos-Viv6, 387. 


Freire, 5: 5246. 

“When a mestizo has offspring by a mestiza the 

offspring is mestzzo too, and it is commonly called tente en el atre, because it neither advances nor retrogresses’”’ (i.e., in color). Gumilla 
(p. 85) also advances the above idea as to the expression’s origin. 

19 ‘‘Torna atrds implies a regression to Negro features in the offspring of the racial mixture, which modern investigations have 
demonstrated to be absolutely without basis’”’ (Aguirre Beltran, 177). 

Term Used in Father Mother Remarks Sources 
Zambaigo (or zam- Mexico Chino Indian Santamaria, 3: 309; Espasa, 70: 917; 
baygo, zambayo, Dic. leng. esp., 1316. 
zambo de indio, 
sambaloo, sam- 
& g Lobo “ Coleccién Riva Palacio. 
% £ Cambujo us Le6én, 9; Flores, 2: 407. 
& £ Barnocino fe Coleccién Larrauri Montano. 
Zambo Spanish and Por- Negro id Espasa, 70: 920; Mantegazza, 50; Ma- 
- tuguese Amer- laret, 829; Santamaria, 3: 309; Dic. 
ica leng. esp., 1316; Freire, 5: 5255. 
= Chile, Colombia, Used for mulato Mantegazza, 50; Malaret, 829. 
f Brazil Used for cabra Espasa, 34: 1094. 
2 Peru Negro White Santamaria, 3: 309. 
£ € & Mulata “The most despised of all ra- Alcedo, 184. 
cial mixtures because of 
their perverted customs” 
Zambo Peru Negro China Saco, 2: 67; Unanue, 51. 
s Mexico. Used for cambujo Santamaria, 3: 309. 
& Parts of Spanish Generic term for designating Malaret, 829-830 
America racial mixtures which are 
part Negro 
Zambo cabra Brazil Mulato Negro Santamaria, 3: 309. 
Zambo claro « Cabra Indian Santamaria, 3: 309; Espasa, 34: 1094. 
Zambo grifo Mulato Negro Santamaria, 3: 309. 
Zambo prieto — Brazil, Peru, Zambo a Santamaria, 3: 309; Saco, 2: 67; Leén, 
Mexico 27; Flores, 2: 407; Unanue, 51; Es- 
pasa, 34: 1093. 
= Brazil Cabra ie Espasa, 34: 1094. 
« Cuba, Mexico Lobo g Santamaria, 3: 309; Espasa, 34: 1093. 
Zambo retorno Mulato # Santamaria, 3: 309. 
Zambo de indio Mexico Indian s Used for cambujo Alcedo, 184; Leén, 27. 
Zambo de Negro Northern South Quinterén # Ulloa, 1: 30. 
Zambo de mulato € £ « s 
Zambo de tercer6n & « “ e 

gra de México. Mexico, 1946. 

ALCEDO, ANTONIO DE. Diccionario geogrdfico- 
histérico de las Indias occidentales 0 América. 
5 vols., Madrid, 1786-1789. All references 
are to the Vocabulario appended to vol. 5. 

ASHBURN, P.M. Theranksof death. New York, 

Paris, 1938. 

AZARA, FELIX DE. Viajes por la América meri- 
dional, 2 vols. Madrid, 1923. 2: 155-163. 

Barat, RaraEL Marfa. Resumen de la his- 
toria de Vene.uela. Paris, 1939. 

Caucano, Juxio. El castellano en Venezuela. 
Caracas, 1897. 

Diccionario dela lengua espanola. Real Academia 
Espanola, Madrid, 1947. Dic. leng. esp. 
Diccionario histérico de la lengua espafola. 2 
vols. Madrid, 1936. Dic. hist. leng. esp. 

Espasa (see next item). 

Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-amert- 
cana. Barcelona, n.d. Abbreviated to Es- 
pasa in text. 

Diccionario de peruanismos. 

FLoreEs, Francisco A. Historia de la medicina 
en México desde la época de los indios hasta 
la presenie, 3 vols. Mexico, 1886-1888. 

novissimo dicionadrio da lingua portuguesa, 5 
vols. Rio de Janeiro, 1939-1944. Gran. 
nov. dic. ling. port. 

FREYRE, GILBERTO. The masters and the slaves, 
translated and edited by Samuel Putnam. 
New York, 1946. 

GRANADA, DANIEL. Vocabulario rioplatense razo- 
nado. Montevideo, 1890. 

Grande enciclopedia portuguesa e brasileira, 16 
vols. Lisbon, n.d. Gran. encic. port. bras. 

GuMILLa, Jost. El Orinoco ilustrado, edited by 
Constantino Bayle. Madrid, n.d. 

Harine, C. H. The Spanish empire in America. 
New York, 1947. 

HUMBOLDT, ALEJANDRO DE. Ensayo politico 
sobre el reino de la Nueva Espana, edited by 
Vito Alessio Robles, 5 vols. Mexico, 1941. 

JARAMULLO-ARANGO, JAIME. An unpublished de- 
scription of Lima by Hipélito Ruiz. Bull. 
Spanish Stud. 25: 37, 40. 1948. 


Lrén, Nicoxuas, Las castas de México colonial. 
Mexico, 1924. 

Lenz, Ropo.tro. Diccionario elimoldjico de las 
voces chilenas derividas de lenguas indijenas 
americanas, Santiago, 1904. 

Macias, Jost. Diccionario cubano. 

Mauaret, Aausro. Diccionario de americanis- 
mos. Buenos Aires, 1946. 

MansiLua, Lucio Vicrorio. Una excursién a 
los indios ranqueles. Mexico, 1947. 

MANTEGAZZA, Paouto. Viajes por el Rio de la 
Plata y el interior de la confederacién argen- 
tena, translated by Juan Heller. Buenos 
Aires, 1916. 

Miuuavu, Francisco. Descripcién de la provincia 
del Rio dela Plata (1772). Buenos Aires, 1947. 

Ramos, ArtHuR. Las culturas negras en el nuevo 
mundo, translated and edited by Jorge A. 
Vivé. Mexico, 1943. Ramos-Viv6. 

Ramos 1 Duarte, FeEuiz. Diccionario de meji- 
canismos. Mexico, 1898. 

RoseELo, Cecitio A. Diccionario de aztequismos. 
Cuernavaca, 1904. 


BOTAN Y.—Diagnosis of the Elsinoé on flowering dogwood.' 


VOL. 38, No. Ll 

RomMAN, ManueEut Antonio. Diccionario de chi- 
lenismos y de otras voces y locuciones viciosas. 
Santiago, 1908-1911. 

Saco, Jost ANTONIO. AHisloria de la esclavitud de 
raza africana en el nuevo mundo, 4 vols. Ha- 
bana, 1938. 

de americanismos, 3 vols. 

Diccionario general 
Mexico, 1942. 

TANNENBAUM, FRANK. Slave and citizen. New 
York, 1947. 

Toro, ALtFonso. Compendio de historia de Mézi- 
co, 3 vols. Mexico, 1933-1938. 

voyage to South America, 2 vols. London, 

UnNANUE, Hipé.uiro. Observaciones sobre el clima 
de Lima y sus tnfluencias en los seres organiza- 
dos. Lima, 1940. 

loniales, Cultura venezolana, Caracas, Nov. 
1921: 108-114. 

Viv6, Jorce A. Geografia de México, ch. 11. 
Mexico, 1948. 


Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Beltsville, 
Md., and A. A. Brrancourt, Instituto Biolégico, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 

In June 1948 we reported (4) the exist- 
ence of a spot anthracnose affecting flower- 
ing dogwood (Cornus florida L.) and showed 
particularly by specimens then available 
that this had been found in Maryland, Vir- 
ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and 
Georgia. Specimens have since been re- 
ceived from Delaware. In our preliminary 
account (loc. cit.) we described the symp- 
toms of the disease. A diagnosis of the path- 
ogen is here provided. This Elsinoé (Elsino- 
aceae, Myriangiales) not only constitutes 
another species of the genus on a tree host, 
but also it is the first to have been discov- 
ered on Cornaceae. 

Elsinoé corni sp. nov., Jenkins and Bitancourt 

Maculis in foliis paucis abundantibusve, 
usque 100 vel pluribus in lamina una, dispersis 

1 Received August 25, 1948. 

vel interdum nervisequentibus, circularibus 
usque angularibus vel irregularibus, typice 
parvis, usque ad 1 mm, rarius 1.5-2 mm in 
diam., superne prominentioribus et rubro- 
griseis, demum centro pallide flavo-griseo de- 
hiscenti et lacunas vel lacerationes relinquenti; 
maculis in bracteis floralibus paucis numero- 
sisve, dispersis, interdum in vel circa nervos 
dispositis, circularibus vel ellipticis, usque 1 
mm in diam., singulis vel pauce aggregatis, 
pallide alutaceis, margine angusto brunneo 
usque purpureo et ultra zona indistincte aluta- 
cea circumdatis; cancris in petiolis, pedunculis, 
fructibus et caulibus parvis paucis vel plurimis, 
maculis foliorum similibus, planis vel valde ele- 
vatis, interdum leniter depressis. Ascomatibus 
comparative rarissimis, saepe 1—7 in superficie 
superiori maculae unae, circularibus usque leni- 
ter irregularibus, interdum _ coalescentibus, 
brunneis vel nigris, obscuratis, intraepidermi- 

Fig. 1.—Elsinoé corni, pathogenic on flowering dogwood: A, Severely diseased shoot showing the 
typically smal]l spots abundant on blade a; b, remnant of a diseased leaf; c, d, leaves that have become 
lacerated, c also showing infection along the midrib and d less distinct spotting on lower leaf surface; e, 
e, inconspicuous stem cankers; X1. B, Petiole (a) and stem cankers (e, e), same as A, e, e; X13. C-E, 
Various leaf spots, some showing ‘‘shot-holes,’’ on upper third on a young leaf (C), basal part of a leaf 
includinz grooved petiole (D), intermediate region, with spotting on leaf margin; C’, a, young ascomata 
(small dots); H, mature ascomata a, dotting pale centers of spots or remnants of them; X13. F, In- 
fected bract; X1. A—H, Specimens from Highlands, N. C.; F, from Atlanta, Ga. Drawings by H. G. 
Stueler, based on photographs by R. L. Taylor and original specimens. 

Fig. 1.—(See opposite page for legend.) 


calibus, erumpentibus, 25—-100u in diam., usque 
50u crassis; epithecio tenui, atro-brunneo, pseu- 
doparenchymate inferiori hyalino; ascis singulis 
vel multis, globosis, in stratum unum saepe dis- 
positis, circa 16 mm in diam., usque octo- 
sporis; ascosporis 3-septatis, 12-15 X5y, hyal- 
inis; statu Sphacelomate; conidiophoris cae- 
spitosis, subulatis, hyalinis in palis dense com- 
pactis usque 39u in diam., 20u crassis, coloratis, 
conidiis oblongo-ellipticis, usque pyriformibus, 
4.5-6 X2.5u, hyalinis.? 

Distribution.—On living leaves, small stems, 
floral bracts, and fruits of Cornus florida L. 
(Cornaceae), causing the disease named 
“flowering dogwood spot anthracnose,” Dela- 
ware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, 
South Carolina, and Georgia. 

Specimens examined—DELAWARE: Vie. 
Bridgeville and vic. Laurel, July 21, 1948, R. 
A. Jehle. Maryuanp: Beltsville, Plant Indus- 
try Station Grounds, September 1946; A. A. 
Bitancourt; R. A. Jehle collections, 1948,3 vic. 
Somerset County, near Pocomoke, June 15; 
vic. Pocomoke, Worcester County, June 30; 
Pocomoke and vic. Hebron, July 16; vic. Den- 
ton, July 21; vic. Upper Marlboro, July 29; vic. 
Waldorf, vic. Helen, vic. Chaptico, and 
Charles County, 10 miles north of Cobb Island, 
August 6: vic. Wye Mills, August 12; Hurlock, 
August 13. NortH Carouina: Highlands, 
Highlands Biological Laboratory Grounds, 
September 2 and September 5 (type U. 8. My- 
cological Collections 90489; Seccao de Fitopa- 
tologia, Instituto Biolégico 5167), 1947, J. A. 
Stevenson. SouTH CaRoLina: Georgetown, 
October 12, 1943, A. W. Blizzard. Groretra: At- 
lanta, April 1948, Comm. J. H. Miller (Spha- 
celoma stage on floral bracts; Savannah, August 
4, 1939, A. A. Bitancourt).4 Virernta: Norfolk, 
May 9, 1948, H. T. Cook. 

In connection with our Myriangiales selecti 
exsiccatt we (3) have noted that usually the 
symptoms of diseases caused by Elsinoé, i.e., 
spot anthracnoses (cf. 2), ‘‘are distinct and per- 
mit identification of the disease.’’ The state- 

2 Translated into Latin by Edith K. Cash. 

5 These specimens represent a survey for this 
disease being made by Dr. Jehle in collaboration 
with one of us (Jenkins). 

* In citing this specimen in our preliminary re- 
port (4), through a misunderstanding, we gave 
“Athens” instead of ‘“‘Atlanta’’ as the place of 
collection. The sentence on page 254, line 11, be- 
ginning with “Dr. Miller” should be omitted. 

Since this paper was written Dr. Miller has col- 
lected Elsinoé at Athens. 


VOL. 38, No. 11 

ment continues: ‘‘In some cases because of 
lack of fructifications it is particularly because 
of the lesions that the specimen is of interest.” 

The specimens of Elsinoé here cited, repre- 
sent precisely this situation. The earliest 
(Savannah, Ga., August 4, 1939) is without 
fructifications and was taken because the le- 
sions were typical of a spot anthracnose. The 12 
ample specimens collected by Jehle were se- 
lected chiefly on the basis of symptoms. 
Ascomata are comparatively rare, although 
they are present on a few leaves of several dif- 
ferent specimens. On some leaves of the gather- 
ing of August 13, they are actually numerous, 
with asci and ascospores visible as illustrated 
in Fig. 2, A. This contrasts with the specimen 
from Highlands dated September 5, in which 
many of the ascomata are overmature and asci 
cannot be detected in them. The inconspicuous 
Sphaceloma stage was clearly discerned on a 
few leaf spots of the specimen of August 13. 
That of August 12, appears to be more or less 
sterile. What apparently are fructifications of 
the fungus are developing on some of the stem 

pl. 4, figs. C, D). B, Section of asmaller ascoma; a, 
epithecium; b, ascus; c, ascospores; d, leaf-spot 
tissue; 450. Drawings by Stueler; A based on a 
photomicrograph by Bitancourt and original ma- 
terial; B on a photomicrograph by M. A. Jaeger 
and original material. 

Nov. 15, 1948 




(1) ARNAuD, G. Les Astérinées, IV¢ partie. (Etude 
sur le systématique des champignons pyré- 
nomycetes.) Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. 7: 643- 
422. 1925. 

(2) JENKINS, A. E. A specific term for diseases 
caused by Elsinoé and Sphaceloma. Plant 
Dis. Reporter 31: 71. 1947. 

(3) JENKINS, A. E., and Brirancourt, A. A. 
Myriangiales selectt exsiccati, Fasciculos 2- 
6 (Numeros 51-300). Bot. Soc. Bras. 
Agron. 9: 157-164. 1946. 

on flowering dogwood. Plant Dis. Reporter 
32: 253-255. 1948. 

ENTOMOLOGY .—A synopsis of the Nearctic species of Elachiptera and related 

genera (Diptera, Chloropidae).' 
tomology and Plant Quarantine. 

Flies of the genus Elachiptera Macquart 
(sensu lato) are common in general collect- 
ing, and an up-to-date key for their ready 
identification should be useful. Certain spe- 
cles, apparently abundant and widely dis- 
tributed, have in the past been generally 
identified upon certain gross features, a 
practice that has concealed the presence of 
some unnamed species with less apparent 
characteristics, such as the presence or 
absence of pollen on the ocellar tubercle. 

The frequent appearance of these flies in 
rearing cages has sometimes caused them 
to be recorded in the literature as pests of 
various plants. Available evidence suggests, 
however, that the larvae probably feed 
upon decaying organic matter, such as old 
leaf sheaths, or decaying plant tissue and 
grass following damage by other insects. 

Generic limits are difficult to define, es- 
pecially when more than one faunal region 
is considered, in the large group of species 
that may be referred to as the ‘‘Elachiptera 
complex.” The flattened arista and the 
marginal scutellar tubercles, two of the 
most distinctive features of ‘“‘typical”’ 
Elachiptera (brevépennis, costata, etc.), are 
subject to a wide range in development in 
different species. Whatever the character 
used, there seems always to be an otherwise 
characteristic species that is an exception. 
As for the various genera that have been 
erected for species of this complex (Elachip- 
tera Macquart, Melanochaeta Bezzi, Dolio- 
myia Johannsen, Crassiseta Loew, Eribolus 
Becker), the definition of what is a distinct 
genus, what a subgenus, and what a syno- 
nym is extremely difficult. In this paper 

' Received August 18, 1948. 

Curtis W. Saprosky, U. 8. Bureau of En- 

Ertbolus is recognized as a distinct genus, 
and Crassiseta and Doliomyia are consid- 
ered as synonyms of Elachiptera (sensu 
stricto). Doltomyza has a peculiar type of ab- 
domen that might seem to merit separate 
status for that name, but many species of 
Klachiptera show some lengthening of the 
basal segment, and in Africa there are sev- 
eral species which nearly match the extreme 
condition in D. longiventris Johannsen. 

The status and relationships of Melano- 
chaeta need much further study, and its 
species have not been included here. In 
recent years it has often been considered a 
subgenus of Hlachiptera. One new species, 
M. kaw, is described here because the past 
confusion with Monochaetoscinella nigricor- 
nts (Loew) would otherwise leave a common 
form without a name. 

Recognition of the relation of EH. (Me- 
lanochaeta) nigricornis (Loew) to Mono- 
chaetoscinella Duda brings the latter name 
into the Elachiptera complex. Its genotype, 
the Neotropical M. anonyma (Williston), 
has a slender, Oscinella-type arista, and its 
affinities had been supposed to be with 
Oscinella. It is now realized, however, that 
nigricornis (with flattened arista) and 
anonyma (with slender arista) have the 
same fundamental features of generic sig- 
nificance, and that the development of the 
arista in the former is only a specific char- 
acter in that case. Because of other distinc- 
tive characteristics, and because the few 
known species are Neotropical to southern 
United States, I recognize it here as a genus 
distinct from Elachiptera. 

All ratios used in the key and descrip- 
tions are based on measurements with an 
ocular micrometer, and not on estimates. 


For greater precision in the measures used, 
the width of the front is defined as the dis- 
tance between the eyes across the posterior 
ocelli, the length of the front is the distance 
from the anterior margin of the front at the 
midline to an imaginary line between the 
posterior ocelli, and the basal width of the 
scutellum is measured between the two 
lateral points where the disk of the scutel- 
lum touches the mesonotum. It is espe- 
cially important to note the last, for some- 
times the sides of the scutellum as they slope 
downward and outward from the base make 
the basal width appear greater in propor- 
tion to the length than it really is. 

Most of the species of this complex will 
pass to Crassiseta in Curran’s The families 
and genera of North American Diptera 
(1934) and to Elachiptera in Williston’s 
Manual (1908), on the basis of the follow- 
ing characters: Costa extending to the 
fourth longitudinal vein, hind tibia with- 
out a spur, second costal sector longer than 
the third sector or at least not remarkably 
abbreviated, and arista flattened and ensi- 
form. The species which will be difficult to 
place here without comparative study are 
those with slender, atypical arista. The 1 
+1 notopleural bristles, erect and cruciate 
ocellars and post-verticals, and the presence 
(except in #. alzena) of 1 or 2 pairs of out- 
standing fronto-orbitals (Figs. 5, 6) are 
other features that will aid in segregating 
this group. 


1. Frontal triangle subshining or with a leaden- 
gray luster, the entire surface covered with 
fine gray tomentum or pollen; mesonotum 
and scutellum with same habitus as trian- 
gle, the former characteristically flattened 
between the dorsocentral lines on posterior 
half to two-thirds of notum; scutellum flat- 
tened and short, less than 0.7 times as long 
as broad at base (Hribolus Becker)....... 2: 

Triangle entirely or predominantly smooth 
and polished, sometimes with pollen on and 
around ocellar tubercle; mesonotum usually 
polished black, or with three stripes of 
pollen, occasionally broadly pollinose be- 
tween and including the dorsocentral lines 

2. Legs predominantly bright yellow, fore coxa 

VOL. 38, No. 11 

always, fore femur entirely or predomi- 
nantly, and mid and hind femora basally, 
yellow; palpus yellow in males, more or 
less infuscated in females (eastern half of 
North America)... ..: s.. 4's sede 
1. EHribolus longulus (Loew) 
Legs predominantly black, fore coxa always, 
and all femora except knees narrowly, black 
(northern and northwestern)........... 3 

3. Antenna entirely black, or virtually so; pal- 
pus black in both sexes... JU. a) ene 

ate ie ees 2. EHribolus sudeticus Becker 
Antenna in large part yellow to orange, often 
only the dorsal fourth of third segment 
black; palpus yellow in both sexes...... 

AS URD S25 Dah he 3. Hribolus nearcticus, n. sp. 

4. Scutellum of Oscinella type (Fig. 9), short and 
broadly rounded apically, 0.67—0.8 times as 

long as width at base, the disk gently con- 

vex; marginal scutellar bristles not borne 

on tubercles, one pair of widely separated 
apicals and one pair of weak subapicals; 
mesonotum and scutellum smooth, the pi- ~ 
liferous punctures fine and inconspicuous, 

the regularly convex surfaces never densely 

and coarsely punctured orrugose........ 5 
Scutellum not as above, more or less trape- 
zoidal in outline and often apically sub- 
truncate (Figs. 10-12), usually somewhat 
elongate, typically 0.9—-1.25 times the width 

at base (if as short as 0.75, then the margi- 

nal scutellars on distinct tubercles); mar- 
ginal scutellar bristles borne on more or less 
distinct tubercles, with somewhat approxi- 
mated apicals and 2-3 pairs of subapicals; 
mesonotum and scutellum almost always 
coarsely punctured, usually so densely that 

the surface appears strongly rugose, in pro- 

file the posterior half of mesonotum and the 

disk of scutellum obviously flattened 
(Elachiptera, sensu stricto).............. 7 

5. One pair of long, unusually strong, black, and 
outstanding fronto-orbital bristles (Fig. 5); 
cheek divided by a diagonal line into a whit- 

ish pollinose anterodorsal and a polished 
black posteroventral portion (Monochaeto- 
scinella Duda). J. : . 1D. eee 6 

Not as above, usually with two pairs of slen- 
der, pale fronto-orbitals that are longer 
than the others in fronto-orbital row (cf. 

Fig. 6), sometimes with none that are out- 
standing; cheek not so divided, pollinose 
along entire lower margin of eye......... 
nodes dP Ab Ow as by ee Melanochaeta spp. 
(eunota Loew, melampus Becker, kaw, n. sp. 

6. Arista slender, eet gee not at all thickened 
(Neotropical).:...... 2... 6 

4, Monochaetoscinella anonyma (Williston) 
Arista broadly flattened basally, strongly ta- 
pering, densely and evenly long haired, the 
appearance that of typical Elachiptera (as 

in Fig. 7, but tapering from base to apex) 
(southeastern United States)............. 

..9. Monochaetoscinella nigricornis (Loew) 

Nov. 15, 1948 








Basal segment of abdomen peculiarly elon- 
gated and developed as a basal plate occu- 
pying, in dorsal view, all but tip of abdo- 
men, its length greater than that of meso- 
notum and scutellum combined........ 
6. Elachiptera (E.) longiventris (Johannsen) 

Abdomen without such an elongated basal 
plate, the basal segment at most half the 
PEN IGHADGOMEN 220. 2 0k ee sevice es 8 8 

. Fronto-orbitals hairlike, short and all of ap- 

proximately the same length, none out- 
standing; mesonotum densely and finely 
punctured, with no obvious rows of punc- 
tures; arista as in Gauraz, slender and 
Spano SNOtanaIired 2... 2. seen oe cee ee 
Bere. 7. Elachiptera (E.) aliena Becker 
Two pairs of bristles long and outstanding in 
fronto-orbital row (Fig. 6); mesonotum less 
densely punctured, at least median and 
dorsocentral rows distinct; arista usually 
thickened and densely pubescent, often 

MappeMed ANG -CNSHOLM.... 02. ....-s006- 9 

. Pleuron entirely or largely reddish yellow, or 
CMmhipennorax reddish. .. . 2... ee eke 1 

aarirmecmrrey black. ... 0.2.2... eee 15 

Scutellum reddish yellow; mesonotum usually 
reddish yellow, at most narrowly black at 

LiiZ.. .. 20a eee aaa 11 
Scutellum black; mesonotum at least partly 
SUM se ees, ese os et Se as 13 

Mesonotum almost entirely polished, with 
only a notopleural spot and a narrow pre- 
Semeee band of pollen.........:...... 
nJondghaeaiaa 8. EHlachiptera (E.) willistont, n. sp. 

Mesonotum with a broad median stripe of 
fine bright pollen, or entirely pollinose. .12 

Scutellum like LH. costata (cf. Fig. 12), with 
two pairs of strong marginal tubercles and 
a weak, basal third pair; mesonotum ap- 
parently pollinose on its entire surface... 
.9. Elachiptera (E.) sp. (North Carolina) 

Scutellum like Z. willistonz (cf. Fig. 10), trap- 
ezoidal, apical pair of tubercles weak and 
subapical scarcely distinguishable; meso- 
notum with a broad median stripe of fine, 
bright pollen, between and including the 
G@erseceminral lines... 20.225. 6. eee 
10. Elachiptera sp. (District of Columbia) 

Mesonotum reddish on sides, with a broad 
median black stripe, gray pollinose; scutel- 
lum long conical with three pairs of strong 
tubercles. .11. Elachiptera (H.) tau, n. sp. 

Mesonotum entirely black, only the pleuron 
TeV MOW «acs 0 s,2 3s Se eeg ee e608) SS oe 14 

Mesonotum typically with three stripes of 
gray pollen, in median and dorsocentral 
positions; scutellum as in £. costata (cf. Fig. 
12), with three pairs of strong marginal tu- 
(DED CLES RSI ee pgs 8 ee ae oe te 
..13. Elachiptera (E.) erylhropleura, n. sp 

Mesonotum polished, without stripes of pol- 
len, and with only a narrow prescutellar 
band of pollen; scutellum strongly nar- 









rowed, three pairs of tubercles close to- 
gether on distal half, the tubercles less dis- 
tinct than in costata and erythropleura.... 
....14. Elachiptera (EH.) angusta, n. sp. 
Scutellum flattened and elongate, trapezoidal 
in outline, with three pairs of long, well-de- 
veloped scutellar tubercles, the apical tu- 
bercles strong, obviously longer than broad 
(Fig. 12); disk of mesonotum broadly pol- 
linose...12. Elachiptera (E.) costata (Loew) 
Scutellum usually shorter and somewhat 
rounded apically, sometimes narrowed 
apically, the 2 or 3 pairs of marginal tu- 
bercles distinct but small, each not as long 
as broad (Fig. 11); mesonotum entirely 
shining or with three stripes of gray pollen 
rarely the stripes merged together...... 16 
Both frontal triangle and ocellar tubercle 
smooth and polished, without pollen; disk 
of mesonotum never with stripes of pollen 
eR Leae SRS UNSER OS WE aS sss eee en 17 
Frontal triangle polished; ocellar tubercle dis- 
tinctly gray pollinose,? or if shining, the 
mesonotum with 2 or 3 stripes of gray pol- 
Pera SONS E EN ey PRS, sates 20 
Front obviously longer than broad, length 1.1 
times the width at vertex (Fig. 14); meso- 
notum likewise appearing longer than 
broad, length actually 1.09-1.1 times its 
WERE HNL) cape Cte San, SAE Wee eater 
....17. Elachiptera (E.) angustifrons, n. sp. 
Front appearing approximately as long as 
broad, length usually 0.83-0.96 times the 
width at vertex, occasionally the length and 
width subequal (Fig. 13); mesonotum ap- 
pearing nearly square, measuring 0.90—1.04 long as broad. . is. 08:2 eee. 18 
Legs predominantly yellow, including all 
coxae and femora; fore and hind tibiae 
black; frontal triangle shorter and with sides 
less convex than in nigriceps and angustt- 
SELUITES SOA, cue SCS Sg PT eee ae 
...16. Elachiptera (E.) pechumani, n. sp. 
Legs more extensively patterned with black, 
including distal one-third to two-thirds of 
mid and hind tibiae; frontal triangle large 
and occupying most of front (Fig. 13), 
reaching anterior margin of front, or nearly 
so, and with strongly convex sides...... 19 
Arista broad and flat, ensiform, sides parallel 
nearly to tip, its width one-half to four- 
fifths that, of cheek (Fig. 7). <s.. .oss26: 
....15. Elachiptera (E.) nigriceps (Loew) 
Arista narrower, in female two-fifths or less 
the height of cheek, in male slender and 
only slightly thickened, in both sexes nar- 
rowing from base to tip (Fig. 8)........ 
.18. Elachiplera (E.) angustistylum, n. sp. 
Hind femur strongly incrassate, its greatest 
width 2—2.8 times the diameter of hind 
tibia; disk of mesonotum with three dis- 
tinct stripes of gray pollen; frontal triangle 

2 In greasy or rubbed specimens, the shiny ap- 

pearance may be misleading. 


long; arista broad and flat on its entire 
length.19. Hlachiptera (E.) formosa (Loew) 

Hind femur not strongly incrassate, its great- 

est width about 1.5—-1.85 times the diameter 

of hind tibia; at least one other character 

NOt: AS AOWOVE Rt sen cld Whee ee Ge ee 21 

21. Arista broad and flat for its entire length, 
sides parallel nearly to apex (ef. Fig. 7), its 
width equal to at least half the distance be- 
tween posterior ocelli, usually fully equal 

to the distance; frontal triangle only three- 
fourths the length of front; mesonotum 

with 2 or 3 stripes of gray pollen........ 22 
Arista narrower and tapering from base to 
apex, not broad and flat as above, its width 
midway only subequal to a single posterior 
ocelliss xsi inept awit tee ee eee oes 23 

22. Ocellar tubercle distinctly bright gray polli- 
nose (widespread, northern United States) 
....20. Hlachiptera (E.) vittata, n. name 

(=E. bilineata Adams, preoc.) 

Ocellar tubercle polished black (California). . 

jk thal 21. Hlachiptera (E.) californica, n. sp. 

23. Frontal triangle long, its apex nearly reaching 
anterior margin of front; front relatively 

long, its length 1.0—-1.07 times the width at 

....22. Elachiptera (E.) penita (Adams) 
Frontal triangle shorter, only three-fourths 
the length of front; front relatively broad, 
its length only 0.87—0.96 times the width at 

24. Thorax polished, without pollen except on 
notopleura and around bases of wings.... 

Kh eone 23. Hlachiptera (EH.) knowltoni, n. sp. 
Thorax typically with two narrow stripes of 
gray; pollens ye Ve See eo eee ee 25 

25. Frontal triangle black, and cheeks and poste- 
rior portion of front predominantly brown 

to blackish, the head appearing dark 
(Alaska-to: Colorado) ie 2a 2a ae 

Re erea 24. Hlachiptera (E.) decipiens (Loew) 

Triangle reddish to brown, and front, face and 
cheeks bright yellow, the head appearing 
bright (California, Oregon, Idaho)....... 
OR EOL 25. Elachiptera (H.) flaviceps, n. sp. 

Genus Eribolus Becker 
ribolus Becker, Archivum zoologicum 1: 127. 

1910. (Type, H. sudettcus Becker, by designa- 

tion of Enderlein, 1911.) 

Becker, followed by Enderlein, Duda, and 
other workers, recognized this as a distinct 
genus, based on three European species with a 
rather uniform habitus of flattened, leaden- 
gray mesonotum, leaden-gray frontal triangle, 
and slender, slightly thickened arista. Other- 
wise, its fundamental characters are the same 
as in Elachiptera, notably the 1+1 notopleural 
bristles, ocellar and postvertical bristles erect 
and cruciate, two pairs of fronto-orbital bristles 
well developed and standing out over the ad- 


VOL. 38, No. 11 

joining orbital hairs, eyes with minute and 
sparse pubescence, and similar wing venation. 

The slightly thickened arista seemed distinct 
enough in the Palearctic fauna, compared 
with the broadly flattened, ensiform arista of 
most of the European species of Hlachiptera. In 
North America, however, there is a species 
which is unquestionably congeneric with Eri- 
bolus species of Europe, but the arista is some- 
what variable, and sometimes, especially in the 
female sex, it may be definitely (though nar- 
rowly) ensiform, as in typical Elachiptera. This 
species, which is quite common in eastern 
North America, has usually been recorded as 
Elachiptera longula (Loew), or sometimes in 
combination with the names Crassiseta or 
Melanochaeta, but it is placed here in Eribolus. 

1. Eribolus longulus (Loew), n. comb. 

Crassiseta longula Loew, Ber]. Ent. Zeitschr. 7: 34. 
1863. (Centuria III, No. 64.) (District of Co- 
lumbia. ) 

Melanochaeta longula (Loew) Becker, Ann. Mus. 
.Nat. Hung. 10: 83. 1912. 

Melanochaeta intermedia Becker, ibid. 10: 83. 
1912. (Pennsylvania.) New synonymy (from 
holotype in Melander Collection). 

The typically bright yellow legs will dis- 
tinguish this form from either sudeticus or 
nearcticus. A few northern and northwestern 
specimens have been seen in which the areas of 
infuscation on the mid and hind femora are 
somewhat more extensive than usual, and even 
the fore femur may be dusky on the distal half, 
but the fore coxa and the bases of all femora 
are always characteristically yellow. The male 
genitalia are easily distinguished from either of 
the dark-legged species by the widely spaced 
cerci (Fig. 4), which are separated from each 
other by a distance greater than the width of 
either. The genital forceps, in side view, are 
narrower than those of nearcticus, and are 
proportioned approximately like those of 
sudeticus, being about four times as long as 
broad (cf. Fig. 2). 

The species is one of the most common and 
widely distributed chloropids east of the Rocky 
Mountains. Numerous records are available 
from Ontario, Quebec, the District of Colum- 
bia, and 28 states: Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, 
Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kan- 
sas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Min- 
nesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, 
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, 


| 2 S) 4 

Fies. 1—-4.— Male genitalia of Eribolus: 1, E. sudeticus, posterior aspect; 2, H. sudeticus, side view of 
forceps; 3, H. nearcticus, side view of forceps; 4, EH. longulus, posterior aspect. Fies. 5, 6.—Profile of 
upper half of the head of Monochaetoscinella nigricornis (5) and Elachiptera moriceps (6). Fias. 7, 8.— 
Side view of arista of Elachiptera nigriceps (7) and E. angustistylum (8). Fras. 9-12.—Outline of dorsal 
aspect of scutellum of M. nigricornis (9), Elachiptera willistont (10), E. nigriceps (11), and E. costata 
(12). Fires. 13, 14.—Front and frontal triangle of HL. nigriceps (13) and E. angustifrons (14). Drawings of 
willistoni and angustifrons from holotypes, angustistylum from female paratopotype. nearcticus from 
male paratopotype, others from determined material. 


Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Ten- 
nessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wy- 

2. Eribolus sudeticus Becker 

Eribolus sudeticus Becker, Archivum zoologicum 
1: 127, 138. 1910. (Europe.) 

Oscinella planicollis Becker, Ann. Mus. Nat. 
Hung. 10: 114. 1912. (Idaho.) New synonymy. 
From Duda’s detailed redescription, and 

from European material available for compari- 
son, I accept sudeticus as a Holarctic species. 
The male genitalia (Fig. 1) are distinct from 
those of longulus or nearcticus in the nearness of 
the cerci, which are separated from each other 
by a space only one-third the width of the base 
of a cercus. Each genital forceps in side view is 
relatively narrow (Fig. 2), about three and one- 
half times as long as broad and obviously nar- 
rower than in nearcticus, the other dark-legged 

The synonymy of planicollis had already 
been noted by Malloch and accepted by Al- 
drich (Aldrich Card Catalogue), but it does not 
appear to have been published. I have seen the 
type, and concur in the conclusion as to its 

Distribution: Northern, especially north- 
western. Numerous specimens have been seen 
from 12 states (California, Colorado, Idaho, 
Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Da- 
kota, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wis- 
consin, Wyoming), from six Canadian prov- 
inces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, 
Northwest Territory, Ontario, Quebec), and 
from Alaska (Fairbanks, Matanuska, Healy). 

3. Eribolus nearcticus, n. sp. 

Near LEribolus sudeticus, with black coxae 
and femora, but the antenna largely yellow to 
orange and the palpus yellow in both sexes. 

Male, female—Head predominantly black, 
anterior third of front and basal segments and 
lower two-thirds to three-fourths of the third 
segment of antenna yellow to orange, palpus 
bright yellow in both sexes; frontal triangle 
slightly shorter than in longulus, only 0.78—0.85 
times the length of front; the two pairs of well 
developed fronto-orbital bristles distinctly 
longer than the adjoining hairs, but relatively 
short and inconspicuous compared with species 
of Elachiptera; arista pubescent, thickened at 

base and slightly thickened the rest its” 

length, but not at all flattened. 


VOL. 38, No. il 

Thorax black, the entire dorsum, metat.o- 
tum, and upper half of the pleuron thickly 
covered with dully shining, lead-gray pollen. 
Abdomen brown, only sparsely covered with 
gray pollen and thus rather shining. Legs with 
all coxae and femora, except knees narrowly, 
black, the tibiae and tarsi yellow, in dark speci- 
mens the distal tarsal segments infuscated and 
the hind tibia with a median brown band. 
Wing venation as in longulus. Halter lemon 

Male genitalia intermediate between those of 
sudeticus and longulus (Figs. 1 and 4), the 
cerci separated from each other by a space ap- 
proximately the width of one cercus; genital 
forceps broad and paddle-shaped, only 2.3 
times as long as broad (Fig. 3). 

Length, 1.5-2.5 mm. 

Type——Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58861. 

Holotype male, and allotype, near Bot- 
tineau, Turtle Mountains, N. Dak., June 21, 
1918 (J. M. Aldrich) [U.S.N.M.]. Paratypes: 8 
(670%, 22 9), same data as type; 12, New 
Ulm, Minn., May 30, 1916 (Aldrich); 12, 
Buckeye, Wash., June 21, 1930 (Aldrich); 
50°, Fairbanks, Alaska, July 1-3, 1921 
(Aldrich); 1 2, Treesbank, Manitoba, August 
27, 1915 (N. Criddle); 2 (#, 2), Aweme, 
Manitoba, September 4, 1916 (N. Criddle); 
1¢, Toronto, Ontario, October 6, 1891 (Wm. 
Brodie) [U.S.N.M.]; 2¢@¢, East Lansing, 
Mich., May 28, 1940 and April 29, 1942 (C. W. 
Sabrosky); 1%, Ramsey County, Minn., Sep- 
tember 14, 1925 (Sam Kepperley) [Sabrosky 

The new species is distinguished from longu- 
lus and from the Holarctic sudeticus as out- 
lined in the key. Of the two other species known 
from Europe, hungaricus Becker has an unusu- 
ally short frontal triangle (usually about half 
the length of the front) and black palpi in both 
sexes, and both hungaricus and _slesvicensis 
Becker have the anterior basal cell more or less 
broadened. I have seen no material of the latter 
species, which is apparently similar to nearcti- 
cus in most respects, but the series of hungari- 
cus sent me some years ago by Dr. Duda shows 
clearly the distinctly broadened cell. Inasmuch 
as slesvicensis was described as having the same 
type of cell as hungaricus, and our American 
form does not have this type of cell, I accept the 
latter as a distinct species, even though only 
that one difference can be stated at the mo- 



Nov. 15, 1948 

ment. All three species occurring in North 
America have the basal cell elongate and nar- 

- row, not at all broadened. 

Genus Monochaetoscinella Duda 
Monochaetoscinella Duda, Folia Zool. Hydrobiol. 

2: 107. 1930. (Type, Oscinis anonyma Williston, 

by designation of Duda, 1931.) 

The genus Monochaetoscinella was segregated 
from Oscinella particularly on the basis of the 
single pair of long, strong fronto-orbital bristles 
(Fig. 5). Because the hitherto known species 
have a slender arista (anonyma, nigripes Duda, 
zernyi Duda), it has been considered that they 
are related to Oscinella. However, recognition 
of the fundamental relationship of Elachiptera 
nigricornis (Loew) to anonyma and the others, 
and the flattened, typically Elachiptera-like 
arista of niaricornis, now seem to place the 
genus Monochaetoscinella in proper perspective 
in the Elachiptera complex. 

The generic characters, other than the amele 
pair of strong fronto-orbitals, are like those of 
Elachtptera: eye distinctly pubescent; ocellar 
and postvertical bristles erect and cruciate, the 
former short and weak, the latter long and 
strong, like the outer verticals; inner verticals 
weak and hairlike; notopleural bristles 1+1; 

- scutellum short and broadly rounded, as in the 

subgenus Melanochaeta and the genus Oscinella, 
only three-fourths as long as width at base, 
with one apical and one subapical pair of 
bristles, the former long, strong, and widely 
separated, the latter weak and hairlike, neither 
on tubercles. 

In both anonyma and nigricornis, the cheek 
is divided into two distinct areas by a slight 
ridge or line running from the postero-ventral 
angle of the eye to the vibrissal angle. The 
anterodorsal area, between the vibrissa and the 
eye, is whitish pollinose; the posteroventral 
area is black, smooth and highly polished. 

4. Monochaetoscinella anonyma (Williston) 
Oscinis anonyma Williston, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lon- 
don for 1896; 423. (St. Vincent, West Indies.) 
Monochaetoscinella anonyma (Williston) Duda, 

Folia Zool. Hydrobiol. 2: 107. 1930. 

This species is Neotropical, but it is included 
here for comparison with nigricornis because it 
is the genotype of Monochaetoscinella and also 
because it is known to occur in Bermuda, and 
at Key West, Fla., and Tampico, Mexico, and 
may be expected to be found, at least occa- 



sionally, in southern Texas and southern Flor- 

The frontal triangle and thorax are pre- 
dominantly shining and highly polished black, 
but the ocellar tubercle and scutellum are pol- 
linose and there is a narrow prescutellar band 
of pollen. The legs are predominantly deep yel- 
low, including all coxae and femora, the fore 
tibia and fore tarsus are black, and mid and 
hind tibiae and tarsi are predominantly yellow 
but may be slightly infuscated. 

The species is apparently quite common, for 
there are a number of published records from 
Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica, 
Panama, and the Canal Zone, and I have seen 
numerous examples from Puerto Rico, Cuba, 
Jamaica, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Bo- 
livia, Brazil, and Bermuda. This is probably 
the species recorded as Oscinis umbrosa Loew 
by C. W. Johnson (1913) in a paper on the 
Diptera of Bermuda (Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 6: 
443-452. 1913). 

5. Monochaetoscinella nigricornis (Loew), 
n. comb. 

Crassiseta nigricornis Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. 
7: 34. 1863. (Centuria III, No. 65.) (Louisiana.) 

Melanochaeta nigricornis (Lw.) Becker, Ann. Mus. 
Nat. Hung. 10: 83. 1912. 

This species agrees with the description given 
for anonyma, but differs mainly by its flattened 
and densely haired, Elachiptera-like arista. The 
present writer and other dipterists have erred 
in identifying nigricornis as a wide-ranging 
species of eastern United States. On the con- 
trary, careful reexamination of the material 
shows that two species have been confused by 
close superficial similarity, and that true 
migricornis is in reality distinctly a species of 
southeastern United States, and belongs in the 
genus Monochaetoscinella. The other species 
belongs in Melanochaeta and is described below. 

Distribution: Southeastern United States. I - 

have seen material of typical nigricornis from 
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisi- 
ana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Caro- 
lina, Tennessee, and Texas. The northernmost 
records that I have are Raleigh, N. C., Knox- 
ville and Nashville, Tenn., and Fayetteville, 
Melanochaeta kaw, n. sp. 

Crassiseta (Melanochaeta) nigricornis Loew, in 

part, of Sabrosky, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 61: 
246. 1935. 


Shining black species with bright yellow legs, 
resembling Oscinella umbrosa (Loew) except for 
the flattened and long-haired arista, and differ- 
ing from the superficially similar Monochaeto- 
scinella anonyma as noted in the key. 

Male, female —Head, including antenna and 
palpus, black, the cheek and anterior half of 
front paler, brown to dark reddish; thorax en- 
tirely black; abdomen brown; legs, including 
all coxae, bright yellow, at most the distal seg- 
ment or two of each tarsus browned; halter 
pale lemon yellow to whitish yellow; wing hya- 
line, lightly tinted with brown. 

Eye short pubescent; front at the vertex one 
and one-half times the width of an eye and 
0.40-0.45 times the width of the head, but ap- 
pearing relatively narrow because the length of 
the front is slightly greater than the width; 
frontal triangle smooth and polished, large and 
occupying most of front, the basal corners 
nearly touching the eyes at the vertex and the 
apex reaching the anterior margin of front; 
cheek narrow, almost linear, dull and finely 
pollinose; third antennal segment reniform, 1.7 
times as broad as long; arista rather broadly 
flattened basally but narrowing to apex, the 
entire length densely covered with long hairs 
whose length is subequal to the greatest width 
of the flattened portion, the total effect as seen 
under low magnification being that of an arista 
broadly flattened clear to the apex. 

Thorax smooth and polished, only the scutel- 
lum subshining and covered with gray pollen: 
piliferous punctures on mesonotum fine and 
inconspicuous, rather sparse. 

Second costal sector of wing 1.3 times the 
length of third sector: third vein gently curved 
forward apically, the third and fourth veins 
diverging slightly: fore crossvein at the middle 
of the discal cell. 

Length, 1.5-1.75 mm. 

Type.—Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58870. 

Holotype male and allotype, Manhattan, 
Kans. (C. W. Sabrosky), the type collected 
June 9, 1934, the allotype September 20, 1933. 
Types deposited in the U. 8. National Museum. 
Paratypes: 4 (270%, 229), Manhattan, 
Kans., October 4, 1933, May 21, 26, and June 
26, 1934 (C. W. Sabrosky); 6 40x, 29 9), 
Manhattan, Kans., August 29 and September 
15, 1930, June 1 and 4, 1932 (D. A. Wilbur); 
2929, State Lake, Ottawa County, Kans., 
June 24, 1984 (C. W. Sabrosky); 1, Falls 


VOL. 38, No. 11 

Church, Va., June 16 (N. Banks) [Sabrosky 
Coll.]: 2 9 9, Chesapeake Beach, Md., August 
19 and May 30, 1919 (J. M. Aldrich); 19, 
Gatlinburg, Tenn., 5600 ft., July 2, 1947 (R. H. 
Whittaker); 2 9 9, Plano, Tex., June 1907 (E. 
S. Tucker, determined as Elachiptera nigri- 
cornis) [U.S.N.M.]; 19, Cheboygan County, 
Mich., July 18, 1940 (R. I. Sailer) [Kansas 
Univ. Coll.]. 

The species is named for an Indian tribe 
which formerly lived along the Kansas River. 

Genus Elachiptera Macquart 

Elachiptera Macquart, Histoire naturelle des in- 
sectes: Diptéres 2: 621. 1835. (Type, Chlorops 
brevipennis Meigen, by original designation and 
monotypy.) : 

6. Elachiptera (E.) longiventris 

Melanochaeta (Doliomyia) longiventris Johannsen, 

Can. Ent. 56: 89. 1924. (New York.) 

The peculiar abdominal structure will sepa- 
rate this species from any other chloropid in 
North America. In most respects, it is some- 
what intermediate between Elachiptera and 
Eribolus, but favoring the former. As noted in 
the introduction, I regard the subgenus Dolio- 
myta, proposed for longiventris, as a synonym 
of typical Elachiptera, rather than of Melano- 
chaeta as Johannsen placed it. 

The bristles of the head are greatly reduced, 
as in E. aliena, the ocellars, postverticals and 
fronto-orbitals being minute and scarcely dis- 
tinguishable from hairs. 

The species is rare in collections. Aside from 
the three original specimens, all from Ithaca, 
N. Y., I know of only one other example, a 
female, College Station, Tex., February 1891 
(Webster), labeled ‘‘from wheat’’ [U.S.N.M.]. 
From this, it may be inferred that the species 
ranges throughout eastern United States, 
though rarely collected. 

7. Elachiptera (E.) aliena Becker 

Elachiptera aliena Becker, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung. 

10: 81. 1912. (Massachusetts. ) 

Despite its decidedly atypical arista, this 
species unquestionably belongs in the genus 
Elachiptera, from the general body structure, 
wing venation, and chaetotaxy. The bristles are 
reduced in size, however, and thus they do not 
stand out as strongly as in typical species. The 
short ocellars and postverticals are convergent 

Nov. 15, 1948 

to the tips instead of cruciate, and the usually 
distinct two pairs of fronto-orbitals are dis- 
tinguished under relatively high magnification 
only by being slightly thicker than neighboring 
fronto-orbital hairs. 

The ocellar tubercle is gray pollinose. The 
humeri are polished black, and under low power 
the disk of the mesonotum also appears shining 
and without pollen, though under high power 
there are sparse, minute flecks of gray pollen 
on the anterior half. The legs are predominantly 
yellow, marked with black on the distal half of 
the mid and hind femora and median third to 
half of the mid and hind tibiae in the male, and 
on the distal two-thirds of the corresponding 
femora and virtually all the corresponding 
tibiae in the female. 

Despite its generally atypical habitus, it is 
probably best associated with the nigriceps 

The species does not appear to be very com- 
mon. Relatively few specimens have been seen, 
though a number of localities are represented. 
Records are available from nine northeastern 
states, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, 
Missouri, New York, Ohio, South Dakota, and 
Virginia, and from the Province of Ontario. 
Western record: Custer, 8. Dak., July 15, 1924 
(F. M. Hull) [South Dakota State College Coll.]. 

8. Elachiptera (Elachiptera) willistoni, n. sp. 
(=E. flavida and E. attenuata of 
United States records) 

Reddish yellow species, only the ocellar 
tubercle, a divaricate spot on the occiput, dor- 
sal margin of the third antennal segment, and 
arista, black or dark brown; fore tibia and fore 
tarsus brown, and apices of other tarsi slightly 

Front moderately broad, twice the width of 
an eye and half the width of the head; frontal 
triangle smooth and polished, both triangle and 
ocellar tubercle without a trace of pollen, the 
triangle nearly touching the eyes at the vertex 
and the apex reaching the anterior margin of 
the front, the sides slightly convex; in profile 
the long axis of eye slightly diagonal; width of 
cheek 0.15-0.2 times the height of the head, 
commonly 0.17; arista broadly flattened for its 
entire length, sides parallel nearly to apex. 

Thorax slender, narrower than the width of 
the head and 1.2 times as long as broad, shining 
and polished except for the sparsely pollinose 



scutellum, a narrow prescutellar band of pollen, 
and a little pollen along the lower margin of the 
notopleuron; bristles long and strong, including 
1+1 notopleural, 1 postalar, 1 posterior dorso- 
central, and | apical scutellar, the humeral and 
1 subapical scutellar weak and little longer 
than hairs; scutellum trapezoidal, 0.8 times as 
long as broad at base, the apical bristles widely 
separated at the apical angles (Fig. 10). 

Wing venation as usual in the genus; second 
costal sector slightly longer than the third; 
third vein nearly straight, third and fourth 
veins diverging from the base, fore crossvein 
opposite or only slightly beyond the middle of 
the discal cell. 

Length, 2 mm. 

Type.—Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58862. 

Holotype male, and allotype, Orlando, Fla., 
February 9, 1918 (G. G. Ainslie). In the collec- 
tion of the U. 8. National Museum. Paratypes: 
FLoRIDA: 19 (6070, 139 2), Orlando, Feb- 
ruary 7-19, 1918 (G. G. Ainslie); 1 9, Gaines- 
ville, February 238, 1918 (G. G. Ainslie); 10, 
Paradise Key, February 23, 1919 (Schwarz and 
Barber); 1 #, Orlando, April 30, 1908 (Russell), 
“bred from onion’ (det. Coquillett as £. 
flanda); 2 (¢%, ¢@), Lake Worth, and 14, 
Biscayne Bay (Mrs. Slosson) (det. Coquillett as 
E. flavida) [U.S.N.M.]. 

Texas: 1o, Santa Maria, April 1, 1908 
(McMillan), ‘‘bred from celery” (det. Coquil- 
lett as EL. flavida); 8 (1%, 72 2), Brownsville 
(EK. C. Greene) (det. Malloch as Crassiseta 
flavida); 1%, Brownsville, November 20, 1939 
[U.S.N.M.]; 1, Hidalgo County, August 2, 
1928 (R. H. Beamer) [Kansas Univ. Coll.]. 

Elachiptera willistont is very close to several 
Neotropical species with all reddish body color. 
The specimens from the southern United 
States have in the past been determined either 
as E. flavida (Williston) or FH. attenuata Adams, 
but the former has a slender, scarcely thickened 
arista and the latter has the arista flattened at 
the base but strongly attenuated distally. 
Available specimens of attenuata also show a 
slightly narrower cheek than in willistoni, the 
width measuring only 0.097-0.11 times the 
height of the head. 

This is the form which I referred with some 
doubt to E. attenuata in 1938 (Journ. New 
York Ent. Soc. 46: 425), based on specimens 
from Brownsville, Tex., and Everglades and 
Lakeland, Fla. 


9. Elachiptera (E.) sp. 

1, Benson, N. C., August 9, 1934 (R. H. 
Beamer) [Kansas Univ. Coll.]. 

Apparently a new species, but the only ex- 
ample before me is headless. The species will 
not be described until additional material 
makes it possible to state the important head 
and antennal characters, but it is included here 
to make the key as complete as possible for the 
Nearctic species. In addition to the characters 
listed in the key, the abdomen is strongly ru- 
gose, appearing pitted when viewed from be- 

10. Elachiptera (E.) sp. 

Po. Washineton, 10. Cl) Aaroust Sia wl: 
Aldrich) [U.S.N.M.]. 

The example agrees with H. willistoni in all 
particulars except the presence of a broad 
median stripe of fine, bright gray pollen. Be- 
cause of the consistency of this character else- 
where in the genus, it is reasonably certain that 
an undescribed species is involved here. In view 
of the single difference, however, and the possi- 
bility that it might be an aberrant condition in 
this case, I shall defer naming the species until 
an adequate series is available. As with the pre- 
ceding form, it has been included in the key for 
the sake of completeness. 

11. Elachiptera (E.) tau, n. sp. 

Yellow to orange, with the arista, apex of 
third antennal segment at base of arista, an 
ocellar spot, a broad transverse band on the 
occiput between the eyes, a T-shaped mark 
covering the anterior fourth of the mesonotum 
and a broad stripe between the dorsocentral 
grooves, entire scutellum, metanotum, and the 
abdomen mesally and laterally, black; thorax 
and frontal triangle orange, rest of the head 
yellow, legs pale yellow. 

Front approximately as long as broad, the 
width at the vertex not quite half the width of 
the head (0.45); frontal triangle and ocellar 
tubercle entirely polished, without pollen, the 
base of the triangle only 0.8 times the width of 
the front, the apex reaching the anterior mar- 
gin of the front; cheek narrow, only 0.14 times 
the height of an eye; eye large, long axis nearly 
vertical; arista broadly flattened, the sides 
parallel nearly to the tip. 

Mesonotum gray pollinose on the entire sur- 
face, though sparsely so in the intra-alar posi- 


VOL. 38, NO. 11 

tions; scutellum even more strongly developed 
than in costata (cf. Fig. 12), elongate conical, 
1.25 times as long as broad at base, with three 
pairs of strong marginal tubercles, the apical 
pair twice as long as broad at base, and closely 
approximated, separated by the width of the 
base of one tubercle. 

Abdomen rugose, as described for Hlachip- 
tera sp. from North Carolina. 

Veins yellow: second costal sector 1.16 times 
the third sector; third vein nearly straight, third 
and fourth slightly divergent from their bases; 
fore crossvein beyond the middle of the discal 
cell, as 15:10. 

Length, 2.25 mm. 

Holotype—Female, Benton, Ky., June 30, 
1939 (R. H. Beamer). Type in the Snow Col- 
lection, University of Kansas. 

Besides the distinctive color pattern, this 
species has the longest scutellum and strongest 
scutellar tubercles of any American species of 
the genus. 

Elachiptera punctulata Becker 

Elachiptera nigroscutellaita Becker, Ann. Mus. 

Nat. Hung. 10: 80. 1912. 

E. punctulata Becker (=nzgroscutellata Becker, 

1912, preoc.), zb¢d. 10: 645. 1912. 

Becker described the species from a single 
specimen in the Winthem Collection in Vienna, 
said to be from North America. I have seen the 
type, and it bears only a small square of dark 
blue paper and a label, ‘‘Coll. Winthem.”’ It is 
unlike anything that I have seen in thousands 
of American specimens, the black scutellum 
being short and broadly rounded with two pairs 
of long, fingerlike, yellow tubercles arising from 
the lower margin of the scutellum. The cheeks 
are linear. In these characters it is like the 
Ethiopian Cyrtomomyia Becker, and it is close 
to the genotype, C. pulchra Becker. I believe 
that punctulata was listed erroneously as North 
American, and that it is more probably of 
African origin. It was included in my key to the 
reddish species of Elachiptera of the Western 
Hemisphere (Journ. New York Ent. Soc. 46: 
421. 1938), but at that time I had not studied 
the African fauna and did not recognize the 
true affinities of the species. If it should ever be 
discovered as a rare and aberrant American 
species, it will run in the present key to E. tau, 
from which it can easily be separated by the 
form of the scutellum and scutellar tubercles. 


Nov. 15, 1948 

Recognition of the status of punctulata is 
especially important because of the discovery 
of the new American species with black scutel- 
lum and predominantly reddish thorax (E. tau). 
The latter is a typical Elachiptera, and is re- 
lated to costata and erythropleura, but from the 
generalized description of punctulata one might 
easily have confused the two. 

12. Elachiptera (E.) costata (Loew) 
Crassiseia costata Loew, Ber]. Ent. Zeitschr. 7: 33. 

1863. (Centuria III, No. 62.) (District of Co- 


The name costata is here definitely restricted 
to what has always been regarded as the “‘typi- 
cal form,” that with entirely black thorax. The 
so-called ‘“‘variety”’ with reddish pleura is found 
to consist of two unnamed species, a relatively 
common one here described as erythropleura, 
and a less frequently collected form which I 
have called angusta. 

Loew knew the form with red pleura, but he 
regarded such specimens as immature indi- 
viduals of costata. The type series of costata, in 
the Museum of Comparative Zoology, contains 
one female with black pleura and a male and 
female with reddish pleura; the first female is 
hereby selected as lectotype of Crassiseta cos- 
tata Loew. 

The typical form of costata is further dis- 
tinguished from erythropleura by having the 
disk of the mesonotum broadly pollinose, only 
the sides narrowly without pollen and shining. 

In no case have I found the pollen divided into 

stripes as in erythropleura, except of course in 
badly rubbed specimens which may appear 
striped because of pollen remaining in the dor- 
socentral depressions. The strong scutellar 
tubercles (Fig. 12) are characteristic of costata, 
erythropleura, and tau, besides a species left un- 
named for the present. 

Distribution: Common and widely distrib- 

- uted throughout eastern North America, and 

west to Arizona and Idaho. Specimens have 
been determined from 28 states, the District of 
Columbia, and five Canadian provinces: Ari- 
zona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indi- 
ana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mary- 
land, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, 
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, 
New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio 
Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vir- 
ginia, Washington; Alberta, Manitoba, On- 
tario, Quebec, Saskatchewan. 



13. Elachiptera (E.) erythropleura, n. sp. 

Elachiptera costata var. ‘“‘a’’ Becker, Ann. Mus. 
Nat. Hung. 10: 78. 1912. 

Crassiseta costata var. Sabrosky, Trans. Amer. 
Ent. Soc. 61: 245. 1935. 

Like costata, especially in the form of the 
scutellum, but the pleuron reddish yellow, and 
the gray pollen on the mesonotum typically in 
three stripes, on the median and dorsocentral 

Male, female—Head predominantly yellow, 
only the occiput, frontal triangle except for 
apex and basal corners, broadly flattened arista, 
and third antennal segment narrowly at base of 
arista, black; cheek narrow, one-fifth to one- 
sixth the height of an eye and one and one-half 
times the breadth of the arista: front broad, its 
length only 0.9 times its width at the vertex; 
frontal triangle large, occupying almost the en- 
tire front, the apex attaining the anterior mar- 
gin of the front and the sides convex; both tri- 
angle and ocellar tubercle smooth and polished, 
without trace of pollen. 

Mesonotum and scutellum black; pleuron 
predominantly reddish yellow, only the pro- 
pleuron and metapleuron black; prosternum 
yellow; mesonotum chiefly shining, typically 
with three stripes of bright gray pollen on the 
median (acrostichal) and dorsocentral lines; 
scutellum as in costata (cf. Fig. 12), slightly 
longer than broad (1.05—-1.2 times), with three 
pairs of marginal tubercles, the apical pair 
strongest, and each of the latter one and one- 
half times as long as broad at base. Abdomen 
shining brown to black. 

Legs yellow, typically the fore tibia with a 
narrow and hind tibia with a broad median 
brown band, fore tarsus and the apical segment 
of mid and hind tarsi more or less browned. 

Wing clear, veins brown, second costal sector 
nearly one and one-half times the third sector, 
third and fourth longitudinal veins parallel, fore 
crossvein joining the discal cell shghtly beyond 
the middle. Halter pale yellow. 

Length, 2—2.25 mm. 

Type.—Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58863. 

Holotype, male, and allotype, East Lansing, 
Mich., May 25, 19387 (C. W. Sabrosky). Type 
and allotype deposited in the U. S. National 
Museum. Paratypes, 152 specimens (6107 <¢, 
91 2 9). CoLtorapo: 1 2, Holly, September 6, 
1938 (D. E. Hardy) [Kans. Univ.]. District oF 
CotumBiIA:3 (10,2 2 2), Washington, April 8, 


1945 (M. T. James) [James Coll.]; 6 (4072, 
29 2), Washington, August 14, 1906, July 11, 
May 1, 1922, and August 5 [U.S.N.M.]. 
GEORGIA: 1, Prattsburg, July 25, 1930 (P. 
W. Oman) [Sabrosky Coll.]; 1 9, Perry, March 
17, 1945 (P. W. Fattig) [U.S.N.M.]. Iuuinotis: 
19 (l1l1é?oev, 82 ¢), Algonquin, Carlinville, 
Carbondale, Centerville, Dubois, Forest City, 
Freeport, Golconda, Grand Tower, Muncie, 
Urbana, and White Heath, various dates, 
April 3-November 11 [Illinois Nat. Hist. Sur- 
vey and U.S.N.M.]. Inprana: 1 9, Vincennes, 
May 9 (Aldrich); 27 (1l1¢ %, 162 9), Lafa- 
yette, April 12—October 22 (Aldrich) [U.S.N.M.]. 
Iowa: 1, Jefferson County, May 18, 1934 
(H. Knutson); 12, Henry County, May 20, 
1935 [Sabrosky Coll.]. Kansas: 1, Law- 
rence (Aldrich) [U.S.N.M.]:2 9 9, Manhattan, 
April 2 and October 8, 1932 (Sabrosky) [Sab- 
rosky Coll.]. Maryuanp: 17 (80°07, 92 9), 
Cabin John, Glen Echo, Riverdale, and Plum- 
mers Island, April 28-October 21 (Shannon, 
McAtee, Malloch) [U.S.N.M.]. Massacuu- 
SETTS: 29 9, Beverly, September 10, 1870 
(Burgess); 19, Cambridge, April 27, 1870 
[U.S.N.M.]. Micutean: 4 (80°, 19), De- 
troit, April 18, 1938, and May 11, 1941 (G. 
Steyskal); 19, Lapeer, August 5, 1936 (Stey- 
skal) [Steyskal Coll.]; 192, Battle Creek (Al- 
drich) [U.S.N.M.];6(5¢% 0,1 2), East Lansing, 
April 28—June 4 (Sabrosky);2 (<<, 9),Lapeer, 
May 30, 1937 (Sabrosky); 1, Albion, May 16, 
1936 (Sabrosky) [Sabrosky Coll.]. Missourt: 
14, Atherton, September 18, 1915 (Aldrich) 
[U.S.N.M.]. New Jersey: 19, New Bruns- 
wick, July 20 [Rutgers Univ. Coll.]. Norru 
CaRoLina: 6 (1o7, 5 2 9), Raleigh, June 9-17, 
1942 (C. S. Brimley): 1 @, Wilmington, March 
7, 1939 (Harris and Wray) [North Carolina 
Dept. Agr. Coll.]. On10: 1 9, Columbus, July 9, 
1886 (Wm. B. Alwood) [U.S.N.M.]; 7 Q¢¢, 
52 9), Summit County, June 24-September 1 
(L. J. Lipovsky) [Kansas Univ. Coll.]. Penn- 
SYLVANIA; 19, Germantown, May 2, 1909 
(Harbeck); 2 9 2, Philadelphia, April 25, 1897 
(G. M. Greene) [U.S.N.M.]. Sour Daxora: 4 
(1¢, 3992), Elk Point, September 29, 
1915 [U.S.N.M.]. Tennessee: 1 9, Knoxville, 
March 30, 1917 (Aldrich); 1 2, Union City, (G. 
I. Reeves); 1 2, Reelfoot Lake, April 14, 1944 
[U.S.N.M.]; 8 4@%¢, 492 2), Clarksville, 
July 1-15) 1939 (Dak & A. Lardy, J.D: 
Beamer) [Kansas Univ. Coll.]. Vrreinra: 1 9, 


VOL. 38, No. 11 

Falls Church, May 17 (N. Banks) [Sabrosky 
Coll.J; 17 (4¢7 0, 132 2), Rosslyn and Dead 
Run, Fairfax County, April 21-November 18 
(R. C. Shannon) [U.S.N.M.]. 

I have also seen examples from Minnesota, 
North Dakota, and Rhode Island, but these 
are not at present available. 

This species has usually been recorded as an 
unnamed color variety of costata, but I am con- 
vinced that the different pattern of pollen on 
the mesonotum and the distinctive pleuron 
mark it as a separate species. In costata, also, 
the head is much darker, the face and cheeks 
are usually well infuscated, and the median 
clypeal plate (anteclypeus of Townsend) is 
shining black. Loew knew the form with red 
pleuron when he described costata, but he con- 
sidered such individuals to be immature (cf. 
discussion under costata). 

The characteristic color pattern of this and 
the following species (angusta) resembles that 
of E. sibirica (Loew) of Europe and Asia. All 
three seem to be related, but they are definitely 
distinct. The European species has the humeri, 
propleuron and sides of the mesonotum reddish 
yellow, the ocellar tubercle gray pollinose, and 
the entire mesonotum gray pollinose except for 
a small area on the anterior slope just behind 
the head. 

Variation: In a few specimens, the sides of 
the frontal triangle are margined with red, 
leaving only the central area black. In such 
individuals the humeri may also be partly 
reddish. In pale specimens (possibly somewhat 
teneral), the legs seem entirely yellow. The 
three mesonotal stripes of pollen vary in width, 
but are almost invariably distinct: in only three 
atypical specimens is the pollen more generally 
distributed and not clearly trivittate. 

14. Elachiptera (E.) angusta, n. sp. 

Near E. erythropleura, but without the 
stripes of pollen on the mesonotum, with nar- 
rower front, and with short, rather inconspicu- 
ous scutellar tubercles. 

Male, female—Color, general structure, 
wing venation, and size as described for erythro- 
pleura, differing in the following particulars: 

Head longer than in erythropleura, the front 
slightly longer than broad (1.1 times), the 
frontal triangle narrower than in that species 
and contributing to the obviously longer ap- 
pearance of the front; apex of the triangle 

Nov. 15, 1948 

barely failing to attain the anterior margin of 
the front; cheek narrower, barely wider than 
the arista and one-eighth to one-ninth the 
height of an eye; mesonotum with no trace of 
pollen in the median and dorsocentral posi- 
tions, only the notopleuron and a narrow pre- 
scutellar band sparsely gray pollinose, as is the 
scutellum; scutellum strongly narrowed in 
dorsal aspect, its length and width subequal 
(0.94-1.1 times), three pairs of scutellar 
tubercles close together on the distal half, the 
tubercles obviously smaller than in costata and 

erythropleura, the largest tubercle only about. 

as long as broad. 

Holotype-——Male, Woods Hole, Mass., Sep- 
tember 1922 (A. H. Sturtevant). Allotype, Ur- 
bana, Ill., June 21, 1888 (Marten; Accession 
No. 14, 488; ‘‘swept from catalpa’’). Paratypes: 
2%, Woods Hole, Mass., September 1922, 
and July 5-21, 1922 (both collected by Sturte- 
vant). Holotype and one paratype in the 
American’ Museum of Natural History, allo- 
type in the collection of the Illinois Natural 
History Survey, one paratype in the U. 8. Na- 
tional Museum. 

From the few available specimens, this spe- 
cies seems to be much less common than eryth- 
ropleura, though the similarity in the distinc- 
tively reddish pleuron would undoubtedly have 
caused it to be recorded along with that species 
as a color variety of costata. Greasy specimens 
of erythropleura will appear to be without pollen 
and hence might be confused here; if the speci- 
mens are not in good condition, one should al- 
ways check the scutellar tubercles to avoid mis- 

15. Elachiptera (E.) nigriceps (Loew) 
Crassiseta nigriceps Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. 7: 

33. 1863. (Centuria III, No. 63.) (Pennsyl- 

vania. ) 

Male, female—Head dark, the face and 
cheek usually predominantly black; frontal 
triangle large and broad, the sides convex (Fig. 
13), both triangle and ocellar tubercle entirely 
polished black and without pollen; front broad, 
the length usually 0.85—0.95, occasionally up to 
1.0, times the width at the vertex; palpus 
bright yellow in male, brown to black in fe- 
male; arista broad, flat and parallel-sided to 
the tip (Fig. 7), sword-shaped, one-half to 
four-fifths as wide as the height of the cheek, 
slightly narrower in the male than in the fe- 



Thorax polished black except for inconspicu- 
ous gray pollen on the notopleuron and about 
the base of the wing, with piliferous punctures 
in slightly irregular rows, about two rows be- 
tween the median and each dorsocentral row; 
mesonotum nearly square in appearance, and 
measuring 0.90—-1.04 times as long as broad; 
scutellum short and broadly rounded, 0.75—0.9 
times as long as width at base, with three pairs 
of minute tubercles bearing the short marginal 
scutellar bristles (Fig. 11); prosternum black. 

Legs predominantly yellow, strongly marked 
with black, the black areas varying somewhat 
in extent between the sexes and among indi- 
viduals of the same sex, but always with a 
fundamental pattern as follows: Distal third of 
the mid femur except for the knee, distal one- 
half to two-thirds of the hind femur, proximal 
one-half to two-thirds of the hind tibia, a vari- 
able distal portion of the fore tibia, fore tarsus, 
and the distal segment of the mid and hind 
tarsi. Occasional individuals may be paler, es- 
pecially if teneral, or darker than the indicated 
extremes, but the constant presence of some 
black distally on the mid and hind femur and 
hind tibia seems to mark this form. 

Length, 2.25-2.5 mm. 

Very common and widely distributed in 
eastern North America, with a few specimens 
known from as far west as Manitoba and Wash- 
ington. Records are available from the Ca- 
nadian Provinees of Manitoba, Ontario, and 
Quebec; from the District of Columbia, and 
from 27 states (predominantly eastern), as fol- 
lows: Alabama, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, 
Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachu- 
setts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon- 
tana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North 
Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, 
South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, 
Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. 

16. Elachiptera (E.) pechumani, n. sp. 

Male, female.—As described for E. nigriceps, 
but the frontal triangle slightly shorter and its 
sides less convex, not occupying as much of the 
front as that of nigriceps; front yellowish to 
orange, and face yellow on sides only, centrally 
black, the general color of the head brighter 
than in nigriceps; palpi deep yellow to orange 
in both sexes; all coxae and femora bright yel- 
low, the fore and hind tibiae and fore tarsus 
black, hind tarsus browned distally. To the eye, 


a series of this form appears slightly larger and 
sturdier that specimens of nigriceps. 

Type.—Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58864. 

Holotype male, and allotype, 6 miles south of 
Middleport, N. Y., July 3, 1941 (L. L. Pechu- 
man), “larvae breeding in large numbers in the 
base of the flowers of the wild iris, Jris versi- 
color.’ Types and paratypes deposited in the 
U. S. National Museum through the courtesy 
of Dr. Pechuman. Paratypes: 39 (2102, 
18 2 2), same data as type [U.S.N.M., Cornell 
Univ., Pechuman Coll., and Sabrosky Coll.]; 
22 2, 13 miles south of Lapeer, Mich., May 
30, 1937 (C. W. Sabrosky); 1¢, Eaton Rapids, 
Mich., May 30, 1942 (Sabrosky) [Sabrosky 
Coll.J; 1¢@, Algonquin, Ill., September 19, 
1894 [U.S.N.M_]. . 

17. Elachiptera (E.) angustifrons, n. sp. 

Species somewhat intermediate between 
nigriceps and costata, differing from the former 
in having both frontal triangle and scutellum 
long and relatively narrow and all femora yel- 
low, and from the latter in lacking pollen on the 
disk of the mesonotum. 

Male, female—Frontal triangle, occiput, 
lower margin of cheek, face centrally, and 
arista black, the rest of the head yellow, front 
deep yellow to orange, palpi yellow in both 
sexes; triangle and ocellar tubercle entirely 
polished black; front obviously longer than 
broad (Fig. 14), the length 1.1 times the width 
at vertex, the triangle likewise appearing 
longer and narrower than in species of the 
nigriceps group; eye distinctly emarginate op- 
posite the lunule; cheek narrow, only 0.15 
times the height of an eye; arista broad and 
flat, parallel-sided nearly to apex, its width al- 
most equal to the height of the cheek. 

Thorax as described for nigriceps, but obvi- 
ously narrower, the length 1.09-1.1 times the 
width; scutellum decidedly longer and narrower 
than in nigriceps, 1.1-1.2 times as long as 
broad at base, the three pairs of marginal 
scutellar tubercles slightly longer than those of 
nigriceps but not as long and distinct as in 
costata (cf. Figs. 11, 12). Abdomen dark brown, 
with a large yellow spot above at-the base, the 
basal segment elongated, occupying nearly half 
the length of the abdomen. 

Legs predominantly bright yellow, the pat- 
tern as described for pechumant. 

Length, 2-2.25 mm. 


VOL. 38, No. 11 

Type.—Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58865. 
Holotype male, and allotype, Orlando, Fla., 
February 18, 1918 (G. G. Ainslie) [U.S.N.M.]. 
Paratypes: 5 (370%, 22 2), same data as 
type; 2 (a, 2), Wilmington, N. C., June 29 
(C. S. Brimley) [Sabrosky Coll.]; 1 2, Paradise 
Key, Fla., February 21, 1919 (Schwarz and 
Barber); 2 (@, 2), Bertrandville, La., Feb- 
ruary 12, 1944;2 9 9, Chesapeake Beach, Md., 
July 27, 1913 (R. C. Shannon); 1¢, Near 
Plummers Island, Md., April 7, 1915 (Shan- 
non); 1 9, Cabin John Bridge, Md., April 28, 
~1912 (Knab and Malloch): 14, San Antonio, 
Tex., April 8, 1907 (F. C. Pratt) [U.S.N.M.]. 

18. Elachiptera (E.) angustistylum, n. sp. 

Male, female—As described for typical 
nigriceps, but the arista not as broadly flat- 
tened, in the female only two-fifths or less the 
height of the cheek, in the male slender and 
only slightly thickened, and in both sexes 
gradually tapering from base to tip, not paral- 
lel-sided as in nigriceps (Fig. 8, compared with 
Fig. 7). . 

Length, 2—2.25 mm. 

Type.—Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58866. 

Holotype male, and allotype, Spanish Fork, 
Utah (D. Elmo Hardy). Types and paratypes 
deposited in the U. 8S. National Museum 
through the courtesy of Dr. Hardy. Paratypes: 
8 (1l¢@, 72 2), same data as type [Kansas 
Univ. and Sabrosky Coll.]; 1¢, Cedar, Utah, 
July 30, 1929 (G. F. Knowlton); 4 2 9, Geneva, 
Utah, April 28, 1933 (Knowlton), Hyde Park, 
Utah, June 11, 1938 (D. E. Hardy and G. S. 
Stains), Wellsville, Utah, May 11, 1939 
(Knowlton), and Lakeview, Utah, September 
20, 1930 (Knowlton) [Utah State Agr. College 
Coll. and U.S.N.M.]; 24% #, Scappoose, Oreg., 
April 23, 1938 (Schuh and Gray); 19, St. 
Helena-Scappoose, May 6, 1938 [Sabrosky 

Because of the unusually slender arista, not 
at all flattened, the males may be mistaken for 
the genus Oscinella, until one becomes used to 
the characteristic habitus of the genus Elachip- 
tera, and to the character of the two pairs of 
well-developed fronto-orbital bristles. 

This form is like typical nigriceps in all re- 
spects but the arista, and because of the rela- 
tively small difference might be considered only 
a subspecies, with a western range. Specific dif- 
ferentiation does not necessarily require large 

Nov. 15, 1948 

differences, however, and in the absence of any 
evidence of subspeciation in the present case, I 
have regarded it as a distinct species. 


The “decipiens group,’’ which includes 
the remaining species, comprises a number 
of closely related forms which are charac- 
terized by a nigriceps-type of scutellum 
(Fig. 11: flat, rugulose disk, in dorsal view 
broadly rounded apically with 2 or 3 pairs 
of small tubercles), and usually the ocellar 
tubercle bright gray pollinose and meso- 

notum with 2 or 3 distinct stripes of gray . 

pollen. In calzfornica Sabrosky, the stripes 
are distinct but the ocellar tubercle is 
shining, andin penzta Adams the stripes are 
‘absent but the ocellar tubercle is strongly 

In the Palearctic region, the group is 
represented by Hlachiptera cornuta (Fallén) 
and its ‘‘varieties”’ (five recognized by Duda, 
the latest reviser). Typical cornuta and its 
“varieties’’ seem to parallel the forms of the 
decipiens group in North America, and it 
is possible that some of the European and 
American forms are the same and should 
be given the same name. Only material of 
typical cornuta is available to me, however, 
and while vittata (=bzlineata Adams) is 
close, the slight differences have led me to 
continue to recognize the latter as distinct. 
Elachiptera decipiens, which is especially 
abundant in northwestern North America 
(Alaska to Colorado), and which might be 
expected to be a Holarctic species, seems 
to resemble HE. cornuta var. strobli Corti 
(1909), but I have no examples of the latter 
for comparison. If they are the same, it 
should be noted that the name decipiens 
(1863) has priority by many years, and we 
are thus justified in any case in using the 
name decipiens here. The race or species 
which I have called EL. flaviceps is apparently 
paralleled in Europe by cornuta var. rufi- 
frons Duda; again, no material is available 
for critical comparison. 

In view of Duda’s classification of appar- 
ently parallel forms in Europe as merely 
“varieties” of one common and widespread 
species, the question also might well be 
raised whether the American species of the 
decipiens group are only varieties of one 



species. In North America, however, (1) 
the segregates recognized here differ from 
each other in more than one character, (2) 
they show reasonable uniformity within 
the segregate in their significant characters. 
and (3) the available evidence suggests that 
the several segregates may have charac- 
teristic ranges. It is concluded, therefore, 
that the American forms are either good 
species, or at the very least, recognizable 
geographic races (i.e., subspecies). 

In most members of this group, the two 
dorsocentral stripes of pollen are broad and 
distinct, but the median or acrostichal stripe 
is narrow, often tapered posteriorly, and 
frequently appearing to be absent. In gen- 
eral, in formosa the median stripe is rela- 
tively broad, in vzttata it is usually present 
and evident though narrow, and in decipi- 
ens it is usually not at all evident and the 
dorsocentral lines are also narrow. Some 
intraspecific variation exists in the width of 
the stripes, however, and the appearance 
may be further influenced by the condition 
of the specimens. 

19. Elachiptera (E.) formosa (Loew) 

Crassiseta formosa Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. 7: 
32. 1863. (Centuria III, No. 61.) (District of 

This is one of the rarest species of the genus 
in North America, judged from the paucity of 
records. The unique feature of the strongly in- 
crassate hind femur is strikingly distinct. Un- 
fortunately, no published description or key 
has described it with sufficient exactness to 
avoid possible confusion with EH. decipiens or 
other species in which the hind leg is normally 
slightly enlarged. 

Arista broad and flat as in vittata; frontal 
triangle polished black, but ocellar tubercle and 
posterior corners of triangle gray pollinose; 
triangle long, its apex barely failing to reach the 
anterior margin of the front; cheek narrow, 
only 0.12 the height of an eye; palpus yellow in 
both sexes. Thorax black, predominantly shin- 
ing and polished, the disk of the mesonotum 
with three distinct stripes of gray pollen, the 
dorsocentral stripes broad, the median nar- 
rower, broadest anteriorly and tapering pos- 
teriorly, ending opposite the postalar calli, the 
prescutellar space between the dorsocentral 
Stripes polished and without pollen; humeral 


callus predominantly shining; mesonotal hairs 
more numerous than in the nigriceps and cos- 
tata groups, with 4 or 5 irregular rows of pilifer- 
ous punctures between the median and each 
dorsocentral position; mesonotum longer than 
broad, by over 1.15 times; scutellum gray 
pollinose, its outline like that of nigriceps, 
moderately short and broadly rounded, 0.9 
times as long as broad at base, with three pairs 
of short and inconspicuous marginal tubercles, 
the tubercles equidistant from each other. Ab- 
domen with basal segment elongate, longer 
than the next two combined and nearly half the 
total length of the abdomen, and yellow with 
sides narrowly brown; second abdominal seg- 
ment dorsally chiefly yellow with a median 
brown spot; remaining segments brown. Fore 
and middle legs chiefly yellow, the fore tibia 
distally and fore tarsus dark, hind leg reddish 
yellow with darker tibia; hind femur markedly 
incrassate, its greatest width 2.0—2.8 times the 
diameter of the hind tibia and 1.5 times the 
greatest width of the fore femur. 

I have seen only 10 specimens of true for- 
mosa, in addition to the two cotype females in 
the Museum of Comparative Zoology: 0, 
North Carolina; #, Atlantic Beach, Fla. (Mrs. 
A. T. Slosson); 92, Lafayette, Ind., August 8 
(J. M. Aldrich) [U.S.N.M.]; 9, Havana, IIl., 
May 1, 1912 [Ill. Nat. Hist. Survey]; 42 9, 
Mount Vernon, Va., February 28, 1915 (W. L. 
McAtee); 1 9, Dyke, Va., May 28, 1915; 19, 
North Carolina [Malloch Coll.]. 

A specimen from Mount Washington, N. H. 
(Mrs. Slosson) [U.S.N.M.], determined by 
Coquillett as formosa, is actually E. vittata 
Sabrosky. This specimen is undoubtedly the 
basis for the record published by Mrs. Slosson 
(Ent. News 7: 264. 1896) and repeated by 
Johnson (List of the Diptera or two-winged flies of 
New England: 279. 1925). 

20. Elachiptera (E.) vittata, n. name 

Crassiseta bilineata Adams, Kansas Univ. Sci. 
Bull. 2: 453. 1904. (Arizona.) 

Elachiptera bilineata (Adams) Becker, Ann. Mus. 
Nat. Hung. 10: 79. 1912. 

Preoccupied by Chlorops bilineatus Bigot (Bull. 
Soc. Zool. France 16: 279. 1891), referred to 
Elachiptera by Becker (1908, 1910), as a syno- 
nym of EL. bimaculata (Loew). 

This species is characterized by the broad, 
flat arista, short frontal triangle, gray pollinose 
ocellar tubercle, 2 or 3 stripes of gray pollen on 


VOL. 38, NO. 11 

the mesonotum, and broadly rounded scutel- 
lum with 2 or 3 pairs of small marginal tuber- 
cles. The legs are predominantly yellow to red- 
dish yellow, with some infuscation on the fore 
tibia distally, the fore tarsus, hind tibia, and 
hind femur toward the knee, rarely extensively 
infuscated. Some variation has been observed in 
the number of rows of hairs between the median 
and dorsocentral lines, 1 to 3 rows, and this 
varies the appearance from relatively sparsely 
to relatively densely haired. 

It is the most widely distributed species of 
the decipiens group, for records are available 
from New York and New Jersey to California 
across the northern United States. The north- 
ward limits are uncertain, but it is interesting 
to note that all Alaskan material of the de- 
cipiens group thus far examined has been only 
typical decipiens. 

The holotype, a female from Oak Creek 
Canyon, Ariz., now in the Snow Collection at 
the University of Kansas, has been personally 

Of all American forms, vittata is closest to the 
European £E. cornuta (Fallén). I have been un- 
able to satisfy myself that the two are the 
same species, however, and wittata has thus 
been regarded here as a distinct species. 

Distribution: Records are available from Al- 
berta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and from 14 
states: Arizona, California, Idaho, Maryland, 
Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, New 
Jersey, New York, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, 
Utah, and Washington. 

21. Elachiptera (E.) californica, n. sp. 

As characterized in the key, and as described 
for E. vittata, differing from that species only in 
having the ocellar tubercle polished, not polli- 

Type.—Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58867. 

Holotype, male, Ellery Lake, Tioga Pass, 
Calif., 9,400 ft., July 3, 1927 (J. M. Aldrich). 
Allotype, Sequoia National Park, Calif., June 
11, 1985 (P. W. Oman), Type and allotype in 
the U. 8. National Museum. Paratypes: 1 @, 
Carmel, Calif., July 8, 19388 (M. Cazier);2¢ 0, 
San Jacinto, Calif., July 21, 1929 (Ro 
Beamer) [Kansas Univ. and Sabrosky Colls.]. 

22. Elachiptera (E.) penita (Adams) 

Crassiseta penita Adams, Journ. New York Ent. 
Soc. 16: 152. 1908. (Wisconsin.) 

Nov. 15, 1948 

I have seen only one specimen that can be 
referred here, a female, Falmouth Heights, 
Mass., August 13, 1924 [Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist.]. It is 3 mm in length, somewhat larger 
than the other species of Elachiptera, and with 
the following characteristics: Arista narrow, 
ouly slightly broadened basally and strongly 
attenuated from base to apex; frontal triangle 
long, its apex nearly reaching the anterior mar- 
gin of the front; ocellar tubercle gray pollinose; 
front relatively long, not appearing broad and 
square as in the other species of the group 
(except formosa), by actual measurement the 
length 1.0—1.07 times the width at the vertex; 
mesonotum without pollinose stripes, the disk 
polished black, the humeri, notopleura, supra- 
alar area, a narrow prescutellar band, and the 
scutellum, gray pollinose; median and dorso- 
central lines and the entire posterior slope of 
the mesonotum punctured and rugose; scutel- 
lum shorter than broad, the length 0.9 times 
the width at base and appearing subtruncate. 

I have not seen Adams’s cotypes (two males 
from Wisconsin), but Dr. Aldrich examined 
them in the University of Arkansas Collection 
in 1915. He thought that they were probably 
formosa Loew, but he noted that there were no 
gray stripes on the dorsum. This fact, with 
several points mentioned in the original de- 
scription (large size, large triangle, etc.) makes 
it reasonably certain that the above specimen 
represents penita Adams. It is not a synonym 
of formosa, but a distinct species. 

23. Elachiptera (E.) knowltoni, n. sp. 

Male, female —As described for E. nigriceps, 
except as follows: Head lighter in color, the 
front, face except for central depression, and 
lower and anterior margins of cheek, yellow; 
front broad, the length usually 0.92—0.96 times 
the width at vertex; frontal triangle shorter 
than in nigriceps, the apex not reaching the 
anterior margin of the front and sides less con- 
vex, obviously occupying less of the front than 
that of nigriceps; triangle polished black, but 
ocellar tubercle distinctly gray-pollinose: pal- 
pus bright yellow in both sexes; arista in both 
sexes only slightly thickened, short pubescent, 
not at all flattened, and thus resembling that of 
Oscinella; scutellum short and broad, 0.8—0.87 
times as long as broad at base. 

Legs usually rather extensively infuscated, 
all femora and tibiae, except bases and apices, 



brown to black, fore tarsus black and other 
tarsi browned distally: in the palest specimen, 
the mid and hind femora broadly yellow at 
each end, and the fore femur infuscated only on 
outer surface. 

Length, 2.25-2.5 mm. 

Type.—Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58868. 

Holotype male, and allotype, Randolph, 
Utab, September 21, 1938 (G. F. Knowlton ard 
F. C. Harmston). Type and allotype deposited 
in the U. S. National Museum through the 
courtesy of Dr. Knowlton. Paratypes: 2 (2, 
2), same data as type [Utah Agr. College 
Coll.]; Cotorapo: 1 9, Electric Lake, La Plata 
County, June 28-30, 1919, about 8,400 ft. 
[Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.]: 1 9, Holly, September 
6, 1938 (D. E. and A. Hardy) [Kansas Univ. 
Coll.]: 1 29, Monument, August 6, 1938 (M. T. 
James, Urless Lanham) [James Coll.]. Ipano: 
1 #, Kellogg, August 14, 1926, altitude 2,305 ft. 
(R. W. Haegele) [Univ. of Idaho]. Monrana: 
ro, “Drummond: “Auweust il, 1931° (Gee 
Beamer) [Kansas Univ. Coll.]. Nevapa: 1 9, 
Austin, August 12, 1940 (R. H. Beamer) 
[Kansas Univ. Coll.]. UTAH: 1 2, Blue Creek, 
September 2, 1938 (Knowlton and Harmston) ; 
1¢@, Salina, August 16, 1938 (Knowlton and 
Harmston); 12, Lewiston, April 27, 1938 
(Knowlton and Hardy); 1¢, Juab, April 23, 
1935 (Knowlton and C. F. Smith); 1, Hurri- 
cane, August 13, 1938 (Knowlton and Harm- 
ston) [Utah Agr. College Coll.]; 1 2, Spanish 
Fork (D. E. Hardy) [U.S.N.M.]. 

24. Elachiptera (E.) decipiens (Loew) 

Oscinis decipiens Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. 7: 40. 
1863. (Centuria III, No. 76.) (Sitka, Alaska.) 
Diagnosis: Arista usually somewhat flat- 

tened nearly to the apex, sometimes flattened 

basally and narrowing on the apical half or 
three-quarters, but in any case decidedly nar- 

rower than in wittata (cf. key, couplet 21); 

frontal triangle short, approximately three- 

fourths the length of the front; ocellar tubercle 
gray-pollinose; front appearing short and 
broad, or nearly square, by actual measure- 
ment the length only 0.87—0.96 the width at the 
vertex; mesonotum typically with two rela- 
tively narrow dorsocentral stripes of gray 
pollen. The species usually has a dark appear- 
ance, for the yellow on the head is dark, the 
posterior portions of the front and cheeks are 
more or less infuscated, and the legs are usually 


rather extensively browned, the femora and 
tibiae more or less predominantly so with vary- 
ing extent of reddish yellow at base and apex of 
each. Alaskan specimens are usually darker 
than those from localities in the United States 
and southern Canada. 

This is definitely not typical cornuta Fallén, 
for the arista is narrower and the legs darker. 
Whether it is the same as some of the described 
“varieties” of cornuta remains to be determined. 
As already pointed out, it seems to be near 
cornuta var. strobli Corti (1909), and if they 
prove to be the same, Loew’s name has prior- 

The considerable amount of Alaskan ma- 
terial that I have seen in the genus Elachiptera 
has consisted entirely of decipiens, except for 
an occasional specimen of Eribolus sudeticus. 
Other than Alaska, I have seen the species 
from Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territory, 
and Saskatchewan, and from the States of 
California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and 

25. Elachiptera (E.) flaviceps, n. sp. 

As characterized in the key; near E. decipiens 
but the arista slender, scarcely flattened be- 
yond the basal segment; head with bright ap- 
pearance, predominantly bright yellow, the 


VOL. 38, NO. 11 

triangle reddish to brown; legs typically yel- 
low, with scarcely any infuscation. 

Length, 2—2.25 mm. 

Type.—Male, U.S.N.M. no. 58869. 

Holotype, male, Moscow, Idaho, June 2, 
1908 (J. M. Aldrich). Allotype, Smith River, 
Calif., July 17, 1930 (Aldrich). Type and allo- 
type in the U.S. National Museum. Paratypes: 
CALIFORNIA: 1c’, Del Norte County, May 27 
[Deutsch. Ent. Museum, Berlin-Dahlem]; 2 
(%, @), Berkeley, June 20, 1947 (A. E. 
Pritchard); 1@, Eureka, March 6 (H. S. Bar- 
ber) [U.S.N.M.]. OreGon: 14, Hood River 
(Childs); 1%, 5 miles west of Sisters, June 26, 
1939 (Gray and Schuh); 1@, Vernonia, April 
23, 1988 (Gray and Schuh) [Sabrosky Coll.]. 

The only specimens that have been seen are 
from far western United States. It is possible 
that this is only a southern subspecies of deci- 
piens. The relation to cornuta var. rufifrons 
Duda of Europe cannot now be determined. 

Examples of this species could easily be mis- 
taken for Oscinella, and would be so placed in 
most generic keys. Despite the slender, atypi- 
cal arista, however, the presence of the usual 
two pairs of strongly developed fronto-orbital 
bristles and distinct though small marginal 
scutellar tubercles links the species unques- 
tionably with Elachiptera. 



The 420th meeting of the Board of Managers, 
held in the Cosmos Club, September 27, 1948, 
was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by the Presi- 
dent, Dr. FrepERIcK D. Rosstnt. Others pres- 
ent were: H. 8. Rappinysn, N. R. Smriru, J. I. 
Horrman, M. A: McCatu, W. L. Scumirt, 
F. G. Brickweppb#, F. M. Deranporr, W. N. 
Fenton, T. D. Stewart, C. F. W. MusssE- 
BECK, W. W. Ruspry, W. A. Dayton, M. A. 
Mason, C. L. Garner, H. G. Dorssy, C. L. 
Gazin, and, by invitation, H. E. McComs, 
L. V. Jupson, K. F. Herzrevp, and J. E. 

The following appointments were announced 
by the President: 

Committee to study question of providing a 
more effective bond between Academy and affili- 
ated societies: To be identical with Committee 
on Functions and Policies of the Academy (see 
Minutes of 417th Meeting of Board). 

Committee on encouragement of science talent 
in the schools of the Washington area: M. A. 

Mason (chairman), A. T. McPuErson, B. D. 
Van Evera, and Frank THONE. 

The President also announced that L. V. 
BERKNER had been appointed as chairman of 
the subcommittee for the Engineering Sciences 
of the Committee on Awards for Scientific 
Achievement, succeeding the late Harry 

The chairman of the Committee on Member- 
ship, H. E. McComp, presented six nomina- 
tions, five resident and one nonresident. 

The chairman of the Committee on Mono- 
graphs, Dr. L. V. Jupson, reported that all 
galley proof for the monograph on parasitic 
cuckoos of Africa had gone back to the printer, 
the first quarter of the page proof had been re- 
turned, and the second quarter of the page 
proof was in the hands of the Committee. He 
announced that printing of the monograph was 
progressing rapidly and that it would very 
likely be out this year. _ 

Dr. W. L. Scumirt reported that publication 

Nov. 15, 1948 

of the Red Book, which is now in the hands of 
the members, had cost more than was estim- 
ated at the last report in June and that 
$3,522.55 of the allowed $3,600 had been spent, 
leaving only $77.45 for the purchase of addi- 
tional copies. Dr. Schmitt also reported that 
two members who had their photographs taken 
by Hessler for the Red Book called attention to 
the fact that their pictures were not included 
in the final publication. The Board voted to 
have the Academy reimburse those two mem- 
bers $5 each for the cost to them of having their 
pictures taken. The Board of Managers also 
expressed its gratitude and thanks to Dr. 
Schmitt for his work in getting out the direc- 
tory. Moreover, the Secretary was asked to 
write a letter to Dr. GILBERT GROSVENOR ex- 
pressing the Academy’s appreciation for the 
-map of Washington which was issued as a sup- 
plement to the Directory. 

The Chairman of the Committee on Science 
Legislation, Joun E. Grar, reported that legis- 
lation before Congress on the proposed Science 
Foundation had passed the Senate but did not 
clear the House before adjournment, and that, 
owing to the volume of other matters, it was 
not brought up during the emergency session 
this past summer. To be presented before the 
next Congress it must now necessarily be rein- 
troduced as a new bill. 

In the absence of Chairman CRITTENDEN of 
the Committee on Functions and Policies of 
the Academy, M. A. Mason presented the 
Committee’s report, which is here included as 
an appendix to these minutes. 

The Board accepted the report of the Com- 
mittee and recommended its publication in the 
JOURNAL as an appendix to the minutes of the 
420th meeting. By separate vote the Board 
approved the new Article I of the Bylaws (to 
precede the old Article I, which becomes Arti- 
cle II, and so on) and ordered that the amend- 
ment be submitted to a vote of the Academy 
membership, as required by the Bylaws. 

Adoption of the proposed Standing Com- 
mittee on Policy and Planning, requiring an 
amendment to the Standing Rules, was referred 
to the Committee on Bylaws for definition and 
phrasing preparatory to its incorporation into 
the Standing Rules. 

H. T. Herrick was transferred to the retired 
list of members, effective December 31, 1948. 

’ The Secretary reported the following deaths: 

Ernest C. ANDREWs, honorary member, 
formerly of the Geological Survey of New 
South Wales, on July 1, 1948. 

Harry Diamonp, of the National Bureau 
of Standards, on June 21, 1948. 



ALBERT K. FisHER, honorary member, form- 
erly of the U.S. Biological Survey, on June 12, 

Francois E. Matrues, formerly of the U.S. 
Geological Survey, on June 21, 1948. 

Oscar E. Mutnzmr, formerly of the U. S. 
Geological Survey, on June 14, 1948. 

-Harotp W. Murray, of the U. 8. Coast and 
Geodetic Survey, on June 15, 1948. 

Ricuarp C. Toitman, of the California In- 
stitute of Technology, on September 5, 1948. 

The Senior Editor, Dr. Jamus I. Horrman, 
made a progress report on the matter of secur- 
ing a new printer for the JourNAL. The George 
Banta Publishing Co., because of the volume of 
other work handled, recently notified the Board 
of Editors that they would be unable to con- 
tinue printing the JourNnauL. Dr. Hoffman se- 
cured bids from certain other printers, and al- 
though his conclusions could not be made 
definite at this time, it appeared likely that the 
cost of printing the JouRNAL elsewhere would 
be approximately 10 percent higher than in the 
immediate past. He expected to have more 
complete data and formal bids to present at 
the next meeting of the Board. . 

The meeting was adjourned at 10 p.m. 

C. Lewis Gazin, Secretary. 




This committee was appointed on April 6, 
1948, in accordance with authorization given 
by the Board of Managers at its meeting of 
March 15, 1948 (JourNaL 38: 188. May 15, 
1948), ‘“‘to study the functions of the Academy 
and to formulate a program that will integrate 
these functions, including the JouRNAL.” This 
action was taken in accordance with one of the 
recommendations submitted by a Committee 
on the JouRNAL and its Improvement, under 
the chairmanship of Dr. R. J. SEEGER (JOURNAL 
38: 80. February 15, 1948). President Rossin1 
indicated also that the committee should 
formulate an introductory article for the By- 
laws setting forth the aims and functions of the 

At the meeting of the Board of Managers on 
June 7, 1948, the Board authorized the ap- 
pointment of a Special Committee ‘“‘to improve 
the ties and relations binding the Academy and 
its Affiliated Societies.’ Since this assignment 
involves policies and functions of the Academy, 
President Rosstnr has made this new com- 


mittee identical with the one previously estab- 
lished, and the present report deals with both 


In the Act of Incorporation of the Academy 
its purposes are indicated by the following 

3. That its particular business and objects are 
the promotion of science, with power: 
a. To acquire, hold, and convey real estate and 
other property and to establish general and 
special funds. 
. To hold meetings. 
To publish and distribute documents. 
. To conduct lectures. 
To conduct, endow, or assist investigation 
in any department of science. 
f. To acquire and maintain a library. 
g. And, in general, to transact any business 
pertinent to an academy of sciences. 

Cee On Ce 

The Bylaws, however, are often reproduced 
without the Act of Incorporation. It seems ap- 
propriate therefore to include a statement of 
purposes in the Bylaws, and the committee 
suggests the text below as a new Article I. Its 
adoption would of course require renumbering 
all present Articles and preferably changing 
“The Washington Academy of Sciences” in 
Section 1 of the present Article I to ‘The 

ARTICLE I.—Purposes 

Section 1.—The purposes of the Washing- 
ton Academy of Sciences shall be: 

(a) To stimulate interest in science, both 
pure and applied. 

(b) To promote the advancement of science 
and the development of its philosophical as- 
pects, through cooperative action by the 
affiliated societies and by individuals. 

These objectives may be attained by: 

1. Publication of a periodical and of occa- 
sional scientific monographs; 

2. Public lectures of broad general scope and 

3. Symposia, both formal and in the form of 
small informal gatherings; 

4. Scientific conferences; 

5. Awards of prizes and citations for special 

6. Grants of funds for special research proj- 

7. Organization of, or assistance in, scien-- 

tific expeditions; 
8. Cooperation with other Academies and 
scientific organizations. 


VOL. 38, No. 11 


The committee has reviewed the various re- 
ports on activities of the Academy which have 
been presented during the past decade at meet- 
ings of the Academy and of the Board of 
Managers. It has few novel proposals to ad- 
vance. In fact it believes that the Academy has 
done very well and has well justified its exist- 

As the body of scientific knowledge has 
grown more vast and diverse, with correspond- 
ing pressure for specialization both among in- 
dividual workers and among scientific and tech- 
nical societies, the need for connecting links 
like the Academy has become greater. This 
need has been intensified by the changes in 
personnel and in scientific projects which have 
taken place in the last decade. In Washington 
and vicinity, in addition to changes in previ- 
ously existing institutions, there have grown 
up several large new research laboratories. The 
present greatly increased interest of the govern- 
ment and the public in science also makes the 
time appropriate for active prosecution of the 
Academy’s functions. 

Meetings.—In view of the large number of 
meetings held by scientific and technical groups 
in Washington, it is recognized that the Acad- 
emy can not well make any considerable in- 
crease in the number of its meetings. It is obvi- 
ously desirable, however, that the Committee 
on Meetings give special attention to the 
possibility of obtaining speakers who will pre- 
sent broad philosophical aspects of science as 
well as those who represent fields of work cut- 
ting across the boundaries of the traditional 
divisions of science. The organization of sym- 
posia with speakers from different but related 
fields is another possible method, perhaps more 
generally practicable, for bringing together 
groups of members whose interests are diverse, 
and this is recommended. 

The holding of more joint meetings with 
affliated societies has been urged as a means of 
developing closer relations between the Acad- 
emy and those societies. Undoubtedly such 
meetings serve also to bring the Academy to the 
attention of members of the societies and thus 

assist in gaining desirable members for the 

Academy. The Committee on Meetings should 
take the initiative in maintaining liaison with 
the program committees in the societies and in 
arranging joint meetings when appropriate 
speakers can be found by either committee con- 

A problem related to arrangements for meet- 
ings is that of furthering the development of 

Nov. 15, 1948 PROCEEDINGS 

acquaintanceship among members. Even those 
members who attend the meetings usually see 
each other infrequently. While not proposing 
to make a social club out of the Academy, your 
committee believes that definite efforts should 
be made to stimulate a greater degree of ac- 
tivity in introductions and revivals of acquain- 
tance following the formal meetings. To facili- 
tate this, means might be devised for tagging 
members with their names and connections, 
and the Academy might arrange a meeting of 
some kind once a year purely for acquaintance 

With regard to subjects of meetings, the his- 
tory of the Academy shows a fairly good dis- 
tribution over the various fields of science. 
W. A. Dayton when chairman of the Commit- 
tee on Meetings prepared a detailed classifica- 
tion of subjects dealt with from 1923 to 1943, 
inclusive, a total of 151 meetings. With the 
addition of 30 held in 1944~47, the distribu- 
tion into very broad classes as set up by Mr. 
DayTON is shown in Table 1. 


Class of Subject ae ee Percentage 

Biological sciences. ............... 61 33.7 
Economic, historical, and social..... 8 4.4 
Engineering sciences............... 13 oe 
Be grICiSCICHCES ~~). <<: <-.------- 68 37.6 
Awards, exhibitions, and general... . 31 ily ea 
TURD 4s SRE GU AS Dene 181 100.0 

In the very broad class of biological sciences, 
however, were included 16 meetings, or 8.8 
percent of the total, devoted to anthropology, 
archeology, and ethnology. If this group is 
deducted, biology filled only 24.9 percent of the 

Another type of meeting which members 
found most interesting in prewar times was a 
visit to a research institution or a field trip. 
Such a program involves much work on the 
part of the hosts, but it has some compensating 
advantages for them. There are several labora- 
tories or operating plants in Washington which 
many members of the Academy would be inter- 
ested to see and which would probably not be 
averse to.a visit in ordinary times. Just at 
present there would be some special difficulties, 
and this kind of meeting is therefore suggested 
as a desirable feature for some future years. 

Publications (monographs)—Your commit- 
tee has noted with interest the careful steps 
which have been taken toward publication of 
the monograph on The parasitic cuckoos of 
Africa, by Dr. HerBeRT FRIEDMANN, this be- 



ing the initial venture in a program originally 
approved in 1939 (JoURNAL 29: 545-546. 
December 15, 1939). Caution is obviously 
necessary in embarking upon such a program 
involving considerable financial risks, but the 
committee believes that this is a highly ap- 
propriate activity, being one which can both 
serve a useful purpose for science and enhance 
the prestige of the Academy. The New York 
Academy of Sciences has apparently carried on 
successfully an extensive program of this kind. 
The Washington area should be a _ prolific 
source of specialized monographs of a kind 
which would not appeal to commercial pub- 
lishers but which should have a sale sufficient 
to cover the cost of printing and distribution. 
From a business point of view it must be recog- 
nized that such an undertaking initially de- 
pends to a large extent upon voluntary service 
by members who combine good business judg- 
ment with a high degree of altruism, but the 
committee believes that the Academy has 
many such members. 

Memberships——The committee believes that 
the membership of the Academy may well be 
substantially increased in view of the growing 
importance of Washington as a_ scientific 
center. A considerable part of the increase of 
100 in active members permitted by the recent 
amendment to the Bylaws (JouURNAL 38: 188-— 
189. May 15, 1948), may appropriately be used 
to round out the membership in fields and in 
institutions where there are disproportionately 
small numbers. No general campaign for new 
members is proposed, nor should there be any 
lowering of the scientific qualifications required 
for membership. The committee recommends, 
however, that emphasis be placed on taking in 
young men who have shown ability in original 
research or other scientific attainment. 

The distribution of members among different 
branches of science is indicated to a consider- 
able extent by the memberships held in affili- 
ated societies as shown in Table 2 herewith, 
although the data supplied for the 1947-48 
Directory appear to be incomplete. 

The fields from which new members have 
been received during the past five years are 
shown in Table 3. 

While there are some apparently significant 
trends shown in these tables a more important 
problem is presented by the tabulations of 
members in different organizations as given in 
the 1947-48 Directory. In spite of the changes 
in organization of the Department of Agricul- 
ture, the bureaus of that Department have 
maintained a good representation in the Acad- 
emy, but four other great research organiza- 



(As indicated in Directories of the Academy, including 
both resident and nonresident members) 

Number of Memberships 

Affiliated Societies 1941 1947-48 
Philosophical §; a ctssb as kaeeerae 105 125 
Chomicaln ne .cc-ac stint a enh am eae 102 97 
Brolowieale ss OM Tae wee ee 87 76 
Gecloricals is: 2h us. ct te. 75 74 
Botaniior len cp seks ok p Saxe ene ee ee 71 76 
PMNeInbersin toes rae ies ase 28 26 
Hntomologieals .\.\, os. td ele atte eae aT 33 
Helminthological’): :).\rectrcere creole a tees 23 26 
Whedieal 5: c0N6 ens RL ae se eee 23 17 
Bacteriological. sare wns gies cemleouciace 22 28 
Anthropolopicalis.c. iene eae alee 18 20 
I OTESUOIS sts cose oie cotire uae UF Gata chee cess 15 13 
Blectrical Engineers. ......62... 05.0 10 13 
Mechanical Engineers................ 6 11 
Radio cHneineers< .cecuien relate cee 5 9 
Military “Hnpineerss... <2 sas. oe 4 5 
FRISLOTICAS FEOG Salat ots, cease eet ene Satomi 3 yi 
Arehacolosieal.o 7 oR Se eee 1 0 
Giyil’ Bngmeersin aon Me lo 0 20 
TRO LAS eee See ee 625 671 
No society memberships shown........ 58 225 
Members of Academy................ 640 713 


Biological Physical Geological 
Botany... .o2-. 5-20. Chemistry, so. 6. 24- Geology....... 10 
Entomology..... 137 Ibhysiese 5 eet 23 Paleontology... 5 
Zoology=.% “s.2h. 7 Engineering..... 10 Mineralogy.... 2 
Bacteriology..... 6 Mathematics.... 8 — 
BiolOSy = ete = 3 Biochemistry... 5 Totals cers 17 
Physiology...... 3 Geophysics..... 4 
Plant pathology.. 3 Geochemistry... 3 Anthropology. .15 
Gytolosy--c2-0 = 2 Hydraulies..... 3 Archeology.... 1 
Ichthyology..... 2 Astronomy..... 2 — 
Geneties....5..... 1 Geography..... 2 di Way ree eee 16 
IMedicme® .2).% 22: 1 Meteorology.... 2 
Plant physiology. 1 Ceramics....... 1 

Total idee 67 Ro talers arses 87 

tions which have grown since 1940 to have 
hundreds of professional employees are repre- 
sented in the Academy by one to three mem- 
bers. These are the Naval Research Labora- 
tory, the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, the 
David Taylor Model Basin, and the Johns 
Hopkins University Applied Physics Labora- 
tory. As the staffs of these institutions come to 
consider themselves really part of the Wash- 
ington scene more of them should be drawn into 
the Academy. 

Another problem which the Committee has 
considered, but one on which opinions differ, 
is the question whether the scope of the Acad- 
emy should be stretched to include men work- 
ing in the social sciences, particularly econom- 
ics and statistics. It must be admitted that 


VOL. 38, No. 11 

ideas and methods in these fields, and even 
more in other branches of sociology, are still in 
an inchoate state, but considering their grow- 
ing influence in determining governmental poli- 
cies and economic activities of the country 
some members of the committee believe that 
the Academy should be receptive to “social 
science.” Perhaps a first step should be to de- 
vote a meeting of the Academy to some sub- 
ject in this field for which qualified speakers 
should not be lacking in Washington. 

Public policy and publicity —One of the aims 
of the Academy is to get the public, including 
public officials, to appreciate the importance of 
scientific work and to give science the place 
which it should have in our national life. At this 
time when the National Government is taking 
so large a part in sustaining and directing scien- 
tific research it is especially important that the 
Congress and high executive officjals should 
have the best possible advice on governmental 
policies affecting science. The location of the 
Washington Academy at the National Capital 
gives it a strategic position both for obtaining 
information on trends of opinion in Govern- 
ment circles and for supplying information and 
advice to those who are to determine policies. 
On the other hand, the fact that a large part of 
its members are employees of the Government 
lays the Academy open to suspicion of lobbying 
for the benefit of its own members. 

In view of these conflicting considerations 
the committee believes that the Academy, 
while giving serious and active study to govern- 
mental policies affecting scientific work, should 
be conservative in publishing any proposals or 
recommendations in this field. However, the 
formation of study groups or committees such 
as that appointed last year to keep in touch 
with legislation on science is recommended 
(see reports in JOURNAL 38: 79. February 15, 
1948; and 38: 220. June 15, 1948), and it is the 
opinion of the committee that the Academy 
should engage more actively in preparation and 
publication of factual studies and surveys bear- 
ing upon public policies affecting science. 

Junior Academy of Science-—The committee 
has considered with much sympathy the pro- 
posal for the organization of a Junior Washing- 
ton Academy of Science or such other related 
activities as the annual science fair, the science 
talent search, and general cooperation with 
secondary schools and colleges in the Washing- 
ton area to stimulate interest in science among 
young people. This field of activity certainly 
has promise of great usefulness, but plans for 
entering upon it need to be considered with care 
because a vital element is the availability of 


Nov. 15, 1948 PROCEEDINGS 

members qualified to carry on the work more 
or less permanently and able to give the nec- 
essary time for it. The situation is well sum- 
marized in the report of the annual meeting of 
January 15, 1948 (JouRNAL 38: 220-222. June 
15, 1948). It may be significant that the report 
indicates the temporary suspension of the 
Junior Academy in Maryland for lack of a 

As a basis for considering the status of the. 

JOURNAL of the Academy and determining the 
policies to be adopted for the future, it is de- 
sirable to review reports on past issues. Recent 
annual reports of the editors and an examina- 
tion of the 1948 numbers of the JoURNAL give 
the following data for the postwar period: 


Subjects 1945 1946 1947 1945 (6 mos.) 
Biological. ..... 53.4 41.4 53.8 36.0 
Physical..... pee Cell 18.2 8.3 38.8 
Anthropological. 23.8 26.4 20.1 5.9 
Geological...... 5.4 5.6 2.7 Matl 
Other (misc.)... 0.8 Dae 4.2 Pheidl 
Proceedings;.... 8.5 8 10.0 12.8 
intel exange esos 24: 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 (assumed) 

The distribution so far in 1948 is abnormal 
because some long papers in physics happened 
to be included in two of the numbers. A break- 
down somewhat more detailed and showing 
trends in specific subjects over a period of years 
has been made in Table 5 by listing papers (not 
pages) for the last three 5-year periods. 

(Abstracts in society proceedings not included; also subjects 
which averaged less than one paper per year are omitted.) 

Subject 1983—37 1938-42 1943-47 Total 
Anthropology...... il Zi 7 15 
IBObany A ake. TO 66 50 195 
@hemistry.....-..- =» 20 18 3 41 
Entomology....... PX 37 55 119 
phnology.....-.-- 3 1 38 42 

(inel. linguistics) 
ener ee cs bes 7 6 5 18 

(history, etc.) 

(Cealla ae eae 23 10 3 36 
Ichthyology....... 2 14 20 36 
Ornithology........ 8 7 13° 28 
Paleobotany....... Dili 17 4 48 
Paleontology....... 36 30 11 ida 
NPIVSICS fs crc hs er 20 11 11 42 
WOoOlOgy:, <.-.-.-.-. 90 52 55 147 

It should be noted that this tabulation exag- 
gerates the preponderance of biological papers 
because those papers quite uniformly average 
less than half as long as those in physical sci- 



ences. Averages for a number of years are as 
follows: Biological, 4.5 pages; physical, 10.5; 
anthropological, 8.0; geological, 5.0; other 
papers, 8.0. This systematic difference in length 
of papers in the various fields arises from dif- 
ferences in character of the papers, which in 
turn arise from the distinct purposes which the 
JOURNAL serves for the various sciences. In 
biology it provides a place of quick publication 
for notes on new or redescribed species and 
other taxonomic papers; in the physical sci- 
ences the papers are usually of broader type, 
many of them being authoritative and com- 
prehensive surveys or summaries of the status 
in given fields of science or engineering. Both 
of these classes are useful, and in publishing 
them the JouRNAL performs a valuable service. 
The two classes naturally appeal to different 
groups of readers; in any journal covering so 
many diverse fields any one reader must expect 
to find many articles which are of no interest 
to him, but this fact does not justify a low 
rating for the journal. 

Nevertheless it should be possible to make 
the Academy JouRNAL more interesting for the 
general reader by carrying out the recommen- 
dation made by the special Committee on the 
JouRNAL and Its Improvement that the Editors 
“be continuously vigilant in seeking papers of 
general interest, in securing copies of outstand- 
ing Academy papers, and in selecting papers 
from different fields for any particular issue”’ 
(JOURNAL 38: 80. February 15, 1948). A sug- 
gestion supplementing this recommendation is 
that the JouRNAL might obtain more presi- 
dential addresses as delivered before affiliated 

The Boards of Editors have repeatedly sur- 
veyed the situation of the JouRNAL and made 
recommendations for its improvement. (See, 
for example, JouRNAL 33: 113. April 15, 1943; 
35: 234. July 15, 1945; 37: 441. December 15, 
1947; and 38: 218. June 15, 1948.) The Editors 
have repeatedly pointed out that only about 
one-half of the papers published in the JoURNAL 
are written by members of the Academy. The 
committee would recommend that good papers 
be accepted or sought without regard to mem- 
bership of the authors. In brief, publication of 
articles in the JouRNAL should be considered 
as marking possible future members, rather 
than having membership considered a desirable 
prerequisite for acceptance of papers. 


As a first step toward finding ways ‘“‘to im- 
prove the ties and relations binding the Acad- 
emy and its affiliated societies” in accordance 


with the action of the Board of Managers on 
June 7, 1948, the Committee has sought advice 
from the Vice-Presidents who represent the 
affiliated societies in the Board, and has already 
received cordial replies from two-thirds of them. 

It is especially noteworthy that a majority 
of the Vice-Presidents replying have suggested 
more meetings arranged jointly by the Acad- 
emy and the societies. The records of meetings 
in the annual reports for the past 16 years show 
considerable fluctuations in the proportion of 
joint meetings. Out of an average of about 
seven meetings per year the number reported 
as jointly arranged has varied from none to a 
maximum of five in one year, the average being 
only a little more than one joint meeting per 
year. One specific suggestion is that the meet- 
ing of the Academy at which the address of a 
retiring President is delivered be arranged as a 
joint meeting with the Society which represents 
the major scientific field of the retiring President. 

Several of the Vice-Presidents have also men- 
tioned the desirability of getting announce- 
ments of Academy meetings to members of 
affiliated societies who are not members of the 
Academy. Possible procedures suggested in- 
clude purchase of announcement cards by the 
individual societies and reports to the respec- 
tive societies by the Vice-Presidents represent- 
ing them in the Board. The expense involved in 
the one case, and the long advance notice 
needed in the other, make it questionable 
whether either of these plans can be worked 

In fact, this problem of informing diverse 
groups of the many scientific or technical meet- 
ings which might interest them is one which 
affects other bodies in addition to the Academy. 
The plan which seems at present to give most 
promise of solving it is the Academy’s joint 
effort with the District of Columbia Council of 
Engineering and Architectural Societies to have 
a weekly calendar of meetings published in the 
local newspapers. (See JOURNAL 37: 412. Nov- 
ember 15, 1947; 37: 444. December 15, 1947; 
and 38: 255. July 15, 1948.) 

In considering relations with affiliated socie- 
ties the question arises whether there may now 
be additional societies in Washington which 
should be affiliated. The Committee is not pre- 
pared to make any recommendation on this 
point, but for reference would direct attention 
to the careful study of this question made 
shortly before the war (JouRNAL 30: 46-47, 
448, 534. 1940). 


Your Committee believes that establishment 


VOL. 38, No. 11 

of policies and detailed planning for their exe- 
cution over a period of years should be a re- 
sponsibility of a continuing group. The general 
responsibility and authority, of course, rest 
with the Board of Managers. However, the 
Board as a whole is a rather large body to deal 
with details, and the present Committee recom- 
mends that the Board consider the establish- 
ment of a standing Policy and Planning Com- 
mittee of six members appointed for overlap- 
ping 3-year terms and including members who 
have had experience on the editorial board of 

Summarizing other recommendations and 
suggestions in the preceding text we propose 
the following: 

(1) The text of a new Article I of the By- 

(2) Meeting directed toward (a) correlating 
diverse traditional fields of science or (b) deal- 
ing with subjects in a broad way so as to be of 
general interest; 

(3) More meetings arranged in cooperation 
with affliated societies, and more adequate ad- 
vertisement of meetings; 

(4) Special attention to promotion of ac- 
quaintanceship among members, both of the 
Academy and of affiliated societies; 

(5) Further trial of the plan for special pub- 

(6) Expansion of the membership especially 
to get more adequate representation from new 
laboratories and with emphasis on attracting 
promising young men; 

(7) Study of public policies and govern- 
mental actions affecting scientific work, and 
publication of factual reports on these sub- 

(8) Promotion of interest in science among 
young people, as for example, by supporting the 
establishment of a Junior Academy of Science, 
provided a sufficient group of members appears 
likely to take a continuing interest in this un- 

(9) Efforts to develop the JouRNAL along 
lines already recommended by the special com- 
mittee on that subject; and 

(10) Collaboration with all other organiza- 
tions interested in the promotion of science and 
its application, even taking a sympathetic at- 
titude toward the development of the so-called 
“Social sciences.” 

E. C. CritTENDEN, Chairman. 

WitiiamM A. DayTon 

Martin A. Mason 



cae Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

_ _—President..............+.+..+.FREDERICK D. Rossini, National Bureau of Standards 
TE MICEIEIOLY 6 oe eee cc enedeeaccsccevcscs+C. LEWis Gazin, U. 8. National Museum 
_ -‘Treasurer...........55+.+++5++++ HOWARD 9. RAPPLEYE, Coast and Geodetic Survey 
PUEPCNSUERb ls . pos. esie ease sciusses esse NATHAN,-R, Suiru, Plant Industry Station 
Custodian and Subscription Manager of Publications...........00ccesecesecccecces 
Gases alee bos os s0ee cis ues aes>ss- HARALD A. RenpeEr, U: 8. National. Museum 
Vice-Presidents Representing the Affiliated Societies: 
Philosophical Society of Washington................+.+++.- WALTER RAMBERG 
Anthropological Society of Washington....................1. DALE STEWART 
“Biological Society of Washington....................2+.+.+-JOHN W. ALDRICH 
Chemical Society of Washington.................++....+..CHARLES E, WHITE 
Entomological Society of Washington...................C. F. W. MUESEBECK 
National Geographic Society.............e+e20+e+++++- ALEXANDER WETMORE 
Geological Society of Washington..................+..2+... WILLIAM W. RuBBY 
Medical Society of the District of Columbia................ FREDERICK O. Cor 
Columbia Historical Society............000ee0+++ee08++++GILBERT GROSVENOR 
Botanical Society of Washington. ..........+20++2+20+2++++ RONALD BAMFORD 
Washington Section, Society of American Foresters........W1uu1am A, Dayton 
Washington Society of Engineers.................+..+++++.++CLIFFORD A, BrETTs 
Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers............... 
ara tewrs WC os 4 bene of bieie o. vcc% Seb acc es swe dee evil RANGCIS B,SHSBES 
Washington Section, American Society of Mechanical Engineers............... 
RD Ghia oad eccla es oie cee ON ps xv eyic Awe s ¥t-au bee ve oe SEMARTIN A, MASON 
' Helminthological Society of Washington....................-AUREL O. FostErR 
Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists...... Lore A. Rogers 
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers. CLEMENT L. GARNER 
Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers.....Hersert Grove DorsEy 
_.. Washington Section, American Society of Civil Engineers.....QwEN B. FrenNcH 
Elected Members of the Board of Managers: ; ; 
To January 1949....................»Max A. McCaut, Waxtpo L. Scumirtr 
To January 1950..................+--F. G. BRICKWEDDE, WILLIAM W. DikHL 
To January 1951...............FRaNcIS M. Deranporr, WILLIAM N. Fenton 
Board of Managers....................All the above officers plus the Senior Editor 
Board of Editors and Assoctate Editors..............0++200++-+.... pee front cover] 
Executive Committee......... FREDERICK D. Rossini (chairman), WALTER RAMBERG, 
eeeeceesssee-e+-+- WALDO L. Scumitt, Howarp S. Raprieye, C. Lewis Gazin 
I CMU ENON a acy), So Se heey we RE ae a EOE Oke abe ble os eae ae 
Haroup E. McComs (chairman), Lewis W. Butz, C. WytuHEe Cooxr, WILLIAM 
.........W. Drent, Luoyp D. Fre.itron, Reeina FLANNERY, GEorcE G. Manov 
Committee on Meetings. ............2..++2++++-++- RAYMOND J. SEEGER (chairman), 
 .,...-FRANK P. CuLLINAN, Frep L. Mouser, Francis O. Riczn, Frank THONE 
Committee on Monographs: 
To January 1949...........LEwis VY. Jupson (chairman), Epwarp A. CHAPIN 
To January 1950.................... ROLAND W. Brown, Haraup A. REHDER 
To January 1951.................... WILLIAM N. Fenton, Emmett W. Prica 
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (Karu F. Hprzrevp, general chairman): 
+s For the Biological Sciences. .... Se Se ak Dae Sa Se ety als Sater «Ny Coats 
C. F. W. Mussezeck (chairman), Harry S. Bernton, Coester W. Emmons, 
Extmer Hicerns, Marto Mouiari, GoTTHoLD STEINER, L. Epwin Yocum 
eee Phe PinmINGCTINE SCICNCER. f .. . . Su os Sik es we lee ss cw Sete de er och ee cle eis ois 
Luoyp V. Berxner, (chairman), Rosert C. Duncan, Herpurt N. Haton, 
Arno C. FIELDNER, FRANK B. Scutetz, W. D. Surciirre 
For the Physical Sciences..... Bes 
Kart F. Herzretp (chairman), Nataan L. Drakes, Luoyp D. FrEtton, 

EE ESOS SO te oe ee pee Pec een ew are ey 
Wiuuiam G. BrompBacHEr (chairman), Haroup F. Stimson, Hersert L. HALLER 

- ,,.JoHN W. McBurney (chairman), Rocsr G. Batses, Witiiam A. WILDHACK 

ay oe 

ANTHROPOLOGY.—Glossary of names ‘used i in canna’ Latis 
for crosses among Indians, Negroes, and Whites. H 
WooDEMDG 20.5 .4esssutscsnseesssueteeserstias 

Pee —Diagnosis of the Elsinoé « on n omer ngweh 

7 Lad f ty 

EntomoLocy.—A synopsis ‘ae the Necue species: caf. El, 
relatee genera (Diptera, Chloropidae). Is 


ot ne 

Penceauon: Pee etme 



ALAN Sronz_ Frank C. Kracrex 
_ PLANT QUARANTINE — ge) i Wasa eS 


oe aa ; ; 

James s. Wuiutams 

Wapo R. WerDEL 

Beye a 
 - BY THE 

te ter under the Act t of August 24, 1912, at Menasha, Wis. 
e e of Postage provided for in the Act of pr eerbh 28, 1925 
uthorized Ja aa 21, 1933. . 


Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

This JourNAL, the official organ of the Washington Academy of Sciences, publishes: 
(1) Short original papers, written or communicated by members of the Academy; (2) 
proceedings and programs of meetings of the Academy and affiliated societies; (3) 
notes of events connected with the scientific life of Washington. The JouRNAL is issued 
monthly, on the fifteenth of each month. Volumes correspond to calendar years, 

Manuscripis may be sent to any member of the Board of Editors. It is urgently re- 
quested that contributors consult the latest numbers of the JourRNaAt and conform their 
manuscripts to the usage found there as regards arrangement of title, subheads, syn- 
onymies, footnotes, tables, bibliography, legends for illustrations, and other matter. 
Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced, on good ey. Footnotes should 
be numbered serially in pencil and submitted on a separate sheet. The editors do not 
assume responsibility for the ideas expressed by the author, nor can they undertake to 
correct other than obvious minor errors. 

Illustrations in excess of the equivalent (in cost) of one full-page haltténar are to 
be paid for by the author, 

Proof.—In order to facilitate prompt publication one proof will generally be sent 
to authors in or near Washington. It is urged that manuscript be submitted in final 
form; the editors will exercise due care in seeing that copy is followed. 

Unusual cost of foreign, mathematical, and tabular material, as well as alterations 
made in the proof by the author, may be charged to the author. 

Author’s Reprints.—Reprints will be furnished in accordance with the following 
schedule of prices (approximate): 

Copies 4 pp. 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 20 pp. Covers 
50 $2.40 “$3.90 $ 6.25 $ 6.55 $ 8.70 $2.40 
100 ay Oe 4.80 | 7.70 $210 40 8 3.30 
150 3.60 5.70 9.15 9.70 12.30 4,20 
200 4 .20 6.60 10.60 11525 14.10 5.1 
250 4.80 7.50 12.00 12.80 15.90 +) 6.00 

Subscriptions or requests for the purchase of back numbers or volumes of the JourR- 
NAL or the PROCEEDINGS should be sent to Haratp A. REHDER, Custodian and Sub- 
scription Manager of Publications, U. S. National Museum, Washington 25, D. C. 

Subscription Rates for the JoURNAL.—Per year. .......2e-20e-2- EE, - $7 .50 

Price of back numbers and volumes: Per Vol. Per Number 
Vol. 1 to vol. 10, inel.—-not available.*....... de _ —_— 
Vol. 11 to vol. 15, incl. (21 numbers per vol. ee sigs SIG.08 $0.70 
Vol. 16 to vol. 22, incl. (21 numbers per vol.)..... - 8.00 0.60 
Vol. 23 to current vol. (12 numbers per vol.)....... 7.50 0.90 

* Limited number of complete sets of the JoURNAL eal. 1 to vol. 37, incl.) available 

for sale to libraries at $318.50. 

PROCEEDINGS, vols. 1-13 (1899-1911) complete....... we eee eee ceceeees ee G20-00 
Single. volumes, unbound |...).:2 5.3 os aiciae cigs Ca Mice cen aes aie aipureten ete ais nee ata ee 
Single numbers; 5s se eee ce eine Gael oes aa 6 a ae Be 

Missing Numbers will be replaced without charge provided that claim is made to the 
Treasurer within 30 days after date of following issue. 

Remittances should be made payable to “‘Washington Academy of Seiences” and 
addressed to the T reasurer, H. S. Rapr.eye, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Wash- 
ington 25, D. C. 

Exzchanges.—The Academy does not exchange its publications for those of other 




Vou. 38 

DECEMBER 15, 1948 

No. 12 

ETHNOLOGY .—The antiquity of the Northwest coast totem pole. PHiLir DRUCKER, 
Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution. 

The problem of the antiquity of the so- 
called “totem pole’ on the Northwest coast 
is not a simple one, and yet it is of impor- 
tance from several points of view: for in- 
terpretations of art history of the area; and 
for appraisals of interareal relationships as 
well. Barbeau has in various papers as- 
sembled evidence which he interprets as 
indicating the very recent inception of the 
complex. Other writers have been influenced 
by his conclusions: Herskovits, for instance, 
in a discussion of cultural dynamics in his 
recently published work, was led by 
Barbeau’s view to cite the Northwest coast 
totem pole as a particularly neat example 
of a historically documented product of ac- 
culturative influences deriving from Euro- 
pean contacts.? Likewise, Quimby, in a 
well-considered appraisal of sources and 
types of extraneous influences on North- 
west coast culture during the period of the 
maritime fur trade, weakens his position 
slightly by citing the debatable point of 
historic period origin of the totem pole as a 
fact along with the far more certain de- 
velopments he points out.? As far as 
Quimby’s thesis is concerned, this one item 
is of slight importance; the significant 
points he himself develops as to varieties 
of racial types and sources of cultural in- 

1 Published by permission of the Smithsonian 
Institution. The writer wishes to express his 
_ thanks to the director of the Massachusetts His- 
torical Society, Boston, and the director of the 
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., for permission 
to examine and utilize materials from the invalu- 
able records in the archives under their charge. 
Received October 12, 1948. 

2M. J. Hersxovirs, Man and his works: 
480-481. New York, 1948. 

. 3 GEORGE QuimBy, Culture contact on the North- 

west coast, 1785-1795. Amer. Anthrop. n. s., 50: 
_ 247-255 (254). 1948, 


RE i OR Ea 

fluence are for the most part beyond dis- 
pute. However, because of this dangerous 
tendency for interpretations to be accepted 
as proved facts, it seems important to point 
out available evidence that suggests a con- 
clusion quite different from Barbeau’s. The 
aim of the present paper will be to review 
critically what information can be as- 
sembled on the problem. 

Barbeau’s views as to the recent (historic) 
beginnings of the art of carving the totem 
poles on the northern Northwest coast are 
pretty well summarized in one of his earlier 
discussions of the problem: 

The art of carving poles is not really as ancient 
as is generally believed. Its growth to its present 
proportions is largely confined to the nineteenth 
century, that is, after the traders had introduced 
Kuropean tools, the steel ax, the adze, and the 
curved knife, in large numbers among the natives. 
The lack of suitable tools, wealth, and leisure in 
earlier times precluded the existence of elaborate 
structures. The benefits that accrued from the 
fur trade, besides, stimulated ambitions and 
rivalries between the leading families. Their only 
desire was to outdo the others in wealth and the 
display of prestige. The totem pole became, after 
1830, the fashionable way of showing one’s power 
and crests, while commemorating the dead or 
decorating the houses. The size of the pole and the 
beauty of its imagery published abroad the fame 
of those it represented. 

That is really a pretty moderate state- 
ment especially if the phrase “its growth to 
its present proportions” is stressed, for few 
persons familiar with Northwest coast 
culture of the historic period would deny 
that the tall carved poles, with their in- 

4M. Barseav, Totem poles of the Gitksan, 
Upper Skeena River, British Columbia. Nat. 
Mus. Canada Bull. 61 (Anthropological Ser. no. 

12): 12. Ottawa, 1929. 
JAN 6 1949 


volved, stylized, but powerful motifs, be- 
came most abundant after 1830, just as 
Barbeau says, as one of the results of the 
breakdown of native social patterns brought 
about on the one hand by the decimation 
of population (from disease and from in- 
creased efficiency of intergroup warfare 
due to introduction of firearms) and on the 
other by the enormous influx of new riches 
brought about by European trade. We 
know fairly certainly that the pole complex 
spread southward to Coast Salish territory 
during historic times.® Yet elsewhere Bar- 
beau indicates that he believes the entire 
complex of carving poles must have come 
into being since the ‘‘day of the early cir- 
cumnavigators, that is, after 1778’ and 
points to a possible source of influence in 
the ‘‘Kanakas’”’ (whom he describes in a 
footnote as “Slaves or serfs from the Sand- 
wich Islands who were used in fairly large 
numbers by the ancient traders,” doing 
something of an injustice to the adven- 
turous spirit that led many Hawaiians to 
ship aboard the trading vessels to see some- 
thing more of the world): 

We may wonder whether the insertion of aba- 
lone pearl segments as decoration for wood carv- 
ings—and this is a notable feature of many of the 
finest Haida, Tsimsyan, and Tlingit carvings—is 
not to be traced to this source, since the large, 
deep sea, shells themselves, from which they are 

cut, were imported, so we understand from the 
south sea in the course of transoceanic trade.’ 

And in another place he states: 

. . we may draw the attention of the reader to 
the close similarities existing between the plastic 
arts of the North West Coast and those of various 
people around the edges of the Pacific ocean. An 
instance will suffice here. The early navigators 
noticed, about 1780-1790, the striking resem- 
blances between the fortresses of the Haidas, the 
Kwakiutl, and other coast natives, to the hippah 
of the New Zealand natives. The totem poles, as 

fairly recently carved and erected on both sides of - 

the Pacific, offer the same compelling evidence 

5H. G. Barnert, The southern extent of totem 
pole carving. Pacific Northwest Quarterly 33: 
379-889. 1942. 

6 M. BarBEAU, Alaska beckons: 248. Caldwell, 
Idaho, 1947. 

7 BARBEAU, 1929, p. 24. ““Kanaka”’ influence is 
also stressed in Barbeau’s paper The modern 
growth of the totem pole on the Northwest coast. 
Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 28: 385-398. 1938. 
(Also in Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept. for 1939: 
491—498. 1940.) 

e . .* 
sets Hab 
wl * , 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

(See Plate xxx figures 2—5 [reference is to figures 
showing Northwest Coast totem poles and Maori 
carved poles and house entry-posts, the latter re- 
produced from Best’s ‘‘The Pa Maori, New Zea- 
land.”’ PD]). The technique for their erection was 
also identical (See Plate xxx1, figures 1, 2) 
(figures showing strikingly similar methods of 
raising a tall pole, from Tsimshian and Maori. 

There appear to be several flaws in the 
argued derivation from ‘‘Kanaka”’ sources, 
to which we shall return later on. More 
important is the line of reasoning that 
Barbeau follows in arriving at his conclu- 
sions. One of his basic points is that totem 
poles are not described in the accounts left 
by early European and American explorers. 
The other is that while aboriginal tools 
may have sufficed for the carving of small 
objects, massive carvings such as those of 
the totem poles were not practicable until 
the introduction of iron and steel tools by 
the maritime traders. The reader is in some- 
thing of a quandary, in regard to the first 
point, when he reads the quotations from 
Bartlett and Fleurieu that Barbeau him- 
self cites, describing tall elaborately carved 
entry-poles of Haida winter houses in the 
vicinity of Cloak Bay, seen in 1791.° It 
appears, however, that Barbeau draws a 
distinction between the detached memorial 
poles, which are his “totem poles,” and 
carvings which were integral parts of the 
houses, such as the carved house posts, 
and the entry or frontal-poles that con- 
tained the doorway by means of which one 
entered the house. We may perhaps grant 
him the distinction between carved house 
posts, and the much taller memorial and 
entry-poles, carved with multiple figures, 
but to separate the memorial or com- 
memorative poles from the entry-poles 
rather vitiates his argument as to the neces- 
sity for iron or steel tools for the carving of 
the former. While from the functional 
point of view the two varieties of tall 
carved poles may have been distinct, they 
were stylistically alike, and one type in- 

8 Barbeau, 1929, pp. 26-27. 

° Op. cit., pp. 16, 17. The Bartlett drawing is in 
a manuscript in the possession of Col. L. R. 
Jenkins, Director of the Peabody Museum, 
Salem. It has been published in E. Snow’s The 
sea, the ship, and the sailor, Salem, 1925. 


volved no more labor than the other in its 
execution. It is worth noting that the dis- 
tribution of the entry-pole, set against the 
outside of the house with the open mouth 
of a huge figure forming the doorway, had a 
rather wide if sporadic distribution (and 
the sporadicity may be due in part to in- 
completeness of our information from the 
early historic period). In addition to its oc- 
currence among the Haida,’° it is reported 
by a number of observers among the 
Central Nootkan Clayoquot: Meares, in 
1788, and Haswell and Boit, in 1799, were 
all impressed by the Clayoquot portal pole 
in “Wikannannish’s” house." Haswell’s 
peculiarly punctuated but graphic descrip- 
tion of the Clayoquot village is worth 

Their Towns are larger and much more numer- 
ously inhabited than those of the Sound (i.e., 
Nootka Sound. PD) they are better bult. And are 
cleaner their Clumas or carved pillers are more 
numerous and better exicuted some of these are 
so large that the Mouth serves as doarway into 
their houses some of their ridgpoals which are of 
incredable length and bulk are neatly Fluted 
others are painted in resemblance of various sorts 
of beasts and birds we met with resemblences of 
the Sun both painted and carved the rays shoot 
from every side of the orb which like our Country 
Sign painters they pictur with eyes nose and 
mouth and a round plump face.” 

In addition to the fact that the memorial 
poles and the entry-poles must be accounted 
as essentially the same, technologically, at 
least, there is the fact that memorial poles 
themselves are reported from several local- 
ities during the 1790’s. Barbeau himself 
quotes a passage from Ingraham’s Journal 
of the Hope in which Ingraham relates that 
he went to see ‘2 pillars in front of a Haida 
village .. . about 40 feet in height, carved 
in a very curious manner, indeed, represent- 

10 Marchand, Bartlett, and others have given 
us descriptions of tall Haida portal poles, elabo- 
rately carved, seen in the early 1790’s. These de- 
scriptions, which Barbeau (1929) has reproduced 
in full, make clear that the objects were tall poles, 
not “posts through which a round mouthlike en- 
trance had been cut,” as Barbeau phrases it 
(1947, p. 235). 

11 Meares, quoted by Barbeau, loc. cit., p. 16; 
Haswell and Boit in: F. W. Howay, Voyages of 
the Columbia, Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Publ. 61, 
69 pp. Boston, 1941. 

12 HASWELL, loc. cit. 


ing Men, Toads, etc... .’’!® There can be 
little doubt that these were totem pole; of 
the same type as those erected in the 
middle of the 19th century. Fleurieu refers 
somewhat vaguely to ‘‘monuments in 
honor of the dead” seen at several Haida 
villages, but does not make clear whether 
these are the ‘‘mausolea or tombs”’ he de- 
scribed elsewhere (platforms on top of 10- 
foot poles, and boxes ‘“‘wrought with art” 
supported on four short posts). At Lituya 
Bay, in 1793, the Malaspina expedition 
saw, and the artist Tomas de Suria sketched, 
a huge mortuary carving, very clearly rep- 
resenting a grizzly bear, set up alongside of 
some elaborately carved mortuary boxes 
raised on poles. In 1794 there occurred the 
interesting circumstance of a trading ship 
captain’s assisting a Haida chief in setting 
up a memorial pole. The captain was 
Josiah Roberts, of the ship Jefferson, out 
of Boston; the Haida chief was ‘‘Cunneah,”’ 
a well-known personage among the mari- 
time traders of the day, whose village was 
situated on North Island, on Parry Passage. 
Howay has summarized the very interest- 
ing journal of this voyage, which was kept 
by Bernard Magee, the first officer. 
Thanks to the courtesy of the director of 
the Massachusetts Historical Society, 
where the original manuscript journal is 
preserved, I was permitted to read and ex- 
tract pertinent passages from Magee’s ac- 
count. They run as follows: 

[June 17th, 1794]. . . in the afternoon the Capt. 
with the Carpenters & some hands in the pinnace 
went to the village at the request of Cunneah to 

Me INGRAHAM, quoted in Barbeau, 1939, p. 

14 FLEURIEU, quoted by Barbeau, op. cit., pp. 
17-18, 203. 

14 This Suria drawing was noted some years 
ago by Wagner in a paper on Suria’s journal (H. 
R. Wa@neER, The voyage of Tomas de Suria to the 
Northwest coast, 1791-1793, Pacific Hist. Rev. 5: 
234-276. 1936. The drawing appears in a publica- 
tion of the Museo Naval de Madrid, 1932; it has 
recently been reproduced by Wolfgang Paalen 
in a very enlightened article on Northwest coast 
art published in the magazine DYN (no. 4-5, 
Mexico, 1943). 

16 F, W. Howay, A Yankee trader on the North- 
west coast, 1791-1795, Washington Hist. Quarterly 
21: 83-94. 1930. Barbeau, 1947, p. 250, appar- 
ently refers to this incident when he speaks of “‘a 
seaman named Jefferson” who helped the Haidas 
erect a carved pole. 


plane and smooth a monumental pillar of wood— 
previous to its erection on the morrow—in the 
evening returned on board... 

[18th] . . . in the morning I went in the pinnace 
with the Carpenters and 2 hands to the village 
took along with us 2 spair topmasts for sheers & 
sufficient Tackling to set up the pillar—which in 
the afternoon got in its place—after finishing the 
necessary requisites for its intended purpose of 
sepulture of a daughter of Cunneah’s—I returned 
to the’ ship. /':) * 

On the 19th, Cunneah and his wife in- 
vited Captain Roberts and his officers to 
the village. The captain, the ship’s doctor, 
and the supercargo attended the mortuary 
potlatch. Cunneah gave each of the officers 
a sea-otter skin, the dead child’s father 
(Magee seems to have erred in his state- 
ment of the relationship made the previous 
day) likewise made them gifts, and other 
chiefs followed suit. Cunneah then re- 
quested the captain to have the pole 
painted. This passage with the description 
of the potlatch has been published ver- 
batim by Howay in his paper on the journal. 
Some days later, Magee was again sent by 
the captain to the village: 

[July 8th] the afternoon I went to the 
village with some hands at the desire of Cunneah 
in the morning—to raise an image on the monu- 
ment lately set up—which they cut and carved 
with a great deal of art—being the representation 
of some wild anemile—unknown to us—somewhat 
the resemblance of a tode... 

Several interesting details may be re- 
marked in this account in addition to the 
fact of the erection of a mortuary pole, 
which we may suppose to have been (and 
as a slightly later journal makes clear 
definitely was) a pole like the famous re- 
cent Old Kasaan Bear pole, with the addi- 
tion of having a small excavation chopped 
out in the back to contain the dead child’s 
body, Haida-fashion. We note that even in 
1794, after some years of contact and trade 
in the Parry Passage vicinity, where nearly 
all ships that made the coast put in, the 
Indians, despite their appreciation of white 
carpenters’ and riggers’ superior techniques, 
had not acquired the manual dexterity to 
use the European tools, which of course 
require a completely different set of motor 
habits. As a matter of fact, ethnographic 
accounts show that the adz in one or 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

another of its local forms remained in use 
until the latter part of the nineteenth 
century. It persisted despite the fact that 
for close work it is a much more laborious 
and a much slower implement than the ~ 
plane and spokeshave. The same _per- 
sistence of old tool patterns is documented 
at Nootka Sound, not far to the south, 
where white contact was even more intense 
than in Haida territory. Jewitt relates that 
during his enforced stay at Nootka, 1803 to 
1805, the natives continued felling trees 
with their iron-bladed chisels, although it 
took several of them two or three days to 
fell a tree, chipping away around and 
around it beaver-fashion, that he and 
Thompson could have laid low in a few 
hours with their axes. And yet, being a 
practical people, the Northwest coast na- 
tives recognized the advantages of the 
superior tools it took them so long to get the 
knack of using. 

It should be noted too, in Magee’s ac- 
count, that the initiative in the matter 
came from Cunneah; Captain Roberts 
simply had the base pole cut and “‘planed”’ 
and set up as the Haida chief wanted it 
done. Roberts’s aim was clear. All he cared 
about was cultivating the chief’s goodwill, 
in the hope of being given preference when 
the latter had furs for trade. The ‘“‘wild 
anemile”’ figure that surmounted the post 
was carved by native craftsmen; certainly 
there is no intimation that the ship’s car- 
penters had the least thing to do with it. 

We are fortunate in having a description 
of this same pole from the pen of a more 
articulate writer than Magee. In 1799, the 
ship Hliza, Captain James Rowan, out of 
Boston, was trading along the Queen 
Charlotte Islands. On March 22 of that 
year, her ship’s clerk, whose journal is 
preserved in the Massachusetts Historical 
Society archives, went ashore to spend the 
night at Cunneah’s invitation.!”7 The journal 
gives a lively sketch of Haida house-life, as 

17 As Howay has pointed out (in the Voyages of 
the Columbia, p. 96, note 3. 1941), the attribution 
of this journal to William Sturgis is incorrect. 
Sturgis was first officer of the Eliza on this voyage, 
and his log is in the same archives, but it is a real 
deck log—his ‘‘Remarks”’ columns contain almost 
nothing but winds, sails set, depth of water and 
type of ground at anchorages, and the like. 



Dec. 15, 1948 DRUCKER 

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witnessed on that occasion, then under the 
date of March 23, goes on to say: 

In the morning I rose early to examine the 
village, and take a sketch of it... [this sketch 
s reproduced in Fig. 1 of the present paper. PD] 
the village consisted of 8 houses of which Cun- 
neaws was the largest, being about 50 feet long, 
30 broad and 15 to the rise of the roof. to the 
peak of it I suppose was about 22 or 3 feet. At 
the right hand of the village as you go to it were a 
number of wooden structures raised I suppose over 
the bodies of their dead chiefs. some were exactly 
like a gallows, some a solid square piece of timber 
about 15 feet high on which were carved the 
figures of men and children. but the only thing I 
saw which had any idea of proportion, was a 
Pillar by the side of Cunneaw’s house on top of 
which was a figure intended to represent a bear; 
the figure and Pillar were both painted red with 
Ochre. the teeth, eyes, nostrils, and the inside of 
the ears (which were stuck forward) of the animal 
were made of mother of Pear] shell; which gave it a 
very beautiful appearance, in comparison to what 
North West Sculpture generally has... 

This pole, consisting of an animal figure 
surmounting a straight plain shaft, along- 
side the same chief’s house, must have been 
the one Magee told of, even though he 
thought the ‘‘wild anemile”’ figure repre- 
sented a ‘‘tode.’”? His remark that it was 
“carved with a great deal of art’ is signifi- 
cant. In other words, the bear figure, which 
called forth both men’s admiration, was a 
pretty gaudy, not to say garish, item. This 
fact, together with the utter lack of com- 
ment on the other carved poles by most 
writers (and the very casual mention by the 
writer of the journal just quoted), suggests 
that the few data we have on Northwest 
coast carving from the early historic 
period are more justly to be attributed to 
the poor artistic taste of the seafarers than 
to the nonexistence of the sculptures at 
that time. A few days before the writing 
of the above passage, the journal has a 
description of ‘‘Altatsee’s village of Ta- 
tanee,’”? near Cloak Bay, which, we are 
informed, ‘‘consisted of the large Number of 
two Houses...’ Going ashore in the 
evening, the keeper of the journal spent the 
night, and then, under the date of March 
11, relates: 

I rose at daybreak and having taken a sketch 
of the two houses, to save the length of descrip- 
tion [this sketch unfortunately is missing from 
the journal. PD], and seen two images that were 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

at a short distance from them which Altatsee 
told me were intended to represent two Chiefs, 
that were his relatives (or rather they were his 
ancestors for they looked as if they were upwards 
of a hundred years of age) that had been killed 
in battle... (etc.) 

In addition to the lack of appreciation of 
native art, we have so few mentions of 
carved poles for another very obvious 
reason. The winter villages, where such 
poles stood, were situated in sheltered 
coves with sloping sand or gravel beaches 
on which canoes were easily landed and 
launched. These sites are often actually 
partly drowned alluvial fans. The sailing- 
ship people sought anchorages in coves and 
harbors of quite another sort: they needed 
sheltered but deep water, so that they 
could pay out plenty of cable and swing 
with the tides without going aground. 
Sometimes they moored, of course, usually 
by a bower anchor and a hawser run from 
aft to the shore, made fast to a tree, but 
this was an emergency measure, really, and 
dangerous because at times the Indians 
cut the hawsers, either to steal them or 
with the hope of wrecking the vessel. Ac- 
tually few people on board, aside from those 
who deliberately went by boat or canoe for 
the purpose, ever saw the winter villages. 
In addition, many of the traders stayed on 
the coast only through the summer season, 
and lay to off localities where the summer 
camps of the natives were, running down to 
the Hawaiian Islands to winter if they 
wanted to trade a second season. 

However, even from the few accounts 
mentioned, it seems fairly clear that in the 
1790’s, when the traders first began to 
comb the coast, and visited the winter 
villages, there were not only elaborately 
carved portal or entry poles in Haida ter- 
ritory (and at Clayoquot), but there were 
also mortuary and memorial poles standing 
at the Haida villages and among the 
northern Tlingit. It seems that such poles 
were more common!y to one side of the 
village (among the Haida and at Lituya 
Bay), rather than directly in front of it, as 
the later custom developed, but they were 
being put up, nonetheless. I am not familiar 
with any journal that describes Tsimshian 
winter villages of this period. The Eliza 


appears to have been one of the first trading 
vessels, if not the first, to trade with the 
Nisga up Observatory Inlet, but her people 
never went up the mouth of the river to the 
village and have left no description of it. 

There is another line of evidence con- 
cerning use of memorial poles which may 
be considered. De Laguna has recently 
traced use of such features—most of them 
are, to be sure, less ornate than those of the 
northern Northwest coast, but many of 
them involved some carving of simple 
figures, and/or painting—from as far south 
as the Columbia River Basin northward 
along the coast to southwest Alaska and 
down the coast of northeast Asia.!® On the 
basis of such a distribution, the Tlingit- 
Haida-Tsimshian memorial pole complex 
(and the intimately related entry-pole pat- 
tern) would seem to be but a local in- 
tensification and elaboration of what has 
all the earmarks of a moderately old trait. 

To return a moment to the question of 
“Kanaka”’ influence on Northwest coast 
art, it is necessary to consider the route of 
the English and American traders. After 
beating their way around Cape Horn they 
sometimes put in for wood and water at 
islands off the South American coast. The 
Americans were a little chary of doing this, 
the English dared not, for their ships were 
sure to be confiscated and they themselves 
interned by the jealous Spanish authorities. 
Whether they put in there or not, however, 
they stood for the Hawaiian Islands run- 
ning before the Southeast Trade Winds, 
where they were sure of plenty of water, 
fresh stores, and wood. Many ships that 
planned to spend several seasons trading 
on the Coast ran down to the Islands to 
winter. By and large the traders main- 
tained good relations with the Hawaiians, 
being very conscious of the latter’s numbers 
and warlike proclivities—besides those 
natives had no treasures by which the 
traders might be tempted. The captains 
soon learned that when they were short a 
hand or two, replacements could be re- 
cruited easily (very early in the trade, a 

18 F, pE Lacuna, The prehistory of northern 
North America as seen from the Yukon. Soc. Amer. 
Arch. Mem. 3 (Suppl. to Amer. Antiquity 12: 
no. 3), pp. 90 ff. 1947. 


chief’s son who wanted to see the world 
was taken to the Coast, to China, and back 
to Hawaii, which may have set a precedent), 
and the Hawaiians seem to have made good 
hands. We know that several Hawaiians 
made more than one voyage to the North- 
west coast, for at times they acted as in- 
terpreters between Indians and whites.! 
Yet there seem to be no records—at least I 
know of none—of Maori being taken to the 
Northwest coast. Yet the Maori carved 
portal poles and carved house fronts are 
the ones whose similarity to Northwest 
coast totem poles is pointed out by Bar- 
beau; the Hawaiians, so far as we know, 
did no such elaborate monumental carving. 

The use of abalone-shell inlays is more 
easily understood as the transfer of the 
inlay technique from sea-otter teeth and 
the opercula of a sea snail, which was noted 
by the earliest voyagers on the Northwest 
coast,?° to a new and attractive material. 
The shells themselves seem to have been 
imported from California by the Spanish— 
not from the ‘South Seas’—they are 
usually referred to in the accounts as 
‘“Monterrey shells.” 

Barbeau also brings up the question of 
Russian influence on the Northwest coast 
at a very early period.”! That too is a doubt- 
ful point. The Russians were in ‘‘Alaska”’ 
by the middle of the eighteenth century, 
but the part of Alaska they were in is a 
long way from the Northwest coast. They 
were reaping a golden harvest in southwest 
Alaska, and so far as available records go 
made no attempt to cross the Gulf of 
Alaska until well along in the 1790’s (estab- 
lishing a short-lived post at Yakutat 1796 
and an ill-fated fort near Sitka, in 1799). 
Native trade along this wide unfriendly 
reach of coast did occur—as witness the 
Cross Sound atlatls, Aleut in type carved 
with Tlingit designs, and the wmzak, per- 
haps Chugachmiut in origin, seen at Port 
Mulgrave by La Perouse,” but there is no 

19 QuiMBY, 1948, refers to a number of cases of 
Hawaiians who shipped to the coast. 

20 Cf. JAMES Cook, Voyage to the Pacific Ocean 
(etc.) 2: 327. 

21 BARBEAU, 1929. p. 22. 

22'The atlatls are figured by O. M. Datron, 
Ethnographic collections from the northern coast of 
North America. Internat. Archiv fiir Ethnogr. 


evidence that such trade occurred on a 
scale sufficient to account for the abun- 
dance of iron on the Northwest coast as 
having simply been passed on from the 
Russian establishment on Kodiak: Island. 
After all, Nootka Sound is many miles and 
a multitude of hands, in hand to hand ex- 
change, from Kodiak Island, and it was at 
Nootka that Cook saw iron-bladed tools to 
the practical exclusion of all other forms. 
There is no evidence, in short, that the 
Russian influence on Tlingit and other 
Northwest coast tribes was of any impor- 
tance until the very end of the eighteenth 
century, by which time the natives had 
learned a smattering of English and had 
acquired vast quantities of American and 
British-made trade goods. 

Nor can trade from Hudson’s Bay Com- 
pany posts be considered a very likely 
source. For one thing, in Cook’s time, and 
for some years, the nearest Hudson’s Bay 
post was many days’ travel inland, to the 
east of the Rockies. For another, the types 
of the iron implements themselves—the 
heavy-bladed, rapidly tapering daggers 
(on the northern coasts, at least, double- 
pointed ones were in vogue at the time of 
first European visits) and the well-known 
curved knives—do not appear to have been 
forms made and traded by Hudson’s Bay 
Company. And finally, if any coureur de 
bois who had any contact with outlying 
Hudson’s Bay posts had ever crossed the 
mountains, Mackenzie, who was a practical 
as well as a bold explorer, would surely 
have got information that would have saved 
him many of the painful mistakes he made 
on his heartbreaking “journey to the 
Pacific Ocean.” 

It seems evident, in short, that the source 
of Northwest coast iron tools can not be 
attributed either to Russian or to Hudson’s 
Bay Company sources but must have Jain 
in some earlier iron-using contact, from 
which the precious pieces came along well- 

10: 227-245, pl. 15. 1897. C. H. Reap, Account of 
a collection ..., Journ. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. 21: 
99-108, fig. 3, 1891. A. P. NipuacKk, The Coast 
Indians of Southern Alaska..., U.S. Nat. Mus. 
Rept. for 1888, pp. 225-386. 1890. The umiak is 
described and figured by La Perouse, Voyage 
autour le monde... , 1: 390. Paris, 1797. 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

established trade channels, dribbling slowly 

down the length of the coast. One is tempted 

to suggest some late (A.D.) Siberian ‘Iron 
Age’’ culture as a source, despite present 
lack of knowledge of the eastward extent 
of such cultures. Collins has discussed in 
some detail the most likely source of the 
iron found in the Punuk horizon of western 
Eskimo culture; the metal made its ap- 
pearance at the beginning of that period, 
more than a thousand years ago.” Iron 
from the same Asiatic source may have 
been transmitted along a route that even- 
tually brought it to the natives of the 
Northwest coast in ancient times. That 
iron from a non-European source was in 
use in the Alaska Peninsula at the begin- 
ning of the historic period is made clear by 

Steller’s remarks concerning the iron knives 

carried by the natives he saw on the 
Shumagin Islands in 1741. He states: 

From the distance I observed the nature of the 
knife very carefully as one of the Americans un- 
sheathed it .... It was easy to see that it was of 
iron, and, besides, that it was not like any Euro- 
pean product.”4 

The persistent tradition among North- 
west coast natives that their forefathers 
first obtained iron from timbers containing 
spikes or bolts or other fittings that drifted 
up on the beach—presumably timbers of 
wrecked vessels—has suggested to some 
writers that this material may have come 
from junks—Chinese or Japanese—swept 
from the Asiatic coast by the Japanese 
Current. The possibility of such craft 
reaching the Northwest coast periodically, 
with iron implements aboard, and perhaps 
survivors of their crews to teach the use of 
them, can not be dismissed. We have not 
only the evidence of the Japanese glass 
net floats, and more recently, mines, that 
drift ashore in quantities on the outer 
beaches from the Queen Charlotte Islands 
to the Oregon, and perhaps northern Cali- 
fornia coasts, but there is the well-docu- 
mented incident of the Japanese junk 

23 Henry B. Coxuuins, Jr., Archeology of St. 
Lawrence Island, Alaska. Smithsonian Mise. 
Coll. 96, no. 1, pp. 304-305, 329. 1937. 

24 STELLER, 2n F. A. Golder, Bering’s voyages, 
Amer. Geogr. Soc. Research Ser. No. 2, 2: 97. 



wrecked on Cape Flattery with three crew- 
men still alive.” Or perhaps both these 
possible sources were involved, including 
the Siberian Iron Age one. 

This discussion seems to have gone 
pretty far afield from its avowed theme of 
Northwest coast totem poles. Yet all the 
facts are pertinent. Even if the hypothesis 
is allowed that the origin of Northwest 
coast art was intimately linked with the 
use of metal tools, it is not necessary to as- 
sume that these tools, and the beginnings of 
the art style and even its maximum ex- 
pression in the great carved poles, mus! be 

2 C. M. Drury, Early American contacts with 
the Japanese. Pacific Northwest Quarterly 36: 
319-330. 1945. 

However, despite Quimby’s statements (1948, 
p. 247), there are no known records of Japanese 
reaching the coast during the period of the mari- 
time trade, let alone before. As for timbers with 
iron in them, however, wrecks of junks seem 
doubtful possibilities. At least it is my under- 
standing that one of the characteristics of junks, 
in addition to their bluff lines, shallow keels, and 
lug sails, is the lack of metal involved in their 
construction. For iron-bearing timbers the best 
possibility would seem to be wreckage from the 
occasional lost ‘‘nao de Manila’’—the galleons 
that plied between Manila and Acapulco begin- 
ning nearly two centuries before Cook stood in to 
Nootka Sound. 


dated after the period of first European con- 
tacts in the closing decades of the eight- 
eenth century. Three separate sets of 
facts indicate that Northwest coast art, 
and the carving of totem poles themselves, 
antedated all European influences in the 
area. First, not only small objects carved 
in best Northwest coast style but totem 
poles themselves were seen by the first 
Europeans who had the curiosity to go 
visit the winter villages where such poles 
might be found, in northern Tlingit coun- 
try, among the Haida, and in a related 
form, among the Nootkan Clayoquot. 
Second, these poles, or at least the poles in 
their memorial function, seem to represent 
an elaboration of a burial complex involving 
use of memorial poles set up by the graves 
that extended from the Northwestern 
United States clear around the Pacific rim 
into northeastern Asia. And finally, even 
if such carving was dependent on the use of 
iron (as of course can not be conclusively 
proved), it seems most probable that the 
tribes of the Northwest coast obtained their 
iron from some Asiatic source long before 
the entry of Europeans or Russians into 
the North Pacific. | 

ARCHEOLOGY .—Early cultural manifestations exposed by the archeological survey 
of the Buggs Island Reservoir in southern Virginia and northern North Carolina. 
CaRL F. Miuuier, River Basin Surveys, Bureau of American Ethnology, 

Smithsonian Institution. 

During the months of February through 
April 1947, three governmental agencies, 
the Corps of Engineers, the National Park 
Service, and the Smithsonian Institution 
conducted an archeological survey of the 
area to be flooded by the Buggs Island dam. 
The dam is being constructed 178.7 river 
miles above the mouth of the Roanoke 
River in Mecklenburg County, Va., about 
20.3 miles downstream from Clarksville, 
Va., and 18 miles upstream from the 
Virginia—North Carolina boundary, taking 
in part of Mecklenburg, Halifax, and 
Charlotte Counties in Virginia and Warren, 
Vance, and Granville Counties in North 

! Received September 2, 1948. 

(Communicated by MarruHEw W. STIRLING.) 

The Roanoke River rises on the eastern 
slopes of the Appalachian Mountains, flows 
in a southeasterly direction toward the 
Atlantic coast, and empties into Albemarle 
Sound, N. C. The principal tributary, the 
Dan River, rises in Patrick County, Va., 
flows into North Carolina, and ultimately 
returns to Virginia where it enters the 
Roanoke at Clarksville. A small portion of 
the drainage basin lies in the rugged terrain 
of the Allegheny and Blue Ridge Moun- 
tains, the remainder is in the Piedmont 
Plateau. The latter is a rolling to hilly 
country with elevations ranging from 300 
to 900 feet above mean sea level. The river 
channel varies in width from 100 feet in the 
upper to about 800 feet in the lower reaches. 

Ninety-four sites were listed by the 


survey, these comprising 34 village sites, 17 
camp sites, 41 flint work shops, and 2 
historic iron-working sites. In addition, 
eight other sites were located outside of the 
reservoir proper, which will be affected by 
the reservoir action. 

The survey shows that most of the in- 
habitants preferred to settle on the bottom 
lands usually on’ ground high enough to 
aftord enough drainage yet close to the river 
or its tributaries. It is upon the hills away 
from the streams that the oldest manifesta- 
tions were found. No mounds were noted 
within the Basin. 

Evidence gathered during the survey 
points to two main cultural horizons, an 
extremely early culture characterized by 
an eastern variant of Folsom, as dis- 
tinguished from the true Folsom found in 
the western part of the United States, and 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

accompanying groups, besides a very much 
later pottery-making group. Evidence of 
early man is not new, as former workers 
have noted his remains in Virginia and 
other parts of the Kast. Large numbers of 
points (Fig. 1, a-d) attributed to the east- 
ern variant of Folsom have been noted as 
coming from this particular section of 
Virginia and North Carolina. The possibil- 
ity of two Folsom camp sites within the 
basin makes the area more interesting. 

In the interval between the Folsom oc- 
cupation and the later occupants of the 
area, it seems that other early groups were 
present. This evidence occurs in the form of 
projectile points having characteristic out- 
lines, peculiarities of chipping—readily rec- 
ognized out of context, and are comparable 
to a number found in sites in the western 
part of the United States. 

Fig. 1.—Types of early projectile points from the Buggs Island Reservoir: a—d, eastern variant of 
the Folsom; e-g, Gypsum Cave; h-l, pentagonal; m, n, Manzano points. 


Saas ilinak dia orien 


Harrington? in his exploration of the 
Gypsum Cave in Nevada located a number 
of points attributed by him to early oc- 
cupants of the cave and were called Gypsum 
Cave points. These resemble a number of 
points, similar in outline and chipping, 
found in southern Spain and assigned to 
the Solutrean Period. Points resembling 
these were recovered from the surface of 
sites in the Buggs Island basin; the best of 
these are shown in Fig. 1, e-g. 

Hibben,’ while excavating a cave in the 
Manzano Mountains in New Mexico, found 
another distinctive type of point which he 
attributes to early man in that section. 
Similar points (Fig. 1, m. n) were recovered 
from the surface of a site in the Buggs 
Island basin. These points resemble those 
found by Harrington at Gypsum Caves 
with the exception that the Manzano 
specimens seem to have considerably more 
flare and definition of shoulder and appar- 
ently can be assigned to the same relative 
period, that is, later than Folsom. In this 
ease the makers of this type of point came 
into southern Virginia and northern North 

Nevada. Southwest Museum Papers, no. 8. 1933. 

3 HipBEN, FRANK C. Evidences of early occupa- 
tion in Sandia Cave, New Mezico, and other sites 
in the Sandia-Manzano region. Smithsonian Misc. 
Coll. 99 (23). 1941. 

ENTOMOLOGY .—Simulium virgatum 
(Diptera: Simuliidae).! ALAN STONE, 


Since considerable confusion exists as to 
the identity of the simuliid fly Simulzwm 
virgatum Coquillett, this paper is offered 
to facilitate determination of the species 
and to describe a closely related new species 
that has been confused with it. The species 
here treated fall into the subgenus Dyarella 
Vargas, Martinez, and Diaz (1946) (type, 
Simulium mexicanum Bellardi), and this 
paper deals with the only two species of the 
subgenus now known from the United 
States. This subgenus may be diagnosed as 

Usually rather large species; antenna with 
11 segments; anterior veins of wing with 

1 Received October 8, 1948. 


Carolina at a time when Folsom points were 
no longer manufactured and possibly when 
Folsom man had vacated this section of the 

Various pentagonal types are found as- 
sociated with the eastern variant of the 
Folsom which show fluting and comparable 
base treatment. These are best illustrated 
by types h, 2,7, k, and l, of Fig. 1. 

Apparently there was a time, after these 
early occupants, when no settlements were 
established in the area. At a much later 
date a possible prepottery group infiltrated 
and occupied certain sections of Virginia 
and North Carolina which in turn were fol- 
lowed by pottery-making groups whose cul- 
ture compares favorably with that of the 
Watts Bar and Candy Creek Foci of 

At the time of the coming of white man a 
Siouan group is reported to have occupied 
the Occaneechi Island at the confluence of 
the Dan and Roanoke Rivers. This site was 
abandoned before or about 1700 for in 1701 
they were reported to be occupying sites 
in northern North Carolina. 

The archeology of this section of the East 
is practically unknown, and until actual ex- 
cavation of the various sites has been ac- 
complished and a thorough study of the 
data obtained, no definite tie-in with known 
cultures can be made. 

Coquillett and a new related species 
U.S. Bureau of Entomology and Plant 

both hairs and spines; vein R with or with- 
out setae; radial sector not forked; vein 
Cu. curved; postnotum without pilosity; 
hind basitarsus with a_ well-developed 
calcipala; second hind tarsal segment with 
a distinct pedisulcus; each claw of hind 
tarsus of female with a subbasal tooth; 
anterior gonapophyses of female genitalia 
large, their inner margins subparallel; para- 
procts small; dististyle of male genitalia 
large and somewhat flattened. not more than 
3 times as long as wide with no basal process 
but with lateral margin sinuous. 

The species of this subgenus are not 
known to attack man, but several have been 
found feeding on horses. 


The references given in this paper are by 
no means complete, only those of real signifi- 
cance being listed. 

Simulium (Dyarella) virgatum Coquillett 

Simulium virgatum Coquillett, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 25: 97. 1902 (9, o); Dyar and Shannon, 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 69(10): 39, figs. 82, 83, 
126, 127, 128. 1927 (9, o); Fairchild, Ann. 
nt. Soc. Amer. 33(4) 718, figs. 5, 7, 32. 1940 
(2, pupa); Stains and Knowlton, Ann. Ent. 
Soc. Amer. 36(2): 274, fig. 75. 1943 (9 only). 

Simulium hippovorum Malloch, U. S. Bur. Ent. 
Tech. Ser. no. 26: 28, pl. 2, fig. 12. 1914 (9). 

Simulium rubicundulum Knab, Insecutor In- 
scitiae Menstruus 2(12): 178. 1914 (9); 
Vargas, Martinez, and Diaz, Rev. Inst. Salub. 
y Enferm. Trop. 7(3): 105, 106, 111, 163, 179, 
figs. 1382, 160. 1946 (<7, larva). 

Simulium virgatum chiapense Hoffmann, [Mex.] 
Univ. Nac. An. Inst. Biol. 1(4): 293-297, figs. 
2, 9. 1930 (2 pupa). 

Simulium mathesont Vargas, Rev. Inst. Salub. y 
Enferm. Trop. 4(4): 360, figs. 39-43. 1943 (7) 
(new synonymy). 

Simulium virgatum may be distinguished 
from all of the species now placed in the sub- 
genus Dyarella by the following diagnostic 

Male: Scutum with stripes, when viewed 
posteriorly the pale stripes broad and distinct 
to the prescutellar depression; wing at least 
3.5 mm long; all hairs at base of costa dark. 
Genitalia: Adminiculum (Fig. 3) with a strong 
median projection from the posterior border 
nearly half as long as dististyle; lateral angle of 
adminiculum a rounded rectangle, the space 
between central process and lateral margin not 
strongly concave; dististyle (Fig. 5) when flat- 
tened with inner margin nearly straight, outer 
margin distinctly curved; distal spine very 

Female: Scutum with distinct curved stripes; 
wing at least 3.5 mm long; hairs at base of 
costa on dorsal surface dark; tibiae rather 
broadly orange-brown medially, not mostly 
dark with a narrow subbasal pale ring. The 
female is not separable externally from bricefiot 
V.M. & D., or hinmani V.M. & D. Genital fork 
(Fig. 1) with strong inwardly directed tooth 
from each arm near base as well as a strong 
outwardly directed projection; handle with 
swollen knob at end; paraprocts with strong 
hairs confined to posterior margin. 

Pupa: Respiratory filaments (Fig. 9) 8 
(6 in two groups of 8, 2 single); dorsum of 


VOL. 38, No. 12 

thorax smooth, not strongly reticulated. Co- 
coon (Fig. 7) with dorsal aperture surrounded | 
by numerous projections connected distally. 

Type data: Simulium virgatum Coquillett: 
27°9%,29 9, Las Vegas Hot Springs, N. Mex. 
August 4 to 14 (H. 8. Barber). U.S.N.M. no. 
6183. The male, collected August 4 with the 
genitalia mounted on a slide and bearing the 
label “Type” and Coquillett’s determination 
label, is here designated lectotype. 

Simulium hippovorum Malloch: One female 
in ear of horse, head of Rio Piedras Verdes, 
altitude about 7,300 feet, Sierra Madre, Mexico 
(C. H. T. Townsend). U.S.N.M. no. 15407. 

Simulium rubicundulum Knab: Cérdoba, 
Mexico, December 17, 1907, one 2 (F. Knab); 
Las Vegas Hot Springs, N. Mex., August 7, 
one 92 (H. S. Barber), U.S.N.M. no. 19112 
The Cérdoba specimen was selected by Dyar 
and Shannon (1927) as type. The other speci- 
men is presumably one of the females of the 
type series of virgatum, only the specimen of 
virgatum here selected as lectotype having 
received a type label. 

Simulium virgatum chiapense Hoffmann: 
Only the female originally described. As far as 
I can discover no lectotype has been selected 
for this nor is it certain where the original 
material is now. The pupal filaments of vir- 
gatum were first figured in this paper under the 
name virgatum chiapense. 

Stmulium mathesoni Vargas: Holotype male, 
1,400-1,500 m elevation, November 21, 1943, 
Temixco, Morelos, Mexico (A. Martinez P.). 
Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades 
Tropicales, Mexico. In addition to the holotype 
two pupae were also described. 

DIsTRIBUTION. United States: California: 
Alameda, Calaveras, Fresno, Lake, Los Angeles, 
Madera, Mariposa, Monterey, Napa, Placer, 
San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Clara, 
Siskiyou, and Solano Counties. New Mexico: 
San Miguel County. South Dakota: Fall 
River County. Texas: Edwards, Medina, 
Travis, Uvalde, Williamson, and Zavala Coun- 
ties. Utah: Grand, Utah, and Washington 
Counties. Washington: Yakima County. Mez-- 
ico: States of Chiapas, Veracruz, and Chi- 

The above distribution is based only on 
specimens actually seen by me. Fairchild also 
reports it from Guatemala and Panama and 
Stains and Knowlton from Oregon. A recent 


communication from Dr. Dfaz N. lists the 
species under the name rubicundulum only 
from the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Vera- 
cruz in Mexico. In view of the wide distribution 


of the species in the Western United States, it 
is strange that it has not been collected in the 
more northern states of Mexico. The extensive 
California records are mostly due to the col- 

Figs. 1-10.—Simulium virgatum Coquillett and S. solarti, n. sp.: Genital fork of 1, virgatum; 2, 
solarzi. Adminiculum of 3, virgatum, 4, solariz. Dististyle of 5, virgatum, 6, solariz. Cocoon of 7, vir- 
gatum, 8, solariz. Respiratory filaments of 9, virgatum, 10, solariz. Figs. 1-6 drawn to same scale. 


lecting of T. H. G. Aitken and Bernard Brook- 
man to whom I am indebted for material. Most 
of the Texas specimens were collected by me 
in April 1941. 

Malloch placed Simulium hippovorum in a 
different group of species from virgatum be- 
cause of the presence of hairs on the pleuron in 
addition to and anterior to the pleural tuft. 
It is true that the type of hippovorum does show 
distinct pale hairs at the top of the anterior 
anepisternum, while these are not present in 
the specimens of virgatum from Las Vegas Hot 
Springs. Material from Texas reared from ap- 
parently identical pupae shows these hairs 
present or absent and it is my opinion that this 
character has no real significance. Dyar and 
Shannon (1927) also mentioned the variability 
in this character. Malloch also stated that the 
claw of hippovorum is untoothed, but a distinct 
but small tooth is visible on all three pairs of 
legs. The type of hippovorum would go to 
virgatum in the key to females of Vargas and 
Diaz (1948). The genital fork of the female is 
exactly as figured by Hoffmann (1930) for 
Simulium virgatum chiapense and agrees with 
that of one of the females of the type series of 
virgatum, and with those of two specimens 
from Chiapas, Mexico. 

The type of rubicundulum shows a few fine 
hairs on the anterior anepisternum on one 
side. The genital fork of the female is exactly 
as in hippovorum and the other examples cited 
in the preceding paragraph. It runs to hinmani 
in the key of Vargas and Diaz (1948), but in 
that species the handle of the genital fork has 
no knob at the base. 

It is not certain what specimen was used by 
Dyar and Shannon (1927) in figuring the geni- 
tal fork of virgatum, but it could have beer. 
from the type series. The figure is slightly in- 
accurate since it fails to show the abrupt knob 
at the base of the handle. The male genitalia 
are also poorly drawn, and it is impossible to 
determine from what specimen the drawings 
were made. The specimen listed from Clio. 
Calif., is not now in the virgatum collection, and 
so its identity can not be verified. That from 
Devils River, Tex., is the new species described 
in this paper. 

The description and illustrations of vzrgatum 
chiapense show this to agree in every detail 
with the females of the type series of virgatum. 
It is not clear what Hoffmann took to be the 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

type of virgatum when he compared chiapense 
with it, but he probably thought that Dyar and 
Shannon’s figures were accurate. 

There seems to be nothing to distinguish 
Simulium mathesoni from virgatum, the slightly 
more rounded shoulders of the adminiculum, as 
figured by Vargas, being found in some speci- 
mens of virgatum. A comparison of the species 
here treated as virgatum with males, females, 
pupae, and larvae of specimens from Cérdoba. 
Mexico, determined as mathesont by Vargas, 
and kindly sent to me for that purpose, show 
no differences of any consequence. 

The female description and the distribution 
of the species as given by Stains and Knowlton 
(1943) agree with virgaltum, but the male is the 
following species and will be discussed there. 

Vargas, Martinez, and Diaz (1946) made two 
errors in discussing Simulium virgatum. The 
first was in stating that the name virgatum 
was proposed to replace the preoccupied name 
Simulium cinereum Bellardi. This was not the 
case, since it was described as a new species 
with no mention of cinerewm. Secondly, they 
assumed that the figures by Stains and Knowl- 
ton of the male of virgatum were correct so they 
based their identification of virgatum on the 
wrong species and resurrected rubicundulum 
for the true virgatum. It is possible that 
tephrodes Speiser (1904), a substitute name for 
cinereum Bellardi, is the same as virgatum 
since Morelia, the type locality of cinereum, 
is not outside the range of virgatum, but until 
the type of cinereum can be dissected and 
studied there seems to be no possibility of 
fixing its identity. It is outside the known 
range of the new species here described, but 
not of several of the other species of the group. 

The topotype females of virgatum run to 
hinmani in the key of Vargas and Diaz (1948), 
differing from that species in the same manner 
as did rubicundulum previously discussed. 

Simulium (Dyarella) Solarii, n. sp. 

Simulium virgaium Coquillett: Stains and Knowl- 
ton, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 36(2): 274, figs. 90, 
91. 1943 (o@ only); Vargas, Martinez, and 
Diaz, Rev. Inst. Salub. y Enferm. Trop. 7(3): 
106, 111, 164, 180, figs. 161, 162. 1948 (2, 

Male: Thoracic length 1.3 mm; wing length 
3 mm. Antenna yellow-brown, the scape and 
pedicel paler; clypeus gray-pollinose with pale 
hair; proboscis yellow; palpus brown with 

Dec. 15, 1948 

brown hair. Scutum dark reddish brown, with 
fine, pale yellow, appressed hairs, the humeri 
pale yellowish; a slender median and a pair 
of curved submedian dark lines on scutum; 
when viewed from in front a small, subrec- 
tangular pollinose spot on each side of the 
median line at anterior margin of scutum, and 
sublaterally a short curved pollinose line just 
outside of the curved dark line but extending 
posteriorly only a short distance; a velvety 
- dark brown spot in front of wing base; scutel- 
lum slightly paler than scutum, with longer, 
nearly white hairs; postnotum dark brown with 
gray pollinosity: pleuron yellowish to dark 
brown with thin grayish pollen; no anepisternal 
hair tuft, the mesepimeral tuft pale yellow; 
stem of halter yellow-brown, knob white. 
Wing veins yellowish brown; hairs at base of 
costa mostly pale yellow, a few dorsally darker; 
hairs of basal vein brown; no hairs on vein R; 
fore coxa yellow, mid and hind brown; femora 
yellow, narrowly, obliquely darkened apically; 
fore tibia yellow-brown sometimes somewhat 
variegated with yellow, with pale pile; mid and 
_ hind tibiae yellow-brown, with basal and sub- 
basal paler rings; fore tarsus dark; mid tarsus 
with basal three-fifths of first segment white, 
the rest dark; hind tarsus with basal halves of 
first and second segments white, the rest dark. 
First abdominal tergite yellow, the rest brown; 
sublateral spots of whitish pollen on some of 
the segments; sternites pale yellow. Genitalia 
dark brown, the dististyle large, broad, with 
both margins curved (Fig. 6); adminiculum 
with a short median projection and acutely 
pointed lateral angles (Fig. 4). 

Female: Thoracic length 1.5 mm; wing 3.5 
mm. Antenna yellow-brown, the scape and 
pedicel yellow; frons grayish-pollinose; clypeus 
yellowish brown with thin gray pollen and pale 
hair: palpus brown with brown hair. Scutum 
when viewed from in front pale reddish brown, 
with a very slender median dark line and a 
pair of narrow curved dark lines merging with 
a dark prescutellar area, and usually connected 

at their closest proximity near anterior third of 

scutum by a narrow dark, transverse line; 
viewed from behind the dark pattern becomes 
nearly white on a darker ground; humeri pale 
yellow; a dark brown, rather small, velvety 
patch in front of wing base; pleuron yellowish 
to brown. with whitish pollinosity; no anepise 
ternal hairs; mesepimeral tuft yellowish: halter 



yellow, the stem darkened. Wing veins yel- 
lowish brown; hairs at base of costa mostly 
pale yellow, some dorsally darkened; hairs of 
stem vein dark. Leg color essentially as in male, 
but foretibia more frequently somewhat varie- 
gated. Abdomen dark brown, with grayish 
posterolateral bands on most segments; last 
three tergites subshining, brown; paraprocts 
with coarse hairs over most of surface; genital 
fork as figured (Fig. 2); the end of the handle 
may be somewhat swollen, but usually not as 
abruptly or strongly so as in virgatum. 

Pupa: Respiratory filaments (Fig. 10) 15, 
(14 paired and 1 single) about 1 mm long, held 
in a tight, forward-curving clump. Dorsum 
of thorax smooth with no spicules or rugosities. 
Cocoon (Fig. 8) with a smooth anterior rim 
and no narrow projections. Total length 4 
mm; dorsal length 3 mm. 

Larva: This is not described in full at this 
time because my knowledge of simuliid larvae 
is not sufficient to evaluate the significant 
characters. The submentum of this species, 
lacking strong, sublateral teeth has been 
figured by Vargas, Martinez, and Diaz (1946, 
figs. 161 and 162) under the name of virgatum 
and that of virgatum, with strong sublateral 
teeth (fig. 160) under the name of rubicun- 

Holotype: Male, San Saba River, Menard 
County, Tex. April 23, 1941 (A. Stone no. 68). 

Paratypes: Texas: Same as holotype, 270, 
19; Los Morros Creek, Menard, May 22, 
1939, 92 @ (Roy Melvin), April 12-14, 1943, 
lo, 22° 9 (C. L. Smith); August 10, 1942, 
2% (Roy Melvin); Menard, June 21, 1939, 
27%, 102 9 (Roy Melvin); Upper Little 
Walnut Creek, Austin, 19386,1¢,49 9 (A. B. 
Griffen); Nueces River, Uvalde County, April 
21, 1941, 1o, 32 9 (A. Stone no. 57); Frio 
River at Con Can, Uvalde County, April 21, 
1941, 27% o%, 119 9 (A. Stone no. 59-60); 
ex breast of horse, Con Can, July 29, 1914,; 
25959 (DP Co Parman & > ©) Bishopp): 
Uvalde, June 7, 1938, 8a oa (W. L. Barrett, 
Jr.), April 18, 19389, 27¢%, 22 2 (Deonier & 
Barrett); at light, Devils River, Valverde 
County, May 5, 1997, 1 @ (Bishopp & Pratt); 
Junction, Kimble County, February 21, 1938, 
1¢, 12 (F. C. Bishopp); Kerrville, Kerr 
County, April 6, 1948 (C. W. Sabrosky) 1 ¢: 
Shovel Mount, Burnet County, April 12,3 ¢ 9. 
Mexico: Xicotencatl, Tamaulipas, May 1944, 


io, 19 (M. Macias G.); Las Cascadas, San 
Luis Potosf, December 22, 1943 (A. Diaz N.); 
wings, legs, and genitalia of male and female 
on slides. Holotype and paratypes, U.S.N.M. 
no. 58956; paratypes, Instituto Salubridade y 
Enfermedades Tropicales, Mexico. 

Also in the Museum but not designated as 
paratypes are numerous larvae and pupae from 
Uvalde, Edwards, and Menard Counties, and 
the male genitalia from Austin mentioned 

or terrace in the sun. 
most abundant in t 
of Texas. 
The figures of the 

ame is derived from solarium, a balcony 
This species appears to be 
he Balcones Escarpment 

male genitalia of virgatum 
published by Stains and Knowlton (1943) were 
apparently based upon a specimen of solari 
from Austin, Tex. The slide from which I 
believe the drawings were made is labeled 
“Simulium virgatum Coq. Det. G. 8. Stains 
194, Austin, Tex. 10.18.22. Painter No. 60.” 
Vargas, Martinez, and Diaz accepted these 
figures as correct and determined solariz in 

Mexico as virgatum. 

The male of this species can be most readily 


s Pharodes, instituted by C. B. 

assigned to the family 

The species proposed 

then, P. tortugensis, alludes to the vicinity 

of the Tortugas Laboratory, the locality of 
the original collection of six female speci- 
mens. These came from three common 
species of host fish. The series is preserved 
in the U.S. National Museum and has been 
used in the present study to provide ampli- 
fication of generic and specific characteris- 
tics. This report adds to the genus Pharodes 
biakensis, based upon a single pair. These 
were found as parasites of a small reef fish, 

Caracanthus unipinnus (Gray), collected at 

Biak, New Guinea, by F. M. Bayer. Par- 

asites and host have been deposited in the 

and a des 

The genu 
Wilson in 1935, was 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 
the Smithsonian Institution. Received August 5, 



VOL. 38, No. 12 

distinguished from virgatum by the pale hhivs 
at base of costa, the scutal pattern, the shape 
of the dististyle, and the acute inter an (a 
of the adminiculum. The female may be dis. 
tinguished by the narrower curved stripes of 
the scutum, the usual connection between 
these near front of scutum, the usually paler 
hair at base of costa, the more extensivel 
distributed hairs on the paraproct, and the 
shape of the genital fork. 


Dyak, H. G., and SHANNON, R. C. The North 
ne ae flies of the family 
imuliidae. Proc. U. 8. N : 
saver at. Mus. 69(10): 
Spreiser, P. Zur Nomenklatur blut 
é saugender Di 
teren Amerikas. Insectenbérse 21: i 
Stains, G. S., and Know.tton, G. F. A taxonomic 
and distributional study of Simuliidae of 
Western United States. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer 
2 36(2): 259-280. 1948. 
Tarcas, L., Martinez P., A., and Diaz N 
Simulides de Mezico. Rev. Inst. Salub * 
vag Enferm Trop. 7(3): 101-192. 1946. 
/aRGAS, L., an faz N., A. Notas sobre la identi- 
fication de los Simulidos de Mézico. El bt & 
genero Mallochianella n. n. Rev. Inst. Salub 
y. Enferm. Trop. 9(1): 65-75. 1948. ‘f 

__Pharodinae, a new subfamily of Chondracanthidae (Crustacea: Cope- 
cription of Pharodes biakensis, n. sp., from New Guinea. 
1-alid.G. we aere National Museum. (Communicated by WaLpo = 

National Museum. The identification of the 
host was provided by Dr. L. P. Schultz 
curator, division of fishes. Dr. Schultz ie 
made available a series of examples of the 
host from various Pacific locations, but 
examination of these failed to yield Pestle 
specimens of the parasite. The Biak speci- 
mens furnish the first description of the 
male for the genus. 

| The assignment of the genus to the 
Chondracanthidae is accepted, but the 
characters of Pharodes are so strongly dis- 
tinctive and several represent sufficient 
departure from the anatomical details of 
hitherto described chondracanthids that it 
is considered appropriate to set forth its 
basic features as diagnostic of a new sub- 
family. The definition of the family Chon- 
dracanthidae then requires emendation to 
include these characters. 


Milne Edwards 

Cyzlopoida; in the female presenting sup- 
pression of segmentation and great expansion 
of the body into a fleshy mass with various 
protrusions. Body regions a cephalothorax, 
trunk and abdomen. Antennules inflated or 
prolonged, not prehensile. Antennae terminat- 
ing in prehensile uncirate claws or tripartite 
anchoring structures. Upper lip a flat plate or 
produced medially as a proboscis-like tube. No 
lower lip. Mandibles reduced, falciform, usually 
two-segmented, margins with or without serra- 
tions, in some cases bearing rows of spinules. 
Maxillules reduced, palplike, or absent. First 
pereiopods prominent maxillipeds, borne on the 
cephalothorax. Swimming pereiopods vari- 
ously reduced. Abdomen with caudal rami, of 
one or more segments; these may be unarmed 
or ornamented with one to several inconspicu- 
ous setae. Marked sexual dimorphism. Male 
body conforming more to the cyclopoid facies, 
but dwarfed and with great reduction of seg- 
mentation and: appendages. Maxillae and 
~ maxillipeds of more prehensile nature than 
those of female. Abdomen small, segmentation 

This definition is mainly based on that of 
Oakley, 1930. A very slight departure from the 
earlier diagnosis is the acceptance here of the 
recently widely prevailing view of the second 
oral appendage as the vestigial maxillule, 
rather than as a mandibular palp. The infor- 
mation contained in the present study has no 
bearing on the partition by Leigh-Sharpe and 
Oakley of the chondracanthids known in 1928 
as two subfamilies, the Chondracanthinae and 
the Lernentominae. These groups are here ac- 
cepted as completing the family subdivision. 

PHARODINAE, n. subfamily 

In the female, great expansion and inflation 
of the thoracic portion of the body, the abdo- 
men reduced to a vestige placed relatively near 
to the midpoint of the thoracic mass. Oviducal 
openings ventral on the thorax at the level of 
the abdomen. Upper lip produced at its center 
into a prolonged, distinctly proboscislike tube, 
prolonging ventrally the food opening. Man- 
dibles reduced, no marginal ornamentation. 
Maxillules absent. In the male, great inflation 
of the cephalothorax. Antennules and antennae 


placed well ventrally. A single pair of pereio- 
pods, the maxillipeds. 

One genus included, the type of the sub- 
family, Pharodes C. B. Wilson, 1935. 

Genus Pharodes Wilson 

Generic characters.—Female, head fused with 
segment of the maxilliped to ferm a cephalo- 
thorax. Dorsal carapace present. Main mass of 
body a trunk formed of thoracic segments 
coalesced and produced laterally and posteri- 
orly as lobes and extensions. Abdomen borne 
ventrally as a vestige at about the midpoint of 
the trunk. Two pairs of pereiopods on the 
trunk, consisting of inflated, sac-like lobes. 
Male a dwarf, although not necessarily at- 
tached to the body of the female. Two main 
body regions, a roughly hemispherical cephalo- 
thorax and a narrow, short, curled, tail-like 
trunk. Antennule as in the female. Maxillae and 
maxillipeds of markedly prehensile nature. 

Genotype.—Pharodes tortugensis Wilson, 1935. 

Pharodes tortugensis Wilson 

Only the female of this species has so far been 
collected. A partial revision of the characters 
as originally described as well as the addition of 
a number of details have been provided by the 
present study. 

The usual chondracanthid character of great 
fleshy expansion and inflation of the body, ac- 
companied by suppression and simplification of 
the appendages, is borne out in this form. Visi- 
ble segmentation delimits two body regions—a 
head, actually a cephalothorax, since it bears 
maxillipeds, and a trunk, consisting of ex- 
panded thoracic somites. There is a sharply 
constricted neck. The characteristic appear- 
ance of the head is due to its expansion later- 
ally, producing the aspect described originally 
as that of an inverted triangle. The middorsal 
surface of the head is set off as a highly chiti- 
nized carapace, apparently serving in part as a 
site of attachment for the considerably de- 
veloped oral appendages. 

The head is apparently freely moveable on 
the neck articulation. A position noted in sev- 
eral specimens was one of dorsal flexion, in the 
extreme producing nearly a right angle between 
the plane of the oral surface and the main axis 
of the body. In this position, the antennules 
and antennae protrude prominently, as seen in 
dorsal view. When the axis of the head is 


aligned with that of the trunk, none of the ap- 
pendages is visible dorsally. 

The trunk, which actually is the free thorax, 
in dorsal view could be interpreted as a series of 
three globose enlargements, separated by con- 
strictions and expanded laterally into vari- 
ously developed lobes. Each of these three di- 
visions, further, bears dorsally a rounded knob. 
The lateral processes of the first division are 
extremely extensive and flare out widely to the 
sides and then posteriorly, each nearly equal- 
ling in bulk the main mass of the thorax proper. 
The much less produced lateral processes of the 
second division are slightly curved, posteriorly 
directed, lappets. The lateral processes of the 
third division are just like those of the second, 
but exceed the latter somewhat in length. A 
posterior lappet, protruding directly posteri- 
orly, also arises from the third division. This 
terminal division, with its pair of lateral lobes 
and single median projection, was interpreted 
originally as the abdomen. This view will be 
seen to be contradicted by further details of 
the present study. 

All the contours of the dorsal surface are 
rounded and fleshy, as is characteristic among 
chondracanthids. In the original description, 
and cited as a generic character, it is stated 
that the posterior portion of the body is 
covered. by two tripartite plates. The accom- 
panying figure supported the description as 
given. However, comparison of the figure with 
the type specimen readily resolves the de- 
picted appearance as the oversimplified linear 
rendition of the dorsally knobbed globular di- 
visions with their lateral lobes and the pos- 
terior process. In agreement with other mem- 
bers of the Chondracanthidae, this genus pos- 
sesses no rigid cuticular structures which 
might be interpreted as plates. 

Ventrally, the subdivision of the free thorax 
or trunk is complicated by the inflated pereio- 
pods and their basal structure. The expanded 
bases of the largest lateral lobes meet medially 
forming a ridge, the posterior edge of which 
roughly bisects the longitudinal axis of the 
trunk. Just anterior to this margin are the two 
flattened knobs which form the ornamentation 
of the oviducal openings, and between these is 
the slight eminence which is the vestigial ab- 
domen. The posterior ventral portion of the 
trunk does not show distinct demarcation into 
globose segments as seen in dorsal view. 

The antennules are very much unlike the 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

usual inflated sacs characteristic of the family, 
bearing, rather, a greater resemblance to those 
found among the ergasilid parasites of fishes or 
among some of the chondracanthid males. They 
are strongly chitinized. The complicated articu- 
lations make it difficult to establish the seg- 
mentation accurately, but apparently there are 
four segments. The most distal segments are 
inconspicuously ornamented with a number of 
rather reduced setae. 

The antennae (Fig. 1) are 2-segmented and 
strongly prehensile. The distal portion is a 
heavily chitinized, stout hook. As was pointed 
out in the original description, there is an in- 
conspicuous outgrowth on the basal segment, 
representing perhaps a modified seta. 

The upper lip is a most distinctive structure 
in the genus. It differs strikingly from the 
flattened crescentic plate of all the other mem- 
bers of the Chondracanthidae. Here there is a 
prolonged proboscislike structure, supported 
by a complicated chitinous framework and ap- 
parently capable of a limited amount of ma- 
nipulation, as indicated by the presence of two 
slender muscle strands. The lateral margins are 
rolled and folded inward as thin chitinous flaps, 
forming a considerably prolonged mouth tube 
(Fig. 2). There is no comparable elaboration of 
an under lip. Posterior to the oral opening there 
is only an abrupt edge formed by the inturning 
of the integument of ventral surface of body. 

The mandibles (Fig. 3) are so located that 
their bases are just lateral to the mouth. They 
are minute and inconspicuous, but distinctly of 
cyclopoid type. They differ from those of all 
other chondracanthids in the absence of mar- 
ginal serration or spinulation. The surface of 
the mandible is very much thickened, but the 
constant appearance, in all preparations seen, 
of a much crumpled and wrinkled aspect would 
seem to indicate great flexibility rather than 
rigidity of the integument. The exact subdivi- 
sion of the appendage, due to this wrinkling, is 
impossible to determine, but the appearance 
most consistently seems to indicate a 2-seg- 
mented condition, corresponding to the usual 
arrangement in nearly related copepods. 

Examination of the limited material pro- 
duced no evidence of the presence of maxillules. 
More refined dissections, when a la: g2r number 
of specimens is available, may disclose the rudi- 
ments of these appendages among the com- 
plicated structures formed by the bases and 
chitinous supports of the mouthparts. The 



-_—+——__+—__+—__| 8 
——*\ fae 

Ficgs. 1-6.—Pharodes tortugensis Wilson, female: 1, antenna; 2, oral area, showing upper lip and 
mandibles; 3, mandible; 4, maxilla; 5, maxilliped; 6, caudal ramus. 

Figs. 7-15.—P. biakensis, n. sp., holotypic female: 7, dorsal view; 8, semidiagrammatic drawing of 
ventral view; 9, antennule; 10, mandible; 11, maxilla; 12, maxilliped; 13, caudal ramus; allotypic male: 
14, ventral view; 15, antennule. 

The 0.25-mm scale refers to Figs. 1 and 15; the 0.2-mm scale to Figs. 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12; the 0.05-mm 
scale to Figs. 3, 6, 10, 13; the 0.5-mm scale to Fig. 14. 



maxillae (Fig. 4) were described originally as 
maxillules (first maxillae). These are bimerous 
and heavily chitinized. The terminal segment 
is apparently rigid. It is tapered and presents a 
curved outline, faintly resembling the spout of 
a teapot. The tip is concavely truncate. This 
segment bears at its expanded base a minute 
accessory structure which may represent a 
modified seta. : 

The maxilliped (second maxilla of Wilson) is 
stout and is the most conspicuous of the mouth- 
parts (Fig. 5). The highly irregular, thickly 
chitinized surface and the complicated articula- 
tions cause difficulty in determining the seg- 
mentation. There would seem to be three seg- 
ments, the most distal produced into a strong, 
slightly curved, apical hook. The second seg- 
ment bears a reduced, apparently articulated 

The posterior limit of the area bearing the 
mouthparts is strongly set off by a prominent, 
rounded ridge, running in a gentle curve. In- 
dentation at the midline produces a bilobed 
appearance of this ridge. It was interpreted in 
the original description as the vestige of the 
first pair of so-called swimming legs, that is, 
the non-oral pereiopods. There seems to be 
little ground to interpret these inconspicuous 
prominences as limb rudiments, although final 
decision will have to await the determination of 
the sequence of development in the larval 
stages. A necklike constriction Just behind the 
described ridge strongly delimits the cephalo- 
thorax from the more posterior free thoracic 

The ventral outgrowths of the trunk were 
interpreted originally as two pairs of thoracic 
limbs. There is no strong evidence other than 
their occurrence in pairs that these are limbs, 
but such a convention is regularly applied to 
other chondracanthids with similar structures. 
The first of these processes or limbs are set just 
to each side of the midline immediately pos- 
terior to the neck constriction. These are small 
knobs protruding considerably ventrally. More 
lateral to these, in fact well out toward the 
edges of the lateral processes of the first tho- 
racic division, are the very much inflated second 
pair of trunk limbs. These are long and thick 
and directed slightly posteriorly. | 

Posterior to the pereiopods and slightly to 
each side of the midline are the oviducal open- 
ings. These are set off conspicuously by much 
enlarged perforated, disklike structures, to 


VOL. 38, No. 12 

which the ovisacs are attached. Just between 
the oviducal structures is the rudiment of the 
abdomen, a minute eminence bearing tiny, but 
setiferous, caudal rami. These are most incon- 
spicuous and very difficult of detection when 
the ovisacs are present. The reduced abdom- 
inal remnant is significant in the clarification 
it affords of the unique modification of the 
thorax. Among all the bizarre body forms seen 
in chondracanthid genera there is no other in 
which there is a comparable expansion of the 
thorax posterior to the genital openings. The 
enlargement is obviously occupied to a great 
extent by reproductive structures or tissues. 
The determination of the true segmentation of 
this region, if such could be derived from study 
of the ontogenetic stadia, should be of great 
theoretical interest. 

The caudal rami (Fig. 6) are compressed, 
monomerous laminae. They are ornamented 
with small, but well-developed, simple setae. 
Each bears three setae, the stoutest of which is 
apically placed. Of the subterminal and most 
proximal of the setae, it was impossible to de- 
termine from available preparations which was 
dorsal and which ventral. The caudal rami are 
placed terminally on the reduced convexity 
which is the abdominal vestige. 

The six specimens of the original series have 
been measured to establish roughly the char- 
acteristic proportions of the species. The total 
length and greatest width (to the edges of the 
lateral processes) of each were as follows: type 
specimen—3 mm long, 4.4 mm wide; specimen 
2—3 mm long, 3.9 mm wide: specimen 3— 
3 mm long, 3.3 mm wide; specimen 4—2.8 mm 
long, 3.3 mm wide; specimen 5—2.8 mm long, 
2.9 mm wide; specimen 6—3 mm long, 3.8 mm 
wide. In every case the greatest width was 
measured at a point practically at the pos- 
terior extent of the wide-flaring lateral processes 
of the first division of the trunk. A truncate 
triangular outline of the trunk mass would 
thus be seen to be characteristic for the spe- 
cies. In every specimen the lateral processes of 
the second trunk division were well developed 
and conspicuous. 

An unpublished distribution record of the 
species is provided from the National collection. 
A single female was collected from the gills of 
Scoliodon terrae-novae, from the Gulf of Mexico, 
by C. B. Wilson, exact date and locality not 
known. A new host record is established also. 
As the specimen at some time had been sub- 

Dec. 15, 1948 

jected to drying, it was not feasible to attempt 
to measure the bodily proportions. 

Pharodes biakensis, n. sp. 

Female (holotype).—The body consists of 
the head and trunk, a characteristic aspect be- 
ing produced by the presence of expansions and 
lobes. The head bears a pair of processes which 
protrude considerably anteriorly as well as 
laterally, with the appearance of ear-like lobes. 
A middorsal chitinized carapace is present. 
-Ventrally there is an elevation of the posterior 
margin of the cephalothorax as a low ridge, 
with a suggestion of bilobed division in the 
central portion. The trunk in dorsal view is a 
series of three globular sections, all in their 
main masses of roughly equivalent size. Of 
these, however, the first and third are further 
produced into processes. The processes of the 
first division are extended widely laterally and 
then produced posteriorly to an extent nearly 
equalling the length of the central trunk proper. 
Three low dorsal knobs appear serially along 
the longitudinal axis of each process. The sec- 
ond division of the trunk appears dorsally as a 
simple globe. The third division is globose, but 
is also produced posteriorly as an unpaired 
wide lobe. Further, it bears a pair of blunt 
lateral lobes, which curve considerably poste- 
riorly as well as extending laterally. Fig. 7 de- 
picts these details. 

On the ventral side, the apparent segmenta- 
tion is more complicated (Fig. 8). There is a 
distinct limit ventrally between the cephalo- 
thorax and the trunk but this juncture is com- 
pressed to a tightly closed groove in the type 
specimen. Just posterior to this is a transverse 
ridge, in extent of about half the width of one 
of the central trunk divisions. Laterally on this 
ridge are the paired ventral protrusions which 
represent the second pereiopods (counting the 
maxillipeds as first). Immediately posterior to 
this ridge is a second which extends across the 
main portion of the trunk and extends almost 
to the outer margin of each of the large lateral 
processes. This ridge is produced at its sides as 
the two large third pereiopods. These take a 
broad basal origin and protrude posteriorly and 
ventrally as long, thick, blunt lobes. In the 
ovigerous female these processes partially en- 
fold the egg sacs. The medial portion of the 
second ridge cuts across the trunk at a level 
which would be about midway on the length of 
the second central division. However, the ven- 



tral segmentation of the anterior portion of 
the trunk is obscured by the complicated ar- 
rangement of ridges and outgrowths. 

Lying at an oblique angle, directed ventrally 
and posteriorly, and fitted tightly against the 
posterior face of the second ridge, are the two 
prominences which surround the oviducal aper- 
tures. These thus are set on the ventral side of 
the posterior half of the second trunk division. 
Between the oviducal structures is the vestigial 
abdomen, bearing minute caudal rami. The 
constriction between the second and third 
central trunk divisions is fully visible ventrally. 
There is no complication of structures on the 
ventral side of the third trunk section. : 

The ovisacs are firmly attached on the discs 
surrounding the openings of the oviducts and 
are most characteristic in outline and position. 
The egg sac is a long, slightly tapering cylinder 
with a rounded tip and is curved along the 
longitudinal axis. Each thus extends laterally 
outward from just back of the midpoint of the 
body, protrudes considerably beyond the sides, 
and extends anteriorly to a level markedly in 
front of the point of origin. The eggs are mi- 
nute and arranged in numerous, slightly irregu- 
lar rows. The eggs contained in the pair of 
Ovisacs number well into the thousands. 

The dimensions (as well as the described as- 
pect) of the single available specimen cannot be 
given with precision because of the markedly 
contracted position in which it is fixed. An at- 
tempt at establishing the relative proportions 
of the various parts and regions has been made, 
however. The total length is 8 mm. The great- 
est width is just slightly less than this. The 
parallel outer edges of the lateral processes give 
the outline of the main portion of the body pro- 
nouncedly squarish proportions. The lateral 
processes are 2.2 mm in length. The width of 
the head, from the edges of its processes, is 1.8 
mm. The length of the head, along the central 
axis is .45 mm. The tips of the processes extend 
anteriorly about .15 mm beyond the central 
margin of the head. The width of the central 
globular mass of each of the trunk subdivisions 
is roughly 1 mm. The egg sacs measure 2.55 
mm along the main axis and have a maximum 
diameter of about .75 mm. 

The antennules (Fig. 9) are 4-segmented. 
The basal segment is longer than the terminal 
three together. It is three times as long as its 
greatest width, which is seen at two thirds of 
the length of the segment from its base. The 


second segment is slightly longer than the 
third and about equal in length to the fourth. 
The segments decrease in their greatest widths 
in linear order. The antennule is not conspicu- 
ously inflated or saclike. A fairly heavy degree 
of chitinization is apparent and the articula- 
tions between segments are very complicated, 
indicating possibly some restriction as to planes 
of freedom of motion. There is a slight degree of 
compression of the appendage in the frontal 
plane of the body. The ornamentation consists 
only of reduced, inconspicuous setae. The basal 
segment seemingly lacks setae: the second and 
third each bear a lateral and medial seta at the 
distal corners. The terminal segment has a 
distal row of four, perhaps more, setae. The 
length of the antennule is 4385 micra. 

The single female specimen (as well as the 
accompanying male) had lost the antennae. 
Evidently these were sufficiently effective pre- 
hensile organs that they were completely torn 
away in the removal of the parasites from the 
host. Large, circular, articulating bases remain 
to indicate the proportion of the basal segment. 
It seems reasonable to assume that these ap- 
pendages differ slightly, if any, from those of 
Pharodes tortugensis. 

The upper lip is prolonged in the midline as 
a proboscis-like organ, with a folded-over, cir- 
cular tip. In the intact specimen, the structure 
was held at approximately right angles to the 
body axis. The mouth opening lies just pos- 
terior to the upper lip with the bases of the 
mandibles set well to each side. The condition 
of the integument of the mandibles makes de- 
termination of the number of segments dubious 
but there are probably two. The base is rather 
stout and short, slightly longer than wide. The 
terminal portion is narrower and longer than 
the base, and consists of a slightly tapering 
cylinder with a bluntly rounded tip (Fig. 10). 
There is no serration of the margins, nor any 
detectable ornamentation. The length of each 
mandible is approximately 125 micra. No 
maxillules could be found. 

The bimerous maxillae (Fig. 11) are much 
larger than the mandibles. The proximal seg- 
ment is wide and short, its articulation with the 
main body mass forming a steep slant across 
its breadth. The length of the segment along 
its center axis is about 100 micra. The integu- 
ment is heavily sclerotized. Internally are 
numerous bands of muscle attached to the base 
of the terminal segment, which forms an angle 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

of attachment of about 90 degrees. The distal] 
segment is expanded basally, then constricted 
sharply to a prolonged, slightly tapered, rigid 
terminal process, 200 micra in length over all. 
The tip is truncate and sharply indented. A 
short, stout seta is borne on the base of this seg- 

The maxillipeds (Fig. 12) are characterized 
by great thickening of the integument. This 
causes difficulty in establishing the segmenta- 
tion accurately. There is a large, clearly de- 
limited basal segment, 1£0 micra long, with a 

~ width of 45 micra. This roughly rectangular, 

slightly curved, segment has a distinctly sub- 
terminal articulation with the remaining por- 
tion of the appendage, which is of the same 
total length. The most probable interpretation 
of this distal section would be as a single seg- 
ment, 110 micra in length, bearing distally a 
distinctly articulated, blunt spine 40 micra 
long. At a level about 75 micra from its base 
this section exhibits transverse furrows of the 
integument and interruptions of the internal 
bands of muscle which would seem strong evi- 
dence of coalescence of an originally bimerous 
structure. The greatest width of the terminal 
section is slightly greater than half that of the 
proximal segment. The distal half of the ter- 
minal section is tapered sharply to the base of 
the articulated spine. ; 

The trunk pereiopods are fleshy lobes, with 
little semblance remaining of articulated ap- 
pendages. Those of the anterior pair are placed 
close to the midline and are far anterior on the 
trunk. They are very short lobes protruding 
directly ventrally. The slightly more posterior 
third perieopods (second pair of trunk appen- 
dages) are very long fleshy lobes, 1.1 mm in 
length, and each is placed well out on the ap- - 
terior lateral process of the trunk. 

The caudal rami (Fig. 13) are laminae, com- 
pressed in the sagittal plane of the body. The 
ornamentation of each consists of two ter- 
minal setae, placed close together; a rounded 
process, which is possibly a modified seta, 
placed somewhat subterminally; and a long 
slender seta placed slightly. beyond the mid- 
point of the ramus. Whether this most proximal 
seta is dorsal or ventral on the ramus could not 
be made out from the available preparation. 
Each caudal ramus is 55 micra long, with the 
greatest dorsoventral measurement slightly 
over 40 micra. The rami are borne very close 
together on a low convexity, placed between 

Dec. 15, 1948 

the eminences bearing the oviducal apertures. 
This convexity, with its appendages, consti- 
tutes the vestige of the abdomen. At a point one 
fourth of its length from its base each ramus is 
conspicuously marked on the surface by elabo- 
rate chitinous convolutions. These do not seem 
to constitute a complete subdivision of the 
ramus into a bimerous condition. The exact 
significance of this complicated integumentary 
pattern remains doubtful. 

Male (allotype)—vThe cephalothorax is 
greatly arched and rounded dorsally, and its 
general outline is ellipsoidal. The narrow trunk, 
consisting of an indeterminable number of 
thoracic and abdominal segments forms a 
curled tail-like process, of only a quarter of the 
width of the cephalothorax. The greatest width 
of the cephalothorax is 1.4 mm. The length 
along the central axis is 1.1 mm. The trunk is 
nearly parallel-sided, 0.41 mm in length and 
about 0.3 mm in width, with a short wide flar- 
ing at the point of juncture with the cephalo- 

All the appendages of the cephalothorax are 
placed well on the ventral side (Fig. 14). The 
antennules (Fig. 15) are markedly subapical 
and their bases are widely spaced laterally. 
Each is 650 micra long. The number of seg- 
ments is here interpreted to be four, although 
complicated grooving of the integument dis- 
tally makes it impossible to determine the ar- 
ticulations exactly. The basal segment is 
distinctly set off. It is slightly longer than the 
rest of the segments together. It is 350 micra in 
length and the width at the most expanded 
point is just one third of this measurement. The 
second segment is 100 micra long and 85 micra 
wide at the widest point. The third segment is 
markedly narrower than the preceding, measur- 
ing 55 micra in width and 80 micra in length. 
The remainder of the appendage is 135 micra 
long and measures 45 micra at the greatest 
width, at the base. This sector tapers gradually 
and terminates, by a sharp constriction, in a 
slender spine. The exact metamerism is ob- 
secure, but this portion seems to represent a 
coalescence of three segments or perhaps of 
two segments and an articulated spine with a 
greatly expanded base. Complete details of the 
ornamentation were not made out. The second 
and third segments each bear a distal seta. The 
distal segment, in addition to its apical spine, 
bears two reduced subterminal setae. 

The antennae of the single specimen were 



lost in removal from the host. Of considerable 
significance here is the fact that this male was 
not attached to the body of the female as is the 
usual case among the chondracanthids. The 
basal sears left by the tearing away of the 
antennae were comparable to the same arte- 
facts in the case of the female. 

The upper lip is produced considerably 
ventrally, but does not take the tubular pro- 
boscislike form like that seen in the female. 
The mandibles, as in the female, are inconspicu- 
ously placed anterior to the bases of the larger 
and more prominent remaining oral appen- 
dages, and are set to each side of the rather 
large mouth opening. The mandibles measure 
about 120 micra in length. They are slender, 
tapering falciform appendages, with no orna- 
mentation. No trace of maxillules detected. 

The maxillae present the appearance of ex- 
ceedingly powerful prehensile organs. The 
basal portion is a stout segment, about 300 
micra in length and of slightly greater width. 
Set at nearly right angles on the distal surface 
of this segment and directed medially is a very 
massive claw, 400 micra long. This claw tapers 
from a base about 275 micra in width to a keenly 
pointed, stoutly spinous apex. The whole ap- 
pendage is heavily sclerotized, and the ter- 
minal claw appears to be nearly completely solid. 

The maxillipeds are tripartite. The basal 
segment is about 450 micra long and has a 
maximum width of about 300 micra. The out- 
line of the segment is roughly rectangular. The 
second segment is so articulated or the first as 
to be directed considerably medially and ven- 
trally. It is about 200 micra long and its width 
is about 175 micra. On its distal surface is set a 
strong, tapered claw. The base of the claw is 
about 125 micra in extent. Its length is 25) 
micra and it curves in a smooth taper to a 
stout point. This appendage, like the preceding, 
is heavily sclerotized. No other thoracic ap- 
pendages could be made out. 

The caudal rami are minute, roughly rec- 
tangular, about 90 micra long, and each bears 
apically a rather stout, short, tapered seta. 
The rami are borne on a broadly flattened area 
at the tip of the tail-like trunk. There is no 
evidence from the adult condition for deter- 
mining the degree of inclusion of anatomically 
thoracic or abdominal segments in the trunk 
structure; except, of course, that the tip, in 
bearing the caudal rami, is marked as of ab- 
dominal origin. 


Type locality—Biak Island, Schouten Is- 
lands, Netherlands New Guinea. 

Types.—Holotypic female, U.S.N.M. no. 
86009, and allotypic male, U.S.N.M. no. 
86010; from the gill cavity of Caracanthus 
unipinnus (Gray), collected April 3, 1945, by 
F. M. Bayer. 

Remarks.—The two species of Pharodes un- 
fortunately must be based upon an extremely 
small number of representatives. When more 
adequate series are available and the range of 
variability of the two forms is established, it 
may well be that some of the distinguishing 
features found here will be discarded as no 
longer significant. However, the consistent con- 
formation to the structure of the chondracan- 
thids in general, in various forms of which 
extensive information as to variability is avail- 
able, is good grounds for the prediction that the 
differentiation of these forms will continue to 
be supportable. 

Pharodes biakensis is easily separated from 
P. tortugensis by a number of features of body 
form. The more extreme production of the 
lateral processes of the head, the much more 
nearly quadrate aspect of the main mass of the 
body with its expansions, and the lack of a 
pair of lateral processes on the second division 
of the trunk provide a ready basis of recognition 
of the former. 

The differentiation of the appendages in the 
two species is in the main a series of subtle 
variations on a basic plan of structure. In the 
female Pharodes biakensis, as compared to its 
congener, the mandible is shorter in propor- 
tion and somewhat more blunt apically. The 
maxilla bears a well-developed accessory seta, 
represented in P. tortugensis by a modified ele- 
ment of characteristic appearance. The maxilli- 
ped exhibits a greater suppression of segmen- 


VOL. 38, No. 12 

tation and the terminal spine is somewhat 
slighter and simpler. The caudal rami have a 
different pattern of armature and an indication 
of subdivision. 

The sexual dimorphism in Pharodes biakensis 
has a number of features of interest by com- 
parison with the condition in other chondra- 
canthids. The general rule is a by far greater 
absolute size disparity. The male is typically 
a minute dwarf and usually is to be found at- 
tached on or near the genital aperture of the 
female. In Pharodes the male is of large size and 
obviously is capable of independent existence 
on the host. Also worthy of note is the fact 
that the antennule, maxilla, and maxilliped 
of the male reach actually greater absolute 
dimensions than the counterparts in the fe- 
male. The basically similar pattern of structure 
of the antennules in the two sexes is a contrast 
to the usual chondracanthid situation of an 
inflated sac-like appendage in females and a 
less modified male antennule. The scars re- 
maining indicate that the antennae were of 
about equivalent size, at least at the base, in 
the two sexes. The mandibles show little dis- 
parity. The different degree of development of 
the tubular upper lip indicates the highly spe- 
cial character of the modification as seen in the 


(1) EIGH-SHARPE, W. H., and OakLeEy, C. L. 
Lernentominae, a new subfamily of Chondra- 
canthidae (Crustacea: Copepoda), with a de- 
scriplion of Oralien triglae (Blainville 1822). 
Parasitology 19: 455-467, figs. 1-7. 1928. 

(2) OaKLEy, C. L. The Chondracanthidae (Crus- 
iacea: Copepoda); with a description of five 
new genera and one new species. Parasitol- 
ogy 22: 182-201, figs. 1-8. 1930. 

(3) Wiuson, C. B. Parasitic copepods from the 
Dry Tortugas. Carnegie Inst. Washington 
Pub. 452: 329-347, pls. 1-6. 1935. 

ZOOLOGY.—Two new species of polychaete worms of the family Polynoidae from 
Puget Sound and San Juan Archipelago.’ Marian H. Perrispone, University 
of Washington. (Communicated by Wa.po L. Scumirt.) 

The two new species of Polynoidae herein 
described were obtained in connection with 
a study of the scaled Polychaeta in the San 
Juan and Puget Sound region. The work 
was carried out at the University of Wash- 
ington Oceanographic Laboratories, Friday 
Harbor, Wash. Dredging was carried out 

1 Received September 8, 1948. 

from the M.S. Catalyst and M.S. Medea. 
The types are deposited in the United 
States National Museum. 

Family Polynoidae 
Genus Harmothoé Kinberg 
Harmothoé hartmanae, n. sp. 
Fig. 1, a-f 
This species is represented by three speci- 

Dec. 15, 1948 

mens from material dredged in the San Juan 
Archipelago. I take pleasure in naming it after 
Dr. Olga Hartman, who has done so much to 
add to our knowledge of the Polychaeta. 

Description —Thetype(, 
the largest of the three specimens, has 37 seg- 
ments. It is 23 mm long, 6.5 mm wide exclusive 
of setae, and 9.5 mm wide inclusive of setae. 
The smallest of the paratypes is 8.5 mm long 
and 2 mm wide exclusive of setae. The body is 
short, nearly linear, widest in segments 12-23, 
tapering slightly anteriorly and posteriorly. 
The body is without color in the middorsum, 
greenish on the cirrophores and the parapodia. 
The ventral surface is shiny iridescent and 
without color except for a dark coloration 
around the mouth. 

Fifteen pairs of elytra nearly cover the 
dorsum and are slightly imbricated, arranged 
on segments 2, 4, 5, 7,9... 23, 26, 29, and 32. 
The elytra are subcircular to subreniform in 
shape, thin, and shiny, appearing smooth, but 
furnished with conical blunt microtubercles 
(Fig. 1, c-d). A dark border completely en- 
circles the first pair of elytra and around the 
posterior, median, and lateral borders of the 
other elytra. Microscopically, this border ap- 
pears as darker polygonal areas (Fig. 1, d).— 
not present on Harmothoé imbricata (Linnaeus) 
—the widespread cosmopolitan species. The 
elytral border is smooth except for a few short 
filiform and clavate papillae. 

The bilobed prostomium is wider than long, 
has a wide anterior median sulcus and prom- 
inent cephalic peaks; the four eyes are large, 
the anterior pair situated anteroventrally and 
slightly posterior to the peaks (Fig. 1, a). The 
median antenna has a large brown ceratophore 
and a long slender style with a slight subter- 
minal enlargement and very short scattered 
clavate papillae; the style is dark, especially 
above and below the enlargement. The lateral 
antennae have short brown ceratophores, in- 
serted ventrally on the prostomium; the styles 
are brown, short, tapering gradually to filiform 
white tips and furnished with very small 
papillae. The palpi are long—up to five times 
the length of the prostomium, slender, and with 
short papillae. 

The proboscis has the usual polynoid form, 
with nine pairs of distal papillae and two pairs 
of amber-colored interlocking jaws; it extends 
the length of the first 12 segments; the proximal 
half may be darkly colored. The segmental 



papillae begin on segment 6 and continue pos- 
teriorly; they are very small and bulbous in the 
more anterior and posterior segments but long 
and cylindrical in the segments of the middle 
third of the body. 

The basal lobes of the tentacular segment are 
elongated, each bearing two setae; the tentac- 
ular cirri are similar to the median antenna 
(Fig. 1, a). The dorsal cirri have elongated 
cirrophores with a bulbous base and narrower 
distal part; the styles are long, slender, similar 
to the median antenna, and extend beyond the 
tips of the setae. The dorsal tubercles of the 
cirri-bearing segments are prominent conical 
lobes. The ventral cirri are thick proximally, 
tapering to filamentous tips (Fig. 1, b). 

The parapodia are biramous. The noto- 
podium is a rounded lobe on the anterodorsal 
face of the neuropodium, extending out into 
an acicular lobe from which the aciculum pro- 
jects (Fig. 1, 6). The notosetae are golden, 
moderate in number (about 40), forming a 
spreading bundle, thicker than the neurosetae 
(45-62u in greatest diameter), slightly arched, 
with long spinous regions—about half the 
exposed length—and bare pointed tips (Fig. 
1, 6, e). The neuropodium tapers distally to a 
thick acicular lobe from which the aciculum 
projects (Fig. 1, 6). The neurosetae are golden, 
moderate in number, and more slender than the 
notosetae (16—-44u in diameter in the stem 
region: 22—48u in the enlarged distal part). The 
supraacicular group of neurosetae (about 12 
in number) are the longest, with long spinous 
regions (20-24 rows), and a strong secondary 
tooth on all the setae; the subacicular group 
(about 26) range from longer dorsal to shorter 
ventral ones, with short spinous regions (12- 
14 rows), and with a strong secondary tooth 
except on the lower ventral ones (Fig. 1, f). 

Remarks—Harmothoé hartmanae resembles 
the cosmopolitan species, H. imbricata (Lin- 
naeus). It differs chiefly in the character of the 
elytra as described above. 

Locality —The specimens were dredged west 
of Crane Island in the San Juan Archipelago 
in 20 fathoms on a shelly bottom. 

Genus Lepidasthenia Malmgren 
Lepidasthenia berkeleyae, n. sp. 
Fig. 2, a-f 
This species is represented by three speci- 
mens taken from three places in the south end 
of Puget Sound—in Carr and Case Inlets. I am 


Fig. 1.—Harmothoé hartmanae, n. sp.: a, Dorsal view prostomium and first two segments, elytra 
removed; b, sixteenth left parapodium, anterior view; c, fourth left elytron; d, part of posterior border of 
elytron, enlarged; e, tip of notoseta; f, tip of middle subacicular neuroseta. 

Fia. 2.—Lepidasthenia berkeleyae, n. sp.: a, Dorsal view prostomium, first two segments, and ex- 
tended proboscis, with elytra removed; 6, dorsal view two segments from anterior third of body; ¢, 
twenty-second left parapodium, anterior view; d, dorsal neuroseta; e, middle neuroseta; f, tip of same. 

Seale measurements as follows: la, 1b, 2c=0.43 mm; 2a, 2b, lc=0.95 mm; 1d=30y; le=48y; If 
=38u; 2d =9u; 2e=15y. 

Dec. 15, 1948 

naming this species after Edith Berkeley. She 
and her husband, Cyril Berkeley, are workers 
on the Polychaeta and have established the 
commensal host of this species. Lepidasthenia 
berkeleyae resembles L. longicirrata Berkeley 
(Berkeley, 1923, 1942), a species that has been 
found in the Puget Sound region also. The 
differences are referred to in the text. E. and C. 
Berkeley consider L. berkeleyae to be the com- 
mensal form of L. longicirrata and not a distinct 
species (Canadian Pacific Fauna: Polychaeta 
Errantia. In press). They have found it com- 
mensal with the mud tube-dwelling polychaete, 
Prazxilella affinis (Sars) var. pacifica Berkeley 
(family Maldanidae). 

Description—The type (U.S.N.M._ no. 
21099), of some 100 segments, is complete, al- 
though the posterior end of 23 segments was 
regenerating. The two paratypes are incom- 
plete anterior ends (70 and 54 segments). The 
type, of 100 segments, is 75 mm long, 4 mm 
wide excluding setae, and 6 mm wide including 
setae. The body is flattened dorsoventrally, 
long, narrow, with sides nearly parallel, taper- 
ing slightly anteriorly and posteriorly. Each 
segment has a wide transverse middorsal 
brown band, the anterior and posterior part of 
which may be darker. The basal part of the 
parapodia, the cirrophores and elytrophores 
are darkly pigmented. The body is more darkly 
pigmented anteriorly than posteriorly. The 
ventral surface is without color. (The ventral 
surface lacks the globose papillae found on 
L. longicirrata.) 

The 37 pairs of elytra of the type are ar- 
ranged on segments 2, 4, 5, 7,9... 23, 26, 29, 
32, 34, 37, 40... every third segment to the 
end of the body. The elytra are small, oval, 
and do not nearly cover the dorsum but leave 
a median longitudinal zone uncovered—about 
equal to the width of an elytron (Fig. 2, 5). 
(In L. longicirrata, the elytral pairs are larger 
and practically cover the dorsum.) The elytra 
are thin, transparent, blotched with brown 
pigment, especially around the place of attach- 
ment to the elytrophore and the area medial to 

The bilobed prostomium is much wider than 
long, with a distinct anterior median sulcus 
(Fig. 2, a). The four eyes are large, the anterior 
pair being larger and located just anterior to 
the greatest width of the prostomium. The 
lateral antennae are inserted terminally on 
short anterior prolongations of the prosto- 



mium; the styles are slender, approximately 
equal in length to the greatest prostomial 
width, and have slight subterminal enlarge- 
ments and filamentous tips. The median an- 
tenna has a short ceratophore; the style is 
slender, long—about twice the prostomial 
width—and with a fine filamentous tip. The 
palps of one paratype are missing; those of the 
type and the other paratype have one long 
slender palp—about three times the greatest 
prostomial width—and one shorter one (prob- 
ably regenerating). Antennae and palps are 
without color or papillae. 

The proboscis has the usual polynoid form, 
with nine pairs of distal papillae and two pairs 
of dark amber-colored interlocking jaws; it 
extends the length of approximately the first 
12 segments. The paired segmental papillae 
begin on segment 6 and continue posteriorly; 
they are short and bulbous. 

The large basal lobes of the tentacular seg- 
ment are each furnished with an aciculum 
which projects in a short achaetous fingerlike 
process; the paired tentacular cirri are similar 
to the median antenna (Fig. 2, a). The anterior 
few pairs of dorsal cirri resemble the median 
antenna; the more posterior cirri are slender, 
transparent, evenly tapered, and extend slightly 
beyond the tips of the setae (Fig. 2, c). The 
paired ventral cirri of the second segment are 
long, slender, similar to the tentacular cirri 
(Fig. 2, a); those of the following segments are 
short and subulate (Fig. 2, c). The paired anal 
cirri are similar to the dorsal cirri. 

The parapodia are moderately long and 
slender. The notopodium is a short, fingerlike, 
achaetous lobe, furnished only with an acicu- 
lum; the tip of the lobe does not nearly reach 
the dorsal cleft of the neuropodium (Fig. 2, 
c). (This is in contrast to L. longicirrata in which 
the notopodial lobe is more elongate and the tip 
extends to the dorsal cleft of the neuropo- 
dium.) The distal end of the neuropodium has 
a dorsal cleft; the lobe anterior to the cleft and 
the one which contains the aciculum is only 
slightly longer than the posterior lobe (Fig. 
2, b-c). (In L. longicirrata, the anterior lobe is 
decidedly longer than the posterior lobe.) The 
neurosetae are of two kinds: (1) a dorsal group 
of setae (about four in number) are elongated, 
slender (10 uw in greatest diameter), with long 
spinous regions, tapering distally to fine tips 
(Fig. 2, d); (2) a median and ventral group of 
setae (18-25 in number) are shorter, stouter 


(10-19 in greatest diameter—the more ven- 
tral ones being shorter and thinner); they have 
short spinous regions (8-12 rows), with no bare 
distal tips; the distal tips are bifid—the second- 
ary tooth blends in with the spinous rows or 
it may be inconspicuous (Fig. 2, e-f). (This is in 
contrast to L. longicirrata in which the middle 
neuropodial setae are distinctly bifid, with bare 
distal tips.) 

Habitat—The specimens were dredged from 
mud in 35 to 70 fathoms. E. and C. Berkeley 
(in correspondence) have found them commen- 
sal in the mud tubes of the polychaete Praz- 
ilella affinis (Sars) var. pacifica Berkeley. (This 
is in contrast to L. longicirrata which is usually 
found free in dredge material. However, on 
two occasions, I found them within parch- 
mentlike tubes, agglutinated with bits of shell 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

and rock—a tube evidently of their own mak- 
ing.) The extreme delicacy of the elytra and 
body would indicate a somewhat protected 
habitat for both species, 

Locality —Type: off Green Point, Carr 
Inlet, 51 fathoms in mud. Paratypes: near 
Gertrude Island, Carr Inlet, 70 fathoms in mud; 
off Herron Island, Case Inlet, 35 fathoms in 


BERKELEY, Epita. Polychaetous annelids from the 
Nanaimo district. Pt. 1: Syllidae to Sigalioni- 
dae. Contr. Can. Biol. and Fish., new ser., 
1(11): 205-218, 1 pl. 1923. 

BERKELEY, EpiTH and Cyrriu. North Pacific Poly- 
chaeta, chiefly from the west coast of Vancouver 
Island, Alaska and Bering Sea. Can. Journ. 
Res., D, 20(7): 183-208. 1942. 

ZOOLOGY .—American Caudata, V: Notes on certain Appalachian salamanders of 
the genus Plethodon.! M. B. Mirrteman, New Rochelle, N. Y. (Communi- 


The action of Pope and Hairston (1948: 
106-107) in describing two nominally new 
races of salamanders, Plethodon shermani 
rabunensis and P. s. melaventris, reflects a 
taxonomic viewpoint radically opposed to 
that of Grobman (1944) and some other 
workers. As pointed out by their describers, 
rabunensts and melaventris have been “for 
many years... identified as P. metcalfi: 
more recently by Grobman as P. clemsonae.”’ 
Obviously, the status and proper allocation 
of Pope and Hairston’s new forms are con- 
tingent upon the definitions of the species 
clemsonae and metcalfi. 

Based on topotypic material, the struc- 
tural characters of clemsonae may be sum- 
marized as follows: Costal grooves 15 or 
16 (including inguinal and axillary branches 
of the first and last grooves); appressed toes 
sometimes meeting, but more often sepa- 
rated by one or two costal folds; vomerine 
teeth 9-12 per series. The color charac- 
teristics of clemsonae, which are so im- 
portant in differentiating it from certain 
other related species of Plethodon, have 
been subject to considerable discussion. 
Brimley’s original description (1927: 73- 

1 Received September 9, 1948. 

74) shows that some of his type specimens 
had white or grayish dorsal markings when 
fresh, while others were uniformly black on 
all dorsal surfaces. Two topotypes col- 
lected by Arnold Grobman and myself 
possessed whitish-gray (ashy) lichenoid 
markings in life, which were particularly 
prominent along the sides of the head and 
body (see Bishop, 1943: fig. 64). Grobman 
has discussed (1944: 294) the possibility 
that the absence or presence of light pig- 
ments in clemsonae may be associated with 
the length of preservation, as is occasionally 
the case in such species as Plethodon rich- 
mond’, P. nettingt, and P. welleri. This is, 
of course, a distinct possibility, but it is 
likewise true that some clemsonae are quite 
immaculate; pigmentation in clemsonae is 
evidently subject to some variation, as in 
other species of Plethodon. The color char- 
acteristics of clemsonae are a black dorsum 
and belly (belly varying from almost pure 
black to a very dark slaty gray), with the 
throat (and occasionally the anterior part 
of the breast) whitish or grayish, with a 
grayish white pattern of irregular lichenoid 
maculations sometimes present on the 
dorsum and sides of the head and body. 
Brimley’s type of metcalfi is an adult 


male (snout-vent 60 mm), with 15 costal 
grooves, no costal folds between the ap- 
pressed toes, 11 or 10 vomerine teeth, 
uniform bluish above and grayish tan or 
fawn below. Salamanders agreeing closely 
with this type are known from southwest- 
ern North Carolina (Haywood County) 
north through the southern Blue Ridge 
Province to Beartown Mountain (4,500- 
4,700 feet) near Burkes Garden, Tazewell 
County, Va. (Hoffman and Kleinpeter, 
1948: 603), and Mount Rogers (5,000-5,600 
feet); Grayson County, Va. (collected by 
Hoffman and Kleinpeter). On the other 
hand, specimens from more southerly and 
westerly points in the Carolinas and Geor- 
gia possess characteristics that identify 
them with clemsonae, as described above. 
As pointed out originally by Grobman 
(1944), these dark-bellied ‘‘metcalfi’”’ are 
in fact conspecific with Brimley’s clem- 
sonae, and the two forms—the light-bel- 
lied metcalfi and the dark-bellied clem- 
sonae—occupy predominantly vicarious 
ranges (1944: fig. 5). The distribution of 
clemsonae extends from Macon, Jackson, 
and Transylvania Counties, N. C., to 
Pickens and Greenville Counties, 8. C., and 
Rabun and Habersham Counties, Ga. 

Pope and Hairston (loc. cit.) have de- 
scribed certain specimens of the dark- 
bellied clemsonae from Rabun Bald Moun- 
tain, Rabun County, Ga., as Plethodon 
shermant rabunensis, diagnosing their new 
salamander as ‘‘a member of the jordani- 
metcalfi group with white spots on the 
cheeks and along the sides of the body. 
The legs are never red asin B. s. shermani.”’ 
The description points out further that the 
type (adult female, 118 mm total length, 
snout-vent 62 mm) has 13 costal grooves 
and vomerines 10-7, and that “‘the color is 
black above, shading into dark gray below; 
the throat is paler than the belly.” As 
given, the description of rabunensis offers 
no tenable point of difference to distinguish 
this nominal subspecies of P. shermaniz from 
P. clemsonae, except for the presence of 13 
costal grooves (as compared to 15 or 16 
in clemsonae). Yet even this apparent 
difference is illusory, and arises as a result 
of the method used in counting costal 
grooves, rather than indicating a true 


meristic difference. In order to obtain the 
full costal groove count in clemsonae the 
axillary and inguinal branches of the first 
and last grooves must be counted. Some- 
times these are poorly developed or ob- 
scure as a result of preservation; if they are 
not included, a count of 13 or 14 is ob- 
tained, rather than 15 or 16. In practice, 
most herpetologists use the “‘maximum 
count’’ method, which includes the axillary 
and inguinal branches. Hence, with the 
apparent costal groove count difference 
negated, there appears to be no salient 
difference between rabunensts and clem- 
sonae, and I conclude that these forms are 

The status of Pope and Hairston’s new 
P. shermant melaventris likewise seems 
poorly established. In this instance the race 
is diagnosed as “‘An immaculate member of 
the jordani-metcalfi group with a black 
belly.” The type is further described as 
being an adult male (total length 116 mm, 
snout-vent 60 mm), with 14 costal grooves, 
10 or 11 vomerine teeth, body and limbs 
immaculate black above and below, throat 
gray; Pope and Hairston state also that 
their 112 paratypes from Macon, Jackson, 
and Transylvania Counties, N. C., exhibit 
no significant variation. The range of 
melaventris is given as extending from 
Swannanoa, Buncombe County, N. C., to 
Greenville County, S. C., and westward to 
Highlands, Macon County, N. C. As in the 
case of rabunensis, the description of 
melaventris offers no characters to set it 
apart from clemsonae, save for the costal 
groove count, and this again reflects a 
method of counting rather than a real differ- 

The fundamental difference between 
metcalfi and clemsonae lies in the ventral 
pigmentation, as previously discussed. In 
addition, metcalfi is a slightly longer-toed 
form, occasionally having one costal groove 
between the appressed toes, but more often 
none, while in clemsonae there is usually at 
least one groove between the toes, and 
only rarely do the toes meet or overlap 
(in adult specimens). Of the two, metcalfi 
tends to have shorter vomerine series, the 
range of vomerine teeth counts in speci- 
mens I have seen being 6-12, average 8.1, 


whereas in clemsonae the variation is 6-16, 
average 9.1. The examination of several 
series of salamanders from the vicinity of 
Highlands, Macon County, N. C., reveals 
considerable variation in the degree of in- 
tensity of the belly pigment. For example, 
in a series of specimens from Mirror Lake, 
near Highlands, U.S.N.M. no. 88010, 
female (snout-vent 58 mm), has an 
immaculately black back and belly, as do 
also U.S.N.M. no. 88014 male (snout-vent 
56 mm), and no. 88016, female (snout-vent 
58 mm). On the other hand, three smaller 
specimens taken at the same time and 
locality (U.S.N.M. nos. 88011—138, all males, 
snout-vent 40, 49, 46 mm) have black 
dorsums and light grayish throats, but dark 
yellowish gray bellies. Similarly, in 
U.S.N.M. nos. 104527-31, from Little 
Yellow Mountain, 4,100 feet, near High- 
lands, two large females and a male (snout- 
vent 50, 63, and 60 mm, respectively) have 
black backs and bellies, while two smaller 
females (snout-vent 39 and 44 mm) have 
gray bellies. Another specimen, U.S.N.M. 
no. 72825, female, Whiteside Mountain, 
near Highlands (snout-vent 67 mm), is 
black above and dark slaty gray below. 
Specimens I have seen from Rabun and 
Habersham Counties, Ga., and Pickens 
County, S. C., are uniformly black above 
and below (except for the throat), from im- 
maturity (snout-vent 35 mm) to maximum 
adult size (snout-vent 80 mm), although 
they occasionally have grayish or grayish- 
white fleckings on the head and body. Taken 
in their entirety, the variations of metcalfi 
and clemsonae, as well as the vicarious 
ranges and apparent intergradation in 
Macon County, N. C., make it evident that 
these two forms are allopatric races of the 
same species and accordingly should be 
recognized as Plethodon metcalfi metcalfi and 
P. m. clemsonae. The consistent types of 
ventral pigmentation that characterize the 
two races within their respective ranges, and 
the apparent association in part between 
size (age) and degree of belly pigmentation 
in some Highlands specimens, may indicate 
not only intergradation in the vicinity of 
Highlands but may also be taken to indicate 
in ontogenetic fashion the phylogenetic 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

process which has resulted in the deriva- 
tion of clemsonae from metcal/fi. 

While the arrangement suggested above 
satisfies the situation so far as the majority 
of known specimens is concerned, two speci- 
mens are known that fall completely out- 
side this system. These two examples, 
U.S.N.M. nos. 127523-4, were collected by 
H. J. Cole, on Black Mountain, ca. 4,000 
feet, Harlan County, Ky. One (no. 127523) 
is a sexually mature female (snout-vent 56 
mm), while the other (no. 127524) is an im- 
mature male (snout-vent 39 mm). Both 
specimens are a uniform rich black above 
and below, including the chin, throat, and 
breast, except for a very few tiny, isolated 
light flecks, and have whitish palms and 
soles. In both specimens the costal count is - 
15, and the toes overlap, while the vo- 
merine count is 12—i4 in the female speci- 
men and 10-10 in the male. In colorand 
dentition these specimens are indistinguish- 
able from clemsonae, except for the uni-~ 
formly black throat, while the overlapping 
toes might suggest metcalfi. On purely geo- 
graphic grounds it would be expected that 
they would fall in the scope of metcalfi; 
that they do not, and appear instead to be 
more nearly identifiable with clemsonae, 
raises a point of major importance. It is 
possible that additional specimens from this 
locality would provide sufficient charac- 
teristics to distinguish a separate form. 

But for the present, the status of these 

Kentucky specimens is not properly deter- 
minable; a reasonable decision as to their 
identity must await additional material 
from this critical area. 


Owing to the kindness of Dr. Doris M. 
Cochran I have had available the extensive 
collections and other facilities of the United 
States National Museum; for this, and 
many simi'ar courtesies, I am in Dr. 
Cochran’s debt. ; 


BisHop, SHERMAN C. Handbook of salamanders, 
xiv+555 pp., 144 figs., 56 maps. 1943. 

BRIMLEY, CLEMENT S. An apparently new sala- 
mander (Plethodon clemsonae) from S. C. 
Copeia, no. 164: 73-75. 1927. 


GROBMAN, ARNOLD B. The distribution of the sala- 
manders of the genus Plethodon in eastern 
United States and Canada. Ann. New York 
Acad. Sci. 45(7): 261-316, figs. 1-11. 1944. 

Horrann, Ricuarp L., and KLEINPETER, Hvu- 
BERT I. Amphibians from Burkes Garden, 


Virginia. Amer. Midl. Nat. 39(3): 602-57. 

Pops, CLirrorp H., and Hatrston, NELSON G. 
Two new subspecies of the salamander Ple- 
thodon shermani. Copeia, 1948, no. 2: 106— 

ICHTHYOLOGY .—A new name for Synchiropus altivelis Regan, with a key to the 

genera of the fish family Callionymidae. 

Woops, U.S. National Museum. 

During the course of our study of the 
fishes of the northern Marshall Islands it 
was necessary to review the genera of callio- 
nymid fishes of the world. We observed 
that Synchiropus altivelis Regan [Trans. 
Linn. Soc. London 12: 249, pl. 30, fig. 1. 
1908 (Seychelles); Norman, John Murray 
Exped. 1933-34, Sci. Repts. Fishes, 7 (1): 
75, fig. 27. 1939 (Gulf of Aden)] is preoccu- 
pied by Callionymus altivelis Temminck 
and Schlegel [Fauna Japonica, p. 155, pl. 
79, fig. 1. 1845 (Japan)], now Synchiropus 
altwelis (T. and 8.). We herewith propose 
the new name Synchiropus normani to 
replace S. altivelis Regan, 1908. 

Although Fowler (Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
90: 1-2. 1941) gave a key to the genera, 
new facts have been found that require us 
to present our different analysis, with syno- 
nyms of genera. The species of this family 
have not been revised, and they are in a 
general state of confusion, somewhat as a 
result of the differences between sexes. We 
do not have the time or the specimens nec- 
essary to revise carefully the several Cozen 
species named but believe our analysis of 
genera will aid in referring most or all of 
the species to a defined genus. We have 
examined the 54 lots of types and paratypes 
of this family along with numerous other 
nontype specimens in the National Museum. 
That material forms the basis of the follow- 
ing key: 


la. Two dorsal fins. 
2a. No pelvic ray free or separate from others, 
all connected by membrane. 

1 Published by permission of the Secretary of 
the Smithsonian Institution. Received August 13, 


3a. Two lateral lines, lower one represented 
by a fleshy keel or membranous fold 
along lower side of body beginning op- 
posite anterior base of anal fin; opercu- 
lar membrane ending in a free flap; 
posterior part of maxillary semitubu- 
lar in form, convex side inward, open 
side outward, with a very short ante- 
rior and outwardly projecting concave 
lobe, scarcely developed in small speci- 
mens; opercular opening superior in 
position, above opercle, in form of a 
small foramen; pelvic fins connected to 
pectoral base by a membrane attached 
opposite base of 4 to 6 pectoral rays 
from dorsal edge of fin; upper lateral 
line simple; no orbital tentacle; pre- 
opercular spine acute with small spines 
dorsally and a small antrorse spine 
basally; soft dorsal and anal rays all 
unbranched except last one in each fin 
which is branched to base........... 
Calymmichthys? Jordan and Thompson 
3b. Asingle lateral line located mostly in dor- 
sal part of body, no thin fold of skin 
along lower side. 
4a. An orbital tentacle in combination 
with a broad somewhat fleshy lower 
lip folded under chin; opercular 
opening a small foramen above oper- 
cle; no free opercular flap; pelvic 
membrane attached to base of pec- 
toral fin; lateral line simple; pre- 
opercular spine acute with spiny 
points dorsally and an antrorse spine 
ventrally and somewhat basally; all 
rays of soft dorsal and anal fins un- 

2 Calymmichthys Jordan and Thompson, Mem. 
Carnegie Mus. 6(4): 296, pl. 36, fig. 2. 1914 (geno- 
type, C. xentcus Jordan and Thompson). Their 
figure lacks the lower lateral line described twice 
in the text. 

Diacallionymus Fowler, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus. 
90: 29. 1941 (genotype, Callionymus goramensis 

Dermosteira Schultz, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 180: 
267, fig. 26. 1943 (genotype, D. dorotheae Schultz) ; 
We believe C. cookez Giinther belongs in this 


branched except last one in both fins 
branched to its base. .. Amora’ Gray 
4b. No orbital tentacle, or if a small one 
occurs the lower lip not broadly 
folded below chin. 
5a. Pelvic fin membrane absent, no 
membrane connecting pelvic fin 
with pectoral base; preopercular 
spine without a basal antrorse 
5b. Pelvic membrane present and joined 
with base of pectoral fin near its 
middle; no free opercular flap; gill 
opening a small foramen above 
opercle; lateral line simple; no or- 
bital tentacle. 
6a. Opercle ending in a free dermal 
flap; gill opening in a superior 
position at rear of opercle; lat- 
eral line without elongate side 
branchings; body very robust; 
all rays of soft dorsal and of 
anal unbranched except last 
one, which is branched to base 
1M), OQ: PISS a eter Pech oe ere 
eR ee Eleutherochir* Bleeker 
6b. No free opercular flap of skin; gill 
opening superior in position, 
above opercle; all rays of anal 
unbranched except last, which 
is branched to its base. 
7a. Lateral line with short branches 
at right angles; all rays of soft 

dorsal unbranched except 
last, which is branched to its 
PASE: ose thc i Aol aee eee eee 

..Paracallionymus® Barnard 

3 Amora Gray, Illustrations of Indian zoology, 
Hardwicke, 2: pl. 90, fig. 1. 1833-34 (genotype, 
Amora tentaculata Gray =Anaora Gray, zbid., 
probably typographical error for Amora in direc- 
tions for arranging plates). (Reference copied.) 
We refer Synchiropus tentaculatus Herre (Philip- 
pine Journ. Sci. 35: 33, pl. 3. 1928) as asynonym 
of Amora tentaculatus Gray. S. tentaculatus Herre 
is a homonym also, but since we do not consider it 
as distinct from tentaculatus Gray, we see no rea- 
son to propose a new substitute name. In addition 
Callionymus fimbriatus Herre (Herre Philippine 
Exped. 1931: 94. 1934) is a synonym of both 
tentaculatus Gray and tentaculatus Herre, in our 

4 Kleutherochir Bleeker, Versl. Medel. Akad. 
Wet. Amsterdam, ser. 2, 14: 103. 1879 (genotype, 
C. opercularioides Bleeker). 

Brachycallionymus Herre and Myers, in Herre, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 49: 12. 1936 (geno- 
type, B. mirus Herre = C. opercularioides Bleeker). 

5 Paracallionymus Barnard, Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., ser. 9, 20: 69. 1927, and Ann. South African 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

7b. Lateral line simple; soft dorsal 

rays branched and last one to 

its base... . Yerutius* Whitley 

8a. Preopercular spine with a basal 
antrorse spine or one near its 

ventral edge; all rays of dorsal 

and of anal fins unbranched ex- 

cept the last one in both fins 

which is branched to its base.. . 

Sie a Callionymus’ Linnaeus 

8b. No antrorse spine at base or on 
ventral side of preopercular 

spine; first soft dorsal ray usu- 

ally unbranched, all _ rest 

branched (except in young), the 

last one to its base; anal rays 
unbranched except last one, 

which is branched to its base. . 

bewtale 2 phew Synchiropus® Gill 

2b. First pelvic ray not connected by a mem- 
brane with the next ray; gill opening be- 
hind oOpercie “2s oe Dactylophus® Gill 
1b. Dorsal fin single, spiny part lacking; gill open- 
ing superior in position at rear of opercle; 
pelvic membrane not connected with pec- 
toral base; lateral line simple; orbital ten- 
tacle lacking; no antrorse spine near basal 
part of preopercular spine; soft dorsal rays 
branched, last one to its base; anal rays un- 
branched, except last one, which is branched 
t0:its' base. 2. se ee eee Draculo'® Snyder 

Mus. 21: 448. 1927 (genotype, C. costatus Bou- 

6 Yerutius Whitley, Rec. Austral. Mus. 18: 115. 
1931 (genotype, C. apricus McCulloch). 

7 Callionymus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, ed. 
10: 249. 1758 (genotype, C. lyra Linnaeus). 

Calliurichthys Jordan and Fowler, Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus. 25: 941. 1903 (genotype, C.japonicus 

Repomucenus Whitley, Austr. Zool. 6: 323. 
1931 (genotype, C. calcaratus Macleay). 

Callimucenus Whitley, Suppl. checklist fishes 
New South Wales, ed. 3, no. 398: 418. 1934 (geno- 
type, C. macdonaldi Ogilby). 

Velestonymus Whitley, zbid.: 418 (genotype, C. 
limiceps Ogilby). 

8 Synchiropus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, 1859: 129. 1860 (genotype, C. lateralis 

Foetorepus Whitley, Austr. Zool. 6: 323. 1931 
(genotype, C. calauropomus Richardson). 

® Dactylophus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia 1859: 130. 1860 (genotype, C. dactylophus 
Bennett =D. benneiti Gill). 

Vulsus Giinther, Catalogue of the fishes in the 
British Museum 3: 15. 1861 (genotype, C. dacty- 
lophus Bennett). 

10 Draculo Snyder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 40: 
545. 1911 (genotype, Dracule mirabilis Snyder). 

An asterisk (*) denotes the abstract of a paper presented before the Academy or an affiliated society. 

Anthropological Society of Washington. 191. 
Philosophical Society of Washington. 25, 283. 

Washington Academy of Sciences. 23, 79, 112, 188, 213, 254, 281, 382. 


AspEetson, P. H. *The transuranic elements. 

ALEXANDER, 8S. N. *High-speed digital comput- 
ing machines, Pt. 2. 26. 

ALPHER, RatpH E. *The origin of chemical ele- 

ments. 288. 
Avery, W.H. *Infrared spectra at low temper- 
atures. 31. 

Bartscu, Paut. More about Mexican urocop- 
tid mollusks. 350. 

Bates, Rocer G., and SmiTtH, EpGar REYNOLDs. 
Standardization of the pH scale. 61. 

BayYER, FrepERICcCK M. See Cuarx, Austin H. 

BEEBE, RatpH A. Dr. Stephen Brunauer’s con- 
tributions in the field of adsorption. 117. 

Bennett, A. H. *The phase contrast micro- 
scope. 30. 

Birancourt, A. A. See JENKINS, ANNAE. 362. 

BLACKWELDER, RicHArRD E. An analysis of spe- 
cific homonyms in zoological nomenclature. 

The principle of priority in biological 
nomenclature. 306. 

BuakKE, Doris H. New species of Metachroma 
and other chrysomelid beetles from the West 

Indies. 274. 

Bricker, C.E. See Furman, N. Howey. 159. 

BRIDGMAN, Percy W. General survey of certain 
results in the field of high pressure physics. 

. Science and freedom: Reflections of a 
physicist. 156. 

BuRINGTON, RicHARD STEVENS. The role of the 
concept of equivalence in the study of 
physical and mathematical systems. 1. 

CALDWELL, JOSEPH R. Palachacolas Town, 
Hampton County, South Carolina. 321. 

Cxiark, Austin H. Some interesting starfishes 
and brittle-stars dredged by the Atlantis in 
the mid-Atlantic. 75. 

and BayER, FREDERICK M. Some echi- 
noderms from Biak, Schouten Islands. 143 

CocHRAN, Doris M. A new subspecies of tree 
frog from Pernambuco, Brazil. 316. 

Connon, E. U. *Nuclear forces. 283. 

CurTIN, CHARLES B. The tardigrade fauna of 
the District of Columbia. 251. 

Curtiss, J. H. *High-speed digital computing 

machines, Pt.1. 26. 
Daunt, A. I. *Temperature measurements in gas 
streams. 283. 
DeranporFr, F. M. The measurement of high 
voltage. 33. 

Dertenan, H. G. Continental races of the bulbul 
Pycnonotus dispar (Horsfield). 245. 

. Some races of the babbling thrush, 

Malacocincla abbott Blyth. 184. 

. The races of the black-throated sun- 

bird, Aethopyga saturata (Hodgson). 21. 

The races of the red-whiskered bulbul, 

Pycnonotus jocosus (Linnaeus). 279. 

The races of the silver-breasted broad- 
bill, Serilophus lunatus (Gould). 108. 

Deuacour, J. Note on the races of the black- 
throated sunbird, Aethopyga saturata (Hodg- 

son). 1883. 
DExTER, RatpH W. See Speck, FRANK G. 

Drucker, Puiurp. The antiquity of the North- 
west coast totem pole. 389. 

DuFFENDACK, O. 8S. *Magnetic ferrites. 288. 

DunkKLE, Davin H. An interesting occurrence of 
fossil tracks in West Virginia. 130. 

On two previously unreported selachians 
from the Upper Cretaceous of North America. 

DuryEE, W. R. *A film on the mechanism of 
cell division. 31. 

Euuiott, Evucense W. The _ swarm-cells of 
Myxomyeetes. 133. 

Ewers, JOHN C. Self-torture in the Blood 
Indian sun dance. 166. 

Fanc, Wen-Per. New species of Salix from 
Szechwan, China. 312. 

Fano, U. *Contributions of physics to biology, 
PRSE 229. 

Forsusu, 8. E. *Cosmic rays from the sun? 

Fox, Ricoarp M. Two new Ithomiinae in the 
Schaus collection (Lepidoptera: Nymphali- 
dae). 315. 

FRIEDMANN, HERBERT. A small collection of 
birds from Eritrea. 137. 

Furman, N. Howey; Bricker, C. E.; and Mc- 
DuFFi£, Bruce. A method for the de- 
termination of certain metals present in 
minor concentration in various substances. 

GauHan, A. B. The Herbert H. Smith collection 
of South American Chalcidoidea described by 

W.H. Ashmead. 243. 

Gamow, G. *Contributions of physics to bi- 
ology, Pt. 2. 29. 

Ginnines, D.C. *The Bunsen ice calorimeter in 
modern heat measurements. 283. 

Goeain, JoHn M. Florida archeology and re- 
eent ecological changes. 225. 


GREEN, J. B. *The spectra of atoms. 285. 
HERMANN, FrepErRiIcK J. Notes on North 

American Leguminosae. 236. 

Studies in Lonchocarpus and related 
genera, II: Miscellaneous Middle American 
Lonchocarpi. 11. 

Studies in Lonchocarpus and related 
genera, III: Humboldtiella and Callistylon. 

Studies in Lonchocarpus and related 
genera, IV: The Lonchocarpus rugosus com- 
plex and additional Middle American spe- 
cies. 310. 

Hosss, Horton H., Jr. On the crayfishes of the 
Limosus section of the genus Orconectes 
(Decapoda: Astacidae). 14. 

Horr, C. Cuayton. Hesperochernes thomomysi, a 
new species of chernetid pseudoscorpion 
from California. 340. 

Horrman, James I. Purification of uranium 
oxide. 238. 

See also May,-IRvinG. 329. 
HorrMan, Ricuarp L. Three new eastern milli- 
peds of the family Xystodesmidae. 346. 
and KLEINPETER, HuBEerT I. A collec- 
tion of salamanders from Mount Rogers, 

Virginia. 106. 

HvuBBARD, JoHNC. *Ultrasonic propagation and 
its measurement. 287. 

Humpureys, W. J. Loose usage of weather 
words. 123. 

Inte, Paut L. Pharodinae, a new subfamily of 
Chondracanthidae (Crustacea: Copepoda), 
and a description of Pharodes biakensis, 
n. sp., from New Guinea. 404. 

JENKINS, ANNA E., and BiTaNncourt, A. A. 
Diagnosis of the Elsinoé on flowering dog- 
wood. 362. 

KELLER, E. *Airborne magnetometer in geo- 
physical explorations, Pt. 2. 28. 

Kuaassk, JAMES M. *Airborne magnetometer 
in geophysical exploration, Pt. 1. 28. 

KLEINPETER, Husert I. See Horrman, Ricu- 
ARD L. 106. 

Larsen, EstHerR L. New species of Achaeto- 
geron (Compositae) from Mexico. 199. 
LirrLte, Evpert L., Jr. Heliopsis longipes, a 
Mexican insecticidal plant species. 269. 

. New species of treesfrom Ecuador. 87. 
Loomis, H. F. Two new millipeds of Jamaica. 


Harry E. Bacillus megatersum de Bary 
from the interior of healthy potato tubers. 

Martin, G W. Two new species of Physarum. 

May, Irvine, and Horrman, JAMES I. A study 
of dithizone as a reagent for indium. 329. 

McDurriz, Bruce. See Furman, N. Howe Lt. 

McMituan, J. Howarp. *Spark shadowgraphy 
in hydrodynamics. 284. 

MenzeEL, D. H. *Problems of the sun. 32. 


VOL. 38, NO. 12 

Mixer, Cart F. Early cultural manifestations 
exposed by the archeological survey of the 
Buggs Island Reservoir in southern Virginia 

and northern North Carolina. 397. 
Miuiuiegan, L. H. Robert Hamilton Lombard 
(obituary). 112. 
MitrrLEMAN, M. B. American Caudata, Y: 

Notes on certain Appalachian salamanders of 

the genus Plethodon. 416. 

and SmitH, Hopart M. American Cau- 
data, IV: Allocation of the name Bolito- 
glossa mexicana. 318. 

Mou_er, Frep L. Mass spectra of hydrocar- 
bons. 1983. 

NEwELL, H. E. *Exploration of the upper at- 
mosphere by rockets, Pt. 2. 28. 

Nicer, Paut. Some aspects of the geology, 
petrology, and mineralogy of Switzerland. 

Peterson, R. P. *Exploration of the upper at- 
mosphere by rockets, Pt. 1. 27. 

PETTIBONE, Marran H. Two new species of 
polychaete worms of the family Polynoidae 
from Puget Sound and San Juan Archi- 
pelago. 412. 

Ricuarps, O. W. *Applications of the phase 
contrast microscope. 30. 

RicHarps, RaupH W. George Rogers Mansfield 
(obituary). 223. 

Ross, Herspert H. Notes and descriptions of 
Nearctic Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera). 201. 

SaBrosky, Curtis W. A synopsis of the Nearc- 
tic species of Elachiptera and related genera 
(Diptera, Chloropidae). 365. 

SaYLor, LAWRENCE W. Synoptic revision of the 
United States scarab beetles of the sub- 
family Dynastinae, No. 4: Tribes Oryctini 
(part), Dynastini, and Phileurini. 176. 

Synoptic revision of the United States 
scarab beetles of the subfamily Dynastinae, 

No. 5: Keys to tribes and genera. 240. 

Scuuttz, Leonarp P., and Woops, Loren P. 
Acanthurus triostegus marquesensis, a new 
subspecies of surgeonfish, family Acan- 
thuridae, with notes on related forms. 248. 

. A new name for Synchiropus altivelis 
Regan, with a key to the genera of the fish 
family Callionymidae. 419. 

SEEGER, R. J. *Shock-wave phenomena. 26. 

Seitz, FREDERICK. *The theory of plastic flow 
in solids. 286. 

SILVERMAN, SHIRLEIGH. *A _ cinema-spectro- 
graph for photographing rapid spectral se- 
quences. 285. 

Simmons, Perez. English-language surnames of 
biological origin. 81. 

Simon, Lesitiz E. *Organization and adminis- 
tration of German research in World War II. 


SmirH, Hopart M. See Mitrieman, M. B. 318. 

SmitH, Newsorn. *Longitude effect in F2- 
layer characteristics. 25. 

See BaTEs, RocEr G. 

Dec. 15, 1948 

SoLEcKI, Raupu 8. A seventeenth-century fire- 
place at Maspeth, Long Island. 324. 

Speck, Frank G., and DeExtTrerR, RautpH W. 
Utilization of marine life by the Wam- 
panoag Indians of Massachusetts. 257. 

Stewart, T. D. The true form of the cranial 
deformity originally described under the name 
“téte trilobée.” 66. 

Stone, ALan. Simulium virgatum Coquillett 
and a new related species (Diptera: Simu- 
hiidae). 399. _ 

STRONG, JoHN. *An extension of the application 
of evaporated films. 286. 

ture of enzymes. 113. 

VinaL, Grorce W. Transition from 

The chemical na- 




national to absolute electrical units as it 
affects the physical chemist. 265. 
Wacker, Pau. F. *Heat capacities of gases. 31. 

Weis, H. W. *Panoramic ionospheric re- 
corder. 25. 

Wey, F. J. *Optical analysis of supersonic 
flow. 27. 


WiuuiaMs, RoBLEy C. *Recent developments in 
electron microscopy. 283. 

WoopBRIDGE, HENSLEY C. Glossary of names 
used in colonial Latin America for crosses 
among Indians, Negroes, and Whites. 3583. 

Woops, Loren P. See Scuuutz, Leonarp P. 


Academy awards for scientific achievement, 1947. 

Anthropology. Glossary of names used in co- 
lonial Latin America for crosses among 
Indians, Negroes, and Whites. HENSLEY 
C. WoopBRIDGE. 353. 

The true form of the cranial deformity origi- 
nally described under the name ‘‘téte 
trilobée.” T.D.Stewart. 66. 

Archeology. A seventeenth-century fireplace at 
Maspeth, Long Island. Raupu §S. So- 
LECKI. 324. 

Early cultural manifestations exposed by 
the archeological survey of the Buggs 
Island Reservoir in southern Virginia and 
northern North Carolina. Caru F. MIL- 
LER. 397. 

Florida archeology and recent ecological 
changes. JOHN M. Goaain. 225. 

Palachacolas Town, Hampton County, South 

Carolina. JosEPH R. CALDWELL. 321. 
Astronomy. *Problems of the sun. D. H. 
MENZEL. 32. 
Biochemistry. The chemical nature of enzymes. 


Biology. The principle of priority in biological 
nomenclature. RIcHARD E. BLacK- 
WELDER. 306. 

Biophysics. *A film on the mechanism of cell 
division. W. R. DuryYeEE. 31. 

*Contributions of physics to biology, Pt. 1. 
U. Fano. 29. 

*Contributions of physics to biology, Pt. 2. 
G. Gamow. 29. 

Botany. Diagnosis of the Elsinoé on flowering 
dogwood. ANNA E. JENKINS and A. A. 
BiITaANcouRT. 362. 

Heliopsis longipes, a Mexican insecticidal 
plant species. Expert L. Litre, Jr. 

Botany. New species of Achaetogeron (Composi- 
tae) from Mexico. EstHer L. Larsen. 

New species of Salix from Szechwan, China. 
WeEnN-PEI Fane. 312. 

New species of trees from western Ecuador. 
Evsert L. Littxe, Jr. 87. 

Notes in North American Leguminosae. 

Studies in Lonchocarpus and related genera, 
Il: Miscellaneous Middle American Lon- 
chocarpi. FREDERICK J. HERMANN. 11. 

Studies in Lonchocarpus and related genera, 
III: Humboldtiella and Callistylon. FREp- 

Studies in Lonchocarpus and related genera, 
IV: The Lonchocarpus rugosus complex and 
additional Middle American _ species. 

Chemistry. A method for the determination of 
certain metals present in minor concentra- 
tion in various substances. N. HowE.u 
FurMAN, C. E. Bricker, and Bruce Mc- 
Durriz£. 159. 

A study of dithizone as a reagent for indium. 
Irvine May and James I. Horrman. 

Dr. Stephen Brunauer’s contributions in the 
field of adsorption. RaupH A. BEEBE. 


Purification of uranium oxide. JAMmEs I. 
HoFFMaANn. 233. 

Standardization of the pH scale. RoGeEr G. 

Bates and EpGar REYNOLDS SMITH. 61. 

*The transuranic elements. P. H. ABEL- 
son. 30. © 
Entomology. A synopsis of the Nearctic species 

of Hlachiptera and related genera (Dip- 
tera, Chloropidae). Curtis W. Sasros- 
KY. 365. ; 

Entomology. New species of Metachroma and 
other chrysomelid beetles from the West 
Indies. Doris H. BLake. 274. 

Notes and descriptions of Nearctic Hy- 
droptilidae (Trichoptera). HERBERT H. 
Ross. 201. 

Simulium virgatum Coquillett and a new 
related species (Diptera: Simuliidae). 

Synoptic revision of the United States 


scarab beetles of the subfamily Dynas- 
tinae, No. 4: Tribes Oryctini (part), Dy- 
nastini, and Phileurini. Lawrence W. 
Sartor. 176. 

Synoptic revision of the United States scarab 
beetles of the subfamily Dynastinae, No. 5: 
Keys to tribes and genera. LAWRENCE 
W. Saytor. 240. 

The Herbert H. Smith collection of South 
American Chalcidoidea described by W. H. 
Ashmead. A. B. GAHAN. 248. 

Two new Ithomiinae in the Schaus collection 

(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). RicHarp 
NM Box.) Pop: 
Ethnology. Self-torture in the Blood Indian sun 

dance. JoHN C. Ewers. 166. 
The antiquity of the Northwest coast totem 

pole. Puitip Drucker. 389. 

Utilization of marine life by the Wam- 
panoag Indians of Massachusetts. FRANK 
G. Speck and RautpH W. DExTER. 257. 

General science. *Organization and administra- 
tion of German research in World’ War II. 
LesuiE E. Simon. 287. 

Science and freedom: Reflections of a physi- 
cist. Percy W. BripamMan. 156. 
Geology. Some aspects of the geology, petrology, 
and mineralogy of Switzerland. Pauvu 

Nicer. 289. 

Herpetology. A collection of salamanders from 
Mount Rogers, Virginia. Ricuarp L. 
HorrmMan and Huspert J. KLEeInpeTer. 

Ichthyology. Acanthurus triostegus marquesensis, 
a new subspecies of surgeonfish, family 
Acanthuridae, with notes on_ related 
forms. LronarRD P. Scuuttz and LoREN 
P. Woops. 248. 

A new name for Synchiropus altivelis Regan, 
with a key to the genera of the fish family 

Callionymidae. Lronarp P. ScuHuttz 
and Loren P. Woops. 419. 
Mathematics. The role of the concept of equiva- 

lence in the study of physical and mathe- 
matical systems. RIcHARD STEVENS BuR- 
Meteorolegy. Loose usage of weather words. 
W. J. Humpureys. 123. 
Mycology. The swarm-cells of Myxomycetes. 
EucEnsE W. Exuuiott. 133. 
Two new species of Physarum. G. W. 
MartTIn. 238. 
Harry Diamonp. 320. 
Ornithology. A small collection of birds from 
Continental races of the bulbul Pycnonotus 
dispar (Horsfield). H. G. Der8IGNAN. 
Note on the races of the black-throated sun- 
bird, Aethopyga saturata (Hodgson). J. 
DELacourR. 183. 



VOL. 38, NO. 12 

Some races of the babbling thrush, Malaco- 
cincla abbotti Blyth. H. G. Derrenan. 

The races of the black-throated sunbird, 
Aethopyga saturata (Hodgson). H. G. 

The races of the red-whiskered bulbul, 
Pycnonotus jocosus (Linnaeus). H. G. 
DEIGNAN. 279. 

The races of the silver-breasted broadbill, 
Sertlophus lunatus (Gould). H. G. Dete- 
NAN. 108. 

Paleontology. An interesting occurrence of fossil 
tracks in West Virginia. Davin H. 
Dunk«KLE. 130. 

On two previously unreported selachians 
from the Upper Cretaceous of North 
America. Davin H. DuNKLE. 173. 

Philology. English-language surnames of bio- 
logical origin. PEREZ Simmons. 81. 

Physics. *A cinema-spectrograph for photo- 
graphing rapid spectral sequences. SuHtIR- 

*Airborne magnetometer in geophysical ex- 
ploration, Pt. 1. James M. KiaasseE. 28. 

*Airborne magnetometer in geophysical ex- 
plorations, Pt. 2. F. KELLER. 28. 

*An extension of the application of evapo- 
rated films. JOHN STRONG. 286. 

*Applications of the phase contrast micro- 
scope. O. W. RicHarps. 30. 

*Cosmic raysfrom the sun? §S. E. Forsusu. 

*Exploration of the upper atmosphere by 
rockets, Pt.1. R.P. PETERson. 27. 

*Exploration of the upper atmosphere by 
rockets, Pt. 2. H.E. NEwELL. 28, 

General survey of certain results in the field 

of high pressure physics. Percy W. 
BripGMAN. 145. 

*Heat capacities of gases. Paun F. Wack- 
ER. —31. 

*High-speed digital computing machines, 
Pt. 1... J. H. - Curtiss. 20: é 
*High-speed digital computing machines, 

Pt..2" 3S. N. ALEXANDER. | 26: 
*Infrared spectra at low temperatures. 
W. H. Avery. 31. 
*Longitude effect in F2-layer characteris- 

tics. NEWBORN SMITH. 25. 
*Magnetic ferrites. O. S. DUFFENDACK. 
Mass spectra of hydrocarbons. FRrRep L. 
Mouser. 193. 
*Nuclear forces. E. U. Connon. 283. 

*Optical analysis of supersonic flow. F. J. 

Wey. 27. 
Physics. *Panoramic ionospheric 

H.W. Weis, -/25. 

*Recent developments in electron micros- 
copy. Rospuiey C. WiLuiaMs. 283. 

*Shock-wave phenomena. R. J. SEEGER. 26. 

*Spark shadowgraphy in hydrodynamics. 
J. Howarp McMiuian. 284. 


Dec. 15, 1948 INDEX 

*Temperature measurements in gas streams. 
AI. Dann. 283. 

*The Bunsen ice calorimeter in modern heat 
measurements. D.C. GINNINGS. 283. 

The measurement of high voltage. F. M. 

*The origin of chemical elements. RawupuH E. 
ALPHER. 288. 

*The phase contrast microscope. A. H. 

*The spectra of atoms. J. B. GREEN. 285. 

*The theory of plastic flow in solids. FREpD- 

Transition from international to absolute 
electrical units as it affects the physical 
chemist. GrEoRrGE W. VINAL. 265. 

*Ultrasonic propagation and its measure- 
ment. JoHN C. HupBarp. 287. 

Plant pathology. Bacillus megaterium de Bary 
from the interior of healthy potato tuber. 
E. WHEELER. 336. 

Zoology. American Caudata, IV: Allocation of 
the name Belitoglossa mexicana. M. B. 
MirTLeMAN and Hopart M. SmirH. 318. 

American Caudata, V: Notes on certain 
Appalachian salamanders of the genus 
Plethodon. M.B. Mirtiteman. 416. 

Zoology. An analysis of specific homonyms in 

zoological nomenclature. RicHarp E. 



A new subspecies of tree frog from Pernam. 
buco, Brazil. Doris M. Cocuran. 316- 

Hesperochernes thomomyst, a new species of 
chernetid pseudoscorpion from California. 
C. Cuayton Horr, 340. 

More about Mexican urocoptid mollusks. 
Pau. BartscH. 350. 

On the crayfishes of the Limosus section of 
the genus Orconectes (Decapoda: Asta- 
cidae). Horton H. Hosss, Jr. 14. 

Pharodinae, a new subfamily of Chondracan- 
thidae (Crustacea: Copepoda), and a de- 
scription of Pharodes biakensis, n. sp., from 
New Guinea. PautL. Inia. 404. 

Some echinoderms from Biak, Schouten 
Islands. Austin H. CiarkK and FREpD- 
ERICK M. Bayer. 1438. 

Some interesting starfishes and brittle-stars 
dredged by the Atlantis in the mid- 
Atlantic. Austin H. CiarK. 75. 

The tardigrade fauna of the District of 
Columbia. CHARLES B. CurTIN. 251. 
Three new eastern millipeds of the family 
Xystodesmidae. RicHarp L. HOFFMAN. 


Two new millipeds of Jamaica. H. F. 
Loomis. 185. 

Two new species of polychaete worms of the 
family Polynoidae from Puget Sound and 
San Juan Archipelago. Marian H. Perr- 
TIBONE. 412, 


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‘Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences 

President............+.+.-++-FREDERICK D. Rossrn1, National Bureau of Standards 

IRENE GE acy ctu ss wile an ee an bine wa akan se C. Lewis Gazin, U. S. National Museum 
MME air. os tan k's) oid ath es eee ...- Howarp S. Rappers, Coast and Geodetic Survey 
WME aoe ie 2g Le/alel foe's wigs a's ace en NatHan R. Smits, Plant Industry Station 

Custodian and Subscription Manager of Publications..........0cc0ccceeescccee 
Sk oie og Sets bs Haraup A. REHDER, U. 8. National Museum 

Vice-Presidents ‘Representing the Affiltated Socteties: 

Philosophical Society of Washington.......... Se cuba oan eniat .... WALTER RAMBERG 
Anthropological Society of Washington....... ME RGB ge EB AL T. Dae STEWART 
Biological Society of Washington..... ph, EE OE ek Lae EOS. JOHN W. ALDRICH 
Chemical Society of Washington...... Bre ess “aA ed wissais Stance Cuarues E, WHITE 
Entomological Society of Washington.........5....... ...C. F. W. MursesBreck 
National Geographic Society..... SS elite: Marae atc eae eit 1avello Gas ALEXANDER WETMORE 
Geological Society of Washington............... oeeeeee-. WILLIAM W. RUBEY 
Medical Society of the District of Columbia......... ....... FREDERICK O. CoE 
Columbia Historical Society.............. See ose 's 4 . GILBERT GROSVENOR 
Botanical Society of Washington... 2... ine eee sec c eae eee- RoNALD BAMFORD 
Washington Section, Society of American Foresters. . . WittiamM A. Dayton 
Washington Society GigenOMCera GL ie. car a ides Gey cc Regrets Ge CuirrorD A, Betts 
Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers............... 
PE Re ME OES POR AG as URNS ees ola Francis B, SILSBEE 
Washington Section, ‘American Society of Mechanical Engineers............... 
ER SNe © stan os vinnie spice iri! oe SEM uy Ries ow Meee al Martin A. Mason 
Helminthological Society of Washington................0.25. AUREL O. FostTER 
Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists...... Lore A. RoGERs 
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers. CLEMENT L. GARNER 
Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers..... HERBERT GROVE DORSEY 

Washington Section, American Society of Civil Engineers.....QwEN B. FRENcH 
Elected Members of the Board of Managers: 

PEPE 1 DAS i ee a he to Sie. wane Max A. McCatu, Waxtpo L. Scumitrr 

To January 1950....... PS Gla wihiataaa wecainio 8 F, G. Brick wEpDE, WILLIAM W. Di1EHL 
remremnery LOOT, eS cid ww ene eee Francis M. DeranporrFr, WILLIAM N. FENTON 
PPREIAEE) PP RA ERE oi ooo aig os ne sv ape tay All the above officers plus the Senior Editor 
Board of Editors and Associate Editors..........ccccececnccesccess [See front cover] 
Executive Commitiee......... Freperick D. Rossini (chairman), WALTER RAMBERG, 
SRN Sa. aia ss g' Watpo L. Scumitt, Howarp 8. Rappieys, C. Lewis Gazin 
Commiitee Ree LN MARTI POEMS SEALE, GN a vey eae whale Bau ae Us we Uy pace Ae 8 ie hie heraialete 
_ Harowp E. McComs (chairman), Lewis W. Burz, C. WytHe Cooxks, WILLIAM 

ee ee W. Diext, Luoyp D. Fe.iron, Recina FLANNERY, Grorce G. Manov 
Committee on Meetings.....5...0...cccccecccvenes RayMonp J. SEEGER (chairman), 

....- FRANK P. CULLINAN, Frep L. Monier, Francis O. Rice, FRanK THONB 
Committee on M pace oehes, 
To January 1949. .....- LEWIS V. JuDSON (chairman), Epwarp A. CHAPIN 
To January BOSON Cu Ce Lee ecen Routanp W. Brown, HarRauD A. REHDER 
Pee ROD ae Pata oa eee 5 kcare WiiuiaM N. Fenton, Emmett W. Price 
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (KARL F. HerzFrexp, general chairman): 
REO ICAL GINGER. 65 ON aa vie Me A ahs « Hike Mea Sek es Late tee aieteo nna s0% 
C. F. W. Mugsmsecx (chairman), Harry §. Bernton, Coester W. Emmons, 
Eimer Hiecins, Mario Moiuari, GorrHoLDp STEINER, L. Epw1in Yocum 
For the Engineering CEES A TG ete Sig ks RU Re Pe Ue Fran nso) Te a co 
Luorp V. Berxner, (chairman), Ropert C. Duncan, Hersert N. Eaton, 
Arno C. FIELDNER, FRANK B. Scuzerz, W. D. SutcuiFrrs 
For the Physical Se Se Re ee eee, eats ci Vt I 
Kari F. Herzre.p (chairman), NarHan L. Drakes, Luoyp D. FELTon, 

Committee on Grants-in-aid SOP UIUCSEOTE I OU NS Mh e es va eek ke Aas 8 6m aati ae 
..F. H. H. Rozgerts, Jr. ar aa aBA Anna E. JENKINS, J. LEON SHERESHEVSEY 
eo Representative on Council of MAW CeCe tie cereal ares Gy Sa SM Cie eb FRANK THONE 
rn SRNR Ee Abt UACLONS So oc gt ie ww 0 a'd Main SA wee. 0's Dain eter shdia bs heads Skee ae eo ree 
Witi1amM G. BroMBACHER (chairman), Haroup F. STIMSON, Hersert L. HALLER 

fa ees CP RIL ORE er cs We ea oh ee Ae Me eae a nmeecrgak Sass Ret TS gi 

-- JOHN W. McBurney (chairman), Rocer G. Barrs, WiLiiam A. WILDHACK 


4 | 
Erunotocy.—The antiquity of the Northwest coast totem pole. 

PHILIP DRVCK BR oe RP i eR err Ta. tak ie ee 

ARcHEOLOGY.—Early cultural manifestations exposed by the archeo- 
logical survey of the Buggs Island Reservoir in southern Virginia 
and northern North Carolina. Carn F. MILupR.............. 

EnTomoLoey.—Simulium virgatum Coquillett and a new related spe- 
cies (Diptera; Simuliidae).. ALAN STONE, .). ...00. 02% 

ZooLoGy.—Pharodinae, a new subfamily of Chondracanthidae (Crus- 
tacea: Copepoda), and a description of Pharodes biakensis, n. sp., 
from..New Guinea. (“PAUL Tae en 

ZooLoay.—T wo new species of polychaete worms of the family Poly- 
noidae from Puget Sound and San J van Archipelago. Marian H. 
PEPTIBONE oii g ur eUC as: eR AMOR CARON UNE TE UN SLURS rit ee a a 

ZooLtocy.—American Caudata, V: Notes on certain Appalachian sala- 
manders of the genus Plethodon. M.B. MIrrLeMaNn........... 

IcnHTHyoLocy.—A new name for Synchiropus altwelis Regan, with a key 
to the genera of the fish family pee ed ie LEONARD P. 
ScHULTZand Loren P- Woops: 2.0 oe so een ee 

ENDIUXLO VOLUMES eae Aga teint Rep bate ie. 








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