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(ISSN 0892-1016) 

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Raptor Research 

Volume 31 March 1997 Number 1 


Peregrine Falcon Recovery Along the West Central Coast of the Baja 
CALIFORNIA Peninsula, Mexico. Aradit Castellanos, Fernando Jaramillo, Federico 
Salinas, Alfredo Ortega-Rubio and Cerafina Arguelles 1 

Winter Bald Eagle Distribution is Inversely Correlated with Human 
Activity Along the Colorado River, Arizona. Bryan t. Brown and Lawrence e. 

Stevens 7 

Population Status of the Endangered Hawaiian Hawk. Linnea s. Hall, Michael 

L. Morrison and Peter H. Bloom 11 

Nest-Site Selection by Four Sympatric Forest Raptors in Southern 

Norway. Vidar Selas 16 

Distribution and Species Richness of a Forest Raptor Community in 

Relation to Urbanization. Thomas Bosakowski and Dwight g. Smith 26 

Does Vegetation Structure Limit the Distribution of Northern 
Goshawks in the Oregon Coast Ranges? Stephen DeStefano and Jon McCioskey. ... 34 
Food Habits of the Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus feldeggii) in Central 

Italy. Federico Morimando, Francesco Pezzo and Alessandro Draghi 40 

Nesting Distribution and Population Status of U.S. Ospre\s 1994. Lawrence 

M. Houghton and Larry M. Rymon..., 44 

The Delaware Bayshore of New Jersey: A Raptor Migration and Wintering 

Site of Hemispheric Significance, clay Sutton and Paul Keriinger 54 

Food Habits of Common Barn-owls along an Elevational Gradient in 
Andean Argentine Patagonia. Alejandro Travaini, Jose A. Donazar, Olga Ceballos, 

Alejandro Rodriguez, Fernando Hiraldo and Miguel Delibes 59 

Indicators of Male Quality in the Hoots of Tawny Owls (Strix aluco) . 

Bridget M. Appleby and Stephen M. Redpath 65 

Role of Refuse as Food for Migrant, Floater and Breeding Black Kites 

( MlLVUS MIGRANS ) . Guillermo Blanco 71 

Short Communications 

Interspecific and Intraspecific Aggression Among Grifton and Cinereous Vultures at 
Nesting and Foraging Sites. Guillermo Blanco, Jose M. Traverse, Javier Marchamalo and 

Felix Martinez 77 

Hunting Synchrony in White-tailed Kites. Molly F. Skonieczny and Jeffrey R. Dunk 79 

Blood Parasites of Nestling Goshawks. E.P. Toyne and R.W. Ashford 81 

Migration of Flocks of Honey Buzzards in Southern Italy and Malta. Nicolantonio 

Agostini, Daniela Logozzo and Charles Colero 84 

Nesting-Tree Preference and Nesting Success of Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks in Japan. 

Mutsuyuki Ueta 86 

Letters 89 

BOOK Review. Edited by Jeffrey S. Marks 90 

Manuscript Referees 91 

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provided by Boise State University to assist in the publication of the journal. 

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Vol. 31 March 1997 No. 1 

J. Raptor Res. 31(l):l-6 

© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 


Arad n Castellanos 

Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste, S.C., Div. De Biol. Terrestre., Apdo. Post. 128, 

La Paz , B.C.S., Mexico 

Fernando Jaramillo 

PG7 Consultores, S.C., Apdo. Post. 1887, Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico 

Federico Salinas, Alfredo Ortega-Rubio and Cerafina Arguelles 

Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste, S.C., Div. de Biol. Terrestre., Apdo. Post. 128, 

La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico 

Abstract. — The central west coast of the Baja California peninsula was an important Peregrine Falcon 
(Falco peregrinus) breeding area supporting a population of about 13 breeding pairs. This population 
declined drastically during the 1960s and early 1970s. We conducted field surveys and compiled data 
on nesting Peregrine pairs from 1980-94 to address the current status of the Baja population. We found 
10 pairs nesting in the area indicating the Peregrine population has recovered in the area since the late 
1970s. Due to increased human activity in the area, proper management is needed to provide suitable 
nesting sites and to minimize human disturbances during the nesting season. 

Keywords: Peregrine Falcon; recovery; status ; Baja California; Falco peregrinus. 

Recuperation del halcon peregrino en la costa centro occidental de la penisula de Baja California, Mexico. 

Resumen. — La costa centro occidental de la peninsula de Baja California, ha sido un area importante de 
reproduction del halcon peregrino (Falco peregrinus) , manteniendo alrededor de 13 territorios de anidacion. 
Esta poblacion declino drasticamente entre los anos 1960s e inicios de los 1970s. Nosotros realizamos estudios 
en el campo y recabamos datos sobre las parejas anidantes de peregrinos entre 1980 y 1994 para determinar 
su situation actual. Encontramos diez parejas de peregrinos anidando en el area. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren 
que los peregrinos se han estado recuperando desde finales de los anos 1970s. Las actividades humanas 
estan creciendo en el area, lo que representa tanto amenazas como oportunidades para los peregrinos. Se 
requiere de un manejo apropiado que proveea de sitios adecuados de anidamiento para minimizar las 
perdidas reproductivas asociadas al hombre durante la estacion reproductiva. 

[Traduction Autores] 

Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus) recovery 
has been documented in several regions of the 
world (Fyfe 1988, Kiff 1988, Ratcliffe 1993, En- 
derson et al. 1995). Nesting territories, deserted 
during the decline of the species are now being 
reoccupied by breeding pairs. Reproduction has 

now returned to pre-DDT levels (Kiff 1988, New- 
ton 1979, Ratcliffe 1993). The ban on DDT use 
in many countries (Ratcliffe 1993) and the suc- 
cess of Peregrine recovery programs (Fyfe 1988, 
Ratcliffe 1993) has contributed to the Peregrine’s 
removal from endangered status and to a redesign 



Castellanos et al. 

Vol. 31, No. 1 




Prob«Wy netting 
Inland potential 

28 * 00 ' 

26 * 30 - 

Figure 1. Recent records of nesting Peregrine Falcons on the central west coast of Baja California, Mexico. (Shaded 
areas are Banks, 1969 records.) 

of its management strategies (Walton and Thelan- 
der 1988). 

The historical and current status of the Mexican 
Peregrine Falcon population is not well known 
(Banks 1969, Fyfe et al. 1976). Populations in the 
Baja California peninsula and the Gulf of Califor- 
nia are known to have declined between 1967-84 
(Porter et al. 1988). By 1976, the Baja west coast 
population, once containing 38 breeding pairs, was 
considered on the brink of extirpation (Fyfe et al. 
1976). However, recent reports of newly occupied 
nesting territories in this area (Daneman and Guz- 
man Poo 1992, Castellanos et al. 1994) suggest a 
recovery is in process. In this report, we provide 
information on current numbers, distribution, and 
productivity of Peregrines, and discuss their con- 

servation needs on the west central coast of the 
Baja California peninsula. 

Study Area and Methods 

The study area, a part of El Vizcaino biosphere reserve, 
covers about 350 km along the west coast of Baja Cali- 
fornia, Mexico (Fig. 1). The study area includes: desert 
islands, a coastal fringe of mostly sandy beaches and two 
big coastal lagoons with extensive wetlands (Massey and 
Palacios 1994). Most of the area is covered with halo- 
phytic vegetation, 30 cm high. Mountains are restricted 
to Benitos and Cedros Islands and some parts of the El 
Vizcaino reserve. 

We used three data sources on the breeding popula- 
tion of Peregrine Falcons in the area. Data from 1980- 
85 were obtained by F. Jaramillo during wildlife invento- 
ries to promote the creation of the El Vizcaino Reserve 
and in 1994 on Cedros and Benitos Islands. Data from 
Ojo de Liebre and San Ignacio lagoons were obtained by 

March 1997 

Peregrine Recovery in Baja California 


A. Castellanos, F. Salinas, C. Arguelles and A. Ortega in 
1993-94. Nesting surveys of breeding Peregrine Falcons 
were conducted by searching the plateaus, canyons, hills 
and islands on foot and inspecting all potential nesting 
sites using binoculars. Boats were used to explore the 
lagoons and to reach the islands. We also used recent 
records in the oological collection of the Western Foun- 
dation of Vertebrate Zoology (WTVZ) and personal re- 
ports from other individual observers. We compared our 
data with those of Banks (1969). Productivity of breeding 
pairs was estimated by checking three nests in 1993 and 
five nests in 1994. 

Results and Discussion 

We located at least 10 nesting pairs of Peregrine 
Falcons in six locations in the survey area, includ- 
ing small islands in the open sea, islets inside coast- 
al lagoons and an inland mountainous zone (Fig. 
1). The maximum number of pairs seen in a single 
year was six pairs in 1994 when we observed pairs 
on San Roque islands, Laguna Ojo de Liebre (Pie- 
dras Island and El Chaparrito navigation channel) 
and San Ignacio Lagoon (Pelicano and Ballena Is- 
lands) (Fig. 1, Table 1). Because not all the histor- 
ical and potential nesting sites were surveyed, we 
considered this to be a minimum estimate of tire 
total number of breeding pairs in the area. The 
historical population estimate for the study area 
was about 13 pairs (Banks 1969). 

Breeding pairs were found on small cliffs, di- 
rectly on the ground, in Osprey nests and on arti- 
ficial structures such as channel markers and ship- 
wrecks. Ojo de Liebre (Scammon’s) lagoon nest 
sites were new (Castellanos et al. 1994). Lack of 
inland nesting records from the study area led us 
to believe that the cliff-nesting pairs on Pacific 
North Vizcaino (near Sierra San Jose de Castro) 
were also new to the breeding population. A nest- 
ing record in the WTVZ reported by B. Reitherman 
in 1981 documented a pair nesting at San Ignacio 
Lagoon for the first time. Daneman and Guzman 
Poo (1992) also found two pairs nesting there in 

In addition to the 10 nesting pairs, there were 
several recent single sightings and two probable 
nest site reports from Benitos and Cedros islands 
(Fig. 1, Table 1). Nearest nesting site distances var- 
ied between 4.4 and 60 km. Nests were 4.4 km 
apart in San Ignacio lagoon and 8 and 22 km apart 
in Ojo de Liebre lagoon (Fig. 1) 

We followed the reproductive success of three 
pairs during 1993 and five pairs during 1994, lo- 
cated at Ojo de Liebre and San Ignacio Lagoons. 
An average of 3 eggs, 1.8 nestlings, and 1.6 fledg- 

lings were produced per nest (Table 2). This pro- 
ductivity appeared to be within the range of pro- 
ductivity for healthy populations (Cade et al. 1988, 
Ratcliffe 1993). 

The Peregrine Falcon is defined by Mexican law 
as a vulnerable species (Diario Oficial 16 de Mayo 
de 1994). In spite of its status, lack of national re- 
covery programs on threatened species has failed 
to produce management plans in their Mexican 
range. The use of organochlorine pesticides in the 
region is not well documented but it has appar- 
ently been reduced since the late 1970s. Studies 
conducted then and in the late 1980s in Baja Cal- 
ifornia, the Gulf of California and in northwestern 
Mexican waterfowl wintering areas show pesticide 
levels in eggs and bird tissues are among the lowest 
in North America (Spitzer et al. 1977, Mora et al. 
1987). This evidence leads us to believe that cur- 
rent organochlorine pesticide use does not repre- 
sent a major threat for Peregrines in the region. 

We did, however, identify other threats to breed- 
ing Peregrines in the area. Nests on the ground 
are accessible to dogs and cats abandoned by fish- 
ermen in the islands. Coyotes ( Canis latrans ) tem- 
porarily invade Piedras island in Ojo de Liebre La- 
goon destroying the nests of Peregrines, Ospreys 
and other birds. W 7 e found coyote tracks at one 
failed Peregrine nest in 1994 and presumed the 
coyote caused the nest failure. Avian depredation 
by Western Gulls ( Larus occidentalis) and Common 
Ravens ( Corvus corax ) is also a problem. Gulls and 
ravens apparently caused the disappearance of 
three eggs from a nest on a tower over the water 
in Ojo de Liebre lagoon. 

A third and more serious threat to nesting Per- 
egrines in the area is from humans when fishing, 
tourism and other human activities cause inciden- 
tal disturbances at nests (Daneman and Guzman 
Poo 1992). The study area is still relatively inacces- 
sible and partially uninhabited, thus, habitat de- 
struction apparently is not yet a factor of concern. 

The coastal lagoons, islands and wetlands within 
the study area support a magnificent avifauna 
which provides adequate numbers and variety of 
Peregrine prey (Massey and Palacios 1993). Nev- 
ertheless, the density of breeding Peregrine Fal- 
cons in the area seems to be rather low for such 
an ideal location. Most of the resident pairs re- 
ported are coastal or “small island Peregrines” 
(Ratcliffe 1993) nesting on small cliffs or even on 
the ground. This is apparently because of a short- 
age of suitable natural nesting sites on the main- 


Castellanos et al. 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Table 1. Historical and recent records of nesting Peregrine Falcons in the central west coast of Baja California. 
Recent records are from 1980-94. 


Sources and Date 



San Benitos Islands 

Walker, 1927 and 1950 

4 nests 

Banks (1969) 

Tyler, 8 April 1930 

Nest with 2 eggs 

WFVZ, this study 

Harrison, 1 April 1938 

Nest with 2 eggs 

WFVZ, this study 

22 March 1992 

1 seen 

This study 

Cedros Island 

Kaeding, 1905 

Common, breeding 

Banks (1969) 

Carpenter, 2 April 1932 

Nest with 4 eggs 

WFVZ, this study 

8, 31 July and 18 August 1980 

1 seen 

This study 

April 1991 

1 seen 

This study 

2, 3 and 15 March 1992 

1 pair, 2 sightings 

This study 

22 March 1992 

1 female, 1 male 

This study 

Natividad Island 

Sechrist, 12 March 1917 

Nest with 4 eggs 

WFVZ, this study 

Lamb, December 1924 

6 pairs resident 

Banks (1969) 

D.S.D., 6 April 1930 

Nest with 3 eggs 

WFVZ, this study 

Bancroft, 3 April 1932 

2 nest with eggs 

WFVZ, this study 

31 July 1985 

1 breeding pair 

This study 

Ojo de Liebre Lagoon 

26 January 1982 

1 seen 

This study 

June, October, November 1984 

1 seen 

This study 

29 July 1985 

2 females and 2 males 

This study 

21 September 1985 

1 seen 

This study 

1993 (Castellanos et al. 1994) 

3 breeding pair 

This study 

San Roque Island 

Huey, 20 April 1927 

Nest with 2 eggs 

Banks (1969) 

D.S.D., 5 April 1930 

Nest with 3 eggs 


Harrison, 6 April 1932 

Nest with 4 eggs 

WFVZ, this study 

L. Flores, 1994 

1 breeding pair 

L. Flores pers. comm. 

Asuncion Island 

Walker, 1938 

1 pair 

Banks (1969) 

San Ignacio Lagoon 

Reitherman, 11 April 1981 

Nest, 2 young, 2 eggs 

WFVZ, this study 

September 1985 

1 pair, one seen 

This study 

Daneman & Guzman Poo, 1992 

2 breeding pairs 

Daneman & Guzman Poo, 1992 

March-June, 1994 

2 breeding pair 

This study 

Pacific North Vizcaino 

13 June, 1984 

1 breeding pair 

This study 

June 1984 

1 breeding pair 

This study 

4 November 1984 

2 seen 

This study 

March and September 1985 

2 seen 

This study 

March 1997 

Peregrine Recovery in Baja California 


Table 2. Peregrine Falcon reproductive success during 
1993-1994 on the Scammon’s and San Ignacio lagoons. 












Occupied nests checked 




Productive nests 




Total eggs laid 




Eggs failed to hatch 




Eggs disappeared 


6 a 


Eggs broken 


l b 

l b 

Average clutch size 








Nestling disappeared 



Total young fledged 




Nesdings/ occupied nest 




Fledglings/ occupied nest 




Fledglings/productive nest 




a Probably avian and coyote depredation. 
b Unknown causes. 

land coast, inland and on small islands, a factor 
that limits cliff-nesting raptors in other areas (Rat- 
cliffe 1993). Peregrines do take advantage of suit- 
able artificial nesting sites when they were available 
in the study area (Castellanos et al. 1994) 

Given these circumstances, we suggest the imple- 
mentation of a Peregrine Conservation Program in 
the El Vizcaino Reserve, focusing on the following: 
a) regular surveys of historical and new nesting ter- 
ritories to assess the current population status and 
trends; b) studies of biology and nesting ecology 
to enhance knowledge of this poorly known resi- 
dent population; c) installation of artificial nesting 
substrates to increase the population on the main- 
land coast and at coastal lagoons; and d) an edu- 
cation program to promote public awareness of 
this and other species of wild birds. 


We thank L. Kiff for permitting us to use the Western 
Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology oological collection, 
M. Acevedo for his field assistance and L. Flores for un- 
published data on Peregrines. The research was support- 
ed by the CIBNOR, S.C., CONACYT (Project 3031N), Ex- 
portadora de Sal, S.A. and the SEMARNAP. Thanks to W. 
Wehtje, M.F. Campana for his academic support and R. 
Bowers and Dr. Ellis Glazier for editing of this English 
language paper. 

Literature Cited 

Banks, R.C. 1969. The Peregrine Falcon in Baja Califor- 
nia and the Gulf of California. Pages 81-91 in JJ- 

Hickey [Ed.], Peregrine Falcon populations. Umv. 
Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI U.S.A. 

Cade, T., J. Enderson, C. Thelander and C.M. White. 
1988. The role of organochlorine pesticides in Pere- 
grine population changes. Pages 463-468 in T. Cade, 
J. Enderson, C. Thelander and C. White [Eds.], Per- 
egrine Falcon populations: their management and re- 
covery. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID U.S.A. 

Castellanos, A., F. Salinas-Zavala and A. Ortega-Ru- 
bio. 1994. Status and reproduction of the Peregrine 
Falcon at a coastal lagoon in Baja California Sur, Mex- 
ico. J. Raptor Res. 28:11 0-1 1 2. 

Daneman, G.D. and J. GuzmAn Poo. 1992. Notes on the 
birds of San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur, 
Mexico. Western Birds 23:11-19. 

Diario Oficial de la Federacion. 1994. Tomo 
CDLXXXIX, No. 10, 16 de Mayo de 1994. Secretaria 
de Gobernacion. 

Enderson, J.H., W. Heinrich, L. Kiff and C.M. White. 
1995. Populations changes in North American Pere- 
grines. Pages 142-161 in Trans. 60th North American 
wildlife and natural resources conference. Wildlife 
Management Institute, Washington, DC U.S.A. 

Fyfe, R.W. 1988. The Canadian Peregrine Falcon recov- 
ery program 1967-1985. Pages 599-610 in T. Cade,J. 
Enderson, C. Thelander and C. White [Eds.], Pere- 
grine Falcon populations: their management and re- 
covery. The Peregrine Fund, Boise ID U.S.A. 

Fyfe, R.W., S.A. Temple and T.J. Cade. 1976. The 1975 
North American Peregrine Falcon survey. Can. Field 
Nat. 90:228-273. 

Kiff, L.F. 1988. Changes in the status of the Peregrine 
in North America: an overview. Pages 123-139 in T 
Cade, J. Enderson, C. Thelander and C. White [Eds.], 
Peregrine Falcon populations: their management and 
recovery. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID U.S.A. 

Massey, B.W. and E. Palacios. 1994. Avifauna of the wet- 
lands of Baja California Mexico: current status. Studies 
in Avian Biology 15:45-57. 

Mora, M.A., D.W. Anderson and M.E. Mount. 1987. 
Seasonal variation of body condition and organochlo- 
rines in wild ducks from California and Mexico J. 
Wildl. Manage. 51 (1):132— 141. 

Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. Buteo 
Books, Vermillion, SD U.S.A. 

Porter, R.D., M.A. Jenkins, M.N. Kirven, D.W. Anderson 
and J.O. Keith. 1988. Status and reproductive per- 
formance of marine Peregrines in Baja California and 
the Gulf of California, Mexico. Pages 105-114 in T. 
Cade, J. Enderson, C. Thelander and C. White [Eds.], 
Peregrine falcon populations: their management and 
recovery. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID U.S.A. 

Ratcliffe, D. 1993. The Peregrine Falcon. Academic 
Press, San Diego, CA U.S.A. 

Spitzer, P.R., R.W. Risebrough, J.W. Grier and C.R. Sin- 
delar,Jr. 1977. Eggshell thickness-pollutant relation- 
ships among North American Ospreys. Pages 13-19 


Castellanos et al. 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

in J.C. Ogden [Ed.] Trans. North American Osprey 
research conference. U.S. Nat. Park Serv. Proc. Ser. 2, 
Washington, DC U.S.A. 

Walton, B.J. and C.G. Thelander. 1988. Peregrine Fal- 
con management efforts in California, Oregon, Wash- 
ington and Nevada. Pages 587-597 in T. Cade, J. En- 

derson, C. Thelander and C. White [Eds.], Peregrine 
Falcon populations: their management and recovery. 
The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID U.S. A. 

Received 28 February 1996; accepted 28 November 1996 

J Raptor Res. 31(1):7-10 

© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 



Bryan T. Brown 

SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, 56 West 400 South, Suite 201, 

Salt Lake City, UT 84101 U.S.A. 

Lawrence E. Stevens 

Applied Technology Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 22459, 

Flagstaff, AZ 86002 U.S.A. 

Abstract. — Helicopter surveys for Bald Eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus) were conducted along the Col- 
orado River through Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, 
U.S.A., during winter 1990-91. Eagle abundance and distribution were examined for a possible corre- 
lation with human activity levels as documented in National Park Service recreational use reports. Twen- 
ty-two times more eagles were detected in river reaches with low human use compared to river reaches 
with high to moderate human use. Eagle distribution did not correspond to prey abundance, biomass 
patterns, or habitat conditions frequently associated with eagle foraging habitat. Moderate to high levels 
of human activity may have been responsible for lower eagle abundance in some reaches of the river, 
reinforcing the need for continued management of some areas as refugia where species sensitive to 
human disturbance can be protected from higher levels of human activity. 

Key Words: Bald Eagle, Colorado River, Arizona; Haliaeetus leucocephalus; human disturbance. 

La distribution invierna de el Haliaeetus leucocephalus esta correlacionada inverso con actividad humana 
enseguida del Rio Colorado, Arizona. 

Resumen. — Inspecciones de helicoptero para Haliaeetus leucocephalus fueron conducidas a lo largo del 
Rio Colorado por el area Nacional de Recreation del Glen Canyon y el Parque Nacional del Grand 
Canyon, Arizona, U.S.A., durante el invierno de 1990-91. La abundancia y distribution del H. leucoce- 
phalus fueron examinados por una posible correlation con niveles de actividad humana como fueron 
documentado en reportes de el Servicio Nacional de Parques. Vieinte-dos veces mas fueron los H. 
leucocephalus descubiertos en tramos del no con uso bajo de humanidad comparado con tramos del no 
con uso alto y moderado. La distribution de H. leucocephalus no corresponds con la presa abundante, 
patron de distribution de materia biologica, y condiciones de habitat frecuentemente asociada con 
habitat de forraje de H. leucocephalus. Niveles altos a moderado de actividad humana puede ser res- 
ponsable por la baja cantidad de H. leucocephalus en tramos de el rio, reforzando la necesidad para la 
continuation de administration de unos area de refugio donde especie delicadas a molestos humanos 
pueden ser protegidos de niveles alto de actividad humana. 

[Traduction de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 

Human activities can influence Bald Eagle {Hal- 
iaeetus leucocephalus ) behavior and distribution 
(Stalmaster 1987). Numerous studies have shown 
that eagle distribution and foraging behavior can 
be detrimentally affected by unmanaged human 
recreational activities such as hiking (Stalmaster 
and Newman 1978), fishing (Knight et al. 1991, 
Skagen et al. 1991), and boating (Knight and 
Knight 1984, McGarigal et al. 1991), and by phys- 
ical developments within eagle habitat (Buehler et 

al. 1991). These aspects of eagle-human interac- 
tion have been addressed primarily through two 
types of studies: those directly quantifying eagle 
“flush response distance” to different categories of 
human activity (e.g. Stalmaster and Newman 1978, 
McGarigal et al. 1991), and those indirectly linking 
eagle distribution to secondary measures of human 
activity such as housing density and development 
set-back distance (e.g., Buehler et al. 1991). 

The purpose of our study was to test the null 



Brown and Stevens 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Figure 1 . Map of the Colorado River study area in Glen 
Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon 
National Park, Arizona, showing River Reaches One 
through Five. 

hypothesis that winter distribution of Bald Eagles 
along the Colorado River in Arizona was not cor- 
related with indirect measures of human activity 
obtained from National Park Service (NPS) recre- 
ational use reports. We also considered physical 
variables and prey differences that may influence 
eagle distribution. 

Study Area and Methods 

Our study was conducted along the Colorado River 
through Glen Canyon National Recreation Area 
(GCNRA) and Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) in 
northern Arizona, from 2 km downstream of Glen Can- 
yon Dam to the confluence of the Little Colorado River 
(120.2 km; Fig. 1). The completion of Glen Canyon Dam 
in 1963 altered the river’s physical and biological char- 
acteristics, and a subsequent introduction of rainbow 
trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) benefited wintering Bald Ea- 
gles (Brown et al. 1989, Brown and Stevens 1992, Brown 
1993). A concentration of wintering eagles began to oc- 
cur during the 1980s at Nankoweap Creek, 105 km down- 
stream from the dam, when large numbers of spawning 
trout were present (Brown et al. 1989). 

The study area was divided into five river reaches based 
on bedrock geology (modified after Schmidt and Graf 
1990: Table 1). Reaches varied in geomorphic width, but 
all were in deep canyons bounded by cliffs typically >300 
m high. Reach One, from Glen Canyon Dam to the Paria 
River, supported a productive rainbow trout fishery and 
was heavily used in winter by bank and boat fishermen 
from Lees Ferry. Boating activity upstream of Lees Ferry 
consisted of motorboats used by fishermen; downstream 
of Lees Ferry, motorized and nonmotorized rafts were on 
multi-day trips through GCNP. Reach Two, from the Par- 
ia River to Soap Creek Rapid, was moderately used by 
bank fishermen and hikers that accessed it from Lees 
Ferry or by several trails. The number of raft trips de- 
parting downstream to pass through GCNP was limited 

Table 1. Habitat features, relative human activity levels, and prey parameters potentially influencing winter Bald 
Eagle distribution along the Colorado River in Glen and Grand canyons, Arizona. 


River Reach 






Length (km) 






Surface 3 (ha/km) 






% riffle /rapid 3 






Boats/mo b 






Fishermen / mo c 






Activity level 






Fish d (kg/ha) 






Water fowl c 






a Unpubl. data, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 
b Data provided by NPS; Reach 2 estimated. 
c Data provided by NPS; Reaches 2-5 estimated. 

d Unpubl. biomass data, 1990-1994, from R.A. Valdez and R.J. Ryel, BIO/WEST, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.A. 
e Number winter waterfowl detected/km 2 /hr of observation (Unpubl. data). 

March 1997 

Eagle Distribution and Human Activity 


Table 2. Numbers of Bald Eagles detected and expected by river reach in winter 1990-1991 along the Colorado 
River in Glen and Grand canyons, Arizona. Numbers/reach are presented two ways: the entire study period and that 
time when no spawning trout were in Nankoweap Creek in Reach Five. 

River Reach 







Entire study period 

No. detected 






No. expected 












No spawning trout 

No. detected 






No. expected 












by NPS regulations. The community of Marble Canyon 
was immediately adjacent to the river where Navajo 
Bridge on U.S. Highway 89 crossed Reach Two. Reaches 
Three, Four, and Five extended from Soap Creek Rapid 
to the Little Colorado River and were remote, far from 
roads, and accessed only by a few foot-trails, with the 
number of bank fishermen and hikers limited by NPS 
regulations. Nankoweap Creek was located in Reach Five. 

Fifteen helicopter surveys of the study area were con- 
ducted, 1/wk from November 1990-March 1991, to de- 
termine eagle abundance and distribution. A special re- 
search permit was obtained from NPS for helicopter use 
because of the potential for helicopters to disturb park 
resources and visitors. Most surveys occurred before 1200 
H. Air speed was approximately 90 km/hr at a height of 
100 m above river level on a flight path directly over the 
river. Surveys were initiated from both ends of the study 
area. The pilot and front-seat observer detected eagles; a 
rear-seat assistant recorded observations and localities. 
Numbers of eagles detected were summarized by reach 
and compared to expected numbers of eagles/reach us- 
ing a Chi-square goodness-of-fit test, with statistical sig- 
nificance accepted at P < 0.05. Expected numbers of ea- 
gles/reach were derived by multiplying the total number 
of eagles detected by the proportion of total river-km/ 

Winter boat launches/mo and bank fishermen/ mo for 
Reach One from November 1990-March 1991 were ob- 
tained from recreational records maintained by NPS at 
GCNRA; monthly totals were averaged to obtain mean 
use. Winter raft launches/mo for Reach Two were ob- 
tained from records maintained by NPS at GCNP. Reach- 
es Two through Five had almost identical levels of boat- 
ing activity since all raft trips launching at Lees Ferry 
must pass through them; Reach Two received slightly 
more overall boating use because of motorboat activity 
by NPS maintenance and patrol trips. Mean numbers of 
bank fishermen/mo for Reaches Two through Five were 
estimated based on interviews with NPS personnel and 
our personal observations. 

Results and Discussion 

Twenty-two times more eagles were detected in 
Reaches Three through Five than in Reaches One 
and Two when total numbers of eagles detected 
were compared (Table 2; x 2 ~ 44.0, df = 4, P < 
0.001); we found no difference in the number of 
eagles detected among Reaches Three through 
Five (x 2 = 5.4, df = 2, P = 0.07). Total numbers 
of eagles detected/km in Reaches Three through 
Five were more than 10 times greater than num- 
bers of eagles detected in Reaches One and Two 
(Table 2). 

Eagle distribution did not correspond to esti- 
mates of prey distribution. Fewer eagles were ob- 
served in Reaches One and Two despite biomass 
indices that indicated fish and winter waterfowl 
abundance to be greater in Reaches One and Two 
(Table 1 ) . Reaches One and Two were wider with 
many pools with shallow margins all along the riv- 
er, They also had a smaller percentage of riffle and 
rapid habitats making them more suitable for ea- 
gles as foraging areas (Hunt et al. 1992). 

It appeared that negative effects due to moder- 
ate to high levels of human activity in these two 
reaches of the river may have reduced their suit- 
ability as eagle foraging areas or perhaps disturbed 
eagles from perching and roosting habitat. We did 
not find any eagles within 1 km of intensively used 
areas near Lees Ferry and Navajo Bridge at Marble 
Canyon. This negative correlation between human 
activity and Bald Eagle distribution was consistent 
with that reported in other studies (Buehler et al. 
1991, McGarigal et al. 1991) , although reasons why 
eagles avoid areas of higher human activity remain 


Brown and Stevens 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

unknown (Buehler et al. 1991). Repeated flushing 
by bank fishermen, hikers, or boats could have 
caused wintering eagles to avoid those reaches 
heavily used by anglers. McGarigal et al. (1991) re- 
ported a similar finding on the Columbia River 
where eagles avoided areas with heavy boat traffic. 
Although apparent habituation of Bald Eagles to 
human activity has been reported (Knight and 
Knight 1984), scarcity of eagles in Reaches One 
and Two of the Colorado River suggested that ha- 
bituation did not occur in this area. 

An alternative hypothesis was that more eagles 
occurred in Reaches Three through Five because 
they were attracted to easily accessible spawning 
trout in Nankoweap Creek (Reach Five) . Abundant 
trout were spawning at Nankoweap from 15 Feb- 
ruary until the end of the study period (Brown and 
Stevens 1992). To test this hypothesis, we contrast- 
ed numbers of eagles detected/reach when spawn- 
ing trout were and were not present at Nankoweap. 
Prior to 15 February, total numbers of eagles de- 
tected in Reaches Three through Five were 18 
times greater than in Reaches One and Two (Table 
2; x 2 ~ 27.3, df = 4, P < 0.001). Therefore, we 
rejected the alternative hypothesis. 

Managed boating, hiking, and fishing activities 
are an established use of national parklands. How- 
ever, we found an inverse correlation between win- 
tering Bald Eagle distribution and human activity 
along the Colorado River within GCNRA and 
GCNP. Although correlation does not prove cau- 
sation, we suggest human activity as the most likely 
cause. This would represent an apparent contra- 
diction of NPS goals to preserve natural resources 
for future generations. A tradeoff of resources for 
recreation may be acceptable if the status quo can 
be maintained in Reaches Three through Five of 
our study area. However, the growing popularity of 
national parks such as GCNP increases economic 
and political pressures to provide more wilderness 
recreation opportunities (Frome 1992), and may 
result in long-term increases in human activity lev- 
els in Reaches Three through Five. Our findings 
reinforce the need to continue to manage some 
areas as refugia where species potentially sensitive 
to human disturbance, such as Bald Eagles, are not 
excluded or influenced by higher levels of human 


This study was funded by the Glen Canyon Environ- 
mental Studies (GCES), U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 

(USBR), as part of a study to determine the influence of 
fluctuating flows from Glen Canyon Dam on wintering 
Bald Eagles. We thank D. Wegner and the staff of GCES 
for support, and GCNRA and GCNP (particularly S. 
Cherry of the GCNP river office) for providing recrea- 
tional activity records. N. Kline, M. Sogge, T. Yates and 
others conducted or assisted with helicopter surveys. We 
thank pilots B. Barnes, B. Caldewood, S. Chubbuck and 
M. Santee of USBR. K. Buck and M. Yard of GCES, and 
E. Pemberton and T. Randle of USBR provided unpub- 
lished data on river surface area and percent riffle/rapid 
habitat. R. Valdez and R. Ryel provided unpublished data 
on fish biomass. Drafts of this manuscript were reviewed 
and improved by G. Bortolotti, R. Glinski, T. Grubb, R. 
McClelland and C. White. 

Literature Cited 

Brown, B.T., R. Mesta, L.E. Stevens, and J. Weisheit. 
1989, Changes in winter distribution of Bald Eagles 
along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, 
/. Raptor Res. 23:110-113. 

AND L.E. Stevens. 1992. Winter abundance, age 

structure, and distribution of Bald Eagles along the 
Colorado River, Arizona. Southwest. Nat. 37:404—408. 

. 1993. Winter foraging ecology of Bald Eagles in 

Arizona. Condor 95:132-138. 

Buehler, D.A., TJ. Mersmann, J.D. Fraser and J.K.D. 
Seegar. 1991. Effects of human activity on Bald Eagle 
distribution on the northern Chesapeake Bay./. Wildl. 
Manage. 55:282-290. 

Frome, M. 1992. Regreening the national parks. Univ. 

of Ar izona Press, Tucson, AZ U.S.A. 

Hunt, W.G., J.M. Jenkins, R.E. Jackman, C.G. Thelander 
and A.T. Gerstell. 1992. Foraging ecology of Bald 
Eagles on a regulated river./. Raptor Res. 26:243-256. 
Knight, R.L. and S.K. Knight. 1984. Responses of win- 
tering Bald Eagles to boating activity. /. Wildl. Man- 
age. 48 :999— 1 004, 

, D.P. Anderson and N.V. Marr. 1991. Responses 

of an avian scavenging guild to anglers. Biol. Conserv. 

McGarigal, KL, R.G. Anthony .and F.B. Isaacs. 1991. In- 
teractions of humans and Bald Eagles on the Colum- 
bia River estuary. Wildl. Monogr. 115:1-47. 

Schmidt, J.C. andJ.B. Graf. 1990. Aggradation and deg- 
radation of alluvial-sand deposits, 1965 to 1986, Col- 
orado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. 
U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Pap. 1493, U.S. Govt. Print. 
Off., Washington, DC U.S. A. 

Skagen, S.K., R.L. Knight and G.H. Orians. 1991. Hu- 
man disturbance of an avian scavenging guild. Ecolog- 
ical Applications 1:215-225. 

Stalmaster, M.V. 1987. The Bald Eagle. Universe Press, 
New York, NYU.S.A. 

and J.R. Newman. 1978. Behavioral responses of 

wintering Bald Eagles to human activity. / Wildl. Man- 
age. 42:506-513. 

Received 1 April 1996; accepted 21 October 1996 

J. Raptor Res. 31 (1) :1 1 — 15 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 



Linnea S. Hall and Michael L. Morrison 

Department of Biological Sciences , California State University, Sacramento, CA 95819 U.S.A. 

Peter H. Bloom 

Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, 439 Calk San Pablo, Camarillo, CA 93010 U.S.A. 

Abstract. — We assessed the current abundance and distribution of Hawaiian Hawks (‘io; Buteo solitarius) 
on the island of Hawaii to determine if this federally endangered bird should be downlisted to threat- 
ened status. We found a density of 0.004 hawks/ha on the island. Using an estimate of 400 000 ha of 
suitable ‘io habitat on Hawaii, we estimated a total of 1600 hawks (1120 adults; 560 pairs) on Hawaii, 
Based on the wide distribution of ‘io among vegetation types on the island and litde apparent change 
in numbers during the past decade, we agreed with the recommendation for downlisting the hawk but 
suggested that researchers collect long-term demographic data to better understand the status of this 

Key Words: Buteo solitarius, Hawaiian hawk, ‘io, population status. 

El estado de poblacion del Buteo solitaruis en peligro de extincion. 

Resumen. — Nosotros fijamos la cantidad corriente y distribucion de Buteo solitarius en la isla de Hawaii 
para determinar si el pajaro en peligro de extincion por leyes federales debe ser reducido a estado 
amenazado. Nosotros los encontramos una densidad de 0.004 halcon/ha en la isla. Usando la estimacion 
de 400 000 ha de habitat conveniente en Hawaii, nosotros estimamos un total de 1600 halcones (1120 
adultos; 560 parejas) en Hawaii. En base de la distribucion amplia de B. solitarius entre clases de vege- 
tacion en la isla y poco cambio aparente en la cantidad durante la decada pasada, nosotros estamos de 
acuerdo con la recomendacion para reducir el halcon pero sugerimos que los investigadores junten 
datos demograficos de larga duracion para poder entender el estado de este especie mejor. 

The Hawaiian Hawk ( Buteo solitarius), or ‘io, was 
federally listed as an Endangered Species in 1967 
(37 FR 4001, 11 March 1967) based on its restrict- 
ed range on the island of Hawaii (hereafter Ha- 
waii), its low numbers at the time of listing (Berger 
1981), and the perceived threats to its preferred 
habitat from agricultural and commercial devel- 
opments (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [USFWS] 
1984) . At the time of listing, no intensive study of 
the ecology of the ‘io had ever been conducted, 
and anecdotal accounts gave differing reports on 
its abundance across the island (Munro 1944, 
USFWS 1984). 

Uncertainty over ‘io abundance continued 
through the next decade. An intensive survey ini- 
tiated by the USFWS in 1976 on Hawaiian forest 
birds was unable to estimate the ‘io population size 
(Scott et al. 1986). After a detailed study of ‘io 
breeding biology in <1% of the island’s area, Grif- 

[Traduccion de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 

fin (1985) found that the species might be rela- 
tively unaffected by habitat modifications com- 
pared to many other native bird species after find- 
ing that foraging and nesting occurred in agricul- 
tural areas and in stands of exotic vegetation 
(Baskett and Griffin 1985). Griffin (1985, 1989) es- 
timated the population at 900 breeding pairs and 
a total of 2700 individuals in 1983. Because of this, 
the USFWS proposed downlisting the ‘io from en- 
dangered to threatened status (58 FR 41684, 4 Au- 
gust 1993). Because of questions over the validity 
of basing such a reclassification on 10-year-old 
data, the USFWS requested that an island-wide sur- 
vey be conducted of the ‘io population to obtain a 
more current estimate of the population size. 

Herein, we present our survey results and sam- 
pling design to provide a baseline for future sur- 
veys designed to monitor the size of the ‘io popu- 
lation on Hawaii. 



Hall et al. 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Study Area and Methods 

The most efficient way to sample dominant vegetation 
types across Hawaii for the occurrence of ‘io was to con- 
duct unlimited distance point counts (Blondel et al. 
1981) along paved and dirt roads across the island. Point 
counts were selected to make our methods generally 
comparable to those of Scott et al. (1986), who conduct- 
ed the most complete previous census of ‘io on Hawaii 
as part of the USFWS’s Hawaiian Forest Bird Survey 
(1976-79). We also needed a method that could sample 
the ‘io’s use of vegetation ranging from lowland agricul- 
tural areas to subalpine woodlands (Scott et al. 1986, 
Griffin 1989), and would be applicable to birds with 
home range sizes varying from 48 ha in agricultural areas 
to 490 ha in forests and mid-elevation pasturelands (Bas- 
kett and Griffin 1985). Use of roadways was the only fea- 
sible means of satisfying these objectives. Some studies 
have indicated that roadside counts can give biased esti- 
mates of bird densities and vegetation associations, but 
other studies have indicated that road counts can be use- 
ful and appropriate when large areas need to be sampled 
and monitored long term (Fuller and Mosher 1981). 

When possible, we used roads that crisscrossed an area 
to more thoroughly sample for ‘io. We conducted point 
counts 0.1-16 km off main roads to ensure that traffic 
noise did not interfere with the counts and that we more 
adequately sampled vegetation that could contain ‘io. 
Count stations were located disproportionately among 
vegetation types (Table 1), based on information that ‘io 
were unlikely (or very uncommon) in shrublands (vege- 
tation type 10), upper-elevation mamane-naio ( Sophora 
chrysophylla-Myoporum sandwicense) woodlands (vegetation 
type 12), and exotic pioneering lava vegetation (vegeta- 
tion type 5) (J. Jeffrey andj. Giffin pers. comm.). 

All count stations were 0.8-3. 2 km apart, and counts 
were conducted by 1-2 observers between 0900-1700 H. 
Each point count lasted for exactly 10 min, which was the 
same count length used by Scott et al. (1986), and in- 
cluded 8 min of listening and watching for hawks, plus 2 
mm of playback of taped adult territorial and fledgling 
calls of ‘io. After the first minute of the tape elapsed, we 
turned it off and observed the area for any hawks for 7 
min. Anytime an ‘io responded to the tape, either by 
calling or flying to the point, we immediately stopped the 
tape, but continued the count to determine if any addi- 
tional hawks were observed. We then played the tape 
again for 1 min, and watched for the last minute of the 

Although surveys have not previously used broadcast 
calls, Banko (1980) and Baskett and Griffin (1985) re- 
ported that ‘io call and defend their territories in the 
winter. On 12-13 December 1993, we tested if broad- 
casted territorial calls elicited responses from ‘io by going 
to areas known to have ‘io present (J. Jeffrey pers. 
comm.). We watched ‘io that were ^200 m away while 
we played the taped calls. Eighty percent of the hawks 
responded by taking flight, calling or coming to the tape. 

No counts were conducted when precipitation exceed- 
ed a light rain, or when wind exceeded 24 km/h. We 
recorded the distance from the point of initial detection 
of all observed hawks, the detection mode (visual, aural 
or both), the morph (light, dark, unknown), and the veg- 
etation where the bird was observed (Table 1 ) . Although 

Table 1. Vegetation descriptions and codes for survey 
transects used in analyses of Hawaiian Hawk numbers 
across Hawaii in December 1993. a 



quency 6 




Sugar cane fields with exotic and/ or 
native trees or shrubs at edges, as 



Short or tall exotic trees with exotic 
shrubs, and sometimes exotic grass- 



Macadamia nut or papaya orchard 
with native and/or exotic trees or 
shrubs at edges. 



Grassland with scattered exotic 
and/or native trees (especially 
o’hia) ; scattered homes. 



Pioneer exotic vegetation growing on 



Native trees and native shrubs occa- 
sionally with scattered orchard 
trees, or exotic understory and 



Mixed exotic and native trees, some- 
times with mixed exotic and native 
shrubs or grass. 



Residential area with scattered exotic 
and native vegetation. 



Native tree and mixed exotic and na- 
tive shrub vegetation on lava, some- 
times with scattered homes; a 
pioneer community. 



Mixed exotic and native shrubs with 
scattered native and exotic trees. 



Native trees and grassland; non-pio- 
neer community. 



Mamane-naio vegetation, with grass 
and/or exotic shrub understory, or 
sometimes with scattered exotic 

“Scientific names of plants listed: sugar cane ( Saccharum offici- 
narum), macadamia nut ( Macadamia ternifolia), papaya (Carica pa- 
paya), o’hia ( Metrosideros polymorpka), mamane ( Sophora chrysa- 
phylla), and naio (Myoporum sandwicense). 

b Frequency = total number of times the described vegetation 
was recorded along survey routes. 

we tried to determine age and sex of hawks in the field, 
it was often difficult to make a positive identification, so 
in our analyses we combined all sightings. 

We used program DISTANCE (Buckland et al. 1993, 
Laake et al. 1993) to estimate the densities of ‘io in the 
12 major vegetation types recorded during our surveys 

March 1997 

Status of Hawaiian Hawk 


Table 2. Summary of ’io density estimates (all ages together) by vegetation type, calculated by program DISTANCE 
(Laake et al. 1993) from survey data across Hawaii, December 1993. a 



















No/ 1 




Density Estimations 6 
%CV 95% Cl df 






Density BooTSTRAP f 
Est. %CV Runs 

All veg types 















Veg 1 















Veg 2 












— * 

Veg 3 













Veg 4 













Veg 5 





Veg 6 













Veg 7 















Veg 8 













Veg 9 





Veg 10 





Veg 11 













Veg 12 





a For explanation of DISTANCE program estimations, see text. 
b For vegetation code explanation, see Table 1. 

c Total effort = the sum of the number of times each point and its corresponding vegetation was sampled. 

d Estimator Model No. = the mathematical estimator model selected by program DISTANCE to analyze the point data, where the 
chosen model was the one that had the smallest Akaike’s Information Criterion value (AIC). 

e Density estimations: Estimate = density in number of ’io/hectare; SE = standard error of the estimation; %CV = percent coefficient 
of variation of the estimate; 95% Cl = 95% confidence interval for the estimate; df = degrees of freedom used in the analysis; Detect 
Prob. = the estimate of average probability of detecting an ’io; Enc. rate = the number of animals expected to be observed per 

f Density Bootstrap values: Est. = bootstrapped density estimate; %CV = percent coefficient of variation of this estimate; Runs = total 
number of bootstrap runs conducted. 

s “ — ” = too few degrees of freedom to conduct bootstrap analyses. 

h “ — ” = no or too few ’io observed along this survey route, so no density analysis could be performed. 

(Table 1). Observations of ‘io were entered as the radial 
distance to the hawk from the point. We truncated the 
distances at 3000 m (the maximum distance at which 
most ‘io were observed) to allow all hawk observations to 
be entered into the analyses. We instructed the program 
to select the most appropriate density estimation model 
for each analysis, based on maximum likelihood ratio 
tests of the models vs. each other. We also instructed the 
program to conduct 400 bootstrap samples for the island- 
wide data, to obtain reliable estimates of the variances 
around the density estimates, and 100 bootstrap samples 
for each of the analyses of density by vegetation type. 

We estimated the current population size of the ‘io on 
Hawaii based on the density of hawks per vegetation type, 
and the estimated percent cover by each vegetation type 
on the island of Hawaii (Jacobi and Scott 1985, Cuddihy 
and Stone 1990). 

Results and Discussion 

We sampled 40 transects across Hawaii, with 399 
points covering approximately 500 km of roads. 
Among these points, 98 different ‘io were ob- 

served. Thirty-three hawks were identified as 
adults, 7 as immatures, and 58 as unknown-aged. 
Forty-five hawks were light morph birds and 14 
were dark morphs. 

Densities ranged from a low of 0 in vegetation 
types 5, 9, 10, and 12 to a high of 0.009 hawks/ha 
in vegetation type 8 (Table 2). Most densities were 
between 0.003 and 0.005 hawks/ha, with an overall 
mean of 0.004 hawks/ha. Vegetation types 5 and 9 
had lava as a major ground component, and thus 
had poorly-developed tree cover. Type 10 vegeta- 
tion was dominated by shrubs, and type 12 was in 
mamane-naio woodland. Type 2 vegetation was typ- 
ified by exotic trees of various sizes and had very 
few hawks. Type 8 vegetation consisted of residen- 
tial areas with both native and exotic tree compo- 
nents and showed the highest hawk densities. 
Grasslands with scattered exotic and native trees 
(vegetation type 4) also had moderately-high den- 


Hall et al. 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

sities of birds. Bootstrapped density estimates 
matched the model estimates in all cases where ad- 
equate degrees of freedom existed. 

Surveys found ‘io most commonly in areas with 
native and/or exotic tree cover, usually with un- 
derstories of exotic grass, and sometimes with na- 
tive and/or exotic shrub understories. Although 
‘io were not found frequently in small patches of 
mixed native and exotic forest surrounded by open 
fields or orchards, they were commonly observed 
over the open areas, or in open places, with scat- 
tered native and/or exotic trees. For example, in 
sugar cane fields with ribbons of native or exotic 
trees between fields, or with trees extending down 
from higher elevation forests; in open pasture land 
with scattered native trees; in orchards (especially 
macadamia nut) with taller native and/or exotic 
trees at the perimeters. This indicated that ‘io are 
now using areas that are not pure native forest. 
Based on these data and anecdotal breeding rec- 
ords from these more open areas, it appears that 
they are also able to successfully breed there (J. 
Jeffrey and J. Giffin unpubl. data). 

Griffin (1985, 1989) estimated that the popula- 
tion of ‘io on Hawaii was about 2700 hawks in 
1983. Of this, 1800 were adults. This estimate 
served as the basis for the Hawaiian Hawk Recov- 
ery Plan developed by the USFWS (1984). It used 
an abundance of 2,000 hawks (the midpoint be- 
tween the 1500 and 2500 adult birds thought to be 
needed for a self-sustaining population) as the tar- 
get to downlist the species to threatened status. 
The island-wide estimate of ‘io density was based 
on a total forested area of 343 000 ha (J.M. Scott 
pers. comm., Griffin 1989). This value correspond- 
ed roughly to the potential ‘io habitat contained 
within the Hawaiian Forest Bird Survey area (Ja- 
cobi and Scott 1985) . Using this area, and the over- 
all estimate of ‘io density from our surveys (0.004 
birds/ha, 95% Confidence Interval [C.I.] = 0.003- 
0.006), we obtained a total density of 1372 ‘io 
(range = 1029—2058) on Hawaii. Much of the low- 
land forested areas of Hawaii, including the sugar 
cane, macadamia nut and other disturbed areas oc- 
cupied by ‘io, were excluded from Griffin’s area 
estimate. We therefore modified the Griffin esti- 
mate by adding 60 000 ha of mixed sugar cane- 
lowland forested area and various other minor veg- 
etation types (Cuddihy and Stone 1990), bringing 
the total potential ‘io habitat to 400 000 ha. This 
raised our estimate of ‘io on the island to about 

1600 birds (range = 1200-2400), with 1120 adults 
or 560 pairs. 

Our estimated density of adults (1120) is about 
25% below the lower end of the target range nec- 
essary for a stable ‘io population, according to the 
Recovery Plan (target = 1500-2500 adult birds). 
Assuming that all birds alive during our surveys 
survived to breed, the total number of birds we 
estimated (1600) is just above the lower end of the 
target range, but is still below the mean target val- 
ue of 2000. The target value of adults is not en- 
closed in the confidence interval around the 
0.004/ha value (95% C.I. = 0.003-0.006), but is 
enclosed if we assume that all hawks alive breed 
(400 000 ha x 0.006 - 2400 hawks). 

We found a relatively high number of birds that 
were widely distributed among vegetation types on 
Hawaii, including heavily-disturbed areas. In addi- 
tion, our results were similar to those found 10 
years earlier by Griffin (1985, 1989), indicating the 
likelihood of a relatively stable population during 
the past decade. Thus, we concluded that down- 
listing to threatened status was supported. 

As other biologists have suggested for the ‘io, 
long-term demographic studies are necessary to ac- 
curately assess the overall status of the population 
(USFWS 1984, Griffin 1989). Our fieldwork did 
not assess population trends, reproductive fecun- 
dity and success, dispersal or mortality, all of which 
have been shown to be problematic for other for- 
est birds on Hawaii (Scott et al. 1986). Thus, we 
think that the USFWS should initiate a long-term 
demographic study so future density estimations 
can be evaluated in light of other population data. 
Such a study is necessary before delisting from 
threatened status is considered. 


We thank S. Johnston at the USFWS Pacific Islands of- 
fice in Honolulu, Hawaii; J. Jeffrey at the USFWS office 
in Hilo; L. Katahira at the NPS office at Hawaii Volcanoes 
National Park; M. Reynolds, J. Jacobi, and T. Pratt at the 
National Biological Service office at Hawaii Volcanoes Na- 
tional Park; J. Giffin at the Forestry and Wildlife office 
in Kamuela; and all of the associated field assistants in 
Hawaii for their assistance in establishing transects and 
conducting surveys. We also thank reviewers of earlier 
reports and manuscript drafts, including C.R. Griffin, 
D.E. Anderson, J.M. Scott, F. Duvall II, S. Fancy, and B. 
Harper for significantly improving our analyses and con- 
clusions. This research was funded by Cooperative Agree- 
ment No, 1448-0001-93676 between the USFW 7 S and the 
Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology. 

March 1997 

Status of Hawaiian Hawk 


Literature Cited 

Banko, W.E. 1980. Part I. Population histories-species 
accounts. Forest birds: Hawaiian Hawk ( l io). Natl. 
Park Serv. CPSU/UH Avian Rep. 6A, History of En- 
demic Hawaiian Birds. Hawaii Volcanoes National 
Park, HI U.S.A. 

Baskett, T.S. and C.R. Griffin. 1985. Final project re- 
port on the biology of the endangered Hawaiian 
Hawk: ecology, life history, and environmental pollu- 
tion problems. Missouri Coop. Wildl. Res. Unit, Univ. 
Missouri, Columbia, MO U.S.A. 

Berger, A.J. 1981. Hawaiian birdlife. Univ. Hawaii Press, 
Honolulu, HI U.S.A. 

Blondel, J., C. Ferry and B. Frochot. 1981. Point 
counts with unlimited distance. Pages 414-420 in C.J. 
Ralph and J.M. Scott [Eds.], Estimating the numbers 
of terrestrial birds. Stud. Avian Biol No. 6. 

Buckland, S.T., D.R. Anderson, K.P. Anderson, K.P. 
Burnham and J.L. Laake. 1993. Distance sampling: 
estimating abundance of biological populations. 
Chapman and Hall, London, UK. 

Cuddihy, L.W. and C.P. Stone. 1990. Alteration of native 
Hawaiian vegetation: effects of humans, their activities 
and introductions. Coop. Nad. Park Resour. Stud. 
Unit, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, HI U.S.A. 

Fuller, M.R. and J.A. Mosher. 1981. Methods of de- 
tecting and counting raptors: a review. Pages 235-246 
in C.J. Ralph and J.M. Scott [Eds.], Estimating the 
numbers of terrestrial birds. Stud. Avian Biol No. 6. 

Griffin, C.R. 1985. Biology of the Hawaiian Hawk ( Buteo 
solitarius). Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Missouri, Colum- 
bia, MO U.S.A. 

. 1989. Raptors in the Hawaiian islands. Pages 

155-160 in K. Steenhof, M.N. Kochert and M.N. 
LeFranc Jr. [Eds.], Proc. Western Raptor Manage. 
Symp. Workshop. Natl. Wildl. Fed, Sci. Tech. Ser. No. 
12, Washington, DC U.S.A. 

Jacobi, J.D. and J.M. Scott. 1985. An assessment of the 
current status of native upland habitats and associated 
endangered species on the island of Hawaii. Pages 3— 
22 in C.P. Stone and J.M. Scott [Eds.], Hawaii’s ter- 
restrial ecosystems: preservation and management. 
Coop. Nad. Park Resour. Stud. Unit, Univ. Hawaii, 
Honolulu, HI U.S.A. 

Laake, J.L., S.T. Buckland, D.R. Anderson and KP. 
Burnham. 1993. Distance user’s guide, version 2.0. 
Colorado Coop. Fish and Wildl. Res. Unit, Colorado 
State Univ., Fort Collins, CO U.S.A. 

Munro, G.C. 1944, Birds of Hawaii. Tongg Publ. Co., 
Honolulu, HI U.S.A. 

Scott, J.M., S. Mountainspring, F.L. Ramsey and C.B. 
Kepler. 1986. Forest bird communities of the Ha- 
waiian islands: their dynamics, ecology, and conser- 
vation. Stud. Avian Biol. No. 9. 

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1984. Hawaiian Hawk 
recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Pordand, 
OR U.S.A. 

Received 15 December 1995; accepted 24 October 1996. 

J. Raptor Res. 31 (1) :16— 25 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 



Department of Biology and Nature Conservation, Agricultural University of Norway, 

P.O. Box 5014, N-1432 As, Norway 

Abstract. — Differences between 0.1 ha nest-site plots of Honey Buzzards ( Pernis apivorus), European 
Sparrowhawks ( Accipiter nisus), Northern Goshawks (A. gentilis ) and Common Buzzards ( Buteo buteo ) 
were compared to randomly sampled 0.1 ha control plots within a 400 km 2 area with 80% forest and 
<2% agricultural land in southern Norway. At Honey Buzzard nest sites, forests were more productive 
than in control plots and there was a higher proportion of spruce, older trees and a higher tree density 
at Northern Goshawk nest sites than in control plots. Nests of European Sparrowhawks were also in 
sites with higher tree density than expected. Common Buzzard nest sites were situated in steeper terrain 
than control plots and more often had a southern aspect. For sparrowhawks, nesting in forests with 
high tree density may be an adaptation to avoid goshawks and pine martens ( Martes martes ) which are 
their main nest predators. For the larger species, nest-site selection may be a response both to nest 
predation risk, microclimate, foraging habitat and food supply. 

Key WORDS: Honey Buzzard ; European Sparrowhawk; Common Buzzard ; Northern Goshawk; Accipiter nisus; 
Accipiter gentilis; Buteo buteo; Pernis apivorus; forest, nest-site selection; Norway. 

Seleccion del nido de cuatro rapaces de bosque sin que no aparean en el sur de Norway. 

RESUMEN. — Diferencias entre 0.1 ha parcela de sitio de nido de Pernis apivorus, Accipter nisus, A. gentilis 
y Buteo buteo fueron comparados con muestras alazar 0.1 ha parcelas manejadas dentro de una area de 
400 km2 con 80% bosque y <2% tierra agricola en el sur de Norway. En nidos de Pernis apivorus, los 
bosques fueron mas productivo en las parcelas manejadas y habia una proportion alta de Picea, arboles 
maduros y densidad alto de arboles en nidos de A. nisus tambien estaban en sitios con densidad alta 
de arboles mas de lo que esperabamos. Nidos de B. buteo estaban situados mas en terreno abrupto que 
en parcelas manejadas y con frecuencia tenia aspecto del sur. Para A. nisus , nidos en el bosque con 
densidad alta de arboles puede ser un adaptation para evitar A. gentilis y Martes martes que son su 
principal depredador de nido. Para la especie mas grande, la seleccion del nido puede ser reaction a 
riesgo de depredador al nido, microclima, habitat de forraje y suministro de comida. 

[Traduction de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 

Breeding pairs of raptors use relatively large ar- 
eas, and thus have a good opportunity to select 
nesting places that maximize the probability of suc- 
cessful breeding and lifetime reproduction (New- 
ton 1979). Interspecific differences in nest-site se- 
lection may be due to differences in body size and 
flight performance of different species, but it can 
also be due to interspecific differences in nest pre- 
dation risk, climatic conditions during breeding 
and feeding habits (Newton 1979, Janes 1985), or 
to interspecific competition for nest sites and ter- 
ritories (Newton 1979). 

For several bird species, dense foliage close to 
the nest both reduces the rate of detection, and 
impedes the ability of predators to hunt in the vi- 
cinity of the nest (Martin 1993). On the other 

hand, dense foliage may decrease the possibility for 
breeding birds to detect and escape from preda- 
tors (Gotmark et al. 1995). Thus, selection of nest 
site may be a trade-off between concealment and 
opportunities to escape or attack predators, which 
also depend on flight ability, body size or other 
characteristics of the species. Selection may also be 
affected by a trade-off between current and future 
reproduction, since short-lived species with large 
brood sizes have more to lose when nesting at- 
tempts fail than long-lived species with smaller 
brood sizes. 

Cover may also be an important factor since it 
can shield nests from wind or rain and limit ex- 
cessive nocturnal radiation loss or excessive diur- 
nal heat-gain from solar radiation (Walsberg 1985) . 


March 1997 

Nest-site Selection By Four Raptors 


Protection from thermal extremes may be the most 
important factor in nest-site selection by medium- 
and large-sized raptors where nest predation is low 
(Newton 1979, Janes 1985). At higher latitudes, the 
timing of breeding in these birds should be im- 
portant, since early breeders are faced with more 
severe climatic conditions than those species which 
begin nesting later in spring. 

If prey are not evenly dispersed throughout the 
landscape, raptors should select nest sites closest to 
the best hunting areas in order to reduce time and 
energy connected with foraging. Thus, local varia- 
tion in the availability of food may influence the 
nest-site selection (Janes 1985), and explain inter- 
specific differences in nesting habitat. 

In Fennoscandia, four raptor species hunt and 
nest in forest-dominated landscapes. The Europe- 
an Sparrowhawk ( Accipiter nisus ; mean body mass 
male 150 g, female 260 g) is the main predator on 
small birds (Sulkava 1964a, Selas 1993) , while the 
Northern Goshawk (A. gentilis; mean body mass 
male 870 g, female 1330 g) primarily feeds upon 
larger bird species and mammals (Hoglund 1964, 
Sulkava 1964b, Widen 1987, Selas 1989). The Com- 
mon Buzzard ( Buteo buteo; mean body mass male 
740 g, female 1100 g) is a generalist predator that 
responds functionally to changes in populations of 
its vole ( Microtus spp.) prey (Suomus 1952, Spids0 
and Selas 1988), while the Honey Buzzard ( Pernis 
apivorus; mean body mass male 750 g, female 910 
g) mainly feeds on the larvae and pupae of social 
hymenoptera species (Holstein 1944, Flagen and 
Bakke 1958, Itamies and Mikkola 1972). 

Several authors have described nest sites used by 
sparrowhawks (Tinbergen 1946, Holstein 1950, 
Hald-Mortensen 1974), goshawks (Holstein 1942, 
Dietzen 1978, Link 1986), Common Buzzards 
(Holstein 1956, Knuwer and Loske 1980, Solonen 
1982, Jedrzejewski et al. 1988, Hubert 1993) and 
Honey Buzzards (Holstein 1944, Amcoff et al. 
1994) in Europe. However, no one has compared 
nest-site selection of sympatric populations of these 
species in a continuous forest habitat. My aim was 
to study the importance of different habitat vari- 
ables on nest-site selection of these species by com- 
paring habitat variables from plots at nest sites with 
those from plots placed randomly in the study 

Study Area and Methods 

The study was conducted from 1985-93 in southern 
Norway (58° 43'N, 8°44'E). The study area covers about 

400 km 2 and is situated 50—300 m a.s.l. and 10—30 km 
inland from the coast, in the boreo-nemoral zone (Abra- 
hamsen et al. 1977). The climate is suboceanic, and snow 
usually covers the ground from December-April. The 
study area is hilly and sharply undulating. It is dominated 
by forests (80%), with scattered lakes (10%), bogs (5%) 
and less than 2% agricultural land. Forests are character- 
ized by a fine-grained mosaic of young-, medium- and 
old-aged coniferous, mixed and deciduous stands, with 
Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce ( Picea abies), 
oak ( Quercus spp.), aspen ( Populus tremula) and birch 
( Betula spp.) the dominant tree species. 

Forestry based on clear cutting, replanting and thin- 
ning of the regrowth was introduced to the area in the 
1950s. At the time of my study, approximately 30% of the 
area had been clear-cut, with most regeneration <20 yr. 
The area is divided into numerous small ownerships with 
management of forests controlled by each of the land 
owners. Most of the properties are managed to provide 
a mosaic of forest types. Thus, there is a heterogeneous 
environment on a small scale, but a homogeneous, frag- 
mented environment on a large scale. 

The study area was searched for nest sites each year 
(cf. Forsman and Solonen 1984), and habitat variables 
were described at one nest site in each nesting territory 
located. If possible, the nest site used in 1988 was select- 
ed. In territories where the 1988 nest was not found, I 
usually described the nest site used in 1989. Alternatively, 
the nest site used closest in time to 1988 or 1989 was 
described. The breeding density of goshawks increased 
during the time of the study. To get a larger number of 
nest sites of this species, I first selected one nest site from 
each of the nesting territories used since 1985. Then, I 
selected one nest site in each of the 11 new nesting ter- 
ritories established during 1986-88, even though these 
territories substituted five of the existing ones. Since the 
goshawks in the five old territories had all been illegally 
shot by game keepers, I regarded the data to be inde- 
pendent. Thus, I described a total of 48 nest site plots of 
the sparrowhawk, 30 of the goshawk, 50 of the Common 
Buzzard, and 21 of the Honey Buzzard. 

Control plots were described during 1989. Aerial pho- 
tographs of the study area taken in spring 1989 (scale 1: 
15000) were covered by a grid with 100 numbered inter- 
sections of which two were randomly selected as control 
plots. Out of 122 selected points, 80 (65.6%) were locat- 
ed in forests >20 yr old and 25 (20.5%) were in forests 
<20 yr old (clear-cuts and regrowth), while 9 (7.4%) 
were on lakes, 4 (3.3%) on bogs, and 4 (3.3%) on agri- 
cultural land or developed areas. Measurements were 
made only in control plots in habitats apparently suitable 
for raptors (i.e., forests >20 yr old, N = 80). 

Each of the nest site plots and the control plots cov- 
ered 0.1 ha within a circle with a radius of 17.8 m. In 
nest site plots, the nest was in the center of the circle. 
The following habitat variables were used: 

1) Site type, determined from the plant community 
(Kielland-Lund 1981, 1994). Plots dominated by Bar- 
bilophozio-Pinetum or Vaccinio-Pinetum were classified as 
sites with poor productivity, plots dominated by Len- 
cobryo-Pinetum, Eu-Piceetum myrtilletosum, or Populo-Quer- 
cetum, were classified as sites with intermediate pro- 
ductivity, and plots dominated by Melico-Piceetum typi- 



Vol. 31, No. 1 

Table 1. Test results (upper, right) and P-values (lower, left) of correlation analyses of habitat variables from ran- 
domly-sampled control plots ( N = 80). Categorical variables were tested against each other by use of contingency 
table analysis (x 2 value given) and against continuous variables by use of Mann-Whitney U-test (two categories, U-value 
given) or Kruskal-Wallis test (more than two categories, H-value given) , while continuous variables were tested against 
each other by use of Spearman rank correlation (correlation coefficient given) . 













Site type (3 categories) 







Forest type (5 categories) 







Forest age (continuous) 







Tree density (continuous) 







Slope (continuous) 







Aspect (2 categories) 







Altitude category 
(3 categories) 







* Statistically significant. 

cum, Melico-Quercetum, Alno incanae-Prunetum padi or 
Ulmo glabrae-Tilietum cordatae were classified as sites 
with the highest productivity. 

2) Forest type, defined according to % pine and spruce 
trees with diameters >7 cm at breast height (DBH, 
1.3 m above ground). Pine forest was >50% pine and 
spruce with pine >67%. Mixed coniferous forest was 
>50% pine and spruce with pine and spruce <67%. 
Spruce forest was >50% pine and spruce with spruce 
>67%. Mixed forest was 25-50% pine and spruce. De- 
ciduous forest was <25% pine and spruce. 

3) Forest age, defined as the mean age of four trees 
judged to represent the age of all trees with DBH >7 
cm. Ages were measured using an increment borer at 
breast height. 

4) Number of trees, regardless of species with DBH >7 

Table 2. Results (P-values) from Likelihood-Ratio tests 
in a logistic regression model with nest-site plots and ran- 
domly-sampled control plots (N = 80) as responses, and 
all habitat variables as explanatory variables. R 2 is the pro- 
portion of variation that is explained by the logistic re- 
gression model. 

Sparrow- Common Honey 

Habitat hawk Goshawk Buzzard Buzzard 
Variables (N = 48) ( N = 30) (N = 50) (N = 21) 

Site type 





Forest type 





Forest age 





Tree density 















Altitude category 





R 2 





5) Slope, measured from 0-100°, 

6) Aspect, defined as one of two categories: north (1- 
100°, 301-400°) or south (101-300°). Nest-site plots 
and control plots with slopes <5° were omitted. 

7) Altitude, defined as three altitude possible categories 
in relation to the altitude variation within a radius of 
1 km from the plot. Plots were assigned to the lower 
altitude zone if situated in the lower third of the al- 
titude difference between the lowest and highest 
point within this area. Middle and upper altitude 
zones were assigned correspondingly. 

When considering the randomly-sampled control plots, 
several of the habitat variables were highly correlated 
(Table 1). To control for the effect of these correlations 
when comparing nest site plots and control plots, I used 
likelihood-ratio tests (SAS 1994) in a logistic regression 
model, with nest-site plots and control plots as responses 
and all habitat variables as explanatory variables (cf. Man- 
ly et al. 1993). 


Site Type and Forest Type. Of sparrowhawk nest- 
site plots, none were on sites with poor productiv- 
ity, 66.7% were on intermediate sites and 33.3% in 
the highest productivity sites. Corresponding val- 
ues for goshawk nest-site plots were 16.7%, 73.3% 
and 10.0%; for Common Buzzard 16.0%, 60.0% 
and 24.0%, and for Honey Buzzard 0.0%, 57.1% 
and 42.9% compared to 42.5%, 47.5% and 10% for 
control plots. When controlling for effects of cor- 
relations between all habitat variables, there was a 
significant difference between Honey Buzzard 
nest-site plots and control plots, while the other 
species did not differ from the control plots (Like- 
lihood-ratio tests, Table 2). 

The distribution of goshawk nest-site plots in dif- 
ferent forest types differed significantly from that 

* Statistically significant. 

March 1997 

Nest-site Selection By Four Raptors 


Figure 1. Distribution of nest-site plots of European Sparrowhawks, Northern Goshawks, Common Buzzards and 
Honey Buzzards, and randomly-selected control plots on different forest types. Forest types were defined according 
to the frequency of pine and spruce among all trees >7 cm in breast height (1.3 m above ground). The size of each 
plot is 0.1 ha. 

of control plots, with a higher proportion of nest 
sites in spruce forests (Table 2, Fig. 1). Sparrow- 
hawk, Common Buzzard and Honey Buzzard nest- 
site plots did not differ from control plots with re- 
spect to forest type when effects of correlations be- 

tween habitat variables were adjusted for (Likeli- 
hood-ratio tests, Table 2, Fig. 1). 

Forest Age and Tree Density. The mean forest 
age was 36.8 ± 18.5 (SD) yr in nest-site plots of 
sparrowhawks, 99.3 ± 19.1 yr in those of goshawks, 



Vol. 31, No. 1 

Figure 2. Forest age and number of trees (>7 cm in breast height) in nest-site plots of European Sparrowhawks, 
Northern Goshawks, Common Buzzards and Honey Buzzards (solid squares), and in randomly-selected control plots 
(open squares). The size of each plot is 0.1 ha. 

98.5 ± 20.4 yr in those of Common Buzzards and 
86.7 ± 28.3 yr in those of Honey Buzzards. When 
using likelihood-ratio tests, only nest sites of gos- 
hawks differed significantly from control plots, 
where the mean forest age was 90.7 ± 29.0 yr (Ta- 
ble 2, Fig. 2) . 

The mean number of trees was 190.4 ± 47.7 in 
nest-site plots of sparrowhawks, 84.9 ± 27.7 in 
those of goshawks, 73.3 ± 19.9 in those of Com- 
mon Buzzards and 86.4 ± 33.4 in those of Honey 
Buzzards. The number of trees in nest-site plots of 
sparrowhawks and goshawks was significantly high- 
er than in control plots, where the mean number 
of trees was 62.3 ± 26.3 (Likelihood-ratio tests, Ta- 
ble 2, Fig. 2). 

Topographical Variables. The mean slope was 
8.6 ± 5.6° in nest- site plots of sparrowhawks, 15.1 
± 9.1° in those of goshawks, 28.6 ± 13.3° in those 
of Common Buzzards, 16.3 ± 7.2° in those of Hon- 
ey Buzzard and 15.0 ± 10.5° in control plots. Only 
nest sites of Common Buzzards differed signifi- 
cantly from control plots (Likelihood-ratio tests, 
Table 2, Fig. 3). 

Sparrowhawk nest sites were on south-facing 
slopes 34.1% of the time while 63,3%, 76.0%, 
33.3% and 53.8% of goshawk, Common Buzzard, 
Honey Buzzard, and control plots were on south- 
facing slopes, respectively. Only nest sites of Com- 
mon Buzzards were on south-facing significantly 
more than control plots (Likelihood-ratio tests, Ta- 
ble 2, Fig. 3). 

None of the nest sites of the four raptor species 
differed significantly from control plots in terms of 
their altitude (Likelihood-ratio tests, Table 2, Fig. 


Site Type and Forest Type. Only the Honey Buz- 
zard showed a significant preference for nesting in 
sites with the highest productivity. This finding 
agreed with that of Amcoff et al. (1994). Unlike oth- 
er raptor species, Honey Buzzard males do not pro- 
vision females with food during the egg-laying and 
incubation period (Holstein 1944), possibly because 
their prey are too small to be profitably transported 
to the nest. Because of small size of its prey, short 

March 1997 

Nest-site Selection By Four Raptors 


Figure 3. Slope (0-100°) and aspect (NE, SE, SW, NW) of nest-site plots of European Sparrowhawks, Northern 
Goshawks, Common Buzzards and Honey Buzzards. The distance from the origin reflects the slope while the direction 
reflects the aspect of the plot. The size of each plot is 0.1 ha. 

distances between nesting and foraging areas during 
incubation may be especially valuable for this spe- 
cies. Highly productive forests may be important for 
Honey Buzzards because they support high densities 
of juvenile passerines (Tiainen 1981, Helle 1985, 
Stokland 1994) which appear to be important prey 
in early stages of the breeding season (Amcoff et al. 
1994). These forests also support high biomass of 
invertebrates (Birkemoe 1993, Stokland 1994) on 
which Honey Buzzards may also rely. 

Preference for forest type was significant only for 
the goshawk, which selected spruce forest for nest- 
ing. This preference may be related to the larger 
number of important winter and spring prey spe- 
cies such as squirrels ( Sciurus vulgaris, Andren and 
Delin 1994), Hazel Grouse ( Bonasa bonasia, Swen- 
son and Angelstam 1993), and Capercaillie ( Tetrao 

urogallus, Swenson and Angelstam 1993) in spruce 
forest. However, preference for spruce may simply 
be related to the fact that it gives the best cover 
and thus the best protection against the main pred- 
ator of the goshawk, the Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo, Ut- 
tendorfer 1952, Mikkola 1983). 

Forest Age and Tree Density. Goshawk nest sites 
were situated in older forests than control plots. 
Old forest is an important hunting habitat for the 
goshawk (Widen 1989) and it provides large trees 
for nest building (Dietzen 1978, Anonymous 1989, 
Siders and Kennedy 1996, Squires and Ruggiero 
1996). Goshawk nests were also found in forests 
with a higher tree density than control plots. Gos- 
hawks may reduce the risk of predation by nesting 
in dense forests, since Eagle Owls prefer to hunt 
in open or semi-open landscapes (Mikkola 1983). 



Vol. 31, No. 1 

100 -t 

Lower zone 



4 —* 











75 H 

Sparrowhawk Goshawk Common Honey 

n = 48 n = 30 Buzzard Buzzard 

n = 50 n = 21 

E!!!] Middle zone 
1ZI Upper zone 

Control Plots 
n = 80 

Figure 4. The distribution of nest-site plots of European Sparrowhawks, Northern Goshawks, Common Buzzards 
and Honey Buzzards, and of randomly-selected control plots by altitude categories. A plot was assigned to the lower 
altitude zone if situated in the lower third of the altitude difference between the lowest and highest point within 1 
km from the plot, to the middle zone if situated in the middle third of this altitude difference, and to the upper 
zone if situated in the higher third. 

For the smallest species investigated, the spar- 
rowhawk, the only variable that discriminated be- 
tween nest-site plots and control plots was tree den- 
sity. I obtained similar results after a thinning ex- 
periment, where the reuse of nest stands in 
thinned young forests was lower than of nest stands 
in young forests not thinned (Selas 1996). Place- 
ment of nests in dense forest could hardly be prof- 
itable with respect to food of sparrowhawks, be- 
cause the density of passerines is usually low here 
(Haapanen 1965, 0degaard 1982, Glowacinski and 
Weiner 1983, Helle 1985). Probably, predation is 
the most important aspect in the nest-site selection 
of sparrowhawks (Selas 1996), since its main pred- 
ators, goshawks and pine martens ( Martes martes), 
both prefer mature forest rather than young, dense 
forest when hunting (Pulliainen 1984, Widen 1989, 
Storch et al. 1990) . Actually, dense forest seems to 
be less important as nesting habitat for the spar- 
rowhawk when the goshawk is absent (Bomholt 
1983, Newton 1986, T0mmeraas 1994). Pine mar- 
tens will probably find raptor nests easy, because 
of the smell from pellets and prey remains. Since 
the pine marten is also known to remember dif- 
ferent sites of food resources (Sonerud 1985), it is 
likely to be familiar with most of the old raptor 
nests within its home range. This may be one rea- 
son for why sparrowhawks rarely use nests for two 
successive years, unlike goshawks and Common 
Buzzards which are probably less vulnerable to 
pine marten predation due to their large size. 

Goshawks and pine martens are also important 
predators of Honey Buzzard nestlings (Kostrzewa 
1991). The Honey Buzzard seems to prefer spruce, 
which gives best cover, as nest trees (Amcoff et al. 
1994). In contrast to the other species studied, 
Honey Buzzards are usually silent when disturbed 
by humans at the nest site (Holstein 1944, Hagen 
1952, Kostrzewa 1985). Rather than selecting nest- 
ing habitats to avoid nest predation, Honey Buz- 
zards appear to behave as cryptically as possible at 
the nest site, possibly because they are less efficient 
than other raptors in defending their nests against 
predators. In addition, low annual mortality and 
low clutch size of the Honey Buzzard (Holstein 
1944, Kostrzewa 1985, Tjernberg and Ryttman 
1994) may make nest defense less profitable than 
for Common Buzzards and goshawks. 

Topographical Variables. The only species which 
showed any preference for slope was the Common 
Buzzard, which usually nested in steep terrain. Sim- 
ilar results have been found for the Red-tailed 
Hawk ( Buteo jamaicensis, Titus and Mosher 1981, 
Speiser and Bosakowski 1988). Flight energetics 
may be more favorable on steeper slopes for larger 
soaring raptors like eagles and large Buteos (Speis- 
er and Bosakowski 1988). It may however also be 
important that these broad-winged species can best 
escape, or attack, predators in this habitat. Even 
though the Common Buzzard is able to rob prey 
from the goshawk (Fischer 1980, Jorgensen 1983), 
its breeding success has been found to be nega- 

March 1997 

Nest-site Selection By Four Raptors 


tively correlated with the distance to goshawk nests 
(Kostrzewa 1991). One reason for the difference 
in nest-site selection between the Common Buz- 
zard and goshawk may be that the goshawk, which 
is better adapted for flight and foraging in dense 
forest, is more dangerous to Common Buzzard in 
dense forest. 

Common Buzzards also preferred nest sites with 
southern aspects. There was also a tendency for a 
higher percentage of nest-site plots of goshawks to 
have southern aspects than expected, while those 
of Honey Buzzards tended to have northern as- 
pects. Common Buzzards and goshawks start their 
breeding nearly one month earlier than sparro- 
whawks and more than one month earlier than 
Honey Buzzards (Forsman and Solonen 1984), at 
a time of the year when the temperatures may still 
be far below freezing in southern Norway. Nests of 
both species w T ere most often found at sites with a 
southeastern aspect, which are the first heated by 
the morning sun when nest building occurs (Hol- 
stein 1942, 1956). Also in Alaska, goshawks have 
been found to favor southern slopes (McGowan 
1975), while in more temperate areas, southern ex- 
posures are avoided (Dietzen 1978, Reynolds et al. 
1982, Moore and Henny 1983, Link 1986, Speiser 
and Bosakowski 1987). A similar pattern has been 
observed for nest sites of Golden Eagles ( Aquila 
chrysaetos, Mosher and White 1976, Pfaff 1993). 

In Central Europe, Common Buzzards place 
their nest near forest edges (Knuwer and Loske 
1980, Spitzer 1980, Hubert 1993), probably be- 
cause they hunt from perches in open areas or 
from forest edges (Widen 1994). In my study area, 
open areas were usually covered by snow when 
Common Buzzards arrived to breed, making the 
field vole ( Microtus agrestis ), which is the most im- 
portant prey species in this habitat (Hansson 1978, 
Spids0 and Selas 1988), nearly unavailable (Hans- 
son 1982, Sonerud 1986). Early snow-free areas 
available for vole hunting in the spring are found 
on southfacing slopes and in steep terrain, where 
Common Buzzard nests are usually found. 

Goshawks, Common Buzzards and Honey Buz- 
zards rarely used nest sites with southwestern as- 
pect, possibly because too much sun may be harm- 
ful to newly-hatched nesdings (c.f. Holstein 1942, 
Hald-Mortensen 1974, Reynolds et al. 1982, Link 
1986). Unless there is good shelter, as in the dense 
young forests used by sparrowhawks, nest sites with 
a southwestern aspect are probably unprofitable re- 
gardless of when egg-laying begins. 

The observed interspecific differences in nest- 
site selection between the raptor species investigat- 
ed may be explained by interspecific differences in 
body size and flight performance, nest-predation 
risk, time of breeding and feeding habits. The risk 
of predation probably affects nest-site selection or 
breeding habits of all these species, but mostly 
sparrowhawks and Honey Buzzards which were 
most vulnerable to nest predation. Common Buz- 
zards, goshawks, and Honey Buzzards also showed 
nest-site preferences which could be explained as 
an adaptation to microclimate. For these three spe- 
cies, nest-site selection could also be connected to 
the availability of food in the early stage of the 
breeding season. These species may have a broader 
habitat choice and it is possible that factors other 
than the habitat variables I selected for study may 
have been of importance. This may have been es- 
pecially true for the goshawk, which builds larger 
nests than the other species and may be influenced 
by characters directly connected to the nest tree. 


I wish to thank I. Selas and K.O. Selas for assistance 
with the field work, G.A. Sonerud for valuable advice dur- 
ing the analyses of the data, and T. Bosakowski, S.M. Brai- 
nerd, S. Dale, G.A. Sonerud and two anonymous referees 
for constructive comments on the manuscript. The study 
was supported by the Nansen Endowment. 

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Nest-site Selection By Four Raptors 


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Received 18 June 1996; accepted 1 December 1996 

f. Raptor Res. 31(l):26-33 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 


Thomas Bosakowski 1 

Department of Biological Sciences, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ 07102 U.S.A. 

Dwight G. Smith 

Biology Department, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT 06515 U.S.A. 

Abstract. — We studied the species richness and distribution of the forest raptor community in a New 
Jersey watershed in relation to urbanization. Raptors were systematically surveyed using high volume 
broadcasts of conspecific and heterospecific calls during the breeding season at a total of 81 survey 
stations. Ten habitat variables relevant to urbanization were measured at each survey station using to- 
pographic maps and aerial photographs. Results showed a community composed of 10 species of breed- 
ing raptors. Buteo lineatus, Accipiter gentilis and Strix varia showed a significant avoidance of suburban 
habitat, whereas B. jamaicensis and Bubo virginianus had a greater tendency to occupy such areas. Lowland 
habitat was significantly selected by S. varia, B. lineatus and A. cooperii, a habitat usually most susceptible 
to development in the study region. Raptor species richness showed a strong positive correlation (r = 
0.79, P < 0.01) with wilderness area size. No wilderness area less than 1000 ha had more than four 
raptor species while four to eight species were found in areas from 1000-8000 ha. Utilization of three 
increasing size classes of wilderness areas showed increasing trends for B. lineatus, A. gentilis and S. varia, 
and decreasing trends for B. jamaicensis and Bubo virginianus. 

Key WORDS: forest raptors ; community; urbanization; forest fragmentation; wilderness', survey. 

Distribucion y fertilidad especie de una comunidad bosque de rapaces en relacion a urbanizacion. 

Resumen. — Nosotros estudiamos la fertilidad de la especie y distribucion de una comunidad de rapaces 
de bosque en una linea divisoria de dos cuencas en New Jersey en relacion a urbanizacion, Los rapaces 
fueron inspeccionados sistematicamente usando llamadas de conespecificos y heteroespecificos trans- 
mitidas en alto volumen durante la temporada de cria en un total de 81 estaciones de inspeccion. Diez 
variables de habitat pertinente al urbanizacion fueron medidas en cada estacion de inspeccion usando 
mapas topograficos y fotografia aerea. Los resultados ensenaron una comunidad compuesta de 10 es- 
pecie de rapaces en cria. Buteo lineatus, Accipiter gentilis, y Stix varia mostraron un aversion significante 
al habitat suburbio, mientras B. jamaicensis y Bubo virginianus tuvieron una tendencia mayor para ocupar 
tales areas. Habitat de tierra baja fue sensiblemente escogido por S. varia, B. lineatus y A. cooperii el 
habitat por lo general mas susceptible para el desarrollo en el estudio de la region. La de la especie 
riquesa de rapaces mostro una correlation fuerte y positiva ( r = 0.79, p < 0.01) con la area del tamano 
del bosque. Ningun area de bosque menos de 1000 ha tuvo mas de cuatro especie de rapaces mientras 
cuatro a ocho especie fueron encontrados en areas de 1000-8000 ha. La utilization de tres clases 
aumentando y de diferente tamano de areas de bosque mostraron una tendencia de aumento para B. 
lineatus, A. gentilis y S. varia y una tendencia decreciente para B. jamaicensis y Bubo virginianus. 

[Traduction de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 

Raptors are secondary and tertiary consumers so 
trophic theory suggests that they will be fewer in 
abundance and lesser in diversity than other breed- 
ing bird communities. Factors that tend to pro- 
mote high species diversity in raptor communities 

Present address: Beak Consultants, Inc., 12931 NE 126th 
Place, Kirkland, WA 98052. 

are high prey diversity and high habitat heteroge- 
neity (White 1974). Conversely, forest fragmenta- 
tion and reduced forest interior tend to reduce 
raptor community diversity (Thiollay and Meyburg 
1988). In Maryland, Robbins et al. (1989) exam- 
ined the effect of forest area on breeding bird 
communities and found at least one raptor (the 
Red-shouldered Hawk, Buteo lineatus ) was impacted 


March 1997 

Forest Raptors and Urbanization 


by habitat fragmentation and urbanization and 
qualified to be categorized as an “area-sensitive 
species.” Titus and Mosher (1981) examined nat- 
ural habitat variables of four sympatxic hawk spe- 
cies in Maryland, but urbanization and variables 
associated with habitat development were not in- 
cluded in their analysis. Nevertheless, Red-shoul- 
dered Hawks have been shown to avoid nesting 
near human dwellings (Bosakowski et al. 1992a) 
and Northern Goshawks ( Accipiter gentilis) nest sig- 
nificantly farther from paved roads and human 
dwellings than randomly-selected sites (Bosakowski 
and Speiser 1994). 

In this study, we examined a wider variety of ur- 
banization variables than previously published for 
forest raptors and examined their association with- 
in a diverse community of breeding raptors. Such 
data could provide further insight into the pres- 
ervation and management of viable forest ecosys- 
tems for diverse raptor communities rather than 
using a single species approach. 

Study Area 

The study was conducted in the Highlands Physio- 
graphic Region (Braun 1950) which extends southwest 
to northeast across the New York-New Jersey border. The 
study area was part of the Pequannock Watershed, which 
is owned and operated by the city of Newark, New Jersey. 
The study area includes approximately 16 100 ha and 
includes parts of Passaic, Morris and Sussex Counties. 
This hilly, mostly forested terrain is part of the Eastern 
Deciduous Forest Biome (Shelford 1963). 

Nearly all of the Highlands forests have been previ- 
ously cut or burned within the last 200 years (Ohmann 
and Buell 1968, Russell 1981), resulting in largely second 
growth forest dominated by oaks ( Quercus spp.) and oth- 
er subclimax hardwood trees (Buell et al. 1966, Russell 
1981). Older forest (>100 years of age) is rare and is 
typically limited to small remnant stands surrounded by 
younger forest. 

The study area includes some of the last remaining 
wilderness in the northern half of New Jersey. Residential 
and commercial development is limited to about 10% of 
the study area. The remaining land area is composed of 
a mosaic of submature second growth and mature forest, 
typically ranging from about 40-80 years of age. About 
75% of the forest is deciduous habitat, about 20% con- 
sists of hemlock-white pine ( Tsuga canadensis-Pinus stro- 
bus) stands, and 5% is mature conifer plantations. Aquat- 
ic habitats include five major reservoirs, several smaller 
impoundments, beaver ( Castor canadensis) ponds, marsh- 
es, shrub swamps and wooded swamps, the latter occur- 
ring in many areas. The study area is periodically 
thinned, but clear-cutting/burning is not permitted. 
Since access to these forests is regulated by recreational 
permits and motorized boats are not permitted on the 
reservoirs, human disturbance is greatest directly adja- 
cent to some suburban areas. 


Sampling design. The spatial design of the survey sys- 
tematically covered the Pequannock Watershed study 
area with a grid pattern of 81 broadcasting stations, 
spaced at approximately 1.2 km intervals. The spacing of 
stations was not used to estimate population size, since 
this investigation was aimed solely at determining occu- 
pancy in different habitat types. The survey stations were 
plotted on 15 min USGS quadrangle topographic maps 
of the study area. Four surveys were conducted at each 
of the 81 broadcasting stations. Surveys were conducted 
on fair weather days with low wind velocity (<15 km/hr) 
and no precipitation. The order of sampling of calling 
stations was different for each of the four surveys due to 
weather and wind conditions, but stations in the four car- 
dinal quadrants of the study area were worked as equally 
as possible to avoid regional bias. 

Target species. Previous pilot studies (Benzinger et al. 
1988, Bosakowski et al. 1989a) revealed 11 potentially 
breeding raptor species in the study area (excluding Ca- 
thartid vultures) . To reduce the number of surveys re- 
quired to survey these 11 species, vocalizations of 2-3 
hawk or owl species were broadcast on each survey, re- 
sulting in a total of two night surveys for owls and two 
daytime surveys for hawks. The selection of species for 
each survey was based on regional nesting phenology 
(Bull 1964, Bosakowski et al. 1989b, Speiser and Bosa- 
kowski 1991, and Bosakowski 1990). Broadcasts were or- 
dered from the smallest to the largest raptor, to avoid 
potential inhibitory effects of large raptors on the re- 
sponse behavior of smaller species (Call 1978). About 
half of the raptors responded to heterospecific broad- 
casts, so every species was actually sampled twice during 
the day (or night) at all calling stations. Furthermore, 
some raptors were detected by visual observations or call- 
ing prior to broadcasts on either survey, regardless of the 
species that were broadcast. 

Broadcast vocalizations and equipment. Eastern 
Screech-owl ( Otus asio), Great Horned Owl ( Bubo virgi- 
nianus). Northern Saw-whet Owl ( Aegolius acadicus) , 
Barred Owl (Strix varia). Red-shouldered Hawk, Red- 
tailed Hawk {Buteo jamaicensis ) and Broad-winged Hawk 
(Buteo platypterus) vocalizations were obtained from the 
National Geographic Society guide to Bird Songs (Eva- 
tone Soundsheets, Inc., Clearwater, FL, 1983). Northern 
Goshawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk ( Accipiter striatus ) and 
Long-eared Owl ( Asio otus) vocalizations were from the 
Peterson Field Guide records, Cornell University, Labo- 
ratory of Ornithology. A Cooper’s Hawk {Accipiter coopeni) 
tape of the female alarm call was obtained from R.N. 
Rosenfield (Rosenfield et al. 1985). 

Tapes were broadcast from a Contec portable stereo 
cassette tapedeck (Model V83, Japan) rated at 10 watt 
output with two removable speakers. The units were pow- 
ered by 8 “D” cell batteries. Cassette tapes (normal bias) 
were broadcast at a standard volume setting, approxi- 
mately 95% of full capacity, but without detectable dis- 
tortion. The speakers were high fidelity, each containing 
a woofer and tweeter component for more accurate 
sound replication of calls. The two speakers were mount- 
ed back-to-back to provide bidirectional broadcasting of 
vocalizations at all times. 

Field protocol. Two surveys were conducted at night 


Rosakowski and Smith 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

for the five target owl species. These surveys began at 
least V 2 hr after sunset and were terminated by 0100 H 
the following morning. The first owl survey was conduct- 
ed from 21 March 1989-16 April 1989 for Eastern 
Screech-owls, Long-eared Owls, and Great Horned Owls. 
Species on the second owl survey, conducted from 16 
April-19 May 1989, included the Northern Saw-whet Owl 
and Barred Owl. Hawk surveys were conducted from at 
least 2 hr after sunrise to no later than 2 hr before sunset. 
Species included on the first hawk survey conducted 
from 7 April-4 May 1989 included the Red-shouldered 
Hawk, Northern Goshawk, and Red-tailed Hawk. The sec- 
ond hawk survey from 18 May-20 June 1989 included the 
Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper’s Hawk, and Broad-winged 

On each survey, tape-recorded vocalizations of three 
raptor species were played during an 18-min period. Vo- 
calizations of each species were recorded on cassette tape 
for a 3-min period followed by a 3-min period of silence. 
The silent period served a dual function as a listening/ 
watching period for vocal or visual responses of raptors 
and also as a refractory period prior to broadcasts of the 
next raptor species. The double speakers were hung on 
low tree branches about 1.5 m above ground during 

Macrohabitat measurements. To measure habitat at the 
81 calling stations, their location was plotted on topo- 
graphic maps and their position noted on aerial photo- 
graphs (1:8000) taken during the winter of 1982. Habitat 
at each calling station was quantified in a 300 m radius 
circle centered on the calling station. This distance was 
chosen as representative habitat of the calling station as 
all raptors were detected within this distance and most 
were detected within 100 m. On aerial photographs, a 
dot-grid overlay was used to quantify the suburban area 
within the 300 m radius circle. To measure the length of 
paved roads and forest edge within the habitat circles, w T e 
overlayed them with a fine thread, then the thread was 
straightened and measured. Forest edge can be consid- 
ered as any abrupt change (Small and Hunter 1989) to 
open habitat (e.g., field, marsh, river or lake) that are 
easily discernable on the aerial photographs. We mea- 
sured distances to forest openings (>0.5 ha), paved 
roads, human habitation and wetlands (>0.5 ha) from 
aerial photographs using a metric ruler with a mm scale. 
Topographic maps were used to calculate slope (rise in 
elevation over 300 m baseline) . For the purposes of this 
paper, “wilderness” was defined according to a standard 
operational definition supplied by Webster’s Dictionary 
as “any uninhabited, uncultivated region.” Wilderness 
area was calculated as the total area of contiguous, un- 
cultivated, uninhabited habitats bounded by paved roads 
and/or housing developments. 

Statistical analysis. A total of 10 habitat variables rele- 
vant to urbanization were used to describe the 81 calling 
stations. Each raptor species had a unique set of stations 
where they were recorded and these data sets were used 
to calculate habitat means and standard deviations. In 
order to increase the sample size for Eastern Screech-owl 
( N — 3) and Northern Goshawk ( N = 2), two screech- 
owl sightings and three goshawk nests from previous 
years were added to the data set. These additional raptor 
locations occurred in the mid- to late eighties and fell 

Table 1. Species richness values for breeding raptor 
communities studied in North America. 


Area (ha) 

No. OF 

New Jersey (this study) 



Utah (Smith and Murphy 1973) 
Wyoming (Craighead and 



Craighead 1956) 
Michigan (Craighead and 



Craighead 1956) 



Idaho (BLM 1979) 



well within five of the 81 habitat circles described. No 
additional sites were known for the Long-eared Owl 
which was found at only two sites, or the Sharp-shinned 
Hawk which was found at one site, so they were dropped 
from any habitat analyses. 

Each species was compared to the set of stations which 
did not have any raptor detections during the study (un- 
occupied habitat, N =■ 20) to provide a measure of hab- 
itat selection. For statistical comparison, we used a non- 
parametric test (Mann-Whitney U-test) since some of the 
data were percentages or nonnormal in distribution (Zar 
1974). Species richness was determined for all wilderness 
areas with four or more survey stations and a logistic re- 
gression curve was calculated (Excel Software, Microsoft 
Corp., Redmond, WA, Version 5.0) to test the strength 
of the relationship. To detect area relationships for in- 
dividual species, wilderness areas were grouped into 
three size class categories (0-1000, 1000-2000 and 2000- 
8000 ha) for all broadcast stations. The percentage of 
occupied stations by a species in each size class (% usage) 
was subtracted from the percentage of all stations sam- 
pled (% availability) to determine habitat utilization 
(Johnson 1980) for each wilderness area size class. Usage 
is said to be selective if resources are used disproportion- 
ately to their availability (Johnson 1980). Proportions in 
each category were tested for increasing or decreasing 
trends in relation to wilderness area size using an Armi- 
tage (1955) proportion trend test. 

Results and Discussion 

Species Richness of the Raptor Community. We 

compared raptor species richness of the New Jersey 
raptor community with studies of other raptor 
communities (Table 1 ) . Of these studies, the lowest 
species richness was found in Michigan (Craighead 
and Craighead 1956) which was mostly farmland 
(11% wooded). New Jersey forestland and the 
spruce-fir-pine slopes and sagebrush benches in 
the Snake River of Wyoming (Craighead and 
Craighead 1956) had slightly higher richness but 
both were surpassed by Utah scrub juniper desert 
(Smith and Murphy 1973). Highest species rich- 
ness was reported for Snake River Canyon in Idaho 

March 1997 

Forest Raptors and Urbanization 


Table 2. Urbanization habitat variables for sites occupied by forest raptors in a northern New Jersey watershed. Top 
number represents the mean and bottom number represents the SD (* = P < 0.05, + = P< 0.10). Sample size for 
each species given in parenthesis. GHOW = Great Horned Owl, BAOW = Barred Owl, ESOW = Eastern Screech- 
owl, RTHA = Red-tailed Hawk, RSHA = Red-shouldered Hawk, BWHA = Broad-winged Hawk, COHA = Cooper’s 
Hawk, NOGO = Northern Goshawk. 






















Distance to Human 










Habitation (m) 










Number of 










Houses/Bldgs. (#) 










Suburban Area (%) 



















Distance to Paved 










Road (m) 










Road Mileage (m) 



















Edge Length (m) 



















Distance to Wetland 




















Distance to Forest 










Opening (m) 










Slope (%) 





5.1 + 














Wilderness Area (ha) 



















(BLM 1979) with its vertical cliffs and sagebrush 
desert, probably reflecting the high structural hab- 
itat diversity as a result of vertical and horizontal 
habitat partitioning. Overall, cultivated land of 
Michigan (circa 1950s farming techniques) ap- 
peared to slighdy reduce raptor diversity and abun- 
dance compared to contiguous forestland in New 

Urbanization and Forest Fragmentation. Urban- 
ization and its ultimate effect in fragmenting for- 
ests into smaller wilderness areas is an unnatural 
factor which reduces raptor abundance and diver- 
sity. Robbins (1979) noted the disappearance of 
several nesting bird species including the Broad- 

winged Hawk after 30 yr of severe fragmentation. 
In our study area, the proximity of human habita- 
tion showed marked differences in the habitat suit- 
ability for several forest raptors. The Red-shoul- 
dered Hawk was most sensitive to human distur- 
bance and it occupied sites significantly further 
from human habitation than unoccupied habitat 
and it showed a complete lack of suburban habitat 
within the 300 m radius habitat circles examined 
(Table 2). The Northern Goshawk had the second 
largest distance to human habitation ( P < 0.10) 
and similarly showed a significant lack of suburban 
habitat within the 300 m radius habitat circles ex- 
amined. Additional data from 16 Northern Gos- 


Bosakowski and Smith 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Figure 1. Species richness of forest raptors with respect to seven wilderness areas of varying size. Curve represents 
best-fit logistic regression function. 

hawk nest sites in the study region also showed that 
the species nests further from human habitation 
and paved roads than expected (Bosakowski and 
Speiser 1994). In the study region. Northern Gos- 
hawk nests were significantly farther from human 
habitation than were Cooper’s Hawk nests (Bosa- 
kowski et al. 1992c) or Red-tailed Hawk nests 
(Speiser and Bosakowski 1988). The Barred Owl 
was similar to the Red-shouldered Hawk and 
Northern Goshawk, occupying sites that were sig- 
nificantly farther from human habitation, with sig- 
nificantly fewer houses, and a tendency for less sub- 
urban habitat area (P < 0.10). 

With regard to wetlands, the Red-shouldered 
Hawk occupied areas significantly closer to wet- 
lands which resulted in a significantly lower slope 
percentage as well as a significantly closer distance 
to forest openings. The Barred Owl also had a ten- 
dency to be closer to wetlands (P < 0.10). The 
Cooper’s Hawk occupied sites with significantly 
lower slope percentages and was often closer to 
forest openings (P< 0.10), but not necessarily due 
to a preference for wetlands since it often used 
suburban forest edge as well. Overall, these three 
lowland species had a greater vulnerability to de- 
velopment pressures as valley bottoms and flat ter- 
rain are generally the first areas targeted for roads, 
houses and commercial buildings (Tiner 1985). 

Distance to paved roads, road mileage, edge 
length and wilderness area did not show any sig- 
nificant differences among any species compared 
to unoccupied habitat. Four species, Great horned 
Owl, Red-tailed Hawk, Eastern Screech-owl and 

Broad-winged Hawk did not have any variables that 
were significantly different from unoccupied hab- 
itat, suggesting that they were less sensitive to ur- 

Forest Area Relationships. Area-sensitive species 
respond negatively to decreasing forest size and 
show predictable declines or absence as the area 
of the forest shrinks (Robbins 1979, Ambuel and 
Temple 1983, Robbins et al. 1989). Within our 
study area we found a strong correlation (r = 0.79, 
P < 0.01) for species richness of forest raptors and 
increasing size of wilderness areas (Fig. 1). This is 
likely the result of the inclusion of area-sensitive 
species in large wilderness areas and their exclu- 
sion in smaller forest fragments. No area less than 
1000 ha had more than four raptor species while 
4-8 species were found in areas from 1000-8000 
ha in size. Thiollay and Meyburg (1988) also noted 
a positive correlation between the size of reserves 
and the abundance index of diurnal raptors (Fal- 
coniformes) on the Island of Java. 

When wilderness areas were grouped into size 
classes, several distinct trends emerged among the 
species. We calculated percent utilization of three 
wilderness area size classes and determined the 
probability of increasing or decreasing trends for 
raptors. Several species revealed increasing trends 
with increasing wilderness area size (Red-shoul- 
dered Hawk, P = 0.97; Northern Goshawk, P = 
0,84; and Barred Owl, P = 0.82), whereas several 
species revealed decreasing trends (Red-tailed 
Hawk, P — 0.95 and Great Horned Owl, P = 0.85, 
Fig. 2). Craighead and Craighead (1956) noted 

March 1997 

Forest Raptors and Urbanization 











0 . 
















(0 15. 








<0 33. 

0 67) 




0 03) 














Figure 2. Relative utilization (use-availability) of different wilderness area size classes for eight sympatric forest raptor 
species (see Table 2 for species acronyms) . Numbers in parentheses represent probability of species increasing and 
decreasing (I, D) in relation to wilderness area size (Proportion Trend Test — Armitage 1955). 

that Red-tailed Hawks and Great Horned Owls 
were generalist predators and the results of this 
study indicate that they clearly benefit from forest 
fragmentation and urbanization (at least to the ex- 
tent found in the study area) . On the other hand, 
Red-shouldered Hawks, Northern Goshawks and 
Barred Owls usually prefer extensive remote areas 
of deep woods (Bosakowski 1989, Bosakowski et al. 
1992a, Bosakowski and Speiser 1994). 

The northern half of our study area was virtually 
all wilderness and contained all 10 species. How- 
ever, the southern half had nearly all of the sub- 
urban areas and a four-lane highway, and was miss- 
ing three species (Northern Goshawk, Sharp- 
shinned Hawk and Red-shouldered Hawk) . Results 
of this study predict the expansion of dominant, 
disturbance-tolerant Great Horned Owls and Red- 
tailed Hawks after forest fragmentation, and a re- 
duction in raptor diversity. 

A decrease in forest area can result in decreased 
bird species diversity (Lovejoy et al. 1986), distur- 
bance to species in adjoining wetlands, reduced 
buffering against human disturbance and in- 
creased predation (Chasko and Gates 1982, Yahner 
1988). It is also becoming increasingly clear that 
“edge effect” is beneficial to only a limited num- 
ber of wildlife species and, by and large, it has a 

strong negative impact on other members of forest 
communities (Robbins 1979, Wilcove et al. 1986, 
Yahner 1988, Robbins et al. 1989). For tropical 
rainforests, Thiollay (1984) found that raptors are 
among the first species to disappear in the process 
of human population growth and exploitation and 
are thus suitable indicators of habitat disturbance. 
The situation appears to be similar for temperate 
forests disrupted by urbanization and agriculture 
(Craighead and Craighead 1956). 

Large raptor communities are needed as popu- 
lation reserves to maintain genetic diversity and to 
provide constant recruitment to marginal habitats 
(White 1974, Wilcove 1987). Results of this study 
suggest that only large wilderness areas (2000-8000 
ha) can provide the full diversity of forest raptors 
necessary to stock marginal habitats. Until other 
data on reserve size become available, the present 
data could have useful management implications 
for conservation of Northeast forest raptors, either 
by regulating development and recreation, or de- 
ciding how large an area should be set aside for 
future reserves. In addition, further research will 
be needed to determine the number and distance 
of other reserves (Shaffer 1985, Hunter 1990) nec- 
essary to support a viable population network for 
each species (Wilcove 1987). 


Bosakgwski and Smith 

Vol. 31, No. 1 


This study was part of a doctoral thesis of the first au- 
thor that was approved by the faculty of Rutgers Univer- 
sity under the advisorship of Dr. D.W. Morrison. The re- 
search was primarily funded by a grant from the New 
Jersey Division of Fish, Game, and Wildlife, Nongame 
Wildlife Program. As such, we would like to extend our 
appreciation to L. Niles and M. Valent for their interest, 
cooperation and comments on the initial design proto- 
col. The New Jersey Audubon Society also provided funds 
for field work for which we are grateful. We also thank 
forester T. Koeppel for use of aerial photographs, forest- 
ry equipment and information on the history of Pequan- 
nock Watershed forestry. We also thank M.R. Fuller, G.D. 
Hayward, K. Titus, W.M. Block and J.A. Mosher for re- 
viewing various drafts of the manuscript. 

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Forest Raptors and Urbanization 


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Received 28 February 1996; accepted 18 November 1996 

/ Raptor Res. 31 (1) :34— 39 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 



Stephen DeStefano 1 

National Biological Service, Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, 

104 Nash Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331 U.S.A. 

Jon McCloskey 2 

Bureau of Land Management, Salem District Office, 1717 Fabry Road, Salem, OR 97306 

Abstract. — Northern Goshawks ( Accipiter gentilis ) breed in a variety of forested areas throughout the 
Pacific Northwest. Nevertheless, they were only first found breeding in the Coast Ranges of Oregon in 
1995, despite apparently suitable habitat and abundant prey. We document the rarity of goshawks in 
the Coast Ranges by reviewing previous and current survey results for nests of goshawks and other forest 
birds since the 1960s, examining sightings of goshawks since 1980 and reporting on a survey we con- 
ducted in 1994. We suggest that nesting goshawks are rare in the Coast Ranges because of the vegetative 
structure of the area and its influence on prey availability. 

Key Words: Northern Goshawk ; Accipiter gentilis; distribution', habitat, foraging, reproduction ; Oregon. 

Puede ser que la estructura de vegetacion limite la distribucion de Accipiter gentilis en la sierra costa de 

Resumen. — Accipiter gentilis se crian en una variedad de areas de bosque en todas partes del noroeste 
pacifico. Sin embargo, la primera vez que los encontraron en la sierra costa de Oregon fue en 1955, a 
pesar de suficiente habitat conveniente y presa abundante. Nosotros documentamos la rareza de A. 
gentilis en la sierra costa examinando anterior y corriente resultados de estudios para nidos de A. gentilis 
y otros pajaros de bosque desde los 1960s, examinando observaciones de A. gentilis desde 1980 y repor- 
tando un estudio que nosotros conducimos en 1994. Nosotros pensamos que los A. gentilis que hacen 
nido en la sierra costa es raro por la estructura de vegetacion en el area y su influencia en la disponi- 
bilidad de presa. 

[Traduccion de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 

Northern Goshawks {Accipiter gentilis) are distrib- 
uted across northern North America and through- 
out forested areas of the western U.S. (Palmer 
1988). They nest in a variety of forest types, includ- 
ing boreal, deciduous and western coniferous for- 
ests. In Oregon, goshawk nests are found through- 
out forested areas east of the Cascade Mountain 
Range, on east and west slopes of the Cascade 
Range, in the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern 
Oregon and even in isolated stands of aspen ( Pop- 
ulus spp.) in mountain draws and valleys in the 

1 Present address: USGS, Arizona Cooperative Fish and 
Wildlife Research Unit, 104 Biological Sciences East, Uni- 
versity of Arizona, Tuscon AZ 85721. 

2 Present Address: Winema National Forest, 38500 High- 
way 97 N, Chiloquin, OR 97624. 

Great Basin region of southeastern Oregon (Mar- 
shall 1992). Goshawks were not known to breed in 
the Coast Ranges of western Oregon, even though 
their nests are found in all other areas of the state 
(Reynolds et al. 1982, Marshall 1992). Incidental 
sightings of goshawks have been reported in the 
Coast Ranges, but it was not until 1995 that two 
pairs of goshawks were found breeding there 
(Thrailkill and Andrews 1996). 

Reynolds (1975, 1978) found breeding pairs of 
Cooper’s Hawks {Accipiter cooperii) and Sharp- 
shinned Hawks (A. striatus) , but not goshawks after 
an extensive search of the Coast Ranges from 
1968-78. He speculated that forest conditions, spe- 
cifically dense understories which may interfere 
with a goshawk’s ability to hunt, precluded gos- 
hawks from breeding in this area (Reynolds and 


March 1997 

Vegetation Structure and Goshawks 


Figure 1. The Coast Ranges (shaded area) of western 
Oregon and areas (circles, which may represent ^ 1 sur- 
vey blocks) surveyed for Northern Goshawks during 
June-August 1994. 

Wight 1978, Reynolds et al. 1982) . No one has con- 
ducted systematic searches for goshawk nests in the 
Coast Ranges since, and no one has used broad- 
casts of goshawk vocalizations to survey for the 
presence of breeding pairs over large areas of the 
Coast Ranges (Woodbridge, USDA Forest Serv. un- 
publ. rep. 1990; Kennedy and Stahlecker 1993). 
Herein, we report results of a study conducted to 
document the presence of breeding Northern Gos- 
hawks and to assess vegetative conditions that 
might influence their distribution in the Oregon 
Coast Ranges. 

Study Area 

The Coast Ranges of western Oregon lie north of the 
Coquille River and west of the Willamette Valley, and are 
separate from the Siskiyou Mountains in the southwest- 
ern corner of Oregon (Fig. 1). Topography is steep and 
dissected by many streams. Elevations range from sea lev- 
el to 450-750 m at main ridge summits, with scattered 
peaks as high as 1250 m. Climate is characterized by mild, 

wet winters and relatively dry summers (Franklin and 
Dyrness 1973). 

Historically, the Coast Ranges were densely forested 
with sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis), western hemlock ( Tsu- 
ga heterophylla) and western redcedar ( Thuja plicata) 
(Franklin and Dyrness 1973). Most of the mature forest 
(>80 yr old) has been logged or burned during the past 
150 yr (Franklin and Dyrness 1973). Much of what re- 
mains are stands of second-growth trees with older stands 
occurring as islands, fragmented by clearcut logging. As 
a result of these disturbances, and because of tree plant- 
ing, Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii) is now the major 
component of the forests in this area. Western hemlock 
and western redcedar are common coniferous species 
and red alder ( Alnus rubra ) , vine maple ( Acer circinatum ) 
and bigleaf maple (A. macrophyllum ) are common hard- 
wood species (Franklin and Dyrness 1973, Forsman et al. 


Goshawk Surveys. We surveyed for Northern Goshawks 
in 24 survey blocks, totaling 3285 ha (range 60-335 ha) 
during June-August 1994. Surveys covered the east and 
west slopes of the Coast Ranges and included federally 
administered public lands, the MacDonald-Dunn State 
Forest managed by Oregon State University and areas 
originally searched by Reynolds (1975, 1978). To maxi- 
mize the potential for locating nesting goshawks, survey 
blocks were chosen based on our knowledge of goshawk 
nesting habitats (DeStefano et al. 1994), past sightings of 
goshawks, recommendations from agency biologists fa- 
miliar with local conditions and habitat and examination 
of aerial photographs and topographic maps to deter- 
mine accessibility of potential goshawk habitat. Whenever 
possible, older (>80 yr), larger contiguous forested 
blocks were surveyed. Because we were more interested 
in documenting the presence of breeding goshawks rath- 
er than calculating an unbiased estimate of nesting den- 
sity, we focused on areas with the greatest potential for 
nesting habitat, based on the published literature and 
our experience in Oregon. We did, however, survey a va- 
riety of forest types and serai stages. 

We used taped vocalizations of Northern Goshawks to 
elicit responses from adults and juveniles (Woodbridge, 
USDA Forest Serv., unpubl. rep. 1990; Kennedy and Stah- 
lecker 1993); the adult alarm call was used during the 
nesting period in June-July, and both adult alarm and 
juvenile begging calls were used during the post-fledging 
period in July-August. Road and foot transects were first 
delineated on maps and aerial photographs. Foot tran- 
sects were 200 m apart with broadcast stations every 300 
m; stations along adjacent transects were staggered (Joy 
et al. 1994). Broadcast stations on roads were 250 m 
apart. At each station, vocalizations were broadcast in 
three directions (60°, 180°, and 300°) for 10 sec, with 30 
sec between each call. This procedure was conducted at 
each station by one or two observers. Presence, location 
and behavior of raptors were recorded. 

Historical Sight in gs. To document past sightings of gos- 
hawks in the Coast Ranges, we searched records and data 
bases compiled from 1980—1995 by state and federal land 
management and conservation agencies and local bird- 
watchers. We assessed the reliability of these sightings 


S. DeStefano and J. McCloskey 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

and categorized them as 1 (questionable - observer had 
no or litde experience identifying birds, or experience 
could not be assessed) , 2 (reliable = experienced birder) 
and 3 (confirmed = experience observing raptors, pro- 
fessional biologist). Records were searched for date ob- 
served, behavior of adults, presence of immatures and 
other clues that might indicate reproductive activity. We 
also questioned biologists who have been conducting ex- 
tensive surveys for Northern Spotted Owls ( Strix occiden- 
talis) and Marbled Murrelets ( Brachyramphus mamoratus) 
in the Coast Ranges for the past 10-15 yr (see Nelson 
and Sealy 1995 and Forsman et al. 1996a for background 
and methods). 

Vegetation Surveys. We examined vegetation in the 24 
survey blocks for forest stand structure and composition, 
understory conditions and landscape patterns. Stand can- 
opy structure, % canopy cover and tree species were re- 
corded from ground surveys and aerial photos. After con- 
ducting ground assessments at each survey block, we 
then used a Geographic Information System (GIS) to cal- 
culate % cover of forest type and amounts of mature 
(>80 yr) and second-growth forest in survey blocks. We 
recorded the presence and % cover of dominant under- 
story plant species at each survey site. Understory vege- 
tation was classified into six associations, according to 
Franklin and Dyrness (1973), and represented a gradient 
from dry to wet conditions. These associations were (1) 
ocean-spray-salal ( Holodiscus discolor-Gaultheria shallon ) as- 
sociation found in dry, relatively open sites, (2) Pacific 
rhododendron-Oregon grape ( Rhododendron macrophyl- 
lumrBerberis nervosa) found on dry, exposed ridge tops, (3) 
big huckleberry-beargrass ( Vaccinium membranaceunbXero- 
phyllum tenax ) on shallow, stony soils at high elevations, 
(4) vine maple-salal in cool, moist sites with moderately 
dense tree cover, (5) swordfern ( Polystichum munitum ) in 
moist sites associated with mature overstory conditions, 
and (6) swordfern-Oregon oxalis ( Oxalis oregano) along 
streamside slopes. 


Goshawk Surveys. We found no Northern Gos- 
hawks in the entire 3285 ha survey area. However, 
we did find two Sharp-shinned Hawks, seven Red- 
tailed Hawks ( Buteo jamaicensis) and two unidenti- 
fied raptors (too small to be goshawks). We also 
found two small, unoccupied accipiter nests (prob- 
ably Sharp-shinned Hawks built in previous years) . 

Vegetation Surveys. Of the 24 survey blocks cov- 
ered, 23 were dominated by a Douglas-fir overstory. 
The one remaining block was a fire-regenerated 
stand dominated by noble fir ( Abies procera ); this 
site was undisturbed by logging, except for access 
roads. For all 24 survey blocks combined, 63% of 
the area was in older (>80 yr) Douglas-fir with 
85% canopy cover, 24% was conifer-hardwood mix 
(Douglas-fir, western hemlock, western redcedar, 
red alder, vine and bigleaf maple) with <65% can- 
opy cover, 7% was open mixed conifer (Douglas- 
fir, western hemlock, western red cedar) with 

2^65% canopy cover, 3% was young (<80 yr) Doug- 
las-fir with ^85% canopy cover, 2% was older 
Douglas-fir with <30%) canopy cover, and 1% was 
clearcut areas, meadows or water. 

Ground cover within the survey blocks was dom- 
inated by understory types 4 and 5; these two types 
were present in 20 and 14 of the 24 stands, re- 
spectively. Vine maple, salal and swordfern were 
the most common species overall, and each survey 
block, with the exception of the stand of noble fir, 
had a dense shrub layer with 45-100% ground cov- 
er (* - 81%, SE = 3 %, N= 23). Twenty-three of 
the 24 blocks were previously disturbed by logging 
and fire. 

Historical Sightings. Records of previous sight- 
ings indicated that goshawks have been seen 
throughout the Coast Ranges every year, and dur- 
ing each month in any given year, for the past 15 
years (Table 1), with apparent peaks in sightings 
in the spring and fall (Fig. 2). This would coincide 
with dispersing or migrating hawks. Numbers of 
observations were low, however, and prior to 1995, 
no confirmed evidence of reproductive activity had 
been documented. Few reports have described ag- 
gressive, territorial behavior or repeated sightings 
of adults in a particular area during the breeding 
season. Goshawk sightings in the Coast Ranges 
have been much lower than for other parts of the 
state (Fig. 3). 


Determining the “absence” or rarity of a species 
in a geographic region, and whether or not this is 
meaningful ecologically, can be a difficult task, es- 
pecially when the species is normally secretive and 
present in low densities. At least two elements are 
involved in making this determination. The first is 
that large-scale searches (both spatially and tem- 
porally) must be conducted because occupation of 
habitat by a species can vary over space and time 
(Morris 1987, Block and Brennan 1993, DeStefano 
et al. 1994, Keane and Morrison 1994). Our survey 
for goshawks over a single breeding season is ob- 
viously inadequate to address this concern, but 
coupled with surveys in the 1960s and 1970s, the 
consistent and widespread searches for Northern 
Spotted Owl and Marbled Murrelet nests during 
the 1970s-90s, and the reports of birdwatchers and 
agency biologists for the past 15 years, the tempo- 
ral and spatial scope of the search for goshawk 
nests in the Coast Ranges has been broad. 

The second element involves a determination, 

March 1997 

Vegetation Structure and Goshawks 


Table 1. Sightings of Northern Goshawks, grouped by year, in the Coast Ranges of western Oregon, 1980—95. Only 
records by experienced agency biologists or birders (levels 2 and 3; see text) were used. Unknown age or behavior 
indicates observer was unsure or information was not reported. 






Observed Behaviors 






2 nests located on BLM lands 






Hunting, calling, respond to owl tape, 

Private, OCWRU, BLM 






OB 19:57, BLM, ONHP, Private 





Fly-by, perched, soaring, unknown 

OCWRU, BLM, Private 






BLM, Private 





Near spotted owl nest, chasing spotted 
owl, unknown 

OB 16:94,185, BLM, Private 





Fly-by, unknown 

BLM, Private 





Unknown, soaring 






Unknown, aggressive interaction with 
red-tailed hawk 

OB 13:232,314, Private, Crannel and 
DeStefano 1992 






OB 12:212 






USFS, Private 





Unknown, soaring 







OB 10:130, Private 



















“Source codes: BLM = Bureau of Land Management; OB = various issues (vol.:page) of the journal Oregon Birds (individual 
issues not listed in Lit. Cited); OCWRU = Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit; ONHP = Oregon Natural Heritage Pro- 
gram; Private = records of private individuals; USFS = U.S. Forest Service. 

probably on both objective and subjective bases, 
that a species is absent from a region because im- 
portant components of the habitat are lacking. 
Otherwise, the absence of a species from a region 
is meaningless. Our contention is that the absence, 
or at least rarity, of nesting goshawks in the Coast 
Ranges of western Oregon is an interesting phe- 

Figure 2. Distribution of Northern Goshawk sightings 
by month, consolidated for the years 1980-95, in the 
Coast Ranges of western Oregon. Adults and young from 
two nest sites located in June 1995 are not included. 

nomenon, and one that suggests something about 
vegetation structure on the distribution of this spe- 

The Northern Goshawk has been called a forest 
habitat generalist (Reynolds et al. 1992). The lo- 
cation of the Coast Ranges of western Oregon in 
relation to the geographic range of the goshawk in 
North America, and the general forest conditions 
(mixture of mature and second-growth coniferous 
forest and openings) that exist there, appear to in- 
dicate that the Coast Ranges should be part of the 
breeding range of this species. Rarity is common 
along the geographic boundaries of a species’ 
range, yet goshawks nest in areas north, south, and 
east of the Coast Ranges. 

Why is there a gap in the breeding range of this 
species and what is it about the Coast Ranges of 
Oregon that prevents goshawks from nesting 
there? It could be related to climate. The Coast 
Ranges receive 150-300 cm of annual rainfall 
(Franklin and Dryness 1973), much of it falling 
during the spring breeding season. However, 
Northern Goshawks breed commonly on the 


S. DeStefano and J. McCloskey 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Figure 3. Relative abundance of Northern Goshawks by 
county in Oregon, based on records of the Oregon Au- 
dubon Society and Oregon Department of Fish and Wild- 
life. Abundance ratings are common (black), occasional 
(dark gray), rare (light gray), and unknown (white). 
Note that coastal regions of Lane and Douglas Counties 
would likely be rated as having rare (light gray) sightings 
of goshawks, but both counties are rated as occasional 
(dark gray) because large portions of each reach into the 
Cascade Mountain foothills and range, where goshawks 
are seen more often. 

Olympic Peninsula of Washington (E. Forsman 
pers. comm.) and in southeastern Alaska (K. Titus 
pers. comm.), where annual precipitation equals 
or exceeds levels received in Oregon’s Coast Rang- 

A second possibility might involve predation or 
competition from other raptors. Great Horned 
Owls ( Bubo virginianus) and Red-tailed Hawks fre- 
quently interact with Northern Goshawks and of- 
ten use their nests (Moore and Henny 1983, Cran- 
nell and DeStefano 1992, Rohner and Doyle 1992) . 
It is unlikely, though, that this form of predation 
and/or competition is more intense in the Coast 
Ranges than other parts of the goshawks’ geo- 
graphic range. 

The third explanation involves vegetation struc- 
ture as it relates to prey availability. Goshawks tend 
to hunt in the ground-shrub and shrub-canopy 
zones of the forest (Reynolds and Meslow 1984). A 
dense shrub layer is characteristic of most forest 
areas of the Coast Ranges and disturbances such 
as logging and fire have decreased mature oversto- 
ry canopy closure, allowing more sunlight to reach 
the ground. These conditions, coupled with high 
levels of rainfall, have resulted in increased under- 

story stem densities and dense, lush undergrowth 
on many sites (Franklin and Dyrness 1973). Prey, 
which are varied and abundant in the Coast Rang- 
es, include such species as snowshoe hares ( Lepus 
americanus), brush rabbits ( Sylvilagus bachmani), 
Douglas squirrels ( Tamiasciurus douglasii ), Ruffed 
Grouse ( Bonasa umbellus). Mountain Quail ( Oreor - 
tyx pictus ) , Northern Flickers ( Colaptes auratus) and 
other woodpeckers, and Stellar’s and Gray Jays (Oy- 
anocitta stellari and Perisoreus canadensis, respective- 
ly) . Many of these prey species may be difficult for 
goshawks to capture because of the dense under- 
story conditions that exist throughout most of the 
Coast Ranges (Reynolds and Meslow 1984). In ad- 
dition, the larger biomass prey species (lago- 
morphs, grouse) may be more important to breed- 
ing goshawks than smaller prey (jays, woodpeck- 
ers) (Reynolds et al. 1992), and low availability of 
larger prey may depress reproductive potential 
(Alaska Dept. Fish and Game 1993). Dense under- 
story conditions would make the larger, ground- 
dwelling species more difficult to capture (Reyn- 
olds et al. 1992). 

Others have found the distribution of raptor for- 
aging to be inversely related to the density of plant 
cover (Southern and Lowe 1968, Wakely 1978, Ba- 
ker and Brooks 1981, Bechard 1982, Collopy and 
Bildstein 1987). Preston (1990) summarized these 
findings by describing raptor hunting distribution 
as a function of both prey abundance and avail- 
ability, which in turn is a function of a suite of 
environmental factors, including habitat character- 
istics (e.g., vegetation structure). In fact, suitable 
foraging habitat may be more important than nest- 
ing habitat in determining the distribution of gos- 
hawks in boreal forest (Widen 1989). The impor- 
tance of prey in the distribution and management 
of northern goshawks has been emphasized in the 
management guidelines of Reynolds et al. (1992). 

If a relationship between vegetation structure 
and availability of prey does indeed exist, then the 
forest conditions present in the Coast Ranges of 
Oregon may limit prey availability to goshawks and 
thus prevent or depress reproductive activity, de- 
spite potentially suitable nesting substrate and ad- 
equate populations of prey. 


We thank W. Dean, D.S. Hopkins and J.A. Reid (Bu- 
reau of Land Management) , E.D. Forsman and S .J. Mad- 
sen (U.S. Forest Service), C. Bruce and T, O’Neil (Ore- 
gon Department of Fish and Wildlife) , M. Hansen, S.K 
Nelson, J.A. Thrailkill, and M. Wilson (Oregon Cooper- 

March 1997 

Vegetation Structure and Goshawks 


ative Wildlife Research Unit), and E. Schauber and S. 
Spean (Oregon State University) for providing field sup- 
port and/or information on goshawk sightings. Special 
thanks to R. Bayer, E. Eltzroth, D. Faxon, G. Gilson, T. 
Mickel and H. Nehls for sharing their private records. 
The manuscript benefited from reviews by R Beier, S.K. 
Daw, S.M. Desimone, E.D. Forsman, M.T. McGrath, M.L. 
Morrison and R.T. Reynolds. Additional logistical support 
was provided by the Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Re- 
search Unit and the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 
at Oregon State University. 

Literature Cited 

Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1993. A sum- 
mary of survey, radio-telemetry, and other results re- 
garding goshawk field studies in southeast Alaska. 
Alaska Dep. of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK U.S.A. 
Baker, J.A. and R.J, Brooks. 1981. Distribution patterns 
of raptors in relation to density of voles. Condor 83: 

Bechard, M.J. 1982. Effect of vegetative cover on for- 
aging site selection by Swainson’s Hawks. Condor 84: 

Block, W.M. and L.A. Brennan. 1993. The habitat con- 
cept in ornithology: theory and applications. Current 
Ornithol. 11:35—91. 

COLLOPY, M.W. AND K.L. BlLDSTEIN. 1987. Foraging be- 
havior of Northern Harriers wintering in southeast- 
ern salt and freshwater marshes. Auk 104:11-16. 
Crannell, D. and S. DeStefano. 1992. An aggressive 
interaction between a Northern Goshawk and a Red- 
tailed Hawk./. Raptor Res. 26:269-270. 

DeStefano, S., S.K Daw, S.M. Desimone and E.C. Mes- 
low. 1994. Density and productivity of Northern 
Goshawks: implications for monitoring and manage- 
ment. Studies in Avian Biol. 16:88—91. 

Forsman, E.D., S. DeStefano, M.G. Raphael and R.J. 
GutiErrez, [Eds.]. 1996a. Demography of the North- 
ern Spotted Owl. Studies in Avian Biol. 17. 

, RJ. Loschl, R.K Forson and D.K Barrett. 

1996b. Demography of Northern Spotted Owls on 
the Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon. Studies in Avian 
Biol. 17:47-52. 

Franklin, J.F. and C.T. Dyrness. 1973. Natural vegeta- 
tion of Oregon and Washington. USD A Forest Ser- 
vice, Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-8, Portland, OR U.S.A. 
Joy, S. M., R.T. Reynolds and D.G. Leslie. 1994. North- 
ern Goshawk broadcast surveys: hawk response vari- 
ables and survey cost. Studies in Avian Biol. 16:24—30. 
Keane, J-J- and M.L. Morrison. 1994. Northern Gos- 
hawk ecology: effects of scale and levels of biological 
organization. Studies in Avian Biol. 16:3—11. 

Kennedy, P.L. and D.W. Stahlecker. 1993. Responsive- 
ness of nesting Northern Goshawks to taped broad- 

casts of 3 conspecific calls. J. Wildl. Manage. 57:249— 

Marshall, D.B. 1992. Status of the Northern Goshawk 
in Oregon and Washington. Audubon Society of Port- 
land, Portland, OR U.S.A. 

Moore, K.R. and C.J. Henny. 1983. Nest site character- 
istics of three coexisting accipiter hawks in northeast- 
ern Oregon. Raptor Res. 17:65—76. 

Morris, D.W. 1987. Ecological scale and habitat use. 
Ecology 68:362-369. 

Nelson, S.K and S.G. Sealy, [Eds.]. 1995. Biology of 
the Marbled Murrelet: inland and at sea. Northwest. 
Nat. 76. 

Palmer, R.S. 1988. Handbook of North American birds. 
Vol. 4. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, CT U.S.A. 

Preston, C.R. 1990. Distribution of raptor foraging in 
relation to prey biomass and habitat structure. Condor 

Reynolds, R.T. 1975. Distribution, density, and produc- 
tivity of three species of accipiter hawks in Oregon. 
M.S. thesis, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR U.S A. 

. 1978. Food and habitat partitioning in two 

groups of coexisting Accipiter. Ph.D. dissertation, Or- 
egon State Univ., Corvallis, OR U.S.A. 

, R.T. Graham, M.H. Reiser, R.L. Bassett, P.L. 

Kennedy, D.A. Boyce, Jr., G. Goodwin, R. Smith and 
E.L, Fisher. 1992. Management recommendations 
for the Northern Goshawk in the southwestern Unit- 
ed States. USDA Forest Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep. 
RM-217, Fort Collins, CO U.S.A. 

, and E.C. Meslow. 1984. Partitioning of food 

and niche characteristics of coexisting A ccipiter during 
breeding. Auk 101:761—779. 

, E.C. Meslow and H.M. Wight. 1982. Nesting 

habitat of co-existing Accipiter in Oregon. J. Wildl. 
Manage. 46:124-138. 

, and H.M. Wight. 1978. Distribution, density, 

and productivity of accipiter hawks breeding in Ore- 
gon. Wilson Bull. 90:182-196. 

Rohner, C. and F.I. Doyle. 1992. Food-stressed Great 
Horned Owl kills adult goshawk: exceptional obser- 
vation or community process? / Raptor Res. 26:261- 

Southern, H.N. and V.P.W. Lowe. 1968. The pattern of 
distribution of prey and predation in Tawny Owl ter- 
ritories./. Anim. Ecol. 37:75-97. 

Thrailkill, J.A. and L.S. Andrews. 1996. Presence of 
breeding Northern Goshawks in the Coast Ranges of 
Oregon. /. Raptor Res. 30:248—249. 

Wakely, J.S. 1978. Factors affecting the use of hunting 
sites by Ferruginous Hawks. Condor 80:316-326. 

WidLn, P. 1989. The hunting habitats of goshawks Accip- 
iter gentilis in boreal forests of central Sweden. Ibis 131: 

Received 1 April 1996; accepted 23 November 1996 

J. Raptor Res. 31(1) :40-43 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 




Federico Morimando, Francesco Pezzo 

Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva, Gruppo di Etologia e Ecologia Comportamentale, 
Universita di Siena, via P.A. Mattioli 4, 53100 Siena, Italy 

Alessandro Draghi 

Proeco Gestione Fauna E Ambiente Studio Associato, via Uopini 19, 53100 Siena, Italy 

Abstract. — The diet of the Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus feldeggii) was studied in an area of central 
Italy for one yr. Diet composition differed according to the methodology used for data collection with 
mammals, small passerines and insects found more frequently or exclusively in pellets. Conversely, anal- 
ysis based on pluckings and observations of prey taken to the nest indicated the diet consisted of only 
nonpasserine and large passerine birds. Overall, the birds including European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) , 
Green Woodpecker ( Picus viridis) , and Jay ( Garrulus glandarius) were the most common prey taken by 
Lanner Falcon. Mammals taken included wood mouse (Apodemus sp.), common dormouse ( Muscardinus 
avellanarius ) and Savi’s pine vole ( Microtus savii ). 

Key WORDS: Lanner Falcon; Falco biarmicus ; diet; feeding ecology; Italy. 

Habitos alimenticios del Falco biarmicus feldeggii en la region central de Italia. 

Resumen. — La dieta del Falco biarmicus feldeggii fue estudiada durante un ano en un area de la region 
central de Italia. Se observo que la composicion de la dieta variaba de acuerdo con la metodologia 
utilzada para la recoleccion de datos, de tal manera que se encontraron pequenas aves passerinas, 
marmferos e insectos mas frecuentemente o exclusivamente en las egagropilas. Por el contrario, al 
analizar la presa en el nido y al realizar desplumamiento, se hallo que la dieta consistfa unicamente de 
aves no passerinas y grandes passerinas. Sobre todo aves como Sturnus vulgaris, Picus viridis, Garrulus 
glandarius, fueron la presa mas comun de F biarmicus feldeggii. Los marmferos incluidos en la dieta eran 
Apodemus sp., Muscardinus avellanarius y Microtus savii. 

[Traduccion de Agustina Lanusse] 

The European subspecies of the Lanner Falcon 
(Falco biarmicus feldeggii ) is limited in its distribu- 
tion to southern Italy and the Balkans with a pop- 
ulation estimated to be just a few hundred pairs 
(Gensb0l 1992). There are <60 pairs in the Italian 
peninsula but, in Sicily, the population consists of 
>80 pairs (Massa et al. 1991). In Tuscany, central 
Italy, five breeding pairs are known in a 8300 km 2 
area, with a density of 1 pair/ 1660 km 2 . 

The biology of the Lanner Falcon in Europe is 
poorly studied (Cramp and Simmons 1980). Most 
work has been done on the African subspecies 
(Cade 1965, Maclean 1984, Goodman and Haynes 
1989, 1992) and very few studies have been con- 
ducted in the Mediterranean area (Mebs 1959, 
Bonora and Chiavetta 1975, Massa et al. 1991). 
Lanner falcons nest on cliffs, making it difficult to 

find perches and roosts where food remains may 
be collected for dietary studies (Massa et al. 1991, 
Chiavetta 1992). Apart from studies conducted in 
Sicily (Mebs 1959, Massa et al. 1991), no detailed 
research has been done so far on the food habits 
of Lanner Falcons. Herein, we present results of 
an analysis of the diet of a pair of Lanner Falcons 
in central Italy based on remains collected at 
plucking areas and the nest site and observations 
of prey delivered to the nest. 

Study Area 

The study was conducted in a rural area named “Crete 
Senesi” in Tuscany, central Italy, at 200-300 m elevation. 
The climate of the area is temperate, locally subarid, with 
an average annual temperature of 18°C. It is very hilly, 
open and eroded at the bases of hills which has created 
an abundance of small clay/sand cliffs ranging from 10- 


March 1997 

Lanner Falcon Food Habits 


□ Non Passeriformes 
■ Mammalia 

Figure 1. Composition of the diet of Lanner Falcons during the breeding season (December-June) using three 
different methods: direct observations of prey taken to the nest, pellets, and plucked remains. Numbers above the 
bars refer to sample size for each method. 

40 m in height. These small cliffs are used for nesting by 
Lanner Falcons (Morimando et al. 1994). The vegetation 
of the area is dominated by pastureland with small oak- 
woods ( Quercus pubescens ) interspersed with cereal crops 
and small patches of olive trees ( Olea europea ). 


We observed a pair of Lanner Falcons through two re- 
productive seasons from spring 1994-summer 1995. We 
made direct observations on prey brought to the nest 
and we collected prey remains at the bases of nest cliffs. 
By watching activity patterns, we also found two main 
perches where the falcons plucked and ate their prey. 
From June 1994, we collected prey remains at these 
perches twice a month by searching the ground carefully 
under each perch. Prey were often identified in the field 
based on feathers and fresh remains. Remains that were 
not readily recognized as well as pellets were examined 
using a dissecting microscope and remains were identi- 
fied using museum specimens and identification guides 
(Brown et al. 1987, Svensson 1992). We also used taxo- 
nomic keys (Chaline et al. 1974) and a sample of speci- 
mens collected locally to compare bones and skeletal re- 

We calculated the % occurrence and % biomass of 
each prey category in the diet based on each of the three 
methods. Prey biomass was determined based on the av- 
erage weight of prey taxa reported in the literature 
(Cramp 1977-94, for birds; Macdonald and Barret 1993, 
for mammals). We calculated the mean prey weight 
(MPW) using the formula: Total Biomass/Total Numbers 
of each prey species. 


We observed the nest 16 times for a total of 96 
hr. We also collected plucked remains 26 times and 

collected 59 pellets under perches. Altogether, we 
identified 15 prey items delivered to the nest, 78 
prey items from pellets, and 71 prey items from 
plucked remains (Table 1). The mean number of 
prey per collecting event was 0.94 prey for obser- 
vations, 1.32 for pellets and 2.73 for pluckings. 

Direct observations at the nest showed that pas- 
serine birds were delivered to the nest more fre- 
quently than nonpasserines (Table 1). Although 
most of these birds were not identified, the main 
prey species taken to the nest appeared to be the 
European Starling ( Sturnus vulgaris ) and Blackbird 
( Turdus merula ) . The MPW of prey brought to the 
nest was 121 g (SE = 38.27). During nest obser- 
vations, we twice saw the male storing small prey 
in a cliff hole that was used as a cache. 

Nearly identical percentages of passerines and 
nonpasserines were identified from plucked re- 
mains (Table 1). The MPW of prey based on this 
type of analysis was 182.01 g (SE = 216.94), con- 
siderably larger than that of prey taken to the nest 
{t = 2.47, df = 20; P < 0.02). Based on this type 
of analysis, the main prey were Green Woodpecker 
( Picus viridis ) , Jay ( Garrulus glandarius) and Euro- 
pean Starling. Most of the biomass in the Lanner 
diet was from nonpasserines of which the Green 
Woodpecker was the largest and most frequently 
taken species. 

Bone fragments in pellets were small and diffi- 


Morimando et al. 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Table 1. Numbers (N), percentage of biomass (%B) and percentage of occurrence (%0) of prey items in Lanner 
Falcon diet in Tuscany, Italy, according to collecting methods. 




Prey Item 











Muscardinus avellanarius 










Apodemus spp. 










Microtus savii 










Rodentia ind. 










Total mammals 











Falco tinnunculus 










Phasianus colchicus 










Columba livia 










Columba palumbus 










Streptopelia turtur 










Athene noctua 










Apus apus 










Picus viridus 










Total nonpasserines 










Alauda arvensis 










Turdus merula 










Turdus philomelos 










Garrulus glandarius 










Pica pica 










Corvus monedula 










Sturnus vulgaris 










Emberiza calandra 










Anthsu pratensis 










Passeriformes ind. 










Total passerines 










Total birds 










cult to recognize. Nevertheless, this form of anal- 
ysis showed that mammals also occur in the diet of 
the Lanner Falcon (Table 1). Mammals identified 
were wood mouse ( Apodemus spp.), common dor- 
mouse ( Muscardinus avellanarius ) and Savi’s pine 
vole ( Microtus savii). Also, some pellets were made 
solely of insects remains, mainly Formicidae and 
small Coleopterans. A careful inspection of pellets 
showed that most insects were inside the gizzard 
remains of Green Woodpeckers and Starlings. Pas- 
serines were the most frequent prey found in pel- 
lets, but nonpasserine species accounted for slight- 
ly more biomass using this method of analysis. 
Main prey species represented in the pellets were 
the European Starling, Green Woodpecker and 
Blackbird. The MPW in pellets was 100.44 g (SE = 

163.01) which was smaller than the MPW found in 
pluckings ( t — 2.80, df = 20; P < 0.01). 

Medium-sized passerines (x = 98.41 g) and large 
nonpasserines (x = 268.70 g) were the primary spe- 
cies found in plucked remains. In pellets, mammals 
(x = 22-71 g) and mainly passerines of small size (x 
= 63.70 g) were present. Small passerines (x = 62.69 
g) and few nonpasserines of large size (x = 265.62 
g) were taken to the nest. The differences among 
plucked remains, pellets and direct observations as 
to the three main categories of prey found (passer- 
ines, nonpasserines and mammals) , were highly sig- 
nificant (x 2 - 13.46, df = 4, P < 0.009). 


We concluded that use of a single method to 
determine the diet of Lanner Falcon biases the re- 

March 1997 

Lanner Falcon Food Habits 


suits. Data from plucking sites provided more in- 
formation about diet composition per searching ef- 
fort than other collecting methods. Pellets are also 
important because they provided more complete 
information on the composition of prey, especially 
that of mammals and insects. Direct observations 
of prey taken to the nest appear to be unnecessary 
since they add little to quantitative information on 
the Lanner Falcon’s diet. The use of plucking data 
alone may result in overestimates of large- and me- 
dium-size birds, as generally longer and heavier 
feathers fall directly beneath the perches, while the 
light feathers of small birds tend to disperse (e.g., 
in the wind) . Analysis of pellets alone tends to over- 
estimate the amount of small passerines and mam- 
mals. Lanner Falcons generally swallow small birds 
almost entirely, whereas they tear flesh and feath- 
ers from larger birds. This probably accounts for 
the high frequency of small passerine remains 
found in pellets. We feel that it would be best to 
evaluate information obtained from all the collect- 
ing methods to most accurately assess the diet of 
Lanner Falcons. 

We found the diet of Lanner Falcon in central 
Italy to be qualitatively different from that of Lan- 
ner Falcon in other areas. Birds comprised 88- 
100% of the diet in our study area depending on 
the method of diet analysis used. These results 
were consistent with those of Cramp and Simmons 
(1980), except we found for the first time that 
Green Woodpecker is taken by Lanners. We also 
confirmed that they eat small mammals but that 
they do not appear to eat reptiles and insects as 
reported by Massa et al. (1991). In Sicily, birds 
(90.4%), reptiles (4.1%) and mammals (2.7%) are 
in the diet of Lanners (Mebs 1959), with Jackdaw 
( Corvus monedula ) , Lesser Kestrel ( Falco naumanni) 
and feral Pigeon ( Columba livid) preyed upon the 
most. Magpie ( Pica pica) and Spanish Sparrow 
{Passer hispaniolensis) are also preyed upon in Sicily 
(Massa et al. 1991) and small mammals and rep- 
tiles account for only a small percentage of the diet 
(4% and 2.3%, respectively). 


We are grateful to G. Fratalocchi, R. Nardi and G. Cap- 
pelli for their help with fieldwork. We are indebted also 
to G. Manganelli and N. Baccetti for their invaluable as- 
sistance in identifying feathers, bones and skeleton re- 
mains of birds. Thanks are also due to F. Cancelli for 
allowing us to get free access to the material of the Zoo- 
logical Museum of the “Accademia dei Fisiocritici” in 

Siena and to P. Galeotti, G. Bogliani and F. Spina for 
critical comments on the manuscript. S. Lovari made use- 
ful suggestion on the first draft of the paper and im- 
proved the English text. J. B. Buchanan and two anony- 
mous referees provided useful suggestions and improved 
data presentation. 

Literature Cited 

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alie. Nos Oiseaux 33:153—168. 

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biforms at a desert water hole. Wilson Bull. 77:340- 

Chaline, J., II. Baudvin, D. Jammon and M.C. Saint Gi- 
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Cramp, S. and K.E.L. Simmons [Eds.]. 1980. The birds 
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Oxford, UK. 

Gensbol, B. 1992. Collins guide to the birds of prey of 
Britain and Europe with North Africa and the Middle 
East. Harper Collins, London, UK 
Goodman, S.M. and C.V. Haynes. 1989. The distribu- 
tion, breeding season and food habits of the Lanner 
from the Eastern Sahara. Nat. Geogr. Res. 5:126-131. 

. 1992. The diet of the Lanner Falco biarmicus in 

a hyper arid region of the Eastern Sahara. J. Arid En- 
viron. 22:93-98. 

Macdonald, D.W. and P. Barret. 1993. Mammals of 
Britain and Europe. Harper Collins, London, UK. 
MacLean, G. L. 1984. Robert’s birds of Southern Africa. 

New Holland Publishers, London, UK 
Massa, B., F. Lo Valvo, M. Siracusa and A. Ciaccio. 
1991. II lanario ( Falco biarmicus feldeggi Schlegel) in 
Italia: status, biologia e tassonomia. Naturalista siciliano 

Mebs, T. 1959. Beitrag zur Biologie des Feldeggsfalken 
Falco biarmicus feldeggi.. Vogelwelt 80 : 1 42—1 49 . 
Morimando, F., F. Pezzo, A. Draghi and G. Frataloc- 
chi. 1994. Prima nidificazione di Lanario Falco biar- 
micus in provincia di Siena e note sulla locale distri- 
buzione storica. Avocetta 18:157-159. 

Svensson, L. 1992. Identification guide to European pas- 
serines. Stockholm, Sweden. 

Received 2 April 1996; accepted 1 December 1996 

J Raptor Res, 31(1):44— 53 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 


Lawrence M. Houghton 1 and Larry M. Rymon 

Biology Department, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 

Abstract. — Ospreys ( Pandion haliaetus) once nested throughout most of the U.S. The decline in this 
population due to biocide use has been well documented, as has its recovery following the U.S. ban on 
DDT in 1972. A general increase in the nesting distribution and abundance of Ospreys was reported in 
the U.S. in 1981 but there was limited dispersal into states with low or extirpated populations. We 
conducted a nationwide nesting survey of nesting Ospreys in 1994, updating the 1981 data. Our data 
indicate a dramatic increase in the U.S. Osprey population from —8000 nesting pairs in 1981 to —14 
200 in 1994. The most dramatic increases were seen in traditional nesting areas, with some new nesting 
in the interior U.S. Hacking projects, construction of reservoirs, nest platform management and in- 
creased public relations have contributed to the growth of this nesting population. 

Key Words: Pandion haliaetus; Ospreys ; population status ; limiting factors', dispersal ; management. 

Resumen. — Aguila pescadoras (Pandion haliaetus), anidaba coraunmente en la mayor parte de los 
EE.UU. hasta que sus poblaciones fueron afectadas severamente debido al uso de insecticidas. Sin 
embargo, despues de la prohibicion del uso de DDT en 1972, la especie parece estar recuperandose. 
En 1981, se reporto un incremento general en la distribution de sitios de nidacion y abundancia de la 
especie. Sin embargo, la recuperacion parece ser menor en los estados en los que las poblaciones fueron 
mas afectadas o extirpadas. En este estudio, reportamos el resultado de un muestreo nacional de nidos 
de Aguila Pescadora, que realizamos en 1994 y que reemplaza los datos de 1981. Nuestros datos indican 
un incremento dramatico en las poblaciones del Aquila de —8000 pares anidando en 1981 a —14 200 
in 1994. Los incrementos mas dramaticos fueron observados en areas tradicionales de nidacion, y en 
algunos sitios neuvos en el interior de los EE.UU. Proyectos de reintroduction, construction de presas, 
implementation de platformas de nidacion, y un mejor entendimiento del problema por parte del 
publico, han sido factores importantes que han contribuido a la recuperacion de la especie. 

[Traduction de Jorge Vega Rivera] 

Ospreys generally occur along rivers, lakes, sea 
coast bays and estuaries, reservoirs, small streams 
and ponds, or any body of water where fish, their 
principal food, are available (Poole 1989a). Histor- 
ical data, though limited, indicate that Ospreys 
once nested in suitable habitats throughout most 
of the contiguous U.S., but their numbers were 
never equally distributed throughout the country. 
Records suggest that the Central States Region 
(Fig. 1) had the smallest population, which was 
nearly extirpated by the early 1900s. The entire 
U.S. Osprey population declined precipitously 
throughout the 1950s, 60s and early 70s, a result 
of widespread use of chlorinated hydrocarbon in- 
secticides and habitat destruction (Ames and Mer- 

1 Present address: 134 Cheatham Hall, Virginia Polytech- 
nic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061- 
0321 U.S.A. 

sereau 1964, Ames 1966, Peterson 1969, Postupal- 
sky 1969, Henny and Ogden 1970). The popula- 
tion was “Redbook listed” under “rare and endan- 
gered fish and wildlife of the U.S.” and classified 
as “status undetermined” by the U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service in 1966 and 1968 (Henny 1977). 

Henny (1983) conducted a comprehensive sur- 
vey of the distribution and abundance of the entire 
U.S. Osprey population in 1981. His research in- 
dicated a general increase in the overall popula- 
tion, with limited dispersal into states with low or 
extirpated populations. This population enhance- 
ment was primarily the result of greater reproduc- 
tive output after the U.S. ban on DDT in 1972. The 
slow dispersal rate was principally a consequence 
of high natal site fidelity, especially for males 
(Spitzer et al. 1983). Such slow, limited dispersal 
forced hacking methods as a means of restoration 
in areas with low or extirpated populations. In the 


March 1997 

1994 Osprey Population 


Wmtcni Region 

Central States 

GttffStaiatflorida MkHSoutli Atlantic 

Gnat Lakes Region 

Eastern Interior 

Northeast Region 

1981 1476 pain 
1994 2970 pain 

1981 Opain 
1994 2 pain 

1981 1793 pain 
1994 2846 pain 


1981 2263 pain 
1994 4750 pain 

1981 579 pain 
1994 1066 pairs 

1981 1291 pain 
1994 2505 pain 

Figure 1. U.S. Osprey regions (1994). 

late 1970s and early 1980s, Pennsylvania, New York 
and Tennessee began programs to restore low or 
extirpated populations (Hatcher and Hammer 
1983, Schaadt and Rymon 1983). 

Our objectives in this study were: 1 ) to survey 48 
states for information concerning the general 
trend of U.S. Osprey nesting populations, 2) to 
compare the 1994 and 1981 distribution and abun- 
dance of U.S. nesting Ospreys, 3) to examine any 
changes in population numbers and range expan- 
sion that may have occurred since 1981, and 4) to 
suggest continued management options. 

Methods and Materials 

Data on the U.S. Osprey population were obtained 
from professional sources in each of the lower 48 states. 
Biologists from state and federal agencies and individual 
Osprey researchers were contacted by telephone or in 
person. A follow up questionnaire, state distribution map 
and completed sample questionnaire was sent to each of 
the contacted individuals. Survey questions addressed the 
distribution, abundance, historical data, nesting prefer- 
ences, reproductive success and hacking status of the 
U.S. Osprey population. State breeding bird adases and 
other published and unpublished sources were also re- 
viewed, as were state bird books, for information on the 
historical population and broad population and dispersal 

patterns and trends. To provide an estimate of the com- 
pleteness of nesting data, we completed a list of nesting 
survey methods used by each state (some states had no 
recent surveys) (Table 1). 

For purposes of evaluation, Henny (1983) divided the 
entire U.S. Osprey population into five regional popula- 
tions: Pacific Northwest, Western Interior, Great Lakes 
Region, Atlantic Coast, and Gulf States and Florida. An 
alternate approach was taken in our study. Comparable 
regional populations (Western Region, Great Lakes, 
Northeast, Mid and South Adantic Coast, and Gulf States 
and Florida) were established, but additional regions 
(Eastern Interior and Central States) were added to ex- 
amine dispersal patterns, recent population fluctuations 
and migratory movements between wintering and breed- 
ing areas (Fig. 1) 

Results and Discussion 

Mid and South Atlantic Coastal Region. This re- 
gion begins in Delaware Bay and encompasses all 
of Delaware, Maryland, the coastal plain of Virgin- 
ia, North and South Carolina and Georgia (Fig. 2). 
It supports one of the largest concentrations of 
nesting Ospreys in the world (Chesapeake Bay) 
(Henny 1983, Poole 1989a). It is within this major 
estuarine system that most Ospreys in Virginia and 
Maryland breed. The number of nests in the Ches- 


Houghton and Rymon 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Table 1. Approximate number of Osprey nesting pairs in the U.S. (1981 vs. 1994). 


Nesting pairs 
1981 1994 




23 2 

R. Clay, Alabama Game and Fish 



25-35 3 

G. Beatty, Bald Eagle Management Coordinator 



0 4 

K Yaich, Arkansas 


359 (1975) 

500-700 5 

Ron Jurek, California Dept, of Fish and Game 



17 2 

J. Craig, Colorado Division of Wildlife 



95 2 

J. Victoria, CT Supervisor of Wildlife Research 



75-85 2 

L. Galvin-Innvaeer, DE Div. of Fish and Wildlife 



2500-3000 4 

Mark Westall, President TIOF 



225-275 3 

J. Ozier, GA Dept, of Natural Resources 


323 (1974-80) 

400-425 4 

W. Melquist, Idaho Fish and Game Department 



O 4 

V. Kleen, Department of Conservation 



I s 

J. Castrale, Indiana Nongame Biologist 



0 4 

B. Harrisman, IA Dept, of Natural Resources 



0 4 

J. Zimmerman, Div. of Biology, KSU 



16 1 

D. Yancy, KY Dept, of Fish and Wildlife Resource 



10 3 

S. Shively, LA Dept, of Wildlife and Fisheries 



1 300-1 800 5 

D. Hudson, ME Fish and Game 


847 (1973-75) 

1 000-1 400 4 

S. Cardano, MD Dept of Natural Resources 


32 (1980) 

260 2 

B. Davis, MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife 



223 1 

S. Postupalsky pers. comm. 



350-450 2 

M. Martell, UMN Raptor Center 



55-65 2 

M. Woodrie, MS State Ornithologist 



0 4 

W. Crawford, Raptor Res. Tyson Research Center 



500-600 4 

D. Flath, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, MSU 



O 4 

J. Dinan, NE Game and Parks Commission 



4 3 

G. Herron, NV Department of Wildlife 

New Hampshire 


29 2 

C. Martin, Audubon Society of New Hampshire 

New Jersey 


200 2 (1993) 

C. Clark, Endangered + Nongame Species Program 

New Mexico 


2 3 

S. O. Williams III, NM Dept, of Game and Fish 

New York 


315 2 

B. Loucks, NY Endangered Species Unit 

North Carolina 

450 (1974) 

800-1 200 4 

R. Wilson, NC Wild Resource Commission 

North Dakota 


0 4 

C. Grondahl, ND Game and Fish Department 



l 3 

D. Case, Ohio Division of Wildlife 



0 4 

S. Sherrod, Dir. G.M. Sutton Avian Res. Center 


308 (1976) 

675-700 2 

C.J. Henny, NBS Leader NW Research Station 



20 2 

L.M. Rymon, Environmental Studies Dir., ESU 

Rhode Island 



L. Suprock, Div. Fish, Wildl. and Estuarine Res. 

South Carolina 

151 (1979) 

800-1 000 4 

T. Murphy, South Carolina 

South Dakota 


2 3 

D. Backlandi, SD Game and Fish Department 



66 2 

B. Hatcher, TN Nongame and Endangered Species 



3 3 

B. Ortego, Biologist, TX 



30 3 (1995) 

S. Cranney, UT Division of Wildlife Resources 



12 2 

S. Parren, VT Fish and Wildlife 


722 (1973-75) 

1300-1500 4 (1987) 

Westall 1990 



350-400 2 

K. McCallister, WA Department of Wildlife 

West Virginia 


3 3 

S. Butterworth, WVA Div. of Wildlife Resources 



39 1 1 

D. Flaspohler, WN Bureau of Endangered Res. 

Estimated Total 

82 (1974-81) 

150-200 4 


B. Oakleaf, WY Game and Fish Department 

Completeness of data 

1 Both aerial and ground surveys, this percent was established by Henny et al. (1974) for the efficiency of combined aerial and ground 

March 1997 

1994 Osprey Population 


Table 1 . Continued. 

surveys and based on visibility rates. 

2 Less intense aerial, ground, or boat surveys (Osprey nests recorded during Bald Eagle aerial surveys, or incomplete aerial and 
ground surveys). 

3 Intense local surveys, or only surveying/monitoring of suspected and/or traditional nesting areas. 

4 No statewide surveys, information acquired from local biologist and/ or other individuals aware of current nesting and population 

5 No statewide data available, therefore, a percent increase for regional data was determined and this percent increase was applied 
to the most recent statewide nesting data in order to provide a current estimate. 

6 Very low number of nesting pairs (<15), no statewide survey (* states with <15 nests are listed under other categories where 
appropriate) . 

apeake Bay area has increased slowly over the past 
20 years. Apparendy, there has been a large in- 
crease in occupied nests along the Patuxent River 
from 22 in 1973 to 72 in 1994 (S. Cardano pers. 
comm.). Overall, the number of Ospreys nesdng 
in the Bay area appears to be leveling off and Spitz- 
er (1989) suggests that the population is nearing 
carrying capacity. Spitzer (1989) estimated the 
mean age at first breeding in part of the Chesa- 
peake Bay region to be about two years higher than 
that of the region between New York City and Bos- 
ton (5.7 vs. 3.7 yr), apparently the result of limited 

nest-site availability. This delay should slow popu- 
lation growth rate by bringing mortality into bal- 
ance with natality (Spitzer 1989, Poole 1989b). The 
number of Ospreys nesting in Virginia, the coastal 
Carolinas and Georgia has more than doubled 
since 1981. Several new interior sites have contrib- 
uted to this growth (T. Murphy and J. Ozier pers. 
comm., We stall 1990). 

Despite fluctuations, the overall number of nest- 
ing pairs in Delaware increased from 56 pairs in 
1981 to 75—85 in 1994 (L. Gelvin-Innaer pers. 
comm.). In Delaware Bay, however, where breed- 

• Netting concentration! 

© Netting range 

Approiimatc taanber of netting pain In 
• a pacific area (eg. cxnaaty, reaervolr.etc.) 

Figure 2. U.S. Osprey nesting distribution and abundance (1994). 


Houghton and Rymon 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

ing pairs declined drastically in the 1960s and early 
1970s apparently due to use of biocides, recovery 
has not occurred. On the Delaware side of the Bay, 
a region which historically supported numerous 
nests, only three nests were occupied in 1987 
(Spitzer 1989) and approximately the same num- 
ber were reported in 1994 (L. Gelvin-Innaer pers. 
comm.). Spitzer (1989) suggests increased water 
turbidity may be one limiting factor. 

The general trend in traditional areas of these 
states has been rapid population growth but very 
limited range expansion. 

Northeast Region. This region has both coastal 
and interior populations. Maine is the only state in 
this region which shows a contiguous population 
linking the coast with the interior. New Hampshire 
has an interior nesting population contiguous with 
that of Maine. Other northeast interior popula- 
tions are located in northeastern Massachusetts, 
western Vermont, western New York and the Adi- 
rondack Mountain region of New York (Spitzer 

Expansion of the breeding range of Ospreys in 
this region has been slow. From 1975—87, there was 
only a gradual spread of breeders along the coast 
of Connecticut, New York (Long Island), Rhode 
Island and Massachusetts, and relatively few Os- 
preys dispersed 25 km or more into substantially 
different and unoccupied habitats (Poole 1989a, 
Spitzer 1989). Spitzer (1989) recorded eight pairs 
that made moderate dispersals to the interior zone 
and this number has increased slightly (2-5 addi- 
tional pairs) within the past 5 yr. 

Most new nests in the Northeast region are lo- 
cated in the vicinity of previously established Os- 
prey breeding habitats. In the coastal region, this 
trend has been due in large part to intensive man- 
agement, including nest-site protection and nest 
platform construction during the last two decades 
(1967-87) (Poole 1989a, Spitzer 1989). 

The area from Cape May, New Jersey to Cape 
Cod, Massachusetts was most heavily affected by bi- 
ocide use. The number of nesting pairs in this vi- 
cinity declined from over 1000 nesting pairs in the 
early to mid 1900s to less than 200 nesting pairs in 
the mid 1970s (Henny 1977, Spitzer et al. 1983). 
Following the 1972 ban on DDT, nesting pairs in 
this region have gradually increased (Poole 1989a, 
Spitzer 1989). 

In Massachusetts, nesting has increased dramat- 
ically as a result of nesting platform construction. 
Over 90% of the Ospreys nesting in Massachusetts 

now use such platforms (B. Davis pers. comm.). In 
1994, seven out of the 12 Vermont nests were on 
platforms and active management should continue 
to play a major role in the expansion of this pop- 
ulation (S. Parren pers. comm.). Nest manage- 
ment, particularly predator guarding of natural 
nests, is credited for recent increases in the Osprey 
breeding population in New Hampshire (C. Martin 
pers. comm.). 

The number of Ospreys nesting between New 
York City and Boston has grown approximately 
10% annually since 1975. If this trend continues, 
the number of Ospreys nesting there in the year 
2000 should equal or exceed historical records 
(Spitzer 1989). New Jersey has experienced an in- 
crease of approximately 6% annually (Clark and 
Jenkins 1993). New limiting factors (loss of suitable 
habitat and decreased suitability of nest sites) , how- 
ever, may prevent the number of nesting pairs 
from reaching historical or pre DDT numbers 
(Clark and Jenkins 1993). 

Western Region. Statewide aerial and ground 
surveys have been limited in this region so avail- 
able data are less conclusive. Despite this, the Os- 
prey population is considered to be expanding and 
increasing in the region. 

In Montana, Ospreys nest primarily in western 
portions of the state, mostly at Flathead Lake. In 
1974, approximately 23 nesting pairs were located 
along the Northern Valley of Flathead Lake. In 
1986, there were 66 (Henny and Anthony 1989) 
and, in 1994, there were close to 100 nesting pairs 
(D. Flath pers. comm.). Overall, statewide nesting 
increased from 149 nesting pairs in 1981 to 500- 
600 in 1994 (D. Flath pers. comm.). 

Wyoming Ospreys are concentrated near the 
Montana border, in the northwestern part of the 
state (Yellowstone and Grand Teton National 
Parks). Henny and .Anthony (1989) indicated that 
new nesting occurred in Johnson, Sheridan, Crook 
and Carbon Counties and it is estimated that the 
number of nesting pairs in Wyoming at least dou- 
bled between 1981-94 from 80 to —160 pairs (B. 
Oakleaf pers. comm.). 

In Idaho, nesting concentrations occur at Lake 
Coeur d’Alene, Lake Pend Oreille, Palisades Res- 
ervoir and Cascade Lake (W. Melquist pers. 
comm.). Henny and Anthony (1989) reported 
nesting productivity at Lake Coeur d’Alene in the 
mid to late 1980s to be among the highest report- 
ed in the literature. W. Melquist (pers. comm.) es- 
timated the 1994 population to be over 400 nesting 

March 1997 

1994 Osprey Population 


pairs, a number which greatly exceeds historical 
records (Larrison et al. 1967). 

Washington state conducted aerial and ground 
surveys in 1984 and 1989. Nesting data from these 
surveys indicated msyor nesting concentrations in 
both eastern and western portions of the state. 
These surveys showed an increasing population, 
with 275 nesting pairs in 1984 and 346 in 1989 
(Watson and K. McCallister unpubl. data) . The av- 
erage annual percent increase from 1981-89 was 
approximately 5%. If the rate of growth remained 
constant between 1989-94, the number of nesting 
pairs in 1994 should have been approximately 450- 
500. However, because of potential limiting factors 
such as a lack of suitable nest sites and habitat 
availability, a more conservative estimate for this 
population in 1994 is 350—400 pairs. 

In Oregon, the largest concentration of nesting 
Ospreys is located in the Central Cascade Moun- 
tains. The overall Osprey population in Oregon ap- 
pears to be expanding. Henny and Kaiser (1996) 
reported that the nesting population along the 
Willamette River (between Portland and Eugene) 
increased from 13 pairs in 1976 to 78 pairs in 1993. 
Sixty-six of the pairs were nesting on utility struc- 
tures in 1993, while none were nesting on them in 
1976. The number of Osprey nesting within the 
state has increased from 308 in 1976 (Henny et al. 
1978) to >700 in 1994 (C. Henny pers. comm.) 

California nesting populations are concentrated 
in northern coastal and mountain regions (P. 
Bloom pers. comm.). Henny and Anthony (1989) 
identified four major populations at Klamath-Trin- 
ity system, Shasta Lake, Eagle Lake and Lake Al- 
man, but an estimate for the state’s nesting popu- 
lation in 1994 was not available, R. Jurek (pers. 
comm.) indicated that there were 21-23 nests on 
Tamales Bay, 15-20 nests along the Russian River, 
35 pairs along the upper Sacramento River and 52 
occupied and 30 successful nests in Marin County. 
He also noted that the overall number of Ospreys 
nesting in California has risen dramatically over 
the past 20 yr. Numbers of nesting pairs at Eagle 
Lake do not appear to be increasing (Bloom pers. 
comm.). Henny and Anthony (1989) indicated a 
substantial range expansion and population in- 
crease on small reservoirs in extreme northeastern 
California (Modoc County) where the population 
increased from three pairs in 1980 to 10 pairs in 
1987. They also noted an increase in nesting pairs 
at Kent Lake (Marin County) from seven pairs in 
1975 to 22 in 1986, and an increase in the number 

of nesting pairs located within the Sierra Nevada 
region. Since 1975, newly reported Osprey nesting 
areas have included: Lake Tahoe (El Dorado 
County), Lake Oroville (Butte County), Basse Lake 
(Madera County), New Melones Reservoir (Tuol- 
umne County) and New Bullards Bar Reservoir 
(Yuba County) (Henny and Anthony 1989). 

The number of Ospreys nesting in Nevada re- 
mains low. Two of the four existing pairs are locat- 
ed at Lake Tahoe and the other two pairs are nest- 
ing along the Huntington Valley (Gary Herron 
pers. comm.). 

In Arizona, a sizable increase in nesting pairs has 
taken place within the past 10 yr. Most of the Os- 
preys nest at the White River east/west fork and 
the main stem of the Black River in southeastern 
Arizona. However, three nests are located near 
Flagstaff, there w r as a new breeding attempt on 
Lynx Lake near Prescott in 1994 and, in 1996, a 
pair nested for the first time in over 30 yr at the 
confluence of the Salt and Verde Rivers, east of 
Mesa (G. Beatty and R. Vahle pers. comm.). 

New Mexico had its only two pairs of Osprey 
(1994) nesting on reservoirs in the northern por- 
tion of the state. Both pairs began nesting in the 
1990s (S. Williams pers. comm.). 

The Colorado Osprey population (1994) is small 
and concentrated in the northcentral portion of 
the state. Hacking has been undertaken to en- 
hance the already existing population and to ex- 
tend breeding to the front range of the Rockies. 
Currendy, three nesting pairs are located far from 
the hacking areas; two are located in La Plata 
County and one in Pueblo County (J. Craig and K. 
Luft pers. comm.). 

Most Ospreys in Utah nest along the Green River 
and Flaming Gorge Reservoir area in the northeast 
corner of the state (S. Cranney unpubl. data). C. 
Monson (unpubl. data) reports that nesting also 
occurs at Fish Lake (six pairs), Panguitch Lake 
Navajo (two pairs), and, in 1995, one pair nested 
on Deer Creek Reservoir and another pair nested 
in Highland. Construction of reservoirs appears to 
have increased growth of Utah’s Osprey popula- 

Many western states continue to show an expan- 
sion of nesting pairs eastward, partially due to 
changes in inland habitat, particularly the con- 
struction of reservoirs (Swenson 1981, Henny 
1983). Reservoirs often provide foraging advantag- 
es over rivers and lakes because their still, shallow, 
open, water areas and reduced turbidity result in 


Houghton and Rymon 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

increased water clarity and higher visibility of fish 
(Swenson 1981, Henny 1983). 

A comparison of foraging times and nesting den- 
sities between free-flowing river habitat and three 
river impoundments on the upper Missouri River 
in Montana showed food sources and Osprey nest- 
ing densities to be higher at impoundments (Grov- 
er 1984). This indicates that additional impound- 
ments could benefit Osprey populations and en- 
courage future range expansion. 

Florida and the Gulf Coast. Florida has the high- 
est number of nesting Ospreys in this region, with 
distinct concentrations from the St. Johns River 
south to Lake Okeechobee (Westall 1990). Ospreys 
also nest along the east and west coasts and across 
Florida Bay, including the Ten Thousand Islands 
area (southwest Florida). Ospreys nesting in pen- 
insular Florida south of the 29th parallel are non- 
migratory or resident birds and, therefore, may be 
subject to different biological limiting factors than 
Ospreys nesting further north (Poole 1989a). 

Food stress may be affecting the once healthy 
Florida Bay population (Poole 1989). Declines 
there have prompted Florida to designate Osprey 
as a species of concern in Monroe, County. Al- 
though Florida Ospreys are currently adapting to 
an exploding human population, further land de- 
velopment could limit food supply and nesting 
habitat and thus should be carefully monitored 
(Ogden 1978, Westall 1990). 

Nesting in the Gulf Coast has been extremely 
limited and sporadic (Lowery 1974, Imhof 1976, 
Henny 1983, Reinman 1984). The number of Os- 
preys nesting in this region has fluctuated through- 
out this century and only limited nesting has been 
documented (Henny 1983). J. and B. Jackson (un- 
publ. data) note that Ospreys were historically 
more abundant along the lower Mississippi than 
now. A decrease in the number of nesting pairs 
there has most likely resulted from human distur- 
bance and manipulation (change in water flow, in- 
dustry and pollution, and loss of nesting habitat). 

In 1 994, Gulf Coast Ospreys were most abundant 
on the gulf islands at the southern tip of Mississippi 
(50-55 pairs) (M. Woodrie pers. comm.). Only 
three nesting pairs were recorded in Texas in 1994, 
and though no statewide survey was conducted, it 
is unlikely that many more Ospreys nested there. 
However, many Ospreys migrate through Texas 
and several have been recorded during winter 
months (B. Ortego pers. comm.). Alabama and 
Louisiana have increasing populations (Table 1), 

but inland nests remain sparse and irregular. The 
low number of documented nests in these states 
may be partially related to a lack of survey cover- 
age. Why nesting remains low is unclear, but it mer- 
its further attention (Westall 1990). This region is 
an important study area for future productivity, 
range expansion, nesting and predation research. 

The Great Lakes Region. The total number of 
breeding pairs in the Great Lakes region has al- 
most doubled from an estimated 579 pairs in 1981 
to approximately 1014 in 1994. Today’s distribu- 
tion of nests is similar to that reported for the pe- 
riod of 1963-71 (Postupalsky 1969, 1977); however, 
the aggregations are larger, additional adjunct 
nests exist between traditional clusters and some 
range expansion has occurred. Nests still remain 
concentrated in northcentral and northeastern 
Minnesota and in northern portions of Michigan 
and Wisconsin (M. Martell pers. comm.). 

The growth of the statewide population in Mich- 
igan observed during 1977—92 has apparently 
stopped and some local declines have been noted, 
despite high availability of nest sites. The statewide 
total remained near 225 pairs from 1992-94 (S. 
Postupalsky pers comm.). Wisconsin Osprey nest- 
ing data indicate that the number of nesting pairs 
there increased steadily during 1983-93, however, 
S. Postupalsky (pers. comm.) suggests that present 
numbers may be leveling off. Minnesota’s nesting 
data was inconclusive but >200 nests were unoc- 
cupied in 1994 (M. Martell pers. comm.). 

Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan all show 
signs of range expansion to the south. The expan- 
sion in Minnesota has been enhanced by hacking 
efforts initiated in Hennepin County in 1984 (M. 
Martell pers. comm.). Further expansion and dis- 
persal is expected as nesting continues and more 
hacked birds return. A recent surge of nesting on 
artificial structures (~68% of nests in Wisconsin), 
could affect future Osprey numbers and status in 
this region. This region should continue to be eval- 
uated for factors limiting population growth (e.g., 
measurements of aquatic productivity, fish popu- 
lation dynamics, prey accessibility to Ospreys, pred- 
ators and competitors, and land use) (S. Postupal- 
sky pers. comm.). 

Eastern Interior. Major nesting concentrations 
such as those in Florida and Chesapeake Bay may 
never be realized in this region, but with the ad- 
vent of large water-management projects such as 
the TAW reservoir and waterway system, and the 
hacking projects that have been implemented 

March 1997 

1994 Osprey Population 


throughout this region, a sizable increase in the 
number of nesting pairs and distribution may be 
expected (Westall 1990). 

Freshwater reservoirs have been most beneficial 
to the nesting success here, particularly in Ken- 
tucky, Tennessee, West Virginia and Pennsylvania 
where impoundments have benefited recent Os- 
prey reintroductions. Overall, the Osprey popula- 
tion in these states surged from five nesting pairs 
in 1981 to 105 in 1994. Many of these breeding 
pairs are known to be the result of several intensive 
hacking programs. For example, in Pennsylvania 
1 7 of the 20 statewide nesting pairs include hacked 
birds, four of which were hacked in West Virginia 
(L. Rymon unpubl. data) . All three of West Virgi- 
nia’s pairs are the result of hacking in West Virgin- 
ia. Most of the Ospreys now nesting in Tennessee 
are either the direct result of hacking or were at- 
tracted by recruits from local hacking projects (B. 
Hatcher pers. comm.). Kentucky has had similar 
results but the birds in both Tennessee and Ken- 
tucky have not been well monitored. 

Central States. Both the Mississippi and Missouri 
Rivers seem ideal as conduits for interior nesting, 
yet they remain virtually unoccupied by Ospreys. 
Historical data suggest that Ospreys once nested in 
small numbers along parts of the Mississippi (J. 
and B. Jackson unpubl. data) . Other historical re- 
cords indicate that very few Ospreys nested within 
the Central States Region (Hicks 1935, Black 1992, 
Robbins and Easterla 1992). Reasons why Ospreys 
are not presently nesting in most of this region 
remain unclear but the Osprey’s slow pioneering 
rate may be responsible. Many of these states ap- 
pear to have some suitable habitat and most are 
adjacent to states where Ospreys currently nest. 
Habitat Suitability Indices could be used to deter- 
mine if habitat is a major limiting factor (Vana- 
Miller 1987). However, recent dispersals into South 
Dakota, New Mexico, Texas, Ohio and Indiana, all 
states with no known nesting pairs in 1981, indicate 
that it may only be a matter of time before Ospreys 
expand their range into this region also. If time is 
inhibitory, hacking may be one option for accel- 
erating the process (Rymon 1989a). 


1994 U.S. Osprey Distribution and Abundance. 

There has been a significant increase in the num- 
ber of nesting pairs in the U.S. from 1981-94. The 
overall estimate for the population in 1981 (Henny 
1983) was approximately 8000 nesting pairs. Our 

1994 population estimate was —14 186 ± 1417 
(SD) indicating that the U.S. Osprey population 
has increased —75% in just over the past decade. 

There were many similarities in the distribution 
and abundance of Osprey nesting pairs between 
1981 and 1994. Largest increases in numbers of 
nesting pairs took place in areas of traditional nest- 
ing: the Atlantic Coast, Pacific Northwest and the 
Great Lakes Region. A large increase in nesting 
pairs also occurred in the Eastern Interior Region 
where hacking has taken place. A1 though the re- 
cent interior population expansion can be attrib- 
uted to hacking efforts, hacking has only expanded 
the range and played a very modest role in the 
growth of the entire U.S. Osprey population. 

Overall, population growth has resulted from: 1) 
increased production rates following the 1972 ban 
on DDT, most prominent in the Northeast and 
Great Lakes Regions, 2) construction of numerous 
new impoundments, especially in the Western and 
Eastern Interior Regions, 3) artificial nest con- 
struction in nearly all regions, particularly the rel- 
atively recent use of utility structures and other 
man-made structures in the west (Henny and Kai- 
ser 1996), 4) hacking projects in the interior, and 
5) increased public awareness and support. These 
dramatic changes stress the importance for region- 
al Osprey management while monitoring the en- 
tire U.S. population. 

Growth and Expansion of the U.S. Osprey Pop- 
ulation. The future growth of regional Osprey pop- 
ulations depends, in part, on the rate at which new 
breeders are recruited. Regional differences in the 
dispersal distances of young may be a reflection of 
the differences in the density and availability of 
nest sites (Poole 1989b). In New England, where 
nesting pairs were severely reduced by pesticides 
during the 1950s and 60s, artificial nest sites are 
now clustered, abundant and widely available so 
most new recruits find nests quickly and breed 
soon after arrival (Poole 1989b). In New England, 
dispersal distances >50 km are rare (Poole unpubl. 
data) . 

Ospreys in western and midwestern North Amer- 
ica seem to be dispersing much greater distances. 
There the breeding range may be restricted by lack 
of suitable nest sites and large expanses of unsuit- 
able habitat (Poole 1989a). Ospreys in the western 
U.S. have traditionally nested in trees or snags near 
lakes and rivers (Henny 1983); however, nesting 
areas are becoming saturated (C. Henny pers. 
comm.) For this reason, they are slowly dispersing 


Houghton and Rymon 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

into new breeding areas around reservoirs where 
breeding densities may largely exceed those along 
nearby free-flowing rivers (Henny 1983, Swenson 
1981, Grover 1984). Lack of natural nest sites at 
traditional nesting areas in the western states may 
have caused longer dispersal and colonization at 
newly constructed impoundments and along utility 
structures (Henny and Kaiser 1996). 

In the Chesapeake Bay area where nest sites are 
saturated, Ospreys have begun to delay breeding 
rather than disperse to new areas (Spitzer 1989). 
Perhaps this is due to their high natal-site fidelity. 
Changes in breeding rates, proportions of non- 
breeders in different populations, choices of nest 
sites, competition for nest sites, natal dispersal dis- 
tances, age at first breeding and nesting dispersion 
should be monitored in future seasons (Spitzer 

An increase in the use of artificial nest structures 
has played an important role in the overall in- 
crease in the number of nesting pairs in the U.S. 
(Poole 1989a). Regional data on nesting structures 
indicate that approximately 64% of Ospreys in the 
U.S. nest on artificial structures, particularly artifi- 
cial platforms erected specifically for them (ap- 
proximately 50%). Excessive construction of nest- 
ing platforms may have drawbacks in the long run, 
including habituation to humans, necessary main- 
tenance of platforms and higher predation rates 
(Poole 1989a). 

The construction and addition of artificial nest 
structures on public lands has played a critical role 
in increasing public awareness and support for Os- 
prey. Several states have had volunteer Osprey nest 
platform projects, and some have set aside viewing 
areas for aesthetic and educational purposes. Nest 
platform management is just one example of ex- 
panding public awareness. Support from public 
utilities and media coverage appear to be enhanc- 
ing efforts in public relations which will continue 
to be important for the preservation of this species 
(Rymon 1989b). 


We would like to thank all of the dedicated osprey re- 
searchers who contributed their statewide nesting data 
for the compilation of the 1994 U.S. Osprey nesting data. 
We are especially grateful to Charles J. Henny for his re- 
search efforts and his encouraging remarks toward our 
research. We would also like to thank A.F. Poole and S. 
Postupalsky for their valuable comments toward the re- 
vision of our original manuscript. 

Literature Cited 

Ames, P.L. 1966. DDT residues in eggs of Ospreys in the 
northeastern U.S, and their relation to nesting suc- 
cess. J. Appl. Ecol. 3:87—97. 

Ames, P.L. and G.S. Mersereau. 1964. Some factors in 
the decline of the Osprey in Connecticut. Auk 81:173- 

Black, G. 1992. Iowa birdlife. Univ. of Iowa Press, Ames, 

I A U.S.A. 

Clark, K. and C. Jenkins. 1993. Status of Ospreys nesting 
in New Jersey, 1984 through 1993. Records New Jersey 
Birds 19:74-77. 

Grover, K.E. 1984. Nesting distribution and reproduc- 
tive status of Ospreys along the lower Missouri River. 
Wilson Bull . 96:496-499. 

Hatcher, B. and D.A. Hammer. 1983. Restoring Osprey 
populations by hacking preflighted young. Pages 293- 
297 in D.M. Bird [Ed.], Biology and management of 
Bald Eagles and Ospreys. Harpell Press, Ste. Anne de 
Bellevue, Quebec, Canada. 

Henny, C.J. 1977. Research relevant to conservation, re- 
search, management and status of the Osprey in 
North America. Pages 199-222 in R.D. Chancellor 
[Ed.], ICBP World Birds of Prey Conference, Vienna, 

. 1983. Distribution and abundance of Ospreys in 

the United States. Pages 175-186 in D.M. Bird [Ed.], 
Biology and management of Bald Eagles and Ospreys. 
Harpell Press, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, Cana- 

and J.C. Ogden. 1970. Estimated status of Osprey 

population in the United States. J. Wildl. Manage. 34: 

, J.A. Collins and W.J. Deibert. 1978. Osprey dis- 
tribution, abundance and status in western North 
America II. The Oregon population. Murrelet. 59:19- 

and R.G. Anthony. 1989. Bald Eagle and Osprey. 

Natl. Wildl. Fed. Sci. Tech. Ser. No. 12. 

and J.L. Kaiser. 1996. Osprey population in- 
crease along the Willamette River, Oregon, and the 
role of utility structures, 1976-93. Pages 97-108 in 
Raptors in human landscapes. Academic Press, Lon- 
don, UK. 

Hicks, L. 1935. Distribution of the breeding birds of 
Ohio. Univ. of Ohio, Columbus, OH U.S.A. 

Imhof, T.A. 1976. Alabama birds. Univ. Alabama Press. 

Larrison, E.J.J.L. Tucker and M.T.Jollie. 1967. Guide 
to Idaho birds. J. Idaho Acad. Sci. 5:93-99. 

Lowery, G.H., Jr. 1974. Louisiana Birds. Louisiana State 
Univ. Press, Baton Rouge, LA U.S.A. 

Ogden, J.C. 1978. Preliminary report on a study of Flor- 
ida Bay Ospreys. Pages 143-151 zn J.C. Ogden [Ed.], 
Trans. North American Osprey Research Conference. 
U.S. Nat. Park. Serv., Trans. Proc. Ser. No. 2., Wash- 
ington, DC U.S.A. 

March 1997 

1994 Osprey Population 


Peterson, R.T. 1969. Population trends of Ospreys in 
the northeastern United States. Pages 333—337 in].]. 
Hickey [Ed.], Peregrine Falcon populations. Univ. 
Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI U.S.A. 

Poole, A.F. 1989a. Osprey. A natural and unnatural his- 
tory. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, NYU.S.A. 

. 1989b. Regulation of Osprey Pandion haliaetus 

populations: the role of nest site availability. Pages in 
B.U. Meyburg and R.D. Chancellor [Eds.], Raptors in 
the Modern World. WWGBP, Berlin, London and Par- 

Postupalsky, S. 1969. The status of Osprey in Michigan 
in 1965. Pages 338-340 in]]. Hickey [Ed.], Peregrine 
Falcon populations: their biology and decline. Univ. 
Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI U.S.A. 

. 1977. Status of the Osprey in Michigan. Pages 

153-165 mJ.C. Ogden [Ed.], Trans. North Amer. Os- 
prey Res. Conf. U.S. Nat. Park, Serv., Trans. Proc. Ser. 
No. 2. 

Reinman, J.P. 1984. The status of Osprey populations of 
the central and northern gulf coasts of Florida. Pages 
109-117 in M.A. Westall [Ed.], Proc. Southeastern 
U.S. and Caribbean Osprey Symposium, Int. Osprey 
Found., Sanibel Island, FL U.S.A. 

Rymon, L.M. 1989a. The restoration of Ospreys ( Pandion 
haliaetus ) to breeding status in Pennsylvania by hack- 
ing (1980-1986). Pages 359-362 mB.U. Meyburg and 
R.D. Chancellor [Eds.], Raptors in the modern world. 
WWGBP Berlin, London, and Paris. 

. 1989b. Management applications of public ed- 
ucation. Pages 259-263 in B.G. Pendleton [Ed]), 
Proc. Northeast Raptor Management Symposium and 

Workshop. Natl. Wildl. Fed. Sci. Tech. Ser. No. 13. 
Washington, DC U.S.A. 

Robbins, M.B. and D.A. Easterla. 1992. Birds of Mis- 
souri, the distribution and abundance. Univ. Missouri 
Press, Columbia, MO U.S.A. 

Schaadt, C.P. and L.M. Rymon. 1983. The restoration 
of Osprey by hacking. Pages 299-305 in D.M. Bird 
[Ed.], Biology and management of Bald Eagles and 
Ospreys. Harpell Press, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que- 
bec, Canada. 

Spitzer, P.R. 1989. Osprey. Pages 22-29 in B.G. Pendle- 
ton [Ed.], Proc. Northeast Raptor Management Sym- 
posium and Workshop. Natl. Wildl. Fed. Sci. Tech. 
Ser. No. 13. Washington, DC U.S.A. 

, P.R., A.F. Poole and M. Scheibel. 1983. Initial 

population recovery of breeding ospreys in the region 
between New York City and Boston. Pages 231-241 m 
D.M. Bird [Ed.], Biology and management of Bald 
Eagles and Ospreys. Harpell Press, Ste. Anne de Belle- 
vue, Quebec, Canada. 

Swenson, J.E. 1981. Status of Osprey in southeastern 
Montana before and after the construction of reser- 
voirs. West. Birds 12:47—51. 

VANA-MiLLER, S.L. 1987. Habitat suitability index mod- 
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Westall, M.J. 1990. Osprey. Pages 22-28 in B.G. Pen- 
dleton [Ed.], Proc. Southeast Raptor Management 
Symposium and Workshop. Natl. Wildl. Fed. Sci. 
Tech. Ser. No. 14. Washington, DC U.S.A. 

Received 6 February 1996; accepted 31 October 1996 

J. Raptor Res. 31 (1 ) : 54—58 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 


Clay Sutton 1 and Paul Kerlinger 2 

Herpetological Associates, Inc., 129 Buck Ave., 

Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 U.S.A. 

Abstract. — The Delaware Bayshore of New Jersey, including the lower Maurice and Cohansey Rivers 
and the coastal zone of Cumberland County, is a major migration and wintering area for raptors. Over 
89 days of autumn migration for three years, almost 12 000 raptors of 17 species were counted at East 
Point at the mouth of the Maurice River (x = 30.7 raptors/hr). In addition, the lower drainage areas 
of the Maurice and Cohansey Rivers and the Cumberland County coastal zone were found to support 
high densities of Black ( Coragyps atratus ) and Turkey Vultures ( Cathartes aura). Bald Eagles ( Haliaeetus 
leucocephalus) , Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) , Northern Harriers ( Circus cyaneus), Cooper’s Hawks 
( Accipiter cooperii), Sharp-shinned Hawks (A. striatus), Rough-legged Hawks ( Buteo lagopus) and American 
Kestrels ( Falco sparverius) in winter. Such high numbers and diversity of migrating and wintering raptors 
make the area exceptional and, perhaps, unique in eastern North America. The importance of this area 
for raptors emphasizes the need for its conservation, especially in light of rapid development of nearby 
farmlands and forests for homes and industry. 

KeyWords: migration ; winter population, Delaware Bayshore, conservation. 

El Delaware Bayshore de New Jersey: Una migracion de rapaces y invernada con importancia hemisfer- 

Resumen. — El Delaware Bayshore de New Jersey, incluyendo los rios abajo de Maurice y Cohansey y la 
zona costera de el condado Cumberland, es el mayor lugar de migracion invernada para rapaces. Arriba 
de 89 dias de migracion en el otono por tres anos, casi 12000 rapaces de 17 especie fueron contados 
en el Punto Este en la boca del Rio Maurice (x = 30.7 rapaces/hr). En suma, en la boca baja del 
desagiie del Maurice y Cohansey Rios y la zona costera del condado Cumberland se encontro apoyo de 
densidad alto de Coragyps atratus y Cathartes aura, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Buteo jamaicensis, Circus cyaneus, 
Accipiter cooperii, A. striatus, Buteo lagopus, y Falco sparverius en invierno. Tanta cantidad y diversidad de 
rapaces de migracion y sidos de invierno hace la area excepcional y,, unico en el este de Norte 
America. La importancia de este area para rapaces enfasisa la necesidad para su conservacion, espe- 
cialmente con el rapido desarrollo de tierras agricolas y bosques para casas e industria. 

[Traduccion de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 

The Delaware Bayshore of New Jersey, especially 
Cape May, has long been known as a critical area 
for a diversity of migrating birds (Allen and Peter- 
son 1936, Stone 1937, Dunne and Sutton 1986, 
Wiedner et al. 1992), Although much of the region 
has been threatened or altered by human devel- 
opment, areas north of Cape May along the Dela- 
ware Bayshore including Cumberland County, 
have been largely spared. Recent proposals for 

1 Present Address: 129 Bucks Ave., Cape May Court 
House, NJ 08210 U.S.A. 

2 Present Address: 31 Jane St. 14D, New York, NY 10014 

barge port development, industrial sand mines and 
other projects along the Maurice and Cohansey riv- 
ers in Cumberland County threaten to alter aquat- 
ic habitats, wetlands and uplands, rendering them 
less suitable for wildlife. 

Because of these threats, we conducted an 8-yr 
study of raptor use during autumn migration and 
winter along the Delaware Bayshore of Cumber- 
land County, New Jersey including the Maurice 
and Cohansey river drainages. In this report we 
document a large and previously unknown aggre- 
gation of migrating and wintering raptors in this 
area that is of hemispheric significance and worthy 
of major conservation effort. 


March 1997 

Raptor Migration at Delaware Bay 


Figure 1. Maps of New Jersey and Cumberland County Coastal Zone study area including the lower Maurice and 
Cohansey Rivers, and the Delaware Bayshore. Closed circles indicate observation sites along the rivers. East Point 
hawk watch is denoted by a star at the mouth of the Maurice River. 


Migrating raptors were counted at East Point, Cum- 
berland County, New Jersey (Fig. 1) from 9 September- 
30 November 1989-91, by a single observer during pre- 
determined peak flight hours (mid-morning through 
mid-afternoon) for an average of 4.4 hr per day (range 
= 1-9 hr) from the wooded edge of a salt marsh near 
the mouth of the Maurice River at Delaware Bay. On 
about one-third of all days, the observation site was 
moved 3 km inland from the Bay at about midday, as the 
flight became higher and moved farther inland. East 
Point is a peninsula that juts out into Delaware Bay. To 
assess the relative importance of this site, counts from 
East Point were compared with same day hawk migration 
counts from Cape May Point, New Jersey, 32 km to the 
south. Counters at both sites used standard Hawk Migra- 
tion Association of North America methods and record- 
ing forms (Bednarz and Kerlinger 1990, Kerlinger 1989). 

We sampled wintering raptors along tidal portions of 
the Maurice River during eight winters, 1987-88 through 
1994—95; the Cohansey River during five winters, 1990- 
91 and 1994-95; and in the Cumberland County Coastal 
Zone (CCCZ) in five winters 1989-94. Transport among 
sites was by automobile. Surveys were done between 22 
November— 21 March, mostly between 0800—1600 EST. A 
total of 69 surveys were done on the Maurice River and 
16 on the Cohansey River. On the Maurice River, a survey 

consisted of seven observation stations from a point 22 4 
km upstream from the river mouth (Fig. 1 ) to East Point 
and at five stations on the Cohansey River from Bridge- 
ton downstream to within 2 km of the mouth of the river, 
a distance of 17.6 km. At each observation site, all flying 
and perched raptors within view were counted for 50 
min. Care was taken to avoid recounting individuals by 
noting plumage characteristics and flight direction. If a 
raptor was observed flying into the adjacent sampling 
area it was not counted if resighted in that area. Raptors 
seen perched between sampling sites were included in 
the nearest sampling site if an individual of that species 
was not sighted from the adjacent stations. Ten power 
binoculars and a 20 power spotting scope were used. On 
about 96% of the surveys, two observers were present and 
on the remaining surveys only one observer. The same 
observer was present for 65 of the 69 Maurice River sur- 
veys and all of the others. 

Counts were conducted mostly in sunny weather with 
northwest winds. Ninety percent of the counts were done 
with these conditions, since they promoted soaring and 
hunting of raptors. Habitat along the Maurice and Co- 
hansey rivers and the Cumberland County coastal zone 
includes tidal marsh and swamp forest, as well as adjoin- 
ing upland forests and farms. Wetlands in these areas 
range from marshes typical of tidally inundated areas to 
tidally influenced freshwater marshes farther upstream. 


Sutton and Kerlinger 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Saltmarsh cordgrass ( Spartina alterniflora) dominates the 
marshes at the mouth of the rivers, with saltmarsh hay 
(5. patens ) present. Farther upstream, although tidally in- 
fluenced, the marshes are comprised of freshwater and 
brackish wetland plants such as wild rice ( Zizania aquati- 
ca), common reed ( communis), pickerel weed 
( Pontederia cordata ) , arrow arum ( Peltandra virginica) , spat- 
terdock ( Nuphar advena), waterlily ( Nyrnphaea odorata) 
and cattail ( Typha latifolia ) . Common reed is more prev- 
alent on the Cohansey River. The banks along portions 
of the Maurice River are quite steep and often heavily 
wooded, although cropland is near both rivers. Devel- 
oped areas are limited to single family homes and a few 
recreational boat yards. Both rivers average less than one- 
half mile wide and both are about one mile wide near 
the mouth. 

In addition to surveys on the Maurice and Cohansey 
rivers, one road survey per year was made in the first two 
weeks of January 1990-94, during which raptors were 
counted in the entire Cumberland County coastal zone 
(Fig. 1). This latter survey consisted of 12 primary obser- 
vation sites along a 48 km course. Standard raptor road 
survey methods were used between observation sites. The 
coastal zone count included regular counts (nearest cal- 
endar date) from the Maurice and Cohansey rivers, all 
conducted in a 3-d-period. This method was an attempt 
to determine roughly the total number of raptors that 
winter in the Cumberland coastal region. 

Results and Discussion 

Over 89 d (389.25 hr), we observed 11 944 
hawks (30.7/hr) of 17 species at East Point (Table 
1). Sharp-shinned Hawks ( Accipiter stnatus ) were 
most numerous, accounting for 39.7% of all hawks 
counted. This species, plus Turkey Vultures (Ca- 
thartes aura). Northern Harriers ( Circus cyaneus ), 
Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and American 
Kestrels ( Falco sparverius ) accounted for 84.5% of 
all raptors observed. In 1990, the year most obser- 
vations were made, a total of 9042 raptors was re- 
corded during 308.5 hr of observation on 60 d (9 
September-7 December). This was 34.6% of the 26 
164 raptors seen at Cape May Point during the 
same 60-d-period. 

Species composition differed between East Point 
and Cape May Point which may be attributable, in 
part, to differences among species in their tenden- 
cy to cross water. Greater numbers of vultures, Bald 
Eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus) , Northern Harri- 
ers, Rough-legged Hawks ( Buteo lagopus), Red- 
tailed Hawks and relatively fewer Ospreys, Sharp- 
shinned Hawks and falcons were counted at East 
Point (Table 1). Kerlinger (1985) documented dif- 
ferences in water crossing tendency among most 
of the species reported here in a study at Cape May 
Point. Upon reaching the end of the peninsula, 
only some species crossed without hesitation. At 

Table 1. Summary of autumn migrants recorded at East 
Point and Cape May, New Jersey, on the same 89 days 
during 1989, 1990 and 1991. Total numbers of migrants 
counted and percentage of total hawks counted at each 
site are given. One Swainson’s Hawk ( Buteo swainsoni) was 
also seen at East Point. 

East Point Cape May 

Per- Per- 






Black Vulture 





Turkey Vulture 










Bald Eagle 





Northern Harrier 





Sharp-shinned Hawk 



16 853 


Cooper’s Hawk 





Northern Goshawk 





Red-shouldered Hawk 





Broad-winged Hawk 





Red-tailed Hawk 





Rough-legged Hawk 





Golden Eagle 





American Kestrel 










Peregrine Falcon 





Total Hawks 

11 944 

35 968 

Total Hours 



Hawks Per Hour 



East Point, the vast majority of most species moved 
west, whereas Osprey ( Pandion haliaetus), Merlins 
( Falco columbarius) and Peregrine Falcons (Falco per- 
egrinus ) usually flew to the southeast toward Cape 
May. The latter species are not reluctant to cross 
Delaware Bay (Kerlinger 1985, 1989). It is likely 
that upon seeing the end of the Cape May penin- 
sula, many soaring birds turn westward to follow 
the Delaware Bayshore, rather than proceeding to 
the tip of the Cape May peninsula where they 
would be counted. Others fly through Cape May 
and are counted near the Point before flying north 
and west along the Bayshore toward East Point. 

During January road surveys of the coastal zone, 
14 species were observed totaling between 472 and 
932 birds/survey (Table 2). This year to year vari- 
ation was attributable largely to variation in the 
number of roosting vultures and, perhaps, to 
weather. Species composition and numbers of most 
species observed along the Maurice and Cohansey 
rivers were similar (Table 2). The numbers of 
American Kestrels and Sharp-shinned Hawks along 

March 1997 

Rartor Migration at Delaware Bay 


Table 2. Summary of wintering diurnal raptors along Maurice and Cohansey Rivers and the Cumberland County 
Coastal zone area. Letters following species names indicate status of the species (T = federally threatened, t = New 
Jersey threatened, e = New Jersey endangered, u = unknown status in New Jersey; first of state letters indicates 
breeding season, second indicates nonbreeding season — migration and winter) . Totals are the mean of yearly mean 
totals and min-max of yearly average totals. 


Maurice River 

Cohansey River 

Cumberland Coastal, Zone 







Black Vulture 







Turkey Vulture 







Bald Eagle (T,e,e) 







Northern Harrier (e,u) 







Sharp-shinned Hawk 







Cooper’s Hawk (e,e) 







Northern Goshawk 







Red-shouldered Hawk (e,t) 







Red-tailed Hawk 







Rough-legged Hawk 







Golden Eagle 







American Kestrel 














Peregrine Falcon (T,e,e) 














Years of sureys 




Mean number of surveys 

per year (range) 






the Cohansey River were slightly greater than 
along the Maurice River because there is more 
farmland and forest edge along the Cohansey. 
Conversely, more Bald Eagles and Turkey Vultures 
were reported from the Maurice River, a function 
of greater waterfowl numbers, waterfowl hunting 
and carrion present at a livestock farm. Determin- 
ing absolute abundance for statistical comparison 
is extremely difficult in such a heterogeneous land- 

Turkey Vultures were the most numerous of all 
species, followed by Red-tailed Hawks and North- 
ern Harriers. Bald Eagles were an important com- 
ponent of the winter raptor community of the Del- 
aware Bayshore of New Jersey; as many as 16 were 
seen on a survey of the Maurice River. Among the 
wintering raptors observed, five were on the fed- 
eral or New Jersey threatened or endangered lists 
(Table 2). Single Merlins, typically a Neotropical 
migrant, wintered on the study site in most years. 

Probably a combination of factors is attributable 
to the great diversity and abundance of raptors mi- 
grating and wintering along the Delaware Bay- 
shore. Delaware Bay is a topographic barrier to mi- 

gration. Raptors reluctant to cross water seem to 
either fly around the Bay or terminate their migra- 
tion along the Bayshore. The importance of migra- 
tion stopovers among songbirds, shorebirds and 
waterfowl has long been known, but few biologists 
have recognized its importance among raptors 
(Newton 1979, Kerlinger 1989). Many of these 
birds are compelled to make migratory stopovers 
in the area. The abundance of open space, high- 
quality habitat and abundant prey make the Bay- 
shore very attractive to both migrating and winter- 
ing hawks. 

The Bayshore has frequently been recognized as 
an ecosystem of hemispheric or global significance. 
For example, the wetlands of the Delaware Bay are 
a RAMSAR site, in part because they support glob- 
ally important populations of shorebirds and wa- 
terfowl. In addition, the EPA National Estuary Pro- 
gram has recognized the area as biotically impor- 
tant and has funded m*yor studies of the area (Zap- 
palorti et al. 1993) . Much of the Maurice River and 
three tributaries, the Manumuskin River, Menan- 
tico Creek and Muskee Creek, are now included in 
the U.S. National Park Service Wild and Scenic Riv- 


Sutton and Kerlinger 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

er program. The data presented herein support 
these designations. 

Another factor that influences the winter abun- 
dance of Bald Eagles, vultures and to a lesser ex- 
tent Red-tailed Hawks, Golden Eagles and Pere- 
grine Falcons are the vast concentrations of water- 
fowl and other birds that migrate and winter along 
the Delaware Bayshore. Winter waterfowl counts 
conducted simultaneous to these raptor counts 
show that more than 25 species of waterfowl in 
numbers totaling greater than 10 000 to 15 000 
occur regularly on the Maurice River portion of 
the study site alone (Sutton 1988). Likewise, huge 
numbers of migrating songbirds, prey for some 
hawks, are known to frequent the Delaware Bay- 
shore (Wiedner et al. 1992). These birds search for 
stopover habitat as they move along the Bayshore. 

Our data indicate that the Delaware Bayshore, 
and Maurice and Cohansey river drainages, sup- 
port one of the largest and most diverse concen- 
trations of migrating and wintering raptors report- 
ed in eastern North America. We make this claim 
understanding that there is little comparative in- 
formation on abundance and winter concentration 
areas for raptors in eastern North America (other 
than for eagles and vultures). The Delaware Bay- 
shore is all the more important because it serves 
hawks during both winter and migration. We know 
of no other migration sites that also serve as im- 
portant wintering areas for raptors. It seems that 
many migrants end their southbound migration on 
the Delaware Bayshore. The conservation value of 
this area is obvious. 


Financial support for this research came from Citizens 
United to Protect the Maurice River and its Tributaries, 

as well as Cohansey Area River Protection, Cumberland 
County Department of Planning and Economic Devel- 
opment and New Jersey Audubon Society’s Cape May 
Bird Observatory. We also thank J. Galetto, G. Ewan, D. 
Fauerbach, C. Zirkle, E. Zirkle, R. Zappalorti and J. Lau- 
bengeyer for assistance during this project. C. Shultz, V 
Elia and J. Dowdell assisted with the fieldwork. K. Bild- 
stein made helpful comments on the manuscript. 

Literature Cited 

Allen, R.P. and R.T. Peterson. 1936. The hawk migra- 
tions at Cape May, New Jersey. Auk 53:393—404. 
Bednarz, J. and P. Kerlinger. 1990. Monitoring hawk 
populations by counting migrants. Pages 328-342. in 
Proc. Northeastern Raptor Symposium, Rochester, 
NY. Natl. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Ser. #13. 

Dunne, P-J- and C.C. Sutton. 1986. Population trends 
in coastal raptor migrants over ten years of Cape May 
Point autumn counts. Rec. N.J. Birds 12:39-43. 
Kerlinger, P. 1985. Water-crossing behavior of raptors 
during migration. Wilson Bull. 97:109-113. 

. 1989. Flight strategies of migrating hawks. Univ. 

Chicago Press, Chicago, IL U.S.A. 

Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. Buteo 
Books, Vermillion, SD U.S.A. 

Stone, W. 1937. Bird studies at Old Cape May. Delaware 
Valley Ornithological Club, Philadelphia, PA U.S.A. 
SUTTON, C.C. 1988. Wintering raptors and waterfowl on 
the Maurice River. Rec. N.J. Birds 14:42-51. 

Wiedner, D.S., P. Kerlinger, D.A. Sibley, P. Holt, J. 
Hough and R. Crossley. 1992. Visible morning 
flights of Neotropical landbird migrants at Cape May, 
New Jersey. Auk 109:500-510. 

Zappalorti, R., C.C. Sutton and R. Radis. 1993. Cum- 
berland County Delaware estuary study; Vol. 1. Rare, 
threatened and endangered species study; Vol. 2: Ap- 
pendices and mapping. USEPA Delaware Estuary 
Study, Cumberland County Department of Planning 
and Development, Bridgeton, NJ U.S.A. 

Received 9 October 1995; accepted 31 October 1996 

J Raptor Res. 31(1) : 59-64 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 


Alejandro Travaini, Jose A. Donazar 

Estacion Biologica de Donana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 
Apartado 1056, 41080 Sevilla, Spain 

Olga Ceballos 

Grupo de Estudios Biologicos Ugarra, Carlos III 1 9, 

31002 Pamplona, Spain 

Alejandro Rodriguez, Fernando Hiraldo, Miguel Delibes 

Estacion Biologica de Donana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 
Apartado 1056, 41080 Sevilla, Spain 

Abstract. — We evaluated the diet of Common Barn-owls (Tyto alba ) along an elevational gradient in 
Argentine Patagonia. Small mammals (mainly rodents) were the main prey accounting for 93.2% of 
total prey items. Consumption of rodents appeared to be dependent on their availability. Sizes of mam- 
malian prey were variable but most ranged from 10-100 g in body mass. We concluded that the diet of 
these barn owls could be used as an index of cricetid rodent populations along the gradient. 

Key Words: Common Barn-owl, Tyto alba; prey ; Patagonia ; selectivity, gradient. 

Dieta de la lechuza ( Tyto alba ) a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal en la Patagonia Andina Argentina. 

Resumen. — Se estudio la dieta de la lechuza {Tyto alba ) y se la contrasto con la composicion especifica 
de la comunidad de micromamiferos a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal en la Patagonia Argentina. 
La principal presa la constituyeron pequenos mamiferos (fundamentalmente roedores) alcanzando un 
93.2% del total de presas consumidas. La masa corporal media de los mamiferos presa se concentro 
fuertemente en un rango comprendido entre 10 y 100 g. La dieta de la lechuza resulto ser un buen 
indicador de la composicion de Cricetidos a lo largo del gradiente estudiado. El consumo de cada uno 
de los roedores presa dependio de su disponibilidad en el terreno. 

[Traduccion Autores] 

Few of the many studies of Common Barn-owl 
{Tyto alba) food habits have examined dietary re- 
sponses to elevational distribution of prey species 
(Herrera 1974, Brunet-Lecomte and Delibes 
1984). In northwestern Patagonia, a steep eleva- 
tional gradient (600-3000 m) occurs over just a few 
km. The abrupt change in elevation and the asso- 
ciated change in precipitation (300-3600 mm) 
causes a distinct shift in the vegetation from shrub- 
steppe to montaneous forest habitat within a few 
km. Pearson and Pearson (1982) qualitatively de- 
scribed the small mammal species composition 
along this gradient. They found six species of ro- 
dents {Aconnaemys fuscus, Dromiciops australis, No- 
tiomys macronyx, Notiomys valdivianus, Irenomys tar- 
salis and Akodon olivaceous) occurred in the humid 

forest, while another seven rodent species {Cteno- 
mys haigi, Akodon xanthorrinus, Reithrodon auritus, 
Eligmodontia typus, Phyllotis darwini, Euneomys sp, 
and a marsupial, Lestodelphis hally) were in the dry 
shrubsteppe. They also analyzed the diets of Com- 
mon Barn-owls at three different localities at the 
forest-steppe transition and found that the propor- 
tions of species captured by traps and by owls were 

Besides providing new information on the tro- 
phic niche of Common Barn-owls in Argentina, 
here we test the feasibility of using barn owl food 
habits to describe changes in composition and 
abundance of small mammals along an elevational- 
precipitation gradient. We considered the data 
provided by Pearson and Pearson (1982) as the ac- 



Travaini et al. 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

tual representation of the small mammal commu- 
nity along this gradient and the barn owl prey as 
its descriptor. Additionally, Pearson (1986) provid- 
ed data on relative abundance of cricetid species 
in eight different habitats ranging from steppe to 
forest over an 8-yr-period. 

We made two comparisons between estimates of 
rodent availability and their occurrence in the diet 
of common barn owls: (1) on a broad scale, along 
the elevational-precipitation gradient, using data 
from Pearson and Pearson (1982), and (2) on a 
fine scale, along a segment of the complete gra- 
dient, using abundance estimates for rodent spe- 
cies given by Pearson (1986) . We predicted that the 
barn owl diet would reflect gradient changes in ro- 
dent community composition (Herrera 1974, Pear- 
son and Pearson 1982, Taylor 1994), but it would 
be less accurate in reflecting availability of prey at 
a fine scale (Jaksic and Yanez 1979). 

Study Area and Methods 

Located in northwestern Patagonia (70°30'-71°30'W; 
39 o 30-40 o 20'S), the study area constitutes a portion of 
the Precordillera gradient and partially overlaps with the 
area studied by Pearson and Pearson (1982) and Pearson 
(1986). The greatest distance between our site and that 
of Pearson was under 150 km. The climate of the area is 
dry and cold with frost throughout most of the year and 
frequent snowfall in winter. Topographically, the area 
consists of plains from 800-900 m above sea level that 
are dissected by steep rugged valleys and large rivers. In 
general, the study area consists of lowland which coin- 
cides with river valleys and highland Piedmont with an 
intermediate area between them. Pearson (1986, 1987, 
1988) has described five different habitats in intermedi- 
ate and highland Piedmont: steppe or scattered bushes, 
usually <1 m tall, usually mixed with bunch grass, much 
of the ground is devoid of vegetation; bunchgrass or hab- 
itats with relatively pure stands of one or more species of 
bunchgrass; weeds or areas with dense weeds and grasses, 
usually growing in moist places; rocks or cliffs with tum- 
bled rocks large enough to provide refuge for rodents; 
and bare ground or large areas not vegetated with a sub- 
strate of fine scree or rock and very few rocky shelters. 

Barn owl pellets were collected from September-Feb- 
ruary 1991, 1992 and 1994—95. Pellets were collected at 
32 isolated localities more than 2 km apart. On this basis, 
we assumed that barn owls at each locality were different 
individuals. Only fresh pellets were included in our sam- 
ples in order to restrict our study to the spring season 
and avoid seasonal variation. All pellets were dissected 
using standard techniques (Yalden 1977). Small mammal 
remains were identified using taxonomic keys (Pearson 
1986), reference specimens collected in the study area 
and museum collections. Small mammal biomass was de- 
rived from Pearson (1983, 1984) and Redford and Eisen- 
berg (1992). 

Following Flerrera and Jaksic (1980), we characterized 
barn owl food habits by the following parameters: mean 

mass of all small mammals (MWSM) in the diet; H'NGG, 
trophic diversity in relation to the number of individuals 
contributed by each higher taxonomic unit (mammals, 
birds, amphibians, invertebrates); H'NM, trophic diver- 
sity in relation to the small mammal component of the 
diet (rodents, lagomorphs, marsupials); and H'NR, tro- 
phic diversity in relation to the number of individuals 
contributed by each rodent species. The latter three pa- 
rameters were computed by means of Shannon’s infor- 
mation function (Ludwig and Reynolds 1988). Corre- 
sponding values of evenness (J = H'/H'max) were also 

The use of the barn owl food habits to detect and de- 
scribe changes in the composition and abundance of 
small mammals along a gradient was explored using cor- 
respondence analysis (SAS 1987). This is a multivariate 
ordination method (Digby and Kempton 1987, Pielou 
1984), applied on a data matrix that included frequen- 
cies of appearance (%) of several prey categories for each 
barn owl locality. This type of analysis permits one to plot 
points for both rows and columns (here localities and 
small mammal prey categories) on the same plane. Cor- 
respondence analysis is especially appropriate for matri- 
ces with numerical frequencies (Cuadras 1980) and does 
not normally require previous transformation of data 
(Digby and Kempton 1987). We used this analysis to ver- 
ify if the pattern in rodent species distribution derived 
from barn owl diets was similar to that described by Pear- 
son and Pearson (1982) along both the elevational and 
precipitation gradients. For this analysis, we restricted 
ourselves to those localities (N = 23) with >30 identified 
prey items. 

Selection among potential prey species was studied 
only in intermediate and highland Piedmont. Barn owl 
selectivity was evaluated by comparing the species’ rank 
for each cricetid rodent in the barn owl diet with the 
species’ abundance in the field as estimated by Pearson 
(1986). We used a Spearman Rank Correlation Coeffi- 
cient (Siegel and Castellan 1988) for this analysis. It was 
calculated from the sum of the ranks obtained for each 
species in each of the five habitats considered. Compar- 
ison was restricted to cricetids because these were the 
rodent species for which Pearson (1983) estimated rela- 
tive abundance. 


A total of 2447 prey items were identified from 
barn owl pellets. Small mammals were the main 
prey in northwestern Patagonia, accounting for 
93.2% of the total. Birds, amphibians and inverte- 
brates made up the remaining 6.8% (Table 1). Cal- 
culated from a random sample of 71 pellets, the 
mean number of prey/pellet was 1.85 (SD = 1.09, 
range 1-6). 

Among mammals, rodents most frequently oc- 
curred in the diet, representing the 98.9% of the 
total (Table 1). The MWSM was 54.2 g (SD - 36.7, 
range 17.5 g for Calomys musculinus, 286.1 g for 
Microcavia australis) but most small mammals were 
between 10-100 g (Fig. 1). 

March 1997 

Barn owl diet in Patagonia 


Table 1. Composition of the Common Barn-owl in the lowland, midland, and highland piedmont, northwestern 
Argentine Patagonia. 

Prey Type 

Lowland Midland 

Piedmont (%) Piedmont (%) 

Piedmont (%) 







Ctenomys haigi 






Galea musteloides 






Microcavia australis 







Akodon spp 






Auliscomys micropus 






Chelemys macronix 






Eligmodontia typus 






Euneomys sp 






Geoxus valdivianus 






Irenomys tarsalis 






Oryzomys longicaudatus 






Phyllotis darwini 






Reithrodon auritus 






Calomys musculinus 







Marmosa pusilla 







Oryctolagus cuniculus 









































These barn owls had a relatively narrow diet as 
shown by the H'NGG value (Table 1). The low even- 
ness index was largely due to their concentration 
on mammal prey (Table 1). The diversity and even- 
ness of the small mammal component (H'NM) 
showed that the diet was based upon a small num- 
ber of small mammal species, most of which were 
rodents. Among rodents, H'NR (2.06) and evenness 
(0.78) reached the highest values, denoting both 
the high number of rodent prey species consumed 
(N = 14, 82% of total present in the area) and their 
overall even representation in the diet. 

Two axes generated by the correspondence anal- 

ysis accounted for 49.5% of the variance in the diet 
(Fig. 2) . Representation of localities and prey cat- 
egories on the plane defined by the two axes clear- 
ly segregated the dry, lowland Piedmont localities 
(which tended to the positive zone of Axis I and 
negative zone of Axis II) from the rest of localities 
(which occupied all the space defined by Axis I 
and the positive zone of Axis II) . Prey in the low- 
land Piedmont localities included Ctenomys haigi, 
Microcavia australis, Galea musteloides, Eligmodontia 
typus and Calomys musculinus. Prey in most of the 
other localities, included in mid- and high Pied- 
monts were Akodon sp, Auliscomys micropus, Chelemys 


Travaini et al. 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Figure 1. Relative frequencies (%) of small mammal prey in the diet of Common Barn-owls in northwestern Ar- 
gentine Patagonia, ordered along a logarithmic axis of body weights. 

macronix and Geoxus valdivianus. In a few localities, 
Phyllotis darwini and Euneomys sp. also occurred. 

The similarity between the expected and ob- 
served rank order in cricetid species in the diet 

Figure 2. Variation in the taxonomic composition of the 
diet of the Common Barn-owl in northwestern Argentine 
Patagonia. Plot of the Correspondence Analysis, areas of 
each delimited by minimum poligon. See Table 2 for 
most species abbreviations. MAR, Marmosa pusilla ; CAL, 
Calomys musculinus; GAL, Galea musteloides; CTE, Ctenomys 
haigi. Circles correspond to highland Piedmont, quadrats 
to lowland Piedmont and triangles to intermediate Pied- 

(Table 2) indicated that barn owls fed on prey ac- 
cording to their availability in intermediate and 
highland Piedmont areas ( r s = 0.91, P< 0.01). The 
most important difference was the greater impor- 
tance of Reithrodon auritus and the overall absence 
of Akodon sp. in the diet. 


Barn owls in our study preyed almost exclusively on 
rodents, as found in most other studies (Smith and Cole 
1989, Bellocq 1990, Iriarte et al. 1990, De Santis et al. 
1994, Taylor 1994). This suggests that these barns owls 
do not behave as opportunistic, nonselective predators as 
suggested by Mikkola (1983). Taking this into account, 
care should be taken when interpreting the unusually 
high predation on birds reported by Noriega et al. (1993) 
in the Patagonian zoogeographic domain (Ringuelet 
1961). Their data may reflect individual differences of 
individual barn owls. 

Our mean body mass estimate of small mammals in 
the diet (56.2 g) was intermediate between that reported 
in Spain (21.2 g) and Chile (70.7 g) (Herrera and Jaksic 
1980). Because the largest prey taken in the three areas 
was the European rabbit, ( Oryctolagus cuniculus), the 
smaller MWSM in Argentina when compared with Chile 
was a consequence of both the high concentration of 
smaller prey than in Chile (30-500), and the greater con- 
sumption of smaller rodents than in Chile. In Argentine 
Patagonia, only one of the three available rodent species 
weighing more than 150 g ( Ctenomys haigi ) was readily 
consumed by owls, while in Chile three of four such spe- 
cies were consumed in amounts similar to that of our C. 
haigi (Herrera and Jaksic 1980). 

H'NGG diversity and evenness indexes were similar to 

March 1997 

Barn owl diet in Patagonia 


Table 2. Expected composition of Common Barn-owl diet expressed as a percentage for five habitats, based on 
Pearson (1983, 1986). 

Species 1 







Owl Diet 

Owl Diet 

Field Rank 



























































































1 AKO, Akodon sp.; AUL, Auliscomys micropus ; CHE, Chelemys macronix; ELI, Eligmodontia typus\ EUN, Euneomys sp.; GEO, Geoxus valdi- 
vianus, IRE, Irenomys tarsalis; ORY, Oryzomys longicaudatus; PHY, Phyllotis darwini; REI, Reithrodon auritus. 

those found by Herrera and Jaksic (1980) for Chilean 
barn owls. The inclusion of amphibians and the absence 
of reptiles by the Argentine owls were the main reasons 
for these differences. 

Among mammals, the preponderance of rodents 
among the diets of Argentine owls made the H'NM di- 
versity and evenness indices very low compared to those 
obtained for Chilean owls (Herrera and Jaksic 1980), 
which were more equally represented. In Chile, Spain 
and Argentina, the low consumption of the European 
rabbit is likely related to its large body size. 

The correspondence analysis results concurred with re- 
sults obtained by Pearson and Pearson (1982) and our 
prediction with respect to the gradient with which cri- 
cetid rodents are associated. Both species and localities 
were segregated by an aridity gradient. 

Irenomys tarsalis occurred in the barn owl diet only near 
the Nothophagus forest. Auliscomys micropus was eaten only 
in forest or dense cover habitats but Oryzomys longicau- 
datus was eaten in all the habitats considered for this 
analysis. Eligmodontia typus occurred in the diet of owls 
only in open habitats with bare soil and scattered desert 
shrubs, Ctenomys haigi occurred in the diet in open areas 
with sandy soils, and Calomys musculinus and Reithrodon 
auritus occurred in the diet of birds associated with the 
arid portion of our gradient. 

Observed consumption of Reithrodon auritus was, both 
in percent frequency and rank order, higher than ex- 
pected. A similar situation was observed by Jaksic and 
Rau (1986) for the Great Horned Owl ( Bubo virginianus) 
in a Chilean Patagonian steppe with about the same 
mammalian composition that we report. As in Europe 
and North America, comparison of the abundance of 
small mammal species is often susceptible to problems of 
differential trapability. On the other hand, Akodon sp. was 
consumed less than expected by chance in all five habi- 
tats. Perhaps their more diurnal activity period and small 
body weight contributed to these results (Taylor 1994). 
Based on our knowledge, the ecology of Reithrodon auritus 
and Akodon sp. resembles that of voles and mice de- 
scribed in North America and Europe (Marti 1974, Col- 

vin 1984). There, barn owls frequently select voles in the 
presence of other prey, probably because the former are 
heavier and easier to catch (Taylor 1994). Three factors 
provide a plausible explanation. First, K auritus (80.4 g) 
is 3 times heavier than Akodon sp. (28.0 g), even a bigger 
difference to that found between voles and mice (Marti 
1974, Colvin 1984). Second, Akodon sp. shows greater ac- 
tivity during the daytime (Rau et al. 1981). The opposite 
is true for R, auritus which is a typical nocturnal species 
(Pearson 1988), thus overlapping its activity period with 
that of the barn owl. Finally, R. auritus feeds in open 
grassy habitat where it may be more exposed to owl pre- 
dation, while Akodon sp. prefers dense bushes in the 
steppe (Pearson and Pearson 1982), perhaps gaining pro- 
tection against owl predation. 


We are very grateful to Martin Funes, Obdulio Mon- 
salvo and Miguel Angel Pineda for help with the field 
work. Our thanks to Gerardo Alena, Gabriel and Miguel 
Anz, Raul Cordero, Victor Soleno, the administrators of 
the Estancias Cerro los Pinos, Serranias de Lolen, Collon- 
Cura and Chimehuin, who permitted us to work on their 
land. Logistic support was provided by the Centro de 
Ecologia Aplicada del Neuquen (Argentina); we thank 
Alejandro del Valle and Antonio Guinazu for their con- 
stant kind assistance. We also want to thank Marta Pian- 
tanida from the Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino 
Rivadavia for providing us with a complete small mammal 
reference collection. D.W. Holt, C. Marti and two anon- 
ymous referees improved the manuscript. Financial sup- 
port was provided by Instituto de Cooperacion Iberoam- 
ericana and the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (Spain) 
throughout the Programa de Cooperacion Cientifica con 

Literature, Cited 

Bellocq, M.S. 1990. Composicion y variacion temporal 
de la dieta de Tyto alba en ecosistemas agrarios Pam- 
peanos, Argentina. Vida Silvestre Neotropical 2:32-35. 


Travaini et al. 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Brunet-Lecomte, P. and M. Delibes. 1984. Alimenta- 
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Duero, Espana. Donana, Acta Vertebrata 11:213-229. 

Colvin, B.A. 1984. Barn owl foraging behaviour and sec- 
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farms. Ph.D. dissertation. Bowling Green State Univ., 
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De Santis, L.J.M., N.G. Basso, J.I. Noriega and M.F. 
Grossman. 1994. Explotacion del recurso trofico por 
la lechuza de los campanarios ( Tyto alba) en el oeste 
de Chubut, Argentina. Stu. Neotrop. Fauna. Envir. 29: 

Digby, P.G.N. and R.A. Kempton. 1987. Multivariate 
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barn owl in central Chile and southern Spain: a com- 
parative study. Auk 97:760—767. 

Iriarte, J.A., W.L. Franklin and W.E. Johnson. 1990. 
Diets of sympatric raptors in southern Chile./. Raptor 
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Redford, K.H. and J.F. Eisenberg. 1992. Mammals of 
the Neotropics, the southern cone, Vol 2. Univ. of 
Chicago Press, Chicago, IL U.S.A. 

Ringuelet, R.A. 1961. Rasgos fundamentales de la zo- 
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Smith, J.D.B. and J. Cole. 1989, Diet of the barn owl, 
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Taylor, I. 1994. Barn owls, predator-prey relationships 
and conservation. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 

Yalden, D.W. 1977. The identification of remains in owl 
pellets. Occas. Publ. Mammal. Soc., London, UK. 

Received 23 April 1996; accepted 26 November 1996 

J. Raptor Res. 31(1) :65-70 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 



Bridget M. Appleby 

Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, 

South Parks Road, Oxford 0X1 3PS UK 

Stephen M. Redpath 

I. T.E. Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Cambridgeshire PEI 7 2LS UK 

Abstract. — The number of songs in a male’s repertoire, and the amount of time he spends singing, 
have been shown to correlate with territory size and quality, reproductive success, parental care and 
parasite load in some passerine species. In addition, females of some species use song rate and com- 
plexity as a cue to mate choice and are more responsive to more frequent and complex songs. Few 
studies, however, have examined the influence of body size and parasitic infections on the sound fre- 
quency (pitch) and structure of vocalizations of birds. The Tawny Owl ( Strix aluco ) hoot is important in 
communication between birds at night when visual information is limited, and is simple enough to allow 
a quantitative analysis of its structure. Six temporal and four frequency measures of the hoots of 50 
Tawny Owls were taken, and compared to body mass, wing length, breeding success and number and 
intensity of parasitic infections of the singers. There was a decrease in call frequency with increasing 
body mass and the vibrato tail of the last note was longer in larger birds, but there was no part of the 
call that correlated with breeding success. There was an increase in call frequency as the number of 
parasitic infections increased, and there was a decrease in the length of calls as the intensity of parasitic 
infections increased. 

Key WORDS: Strix aluco; hoot structure, body weight, body size, breeding success; blood parasites; female choice, 


Indicadores de calidad del macho en ululatos de Strix aluco. 

Resumen. — La cantidad de canciones en el repertorio del macho, y la cantidad de tiempo que dedica 
cantando, han mostrado una correlacion entre el tamano del territorio y la calidad del exito de re- 
production, preocupacion paterna, y carga parasitica en especies passerinus. En suma, hembras usan la 
velocidad y complication de la cancion como serial para escoger su pareja estan mas interesadas en 
canciones complicadas y de mas frecuencia. Pocos estudios, sin embargo, han examinado la influencia 
del tamano corporal y infeccion parasitica en la frecuencia modulada del sonido (tono) y estructura de 
vocalization en pajaros. El ululato de Strix aluco es importante en comunicacion entre los pajaros por 
la noche cuando information visual es limitada, y es lo suficientemente como simple para dejar un 
analisis cualitativo de su estructura. Seis temporal y cuatro frecuencias moduladas de los ululatos de 50 
S. aluco fueron tornados, y comparados al tamano corporal, largo de ala, exito de cria, y numeros e 
intensidad de infeccion parasitica de los cantadores. Hubo reduction en frecuencia de llamadas y au- 
mento de el tamano corporal y la cola vibratus de la ultima nota fue mas larga en los pajaros grandes, 
pero no hubo ninguna parte de la llamada que hizo correlacion con el exito de cria. Hubo un aumento 
en la frecuencia de llamadas cuando la cantidad de infeccion parasitica aumentaron, y hubo una re- 
duccion en la duration de llamadas cuando la intensidad de infeccion parasitica aumento. 

[Traduction de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 

Some bird species can recognize their offspring 
(Tschanz 1968, Beer 1969, Beecher et al. 1981), 
mates (White 1971, Brooke 1978, Jouven tin et al. 
1979) and territorial neighbors (Falls 1992, Gal- 
eotti and Pavan 1993) through their vocalizations. 

Song can also give information on the position and 
orientation of the signaler (Richards 1981, Mcgre- 
gor and Falls 1984, McGregor and Krebs 1984). 

Song appears to also be important in sexual se- 
lection in many species and females have been 



Appleby and Red p ath 

Vol, 31, No. 1 

shown to be more responsive to males with higher 
song output (Houtman 1992, Payne and Payne 
1977) whether song output was increased by 
lengthening songs or reducing intersong intervals 
(Wasserman 8c Cigliano 1991). In Willow Warbler 
( Phylloscopus trochilus) males, there was a link be- 
tween high song output and good territories (Ra- 
desater et al. 1987, Radesater 8c Jakobsson 1989), 
and Houtman (1992) showed that Zebra Finch 
(Poephila guttata ) males with higher song output 
produced heavier offspring. Females of some spe- 
cies have also been shown to prefer males with 
more complex repertoires (Searcy 8c Marler 1984, 
Baker et al. 1986, Catchpole et al. 1984, Eens et al. 
1991a). The complexity of song has been found to 
correlate with territory size, survival and reproduc- 
tive success (Hiebert et al. 1989, McGregor et al. 
1981, Catchpole 1986). 

As song is used by males to attract females, it has 
been hypothesized that song may give information 
on the parasite infections of male singers. Hamil- 
ton 8c Zuk (1982) found bird species with more 
complex songs were more likely to have blood par- 
asite infections, but this correlation disappeared 
when phylogeny was taken into account (Read 8c 
Weary 1990). Moller (1991) studied the effect of 
parasites within a population of Barn Swallows (Hi- 
rundo rustica ) and found that males infected with 
mites produced less song. 

Despite the implications for mate choice, litde is 
known about how the size and weight of a bird 
affects its vocalizations, and whether parasite infec- 
tions affect the structure or frequency of a bird’s 
call. This is particularly relevant for nocturnal 
birds, which may not have detailed visual infor- 
mation about a potential mate or rival. In this pa- 
per, we present an analysis of the information con- 
tained in the “hoot” vocalization of the Tawny Owl 
(Strix aluco). Tawny Owls are nocturnal woodland 
birds, so visual information transferred between 
territorial rivals or potential mates at night is prob- 
ably very limited. The hoot is individually distinct 
and constant with time and is thought to function 
in communication between the sexes as well as ter- 
ritorial defense (Galeotti 8c Pavan 1991). 


Recordings of Tawny Owls were made at Wytham 
Woods, Oxfordshire (51.46° N 1.2° W), Monks Wood, 
Cambridgeshire (52.24° N 0.14° W), a farmland area, 
(The ‘Fens’) Cambridgeshire (52.29° N 0.1° W) and 
Kielder Forest, Northumberland (55° 15'N 2° 35'W). Re- 
cordings were made using a Uher or Sony Walkman Pro- 

fessional tape recorder (TC-D5 PRO) with a Sennheiser 
MZW 816 microphone. Recordings were made of male 
birds on calm, dry nights from October-December 1992- 
93 in Wytham Woods, and in March 1993 in Monks Wood 
and the Fens. Recordings of birds at Kielder Forest were 
made in November 1994. Birds were stimulated to hoot 
using playback of an unfamiliar male owl. The hoots of 
male owls can be distinguished from hoots of female owls 
by the squeaky grating quality of the female hoot. In the 
case of the Wytham owls, the sex of the birds was con- 
firmed using radiotags. Recordings were made as near to 
birds as possible, at distances between 5-50 m. 

Sonograms were produced on a Macintosh LCII com- 
puter. Tawny Owl hoots have a basic structure of three 
notes (Fig. 1) that can be clearly determined in owls from 
all areas. Sonograms of the whole hoot were made using 
Soundedit Pro software (Macromind Paracomp, Inc., 600 
Townsend, San Francisco, GA 94103 U.S.A. 1992) and 
temporal measures were recorded. Soundedit Pro did 
not give accurate frequency measures, so sonograms of 
the first note of each hoot were made with Canary soft- 
ware (Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker 
Woods Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 U.S.A.), and the frequen- 
cy measures were recorded. 

Temporal measures used were similar to those de- 
scribed by Galeotti and Pavan (1991). Six temporal mea- 
sures were recorded for each call. These were: note 1 
(Dl), internote interval one (14), note two (D2), inter- 
note interval two (15) and note 3 was split up into fre- 
quency modulated length (FML) and tail (Fig. 1). Fre- 
quency measures used were the highest and two lowest 
frequencies of the first note (HIGH, LOW1 and LOW2) 
and the middle of the highest part of the first note 
(MED) . All time measures were recorded in milliseconds 
(ms) and all frequency measures were recorded in KHz, 
Only clear recordings with little background noise were 
used for making sonograms. Any sonograms where all 
call parameters could not be determined were discarded. 
An “average” sonogram was calculated for each owl by 
taking the mean of a minimum of 3 calls from each owl. 

Breeding success of owls was measured at Wytham 
Woods, Monks Wood and the Fens in 1993. Breeding suc- 
cess was defined as the total number of owlets fledged/- 
breeding area and was found by monitoring nests or by 
locating calling chicks in June and July before mortality 
of fledged chicks has occurred. Fledged young can be 
located in June and July when they call loudly and con- 
tinuously for food (Muir 1954, Southern 1970). 

Males were caught in spring 1993 and 1994 using nest- 
box traps (Petty et al. 1994). Males were weighed, mea- 
sured for wing length and blood slides were prepared by 
placing a drop of blood from the branchial vein directly 
onto a glass slide and smearing it with a second slide to 
produce a blood layer one cell thick. The smear was then 
air dried and fixed in absolute ethanol and stained with 
Giemsa’s stain. Parasite species were identified by M. An- 
war at Oxford University and the number of each species 
was quantified by counting the number of parasites in 10 
000 blood cells. The two measures of parasite infection 
used were the number of parasite species present and 
the total number of blood cells containing parasites (all 
parasite species pooled) . For some owls, the blood para- 
site counts and body measurements were taken at differ- 

March 1997 

Information in Tawny Owl Hoots 


Figure 1. Sonogram of Tawny Owl hoot showing time and frequency measures. 

ent times of year than recordings of their hoots. In this 
case, the identity of the owl was confirmed using radi- 
otags or by confirming that the same male was present 
the following breeding season. 

The data were examined visually using histograms and 
no evidence was found for a significant deviation from 
the normal distribution. Parametric tests were therefore 


The hoots of 50 male Tawny Owls were recorded 
at the four study sites (Table 1). Although none of 
the temporal measures of call varied significandy 
among the four sites (ANOVA, P > 0.05), there was 
a significant difference between the sites in all of 

Table 1. The number of Tawny Owls from the four 
study sites for which data on both call parameters and 
body measurements, breeding success and parasite loads 
were available. 

Fledg- # Para- 

Study # Body Wing ing Infec- site 
Site Owls Mass Length Success tions Load 








Monks Wood 





















the frequency measures (LOW1 P 3>46 = 1 7.03, P < 
0.0001; LOW2 P 3>46 = 12.58, P< 0.0001; MED P 3f46 
= 4.63, P = 0.007; HIGH P 3)46 = 6.08, P = 0.001). 
The Kielder owls were lighter than those of the 
other populations (jF 3>15 — 3.25, P — 0.051), but this 
was based on only 4 birds from Kielder and there 
was no significant difference among the sites for 
wing length and the breeding success of pairs (P 
> 0.05). 

Pearson Rank Correlations were not significant 
for body mass, wing length, breeding success and 
parasite number and load for any of the owls used 
in the analysis; however, there was a significant cor- 
relation between number of parasites and breed- 
ing success (r = 1, P < 0.001) which was based on 
only four Wytham owls. 

There was no significant correlation between the 
body mass of a bird and the length of any of the 
notes or the internote intervals of its call, but there 
was a negative correlation between the highest fre- 
quency of the song and body mass (Fig. 2, r = 
—0.48, P <0.05). There was no significant corre- 
lation between wing length and any of the fre- 
quency measures of the call. The only time mea- 
sure of the call that correlated significantly with 
wing length was the tail of the third note (r = 0.71, 
P < 0.003). Likewise, there was no significant cor- 


Appleby and Redpath 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

+ LOW 1ST weight 

• LOW 2ND 

Figure 2. Effect of body mass of Tawny Owls on the four 
frequency measures of their hoots. 

relation between average breeding success in 1993 
and any of the call parameters. All four frequencies 
were entered into a regression model as indepen- 
dent variables to try to predict breeding success as 
the dependent variable, however the model did 
not significantly predict breeding success (iq^o = 
0.29, P = 0.88). 

The number of parasite species present in an 
individual ranged between one and four. The par- 
asites found were Leucozytozoon ziemanni, Haemopro- 
teus syrnni, H. noctuae and Trypanosoma. All fre- 
quency measures increased with increasing num- 

X Wytham 
□ Kielder 

Figure 4. Effect of parasite load on the total length of 
Tawny Owl hoots. 

bers of parasites (Fig. 3) , but this was only signifi- 
cant for the lowest frequency at the start of the first 
note. The Kielder birds had higher numbers of 
parasites and higher frequency calls, but due to the 
small sample size it was not possible to analyze the 
data by site to see if the relationship held in each 

There was a significant negative correlation be- 
tween the length of the internote interval (r = 
— 0.75, P < 0.05), gaps in the song (r = —0.76, P 
< 0.05), and the total length of the song (Fig. 4, r 
= -0.87, P ^ 0.05) and the parasite load, but there 
was no significant correlation with any of the fre- 
quencies measured (P > 0.05). 


+ Low 1st 
A High 
O Low 2nd 
A Medium 

Figure 3. Effect of parasitic infections of Tawny Owls on the four frequency measures of their hoots. 

March 1997 

Information in Tawny Owl Hoots 



For a bird embarking on a territorial dispute, assessing 
the size of the opponent is important in predicting the 
probable outcome of a fight. This is especially true for 
an aggressive bird like a Tawny Owl, where vocal disputes 
are often fierce and prolonged. For a female assessing a 
potential mate, the body mass of a male might give in- 
formation on resources available in his territory. The size 
of the syrinx is likely to affect the frequency of the call 
and could vary with the size of a bird. We found that the 
highest frequency of Tawny Owl calls to be more closely 
correlated with body mass than the lowest frequency. 
This decrease in highest note frequency with size implies 
that birds might be emitting their highest note to adver- 
tise their small size. Newton (1988) found that smaller 
sparrowhawk males had a higher lifetime reproductive 
success than large males. Although the selective pressures 
favoring reduced size in Tawny Owl males are probably 
different to those in sparrowhawks, reversed sexual di- 
morphism implies there might be selection for smaller 
males in Tawny Owls. Females might, therefore, favor 
small males and be using male hoots to assess this. 

The only call parameter that correlated significantly 
with wing length was the length of the vibrato tail of the 
third note, which increased with wing length. Wing 
length is an indication of body size of birds. It is possible 
that a larger bird might be able to sustain the last note 
for a longer time, perhaps due to increased lung volume. 
Data on more birds would be needed to ascertain wheth- 
er the length of the last note was a reliable signal of body 

None of the measures of the call were significantly cor- 
related with breeding success, so there is no detectable 
signal that females could reliably use to assess the breed- 
ing capability of a potential partner. As there was only 
one year’s breeding data available, and this varies with 
food supply and site (Petty 1992), it is possible that a 
correlation does exist between reproductive ability and 
call parameters, but it was obscured by other factors. 

All measures of frequency increased with increasing 
number of parasitic infections and this was significant for 
the lowest frequency at the start of the first note. Males 
that are able to give low frequency calls might therefore 
be indicating a resistance to parasites. Birds with higher 
parasite loads gave significantly shorter calls. Physiologi- 
cal reasons that might cause this are obscure, but it might 
imply that long calls are costly to give and are therefore 
an indication of good health. In frogs, heavily infested 
males have also been shown to have below average call 
durations (Read 1988), and long calls in frogs are more 
effective in attracting females (Rand and Ryan 1981, 
Wells and Schwartz 1984, Ryan 1985). Lengths of owl 
hoots are fairly constant with time (Hirons 1976) so it is 
possible that call length could be utilized to signal para- 
site burdens and potential breeding capabilities. 


We are grateful to David Macdonald, Paul Johnson, Ian 
Newton and Nick Davies for commenting on earlier 
drafts of manuscripts. Parasite analysis was performed by 
All Anwar, and Steve Petty kindly provided information 
on the weights and breeding success of Kielder birds. 

This work was completed while B.M.A was in receipt of 

a NERC studentship. 

Literature Cited 

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Western Meadowlarks ( Sturnella neglecta ) to the play- 


Appleby and Redpath 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

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Wasserman, F.E. and J.A. Cigliano. 1991. Song output 
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Received 8 April 1996; accepted 24 November 1996 

J. Raptor Res. 31(l):7l-76 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 


Guillermo Blanco 

Departamento de Biologta Animal, Universidad de Alcala de Henares, 

Alcala de Henares, E-28871 Madrid, Spain 

Abstract. — The use of refuse by breeding, floating, and migrating Black Kites ( Milvus migrans) was 
studied near a large garbage dump in Madrid, Spain. Refuse was an important food resource for non- 
breeding Black Kites, especially migrants that fed almost exclusively at the garbage dump. The dump 
was only of secondary and variable importance for kites during the breeding season. Pairs of breeding 
kites nesting in nearby wooded areas foraged mainly on a wide variety of wild prey and only sporadically 
ate refuse at the dump. Floaters roosted in nearby wooded areas but, unlike breeding pairs, they foraged 
mainly by scavenging at the dump. Exploitation of food resources other than refuse by breeding kites 
may be due to their need for large amounts of prey biomass for brood provisioning. Perhaps dumps 
augment populations of Black Kites by providing rich foraging areas where large numbers of nonbreed- 
ing and migratory kites can scavenge for food. 

Key Words: Black Kite, Milvus migrans; garbage dump ; foraging, refuse. 

Importancia de la basura en la dieta de Milanos Negros ( Milvus migrans) migrantes, flotantes y reprod- 

Resumen. — La importancia de la basura en la dieta de Milanos Negros ( Milvus migrans) reproductores, 
migradores e integrantes de la poblacion flotante fue estudiada en las cercanias del basurero de Madrid, 
Espana. La basura fue un recurso importante para los milanos no reproductores, especialmente para 
los migrantes, pero su papel fue secundario aunque variable para los milanos que se reprodujeron cerca 
del basurero. Los individuos flotantes forrajearon en el basurero pero tambien consumieron una amplia 
variedad de presas salvajes. La abundancia de alimento en el basurero no provoco que los milanos 
nidificaran en sus cercanias, ya que la parejas que asi lo hicieron consumieron basura solo esporadica- 
mente. Por el contrario, los individuos flotantes percnoctaron a diario en la zona arbolada mas cercana 
al basurero. El uso preferencial de presas salvajes frente a la basura por los milanos reproductores 
puede ser explicado como consecuencia de la necesidad de presas de gran biomasa para su consumo 
por los polios en crecimiento. Durante la estacion reproductora, el vertedero de Madrid podria tener 
una importancia indirecta para el mantenimiento y conservation de la poblacion reproductora a traves 
del reemplazo de las perdidas en los reproductores por los individuos flotantes. 

[Traduction del Autor] 

Breeding and nonbreeding segments of raptor 
populations often share the same foraging habitats 
(Newton 1979). Floaters, nonbreeding, nonterri- 
torial adults and subadults, have larger home rang- 
es and greater mobility than breeders, and usually 
concentrate in areas rich in food (Newton 1979, 
Ceballos and Donazar 1990). Interactions between 
floaters and breeding conspecifics has been little 
studied despite its potential to influence raptor 
population dynamics (Newton 1979). Both breed- 
ers and floaters of social species such as the Milvus 
kites coexist in breeding areas when food is abun- 
dant (Espina 1986, Koga et al. 1989, Heredia et al. 

1991), especially where large waste accumulations 
occur at garbage dumps (Ceballos and Donazar 
1988, Blanco 1994). Rubbish dumps and dung- 
heaps are frequently used by scavenging birds that 
normally exploit temporary and unpredictable 
food sources (Pomeroy 1975, Donazar 1992). The 
importance of refuse dumps for breeding popula- 
tions of scavenging birds has been repeatedly em- 
phasized (Pomeroy 1975, Coulson et al. 1987, Don- 
azar 1992) but, to date, it is not known whether 
these unnatural foraging places are influencing the 
population dynamics of scavenging species. 

The Black Kite ( Milvus migrans ) is a widespread 




Vol. 31, No. 1 

species that opportunistically exploits a wide array 
of food sources (Delibes 1975, Shiraishi et aL 
1990). Floaters form an unknown proportion of 
populations, and usually share habitat with the 
breeding segment (Espina 1986, Koga et al. 1989, 
Blanco 1994). At present, little is known about the 
relationship between these two sectors of Black 
Kite populations. This study deals with the role of 
refuse in the diet of breeding, floating and mi- 
grating Black Kites living in the vicinity of a large 
garbage dump near Madrid, Spain. 

Study Area and Methods 

The study area was located at an elevation of 500-700 
m in the flood plain of the Jarama River at its confluence 
with River Manzanares (40° 19'N, 3° 31'W) in southeast- 
ern Madrid Province, central Spain. It included a com- 
plex of riverine gypsum cliffs, riparian forests dominated 
by poplars ( Populus alba, P. nigra, P. X cultivar), willows 
( Salix spp.) and elms ( Ulmus minor), but most of the area 
was converted to agriculture (mainly cereal crops, sun- 
flower, alfalfa and vegetables), cattle grazing and gravel 
extraction. The Madrid garbage dump was located in the 
northeastern portion of the study area. From 100 to 
>1000 Black Kites routinely gathered there to feed on 
the refuse (Blanco 1994). 

During the breeding season of 1994, the Black Kite 
population consisted of about 50 pairs nesting on trees, 
cliffs and electric pylons, and about 80-300 nonbreeding 
individuals forming a floating population of both adults 
and subadults (Blanco 1994). Each day, resident floaters 
roosted communally about 4 km southeast of the dump, 
in a portion of riverine elm forest where 6-10 pairs nest- 
ed Numbers of Black Kites in the area increased consid- 
erably after breeding and especially during migration 
(Blanco 1994). 

I determined the diet of nonbreeding kites by analyz- 
ing food remains collected beneath roosting and diurnal 
communal perching trees during the period when Black 
Kites are resident in the area (Blanco 1994). All prey 
remains (bones, fur and feathers) were collected on each 
visit to the roost, from the final stage of the nestling pe- 
riod (June) to the end of August. Prey collections were 
grouped into three time periods (22 July, 31 July and 
August) to assess possible temporal variations in the con- 
sumption of refuse. The first period (Period A: until 22 
July) included the spring migration, breeding season, 
fledgling period and the start of migrant arrivals; Period 
B (23-31 July) coincided with an increase in the influx 
of migrants; and Period C (from 1 August to the end of 
that month) included the peak abundance of migrants 
and the remainder of the residency period of Black Kites 
in the area (Blanco 1994). Because all food remains 
found below the roosting trees were collected in each 
visit to the roost, I am confident that they were accurately 
grouped on a temporal basis. Because breeding Black 
Kites usually roosted close to their nesting sites during 
the breeding period, prey remains found at the com- 
munal roost site were mosdy from food eaten by local 
nonbreeders. Prey remains found at the roost after the 
breeding season corresponded to food of both local 

(breeding and floating) and migrant kites. After the 
breeding season, field observations suggested that breed- 
ing Black Kites and their fledglings joined communal 
roosts together with floaters and northern migrants (J. 
Vinuela pers. comm, and pers. obs.). The first juveniles 
appeared in the roost soon after the breeding season 
(Blanco 1994) when breeders left their territories. There- 
fore, some remains collected at this time might have orig- 
inated from prey of local breeders which represented a 
high proportion of the birds roosting communally from 
23-31 July. Afterwards, the collecting period coincided 
with the major influx of migrants (>1000 kites in early 
August); at this time local breeders constituted a small 
proportion of the birds. 

The diet of breeding kites and their nestlings was de- 
termined by analysis of food remains found in and below 
the nests of 18 pairs. The material was collected after the 
breeding season to avoid disturbance at the nests. Pairs 
studied nested in trees and cliffs about 4-12.5 km from 
the dump. 

Food remains were identified by macroscopic compar- 
ison with reference collections and quantified assuming 
the smallest possible number of individuals (Marti 1987). 
Two main categories of food were considered in the anal- 
ysis: wild prey obtained by hunting and scavenging (e.g., 
wild birds, mammals, fish), and refuse (e.g., food items 
intentionally discarded by humans such as domestic re- 
fuse, offal from slaughterhouses and butcher shops, and 
marine fish) . To detect general differences in food habits 
of breeding and nonbreeding Black Kates, prey items 
were classified into nine major groups (Table 1). The 
data were likely biased in favor of the most durable prey 
remains and did not reflect the importance of arthro- 
pods and other prey (Marti 1987). However, the study 
was not designed to provide detailed descriptions of the 
Black Kite diet (Delibes 1975, Veiga and Hiraldo 1989, 
Shiraishi et al. 1990) but to detect broad differences in 
the consumption of refuse. 

Biomass of each prey species was estimated using mean 
weights of each prey taxon obtained from the literature. 
Weights of prey taxon identified at nests could not ex- 
ceed 300 g even when the mean weight of the taxon 
exceeded that weight because Black Kites usually do not 
transport heavier prey to the nest (Espina 1986, pers. 
obs.). In this case, I assumed that prey heavier than 300 
g were not delivered to the nest whole. Weights of large 
prey from the roost were estimated based on the daily 
food requirements of adult Black Kites (100 g, Espina 
1986; see also Heredia et al. 1991 for Red Kites [Milvus 
milvus]). Therefore, I assumed that the maximum inges- 
tion capacity per feeding bout to be equivalent to the 
daily food requirements (Blanco et al. 1990). Although 
Black Kites may tear off small pieces of the prey and 
bring them to the nest one by one (J. Vinuela pers 
comm.), and nonbreeding kites may eat prey over several 
days, I felt my criteria avoided an overestimation of the 
biomass of large prey up to the size of a White Stork 
( Ciconia ciconia, weight = 3.5 kg). 

Refuse consumed both by breeding and nonbreeding 
kites typically consisted of small pieces of food, including 
parts of fish and fowl (mostly heads, wings and legs) and 
livestock bones, but no large fragments of food, which 
was estimated to yield 50 g of biomass on average. Be- 

March 1997 

Refuse Use by Black Kites 


Table 1 . Diets of breeding and nonbreeding Black Kites in the southeast of Madrid during and after the breeding 
season of 1994. Results are expressed as percentages of number of prey (NP) and biomass (B) for each prey class. 

Prey Items 

Black Kites 

Non-Breeding Black Kites 

Breeding Season 

Nonbreeding Season 

% NP 

% B 

% NP 

% B 

% NP 

% B 

Wild prey 







Rabbits and Hares a 







Other mammals b 







Pigeons c 







Other birds d 







Fish e 







Other prey f 














Livestock carrion 














Marine fish 







Number of prey 









a Oryctolagus cuniculus, Lepus granatensis. 

b Erinaceus europaeus, Rattus norvegicus, Apodemus sylvaticus, unidentified rodents. 
c Columba livia, Columba livia var. domestica, Columba palumbus, unidentified pigeons. 

d Ciconia ciconia, Anas platyrhynchos, unidentifeid Anatidae, Milvus migrans, Alectoris rufa, Gallinula chloropus, Larus ridibundus, Clamator 
glandarius, Otus scops, Athene noctua, Picus viridis, Sturnus unicolor. Pica pica, Corvus monedula, unidentified corvid, Turdus merula, Passer 
sp., unidentified bird. 

e Cyprinus carpio, Ictalurus melas, unidentified fish. 

1 Lacerta lepida, unidentified Colubridae, unidentified Coleopterans, bird eggs. 

cause of the difficulty in accurately estimating biomass 
values from prey remains of scavengers and facultative 
predators (Marti 1987), the analysis conducted in this 
respect should be considered as a simple approximation 
of the diet. The aim of the biomass analysis was provide 
a comparative assessment of the energetic role of refuse 
with the natural prey for breeding and nonbreeding 

Dietary diversity was calculated with the Shannon- 
Weaver index (H') considering the major prey classes 
(Table 1). Dietary overlap between breeding and non- 
breeding kites was calculated using Pianka’s index (Pian- 
ka 1973). Chi-square tests with Yates’ correction when df 
= 1, were used to test for differences in the number of 
prey items (NP) consumed by breeding and nonbreeding 


General Food Habits. The diet of Black Kites in- 
cluded a wide range of wild prey and refuse (Table 
1). Up to 300 nonbreeding kites returned to the 
roost every day from the garbage dump through- 
out the breeding season. Most of the food they ob- 
tained from the dump was small pieces of domestic 
refuse and slaughter offal ( Ovis, Sus, Bovis, Gallus) 
which was spread fairly evenly over large amounts 
of inorganic materials because of the daily treat- 

ment measures at the dump. Unidentified marine 
fishes, available only at the dump, were also con- 
sumed. Wild prey consumed by nonbreeders in- 
cluded mostly European rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuni- 
culus, NP = 34.3%, B = 41.4%), but hares ( Lepus 
granatensis) and pigeons ( Columba spp.) also were 
of some importance. 

Breeding kites ate mainly wild prey (Table 1), 
the main prey species being European rabbits (NP 
= 18.7%, B — 32.9%). Altogether, birds accounted 
for 27.5% by NP and 36.6% by B, and they were 
mosdy medium-sized corvids and pigeons. 

Spatial Variation in the Consumption of Refuse 
by Breeding Kites. The roost site used by non- 
breeding kites was 4 km from the dump. Pairs nest- 
ing near the roost site had a higher proportion of 
refuse in their diets than did pairs that nested 5.1- 
12.5 km from the dump (x ± SE = 6.6 ±0.6 km; 
X 2 = 12.53, df = 1, P< 0.001 for NP; Fig. 1). How- 
ever, there was variation in the consumption of re- 
fuse among pairs that nested close to the dump 
(18.2-72.7% of NP, Fig. 2), with somewhat lower 
values for biomass (5.4-30.8%, Fig. 1). 

Although some kites probably obtained refuse at 



Vol. 31, No. 1 










Figure 1. Percentage of refuse in the diet of Black Kites. Data are presented for resident floaters and for kites 
nesting either far or close to the garbage dump of Madrid, respectively. 

sites other than the dump, the proportion of re- 
fuse in the diet of breeding pairs was negatively 
related to distance to the dump (Spearman rank 
correlation coefficient r s = —0.64, P = 0,0087 and 
r s = —0.70, P = 0.0038 for %NP and %B, respec- 
tively, N = 18, Fig. 2). Thus, the proportion of re- 
fuse in the diet of breeding Black Kites was variable 
for those pairs breeding in the vicinity of the dump 
but almost insignificant in terms of biomass for the 
remainder of the breeding population. 

Diet Differences and Overlap within the Local 
Population. The proportion of prey remains in- 
cluded in the refuse class was significandy higher 

for nonbreeding than for breeding kites (100 of 
135 vs. 44 of 182, x 2 = 75.84, df = 1, P < 0.001). 
A similar conclusion was reached by comparing 
food remains from the breeding season only, both 
for all nests (x 2 = 14.58, df = 1, P< 0.001 for NP) 
and when nests located close to and far from the 
roosting area were considered separately (P < 0.05 
in all cases, Fig. 1). I found a higher overlap in the 
diets of breeding Black Kites for prey biomass than 
for prey type (Table 2). Nonbreeding floaters 
showed a higher overlap with kites breeding close 
to the dump than with those breeding farther away, 
both in type and biomass of the prey they con- 

Figure 2. Proportion of prey from refuse in the diet of breeding Black Kites ( N = 18 pairs) in relation to the 
distance of their nest from the garbage dump of Madrid. Large dots represent two nests. 

March 1997 

Refuse Use by Black Kites 


Table 2. Percentage of diet overlap (Pianka’s index) be- 
tween breeding and nonbreeding Black Kites. 

% of Diet 




of Prey Biomass 

Breeding close vs. far from the dump 

69.8 86.0 

Breeding close vs. nonbreeding 

91.0 80.9 

Breeding far vs. nonbreeding 

55.6 70.8 

sumed. Nevertheless, dietary overlap was high in 
all the comparisons as expected for individuals of 
the same species. 

Seasonal Variation in the Consumption of Re- 
fuse by Non-breeding Kites. Refuse was the main 
food for nonbreeding kites (Table 3) . However, the 
proportion of refuse increased as the season pro- 
gressed from the breeding season, when most kites 
gathering at the roost belonged to the local non- 
breeding population, toward the end of the col- 
lecting period when most kites were migrants (x 2 
= 7.75, df = 2, P — 0.02 for NP; Table 3). As a 
result, dietary diversity declined as the season pro- 


In this study, refuse was a more important food 
resource for Black Kites, especially nonbreeding 
and migrant individuals. Floaters roosted in wood- 
ed areas near the dump and consumed refuse al- 
most extensively and very seldom taking wild prey. 
Apparently they were able to exploit this abundant 
and predictable food source because their move- 
ments were not restrained by breeding. Contrast- 
ingly, breeding Black Kites fed mosdy on wild prey 
items but there was a significant correlation be- 
tween the distance of nests from the dump and the 
consumption of refuse with pairs nearest the dump 
increasing their consumption of refuse. Preferen- 
tial use of natural food sources by breeding Black 
Kites is probably related to constraints placed on 
breeding kites by the need to provision broods of 
developing young with adequate prey biomass 
(Donazar 1988, Vinuela and Veiga 1992). In addi- 
tion, high percentages of rubbish/carrion in the 
diet could negatively affect the growth of young 
(Hiraldo et al. 1990, Vinuela 1991). 

After the breeding season, refuse is also used by 
local breeders and their fledglings. Inexperienced 
juveniles benefit greatly by using the dump and by 

Table 3. Seasonal variation in the consumption of re- 
fuse by nonbreeding Black Kites, expressed as percentage 
of number of prey items (NP) and biomass (B) . 


% B 

% NP 



A (to July 22) 





B (23-31 July) 





C (August) 





group foraging at a place where several hundreds 
of kites feed together. 

The presence of floaters may enhance the breed- 
ing population of a species by providing a mecha- 
nism for quick replacement of lost mates at nest 
sites. Through their support of juvenile and sub- 
adult, nonbreeders, garbage dumps may provide a 
mechanism of increasing the survival and recruit- 
ment of breeding individuals into the populations 
of scavenging birds. Indeed, garbage dumps have 
been highlighted for their potential importance in 
the conservation of Black Kite populations, es- 
pecially during migration (Donazar 1992, Blanco 


I thank A. Acha, L. Blanco, M.C. Blanco, J.A. Fargallo, 
F. Gomez, F. Martinez and E. Soto-Largo for help with 
the field work. J.L. Telia discussed some aspects of the 
work and helped me with the analysis of data, and J. Vih- 
uela, C.D. Marti, J. Bustamante and an anonymous ref- 
eree provided many useful comments on the manuscript. 

Literature Cited 

Blanco, J.C., J.L. Gonz al ez and F. Hiraldo. 1990. Tro- 
phic and spatial relationships between wintering Red 
Kites ( Milvus milvus ) and Marsh Harriers ( Circus aeru- 
ginosus) in the Guadalquivir Marshes. Miscelanea Zool- 
ogica 14:161-166. 

Blanco, G. 1994. Seasonal abundance of Black Kites as- 
sociated with the rubbish dump of Madrid, Spain. /. 
Raptor Res. 28:242-245. 

Ceballos, O. and J.A. DonAzar. 1988. Actividad, uso del 
espacio y cuidado parental en una pareja de Alimoch- 
es ( Neophron percnopterus) durante el perfodo de de- 
pendence de los polios. Ecologia 2:275-291. 

. 1990. Roost-tree characteristics, food habits and 

seasonal abundance of roosting Egyptian Vultures in 
northern Spain./. Raptor Res. 24:19-25. 

Coulson, J.C., J. Butterfield, N. Duncan and C. Tho- 
mas. 1987. Use of refuse tips by adult British Herring 
gulls Larus argentatus during the week. J. Appl. Ecol. 

Delibes, M. 1975. Alimentation del Milano Negro (Mil- 



Vol. 31, No. 1 

vus migrans) en Donana (Huelva, Espana). Ardeola 21: 

DonAzar, J.A. 1988. Variaciones en la alimentacion en- 
tre adultos reproductores y polios en el Buho Real 
{Bubo bubo). Ardeola 35:278-284. 

. 1992. Muladares y basureros en la biologia y 

conservation de las aves en Espana. Ardeola 39:29-40. 

Espina, J. 1986. Variaciones en la alimentacion de una 
poblacion de Milanos Negros Milvus migrans. Tesina 
de Licenciatura, Universidad Complutense de Ma- 
drid, Madrid, Spain. 

Heredia, B., J.C. Alonso and F. Hiraldo. 1991. Space 
and habitat use by Red Kites Milvus milvus during win- 
ter in the Guadalquivir marshes: a comparison be- 
tween resident and wintering populations. Ibis 133: 

Hiraldo, F.,J.P. Veiga and M. Manez. 1990. Growth of 
nestling Black Kites Milvus migrans : effects of hatching 
order, weather and time season. J. Zool. London 222: 

Koga, K., S. Siraishi and T.A. Uchida. 1989. Breeding 
ecology of the Black-eared Kite Milvus migrans lineatus 
in the Nagasaki Peninsula, Kyushu. Jap. J. Ornith. 38: 

Marti, C.D. 1987. Raptor food habits studies. Pages 67- 

80 in B.A. Giron-Pendleton, B.A. Millsap, K.W. Cline 
and D.M. Bird [Eds.], Raptor management tech- 
niques manual. Natl. Wild. Fed., Washington, DC 

Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. T. & 
A.D. Poyser, Berkhamsted, UK. 

Pomeroy, D.E. 1975. Birds as scavengers of refuse. Ibis 

Shiraishi, S., K. Koga and N. Kawaji. 1990. Food habits 
of the Black-eared Kite, Milvus migrans lineatus, in Na- 
gasaki airport and its adjacent areas./. Fac. Agric. Kyu- 
shu Univ. 34:247-254. 

Veiga, J.P. and F. Hiraldo. 1989. Food habits and the 
survival and growth of nestlings in two sympatric kites 
( Milvus milvus and Milvus migrans). Holarct. Ecol. 13: 

Vinuela, J. 1991. Ecologia reproductiva del Milano Ne- 
gro en el Parque Nacional de Donana. Ph.D. disser- 
tation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 

and J.P. Veiga. 1992. Importance of rabbits in 

the diet and reproductive success of Black Kites in 
southwestern Spain. Ornis Scand. 23:132-138. 

Received 10 April 1996; accepted 16 November 1996 

Short Communications 

J. Raptor Res. 31(l):77-79 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 

Interspecific and Intraspecific Aggression Among 
Griffon and Cinereous Vultures at Nesting and 

Foraging Sites 

Guillermo Blanco 

Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidad de Alcala de Henares, 
28871 Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain 

Jose M. Traverso 

Jardines 18, 28610 Villamanta, Madrid, Spain 

Javier Marchamalo 
Tomas Borras 12, 28045 Madrid, Spain 

Felix Martinez 

Puerto Canfranc 22, 28038 Madrid, Spain 

Key Words: Aegypius monachus; Cinereous Vulture, Gyps 

fulvus; Griffon vulture, foraging, nesting aggression. 

Food partitioning within vulture guilds reduces the in- 
tensity of competition even when several species share 
the same carcass (Konig 1983, Hiraldo 1977, Mundy 
1982). Apparently, aggressive encounters are minimized 
by the relative sizes and ages of individuals in these feed- 
ing groups (Alvarez et al. 1976, Grubh 1978, Anderson 
and Horwitz 1979, Mundy 1982, Blanco and Martinez 
1996). Interspecific and intraspecific aggression is fre- 
quent when large numbers gather at large carcasses 
(Mundy 1982). Most interactions involve dominance dis- 
plays that either do not result in direct contact or, at 
most, result in slight disputes reduced to minor pecking 
and kicking. Overall, severe aggression seems to be avoid- 

In addition to carcasses, vultures can at times also show 
intra- and interspecific competitive behaviors at their nest 
sites. Here too, competition may be passive and regulated 
by the abundance, spacing and timing of breeding of the 
different species, or it may result in active aggression and 
displacement among individuals of the same species 
(Donazar et al. 1989, Fernandez and Donazar 1991). 

Griffon Vultures ( Gyps fulvus) and Cinereous Vultures 
{Aegypius monachus ) share feeding and nesting situations 
across wide areas of the Iberian peninsula, but little is 
known of the frequency, intensity and context of agonis- 
tic interactions that result from competition between 
them (Konig 1974, Alvarez et al. 1976, Fernandez and 
Donazar 1991, Hiraldo et al. 1991). In this note we report 

two cases of intense aggression between Griffon and Ci- 
nereous Vultures. 

The first case occurred while we observed Cinereous 
and Griffon Vultures feeding on a cattle carcass near the 
Natural Park of Monfragiie, Caceres Province (western 
Spain) in November 1992. A maximum of 94 Griffon Vul- 
tures and 48 Cinereous Vultures were observed gathered 
to feed on the carcass. Most of them were feeding on the 
back of the cow, but two subadult Cinereous Vultures 
were feeding on the head by putting their heads inside 
the mouth of the cow. A first-year Griffon Vulture ap- 
proached and began to feed together with the two Ci- 
nereous Vultures. When the Griffon Vulture had its head 
inside the mouth of the cow, an adult Cinereous Vulture 
approached and attacked the Griffon Vulture by grasping 
its neck with its bill for >30 sec. When the Cinereous 
Vulture released the Griffon Vulture, it left a deep wound 
that bled profusely. Immediately the injured vulture 
abandoned the carcass, leaving a clear blood trail and 
disappeared into the adjacent vegetation. The wound ap- 
peared serious enough that it might have been lethal. 

The second case involved of a conflict between two 
adult (probably female) Griffon Vultures at a nesting site 
traditionally used in the gorges of the Riaza River, Sego- 
via Province (central Spain) in November 1995. We had 
observed an adult pair at this nest two months previously 
showing pair-bonding behavior and even copulating. The 
mates were sexed when copulation occurred and subse- 
quently were easily recognized by individual plumage fea- 
tures. The third bird was probably a female, based on the 
size and shape of the bill and head. The aggressive en- 



Short Communications 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

counter began when the two presumed female Griffon 
Vultures began to make rasping calls and to fight at the 
nest site. During the fight, one of the vultures laid on its 
back with its wings extended and defended itself with its 
legs and bill from pecking attacks by the other vulture. 
The two vultures continued to fight, alternating positions 
and pecking at each other’s head and neck for >20 min. 
At the end of the fight, both females remained motion- 
less on their backs and face to face with their wings ex- 
tended for about 5 min. Finally, after another 6 min of 
violent aggression, one of the vultures displaced the oth- 
er from the nest site. As a result of die fight, both vultures 
sustained numerous bleeding wounds on their heads and 
necks, especially around their eyes, mandibles, and 

Initially, the male w r atehed the conflict from the edge 
of the nest site and only pecked a few times at the tips 
of the primaries of the fighting females. The male later 
flew to a nearby rock from which he observed the fight 
for the remainder of its duration. 

During many years of research, we have observed 
several hundred vulture gatherings at carcasses where 
numerous agonistic interactions have occurred. Most 
aggressive behaviors have been between individuals of 
the same species and especially between the more so- 
cial and abundant Griffon Vulture (Hiraldo et al. 
1979). These encounters never generated wounds and 
usually resulted in the loss of a few neck or rarely pri- 
mary feathers. The more violent encounters have in- 
volved first-year birds assaulted by older individuals in- 
dicating that immature vultures may not have yet es- 
tablished dominance relationships or developed ap- 
propriate social behavior. Our first observation 
indicates that Cinereous Vultures are capable of oc- 
casionally injuring Griffon Vultures seriously enough 
to result in death. Undoubtedly, their larger body size 
and stronger bill enables them to dominate in aggres- 
sive encounters (Konig 1983). Nevertheless, this be- 
havior is exceptional and probably occurs only when 
large numbers of vultures, especially Cinereous Vul- 
tures, gather at a carcass. 

Competition for nest sites may be a cause of aggression 
between conspecifics under conditions of high popula- 
tion density (Martinez and Cobo 1993). The availability 
of nest sites for Griffon Vultures has not been docu- 
mented to be a factor limiting the population size in 
northern Spain where high densities are reached (Arroyo 
et al. 1990, Donazar and Fernandez 1990). Nevertheless, 
we observed an increasing number of aggressive inter- 
actions over the past 10 years (Martinez and Cobo 1993). 
These encounters have mainly been brief and have 
amounted to nothing more than attempts to steal nest 
material and food delivered to nestling. Our observation 
of actual fighting between two female Griffon Vultures 
was unusual but it may indicate that as die density of the 
nesting population of Griffon Vultures continues to in- 

crease in the Riaza River gorge, aggression within this 
species will become more violent. 

Resumen. — Se describe un caso de agresion violenta de 
un buitre negro (Aegypius monachus) adulto a un juvenil 
de buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus) en una carrona de vaca 
que congrego un numero inusual de individuos de la 
primera especie. El buitre leonado pudo haber muerto 
como consecuencia de la gravedad de la herida produ- 
cida en el cuello por el buitre negro, Se documenta tam- 
bien la observation de una pelea muy violenta entre dos 
hembras de buitre leonado en un lugar de nidificacion 
ocupado por una de ellas y su pareja, lo cual se interpreta 
como resultado de una fuerte competencia por el lugar 
de nidificacion en una colonia de muy alta densidad pob- 
lacional en Espana. 

[Traduction de los Autores] 


The manuscript was written during a short stay by the 
first author in the Centro de Investigaciones Riologicas 
del Noroeste (Mexico) and benefited from the com- 
ments of P. Mundy, R. Rodriguez-Estrella, J.L. Telia and 
S.R. Wilbur. The stay was financed by a F.P.U grant from 
the Spanish Ministerio de Education y Ciencia. 

Literature Cited 

Alvarez, F., L. Arias De Reyna and F. Hiraldo. 1976. 
Interactions among avian scavengers in southern 
Spain. Ornis Scand. 7:215-226. 

Anderson, J. and P. Horwitz. 1979, Competitive inter- 
actions among vultures and their avian competitors. 
Ibis 121:505-509. 

Arroyo, B., E. Ferreiro and V. Garza. 1990. II Censo 
national de Buitre Leonado ( Gyps fulvus ): poblacion, 
distribution, demografia y conservation. ICONA, Ma- 
drid, Spain. 

Blanco, G. and F. MartInez. 1996. Sex difference in 
breeding age of Griffon Vultures (Gyps fuhrus). Auk 

DonAzar, J.A., O. Ceballos and C. FernAndez. 1989. 
Factors influencing the distribution and abundance 
of seven cliff-nesting raptors: a multivariate study. 
Pages 545-552 in B.U. Meyburg and R.D. Chancellor 
[Eds.], Raptors in the modern world. WWGBP, Berlin, 

and C. FernAndez. 1990. Population trends of 

the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus in northern Spain be- 
tween 1969 and 1989 in relation to conservation mea- 
sures. Biol. Conserv. 53:83-91. 

FernAndez, C. andJ.A. DonAzar. 1991. Griffon Vultures 
( Gyps fulvus) occupying eyries of other cliff-nesting 
raptors. Bird Study 38:42-44. 

Grubh, R.B. 1978. Competition and co-existence in Grif- 
fon Vultures: Gyps bengalensis, G. indicus and G. fulvus 
in Gir forest./. Bom. Nat. Hist. Soc. 75:810-814. 
Hiraldo, F. 1977. Relaciones entre morfologia, ecologia 

March 1997 

Short Communications 


y distribucion de los buitres del Viejo Mundo. Actas I 
Reunion Iberoamer. Zool. Vert., La Rabida: 753—757. 

, M. Delibes and J. Calderon. 1979. El Quebran- 

tahuesos Gypaetus barbatus (L). Monografias 22. 
ICONA, Madrid, Spain. 

, J.G. Blanco and J. Bustamante. 1991. Special- 
ized exploitation of small carcasses by birds. Bird Study 

KOnig, C. 1974. Zum verhalten spanischer Geier an Ka- 
davern . J. Orn. 115:289-320. 

. 1983. Interspecific and intraspecific competition 

for food among Old World vultures. Pages 153-171 in 
S.R. Wilbur and J. A. Jackson [Eds.], Vulture biology 
and management. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley 
and Los Angeles, CA USA. 

MartInez, F. and J. Cobo. 1993. Gestion actual de AD- 
ENA/WWF Espana en el Refugio de rapaces de Mon- 
tejo de la Vega (Segovia). Alytes 6:507-521. 

Mundy, r-J. 1982. The comparative biology of southern 
African Vultures. Vulture Study Group, Johannesburg, 
South Africa. 

Received 1 April 1996; accepted 14 November 1996 

J. Raptor Res. 31(1):79-81 

© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 

Hunting Synchrony in White-Tailed Kites 
Molly F. Skonieczny 

Department of Biology, Humboldt State University, 
Areata, CA 95521 U.S.A. 

Jeffrey R. Dunk 

Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University, 
Areata, CA 95521 U.S.A. 

Key Words: White-tailed Kite, hunting, Elanus leucurus; 


Hunting behavior of White-tailed Kites {Elanus leucu- 
rus) has been extensively studied (Bammann 1975, War- 
ner and Rudd 1975, Mendelsohn andjaksic 1989). Kites 
primarily use open to semi-open habitats for hunting 
(Waian 1973, Bammann 1975, Dunk and Cooper 1994). 
In California, kites almost exclusively hover while they 
hunt (Mendelsohn andjaksic 1989, Dunk 1995) and prey 
on small mammals, primarily voles ( Microtus spp.) (Haw- 
becker 1940, 1942, Stendell 1972). 

In previous studies of kites, we observed that groups 
of kites (2-20 individuals) appeared to hunt relatively 
synchronously and the probability of an individual kite 
hunting appeared to be related to whether other kites 
were hunting. Hunting synchrony could result from kites 
advertising their presence to conspecific territory holders 
to potentially decrease subsequent interactions, or to 
more easily patrol and defend a territory, or from kites 
responding to variability in prey availability as a function 
of prey activity rhythms. Shields (1976, cited in Madison 
1985) found California voles (M. californicus) exhibited 
ultradian rhythms in activity varying from 2-6 hr. Daan 
et al. (1982) reported positive correlations between vole 
activity and timing of hunting by raptors in Europe. We 

examined whether kites hunted independent of other in- 
dividuals hunting. 

Study Area and Methods 

This study was conducted at the Mad River Slough 
Wildlife Area, Areata, California. The area consists of ap- 
proximately 185 ha of ungrazed grassland with little to- 
pographic relief. It contains very few trees and shrubs, 
and fence posts and T-bars (ca. 3-m tall) provide most of 
the perches for raptors. The climate is maritime with 
mild winters and cool summers. 

The study took place from 20 November 1994-30 Jan- 
uary 1995. We made observations during seven 1-2 hr 
periods. Random points within the study area were estab- 
lished from which observations were made. Scan sam- 
pling (Altmann 1974) was used to record number of kites 
hunting. Using a landmark on the horizon as a starting 
point, we slowly scanned (x time per scan = 90 sec, range 
= 45-135 sec) 360° and recorded the number of kites 
hunting (hovering). Scans were made using binoculars. 
All kites were within approximately 400 m of the observ- 
er. We waited 5 min between scans based on Bammann’s 
(1975) findings that mean hunting time for kites was 5.04 
min (N = 674 hunts) in this area. 

To determine whether kites hunted independent of 
other hunting kites, we compared observed numbers of 
kites hunting during each scan to expected numbers un- 
der the Poisson distribution using Chi-square analysis. We 
used this analysis because comparison of observed events 


Short Communications 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Table 1. Number of White-tailed Kites observed vs. ex- 
pected (using the Poisson distribution) to be hunting si- 
multaneously at Areata, GA 1994-95, 

per Scan 

Number of Times 

Number of Times 
















to the Poisson distribution allows a test of the indepen- 
dence of the individual events (Zar 1984). Groups of 4, 
5, 6 and 7 kites hunting simultaneously had expected 
frequencies less than 5, so they were combined into one 
group (>4 individuals). 


We observed 168 kites hunting during 119 scans. Mean 
number of kites hunting per scan was 1.41 (range = 0- 
7) Individual kites hunted in a nonrandom fashion with 
respect to the presence of other hunting kites (x 2 = 
19.36, df = 3, P = 0.0002). Few kites (1 or 2) hunted less 
often than expected whereas many kites (>4) hunted 
simultaneously more often than expected (Table 1). 


We found that kites hunted in a nonrandom way with 
respect to the presence of other hunting kites. Our statistical 
test was probably conservative because data were analyzed 
as if there were always ^4 kites on the study area that could 
have hunted simultaneously. On some occasions there were 
only a couple of kites in the sampling area. Thus, our anal- 
ysis was probably biased against observing ^4 kites hunting 
simultaneously more than expected. It appears that kites 
responded to either other individuals hunting or, very rap- 
idly, to some other factor. It was beyond the scope of this 
study to examine whether kites were ultimately responding 
to vole activity rhythms, to other individual kites for terri- 
torial reasons, or both. Proximately, however, kites appeared 
to respond to other hunting kites. 

Species such as Common Ravens ( Corvus corax), Bald 
Eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus) , and many vultures are 
known to forage together and “obtain information” about 
food resources from one another (Knight and Knight 
1983, Heinrich 1988), often at communal roosts, but also 
through local enhancement (Knight and Knight 1983) 
where searchers are attracted to actively foraging individ- 
uals, or by actually recruiting other individuals (Heinrich 
1988). Although kites are also communal roosters during 
the nonbreeding season (Bolander and Arnold 1965, 
Waian 1973, Clark and Wheeler 1989), their diurnal be- 
havior during the nonbreeding season contrasts with other 
species in that kites hold hunting territories (Dunk and 
Cooper 1994). Moreover, amongst Common Ravens, Bald 
Eagles, vultures and kites, kite prey items are relatively 
more predictable spatially because they are not nearly as 

patchily distributed and are of much smaller size. We pro- 
pose that the information that nonhunting kites obtain 
from hunting individuals is not where to forage, as has 
been found for other species, but when to forage. 

If kites were ultimately responding to variations in vole 
activity, nonhunting kites probably benefit by observing 
whether a hunting kite makes an attempt at prey (wheth- 
er successful or not because any attempt is presumably 
in response to a prey detection) . If no prey attempts are 
made, then nonhunting individuals should remain 
perched and thus conserve energy. If attempts at prey 
are made, then nonhunting kites should use this infor- 
mation to decide whether to hunt. If this “vole rhythm” 
hypothesis is correct, then voles should exhibit synchro- 
nous activity rhythms over relatively large areas, at least 
the size of our study area. Subsequent studies should ex- 
amine the relationship between vole activity and the 
number of kites (and other raptors) hunting. 

Resumen. — Nosotros examinamos si Elanus leucurus en el 
norte de California cazaba en sincronizacion mas que es- 
peraban bajo el pronostico Poisson. Nosotros encontra- 
mos que pocos E. leucurus cazaban con menos frecuencia 
de lo que esperaban y muchos (>4) E. leucurus cazaban 
con mas frecuencia de lo que esperaban segun parecen 
responder con la presencia de otros E, leucurus cazando. 
Finalmente, E. leucurus podia estar respondiendo a activ- 
idad ritmica de presa, a otros E. leucurus por razones ter- 
ritorial, o los dos. 

[Traduccion de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 

We thank P.H. Bloom and J.B. Buchanan for helpful 
comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript and the 
Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University, for 
logistical support during manuscript preparation. 

Literature Cited 

Altmann, J. 1974. Observational study of behavior: sam- 
pling methods. Behaviour. 49:227-267. 

Bammann, A.R. 1975. Ecology of predation and social 
interactions of wintering White- tailed Kites. M.S. the- 
sis, Humboldt State Univ., Areata, CA U.S.A. 
Bolander, G.L. and J.R. Arnold. 1965. An abundance 
of Wdiite-tailed Kites in Sonoma County, California. 
Condor 67:446. 

Clark, W.S. and B.K. Wheeler. 1989. Unusual roost site 
selection and staging behavior of Black-shouldered 
Kites./. Raptor. Res. 23:116—117. 

Daan, S.W. Altenburg, G. Boedeltje, C. Dijkstra, M. 
Gerkema, F. de Hass, R. Hohe, P. Koene, H. van der 
Leest, D. Masman, M. Schoenmakers, H. Waterbolk, 
P. Wildschut and M. Zijlstra. 1982. Timing of vole 
hunting in aerial predators. Adam. Review 12:169-181. 
Dunk, J.R. 1995. WTiite-tailed Kite ( Elanus leucurus). In 
A. Poole and F. Gill [Eds.], The Birds of North Amer- 
ica, No. 178. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Phil- 
adelphia and The American Ornithologists’ Union, 
Washington, DC U.S.A. 

March 1997 

Short Communications 


AND R.J. Cooper, 1994. Territory size regulation 

in Black-shouldered Kites. Auk 111:588-595. 

Hawbecker, A.C. 1940. The nesting of the White-tailed 
Kite in Southern Santa Cruz county, California. Con- 
dor 42:106-111. 

. 1942. A life history study of the White-tailed 

Kite. Condor 44:267-276. 

Heinrich, B. 1988. Winter foraging at carcasses by three 
sympatric corvids, with emphasis on recruitment by the 
Raven, Corvus corax. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 23:141—156. 

Knight, S.K. and R.L. Knight. 1983. Aspects of food 
finding by wintering Bald Eagles. Auk 100:477-484. 

Madison, D.M. 1985. Activity rhythms and spacing. 
Pages 373-419 in R.H. Tamarin [Ed.], Biology of New 
World Microtus. Spec. Publ. No. 8, Am. Soc. Mammal. 

Mendelsohn, J.M. and F.M Jaksic. 1989. Hunting be- 
haviour of Black-shouldered Kites in the Americas, 
Europe and Australia. Ostrich 60:1-12. 

Shields, L.J. 1976. Telemetric determination of the ac- 
tivity of free-ranging rodents; the fine structure of Mi- 
crotus calif ornicus activity patterns. Ph.D. dissertation, 
Univ, California, Los Angeles, CA U.S.A. 

Stendell, R.C. 1972. The occurrence, food habits, and 
nesting strategy of White-tailed Kites in relation to a 
fluctuating vole population. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. 
California, Berkeley, CA U.S.A. 

Waian, L.B. 1973. The behavioral ecology of the North 
American White-tailed Kite ( Elanus leucurus majusculus ) 
of the Santa Barbara coastal plain. Ph.D. dissertation, 
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA U.S.A. 

Warner, J.S. and R.L. Rudd. 1975. Hunting by the 
White-tailed Kite. Condor 77:226-230. 

Zar, J.H. 1984. Biostatistical analysis. Prentice Hall, En- 
glewood Cliffs, NJ U.S.A. 

Received 23 April 1996; accepted 29 November 1996 

J. Raptor Res. 31(1) :81 — 83 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 

Blood Parasites of Nestling Goshawks 

E.P. Toyne 1 

Department of Biology, Imperial College, London SW7 2BB UK 

R.W. Ashford 

Department of Parasitology, School of Tropical Medicine, 
Pembroke Place, Liverpool L3 5QA UK 

Key Words: Northern Goshawk ; Accipiter gentilis; nestling 

survival ; blood parasites. 

There are a few studies which have investigated patho- 
genic effects of haematozoa on wild raptors. Ashford et al. 
(1990, 1991) were unable to demonstrate any effect of Leu- 
cocytozoon toddi on the mortality of nestling or adult Euro- 
pean Sparrowhawks ( Accipiter nisus) in England and Korpi- 
maki et al. (1993) showed no effect of L. ziemanni on body 
mass or molting progress in almost 200 Tengmalm’s Owls 
(, Aegolius Junereus) in Finland. They did, however, find that 
four of six females which laid unusually small clutches had 
relatively heavy infections. In a second large study, Korpi- 
maki et al. (1995) found that mates of male European Kes- 
trels (Falco tinnunculus) infected with Haemoproteus produced 
smaller clutches earlier than mates of uninfected males. It 

1 Present address: WWF-UK, Panda House, Weyside Park, 
Catteshall lane, Godaiming, Surrey GU7 1XR, UK. 

is unfortunate that the precise ages of these birds were un- 
known as this was likely to be the confounding variable. 

The occurrence of blood parasites in nestling North- 
ern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) is unknown and, if they 
do occur, their role as a factor of regulation of goshawk 
reproduction is unclear. The aim of this preliminary 
study was to investigate occurrences of blood parasites 
and to assess whether they are a significant mortality fac- 
tor in nestling goshawks. 


Nests of Northern Goshawks were studied from March 
through late July 1994. Clutch sizes were determined by 
viewing nest contents in late April and early May 1994 with 
a mirror attached to a telescopic pole. We climbed into nests 
between 11-14 June to sex, band, weigh and measure wing 
lengths (standard B.T.O. maximum chord: Spencer 1984) 
of nesdings. Body mass was adjusted for crop contents by 
subtracting 60 g if nesdings had full crops and 15 g if they 
had crops that were half-full or less. Wing-length measure- 
ments were used to age nesdings (±4 d) from growth equa- 
tions of Swedish goshawks (Kenward et al. 1993). The first 


Short Communications 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Table 1. Distribution of infections of Leucocytozoon toddi 
in nestling Northern Goshawks by brood size and sex. 

Brood Size 
1 2 3 



# Infected broods 





# Uninfected broods 





# Infected males 





# Infected females 





egg-laying date, if not known from direct observations, was 
calculated by backdating from the age of the oldest nestling 
in a brood. The incubation period used was 38 d (36 d + 
2d), as incubation does not start until at least the second 
egg is laid, two days after the first egg is laid (Cramp & 
Simmons 1980). We are not aware of any instances of gos- 
hawks removing unhatched eggs from their nests, so any 
eggs that were unaccounted for, after thorough searches of 
nest material, were assumed to have hatched and the re- 
sulting young to have died. In late July, nesting territories 
were revisited to check for occupancy and fledgling mortal- 
ities. Juveniles were classified as having dispersed when they 
were >400 m from the nesting territory and its immediate 

Blood samples were taken at the same time as nestlings 
were banded. This was done by clipping the tip of the 
talon on the inner toe. All nestlings were handled in the 
same manner by the same observers. Blood smears were 
prepared in the field, immediately air-dried, fixed with ab- 
solute methanol and later stained with Giemsa stain in a 
laboratory. Slides were examined under a microscope and 
the parasite load was estimated on a logarithmic scale of 
0 to 4, where 0 = no parasites seen in the entire film 
examined; 1 = fewer than 1 parasite per 100 high-power 
fields (X400); 2 = 1-10 parasites per 100 high-power 
fields; 3 = 11-100 parasites per 100 high-powered fields; 
4 = more than 100 parasites per 100 high-power fields. 

Results and Discussion 

We examined the blood of 48 nestlings from 23 nests. 
Five female (26% of females) and four male (14% of 
males) nestlings from eight nests were infected with Leu- 
cocytozoon toddi (Table 1). One male was infected with a 
trypanosome, presumably Trypanosoma avium, but not 
with L. toddi. The single trypanosome infection suggested 
that trypanosomes had a negligible impact on nestling 
mortality. In Britain, avian trypanosomes are also found 
in blackflies (Simulium sp.) and European Sparrowhawks 
(Pierce and Marquiss 1983, Dirie et al. 1990). 

The median date for first egg laying of infected broods 
(median =13 April, range = 7-9 April, N = 8) was sim- 
ilar to that of uninfected broods (median = 9 April, 
range = 31 March-18 April, N = 14; Mann-Whitney 
U-test, U 8 14 = 35.0, P > 0.05) suggesting parasite infec- 
tion and date of egg laying were not related. L. toddi in- 
fections also did not appear to be associated with body 
mass or sex of nestlings, as male and female nestlings of 
differing body masses and ages were infected and, in gen- 

Figure 1. Effect of Leucocytozoon toddi infection on 
growth of male and female nestling Northern Goshawks 
in Wales in 1994. Males: Y= —805.9 + 1010.01og(x), fe- 
males: Y= -1434.5 + 1632.81og(x). 

eral, the mass of infected individuals of both sexes were 
within ranges of uninfected nestlings (Fig. 1 ) . 

There was no apparent association between infections 
and brood size (Likelihood ratio test, x 2 2 = 1-182, P > 
0.05, Table 1), nor was there any apparent clustering of 
infections by sex with brood size (x 2 2 = 6.352, P> 0.05). 
Four male nestlings had infection loads of 1 and 2 and 
none had loads of 3. Conversely, only two female nest- 
lings had infection loads of 1 and 2 and three had loads 
of 3. Although higher infection loads were higher in fe- 
males this was not significant (x 2 2 = 5.094, P> 0.05). 

The mean clutch size, brood size at banding and fledg- 
lings at dispersal in infected and uninfected broods were 
similar (Table 2). The mortality of young goshawks up to 
time of banding (>13 d) in infected broods (5 from 19 
broods) was not significantly higher than in uninfected 
broods (4 from 28 broods; Fisher’s exact 1-tail test, P = 
0.255, Table 2). Parasites take around 14 d to appear in the 
blood (Pierce and Marquiss 1983), but infected nestlings 

Table 2. Productivity and survival of Northern Goshawk 
eggs and nestlings in nests infected (N = 6) and unin- 
fected (N= 10) with the blood parasite Leucocytozoon toddi 
in Wales in 1994. 







Eggs laid 



Unhatched eggs 



Nestlings hatching 



Nestlings dying 



Nestlings fledging 



Fledglings dying 



Fledglings dispersing 



March 1997 

Short Communications 


may be ill and possibly die during this prepatent period. 
Further studies involving a larger sample size are needed to 
examine if there is a higher mortality of young goshawks in 
infected broods. If so, this might explain why only light in- 
fections were found since heavy infections, if they occurred, 
would have resulted in death before 13 d of age. 

There was no association between infection and mor- 
tality in a brood between banding (13-39 d) and fledging 
as nestlings from both infected and uninfected broods 
died (x 2 i = 0.166, P > 0.05). This suggested that infec- 
tions did not reduce the survival of nestlings past the 
young nestling stage (>14 d). 

The geographic distribution and physical characteristics 
of nesting territories of infected goshawks were compared 
to those of uninfected goshawks (Mann-Whitney U-test). 
There were no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) 
between distances to nest trees in other nesting territories 
and running water, or between nesting territory elevations 
of infected and uninfected goshawks. The distribution of 
infected nestlings within the study area did not suggest any 
clustering. Physical characteristics of nesting territories of 
infected and uninfected territories were also similar. This 
was not surprising because most nests were built in larch 
(Larix sp.) trees >25 yr old and larch was the most common 
tree providing a suitable nesting substrate for goshawks. 

Our results suggest that parasitic infections are likely to 
cause no short-term mortalities in goshawks in the post-dis- 
persal period. Infection loads were light compared with 
those of sparrowhawks (Ashford et al. 1990, 1991). 

Resumen. — Nosotros encontramos nueve pajaritos de Ac- 
cipiter gentilis (cinco hembras y cuatro machos) en ocho 
nidos de 48 pajaritos en 23 nidos en Wales que estaban 
infectados con Leucocytozoon toddi y un macho que estaba 
mfectado con Trypanosoma. La mortalidad de los pajaritos 
hasta el tiempo de ser marcados (>13 d) en crias infec- 
tados no fue considerablemente mas alto que en crias 
que no estaban infectados, ni hubo ninguna asociacion 
entre infecciones y mortalidad en una cria entre los mar- 
cados (13-39 d) y los pajaros jovenes porque los pajaritos 
de los infectados y sin infeccion murieron. 

[Traduccion de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 


We wish to thank the Countryside Council for Wales 
for the provision of the necessary licenses (SB:6:94) and 

Herman Ostroznik, Herman Ostroznik, Jr., Steve Binney 
and staff of a Forest Enterprise district for help with field- 
work and logistics. We are also grateful to the British Eco- 
logical Society (SEPG No. 1119) and the Liverpool 
School of Tropical Medicine for funding the project. 

Literature Cited 

Ashford, R.W., I. Wyllie and I. Newton. 1990. Leuco- 
cytozoon toddi in British Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus. 
observations on the dynamics of infections. J. Nat. 
Hist. 24:1091-1100. 

, E.E. Green, P.R. Holmes and AJ. Lucas. 1991. Leu- 
cocytozoon toddi in British Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus. pat- 
terns of infection in nestlings. J. Nat. Hist. 25:269-277. 
Bennet, G.F., M.A. Pierce and R.W. Ashford. 1993. Avi- 
an haematozoa: mortality and pathogenicity. J. Nat. 
Hist. 27: 993-1001. 

Dirie, M.F., R.W. Ashford, L.M. Mungomba, D.H. Mo- 
lyneux and E.E. Green. 1990. Avian trypanosomes 
in Simulium and Sparrowhawks ( Accipiter nisus) . Para- 
sitology 101:243-247. 

Kenward, R.E., M. Marquiss, and I. Newton. 1981. 
What happens to goshawks trained for falconry. J. 
Wildl. Manage. 45:802-806. 

, V. Marcstrom and M. Karlbom. 1993. Post-nest- 
ling behaviour in Goshawks ( Accipiter gentilis) I. The 
cause of dispersal. Anim. Behav. 46:365—370, 
Korpimaki, E., H. Hakkarainen and G.F. Bennet. 1993. 
Blood parasites and reproductive success of Teng- 
malm’s Owls: detrimental effects on females but not 
on males. Fund. Ecol. 7:420-426. 

, P. Tolonen and G.F. Bennet. 1995. Blood par- 
asites, sexual selection and reproductive success of 
European Kestrels. Ecosdence 2:335—343. 

Marquiss, M. and I. Newton. 1982. The goshawk in 
Britain. Brit. Birds 75:243—260. 

Pierce, M.A. and M. Marquiss. 1983. Haematozoa of Brit- 
ish birds. VII. Haematozoa of raptors in Scotland with 
a description of Haemoproteus nissi sp. nov from the 
Sparrowhawk (Acdpiter nisus) . J. Nat. Hist. 17:813-821. 
Spencer, R. 1984. The Ringer’s manual, 3rd ed. B.T.O., 
Norfolk, UK 

Received 16 March 1996; accepted 30 November 1996 


Short Communications 

Vol. 31 , No. 1 

J Raptor Res. 31(1):84— 86 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 

Migration of Flocks of Honey Buzzards in 
Southern Italy and Malta 

Nicolantonio Agostini 

Via Carlo Alberto n.4, 89046 Marina di Gioiosa Jonica ( RC '), Italy 

Daniela Logozzo 

Via A. Oramsci n.26, 89046 Marina di Gioiosa Jonica (RC), Italy 

Charles Colero 

Birdlife Malta (MOS), P.0. Box 498 Valletta, CMR 01 Malta 

Key WORDS: Honey Buzzards; Pernis apivorus; migration; 

flocking behavior, orientation; navigation. 

Honey Buzzards ( Pernis apivorus) frequently migrate in 
flocks that become concentrated in narrow coastal areas 
(Cramp and Simmons 1980, Kerlinger 1989). During mi- 
gration over the central Mediterranean, they use mainly 
two routes. One route is from Sicily to Tunisia and the 
second route goes across a larger stretch of sea via the 
islands of Malta (Moreau 1953, Beaman and Galea 1974, 
Brown et al. 1982, Agostini et al. 1994b). In autumn, a 
major concentration of buzzards occurs in the Calabrian 
Apennines (southern Italy), where the distance between 
the Tyrrhenian and Jonian coasts is narrowest (Agostini 
and Logozzo 1995a, 1995b). As at the Strait of Gibraltar 
and the Bosphorus Porter and Willis 1968, Bernis 1973), 

peak numbers of buzzards are observed between the end 
of August and the beginning of September. 

Adult Honey Buzzards migrate using this route and 
probably use the same route in spring, crossing the cen- 
tral Mediterranean between Sicily and Tunisia (Agostini 
et al. 1994a, Agostini and Logozzo 1995b). This assump- 
tion is supported by observations on the island of Mar- 
ettimo (western Sicily), where large flocks of buzzards are 
seen between the end of August and the beginning of 
September (Zangirolami pers. comm.). Unlike adults, 
young buzzards appear to concentrate on the island of 
Malta (Agostini and Logozzo 1995b) after the second 
week of September (Beaman and Galea 1974) . This study 
was undertaken to determine if flocks of immature buz- 
zards on Malta result because young birds stopover on 
the island during periods of bad weather or if they con- 

Figure 1. Seasonal occurrence of migrating Honey Buzzards in the Calabrian Apennines in summer and autumn 
of 1995. 

March 1997 

Short Communications 


September 1993 

□ M. Covello ■ Malta 

Figure 2. Variations in migration of Honey Buzzards from 14-30 September 1993 on Mount Covello and Malta. 

gregate until adult buzzards can show them the shortest 
route across the Mediterranean. 

Study Area and Methods 

Migrating Honey Buzzards were counted in the Cala- 
brian Apennines and from a post on the slopes of Mount 
Covello (elevation 700 m) from 24 August-5 October 
1993 and 1995. Buzzards were also counted on the Island 
of Malta. There, the observation post was situated on the 
highest point on the island (approximately 250 m eleva- 
tion) from 6 September-5 October 1993 and 1995. A 
total of 334 hr of observations were tallied at Mount Cov- 
ello using 10 X 50 binoculars and a total of 188 and 177 
hr of observation were tallied using 10 X 40 binoculars 
on the Island of Malta in 1993 and 1995, respectively. 


A total of 1095 Honey Buzzards were counted in the 
Calabrian Apennines and more than 90% were observed 
between 24 August-12 September. The number of mi- 
grating buzzards showed a bimodal distribution with 
peaks occurring in late August and after the first week of 
September (Fig. 1). In both years, there was overlap in 
the migration periods of adult and juvenile buzzards but 
over twice as many adults were observed in both years 
(adults = 346, juveniles = 136). In 1995, the number of 
adults observed was also significantly greater than in 1993 
(X 2 = 6.38, P< 0.05). 

A total of 483 Honey Buzzards were counted on the 
Island of Malta in 1993 but only 88 were counted in 1995. 
More than 97% of them were observed in September and 
this corresponded with counts in the Calabrian Apen- 
nines (Fig. 2). 


Some authors have shown that migrating birds orient 
better when they fly in groups (Keeton 1970, Rabol and 
Noer 1973, Wallraff 1978, Von Helbig and Laske 1986), 
especially when groups contain adults that can show to 
correct migration route (Kerlinger 1989). Our observa- 
tions suggest that juvenile Honey Buzzards learn the 
shortest route to cross the central Mediterranean by mi- 

grating in flocks of adults. This would explain why the 
Honey Buzzard is commonly seen in Malta, where the 
African coasts are more than 400 km away. 

Flocking behavior might have another function. Stud- 
ies carried out on the Cap Bon promontory (Tunisia) 
during the spring migration of Honey Buzzards and 
Black Kites ( Milvus migrans) have shown that these rap- 
tors cross the Channel of Sicily more frequently when 
migrating in large flocks (Agostini and Duchi 1994, Agos- 
tini et al. 1994a). This behavior suggests that flocking is 
important for water crossing because an increase in flock 
size increases the probability the journey over water will 
be successfully completed (Agostini and Duchi 1994, 
Agostini et al. 1994b). 

Resumen. — Observaciones de Pernis apivorus emigrando 
a traves de el centro Mediterranean fueron hechos en los 
Calabrian Apennines (el sur de Italy) del 24 de agosto- 
5 de octubre 1995, y en Malta del 6 de septiembre-5 de 
octubre 1993 y 1995. En los Calabrian Apennines, 1095 
P. apivorus fueron observados, con un maximo de 237 
pajaros emigrando e el 7 de septiembre. Casi todos los 
P. apivorus fueron observados entre el 24 de agosto-12 
de septiembre. En Malta, 483 y 83 P. apivorus fueron con- 
tados en 1993 y 1995, respectivamente, con casi todos 
contados despues del 15 de septiembre. Estos resultados 
proponen que P. apivorus jovenes aprenden la ruta mas 
corta para cruzar el centro Mediterranian durante el 
primer ano de migracion cuando van en bandadas con 
adultos que han hecho la migracion antes. 

[Traduccion de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 


We are greatly indebted to Paul Portelli, Francesco 
Cecere and Alberto Zangirolami for their valuable collab- 
oration. Our particular gratitude goes to Allen Fish, 
Keith Bildstein and Javier Bustamante for their useful 
comments on the manuscript. 


Short Communications 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

Literature cited 

Agostini, N. and A. Duchi. 1994. Water-crossing behav- 
ior of Black Kites ( Milvus migrans) during migration. 
Bird Behav. 10:45-48. 

Agostini, N. and D. Logozzo. 1995a. Observations on 
the autumn migration of raptors over the Calabrian 
Apennines. Riv. Ital. Om. 64:117-120. 

and . 1995b. Autumn migration of Honey 

Buzzards in southern Italy. J. Raptor Res. 29:275-277. 

Agostini, N., G. Malara, F. Neri, D. Mollicone and S. 
Melotto. 1994a. La migrazione primaverile del Fal- 
co pecchiaiolo ( Pernis apivorus) a Cap Bon (Tunisia) 
e sullo Stretto di Messina. Atti VI Convegno Ital. di 

Agostini, N., G. Malara, F. Neri, D. Mollicone and S. 
Melotto. 1994b. Flight strategies of Honey Buzzards 
during spring migration across the central Mediter- 
ranean. Avocetta 18:73-76. 

Beaman, M. and C. G al ea. 1974. The visible migration 
of raptors over the Maltese Islands. Ibis 116:419-431. 

Bernis, F. 1973. Migracion de Falconiformes y Ciconia 
spp. por Gibraltar, verano otono 1972-1973: Primera 
parte. Ardeola 19:152-224. 

Brown, L. H., E.K. Urban and K. Newman. 1982. The 
birds of Africa, Vol. I. Academic Press, London, UK. 

Cramp, S. and K.E.L. Simmons. 1980. The birds of the 
western Palearctic, Vol. II. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 

Keeton, W.J. 1970. Comparative orientational and hom- 
ing performances of single pigeons and small flocks. 
Auk 87:797-799. 

Kerlinger, P. 1989. Flight strategies of migrating hawks. 
Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, IL U.S.A. 

Moreau, R.E. 1953. Migration in the Mediterranean 
area. Ibis 95:329-364. 

Porter, R.F. and I. Willis. 1968. The autumn migration 
of soaring birds at the Bosphorous. Ibis 110:520—536. 

Rabol, J. and H. Noer. 1973. Spring migration in the 
Skylark ( Alauda arvensis ) in Denmark: influence of 
environmental factors on the flocksize and the cor- 
relation between flocksize and migratory direction. 
Vogelwarte 27:50-65. 

Von Helbig, A. and V. Laske. 1986. Zeitlicher Verlaf und 
Zugrichtungen beim Wegzug des Stars ( Sturnus vul- 
garis) in nordwestdeutschen Binnenland. Vogelwarte 

W at .i .r aff, H.G. 1978. Social interrelations involved in 
migration orientation of birds: possible contributions 
of field studies. Oikos 30:401-404. 

Received 18 June 1996; 30 November 1996 

J. Raptor Res. 31(l):86-88 
© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 

Nesting-Tree Preference and Nesting Success of 
Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks in Japan 

Mutsuyuki Ueta 

Research Center, Wild Bird Society of Japan, 

2-35-2 Minamidaira, Hino, Tokyo 1 91, Japan 

Key Words: Accipiter gularis; Pinus densiflora; Japanese 
Lesser Sparrowhawk; Japanese red pine, nesting success', nest tree 

Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks ( Accipiter gularis) breed 
throughout northeastern Asia (Brown and Amadon 
1968). It has been shown that tree plantings in lowland 
areas are important breeding sites for this hawk in Japan 
(Endo et al. 1991) and these hawks mainly nest in Japa- 
nese red pines ( Pinus densiflora) (Endo and Hirano 1990, 
Hirano and Kimizima 1992). Because prey abundance 
does not seem to be limiting (Hirano and Kimizima 1992, 
Ueta 1992), the availability of nest sites may be an im- 
portant factor limiting the population of Japanese Lesser 
Sparrowhawks (Ueta 1996). Because nest sites of Japa- 

nese Lesser Sparrowhawks are important in predicting 
future populations of this hawk in Japan, I examined the 
nest-tree preferences of Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks 
and determined whether such preferences influence 
nesting success. 


The study was conducted from 1987-94 at 16 groves 
of trees in suburban areas of Tokyo. The groves were 
isolated and ranged from 1-4 ha in area. They were 
mainly coppices composed primarily of Japanese chest- 
nut oak ( Quercus acutissima), Storax ( Sty rax japonica) and 
Sawara cypress ( Chamaecyparis pisifera) . 

To determine nest-site preference, use by sparrow- 
hawks and the availability of different tree species were 
compared. I excluded nests in which the hawks did not 

March 1997 

Short Communications 








Pinus densiflora Other Tree Species 


































T — ( 








Figure 1. Nest-site preference of Japanese Lesser Spar- 
rowhawks. Values for expected use were calculated based 
on the total number of sparrowhawk nests found and the 
percentage of Japanese red pines and other tree species 
in study groves. 

lay eggs. Because the sparrowhawks nested mosdy near 
the periphery of groves (3.89 ± 5.4 m inward from the 
edge, ± SD, N = 16; Ueta unpubl. data), I counted the 
number of each tree species on the edges of all nesting 
groves. To determine the abundance of different tree 
species in the groves, I used three 10 X 20 m rectangles 
that were randomly placed along the edges of groves and 
counted the number of each tree species larger than 25 
cm in DBH (diameter at breast height, the ideal tree size 
for nesting Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks, Hirano and 
Kimizima 1992) within each rectangle. 

Nesting success of sparrowhawks in Japanese red pines 
and in other tree species was compared to determine the 
effect, if any, of nest-tree use on nesting success. Nesting 
success was calculated as the number of successful nests 
per total occupied nests and a successful nest is defined 
as one in which at least one fledgling was raised. 

To determine the availability of preferred nest sites 
and to predict their future availability, I measured DBH 
of all Japanese red pines in all nesting groves. 


I found a total of 43 Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawk nest 
structures from 1987-94. More than half of the nests 
were in Japanese red pines (53.5%) despite the fact that 
pines were the least available of all nest tree species (Fig. 
1 ) . Because I could not identify individual hawks, I ana- 
lyzed nest-site preference, using only the first nesting rec- 
ord in each grove to avoid the affects of any individual 
variation in preference. Again, 10 of 1.6 occupied nests 
were in Japanese red pines (62.5%) despite that fact that 
pines were not the most abundant tree species in the 
nesting groves (5.8%, N = 774) indicating that sparrow- 
hawks significandy preferred pine trees as nest sites over 
other nesting substrates (Binomial test, P < 0.001). 

Eight nests in Japanese red pines successfully fledged 
young for a nesting success of 80% (N = 10 nests). Nest- 
ing success was significantly lower (Fisher Exact Proba- 
bility Test, P = 0.025) for other tree species at only 16.7% 
( N = 6). Causes of nesting failures were confirmed for 
15 of 18 failed nests. Most failures resulted when nests 
fell from branches (93.3%, N = 15) and 6.7% were due 
to predation by Japanese rat snakes ( Elaphe climacophora ) . 

Class of DBH (cm) 

Figure 2. Frequency distribution of DBH of Japanese 
red pines in 16 groves in suburban areas of Tokyo. 

Most pine trees in the study area had DBHs larger than 
25 cm (95.0%, N = 635, Fig. 2). There were on average 
37.7 pine trees within each grove ( N = 16) . No new pine 
trees had recently been planted in the area. 


Many studies show the importance of nest-site prefer- 
ence in reducing nest predation (Martin and Roper 
1988, Martin 1993a, Kelly 1993, Pieman et al. 1993) in- 
dicating that nest predation is a common source of nest- 
ing failure for many bird species (Nilsson 1986, Martin 
1988, 1993b). In this study, nest predation was minimal 
and 93.3% of nest failures of Japanese Lesser Sparrow- 
hawks were caused when nests fell from nest trees. There- 
fore, it may be more important for sparrowhawks to se- 
lect nesting substrates which best hold their nests rather 
than to avoid nest predation. 

The stature of Japanese red pines seems to prevent 
nests from falling from branches. Sparrowhawk nests are 
built on thick, stable branches. Japanese red pines re- 
quire abundant sunshine for growth. There were few 
young Japanese red pines in the study area probably be- 
cause the crowns of groves had become closed by Japa- 
nese chestnut oaks. Numbers of Japanese red pines have 
decreased in some areas of Japan (Da and Osawa 1992, 
Fujiwara et al. 1992) and the lack of young pine trees 
indicates that there will be further decreases in the num- 
bers of pine trees in the future. Because the nesting suc- 
cess of Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks appears to rely on 
the availability of Japanese red pines, the breeding pop- 
ulation of the sparrowhawks in Japan could correspond- 
ingly decline if the abundance of pine trees continues to 

Resumen. — Yo estudie la preferencia del arbol para el 
nido de Accipiter gularis y sus afectos en el exito del nido. 
A. gularis prefirio hacer nido en Pinus densiflora, y el exito 
del nido fue significantemente mas alto en P. densiflora 
que en otras especies de arboles. exitos de razon altos 
resultaron porque nidos casi nunca se cayeron de los P 
densiflora pero frecuentemente se cayeron o estaban cai- 
dos cuando construidos en otras especies de arboles. Los 
resultados indicaron que la preferencia de nido en P. den- 
siflora por A. gularis evitaba el desalojamiento del nido. 


Short Communications 

Vol. 31, No. 1 

La estructura por anos del P. densijlora en estudios de 
arboleda fueron medidos para pronosticar el futuro dis- 
ponibilidad de nidos. Pinos jovenes mas bajos que 25 cm 
DBH hicieron no mas de 5% de todos los arboles y nin- 
gun pino nuevo fue recientemente plantado en la area. 
Desde entonces una falta posible de arboles de nido con- 
veniente puede ocurrir en el futuro, yo a concluido que 
la poblacion de A. gularis tambien se va ir disminuyendo 
mientras la disponibilidad de pinos tambien disminuye si 
no tomamos pasos para otra vez continuar plantacion de 
pinos en Japan. 

[Traduccion de Raul De La Garza, Jr.] 

I thank Navjot Sodhi, Hiroyoshi Higuchi, Reiko Kuro- 
sawa, Jason Minton, Go Fujita and Toshiaki Hirano for 
discussion of ideas that led to this work and for helpful 
comments on earlier drafts. 

Literature Cited 

Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, Hawks & Fal- 
cons of the World. Country Life Books, London, UK 
Da, L. and M. Osawa. 1992. Abandoned pine-plantation 
succession and the influence of pine mass-dieback in 
the urban landscape of Chiba, Central Japan. Jpn. J. 
Ecol 42:81-93. 

Endo, K. and T. Hirano. 1990. Breeding records and 
nesting habitats of the Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawk 
Accipiter gularis in residential areas of Tochigi Prefec- 
ture. Jap, J. Ornithol. 30:35-39. 

Endo, K, T. Hirano and M. Ueta. 1991. Breeding re- 
cords of the Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawk A ccipiter gu- 
laris in Japan. Strix 10:171—179. 

Fujiwara, M., G. Toyohara, Y. Hada and Z. Iwatsuki. 
1992. Successional stages and degree of damage of 
secondary pine forests in Hiroshima city, western Ja- 
pan. ]pn. J. Ecol. 42:71-79. 

Hirano, T. and M. Kimizima. 1992. Breeding status and 
foods of the Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks Accipiter 
gularis in residential areas of Utsunomiya city, central 
Japan. Strix 11:119—129. 

Kelly, P. 1993. The effect of nest predation on habitat 
selection by Dusky Flycatchers in limber pine-juniper 
woodland. Condor 95:83—93. 

Martin, T.E. 1988. Process organizing open-nesting bird 
assemblages: competition or nest predation? Evol. 
Ecol 2:37-50. 

. 1993a. Nest predation and nest sites — new per- 
spectives on old patterns. BioScience 43:523-532. 

. 1993b. Nest predation among vegetation layers 

and habitats: revising the dogmas. Am. Nat. 141:897- 

Martin, T.E. and J.J. Roper. 1988. Nest predation and 
nest-site selection of a western population of the Her- 
mit Thrush. Condor 90:51-57. 

Nilsson, S.G. 1986. Evolution of hole-nesting in birds: 
on balancing selection pressures. Auk 103:432-435. 

Picman, J., M.L. Milks and M. Leptich. 1993. Patterns 
of predation on passerine nests in marshes: effect of 
depth and distance from edge. Auk 110:89-94. 

Ueta, M. 1992. Comparison of the prey abundance for 
Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks Accipiter gularis in sub- 
urban and mountainous areas. Strix, 11:137-141. 

. 1996. Causes for decrease in breeding success 

of Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks. Strix 14: 65-71. 

Received 25 January 1996; accepted 12 November 1996 


J. Raptor Res. 31(1):89 

© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 

Notes on Northern Goshawks Nesting in an 
Abandoned Heronry in Wales 

In Britain, Northern Goshawks ( Accipiter gentilis) nest in a variety of wooded habitats including plantations (S.J. 
Petty 1989, Forestry Commission Bulletin 81, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, UK; E.P. Toyne 1994, Ph.D. 
dissertation. Imperial College, London, UK). In Wales, they usually build their own nests or build on old Common 
Buzzard ( Buteo buteo) and European Sparrowhawk ( Accipiter nisus) nests. This paper presents the first account of 
goshawks using the nests of Grey Herons ( Ardea cinerea). We are aware of only one other instance of an accipiter 
using a heron nest. This was of a European Sparrowhawk that successfully nested on a Litde Egret’s ( Egretta garzetta) 
nest while the egrets occupied the heronry (H. Hafner 1978, La Terre at La Vie 32:279-289). 

The heronry was situated in Wales in an area comprised of conifer plantations, hill sheep farms, moorland and 
watercourses. The area was semi-upland (80-500 m elevation) and the majority of goshawk nesting territories were 
around 250 m (E.P. Toyne 1994, Ph.D. dissertation. Imperial College, London, UK). The heronry was in a 3-ha stand 
of Sitka Spruce ( Picea sitchensis) planted in 1950 in a managed forest (>1000 ha). The stand was approximately 800 
m from a reservoir and 5 km from the nearest town. 

In 1989, the heronry was used by approximately 25 pairs of breeding herons. The herons began to use the heronry 
again in April 1990 but, shortly after their eggs were laid, strong winds blew them from the nests and heron eggs 
were found littering the ground. After the herons had left the heronry, a goshawk was found nesting in one of the 
abandoned heron nests. Over the next seven breeding seasons, goshawks bred in a total of six abandoned heron 
nests laying an average of 3.3 eggs (range = 2-4) and fledging an average of 2.5 young (range = 1-4). 

All nest trees were Sitka Spruce and all heron nests were made of larch ( Larix sp .) branches. Goshawks refurbished 
these nests with larch branches and lined the nest cups with foliage from larch, spruce and Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga 
menziesii). Nest measurements were similar to other goshawk nests built on whorls of larch and conifer trees (length: 
0.94—1.20 m, breadth: 0.83-1.00 m, depth: 0.25-0.50 m, N = 3). Five of the six nests that were used were well 
concealed in trees with dense canopies. The other nest was in an open, thin-crowned tree. 

It was unclear why the herons moved from the heronry and where they moved. Herons often relay after egg loss 
(C. Voisin 1991, The herons of Europe, T. & A.D. Poyser, London, UK) so it was unlikely they deserted their colony 
after losing their clutches during the wind storm. Although there is no record of goshawks in Britain killing herons 
(M. Marquiss and I. Newton 1982, British Birds 75:243-260; E.P. Toyne 1994, Ph.D. dissertation, Imperial College, 
London, UK), it is plausible that the pair of goshawks disturbed the herons enough to make them move elsewhere. 
At another site within the study area, herons moved after goshawks first nested within 500 m of a heronry indicating 
that the presence of goshawks may cause herons to desert their nesting areas. 

Goshawks are known to use existing nests, including artificial ones (P. Saurola 1978, Pages 72-80 in T.A. Geer 
[Ed.] , Bird of prey management techniques, British Falconer’s Club, Oxford, UK; S .J. Petty 1989, Forestry Commission 
Bulletin, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, UK). In our study, larch appeared to be the preferred nest tree 
of goshawks with 61.2% of 116 nesting attempts in larch as opposed to 15.5% in Sitka spruce (E.P. Toyne 1994, Ph.D. 
dissertation, Imperial College, London, UK) . While larch trees were nearby the heronry, the presence of heron nests 
appears to have attracted goshawks to the spruce site. 

Data for this paper were collected during a larger study of goshawk ecology supported by the Science and Engi- 
neering Research Council, Imperial College, Forest Enterprise, The British Ecological Society and The Hawk and 
Owl Trust. We are grateful to the Countryside Council for Wales for providing the necessary licences. We thank Steve 
Petty, Thomas Bosakowski and an anonymous referee for useful comments to an earlier draft. We thank Herman 
Ostroznik Jr., Mike Coleman, Steve Binney, Steve Galleozzie and staff of the Forest Enterprise for aid with this 
fieldwork. — E.P. Toyne, 1 Department of Biology, Imperial College, London SW7 2BB, UK and H. Ostroznik, % The 
Hawk and Owl Trust, Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RY, UK 

1 Present address: WWF-UK, Panda House, Weyside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godaiming, Surrey GU7 1XR, UK. 



Edited by Jeffrey S. Marks 

J. Raptor Res. 31(1):90 

© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 

Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume 2. 
New World Vultures to Guineafowl. Edited by Jo- 
sep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott and Jordi Sargatal. 
1994. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. 638 pp., 60 color 
plates, 302 color photographs, 590 distribution 
maps. ISBN 84-87334-15-6. Cloth, $175.00.— The 
volumes in this series are magnificent in both ap- 
pearance and content. This volume covers the Fal- 
coniformes and Galliformes, and volume 3 (Hoat- 
zin to alcids) will appear before this review is pub- 
lished. Twelve volumes are planned in all. The 
price tag might seem excessive until one puts 
things in proper perspective. Volume 2 weighs in 
at 8 pounds, for a cost of about $1.37 per ounce. 
By comparison, Cody’s Habitat Selection in Birds 
(1985) now costs $136.00 in cloth, or about $4.00 
per ounce (and even in 1985, it cost more than 
$2.00 per ounce). Given the shear quantity of in- 
formation and quality of presentation, I believe 
that The Handbook is an exceptional deal in today’s 
market of inflated book prices. 

The book is organized by family, each of which 
contains a general review of the topics “Systemat- 
ics,” “Morphological Aspects,’’ “Habitat,” “Gen- 
eral Habits,” “Voice,” “Food and Feeding,” 
“Breeding,” “Movements,” “Relationships with 
Man” and “Status and Conservation.” Following 
the family introductions are the species accounts, 
typically two to four per page. Virtually every ex- 
tant species is covered, with each account contain- 
ing notes on taxonomy, subspecies and distribution 
(including a range map), habitat, food, breeding 
biology, movements and conservation status. Each 
account concludes with a list of recent references. 
In addition, each species is depicted in a color 

plate (averaging more than 20 individuals per 
plate), often with multiple paintings to show dif- 
ferences in sex, color morph and subspecies. The 
color plates appear to be excellent, although I am 
not qualified to evaluate all of them. The color 
photographs scattered throughout the text are ab- 
solutely outstanding. A tremendous range of spe- 
cies is presented, and each photograph is sharply 
focused and pleasingly composed. Moreover, many 
of the photographs depict individuals that are ac- 
tually doing something besides posing for portraits. 
For example, a Verreaux’s Eagle ( Aquila verreauxii) 
is seen capturing a hyrax (p. 78), an African Har- 
rier-Hawk ( Polyboroides typus ) hanging from a weav- 
er nest (with a nestling in its bill; p. 81), and a 
female Montagu’s Harrier ( Circus pygargus ) deliv- 
ering a prey item to its nestlings (p. 101). 

I should mention that the family overviews and 
species accounts were written by well-qualified rap- 
tor biologists, including Richard Bierregaard, Wil- 
liam Clark, David Houston, Alan Kemp, Lloyd Kiff, 
Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg, Penny Olsen, Alan Poole, 
Jean Marc Thiollay and Clayton White. The depth 
of treatment in the species accounts does not sur- 
pass Brown and Amadon’s Eagles, Hawks and Fal- 
cons of the World (1968), but the updated informa- 
tion and excellent plates and photographs provid- 
ed in The Handbook make it an excellent compan- 
ion piece to Brown and Amadon. As a sound, 
general reference, The Handbook will be indispen- 
sable. I cannot imagine that anyone with a keen 
interest in raptors could be disappointed with this 
book. As a bonus, the material on the Galliformes 
is just as impressive as that on the raptors. I urge 
you to obtain your own copy, or at the very least, 
to prod your library into acquiring the entire se- 
ries. — Jeff Marks, Montana Cooperative Wildlife 
Research Unit, University of Montana, Missoula, 
MT 59812 U.SA. 


J. Raptor Res. 31(1):91 

© 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 

Manuscript Referees 

The following people reviewed manuscripts for the Journal of raptor Research in 1996, Peer review plays a vital role 
in the publishing process and in improving the quality of the Journal. The names of individuals who reviewed two or 
more manuscripts are followed with an asterisk. 

Dean Amadon, David J. Anderson*, James C. Bednarz, Maria Isabel Bellocq*, James R. Belthoff*, Keith L. Bild- 
stein*, David M. Bird*, William Block, Peter H. Bloom, Clint B. Boal, Gary R. Bortolotti*, Thomas Bosakowski, 
Buchanon, Javier Bustamente*, Tom Cade*, Richard J. Cannings, Carss, Richard J. Clark, Stephen DeStefano, Gary 
E. Duke, David H. Ellis, Susan Ellis, James H, Enderson*, Sidney England, Allen Fish*, Eric Foresman*, Frederick 
Gehlbach*, James A. Gessaman, Teryll Grubb*, Ralph J. Gutierrez, Patricia A. Hall, Alan H. Harmata, Elizabeth Haug, 
Gregory D. Hayward, Julie Heath, Charles J. Henny*, Denver Holt*, David Houston*, C. Stuart Houston, C. Hubert, 
Fabian M. Jaksic*, Paul C. James, Alan Kemp, Brian Kimsey, Jon S. Kirkley, Michael N. Kochert*, Robert Lehman, 
Carl Marti*, Riley McClelland, Michael McGrady*, Kenneth D. Meyer*, Heimo Mikkola*, Brian A. Milsap, Peter 
Mundy*, Robert Nero, Ian Newton*, Torgeir Nygard, Susan M. Patla, Steve Petty, Alan F. Poole, Sergej Postupalsky, 
Richard Reynolds, Gary Ritchison*, Robert J. Ritchie, Robert N. Rosenfield*, Josef K Schmutz*, Dwight Smith*, 
Karen Steenhof, Ted Swem, Jean Marc Thiollay, Sergio Tiranti, Kimberly Titus*, Mutsuyuki Ueta, Helen Ulmschnei- 
der, Daniel Varland*, Ian G. Warkentin*, David Whitacre*, Clayton M. White, Sanford Wilbur*, Christian Wiklund, 
Joseph W. Witt, Petra Bohall Wood. 



(Founded 1966) 


PRESIDENT: David M. Bird SECRETARY: Betsy Hancock 

VICE-PRESIDENT: Michael N. Kochert TREASURER: Jim Fitzpatrick 


CENTRAL DIRECTOR: Robert N. Rosenfield 

Karen Steenhof 


Jemima ParryJones 


Michael McGrady 

DIRECTOR AT LARGE #1: Patricia L. Kennedy 
DIRECTOR AT LARGE #2: John A. Smallwood 
DIRECTOR AT LARGE #5: Keith L. Bildstein 
DIRECTOR AT LARGE #5: Petra Bohall Wood 
DIRECTOR AT LARGE #6: Katherine McKeever 



EDITOR: MarcJ. Bechard, Department of Biology, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725 U.S.A. 


Keith L. Bildstein Fabian Jaksic 

Gary R. Bortolotti Daniel E. Varland 

Charles J. Henny Javier Bustamente 

BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Jeffrey S. Marks, Montana Cooperative Research Unit, University of Montana, 

Missoula, MT 59812 U.S.A. 

The Journal of Raptor Research is distributed quarterly to all current members. Original manuscripts 
dealing with the biology and conservation of diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey are welcomed from 
throughout the world, but must be written in English. Submissions can be in the form of research articles, 
letters to the editor, thesis abstracts and book reviews. Contributors should submit a typewritten original 
and three copies to the Editor. All submissions must be typewritten and double-spaced on one side of 216 
X 278 mm (8 Vi X 11 in.) or standard international, white, bond paper, with 25 mm (1 in.) margins. The 
cover page should contain a tide, the author’s full name(s) and address(es). Name and address should be 
centered on the cover page. If the current address is different, indicate this via a footnote. A short version 
of the tide, not exceeding 35 characters, should be provided for a running head. An abstract of about 
250 words should accompany all research articles on a separate page. 

Tables, one to a page, should be double-spaced throughout and be assigned consecutive Arabic numer- 
als. Collect all figure legends on a separate page. Each illustration should be centered on a single page 
and be no smaller than final size and no larger than twice final size. The name of the author(s) and figure 
number, assigned consecutively using Arabic numerals, should be pencilled on the back of each figure. 

Names for birds should follow the A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds (6th ed., 1983) or another 
authoritative source for other regions. Subspecific identification should be cited only when pertinent to 
the material presented. Metric units should be used for all measurements. Use the 24-hour clock (e.g., 
0830 H and 2030 H) and “continental” dating (e.g., 1 January 1990). 

Refer to a recent issue of the journal for details in format. Explicit instructions and publication policy 
are outlined in “Information for contributors,”/. Raptor Res., Vol. 27(4), and are available from the editor. 


The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 1997 annual meeting will be hosted by Georgia Southern 
University and will be held October BO through November 2 at the Marriott Riverfront in Savan- 
nah, Georgia. Details about the meeting and a call for papers will be mailed to Foundation 
members in the spring of 1997. For more information, contact Michelle Pittman (912/681-5555, 
e-mail: or Steve Hein (912/681-0831) at Georgia Southern Uni- 

Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., Awards 
Recognition for Significant Contributions 1 

The Dean Amadon Award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions in the field of 
systematics or distribution of raptors. Contact: Dr. Clayton White, 161 WIDE, Department of Zoology, 
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 U.SA. Deadline August 15. 

The Tom Cade Award recognizes an individual who has made significant advances in the area of captive 
propagation and reintroduction of raptors. Contact: Dr. Brian Walton, Predatory Bird Research Group, 
Lower Quarry, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 U.SA. Deadline: August 15. 

The Fran and Frederick Hamerstrom Award recognizes an individual who has contributed significantly to 
the understanding of raptor ecology and natural history. Contact: Dr. David E. Andersen, Department 
of Fisheries and Wildlife, 200 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Avenue, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, 
MN 55108 U.SA. Deadline: August 15. 

Recognition and Travel Assistance 

The James R. Koplin Travel Award is given to a student who is the senior author of the paper to be 
presented at the meeting for which travel funds are requested. Contact: Dr. Petra Wood, West Virginia 
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, P.O. Box 6125, Percival Hall, Room 333, Morgantown, 
WV 26506-6125 U.SA. Deadline: established for conference paper abstracts. 

The William C. Andersen Memorial Award is given to the student who presents the best paper at the annual 
Raptor Research Foundation Meeting. Contact: Ms. Laurie Goodrich, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Rural 
Route 2, Box 191, Kempton, PA 19529-9449 U.SA. Deadline: Deadline established for meeting paper 

Grants 2 

The Stephen R. Tully Memorial Grant for $500 is given to support research, management and conservation 
of raptors, especially to students and amateurs with limited access to alternative funding. Contact: Dr. 

Kimberly Titus, Alaska Division of Wildlife Conservation, P.O. Box 20, Douglas, AK 99824 U.SA. Dead- 
line: September 10. 

The Leslie Brown Memorial Grant for $500-$l,000 is given to support research and/or the dissemination 
of information on raptors, especially to individuals carrying out work in Africa. Contact: Dr. Jeffrey L. 
Lincer, Sweetwater Environmental Biologists, Inc., 3838 Camino del Rio North, Suite 270, San Diego, 
CA 92108 U.SA. Deadline: September 15. 

1 Nominations should include: (1) the name, title and address of both nominee and nominator, (2) the 
names of three persons qualified to evaluate the nominee’s scientific contribution, (3) a brief (one page) 
summary of the scientific contribution of the nominee. 

2 Send 5 copies of a proposal (^5 pages) describing the applicant’s background, study goals and methods, 
anticipated budget, and other funding.