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I.—The Life and Work of Charles Darwin. By 

‘“ Mr, Holder is one of the American savants who have made Darwin 
and his system of philosophy a subject of profound study, and his book 
relating to him is one of the best that has been produced for popular use.’” 
—Philadelphia Bulletin. 

‘The author has given us a capital account of Darwin’s voyages, 
adventures, and discoveries indicating in broad outlines his theories and 
scientific opinions, and not neglecting to throw into strong light the 
lovable personal character and individual traits of the great naturalist.”’ 
—Christian Union. 

‘©The work is particularly attractive in the elaborate picture it gives 
of the man, the sweetness and purity of his life, the simplicity of his 
nature, the loftiness of his aim, and the patient and unswerving de- 
votion to the tasks he had set himself to accomplish. It is a book that 
may be commended without reserve, and the style in which it is written 
enhances the charm of what it has to tell.” —Boston Gazette. 

‘*The sketch of this life is just, sympathetic, and brief—three good 
points ina biography.” —String field Republican, 

II.—The Life and Work of Louis Agassiz.—By 

IlIl.—The Life and Work of Alexander Humboldt. 
By F, GUILLEMARD. (In preparation.) 

G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS, NEw York Aanp Lonpbon, 

Leaders in Science 

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Leaders in Science 





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Che Anicherbocker Press 

CopyRIGHT, 1893 
Entered at Stationers’ Hall, London 
By G, P. Putnam’s Sons 

Electrotyped, Printed, and Bound by 
The Knickerbocker Press, Rew Work 
G, P. Purwam’s Sons 

E . 

In his biographical memoir, read before the National Academy, 
Arnold Guyot, the life-long friend of Agassiz, said: ‘‘ Permit me 
here to allude to one of the providential circumstances of Agassiz’s 
life, which enabled him to perform so large an amount of work, and 
to do it cheerfully as well as efficiently. I mean his marriage, in 
1849, with a distinguished daughter of his adopted country, whom 
we all know without naming her, and all admire and respect. In 
this constant and devoted companion of his American life he found 
a wise and affectionate mother for his children. Her sound and firm 
judgment, her well-balanced mind, gave him much needed help and 
encouragement in the midst of sometimes complicated circumstances. 
Her literary talents, to which we owe the interesting record of his 
Brazilian journey, the picturesque account of the Florida reefs, and 
perhaps the final appearance of more than one of his late works, are 
acknowledged by all. Her deep and absolute devotion, her soothing 
influence, secured for him the peace of mind and heart so necessary 
for an undisturbed mental activity. To her also science owes a 

tribute of gratitude.” 




HE effect of the teachings and 
work of Louis Agassiz upon the 
world has been pronounced and 
far-reaching, his appearance in 

America marking the beginning 
of a new epoch in natural science. 

Previous to his advent Biology in - 

particular had languished, but from 

the time of his arrival in Bostona new in- 
terest was created. His personality and 
methods, his reputation as a teacher, investigator, 
and scientist, took the New World by storm, and 
without reflecting upon those eminent American 
scientists who had laboured long in the field, it was 
his example, his power of teaching, that gave a new 
and fresh impetus to American science. His indom- 
itable purpose, his industry, his devotion to the 
dissemination of knowledge, his love for science— 
which is but another term for truth,—were traits 
which commended him to all men, and ensured him 

a lasting place in their affection and appreciation. 

Agassiz was the greatest teacher of his time, and 

his place is still unfilled. With Darwin he was the 

most conspicuous man of his day, rendered still 


Viti eae Preface. 

more notable by his position regarding the origin of 
man and life. He was the great theistic philosopher 
of the scientific world in which he lived. He fought 
with unflagging valour the suggestion that God was 
not existent in nature; seeing in every animate or 
inanimate object an evidence of design, in the tracing 
of every leaf the hand of the Omnipotent. He con- 
tested without bigotry the views of Darwin and his 
school until the very last, and died believing that 
the advance of time and new discoveries would de- 
monstrate that the mind in nature, which he clearly 
saw, would be accepted. Hewasa noble and heroic 
figure, one of the stepping-stones in the advance of 

In the present volume I have not attempted an 
elaborate analysis of his life and its effect upon the 
scientific world, but rather a brief story of its salient 
features, an impression of the good he accomplished, 
hoping that younger readers, as well as those of 
maturer years, may be tempted to emulate the les- 
son his life presents. In the preparation of the 
volume I am indebted to Mrs. Louis Agassiz for per- 
mission to use certain material contained solely in 
the Lzfe of her husband, which must always remain 
the authority on this subject ; to David Starr Jordan, 
LL.D., President of Leland Stanford, Jr., University, 
and to Professor Samuel Garman, of the Museum 
of Comparative Zodlogy, at Cambridge, for personal 
incidents in the life of Agassiz, and for suggestions 
and advice. My thanks are also due the California 
Academy of Sciences for permission to quote from 
their memoirs, and to the Boston Natural History 

Preface... ix 

Society for similar favours. I am also indebted to 
Mr. Darwin, Librarian of the U. S. Geological Sur- 
vey, for valuable data, and to Mr. Joy Lichtenstein, 
Assistant Librarian of the Free Library of San 
Francisco, for the appended bibliographical list. 

C. FH. 

PASADENA, CAL., September, 1892. 


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THE BOY AGASSIZ : : A . 3 : I 

Birthplace of Agassiz—Boyhood Pastimes—Early Love 
for Nature—Collections—First Collection of Fishes—The 
Aquarium—Manly Traits—Inventive and Imitative Faculties 
—Descendant of a Line of Clergymen—An Ancient Fam- 
ily—Influence of His Mother. 


SCHOOL DAYS . : “ . . 3 . . 7 
Agassiz the Elder—Early College Life—College at Bienne 
—Vacation Days—Auguste Agassiz—Making Collections— 
Forming a Library—Village Festivals—Taste for Natural 
Science—A Manifesto—Agassiz Outlines His Career—Study 
of Fishes—Rambles in the Fields—First Lectures on 



Appearance of Agassiz—Strong Personality—Captivates a 
Stranger—Filial Affection—Meeting Well-Known Natural- 
ists—Love of Books—Copies Made— Determination of 
Character—Habits of Study and Observation—The Home 






Early Associations—Reasons for Entering Heidelberg— 
Studying the Collections of Tiedemann—Agassiz and His 
Friends—An Accomplished Linguist—College Life—How 
the Honours Were Divided — Physical Exercise — Strong 
Religious Convictions—Collecting Fishes. 



In Munich— The Journey—Stuttgart Museum — The Little 
Academy—First Lectures—An Audience of Learned Men 
—A Room and a Museum—Daily Routine—Objections to a 
Medical Career—Desire for Travel. 



Influence of Von Martius—Offer of the Work Left os Spix 
—Hesitation and Motive—An Intended Surprise—Discovery 
—First Artists—Scholarly Men as Intimates—Consent of 
Parents to a Scientific Career. 



Struggles of a Young Doctor—Work upon the Fossil Fishes 
—Looking toward Paris—Arrival in that City—Cuvier— 
Meets Humboldt—A Strange Dream—Death of Cuvier. 



Friendship of Humboldt—His acces on the Life of 
Agassiz — Discouragement — Aid from an Unexpected 
Quarter—Humboldt to the Rescue— The New Book—A 
Professorship Offered. 







Contents. xiii 



First Lectures to Pupils—Departure for Neuchatel—Success 
as a Teacher—Field Lectures—Call to Heidelberg—The 
Chair Declined—Threatened Blindness—Preparing for it. 


Curiosity of English Scientists to See Agassiz—New Honours 
—Visit to Bex—Sale of Original Drawings—Glacial Theories 
—Proffers of Professorships. 


Interest in Glaciers—Opposition of Scientists—Visit to 
Glaciers—The Hotel Neuchatelois—Curious Experiments 
—Descent into the Glaciers— The Heart of a Glacier — 
Ascent of the Jungfrau— Injecting Coloured Fluids—The 
Work on Glaciers. 



Glacial Studies—New reece of Ree eee, 
tion of Prince Canino—An Opening in America—Plans for 
the American Trip—The Monthyon Prize—Visit to Paris— 
Arrival in Boston—First Lectures—American Scientists— 
Impressions of America—Marine Studies—The Home in 
East Boston. 



The Scientific School at Aces Professorship Ten- 
dered—The Agassiz Household—Death of Mrs, Agassiz— 
The Museum of Comparative Zodlogy—Agassiz and the Coast 
Survey—Trip to Lake Superior—Second Marriage—Expedi- 
tion to the Florida Reef—Acceptance of a Professorship in 
the Charleston Medical College—I] Health—Return to 







XIV Contents. 






Continued Honours—Invitation to Paris—Receives the 
Order of the Legion of Honour— Bequest of Francis 
C. Gray—The Museum—Visit to Europe—Dedication of 
the Museum—Growth of Corals—The ‘‘ Contributions ”— 
Fiftieth Birthday—Patriotism — Founder of the National 


Failing Health—Brazilian Trip—Naturalists of the party— 
Arrival in Brazil—Courtesy of Dom Pedro—Lectures in 
French before the Emperor—Visit to Coffee Plantation— 
Strange Ant Nests—Hunting in Brazil—Attempt to Observe 
the Tapir—Curious Animals—Ant-Eaters, Sloths, etc. 


Amazon Life—The Natives—The Four-Eyed Fish—New 
Discoveries of Fishes—Forest Fishes—Tropical Scenery—A 
Canoe Voyage—Visit to a Forest Home—Indian Houses in 
the Submerged Forest—Opinions of the Natives Regarding 



Interest of Dom Pedro—Wooding up a Rio Negro Steamer 
—At Teffé—Fishes That Carry Young in Their Mouths— 
Collecting Plantsat Fonte Béa—Laboratory at Teffé— 
Remarkable Family of Fishes—The Studis—Distribution 
of Fishes—Routine Work—Floating Islands—Numerous 
New Species of Fishes, 


. 106 

. 118 

. 125 





Contents. XV 



“ BIBB” : : . Tay 

Return from Brazil—Renewed Work at the Museum—Lec- 
tures in New York—The Resolution of Bancroft—The 
Coast Survey and Science—Appointment to Cornell Univer- 
sity—Report to the Legislature—The Cruise of the Bidd— 
Address on Humboldt. 


THE “ HASSLER” 5 : : : , t57 

Invitation to Go around the Horn—The Party—In the Gulf 
Weed—A Singular Discovery—Inhabitants of the Gulf 
Weed—Nest of a Fish—Defining a Species by its Skin— 
Off the Rio de la Plata—Discovery of Tertiary Fossils— 
Living Crinoids—Glaciers of Patagonia—Among the Fue- 
gians—Discoveries at Lota—Reception in San Francisco. 


PENIKESE . : 4 : ‘ ; : OF 

Growth of a New Idea—John Anderson’s Gift—A Patron 
of Science— Realisation of Agassiz’s Dream — Whittier’s 
“Prayer of Agassiz”—A Distinguished Corps of Teachers 
—Sayings of the Great Teacher at Penikese—Last Days. 


RELIGIOUS BELIEF . 2 . te . . - 179 

Friendship for Darwin—Opposition to His Theories—Let- 
ter to Dr. Wilder—Strong Religious Belief—Agassiz on 
Evolution—Last Literary Work in Opposition to Darwin’s 
Theory—A Definition of Classification—Evidences of Reli- 
gious Thoughts— Denounced as an Atheist—The Lectures 
at the Academy of Music. 

xvi Contents. 


Agassiz the Teacher—Effect on American Science—Impor- 
tant Positions Held by Pupils—Methods of Study—The 
Disciple of Outdoor Studies—Methods of Teaching—The 
Agassiz Association— Work Accomplished. 


AGASSIZ AND HIS WORKS : a : - - 202 
Work on the Spix Collection of Fishes— Ox Fresh- 
Water Fishes — Sur les Moules de Mollusques Vivans et 
Fossiles—Etudes sur les Glaciers—The Nomenclator LZoblogi- 
cus—Contributions to the Natural History of the United 
States— The Structure of Animal Life, etc., etc. 



The Effect of His Death—The Memorial and Resolutions 
of the California Academy of Sciences: Addresses of 
Davidson, Gilman, Le Conte, Stearns, Stebbins, Scott, 
Edwards—Action of the Smithsonian Institution: Addresses 
of ex-President Garfield and Dr. Parker—Memorial of the 
Boston Natural History Society; Address by Rey. RoC; 


N : : 
INDEX ; : : : : ~ $25 




Three Kingdoms” . 2 ms . Frontispiece 

CRACK IN THE ICE. 4 : : ; I 
AGASSIZ AT NINETEEN . ; : , : » «18 
THE FISHING JAGUAR. : ; ; ; P3523 

GLACIER . : : : 3 : 5 76 





XVvili Tllustrations. 



(VALLEY OF THE AMAZON) . ; ; . 178 

AMAZON) . ; ; : : ; ; . 194 

MATAMATA TURTLE : 7 - 4 : » 2kh2 

THE AMAZON) . : ; : 2 : at 





Birthplace of Agassiz—Boyhood Pastimes—Early Love for Nature— 
Collections—First Collection of Fishes—The Aquarium—Manly 
Traits—Inventive and Imitative Faculties—Descendant of a Line 
of Clergymen—An Ancient Family—Influence of His Mother. 

EAN Louis Rudolphe 
Agassiz was born May 
28, 1807, in the little vil- 
lage of Motier. by the 
borders of Lake Morat— 
a placid sheet of water 
nestled among the foot- 
hills of the Bermese Alps. 
The locality of his birth 
was. one of sharp con- 
trast: the lake clear and 
unruffled, the rich green 
slopes of the hills, the 

vineyards with their grape-laden vines, gardens of 
flowers, valleys deep in varied colours, while not far 


2 Louis Agasstz. 

distant the crests of mighty mountains pierced the 
sky, gleaming with the snows of eternal winter, telling 
of the avalanche, crevasse, and ancient rivers of ice. 

From such a land of varied attractions sprang the 
ancestry,of the greatest science teacher of modern 
times. ‘I am Swiss,’he once said, ‘and have been 
for generations,” and it is believed that for three 
hundred years at least the Agassiz family lived in 
Switzerland, being originally Burgundian Huguenots, 
who left France during the acts of injustice and 
persecution which characterised the reign of Louis 

Louis Rudolphe Agassiz, father of the naturalist, 
was the sixth clergyman in direct line in his family ; 
a man of strong personality and lovable character. 
He married Rose Mayor, who lived in the little vil- 
lage of Cudrefin, one of the most attractive places 
on the borders of Lake Neuchatel. The Mayors 
were a sturdy and intellectual race, many being 
professional men of literary and scholastic tastes. 
The father of Rose Mayor was a physician, while her 
brother, Mathias Mayor, was a distinguished surgeon 
and physician of Lausanne. 

The true genius is born, and Louis Agassiz was 
no exception to the rule. From his very earliest 
years he evinced a taste for nature and natural ob- 
jects,—a love that was fostered and encouraged by a 
devoted mother who, perhaps by intuition, recognised 
the germ that was to develope and produce such 
notable results in later years. For the first ten years 
of his life Agassiz received all his instruction from 
his parents, His active mind was not overcrowded, 

The Boy Agassiz. 3 
eee eee Meet” 
and we find him roaming the fields with his com- 
panions, wooing the secrets of nature from the flowers 
and insects; a merry lad, brave, courageous, earnest 
and thoughtful. His first collection was a series of 
fishes representing all the different varieties which he 
and his companions could find in the vicinity of the 
village. While other boys collected inanimate ob- 
jects he showed a strong preference for animal life, 
and one of his chief delights was the possession of 
various birds, mice, rabbits, indeed every available 
creature that he could keep and rear. 

As a fisherman he was particularly successful, often 
disregarding the appliances of his comrades, catching 
the finny victims in the nooks and corners to which 
he knew they resorted. Inthe yard of the Agassiz 
home a stone basin had been built to receive the 
water of a spring, and in this the young naturalist 
placed his finny prizes and watched and studied their 
habits, taking the first steps in the direction in 
which in later years he became so justly celebrated. 

If any one trait impresses the reader at this period 
of his life it is his habit of observation, so essential 
to the successful naturalist. The boy did not confine 
his investigations to natural history alone, but made 
incursions into various fields, often displaying re- 
markable mechanical skill. It was the custom in 
those days, as it isnow in some of the cantons of 
Switzerland, for the various artisans—tailors, carpen- 
ters, coopers and others, to travel about the country, 
and in the course of the year many stopped at the 
Agassiz parsonage. Young Agassiz carefully ob- 
served their methods of work, and after a visit from 

4 Louis Agasst2. 

the cobbler astonished his sister by presenting her 
dolls with carefully-made foot-gear. He made a 
miniature water-tight barrel after watching the cooper 
in his father’s vineyard, and could have made him- 
self a suit of clothes had it been required, so well did 
he profit by the stay of the tailor at the homestead. 

Such habits did not detract from the manly quali- 
‘ties that constituted a prominent feature in his charac- 
ter. Hewas, asa boy, bold, fearless, and courageous, 
as shown on many occasions. His mother cites 
several instances illustrative of his daring. One day 
there was to bea fair in the town of Morat, on the 
opposite side of the lake from Motier, and Louis 
with his brother Auguste determined to skate over, 
the lake being about two miles wide at this point. 
Their mother did not hear of this plan until they had 
started ; then taking her glass to watch them, fearing 
that the ice was too thin or unsafe, she saw them 
stop as if puzzled at a wide crack. Louis evidently 
could cross, but for the younger boy it was too wide. 
It did not require many moments for the intrepid 
Louis to solve the problem, and the anxious mother 
saw him drop upon his knees and reach the other side 
of the opening, with his hands, thus forming a living 
bridge over which the younger brother crawled in 
triumph, after which Louis leaped the fissure and 
they sped away over the ice, followed, it should be 
said, by a man-servant, sent by the uneasy parent. 
Although Agassiz was not sent to school until he 
was ten years of age, owing to the admirable in- 
struction he had received from both parents, he was 
well abreast of boys of his age in almost every 


Ao FD” VE 


The Boy Agasstz. 5 

branch of learning, while as for general information 
few of his companions were his equals. - Even at 
this early age his genius asserted itself in many 
ways. His young companions recognised the fact 
that he was different from them, and were in the 
habit of appealing to him in their games as possibly 
better able to decide the numerous questions of 
childhood. In his habits of observation, whether 
with the collection of fishes in the little aquarium, 
the insects found down in the vineyard, or the wild 
flowers on the hillside, he was laying up a store of 
truths that served him well in later years, and he is 
said to have referred to the fact that the thought- 
fulness with which he made his observations and 
the tireless labour which he expended upon his work 
were due to the habits formed in the first decade of 
his childhood. 

These traits were not unnoticed by his elders, and 
many were the early prophesies regarding the boy, 
though probably few realised how completely he 
would fulfil their prophetic sayings. Thechild’s un- 
usual brightness was one reason for his not being 
sent to school earlier. Having lost two of her boys, 
his mother was very solicitous for those remaining, 
and watched their growth with increasing care and 
tenderness. Home teaching and abundant exercise 
in the open air was the training the young naturalist 
received to prepare him for his actual schooldays. 
From this time until within a few years of the end- 
ing of a great and expansive life, Agassiz was, to a 
greater extent than is generally known, influenced by 
his mother. She was always his close guide and ad- 

6 Louis Agassiz. 

viser, and that her wisdom was result-producing is 
well shown as we follow up the well-rounded epochs 
which mark his career. It is often said that great 
men are the sons of noble mothers. In this case it 
was particularly true: the mother of Agassiz being 
a woman of great ability and good judgment; a 
strong and lovable character that left its mark on 
every step in the life of the naturalist. 


Agassiz the Elder—Early College Life—College at Bienne—Vacation 
Days — Auguste Agassiz— Making Collections — Forming a 
Library—Village Festivals—Taste for Natural Science—A Mani- 
festo—Agassiz Outlines His Career—Study of Fishes—Rambles 
in the Fields—First Lectures on Zodlogy. 

bAssiz the elder, while 
a clergyman, was promi- 
nently interested in edu- 
cational affairs and had 
a voice in all matters 
pertaining to schools; 
not from any _ especial 
desire on his part, but 
because he had a recog- 
nised fitness for the call- 
ing. His influence, it is 
said, was felt as much 
in the schools of Orbe, 
Motier, and Concise as in the pulpit, and one of the 
valued possessions of his descendants to-day is a 
piece of silver presented him by the municipality of 
Orbe as a token of their appreciation of his services 
in the cause of education. It is not surprising, then, 


8 Louis Agassiz. 

that the clergyman determined that his son should 
have all the educational advantages attainable; and 
at the age of ten we find young Agassiz entered as 
a student at the college of Bienne, twenty miles from 
Motier, enthusiastic to begin what he considered his 
real education. The first year at this college, which 
was conducted by Mr. Rickly, was one of hard 
study; the daily work requiring nine hours, though 
the teachers saw that there was an abundance of out- 
door recreation, so that the pupils, despite the long 
study hours, became vigorous and rugged. 

After a year Agassiz was joined at college by his 
younger brother Auguste, whose tastes in many 
ways were similar to his own. A more delightful 
companionship between brothers can hardly be 
imagined. When the schooldays ended at the vint- 
age, which was a festival as now in some portions of 
Switzerland, they together started for home early in 
the morning, thinking nothing of the twenty-mile 
walk. The vacation was spent either at Motier or 
with the kindly old grandfather Mayor at Cudrefin, 
where some festival was always to be expected and 
looked forward to. The boyhood of Agassiz was 
passed in a time when the simple life of the peas- 
antry had not been invaded by modern common. 
place, and there was an air of romance about the 
very ordinary things in life. Even the picking of 
the grape was invested witha picturesqueness it does 
not now possess, and was the season of joy and 
gaiety. Easter was an especially festive occasion. 
Easter eggs were in vogue then as now, anda singu- 
lar game was played to determine who should be 

School Days. 9 

king of the feast, previous to which a dance would 
take place on the green in front of the home of 
Grandfather Mayor. 

uring these schooldays Agassiz’s love of nature 
grew more intense and expressed itself in various 
ways. Late in life he said, “I am conscious that at 
successive periods of my life I have employed very 
different means and followed very different systems 
of study.” When about twelve years of age, his 
methods were very much like many boys of to-day. 
He possessed a mania for collecting, and rapidly 
accumulated natural objects of all kinds, while a 
library grew under the united efforts of the two 
brothers; Auguste contributing his spending money 
for this purpose. Agassiz bought such books as he 
could find, and began a serious attempt to memo- 
rise the names of all the animals he collected, be- 
lieving that the Latin equivalent was essential to 
complete knowledge. This, he says, seemed to him 
the highest attainment and legitimate aim of a natu- 
ralist, and he accumulated great volumes of manu- 
script containing the names of all the animals and 
plants he found, and modestly expressed the hope 
that in time he might be able to give the name of 
every known animal. 

The young naturalist made remarkable progress 
during his schooldays at Bienne, so much so as to 
attract the attention of all his instructors; and dur- 
ing the last year we find his first announcement of 
a preference for the natural sciences. He already re- 
belled at the prospect before him of having to enter 
mercantile life, and outlined his wishes in a paper 

10 Louis Agassiz. 

remarkable in a boy of his age and showing that 
his aims and aspirations were lofty from the very 
first. His manifesto was addressed to the audi- 
ence of his imagination and doubtless was never 
intended to meet other eyes than his own. In it he 
expresses a wish to “advance in the sciences’’; also 
a desire to serve his apprenticeship at Neuchatel for 
a year or more, then to enter some university in Ger- 
many for afour years’ course; and finally to finish 
his education in Paris. ‘‘ Then,” said this lad of 
fourteen, “I could begin to write.” From this time 
on all his determination and energies evidently 
tended in this direction. ‘Iam resolved, so far as I 
am allowed to do so, to become a man of letters,” 
he wrote; then regrets that he can go no further 
from a lack of books. He needed “d’Anville, 
Ritter, an Italian dictionary, a Strabo in Greek, 
Mannert and Thiersch; and also the works of 
Malte-Brun and Seyfert,’”— books which would 
be considered advanced for boys of much maturer 

. The future of young Agassiz had been planned by 
(nis parents, who had decided that when he attained 
the age of fifteen, he should enter upon a commer- 
cial life in the firm of his uncle at Neuchatel. That 
they also saw the dawning capacity for a totally 
different field of work is not improbable, as when 
the time came they readily granted a delay of two 
years, during which Agassiz was to study at the 
college of Lausanne,—a movement fatal to their 
hopes of making him a business man, as during this 
period he developed rapidly, and despite difficul- 

School Days. 11 

ties which would have daunted many an older man, 
entered upon the life of his choice. 

Agassiz was about fifteen years of age when he 
entered the college of Lausanne. Here he devoted 
himself more and more to the sciences, in which he 
was aided and encouraged by scientific men, among 
whom was Professor Chavannes, Director of the 
Cantonal Museum, who was the possessor of a collec- 
tion that delighted the young student and who gave 
him privileges he had never dreamed of. All the 
time he could spare from his studies was spent in the 
woods and fields searching for favourite specimens, or 
studying their habits. Insects were obtained from 
the bark of trees and old refuse; every stream and 
pond was made to deliver up its finny treasures, 
which were bred and studied, while the transforma- 
tions of his cocoons into butterflies, was a constant 
delight. At home, during his vacations, the house 
was turned into a veritable museum, while his rooms 
at college were laden with the results of forages in 
field andstream. ‘ What I know of the habits of the 
fresh-water fishes of Central Europe,’’ he says, “I 
mostly learned at that time.” 

It was while at Lausanne, in 1823, that Agassiz 
listened to his first course of lectures on zodlogy, 
which he describes, with just a suspicion of sarcasm, 
as consisting chiefly of extracts from Lamarck and 
Cuvier. Brief and unsatisfactory as may have been 
these lectures, they resulted in imparting a new 
zest to his studies and in pointing out the false stand- 
ard he had raised. He now found that to name an 
animal correctly was a very unimportant matter, and 

12 Louts Agasstz. 

appreciated for the first that the various authori- 
ties upon whom he was relying for information, 
differed in their views regarding the classification 
of animal life. He at once saw the opportunity for 
himself: he, too, could express an opinion as to 
classification. The only essential was knowledge of 
anatomy, and to obtain this he began the study of 
medicine that, as he has written, “I might see for 
myself where the truth was.” The young student 
was aided in this by his uncle, Dr. Mathias Mayor, 
who had long been attracted by his great promise and 
who consulted with his parents and advised them to 
allow him to study medicine and becomea physician, 
this profession evidently being more to his tastes. 
They did not require much urging, and, as a result, 
Agassiz’s prospects for a business career had an 
abrupt ending, and he entered the medical school at 
Zurich with enthusiasm, determined to move rapidly 
on to a high position in the field of his choice. 



Appearance of Agassiz—Strong Personality—Captivates a Stranger— 
Filial Affection — Meeting Well-Known Naturalists — Love of 
Books—Copies Made—Determination of Character—Habits of 
Study and Observation—The Home Collections. 

Gassiz was now a youth) 
of commanding appear- 
ance, tall, strong of limb, 
robust, his fine head, broad 
forehead with expressive 
eyes set well apart — 
characteristics that  at- 
tracted attention and 
must have created the 
same impression upon his 
comrades that they did 
upon the writer when he 
first saw him in the early 

sixties. One insensibly felt himself in the presence 

of a man of true greatness. 
The strong personality of the youth is well illus- 

trated in an incident which occurred while he was a 

medical student at Zurich. It wasthe custom of the 



14 Louts Agassiz 

two brothers, as we have seen, to travel over the 
country afoot, returning from their vacations in this 
way. During such a journey a gentleman passing in 
his carriage noticed the boys and requested them 
to join him at lunch, which he carried. They ac- 
cepted the invitation and were soon unfolding their 
confidences to the courteous stranger, who was 
especially attracted to the older boy; so much so, 
that some days later, when the lads had returned to 
Zurich and the incident had almost passed out of 
their memory, a letter arrived at the parsonage em- 
bodying a request from the stranger that he might 
adopt Louis, further stating that he was a man of 
wealth, a resident of Geneva, and that he would 
undertake the entire expense of the young man’s 
education. Such an offer, which meant not a 
little, to a family of moderate means, was most 
tempting; but filial love and affection won the 
day, and the young man declined even by inference 
to sunder any of the ties that bound him to home 
and family. 

This faculty which Agassiz seemed to possess, of 
attracting and impressing all with his mental vigour 
and charm of manner as well as his tastes for the 
sciences, now brought him into contact with men 
older than himself, all of whom aided in maturing 
his mind and giving him a stimulus in new channels. 
Among those who took an immediate interest in his 
work and future, was Professor Schinz, a distin- 
guished scientist of the time, who was his professor 
in natural history and physiology. Professor Schinz 
invited him to his home, introduced him to other 

Characteristics and Habits, 15 

naturalists, and gave him his first impetus in the 
actual field of original investigation. He was the 
possessor of one of the best libraries in the city and 
was an ardent ornithologist. Agassiz was given the 
privilege of his books and collections and at once 
began to reap the harvest. ee 
OIn the present day of cheap books and public) 
libraries, when every village has its collection, it is 
difficult to realise the conditions that prevailed dur- 
ing the boyhood of our heroand the struggles which 
he had to surmount in the attainment of knowledge, 
and in this we see the strong features of his charac- 
ter—determination and thoroughness. His parents 
were by no means rich, and were straining every 
point in keeping the two boys at school, and had 
little or no money for any incidentals or luxuries. 
Books, then, no matter how cheap, were im- 
possibilities; yet this did not deter the young 
naturalist. If he could not own the books he could 
at least copy them, and this is what he did, his 
brother aiding him, and hours were spent in this 
arduous work by both boys, Auguste’s devotion to 
his brother making it alabour of love. Inafter years, 
Agassiz, in commenting upon this lack of books, ex- 
pressed the belief that it was really an advantage as 
it prevented him from relying too much on them; 
their absence forcing him to investigate for himself. 
The work accomplished in this way by this youth 
of seventeen or eighteen is a monument to his 
patience, and deserves the especial attention of my 
younger readers. What young man of to-day would 
be willing to copy a bulky volume for the sake of 

16 Louis Agassiz. 

owning a copy? yet Agassiz did this on many occa- 
sions. Asan example of his indefatigable industry, 
he copied two volumes of Lamarck’s Animauz 
sans Vertebres, Auguste copying almost as much 
more for him. 

While ostensibly devoting himself to the study of 
medicine, Agassiz undoubtedly paid most attention 
to the sciences of anatomy and zodlogy. He passed 
much time in the company of Professors Schinz and 
Hirzel, accompanying them in their trips and spend- 
ing happy days in the intercourse of nature, rendered 
so much more delightful by the association of con- 
genial spirits. 

The room of the two boys, who lived in a private 
family, was a perfect museum: the corners and shelves 
heaped with shells, stuffed fishes, plants and speci- 
mens of all kinds, while from window and door-top 
came the notes of various feathered songsters that 
here made theirhome. Agassiz had over fifty birds 
alive in his room at one time, living examples for 
study, and from which he turned to the collection of 
mounted birds owned by Professor Schinz. Each 
species he carefully described, this being in his esti- 
mation a necessity, as he did not have the means 
to purchase even the most inexpensive treatise 
on birds. 

When not engaged in study the brothers took to 
the field and forest. Every stream and lake was 
familiar to them, while every secret nook and corner 
famous for its fish was known. 

They knew almost to a day when the birds re- 

Characteristics and Habits, 17 

turned or left and where the various kinds built their 
nests. The life histories of the various animals were 
their novels, and the accidental death of their pets 
the tragedies of their lives. 




Early Associations—Reasons for Entering Heidelberg—Studying the 
Collections of Tiedemann—Agassiz and His Friends—An Accom- 
plished Linguist—College Life—How the Honors Were Divided 
—Physical Exercise—Strong Religious Convictions — Collecting 

HE lives of men are to a 
greater or less extent 
moulded by early asso- 
ciations. Agassiz was 
particularly fortunate in 
his friendships, and in 
his youth had imme- 
diate contact with men 
distinguished in various 
branches of learning that 
undoubtedly had no little 
influence in shaping his 
later career. 

Agassiz not only appreciated this, but he entered 
Heidelberg University in 1826 that he might profit 
by the direct association with men who figured in 
the professions in which it was his purpose to excel. 
His work was laid out, his plans formulated, and 


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Agassiz at Heidelberg. 19 
with remarkable prescience he took advantage of 
every point that would aid in his laudable ambition. 
The men who influenced his career were Leuckart, 
Tiedemann, and Braun. 

Tiedemann placed his collections of books and 
specimens at his disposal, while the famous zodlogist 
Leuckart encouraged him in every way, imparting 
the enthusiasm that was so prominent a feature in his 
own character. Leuckart was a daring spirit, and 
his lectures encouraged the advanced students to 
move on for themselves into the unknown, to theo- 
rise and draw inferences from their own investigations. 
He was one of the rare men of that or any day who 
could make what are generally considered prosaic 
studies interesting and even delightfulto the masses, 
—a faculty which Agassiz possessed later in life to 
an eminent degree. 

With Leuckart Agassiz continued his studies in 
animal life; with Bischoff he rambled over the fields, 
learning botanical wisdom from this eminent au- 
thority. Sometimes they spent the day among the 
flowers; again it was with the microscope, studying 
the pollen or smaller forms. From Braun he re- 
ceived the first inspiration which made him the 
paleontologist he became; and in this scientist’s 
collection of fossils he delved, storing up facts 
which became of use later on. 

Agassiz was now not merely a scientist; he did 
not neglect other studies for rambles in the field. 
Even as a boy he was an accomplished linguist, 
speaking French and German so fluently that he 
would think in one language and express himself in 

20 Louis Agassiz. 

the other, while Latin, Greek, English and Italian 
were all familiar to him. 

The school life of the young student at Heidelberg 
was aseason of constant endeavour to perfect himself 
in the various branches of study. He had selected 
a boarding-place that had many of the attractions of 
the home at Motier, it being in the faubourg of the 
city which his window faced, while at the rear was 
a fine garden with trees and shrubs which Agassiz 
soon found abounded in birds with which he was 
familiar. His habits were severe and methodical, 
and his strict manner of living shows that he had 
himself under complete control. An early riser, he 
breakfasted at half-past six, and less than an hour 
later was listening to the lectures given in the Mu- 
seum. There was no recess in the modern accepta- 
tion of the word, as if half an hour was gained from 
lecture or lesson it was devoted to a study of the 
anatomical preparations or to some special investiga- 
tion suggested by Professor Schinz. After thisand 
often before the hour previous to dinner, Agassiz 
practised fencing with a friend, believing that it 
cultivated the eyes as well as all the faculties; and 
that he accomplished so much in later years was un- 
doubtedly due to the fact that he took an abundance 
of physical exercise with the mental. 

After dinner at one, Agassiz with some friend 
would stroll through the country for an hour, then 
returning to study until five, when a lecture by the 
Chancellor of the University occupied an hour. 
This was followed by a walk, or by a bath in the 
Neckar. The evenings were devoted to study until 

Agassiz at Heidelberg. 21 

nine o'clock, when with some companion he perhaps 
visited the Swiss Club. Such was the life of the 
young naturalist day after day. 

In later life Agassiz was distinguished among 
(naturalists by his strong religious convictions, and it 
may be said that from his earliest days he showed 
these predilections and possessed a mind of singular 
purity. This is well illustrated in his letters to his 
parents during his college life, which reflect the high 
moral tone which pervaded his nature. Alone he 
held his evening service after retiring, and in silence 
communed with the distant loved ones, talking to 
or with them, as he expressed it, in the conviction 
that those at home also held him in their thoughts. 

Warm-hearted, with a magnetic manner, lovable 
in the best sense, it is not surprising that Agassiz 
made at this time many sincere friends, and that 
the association often benefited both is well shown 
by the zoological knowledge of Braun, who in later 
years became the famous director of the Botanical 
Gardens, Berlin, and the fund of information pos- 
sessed by Agassiz on botanical subjects. 

Young Braun was captivated with his new comrade 
and particularly impressed by his charm of manner. 
He describes him to his family as ‘a rare comet on 
the Heidelberg horizon,” and was never weary of 
extollinghis praises. He was attracted by the breadth 
of Agassiz’s reflections and by the intimacy he seemed 
to have with all natural objects. He remarked with 
surprise that the young man from Orbe was familiar 
with the name of every animal they met, could tell 
a bird as far as he could hear its song. 

22 Louis Agassiz. 

The friendship of the young men grew apace and 
was ofan ideal character. Agassiz had parted with his 
brother, who had entered commercial life, and all his 
affection was poured out at the new shrine. Braun 
was as studious and earnest in the pursuit of knowl- 
edge as Agassiz, and the companionship benefited 
both. To show how they utilized time, they agreed 
that when one was engaged in mounting a bird, 
pinning an insect, or pressing a plant the other 
should read aloud; in this way they jointly read a 
number of important books in various departments 
of science. Young Braun had a friend, one Karl 
Schimper, also a botanist, who was equally captivated 
by the frank and ingenuous manner of Agassiz, and 
a strong friendship was soon formed between them. 

The university life of Agassiz at Heidelberg was 
interrupted by his illness in 1827, and after many 
days of great danger Braun took him to his own 
home at Carlsruhe, and later saw him safely to Orbe, 
where in his invigorating native air he soon recovered. 

To stimulate interest and communicate to each 
other the facts they drew from their several fields of 
study, the young men during Agassiz’s convalescence 
were in the habit of asking each other questions by 
mail. Thus Braun propounded puzzling questions 
to Agassiz in botany, while Agassiz in return gave 
him problems in zodélogy to solve. 

All during the year 1827 Agassiz was pushing his 
investigations in every possible direction. He made 
some elaborate studies with frogs and toads, his 
sister making the drawings. His interest in insects 
was accelerated by an acquaintance with the pastor 

Agassiz at Heidelberg. 23 

of Vallorbe, who had a collection of three thousand 
specimens. While at Neuchatel he made a careful 
study of the fishes of the Swiss lakes, making dis- 
coveries that attracted the attention of the scientific 
men of Europe. He made an extensive collection of 
fishes, preserving some in alcohol, while others he 
mounted, his work being distinguished for its excel- 
lence. He also made many corrections in the classi- 
fication of fishes. Fishes that had been named 
twice he carefully noted, and one of his papers writ- 
ten at this time containsa list of all the fishes he had 
found and the lakes from which they came, while 
other papers of equal interest showed the most 
unflagging enthusiasm. 


In Munich—The Journey—Stuttgart Museum—The Little Academy 
—First Lectures—An Audience of Learned Men—A Room and 
a Museum—Daily Routine—Objections to a Medical Career— 
Desire for Travel. 

N August, 1827, Agassiz 
received a letter from 
his friend Braun  an- 
nouncing that he had 
decided to go to Munich 
and inviting him to join 
him. The inducements 
held out were free lec- 
tures, lodgings as cheap 
as at Heidelberg, theatre 
open to students at a 
very moderate sum, and 
the. association of such 

men as Oken, Schubert, Fuchs and others, not to 

speak of rich museums for study and observation. 
Agassiz had already cast longing eyes at Munich. 

He believed that up to the present time he had neg- 

lected his philosophical education, and now saw in 

the suggestion of Braun an opportunity to recover 


The Little Academy. 25 

the lost ground. The offer was accepted with pleas- 
ure, and the latter part of October, 1827, found 
the two friends together again, journeying from 
Carlsruhe to the University of Munich. The trip 
was a most enjoyable one for the young men, and 
for Agassiz the longest and most important of his 
life. The way led through Stuttgart, where for the 
first time he visited a large and well-appointed 
museum, the fine collections of which greatly im- 
pressed him, many specimens being entirely new. 
The mammoth attracted his attention, and in a let- 
ter to his brother he referred to it asa “‘ carnivorous 
animal,’ a belief entertained by naturalists at the 
time. From Stuttgart they journeyed to Esslinger, 
visiting Hochstetter and Strudel, two distinguished 
botanists of the day, with whom they exchanged 
specimens to their mutual advantage. At Goep- 
pingen they tarried to visit the owner of a fine col- 
lection of fossils, also one of shells not known to 
him, from the Adriatic, which the young men ar- 
ranged and labelled for their host, receiving some of 
the shells in return. In every place, from Ulm to 
Augsburg, the travellers saw something to interest 
them, and doubtless the trip terminated with regret. 

We find Agassiz soon domiciled in Munich at 
the Sendlinger Thor No. 37, a locality now famous 
for its association with the great naturalist. The 
house was beyond the strict limits of the town, con- 
venient to the Anatomical School and Hospitalwhere 
Agassiz studied, and, better than all in his estima- 
tion, commanding a view of the Tyrolean Alps which 
he loved so well. 

26 Louis Agassiz. 

This movement of Agassiz may be considered 
one of the epochs in his eventful career. He was 
like a swelling seed ready to develop and produce 
the perfect plant upon the application of the right 
stimulus, and this came in the association at Munich 
with some of the most brilliant specialists of the 
day. Agassiz thus referred to this in later years: 

“JT cannot review my Munich life without deep 
gratitude. The city teemed with resources for the 
student in arts, letters, philosophy, and science. It 
was distinguished at that time for activity in public 
as wellasin academic life. The King seemed liberal ; 
he was the friend of poets and artists, and aimed at 
concentrating all the glories of Germany in his new 
university. I thus enjoyed for afew years the ex- 
ample of the most brilliant intellects, and that 
stimulus which is given by competition between men 
equally eminent in different spheres of human 
knowledge. Under such circumstancesa man either 
subsides into the position of a follower in the ranks 
that gather around a master, or he aspires to bea 
master himself.” He daily met kindred spirits, men 
who were not slow in recognising the slumbering 
genius. Here were Gruithuisen the brilliant astrono- 
mer, Fuchs the mineralogist, Oken, Martius the 
botanist, Schubert, whose name asa zodlogist still 
lives, Starke, Seiber, Déllinger, and others. From 
each he drew some inspiration, and often referred in 
after years to these old instructors, giving this or 
that one the credit of instilling into his mind the 
germs that produced such rich results. Déllinger 
was the professor of anatomy and physiology, re- 

The Little Academy. ay 

markable for the accuracy of his work; everything 
that he did was well done. From his deductions 
there was, as a rule, no appeal, and from him Agassiz 
learred habits of accuracy and care in all his ob- 
servations and to weigh cause and effect. Déllinger 
also had a marked effect upon his career. His 
methods were peculiar and original. He cared 
nothing for posthumous fame; rarely if ever com- 
municated the results of his observations to paper, 
preferring to distribute his fund of information by 
word of mouth, satisfied if it was taken advantage 
of by his pupils, who often elaborated his ideas and 
produced important results. In referring to this 
much beloved tutor Agassiz says: “I could enume- 
rate many works of masters in our science that had 
no other foundation at the onset than inspiring 
conversations with Déllinger.” 

From Oken Agassiz received much valued mind 
training. It was from him that his first tangible 
ideas of classification were obtained, while the 
finished lectures of Schilling gave him ideas not only 
of facts in nature but of style in delivery. 

The student life of Agassiz was an ideal one; 
associated with men of the highest mental status as 
his teachers, and surrounded by many admiring and 
enthusiastic friends, the days passed only too quickly. 
It was the custom of the students to make excur- 
sions into the country together and to tarry at vari- 
ous places to discuss their observations and discov- 
eries. Déllinger was often their companion and 
took an active interest in their studies, while one 
evening of each week they were invited to the 

28 Louts Agasstz. 

homes of Oken and Von Martius. As might be ex- 
pected, Agassiz’s room was the headquarters for all 
these congenial souls, and gradually their meetings 
took a definite form, and the young man began in 
turn to assume the réle of lecturer to the others, 
thus obtaining practice which became of value in 
after years. 

This association of kindred spirits in Agassiz’s 
room became known as “ The Little Academy,” and 
from it graduated some of the most distinguished 
scientists of the day. These meetings were red-let- 
ter days in these young lives. The room in which 
“The Little Academy ”’ held its sessions would con- 
tain about twenty. Here we may imagine young 
Agassiz reading a paper upon the fresh-water fishes 
of his native lakes, or dwelling upon the wonderful 
transformation of the tadpole into the adult form, 
while Braun, Schimper, Michahelles, Mahir, and 
other friends listened with rapt attention. In the 
background, with appreciative ear, perhaps sat Dél- 
linger, Oken, or Von Martius, who gravely smoked 
their pipes while words of wisdom fell from the lips 
of the young naturalist. No picture in the youth of 
Agassiz has a more dramatic interest than this, when 
the very Solons of science sought the friendship of 
the young man and listened with pleasure to his 

The university days were well apportioned. 
Agassiz was up literally with the birds he loved so 
well, and after a sunrise breakfast was away to the 
hospital for work in surgery, the lesson lasting from 
eight to nine. From then until eleven o’clock he 

The Little Academy. 29 
usually spent in the library poring over the works 
which related to the studies of his choice. From 
eleven until one the university lectures were at- 
tended, after which with Braun or Schimper he 
dined at some restaurant. From two until five came 
other lectures, varying with the day; then the 
friends went for a long walk, renewing their studies 
upon their return and dining at nine o'clock at some 
café as was the custom of the students. This was 
the daily life of Agassiz, varied only by the meetings 
of “The Little Academy” and occasional excursions 
into the country. 

It was at one of the meetings of “The Little 
Academy,” that Agassiz determined if possible to go 
to Brazil some day,—a dream eventually fulfilled. 

The desire was created by Martius, who gave an 
interesting discourse upon his famous journey to 
that country and the large collection he made. 

Agassiz was ever on the alert for new discoveries 
and while at college added not a little to general 
zoological knowledge. Friday was then as now “ fish 
day,” and the markets were well supplied with rep- 
resentatives of the finny tribe that offered a special 
inducement to the members of “The Little 
Academy,” and the specimens were well and carefully 
examined on those days, often to the amazement of 
the dealers, who wondered what these young men 
saw in a common fish to talk so much about, to draw, 
and count its fins and even scales. Agassiz fre- 
quently found rare specimens among the fish, and 
once an entirely new species to repay his ardor. 

The room of “ The Little Academy ” almost daily 

30 Louis Agassiz. 

received additions in the way of natural-history 
specimens and wasa veritable museum: bottles of 
strange insects, stuffed birds, skins of animals, boxes 
of botanical specimens, fossils, rocks, woods,—every- 
thing to delight the eye of the collector. 

Agassiz had formed the acquaintance of Dr. Born, 
and in addition to his regular work he engaged with 
him upon a natural history and anatomy of the 
fresh-water fishes of Europe. With all this he found 
time to interest himself in various other matters, 
one being the “ Vaudois Society of Public Utility,” 
in which his father took an active interest. 

He soon became restive in the college work. 
Progress was too slow for him, and even now, while 
hardly twenty-one, he longed to branch out and find 
wider fields) He had determined if possible to 
make the natural sciences his life work, the profes- 
sion of medicine being regarded by him with but 
little enthusiasm. Any digression from this object, 
however, was discouraged by his parents, and he 
promised them that he would exert himself to the 
fullest to take the degree of M.D., which to them 
was assurance of a future with possible tangible 


Influence of Von Martius—Offer of the Work Left by Spix—Hesita- 
tion and Motive—An Intended Surprise—Discovery—First Art- 
ists—Scholarly Men as Intimates—Consent of Parents to a Sci- 
entific Career. 

F all the professors un- 
der whom Agassiz 
studied at Munich none 
influenced him and his 
future life more than 
the genial Von Martius, 
whose stories of ad- 
venture and incident in 
foreign climes had the 
greatest charm for the 
young students. Von 
Martius had enjoyed su- 
perior facilities and the 

friendship of the King of Bavaria, who in 1817 sent 
him and Spix to Brazil to explore the country in the 
interest of science. Von Martius made a specialty of 
plants, and after his return published a finely illus- 
trated volume upon his discoveries, while Spix issued 
works on the mammals, birds, and reptiles. 


32 Louis Agassiz. 

The intention of these naturalists was to complete 
the natural history of Brazil—a magnificent project, 
‘but before it could be accomplished Spix died. 
Upon Von Martius devolved the responsibility of 
finishing this great work, and he was in the midst of 
some perplexity as to who should describe the fishes 
when Agassiz appeared upon the scene. Von Mar- 
tius soon recognised his ability, especially in the 
department of ichthyology, and finally astonished 
the young man by suggesting that he undertake the 

At this time Agassiz was but twenty-one years of 
age, and the tender of so important a commission by 
so distinguished a naturalist was an honour well cal- 
culated to turn the head of an older man. Here 
was the goal of authorship well within his grasp, 
and to say that he received the offer with delight 
but faintly describes his actual sensations. Yet 
Agassiz did not accept immediately, and in his hesi- 
tation we have a glimpse of the real nobility of his 
nature. He knew that his parents earnestly desired 
to see him a physician and surgeon, yet every day 
he felt himself by taste, sentiment, and his sur- 
roundings drawn in an opposite direction where a 
possible future as a scientist seemed to beckon him. 
The proposition of Von Martius was the opportunity 
of a lifetime, the successful accomplishment of which 
would give him an immediate name and fame. Yet 
he took days to consider the offer, thinking that the 
work would possibly take him away from the studies 
in which he knew his parents wished him to excel. 
He finally decided that he could undertake the pub- 

The Young Author. 33 

lication in justice to himself and his parents, and 
concluded to say nothing about it to them until it 
was completed, then giving his family the surprise 
that their son while yet a student was a distinguished 

It was this work that prompted him to make the 

Eo icwine proposition to his father: ‘If during the 
course of my studies I succeed in making myself 
known by a work of distinction, will you not then 
consent that I shall study, at least during one year, 
the natural sciences alone, and then accept a pro- 
fessorship of natural history, with the understanding 
that in the first place, and in the time agreed upon, 
I shall take my doctor’s degree?” 

To this his father replied: “ Let the sciences be 
the balloon in which you prepare to travel through 
higher regions, but let medicine and surgery be 
your parachutes.” All the young author’s evenings 
were devoted to the work on Brazilian fishes, which 
he wrote in Latin, but the pleasant surprise he had 
planned came toasuddenending. Dr. Schintz, who 
knew what Agassiz was doing, was visiting Lausanne, 
when meeting the father and uncle of the latter he 
delighted them with his praises of the young man, 
who he said was sure to attain fame. Not know- 
ing that the work was a secret he referred to it in 
glowing terms, much to the surprise of the father 
and uncle and to the regret of Agassiz, who soon 
heard of the disclosure from his brother, who offered 
congratulations and said: “In all frankness I can 
assure you that the stoutest antagonists of your 

natural-history schemes begin to come over to your 

34 Louis Agassiz. 

side. Among them is my uncle here, who never 
speaks of you now but with enthusiasm.” 

The spectacle of a young student of twenty-one 
writing a book on Brazilian fishes in Latin, while 
pursuing a course of surgery and medicine was a 
remarkable one then and would be equally so to-day. 
Agassiz was soon recognised as a leader by his 
fellows, and so lovable and kind was his disposition 
that he had their friendship as well. 

The work of Spix required the services of an 
artist; and J. C. Weber was engaged and later 
Joseph Dinkel, both of whom were associated with 
Agassiz for many years. The latter is described by 
one of the artists as being at this time a most exem- 
plary and lovable person; always bright, never ill- 
tempered, and with a cheery word for every one. 
He enjoyed the club life and merry times with other 
of the students but never was an active participant, 
rather holding himself aloof, being reserved and 
dignified in his demeanour. His intimate associates 
were the scholarly men who were known to each 
other in “The Little Academy” by such nicknames 
as Cyprinus, Molluscus, Rhubarb, and others. Let 
it not be understood that Agassiz was a prude, or 
over dignified from a false sense of superiority; 
nothing could be further from the truth. He was 
manly, brave, open hearted and handed; a nature’s 
gentleman in every sense of the term; a youth in 
tastes and desires but a man in ambition. All his 
mental faculties seemed to have developed early, 
and while not yet of age the desire to become 
eminent was firmly implanted and grew day by day. 

The Young Author. 35 

To his artist companion he said when commenting 
upon young men who wasted their time, “I will be 
a leader of others”; and to his father: “‘ Here is my 
aim and the means by which I propose to carry it 
out. I wish it may be said of Louis Agassiz that he 
was the first naturalist of his time, a good citizen, 
and a good son beloved of those who knew him.” 
Agassiz now longed to graduate and embark upon 
some exploring expedition which would give hima 
wide field. The work on fishes had attracted the at- 
tention of naturalists, and, fortified with the commen- 
dation of his instructors, he appealed to his father to 
allow him to turn all his energies to natural science 
and to make his profession that of a scientist. His 
letter to his father, presenting the various arguments, 
shows the energy and ambition which animated 
him. He referred to various expeditions which were 
about starting, notably that under Humboldt, and 
expressed a wish to join one. So completely had 
the idea seized him that for months he had been 
literally in training for the proposed trip to foreign 
lands. He even went so far as to train a friend and 
comrade, William Schimper, as an assistant and 
hunter, and the two youths passed many happy 
hours in their imaginary adventures in the cause of 
science. A skilled taxidermist, he practised in all 
the other arts that would be required. He frequent- 
ed a blacksmith’s shop to familiarise himself with 
tools; practised with the sabre and other weapons, 
being already a fine fencer. Long walks were taken 
until he could travel for thirteen leagues a day for 
a week in summer, carrying a heavy load, all to 

36 Louis Agassiz. 

prepare himself for the forced marches which he 
supposed would be a part of the explorer’s life. 
Such was the intense ambition of Agassiz at this 
time, and we need not be surprised that his parents 
finally relinquished the idea of seeing him a physi- 
cian and consented that he should follow the line in 
which he was drifting. He was now free to look 
forward to a future in accordance with his wishes. 
He felt sure that the work on fishes, upon which he 
was engaged, would give hima reputation that would 
place a professorship within reach, and he bent all 
his energies to obtain the degree of Doctor of Phil- 
osophy; principally because it would aid in the 
professorship, and because Martius desired him to 
have a prefix to his name on the title-page of the 
great work on fishes. Agassiz, Schimper, and Micha- 
helles all made application for examination at the 
same time, addressing the Faculty in long letters in 
Latin to that effect (as Agassiz naively said, “ Because, 
you know, among savants it is the thing to speak 
and write the language you know least’). Per- 
mission was granted the young men and they were 
put on honour not to obtain aid in any way from out- 
side sources. The examination was by no means 
easy, yet Agassiz passed it with honour, and so be- 
came a Doctor of Philosophy at the early age of 
twenty-one years. 
ry The first part of the Brazilian Fishes was now pub- 
lished,—a proud event indeed for the young authot. 
The first copies were sent to Cuvier, to whom it was 
dedicated, and the second to his parents, who were 
more than delighted at the first great effort of their 

The Young Author. a7 

son. We can well imagine the satisfaction and 
pleasure of the young author upon seeing the com- 
mendatory notices in the press of the day, upon 
receiving a long letter of thanks from the great 
Cuvier, and upon hearing that his parents were 
offered congratulations from all sides at the great 
work accomplished by their son. The feeling at 
home is happily expressed by the last line of a letter 
from his father, who, after referring to his pride and 
joy, wrote: “‘ The old father who waits for you with 
open heart and arms sends the most tender greet- 

The author of an elaborate work, with the title of 
Ph.D., Agassiz now turned his attention to secur- 
ing the degree of M.D., which he had promised his 
parents; yet he did not neglect his science studies. 
The fascinations of Rondolet now absorbed his atten- 
tion, and he was greatly impressed with the knowl- 
edge displayed by this naturalist. Linnaeus was not 
to his taste, while Aristotle delighted him, his books 
always possessing a charm for him. In after years 
he gave Linnaeus the appreciation this great natural- 
ist deserved. 

Certain occurrences gave Agassiz a special interest 
in the profession of medicine at this time, and he 
took up the study with all his accustomed energy 
and enthusiasm. He began a special course of study 
with Euler, the two spending many evenings to- 
gether reading medical books in French and Ger- 
man. Yet the natural-history studies were not 
neglected, the work on fishes still occupying his atten- 
tion, and a collection of fossil fishes sent him by the 

38 Louis Agassiz. 

Director of the Munich Museum gave an additional 
zest to the study. It is most interesting to note in 
his letters to his family the honest determination to 
obtain his degree of M.D., though it was always 
secondary, in point of fact, to his zodlogical studies. 
Agassiz’s means were extremely slender, yet he 
found a way to employ two artists, paying them out 
of his modest allowance. Frequently after paying 
them he dined himself at the cheapest caf¢ he could 
find, expending but a few cents for his repast. 

During all these struggles Agassiz was always the 
same manly, good-natured, studious youth, with an 
ambition that never flagged or diverged from the 
one object to which it was directed. That a young 
man of his years could produce so much work is 
almost incomprehensible, yet nothing was neglected, 
and we find him moving along in two general lines— 
one leading to the profession of medicine, the other 
to that of the scientist. His scientific work, as we 
have seen, attracted the attention of scientists every- 
where and is best known, as he ultimately made 
that his choice; yet had Agassiz chosen the field of 
medicine he undoubtedly would have become dis- 
tinguished, as his work in that direction as a student 
was phenomenal, over seventy-five theses on ana- 
tomical, surgical, obstetrical, pathological, and other 
subjects having been written by him, showing a 
remarkable amount of research, thought, and investi- 

A short time previous to graduation Agassiz 
submitted his books on fresh-water and fossil fishes 
to a publisher, Mr. Cotta of Stuttgart, making a 

| The Young Author. 39 

demand for 20,000 Swiss francs. In the latter part 
of March, 1830, his examination began, occupying 
nine days. At the termination Agassiz was re- 
quested to leave the room; when recalled he was 
informed by the Dean of the Faculty that they were 
much pleased with his answers and congratulated 
themselves that they could give a diploma to one 
who had already become so distinguished. In a 
letter to his mother, Agassiz said: “Dear mother, 
dismiss all anxiety about me. You see I am as good 
as my word.” And so he was, as on April 3d, he 
received the coveted degree and became a Doctor of 



Struggles of a Young Doctor—Work upon the Fossil Fishes—Look- 
ing toward Paris—Arrival in that City—Cuvier—Meets Hum- 
boldt—A Strange Dream—Death of Cuvier. 

GASSIZ was now twenty- 
three years of age, a 
Doctor of Medicine and 
of Philosophy, a man of 
science, with a name al- 
ready known throughout 
Europe, the author of a 
volume on fishes, and an- 
other book in press, for 
which he received a liberal 
fee, and with this prestige 
we find him passing out of 
the university and return- 

ing to his home to enter upon the actual-struggle of 

life. He established himself with his artist, Mr. Din- 
kel, in Concise where his parents had removed, and 
laboured hard for nearly a year, endeavouring to 
establish a practice while continuing the work on 
fossil fishes, the desire for untrammelled work in pure 
science growing stronger and stronger. His ambition 


Climbing the Ladder. 4I 

was to go to Paris, which was then the centre of scien- 
tific thought, and finally he determined to make the 
effort. His uncle came to his rescue financially, ena- 
bling him to undertake the journey, though under cir- 
cumstances that were not particularly encouraging. 

Agassiz arrived in Paris with his artist on the) 
16th of December, 1831, and was more than de- 
lighted at receiving immediate recognition from 
some of the eminent savants of the day. Cuvier 
invited him to his home and introduced him to 
scientific Paris, which extended to him a warm 
welcome. He established himself near the Jardin 
des Plantes and plunged into scientific work with 
his accustomed ardour. His daily life in Paris 
is described in a letter written at this time, which 
shows how indefatigable was his energy. In the 
morning the clinical lectures occupied his atten- 
tion, and in the afternoon he visited the Museum 
of Natural History, remaining there the rest of 
the day. After dinner he devoted himself to his 
medical studies, as he had decided to pursue them 
together with the scientific course. 

From this time on we find Agassiz’s life influenced 
by association with the great minds of Humboldt 
and Cuvier. The latter recognised at once the 
genius of the young naturalist and made every effort 
to aid him, and it was not long before he offered 
Agassiz and his artist a nook in his own laboratory 
where he could watch and encourage him. Agassiz 
was diplomatic, and it may be said had determined 
upon the conquest of Cuvier before going to Paris. 
He knew that the eminent scientist was contemplat- 

42 Louis Agassiz. 

ing the publication of a work on fossil fishes which 
would materially interfere with his own plans. He 
had a faint hope that Cuvier would turn his work 
over to him or possibly invite him to join in the 
authorship ; and to equip himself as well as possible 
he had obtained all necessary data and material 
before going to Paris. Agassiz, who could not brook 
the slightest delay, upon the very first day of his 
arrival in Paris took his manuscript to the scientist 
and explained what he had done. He was gratified 
to find that Cuvier was surprised and pleased, and 
far from having any feeling that the young naturalist 
was encroaching upon his domain, he gave Agassiz 
access to his treasures, and when assured of his 
capability renounced his own work and handed 
over his notes on British and other fossil fishes, 
requesting Agassiz to make full use of them. 

That Agassiz was delighted need not be said, as 
for a young man to be given the confidence of the 
greatest scientist of the day was indeed an honour. 
It did not turn the head of the young Swiss, however; 
its effect was to spur him on to still greater effort 
and to impress upon his mind the fact that there was 
more than ever need for him to work and render 
himself a credit to those who placed this implicit 
confidence in him. His duty to himself, to the 
world, to become a great teacher of science was 
never lost sight of, and shortly after this he wrote 
to the loved ones at home: “I work regularly 
fifteen hours a day, sometimes even an hour or two 
more, but I hope to reach my goal in good time.” 

His daily life now and his association with Cuvier 

Climbing the Ladder. 43 

was a delight ; a period often looked back upon in 
later years as one of the bright spots in his career. 
In all probability, Agassiz’s friends did not appre- 
ciate the poverty of the young student at this time, 
and his struggles to pay his artist and actual ex- 
penses and make a presentable appearance were truly 
heroic. Some idea of his condition is obtained from 
a letter to his brother in March, 1832, in which he 
apologises for not sending him a book which though 
costing but little would have left him penniless. 
Agassiz had an income of forty dollars a month. 
Out of this he paid his artist about twenty-five dollars, 
leaving him fifteen dollars for maintenance. This 
lack of sufficient means was a serious drawback in 
every way, and he found himself so reduced that he 
was ashamed to present certain letters of introduction 
having no suitable coat. There is no doubt that 
at this time he often without a murmur denied him- 
self proper food that he might store his brain with 
toothsome facts. A new species of fossil fish, doubt- 
less, sometimes constituted his mental dinner, his 
eyes feasting upon it while the inner man vainly 

Nothing could tempt him from the path laid out, 
and at this very time he refused a position as editor 
of the zodlogical section of the Bulletin, which 
would have given him an income of two hundred 
dollars, because it would take two hours a day from 
his studies. His parents, who knew of his financial 
condition, entreated him to leave Paris; but he 
would not consent, and put off the loved ones with 
many excuses often ingenious if not pathetic. 

44 Louts Agassiz. 

He was now working upon a fossil fish which is 
known to-day as Cyclopoma spinosum, and to be 
seen in Recherches sur les Poissons Fosstles, vol. iv., 
tab. 1, pp. 20, 21. For a long time it puzzled him, 
and he put amore than ordinary amount of work ~ 
upon it; but one night, after having laboured over the 
problem, he awoke feeling that he had seen the 
characteristics of the fish which he had been so long 
vainly endeavouring to determine. He sat up in 
bed, wonderingly trying to recall the dream; but it 
passed away, leaving merely a strong impression. 
The following night the dream was repeated, but 
eluded him again. On the third night he prepared 
for the recurrence of this singular psychological 
phenomenon, by placing paper and pencil by the 
bedside. Again the nocturnal mental picture was 
presented, and, half awake, the young naturalist 
traced in the darkness, as well as he could, what he 
considered an improbable outline of the fish. The 
day following he took his sketch to the Jardin des 
Plantes, and by using the midnight and mysterious 
sketch as a guide he cut away the stone and found 
identical characteristics hitherto unknown hidden 
away, making his work of classification an easy one. 

Agassiz now lost his good friend Cuvier, whose 
last words to the young student was the warning, 
“Be careful, and remember that work kills.” The 
day following the warning, Cuvier fell, on his way 
to the Chamber of Deputies, stricken with paralysis, 
and France lost its greatest naturalist. 



Friendship of Humboldt—His Influence on the Life of Agassiz— 
Discouragement—Aid from an Unexpected Quarter—Humboldt 
to the Rescue—The New Book—A Professorship Offered. 

SUP, ] FE death of Cuvier fell) 
with no little weight 
| upon the young natural- 

a ist. It meant the loss of 

a friend, whom he had 

learned to love as well as 

respect, and again threw 
him, to a greater or less 
extent, upon his own re- 
sources. His parents were 
importuning him to re- 
turn to his home and fol- 
low his profession, and 
money was as rare as some of his zodlogical 
treasures. In the fulness of his enthusiasm Agassiz 
never utterly desponded, though there were seasons 
when the clouds looked dark and unpromising, 
and possibly at no time in his career was he so 
dejected; yet the result showed that at least in this 
instance his cloud had a silver lining. Soon after his 


46 Louis Agassiz. 

arrival in Paris he had called upon Baron von Hum- 
boldt regarding a publisher, and he had offered to 
write to Cotta in his behalf. The latter did not re- 
ply, and days lengthened into weeks of suspense, and 
the young scientist was as near despair as his buoyant 
nature would permit. He determined to face the 
inevitable—to renounce his hopes of becoming a sci- 
entist, almost convinced that he had made the good 
fight as far as he could go without compromising 
himself. He decided to discharge Dinkel the artist, 
who had done so much for him, and to return to his 
native town and become a teacher, and in this way 
endeavour to earn a living. What it must have cost 
Agassiz to come to this determination we can readily 
imagine, after having followed him through so many 
difficulties and noted the intense enthusiasm and 
ambition which characterised his every movement. 
But the young naturalist was not destined to be 
diverted from the path of science. One day he 
received a letter from Humboldt, couched in the most 
delicate and friendly language, with an accompany- 
ing letter of credit for one thousand francs. The aid 
was'so timely that it seemed to Agassiz almost a mirac- 
ulous intervention; it was one of the small events in 
the life of the man that was destined to produce great 
results. Agassiz opened his heart to his benefactor, 
and from this time on they became close friends. 
The attention of the young Swiss was now turned 
to the attainment of a professorship in some college 
in his own country, and in this endeavour Humboldt 
aided him in every way. Finally, one day in June, 
1832, he received a letter from M. Coulon, of 

Agassiz and Humboldt. 47 

Neuchatel, stating that a professorship of natural 
history was open and that the very small sum of 
eighty louis had been guaranteed for three years by 
certain persons, in the hope of securing the services 
of Agassiz who was now looked upon by them as an 
eminent man of science. 

Agassiz’s desire to obtain a professorship is men- 
tioned in the following letter* to M. Louis Coulon: 

‘*ParRis, March 27, 1832. 

erin: is {When I had the pleasure of seeing you 
last summer, I several times expressed my strong de- 
sire to establish myself near you, and my intention 
of taking some steps toward obtaining the professor- 
ship of natural history to be founded in your Ly- 
ceum. The matter must be more advanced now 
than it was last year, and you would oblige me 
greatly by giving me some information concerning 
it. I have spoken of my project to M. de Humboldt, 
whom I often see, and who kindly interests himself 
about my prospects and helps me with his advice. 
He thinks that under the circumstances, and espec- 
ially in my position, measures should be taken in 
advance. There is another point of great import- 
ance for me about which I wished also to speak to 
you. Though you have seen but a small part of it, 
you nevertheless know that in my different journeys, 
partly through my relations with other naturalists, 
partly by exchange, I have made a very fair collec- 
tion of natural history, especially rich in just those 

* Letters of Agassiz to Louis Coulon, Mem. Soc, Phys., Genéve, 
1874, xxiii., 472. 

48 Louts Agasstz. 

classes which are less fully represented in your 
museum. My collection might, therefore, fill the 
gaps in that of the city of Neuchatel, and make the 
latter more than adequate for the illustration of a 
full course of natural history. Should an increase of 
your zodlogical collection make part of your plans 
for the Lyceum, I venture to believe that mine would 
fully answer your purpose. In that case I would 
offer it to you, since the expense of arranging it, the 
rent of a room in which to keep it, and, in short, its 
support in general, is beyond my means. I must 
find some way of relieving myself from this burden, 
although it will be hard to part with these com- 
panions of my study, upon which I have based 
almost all my investigations. I have spoken of this 
also to M. de Humboldt, who is good enough to 
show an interest in the matter, and will even take all 
necessary steps with the government to facilitate 
this purchase. You would render me the greatest 
service by giving me your directions about all this, 
and especially by telling me: 1. On whom the 
nonination to the professorship depends? 2. With 
whom the purchase of the collection would rest? 
3. What you think I should do with reference to 
both? Of course you will easily understand that I 
cannot give up my collections except under the con- 
dition that I should be allowed the free use of them.” 

Humboldt was almost as pleased at the proffer of 
a professorship, as Agassiz himself, and he addressed 
a letter* to M. Louis Coulon, in which he said :— 

* Letters to Louis Coulon, Memoirs Soc. Phys., Genéve, 1874, 
xxiii., 472. 

Agassiz and Humboldt. 49 


I do not write to ask a favour, but only to 
express my warm gratitude for your noble and gen- 
erous dealings with the young savant, M. Agassiz, 
who is well worthy your encouragement and the pro- 
tection of your government. He is distinguished by 
his talents, by the variety and substantial character 
of his attainments, and by that which has a special 
value in these troubled times, his natural sweetness 
of disposition. . . . It gratifies me to see your 
kindness toward a young man to whom I am so 
warmly attached ; whom the illustrious Cuvier, also, 
whose loss we must ever deplore, would have recom- 
mended with the same heartiness; for his faith, like 
mine, was based on those admirable works of Agassiz 
which are now nearly completed.” 

Humboldt wrote also to the governor and gained 
the influence of Von Buch for Agassiz, and as a 
result he accepted the professorship. 

From now on, Humboldt showed an active inter- 
est in the expanding life of the young naturalist. 
He had complete faith in his future, and did not 
hesitate to announce to his scientific friends and the 
world at large that young Agassiz, who was but 
twenty-five years of age, was one of the shining 
scientific lights of the day. In the letters which 
passed between these great naturalists at this time, 
their tender and affectionate friendship is well shown. 
Humboldt was always paying Agassiz some delicate 
attention, while Agassiz constantly sought some 
opportunity to express his gratitude to his friend 
and patron, and accord him the credit he deserved. 

The full nature of this friendship, the modesty of 

50 Louis Agasstz. 

Humboldt, the whole-souled nature of Agassiz is well 
illustrated in a little incident regarding the prospec- 
tus of one of the latter’s books on fossil fishes. 
Agassiz had said in the prospectus: “ Finally, I owe 
to M. de Humboldt not only important notes on 
fossil fishes, but so many kindnesses in connection 
with my work that in enumerating them I should 
fear to wound the delicacy of the giver.” 

To this Humboldt had responded: “Your pro- 
spectus is full of interest, and does ample justice to 
those who provided you with materials. To name 
me among them was an affectionate deceit, the ruse 
of anoble soul like yours; I am a little vexed with 
you about it.” ; 

Of Agassiz at this time Ernest Favre writes: “A 
warmth which nothing could repress was with him 
united with facility and charm of expression. Always 
ready to frame theories, to discuss them, and to ad- 
vance new ideas, he captivated his auditors by the 
vigor and clearness of his exposition. His public and 
class lectures, too, were always extraordinarily suc- 
cessful. Even when he discussed the most abstruse 
subject his auditors hung upon his lips. The talent 
for speaking, which he possessed to a high degree, 
was one of his most valuable means of influence, and 
contributed greatly to his celebrity.” 

Humboldt, being the greatest scientist of the day, 
as may be imagined, was a powerin theland. Above 
all, he was a friend of the king, and as Neuchatel was 
at this time under Prussian sovereignty his influence 
was invaluable. Humboldt not only took a deep 
interest in the forth-coming book and the sale of 

| Agassiz and Humbdidt. 51 

Agassiz’s collection of specimens, but he obtained a 
number of subscribers for the former and made the 
author important suggestions, procured press notes 
in influential publications, and in many ways showed 
that his friendship was practical. 


First Lectures to Pupils—Departure for Neuchatel—Success as a 
Teacher—Field Lectures—Call to Heidelberg—The Chair De- 
clined—Threatened Blindness—Preparing for it. 

greatest attainment of 
Agassiz, or express his 
most marked success, in 
a word, it would be the 
term teacher. He was 
the greatest teacher in 
science in modern times, 
a genius who opened up 
a new world in this direc- 
tion, his appearance in 
the field being essentially 
epoch making. 
(We have seen that Agassiz lectured to his com- 
rades in “The Little Academy,” there obtaining 
valuable training; but his first actual labours as an 
instructor began when he was twenty-five years of age, 
and consisted of a series of lectures on natural his- 
tory at the gymnasium at Neuchatel. In this work 







The Young Teacher. 53 

we at last see him at the goal of all his desires and 
ambition, and from this on until the end, in all the 
positions he held it was always Agassiz, the teacher, 
that was pre-eminent. He was the father of modern 
natural history, anddid more to popularise the study 
and interest the masses in the secrets of nature than 
any other man or men of his time. Agassiz’s fame 
was now international and well established, and his 
return to Neuchatel created no little excitement. 
His first lecture in his new position was “‘ Upon the 
Relations between the Different Branches of Natural 
History and the then Prevailing Tendencies of all the 
Sciences.” It was delivered in the hallof the Hotel 
de Ville, November 12, 1832, and was listened to by 
a large and attentive audience. It is interesting to 
note that this lecture had an immediate effect upon 
the people. As he rose and stood before his audi- 
ence this first night we may well imagine that he felt 
some little trepidation ; if so, he soon mastered this, 
words and sentences falling from his lips, which 
kept his listeners spell-bound ; they had never heard 
the subject so clearly and forcibly presented. The 
young teacher was tall and handsome, and his fine 
face all animation, his cheery reassuring smile, his 
beaming eyes and enthusiasm created at once a 
response in his audience. 

Neuchatel soon came to be considered a scienti- 
fic centre, and a decided interest in science was 
awakened among the people. To this M. Coulon 
contributed not a little, aiding Agassiz in the forma- 
tion of a scientific museum and in the accumulation 
of specimens of various kinds. 

54 Louis Agassiz. 

Agassiz was the pioneer of science in this locality, 
and his unwonted enthusiasm soon made itself felt, 
and, as later on in America, he drew around him a 
choice following of bright minds, embryo scientists 
who in later years became well known in the world. 
Among them were C. Vogt, Desor, Gressly, Guyot, 
who followed him to America, Nicolet, of Montmol- 
lin, as well as several fellow-students from Munich, 
Dinkel, Weber and Buckhardt. 

To open a large and elaborate lithographic estab- 
lishment at Neuchatel would seem hazardous, yet, 
H. Nicolet, one of the citizens, was so imbued with 
the value of the work that he undertook this, and a 
vast establishment took form from which all the 
famous plates of Agassiz were turned out. M. 
Vogt gives an idea of the work at Neuchatel at this 
time. “It might be supposed,” he said, “that in 
such complicated machinery the wheels would some- 
times have interfered with each other. The printing 
office constantly demanded copy, the lithographic 
establishment designs, and the work of his original 
researches never ceased; hardly had he the time 
necessary to complete one set of labours before 
Agassiz had new plans and assumed new tasks. 
Every thought that passed through his head was 
converted into a great work, with hundreds of folio 
plates, hundreds of pages of text; in all this he was 
the acknowledged master, as well as in the collection 
of new material for his work. He knew how to 
draw all Europe into contribution. Often boxes 
which had been sent for and awaited with feverish 
impatience remained weeks and even months un- 


The Young Teacher. 55 

opened, because in the meanwhile, another subject 
occupied attention, and the objects they contained 
had lost their interest.” 

Among the visitors to Neuchatel was Leopold von 
Buch, the well-known geologist of Berlin, an admirer 
of Agassiz. On one occasion he said: “ When I am 
at Neuchatel, and I knock at the door of Agassiz, I 
am always afraid.” ‘ Why?” asked his companion, 
“T dread,” said Von Buch, “lest he will take me for 
a new species.” 

This was a witty suggestion of one of the criti- 
cisms made of Agassiz’s methods at the time. It 
was said that he was too liberal in making species, 
—a charge that has been brought against every 
naturalist of note. 

Agassiz did not confine his teaching to the gym- 
nasium, but gave private lectures to his friends 
throughout the winter on a variety of topics. 
Some were at social gatherings; others during 
walks abroad under the blue sky with examples all 
about. Agassiz drew his inspiration from the hills 
and fields, and his enthusiasm was imparted to his 
hearers, so that in a very short time he acquired a 
reputation as a singularly successful teacher. He 
had the faculty of imparting knowledge to a rare 
degree. His greatest delight was to teach the 
children, and his class of little folks, whom he 
taught for the love of imparting knowledge, was a 
source of much pleasure. Sometimes he took them 
over the fields and far away; teaching them geogra- 
phy by climbing ahillside to look down upon the 
lake or study the shape of some mountain ; again 

56 Louis Agassiz. 

they gathered flowers, and while standing among 
them he explained their secrets to his young pupils, 
who caught the infection from his beaming eyes and 
expressive face. Sometimes they had an object 
lesson on the fruits of the tropics, each child holding 
a banana, an orange, a lime or some product of 
foreign soil, after which the objects were eaten,—a 
convincing and telling ending to the lesson and one, 
doubtless, eminently satisfactory to the pupils. 

No one thought of Agassiz as an instructor; he 
was always the delightful companion, and the end of 
his talks always came too soon. In speaking of this, 
Professor Louis Favre once said: ‘‘ They were /¢e 
days for the young people, who found in their pro- 
fessor an active companion, full of spirits, vigour, 
and gayety, whose enthusiasm kindled in them the 
sacred fire of science.” 

The reputation of so successful a teacher could 
not be confined to Neuchatel, and it was not long 
before the young instructor began to receive calls 
from other institutions. Professor Leuckart, who 
had held the chair of zodlogy at Heidelberg, was 
called: to Freiburg, and the position was tendered 
Agassiz, who sent the letter to his friend Humboldt, 
whose advice he always sought, telling him that his 
inclination was for various reasons to remain in Neu- 
chatel. He hoped to sell his collections to the local 
society and thus realise money enough to enable him 
to remain a while in the town where he had received 
so warm a welcome. Humboldt agreed with him 
in this decision; and we find the young teacher de- 
clining one of the greatest honours that could have 

The Young Teacher. 57 

been bestowed upon him at this time, as the offer of 
a university of the standing of Heidelberg meant 
that the person to whom the tender was made was 
considered second to none. 

Agassiz continued his work in Neuchatel until 
the close application resulted in practical blindness. 
His eyes gave out, and for weeks he feared that he 
would become blind. While sitting in the darkened 
room, he prepared himself for this possible fate by 
practising daily touching fossils until he developed 
such a delicate sense of feeling that he was confident 
that if he lost his eyesight he could carry on his 
scientific work by the sense of touch alone. 

It was during his recovery from this affliction that 
Agassiz married Cecile Braun, the sister of his friend 
and college-mate. They had long been intimate, and 
she was thoroughly in sympathy with his work, 
many of the illustrations of his books being from her 
pencil. The bride was brought home to Neuchatel, 
much to the delight of Agassiz’s parents, who, espec- 
ially his mother, approved his marriage as complet- 
ing the full rounding out of his life. 

Honours began to pour in upon the young teacher, 
now twenty-six years of age. His book on fossil 
fishes attracted attention among scientists all over 
the world, and he received many invitations from the 
English scientists, as Murchison, Buckland, Lyell and 
others to visit England and examine their treasures 
in the way of fossil fishes. Especially gratifying was 
a letter from Sir Charles Lyell, containing the in- 
formation that he was deemed worthy the Wollaston 
prize of about seven hundred francs, The famous 

58 Louis Agassiz. 

geologist fully appreciated the struggles of the young 
Swiss, as in his letter he added: “In the mean time 
I am desired to tell you that the Society declines 
to receive your magnificent work as a gift, but 
wishes to subscribe for it, and has already ordered a 
copy from the publishers. fh 

The prize overjoyed Agassiz who was still ex- 
tremely poor, and in a letter to Lyell he said that 
the news was received with tears of joy and grati- 
tude. He was not ashamed of his poverty and said 
so, having spent his last franc on his scientific work. 
The publication was received everywhere with great 
enthusiasm, and to-day, nearly sixty years later, has 
never been equalled for its thoroughness and the 
care displayed in the preparation. The title was 
Researches on the Fossil Fishes. 

For ten years, from 1833 to 1843, Agassiz laboured 
upon it, and when it is remembered how young a 
man he was, the work is a marvel, suggestive of the 
brilliant genius from which it emanated. 

| aot 
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Curiosity of English Scientists to see Agassiz—New Honours.— 
Visit to Bex—Sale of Original Drawings—Glacial Theories— 
Proffers of Professorships. 


N the year 1833 there was ) 

intense curiosity among 
English naturalists to see 
the young Swiss teacher, 
who had carried off the 
Wollaston prize, and in 
1834 this was gratified, 
Agassiz having decided to 
make the trip to England. 
He was assured a warm 
welcome and received it 
from every quarter espec- 
ially from the great Eng- 
lish savants. He now met Sir Charles Lyell and 
Murchison, the geologists, the genial Buckland, Sir 
Philip Egerton, Lord Cole, and many more who 
received him cordially and opened to him the 
paleontological treasures of Great Britain. Still 
in the developmental stage, Agassiz needed the 


60 Louis Agassiz. 

new surroundings and associations which he enjoyed 
at this time, and undoubtedly the friends he made 
during this visit had no little effect upon his career 
and methods of work. The two men who perhaps 
aided him the most, and whose warm friendship he 
enjoyed through life were Lord Cole and Sir Philip 
Egerton, both owners of fine collections of fossil 
fishes which were placed at his disposal. 

During this trip to England Agassiz was put toa 
severe test which demonstrated how perfect was his 
knowledge of the structure of fishes and how accur- 
ate were his deductions. His fame had spread over 
all England, and naturally there were many who 
doubted his powers. A few weeks before, a fossil fish 
had been discovered in alower strata than previously 
known; so low, in fact, that up to that time no or- 
ganic remains had been found there, the rocks 
having been considered azoic. During a discussion 
at a scientific meeting which Agassiz attended, a natur- 
alist propounded a question to Agassiz, who was 
ignorant of the discovery, which required a description 
of a possible fish from such rocks. The situation was 
dramatic. Agassiz in complete ignorance that he 
was the victim of so crucial atest; the eager listeners 
—some doubting, others hoping, perhaps, that they 
could trip the distinguished foreigner—all expectant. 
There was a moment’s silence, then Agassiz pro- 
ceeded modestly to the blackboard, and after a short 
prelude in which he referred to his views of creation 
and its order, he drew with the crayon the outlines 
of the possible fish. As it took form under his skil- 
ful hand, a murmur of amazement broke from the 

Winning Fame — 61 

naturalists, merging into applause and congratula- 
tion, much to the astonishment of Agassiz, who 
stepped back to see one of his colleagues raise a 
screen and display upon the wall the original of the 
fish his master-hand had conceived from the depths 
of his well-stored mind. “To such an extent,” says 
Dr. Stebbins, “had this great scientist advanced in a 
knowledge of the plan of God in nature.” 

Hardly a day passed that Agassiz did not receive 
letters asking him to visit various localities. One 
which attracted especial attention was from Char- 
pentier, who had made a reputation by his studies 
of the glacial systems of Europe. He urged Agassiz 
to make him a visit, offering as an inducement some 
fossils which he had discovered, and in 1836 Agas- 
siz decided to spend the summer with him, little 
dreaming that his experiments would give him even 
more renown than the Brazilian fishes and other 
publications which he brought out. There was 
hardly a field in natural science that Agassiz had not 
investigated, and on the question of glaciers he had 
well-defined views which differed materially from 
those of Charpentier, who now urged him to visit 

Agassiz did not accept the theory of his corres- 
pondent, that the bowlders found all over Switzerland 
were distributed by the agency of ice; indeed, he 
considered it so very improbable that he felt confi- 
dent that he could soon disabuse Charpentier of the 
belief, and with this in view he began the journey to 
Bex in the valley of the Rhone. The result of his 
summer expeditions was a complete victory for 

62 Louis Agassiz. 

Charpentier; indeed, Agassiz concluded that if any- 
thing his friend had taken a too conservative view of 
the action of ice. 

Agassiz was at this time greatly hampered by a 

(lack of funds; indeed the work on fossil fishes came 
to a standstill for a while. He had parted with his 
collection and every available franc that he earned 
went to further what was the work of his life. He 
now had nothing to dispose of but his original draw- 
ings, the sale of which was finally effected through 
the efforts of his friend Sir Philip Egerton, who 
used his influence with the British Museum where 
they ultimately found a home through the munif- 
cence of his cousin, Lord Francis Egerton. 

The proceeds from this sale were not sufficient to 
enable Agassiz to still employ the artist, so Sir Philip 
Egerton and Lord Cole defrayed the expenses of the 
latter, with the understanding that the original draw- 
ings should ultimately become their own. 

The summer at Bex was a revelation to the young 
teacher. He wandered over the valley of the Rhone, 
studied the great moraines, observed the huge 
bowlders lying about here and there, and gradually 
the part that had been played by the ice age of the 
past was fully appreciated, and his mind was filled 
with new thoughts and ideas which found expression 
later on. 

During the winter following his visit to Bex he 
investigated the evidences of glacial action near 
Neuchatel and in the Jura, and in the spring when 
the Helvetic Society of Natural Science met at 
Neuchatel under his presidency, he unfolded his 

Winning Fame. 63 

accumulated knowledge and outlined to his inter- 
ested hearers a theory which in later years was ac- 
cepted by the scientific world at large. His views 
astonished his auditors, and as they became spread 
abroad he drew the entire school of glacial students 
about him,—Von Buch, Elie de Beaumont, Charpen- 
tier, and even Humboldt. 

This conversion was not immediate, as at first he 
was attacked from all sides. Von Buch, whom a con- 
temporary said, “ was not famous for sweetness of 
temper,” became incensed at Agassiz and would not 
even listen to the theories which he so boldly an- 
nounced and so completely supported. Yet Agassiz 
was prepared for antagonism and was especially ready 
for his friend Von Buch as is shown in the following 
closing remark in his speech which was evidently 
intended to mollify the irate scientist: “When M. 
Von Buch affirmed for the first time, in the face of 
‘the formidable school of Werner, that granite is of 
plutonic origin, and that the mountains were raised, 
what said the Neptunists? He was at first alone 
in his support of the theory, and it was only by 
defending it with the conviction of genius that he 
made it prevail. Happily, in scientific matters, 
numerical majorities have never at first decided any 

Agassiz seemed to grasp the situation at once. He 
saw from the evidences before him a glacial sheet of 
ice covering all Europe, appearing and disappearing 
according to the changes of temperature in vast eras 
of time. He pictured the earth, covered with vege- 
tation, gradually encompassed by a sheet of ice that 


64 Louis Agassiz. 

became as firm as rock, and in moving carried all 
before it, depositing the erratic bowlders all over 
Europe. The theories advocated at this time by 
scientists were that these deposits were caused by 
freshets, floods, and other local phenomena, and, as 
might be expected, the young president of the Hel- 
vetic Society was attacked from all sides with good- 
natured but active antagonism. Humboldt at first 
took exception to his views, and wrote him that 
“Von Buch rages, as you may already know, consid- 
ering the subject (of glaciers), as he does, his exclu- 
sive property.” 

Von Buch with difficulty controlled his temper 
when he listened to what he firmly believed to be 
heresies of the grossest kind. He laughed when 
shown the glacial markings at Neuchatel, and said 
that the lines were caused by the boys of Neuchatel 
in sliding down the hills of that picturesque region, 
exclaiming as he left the spot, “ O Sancte de Saussure, 
ora pro nobis.” 

Humboldt feared that his young friend would be 
drawn away from his studies of fishes by the fresh 
charms of the glaciers and protested vigorously. 
“For mercy’s sake,” he wrote, “take care of your 
health which is so dear to us. I am afraid you work 
too much, and (shall I say it frankly ?) that you 
spread your intellect over too many subjects at once. 
I think that you should concentrate your moral and 
also your pecuniary strength upon this beautiful 
work on fossil fishes. In so doing you will render a 
greater service to positive geology, than by these 
general considerations (a little icy withal) on the 

Winning Fame. 65 

revolutions of the primitive world; considerations 
which, as you well know, convince only those who 
give them birth. . . . Yourice frightens me, and 
gladly as I would welcome you here, my dear friend, 
I think, perhaps, for the sake of your health, and also 
that you may not see this country, always so hideous, 
under a sheet of snow and ice (in Febuary), you 
would do better to come two months later, with the 
first verdure.” 

Life was too short for the active mind of Agassiz. 
The days passed too quickly ; every moment had its 
value, every second its meaning in its accumulation 
of time. -- He’seemed to: appreciate that the mo- 
ments are but the ticks of the human clock, every 
one of which brings the running-down time nearer 
and nearer. An hour, a moment wasted was an ir- 
retrievable loss and his policy was to make the most 
of each. This explains the enormous amount of 
work he accomplished in a comparatively short life- 
time. New ideas, opportunities for fresh discoveries 
were ever appearing, and his inclination was always 
to enter every new field ready to conquer. Not 
alone a zodlogist, but a geologist, botanist, physician, 
a student of nature, a teacher of nature’s secrets in 
the broadest sense, such was Agassiz, and it is not 
strange that Humboldt closed one of his letters with 
the warning that he was attempting too much. “No 
more ice,” said the savant, “not much of echino- 
derms, plenty of fish, recall of ambassadors 7 
partibus, and great severity toward the book-sellers, 
an infernal race, two or three of whom have been 

killed under me.” 

66 Louts Agassiz. 

We shall see that Agassiz did not accept this ad- 
(vice any more than he did that of his friend Cuvier 
who adjured him to beware of too constant work, 
the work that kills. It was impossible for a man 
like Agassiz to restrain his mental out-grasping. It 
was his life, his nature, and was to be to the end. 
Every day new plans were born. His reputation was 
growing apace, and tenders of professorships and 
requests for lectures came from all sides.. M. de la 
Rive, of Geneva, now begged his acceptance of a 
professorship in the academy at Geneva, with a 
salary of three thousand francs, while another invita- 
tion greeted him from Lausanne, offering a similar 
position with a liberal salary. But to all these he 
turned a deaf ear, and. in 1838 we find him with 
work rolling up ahead like a billow of the sea. He 
had_ established a lithographic printing-house in 
Neuchatel, so that his plates could be made here. 
He was now the manager of this business, a pro- 
fessor of natural history in the college, and the 
president and central figure in a number of socie- 
ties; at the same time he was engaged upon his 
great work The Fossil Fishes, investigating the 
fossil echinoderms and mollusks, and delivering lec- 
tures to students and friends on a variety of sub- — 
jects. In brief, he was the embodiment of mental 
and physical activity, and in all the annals of scien- 
tific men we find but few parallels to his energy. His 
watchful and discerning eye seemed to penetrate the 
sciences, many of which were at a standstill, giving 
them fresh impetus. In every direction he saw 
something new, some undeveloped feature. The 

Winning Fame. 67 

fact that shells were studied without regard to the 
living portion attracted his attention, and, as a re- 
sult, he began moulding the interior of shells, thus 
producing casts of the animals. One of his books, 
Etudes Critiques sur les Mollusques Fossiles, with 
many fine plates, was a partial result of this 

In this year, 1838, Agassiz was honoured with 
membership by the Royal Society of London, his 
name having been presented by Sir Philip Edgerton. 
He was now thirty years of age, yet few scientists in 
all Europe had greater results to show than this 
young teacher, who in his own estimation had but 
begun his career as a man of letters and science. 



Interest in Glaciers—Opposition of Scientists—Visit to Glaciers— 
The Hotel Neuchatelois—Curious Experiments—Descent into 
the Glaciers—The Heart of a Glacier—Ascent of the Jungfrau— 
Injecting Coloured Fluids—The Work on Glaciers. 

ESPITE the protests of 
Humboldt and _ other 
friends Agassiz grew 
more and more _inter- 
ested in the glacial prob- 
lem that his discerning 
eye saw was yet un- 
solved. He determined 
to investigate it  thor- 
oughly, and to this end 
began a series of glacier 
hunts, a search for these 
marvels of ice  forma- 

tion, ancient and modern. The vicinity of Mont 

Blanc was naturally the point of greatest interest, 

and one of his first trips was to the valley of the 

Hassli where moves a vast river of ice, a later trip 

being made to the glaciers of Mont Blanc. These 


A Glacier Hunt. 69 

pleasure trips, for he was often accompanied by his 
friends and pupils, were fruitful in results, and 
demonstrated to Agassiz that he was correct in his 
original surmises. He was at this time in the full 
flush of vigorous manhood; few of his companions 
could compete with him in physical endurance, and 
many a wild race he led his friends Dinkel and M. 
Desor, who became equally interested in the history 
of glaciers. 

The new study brought him another friend, 
Arnold Guyot, who was from this time on his col- 
league. By a special agreement these friends took 
up this great subject of glaciers together. In 1838 
we find Guyot in the Central Alps, watching the 
movement of glaciers and observing the structure of 
the great mass, while Agassiz was walking over the 
rough country in the Bernese Oberland, Chamounix 
and Haut Valais, studying the glaciers of ancient 
days when they covered the land. At the end of 
these delightful expeditions the two friends met at 
the meeting of the Geological Society of France, in 
the town of Porrentruy, and discussed before other 
savants the results of their season’s work, encounter- 
ing no little opposition, as we may imagine, as the 
new theories were by no means received with favour. 
Buckland, who was also a student of glaciers at this 
time, wrote: 

“Tam sorry that I cannot entirely adopt the new 
theory you advocate to explain transported blocks 
by moraines; for supposing it adequate to explain 
the phenomena of Switzerland, it would not apply 
to the granite blocks and transported gravel of Eng- 

70 Louis Agassiz. 

land, which I can only explain by referring to cur- 
rents of water.” 

It should be remembered that later Buckland 
became an enthusiastic convert to the young Swiss 
teacher and his theories. 

The stroller through Princeton College will be told 
that this institution of learning contains in its 
museum five thousand specimens of rocks presented 
by Professor Guyot. These were collected by him 
when studying the glacier system with Agassiz and 
Desor; the work was carried on after a regularly or- 
ganised plan, the idea being to publish the results of 
each in a volume, which, however, was never carried 
to completion. As with everything Agassiz at- 
tempted, the unsolving of the secrets of the glaciers 
was begun in a thorough and systematic manner. 
The first important expedition was made in the 
summer of 1839, Agassiz ascending the range of 
Monte Rosa and Matterhorn, having as companions 
M. Desor, M. Bettanier, and Studer, the geologist, 
who went up the glacier asceptic and came down a 
thorough convert. The party encamped on the 
edge of the river of ice and made daily excursions 
to the different points of interest, so that by the end 
of the season Agassiz had examined every glacier in 
the vicinity, not to speak of those from the Ménch, 
the Jungfrau, the glacier of the Rhone and the Aar. 
It was during this summer that he made the re- 
markable discovery of the rate of speed attained by 
these rivers of ice. In 1827 an investigator named 
Hugi built a cabin upon the ice of the glacier at the 
foot of the Abschwung. Agassiz visited the cabin 



A Glacier Hunt. 71 

twelve years later and made the discovery that dur- 
ing that time it had travelled a mile anda fifth, or 
was about four thousand feet below the original site. 

In his ardour and enthusiasm for science Agassiz 
was enabled to throw off the ordinary troubles of 
life, but there were times when his inadequate means 
cut like a knife and poverty seemed a band of steel 
holding him back. We see glimpses of this ina 
letter published by Ernest Favrein the Smithsonian 

“Tam frightened at the approach of a new year, 
the time for the settlement of accounts in Neu- 
- chatel, and I work like a madman to be able to meet 
my indebtedness. If God preserves my health I 
hope, after one or two years of continued labour, if I 
moderate my expenses, and particularly if I abstain 
from publishing anything more on my account, to 
settle my affairs completely, but for the time I am 
horribly cramped, I must say almost paralysed; but 
it is my own fault, and I must bear patiently the 
consequences until I can succeed in getting myself 
afloat again.” ‘My great regret in the present con- 
dition of my affairs is that I am obliged to employ 
a portion of my time with matters I ought not to 
have neglected, and which occupy me now much 
more than if I had always attended to them, and I 
am obliged to retard some of the publications I 
greatly desired to make next, but which it would be 
imprudent for me to undertake at present, for I 
should reproduce the embarrassment from which I 
only just commence to be relieved if I did not conduct 
all my enterprises with the utmost circumspection.” 

a2 Louis Agassiz. 

“My life,” he wrote at another time, “is now a 
vortex, in which the best part of my nature is hardiy 
conscious of its existence, so numerous and pressing 
are the exterior exigencies from which I suffer.” 

The season in this ice-land of romance passed only 

(too quickly and the summer of 1840 was looked 
forward to by the enthusiasts with unbounded pleas- 
ure. As soon as the season permitted, Agassiz and 
his party were again established on the glacier of 
the Aar. They were provided with two excellent 
guides, and on the moraine they formed a shelter 
partly under a huge bowlder, which with blankets 
and poles they transformed into a rude house, which 
was facetiously called the Hétel des Neuchatelois. 
Agassiz was the landlord, or proprietor of this 
glacial hotel, and the register might have shown the 
names of Edouard Desor, Charles Vogt, Count 
Pourtalés, afterward so well known in America, 
Henri Coulon, Célestin Nicolet, Jacob Leuthold, and 
Johann Wahren, the two latter having been guides 
to Hugi, the builder of the cabin on the glacier 
in 1828. 

The following extract from a letter of M. Desor, 
dated on the Aar, will convey an impression of 
life on a glacier, showing that it required no little 
scientific ardour to continue it: 

“You are much mistaken if you suppose that all is 
pleasure, satisfaction, and intellectual enjoyment at 
the Hétel Neuchatelois. We have been shut up three 
days in our tent, unable to venture out, the gus* 

* A whirlwind of snow, called so in the Oberland. 

A Glacier Hunt. 73 

is so furious. Do you know what a gux is? I 
think not ; and you are happy in your ignorance. I 
can only say in regard to it that if the founders of 
the various religions had known of the gux they 
would not have imagined a hell for lost souls, but 
would simply have sent them to the Fixsteraarhorn, 
and secured for them a perpetual gux. . . . It 
takes hold of the limbs, dries the skin, renders the 
imagination heavy and obtuse, prevents the exercise 
of the culinary art. In the night of the 21st to 
22d it overturned our cabin, and we were obliged to 
work until morning to restore it again. Imagine 
how delightful it must have been to work in the 
open air at a temperature two degrees below zero, 
while a tempest was constantly blowing clouds of 
pulverised ice in our faces.” The open nature of 
this “ hotel” can be imagined when it is known that 
it afforded but poor protection against wind or rain ; 
yet the party was a jolly one under all circumstances. 
Burkhardt tells how the first man to awake in the 
morning aroused the others by directing one of the 
many streams that coursed down the wall, on the 
faces of the sleepers. 

One of the first trips was to this cabin, which 
they had found in 1839. It had gone to pieces in its 
voyage of four hundred feet during the winter. 

The great work of Agassiz,—Systeme Glaciaire, 
was one of the results of this series of exploits and 
investigations. Count Pourtalés was the meteorolo- 
gist, Vogt the microscopist, Nicolet studied the flora 
and rocks, Desor the moraines, and in this way a 
vast number of facts were obtained. Guyot says in 

74 Louts Agassiz. 

his biographical sketch of Agassiz, “all the physical 
laws of the glaciers were brought to light.” 

In the daily expeditions Agassiz displayed his in- 
Grepid nature, always being to the fore, adventurous, 
bold and hardy, leading expeditions over the glacier 
that astonished the guides themselves. Altogether 
the summer was a most successful one, and the 
autumn saw Agassiz in Great Britain studying the 
glaciers there and combating the English scientists 
who refused even then to entertain his ideas. Re- 
ferring to this, Agassiz once said in a public lecture, 
at Penikese: “Among the older naturalists, only 
one stood by me. Dr. Buckland, Dean of West- 
minster, who had come to Switzerland at my urgent 
request for the express purpose of seeing my evidence 
and who had been fully convinced of the ancient 
extension of ice there, consented to accompany me 
on my glacier hunt in Great Britain. We went first 
to the Highlands of Scotland, and it is one of the 
delightful recollections of my life that as we ap- 
proached the castle of the Duke of Argyll, standing 
in a valley not unlike some of the Swiss valleys, I 
said to Buckland: ‘ Here we shall find our first traces 
of glaciers’; and, as the stage entered the valley, 
we actually drove over an ancient terminal moraine, 
which spanned the opening of the valley.” 

Agassiz did not confine his trips to the glacier to 
the summer alone. In the winter of 1841 he visited 
the glacier of the Aar, and hunted for the stakes he 
had planted the previous summer, one object being 
to learn if the water flowed beneath the glacier as it 
did in the summer, The results of this trip are 

A Glacier Hunt. 75 

given in Agassiz’s work, already referred to, while 
many interesting incidents are culled from a sojourn 
on the glacier by his fellow-student, Desor. 

In the summer of 1841 Agassiz visited the glacier 
again, now with new additions to his staff—Forbes 
of Edinburgh, Heath, of Cambridge, De la Linth, 
and Burkhardt, the artist. This season the plan was 
to penetrate to the very heart of the glacier, and to 
this end a boring apparatus was brought up with 
which the glacier was punctured at various places. 

Agassiz finally determined to descend into the 
heart of the glacier itself, and against the advice 
of his companions he was lowered by ropes into a 
glacial well, nearly ending his career by his temerity. 
The so-called wells were deep well-shaped crevices, 
descending into the very heart of the glacier, and 
the fact that the mass was moving at a rate of forty 
feet per day suggested that the well-hole might 
disappear at any time. This did not deter the ad- 
venturous scientist. A stream of water was flowing 
into the well, and having diverted this into another 
channel a tripod was erected over the opening, and 
from this Agassiz was lowered, seated upon a board 
in turn attached to the rope. His object was to 
determine how deeply the laminated structure which 
he had observed penetrated. 

Having arranged with his friends that they were 
to lower until he shouted to them to stop, word was 
given and the explorer sank out of sight on one of 
the most adventurous expeditions on record. No 
one before had entered the heart of a glacier; no 
one had gazed at the so-called blue bands in the 

76 Louis Agassiz. 

centre of the great ice mass, and we can but imagine 
the sensations of the enthusiast as he slowly de- 
scended; the gloom growing deeper and deeper, the 
rich blue of the ice more intense. He had descended 
to a depth of eighty feet when an obstacle was met 
with in the shape of a parti-wall separating the well. 
He first essayed the larger opening, but finding that 
this radiated into a number of small tunnels he gave 
it up and tried a smaller and slowly descended, now 
being almost one hundred and twenty feet from the 
surface of the ice. Every foot of the wall was care- 
fully scanned, and he was completely absorbed in 
the wonders of his surroundings when suddenly he 
found himself in ice-cold water. He had reached 
the bottom without observing it, and had plunged 
into an icy bath of unknown depth. His shout of 
distress was at first misunderstood, and he was being 
steadily lowered into what would have been his 
death when his signal was interpreted and those 
above began to draw him up. If the descent was 
dangerous the ascent was much more so. The well 
was filled with large icicles, which pointing downward 
presented no obstacle in his descent, but now as 
Agassiz looked up the one hundred and twenty-five 
feet of the blue ice the sharp and dangerous points 
of hundreds of these javelins threatened to cut the 
rope or fall upon him; and possibly not till then 
did he realise that he had taken his life in his hands 
for science and that the trip was a foolhardy one. 
His friends at the entrance did their work well. 
Some watched ; others took care that the rope did 
not chafe, while the rest hauled up the explorer 


A Glacier Hunt. fo 

who guided his way through the great ice needles 
successfully and was lifted out amid the applause 
and cheers of his companions, whose hearty con- 
gratulations he had well earned. 

The scientific results of this expedition demon- 
strated that the laminated structure of the glaciers 
penétrated to a depth of at least eighty feet. 

The remainder of the summer was passed in the 
regular work as outlined, and at the end the scientists 
proposed ascending the Jungfrau, which has become 
historical, and which has been described in vivid 
language by M. Desor in his Séjours dans les Gla- 
ciers. The start was made from the hospice of the 
Grimsel on the last of August, the party being com- 
posed of six guides and two travellers besides the 
naturalists. The first night after a long walk over 
the glacier was spent at Méril, and by five the 
next morning they were speeding along, led by 
Jacob Leuthold, the famous guide. The trip to the 
glacier of Aletsch was fairly easy, but beyond this 
the journey became not merely difficult but danger- 
ous. Here they halted fora rest prior to the final 
start. The locality was one to impress the mind 
with the grandeur of nature. They were in a vast 
amphitheatre of ice, inclosed by giant mountains, 
the Jungfrau, the Ménch and others, capped with 
eternal snow. Provided with the merest necessities, 
they started up the pass, which lies between the 
Jungfrau and Kranzberg, and soon were struggling 
upward over the various terraces, sinking into the 
snow, passing vast crevasses on thin layers of ice, 
facing a thousand dangers which often menaced 

78 Louis Agassiz. 

them on every hand. Now fastened by ropes; again 
climbing over crevasses, apparently bottomless, on 
the ladder they carried, or scaling cliffs, carefully 
cutting their way, they slowly ascended the mountain 
of iceandsnow. They were finally stopped by a gulf 
of great depth; a fall into which would have meant 
instant death. Across this, the intrepid Leuthold 
threw his famous ladder, the same that had served 
him with Hugi nine years previous, and over this 
they crept, to find upon the opposite side an abrupt 
wall of ice. This was ascended by cutting steps in 
the ice, and once upon the summit they found them- 
selves upon a broad terrace, leading to the Col of 
Rothnal, with magnificent views of the Aletsch and 
Rothnal valleys. From here on the axes of the 
guides cut their way, and a portion of the time they 
walked over a platform of snow and ice so thin that 
by driving their stocks through they could see the 
vast amphitheatre below—a stupendous ‘and awe- 
inspiring spectacle. The precipice was so near that 
it dazed them to look at it, and one of the guides was 
so appalled by the sight and danger that he was 
unable to continue. 

On they pressed, each man realising that a slip, a 
false movement, might be the last; yet none faltered, 
least of all Agassiz, who was always to the fore, 
cheering and admonishing, filled with enthusiasm 
and awe at the sublime evidences of the Creator’s 
power that were everywhere visible. Finally, after 
an heroic effort, the summit of the Jungfrau ap- 
peared, the mist gradually dissipating, leaving the 
grand peak in full view. A few feet more and it was 

A Glacier Hunt. 79 

theirs; but suddenly a sharp and apparently insur- 
mountable ridge appeared, disorganising their forces 
and bringing them to a complete standstill. The 
guide was equal to the occasion; throwing his alpen- 
stock over the ice-ridge and using it as a grapple he 
soon reached the top, then assisted Agassiz, who 
stood on the pinnacle of the famous Jungfrau and 
looked off upon one of the grandest scenes in the 
world. The actual peak was so narrow that but one 
person at a time could stand upon it, so the adven- 
turers took their turn in clasping arms about the 
apex, drinking in the wonders of the scenery. 

The descent was easily made, and in less than a 
third of the time taken in the ascent they were in 
the lowlands again, safe and highly elated at the 
satisfactory termination of the adventure. 

The experiments of Agassiz did not satisfy his op- 
ponents, and the glacial war was fought between 
Switzerland, England, and France, with renewed 
vigour. Murchison wrote him, referring to his last 
discovery: “ You will see that I have grappled hon- 
estly and according to my own faith with your ice, 
but have never lost sight of your great merit. My 
concluding paragraph [in an accompanying discourse] 
will convince you and all your friends that if Iam 
wrong it is not from any preconceived notions, but only 
because I judge from what you will call incomplete 
evidence. Your Venez voir / still sounds in my ears.” 

In his address at the Anniversary Meeting of the 
Geographical Society of London, 1842,* he said: 

* Extract from Report in vol. xxxiii of the Zdindburgh New Philo- 
sophical Fournal, 

80 Louis Agassiz. 

“Once grant to Agassiz that his deepest valleys of 
Switzerland, such as the enormous Lake of Geneva, 
were formerly filled with snow and ice, and I see no 
stopping-place. From that hypothesis you may 
proceed to fill the Baltic and the Northern seas, 
cover southern England and half of Germany and 
Russia with similar icy sheets, on the surfaces of 
which all the northern bowlders might have been 
shot off. So long as the greater number of the 
practical geologists of Europe are opposed to the 
wide extension of a terrestrial glacial theory, there 
can be little risk that such a doctrine should take 
too deep a hold of the mind. . . . The existence 
of glaciers in Scotland and England (I mean in the 
Alpine sense) is not, at all events, established to the 
satisfaction of what I believe to be by far the greater 
number of British geologists.” 

Yet in later years Murchison became an ardent 
convert to the theories advanced by Agassiz, and 
Darwin, who was the antipodes of Agassiz in many 
things, agreed with him on the glacial question. 

If Agassiz neglected for a time his zodlogical 
studies by his incursions into glacial lore, his fame in- 
creased and grew in other ways. The King of Prussia 
was his staunch supporter, and being especially inter- 
ested in glaciers gave the naturalist one thousand 
dollars to continue the work; so in 1842 he again 
visited the glacier with a new party, when to their 
regret they found that the Hétel des Neuchatelois, as 
Agassiz had named their cabin, was sadly in need of 
repairs. Its day of usefulness as a hotel was rapidly 
passing, and as there was absolute danger in it, a 


A Glacier Hunt. 81 

tent or cabin of canvas was used instead. Mrs. 
Agassiz in her life of her husband follows the history 
of the bowlder. She states that it had begun to 
split in 1841, and in 1844 broke apart, the elements 
completing its ruin in the following years. She adds 
that as late as 1884, forty years later, a piece of the 
stone was found bearing the names of some of the 
party and the number 2. The piece had been car- 
ried a long distance by the river of ice. 

Some of the experiments made this year were ex- 
tremely interesting. One was to introduce coloured 
fluid into the glacier and thus trace the network of 
fissures which it was supposed carried water into 
the heart of the glacier. To watch the fluid, a gallery 
was cut through the body of the glacier thirty feet 
below the surface. Other experiments showed the 
rapidity of advancement and that the centre moved 
more rapidly than the edges—a result proved by the 
position of a row of stakes which had been driven 
across the glacier the previous September, and now 
found to form a crescent, the centre being far in ad- 
vance of those on the sides. The rate of advance- 
ment of the glacier day and night, the topographical 
survey of the glacier, the surface waste, these and 
others were the points observed. 

The letters of Agassiz written at this time show 
what sacrifices were made to add to the knowledge 
of glacial science. The results of these investiga- 
tions, representing seasons of labour and adventure, 
were summed up in a work completed in Paris and 
published under the title of the Systeme Glaciaire, 
which embodied, so to speak, the life history of a 


82 Louis Agassiz. 

single glacier, as the author says in his Preface, he 
with his companions “ lived in the intimacy of the 
glacier, striving to draw from it the secret of its 
formation and its annual advance.” The work isa 
monument to the genius of Agassiz in other than 
zoological fields. 


Glacial Studies—New Books—Variety of Works—Suggestion of 
Prince Canino—An Opening in America—Plans for the Ameri- 
can Trip—The Monthyon Prize—Visit to Paris—Arrival in Bos- 
ton—First Lectures—American Scientists—Impressions of 
America—Marine Studies—The Home in East Boston. 

SHILE the attention of ) 

Agassiz in the year 1842 
seemed fully occupied 
with his glacial investi- 
gations he by no means 
neglected his other 
work. He appeared to 
have a marvellous fac- 
ulty for covering many 
and different fields of 
investigation at the same 
time. Now expounding 
his theories on_ glacial 
action, now issuing a new book, or superintend- 
ing the artists upon another, his active mind 
was never at rest. 

It was during the very face of these glacial in- 
vestigations that he produced some of his most im- 

84 Louis Agassiz. 

portant zodlogical works, as Etudes Critiques sur les 
Mollusques Fossiles,a most elaborate work containing 
one hundred plates, a volume on tertiary shells 
with fourteen plates, also a work on fossil echino- 
derms, with thirty-seven plates. Add to these the 
Nomenclator Zoblogicus and his Libliographia Zoolo- 
gie et Geologie, upon which he worked at this time, 
and we may form some conception of the labours of 
this remarkable man. 

The Prince of Canino, Charles Bonaparte, was, 
in all probability, among the first to discuss with 
Agassiz a proposed visit to America. Ina letter to 
Agassiz in 1842, this friend and naturalist wrote: 
“J indulge myself in dreaming of this journey to 
America in which you have promised to accompany 
me. What a relaxation! and at the same time 
what an amount of useful work.” 

In another letter he begged Agassiz to keep him 
in mind for the American trip, as in 1844 he would 
find himself free togo. That Bonaparte appreciated 
that the move would mean much to science is shown 
by the sentence, “The mere anticipation of this 
journey is delightful to me, since I shall have you at 
my side, and may thus feel sure that it will make an 
epoch in science.” 

The stupendous undertakings of Agassiz, while 
they were far-reaching in their scientific value were 
not remunerative, hence he was continually in finan- 
cial straits. These difficulties became so overpower- 
ing that he was forced to write to Bonaparte that the 
trip to the United States, though tempting, was im- 
possible unless he could go under conditions that 

The American Trip. 85 

would also be remunerative. Referring to this he 
wrote Prince Bonaparte in April, 1843, as follows: 
“Do you think any position will be open to me in 
the United States, where I might earn enough to 
enable me to continue the publication of my un- 
happy books, which never pay their way because 
they do not meet the wants of the world ?”’ 

Late in 1843 the work Recherches sur les Potssons 
Fossiles was completed, and in the following year the 
monograph on the Fossil Fishes of the Old Red 
Sandstone, the latter especially a labour of love. 

The idea of an American trip, one that would 
open up new and untrodden fields for scientific re- 
search, and that would possibly prove in some way 
remunerative, was ever in Agassiz’s mind. It grew 
in interest, and in 1845 he began seriously to investi- 
gate the opportunities for success. He wrote to Sir 
Charles Lyell, who was familiar with America, re- 
garding it, and in reply the latter suggested as a 
possible source of income the Lowell Institute, then 
famous for its lecture courses, and communicated 
with the Institute. This resulted in Agassiz receiv- 
ing an offer for a course of lectures, which proved to 
be the beginning of a new career, and gave to 
America her greatest scientist. The possibilities of 
the American trip were made greater by the aid of 
the King of Prussia, who tendered Agassiz fifteen 
thousand francs for scientific investigations. 

Agassiz left Neuchatel in March, 1846, going to 
Paris, and his departure from the old home where he 
had formed so many pleasant associations cast a 
gloom over the entire community. M. Louis Favre 

86 Louis Agassiz. 

in referring to it writes: “Great was the emotion at 
Neuchatel when the report was spread abroad that 
Agassiz was about to leave for a long journey. It 
is true he promised to come back, but the New 
World might shower upon him such marvels that his 
return could hardly be counted upon. The young 
people, the students, regretted their beloved profes- 
sor not only for his scientific attainments, but for 
his kindly disposition, the charm of his eloquence, 
the inspiration of his teaching; they regretted also 
the gay, animated, untiring companion of their ex- 
cursions, who made them acquainted with nature, 
and knew so well how to encourage and interest them 
in their studies.” 

One of the brightest features in Agassiz’s charac- 
ter, is the fact that he sank all personal interests in 
science. He was devoted toit, his life seemed a con- 
secration to the dissemination of knowledge. This 
is well shown in a letter to Professor Silliman, writ- 
ten previous to his trip to America and published in 
the American Fournal of Science, 1874: “In order 
to prepare for the extra expense, I shall be obliged 
to live very economically and in a manner little in 
accordance with the royal munificence which has 
furnished the means of making this journey.” 
And again : “ My sphere is entirely too circumscribed 
by the scientific world, and all my ambition is limi- 
ted to being useful to the branch of science I 
particularly cultivate. With all thisI am no misan- 
thrope; but I learned early that when one has no 
fortune, one cannot serve science and at the same 
time live in the world. IfIhave been able to pro- 

Ihe American Trip. 87 

duce numerous expensive publications, it has been 
only by following this system of economy and vol- 
untary- seclusion; and the results which I have 
obtained thus far have rewarded me so well for the 
privations which I have suffered, that I have no 
temptation to adopt another style of life, even 
should I hereafter, and especially in your country, 
suffer more trouble than I have had to sustain in my 

Agassiz remained in Paris some time, completing ) 
his second work on glaciers. While here he received 
the Monthyon Prize of Physiology from the Acad- 
emy in appreciation of his work on fossil fishes. 
From Paris he went to England, sailing from there 
for America, arriving in Boston in October, 1846. 
His fame had long preceded him, and the name of 
Agassiz was a familiar one to the people of Boston, 
and when he appeared upon the platform, ready to 
begin his series on The Plan of Creation, he was 
accorded a warm and enthusiastic welcome. Fresh 
from Europe and entirely unfamiliar with the demo- 
cratic institutions and methods of America, he found 
himself confronted by an audience of to him an 
extraordinary nature. It was composed not of the 
wealthy people exclusively, but of the rich and the 
poor, side by side. The plan of securing tickets to 
the Lowell Institute was to draw lots for them, thus 
giving all classes an equal opportunity to benefit 
by the bequest. Agassiz was obviously at a disad- 
vantage in his imperfect mastery of the English 
language, yet such was his charm of manner, his 
forcible and simple method of presenting facts, that 

83 Louis Agassiz. 

his hearers were delighted, and he scored an imme- 
diate success. Many distinguished scientists had 
addressed the same listeners, yet none had so capti- 
vated and appealed to them, or so aroused their 
enthusiasm. The lecturer spoke in broken English 
and often paused to select a word in his limited 
vocabulary, but in no instance did the audience lose 
patience. His forcible manner of expression, his 
marvellous skill in illustrating, by which he showed 
the growth and development of forms, delighted his 
auditors and he held their attention until the last. 

At this period Agassiz was thirty-nine years of 
age, in his prime, and enthusiastic on almost every 
subject where the possible extension of knowledge 
might lie. He found a new field in America and 
immediately took his place as the first and greatest 
of science teachers. Between his lectures he travelled 
and familiarised himself with the people, their man- 
ners and customs, and despite what were to him 
incongruities he was impressed with the feeling that 
here in this free land there was even a greater field, 
a broader mission, than he could find in Europe, and 
there is little doubt that he early conceived the 
hope that he might remain in America permanently. 
He was impressed with the fact that here he was 
brought closer to the people. 

In a letter to a friend he wrote to the effect that 
one of the strangest sights he ever witnessed was 
a meeting of three thousand workmen who had 
gathered together to found a library. He remarked 
their neat appearance, the absence of any evidence 
of poverty, and insensibly contrasted the labouring 



The American Trip. 89 

classes of Europe and America and their several 
chances of advancement. 

o At an early day he availed himself of an oppor.) 
tunity to meet Professor Silliman of Yale, with 
whom he had corresponded for a number of years. 
Asa Gray of Boston, Redfield, Professor Torrey, of 
Princeton, Henry Lea, the Le Contes, Dana, and 
others he now met, and in a trip taken to Washing- 
ton he was overwhelmed with attention. He avoided 
social entertainments as such, almost invariably, 
having a good excuse in the fact that as the King 
of Prussia paid him for his time, his services belonged 
to him. “For this,” he says, “no one can quarrel 
with me, and so far as I am concerned it is much 
better.” On this tour Agassiz met the late Professor 
Spencer F. Baird, then a professor in Dickinson 
College in Carlisle. While visiting the larger cities 
he was constantly in demand and invited to recep- 
tions and entertainments; but he avoided all he 
could. A gentleman who called upon him at the 
Mayor’s in New York, at this time, failed to gain an 
audience, and at last obtained the startling informa- 
tion that Mr. Agassiz was a very queer man and 
evidently in the fish business as he spent most of his 
time around the docks, especially at the fish-market, 
bringing home all sorts of fish, crabs, and turtles, 
“and,” said the informant, ‘the more worthless the 
fish is the more he likes it. He’s daft, 1’m thinking.” 
The listener took the hint and paid his respects to 
Agassiz at the fish-market, finding him just about to 
start home, loaded down with “ new species,” which 
he had discovered temptingly arrayed on the fish- 

90 Louis Agassiz. 

dealer’s marble slab. Agassiz says himself at this 
time, “ Wishing to employ my time as usefully as 
possible I postponed my visits to the savants of the 
city and the delivery of my letters, till I was on the 
eve of departure that I might avoid all invitations.” 

Agassiz made the trip up the Hudson and was 
Qlighted with West Point, where with Professor 
Bailey he renewed acquaintance with the glacial 
moraines and polished bowlders. At Albany he 
visited the State Museum and was deeply impressed 
with the publications on science which were avail- 
able to the humblest citizen. During all this trip he 
made many accurate observations of the fauna and 
formed good representative collections, and, further, 
recorded many impressions regarding American 
scientists. To those at home he wrote, “ The liber- 
ality of American naturalists to me is unparalleled.” 
He appreciated the pluck and enterprise of the 
American scientists and naively said, “ What they 
need is leisure.” Agassiz did not anticipate becom- 
ing a citizen of the busy Republic at this time, but 
in after years, when he became a member of the 
body politic, he fully appreciated this lack of leisure 
and ultimately fell a victim to the American curse 
of overwork. The course of lectures given at the 
Lowell Institute was so eminently successful that 
upon its termination, another was begun upon 
glaciers, his favourite topic. 

The associations which Agassiz made, the cus- 
toms of the people, the manner of living, and the 
political freedom enjoyed, all impressed him strongly, 
and we find him becoming an enthusiast on every- 

Lhe American Trip. gl 

thing American. “Never,” he wrote to Chancellor 
Favargez, “did the future look brighter to me than 
now.” How firmly the American idea was taking 
possession of his being is shown by a quotation from 
a letter to a friend in which he says: “I am con- 
stantly asking myself which is better,—our old 
Europe, where the man of exceptional gifts can give 
himself absolutely to study, opening thus a wider 
horizon for the human mind, while at his side thou- 
sands barely vegetate in degradation or at least in 
destitution ; or this new world, where the institutions 
tend to keep all on one level as part of the general 
mass,—but a mass, be it said, which has no noxious 
elements. Yes, the mass here is decidedly good. 
All the world lives well, is decently clad, learns some- 
thing, is awake and interested. Instruction does 
not, as in some parts of Germany, for instance, fur- 
nish a man with an intellectual tool and then deny 
him the free use of it. The strength of America 
lies in the prodigious number of individuals who 
think and work at the same time. It isa severe test 
of pretentious mediocrity, but I fear it may also 
efface originality.” 

To Milne Edwards he wrote: “ Naturalist as I 
am, I cannot but put the people first,—the people 
who have opened this part of the American continent 
to European civilisation. Whata people! But to 
understand them you must live among them. Our 
education, the principles of our society, the motives 
of our actions differ so greatly from what I see here, 
that I should try in vain to give you an idea of this 
great nation, passing from childhood to maturity 

92 Louis Agassiz. 

with the faults of spoiled children, and yet with the 
nobility of character and the enthusiasm of youth. 
Their look is wholly turned toward the future.” 

Of all the scientists Agassiz selected Dana as 
showing the most promise, considering him the head 
and leader. He held Gould, Wilkes, De Kay, Hol- 
brook, and Pickering in high estimation, declaring 
the latter to be a well of science. Le Conte, Wy- 
man, Torrey, Gray, Pierce, Jackson, James Hall, 
Rogers, Dr. Morton, and others he fully appreciated, 
and wrote to friends in Europe regarding their work 
and high aims in the world of science. 

ONever before had Agassiz enjoyed so favourable an 

opportunity to study marine life, and with avidity 
he availed himself of the facilities afforded by the 
neighbouring shore of Nahant, where later he made 
his home. Here he made many remarkable and 
interesting discoveries among the lower forms of 
marine life, which were read by his friends in Paris 
before the Academy of Sciences. It was at this 
time that Dr. Holder, late curator of zodlogy at the 
American Museum of Natural History, New York, 
and father of the author, met Agassiz, joining him in 
many of his expeditions along Lynn Bay and the 
shores of Nahant. 

To the author he often referred to Agassiz, espe- 
cially to his principles, not only holding him up as 
one of the greatest of living scientists in his estima- 
tion, but believing that the feature in his doctrine 
that the Creator was everywhere shown by the 
teachings of nature, would as time advanced give 
him increasing fame and an undying place in history. 

The American Trip. 93 

George B. Emerson was one of the acquaintances 
formed by Agassiz at this time and the following 
gives his impressions of the latter: 

* A little more than twenty-seven years ago, as I 
was sitting in my study, a message came to me that 
two gentlemen desired to seeme. They were im- 
mediately admitted, and Dr. Gould introduced me 
to Louis Agassiz. His noble presence, the genial 
expression of his face, his beaming eye and earnest, 
natural voice, at once gained me, and I responded 
cordially to his introduction. He said, ‘Ihave come 
to see you, because Dr. Gould tells me that you 
know the trees of Massachusetts; I wish to be made 
acquainted with the Carya. I have found the leaves 
and fruit of several species in the Jura Mountains, 
where they were deposited when those mountains 
were formed; but, since that time, none have been 
found living in Europe. I want to know them as 
they are now growing.’ I told him that I knew all 
the species found in New England, and should be 
glad to show them to him. ‘But I have,’ I said, 
‘presently to begin my morning’s work. If you will 
let me call upon you immediately after dinner, I 
shall be glad to take you to them.’ 

“‘ At the time fixed, I called on him at his lodgings, 
and took him in my chaise, first to Parker’s Hill, 
where one species of hickory grew, then through 
Brookline, Brighton, and Cambridge, where two 
others were found, and to Chelsea, where a fourth, 
and one that might be a variety, were growing. I 
pointed out the characteristics of each species in 
growth, branching, bark, fruit, and leaves, and 

94 Louis Agassiz. 

especially in the buds. He listened with the most 
captivating attention, and expressed surprise at my 
dwelling upon the peculiarities of the buds. ‘I have 
never known the buds to be spoken of as character- 
istic,’ said he; ‘that is new to me.’ He admitted the 
distinct peculiarities of structure in the buds; and, I 
have no doubt, remembered every word I said, for, 
a few months afterwards, I saw, in a newspaper, that 
Mr. Agassiz would give a lecture, in Roxbury, on 
the buds of trees. We drove on to Chelsea Beach, 
which stretches off several miles,—apparently with- 
out end,—and, as the tide was very low, was then at 
least a quarter of a milewide. He was charmed with 
everything, expressing his pleasure with all the earnest- 
ness of a happy child, hardly able to restrain himself 
in his admiration and delight. He told me that he 
had never before been on a sea-beach, but that he 
was familiar with the undulations and wave marks on 
the old beaches laid open in the Jura Mountains. 

““T need not say whata pleasant drive this was. I 
had long felt great interest in various departments 
of Natural History, but had been so fully occupied 
with my own duties, as a teacher, that I had been 
unable to indulge myself fully, and that for a small 
part of the year, in oneonly. Here wasa companion 
who was intimately acquainted with all, and with 
the most distinguished men who had been advancing 
them, and who was ready and happy to communicate 
wealth of information upon every point I could ask 

“Some days after, I invited all the members of this 
Society (Boston Society of Natural History) to meet 

The American Trip. 95 

Mr. Agassiz at my house. Every one came that 
could come. They conversed very freely on several 
subjects, and Agassiz showed the fulness of his 
knowiedge, and his remarkable powers of instant 
observation. All seemed to feel what a precious 
accession American science was to receive. _ 

“Not long afterwards, Mr. Agassiz accepted a 
invitation to spend Christmas with us. We took 
some pains, ourselves and our children, among whom 
were then two bright boys, full of fun and frolic, 
one in college, and one nearly prepared to enter. 
He was easily entertained, entering heartily, joyously, 
and hilariously, into everything, games and all, as if 
he were still as young as the youngest, but full of 
feeling, and moved, even to tears, by some poor 
lines to him and his native land.” 

A number of friends had followed Agassiz to this 
country, among them Count Francois de Pourtaleés, 
who became one of America’s distinguished natural- 
ists, Mr. E. Desor, and Mr. Jacques Burkhardt, so 
that his new home in East Boston often had much 
the semblance of the old Swiss residence. Here, as 
there, hard work was the order of the day, and this 
bachelor’s-hall, for so it might be called, as Mrs. 
Agassiz and her children were still in Europe, became 
the centre of scientific interest and head-quarters . 
for the naturalists—who had become inspired by 
his methods and enthusiasm. 

The establishment of Agassiz in this home in East 
Boston forms the beginning of an epoch in the scien- 
tific history of America. From this little centre 
waves began to radiate that spread over the entire 

96 Louis Agassiz. 

country. Agassiz’s reputation as a teacher increased ; 
pupils came from far and near, and a revival in 
American scientific circles took shape that not only 
produced telling results in science but caused Agassiz 
to remain in America and cast his fortunes hence- 
forth with the great Republic. 

CE ARTE Reale 

The Scientific School at Cambridge—A Professorship Tendered—The 
Agassiz Household—Death of Mrs. Agassiz—The Museum of 
Comparative Zoélogy—Agassiz and the Coast Survey—Trip to 
Lake Superior—Second Marriage—Expedition to the Florida 
Reef—Acceptance of a Professorship inthe Charleston Medical 
College—II] Health—Return to Cambridge. 

N 1848 the King of Prussia) 
gave Agassiz an honourable 
discharge from his service, 
and the naturalist was ‘free 
to turn in any direction that 
he desired. Itso happened 
that Amos Lawrence now 
founded a scientific school 
at Cambridge as a branch 
of Harvard University, and 
having been attracted by the 
brilliant attainments of the 
Swiss scientist, he offered 

him the chair of Natural History with a salary of 

fifteen hundred dollars. This Agassiz accepted in 

1848, and at the age of forty he became a professor of 

the University at Harvard, with Felton, Longfellow, 

7 97 


98 Louts Agassiz. 

Pierce, Asa Gray, and Jeffries Wyman as colleagues, 
while Channing, Emerson, Whittier, Ticknor, Motley, 
Lowell, and others of that brilliant coterie became 
his intimates. The home in East Boston was broken 
up, Agassiz removing to Cambridge, his new home 
soon becoming. the centre of a social and scientific 
interest, as the strong personality, the genius of 
the man captivated ‘every one and imparted new 
life and inspiration to all who surroundedhim. His 
family—wife, son, and young daughter—were still in 
Switzerland that now (1848) was undergoing no little 
political excitement, due to the proclamation of 
France. The household in Boston was cared for by 
a Swiss clergyman named Christinat, who had long 
been an intimate friend and companion, and whose 
devotion and love for the scientist was not only affect- 
ing but suggestive of the strong and loyal attachment 
Agassiz was capable of inspiring among all who came 
in contact with him. Agassiz was especially at- 
tached to Mr. Guyot, who followed him to America 
and became a member of his family ata time when 
Agassiz needed the presence of a close friend, as he 
had recently been apprised of the death of his wife 
who had for years been an invalid. In speaking of 
Mrs. Agassiz Prof. Guyot, in his biographical memoir 
of Louis Agassiz, says: ‘She was a noble-minded 
young woman of rare moral excellence. A dignified 
serenity, tempered by much gentleness and simplicity 
of manner, won for her at once respect and affection. 
Her deeper feelings were often veiled by a natural 
reserve which, however, never assumed the appear- 
ance of coldness, Her talent for drawing was of 

Agassiz at Harvard. 99 

the first order, and she was fond of placing it at the 
disposal of her favourite brother, Alexander. The 
drawings of natural objects which she executed for 
him, and later for Agassiz, commanded the admira- 
tion of all by their taste and exquisite correctness.” 

The new home gradually assumed the appearance 
of a zodlogical garden on a modified scale. Here the 
stranger would meet many surprises. The obstruc- 
tion beneath his feet might be a living turtle; here 
might be seen a number of live alligators, there a 
rabbit, while near at hand an eagle, a bear, and some 
young opossums awaited investigation. 

As an example of the persistence and thorough- 
ness of Agassiz, he was one evening the guest of a 
Boston Microscopical Club when a member made 
the statement that he had studied a certain form 
four days, and finding that nothing resulted from 
this elaborate investigation gave it up as impractica- 
ble. After some discussion the guest of the evening, 
Agassiz, was called upon. He astonished them by 
saying that he also had studied the object in ques- 
tion, having it under his eye at stated periods uzght 
and day for six weeks. It is needless to say that he 
set the microscopists an example by his persistent 
labour, and, as Dr. Stebbins has said: “ The spirit 
of Agassiz took possession of their souls.” 

This period of Agassiz’s life was epoch-making. 
He embarked upon his duties as a professor of 
zoology with all his accustomed vigour, and made his 
presence felt at once. He instigated a new departure 
in American natural history and founded what may 
be termed the Agassiz school of natural science teach- 

100 Louis Agassiz. 

ing, which holds to-day wherever the greatest suc- 
cess is found. His lectures were fully attended, and 

‘ he drew to the institution scholars from every por- 
tion of the country, who had heard of his fame and 
were desirous of emulating his methods. Finding 
the appliances for teaching crude and imperfect, 
he immediately began to work upon the problem 
that, when solved, resulted in the greatest compara- 
tive museum in America—the Museum of Compara- 
tive Zodlogy at Cambridge. There was at that time 
no museum at Cambridge and no specimens, though 
they were accumulating day by day under the 
skilled hands of Agassiz and his friends. The labora- 
tory consisted of an ancient shanty, which stood on 
four water-logged piles on the Charles River near 
the Brighton Bridge. Here specimens were packed, 
and at the rude tables the students and their pre- 
ceptors often worked, making under the leaking roof 
and crazy walls many interesting and valuable 
incursions into the fields of science. 

Agassiz now had abundant opportunity to devote 
himself to marine zodlogy—a subject to which he 
had always been inclined, but which from his resi- 
dence in the interior he had never enjoyed. The 
Coast Survey offered him every facility, and he made 
many and valuable trips with Captain Henry Davis. 
The work which he accomplished attracted the atten- 
tion of Dr. Bache, then superintendent of the Coast 
Survey, and recognising the results that could be 
produced, he aided Agassiz in every way possible, 
placing the “Bibb” at his disposal whenever the 
opportunity occurred. 

Agassiz at Harvard. 101 

CA cacsiv’s expeditions were not confined to the sea. 
In 1848 he organised a party made up of some of his 
pupils, having as its objective the shores of Lake Su- 
perior between Fort William and Sault Sainte Marie. 
The trip lingered long in the memory of those who 
made it. Here Agassiz was at his best, discussing 
and teaching as he investigated. Once upon the 
ground the party camped, the evenings being de- 
voted to lectures from Agassiz or discussions on the 
observations of the day. Here he renewed his 
glacial studies and expounded to his young friends 
his favourite theories, which found abundant ex- 

The entire Superior region was worked up in a 
manner novel and telling. The country was accur- 
ately surveyed, while the fishes of the lake were 
represented in a fine collection. The complete 
account of the trip was afterwards published, and 
stands to-day the most exhaustive treatise on the 
locality ever made. 

During this year Agassiz issued his Principles of 
Zoology, written conjointly with Gould,—a work that 
had a remarkable sale and is selling to-day. Agassiz 
still had an idea that he might return to Europe, 
but in 1850 an event occurred which undoubtedly 
settled the question. This was his marriage with 
Elizabeth Graves Cary, the gifted woman who now 
survives him. 

The question of a museum was ever uppermost in 
Agassiz’s mind, and one day he received a letter 
which seemed an inspiration in this direction, an 
opportunity to add greatly to his collections. The 

102 Louis Agassiz. 

letter was from Dr. Bache, offering him a six-weeks’ 
tour on the Florida Reef to answer certain questions 
regarding the growth and formation of coral. Noth- 
ing could have been offered Agassiz that would 
have delighted him more. We can well imagine 
that Darwin’s writings on coral reefs had excited his 
interest and that he longed to make incursions into 
this most fascinating of all fields of zodlogy. Dr. 
Bache gave him the entire control of a vessel, and 
the expedition started well equipped with appliances 
and assistants. 

One result of this expedition was to provide the 
growing collection at Cambridge with fine specimens 
of corals, sea fans, shells, fishes, in fact, a very 
fair representation of the fauna of the gulf as found 
at Tortugas, and, which now rest in the fine museum 
at Cambridge. Agassiz had stopped in Charleston, 
S. C., on his way south, there forming extremely 
pleasant acquaintances, and in 1851 he received the 
offer of a professorship in the Charleston Medical 
College which, curiously enough, he found to be 
more remunerative than his present position, as the 
professorship at Harvard required him to give out- 
side lectures to bring the salary up to his expenses. 
This, and the fact that hard work was telling upon 
him and that he required a quieter life, inclined him 
to accept, and in 1851 we find him installed and at 
work in anew laboratory on Sullivan’s Island, which 
was washed by the warm waters of the gulf which 
brought the forms he now had become familiar with 
directly to his doors. Here the naturalist passed 
many happy hours, obtaining what was a rest to 

Agassiz at Harvard. 103 

him, though every moment had its duties. It was 
during his stay in Charleston that he received the 
Cuvier prize, also the letter from his proud mother, 
in which she wrote: ‘“ Your fossil fishes, which have 
cost you so much anxiety, so much toil, so many 
sacrifices, have now been estimated at their true 
value by the most eminent judges. . . . This 
has given me such happiness, dear Louis, that the 
tears are in my eyes as I write it to you.” 

France became jealous of America in the posses- 
sion of Agassiz, and the Emperor Napoleon offered 
him a position that would have attracted the ordi- 
nary man, the highest scientific office in his gift, also 
intimating that as a citizen of France it was not ex- 
actly the right thing for him to give the benefits of 
his mind to a foreign country. To this Agassiz re- 
plied, “that he was not a citizen of France and that 
his family owed nothing to it but exile and poverty ; 
and that he prized more highly the spontaneous 
gratitude and gifts of a free people than the patron- 
age of emperors and the formal regard of nobles.” 

The influence of Agassiz had now permeated 
every portion of the United States and everywhere 
his methods were accepted and followed. He was 
an indefatigable collector in America as he had been 
in Europe, and in 1855 he had accumulated speci- 
mens covering almost every field in natural history. 
The museum which was so needed at Cambridge 
was ever in his mind, and his desire was to make it 
not merely a display of animals but instructive in 
its very arrangement. He had constant fear for his 
treasures, which were stored in Cambridge in an old 

104 Louis Agassiz. 

building on the college grounds. The college al- 
lowed four hundred dollars per annum for their care, 
but this was totally insufficient, and Agassiz ex- 
hausted his private resources in attempting to have 
them properly preserved; finally his efforts were 
appreciated, certain wealthy men coming to the front 
with ten or twelve thousand dollars with which the 
collection was purchased for Cambridge University. 

Agassiz resigned his professorship at Charleston in 
[1853 on account of ill health, and during the follow- 
ing year, which he spent at Harvard, he received 
an urgent invitation from the university of Zurich. 
But he had become Americanised, and could not 
be tempted from his allegiance to the land of his 
adoption. Again at Cambridge, he made a study of 
the fishes of all the great rivers and lakes, provided 
sea captains with cans of alcohol, when they started 
on their voyages, for the chance specimens which 
might be picked up, and all over the country, among 
all classes, formed friends who became, to a more or 
less extent, his disciples and aiders, and specimens of 
all kinds poured into the new hall of science which 
Harvard had built for the scientist. 

In 1855, Agassiz with his wife established a school 
for young ladies, which soon became one of the 
institutions of Boston. The idea did not originate 
with the scientist, but was one of the many plans 
formulated by his wife and children to aid him. 
The following from the circular of the school shows 
that Agassiz took an active part in it, and there are 
many in Boston to-day who look back with tender 
recollections to the pleasant hours spent in the 

Agassiz at Harvard. 105 

master’s company: ‘I shall myself superintend the 
methods of instruction and tuition, and, while main- 
taining that regularity and precision in the studies 
so important to mental training, shall endeavour to 
prevent the necessary discipline from falling into a 
lifeless routine, alike deadening to the spirit of teacher 
and pupil. It is further my intention to take the 
immediate charge of the instruction in Physical 
Geography, Natural History, and Botany, giving a 
lecture daily, Saturdays excepted, on one or other 
of these subjects, illustrated by specimens, models, 
maps, and drawings.” 

This school was continued eight years, and through 
this means he was relieved from pecuniary anxieties. 



Continued Honours—Invitation to Paris—Receives the Order of the 
Legion of Honour—Bequest of Francis C. Gray—The Museum 
—Visit to Europe—Dedication of the Museum—Growth of 
Corals—The ‘‘ Contributions ”—Fiftieth Birthday—Patriotism— 
Founder of the National Academy. 

HE growing fame of Agas- 
siz, his continued work in 
science, and the accom- 
plishment of such grand 
results in so varied fields 
of investigation and re- 
search kept him _ con- 
stantly before the world, 
and he was the continued 
recipient of many honours. 
Among the strong temp- 
tations to leave the coun- 
try of his choice was an 
invitation from Paris in 1857, tendering him the 
chair of Palaontology in the Museum of Natural 
History—a position until then held by the cele- 
brated D’Orbigny. No offer that Agassiz had re- 






Ma Se 



ie ee 


Life in Cambridge. 107 

ceived touched him more, as he still remembered how 
far above him seemed this chair when a few years 
before he was a struggling student in the great city 
of Cuvier and Humboldt. Agassiz refused this hon- 
our which was later renewed with the proviso that 
he should accept at his own convenience. But he 
remained firm, and his French admirers gave up the 
attempt, and later the Order of the Legion of Honour 
was conferred upon him, showing the esteem in 
which the Emperor held him. It was reported at 
this time, and with truth, that Agassiz had written 
to a friend, “Were I offered absolute power for 
the reorganisation of the Yardin des Plantes, with 
a revenue of fifty thousand francs, I should not 
accept it. I like my independence better.” 

This and the fact that he continued to refuse these 
honours aroused, if possible, a stronger feeling for him 
in the hearts of American people. He had become 
one of them; wasnowan American scientist, teacher, 
and patriot. The increased attention which was 
given him aided in the accomplishment of his heart’s 
desire, which was the founding of a great museum. 
He spent much time in planning this museum 
_which was to be, as everything he formulated, 
instructive, broadening, object-teaching. With his 
friends he discussed his plans, and upon the death 
of Francis C. Gray, fifty thousand dollars was 
bequeathed for the establishment of a museum 
on the plan of his friend Agassiz. Among other 
conditions was the following: “That neither the 
collections nor any building which may contain the 
same shall ever be designated by any other name 

108 Louts Agassiz. 

than the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy at 
Harvard.” This was the wish of Agassiz, who did 
not desire it to bear his name, which would have 
delighted every one, but to-day, it is generally known 
and rightly, as the Agassiz Museum. He was its 
founder, its builder from inception to finish. The 
legacy of Mr. Gray was followed by others. The 
University granted the land for the building site, 
and the State provided lands to the value of one 
hundred thousand dollars for the edifice, to which 
were added other sums—the subscriptions of private 
parties, and finally, the present Museum of Com- 
parative Zodlogy with its fine collections was begun. 

It should not be supposed that Agassiz obtained 
the appropriation from the State without some 
trouble. He met the legislators appointed to confer 
with him in the hall of the Capitol, and was listened 
to by the members of both Houses as he plead for 
science as a man would for his life. He spoke for 
Massachusetts and education, claiming that the Bay 
State should take the lead and keep it. He had 
determined to give his life to that end if Massachu- 
setts would aid him. “ My great object,” he said, 
“is to have a museum founded here which will be 
equal to the great museums of the Old World. We 
have a continent before us for exploration, which 
has as yet been only skimmed on the surface. My 
earnest desire has always been to put our museums 
on a footing with those of Europe or even ahead of 
them.”” The address stirred the hearts and patriot- 
ism of the hearers, though there were some who cast 
ridicule upon the proposition to build, as they said, 

Life in Cambridge. 109 

“a palace for bugs.” But the enthusiasm and faith 
of Agassiz in the people of Massachusetts was not 
misplaced, and the bill passed. 

After a short visit to Europe in the summer a 
1859 Agassiz returned and witnessed the dedication 
of the museum in 1860. It so happened that in this 
year the author of the present volume was an active 
worker, for the pleasure of it, for the new museum, 
and during a residence on the Florida reef, where 
the author’s father was stationed as an army surgeon, 
thousands of specimens were collected and sent to 
the Agassiz Museum. Many of the rare shells and 
corals in the cabinets the author dived for in the 
deep lagoons of the locality, bringing up also bright- 
hued gorgonias, pink-lipped conchs, and other forms 
which were sent North as best we could by sailing, 
vessels that stopped here. Letters soon came from 
Agassiz expressing delight at the variety of the forms, 
with suggestions for research in new directions; letters 
that showed his great enthusiasm on all questions 
appertaining to naturalhistory. Some ofthe investi- 
gations made here came as a surprise to Agassiz. 
The latter requested Dr. J. B. Holder to observe if 
possible the growth of corals. Dr. Holder was an 
ardent naturalist, an admirer and disciple of Agassiz, 
and the work was a labour of love. To better study 
the corals a wall of dead concrete rock was built out 
into the gulf, forming a tide-water aquarium through 
which the water flowed and ebbed, and within this 
were placed various marine forms which were to 
be studied, among them the corals. Agassiz had 
spent some time in this locality with Bache, and his 

110 Louis Agassiz. 

estimate of the growth of corals was very low. In 
a paper and afterwards in his Methods of Study 
he says in substance that a brick placed under water 
in 1850 by Captain Woodbury was taken up in 1858 
and found to have acrust of coral upon it a little 
more than half aninchinthickness. Thisis evidently 
a mistake, as Captain Woodbury was not ordered to 
Tortugas until 1857. The brick referred to is 
probably one sent to Prof. Agassiz by Dr. Holder. 
The piece of brick when first found had asmall head 
of Meandrina convexa upon the side. Dr. Holder 
watched it a year, keeping it in the aquarium under 
what might be considered unfavourable circum- 
stances for its rapid growth, and found that in twelve 
months it doubled its diameter, or from one inch 
it had increased to two, the growth being one inch 
in a year instead of half an inch in eight years; or 
in another case mentioned by Prof. Agassiz, half an 
inch in ten years. Dr. Holder thus established the 
fact that the growth of this genus of corals was 
much more rapid than was generally supposed. A 
cut of the coral is figured in Holder’s Elements of 

The new museum, while it occupied much of 
Agassiz’s time and resources, did not prevent him 
from devoting attention to various new fields. He 
was continually bringing out some new work, and 
his “ Contributions”’ are monuments to his industry 
in these years. Humboldt wrote regarding the lat- 
ter: “. . . Thearthat by some untoward circum- 
stances, no doubt accidental, you have never received, 
my dear Agassiz, the letter expressing the pleasure 

Life in Cambridge. Ill 

which I have with all true lovers of science respecting 
your important undertaking, Contributions to the 
Natural History of the United States.” This series 
was originally intended to embrace the facts he had 
accumulated in America,—a work of great expense 
that was carried through by the aid of Francis. C. 
Gray, who aroused so great interest in the subject that 
a remarkable subscription list was obtained. In the 
Preface Agassiz says: “I must beg my European 
readers to remember that this work is written in 
America, and more especially for Americans; and 
that the community to which it is particularly ad- 
dressed has very different wants from those of the 
reading public in Europe. There is nota class of 
learned men here distinct from the other cultivated 
members of the community. On the contrary, so 
general is the desire for knowledge, that I expect to 
see my book read by operatives, by fishermen, by 
farmers, quite as extensively as by the students in 
our colleges or by the learned professions, and it is 
but proper that I should endeavour to make myself 
understood by all.” 

The series of ten volumes was never completed, 
but the four that were, stand to-day a monument to 
his energy and to his extraordinary fact-collecting 
faculty as exhibited in his American life. 

The completion of the first volume celebrated his 
fiftieth birthday. 

On the eve of this anniversary his pupils gave 
him a serenade. As midnight came their young 
voices rose in a grand choral of Bach’s, and when 
the master appeared, bewildered and delighted, he 

112 Louis Agassiz. 

was greeted with flowers and congratulations by 
many who loved him well. 

This birthday was made memorable by a dinner 
given to Agassiz by the famous “ Saturday Club,” of 
which Dr. Holmes said when referring to Longfellow: 
“On one occasion he read a short poem at the table. 
It was in honour of Agassiz’s birthday, and I cannot 
forget the very modest, delicate musical way in which 
he read his charming verses.” 

The poem is probably familiar to all—yet it is 
fitting that it should find place here. 


“It was fifty years ago, 
In the pleasant month of May, 
In the beautiful Pays de Vaud, 
A child in its cradle lay. 

“* And Nature, the old nurse, took 
The child upon her knee, 
Saying: ‘ Here is a story-book 
Thy father has written for thee.’ 

‘“ “Come wander with me,’ she said, 
“Into regions yet untrod, 
And read what is still unread 
In the manuscripts of God.’ 

““ And he wandered away and away 
With Nature, the dear old nurse, 
Who sang to him night and day 
The rhymes of the universe. 

““ And whenever the way seemed long, 
Or his heart began to fail, 
She would sing a more wonderful song, 
Or tell a more marvellous tale. 

Life in Cambridge. 113 

“* So she keeps him still a child, 
And will not let him go, 
Though at times his heart beats wild 
For the beautiful Pays de Vaud ; 

““ Though at times he hears in his dreams 
The Ranz des Vaches of old, 
And the rush of mountain streams 
From glaciers clear and cold ; 

““ And the mother at home says, ‘ Hark ! 
For his voice I listen and yearn; 
It is growing late and dark, 
And my boy does not return.’” 
May 28, 1857. 

(The “ Saturday Club” referred to was a favourite 
organisation with Agassiz. Dr. Holmes writes re- 
garding it: ‘ At one endof the table sat Longfellow, 
placid, quiet, benignant, soft-voiced, a most agreeable 
rather than a brilliant talker, but a man upon whom 
it was always pleasant to look,—whose silence was 
better than many another man’s conversation. At 
the other end sat Agassiz, robust, sanguine, animated, 
full of talk, boy-like in his laughter. The stranger 
who should have asked who were the men ranged 
along the sides of the table would have heard in 
answer the names of Hawthorne, Motley, Dana, 
Lowell, Whipple, Peirce, the distinguished mathema- 
tician, Judge Hoar, eminent at the bar and in the 
cabinet, Dwight, the leading musical critic of Boston 
for a whole generation, Sumner, the academic cham- 
pion of freedom, Andrew, ‘the great war governor’ 
of Massachusetts, Dr. Howe, the philanthrophist, 
William Hunt, the painter, with others not unworthy 
of such company.” 


114 Louis Agassiz. 

Agassiz took no active part inthe civil war. His 

sympathies were with the North, and during the 
struggle he was naturalised as an American and lost 
no occasion to aid the cause of humanity by word 
or deed. In truth, his opinions,widely expressed in 
Europe during the war, had more effect than is 
generally supposed. 
» His discussion with Dr. Howe in 1863 on the posi- 
tion of the negro, attracted universal attention, and 
abstracts of the answers which Agassiz gave to the 
circular sent out by Dr. Howe were copied widely in 
this country and Europe. The question before the 
people was what to do with the liberated slaves and 
what position should they occupy. The particular 
question which Dr. Howe, the philanthrophist, asked 
of Agassiz, the naturalist, was, “Is it probable 
that the African race, represented by less than 
two million blacks and a little more than two 
million mulattoes, unrecruited by immigration, will 
be a persistent race in the country? or will it be 
absorbed, diluted, and finally effaced by the white 
race, numbering twenty-four millions, and con- 
tinually increased by immigration, beside natural 

Agassiz’s reply was, in brief, that the negroes could 
not be compared to the Indians who fell away and 
disappeared before the white man. They were more 
pliable, and as they readily adapted themselves to 
various conditions of life they would hold their own; 
indeed, increase in the South; and time has shown 
that he was right. Regarding the political rights of 
the negro Agassiz said: “I have no hesitation in 

Life in Cambridge. 115 

saying that they should be equal to other men be- 
fore the law.” 

While Agassiz took an active interest in all ques- 
tions his greatest thought at this time was the mu- 
seum, which ever grew under his guidance. Hardly 
a day passed but some new idea or scheme took 
form in his fertile mind; now the aid of consuls in 
foreign lands was involved; now the fishing fleet 
was asked to collect for the museum; even the 
smacks which ran down the coast to Cuba carried 
the copper cans of alcohol of the Agassiz Museum, 
while the captain of every whaler bore in mind the 
circular, letter, or personal request of the ardent and 
indefatigable naturalist. In October, 1863, Agassiz 
conceived the daring plan of collecting the fishes of 
the rivers of the world—a work requiring a long 
time and endless labour and research, and the well 
conceived plan was put into execution and to a 
marked degree was successful. 

Agassiz was not alone the naturalist at Harvard. 
His advice on all matters was requested and taken, 
and his influence felt in the university life. It was 
partly at his suggestion that the Academic Council 
was founded, which was a monthly meeting of the 
professors, at which the various topics of interest 
were discussed. It was Agassiz who introduced the 
college lecture system. He was the father of a lib- 
eral elective system and made himself felt in almost 
every branch of the college life. Besides this, he 
founded many societies and kept them alive and 
active by the part he took in their work. He founded 
the National Academy of Sciences, which is now the 

116 Louis Agassiz. 

leading scientific body of the United States, and was 
the originator of numerous natural history societies 
throughout the United States. 

Professor Burt G. Wilder relates the following 
amusing incident of Agassiz and his Harvard friends 
while off on a collecting tour: 

“A summer party of Harvard professors were 
driven through the White Mountains. As the 
coach slowly ascended a hill, Agassiz and others 
would leave it and presently return laden with 
stones and wild flowers, or ornamented with beetles 
and butterflies pinned to their hats and the lapels of 
their coats. Professor Felton sat alone in the coach 
perusing a favourite Greek author. ‘ Who are those 
fellows?’ at last asked the coachman, in whose eyes 
plants were interesting merely as food for his ani- 
mals, minerals as likely to impede progress, and 
insects as apt to interfere with personal comfort. 
‘They are a party of naturalists,’ said Felton. ‘Ah!’ 
replied he, ‘that accounts for it, poor fellows.’ A 
few days later he drove another party, to whom he 
confided his experience as follows: ‘ Last Thursday 
I had the queerest lot of passengers you ever saw; 
they were men grown and dressed like gentlemen; 
but they kept jumping out of the coach, and like 
little children ran about the field chasing butterflies 
and bugs, which they stuck all over their clothes. 
Their keeper told me they was zaturals ; and judg- 
ing by their conduct, I should say they was.’ 

“Then,” adds Professor Wilder, “the great natural- 
ist was taken for a harmless lunatic; but he per- 
sisted, and the people at last listened to his precept 

Life in Cambridge. 117 

and followed his example. And if, to-day in almost 
any part of the United States, a man may pursue 
living creatures otherwise than for sport, and talk of 
them for another object than passing an idle hour, 
and nevertheless retain the respect of the com- 
munity ; if, in short, the occupations of natural his- 
tory collecting and teaching are now honourable and 
at least more lucrative than before, it is to Agassiz 
more than any other one man that the change must 
be ascribed.” 

Agassiz had many opportunities to materially 
increase his income; he had but to turn aside from 
his scientific work. To all these suggestions, how- 
ever, he was obdurate. He declined a very advan- 
tageous offer to write a text-book on the ground 
that he did not believe in text-book teaching ; indeed 
it was inimical to his methods. To another offer to” 
lend-himself to a legitimate and tempting financial 
scheme he replied, “I have no time to make money.” 
Vacation in the ordinary sense was unknown to 
Agassiz. Every trip had some significance to the 
scientific world, every “rest” a new line of investi- 
gation, from which he returned freighted with 
collections and facts. In the fall of 1864 he under- 
took an elaborate study of the glacial phenomena on 
the Maine islands, the results of which are graphi- 
cally given in one of his most interesting works, 
Geological Sketches. 



Failing Health—Brazilian Trip—Naturalists of the Party—Arrival 
in Brazil—Courtesy of Dom Pedro—Lectures in French before 
the Emperor—Visit to Coffee Plantation—Strange Ant Nests— 
Hunting in Brazil—Attempt to Observe the Tapir—Curious 
Animals—Ant-eaters, Sloths, etc. 

N the year 1865 Agassiz 
was fifty-eight years of 
age. Few men had ac- 
complished so much, yet 
if questioned the great 
naturalist would have ex- 
pressed remorse that he 
had done so little. He 
saw the book of nature 
spread before him, God’s 
word expressed in every 
leaf, fish, or fossil, in 
every mountain stream 

or glacier, and considered it a sacred duty to preach 

this great sermon of God, the maker of nature, and 
his work to all mankind. How impassioned was 
his teaching the world knows. Time was all too 
short for him; every hour had its duty and must 


‘NOZVWV UAddN AHL AO Lvogd VaLInvoa 

Agassiz in Brazil, 119 

be accounted for. Such was the doctrine of this 
brilliant mind; yet no one could stand the physi- 
cal and mental strain its fulfilment demanded, and 
he, the man who had slept on the glacier night after 
night with only a blanket beneath him, who had 
buffeted a thousand mental and physical storms, 
began to fail’ The pace was telling. The advice of 
his friend Cuvier that ‘“ work kills” was in a fair way 
to be demonstrated ; in short, a rest and change was 
demanded, and Agassiz took it in a characteristic 
manner—by forming one of the most important 
expeditions of his life, one which resulted in many 
valuable discoveries and much arduous labour. He 
had decided to make a trip to Brazil as a vacation, 
and while the matter was under discussion he met a 
friend, Mr. Nathaniel Thayer, of Boston, who gener- 
ously offered to equip a party and defray the ex- 
penses of the expedition. The party was composed 
of Professor and Mrs. Agassiz, his old friend Burk- 
hardt, as artist, John G. Anthony, conchologist, 
Orestes St. John and Frederick C. Hartt as geolo- 
gists, John A. Allen, ornithologist, and George 
- Sceva as preparator. In addition to these a number 
of volunteers joined the party. Agassiz’s brother- 
in-law, Thomas G. Cary, Walter Hunnewell, S. V. R. 
Thayer, Newton Dexter, William James, Thomas 
Ward and Edward Copeland, also Dr. and Mrs. 

It will be remembered that Agassiz was given the 
Spix collection of Brazilian fishes to describe by his 
companion Martius, and from that time he had always 
longed to study these beautiful forms in their 

120 Louis Agassiz. 

homes. This was the chief object of the expedition 
which in three weeks arrived in Rio Janeiro. 

Agassiz went immediately to the Emperor, from 
whom he had received many favours, to pay his 
respects. His Majesty gave the visitors every atten- 
tion and aided materially in the collection of rare - 

It would be impossible to follow the naturalists 
throughout this trip. It was a zodlogical expedition, 
and to this feature especial attention is called, though 
a full description of Agassiz’s South American tour 
would take the reader through every possible field 
of thought or natural history. 

Dom Pedro returned the call of Agassiz in the 
Imperial yacht, and by his attention and interest 
proved himself the enlightened and enthusiastic 
scientist he was. The Emperor was fully in sym- 
pathy with Agassiz, and a warm friendship sprang 
up between the two men whose tastes were a bond 
that broke away the barriers of ceremony and rank. 
The Emperor promised his hearty co-operation, and 
afew days later the actual work of the expedition 
was begun, and the plans Agassiz had laid out put 
in operation. 

This was Agassiz’s first visit to the extreme tropics. 
He had spent days and weeks on the glaciers, sleep- 
ing, eating, and living on the great ice rivers, and 
had always looked forward to the time when he 
could enter the forests of the tropics and observe 
the various forms that made up its fauna. Here 
was the opportunity, and Agassiz embraced it with 
all his old-time enthusiasm, which, it is needless to 

Agassiz in Brazil. 121 

say, was imparted to all his colleagues. The labora- 
tory which he established was the centre of attraction, 
and when the object of the strangers became known 
specimens poured in from every quarter. 

The first trip of importance was over the road of 
the Union and Industry Company from Petropolis 
to Juiz de Fora. Here Agassiz obtained his first 
actual view of the wealth of tropical vegetation, 
which, with the variety of palms, exceeded his great- 
est expectations. 

_ At Juiz de Fora he found an ardent ally in a Ger- 

man engineer, and hardly had the party been there 
a day before the neighbourhood was being scoured 
by all the children for specimens. 

This German gentleman had a fine collection of 
natural objects which greatly interested Agassiz. 
From him news was received of the great northern 
victories—the capture of Richmond and Petersburg 
and the ending of the war. 

(Agassiz was particularly desirous of observing the 
evidences of glacial action in Brazil, which he believed 
must be present, and while near Tijuca he was grati- 
fied to find what he considered unmistakable evi- 
dence of the drift. Although supposed to be resting 
Agassiz was never quiet. He gave lectures on the 
steamer all the way to Brazil, and upon his return to 
Rio from Tijuca he hardly allowed himself a moment 
of leisure. His mind was entirely absorbed with the 
new work he had in view. When not actively 
engaged in collecting or investigating some subject 
he was caring for his specimens, working from early 
morning until late into the night. He organised his 

122 Louts Agassiz. 

aids and divided them up into various parties which 
he proposed sending into the interior, one of especial 
interest to him being a trip to the upper Rio San 
Francisco. Here he proposed that one of the party 
should cross the forest to the river Tocantins and 
follow it down to the Amazon, while others were 
to follow the valley of the Piauhy to the coast. To 
arrange for these trips required a great amount of 
work which would have tested the strength of a 
much stronger man. 

During the time these preparations were being 
made Agassiz formed collections that gave a very 
complete idea of the fauna of the vicinity of Rio, as 
well asa part of Minas Gerdes. 

.Dom Pedro took a personal interest in the work 
eas requested Agassiz to deliver a series of sci- 
entific lectures in French,—doubtless the first of 
the kind ever given in the country, which to his 
great gratification were received favourably. The 
Emperor and his family honoured him by attending 
the lectures, and the audience was composed of the 
intelligence and fashion of the Brazilian capital. 

After the series were completed Agassiz left Rio 
to visit the fazenda of Senhor Lage, where he 
wished to observe the culture of the coffee plant. 
He spent a number of delightful days here, during 
which he witnessed the festival of San Joao, which 
continued an entire week and consisted principally 
of hunting. Agassiz joined in the hunts, and, asa 
result, each sportsman became an enthusiastic col- 
lector for the American naturalist, who at the end of 
the week had accumulated a large number of rare 

| Agassiz in Brazil. ie 

and valuable specimens from almost every branch of 
the animal kingdom. The method of hunting was 
eminently characteristic of the Brazilians. A clear- 
ing was made in which food was scattered, the 
hunters concealing themselves in the treetops or on 
the branches in huts or covers made of leaves from 
which they shot the capabara, the peccaty, or other 
animals that ventured into the open. 

On one of the rides from this place Agassiz made a 
study of the famous Cupim or Termites nests, which 
had been piled up to the extraordinary height of six 
feet with a diameter of three or four feet. These 
were hard as rocks, and it was necessary to split them 
open with axes to study their interiors. The nests 
he found were built of earth around the trunk of an 
old tree, the interior being permeated by endless 
passages—the halls of the remarkable house, which 
led down into the ground. Agassiz was much inter- 
ested in this subject and watched the various kinds of 
ants which came out with all the delight of a student. 
To show the remarkable extent of the nests of the 
Sauba ants, which he also observed, he found that if 
smoke was blown into their dens it would reappear 
one quarter of amile away. The wonders of ant life 
were almost inexhaustible. Here were ant armies 
passing over the country in every direction, often 
looking as if covered with green from the fact that 
each ant carried a green leaf in its powerful jaws. 
Agassiz was now in his element, and returned from 
his various tramps loaded down with collections of 
all kinds. He was particularly desirous of obtaining 
a tapir, wishing to compare it to certain extinct 

124 Louts Agassiz. 

forms and to observe it in its native wilds if possible. 
To afford him this opportunity, Mr. Lage, with 
whom they were visiting, organised a hunt, but 
after much excitement in false alarms they were 
destined to disappointment. 



Amazon Life—The Natives—The Four-Eyed Fish—New Discoveries 
of l'ishes—Forest Fishes—Tropical Scenery—A Canoe Voyage— 
Visit to a Forest Home—Indian Houses in the Submerged For- 
est—Opinions of the Natives Regarding Agassiz. 

UGUST found Agassiz and 
# some of his friends at 
Para, and, contrary to his 
expectations, in a delight- 
fully cool climate, well 
adapted for the work of 
collecting which he had 
laid out for himself. On 
the way they had _ ob- 
served new jelly-fishes 
belonging to the Phizos- 
tomide, which were lifted 
aboard the steamer and 
given to the artist who made life-studies of the won- 
drous creatures in colours. Agassiz was particularly 
impressed with the wonders of the Amazon, and in 
referring to the islands he terms them “an archipelago 
of islands in an ocean of fresh water.’”’ He was much 


126 Louis Agasstz. 

interested in the natives, from whom he obtained 
many peculiar fish that were not included in the 
Spix collection with which he was so familiar. Their 
plan of work amused him not a little. This was to 
stretch a seine across the river, then go up stream by 
the bank and come down in the water, shouting and 
driving the fish before them—catching in this way 
sufficient to fill their canoes. 

One rare fish observed here by Agassiz for the 
first time was what the Indians called 77a/hote, being 
the Aunableps tetrophthalmus of science. The term 
implies “four-eyed,” from the peculiar structure of 
the organs of vision which are divided by a mem- 
branous fold into two halves, which is supposed to 
allow the fish to see in the air as well as in the water. 
The anableps was often observed hopping along at 
the surface, as if trying to see objects out of the 

Agassiz was happy and fortunate in the presence 
in the party of a Brazilian naturalist, Major Coutinho, 
who gave him no little aid, possessing a knowledge 
of the Indian language that was invaluable, and 
made collections for him of all kinds. 

Agassiz was constantly on the lookout for evi- 
dences of the drift and of glacial action, and was 
not a little puzzled by the peculiar deposit found in 
the valley of the Amazon. Ina letter to the Em- 
peror he wrote: “I amas far as ever from being 
able to point out the origin of these materials and 
the direction of their transportation. Now that 
Major Coutinho has learned to distinguish the drift 
from the decomposed rocks, he assures me that we 




Around Pard. ey 

shall find it throughout the valley of the Amazons. 
The boldest imagination shrinks from any generali- 
sation on this subject, and yet we must gradually 
familiarise ourselves with the idea that the cause 
which has dispersed these materials, whatever it be, 
has acted on the largest scale, since they are proba- 
bly to be found all over the continent.” 

Although the especial interest of the naturalist 
was centred in the glacial drift and fishes, the latter 
received the most attention, and, as an evidence of 
his energy, he discovered at Par4 more new species 
than were then known from the entire basin of the 
Amazon. One of the finest steamers plying on the 
river had been placed at his disposal, and under the 
most favourable auspices the party moved slowly up 
the great river, passing by hundreds of islands, a 
continuous panorama of rich tropical verdure. The 
weather was so delightful that they used hammocks 
swung on the deck of the vessel, literally living out- 
of-doors. At a little town named Breves they 
made the first stop, and it becoming noised about 
that a passenger desired bugs and animals of vari- 
ous kinds, the evening found Agassiz the centre of a 
crowd of children laden with animals of all kinds 
from centipedes to live monkeys. Many of the 
fishes so obtained were very rare and some new to 

The shores of the river had a great charm for the 
naturalist, the majestic palms and their great variety 
forming a never tiring vista. Here he first became 
familiar with the rubber tree of commerce, observ- 
ing the natives tap the trees as he had seen the 

128 Louis Agassiz. 

maples tapped for sugar in New England. What 
he termed the “forest fishes,” those found about the 
trunks of submerged trees, interested him greatly, 
fifteen species finding place in the rapidly growing 
collection, ten of which were new. It is difficult for 
the layman to appreciate what an absolutely new 
species means to the ardent naturalist and what a keen 
sense of delight he experiences in the discovery, and 
later in the description. In one day eighty-four species 
of fish were taken, fifty-one of which were new. In 
fact, so rapidly did the new forms come in that it 
was almost impossible to care for them, much less 
make coloured drawings. At the town of Obydos 
Agassiz was pleased at being greeted by Dr. Marcus, 
who had years before forwarded specimens from the 
Amazon to the Cambridge Museum. From here he 
made an extended canoe voyage, which resulted in 
many valuable discoveries and afforded a fine op- 
portunity for studying the natives, who wondered as 
did many of the whites, why the stranger should be 
so interested in the animals which they considered 
entirely worthless. 

The method by which the natives adapted them- 
selves to their surroundings was especially interest- 
ing to Agassiz. Owing to the large amount of sub- 
merged land and the dangers from a sudden rise in 
the river, many of their homes were built on piles 
sunk in the soft mud or soil. One Indian invited 
Agassiz to visit his house, and leading the way the 
naturalist followed him into the heart of the forest. 
The Indian had provided him with a long pole to 
cross the creeks on the logs safely, but finally the 

Around Para. 129 

water became so deep that he could not touch bot- 

OQ tom with the pole. The logs, too, began to roll 
about, and Agassiz was obliged to confess that he 
could not follow this road. The Indian asked him 
to wait, and while Agassiz balanced himself on the 
slippery logs he went for a canoe and soon conveyed 
him to the opposite shore, where stood a picturesque 
little home in which the wife and children lived. In 
referring to the return Agassiz says: ‘I shall never 
forget that row, the more enchanting that it was so 
unexpected, through the narrow water-path, over- 
arched by a solid roof of verdure, and black with 
shadows, and yet it was not gloomy, for outside, the 
sun was setting in crimson and gold, and its last 
beams struck in under the boughs and lit the in- 
terior of the forest with a warm glow. Nor shall I 
forget the face of our Indian friend, who had wel- 
comed us so warmly to his home, and who evidently 
enjoyed our exclamations of delight and the effect of 
the surprise he had given us. The creek led bya 
détour back into the river, a few rods above the 
landing where our steamer lay. Our friendly boat- 
man left us at the stairway, with a cordial good-bye, 
and many thanks from us at parting.” 

Agassiz was particularly impressed with the 
courtesy and kindness of the natives. Everywhere 
they showered attentions upon him, and examined 
Mrs. Agassiz—her hair, clothes, and articles of jew- 
elry with the greatest curiosity. Inthe morning she 
would be awakened by the Indian woman bringing 
her flowers, repaying the courtesy by allowing them 
to examine her toilet articles. The native men 


130 Louts Agassiz. 

undoubtedly looked upon Agassiz as a mild and 
harmless lunatic, for what sane man would come 
thousands of miles to hunt for creatures that were 
utterly useless? In fact, the more useless they were 
the more the Americano seemed to care for them, 
which amused the natives greatly, while no doubt it 
was difficult for them to show their contempt for a 
man who would exchange a good chicken for a few 
fishes, and little ones at that. 





Interest of Dom Pedro—Wooding up a Rio Negro Steamer—At Teffé 
—Fishes That Carry Young in Their Mouths—Collecting Plants 
at Fonte Béa— Laboratory at Teffé— Remakarble Family of 
Fishes—The Studis—Distribution of Fishes—Routine Work— 
Floating Islands—Numerous New Species of Fishes. 

fifth of September 
Agassiz and his party 
entered the Rio Negro, 
and the trip was begun 
with great enthusiasm 
on the part of all. The 
influence _of the Em- 
peror was felt even in 
this out-of-the way sec- 
tion of the country, a 
steamer being placed at 
their disposal by his or- 

ders. Agassiz was more 
than astonished at the variety and abundance of the 
fishes found, and especially at the fact that they dif- 
fered so in different localities not very far apart. To 
the President of Para he wrote: “I hasten to inform 
you of the extraordinary success which continues to 


123 Louis Agassiz. 

crown our efforts. It is certain that from this time 
forth, the number of fishes inhabiting the Amazons 
greatly exceeds all that has hitherto been imag- 
ined, and that their distribution is very limited on 
the whole, though a small number of species have fol- 
lowed us since we left Parad and others have a range 
more or less extensive. You remember, perhaps, 
that, when alluding to my hopes, I told you one day 
that I believed in the possibility of finding from two 
hundred and fifty to three hundred species of fish in 
the whole basin of the Amazons, even now, having 
passed over less than one third of the main stream, 
and only diverged here and there to some points 
beyond its shores, I have already obtained more than 
three hundred. It is incredible, above all, if you 
consider that the total number known to naturalists 
does not reach one third of what I have already col- 
lected. This result scarcely allows one to foresee the 
discoveries to be made whenever the affluents of the 
great river are explored with the same care.” 

At every point during this trip there was some- 
thing to interest the naturalist. 

At Coari on the Coari River the travellers were 
much amused at the manner of passing wood aboard 
the steamer. Ten men having formed in a line a log 
was passed from one to the other and counted as it 
was received, seven logs a minute, according to 
Agassiz’s estimate, finding their way into the hold 
of the steamer, which explained why the “ wooding 
up” stops were of so long duration. At Teffé one 
of the most interesting discoveries was made, prov- 
ing that some fishes carry their young in their mouths 

Up the Rio Negro. 133 

at certaintimes. This discovery so fascinated Agassiz 
that he made his headquarters here for a month, 
carefully studying the fish, which he named after 
the Emperor, and which is described in the following 
letter to his Majesty: 

“ SIRE :—On arriving here this morning I had the) 
most agreeable and unexpected surprise. The first 
fish brought to me was the Acara [see accompany- 
ing cut], which your Majesty kindly permitted me to 
dedicate to you, and by an unlooked-for good for- 
tune it was the breeding season, and it had its mouth 
full of little young ones inthe process of develop- 
ment. Here, then, is the most incredible fact in 
embryology fully confirmed, and it remains for me 
only to study, in detail and at leisure, all the changes 
which the young undergo up to the moment when 
they leave their singular nest, in order that I may 
publish a complete account of this curious history. 
My anticipations as tothe distribution of fishes are 
confirmed; the river is inhabited by several very dis- 
tinct ichthyological faune, which have, as a common 
link, only a very small number of species to be met 
with everywhere. It remains now to ascertain with 
precision the limits of these ichthyological regions, 
and I may perhaps be drawn on to devote some time 
tothis study, if I find the means of accomplishing it. 
There is a question which now becomes very inter- 
esting; it isto know how far the same phenomenon 
is reproduced in each one of the great affluents of 
the river Amazon, or, in other words, whether the 
fishes of the upper regions of the Rio Madeira, the 

134 Louis Agassiz. 

Rio Negro, etc., etc., are the same as the lower 
course of these rivers. As to the diversity of fish 
in the whole basin, my expectations are far sur- 
passed. Before arriving at Manaos I had already col-: 
lected more than three hundred species—that is to 
say, at least three times the number of species thus 
far known. About half have been painted from life 
by Mr. Buckhardt ; if I can succeed in publishing all 
these documents, the information I shall be able to 
furnish on this subject will exceed all that has thus 
far been made known. Weare here without news 
from the south since we left Rio, and all we had 
learned then was, that after a very stormy passage 
your Majesty had reached the Rio Grande. May 
God protect and bless your Majesty ! 

“With sentiments of the most profound respect 
and the liveliest gratitude, I am, 

“Your Majesty’s very humble and obedient servant, 


While Agassiz studied these fishes the other mem- 
bers of the party were up the various streams in the 
vicinity, and new facts were being added to science 
every day. At Fonte Béa Agassiz made a fine collec- 
tion of fossil plants and more new fishes, which kept 
artists and naturalists continually at work. Their 
headquarters at Teffé were delightful, the house 
being located in a green field descending gradually 
to the river. Near the house was a turtle-tank, 
which Agassiz immediately secured for his specimens 
and soon converted into an aquarium. The house 
took on the air of a laboratory. Cans, bags, and 
barrels stood about ; there were swinging shelves for 

Up the Rio Negro. 135 

specimens that were liable to be eaten by ants, tables 
for dissecting, while specimens were seen every- 

The first haul of the seine here was a most prolific 
one, resulting in the capture of thousands of fishes, 
among which were many new species that were 
eagerly examined and quickly sketched or painted 
to the life by the artists. er, 

Agassiz had now secured about four hundred) 
species of fishes, half of which had been copied in 
colour by Buckhardt. The specimens as soon as 
possible were transferred to glass jars, and thus the 
artist painted them as they poised before his eyes in 
all the glory of their brilliant colouring. Agassiz 
found that by this method he was correcting much 
careless work that had been done by previous inves- 
tigators, who from studying poor and faded speci- 
mens had duplicated species many times over. 
Among the fishes found at Teffé was one (Geo- 
phagus) which had a most remarkable method of 
reproduction. In a letter Agassiz says, in referring 
to it: “The eggs pass, I know not how, into the 
mouth, the bottom of which is lined by them, be- 
tween the inner appendages of the branchial arches, 
and especially into a pouch, formed by the upper 
pharyngeals, which they completely fill. There 
they are hatched, and the little ones, freed from the 
egg-case, are developed until they are in a condition 
to provide for their own existence. I do not yet 
know how long this continues; but I have already 
met with specimens whose young had no longer any 
vitelline sac, but were still harboured by the pro- 

136 Louts Agassiz. 

© To Milne Edwards he wrote from here: “ The 
embryology and metamorphoses of the Chromides, 
which I have just been studying, have convinced me 
that the fishes with labyrinthic branchiz, separated 
from all other fishes by Cuvier, as a family entirely 
isolated on account of the strange structure of its 
respiratory organs, are closely related to the Chro- 
mides. Thus this group becomes, by its various 
affinities, one of the most interesting of the class of 
fishes, and the basin of the Amazon seems to be the 
true home of this family. I will not fatigue you 
with my ichthyological researches; let me only add, 
that the fishes are not uniformly spread over this 
great basin. I have already acquired the certainty 
that we must distinguish certain ichthyological 
faune very clearly characterised. Thus the species 
inhabiting the river of Pard, from the borders of the 
sea to the mouth of the Tocantins, differ from those 
which occur higher up; those of the lower course of 
the Xingu differ from those of the lower course of 
the Tapajoz. Those of the numerous igarapés and 
lakes of Manaos differ as much from those of the 
principal course of the great river and of its great 
affluents. It remains now to study the changes 
which may take place in this distribution in the 
course of the year, according to the height of the 
waters, and perhaps also according to the epoch at 
which the different species lay their eggs. Thus far 
I have met but a small number of species having a 
very extensive area of distribution. One of these is 
the Studis gigas, found almost everywhere. It is the 
most important fish of the river, that which, as food, 


Up the Rio Negro. 137 

corresponds to cattle for the population along the 
banks. Another problem to be solved is, how far 
this phenomenon of the local distribution of fishes 
is repeated in the great affluents of the Amazons.” 
Referring again to this remarkable discovery 
Agassiz says: “The species which lay their eggs in 
the sand belong to the genera Hydrogonus and 
Cheetobranchus. Like the North American Pomotis, 
they build a kind of flat nest in the sand or mud, in 
which they deposit their eggs, hovering over them 
until the young are hatched. The species which 
carry their young in their mouth belong to several 
genera, formerly all included under the name of 
Geophagus by Heckel. I could not ascertain how 
the eggs are brought into the mouth, but the change 
must take place soon after they are laid, for I have 
found in that position eggs in which the embryo had 
just begun its development, as well as those in a 
more advanced stage of growth. Occasionally, in- 
stead of eggs, I have found the cavity of the gills, 
as also the space enclosed by the branchiostegal 
membrane, filled with a brood of young already 
hatched. The eggs before hatching are always 
found in the same part of the mouth, namely, in the 
upper part of the branchial arches, protected or held 
together by a special lobe or valve formed of the 
upper pharyngeals. The cavity thus occupied by 
the eggs corresponds exactly to the labyrinth of that 
curious family of fishes inhabiting the East Indian 
Ocean, called Labyrinthici by Cuvier. This cir- 
cumstance induces me to believe that the branchial 
labyrinth of the eastern fishes may be a breeding 

138 Louis Agassiz. 

pouch, like that of our Chromides, and not simply a 
respiratory apparatus for retaining water. In the 
Amazonian fish a very sensitive network of nerves 
spreads over this marsupial pouch, the principal 
stem of which arises from a special nervous ganglion, 
back of the cerebellum, in the Medulla oblongata. 
This region of the central nervous system is strangely 
developed in different families of fishes, and sends 
out nerves performing very varied functions. From 
it arise, ‘normally, the nerves of movement and sen- 
sation about the face; it also provides the organs 
of breathing, the upper part of the alimentary canal, 
the throat and the stomach. In the electric fishes 
the great nerves entering the electric battery arise 
from the same cerebral region, and now I have 
found that the pouch in which the egg of the Acara 
is incubated and its young nursed for a time, receives 
its nerves from the same source. This series of facts 
is truly wonderful, and only shows how far our 
science is still from an apprehension of the functions 
of the nervous system.” 

The beaches of the Amazon were found to be of 
great interest, being the resort of many singular 
creatures. Here were strange turtles, the nests of 
fishes, alligators, and birds. The Indians were very 
skilful in discovering the nests of turtles where 
there was no evidence of their existence upon the 
surface. They would move quickly along, then 
suddenly stop and throw up the sand, to invari- 
ably find the eggs ten or twelve inches below 
the surface. Here the large alligators lay in the 
sun and could be easily shot from the canoe, or 

Up the Rio Negro. 139 

their habits and ways watched from some conven- 
ient ambush. 

The native methods of taking fishes and large 

gaine was extremely interesting. A popular one 
was by the bow and arrow, even fishes as large as 
the gigantic Studis being taken in this manner. 
Some of the party caught several manatees, which, 
being too heavy and large to preserve, were skinned 
and the skeletons saved. One singular find was a 
log taken from the bottom, the hollow of which was 
literally packed with small fishes of a certain kind 
called Anojas by the natives. 
9 Some extremely interesting discoveries were made 
by Agassiz in the young of fishes. He employed 
native children to collect all the small or young 
fishes they could find, and the result was the dis- 
covery that in many cases the young of one species 
resembled the adults of others. An instance of this 
was found in a new billfish that while young passed 
through a stage resembling the adult Hemirham- 
phus which has a long lower jaw. 

In October the scientific head-quarters at Teffé 
was broken up, the party moving on, having obtained 
not only a fine collection of fishes, but reptiles, birds, 
shells, botanical specimens, insects, and treasures of 
all kinds. 

Agassiz was most impressed by the peculiar 
distribution of fishes. He says: “ After setting my 
whole party well under way in Teffé, I made the 
very instructive excursion with Major Estolano to 
the Lago do Boto, a small sheet of water by the 
side of his sztzo on the banks of the main course of 

140 Louis Agassiz. 

the Amazons, where I had a fair opportunity of 
ascertaining how widely different the fishes may be 
that inhabit adjoining localities in the same hydro- 
graphic basin. To this day I have not yet recovered 
from my surprise at finding that shores which, from 
a geographic point of view, must be considered 
simply as opposite banks of the same stream, were, 
nevertheless, the abode of an essentially different 
- ichthyological population.” 

Agassiz not only found time to investigate the 
zodlogy of the region, but there was hardly a 
department in the field of science that was not 
touched upon in some way. He was indefatigable 
in his labours; indeed, was the same Agassiz, enthu- 
siastic, thoughtful, and ambitious, that we have seen 
in his youthful days. 

The routine along the Amazon was one of con- 
tinued work. The party rose at five inthe morning, 
breakfasted at six, after which they started upon the 
various trips that had been arranged by the chief. 
Agassiz was fond of sport, but denied himself much 
of this pleasure, being obliged to attend to the 
specimens which were brought in, as in this hot 
climate they decomposed so rapidly that immediate 
attention was required. Agassiz gave the. artist 
general directions, and the latter, despite the intense 
heat and swarms of mosquitoes, often succeeded in 
making twenty sketches a day, and at the end of 
the trip Mr. Burkhardt was able to show about eight 
hundred paintings. 

It is impossible to follow the steps of Agassiz 
throughout the entire Amazonian region, and these 

Up the Rio Negro. 14! 

suggestions simply illustrate the compass of his 
mind and the generalship that characterised all his 
movements. In science he wasa leader of the forces, 
certainly in America, and was now in a foreign land 
marshalling them with marked ability, his conquests 
being the subjugation of ignorance and the dissemi- 
nation of facts. 

Olt was while descending the Amazon that Agassiz) 
first saw myriads of floating islands drifting 
down the river—shrubs, trees, great palms, all bound 
together by entangled vines,—often half an acre in 
extent, sometimes bearing animals upon them. 
On many were cranes, herons, and other wading birds, 
and the captain of the steamer informed Agassiz 
that upon one occasion, when lying at anchor at 
Parana, he saw a floating island come down bearing 
two deer upon it, which he captured as the island 
struck the ship. At another time a large and power- 
ful jaguar was seen floating along on one of these 
islands toward the sea. The lands overflowed were 
prolific places for the collector, the blades of grass 
and stalks often being covered with insects of all 
kinds and descriptions, which found safety here. 
As the steamer continued down the river it took on 
more and more the appearance of a menagerie. 
Parrots, half a dozen monkeys, a pair of deer, several 
tame iguanas, a sloth, and numerous smaller animals 
making up the collection. 

Agassiz in his lectures thus described the life in 
the forest: “Through sucha forest, where the animal 
life was no less rich and varied than the vegetation, 
our boat glided slowly for hours. The number and 

142 Louis Agassiz. 

variety of birds struck me with astonishment. The 
coarse, sedgy grasses on either side were full of water- 
birds, one of the most common of which was a small 
chestnut-brown wading bird, the Jagana (Parra), 
whose toes are immensely long in proportion to 
its size, enabling it to run upon the surface 
of the aquatic vegetation as if it were solid 
ground. It was now the month of January, 
their breeding season; and at every turn of the 
boat we started them up in pairs. Their flat 
open nests generally contained five flesh-colored eggs, 
streaked in zigzag with dark brown lines. The 
other waders were a small white heron, another ash- 
colored, smaller species, and a large white stork. 
The ash-colored herons were always in pairs; the 
white ones always single, standing quiet and alone 
on the edge of the water, or half hidden in the green 
capim. The trees and bushes were full of small war- 
bler-like birds, which it would be difficult to char- 
acterise separately. To the ordinary observer they 
might seem like the small birds of our woods; 
but there was one species among them which at- 
tracted my attention by its numbers, and also because 
it builds the most extraordinary nest, considering 
the size of the bird itself, that I have ever seen. It 
is known among the country people by two names, 
as the Pedreiro or the Forneiro; both names refer- 
ring, as will be seen, to the nature of its habitation. 
This singular nest is built of clay, and is as hard as 
stone (pedra), while it has the form of the round 
mandioca oven (forno), in which the country people 
prepare their farinha, or flour, made from the 

Up the Rio Negro. 143 

mandioca root. It is about a foot in diameter, and 
stands edgewise upon a branch, or in the crotch of 
a tree. Among the smaller birds I noticed bright 
tanagers, and also a species resembling the canary. 
Besides these, there were the wagtails; the black 
and white willow-finches; the hang-nests, or Japi, 
as they are called here, with their pendent, bag-like 
dwellings, and the familiar “ Bem-ti-vi.”. Humming- 
birds, which we are always apt to associate with 
tropical vegetation, were very scarce. I saw buta 
few specimens. Thrushes and doves were more 
frequent, and I noticed also three or four kinds of 
wood-peckers, besides parrots and paroquets; of 
these latter there were countless numbers along our 
canoe path, flying overhead in dense crowds, and at 
times drowning every other sound in their high, 
noisy clatter. 

“Birds of prey, also were not wanting. Among 
them was one about the size of our kite, and called 
the red-hawk, which was so tame that, even when 
our canoe passed immediately under the low branch 
on which he was sitting, he did not fly away. But, 
of all the groups of birds, the most striking as com- 
pared with corresponding groups in the temperate 
zone, and the one which reminded me the most dis- 
_tinctly of the fact that every region has its peculiar 
animal world, was that of the gallinaceous birds. 
The most frequent is the Cigana, to be seen in 
groups of fifteen or twenty, perched upon trees 
overhanging the water, and feeding upon berries. 
At night they roost in pairs, but in the daytime are 
always in larger companies. In their appearance 

144 Louis Agassiz. 

they have something of the character of both the 
pheasant and peacock, and yet do not closely resem- 
ble either. It is a curious fact that, with the ex- 
ception of some small partridge-like gallinaceous 
birds, all the representatives of this family in Brazil, 
and especially in the valley of the Amazons, belong 
to types which do not exist in other parts of the 
world. Here we find neither pheasants, nor cocks of 
the woods, nor grouse; but in their place abound 
the Mutum, the Jacu, the Jacami, and the Unicorn 
(Crax, Penelope, Psophia, and Palamedea), all of 
which are so remote from the gallinaceous types 
found farther north that they remind one quite as 
much of the bustard, and other ostrich-like birds, as 
of the hen and pheasant. They differ also from 
northern gallinaceous birds in the greater uniformity 
of the sexes, none of them exhibiting those strik- 
ing differences between the males and the females 
which we see in the pheasants, the cocks of the 
woods, and in our barn-yard fowls, though the plu- 
mage of the young has the yellowish mottled color 
distinguishing the females of most species of this 
family. While birds abounded in such numbers, in- 
sects were rather scarce. I saw but few and small 
butterflies, and beetles were still more rare. The 
most numerous insects were the dragon-flies,—some 
with crimson bodies, black heads, and burnished 
wings; others with large green bodies, crossed by 
blue bands. Of land-shells I saw but one, creeping 
along the reeds; and of water-shells I gathered only 
a few small Ampullaria.” 

Up the Rio Negro. 145 

On arriving at Para Agassiz was much broken 
down and fatigued by the arduous duties of the 
trip, yet he could scarcely restrain himself when new 
fields opened all about and drew him on. Here 
he found a letter from the Emperor, who announced 
that he had a New Year’s present for him in the 
shape of a collection of fishes from the southern 
rivers of South America, which, with the eighteen 
hundred species that Agassiz had secured, made a 
most valuable collection. The great variety of fish 
life impressed him constantly, and in a letter to the 
Emperor he said: “Another side of this subject, 
still more curious perhaps, is the intensity with 
which life is manifested in these waters. All the 
rivers of Europe united, from the Tagus to the 
Volga, do not nourish one hundred and fifty species 
of fresh-water fishes; and yet in a little lake near 
Manaos, called Lago Hyanuary, the surface of which 
covers hardly four or five hundred square yards, we 
have discovered more than two hundred distinct 
species, the greater part of which have not been ob- 
served elsewhere. What acontrast!” 

The expedition throughout Brazil was continued 
for sixteen months, and its results were given to the 
world, and the friends of science who made the 
journey possible, in a joint volume—A Yourney in 
Brazil, by Professor and Mrs. Agassiz. 

It was a life in the forest, drifting along with the 
wonders of tropical nature on every hand; and that 
Agassiz made the most of it is demonstrated by the 

present collections of the fauna of Brazil in the 

146 Louis Agassiz. 

Museum at Cambridge, where rest about eighty 
thousand specimens, all obtained during this trip, 
which the great naturalist looked upon as a rest and 
vacation period, a time in which he accomplished 
more than some workers in science and other fields 
have in an entire lifetime. 




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Return from Brazil—Renewed Work at the Museum—Lectures in 
New York—The Resolution of Bancroft—The Coast Survey and 
Science—Appointment to Cornell University—Report to the 
Legislature—The Cruise of the 8264—Address on Humboldt. 

cxtsiz returned from 
Brazil in August, 1866, 
and was soon deeply en- 
grossed in his beloved 
museum, which was en- 
riched by treasures that 
i Lad ~ a year or so previous he 
aT TCR s. % | had not dreamed of. The 
eal A yy } bli : 
2 a . ie public at large was in- 
44) WES aif (a tensely interested in his 
—4 5 work, and there was an im- 
mediate and pressing de- 
mand upon him for a series 
of lectures on the trip, which were given, and received 
with great enthusiasm. Then came a call from New 
York, and the lectures were repeated at the Cooper 
Union, the remarkable sight being witnessed of ‘no 
standing room” at a series of scientific lectures where 



148 Louis Agasstz. 

the prices were as high as at the theatre. This 
course created a very general interest in science in 
New York, and at the close the following resolution 
was offered by Bancroft, the historian : 

“ Resolved, That the thanks of this great assembly 
of delighted hearers, etc., be given to the illustrious 
Professor Agassiz, for the fulness of his instruction, 
for the clearness of his method of illustration, for 
his exposition of the idea as antecedent to form ; 
of the superiority of the undying, original, and 
eternal force over its transient manifestations; for 
happy hours which passed too rapidly away; for 
genial influences of which the memory will last 
through our lives.” 

The following months and entire winter Agassiz 
gave to his collections, the arrangement and care of 
which involved an enormous amount of work. The 
following year he devoted to his studies, spending 
much of the time at Nahant. During this period, 
he urged upon Professor Benjamin Peirce, then 
superintendent of the Coast Survey, the propriety of 
making the survey as valuable as possible to the 
scientific world,—a suggestion happily adopted. 

In this year Agassiz lost his mother, who had 
always been in close sympathy with his work and 
in constant communication with him. The loss fell 
heavily upon him, and undoubtedly affected his 
own health, which now gave way again, necessita- 
ting complete rest. He slowly recovered strength, 
and in 1868 madean excursion to the West witha 
large party of prominent men. On his return he 
stopped at Ithaca where Cornell University was just 


The Cruise of the “Bibb,” 149 

opening her doors, and was prevailed upon to accept 
the appointment of non-resident professor. A me- 
morial tablet in the chapel of the university testifies 
to the appreciation of the trustees of the important 
part he took in the opening days of the institution. 
Agassiz’s ambition to see the museum at Cam- 
bridge the leading institution of the kind in the 
world was now in a fair way to be realized. The 
Legislature, appreciating what he had done, gave 
him seventy-five thousand dollars for an additional 
building, and by private subscriptions this was 
doubled, so that the treasures from Brazil could 
be well cared for. In referring to the act of the 
Legislature, Agassiz wrote in his report: Ff 
© While I rejoice in the prospect of this new build- 
ing, as affording the means for a complete exhibition 
of the specimens now stored in our cellars and attics 
and encumbering every room of the present edifice, 
I yet can hardly look forward to the time when we 
shall be in possession of it without shrinking from 
the grandeur of our undertaking. The past history 
of our science rises before me with its lessons. 
Thinking men in every part of the world have been 
stimulated to grapple with the infinite variety of 
problems connected with the countless animals 
scattered without apparent order throughout sea and 
land. They have been led to discover the affinities 
of various living beings. The past has yielded up 
its secrets, and has shown them that the animals now 
peopling the earth are but the successors of countless 
populations which have preceded them, and whose 
remains are buried inthe crust of our globe. Further 

150 Louis Agassiz. 

study has revealed relations between the animals of 
past time and those now living, and between the law 
of succession in the former and the laws of growth 
and distribution in the latter, so intimate and com- 
prehensive that this labyrinth of organic life assumes © 
the character of a connected history, which opens 
before us with greater clearness in proportion as our 
knowledge increases. But when the museums of the 
‘Old World were founded, these relations were not 
even suspected. The collections of natural history, 
gathered at immense expense in the great centres of 
human civilization, were accumulated mainly as an 
evidence of man’s knowledge and skill in exhibiting 
to the best advantage, not only the animals, but the 
products and curiosities of all sorts from various parts 
of the world. While we admire and emulate the in- 
dustry and perseverance of the men who collected 
these materials, and did in the best way the work it 
was possible to do in their time for science, we have 
no longer the right to build museums after this 
fashion. The originality and vigour of one generation 
become the subservience and indolence of the next 
if we only repeat the work of our predecessors. 
They prepared the ground for us by accumulating 
the materials for extensive comparison and research. 
They presented the problem; we ought to be ready 
with the solution. If I mistake not, the great object 
of our museums should be to exhibit the whole 
animal kingdom as a manifestation of the Supreme 
Intellect. Scientific investigation in our day should 
be inspired by a purpose as animating to the general 
sympathy, as was the religious zeal which built the 

The Cruise of the “Bibb.” 151 

Cathedral of Cologne or the Basilica of St. Peter’s. 
The time is passed when men expressed their deep- 
est convictions by these wonderful and beautiful 
religious edifices; but it is my hope to see, with the 
progress of intellectual culture, a structure arise 
among us which may be a temple of the revelations 
written in the material universe. If this be so, our 
buildings for such an object can never be too com- 
prehensive, for they are to embrace the infinite work 
of Infinite Wisdom. They can never be too costly, 
so far as cost secures permanence and solidity, for 
they are to contain the most instructive documents 
of Omnipotence.” 

In 1869 Agassiz was invited to take a cruise on the 
Libb, the Coast Survey steamer, along the coast of 
Cuba, his old friend of the Aar glacier days, Count 
Pourtalés being the naturalist in charge. This trip 
proved a most important one, being far-reaching in 
its discoveries and the deductions which were made. 
Agassiz thus refers to the dredgings in the Bulletin 
of the Museum of 1869: 

“From what I have seen of the deep-sea bottom, 
I am already led to infer that among the rocks 
forming the bulk of the stratified crust of our globe, 
from the oldest to the youngest formation, there 
are probably none which have been formed in very 
deep waters. If this be so, we shall have to admit 
that the areas now respectively occupied by our 
continents, as circumscribed by the two-hundred- 
fathom curve or thereabout, and the oceans at 
greater depth, have from the beginning retained 
their relative outline and position; the continents 

152 Louis Agassiz. 

having at all times been areas of gradual upheaval 
with comparatively slight oscillations of rise and 
subsidence, and the oceans at all times areas of 
gradual depression with equally slight oscillations. 
Now that the geological constitution of our conti- 
nent is satisfactorily known over the greatest part of 
its extent, it seems to me to afford the strongest evi- 
dence that this has been the case; while there is no 
support whatever for the assumption that any part 
of it has sunk again to any very great depth after its 
rise above the surface of the ocean. The fact that 
upon the American continent, east of the Rocky 
Mountains, the geological formations crop out in 
their regular succession, from the oldest azoic and 
primordial deposits to the cretaceous formation, 
without the slightest indication of a great subse- 
quent subsidence, seems to me the most complete 
and direct demonstration of my proposition. Of 
the western part of the continent I am not prepared 
to speak with the same confidence. Moreover, the 
position of the cretaceous and tertiary formations 
along the low grounds east of the Alleghany range is 
another indication of the permanence of the ocean 
trough, on the margin of which these more recent 
beds have been formed. I am well aware that ina 
comparatively recent period, portions of Canada 
and the United States, which now stand six or seven 
hundred feet above the level of the sea, have been 
under water; but this has not changed the configu- 
ration of the continent, if we admit that the latter 
is in reality circumscribed by the two-hundred- 
fathom curve of depth.” 

The Cruise of the Bibb.” 153 

O One of the greatest efforts of this period of 
Agassiz’s life, one which though painful gave him 
supreme pleasure, was the delivery of an address 
on the occasion of the centennial celebration of 
Humboldt’s birth. Agassiz as we have seen, had 
been one of his dearest friends. He had lived with 
him, worked with him, enjoyed his counsel, and no 
one was better fitted to speak upon his virtues. 
The movement was inaugurated by the Boston So- 
ciety of Natural History, and Agassiz accepted the 
duty with his usual modesty, feeling and expressing 
the belief that he was not a biographer. As with 
everything he attempted, the address was a most 
impressive one, and stands to-day the most valuable 
paper on Humboldt extant. In this paper we find 
much that relates to the great naturalist himself, and 
the following extracts, taken from the memoirs of 
the Boston Society of Natural History, are worthy 
of perusal in this connection. 

He says: “Humboldt had at this time (about 
1830) two residences in Paris,—his lodging at the 
Hétel des Princes, where he saw the great world, and 
his working room in the Rue de la Harpe, where he 
received with less formality his scientific friends. It 
is with the latter place I associate him; for there it 
was my privilege to visit him frequently. There he 
gave me leave to come to talk with him about my 
work and consult him in my difficulties. I am un- 
willing to speak of myself on this occasion, and yet 
I do not know how else Ican do justice to one of 
the most beautiful sides of Humboldt’s character. 
His sympathy for all young students of nature was 

154 Louis Agassiz. 

one of the noblest traits of his long life. It may 
truly be said that toward the close of his career 
there was hardly one prominent or aspiring scientific 
man in the world who was not under some obliga- 
tion to him. 

“At this period I was twenty-four, he was sixty- 
ffwo. Ihad recently taken my degree as Doctor of 
Medicine, and was struggling not only for a scientific 
position but for the means of existence also. I 
have said that he gave me permission to come as 
often as I pleased to his room, opening to me freely 
the inestimable advantages which intercourse with 
such a man gave to a young investigator like myself. 
But he did far more than this. Occupied and sur- 
rounded as he was, he sought me out in my own 
lodging. The first visit he paid me in my narrow 
quarters in the Quartier Latin, where I occupied a 
small room in the Hétel du Jardin des Plantes, was 
characteristic of the man. After a cordial greeting, 
he walked straight to what was then my library,— 
a small book-shelf containing a few classics, the 
meanest editions bought for a trifle along the quays, 
some works on philosophy and history, chemistry 
and physics, his own Views of Nature, Aristotle’s 
Zoology, Linnzus’s Régne Animal, and quite a number 
of manuscript quartos, copies which, with the assist- 
ance of my brother, I had made of works I was too 
poor to buy, though they cost buta few francs a 
volume. Most conspicuous of all were twelve vol- 
umes of the new German Cyclopedia presented to 
me by the publisher. I shall never forget, after his 
look of mingled interest and surprise at my little col- 


The Cruise of the “Bzbb.” 155 

lection, his half-sarcastic question as he pounced upon 
the great Encyclopzedia,—‘ Was machen Sie denn mit 
dieser Eselsbriicke?’ What are you doing with this 
ass's bridge ?—the somewhat contemptuous name 
given in Germany to similar compilations. ‘I have 
not had time,’ I said, ‘to study the original sources of 
learning, and Ineed a prompt and easy answer toa 
thousand questions I have as yet no other means of 

“Tt was no doubt apparent to him that I was not 
familiar with the good things of this world, for I 
shortly afterward received an invitation to meet him 
at six o'clock in the Galerie vitrée of the Palais 
Royal, when he led me into one of the restaurants, 
the tempting windows of which I had occasionally 
passed by. When we were seated, he half laugh- 
ingly, half inquiringly asked me whether I would 
order the dinner. I declined the invitation, saying 
that we should fare better if he would take the 
trouble, and for three hours, which passed like a 
dream, I had him all to myself. How he examined 
me, and how much I learned in that short time. 
How to work, what to do, and what to avoid; how 
to live; how to distribute my time; what methods 
of study to pursue,—these were the things of which 
he talked to me on that delightful evening. I do 
not mention this trivial incident without feeling 
that it may seem too familiar for the occasion; nor 
should I give it at all except that it shows the 
sweetness and kindliness of Humboldt’s nature. It 
was not enough for him to cheer and stimulate the 
student; he cared also to give a rare indulgence 


156 Louis Agassiz. 

to a young man who could allow himself few 

Undoubtedly the effort of this address was too 
great a strain upon Agassiz in his enfeebled condi- 
tion, and shortly after he showed further evidence 
of a failure in strength. The great intellect that 
had fought so many battles gave warning that 
it must have rest, if indeed it was not too late. 
Agassiz, though, as we have seen,a man of great 
physical strength, always overworked himself; his 
mind invariably laid out work far too great for him 
to accomplish, and it was this indomitable industry 
that cut him down in what should have been his 
prime. Up to this time he had always evaded the 
doctors by inventing some expedition which would 
pass as a rest, but now the demand upon him could 
not be slighted and he took the longest vacation of 
his life, spending a winter in what was enforced seclu- 
sion. In the spring of 1870 he went to Deerfield on 
the Connecticut River, where to the surprise of his 
friends he soon recovered, returning to the museum 
in November, 1870, apparently with a complete 
renewal of health. 


Invitation to Go Around the Horn—The Party—In the Gulf Weed— 
A Singular Discovery—Inhabitants of the Gulf Weed—Nest of 
a Fish—Defining a Species by its Skin—Off the Rio de la Plata 
—Discovery of Tertiary Fossils—Living Crinoids—Glaciers of 
Patagonia—Among the Fuegians—Discoveries at Lota—Recep- 

tion in San Francisco. 
ey early days of 1871 
gassiz received a com- 

munication from Profes- 
sor Peirce to’ the effect 
that he was about to send 
a new vessel around the 
Horn to San Francisco, 
and asking him if he 
would like to make the 
trip in the interests of 
science. The invitation 
was accepted, and the sci- 
entific party was finally 
made up and included Agassiz, Count de Pourtales, 
Dr. Franz Steindachner, Mr. Blake, and Dr. Thomas 
Hill, ex-president of Harvard University. With his 
usual interest Agassiz looked forward to the trip which 


158 Louis Agassiz. 

he believed would result in important discoveries to 
science. He wrote to Mr. Peirce at this time: “If 
this world of ours is the work of intelligence and not 
merely the product of force and matter, the human 
mind, as a part of the whole, should so chime with 
it, that from what is known it may reach the un- 
known. If this be so, the knowledge gathered, 
should, within the limits of error which its imperfec- 
tion renders unavoidable, enable us to foretell what 
we are likely to find in the deepest abysses of the 

He thought that the abyssmal portions of the 
deep sea would be found to contain forms which 
would resemble those of earlier geological times, and 
he went so far as to name species he hoped to dis- 
cover. He expected to find an immediate ancestor 
of the trilobite, star-fish,and other forms, but in this 
was disappointed. 

The subject of glaciers still occupied his attention 
and he felt assured that the deep sea would divulge 
some of the secrets. This is referred to in the same 
letter to Mr. Peirce, which was published in the 
Bulletin of the Comparative Museum of Zoology : 

“There is, however, still one kind of evidence 
wanting, to remove all doubt that the greater exten- 
sion of glaciers in former ages was connected with 
cosmic changes in the physical condition of our 
globe—namely, all the phenomena relating to the 
glacial period must be found in the southern hemi- 
sphere, accompanied by the same characteristic 
features as in the north, but with this essential dif- 
ference—that everything must be reversed. The 

On the “Hassler.” 159 

trend of the glacial abrasions must be from the 
south northward, the lee-side of abraded rocks must 
be on the north side of the hills and mountain 
ranges, and the bowlders must have travelled from 
the south to their present position. Whether this 
be so or not, has not been ascertained by direct 
observation. I expect to find it so throughout the 
temperate and cold zones of the southern hemi- 
sphere, with the exception of the present glaciers of 
Terra del Fuego and Patagonia, which may have 
transported bowlders in every direction. Even in 
Europe, geologists have not yet sufficiently discrimi- 
nated between local glaciers and the phenomena 
connected with their different degrees of successive 
retreat on the one hand; and, on the other, the facts 
indicating the action of an extensive sheet of ice 
moving over the whole continent from north to 
south. Among the facts already known from the 
southern hemisphere are the so-called rivers of stone 
in the Falkland Islands, which attracted the atten- 
tion of Darwin during his cruise with Captain 
Fitzroy, and which have remained an enigma to this 
day. I believe it will not be difficult to explain 
their origin in the light of the glacial theory, and 
I fancy they may turn out to be ground moraines 
similar to the ‘horsebacks’ in Maine. 

“You may ask what this question of drift has 
to do with deep-sea dredging? The connection is 
closer than may at first appear. If drift is not of 
glacial origin but is the product of marine currents, 
its formation at once becomes a matter for the Coast 
Survey to investigate. But I believe it will be 

160 Louis Agassiz. 

found in the end that, so far from being accumu- 
lated by the sea, the drift of the Patagonian low- 
lands has been worn away by the sea to its present 
outline, like the northern shores of South America 
and Brazil. pee 

The Hassler sailed December 4, 1871, and the 
moment the prow of the good ship entered the Gulf 
Stream the ardent naturalists were at work; Count 
Pourtalés on the temperature of the Gulf Stream, 
and Agassiz on the fauna of the floating weed known 
as sargassum. One of the finds was a curious nest— 
a mass of sea-weed bound in and about and held in 
place by a delicate cord of gelatinous appearance. 
The leaves or fronds of the weed were dotted with 
white eggs the size of a pin’s head, and Agassiz soon 
decided by the use of his glass that each egg held 
a little fish. But what fish? The parent had not 
been found with the nest. Agassiz soon bethought 
him of his previous studies with the pigment cells of 
fishes, and the first comparison he made satisfied him 
that the embryos were the young of a Chironectes, 
young specimens of which he used for comparison. 

It will be remembered that in a letter written 
to Professor Peirce previous to sailing Agassiz ex- 
pressed the belief that he should discover some early 
forms of star-fishes ; it so happened that at the first 
haul of the dredge off St. Thomas they took stemmed 
crinoids which seemed like the ghosts of by-gone 
days rising from the depths of the sea to remind 
them of the past. One of the crinoids was kept 
alive nearly an entire day, and Agassiz had an op- 
portunity to observe its motions, seeing it fold and 



On the “Hassler.” 161 

unfold its arms. In describing his sensations of de- 
light to Professor Peirce he said: “I could see, 
without great effort of the imagination, the shoal of 
Lockport teeming with the many genera of crinoids 
which the geologists of New York have rescued from 
that prolific Silurian deposit.” 

A landing was made at Monte Video when Agassiz 
examined the geology of the bay, and after dredging 
off the Rio de la Plata, another stop was made at 
Port San Antonio, in which place some fine fossils of 
the Tertiary time werefound. Here Agassiz saw his 
first guanaco. Off the Gulf of St. George many 
beautiful forms among the star-fishes were. taken, 
the dredge at one time coming up filled with Ophi- 
urans. At Possession Bay the party landed and made 
a study of the old moraine. At the Elizabeth Islands 
and San Magdalena, Agassiz observed for the first 
time a penguin rookery, obtaining fine specimens of 
the birds. At Glacier Bay he visited the glacier that 
comes down here, and is a mile across its front, 
formed of clear blue ice. A forest was growing out 
of the old terminal moraines, and in the face of the 
glacier was a huge cave thirty or more feet high and 
about one hundred feet deep. 

An unsuccessful attempt was made to trace this 
glacier to its source, its upper portion branching off 
into many smallstreams ofice. The rate of advance 
was found to be ten inches a day; indeed, this 
glacier was examined by Agassiz with all the care 
and interest that he had given to similar phenomena 
in Switzerland ; the fact that he could compare the 
two making the investigation of especial interest. 


162 Louis Agassiz. 

The steamer left Playa Parda Cove in the latter 
part of March, and as they sailed away six fine gla- 
ciers were visible. From here up the coast, new 
and attractive features appeared every day. Agassiz 
made the acquaintance of the Fuegians, finding them 
amost interesting study. The Hassler anchored in 
Smythe’s Channel, where more glaciers and fine snow- 
capped mountains were seen and where Agassiz 
revelled in many of nature’s offerings. At every 
point, even though they tarried but a few hours, he 
obtained some new and valuable fact hitherto unob- 
served or unrecorded. Glaciers were ever in his 
mind and in his report to Professor Peirce he says: 

“ April 27th.—While I was transcribing my report, 
Pourtalés came in with the statement that he had 
noticed the first indication of an Andean glacier 
in the vicinity. I have visited the locality twice 
since. It is a magnificent polished surface, as well 
preserved as any I have seen upon old glaciated 
ground or under glaciers of the present day, with 
well-marked furrows and scratches. Think of it! a 
characteristic surface, indicating glacial action, in 
lat. 37° S., at the level of the sea. The place is only 
a few feet above tide level, upon the slope of a hill 
on which stands the ruins of a Spanish fort, near the 
fishermen’s huts of San Vicente, which lies between 
Conception Bay and the Bay of Aranco. Whether 
the polished surface is the work of a glacier descend- 
ing from the Andes to the sea-shore or not, I have 
not yet been able to determine. I find no volcanic 
pebbles or bowlders in this vicinity, which, after my 
experience in San Carlos, I should expect all along 

On the “Hassler.” 163 

the shore, if the glaciers of the Andes had descended 
to the level of the ocean in this part of the country. 
The erratics here have the character of those observed 
fartner south. It is true the furrows and scratches 
of this polished surface run mainly from east to west ; 
but there are some crossing the main trend, at angles 
varying from 20° to 30°, and running S. E. N. W. 
Moreover, the magnetic variation is 18° 3’ at Talca- 
huano April 23d, the true meridian bearing to the 
right of the magnetic. I shall soon know what to 
make of this, as I start to-morrow for the interior, to 
go to Santiago and join the ship again at Valparaiso. 
I have hired a private carriage, to be able to stop 
whenever I wish soto do. I also take a small seine 
to fish for fresh-water fishes in the many streams 
intervening between this place and Valparaiso. The 
trend of the glacial scratches in San Vicente re- 
minds me of a fact I have observed in New Eng- 
land near the sea-shore, where the glacial furrows 
dip to a considerable extent eastward toward the 
deep ocean, while farther inland their trend is more 
regular and due north and south. 

“T had almost forgotten to say that I have ob- 
tained unquestionable evidence of the cretaceous age 
of the coal deposits of Lota and the adjoining locali- 
ties, north and south, which are generally supposed 
to be Tertiary lignites. They are overlaid by sand- 
stone containing Baculites. Ineed not adduce other 
evidence to satisfy geologists of the correctness of my 
assertion. I have myself collected a great many 
fossils, in beds resting upon coal-seams.”’ 

At Talcahuana Agassiz started up the coast by 

164 Louis Agassiz. 

coach, intending to meet the steamer at some north- 
ern point. The trip proved fruitful in results and 
was most enjoyable to the little party, who joined the 
ship finally at Valparaiso. At Santiago Agassiz was 
received with distinguished honours. Among the 
pleasant surprises which greeted him was the an- 
nouncement of his election as Foreign Associate 
of the Institute of France, which he considered 
one of the highest honours he could receive. Ina 
letter to the Emperor of Brazil he refers to it as 

“The distinction pleased me the more because so 
unexpected. Unhappily it is usually a brevet of 
infirmity, or at least of old age, and in my case it is 
to a house inruins that the diploma is addressed. I 
regret it the more because I have never felt more 
disposed for work, and yet never so fatigued by it.” 

A most interesting part of the Hassler voyage 
was that portion devoted to the Galapagos Islands— 
Albemarle and others. In the former Agassiz 
studied the peculiar volcanic formation, and in his 
memoirs he refers to the fact that the party lunched 
one day in a cave which was nothing more or less 
than a broken volcanic bubble or air-hole which was 
forty feet long by ten in height. 

The trip up the coast was continued with increas- 
ing interest, and finally, in August, 1872,the Hassler 
entered the Golden Gate. Agassiz was received with 
the greatest cordiality by scientists and laymen. 
His interest in scientific work on the Pacific Coast 
was shown in many ways, one result being the en- 
dowment of the University of California by Edward 

On the “Hassler.” 165 

Tompkins of Oakland in the name of Agassiz, 
while the gift of Lick Observatory undoubtedly 
could be traced to similar inspiration. 

Agassiz was received in San Francisco by Joseph 
Le Conte, Davidson, Gilman, Drs. Stebbins and 
Scott, Dr. Ezra Carr, and other well-known men and 
scientists, finding here many old friends and ac- 
quaintances. He was tendered a number of recep- 
tions, and the impression he made upon strangers 
is well illustrated in the following incident. A 
well-known literary man, now connected with the 
Academy of Sciences of San Francisco, told the 
author that he was a guest at areception tendered Pro- 
fessor and Mrs. Agassiz, General — had dined 
with royalty, was a skilled diplomat, and one of 
the last men to become disconcerted under any 
circumstances; yet when he was presented to 
the distinguished guest of the evening and re- 
called his work and reputation, he was singularly 
confused. “His personality impressed me to a 
marked degree,” he said to the author, and when I 
found myself in his presence, and remembered his 
career and the manner of man he was, I was silenced, 
much to my annoyance, and when I did speak it was 
to tell a deliberate untruth. Agassiz asked me if I 
had been long on the coast. In reply I said no, 
when in reality I was a forty-niner. Later when I 
met Mrs. Agassiz I told her how in my confusion, 
and I might say admiration for her husband, I had 
told him an untruth. She considered it an excel- 
lent joke, and later, in the full possession of my 
faculties I enjoyed a laugh over the occurrence with 

166 Louts Agassiz. 

Agassiz, who modestly disclaimed any intention of 
trying to impress me.” 

The condition of the great naturalist’s health was 
such that he made no extended researches on the 
Pacific Coast, and returned to Cambridge in October, 
1872. There is never a scientific gathering of the 
men of his time but he and his trip to the West 
are remembered. In Arizona a lofty peak bears his 
name. In Alaska one of the giant glaciers—a feeder 
of the Great Malaspina Glacier, is called the Agassiz, 
while over the divide, in the inter-continental region, 
the name Agassiz is given to an ancient glacial lake 
in Wyoming—all monuments of an enduring kind. 



Growth of a New Idea—John Anderson’s Gift—A Patron of Science— 
Realisation of Agassiz’s Dream—Whittier’s ‘‘ Prayer of Agassiz” 
—A Distinguished Corps of Teachers—Sayings of the Great 
Teacher at Penikese—Last Days. 

{GASSIZ had long felt the 
need of a laboratory upon 
a large scale, a school at 
the sea-side where stu- 
dents of natural history 
could meet and _ under 
competent instruction be 
brought face to face with 
natural objects. As with 
everything else he under- 
took, the idea grew upon 
him and rapidly took 
shape and form in his 
mind. He soon laid the plan before the public and 
it was discussed in the press from Maine to Florida 
and from ocean to ocean, exciting interest in every 
State. The subject was first brought to the attention 

168 Louts Agassiz. 

of the Massachusetts Legislature when they made 
their annual visit to the museum, Agassiz pressing 
the claim of the new scheme as a part of the educa- 
tional development of the institution that they had 
so ably fathered. The appeal to the Legislature was 
published in the press and read by chance by John 
Anderson, of New York, who at once became inter- 
ested in the plan and a few days later tendered 
Agassiz a site for the proposed school on the island 
of Penikese, one of the group in Buzzard’s Bay, so 
well-known by the rhyme: 

** Naushon, Nonamesset, 
Uncatena, and Wepecket, 
Nashawena, Pesquinese, 
Cuttyhunk, and Penikese.” 

To the gift Mr. Anderson added $50,000 with 
which to fit out the school; and so the Anderson 
School of Natural History took form, and on the 
4th of July Agassiz set sail for the island. He 
found everything in the crudest condition, but a 
strong appeal to carpenters and other workers 
brought order out of chaos, and soon the old stable, 
out of which the sheep had been turned to make 
way for medusz, echinoderms, men and women, 
became habitable just in time for the steamer con- 
taining the visitors and students. In the old barn, 
still hung with festoons of silken make, through 
which the swallows darted and chirped a welcome, 
this grand old man, with bared head, opened the 
school in silent prayer. This incident was made the 
subject of the following poem by Whittier : 

At Pentkese. 169 


On the isle of Penikese, 

Ringed about by sapphire seas, 
Fanned by breezes salt and cool, 
Stood the Master with his school. 
Over sails that not in vain 

Wooed the west-wind’s steady strain, 
Line of coast that low and far 
Stretched its undulating bar, 
Wings aslant along the rim 

Of the waves they stooped to skim, 
Rock and isle and glistening bay, 
Fell the beautiful white day. 

Said the Master to the youth : 

“* We have come in search of truth, 
Trying with uncertain key 

Door by door of mystery ; 

We are reaching, through His laws, 
To the garment-hem of Cause, 
Him, the endless, unbegun, 

The unnamable, the One 

Light of all our light the Source, 
Life of life, and Force of force. 

As with fingers of the blind, 

We are grouping here to find 
What the hieroglyphics mean 

Of the Unseen in the seen, 

What the Thought which underlies 
Nature’s masking and disguise, 
What it is that hides beneath 
Blight and bloom and birth and death. 
By past efforts unavailing, 

Doubt and error, loss and failing, 
Of our weakness made aware, 

On the threshold of our task 

Let us light and guidance ask, 

Let us pause in silent prayer!” 


Louts Agasstz. 

Then the Master in his place 
Bowed his head a little space, 
And the leaves by soft airs stirred, 
Lapse of wave, and cry of bird 
Left the solemn hush unbroken 
Of that wordless prayer unspoken, 
While its wish, on earth unsaid, 
Rose to heaven interpreted. 

As in life’s best hours we hear 

By the spirit’s finer ear 

His low voice within us, thus 

The All-Father heareth us ; 

And His holy ear we pain 

With our noisy words and vain. 
Not for Him our violence 
Storming at the gate of sense, 

His the primal language, His 
The eternal silence ! 

Even the careless heart was moved, 
And the doubting gave assent, 
With a gesture reverent, 

To the Master well-beloved. 

As thin mists are glorified 

By the light they cannot hide, 
All who gazed upon him saw, 
Through its veil of tender awe, 
How his face was still uplit 

By the old sweet look of it, 
Hopeful, trustful, full of cheer, 
And the love that casts out fear. 
Who the secret may declare 

Of that brief, unuttered prayer ? 
Did the shade before him come 
Of th’ inevitable doom, 

Of the end of earth so near, 
And Eternity’s new year ? 

In the lap of sheltering seas 
Rests the isle of Penikese ; 

At Pentkese. Int 

But the lord of the domain 

Comes not to his own again : 
When the eyes that follow fail, 
On a vaster sea his sail 

Drifts beyond our beck and hail. 
Other lips within its bound 

Shall the laws of life expound ; 
Other eyes from rock and shell 
Read the world’s old riddles well : 
But when breezes light and bland 
Blow from Summer’s blossomed land, 
When the air is glad with wings. 
And the blithe song-sparrow sings, 
Many an eye with his still face 
Shall the living ones displace, 
Many an ear the word shall seek 
He alone could fitly speak. 

And one name forevermore 

Shall be uttered o’er and o’er 

By the waves that kiss the shore, 
By the curlew’s whistle sent 
Down the cool, sea-scented air ; 
In all voices known to her, 
Nature owns her worshipper, 

Half in triumph, half lament. 
Thither Love shall tearful turn, 
Friendship pause uncovered there, 
And the wisest reverence learn 
From the Master’s silent prayer. 

The school was carried on with unflagging interest. 
Agassiz lectured sometimes twice a day. Here were 
Dr. Burt G. Wilder of Cornell, Professor A. S. Pack- 
ard, Count Pourtalés, Professor Guyot, E. S. Morse, 
Alfred Mayer, F. W. Putnam—all distinguished men 
in their various fields as instructors, whose lectures 
were listened to with close attention. Among the 
students were some of the leading naturalists of the 

172 Louts Agasstz. 

present day, who here obtained the inspiration per- 
haps which led to later successes. Among them 
were David Starr Jordan, now President of the 
Leland Stanford Junior University; Professor Fer- 
nald, of Maine; William K. Brooks, later author of 
a hand-book on Juvertebrate Zodlogy ; Dr. F. H. 
Snow, now Chancellor of the University of Kansas; 
Dr. W. O. Crosby, Walter Fewkes, Samuel Garman 
of the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, Walter 
Faxon, Ernest Ingersoll, Professor Apgar, of Tren- 
ton, Miss Susan Hallowell, Miss Mary Beaman, 
Charles S. Minot, Professor Stowell, and many 

The applications by students far exceeded the 
accommodations for them, and out of the several 
hundred, fifty of both sexes were finally selected. 
Referring to these days, David Starr Jordan says: 

“None of us will ever forget his first sight of 
Agassiz. We had come down from New Bedford in 
a little tug-boat in the early morning, and Agassiz 
met us at the landing-place on the island. He was 
standing almost alone on the little wharf, and his 
great face beamed with pleasure. For this summer 
school, the thought of his old age, might be the 
crowning work of his lifetime. Who could foresee 
what might come of the efforts of fifty men and 
women, teachers of science, each striving to do his 
work in the best possible way? His thoughts and 
hopes rose to expectations higher than any of us 
then understood. 

“ His tall robust figure, broad shoulders bending a 
little under the weight of years, his cheery smile, 

At Pentkese. 173 

the enthusiastic tones of his voice,—all these entered 
into our first as well as our last impressions of 
Agassiz. He greeted us with great warmth as we 
landed. He looked into our faces to justify: him- 
self in making choice of us among the many whom 
he might have chosen. 

“ And the summer went on ith its succession of 
joyous mornings, beautiful days, and calm nights, 
with every charm of sea and sky, the master with us 
all day long, ever ready to speak words of help and 
encouragement, ever ready to give us from his own 
stock of learning. The boundless enthusiasm which 
surrounded him like an atmosphere, and which 
sometimes gave the appearance of great achieve- 
ment to the commonest things, was never lacking. 

“ Essentially Latin in his nature, he was always 
- picturesque in his words and his work. He de- 
lighted in the love and approbation of his students 
and his friends, and the influence of his personality 
sometimes gave his opinions weight beyond the © 
value of the investigations on which they were 
based. With no other investigator have the work 
and the man been so identified as with Agassiz. No 
other of the great workers has been equally great as 
a teacher. His greatest work in science was his 
influence on other men.” 

Dr. Jordan, who was one of the pupils at Penikese, 
jotted down some of the talks given to teachers at 
this time by Agassiz, and through his courtesy I am 
able to reproduce them here: ‘“ Never try to teach 
what you yourself do not know and know well. If 
your school board insists on your teaching anything 

174 Louis Agassiz. 

and everything, decline firmly to do it. It isan im- 
position alike on pupils and teachers to teach that 
which he does not know. Those teachers who are 
strong enough should squarely refuse to do such 
work. This much-needed reform is already begin- 
ning in our colleges, and I hope it will continue. It 
is arelic of medizval times, this idea of professing 
everything. When teachers begin to decline work 
which they cannot do well, improvements begin to 
comein. If one will be asuccessful teacher, he must 
firmly refuse work which he cannot do successfully. 

“Tt is a false idea to suppose that anybody is com- 
petent to learn or to teach everything. Would our 
great artists have succeeded equally well in Greek or 
calculus? A smattering of everything is worth little. 
It is a fallacy to suppose that an encyclopedic knowl- 
edge is desirable. The mind is made strong not - 
through much learning, but by the thorough posses- 
sion of something.” 

‘Lay aside all conceit. Learn to read the book 
of Nature for yourself. Those who have succeeded 
best have followed for years some slim thread which 
has once ina while broadened out and disclosed 
some treasure worth a life-long search.” 

“A man cannot be a professor of zodlogy on one 
day, and of chemistry on the next, and do good work 
in both. As in a concert all are musicians—one 
plays one instrument, and one another, but none all 
in perfection.” 

“You cannot do without one specialty ; you must 
have some base-line to measure the work and attain- 
ments of others. Fora general view of the subject 

At Pentkese. 175 

study the history of the sciences. Broad knowledge 
of all Nature has been the possession of no naturalist 
except Humboldt, and general relations constituted 
his specialty.” 

‘Select such subjects that your pupils cannot walk 
without seeing them. Train your pupils to be ob- 
servers, and have them provided with the specimens 
about which you speak. If you can find nothing 
better, take a horse-fly or a cricket, and let each hold 
a specimen and examine it as you talk.” 

“In 1847 I gave an address at Newton, Massachu- 
setts, before a Teachers’ Institute conducted by 
Horace Mann. My subject was grasshoppers. I 
passed around a large jar of these insects, and made 
every teacher take oneand hold it while I was speak- 
ing. If any one dropped the insect, I stopped till 
he picked it up. This was at that time a great inno- 
vation, and excited much laughter and derision. 
There can be no true progress in the teaching of 
natural science until such methods become general.” 

“There is no part of the country where, in the 
summer, you can not get a sufficient supply of the 
best specimens. Teach your children to bring them 
in yourselves. Take the text from the book, not 
from the booksellers. It is better to have a few 
forms well known than to ‘teach a little about many 
hundred species. Better a dozen specimens thor- 
oughly studied as the result of the first year’s work, 
than to have two thousand dollars’ worth of shells 
and corals bought froma curiosity shop. The dozen 
animals would be your own.” 

“ The study of Nature is an intercourse with the 

176 Louis Agassiz. 

highest mind. You should never trifle with Nature. 
At the lowest her works are the works of the highest 
powers, the highest something in whatever way we 
may look at it.” 

“A laboratory of natural history is a sanctuary 
where nothing profane should be tolerated. I feel 
less angry at improprieties in church than in a scien- 
tific laboratory.” 

“In Europe I have been accused of taking my 
scientific ideas from the Church. In America I have 
been called a heretic, because I would not let my 
church-going friends pat me on the head.” 

The Penikese school existed in Agassiz. It was 
his personality which made it a success, his great 
genius that made it possible; and as the students 
separated in the autumn, all felt that a fresh impetus 
had been given to biological study, a stimulus that 
has found expression in later years in the establish- 
ment of various marine laboratories in various parts 
of this country and Europe. 

_ Inthe autumn Agassiz returned to the museum and 

(the contemplation of new work, made possible by the 
grant of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars 
by the Legislature, one hundred thousand of which 
was considered as a birthday gift to the scientist, to 
be used as he willed in the cause of the museum, —a 
contrast indeed to his experience in former years 
when he pleaded and used all his eloquence to secure 
the necessary appropriations to insure the preserva- 
tion of his growing collections. 

It was very evident to the friends of the naturalist 
that his strength was failing, that he had overtaxed 

At Pentkese. 177 

nature. Yet he had plans outlined that would have 
required half the lifetime of an ordinary man to ac- 
complish. As the winter came on he began a series 
of lectures on the type of Radiates. Atthis time he 
wrote and began the preparation of several articles 
on the theories advanced by Darwin, and on the 2d 
of December, 1873, he appeared before the people of 
Fitchburg at a meeting of the Massachusetts Board 
of Agriculture, lecturing on “ The structural growth 
of domesticated animals.” This was his last public 
effort, yet while the audience was impressed with 
his mental force and saw no lessening of the fires of 
his genius, those who knew him best felt that he was 
struggling against physical weakness. 

He often almost broke down in these last days 
—the glint of the setting sun rested upon his face, 
.the shadow of the unknown was upon him. At 
one time he said: “I want rest; I am ready to 
go; Iam tired! but I will work while I live; while 
I have strength I will labour.” He desired to die in 
the harness, and the end came when the great soul 
was filled with thoughts for the advancement of 
science and the intellectual elevation of mankind. 

To the immediate loved ones he spoke of weari- 
ness, and finally on the 14th of December, 1873, laid 
down the burden in the full confidence of a life well 
spent, of a journey happily ended, leaving a mem- 
ory and heritage as imperishable as the boulder from 
the glacier of the Aar, that marks his grave at Mount 
Auburn, or the great ice-river that bears his name in 
the Alaskan mountains above the Malaspina glacier. 

The death of Agassiz, like that of Darwin, created 


178 Louts Agasstz. 

widespread comment and regret throughout the 
civilised world. The people, irrespective of sect or 
class, recognised the fact that one of the great figures, 
not only of the century, but of the age, had passed 

“For a long time,’ wrote Professor Silliman, 
“have we dreaded the sad event which we now record. 
For many years the splendid physique of Agassiz 
manifested signs that his prodigious labours were 
overcoming his elasticity. His herculean strength, 
which made fatigue of body or mind unknown to 
him, yielded to the severer tax of the American 
climate and the incessant growing demands upon 
him from every source. His life and strength were 
renewed by his long voyage to San Francisco in the 
Hassler ; but both he and his friends recognised the 
fact that to labour with his former activity was im- 
possible and forbidden. Yet to live, was for him 
unavoidably to labour; and to die in the harness 
rather than to live after the power to serve his fellow- 
men was passed—his aspiration.” 



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Friendship for Darwin—Opposition to his Theories—Letter to Dr. 
Wilder—Strong Religious Belief—Agassiz on Evolution—Last 
Literary Work in Opposition to Darwin’s Theory—A Definition 
of Classification—Evidences of Religious Thoughts—Denounced 
as an Atheist—The Lectures at the Academy of Music. 

GASSIZ was the great theis- 
tic philosopher of the age 
in which he lived, and an 
account of his life would 
be. incomplete without 
some reference to his op- 
position to the theories 
advanced by Charles Dar- 
win, in which is outlined 
his strong religious belief. 
Between the two men ex- 
isted the kindest of feeling. 
In 1871 Agassiz wrote to 
Professor Burt G. Wilder: ‘I have read both volumes 
of Darwin’s Descent of Man, which he sent himself 
with some very pleasant words. You know that 
we are truly friends, much as we differ in views.” 
Both men believed in a Creator; but Darwin rarely 


180 Louis Agassiz. 

if ever referred to religion in his works, directly or 
indirectly, while with Agassiz the reverse holds. 
He believed that the theories of Darwin were in- 
compatible with a belief in an all-wise Creator, and 
he combated them with all his power, his attitude 
upon this question being one of the most interesting 
features of his career. 

Agassiz always stood by the tenets of his religious 
belief. Everything in nature was suggestive of the 
bounty, the wisdom of a living God, and any theory, 
any belief that threw a shadow of doubt upon this 
was looked upon asa sacrilege. In brief, these two 
great minds, while working for a common object, 
were diametrically opposed on many points. Dar- 
win’s great theories, which aroused such fierce an- 
tagonism throughout the world, found no stronger 
antagonist and critic than Agassiz, who even to 
the last stood by his convictions. Both men were 
great ; both possessed of a divine genius. They were 
born and equipped for great deeds and accomplish- 
ments, antagonistic to each other yet each imbued 
with highest respect for the attainments of the other. 

“What a set of men you have at Harvard!” said 
Darwin to Longfellow. ‘“ Both our universities put 
together cannot furnish the like. Why, there is 
Agassiz,—he counts for three.” And of Darwin 
personally Agassiz had none but good words, though 
he vigorously opposed the acceptance of his ideas. 

Darwin believed that man is the result of develop- 
ment and the highest form of the animal kingdom 
of to-day, and that in all probability he was or is 
a descendant or rather an ascendant of a Simian 

Religious Belief. 181 

type; that all animals have developed from pre- 
vious forms, the species and genera being produced 
by environment in vast eras of time. In a letter 
to Sir Philip de Grey Egerton, Agassiz wrote: 
“My recent studies have made me more adverse 
than ever to the new scientific doctrines which 
are flourishing now in England. This sensational 
zeal reminds me of what I experienced as a 
young man in Germany, when the _ physio-phi- 
losophy of Oken had invaded every centre of sci- 
entific activity ; and yet, what is there left of it? I 
trust to outlive this mania also. As usual, I do not 
ask beforehand, what you think of it, and I may 
have put my hand intoa hornet’s nest; but you 
know your old friend Agass., and will forgive him if 
he hits a tender spot.” 

Agassiz’s last literary work was upon an article for 
/the Atlantic Monthly, on the “ Evolution and Perma- 
*nence of Type.” “A physical fact is as sacred as a 

moral principle. Our own nature demands from us 
this double allegiance,” was his text, his creed, and 
in the above-mentioned paper, in defining his plan 
for future articles, he said: “ I hope in future articles 
to show, first, that, however broken the geological 
record may be, there is a complete sequence in many 
parts of it, from which the character of the succes- 
sion may be ascertained; secondly, that, since the 
most exquisitely delicate structures, as well as em- 
bryonic phases of growth of the most perishable 
nature, have been preserved from very early de- 
posits, we have no right to infer the disappearance 
of types because their absence disproves some favour- 

182 Louis Agassiz. 

ite theory; and, lastly, that there is no evidence of a 
direct descent of later from earlier species in the 
geological succession of animals.” 

_ In 1844 Agassiz completed a monograph on the 
(fishes of the Old Red Sandstone, which was begun 
at the request of the British Association for the 
Advancement of Science, and was a supplement to 
the magnificent work in five volumes entitled 
Recherches sur les Potssons Fosstles. At this time, he 
made some observations that then and in later years 
attracted no little attention. He knew that there 
were certain living fishes, as the sturgeon, in which the 
upper lobe of the tail was formed by the continuance 
of the backbone, and he saw in these the descend- 
ants of a large group that swarmed the ancient 
Carboniferous and Devonian seas. Agassiz made 
the remarkable discovery that certain other fishes, 
not of the group of which the sturgeons may be 
taken as a representative, had in the embryo state 
tails that were heterocercal, which afterwards be- 
came homocercal. From this discovery, which at 
the time occasioned no little interest in the world of 
science, Agassiz deduced the famous law that the 
“embryo of the fish during its development, the 
present class of fishes with its numerous families, 
and the type of fish in its geological history, undergo 
strictly analogous phases,” and in hisintroduction to 
a monograph of the fossil fishes of the Old Red 
Sandstone he applies this in a general way to verte- 
brates: “The successive creations have undergone 
phases of development analogous to those the em- 
bryo passes through during its growth, and similar 

Religious Belief. 183 

to the gradations the present creation shows us in 
its ascending series, considered as a whole. 

The most incontestable result of modern palzonto- 
logical research, in the examination of the question 
which at present occupies us, is the fact, now beyond 
controversy, of the simultaneous appearance of par- 
ticular types of all classes of invertebrate animals 
from the earliest development of life upon the 
surface of the globe. The history of this successive 
development shows conclusively the impossibility of 
referring the first inhabitants of the earth to a small 
number of branches, differentiated from one parent 
stock by the influence of the modifications of ex- 
terior conditions of existence.” This is the keynote 
of Agassiz’s belief regarding the creation and origin 
of life which he held until the last. 

His ideas on the much discussed subject of classi- 
fication are well illustrated in the introduction of a 
work entitled Contributions to the Natural History of 
the United States, the plan of which was published 
in 1857. “In the beginning of this chapter,” he 
says, “I have already stated that classification seems 
to me to rest upon too narrow a foundation when it 
is chiefly based upon structure. Animals are linked 
together as closely by their mode of development, by 
their relative standing in their respective classes, by 
the order in which they have made their appearance 
upon earth, by their geographical distribution, and 
generally by their connection with the world in which 
they live, as by their anatomy. All these relations 
should, therefore, be fully expressed in a natural 
classification; and though structure furnishes the 

184 Louts Agasstz. 

most direct indication of some of these relations, 
always appreciable under every circumstance, other 
considerations should not be neglected which may 
complete our insight into the general plan of 

With the types which he termed embryonic he 

(recognises others which he called prophetic. He 
thus writes in his essay on Classification : 

“T confess that this question as to the nature and 
foundation of our scientific classifications appears to 
me to have the deepest importance ; an importance 
far greater, indeed, than is usually attached to it. If 
it can be proved that man has not invented but only 
traced this systematic arrangement in nature; that 
these relations and proportions which exist through- 
out the animal and vegetable world have an intel- 
lectual, an ideal, connection in the mind of the Crea- 
tor; that this plan of creation, which so commends 
itself to our highest wisdom, has not grown out of 
the necessary action of physical laws, but was the 
free conception of the Almighty Intellect, matured 
in His thought before it was manifested in tangible 
external forms ; if, in short, we can prove premedita- 
tion prior to the act of creation, we have done once 
and forever with the desolate theory which refers us 
to the laws of matter as accounting for all the 
wonders of the universe, and leaves us with no God 
but the monotonous unvarying action of physical 
forces, binding all things to their inevitable 
destiny. : 

“To me it appears indisputable that this order 
and arrangement of our studies are based upon the 

Religious Belief. 185 

natural primitive relations of animal life; those sys- 
tems to which we have given the names of the great 
leaders of our science who first proposed them, being 
in truth but translations into human language of the 
thoughts of the Creator. And if this is indeed so, 
do we not find in this adaptability of the human 
intellect to the facts of creation, by which we be- 
come instinctively and, as I have said, uncon- 
sciously the translators of the thoughts of God, the 
most conclusive proof of our affinity with the Divine 
mind? And is not this intellectual and spiritual 
connection with the Almighty worthy of our deepest 
consideration? If there is any truth in the belief 
that man is made in the image of God, it is surely 
not amiss for the philosopher to endeavour by the 
study of his own mental operations to comprehend 
the workings of the Divine Reason, learning from 
the nature of his own mind better to understand the 
Infinite Intellect from which it is derived.” 

Agassiz was first of all a believer in a Divine 
Ruler, in a Creator of all things. To him it was 
this Divine Intelligence that governed life. He was 
essentially religious; the teaching of his devoted 
and pious mother had taken so deep root that he 
never wandered. It was this in part that undoubt- 
edly made Agassiz the successful teacher that he 
was. The simplest facts in nature gave him inspira- 
tion. Every leaf, the smallest animals were but the 
evidences of the Divine Creator whose existence 
he acknowledged. In his essay on Classification 
he says: “All the facts proclaim aloud the one 
God, whom we know, adore, and love; and Natural 

186 Louts Agassiz. 

History must in good time become the analysis 
of the thoughts of the creator of the universe, 
as manifested in the animal and vegetable king- 

Agassiz’s line of argument against the develop- 
ment theory is well illustrated in the following 
extract from a published article, Zhe Tertiary Age, ° 
and its Characteristic Animals : 

“‘One word more as to the relation of the Tertiary 
mammalia to the creation which preceded them. I 
can only repeat here the argument used before: the 
huge quadrupeds characteristic of these epochs make 
their appearance suddenly, and the deposits contain- 
ing them follow as immediately upon those of the 
Cretaceous epoch, in which no trace of them occurs, 
as do those of the Cretaceous upon those of the 
Jurassic epoch. I would remind the reader that in 
the central basin of France, in which Cuvier found 
his first Palaotherium, and which afterwards proved 
to have been thickly settled by the early Mammalia, 
the deposits of the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary 
epochs follow each other in immediate, direct, unin- 
terrupted succession; that the same is true of other 
localities, in Germany, in Southern Europe, in Eng- 
land, where the most complete collections have been 
made from all these deposits; and there has never 
been brought to light a single fact leading us to 
suppose that any intermediate forms have ever 
existed through which more recent types have been 
developed out of older ones. For thirty years 
Geology has been gradually establishing, by evi- 
dence the fulness and accuracy of which are truly 

Religious Belief. 187 

amazing, the regularity in the sequence of the geo- 
logical formations, and distinguishing, with ever- 
increasing precision, the specific differences of the 
animals and plants contained in these accumulations 
of past ages. These results bear living testimony to 
the wonderful progress of the kindred sciences of 
geology and palzontology in the last half-century ; 
and the development theory has but an insecure 
foundation so long as it attempts to strengthen itself 
by belittling the geological record, the assumed im- 
perfection of which, in default of positive facts, has 
now become the favourite argument of its beholders.”’ 

In 1863 Agassiz published a volume entitled, 
Method of Study in Natural History, the main ob- 
ject of which was to give hints and suggestions to 
young readers, yet in the introduction he says: “I 
have also wished to avail myself of this opportunity | 
to enter my earnest protest against the transmuta- 
tion theory, revived of late with so much ability, 
and so generally received. It is my belief that 
naturalists are chasing a phantom, in their search 
after some material gradation among created beings, 
by which the whole Animal Kingdom may have 
been derived by successive development from a 
single germ, or from a few germs. It would seem, 
from the frequency with which this notion is re- 
vived,—ever returning upon us with hydra-headed 
tenacity of life, and presenting itself under a new 
form as soon as the preceding one has been ex- 
ploded and set aside,—that it has a certain fascina- 
tion for the human mind. This arises, perhaps, from 
the desire to explain the secret of our own existence ; 

188 Louis Agassiz. 

to have some simple and easy solution of the fact 
that we live. 

“JT confess that there seems to me to bea repulsive 
poverty in this material explanation, that is contra- 
dicted by the intellectual grandeur of the universe; 
the resources of the Deity cannot be so meagre, that, 
in order to create a human being endowed with ' 
reason, he must change a monkey intoaman. This 
is, however, merely a personal opinion, and has no 
weight as an argument; nor am I so uncandid as 
to assume that another may not hold an opinion 
diametrically opposed to mine in a spirit quite as 
reverential as my own. But I nevertheless insist 
that this theory is opposed to the processes of nature, 
as far as we have been able to apprehend them; 
that it is contradicted by the facts of Embryology 
and Paleontology, the former showing us forms of 
development as distinct and persistent for each group 
as are the first types of each period revealed to us 
by the latter; and that the experiments upon 
domesticated animals and cultivated plants, on 
which its adherents base their views, are entirely 
foreign to the matter in hand, since the varieties 
thus brought about by the fostering care of man are 
of an entirely different character from those observed 
among wild species. And while their positive evi- 
dence is inapplicable, their negative evidence is 
equally unsatisfactory ; since, however long and 
frequent the breaks in the geological series may be 
in which they would fain bury their transition types, 
there are many points in the succession where the 
connection is perfectly distinct and unbroken, and 

Religious Belief. 189 

it is just at these points that new organic groups are 
introduced without any intermediate forms to link 
them with the preceding ones. In another series 
of papers, I shall endeavour to show the futility of 
the argument so far as it is founded upon the imper- 
fection of the geological record.” 

Everywhere in this and other papers we note the 
reverential feeling of the naturalist. The idea ofa 
creative God, a Maker, a Divine Architect, never 
left him, and while Darwin was being attacked by 
the clergy for his belief, Agassiz received the sneers 
and scoffs of many for what they termed his bigoted 
views. He simply expounded his belief, never 
urging its adoption, and how liberal was his teaching, 
how little tinctured with the spirit of bigotry, is seen 
in the fact that to-day, with perhaps one exception, 
all of his pupils are believers in the modern theory 
of evolution as expounded by Darwin. 

In referring to classification, Agassiz believed it 
meant “simply the creative plan of God as ex- 
pressed by inorganic forms. Referring to man and 
his position and spiritual nature, he says: ‘Even 
in the lowest members of this highest group of the 
Vertebrates, at the head of which stands man him- 
self, looking heavenward it is true, but nevertheless 
rooted deeply in the Animal Kingdom, we have the 
dawning of those family relations, those intimate 
ties between parents and children, on which the 
whole social organisation of the human race is based. 
Man is the crowning work of God on earth; but 
though so nobly endowed, we must not forget that 
we are the lofty children of a race whose lowest 

190 Louts Agassiz. 

forms lie prostrate within the water, having no 
higher aspiration than the desire for food; and we 
cannot understand the possible degradation and 
wretchedness of man, without knowing that his physi- 
cal nature is rooted in all the material characteristics 
that belong to his type and link him even with the 
Fish. The moral and intellectual gifts that dis- ° 
tinguish him from them are his to use or to abuse; 
he may, if he will, abjure his better nature and be 
Vertebrate more than man. He may sink as low as 
the lowest of his type, or he may rise to a spiritual 
height that will make that which distinguishes him 
from the rest far more the controlling element of his 
being than that which unites him with them.” 

_.In another place Agassiz says, in referring to 
(‘Darwin’s suggestion that man in breeding animals 
simply takes the place of certain happenings in nature: 
“ Nature holds inviolable the stamp that God has set 
upon his creatures ; and if man is able to influence 
their organisation in some slight degree, it is because 
the Creator has given to his relations with the animals 
he has intended for his companions the same plasticity 
which he has allowed to every other side of his life, 
in virtue of which he may in some sort mould and 
shape it to his own ends, and be. held responsible 
also for its results. 

“The common-sense of a civilised community 
has already pointed out the true distinction, in ap- 
plying another word to the discrimination of the 
different kinds of domesticated animals. They are 
called Breeds, and Breeds among animals are the 
work of man: species were created by God.” 

Religious Belief. 1gI 

In 1862 Agassiz delivered a series of six lectures 
in the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, N. Y., which 
were entitled “The Graham Lectures,’ on the 
“ Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God” as mani- 
festec in his works. In one of these lectures he 
announced what may possibly surprise the reader. 
He said: 

“T know that I have been considered by many 
persons an infidel, because I have not taken for my 
guidance in the study of science the dictum of certain 
creeds. But science cannot submit to dictation, it 
must build up what it seeks upon the premises which 
it finds. Let us be content if the results lead to the 
same conclusion; we shall stand then in the position 
of one who, having been brought up in the religion 
of his parents, and having been led astray by doubts, 
has at length, under the influence of a better frame 
of mind and of sober thought, come to reconsider 
the basis of his doubts, and by laborious investiga- 
tion has returned to the faith he had forsaken. 

“Such is the position of science. It is the ques- 
tioning, the doubting element in human progress: 
and when this has gone far enough, it begins the 
work of reconstruction in such a way as will never 
harm true religion, or cause any reasonable appre- 
hension to the real and sincere Christian. Suchismy 
conviction; and while I am considered on one side 
as an infidel, and decried on the other in scientific 
circles as a bigot, as one who follows the lead of a 
creed rather than that of science, I feel bound to 
say that I am neither.” 

Those who professed to believe Agassiz an infidel 

192 Louis Agassiz. 

could hardly have been posted as to his methods and 
belief, as the works of no naturalist of his time so 
ring with religious fervour and enthusiasm. In one 
of his lectures he says: “In presenting the order of 
succession of animals in past ages, my object was 
chiefly to show that there exists such a connection 
between them as bespeaks thought, plan, and delib- 
eration, and that in their combination at different 
periods is clearly seen the intervention of an intelli- 
. gent Creator.” And again: “ Even though we can 
make ourselves conscious that they (animals) are 
built by mind, and that it has pleased the Maker of 
all things to give us a spark of that life which makes 
us to be His children, formed in His image, that evi- 
dence is nowhere stronger than in the fact that our 
mind is capable of studying those works to a limit 
which approaches to a comprehension of their won- 
derful relation to one another.” 

Thus it will be seen, that Agassiz stands out 
strongly among the scientists and naturalists of his 
time as a defender of the faith, as one who never 
allowed the doubt of infidelity to creep into his 
mind. To him all nature spoke of the glory of 
God, and every living thing was an evidence of the 
creative mind in nature, the wisdom of a Divine 

_In referring to his religious nature Dr. Stebbins 
‘says: “He waseminently a religious and devout 
man. He was ever looking for the indications of 
thought and purpose in nature from monad to mas- 
todon. He studied nature as the work of an intelli- 
gent mind, not of blind forces. The more he dis- 

Religious Belief. 193 

covered of order, the more he perceived of intellect. 
This vast display of animate and inanimate nature 
was to him the result and perpetual expression of 
the divine thought, a revelation of God. How I have 
seen his face glow as he described some of the most 
striking of the evidences of intellectual action in 
nature! He has been accused of weakness for 
yielding to such impressions, advancing such opin- 
ions. It was his great glory not to esteem the thing 
above the thought, the product above the producer. 
To see behind adapted forms a purposing mind is 
not a weakness, but a necessity for every compre- 
hensive mind. The studies of Agassiz did not lead 
him into the mire of materialism nor the deserts of 
pantheism, nor the dreary solitudes of atheism, but 
to the sublime ideas of God and immortality. 

“Yes; Agassiz was reverent. Said he to his 
class at Penikese: ‘The study of nature is direct 
intercourse with the highest mind. It is unworthy 
an intelligent being to trifle with the works of the 
Creator. A laboratory of natural history is a sanctu- 
ary, in which nothing improper should be exhibited. 
I would tolerate improprieties in a church as soon 
as in a scientific laboratory,’ and in this spirit he 
did his work.” 

To-day the students of Agassiz are among the 
most distinguished advocates of the doctrine of 
Darwin, and unquestionably the majority of natu- 
ralists of the world have accepted its deductions ; 
yet there are many who still agree with the emi- 
nent Swiss. What the decree of future generations 
will be can but be surmised. 


Agassiz the Teacher—Effect on American Science—Important Posi- 
tions Held by Pupils—Methods of Study—The Disciple of Out- 
door Studies—Methods of Teaching—The Agassiz Association— 
Work Accomplished. 

Agassiz was the greatest 
teacher of science the 
world has seen. The 
faculty of conveying in- 
formation and enthusing 
the recipient with ardour 
was inborn. We _ have 
seen that he was suc- 
cessful in teaching even 
in boyhood and _ that 
during the days of 
the “Little Academy” 
he was the central figure among many bright 

He came to this country at a time when it was 
ripe for new methods. His views were novel, his 
individuality was recognised everywhere, and, as 




! il be 

Ft Wi 




The Agassiz Association. 195 

a result, it was not long before he was the centre of 
scientific interest in America. He gathered about 
him a coterie of brilliant men from all parts of the 
country, and it is interesting to note that in almost 
every instance these students, graduates, as it were, 
of his system and methods of work, have taken posi- 
tions of the highest rank. Putnam, now director of 
the Department of Ethnology at the World’s Fair; 
Jordan, President of Leland Stanford Jr. University ; 
Bickmore, the founder of the American Museum; 
Agassiz, his.son, an eminent scientist, the head of 
the Cambridge Museum of Comparative Zodlogy ; 
Whitman, of Clark University ; Snow, Chancellor of 
the University of Kansas; Crosby, of the Boston 
Natural History Society, Garman, of the Museum of 
Comparative Zoélogy, Wilder, Morse, Mayer, Minot, 
Brooks, and Packard of Boston, and many more are 
distinguished naturalists of to-day. Agassiz’s com- 
ing to America marked the beginning of a new 
epoch in American science. He introduced methods 
of study and investigation unknown. 

Many of his pupils will remember their first days 
with him, and several have chronicled their experi- 
ences. To one, now a distinguished entomologist, 
who went to the great master to perfect himself, was 
given an echinoderm, with a request to be prepared 
to tell something about it. To be left alone with an 
echinoderm, especially if one has never seen the 
animal before, and expected to describe its charac- 
teristics, was, to say the least, puzzling, yet the 
student carefully made his observations and un- 
wittingly learned the first great precept in the 

196 Louis Agassiz. 

Agassiz school of science teaching. He observed 
and investigated at first hand, and had the happy 
consciousness of having made his discoveries him- 
self. This was Agassiz’s method. He once entered 
a class with a bottle of grasshoppers, gravely dis- 
tributing the kicking insects to the students, then 
began a lucid, even charming, discourse, which was 
followed by the students from thorax to eye, and an- 
tennz to mouth parts and back again, after which 
the grasshoppers were allowed their liberty. 

But it is to the after results of Agassiz’s life that 
I would refer in the present chapter, and to the in- 
direct influence of Agassiz upon young people. 

Agassiz was a disciple of out-door studies. His 
classes observed while walking the moors and valleys 
and recited among the flowers or by the brookside, 
with the song of the birds and the hum of insects 
in their ears. This method of study is in vogue 
to-day and the name of Agassiz is synonomous 
with health-giving, soul-inspiring out-door studies, 
face to face with nature and the Divine Giver of all 

In almost every town or city in the United States 
we find the Agassiz Association, and, happily, it is 
fast spreading to other lands. The idea of forming 
societies among young people to follow out the sug- 
gestions of study made by the great teacher, is due, 
in this country to Harlan H. Ballard of Lenox, 
Mass., a devoted admirer of the great naturalist, 
and an educator and lover of nature himself. 

The Agassiz Association was founded in 1875, be- 
ing the “outgrowth of a life-long love for nature, 

Lhe Agassiz Association. 197 

and a belief that education is incomplete unless it 
includes some practical knowledge of the common 
objects that surround us.” A similar association 
had flourished for some years in Switzerland, and the 
American society grew rapidly in interest. In 18800 
it was taken up by the St. Nicholas, and so, from 
the little society in the Berkshire Hills, sprang the 
hundreds of chapters that bear the name of Agassiz 
from one end of North America to the other. The 
societies were formed in schools, in towns, villages, 
in fact wherever there were a few persons interested 
in natural history. While visiting an island in the 
Pacific, about thirty miles off the coast of California, 
the author was surprised and delighted to find that, 
though there were but few permanent inhabitants on 
the island, there was a chapter of the Agassiz Asso- 
ciation. Even in this remote island the name of the 
great naturalist was revered, and gave inspiration to 
a few persons who gathered regularly to discuss 
the specimens that formed the stock in trade of a 
local curiosity dealer. 

The Agassiz Association is a free school of natural 
history, to include any one old and young, and from 
schools it has spread so that, according to Mr. Ballard, 
about two thousand clubs have been enrolled: since 
1880, ranging from two or three members up to one 
hundred and fifty, which is the membership list of 
the Fitchburg, Mass., Chapter, No. 448. This chapter 
has accomplished much, has published a “ Flora of 
Fitchburg and Vicinity,” and issued many valuable 
papers on the fauna and flora of the locality. Mr. 
Ballard has received the co-operation of many scien- 

198 Louis Agassiz. 

tists all over the country, who have agreed to answer 
questions relating to their specialties, and in this 
way the dissemination of knowledge and facts has 
been pushed. The constitution of the Agassiz Asso- 
ciation is as follows: 

Art.1. The name of this society shall be The 
Agasstz Association. 

Art. 2. It shall be the object of this association 
to collect, study, and preserve natural objects and 

Art. 3. The officer of this association shall be a 
President, who shall perform the customary duties 
of such officer, and who may nominate his own suc- 
cessor, who may be elected by the votes of a majority 
of the chapters of the association. 

Art. 4. New chapters may be added with the 
consent of the president, provided that no such 
chapter shall consist of less than four members. 
Chapters shall be named from the towns in which 
they exist, and if there be more than one chapter in 
a town, they shall further be distinguished by the 
letters of the alphabet. 

Art.5. Each chapter may choose its own officers 
and make its own by-laws. 

Art.6. The Swiss Cross shall be the official organ 
of the Agassiz Association. 

Art. 7. This constitution may be amended by a 
three-fourths vote of the association or its repre- 

Under this constitution the good work has gone 
on. Hundreds of young people have been aided 
morally, physically, and mentally. They have been 

The Agasstz Association. 199 

taken out into the glad sunlight, made better and 
stronger by the association, and with the possession 
of new facts regarding simple things rendered more 
helpful and useful. “It was the dream of Louis 
Agassiz himself,” writes Mr. Ballard, “to see 
American youth early led into the pleasant paths 
of natural science; to see them forsaking all foolish 
and wanton sport for the sake of a wise and loving 
study of the works of God.” 

The success of the Agassiz Association lies in 
in the fact that it appeals to all, old and young, big 
and little. Ina letter to the author, Mr. Ballard, in 
referring to a new branch of the society, writes: 
©“ This is a chapter composed not of members who 
live in the same town, but of persons living remote 
from one another, in places where not enough con- 
genial spirits can be found to form a club, but who 
are united by a common interest in a common ob- 
ject of research. These are called corresponding 
chapters, and first among them was the Archzologi- 
cal Corresponding Chapter, which has for its presi- 
dent Mr. Hilberne T. Cressen, of Philadelphia; for 
vice-president, Dr. C. C. Abbott, of Trenton, N. J.; 
and for secretary, Mr. A. H. Leitch, of Dayton, 
Ohio. The members of this society are all adult, 
and propose, under the auspices and general direc- 
tion of the Peabody Museum, to preserve valuable 
mounds from the spade of the vandal and the 
speculator, until they can be properly opened either 
by themselves or by some one else acting under 
scientific supervision. Two other corresponding 

200 Louis Agassiz. 

chapters have been added recently: the Gray 
Memorial Chapter of Botany, G. H. Hicks, presi- 
dent, and the Isaac Lee Memorial Chapter of 
Conchology, led by Dr. M. L. Leach, of Traverse 
City, Mich. Chapter No. 1, founded in a coun- 
try school in Lenox, Mass., in 1875, still exists, and 
is in a stronger condition than ever, although it has 
recently been removed to Pittsfield, Mass., where 
it is about to undertake the study of local geology 
and mineralogy. /Since the establishment of our 
Society the gitls and women have kept equal step 
with the boys and men, not only in patient and 
thorough work in the field and laboratory, but also 
in the less congenial but perhaps no less necessary 
work of organisation and direction. Many ladies 
are efficient secretaries, curators, and presidents of 
chapters, and one at least has held the office of 
\ president of a State assembly, and carried it off 
\with honor.” —$—___————— 
“One of the pleasant features of this Agassiz Asso- } 
ciation is the custom of celebrating in each chapter | 
all over the land the birthday of Agassiz, May 28th. | 
| The chapters make the event an especial occasion, 
| spending the day as Agassiz would were he with 
them, face to face with nature. Perhaps some paper 
| is read, or The Prayer of Agassiz, by Whittier, or 
the lines by Longfellow on the naturalist’s fiftieth 
birthday are recited. : 
Among those interested in the chapters are old 
students of Agassiz, who revere his name and mem- 
| ory, and appreciate the enthusiasm and delight with 





r The Agassiz Assoctation. 201 » 
/ which he would have watched the progress and 

| opularisation of science among the young. 

j/ popu g ¥ g 

j The Agassiz Association is but one of the effects 

of the teaching of Agassiz upon the thought of the 
| day. a 




Work on the Spix Collection of Fishes — On Fresh-Water Fishes— 
Sur les Moules de Mollusques Vivans et Fossiles—Etudes sur 
les Glaciers—The Nomenclator Zoblogicus—Contributions to the 
Natural History of the United States—The Structure of Animal 
Life, etc., etc. 

HE published works, pam- 

i r \ phlets, and monographs 
j i \\| of Louis Agassiz have 
4 “} never been completely 
a \ | _.| tecorded, but even a 

casual review of the list 
known is suggestive of 
the phenomenal labours 
of the great thinker and 
investigator in the world 
of science. The pub- 

es 0 | } 
iy ital Kr Z 
hl 2} lished works of Agassiz, 
which were milestones in 

the development of his career, have been casually 
referred to in the previous pages, but they were so 
epoch-making, had so marked an effect upon the 
scientific thought of the time, that some special 
mention may add to the interest of the story. 





Agassiz and His Works. 203 

Authorship came to Agassiz by no slow evolution. 
He sprang at once into the arena of letters, and was 
at the early age of twenty-one given by Martius the 
work of describing the Spix collection of fishes. The 
work, when complete, was given the following title: 
Selecta genera et species piscium quos collegit et pin- 
gendos curavit Dr. F. B. de Spix. Digressit, de- 
scripsit, et observationibus illustravit Dr. L. Agassiz. 

It was a high compliment to the young naturalist 
that he should be selected to complete this work, 
and it is remarkable that one of his age could write 
so elaborate a volume, and in the Latin language; 
it gave him a reputation that was something more 
than mere fame. 

The story of his life and aspirations at this time 
is touching and interesting. His dream was to sur- 
prise his parents by the announcement of their son’s 
authorship, and we have already seen how the secret 
was made public. All his young energies were 
poured into this work, his entire future seeming to 
depend upon this one effort, and when we remember 
that this youth of twenty-one was not only doing 
the work that was usually given to the oldest natu- 
ralists, but writing in the Latin language, we can 
realise what he had undertaken. His letters to his 
brother at this time teem with the pleasant anticipa- 
tions of the results of his labours and the delight 
which he believed it would give his parents. In one 
letter, published in the work of Mrs. Agassiz on her 
husband, he refers to the fact that it will seem a 
singular thing that the largest book in their father’s 
library will be the folio bearing his own name, “ and 

204 , Louis Agassiz. 

will it not,” he asks, “be as good as to see his pre- 
scription at the apothecary’s?”’—a suggestion that 
is appreciated when we remember that Agassiz’s 
father at this time was strenuously endeavouring to 
have him adopt the profession of medicine. 

This work alluded to still stands as one of the 
most valuable on the subject to which it relates. 
( Agassiz’s second venture, in which he was assisted 
by Cotta, the noted publisher, was a work on the 
natural history of the Fresh-Water Fishes of Europe, 
a portion of which was issued in 1839-40, but never 
entirely completed. He communicated the infor- 
mation of this great undertaking to his parents in a 
letter from Munich in 1829. He was then anxiously 
awaiting the reviews of his Braztlian Fishes, and 
for the verdict, though fairly sure of a welcome from 
the scientific press of the day. The work on fresh- 
water fishes he planned to issue in numbers, each 
to contain twelve coloured plates. The young author 
proposed to announce his new undertaking at the 
meeting of savants and naturalists which was to be 
held at Heidelberg, when he intended to distribute 
his circulars. Cuvier, to whom the Braszzlian Fishes 
had been dedicated, and who was highly pleased 
with the work, promised to aid in its sale in every 
way. He also expressed great interest in the forth- 
coming work on fresh-water fishes, pointing out to 
Agassiz that there was room for such a work as the 
one he proposed, as the illustrations of those of 
Block, Marsigli, and others were not correct. 

Between the publication of more important works 
came special papers, monographs, communications 


Agassiz and His Works. 205 

to the press, scientific and otherwise, which, if com- 
pletely collected, would show the extraordinary 
enterprise and vigour of the young student. The 
fourteen years during which Agassiz held the chair 
of Natural History at Neuchatel were especially pro- 
lific in published works, being the period during 
which he conducted the large lithographic establish- 
ment where were made and published many of the 
plates of the work on Fossil Fishes, those of Potssons 
ad’ Eau Douce, the illustrations of the Embryology of 
the Coregonus, those of the work on Glaciers, and 
the fine cuts of the work on Echinoderms. 

The work on the fossil fishes, already referred to, 
was the finest thing of the kind ever published. It 
contained a thousand species, nearly every one then 
known to science, and was issued in a regal manner 
in five volumes with four hundred plates. The mag- 
nitude of the work can be realised when it is known 
that it was ten years in appearing from the press. 
This work is a monument to the industry, persever- 
ance, and ambition of Agassiz. 

His next most important book was that on 
Glaciers which gave him world-wide fame. This 
work was the result of the glacial rocket which he 
threw into the geological skies. Agassiz was at the 
time president of an aspiring scientific body, the 
Helvetic Society of Natural Sciences, and in his 
address at the opening of the meetings at Neuchatel 
he announced his views and threw down the glove 
to the scientific world. That his views should take 
shape in a volume was to be expected, and we have 
asa result Ltudes sur les Glaciers. This elaborate 

206 Louis Agassiz. 

work appeared in 1840 and 1841 in the German and 
French languages, and was illustrated by fine plates. 
This was followed by numerous short papers, lec- 
tures, monographs, and descriptions of visits to 
various glacial regions, and in 1847 appeared his 
Systeme Glaciaire, an elaborate effort, beautifully 
illustrated. This not only includes Agassiz’s ob- 
servations, but contains a résumé of all that had 
hitherto been observed regarding glaciers. The 
stray papers on this subject, which Agassiz wrote in 
these years, if collected, would form a volume in 
themselves. One especially is brought to mind for 
its interest and value. It appeared in the Eaznburgh 
New Philosophical Fournal in October, 1842, and 
was entitled ‘The Glacial Theory and its Recent 
Progress.” It contained a map of the interesting 
region about Glen Roy. An example of Agassiz’s 
description is found in the following from a paper 
on the formation of glaciers : 

“The long summer was over. For ages a tropical 
€limate had prevailed over a great part of the earth, 
and animals whose home is now beneath the equa- 
tor roamed over the world from the far south to 
the very borders of the arctics. The gigantic 
quadrupeds, the mastodons, elephants, tigers, lions, 
hyenas, bears, whose remains are found in Europe 
from its southern promontories to the northernmost 
limits of Siberia and Scandinavia, and in America 
from the Southern States to Greenland and the 
Melville Islands, may indeed be said to have pos- 
sessed the earth in those days. But their reign was 
over. A sudden intense winter, that was also to last 

Agassiz and Flis Works. 207 

for ages, fell upon our globe; it spread over the very 
countries where these tropical animals had their 
homes, and so suddenly did it come upon them that 
they were embalmed beneath masses of snow and 
ice, without time even for the decay which follows 
death. The elephant, whose story was told at 
length in the preceding article, was by no means a 
solitary specimen ; upon further investigation it was 
found that the disinterment of these large tropical 
animals in northern Russia and Asia was no unusual 
occurrence. Indeed, their frequent discoveries of 
this kind had given rise among the ignorant inhabi- 
tants to the singular superstition already alluded to, 
that gigantic moles lived under the earth, which 
crumbled away and turned to dust as soon as they 
came to the upper air. This tradition, no doubt, 
arose from the fact that, when in digging they came 
upon the bodies of these animals, they often found 
them perfectly preserved under the frozen ground, 
but the moment they were exposed to heat and 
light they decayed and fell to pieces at once. Ad- 
miral Wrangel, whose Arctic explorations have been 
so valuable to science, tells us that the remains of 
these animals are heaped up in such quantities in 
certain parts of Siberia that he and his men climbed 
over ridges and mounds consisting entirely of the 
bones of elephants, rhinoceroses, etc. From these 
facts it would seem that théy roamed over all these 
northern regions in troops as large and numerous as 
the buffalo herds that wander over our western 
prairies now. We are indebted to Russian natural- 
ists, and especially to Rathke, for the most minute 

208 Louis Agassiz. 

investigations of these remains, in which even the 
texture of the hair, the skin, and flesh has been sub- 
jected by him to microscopic examination as accurate 
as if made upon any living animal. 

“We have as yet no clue to the source of this 
great and sudden change of climate. Various sug- 
gestions have been made,—among others, that 
formerly the inclination of the earth’s axis was 
greater, or that a submersion of the continents 
under water might have produced a decided increase 
of cold; but none of these explanations are satisfac- 
tory, and science has yet to find any cause which 
accounts for all the phenomena connected with it. 
It seems, however, unquestionable that since the 
opening of the Tertiary age a cosmic summer and 
winter have succeeded each other, during which a 
Tropical heat and an Arctic cold have alternately 
prevailed over a great portion of the present Tem- 
perate Zone. 

“ At great heights there is never dampness enough 

(to allow the fine snow-crystals to coalesce and form 
what are called ‘ snow-flakes.’ I have even stood on 
the summit of the Jungfrau when a frozen cloud 
filled the air with ice-needles, while I could see the 
same cloud pouring down sheets of rain upon Lau- 
terbrunnen below. I remember this spectacle as one 
of the most impressive I have witnessed in my long 
experience of Alpine scenery. The air immediately 
about me seemed filled with rainbow-dust, for the 
ice-needles glittered with a thousand hues under the 
decomposition of light upon them, while the dark 
storm in the valley below offered a strange contrast 

Agassiz and His Works. 209 

to the brilliancy of the upper region in which I 
stood. One wonders where even so much vapour as 
may be transformed into the finest snow should 
come from at such heights. But the warm winds, 
creeping up the sides of the valleys, the walls of 
which become heated during the middle of the day, 
come laden with moisture, which is changed toa 
dry snow-like dust as soon as it comes into contact 
with the intense cold above.” 

While the works of Agassiz were well received by 
the public, they were enthusiastically praised by his 
friends, particularly Von Humboldt. “You are 
happy, my dear Agassiz,” he said, “in the more 
simple and yet truly proud position which you have 
created for yourself. Your admirable work 
draws to a close. The last number, so rich in dis- 
coveries, and the prospectus, explaining the true state 
of this vast publication, have soothed all irritation 
regarding it. It is because I am so attached to you 
that I rejoice in the calmer atmosphere you have 
thus established about you. The approaching com- 
pletion of the work delivers me also from the fear 
that a too great ardour might cause you irreparable 
loss. You have shown not only what a talent like 
yours can accomplish, but also how a noble cour- 
age can triumph over seemingly insurmountable 

Referring to the work on Lresh-Water Fishes, Hum- 
boldt said: “In what words shall I tell you how 
greatly our admiration is increased by this new work 
on the Fresh-Water Fishes? Nothing has appeared 
more admirable, more perfect, in drawing and colour. 


210 Louis Agassiz. 

This chromatic lithography resembles nothing we 
have had thus far. What taste has directed the publi- 
cation! Then the short descriptions accompanying 
each plate add singularly to the charm and enjoyment 
of thiskind of study. . . . Inot only delivered your 
letter and the copy with it to the King, but I added 
a short note on the merit of the undertaking. The - 
counselor of the Royal Cabinet writes me officially 
that the King has ordered the same number of copies 
of the Presh-Water Fishes as the Fossil Fishes—that is 
to say, ten copies.” 

Such words, coming from the greatest savant of 
the day to a young author, cannot have failed to give 
him renewed courage to fight the battle. 

A feature of Agassiz’s works is that they appeal 
to the layman as well as the scientist, the same grand 
idea of popularising science underlying all. This is 
well illustrated in some of his monographs and 
papers, of which may be mentioned Sur les Moules 
de Mollusques Vivans et Fossiles. 

As early as 1834 Agassiz published an elaborate 
paper in the /s7s, entitled “ Uber die Echinodermen,” 
which attracted wide-spread attention. The curious 
“ basket-fish,” or Astrophyton—a starfish with bifur- 
cating arms—was described in 1839, and so plain and 
simple is the description that it is delightful reading 
to those not especially interested in science or the 
wonders of the Echinodermata. 

The echinoderms were always a favourite study 
with Agassiz, and he published many papers regard- 
ing them. In 1838 to 1842 he issued Monographies 
a’ Echinodermes Vivans et Fossiles—a valuable contri- 


Agassiz and His Works. 21} 

bution to the subject, and one which added not a 
little to his fame and reputation. 

Agassiz was now but thirty-five years of age, yet 
few scientists in Europe were as well known to the 
world. There was hardly a branch of science upon 
which he was not authority. The year 1846 saw the 
completion of what was to allintents and purposes a 
vast index of the genera of the animal kingdom, an 
extensive work in which he was assisted by twenty- 
two scientific friends, among whom the work was 
divided. The volume was issued under the title of 
Nomenclator Zoologicus. 

One of Agassiz’s first works in the United States 
was an account of his investigations in the Lake 
Superior region, and it is interesting to note that in 
later years his son Alexander became the owner of 
valuable copper interests here, the proceeds of which 
have been used with a prodigal hand in the cause of 
science and upon the museum which Louis Agassiz 

Agassiz’s notes upon his observations in America 
soon assumed large proportions. Among the first 
publications was a paper on the viviparous fishes 
of California, then recently discovered, while a still 
greater plan began to take formin his mind. This 
was an elaborate work, to be entitled Contributions 
to the Natural History of the United States, and to 
entail the publication of at least ten large volumes. 
It was to be a subscription work, and in a very short 
time twenty-five hundred names were secured, attest- 
ing to the popularity of the distinguished writer. 
This work was never fully completed, but four vol- 

212 Louis Agassiz. 

umes being issued, these remaining as monuments to 
his energy and fame. The titles are: An Essay on 
Classification, North American Testudinata, The 
Embryology of Turtles,and The Acalephs. 

If we were to select any of Agassiz’s books as re- 
presenting his best work and happiest expression, 
this might well be the above-mentioned, as in the - 
various essays are found some of his best thoughts, 
showing his rare intellectual development. Referring 
to this, Theodore Lyman says: ‘To properly appre- 
ciate this masterly disquisition, it must be remem- 
bered that Agassiz had always a metaphysical mind, 
and one in which the idea of intelligent power was 
a ground principle. Although he had not accepted 
the results of Oken, he heartily admired his spirit, 
and ever spoke of him with pleasure. Indeed, he 
may be said to have adopted the method of Cuvier 
and the inspiration of Oken. Advancing from this 
point Agassiz interprets the phenomena of Not-self 
by those of Self. The last paper that came from 
his hand, ‘ Evolution and Permanence of Type,’ has 
this sentence: ‘/¢ cannot be too soon understood that 
science 1s one; and that, whether we investigate lan- 
guage, philosophy, theology, history, or physics, we are 
dealing with the same problem, culminating in the 
knowledge of ourselves. The human mind is for him 
an entity in accord with the creating spirit, and 
capable therefore of studying and appreciating crea- 
tion. This study and this appreciation he considers 
science ; and he finds in the animal kingdom the 
physical expression of various intellectual operations, 
some sharply defined and some shadowy, some 




Agassiz and His Works. 253 

simple and some hopelessly complex, just as are the 
familiar workings of the human mind. Not only is 
his erudition throughout remarkable, but his grasp 
_of facts, intricate in their relations and numerous, is 
quite amazing. In nothing is this better exhibited 
than in his celebrated demonstration of the corre- 
spondence of embryological, geological, and zoé- 
logical succession. He shows that, in many orders, 
the species which first appear in the older beds re- 
semble the embryo of the highest species now living ; 
and, moreover, that this fossil and this embryo have 
characters in common with the living species that 
stand lower in the zodlogical scale. Thus among 
Crustacea the living Brachyurans stand highest ; but 
the embryo of the Brachyuran has a long tail like 
the Macrourans, which are characteristic of the 
middle geological periods, and among the living are 
zodlogically inferior to the Brachyurans. 

Among the works of Agassiz that have been widely 
circulated and extremely popular, is his Geological 
Sketches, issued in 1866. This little volume was the 
result of notes made for extemporaneous lectures, 
and appeared finally as aseries of articles in the 
Atlantic Monthly. There are ten chapters on topics 
of especial interest, as ‘‘ The Growth of Continents,” 
“The Formation of Glaciers,” ‘‘ Mountains and their 
Origin,” and others. 

Equally valuable is a work previously referred to, 
The Structure of Animal Life, which was issued in 
the same year, and comprised six lectures, delivered 
at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in 1862, under 
the title of “The Graham Lectures on the Power, 

214 Louis Agassiz. 

Wisdom, and Goodness of God as Manifested in his 
Works.” This volume threw a flood of light upon 
subjects that had rarely been presented to the 
masses. The original lectures constituted a remark- 
able picture at that time. Few if any journals paid 
especial attention to science, yet these lectures upon 
a technical subject were so well attended that there 
was but ‘“‘standing room only,” showing the power 
of conveying information and of holding an audience 
possessed by Agassiz. 

An extremely interesting work, one which ran 
through many editions and is still selling, is his 
Methods of Study, which he considered as a ‘“‘ com- 
plement or commentary” to the Essay on Classtfica- 
tion. His view here was to present in “a more 
popular form the views first expressed,” and to reach 
younger students. To any one to whom nature has 
a charm, this is a most delightful volume, the clear 
lucid style attracting the reader and holding his 
interest to the end. Agassiz had that immediate 
touch with nature that enabled him to surround any 
subject, no matter how technical, with an especial 
interest, and this is well illustrated in this volume in 
the chapters on ‘‘ Homologies,” ‘‘ The Age of Coral 
Reefs,” ‘Alternate Generations,’ ‘The Ovarian 
Egg,” etc. 

Agassiz was opposed to text-books, but one of his 
works published in this country was Principles of 
Zovlogy, written in collaboration with Augustus A. 
Gould, intended for use in schools and colleges. 

The last important work of Agassiz was his fourney 
in Braztl, which comprises a delightful journal of 




Agassiz aud His Works. — 215 

Professor and Mrs. Agassiz, the book being chiefly the 
work of the latter, and suggestive of the delightful 
companionship that existed between the scientist and 
chis wife. We have seen that Agassiz received much 
counsel and advice from his mother, and it may be 
said that his wife, who survives him, was his collabor- 
atorin every sense. She was his constant and appre- 
ciative companion, herself no less an enthusiast than 
her distinguished husband; living the same life, enter- 
ing into all his joys, hopes, and ambitions, she was 
at once his counsellor, companion, friend, and worthy 
co-labourer. In the Preface of the Brazilian volume, 
Agassiz thus refers to the aid his wife gave: “One 
word as to the manner in which this volume has 
grown into its present shape, for it has been rather 
the natural growth of circumstances than the result 
of any preconceived design. Partly for the enter- 
tainment of her friends, partly with the idea that I 
might make use of it in knitting together the scien- 
tific reports of my journey by a thread of narrative, 
Mrs. Agassiz began this diary. I soon fell into the 
habit of giving her daily the more general results of 
my scientific observations, knowing that she would 
allow nothing to be lost which was worth preserv- 
ing. In consequence of this mode of working, our 
separate contributions have become so closely inter- 
woven that we should hardly know how to discon- 
nect them, and our common journal is therefore 
published, with the exception of a few unimportant 
‘changes, almost as it was originally written.” 
It is the commingling of the expressions of these 
two earnest characters that adds greatly to the 

216 Louis Agassiz. 

charm of the volume-—that gives a vivid and pictu- 
resque account of the entire voyage referred to in 
previous pages. This work, as might have been 
expected, had a large sale and is still in constant 

Professor Agassiz received much assistance from 
his son Alexander, who has followed in his foot- ' 
steps,—a true Agassiz and devotee of science. The 
Cambridge Museum has been to him a sacred trust, 
and out of his fortune he has given nearly half a 
million dollars to science through the institution 
founded by his father. 

Alexander is the only son of Louis Agassiz by his 
first wife and is ranked among the most distinguished 
scientists of the day. He came to Cambridge in 
1849, receiving his final education at Harvard, 
from which he graduated in 1855. When fully 
equipped by special courses in various institutions 
of learning, he entered active life, going to Califor- 
nia in 1859 in connection with the Coast Survey. 
He was an indefatigable collector, always having the 
museum at Cambridge in view, and in 1860 he was 
made assistant of Professor Agassiz, in 1865 becom- 
ing virtually its head during the latter’s absence. In 
1866 he interested himself in the copper mines of 
Lake Superior, which by his energy became famous 
throughout the world, and which through his gener- 
osity and love of science have been made to pay 
constant tribute to the great monument of Agassiz 
the elder—the Cambridge Museum. Professor 
Alexander Agassiz is a member of the National 
Academy his father founded and of almost every 

Agassiz and His Works. 217 

scientific society of prominence in the world; his 
publications, monographs, and reports of various 
kinds, in connection with his father and individually, 
being among the valuable contributions to science 
of the day. With Mrs. Elizabeth C. Agassiz he is 
joint author of a delightful work, Sea-Side Studies in 
Natural History, while of his father’s works he 
completed the fifth volume of Contributions to the 
Natural History of the United States. 

In a single chapter it is impossible to give more 
than a suggestion of the works of Louis Agassiz, 
but a study of his bibliography shows him to have 
been one of the most exhaustive and comprehensive 
thinkers in the field of science that any age has 



The Effect of His Death—The Memorial and Resolutions of the 
California Academy of Sciences: Addresses of Davidson, Gil- 
man, Le Conte, Stearns, Stebbins, Scott, Edwards—Action of the 
Smithsonian Institution: Addresses of ex-President Garfield and 
Dr. Parker—Memorial of the Boston Natural History Society : 
Address by Rev. R. C. Waterson. 

jy Wp “ape 

HE death of Agassiz was 
a shock not only to the 
scientific but to the world 
at large, and from every 
quarter came words ex- 
pressive of the high ap- 
preciation in which he 
was held. Agassiz was an 
honorary or active member 
of almost every scientific 
society of any standing in 
this country and Europe, 
and the memorials issued 

by them, constituted a most interesting and impres- 
sive tribute, giving in many instances an insight into 
his character as seen from the standpoint of his fellow- 




Lhe Agassiz Memorials. 219 

workers, the men of his time who laboured with him 
in the cause of science and truth. 

Action of the California Academy of Sciences. 

The memorials which emanated from the Califor- 
nia Academy of Sciences are of exceeding interest, 
and have been introduced here in the belief that they 
will add materially to this brief estimate of the char- 
acter of a well-beloved man of science. 



In his own handwriting, upon a souvenir of his 
Pacific Coast visit, is the legend ‘“ L. Agassiz, born 
May 28, 1807.” On the 14th of December, 1873, 
the telegraph flashed to the uttermost parts of the 
earth that he was no more; and we meet to-night to 
render homage to his memory. 

After a few occasional meetings, from my first 
acquaintance with him twenty-seven years since, it 
happened to be my lot last season to introduce him 
to the Academy and its friends, after his voyage of 
twenty thousand miles, undertaken at a time of life 
when most of us look forward for rest from life- 
toiling. You saw that his old enthusiasm was still 
ablaze; you felt the peculiar charm of his presence 
and voice, and were happier and better in knowing 
that you had come into personal relations with one 
who commanded such influence and power for good. 
So it has been through a busy, earnest life, devoted 

220 Louis Agassiz. 

to but one object; to see him was to love him; to 
know him was to willingly promise service to science 
for all time, and to feel amply repaid in fulfilling 
that promise. 

Learned men and _ statesmen, and educated, 
brilliant women had hung on his words, and had 
paid the same tribute: all mourn with the same 
sorrow. In our hearts he can never be forgotten ; 
in the centuries hence, his influence and labours will 
assure students there were intellectual giants in these 

To others, more intimate with his daily life and 
thoughts, must be left the analysis of that powerful 
hold which he maintained on all classes of men. Sim- 
plicity and purity of character, singleness of purpose, 
directness, and comprehensiveness of the highest 
order, were the bases for that subtle power which 
gathered facts from observation, combined and cor- 
related them, thence deduced order, and placed them 
so lucidly and attractively before the learned and 

With the permission of the Academy, I make this 
the occasion to say a few words upon the impetus, 
direction, and steadily preserved influence which he 
exerted upon scientific study in the United States; 
not only in his particular lines of investigation, but 
upon every other branch of knowledge. In 1846, 
fresh from contact with the advanced scientific men 
of Europe, and endowed with the amplest powers of 
body and mind, he saw and was delighted with the 
broad and untrammelled field in the country of his 
adoption, One rule he at once established for him- 

The Agassiz Memorials. O23 

self —that the results of all his investigations should 
be given to American and not to foreign institutions ; 
and to the day of his death he broke not the self- 
imposed obligation. He had cast his life and lot 
amongst us; and the communication of discoveries 
to others abroad — who, however, were no less his 
friends, admirers, and co-labourers—he deemed a 
special act of treason. 

The many wants he discovered, upon assuming 
his professorship in Cambridge, would have dis- 
heartened and dismayed others less ardent and self- 
reliant. You recollect with what quaint and good 
humor he described the few dried fishes forming the 
collection of natural history, by which he was expect- 
ed to illustrate his lectures andinvestigations. That 
want aroused in his mind the desire, and fixed the 
purpose, to found a museum of zodlogy which should 
surpass the most complete in Europe—not as a 
mere measure of vastness, but as the only proper 
means of affording the necessary material for the 
use of students, and for aiding the broader studies 
of the advanced naturalist. With constant thinking, 
the plan grew in scope and definiteness. Here men 
high in their special studies could thoroughly 
describe and classify every obtainable specimen, and 
designate their relation with each other; whilst the 
fossils of buried ages should reveal their story, and 
exhibit their correlation with the present epoch. 
From a critical discussion of such aggregated results, 
we may be assured that the law of development in 
the natural history of the world, whatever it may be, 
would be demonstrated. 

222 Louts Agasstz. 

He has not lived to see it. For a quarter of a 
century he has fought to obtain the means to perfect 
it, and has really succeeded as no other man upon 
this continent could have hoped for. But he has 
infused among our people the sentiment of more 
liberal assistance to science, and the full fruition of 
his labour will come to his successors. 

It seems a marvel how much of the enthusiasm 
and industry of Agassiz has been developed among 
those who have studied or come in contact with him. 
If there were any that became weary with the heat 
and burthen of the day, they have dropped by the 
wayside. The young, the earnest, the ambitious, 
are scattered over the globe, searching, working, and 
studying to increase our knowledge. The men of 
mark who have been students under him are not 
few; although, perhaps, differing from many of his 
views, they are working with his indomitable ardour. 

From him they have learned that their real student 
life but just commences when they quit the college 
halls for the broader and more suggestive fields 
where animal life exhibits itself in a thousand new 
relations, and suggests new methods and solutions. 

In the last quarter of a century there has arisen 
in America a large body of the ablest naturalists, 
geologists, and paleontologists; and I attribute the 
thoroughness of their investigations, their enthusiasm 
and success, to the direct and reflected example 
of Agassiz. 

But the impetus which he gave to the interesting 
study of natural history, to fossil ichthyology, to 
geology, and especially to glacial action, had its effect 

The Agassiz Memorials. 223 

upon all other branches of science. Remarkably 
well versed in every science, and intimate with the 
scientists in their specialties, he imparted to them, 
as the magnet to the steel, an equal amount of his 
force, directness, and thoroughness; he cheered the 
struggling, re-invigorated the diffident, and diffused 
a halo of attractiveness around each one’s study. 

He was especially earnest and forcible in expressing 
Chis views of scientific education. He contended for 
broader studies than those prescribed in the old, 
dogmatic curriculum; for something more than 
heavy, reiterated book-learning. He demanded 
original research, exhaustive observation, and rigor- 
ouscomparison. And whilst garnering the treasures, 
he was peculiarly chary of propounding hypotheses 
and theories. To him the time had not come for 
laying down the law of development. He could not 
bear with superficial study: a man should give his 
whole life to the object he had undertaken to inves- 
tigate. He felt that desultory, isolated, spasmodic 
working avails nothing, but curses with narrowness 
and mediocrity. Although strongly wedded to his 
particular objects and course, he fully realised and 
ably advocated the equal value and importance of 
the other special branches. He appreciated the 
fact that the tastes and peculiar mental fibre of 
others would lead them in other channels, and he 
looked forward to the time when their results should 
be brought into harmony with his own. 

We hear so much of weak, inconsequent condem- 
nation of specialists, that an erroneous but wide- 
spread misapprehension would appear to exist upon 

224 Louts Agassiz. 

the subject. In every-day life, who hesitates to 
measure out commendation to the blacksmith, the 
printer, the farmer, the jeweller, the artist, the mer- 
chant, for excellence in their specialties? Thesteam- 
ship, the mansion, the bridge, are but the carefully 
combined results of men’s labours in many special 
trades; and the strength and beauty of every 
structure and work are great and pleasing just in 
proportion as the special workmen are skilled. The 
moulding of all their results into one harmonious 
body is the work of another specialist, who has the 
comprehension to properly adjust and aggregate 

The case is not at all dissimilar with the specialists 
of science. Eachis gathering and logically arran- 
ging all the details of his examinations and study; 
whilst others are endeavouring to blend and _ har- 
monise, so far as practicable with yet incomplete 
observations, the results in the different branches of 
science. So delicate have become the means and 
methods of examination, so extreme the range of 
subjects, so intimate their correlation, that we are 
perforce compelled to confine our special investiga- 
tions to single and very narrow lines of research. 
The geologist, botanist, chemist, physiologist 
mathematician, subdivide their labours; cosmical 
physics attract one astronomer, observations of the 
planets another, spectrum analysis another. As the 
results in particular branches are announced, special 
discussions are entered upon to evolve the law which 
entwines and embraces them all. These discussions 
must conform to and be governed by mathematical 

The Agassiz Memorials. 225 

processes. No indeterminate solutions can be 
admitted ; for their presence indicates the necessity 
for more tangible facts. 

It was the realisation of this requirement for labour 
in specialties in natural history and its cognate 
branches, that impressed Agassiz with the necessity 
of a museum that should be complete in its abso- 
lutest sense ; and to accomplish this he undertook 
his exploration on the Amazon, his voyage round 
Cape Horn, and had projected a voyage this coming 
May though the labyrinth of waters extending from 
Puget Sound to the Chilkaht River in Alaska. 

On the Pacific Coast we are full of faith that such 
& museum will be gathered by the Academy, and 
that, from the ample means of her benefactors, origi- 
nal researches in special branches of science will be 
systematically carried on, and the results be regularly 
made known in series of lectures. For general infor- 
mation, this method has had no abler exponent than 
Agassiz; in fact, he was the father of the method of 
popularising science by lectures of the highest order 
by the investigators themselves. In the present 
flush of scientific lecturers we are too apt to forget 
that when he, many years since, commenced giving 
his series of lectures on natural history, fossil fishes, 
the glaciers, etc., freed from the usual flood of cold 
technicalities, he was looked upon as an innovator, 
and as degrading science. Fortunately, his concep- 
tion of its value was thetrue one. A deepand abid- 
ing yearning for fresh, living information has been 
diffused, and, one by one, even the learned men of 
Europe have yielded to the pressure, and given of 


226 Louts Agassiz. 

their abundant stores of knowledge to the humble 
as to the rich. 

We cannot yet measure the full value of this new 
means of diffusing the results and methods of scien- 
tific investigations. It humanises and expands the 
minds of men of power whose business, habits, and 
pursuits have kept them apart from study since their 
school-boy days; it quickens the memory of the 
student and reader; and from the humbler walks of 
life it will call out the latent talent of many a gifted 
but timid youth, whose instincts and aspirations 
would have been chilled by the esoteric system of 
the old formal school. 

In the introduction of this method of popularising 
science, it was peculiarly fortunate that Agassiz had 
the rare power of stating so clearly and so logically, 
and of illustrating so rapidly and cleverly, the pro- 
cesses and deductions of his investigations. It was 
all new knowledge—not gleaned from encyclopedias 
or composed of the unverified statements of others. 
It was mental food for the acutest thinker; it was 
comprehended by the youngest student. In _ his 
lectures his diction was a model of English; no 
straining for effect, no struggling for words, but the 
right word always inthe right place. “I never think 
of the words I am to use,” said he. “I arrange the 
matter, order,and method of statement and illus- 
tration clearly in my mind before I begin, and then 
the words come of themselves.” 

It was fortunate, also, that he had that charm of 
manner—modesty, simplicity, manliness, and kind- 
ness for others—which attracted and captivated his 

The Agassiz Memorials. 227 

audience. In fact, it was fortunate for popular 
science that he was—Agassiz; for men with such 
a rare combination of good qualities, and such a 
position, come but seldom in a century. 

One of the branches of scientific investigation to 
which he gave much actual examination and earnest 
thought, and by which he will be known as the great 
expounder, was the extent of glacial action during 
the period when the greater part of the northern and 
southern continents was under an ice-sheet of 
immense thickness. He first grasped the full force 
of the problem, and enunciated it; and his demon- 
strations have made clear many existing conditions 
on the surface of the earth, which had baffled the 
skill of others. Perplexities melted before it, and 
from chaos are emerging order and consecutiveness. 
In his visit to this coast, he was particularly gratified 
and excited with the evidences of glacial action which 
mark our Sierras, and which I have shown to mark 
our coast-line. These, the existence of the great 
living glaciers of British Columbia and Alaska, and 
the evidences of glacial action through the thousand 
miles of ocean Yosemites stretching from latitude 
forty-seven to sixty, were some of the inducements 
that led him to acquiesce in the projected trip of this 
season. He had studied the glacial action through 
similar geological formations from Cape Horn 
northward, and, from his comprehensive knowledge 
and grasp of the subject, was peculiarly fitted for the 
discussion. Evenamong those who may be capable 
of seizing the minutie of evidence and realising the 
magnitude of the powers which performed that work, 

228 Louis Agassiz. 

it may be many years before any one can command 
the means and the time for their examination and elu- 
cidation. It requires arare combination of qualifica- 
tions for its solution, particularly that of the mechan- 
ical faculty ; and we can but hope that from among 
our young students of California will come those 
who can demonstrate it successfully. 

I close with a few words of a power which he pos- 
sessed, so unusual among scientific men, yet so abso- 
lutely necessary for the development of science as 
understood by the specialists, and of knowledge as 
taught by the colleges, that we can but pray without 
ceasing his mantle may fall and cover many shoulders. 
Others possess it—perhaps only differing in degree— 
or the magnificent endowments which have been 
made to our higher seats of learning would have been 
devoted to other purposes. Yet he first made the 
claims of science a demand upon the affluent who 
had grown wealthy through the practical applications 
of scientific investigations and discoveries. He 
would admit of no compromise measures—science 
had taken a back seat too long; her votaries had 
been sneered at as particularly deserving reproba- 
tion for lack of the money-making faculty; and he 
repudiated the supposed eleemosynary character of 
the gifts grudgingly made to her. He boldly stood 
forth as the champion of the self-sacrificing devotees 
of science. For the benefit of human knowledge 
he had given, with unsparing prodigality, the mental 
and physical activity of a life noted for its remark- 
able vigour, endurance, and consecutiveness; and his 
sense of justice was aroused to appeal for help to 

The Agassiz Memorials. 229 

those who could so easily and so largely endow our 
colleges and universities, our museums and acad- 
emies of science. You have listened to these 
appeals, and know that even in our midst they have 
not been in vain. Throughout our country the leaven 
has reached the treasures of large-minded men who, 
during their lifetime, wish to see the fruition of their 
nobler instincts. In the last ten years, millions of 
dollars have been devoted to learning and science ; but 
many more millions are needed, and the apostles of 
science must cease not urging and proving her claims. 
Our university alone needs its millions for buildings, 
apparatus, and museum; and another million for 
the endowment of professorships. Our academy 
needs as much for buildings, collections, and for 
foundations for original research. And in our 
midst we need an amply endowed institute of tech- 

The interest which he imparted to science on this 
coast, in one short visit, has steadily increased. The 
cheering words which he spoke in our behalf have 
fallen upon the hearts of our people, and awakened 
their sympathy. The academy certainly has cause 
to rejoice in its benefactions ; but we need still more 
freely the helping hand of endowment, to realise 
what he prophesied. 

We can listen no more to the magic of his voice; 
but his example is ever before us. Words of praise 
can add nothing to his glory; but we can honour his 
memory by imitating his fervid devotion to science, 
and its diffusion among mankind. It never faltered ; 
it pervaded his being. 

230 Louis Agassiz. 

He was the incarnation of Science; and greater love 
hath no man than this—he laid his life down for it. 
He has gone; but his name will be a landmark in 
human knowledge through the long roll of centuries. 


By PRoFEssor D. C, GILMAN. 

The name of Agassiz does not belong to the 
learned alone, though it is honoured most by the wise 
and the profound ; it likewise belongs to the com- 
mon people, for it is a household word throughout 
the land. 

Few men, while they live, attain renown among 
the multitude, and also retain their eminence among 
philosophers ; but he wore fitly this double crown— 
“the praise of praised men,” which is gold, and the 
applause of the unlearned, which is silver. How few 
of those whom we call distinguished, whether writers, 
teachers, statesmen, merchants, scholars, or leaders 
in arms, are equally known and honoured with this 
college professor, this comparative zodlogist, this 
interpreter of nature! The news of his decease has 
brought to learned societies and to common schools, 
to universities and to fishermen’s cottages, the sense 
of a personal bereavement, for it tells of the loss of 
a guide, the death of a friend. 

To these twofold aspects of his character, your 
attention will now be directed; the speaker who 
follows,* by our mutual understanding, rehearsing 

* Prof, Joseph Le Conte. 

Lhe Agassiz Memorials. 231 

the claims of Agassiz to scientific renown, while I 
am to dwell upon his claims to popular regard, or 
rather upon his character, as a teacher, and the influ- 
ence he has exerted upon American Education. 

It will be generally admitted that, among all the 
teachers of the land, he has held the foremost place. 
Notwithstanding that ours was to him a foreign 
tongue, that he grew up to the prime of life under 
European institutions, and that the subjects which 
he taught were quite remote from what are called 
the “practical” wants of the Americans, he always 
spoke among us with that extraordinary power of 
adaptation, that easy self-possession, that rare adjust- 
ment of thoughts and words to the occasion, which 
constitutes true eloquence—which attracts, enlight- 
ens, delights, and persuades. Before the Legislature 
of Massachusetts or the National Academy of 
Sciences, in the college lecture-room or in the 
teachers’ institute, on the public platform or in the 
private parlor, in the open field or on the vessel’s 
deck, he was always the same—ready, graceful, 
enthusiastic, earnest, suggestive, and instructive. 
He delighted to learn, that he camiedt teach ; to teach, 
that he might learn. 

When such a man departs, old, honoured, un- 
sullied, and beloved, it is well to inquire into 
the antecedents of his character, the elements of 
his renown. 

It isnot every teacher he is endowed with a good 
constitution, neither too nervous, nor too phlegmatic. 
Agassiz was fortunate in his physical character, his 
noble figure, his beaming countenance, his elastic 

232 Louis Agassiz. 

step, his excellent health. He was not of that type 
of scholars whose shrivelled faces and whose withered 
forms declare the neglect of exercise, and the misuse 
of food; nor was he one who gained by stimulants 
extraordinary force. He possessed what might be 
called a commanding presence, a favourable personal 
equation, a magnetic influence, a manly beauty, or 
aneasy dignity—a quality not to be defined, but 
everywhere appreciated, which may be in-bred, yet 
must be first in-born. He came of good descent, 
having a mother of rare intellectual qualities, and 
on his father’s side an ancestry of six generations of 
Protestant ministers, going back to the Huguenot 
refugees. But his was not the parentage of wealth 
or fashion, and the narrow circumstances of his early 
life quickened his industry, his patience, and fitted 
him forever after to sympathise with and encourage 
those who have high aims and shallow purses. 

His early culture was most liberal. In many 
countries, and though many years, his studies were 
prolonged. Four years, the record runs, in the 
gymnasium at Bienne, two years in college at 
Lausanne, two years in the medical school at Zurich, 
five years in the universities of Heidelberg, Munich, 
and Erlangen, that is, thirteen years, at least, of prep- 
aration inthe period of youth. 

Thus he came in contact with some of the most 
renowned naturalists in Europe—Cuvier, Humboldt, 
Martius, Spix, and a host besides—and received that 
intellectual impress from superior minds which is far 
more influential than a library full of books, or a city 
full of museums, 

The Agassiz Memorials. 233 

Hence he laid a broad basis for his scholarship. 
Ancient and modern languages, philosophy, human 
anatomy and physiology, botany, mineralogy, geol- 
ogy, and zodlogy, were all pursued with such enthu- 
siasm, that in any of these departments he might 
have been distinguished. 

So was he qualified to teach—by natural endow- 
ments, personal presence, honourable ancestry, 
narrow circumstances, prolonged culture, and broad 
foundations. What, now, were the consequents of 
such antecedents—the superstructure on such a 
foundation ? 

There was supreme kindliness or self-control in 
his disposition, which led him to be patient with 
ignorance, and what is harder yet, with arrogance; 
which made him generous in bestowing his time, 
his learning, and his letters upon others; which made 
him accessible to the most timid student, or the 
most humble discoverer of a curious bug. 

To this was added a charming enthusiasm, which 
gushed forth in no spasmodic intermittence, but 
bubbled up perpetually with refreshing effervescence. 
He captivated all whom he met. He made them 
believe that his work was his play; that they might 
engage in it with asurety of reward. He seemed to 
say perpetually to his associates, as Faraday said to 
Tyndall, under untoward circumstances: ‘Our sub- 
jects are so glorious, that to work at them rejoices 
and encourages the feeblest; delights and enchants 
the strongest.” 

Genuine gratitude was also conspicuous in all he 
did. Theschool-boy who brought him an uncommon 

234 Louts Agasstz. 

fish, or the farmer who sent him a nest of turtle’s 
eggs, or the woodsman who favoured him witha 
family of little rattlesnakes, was as sure of his hearty 
acknowledgments as the millionaire of Boston who 
endowed his museum, or the tobacconist of New 
York who bought for him Penikese Island, or the 
officers of the Government who placed at his 
command the resources of the Coast Survey. No 
emperor or king ever received such homage, volun- 
tarily bestowed by high and low alike, or such trib- 
utes from the united realms of earth, and air, and 
sea; none returned such gratitude. This gratitude 
was marked by unmistakable sincerity. His looks, 
and tones, and the pressure of his hand, all confirmed 
the utterance of his lips. No one need fear that 
when the private letters of Agassiz are made public 
there will be anything to regret, as there was in the 
posthumous revelations of one of his most illustrious 

There was, moreover, a hearty co-operation with 
other workers, and in other spheres —a friendly 
indorsement of their efforts which was free from the 
tone of patronage or of interference. The members 
of this Academy must well remember the generous 
words which he uttered on the evening when he first 
set foot in San Francisco—his congratulations at 
the success of the Academy, his words of encourage- 
ment for the University, and his eulogy of the 
Geological Survey, the pride of all the science of the 

Still more remarkable in Agassiz was his readiness 
to aid in the diffusion of knowledge. Devoted as he 

The Agassiz Memorials. 235 

was to scientific researches—to the advancement of 
learning by investigations of the most profound sort, 
extending down to the lowest organisms at the 
bottom of the sea, and back to the remotest zons 
of geological history—he was always ready to come 
before the public and bring the newest and the best 
of his acquisitions. There are such men as intel- 
lectual misers, but he was not of that race. There 
are also those who are deaf and dumb, but he used 
all his faculties. He did not wait for costly diagrams 
or extraordinary specimens. A blackboard and a 
piece of chalk were all the apparatus which he 
required for a lecture on natural history. At the 
oldest University in Cambridge, or at the newest 
in Ithaca, through the Atlantic Monthly or the extra 
Tribune, in the National Academy, or on Penikese 
Island, in the State house at Boston, or in Pacific 
Hall at San Francisco, he was ready to teach all 
who wished to be taught. The wisest would enjoy 
the clearness, the liveliness, and the method with 
which he told his tale; and the uninformed would 
think they were growing wise, because they could 
follow so agreeably and intelligently the utterance 
of a master. He believed in the Public Schools; 
and the newspapers say that one of the last acts of 
his public life was to give a lecture at a teachers’ 

As a popular teacher, Agassiz was undoubtedly 
aided by his devout reverence, which saw in Nature 
something more than a force or law, or rather, which 
believed all law and force to emanate from a Law- 
giver and a Ruler. He did not obtrude these 

236 Louis Agassiz. 

opinions. He was not more fortunate than other 
men of science in escaping the attacks of bigotry and 
superstition ; but now and then, like a church-bell 
tolling on aSabbath morning, deep utterances would 
come forth expressive of his faith. For example, 
at the close of his essay on “ Classification,” occurs 
this passage: ‘“ All the facts proclaim aloud the one 
God, whom man may know, adore, and love; and 
Natural History must in good time become the 
analysis of the thoughts of the Creator of the uni- 
verse, as manifested in the animal and vegetable 
kingdoms.” (Contributions to Natural History of 
the United States.) 

Thus we see that the supreme kindliness, charm- 
ing enthusiasm, genuine gratitude, unmistakable 
sincerity, uniform co-operation, incessant desire to 
diffuse as well as to advance knowledge, and devout 
reverence, were among his most conspicuous qualities 
as ateacher. I do not dwell upon his love of truth, 
for that is fundamental with all real men of science; 
nor on his abstinence from money-making, for all 
legitimate university life precludes the professor 
from wild speculations on the one hand,or from 
regular business responsibilities on the other; nor do 
I dwell upon his love of studies remote from their 
practical bearings, for the student of Nature never 
knows what profound benefits to mankind may pro- 
ceed from the most abstract research. In these 
respects I do not know that Agassiz differed much 
from other naturalists, but in native gifts, and in the 
acquisitions of varied culture, there are but few to 
be compared with him. 

The Agassiz Memorials. e247 

Hence he has exerted a powerful influence upon 
American education. It is true that he was fortu- 
nate in colleagues and in circumstances. Guyot 
came with him to this country from Switzerland, and 
in a different sphere, and with different intellectual 
endowments, has shown many of the qualities which 
distinguish his life-long associate. Their united 
work among the teachers of Massachusetts will 
always be gratefully remembered by the friends of 
popular education. Dana, when Agassiz arrived, 
had recently returned from his voyage around the 
globe, laden with rich treasure of thought and obser- 
vation, and in his enlightened and impartial conduct 
of the American Fournal of Sctence, was a powerful 
ally inthe promotion of all departments of scientific 
education and research. Bache and Henry, at the 
head of two great departments of the Government, 
the Coast Survey and the Smithsonian Institution, 
were able to turn the national resources toward the 
same great purposes. Torrey and Gray had already 
given world-wide reputation to American Botany, 
and Peirce had advanced the science of Mathematics. 
The gifts of Lawrence, and Sheffield, and Peabody, 
successively brought new and advantageous impulses 
to the study of Natural History. The explorations 
of the Western States and Territories, the settle- 
ment of California, and the surveys of the Pacific 
Railroad route, created a demand for trained geolo- 
gists and naturalists. Young men were attracted 
to Cambridge by the renown of the Swiss professor, 
and, after learning wisdom in his laboratories, went 
off to found and develop new institutions in Salem, 

238 | Louts Agasstz. 

Boston, New Haven, Ithaca, and Oakland, or offered 
themselves to the service of the State or nation. 
Teachers in the common schools, especially in New 
England, learned how to awaken interest in the study 
of Nature. Congress, in 1862, made a generous 
provision for scientific schools; and now, a quarter 
of a century from the coming of Agassiz, scientific 
courses run parallel with classical courses in most of 
the colleges of the country. Iam far from attribut- 
ing all this progress to any individual. It is the 
movement of science, in a new country, and in the 
nineteenth century; but I do not hesitate to say 
that among all the great and serviceable men who 
have helped on this spirit of research and of inves- 
tigation, none is more worthy of grateful homage 
than Louis Agassiz. Especially was he noteworthy 
for his opposition to the rote-teaching in scientific 
text-books; for his encouragement of local studies— 
researches about home; and for his persistent 
employment and recommendation of the art of 
drawing as an indispensable aid in scientific research. 

If I may be allowed to make an allusion to my 
own relations with Professor Agassiz, I will say that 
the greeting which you gave him, and the greeting 
which he gave me in the halls of the Academy, 
fifteen months ago, filled me with assurance and 
courage. It was not long afterward, before his visit 
here bore fruits, and the liberality of Edward 
Tompkins, of Oakland, endowed in the University 
of California a professorship which is to bear in all 
time the nameof Agassiz. Scarcely two months ago 
I sat in his study at Cambridge, and answered his 

The Agassiz Memorials. 239 

inquiries about California, and the friends whom he 
met here. I congratulated him on the recovery of his 
health, and heard his declaration that he had at his 
command all the funds which he could well employ 
for two years to come. Scarcely ten days have 
passed since I received from an Eastern society a 
request, which was made at the suggestion of Agassiz, 
that I would prepare, or cause to be prepared, a 
paper on the commerce of the Pacific in its relations 
to San Francisco. Then came the telegram that he 
was gone. 

Agassiz isgone! His name is henceforth enrolled 
among the immortals. Whatever personal deficien- 
cies he may have had, whatever of the imperfections 
or weaknesses which belong to humanity, will soon 
be forgotten, and his worth will be more apparent as 
the years rollon. Hereafter he will be remembered 
with Linnzus, and Cuvier, and Humboldt, and 
others, whom the world delights to honor for their 
scientific researches; with Franklin, and Rumford, 
and Faraday, who have made popular the sciences 
which they have likewise advanced. So welay upon 
his tomb our perishable garland, and say, Farewell, 
philosopher and philanthropist! Farewell, our 
teacher and our friend. 



THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: — I respond the more 
willingly to your invitation to say something in 

240 Louis Agassiz. 

honour of Professor Agassiz, because I owe personally 
so deep a debt of gratitude to him as my teacher. 
For some fifteen months in the years 1850-51, as his 
private pupil, I spent the whole working hours of 
nearly every day by his side, either in the laboratory 
or else in excursions along the shores of Massachu- 
setts, or over the mountains of New York, or on the ' 
reefs and keys of Florida. The result of this long 
intimate association was, on my part, a great and 
ever-increasing love, admiration, and reverence for 
him, both as a scientist and asa man, and on his part, 
Iam sure, a very strong and affectionate regard. It 
would be very pleasant to me to linger here a 
moment—to speak of him as a man and a teacher; 
the contagiousness of his enthusiasm, the abundance 
and suggestiveness of his thoughts, the greatness of 
his intellect, far greater even than his work, and, 
therefore, contrary to what we find in little great 
men, the increase of his intellectual stature as you 
approached him nearer and nearer. It would be 
pleasing to me to linger here, but I have a higher 
duty to perform, and one which I am sure would be 
more pleasing to him. In speaking of a man of 
science, before a scientific body, it seems to me 
peculiarly appropriate that I should try to show 
the true grounds of his great reputation, and the 
reasons for believing that tt will be permanent. 

Inthe noble army of science—that army so com- 
pactly organised for the conquest of darkness and 
the extension of the empire of light—there are many 
valiant fighters, but there can be but few /eaders. 
In the construction of the great temple of science— 

The Agassiz Memorials. 241 

that eternal temple made without hands—the only 
temple ever erected by man worthy to be dedicated 
to the great Author of nature—there are many busy, 
eager, joyous workmen, but there can be but few 
master-builders. Now, I wish to show that in the 
construction of the temple of science, Agassiz was 
not only an indefatigable worker in all the lowest 
details, with chisel and hammer and trowel, in brick 
and stone and mortar, but also a great master- 
mason , that in the army of science he was not only 
a valiant fighter in the very front rank, but also a 
great leader. In a word, I wish to show that he 
was not only an indefatigable, enthusiastic worker 
in all the lowest details of his chosen science, ob- 
serving, collecting, arranging, analysing, classifying, 
but also a great philosophic thinker—that his life 
and work form an epoch in science—that in look- 
ing back over the track of time, his gigantic stature 
will remain for many ages to come a conspicuous 

As we look back over the history of science, we 
see, at long intervals, certain men who seem to tower 
far above their fellows. In what consists their great- 
ness? They are men who have introduced great 
ideas or new methods into science—ideas which extend 
the domain of human thought, or methods which 
increase our power over nature, facilitate the pro- 
gress of discovery,and thus open the way to the 
conquest of new fields. Such men were Copernicus, 
and Galileo, and Kepler, and Newton, and Herschell, 
in astronomy: such were Linnzus, and Buffon, and 
Cuvier and Agassiz, in organic science. 


242 Louis Agasstz. 

Let me illustrate the effect of the introduction of 
great ideas into science. I will select one example 
from astronomy, and one from geology. 

Before the time of Copernicus and Galileo, this, 
our earth, was a// of space for us. Sun, moon, and 
stars were but little satellites revolving about us at 
inconsiderable distance. Astronomy then was but 
the geometry of the heavens, the geometry of the 
curious lines traced by these wandering fires on the 
concave board of heaven. But with the first glance 
through the telescope, the phases of Venus and the 
satellites of Jupiter revealed the existence of other 
worlds beside our own. In that moment the funda- 
mental idea of modern astronomy, the idea of infinite 
space filled with worlds like our own, was fully born 
in the mind of Galileo. In that moment the intel- 
lectual vision of man was infinitely extended. 

Again, before the time of Buffon and Cuvier, this, 
our human epoch, the history of our race, was a// of 
tome for us. Shells and other remains of marine 
animals had, indeed, been found far in the interior of 
the continents, and high up the slopes of mountains, 
and there had been much speculation as to the 
origin of these. Some may have thought by means 
of these to extend the limits of our epoch, but none 
dreamed of other epochs. Some may have thought 
they were discovering new coast islands along the 
shores of time; but none dreamed that these were 
the evidences of new worlds in the infinite abyss of 
time. It was reserved for Buffon and Cuvier first to 
recognise the entire difference between fossil and 
living species, In that moment was born the funda- 

The Agassiz Memorials. 243 

mental idea of geology, the idea of infinite time 
containing many successive epochs, or time-worlds 
like our own. In that moment the intellectual hofi- 
zon of man was again infinitely extended. 

These two are the grandest moments in the his- 
tory of science; yea, in the intellectual history of 
our race. The one opened the gates of infinite 
space, and showed us many space-worlds; the other 
opened up the gates of infinite time, and showed us 
as many successive creations or time-worlds. 

We see, then, the intellectual impulse communi- 
cated by a great new idea. The introduction of a 
new method, though less striking to the imagination, 
is perhaps even more important. We will illustrate 
it presently. Now, I wish to show that Agassiz, 
too, was the originator of new ideas, and the intro- 
ducer, or at least the perfecter, of new methods in 
science. Yes, Agassiz was the originator of a great 
new idea in geology, and the introducer or perfecter 
of a new method in organic science. 

For nearly a century past, glaciers, their structure, 
their mysterious motion, and their effects, have been 
the subject of the intensest interest to scientists; an 
interest which is deepened by the splendours of 
mountain scenery and the perils of mountain travel. 
The most eminent men have successively expended 
their energies upon these problems: De Saussure, 
and Charpentier, and Huger, and Agassiz, and Guyot, 
and Forbes, and Tyndall. To the physicist, the two 
points of greatest interest are, the /aw of glacier 
motion and the ¢heory of glacier motion. Now, in 
the din and confusion of discussion, as to whether 

244 Louis Agassiz. 

Agassiz or Forbes first discovered the true /aw of 
glacial motion, and as to whether Forbes or Tyndall 
advanced the true theory of glacial motion, it seems 
to have been almost forgotten that to Agassiz and 
Guyot is due the credit of something far greater 
than either the law or the theory of glacial motion. 
I put aside with bare mention the immense mass of 
accurate observations accumulated by Agassiz, and 
embodied in his great works—the Etudes des Glaciers 
and the Systeme Glaciére, a treasury from which all 
subsequent writers have drawn. I put aside also all 
questions as to the laws and the theories of glacial 
motion, important as they are, as trifling in compari- 
son. I desire to fix your attention on only one 
great idea introduced by him, vzz.: the idea that 
glaciers are now, and have been to a much greater 
extent in a previous epoch, a great geological agent, 
sculpturing our mountains and determining the 
forms of our continents. 

Let me trace the history of this great idea. 
Agassiz and Guyot had studied minutely the evi- 
dences of the former extension of the glaciers of 
Switzerland. Guyot had even traced the outlines 
of these ancient glaciers, and thus established the 
existence of a glacial epoch in that country. With 
these results still fresh in his mind, Agassiz visited 
England in 1844 or 1845 (I know not the exact date, 
nor is it important), and quickly recognised the 
footprints of glaciers all over the mountains of 
Wales and Scotland, and astonished the world by 
announcing that these regions were moulded be- 
neath an ice-sheet. In 1846 he came to this country, 

The Agasstz Memorials. 245 

and again tracked the steps of glaciers all over the 
surface of New England, and again astonished the 
world by announcing that all the northern portions 
of the United States were also moulded beneath an 
ice-sheet. It is unnecessary to trace the extension 
of this idea from country to country ; suffice it to 
say, that it was soon recognised that there wasa 
glacial epoch not for Switzerland only, but for the 
whole earth. Before Agassiz, the study of glaciers 
was the study of nice questions in physics, and of 
interest principally to special physicists. Agassiz 
transferred the whole subject into the broad domain 
of geology, and gave it a far deeper, broader, and 
more general interest. The result was not only a 
powerful impulse to the study of glaciers, but a 
flood of light shed upon the whole later geological 
history of our earth, and thus an enormous impulse 
to geology also. 

But I said that Agassiz was a great reformer in 
zodlogy also—that he was also, if not the first intro- 
ducer, at least the perfecter of the great method of 
organic science. This must ever remain the chiefest 
glory of Agassiz. Yes, far greater than all his great 
works in zodlogy—as great as these are, a monument 
of industry and genius—far greater than these is the 
method which underlies them, and which has impreg- 
nated all modern zodlogy. 

Let me pause a moment, in deference to the intel- 
ligent but unscientific of this audience, to explain 
the meaning and show the power of scientific meth- 
ods. Scientific methods bear the same relation to 
intellectual progress which machines, instruments, 

246 Louis Agassiz. 

tools, do to material progress. The civilised man is 
not superior to the savage in physical strength. 
The wonderful mechanical results achieved by civil- 
ised man are possible only by the use of mechanical 
contrivances. So, also, the scientists differ from the 
unscientific not by any superior intellectual power. 
The astounding intellectual results achieved by 
science have been attained wholly by the use of 
intellectual contrivances, called methods. As in the 
lower sphere of material progress, the greatest bene- 
factors of our race are the inventors or perfecters of 
new mechanical contrivances or machines; so in the 
higher sphere of intellectual progress the greatest 
benefactors of our race are the inventors or perfec- 
ters of new intellectual contrivances, or methods. 
To illustrate the necessity and power of method, 
take, for example, the method of zotation, character- 
istic of mathematics. How simple the contrivance, 
and yet how powerful! Nine numeral figures, hav- 
ing each a value of its own, and also a value depend- 
ing upon its position: a few letters—a and 4, x and 
y, connected by the symbols + and —: that is all. 
And yet by the use of this simple contrivance the 
dullest boy in your public schools may accomplish 
intellectual results which the greatest philosophic 
genius could not otherwise attain. As soon as we 
leave the field of abstract thought and rise into the 
field of phenomena, observation commences. But as 
in the field of pure thought, thought can accomplish 
little without method ; so in the field of phenomena, 
observation can accomplish little without the assist- 
ance of method. The phenomena of the external 

Lhe Agassiz Memorials. 247 

world are so complex, so affected by disturbing 
forces and conditions, that in order to be under- 
stood, they must first be simplified. The scientist, 
therefore, by experiment, removes one condition 
after another, and one disturbing force after another, 
until the true cause and necessary condition is per- 
ceived. This is the great method of experiment, upon 
which rests the whole fabric of physics and chemis- 
try. But when we rise still higher into the field of 
organised bodies, the phenomena become infinitely 
more complex and infinitely more difficult to under- 
stand without the assistance of method, and yet, 
just here, the method of experiment fails us, or, at 
least, can be used only to a very limited extent. 
The conditions of life are so complex, so nicely ad- 
justed, so delicately balanced, that when we attempt 
to introduce our rude hands in the way of experi- 
ment, we overthrow the equilibrium, we destroy the 
very conditions of our experiment, vzz.-; life. In 
this dilemma what shall we do? Fortunately, nature 
herself prepares for us a most elaborate series of 
experiments. The phenomena of life in the higher 
animals and plants are indeed far too complex to be 
understood; but if commencing with these we go 
down the scale, we find these phenomena becoming 
simpler and simpler until they reach the simplest 
expression in the microscopic cell or microscopic 
spherule of protoplasm. The equation of life is 
reduced to its simplest terms, and then, only, we 
begin to find the value of the unknown quantity. 
This series I will call the natural history serves. 
Again, nature prepares for us another series of ex- 

248 Louis Agassiz. 

periments. Commencing with the mature condition 
of the higher animals, and going backwards along 
the line of individual history through the stages of 
embryo, egg, and germ, we find again the phenomena 
of life become simpler and simpler, until we again 
reach the simplest condition in the microscopic cell. 
This, I will call the embryonic series. Again, that 
there might be no excuse for man’s ignorance of the 
laws of life, nature prepares still another series of 
experiments. Commencing with the fauna and flora 
of the present time, and going back along the track 
of geological history, through Tertiary, Secondary, 
Palzozoic and Eozoic, to the very dawmz of life, we 
find a series of organic forms becoming simpler and 
simpler, until we again reach the simplest term in 
the lowest conceivable forms of life. This I will 
call the geological or paleontological, or evolution 
series. : 

Now it has been by extensive comparison in each 
of these series up and down, and by extensive 
comparison of the three series with each other, that 
our knowledge of organisms has gradually become 
scientific; that mere accumulation of facts and phe- 
nomena has grown with science; that a mere heap 
of useless rubbish has been changed into a beautiful 
edifice. This is what is called the method of com- 
partson—the great method used in the science of 
life. Yes, anatomy only becomes scientific through 
comparative anatomy. Physiology only becomes 
scientific through comparative physiology; and I 
may add, psychology will never become scientific 
except through comparative psychology. 

The Agassiz Memorials. 249 

So much I have said to show you the nature and 
power of scientific methods and especially of that 
method—the method of comparison—upon which 
rests the whole fabric of the science of organisms. 
Now what has Agassiz done in perfecting this 
method? I will attempt to explain. 

We have seen that this method consists of ¢hree 
subordinate methods which lead to similar results, 
viz... comparison in the three series, the natural his- 
tory series, the embryonic series, and the geological 
series. Now Cuvier and his co-labourers introduced 
and perfected comparison in the natural history 
series and thus laid the foundation of scientific 
zodlogy; but Agassiz and Von Baer and their co- 
labourers extended the method of comparison into 
the embryonic and geological series, and also into 
the relation of the three series to each other; and 
thus greatly perfected the method and increased its 
power. Others, no doubt many others, assisted in 
the great work, but Agassiz was unquestionably the 
leader in the movement. For forty years Agassiz 
worked incessantly, enthusiastically —even to the 
breaking down of his strong physical constitution 
and the sacrifice of his life—on the ideas and the 
methods conceived in his youth. Js not this a great 
life ? 

Finally, let us glance at some of the results of 
Agassiz’s method. The drect result is too familiar 
and obvious to dwell on. We see it in the amazing 
impulse given to biology and its consequent great 
and ever-increasing progress in recent times. I will 
only very briefly draw your attention to the zzdzrect 

250 Louis Agassiz. 

results, z. ¢., results which were not in the mind of 
Agassiz nor aimed at by him. 

1. Agassiz’s work and Agassiz’s method prepared 
the whole ground and laid the whole foundation for 
the modern doctrine of evolution. The idea of the 
similarity of the three series mentioned above—the 
natural history, the embryonic, and the palzonto- 
logical—and therefore the light which each sheds on 
the others, a view so long insisted on by Agassiz and 
so tardily and grudgingly accepted by zodlogists, 
forms the whole scientific basis, and comparison in 
these three series, the whole scientific method, of 
the theory of evolution. Evolution is development. 
Evolution of the organic kingdom is development of 
the organic kingdom through geologic times. No 
one insisted so long and so strongly on development 
of the organic kingdom through geologic times, as 
did Agassiz. All that is grandest and most certain 
in evolution, vzz.: development from lower to higher, 
from simpler to more complex, from general to 
special by a process of successive differentiation, has 
always been insisted on by Agassiz, and until re- 
cently only grudgingly accepted by English zodélo- 
gists and geologists. In this sense, therefore, 
Agassiz is the great apostle of evolution. It was 
only the present theortes of evolution, or evolution by 
transmutation, which he rejected. His was an evolu- 
tion not by organic forces within, but according to 
an intelligent plan without—an evolution not by 
transmutation of species, but by suéstitution of one 
species for another. In the true spirit of inductive 
caution, perhaps of excessive caution, he confined 

The Agassiz Memorials. 251 

himself strictly to the formal laws of evolution, and 
no man has done so much in establishing these as 
he; but he regarded the cause of evolution as beyond 
the domain of science, and all attempts at a causal 
theory as at least premature if not altogether vain. 
2. Agassiz’s work and Agassiz’s method has laid 
the only foundation of a possible scientific sociology. 
Society also is an organised body, and therefore 
subject to the laws of organisms. Society, too, 
passes by evolution from lower to higher, from sim- 
pler to more complex, from general to special, by a 
process of successive differentiation. Society pro- 
gresses, develops. This is the most glorious doctrine 
of modern times. The phenomena of society, how- 
ever, are even more complex than those of organ- 
isms, and therefore still more in want of a method. 
But we have already seen that phenomena which are 
too complex to be analysed by experiment can only 
be brought into subjection by the method of com- 
parison. If, then, there shall ever be a scientific 
sociology, it must be by the use of the same meth- 
ods which are used in biology; it must be by the 
comparison of social institutions, governments, civili- 
sations, etc., in all stages of development; it must 
be by extensive comparison of social phenomena in 
three sertes, first, as exhibited in different races and 
nations in various stages, as now existing in different 
places, corresponding to the natural history series; 
second, as exhibited in various stages of advance of 
the same nation from barbarism to civilisation, cor- 
responding to the embryonic series; third, as ex- 
hibited in the slow onward progress of the cole 

252 Louts Agassiz. 

race through rude Stone age, polished Stone age, 
Bronze age and Iron age, corresponding to the 
palzontological series. It is by comparisons of this 
kind that Herbert Spencer is now attempting to lay 
the foundations of a scientific sociology. I repeat 
it: if sociology ever becomes a science it will owe 
much to the genius and the method of Louis 



MR. PRESIDENT.—It has pleased you to insist 
that I should add something to the general expres- 
sion of sorrow and of eulogy. It is in no spirit 
of reluctance that I hesitate to bear testimony to 
the merits of him to whose voice it was so pleasant 
to listen, and in whose presence it was a pleasure to 
be; but rather from the fear of my inability to 
render an even measure of justice to the dead. 

Without enlarging upon those exterior character- 
istics by which he was known, and which, ennobled 
by a generous nature, gave grace and dignity to his 
person, we find with and above these attractions a 
moral and intellectual greatness and simplicity, 
which endeared him to his fellow-men. 

I cannot recall the name of any other scientific 
man, which has been so often spoken, and with so 
much respect and affection, in the homes and fami- 
lies of our people, as that of Agassiz. 

This respect and affection arose, not alone from 
his intellectual achievements or from the popularity 

Lhe Agassiz Memorials. 253 

of his lectures and writings, but from that large- 
heartedness which made him accessible to all. 

In his intercourse with his fellow-men, he gradua- 
ted his speech not by the rank or station of the 
person, for each and all were received with unmeas- 
ured courtesy and kindness. 

Such intellectual breadth, moral excellence, and 
estimable qualities as he possessed, are seldom found 
in the same person; and these made him not only an 
impressive and attractive teacher, but, combined with 
enthusiasm, inspired all with the desire to serve and 
assist him; hence, in part, that vast aggregation of 
materialat Cambridge,beyond the capacity of the pres- 
ent building for its proper arrangement and display. 

What wonderful progress has been made in our 
country since the arrival of Agassiz, in 1846! Its 
material wealth how enormously increased, broad 
areas peopled, new States established, and the march 
of empire pushed westward to the sea. At that 
time, for the year of his arrival may be regarded as 
a notable and important event in the history of the 
country, within a few rods of this spot, the waters 
of the Bay rippled along an almost untrodden beach. 
Do you remember his concluding remarks at the 
Academy’s rooms, on that September evening, a 
little more than a year ago? He said: “When I 
saw to-day, for the first time, San Francisco through 
the Golden Gate, I was amazed. I looked upon it as 
one of the marvels of modern times that there 
should bea city standing upon these shores, so grand, 
so prosperous, so rich, and so young.” Great and 
manifold as are the changes we have noticed, great 

254 Louis Agassiz. 

also has been the progress of science and intellec- 
tual advancement in the nation. The increased and 
constantly increasing interest in scientific study and 
literature is most marked and astonishing. 

I cannot but remember, and with regret, that 
when a boy some thirty years ago, when first I 
became interested in the study of natural history, 
there were neither books nor teachers. How often 
have those early disadvantages been brought to 
mind, from time to time, as in after years I added to 
the muster roll of friends, the names of younger 
men who were privileged to sit under the teachings 
of the great master. 

As some good mother, by the fireside’s glow, 
spreads the new book upon her lap, and, calling her 
children near, points out the pictures and explains 
their meaning; so he, with radiant face and winning 
voice, gathered around him those nature-loving boys, 
and, opening wide the book of the greater mother, 
page by page, pointed to its living illustrations— 
explained their history and their relations, their 
beauty and their use. 

How shall we estimate the value of early training 
under such a teacher ? 

Of the earlier students, Stimpson has passed away. 
He had accumulated, though but forty years of age, 
the ample store of more than twenty years’ investi- 
gation. His manuscripts and plates were destroyed 
by the great fire in Chicago. Of this sad event and 
its effect upon him he wrote: ‘“ My own books, col- 
lections, manuscripts, and drawings—twenty years’ 
work—all gone.” What a pang must have shot 

The Agassiz Memorials. 255 

through his heart as he wrote that line! “His old 
teacher offered him all the resources of the museum 
at Cambridge, but, with all his old love for the work, 
his strength was gone.” 

We may speak freely of the dead, if no evil is in 
our speech; but delicacy suggests that we should 
cautiously praise the living. 

Other members of the earlier classes are profes- 
sors and teachers in various colleges and schools 
throughout the country, or faithfully toiling in some 
field of investigation. I may not call their names. 
Many have already acquired distinguished reputa- 
tion, and all are contributing to “the sum of human 
knowledge.” Some of them are borne upon the 
roll of this Academy, and share with us the duties 
of this occasion. 

A few days more than eighteen months have 
gone since Stimpson died ; and now the illustrious 
teacher has followed his old-time pupil, on the 
same inevitable path. 

Shall we not pause, before we say farewell, and 
review the labours and services of the master, since 
the day when he made our country his own? 

How much, what part of our intellectual growth 
and material advancement, with its resulting higher 
and expanding civilisation, is due to him? 

Of. those lofty qualities which lift man above the 
merely imitative and sensual animal, and place him 
nearer the divine—in all which makes a people wise 
and virtuous and anation great—who has done more 
to disseminate the seed and encourage the growth 
than Louis Agassiz ? 

256 Louis Agassiz. 

And now we say, good-bye! The form we knew 
and called by his name will soon fade away; but the 
effacing fingers of decay can never mar the record of 
his noble life. 

At the conclusion of this paper, which, owing to 
the absence of Mr. Stearns, was read by Dr. E. S. 
Carr, the latter remarked as follows: 

“Ves, Mr. President, Agassizis notdead. He has 
gone to sit with Humboldt and Cuvier, with Plato 
and Aristotle, among the stars ; the voice of human- 
ity, echoing down the corridors of time, and gather- 
ing fulness, through the coming ages, will ever 
proclaim as long asa love of knowledge endures— 
Agassiz still lives.” 



would not be appropriate to me in this presence, and 
after what has been said by those who have pre- 
ceded me, to undertake to give a résumé of Agassiz’s 
scientific thought, or to sketch his career as one of 
the great interpreters of nature’s law; but while I 
have been sitting here listening to the words of 
others, and looking into your faces, I have been im- 
pressed anew by that cheerful, harmonious accord of 
reason, intelligence, and all magnanimous sentiments 
with which we acknowledge human greatness. With 
what refreshing admiration—with what proud, grate- 
ful, sympathising joy do we stand on these level 

The Agassiz Memorials. 257 

plains of existence and look up to those vast 
mountain ranges whose solitary summits attest 
man’s intellectual and moral grandeur, and the 
permanence of truth! It is the felicity of the scien- 
tific man, that the truth he seeks is cosmopolitan. 
It knows not state or nation, tribe or race, but is 
world-truth and world-law. The distinguished rep- 
resentatives of that truth have a clear atmosphere, 
and if their moral nature is strong enough to sustain 
itself in those rarified heights, they lead a life of 
singular dignity and freedom, their minds dashed 
with no colour of prejudice or passion—seeking what 
is. To know what is in the world of things, is the 
vocation of the man of science. His reputation is 
the reputation of truth, strong and still as the sun; 
and his name is the property of mankind. In the 
enthusiasm of admiring grief, we accord to our late 
illustrious fellow-citizen and cosmopolite such a 
place and such a name. 

Far back, ascending the centuries, in the very 
horizon of man’s intellectual history, is Aristotle, in 
whose mind the seeds of the universe were planted, 
who compassed all the knowledge of his time, and 
gave the hint to future ages. Two thousand years 
later is Humboldt, who, with matchless wonder of 
comprehension and penetration—with a persistency 
of purpose and idea, pursued, without a parallel in 
the life of man, through a period of nearly seventy 
years of original research—constructed a ‘‘ Cosmos,” 
thescience of the relationof things, which is perhaps 
the source of more of the knowledge of the modern 

time than has come from any other single mind. In 

258 Louis Agassiz. 

our own time, and in the near distance of the present, 
is Agassiz, who, coming forward at a period when 
science was so complex as to render universality 
impossible, devoted himself to the investigation of 
the living forms upon the surface of our globe, and to 
finding the thread of order and law running through 
all organised beings. His mind was at once incisive 
and comprehensive, analytic and synthetic; while 
a fine glow of poetic insight and feeling suffused 
his whole intellectual and moral frame. It was 
this poetic nature, expressed in elevated, restrained 
enthusiasm of purpose and idea, that enabled him 
to give such an impulse to scientific studies in 
America. He had the rare ability of pursuing 
original research and of transforming it into popular 
knowledge—a hazardous undertaking for some, in- 
asmuch as the popularisation of science is accom- 
plished through dense and refracting media, which 
impair intellectual rectitude and degrade the scien- 
tific standards of truth to practical and economical 
relations. To extend the domain of science is one 
thing, to diffuse science is another thing; and the 
two are rarely united. 

Agassiz claims my admiration for the firmness and 
simplicity with which he maintained the right of 
science to pursue its own investigations in its own 
domain, without controversy, and without reference 
to any prejudices or opinions that might be held in 
any other department of knowledge or experience. 
With the old conflict between science and religion 
he had nothing to do. He had frankness and truth 
enough to confess that there is as much dogmatism 

The Agassiz Memorials. 259 

in science as in religion; but he knew that essen- 
tially there is no conflict between them, and never 
can be. Their boundaries are undefined, as the 
boundaries between the known and the unknown, 
the apprehended and the comprehended, always will 
be. It is one of the infirmities of the human mind to 
become provincial in its conceptions of truth, and 
to judge the universe of things by the standards of 
its own village experience. Agassiz did much to 
enlarge and enlighten the mind, by teaching that the 
outward world is an expression of the thought of 
God, and that man’s science is the discovery of 
God's law. 

He was indeed a light and a life! That life has 
finished its earthly course, and that light is extin- 
guished from our earthly horizon. It must be 
considered a happy event to us here, that he visited 
once these western shores. It is a privilege to have 
seen him; as it is a profound satisfaction to feel that 
the distinguished expressions of human nature are of 
kindred blood with ourselves. As I looked on him 
and called to mind the recollections of former days, 
admonished of the malady that was destroying 
him, I grieved for living men; but I did not grieve 
for him—there was so little of him that could die. 


not know till I entered the hall this evening, that I 
was expected to have the honour of saying a word 
to you on this interesting occasion, but being urged 

260 Louts Agassiz. 

to appear on the platform I could not absolutely 
refuse, because as acitizen it was in my heart to 
honour, as far as in me lay, this memorial meeting, 
and as a member of this Society to aid in tendering 
our respects to the memory of our illustrious dead. 
Another reason for opening my lips is to endorse 
the sentiments of Rev. Dr. Stebbins, just uttered in ‘ 
regard to the alleged or supposed antagonism of 
science to revealed religion. Believing as I do, as 
intimated in the reference made to the opinions of 
the late Louis Agassiz, that there is as much dogma 
in science, or even more than in religion, I am ready 
to say and boldly maintain that there is not, and 
cannot be, any real antagonism or controversy 
between true science and true religion. All truth is 
of God and isa unit. Science and religion are twin 
sisters from the throne of the Eternal Lawgiver. 
There is no real controversy between them—no 
strife but as to which branch of knowledge can do 
most for mankind. Properly interpreted, they come 
from the same glorious hand and tend to the same 
result—the happiness of mankind and the glory of 
the Creator. I honour science, and heartily bid God- 
speed to every honest investigator of the laws of the 
universe. As a theologian I have never had the 
slightest fear concerning the advance of true science. 
Our natural philosophers cannot travel so far but 
they will find the Creator has been there before 
them ; and as they climb through space and journey 
among planets and systems unnumbered, they will 
all find that the ladder by which they have ascended 
to the very outposts of the universe was built for 

_ The Agassiz Memorials. 261 

them by the hand of an all-wise Lawgiver possessed 
of supreme intelligence, will, and power. No, ladies 
and gentlemen, there is no real controversy between 
true science and religion. Their mission is one— 
the progress of mankind to a higher degree of 
knowledge and sincere purity. I have ever believed 
in free thought, free speech, and a free press—not 
toleration, but absolute freedom. It is thought that 
governs the world. 

But he must be a braver man than I claim to be, 
who would undertake to entertain such a presence 
as this at such a late hour, and especially after the 
learned and eloquent remarks that have been made 
by the gentlemen who have preceded me, even if I 
had an address prepared, which I have not. All I 
can venture to say is, that in doing honour to our 
distinguished fellow-citizen, we honour ourselves. 
Some nations honour their dead in one way, some 
in another. Some build monuments or found insti- 
tutions to perpetuate their names to coming genera- 
tions. The eloquent addresses already delivered 
have told us of the exalted character of our great 
scientist as a man, a citizen in all the walks of life, of 
the magnetism of his presence and speech, and of 
his wonderful abilities as a teacher, and of the results 
or net gains to the scientific world, as the perfecter, 
if not the original proclaimer, of a new thought and 
of a new method of scientific experiments, which are 
revolutionising many of the departments of scientific 
philosophy. We need not then offer a hecatomb at 
his tomb. It may be true, in a limited sense, as the 
heathen sages have said, “Those whom the gods 

262 Louis Agassiz. 

love die early,” and for us, too early has Louzs 
Agassiz passed from us through glory’s morning 
gate to the great majority gathering on the shores 
of “the beautiful river,’ where the flowers never 
fade. But not too early for himself, nor for the 
cause of science to which his whole nature was_ 
consecrated. You have been told that the tele- 
graph wires flashed to us the sad intelligence 
“ Agassiz is no more.” This is a popular but an 
erroneous announcement. True, he is no longer 
on earth, to be seen in the high places he so 
long honoured. We shall look no more here upon 
his noble form, nor hear his eloquent and burning 
words, but ke stzll lives. He is one of those men 
who possess two immortalities—one, his own indi- 
viduality, which he has carried with him to the 
future state, and the other remains with us in our 
hearts and in the annals of science to the end of 

Reference has been made to personal acquaintance 
with the deceased. I was not as highly favoured as 
some of the gentlemen who have spoken, but happily 
not altogether without being able to record with 
gratitude my knowledge of him, and the benefits 
derived from his lectures. As a disciple, I once 
enjoyed two full courses of his lectures, on Fishes 
and Geology, and then sat at the feet of Professor 
Mitchell, of the Cincinnati Observatory, and after- 
wards at the feet of Professor Guyot, of Princeton 
College, so honourably mentioned in your presence. 
And from these masters of scientific lectures I de- 
rived views of the laws of Nature and the works of 

The Agassiz Memorials. 263 

God, for which I desire to acknowledge my deepest 

Let us then thank our Heavenly Father for the 
advance of Science, and for the life, character, 
labours, and contributions to true science of Louis 
Agassiz. And as it is a true saying, “ They mourn 
the dead aright who live as they would wish us to 
live,” so let us in our several spheres endeavour to 
imitate the noble deeds of our illustrious dead; 
remembering that he said “he had no time to make 
money.’ And he was right. Thank God he gave 
his time, strength, genius, and heart to a far nobler 
purpose. To make money requires time, skill, and 
talent. It is a trade—a business—and in its place 
all right; but it is not the highest calling of man. 
It is not in itself the greatest good. What is gold, 
gold to thought, to the enjoyments of a cultivated 
mind? Like him, then, let us go forth from this 
memorial meeting to give more of our time, and 
strength, and substance, to the enlightenment, men- 
tal culture, and advancement of our fellow-men, in 
the knowledge of all truth. 


‘©O! what a noble heart was here undone, 
When Science self destroyed her favourite son.” 

From a seat of learning in the North has gone 
forth a wail of sorrow, a wail which echoes not only 
through the length and breadth of our own land, but 
in every place in which refinement and culture have 
found a home, and which will thrill for years to 

264 Louis Agassiz. 

come in many a heart at the mention of the name 
of the departed. Agassiz isdead. The mighty brain 
in which grand thoughts were kindled, is, as far as 
our earth is concerned, at rest for ever; the smile 
which ever shone on modest merit beams for us no 
more; the kind and gentle voice which spoke in 
earnest sympathy with even the meanest endeavour, ~ 
is hushed and still, and memory is all that is left us 
of one so loved. To speak in praise of his vast 
acquirements would be but 

“To guard a title that was rich before.” 

The history of his adopted country will inscribe 
them on its brightest pages, and his works will be 
forever cherished amid the records of the nation. 
But apart from the homage which the worshippers 
of his genius will surely lay before its shrine—apart 
irom the consideration of the labours which have ren- 
dered him immortal, and enrolled his name among 
the deathless few—there steals into the thought the 
recollection of that tender and gentle nature which 
was so magnetic in its association, and which shed 
so pleasing an influence upon all which came within 
its contact. Involved in his own cherished pursuits, 
he scorned the mean pretences of the world, and 
being, as he himself declared, “Too busy to make 
money,” he was utterly free from the taint of selfish- 
ness, and lived less for his own advancement than 
for the good of others, preferring the calm enjoy- 
ment of a studious and retiring life to the tinsel 
glories of wealth and display. Mindful of the diffi- 
culties which beset the student of Science, and well 

The Agassiz Memorials. 265 

knowing how willingly the world will sneer at what 
it cannot comprehend, his hand was ever extended 
to help the seeker after truth, and to place his feet 
upon a firm foundation. <A father among the young, 
a brother among the mature, and a kind and gentle 
friend to all, the name of Agassiz will be loved as 
his genius is honoured, and his childlike nature cher- 
ished as his mental powers are valued and esteemed. 
Above the earth which covers his remains will be 
mingled the bitter regrets for the loss of one so 
gifted, and the sighs of sympathy for those who will 
miss the communion of a loving heart. As on and 
on we journey towards the end, the pathway of our 
life is strewn with sorrowing memories; but the 
blossoms of existence diffuse their fragrance by the 
wayside, and teach us that all is not sad for those 
who mourn. The incense of good deeds ascends to 
Heaven, and the place which so glorious a soul as 
his filled on earth, becomes a monument for after 
time, and points to the generations which follow, 
the shining remembrance of his power. For over | 
fourteen years the writer has held pleasant inter- 
course with him; has profited by the varied store 
of knowledge he was ever so ready to impart; and 
with a saddened soul would add this poor tributary 
leaf to the garlands which will deck his tomb. He 
is but one among the many who have felt the 
friendly interest which Agassiz was wont to display 
to all who needed the help of such a teacher, and 
who, in the years to come, will sigh 

‘For the touch of a vanished hand, 
And the sound of a voice that is still,” 

266 Louis Agassiz. 


WHEREAS, we, the members and associates of the 
California Academy of Sciences, have learned that 
it has pleased Divine Providence to call our friend 
and fellow-member, Professor Louis Agassiz, away 
from his earthly labours; Therefore be it 

Resolved, That in the death of Professor Agassiz 
we recognise the loss of one whose life was passed 
in earnest devotion to the advancement of Science 
and the cause of liberal education; whose labours in 
this field have won for him an enduring fame 
throughout both hemispheres ; whose efforts in this 
his adopted country have, more than those of any 
other individual, contributed to a wide popular 
appreciation of the dignity, value, and importance of 
scientific research, and to the necessity of incorpor- 
ating in our schemes of education, instruction in 
those laws which form the foundations of the 
Natural Sciences and are inseparably connected with 
our material and intellectual prosperity; whose 
geniality and enthusiasm in the pursuit of his 
favourite studies, and whose unequalled power of 
presenting the results of those studies to the public 
in a simple and attractive form, have endeared to 
the hearts of this nation, and especially to us and 
others, who are more or less individually concerned 
in the pursuit of scientific truth. 

Resolved, That we believe that to Professor Agassiz 
and the pupils whom he influenced by his teachings 
and example, we largely owe the adoption of that 

The Agassiz Memorials. 267 
ao Sen Le 
wise liberality, exhibited by the government and 
by. many private individuals, in matters relating to 
scientific exploration and research, which is so justly 
the pride of American citizens. 

Resolved, That the visit of Professor Agassiz to 
this community, his genial presence, and his address 
before the Academy and its friends, will always be 
held by us in grateful remembrance. 

Resolved, That we deeply regret the bereavement 
of Professor Agassiz’s family and would offer them 
our sincere and respectful sympathy. 

Resolved, That these resolutions be printed in the 
Academy’s Proceedings, and that the Secretary be 
directed to forward an engrossed copy to the san 
of the deceased. 

Action of the Smithsonian Institution. 

Soon after the death of Agassiz, the Regents of 
the Smithsonian Institution held a meeting and the 
following remarks were made on the dead scientist, 
by ex-President James A. Garfield : 


Never before in a single year has the Board of 
Regents suffered so severe a loss. It would be 
difficult to find, in any organisation, two men more 
eminent, and representing a wider range of culture, 
than the two regents, Chief Justice Chase and Pro- 
fessor Agassiz, who have fallen since the last meeting 
of this board. 

268 Louis Agasstz. 

In Professor Agassiz we have lost a man of kin- 
dred powers, whose life was spent in a different 
though hardly less conspicuous field of action. 

Few lives were ever so sincerely and entirely de- 
voted to the highest and best aims of science. I 
was led to appreciate this by a remark which Pro- 
fessor Agassiz made to me several years ago, which 
is, I believe, the key to his own career, and deserves 
to be remembered by all who would follow in his 
footsteps. His remark was that he had made it the 
rule of his life to abandon any intellectual pursuit the 
moment tt became commercially valuable. 

He knew that others would utilise what he dis- 
covered; that when he brought down the great 
truths of science to the level of commercial values, 
a thousand hands would be ready to take them and 
make them valuable in the markets of the world. 
Since then I have thought of him as one of that 
small but elect company of men who dwell on the 
upper heights, above the plane of commercial values, 
and who love and seek truth for its own sake. Such 
men are indeed the prophets, the priests, the inter- 
preters of nature. Few of their number have 
learned more, at first hands, than Professor Agassiz ; 
and few, if any, have submitted their theories to 
severer tests. 

It was a great risk for the astronomer to announce 
that the perturbations of the solar system could 
only be accounted for by a planet as yet unknown, 
and to predict its size and place in the solar system, 
trusting to the telescope to confirm or explode his 
theory. But perhaps Professor Agassiz took even a 

The Agassiz Memorials. 269 

greater risk than this. Who does not remember the 
letter he addressed to Professor Peirce, of the Coast 
Survey, just before he set out on the Hassler expedi- 
tion, predicting in detail what evidences of glacial 
action he expected to find on the continent of 
South America, and what species of marine animals 
he expected to discover in the deep-sea soundings 
along that coast? He risked his own reputation as 
a scientific man on the predictions then committed 
to writing. 

What member of this board will forget the lecture 
he delivered here after his return, detailing the dis- 
coveries he had made, and showing how completely 
his predictions had been verified ? 

While he was the prince of scholars, and a recog- 
nised teacher of mankind, yet he always preserved 
that childlike spirit which made him the most amia- 
ble of men. He studied nature with a reverence 
born of his undoubting faith. He believed that the 
universe was a cosmos, not a chaos; and that 
throughout all its vast domains there were indub- 
itable evidences of creative power and supreme 

We have special cause for regret that his early 
death has deprived this community and the world of 
a series of lectures which were to have been deliv- 
ered here this winter, on subjects of the deepest 
interest to science. His death will be deplored in 
whatever quarter of the globe genius is admired and 
science is cherished. He has left behind him asa 
legacy to mankind a name and a fame which will 
abide as an everlasting possession. 

270 Louts Agassiz. 


Resolved, That the Board of Regents of the 
Smithsonian Institution record on the minutes of 
their proceedings their high appreciation of the 
character and labours of their lamented associate, 
Louis Agassiz, and the expression of their profound 
sorrow on account of his unexpected death, in the 
full exercise of his power, and amidst his unparal- 
leled usefulness. 

Resolved, That Professor Agassiz, by the attrac- 
tion which he exerted on all who came under the 
magical influence of his genial temperament and 
generous sympathies, nobly advocated the claims of 
Science to high popular estimation, private endow- 
ments, and liberal public patronage. 

Resolved, That as an instructor in his adopted 
country, he introduced methods of study, and 
directed attention to fields of research in natural 
history, far more elevated than those which had been 
previously in use; that as an original investigator he 
made additions to human knowledge which do 
honour to the science of the nineteenth century, 
and associate his name with those of the prominent 
benefactors of his race. 

Resolved, That in the death of Professor Agassiz, 
the Smithsonian Institution has lost a wise adviser 
in its scientific operations, a powerful supporter of 
its policy in regard to original research, and an influ- 
ential friend, ready at all times to advocate its 
claims on Congress for the independent support of 
a national museum. 

The Agassiz Memorials. 271 

Resolved, That the Board of Regents deeply 
sympathise with the family of the deceased, on 
account of their sad bereavement, and that a copy 
of these resolutions be transmitted to them. 


Mr. CHANCELLOR :—It may seem presumptuous 
in me to rise to move the adoption of the resolutions 

To calculate the distance and magnitude of the 
sun, requires an astronomer, and to analyse its 
chemical properties is the province of the spectro- 
scopist, but multitudes who are neither astronomers 
nor spectroscopists can delight in the revelations 
which are made in regard to that luminary. 

I am not a scientist; still, I can appreciate, 
in some degree, the labours of one who shone a 
star of the first magnitude in the firmament of 
science ! 

It is sixteen years since I first met Professor 
Agassiz, whose death the Board of Regents so 
deeply lament. It was at commencement at Har- 
vard University, in 1858, the first year after my 
return from a long residence in China. The Em- 
peror Napoleon had made tempting offers in the 
way of high position to Professor Agassiz to go to 
Paris. Intense solicitude on the part of his friends 
in Cambridge and the country generally, was felt as 
to his decision. It was on this occasion that their 
anxious suspense was relieved, as Professor Agassiz, 
after dinner, rose and announced his determination 

272 Louis Agassiz. 

henceforth to be an American citizen. This declara- 
tion was received with most enthusiastic demonstra- 
tions of rejoicing. 

I am happy the resolutions now submitted recog- 
nise his adopted citizenship. An incident that has 
come to my knowledge within the last hour has 
given me great pleasure, as illustrating the patriot- 
ism of the man. A mutual friend said, “ Professor 
Agassiz, it fills me with gratitude every time I think 
of your declining the very flattering proposition 
that was made to you from the court of France.” 
To which he replied: ‘Yes, and do you know, 
that proposition was renewed to me after the war 
began, and I replied with more earnestness than 
before, if I loved my adopted country too much 
to leave it when all was peace, I certainly shall 
not leave it now, when a shadow has come over 
its prospects.” 

In the resolutions adopted by different scientific 
and literary institutions throughout the country, 
much prominence is given, and rightly, too, to the 
irreparable loss sustained by the —— of this pre- 
eminent man of science. 

While we sympathise most fully with that senti- 
ment, there is another consideration that should not 
be overlooked. I refer to the kind Providence that 
has given to the world such a man, preserved his 
life to mature years, and enabled him to accomplish 
so much as he has done for the science, not only of 
the day and of this country, but of the age and 

The Agassiz Memorials. ae 

To Louis Agassiz belongs the distinction of hav- 
ing awakened, in a remarkable degree,a spirit of scien- 
tific inquiry, and of having discovered changes our 
planet has undergone, through the influence of laws 
he was the first to demonstrate, arriving at sucha 
knowledge of their operations that it may be truly 
said of him that the remote consequences of these 
laws, first predicted by his theory, were, in repeated 
instances, most signally verified upon two continents 
by his observations. 

In the circumstances of his departure from this 
life, there were peculiar mercies that call for grateful 
recognition. Fears were at one time entertained, 
and not without cause, lest he might linger through 
years of suffering, deprived of reason; but he and 
his loving family have been spared that affliction, 
and he has been, as it were, translated, to resume, 
or rather to continue, on a higher plane, his advance 
in the knowledge of the works of the Creator, with 
devout and endlessly increasing adoration of their 
Divine Author. 

On motion of Dr. Parker, the resolutions were 

unanimously adopted. 

Memorial of the Boston Natural Hrstory Soczety. 

The Memorial of the Boston Natural History So- 
ciety, of which Agassiz was a prominent member, is 
especially interesting, as it gives many facts relating 
to the Humboldt Celebration. The address was 


274 Louis Agassiz. 

delivered by the Rev. R. C. Waterson and is as 
follows : 

At a meeting of the Boston Society of Natural 
History, June, 1869, it was moved and voted that a 
celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the 
birth of Alexander von Humboldt, by this Society, 
is highly desirable. It was also suggested that Pro- 
fessor Agassiz be invited to deliver an address upon 
the occasion. The invitation was extended to Pro- 
fessor Agassiz andaccepted. Various circumstances 
connected with that memorable occasion, at a time 
like the present, come to the mind with peculiar 

In Professor Agassiz’s public address, his intro- 
ductory remarks were, “I am invited to an un- 
wonted task. Thus far I have appeared before the 
public only as a teacher of Natural History. To- 
day, for the first time in my life, I leave a field in 
which I am at home, to take upon myself the duties 
of a biographer.” 

Thus this Society had the privilege of inviting 
Professor Agassiz to a duty (most nobly fulfilled), 
which without this invitation in all probability he 
would never have entered upon. That being, as he 
himself expressed it, the first time in his life he had 
undertaken such a task; it was also, as we now 
know, destined to be the last. This event which, 
on every account, had great interest, for these 
reasons possesses a solemnand sacred import. That 
anniversary we would keep in grateful remem- 

The Agassiz Memorials. 275 

brance, forming as it does, in connection with many 
reminiscences, an added and, may we not say, an 
indissoluble tie between us and him. 

At the time when the invitation was extended to 
Professor Agassiz, he was overwhelmed with work; 
while, by previous labour, both body and mind had 
already been overtaxed. Under such circumstances 
it would have appeared next to impossible for him 
to comply with the request of the Society, yet so 
desirous was he to meet their wishes that he under- 
took the task. 

On the 8th of June Mrs. Agassiz wrote: 

“Though your letter touched and gratified me 
deeply, it made me very anxious, too. I could al- 
most have wished the occasion had not arisen, for it 
alarms me to see the way in which work accumu- 
lates upon Mr. Agassiz, whose health is no longer so 
good as it used to be. 

“It seems as if it would be easy for him to talk of 
Humboldt, and so, out of the fulness of his heart, it 
would ; but on such an occasion, the address must 
include a very careful review of all the facts of his 
life, of his relation to science through three quarters 
of acentury; it must be accurate as well as compre- 
hensive, and even Humboldt’s most intimate friend 
could not prepare it without a good deal of care and 
research. Ido not say this because I would dis- 
suade Mr. Agassiz from it; on the contrary, it 
seems to me a duty, which, since it arises, he cannot 
avoid; and I think he fully intends to undertake it, 
though not without many fears lest he should not 
rise to the grandeur of the occasion. 

276 Louis Agasstz. 

“Mr. Agassiz begs me to say that he has the 
greatest desire to further the project to the utmost 
of his power, and only fears, as I have said, to fall 
short of his own wishes, and the expectations of 
those who are willing to entrust him with such a 

On the 3d of July Professor Agassiz wrote as 
follows : 

“For weeks past I have intended every day to 
write you, but the fact is that just now I have 
scarcely time to breathe, and with the sincere desire 
of accepting the invitation tendered to me through 
you, I have been trying to free myself in some de- 
gree of the tasks before me. It is not so easy todo 
this as it seems. 

“‘ However, I write now to say that I will do my 
best so far as it depends upon me, to make the anni- 
versary of Humboldt worthy of his memory, and 
serviceable to science in the country. The task will 
be a difficult, and in some respects a painful one to 
me, none the less because of my personal relations 
with him. But I will do my best, and I beg you to 
believe that the confidence placed in me by those 
who wish to make this occasion a marked day, has 
gratified and touched me deeply. 

‘“T wish you would express this sentiment in my 
behalf, and add that my great cause of hesitation 
has been the fear that I might not satisfy the ex- 
pectations of those who have thus honoured me. 

‘““ Believe me, 
“ Ever truly yours, 
“Louis AGASSIZ.” 

The Agassiz Memorials. a7 

In a note, dated July 21st, he says: “I have been 
‘completely prostrated this week.” 

Yet notwithstanding this exhaustion (doubtless 
far beyond what was imagined by his most intimate 
friends, and, added to this, serious illness among the 
members of his own family, his son leaving for 
Europe, on account of his health, the very day upon 
which the address was delivered), Professor Agassiz 
most conscientiously devoted himself through the 
sultriness of an intensely hot midsummer, to the 
work of preparation. Few are probably aware what 
a mind like his would, under such circumstances, 
consider requisite. Nothing was to be taken for 
granted; not even the memory of former investiga- 
tions would be accepted without passing through 
the process of examination. Every step was to be 
measured, with critical exactness, through the long 
progress of Humboldt’s scientific career. 

Is there not exemplified in this fact, one of the 
marked characteristics of Professor Agassiz’s mind? 
Absolute thoroughness; sifting every question and 
principle down to its first elements; tracing every 
thought, from its earliest germ through each suc- 
cessive development, until the final result is reached. 

In order to secure freedom from all interruption 
during these researches, he asked for a room at the 
City Library, which was readily granted. Here he 
could gather about him. papers and books which 
during his absence would remain undisturbed. Mr. 
Winsor, the efficient and obliging Superintendent, 
tells me that for more than a month Professor Agassiz 
passed there at least three or four days of each week, 

278 Louis Agassiz. 

from nine o’clock in the morning until generally 
three o’clock in the afternoon, and that during this 
time he called for more than two hundred volumes 
in different languages, always desiring to read each 
work as it originally came from the mind of the 
author. Thus every work which Alexander von 
Humboldt ever wrote passed under careful review; 
not only every volume, but every pamphlet, with the 
exception of one, which could not be found in this 

On the 4th of September he wrote me: 

“JT have only yesterday finished gathering my 
materials, and have not yet begun preparing my 

He adds: “My friends will never know what 
anxieties I have to go through on this occasion.” 

Six days after this I received the following: 

‘*NAHANT, SEPT. IOTH, 1869. 

“JT have succeeded this evening in bringing toa 
close my draft of an address; not exactly as I would 
like to deliver it, but such as I may be compelled to 
read should the occurrences of the day unfit me for 
an extemporised discourse which I believe might be 
more effective.” 

It would thus appear that even after the address 
was written, he hoped to give, not what he had 
embodied in manuscript, but the result of which 
that would be the basis, in the form of an extempo- 
rised discourse, for which, as all know from his 

Lhe Agassiz Memorials. 279 

constant habit of speaking without notes, he pos- 
sessed the very highest qualifications. 
However, to meet every contingency, he adds: 

“As I go to-morrow to Cambridge, I will try to 
have my illegible manuscript set in type, that I may 
myself be able to read it. At the same time I shall 
see how my diagrams are progressing, and if satis- 
factory, forward them at once to the Music Hall. 

“ Very truly yours, 

On the 13th of September he wrote: 


“T hope I may havea proof of my address for 
your reporters by the time I reach Boston to-morrow, 
which I shall hand to you. My diagrams went to 
the Music Hall Saturday afternoon, with the palm- 
branch worn on Humboldt’s funeral. 

“The pen taken from his desk the day he died, 
and sent to me, I shall bring myself, fearing it might 
be lost if left with bulkier objects. 

“Very truly yours, 

Such were some of the preparatory labours con- 
nected with the address which was to be heard on 
that Centennial Anniversary by literary and scientific 
men from every part of the country. Seldom has 
there been an occasion in the history of New 
England, which has brought together so brilliant 
an assemblage of able scholars and prominent men 
in every department of thought. 

280 Louis Agassiz. 

At the evening reception, Mr. Ralph Waldo 
Emerson, in speaking of what he termed the “ de- 
lightful address in praise of Humboldt,” concentrated 
his estimate in this characteristic declaration, ‘‘ Our 
eminent professor never delivered a discourse more 
wise, more happy, or of more varied power.” 

These words expressed the universal feeling. And 
the address, so cordially welcomed by those who 
heard it, was received when published with equal 
favour on both sides of the Atlantic. 

This very day, I was reading a letter by Sir John 
Herschel expressing his commendation; and in the 
Life of Alexander von Humboldt, edited by Pro- 
fessor Karl Bruhns, director of the Observatory at 
Leipzig, the address of Agassiz is referred to, both 
in the preface, and in the body of the book. In the 
latter, a lengthy extract is introduced. [See Vol. II., 
pp. 179, 180, and 181.] 

There were several occasions upon which Alexan- 
der von Humboldt extended such attention and 
kindness to Agassiz, at a time when encouragement 
was most needed, that it seems but an act of justice 
and gratitude to recall them here. The first was 
related by Agassiz some fifteen years ago, at a meet- 
ing of the American Academy of Art and Science, 
soon after Humboldt’s death. 

“May I be permitted,” he said “ to tell a circum- 
stance personal to me? I was only twenty-four 
years of age when in Paris, whither I had gone with 
means given me by a friend, but I was at last about 
to resign my studies from want of ability to meet my 
expenses. Professor Mitscherlich was then on a visit 

_ The Agassiz Memorials. 281 

in Paris, and I had seen him in the morning, when 
he had asked me what was the cause of my depressed 
feelings, and I told him I had to go, for I had noth- 
ing left. The next morning as I was seated at 
breckfast, in front of the yard of the Hotel, where I 
lived, I saw the servant of Humboldt approach ; he 
handed me a note, saying there was no answer and 
disappeared. I opened the note, and I see it nowas 
distinctly as if I held the paper in my hand. It said: 


“«T hear that you intend leaving Paris in conse- 
quence of some embarrassments. This shall not be. 
I wish you to remain here as long as the object for 
which you came is not accomplished. I enclose you 
a check of £50. It is a loan which you may repay 
when you can.’”’ 

That one act of Humboldt, at the turning-point 
in the life of Agassiz, may have affected the whole 
course of his after-career. If Sir Humphrey Davy 
could say “‘ My best discovery was Michael Fara- 
day,” what shall we say of this discriminating 
instance of generous encouragement, which perhaps 
gave to us Agassiz as a man of science. 

In the address upon Humboldt, Agassiz speaks of 
his studies at Munich, whose University had opened 
under the most brilliant auspices, and where nearly 
every professor was prominent in some department 
of science or literature. ‘These men,” he says, 
“were not only our teachers but our friends. We 
were the companions of their walks, and often pres- 
ent at their discussions.” “My room,” he adds, “ was 

282 Louis Agassiz. 

our meeting-place, bedroom, study, museum, library, 
lecture-room, fencing-room, all in one. Students and 
professors used to call it the little Academy.” 

It was at this time that Humboldt was preparing 
for his Asiatic journey. Agassiz was anxious to 
accompany him, and asked that he might join the 
expedition as an assistant. This was the beginning ' 
of his personal acquaintanceship with Humboldt. 

A graphic picture is presented of the student’s life 
in Paris, in the days of Louis Philippe, when Cuvier, 
just the age of Humboldt himself, was active and 
ardent in research, his sa/on frequented by statesmen, 
scholars, and artists. 

Cuvier was then giving a course of lectures in the 
College of France, on the History of Science. 
“Humboldt,” says Agassiz, “ attended these lectures 
regularly; I had frequently the pleasure of sitting 
by his side, and being the recipient of his passing 
criticism.” At this period, Humboldt had his work- 
ing-room at the Rue de la Harpe. “There,” con- 
tinues Agassiz, “it was my privilege to visit him 
frequently. There he gave me leave to come, to 
talk with him about my work, and consult him in 
my difficulties.” 

At this time Agassiz was twenty-four years of age, 
and Humboldt sixty-two. 

“I had recently,” says Agassiz, “taken my degree 
as Doctor of Medicine, and was struggling, not only 
for a scientific position, but for the meanis of exist- 
ence also. I have said that he gave me permission 
to come as often as I pleased to his room, opening 
to me freely the inestimable advantages which inter- 

The Agassiz Memorials. 283 

course with such a man gave toa young investigator 
like myself. But he did far more than this, occupied 
and surrounded as he was, he sought me out in my 

Pere he gives a most interesting account of a visit 
from Humboldt, at Agassiz’s narrow quarters, in the 
Hotel du Jardin des Plantes. After which is an 
invitation from Humboldt, to meet him at the Palais 
Royal—where they dine—“‘a rare indulgence,” says 
Agassiz, “ for a young man, who could allow himself 
few luxuries.” ‘“ Here” he adds, “for three hours, 
which passed like a dream, I had him all to myself. 
How he examined me, and how much I learned in 
that short time! How to work,’what to do, and 
what to avoid; how to live, how to distribute my 
_ time ; what methods of study to pursue; these were 
the things of which he talked to me, on that delight- 
ful evening.” 

When we reflect upon the extended reputation 
acquired by Agassiz before he left Europe; of that 
visit to this country which led him gladly to adopt 
it as his home, and of the untiring zeal with which 
he devoted to it the best years of his life; shall we 
not hold in grateful remembrance the man who gave 
to him, at the most critical moment, the cordial hand 
of friendship, and who by his cheering words, inspired 
fresh ardour, and ahope which no after trial could 
extinguish ? 

It is more than a pleasant picture, it is a lesson for 
all time, and should awaken, through generations, 
the desire generously to encourage and wisely to aid. 

284 Louis Agassiz. 


It was in this spirit that a ‘“ Humboldt Scholar- 
ship” became associated with the Humboldt 
Anniversary. Through personal solicitation on the 
part of the committee the sum of seven thousand 
dollars was subscribed to form a permanent fund,’ 
the income of which, under the direction of the 
Faculty, was to be solely applied to the aid of young 
and needy students, while pursuing their preparatory 
studies at the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, in 
Cambridge. The founding of this scholarship was 
the voluntary proposition of this Society as a token 
of sympathy and hearty good-will. 

The gratification of Professor Agassiz was at once 
expressed. In a note written July 3d, he says: 

“Your proposition to connect a scholarship with 
the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, in commem- 
oration of this occasion, has had great weight with 
me. I believe that such an arrangement will not 
only be an ever-returning memento of the solemnities 
of this 14th of September, but, if properly con- 
ducted, will contribute to the real advancement of 
Natural History among us.” 

The origin of this scholarship was by some misap- 
prehended. It was supposed to have been suggested, 
directly or indirectly, by Professor Agassiz. This is 
an entire mistake. Noone could feel more sensitive 
than he himself did upon this subject. His feelings 
are frankly expressed in a note which I received 

Lhe Agassiz Memorials. 285 

from him, after he had read a paragraph in the daily 
_ papers, referring this movement to him. 


“In a paper to-day, giving an account of the pro- 
posed celebration, ‘a plan’ is alluded to ‘of Mr. 
Agassiz for founding a Humboldt Scholarship in 
the institution of which he is the head.’ 

“This is no doubt a simple error of the press, but 
I should be very sorry to have it stand. It would 
have been very ungracious in me, and would have 
shown, to say the least, a great want of delicacy, 
had I suggested an endowment for the Museum in 
which I am personally interested. It was, as you 
know, a proposition made spontaneously without 
any reference to me. And though I rejoice in it 
and feel doubly unwilling, on account of this offer, 
to shrink from the responsibility connected with the 
invitation of your committee, yet the suggestion 
coming from me, under the circumstances, instead 
of being appropriate, would be wholly unbecoming. 
You will excuse me for troubling you about this, 
but I am sure you will see that it places me in an 
awkward position.” 

If in any mind there should exist even the 
shadow of a misapprehension upon this subject, 
these words will serve to explain fully both the 
feelings of Professor Agassiz and the exact facts 
of the case. 

At the close of his public address of the 14th of 
September, he says: 

286 Louis Agassiz. 

‘“‘T have appeared before you as the representative 
of the Boston Natural History Society. It was 
their proposition to celebrate this memorable anni- 
versary. I feel grateful for their invitation, for the 
honour they have done me. I feel still more grateful 
for the generous impulse which has prompted them 
to connect a Humboldt Scholarship, as a memorial” 
of this occasion, with the Museum of Comparative 
Zoology at Cambridge.” 

Thus, Mr. President and gentlemen, while we 
cannot but deeply mourn the vast loss which this 
community and the whole country has sustained by 
this bereavement, we rejoice in that friendly rela- 
tionship which so long existed between us, and are 
thankful that one of the last great public utterances 
of his life was given under the auspices of this 

And now that his life, so beneficently crowded 
with activity and usefulness, has closed to us in this 
sphere of being, we are grateful that our mutual 
efforts established what will not only be a perpetual 
bond of union between this Society and the institu- 
tion of which he was the honoured head, but which, 
we trust, through successive years may prove a 
source of practical help and encouragement to num- 
berless students, who, by their future efforts, may 
extend the boundaries of knowledge, thus aiding in 
the work of human progress, while they carry for- 
ward to yet further completion those investigations 
and discoveries which, in our own day, have given 
immortality to the names of Humboldt and Agassiz. 










Note -—An asterisk placed before a title signifies that the book has 
not been seen by the compiler. 


Bibliographia Zodlogize et Geologiw. A general catalogue 
of all books, tracts, and memoirs on zoélogy and geology. Corr., enl., 
and ed. by H. E. Strickland. 4 vols., 8vo. Lond. (Royal Society), 

Caractéres Zodlogiques et Anatomiques des Sauroides 
Vivans et Fossiles. 4to. Neuchatel, 1842. 

Catalogus Systematicus Ectyporum Echinodermatum 
Fossilium Musei Neocomensis, secundum Ordinem Zodélogicum Dis- 
positus, Adjectis Synonymis Recentioribus nec non Stratis et Locis in 


288 Louis Agassiz. 

quibus Reperiuntur. Sequunter characteres diagnostict generum novo- 
rum vel minus cognitorum. Necomi Helvet., 1840. 

Contributions to the Natural History of the United States 
of America. Illus. Plates. 4 vols., 4to. Bost., 1857-62. 

Contents : v. ii—Essay on Classification—North American Testu- 
dinata, ov. iii—Embryology of the Turtle.  v. iiii—Acalephs in 
General—Ctenophore. v. iv.—Discophore—Hydroide—Homologies 
of the Radiata. 

Dents et les Rayons des Placoides. 4to. Neuchatel, 1844. 

Description des Echinodermes Fossiles de la Suisse. 2 T., 
25 planches. 4to. Neuchatel, 1839-40. 

Note:—Extraits des Tomes iii. et iv. des ‘‘ Nouveaux Mémoires de 
la Société Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles.” 

Discours d’Overture des Séances de la Société Helvétique 

des Sciences Naturelles 4 Neuchatel, le 24 Juillet, 1837. 8vo, 
Neuchatel, 1837. 

Dissertatio Inauguralis ;: De Taxi et Syntaxi Morphomatum 
Telz Cornez Dictz. 4to. Monachii, 1839. 

Essai sur la Classification des Poissons. 4to. Neuchatel, 1844. 
Essay on Classification. 8vo. Lond., 1859. 

Etudes Critiques sur les Mollusques Fossiles. [With Atlas.] 
too planches. 5 T., 4to. Neuchatel, 1840-45. 

Etudes sur les Glaciers. [With Atlas.] Dessinés d’aprés 
nature et lithographies par J. Bettanier. 2 T., 4to and f°. Neu- 
chatel, 1840, 

Geological Sketches. First and second series. Tllus. 2 vols., 
r2mo. Bost., 1866, 1876. 

Histoire Naturelle des Poissons d'Eau Douce de l’Europe 
Centrale. Planches [colored, with descriptions in French, German, 
and English.] Obl. 4to. Neuchatel, 1839. 

Iconographie des Coquilles Tertiaires, Reputées Identiques 
avec les Espéces Vivantes ou dans Différens Terrains de l'Epoque Ter- 
tiaire, Accompagnée de la Description des Espéces Nouvelles. 15 
planches. 4to. Neuchatel, 1845. 

Note :—From ‘‘ Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizer- 
ischen Gesellschaft fiir die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften,” Bd. 
vii., 1845. 

Libliography of Louis Agassiz, 289 

Journey to Switzerland and Pedestrian Tours in that 
Country. Including a Sketch of its History and of the Manners and 
Customs of its Inhabitants. 8vo. Lond., 1833. 

Lake Superior: Its Physical Character, Vegetation, and 
Animals Compared with those of Other and Similar Regions, Witha 
narrative of the tour and contributions by other scientific gentlemen. 
Illus. 8vo. Bost., 1850. 

Matériaux pour une Bibliothéque Zodlogique et Paléontolo- 
gique. Neuchatel, 1842. 

Mémoire sur les Moules de Mollusques Vivants et Fossiles. 
4to. Neuchatel, 1839. 

Vote :—Extrait de T. ii., 1839, des ‘‘ Mémoires de la Société des 
Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel.” 

Methods of Study in Natural History. 12mo. Bost., 1863. 

Note -—Appeared first in serial form in volumes ix. and x. of the 
Atlantic Monthly. 

Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Grés Rouge, 
ou Systéme Dévonien (old red sandstone) des fles Britanniques et de 
Russie . . . Ouvrage redigé 4 la demande de 1’Association 
Britannique pour ]’Avancement des Sciences et présenté par extraits 4 
sa reunion 4 Manchester en 1842. 2T.; T.ii., planches. 4to and 
obl. f°. Neuchatel, 1844-45. 

Monographies d’Echinodermes Vivants et Fossiles. 57 
planches. 4 T., gto. Neuchatel, 1838-42. 

Nomenclator Zodlogicus, Continens Nomina Systematica 
Generum Animalium tam Viventium quam Fossilium, secundum 
Ordinem Alphabeticum Deposita, Adjectis Auctoribus, Libris, in 
Quibus Reperiunter. 4to. Soloduri, 1842-46. 

—— Same. Index Universalis. 8vo. Soloduri, 1848. 

Nouvelles Etudes et Expériences sur les Glaciers Actuels: 
leur Structure, leur Progression, et leur Influence sur le Sol. 2 T.; 
T. ii., Atlas. 8vo & f°. Paris, 1847. 

Poissons Fossiles et l’Ostéologie du Genre Brochet. 4to. 
Neuchatel, 1842. 

Rapport sur les Poissons Fossiles, Présenté a |’Association 
Britannique pour: l’Avancement des Sciences en 1842, 8vo, 

Neuchatel, 1842. 

290 Louis Agassiz. 

Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, Comprenant la De- 
scription de 500 Espéces qui n’Existent plus, 1’Exposition de Lois de 
la Succession et du Développement Organique des Poissons durant 
toutes les Métamorphoses du Globe Terrestre, une Nouvelle Classifi- 
cation de ces Animaux . . . enfin, des Considérations Géolo- 
giques Générales Tirées le V’Etude des Fossiles. 10 Tom. (5 T., 
planches.) 4to. Neuchatel, 1833-43. 

Selecta Genera et Species Piscium quos in Initere per 
Brasilian Annis 1817-1820. . . . Collegit et pingendos curavit J. B. 
des Spix. . . . digessit, descripsit et observationibus anatomicis 
illustravit Dr. L. Agassiz. Preefatus est et edidit itineris socius F. C. 
P. de Martius. f°. Monachii, 1829. 

Structure of Animal Life: Six lectures delivered at the Brook- 
lyn Academy of Music, January and February, 1862. 8vo. New 
York, 1862. 

Succession et du Développement des Etres Organisés a la 

Surface du Globe Terrestre, dans la Différents Ages de la Nature. 
Discours Prononcé 4 |’Inauguration de l’ Académie de Neuchatel, le 18 
Nov., 1841. 8vo. Neuchatel, 1842. 
Same, Aufeinander-Folge und Entwickelung der Organisirten 
Wesen auf der Oberflache der Erde in den verschiedenen Zeitaltern. 
Rede . . . [delivered] am 18 Nov., 1841. Aus dem Franzésischen 
von Dr. N. Grager. 8vo. Halle aS., Gérlitz, 1843. 

Systeme Glaciaire. Nouvelles Etudes et Expériences sur les 
Glaciers Actuels. 2 7T. T.ii., planches. 8voandf*. Paris, 1847. 

Tableau Genéral des Poissons Fossiles Rangés par Ter- 
rains. I6pp. 1844. 

Tableau Synoptique des Principales Familles Naturelles 
des Plantes. 12mo. Neuchatel, 1833. 

Twelve Lectures on Comparative Embryology. Delivered 
before the Lowell Institute in Boston. 8vo. Bost., 1849. 

Untersuchungen iiber die Gletscher. . . . Nebst einen 
Atlas von 32 Steindrucktafeln (mach der Natur gezeichnet und 
lithographirt von J. Bettanier.) 2 Bde. 4to and f°. Solothurn and 
Neuchatel, 1840, 1841. 

Agassiz, Louis, and Mrs, Elizabeth C, A Journey in Brazil. 
Illus. 8vo, Bost., 1868, 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz. 291 

—— Same, [In French.] Tr. . . . par. F. Vogeli. 8vo. 
Paris, 1869. 

Agassiz, Louis, avd Gould, A. A. Principles of Zodlogy, 
Touching the Structure, Development Distribution, and Natural 
Arrangement of the Races of Animals, Living and Extinct. Pt. 
_i,; Comparative Physiology. 12mo. Bost., 1848. 

Same. [In German.] . . . Mit einen vorwort von 
Professor Bronn. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1851. 

Agassiz, Louis, 77. Conchologie, Minéralogique, par James 
Sowerby, Tr. Frangaise, corr. et aug., par L. Agassiz. 2T.; T. ii., 
planches. ; 

Agassiz, Louis, 7y. Geologie und Mineralogie in Beziehung 
zur natiirlichen Theologie von W. Buckland. Aus dem Englischen 

. mit Anmerkungen und Zusitzen versehen von Dr. L. 
Agassiz. 2 Bde. 8vo,. Neuchatel, 1838-39. 


Abgerissene Bemerkungen iiber Fossile Fische. (eues 
Fahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie, und Petrefakien- 
kunde, 1834, pp. 379-390.) 

Additions to Mr. Wood’s Catalogue of Crag Radiaria. 
(Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., v. vi., 1841, p. 343.) 

Address Delivered on the Centennial Anniversary of the 
Birth of Alexander von Humboldt, under the auspices of the Bost. 
Soc. of Nat. Hist., Sept. 14, 1869. 58 pp., 8vo. Bost., 1869. 
Same. Wumboldt Library, No. 43, 20 pp. 

Same. [Abridged.] (Amer. F1. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. 
28, July, 1859, pp. 96-107. 

Address to the California Academy of Sciences, in Response 
to an Introduction, Sept. 2, 1872. (Cal. Acad. of Sci. Proceedings, 
v. iv., 1868-72, p. 253.) : 

Same. (Mining and Scientific Press. San Fr., v. xxv., Sept. 
7, 1872, pp. 152, 153.) 

Affinities and Distribution of the Cyprinidz. (Zodlogical 

Soc. of Lond, Proceedings, 1835, pt. 3, pp. 149-151.) 

292 Louis Agassiz. 

Alte Morainen bei Baden-Baden. (Neues fahrbuch fir Min- 
eralogie, Geognoste, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1841, pp. 566, 

Alter der Glarner Schiefer-Formation, nach ihren Fische— 
Resten. (Neues Fahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und 
Petrefaktenkunde, 1834, pp. 301-306.) 

America the Old World. (Atlantic Monthly, v. xi., Mar., 1863. 
Pp. 373-382.) 

*Anatomy of Freshwater Bivalves. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. 
Proceedings, v. iii., 1850, pp. 356, 357.) 

Anatomy of the Genus Lepidosteus, with Descriptions of 
Two New Species. (Zodlogical Soc. of Lond. Proceedings, 1834, 
pt. 2, pp. IIg, 120.) 

Same, In French. (L’lustitut. fournal Général des Sociétés 
et Travaux Scientifiques, T. iii., 1835, p. 199.) 

Animal Morphology. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advanc. of Sci. 
Proceedings, 1849, pp. 411-423.) 

Animals Found in Red Snow. (British Assoc. Ady. of Sci. 
Report, 1840, pt. 2, p. 143.) 

Animals of Millepora are Hydroid Acalephs and not Polyps. 
(Amer. Fl. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. xxvi., 1858, pp. 140, 141.) 

Same. In French, (Archives des Sciences Physiques et Na- 
turelles, nouv. sér., T. v., 1859, pp. 80, 81.) 

*Animaux de la Neige Rouge. (Z’/ustitut. Fournal Génerac 
des Sociétés et Travaux Scientifigues, T. ix., 1841, p. 94.) 

*Annelides, Studies on, (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Proceedings, 
v. ili,, 1850, pp. 190, 191.) 

Antiquity of Man. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. ar 
v. xi, 1866-68, pp. 304, 305.) 

*Arrangement and Geology of Fishes. (Edinburgh New Phil, 
Fl, v. xix., 1835, pp. 331-346.) 

*Bassin de l’Amazone. (Société de Géographie, Genéve. 
Mémoires et Bulletins, T. vii., 1868, pp. 159-196.) 

Belemniten, (Neues Fahrbuch fir Mineralogie, Geognosie, 
Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1835, p. 168.) 

Libliography of Louis Agassiz. 293 

*Beschreibung einer neuen Species aus dem Genus 
Cyprinus, Linn. (sis. Encyclopddische Zeitschrift, 1828, col. 
1046-1049; 1829, col. 414, 415.) 

*. Same. In French. (Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de 
Géologie, par le Baron de Férussac, T. xix., 1829, pp. 117, 118.) 

Slack-Banded Cyprynide. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advance. of 
Sci. Proceedings, 1848, p. 70.) 

Blind Fish of the Mammoth Cave. (Amer. $2. of Sci. and 
Arts, 2d ser., v. xi., 1851, pp. 127, 128.) 

* Same, (Edinburgh New Phil. $/.,, 1851, pp. 254-256.) 

* Same. In German, (TZagsberichte cider die Fortschritte 
der Natur- und Heilkunde, Abtheilung fur Zodlogie, Bd. ii., 1851, 
PP. 45-47.) 

Blocs Erratiques du Jura. (Comptes Rendus. Hebdomadaires 
des Séances del Académie des Sciences, T. v., 1837, pp. 506-508.) 


Same, (Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve, nouv. sér.,T. xi., 
1837, pp. 416-418.) 

a Same. (L’ Institut. Fournal Général des Sociétds et Travaux 
Scientifigues, T. xi., 1837, pp. 417, 418.) 

*—— Same. In English. (Edinburgh New Phil. $1, v. xxiv., 
1838, pp. 176-179.) 
*— Same. In German. (Meue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der 

Natur- und Heilkunde, Bd. iv., 1838, col. 117.) 

* Catalogus Echinodermatum Fossilium Musei Neocomien- 
sis. (Société Impériale des Naturalistesde Moskou. Bulletin, 1839, 
PP. 422-430.) 

*Cervus Alces and Tarandus Auct (Lobatus and Hastalis). 
(Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Proceedings, v. ii., 1847, pp. 187, 188.) 

Circulation and Digestion in the Lower Animals. (Amer. 
Fi. of Sct. and Arts., 2d ser., vol. x., 1850, pp, 123, 124.) 

* Same. In German. (TZagsberichte uber die Fortschritte der 
Natur- und Heilkunde. _ Abtheilung fiir Zodlogie, Bd. ii., 1851, 
Pp. 135.) 

Circulation of the Fluids in Insects. (Amer. Assoc. for the 
Advance. of Sci. Proceedings, 1849, pp. 140-143.) 

Same. In French. (Annales des Sci. Naturelles. Zodlogie, 
ge sér., T. xv., 1851, pp. 358—362.) 

294 Louts Agassiz. 

* Circulation of the Lower Animals. (Bost, Soc. of Nat. 
Hist. Proceedings, v. iii., 1850, pp. 206, 207.) 

* Classification des Animaux dans ses Rapports avec leur 
Développement Embryonnaire et avec leur Histoire Paléontologique. 
(Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve, 4esér., T. xv., 1850, pp. 190-204.) 

Classification in Zodlogy. (Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sci. Pvo- 
ceedings, V. 3, 1852-57, p. 221.) 

*Classification of Fishes. (Zdinburgh New Phil. F1., v. xxxvii., 
1844, pp. 132-143.) 

* Same. In German. (Weue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der 
Natur- und Heilkunde, Bd. xxxi., 1844, col. 225-230; 241-245.) 

Classification of Insects from Embryological Data. Illus. 
Plates. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, v. ii., No. 6, 1851, 

28 pp.) 


* Classification of Mammalia, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes 
from Embryonic and Paleozoic Data. (Adinburgh New Phil. Fi., 
v. xlix., 1850, pp. 395-398.) 

Classification of Polyps. (Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sci. Pro- 
ceedings, V. iii., 1852-57, p. 187.) 

Classification of the Siluroids. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Pro- 
ceedings, V. xi., 1866-68, p. 354.) 

Same, (Edinburgh New Phil. Fl., v. liv., 1853, pp. 101— 

Coloration of Animals, New Views Respecting. (Amer. 
Acad. of Sci. Proceedings, v. ii., 1848-52, p. 234.) 

Comparison of the Skulls of the American Bison and 
European Aurochs, (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Proceedings, v. xi., 
1866-68, pp. 317, 318.) 

*Considérations sur la Distribution Géographique des 
Animaux et de Homme. (Société des Sciences Naturelles de 
Neuchatel. Audlletin, T. i., 1844-46, pp. 162-166.) 

Contemplation of God in the Cosmos. (Christian Examiner, 
v. l., Jan., 1851, pp. I-17.) 

Contributions to the Natural History of the Acalephe of 
North America, Part 1: On the Naked-Eyed Meduse of the 
Shores of Massachusetts in their Perfect State of Development. 
Part 2: On the Beroid Medusz of the Shores of Massachusetts in 

Libliography of Louis Agassiz. 295 

their Perfect State of Development. (Amer. Acad. of Arts and 
Sci. Memoirs, N, S., v. iv., Pt. 2, 1850, pp. 221-367.) 

— Same. Parti. (Amer. $1. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., 
v. x., Sept., 1850, | p. 272-276.) 

“Contributions to the Natural History of the United 
States,” Announcement of. (Havfer’s Mag., v. xi., Aug., 1855, 
PP: 414, 415.) 

“Contributions to the Natural History of the United 

States.” [Prospectus of the Publication of.] (Amer. $1. of Sci. and 
Arts, 2d ser., v. xx., July, 1855, pp. 149-151.) 

*Coup d’CEil Synoptique des Ganoides Fossiles. (Société 
Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moskou. #ulletin, T. viii., 1835, 
pp- 202-3 18.) 

Cours de l’Amazone. (Société de Géographie, Paris. Bulletin, 
5e sér., T. xii., 1866, pp. 433-457.) 

Darwinian Theory, The. [Facsimile of a letter sent to James 
A. Parsons in reply to an inquiry as to A’s views.] (Scientific 
American, v. xxx., Feb. 7, 1874, p. 85.) 

Deep-Sea Dredgings in the Gulf Stream during the Third 
Cruise of the U. S. Steamer £766. (Harvard College. Museum of 
Comparative Zoélogy. Bulletin, v. i., 1863-69, pp. 363-386.) 

Deep-Sea Dredging, Letter concerning addressed to Prof. 
Peirce. (Harvard College. Museum of Comparative Zodlogy. 
Bulletin, v. iii., 1872-73, pp. 49-53.) 

Same. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 4th ser., v. ix., 
1872, pp. 169-174.) 

Deep-Sea Explorations. More about the Trilobites. (Cana- 
dian Naturalist and Geologist, v. vi., 1872, pp. 358-361.) 

*Descriptio Speciei Nove e Genere Cycnocephalus, Briss. 
(Isis. Encyclopidische Zeitschrift, Bd. xxi., 1828, col. 861-863.) 

Same. In French. (Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de 
Géologie, par le Baron de Férussac, T. xix., 1829, pp. 345, 346.) 

*Description de quelques Espéces de Cyprins du Lac de 
Neuchatel. (L’ Institut. Yournal Général des Sociétés et Travaux 
Scientifiques, T. iv., 1836, pp. 419, 420.) 

296 7 Louis Agassiz. 

- *Description de quelques Espéces de Cyprinus du Lac de 
Neuchatel, qui sont encore inconnues aux Naturalistes. (Société des 
Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Mémoires, T.i., 1835, pp. 33-48.) 

*—— Same. In German. (Archiv fir Naturgeschichte, Bd. iv., 
1838, pp. 73-82.) 

*Description des Echinodermes Fossiles de la Suisse 
Ire Partie. (Meue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen 
Geselischaft fiir die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften, Bd. iii., 1839; 
Bd. iv., 1840.) 

Détermination Exacte de la Limite des Neiges Eternelles 
en un Point Donné. (Comptes Rendus. Hebdomadaires des Séances 
de l Académie des Sciences, T. xvi., 1843, pp. 752-756.) 

Same, In German. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Von 
7. C. Poggendorff, Bd. lix., 1843, pp. 342-348.) 

*Development of Lepidopterous Insects. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. 

Hist. Proceedings, v. iii., 1850, pp. 199-200.) 

*Développement des Actinies. (Société Philomatique, Paris, 
Extraits des Proces-Verbaux des Séances de la. 1847, pp. 96-98.) 

* (ZL’lnstitut. Fournal Général des Sociétés Travaux e. 
Scientifiques, T. xv., 1847, pp. 388-389.) : 

*Développement des Etres. (Société Géologique de France. 
Bulletin, T. xii., 1854-55, pp. 353-355.) 

Differences between Progressive, Embryonic, and Pro- 
phetic Types in the Succession of Organized Beings through the 
Whole Range of Geological Times. (Amer. Assoc. for the Adyanc. 
of Sci. Proceedings, 1849, pp. 432-438.) 

*— Same, (Edinburgh New Phil. $1., v. xlix., 1850, pp. 

Different Species of the Genus Salmo which Frequent the 
Various Rivers and Lakes of Europe. (British Assoc. for the Advanc. 
of Sci. Report, 1834, pp. 617-623.) 

*—— Same. (Edinburgh New Phil. Fl., v. xvii., 1834, pp. 


Same. In French. (L’lmstitut. Yournal Général des 
Socidtés et Travaux Scientifiques, T. iii., 1835, pp. 72, 73.) 

Discovery of Viviparous Fish in Louisiana by D. Dowler. 
(Amer. Fl. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. .xix., 1855, pp. 133-136.) 

Libliography of Louis Agassiz. 297 

* Distribution des Anciennes Maraines de |’Allée Blanche 
et du Val Ferret. (Socicté des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. 
Bulletin, T. i., 1844-46, p. 171.) 

* Distribution Géographique des Animaux. (Société des 
Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Budletin, T. i., 1844-46, pp. 
58-60 ; 63-66. 

* Distribution Géographique des Cheiroptéres. (Socidté des 
Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Budletin, T. i., 1844-46, pp- 

* Distribution Géographique des Etres Organisés. (Société 
des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Bud/etin, T. i., 1844-46, 
Pp- 357-362.) 

*Distribution Géographique des Quadrumanes Animaux. 
(Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Bulletin, T. i., 
1844-46, p. 58.) 

*Distribution of Fossils in Formations. (Zdindurgh New 
Phil. Fl., v. xxxii., 1842, pp. 9, 10.) 

*Diverses Familles de l’Ordre des Crinoides. (Société Hel- 
vétique des Sciences Naturelles. Actes, 1845, pp. 91-93.) 

Diversity of Origin of the Human Races. (Christian Ex- 
aminer, Vv. xlix., July, 1850, pp. 110-145.) 

*Echinodermen. (/sis, Luxcyclopidische Zeitschrift, 1834, col. 

Same. Growth and Bilateral Symmetry of the 
Echinodermata. (Lond. and Edinb. New Phil. Mag., v. v., 1834, 
pp. 369-373.) 

*Einleitung zu einer Monographie der Radiarien oder 
Echinodermen. (Weue Wotizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur— und 
Heilkunde, Bd. v., 1838, pp. 305-311, 321-326.) 

*Embryology, Lectures on. Illus. (American Traveller and 
Daily Evening Traveller, 1848-49.) 

Embryology of Ascidia and the Characteristics of New 
Species from the Shores of Massachusetts. (Amer. Assoc. for the 
Advance. of Sci. Proceedings, 1849, pp. 157-159.) 

Embryology of the Turtle, Recapitulation of, as Given in 
‘Contributions to the Natural History of the U. S.”, v. ii., pt. 3. 

298 Louis Agassiz. 
By H. J. Clark. (Amer. Fl. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. xxv., 
May, 1858, pp. 342-357.) 

*Entwickelung eines Seesterns. (Archiv fir Anatomie, 
Physiologie, und Wissenschaftliche Medicin. Von $. Miller, Bd. 
xvii., 1851, pp. 122-124.) 

*Enumeration des Poissons Fossiles d’Italie. (Nuovi An- 
nali Scienze Natural, Bologna, T. iv., 1840, pp. 244-252; 325-332.) 

Erratic Phenomena about Lake Superior. [Extract from 
Lake Superior, etc.| (Amer. Fl. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. x., 1850, 
pp. 83-101.) 

Same, In French. (Bibhothégue Universelle de Geneve, 
4e sér., T. xvi., 1851, pp. 5-34.) 

*Etude Comparative du Cerveau des Poissons. (Société des 
Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Bulletin, T. i., 1844-46, pp. 
147, 148.) 

Eulogy on Dr. J. E. Holbrook. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. 
Proceedings, v. xiv., 1870-71, pp. 347-351.) 

Evolution and Permanence of Type. (Aétlantic Monthly, 
v. xxxlii., Jan., 1874, pp. 92-101.) 

Examination of the Florida Reefs, Keys, and Coast. (U.S. 
Coast Survey. Ann. Rep. of Suf’t., 1851, pp. 145-160. 
Same, (U.S. Pub. Docs., 32d Cong., 1st Sess., 1851-52. 
Senate Ex. Docs., v. v., No. 3, pp. 145-160.) 
Same. (U.S. Coast Survey. Ann: Rep. of Sup’t., 1866, 
Ppp. 120-130.) 

Exploration of the Coral Reefs of Florida. (Amer. Assoc. 
for the Advance. of Sci. Proceedings, 5th meeting, 1851, pp. 81-85.) 

External Appearance of Glaciers. (Atlantic Monthly, v. xiii., 
Jan., 1864, pp. 56-65.) ; 

Extraordinary Fishes from California, constituting a new fam- 
ily [Holconoti]. (Amer. $1. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. xvi., 1853, 
PP. 380-390 ; v. xvii., pp. 365-369.) 

*% Same, (Edinburgh New Phil. $1., v. lii., 1884, pp. 
* Same, InGerman. (Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte. Von 

Wiegmann, Bd. xx., 1854, pp. 149-162; Bd. xxi., 1854, pp. 30-34.) 

Libliography of Louts Agasstz. 299 

*Faites en étudiant les Nageoires des Poissons. (Société 
Helveétique des Sciences Naturelles. Actes, 1845, PP. 49-52.) 

*Familie der Karpfen. (Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Von 
Wiegmann, 1838, pp. 73-81.) 

Farbende Infusorien in rothem Schnee. (Neues Yahrbuch 
Jiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1840, 
P- 93-) 

Faune Ichthyologique de l’Amazone, Lettres Relatives ala. 
(Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Zodlogie, 5e sér., T. iv., 1865, 
pp. 382, 383; T. v., 1866, pp. 226-228, 309-311.) 

Fern Forests of the Carboniferous Period. (Atlantic Monthly, 
v. xi., May, 1863, pp. 615-625.) 

Fish-nest [of Chironectes Pictus] in the Sea-weed of the 
Sargasso Sea. (Amer. $l. of Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., v. iii., 1872, 
Pp. 154-156.) 

*— Same. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 4th ser., v. ix., 
1872, pp. 243-245.) 

#. Same. (Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, v. vi., 1872, 
PP- 354-356.) 

* Same. (Monthly Microscopical F., v. vii, 1872, pp. 120, 
*—— Same. In French. (Société des Sciences Naturelles de 

Neuchatel. Budletin, T. ix., 1873, pp. 165-169.) 

Fishes from the Southern Bend of the Tennessee River in 
Alabama, Collection of. (Amer. $2. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. xvii., 
1854, Pp. 297-308 ; 353-365.) 

Fishes of Lake Superior. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advanc. of 
Sci. Proceedings, 1848, pp. 30-32.) 

Florida Reefs, Report onthe. Illus. 23 plates. 61 pp. (Harvard 
College, Museum of Comparative Zoélogy. Memoirs, v. vii., No. 1, 

Formation of Glaciers. (Atlantic Monthly, v. xii., Nov., 1863, 
pp- 568-576.) 

Former Existence of Local Glaciers in the White 
Mountains. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advanc. of Sci. Proceedings, 
y. xix., 1870, pp. 161-167.) 

Same. (American Naturalist, v. iv., 1871, pp. 550-558.) 

300 Louis Agassiz. 

*Fossil Fishes. (Zdinburgh New Phil. Fl., v. xxxvii., 1844, 
Pp. 331-334.) 

*Fossil Fishes Found by Mr. Gardner in the Province of 
Ceara, in the North of Brazil. (Edinburgh New Phil. F1., Vv. Xxx., 
1841, pp. 82-84.) 

Fossil Fishes of Scotland. (British Assoc. for the Advanc. of 
Sci. Report, 1834, pp. 646-649.) 

cs Same. In French. (L’Zustitut. fournal Général des 
Sociétés et Travaux Scientifiques, T. iii., 1835, pp. 65, 66.) 

Fossil Fishes of the Devonian System, or Old Red 
Sandstone. (British Assoc. for the Advanc. of Sci. Report, 1842, 
pp. 80-88.) 

* Same. In French. (Bibhothéque Universelle de Genéve, 
T. xliii., 1843, pp. 353-369.) 

Fossil Fishes, Particularly Those of the London Clay. 
(Edinburgh New Phil, Fl., v. xxxix., 1845, pp. 321-327; v. xl, 
1846, pp. 121-125.) 

Fossil Remains of an Elephant Found in Vermont. (Amer. 
Assoc. for the Advance. of Sci. Proceedings, 1849, pp. 100, IOT.) 

*Fossiles du Terrain Crétacé du Jura Neuchatelois. (So- 
ciété des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. A/émoires, T. i., 1835, 
pp. 126-145.) 

* Same. (L’I[nstitut. Fournal Général des Sociétés et Tra- 
vaux Scientifigues, T. iv., 1836, pp. 420, 421.) 

Fossilien Fische die Liasformation. (¥ahrbuch fiir Mineral- 
ogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1832, pp. 139-149.) 

Fossilien Siisswasser-Fische der Tertiaren Formationen. 
(Fahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognoste, Geologie und Petrefakten- 
kunde, 1832, pp. 129-138.) 

Freshwater Fishes of Central Europe. (Amer. $0. of Sci. 
and Arts, vol, xlv., 1843, pp. 211-214.) 

*Gattungen Unterden Nordamerikanischen Najaden. 
(Archiv fir Naturgeschichte. Von Wiegmann, T. xviii., 1852, pp. 

Gegen Wissmann’s Ansicht vom Ursprung Erratischer 
Blicke. (Mewes Fahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und 
Petrefaktenkunde, 1840, pp. 575, 576.) 

Libliography of Louis Agassiz. 301 

*Genus Dorudon of Gibbs. (Phila. Acad. of Nat. Sci. Pro- 
ceedings, vol. iv., 1848, pp. 4, 5.) 

Genus Trigonia. Charakter von Art iiberhaupt, Gletscher. 
(Neues Fahrbruch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petree 
Jaktenkunde, 1841, pp. 356, 357.) 

* Geographical Distribution of Animals. (Edinburgh New 
Phil. F1., v. xlix., 1850, pp. 1-23.) 


Same. In German. (Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen 
Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens, Bd. 7, 1850, 

pp. 228-254.) 

*Geographische Verbreitung der Fische. (Tagsberichte, 
_ tiber die Fortschritte der Natur-und Heilkunde, Adthetlung fir 

Zoblogie, Bd. i., 1850, pp. 244-247.) 

Geological Middle Age, The. (A¢lantic Monthly, v. xii., Aug., 
1863, pp. 212-224.) 

* Geologie de la Vallée de l’Amazone. (Société Géologique de 
France. Suxiletin, T. xxiv., 1867, pp. I0g-III.) 

* Gills of Crustacea. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Proceedings, 
v. iii., 1850, pp. 225, 226.) 

Glacial Period, The. (Atlantic Monthly, v. xiii., Feb. 1864, 
Ppp. 224-232.) 

Glacial Phenomena in Maine. (Atlantic Monthly, v. xix., Feb.- 
Mar., 1867, pp. 211-220; 281-287.) 

Same. In French. (Archives des Sciences Physique et Natu- 
velles, T. xxviii., 1867, pp. 319-352.) 

*Glacial Theory of the Erratics and Drift of the New 
and Old Worlds. (Edinburgh New Phil, F1., v. xlix., 1850, pp. 

Glacier de 1’Aar, Observation sur le. (Comptes Rendus. 
Hebdomadaires des Séances del Académie des Sciences. Paris, T. xv., 
1842, pp. 284-288.) 

—— Same. (Annales de Chimie, n. sér., T. vi., 1842, pp. 

*—— Same. In English. (Zdinburgh New Phil, Fl., v. xxxili., 
1842, pp. 399-402.) 

302 Louis Agassiz. 

* Same. In German. (Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen 
Gesellschaft fiir die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften, 1842, pp. 

*Glaciers. (Société Géologique de France. Bulletin, T. ix., 
1837-38, pp. 407, 408, 443, 450.) 
Same. (Comptes Rendus. Hebdomadaires des Séances de 
l Académie des Sciences. Paris, T. xv., 1842, pp. 435-446.) 


Same, (Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles. Actes, 
1843, pp. 72-74.) 

*—— In English. (Zdinburgh New Phil, F1., v. xxvii., 1839, 
pp. 383-391.) 
*—— Same. InGerman. (Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der 

Natur- und Heilkunde, Bd. xi., 1839, cols. 65-70.) 

a Same. In German. (Zeitschrift fiir Erdkunde als Ver- 
eleichende Wissenschaft, Bd. iv., 1845, pp. 376-382.) 

Glaciers and Boulders in Switzerland. (British Assoc. for 
the Advanc. of Sci. Report, 1840, pt. 2, pp. 113, 114.) 

Same. In German. (Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der 
Natur- und Heilkunde, Bd. xvi., 1840, cols. 337-344.) 

*Glaciers and the Evidence of their having once Existed in 
Scotland, Ireland, and England. (Geol. Soc. of Lond. Proceedings, 
v. iii., 1842, pp. 327-332.) 

Same. (Lond. and Edinb, Phil, Mag. and Fl. of Sci., v. xviii., 
1841, pp. 569-574.) 

—— Same. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., v. vi., 1841, pp. 

*Glaciers, des Moraines et des Blocs Erratiques. (Bidiio- 
theque Universelle de Geneve, nouv. sér., T. xii., 1837, pp. 369-394.) 

*. Same. In English. (Edinburgh New Phil. Fl., v. xxiv., 
1838, pp. 364-383.) 

Glanis of Aristotle, The. (Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sci. Pro- 
ceedings, V. lii,, 1852-57, pp. 325-334.) 

Gletscher-Studien mit Studer. (Neues Fahrbuch fiir Miner- 
alogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1840, pp. 92, 93.) 

Growth of Continents, (Adlantic Monthly, v. xii., July, 1863, 
pp. 72-81.) 

Libliography of Louis Agassiz. 303 

Growth of Coral Reefs. (A Lecture. Scientific American, N.S., 
v. vi., Feb. 15, 1862, p. ror.) 

Growth of the Egg, Prior to the Development of the 
Embryo. Amer. Assoc. for the Advanc. of Sci. Proceedings, 4th 
meeting, 1850, pp. 18, 19.) 

Hassler Expedition, Remarks on Results of. Sept. 2, 1872. 
(Calif. Acad. of Sci. Proceedings, v. iv., 1868-72, pp. 257, 258.) 

Same. (Mining and Scientific Press, San. Fr., vy. xxv., Sept. 
7, 1872, p. 153.) 

Homologies of Echinoderms. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Pro- 
ceedings, V. viii., 1861-62, pp. 235-238.) 

Homologies of Radiata. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Proceedings, 
Vv. Vili., 1861-62, pp. 226-232.) 

Ice Period in America. (Atlantic Monthly, v. xiv., July, 1864, 
pp- 86-93.) 

*Ichthyological Fossil Fauna of the Old Red Sandstone. 
Edinburgh New Phil. Fl., v. xli., 1846, pp. 17-49.) 

* Iconographie des Coquilles Tertiaires Reputées Identiques 
avec les Espéces Vivantes ou dans Différens Terrains de l’Epoque 
Tertiaire Accompagnée de la Description des Espéces Nouvelles. 
(Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schwetzerischen Gesellschaft 
fiir die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Bd, vii., 1845.) 

*Identité, L’, des Coquilles Tertiaires et des Coquilles 
Vivantes. (Société Géologique de France. Bulletin, 2e sér., T.i., 
1844, Pp- 744, 745.) 

*Influence de l’Inclinaison du Sol sur le Mouvement de la 
Glace. (Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Audletin, 
T. i., 1844-46, pp. 4, 5.) 

*Infusoires Fossiles du Tripoli d’Oran. (L’lustitut. Fournal 
Général des Sociétés et Travaux Scientifigues. Paris, T. v., 1837, pp. 
330, 331-) 

*Infusoria. The Earliest Larval State of Intestinal Worms. 
Edinburgh New Phil. F1., v. liii., 1852, pp. 314, 315.) 

Internal Structure and Progression of the Glacier. (Adantic 
Monthly, v. xii., Dec., 1863, pp. 751-767.) 

Investigations upon Medusz. (Amer. Acad. of Sci. Pro- 
ceedings, V. ii., 1848-52, pp. 148, 149.) 

304 Louis Agassiz. 

*Isard, L’,des Pyrénées Comparé au Chamois des Alpes. 
(Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Budletin, T. i., 1844- 
46, pp. 57, 58.) 

Kritische Revision der in der Ittiolitologia Veronese Abge- 
bildeten Fossilen Fische. (Neues Fahrbruch fir Mineralogie, Ge- 
ognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1835, pp. 290-316.) 

Kiinstliche Steinkerme von Konchylien; Fische. (Mewes — 
Fahrbruch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefakten- 
kunde, 1838, pp. 49-51.) 

* Letters to Louis Coulon. (Société de Physique et d’Histoire 
Naturelle de Genéve. J/émotres, T. xxiii. 1874, pp. 72-__.) 

Lettre [addressée de Boston 4 M. de Humboldt) sur quelques 
Points de l’Organisation des Animaux Rayonnés et sur la Parité 
Bilaterale dans les Actinies. (Comptes Rendus. Hebdomadaires des 
Séances 1 Académie des Sciences. Paris, T. xxv., 1847, pp. 677-682.) 

Léssbildungen im Thale des Amazonenstroms. (ewes 
Fahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefakten- 
kunde, Bd, xxxviii., 1867, pp. 180, 181.) 

*Manatee is a Pachyderm, The. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. 
Proceedings, vol, iii., 1850, p. 209.) 

Marcou’s “Geology of North America.” [Review of.] 
(Amer. Fl. of Sct. and Arts, 2d ser., vol. xxvii., Jan., 1859, pp. 

*Mémoire sur les Moules de Mollusques Vivantes et Fos- 
siles. (Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. J/émoires, 
T. ii., 1839.) 

Métamorphoses des Poissons. (Annales des Sciences Natu- 
relles. Zodlogie, 5e sér., T. iii., 1865, pp. 55-58.) 

*Métamorphoses que Subissent les Animaux des Classes 
Inférieures. (Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Bz/- 
letin, T. i., 1844-46, pp. 156-158.) 

Métamorphoses Subies par Certains Poissons avant de 
Prendre la Forme Propre 4 l’Adulte. (Comptes Rendus. Hebdoma- 
daires des Séances de 1’ Académie des Sciences. Paris, T. lx., 1865, 
pp. 152, 153.) 

Same, In English. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 3d 
ser., vol. xvi., 1865, pp. 69, 70.) 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz. 305 

Methods of Study in Natural History. (A/lantic Monthly, 
v. ix., 1861, pp. I-13 } 214-222; 327-3375 446-460; 570-578; 754- 
762 ; v. x., 1862, pp. 87-98 ; 325-336; 571-580.) 

Mode of Copulation among the Selachians. (Bost. Soc. of 
Nat. Hist. Proceedings, v. xiv., 1872, pp. 339-341.) 

Monograph of Garpikes. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advance. of Sci. 
Proceedings, 1848, p. 70.) 

Morphology of the Medusz. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advanc. of 
Sci. Proceedings, 3d meeting, 1850, pp. 119-122.) 
* Same. (Edinburgh New Phil. F., v. 1., 1851, pp. 85-89.) 

Moules du Musée de Neuchatel. (Société Imperiale des Na- 
turalistes de Moscou. Sudlletin, 1839, pp. 415-430.) 

Mountains and their Origin. (Adlantic Monthly, v. xi., Jun., 
1863, pp. 747-756.) 

*Mouvement du Glacier de l’Aar. (Société des Sciences Na- 
turelles de Neuchatel. Bulletin, T. i., 1844-46, pp. 1-4.) 

Same. In German. (Mewes Fahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, 
Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1844, p. 620.) 

* Mya Alba, Espéce Nouvelle de de Porto-Rico. (Société des 
Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Mémoires, T. ii., 1839.) 

Narrative of an Expedition through the Straits of Magel- 
lan to San Francisco in the Steamer Hass/er. (Smithsonian Institu- 
tion. Report, 1872, pp. 87-92.) 

Same. (Smithsonian Inst. sc. Coll., v. xviii., pp. 394- 

Same. (U. S. Pub. Docs., 42d Cong., 3d Sess., 1873-74. 
House Misc. Doc., No. 107.) 

Natural History of the Animal Kingdom. A Lecture. Illus. 
(Mining and Scientific Press, San Fr., v. xxv., Oct. 26, 1872, pp. 
262, 265. 

Same. (Overland Monthly, v. ix., Nov., 1872, pp. 461-466.) 

Natural Provinces of the Animal World and Their Relation 
to the different Types of Mankind. [From Nott, J. C., and Glid- 
don, G. R., ‘‘ Types of Mankind.” ] (Zdindurgh New Phil. F., v. 
Ivil., 1854, pp. 347-363.) 


306 Louis Agassiz. 

Natural Relations between Animals and the Elements in 
which they Live. (Amer. $l, of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. ix., 1850, 
pp- 369-394.) 

Same. Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 2d ser., v. vi., 1850, 

PP. 153-179.) 
*. Same. (Edinburgh New Phil, Fl, v. xlix., 1850, pp. 193- 


Same. In French, (Bibliothégue Universelle de Genéve, 4e. 
sér., T. xix., 1852, pp. 15-31.) 

*Nature et Définition des Espéces. (Revue des Cours Scien- 
tifiques, T. vi., 1869, pp. 166-169.) 

Neue Beobachtungen auf den Gletschern; Myacen; Struk- 
tur der Gletscher ; Desor tiber Fossile Nucleolitem ; Fossil-Arten 
der Molasse. (Meues Fahrbuch fiir Mineralogie Geognosie, Geologie 
und Petrefaktenkunde, 1843, pp. 84-89.) 

Neue Entdeckungen iiber Fossile Fische. (Veues Fahrbuch 
fiir Mineralogie, Geognoste, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1833, pp. 

* Same. In English. (Edinburgh New Phil, F1., v. xxxvii., 
1844, pp. 331-347.) 

*New Classification of Fishes and on the Geological Dis- 
tribution of Fossil Fishes. (Zadindurgh New Phil. $/., v. xviii., 
1835, pp. 175-178.) 

Same. (Lond. and Edinb, Phil, Mag., v. v., 1834, pp. 459- 


Same, Geological Soc. of Lond. Proceedings. Part ii., 
1838, pp. 99-102.) 

New Species of Fish from Lake Superior. (From ‘‘ Lake 
Superior,” etc., by A.) (Amer. Fl. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. X., 
1850, pp. 125-127.) 

*Nouvelle Espéce d’Esoce du Lac Ontario. (L’Justitut, 
Fournal Général des Sociétés Scientifiques de la France et de 
? Etranger, T. xxv., 1857, p. 128.) 

*Nouvelles Etudes sur les Prétendues Identités que l’on 
Admet Généralement entre les Espéces Vivantes et les Fossiles de 
Certains Terrains. (Société des Sciences Natureiles de Neuchatel. 
Bulletin, T. i., 1844-46, pp. 108-109.) 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz. 307 

*Nouvelles Observations Faites en Etudiant les Nageoires 
des Poissons. (Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles. Actes, 
1845, Ppp. 49-52.) 

*Numerous Minute Tubes in Fishes, Opening Externally. 
(Bost. Soc, of Nat. Hist. Proceedings, v. iii., 1848, pp. 27, 28.) 

Observations de M. Durocher Relatives aux Phénoménes 
Erratiques de la Scandinavie, Remarques sur les. (Comptes Rendus. 
flebdomadaires des Séances del Académie des Sciences, Paris, T. xxii., 
Pt. 2, 1845, pp. 1331-1333.) 

*—— Same. In English. (Zdinburgh New Phil. F1., v. x1., 
1845, p. 237-) 

Observations Géologiques faites dans la Vallée de l’Ama- 
zone. (Comptes Rendus. Hebdomadaires des Séances de 1 Académie 
des Sciences, Paris, T. lxiv., 1867, pp. 1269, 1270.) 

*Ordre d’Apparition des Caractéres Zodlogiques pendant 
la Vie Embryonnaire. (Revue des Cours Scientifiques, T. vi., 1869, 
pp. 169-171.) 

Origin of Species. [From ‘‘ Contributions to the Nat. Hist. of 
the U. S.,” v. iii.] (Amer. $1. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., vol. xxx., 
July, 1860, pp. 142-155.) 

Parallel Roads of Glen Roy in Scotland. (Adlantic Monthly, 
vy. xiii., June, 1864, pp. 723-736.) 

*Parasite Little Bodies of Hydra. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. 
Proceedings, Vv. iii., 1850, pp. 354, 355.) 

*Period in the History of our Planet, A. (Zdinburgh New 
Phil, Fl., v. xxxv., 1843, pp. I-29.) 


Same. In German. (Weue Wotizen aus dem Gebiete der 
Natur- und Heilkunde, Bd. xxvii., 1843, cols. 241-248; 257-264; 
273-280 ; 289-292.) 

*Petromyzontidez and Their Embryonic Development and 
Place in the Natural History System. (Ldinburgh New Phil, F1., 
y. xlix., 1850, pp. 242-246.) 

Phonetic Apparatus of the Cricket. (Amer. Assoc. for the 
Advance. of Sci. Proceedings, 1848, p. 41.) 

Physical History of the Valley of the Amazons. (Adlaniic 
Monthly, v. xviii., July-Aug., 1866, pp. 49-60, 159-169.) 

308 Louts Agassiz. 

*Pictel’s ‘‘ Treatise on Paleontology, Remarks on.” 
(Edinburgh New Phil. F1., v. xxxix., 1845, pp. 295-302.) 

* Same. In German. (Meue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der 
Natur- und Heilkunde, 2te ser., Bd. xxxvi., 1845, cols. 209-213.) 

*Points de Organisation des Euryales, Accompagnée de 
la Description Detailée de I’Espéce de la Méditerranée. (Société 
des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Mémoires, T. ii., 1839.) 

Poissons des Etats-Unis. (Comptes Rendus. Hebdomadaires 
des Séances de ? Académie des Sciences, Paris, T. xxxvii., 1853, p. 184.) 

%. Same. (L’Institut. Fournal Général des Sociétés et Tra- 
vaux Scientifigues, 1853, p. 287.) 

* Poissons des Terrains Paléozoiques. (Société Philomatique, 
Paris. Lxtraits des procés-verbaux des Séances, 1846, pp. 61, 62.) 

* Same. (L’ Institut. Fournal Général des Sociétés et Travaux 
Scientifigues, Paris, T. xiv., 1846, p. 163.) 

*Poissons Fossiles. (Société Impériale des Naturalistes de 
Moscou. Sudlletin, T. viii., 1835, pp. 180-201.) 

* Poissons Fossiles de l’Angleterre. (Z’Zustitut. Fournal 
Général des Sociétés et Travaux Scientifigues, Paris, T. iv., 1836, 
pp. 85, 86.) 

Poissons Fossiles de l’Argile de Londres. [In French and 
English.] (British Assoc. for the Advanc. of Sci. Report, 1844, pp. 

Same, In French. (Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Z- 
ologie, 3e sér., 1845, pp. 21-48.) 

* Same. In English. (Edinburgh New Phil. Fl., v. xxxix., 
1845, pp. 321-327.) 

Poissons Fossiles de la Formation Houillére. (Z’ Justitut. 
Fournal Général des Sociétés et Travaux Scientifigues, Paris, T. iii., 
1835, Pp- 253, 254.) 

Poissons Fossiles du Brésil. (Comptes Rendus. Hebdomadaires 
des Séances de l’ Académie des Sciences, Paris, T. xviii., 1844, pp. 

*—— Same. (L’Institut. Sournal Général des Sociétés et Tra- 
vaux Scientifiques, T. x., 1844, pp. 187, 188.) 

*Poissons Vivipares, (Z'lJnstitut. Sournal Général des Sociétés 
Scientifiques de la France, T. xxiv., 1856, p. 164.) 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz. 309 

*Polished and Striated Surfaces of the Rocks which Form 
the Beds of the Glaciers of the Alps. (Geological Soc. of Lond. 
Proceedings, V. iii., 1842, pp. 321, 322.) 

Same. (Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag. and $1. of Sci., y. 
Xvili., 1841, pp. 565, 566.) 

Same, (Annals and Mag. of Nat, Hist., v. vi., 1841, pp. 
392, 393.) 

*Pores in the Disc of Echinoderms. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. 
Proceedings, Vv. iii., 1850, pp. 348, 349.) 

Primitive Diversity and Number of Animals in Geological 
Times. (Amer. Fl. of Sct. and Arts, 2d ser., v. xvii., 1854, pp. 

—— Same. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 2d ser., v. xiv., 
1854, pp. 350-366.) 

*—— Same. (Edinburgh New Phil, F1., v. \ii., 1854, pp. 27I- 


Same. In French. (Bibkiothégue Universelle de Gendve. 
4e sér., T. xxx., 1855, pp. 27-50.) 

*Principes Rationnels de la Classification Zodlogique. 
(Revue des Cours Scientifique, T. vi., 1869, pp. 146, 165.) 

Principles of Classification [of the Animal Kingdom.] 
(Amer. Assoc. for the Advanc. of Sci. Proceedings, 3d meeting, 
1850, pp. 89-96.) 

Principles of Classification of the Animal Kingdom. in 
General, and among the Mammalia in Particular. (British Assoc. 
for the Advance. of Sci. Report, 1835, Pt. 2, pp. 67, 68.) 

*_— Same. (Edinburgh New Phil. Fl., v. 1., 1851, pp. 

— Same. (Amer. Fl. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. xi., 1851, 
pp. 127, 128.) 

*Prodrome d’Une Monographie des Radiaires ou Echino- 
dermes. (Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. /é¢motres, 
T. i., 1835, pp. 168-199.) 

Same. (Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zodlogie, T. vii., 
1837, Pp. 257-296.) 

—— Same. In English. (Annals of Nat, Hist, v. i., 1838, 

PP. 30-43, 297-307, 440-449.) 

310 Louis Agassiz. 

*—— Same. In German. (Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der 
Natur- und Heilkunde, Bd. v., 1838, cols. 305-311, 321-326.) 

Progress Recently Made in the Natural History of the 
Echinodermata. [From Monographies d’Echinodermes. By A.] 
(Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., v. ix., 1842, pp. 189-197, 296-302.) 

*Rapports Existant entre la Répartition des Glaciers et le 
Relief Général des Alpes. (Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neu, 
chatel. Bulletin, T. i., 1844-46, p. 172. 

*Rapports qui Existent entre les Faits Relatifs 4 l’Appari- 
tion Successive des Etres Organisés 4 la Surface du globe et la Dis- 
tribution Géographique des Différens Types Actuels d’Animaux. 
(Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Audletin, T.i., 1844- 
46, pp. 366-369 ; T. ii., pp. 347-350.) 

*Recherches sur le Genre de Mollusques auquel Lamarck 
a Donné de Nom de Pyrula. (Société des Sciences Naturelles de 
Neuchatel. Bulletin, T. i., 1844-46, pp. 69, 70.) 

Reise-Projekt mach dem Aar Gletscher; Hiigi iiber 
Gletscher ; Myaceen. (eues Fahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, 
Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1842, pp. 313-317.) 

Relation between Coloration and Structure in the Higher 
Animals. (Amer. Assoc, for the Advance. of Sci. Proceedings. 4th 
meeting, 1850, p. 194.) 

Relations Naturelles qui Existent entre les Animaux et 
les Milieux dans lesquels ils Vivent. (Archives des Sciences Physiques 
et Naturelles, T. xix., 1852, pp. 15-31.) 

Remarques a l’Occasion d’une Note de M. Mandl, sur la 
Structure des Ecailles des Poissons. (Compies Rendus. Hebdoma- 
daires des Séances de? Académie des Sciences, Paris, T. x., 1840, pp. 


Same. In German. (Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der 
Natur- und Heilkunde, Bd, xiv., 1840, cols. 179-182 ; Bd. xviii,, 1841, 
cols. 33-41.) 

*—— Same. In English. (Edinburgh New Phil, $1., v. xxviii., 
1840, pp. 287-291.) 

Résumé d’une Travail d’Ensemble sur l’Organisation, la 
Classification, et le Développement Progressif des Echinodermes 
dans la Serie des Terrains. (Compies Rendus. Hebdomadaires des 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz. 311 

Séances de P Académie des Sciences, Paris, T. xxiii., 1846, pp. 276- 

*Revue des Differéntes Epoques Géologiques. (Société des 
Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Audletin, T. i., 1844-46, pp. 

*Rhacostoma Atlanticum. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Pro- 
ceedings, V. iii., 1850, pp. 342, 343.) 

*Roches Striées de Suisse. (Société Géologique de France. 
Bulletin, nouv. sér., 'T. ii., 1844-45, pp. 274-277.) 

*Salmonide. (TZagsderichte uber die Fortschritte der Natur- 
und Heilkunde, Abtheilung fiir Zodlogie, Bd. i., 1850, pp. 241-244.) 

*Salmonide of Lake Superior. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. 
Proceedings, V. iii., 1848, pp. 61, 62.) 

Silurian Beach, The. (Adlantic Monthly, v. xi., Apr., 1863, 
pp- 460-471.) 

Smithsonian Institution. Formation of a Museum ; Communi- 
cation from A. relative to. (Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1849, pp. 

Same. (U. S. Pub. Docs, 31st Cong., 1st Sess., 1849-50. 
House Misc. Docs., No. 50, pp. 24-26.) 

Same. (Senate Misc. Docs., v. ii., No. 120, pp. 24-26.) 

Smithsonian Institution, Letter on, addressed to C. W. Upham. 
(Amer. Fl. of Sct. and Aris,, 2d ser., v. xix., 1855, pp. 284-287.) 

Smithsonian Institution. Report on use of a new hall in 
Smithson. Bldg. (Smithsonian Inst. Report, 1867, pp. I0g-III.) 

Same. (U.S. Pub. Docs., goth Cong., 2d Sess., 1867-68, 
Senate Misc. Docs., v. iii., No. 86, pp. 109-111.) 

Structure and Growth of Domesticated Animals, (Amer. 
Naturalist, v. vii., 1873, pp. 641-657.) 

Structure and Homologies of Radiated Animals, with 
reference to the Systematic Position of the Hydroid Polypi. (Amer. 
Assoc. for the Advanc, of Sci. Proceedings, 1849, pp. 389-396.) 

Structure des Ecailles des Poissons. (Annales des Sciences 
Naturelles. Zodlogie, 2e sér., T. xiii., 1840, pp. 58-61.) 

312 Louis Agassiz. 

Structure et de Mode d’Accroissement des FE cailles des 
Poissons et Réfutation des Objections de M. Mandl, (Annales des 
Sciences Naturelles. Zodlogie, 2e sér., T. xiv., 1840, pp. 97-110.) 

Structure of Coral Animals. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advanc. 
of Sci. Proceedings, 1849, pp. 68-77.) 

Structure of the Foot in Embryo Birds. (Amer. F/. of Sci. 
and Aris, 2d ser., v. vi., 1848, pp. 432, 433.) , 

Structure of the Halcyonoid Polypi. (Amer. Assoc. for the 
Advance. of Sci. Proceedings, 31 meeting, 1850, pp. 207-213.) 

Structure of the Mouth in Crustacea. (Amer. Assoc. for the 
Advane. of Sci. Proceedings, 4th meeting, 1850, pp. 122, 123.) 

*Succession and Development of Organized Beings on the 
Surface of the Terrestrial Globe. (Zdinburgh New Phil. F1., v. 
xxxii, 1842, pp. 97-99; V. xxxili, 1842, pp. 388-399.) 

*—— Same. InGerman. (Meue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- 
und Heilkunde, Bd, xxiv., 1842, cols. 193-201.) 

Succession des Poissons Fossiles dans la Série des Forma- 
tions Géologiques. (Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Zodlogie, 3e 
sér., T. ii., 1844, pp. 251-271.) 

Synopsis of the Ichthyological Fauna of the Pacific Slope 
of North Amer., chiefly from the Collections Made by the U. S. 
Exped. under Capt. Wilkes, with Recent Additions and Comparisons 
with Eastern Types. (Amer, $1. of Sci. and Arts. 2dser., v. xix., 
1855, pp. 71-99; 215-231.) 

Synoptical Table of British Fossil Fishes, Arranged in the 
Order of the Geological Formations. (British Assoc. for the 
Advance, of Sci. Report, 1843, pp. 194-207.) 


Same, (Edinburgh New Phil. Fl., v. xxxvii., 1844, pp. 

Same. In French. (Annales des Sciences Naturelles. 
Zoologie, 3e sér., 1844, pp. 251-271.) 

Terraces and Ancient River Bars, Drift, Boulders, and 
Polished Surfaces of Lake Superior. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advanc, 
of Sci. Proceedings, 1848, pp. 68-70.) 

Tertiary Age, The, and Its Characteristic Animals. 
(Atlantic Monthly, v, xii., Sept., 1863, PP: 333-342.) 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz. 313 

Theorie der Erratischen Blécke in den Alpen. (Mewes 
Fahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 
1838, pp. 303, 304.) 

Three Different Modes of Teething among Selachians. 
(Amer, Naturalist, v. viii., Mar., 1874, pp. 129-135.) 

Unconformability of the Paleozoic Formations of the 
United States. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advanc. of Sci. Proceedings, 
1851, pp. 254-256.) 

Ursprung des Loess. (WMeues fahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geog- 
noste, Geologie und Petrefakienkunde, 1867, pp. 676-680.) 

Vegetable Character of Xanthidium. (Amer. Assoc. for the 
Advance. of Sci. Proceedings, 1849, pp. 89-91.) 

Verbal Sketch of Prof. Johannes Miiller. (Bost. Soc. of 
Nat. Hist. Proceedings, v. vi., 1856-59, pp. 382, 383.) 

Vertebrate Fossiles Exhibited to the Association. (Amer. 
Assoc. for the Advance. of Sci. Proczedings, 5th meeting, 1851, pp. 

*Voyage d’Exploration Scientifique dans l’Atlantique et 
lAmérique du Sud. (Revue des Cours Scientifique, 2e sér., T. iv., 
1873, pp- 1077-1093.) 

Wassergefiss-System der Mollusken. (Zeitschrift fur 
Wissenschaftliche Zoblogie, Leipzig, 1856, p. 176.) 

*Water-tubes in Fishes. (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Proceed- 
ings, V. ili., 1848, pp. 27, 28.) 

Same. (Amer. $1. of Sct. and Arts, 2d ser., v. vi., 1848, 
PP- 431, 432.) 

Young Garpipes from Lake Ontario. (Amer. Fl. of Sci. and 
Arts, 2d ser., Vv. xxiii., 1857, p. 284.) 

Zodlogical Character of Young Mammalia. (Amer. Assoc. 
for the Advance. of Sci. Proceedings, 1849, pp. 85-89.) 

Zodlogical Notes. (Amer. F/. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. 
xiii., 1852, pp. 425, 426.) 

*Zodlogical Researches. (Zdinburgh New Phil. F1., v. xliv., 
1848, pp. 316-319.) 

*. Same. In German, (Meue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der 
Natur- und Heilkunde, 3te ser., Bd, v., 1848, col. 145-148; Bd, 
vii., cols. 293, 294.) 

314 Louis Agassiz. 


Agassiz, L., avd Buckland, W. Fossil Beaks of Four Extinct 
Species of Fishes, Referable to the Genus Chimzra that occur in 
the Oolitic and Cretaceous Formations of England. [With note by 
Prof. A.] (Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag. and Fl. of Scz., v. viii, 
1836, pp. 4-7.) 

* Agassiz, L., et Couthino, Dr. J. M. Géologie de l’Amazone. 
(Société Géologique de France. Bulletin, T. xxv., 1868, pp. 685- 

Agassiz, L., ec Desor, E. Catalogue Raisonné des Familles, 
des Genres, et des Espéces de la Classe des Echinodermes ; Précédé 
d’une Introduction sur l'Organisation, la Classification, et le Dévelop- 
pement Progressif des Types dans la Série des Terrains. (Annales 
des Sciences Naturelles. Zodlogie, 3e sér., T. vi., 1846, pp. 305- 
374; T. vii., pp. 129-168; T. viii., pp. 5-35, 355-381.) 

* Agassiz, L., ec Vogt, C. Anatomie des Salmones. (Société 
des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. J/é¢moires, T. iii., 1845.) 

Conrad, T. A. Synopsis of the Invertebrate Fossiles of the 
Cretaceous Formations of New Jersey. [Synopsis of the Naiades of 
North America, by A.] 8vo. Newark, 1868. 

Costa, O. G. Ittiologia Fossile Italiana. Opera da servire di 
supplimento alle ricerche su i pesci fossili di L. Agassiz. 4to. 
Naples, 1853. 

Desor, E. Journal d’une Course Faite aux Glaciers du Mont 
Rose et du Mont Cervin. [Renfermant une Notice sur les Glaciers, 
par. M. Agassiz.] 8vo. Geneva, 1840. 

Nouvelles Excursions et Séjours dans les Glaciers et les Hautes 
Régions des Alpes, de M. Agassiz et de ses Compagnons de Voyage. 
Accompagnées d'une Notice sur les Glaciers de I’Allée Blanche et du 
Val-Ferret. 8vo. Neuchatel et Paris, 1846. 

Guyot, A. The Earth and the Man; or, Comparative Physical 
Geography in its Relation to the History of Mankind. Assisted by 
Professors Agassiz, Peirce, and Gray. New ed. [Tr. from the 
French, by C. C. Felton.] 8vo. Lond., 1875. 

Maury, L. F. A. Indigenous Races of the Earth; or, New 
Chapters of Ethnological Inquiry. . . . With communications 
from J, Leidy and L, Agassiz. 4to. Phila., 1857. 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz. 315 

Miller, H. Footprints of the Creator. With memoir of M., by 
Louis Agassiz. 8vo. Bost., 1857. : 

Nott, J. C., azd Gliddon, G. R. Types of Mankind. [Natural 
Provinces of the Animal World and their Relation to the Different 
Types of Mankind, by A. Illus. 21 pp.] 8vo. Phila., 1854. 
Indigenous Races of the Earth, including Monographs by 
Prof. Agassiz, etc. 8vo. Phila., 1857. 

Murchison, Sir R. I. The Silurian System. [Péerygotus Proble- 
maticus, n. sp. Onchus Murchisoni,n. sp. By A. Illus. pp. 606.] 
4to. Lond., 1839. 

Pourtalés, L. F. de. Contributions to the Fauna of the Gulf- 
Stream. [Communicated (and with a note) by Agassiz.] 8vo. 1868. 

Williamson, Zieuz. R. S. Reports of Explorations in California 
for Railroad Routes. 1855. [Fossil Fishes of Williamson’s Explora- 
tions, by Agassiz, v. v., pp. 313-316. ] 


Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence. Ed. by Mrs. 
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz. Port. Illus. 2vols.,12mo. Bost., 1885. 

Same, Louis Agassiz: sa Vie et sa Correspondance. Tr. de 
l’Anglaise par Auguste Mayor. Port. 8vo. Neuchatel, 1887. 

Agassiz as a Lecturer. (Scientific American, n. s., v. vi., 
Mar. I, 1862, p. 137.) 

Agassiz Museum at Cambridge. Illus. (Science, v. vi., Nov. 
13, 1885, pp. 421-424.) 

Agassiz at San Francisco. (Wature, v. vi., Oct. 24, 1872, 
PP: 509; 510.) 

Agassiz in the United States. (Mining and Scientific Press, 
S. Fr., v. xxv., Sept. 7, 1872, p. 145.) 

Agassiz Memorial, The. (Scientific American, v. xxx., Apr. 
18, 1874, p. 240.) 

Agassiz Memorial Meeting. Proceedings and Addresses. 
San Francisco, Dec. 22, 1873. (California Academy of Sciences, 
Proceedings, v. v., 1873-74, Pp. 220-243.) 

316 Louis Agasstz. 


*—— (Amer. Acad. of Artsand Sci. Proceedings, v. ix., 1874, 
Pp. 310-320.) 

— (American Annual Cyclopedia, 1873, pp. 8-10.) 

— With Port. (Ajppleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography, 
v. i, pp. 34-36.) 

—— With Port. (Agpleton’s Fournal, v. iii., Apr., 1870, pp. 

— (Atheneum, Dec. 20, 1873, pp. 818, 819.) 

— (Lelkectic Magazine, v. xxiii., May, 1851, pp. 13-16.) 

— With Port. (Zclectic Mag., v. xli., Aug., 1857, pp. 569-571.) 

—— With Port. (Zclectic Mag., v. \xi., Jan., 1864, pp. 125, 126.) 

—— Portand Illus. (frank Leslie's Illus. Newspaper, v. xxxvii., 
Jan. 3, 1874, pp. 277, 278.) 

—— (Aarper’s Magazine, v. xxy., 1862, pp. 194-201.) 

(Harper's Weekly, v. xviii., Jan. 24, 1874, p. 82.) With 
Port. of Agassiz in his studio, (p. 80.) 

—— With Port. (Litéell’s Living Age, v. \xii., 3d. ser., v. vi., 
July 9, 1859, pp. 67-69.) 

*—— (London Quarterly Rev., v. \xvi., July, 1886, pp. 205- =) 

— Same. (Littells Living Age, v. clxx., 5th ser., v. lv., Aug. 
14, 1886, pp. 387-395.) 

—— With Port. (Practical Mag., v. ii., 1873, pp. 321-323.) 

—— With Port. (Mining and Scientific Press, S. Fr., v. xxv., 
Aug. 31, 1872, p. 129.) 

—— With Port. Phrenological Fournal, v. \viii., Feb., 1874, pp. 

—— (Popular Science Monthly, v. iv., Feb., 1874, pp. 495-499.) 

—— (Popular Science News, vy. xviii., Dec., 1884, p. 169.) 

—— With Port. (p. 7). (Sctentific American, vy. xxx., Jan, 3, 1874, 

Pp. 2.) 

(Société de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle, Genéve. 
Mémoires, v, xxiii., 1874, pp. 471-478.) 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz. at 

Bliss,Richard, ¥, [Sketch of] Professor Louis Agassiz, With 
Port. (p. 513). (Popular Science Monthly, v. iv., Mar., 1874, pp. 

Blanchard, Emile, Un Naturaliste du xixe Siscle—Louis Agassiz. 
(Revue des Deux Mondes, 3e sér., T. x. ter Jul., 1874, PP. 5-34; 
ter Aotit, pp. 539-569.) 

*Bronn, H. G. La Théorie des Glaces et ses Progrés les plus 
Récénts. (Bibliotheque Universelle de Gendve, T. xli., 1842, pp. 118- 


Same. In German. (Meues SYahrbuch fir Mineralogie, 
Geognoste, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1842, pp. 56-88.) 

* Same, In English. (Aadinburgh New Phil, Fl., v. xxxiii., 
1842, pp. 217-283; v. xxxiv., pp. 364-383.) 

Couthino, Dr. J. M. Professor Agassiz’s Labors on the Amazon. 
[Two letters.] (Zz Fletcher, J. C., and Kidder, D.P. ‘‘ Brazil and 
the Brazilians.” Appendix J., pp. 627-633.) Bost., 1868. 

Desor, Edouard. L’Ascension de la Jangfrau Effectuée le 28 
Aoiit, 1841, par MM. Agassiz [and others]. 8vo. Geneva, 1841. 

Compte Rendu des Recherches de M. Agassiz pendant ses 
Deux Derniers Séjours 4 l’Hétel des Neuchatelois, sur le Glacier 
Inférieurdel’Aar. 8vo. Geneva, 1843. 

Excursions et Séjour de M. Agassiz sur la Mer de Glace de 
Lauteraar et du Finsteraar. 8vo. Geneva, 1841. 

Excursions et Séjours dans les Glaciers et les Hautes Régions 
des Alpes, de M. Agassiz. 12mo. Neuchatel, 1844. 

Nouvelles Excursions et Séjours dans les Glaciers et les 
Hautes Régions des Alpes, de M. Agassiz et de ses Compagnons de 
Voyage. 8vo. Neuchatel et Paris, 1846. 

Emerson, George B. What we Owe to Louis Agassiz as a 
Teacher. An address [delivered] before the Boston Society of 
Natural History, Jan. 7, 1874. 17 pp. 8vo. Bost., 1874. 

Same, (Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist. Proceedings, v. xvi., pt. 
3, 1874, pp. 211-225.) 
*—— Same. (Amer. Fl. of Education, v. xxviii., p. 881.) 

Farve, Ernest. Louis Agassiz: a biographical notice. Tr. by 
M. A. Henry. (Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report, 1878, pp. 

318 Louis Agasst2. 

Same, (U.S. Pub. Docs., 45th Cong., 3d Sess., 1878-79. 
Senate Misc. Docs., v. iii., No. 59, pp. 236-261.) 

Note :—From the ‘‘ Archives des Sciences de la Bibliotheque Uni- 
verselle,”” Genéve, T., lxix., Mai, 1877. 

Fiske, John. Agassiz and Darwinism. (Popular Science Monthly, 
v. ili., Oct. 1873, pp. 692-705.) 

Funeral of Agassiz. (Mew York Times, Dec. 18, 1873.) 

Garfield, J. A. Biogr. Notice of . . . Louis Agassiz. (Smith- 
sonian Institution. Annual Report, 1873, pp. 149-151.) 

—— Same. (U.S. Pub. Docs., 43d Cong., Ist. Sess., 1873-74. 
Senate Misc. Docs., v. ii., No. 130, pp. 149-151.) 

Gray, A. [Sketch of] Agassiz. (ation, v. xvii., Dec. 18, 1873, 
PP- 404, 405.) 

*Guyot, A. [Memoir of] Agassiz. (National Acad. of Sci. Biogr. 
Memoirs, v. ii.) 

*Haworth, H. H. Agassiz not the Author of the Glacial Theory. 
(Manchester Literary and Phil. Soc. Zemoitrs, 4th ser., v. iii., p. 

Holmes, O. W. Farewell to Agassiz. [Poem.] (Atlantic Monthly, 
v. xvi., Noy., 1865, pp. 584, 585.) 

In the Laboratory with Agassiz. By a former pupil. [Zvery 
Saturday, v. xvi. (n. s., V. i.), Apr. 4, 1874, pp. 369, 370. | 
Same. (Scientific American, vy. xxx., Apr. 18, 1874, pp. 
244, 245.) 

*Kirk, John, The Doctrine of Creation according to Darwin, 
Agassiz, and Moses. 8vo, Lond., 1869. 

Laugel, Auguste. Un Naturaliste Philosophie—M. Agassiz et 
ses Travaux. Ses Theories sur la Pluralité des Créations et la Classi- 
fication des Etres. (Revue des Deux Mondes, 2e sér., T. xi., ter 
Sept., 1857, pp. 77-108.) 

Le Conte, Joseph. Relation of Louis Agassiz to the Theory of 
Evolution. (/z his ‘‘Evolution and its Relation to Religious 
Thought,” pp. 32-49, N. Y., 1888.) 

Same, (Popular Science Monthly, v. xxxii., Nov., 1887, pp. 


*Life and Writings of Agassiz. (Zdindurgh New Philosophical 
Fournal, v. xlvi., pp. I- .) 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz, 319 

Life and Writings of Agassiz, (Massachusetts Quarterly, v.i., 
Dec., 1847, pp. 96-119.) 

*Life-Work of Agassiz. (American, Phila., v. xi., pp- 7I- .) 

Longfellow, H. W. The Fiftieth Birthday of Agassiz. [Poem. ] 
(Zn his Works.) 

Lowell, J. R. Agassiz. [Poem.] (Atlantic Monthly, v. xxxiii., 
May, 1874, pp. 586-596.) 

*Lyman, Theodore. Commemorative Notice of Louis Agassiz. 
(American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Annual Report of Council, 
13 pp. 8vo. [Cambridge, 1873. ] 

Lyman Theodore. Recollections of Louis Agassiz. (Atlantic 
Monthly, v. xxxiii., Feb., 1874, pp. 221-229.) 

Marcou, Jules. Louis Agassiz at Neuchatel. (Maddon, v. xxxvi., 
Jan. 11, 1883, p. 36.) 

Monument to Agassiz. Illus. (Harper’s Weekly, v. xx., 
Jan. 29, 1876, p. 85.) 

Mill (John Stuart) and Agassiz. (ational Quarterly Rev., 
V. Xxvili., Mar., 1874, pp. 235-252.) 

Parker, Dr. Peter. Biogr. Notice of L. Agassiz. (Smithsonian 
Institution. Aznual Report, 1873, pp. 153, 154.) 

Same. (U.S. Pub. Docs., 43d Cong., rst Sess., 1873-74. 
Senate Miscel, Docs., v. ii., No. 130, pp. 153, 154.) 

Penikese Island, School at : 

Jordan, Prof. David Starr. Agassiz at Penikese. (Popu- 
lar Science Monthly, v. x\., Apr., 1892, pp. 721-729.) 

Anderson School of Natural History. (ation, v. xvii., 
Sept. 11, 1873, pp. 174, 175.) 

(Harper's Weekly, v. xvii., Aug. 9, 1873, pp. 70I, 702.) 
With Port. of A. and of John Anderson. Illus. 

—— [Programme of] Prof. Agassiz’s School of Natural His- 
tory. (Popular Science Monthly, v. iii., May, 1873, pp. 123, 124.) 
Agassiz at Penikese. With Port. (Zz ‘‘ Tribune Popular 
Science,” pp. 47-64. Bost., 1874.) 

*Pheebus, Mrs. V. C. Agassiz andhis Work. (Methodist Review, 
y. xlvi., p. 405.) 

Pourtalés, L. F. de. Sketch of Agassiz. 3 pp. (/» Vaille, F. 
O., and Clark, H. A. Harvard book, v. i.) 

320 Louis Agassiz. 

Putnam, A. Agassiz and Spiritualism. 16mo. Bost., 1874. 

Putnam, F. W. The Anderson School of Natural History at 
Penikese. (Amer. Assoc. for the Advance. of Sci. Proceedings, v. 
xxiii., 1874, pp. 144-146.) 

Richardson, Ralph. Agassiz and Glacial Geology. [Address. ] 
(Edinburgh Geol. Soc. Zvamnsactions, vy. iv., part iii., 1883, pp. 

—— [Sketch of] Agassiz. (Edinburgh Geol. Soc. Transactions, v. ii., 
1874, pp. 285-287. 

Scientific Worthies. Agassiz. (ature, vy. xix., April 17, 
1879, pp. 573-576.) 

Smyth, T. Unity of the Human Races, with a Review of the 
Theory of Agassiz. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851. 

Stebbins, R. P. Discourse on Louis Agassiz. (Smithsonian 
Institution. Axnual Report, 1873, pp. 198-210.) 

Same. (U.S. Pub. Docs., 43d Cong., 1st Sess., 1873-74. 
Senate Misc. Docs.,v. ii., No. 130, pp. 198-210.) 

Treudley, F. Student Life of Agassiz. (Zducation, Bost., v. ix., 
May, 1889, pp. 595-600.) 

Visit of Prof. Agassiz to Brazil. (U. S. Pub. Docs., 39th 
Cong., 2d Sess., 1866-67. House Ex. Docs., vy. xi., No. 86.) 

Vogt, C. Agassiz und seiner Freunde Geologische Alpenreisen. 

Waterston, Rev. R. C. Connection of Prof. Agassiz with the 
Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Humboldt. (Bost. Soc. of 
Nat. Hist. Proceedings, v. xvi., pt. 3, 1874, pp. 225-237.) 

Whipple, E. P. Agassiz. (J Ais ‘*‘ Character and Characteristic 
Men,” pp. 266-292, Bost., 1879.) 

Whittier, J. G. Prayer of Agassiz. [Poem.] (J/ ‘ Tribune 
Popular Science,” p. 46, Bost., 1874.) 

Wortley, Zady E. S. American Notabilities: Prof. Agassiz. 
(Za her ‘‘ Travels in the United States,” N. Y., 1851.) 

—— Same. (Harper's Mag., v. iii., Aug., 1851, p. 384.) 


Contributions to the Natural History of the United States 
of America, 

Libliography of Louis Agassiz. 321 

—— (Amer $1. of Sct. and Arts, 2d ser., v. xxv., 1858, pp. 126- 
128, 202-216, 321-341.) 

—— Architecture of the Animal Kingdom, (Southern Review, 
N. S., v. iii., Jan., 1868, pp. 46-75.) 

—— Classification, (Harper's Mag., v. xvi., Jan. 1858, pp. 262- 

Classification in Natural History. (Southern Review, N. S., 
vol. iv., Oct., 1868, pp. 465-476.) 

Hill, T. Natural History of the U.S. (Christian Examiner, 
v. Ixiv., Jan., 1858, pp. 56-74.) 

Holmes, O. W. Agassiz’s Natural History. (A¢lantic Monthly, 
v.i., Jan., 1858, pp. 320-333.) 

Professor Agassiz on the Origin of Species. (Amer. $1. of 
Sct. and Arts, 2d ser., Vv. xxx., 1860, pp. 142-155.) 

Geological Sketches. First Series: 

— [Littell’s Living Age, v. xci. (4th ser., v. iii.), Dec. 29, 1866, 
pp. 805-809. | 

Journey in Brazil : 

— (Wation, v. vi., Feb. 20, 1868, pp. 153, 154.) 

Lake Superior: Its Physical Character [etc.] : 

Emerson, G. B. Agassiz’s Tour to Lake Superior. (Chris- 
tian Examiner, v. xlix., July, 1850, pp. 9-37.) 

Methods of Study in Natural History: 

—— Architecture of the Animal Kingdom. (Southern Review, 
N. S., v. iii., Jan., 1868, pp. 46-75.) 
— (Atlantic Monthly, v. xiii., Jan., 1864, pp. 131, 132.) 

Monographies d’Echinodermes Vivants et Fossiles : 

(Amer. Fl. of Sct. and Arts, v. xxxvii., 1839. pp. 369-371 ; 
y. xlii., 1842, pp. 378, 379; v. xlv., 1843, pp. 399, 400.) 

Nomenclatur Zodlogicus : | 

— (Amer. #1. of Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., v. iii., Mar., 1847, pp. 

Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles : 

—— Agassiz on Fossil Fish. (Quarterly Review, v. lv., Feb., 
1836, pp. 433-445-) 

aoe Louis Agassiz. 

— (Cakutta $l. of Nat. Hist., v. iii., 1843, pp. 313, 314.) 

Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence. 

— (Atheneum, Jan. 2, 1886, pp. 36, 37.) 

—— (Literary World, v. xvi., Oct. 17, 1885, pp. 368, 369.) 

— (Saturday Review, v. \xi., Mar. 6, 1886, pp. 344, 345-) 

—— (Spectator, v. lviii., Dec. 19, 1885, pp. 1703, 1704.) 

—— Allen, Grant. (Academy, v. xxviii., Nov. 7, 1885, pp. 309, 

— Gray, Asa. (Andover Review, v. v., Jan., 1886, pp. 38-44. 

*—_ —— Same. (British and Foreign Evangelical Review, v. 
xxxv., 1886, p. 386.) 

— Life of Agassiz, The. (Science, v. vi., Oct. 16, 1885, pp. 

—— Scudder, Hi E. (Atlantic Monthly, v. \vi., Dec., 1885, pp. 



Aar, glacier of, 72 

Agassiz, Professor Alexander, 216 

Agassiz, Association, The, 196; 
constitution of, 198 

Agassiz, Auguste, 8; devotion of, 
to his brother, 15 

Agassiz, Jean Louis Rudolphe, 
birthplace of, 1; parentage, 2; 
early love of nature, 2; first 
collection of fishes, 3; manly 
traits of, 4; inventive and imi- 
tative faculties of, 4; influence 
of his mother on, 5 ; early college 
life at Bienne, 8; forming a 
library, 9; outlining his future 
career, IO; entering the medical 
school, 12 ; strong personality of, 
13; filial affection of, 14; his 
love of books, 15; reasons for 
entering Heidelberg, 18 ; early 
associations, 18—-Ig ; as a linguist, 
19; college life, 20; strong re- 
ligious convictions of, 21 ; daily 
routine at Munich, 28 ; first lec- 
tures, 28; desire to travel, 29 ; 
offer to visit Brazil, 32; training 
for forced marches while on 
expeditions, 35; examination, 
passed for degree of Doctor of 
Philosophy, 36; examination for 
degree of Doctor of Medicine, 
39; struggles as a doctor, 40; 
life in Paris, 41; poverty of, 
while in Paris, 43 ; remarkable 
dream of, 44; accepts offer of a 


professorship at Neuchatel, 49; 
lectures to pupils (first), 53; suc- 
cess as a teacher, 53; his love 
for children, 55; declines the 
call to chair of zodlogy at Heidel- 
berg, 56; threatened with blind- 
ness, 57; marriage to Cecile 
Braun, 57; wins the Wollaston 
prize, 57; visits England, 59, 
seg., journey to Bex, 61; sells 
his original drawings to defray 
expenses, 62; speech on glaciers, 
63; antagonism to his speech on 
glaciers, 63-64; refuses the offers 
of professorship from Geneva 
and Lausanne, 66 ; establishes a 
lithographic printing establish- 
ment in Neuchatel, 66 ; made a 
member of the Royal Society of 
London, 67; visits Mont Blanc, 
68; trials of poverty, 71; de- 
scends into a glacier, 75 ; ascent 
of the Jungfrau, 77; wins the 
Monthyon prize of physiology, 
87; visits America, 87; lectures 
at Lowell Institute, 87 ; accepts 
chair of Natural History of Cam- 
bridge, 97; marries Elizabeth 
Graves Cary, 101 ; accepts pro- 
fessorship in the Charleston 
Medical College, 102; wins the 
Cuvier prize, 103; offered an 
appointment by Napoleon, 103; 
declines offer of appointment of 
the University of Zurich, 104; 
opens a school in Boston, 104 ; 
tendered the chair of Palzon- 


tology in the Paris Museum of 
Natural History, 106; made 
member of the Order of the 
Legion of Honour, 107; sere- 
naded by his pupils, 111 ; dinner 
given to, by the *‘ Saturday Club” 
on his fiftieth birthday, 112; 
poem by Longfellow in honour of, 
112-113; expedition to Brazil, 
119; cordial reception by the 
Brazilian Emperor, 120; A 
Journey in Brazil, 145 ; returns 
from Brazil, 147; lectures at 
Cooper Union, 147 ; excursion to 
the West, 148 ; loses his mother, 
148; address on Humboldt, 153- 
156; elected foreign associate 
of the Institute of France, 164 ; 
death of, 177; religious belief 
of, 179, seg.; of works, 202, 
seg.; Bibliography of, 287 seq. 

Amazon, the, exploration of, 125, 
seg.; varieties of fish in, 128- 
132; floating islands of, 141 

American Scientists, 89, seg. 

Anderson, John, 168 

Anderson School of Natural His- 
tory, 168, 171-176 

Ascent of the Jungfrau, 77 


Bache, Dr., offers Agassiz a tour on 
the Florida Reef, 102 

Ballard, Harlan H., 196 

Bancroft moves vote of thanks to 
Agassiz at Cooper Union, 148 

Bibb, the, cruise of, 151-152 

Bibliography of Louis Agassiz, 

Birthplace of Agassiz, I 

Bischoff, Professor, 19 

Boston, Agassiz opens a school in, 

Boston Natural History Society, 
memorial of, 273-286 

Brazil, first expedition to, 119 

Brazilian fishes, book on, 34 

Brazilian forest life, description of, 


Braun, Cecile, marriage of Agassiz 
to, 57 

Braun, Professor, 19 

Brilliant men—students of Agassiz 
—list of, 195 

Brooklyn, N. Y., ‘‘Graham Lec- 
tures,” delivered at, 191 

Buch, Leopold von, 55 

Buckland, Dr., 74 


California Academy of Sciences, 
action of in connection with the 
death of Agassiz, 219-269 

Cambridge, Mass., scientific school 
at, 97 

Canino, Prince of, 84 

Cary, Elizabeth Graves, marriage 
of Agassiz to, IOI 

Charleston Medical College, offers 
Agassiz a professorship, 102 

Charpentier, 61 

Chavannes, Professor, II 

Classification, essay on, 184 

Cole, Lord, 62 

Collection of fishes, 23 

College lecture system, instituted 
by Agassiz, L15 

Commendatory press 
first book, 37 

Consent of parents to - scientific 
career, 36 

Constitution of the Agassiz Associa- 
tion, 198 

Contributions to the Natural His- 
tory of the United States, 111, 

Cooper Union, lectures at, 147 

Coulon, Louis M., 47 

Coutinho, Major, 126 

Cupim or Termites nest, study of, 

Cuvier prize, the, 103 

Cuvier, Professor, 42 ; death of, 44 

notices on 


Daily life at Paris, 41 
Darwin, Charles, 179 



Davidson, George, tribute of, 219- 

Desor, M., 73, seg. 

Devotion of Auguste Agassiz to his 
brother, 15 

Difference in religious views of 
Agassiz and Darwin, 179, seg. 

Dinkle, Joseph, 34 

Ddllinger, Professor, 26 


Edwards, Henry, eulogy of, 263- 

Edwards, Milne, letter to, 136 

Egerton, Sir Philip de Grey, 62, 181 

Emerson, George B., 93 

England, visit to, 59 

Estolano, 139 

Evolution and permanence of type, 
article on, 181 


Favre, Ernest, 50 

Florida Reef, the, Dr. Bache offers 
Agassiz a tour on, 102 

Fuchs, Herr, 26 


Galapagos Islands, the, 164 

Garfield, James A., tribute of, to 
Agassiz, 267-269 

Geneva, offer of professorship in 
the Academy at, 66 

Geological Sketches, 117 

Geophagus’ (fish), remarkable 
method of reproduction of, 135 

Gilman, Prof. D. C., tribute of, 
230-239 : 

Glacier, life on a, 72; Agassiz’s 
descent into, 75 

Glaciers, study of, 70; speech on, 
63; letter to Professor Peirce 
concerning, 158-160 

Gould, Augustus A., 214 

Gray, Francis C., 111 ; bequest of, 

‘*Graham Lectures, The,” delivered 
at Brooklyn, N. Y., by Agassiz, 

Growth of the Agassiz Association, 

Gruithuisen, Herr, (astronomer), 26 

Gux, effects of a, 73 

Guyot, Arnold, 69, seg. 


FHfassler, the cruise of the, 160-166 

Hirzel, Professor, 16 

Holder, Dr. J. B., 92, 109-110 

Holmes, Dr. O. W., 112-113 

Home in East Boston, 96 

Howe, Dr., 114 

Humboldt, Baron von, 46, seg., 
I1O; address on, 153-156 

Humboldt Scholarship, the, 284- 

Hunting, Brazilian method of, 123 


Impressions of America, 88 

Indians, Brazilian, courtesy of, to- 
ward Mrs. Agassiz, 129 ; homes 
of, 128-9 

Influence of Von Martius, 31 

Injection of coloured fluids into 
glacier, 81 ; 

Invitation to visit England, 57 


Jelly-fish, new species discovered 
by Agassiz, 125 

Jordan, David Starr, 172-173 

Jungfrau, ascent of the, 77 


Lage, Senhor, 122 

Lake Superior, survey of the shores 
of, IOI 

Lausanne, offer of professorship 
from, 66 

Le Conte, Prof. Joseph, tribute of, 

Leuckart, Professor (zodlogist), 19 

Life on a glacier, 72 

London, Royal Society of, 67 

Longfellow, poem by, in honour of 
Agassiz, 112 



Lota, coal deposits at, 163 
Lowell Institute, lectures at, 87 
Lyell, Sir Charles, 57 

Lyman, Theodore, 212 


Marcus, Dr., 128 

Martius, Herr von, (botanist), 26; 
31, seg. 

Method of Study in Natural His- 
tory, 187 

Methods of Study, 110 

Mont Blanc, visit to, 68 

Monte Rosa, ascent of, 70 

Monthyon, prize of physiology 
awarded to Agassiz, 87 

Motier, birthplace of Agassiz, I 

Museum, bequest of Francis C. 
Gray for the establishment of, 

Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, 
the, 107; dedication of, 109; 
appropriation by Legislature in 
behalf of, 149; Agassiz’s report 
upon, 149-151 


Napoleon, Agassiz offered an ap- 
pointment by, 103 

National Academy of Sciences, 115 

Negroes, discussion between Agas- 
sizand Doctor Howe concerning, 

Neuchatel, Agassiz accepts a pro- 
fessorship at, 49 

Nicolet, M., 73, seg. 


Para, 125 

Paris, Agassiz invited to, 106 

Parker, Dr., tribute of, to Agassiz, 

Pecuniary aid of Humboldt to 
Agassiz, 46 

Pedro, Dom, interest of in Agassiz’s 
expedition, 120, seg,; present of 
to Agassiz, 145 

Peirce, Professor Benjamin, 148 ; 
invites Agassiz to go around Cape 
Horn, 157; letter to concerning 
glaciers, 158-160 

Penikese, establishment of the 
Anderson School of Natural 
History at, 168 

Pourtalés, Count (meteorologist), 

» 95 

Poverty, trials of, 71 

Prayer of Agassiz, The, poem by 
Whittier, 169-171 

Preparation for threatened blind- 
ness, 57 

Principles of Zoblogy, 101 

Prussia, King of, a supporter of 
Agassiz, 80 

Publication of first part of Brazilian 
Fishes, 36 


Religious belief of Agassiz, 179 
Rio Negro, Trip up the, 131- 


San Francisco, reception at, 165 

Santiago, 164 

‘* Saturday Club,” gives a dinner to 
Agassiz, 112-113 

Schinz, Professor, 14, 20 

Schubert, (zodlogist), 26 

Scotland, visit to, 74 

Scott, Rev. Dr. W. A., tribute of, 

Silliman, Professor, 86-178 

Smithsonian Institution, action of 
in connection with the death of 
Agassiz, 267-273 

Stearns, Robert E. C., tribute of, 
to Agassiz, 252-256 

Stebbins, Dr. Howard, 192; tribute 
of, 256-9 

Study at Munich, 24 

Study of glacier system, 70 

Stuttgart Museum, 25 

Lndex. 427 

T | V 

Teffé, interesting discovery at, 132 ;| Vacation days, 8 
Agassiz letter to the Emperor] Vogt, M. (microscopist), 73, seg. 
concerning, 133-134 

Thayer, Nathaniel, 119 

The home collection, 16 ) 

The “‘ Little Academy,” 28 Waterson, Rev. R. C., tribute of, 
The tertiary age, and its character-| 4, Agassiz, 274-286 

istic animals, 186 Weber, J. C. (artist) 

: a » Je ° ’ 34 
Tiedemann, Professor, 19 . _| Whittier, John G., poem by, on 
Tijuca, evidence of glacial action The Prayer of Agassiz, 169-171 

at, 121 Wilder, Professor Burt G., 116 

Tompkins, Edward, 164 

Wollaston pri ‘Agassiz, 
Tratholte (a rare Brazilian fish), 126 GHaston ere ton, by 2 easy 

Woodbury, Dr., 110 

University of California, endow- 

ment of, by Edward Tompkins, | Zurich, University of, Agassiz de- 
164-165 clines offer of, 104 

‘Iberoes of the Wations. 



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Che Story of the ations. 

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ox - “ THE JEWS. Prof. James K, HosMER, 

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s “ “© SPAIN. Rev. E. E. and SusAN HALE, 

se es ‘““ HUNGARY. Prof. A. VAMBERY. 




a oe ‘* PERSIA. 5S. G. W. BENJAMIN. 



uf ee “* ASSYRIA, Z. A, RAGOZIN. 

ss ss ‘*“* THE GOTHS. HeEnry BRADLEY. 

ss cS ** TRELAND. Hon, Emity LAwLess. 


© sf ‘“ MEDIAVAL FRANCE, Prof. Gustav Masson, 


s ss ‘* MEXICO. Susan HALE. 

es = “© PHCGENICIA. Prof. Gro. RAWLINSON. 



$s ss *“ RUSSIA. W. R. MorFILL. 

se ae ‘© THE JEWS UNDER ROME, W. D. Morrison, 

ss ss “© SWITZERLAND. R. STEAD and Mrs. ARNOLD Huc. 
sf Us * PORTUGAL. H. Morsr-STEPHENs. 

s a ‘“* THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE. C. W, C. Oman, 
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“e a “ VEDIC INDIA. Z. A. RaAcozin. 

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