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Full text of "Letters of Samuel Rutherford : with biographical sketches of his correspondents : with a sketch of his life"

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Samuel   Rutherford. 



LONDON  :  .  .  HAMILTON,  ADAMS,  &  CO. 

GLASGOW  :  .  .  DAVID  BRYCE  &  CO. 



Samuel   Rutherford 


Biographical  Sketches  of  His  Correfpondents, 


THE    REV.    ANDREW    A.    BONAR, 



VOL.  I. 





*^  He  would  fend  me  as  a  fpy  into  this  wildernefs  of  fuffering,  to  fee  the  land, 
and  to  try  the  ford ;  and  I  cannot  make  a  lie  of  Chrift's  crofs ;  I  can  report 
nothing  but  good  both  of  Him  and  it." — [Let.  ii8.] 


Most  juftly  does  the  old  Preface  to  the  earlier  Editions  begin  by 
telling  the  Reader  that  "  Thefe  Letters  have  no  need  of  any  man's 
epiftle  commendatory,  the  great  Mafter  having  given  them  one, 
written  by  His  own  hand  on  the  hearts  of  all  who  favour  the  things 
of  God."  Every  one  who  knows  thefe  "  Letters"  at  all,  is  aware 
of  their  moft  peculiar  charafteriftic,  namely,  the  difcovery  they 
prefent  of  the  marvellous  intercourfe  carried  on  between  the  writer's 
ibul  and  his  God. 

This  Edition  will  be  found  to  be  the  moft  complete  that  has 
hitherto  appeared.  Attending  carefully  to  the  chronological  ar- 
rangement, the  Editor  has  fought,  by  biographical,  topographi- 
cal, and  hiflorical  notices,  to  put  the  Reader  in  pofleiTion  of  all  that 
was  needed  to  enable  him  to  enter  into  the  circumflances  in  which 
each  Letter  was  written,  fo  far  as  that  could  be  done.  The  Ex- 
planatory Notes,  the  appended  Gloifary  of  Scottifh  words  and 
expreffions  (many  of  them  in  reality  old  Englifh),  the  Index  of 
Places  and  Perfons,  the  Index  of  Special  Subjects,  and  the  prefixed 
Contents  of  each  Letter,  will,  it  is  confidently  believed,  be  found 
both  interefiing  and  ufeful.  The  Sketch  of  Rutherford's  life  may  be 
thought  too  brief  -,  but  the  limits  within  which  such  a  Sketch  muft 


necefTarily  be  confined,  when  occupying  the  place  of  a  mere  Intro- 
duftion,  rendered  brevity  inevitable. 

Every  Letter  hitherto  publifhed  is  to  be  found  in  this  Edition. 
The  ten  additional  Letters  of  the  Edition  1848,  along  with  two 
more,  added  fmce  that  time,  are  all  inferted  in  their  chronological 
place.    The  publifhers  have  taken  great  pains  with  the  typography. 

A.  A.  B. 

Glasgow,  z-jth  NoTember  1862. 



Sketch  of  Samuel  Rutherford ^ i 

To  Marion  M'Naught. — Children  to  be  Dedicated  to  God,         .         t>s 

To  a  Chrijlian  Gentlecwomariy  on  the  death  of  a  Daughter. — Chrift's 

Sympathy  with,  and  Property  in  us — Reafons  for  Refignation,         36 

To  Lady  Kenmure^  on  occafton  of  illnefs  and  fpiritual  deprejfton. — 
Acquiefcence  in  God's Purpofe — Faith  in  exercife — Encourage- 
ment in  view  of  Sicknefs  and  Death — Public  Affairs,     .  .         39 

To  Lady  Kenmure,  on  death  of  her  infant  Daughter. — Tribulation 
the  Portion  of  God's  People,  and  intended  to  Wean  them 
fi-om  the  World,  ........         44 

To  Lady  Kenmure^  njjhen  remo'ving  from  An<woth. — Changes — 

Lofs  of  Friends — This  World  no  Abiding-Place,  .  .         46 

To  Marion  M^JNaught,  telling  of  his  Wife's  illnefs. — Inward  Con- 
flict, ariiing  from  Outward  Trial,      .  .  .  .  .48 

To  Lady  Kenmure. — The    Earneft   of  the   Spirit — Communion 

with  Chrift — Faith  in  the  Promifes,  .  ,  .  .51 

To   Marion  M^Naught. — His  Wife's    Illnefs — Wreftlings  with 

God, 54 

To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Recommending  a  Friend  to  her  Care — 

Prayers  alked,        .  .  .  .  .  .  .  '55 

To    Marion    M^Naught. — Submiflion,    Perfeverance,    and   Zeal 

recommended,        .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .56 

To  Lady  Kenmure. — God's  Inexplicable  Dealings  with  His  People 
well  ordered — Want  of  Ordinances — Conformity  to  Chrift— 
Troubles  of  the  Church— Mr  Rutherford's  Wife's  Death,      .         58 

To  Marion  M^ Naught. — God   Mixeth  the  Cup — The  Reward 

of  the  Wicked — Faithfulnefs — Forbearance — Trials,     .  .  61 

To  Marion  M^ Naught ,  <ivhen  exposed  to  reproach  for  her  prin- 
ciples.— Jefus  a  Pattern  of  Patience  under  Suffering,     .  .         65 

vui  •  CONTENTS. 


14.  To  Marion  M^ Naught,  in  profpeB  of  the  Lord's  Supper. — Abun- 

dance in  Jefus — The  Reft  oration  of  the  Jews — Enemies  of 
God, 67 

15.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — The  threatened  Introduction  of  the  Ser- 

vice-Book — Troubles  of  the  Church — Private  Wrongs,  .         69 

16.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Propofal  to  Remove  him  from  Anw^oth 

— Babylon's  Deftrudtion,  and  Chrift's  Coming — The  Young 
invited,  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .71 

17.  To  Marion  M' Naught. — The  Profped:s  of  the  Church — Armi- 

nianifm — Call  to  Prayer — No  Help  but  in  Chrift,  .  .         74 

1 8.  To   Marion  M' Naught,  in  profpeB  of  the  Lord's  Supper. — Prayer 

Solicited — The  Church's  Profpeds,  .  .  .  .  .76 

19.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — Encouragement  to  Abound  in  Faith  from 

the  Profped:  of  Glory — Chrift's  Unchangeablenefs,        .  .         77 

20.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — Aflurance  of  Chrift's  Love  under  Trials — 

Fulnefs  of  Chrift— Hope  of  Glory, 80 

21.  To   Lady    Kenmure. — Self-denial — Hope  of  Chrift's    Coming — 

Loving  God  for  Himfelf,  ......         83 

22.  To  John  Kennedy. — Deliverance  from  ShipwTeck — Recovery  from 

threatened  Death — Ufe  of  Trials — Remembrance  of  Friends,  86 

23.  To  Lady   Kenmure. — Exhorting  to  remember   her  Efpoufal  to 

Chrift — Tribulation  a  Preparation  for  the  Kingdom — Glory 

in  the  end,    .........         90 

24.  To  Marion  M^Naught. — Chrift  and  His  Garden — Provilion  of 

Ordinances  in  the  Church — Our  Children,  .  .  .  93 

25.  To  a    Gentleman   at  Kirkcudbright ,  excufmg  himfelf  from  tnfit- 

ingy 96 

26.  To  Marion  M^ Naught,  after  her  dangerous  ilhefs. — Ufe  of  Sick- 

nefs — Reproaches — Chrift  our  Eternal  Feaft — Fafting,  .  .         97 

27.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — Love  to  Chrift  and  Submiffion  to  His  Crofs 

— Believers  kept — The  Heavenly  Paradife,  ...         99 

28.  To  Lady  Kenmure,  after  the  death  of  a  child. — The  State  of  the 

Church,  Caufe  for  God's  Difpleafure — His  Care  of  His  Church 
—The  Jews— Afflided  Saints, 102 

29.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Chrift  with  His  People  in  the  Furnace 

of  Afflidion — Prayer,     .  .  .  .  .  .  .104 

30.  To   Lady   Kenmure. — Rank    and   Profperity    hinder   Progrefs — 

Watchfulnefs — Case  of  Relatives,      .  .  .  .  .105 

31.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — A  Union  for  Prayer  Recommended,  .       108 

32.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — State  and  Profpeds  of  the  Church — 

Satan,  .  .  .  .  .  •  .  •  .110 



:^^.  To  Marion  M^Naught. — In   Profpeft  of  Going  to  the  Lord's 

Table,  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .112 

34.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Profpedts  of  the  Chnrch — Chrift's  Care 

for  the  Children  of  Believers,    .  .  .  .  .  .       iiz 

2,s,  To  Lady  Kenmure,  on  the  death  of  a  child. — God  Meafures  our 

Days — Bereavements  Ripen  us  for  the  Harveft,    .  .  .       114 

36.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Choice  of  a  Commiffioner  for  Parlia- 

ment, .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .116 

37.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — On  the  Death  of  Lord  Kenmure — Defign 

of,  and  Duties  under,  Afflidtion,       .  .  .  .  .117 

38.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Chrift's  Care  of  His  Church,  and  His 

Judgments  on  her  Enemies,    .  .  .  .  .  .120 

39.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — Preparation  for  Death  and  Eternity,  .  .122 

40.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — When  Mr  Rutherford  had  the  Profpe(5t  of 

being  Removed  from  Anwoth,  .  .  .  .  .124 

41.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — The  Church's  Trials — Comfort  under 

Temptations — Deliverance — A  Meflage  to  the  Young,  .       125 

42.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — The  World  pafleth  aw^ay — Special  Portions 

of  the  Word  for  the  Afflided— Call  to  Kirkcudbright,  .       128 

43.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — When  Mr  Rutherford  v^as  in  difficulty 

as  to  accepting  a  Call  to  Kirkcudbright,  and  Cramond,  .       131 

44.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Troubles  threatening  the  Church,  .       133 

45.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — In  the  Profpedt  of  the  Lord's  Supper, 

and  of  Trials  to  the  Church,    .  .  .  .  .  .134 

46.  To  Marion  M'Naught. — Toffings  of  Spirit — Her  Children  and 

Hufband,     .........       135 

47.  To  Marion  M' Naught. — Submiffion  to  God's  Arrangements,      .       137 

48.  To  Marion  M'Naught. — Troubles  from  Falfe  Brethren — Occur- 

rences— Chrift's  Coming — Interceffion,       .  .  .  .138 

49.  To  Marion  M^Naught. — Spoiling  of  Goods — Call  to  Kirkcud- 

bright— The  Lord  Reigneth,    .  .  .  .  .  .141 

50.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Chrift  coming  as  Captain  of  Salvation — 

His  Church's  Conflict  and  Covenant — The  Jews — Laft  Days' 
Apoftafy, 143 

5 1 .  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Public  Temptations — The  Security  of 

every  Saint — Occurrences  in  the  Country-fide,    .  .  .       146 

52.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — In  the  Profped:  of  her  Hufband  being 

compelled  to  receive  the  Commands  of  the  Prelates — Saints 

are  yet  to  Judge,  ........       148 

S^.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Encouragement  under  Trial  by  Profpedl 

of  Brighter  Days,  .......       149 


54.  To  Marion  M'Naught, — Public  Wrongs — Words  of  Comfort,  .       150 
K,K^.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — When  he  had  been  threatened  with  Per- 

fecution  for  Preaching  the  Gofpel,      .  .  .  .  .       ijz 

J  6.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — Reafons  for  Relignation — Security  of  Saints 

— The  End  of  Time,      .......       153 

57.  "Xo  Marion  M^ Naught. — In  the  Profped  of  Removal  to  Aberdeen,       155 

58.  To  Lady  Kenmure — On  occafion  of  Efforts  to  introduce  Epifco- 

pacy,  .  .  .  ." 156 

59.  To  Earljlon^  Elder. — No  Suffering  for  Chrift  unrewarded — Lofs 

of  Children — Chrift  in  Providence,    .  .  .  .  .157 

60.  To  Marion  M^Naught. — When  he  was  under  Trial  by  the  High 

Commiffion,  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .161 

61.  To  Lady  Kenmure y  on  the  evening  of  his  banijhment  to  Aberdeen. 

- — His  only  Regrets — The  Crofs  unfpeakably  Sweet — Retro- 

fpe(5t  of  his  Miniftry,       .  ......       162 

62.  To  Lady  CulrofSy  on  the  occafion  of  his  banifhment  to  Aberdeen. — 

Challenges  of  Confcience — The  Crofs  no  Burden,  .  .164 

63.  To  Mr  Robert  Cunningham^  at  Holy^vood^  in  Ireland. — Confola- 

tion  to  a  Brother  in  Tribulation — His  own  Deprivation  of 
Miniltry — Chrift  worth  Suffering  for,  .  .  .  .167 

64.  To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Earlflon. — His  Feelings  upon  Leaving 

Anwoth,       .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .171 

65.  To  Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbreck,  on  his  ivay  to  Aberdeen. — How 

Upheld  on  the  Way,       .  .  .  .  .  .  .172 

66.  To  Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbrexy  after  arriving  at  Aberdeen. — 

Challenges  of  Confcience — Eafe  in  Zion,     .  .  .  .173 

67.  To  William  Fullertony  Provofl  of  Kirkcudbright. — Encouragement 

to  Suffer  for  Chrift,         .  .  .  .  .  .  .175 

68.  To  John  Fleming y  Bailie  of  Leith. — The  Sweetnefs  and  Faithful- 

nefs  of  Chrift 's  Love,      .  .  .  .  .  .  .176 

69.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — His  Enjoyment  of  Chrift  in  Aberdeen — A 

Sight  of  Chrift  exceeds  all  Reports — Some  afhamed  of  Him 

and  His,       .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .178 

70.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — Exercife  under  Reftraint  from  Preaching — 

The  Devil — Chrift's  Loving-kindnefs — Progrefs,  .  .       181 

71.  To  Mr  Hugh  M'Kaily  Mini/ler  of  Irvine.— ChnU  to  be  Trufted 

amid  Trial,  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .184 

72.  To  William  Gordon  of  Robert  on. — How  Trials  are  Misimproved 

— The  Infinite  Value  of  Chrift — Defpifed  Warnings,     .  .       185 

73.  To  Earlflon y  the  Elder. — Satisfaction  with  Chrift's  Ways — Private 

and  Public  Caufes  of  Sorrow,  .  .  .  .  .188 

CONTENTS.  .  xi 


74.  To  Lady  Culrofs. — Sufpicions  of  God's   Ways — God's    Ways 

always  Right — Grace  Grows  under  Trial,  .         .  .  .190 

75.  To  John  Kennedy y  Bailie  of  u4yr. — Longing  after  Difcoveries  of 

Chrift — His  Long-fuffering — Trying  Circumftances,     .  .191 

'] 6.  To  Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbrex. — Benefit  of  A ffliftion,        .  .       194 

77.  To  Lady  Boyd. — Aberdeen — Experience  of  himfelf  Sad — Taking 

Pains  to  win  Grace,        .  .  .  .  .  .  .197 

78.  To    Lord    Boyd — Encouragement    to    Exertion    for     Chrift's 

Caufe,  .........       199 

79.  To  Margaret  Ballantyne. — Value  of  the  Soul,  and  Urgency  of 

Salvation,     .........       201 

80.  To  Marion  M^Naught. — His  Comfort  under  Tribulations,  and 

the  Prifon  a  Palace,  .  .  .  .  .  ,  .204 

81.  To    Mr    John    Meine    (j'un.y — Experience — Patient  Waiting — 

Sandification,        ........       204 

82.  To  John  Gordon  of  Cardonefs ^  Elder. — Win  Chrift  at  all  Hazards 

—Chrift's  Beauty— A  Word  to  Children,  .  .  .206 

83.  To  the  Earl  of  Lothian. — Advice  as  to  Public  Condud: — Every- 

thing to  be  endured  for  Chrift,  .  .  .  .  .210 

84.  To  Jean  Broivn. — ^The  Joys  of  this  Life  embittered  by  Sin — 

Heaven  an  Objedt  of  Defire — ^Trial  a  Blefled  Thing,     .  .       214 

85.  To  John  Kennedy y  Bailie  of  Ayr. — The  Reafonablenefs  of  Believ- 

ing under  all  Afflidtion — Obligations  to  Free  Grace,     .  .       216 

86.  To  Lord  Craighall. — Epifcopalian  Ceremonies — How  to  Abide 

in  the  Truth — Defire  for  Liberty  to  Preach  Chrift,       .  .219 

87.  To  Elizabeth  Kennedy. — Danger   of   Formality — Chrift   wholly 

to  be  Loved — Other  Objeds  of  Love,        .  .  .  .222 

88.  To  Janet  Kennedy. — -Chrift  to  be  kept  at  every  Sacrifice — His  in- 

comparable Lovelinefs,  .  .  .  .  .  .225 

89.  To   the    Renj.    Robert   Blair. — God's    Arrangements   fometimes 

Myfterious,  ........       228 

90.  To  the  Re-v.  John  Liuingflone. — Refignation — Enjoyment — State 

of  the  Church,      .  .  .  ,  .  .  .  .232 

91.  To  Mr  Ephraim  Mel'vin. — Kneeling    at  the  Lord's  Supper   a 

fpecies  of  Idolatry,  .  .  .  .  .  .  •       ^2>5 

92.  To    Mr   Robert    Gordon  of  Knockbrex. — Vifits    of  Chrift — The 

Things  which  Afflidion  Teaches,      .  .  .  .  .238 

93.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — God's  Dealings  with  Scotland — The  Eye 

to  be  direded  Heavenward,      .  .  .  .  .  .241 

94.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — The  Times — Chrift's  Sweetnefs  in  Trouble 

— Longing  after  Him,    .  .  .  .  .  .  .242 



95.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — Chrift's  Crofs  Sweet — His  coming  to  be  De- 

fired — Jealous  of  any  Rival,     ......       244 

96.  To  Lady  Kenmure, — Chrift  all  Worthy — Anwoth,  ,  .       246 

97.  To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Earljlon. — Chrift  Endeared  by  Bitter 

Experiences — Searchings  of  Heart — Fears  for  the  Church,     .       247 

98.  To  Mr  Alexander  Col'ville  of  Blair. — Increafing  Experience  of 

Chrift's  Love — God  with  His  Saints,         ....       249 

99.  To  Earljlon^  Younger. — Chrift's  AVays  Mifunderftood — His  in- 

creafing Kindnefs — Spiritual  Delicacy — Hard  to  be  dead  to  the 
World,        .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .251 

100.  To  Lady  Cardonefs. — The  One  Thing  Needful — Confcientious 

A(5ting  in  the  World — Advice  under  Dejecting  Trials,  .       2^^ 

loi.  To  Jonet  Macculloch. — Chrift's  Sufficiency — Stedfaftnefs  in  the 

Truth, 257 

1 02.  To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Knockgray. — Grounds  of  Praife — Af- 

fliction tends  to  Mifreprefent  Chrift — Idols,         .  .  .259 

103.  To   Lady    Cardonefs^   Elder. — Chrift  and   His    Caufe  Recom- 

mended— Heavenly-mindednefs — Caution    againft    Compli- 
ances— Anxiety  about  his  Parifh,      .  .  .  .  .261 

104.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — Pains-taking  in  the  Knowledge  of  Chrift — 

Unufual  Enjoyment  of  His  Love — Not  Eafy  to  be  a  Chriftian 
* — Friends  muft  not  Miflead,  ......       263 

105.  To  a  Gentlerjuoman^  upon  the  death  of  her  Hufband. — Refignation 

under  Bereavement — His  own  Enjoyment  of  Chrift's  Love,  .       266 

106.  To  Lady  Kenmure. — Weak   Aflurance — Grace   different   from 

Learning — Self-accufations,    .  .  .  .  .  .268 

107.  To  Lady  Boyd. — Confcioufnefs  of  Defedts  no  Argument  of  Chrift 

being  unknown — His  Experience  in  Exile,  .  .  .       270 

108.  To  Lady  Kajkiberry. — Gratitude  for  Kindnefs — Chrift's  Prefence 

felt, 273 

109.  To  Lady  Earljlon. — Following  Chrift  not  Eafy — Children  not 

to  be  Over-loved — Joy  in  the  Lord,  .  .  .  '273 

I  TO.  To  Mr  Da-vid  Dickfon. — God's  Dealings — ^The  Bitter  Sweetened 

— Notes  on  Scripture,    .  .  .  .  .  •  •       '-4  75 

111.  To  Jean  Broavn. — Chrift's  Untold  Precioufnefs — A  Word  to 

her  Boy, 278 

112.  To  Mr  John  FerguJhilU — ^The  Rod  upon  God's  Children — Pain 

from  a  fenfe  of  Chrift's  Love — His  Prefence  a  Support  under 
Trials — Contentednefs  with  Him  alone,    .  .  .  .279 

113.  To  Mr  Robert  Douglas. — Greatnefs  of  Chrift's  Love  revealed  to 

thofe  who  fuffer  for  Him,        .  .  •  •   ,      .  •       281 

CONTENTS.  xi'ii 


1 14.  To  William  Rigg  of  Athernie. — Suftaining  Power  of  Chrift's 

Love — Satan's    Oppofition  —  Yearnings   for    Chrift    Himfelf 

— Fears  for  the  Church,  .  .  .  .  .  .283 

1 15.  To  Mr  Alexader  Henderfon* — Sadnefs  becaufe  of  Chrift's  Head- 

fhip  not  fet  forth — His  Caufe  attended  with  CroiTes — ^The 
Believer  feen  of  all,        .  .  .  .  .  .  .286 

116.  To  Lord  Loudon. — Bleflednefs  of  Afting  for  Chrift — His  Love 

to  His  Prifoner, 288 

117.  To  Mr  William  Dalglei/h,  Mtnijler  ofKirkdale  and  Kirkmabreck. — 

Chrift's  Kindnefs — Dependence  on  Providence — Controverfies,       291 

118.  To  Mr  Hugh  M^Kail,  Minijler  at  Ir'vine. — Chrift's  Bountiful 

Dealings — Joy  in  Chrift  through  the  Crofs,        .  .  .       294 

119.  To  Mr  Da'vid  Dick/on. — Joyful  Experience — Cup  Overflowing 

in  Exile,      .........       296 

120.  To  Mr  Matthew  Mo^juat,  Minijler  at  Kilmarnock. — Plenitude 

of  Chrift's  Love — Need  to  ufe  Grace  Aright — Chrift  the 
Ranfomer — Defire  to  proclaim  His  Gofpel — Shortcomings 
and  Sufferings,      .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .298 

121.  To  William  Halliday. — Diligence  in  fecuring  Salvation,    .  .       301 

122.  To  a  Gentlewoman  after  the  death  of  her  Hujband. — Vanity  of 

Earthly  PofTeffions — Chrift  a  fufficient  Portion — Defign  of 
Afflidiion,  .........       302 

123.  To  John    Gordon   of  Cardonefsy    Younger. — Reafons   for   being 

earaeft  about  the  Soul,  and  for  Refignation,        .  .  .304 

124.  To  John    Gordon    of  Cardonefsy    Elder. — 'Call    to    Eameftnefs 

about  Salvation — Intrufion  of  Minifters,    .  .  .  .306 

125.  To  Lady  Forret. — Sicknefs  a  Kindnefs — Chrift's  Glooms  better 

than  the  World's  Joys,  .  .  .  .  .  .307 

126.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Adherence  to  Duty  amidft  Oppofition 

— Power  of  Chrift's  Love,      .  .  .  .  .  -309 

127.  To  John  Carfen. — Nothing  worth  the  finding  but  Chrift,  .       310 

128.  To  the  Earl  of  Cajftllis. — Honour  of  teftifying  for  Chrift,  .       311 

129.  To  Mr  Robert  Gordon^  Bailie  of  Ayr. — Chrift  above  All,  .       313 

130.  To  John  Kennedy y  Bailie  of  Ayr. — Chrift's  Love — The  Three 

Wonders — Defires  for  His  Second  Coming,       .  .  .315 

131.  To  Jean   Brown. — His  Wifdom  in  our  Trials — Rejoicing    in 

Tribulation,  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .318 

132.  To  Jean  Macmillan. — Strive  to  enter  In,        .  .  .  .320 

133.  To  Lady  Bujbie. — Complete  Surrender  to  Chrift — No  Idols — 

Trials  difcover  Sins — A  Free  Salvation— The  Marriage 
Supper, 321 



134.  To  John  Eq.vart,  Bailie  of  Kirkcudbright. — The  Crofs  no  Bur- 

den— Need  of  Sure  Foundation,       .....       324 

135.  To  miliam  FuUerton^  Pronjoji  of  Kirkcudbright. — Fear  not  them 

who  kill  the  Body — Unexpeded  Favour,  .  .  '       I'i-s 

136.  To  Robert  Glendinning ^  Minifter  of  Kirkcudbright. — Prepare  to 

meet  thy  God — Chrift  his  Joy,         .  .  .  .  .326 

137.  To  William  Glendinning. — Perfeverance  againft  Oppofition,         .       328 

138.  To  Mr  Hugh  Henderfon^  Minifier  of  the  Gofpel. — Trials  feleded 

by  God — Patience — Looking  for  the  Judge,      .  .  .        330 

139.  To   Lord   Balmerinoch. — His    happy   Obligations   to   Chrift — 

Emptinefs  of  the  World,        ......       ^iZ"^ 

140.  To  Lady  Marry  Younger. — No  Exchange  for  Chrift,         .  .       2^3 

141.  To  James  Macadam. — The  Kingdom  taken  by  Force,     .  .       2>2)5 
I ^t.  To  William  Liinngflone. — Counfel  to  a  Youth,       .           .  >       Z^l 

143.  To  William   Gordon  of  Whitepark. — Nothing  loft  by  Trials — 

Longing  for  Chrift  Himfelf,  becaufe  of  His  Love,        .  .       338 

144.  To  Mr  George  Gillefpie^    Minifier  of  Kirkcaldy. — Sufpicions  of 

Chrift's  Love  Removed — Three  Defires,  ....       340 

145.  To  Jean  Gordon. — God  the  Satisfying  Portion — Adherence  to 

Chrift, 342 

146.  To  Mr  James  Bruce,   Minifier   of  the   Gofpel. — Misjudging  of 

Chrift's  Ways,     ........       343 

147.  To  John  Gordon,  at  Rufco. — Prefling    into   Heaven — To  be  a 

Chriftian  no  Eafy  Attainment — Sins  to  be  Avoided,     .  .       344 

148.  To    Lady    Hallhill.—Chnit's    Crofles    better    than     Egypt's 

Treafures,  .........       346 

149.  To  John  OJburn,  Pro'vofl  of  Ayr. — Adherence  to  Chrift — His 

Approbation  worth  all  Worlds,        .  .  .  .  .348 

150.  To  John  Henderfon,  in  Rufco. — Continuing  in  Chrift — Prepared- 

nefs  for  Death,     ........       349 

151.  To  John  Meine,  Senior. — Enjoyment  of  God's  Love — Need  of 

Help — Bm-dens,      ........       350 

152.  To  Mr  Thomas  Garven. — A  Prifoner's  Joys — Love  of  Chrift — 

The  Good  Part — Heaven  in  Sight, 352 

153.  To  Bethaia  Aird. — Unbelief  under  Trials — Chrift's  Sympathy,         354 

154.  To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Knockgray. — Profpedive  Trials,  .       356 

155.  To    Grizzel  Fullerton,   daughter  of  Marion  M^ Naught. — The 

One  Thing  Needful — Chrift's  Love,  .  .  .  -35  7 

156.  To  Patrick  Carfen.— Early  Devotednefs  to  Chrift,  .  .  •       3j8 

157.  To  the  Laird  of  Carleton. — Increafmg  Senfe  of  Chrift's  Love — 

Refignation — Deadnefs  to  Earth — Temptations — ^Infirmities,       359 



158.  To  Laciy  Bu/bie.—ChnR  all  Worthy— Beft  at  our  Loweft— Sin- 

fulnefs  of  the  Land — Prayers,  .  .  .  .  .362 

159.  To  John  Fleming^  Bailie  of  Leith. — Directions  for  Chriftian  Con- 

du(ft,  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .364 

160.  To    Alexander   Gordon   of  Earlflon.  —  Hungering    after    Chrift 

Himfelf  rather  than  His  Love,         .  .  .  .  .368 

161.  To  John  Stuart,  ProToJl  of  Ayr. — Commercial  Misfortunes — 

Service-Book — Bleflednefs  of  Trials,         .  .  .  .371 

162.  To  John  Stuart,  Prcvojl  of  Ayr. — The  Burden  of  a  Silenced 

Minifter — Spiritual  Shortcomings,     .  .  .  .  '376 

163.  To  John  Stuart,  Pronjofl  of  Ayr. — View  of  Trials  paft — Hard 

Thoughts  of  Chrift — Crofles — Hope,         .  .  .  .378 

164.  To  Ninian  Mure,  one  of  the  family  of  CaJJincarrie. — A  Youth 

Admonifhed,        .  .  .  .  .  .  .  '       Z^2> 

165.  To  Mr  Thomas  Gar'ven. — Perfonal  Infufficiency — Grace  from 

Chrift  alone — Longings  after  Him,  .  .  .  .384 

166.  To  Cardonefs,  the  Elder. — A  Good  Confcience — Chrift  kind  to 

Sufferers — Refponfibility — Youth,    .  .  .  .  .387 

167.  To  Lady  Boyd. — Leffons  learned  in  the  School  of  Adverfity,      .       390 
16%.  To  Mr  Da'vid  Dickfon. — Chrift's  Infinite  Fulnefs,  .  .  .       393 

169.  To  the  Laird  of  Carleton. — God's  ^Vorking  Incomprehenfible — • 

Longing  after  any  Drop  of  Chrift's  Fulnefs,        .  .  .       395 

170.  To  Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbrex. — Longing  for  Chrift's  Glory 

— Felt  Guiltinefs — Longing  for   Chrift's  Love — Sandtifica- 

tion, 398 

171.  To  the  Laird  of  Moncrieff. — Concert  in  Prayer — Stedfaftnefs  to 

Chrift — Grief  mifreprefents  Chrift's  Glory,  .  .  .       400 

172.  To  John  Clark. — Marks  of  Difference  betwixt  Chriftians  and 

Reprobates,  ........       404 

173.  To  Cardonefs,  the  Younger. — Warning  and  Advice  as  to  Things 

of  Salvation,         ........       405 

174.  To  Lord  Craighall. — Idolatry  Condemned,    ....       407 

175.  To  John  Laurie. — Chrift's  Love — A  Right  Eftimate  of  Him — 

His  Grace,  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .411 

176.  To  the  Laird  of  Carleton. — A  Chriftian's  Confeffion   of  Un- 

worthinefs — Defire  for  Chrift's  Honour. — Prefent   Circum- 
ftances,        .........       414 

177.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Chrift  Suffering  in  His  Church — His 

Coming — Outpourings  of  Love  from  Him,         .  .  .       418 

178.  To  Lady  C«/ro/}.— Chrift's  Management  of  Trials— What  Faith 

can  do — Chrift  not  Experience — Prayers,  .  .  .       421 



179.  To  Mr  John  Nevay. — Chrift's  Love  Sharpened  in  Suffering — 

Kneeling  at  the  Communion — Pofture  at  Ordinances, 

180.  To  Jobn  Gordon  of  Cardonefs^  the  Elder, — Longings  for  thofe 

under  his  former  Miniftry — Delight  in  Chrift  and  His  Ap- 
pearing— Pleading  with  his  Flock,    ..... 

181.  To  Earljlon,  the  Tounger. — Dangers  of  Youth — Chrift  the  beft 

Phyfician — Four  Remedies  againft  Doubting — Breathing  after 
Chrift's  Honour,  ........ 

182.  To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Knockgray. — Joy  in  God — Trials  work 

out  Glory  to  Chrift,       ....... 

183.  To  Mr  J R .—Chrift  the  Purifier  of  His  Church— 

SubmifTion  to  His  Ways,        ...... 

184.  To  Mr  William  Dalglei/h,  Minifler  of  the  Gofpel.—ThQ   Fra- 

grance of  the  Miniftry — A  Review  of  his  Paft  and  Prefent 
Situation,  and  of  his  Profpedls,         ..... 

185.  To  Marion  M^ Naught. — Longing  to  be  Reftored  to  his  Charge, 

186.  To  Robert  Stuart. — Chrift  choofes  His  own  in  the  Furnace — 

Need  of  a  Deep  Work — The  God-Man,  a  World's  Wonder, 

187.  To  Lady  Gaitgirth. — Chrift  Unchangeable,  though  not  always 

Enjoyed — His  Love  never  yet  fully  Poured  Out — Himfelf 
His  People's  Cautioner,  ...... 

188.  To  Mr  John  Fergujhill  of  Ochiltree. — Defponding  Views  of  his 

own   SUte — Minifterial  Diligence — Chrift's  Worth — Self- 
feeking,        ......... 









45  8 








■  ■  /^^^J^^^^^^^^ 


■V T  -''* 










HEREVER  the  palm-tree  is,  there  is  water,"  fays  the 
Eaflern  proverb ;  and  fo,  wherever  the  godly  flourifh, 
there,  we  are  fure,  muft  the  Word  of  God  be  found. 
In  the  hiftory  of  the  Reformation  we  read  of  Brother  Martin,  a  poor 
monk  at  Bade,  whofe  hope  of  falvation  refled  folely  on  the  Lord 
Jefus,  long  before  Luther  founded  the  filver  trumpet  that  fummoned 
fm-convinced  fouls  to  the  One  Sacrifice.  Having  written  out  his 
confeffion  of  faith,  his  ftatement  of  reliance  on  the  righteoufnefs  of 
Chrift  alone,  the  monk  placed  the  parchment  in  a  wooden  box,  and 
fhut  up  the  wooden  box  in  a  hole  of  the  wall  of  his  cell.  It  was 
not  till  lafl  century  that  this  box,  with  its  interefting  contents,  was 
difcovered  :  it  was  brought  to  light  only  when  the  old  wall  of  the 
monaflery  was  taken  down.  The  palm-tree  fpeaks  of  the  exigence 
of  water  at  its  root ;  the  pure  Word  of  God  taught  this  man  his 
fimple  faith.  And  herein  we  learn  how  it  was  that  Bafle  fo  early 
became  a  peculiar  centre  of  light  in  that  region :  the  prayer  and  the 
faith  of  that  hidden  one,  and  others  like-minded,  and  the  Word  on 
which  they  fed,  may  explain  it  all. 

VOL.  I.  A 


There  is  a  faft  not  unlike  the  above  in  the  hiftory  of  the  diftrift 
where  Samuel  Rutherford  laboured  fo  lovingly.  The  people  of 
that  fhire  tell  that  there  was  found,  fome  generations  ago,  in  the 
wall  of  the  old  caftle  of  Earlfton,  in  the  Stewartry  of  Kirkcudbright, 
a  copy  of  JVickliffe's  Bible.  It  feems  to  have  been  depofited  in  that  re- 
ceptacle in  order  to  be  hid  from  the  view  of  enemies  ;  but  from  time 
to  time  it  was  the  lamp  of  light  to  a  few  fouls,  who,  perhaps  in  the 
fdence  of  night,  found  opportunity  to  draw  it  out  of  its  ark,  and  perufe 
its  pages.  It  feems  that  the  Lollards  of  Kyle  (the  adjoining  diftrift ) 
had  brought  it  to  Earlflon.  We  know  that  there  were  friends  and 
members  of  the  family  of  Earlfton  who  embraced  the  Gofpel  even 
in  thofe  days.  In  the  fixteenth  century,  fome  of  the  anceftors  of 
Vifcount  Kenmure  are  found  holding  the  doctrines  of  WicklifFe, 
which  had  been  handed  down  to  them.  May  we  not  believe  that 
the  Gordons  of  Earlfton,  in  after  days,  were  not  a  little  indebted 
to  the  faith  and  prayers  of  thefe  ancient  witnefTes  who  hid  the 
facred  treafure  in  the  caftle  wall  ?  As  in  the  cafe  of  the  monk  of 
BaQe,  their  faith  and  patience  were  acknowledged  in  after  days  by 
the  bleffing  fent  down  on  that  quarter,  when  the  Lord,  in  remem- 
brance of  His  hidden  ones,  both  raifed  up  the  Gordons  of  Earlfton, 
with  many  others  of  a  like  fpirit,  and  alfo  fent  thither  His  fervant 
Samuel  Rutherford,  to  found  forth  the  word  of  life,  and  make  the 
lamp  of  truth  blaze,  like  a  torch,  over  all  that  region. 

Samuel  Rutherford  was  born  about  the  year  1600.  His 
father  is  underftood  to  have  been  a  refpe6lable  farmer.  He  had 
two  brothers,  James  and  George.  But  the  place  of  his  birth  was 
not  near  the  fcene  of  his  after  labours.  It  is  almoft  certain  that 
Nifbet,  a  village  of  Roxburghfhire,  clofe  to  the  Teviot,  in  the 
parifti  of  Crailing,  was  his  birth-place  ;  and  not  long  ago,  there 
were  fome  old  people  in  that  parifh  who  remembered  the  gable- 
end  of  the  houfe  in  which  he  was  born,  and  which,  from  refpeft 
to  his  memory,  was  permitted  to  ftand  as  long  as  it  could  keep  to- 
gether. Some  one  may  yet  light  upon  the  well  where,  when  very 
young,  Samuel  nearly  loft  his  life.  He  had  been  amufmg  himfelf 
with  fome  companions,  when  he  fell  in,  and  was  left  there  till  they 


ran  and  procured  affiftance ;  but  on  returning  to  the  fpot,  they 
found  him  feated  on  a  knoll,  cold  and  dripping,  yet  uninjured.  He 
told  them  that  "  A  bonnie  white  man  came  and  drew  him  out  of 
the  well ! "  Whether  or  not  he  really  fancied  that  an  angel  had 
delivered  him,  we  cannot  tell ;  but  it  is  plain  that,  at  all  events,  his 
boyifh  thoughts  were  already  wandering  in  the  region  of  the  fky. 

He  owed  little  to  his  native  place.  There  was  not  fo  much  of 
Chrift  known  in  that  parifh  then  as  there  is  now  ;  for  in  after  days 
he  writes,  "  My  foul's  defire  is,  that  the  place  to  which  I  owe  my  firft 
birth; — in  which,  I  fear,  Chrift  was  fcarcely  named,  as  touching  any 
reality  of  the  power  of  godlinefs  -, — may  bloflbm  as  the  rofe."  *  We 
have  no  account  of  his  revifiting  thefe  fcenes  of  his  early  life,  though 
he  thus  wrote  to  his  friend,  Mr  Scott,  minifter  of  the  adjoining 
parifh  of  Oxnam.  Like  Donald  Cargill,  born  in  Perthfhire,  yet 
never  known  to  preach  there  even  once,  Rutherford  had  his  labours 
in  other  parts  of  the  land,  diftant  from  his  native  place.  In  this 
arrangement  we  fee  the  Mafter's  fovereignty.  The  Iphere  is  evi- 
dently one  of  God's  choofmg  for  the  man,  inftead  of  being  the  re- 
fult  of  the  man's  gratifying  his  natural  predile6lions.  It  accords,  too, 
with  the  Mafter's  own  example ;  He  having  never  returned  to  Beth- 
lehem, where  He  was  born,  to  do  any  of  His  works. 

Jedburgh  is  a  town  three  or  four  miles  diftant  from  Nifbet, 
and  thither  Samuel  went  for  his  education  ;  either  walking  to  it 
and  returning  home  at  evening, — as  a  fchool-boy  would  fcarcely 
grudge  to  do, — or  refiding  in  the  town  for  a  feafon.  The  fchool 
at  that  time  met  in  a  part  of  the  ancient  abbey,  called,  from  this 
circumftance,  the  Latiners'  Alley.  In  the  year  1617  we  find  him 
farther  from  home, — removed  to  Edinburgh,  which,  forty  years 
before,  had  become  the  feat  of  a  College,  though  not  as  yet  a  Uni- 
verfity.  There  he  obtained,  in  1 62 1,  the  degree  of  Mafter  of  Arts. 
Soon  after,  he  was  appointed  Regent,  or  Profeflbr,  of  Humanity, 
though  there  were  three  other  competitors  ;  for  his  talents  had 
attra6ted  the  notice  of  many.     But,  on  occafion  of  a  rumour  that 

*  Let.  334. 


charged  him  with  fome  irregularity, — whether  with  or  without 
foundation,  it  is  now  difficult  to  afcertain, — he  demitted  his  office  in 
1625,  and  led  a  private  life,  attending  prelections  on  theology,  and 
devoting  himfelf  to  that  ftudy. 

That  there  could  not  have  been  anything  very  ferious  in  the 
rumour,  may  be  inferred  from  the  fa(5l  that  no  church  court  took 
any  notice  of  the  matter,  though  thefe  were  days  when  the  reins 
of  difcipline  were  not  held  with  a  flack  hand.  But  it  is  not  unlikely 
that  this  may  have  been  the  time  of  which  he  fays  in  a  letter,  "  I 
knew  a  man  who  wondered  to  fee  any  in  this  life  laugh  or  sport."* 
It  may  have  been  then  that  he  was  led  by  the  Spirit  to  know  the 
things  that  are  freely  given  us  of  God.f  We  have  no  proof  that 
he  was  converted  at  an  earlier  period,  but  rather  the  oppofite.  He 
writes,  "  Like  a  fool  as  I  was,  I  fuffered  my  fun  to  be  high  in  the 
heaven,  and  near  afternoon,  before  ever  I  took  the  gate  by  the 
end.":]:  And  again,  "  I  had  fl:ood  fure,  if  in  my  youth  I  had  bor- 
rowed Chrift  for  my  bottom."  §  The  clouds  returned  after  the  rain  ; 
family  trials,  and  other  fimilar  dealings  of  Providence,  combined  to 
form  his  character  as  a  man  of  God  and  as  a  paftor. 

In  1627  he  was  fettled  at  Anwoth,  ||  a  parifh  fituated  in  the  Stew- 
artry  of  Kirkcudbright,  on  the  river  Fleet,  near  the  Solway.  The 
church  ftood  in  a  wide  hollow,  or  valley,  at  the  foot  of  the  Boreland 
Hill.  Embofomed  in  wood,  with  neither  the  fmoke  nor  the  noife  of 
a  village  near,  it  mufl:  always  have  been  a  romantic  fpot,  the  very 
ideal  of  a  country  church,  fet  down  to  cherifh  rural  godlinefs. 
Though  at  this  period  Epifcopacy  had  been  obtruded  upon  Scot- 
land, and  many  faithful  minifters  were  fuffering  on  account  of  their 
refifl:ance  to  its  ceremonies  and  fervices,  yet  he  appears  to  have  been 
allowed  to  enter  on  his  charge  without  any  compliance  being  de- 
manded, and  **  without  giving  any  engagement  to  the  bifhop."  He 
began  his  miniftry  with  the  text,  John  ix.  39.     The  fame  Lord 

*  Let.  224.  t  I  Cor.  ii.  12.  %  Let.  177.  §  Let.  241. 

II  See  notice  of  the  topography  at  Let.  199.     It  is  a  mile  and  a  half  from 
the  modem  Gatehoufe  of  Fleet,  a  clean,  Englifh-looking  village. 


that  would  not  let  Paul  and  Timothy  preach  in  Afia,*  nor  in 
Bithynia,  and  yet  fent  to  the  one  region  the  beloved  John,f  and  to 
the  other  the  fcarcely  lefs  beloved  Peter,:j:  in  this  inftance  prevented 
John  Livingftone  going  to  Anwoth,  which  the  patron  had  defigned, 
and  lent  Rutherford  inflead.  This  was  the  more  remarkable,  be- 
caufe  Livingftone  was  fent  to  Ancrum,  the  parilh  that  borders  on 
Nifbet,  while  he  who  was  by  birth  related  to  that  place  was  de- 
fpatched  to  another  fpot.  This  is  the  Lord's  doing.  Minifters 
must  not  choofe  according  to  the  flefh. 

During  the  firil  years  of  his  labours  here,  the  sore  illnefs  of  his 
wife  was  a  bitter  grief  to  him.  Her  diflrefs  was  very  fevere.  He 
writes  of  it  :  "  She  is  fore  tormented  night  and  day  .-♦-My  life  is 
bitter  unto  me. — She  fleeps  none,  and  cries  as  a  woman  travailing 
in  birth  ;  my  life  was  never  fo  wearifome."  §  She  continued  in 
this  ftate  for  no  lefs  than  a  year  and  a  month,  ere  fhe  died.  Be- 
fides  all  this,  his  two  children  had  been  taken  from  him.  Such 
was  the  difcipline  by  which  he  was  trained  for  the  duties  of  a 
paftor,  and  by  which  a  fhepherd's  heart  of  true  fympathy  was 
imparted  to  him. 

The  parifh  of  Anwoth  had  no  large  village  near  the  church.  The 
people  were  fcattered  over  a  hilly  diftri6t,  and  were  quite  a  rural 
flock.  But  their  fhepherd  knew  that  the  Chief  Shepherd  counted 
them  worth  caring  for  ;  he  was  not  one  who  thought  that  his 
learning  and  talents  would  be  ill  fpent  if  laid  out  in  feeking  to 
fave  fouls,  obfcure  and  unknown.  See  him  fetting  out  to  vifit ! 
He  has  juft  laid  afide  one  of  his  learned  folios,  to  go  forth  among 
his  flock.  See  him  pafling  along  yonder  field,  and  climbing  that 
hill  on  his  way  to  fome  cottage,  his  "quick  eyes"  occafionally 
glancing  on  the  objects  around,  but  his  "  face  upward  "  for  the 
mofl:  part,  as  if  he  were  gazing  into  heaven.  He  has  time  to  vifit, 
for  he  rifes  at  three  in  the  morning ;  and  at  that  early  hour  meets 
his  God  in  prayer  and  meditation,  and  has  fpace  for  ftudy  befides. 
He  takes  occafional   days  for  catechifmg.     He  never  fails   to  be 

*  Acts  xvi.  6,  7.  tRev.  i.  II.  J  i  Pet.  i.  i.  §  Let.  18. 


found  at  the  fick-beds  of  his  people.  Men  faid  of  him,  "He  is 
alivays  praying,  alivays  preaching,  alivays  vifiting  the  fick,  alivays 
catechifing,  akvays  writing  and  ftudying."  He  was  known  to  fall 
alleep  at  night  talking  of  Chrill:,  and  even  to  fpeak  of  Him 
during  his  fleep.  Indeed,  himfelf  fpeaks  of  his  dreams  being 
of  Chrift .* 

His  preaching  could  not  but  arreif  attention.  Though  his  elo- 
cution was  not  good,  and  his  voice  rather  fhrill,  he  was,  neverthe- 
lefs,  "  one  of  the  moft  moving  and  affectionate  preachers  in  his 
time,  or  perhaps  in  any  age  of  the  Church."  f  Efpecially  when  he 
came  to  dwell  upon  the  fubjedf  he  fo  delighted  in,  Jefus  Chrift, 
his  manner  grew  fo  animated  that  it  feemed  as  if  he  would  have 
flown  out  of  the  pulpit.  An  Englifh  merchant  faid  of  him,  even  in 
days  when  controverfy  had  forely  vexed  him  and  diftrafted  his 
fpirit,  "  I  went  to  St  Andrews,  where  I  heard  a  fweet,  majeflic- 
looking  man  (R.  Blair),  and  he  fhowed  me  the  majefty  of  God. 
After  him  I  heard  a  little,  fair  man  (Rutherford),  and  he  fhowed 
me  the  lovelinefs  of  Chrijl.''  \ 

Anwoth  was  dear  to  him  rather  as  the  fphere  appointed  him 
by  his  Mafter,  than  becaufe  of  the  fruit  he  faw  of  his  labours. 
Two  years  after  being  fettled  there,  he  writes,  "I  fee  exceedingly 
fmall  fruit  of  my  miniftry.  I  would  be  glad  of  one  foul,  to  be  a 
crown  of  joy  and  rejoicing  in  the  day  of  Chrift."  His  people  were 
"like  hot  iron,  which  cooleth  when  out  of  the  fire."  Still  he 
laboured  in  hope,  and  laboured  often  almoft  beyond  his  flrength. 
Once  he  fays,  "  I  have  a  grieved  heart  daily  in  my  calling."  He 
fpeaks  of  his  pained  breaft,  at  another  time,  on  the  evening  of  the 
Lord's  day,  when  his  work  was  done.§  But  he  had  feafons  of 
refrefhing  to  his  own  foul  at  leafl  ;  efpecially  when  the  Lord's 
Supper  was  difpenfed.  Of  thefe  feafons  he  frequently  fpeaks.  He 
afks  his  friend,  Marion"  M'Naught,  to  help  with  her  prayers  on 
fuch  an  occafion,  "  that  being  one  of  the  days  wherein  Chrifl  was 

*  Let.  286.  t  Wodrow's  Church  Hifl.  i.  205. 

X  >rCrie's  Sketches.  §  Let.  185. 


wont  to  make  merry  with  His  friends."*  It  was  then  that  with 
i'pecial  earneftnefs  he  belbught  the  Father  to  diftribute  "the  great 
Loaf,  Chrifl,  to  the  children  of  His  family." 

Anwoth  church  was  filled,  but  not  altogether  by  pariihioners.f 
Many  came  from  great  diftances  ;  among  others,  feveral  that  were 
converted,  feventeen  years  before,  under  John  Welfh,  at  Ayr. 
Thefe  all  helped  him  by  their  prayers,  as  did  alfo  a  goodly  number 
of  godly  people  in  the  parifh  itfelf,  who  were  the  fruit  of  the 
miniftry  of  his  predecefTor.  Yet  over  the  unfaved  he  yearned 
moft  tenderly.  At  one  time  we  hear  him  fay,  *'  I  would  lay  my 
deareft  joys  in  the  gap  between  you  and  eternal  deftruction."  J  At 
another,  "  My  witnefs  is  in  heaven,  your  heaven  would  be  two 
heavens  to  me,  and  your  falvation  two  falvations."  He  could 
appeal  to  his  people,  "  My  day-thoughts  and  my  night-thoughts  are 
of  you  ;"  and  he  could  appeal  to  God,  ''  O  my  Lord,  judge  if  my 
miniftry  be  not  dear  to  me  ;  but  not  fo  dear  by  many  degrees  as 
Chrift  my  Lord."§ 

All  clafles  of  people  of  Anwoth  were  objefts  of  his  care.  He 
maintained  a  friendly  intercourfe  with  people  of  high  rank,  and 
very  many  of  his  Letters  are  addrefled  to  such  perfons.  He  feems 
to  have  been  remarkably  bleffed  to  the  gentry  in  the  neighbour- 
hood— more  far  than  to  the  common  people.  There  was  at  that 
time  fome  friend  of  Chrift  to  be  found  in  almoft  every  gentleman's 
feat  many  miles  round  Anwoth. 

*  Let.  14. 

t  The  oak  pulpit  out  of  which  he  preached  was  preferved  till  a  few  years 
ago.  The  old  church  (60  feet  by  18)  is  in  the  fhape  of  a  bam,  and  could 
hold  only  250  fitters.  The  years  1631  and  1633  are  carved  on  fome  of  the 
feats, — perhaps  the  feats  of  the  Gordons,  or  other  heritors.  We  may  add, 
while  fpeaking  of  this  old  edifice,  where  '^  the  fwallows  building  their  neft," 
feemed  to  the  exiled  pallor  ^^  blefled  birds,"  that  the  rufty  key  of  that  kirk- 
door  is  now  depofited  in  the  New  College,  Edinburgh,  fent  to  the  mufeum 
there  as  a  precious  relic  feveral  years  ago  by  a  friend,  through  Dr  Welfh.  The 
church  is  now  rooflefs,  its  walls  overgrown  with  ivy,  in  which  the  fparrows 
build  their  nefts  at  will. 

X  Let.  217.  §  Let.  217. 


But  the  herd  boys  were  not  beneath  his  fpecial  attention.  He 
writes  of  them  when  at  Aberdeen,  and  exclaims,  "  Oh  if  I  might 
but  fpeak  to  thee,  or  your  herd  boys,  of  my  worthy  Mafter."* 
He  had  a  heart  for  the  young  of  all  clafTes,  fo  that  he  would  fay  of 
two  children  of  one  of  his  friends,  *'  I  pray  for  them  by  name  ;"f 
and  could  thus  take  time  to  notice  one,  "  Your  daughter  defires  a 
Bible  and  a  gown.  I  hope  fhe  fhall  ufe  the  Bible  well,  which,  if 
fhe  do,  the  gown  is  the  better  bellowed."  He  lamented  over  the 
few  that  cry  "Hofanna"  in  their  youth.  "  Chrift  is  an  imhioivn 
Chrift  to  young  ones  -,  and  therefore  they  feek  Him  not,  becaufe  they 
know  Him  not." 

He  dealt  with  individual  parijhioners  fo  clofely  and  fo  perfonally 
as  to  be  able  to  appeal  to  them  regarding  his  faithfulnefs  in  this 
matter.  He  addreffes  one  of  them,  Jean  McMillan  :  "I  did  what 
I  could  to  put  you  within  grips  of  Chrift ;  I  told  you  Chrifl's  tefta- 
ment  and  latter- will  plainly."  J  He  fo  carried  them  on  his  heart 
(like  the  priefl  with  the  twelve  tribes  on  his  breaftplate),  that  he 
could  declare  to  Gordon  of  Cardonefs,  "  Thoughts  of  your  foul 
depart  not  from  me  in  my  fleep."  §  **  My  foul  was  taken  up  when 
others  were  fleeping,  how  to  have  Chrift  betrothed  with  a  bride  in 
that  part  of  the  land,"  viz.  Anwoth.  |1  He  fo  prayed  over  them 
and  for  them,  that  he  fears  not  to  fay,  "  There  I  wreflled  with  the 
angel  and  prevailed.  Woods,  trees,  meadows,  and  hills,  are  my 
witnefles  that  I  drew  on  a  fair  match  betwixt  Chrift  and  Anwoth."  f 
It  is  related  that,  on  firft  coming  to  the  parifh,  there  was  a  piece  of 
ground  on  Moflrobin  farm,  in  the  hollow  of  a  hill,  where  on 
Sabbath  afternoon  the  people  ufed  to  play  at  foot-ball.  On  one 
occafion  he  repaired  to  that  fpot,  and  pointed  out  their  fm,  folemnly 
calling  on  the  objects  round  to  be  witnefTes  againfl  them,  efpecially 
three  large  flones**  jutting  out  from  the  face  of  the  hill,  two  of 
which  flill  remain,  and  are  called  "  Rutherford^ s  Witfiejfes"  though 
the  third  was  wantonly  diflodged  fome  years  ago.     This  is  the  fpot 

*  Let.  163.  t  Let.  14.  X  Let.  132.  §  Let.  180. 

II  Let  186.  t  Let.  277.  **  Jofh.  xxiv.  27. 


which  is  Ipecially  taken  notice  of  by  Dr  Chalmers,  in  recording  a 
vifit  to  Anwoth  and  its  neighbourhood  (Life,  vol.  iii.  130)  : — 

*'  Wednefday,  Auguft  23,  1826. — Started  at  five  o'clock;  ordered  the  gig 
forvvai'd  on  the  public  road,  to  meet  us  after  a  fcramble  of  about  two  miles 
among  the  hills,  in  the  line  of  Rutherford's  Memorials.  Went  firft  to  his 
church ;  the  identical  fabric  he  preached  in,  and  which  is  ft  ill  preached  in.* 
The  floor  is  a  caufeway.  There  are  dates  of  1628  f  and  1633  on  fome  old 
carved  feats.  The  pulpit  is  the  fame,  and  I  fat  in  it.  It  is  fmaller  than  Kil- 
many,  and  very  rude  and  fimple.  The  church-bell  is  faid  to  have  been  given 
him  by  Lady  Kenmure,  one  of  his  correfpondents  in  his  Letters.  It  is  An- 
gularly fmall  for  a  church,  having  been  the  Kenmure  houfe-bell.  We  then 
paffed  to  the  new  church  that  is  building ;  but  I  am  happy  to  fay  the  old 
fabric  and  Rutherford's  pulpit  are  to  be  fpared.  It  is  a  cruel  circumftance 
that  they  pulled  dovra  (and  that  only  three  weeks  ago)  his  dwelling-houfe, 
his  old  manfe  ,-  which  has  not  been  ufed  as  a  manfe  for  a  long  time,  but  was 
recently  occupied.  It  fhould  have  been  fpared.  Some  of  the  mafons  who 
were  ordered  to  pull  it  down  refufed  it,  as  they  would  an  act  of  facrilege,  and 
have  been  difmifled  from  their  employment.  We  went  and  mourned  over  the 
nibbifh  of  the  foundation.  Then  afcended  a  bank,  ft  ill  known  by  the  name  of 
Rutherford's  JValk.X  Then  went  farther  among  the  hills,  to  Rutherford's  JVit- 
nejjesy — fo  many  ftones  which  he  called  to  witnefs  againft  fome  of  his  pa- 
rijfhioners  who  were  amufing  themfelves  at  the  place  with  fome  game  on  the 
Sunday,  and  whom  he  meant  to  reprove.  The  whole  fcene  of  our  morning's 
walk  was  wild,  and  primitive,  and  interefting." 

Once,  while  in  Anwoth,  his  labours  were  interrupted  by  a  ter- 
tian fever  which  laid  him  afide  for  thirteen  weeks.  Even  when 
well  recovered,  he  could  for  a  long  time  only  preach  on  the  Sab- 
baths :  vifiting  and  catechifmg  were  at  a  ftand.  This  was  juft 
before  his  wife's  death  in  1 630,  and  he  writes  in  the  midft  of  it, 
"  Welcome,  welcome,  crofs  of  Chrift,  if  Chrift  be  with  it."  "  An 
afflicted  life  looks  very  like  the  way  that  leads  to  the  kingdom." 
And  fome  years  thereafter,  when  his  mother  (who  came  from  Niibet, 
and  refided  with  him  fix  years  after  his  firfl  wife's  death)  was  in  a 
dangerous  illnefs,  he  touchingly  informs  one  of  his  correfpondents, 
to  whom  he  writes   from  Anwoth,   "  My  mother  is  weak,  and  I 

*  It  has  not  been  preached  in  fince  the  year  1827. 

t  A  miftake  for  163 1. 

X  It  was  a  walk  among  trees,  clofe  to  the  manfe. 


think  fliall  leave  me  alone  ;  but  I  am  not  alone,  becaufe  Chrift's 
Father  is  with  me."* 

And  what  was  his  recreation  ?  The  manfe  of  Anwoth  had 
many  vifits  of  kind  friends,  who,  in  Rutherford's  fellowfhip,  felt  that 
faying  verified,  "They  that  dwell  under  his  fhadow  fhall  return  ; 
they  fhall  revive  as  the  corn."-|-  The  righteous  compafled  him 
about,  becaufe  the  Lord  had  dealt  bountifully  with  him.  His 
Letters  would  be  enough  of  themfelves  to  fhow  that  his  friendihip 
and  counfel  were  fought  by  the  godly  on  all  fides.  One  of  his 
vifitors  was  his  own  brother,  George,  at  Kirkcudbright.  This  good 
man  was  a  teacher  in  that  town,  who  often  repaired  to  Anwoth  to 
take  fweet  counfel  with  Samuel ;  and  then  together,  they  talked  of 
and  prayed  for  their  only  other  brother  James,  an  officer  in  the 
Dutch  fervice,  who  had  fympathy  with  their  views,  and,  in  after 
days,  conveyed  to  Samuel  the  invitation  to  become  Profeffor  at 
Utrecht.  Vifits  of  thofe  friends  who  refided  near  were  not  unfre- 
quent,  fuch  as  the  Gordons,  Vifcount  Kenmure  and  his  lady,  and 
Marion  M'Naught.  But  at  times  Anwoth  manfe  was  lighted  up 
by  the  glad  vifit  of  unexpected  guefts.  There  is  a  tradition  that 
Archbifhop  Ufher,  pafTing  through  Galloway,  turned  afide  on  a 
Saturday  to  enjoy  the  congenial  fociety  of  Rutherford.  He  came, 
however,  in  difguife  ;  and  being  welcomed  as  a  gueft,  took  his 
place  with  the  refl  of  the  family  when  they  were  catechifed,  as  was 
ufual,  that  evening.  The  flranger  was  afked,  "  How  many  com- 
mandments are  there  ?  "  His  reply  was  "  Eleve?i"  The  paflor 
corrected  him  ;  but  the  flranger  maintained  his  pofition,  quoting 
our  Lord's  words,  *'  A  new  commandment  I  give  unto  you,  that  ye 
love  one  another"  They  retired  to  refl,  all  interefted  in  the  flranger. 
Sabbath  morning  dawned.  Rutherford  arofe,  and  repaired,  as  was 
his  cuffom,  for  meditation  to  a  walk  that  bordered  on  a  thicket,! 
but  was  ffartled  by  hearing  the  voice  of  prayer, — prayer  too  from 

*  Let.  49.  t  Hos.  xiv.  7. 

%  The  place  is  ftill  pointed  out  by  tradition,  as  *' Rutherford's  Walk." 
It  was  clofe  to  the  old  manfe,  which  was  pulled  down  many  years  ago.     It 


the  heart,  and  in  behalf  of  the  fouls  of  the  people  that  day  to 
affemble.  It  was  no  other  than  the  holy  Archbiihop  Ufher  ;  and 
foon  they  came  to  an  explanation,  for  Rutherford  had  begun  to 
fufpect  he  had  "  entertained  angels  unawares."  With  great  mutual 
love  they  converfed  together  ;  and  at  the  requeft  of  Rutherford,  the 
Archbifhop  went  up  to  the  pulpit,  conducSled  the  ufual  fervice  of  the 
Prefbyterian  paftor,  and  preached  on  "  the  New  Commandment." 

Scarcely  lefs  interefting  is  the  record  of  another  unlooked-for 
meeting.  Rutherford  had  one  day  left  home  to  go  to  the  neighbouring 
town  of  Kirkcudbright,  the  next  day  being  a  day  of  humiliation  in 
that  place.  Having  no  doubt  fpent  Ibme  time  with  his  like-minded 
brother,  he  turned  his  fteps  to  the  houfe  of  another  friend,  Provoft 
FuUerton,  whofe  wife  was  Marion  M'Naught.  While  fitting  with 
them  in  friendly  converfe,  a  knock  at  the  door  was  heard,  and  then 
a  flep  on  the  threfhold.  It  was  worthy  Mr  Blair,  who,  on  his 
way  from  London  to  Port  Patrick,  had  fought  out  fome  of  his 
godly  friends,  that  with  them  he  might  be  refrefhed  ere  he  returned 
to  Ireland.  He  told  them,  when  feated,  that  '*  he  had  a  defire  to 
vifit  both  Mr  Rutherford  at  Anwoth,  and  Marion  M'Naught  at 
Kirkcudbright  -,  but  not  knowing  how  to  accomplifh  both,  had 
prayed  for  direftion  at  the  parting  of  the  road,  and  laid  the  bridle  on 
the  horfe's  neck.  The  horfe  took  the  way  to  Kirkcudbright,  and 
there  he  found  both  the  friends  he  fo  longed  to  fee."  It  was  a 
joyful  and  refrefhing  meeting  on  all  fides.  Wodrow  tells*  another 
incident  that,  in  part,  bears  fome  refemblance  to  this.  Rutherford 
had  been  reafoning  at  Stirling  with  the  Marquis  of  Argyle,  and  had 
let  out  homeward.  But  his  horfe  was  very  troublefome,  and  he  was 
feeling  in  his  mind  that  he  fhould  have  been  more  urgent  and  plain ! 
He  returned,  and  dealt  freely  this  time.  And  now  his  horfe  went 
on  pleafantly  all  the  way. 

ftood  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile  from  the  church,  and  bore  the  name,  ^^  Bmhy 
BieU,"  or  Bujb  o  Bield^  i.e.^  the  bufh  of  fhelter.     A  Iketch  of  it,  as  it  was,  is 
given  in  Murray's  Life  of  Rutherford. 
*  Analecia^  vol.  ii.,  p.  i6i. 


In  1634  ^^  attended  the  remarkable  death-bed  of  Lord  Ken- 
mure,  a  narrative  of  which  he  publiihed  fifteen  years  after,  in  "  The 
Last  and  Heavenly  Speeches  and  Glorious  Departure  of  John 
Vifcount  Kenmure."  The  inroads  of  Epifcopacy  were  at  this  time 
threatening  to  difquiet  Anwoth.  His  own  domeftic  affliftions  were 
flill  affecting  him  ;  for  he  writes  that  fame  year,  in  referring  to  his 
wife's  death  many  years  before,  *'  which  wound  is  not  yet  fully 
healed  and  cured."  About  that  time,  too,  there  was  a  propofal 
(never  carried  into  effect)  to  call  him  to  Cramond,  near  Edinburgh,* 
and  another  to  get  him  settled  at  IGrkcudbright. 

Meanwhile  he  perfevered  in  fludy  as  well  as  in  labours,  and 
with  no  common  fuccefs.  He  had  a  metaphyseal  turn,  as  well  as 
great  readinefs  in  ufmg  the  accumulated  learning  of  other  days.  It 
might  be  inftru6five  to  inquire  why  it  is  that  wherever  godlinefs  is 
healthy  and  progrefTive,  we  almofl  invariably  find  learning  in  the 
Church  of  Chrifl  attendant  on  it  ;  while,  on  the  other  hand,  negleft 
of  fludy  is  attended  fooner  or  later  by  decay  of  vital  godlinefs. 
Not  that  all  are  learned  in  fuch  times  ;  but  there  is  always  an 
element  of  the  kind  in  the  circle  of  thofe  whom  the  Lord  is  ufmg. 
The  energy  called  forth  by  the  knowledge  of  God  in  the  foul  leads 
on  to  the  ftudy  of  whatever  is  likely  to  be  ufeful  in  the  defence  or 
propagation  of  the  truth  ;  whereas,  on  the  other  hand,  when  decay 
is  at  work  and  lifeleffnefs  prevailing,  floth  and  eafe  creep  in,  and 
theological  learning  is  flighted  as  uninterefting  and  dry.  With 
Samuel  Rutherford  and  his  contemporaries  we  find  learning  fide  by 
fide  with  vital,  and  fingularly  deep,  godlinefs.  GUlefpie,  Hender- 
fon,  Blair,  Dickfon,  and  others,  are  well-known  examples.  Nor 
lefs  diftinguiflied  was  Rutherford,  who  was  led  by  circumflances 
in  1636  to  publifh  his  elaborate  defence  of  grace  againft  the 
Arminians,  in  Latin.  Its  title  is,  "  Exercitationes  de  Gratia."  So 
highly  was  it  efleemed  at  Amfterdam,  where  it  was  publifhed,  that  a 
fecond  edition  was  printed  that  very  year  ;  and  repeated  invitations 

*  Let.  43.  His  friend  and  neighbour  Mr  Dalgleifh,  minifter  of  Kirkdale 
and  Kirkmabreck,  was  tranflated  to  Cramond  in  1639. 


were  addrefled  foon  after  to  the  author  to  come  to  Holland,  and 
occupy  one  or  other  of  their  Divinity  chairs.  Soon  after,  the  con- 
teft  for  Chrijl's  kingly  office  became  increafmgly  earneft  and  keen. 
To  Rutherford  it  appeared  no  fmall  matter.  "  I  could  wifh  many 
pounds  added  to  my  crofs  to  know  that  by  my  fuffering  Chrift  was 
fet  forward  in  His  kingly  office  in  this  land."*  July  27,  1636,  was 
a  day  that  put  his  principles  to  the  teft.  He  was  called  before  the 
High  Commiffion  Court,  becaufe  of  non-conformity  to  the  a6ls  of 
Epifcopacy,  and  becaufe  of  his  work  againft  the  Arminians.  The 
Court  was  prefided  over  by  SydferfF,  Bifhop  of  Galloway,  and  was 
held  at  Wigton,  about  ten  miles  from  Anwoth,  acrofs  the  Bay.  He 
appeared  in  perfon  there,  and  defended  himfelf.  The  ifTue  could 
not  be  doubtful,  though  Lord  Lorn  made  every  exertion  in  his  be- 
half. He  was  deprived  of  his  minifterial  office,  which  he  had 
exercifed  at  Anwoth  for  a  period  of  nine  years,  and  banifhed  to 
Aberdeen.  The  next  day  (writing  at  evening  on  the  fubject),  he 
tells  of  his  fentence,  and  calls  it,  "  The  honour  that  I  have  prayed 
for  thefe  fixteen  years."  He  made  up  his  mind  to  leave  Anwoth 
at  once,  obferving,  with  a  submiffivenefs  which  we  might  wonder 
at  in  the  author  of  Lex  Rex,  "  I  purpofe  to  obey  the  king,  who 
has  power  over  my  body."  His  only  alarm  was  left  this  feparation 
from  his  flock  might  be  a  chaflifement  on  him  from  the  Lord,  "  be- 
caufe I  have  not  been  fo  faithful  in  the  end  as  I  was  in  the  two 
firfl  years  of  my  miniftry,  when  fleep  departed  from  mine  eyes 
through  care  for  Chrift's  lambs."  f 

On  leaving  Anwoth  he  directed  his  fteps  by  Irvine,  fpending  a 
night  there  with  his  beloved  friend  David  Dickfon.  What  a  night 
that  mufl  have  been  !  To  hear  thefe  two  in  folemn  converfe  !  The 
one  could  not  perhaps  handle  the  harp  fo  well  as  the  other  ;  for 
David  Dickfon  could  exprefs  his  foul's  weary  longings  and  its  con- 
foling  hopes  in  fuch  ftrains  as  that  which  has  made  his  name 
familiar  in  Scotland,  *'  0  mother  dear  Jerufalemf  but  Rutherford, 
neverthelefs,  had  fo  much  of  poetry  and  fublime  enthufiafm  in  his 

*  Let.  115.     See  also  Let.  54.  t  Let.  109. 


foul,  that  any  poet  could  fympathife  with  him  to  the  full.  Many 
of  his  letters  "  from  Chri/l's  palace  in  Aberdeen"  are  really  flrains 
of  true  poetry.  What  elfe  is  fuch  an  efPufion  as  this,  when,  rifmg 
on  eagles'  wings,  he  exclaims,  "  A  land  that  has  more  than  four 
fummers  in  the  year  !  What  a  fmging  life  is  there  !  There  is  not  a 
dumb  bird  in  all  that  large  field,  but  all  fmg  and  breathe  out  heaven, 
joy,  glory,  dominion,  to  the  High  Prince  of  that  new-found  land. 
And  verily  the  land  is  fweeter  that  He  is  the  glory  of  that  land."* 
"  O  how  fweet  to  be  wholly  Chrift's,  and  wholly  in  Chrift;  to  dwell 
in  Immanuel's  high  and  blefled  land,  and  live  in  that  fweeteft  air, 
where  no  wind  bloweth  but  the  breathings  of  the  Holy  Ghoft,  no 
fea  nor  floods  flow  but  the  pure  water  of  life  that  floweth  from 
under  the  throne  and  from  the  Lamb,  no  planting,  but  the  tree 
of  life  that  yieldeth  twelve  manner  of  fruits  every  month  !  What 
do  we  here  but  fm  and  fuffer  ?  O  when  fliall  the  night  be  gone, 
the  fliadows  flee  away,  and  the  morning  of  the  long,  long  day, 
without  cloud  or  night,  dawn  ?  The  Spirit  and  the  bride  fay, 
*  Come  ! '  O  when  fliall  the  Lamb's  wife  be  ready,  and  the  Bride- 
groom fay.  Come  ?"f  Whoever  compares  fuch  breathings  with 
David  Dickfon's  hymn,  will  fee  how  congenial  were  their  feelings 
and  their  hopes,  and  even  their  mode  of  exprefling  what  they  felt 
and  hoped,  though  the  one  ufed  profe  and  the  other  tried  more 
memorable  verfe. 

We  follow  Rutherford  to  Aberdeen,  the  capital  of  the  North, 
whither  he  was  accompanied  by  a  deputation  of  his  afleflionate  pa- 
rifhioners  from  Anwoth,  in  whofe  company  he  would  forget  the 
length  and  tedioufnefs  of  the  way.  He  arrived  here  in  September 
1636.  This  town  was  at  that  time  the  fl:ronghold  of  Epifcopacy 
and  Arminianifm,  and  in  it  the  fl:ate  of  religion  was  very  low.  "  It 
conflfl:ed  of  Papifl:s,  and  men  of  Gallio's  naughty  faith."  J      The 

*  Let.  323.  t  Let.  334. 

X  Let.  76.  Dr  James  Sibbald,  faid  to  have  been  a  man  of  great  learning, 
was  minifter  in  one  of  the  churches  of  New  Aberdeen.  Rutherford  attended 
his  preaching,  and  finding  that  he  taught  Arminianifm,  teftified  againft  him. 


clergy  and  doftors  took  the  opportunity  of  Rutherford's  arrival  to 
commence  a  feries  of  attacks  on  the  fpecial  dodlrines  of  grace  which 
he  held.  But  in  difputation  he  foiled  them  ;  and  when  many  be- 
gan to  feel  drawn  to  him  in  confequence  of  his  earneft  dealings  and 
private  exhortations,  there  was  a  propofal  made  to  remove  him  from 
the  town.  *'  So  cold,"  writes  he,  *'  is  northern  love  !  But  (added 
he)  Chrifl  and  I ivill  hear  it;'''*  deeply  feeling  his  union  to  Him 
who  faid  to  Saul,  "Why  perfecuteft  thou  MeV'  Often,  on  the 
ftreets,f  he  was  pointed  out  as  "  the  Banijhed Minijler ;''  and  hearing 
of  this,  he  remarked,  "  I  am  not  afhamed  of  my  garland."  He  had 
vifitors  from  Orkney,  and  from  Caithnefs,  to  the  great  annoyance 
of  his  perfecutors.J  Some  blamed  him  for  not  being  ''prudent 
enough^''  as  we  have  feen  men  ready  to  do  in  fimilar  cafes  in  our 
own  day  ;  but  he  replies,  "  //  is  ordinary  that  that  Jfjotild  be  part  of 
the  crofs  of  thofe  ivho  fnff^r  for  Him''  Still  he  enjoyed,  in  his  foli- 
tude,  occafional  intercourfe  with  fome  of  the  godly  ones,  among 
whom  were  Lady  Pitfligo,  Lady  Burnet  of  Largs,  Andrew  Cant, 
and  James  Martin.  His  deepeft  affliction  was  feparation  from  his 
flock  at  Anwoth.  Nothing  can  exceed  his  tender  forrow  over  this 
flock.  § 

It  was  a  faying  of  his  own,  "  Gold  may  be  gold,  and  bear  the 
king's  fl:amp  upon  it,  when  it  is  trampled  upon  by  men."  And 
this  was  true  of  himfelf.  But  he  came  out  of  his  trial  not  only  un- 
fcorched,  but,  as  his  many  letters  from  Aberdeen  fhow,  greatly 
advanced  in  every  grace.  The  Latin  lines  prefixed  to  the  early  edi- 
tions of  thefe  Letters  fcarcely  exaggerate  when  they  fmg, — 

*  *  Quod  Chebar  et  Patmos  divinis  \'atibus  olim  ; 
Huic  fuerant  fanfto  clauftra  Abredaea  viro." 

He  was,  during  part  of  two  years,  clofely  confined  to  that 
town,  though  not  in  prifon  ;  but  in  1638  public  events  had  taken 

*  Let.  117. 

t  The  impreflion  of  fome  readers  might  be  that  he  was  in  prifon.  But  he 
never  was  fo.  He  was  in  exile ;  but  the  whole  town  was  his  prifon.  He  was, 
in  this  refpedt,  hke  Shimei  confined  to  Jenifalem. 

%  Let.  161.  §  Let.  181. 


another  turn.  The  Lord  had  flirred  up  the  fpirit  of  the  people  of 
Scotland,  and  the  Covenant  was  again  triumphant  in  the  land. 
Rutherford  haftened  back  to  Anwoth.  During  his  abfence,  "  For 
fix  quarters  of  a  year,"  fay  his  pariihioners,  "  no  found  of  the  Word 
of  God  was  heard  in  our  kirk."  The  fwallows  had  made  their  nefts 
there  undifturbed  for  two  fummers. 

His  Letters  do  not  refer  to  the  proceedings  of  the  Glafgow 
Affembly  of  1638.  It  is  well  known,  however,  that  he  was  no 
mere  indifferent  fpectator  to  what  then  took  place,  but  was  prefent, 
and  was  member  of  feveral  committees  which  at  that  time  fat  on 
the  affairs  of  the  Church.  Prefbytery  being  fully  reffored  by  that 
Affembly,  it  was  thought  right  that  one  fo  ^fted  fhould  be  removed 
to  a  more  important  fphere.  He  was  fent  by  the  Church  to  feveral 
diftrifts  to  promote  the  caufe  of  Reformation  and  the  Covenant  : 
and  at  length,  in  fpite  of  his  reluftance,  arifmg  chiefly  from  love  to 
his  flock, —  his  rural  flock  at  Anwoth, — he  was  conflrained  to  yield 
to  the  united  opinion  of  his  brethren,  and  removed  to  the  Profef^ 
for's  Chair  in  St  Andrews  in  1639,  and  made  Principal  of  the  New 
College.  He  bargained  to  be  allowed  to  preach  regularly  every 
Sabbath  in  his  new  fphere ;  for  he  could  not  endure  fdence  when 
he  might  fpeak  a  word  for  his  Lord.  He  feems  to  have  preached 
alfo,  as  occafion  offered,  in  the  parifhes  around,  efpecially  at 
Scoonie,  in  which  the  village  of  Leven  flands.* 

His  hands  were  necefTarily  filled  with  work  in  his  new  fphere ; 

*  ^*  1 65 1,  July  13. — The  comm.  was  given  at  Scoonie.  Mr  Alex.  Mon- 
criefF,  m.  there,  did  preach  the  Preparation  Sermon,  and  on  Monday  morning 
Mr  Sa.  Rutherford  did  preach ;  his  text  at  both  occafions  was  Luke  vii.  36 
till  39  V.  At  this  time  was  prefent,  befides  Mr  Sa.  Rutherford,  Mr  Ja. 
Guthrie,  and  Mr  David  Bennet,  Mr  Ephraim  Melvin,  and  Mr  William  Oli- 
phant,  m.  in  Dumfermlin.  Thither  did  refort  many  flrangers,  fo  that  the 
throng  was  great.  Mr  Ephraim,  and  Mr  D.  Bennet,  both  did  fit  within  the 
pulpit  while  the  minifter  had  his  fermon."  "  1654,  Jan.  4. — Being  Saturday, 
there  was  a  Preparation  Sermon  for  a  Thankfgiving  preached  at  Scoonie  in 
Fyfe,  for  the  continuance  of  the  Gofpel  in  the  land,  and  for  the  fpreading  of 
it  in  fome  places  of  the  Highlands  in  Scotland,  where  in  fome  families  two,  and 


yet  flill  he  relaxed  nothing  of  his  diligence  in  fludy.  Nor  did  he 
lack  anything  of  former  bleffing.  It  was  here  the  Englifh  merchant 
heard  him  preach  fo  afFectingly  on  the  lovelinefs  of  Chrift ;  while 
fuch  was  his  fuccefs  as  a  ProfefTor,  that  "  the  Univerfity  became  a 
Lebanon  out  of  which  were  taken  cedars  for  building  the  houfe  of 
God  throughout  the  land." 

In  the  year  1 640,  he  married  his  fecond  wife,  Jean  M'Math, 
"a  woman,"  fays  one,  "of  fuch  worth,  that  I  never  knew  any 
among  men  exceed  him,  nor  any  among  women  exceed  her.  He 
who  heard  either  of  them  pray  or  fpeak,  might  have  learnt  to 
bemoan  his  own  ignorance.  Oh  how  many  times  I  have  been  con- 
vinced, by  obferving  them,  of  the  evil  of  unferioufnefs  unto  God, 
and  unfavourinefs  in  difcourfe."  They  had  feven  children ;  but 
only  one  furvived  the  father,  a  little  daughter,  Agnes,  who  does  not 
feem  to  have  been  a  comfort  to  her  godly  mother. 

In  July  1643,  the  Weftminfter  AfTembly  began  to  fit ;  and  to  it 
he  was  fent  up  as  one  of  the  CommiiTioners  from  the  Church  of 
Scotland.  A  fketch  of  a  ^^  Shorter  Catechifm  "  exifls  in  MS.,  in  the 
library  of  the  Edinburgh  Univeriity,  '171  Rutherford's  ha?uhvrit'wg, 
very  much  refembling  the  Catechifm  as  it  now  ftands,  from  which 
it  has  been  inferred  that  he  had  the  principal  hand  in  drawing  it  up 
for  the  Aflembly.  He  continued  four  years  attending  the  fittings 
of  this  famous  fynod,  and  was  of  much  ufe  in  their  delibera- 
tions. So  prominent  a  part  did  he  take,  that  the  great  Milton  has 
fingled  him  out  for  attack  in  his  lines,   "■  On  the  new  forcers  of 

in  fome  families  one,  began  to  call  on  God  by  prayer.  Mr  Samuel  Ruther- 
ford, m.  in  St  Andrews,  preached  on  Saturday;  his  text,  Ifai.  xlix.  9,  10,  11, 
12.  On  the  Sabbath,  Mr  Alex.  MoncriefF,  m.,  then  preached;  his  led:ure, 
I  Thefs.  i.  ch. ;  his  text,  Colofs.  i.  27.  In  the  afternoon  of  the  Sabbath,  Mr 
Samuel  preached  again  upon  his  forementioned  text.  On  Monday  morning, 
Mr  Samuel  had  a  Lecture  on  Pfal.  Ixxxviii.  He  did  read  the  whole  Pfalm 
Obferve,  that  on  Saturday  Mr  Samuel  had  this  expreflion  in  his  prayer  after 
fermon,  defiring  that  the  Lord  would  rebuke  Prefbyteries  and  others  that  had 
taken  the  keys  and  the  power  in  their  hands,  and  keeped  out,  and  would  fuf- 
fer  none  to  enter  (meaning  in  the  miniftry)  but  fuch  as  faid  as  they  faid." — 
Lamoni's  Diary. 

VOL  I.  B 


confcience,  under  the  Long  Parliament."  Milton  knew  him  only  as 
an  opponent  of  his  feftarian  and  Independent  principles,  and  fb 
could  fcorn  meafures  propofed  by  "  Mere  A.  S.  and  Rutherford." 
But  had  he  known  the  foul  of  the  man,  would  not  even  Milton 
have  found  a  fublimity  of  thought  and  feeling  in  his  adverfary, 
that  at  times  approached  his  own  lofty  poefy  ?  How  interefling, 
in  any  point  of  view,  to  find  the  devoted  paftor  of  Anwoth, 
on  the  ftreets  of  London,  croiTuig  the  path  of  England's  greateft 

During  his  refidence  in  London  he  was  tried  with  many  afflic- 
tions. Several  of  his  family  died ;  and  his  own  health  began  to  give 
way,  fo  that  he  and  his  brother  minifler,  Mr  G.  Gillefpie,  vifited 
Epfom  to  drink  the  waters.  Yet  fuch  was  the  amazing  fpirit  of 
the  man,  under  a  fenfe  of  duty,  that  amid  the  trials  and  buftle  of 
that  time  he  wrote  "  The  Due  Right  of  Prejhyteries,''  "  Lex  Rex" 
i.e.  The  Laiv,  the  Kifig^  and  "  Trial  a?id  Triumph  of  Faiths  Nor 
was  he  foured  by  controverfy.  In  the  preface  to  one  of  his  contro- 
verfial  works,  he  difcovers  his  large-hearted  charity  and  manly  im- 
partiality in  regard  to  what  he  faw  in  thefe  parts.  He  writes  :  "I 
judge  that  in  England  the  Lord  hath  many  names,  and  a  fair 
company,  that  fhall  ftand  at  the  fide  of  Chrift  when  He  fhall 
render  up  the  kingdom  to  the  Father  ;  and  that  in  that  renowned 
nation  there  be  men  of  all  ranks,  wife,  valorous,  generous,  noble, 
heroic,  faithful,  religious,  gracious,  learned."* 

Returning  home  to  St  Andrews,  he  refumed  his  labours  both 
in  the  college  and  in  the  pulpit  with  all  his  former  zeal.  He  de- 
clined two  invitations  to  the  profefTorfhip  in  Holland  ;  one  from 
Harderwyck  in  1 648,  the  other  from  Utrecht  in  1 65 1  ;  though 
the  former  offered  the  chair  both  of  Divinity  and  of  Hebrew.  He 
joined  the  Proteflers  in  determinedly  oppofmg  the  proceedings  of 
the  Commiffion  of  Aflembly,  who  had  cenfured  fuch  as  protefled 
againfl  the  admiiTion  to  power  of  perfons  in  the  clafs  of  malignants. 
His  friend  David  Dickfon  keenly  oppofed  him,  and  Mr  Blair  alfb, 

*  Preface  to  SuiTey  of  the  Spiritual  Antichrift. 


though  lefs  violently.*  It  was  this  controverfy  that  made  John 
Livingftone  fay,  in  a  letter  to  Blair,  "  Your  and  Mr  D.  Dickfon's 
acceflion  to  thefe  refolutions  is  the  faddeft  thing  I  have  feen  in  my 
time.  My  wife  and  I  have  had  more  bitternefs  in  this  refpeft,  thefe 
feveral  months,  than  ever  we  had  fince  we  knew  what  bitternefs 
meant."  Rutherford  wrote  too  violently  on  this  matter.  Some 
fay  he  was  naturally  hot  and  fiery ;  but  at  this  time  all  parties  were 
greatly  excited.  Still  he  did  not  lofe  his  brotherly  love, — the  fame 
brotherly  love  that  led  him  fo  fervently  to  embrace  Archbifhop 
Ufher  as  a  fellow-believer.  We  may  get  a  leffon  for  our  times 
from  his  remarks  on  occafion  of  thefe  bitter  controverfies.  "  It  is 
hard  when  faints  rejoice  in  the  fufFerings  of  faints,  and  redeemed 
ones  hurt,  and  go  nigh  to  hate,  redeemed  ones.  For  contempt  of 
the  communion  of  faints,  we  have  need  of  new-born  croffes,  fcarce 
ever  heard  of  before. — Our  flar-light  hideth  us  from  ourfelves,  and 
hideth  us  from  one  another,  and  Chrift  from  us  all."  And  then  he 
fubjoins  (and  is  he  not  borne  out  by  the  words  of  the  Lord  in  John 
xvii.  22  ?) :  "A  doubt  it  is  if  we  fhall  have  fully  one  heart  till  we 
fhall  enjoy  one  heaven."  The  ftate  of  things  lay  heavy  on  his  mind  : 
"  I  am  broken  and  wafted  by  the  wrath  that  is  upon  this  land." 

It  was  in  1 65 1  that  he  publiftied  his  work  "  De  Divitid  Provi- 
dentia,"  a  work  in  which  he  affailed  Jefuits,  Socinians,  and  Arminians. 
Richard  Baxter  (tinged  as  he  was  with  the  Arminian  theology),  in 
referring  to  this  treatife,  remarked  (fays  Wodrow),  that  "  His  Let- 
ters were  the  befl  piece,  and  this  work  the  worfl:,  he  had  ever  read." 
Of  courfe,  this  was  the  language  of  controverfy,  for  the  book  is  one 
of  great  ability.  It  was  this  work,  indeed,  that  drew  forth  feveral 
invitations  from  foreign  Univerfities.  The  ten  years  that  followed 
were  times  of  much  diflraftion,  being  the  times  of  Cromwell  and 
the  Commonwealth,  as  well  as  of  the  Protefters  and  Refolutioners. 

*  When  the  Lord's  Supper  was  to  be  difpenfed,  Blair  in  vain  ufed  every 
argument  to  induce  Rutherford  to  take  part  with  himfelf  and  Mr  Wood  in 
ferving  tables  ;  and  being  forced  to  do  it  alone,  began  thus:  **  We  muft  have 
water  in  our  wine  while  here.  O  to  be  above,  where  there  will  be  no  miftakes ! " 
— (Wodrow's  Anol.) 


One  incident,  however,  in  1 65 1,  is  worthy  of  notice.  "  In  that  year 
the  Scottifh  nation  refolved  to  crown  Charles  II.,  as  lawful  king,  at 
Scone  ;  and  when  the  young  king  was  at  St  Andrews,  in  profpect 
of  that  event,  he  vifited  the  colleges.  It  fell  to  Rutherford  to  deliver, 
on  that  occafion,  an  oration  in  Latin  before  His  Majefly,  on  a  fub- 
jeft  which  he  could  handle  well,  both  as  a  patriot  and  a  Chriftian, 
''  The  Duty  of  Kingsr 
Milton  fings, — 

^^  God  doth  not  need 

Either  man's  work,  or  His  ovai  gifts ;  His  ftate 
Is  kingly;  thoufands  at  His  bidding  fpeed, 
And  poft  o'er  land  and  ocean  without  reft : 
They  alfo  fer've  ^juho  only  Jl and  and  'wait.'' 

The  days  were  evil,  and  Rutherford  was  longing  now  for  fuch 
quiet  fervice.  He  fometimes  refers  to  this  defire  ;  he  wifhes  for  a 
harbour  in  his  latter  days;  only  (adds  he),  "  failing  is  ferving" — 
and  he  did  delight  in  ferving  his  Lord  to  the  laft.  His  friend 
M'Ward,  in  an  advertifement  prefixed  to  the  earlier  editions  of 
the  "Letters,"  bitterly  laments  the  lofs  of  a  Commentary  on  Ifaiah, 
on  which  '*  this  true  Zechariah,  who  had  underftanding  in  the 
vifions  of  God,"*  employed  his  leifure  time  during  the  clofmg  years 
of  his  life.f  "  His  heart  travailed  more,"  fays  he,  *'  in  birth  of 
this  piece  than  ever  I  knew  him  of  any ;  neither  was  there  ever  any- 
thing he  put  his  hand  to  that  would  have  fo  powerfully  perfuaded 
this  panter  after  the  enjoyment  of  his  Mafter's  company,  to  have 
had  his  heaven  and  the  immediate  fruition  of  God  fufpended  for  a 
feafon,  as  the  eager  defire  he  had  to  finifh  this  work  before  he  finifhed 
his  courfe."  But  all  thefe  papers  were  carried  off,  and  never  re- 
covered. So  true  is  it,  that  of  the  feed  we  fow,  we  "  know  not 
whether  ihall  profper,  either  this  or  that"  (Eccles.  xi.  6). 

When  Charles  II.  was  fully  reflored,  and  had  begun  to  adopt 
arbitrary   meafures,  Rutherford's   work,   "  Lex   Rex,"  was  taken 

*  2  Chron.  xxvi.  5. 

t  He  planned  a  Commentar}-  on  Hofea  in  1637,  but  the  defign  was  not 
executed.     Reference  is  made  to  this  in  Let.  no. 


notice  of  by  the  Government ;  for,  reafonable  as  are  its  principles  in 
defence  of  the  liberty  of  fubje6ls,  its  fpirit  of  freedom  was  intoler- 
able to  rulers,  who  were,  ftep  by  flep,  advancing  to  afts  of  cruelty 
and  death.  Indeed,  it  was  lb  hateful  to  them,  that  they  burnt  it,  in 
1 66 1,  firft  at  Edinburgh,  by  the  hands  of  the  hangman  ;  and  then, 
Ibme  days  after,  by  the  hands  of  the  infamous  Sharpe,  under  the 
windows  of  its  author's  College  in  St  Andrews.  He  was  next  de- 
pofed  from  all  his  offices  -,  and,  laft  of  all,  was  fummoned  to  anfwer 
at  next  Parliament  a  charge  of  high  treafon.  But  the  citation 
came  too  late.  He  was  already  on  his  death-bed,  and  on  hearing 
of  it,  calmly  remarked,  that  he  had  got  another  fummons  before  a 
fuperior  Judge  and  judicatory,  and  fent  the  meffage,  "  I  behove  to 
anfwer  my  firft  fummons  ;  and  ere  your  day  arrive,  I  will  be  where 
few  kings  and  great  folks  come." 

We  have  no  account  of  the  nature  of  his  laft  ficknefs,  except 
that  it  was  a  difeafe  that  left  him  lingering  fome  time.  All  that  is 
told  us  of  his  death-bed  is  charadferiftic  of  the  man.  At  one  time 
he  fpoke  much  of  the  white  ftone  and  the  new  name.  Some  days 
before  his  death,  after  a  fainting  fit,  he  faid,  "  Now  I  feel,  I  be- 
lieve, I  enjoy,  I  rejoice."  And  turning  to  Mr  Blair,  "  I  feed  on 
manna  :  I  have  angels'  food.  My  eyes  fhall  fee  my  Redeemer.  I 
know  that  He  fhall  ftand  on  earth  at  the  latter  day,  and  I  fhall  be 
caught  up  in  the  clouds  to  meet  Him  in  the  air."*  When  afked, 
"  What  think  ye  now  of  Chrift  ? "  he  replied,  "  I  fhall  live  and  adore 
Him.  Glory,  glory  to  my  Creator  and  Redeemer  for  ever.  Glory 
Ihineth  in  Immanuel's  land."  The  fame  afternoon  he  faid,  "  I  fhall 
lleep  in  Chrift ;  and  when  I  awake,  I  fhall  be  fatisfied  with  His' 
likenefs.  O  for  arms  to  embrace  Him  ! "  Then  he  cried  aloud, 
''  O  for  a  well-tuned  harp !"  This  lafl  expreffion  he  ufed  more  than 
once,  as  if  already  flretching  out  his  hand  to  get  his  golden  harp, 
and  join  the  redeemed  in  their  new  fong.  He  alfo  faid  on  another 
occafion,  "  I  hear  Him  faying  to  me,  '  Come  up  hither.'  "  His  little 
daughter  Agnes,  only  eleven  years  of  age,  flood  by  his  bed-fide  ; 

*  See  Fleming's  Fulfilling  of  the  Scriptt 


he  looked  on  her,  and  faid,  "  I  have  left  her  upon  the  Lord."  Well 
might  the  man  fav  fo,  who  could  fo  fully  teftifv  of  his  portion  in 
the  Lord,  as  a  goodly  heritage.  To  four  of  his  brethren,  who 
came  to  fee  him,  he  faid,  "My  Lord  and  Mafler  is  chief  of  ten 
thoufands  of  thoufands.  None  is  comparable  to  Him,  in  heaven 
or  in  earth.  Dear  brethren,  do  all  for  Him.  Pray  for  Chr'iji. 
Preach  for  Chr'iJ}.  Do  all  for  Chrifi ;  beware  of  men-pleafmg. 
The  Chief  Shepherd  will  fhortly  appear."  He  fpoke  as  if  he  knew 
the  hour  of  his  departure  ;  not  perhaps  as  Paul  (2  Tim.  iv.  6)  or 
Peter  (2  Peter  i.  14),  yet  ftill  in  a  manner  that  feems  to  indicate 
that  the  Lord  draws  very  near  His  fervants  in  that  hour,  and  gives 
glimpfes  of  what  He  is  doing.  On  the  laff  day  of  his  life,  in  the 
afternoon,  he  faid,  "This  night  will  clofe  the  door,  and  faften  my 
anchor  within  the  veil,  and  I  fhall  go  away  in  a  fleep  by  five 
o'clock  in  the  morning."  And  fo  it  was.  He  entered  Immanuel's 
land  at  that  very  hour,  and  is  now  (as  himfelf  would  have  faid) 
"  fleeping  in  the  bofom  of  the  Almighty,"  till  the  Lord  come. 

We  may  add  his  lateft  words.  "  There  is  nothing  now  between 
me  and  the  Refurreftion  but  *  This  day  thou  fhalt  be  with  Me  in  pa- 
radiie.' "  He  interrupted  one  fpeaking  in  praife  of  his  painfulnefs  in 
the  miniflry,  "  I  difclaim  all.  The  port  I  would  be  in  at  is  redemption 
and  forgivenefs  of  fin  through  His  blood."  Two  of  his  biographers 
record  that  his  laft  words  were,  "  Glory,  glory  dwelleth  in  Im- 
manuel's land  ! "  as  if  he  had  caught  a  glimpfe  of  its  mountain-tops. 
It  was  at  St  Andrews  he  died,  on  20th  March  1 66 1,  and  there 
he  was  buried.  Had  he  lived  a  few  weeks,  his  might  have  been  the 
cruel  death  endured  by  his  friend  James  Guthrie,  whom  he  had  en- 
couraged, by  his  letters,  in  fi:edfafi:nefs  to  the  end.  The  fentence  which 
the  Parliament  pafied,  when  told  that  he  was  dying,  did  him  no  dis- 
honour. When  they  had  voted  that  he  fhould  not  die  in  the  College, 
Lord  Burleigh  rofe  and  faid,  "  Ye  cannot  vote  him  out  of  heaven." 
His  death  was  lamented  throughout  the  land  ;  and  to  this  day 
few  names  are  fo  well  known  and  honoured.  So  great  was  the 
reverence  which  fome  of  the  godly  had  for  this  man  of  God,  that 
they  requefied  to  be  buried  where  his  body  was  laid.     This  was 


Thomas  Halyburtoii's  dying  requeil.  An  old  man  in  the  parifh  of 
Crailing  (in  which  Nifbet,  his  birth-place,  is  fituated)  remembers  the 
veneration  entertained  for  him  by  the  great-grandfather  of  the  pre- 
icnt  Marquis  of  Lothian.  This  good  Marquis  ufed  to  lift  his  hat,  as 
often  as  he  pafFed  the  fpot  where  flood  the  cottage  in  which  Samuel 
Rutherford  was  born. 

If  ever  there  was  any  portrait  of  him,  it  is  not  now  known.  We 
are  moft  familiar  with  the  likenefs  of  his  foul.  There  is  one  expres- 
five  line  in  the  epitaph  on  his  tombftone,  in  the  churchyard  of  the 
Chapel  of  St  Regulus  : — 

*'  What  tongue,  what  pen,  or  Ikill  of  men, 
Can  famous  Rutherford  commend  ! 
His  learning  juftly  raifed  his  fame, 
True  greatnefs  did  adorn  his  name. 
He  did  converfe  with  things  above, 
Acquainted  -cvlth  hnmamieV s  loueS' 

A  monument  to  his  memory  was  erefted  in  1842,  by  lubfcrip- 
tion,  on  the  Boreland  Hill,  in  the  parifh  of  Anwoth.  It  is  60  feet 
in  height,  and  thus,  feen  all  around,  it  feems  to  remind  the  inhabi- 
tants of  that  region  how  God  once  vifited  His  people  there. 

His  ''Letters"  have  long  been  famous  among  the  godly. 
The  prefent  edition  of  them  has  feveral  things  to  recommend  it. 
I.  The  letters  are  chronologically  arranged.  2.  They  have  bio- 
graphical notices  prefixed  to  a  large  number  of  them.  Moft  of 
thefe  are  from  the  pen  of  the  Rev.  James  Anderfon.  The  prefent 
editor  has  added,  here  and  there,  topographical  notes  that  feemed 
to  have  fome  intereft,  moft  of  them  gleaned  on  the  fpot.  The  ex- 
planatory notes  in  the  edition  by  the  Rev.  C.  Thomfon,  1836,  have 
often  been  confulted,  with  much  advantage.  3.  There  are  contents 
prefixed  to  each  letter,  defcribing  generally  what  are  the  main  fub- 
je6fs  of  each.  4.  There  are  feme  tieiv  letters  hiferted  ifi  this  colleBion  ; 
and  there  is  a  fac-fimile  of  an  unpuhliJJied  letter  direBed  to  the  Provojl  of 
Edinburgh,  at  the  time  when  there  was  an  attempt  made  to  call 
Rutherford    to  that  city.     The  letter,  which  is  preferved   in  the 


Records  of  the  Edinburgh  Town  Council,  entreats  them  to  drop  the 
matter.  It  is  written  in  a  very  fmall  hand,  as  was  ufual  with  him ; 
and  the  feal  on  it  has  the  armorial  bearing  of  the  Rutherford  family. 

If  it  be  afked  how  it  came  about  that  thefe  letters  fhould  have 
been  at  firfl  printed  in  an  order  entirely  unchronological,  the  ex- 
planation is  fimple  :  The  firft  edition  appeared  in  1 664,  and  in  it 
there  were  only  two  hundred  and  eighty-four  of  his  letters  gathered 
and  publifhed  ;  but  many  being  edified  thereby,  an  edition  foon 
appeared  with  fixty-eight  more  letters  appended.  All  thefe  feem 
to  have  been  printed  very  much  in  the  order  in  which  they  came 
to  hand,  and  the  additional  fixty-eight,  more  efpecially,  difturbed 
all  arrangement.  The  colle6for  was  Mr  M'Ward,  who,  as  a 
ftudent,  being  much  beloved  by  Rutherford,  went  to  the  Weft- 
minfter  AfTembly  with  him  as  his  amanuenfis  or  fecretary.  He 
was  afterwards  fucceflbr  to  Andrew  Gray  in  Glafgow,  and  finally 
minifter  in  Rotterdam.  He  gave  them  to  the  public  with  an 
enthufiaftic  recommendation,  under  the  title  ;  "  Jojlnia  Redivivus; 
publifhed  for  the  ufe  of  all  the  people  of  God,  but  more  particularly 
for  thole  who  are  now,  or  afterwards  may  be,  put  to  fufPering  for 
Chrifl  and  His  caufe  ;  by  a  well-wifher  to  the  work  and  people  of 
God.  John  xvi.  2  ;  2  Thessal.  i.  6."  The  edition  was  in  duodecimo, 
and  was  printed  at  Rotterdam.  And  we  may  here  notice,  that  the 
Letters  were  not  only  firfl  publilhed  in  Holland,  but  alfo,  in  1674, 
they  appeared  in  a  Dutch  tranflation  at  Flufhing. 

It  will  be  noticed,  in  reading  the  letters  as  they  fland  chrono- 
logically, that  at  times  the  pen  of  the  ready  writer  ran  on  with 
amazing  rapidity.  He  has  written  many  in  one  day,  when  his 
heart  was  overflowing.  It  was  eafy  to  write  when  the  Lord  was 
pouring  on  him  the  uncflion  that  teacheth  all  things.  He  would 
have  written  flill  more,  but  he  had  heard  that  people  looked  up  to 
him  and  overpraifed  his  letters.  During  his  confinement  at  Aber- 
deen, he  wrote  about  220  of  thefe  letters. 

There  are  a  few  diilafleful  expreiTions  in  thefe  epiflolary  efFufions, 
the  fparks  of  a  fancy  that  fought  to  appropriate  everything  to  fpiritual 
purpofes ;  but  as  to  extravagance  in  the  thoughts  conveyed,  there  is 


none.  Dr  Love  fays,  *'  The  haughty  contempt  of  that  book  which 
is  in  the  heart  of  many,  will  be  ground  for  condemnation  when  the 
Lord  Cometh  to  make  inquifition  after  fuch  things  "  (Let.  xiv.).  The 
extravagance  in  fentiment  alleged  againft  them  by  fome,  is  jiift  that 
of  Paul,  when  he  fpoke  of  knowing  *'  the  height  and  depth,  length 
and  breadth,"  of  the  love  of  Chrifl  ;  or  that  of  Solomon,  when  the 
Holy  Ghofl:  infpired  him  to  write  "  The  Song  of  Songs."  Rather 
would  we  fay  of  thefe  letters,  what  Livingftone  in  a  letter  fays  of 
John  Welfh's  dying  words,  "  O  for  a  fweet  fill  of  this  fanatic 
humour  !  "  In  modern  days,  Richard  Cecil  has  faid  of  Rutherford, 
"  He  is  one  of  my  dailies  ;  he  is  a  real  original ;"  and  in  older 
times,  Richard  Baxter,  fome  of  whofe  theological  leanings  might 
have  prejudiced  him,  if  anything  could,  faid  of  his  letters,  "  Hold 
off  the  Bible,  fuch  a  book  the  world  never  faw."  They  were  long 
ago  tranflated  into  Dutch,  and  of  late  years  they  have  been  trans- 
lated into  German.  Both  in  thefe,  and  in  his  other  writings,  we 
fee  fufficient  proof  that  had  he  cultivated  literature  as  a  purfuit,  he 
might  have  ftood  high  in  the  admiration  of  men.* 

His  correfpondents  were  chiefly  perfons  refiding  either  in  Gal- 
loivay,  where  Anwoth  was,  or  in  Ayrjhire  ;  for  thefe  two  counties  at 
that  time  were  rich  in  godly  men  of  fome  Handing. 

His  pen  fuggefts  often,  by  a  few  ftrokes,  very  much  that 
is  profound  and  impreffive.  There  is  fomething  not  eafily  for- 
gotten in  the  words  ufed  to  exprefs  the  Church's  indeftruftiblenefs 
when  he  fays,  "  The  bufli  has  been  burning  thefe  five  thoufand 
years,    and  no  man  yet  faiu  the  ajhes  of  that  fire.''      How   much 

*  Even  in  his  controverlial  works,  fparks  of  the  fame  poetic  fire  fly  out 
when  opportunity  occurs.  In  his  Treatife,  ^^De  Divina  Providentia,"  the 
following  paragraph  occurs,  extolling  the  glory  of  Godhead  wifdom.  *^  Com- 
parentur  cum  ilia  increata  fapientia  Dei  Patris  umbratiles  fcintillulae  creatas 
gloriolse  quotquot  nominis  celebritate  inclaruerunt.  Delirat  Plato,  Mentitur 
Arijloteles.  Cicero  balbutit,  hasfitat,  nefcit  Latine  loqui.  Demojlhenes  mutus 
et  elinguis  obftupefcit ;  virtutis  viam  ignorat  Seneca ;  nihil  canit  Homerus  ; 
male  canit  Firgilius !  Accedant  ad  Chrillum  qui  virtutis  gloria  fulgent !  Ari- 
Ji'ides  virtutem  mentitur.  Fabius  cefpitat,  a  via  juftitiae  deviat.  Socrates  ne 
hoc  quidem  fcit,  fe  nihil  fcire.     Cato  levis  et  futilis  eft  :   Solon  eft  mundi  et  vo- 


truth  is  conveyed  in  that  laying,  *'  LoITes  for  Chrifl  are  but  goods 
given  out  in  bank  in  Chrift's  hand."  There  is  an  ingenious  ufe 
of  Scripture  that  often  delights  the  reader ;  as  when  he  fpeaks  of 
"  The  corn  on  the  houfe-tops  that  never  got  the  hufbandman's 
prayer,"  or  of  *'  Him  that  counteth  the  bafons  and  knives  of  His 
houle  (Ezra  i.  9,  lo),  and  bringeth  them  back  lafe  to  His  lecond 
temple."  But  the  more  general  topics  of  his  letters  are  worthy  of 
attentive  confideration. 

Thefe  Letters  will  ever  be  precious  to — 

I.  A//  ivho  are  fenfihle  of  their  oiun,  and  the  Church's y  decay  and 
corruptions.  The  wound  and  the  cure  are  therein  fo  fully  opened 
out :  felf  is  expofed,  even  fpiritual  felf.  He  will  tell  you,  "  There 
is  as  much  need  to  watch  over  grace,  as  to  watch  over  fm."  He 
will  fhow  you  God  in  Chrift,  to  fill  up  the  place  ufurped  by  felf. 
The  fubtleties  of  fm,  idols,  fnares,  temptations,  felf-deceptions,  are 
dragged  into  view  from  time  to  time.  And  what  is  better  flill,  the 
cords  of  Chrifl  are  twined  round  the  roots  of  thefe  bitter  plants, 
that  they  may  be  plucked  up. 

Nor  is  it  otherwife  in  regard  to  corruption  in  public,  and  in  the 
Church.  We  do  not  mean  merely  the  open  corruption  of  error,  but 
alfo  the  fecret  *'  grey  hairs"  of  decay.  Hear  him  cry,  "  There  is  imi- 
'uerfal  deadnefs  on  all  that  fear  God.  O  ivhere  are  the  Jometime  quicken- 
ing breathings  and  i?jfuences  fro7n  heaven  that  have  refreJJied  His  hidden 
ones!''     And  then  he  laments,  in  the  name  of  the  faints,  "We  are 

luptatum  fervus  et  mancipium,  non  legiflator.  Pythagoras  nee  fophos,  nee 
philofophus  eft.  Bias  nee  mundi  nee  inanis  gloriae  eontemptor.  Alexander 
Mace  do  ignavus  eft,"  &e.  Another  work  bears  this  title:  ^^  Exercitationes  Apo- 
logetic a:  pro  Dfvind  Gratia y"  Jludio  et  indujlria  Samuelis  Rhcetorfortis ^  An<wet- 
enfiSy  in  Gallo'vididy  Scotice  protnncidy  Pajioris."  The  prefaee,  or  dedication, 
to  Gordon  of  Kenmure^  is  very  eharadteriftie,  ending  thus:  *"*"  Non  enim  ignoras 
in  hae  valle  miferiarum  minime  fiftendum,  neque  tentorium  figendum  ;  ad  aster- 
nitatem  ipfam  (quod  vere  magnum  nomen  eft  &  ineffabile)  te  voeari ;  erefeere 
iter,  decrefcere  diem,  omnia  alia  aliena,  tempus  tantum  noftrum  effe,  li  modo 
noftrum  eft."  In  this  preface  he  calls  himfelf  ''  Pajior  Anwetenfis,'  the  old 
Ipelling  of  Anwoth  being  Anraieth. 


half-fatisfied  luith  our  luitherednefs ;  nor  have  we  as  much  of  his  ftrain 
who  doth  eight  times  breathe  out  that  fuit  (Pfa.  cxix.),  Quicken  me  !" 
*'  We  live  far  from  the  well,  and  complain  but  dryly  of  our  drynefs." 

2.  All  who  delight  in  the  Surety's  imputed  righteoufnefs .  If 
thoroughly  aware  of  the  body  of  fin  in  ourfelves,  we  cannot  but 
feel  that  we  need  a  perfon  in  our  (lead, — the  perfon  of  the  God- 
man  in  the  room  of  our  guilty  perfon.  "  To  us  a  Son  is  given  ;" 
not  falvation  only,  but  a  Saviour.     "He  gave  Himfelf  {ox  us'' 

Thefe  Letters  are  ever  leading  us  to  the  Surety  and  His  right- 
eoufnefs. The  eye  never  gets  time  to  refi:  long  on  anything  apart 
from  Him  and  His  righteoufnefs.  We  are  fhown  the  deluge- 
waters  undried  up,  in  order  to  lead  us  into  the  ark  again  ;  "  I  had 
fainted,  had  not  want  and  penury  chafed  me  to  the  ilorehoule  of  all." 

3.  All  ivho  rejoice  in  the  Go/pel  of  free  grace.  Lord  Kenmure 
having  faid  to  him,  "Sin  caufeth  me  to  be  jealous  of  His  love  to 
luch  a  man  as  I  have  been  ;"  he  replied,  "  Be  jealous  of  yourfelf, 
my  lord,  but  not  of  Jefus  Chrifl."  In  his  "  Trial  and  Triumph  of 
Faith,"  he  remarks,  "  As  holy  walking  is  a  duty  coming  from  us, 
it  is  no  ground  of  true  peace.  Believers  often  feek  in  themfelves 
what  they  fhould  feek  in  Chrifi:."  It  is  to  the  like  efFe6t  he  fays 
in  one  of  his  letters,  "  Your  heart  is  not  the  compafs  that  Chrift 
faileth  by," — turning  away  his  friend  from  looking  inward,  to  look 
upon  the  heart  of  Jefus.  And  this  is  his  meaning,  when  he  thus 
lays  the  whole  burden  of  falvation  on  the  Lord,  and  leaves  nothing 
for  us  but  acceptance  ;  "  Take  eafe  to  thyfelf,  and  let  Him  bear 
all."*  Then,  pointing  us  to  the  rifen  Saviour  as  our  pledge  of 
complete  redemption,  "  Faith  may  dance,  becaufe  Chrift  fingeth  ;"f 
"  Faith  apprehendeth  pardon,  but  never  payeth  a  penny  for  it."  J  On 
his  death-bed  he  faid  to  his  friends,  "  I  difclaim  all  that  ever  God 
made  me  will  or  do,  and  I  look  upon  it  as  defiled  and  imperfeft." 
And  fo  in  his  letters  he  will  admit  of  no  addition,  or  intermixture 

*  Let.  182.  t  Let.  183.  X  Let.  182. 


of  other  things-,  "The  Gofpel  is  like  a  fmall  hair  that  hath  no 
breadth,  and  will  not  cleave  in  two."*  He  exhorts  to  afTurance 
as  being  the  way  to  be  humbled  very  low  before  God  :  "  Complain- 
ing is  but  a  humble  backbiting  and  traducing  of  Chrifl's  new  work 
in  the  foul."  *'  Make  meikle  of  afTurance,  for  it  keepeth  your 
anchor  fixed."f  He  warns  us,  in  his  "  Trial  and  Triumph  of  Faith," 
*'  not  to  be  too  defirous  of  keen  awakenings  to  chafe  us  to  Chriil. 
Let  Chrift  tutor  me  as  He  thinketh  good.  He  has  feven  eyes  :  I 
have  but  one,  and  that  too  dim."  In  a  fimilar  ftrain  he  writes  : — 
*'  The  law  fhall  never  be  my  doomfter,  by  Chrifl's  grace  ;  I  fhall 
find  a  fure  enough  doom  in  the  Gofpel  to  humble  and  caft  me 
down.  There  cannot  be  a  more  humble  foul  than  a  believer.  It  is  no 
pride  in  a  droivnmg  man  to  catch  hold  of  a  roch.''\  How  much  truth 
there  is  here !  Naaman  never  was  humble  in  any  degree,  until  he 
felt  himfelf  completely  healed  of  his  fcaly  leprofy  ;  but  truly  he  was 
humbled  and  humble  then.  And  what  one  word  is  there  that  fug- 
gefts  fo  many  humbling  thoughts  as  that  word  "■  grace  V 

4.  All  nvhofeek  to  groiv  in  holinefs.  The  Holy  Ghoft  delights  to 
fhow  us  the  glorious  Godhead,  in  the  face  of  Jefus.  And  this  is  a 
very  frequent  theme  in  thefe  letters.  "  Take  Chrifl  for  fanftifica- 
tion,  as  well  as  j unification,"  is  often  his  theme.  And  in  him  we 
fee  a  man  who  feems  to  have  fought  for  holinefs  as  unceafmgly  and 
as  eagerly  as  other  men  feek  for  pardon  and  peace.  In  him  "  Holi- 
fiefs  to  the  Lord''  feems  written  on  every  affedf  ion  of  the  heart,  and  on 
every  frefh-fpringing  thought. 

Fellowfhip  with  the  living  God  is  a  diftinguifhing  feature  in  the 
holinefs  ^ven  by  the  Holy  Ghoft ;  we  get  "  accefs  by  one  Spirit 
to  the  Father  through  Him."  §  Rutherford  could  fometimes  fay, 
*'  I  have  been  fo  near  Him  that  I  have  faid,  *  I  take  inftruments  that 
this  is  the  Lord.' "II  And  he  could  from  experience  declare,  "I 
dare  avouch,  the  faints  know  not  the  length  and  largenefs  of  the 
fweet  Earneft,  and  of  the  fweet  green  fheaves  before  the  harveft, 

*  Let.  279.      t  Let.  288.      %  Let.  230.      §  Ephes.  ii.  18.      ||  Let.  99. 


that  might  be  had  on  this  fide  of  the  water,  if  nve  ivould  take  more 
pains.'"*  "  I  am  every  way  in  your  cafe,  as  hard-hearted  and  dead 
as  any  man,  but  yet  I  fpeak  to  Chrift  through  my  fleep."-f  All  this 
is  from  the  pen  of  a  man  who  was  a  metaphyfician,  a  controver- 
fialift,  a  leader  in  the  Church,  and  learned  in  ancient  and  fcholaftic 
lore.   Why  are  there  not  fuch  gracious,  as  well  as  great  men  now  ? 

5.  All  offliBed  perfom.  Here  he  had  the  very  "  tongue  of  the 
learned,  to  fpeak  a  word  in  feafon  to  him  that  was  weary."  And 
with  what  tender  fympathy  does  he  fpeak,  leading  the  mourner  fo 
gently  to  the  heart  of  Jefus  !  He  knew  the  heart  of  a  llranger,  for 
he  had  been  a  ftranger.  "  Let  no  man  after  me  flander  Chrifi:  for 
his  crofs."  J  Yes,  fays  he,  His  moft  loved  are  often  His  moft  tried  : 
"  The  lintel-ftone  and  pillars  of  His  New  Jerufalem  fufFer  more 
knocks  of  God's  hammer  and  tools  than  the  common  fide-wall 
ftones."  §  Even  as  to  reproach  and  calumny,  he  declares,  "  I  love 
Chrift's  worft  reproaches." 

It  was  to  Hugh  M'Kail,  uncle  of  the  youthful  martyr,  that  he 
penned  the  words,  "  Some  have  written  me  that  I  am  pofiibly  too 
joyful  of  the  crofs  ;  but  my  joy  overleapeth  the  crofs, — it  is 
bounded  and  terminated  on  Chrift."  §  And  there  it  was  he  found 
a  well  of  comfort  never  dry, 

6.  All  luho  love  the  Perfofi  of  Chrijl.  We  have  too  often  been 
fatisfied  with  fpeculative  truth  and  abftraft  do6lrine.  On  the  one 
hand,  the  orthodox  have  too  often  refted  in  the  fiatements  of  our 
Catechifms  and  Confeffions  ;  and,  on  the  other,  the  "  election- 
doubters  "  (as  Bunyan  would  have  called  them)  have  prefixed  their 
favourite  dogma,  that  Chrifl  died  for  all  men,  as  if  mere  afi^ent  to  a 
propofition  could  fave  the  foul.  Rutherford  places  the  truth  before 
us  in  a  more  accurate,  and  alfo  more  favoury  way,  full  of  life  and 
warmth.  The  Perfon  of  Him  who  gave  Himfelf  for  His  Church  is 
held  up  in  all  its  attracflivenefs.     With  him,  it  is  ever  the  Perfon  as 

*  Let.  202.     t  Let.  286.      %  Let.  107.      §  Let.  102.      j|  Let.  206. 


much  as  the  work  done ;  or  rather,  never  the  one  apart  from  the 
other.  Like  Paul,  he  would  fain  know  i//;w,  as  well  as  the  power 
of  His  refurredlion.* 

Once,  when  Lord  Kenmure  afked  him,  "  What  will  Chrifl  be 
like  when  He  cometh  ?"  his  reply  was,  "  All  lovely''  And  this  is 
everywhere  the  favourite  theme  with  him.  At  times  he  tells  of  His 
love.  "  His  love  furroundeth  and  furchargeth  me."f  **  If  His  love 
was  not  in  heaven,  I  fhould  be  unwilling  to  go  thither."  J  Often  he 
checks  his  pen  to  tell  of  Chrifl  Himfelf:  "  Welcome,  welcome, 
fweet,  fweet  crofs  of  Chrift  ; " — then  correal ing  his  language, — 
"  Welcome,  fair,  lovely,  royal  King,  ivith  Thine  own  crofs,'' ^  "  Oh 
if  I  could  doat  as  much  upon  Himfelf  ^s  I  do  upon  His  love."  ||  ^'  I 
fear  I  make  more  of  His  love  than  of  Himfelf"  ^  How  ftartling, 
yet  how  true,  is  this  remark,  ''I  fee  that  in  communion  with  Chrifl 
we  may  make  more  gods  tham  one,"  ** — meaning,  that  we  may  be 
tempted  to  make  the  enjoyment  itfelf  our  god.  It  was  his  habitual 
aim  to  pafs  through  privileges,  joys,  even  fellow ftiip,  to  God  Him- 
felf:  "  I  have  caften  this  work  upon  Chrifl,  to  get  me  Himfelf ,"  \\ 
**  I  would  be  farther  in  upon  Chrifl  than  at  His  joys  ;  in,  where 
love  and  mercy  lodgeth  ;  befide  His  heart."  J  J  "  He  who  fitteth  on 
the  throne  is  His  lone  a  fufficient  heaven."  §§  "  Sure  I  am  He  is  the 
far  befl  half  of  heaven."  ||[| 

In  a  word,  fuch  was  his  foul's  view  of  the  living  Perfon,  that  he 
writes,  **  Holinefs  is  not  Chrifl,  nov  the  blofToms  and  flowers  of  the  tree 
of  life,  nor  the  tree  itfelf."  f  ^  He  had  found  out  the  true  fountain- 
head,  and  would  direft  all  Zion's  travellers  thither.  And  let  a  man 
try  this  ; — let  the  Holy  Spirit  lead  a  man  to  this  Perfon ; — and  furely 
his  experience  will  be,  "  None  ever  came  up  dry  from  David's  well." 

7.  All  ivho  love  that  bleffed  hope,  and  the  glorious  appearing  of  the 
great  God  our  Saviour.    The  more  we  love  the  Perfon  of  Chrifl,  the 

*  Phil.  iii.  10.  t  Let.  104.  %  Let.  104.  §  Let.  61. 

II  Let.  160.  t  Let.  179.  **  Let.  168.  ff  Let.  187. 

tt  Let.  286.  §§  Let.  352-  ||||  Let.  279.  ft  Let.  336. 


more  ought  we  to  love  His  appearing;  and  the  more  we  cheriih  both 
feelings,  the  holier  fhall  we  become.  Rutherford  abounds  in  afpi- 
rations  for  that  day  ;  he  is  one  who  *'  looks  for  and  haftens  unto 
the  coming  of  the  Day  of  God  ! "  While  in  exile  at  Aberdeen  in 
1637,  he  writes,  *'  O  when  will  we  meet !  O  how  long  is  it  to  the 
dawning  of  the  marriage  day !  O  fweet  Jefus,  take  wide  fleps  ! 
O  my  Lord,  come  over  mountains  at  one  ftride !  O  my  Beloved, 
flee  as  a  roe  or  young  hart  upon  the  mountains  of  feparation."  Now 
and  then  he  utters  the  expreilion  of  an  intenfe  defire  for  the  reftora- 
tion  of  Ifrael  to  their  Lord,  and  the  fulnefs  of  the  Gentiles  ;  but 
far  oftener  his  defires  go  forth  to  his  Lord  Himfelf.  "  O  faireft 
among  the  fons  of  men,  why  ftayeft  Thou  fo  long  away  ?  O  heavens, 
move  faft !  O  time,  run,  run,  and  haften  the  marriage  day!"  To 
Lady  Kenmure  his  words  are,  ''  The  Lord  hath  told  you  what  you 
fhould  be  doing  till  He  come.  '  Wait  and  haften,'  faith  Peter,  '  for 
the  coming  of  the  Lord.'  Sigh  and  long  for  the  dawning  of  that 
morning,  and  the  breaking  of  that  day,  of  the  coming  of  the  Son  of 
Man,  when  the  fhadows  fhall  flee  away.  Wait  with  the  wearied 
night-watch  for  the  breaking  of  the  eaflern  fky."  Thofe  faints  who 
feel  moft  keenly  the  world's  enmity,  and  the  Church's  imperfection, 
are  thofe  who  will  moft  fervently  love  their  Lord's  appearing.  It 
was  thus  with  Daniel  on  the  banks  of  Ulai,  and  with  John  in 
Patmos ;  and  Samuel  Rutherford's  mofl:  intenfe  afpirations  for  that 
day  are  breathed  out  in  Aberdeen. 

His  defcription  of  himfelf  on  one  occafion  is, — "  A  man  often 
borne  down  and  hungry,  and  waiting  for  the  marriage  fupper  of 
the  Lamb."*  He  is  now  gone  to  the  ''  mountain  of  myrrh  and  the 
hill  of  frankincenfe ; "  and  there  he  no  doubt  ftill  wonders  at  the 
ftill  unopened,  unfearchable  treafures  of  Chrifl:.  But  O  for  his 
infatiable  defires  Chriflward !  O  for  ten  fuch  men  in  Scotland  to 
fland  in  the  gap ! — men  who  all  day  long  find  nothing  but  Chrift  to 
reft  in,  whofe  very  fleep  is  a  purfuing  after  Chrift  in  dreams,  and 
who  intenfely  defire  to  "  awake  with  His  likenefs." 

*  Let.  63. 


1.  Exercitationes  Apologeticce pro  Di'vina  Gratia.    Amftelodami,  izmo,  1636' 

Franekerae,  165 1. 

2.  A  Peaceable  and  Temperate  Plea  for  PauTs  Prejbytery  in  Scotland.    London, 

4to,  1642. 

3.  A  Sermon  before  the  Houfe  of  Commons y  on  Daniel  vi.  26.     London,  4to, 


4.  A  Sermon  before  the  Houfe  of  Lords  ^  on  Luke  vii.  22  ;   Mark  iv.  38  ;   Matt. 

viii.  26.     London,  4to,  1645. 

5.  *'*'  Lex  Rex :"  The  Laiv  and  the  Prince.     London,  4to,  1644. 

6.  The  Due  Right  of  Pre/by  teries.     London,  4to,  1644. 

7.  The  Trial  and  Triumph  of  Faith.     London,  4to,  1645. 

8.  The  Divine  Right  of  Church  Government  and  Excommunication.    London, 

4to,  1646.  Appended  to  this  is  A  Difpute  touching  Scandal  and  Chriflian 

9.  Chrifl  Dying  and  Drawing  Sinners  to  Himfelf.     London,  4to,  1647. 

10.  A  Survey  of  the  Spiritual  Antichrifl.     London,  1648.     To  which  is  ap- 

pended, A  Modefl  Survey  of  the  Secrets  of  Antinomianifm. 

11.  A  Free  Difputation  againft  Pretended  Liberty  of  Confcience.     London,  4to, 


12.  The  Lafl  and  Heavenly  Speeches  of  John  Gordon  ^  Vifcount  Kenmure.    Edin- 

burgh, 4to,  1649- 

13.  Difputatio  Scholaflica  de  Divina  Providentia.     Edinburgh,  4to,  1651. 

14.  The  Covenant  of  Life  Opened.     Edinburgh,  4to,  1655. 

15.  A  Survey  of  Mr  Hooker  s  Church  Difcipline ;  or^  A  Survey  of  the  Survey  of 

that  Summe  of  Difcipline  penned  by  Mr  Thomas  Hooker.  London,  4to, 

16.  Influences  of  the  Life  of  Grace.     The  laft  work  publifhed  in  his  lifetime. 

London,  4to,  1659.  The  original  title  page  adds: — **A  Practical 
Treatife  concerning  the  way,  manner,  and  means  of  having  and  im- 
proving fpiritual  difpolitions  and  quickening  influences  fi-om  Chrifl,  the 
Refurre6t:on  and  the  Life." 



17.  Jojhua  Redii'limj ;  or,    Mr  Rutherford's  Letters,     Firft   Edition,   i2mo, 

1664.     No  printer's  name  and  no  place  mentioned. 

18.  Examen  Arm'inianifmi.     Ultrajedti  (Utrecht),  i2mo,  1668. 

19.  A  Tejlimony  left  by  Mr  S.  Rutherford  to  the  ffork  of  Reformation  in  Great 

Britain  and  Ire/and  before  his  death.     Date  uncertain. 

20.  Sacramental  Sermons:    taken   by   a   hearer.      This   includes    ^*  Chrift's 

Napkin;  Chrift  and  the  Dove's  heavenly  Salutation,"  &c.  Thefe  have 
internal  e\'idence  in  their  favour,  viz.,  the  language  and  general  ftrain  of 

21.  The  Cruel  Watchman.      The  Door  of  Salnjation  Opened^  1735*    Exhortation 

at  a  Communion  to  a  Scots  Congregation  in  London ^  1730.     (Thefe  three 
are  doubtful ;  at  all  events,  very  imperfed:.) 
There  is  a  feparate  Treatife  on  Prayer  afcribed  to  him  in  Watts'  Bibliotheca 
and  Thomfon's  edition  of  the  Letters. 

An  old  Catalogue  of  the  mofl  Vendible  Books,  in  1658,  gives  as  one  of  his 
works,  A  Rationale  on  the  Book  of  Coynmon  Prayer ,  8vo. 

VOL.  I. 


I. — For  Marion  M'Naught,  on  the  return  home  of  her  daughter. 

[In  the  early  editions  the  date  ftands  ^^  1624,"  by  a  miftake  for  *^  1627;" 
for  Rutherford  was  not  fettled  in  Anwoth  in  1624. 

For  a  full  notice  of  Marion  M^ Naught ,  fee  what  is  prefixed  to  Letter  VI.] 


Chrift  remembered.  I  have  fent  to  you  your  daughter 
Grizel  with  Robert  Gordon,  who  came  to  fetch  her. 
I  am  in  good  hopes  that  the  feed  of  God  is  in  her,  as  in  one  born 
of  God ;  and  God's  feed  will  come  to  God's  harveft.  I  have  her 
promife  fhe  fhall  be  Chrift's.  For  I  have  told  her  fhe  may  promife 
much  in  His  worthy  name;  for  He  becomes  caution*  to  His  Father 
for  all  fuch  as  refolve  and  promife  to  ferve  Him.  I  will  remember 
her  to  God.  I  trull:  you  will  acquaint  her  with  good  company, 
and  be  diligent  to  know  with  whom  fhe  loveth  to  haunt.  Remem- 
ber Zion,  and  our  neceiTities.  I  blefs  your  daughter  from  our 
Lord,  and  pray  the  Lord  to  give  you  joy  and  comfort  of  her. 
Remember  my  love  to  your  hufband,  to  William  and  Samuel  your 
fons.     The  Lord  Jefus  Chrifl  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Yours  at  all  power f  in  the  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 


t  To  the  utmoft  of  my  power. 

36  LETTER  11.  [1628. 

II. — To  a  Chrijl'ian  Gentleivoman  on  the  death  of  her  daughter. 


ISTRESS, — M}'  love  in  Chrift  remembered  to  you.  I 
was  indeed  forrowful  at  my  departure  from  you, 
efpecially  fmce  ye  were  in  fuch  heavinefs  after  your 
daughter's  death.  Yet  I  do  perfuade  myfelf,  ye  know  that  the 
weightiest  end  of  the  crofs  of  Chrift  that  is  laid  upon  you  lieth 
upon  your  ftrong  Saviour  ;  for  Ifaiah  faith,*  "  In  all  your  affli6lions 
He  is  afflifted."  O  blefled  Second f  who  fuffereth  with  you  !  and 
glad  may  your  foul  be  even  to  walk  in  the  fiery  furnace  with  one 
like  unto  the  Son  of  Man,  who  is  alfo  the  Son  of  God.  Courage  ! 
up  your  heart !  When  ye  do  tire,  He  will  bear  both  you  and  your 
burden.J  Yet  a  little  while  and  ye  fhall  fee  the  falvation  of  God. 
Remember  of  what  age  your  daughter  was,  and  that  juft  fo  long 
was  your  leafe  of  her.  If  fhe  was  eighteen,  nineteen,  or  twenty 
years  old,  I  know  not ;  but  fure  I  am,  feeing  her  term  was  come, 
and  your  leafe  run  out,  ye  can  no  more  juflly  quarrel  your  great 
Superior  for  taking  His  own  at  His  jufl:  term  day,  than  a  poor 
farmer  can  complain  that  his  maAer  taketh  a  portion  of  his  own 
land  to  himfelf  when  his  leafe  is  expired.  Good  miftrefs,  if  ye 
would  not  be  content  that  Chrifl  would  hold  from  you  the 
heavenly  inheritance  which  is  made  yours  by  His  death,  fhall  not 
that  fame  Chrift  think  hardly  of  you  if  ye  refufe  to  give  Him  your 
daughter  willingly,  who  is  a  part  of  His  inheritance  and  conqueft  ?  § 
I  pray  the  Lord  to  give  you  all  your  own,  and  to  grace  you  with 
patience  to  give  God  His  alfo.  He  is  an  ill  debtor  who  payeth 
that  which  he  hath  borrowed,  with  a  grudge.     Indeed,  that  long 

*  Ifa.  Ixiii.  9.                           t  Supporter.  J  Plalm  Iv.  22. 

§  Acquired   by  purchafe   and   pains,  not  inherited.  ^'The   young    heir 

knows  not  how  hard  the  conqueft  was  to  his  poor  father "  (Sermon  at 
Anwoth,  1634,  on  Zech.  xi.  9). 

1628.]  LETTER  11.  37 

loan  of  fuch  a  good  daughter,  an  heir  of  grace,  a  member  of 
Chrift  (as  I  believe),  deferveth  more  thanks  at  your  Creditor's  hand, 
than  that  ye  fhould  gloom*  and  murmur  when  He  craveth  but  His 
own.  I  believe  you  would  judge  them  to  be  but  thanklefs  neigh- 
bours who  would  pay  you  a  fum  of  money  after  this  manner.  But 
what  ?  Do  you  think  her  lofl,  when  fhe  is  but  fleeping  in  the 
bofom  of  the  Almighty  .?  Think  her  not  abfent  who  is  in  fuch  a 
Friend's  houfe.  Is  (he  lofl  to  you  who  is  found  to  Chrift  ?  If  fhe 
were  with  a  dear  friend,  although  you  fhould  never  fee  her  again, 
your  care  for  her  would  be  but  fmall.  Oh,  now,  is  fhe  not  with  a 
dear  Friend  ?  and  gone  higher,  upon  a  certain  hope  that  ye  fhall, 
in  the  relurreffion,  fee  her  again,  when  (be  ye  fure)  fhe  fhall 
neither  be  heftic  nor  confumed  in  body  ?  You  would  be  lorry 
either  to  be,  or  to  be  efteemed,  an  atheift ;  and  yet,  not  I,  but  the 
Apoftle,  thinketh  thofe  to  be  hopelefs  atheiftsf  who  mourn  ex- 
ceffively  for  the  dead.  But  this  is  not  a  challenge  J  on  my  part.  I 
do  fpeak  this  only  fearing  your  weaknefs ;  for  your  daughter  was  a 
part  of  yourlelf ;  and,  therefore,  nature  in  you  being  as  it  were 
cut  and  halved,  will  indeed  be  grieved.  But  ye  have  to  rejoice, 
that  when  a  part  of  you  is  on  earth,  a  great  part  of  you  is  glorified 
in  heaven.  Follow  her,  but  envy  her  not ;  for  indeed  it  is  felf-love 
in  us  that  maketh  us  mourn  for  them  that  die  in  the  Lord.  Why  ? 
Becaufe  for  them  we  cannot  mourn,  fmce  they  are  never  happy  till 
they  be  dead  ;  therefore  we  mourn  for  our  own  private  refpe6f . 
Take  heed,  then,  that  in  fhowing  your  afFe6fion  in  mourning  for 
your  daughter,  ye  be  not,  out  of  felf-afFe6fion,  mourning  for  your- 
felf.  Confider  what  the  Lord  is  doing  in  it.  Your  daughter  is 
plucked  out  of  the  fire,  and  fhe  refteth  from  her  labours  ;  and 
your  Lord,  in  that,  is  trying  you,  and  cafting  you  in  the  fire.  Go 
through  all  fires  to  your  reft ;  and  now  remember  that  the  eye  of 
God  is  upon  the  bufh  burning  and  not  confumed  ;  and  He  is  gladly 
content  that  fuch  a  weak  woman  as  you  fhould  send  Satan  away, 

*  Put  on  a  lullen  look.  t  i  Thefs.  iv.  13  and  Eph.  ii.  12. 

t  A  rebuke,  or  upbraiding  accufation. 




fruftrate  of  his  defign.     Now  honour  God,  and  ihame  the  ftrong 
roaring  lion,  when  ye  feem  weakefl.     Should  fuch  an  one  as  ye 
faint  in  the  day  of  adverfity  ?     Call  to  mind  the  days  of  old.     The 
Lord  yet  liveth.     Truft  in   Him,   although  He  ihould   flay  you. 
Faith  is  exceeding  charitable,  and  believeth  no  evil  of  God.     Now 
is  the  Lord  laying,  in  the  one  fcale  of  the  balance,  your  making  con- 
fcience  of  fubmifTion  to  His  gracious  will,  and  in  the  other,  your 
affection  and  love  to  your  daughter.     Which  of  the  two  will  ye 
then  choofe  to  fatisfy  ?    Be  wife,  then  ;  and  as  I  truft  ye  love  Chrifl 
better  than  a  fmful  woman,  pals  by  your  daughter,  and  kifs  the 
Lord's  rod.     Men  do  lop  the  branches  off  their  trees  round  about, 
to  the  end  they  may  grow  up  high  and  tall.     The  Lord  hath  this 
way  lopped  your  branch  in  taking  from  you  many  children,  to  the 
end  you  fhould  grow  upward,  like  one  of  the  Lord's  cedars,  fetting 
your  heart  above,  where  Chrifl:  is,  at  the  right  hand  of  the  Father. 
What  is  next,  but  that  your  Lord  cut  down  the  ftock  after  He  hath 
cut  the  branches  ?    Prepare  yourfelf ;  you  are  nearer  your  daughter, 
this  day  than  you  were  yefterday.     While  ye  prodigally  fpend  time 
in  mourning  for  her,  ye  are  fpeedily  pofling  after  her.     Run  your 
race  with  patience.     Let  God  have  His  own  ;    and  afk  of  Him, 
inflead    of   your   daughter   which   He  hath  taken  from   you,  the 
daughter  of  faith,  which  is  patience  ;  and  in  patience  pofTefs  your 
foul.     Lift  up  your  head  :    ye  do  not   know  how  near  your  re- 
demption doth  draw.     Thus  recommending  you  to  the  Lord,  who 
is  able  to  effablifh  you,  I  reft,  your  loving  and  affectionate  friend  in 
the  Lord  Jefus,  8.  R. 

Anwoth,  April  12,,  i6a8. 


1628.]  LETTER  III.  39 

III. — To  the  Viscountess  of  Kenmure,  o?i  occafion  of  illnefs  and 
fpiritual  deprejjion. 

[LADY  JANE  CAMPBELL,  Vifcountefs  of  Kenmure,  was  the  third 
daughter  of  Archibald  Campbell,  feventh  Earl  of  Argyle,  and  filler  to  the 
Marquis  of  Argyle  who  was  beheaded  in  1 6  6 1 .  She  was  a  woman  diftinguifhed, 
in  her  day,  for  the  depth  of  her  piety,  and  her  warm  attachment  to  the  Prefby- 
terian  intereft  in  Scotland.  Nor  was  Ihe  lefs  diftinguifhed  for  generofity  and 
munificence,  than  for  piety.  Her  bounty  was  in  a  particular  manner  extended 
to  thofe  whom  fuffering  for  confcience'  fake  had  reduced  to  poverty  or  exile. 
In  the  yeai-  1628,  fhe  was  married  to  Sir  John  Gordon  of  Lochinvar,  after- 
wards Vifcount  Kenmure  and  Lord  Gordon  of  Lochinvar.  This  union  did  not 
laft  many  years.  In  1634,  Ihe  became  a  widow,  his  Lordfhip  having  died  at  Ken- 
mure Caftle,  on  the  12th  of  September  that  year,  in  the  35th  year  of  his  age. 
But  her  fon-ow  on  this  occafion  was  alleviated  by  the  Chriftian  refignation  and 
faith,  which  he  was  enabled  to  exercife  under  his  laft  illnefs.  To  this  noble- 
man fhe  had  two  daughters,  who  died  in  infancy,  one  about  the  beginning 
of  the  year  1629,  ^'^^  ^^^  other  in  1634,  as  may  be  gathered  from  allufions  to 
thefe  bereavements,  contained  in  two  confolatory  letters  written  to  her  by 
Rutherford  in  thefe  years.  She  had  alfo,  by  the  fame  marriage,  a  fon,  John, 
fecond  Vifcount  of  Kenmure,  who,  however,  died  under  age  and  unmarried, 
in  Auguft  1649.  This  event  forms  the  fubjedt  of  a  letter  vvritten  to  her  by 
Rutherford  the  ift  of  O  (Sober  that  year.  She  married  for  her  fecond  hufband, 
on  the  2ift  of  September  1640,  the  Hon.  Sir  Henry  Montgomery  of  Giffen, 
fecond  fon  of  Alexander,  fixth  Earl  of  Eglinton ;  but  this  marriage  was  with- 
out iffue.  Sir  Henry's  religious  views  were  congenial  to  her  own ;  and  he  is 
defcribed  as  an  **  adive  and  faithful  friend  of  the  Lord's  kirk."  She  was  foon 
left  a  widow  a  fecond  time,  in  which  ftate  fhe  lived  till  a  very  venerable  age, 
having  furvived  the  Reftoration  a  number  of  years,  as  appears  from  the  fadt 
that  Livingftone,  at  the  time  of  his  death  (which  took  place  at  Rotterdam  in 
1672),  fpeaks  of  her  as  the  oldeft  acquaintance  he  then  had  alive  in  Scotland. 
She  was  a  regular  correfpondent  of  Rutherford,  the  laft  of  whofe  letters  to  her 
is  dated  July  the  24th,  1661,  after  the  execution  of  her  brother,  above  men- 
tioned. Nor  after  Mr  Rutherford's  death  was  fhe  unmindful  of  his  widow. 
**  Madam,"  fays  Mr  M'Ward,  in  a  letter  to  her,  *^  Mrs  Rutherford  gives  me 
often  an  account  of  the  fingular  teftimony  which  fhe  met  with  of  your  Lady- 
fhip's  affedtion  to  her  and  her  daughter." 

Kenmure  Caftle  is  well  feen  from  the  road  that  leads  along  the  banks  of  the 
Ken.  The  loch,  the  river,  and  the  old  baronial  houfe,  combine  to  attract 
notice.     It  is  built  on  an  infulated  knoll,  well  wooded  all  around.] 

40  LETTER  III.  [1628. 


ADAM, — All  dutiful  obedience  in  the  Lord  remembered. 
I  have  heard  of  your  Ladyfhip's  infirmity  and  ficknefs 
with  grief;  yet  I  truft  ye  have  learned  to  fay,  "It  is 
the  Lord,  let  Him  do  whatfoever  feemeth  good  in  His  eyes."  It  is 
now  many  years  fmce  the  apoflate  angels  made  a  queftion,  whether 
their  will  or  the  will  of  their  Creator  fhould  be  done  -,  and  fmce 
that  time,  froward  mankind  hath  always  in  that  fame  fuit  of  law 
compeared*  to  plead  with  them  againfl  God,  in  daily  repining 
againft  His  will.  But  the  Lord  being  both  party  and  judge,  hath 
obtained  a  decreet,f  and  faith,  "  My  counfel  fhall  fland,  and  I  will 
do  all  my  pleafure."J  It  is  then  beft  for  us,  in  the  obedience  of 
faith,  and  in  an  holy  fubmiffion,  to  give  that  to  God  which  the  law 
of  His  almighty  and  juft  power  will  have  of  us.  Therefore, 
Madam,  your  Lord  willeth  you,  in  all  ftates  of  life,  to  fay,  "  Thy 
will  be  done  in  earth,  as  it  is  in  heaven  :"  and  herein  fhall  ye  have 
comfort,  that  He,  who  feeth  perfectly  through  all  your  evils,  and 
knoweth  the  frame  and  conflitution  of  your  nature,  and  what  is 
mofl  healthful  for  your  foul,  holdeth  every  cup  of  affli6lion  to  your 
head,  with  His  own  gracious  hand.  Never  believe  that  your  tender- 
hearted Saviour,  who  knoweth  the  flrength  of  your  flomach,  will 
mix  that  cup  with  one  drachm- weight  of  poifon.  Drink  then  with 
the  patience  of  the  faints,  and  the  God  of  patience  blefs  your  phyfic. 
I  have  heard  your  Ladyfhip  complain  of  deadnefs,  and  want  of 
the  beflirring  power  of  the  life  of  God.  But,  courage !  He  who 
walked  in  the  garden,  and  made  a  noife  that  made  Adam  hear  His 
voice,  will  alfo  at  fome  times  walk  in  your  foul,  and  make  you  hear 
a  more  fweet  word.  Yet,  ye  will  not  always  hear  the  noife  and 
the  din  of  His  feet,  when  He  walketh.  Ye  are,  at  fuch  a  time,  like 
Jacob  mourning  at  the  fuppofed  death  of  Jofeph,  when  Jofeph  was 

*  Appeared.  f  Judicial  fentence.  t  I  fa*  xlvi.  to. 

1628.]  LETTER  III.  41 

living.  The  new  creature,  the  image  of  the  fecond  Adam,  is  living 
in  you ;  and  yet  ye  are  mourning  at  the  fuppofed  death  of  the  life  of 
Chrift  in  you.  Ephraim  is  bemoaning  and  mourning,*  when  he 
thinketh  God  is  far  off  and  heareth  not ;  and  yet  God  is  like  the 
bridegroom,-]-  ftanding  only  behind  a  thin  wall,  and  laying  to  His 
ear;  for  He  faith  Himfelf,  "I  have  furely  heard  Ephraim  bemoan- 
ing Himfelf."J  I  have  good  confidence,  Madam,  that  Chrift  Jefus, 
whom  your  foul  through  forefts  and  mountains  is  feeking,  is  within 
you.  And  yet  I  fpeak  not  this  to  lay  a  pillow  under  your  head,  or 
to  diffuade  you  from  a  holy  fear  of  the  Ipfs  of  your  Chiift,  or  of 
provoking  and  "  ftirring  up  the  Beloved  before  He  pleafe,"  by  fin.  I 
know,  in  fpiritual  confidence,  the  devil  will  come  in,  as  in  all  other 
good  works,  and  cry  ''  Half  mine;"  and  fo  endeavour  to  bring  you 
under  a  fearful  fleep,  till  He  whom  your  foul  loveth  be  departed 
from  the  door,  and  have  left  off  knocking.  And,  therefore,  here  the 
Spirit  of  God  mufi:  hold  your  foul's  feet  in  the  golden  mid-line,  be- 
twixt confident  refi:ing  in  the  arms  of  Chriil:,  and  prefumptuous  and 
drowfy  fleeping  in  the  bed  of  flefhly  fecurity.  Therefore,  worthy 
lady,  {o  count  little  of  yourfelf,  becaufe  of  your  own  wretchednefs 
and  finful  drowfinefs,  that  ye  count  not  alfo  little  of  God,  in  the 
courfe  of  His  unchangeable  mercy.  For  there  be  many  Chriftians 
moft  like  unto  young  failors,  who  think  the  fiiore  and  the  whole 
land  doth  move,  when  the  fiiip  and  they  themfelves  are  moved; 
juft  fo,  not  a  few  do  imagine  that  God  moveth  and  faileth§  and 
changeth  places,  becaufe  their  giddy  fouls  are  under  fail,  and  fub- 
je6f  to  alteration,  to  ebbing  and  flowing.  But  '*  the  foundation  of 
the  Lord  abideth  fure."  God  knoweth  that  ye  are  His  own. 
Wreffle,  fight,  go  forward,  watch,  fear,  believe,  pray ;  and  then  ye 
have  all  the  infallible  fymptoms  of  one  of  the  eleft  of  Chrift  within  you. 
Ye  have  now.  Madam,  a  ficknefs  before  you;  and  alfo  after 
that  a  death.  Gather  then  now  food  for  the  journey.  God  give 
you  eyes  to  fee  through  ficknefs  and  death,  and  to  fee  fomething 

*  Jer.  xxxi.  18.  f  Cant.  ii.  9.  X  Jer.  xxxi.  il 

§  So  it  is  in  the  earlier  editions;  not  '*  faileth." 

42  LETTER  III.  [1628. 

beyond  death.  I  doubt  not  but  that,  if  hell  were  betwixt  you  and 
Chrift,  as  a  river  which  ye  behoved  to  crofs  ere  you  could  come 
at  Him,  but  ye  would  willingly  put  in  your  foot,  and  make  through 
to  be  at  Him,  upon  hope  that  He  would  come  in  Himfelf,  in  the 
deepeft  of  the  river,  and  lend  you  His  hand.  Now,  I  believe  your 
hell  is  dried  up,  and  ye  have  only  thefe  two  fhallow  brooks,  fick- 
nefs  and  death,  to  pafs  through ;  and  ye  have  alfo  a  promife  that 
Chrift  fhall  do  more  than  meet  you,  even  that  He  fhall  come  Him- 
felf, and  go  wuth  you  foot  for  foot,  yea  and  bear  you  in  His  arms. 
O  then !  O  then  !  for  the  joy  that  is  fet  before  you ;  for  the  love 
of  the  Man  (who  is  alfo  "  God  over  all,  blefled  for  ever"),  that  is 
ftanding  upon  the  fhore  to  welcome  you,  run  your  race  with 
patience.  The  Lord  go  with  you.  Your  Lord  will  not  have  you, 
nor  any  of  His  fervants,  to  exchange  for  the  worfe.  Death  in  it- 
felf  includeth  both  the  death  of  the  foul  and  the  death  of  the  body ; 
but  to  God's  children  the  bounds  and  the  limits  of  death  are  abridged 
and  drawn  into  a  more  narrow  compafs.  So  that  when  ye  die,  a 
piece  of  death  fhall  only  feize  upon  you,  or  the  leaft  part  of  you 
fhall  die,  and  that  is  the  diffolution  of  the  body ;  for  in  Chrift  ye 
are  delivered  from  the  fecond  death ;  and,  therefore,  as  one  born  of 
God,  commit  not  fni  (although  ye  cannot  live  and  not  fm),  and 
that  ferpent  fhall  but  eat  your  earthly  part.  As  for  your  foul,  it  is 
above  the  law  of  death.  But  it  is  fearful  and  dangerous  to  be  a 
debtor  and  fervant  to  fm;  for  the  count  of  fm  ye  will  not  be  able 
to  make  good  before  God,  except  Chrift  both  count  and  pay  for 

I  truft  alfo.  Madam,  that  ye  will  be  careful  to  prefent  to  the 
Lord  the  prefent  eflate  of  this  decaymg  Kirk.  For  what  fhall  be 
concluded  in  Parliament  anent*  her,  the  Lord  knoweth.     Sure  I 

*  *'  In  reference  to  her," — alluding  to  the  kno\^•^l  delign  of  Charles  I.  to 
enforce  conformity  to  Epifcopacy.  About  the  clofe  of  July,  Charles  I.  re- 
folved  to  come  to  Scotland  to  be  crowned,  and  he  wTote  to  that  effed  to  the 
Privy  Council,  and  indicted  a  Parliament  to  lit  down  at  Edinburgh  the  15th 
of  September  following.  It  is  to  that  intended  meeting  of  Parliament  that 
Rutherford  here  refers.     But  it  was  not  held. 




am,  the  decree  of  a  moft  fearful  parliament  in  heaven  is  at  the  very 
point  of  coming  forth,  becaufe  of  the  fms  of  the  land.  For  *'  we 
have  caft  away  the  law  of  the  Lord,  and  defpifed  the  words  of  the 
Holy  One  of  Ifrael."*  "  Judgment  is  turned  away  backward,  and 
juftice  ftandeth  afar  off;  truth  is  fallen  in  the  flreets,  and  equity 
cannot  enter." f  Lo!  the  prophet,  as  if  he  had  feen  us  and  our 
kirk,  refembleth  J  Jujiice  to  be  handled  as  an  enemy  holden  out  at 
the  ports  of  our  city  [fo  is  ilie  banilhed !] ,  and  Truth  to  a  perfon  fickly 
and  difeafed,  fallen  down  in  a  deadly  fwooning  fit  in  the  ftreets,  be- 
fore he  can  come  to  an  houie.  "  The  priefts  have  caufed  many  to 
Ihimble  at  the  law,  and  have  corrupted  the  covenant  of  Levi."§ 
"  But  what  will  they  do  in  the  end  ?"  ||  Therefore  give  the  Lord  no 
reft  for  Zion.  Stir  up  your  hufband,  your  brother,  and  all  with 
whom  ye  are  in  favour  and  credit,  to  fland  upon  the  Lord's  fide 
againft  Baal.  I  have  good  hope  that  your  hufband  loveth  the  peace 
and  profperity  of  Zion.  The  peace  of  God  be  upon  him,  for  his  in- 
tended courfes  anent  the  eftablifhment  of  a  powerful  miniftry  in 
this  land.  Thus,  not  willing  to  weary  your  Ladyfhip  further,  I 
commend  you  now,  and  always,  to  the  grace  and  mercy  of  that 
God  who  is  able  to  keep  you,  that  ye  fall  not.  The  Lord  Jefus  be 
with  your  fpirit. 

Your  Ladyfhip's  fervant  at  all  dutiful  obedience  in  Chrift. 

S.  R. 

AnwOTH,  July  2  7,  1628. 

*  Ila.  V.  24. 
§  Mai.  ii.  8. 

t  I  fa.  lix.  14. 
II  Jer.  V.  31. 

X  Reprelenteth. 

44  LETTER  IV.  [1629. 

IV. — To  the  Elecl  and  Noble  Lady,  my  Lady  Kenmure,  on  occajton 
of  the  death  of  her  mfatit  daughter. 


ADAM, — Saluting  your  Ladyfhip  with  grace  and  mercy 
from  God  our  Father,  and  from  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrifl:, 
— I  was  forry,  at  my  departure,  leaving  your  Ladyfhip 
in  grief,  and  would  ftill  be  grieved  at  it,  if  I  were  not  afTured  that 
ye  have  One  with  you  in  the  furnace,  whofe  vifage  is  like  unto  the 
Son  of  God.  I  am  glad  that  ye  have  been  acquainted  from  your 
youth  with  the  wreftlings  of  God,  and  that  ye  get  fcarce  liberty  to 
fwallow  down  your  fpittle,  being  caften*  from  furnace  to  furnace, 
knowing  if  ye  were  not  dear  to  God,  and  if  your  health  did  not  re- 
quire fo  much  of  Him,  He  would  not  fpend  fo  much  phyfic  upon 
you.  All  the  brethren  and  fiflers  of  Chrift  mufl  be  conform  to 
His  image  and  copy  in  fulfering.f  And  fome  do  more  vivelyj  re- 
femble  the  copy  than  others.  Think,  Madam,  that  it  is  a  part  of 
your  glory  to  be  enrolled  among  thofe  whom  one  of  the  elders 
pointed  out  to  John,  **  Thefe  are  they  which  came  out  of  great 
tribulation,  and  have  wafhed  their  robes,  and  made  them  white  in 
the  blood  of  the  Lamb."  §  Behold  your  Forerunner  going  out  of 
the  world  all  in  a  lake  of  blood,  and  it  is  not  ill  to  die  as  He  did. 
Fulfil  with  joy  the  remnant  of  the  grounds  and  remainders  of  the 
aiRiftions  of  Chrift  in  your  body.  Ye  have  loft  a  child :  nay,  fhe 
is  not  loft  to  you  who  is  found  to  Chrift.  She  is  not  fent  away,  but 
only  fent  before,  like  unto  a  ftar,  which  going  out  of  our  fight 
doth  not  die  and  evanifh,  but  ftiineth  in  another  hemifphere.  Ye 
fee  her  not,  yet  ftie  doth  ftiine  in  another  country.  If  her  glafs  was 
but  a  ftiort  hour,  what  ftie  wanteth  of  time  that  Ihe  hath  gotten  of 

*  Call.  t  Rom.  viii.  29.  :J:  To  the  life,  livingly,  vividly. 

§  Rev.  vii.  14. 

1629.]  LETTER  IF.  45 

eternity;  and  ye  have  to  rejoice  that  ye  have  now  fome  plenifhing* 
up  in  heaven.  Build  your  neft  upon  no  tree  here;  for  ye  fee  God 
hath  fold  the  foreft  to  death ;  and  every  tree  whereupon  we  would 
reft  is  ready  to  be  cut  down,  to  the  end  we  may  flyf  and  mount 
up,  and  build  upon  the  Rock,  and  dwell  in  the  holes  of  the  Rock. 
What  ye  love  befides  Jefus,  your  hufband,  is  an  adulterous  lover. 
Now  it  is  God's  fpecial  bleifmg  to  Judah,  that  He  will  not  let  her 
find  her  paths  in  following  her  flrange  lovers.  "  Therefore,  behold 
I  will  hedge  up  her  way  with  thorns,  and  make  a  wall  that  fhe  fhall 
not  find  her  paths.  And  ftie  fhall  follow  after  her  lovers,  but  fhe 
fhall  not  overtake  them."  J  O  thrice  happy  Judah,  when  God 
buildeth  a  double  flone  wall  betwixt  her  and  the  fire  of  hell !  The 
world,  and  the  things  of  the  world,  Madam,  is  the  lover  ye  natu- 
rally afFeft,  §  befide  your  own  hufband  Chrifl.  The  hedge  of  thorns 
and  the  wall  which  God  buildeth  in  your  way,  to  hinder  you  from 
this  lover,  is  the  thorny  hedge  of  daily  grief,  lofs  of  children,  weak- 
nefs  of  body,  iniquity  of  the  time,  uncertainty  of  eftate,  lack  of 
worldly  comfort,  fear  of  God's  anger  for  old  unrepented-of  fms. 
What  lofe  ye,  if  God  twift  and  plait  the  hedge  daily  thicker?  God 
be  blefled,  the  Lord  will  not  let  you  find  your  paths.  Return  to 
your  firfl  hufband.  Do  not  weary,  neither  think  that  death  walk- 
eth  towards  you  with  a  flow  pace.  Ye  muft  be  riper  ere  ye  be 
fhaken.  Your  days  are  no  longer  than  Job's,  that  were  "  fwifter 
than  a  pofl,  and  pafTed  away  as  the  fhips  of  defire,  and  as  the  eagle 
that  hafteth  for  the  prey."  ||  There  is  lefs  fand  in  your  glafs  now 
than  there  was  yefternight.  This  fpan-length  of  ever-pofling  time 
will  foon  be  ended.  But  the  greater  is  the  mercy  of  God,  the  more 
years  ye  get  to  advife,  upon  what  terms,  and  upon  what  conditions, 
ye  caft  your  foul  in  the  huge  gulf  of  never-ending  eternity.  The 
Lord  hath  told  you  what  ye  fhould  be  doing  till  He  come.  "Wait 
and  haften,"  faith  Peter,  *'  for  the  coming  of  our  Lord."     All  is 

*  Property,  or  furniture. 

t  In  the  earlier  editions  it  is  given  ^^Jly"  throughout;  not  ^^flee" 

X  Hos.  ii.  6,  7.         §  Love,  have  affection  to.  ||  Job  ix.  25,  26,  margin. 

46  LETTER  V.  [1629. 

night  that  is  here,  in  refpeft  of  ignorance  and  daily  enfuing  troubles, 
one  always  making  way  to  another,  as  the  ninth  wave  of  the  fea  to 
the  tenth ;  therefore  figh  and  long  for  the  dawning  of  that  morning, 
and  the  breaking  of  that  day  of  the  coming  of  the  Son  of  Man, 
when  the  fhadows  fhall  flee  away.  Perfuade  yourfelf  the  King  is 
coming;  read  His  letter  fent  before  Him,  "  Behold,  I  come  quickly."* 
Wait  with  the  wearied  night-watch  for  the  breaking  of  the  eaftern 
fky,  and  think  that  ye  have  not  a  morrow.  As  the  wife  father  faid, 
who,  being  invited  againft  to-morrow  to  dine  with  his  friend, 
anfwered,  "  Thofe  many  days  I  have  had  no  morrow  at  all."  I 
am  loth  to  weary  you.  Show  yourfelf  a  Chriflian,  by  fuffering 
without  murmuring,  for  which  fm  fourteen  thoufand  and  feven 
hundred  were  flain.f  In  patience  poflefs  your  foul.  They  lofe 
nothing  who  gain  Chrift.  Thus  remembering  my  brother's  and 
my  wife's  humble  fervice  to  your  Ladyihip,  I  commend  you  to  the 
mercy  and  grace  of  our  Lord  Jefus,  afTuring  you  that  your  day  is 
coming,  and  that  God's  mercy  is  abiding  you.  The  Lord  Jefus  be 
with  your  fpirit. 

Yours  in  the  Lord  Jefus  at  all  dutiful  obedience, 

S.  R. 

AxwoTH,  Jan.  15,  1629. 

V. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure,  upon  her  removal  luith  her  hujhatul from 
the  pariJJj  of  Anivoth. 


jADAM, — Saluting  you  in  Jefus  Chrifl, — to  my  grief  I 
mufi:  bid  you,  it  may  be,  for  ever  farewell,  in  paper^ 
having  fmall  afTurance  ever  to  fee  your  face  again  till 
the  lafl:  general  aflembly,  where  the  whole  Church  univerfal  fhall 

*  Rev.  iii.  11.  f  Num.  xvi.  49. 

629.]  LETTER  V.  47 

meet;  yet  promifing,  by  His  grace,  to  prefent  your  Ladyfhip  and 
your  burdens  to  Him  who  is  able  to  fave  you,  and  give  you  an  in- 
heritance with  the  faints,  after  a  more  fpecial  manner  than  ever  I 
have  done  before.* 

Ye  are  going  to  a  country  where  the  Sun  of  righteoufnefs,  in 
the  Gofpel,  fhinetli  not  fo  clearly  as  in  this  kingdom;  but  if  ye  would 
know  where  He  whom  your  foul  loveth  doth  reft,  and  where  He 
feedeth  at  the  noontide  of  the  day,  wherever  ye  be,  get  you  forth 
by  the  footfteps  of  the  flock,  and  feed  yourfelf  befide  the  fhepherds' 
tents  ;f  that  is,  afk  for  fome  of  the  watchmen  of  the  Lord's  city, 
who  will  tell  you  truly,  and  will  not  lie,  where  ye  ihall  find  Him 
whom  your  foul  loveth.  I  truft  ye  are  fo  betrothed  in  marriage  to 
the  true  Chrift,  that  ye  will  not  give  your  love  to  any  falfe  Chrift. 
Ye  know  not  how  foon  your  marriage-day  will  come;  nay,  is  not 
eternity  hard  upon  you  ?  It  were  time,  then,  that  ye  had  your 
wedding  garment  in  readinefs.  Be  not  fleeping  at  your  Lord's  com- 
ing. I  pray  God  you  may  be  upon  your  feet  ftanding  when  He 
knocketh.  Be  not  difcouraged  to  go  from  this  country  to  another 
part  of  the  Lord's  earth  :  "The  earth  is  His,  and  the  fulnefs  there- 
of." \  This  is  the  Lord's  lower  houfe ;  whUe  we  are  lodged  here, 
we  have  no  aflurance  to  lie  ever  in  one  chamber,  but  muft  be  con- 
tent to  remove  from  one  corner  of  our  Lord's  nether  houfe  to  an- 
other, refting  in  hope  that,  when  we  come  up  to  the  Lord's  upper 
city,  "  Jerufalem  that  is  above,"  we  fhall  remove  no  more,  becaufe 
then  we  fhall  be  at  home.  And  go  wherefoever  ye  will,  if  your 
Lord  go  with  you,  ye  are  at  home;  and  your  lodging  is  ever  taken 
before  night,  fb  long  as  He  who  is  Ifrael's  dwelling-houfe  is  your 
home.  §  Believe  me.  Madam,  my  mind  is  that  ye  are  well  lodged, 
and  that  in  your  houfe  there  are  fair  eafe-rooms  ||  and  pleafant  lights, 
if  ye  can  in  faith  lean   down  your  head  upon  the  breaft  of  Jefus 

*  Lord  Kenmure  and  his  lady  refided  at  Rufco,  in  the  parifh  of  Anwoth, 
during  the  firft  two  years  of  Rutherford's  miniftry  there ;  but  they  were  now 
about  to  leave  it.     See  a  notice  of  this.  Let.  147. 

t  Cant.  i.  7,  8.      X  Pfalm  xxiv.  i.      §  Pfalm  xc.  i.       ||  Rooms  for  repofe. 

48  LETTER  VI.  [1629. 

Chrifl:  and  till  this  be,  ye  fliall  never  get  a  found  fleep.  Jefus, 
Jefus,  be  your  fhadow  and  your  covering.  It  is  a  fweet  foul-fleep 
to  lie  in  the  arms  of  Chrift,  for  His  breath  is  very  fweet. 

Pray  for  poor  friendlefs  Zion.  Alas  !  no  man  will  fpeak  for 
her  now,  although  at  home  in  her  own  country  fhe  hath  good 
friends,  her  hufband  Chrifl:,  and  His  Father  her  Father-in-law. 
Befeech  your  hulband  to  be  a  friend  to  Zion,  and  pray  for  her. 

I  have  received  many  and  divers  dafhes  and  heavy  ftrokes,  fmce 
the  Lord  called  me  to  the  miniflry ;  but  indeed  I  efteem  your  de- 
parture from  us  amongft  the  weightiefl :  but  I  perceive  God  will 
have  us  to  be  deprived  of  whatfoever  we  idolize,  that  He  may  have 
His  own  room.  I  fee  exceeding  fmall  fruit  of  my  miniflry,  and 
would  be  glad  to  know  of  one  foul  to  be  my  crown  and  rejoicing 
in  the  day  of  Chrifl.  Though  I  fpend  my  flrength  in  vain,  yet  my 
labour  is  with  my  God.*  I  wifh  and  pray  that  the  Lord  would 
harden  my  face  againfl  all,  and  make  me  to  learn  to  go  with  my 
face  againft  a  ftorm.  Again  I  commend  you,  body  and  fpirit,  to 
Him  who  hath  loved  us,  and  wafhed  us  from  our  fin  in  His  own 
blood.  Grace,  grace,  grace  for  ever  be  with  you.  Pray,  pray 

Your  Ladyfhip's  at  all  dutiful  obedience  in  Chrifl, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  Sept.  14,  1629. 

VL — For  Marion  M'Naught,  on  occafton  of  the  illnefs  of  his  (Mr 
Rutherford^ s^  ivfe. 

[MARION  M^NAUGHT  was  daughter  to  the  Laird  of  Kilquhanatie, 
in  Kirkpatrick  Durham  (fee  Let.  252),  the  reprefentative  of  an  ancient 
family,  now  extinct,  and  conne6ted  alfo  with  the  houfe  of  Kenmure,  through 
her  mother,  Margaret  Gordon,  fifter  to  Lord  Kenmure.  She  became  the  wife 
of  William  Fullerton,  Provoft  of  Kirkcudbright,  and  was  a  woman  extenfively 
known  and  held  in  honour  by  the  molt  eminent  Chriftians  and  minifters  of 

*  I  fa.  xlix.  4. 

1629.]  LETTER  VL  49 

her  day,  on  account  of  her  rare  godlinefs  and  public  fpirit.  We  find  in 
The  Lajl  and  Hea'venly  Speeches  of  Vifcount  Kenmure,  that  by  the  fpecial  defire 
of  that  nobleman  (who  was  her  relative),  fhe  was  in  continual  attendance  on 
him  as  he  lay  on  his  deathbed.  Her  name  is  fometimes  fpelt  ^^  M^Knaight," 
or  ^*  M^Knaichte,"  the  modem  **  Macknight."  She  had  three  children — one 
daughter,  Grizzel,  and  two  fons,  Samuel  and  William, — who  are  often  affec- 
tionately remembered  in  Rutherford's  letters  to  her.  The  following  epitaph 
was  infcribed  on  her  tomb,  in  the  churchyard  of  Kirkcudbright: — 
**  Marion  M* Naught,  fifter  to  John  M* Naught  of  Kilquhanatie,  an  ancient 

and  honourable  baron,  and   fpoufe  to  William   Fullerton,  Provofl  of 

Kirkcudbright,  died  April  1643,  ^g^  5 8. 

Sexum  animis y  pietate  genus y  genorofuy  locumque 
Virtute  exfuperanSy  conditur  hoc  tumulo" 

The  tombftone  has  fince  been  removed.  It  was  only  in  i860  that  her 
houfe  (in  which  the  meeting  with  Blair  and  Rutherford  took  place)  was 
pulled  down.  It  flood  at  the  foot  of  the  High  Street,  which  was  then  the 
principal  flreet  of  the  town. 

A  relative  of  this  lady's  hufband,  Fullerton  of  Carlton  (fee  Let.  157), 
wi-ote  on  her  the  following  acroftic : — 

M  More  happy  than  imagined  can  be, 

A  And  blefTed,  are  fuch  as  with  heart  fmcere 

R  Refolve  to  cleave  to  Chrift,  to  live  and  die 

I  In  Him,  with  Him,  and  for  Him  to  appear. 

0  O  what  tranfcendant  glory  grows  from  grace  ! 
N  None  but — no,  not — the  foul  refined  fhall 

M^  Make  to  appear;  that  life,  that  light,  that  peace,  ' 
K     Known  only  to  the  pure  pofTeflbrs  all. 
N     Now,  THOUy  by  grace,  art  into  glory  gone, 
A     And  gained  the  garland  of  eternal  blifs, 

1  In  feeing  Him  who,  on  that  glorious  throne, 
G     Created,  uncreated,  glory  is. 

H    Heaven's  quire  did  fing  at  thy  converfion  fweet,  '' 

T    Time  pofts  thy  final  comforts  to  complete. 
(Append,  to  ^*  Minute-Book  of  Committee  ofCcvenanters") 


OVING  AND  DEAR   SISTER,— If  ever  you  would 
pleafure  me,  entreat  the  Lord  for  me,  now  when  I  am 
fo  comfortlefs,  and  fo  full  of  heavinefs,  that  I  am  not 
able  to  Aand  under  the  burthen  any  longer.     The  Almighty  hath 

VOL.   I.  D 

so  LETTER  VI.  [1629. 

doubled  His  ftripes  upon  me,  for  my  wife  is  fo  fore  tormented  night 
and   day,  that  I  have  wondered  why  the  Lord  tarrieth  fo  long. 
My  life  is  bitter  unto  me,  and  I  fear  the  Lord  be  my  contrair* 
party.     It  is  (as  I  now  know  by  experience)  hard  to  keep  fight  of 
God  in  a  ftorm,  efpecially  when  He  hides  Himfelf,  for  the  trial  of 
His  children.     If  He  would  be  pleafed  to  remove  His  hand,  I  have 
a  purpofe  to  feek  Him  more  than  I  have  done.     Happy  are  they 
that  can  win  awayf  with  their  foul.     I  am  afraid  of  His  judgments. 
I  blefs  my  God  that  there  is  a  death,  and   a   heaven.     I  would 
weary  to  begin  again  to  be  a  Chriflian,  fo  bitter  is  it  to  drink  of  the 
cup  that  Chrifl  drank  of,  if  I  knew  not  that  there  is  no  poifon  in  it. 
God  ^ve  us  not  of  it  till  we  vomit  again,  for  we  have  fick  fouls 
when  God's  phyfic  works  not.     Pray  that  God  would  not  lead  my 
wife  into  temptation.     Woe  is  my  heart,  that  I  have  done  fo  little 
againft  the  kingdom  of  Satan  in  my  calling  ;    for  he  would  fain 
attempt  to  make  me  blafpheme  God  in  His  face.     I  believe,  I  be- 
lieve, in  the  ftrength  of  Him  who  hath  put  me  in  His  work,  he 
fhall  fail  in  that  which  he  feeks.     I  have  comfort  in  this,  that  my 
Captain,  Chrifl:,  hath  faid,  I  muft  fight  and  overcome  the  world,  J 
and  with  a  weak,  fpoiled,  weaponlefs  devil,   "  the  prince  of  this 
world  Cometh,  and  hath  nothing  in  me."  §     Defire  Mr  Robert  ||  to 
remember  me,  if  he  love  me.     Grace,  grace  be  with  you,  and  all 

Remember  Zion.  There  is  a  letter  procured  from  the  King  by 
Mr  John  Maxwell  to  urge  conformity,  to  give  the  communion  at 
Chriftmas  in  Edinburgh,  f    Hold  fail:  that  which  you  have,  that  no 

*  Contrary,  />.,  my  adverfary.        t  Efcape,  get  away  from  the  world. 

X  John  xvi.  2,?,'  §  John  xiv.  30. 

II  Mr  Robert  Glendinning,  minifter  of  Kirkcudbright. 

^  Mr  J.  Maxwell  here  mentioned  was  at  this  time  a  minifter  in  Edin- 
burgh, and  afterwards  became  Bifhop  of  Rofs, — a  man  of  talent,  but  de\'oid 
of  principle,  whofe  aim  was  to  fecure  the  favour  of  the  notorious  Laud,  and 
forward  his  defigns  for  forcing  Epifcopacy  upon  the  Scottifli  people.  The 
letter  above  referred  to  was  from  the  King,  urging  the  adoption  of  the  Englifh 

1630.]  LETTER  VIL  51 

man  take  the  crown  from  you.     The  Lord   Jefus    be  with  your 


Yours  in  the  Lord, 

S.  R. 
Anwoth,  Noi\  17,  1629. 


VIL — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — I  have  longed  exceedingly  to  hear  of  your  life 
and  health,  and  growth  in  the  grace  of  God.  I  lacked 
the  opportunity  of  a  bearer,  in  refpeft  I  did  not  under- 
ftand  of  the  hafly  departure  of  the  laft,  by  whom  I  might  have 
fainted  your  Ladyfhip,  and  therefore  I  could  not  write  before  this 
time.  I  entreat  you.  Madam,  let  me  have  two  lines  from  you  con- 
cerning your  prefent  condition.  I  know  ye  are  in  grief  and  heavinefs ; 
and  if  it  were  not  ib,  ye  might  be  afraid,  becaufe  then  your  way 
fhould  not  be  fo  like  the  way  that  (our  Lord  faith)  leadeth  to  the  New 
Jerufalem.  Sure  I  am,  if  ye  knew  what  were  before  you,  or  if  ye 
faw  but  fome  glances  of  it,  ye  would  with  gladnefs  fwim  through 
the  prefent  floods  of  ibrrow,  fpreading  forth  your  arms  out  of  defire 
to  be  at  land.  If  God  have  given  you  the  earneft  of  the  Spirit,  as 
part  of  payment  of  God's  principal  fum,  ye  have  to  rejoice;  for  our 
Lord  will  not  lofe  His  earnefl,  neither  will  He  go  back  or  repent 
Him  of  the  bargain.  If  ye  find  at  fome  time  a  longing  to  fee  God, 
joy  in  the  affurance  of  that  fight,  howbeit  that  feaft  be  but  like  the 
PafTover,  that  cometh  about  only  once  a-year.  Peace  of  confcience, 
liberty  of  prayer,  the  doors  of  God's  treafure  cafl  up  to  the  foul, 
and  a  clear  fight  of  Himfelf  looking  out,  and  faying,  with  a  fmiling 
countenance,  "  Welcome  to  Me,  afflicted  foul ;''  this  is  the  earneft  that 
He  giveth  fometimes,  and  which  maketh  glad  the  heart,  and  is  an 
evidence  that  the  bargain  will  hold.    But  to  the  end  ye  may  get  this 

52  LETTER  FIL  [1630. 

earnefl:,  it  were  good  to  come  oft  iiito  terms  of  fpeech  with  God, 
both  in  prayer  and  hearing  of  the  word.  For  this  is  the  houfe  of 
wine,  where  ye  meet  with  your  Well-Beloved.  Here  it  is  where 
He  kifleth  you  with  the  kifTes  of  His  mouth,  and  where  ye  feel  the 
fmell  of  His  garments;  and  they  have  indeed  a  mofl  fragrant  and 
glorious  fmell.  Ye  muft,  I  fay,  wait  upon  Him,  and  be  often 
communing  with  Him,  whofe  lips  are  as  lilies,  dropping  fweet- 
fmelling  myrrh,  and  by  the  moving  thereof  He  will  afTuage  your 
grief ;  for  the  Chrift  that  faveth  you  is  a  fpeaking  Chrift  ;  the 
Church  knoweth  Him*  by  His  voice,  and  can  difcern  His  tongue 
amongft  a  thoufand.  I  fay  this  to  the  end  ye  fhould  not  love  thofe 
dumb  mafks  of  antichriflian  ceremonies,  that  the  Church,  f  where 
ye  are  for  a  time,  hath  caft  over  the  Chrift  whom  your  foul 
loveth.  This  is  to  fet  before  you  a  dumb  ChrLft.  But  when  our 
Lord  cometh,  He  fpeaketh  to  the  heart  in  the  fimplicity  of  the 

I  have  neither  tongue  nor  pen  to  exprefs  to  you  the  happinefs  of 
fuch  as  are  in  ChrLft.  When  ye  have  fold  all  that  ye  have,  and 
bought  the  field  wherein  this  pearl  is,  ye  will  think  it  no  bad  mar- 
ket ;  for  if  ye  be  in  Him,  all  His  is  yours,  and  ye  are  in  Him  ; 
therefore,  "  becaufe  He  liveth,  ye  (hall  live  alfo."J  And  what  is 
that  elfe,  but  as  if  the  Son  had  faid,  "  I  will  not  have  heaven  ex- 
cept My  redeemed  ones  be  with  Me :  they  and  I  cannot  live  afunder. 
Abide  in  Me,  and  I  in  you."  §  O  fweet  communion,  when  Chrifi: 
and  we  are  through  other, ||  and  are  no  longer  two!  "  Father,  I  will 
that  thofe  whom  Thou  haft  given  Me  be  with  Me  where  I  am,  to 
behold  My  glory  that  Thou  haft  given  Me."f  Amen,  dear  Jefus, 
let  it  be  according  to  that  word.  I  wonder  that  ever  your  heart 
fhould  be  caft  down,  if  ye  believe  this  truth.  I  and  they  are  not 
worthy  of  Jefus  Chrift,  who  will  not  fuffer  forty  years'  trouble  for 
Him,  fmce  they  have  fuch  glorious  promifes.  But  we  fools  believe 
thofe  promifes  as  the  man  that  read  Plato's  writings  concerning  the 

*  Cant.  ii.  8.  f  Epifcopal.  t  John  xiv  19. 

§  John  XV.  4  Ij  Mixed  up  with  each  other.  ^  John  xvii.  24. 

1630.]  LETTER  VIL  53 

immortality  of  the  Ibul :  lb  long  as  the  book  was  in  his  hand  he  be- 
lieved all  was  true,  and  that  the  foul  could  not  die ;  but  fo  foon  as 
he  laid  by  the  book,  he  began  to  imagine  that  the  foul  is  but  a  fmoke 
or  airy  vapour,  that  perifheth  with  the  expiring  of  the  breath.  So 
we  at  ftarts*  do  aflent  to  the  fweet  and  precious  promifes;  but  lay- 
ing afide  God's  book,  we  begin  to  call  all  in  queftion.  It  is  faith 
indeed,  to  believe  without  a  pledge,  and  to  hold  the  heart  conftant 
at  this  work;  and  when  we  doubt,  to  run  to  the  law  and  to  the 
teftimony,  and  flay  there.  Madam,  hold  you  here :  here  is  your 
Father's  teftament, — read  it ;  in  it  He  hath  left  to  you  remiffion  of 
fms  and  life  everlafting.  If  all  that  ye  have  here  be  crofTes  and 
troubles,  down-caftings,  frequent  defertions,  and  departure  of  the 
Lord,  who  is  fuitingf  you  in  marriage,  courage!  He  who  is  wooer 
and  fuitor  fhould  not  be  an  houfehold  man  with  you  till  ye  and  He 
come  up  to  His  Father's  houfe  together.  He  purpofeth  to  do  you 
good  at  your  latter  end,  J  and  to  give  you  reft  from  the  days  of  ad- 
verfity.§  "It  is  good  to  bear  the  yoke  of  God  in  your  youth." || 
"  Turn  in  to  your  ftronghold  as  a  prifoner  of  hope."  %  "  For  the 
vifion  is  for  an  appointed  time ;  but  at  the  end  it  fhall  fpeak,  and  not 
lie :  though  it  tarry,  wait  for  it,  becaufe  it  will  furely  come,  it  will  not 
tarry."**  Hear  Himfelf  faying,  "  Come,  My  people"  (rejoice.  He 
calleth  on  you!),  "  enter  thou  into  thy  chambers,  and  fliut  thy  doors 
about  thee ;  hide  thyfelf,  as  it  were  for  a  little  moment,  till  the  in- 
dignation be  paft.ff  Believe,  then,  believe  and  be  faved;  think 
not  hard  if  ye  get  not  your  will,  nor  your  delights  in  this  life ;  God 
will  have  you  to  rejoice  in  nothing  but  Himfelf.  God  forbid  that 
ye  ftiould  rejoice  in  anything  but  in  the  crofs  of  Chrift.  Jf 

Our  Church,  Madam,  is  decaying, — she  is  like  Ephraim's  cake  ; 
"  and  grey  hairs  are  here  and  there  upon  her,  and  fhe  knoweth  it 
not."  §  §  She  is  old  and  grey-haired,  near  the  grave,  and  no  man 
taketh  it  to  heart.     Her  wine  is  four  and  is  corrupted.     Now  if 

*  On  occafions,  fitfully.  f  Wooing.  %  Deut.  viii.  16. 

§  Ps.  xciv.  13.  II  Lam.  iii.  27.  ^  Zech.  ix.  12. 

**  Hab.  ii.  3.  ft  Ha-  xxvi.  20.  XX  Gal.  vi.  14. 
§§  Hos.  vii.  9. 

54  LETTER  Fill.  [163c. 

Phinehas's  wife  did  live,  ihe  might  travail  in  birth  and  die,  to  fee 
the  ark  of  God  taken,  and  the  glory  depart  from  our  Ifrael.  The 
power  and  life  of  religion  is  away.  "  Woe  be  to  us  !  for  the  day 
goeth  away,  for  the  fhadows  of  the  evening  are  ftretched  out."* 
Madam,  Zion  is  the  fhip  wherein  ye  are  carried  to  Canaan  ;  if  fhe 
fuffer  fhipwreck,  ye  will  be  caft  overboard  upon  death  and  life,  to 
fwim  to  land  upon  broken  boards.  It  were  time  for  us,  by  prayer, 
to  put  uponf  our  mafter-pilot,  Jefus,  and  to  cry,  "  Mafter,  fave  us  ; 
we  perifh."  Grace,  grace  be  with  you.  We  would  think  it  a 
blefling  to  our  kirk  to  fee  you  here  ;  but  our  fins  withhold  good 
things  from  us.  The  great  MefTenger  of  the  Covenant  preferve  you 
in  body  and  fpirit. 

Yours  in  the  Lord, 

S.  R. 
Anwoth,  FeL  I,  1630. 

VIII. — For  Marion  M*Naught,  on  occafwn  of  his  {Mr  Rutherford s) 

ivfe's  illnefs. 


"l  ISTRESS, — My  love  in  Jefus  Chrift  remembered.  I  am 
1 1     in   good  health  ;  honour  to  my  Lord  -,  but  my  wife's 

^1  difeafe  increafeth  daily,  to  her  great  torment  and  pain 
night  and  day.  She  has  not  been  in  God's  houfe  fince  our  commu- 
nion, neither  out  of  her  bed.  I  have  hired  a  man  to  Edinburgh  to 
Doctor  Jeally  and  to  John  Hamilton. J  I  can  hardly  believe  her 
difeafe  is  ordinary,  for  her  life  is  bitter  to  her  ;  fhe  ileeps  none,  but 
cries  as  a  woman  travailing  in  birth.  What  will  be  the  event.  He 
that  hath  the  keys  of  the  grave  knoweth.  I  have  been  many  times, 
fince  I  faw  you,  that  I  have  befought  the  Lord  to  loofe  her  out  of 

*  Jer.  vi.  4.  t  Importune. 

X  Probably  a  relative  of  his  wife,  whofe  name  was  Eupham  Hamilton. 

1630.]  LETTER  IX.  S5 

body,  and  to  take  her  to  her  rell:.  I  believe  the  Lord's  tide  of  afflic- 
tions will  ebb  again  ;  but  at  prefent  I  am  exercifed  with  the  wres- 
tlings of  God,  being  afraid  of  nothing  more  than  this,  that  God  has 
let  loofe  the  tempter  upon  my  houfe.  "  God  rebuke  him  and  his 
inftruments."  Becaufe  Satan  is  not  caft  out  but  by  fafting  and 
prayer,  I  entreat  you  remember  our  eftate  to  our  Lord,  and  entreat 
all  good  Chriftians  whom  ye  know,  but  efpecially  your  paftor,*  to 
do  the  fame.  It  becomes  us  Ml  to  knock,  and  to  lie  at  the  Lord's 
door,  until  we  die  knocking.  If  He  will  not  open,  it  is  more  than 
He  has  faid  in  His  word.  But  He  is  faithful.  I  look  not  to  win 
away  to  my  home  without  wounds  and  blood.  Welcome,  welcome 
crofs  of  Chrift,  if  Chrift  be  with  it.  I  have  not  a  calm  fpirit  in  the 
work  of  my  calling  here,  being  daily  chaflifed  ;  yet  God  hath  not 
put  out  my  candle,  as  He  does  to  the  wicked.  Grace,  grace  be 
with  you  and  all  yours. 

Yours  in  the  Lord, 

S.  R. 

IX. — For  Marion  M'Naught,  recommefidmg  a  friend  to  her  love. 

ISTRESS,— My  love  in  Chrift  remembered.  At  the  de- 
fire  of  this  bearer,  whom  I  love,  I  thought  to  requefl: 
you  if  ye  can  help  his  wife  with  your  advice,  for  fhe  is 
in  a  moft  dangerous  and  deadly-like  condition.  For  I  have  thought 
fhe  was  changed  in  her  carriage  and  life,  this  fometime  bypaft,  and 
had  hope  that  God  would  have  brought  her  home  ;  and  now,  by 
appearance,  fhe  will  depart  this  life,  and  leave  a  number  of  children 
behind  her.  If  ye  can  be  entreated  to  help  her,  it  is  a  work  of 
mercy.     My  own  wife  is  ftill  in  exceeding  great  torment  night  and 

*  The  Rev.  Mr  Robert  Glendinning,  then  minifter  of  Kirkcudbright.    His 
grave-ftone  may  be  feen  in  the  churchyard. 

56  LETTER  X,  [1630. 

day.  Pray  for  us,  for  my  life  was  never  fo  wearifome  to  me.  God 
hath  filled  me  with  gall  and  wormwood ;  but  I  believe  (which  holds 
up  my  head  above  the  water),  "It  is  good  for  a  man,"  faith  the 
Spirit  of  God,  "  that  he  bear  the  yoke  in  his  youth."* 

I  do  remember  you.  I  pray  you  be  humble  and  believe;  and  I 
entreat  you  in  Jefus  Chrift,  pray  for  John  Stuart  and  his  wife,  and 
defire  your  huiband  to  do  the  fame.  Remember  me  heartily  to 
Jean  Brown.  Defire  her  to  pray  for  me  and  my  wife  :  I  do  re- 
member her.  Forget  not  Zion.  Grace,  grace  upon  them,  and 
peace,  that  pray  for  Zion.  She  is  the  fhip  we  fail  in  to  Canaan. 
If  fhe  be  broken  on  a  rock,  we  will  be  cafl  overboard,  to  fwim  to 
land  betwixt  death  and  life.  The  grace  of  Jefus  be  with  your  hus- 
band and  children. 

Yours  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 


X. — For  Marion  M'Naught. 


— I  could  not  get  an  anfwer  written  to  your  letter  till 
now,  in  refpeft  of  my  wife's  difease  ;  and  fhe  is  yet 
mightily  pained.  I  hope  that  all  fhall  end  in  God's  mercy.  I  know 
that  an  aiflicfted  life  looks  very  like  the  way  that  leads  to  the  king- 
dom-, for  the  Apoftlef  hath  drawn  the  line  and  the  King's  market- 
way,  "through  much  tribulation,  to  the  kingdom."  The  Lord 
grant  us  the  whole  armour  of  God. 

Ye  write  to  me  concerning  your  people's  difpofition,  how  that 
their  hearts  are  inclined  toward  the  man  ye  know,  and  whom  ye 
defire  moft  earneflly  yourfelf.      He  would  moft  gladly  have  the 

*  Lam.  ill.  27.  t  Acts  xiv.  22  ;   1  Thefs.  iii.  4. 

1630.]  LETTER  X.  57 

Lord's  call  for  tranfplantation ;  for  he  knows  that  all  God's  plants, 
iet  by  His  own  hand,  thrive  well;  and  if  the  work  be  of  God,  He 
can  make  a  ftepping-flone  of  the  devil  himfelf  for  fetting  forward 
the  work.  For  yourlelf,  I  would  advife  you  to  afk  of  God  a  fub- 
miflive  heart.  Your  reward  fhall  be  with  the  Lord,  although  the 
people  be  not  gathered  (as  the  prophet  fpeaks) ;  and  fuppofe  the  word* 
do  not  profper,  God  fhall  account  you  *'  a  repairer  of  the  breaches." 
And  take  Chrifl  caution ,f  ye  Ihall  not  lofe  your  reward.  Hold 
your  grip  J  fast.  If  ye  knew  the  mind  of  the  glorified  in  heaven, 
they  think  heaven  come  to  their  hand  at  an  eafy  market,  when  they 
have  got  it  for  three-fcore  or  four-fcore  years  wreflling  with  God. 
When  ye  are  come  thither,  ye  fhall  think,  "  All  I  did,  in  refpeft  of 
my  rich  reward,  now  enjoyed  of  free  grace,  was  too  little."  Now 
then,  for  the  love  of  the  Prince  of  your  falvation,  who  is  flanding  at 
the  end  of  your  way,  holding  up  in  His  hand  the  prize  and  the  gar- 
land to  the  race-runners.  Forward,  forward,  faint  not.  Take  as 
many  to  heaven  with  you  as  ye  are  able  to  draw.  The  more  ye 
draw  with  you,  ye  fhall  be  the  welcomer  yourfelf.  Be  no  niggard 
or  fparing  churl  of  the  grace  of  God ;  and  employ  all  your  endea- 
vours for  eftablifhing  an  honefl  miniflry  in  your  town,  now  when 
ye  have  fo  few  to  fpeak  a  good  word  for  you.  I  have  many  a 
grieved  heart  daily  in  my  calling.  I  would  be  undone,  if  I  had  not 
accefs  to  the  King's  chamber  of  prefence,  to  fhow  Him  all  the  bufi- 
nefs.  The  devil  rages,  and  is  mad  to  fee  the  water  drawn  from 
his  own  mill;  but  would  to  God  we. could  be  the  Lord's  instru- 
ments to  build  the  Son  of  God's  houfe. 

Pray  for  me.  If  the  Lord  furnilh  not  new  timber  from  Lebanon 
to  build  the  houfe,  the  work  will  ceafe.  I  look  to  Him,  who  hath 
begun  well  with  me.  I  have  His  handwrite.  He  will  not  change. 
Your  daughter  is  well,  and  longs  for  a  Bible.  The  Lord  eftablifh 
you  in  peace.  The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 
Yours  at  all  power  in  Chrifl: , 

S.  R. 


*  \^^ork  ?  f  Security.  %  Firm  hold. 

58  LETTER  XL  [1630. 

XI. — To  My  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  multiplied  upon 
you.  I  received  your  Ladyfhip's  letter,  in  the  which  I 
perceive  your  cafe  in  this  world  fmelleth  of  a  fellow- 
fhip  and  communion  with  the  Son  of  God  in  His  fufFerings.  Ye 
cannot,  ye  muft  not,  have  a  more  pleafant  or  more  eafy  condition 
here,  than  He  had,  who  "through  afflictions  was  made  perfect."* 
We  may  indeed  think,  Cannot  God  bring  us  to  heaven  with  eafe 
and  profperity  ?  Who  doubteth  but  He  can  ?  But  His  infinite 
wifdom  thinketh  and  decreeth  the  contrary  ;  and  we  cannot  fee  a 
reafon  of  it,  yet  He  hath  a  moft  juft  reafon.  We  never  with  our 
eyes  faw  our  own  foul ;  yet  we  have  a  foul.  We  fee  many  rivers, 
but  we  know  not  their  firft  fpring  and  original  fountain  ;  yet  they 
have  a  beginning.  Madam,  when  ye  are  come  to  the  other  fide  of 
the  water,  and  have  fet  down  your  foot  on  the  fhore  of  glorious 
eternity,  and  look  back  again  to  the  waters  and  to  your  wearifome 
journey,  and  fhall  fee,  in  that  clear  glafs  of  endlefs  glory,  nearer  to 
the  bottom  of  God's  wifdom,  ye  fhall  then  be  forced  to  fay,  *'If 
God  had  done  otherwife  with  me  than  He  hath  done,  I  had  never 
come  to  the  enjoying  of  this  crown  of  glory."  It  is  your  part  now 
to  believe,  and  fufFer,  and  hope,  and  wait  on  ;  for  I  proteft,  in  the 
prefence  of  that  all-difcerning  eye,  who  knoweth  what  I  write  and 
what  I  think,  that  I  would  not  want  the  fweet  experience  of  the 
confolations  of  God  for  all  the  bitternefs  of  affli6rion.  Nay,  whether 
God  come  to  His  children  with  a  rod  or  a  crown,  if  He  come 
Himfelf  with  it,  it  is  well.  Welcome,  welcome,  Jefus,  what  way 
foever  Thou  come,  if  we  can  get  a  fight  of  Thee.     And  lure  I  am, 

*  Heb.  ii.  10. 

1630.]  LETTER  XL  59 

it  is  better  to  be  fick,  providing  Chrift  come  to  the  bed-fide  and 
draw  by*  the  curtains,  and  fay,  "Courage,  I  am  Thy  falvation," 
than  to  enjoy  health,  being  lufty  and  ftrong,  and  never  to  be 
vifited  of  God. 

Worthy  and  dear  lady,  in  the  ftrength  of  Chrifl,  fight  and 
overcome.  Ye  are  now  yourfelf  alone,  but  ye  may  have,  for  the 
feeking,  three  always  in  your  company,  the  Father,  Son,  and  Holy 
Spirit.  I  truft  they  are  near  you.  Ye  are  now  deprived  of  the 
comfort  of  a  lively  minifiry  ;  fo  was  Ifrael  in  their  captivity  ;  yet 
hear  God's  promife  to  them  :  "  Therefore  fay.  Thus  faith  the 
Lord  God,  although  I  have  caft  them  far  ofF  among  the  heathen, 
and  although  I  have  fcattered  them  among  the  countries,  yet  will  I 
be  to  them  as  a  little  fan<5luary  in  the  countries  where  they  fliall 
come."f  Behold  a  fanftuary  !  for  a  fanftuary,  God  Himfelf  in  the 
place  and  room  of  the  temple  of  Jerufalem  !  I  truft  in  God,  that, 
carrying  this  temple  about  with  you,  ye  fiiall  fee  Jehovah's  beauty 
in  His  houfe. 

We  are  in  great  fears  of  a  great  and  fearful  trial  to  come  upon 
the  kirk  of  God  ;  for  thefe,  who  would  build  their  houfes  and 
nefts  upon  the  afhes  of  mourning  Jerufalem,  have  drawn  our  King 
upon  hard  and  dangerous  conclufions  againft  fuch  as  are  termed 
Puritans,  for  the  rooting  of  them  out.  Our  prelates  (the  Lord  take 
the  keys  of  His  houfe  from  thefe  baftard  porters  ! )  afiiire  us  that,  for 
fuch  as  will  not  conform, ;}:  there  is  nothing  but  imprifonment  and 
deprivation.  ||  The  fpoufe  of  Jefus  will  ever  be  in  the  fire  ;  but  I 
truft  in  my  God  fhe  fhall  not  confume,  becaufe  of  the  good-will  of 

*  Afide.     t  Ezek.  xi.  16.     %  To  the  Englifh  fonii  of  religious  worfhip. 

II  The  prelates,  when  the  Courts  of  High  Commiflion  were  eredled  in 
1 6 10,  were  inverted  with  the  powers  of  imprifoning  and  depriving  Nonconfor- 
mifts.  Nor  had  the  bifhops  failed,  previous  to  the  date  of  this  letter,  to  exer- 
cife  the  exorbitant  power  thus  granted  them  over  the  bodies  and  goods  of 
loyal  fubjedts,  not  a  few  minifters  having  been  deprived,  imprifoned,  and 
banifhed  by  the  Courts  of  High  Commiflion  fimply  for  their  nonconformity. 
In  a  paper  entitled  **The  Grievances  of  the  Minifters  and  other  Profeflbrs 
given  in  by  fome  in  their  name  to  his  Majefty,  or  to  the  Eftates,"  foon  after 
Charles  I.  afcended  the  throne,  it  is  complained,  ''That  the  bifliops,  not  being 

6o  LETTER  XL  [1630. 

Him  who  dwelleth  in  the  Bufh  ;  for  He  dwelleth  in  it  with  good- 
will. All  forts  of  crying  fins  without  controlment  abound  in  our 
land.  The  glory  of  the  Lord  is  departing  from  Ifrael,  and  the 
Lord  is  looking  back  over  His  Ihoulder,  to  fee  if  any  one  will  fay, 
"  Lord,  tarry,"  and  no  man  requefleth  Him  to  flay.  Corrupt  and 
falfe  doftrine  is  openly  preached  by  the  idol-{hepherds  of  the  land. 
For  myfelf,  I  have  daily  griefs,  through  the  difobedience  unto,  and 
contempt  of,  the  word  of  God.  I  was  fummoned  before  the  High 
CommifTion  by  a  profligate  perfon  in  this  pariih,  convifted  of  incefl. 
In  the  bufmefs,  Mr  Alexander  Colvill*  (for  refpecTt  to  your  Lady- 
fhip)  was  my  great  friend,  and  wrote  a  moft  kind  letter  to  me. 
The  Lord  give  him  mercy  in  that  day.  Upon  the  day  of  my 
compearance,  the  fea  and  winds  refufed  to  give  paflage  to  the  Biihop 
of  St  Andrews.f  I  entreat  your  Ladyfhip,  thank  Mr  Alexander 
Colvill  with  two  lines  of  a  letter. 

My  wife  now,  after  long  difeafe  and  torment,  for  the  fpace  of  a 
year  and  a  month,  is  departed  this  life.  The  Lord  hath  done  it ; 
blefl^ed  be  His  name.  I  have  been  difeafed  of  a  fever  tertian  for 
the  fpace  of  thirteen  weeks,  and  am  yet  in  the  ficknefs,  fo  that  I 
preach  but  once  on  the  Sabbath  with  great  difficulty.  I  am  not 
able  either  to  vifit  or  examine  the  congregation.  The  Lord  Jefus 
be  with  your  fpirit. 

Your  Ladyfhip  at  all  obedience, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  z6th  June  J  1630. 

content  with  the  titles  and  benefices  of  bifhopricks,  encroached,  againft  their 
own  proteftations  and  promife,  upon  the  jurifdidion  ecclefiaftical,  in  accepting, 
or  rather  procuring,  power  and  comminion  from  his  Majefty  to  fine,  confine, 
decern  upon  fi.ifpenfion,  depofition,  deprivation  of  minifters,  and  excommuni- 
cation of  whatfoever  fubjedts  ;  and  that  they  have  removed  worthy  men  of  the 
miniftry  from  their  calling  for  no  other  caufe  but  refufal  of  conformity  to  fome 
ceremonies  unknown  till  of  late  to  our  Kirk. — Scots  Apologet.  Narrati've^  pp. 

32i,  324- 

*  One  of  the  judges.  f  Archbilhop  Spottifwoode. 

1630.]  LETTER  XI I.  61 

XII. — For  Marion  M'Naught. 


the  Lord  Jefus  remembered.  I  underfland  that  you 
are  ftill  under  the  Lord's  vifitation,  in  your  former 
bufniels  with  your  enemies,  which  is  God's  dealing.  For,  till  He 
take  His  children  out  of  the  furnace  that  knoweth  how  long  they 
Ihould  be  tried,  there  is  no  deliverance  ;  but  after  God's  highefl 
and  fulleft  tide,  that  the  fea  of  trouble  is  gone  over  the  fouls  of  His 
children,  then  comes  the  gracious,  long-hoped-for  ebbing  and  dry- 
ing up  of  the  waters.  Dear  fifter,  do  not  faint  ;  the  wicked  may 
hold  the  bitter  cup  to  your  head,  but  God  mixeth  it,  and  there  is 
no  poifon  in  it.  They  flrike,  but  God  moves  the  rod  ;  Shimei 
curfeth,  but  it  is  becaufe  the  Lord  bids  Him.  I  tell  you,  and  I 
have  it  from  Him  before  whom  I  ftand  for  God's  people,  that  there 
is  a  decreet*  ^ven  out,  in  the  great  court  of  the  higheft  heavens, 
that  your  prefent  troubles  fhall  be  difperfed  as  the  morning  cloud, 
and  God  fhall  bring  forth  your  righteoufnefs,  as  the  light  of  the 
noon-tide  of  the  day.  Let  me  intreat  you,  in  Chrifl's  name,  to 
keep  a  good  confcience  in  your  proceedings  in  that  matter,  and 
beware  of  yourfelf :  yourfelf  is  a  more  dangerous  enemy  than  I,  or 
any  without  you.  Innocence  and  an  upright  caufe  is  a  good  advo- 
cate before  God,  and  fhall  plead  for  you,  and  win  your  caufe.  And 
count  much  of  your  Matter's  approbation  and  His  fmiling.  He  is 
now  as  the  king  that  is  gone  to  a  far  country.  God  feems  to  be 
from  home  (if  I  may  fay  fo),  yet  He  fees  the  ill  fervants,  who  fay, 
"  Our  Matter  deferreth  His  coming,"  and  fo  ttrike  their  fellow- 
fervants.  But  patience,  my  beloved  ;  Chritt  the  King  is  coming 
home  ;  the  evening  is  at  hand,  and  He  will  afk  an  account  of  His 

*  Sentence. 

62  LETTER  XII.  [1630. 

fervants.  Make  a  fair,  clear  count  to  Him.  So  carry  yourfelf,  as 
at  night  you  may  fay,  Mafler,  I  have  wronged  none  ;  behold,  you 
have  your  own  with  advantage.  O  !  your  foul  then  will  efleem 
much  of  one  of  God's  kiffes  and  embracements,  in  the  teftimony  of 
a  good  confcience.  The  wicked,  howbeit  they  be  cafting  many  evil 
thoughts,  bitter  words,  and  fmful  deeds  behind  their  back,  yet  they 
are,  in  fo  doing,  clerks  to  their  own  procefs,  and  doing  nothing  all 
their  life  but  gathering  dittayes*  againft  themfelves  ;  for  God  is 
angry  at  the  wicked  every  day.  And  I  hope  your  prefent  procefs 
fhall  be  fightedf  one  day  by  Him,  who  knoweth  your  juft  caufe  ; 
and  the  bloody  tongues,  crafty  foxes,  double  ingrained  hypocrites, 
fhall  appear  as  they  are  before  His  majefty,  when  He  fhall  take  the 
malk  off  their  faces.  And  O,  thrice  happy  fhall  your  foul  be  then, 
when  God  finds  you  covered  with  nothing  but  the  white  robe  of 
the  faints'  innocence,  and  the  righteoufnefs  of  Jefus  Chrifl. 

You  have  been  of  late  in  the  King's  wine-cellar,  where  you  were 
welcomed  by  the  Lord  of  the  inn,  upon  condition  that  you  would 
walk  in  love.  Put  on  love,  and  brotherly  kindnefs,  and  long-fufFer- 
ing ;  wait  as  long  upon  the  favour  and  turned  hearts  of  your  ene- 
mies as  your  Chrift  waited  upon  you,  and  as  dear  Jefus  flood  at 
your  foul's  door,  with  dewy  and  rainy  locks,  the  long  cold  night. 
Be  angry,  but  fm  not.  I  perfuade  myfelf,  that  holy  un6lion  within 
you,  which  teacheth  you  all  things,  is  alfo  faying,  "  Overcome  evil 
with  good."  If  that  had  not  fpoken  in  your  foul,  at  the  tears  of 
your  aged  paflor,  you  would  not  have  agreed,  and  forgiven  his 
foolifh  fon,  who  wronged  you  ;  but  my  Mafter  bade  me  tell  you, 
God's  blefling  fhall  be  upon  you  for  it ;  and  from  Him  I  fay,  Grace^ 
grace,  grace,  and  everlafting  peace  be  upon  you.  It  is  my  prayer 
for  you,  that  your  carriage  may  grace  and  adorn  the  Gofpel  of  that 
Lord  who  hath  graced  you.  I  heard  your  hufband  alfo  was  fick  ; 
but  I  befeech  you  in  the  bowels  of  Jefus,  welcome  every  rod  of 
God,  for  I  find  not  in  the  whole  book  of  God  a  greater  note  of 
the  child  of  God,  than  to  fall  down  and  kifs  the  feet  of  an  angry 

*  Indicftments.  t  Narrowly  infpeded. 

1630.]  LETTER  XII.  63 

God  ;  and  when  He  ieems  to  put  you  away  from  Him,  and  looie 
your  hands  that  grip*  Him,  to  look  up  in  faith,  and  fay,  ''I  fhall 
not,  I  will  not,  be  put  away  from  Thee.  Howbeit  Thy  Majefty 
draw  to  free  Thyfelf  of  me,  yet.  Lord,  give  me  leave  to  hold,  and 
cleave  unto  Thyfelf."  I  will  pray,  that  your  hulband  may  return 
in  peace.  Your  decreet  comes  from  heaven  ;  look  up  thither,  for 
many  (fays  Solomon)  feek  the  face  of  the  ruler,  but  every  man's 
judgment  cometh  of  the  Lord.  And  be  glad  that  it  is  fo,  for  Chrifl 
is  the  clerk  of  your  procefs,  and  will  fee  that  all  go  right ;  and  I 
perfuade  myfelf  He  is  faying,  *'  Yonder  fervants  of  Mine  are 
wronged  ;  for  My  blood.  Father,  give  them  juftice."  Think  you 
not,  dear  filler,  but  our  High  Prieft,  our  Jefus,  the  Mafter  of 
requefts,  prefents  our  bills  of  complaint  to  the  great  Lord  Juflice  ? 
Yea,  I  believe  it,  fince  He  is  our  Advocate,  and  Daniel  calls  Him 
the  Spokefman,  whofe  hand  prefents  all  to  the  Father. 

For  other  bufinefs,  I  fay  nothing,  while f  the  Lord  give  me  to 
fee  your  face.  I  am  credibly  informed,  that  multitudes  of  England, 
and  efpecially  worthy  preachers,  and  filenced  preachers  of  London, 
are  gone  to  New  England  ;  and  I  know  one  learned  holy  preacher, 
who  hath  written  againfl  the  Arminians,  who  is  gone  thither.J 
Our  blelTed  Lord  Jefus,  who  cannot  get  leave  to  fleep  with  His 

*  Grafp,  hold  firm.  t  Till. 

%  The  emigration  of  thefe  preachers  and  of  multitudes  of  the  people  to 
New  England  was  the  confequence  of  the  perfecuting  meafures  purfued  by 
Archbifhop  Laud  for  enforcing  conformity,  in  the  profecution  of  his  favourite 
fcheme  of  bringing  the  Church  of  England  as  near  to  that  of  Rome  as  could 
confort  with  his  own  fupremacy  and  that  of  his  fovereign.  Aflfeded  with  the 
conftant  perfecution  of  their  party,  and  the  reduftion  of  their  families  to  beg- 
gary, without  any  profpedt  of  deliverance,  Meflrs  Higginfon  and  Skelton, 
with  about  three  hundred  and  fifty  private  perfons,  retired  to  America,  and 
fettled  in  the  MafTachufetts  Bay,  as  their  friends  had  formerly  done  at  Ply- 
mouth. After  landing,  they  entered  into  a  folemn  covenant  to  walk  together 
in  the  fear  of  the  Lord  and  in  church-fellowfhip  with  one  another.  About 
feventy  minifters  and  four  thoufand  planters  are  faid  to  have  retired  to  that 
continent  from  the  tyrannical  rage  of  Laud  and  his  agents. — Browns  Brhijh 
Churches^  vol.  i.,  pp.  215-217. 

64  LETTER  XIL  [1630. 

fpoufe  in  this  land,  is  going  to  feek  an  inn  where  He  will  be  better 
entertained.  And  what  marvel  ?  Wearied  Jefus,  after  He  had 
travelled  from  Geneva,  by  the  miniftry  of  worthy  Mr  Knox,  and 
was  laid  down  in  His  bed,  and  reformation  begun,  and  the  curtains 
drawn,  had  not  gotten  His  dear  eyes  well  together,  when  irreverent 
bifhops  came  in,  and  with  the  din  and  noife  of  ceremonies,  holy 
days,  and  other  Romifh  corruptions,  they  awake  our  Beloved 
Others  came  to  His  bed-fide,  and  drew  the  curtains,  and  put  hands 
on  His  fervants,  bani{hed,  deprived,  and  confined  them  ;  and  for  the 
pulpit  they  got  a  ftool  and  a  cold  fire  in  the  Blacknefs  ;  *  and  the 
nobility  drew  the  covering  off  Him,  and  have  made  Him  a  poor 
naked  Chrifl,  in  fpoiling  His  fervant  of  the  tithes  and  kirk- 
rents.  And  now  there  is  fuch  a  noife  of  crying  fins  in  the  land,  as 
the  want  of  the  knowledge  of  God,  of  mercy,  and  truth  ;  fuch 
fwearing,  whoring,  lying,  and  blood  touching  blood  ;  that  Chrift 
is  putting  on  His  clothes,  and.  making  Him,f  like  an  ill-handled 
firanger,  to  go  to  other  lands.  Pray  Him,  fifier,  to  lie  down  again 
with  His  beloved. 

Remember  my  deareft  love  to  John  Gordon,  to  whom  I  will 
write  when  I  am  ftrong,  and  to  John  Brown,  Grifiel,  Samuel,  and 
William  ;  grace  be  upon  them.  As  you  love  Chrift,  keep  Chrifi:'s 
favour,  and  put  not  upon  Him  when  He  fleeps,  to  awake  Him 
before  He  pleafe.  The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  ipirit. 
Your  brother  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

AnWOTH,  July  21,  1630. 

*  Blacknefs  Caftle,  on  the  Forth,  was  ufed  as  a  prifon. 

fin  the  fenfe  of  appearing  as  if  He  would  go ;  Luke  xxiv.  28. 


1 63 1.]  LETTER  XII I.  6^ 

XIII. — For  Marion  M'Naught,  luhen  expofed  to  reproach  for  her 



ELL-BELOVED  SISTER,— I  have  been  thinking,  fince 
my  departure  from  you,  of  the  pride  and  malice  of  your 
adverfaries;  and  ye  may  not  (fnice  ye  have  had  the 
Book  of  Pfalms  fo  often)  take  hardly  with  this;  for  David's  enemies 
fnufFed  at  him,  and  through  the  pride  of  their  heart  faid,  "  The  Lord 
will  not  require  it."*  I  befeech  you,  therefore,  in  the  bowels  of 
Jefus,  fet  before  your  eyes  the  patience  of  your  forerunner  Jefus, 
who,  when  He  was  reviled,  reviled  not  again ;  when  He  fuiFered,  He 
threatened  not,  but  committed  Himfelf  to  Him  who  judgeth  right- 
eoufly.f  And  fmce  your  Lord  and  Redeemer  with  patience  re- 
ceived many  a  black  ftroke  on  His  glorious  back,  and  many  a  buffet 
of  the  unbelieving  world,  and  fays  of  Himfelf,  "  I  gave  My  back  to 
the  fmiters,  and  My  cheeks  to  them  that  plucked  off  the  hair  ;  I 
hid  not  My  face  from  fhame  and  fpitting  ;":[:  follow  Him,  and  think 
it  not  hard  that  you  receive  a  blow  with  your  Lord.  Take  part 
with  Jefus  of  His  fufFerings,  and  glory  in  the  marks  of  Christ.  If 
this  florm  were  over,  you  muft  prepare  yourfelf  for  a  new  wound  ; 
for,  five  thoufand  years  ago,  our  Lord  proclaimed  deadly  war  be- 
twixt the  Seed  of  the  Woman  and  the  feed  of  the  ferpent.  And 
marvel  not  that  one  town  cannot  keep  the  children  of  God  and  the 
children  of  the  devil,  for  one  belly  could  not  keep  Jacob  and  Efau ;  § 
one  houfe  could  not  keep  peaceably  together  Ifaac,  the  fon  of  the 
promife,  and  Ifhmael,  |1  the  fon  of  the  handmaid.  Be  you  upon 
Chrift's  fide  of  it,  and  care  not  what  flefh  can  do.  Hold  yourfelf 
faft  by  your  Saviour,  howbeit  you  be  buffeted,  and  thofe  that  fol- 
low Him.     Yet  a  little  while  and  the  wicked  fhall  not  be.     "  We 

*  Ps.  X.  13.  t  I  Pet.  ii.  23.  t  Ifa.  1.  6. 

§  Gen.  XXV.  22.  |j  Gen.  xxi.  10. 

VOL.   1.  E- 

66  LETTER  XIII.  [163 1. 

are  troubled  on  every  fide,  yet  not  diflrefled  ;  we  are  perplexed, 
but  not  in  defpair  ;  perfecuted,  but  not  forfaken  ;  caft  down,  but 
not  deftroyed."*  If  you  can  polTefs  your  foul  in  patience,  their  day 
is  coming.  Worthy  and  dear  fifter,  know  to  carry  yourfelf  in 
trouble  ;  and  when  you  are  hated  and  reproached,  the  Lord  fhows 
it  to  you — "  All  this  is  come  upon  us,  yet  have  we  not  forgotten 
Thee,  neither  have  we  dealt  falfely  in  Thy  covenant." f  **  Unlefs 
Thy  law  had  been  my  delight,  I  had  perifhed  in  mine  aifliftion."J 
Keep  God's  covenant  in  your  trials.  Hold  you  by  His  blefTed  word, 
and  fm  not.  Flee  anger,  wrath,  grudging,  envying,  fretting.  For- 
give an  hundred  pence  to  your  fellow-fervant,  becaufe  your  Lord 
hath  forgiven  you  ten  thoufand  talents.  For  I  afTure  you  by  the 
Lord,  your  adverfaries  fhall  get  no  advantage  againft  you,  except 
you  fm,  and  offend  your  Lord  in  your  fufferings.  But  the  way  to 
overcome  is  by  patience,  forgiving  and  praying  for  your  enemies,  in 
doing  whereof  you  heap  coals  upon  their  heads,  and  your  Lord 
fhall  open  a  door  to  you  in  your  troubles.  Wait  upon  Him,  as  the 
night  watch  waiteth  for  the  morning.  He  will  not  tarry.  Go  up 
to  your  watch-tower,  and  come  not  down ;  but  by  prayer,  and  faith, 
and  hope,  wait  on.  When  the  fea  is  full,  it  will  ebb  again  ;  and  fo 
foon  as  the  wicked  are  come  to  the  top  of  their  pride,  and  are 
waxed  high  and  mighty,  then  is  their  change  approaching.  They 
that  believe  make  not  hafte. 

Remember  Zion,  forget  her  not,  for  her  enemies  are  many;  for 
the  nations  are  gathered  together  againfl:  her.  ''But  they  know  not 
the  thoughts  of  the  Lord,  neither  underftand  they  His  counfel :  for 
He  fhall  gather  them  as  the  fheaves  into  the  floor.  Arife  and  threfh, 
O  daughter  of  Zion."  §  Behold,  God  hath  gathered  His  enemies  to- 
gether, as  fheaves  to  the  threfhing.  Let  us  ftay  and  refl  upon  thefe 
promifes.  Now,  again,  I  trufl  in  our  Lord  you  fhall  by  faith  fus- 
tain  yourfelf,  and  comfort  yourfelf  in  your  Lord,  and  be  ftrong  in 
His  power ;  for  you  are  in  the  beaten  and  common  way  to  heaven 

*  2  Cor.  iv.  8,  9.  t  Ps.  xl'.v.  17. 

t  Ps.  cxix.  92.  §  Micah  iv.  12,  13. 

1631.]  LETTER  XIV.  67 

when  you  are  under  our  Lord's  crofTes.     You  have  reafon  to  re- 
joice in  it,  more  than  in  a  crown  of  gold  ;  and  rejoice,  and  be  glad 
to  bear  the  reproaches  of  Chrifl.     I  reft,  recommending  you  and 
yours  for  ever  to  the  grace  and  mercy  of  God. 
Yours  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

AnwOTH,  Feb.  II,  1 63 1. 

XIV. — For  Marion  M'Naught,  in  the  profpeEl  of  a  Communion 



lELL-BELOVED  IN  THE  LORD,— You  are  not  un- 
acquainted with  the  day  of  our  Communion.*  I  entreat, 
therefore,  the  aid  of  your  prayers  for  that  great  work, 
which  is  one  of  our  feafl-days,  wherein  our  Well-beloved  Jefus  re- 
joiceth,  and  is  merry  with  His  friends. 

Good  caufe  have  we  to  wonder  at  His  love,  fmce  the  day  of 
His  death  was  fuch  a  forrowful  day  to  Him,  even  the  day  when 
His  mother,  the  kirk,  crowned  Him  with  thorns,  and  He  had  many 
againft  Him,  and  compeared  His  lonef  in  the  fields  againft  them 
all ;  yet  He  delights  with  us  to  remember  that  day.  Let  us  love 
Him,  and  be  glad  and  rejoice  in  His  falvation.  I  am  confident  that 
you  fhall  fee  the  Son  of  God  that  day,  and  I  dare  in  His  name  invite 
you  to  His  banquet.  Many  a  time  you  have  been  well  entertained  in 
His  houfe ;  and  He  changes  not  upon  His  friends,  nor  chides  them 
for  too  great  kindnefs.  Yet  I  fpeak  not  this  to  make  you  leave  ofF 
to  pray  for  me,  who  have  nothing  of  myfelf,  but  in  fo  far  as  daily 
I  receive  from  Him,  who  is  made  of  His  Father  a  running-over 
fountain,  at  which  I  and  others  may  come  with  thirfly  fouls,  and 

*  The  difpenfation  of  the  Lord's  Supper. 

68  LETTER  XIV,  [163 1. 

fill  our  veflels.  Long  hath  this  well  been  ftanding  open  to  us. 
Lord  Jefus,  lock  it  not  up  again  upon  us.  I  am  forry  for  our  defo- 
late  kirk  ;  yet  I  dare  not  but  truft,  fo  long  as  there  be  any  of  God's 
loft  money  here  He  fhall  not  blow  out  the  candle.  The  Lord 
make  fair  candlefticks  in  His  houfe,  and  remove  the  blind  lights. 

I  have  been  this  time  bypaft  *  thinkiog  much  of  the  incoming  of 
the  kirk  of  the  Jews.  Pray  for  them.  When  they  were  in  their 
Lord's  houfe,  at  their  Father's  elbow,  they  were  longing  for  the  in- 
coming of  their  little  filler,  the  kirk  of  the  Gentiles.  They  faid 
to  their  Lord,  "  We  have  a  little  fifter,  and  flie  hath  no  breafls : 
what  fhall  we  do  for  our  fifter  in  the  day  when  fhe  fhall  be  fpoken 
for?"f  Let  us  give  them  a  meeting.  What  fhall  we  do  for  our 
elder  fifter,  the  Jews  ?  Lord  Jefus,  give  them  breafls.  That  were 
a  glad  day  to  fee  us  and  them  both  fit  down  to  one  table,  and 
Chrifl  at  the  head  of  the  table.  Then  would  our  Lord  come  fhortly 
with  his  fair  guard  to  hold  His  great  court. 

Dear  fifler,  be  patient,  for  the  Lord's  fake,  under  the  wrongs 
that  you  fufPer  of  the  wicked.  Your  Lord  fhall  make  you  fee  your 
defire  on  your  enemies.  Some  of  them  fhall  be  cut  off;  "  they 
fhall  fhake  off  their  unripe  grapes  as  the  vine,  and  caft  off  their 
flower  as  the  olive  :  "J  God  fhall  make  them  like  unripe  four  grapes, 
fhaken  off  the  tree  with  the  blaft  of  God's  wrath  ;  and  therefore 
pity  them,  and  pray  for  them.  Others  of  them  mufl  remain  to 
exercife  you.  God  hath  faid  of  them,  Let  the  tares  grow  up  until 
harvefl:.§  It  proves  you  to  be  your  Lord's  wheat.  Be  patient  ; 
Chrift  went  to  heaven  with  many  a  wrong.  His  vifage  and  counte- 
nance was  all  marred  more  than  the  fons  of  men.  You  may  not 
be  above  your  Mafler  ;  many  a  black  ftroke  received  innocent 
Jefus,  and  He  received  no  mends, ||  but  referred  them  all  to  the 
great  court-day,  when  all  things  fhall  be  righted.  I  defire  to  hear 
from  you  within  a  day  or  two,  if  Mr  Robert  remain  in  his  purpofe  to 
come  and  help  us.     God  fhall  give  you  joy  of  your  children.     I  pray 

*  For  fome  time  of  late.  f  Cant.  viii.  8.  %  Job  xv.  33. 

§  Matt.  xiii.  30.  Il  Reparation. 

1 63 1.]  LETTER  XV.  69 

for  them  by  their  names.     I  blefs  you  from  our  Lord,  your  hufband 
and  children.     Grace,  grace,  and  mercy  be  multiplied  upon  you. 
Yours  in  the  Lord  for  ever, 

S.  R. 

Anvvoth,  May  7,  163 1. 

XV. — For  Marion  M^Naught,  on  occafton  of  the  threatened  intro- 
duEi'ion  of  the  Epifcopalian  Service-Book, 


ELL-BELOVED  SISTER,— My  love  in  Chrifl  re- 
membered. I  have  received  a  letter  from  Edinburgh, 
certainly  informing  me  that  the  Engliih  fervice,  and  the 
organs,  and  King  James'  Pfalms,  are  to  be  impofed  upon  our  kirk  ; 
and  that  the  bifhops  are  dealing  for  a  General  AiTembly.  A.  R. 
hath  confirmed  the  news  alfo,  and  fays  he  fpoke  with  Sir  William 
Alexander,*  who  is  to  come  down  with  his  prince's  warrant  for 
that  efFedf .  I  am  defired  in  the  received  letter  to  acquaint  the  befl- 
afFe<fled  about  me  with  that  ftorm  :  therefore  I  intreat  you,  and 
charge  you  in  the  Lord's  name,  pray  ;  but  do  not  communicate  this 
to  any  till  I  fee  you.  My  heart  is  broken  at  the  remembrance  of 
it,  and  it  was  my  fear,  and  anfwereth  to  my  laft  letter  except  one, 
that  I  wrote  unto  you.  Dearly  beloved,  be  not  caften  down,  but 
let  us,  as  our  Lord's  doves,  take  us  to  our  wings  (for  other  armour 
we  have  none),  and  flee  into  the  hole  of  the  rock.  It  is  true  A.  R. 
fays,  the  worthiefl:  men  in  England  are  baniflied,  and  filenced,  about 
the  number  of  fixteen  or  feventeen  choice  Gofpel  preachers,  and  the 
perfecution  is  already  begun.  Howbeit  I  do  not  write  this  unto  you 
with  a  dry  face,  yet  I  am  confident  in  the  Lord's  ftrength,  Chrifl 
and  His  fide  fhall  overcome ;  and  you  fhall  be  afTured  ;  the  kirk  were 
not  a  kirk,  if  it  were  not  fo.  As  our  dear  Hufband,  in  wooing 
His  kirk,  received  many  a  black  flroke,  fo  His  bride,  in  wooing  Him, 

*  Sir  W.  Alexander  of  Menftrie,  afterwards  Earl  of  Stirling. 

70  LETTER  XV.  [1631. 

gets  many  blows,  and  in  this  wooing  there  are  ilrokes  upon  both 
fides.  Let  it  be  lb.  The  devil  will  not  make  the  marriage  go  back, 
neither  can  he  tear  the  contraft  ;  the  end  jfhall  be  mercy.  Yet 
notwithflanding  of  all  this,  we  have  no  warrant  of  God  to  leave  off 
all  lawful  means.  I  have  been  writing  unto  you  the  counfels  and 
draughts*  of  men  againft  the  kirk  -,  but  they  know  not,  as  Micah 
fays,  the  counfel  of  Jehovah.  The  great  men  of  the  world  may 
make  ready  the  fiery  furnace  for  Zion  ;  but  trow  ye  that  they  can 
caufe  the  fire  to  burn  ?  No.  He  that  made  the  fire,  I  trufi,  fhall 
not  fay  amen  to  their  decreets.  I  trufi:  in  my  Lord,  that  God  hath 
not  fubfcribed  their  bill,  and  their  conclufions  have  not  yet  palfed 
our  great  King's  feal.  Therefore,  if  ye  think  good,  addrefs  yourfelf 
firft  to  the  Lord,  and  then  to  A.  R.,  anent  the  bufmefs  that  you  know. 

I  am  mofl  unkindly  handled  by  the  prefbytery-,  and  (as  if  I  had 
been  a  firanger,  and  not  a  member  of  that  feat,  to  fit  in  judgment 
with  them)  I  was  fummoned  by  their  order  as  a  witnefs  againfl  B.  A. 
But  they  have  got  no  advantage  in  that  matter.  Other  particulars 
you  fhall  hear,  God  willing,  at  meeting. 

Anent  the  matter  betwixt  you  and  L  E.,  I  remember  it  to  God. 
I  intreat  you  in  the  Lord,  be  fubmiilive  to  His  will  ;  for  the  higher 
that  their  pride  mounts  up,  they  are  the  nearer  to  a  fall.  The  Lord 
will  more  and  more  difcover  that  man.  Let  your  hufband,  in  all 
matters  of  judgment,  take  Chrifi's  part,  for  the  defence  of  the  poor 
and  needy,  and  the  opprelfed,  for  the  maintenance  of  equity  and 
juftice  in  the  town.  And  take  you  no  fear.  He  fhall  take  your  part, 
and  then  you  are  firong  enough.  What  ?  Howbeit  you  receive 
indignities  for  your  Lord's  fake,  let  it  be  fo.  When  He  fhall  put  His 
holy  hand  up  to  your  face  in  heaven,  and  dry  your  face,  and  wipe 
the  tears  from  your  eyes,  judge  ye  if  you  will  not  have  caufe  then 
to  rejoice.  Anent  other  particulars,  if  you  would  fpeak  with  me, 
appoint  any  of  the  firft  three  days  of  the  next  week  in  Carletoun,f 

*  What  men  draw  up  in  forming  plans. 

t  Carleton,  in  Galloway  (see  note  at  Let.  157),  not  far  from  Anwoth, 
where  Mr  Fullerton,  a  true  friend,  refided. 

1631.]  LETTER  XV I.  71 

when  Carletoun  is  at   home,  and  acquaint  me  with  your  defires. 
And  remember  me  to  God,  and  my  deareft  affedion  to  your  hus- 
band ;  and  for  Zion's  fake  hold  not  your  peace.     The  grace  of  our 
Lord  Jefus  Chrift  be  with  you,  and  your  hufband  and  children. 
Yours  in  the  Lord, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  June  a,  163 1. 

XVL — For  Marion  M'Naught,  ofj  occajion  of  a  propofal  to  remove 
him  from  Anwoth, 



fORTHY  AND  DEAR  MISTRESS,— My  deareft  love 
in  Chrifl  remembered.  As  to  the  bufmefs  which  I 
know  you  would  fo  fain  have  taken  efFedl,*  my  earneft 
defire  is,  that  you  ftand  ftill.  Hafle  not,  and  you  fhall  fee  the  falva- 
tion  of  God.  The  great  Mafter  Gardener,  the  Father  of  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chrift,  in  a  wonderful  providence,  with  His  own  hand  (I  dare, 
if  it  were  for  edification,  fwear  it),  planted  me  here,f  where,  by  His 
grace,  in  this  part  of  His  vineyard,  I  grow. — I  dare  not  fay  but 
Satan  and  the  world  (one  of  his  pages  whom  he  fends  his  errands) 
have  faid  otherwife.  And  here  I  will  abide  till  the  great  Mafier 
of  the  Vineyard  think  fit  to  tranfplant  me.  But  when  He  fees  meet 
to  loofe  me  at  the  root,  and  to  plant  me  where  I  may  be  more 
ufeful,  both  as  to  fruit  and  fhadow,  and  when  He  who  planted 
pulleth  up  that  He  may  tranfplant,  who  dare  put  to  their  hand  and 
hinder  ?  If  they  do,  God  fhall  break  their  arm  at  the  ihoulder 
blade,  and  do  His  turn.  When  our  Lord  is  going  weft,  the  devil 
and  worjd  go  eaft  ;  and  do  you  not  know  that  it  hath  been  ever 
this  way  betwixt  God    and  the  world — God  drawing,  and  they 

*  So  defire  to  fee  accomplifhed. .  f  At  Anwoth. 

72  ^    LETTER  XVL  [163 1. 

holding,  God  "  yea,"  and  the  world  "  nay?"    But  they  fall  on  their 
back  and  are  fruftrate,  and  our  Lord  holdeth  His  grip.* 

Wherefore  doth  the  word  fay,  that  our  Chrift,  the  Goodman  of 
this  houfe,  His  dear  kirk,  hath  feet  like  fine  brafs,  as  if  they  burned 
in  a  furnace  ?f  For  no  other  caufe  but  becaufe  where  our  Lord 
fetteth  down  His  brazen  feet,  He  will  forward  ;  and  whitherfoever 
He  looketh.  He  will  follow  His  look  ;  and  His  feet  burn  all  under 
them,  like  as  fire  doth  ftubble  and  thorns.  I  think  He  hath  now 
given  the  world  a  proof  of  His  exceeding  great  power,  when  He 
is  doing  fuch  great  things,  wherein  Zion  is  concerned,  by  the  fword 
of  the  Swedifh  king,  J  as  of  a  Gideon.  As  you  love  the  glory  of 
God,  pray  inflantly  §  (yea  engage  all  your  praying  acquaintance,  and 
take  their  faithful  promife  to  do  the  like)  for  this  king,  and  every 
one  that  Zion's  King  armeth,  to  execute  the  written  vengeance  on 
Babylon.  Our  Lord  hath  begun  to  loofe  fome  of  Babylon's  corner- 
fiones.  Pray  to  Him  to  hold  on,  for  that  city  muft  fall,  and  the 
birds  of  the  air  and  the  beafis  of  the  earth  muft  make  a  banquet 
of  Babylon  ;  for  He  hath  invited  them  to  eat  the  flefh  of  that 
whore,  and  to  drink  her  blood.  And  the  cup  of  the  Lord's  right 
hand  fhall  be  turned  unto  her,  and  fhameful  fpewing  fhall  be  upon 
her  glory.  He  whofe  word  muft  ftand  hath  liiid,  "  Take  this  cup 
at  the  hand  of  the  Lord,  and  drink  and  be  drunken,  and  fpew,  and 
fall,  and  rife  no  more."  ||  Our  Jefus  is  fetting  up  Himfelf,  as  His 
Father's  enfign,  ^  as  God's  fair  white  colours,  that  His  soldiers  may 
all  flock  about  Him.  Long,  long  may  thefe  colours  ftand.  It  is 
long  fince  He  difplayed  a  banner  againft  Babylon  in  the  fight 
of  men  and  angels.  Let  us  rejoice  and  triumph  in  our  God. 
The  victory  is  certain  ;  for  when  Chrift  and  Babel  wreftle,  then 
angels  and  faints  may  prepare  themfelves  to  fing,  "Babylon  the  great 
is  fallen,  is  fallen."  Howbeit  that  Prince  of  renown,  precious  Jefus, 
be  now  weeping  and  bleeding  in  His  members,  yet  Chrift  will  laugh 
again ;  and  it  is  time  enough  for  us  to  laugh,  when  our  Lord  Chrift 

*  Firm  grafp.  f  Rev.  i.  15.  %  Guftavus  Adolphus. 

§  Eameftly.  ||  Jer.  xxv.  27.  1  I  fa.  xi.  10. 

1 63 1.]  LETTER  XV I.  73 

laugheth, — and  that  will  be  ihortly.  For  when  we  hear  of  wars  and 
rumours  of  wars,  the  Judge's  feet  are  then  before  the  door,  and  He 
muft  be  in  heaven  giving  order  to  the  angels  to  make  themfelves 
ready,  and  prepare  their  hooks*  and  fickles  for  that  great  harveft. 
Chrift  will  be  upon  us  in  hafte ;  watch  but  a  little,  and  ere  long  the 
ikies  will  rive,f  and  that  fair  lovely  perfon,  Jefus,  ihall  come  in  the 
clouds,  freighted  and  loaded  with  glory.  And  then  all  thefe  knaves 
and  foxes  that  deftroyed  the  vines  fhall  call  to  the  hills,  and  cry  to 
the  mountains  to  cover  them,  and  hide  them  from  the  face  of  Him 
who  fitteth  upon  the  throne,  and  from  the  wrath  of  the  Lamb. 

Remember  me  to  your  huiband,  and  defire  him  from  me  to 
help  Chrift,  and  to  take  His  part,  and  in  judgment  fit  ever  befide 
Him,  and  receive  a  blow  patiently  for  His  fake ;  for  He  is  worthy 
to  be  fuffered  for,  not  only  to  blows,  but  alfo  to  blood.  He  fhall 
find  that  innocency  and  uprightnefs  in  judgment  fhall  hold  its  feet 
and  make  him  happy,  when  joukingj  will  not  do  it.  I  fpeak  this 
becaufe  a  perfon  faid  to  me,  "  I  pray  God  the  country  be  not  in 
worfe  cafe  now,  when  the  provofl  and  bailies  are  agreed,  than  for- 
merly,"— to  whom  I  replied,  "I  truft  the  provofl  is  agreed  with 
the  man's  perfon,  but  not  with  his  faults."  I  pray  for  you,  with 
my  whole  foul  and  defire,  that  your  children  may  walk  in  the 
truth,  and  that  the  Lord  may  fhine  upon  them,  and  make  their 
faces  to  fhine,  when  the  faces  of  others  fhall  blufh.  I  dare  promife 
them,  in  His  name,  whofe  truth  I  preach,  if  they  will  but  try  God's 
fervice,  that  they  fhall  find  Him  the  fweetefl  Mafter  that  ever  they 
ferved.  And  defire  them  from  me  but  to  try  for  a  while  the 
fervice  of  this  bleffed  Mafler,  and  then,  if  His  fervice  be  not  fweet, 
if  it  afford  not  what  is  pleafant  to  the  foul's  tafle,  change  Him  upon 
trial,  and  feek  a  better.  Chrifi  is  an  unknown  Chrifl  to  young 
ones ;  and  therefore  they  feek  Him  not,  becaufe  they  know  Him 
not.  Bid  them  come  and  fee,  and  feek  a  kifs  of  His  mouth  -,  and 
then  they  will  find  His  mouth  is  fo  fweet,  that  they  will  be  ever- 

*  Reaping-hooks.  f  Rend. 

X  DifTembling ;  properly,  inclining  the  body  forward  to  avoid  a  blow. 

74  LETTER  XVIL  [1631. 

laftingly  chained  unto  Him  by  their  own  confent.  If  I  have  any 
credit  with  your  children,  I  entreat  them  in  Chrifl's  name  to  try 
what  truth  and  reality  is  in  what  I  fay,  and  leave  not  His  fervice 
till  they  have  found  me  a  liar.  I  give  you,  your  hulband,  and 
them,  to  His  keeping,  to  whom  I  have,*  and  dare  venture  myfelf 
and  foul,  even  to  our  dear  Friend  Jefus  Chrifl,  in  whom  I  am. 

Anwoth.  S.  R. 

XVII. — For  Marion  M'Naught,  luhen  in  dijlrefs  as  to  profpeBs  of 

the  Church. 


ELL-BELOVED  SISTER,— My  dearefl  love  in  Chrift 
remembered  to  you.  Know  that  I  am  in  great  heavi- 
nefs  for  the  pitiful  cafe  of  our  Lord's  kirk.  I  hear  the 
caufe  why  Dr  Burton  f  is  committed  to  prifon  is  his  writing  and 
preaching  againft  the  Arminians.  I  therefore  entreat  the  aid  of 
your  prayers  for  myfelf,  and  the  Lord's  captives  of  hope,  and  for 
Zion.  The  Lord  hath  let  and  daily  lets  me  fee  clearly,  how  deep 
furrows  Arminianifm  and  the  followers  of  it  fhall  draw  upon  the 
back  of  God's  Ifrael  (but  our  Lord  cut  the  cords  of  the  wicked  !)  ; 
"  Zion  faid,  The  Lord  hath  forfaken  me,  and  my  Lord  hath  for- 
gotten me."  J  "  Zion  weepeth  fore  in  the  night,  and  her  tears  are 
upon  her  cheeks  ;  amongft  all  her  lovers  fhe  hath  none  to  comfort 
her :  all  her  friends  have  dealt  treacheroufly  with  her ;  they  are  be- 
come her  enemies." §  "Our  filver  is  become  drofs,  our  wine 
mixed  with  water."  |1  "  How  is  the  gold  become  dim  !  how  is  the 
moft  fine  gold  changed  !  the  flones  of  the  fanftuary  are  poured  out 

*  To  whom  I  have  given ,  and  dare  venture  to  give. 

t  He  refers  to  the  cafe  of  Henry  Burton^  an  able  divine  of  the  Church  of 
England,  who  wrote  feveral  vigorous  pieces  against  Popery,  and  againft  Mon- 
tagu's ^*  Appello  Caefarem."     See  Brook's  **  Lives  of  the  Puritans." 

X  Ifa.  xlix.  14.  §  Lam.  i.  2.  ||  Ifa.  i.  22. 

1631.]  LETTER  XVIL  75 

in  the  top  of  every  flreet.  The  precious  fons  of  Zion,  comparable 
to  fine  gold,  how  are  they  efleemed  as  earthen  pitchers,  the  work 
of  the  hands  of  the  potter  ! "  *  It  is  time  now  for  the  Lord's  fecret 
ones,  who  favour  the  duft  of  Zion,  to  cry,  "How  long,  Lord?" 
and  to  go  up  to  their  watch-tower,  and  to  ftay  there,  and  not  to 
come  down  until  the  vifion  fpeak ;  for  it  fhall  fpeak.f  Li  the  mean 
time,  the  juft  fhall  live  by  faith.  Let  us  wait  on  and  not  weary.  I 
have  not  a  thread  to  hang  upon  and  reft,  but  this  one,  "  Can  a 
woman  forget  her  fucking  child,  that  fhe  fhould  not  have  com- 
paiTion  on  the  fon  of  her  womb  ^  Yea,  fhe  may  forget,  yet  will  I 
not  forget  thee.  Behold,  I  have  graven  thee  upon  the  palms  of  My 
hands  ;  Thy  walls  are  continually  before  Me."  J  For  all  outward 
helps  do  fail  ;  it  is  time  therefore  for  us  to  hang  ourfelves,  as  our 
Lord's  vefTels,  upon  the  nail  that  is  faflened  in  a  fure  place.  We 
would  make  flakes  of  our  own  faflening,  but  they  will  break.  Our 
Lord  will  have  Zion  on  His  own  nail.  Edom  is  bufy  within  us, 
and  Babel  without  us,  againft  the  handful  of  Jacob's  feed.  It  were 
beft  that  we  were  upon  Chrift's  fide  of  it,  for  His  enemies  will  get 
the  Jlalh  to  keep,  §  as  the  proverb  is.  Our  greateft  difficulty  will 
be  to  win  upon  the  rock  now,  when  the  wind  and  waves  of  perfe- 
cution  are  fo  lofty  and  proud.  Let  fweet  Jefus  take  us  by  the 
hand.  Neither  muft  we  think  that  it  will  be  otherwife  ;  for  it  is  told 
to  the  fouls  under  the  altar,  "That  their  fellow-fervants  muff  be 
killed  as  they  were."  |1  Surely,  it  cannot  be  long  to  the  day.  Nay, 
hear  Him  fay,  "  Behold,  I  come,  My  dear  bride  ;  think  not  long.  ^ 
I  fhall  be  at  you  at  once.  I  hear  you,  and  am  coming."  Amen  ; 
even  fo  come,  Lord  Jefus,  come  quickly  ;  for  the  prifoners  of  hope 
are  looking  out  at  the  prifon  windows,  to  fee  if  they  can  behold  the 
King's  ambaffador  coming  with  the  IGng's  warrant  and  the  keys. 
I  write  not  to  you  by  guefs  now,  becaufe  I  have  a  warrant  to  fay 
unto  you,  the  garments  of  Chriff's  fpoufe  muft  be  once  again  dyed 

*  Lam.  iv.  i,  2.  f  Hab.  ii.  3.  +  lia.  xlix.  15,  16. 

§  Nothing  but  the  ftalks ;  none  of  the  grain  or  fruit. 

II  Rev.  vi.  II.  ^  To  think  long,  is  to  long  wearily  for. 

LETTER  XVIII.  [163 1. 

in  blood,  as  long  ago  her  Hufband's  were.     But  our  Father  fees  His 

bleeding  Son.     What  I  write  unto  you,  fhow  it  to  I.  G.     Grace, 

grace,  grace  and  mercy  be  with  you,  your  hufband,  and  children. 

Yours  in  the  Lord, 

Anwoth.  S.  R. 

XVIII. — For  Marion  M'Naught,  in  the  profpeSl  of  a  Communion 



ISTRESS, — My  love  in  Chrifl  as  remembered.  Our 
Communion  is  on  Sabbath  come  *  eight  days.  I  will 
entreat  you  to  recommend  it  to  God,  and  to  pray  for 
me  in  that  work.  I  have  more  fms  upon  me  now  than  the  lafl 
time.  Therefore  I  will  befeech  you  in  Chrifl,  feek  this  petition  to 
me  from  God,  that  the  Lord  would  ^ve  me  grace  to  vow  and 
perform  new  obedience.  I  have  caufe  to  fuitef  this  of  you  ;  and 
Ihow  it  to  Thomas  Carfon,  Fergus  and  Jean  Brown,  for  I  have 
been  and  am  exceedingly  caft  down,  and  am  fighting  againfl  a 
malicious  devil,  of  whom  I  can  win  little  ground.  I  would  think  a 
fpoil  plucked  from  him,  and  his  trufly  fervant  fm,  a  lawful  and  juft 
conqueft.  And  it  were  no  fm  to  take  from  him,  in  the  name  of  the 
Goodman  of  our  houfe,  our  King  Jefus.  I  invite  you  to  the 
banquet.  He  faith,  ye  Ihall  be  dearly  welcome  to  Him.  And  I 
defire  to  believe  (howbeit  not  without  great  fear)  He  fhall  be  as 
hearty  in  His  own  houfe  as  He  has  been  before.  For  me,  it  is  but 
fmall  reckoning ;  but  I  would  fain  have  our  Father  and  Lord  to 
break  the  great  fair  loaf,  Chrift,  and  to  diftribute  His  flain  Son 
amongft  the  bairns  J  of  His  houfe.  And  that  if  any  were  a  flep- 
bairn,  in  refpeft  of  comfort  and  fenfe,  it  were  rather  myfelf  than 
His  poor  bairns.J  Therefore  bid  our  Well-beloved  come  to  His 
garden  and  feed  among  the  lilies. 

*  Sabbath  that  comes  eight  days  after  this. 

t  Urge  this  requeft.  J  Children. 

1631.]  LETTER  XIX.  77 

And  as  concerning  Zion,  I  hope  our  Lord,  who  fent  His  angel* 
with  a  meaiuring  line  in  his  hand  to  meafure  the  length  and  breadth 
of  Jerufalem,  in  token  He  would  not  want  a  foot  length  or  inch  of 
His  own  free  heritage,  fhall  take  order  f  with  thofe  who  have  taken 
away  many  acres  of  His  own  land  from  Him.  And  God  will 
build  Jerufalem  in  the  old  fled  J  and  place  where  it  was  before.  In 
this  hope  rejoice  and  be  glad.  Chrift's  garment  was  not  dipt  in 
blood  for  nothing,  but  for  His  bride,  whom  He  bought  with 
ftrokes.  I  will  defire  you  to  remember  my  old  fuits  to  God, 
God's  glory  and  the  increafe  of  light,  that  I  dry  not  up.  For 
your  town,  hope  and  believe  that  the  Lord  will  gather  in  His  loofe 
(heaves  among  you  to  His  barn,  and  fend  one  with  a  well-toothed, 
(harp  hook,  and  ftrong  gardies,  §  to  reap  His  harveft.  And  the 
Lord  Jefus  be  Hufbandman,  and  overfee  the  growing.  Remem- 
ber my  love  to  your  hufband  and  to  Samuel.  Grace  upon  you 
and  your  children.  Lord,  make  them  corner-ftones  in  Jerufalem, 
and  give  them  grace  in  their  youth  to  take  band||  with  the  fair 
Chief  Corner-ftone,  who  was  hewed  out  of  the  mountain  without 
hands,  and  got  many  a  knock  with  His  Father's  forehammer,  and 
endured  them  all,  and  the  flone  did  neither  cleave  nor  break. 
Upon  that  flone  make  your  foul  to  lie.  Kng  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 
Your  friend  in  his  well-beloved  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

XIX. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Having  faluted  you  in  the  Lord  Jefus,  I  thought 
it  my  duty,  having  the  occafion  of  this  bearer,  to  write 
again  unto  your  Ladyfhip,  though  I  have  no  new  pur- 

*  Zech.  ii.  1,2.  f  Take  meafures, — an  old  Englifh  phrafe. 

X  Situation,  or  lite.  §  Arms;  fi-om  the  Gaelic  ^^ gairdean^"  an  arm. 

II  To  unite  themfelves  to ;  q.d.,  bind  together. 

78  LETTER  XIX.  [1631. 

pofe  but  what  I  wrote  of  before.  Yet  ye  cannot  be  too  often 
awakened  to  go  forward  towards  your  city,  fince  your  way  is  long, 
and  (for  anything  ye  know)  your  day  is  fhort.  And  your  Lord  re- 
quireth  of  you,  as  ye  advance  in  years  and  fteal  forward  infenfibly 
towards  eternity,  that  your  faith  may  grow  and  ripen  for  the  Lord's 
harvefl.  For  the  great  Hufbandman  giveth  a  feafon  to  His  fruits  that 
they  may  come  to  maturity,  and  having  gotten  their  fill  of  the  tree, 
they  may  then  be  fhaken  and  gathered  in  for  ufe  ;  whereas  the 
wicked  rot  upon  the  tree,  and  their  branch  fhall  not  be  green,  ''  He 
fhall  fhake  off  his  unripe  grape  as  the  vine,  and  fhall  caft  off  his 
flower  as  the  olive."*  It  is  God's  mercy  to  you,  Madam,  that 
He  giveth  you  your  fill,  even  to  loathing,  of  this  bitter  world,  that 
ye  may  willingly  leave  it,  and,  like  a  full  and  fatisfied  banqueter, 
long  for  the  drawing  of  the  table.  And  at  laft,  having  trampled 
under  your  feet  all  the  rotten  pleafures  that  are  under  fun  and 
moon,  and  having  rejoiced  as  though  ye  rejoiced  not,  and  having 
bought  as  though  ye  poflefled  not,f  ye  may,  like  an  old  crazy  fhip, 
arrive  at  our  Lord's  harbour,  and  be  made  welcome,  as  one  of  thofe 
who  have  ever  had  one  foot  loofe  from  the  earth,  longing  for  that 
place  where  your  foul  fhall  feail:  and  banquet  for  ever  and  ever 
upon  a  glorious  fight  of  the  incomprehenfible  Trinity,  and  where 
ye  fhall  fee  the  fair  face  of  the  man  Chrifi,  even  the  beautiful  face 
that  was  once  for  your  caufe  more  marred  than  any  of  the  vifages 
of  the  fons  of  men,  J  and  was  all  covered  with  fpitting  and  blood. 
Be  content  to  wade  through  the  waters  betwixt  you  and  glory  with 
Him,  holding  His  hand  faft,  for  He  knoweth  all  the  fords.  How- 
beit  ye  may  be  ducked,  but  ye  cannot  drown,  being  in  His  com- 
pany; and  ye  may  all  the  way  to  glory  fee  the  way  bedewed  with 
His  blood  who  is  the  Forerunner.  Be  not  afraid,  therefore,  when 
ye  come  even  to  the  black  and  fwelling  river  of  death,  to  put  in 
your  foot  and  wade  after  Him.  The  current,  how  ftrong  foever, 
cannot  carry  you  down  the  water  to  hell  :  the  Son  of  God,  His 
death  and  refurre6lion,  are  ftepping-fiiones  and  a  ftay  to  you ;  set 

*  Job  XV.  ^2,'  t  I  Cor.  vii.  30.  %  Ifa.  lii.  14. 

1 63 1.]  LETTER  XIX.  79 

down  your  feet  by  faith  upon  thefe  flones,  and  go  through  as  on 
dry  land.  If  ye  knew  what  He  is  preparing  for  you,  ye  would  be 
too  glad.  He  will  not  (it  may  be)  give  you  a  full  draught  till  you 
come  up  to  the  well-head  and  drink,  yea,  drink  abundantly,  of  the 
pure  river  of  the  water  of  life,  that  proceedeth  out  from  the  throne 
of  God  and  of  the  Lamb.*  Madam,  tire  not,  weary  not;  I  dare 
find  you  the  Son  of  God  caution,f  when  ye  are  got  up  thither,  and 
have  cafl  your  eyes  to  view  the  golden  city,  and  the  fair  and  never- 
withering  Tree  of  Life,  that  beareth  twelve  manner  of  fruits  every 
month,  ye  fhall  then  fay,  "  Four-and-twenty  hours'  abode  in  this 
place  is  worth  threefcore  and  ten  years'  forrow  upon  earth."  If 
ye  can  but  fay,  that  ye  long  earneftly  to  be  carried  up  thither  (as 
I  hope  you  cannot  for  fhame  deny  Him  the  honour  of  having  wrought 
that  defire  in  your  foul),  then  hath  your  Lord  given  you  an  earnefl. 
And,  Madam,  do  ye  believe  that  our  Lord  will  lofe  His  earneft, 
and  rue  of  the  bargain,  and  change  His  mind,  as  if  He  were  a 
man  that  can  lie,  or  the  fon  of  man  that  can  repent.?  Nay,  He  is 
unchangeable,  and  the  fame  this  year  that  He  was  the  former  year. 
And  His  Son  Jefus,  who  upon  earth  ate  and  drank  with  publicans 
and  finners,  and  fpake  and  conferred  with  whores  and  harlots,  and 
put  up  His  holy  hand  and  touched  the  leper's  filthy  fkin,  and  came 
evermore  nigh  fmners,  even  now  in  glory,  is  yet  that  fame  Lord. 
His  honour,  and  His  great  court  in  heaven,  hath  not  made  Him  for- 
get His  poor  friends  on  earth.  In  Him  honours  change  not  man- 
ners, and  He  doth  yet  defire  your  company.  Take  Him  for  the 
old  Chrift,  and  claim  flill  kindnefs  to  Him,  and  fay,  "  O  it  is  fo; 
He  is  not  changed,  but  I  am  changed."  Nay,  it  is  a  part  of  His 
unchangeable  love,  and  an  article  of  the  new  covenant,  to  keep  you 
that  ye  cannot  difponej:  Him,  nor  fell  Him.  He  hath  not  played 
faft  and  loofe  with  us  in  the  covenant  of  grace,  fo  that  we  may  run 
from  Him  at  our  pleafure.  His  love  hath  made  the  bargain  furer 
than  fo  ;  for  Jefus,  as  the  cautioner,  is  bound  for  us.  §     And  it  can- 

*  Rev.  xxii.  i.  f  Security. 

X  Difpofe  of,  make  over.  §  Heb.  vii.  22. 

8o  LETTER  XX.  [1631. 

not  fland  with  His  honour  to  die  in  the  borrows*  (as  we  ufe  to 
fay),  and  lole  thee,  whom  He  mufl  render  again  to  the  Father  when 
He  fhall  give  up  the  kingdom  to  Him.  Confent  and  fay  "  Amen" 
to  the  promifes,  and  ye  have  fealed  that  God  is  true,  and  Chrift  is 
yours.  This  is  an  eafy  market.  Ye  but  look  on  with  faith;  for 
Chrift  suffered  all,  and  paid  all. 

Madam,  fearing  I  be  tedious  to  your  Ladyfhip,  I  mufl:  ftop  here, 
defiring  always  to  hear  that  your  Ladyihip  is  well,  and  that  ye  have 
ftill  your  face  up  the  mountain.  Pray  for  us.  Madam,  and  for  Zion, 
whereof  ye  are  a  part.  We  expe6l  a  trial.  God's  wheat  in  this 
land  muft  go  through  Satan's  sieve,  but  their  faith  fhall  not  fail.  I 
am  ftill  wreflling  in  our  Lord's  work,  and  have  been  tried  and 
tempted  with  brethren  who  look  awry  to  the  Gofpel.  Now  He 
that  is  able  to  keep  you  unto  that  day  preferve  your  foul,  body,  and 
fpirit,  and  prefent  you  before  His  face  with  His  own  Bride,  fpotlefs 
and  blamelefs. 

Your  Ladyfhip  to  be  commanded  always  in  the  Lord  Jefus. 

S.  R. 
Anwoth,  No'v.  26,  163 1. 

XX. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — I  am  grieved  exceedingly  that  your  Ladyfhip 
fhould  think,  or  have  caufe  to  think,  that  fuch  as  love 
you  in  God,  in  this  country,  are  forgetful  of  you.  For 
myfelf.  Madam,  I  owe  to  your  Ladyfhip  all  evidences  of  my  high 
refpeft  (in  the  fight  of  my  Lord,  whofe  truth  I  preach,  I  am  bold 
to  fay  it)  for  His  rich  grace  in  you. 

My  Communion,  put  off  till  the  end  of  a  longfome  and  rainy 

*  Fail,  when  He  has  become  fecurity.     Borro^.u  is  ^^  pledge." 

1632.]  LETTER  XX.  81 

harveft,  and  the  prefbyterial  exercife  (as  the  bearer  can  inform  your 
Ladyfhip),  hindered  me  to  fee  you.  And  for  my  people's  fake  (find- 
ing them  like  hot  iron,  that  cooleth  being  out  of  the  fire,  and  that 
is  pliable  to  no  work),  I  do  not  ftir  abroad  ;  neither  have  I  left  them 
at  all,  fince  your  Ladyfhip  was  in  this  country,  fave  at  one  time 
only,  about  two  years  ago.  Yet  I  dare  not  fay  but  it  is  a  fault, 
howbeit  no  defeft  in  my  affe6lion  ;  and  I  truft  to  make  it  up  again, 
fo  foon  as  poilibly  I  am  able  to  wait  upon  you. 

Madam,  I  have  no  new  purpofe  to  write  unto  you,  but  of  that 
which  I  think  (nay,  which  our  Lord  thinketh)  needful,  that  one 
thing,  Mary's  good  part,  which  ye  have  chofen.*  Madam,  all  that 
God  hath,  both  Himfelf  and  the  creatures.  He  is  dealing  and  parting 
amongft  the  fons  of  Adam.  There  are  none  fo  poor  as  that  they 
can  fay  in  His  face,  "  He  hath  given  them  nothing."  But  there  is 
no  fmall  odds  betwixt  the  ^ts  given  to  lawful  bairns, f  and  to 
baftards  ;  and  the  more  greedy  ye  are  in  fuiting,J  the  more  willing 
He  is  to  give,  delighting  to  be  called  open-handed.  I  hope  your 
Ladyfiiip  laboureth  to  get  afTurance  of  the  fureft  patrimony,  even 
God  Himfelf.  Ye  will  find  in  Chriilianity,  that  God  aimeth,  in  all 
His  dealings  with  His  children,  to  bring  them  to  a  high  contempt 
of,  and  deadly  feud  with  the  world,  and  to  fet  an  high  price  upon 
Chrifl,  and  to  think  Him  One  who  cannot  be  bought  for  gold,  and 
well  worthy  the  fighting  for.  And  for  no  other  caufe,  Madam, 
doth  the  Lord  withdraw  from  you  the  childilh  toys  and  the  earthly 
delights  that  He  giveth  unto  others,  but  that  He  may  have  you 
wholly  to  Himfelf.  Think  therefore  of  the  Lord,  as  of  one  who 
Cometh  to  woo  you  in  marriage,  when  ye  are  in  the  furnace.  He 
feeketh  His  anfwer  of  you  in  affliftion,  to  fee  if  ye  will  fay.  Even  fo 
I  take  Him.  Madam,  give  Him  this  anfwer  pleafantly,  and  in  your 
mind  do  not  fecretly  grudge  nor  murmur.  When  He  is  firiking 
you  in  love,  beware  to  ftrike  again  :  that  is  dangerous  ;  for  thofe 
who  ftrike  again  fhall  get  the  laft  blow. 

If  I  hit  not   upon  the  right  firing,  it  is  becaufe  I  am  not  ac- 

*  Luke  X.  42.  t  Children.  +  Soliciting. 

VOL.-^I.  F 

82  LETTER  XX.  [1632. 

quainted  with  your  Ladyfhip's  prefent  condition  ;  but  I  believe  your 
Ladyfhip  goeth  on  foot,  laughing,  and  putting  on  a  good  counte- 
nance before  the  world,  and  yet  ye  carry  heavinefs  about  with  you. 
Ye  do  well,  Madam,  not  to  make  them  witnefTes  of  your  grief,  who 
cannot  be  curers  of  it.  But  be  exceedingly  charitable  of  your  dear 
Lord.  As  there  be  fome  friends  worldly  of  whom  ye  will  not 
entertain  an  ill  thought,  far  more  ought  ye  to  believe  good  evermore 
of  your  dear  friend,  that  lovely  fair  perfon,  Jefus  Chrift.  The 
-thorn  is  one  of  the  mofl  curfed,  and  angry,  and  crabbed  weeds  that 
the  earth  yieldeth,  and  yet  out  of  it  fpringeth  the  rofe,  one  of  the 
fweeteft-fmelled  flowers,  and  mofl:  delightful  to  the  eye,  that  the 
earth  hath.  Your  Lord  fliall  make  joy  and  gladnefs  out  of  your 
affliftions  ;  for  all  His  rofes  have  a  fragrant  fmell.  Wait  for  the 
time  when  His  own  holy  hand  fliall  hold  them  to  your  nofe  ;  and 
if  ye  would  have  prefent  comfort  under  the  crofs,  be  much  in  prayer, 
for  at  that  time  your  faith  kifl^eth  Chrifl,  and  He  kifleth  the  foul. 
And  oh  !  if  the  breath  of  His  holy  mouth  be  fweet,  I  dare  be 
caution,*  out  of  fome  fmall  experience,  that  ye  fliall  not  be  beguiled  ; 
for  the  world  (yea,  not  a  few  number  of  God's  children)  know 
not  well  what  that  is  which  they  call  a  Godhead.  But,  Madam, 
come  near  to  the  Godhead,  and  look  down  to  the  bottom  of  the 
well ;  there  is  much  in  Him,  and  fweet  were  that  death  to  drown 
in  such  a  well.  Your  grief  taketh  liberty  to  work  upon  your  mind, 
when  ye  are  not  bufied  in  the  meditation  of  the  ever-delighting 
and  all-blefled  Godhead.  If  ye  would  lay  the  price  ye  give  out 
(which  is  but  fome  few  years  pain  and  trouble)  befide  the  commo- 
dities ye  are  to  receive,  ye  would  fee  they  are  not  worthy  to  be  laid 
in  the  balance  together  :  but  it  is  nature  that  maketh  you  look  what 
ye  give  out,  and  weaknefs  of  faith  that  hindereth  you  to  fee  what 
ye  fliall  take  in.  Amend  your  hope,  and  friflf  your  faithful  Lord 
awhile.  He  maketh  Himfelf  your  debtor  in  the  new  covenant.  He 
is  honeft  ;  take  His  word  :  "  Afllicftion  fliall  not  fpring  up  the 
fecond  time." J     "  He  that  overcometh  fliall  inherit  all  things."§ 

*  Security,     f  Put  off  your  demand.        %  Nahum  i.  9.        §  Rev.  xxi.  7. 

1632.]  LETTER  XXL  83 

Of  all  things,  then,  which  ye  want  in  this  life.  Madam,  I  am  able 
to  fay  nothing,  if  that  be  not  believed  which  ye  have  in  Rev.  iii.  5, 
21  :  "  The  overcomer  {hall  be  clothed  in  white  raiment.  To  the 
overcomer  I  will  ^ve  to  fit  with  Me  in  My  throne,  as  I  overcame, 
and  am  fet  down  with  My  Father  in  His  throne."  Confider,  Madam, 
if  ye  are  not  high  up  now,  and  far  ben*  in  the  palace  of  our  Lord, 
when  ye  are  upon  a  throne  in  white  raiment,  at  lovely  Chrifl's  elbow. 
O  thrice  fools  are  we,  who,  like  new-born  princes  weeping  in  the 
cradle,  know  not  that  there  is  a  kingdom  before  them  !  Then  let 
our  Lord's  fweet  hand  fquare  us  and  hammer  us,  and  ftrike  off  the 
knots  of  pride,  felf-love,  and  world- worfhip,  and  infidelity,  that  He 
may  make  us  ftones  and  pillars  in  His  Father's  houfe.f  Madam, 
what  think  ye  to  take  binding:|:  with  the  fair  corner-ffone  Jefus  ?  The 
Lord  give  you  wifdom  to  believe  and  hope  your  day  is  coming.  I 
hope  to  be  witnefs  of  your  joy,  as  I  have  been  a  hearer  and  be- 
holder of  your  grief.  Think  ye  much  to  follow  the  heir  of  the 
crown,  who  had  experience  of  forrows,  and  was  acquainted  with 
grief  ?  §  It  were  pride  to  aim  to  be  above  the  ling's  Son  :  it  is 
more  than  we  deferve,  that  we  are  equals  in  glory,  in  a  manner. 
Now  commending  you  to  the  deareft  grace  and  mercy  of  God,  I 
reft     Your  Ladyfhip's  at  all  obedience  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  Jan.  4,  1632. 

XXL — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Underftanding  (a  little  after  the  writing  of 
my  lafl  letter)  of  the  going  of  this  bearer,  I  would  not 
omit  the  opportunity  of  remembering  your   Ladyfhip, 

*  Got  far  into.     *^  Ben"  is  the  inner  chamber.  f  Rev.  iii.  12. 

X  To  be  united  to ;  Hke  ^'  take  band"  in  Let.  18.  §  Ifa.  liii.  3. 

84  LETTER  XXL  [1632. 

flill  harping  upon  that  ftring,  which  in  our  whole  lifetime  is  never 
too  often  touched  upon,  nor  is  our  lefTon  well  enough  learned,  that 
there  is  a  neceffity  of  advancing  in  the  way  to  the  kingdom  of  God, 
of  the  contempt  of  the  world,  of  denying  ourfelf  and  bearing  of  our 
Lord's  crofs,  which  is  no  lefs  needful  for  us  than  daily  food.     And 
among  many  marks  that  we  are  on  this  journey,  and  under  fail  to- 
ward heaven,  this  is  one,  when  the  love  of  God  so  filleth  our  hearts, 
that  we  forget  to  love,  and  care  not  much  for  the  having,  or  want- 
ing of,  other  things  ;  as  one  extreme  heat  burneth  out  another.     By 
this,  Madam,  ye  know,  ye  have  betrothed  your  foul  in  marriage  to 
Chrift,  when  ye  do  make  but  fmall   reckoning  of  all  other  fuitors 
or  wooers  ;  and  when  ye  can  (having  little  in  hand,  but  much  in 
hope)  live  as  a  young  heir,   during  the  time  of  his  non-age  and 
minority,  being  content  to  be  as  hardly  handled,  and  under  as  precife 
a  reckoning,  as  fervants,  becaufe  his  hope  is  upon  the  inheritance. 
For  this  caufe  God's  bairns*  take  well  with  fpoiling  of  their  goods, 
knowing  in  themfelves  that  they  have  in  heaven  a  better  and  an 
enduring  fubftance.f       That   day   that    the   earth  and   the  works 
therein  fhall  be  burned  with  fire,J  your  hidden  hope  and  your  life 
fhall  appear.     And  therefore,  fmce  ye  have  not  now  many  years  to 
your  endlefs  eternity,  and  know  not  how  foon  the  fky  above  your 
head  will  rive,  and  the  Son  of  man  will  be  feen  in  the  clouds  of 
heaven,  what  better  and  wifer  courfe  can  ye  take,  than  to  think  that 
your  one  foot  is  here,  and  your  other  foot  in  the  life  to  come,  and 
to  leave  off  loving,  defiring,  or  grieving  for  the  wants  that  fhall  be 
made  up  when  your  Lord  and  ye  fhall  meet,  and  when  ye  fhall  give 
in  your  bill,  that  day,  of  all  your  wants  here  ?     If  your  loffes  be 
not  made  up,  ye  have  place  to  challenge  the  Almighty  ;  but  it  fhall 
not  be  fo.     Ye  fhall  then  rejoice  with  joy  unfpeakable  and  full  of 
glory,  and  your  joy  fhall  none  take  from  you.§     It  is  enough,  that 
the  Lord  hath  promifed  you  great  things,  only  let  the  time  of  be- 
ftowing  them  be  in  His  own  carving.     It  is  not  for  us  to  fet  an  hour- 

*  Children.  t  Heb.  x.  34. 

X  %  Pet.  iii.  10.  §  I  Pet  i.  8  ;   John  xvi.  22. 

1632.]  LETTER  XXL  85 

glafs  to  the  Creator  of  time.      Since  He  and  we  differ  only  in  the 
term  of  payment ;  fmce  He  hath  promifed  payment,  and  we  believe  it, 
it  is  no  great  matter.     We  will  put  that  in  His  own  will,  as  the  frank 
buyer,  who  cometh  near  to  what  the  feller  feeketh,  ufeth  at  lafl:  to 
refer  the  difference  to  his  own  will,  and  fo  cutteth  off  the  courfe  of 
mutual  prigging.*     Madam,  do  not  prigg  with  your  frank-hearted 
and  gracious  Lord  about  the  time  of  the  fulfilling  of  your  joys. 
It  will  be  ;   God  hath  faid  it ;  bide  His  harveft,  wait  upon  His  whit- 
funday.f      His  day  is  better  than  your  day  ;  He  putteth  not  the 
hookj  in  the  corn  till  it  be  ripe  and  full-eared.     The  great  Angel 
of  the  covenant  bear  you  company,  till  the  trumpet  fhall  found,  and 
the  voice  of  the  Archangel  awaken  the  dead.     Ye  fhall  find  it  your 
only  happinefs,  under  whatever  thing  difturbeth  and  croffeth  the 
peace  of  your  mind,  in  this  life,  to  love  nothing  for  itfelf,  but  only 
God  for  Himfelf.     It  is  the  crooked  love  of  fome  harlots,  that  they 
love  bracelets,  ear-rings,  and  rings  better  than  the  lover  that  fendeth 
them.       God  will  not  fo  be  loved  ;  for   that  were  to  behave  as 
harlots,  and  not  as  the  chafte  fpoufe,  to  abate  from  our  love  when 
thefe  things  are  pulled  away.     Our  love  to  Him  fhould  begin  on 
earth,  as  it  fhall  be  in  heaven  ;  for  the  bride  taketh  not,  by  a  thoufand 
degrees,  fb  much  delight  in  her  wedding  garment  as  fhe  doth  in  her 
bridegroom  ;  fo  we,  in  the  life  to  come,  howbeit  clothed  with  glory 
as  with  a  robe,  fhall  not  be  fo  much  affefted  with  the  glory  that 
goeth  about  us,  as  with  the  bridegroom's  joyful  face  and  prefence. 
Madam,  if  ye  can  win§  to  this  here,  the  field  is  won  ;  and  your  mind, 
for  anything  ye  want,  or  for  anything  your  Lord  can  take  from 
you,  fhall  foon  be  calmed  and  quieted.     Get  Himfelf  as  a  pawn, 
and  keep  Him,  till  your  dear  Lord  come  and  loofe  the  pawn,  and 
rue  II  upon  you,  and  give  you  all  again  that  He  took  from  you,  even 
a  thoufand  talents  for  one  penny.     It  is  not  ill  to  lend  God  willingly, 
who  otherwife  both  will  and  may  take  from  you  againft  your  will. 

*  Higgling,  chaffering.  t  His  term-day. 

X  His  fickle.     In  a  fermon  preached  at  Kirkmabreck,  1630,  he  fpeaks  of 
^'  Mowers  with  the  fcythe  and  hook." 

§  Get  to.  II  Take  pity  upon. 

86  LETTER  XX  11.  [1632. 

It  is  good  to  play  the  ufurer  with  Him,  and  take  in,  inftead  of  ten 
of  the  hundred,  an  hundred  of  ten,  often  an  hundred  of  one. 

Madam,  fearing  to  be  tedious  to  you,  I  break  off  here,  com- 
mending you  (as  I  trufl  to  do  while  I  live),  your  perfon,  ways, 
burdens,  and  all  that  concerneth  you,  to  that  Almighty  who  is  able 
to  bear  you  and  your  burdens.  I  ftill  remember  you  to  Him,  who 
will  caufe  you  one  day  to  laugh.  I  expeft  that,  whatever  ye  can 
do,  by  word  or  deed,  for  the  Lord's  friendlefs  Sion,  ye  will  do  it. 
She  is  your  mother  ;  forget  her  not  ;  for  the  Lord  intendeth  to 
melt  and  try  this  land,  and  it  is  high  time  we  were  all  upon  our 
feet,  and  falling*  about  to  try  what  claim  we  have  to  Chriil:.  It  is 
like  the  bridegroom  will  be  taken  from  us,  and  then  we  fhall  mourn. 
Dear  Jefus,  remove  not,  elfe  take  us  with  Thee.  Grace,  grace  be 
with  you  for  ever.     Your  Ladyfhip  at  all  dutiful  obedience, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  i/^th  Jan.  163  a. 

XXII.— T*^  John  Kennedy .f 


BROTHER  IN  CHRIST,— I  falute  you  with  grace, 
mercy,  and  peace,  from  God  our  Father,  and  from  our 
Lord  Jefus  Chrifl. 

I  promiied  to  write  to  you,  and  although  late  enough,  yet  I 
now  make  it  good.  I  heard  with  grief  of  your  great  danger  of 
perifhing  by  the  fea,  and  of  your  merciful  deliverance,  with  joy. 
Sure  I  am,  brother,  that  Satan  will  leave  no  flone  unrolled,  as  the 
proverb  is,  to  roll  you  off  your  Rock,  or  at  leaft  to  fhake  and  un- 
fettle  you  :  for  at  that  fame  time  the  mouths  of  wicked  men  were 
opened  in  hard  fpeeches  againft  you,  by  land,  and  the  prince  of  the 

*  Searching  about.  t  See  Let.  75. 

1632.]  LETTER  XX IL  87 

power  of  the  air  was  angry  with  you  by  lea.  See  then  how  much 
ye  are  obliged  to  that  malicious  murderer,  who  would  beat  you  with 
two  rods  at  one  time  ;  but,  blefled  be  God,  his  arm  is  Ihort  ;  if  the 
lea  and  wind  would  have  obeyed  him,  ye  had  never  come  to 
land.  Thank  your  God,  who  faith,  "  I  have  the  keys  of  hell  and 
of  death  ;"*  "  I  kill,  and  I  make  alive  ;"t  "  The  Lord  bringeth 
down  to  the  grave,  and  bringeth  up."{  If  Satan  were  jailor,  and 
had  the  keys  of  death  and  of  the  grave,  they  fhould  be  ftored 
with  more  prifoners.  Ye  were  knocking  at  thefe  black  gates,  and 
ye  found  the  doors  fhut ;  and  we  do  all  welcome  you  back  again. 

I  trufl  that  ye  know  that  it  is  not  for  nothing  that  ye  are  fent  to 
us  again.  The  Lord  knew  that  ye  had  forgotten  fomething  that  was 
necelFary  for  your  journey  ;  that  your  armour  was  not  as  yet  thick 
enough  againfl  the  ftroke  of  death.  Now,  in  the  ftrength  of  Jefus 
defpatch  your  bufmefs  ;  that  debt  is  not  forgiven,  but  frifted  :§ 
death  hath  not  bidden  you  farewell,  but  hath  only  left  you  for  a 
fhort  feafon.  End  your  journey  ere  the  night  come  upon  you. 
Have  all  in  readinefs  againft  the  time  that  ye  muft  fail  through  that 
black  and  impetuous  Jordan  ;  and  Jefus,  Jefus,  who  knoweth  both 
thofe  depths  and  the  rocks,  and  all  the  coafts,  be  your  pilot.  The 
laft  tide  will  not  wait  you  for  one  moment.  If  ye  forget  anything, 
when  your  fea  is  full,  and  your  foot  in  that  fhip,  there  is  no  return- 
ing again  to  fetch  it.  What  ye  do  amifs  in  your  life  to-day,  ye  may 
amend  it  to-morrow  ;  for  as  many  funs  as  God  maketh  to  arife 
upon  you,  ye  have  as  many  new  lives  ;  but  ye  can  die  but  once, 
and  if  ye  mar,  or  fpill  ||  that  bufmefs,  ye  cannot  come  back  to  mend 
that  piece  of  work  again.  No  man  fmneth  twice  in  dying  ill  ;  as 
we  die  but  once,  fo  we  die  but  ill  or  well  once.  You  fee  how  the 
number  of  your  months  is  written  in  God's  book  ;  and  as  one  of 
the  Lord's  hirelings,  ye  muft  work  till  the  fhadow  of  the  evening 
come  upon  you,  and  ye  fhall  run  out  your  glafs  even  to  the  laft 
pickle  f  of  fand.     Fulfil  your  courfe  with  joy,  for  we  take  nothing 

*  Rev.  i.  18.  t  Deut.  xxxii.  39.  %  i  Sam.  ii.  6. 

§  The  payment  put  off.         ||  Spoil  or  deftroy.  1^  Grain. 

LETTER  XXIL  [1632. 

to  the  grave  with  us,  but  a  good  or  evil  confcience.     And,  although 
the  fky  clear  after  this  ftorm,  yet  clouds  will  engender  another. 

Ye  contracted  with  Chrift,  I  hope,  when  firfl  ye  began  to  fol- 
low Him,  that  ye  would  bear  His  crofs.  Fulfil  your  part  of  the 
contract  with  patience,  and  break  not  to  Jefus  Chrift.  Be  honefl, 
brother,  in  your  bargaining  with  Him ;  for  who  knoweth  better 
how  to  bring  up  children  than  our  God  ?  For  (to  lay  afide  His 
knowledge,  of  the  which  there  is  no  finding  out)  He  hath  been 
practifed  in  brining  up  His  heirs  thefe  five  thoufand  years  ;  and 
His  bairns  are  all  well  brought  up,  and  many  of  them  are  honefl 
men  now  at  home,  up  in  their  own  houfe  in  heaven,  and  are  entered 
heirs  to  their  Father's  inheritance.  Now,  the  form  of  His  bringing 
up  was  by  chaflifements,  fcourging,  corre6ting,  nurturing  -,  and  fee 
if  He  maketh  exception  of  any  of  His  bairns  :  *  no.  His  eldefl  Son 
and  His  Heir,  Jefus,  is  not  excepted.-]-  Suffer  we  mufl ;  ere  we 
were  born,  God  decreed  it ;  and  it  is  eafier  to  complain  of  His  de- 
cree than  to  change  it.  It  is  true,  terrors  of  confcience  caft  us 
down ;  and  yet  without  terrors  of  confcience  we  cannot  be  raifed 
up  again :  fears  and  doubtings  fhake  us  ;  and  yet  without  fears  and 
doubtings  we  would  foon  fleep,  and  lofe  our  grips  J  of  Chrifl. 
Tribulation  and  temptations  will  almoft  loofen  us  to  the  root ;  and 
yet,  without  tribulations  and  temptations,  we  can  now  no  more 
grow  than  herbs  or  corn  without  rain.  Sin,  and  Satan,  and  the 
world  will  fay,  and  cry  in  our  ear,  that  we  have  a  hard  reckoning 
to  make  in  judgment ;  and  yet  none  of  thefe  three,  except  they  lie, 
dare  fay  in  our  face  that  our  fm  can  change  the  tenor  of  the  new 
covenant.  Forward,  then,  dear  brother,  and  lofe  not  your  grips. 
Hold  faft  the  truth :  for  the  world,  fell  not  one  dram-weight  of 
God's  truth,  efpecially  now,  when  moft  men  meafure  truth  by 
time,  like  young  feamen  fetting  their  compafs  by  a  cloud  ;  for  now 
time  is  father  and  mother  to  truth,  in  the  thoughts  and  practices  of 
our  evil  time.  The  God  of  truth  eflablifh  us ;  for,  alas  !  now  there 
are  none  to  comfort  the  prifoners  of  hope,  and  the  mourners  in 

*  Rev.  iii.  19  ;  Heb.  xii.  7,8.       t  Heb.  ii.  10.  %  Grafp,  firm  hold. 

1632.]  LETTER  XX  11.  89 

Zion.  "We  can  do  little,  except  pray  and  mourn  for  Jofeph  in  the 
ftocks.  And  let  their  tongue  cleave  to  the  roof  of  their  mouth  who 
forget  Jerufalem  now  in  her  day ;  and  the  Lord  remember  Edom, 
and  render  to  him  as  he  hath  done  to  us. 

Now,  brother,  I  lliall  not  weary  you  ;   but  I  entreat  you  to 
remember  my  deareft  love  to  Mr  David  Dickfon,  with  whom  I 
have  fmall  acquaintance  ;  yet,  I  blefs  the  Lord,  I  know  that  he 
both  prayeth  and  doeth  for  our  dying  kirk.    Remember  my  deareft 
love  to  John  Stuart,  whom  I  love  in  Chrifl ;  and  fhow  him  from 
me,  that  I  do  always  remember  him,  and  hope  for  a  meeting.    The 
Lord  Jefus  eftablifh  him  more  and  more,  though  he  be  already  a 
ftrong  man  in  Chrift.     Remember  my  heartiefl  afFe6lion  in  Chrift 
to  William  Rodger,*  whom  I  alfo  remember  to  God.     I  widi  that 
the  firfl  news  I  hear  of  him  and  you,  and  all  that  love  our  com- 
mon Saviour  in  thofe  bounds,  may  be,  that  they  are  fb  knit  and 
linked,  and  kindly  faflened  in  love  with  the  Son  of  God,  that  ye 
may  fay,  "  Now  if  ye  would  ever  fo  fain  efcape  out  of  Chrift's 
hands,  yet  love  hath  fo  bound  us,  that  we  cannot  get  our  hands 
free  again  ;  He  hath  fo  ravifhed  our  hearts,  that  there  is  no  loofen- 
ing  of  His  grips  ;  the  chains  of  His  foul-ravifhing  love  are  fo  ftrong, 
that  neither  the  grave  nor  death  will  break  them."    I  hope,  brother, 
yea,  I  doubt  not  of  it,  that  ye  lay  me,  and  my  firfl  entry  to  the 
Lord's  vineyard,  and  my  flock,  before  Him  who  hath  put  me  into 
His  work.     As  the  Lord  knoweth,  fmce  firfl  I  faw  you,  I  have 
been   mindful  of  you.      Marion  M'Naught  doth  remember  mofl 
heartily  her  love  to  you,  and  to  John  Stuart.f    BlefTed  be  the  Lord  ! 
that  in  God's  mercy  I  found  in  this  country  fuch  a  woman,  to 
whom  Jefus  is  dearer  than  her  own  heart,  when  there  be  fo  many 
that  cafl  Chrifl  over  their  fhoulder.     Good  brother,  call  to  mind 
the  memory  of  your  worthy  father,  now  afleep  in  Chrift ;  and,  as 
his  cuftom  was,  pray  continually,  and  wreftle,  for   the  life  of  a 

*  Livingftone  in  his  '^  Memor.  Characteriftics"  inferts,  this  godly  man,  a 
merchant  in  Ayr,  after  being  for  a  time  at  Coleraine,  in  Ireland, 
t  See  Let.  161,  addrefled  to  him. 

90  LETTER  XX III.  [1632. 

dying,  breathlefs  kirk.  And  defire  John  Stuart  not  to  forget  poor 
Zion ;  fhe  hath  few  friends,  and  few  to  fpeak  one  good  word  for  her. 
Now  I  commend  you,  your  whole  foul,  and  body,  and  fpirit, 
to  Jefus  Chrift  and  His  keeping,  hoping  that  ye  will  live  and  die, 
ftand  and  fall,  with  the  caufe  of  our  Mafler,  Jefus.  The  Lord 
Jefus  Himfelf  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Your  loving  brother  in  our  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  Feb.  2,  1632. 

XXIIL — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Your  Ladyfhip  will  not  (I  know)  weary  nor 
offend,  though  I  trouble  you  with  many  letters.     The 
memory  of  what  obligadons  I  am  under  to  your  Lady- 
fhip, is  the  caufe  of  it. 

I  am  pollibly  impertinent  in  what  I  write,  becaufe  of  my  igno- 
rance of  your  prefent  eftate  ;  but  for  all  that  is  faid,  I  have  learned 
of  Mr  W.  D.*  that  ye  have  not  changed  upon,  nor  wearied  of  your 
fweet  Mafler,  Chrift,  and  His  fervice  ;  neither  were  it  your  part  to 
change  upon  Him  who  "  refteth  in  His  love."  Ye  are  among 
honourable  company,  and  fuch  as  affedf  grandeur  and  court.  But, 
Madam,  thinking  upon  your  eftate,  I  think  I  fee  an  improvident 
wooer  coming  too  late  to  feek  a  bride,  becaufe  fhe  is  contracted 
already,  and  promifed  away  to  another  ;  and  fo  the  wooer's  bufk- 
ingf  and  bravery  (who  cometh  to  you  J  as  "  who  but  he  ?")  are  in 
vain.  The  outward  pomp  of  this  bufy  wooer,  a  beguiling  world, 
is  now  coming  in  to  fuit§  your  foul  too  late,  when  ye  have  pro- 

*  Mr  William  Dalgleifh,  minifter  at  Kirkmabreck. 

t  Decking,  adorning.     %  ^  proverbial  exprefTion,  as  in  Herkat's  Poem,  84. 
'  *  Then  came  brave  Glory  paffing  by, 
With  filks  that  whittled.  Who  but  he." 
§  To  woo. 

1632.]  LETTER  XX III,  91 

miied  away  your  Ibul  to  Chrift  many  years  ago.  And  I  know, 
Madam,  what  anfwer  ye  may  now  juftly  make  to  the  late  fuitor  -, 
even  this  :  "  Ye  are  too  long  of  coming ;  my  foul,  the  bride,  is 
away  already,  and  the  contraft  with  Chrift  fubfcribed,  and  I  cannot 
choofe,  but  I  muft  be  honeft  and  faithful  to  Him."  Honourable  lady, 
keep  your  firft  love,  and  hold  the  firft  match  with  that  foul-delight- 
ing, lovely  Bridegroom,  our  fweet,  fweet  Jefus,  fairer  than  all 
the  children  of  men,  "  the  Rofe  of  Sharon,"  and  the  faireft  and 
fweeteft-fmelled  rofe  in  all  His  Father's  garden.  There  is  none 
like  Him  ;  I  would  not  exchange  one  fmile  of  His  lovely  face  with 
kingdoms.  Madam,  let  others  take  their  filly,  fecklefs*  heaven  in 
this  life.  Envy  them  not ;  but  let  your  foul,  like  a  tar  rowing  f  and 
miQearned  child,  take  the  dortsj  (as  we  ufe  to  fpeak),  or  cafl  at§ 
all  things  and  difdain  them,  except  one  only :  either  Chriil  or 
nothing.  Your  well-beloved,  Jefus,  will  be  content  that  ye  be 
here  devoutly  proud,  and  ill  to  pleafe,  as  one  that  contemneth  all 
hulbands  but  Himfelf.  Either  the  King's  Son,  or  no  hufband  at 
all ;  this  is  humble,  and  worthy  ambition.  What  have  ye  to  do  to 
dally  with  a  whorifh  and  foolifh  world  ?  Your  jealous  Hufband 
will  not  be  content  that  ye  look  by  ||  Him  to  another  :  He  will  be 
jealous  indeed,  and  offended,  if  ye  kifs  another  but  Himfelf.  What 
weights  do  burden  you.  Madam,  I  know  not ;  but  think  it  great 
mercy  that  your  Lord  from  your  youth  hath  been  hed^ng  in  your 
outflrajing  affe6lions,  that  they  may  not  go  a-whoring  from  Him- 
felf. If  ye  were  His  baflard.  He  would  not  nurture  you  fo.  If  ye 
were  for  the  flaughter,  ye  would  be  fattened.  But  be  content ; 
ye  are  His  wheat,  growing  in  our  Lord's  field  ;  ^  and  if  wheat,  ye 
muft  go  under  our  Lord's  threfhing-inflrument,  in  His  barn-floor, 
and  through  His  fieve,**  and  through  His  mill  to  be  bruifed  (as 
the  Prince  of  your  falvation,  Jefus,  wasff ),  that  ye  may  be  found 
good  bread  in  your  Lord's  houfe.     Lord  Jefus,  blefs  the  fpiritual 

*  Pithlefs,  worthlefs.  f  Pettifh.  %  Get  fulky. 

§  Quarrel  with,  objed  to.  ||  Faft.  t  Matt.  xiii.  25,  38. 

**  Amos  ix.  9.  ft  I  fa.  liii.  10. 

92  LETTER  XXIII.  [1632. 

hufbandry,  and  feparate  you  from  the  chaff,  that  dow  not  bide* 
the  wind.  I  am  perfuaded  your  glafs  is  fpending  itfelf  by  little  and 
little  ;  and  if  ye  knew  who  is  before  you,  ye  would  rejoice  in  your 
tribulations.  Think  ye  it  a  fmall  honour  to  fland  before  the  throne 
of  God  and  the  Lamb  ?  and  to  be  clothed  in  white,  and  to  be 
called  to  the  marriage  fupper  of  the  Lamb?  and  to  be  led  to  the 
fountain  of  living  waters,  and  to  come  to  the  Well-head,  even  God 
Himfelf,  and  get  your  fill  of  the  clear,  cold,  fweet,  refrefhing  water 
of  life,  the  King's  own  well  ?  and  to  put  up  your  own  fmful  hand 
to  the  tree  of  life,  and  take  down  and  eat  the  fweeteft  apple  in  all 
God's  heavenly  paradife,  Jefus  Chrift,  your  life  and  your  Lord.'' 
Up  your  heart !  fhout  for  joy  !  Your  King  is  coming  to  fetch  you 
to  His  Father's  houfe. 

Madam,  I  am  in  exceeding  great  heavinefs,  God  thinking  it  beft 
for  my  own  foul  thus  to  exercife  me,  thereby,  it  may  be,  to  fit  me 
to  be  His  mouth  to  others.  I  fee  and  hear,  at  home  and  abroad, 
nothing  but  matter  of  grief  and  discouragement,  which  indeed 
maketh  my  life  bitter.  And  I  hope  in  God  never  to  get  my  will 
in  this  world.  And  I  expe6f  ere  long  a  fiery  trial  upon  the  Church ; 
for  as  many  men  almoft  in  England  and  Scotland,  as  many  falfe 
friends  to  Chriff,  and  as  many  pulling  and  drawing  to  pull  the 
crown  off  His  holy  head  !  and  for  fear  that  our  Beloved  ftay 
amongfl  us  (as  if  His  room  were  more  defirable  than  Himfelf), 
men  are  bidding  Him  go  feek  His  lodging.  Madam,  if  ye  have 
a  part  in  filly,  friendlefs  Zion  (as  I  know  ye  have),  fpeak  a  word 
on  her  behalf  to  God  and  man.  If  ye  can  do  nothing  elfe,  fpeak 
for  Jefus,  and  ye  fhall  thereby  be  a  witnefs  againft  this  declining  age. 
Now,  from  my  very  foul,  laying  and  leaving  you  on  the  Lord,  and 
defiring  a  part  in  your  prayers  (as,  my  Lord  knoweth,  I  remember 
you),  I  deliver  over  your  body,  fpirit,  and  all  your  neceffities,  to 
the  hands  of  our  Lord,  and  remain  for  ever 

Your  Ladyfhip's  in  your  fweet  Lord  Jefus  and  mine, 

S.  R. 

AnwoTH,  Feb.  13,  1632. 

*  Cannot  ftand. 

1632.]  LETTER  XXIV.  93 

XXIV.— T^or  Marion  M'Naught. 


;EL0VED  mistress,— My  dearefl  love  in  Chrifl  re- 
membered to  you.  Know  that  Mr  Abraham*  fhowed 
me  there  is  to  be  a  meeting  of  the  bifhops  at  Edinburgh 
fhortly.  The  caufes  are  known  to  themfelves.  It  is  our  part  to 
hold  up  our  hands  for  Zion.  Howbeit,  it  is  reported,  they  came 
fad  from  court.  It  is  our  Lord's  wifdom,  that  His  kirk  fhould 
ever  hang  by  a  thread ;  and  yet  the  thread  breaketh  not,  being 
hanged  upon  Him  who  is  the  fure  Nail  in  David's  houfe,f  upon 
whom  all  the  veflels,  great  and  fmall,  do  hang;  and  the  Nail  (God  be 
thanked)  neither  crooketh  nor  can  be  broken.  Jefus,  that  Flower 
of  JefTe  fet  without  hands,  getteth  many  a  blaft,  and  yet  withers 
not,  because  He  is  His  Father's  noble  Rofe,  cafting  a  fweet  imell 
through  heaven  and  earth,  and  mufl  grow ;  and  in  the  fame  garden 
grow  the  faints,  God's  fair  and  beautiful  lilies,  under  wind  and  rain, 
and  all  fun-burned,  and  yet  life  remaineth  at  the  root.  Keep  within 
His  garden,  and  you  fhall  grow  with  them,  till  the  Great  Hufband- 
man,  our  dear  Mafter  Gardener,  come  and  tranfplant  you  from  the 
lower  part  of  His  vineyard  up  to  the  higher,  to  the  very  heart  of 
His  garden,  above  the  wrongs  of  the  rain,  fun,  or  wind.  And  then, 
wait  upon  the  times  of  the  blowing  of  the  fweet  fouth  and  north 
wind  of  His  gracious  Spirit,  that  may  make  you  caft  a  fweet  fmell 
in  your  Beloved's  noftrils  ;  and  bid  your  Beloved  come  down  to 
His  garden,  and  eat  of  His  pleafant  fruits.  J  And  He  will  come. 
You  will  get  no  more  but  this  until  you  come  up  to  the  Well-head, 

*  Poffibly,  this  is  Mr  Abraham  Henderfon,  a  ftaiinch  defender  of  Pres- 
bylery,  who  in  1605,  prefifted,  along  with  eight  of  his  brethren,  in  convening 
at  Aberdeen,  in  face  of  prohibition,  in  order  to  maintain  a  proteft  in  behalf  of 
the  Church's  inherent  right  to  meet  in  General  Aflembly.  (See  Forbes' 
Apolog.  Narration,)  p.  136. 

t  Ifa.  xxii.  23.  t  Cant.  iv.  16. 

94  LETTER  XXIV,  [1632. 

where  you  fhall  put  up  your  hand  and  take  down  the  apples  of 
the  tree  of  life,  and  eat  under  the  fhadow  of  that  tree.  Thefe  apples 
are  fweeter  up  befide  the  tree  than  they  are  down  here  in  this  piece 
of  a  clay  prifon-houfe.  I  have  no  joy  but  in  the  thoughts  of  thefe 
times.  Doubt  not  of  your  Lord's  part  and  the  fpoufe's  part ;  fhe 
fhall  be  in  good  cafe.  That  word  fhall  ftand,  "  I  fhall  be  as  the 
dew  to  Ifrael :  he  fhall  grow  up  as  the  lily,  and  cafl  out  his  roots 
as  Lebanon.  His  branches  fhall  fpread,  his  beauty  fhall  be  as  the 
olive-tree,  and  his  fmell  as  Lebanon."*  Chrift  fhall  fet  up  His 
colours,  and  His  enfign  for  the  nations,  and  fhall  gather  together 
the  outcafts  of  Ifrael.  f  "  Then  the  Lord  faid  to  me.  Son  of  man, 
thefe  dead  bones  are  the  whole  houfe  of  Ifrael :  behold,  they  fay,  Our 
bones  are  dried,  our  hope  is  loft ;  we  are  cut  ofF  for  our  parts. 
Therefore  prophefy  unto  them,  and  fay.  Thus  faith  the  Lord  God, 
Behold,  O  My  people,  I  will  open  your  graves,  and  caufe  you  come 
up  out  of  your  graves,  and  bring  you  into  the  land  of  Ifrael."  J 
Thefe  promifes  are  not  wind,  but  the  breaft  of  our  beloved  Chrift, 
which  we  muft  fuck  and  draw  comfort  out  of.  Ye  have  caufe  to 
pity  thofe  poor  creatures  that  fland  out  againfl  Chrift,  and  the  build- 
ing of  His  houfe.  Silly  men !  they  have  but  a  fecklefs  §  and  filly 
heaven,  nothing  but  meat  and  cloth,  and  laugh  a  day  or  two  in  the 
world,  and  then  in  a  moment  go  down  to  the  grave ;  and  they 
fhall  not  be  able  to  hinder  Chrift's  building.  He  that  is  Mafter  of 
work  will  lead  flones  ||  to  the  wall  over  their  belly. 

And  for  that  prefent  tumult  that  the  children  of  this  world  raife 
anent  the  planting  of  your  town  with  a  paftor,  believe  and  flay 
upon  God,  as  you  ftill  fhame  us  all  in  believing.  Go  forward  in 
the  flrength  of  the  Lord ;  and  I  fay  from  my  Lord,  before  whom  I 
fland,  have  your  eyes  upon  none  but  the  Lord  of  armies,  and  the 
Lord  fhall  either  let  you  fee  what  you  long  to  fee,  or  then  elfe  fulfil 
your  joy  more  abundantly  another  way.     You  and  yours,  and  the 

*  Hos.  xiv.  5,6.  t  Ifa.  xi.  12.  X  Ezek.  xxxvii.  11,  12. 

§  No  fubftance,  or  pith,  in  it,  worthlefs. 

II  Carry  (or  caufe  to  be  carried)  the  (tones  for  building  His  houfe. 

1632.]  LETTER  XXIV.  95 

children  of  God  whom  you  care  for  in  this  town,  fhall  have  as  much 
of  the  Son  of  God's  fupper  cut  and  laid  upon  your  trenchers,  be 
who  he  will  that  carveth,  as  fhall  feed  you  to  eternal  life.  And  be 
not  caft  down  for  all  that  is  done  :  your  reward  is  laid  up  with 
God.  I  hope  to  fee  you  laugh  and  leap  for  joy.  Will  the  temple 
be  built  without  din  and  tumult  ?  No ;  God's  flones  in  His  houle 
in  Germany  are  laid  with  blood ;  and  the  Son  of  God  no  Iboner 
begins  to  chop  and  hew  flones  with  His  hammer,  but  as  foon  the 
fword  is  drawn.  If  the  work  were  of  men,  the  world  would  fet 
their  fhoulders  to  yours  ;  but,  in  Chrift's  work,  two  or  three  muft 
fight  againfl  a  Prefbytery  (though  His  own  court)  and  a  city.  This 
proveth  that  it  is  Chrift's  errand,  and  therefore  that  it  fhall  thrive. 
Let  them  lay  iron  chains  crofs  over  the  door, — flay,  and  believe, 
and  wait,  whill*  the  Lion  of  the  tribe  of  Judah  come.  And  He 
that  comes  from  heaven  clothed  with  the  rainbow,  and  hath  the 
little  book  in  His  hand,  when  He  taketh  a  gripf  of  their  chains. 
He  will  lay  the  door  on  the  broadfide,:|:  and  come  in,  and  go  up  to 
the  pulpit,  and  take  the  man  with  Him  whom  He  hath  chofen  for 
His  work.  Therefore,  let  me  hear  from  you,  whether  you  be  in 
heavinefs,  or  rejoicing  under  hope,  that  I  may  take  part  of  your 
grief,  and  bear  it  with  you,  and  get  part  of  your  joy,  which  is  to 
me  alfo  as  my  own  joy. 

And  as  to  what  are  your  fears  anent  the  health  or  life  of  your 
dear  children,  lay  it  upon  Chrift's  flioulders  :  let  Him  bear  all. 
Loofe  your  gripsf  of  them  all ;  and  when  your  dear  Lord  pulleth, 
let  them  go  with  faith  and  joy.  It  is  a  tried  faith  to  kifs  a  Lord 
that  is  taking  from  you.  Let  them  be  careful,  during  the  fhort  time 
that  they  are  here,  to  run  and  get  a  grip  of  the  prize.  Chrift  is 
ftanding  in  the  end  of  their  way,  holding  up  the  garland  of  endlefs 
glory  to  their  eyes,  and  is  crying,  "  Run  fail,  and  come  and  receive." 
Happy  are  they  (if  their  breath  ferve  them)  to  run  and  not  to  weary, 
whill*  their  Lord,  with  His  own  dear  hand,  puts  the  crown  upon 
their  head.     It  is  not  long  days,  but  good  days,  that  make  life  glo- 

*  Till.  t  A  fii-m  hold.  X  Lay  it  flat. 

96  LETTER  XXV.  L1632. 

rious  and  happy ;  and  our  dear  Lord  is  gracious  to  us,  who  fhort- 
eneth  and  hath  made  the  way  to  glory  fhorter  than  it  was  ,  fo  that 
the  crown  that  Noah  did  fight  for  five  hundred  years,  children  may 
now  obtain  it  in  fifteen  years.  And  heaven  is  in  fome  fort  better  for 
us  now  than  it  was  to  Noah,  for  the  man  Chrift  is  there  now, 
who  was  not  come  in  the  flefh  in  Noah's  days.  You  fhall  fhow 
this  to  your  children,  whom  my  foul  in  Chrifi  blefTeth,  and  entreat 
them  by  the  mercies  of  God,  and  the  bowels  of  Jefus  Chrift,  to 
covenant  with  Jefus  Chrift  to  be  His,  and  to  make  up  the  bond  of 
friendfhip  betwixt  their  fouls  and  their  Chrift,  that  they  may  have 
acquaintance  in  heaven,  and  a  friend  at  God's  right  hand.  Such  a 
friend  at  court  is  much  worth. 

Now  I  take  my  leave  of  you,  praying  my  Chrift  and  your  Chrift 

to  fulfil  your  joy ;  and  more  graces  and  bleffings  from  our  fweet 

Lord  Jefus  to  your  foul,  your  hufband's  and  children,  than  ever  I 

wrote  of  the  letters  of  A,  B,  C,  to  you.     Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  my  fweet  Mafter,  Jefus  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

Anwotii,  March  9,  1632. 

XXV. — To  a  Gentlewoman    at  Kirkcudbright,  excuftng  him/elf  from 


ISTRESS, — I  befeech  you  to  have  me  excufed  if  the  daily 
employments  of  my  calling  ftiall  hinder  me  to  fee  you 
according  as  I  would  wifh ;  for  I  dare  not  go  abroad, 
fince  many  of  my  people  are  fick,  and  the  time  of  our  Communion* 
draweth  near.  But  frequent  the  company  of  your  worthy  and 
honeft-hearted  paftor,  Mr  Robert  (Glendinning),  to  whom  the 
Lord  hath  given  the  tongue  of  the  learned,  to  minifter  a  word  in 
feafon  to  the  weary.  Remember  me  to  him  and  to  your  huft)and. 
The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Your  affectionate  friend, 

S.  R. 

*  The  difpenfing  of  the  Lord's  Supper. 

1632.1  LETTER  XXV I.  97 

XXVI. — For  Marion  M'Naught,  after  her  dangerous  ilhiefs. 


jEARLY  BELOVED  MISTRESS,— My  love  in  Chrift 
remembered.  You  are  not  ignorant  what  our  Lord  in 
His  love-vifitation  hath  been  doing  with  your  foul, 
even  letting  you  fee  a  little  fight  of  that  dark  trance*  you  muft  go 
through  ere  you  come  to  glory.  Your  life  hath  been  near  the 
grave,  and  you  were  at  the  door,  and  you  found  the  door  ihut  and 
fall :  your  dear  Chrift  thinking  it  not  time  to  open  thefe  gates  to 
you  till  you  have  fought  fome  longer  in  His  camp.  And  therefore 
He  willeth  you  to  put  on  your  armour  again,  and  to  take  no  truce 
with  the  devil  or  this  prefent  world.  You  are  little  obliged  to  any 
of  the  two;  but  I  rejoice  in  this,  that  when  any  of  the  two  comes 
to  fuitf  your  foul  in  marriage,  you  have  an  anfwer  in  readinefs  to 
tell  them, — '*  You  are  too  long  a-coming;  I  have  many  a  year  fmce 
promifed  my  foul  to  another,  even  to  my  deareft  Lord  Jefus,  to 
whom  I  muft  be  true."  And  therefore  you  are  come  back  to  us 
again  to  help  us  to  pray  for  Chrift's  fair  bride,  a  marrow  J  dear  to  Him. 
Be  not  caft  down  in  heart  to  hear  that  the  world  barketh  at 
Chrift's  ftrangers,  both  in  Ireland  and  in  this  land ;  they  do  it  be- 
caufe  their  Lord  hath  chofen  them  out  of  this  world.  And  this  is 
one  of  our  Lord's  reproaches,  to  be  hated  and  ill-entreated  by  men. 
The  filly  ftranger,  in  an  uncouth  §  country,  muft  take  with  a  fmoky 
inn  and  coarfe  cheer,  a  hard  bed,  and  a  barking,  ill-tongued  hoft. 
It  is  not  long  to  the  day,  and  he  will  to  his  journey  upon  the  mor- 
row, and  leave  them  all.  Indeed,  our  fair  morning  is  at  hand, 
the  day-ftar  is  near  the  rifing,  and  we  are  not  many  miles  from 
home.     What  matters  ill  entertainment  in  the  fmoky  inns  of  this 

*  PafTage.  f  Woo  in  marriage.  %  Companion. 

§  Unco^  in  other  editions ;    /.^.,  ftrange.     In  his  fermons,  it  is  generally 
written  *^ uncouth."    Thus,  *^ ftrange  and  uncouth  to  fee!  "    (On  Zech.  xi.  9.) 
VOL.  I.  G 

98  LETTER  XXVL  [1632. 

miserable  life  ?  We  are  not  to  ftay  here,  and  we  will  be  dearly 
welcome  to  Him  whom  we  go  to.  And  I  hope,  when  I  ftiall  fee 
you  clothed  in  white  raiment,  wafhed  in  the  blood  of  the  Lamb, 
and  fhall  fee  you  even  at  the  elbow  of  your  dearefl  Lord  and  Re- 
deemer, and  a  crown  upon  your  head,  and  following  our  Lamb  and 
lovely  Lord  whitherfoever  He  goeth, — you  will  think  nothing  of 
all  thefe  days ;  and  you  fhall  then  rejoice,  and  no  man  fhall  take 
your  joy  from  you.  It  is  certain  there  is  not  much  fand  to  run  in 
your  Lord's  fand-glafs,  and  that  day  is  at  hand ;  and  till  then  your 
Lord  in  this  life  is  giving  you  fome  little  feafls. 

It  is  true,  you  fee  Him  not  now  as  you  fhall  fee  Him  then. 
Your  well-beloved  flandeth  now  behind  the  wall  looking  out  at  the 
window,*  and  you  fee  but  a  little  of  His  face.  Then,  you  fhall  fee 
all  His  face  and  all  the  Saviour, — a  long,  and  high,  and  broad  Lord 
Jefus,  the  loveliefl  perfon  among  the  children  of  men.  O  joy  of 
joys,  that  our  fouls  know  there  is  fuch  a  great  fupper  preparing  for 
us  even !  Howbeit  we  be  but  half-hungered f  of  Chrift  here,  and 
many  a  time  dine  behind  noon,l  yet  the  fupper  of  the  Lamb  will 
come  in  time,  and  will  be  fet  before  us  before  we  famifli  and  lofe  our 
ftomachs.  You  have  caufe  to  hold  up  your  heart  in  remembrance 
and  hope  of  that  fair,  long  fummer  day ;  for  in  this  night  of  your 
life,  wherein  you  are  in  the  body  abfent  from  the  Lord,  Chrifl's  fair 
moonlight  in  His  word  and  facraments,  in  praver,  feeling,  and  holy 
conference,  hath  fhined  upon  you,  to  let  you  fee  the  way  to  the 
city.  I  confefs  our  diet  here  is  but  fparing ;  we  get  but  taflings  of 
our  Lord's  comforts  ;  but  the  caufe  of  that  is  not  becaufe  our 
Steward,  Jefus,  is  a  niggard,  and  narrow-hearted,  but  becaufe  our 
flomachs  are  weak,  and  we  are  narrow-hearted.  But  the  great 
feaft  is  coming,  and  the  chambers  of  them  made  fair  and  wide  to 
take  in  the  great  Lord  Jefus.  Come  in,  then.  Lord  Jefus,  to  hungry 
fouls  gaping  for  thee !  In  this  journey  take  the  Bridegroom  as  you 
may  have  Him,  and  be  greedy  of  His  fmalleft  crumbs;  but,  dear 

*  Cant.  ii.  9.  t  Only  half  fed  with. 

X  Noon,  or  a  little  before  it,  was  then  the  ufual  hour  for  dinner. 

1632.]  LETTER  XXV  11.  99 

Miftrefs,  buy  none  of  Chrift's  delicates-fpiritual  with  fin,  or  fafting 
againll:  your  weak  body.  Remember  you  are  in  the  body,  and  it  is 
the  lodging-houfe ;  and  you  may  not,  without  offending  the  Lord, 
fuffer  the  old  walls  of  that  houfe  to  fall  down  through  want  of 
neceffary  food.  Your  body  is  the  dwelling-houfe  of  the  Spirit ;  and 
therefore,  for  the  love  you  carry  to  the  fweet  Gueft,  give  a  due  re- 
gard to  His  houfe  of  clay.  When  He  loofeth  the  wall,  why  not  ? 
Welcome  Lord  Jefus  !  But  it  is  a  fearful  fm  in  us,  by  hurting  the 
body  by  falling,  to  loofe  one  flone  or  the  leafl:  piece  of  timber  in  it ; 
for  the  houfe  is  not  our  own.  The  Bridegroom  is  with  you  yet ; 
fo  fail  as  that  alfo  you  may  feaft  and  rejoice  in  Him.  I  think  upon 
your  magift rates ;  but  He  that  is  clothed  in  linen,  and  hath  the 
writer's  inkhorn  by  His  fide,  hath  written  up  their  names  in  heaven 
already.  Pray  and  be  content  with  His  will ;  God  hath  a  council- 
houfe  in  heaven,  and  the  end  will  be  mercy  unto  you.  For  the 
planting  of  your  town  with  a  godly  minifter,  have  your  eye  upon 
the  Lord  of  the  harveft.  I  dare  promife  you,  God  in  this  life  fhall 
fill  your  foul  with  the  fatnefs  of  His  houfe,  for  your  care  to  fee 
Chrlft's  bairns  fed.  And  your  pofterity  fhall  know  it,  to  whom  I 
pray  for  mercy,  and  that  they  may  get  a  name  amongfl  the  living  in 
Jerufalem;  and  if  God  portion  them  with  His  bairns,  their  rent  is 
fair,  and  I  hope  it  fhall  be  fo.  The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 
Yours  ever  in  Chrifl, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  Sept.  19,  1632. 

XXVn. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Having  faluted  you  with  grace  and  mercy  from 
God  our  Father,  and  from  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrifl,  I  long 
both  to  fee  your  Ladyfhip,  and  to  hear  how  it  goeth 

loo  LETTER  XXVII.  [1632. 

I  do  remember  you,  and  prefent  you  and  your  neceilities  to 
Him  who  is  able  to  keep  you,  and  prefent  you  blamelefs  before  His 
face  with  joy ;  and  my  prayer  to  our  Lord  is,  that  ye  may  be  fick 
of  love  for  Him,  who  died  of  love  for  you, — I  mean  your  Saviour 
Jefus.  And  O  fweet  were  that  ficknefs  to  be  foul-fick  for  Him ! 
And  a  living  death  it  were,  to  die  in  the  fire  of  the  love  of  that  foul- 
lover,  Jefus  !  And,  Madam,  if  ye  love  Him,  ye  will  keep  His  com- 
mandments ;  and  this  is  not  one  of  the  leaf!:,  to  lay  your  neck 
cheerfully  and  willingly  under  the  yoke  of  Jefus  Chrift.  For  I 
trufl  your  Ladyfhip  did  firfl  contraft  and  bargain  with  the  Son  of 
God  to  follow  Him  upon  thefe  terms,  that  by  His  grace  ye  fhould 
endure  hardfhip,  and  fuffer  affli6lion,  as  the  foldier  of  Chrifl.  They 
are  not  worthy  of  Jefus  who  will  not  take  a  blow  for  their  Mafter's 
fake.  As  for  our  glorious  Peace-maker,  when  He  came  to  make 
up  the  friendfhip  betwixt  God  and  us,  God  bruifed  Him,  and 
jftruck  Him ;  the  fmful  world  alfo  did  beat  Him,  and  crucify  Him ; 
yet  He  took  buffets  of  both  parties,  and  (honour  to  our  Lord  Jefus  !) 
He  would  not  leave  the  field  for  all  that,  till  He  had  made  peace  be- 
twixt the  parties.  I  perfuade  myfelf  your  fufFerings  are  but  like 
your  Saviour's  (yea,  incomparably  lefs  and  lighter),  which  are 
called  but  a  bruifmg  of  His  heel  ;*  a  wound  far  from  the  heart. 
Your  life  is  hid  with  Chrift  in  God,f  and  therefore  ye  cannot  be 
robbed  of  it.  Our  Lord  handleth  us,  as  fathers  do  their  young 
children ;  they  lay  up  jewels  in  a  place,  above  the  reach  of  the 
fhort  arm  of  bairns,  elfe  bairns  would  put  up  their  hands  and  take 
them  down,  and  lofe  them  foon :  fo  hath  our  Lord  done  with  our 
fpiritual  life.  Jefus  Chrifl  is  the  high  coffer  in  the  which  our  Lord 
hath  hid  our  life ;  we  children  are  not  able  to  reach  up  our  arm  fo 
high  as  to  take  down  that  life  and  lofe  it ;  it  is  in  our  Chrifl's  hand. 
O  long,  long  may  Jefus  be  Lord  Keeper  of  our  life !  and  happy  are 
they  that  can,  with  the  Apoftle,J  lay  their  foul  in  pawn  in  the 
hand  of  Jefus,  for  He  is  able  to  keep  that  which  is  committed  in 
pawn  to  Him  againft  that  day.     Then,  Madam,  fo  long  as  this  life 

*  Gen.  iii.  15.  f  Col.  iii.  3.  %  2  Tim.  i.  12. 

1632.]  LETTER  XXVIL  101 

is  not  hurt,  all  other  troubles  are  but  touches  iii  the  heel.  I  trufl: 
ye  will  foon  be  cured.  Ye  know,  Madam,  kings  have  fome  ler- 
vants  in  their  court  that  receive  not  prefent  wages  in  their  hand,  but 
live  upon  their  hopes  :  the  ICing  of  kings  alfo  hath  fervants  in  His 
court  that  for  the  prefent  get  little  or  nothing  but  the  heavy  crofs  of 
Chrift,  troubles  without  and  terrors  within ;  but  they  live  upon 
hope ;  and  when  it  cometh  to  the  parting  of  the  inheritance,  they 
remain  in  the  houfe  as  heirs.  It  is  better  to  be  fo  than  to  get  pre- 
fent payment,  and  a  portion  in  this  life,  an  inheritance  in  this  world 
(God  forgive  me,  that  I  fhould  honour  it  with  the  name  of  an  in- 
heritance, it  is  rather  a  farm-room  !*),  and  then  in  the  end  to  be 
caflen  out  of  God's  houfe,  with  this  word,  "  Ye  have  received 
your  confolation,  ye  will  get  no  more."  Alas !  what  get  they  ? 
The  rich  glutton's  heaven,  f  O  but  our  Lord  maketh  it  a  £\\\yX 
heaven!  "He  fared  well,"  faith  our  Lord,  "and  delicately  every 
day."  O  no  more  ?  a  fdly  heaven  !  Truly  no  more,  except  that 
he  was  clothed  in  purple,  and  that  is  all.  I  perfuade  myfelf, 
Madam,  ye  have  joy  when  ye  think  that  your  Lord  hath  dealt 
more  gracioully  with  your  foul.  Ye  have  gotten  little  in  this  life, 
it  is  true  indeed  :  ye  have  then  the  more  to  crave,  yea,  ye  have  all 
to  crave  ;  for,  except  fome  taftings  of  the  firfl  fruits,  and  fome  kilTes 
of  His  mouth  whom  your  foul  loveth,  ye  get  no  more.  But  I  can- 
not tell  you  what  is  to  come.  Yet  I  may  fpeak  as  our  Lord  doth 
of  it.  The  foundation  of  the  city  is  pure  gold,  clear  as  cryflal ;  the 
twelve  ports  §  are  fet  with  precious  flones  ;  if  orchards  and  rivers 
commend  a  foil  upon  earth,  there  is  a  paradife  there,  wherein  grow- 
eth  the  tree  of  life,  that  beareth  twelve  manner  of  fruits  every  month, 
which  is  feven  fcore  and  four  harvefls  in  the  year  ;  and  there  is 
there  a  pure  river  of  water  of  life,  proceeding  out  of  the  throne 
of  God  and  of  the  Lamb  -,  and  the  city  hath  no  need  of  the  light  of 
the  fun  or  moon,  or  of  a  candle,  for  the  Lord  God  Almighty  and 
the  Lamb  is  the  light  thereof.  Madam,  believe  and  hope  for  this, 
till  ye  fee  and  enjoy.     Jefus  is  faying  in  the  Gofpel,  Come  and  fee  ; 

*  Rented  room,  like  a  tenant's  farm,     f  Luke  xvi.  25.     %  Poor.     §  Gates. 

I02  LETTER  XXVIII.  [1633. 

and  He  is  come  down  in  the  chariot  of  truth,  wherein  He  rideth 
through  the  world,  to  conquer  men's  fouls,*  and  is  now  in  the 
world  faying,  *' Who  will  go  with  Me  ?  will  ye  go  ?  My  Father 
will  make  you  welcome,  and  give  you  houfe-room  ;  for  in  My 
Father's  houfe  are  many  dwelling-places."  Madam,  confent  to  go 
with  Him.  Thus  I  reft,  commending  you  to  God's  deareft  mercy. 
Yours  in  the  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

XXVIII. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure,  after  the  death  of  a  child. 


ADAM, — I  am  afraid  now  (as  many  others  are)  that,  at 
the  fitting  down  of  our  Parliament,  f  our  Lord  Jefus 
and  His  fpoufe  ihall  be  roughly  handled.  And  it  muft 
be  fo,  fince  falfe  and  declining  Scotland,  whom  our  Lord  took  off 
the  dunghill  and  out  of  hell,  and  made  a  fair  bride  to  Himfelf,  hath 
broken  her  faith  to  her  fweet  Huft^and,  and  hath  put  on  the  fore- 
head of  a  whore.  And  therefore  He  faith  He  will  remove.  Would 
God  we  could  ftir  up  ourfelves  to  lay  hold  upon  Him,  who,  being 
highly  provoked  with  the  handling  He  hath  met  with,  is  ready  to 
depart !  Alas  !  we  do  not  importune  Him  by  prayer  and  fupplica- 
tion  to  abide  amongft  us  !  If  we  could  but  weep  upon  Him,  and 
in  the  holy  pertinacity  of  faith  wreftle  with  Him,  and  fay,  "  We 
will  not  let  Thee  go,"  it  may  be  that  then.  He,  who  is  eafy  to  be  in- 
treated,  would  yet,  notwithftanding  of  our  high  provocations,  con- 
defcend  to  ftay  and  feed  among  the  lilies,  till  that  fair  and  defirable 
day  break,  and  the  ihadows  flee  away.  Ah !  what  caufe  of  mourn- 
ing is  there,  when  our  gold  is  become  dim,  and  the  vifage  of  our 

*  Ps.  xlv.  4. 

t  The  Parliament  to  be  held  at  Edinburgh  on  25th  June  of  this  year. 

1633.]  LETTER  XXVIIL  103 

Nazarites,  Ibmetime*  whiter  than  ihow,  is  now  become  blacker  than 
a  coal,  and  Levi's  houfe,  once  comparable  to  fine  gold,  is  now 
changed,  and  become  like  veflels  in  whom  He  hath  no  pleafure ! 
Madam,  think  upon  this,  that  when  our  Lord,  who  hath  His  hand- 
kerchief to  wipe  the  face  of  the  mourners  in  Zion,  fhall  come  to 
wipe  away  all  tears  from  their  eyes.  He  may  wipe  yours  alio,  in  the 
pafling,  amongft  others.  I  am  confident.  Madam,  that  our  Lord 
will  yet  build  a  new  houfe  to  Himfelf,  of  our  reje6ted  and  fcattered 
ftones ,  for  our  Bridegroom  cannot  want  a  wife.  Can  He  live  a 
widower?  Nay,  He  will  embrace  both  us,  the  little  young  fifter, 
and  the  elder  fifter,  the  Church  of  the  Jews ;  and  there  will  yet  be 
a  day  of  it.  And  therefore  we  have  caufe  to  rejoice,  yea,  to  fing  and 
fhout  for  joy.  The  Church  hath  been,  fince  the  world  began,  ever 
hanging  by  a  fmall  thread,  and  all  the  hands  of  hell  and  of  the 
wicked  have  been  drawing  at  the  thread.  But,  God  be  thanked, 
they  only  break  their  arms  by  pulling,  but  the  thread  is  not  broken  ; 
for  the  fweet  fingers  of  Chrift  our  Lord  have  fpun  and  twifted  it. 
Lord,  hold  the  thread  whole  ! 

Madam,  ftir  up  your  hufband  to  lay  hold  upon  the  covenant, 
and  to  do  good.  What  hath  he  to  do  with  the  world .?  It  is  not 
his  inheritance.  Defire  him  to  make  homef  over,  and  put  to  his 
hand  to  lay  one  ffone  or  two  upon  the  wall  of  God's  houfe  before 
he  go  hence.  I  have  heard  alfo.  Madam,  that  your  child  is  re- 
moved ;  but  to  have  or  want  is  beft,  as  He  pleafeth.  Whether  fhe 
be  with  you,  or  in  God's  keeping,  think  it  all  one ;  nay,  think  it  the 
better  of  the  two  by  far  that  fhe  is  with  Him.  I  truft  in  our  Lord 
that  there  is  fomething  laid  up  and  kept  for  you ;  for  our  kind  Lord, 
who  hath  wounded  you,  will  not  be  fo  cruel  as  not  to  allay  the  pain 
of  your  green  wound;  and,  therefore,  claim  Chrift  ftill  as  your 
own,  and  own  Him  as  your  One  thing.  So  refiing,  I  recommend 
your  Ladyfhip,  your  foul  and  fpirit,  in  pawn  to  Him  who  keepeth 
His  Father's  pawns,  and  will  make  an  account  of  them  faithfully, 
even  to  that  faireft  amongft   the  fons   of  men,  our  fweet  Lord 

*  Once  on  a  time.  f  Homewards. 

I04  LETTER  XXIX.  [1633. 

Jefus,  the  fairefl,  the  fweeteft,  the  moft  delicious  Rofe  of  all  His 
Father's  great  field.     The  fmell  of  that  Rofe  perfume  your  foul ! 
Your  Ladyfhip,  in  his  fweeteft  Lord  Jefus, 
Anvvoth,  April  I,  1633.  S.  R. 

XXIX.— i^V  Marion  M'Naught. 


EAR  SISTER, — I  longed  much  to  have  conferred  with 
you  at  this  time.  I  am  grieved  at  anything  in  your 
houfe  that  grieveth  you  -,  and  fhall,  by  my  Lord's  grace, 
fuit*  my  Lord  to  help  you  to  bear  your  burden,  and  to  come  in  be- 
hind you,  and  give  you  and  your  burdens  a  putf  up  the  mountain. 
ICnow  you  not  that  Chrifl  wooeth  His  wife  in  the  furnace.?  "Be- 
hold, I  have  refined  thee,  but  not  with  filver ;  I  have  chofen  thee 
in  the  furnace  of  affliftion."J  He  cafteth  His  love  on  you  when 
you  are  in  the  furnace  of  affliflion.  You  might  indeed  be  cafien 
down  if  He  brought  you  in  and  left  you  there ;  but  when  He  lead- 
eth  you  through  the  waters,  think  ye  not  that  He  has  a  fweet,  foft 
hand .''  You  know  His  love-grip  §  already ;  you  fhall  be  delivered , 
wait  on.  Jefus  will  make  a  road,  and  come  and  fetch  home  the 
captive.  You  fhall  not  die  in  prifon ;  but  your  firokes  are  fuch  as 
were  your  Hufband's,  who  was  wounded  in  the  houfe  of  His 
friends.  Strokes  were  not  newings  ||  to  Him,  and  neither  are  they 
to  you.  But  your  winter  night  is  near  fpent ;  it  is  near-hand  f  the 
dawning.  I  will  fee  you  leap  for  joy.  The  kirk  fhall  be  delivered. 
This  wildernefs  fhall  bud  and  grow  up  like  a  rofe.  Chrifl  got  a 
charter  of  Scotland  from  His  Father ;  and  who  will  bereave  Him  of 
His  heritage,  or  put  our  Redeemer  out  of  His  mailing,*  until  His 

*  Entreat.  f  Pufh.  t  Ifa.  xh'iii.  10. 

§  Grafp,  or  firm  hokl.       ||  News,  or  new  things,     f  Nigh. 
**  Mailing  J  a  farm  ;   fo  called  IVom  mai/y  rent. 

i633-]  LETTER  XXX.  105 

tack  be  run  out  ?  I  muft  have  you  praying  for  me :  I  am  black 
fhamed  for  evermore  now  with  Chrift's  goodnefs;  and  in  private, 
on  the  17th  and  1 8th  of  Auguft,  I  got  a  full  anfwer  of  my  Lord 
to  be  a  graced  minifter,  and  a  chofen  arrow  hidden  in  His  own 
quiver.  But  know  this,  aflurance  is  not  keeped  but  by  watching 
and  prayer ;  and,  therefore,  dear  miftrefs,  help  me.  I  have  gotten 
now  (honour  to  my  Lord  !)  the  gate*  to  open  the  £lote,f  and  fhutj 
the  bar  of  His  door ;  and  I  think  it  eafy  to  get  anything  from  the 
ICing  by  prayer,  and  to  ufe  holy  violence  with  Him.  Chrift  was  in 
Cariphairne§  kirk,  and  opened  the  people's  hearts  wonderfully. 
Jefus  is  looking  up  that  water  ;  ||  and  minting  ^  to  dwell  amongft 
them.  I  would  we  could  give  Him  His  welcome  home  to  the 
moors.  Now  peace  and  grace  be  upon  you  and  all  yours. 
Yours  in  Chrift, 
Anwoth,  Aug.  20,  1633.  S*  R* 

XXX. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — I  determined,  and  was  defirous  alfo,  to  have 
feen  your  ladyfhip,  but  becaufe  of  a  pain  in  my  arm  I 
could  not.  I  know  ye  will  not  impute  it  to  any  un- 
fuitable  forgetfulnefs  of  your  Ladyfhip,  from  whom,  at  my  firft 
entry  to  my  calling  in  this  country  (and  fmce  alfo),  I  received  fuch 
comfort  in  my  affliftion  as  I  truft  in  God  never  to  forget,  and  Ihall 

*  Way.  t  Bolt. 

t  Shut,  or  fhute,  or  fhoot.  Here  it  is  to  pufh  back  the  bar  fo  as  to  open 
the  door. 

§  The  village  and  church  of  Carfphairn  ftood  not  far  from  Kenmure  Caftle, 
and  very  near  Earlfton  and  Knockgray.  If  one  travels  to  it  from  the  fide  of 
Dalmellington,  the  road  is  folitary,  dreary,  bare,  with  fteep,  rocky  hills  on 
either  fide  of  the  glen. 

II  That  river, — the  Ken  (?).  ^  Making  as  if  He  would,  trying. 

io6  LETTER  XXX.  [1633. 

labour  by  His  grace  to  recompenfe  in  the  only  way  poffible  to  me ; 
and  that  is,  by  prefenting  your  foul,  perfon,  houfe,  and  all  your 
necefTities,  in  prayer  to  Him,  whofe  I  hope  you  are,  and  who  is  able 
to  keep  you  till  that  Day  of  Appearance,  and  to  prefent  you  before 
His  face  with  joy. 

I  am  confident  your  Ladyfhip  is  going  forward  in  the  begun 
journey  to  your  Lord  and  Father's  home  and  kingdom.  Howbeit 
ye  want  not  temptations  within  and  without.  And  who  among  the 
faints  hath  ever  taken  that  caille  without  ftroke  of  fword?  the  Chief 
of  the  houfe,  our  Elder  Brother,  our  Lord  Jefus,  not  being  excepted, 
who  won  His  own  houfe  and  home,  due  to  Him  by  birth,  with 
much  blood  and  many  blows.  Your  Ladyfhip  hath  the  more  need 
to  look  to  yourfelf,  becaufe  our  Lord  hath  placed  you  higher  than 
the  reft,  and  your  way  to  heaven  lieth  through  a  more  wild  and 
wafle  wildernefs  than  the  way  of  many  of  your  fellow-travellers, — 
not  only  through  the  midfl  of  this  wood  of  thorns,  the  cumberfome 
world,  but  alfo  through  thefe  dangerous  paths,  the  vain-glory  of  it ; 
the  confideration  whereof  hath  often  moved  me  to  pity  your  foul, 
and  the  foul  of  your  worthy  and  noble  hufband.  And  it  is  more  to 
you  to  win*  heaven,  being  fhips  of  greater  burden,  and  in  the  main 
fea,  than  for  little  vefTels,  that  are  not  fo  much  in  the  mercy  and 
reverencef  of  the  florms,  becaufe  they  may  come  quietly  to  their 
port  by  launching  alongil  the  coaft.  For  the  which  caufe  ye  do 
much,  if  in  the  midft  of  fuch  a  tumult  of  bufmefs,  and  crowd  of 
temptations,  ye  ihall  give  Chrifl  Jefus  His  own  court  and  His  own 
due  place  in  your  foul.  I  know  and  am  perfuaded,  that  that  lovely 
One,  Jefus,  is  dearer  to  you  than  many  kingdoms;  and  that  ye 
efteem  Him  your  Well-beloved,  and  the  Standard-bearer  among 
ten  thoufand.J     And  it  becometh  Him  full  well  to  take  the  place 

*  Reach. 

t  "  Renjerence"  occurs  in  Lets.  Z33  and  298  in  the  fenfe  of  *^  power,"  and 
is  there  fo  explained  by  Jamiefon.  It  would  be  q.d.,  ''  giving  homage  to  the 
ftorms."  A  perfon  ufed  to  fay,  **  I  will  not  be  in  your  reverence;"  />.,  not 
fubmit  to  your  dilation. 

X  Cant.  V.  10. 

1633.]  LETTER  XXX.  107 

and  the  board-head*  in  your  foul  before  all  the  world.  I  knew  and 
iaw  Him  with  you  in  the  furnace  of  affli(5fion ;  for  there  he  wooed 
you  to  Himfelf,  and  chofe  you  to  be  His  ;  and  now  He  craveth 
no  other  hire  of  you  but  your  love,  and  that  He  get  no  caufe  to  be 
jealous  of  you.  And,  therefore,  dear  and  worthy  lady,  be  like  to 
the  frefh  river,  that  keepeth  its  own  frefh  tafle  in  the  fait  fea.  This 
world  is  not  worthy  of  your  foul.  Give  it  not  a  good-day  when 
Chrifl  Cometh  in  competition  with  it.  Be  like  one  of  another 
country.  Home !  and  ftay  not ;  for  the  fun  is  fallen  low,  and  nigh 
the  tops  of  the  mountains,  and  the  fhadows  are  Ifretched  out  in 
great  length.  Linger  not  by  the  way.  The  world  and  fm  would 
train  f  you  on,  and  make  you  turn  afide.  Leave  not  the  way  for 
them;  and  the  Lord  Jefus  be  at  the  voyage ! 

Madam,  many  eyes  are  upon  you,  and  many  would  be  glad 
your  Ladyfhip  fhould  fpillf  a  Chriflian,  and  mar  a  good  profefTor. 
Lord  Jefus,  mar  their  godlefs  defires,  and  keep  the  confcience 
whole  without  a  crack !  If  there  be  a  hole  in  it,  fo  that  it  take  in 
water  at  a  leak,§  it  will  with  difficulty  mend  again.  It  is  a  dainty, 
delicate  creature,  and  a  rare  piece  of  the  workmanftiip  of  your 
Maker ;  and  therefore  deal  gently  with  it,  and  keep  it  entire,  that 
amidft  this  world's  glory  your  Ladyfhip  may  learn  to  entertain 
Chrifl.  And  whatfoever  creature  your  Ladyfhip  findeth  not  to  fmell 
of  Him,  may  it  have  no  better  relifh  to  you  than  the  white  of  an 

Madam,  it  is  a  part  of  the  truth  of  your  profeifion  to  drop 
words  in  the  ears  of  your  noble  huiband  continually,  of  eternity, 
judgment,  death,  hell,  heaven,  the  honourable  profellion,  the  fms 
of  his  father's  houfe.  He  muft  reckon  with  God  for  his  father's 
debt :  forgetting  of  accounts  payeth  no  debt.  Nay,  the  intereft  of 
a  forgotten  bond  runneth  up  with  God  to  intereft  upon  intereff.  I 
knoweth  he  looketh  homeward,  and  loveth  the  truth ;  but  I  pity 
him  with  my  foul  becaufe  of  his  many  temptations.     Satan  layeth 

*  Head  of  the  dinner-table.       f  Draw,  entice;  the  French  *^  trainer." 
X  Spoil.  §  Spelt  ^*  leek"  in  old  editions. 

io8  LETTER  XX XL  [1634. 

upon  men  a  burden  of  cares  above  a  load,*  and  maketh  a  pack- 
horfe  of  men's  fouls  when  they  are  wholly  fet  upon  this  world. 
We  owe  the  devil  no  fuch  fervice.  It  were  wifdom  to  throw  off 
that  load  into  a  mire,  and  caft  all  our  cares  over  upon  God. 

Madam,  think  ye  have  no  child.  Subfcribe  a  bond  to  your 
Lord  that  ihe  fhall  be  His  if  He  take  her ;  and  thanks,  and  praife, 
and  glory  to  His  holy  name  fhall  be  the  interefl  for  a  year's  loan  of 
her.  Look  for  crofTes,  and  while  it  is  fair  weather  mend  the  fails 
of  the  fhip. 

Now,  hoping  your  Ladyfhip  will  pardon  my  tedioufnefs,  I  re- 
commend your  foul  and  perlbn  to  the  grace  and  mercy  of  our  fweet 
Lord  Jefus,  in  whom  I  am. 

Your  Ladyfhip,  at  all  dutiful  obedience  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  No'v.  15,  1633. 

XXXI. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 

ADAM, — Having  received  a  letter  from  fome  of  the 
worthiefl  of  the  miniftry  in  this  kingdom,  the  contents 
whereof  I  am  defired  to  communicate  to  fuch  profes- 
fors  in  thefe  parts  as  I  know  love  the  beauty  of  Zion,  and  are 
aiflifted  to  fee  the  Lord's  vineyard  trodden  under  foot  by  the  wild 
boars  out  of  the  wood,  who  lay  it  wafte,  I  could  not  but  alfo  defire 
your  Ladyfhip's  help  to  join  with  the  reft,  defiring  you  to  impart  it 
to  my  Lord  your  hufband,  and  if  ye  think  it  needful,  I  fhall  write 
to  his  Lordfhip,  as  Mr.  G.  G.f  fhall  advertife  me. 

Know,  therefore,  that  the  beft   afFefted  of  the  miniflry  have 

*  A  burden  above  a  load,  or  a  load  above  a  burden,  is  a  phrafe  for  a  very 
heavy  weight. 

t  Mr  George  Gillefpie;  fee  Let.  144. 

634-]  LETTER  XXX I.  109 

thought  it  convenient  and  necefTary,  at  fuch  a  time  as  this,  that  all 
who  love  the  truth  ihould  join  their  prayers  together,  and  cry  to 
God  with  humiliation  and  fafting.  The  times,  which  are  agreed 
upon,  are  the  two  firft  Sabbaths  of  February  next,  and  the  fix 
days  intervening  betwixt  thefe  Sabbaths,  as  they  may  conveni- 
ently be  had,  and  the  firft  Sabbath  of  every  quarter.  And  the 
caufes,  as  they  are  written  to  me,  are  thefe  : 

1.  Befides  the  diflreffes  of  the  Reformed  churches  abroad,  the 
many  reigning  fms  of  uncleannefs,  ungodlinefs,  and  unrighteoufnefs 
in  this  land,  the  prefent  judgments  on  the  land,  and  many  more 
hanging  over  us,  whereof  few  are  fenfible,  or  yet  know  the  right 
and  true  caufe  of  them. 

2.  The  lamentable  and  pitiful  eftate  of  a  glorious  church  (in  fo 
fhort  a  time,  againft  fo  many  bonds),  in  doftrine,  facrament,  and 
difcipline,  fo  fore  perfecuted,  in  the  perfons  of  faithful  paftors  and 
profefTors,  and  the  door  of  God's  houfe  kept  fo  flrait  by  baftard 
porters,  infomuch  that  worthy  inftruments,  able  for  the  work,  are 
held  at  the  door,  the  rulers  having  turned  over  religion  into  policy, 
and  the  multitude  ready  to  receive  any  religion  that  fhall  be  enjoined 
by  authority. 

3.  In  our  humiliation,  befides  that  we  are  under  a  neceflity  of 
deprecating  God's  wrath,  and  vowing  to  God  fincerely  new  obedi- 
ence, the  weaknefs,  coldnefs,  filence,  and  lukewarmnefs  of  fome  of 
the  befl  of  the  miniftry,  and  the  deadnefs  of  profeffors,  who  have 
fuiFered  the  truth  both  fecretly  to  be  flolen  away,  and  openly  to 
be  plucked  from  us,  would  be  confeffed. 

4.  Atheifm,  idolatry,  profanity,  and  vanity,  fhould  be  confeffed  ; 
our  king's  heart  recommended  to  God  ;  and  God  intreated,  that  He 
would  ftir  up  the  nobles  and  the  people  to  turn  from  their  evil  ways. 

Thus,  Madam,  hoping  that  your  Ladyfhip  will  join  with  others, 
that  fuch  a  work  be  not  flighted,  at  fuch  a  neceflary  time,  when  our 
kirk  is  at  the  overturning,  I  will  promife  to  myfelf  your  help,  as  the 
Lord  in  fecrecy  and  prudence  fhall  enable  you,  that  your  Ladyfhip 
may  rejoice  with  the  Lord's  people,  when  deliverance  fhall  come  ; 
for  true  and  fincere  humiliation  come  always  fpeed  with  God.     And 

no  LETTER  XXX  11.  [1634. 

when  authority,  king,  court,  and  churchmen  oppofe  the  truth,  what 
other  armour  have  we  but  prayer  and  faith  ?  whereby,  if  we  wreftle 
with  Him,  there  is  ground  to  hope  that  thofe  who  would  remove 
the  burdenfome  flone*  out  of  its  place,  ihall  but  hurt  their  back, 
and  the  flone  fhall  not  be  moved,  at  leaft  not  removed. 

Grace,  grace  be  with  you,  from  Him  who  hath  called  you  to 
the  inheritance  of  the  faints  in  light. 

Your  Ladyfhip's  at  all  fubmiiTive  obedience  in  his  fweet  Lord 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  Jan.  23,  1634. 

XXXII.— i^(?r  Marion  M^Naught. 

ISTRESS, — My  love  in  Chrifl  remembered.  I  am  in 
care  and  fear  for  this  work  of  our  Lord's,  now  near 
approaching,  becaufe  of  the  danger  of  the  time  ;  and  I 
dare  not  for  my  foul  be  filent,  to  fee  my  Lord's  houfe  burning,  and 
not  cry,  ^'Fire,  fire ! "  Therefore,  feek  from  our  Lord  wifdom  fpiri- 
tual,  and  not  black  policy,  to  fpeak  with  liberty  our  Lord's  truth. — I 
am  caft  down,  and  would  fain  have  accefs  and  prefence  to  The  King 
that  day,  even  howbeit  I  Ihould  break  up  iron  doors.  I  believe 
you  will  not  forget  me  ;  and  you  will  defire  Jean  Brown,  Thomas 
Carfbn,  and  Marion  Carfon,  to  help  me.  Pray  for  well-cooked 
meat  and  an  heartfomef  Saviour,  with  joy  crying,  "  Welcome  in 
My  Father's  name." 

I  am  confident  Zion  fhall  be  well  ;  the  Bufh  fhall  burn  and 
not  confume,  for  the  good  will  of  Him  that  dwelt  in  the  bufh. 
But  the  Lord  is  making  on  J  a  fire  in  Jerufalem,  and  purpofeth  to 
blow  the  bellows,  and  to  melt  the  tin  and  brafs,  and  bring  out  a 

*  Zech.  xii.  3.        f  Cheerful.        %  Making  on;  putting  the  fuel  in  order. 

1634.]  LETTER  XXX I  I.  iii 

fair  beautiful  bride  out  of  the  furnace,  that  will  be  married  over 
again  upon  the  new  Huiband,  and  fing  as  in  the  days  of  her  youth, 
when  the  contrail  of  marriage  is  written  over  again.  But  I  fear 
the  bride  be  hidden  for  a  time  from  the  dragon  that  purfueth  the 
woman  with  child.  But  what,  howbeit  we  go  and  lurk  in  the 
wildernefs  for  a  time  ?  for  the  Lord  will  take  His  kirk  to  the  wilder- 
nefs,  and  fpeak  to  her  heart. 

Nothing  cafteth  me  down,  but  only  I  fear  the  Lord  will  caft 
down  the  fhepherd's  tents,  and  feed  His  own  in  a  fecret  place.  But 
let  us,  however  matters  frame,*  cafl  over  the  affairs  of  the  bride 
upon  the  Bridegroom  ;  the  government  is  upon  His  fhoulders,  and 
He  dowf  bear  us  all  well  enough.  That  fallen  ftar,  the  prince  of  the 
bottomlefs  pit,  knoweth  it  is  near  the  time  when  he  fhall  be  tor- 
mented ;  and  now  in  his  evening  he  has  gathered  his  armies,  to  win 
one  battle  or  two,  in  the  edge  of  the  evening,  at  the  fun  going  down. 
And  when  our  Lord  has  been  watering  His  vineyards  in  France, 
and  Germany,  and  Bohemia,  how  can  we  think  ourfelves  Chrift's 
filler,  if  we  be  not  like  Him,  and  our  other  great  fifters  ?  I  cannot 
but  think,  feeing  the  ends  of  the  earth  are  given  to  Chrifl::f  (and 
Scotland  is  the  end  of  the  earth,  and  fo  we  are  in  Chrifl's  charter- 
tailzie§),  but  our  Lord  will  keep  His  poiTeflion.  We  fall  by  promife 
and  law  to  Chrift.  He  won  us  with  the  fweat  of  His  brow,  if  I 
may  fay  fo  ;  His  Father  promifed  Him  His  liferent  of  Scotland. 
Glory,  glory  to  our  ICing  !  long  may  He  wear  His  crown.  O 
Lord,  let  us  never  fee  another  ICing  !  O  let  Him  come  down  like 
rain  upon  the  new-mown  grafs  ! 

I  had  you  in  remembrance  on  Saturday  in  the  morning  laft,  in 
a  great  meafure,  and  was  brought,  thrice  on  end,||  in  remembrance 
of  you  in  my  prayer  to  God.     Grace,  grace  be  your  portion. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  March  2,  1634. 

*  Turn  out;  fucceed.  f  Is  able  to.  %  Ps.  ii.  8. 

§  Charter  of  entail.  ||  In  fucceflion. 




XXXIII.— i^cr  Marion  M^Naught. 

ISTRESS,— My  love  in  Chrift  remembered.  Pleafe  you 
underftand,  to  my  grief,  our  Communion  is  delayed  till 
Sabbath  come  eight  days  ;  for  the  laird  and  lady  hath 
earneftly  defired  me  to  delay  it,  becaufe  the  laird  is  fick,  and  he 
fears  he  be  not  able  to  travel,  becaufe  he  has  lately  taken  phyfic. 
The  Lord  blefs  that  work.  Commend  it  to  God  as  you  love  me, 
for  I  love  not  Satan's  thorns  cafl  in  the  Lord's  way.  The  Lord 
rebuke  him.  I  truft  in  God's  mercy,  Satan  has  gotten  but  a  delay, 
but  no  free  difcharge  that  his  kingdom  fhall  not  be  hurt.  Com- 
mend the  laird  to  your  God.  I  pray  you  advertife  your  people, 
that  they  be  not  difappointed  in  coming  here.  Show  fuch  of  them 
as  you  love  in  Chrift,  from  me,  that  Jefus  Chrift  will  be  welcome, 
when  He  comes,  in  that  He  has  fharpened  their  defires  for  eight 
days'  fpace.  Your  daughter  is  well,  I  hope,  every  way.  Forget 
not  God's  kirk  ;  they  are  but  baftards,  and  not  fons  and  daughters, 
that  mourn  not  for  Zion.  Lord  hear  us  !  No  further.  Jefus 
Chrifl  be  with  your  fpirit.  I  fhall  remember  you  and  your  new 
houfe.  Lord  Jefus  go  from  the  one  houfe  to  the  other. 
Yours  at  all  power  in  the  Lord, 

S.  R. 

XXXIV.— i^cr  Marion  M'Naught. 


ELL-BELOVED  SISTER,— My  old  and  dearefl  love  in 
Chrifl  remembered.  Know  that  I  have  been  vifiting 
my  Lady  Kenmure.     Her  child  is  with  the  Lord.     I 

i634-]  LETTER  XXXIV.  113 

entreat  you,  vifit  her,  and  defire  the  good- wife*  of  Barcapple  to 
vifit  her,  and  Kjiockbrecks  (Mr  Gordon),  if  you  fee  him  in  the 
town.  My  Lord  her  hufband  is  abfent,  and  I  think  fhe  will  be 
heavy.  You  know  what  Mr  W.  Dalgleifh  and  I  defired  you  to 
deal  for,  at  my  Lord  Kirkcudbright's  hand.  Send  me  word  if 
you  obtained  anything  at  my  Lord's  hands,  anent  the  giving  up  of 
our  names  to  the  High  Commiffion  ;  for  I  hear  it  is  not  for  nothing 
that  the  Bi(hop  hath  taken  that  courfe.  Our  Lord  knows  beft  what 
is  good  for  an  old  kirk  that  is  fallen  from  her  iirft  love,  and  hath 
forgotten  her  Huiband  days  without  number.  A  trial  is  like  to 
come  on  ;  but  I  am  fure  our  Huibandman  Chrift  fhall  lofe  chafF, 
but  no  corn  at  all.  Yet  there  is  a  dry  wind  coming,  but  neither 
to  fan  nor  to  purge.  Happy  are  they  who  are  not  blown  away 
with  the  chaff,  for  we  will  but  fuffer  temptation  for  ten  days  ;  but 
thofe  who  are  faithful  to  the  death  fhall  receive  the  crown  of  life. 
I  hear  daily  what  hath  been  fpoken  of  myfelf,  moft  unjuftly  and 
fallely;  and  no  marvel, — the  dragon,  with  the  fwing  of  his  tail, 
hath  made  the  third  part  of  the  ftars  to  fall  from  heaven,  and  the 
fallen  ftars  would  have  many  to  fall  with  them.  If  ever  Satan  was 
busy,  now,  when  he  knoweth  his  time  is  fhort,  he  is  bufy.  "  Yet  a 
little  while,  and  He  that  fhall  come  will  come,  and  will  not  tarry." 
I  know,  ere  it  be  long,  the  Lord  fhall  come  and  reddf  all  pleas 
betwixt  us  and  our  enemies.     Now  welcome.  Lord  Jefus,  go  fail. 

Send  me  word  about  Grizel,  your  daughter,  whom  I  remember 
in  Chrift  •,  and  defire  her  to  caft  herfelf  in  His  arms  who  was  born 
of  a  woman,  and,  being  the  Ancient  of  days,  was  made  a  young 
weeping  child.  It  was  not  for  nothing  that  our  brother  Jefus  was 
an  infant.  It  was  that  He  might  pity  infants  of  believers,  who 
were  to  come  out  of  the  womb  into  the  world.  I  believe  our 
Lord  Jefus  fhall  be  waiting  on,  with  mercy,  mercy,  mercy,  to  the 
end  of  that  battle,  and  bring  her  through  with  life  and  peace,  and 

*  Like  **  the  good-man  of  the  houfe,"  Luke  xii.  39 ;  one  of  the  indepen- 
dent yeomanry  of  the  day.  Barcaple  is  in  the  ftewartry  of  Kircudbright,  in 
the  parifh  of  Tongueland. 

t  Settle,  clear  up. 

VOL.  I.  H 

114  LETTER  XXXV.  [1634. 

a  fign  of  God's  favour.  I  will  expeft  advertifement  from  you,  and 
efpecially  if  you  fear  her.  Miflrefs,  you  remember  that  I  faid  to 
you  anent  your  love  to  me  and  my  brother,  begun  in  Chrift ;  you 
know  we  are  here  but  ft  rangers,  and  you  have  not  yet  found  us  a 
dry  well,  as  others  have  been.  Be  not  overcome  of  any  fufpicion. 
I  truft  in  God  that  the  Lord,  who  knit  us  together,  fhall  keep  us 
together.  It  is  time  now  that  the  lambs  of  Jefus  fhould  all  run 
together,  when  the  wolf  is  barking  at  them  ;  yet  I  know,  ere  God's 
bairns  want  a  crofs,  their  love  amongst  themfelves  fhall  be  a  crofs  ; 
but  our  Lord  giveth  love  for  another  end.  I  know  you  will,  with 
love,  cover  infirmities  ;  and  our  Lord  ^ve  you  wifdom  in  all  things. 
I  think  love  hath  broad  fhoulders,  and  will  bear  many  things,  and 
yet  neither  faint  nor  fweat,  nor  fall  under  the  burden. 

Commend  me  to  your  hufband  and  dear  Grizel.  I  think  on 
her.  Lord  Jefus  be  in  the  furnace  with  her,  and  then  fhe  will  but 
fmoke  and  not  burn.  Defire  Mr  Robert*  to  excufe  my  not  feeing 
of  him  at  his  houfe.  I  have  my  own  reafons  therefor.f  Grace, 
mercy,  and  peace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus,  n   -p 

Anwoth,  April  2$,  1634- 

XXX\^. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure,  o?i  the  death  of  a  child. 


ADAM, — All  fubmiilive  and  dutiful  obedience  in  our 
Lord  Jefus  remembered.  I  truft  I  need  not  much  en- 
treat your  Ladyfhip  to  look  to  Him  who  hath  ftricken 
you  at  this  time  -,  but  my  duty,  in  the  memory  of  that  comfort  I 
found  in  your  Ladyfhip's  kindnefs,  when  I  was  no  lefs  heavy  (in  a 
cafe  not  unlike  that),  fpeaketh  to  me  to  fay  fomething  now.     And  I 

*  Mr  Robert  Glendinning,  the  minifter. 

t  For  this;  as  in  our  metre  verfion,  Ps.  cvi.  40,  etc. 

1634.]  LETTER  XXXV.  115 

vvifh  I  could  eafe  your  Ladyfhip,  at  leafl:  with  words.  I  am  per- 
fuaded  your  Phyfician  will  not  flay  you,  but  purge  you,  feeing  He 
calleth  Himfelf  the  Chirurgeon,  who  maketh  the  wound  and  bindeth 
it  up  again  ;  for  to  lance  a  wound  is  not  to  kill,  but  to  cure  the 
patient.*  I  believe  faith  will  teach  you  to  kifs  a  ftriking  Lord  ;  and 
fo  acknowledge  the  fovereignty  of  God  (in  the  death  of  a  child)  to 
be  above  the  power  of  us  mortal  men,  who  may  pluck  up  a  flower 
in  the  bud,  and  not  be  blamed  for  it.  If  our  dear  Lord  pluck  up 
one  of  His  rofes,  and  pull  down  four  and  green  fruit  before  harvefl, 
who  can  challenge  Him  ?  For  He  fendeth  us  to  His  world,  as  men 
to  a  market,  wherein  fome  fl:ay  many  hours,  and  eat  and  drink,  and 
buy  and  fell,  and  pafs  through  the  fair,  till  they  be  weary  ;  and  fuch 
are  thofe  who  live  long  and  get  a  heavy  fill  of  this  life.  And  others 
again  come  flipping  in  to  the  morning  market,  and  do  neither  fit  nor 
fl:and,  nor  buy  nor  fell,  but  look  about  them  a  little,  and  pafs 
prefently  home  again  ;  and  thefe  are  infants  and  young  ones,  who 
end  their  fliort  market  in  the  morning,  and  get  but  a  fliort  view  of 
the  fair.  Our  Lord,  who  hath  numbered  man's  months,  and  fet 
him  bounds  that  he  cannot  pafs,f  hath  written  the  length  of  our 
market,  and  it  is  eafier  to  complain  of  the  decree  than  to  change  it. 
I  verily  believe,  when  I  write  this,  your  Lord  hath  taught  your 
Ladyfliip  to  lay  your  hand  on  your  mouth.  But  I  fliall  be  far  from 
defiring  your  Ladyfliip,  or  any  others,  to  cafl  by  a  crofs,  like  an  old 
ufelefs  bill  that  is  only  for  the  fire  ;  but  rather  would  wifli  each 
crofs  were  looked  in  the  face  feven  times,  and  were  read  over  and 
over  again.  It  is  the  meflenger  of  the  Lord,  and  fpeaks  fomething  ; 
and  the  man  of  underflanding  will  hear  the  rod,  and  Him  that  hath 
appointed  it.  Try  what  is  the  tafl:e  of  the  Lord's  cup,  and  drink 
with  God's  blefling,  that  ye  may  grow  thereby.  I  trufl  in  God, 
whatever  fpeech  it  utter  to  your  foul,  this  is  one  word  in  it, — "  Be- 
hold, blefl^ed  is  the  man  whom  God  correfteth  ;"J  and  that  it  faith 
to  you,  "  Ye  are  from  home  while  here  ;  ye  are  not  of  this  world, 

*  Deut.  xxxii.  39  \   i  Sam.  ii.  6;   Job  v.  18  ;   Hos.  vi.  i. 
tjobxiv.  5.  tjobv.  17. 

1 16  LETTER  XXXV I.  [1634. 

as  your  Redeemer,  Chrifl,  was  not  of  this  world."  There  is  some- 
thing keeping  for  you,  which  is  worth  the  having.  All  that  is  here 
is  condemned  to  die,  to  pafs  away  like  a  fnow-ball  before  a  fummer 
fun  ;  and  fmce  death  took  firfl  pofleffion  of  fomething  of  yours,  it 
hath  been  and  daily  is  creeping  nearer  and  nearer  to  yourfelf,  how- 
beit  with  no  noife  of  feet.  Your  Hufbandman  and  Lord  hath  lopped 
off  fome  branches  already ;  the  tree  itfelf  is  to  be  tranfplanted  to 
the  high  garden.  In  a  good  time  be  it.  Our  Lord  ripen  your 
Ladyfhip.  All  thefe  crofTes  (and  indeed,  when  I  remember  them, 
they  are  heavy  and  many, — peace,  peace  be  the  end  of  them  !)  are 
to  make  you  white  and  ripe  for  the  Lord's  harvefl-hook.  I  have 
feen  the  Lord  weaning  you  from  the  breafls  of  this  world.  It  was 
never  His  mind  it  fhould  be  your  patrimony  ;  and  God  be  thanked 
for  that.  Ye  look  the  liker  one  of  the  heirs.  Let  the  moveables 
go  ;  why  not  ?  They  are  not  yours.  Fallen  your  grips*  upon 
the  heritage  ;  and  our  Lord  Jefus  make  the  charters  fure,  and  ^ve 
your  Ladyfhip  to  grow  as  a  palm-tree  on  God's  mount  Zion  ;  how- 
beit  fhaken  with  winds,  yet  the  root  is  fail:.  This  is  all  I  can  do, 
to  recommend  your  cafe  to  your  Lord,  who  hath  you  written  upon 
the  palms  of  His  hand.  If  I  were  able  to  do  more,  your  Ladyfhip 
may  believe  me  that  gladly  I  would.  I  truft  fhortly  to  fee  your 
Ladyfhip.  Now  He  who  hath  called  you,  confirm  and  Aablifh  your 
heart  in  grace  unto  the  Day  of  the  Liberty  of  the  Sons  of  God. 
Your  Ladyfhip  at  all  fubmifTive  obedience  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 
Anwoth,  April  2<),  1634.  S.  R. 

XXXVI.— i^or  Marion  M^Naught. 

ELL-BELOVED  MISTRESS,— My  love  in  Chrift  re- 
membered. I  hear  this  day  your  town  is  to  choofe  a 
commifTioner  for  the  Parliament ;  and  I  was  written  to 

*  Firm  grafp. 

1634.]  LETTER  XX XV  11.  117 

from  Edinburgh,  to  fee  that  good  men  fhould  be  chofen  in  your 
bounds.  And  I  have  heard  this  day  that  Robert  Glendoning  or 
John  Ewart  look  to  be  chofen.  I  befeech  you  fee  this  be  not.  The 
Lord's  caufe  craveth  other  witnefFes  to  fpeak  for  Him  than  fuch 
men  ;  and,  therefore,  let  it  not  be  faid  that  Kirkcudbright,  which  is 
fpoken  of  in  this  kingdom  for  their  religion,  hath  fent  a  man  to  be 
their  mouth  that  will  fpeak  againft  Chrifl.  Such  a  time  as  this  will 
not  fall  out  once  in  half  an  age.  I  would  intreat  your  hufband  to 
take  it  upon  him.  It  is  an  honourable  and  neceffary  fervice  for 
Chrift ;  and  ihew  him  that  I  wrote  unto  you  for  that  effe(ft.  I  fear 
William  Glendoning  hath  not  fkill  and  authority.  I  am  in  great 
heavinefs.  Pray  for  me,  for  we  muft  take  our  life  in  our  hand  in 
this  ill  time.  Let  us  flir  up  ourfelves,  to  lay  our  Lord's  bride  and 
her  wrongs  before  our  Hufband  and  Lord.  Lord  Jefus  be  with 
your  fpirit. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  May  20. 

XXXVIL — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 



as  I  call  to  mind  the  comforts  that  I  myfelf,  a  poor 
friendlefs  Granger,  received  from  your  Ladyihip  here 
in  a  flrange  part  of  the  country,  when  my  Lord  took  from  me  the 
delight  of  mine  eyes,*  as  the  Word  fpeaketh  (which  wound  is  not 
yet  fully  healed  and  cured),  I  truft  your  Lord  fhall  remember  that, 
and  give  you  comfort  now  at  fuch  a  time  as  this,  wherein  your 
deareil   Lord   hath   made   you   a  widow,  that    ye  may  be  a  free 

*  Ezek.  xxiv.  16. 

ii8  LETTER  XXXVII.  [1634. 

woman  for  Chrift,  who  is  now  fuiting  for  marriage-love  of  you. 
And  therefore,  fmce  you  lie  alone  in  your  bed,  let  Chrifl  be  as  a 
bundle  of  myrrh,  to  fleep  and  lie  all  the  night  betwixt  your  breafts,* 
and  then  your  bed  is  better  filled  than  before.  And  feeing,  amongft 
all  croffes  fpoken  of  in  our  Lord's  Word,  this  giveth  you  a  parti- 
cular right  to  make  God  your  Hufband  (which  was  not  fo  yours 
while  your  hufband  was  alive),  read  God's  mercy  out  of  this 
vifitation.  And  albeit  I  muft  out  of  fome  experience  fay,  the 
mourning  for  the  huiband  of  your  youth  be,  by  God's  own  mouth, 
the  heaviefl  worldly  forrow  ;f  and  though  this  be  the  weightielf 
burden  that  ever  lay  upon  your  back ;  yet  ye  know  (when  the  fields 
are  emptied  and  your  hufband  now  afleep  in  the  Lord),  if  ye  fhall 
wait  upon  Him  who  hideth  His  face  for  a  while,  that  it  lieth  upon 
God's  honour  and  truth  to  fill  the  field,  and  to  be  a  Hufband  to  the 
widow.  See  and  confider  then  what  ye  have  lofi,  and  how  little  it 
is.  Therefore,  Madam,  let  me  intreat  you,  in  the  bowels  of  Chrift 
Jefus,  and  by  the  comforts  of  His  Spirit,  and  your  appearance 
before  Him,  let  God,  and  men,  and  angels  now  fee  what  is  in 
you.  The  Lord  hath  pierced  the  vefTel ;  it  will  be  known  whether 
there  be  in  it  wine  or  water.  Let  your  faith  and  patience  be  feen, 
that  it  may  be  known  your  only  beloved  firfl  and  laft  hath  been 
Chrifi.  And,  therefore,  now  ware  J  your  whole  love  upon  Him  ; 
He  alone  is  a  luitable  obje6l  for  your  love  and  all  the  afFeftions  of 
your  foul.  God  hath  dried  up  one  channel  of  your  love  by  the 
removal  of  your  hufband.  Let  now  that  fpeat§  run  upon  Chrift. 
Your  Lord  and  lover  hath  gracioufly  taken  out  your  hufband's 
name  and  your  name  out  of  the  fummonfes  that  are  raifed  at  the 
inftance  of  the  terrible  fm-revenging  Judge  of  the  world  againft  the 
houfe  of  the  Kenmure.  And  I  dare  fay  that  God's  hammering  of 
you  from  your  youth  is  only  to  make  you  a  fair  carved  ftone  in  the 
high  upper  temple  of  the  New  Jerufalem.  Your  Lord  never 
thought  this  world's  vain  painted  glory  a  gift  worthy  of  you  ;  and 

*  Cant.  i.  13.  t  Joel  '•  8.  +  To  ^uare,  is  to  expend. 

§  Flood;  often  written _>$>«//.     It  is  the  Celtic ^<?/W,  a  great  river-flood. 

1634.]  LETTER  XXXV  11.  119 

therefore  would  not  bellow  it  on  you,  becaufe  He  is  to  propine* 
you  with  a  better  portion.  Let  the  moveables  go  ;  the  inheritance 
is  yours.  Ye  are  a  child  of  the  houfe,  and  joy  is  laid  up  for  you  ; 
it  is  long  in  coming,  but  not  the  worfe  for  that.  I  am  now  expell- 
ing to  fee,  and  that  with  joy  and  comfort,  that  which  I  hoped  of 
you  fmce  I  knew  you  fully,  even  that  ye  have  laid  fuch  flrength 
upon  the  Holy  One  of  Ifrael,  that  ye  defy  troubles,  and  that  your 
foul  is  a  caftle  that  may  be  befieged,  but  cannot  be  taken.  What 
have  ye  to  do  here  ?  This  world  never  looked  like  a  friend  upon 
you.  Ye  owe  it  little  love.  It  looked  ever  four-like  upon  you. 
Howbeit  ye  ihould  woo  it,  it  will  not  match  with  you ;  and 
therefore  never  feek  warm  fire  under  cold  ice.  This  is  not  a  field 
where  your  happinefs  groweth ;  it  is  up  above,  where  there  are  a 
great  multitude,  which  no  man  can  number,  of  all  nations,  and 
kindreds,  and  people,  and  tongues,  ilanding  before  the  throne  and 
before  the  Lamb,  clothed  with  white  robes,  and  palms  in  their 
hands.f  What  ye  could  never  get  here  ye  fhall  find  there.  And 
withall  confider  how  in  all  thefe  trials  (and  truly  they  have  been 
many)  your  Lord  hath  been  loofmg  you  at  the  root  from  perifhing 
things,  and  hunting  after  you  to  grip  J  your  foul.  Madam,  for  the 
Son  of  God's  fake,  let  Him  not  mifs  His  grip,:}:  but  flay  and  abide 
in  the  love  of  God,  as  Jude  faith.  § 

Now,  Madam,  I  hope  your  Ladyihip  will  take  thefe  lines  in  good 
part  ;  and  wherein  I  have  fallen  fhort  and  failed  to  your  Ladyihip, 
in  not  evidencing  what  I  was  obliged  to  you  more-than-undeferved 
love  and  refpe6l,  I  requefl  for  a  full  pardon  for  it.  Again,  my 
dear  and  noble  lady,  let  me  befeech  you  to  lift  up  your  head,  for 
the  day  of  your  redemption  draweth  near.  And  remember,  that 
fiar  that  fhined  in  Galloway  is  now  fhining  in  another  world.  Now 
I  pray  that  God  may  anfwer,  in  His  own  flyle,  to  your  foul,  and  that 
He  may  be  to  you  the  God  of  all  confolations.  Thus  I  remain, 
Your  Ladyfhip's  at  all  dutiful  obedience  in  the  Lord, 

Anwoth,  Sept.  14,  1634.  S.  R. 

*  Prefent.         f  R^v.  vi".  9.         %  Take  firm  hold  of.  §  Jude  ver.  21. 

120  LETTER  XXXVIIL  [1634. 

XXXyill.—To  Marion  M^Naught. 



ISTRESS, — My  dearefl  love  in  Chrifl  remembered.  I 
entreat  you  charge  your  foul  to  return  to  reft,  and  to 
glorify  your  dearefl  Lord  in  believing ;  and  know  that 
for  the  good- will  of  Him  that  dwelleth  in  the  bufh,  the  burning  kirk 
Ihall  not  be  confumed  to  afhes  -,  but  "  BleiTmg  fhall  come  on  the 
head  of  Jofeph,  and  upon  the  top  of  the  head  of  him  that  was 
feparate  from  his  brethren."*  And  are  not  the  faints  feparate  from 
their  brethren,  and  fold  and  hated?  "  For  the  archers  have  forely 
grieved  Jofeph,  and  fhot  at  him  and  hated  him  •,  but  his  bow  abode 
in  ftrength,  and  the  arms  of  his  hands  were  made  ftrong  by  the 
hands  of  the  mighty  God  of  Jacob."f  From  Him  is  the  Shepherd 
and  the  Stone  of  Ifrael.  The  Stone  of  Ifrael  fhall  not  be  broken  in 
pieces  ;  it  is  hammered  upon  by  the  children  of  this  world,  and  we 
fhall  live  and  not  die.  Our  Lord  hath  done  all  this,  to  fee  if  we  will 
believe,  and  not  give  over  ;  and  I  am  perfuaded  you  mufl  of  neces- 
iity  flick  by  your  work.  The  eye  of  Chrifl  hath  been  upon  all  this 
bufmefs  ;  and  He  taketh  good  heed  to  who  is  for  Him,  and  who  is 
againfl  Him.  Let  us  do  our  part,  as  we  would  be  approved  of 
Chrifl.  The  Son  of  God  is  near  to  His  enemies.  If  they  were 
not  deaf,  they  may  hear  the  dinn  of  His  feet ;  and  He  will  come 
with  a  ftart  upon  His  weeping  bairns,  and  take  them  on  His  knee, 
and  lay  their  head  in  His  bofom,  and  dry  their  watery  eyes.  And 
this  day  is  fafl  coming.  "  Yet  a  little  time,  and  the  vifion  will  fpeak, 
it  will  not  tarry."J  Thefe  queftions  betwixt  us  and  our  adverfaries 
will  all  be  decided  in  yonder  day,  when  the  Son  of  God  fhall  come, 
and  redd  all  pleas  ;  §  and  it  will  be  feen  whether  we  or  they  have 

*  Deut.  xxxiii.  16.  f  Gen.  xlix.  23,  24.  ;  Hab.  ii.  .3. 

§  Settle  all  difputed  cafes. 

1634-]  LETTER  XXXVIII.  121 

been  for  Chrift,  and  who  have  been  pleading  for  Baal.  It  is  not 
known  what  we  are  now  ;  but  when  our  Life  ihall  appear  in  glory, 
then  we  ihall  fee  who  laughs  faftefl  that  day.  Therefore,  we  muft 
poflefs  our  fouls  in  patience,  and  go  into  our  chamber  and  reft, 
whill*  the  indignation  be  paft.  We  fhall  not  weep  long  when  our 
Lord  fhall  take  us  up,  in  the  day  that  He  gathereth  His  jewels. 
"  They  that  feared  the  Lord  fpoke  often  one  to  another,  and  the 
Lord  hearkened  and  heard  it,  and  a  book  of  remembrance  was 
written  before  Him,  for  them  that  feared  the  Lord,  and  thought 
upon  His  name."f  I  fhall  never  be  of  another  faith,  but  that  our 
Lord  is  heating  a  furnace  for  the  enemies  of  His  kirk  in  Scotland. 
It  is  true  the  fpoufe  of  Chrift  hath  played  the  harlot,  and  hath  left 
her  iirft  Hufband,  and  the  enemies  think  they  offend  not,  for  we 
have  fmned  againft  the  Lord  ;  but  they  fhall  get  the  devil  to  their 
thanks.  The  rod  fhall  be  caft  into  the  fire,  that  we  may  fmg  as  in 
the  days  of  our  youth.  My  dear  friend,  therefore,  lay  down  your 
head  upon  Chrift's  breaft.  Weep  not ;  the  Lion  of  the  tribe  of 
Judah  will  arife.  The  fun  is  gone  down  upon  the  prophets,  and 
our  gold  is  become  dim,  and  the  Lord  feedeth  His  people  with 
waters  of  gall  and  wormwood  ;  yet  Chrift  ftandeth  but  behind  the 
wall.  His  bowels  are  moved  for  Scotland.  He  waiteth,  as  Ifaiah 
faith,  that  He  may  fhow  mercy.  If  we  could  go  home,  and  take 
our  brethren  with  us,  weeping  with  our  face  towards  Zion,  afking 
the  way  thitherward.  He  would  bring  back  our  captivity.  We 
may  not  think  that  God  has  no  care  of  His  honour,  while  men 
tread  it  under  their  feet  ;  He  will  cloth  Himfelf  with  vengeance,  as 
with  a  cloak,  and  appear  againft  our  enemies  for  our  deliverance. 
Ye  were  never  yet  beguiled,  and  God  will  not  now  begin  with  you. 
Wreftle  ftill  with  the  angel  of  the  covenant,  and  you  fhall  get  the 
blefling.     Fight !  He  delighteth  to  be  overcome  by  wreftling. 

Commend  me  to  Grizel.  Defire  her  to  learn  to  know  the  ad- 
verfaries  of  the  Lord,  and  to  take  them  as  her  adverfaries,  and  to 
learn  to  know  the  right  gate  J  into  the  Son  of  God.    O  but  acquaint- 

*  Till.  t  Mai.  iii.  16.  %  Way  to  go  to. 

122  LETTER  XXXIX.  [1634. 

ance  with  the  Son  of  God,  to  fay,  "  My  Well-beloved  is  mine,  and 
I  am  His,"  is  a  fweet  and  glorious  courfe  of  life,  that  none  know 
but  thofe  who  are  fealed  and  marked  in  the  forehead  with  Chrift's 
mark,  and  the  new  name,  that  Chrifl  writeth  upon  His  own. 
Grace,  grace,  and  mercy  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  Sept,  ^Sy  1634. 

XXXIX. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 

I  ADAM, — All  dutiful  obedience  in  our  Lord  remembered. 
I  know  ye  are  now  near  one  of  thofe  ftraits  in  which 
ye  have  been  before.  But  becaufe  your  outward  com- 
forts are  fewer,  I  pray  Him,  whofe  ye  are,  to  fupply  what  ye  want 
another  way.  For  howbeit  we  cannot  win*  to  the  bottom  of  His 
wife  providence,  who  ruleth  all  •,  yet  it  is  certain  this  is  not  only  good 
which  the  Almighty  hath  done,  but  it  is  beft.  He  hath  reckoned 
all  your  Heps  to  heaven-,  and  if  your  Ladyfhip  were  through  this 
water,  there  are  the  fewer  behind ;  and  if  this  were  the  laft,  I  hope 
your  Ladyfhip  hath  learned  by  on-waiting  to  make  your  acquaintance 
with  death,  which  being  to  the  Lord,  the  woman's  feed,  Jefus,  only 
a  bloody  heel  and  not  a  broken  head,f  cannot  be  ill  to  His  friends, 
who  get  far  lefs  of  death  than  Himfelf.  Therefore,  Madam,  fee- 
ing ye  know  not  but  the  journey  is  ended,  and  ye  are  come  to  the 
water-fide,  in  God's  wifdom  look  all  your  papers  and  your  counts, 
and  whether  ye  be  ready  to  receive  the  kingdom  of  heaven  as  a  little 
child,  in  whom  there  is  little  haughtinefs  and  much  humility.  I 
would  be  far  from  discouraging  your  Ladyfhip ;  but  there  is  an  ab- 
folute  neceffity  that,  near  eternity,  we  look  ere  we  leap,  feeing  no 

*  Get  at.  t  Gen.  iii.  15. 

1634.]  LETTER  XXX IX.  123 

man  winneth  back  again  to  mend  his  leap.  I  am  confident  your 
Ladyfhip  thinketh  often  upon  it,  and  that  your  old  Guide  fhall  go 
before  you  and  take  your  hand.  His  love  to  you  will  not  grow 
four,  nor  wear  out  of  date,  as  the  love  of  men,  which  groweth  old 
and  gray-haired  often  before  themfelves.  Ye  have  fo  much  the 
more  reafon  to  love  a  better  life  than  this,  becaufe  this  world 
hath  been  to  you  a  cold  fire,  with  little  heat  to  the  body,  and  as 
little  light,  and  much  fmoke  to  hurt  the  eyes.  But,  Madam,  your 
Lord  would  have  you  thinking  it  but  dry  breads,  full  of  wind  and 
empty  of  food.  In  this  late  vifitation  that  hath  befallen  your  Lady- 
fhip, ye  have  feen  God's  love  and  care,  in  fuch  a  meafure  that  I 
thought  our  Lord  brake  the  fharp  point  off  the  crofs,  and  made  us 
and  your  Ladyfhip  fee  Chrift  take  poffefTion  and  infeftment  upon 
earth,  of  him  who  is  now  reigning  and  triumphing  with  the  hundred 
forty  and  four  thoufand  who  ftand  with  the  Lamb  on  Mount  Zion. 
I  know  the  fweetefl  of  it  is  bitter  to  you ;  but  your  Lord  will  not  ^ve 
you  painted  crofles.  He  pareth  not  all  the  bitternefs  from  the  crofs, 
neither  taketh  He  the  fharp  edge  quite  from  it ;  then  *  it  fhould  be 
of  your  waling f  and  not  of  His,  which  fhould  have  as  little  reason 
in  it  as  it  ihould  have  profit  for  us.  Only,  Madam,  God  commandeth 
you  now  to  believe  and  cafl  anchor  in  the  dark  night,  and  climb  up 
the  mountain.  He  who  hath  called  you,  eftablifh  you  and  confirm 
you  to  the  end. 

I  had  a  purpofe  to  have  vifited  your  Ladyfhip  -,  but  when  I 
thought  better  upon  it,  the  truth  is,  I  cannot  fee  what  my  company 
would  profit  you ;  and  this  hath  broken  off  my  purpofe,  and  no 
other  thing.  I  know  many  honourable  friends  and  worthy  pro- 
fefibrs  will  fee  your  Ladyfhip,  and  that  the  Son  of  God  is  with  you, 
to  whofe  love  and  mercy,  from  my  foul,  I  recommend  your  Lady- 
fhip, and  remain, 

Your  Ladyfhip's  at  all  dutiful  obedience  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Anwoth,  aw.  29,  1634. 

*■  In  that  cafe.  f  Choofmg,  felecting. 

24  LETTER  XL.  [1634. 

XL. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — My  humble  obedience  in  the  Lord  remembered. 
Know  it  hath  pleafed  the  Lord  to  let  me  fee,  by  all  ap- 
pearance, that  my  labours  in  God's  houfe  here  are  at 
an  end ;  and  I  muft  now  learn  to  fuffer,  in  the  which  I  am  a  dull 
fcholar.  By  a  flrange  providence,  fome  of  my  papers,  anent  the 
corruptions  of  this  time,  are  come  to  the  King's  hand.  I  know,  by 
the  wife  and  well-afFe6led  I  fhall  be  cenfured  as  not  wife  nor  circum- 
fpecH:  enough ;  but  it  is  ordinary,  that  that  fhould  be  a  part  of  the  crofs 
of  thofe  who  fufFer  for  Him.  Yet  I  love  and  pardon  the  inflrument ; 
I  would  commit  my  life  to  him,  howbeit  by  him  this  hath  befallen 
me.  But  I  look  higher  than  to  him.  I  make  no  queflion  of  your 
Ladyfhip's  love  and  care  to  do  what  ye  can  for  my  help,  and  am 
perfuaded  that,  in  my  adverfities,  your  Ladyfhip  will  wifh  me  well. 
I  feek  no  other  thing  but  that  my  Lord  may  be  honoured  by  me  in 
^ving  a  teflimony.  I  was  willing  to  do  Him  more  fervice;  but 
feeing  He  will  have  no  more  of  my  labours,  and  this  land  will  thruft 
me  out,  I  pray  for  grace  to  learn  to  be  acquaint  with  milery,  if  I 
may  ^ve  fo  rough  a  name  to  fuch  a  mark  of  thofe  who  fhall  be 
crowned  with  Chrift.  And  howbeit  I  will  poffibly  prove  a  faint- 
hearted, unwife  man  in  that,  yet  I  dare  fay  I  intend  otherwife;  and 
I  defire  not  to  go  on  the  lee-fide  or  funny  fide  of  religion,  or  to 
put  truth  betwixt  me  and  a  florm:  my  Saviour  did  not  fo  for 
me,  who  in  His  fufFering  took  the  windy  fide  of  the  hill.  No 
farther;  but  the  Son  of  God  be  with  you. 

Your  Ladyfhip's  in  the  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

AnwoTH,  Dec.  5,  1 634' 

634-]  LETTER  XLL  125 

^lA.—For  Marion  M'Naught. 


ELL-BELOVED  SISTER,— My  love  in  Chrift  remem- 
bered. I  hear  of  good  news  anent  our  kirk  ;  but  I 
fear  that  our  King  will  not  be  refifted,  and  therefore 
let  us  not  be  fecure  and  carelefs.  I  do  wonder  if  this  kirk  come 
not  through  our  Lord's  fan,  fmce  there  is  fo  much  chafFin  it ;  how- 
beit  I  perfuade  myfelf,  the  Son  of  God's  wheat  will  not  be  blown 
away.  Let  us  be  putting  on  God's  armour,  and  be  ftrong  in  the 
Lord.  If  the  devil  and  Zion's  enemies  flrike  a  hole  in  that  armour, 
let  our  Lord  fee  to  that  -, — let  us  put  it  on,  and  ftand.  We  have 
Jefus  on  our  fide  ;  and  they  are  not  worthy  fuch  a  Captain,  who 
would  not  take  a  blow,  at  His  back.  We  are  in  fight  of  His  colours  -, 
His  banner  over  us  is  love ;  look  up  to  that  white  banner,  and  (land, 
I  perfuade  you,  in  the  Lord  of  viflory. 

My  brother  writeth  to  me  of  your  heavinefs,  and  of  temptations 
that  prefs  you  fore.  I  am  content  it  be  fo  :  you  bear  about  with 
you  the  mark  of  the  Lord  Jefus.  So  it  was  with  the  Lord's  apoAle, 
when  he  was  to  come  with  the  Gofpel  to  Macedonia :  *  his  flefh  had 
no  refl ;  he  was  troubled  on  every  fide,  and  knew  not  what  fide  to 
turn  him  unto  ;  without  were  fightings,  and  within  were  fears.  In 
the  great  work  of  our  redemption,  your  lovely,  beautiful,  and  glo- 
rious Friend  and  Well-beloved  Jefus,  was  brought  to  tears  and 
ftrong  cries  ;  fo  as  His  face  was  wet  with  tears  and  blood,  arifing 
from  a  holy  fear  and  the  weight  of  the  curfe.  Take  a  drink  of  the 
Son  of  God's  cup,  and  love  it  the  better  that  He  drank  of  it  before 
you.  There  is  no  poifon  in  it.  I  wonder  many  times  that  ever  a 
child  of  God  fhould  have  a  fad  heart,  confidering  what  their  Lord 
is  preparing  for  them. 

*  2  Cor.  vii.  5. 

126  LETTER  XLL  [1634. 

Is  your  mind  troubled  anent  that  bufinefs  that  we  have  now  in 
hand  in  Edinburgh  ?*  I  truft  in  my  Lord,  the  Lord  fhall  in  the 
end  give  to  you  your  heart's  defire  ;  even  howbeit  the  bufmefs 
frame f  not,  the  Lord  fhall  feed  your  foul,  and  all  the  hungry  fouls 
in  that  town.  Therefore  I  requeft  you  in  the  Lord,  pray  for  a  fub- 
miiTive  will,  and  pray  as  your  Lord  Jefus  bids  you,  "  Thy  will  be 
done  on  earth,  as  it  is  in  heaven."  And  let  it  be  that  your  faith  be 
brangledj  with  temptations,  believe  ye  that  there  is  a  tree  in  our 
Lord's  garden  that  is  not  often  fhaken  with  wind  from  all  the  four 
airts  ?§  Surely  there  is  none.  Rebuke  your  foul,  as  the  Lord's 
prophet  doth  :  **  Why  art  thou  cafl  down,  O  my  foul  ?  why  art 
thou  difquieted  within  me  ?"||  That  was  the  word  of  a  man  who 
was  at  the  very  overgoing  of  the  brae^I  and  mountain  ;  but  God 
held  a  grip  of  him.  Swim  through  your  temptations  and  troubles 
to  be  at  that  lovely,  amiable  perfon,  Jefus,  to  whom  your  foul  is 
dear.  In  your  temptations  run  to  the  promifes  :  they  be  our  Lord's 
branches  hanging  over  the  water,  that  our  Lord's  filly,  half-drowned 
children  may  take  a  grip  of  them  ;  if  you  let  that  grip  go,  you  will 
fall  to  the  ground.  Are  you  troubled  with  the  cafe  of  God's 
kirk  ?  Our  Lord  will  evermore  have  her  betwixt  the  fmking  and 
the  fwimming.  He  will  have  her  going  through  a  thoufand  deaths, 
and  through  hell,  as  a  cripple  woman,  halting,  and  wanting  the 
power  of  her  one  fide,**  that  God  may  be  her  ftaff.  That  broken 
fhip  will  come  to  land,  becaufe  Jefus  is  the  pilot.  Faint  not ;  you 
fhall  fee  the  falvation  of  God, — elfe  fay,  that  God  never  fpake  His 
word  by  my  mouth  ;  and  I  had  rather  never  have  been  born,  ere 
it  were  fo  with  me.  But  my  Lord  hath  fealed  me.  I  dare  not  deny 
I  have  alfo  been  in  heavinefs  fince  I  came  from  you,  fearing  for  my 
unthankfulnefs  that  I  be  deferted.  But  the  Lord  will  be  kind  to 
me,  whether  I  will  or  not.    I  repofe  thatff  much  in  His  rich  grace, 

*  Referring  to  the  efforts   then  making  by  feveral   eminent  Prefbylerian 
minifters,  to  obtain  redrefs  from  grievances  inflicted  by  the  prelatic  party, 
t  Yet  even  if  it  turn  out  not  fo  (as  in  Let.  187);  fucceed. 
X  Shaken.  §  Quarters  of  the  heavens.  ||  Ps.  xlii.  11. 

^  Hill-fide.  **  Micah  iv.  6,  7.  tt  So  much. 

1634.]  LETTER  XLL  127 

that  He  will  be  loath  to  change  upon  me.     As  you  love  me,  pray 
for  me  in  this  particular. 

After  advifmg  with  Carletoun,  I  have  written  to  Mr  David 
Dicklbn  anent  Mr  Hugh  M'Kail,*  and  defired  him  to  write  his  mind 
to  Carletoun,  and  Carletoun  to  Edinburgh,  that  they  may  particu- 
larly remember  Mr  Hugh  to  the  Lord  ;  and  I  happened  upon  a 
convenient  trufty  bearer  by  God's  wonderful  providence.  No 
further.  I  recommend  you  to  the  Lord's  grace,  and  your  hufband 
and  children.  The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 
Yours  in  the  Lord, 

S.  R. 
Edinburgh,  1634. 

P.S. — Mistress, — I  had  not  time  to  give  my  advice  to  your 
daughter  Grizel  ;  you  fhall  carry  my  words  therefore  to  her.  Show 
her  now,  that  in  refpeft  of  her  tender  age,  ihe  is  in  a  manner  as  clean 
paper,  ready  to  receive  either  good  or  ill  ;  and  that  it  were  a  fweet 
and  glorious  thing  for  her  to  give  herfelf  up  to  Chrifl,  that  He  may 
write  upon  her  His  Father's  name,  and  His  own  new  name.  And 
defire  her  to  acquaint  herfelf  with  the  book  of  God  ;  the  promifes 
that  our  Lord  writes  upon  His  own,  and  performeth  in  them  and  for 
them,  are  contained  there.  I  perfuade  you,  when  I  think  that  fhe  is 
in  the  company  of  fuch  parents,  and  hath  occafion  to  learn  Chrift,  I 
think  Chrifl  is  wooing  her  foul ;  and  I  pray  God  fhe  may  not  refufe 
fuch  a  hufband.  And  therefore  I  charge  her,  and  befeech  her  by 
the  mercies  of  God,  by  the  wounds  and  blood  of  Him  who  died 
for  her,  by  the  word  of  truth,  which  fhe  heareth,  and  can  read, 
by  the  coming  of  the  Son  of  God  to  judge  the  world,  that  fhe 
would  fulfil  your  joy,  and  learn  Chrifl,  and  walk  in  Chrifl.  She 
fhall  think  this  the  truth  of  God  many  years  after  this  ;  and  I  will 
promife  to  myfelf,  in  refpeft  of  the  beginnings  that  I  have  feen, 
that  fhe  fhall  give  herfelf  to  Him  that  gave  Himfelf  for  her.  Let 
her  begin  at  prayer  ;  for  if  fhe  remember  her  Creator  in  the  days 

*  See  Let.  71. 

128  LETTER  XL  11.  [1634. 

of  her  youth,  He  will  claim  kindnefs  to  her  in  her  old  age.  It  fhall 
be  a  part  of  my  prayers,  that  this  may  be  efFeftual  in  her,  by  Him 
who  is  able  to  do  exceeding  abundantly,  to  whofe  grace  again  I 
recommend  you,  and  her,  and  all  yours. 

XLII. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — The  caufe  of  my  not  writing  to  your  Ladyfhip 
was  not  my  forgetfulnefs  of  you,  but  the  want  of  the 
opportunity  of  a  convenient  bearer  ;  for  I  am  under 
more  than  a  fimple  obligation  to  be  kind  (on  paper,  at  leaft)  to 
your  Ladyfhip.  I  blefs  our  Lord,  through  Chrifl,  who  hath 
brought  you  home  again  to  your  own  country  from  that  place,* 
where  ye  have  feen  with  your  eyes  that  which  our  Lord's  truth 
taught  you  before,  to  wit,  that  worldly  glory  is  nothing  but  a  vapour, 
a  fhadow,  the  foam  of  the  water,  or  fomething  lefs  and  lighter,  even 
nothing  ;  and  that  our  Lord  hath  not  without  caufe  faid  in  His 
Word,  "The  countenance,"  or  fafhion,  *'of  this  world  pafTeth 
away,"f — in  which  place  our  Lord  compareth  it  to  an  image  in  a 
looking-glafs,  for  it  is  the  looking-glafs  of  Adam's  fons.  Some 
come  to  the  glafs,  and  fee  in  it  the  pidlure  of  honour, — and  but  a 
picture  indeed,  for  true  honour  is  to  be  great  in  the  fight  of  God  ; 
and  others  fee  in  it  the  fhadow  of  riches, — and  but  a  fhadow  indeed, 
for  durable  riches  ftand  as  one  of  the  maids  of  Wifdom  upon  her 
left  hand  ;J  and  a  third  fort  fee  in  it  the  face  of  painted  pleafiires, 
and  the  beholders  will  not  believe  but  the  image  they  fee  in  this 
glafs  is  a  living  man,  till  the  Lord  come  and  break  the  glafs  in 
pieces  and  remove  the  face,  and  then,  like  Pharaoh  awakened,  they 
fay,  "And  behold  it  was  a  dream."   I  know  your  Ladyfhip  thinketh 

*  Edinburgh.  t  i  Cor.  vii.  31.  %  Prov.  iii.  16. 

1634.]  LETTER  XLIL  129 

yourfelf  little  in  the  common*  of  this  world,  for  the  favourable 
afpeft  of  any  of  thefe  three  painted  faces ;  and  bleffed  be  our  Lord 
that  it  is  fo.  The  better  for  you,  Madam  ;  they  are  not  worthy  to 
be  wooers,  to  fuitf  in  marriage  your  foul,  that  look  to  no  higher 
match  than  to  be  married  upon  painted  clay.  Know,  therefore. 
Madam,  the  place  whither  our  Lord  Jefus  cometh  to  woo  a  bride, 
it  is  even  in  the  furnace  :  for  if  ye  be  one  of  Zion's  daughters 
(which  I  ever  put  beyond  all  queftion,  fince  I  firfl  had  occaflon  to 
fee  in  your  Ladyihip  fuch  pregnant  evidences  of  the  grace  of  God), 
the  Lord,  who  hath  His  fire  in  Zion,  and  His  furnace  in  Jerufalem,  J 
is  purifying  you  in  the  furnace.  And  therefore  be  content  to  live 
in  it,  and  every  day  to  be  adding  and  fewing-to  a  pafment§  to  your 
wedding  garment,  that  ye  may  be  at  laft  decored  |1  and  trimmed  as 
a  bride  for  Chrift,  a  bride  of  His  own  bufking,  beautified  in  the 
hidden  man  of  the  heart.  "  Forgetting  your  father's  houfe,  fo  fhall 
the  King  greatly  defire  your  beauty."  f  If  your  Ladyfhip  be  not 
changed  (as  I  hope  ye  are  not),  I  believe  ye  efteem  yourfelf  to  be 
of  thofe  whom  God  hath  tried  thefe  many  years,  and  refined  as 
filver.  But,  Madam,  I  will  fhew  your  Ladyfiiip  a  privilege  that 
others  want,  and  ye  have,  in  this  cafe.  Such  as  are  in  profperity, 
and  are  fatted  with  earthly  joys,  and  increafed  with  children  and 
friends,  though  the  Word  of  God  is  indeed  written  to  fuch  for 
their  infi:ru(fi:ion,  yet  to  you,  who  are  in  trouble  (fpare  me.  Madam, 
to  fay  this),  from  whom  the  Lord  hath  taken  many  children,  and 
whom  He  hath  exercifed  otherwife,  there  are  fome  chapters,  fome 
particular  promifes  in  the  Word  of  God,  made  in  a  moft  fpecial 
manner,  which  fhould  never  have  been  yours,  fo  as  they  now  are, 
if  you  had  your  portion  in  this  life,  as  others.  And,  therefore,  all 
the  comforts,  promifes,  and  mercies  God  offereth  to  the  afflifted, 
they  are  as  fo  many  love-letters  written  to  you.  Take  them  to  you. 
Madam,  and  claim  your  right,  and  be  not  robbed.     It  is  no  fmall 

*  Under  obligation  to ;  a  phrafe  derived  from  dining  at  a  common  table  in 
a  college, — a  privilege  enjoyed  by  fpecial  favour. 

t  Woo.  X  Ifa.  xxxi.  9.  §  Ornament,  piece  of  lace. 

II  Adorned.  ^[  Ps.  xlv.  ir. 

VOL.  I.  I 

130  LETTER  XLIL  [1634. 

comfort,  that  God  hath  written  fome  fcriptures  to  you,  which  He 
hath  not  written  to  others.  Ye  feem  rather  in  this  to  be  envied 
than  pitied  ;  and  ye  are  indeed  in  this,  like  people  of  another  world, 
and  thofe  that  are  above  the  ordinary  rank  of  mankind,  whom  our 
King  and  Lord,  our  Bridegroom  Jefus,  in  His  love-letter  to  His 
well-beloved  fpoufe,  hath  named  befide  all  the  reft.  He  hath 
written  comforts  and  His  hearty  commendations,  in  the  56th  of 
Ifaiah,  vers.  4,  5  ;  Pfalm  cxlviii.  2,  3,  to  you.  Read  thefe  and 
the  like,  and  think  your  God  is  like  a  friend  that  fendeth  a  letter  to 
a  whole  houfe  and  family,  but  fpeaketh  in  His  letter  to  fome  by 
name,  that  are  dearefl  to  Him  in  the  houfe.  Ye  are,  then.  Madam, 
of  the  deareft  friends  of  the  Bridegroom.  If  it  were  lawful,  I 
would  envy  you,  that  God  honoured  3'ou  fo  above  many  of  His 
dear  children.  Therefore,  Madam,  your  part  is,  in  this  cafe  (feeing 
God  taketh  nothing  from  you  but  that  which  He  is  to  fupply  with 
His  own  prefence),  to  defire  your  Lord  to  know  His  own  room, 
and  take  it  even  upon  Him  to  come  in,  in  the  room  of  dead  chil- 
dren. "  Jehovah,  know  Thy  own  place,  and  take  it  to  Thee,"  is 
all  ye  have  to  fay. 

Madam,  I  perfuade  myfelf  that  this  world  is  to  you  an  unco* 
inn  ;  and  that  ye  are  like  a  traveller,  who  hath  his  bundle  upon  his 
back,  and  his  flaif  in  his  hand,  and  his  feet  upon  the  door-threfhold. 
Go  forward,  honourable  and  eleft  lady,  in  the  flrength  of  your 
Lord  (let  the  world  bide  at  home  and  keep  the  houfe),  with  your 
face  toward  Him,  who  longeth  more  for  a  fight  of  you  than  ye 
can  do  for  Him.  Ere  it  be  long.  He  will  fee  us.  I  hope  to  fee 
you  laugh  as  cheerfully  after  noon,  as  ye  have  mourned  before 
noon.  The  hand  of  the  Lord,  the  hand  of  the  Lord  be  with  you 
in  your  journey.  What  have  ye  to  do  here  }  This  is  not  your 
mountain  of  reft.  Arife,  then,  and  fet  your  foot  up  the  mountain  ; 
go  up  out  of  the  wildernefs,  leaning  upon  the  fhoulder  of  your 
Beloved. f  If  ye  knew  the  welcome  that  abideth  you  when  ye 
come   home,  ye  would  haften  your  pace  ;    for  ye  ihall    fee  your 

*  Strange.  t  Cant.  viii.  5. 

I634-]  LETTER  XLIIL  131 

Lord  put  up  His  own  holy  hand  to  your  face,  and  wipe  all  tearvS 
from  your  eyes  ;  and  I  trow,  then  ye  fhall  have  fome  joy  of  heart. 

Madam,  paper  willeth  me  to  end  before  affection.  Remember 
the  eftate  of  Zion  ;  pray  that  Jerufalem  may  be  as  Zechariah  pro- 
phefied,  "  a  burdenfome  ftone  for  all,"*  that  whofoever  boweth 
down  to  roll  the  ftone  out  of  the  way,  may  hurt  and  break  the 
joints  of  their  back,  and  flrain  their  arms,  and  disjoint  their  fhoulder- 
blades.  And  pray  Jehovah  that  the  flone  may  lie  ftill  in  its  own 
place,  and  keep  bandf  with  the  corner-ftone.  I  hope  it  fhall  be  fo  ; 
He  is  a  fkilled  Mafler-builder  who  laid  it. 

I  would,  Madam,  under  great  heavinefs  be  refrefhed  with  two 
lines  from  your  Ladyfhip,  which  I  refer  to  your  own  wifdom. 
Madam,  I  would  feem  undutiful  not  to  {how  you,  that  great  folici- 
tation  is  made  by  the  town  of  Kirkcudbright  for  to  have  the  ufe  of 
my  poor  labours  amongft  them.  If  the  Lord  fhall  call,  and  His 
people  cry,  who  am  I  to  refift  ?  But  without  His  feen  calling,  and 
till  the  flock  whom  I  now  overfee  be  planted  with  one  to  whom  I 
dare  intruft  Chrifl's  fpoufe,  gold  nor  filver  nor  favour  of  men,  I  hope, 
fhall  not  loofe  me.  I  leave  your  Ladyfliip,  praying  more  earneftly 
for  grace  and  mercy  to  be  with  you,  and  multiplied  upon  you,  here 
and  hereafter,  than  my  pen  can  exprefs.  The  Lord  Jefus  be  with 
your  fpirit. 

Your  Ladyfhip's  at  all  obedience  in  the  Lord. 

XLIIL — For  Marion  M'Naught. 


love  in  Chrifl  remembered.  I  am  grieved  at  the  heart 
to  write  anything  to  you  to  breed  heavinefs  to  you  ; 

*  Zech.  xii.  3.  t  Keep  united  with. 

132  LETTER  XLIIL  [1634. 

and  what  I  have  written,  I  wrote  with  much  heavinefs.  But  I  en- 
treat you  in  Chrift's  name,  when  my  foul  is  under  wreftlings,  and 
feeking  direction  from  our  Lord  (to  whom  His  vineyard  belongeth) 
whither  I  Ihall  go,  give  me  liberty  to  advife,  and  try  all  airts  *  and 
paths,  to  fee  whether  He  goeth  before  me  and  leadeth  me.  For  if  I 
were  affured  of  God's  call  to  your  town,  let  my  arm  fall  from  my 
fhoulder-blade  and  lofe  power,  and  my  right  eye  be  dried  up,  (which 
is  the  judgment  of  the  idol  fhepherd,f )  if  I  would  not  swim  through 
the  water  without  a  boat  ere  I  fat  His  bidding.  {  But  if  ye  knew  my 
doubtings  and  fears  in  that,  ye  would  fuffer  with  me.  Whether 
they  be  temptations  or  impediments  cafl  in  by  my  God,  I  know  not. 
But  you  have  now  caufe  to  thank  God  ;  for  feeing  the  Bifhop  §  hath 
^ven  you  fuch  a  promife,  he  will  ^ve  you  an  honeft  man  more 
willingly  than  he  will  permit  me  to  come  to  you.  And,  as  I  ever 
entreated  you,  put  the  bufmefs  out  of  your  hand  in  the  Lord's  rever- 
ence ;  11  and  try  of  Him,  if  ye  have  warrant  of  Him  to  feek  no  man 
in  the  world  but  one  only,  when  there  are  choice  of  good  men  to 
be  had.  Howbeit  they  be  too  fcarce,  yet  they  are.  And  what  God 
faith  to  me  in  the  bufmefs,  I  refolve  by  His  grace  to  do  ;  for  I  know 
not  what  He  will  do  with  me.  But  God  ihall  fill  you  with  joy  ere 
this  bufmefs  be  ended  ;  for  I  perfuade  myfelf  our  Lord  Jefus  hath 
ftirred  you  up  already  to  do  good  in  the  bufmefs,  and  ye  ihall  not 
lofe  your  reward. 

I  have  heard  your  hufband  and  Samuel  have  been  fick.  The 
man  who  is  called  the  Bratich  and  God's  felloiv,  who  ftandeth  before 
His  Father,  will  be  your  flay  and  help,  f  I  would  I  were  able  to 
comfort  your  foul.  But  have  patience,  and  ftand  ilill  ;  he  that  be- 
lieveth  maketh  not  hafte.  This  matter  of  Cramond,  cail  in  at  this 
time,  is  either  a  temptation,  having  fallen  out  at  this  time  ;  or  then** 

*  All  points  of  the  compafs.  f  Zech  xi.  17. 

X  Failed  promptly  to  obey  Him,  or  do  His  bidding. 

§  Referring  to  a  promife  made  to  the  people  of  Kirkcudbright  by  the 
Biihop  of  Galloway,  to  give  them  a  man  according  to  their  own  mind,  pro- 
vided they  would  not  choofe  Mr  Rutherford. 

Ij  Power,  difpofal.     See  Note,  Lett.  30.         ^  Zech.  xiii.  7.        **  Or  elfe. 

1634.]  LETTER  XLIV.  133 

it  will  clear  all  my  doubts,  and  let  you  lee  the  Lord's  will.     But  I 

never  knew  my  own  part  in  the  bufmefs  till  now.     I  thought  I  was 

more  willing  to  have  embraced  the  charge  in  your  town,  than  I  am, 

or  am  able  to  win  to.     I  know  ye  pray  that  God  would  refolve 

me  what  to  do  ;  and  will  interpret  me,  as  love  biddeth  you,  which 

**  thinketh  not  ill,  and  believeth  all  things,  and  hopeth  all  things." 

Would  ye  have  more  than  the  Son  of  God  ?  and  ye  have  Him 

already.     And  ye  ihall  be  fed  by  the  carver  of  the  meat,  be  he  who 

he  will  ;  and  thofe  who  are  hungry  look  more  to  the  meat  than  to 

the  carver. 

I  cannot  fee  you  the  next  week.     If  my  lady  come  home,  I 

muft  vifit  her.     The  week  thereafter  will  be  a  Prefbytery  at  Gir- 

thon.     God  will  difpofe  of  the  meeting.      Grace  upon  you,  and 

your  feed,  and  hufband.     The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Yours  in  Chrift,  0    ^ 


XLIV. — For  Marion  M'Naught. 

ELL-BELOVED  SISTER,— My  love  in  Jefus  Chriil 
remembered.  Your  daughter  is  well,  thanks  be  to 
God.  I  trufl  in  Him  ye  fhall  have  joy  of  her ;  the 
Lord  blefs  her.  I  am  now  prefently  going  about  catechifmg.  The 
bearer  is  in  hafle.  Forget  not  poor  Zion ;  and  the  Lord  remember 
you,  for  we  fhall  be  fhortly  winnowed.  Jefus,  pray  for  us,  that 
our  faith  fail  not !  I  would  wifh  to  fee  you  a  Sabbath  with  us,  and 
we  ihall  ftir  up  one  another,  God  willing,  to  feek  the  Lord ;  for  it 
may  be  He  hide  Himfelf  from  us  ere  it  be  long.  Keep  that  which 
you  have :  ye  will  get  more  in  heaven.  The  Lord  fend  us  to  the 
fhore  out  of  all  the  ftorms,  with  our  filly  fouls  found  and  whole 
with  us ;  for  if  liberty  of  confcience  come,  as  is  rumoured,  the  beft 
of  us  will  be  put  to  our  wits  to  feek  how  to  be  freed.  But  we  ihall 
be  like  thofe  who  have  their  chamber  to  go  in  unto,  fpoken  of  in 

134  LETTER  XLV.  [1634. 

Ifaiah.*  Read  the  place  yourfelf,  and  keep  you  within  your  houfe 
whillf  the  florm  be  pafled.  If  you  can  learn  a  ditty:f  againft  C, 
try,  and  caufe  try,  that  ye  may  fee  the  Lord's  righteous  judgment 
upon  the  devil's  inflruments.  We  are  not  much  obliged  to  his  kind- 
nefs.     I  wifh  all  fuch  wicked  doers  were  cut  off. 

Thefe  in  hafte.  I  blefs  you  in  God's  name,  and  all  yours. 
Your  daughter  defires  a  Bible  and  a  gown.  I  hope  fhe  fhall  ufe 
the  Bible  well,  which  if  fhe  do,  the  gown  is  the  better  befkowed. 
The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Yours  for  ever  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 


XLV.— i^(?r  Marion  M'Naught. 



underftand  I  have  received  a  letter  from  Edinburgh, 
that  it  is  fufpefled  that  there  will  be  a  General  As- 
fembly,  or  then  §  fome  meeting  of  the  bifhops  ;  and  that  at  this  fynod 
there  will  be  fome  commifTioners  chofen  by  the  Bifhop ;  which  news 
have  fo  taken  up  my  mind  that  I  am  not  fo  fettled  for  ftudies  as  I 
have  been  before,  and  therefore  was  never  in  fuch  fear  for  the 
work.  But  becaufe  it  is  written  to  me  as  a  fecret,  I  dare  not  re- 
veal it  to  any  but  to  yourfelf,  whom  I  know.  And  therefore,  I 
entreat  you,  not  for  any  comfort  of  mine,  who  am  but  one  man, 
but  for  the  glory  and  honour  of  Jefus  Chrift,  the  Mafter  of  the 
banquet,  be  more  earneft  with  God  ;  and,  in  general,  ihow  others 
of  your  Chriflian  acquaintance  my  fears  for  myfelf.  I  can  be  con- 
tent of  fhame  in  that  work,  if  my  Lord  and  Mafter  be  honoured ; 
and  therefore  petition  our  Lord  efpecially  to  fee  to  His  own  glory, 

*  I  fa.  xxvi.  20.         t  Till.  t  Ground  of  charge.  §  Or  if  not  that. 

1634.J  LETTER  XLVL  135 

and  to  give  bread  to  His  hungry  bairns,  howbeit  I  go  hungry  away 
from  the  feafl.  Requeft  Mr  Robert*  from  me,  if  he  come  not,  to 
remember  us  to  our  Lord. 

I  have  neither  time,  nor  a  free  difpofed  mind,  to  write  to  you 
anent  your  own  cafe.  Send  me  word  if  all  your  children  and  your 
hufband  be  well.  Seeing  they  are  not  yours,  but  your  dear  Lord's, 
efleem  them  but  as  borrowed,  and  lay  them  down  at  God's  feet. 
Your  Chrift  to  you  is  better  than  they  all.  You  will  pardon  my 
unaccuftomed  fhort  letter ;  and  remember  me  and  that  honourable 
feaft  to  our  Lord  Jefus.  He  was  with  us  before.  I  hope  He  will 
not  change  upon  us ;  but  I  fear  I  have  changed  upon  Him.  But, 
Lord,  let  old  kindnefs  ftand.  Jefus  Chrifl  be  with  your  fpirit. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 


XLVL— fTo  Marion  M*Naught. 

affeftion  in  Chrifl  remembered.  I  left  you  in  as  great 
heavinefs  as  I  was  in  fmce  I  came  to  this  country ;  but 
I  know  you  doubt  not  but  that  (as  the  truth  is  in  Chrift),  my  foul 
is  knit  to  your  foul,  and  to  the  foul  of  all  yours ;  and  I  would,  if  I 
could,  fend  you  the  largefl  part  of  my  heart  inclofed  in  this  letter. 
But  by  fervent  calling  upon  my  Lord,  I  have  attained  fome  viftory 
over  my  heart,  which  runneth  often  not  knowing  whither,  and  over 
my  beguiling  hopes,  which  I  know  now  better  than  I  did.  I  trufl: 
in  my  Lord  to  hold  aloof  from  the  enticings  of  a  feducing  heart, 
by  which  I  am  daily  cofened ;  and  I  mind  not  (by  His  grace  who 
hath  called  me  according  to  His  eternal  purpofe)  to  come  fo  far 
within  the  gripsf  of  my  foolifh  mind,  gripping^  about  any  folly  com- 
ing its  way,  as  the  woodbine  or  ivy  goeth  about  the  tree. 

*  Mr  Robert  Glendinning.  t  Gralp.  %  Gralping. 

136  LETTER  XLVI.  [1634. 

I  adore  and  kifs  the  providence  of  my  Lord,  who  knoweth  well 
what  is  moft  expedient  for  me,  and  for  you  and  your  children  ;  and 
I  think  of  you  as  of  myfelf,  that  the  Lord,  who  in  His  deep  wifdom 
turneth  about  all  the  wheels  and  turning  of  fuch  changes,  fhall  alfo 
difpofe  of  that  for  the  befl  to  you  and  yours.  In  the  prefence  of 
my  Lord,  I  am  not  able,  howbeit  I  would,  to  conceive  amifs  of  you 
in  that  matter.  Grace,  grace  for  ever  be  upon  you  and  your  feed , 
and  it  fhall  be  your  portion,  in  defpite  of  all  the  powers  of  darknefs. 
Do  not  make  more  quellion  of  this.  But  the  Lord  faw  a  nail  in 
my  heart  loofe,  and  He  hath  now  faftened  it.  Honour  be  to  His 

I  hear  your  fon  is  entered  to  the  fchool.  If  I  had  known  of  the 
day,  I  would  have  begged  from  our  Lord  that  He  would  have  put 
the  book  in  his  hand  with  His  own  hand.  I  truft  in  my  Lord  it  is 
fo;  and  I  conceive  a  hope  to  fee  him  a  flar,  to  g^ve  light  in  fome 
room  of  our  Lord's  houfe ;  and  purpofe,  by  the  Lord's  grace,  as  I 
am  able  (if  our  Lord  call  you  to  reft  before  me),  when  you  are  at 
your  home,  to  do  to  the  uttermoft  of  my  power  to  help  him  every 
way  in  grace  and  learning,  and  his  brothers,  and  all  your  children. 
And  I  hope  you  would  expeft  that  of  me. 

Further,  you  fhall  know  that  Mr  W.  D.*  is  come  home,  who 
faith  it  is  a  miracle  that  your  hufband,  in  this  procefs  before  the 
Council,  efcaped  both  difcredit  and  damage.  Let  it  not  be  forgot- 
ten he  was,  in  our  apprehenfion,  to  our  grief,  caft  down  and 
humbled  in  the  Lord's  work,  in  that  matter  betwixt  him  and  the 
bailie :  now  the  Lord  hath  honoured  him,  and  made  him  famous  for 
virtue,  honefly,  and  integrity,  two  feveral  times,  before  the  nobles 
of  this  kingdom.  Your  Lord  liveth.  We  will  go  to  His  throne  of 
grace  again  :  His  arm  is  not  fhortened. 

The  I^ng  is  certainly  expe6f ed.  Ill  is  feared ;  we  have  caufe 
for  our  fms  to  fear  that  the  Bridegroom  fhall  be  taken  from  us. 
By  our  fms  we  have  rent  His  fair  garments,  and  we  have  ftirred  up 

*  \\^illiam  Dalgleilh,  minifter  of  Kirkdale  and  Kirkmabreck,  adjoining  the 
pirifli  of  Anwoth. 

1634.]  LETTER  XLVIL  137 

and  awakened  our  Beloved.     Pray  Him  to  tarry,  or  then*  to  take 

us  with  Him.     It  were  good  that  we  fhould  knock  and  rap  at  our 

Lord's  door.     We  may  not  tire  to  knock  oftener  than  twice  or 

thrice.     He  knoweth  the  knock  of  His  friends. 

I  am  ftill  what  I  was  ever  to  your  dear  children,  tendering  their 

foul's  happinefs,  and  praying  that  grace,  grace,  grace,  mercy,  and 

peace  from  God,  even  God  our  Father,  and  from  our  Lord  Jefus, 

may  be  their  portion ;  and  that  now,  while  they  are  green  and  young, 

their  hearts  may  take  bandf  with  Jefus,  the  Corner-Hone  :  and  win 

once  in,  in  our  Lord  and  Saviour's  houfe,  and  then  they  will  not 

get  leave  to  flit.    Pray  for  me,  and  efpecially  for  humility  and  thank- 

fulnefs.     I  have  always  remembrance  of  you,  and  your  hufband, 

and  dear  children.     The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Yours  evermore  in  my  dear  Lord  Jefus  and  yours, 

S.  R. 

XLVIL— i^or  Marion  M'Naught. 

Chrifl:  remembered.  I  have  fent  you  a  letter  from  Mr 
David  Dick  J  concerning  the  placing  of  Mr  Hugh 
M'Kail  with  themfelves ;  therefore  I  write  to  you  now  only  to  en- 
treat you  in  Chrift  not  to  be  difcouraged  thereat.  Be  fubmiffive  to 
the  will  of  your  dear  Lord,  who  knoweth  beft  what  is  good  for  your 
Ibul  and  your  town  both ;  for  God  can  come  over  greater  moun- 
tains than  thefe,  we  believe ;  for  He  worketh  His  greatefl  works 
contrary  to  carnal  reafon  and  means.  "  My  ways  are  not,"  faith 
our  Lord,  "  as  your  ways ;  neither  are  My  thoughts  as  your 
thoughts."  §     I  am  no  whit  put  from  my  belief  for  all  that.     Be- 

Or  elfe.  f  Unite  with.  $  Or  Dickfon.  §  Ifa.  \\.  8. 

138  LETTER  XLVIIL  [1634. 

lieve,  pray,  and  ufe  means.  We  Ihall  caufe  Mr  John  Kerr,  who 
conveyed  myfelf  to  Lochinvar,  to  ufe  means  to  feek  a  man,  if  Mr 
Hugh  fail  us.  Our  Lord  has  a  little  bride  among  you,  and  I  trufl 
He  will  fend  one  to  woo  her  to  our  fweet  Lord  Jefus.  He  will 
not  want  His  wife  for  the  fuiting,*  and  He  has  means  in  abundance 
in  His  hand  to  open  all  the  flotsf  and  bars  that  Satan  draws  over 
the  door.  He  cometh  to  His  bride  leaping  over  the  mountains,  and 
fkipping  over  the  hills.  His  way  to  His  fpoufe  is  full  of  jftones, 
mountains,  and  waters,  yet  He  putteth  in  His  foot  and  wadeth 
through.  He  will  not  want  her ;  and  therefore  refrefh  me  with  two 
words  concerning  your  confidence  and  courage  in  our  Lord,  both 
about  that,  and  about  His  own  Zion ;  for  He  wooeth  His  wife  in 
the  Burning  Bufh ;  and  for  the  good-will  of  Him  that  dwelleth  in 
the  bufh,  the  bufh  is  not  confumed.  It  is  better  to  weep  with  Jeru- 
falem  in  the  forenoon,  than  to  weep  with  Babel  after  noon,  in 
the  end  of  the  day.  Our  day  of  laughter  and  rejoicing  is  coming. 
Yet  a  little  while,  and  ye  fhall  fee  the  falvation  of  God.  I  long  to 
fee  you,  and  to  hear  how  your  children  are,  efpecially  Samuel. 
Grace  be  their  heritage  and  portion  from  the  Lord,  and  the  Lord  be 
their  lot,  and  then  their  inheritance  fhall  pleafe  them  well.  Re- 
member my  love  to  your  hufband.  The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your 

Yours  in  his  fweeteil  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 


XLVHL— i^?r  Marion  M*Naught. 


ELL-BELOVED  SISTER,— I  know  you  have  heard  of 
the  fuccefs  of  our  bufmefs  in  Edinburgh.  I  do  every 
Prelbytery  day  fee  the  faces  of  my  brethren  fmiling 

Urging  His  requefb,  wooing.  f  Moveable  bolts. 

1634.]  LETTER  XLVIIL  139 

upon  me,  but  their  tongues  convey  reproaches  and  lies  of  me  a 
hundred  miles  off,  and  have  made  me  odious  to  the  Bifhop  of  St 
Andrews,  who  faid  to  Mr  W.  Dalgleifh  that  minifters  in  Galloway 
were  his  informers.  Whereupon  no  letter  of  favour  could  be  pro- 
cured from  him  for  effe6luating  of  our  bufmefs  ;  only  I  am  brought  in 
the  mouths  of  men,  who  otherwife  knew  me  not,  and  have  power 
(if  God  fhall  permit)  to  harm  me.  Yet  I  entreat  you,  in  the  bowels 
of  Chrift  Jefus,  be  not  cafl  down.  I  fear  your  forrow  exceed 
becaufe  of  this  ;  and  I  am  not  fo  careful  for  myfelf  in  the  matter  as 
for  you.  Take  courage  ; — your  deareft  Lord  will  light  your  candle, 
which  the  wicked  would  fain  blow  out ;  and,  as  fure  as  our  Lord 
liveth,  your  foul  fhall  find  joy  and  comfort  in  this  bufmefs.  How- 
beit  you  fee  all  the  hounds  in  hell  let  loofe  to  mar  it,  their  iron 
chains  to  our  dear  and  mighty  Lord  are  but  ftraws,  which  He  can 
eafily  break.  Let  not  this  temptation  ftick  in  your  throat ;  fwallow 
it,  and  let  it  go  down  ;  our  Lord  give  you  a  drink  of  the  confola- 
tions  of  His  Spirit,  that  it  may  digeft.  You  never  knew  one  in 
God's  book  who  put  to  their  hand  to  the  Lord's  work  for  His 
kirk,  but  the  world  and  Satan  did  bark  againft  them,  and  bite  alfo 
where  they  had  power.  You  will  not  lay  one  flone  on  Zion's 
walls,  but  they  will  labour  to  caft  it  down  again. 

For  myfelf,  the  Lord  letteth  me  fee  now  greater  evidence  of  a 
calling  to  Kirkcudbright  than  ever  He  did  before ;  and  therefore 
pray,  and  pofTefs  your  foul  in  patience.  Thofe  that  were  doers  in  the 
bufmefs  have  good  hopes  that  it  will  yet  go  forward  and  profper. 
As  for  the  death  of  the  King  of  Sweden  (which  is  thought  to  be 
too  true),  we  can  do  nothing  elfe  but  reverence  our  Lord,  who 
doth  not  ordinarily  hold  Zion  on  her  rock  by  the  fword,  and  arm 
of  flefh  and  blood,  but  by  His  own  mighty  and  outftretched  arm. 
Her  King  that  reigneth  in  Zion  yet  liveth,  and  they  are  plucking 
Him  round  about  to  pull  Him  off  His  throne ;  but  His  Father  hath 
crowned  Him,  and  who  dare  fay,  "It  is  ill  done"?  The  Lord's 
bride  will  be  up  and  down,  above  the  water  fwimming  and  under 
the  water  fmking,  until  her  lovely  and  mighty  Redeemer  and 
Hufband  fet  His  head  through  the  fkies,  and  come  with  His  fair 

140  LETTER  XL  FIJI.  [1634. 

court  to  red*  all  their  pleas,  and  give  them  the  hoped-for  inherit- 
ance :  and  then  we  fhall  lay  down  our  fwords  and  triumph,  and 
fight  no  more.  But  do  not  think,  for  all  this,  that  our  Lord  and 
Chief  Shepherd  will  want  one  weak  fheep,  or  the  fillieft  dying 
lamb,  that  He  hath  redeemed.  He  will  tell  His  flock  and  gather 
them  all  together,  and  make  a  faithful  account  of  them  to  the 
Father  who  gave  them  to  Him.  Let  us  learn  to  turn  our  eyes  off 
men,  that  our  whoriih.  hearts  doat  not  on  them,  and  woo  our  old 
Hufband,  and  make  Him  our  darling.  For,  "  thus  faith  the  Lord 
to  the  enemies  of  Zion,  Drink  ye,  and  be  drunk,  and  fpue,  and  fall, 
and  rife  no  more,  becaufe  of  the  fword  that  I  fend  amongft  you. 
And  it  fhall  be,  if  they  refufe  to  take  the  cup  at  thine  hand  to  drink, 
then  fhalt  thou  fay  to  them.  Thus  faith  the  Lord  of  Hofls,  Ye  fhall 
certainly  drink." f  You  fee  our  Lord  brewing  a  cup  of  poifon  for 
His  enemies,  which  they  mufl  drink,  and  becaufe  of  this  have  lore 
bowels  and  fick  flomachs,  yea,  burfl.  But  when  Zion's  captivity  is 
at  an  end,  **  the  children  of  Ifrael  fhall  come,  they  and  the  children 
of  Judah  together,  going  and  weeping  :  they  fhall  go,  and  feek 
the  Lord  their  God.  They  fliall  afk  the  way  to  Zion,  with  their 
faces  thitherward,  faying,  Come,  and  let  us  join  ourfelves  to  the 
Lord  in  an  everlafting  covenant  that  fhall  not  be  forgotten."  J  This 
is  fpoken  to  us,  and  for  us,  who  with  woe§  hearts  afk,  "What 
is  the  way  to  Zion?"  It  is  our  part  who  know  how  to  go 
to  our  Lord's  door,  and  to  knock  by  prayer,  and  how  to  lift 
Chrifl's  flot,  II  and  fhut  the  bar  of  His  chamber  door,  to  complain 
and  tell  Him  how  the  Lord  handleth  us,  and  how  our  King's 
bufmefs  goeth,  that  He  may  get  up  and  lend  them  a  blow,  who  are 
tigging  f  and  playing  with  Chrifl:  and  His  fpoufe.  You  have  alfo, 
dear  Mflrefs,  houfe  troubles,  in  ficknefs  of  your  hufband  and  bairns, 
and  in  fpoiling  of  your  houfe  by  thieves  ;  take  thefe  rods  in  patience 
from  your  Lord.  He  mufl  ftill  move  you  from  veffel  to  veffel,  and 
grind  you  as  our  Lord's  wheat,  to  be  bread  in  His  houfe.     But 

*  Settle  all  difputes.  f  Jer«  xxv.  27,  28.  t  Jer.  1.  4,  5. 

§  Sorrowful.  ||  Moveable  bolt.  ^  Dallying,  toying. 

1635.]  LETTER  XLIX.  141 

when  all  thefe  Arokes  are  over  your  head,  *  what  will  ye  fay  to  fee 
your  well -beloved  Chrift's  white  and  ruddy  face,  even  His  face 
who  is  worthy  to  bear  the  colours  among  ten  thoufand  ?f  Hope 
and  believe  to  the  end.  Grace  for  ever  be  multiplied  upon  you, 
your  hufband,  and  children. 

Your  own  in  his  deareft  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Edinburgh,  Dec.  1634. 

XLIX.— T'o  Marion  M'Naught. 



Chrift  remembered.  God  hath  brought  me  home  from 
a  place  where  I  have  been  exercifed  with  great  heavi- 
nefs,  and  I  have  found  at  home  new  matter  of  great  heavinefs,  yet 
dare  not  but  in  all  things  give  thanks. 

In  my  bufinefs  in  Edinburgh,  J  I  have  not  fmned  nor  wronged 
my  party, — by  his  own  confeifion,  and  by  the  confeffion  of  his  friends, 
I  have  given  of  my  goods  for  peace  and  the  faving  of  my  Lord's 
truth  from  reproaches,  which  is  dearer  to  me  than  all  I  have.  My 
mother  is  weak,  and  I  think  fhall  leave  me  alone  ;  but  I  am  not 
alone,  becaufe  Chrift's  Father  is  with  me. 

For  your  bufmefs  anent  your  town  I  fee  great  evidence  ;  but 
Satan  and  his  inftruments  are  againft  it,  and  few  fet  their  fhoulders 
to  Chrift's  ftioulder  to  help  Him.  But  He  will  do  all  His  lone  ; 
and  I  dare  not  but  exhort  you  to  believe,  and  perfuade  you,  that 
the  hungry  in  your  city  ftiall  be  fed  ;  and  as  for  the  reft  that  want 
a  ftomach,  the  parings  of  God's  loaf  will  fuffice  them  ;  and,  there- 
fore, believe  it  ftiall  be  well.  I  may  not  leave  my  mother  to  come 
and  confer  with  you  of  all  particulars.     I  have  given  fuch  direftions 

*  Paft  and  gone.  t  Cant.  v.  10  %  See  note.  Let.  12. 

142  LETTER  XLIX.  [1635. 

to  our  dear  friend  as  I  can  ;  but  the  event  is  in  our  dear  Lord's 

God's  Zion  abroad  flourifheth,  and  His  arm  is  not  fhortened 
with  us,  if  we  could  believe.  There  is  fcarcity  and  a  famine  of  the 
word  of  God  in  Edinburgh.  Your  filler  Jane  laboureth  mightily 
in  our  bufinefs  ;  but  hath  not  as  yet  gotten  an  anfwer  from  I.  P.  Mr 
A.  C*  will  work  what  he  can.  My  Lady  faith  fhe  can  do  little, 
and  that  it  fuiteth  not  her  nor  her  hufband  well  to  fpeak  in  fuch  an 
affair.     I  told  her  my  mind  plainly. 

I  long  to  know  of  your  eftate.  Remember  me  heartily  to  your 
dear  hufband.  Grace  be  the  portion  of  your  bairns.  I  know  you 
are  mindful  of  the  green  wound  of  our  fifter  kirk  in  Ireland.  Bid 
our  Lord  lay  a  plaifter  to  it  (He  hath  good  fkill  to  do  fo),  and  fet 
others  to  work.  Grace,  grace  upon  your  foul,  and  body,  and  all 

Yours  in  Chrifl:, 

S.  R. 

[The  following  brief  note,  addrefled  to  Marion  M  ^Naught,  may  be  read 
as  a  fort  of  poftfcript  to  the  foregoing,  though  generally  printed  as  a  feparate 

EAR  MISTRESS, — I  have  not  time  this  day  to  write  to 
you  •,  but  God,  knowing  my  prefent  flate  and  neceilities 
of  my  calling,  will,  I  hope,  fpare  my  mother's  life  for  a 
time,  for  the  which  I  have  caufe  to  thank  the  Lord.  I  entreat  you, 
be  not  cafl  down  for  that  which  I  wrote  before  to  you  anent  the 
planting  of  a  minifler  in  your  town.  Believe,  and  you  fhall  fee 
the  falvation  of  God.  I  write  this,  becaufe  when  you  fuffer,  my 
heart  fuffereth  with  you.  I  do  believe  your  foul  fhall  have  joy  in 
your  labours  and  holy  defires  for  that  work.  Grace  upon  you,  and 
your  hufband,  and  children. 

Yours  ever  in  Chrift. 

*  Probably  Mr  Alexander  Colville,  mentioned  Let.  11. 

1635.]  LETTER  L,  14: 

L. — For  Marion  M^Naught. 


heart  is  caft  down  for  the  defolation  like  to  come  upon 
this  kirk,  and  the  appearance  that  an  hireling  fhall  be 
thrult  in  upon  Chrift's  flock  in  that  town  ;  but  fend  a  heavy  heart  up 
to  Chrift,  it  fliall  be  welcome.  Thofe  who  are  with  the  beaft  and 
the  dragon,  muft  make  war  with  the  Lamb  ;  "  but  the  Lamb  fliall 
overcome  them  :  for  He  is  Lord  of  lords,  and  King  of  kings  ;  and 
they  who  are  with  Him  are  called,  and  chofen,  and  faithful."*  Our 
ten  days  fliall  have  an  end  ;  all  the  former  things  fliall  be  forgotten 
when  we  fliall  be  up  before  the  throne.  Chrifl:  hath  been  ever  thus 
in  the  world  ;  He  hath  always  the  defender's  part,  and  hath  been 
fl:ill  in  the  camp,  fighting  the  Church's  battles.  The  enemies  of  the 
Son  of  God  will  be  fed  with  their  own  flefli,  and  fliall  drink  their 
own  blood  ;  and  therefore,  their  part  of  it  fliall  at  lafl:  be  found 
hard  enough  :  fo  that  we  may  look  forward  and  pity  them.  Until 
the  number  of  the  ele6t  be  fulfilled,  Chrifl:  garments  muft  be  rolled 
in  blood.  He  cometh  from  Edom,  from  the  flaughter  of  His  ene- 
mies, "  clothed  with  dyed  garments,  glorious  in  His  apparel,  travel- 
ling in  the  greatnefs  of  His  fl:rength."  Who  is  this  (faith  he)  that 
appears  in  this  glorious  pofture  ?  Our  great  He !  that  He  who  is 
mighty  to  fave,  whofe  glory  fliineth  while  He  fprinkleth  the  blood 
of  His  adverfaries,  and  fl:aineth  all  His  raiment.  The  glory  of  His 
righteous  revenges  fliineth  forth  in  thefe  fl:ains.f  But  feeing  our 
world  is  not  here-away,  if  we  poor  children,  far  from  home,  muft 
fteal  through  many  waters,  weeping  as  we  go,  and  withal  believing 
that  we  do  the  Lord's  faithfulnefs  no  wrong,  feeing  He  hath  faid. 

*  Rev.  xvii.  14.  f  I  fa.  Ixiii.  i. 

:{:  In  this  quarter,  in  this  prefent  life's  enjoyments. 

144  LETTER  L.  [1635. 

"  I,  even  I,  am  He  that  comforteth  you  :  who  art  thou,  that  fhouldeft 
be  afraid  of  a  man  that  fhall  die,  and  of  the  fon  of  man  that  fhall  be 
made  as  grafs  ?"*  "  When  thou  pafTeil  through  the  waters,  I  will 
be  with  thee  ;  and  through  the  rivers,  they  fhall  not  overflow  thee. 
When  thou  walkefl  through  the  fire,  thou  fhalt  not  be  burnt;  neither 
fhall  the  flames  kindle  upon  thee."f 

There  is  a  cloud  gathering  and  a  florm  coming.  This  land 
fhall  be  turned  upfide  down  ;  and  if  ever  the  Lord  fpake  to  me 
(think  on  it),  Chrifl:'s  bride  will  be  glad  of  a  hole  to  hide  her  head 
in,  and  the  dragon  may  fo  prevail  as  to  chafe  the  woman  and  her 
man-child  over  fea.  But  there  fhall  be  a  gleaning,  two  or  three 
berries  left  in  the  top  of  the  olive-tree,  of  whom  God  fhall  fay, 
"  Deflroy  them  not,  for  there  is  a  blefTmg  in  them."  Thereafter 
there  fhall  be  a  fair  fun-blink  J  on  Chrifl's  old  fpoufe,  and  a  clear 
fky,  and  fhe  fliall  fmg  as  in  the  days  of  her  youth.  The  Antichrifl 
and  the  great  red  dragon  will  lop  Chrifl's  branches,  and  bring  His 
vine  to  a  low  flump,  under  the  feet  of  thofe  who  carry  the  mark  of 
the  beafl ;  but  the  Plant  of  Renown,  the  Man  whofe  name  is  the 
Branch,  will  bud  forth  again  and  blofTom  as  the  rofe,  and  there 
fhall  be  fair  white  flourifhes§  again,  with  mofl  pleafant  fruits,  upon 
that  tree  of  life.  A  fair  feafon  may  He  have  !  Grace,  grace  be 
upon  that  blefTed  and  beautiful  tree  !  under  whofe  fhadow  we  fhall 
fit,  and  his  fruit  fhall  be  fweet  to  our  tafte.  But  Chrifl  fhall  woo 
His  handful  in  the  fire,  and  choofe  His  own  in  the  furnace  of 
afflidlion.  But  be  it  fo  -,  He  dow  j]  not,  He  will  not  flay  His  chil- 
dren. Love  will  not  let  Him  make  a  full  end.  The  covenant  will 
caufe  Him  hold  His  hand.  Fear  not,  then,  faith  the  Firft  and  the 
Laft,  He  who  was  dead  and  is  alive.  We  fee  not  Chrifl  fharpen- 
ing  and  furbifhing  His  fword  for  His  enemies  ;  and  therefore  our 
faithlefs  hearts  fay,  as  Zion  did,  "  The  Lord  hath  forfaken  me." 
But  God  reproveth  her,  and  faith,  "Well,  well,  Zion,  is  that  well 
faid  ?     Think  again  on  it ,  you  are  in  the  wrong  to  Me.     Can  a 

*  Ifa.  li.  12.  t  Ifa.  xliii.  2.  %  Gleam  of  funfhine. 

§  Bloflbms.  II  Can. 

1635.3  LETTER  L.  145 

woman  forget  her  fucking  child,  that  fhe  fhould  not  have  compas- 
fion  on  the  fruit  of  her  womb  ?  Yea,  fhe  may  ;  yet  will  I  not 
forget  thee.  Behold,  I  have  engraven  thee  upon  the  palms  of  My 
hands."*  You  break  your  heart  and  grow  heavy,  and  forget  that 
Chrifl  hath  your  name  engraven  on  the  palms  of  His  hand  in 
great  letters.  In  the  name  of  the  Son  of  God,  believe  that  buried 
Scotland,  dead  and  buried  with  her  dear  Bridegroom,  fhall  rife  the 
third  day  again,  and  there  fhall  be  a  new  growth  after  the  old 
timber  is  cut  down.  I  recommend  you,  and  your  burdens  and 
heavy  heart,  to  the  fupporting  of  His  grace  and  good-will  who 
dwelt  in.  the  Buih,  to  Him  who  was  feparated  from  His  brethren. 
Try  your  hufband  afar  ofF,  to  fee  if  He  can  be  induced  to  think 
upon  going  to  America. 

O  to  fee  the  fight,  next  to  Chrift's  Coming  in  the  clouds,  the 
moft  joyful !  our  elder  brethren  the  Jews  and  Chrift  fall  upon  one 
another's  necks  and  kifs  each  other  !  They  have  been  long  afunder  ; 
they  will  be  kind  to  one  another  when  they  meet.  O  day  !  O 
longed-for  and  lovely  day-dawn  !  O  fweet  Jefus,  let  me  fee  that 
fight  which  will  be  as  life  from  the  dead,  Thee  and  Thy  ancient 
people  in  mutual  embraces. 

Defire  your  daughter  to  clofe  with  Chriil:  upon  terms  of  fuffer- 
ing  for  Him  ;  for  the  crofs  is  an  old  mealingf  and  plot  of  ground 
that  lyeth  to  Chrifl's  houfe.  Our  dear  Chief  had  aye  that  rent  lying 
to  His  inheritance.  But  tell  her  the  day  is  near  the  dawning,  the 
fky  is  riving  ;J  our  Beloved  will  be  on  us,  ere  ever  we  be  aware. 
The  Antichrift,  and  death  and  hell,  and  Chrift's  enemies  and  ours, 
will  be  bound  and  caft  into  the  bottomlefs  pit.  The  Lord  Jefus 
be  with  your  fpirit. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  April  22 y  1635. 

*  Ifa.  xlix.  15,  16.     t  Farm.     It  is  written  alfo  *^  mailing^     See  Let.  29. 
%  Breaking,  rending. 

VOL.  I. 

146  LETTER  LI.  [1635. 

LI. — To  Marion  M'Naught. 


OVING  AND  DEAR  SISTER,— For  Zion's  fake  hold 
not  your  peace,  neither  be  difcouraged,  for  the  ongoing 
of  this  perfecution.  Jehovah  is  in  this  burning  Bufh. 
The  floods  may  fwell  and  roar,  but  our  ark  fhall  fwim  above  the 
waters  -,  it  cannot  fink,  becaufe  a  Saviour  is  in  it.  Becaufe  our  Be- 
loved was  not  let  in  by  His  fpoufe  when  He  ftood  at  the  door,  with 
His  wet  and  frozen  head,  therefore  He  will  have  us  to  feek  Him 
awhile  ;  and  while  we  are  feeking,  the  watchmen  who  go  about 
the  walls  have  flricken  the  poor  woman,  and  have  taken  away  her 
veil  from  her.  But  yet  a  little  while  and  our  Lord  will  come  again. 
Scotland's  fky  will  clear  again  ;  her  moment  mufl:  go  over.  I  dare 
in  faith  fay  and  write,  I  am  not  dreaming  ;  Chrift  is  but  feeking 
(what  He  will  have  and  make)  a  clean  gliftering*  bride  out  of  the 
fire.  God  fend  Him  His  errand,  but  He  cannot  want  what  He  feeks. 
In  the  meantime,  one  way  or  other.  He  fhall  find,  or  make  a  nefl 
for  His  mourning  dove.  What  is  this  we  are  doing,  breaking  the 
neck  of  our  faith  ?  We  are  not  come  as  yet  to  the  mouth  of  the 
Red  Sea  ;  and  howbeit  we  were,  for  His  honour's  fake,  He  muft 
dry  it  up.  It  is  our  part  to  die  grippingf  and  holding  fafl  His  faith- 
ful promife.  If  the  Beafl  fhould  get  leave  to  ride  through  the  land, 
to  feal  fuch  as  are  his,  he  will  not  get  one  lamb  with  him,  for  thefe 
are  fecured  and  fealed  as  the  fervants  of  God.  In  God's  name,  let 
Chrifl  take  His  barn-floor,  and  all  that  is  in  it,  to  a  hill,  and  winnow 
it.  Let  Him  fift  His  corn,  and  fweep  His  houfe,  and  feek  His  lofl 
gold.     The  Lord  fhall  cog  J  the  rumbling  wheels,  or  turn  them  ;  for 

*  Glittering,  fhining.  t  Grafping,  or  clafping. 

X  Put  a  di-ag  on  ;  it  is  to  put  a  piece  of  wood  edgewife  between  it  and  the 
ground,  to  prevent  it  moving. 

1635.]  LETTER  LI.  147 

the  remainder  of  wrath  doth  He  reftrain.  He  can  loofe  the  belt  of 
kings  ;  to  God,  their  belt,  wherewith  they  are  girt,  is  knit  with  a 
fingle  draw-knot.* 

As  for  a  paftor  to  your  town,  your  confcience  can  bear  you 
witnefs  you  have  done  your  part.  Let  the  Mafter  of  the  vineyard 
now  fee  to  His  garden,  feeing  you  have  gone  on,  till  He  hath  faid, 
*'  Stand  ftill."  The  will  of  the  Lord  be  done.  But  a  trial  is  not, 
to  give  up  with  God  and  believe  no  more.  I  thank  my  God  in 
Chriff,  I  find  the  force  of  my  temptation  abated,  and  its  edge  blunted, 
fmce  I  Ipoke  to  you  laft.  I  know  not  if  the  tempter  be  hovering, 
until  he  find  the  dam  gather  again,  and  me  more  fecure  ;  but  it  hath 
been  my  burden,  and  I  am  yet  more  confident  the  Lord  will  fuccour 
and  deliver. 

I  intend,  God  willing,  that  our  Communion  fhall  be  celebrated 
the  firft  Sabbath  after  Pafch.f  Our  Lord,  that  great  Mafter  of  the 
feafi:,  fend  us  one  hearty  and  heartfomej  fupper,  for  I  look  it  fhall 
be  the  laft.  But  we  expeft,  when  the  fhadows  fhall  flee  away,  and 
our  Lord  fhall  come  to  His  garden,  that  He  fhall  feed  us  in  green 
paftures  without  fear.  The  dogs  fhall  not  then  be  hounded  out 
amongft  the  fheep.  I  earneftly  defire  your  prayers  for  afTiftance  at 
our  work,  and  put  others  with  you  to  do  the  fame.  Remember 
me  to  your  hufband,  and  defire  your  daughter  to  be  kind  to  Chrift, 
and  feek  to  win  §  near  Him  -,  He  will  ^ve  her  a  welcome  into  His 
houfe  of  wine,  and  bring  her  into  the  IGng's  chamber.  O  how  will 
the  fight  of  His  face,  and  the  fmell  of  His  garments,  allure  and 
ravifh  the  heart  !  Now,  the  love  of  the  lovely  Son  of  God  be  with 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  1635. 

*  Slip-knot,  eafily  loofened.  f  Eafter,  'ttocij^^^  Acts  )(;ii.  4. 

X  Cheerful,  cheering.  §  Get  in. 

148  LETTER  LIL  [1635. 

LII. — For  Marion  M'Naught. 


ELL-BELOVED  MISTRESS,— I  charge  you  in  the  name 
of  the  Son  of  God,  to  reft  upon  your  Rock,  that  is 
higher  than  yourfelf.  Be  not  afraid  of  a  man,  who  is  a 
worm,  nor  of  the  fon  of  man,  who  (hall  die.  God  be  your  fear. 
Encourage  your  hulband.  I  would  counfel  you  to  write  to  Edinburgh 
to  fome  advifed  lawyers,  to  underfland  what  your  hufband,  as  the 
head  magiftrate,  may  do  in  oppofing  any  intruded  minifler,  and  in  his 
carriage  toward  the  new  prelate,*  if  he  command  him  to  imprifon 
or  lay  hands  upon  any,  and,  in  a  word,  how  far  he  may  in  his 
office  difobey  a  prelate,  without  danger  of  law.  For  if  the  Bifhop 
come  to  your  town,  and  find  not  obedience  to  his  heart,  it  is  like 
he  will  command  the  Provoft  to  aflifl:  him  againft  God  and  the 
truth.  Ye  will  have  more  courage  under  the  perfecution.  Fear 
not ;  take  Chrift  caution  ,f  who  faid,  **  There  fhall  not  one  hair  of 
your  head  perifh.":}:  Chrifl  will  not  be  in  your  common  §  to  have 
you  giving  out  anything  for  Him,  and  not  give  you  all  incomes  with 
advantage.  It  is  His  honour  His  fervants  fhould  not  be  berried  || 
and  undone  in  His  fervice.  You  were  never  honoured  till  now. 
And  if  your  hufband  be  the  firft  magiftrate  who  fhall  fuffer  for 
Chrifl's  name  in  this  perfecution,  he  may  rejoice  that  Chrift  hath 
put  the  firfl  garland  on  his  head  and  upon  yours.     Truth  will  yet 

*  An  attempt  had  been  made  by  the  Bifhop  of  SydferfFto  force  a  minifler 
upon  the  people  of  Kirkcudbright,  in  room  of  Mr  Glendinning,  who  had  been 
Tufpended,  and  ordered  to  be  imprifoned,  becaufe  he  would  not  conform  to 
Epifcopacy.  Provoft  Fullarton  (hufband  of  M.  M 'Naught),  along  with  other 
magiftrates,  would  not  imprifon  Mr  Glendinning,  and  this  was  the  occafion  of 
the  above  letter.     See  note  at  beginning  of  Let.  67. 

t  Surety.       %  Luke  xxi.  18.      §  Under  obligation  to.       ||  Pillaged  cmelly. 

i635-]  LETTER  LIIL  149 

keep  the  crown  of  the  caufey*  in  Scotland.  Chrifl  and  truth  are 
llrong  enough.  They  judge  us  now  ;  we  fhall  one  day  judge 
them,  and  fit  on  twelve  thrones  and  judge  the  twelve  tribes. 
Believe,  believe  ;  for  they  dare  not  pray  ;  they  dare  not  look  Chrifl 
in  the  face.  They  have  been  falfe  to  Chrift,  and  He  will  not  fit 
withf  the  wrong.  Ye  know  it  is  not  our  caufe  •,  for  if  we  would 
quit  our  Lord,  we  might  fleep  for  the  prefent  in  a  found  fkin,  and 
keep  our  place,  means,  and  honour,  and  be  dear  to  them  alfo  ;  but 
let  us  once  put  all  we  have  over  in  Chrift's  hand.  Fear  not  for  my 
papers  ;  I  fhall  defpatch  them,  but  ye  will  be  examined  for  them. 
The  Spirit  of  Jefus  ^ve  you  inward  peace.  Defire  your  hufband 
from  me  to  prove  honeft  to  Chrift ;  he  fhall  not  be  a  lofer  at 
Chrift's  hand. 

Yours  ever  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus,  ^^    ^ 

Anwoth,  July  8,  1635. 

LIIL — For  Marion  M'Naught. 



ISTRESS, — My  love  in  Chrift  remembered.  Having 
appointed  a  meeting  with  Mr  David  Dickfon,  and 
knowing  that  B.  will  not  keep  the  Prelbytery,  I  cannot 

fee  you  now.  Commend  my  journey  to  God.  My  foul  bleffeth 
you  for  your  lafl  letter.  Be  not  difcouraged  ;  Chrift  will  not  want 
the  Ifles-men.  The  Ifles  fhall  wait  for  His  law.  We  are  His  in- 
heritance, and  He  will  fell  no  part  of  His  inheritance.  For  the  fins  of 
this  land,  and  our  breach  of  the  covenant,  contempt  of  the  Gofpel, 
and  our  defection  from  the  truth,  He  hath  fet  up  a  burning  furnace 
in  our  Mount  Zion  ;  but  I  fay  it,  and  will  bide  by  it,  the  grafs 
fhall  yet  grow  green  on  our  Mount  Zion.  There  fhall  be  dew  all 
the  night  upon  the  lilies,  amongft  which  Chrifl  feedeth,  until  the 
day  break,  and  the  fhadows  flee  away.     And  the  moth  fhall  eat  up 

*  Appear  openly  with  credit  on  the  public  ftreet.  t  Bear  in  filence. 

150  LETTER  LIV.  [1636. 

the  enemies  of  Chrift.     Let  them  make  a  fire  of  their  own,  and 

walk  in  the  light  thereof,  it  fhall  not  let  them  fee  to  go  to  their 

bed  ;  but  they  fhall  lie  down  in  for  row.*     Therefore,  rejoice  and 

believe.     This  in  hafte.     Grace,  grace  be  with  you  and  yours. 

Yours  in  Chrifl,  ^   t> 


LIV. — For  Marion  M*Naught. 

OVING  AND  DEAR  SISTER,— I  fear  that  you  be 
moved  and  cafl  down,  becaufe  of  the  late  wrong  that 
your  huiband  received  in  your  Town  Council.  But  I 
pray  you  comfort  yourfelf  in  the  Lord  ;  for  a  juft  caufe  bides  under 
the  water  only  as  long  as  wicked  men  hold  their  hand  above  it ; 
their  arm  will  weary,  and  then  the  juft  caufe  fhall  fwim  above,  and 
the  light  that  is  fown  for  the  righteous  fhall  fpring  and  grow  up. 
If  ye  were  not  ftrangers  here,  the  dogs  of  the  world  would  not 
bark  at  you.  You  fhall  fee  all  windings  and  turnings  that  are  in 
your  way  to  heaven  out  of  God's  Word  ;  for  He  will  not  lead  you 
to  the  kingdom  at  the  nearefl,  but  you  mufl  go  through  **  honour 
and  difhonour,  by  evil  report  and  good  report ;  as  deceivers,  and 
yet  true  ;  as  unknown,  and  yet  well  known  ;  as  dying,  and,  behold, 
we  live  ;  as  chaftened,  and  not  killed  ;  as  forrowful,  and  yet  always 
rejoicing." f  The  world  is  one  of  the  enemies  that  we  have  to 
fight  with,  but  a  vanquifhed  and  overcome  enemy,  and  like  a 
beaten  and  forlorn  foldier  ;  for  our  Jefus  hath  taken  the  armour 
from  it.  Let  me  then  fpeak  to  you  in  His  words  :  "  Be  of  good 
courage,"  faith  the  Captain  of  our  falvation,  "  for  I  have  overcome 
the  world."  You  fhall  neither  be  free  of  the  fcourge  of  the  tongue, 
nor  of  dilgraces  (even  if  it  were  buffetings  and  fpittings  upon  the 
face,  as  was  our  Saviour's  cafe),  if  you  follow  Jefus  Chrift.  I 
befeech  you  in  the  bowels  of  our  Lord  Jefus,  keep  a  good  con- 

Ila.  1.  II.  \  2  Cor.  vi.  8,  10. 

1636.]  LETTER  LIV.  151 

icience,  as  I  trufl  you  do.     You  live  not  upon  men's  opinion  ;  gold 

may  be  gold,  and  have  the  king's  ftamp  upon  it,  when  it  is  trampled 

upon  by  men.    Happy  are  you,  if,  when  the  world  trampleth  upon 

you  in  your  credit  and  good  name,  yet  you  are  the  Lord's  gold, 

ftamped  with  the  I^g  of  heaven's  image,  and  fealed  by  the  Spirit 

unto  the  day  of  your  redemption.     Pray  for  the  fpirit  of  love  ;  for 

"  love  beareth  all  things  ;  it  belie veth  all  things,  hopeth  all  things, 

and  endureth  all  things."* 

And  I  pray  you  and  your  huiband,  yea,  I  charge  you  before 

God,  and  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrifl,  and  the  ele6l  angels,  pray  for 

thefe  your  adverfaries,  and  read  this  to  your  huiband  from  me,  and 

let  both  of  you  put  on,  as  the  eleft  of  God,  bowels  of  mercies. 

And,  fifter,  remember  how  many  thoufands  of  talents  of  fins  your 

Mailer    hath    forgiven    you.     For^ve  ye    therefore   your   fellow- 

fervants  one  talent.     Follow  God's  command  in  this,  and  "  feek 

not  after  your  own  heart,  and  after  your  own  eyes,"  in  this  matter, 

as  the  Spirit  fpeaks.f     Afk  never  the  counfel  of  your  own  heart 

here  ;  the  world  will  blow  up  your  heart  now,  and  caufe  it  fwell, 

except  the  grace  of   God    caufe   it    fall.     Jefus,  even    Jefus,  the 

Eternal  Wifdom  of  the  Father,  give  you  wifdom.     I  truft  God 

fhall  be  glorified  in  you.     And  a  door  fiiall  be  opened  unto  you,  as 

to  the  Lord's  prifoners  of  hope,  as  Zechariah  fpeaks.    It  is  a  benefit 

to  you,  that  the  wicked  are  God's  fan  to  purge  you.     And  I  hope 

they  fhall  blow  away  no  corn,  or  fpiritual  graces,  but  only  your 

chaff.     I  pray  you  in  your  purfuit,  have  fo  recourfe  to  the  law  of 

men,  that  you  wander  not  from  the  law  of   God.     Be  not  cafi: 

down  :  if  you  faw  Him  who,  ftanding  on  the  ihore,  holding  out 

His   arms   to  welcome  you   on   land,  you  would   not  only  wade 

through  a  fea  of  wrongs,  but  through  hell  itfelf  to  be  at  Him.    And 

I  trufi:  in  God  you  fee  Him  fometimes.     The  Lord  Jefus  be  with 

your  fpirit,  and  all  yours. 

Your  brother  in  the  Lord,  o   t> 


*  I  Cor.  xiii.  7.  f  Num.  xv.  39. 

152  LETTER  LV,  [1636. 

LV. — To  Marion  M*Naught. 



love  in  Chrift  remembered.     I  know  ye  have  heard  of 

the  purpofe  of  my  adverfaries,  to  try  what  they  can  do 

againft  me  at  this  Synod  for  the  work  of  God  in  your  town  when 

I  was  at  your  Communion.     They  intend  to  call  me  in  queftion  at 

the  Synod  for  treafonable  do6lrine.     Therefore  help  me  with  your 

prayers,  and  defire  your  acquaintance  to  help  me  alfo.     Y.our  ears 

heard  how  Chrift  was  there.     If  He  fuffer  His  fervant  to  get  a 

broken    head  in  His  own  kingly  fervice,  and   not  either  help  or 

revenge  the  wrong,  I  never  faw  the  like  of  it.     There  is  not  a 

night   drunkard,   time-ferving,   idle,   idol    Ihepherd    to    be    fpoken 

againft  :  I  am  the  only  man  ;  and  becaufe  it  is  fo,  and  I  know  God 

will  not  help  them  left  they  be  proud,  I  am  confident  their  procefs 

fhall  fall  afunder.    Only  be  ye  earneft  with  God  for  hearing,  for  an 

open  ear,  and  reading  of  the  bill,  that  He  may  in  heaven  hear  both 

parties,  and  judge  accordingly.     And  doubt  not,  fear  not  -,  they  ftiall 

not,  who  now  ride  higheft,  put  Chrift  out  of  His  kingly  pofteffion 

in  Scotland.     The  pride  of   man  and    his  rage  fhall  turn  to  the 

praife  of  our  Lord.     It  is  an  old  feud,  that  the  rulers  of  the  earth, 

the   dragon   and   his  angels,  have  carried   to   the  Lamb   and   His 

followers  ;  but  the  followers  of  the  Lamb  fhall  overcome  by  the 

Word  of  God.     And  believe  this,  and  wait  on  a  little,  till  they 

have  got  their  womb  full  of  clay  and  gravel,  and  they  fhall  know 

(howbeit  ftolen  waters  be  fweet)  Efau's  portion  is  not  worth  his 

hunting.     Commend  me  to  your  hufband,  and  fend  me  word  how 

Grizel  is.     The  Son  of  God  lead  her  through  the  water.     The 

Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Yours  in  his  only,  only  Lord  Jefus,  ^   -^ 


1636.]  LETTER  LVL  153 

LVI. — To  My  Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — I  received  your  Ladyfhip's  letter  from  J.  G.* 
I  thank  our  Lord  ye  are  as  well  at  leafl  as  one  may  be 
who  is  not  come  home.  It  is  a  mercy  in  this  ftormy 
iea  to  get  a  lecond  wind  ;  for  none  of  the  faints  get  a  firft,  but  they 
muft  take  the  winds  as  the  Lord  of  the  feas  caufeth  them  to  blow, 
and  the  inn  as  the  Lord  and  Mailer  of  the  inns  hath  ordered  it.  If 
contentment  were  here,  heaven  were  not  heaven.  Whoever  feek 
the  world  to  be  their  bed,  fhall  at  beft  find  it  ihort  and  ill-made,  and 
a  ftone  under  their  fide  to  hold  them  waking,  rather  than  a  foft 
pillow  to  fleep  upon.  Ye  ought  to  blefs  your  Lord  that  it  is  not 
worfe.  We  live  in  a  fea  where  many  have  fuffered  fhipwreck,  and 
have  need  that  Chrift  fit  at  the  helm  of  the  ihip.  It  is  a  mercy  to 
win  to  heaven,  though  with  much  hard  toil  and  heavy  labour,  and 
to  take  it  by  violence  ill  and  well  as  it  may  be.  Better  go  fwim- 
ming  and  wet  through  our  waters  than  drown  by  the  way  ;  efpecially 
now  when  truth  fufFereth,  and  great  men  bid  Chrifl:  fit  lower  and 
contract  Himfelf  in  lefs  bounds,  as  if  He  took  too  much  room. 

I  expedf  our  new  prelatef  Ihall  try  my  fitting.  I  hang  by  a 
thread,  but  it  is  (if  I  may  fpeak  fo)  of  ChrLft's  fpinning.  There  is 
no  quarrel  more  honeft  or  honourable  than  to  fuffer  for  truth.  But 
the  worfl  is,  that  this  kirk  is  like  to  fink,  and  all  her  lovers  and 
friends  fland  afar  off;  none  mourn  with  her,  and  none  mourn  for 
her.  But  the  Lord  Jefus  will  not  be  put  out  of  His  conquefi:J  fo 
foon  in  Scotland.  It  will  be  feen  that  the  kirk  and  truth  will  rife 
again  within  three  days,  and  Chrifi:  again  fhall  ride  upon  His  white 
horfe  ;  howbeit  His  horfe  feem  now  to  ftumble,  yet  he  cannot  fall. 
The  fulnefs  of  Chrifi:'s  harveft  in  the  end  of  the  earth  is  not  yet 
come  in.     I  fpeak  not  this  becaufe  I  would  have  it  fo,  but  upon 

*  J.  Gordon.  f  Sydferff.  J  Inheritance. 

154  LETTER  LVL  [1636. 

better  grounds  than  my   naked  liking.      But   enough  of  this   fad 

I  long  to  be  fully  alTured  of  your  Ladyfhip's  welfare,  and  that 
your  foul  profpereth,  efpecially  now  in  your  folitary  life,  when  your 
comforts  outward  are  few,  and  when  Chrift  hath  you  for  the  very 
uptaking.  I  know  His  love  to  you  is  ftill  running  over,  and  His 
love  hath  not  fo  bad  a  memory  as  to  forget  you  and  your  dear 
child,  who  hath  two  fathers  in  heaven,  the  one  the  Ancient  of 
Days.  I  truft  in  His  mercy  He  hath  fomething  laid  up  for  him 
above,  however  it  may  go  with  him  here.  I  know  it  is  long  fmce 
your  Ladyfhip  faw  this  world  turned  your  ftepmother  and  did  for- 
fake  you.  Madam,  ye  have  reafon  to  take  in  good  part  a  lean 
dinner  and  fpare  diet  in  this  life,  feeing  your  large  fupper  of  the 
Lamb's  preparing  will  recompenfe  all.  Let  it  go,  which  was  never 
yours  but  only  in  fight,  not  in  property.  The  time  of  your  loan 
will  wear  Ihorter  and  fhorter,  and  time  is  meafured  to  you  by 
ounce  weights  ;  and  then  I  know  your  hope  fhall  be  a  full  ear  of 
corn  and  not  blafled  with  wind.  It  may  be  your  joy  that  your 
anchor  is  up  within  the  vail,  and  that  the  ground  it  is  caft  upon  is 
not  falfe  but  firm.  God  hath  done  His  part :  I  hope  ye  will  not 
deny  to  iifh  and  fetch  home  all  your  love  to  Himfelf ;  and  it  is  but 
too  narrow  and  fhort  for  Him  if  it  were  more.  If  ye  were  before 
pouring  all  your  love  (if  it  had  been  many  gallons  more)  in  upon 
your  Lord,  if  drops  fell  by  in  the  in-pouring,  He  for^veth  you. 
He  hath  done  now  all  that  can  be  done  to  win  beyond  it  all,  and 
hath  left  little  to  woo  your  love  from  Himfelf,  except  one  only 
child.  What  is  His  purpofe  herein  He  knoweth  beft,  who  hath 
taken  your  foul  in  tutoring.  Your  faith  may  be  boldly  charitable 
of  Chrift,  that  however  matters  go,  the  worft  fhall  be  a  tired  travel- 
ler, and  a  joyful  and  fweet  welcome  home.  The  back  of  your 
winter  night  is  broken.  Look  to  the  eaft,  the  day  fky  is  breaking. 
Think  not  that  Chrifl  lofeth  time,  or  lingereth  unfuitably.  O  fair, 
fair,  and  fweet  morning  !  We  are  but  as  fea  pafTengers.  If  we 
look  right,  we  are  upon  our  country  coaft  :  our  Redeemer  is  faft 
coming,  to  take  this  old  worm-eaten  world,  like  an  old  moth-eaten 

636.]  LETTER  LVII.  155 

garment,  in  His  two  hands,  and  to  roll  it  up  and  lay  it  by  Him. 
Thefe  are  the  laft  days,  and  an  oath  is  given,  by  God  Himfelf,  that 
time  ihall  be  no  more  ;  *  and  when  time  itfelf  is  old  and  grey-haired, 
it  were  good  we  were  away.  Thus,  Madam,  ye  fee  I  am,  as  my 
cuftom  is,  tedious  in  my  lines.  Your  Ladyfhip  will  pardon  it.  The 
Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Your  Ladyfhip  at  all  obedience  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  Jan.  18,  1636. 

LVII.— i^cr  Marion  M'Naught. 


Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  am  well,  and 
my  foul  profpereth.  I  find  Chrift  with  me.  I  burden 
no  man ;  I  want  nothing ;  no  face  looketh  on  me  but  it  laugheth 
on  me.  Sweet,  fweet  is  the  Lord's  crofs.  I  overcome  my  heavi- 
nefs.  My  Bridegroom's  love-blinks  f  fatten  my  weary  foul.  I  foon 
go  to  my  King's  palace  at  Aberdeen.  Tongue,  and  pen,  and  wit 
cannot  exprefs  my  joy. 

Remember  my  love  to  Jean  Gordon,  to  my  fifler,  Jean  Brown, 
to  Grizel,  to  your  hufband.  Thus  in  hafle.  Grace  be  with 

Yours  in  his  only,  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Edinburgh,  April  $,  1636. 

P.S. — My  charge  is  to  you  to  believe,  rejoice,  fing,  and  triumph. 
Chrift  has  faid  to  me,  Mercy,  mercy,  grace  and  peace  for  Marion 

*  Rev.  X.  6.  t  Love-glances. 

iS6  LETTER  LVIIL  [1636. 

LVIII. — To  my  Lady  Kenmure. 

IGHT  HONOURABLE,— I  cannot  find  a  time  for 
writing  fome  tilings  I  intended  on  Job,  I  have  been  fb 
taken  up  with  the  broils  that  we  are  encumbered  with 
in  our  calling.  For  our  prelate  will  have  us  either  to  fwallow  our 
light  over,  and  digefi:  it  contrary  to  our  ftomachs  (howbeit  we  fhould 
vomit  our  confcience  and  all,  in  this  troublefome  conformity),  or  then* 
he  will  try  if  deprivation  can  convert  us  to  the  ceremonial  faith. f 

I  write  to  your  Ladyfhip,  Madam,  not  as  diflrufling  your  affec- 
tion or  willingnefs  to  help  me,  as  your  Ladyfhip  is  able  by  yourfelf 
or  others,  but  to  advertife  you  that  I  hang  by  a  fmall  thread.  For 
our  learned  prelate,  becaufe  we  cannot  fee  with  his  eyes  fo  far  in  a 
mill-flone  as  his  light  doeth,  will  not  follow  his  Mafter,  meek  Jefus, 
who  waited  upon  the  wearied  and  fhort-breathed  in  the  way  to 
heaven ;  and,  where  all  fee  not  alike,  and  fome  are  weaker,  He 
carrieth  the  lambs  in  His  bofom,  and  leadeth  gently  thofe  that  are 
with  young.  But  we  mull:  either  fee  all  the  evil  of  ceremonies  to 
be  but  as  indifferent  draws,  or  fuffer  no  lefs  than  to  be  caften  out 
of  the  Lord's  inheritance  !  Madam,  if  I  had  time  I  would  write 
more  at  length,  but  your  Ladyfhip  will  pardon  me  till  a  fitter  occa- 
fion.  Grace  be  with  you  and  your  child,  and  bear  you  company  to 
your  beil  home. 

Your  Ladyfhip  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  June  8,  1636. 

*  Or  elfe. 

t  Referring  to  the  attempts  then  made  by  the  prelates  to  compel  confor- 
mity to  epifcopal  forms. 

1636.]  LETTER  LIX.  157 

LIX. — To  Earlston,  Elder. 

[ALEXANDER  GORDON  of  Earlfton  was  defcended  from  the  houfe  of 
Gordon  of  Lochinvar,  and  the  defignation  of  his  family  at  firft  was  Gordon  of 
Airds;  but  his  great-grandfather,  Alexander  Gordon  of  Airds,  having  married 
Margaret,  eldeft  daughter  of  John  Sinclair  of  Earlfton,  the  iflue  of  that  union 
came  to  pofTefs  the  lands  of  Earlfton. — {Nijbefs  Heraldry^  His  anceftors 
were  at  an  early  period  brought  to  the  knowledge  of  divine  truth  by  fome  of 
thofe  difciples  of  WicklifF  who  itinerated  in  Scotland,  preaching  the  pure  doc- 
trines of  the  Gofpel ;  and  they  nobly  vindicated  the  fincerity  of  their  profeflion 
by  the  protedtion  which  they  afforded  to  thefe  devoted  miflionaries,  as  well  as 
by  the  zeal  with  which  they  laboured  to  propagate  the  faith.  It  is  a  tradition, 
that  old  Gordon  of  Airds  imbibed  Wickliffite  views,  when  he  was  on  a  fort 
of  embafly  to  the  Englifh  Borderers,  and  that  he  propagated  the  truth  by 
bringing  home  an  Englifh  Wicklifhte  to  be  tutor  to  his  eldeft  fon.  Having 
obtained  a  New  Teftament  in  the  vulgar  tongue,  he  read  it  at  meetings 
which  were  held  in  the  woods  of  Airds,  in  a  fecluded  fpot,  at  the  junction  of 
the  Ken  and  the  Dee,  where  the  loch  begins.  So  abundantly  bleffed  were 
fuch  means,  that  the  truth  circulated  rapidly  through  the  whole  province  of 
Galloway.  And  at  the  very  time  when  Patrick  Hamilton  fuffered  martyrdom, 
on  the  laft  day  of  February  1528,  that  province  may  be  faid  to  have  abjured 
Popery,  and  adopted  the  dodrines  of  the  Reformation. 

Earlfton^  or  Erlifton,  or  Earlefton  {Minute-hook  of  Comm.  of  Covenanters)^ 
is  not  far  from  Carfphaim.  As  you  come  from  Dairy,  you  fee  the  roof  of 
the  ancient  refidence  among  trees  that  furround  it,  and  that  grow  up  the  flop- 
ing  ridge  at  the  foot  of  which  it  ftands.  In  front  of  the  grim  old  tower, 
there  is  a  fine  lawn,  a  remnant  of  better  days,  and  a  linn  not  far  off.  It  is  not 
to  be  confounded  with  the  Earlfton  near  Anwoth,  in  the  parifh  of  Borgue, 
which  is  quite  modem,  having  been  built  by  a  defcendant  of  this  ancient 
family,  and  called  after  the  name  of  the  original  property. 

The  grace  of  God,  which  had  early  chofen  this  family,  continued  to  favour 
it  for  many  generations.  Alexander  Gordon^  Rutherford's  friend,  was  worthy 
of  his  anceftors.  Livingftone,  in  his  Characteriflics ^  fpeaks  of  him  as  *^  a  man 
of  great  fpirit,  but  much  fubdued  by  inward  exercife,  and  who  attained  the 
moft  rare  experience  of  downcafting  and  upholding;"  and  adds,  *^  For  wis- 
dom, courage,  and  righteoufnefs,  he  might  have  been  a  magiftrate  in  any  part 
of  the  earth."  In  the  ftruggle  againft  the  attempts  of  the  Court  to  introduce 
Prelacy  into  the  Church  of  Scotland,  he  warmly  efpoufed  the  fide  of  the  Pres- 
byterians. In  the  end  of  July  1635,  he  was  fummoned  by  the  Bifhop  of 
Glafgow  to  appear  before  the  High  Commiffion,  for  preventing  the  intrufion 

158  LETTER  LIX.  [1636. 

of  an  unpopular  nominee  of  the  Bifhop  into  a  vacant  parifh.  But  Lord  Lorn, 
afterwards  the  martyred  Marquis  of  Argyle,  having  appeared  w^ith  him  before 
that  court,  and  affirmed  that  what  Earlfton  had  done  was  by  his  direction  as 
patron  of  the  parilh,  the  matter  was  deferred  to  a  future  day.  This  letter  of 
Rutherford  to  Earlfton,  it  is  highly  probable,  refers  to  the  vexatious  proceed- 
ings inftituted  againft  him  in  regard  to  this  matter.  He  was  afterwards  fum- 
moned  by  Sydferif,  Bifhop  of  Galloway,  to  appear  before  a  High  Commiffion 
Court  to  be  held  at  \A^igtown.  He  did  not  make  his  appearance ;  but  the  Bifhop 
proceeded  in  his  cafe,  fined  him  five  hundred  merks,  and  banifhed  him  to 
Montrofe.  Earlfton,  by  the  advice  of  Lord  Lorn,  gave  in  a  reprefentation  of 
his  cafe  to  the  Privy  Council,  who  difpenfed  with  his  banifhment  upon  the 
paym.ent  of  his  fine.  Earlfton  was  a  member  of  the  AlTembly  which  met  at 
Glafgow  in  1638,  having  been  a  commiffioner  from  the  Prefbytery  of  Kirk- 
cudbright. His  name  appears  among  the  laft  of  the  members  of  Parliament  in 
1 64 1,  as  member  for  the  fhire  of  Galloway.  He  was  manied  to  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  John  Gordon  of  Muirfad,  by  whom  he  had  feveral  children.  His 
eldeft  fon,  William,  who  fucceeded  him,  is  retoured  heir  of  his  father  on  the 
a3d  of  January  1655.  {Inq.  Retor.  Abbrcv.^  No.  264.)  In  the  avenue  leading 
to  Earlfton,  there  is  a  very  large  old  oak,  ft  ill  fhown  as  that  in  the  thick 
foliage  of  which  this  William  Gordon  hid,  and  fo  efcaped  his  purfuers,  in  the 
days  of  the  perfecution. 


|UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— I  have  heard  of  the  mind 
and  malice  of  your  adverfaries  againft  you.  It  is  like 
they  will  extend  the  law  they  have,  in  length  and 
breadth,  anfwerable  to  their  heat  of  mind.  But  it  is  a  great  part  of 
your  glory  that  the  caufe  is  not  yours,  but  your  Lord's  whom  you 
ferve.  And  I  doubt  not  but  Chrift  will  count  it  His  honour  to  back 
His  weak  fervant;  and  it  were  a  fhame  for  Him  (with  reverence  to 
His  holy  name)  that  He  fhould  fuffer  Himfelf  to  be  in  the  common  * 
of  fuch  a  poor  man  as  ye  are,  and  that  ye  fhould  give  out  for  Him 
and  not  get  in  again.  Write  up  your  depurfmentsf  for  your 
Mafter  Chrift,  and  keep  the  account  of  what  ye  give  out,  whether 
name,  credit,  goods,  or  life,  and  fufpend  your  reckoning  till  nigh 
the  evening ;   and  remember  that  a  poor  weak  fervant  of  Chrift 

Under  obligation  to.  t  Difburfcments. 

1636.]  LETTER  LIX,  159 

wrote  it  to  you,  that  ye  fhall  have  Chrift,  a  King,  caution*  for  your 
incomes  and  all  your  lofTes.  Reckon  not  from  the  forenoon.  Take 
the  Word  of  God  for  your  warrant  ;  and  for  Chrift's  aft  of 
cautionary,  howbeit  body,  life,  and  goods  go  for  Chrifl  your  Lord, 
and  though  ye  fhould  lofe  the  head  for  Him,  yet  "  there  fhall  not 
one  hair  of  your  head  perifh  ;  in  patience,  therefore,  pofTefs  your 
foul."f  And  becaufe  ye  are  the  firft  man  in  Galloway  called  out 
and  queftioned  for  the  name  of  Jefus,  His  eye  hath  been  upon  you, 
as  upon  one  whom  He  defigned  to  be  among  His  witnefTes.  Chrift 
hath  faid,  "  Alexander  Gordon  fhall  lead  the  ring  in  witneiTmg  a 
good  confeffion,"  and  therefore  He  hath  put  the  garland  of  fufFer- 
ing  for  Himfelf  firft  upon  your  head.  Think  yourfelf  fo  much  the 
more  obliged  to  Him,  and  fear  not  ;  for  He  layeth  His  right  hand 
on  your  head.  He  who  was  dead  and  is  alive  will  plead  your  caufe, 
and  will  look  attentively  upon  the  procefs  from  the  beginning  to  the 
end,  and  the  Spirit  of  glory  fhall  refl  upon  you.  "  Fear  none  of 
thefe  things  which  thou  fhalt  fuffer  :  behold,  the  devil  fhall  cafl 
fome  of  you  into  prifon,  that  ye  may  be  tried  ;  and  ye  fhall  have 
tribulation  ten  days  :  be  thou  faithful  unto  death,  and  I  will  give 
thee  a  crown  of  life."  \  This  lovely  One,  Jefus,  who  alfo  became 
the  Son  of  man,  that  He  might  take  ftrokes  for  you,  write  the 
crofs-fweetening  and  foul-fupporting  fenfe  of  thefe  words  in  your 
heart ! 

Thefe  rumbling  wheels  of  Scotland's  ten  days'  tribulation  are 
under  His  look  who  hath  feven  eyes.  Take  a  houfe  on  your  head, 
and  flip  yourfelf  by  faith  in  under  Chrifl's  wings  till  the  florm  be 
over.  And  remember,  when  they  have  drunken  us  down,  Jeru- 
falem  will  be  a  cup  of  trembling  and  of  poifon.  §  They  fhall  be  fain 
to  vomit  out  the  faints  ;  for  Judah  "  fhall  be  a  hearth  of  fire  in  a 
fheaf,  and  they  fhall  devour  all  the  people  round  about,  on  the  right 
hand  and  on  the  left."  Woe  to  Zion's  enemies  !  they  have  the 
worfl  of  it ;  for  we  have  writ  ||  for  the  victory.     Sir,  ye  were  never 

*  Security.  f  Luke  xxi.  18,  19.  %  Rev.  ii.  10. 

§  Zech.  xii.  2,  6.  |(  A  writing  under  His  hand. 

i6o  LETTER  LIX.  [1636. 

honourable  till  now.  This  is  your  glory,  that  Chrift  hath  put  you 
in  the  roll  with  Himfelf  and  with  the  refl  of  the  witnefTes  who  are 
come  out  of  great  tribulation,  and  have  wafhen  their  garments  and 
made  them  white  in  the  blood  of  the  Lamb.  Be  not  caft  down  for 
what  the  fervants  of  Antichrift  caft  in  your  teeth,  that  ye  are  a  head 
to  and  favourer  of  tke  Puritans,  and  leader  to  that  fe6f.  If  your 
confcience  fay,  "Alas  !  here  is  much  din  and  little  done"  (as  the  pro- 
verb is),  becaufe  ye  have  not  done  fo  much  fervice  to  Chrifl  that  way  as 
ye  might  and  fhould,  take  courage  from  that  fame  temptation.  For 
your  Lord  Chrifl  looketh  upon  that  very  challenge*  as  an  hunger- 
ing defire  in  you  to  have  done  more  than  ye  did  ;  and  that  filleth 
up  the  blank,  and  He  will  accept  of  what  ye  have  done  in  that  kind. 
If  great  men  be  kind  to  you,  I  pray  you  overlook  them  ;  if  they 
Imile  on  you,  Chrifl  but  borroweth  their  face  to  fmUe  through  them 
upon  His  afflidled  fervant.  Know  the  well-head ;  and  for  all  that, 
learn  the  way  to  the  well  itfelf.  Thank  God  that  Chrift  came  to 
your  houfe  in  your  abfence  and  took  with  Him  fome  of  your  children. 
He  prefumed  thatf  much  on  your  love,  that  ye  would  not  offend  ; 
and  howbeit  He  fhould  take  the  reft,  He  cannot  come  upon  your 
wrong  fide.  I  queftion  not,  if  they  were  children  of  gold,  but  ye 
think  them  well  beflowed  upon  Him. 

Expound  well  thefe  two  rods  on  you,  one  in  your  houfe  at 
home,  another  on  your  own  perfon  abroad.  Love  thinketh  no  evil. 
If  ye  were  not  Chrifl's  wheat,  appointed  to  be  bread  in  His  houfe, 
He  would  not  grind  you.  But  keep  the  middle  line,  neither  defpife 
nor  faint.  J  Ye  fee  your  Father  is  homely  §  with  you.  Strokes  of 
a  father  evidence  kindnefs  and  care  ;  take  them  fo.  I  hope  your 
Lord  hath  manifefted  Himfelf  to  you,  and  fuggefted  thefe,  or  more 
choice  thoughts  about  His  dealing  with  you.  We  are  ufmg  our 
weak  moyenjl  and  credit  for  you  up  at  our  own  court,  as  we  dow.f 
We  pray  the  King  to  hear  us,  and  the  Son  of  Man  to  go  fide  for  fide 
with  you,  and  hand  in  hand  in  the  fiery  oven,  and  to  quicken  and 

*  Rebuke,  accufation.       t  So  much,  to  that  degree.       %  Heb.  xii.  5. 

§  Familiar.  ||  Means,  intereft.  1  As  we  are  able. 

1636.]  LETTER  LX.  161 

encourage  your  unbelieving  heart  when  ye  droop  and  defpond.  Sir, 
to  the  honour  of  Chrifl  be  it  faid,  my  faith  goeth  with  my  pen  now. 
I  am  prefently  believing  Chrift  ftiall  bring  you  out.  Truth  in  Scot- 
land fhall  keep  the  crown  of  the  caufeway*  yet.  The  faints  fhall  fee 
religion  go  naked  at  noon-day,  free  from  fhame  and  fear  of  men. 
We  (hall  divide  Shechem,  and  ride  upon  the  high  places  of  Jacob. 
Remember  my  obliged  refpefts  and  love  to  Lady  Kenmure  and  her 
fweet  child. 

Yours  ever  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Anwoth,  July  6,  1636. 

LX. — To  Marion  M'Naught. 


I  am  yet  under  trial,  and  have  appeared  before  Chrifl's 
forbidden  lords,f  for  a  teftimony  againft  them.  The 
Chancellor  and  the  reft  tempted  me  with  queftions,  nothing  belong- 
ing to  my  fummons,  which  I  wholly  declined,  notwithftanding  of 
his  threats.  My  newly  printed  book  againft  ArminiansJ  was  one 
challenge  ;  not  lording  the  prelates  §  was  another.  The  moft  part  of 
the  bhhops,  when  I  came  in,  looked  more  aftonifhed  than  I,  and  heard 
me  with  fdence.  Some  fpoke  for  me  ;  but  my  Lord  ruled  it  fo  as 
I  am  filled  with  joy  in  my  fufFerings,  and  I  find  Chrifl's  crofs  fweet. 
What  they  intend  againft  the  next  day  I  know  not.  Be  not  fecure, 
but  pray.  Our  Bifhop  of  Galloway  faid.  If  the  Commiflion  fhould 
not  give  him  his  will  of  me  (with  an  oath  he  faid),  he  would  write 
to  the  I^ng.     The  Chancellor  fummoned  me  in  judgment  to  appear 

*  Appear  in  public  v^^ith  triumph  and  honour. 
t  The  Prelates,  alluding  to  i  Pet.  v.  3. 

X  Exercitat.   ApoL  pro    Di'vind   Gratia,    publifhed    this    year    (1636)  at 

§  Calling  them  ^^  Lords." 

VOL.  I.  L 

i62  LETTER  LXI.  [1636. 

that  day  eight  days.  My  Lord  has  brought  me  a  friend  from  the 
Highlands  of  Arg)4e,  my  Lord  of  Lorn,*  who  hath  done  as  much 
as  was  within  the  compafs  of  his  power.  God  gave  me  favour  in  his 
eyes.  Mr  Robert  Glendinning  is  filenced,  till  he  accepts  a  colleague. 
We  hope  to  deal  yet  for  him.  Chrifl:  is  worthy  to  be  entrufted. 
Your  hufband  will  get  an  eafy  and  good  way  of  his  bufmefs.  Ye 
and  I  both  fhall  fee  the  falvation  of  God  upon  Jofeph  feparate  from 
his  brethren.     Grace  be  with  you. 

S.  R. 
Edinburgh,  1636. 

LXL — To  the  truly  Noble  and  EleEl  Lady,  my  Lady  Viscountess  of 
Kenmure,  on  the  evening  of  his  haniJJjment  to  Aberdeen. 


OBLE  AND  ELECT  LADY,— That  honour  that  I 
have  prayed  for  thefe  fixteen  years,  with  fubmiffion  to 
mj  Lord's  will,  my  kind  Lord  hath  now  beftowed 
upon  me,  even  to  fufFer  for  my  royal  and  princely  King  Jefus,  and 
for  His  kingly  crown,  and  the  freedom  of  His  kingdom  that  His 
Father  hath  given  Him.  The  forbidden  lords f  have  fentenced  me 
with  deprivation,  and  confinement  within  the  town  of  Aberdeen.  I 
am  charged  in  the  King's  name  to  enter  againfi:  the  20th  day  of 
Auguft  next,  and  there  to  remain  during  the  King's  pleafure,  as  they 
have  given  it  out.  Howbeit  Chrift's  green  crofs,  newly  laid  upon  me, 
be  fomewhat  heavy,  while  I  call  to  mind  the  many  fair  days  fweet 
and  comfortable  to  my  foul  and  to  the  fouls  of  many  others,  and  how 
young  ones  in  Chrifl  are  plucked  from  the  breaft,  and  the  inherit- 
ance of  God  laid  wafle ;  yet  that  fweet  fmelled  and  perfumed  crofs 

*  Brother  to  Lady  Kenmure,  afterwards  the  celebrated  Marquis  of  Argyle. 
See  Let.  61.  t  Let.  60. 

1636.J  LETTER  LXL  163 

of  Chrifl:  is  accompanied  with  fweet  refrefhments,  with  the  kifTes 
of  a  Eng,  with  the  joy  of  the  Holy  Ghofl:,  with  faith  that  the  Lord 
hears  the  fighing  of  a  prifoner,  with  undoubted  hope  (as  fure  as 
my  Lord  liveth)  after  this  night  to  fee  daylight,  and  Chrift's  fky 
to  clear  up  again  upon  me,  and  His  poor  kirk  ;  and  that  in  a 
ftrange  land,  among  ftrange  faces.  He  will  give  favour  in  the  eyes 
of  men  to  His  poor  opprefTed  fervant,  who  dow*  not  but  love 
that  lovely  One,  that  princely  One,  Jefus,  the  Comforter  of  his 
foul.  All  would  be  well,  if  I  were  free  of  old  challenges f  for 
guiltinefs,  and  for  negleft  in  my  calling,  and  for  fpeaking  too  little 
for  my  Well-beloved's  crown,  honour,  and  kingdom.  O  for  a  day 
in  the  aflembly  of  the  faints  to  advocate  for  King  Jefus  !  If  my 
Lord  go  on  now  to  quarrels  alfo,  I  die,  I  cannot  endure  it.  But  I 
look  for  peace  from  Him,  becaufe  He  knoweth  I  dow*  bear  men's 
feud,  but  I  dow*  not  bear  His  feud.  This  is  my  only  exercife, 
that  I  fear  I  have  done  little  good  in  my  miniftry  ;  but  I  dare  not 
but  fay,  I  loved  the  bairns  of  the  wedding-chamber,  and  prayed 
for  and  defired  the  thriving  of  the  marriage,  and  coming  of  His 

I  apprehend  no  lefs  than  a  judgment  upon  Galloway,  and  that 
the  Lord  fhall  vifit  this  whole  nation  for  the  quarrel  of  the  Cove- 
nant. But  what  can  be  laid  upon  me,  or  any  the  like  of  me,  is  too 
light  for  Chrifl.  Chrifl  dow*  bear  more,  and  would  bear  death  and 
burning  quick,  in  His  quick  fervants,  even  for  this  honourable 
caufe  that  I  now  fuffer  for.  Yet  for  all  my  complaints  (and  He 
knoweth  that  I  dare  not  now  difTemble),  He  was  never  fweeter  and 
kinder  than  He  is  now.  One  kifs  now  is  fweeter  than  ten  long 
fince  ;  fweet,  fweet  is  His  crofs  ;  light,  light  and  eafy  is  His  yoke. 
O  what  a  fweet  ftep  were  it  up  to  my  Father's  houfe  through  ten 
deaths,  for  the  truth  and  caufe  of  that  unknown,  and  fo  not  half 
well  loved,  Plant  of  Renown,  the  Man  called  the  Branch,  the  Chief 
among  ten  thoufands,  the  fairefl  among  the  fons  of  men  !  O  what 
unfeen  joys,  how  many  hidden  heart-burnings  of  love,  are  In  the 

*  Can.  t  Rebukes. 

i64  LETTER  LXII.  [1636. 

remnants  of  the  fufferings  of  Chrift  !  My  dear  worthy  Lady,  I  give 
it  to  your  Ladyfliip,  under  my  own  hand,  my  heart  writing  as  well 
as  my  hand, — welcome,  welcome,  fweet,  fweet  and  glorious  crofs 
of  Chrift  i  welcome,  fweet  Jefus,  with  Thy  light  crofs.  Thou  hail: 
now  gained  and  gotten  all  my  love  from  me  ;  keep  what  Thou  haft 
gotten  !  Only  woe,  woe  is  me,  for  my  bereft  flock,  for  the  lambs 
of  Jefus,  that  I  fear  fhall  be  fed  with  dry  breafts.  But  I  fpare  now. 
Madam,  I  dare  not  promife  to  fee  your  Ladyfhip,  becaufe  of  the 
little  time  I  have  allotted  me  •,  and  I  purpofe  to  obey  the  IGng,  who 
hath  power  of  my  body  ;  and  rebellion  to  kings  is  unbefeeming 
Chrift's  minifters.  Be  pleafed  to  acquaint  my  Lady  Mar*  with  my 
cafe.  I  will  look  that  your  Ladyfhip  and  that  good  lady  will  be 
mindful  to  God  of  the  Lord's  prifoner,  not  for  my  caufe,  but  for 
the  Gofpel's  fake.  Madam,  bind  me  more,  if  more  can  be,  to  your 
Ladyfhip,  and  write  thanks  to  your  brother,  my  Lord  of  Lorn,  for 
what  he  hath  done  for  me,  a  poor  unknown  ftranger  to  his  Lord- 
fhip.  I  fliall  pray  for  him  and  his  houfe,  while  I  live.  It  is  his 
honour  to  open  his  mouth  in  the  ftreets,  for  his  wronged  and 
opprefled  Mafter  Chrift  Jefus.  Now,  Madam,  commending  your 
Ladyfhip  and  the  fweet  child  to  the  tender  mercies  of  mine  own 
Lord  Jefus,  and  His  good-will  who  dwelt  in  the  Bufh, 
I  am  yours  in  his  own  fweeteft  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Edinburgh,  July  28,  1636. 

LXIL — To  the  Lady  Culross,  on  occajton  of  his  han'ijhment  to 

[Elizabeth  Melville,  wife  of  James  Colvill,  the  eldeft  Ion  of  Alex- 
ander, Commendator  of  Culrofs,  was  the  daughter  of  Sir  James  Melville  of 
Halhill,  in  Fife.  Her  father,  an  accomplifhed  ftatefman,  was  ambaflador 
from  Queen  Mary  to  Queen  Elizabeth,  and  a  privy  councillor  to  King  James 
VI.  He  was  alfo  a  man  of  piety,  and,  as  Livingftone  informs  us,  '*  profeffed 
he  had  got  aflurance  from  the  Lord,  that  himfelf,  wife,  and  all  his  children, 

*  See  Let.  to  her,  140,  and  notice  prefixed. 

1636.]  LETTER  LXIL  165 

fhould  meet  in  heaven."  He  died  on  the  13th  of  November  161 7.  Her 
mother  was  Chriftian,  the  feventh  daughter  of  David  Bofwell  of  Balmuto. 
{Douglas's  Peerage  J  vol.  ii.)  Lady  Culrofs  held  a  high  place  among  the 
eminent  Chriftians  of  her  day.  Livingftone  fays:  ^*  She  was  famous  for  her 
piety,  and  for  her  dream  concerning  her  fpiritual  condition,  which  Ihe  put  in 
verfe,  and  was  by  others  publifhed.  Of  all  that  ever  I  faw,  ihe  was  moft 
unwearied  in  religious  exercifes ;  and  the  more  fhe  enjoyed  accefs  to  God 
therein  fhe  hungered  the  more."  She  was  prefent  at  the  Communion  at 
Shotts  in  June  1636,  when  the  fermon  preached  by  Livingftone,  on  the 
Monday  after  the  facrament,  was  the  means,  it  is  believed,  of  the  converfion 
of  not  lefs  than  five  hundred  individuals.  The  night  before  had  been  fpent  in 
prayer  by  a  great  number  of  Chriftians  in  a  large  room  where  fhe  flept ;  and 
the  minifter  who  fliould  have  preached  on  Monday  having  fallen  fick,  it  was 
at  her  fuggeftion  that  the  other  minifters  affifting  on  that  occafion,  to  whom 
Livingftone  was  a  ftranger,  laid  upon  him  the  work  of  addreffing  the  people  on 
Monday.  There  is  a  poem  written  by  her  entitled,  *^  Ane  Godlie  Dream ;  " 
and  there  is  ftill  preferved  a  fonnet  of  her  compofition,  which  fhe  fent  to  Mr 
John  Welfh  when  he  was  imprifoned  in  Blacknefs,  i6oj  : — 

^^  My  dear  brother,  with  courage  bear  the  crofs, 
Joy  fhall  be  joined  with  all  thy  forrow  here. 
High  is  thy  hope,  difdain  this  earthly  drofs. 
Once  fhall  you  fee  the  wifhed  day  appear. 

'  *  Now  it  is  dark,  thy  Iky  cannot  be  clear, 
After  the  clouds  it  fhall  be  calm  anon  ; 
Wait  on  His  will  whofe  blood  hath  bought  thee  dear  : 
Extol  His  name,  though  outward  joys  be  gone. 

'  ^  Look  to  the  Lord,  thou  art  not  left  alone, 

Since  He  is  thine,  what  pleafure  canft  thou  take  I 
He  is  at  hand,  and  hears  thy  every  groan  : 
End  out  thy  fight,  and  fuffer  for  His  fake. 

^'  A  fight  moft  bright  thy  foul  fhall  fhortly  fee, 
When  ftore  of  glore  thy  rich  reward  fhall  be." 

— Wodroqv  MSS.  Adv.  Lib.  Edin.  vol.  xxix. 


I  AD  AM, — Your  letter  came  in  due  time  to  me,  now  a 
prifoner  of  Chrifl:,  and  in  bonds  for  the  Gofpel.  I  am 
fentenced  with  deprivation  and  confinement  within  the 
town  of  Aberdeen.  But  O  my  guiltinefs,  the  follies  of  my  youth, 
the  negleffs  in  my  calling,  and  efpecially  in  not  fpeaking  more  for 

i66  LETTER  LXIL  [1636. 

the  kingdom,  crown,  and  fceptre  of  my  royal  and  princely  King 
Jefus,  do  fo  flare  me  in  the  face,  that  I  apprehend  anger  in  that 
which  is  a  crown  of  rejoicing  to  the  dear  faints  of  God.  This,  be- 
fore my  compearance,*  which  was  three  feveral  days,  did  trouble 
me,  and  burdeneth  me  more  now  ;  howbeit  Chrift,  and  in  Him 
God  reconciled,  met  me  with  open  arms,  and  tryfledf  me  precifely 
at  the  entry  of  the  door  of  the  Chancellor's  hall,  and  affifted  me  to 
anfwer,  fo  as  the  advantage  that  is  is  not  theirs  but  Chrift's.  Alas  ! 
that  is  no  caufe  of  wondering  that  I  am  thus  borne  down  with 
challenges  ;  J  for  the  world  hath  miftaken  me,  and  no  man  knoweth 
what  guiltinefs  is  in  me  fo  well  as  thefe  two,  who  keep  my  eyes 
now  waking  and  my  heart  heavy,  I  mean,  my  heart  and  con- 
fcience,  and  my  Lord,  who  is  greater  than  my  heart. 

Shew  your  brother  that  I  defire  him,  while  he  is  on  the  watch- 
tower,  to  plead  with  his  mother,  and  to  plead  with  this  land,  and 
fpare  not  to  cry  for  my  fweet  Lord  Jefus  His  fair  crown,  that  the 
interdifted  and  forbidden  lords  §  are  plucking  off  His  royal  head. 
If  I  were  free  of  challenges  J  and  a  High  CommifTion  within  my 
foul,  I  would  not  give  a  ilraw  to  go  to  my  Father's  houfe  through 
ten  deaths,  for  the  truth  and  caufe  of  my  lovely,  lovely  One,  Jefus. 
But  I  walk  in  heavinefs  now.  If  ye  love  me,  and  Chrifl  in  me,  my 
dear  Lady,  pray,  pray  for  this  only,  that  bygones  betwixt  my  Lord 
and  me  may  be  bygones,  |1  and  that  He  would  pafs  from  the  fum- 
mons  of  His  High  CommifTion,  and  feek  nothing  from  me,  but  what 
He  will  do  for  me  and  work  in  me.  If  your  Ladyfhip  knew  me  as 
I  do  myfelf,  ye  would  fay,  "  Poor  foul,  no  marvel."  It  is  not  my 
apprehenfion  that  createth  this  crofs  to  me  ;  it  is  too  real,  and  hath 
fad  and  certain  grounds.  But  I  will  not  believe  that  God  will  take 
this  advantage  of  me,  when  my  back  is  at  the  wall.  He  who  for- 
biddeth  to  add  affliftion  to  affli6lion,  will  He  do  it  Himfelf .?  Why 
fhould  He  purfue  a  dry  leaf  and  ftubble  ?     Defire  Him  to  fpare  me 

*  Appearance  at  Court  in  obedience  to  a  citation. 

t  Appointed  a  meeting  with.  %  Rebukes  that  I  give  myfelf. 

^  The  Prelates.  |j  All  paft  offences  forgiven  and  forgotten. 

1636.]  LETTER  LXIIL  167 

now.  Alfo  the  memory  of  the  fair  feast-days  that  Chrifl  and  I  had 
in  His  banqueting-houfe  of  wine,  and  of  the  fcattered  flock  once  com- 
mitted to  me,  and  now  taken  off  my  hand  by  Himfelf,  becaufe  I 
was  not  fo  faithful  in  the  end  as  I  was  in  the  two  firft  years  of  my 
entry,  when  fleep  departed  from  my  eyes,  becaufe  my  foul  was  taken 
up  with  a  care  for  Chrifl's  lambs, — even  thefe  add  Ibrrow  to  my 
forrow.  Now  my  Lord  hath  only  given  me  this  to  fay,  and  I  write 
it  under  mine  own  hand  (be  ye  the  Lord's  fervant's  witnefs),  wel- 
come, welcome,  fweet,  fweet  crofs  of  Chriil  -,  welcome  fair,  fair, 
lovely,  royal  King  with  Thine  own  crofs.  Let  us  all  three  go  to 
heaven  together.  Neither  care  I  much  to  go  from  the  fouth  of 
Scotland  to  the  north,  and  to  be  Chrift's  prifoner  amongfl  unco* 
faces,  in  a  place  of  this  kingdom,  which  I  have  little  reafon  to  be  in 
love  with.  I  know  Chrift  fhall  make  Aberdeen  my  garden  of  de- 
lights. I  am  fully  perfuaded  that  Scotland  fliall  eat  Ezekiel's  book, 
that  is  written  within  and  without,  "  lamentation,  and  mourning,  and 
woe."f  But  the  faints  fhall  get  a  drink  of  the  well  that  goeth 
through  the  ftreets  of  the  New  Jerufalem,  to  put  it  down.  J  Thus 
hoping  that  ye  will  think  upon  the  poor  prifoner  of  Chrifl:,  I  pray, 
grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Your  Ladyfliip's  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Edinburgh,  July  30,  1636. 

LXin. — To  Mr  Robert  Cunningham,  Minijler  of  the  Go/pel  at 
Holyivoody  in  Ireland. 

[Mr  Robert  Cunningham  was  at  firft  for  fome  time  employed  as 
chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Buccleuch's  regiment  in  Holland.  On  the  return  of 
the  troops  to  Scotland,  he  removed  to  the  north  of  Ireland,  where  he  was  ad- 
mitted minifter  of  Holywood  on  the  9th  of  November  1615.  '^  He  was  the 
one  man  to  my  difceming,"  fays  Livingftone,  ^^  of  all  that  ever  I  faw,  who 

*  Strange.  f  Ezek.  ii.  10. 

X  Make  it  more  pleafant  to  fwallovv. 

i68  LETTER  LXIIL  [1636. 

refembled  moft  the  meeknefs  of  Jefus  Chrift  in  his  whole  carriage,  and  was  fo 
far  reverenced  by  all,  even  the  moft  wicked,  that  he  was  oft  troubled  with 
that  Scripture,  *  Woe  to  you  \vhen  all  men  fpeak  well  of  you.'"  He  con- 
tinued to  labour  in  his  charge,  and  in  the  furrounding  diftrid,  with  great  fuc- 
cefs,  until,  on  the  appointment  of  the  Earl  of  AA'entworth  to  be  Lord 
Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  the  Prefbyterian  minifters  began  to  be  molefted  for 
their  non-conformity.  Owing  to  the  Angular  gentlenefs  of  Cunningham's  dis- 
pofition,  he  was  for  fome  time  fubjecfted  to  lefs  trouble  than  his  brethren  ;  but 
at  length,  on  the  12th  of  Auguft  1636,  he  and  four  other  minifters,  among 
whom  was  Mr  Hamilton  mentioned  in  the  clofe  of  this  letter,  were  formally 
depofed  for  refufing  to  fubfcribe  certain  canons,  one  of  which  was  one  enjoin- 
ing kneeling  at  the  Lord's  Supper.  Not  long  after,  he  and  fome  of  his  de- 
pofed brethren  came  over  to  Scotland  ;  but  he  did  not  long  furvive  his  arrival, 
having  been  attacked  with  ficknefs  at  Irvine,  where  he  died  on  the  29th  of 
March  1637,  fcarcely  eight  months  after  this  letter  was  written.  A  little  be- 
fore he  expired,  while  his  wife  was  fitting  on  the  front  of  his  bed  with  her 
hand  clafp>ed  in  his,  after  committing  to  God  by  prayer  his  flock  at  Holywood, 
his  friends  and  children,  he  faid,  **  And  laft  of  all,  I  recommend  to  Thee  this 
gentlewoman,  who  is  no  more  my  wife."  His  affedionate  wife  burfting  into 
tears,  he  endeavoured  by  comfortable  words  to  allay  her  grief;  and  while  in 
the  act  of  fo  doing,  fell  afleep  in  Jefus.] 


jj\iA%iy  Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  Upon  acquaint- 
|Kv^^EAgi.jj|  ance  in  Chrift,  I  thought  good  to  take  the  opportunity 
of  writing  to  you.  Seeing  it  hath  feemed  good  to  the  Lord  of  the 
harveft  to  take  the  hooks*  out  of  our  hands  for  a  time,  and  to  lay 
upon  us  a  more  honourable  fervice,  even  to  fuffer  for  His  name,  it 
were  good  to  comfort  one  another  in  writing.  I  have  had  a  defire 
to  fee  you  in  the  face  ;  yet  now  being  the  prifoner  of  Chrift,  it  is 
taken  away.  I  am  greatlv  comforted  to  hear  of  your  foldier's  ftately 
fpirit,  for  your  princely  and  royal  Captain  Jefus  our  Lord,  and  for 
the  grace  of  God  in  the  reft  of  our  dear  brethren  with  you. 

*  The  Tickles  for  reaping. 

1636.]  LETTER  LXIIL  169 

You  have  heard  of  my  trouble,  I  fuppofe.  It  hath  pleafed  our 
Iweet  Lord  Jefus  to  let  loofe  the  malice  of  thefe  interdifted  lords  in 
His  houfe  to  deprive  me  of  my  miniftry  at  Anwoth,  and  to  confine 
me,  eight  fcore  miles  from  thence,  to  Aberdeen  ;  and  alfo  (which 
was  not  done  to  any  before)  to  inhibit*  me  to  fpeak  at  all  in  Jefus' 
name,  within  this  kingdom,  under  the  pain  of  rebellion.  The  caufe 
that  ripened  their  hatred  was  my  book  againft  the  Arminians,  whereof 
they  accufed  me,  on  thefe  three  days  I  appeared  before  them.  But, 
let  our  crowned  King  in  Zion  reign  !  By  His  grace  the  lofs  is 
theirs,  the  advantage  is  Chrifl's  and  truth's.  Albeit  this  honeft  crofs 
gained  fome  ground  on  me,  and  my  heavinefs  and  my  inward 
challenges  of  confcience  for  a  time  were  fharp,  yet  now,  for  the  en- 
couragement of  you  all,  I  dare  fay  it,  and  write  it  under  my  hand, 
"  Welcome,  welcome,  fweet,  fweet  crofs  of  Chrift."  I  verily  think 
the  chains  of  my  Lord  Jefus  are  all  overlaid  with  pure  gold,  and  that 
His  crofs  is  perfumed,  and  that  it  fmelleth  of  Chrift,  and  that  the 
viftory  fhall  be  by  the  blood  of  the  Lamb,  and  by  the  word  of  His 
truth,  and  that  Chrift,  lying  on  His  back,  in  His  weak  fervants,  and 
opprefled  truth,  fhall  ride  over  His  enemies'  bellies,  and  fhall  "  ftrike 
through  kings  in  the  day  of  His  wrath."f  It  is  time  we  laugh 
when  He  laugheth  ;  and  feeing  He  is  now  pleafed  to  fit  with:|: 
wrongs  for  a  time,  it  becometh  us  to  be  filent  until  the  Lord  hath 
let  the  enemies  enjoy  their  hungry,  lean,  and  fecklefs§  paradife. 
Bleffed  are  they  who  are  content  to  take  ftrokes  with  weeping 
Chrifl.  Faith  will  truft  the  Lord,  and  is  not  hafty,  nor  headftrong  ; 
neither  is  faith  fo  timorous  as  to  flatter  a  temptation,  or  to  bud||  and 
bribe  the  crofs.  It  is  little  up  or  little  down  f  that  the  Lamb  and 
His  followers  can  get  no  law-furety,  nor  truce  with  croffes ;  it  muft  be 
fo,  till  we  be  up  in  our  Father's  houfe.  My  heart  is  woe**  indeed 
for  my  mother  Church,  that  hath  played  the  harlot  with  many  lovers. 
Her  Hufband  hath  a  mind  to  fell  her  for  her  horrible  tranfgreflions ; 

*  Forbid.  f  Ps.  ex.  5.  %  To  bear  with  in  filence. 

§  Worthlefs,  no  iubftance  in  it.  ||  Try  to  gain  by  gift. 

^  Of  little  moment.  **  Sorrowful. 

lyo  LETTER  LXIIL  [1636. 

and  heavy  will  the  hand  of  the  Lord  be  upon  this  backfliding  nation. 
The  ways  of  our  Zion  mourn  ;  her  gold  is  become  dim,  her  white 
Nazarites  are  black  like  a  coal.  How  fhall  not  the  children  weep, 
when  the  Hufband  and  the  mother  cannot  agree  !  Yet  I  believe 
Scotland's  fky  fhall  clear  again ;  that  Chrifl  fhall  build  again  the 
old  wafle  places  of  Jacob  ;  that  our  dead  and  dry  bones  fhall  be- 
come one  army  of  living  men,  and  that  our  Well-beloved  may  yet 
feed  among  the  lilies,  until  the  day  break  and  the  fhadows  flee  away.* 
My  dear  brother,  let  us  help  one  another  with  our  prayers.  Our 
King  fhall  mow  down  His  enemies,  and  fhall  come  from  Bozrah 
with  His  garments  all  dyed  in  blood.  And  for  our  confolation  fhall 
He  appear,  and  call  His  wife  Hephzibah,  and  His  land  Beulah  ;f 
for  He  will  rejoice  over  us  and  marry  us,  and  Scotland  fhall  fay, 
"  What  have  I  to  do  any  more  with  idols  ?"  Only  let  us  be  faith- 
ful to  Him  that  can  ride  through  hell  and  death  upon  a  windleflrae,:]: 
and  His  horfe  never  flumble  ;  and  let  Him  make  of  me  a  bridge  over 
a  water,  fo  that  His  high  and  holy  name  may  be  glorified  in  me. 
Strokes  with  the  fweet  Mediator's  hand  are  very  fweet.  He  was 
always  fweet  to  my  foul  ;  but  fmce  I  fufFered  for  Him,  His  breath 
hath  a  fweeter  fmell  than  before.  Oh  that  every  hair  of  my  head, 
and  every  member  and  every  bone  in  my  body,  were  a  man  to 
witnefs  a  fair  confefTion  for  Him  !  I  would  think  all  too  little  for 
Him.  When  I  look  over  beyond  the  line,  and  beyond  death,  to  the 
laughing  fide  of  the  world,  I  triumph,  and  ride  upon  the  high  places 
of  Jacob  ;  howbeit  otherwife  I  am  a  faint,  dead-hearted,  cowardly 
man,  oft  borne  down,  and  hungry  in  waiting  for  the  marriage  fupper 
of  the  Lamb.  Neverthelefs,  I  think  it  the  Lord's  wife  love  that 
feeds  us  with  hunger,  and  makes  us  fat  with  wants  and  defertions. 

I  know  not,  my  dear  brother,  if  our  worthy  brethren  be  gone 
to  fea  or  not.  They  are  on  my  heart  and  in  my  prayers.  If  they 
be  yet  with  you,  falute  my  dear  friend,  John  Stuart,  my  well-beloved 
brethren  in  the  Lord,  Mr  Blair,  Mr  Hamilton,  Mr  Livingfton,  and 

*  Song  iv.  5,6.  t  Ifa.  Ixii.  4.  J  A  ftraw  of  dogs'-tail  grafs. 

1636.]  LETTER  LXIV.  171 

Mr  M'Clelland,*  and  acquaint  them  with  my  troubles,  and  en- 
treat them  to  pray  for  the  poor  aiflicfted  prifoner  of  Chrift.  They 
are  dear  to  my  foul.  I  feek  your  prayers  and  theirs  for  my  flock  : 
their  remembrance  breaketh  my  heart.  I  defire  to  love  that  people, 
and  others  my  dear  acquaintance  in  Chrift,  with  love  in  God,  and 
as  God  loveth  them.  I  know  that  He  who  fent  me  to  the  weft 
and  fouth,  fends  me  alio  to  the  north.  I  will  charge  my  foul  to 
believe  and  to  wait  for  Him,  and  will  follow  His  providence,  and 
not  go  before  it,  nor  ftay  behind  it.  Now,  my  dear  brother,  taking 
farewell  in  paper,  I  commend  you  all  to  the  word  of  His  grace,  and 
to  the  work  of  His  Spirit,  to  Him  who  holdeth  the  feven  ftars  in 
His  right  hand,  that  you  may  be  kept  fpotlefs  till  the  day  of  Jefus 
our  Lord. 

I  am  your  brother  in  aifliftion  in  our  fweet  Lord  Jeftis, 

S.  R. 

From  Irvine,  being  on  my  journey  to  Chrift's 
Palace  in  Aberdeen,  Auguji  4,  1636. 


LXrV. — To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Earlflon. 

UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— I  find  fmall  hopes  of  Q.'s 
bufmefs.  I  intend,  after  the  council-day,  to  go  on  to 
Aberdeen.  The  Lord  is  with  me:  I  care  not  what 
man  can  do.  I  burden  no  man,  and  I  want  nothing.  No  king  is 
better  provided  than  I  am.  Sweet,  fweet,  and  eafy  is  the  crofs  of 
my  Lord.  All  men  I  look  in  the  face  (of  whatfoever  denomina- 
tion, nobles  and  poor,  acquaintance  and  ftrangers)  are  friendly  to 

*  Correfpondents  to  whom  there  are  letters  inferted  in  this  volume,  v^^ho 
having  been  obliged  to  remove  from  Scotland  by  the  oppreflive  meafures  of 
the  prelates,  intended  to  proceed  to  New  England.  But  the  voyage  proving 
difaftrous,  they  ultimately  returned  to  Ireland.  There  was  a  M'Lelland  of 
Balmagachan,  near  Roberton,  in  the  parish  of  Borgue;  but  this  is  not  he. 
This  was  John  M^Lelland,  fometime  minifter  of  Kirkcudbright,  a  friend  of 
R.  Blair's. 

172  LETTER  LXV.  [1636. 

me.  My  Well-beloved  is  fome*  kinder  and  more  warmly  than  ordi- 
nary, and  Cometh  and  vifiteth  my  foul.  My  chains  are  overgilded 
with  gold.  Only  the  remembrance  of  my  fair  days  with  Chrift  in 
Anwoth,  and  of  my  dear  flock  (whofe  cafe  is  my  heart's  forrow),  is 
vinegar  to  my  fugared  wine.  Yet  both  fweet  and  four  feed  my  foul. 
No  pen,  no  words,  no  inginef  can  exprefs  to  you  the  lovelinefs  of 
my  only,  only  Lord  Jefus.  Thus,  in  hafte,  making  for  my  palace 
at  Aberdeen,  I  blefs  you,  your  wife,  your  eldeft  fon,  and  other 
children.     Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  only,  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Edinburgh,  Sept.  5,  1636. 

LXV. — To  Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbreck,  on  his  luay  to  Aberdeen. 

[Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbrex,  in  the  parifh  of  Borgue,  which  adjoins 
Anwoth,  is,  by  Livingftone  in  his  Charaderi/lics ,  defcribed  as  **  a  fingle-hearted 
and  painful  Chriftian,  much  employed  at  parliaments  and  public  meetings  after 
the  year  1638."  He  was  a  member  of  the  famous  Aflembly  which  met  at 
Glasgow  in  1638,  as  commifTioner  from  the  Prefbytery  of  Kirkcudbright.  The 
precife  date  of  his  death  is  uncertain.  But,  on  the  28th  of  July  1657,  John 
Gordon,  fon  to  John  Gordon,  who  was  fon  to  Alexander  Gordon  in  Gar- 
loch,  is  retoured  **heir  of  Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbreck,  his  granduncle," 
in  the  lands  of  Knockbreck,  &c.  {Inq.  Retor.  Abbrenj.  Kirkcudbright ,  No. 
274.)  This  retour  enables  us  to  con-edt  fome  miftakes  which  have  been  fallen 
into  in  reference  to  Knockbreck  and  his  family.  Stevenfon,  in  his  edition  of 
Livingftone's  Charaderijlics ,  1773,  has  added  to  Livingftone's  account  of 
Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbreck  the  following  fentence: — ^^They  all  three 
fufFered  for  religion.  The  two  younger  brothers  were  executed  on  one 
gibbet,  and  embracing  each  other  in  their  arms,  did  fo  expire."  The  two 
brothers  to  whom  Stevenfon  refers,  John  Gordon  of  Knockbreck,  and  Robert, 
who  were  executed  at  Edinburgh  on  the  7th  of  December  1666,  for  having 
been  engaged  in  the  riling  at  Pentland  (fee  Let.  218),  were  the  grandchildren 
of  Alexander  Gordon  of  Garloch,  the  brother  of  Robert  Gordon  of  Knock- 
breck, to  whom  Rutherford  addrefTes  this  letter,  and  to  whom  one  of  them, 
John,  in  the  above  retour,  was  ferved  heir.      Others  have  made  the  fame 

*  Somewhat.  f  Power  of  mind.     It  is  alfo  written  engine  or  ingyne. 

It  is  the  Latin  ingenium. 

1636.]  LETTER  LXVL  173 

miftake.  Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbreck  was  evidently  only  their  granduncle. 
Their  father's  name  was  John,  and  he  died  many  years  before  the  martyr- 
dom of  his  fons. 

Knockbrex  ftands  over  near  the  fea-fhore,  amid  thick  woods,  looking  down 
on  the  opening  of  Wigtown  Bay,  But  a  modern  manfion  has  taken  the  place 
of  Gordon's  refidence.] 


!  Y  DEAREST  BROTHER,— I  fee  Chrift  thinketh  fhame 
(if  I  may  fpeak  fo)  to  be  in  fuch  a  poor  man's  common* 
as  mine.  I  burden  no  man  ;  I  want  nothing ;  no  face 
hath  gloomed  upon  me  fmce  I  left  you.  God's  fun  and  fair  weather 
conveyeth  me  to  my  time-paradife  in  Aberdeen.  Chrifl  hath  fo 
handfomely  fitted  for  my  fhoulders  this  rough  tree  of  the  crofs,  as 
that  it  hurteth  me  no  ways.  My  treafure  is  up  in  Chrifl's  coffers ; 
my  comforts  are  greater  than  ye  can  believe ;  my  pen  fhall  lie  for 
penury  of  words  to  write  of  them.  God  knoweth  I  am  filled  with 
the  joy  of  the  Holy  Ghoft.  Only  the  memory  of  you,  my  dearefl 
in  the  Lord,  my  flock  and  others,  keepeth  me  under,  and  from 
being  exalted  above  meafure.  Chrift's  fweet  fauce  hath  this  four 
mixed  with  it ;  but  O  fuch  a  fweet  and  pleafant  tafle !  I  find  fmall 
hopes  of  Q.'s  matter.  Thus  in  hafl:e.  Remember  me  to  your 
wife,  and  to  William  Gordon.  Grace  be  with  you. 
Yours  in  his  only,  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Edinburgh,  Sept.  5,  1636. 

LXVL — To  Robert  Go^no^  of  Knockbrex ,  after  arriving  at  Aberdeen. 


EAR    BROTHER, — Grace,   mercy,   and    peace   be  to 
you.     I  am,  by  God's  mercy,  come  now  to  Aberdeen, 
the  place  of  my  confinement,  and  fettled  in  an  honeft 
man's  houfe.     I  find  the  town's-men  cold,  general,  and  dry  in  their 

*  Under  obligation  to. 

174  LETTER  LXVL  [1636. 

kindnefs ;  yet  I  find  a  lodging  in  the  heart  of  many  ftrangers.  My 
challenges  are  revived  again,  and  I  find  old  fores  bleeding  of  new ; 
dangerous  and  painful  is  an  undercotted*  confcience;  yet  I  have 
an  eye  to  the  blood  that  is  phyfic  for  fuch  fores.  But,  verily,  I  fee 
Chriftianity  is  conceived  to  be  more  eafy  and  lighter  than  it  is ;  fb 
that  I  fometimes  think  I  never  knew  anything  but  the  letters  of 
that  name ;  for  our  nature  contenteth  itfelf  with  little  in  godlinefs. 
Our  "Lord,  Lord"  feemeth  to  us  ten  "  Lord,  Lords."  Little  holi- 
nefs  in  our  balance  is  much,  becaufe  it  is  our  own  holinefs ;  and  we 
love  to  lay  fmall  burdens  upon  our  foft  natures,  and  to  make  a  fair 
court-way  to  heaven.  And  I  know  it  were  neceffary  to  take  more 
pains  than  we  do,  and  not  to  make  heaven  a  city  more  eafily  taken 
than  God  hath  made  it.  I  perfuade  myfelf  that  many  runners  fhall 
come  fhort,  and  get  a  difappointment.  Oh!  how  eafy  is  it  to  de- 
ceive ourfelves,  and  to  fleep,  and  wifii  that  heaven  may  fall  down 
in  our  laps  !  Yet  for  all  my  Lord's  glooms,f  I  find  Him  fweet,  gra- 
cious, loving,  kind ;  and  I  want  both  pen  and  words  to  fet  forth  the 
fairnefs,  beauty,  and  fweetnefs  of  Chrift's  love,  and  the  honour  of 
this  crofs  of  Chrifl,  which  is  glorious  to  me,  though  the  world 
thinketh  ftiame  thereof.  I  verily  think  that  the  crofs  of  Chrift 
would  blufh  and  think  fhame  of  thefe  thin-fkinned  worldlings,  who 
are  fo  married  to  their  credit  that  they  are  afhamed  of  the  fufFerings 
of  Chrift.  O  the  honour  to  be  fcourged  and  ftoned  with  Chrift, 
and  to  go  through  a  furious-faced  death  to  life  eternal!  But  men 
would  have  law-borrows  J  againft  Chrift's  crofs. 

Now,  my  dear  brother,  forget  not  the  prifoner  of  Chrift,  for  I 
fee  very  few  here  who  kindly  fear  God.  Grace  be  with  you.  Let 
my  love  in  Chrift  and  hearty  affeftion  be  remembered  to  your  kind 
wife,  to  your  brother  John,  and  to  all  friends.  The  Lord  Jefus  be 
with  your  fpirit. 

Yours  in  his  only,  only  Lord  Jefus,  S.  R. 

Aberdeex,  Sept.  20,  1636. 

*  F eft ering  under  the  fkin.     Calderwood's  Hift.  v.  658.  f  Frowns. 

X  Surety  from  injury ;  giving  a  pledge  to  the  law  not  to  injure. 

1636.]  LETTER  LXVIL  175 

LXVII. — For  William  Fullarton,  Provojl  of  Kirkcudbright. 

[William  Fullarton,  as  has  been  formerly  noticed,  was  the  hufband 
of  Marion  M  *  Naught.  His  religious  principles  were  the  fame  with  thofe  of  his 
excellent  wife,  and  he  was  a  man  of  virtue,  integrity,  and  piety.  He  proved 
himfelf  the  patron  of  the  opprefled  in  the  cafe  of  Mr  Robert  Glendinning,  the 
aged  minifter  of  Kirkcudbright ;  to  which  cafe  there  is  evident  allufion  in  this 
letter.  Mr  Glendinning  having  refufed  to  conform  to  Prelacy,  and  to  receive, 
as  his  affiiftant  and  fucceflbr,  a  man  whom  Bifhop  Sydferff  intruded  upon  him 
and  the  people  of  Kirkcudbright,  the  Bifhop  fufpended  him  from  his  office, 
and  fentenced  him  to  be  imprifoned.  Provoft  Fullarton,  and  the  other  magis- 
trates of  the  burgh  (one  of  whom  was  Mr  William  Glendinning,  fon  of  the 
minifter),  indignant  at  fuch  tyrannical  proceedings,  refufed  to  incarcerate  their 
own  paftor,  then  nearly  80  years  of  age,  and  were  determined,  with  the 
great  body  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  town,  to  attend  upon  his  miniftry. 
Sydferff,  too  proud  and  violent  to  allow  his  authority  to  be  thus  defpifed, 
caufed  Bailie  Glendinning  to  be  imprifoned  in  Kirkaidbright,  and  the  other 
magiftrates  to  be  confined  within  the  town  of  Wigtown,  while  he  fentenced  the 
aged  minifter  to  remain  within  the  bounds  of  his  parilh,  and  forbade  him  to 
exercife  any  part  of  his  minifterial  fund:ions.  But  he  found  it  impoffible,  by 
all  the  means  he  could  employ,  to  reduce  thefe  refradtory  magiftrates  to 
obedience.  The  firmnefs  which  Fullarton  manifefted  on  this  occafion  is 
warmly  commended  by  Rutherford.] 



—  Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  am  in  good 
cafe,  blefTed  be  the  Lord,  remaining  here  in  this  unco  * 
town,  a  prifoner  for  Chrift  and  His  truth.  And  I  am  not  afhamed 
of  His  crofs.  My  foul  is  comforted  with  the  confolations  of  His 
fweet  prefence,  for  whom  I  fuffer. 

I  earneftly  entreat  you  to  give  your  honour  and  authority  to 
Chrifl:,  and  for  Chrift ;  and  be  not  difmayed  for  flefh  and  blood, 
while  you  are  for  the  Lord,  and  for  His  truth  and  caufe.  And 
howbeit  we  fee  truth  put  to  the  worfe  for  the  time,  yet  Chrifl  will 

*  Strange. 

17^  LETTER  LXFIIL  [1636. 

be  a  friend  to  truth,  and  will  do*  for  thofe  who  dare  hazard  all 

that  they  have  for  Him  and  for  His  glory.     Sir,  our  fair  day  is 

coming,  and  the  court  will  change,  and  wicked  men  will  weep  after 

noon,  and  forer  than  the  fons  of  God,  who  weep  in  the  morning. 

Let  us  believe  and  hope  for  God's  falvation. 

Sir,  I  hope  I  need  not  write  to  you  for  your  kindnefs  and  love 

to  my  brother,f  who  is  now  to  be  diftrefTed  for  the  truth  of  God 

as  well  as  I  am.     I  think  myfelf  obliged  to  pray  for  you,  and  your 

worthy  and  kind  bed-fellow  and  children,  for  your  love  to  him  and 

me  alfo.    I  hope  your  pains  for  us  in  Chrift  fhall  not  be  loft.    Thus 

recommending  you  to  the  tender  mercy  and  loving-kindnefs  of  God, 

I  reft, 

Your  very  loving  and  afFed^ionate  brother, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  Sept.  21,  1636. 

LXVIII.— 51?  John  Fleming,  Bailiffe  of  Leith.X 

[Of  Mr  Fleming  nothing  can  be  afcertained,  unlefs  it  is  he  who  is  men- 
tioned by  Livingfton  as  being  a  merchant  in  Edinburgh,  a  man  of  note  among 
the  godly.] 


Y  VERY  WORTHY  FRIEND,— Grace,  mercy,  and 
peace  be  to  you.     I  received  your  letter.     I  blefs  the 
Lord  through  Jefus  Chrift,  I  find  His  word  good,  "  I 
have  chofen  thee  in  the  furnace  of  affliftion." § — "I  will  be  with 

*  Ad:  fo  as  to  undo  them. 

t  His  brother  was  a  teacher  in  Kirkcudbright,  and  between  him  and 
Samuel  there  was  a  warm  attachment,  and  ftrong  mutual  fympathies.  He, 
too,  fuffered  perfecution  for  his  adherence  to  the  caufe  of  Prefbytery.  For  this, 
and  his  zealous  fupport  of  Mr  Glendinning,  whom  the  Bifliop  of  Galloway 
treated  with  fuch  cruelty,  he  was  fummoned  in  November  1636  before  the 
High  Commiffion,  and  condemned  to  refign  his  charge,  and  remove  from 
Kirkcudbright  before  the  enfuing  term  of  Whitfunday. 

t  BailifFe  is  the  modern  ''  Bailie,"  the  name  for  a  city  magiftrate. 

§  I  fa.  xlviii.  lo. 

1636.]  LETTER  LXFIII.  177 

him  in  trouble."*  I  never  expe6ted  otherf  at  Chrift's  hand  but  much 
good  and  comfort ;  and  I  am  not  difappointed.  I  find  my  Lord's 
crofs  overgilded  and  oiled  with  comforts.  My  Lord  hath  now 
fhown  me  the  white  fide  of  His  crofs.  I  would  not  exchange  my 
weeping  in  prifon  with  the  Fourteen  Prelates' :j:  laughter,  amidfi: 
their  hungry  and  lean  joys.  This  world  knoweth  not  the  fweetnefs 
of  Chrift's  love  ;  it  is  a  myftery  to  them. 

At  my  firfi:  coming  here,  I  found  great  heavinefs,  efpecially 
becaufe  it  had  pleafed  the  prelates  to  add  this  gentle  cruelty  to  my 
former  fufferings  (for  it  is  gentle  to  them),  to  inhibit  the  minifters 
of  the  town  to  give  me  the  liberty  of  a  pulpit.  I  faid,  What  aileth 
Chrifi:  at  my  fervice  ?  But  I  was  a  fool ;  He  hath  chid  Himfelf 
friends  with  me.  If  ye  and  others  of  God's  children  fhall  praife 
His  great  name,  who  maketh  worthlefs  men  witnefies  for  Him,  my 
filence  and  fufferings  fiiall  preach  more  than  my  tongue  could  do. 
If  His  glory  be  feen  in  me,  I  am  fatisfied  ;  for  I  want  for  no  kind- 
nefs  from  Chrifi:.  And,  fir,  I  dare  not  fmother  His  liberality.  I 
write  it  to  you,  that  ye  may  praife,  and  defire  your  brother  and 
others  to  join  with  me  in  this  work. 

This  land  fiiall  be  made  defolate.  Our  iniquities  are  full  ^  the 
Lord  faith,  we  fiiall  drink,  and  fpue,  and  fall.  Remember  my  love 
to  your  good  kind  wife.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Nov,  13,  1636. 

*  Ps.  xci.  15.  f  Ought  elfe. 

X  Referring  probably  to  the  number  of  prelates  (confifting  of  two  arch- 
bifhops  and  twelve  bifhops),  who  were  members  of  the  High  Commiffion  by 
whom  he  was  fentenced  to  imprifonment. 

VOL.  I. 

178  LETTER  LXIX.  [1636. 

LXIX. — To  the  Noble  and  Chrijlian  Lady  the  Viscountess  of 



Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  cannot  forget 
your  Ladyihip,  and  that  fweet  child.  I  defire  to  hear 
what  the  Lord  is  doing  to  you  and  him.  To  write  to  me  were 
charity.  I  cannot  but  write  to  my  friends,  that  Chrift  hath  tryfted* 
me  in  Aberdeen  -,  and  my  adverfaries  have  fent  me  here  to  be 
feafted  with  love  banquets  with  my  royal,  high,  high,  and 
princely  I^ng  Jefus.  Madam,  why  fhould  I  fmother  Chrifl's  hon- 
efty  ?  I  dare  not  conceal  His  goodnefs  to  my  foul ;  He  looked 
fremedf  and  unco-like  J  upon  me  when  I  came  firfl  here  •,  but  I 
believe  Himfelf  better  than  His  looks.  I  fhall  not  again  quarrel 
Chrifl  for  a  gloom,  §  now  He  hath  taken  the  mafk  off  His  face,  and 
faith,  "Kjfs  thy  fill ;"  and  what  can  I  have  more  when  I  get  great 
heaven  in  my  little  arms  ?  Oh  how  fweet  are  the  fufFerings  of  Chrifl 
for  Chrift  !  God  forgive  them  that  raife  an  ill  report  upon  the 
fweet  crofs  of  Chrifl.  It  is  but  our  weak  and  dim  eyes,  that  look 
but  to  the  black  fide,  that  makes  us  miflake.  Thofe  who  can  take 
that  crabbed  tree  handfomely  upon  their  back,  and  faflen  it  on 
cannily,||  fhall  find  it  fuch  a  burden  as  wings  unto  a  bird,  or  fails  to 
a  fhip.  Madam,  rue  not  of  your  having  chofen  the  better  part. 
Upon  my  falvation,  this  is  Chrift's  truth  I  now  fuffer  for.  If  I 
found  but  cold  comfort  in  my  fufFerings,  I  would  not  beguile  others  ; 
I  would  have  told  you  plainly.  But  the  truth  is,  Chrifl's  crown, 
His  fceptre,  and  the  freedom  of  His  kingdom,  is  that  which  is  now 

*  Appointed  to  meet,      f  Like  one  who  was  no  kinfman.      X  Strange-like. 
§  Frown.  |(  Quietly,  and  Ikilfully. 

1636.]  LETTER  LXIX.  179 

called  in  queftion ;  becaufe  we  will  not  allow  that  Chrifl:  pay  tri- 
bute and  be  a  vaflal  to  the  ihields  of  the  earth,  therefore  the  fons  of 
our  mother  are  angry  at  us.  But  it  becometh  not  Chrift  to  hold 
any  man's  flirrup.  It  were  a  fweet  and  honourable  death  to  die 
for  the  honour  of  that  royal  and  princely  I^ng  Jefus.  His  love  is 
a  myftery  to  the  world.  I  would  not  have  believed  that  there  was 
fo  much  in  Chrift  as  there  is.  "  Come  and  fee"  maketh  Chrifl  to 
be  known  in  His  excellency  and  glory.  I  wifh  all  this  nation  knew 
how  fweet  His  breath  is.  It  is  little  to  fee  Chrift  in  a  book,  as 
men  do  the  world  in  a  card.*  They  talk  of  Chrift  by  the  book 
and  the  tongue,  and  no  more  ;  but  to  come  nigh  Chrift,  and  haufef 
Him;  and  embrace  Him,  is  another  thing.  Madam,  I  write  to  your 
honour,  for  your  encouragement  in  that  honourable  profeffion 
Chrift  hath  honoured  you  with.  Ye  have  gotten  the  funny  fide  of 
the  brae,  J  and  the  beft  of  Chrift's  good  things.  He  hath  not  given 
you  the  baftard's  portion  ;  and  howbeit  ye  get  ftrokes  and  four 
looks  from  your  Lord,  yet  believe  His  love  more  than  your  own 
feeling,  for  this  world  can  take  nothing  from  you  that  is  truly 
yours,  and  death  can  do  you  no  wrong.  Your  rock  doth  not  ebb 
and  flow,  but  your  fea.  That  which  Chrift  hath  faid.  He  will 
bide  by  it.  He  will  be  your  tutor.  You  fhall  not  get  your  charters 
of  heaven  to  play  you  with.  It  is  good  that  ye  have  loft  your 
credit  with  Chrift,  and  that  Lord  Free-will  ftiall  not  be  your  tutor. 
Chrift  will  lippen§  the  taking  you  to  heaven,  neither  to  yourfelf, 
nor  any  deputy,  but  only  to  Himfelf.  Blefted  be  your  tutor.  When 
your  Head  fhall  appear,  your  Bridegroom  and  Lord,  your  day 
ftiall  then  dawn,  and  it  fhall  never  have  an  afternoon,  nor  an  even- 
ing ftiadow.  Let  your  child  be  Chrift's  ;  let  him  ftay  befide  you  as 
thy  Lord's  pledge,  that  you  fhall  willingly  render  again,  if  God 

Madam,  I  find  folks  here  kind  to  me  ;  but  in  the  night,  and 
under  their  breath.     My  Mafter's  caufe  may  not  come  to  the  crown 

*  Chart,  map.     f  Clofe  with;  clafp  round  the  neck;  hals^  the  neck,  or  throat. 
X  Of  the  hill ;  the  comfortable  and  warm  fituation.  §  Entruft. 

i8o  LETTER  LXIX.  [1636. 

of  the  caufeway.*  Others  are  kind  according  to  their  fafhion. 
Many  think  me  a  ftrange  man,  and  my  caufe  not  good  ;  but  I  care 
not  much  for  man's  thoughts  or  approbation.  I  think  no  fhame  of 
the  crofs.  The  preachers  of  the  town  pretend  great  love,  but  the 
prelates  have  added  to  the  reft  this  gentle  cruelty  (for  fo  they  think 
of  it),  to  difcharge  me  of  the  pulpits  of  this  town.  The  people  mur- 
mur and  cry  out  againft  it  ;  and  to  fpeak  truly  (howbeit  Chrifl:  is  moft 
indulgent  to  me  otherwife),  my  filence  on  the  Lord's  day  keeps  me 
from  being  exalted  above  meafure,  and  from  ftartlingf  in  the  heat  of 
my  Lord's  love.  Some  people  afFedl  J  me,  for  the  which  caufe,  I  hear 
the  preachers  here  purpofe  to  have  my  confinement  changed  to 
another  place  ;  fo  cold  is  northern  love  ;  but  Chrifl  and  I  will  bear  it. 
I  have  wreftled  long  with  this  fad  filence.  I  faid,  what  aileth  Chrifl 
at  my  fervice  ?  and  my  foul  hath  been  at  a  pleading  with  Chrifl, 
and  at  yea  and  nay.  But  I  will  yield  to  Him,  providing  my  fufFer- 
ing  may  preach  more  than  my  tongue  did  ;  for  I  give  not  Chrifl  an 
inch  but  for  twice  as  good  again.  In  a  word,  I  am  a  fool,  and  He 
is  God.     I  will  hold  my  peace  hereafter. 

Let  me  hear  from  your  Ladyfhip,  and  your  dear  child.     Pray 
for  the  prifoner  of  Chrifl,  who  is  mindful  of  your  Ladyfhip.     Re- 
member my  obliged  obedience  to  my  good  Lady  Marr.     Grace, 
grace  be  with  you.     I  write  and  pray  bleffings  to  your  fweet  child. 
Yours  in  all  dutiful  obedience  in  his  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Not'.  22,  1636. 

*  Appear  without  fhame  in  public. 

t  Startle,  as  cattle  do  in  hot  weather,  nin  up  and  down  in  an  excited  manner. 

t  Love. 


636.]  LETTER  LXX.  181 

LXX. — To  the  Right  Honourable  and  Chrijlian  Lady,  my  Lady 
Viscountess  of  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  received 
your  Ladyfhip's  letter.  It  refrefhed  me  in  my  heavi- 
nefs.  The  ble/Iing  and  prayer  of  a  prilbner  of  Chrifl 
come  upon  you.  Since  my  coming  hither,  Galloway  fent  me  not  a 
line,  except  what  my  brother,  Earleflon  and  his  fon  did  write.  I 
cannot  get  my  papers  tranfported  ;  but.  Madam,  I  want  not  kind- 
nefs  of  one  who  hath  the  gate  *  of  it.  Chrift  (if  He  had  never  done 
more  for  me  fmce  I  was  born)  hath  engaged  my  heart,  and  gained 
my  bleffing  in  this  houfe  of  my  pilgrimage.  It  pleafeth  my  Well- 
beloved  to  dine  with  a  poor  prifoner,  and  the  King's  fpikenard  cafleth 
a  fragrant  fmell.  Nothing  grieveth  me,  but  that  I  eat  my  feafts 
my  lone,  and  that  I  cannot  edify  His  faints.  O  that  this  nation 
knew  what  is  betwixt  Him  and  me  ;  none  would  fcarf  at  the 
crofs  of  Chrifl  !  My  filence  eats  me  up,  but  He  hath  told  me  He 
thanketh  me  no  lefs,  than  if  I  were  preaching  daily.  He  fees  how 
gladly  I  would  be  at  it  •,  and  therefore  my  wages  are  going  to  the 
fore,  J  up  in  heaven,  as  if  I  were  ftill  preaching  Chrift.  Captains 
pay  duly  bedfafl  foldiers,  howbeit  they  do§  not  march,  nor  carry 
armour.  "  Though  Ifrael  be  not  gathered,  yet  fhall  I  be  glorious 
in  the  eyes  of  the  Lord,  and  my  God  fhall  be  my  ftrength."  ||  My 
garland,  "  the  banillied  minifter"  (the  term  of  Aberdeen),  afhameth 
me  not.  I  have  feen  the  white  fide  of  Chrift's  crofs  ;  how  lovely 
hath  He  been  to  His  opprefTed  fervant !  "  The  Lord  executeth 
judgment  for  the  opprefTed,  He  giveth  food  to  the  hungry  :  the  Lord 
loofeth  the  prifoner  -,  the  Lord  raifeth  them  that  are  bowed  down  : 

*  Way.       t  Start  alide  in  fear.       :j:  Laid  up  in  ftore  for  my  advantage^ 
§  Some  editions  read  *^  dow," — are  not  able.  ||  Ifa.  xlix.  5. 

i82  LETTER  LXX.  [1636. 

the  Lord  preferveth  the  flranger."  *  If  it  were  come  to  exchanging 
of  crofTes,  I  would  not  exchange  my  crofs  with  any.  I  am  well 
pleafed  with  Chrift,  and  He  with  me  -,  I  hope  none  fhall  hear  us.f 
It  is  true  for  all  this,  I  get  my  meat  with  many  ftrokes,  and  am 
feven  times  a-day  up  and  down,  and  am  often  anxious  and  caft 
down  for  the  cafe  of  my  oppreffed  brother  -,  yet  I  hope  the  Lord 
will  be  furety  for  His  fervant.  But  now  upon  fome  weak,  very 
weak  experience,  I  am  come  to  love  a  rumbling  and  raging  devil 
befl.  Seeing  we  muft  have  a  devil  to  hold  the  faints  waking,  I  wifli 
a  cumberfome  devil,  rather  than  a  fecure  and  fleeping  one.  At  my 
firfl  coming  hither,  I  took  the  dortsj  at  Chrift,  and  took  up  a  ftomach 
againfl  Him  -,  I  faid,  He  had  caft  me  over  the  dike  of  the  vineyard, 
like  a  dry  tree.  But  it  was  His  mercy,  I  fee,  that  the  fire  did  not 
burn  the  dry  tree  ;  and  now,  as  if  my  Lord  Jefus  had  done  that 
fault,  and  not  I  (who  belied  my  Lord),  He  hath  made  the  firft  mends, § 
and  He  fpake  not  one  word  againft  me,  but  hath  come  again  and 
quickened  my  foul  with  His  prefence.  Nay,  now  I  think  the  very 
annuity  j'  and  cafualties  of  the  crofs  of  Chrifl  Jefus  my  Lord,  and 
thefe  comforts  that  accompany  it,  better  than  the  world's  fet-rent.  || 
O  how  many  rich  off-fallings  f  are  in  my  King's  houfe!  I  am  per- 
fuaded,  and  dare  pawn  my  falvation  on  it,  that  it  is  Chrift's  truth  I 
now  fuifer  for.  I  know  His  comforts  are  no  dreams  ;  He  would  not 
put  His  feal  on  blank  paper,  nor  deceive  His  afflicted  ones  that 
trufl  in  Him. 

Your  Ladyfhip  wrote  to  me  that  ye  are  yet  an  ill  fcholar. 
Madam,  ye  mufl  go  in  at  heaven's  gates,  and  your  book  in  your 
hand,  ftill  learning.  You  have  had  your  own  large  fhare  of  troubles, 
and  a  double  portion  ;  but  it  faith  your  Father  counteth  you  not  a 
baflard  ;  full-begotten  bairns  are  nurtured.**  I  long  to  hear  of  the 
child.     I  write  the  blefTmgs  of  Chrifl's  prifoner  and  the  mercies  of 

*  Ps.  cxlvi.  7-9. 

t  In  Thomfon's  edition  this  is  explained  by  referring  to  Proverbs  xiv.  10. 
X  Sulks.  §  Firft  repaired  the  injury,  made  up  the  quarrel. 

II  The  quit-rent  ;  better  than  the  world's  full  rent.     1  Odds  and  ends. 
**  Heb.  xii.  8.     Legitimate  children  are  put  under  difcipline. 

1636.J  LETTER  LXX.  183 

God  to  him.  Let  him  be  Chrift's  and  yours  betwixt  you,  but  let 
Chrift  be  whole  play-maker.*  Let  Him  be  the  lender  ;  and  you 
the  borrower,  not  an  owner. 

Madam,  it  is  not  long  fmce  I  did  write  to  your  Ladyfhip  that 
Chrift  is  keeping  mercy  for  you  ;  and  I  bide  by  it  ftill,  and  now  I 
write  it  under  my  hand.  Love  Him  dearly.  Winf  in  to  fee  Him  ; 
there  is  in  Him  that  which  you  never  faw.  He  is  aye  nigh  ;  He 
is  a  tree  of  life,  green  and  bloflbming,  both  fummer  and  winter. 
There  is  a  nick  J  in  Chriftianity,  to  the  which  whofoever  cometh, 
they  fee  and  feel  more  than  others  can  do.  I  invite  you  of  new  to 
come  to  Him.  "■  Come  and  fee,"  will  fpeak  better  things  of  Him  than 
I  can  do.  "  Come  nearer"  will  fay  much.  God  thought  never  this 
world  a  portion  worthy  of  you.  He  would  not  even  §  you  to  a  g^ft 
of  dirt  and  clay  ;  nay,  He  will  not  give  you  Efau's  portion,  but  re- 
ferves  the  inheritance  of  Jacob  for  you.  Are  ye  not  well  married 
now  ?     Have  you  not  a  good  hufband  now  ? 

My  heart  cannot  exprefs  what  fad  nights  I  have  had  for  the 
virgin  daughter  of  my  people.  Woe  is  me,  for  my  time  is  coming. 
"  Behold,  the  day,  behold,  the  day  is  come  ,  the  morning  hath  gone 
forth,  the  rod  hath  bloftbmed,  pride  hath  budded,  violence  is  rifen 
up  in  a  rod  of  wickednefs,  the  fun  is  gone  down  upon  our  prophets." 
A  dry  wind  upon  Scotland,  but  neither  to  fan  nor  to  cleanfe  ;  but  out 
of  all  queftion,  when  the  Lord  hath  cut  down  the  foreft,  the  after- 
growth of  Lebanon  fhall  flourifh  ;  they  ftiall  plant  vines  in  our 
mountains,  and  a  cloud  fhall  yet  fill  the  temple.  Now  the  bleffmg 
of  our  deareft  Lord  Jefus,  and  the  blefling  of  him  that  is  "  feparate 
from  his  brethren,"  come  upon  you. 

Yours,  at  Aberdeen,  the  prifoner  of  Chrift, 

S.  R. 


*  Sole  diredor  of  the  play.  f  Get  in,  in  fpite  of  difficulty. 

X  Notch,  degree,  particular  point. 

§  A  word  for  difparaging  comparifon  ;  propofe  as  fit  for  you. 

184  '  LETTER  LXXL  [1636. 

LXXI.— T<?  Mr  Hugh  M'Kail. 

[Mr  Hugh  M^Kail  was  at  this  time'minifter  of  Irvine.  Previous  to  his 
fettlement  in  that  parifh^  Rutherford,  as  we  learn  from  fome  of  the  preceding 
letters  to  Marion  M 'Naught,  was  very  defirous  of  feeing  him  fettled  afliftant 
and  fuccelTor  to  Mr  Robert  Glendinning,  the  aged  minifter  of  Kirkcudbright, 
and  to  him  the  people  had  an  eye,  but  were  difappointed,  they  having  been 
anticipated  by  the  parifh  of  which  he  was  now  paftor.  He  and  Mr  William 
Gockbum  were  appointed  by  the  General  Aflembly  of  1644  to  vilit  the  north  of 
Ireland  for  three  months,  with  the  view  of  promoting  the  interefts  of  the  Pres- 
byterian Church  in  that  country.  He  was  ultimately  tranflated  to  Edinburgh. 
In  the  unhappy  controverfy  between  the  Refolutioners  and  Protefters,  M'Kail 
took  the  fide  of  the  foiTner ;  but  he  was  among  the  more  moderate  of  the 
party,  and  always  fhowed  a  readinefs  to  enter  into  healing  meafures.  Baillie 
often  refers  to  him  in  his  letters.  M^Kail  died  in  the  beginning  of  the  year 
1660,  and  was  buried  in  the  Greyfriars'  churchyard,  Edinburgh.  (Lamont's 
Diary^  p.  lai.)  He  was  the  brother  of  Mr  Matthew  M'Kail  of  Bothwell, 
who  was  the  father  of  the  youthful  Hugh  M'Kail.  Young  Hugh  was  edu- 
cated at  Edinburgh,  under  the  fuperintendence  of  this  uncle,  and  nobly  fuffered 
martyrdom  in  1666.] 


EVEREND  AND  DEAR  BROTHER,— I  thank  you  for 
your  letter.  I  cannot  but  fhow  you,  that  as  I  never  ex- 
pected anything  from  Chrifl,  but  much  good  and  kind- 
nefs,  fo  He  hath  made  me  to  find  it  in  the  houfe  of  my  pilgrimage. 
And  believe  me,  brother,  I  ^ve  it  to  you  under  mine  own  hand-writ, 
that  whofo  looketh  to  the  white  fide  of  Chrifl's  crofs,  and  can  take  it 
up  handfomely  with  faith  and  courage,  fhall  find  it  fuch  a  burden 
as  fails  are  to  a  fhip,  or  wings  to  a  bird.  I  find  that  my  Lord  hath 
overgilded  that  black  tree,  and  hath  perfumed  it,  and  oiled  it  with 
joy  and  confolation.  Like  a  fool,  once  I  would  chide  and  plead 
with  Chrift,  and  llander  Him  to  others,  of  unkindnefs.  But  I  truff 
in  God,  not  to  call  His  glooms*  unkind  again  ;  for  He  hath  taken 
from  me  my  fackcloth  ;  and  I  verily  cannot  tell  you  what  a  poor 


1636.]  LETTER  LXXIL  185 

Jofeph  and  priibner  (with  whom  my  mother's  children  were  angry) 
doth  now  think  of  kind  Chrift.  I  will  chide  no  more,  providing 
He  will  quit  me  all  by-gones  ;  *  for  I  am  poor.  I  am  taught  in  this 
ill  weather  to  go  on  the  lee-fide  of  Chrifl,  and  to  put  Him  in  between 
me  and  the  ftorm  ;  and  (I  thank  God)  I  walk  on  the  funny  fide  of 
the  brae.f  I  write  it,  that  ye  may  fpeak  in  my  behalf  the  praifes  of 
my  Lord  to  others,  that  my  bonds  may  preach.  O  if  all  Scotland 
knew  the  feafls,  and  love-blinks,  and  vifits  that  the  prelates  have 
lent  unto  me  !  I  will  verily  give  my  Lord  Jefus  a  free  difcharge 
of  all  that  I,  like  a  fool,  laid  to  His  charge,  and  beg  Him  pardon, 
to  the  mends.  J  God  grant  that  in  my  temptations  I  come  not  on 
His  wrong  fide  again,  and  never  again  fall  a  raving  againft  my 
Phyfician  in  my  fever. 

Brother,  plead  with  your  mother  while  ye  have  time.  A  pulpit 
would  be  a  high  feafi:  to  me  ;  but  I  dare  not  fay  one  word  againfl 
Him  who  hath  done  it.  I  am  not  out  of  the  houfe  as  yet.  My 
fweet  Mafi:er  faith,  I  fiiall  have  houfe-room  at  His  own  elbow  ; 
albeit  their  fynagogue  will  need-force  §  to  cafi:  me  out.  A  letter 
were  a  work  of  charity  to  me.  Grace  be  with  you.  Pray  for  me. 
Your  brother  and  Chrift's  prifoner, 

Aberdeen,  Nov,  22,  1636. 

LXXIL — To  William  Gordon  of  Roberton. 

[VViLLlAxM  Gordon  of  Roberton,  in  the  parifh  of  Borgue  in  Gallo- 
way, to  whom  this  letter  is  addrefled,  w^as  the  father  of  William  Gordon  of 
Roberton  who  joined  with  the  Covenanters  in  the  rifing  at  Pentland  in  1666, 
where  he  was  killed,  ^*  to  the  great  lofs  of  the  country  where  he  lived,"  fays 
Wodrow,  **and  his  own  family,  his  aged  father  having  no  more  fons."  A 
daughter  of  this  venerable  old  man,  named  Mary,  alfo  fuftered  much  for  non- 
conformity at  the  hands  of  Claverhoufe  and  his  friends.  She  was  married  to 
John  Gordon  of  Largmore  (which  is  in  Kells,  near  Kenmure  Caftle),  who 

*  Pad  offences.  t  Comfortable  fide  of  the  hill. 

X  To  boot,  to  make  all  up.  §  Under  plea  of  abfolute  neceflity. 

i86  LETTER  LXXIL  [1636. 

was  alfo  in  the  battle  at  Pentland,  where  he  was  feverely  wounded,  and  who, 
returning  to  his  own  houfe,  died  in  the  courfe  of  a  few  days  in  confequence  of 
the  lofs  of  blood,  and  of  lying  in  the  fields  some  nights  after  the  engagement. 
The  old  man,  to  whom  this  letter  was  written,  did  not  long  funive  the  death 
of  his  fon  and  fon-in-law  ;  for,  on  the  8th  of  September  1668,  Mar)^  Gordon 
is  retoured  heir  of  William  Gordon  of  Roberton,  her  father,  in  the  lands  of 
Rotraix,  Roberton,  Kingzeantoun,  etc.    {Inq.  Retor.  Abbre'v.  Kirkcudbright.) 


EAR  BROTHER, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. 
So  often  as  I  think  on  our  cafe,  in  our  foldier's  night- 
watch,  and  of  our  fighting  life  in  the  fields,  while  we 
are  here,  I  am  forced  to  fay,  prifoners  in  a  dungeon,  condemned  by  a 
judge  to  want  the  light  of  the  fun,  and  moon,  and  candle  till  their 
dying  day,  are  no  more,  nay,  not  fo  much,  to  be  pitied  as  we  are. 
For  they  are  weary  of  their  life,  they  hate  their  prifon  ;  but  we  fall 
to,*  in  our  prifon,  where  we  fee  little,  to  drink  ourfelves  drunk  with 
the  night-pleafures  of  our  weak  dreams  -,  and  we  long  for  no  better 
life  than  this.  But  at  the  blaft  of  the  lafl  trumpet,  and  the  fhout  of 
the  archangel,  when  God  fhall  take  down  the  fhepherd's  tent  of 
this  fading  world,  we  Ihall  not  have  fo  much  as  a  drink  of  water, 
of  all  the  dreams  that  we  now  build  on.  Alas  !  that  the  (harp  and 
bitter  blaft s  on  face  and  fides,  which  meet  us  in  this  life,  have  not 
learned  us  mortification,  and  made  us  dead  to  this  world  !  We  buy 
our  own  forrow,  and  we  pay  dear  for  it,  when  we  fpend  out  our 
love,  our  joy,  our  defires,  our  confidence,  upon  an  handful  of  fnow 
and  ice,  that  time  will  melt  away  to  nothing,  and  go  thirfty  out  of 
the  drunken  inn  when  all  is  done.  Alas  !  that  we  inquire  not  for 
the  clear  fountain,  but  are  fo  foolifh  as  to  drink  foul,  muddy,  and 
rotten  waters,  even  till  our  bed-time.  And  then  in  the  refurrecffion, 
when  we  fhall  be  awakened,  our  yefternight's  four  drink  and  fwinifh 
dregs  fhall  riftf  up  upon  us  -,  and  fick,  fick,  fhall  many  a  foul  be  then. 
I  know  no  wholefome  fountain  but  one.     I  know  not  a  thing 

*  Occupy  ourfelves  in.  f  Be  vomited  up  with  violent  retching. 

1636.]  LETTER  LXXIL  187 

worth  the  buying  but  heaven  ;  and  my  own  mind  is,  if  comparifon 
were  made  betwixt  Chrift  and  heaven,  I  would  fell  heaven  with  my 
blefling,  and  buy  Chrifl:.  O  if  I  could  raife  the  market  for  Chrift, 
and  heighten  the  market  a  pound  for  a  penny,  and  cry  up  Chrifl  in 
men's  eftimation  ten  thoufand  talents  more  than  men  think  of  Him  ! 
But  they  are  fhaping  Him,  and  crying  Him  down,  and  valuing  Him 
at  their  unworthy  halfpenny ;  or  elfe  exchanging  and  bartering 
Chrifl  with  the  miferable  old  fallen  houfe  of  this  vain  world.  Or 
then  *  they  lend  Him  out  upon  interefl,  and  play  the  ufurers  with 
Chrifl :  becaufe  they  profefs  Him,  and  give  out  before  men  that 
Chrifl  is  their  treafure  and  flock  ;  and,  in  the  mean  time,  praife  of 
men,  and  a  name,  and  eafe,  and  the  fummer  fun  of  the  Gofjpel,  is 
the  ufury  they  would  be  at.  So,  when  the  trial  cometh,  they  quit 
the  flock  for  the  interefl,  and  lofe  all.  Happy  are  they  who  can 
keep  Chrifl  by  Himfelf  alone,  and  keep  Him  clean  and  whole,  till 
God  come  and  count  with  them.  I  know  (that)  in  your  hard  and 
heavy  trials  long  fmce,  ye  thought  well  and  highly  of  Chrift ;  but, 
truly,  no  crofs  fhould  be  old  to  us.  We  fhould  not  forget  them 
becaufe  years  are  come  betwixt  us  and  them,  and  cafl  them  byhandf 
as  we  do  old  clothes.  We  may  make  a  crofs  old  in  time,  new  in 
ufe,  and  as  fruitful  as  in  the  beginning  of  it.  God  is  where  and 
what  He  was  feven  years  ago,  whatever  change  may  be  in  us.  I 
fpeak  not  this  as  if  I  thought  ye  had  forgotten  what  God  did,  to 
have  your  love  long  fmce,  but  that  ye  may  awake  yourfelf  in  this 
fleepy  age,  and  remember  fruitfully  of  Chrifl's  iirft  wooing  and 
luiting  of  your  love,  both  with  fire  and  water,  and  try  if  He  got 
His  anfwer,  or  if  ye  be  yet  to  give  Him  it.  For  I  find  in  myfelf, 
that  water  runneth  not  fafler  through  a  fieve  than  our  warnings 
flip  from  us ;  for  I  have  lofl  and  caflen  byhands  \  many  fummons 
the  Lord  fent  to  me ;  and  therefore  the  Lord  hath  given  me  double 
charges,  that  I  trufl  in  God  fhall  not  rive  me. J  I  blefs  His  great 
name,  who  is  no  niggard  in  holding-in  croffes  upon  me,  but  fpend- 
eth  largely  His   rods,  that  He  may  fave   me  from  this  perifhing 

*  Or,  if  they  did  not  do  this.  f  Afide.  %  Rend  in  pieces. 

i88  LETTER  LXXIIL  [1636. 

world.  How  plentiful  God  is  in  means  of  this  kind  is  efteemed  by 
many  one  of  God's  unkind  mercies  ;  but  Chrifl's  crofs  is  neither  a 
cruel  nor  unkind  mercy,  but  the  love-token  of  a  father.  I  am  fure, 
a  lover  chafmg  us  for  our  well,*  and  to  have  our  love,  fhould  not  be 
run  away  from,  or  fled  from.  God  fend  me  no  worfe  mercy  than 
the  fanftified  crofs  of  Chrift  portendeth,  and  I  am  fure  I  fhould  be 
happy  and  bleffed. 

Pray  for  me,  that  I  may  find  houfe-room  in  the  Lord's  houfe  to 
fpeak  in  His  name.  Remember  my  deareft  love  in  Chrifl:  to  your 
wife.     Grace,  grace  be  unto  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus,  ,,    ^ 

Aberdeen,  1636. 

LXXIIL— r^  Earlston,  Elder, 

**  And  they  overcame  the  dragon  by  the  blood  of  the  Lamb,  and  by  the  word 
of  their  teftimony,  and  they  loved  not  their  lives  unto  the  death." — Rev. 
xii.  II. 



lUCH-HONOURED  SIR,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be 
to  you.  I  long  to  fee  you  in  paper,  and  to  be  refrefhed 
by  you.  I  cannot  but  defire  you,  and  charge  you  to 
help  me  to  prail'e  Him  who  feedeth  a  poor  prifoner  with  the  fatnefs 
of  His  houfe.  O  how  weighty  is  His  love !  O  but  there  is  much 
telling  in  Chrift's  kindnefs  !  The  Amen,  the  Faithful  and  True  Wit- 
nefs,  hath  paid  me  my  hundred-fold,  well  told,  and  one  to  the  hun- 
dred. I  complained  of  Him,  but  He  is  owing  me  nothing  now. 
Sir,  I  charge  you  to  help  me  to  praife  His  goodnefs,  and  to  pro- 
claim to  others  my  Bridegroom's  kindnefs,  whofe  love  is  better  than 
wine.     I  took  up  an  a<fl:ion  againfl  Chrift,  and  broughtf  a  plea 

*  Welfare,  weal. 

t  Entered  into  a  controverfy.     Old  editions  have  **  bought,"  by  a  mis- 
print apparently. 

1636.]     .  LETTER  LXXIIL  189 

againft  His  love,  and  libelled  unkindnefs  againft  Chrifl:  my  Lord ; 
and  I  laid,  "This  is  my  death;  He  hath  forgotten  me."  But  my 
meek  Lord  held  His  peace,  and  beheld  me,  and  would  not  contend 
lor  the  laft  word  of  flyting ;  *  and  now  He  hath  chided  Himfelf 
friends  with  me.  And  now  I  fee  He  muil:  be  God,  and  I  muft  be 
flefti.  I  pafs  from  my  fummons  ;  \  I  acknowledge  He  might  have 
given  me  my  fill  of  it,  and  never  troubled  Himfelf.  But  now  He 
hath  taken  away  the  mafk  ;  I  have  been  comforted ;  He  could  not 
fmother  His  love  any  longer  to  a  prifoner  and  a  ftranger.  God 
grant  that  I  may  never  bring  J  a  plea  againft  Chrifl  again,  but  may 
keep  good  quarters  with  Him.  I  want  here  no  kindnefs,§  no  love- 
tokens  ;  but  O  wife  is  His  love !  for,  notwithftanding  of  this  hot 
fummer-blink,  I  am  kept  low  with  the  grief  of  my  filence.  For 
His  word  is  in  me  as  a  fire  in  my  bowels ;  and  I  fee  the  Lord's 
vineyard  laid  wafle,  and  the  heathen  entered  into  the  fan6tuary :  and 
my  belly  is  pained,  and  my  foul  in  heavinefs,  becaufe  the  Lord's 
people  are  gone  into  captivity,  and  becaufe  of  the  fury  of  the  Lord, 
and  that  wind  (but  neither  to  fan  nor  purge)  which  is  coming  upon 
apoflate  Scotland.  Alfo  I  am  kept  awake  with  the  late  wrong  done 
to  my  brother ;  but  I  trufl  ye  will  counfel  and  comfort  him.  Yet, 
in  this  mift,  I  fee  and  believe  the  Lord  will  heal  this  halting  kirk, 
"  and  will  lay  her  flones  with  fair  colours,  and  her  foundations 
with  fapphires,  and  will  make  her  windows  of  agates,  and  her  gates 
carbuncles."  ||  "  And  for  brafs  He  will  bring  gold."  He  hath 
created  the  fmith  that  formed  the  fword  ;  no  weapon  in  war  fhall 
profper  againfl  us.  Let  us  be  glad  and  rejoice  in  the  Lord,  for  His 
falvation  is  near  to  come.  Remember  me  to  your  wife  and  your 
fon  John.  And  I  entreat  you  to  write  to  me.  Grace,  grace  be 
with  you. 

Yours  in  his  only,  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Dec,  30,  1636. 

*  Chiding.  f  Do  not  enforce. 

X  Enter  into  controverfy  with.     Old  editions  have  *^  buy." 
§  I  am  not  in  want  of.  11  Ifa.  liv.  11,  12. 

ipo  LETTER  LXXIF.  [1636. 

LXXIV. — To  the  Lady  Culross. 

*  ^  Thefe  are  they  which  came  out  of  great  tribulation,  and  have  wafhed  their 
robes,  and  made  them  white  in  the  blood  of  the  Lamb." — Rev.  vii.  14. 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  multiplied  upon 
you.  I  greatly  long  to  be  refrefhed  with  your  letter. 
I  am  now  (all  honour  and  glory  to  the  King  eternal, 
immortal,  and  invifible  !)  in  better  terms  with  Chrift  than  I  was.  I, 
like  a  fool,  iummoned  my  Hulband  and  Lord,  and  libelled  unkindnefs 
againft  Him ;  but  now  I  pafs  from  that  foolifti  purfuit ;  I  give  over  the 
plea.  He  is  God,  and  I  am  man.  I  was  loofmg  a  fafl*  ilone,  and 
digging  at  the  ground-(tone,f  the  love  of  my  Lord,  to  fhake  and  un- 
fettle  it.  But,  God  be  thanked,  it  is  fafl ;  all  is  fure.  In  my  prifon  He 
hath  fhown  me  daylight  -,  He  dought  J  not  hide  His  love  any  longer. 
Chrift  was  difguifed  and  mafked,  and  I  apprehended  it  was  not 
He,  and  He  hath  faid,  *'  It  is  I,  be  not  afraid  ;"  and  now  His  love 
is  better  than  wine.  O  that  all  the  virgins  had  part  of  the  Bride- 
groom's love  whereupon  He  maketh  me  to  feed!  Help  me  to 
praife.  I  charge  you,  Madam,  help  me  to  pay  praifes  ;  and  tell 
others,  the  daughters  of  Jerufalem,  how  kind  Chrifl:  is  to  a  poor 
prifoner.  He  hath  paid  me  my  hundred-fold  ;  it  is  well  told  me, 
and  one  to  the  hundred.  I  am  nothing  behind  with  Chrift.  Let 
not  fools,  becaufe  of  their  lazy  and  foft  flefh,  raife  a  flander  and  an 
ill  report  upon  the  crofs  of  Chrifl.     It  is  fweeter  than  fair. 

I  fee  grace  groweth  befl  in  winter.  This  poor  perfecuted  kirk, 
this  lily  amongfl  the  thorns,  fhall  bloflbm,  and  laugh  upon  the 
gardener  ;  the  hufbandman's  bleiling  fhall  light  upon  it.     O  if  I 

*  Firm.  t  Foundation-ftone. 

X  Was  not  able.     Dought  is  the  paft  tenfe  of  **  dow." 

1636.]  LETTER  LXXV.  191 

could  be  free  of  jealoufies*  of  Chrift,  after  this,  and  believe,  and 
keep  good  quarters  with  my  dearefl  Hufband  !  for  He  hath  been 
kind  to  the  ftranger.  And  yet  in  all  this  fair  hot  fummer  weather,  I 
am  kept  from  laying,  "  It  is  good  to  be  here,"  with  my  fdence,  and 
with  grief  to  fee  my  mother  wounded  and  her  veil  taken  from  her, 
and  the  fair  temple  caften  down.  And  my  belly  is  pained,  my  foul 
is  heavy  for  the  captivity  of  the  daughter  of  my  people,  and  becaufe 
of  the  fury  of  the  Lord,  and  His  fierce  indignation  againfl  apoftate 
.Scotland.  I  pray  you,  Madam,  let  me  have  that  which  is  my  prayer 
here,  that  my  fufFerings  may  preach  to  the  four  quarters  of  this  land  ; 
and,  therefore,  tell  others  how  open-handed  Chrill  hath  been  to  the 
prifoner  and  the  opprefTed  flranger.  Why  fhould  I  conceal  it  ? 
I  know  no  other  way  how  to  glorify  Chrifl,  but  to  make  an  open 
proclamation  of  His  love,  and  of  His  foft  and  fweet  kifTes  to  me  in 
the  furnace,  and  of  His  fidelity  to  fuch  as  fuffer  for  Him.  Give  it 
me  under  your  hand,  that  ye  will  help  me  to  pray  and  praife ;  but 
rather  to  praife  and  rejoice  in  the  falvation  of  God.  Grace,  grace 
be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  deareft  and  only,  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Dec.  30,  1636. 

LXXV. — To  John  Kennedy,  Bailie  of  Ayr. \ 

[John  Kennedy  was  the  fon  of  Hugh  Kennedy,  Provoft  of  Ayr.  Hugh 
was  an  eminent  Chriftian,  and  greatly  inftrumental  in  promoting  the  caufe  of 
religion  in  the  place  where  he  lived.  To  his  religious  charad:er,  John  Wellh, 
minifter  of  Ayr,  bore  this  high  teftimony  in  a  letter  written  to  him  from  France : 
'*  Happy  is  that  city,  yea,  happy  is  that  nation  that  has  a  Hugh  Kennedy  in 
it.  I  have  myfelf  certainly  found  the  anfwer  of  his  prayers  from  the  Lord  in 
my  behalf."  On  his  death-bed,  he  was  filled  ^*  with  inexpreflible  joy  in  the 
Holy  Ghoft,  beyond  what  it  was  poflible  to  comprehend."  (Wodrow,  in 
his  Life  of  Boyd  of  Trochrig.)     John,  his  fon,  pofTefled  much  of  the  fpirit 

*  Sufpicions.  f  Written  **  BailifFe"  in  the  old  editions,  as  in  Let.  68. 

192  LETTER  LXXV.  [1636. 

and  charadter  of  his  father.  ^^  He  was,"  fays  Fleming  (Fulfilling  of  the  Scrip- 
tures), **  as  choice  a  Chriftian  as  was  at  that  time."  The  fame  writer  records 
a  remarkable  efcape  from  imminent  peril  at  fea  which  Kennedy  on  one  occafion 
experienced  ;  but  whether  it  was  the  deliverance  to  which  Rutherford  refers  in 
a  fubfequent  letter,  it  is  now  impoffible  to  afcertain.  The  cafe  was  fhortly 
this  :  John  Stewart,  Provoft  of  Ayr,  another  of  Rutherford's  correfpondents, 
who  had  gone  to  France,  having  loaded  a  fhip  at  Rochelle  with  various  com- 
modities for  Scotland,  proceeded  to  England  by  the  neareft  way,  and  thence 
to  Ayr.  After  waiting  a  confiderable  time  for  the  arrival  of  his  veflel,  he  was 
told  that  it  was  captured  by  the  Turks.  This  information,  however,  proved 
to  be  incorred,  for  it  at  length  arrived  in  the  roads  ;  upon  hearing  of  which,  • 
Kennedy,  an  intimate  friend  of  Stewart,  was  fo  overjoyed,  that  he  went  out  to 
it  in  a  fmall  boat.  But  a  ftorm  fuddenly  arifing,  he  was  driven  paft  the  veflel, 
and  the  general  belief  of  the  onlookers  from  the  fhore  was  that  he  and  his  boat 
were  fwallowed  up  ;  yea,  the  ftorm  increafed  to  fuch  a  degree  of  violence  as  to 
threaten  even  the  fhipwTeck  of  the  veflel.  Deeply  affedted  at  the  apprehended 
lofs  of  his  friend  in  fuch  circumftances,  Stewart  fhut  himfelf  up  in  entire  feclu- 
fion  for  three  days  ;  but  at  laft  having  gone  to  vifit  Kennedy's  wife  under  her 
fuppofed  painful  bereavement,  Kennedy,  who  had  been  driven  far  away  to 
another  part  of  the  coaft,  but  who  had  reached  the  land  in  fafety,  made  his 
appearance,  to  the  great  joy  of  his  afflid:ed  family  and  friends.  Kennedy  was 
a  member  of  the  Scottifh  Parliament  in  the  years  1644-5-6,  for  the  burgh  of 
Ayr;  and  is  ftyled  in  the  roll,  **  John  Kennedy,  Provoft  of  Ayr."  He  was 
alfo  a  member  of  the  General  AflTemblies  of  1642-3-4-6  and  7,  and  his  name 
appears  among  the  ruling  elders  in  the  commiflion  for  the  public  affairs  of  the 
kirk  in  all  thefe  years.  His  brother  Hugh  (alfo  an  elder  of  the  Church)  was 
frequently  a  member  of  the  General  Aflembly,  and,  as  we  learn  from  Baillies 
Letters y  had  an  active  fliare  in  the  proceedings  of  the  Covenanters  during  the 
reign  of  Charles  I.  There  are  lineal  defcendants  of  this  family  in  Ayr  at  this 
day :  one  of  them,  like  his  anceftor,  was  lately  Provoft  of  the  town.] 


ORTHY  AND  DEAR  BROTHER,— Grace,  mercy, 
and  peace  be  to  you.  I  long  to  fee  you  in  this  northern 
world  on  paper  ;  I  know  it  is  not  forgetful nefs  that  ye 
write  not.  I  am  every  way  in  good  cafe,  both  in  foul  and  body  ; 
all  honour  and  glory  be  to  my  Lord.  I  want  nothing  but  a  further 
revelation  of  the  beauty  of  the  unknown  Son  of  God.     Either  I 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXV,  193 

know  not  what  Chriftianity  is,  or  we  have  ftinted  a  mealure  of  ib 
many  ounce  weights,  and  no  more,  upon  holinefs  ;  and  there  we  are 
at  a  ftand,  drawing  our  breath  all  our  life.  A  moderation  in  God's 
way  now  is  much  in  requeft.  I  profefs  that  I  have  never  taken 
pains  to  find  out  Him  whom  my  foul  loveth  ;  there  is  a  gate*  yet  of 
finding  out  Chrifi  that  I  have  never  lighted  upon.  Oh,  if  I  could  find 
it  out !  Alas,  how  foon  are  we  pleafed  with  our  own  fhadow  in  a 
glafs  !  It  were  good  to  be  beginning  in  fadf  earneft  to  find  out 
God,  and  to  feek  the  right  tread  of  Chrift.  Time,  cuftom,  and  a 
good  opinion  of  ourfelves,  our  good  meaning,  and  our  lazy  defires, 
our  fair  (hows,  and  the  world's  gliftering  luflres,  and  thefe  broad 
pafTmentsJ  and  bufldngs§  of  religion,  that  bear  bulk  in  the  kirk,  is 
that  wherewith  mofi:  fatisfy  themfelves.  But  a  bed  watered  with 
tears,  a  throat  dry  with  praying,  eyes  as  a  fountain  of  tears  for  the 
fins  of  the  land,  are  rare  to  be  found  among  us.  Oh  if  we  could 
know  the  power  of  godlinefs  ! 

This  is  one  part  of  my  cafe  ;  and  another  is,  that  I,  like  a  fool, 
once  fummoned  Chrift  for  unkindnefs,  and  complained  of  His  fickle- 
nefs  and  inconfi:ancy,  becaufe  He  would  have  no  more  of  my  fervice 
nor  preaching,  and  had  caften  me  out  of  the  inheritance  of  the  Lord. 
And  now  I  confefs  that  this  was  but  a  bought  plea,  ||  and  I  was  a  fool. 
Yet  He  hath  borne  with  me.  I  gave  Him  a  fair  advantage  againft 
me,  but  love  and  mercy  would  not  let  Him  take  it ;  and  the  truth 
is,  now  He  hath  chided  Himfelf  friends  with  me,  and  hath  taken 
away  the  mafk,  and  hath  renewed  His  wonted  favour  in  fuch  a 
manner  that  He  hath  paid  me  my  hundred-fold  in  this  life,  and  one 
to  the  hundred.  This  prifon  is  my  banquefing-houfe  ;  I  am  handled 
as  softly  and  delicately  as  a  dawtedf  child.  I  am  nothing  behind 
(I  fee)  with  Chrift  ;  He  can,  in  a  month,  make  up  a  year's  lofles. 
And  I  write  this  to  you,  that  I  may  entreat,  nay,  adjure  and  charge 
you,  by  the  love  of  our  Well-beloved,  to  help  me  to  praiie  ;  and  to 

*  A^^ay,  or  manner,      f  Settled.      %  Ornaments  of  lace,  fewed  on  garments. 
§  Deckings.  ||  Got  up ;  not  properly  what  I  had  to  complain  of. 

^  Much  fondled  J  or  doted  upon. 
VOL.  1.  N 

194  LETTER  LXXVL  [1637. 

tell  all  your  Chriftian  acquaintance  to  help  me,  for  I  am  as  deeply 
drowned  in  His  debt  as  any  dyvour*  can  be.  And  yet  in  this  fair 
fun-blink  I  have  fomething  to  keep  me  from  flartling,-]-  or  being 
exalted  above  meafure;  His  word  is  as  fire  fhut  up  in  my  bowels, 
and  I  am  weary  with  forbearing.  The  miniflers  in  this  town  are 
laying  that  they  will  have  my  prifon  changed  into  lefs  bounds,  be- 
caufe  they  fee  God  with  me.  My  mother  hath  borne  me  a  man  of 
contention,  one  that  ftriveth  with  the  whole  earth.  The  late  wrongs 
and  oppreiTions  done  to  my  brother  keep  my  fails  low  ;  yet  I  defy 
crofles  to  embark  me  in  fuch  a  plea  againft  Chrift  as  I  was  troubled 
with  of  late.  I  hope  to  over-hope  and  over-believe  my  troubles.  I 
have  caufe  now  to  trufl:  Chrift's  promife  more  than  His  gloom.J 

Remember  my  hearty  affeftion  to  your  wife.  My  foul  is  grieved 
for  the  fuccefs  of  our  brethren's  journey  to  New  England  -,  but 
God  hath  fomewhat  to  reveal  that  we  fee  not.  Grace  be  with  you. 
Pray  for  the  prifoner. 

Yours,  in  his  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  Jan.  i,  1637. 

LXXVL — To  Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbrex. 


Y  DEAR  BROTHER,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be 
multiplied  upon  you. — I  am  almoft  wearying,  yea,  won- 
dering, that  ye  write  not  to  me  :  though  I  know  it  is 
not  forgetfulnefs. 

As  for  myfelf,  I  am  every  way  well,  all  glory  to  God.  I  was 
before  at  a  plea  with  Chrifl  (but  it  was  brought  §  by  me,  and  un- 
lawful), becaufe  His  whole  providence  was  not  yea  and  nay  to  my 
yea  and  nay,  and  becaufe  I  believed  Chrifl's  outward  look  better 

*  Bankrupt ;   or  rather,  debtor.         t  Running  wild,  in  high  excitement. 
X  Frown.  §  Got  up. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXVL  195 

than  His  faithful  promife.  Yet  He  hath  in  patience  waited  on, 
whill*  I  be  come  to  myfelf,  and  hath  not  taken  advantage  of  my 
weak  apprehenfions  of  His  goodnefs.  Great  and  holy  is  His  name  ! 
He  looketh  to  what  I  defire  to  be,  and  not  to  what  I  am.  One 
thing  I  have  learned.  If  I  had  been  in  Chrift,  by  way  of  adhefion 
only,  as  many  branches  are,  I  fhould  have  been  burnt  to  afhes,  and 
this  world  would  have  feen  a  fuffering  minifter  of  Chriil:  (of  fomething 
once  in  fhow)  turned  into  unfavoury  fait.  But  my  Lord  Jefus  had 
a  good  eye  that  the  tempter  fhould  not  play  foul  play,  and  blow 
out  Chrifl's  candle.  He  took  no  thought  of  my  flomach,  and  fret- 
ting and  grudging  humour,  but  of  His  own  grace.  When  He  burnt 
the  houfe.  He  faved  His  own  goods.  And  I  believe  that  the  devil 
and  the  perfecuting  world  fhall  reap  no  fruit  of  me,  but  burnt  afhes  : 
for  He  will  fee  to  His  own  gold,  and  fave  that  from  being  confumed 
with  the  fire. 

Oh  what  owe  I  to  the  file,  to  the  hammer,  to  the  furnace  of 
my  Lord  Jefus  !  who  hath  now  let  me  fee  how  good  the  wheat  of 
Chrift  is,  that  goeth  through  His  mill,  and  His  oven,  to  be  made 
bread  for  His  own  table.  Grace  tried  is  better  than  grace,  and  it 
is  more  than  grace  ;  it  is  glory  in  its  infancy.  I  now  fee  that  godli- 
nefs  is  more  than  the  outfide,  and  this  world's  pafTments  and  their 
bufldngs.f  Who  knoweth  the  truth  of  grace  without  a  trial  ?  Oh 
how  little  getteth  Chrifl  of  us,  but  that  which  He  winneth  (to  fpeak 
fo)  with  much  toil  and  pains  !  And  how  foon  would  faith  freeze 
without  a  crofs  !  How  many  dumb  croffes  have  been  laid  upon 
my  back,  that  had  never  a  tongue  to  fpeak  the  fweetnefs  of  Chrift, 
as  this  hath  !  When  Chrift  bleffeth  His  own  croffes  with  a  tongue, 
they  breathe  out  Chrift's  love,  wifdom,  kindnefs,  and  care  of  us. 
Why  fhould  I  ftart  at  the  plough  of  my  Lord,  that  maketh  deep 
furrows  on  my  foul  ?  I  know  that  He  is  no  idle  Hufbandman,  He 
purpofeth  a  crop.  O  that  this  white,  withered  lea-ground  J  were 
made  fertile  to  bear  a  crop  for  Him,  by  whom  it  is  fo  painfully 
drefTed  ;  and  that  this  fallow-ground  were  broken  up  !     Why  was 

*  Till.  t  See  lafl  letter.  %  Land  left  in  grafs,  not  tilled. 

196  LETTER  LXXVL  [1637. 

I  (a  fool  !)  grieved  that  He  put  His  garland  and  His  roie  upon  my 
head — the  glory  and  honour  of  His  faithful  witnefles  ?  I  defire 
now  to  make  no  more  pleas*  with  Chrift.  Verily  He  hath  not 
put  me  to  a  lofs  by  what  I  fufFer  ;  He  oweth  me  nothing ;  for  in 
my  bonds  how  fweet  and  comfortable  have  the  thoughts  of  Him 
been  to  me,  wherein  I  find  a  fufficient  recompenfe  of  reward  ! 

How  blind  are  my  adverfaries,  who  fent  me  to  a  banqueting- 
houfe,  to  a  houfe  of  wine,  to  the  lovely  feafts  of  my  lovely  Lord 
Jefus,  and  not  to  a  prifon,  or  place  of  exile  !  Why  fhould  I 
fmother  my  Hufband's  honefty,  or  fm  againft  His  love,  or  be  a 
niggard  in  giving  out  to  others  what  I  get  for  nothing  ?  Brother, 
eat  with  me,  and  give  thanks.  I  charge  you  before  God,  that  ye 
fpeak  to  others,  and  invite  them  to  help  me  to  praife  !  Oh,  my 
debt  of  praife,  how  weighty  it  is,  and  how  far  run  up  !  O  that 
others  would  lend  me  to  pay,  and  learn  me  to  praife  !  Oh,  I  am  a 
drowned  dyvour  !f  Lord  Jefus,  take  my  thoughts  for  payments. 
Yet  I  am  in  this  hot  fummer-blink  with  the  tear  in  my  eye  ;  for 
(by  reafon  of  my  fdence)  forrow,  forrow  hath  filled  me  ;  my  harp 
is  hanged  upon  the  willow-trees,  becaufe  I  am  in  a  ftrange  land.  I 
am  flill  kept  in  exercife  with  envious  brethren  ;  my  mother  hath 
borne  me  a  man  of  contention. 

Write  to  me  your  mind  anent  Y.  C. :  I  cannot  forget  him  ;  1 
know  not  what  God  hath  to  do  with  him  : — and  your  mind  anent 
my  parifhioners'  behaviour,  and  how  they  are  ferved  in  preaching ; 
or  if  there  be  a  minifter  as  yet  thrufl  in  upon  them,  which  I  defire 
greatly  to  know,  and  which  I  much  fear. 

Dear  brother,  ye  are  in  my  heart,  to  live  and  to  die  with  you. 
Vifit  me  with  a  letter.     Pray  for  me.     Remember  my  love  to  your 
wife.     Grace,  grace  be  with  you  ;  and  God,  who  heareth  prayer, 
vifit  you,  and  let  it  be  unto  you  according  to  the  prayers  of 
Your  own  brodier,  and  Chrifl's  prifoner, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  Jan*  i,  1637. 

*  Controverfies.  t  Debtor. 

1637J  LETTER  LXXVIL  197 

LXXVIL— r©  my  Lady  Boyd. 

[Lady  Boyu,  whofe  maiden  name  was  Chriftian  Hamilton,  was  the 
eldeft  daughter  of  Thomas,  firft  Earl  of  Haddington.  She  was  firft  married 
to  Robert,  ninth  Lord  Lindfay  of  Byres,  who  died  in  1616.  To  him  fhe  had 
a  fon,  John,  tenth  Lord  Lindfay  of  Byres,  and  a  daughter,  Helen,  married  to 
Sir  William  Scott  of  Ardrofs.  {Douglas'  Peerage^  vol.  i.)  She  married  for  her 
fecond  hufband,  Robert,  fixth  Lord  Boyd,  who  died  in  Auguft  1628.  To 
him  flie  had  feveral  children.  Lady  Boyd  was  diftinguifhed  for  piety,  and  a 
zealous  Prefbyterian.  Livingftone  gives  her  a  place  among  ^  ^  fome  of  the 
profeflbrs  in  the  Church  of  Scotland  of  his  acquaintance,  who  were  eminent  for 
grace  and  gifts,"  eulogizes  her  as  *^  a  rare  pattern  of  Chriftianity,  grave,  dili- 
gent, and  prudent;"  and  adds,  '^  She  ufed  every  night  to  write  what  had  been 
the  cafe  of  her  foul  all  the  day,  and  what  fhe  had  obferved  of  the  Lord's  deal- 
ing." In  his  Life  he  fpeaks  of  refiding  for  fome  time,  during  the  courfe  of  his 
miniftry,  in  the  houfe  of  Kilmarnock,  with  ^*  the  worthy  Lady  Boyd."] 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  unto  you.  The 
Lord  hath  brought  me  to  Aberdeen,  where  I  fee  God 
in  few.  This  town  hath  been  advifed  upon  of  purpofe 
for  me  ;  it  confifteth  either  of  Papifls,  or  men  of  Gallio's  naughty* 
faith.  It  is  counted  wifdom  in  the  moft,  not  to  countenance  a  con- 
fined minifler  ;  but  I  find  Chrifl  neither  ftrange  nor  unkind  ;  for  I 
have  found  many  faces  fmile  upon  me  fmce  I  came  hither.  I  am 
heavy  and  fad,  confidering  what  is  betwixt  the  Lord  and  my  foul, 
which  none  feeth  but  He.  I  find  men  have  miflaken  me  ;  it  would 
be  no  art  (as  I  now  fee)  to  fpin  fmall,f  and  make  hypocrify  a 
goodly  web,  and  to  go  through  the  market  as  a  faint  among  men, 
and  yet  fteal  quietly  to  hell,  without  obfervation  :  fo  eafy  is  it  to 
deceive  men.  I  have  difputed  whether  or  no  I  ever  knew  anything 
of  Chriftianity,  fave  the  letters  of  that  name.  Men  fee  but  as  men, 
and  they  call  ten  twenty,  and  twenty  an  hundred  ;  but  O  !  to  be 

*  Vile.  t  Spin  fine. 

198  LETTER  LXXVIL  [1637. 

approved  of  Gk)d  in  the  heart  and  in  iincerity  is  not  an  ordinary 
mercy.  My  negle^ls  while  I  had  a  pulpit,  and  other  things  where- 
of I  am  afhamed  to  ipeak,  meet  me  now,  fo  as  God  maketh  an 
honefl  crofs  my  daily  forrow.  And,  for  fear  of  fcandal  and  tum- 
bling, I  muft  hide  this  day  of  the  law's  pleading  :  I  know  not  if 
this  court  kept  within  my  foul  be  fenced*  in  Chrift's  name.  If 
certainty  of  falvation  were  to  be  bought,  God  knoweth,  if  I  had  ten 
earths,  I  would  not  prigf  with  God.  Like  a  fool,  I  believed, 
under  fufFering  for  Chrifl,  that  I  myfelf  fhould  keep  the  key  of 
Chrifl's  treafures,  and  take  out  comforts  when  I  Med,  and  eat  and 
be  fat  :  but  I  fee  now  a  fufFerer  for  Chrifl  will  be  made  to  know 
himfelf,  and  will  be  holden  at  the  door  as  well  as  another  poor 
finner,  and  will  be  fain  to  eat  with  the  bairns,  and  to  take  the  by- 
board,J  and  glad  to  do  fo.  My  bleiTmg  on  the  crofs  of  Chrifl  that 
hath  made  me  fee  this  !  Oh  !  if  we  could  take  pains  for  the  king- 
dom of  heaven  !  But  we  fit  down  upon  fome  ordinary  marks  of 
God's  children,  thinking  we  have  as  much  as  will  feparate  us  from 
a  leprobate  ;  and  thereupon  we  take  the  play  and  cry,  "  Holy  day  !" 
and  thus  the  devil  cafleth  water  on  our  fire,  and  blunteth  our  zeal 
and  care.  But  I  fee  heaven  is  not  at  the  door  ;  and  I  fee,  howbeit 
my  challenges  §  be  many,  I  fufFer  for  Chrift,  and  dare  hazard  my 
falvation  upon  it ;  for  fometimes  my  Lord  cometh  with  a  fair  hour, 
and  O  !  but  His  love  be  fweet,  delightful,  and  comfortable.  Half 
a  kifs  is  fweet ;  but  our  doting  love  will  not  be  content  with  a 
right  to  Chrifl,  unlefs  we  get  poffeilion  ;  like  the  man  who  will  not 
be  content  with  rights  j]  to  bought  land,  except  he  get  alfo  the 
ridges  and  acres  laid  upon  his  back  to  carry  home  with  him.  How- 
ever it  be,  Cbrifl  is  wife  ;  and  we  are  fools,  to  be  browden  f  and 
fond  of  a  pawn  in  the  loof  of  our  hand.**  Living  on  truft  by  faith 
may  well  content  us.  Madam,  I  know  your  Ladyfhip  knoweth 
this,  and  that  made  me  bold  to  write  of  it,  that  others  might  reap 

*  Conftituted  by  proclaiming  its  authority.  t  Higgle. 

t  Sit  at  the  fide-table  with  the  children.  §  Self-upbraidings. 

II  Title-deeds.      ^  Eagerly  and  childifhly  defirous.      **  Palm  of  the  hand. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXVIIL  199 

Ibmewhat  by  my  bonds  for  the  truth  ;  for  I  fhould  defire,  and  I 
aim  at  this,  to  have  my  Lord  well  fpoken  of  and  honoured,  how- 
beit  He  fhould  make  nothing  of  me  but  a  bridge  over  a  water. 
Thus,  recommending  your  Ladyfhip,  your  fon,  and  children  to 
His  grace,  who  hath  honoured  you  with  a  name  and  room  among 
the  living  in  Jerufalem,  and  wiihing  grace  to  be  with  your  Lady- 
fhip, I  reff , 

Your  Ladyfhip's  in  his  fweeteft  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 


LXXVIIL— r^  my  Lord  Boyd. 

[Robert,  feveiith  Lord  Boyd,  the  nobleman  to  whom  this  letter  is 
addrefTed,  was  the  only  fon  of  Robert,  lixth  Lord  Boyd,  by  Lady  Chriftian 
Hamilton,  juft  now  noticed.  His  father  (who  w^as  coulin  of  the  famous 
Robert  Boyd  of  Trochrig,  two  miles  from  Girvan,  under  whom  he  ftudied 
at  Saumur)  died  in  Auguft  1628,  at  the  early  age  of  33.  Young  Robert  was 
ferved  heir  to  his  father  the  9th  of  May  1629.  His  earthly  courfe  was,  how- 
ever, brief;  for  he  died  of  a  fever  on  the  17th  of  November  1640,  aged  about 
24.  He  was  married  to  Lady  Anne  Fleming,  fecond  daughter  of  John, 
fecond  Earl  of  Wigtown,  but  their  union  was  without  iflue.  Lord  Boyd 
warmly  efpoufed  the  fide  of  the  Covenanters  ;  and,  though  not  a  member  of 
the  General  AfTembly  held  at  Glafgow  in  1638,  he  attended  its  meetings  and 
took  a  deep  interefl  in  its  proceedings.  Rutherford  affectionately  commends 
and  flimulates  his  early  zeal  in  behalf  of  the  liberties  of  the  Church.] 



Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  your  Lordfhip.  Out 
of  the  worthy  report  that  I  hear  of  your  Lordfhip's 
zeal  for  this  borne-down  and  opprefTed  Gofpel,  I  am  bold  to  write 
to  your  Lordfhip,  befeeching  you  by  the  mercies  of  God,  by  the 
honour  of  our  royal  and  princely  King  Jefus,  by  the  forrows,  tears, 
and  defolation  of  your  aifli6led  mother-Church,  and  by  the  peace  of 
your  confcience,  and  your  joy  in  the  day  of  Chriil,  that  your  Lord- 
fhip would  go  on,  in  the  flrength  of  your  Lord,  and  in  the  power 
of  His  might,  to  beftir  yourfelf,  for  the  vindicating  of  the  fallen 

200  LETTER  LXXVIIL  [1637. 

honour  of  your  Lord  Jellis.  Oh,  blelTed  hands  for  evermore,  that 
fhall  help  to  put  the  crown  upon  the  head  of  Chrift  again  in  Scot- 
land !  I  dare  promife,  in  the  name  of  our  Lord,  that  this  will  fallen 
and  fix  the  pillars  and  the  ftakes  of  your  honourable  houfe  upon 
earth,  if  you  lend  and  lay  in  pledge  in  Chrift's  hand,  upon  fpiritual 
hazard,  life,  eftate,  houfe,  honour,  credit,  moyen,*  friends,  the 
favour  of  men  (fuppofe  kings  with  three  crowns),  fo  being  that  ye 
may  bear  witnefs,  and  acquit  yourfelf  as  a  man  of  valour  and  courage 
to  the  Prince  of  your  falvation,  for  the  purging  of  His  temple,  and 
fweeping  out  the  lordly  Diotrephefes,  time-courting  Demafes,  corrupt 
Hymeneufes  and  Philetufes,  and  other  fuch  oxen,  that  with  their 
dung  defile  the  temple  of  the  Lord.  Is  not  Chrift  now  crying, 
"Who  will  help  Me?  who  will  come  out  with  Me,  to  take  part 
with  Me,  and  fhare  in  the  honour  of  My  viftory  over  thefe  Mine 
enemies,  who  have  faid,  We  will  not  have  this  man  to  rule  over  us  ?" 
My  very  honourable  and  dear  Lord,  join,  join  (as  ye  do)  with 
Chrift.  He  is  more  worth  to  you  and  your  pofterity  than  this 
world's  May-flowers,  and  withering  riches  and  honour,  that  fhall 
go  away  as  fmoke,  and  evanifh  in  a  night  vifion,  and  fhall,  in  one 
half-hour  after  the  blaft  of  the  archangel's  trumpet,  lie  in  white 
afties.  Let  me  befeech  your  Lordfhip  to  draw  by  the  lapf  of  time's 
curtain,  and  to  look  in  through  the  window  to  great  and  endlel's 
eternity,  and  confider,  if  a  worldly  price  (fuppofe  this  little  round 
clay  globe  of  this  afhy  and  dirty  earth,  the  dying  idol  of  the  fools 
of  this  world,  were  all  your  own)  can  be  given  for  one  fmile  of 
Chrift's  God-like  and  foul-ravifhing  countenance.  In  that  day  when 
\o  many  joints  and  knees  of  thoufand  thoufands  wailing  ftiall  ftand 
before  Chrifl: ,  trembling,  fhouting,  and  making  their  prayers  to  hills 
and  mountains  to  fall  upon  them,  and  hide  them  from  the  face  of 
the  Lamb,  oh,  how  many  would  fell  lordfhips  and  kingdoms  that 
day,  and  buy  Chrift  !  But,  oh,  the  market  fhall  be  clofed  and 
ended  ere  then  !  Your  Lordfhip  hath  now  a  bleffed  venture  of 
winning  court  with  the  Prince  of  the  kings  of  the  earth.     He  Him- 

Intcrcft.  t  Draw  afide  the  loofe  fold. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXIX.  20 r 

lelf  weeping  ;  truth  borne  down  and  fallen  in  the  llreets,  and  an 
opprefFed  Goipel ;  Chrift's  bride  with  watery  eyes  and  Ipoiled  of  her 
veil,  her  hair  hanging  about  her  eyes,  forced  to  go  in  ragged  ap- 
parel ;  the  banifhed,  alienated,  and  imprifoned  prophets  of  God, 
who  have  not  the  favour  of  liberty  to  prophefy  in  fackcloth,  all 
thele,  I  fay,  call  for  your  help.  Fear  not  worms  of  clay  ;  the  moth 
ihall  eat  them  as  a  garment.  Let  the  Lord  be  your  fear  ;  He  is 
with  you,  and  fhall  fight  for  you  ;  and  ye  fhall  make  the  heart  of 
this  your  mother-Church  to  fmg  for  joy.  The  Lamb  and  His  armies 
are  with  you,  and  the  kingdoms  of  the  earth  are  the  Lord's.  I  am 
perfuaded  that  there  is  not  another  gofpel,  nor  another  faving  truth, 
than  that  which  ye  now  contend  for.  I  dare  hazard  my  heaven 
and  falvation  upon  it,  that  this  is  the  only  faving  way  to  glory. 

Grace,  grace,  be  with  your  Lordfhip. 

Your  Lordfhip's  at  all  refpeftful  obedience  in  Chriff, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

LXXIX. — To  Margaret  Ballantyne. 

[Probably  this  perfon  was  one  of  his  Anwoth  parifhioners.] 


ISTRESS, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  unto  you. — It 
is  more  than  time  that  I  fhould  have  written  to  you  ; 
but  it  is  yet  good  time,  if  I  could  help  your  foul  to  mend 
your  pace,  and  to  go  more  fwiftly  to  your  heavenly  country.  For 
truly  ye  have  need  to  make  all  haif  e,  becaufe  the  inch  of  your  day 
that  remaineth  will  quickly  flip  away  ;  for  whether  we  fleep  or 
wake,  our  glafs  runneth.  The  tide  bideth  no  man.  Beware  of  a 
beguile  in  the  matter  of  your  falvation.  Woe,  woe  for  evermore, 
to  them  that  lofe  that  prize.  For  what  is  behind,  when  the  foul  is 
once  lofl,  but  that  fmners  warm  their  bits  of  clay  houfes  at  a  fire 
of  their  own  kindling,  for  a  day  or  two  (which  doth  rather  fuffocate 
with  its  fmoke  than  warm  them)  ;  and  at  length  they  lie  down  in 

202  LETTER  LXXIX.  [1637. 

forrow,  and  are  clothed  with  everlafting  fhame  !  I  would  feek  no 
further  meafure  of  faith  to  begin  withal  than  to  believe  really  and 
fledfaflly  the  doctrine  of  God's  juftice,  His  all-devouring  wrath, 
and  everlafting  burning,  where  finners  are  burnt,  foul  and  body, 
in  a  river  and  great  lake  of  fire  and  brimflone.  Then  they  would 
wifh  no  more  goods  than  the  thoufandth  part  of  a  cold  fountain- 
well  to  cool  their  tongues.  They  would  then  buy  death  with  endur- 
ing of  pain  and  torment  for  as  many  years  as  God  hath  created 
drops  of  rain  fmce  the  creation.  But  there  is  no  market  of  buying 
or  felling  life  or  death  there.  Oh,  alas  !  the  greatefi:  part  of  this 
world  run  to  the  place  of  that  torment  rejoicing  and  dancing,  eating, 
drinking,  and  fleeping.  My  counfel  to  you  is,  that  ye  ftart  in  time 
to  be  after  Chrift  -,  for  if  ye  go  quickly,  Chrift  is  not  far  before 
you ;  ye  ihall  overtake  Him.  O  Lord  God,  what  is  fo  needful  as 
this,  "Salvation,  falvation  !"  Fy  upon  this  condemned  and  foolifh 
world,  that  would  give  fo  little  for  falvation  !  Oh,  if  there  were 
a  free  market  for  falvation  proclaimed  in  that  day  when  the  trumpet 
of  God  ihall  awake  the  dead,  how  many  buyers  would  be  then  ! 
God  fend  me  no  more  happinefs  than  that  fdvation  which  the 
blind  world,  to  their  eternal  woe,  letteth  flip  through  their  fingers. 
Therefore,  look  if  ye  can  give  out  your  money  (as  Ifaiah  fpeaketh*) 
for  bread,  and  lay  Chrift  and  His  blood  in  wadfetf  for  heaven.  It  is 
a  dry  and  hungry  bairn's  part  of  goods  that  Efaus  are  hunting  for 
here.  I  fee  thoufands  following  the  chafe,  and  in  the  purfuit  of 
fuch  things,  while  in  the  meantime  they  lofe  the  bleffing  ;  and,  when 
all  is  done,  they  have  caught  nothing  to  roafl:  for  fupper,  but  lie 
down  hungry.  And,  befides,  they  go  to  bed,  when  they  die,  with- 
out a  candle  ;  for  God  faith  to  them,  "  This  ye  fhall  have  at  My 
hand,  ye  fhall  lie  down  in  forrow."  J  And  truly  this  is  as  ill-made 
a  bed  to  lie  upon  as  one  could  wifh ;  for  he  cannot  fleep  foundly, 
nor  refl  fweetly,  who  hath  Ibrrow  for  his  pillow.  Roufe,  roufe 
up,  therefore,  your  foul,  and  fpeer§  how  Chrift  and  your  foul  met 
together.     I  am  fure  that  they  never  got  Chrift,  who  were  not  once 

*  Ifa.  Iv.  2.  t  Mortgaged,  pledged.  %  Ifa.  1.  11.  §  Alk. 

1637.J  LETTER  LXXIX.  203 

fick  at  the  yolk  of  the  heart  for  Him.  Too,  too  many  whole  fouls 
think  that  they  have  met  with  Chriil,  who  had  never  a  wearied 
night  for  the  want  of  Him  :  but,  alas  !  what  richer  are  men,  that 
they  dreamed  the  lafl  night  they  had  much  gold,  and,  when  they 
awoke  in  the  morning,  they  found  it  was  but  a  dream  ?  What 
are  all  the  fmners  in  the  world,  in  that  day  when  heaven  and  earth 
fhall  go  up  in  a  flame  of  fire,  but  a  number  of  beguiled  dreamers  ? 
Every  one  fhall  fay  of  his  hunting  and  his  conquefl,*  "  Behold,  it  was 
a  dream ! "  Every  man  in  that  day  will  tell  his  dream.  I  befeech 
you,  in  the  Lord  Jefus,  beware,  beware  of  unfound  work  in  the 
matter  of  your  falvation  :  ye  may  not,  ye  cannot,  ye  dow  not  want 
ChrLfl:.  Then,  after  this  day,  convene  all  your  lovers  before  your 
foul,  and  give  them  their  leave ;  and  flrike  hands  with  Chrlfl:,  that 
thereafter  there  may  be  no  happinefs  to  you  but  Chrift,  no  hunting 
for  anything  but  Chrifl,  no  bed  at  night,  when  death  cometh,  but 
Chrift.  Chrift,  Chrift,  who  but  Chrift  !  I  know  this  much  of 
Chrift,  that  He  is  not  ill  to  be  found,  nor  lordly  of  His  love.  Woe 
had  been  my  part  of  it  for  evermore,  if  Chrift  had  made  a  dainty  of 
Himfelf  to  me.  But,  God  be  thanked,  I  gave  nothing  for  Chrift. 
And  now  I  proteft  before  men  and  angels  that  Chrift  cannot  be 
exchanged,  that  Chrift  cannot  be  fold,  that  Chrift  cannot  be  weighed. 
Where  would  angels,  or  all  the  world,  find  a  balance  to  weigh  Him 
in  ?  All  lovers  blufti  when  ye  ftand  befide  Chrift  !  Woe  upon 
all  love  but  the  love  of  Chrift  !  Hunger,  hunger  for  evermore  be 
upon  all  heaven  but  Chrift !  Shame,  fhame  for  evermore  be  upon 
all  glory  but  Chrift's  glory.  I  cry  death,  death  upon  all  lives  but 
the  life  of  Chrift.  Oh,  what  is  it  that  holdeth  us  afunder  ?  O 
that  once  we  could  have  a  fair  meeting  ! 

Thus  recommending  Chrift  to  you  and  you  to  Him,  for  ever- 
more, I  reft.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

*  Acquiiition  ;  what  he  has  won. 

204  LETTER  LXXX.  [1637. 

LXXX. — For  Marion  M^Naught. 



Y  DEARLY  BELOVED  SISTER,— Grace,  mercy,  and 
peace  be  to  you.  I  complain  that  Galloway  is  not 
kind  to  me  in  paper.  I  have  received  no  letters  thefe 
fixteen  weeks  but  two.  I  am  well.  My  prifon  is  a  palace  to  me, 
and  Chrifl's  banqueting-houfe.  My  Lord  Jefus  is  as  kind  as  they 
call  Him.  O  that  all  Scotland  knew  my  cafe,  and  had  part  of  my 
feaft !  I  charge  you  in  the  name  of  God,  I  charge  you  to  believe. 
Fear  not  the  fons  of  men  ;  the  worms  fhall  eat  them.  To  pray  and 
believe  now,  when  Chrift  feems  to  give  you  a  nay-fay,*  is  more  than 
it  was  before.  Die  believing;  die,  and  Chrift's  promife  in  your 
hand.  I  defire,  I  requefl,  I  charge  your  hufband  and  that  town,f  to 
ftand  for  the  truth  of  the  Gofpel.  Contend  with  Chrift's  enemies ; 
and  I  pray  you  fhow  all  profefTors  (whom)  you  know  my  cafe. 
Help  me  to  praife.  The  miniflers  here  envy  me  ;  they  will  have 
my  prifon  changed.  My  mother  hath  born  me  a  man  of  contention, 
and  one  that  ftriveth  with  the  whole  earth.  Remember  my  love 
to  your  hufband.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  the  Lord, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  Jan.  3,  1637. 

LXXXI.—To  Mr  John  Meine  {Jim.) 

[Mr  John  Meine  was  the  fon  of  John  Meine,  merchant  in  Edinburgh, 
*^  a  folid  and  ftedfaft  profeflbr  of  the  truth  of  God."  His  mother  was  Bar- 
bara Hamilton,  a  notice  of  whom  fee  at  Let.  313.  He  was  now,  it  wouki 
appear  from  an  allufion  in  the  clofe  of  this  letter,  a  ftudent  of  theology,  with 
a  view  to  the  holy  miniftry.] 

*  A  denial.  t  Kirkcudbright. 

637.]  LETTER  LXXXI.  205 


ORTHY  AND  DEAR  BROTHER,— Grace,  mercy, 
and  peace  be  to  you.  I  have  been  too  long  in  anfwer- 
ing  your  letter,  but  other  bufinefs  took  me  up.  I  am 
here  waiting,  if  the  fair  wind  will  turn  upon  Chrift's  fails  in  Scot- 
land, and  if  deliverance  be  breaking  out  to  this  overclouded  and  be- 
nighted kirk.  O  that  we  could  contend,  by  prayers  and  fupplica- 
tions,  with  our  Lord  for  that  efPeft !  I  know  that  He  hath  not 
^ven  out  His  lail:  doom  againft  this  land.  I  have  little  of  Chrifl:, 
in  this  prifon,  but  groanings,  and  longings,  and  defires.  All  my 
ftock  of  Chrifl  is  fome  hunger  for  Him,  and  yet  I  cannot  fay  but  I 
am  rich  in  that.  My  faith,  and  hope,  and  holy  practice  of  new  obe- 
dience, are  fcarce  worth  the  fpeaking  of.  But  blefTed  be  my  Lord, 
who  taketh  me,  light,  and  clipped,  and  naughty,*  and  fecklefsf  as 
I  am.  I  fee  that  Chrifl  will  not  prigf  with  me,  nor  ftand  upon 
ftepping-ftones  ;  §  but  cometh  in  at  the  broadfide  ||  without  cere- 
monies, or  making  it  nice,5[  to  make  a  poor,  ranfomed  one  His  own. 
O  that  I  could  feed  upon  His  breathing,  and  kifling,  and  embracing, 
and  upon  the  hopes  of  my  meeting  and  His !  when  love-letters  fhall 
not  go  betwixt  us,  but  He  will  be  mefTenger  Himfelf !  But  there  is 
required  patience  on  our  part,  till  the  fummer-fruit  in  heaven  be 
ripe  for  us.  It  is  in  the  bud ;  but  there  be  many  things  to  do  before 
our  harvefl  come.  And  we  take  ill  with  it,  and  can  hardly  endure  to 
fet  our  paper-face  to  one  of  Chrifl's  florms,  and  to  go  to  heaven 
with  wet  feet,  and  pain,  and  for  row.  We  love  to  carry  a  heaven 
to  heaven  with  us,  and  would  have  two  fummers  in  one  year,  and 
no  lefs  than  two  heavens.  But  this  will  not  do  for  us :  one  (and 
fuch  a  one!)  may  fuffice  us  well  enough.  The  man,  Chrifl,  got  but 
one  only,  and  fhall  we  have  two  ? 

*  Of  little  value,  like  dipt  coin;  and  worth  naught. 

t  Pithlefs,  unfubftantial.  %  Chaflcr,  higgle. 

§  Require  help  of  ftepping-ftones.  ||  All  at  once,  frankly. 

^  Being  ill  to  pleafe. 

2o6  LETTER  LXXXIL  [1637. 

Remember  my  love  in  Chrift  to  your  father  ;  and  help  me  with 
your  prayers.  If  ye  would  be  a  deep  divine,  I  recommend  to  you 
fanftification.  Fear  Him,  and  He  will  reveal  His  covenant  to  you. 
Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  Jan.  5,  1637. 

LXXXIL — To  John  Gordon  of  Cardonefs^  Elder. 

[John  Gordon  of  Cardonefs,  in  the  parifli  of  Anwoth,  was  defcended 
from  Gordon  of  Lochinvar;  but  the  degree  of  his  defcent  cannot  now  be  afcer- 
tained,  and  little  is  known  concerning  him.  His  name  appears  the  firft  of  188 
signatures  attached  to  an  unfuccefsful  petition  of  the  elders  and  pariihioners  of 
Anwoth,  prefented  to  the  Commiflion  of  the  General  Aflembly  1638,  for 
Rutherford  being  continued  minifter  of  that  parifh,  when  counter  applications 
were  made  by  the  city  of  Edinburgh  and  the  Univerfity  of  St  Andrews  for  the 
transference  of  his  fervices.  From  Rutherford's  letters  to  him,  we  learn  that 
he  was  at  this  time  far  advanced  in  life.  He  was  naturally  a  man  of  ftrong 
paffions,  by  which  it  would  appear  he  had,  in  the  previous  part  of  his  life, 
been  led  aftray. 

The  old  caftle  oi  Cardonefs  Hands  on  a  tongue  of  land,  at  the  mouth  of  the 
river  Fleet,  about  a  mile  from  Gatehoufe.  It  is  built  on  a  rocky  height,  over- 
hanging the  public  road,  and  looking  toward  the  bay.  You  fee  an  old  fquare- 
built  tower,  or  fortalice,  railing  its  grey  head  from  among  the  tall  trees  that  now 
furround  it.  Tradition  tells  of  an  old  proprietor,  in  league  with  Graeme,  the 
Border  outlaw,  and  how,  in  confequence  of  his  daring  and  God-def)^ing 
deeds,  the  chief  and  his  whole  family  perifhed  in  the  Black  Loch,  in  the  parifh 
of  Anwoth.  Though  not  a  defcendant,  John  Gordon  feems  to  have  been  a 
man  of  like  ftrong  paffions  with  that  old  chieftain,  till  fubdued  by  grace.] 


^UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace 
be  to  you. — I  have  longed  to  hear  from  you,  and  to 
know  the  eftate  of  your  foul,  and  the  eflate  of  that 

people  with  you. 

I  befeech  you,  Sir,  by  the  falvation  of  your  precious  foul,  and 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXIL  207 

the  mercies  of  God,  to  make  good  and  fure  work  of  your  falvation, 
and  try  upon  what  ground-ftone*  ye  have  builded.  Worthy  and 
dear  Sir,  if  ye  be  upon  finking  fand,  a  ilorm  of  death,  and  a  blaft, 
will  loofe  Chrifi:  and  you,  and  wafli  you  clofe  ofFf  the  rock.  Oh, 
for  the  Lord's  fake,  look  narrowly  to  the  work  ! 

Read  over  your  life,  with  the  light  of  God's  day-light  and  fun  ; 
for  falvation  is  not  caflen  down  at  every  man's  door.  It  is  good  to 
look  to  your  compafs,  and  all  ye  have  need  of,  ere  you  take  (hip- 
ping ;  for  no  wind  can  blow  you  back  again.  Remember,  when 
the  race  is  ended,  and  the  play  either  won  or  loft,  and  ye  are  in  the 
utmoft  circle  and  border  of  time,  and  fhall  put  your  foot  within  the 
march  J  of  eternity,  and  all  your  good  things  of  this  Ihort  night- 
dream  fhall  feem  to  you  like  the  afhes  of  a  bleeze§  of  thorns  or 
ftraw,  and  your  poor  foul  fhall  be  crying,  "  Lodging,  lodging,  for 
God's  fake ! "  then  fhall  your  foul  be  more  glad  at  one  of  your 
Lord's  lovely  and  homely  fmiles,  than  if  ye  had  the  charters  of 
three  worlds  for  all  eternity.  Let  pleafures  and  gain,  will  and 
defires  of  this  world,  be  put  over  into  God's  hands,  as  arrefted  and 
fenced II  goods  that  ye  cannot  intromit^  with.  Now,  when  ye  are 
drinking  the  grounds  of  your  cup,  and  ye  are  upon  the  utmoft  end 
of  the  laft  link  of  time,  and  old  age,  like  death's  long  fhadow,  is 
cafting  a  covering  upon  your  days,  it  is  no  time  to  court  this  vain 
life,  and  to  fet  love  and  heart  upon  it.  It  is  near  after-fupper  ;** 
feek  reft  and  eafe  for  your  foul  in  God  through  Chrift. 

Believe  me,  that  I  find  it  to  be  hard  wreftling  to  play  fair  with 
Chrift,  and  to  keep  good  quarters  with  Him,  and  to  love  Him  in 
integrity  and  life,  and  to  keep  a  conftant  courfe  of  found  and  folid 
daily  communion  with  Chrift.  Temptations  are  daily  breaking  the 
thread  of  that  courfe,  and  it  is  not  eafy  to  caft  a  knot  again  ;  and 
many  knots  make  evil  work.  Oh,  how  fair  have  many  fhips.been 
plying  before  the  wind,  that,  in  an  hour's  fpace,  have  been  lying  in 

*  Foundation.  f  Completely  off.       %  Border. 

§  Sudden  blazing,  flame.  ||  Guarded.  If  Meddle  with. 

**  The  time  between  fupper  and  bedtime ;  the  very  lateft  part  of  the  day. 

2o8  LETTER  LXXXIL  [1637. 

the  fea-bottom  !  How  many  profeflbrs  caft  a  golden  luftre,  as  if 
they  were  pure  gold,  and  yet  are,  under  that  fldn  and  cover,  but 
bafe  and  reprobate  metal  ?  And  how  many  keep  breath  in  their 
race  many  miles,  and  yet  come  fhort  of  the  prize  and  the  garland  ! 
Dear  Sir,  my  foul  would  mourn  in  fecret  for  you,  if  I  knew  your 
cafe  with  God  to  be  but  falfe  work.  Love  to  have  you  anchored 
upon  Chrift  maketh  me  fear  your  tottering  and  flips.  Falfe  under- 
water, *  not  feen  in  the  ground  of  an  enlightened  confcience,  is 
dangerous  ;  fo  is  often  falling,  and  finning  againfl  light.  Know 
this,  that  thofe  who  never  had  fick  nights  or  days  in  confcience  for 
fin,  cannot  have  but  fuch  a  peace  with  God  as  will  undercoat,f  and 
break  the  flefh  again,  and  end  in  a  fad  war  at  death.  O  how 
fearfully  are  thoufands  beguiled  with  falfe  hide,J  grown  over  old 
fins,  as  if  the  foul  were  cured  and  healed  ! 

Dear  Sir,  I  always  faw  nature  mighty,  lofty,  heady,  and  flrong 
in  you  ;  and  that  it  was  more  for  you  to  be  mortified  and  dead  to 
the  world,  than  for  another  common  man.  Ye  will  take  a  low  ebb, 
and  a  deep  cut,  and  a  long  lance,  to  go  to  the  bottom  of  your 
wounds  in  faving  humiliation,  to  make  you  a  won  prey  for  Chrift. 
Be  humbled  ;  walk  foftly.  Down,  down,  for  God's  sake,  my  dear 
and  worthy  brother,  with  your  topfail.  Stoop,  ftoop  !  it  is  a  low 
entry  to  go  in  at  heaven's  gate.  There  is  infinite  juflice  in  the  party 
ye  have  to  do  with  ;  it  is  His  nature  not  to  acquit  the  guilty  and  the 
finner.  The  law  of  God  will  not  want  one  farthing  of  the  finner. 
God  forgetteth  not  both  the  cautioner  and  the  finner  ;  and  every 
man  mufi:  pay,  either  in  his  own  perfon  (oh  !  Lord  fave  you  from 
that  payment !),  or  in  his  cautioner  §  Chrift.  It  is  violence  to  corrupt 
nature  for  a  man  to  be  holy,  to  lie  down  under  Chrift's  feet,  to  quit 
will,  pleafure,  worldly  love,  earthly  hope,  and  an  itching  of  heart 
after  this  farded  |1  and  over-gilded  world,  and  to  be  content  that  Chrift 
trample  upon  all.  Come  in,  come  in  to  Chrifi:,  and  fee  what  ye  want, 
and  find  it  in  Him.     He  is  the  fiiort  cut  (as  we  ufed  to  fay),  and  the 

*  Bilge-water.  t  Fefter,  after  being  fkinned  over. 

I  Falfe  Ik'n.  §  Surety.  ||  Painted. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXII.  209 

neareft  way  to  an  outgate*  of  all  your  burdens.  I  dare  avouch 
that  ye  fhall  be  dearly  welcome  to  Him  ;  my  foul  would  be  glad  to 
take  part  of  the  joy  ye  fhould  have  in  Him.  I  dare  lay  that  angels' 
pens,  angels'  tongues,  nay,  as  many  worlds  of  angels  as  there  are 
drops  of  water  in  all  the  feas,  and  fountains,  and  rivers  of  the  earth, 
cannot  paint  Him  out  to  you.  I  think  His  fweetnefs,  fmce  I  was  a 
prifoner,  hath  fwelled  upon  me  to  the  greatnefs  of  two  heavens. 
Oh  for  a  foul  as  wide  as  the  utmoft  circle  of  the  highefl:  heaven 
that  containeth  all,  to  contain  His  love  !  And  yet  I  could  hold  little 
of  it.  O  world's  wonder  !  Oh,  if  my  foul  might  but  lie  within 
the  fmell  of  His  love,  fuppofe  I  could  get  no  more  but  the  fmell  of 
it!  Oh,  but  it  is  long  to  that  day  when  I  fhall  have  a  free  world  of 
Chrift's  love  !  Oh,  what  a  fight  to  be  up  in  heaven,  in  that  fair 
orchard  of  the  new  paradife  ;  and  to  fee,  and  fmell,  and  touch,  and 
kifs,  that  fair  Field-flower,  that  ever-green  Tree  of  Life  !  His  bare 
fhadow  were  enough  for  me ;  a  fight  of  Him  would  be  the  earneft 
of  heaven  to  me.  Fy,  fy  upon  us  !  that  we  have  love  lying  rufting 
befide  us,  or,  which  is  worfe,  wafting  upon  fome  loathfbme  obje<fbs, 
and  that  Chrifl  fhould  lie  His  lone.f  Wo,  wo  is  me  !  that  fin  hath 
made  fo  many  madmen,  feeking  the  fool's  paradife,  fire  under  ice, 
and  fome  good  and  defirable  things,  without  and  apart  from,  Chrifl. 
Chriil,  Chrifl,  nothing  but  Chrift,  can  cool  our  love's  burning  lan- 
guor. O  thirfl:y  love  !  wilt  thou  fet  Chrifl,  the  well  of  life,  to  thy 
head,  and  drink  thy  fill  ?  Drink,  and  fpare  not  ;  drink  love,  and 
be  drunken  with  Chrift !  Nay,  alas  !  the  diftance  betwixt  us  and 
Chrift  is  a  death.  Oh  if  we  were  clafped  in  other's  J  arms  !  We 
fhould  never  twin§  again,  except  heaven  twinned  and  fundered  us; 
and  that  cannot  be. 

I  defire  your  children  to  feek  this  Lord.  Defire  them  from  me, 
to  be  requeued,  for  Chrifl's  sake,  to  be  bleffed  and  happy,  and  to 
come  and  take  Chrifl,  and  all  things  with  Him.  Let  them  beware 
of  glaffy  and  flippery  youth,  of  foolifh  young  notions,  of  worldly 

*  Outlet,  efcape  from.  f  Alone,  and  no  one  of  us  befide  Him. 

X  Each  other's.  §  Separate,  be  parted. 

VOL     I.  O 

2IO  LETTER  LXXXIII.  [1637. 

lufts,  of  deceivable  gain,  of  wicked  company,  of  curfing,  lying,  blas- 
pheming, and  foolifh  talking.  Let  them  be  filled  with  the  Spirit  ; 
acquaint  themfelves  with  daily  praying ;  and  with  the  flore-houfe  of 
wifdom  and  comfort,  the  good  word  of  God.  Help  the  fouls  of 
the  poor  people.  O  that  my  Lord  would  bring  me  again  among 
them,  that  I  might  tell  unco*  and  great  tales  of  Chrift  to  them  ! 
Receive  not  a  ftranger  to  preach  any  other  doftrine  to  them. 

Pray  for  me.  His  prifoner  of  hope.  I  pray  for  you  without 
ceafing.  I  write  my  bleiTmg,  earnefl  prayers,  the  love  of  God,  and 
the  fweet  prefence  of  Chrifl  to  you,  and  yours,  and  them.  Grace, 
grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Your  lawful  and  loving  paftor, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

LXXXin. — To  the  Earl  of  Lothian. 

[William,  third  Earl  of  Lothian,  to  whom  this  letter  is  addrefled, 
was  the  eldeft  fon  of  Robert,  firft  Earl  of  Ancrum  ;  and  he  acquired  the  title 
of  Earl  of  Lothian  by  his  marriage  with  Anne  Ker,  Countefs  of  Lothian,  the 
eldeft  daughter  of  Robert,  fecond  Earl  of  Lothian,  to  whofe  eftates  and  titles 
fhe  fucceeded  at  his  death  in  1624.  When  the  differences  betwixt  the  King  and 
his  Scottifh  fubjeds  arofe  in  1638,  in  confequence  of  the  attempt  of  the  former 
to  impofe  on  the  latter  the  Anglo-Popifh  Liturgy  or  Service  Book,  and  other 
innovations,  this  nobleman  manifefted  great  zeal  for  the  Covenant.  He  was 
a  member  of  the  General  Aflembly  which  met  at  Glafgow  that  year,  as  elder 
for  the  Prefbytery  of  Dalkeith.  Hoftilities  having  again  commenced  in  1640, 
his  Lordfhip  was  in  the  Scottifh  army  that  invaded  England,  defeated  the 
Royalifts  at  Newbum,  and  took  pofleflion  of  Newcaftle,  of  which  he  was  confti- 
tuted  Governor,  with  a  garrifon  of  2000  men.  In  1643  he  was  fent  from  Scot- 
land by  the  Privy  Council,  with  the  approbation  of  Charles  I.,  to  make  fome 
propofitions  to  the  Court  of  France  relating  to  certain  privileges  of  the  Scot- 
tifh nation.  In  1644  he  commanded,  with  the  Marquis  of  Argyle,  the  forces 
fent  againft  the  Marquis  of  Montrofe,  whom  he  obliged  to  retreat,  and  then 
delivered  up  his  commiflion  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates,  who  pafled  an  adl 
in  approbation  of  his  fervices.     His  Lordfhip  was  prefident  of  the  Committee 

*  Strange. 

1 63  7-]  LETTER  LXXXIIL  211 

defpatched  by  the  Parliament  to  the  King  in  December  1646,  with  their  laft 
propofitions,  which  were  refiifed.  He  protefted  againft  the  raifing  of  an  army 
in  1648  to  refciie  the  King  from  the  hands  of  the  Englifh,  without  receiving 
from  his  Majefty  afliirance  that  he  would  fecure  the  religious  liberties  of  his 
Scottifh  fubjeds, — an  attempt  which  was  called  the  *^  Engagement."  But 
while  refilling  the  arbitrary  meafures  of  his  princes,  he  was  of  fincere  and  ar- 
dent loyalty.  No  fooner  was  it  known  that  the  Parliament  of  England  in- 
tended to  proceed  againft  Charles  I.  before  the  High  Court  of  Juftice,  than 
he  and  other  commifli oners  were  fent  to  remonftrate  with  them,  in  name  of 
the  kingdom  of  Scotland,  againft  the  violence  and  indignity  which  it  was  feared 
they  intended  againft  the  facred  perfon  of  the  King.  The  Earl  warned  them 
that  the  whole  nation  regarded  the  very  thoughts  of  fuch  a  thing  with  the  ut- 
moft  abhorrence  ;  and  he  took  a  folemn  proteft  againft  their  proceedings,  for 
which  he  was  put  under  arreft,  fent  with  a  guard  to  Gravefend,  and  thence  to 
Scotland.  On  his  return  he  received  the  thanks  of  Parliament  for  his  condud: 
on  this  occafion  ;  and,  along  with  the  Earl  of  Caflillis,  was  defpatched  to  Breda 
in  1650  to  invite  King  Charles  to  Scotland.  His  Lordfhip  died  in  the  year 
1675.     By  Anne,  Countefs  of  Lothian,  he  had  five  fons  and  nine  daughters.] 


IGHT       HONOURABLE,      AND       MY      VERY 
WORTHY   AND   NOBLE   LORD,— Out   of    the 

honourable  and  good  report  that  I  hear  of  your  Lord- 
fhip's  good-will  and  kindnefs,  in  taking  to  heart  the  honourable 
caufe  of  Chrift,  and  His  aiBifted  Church  and  wronged  truth  in  this 
land,  I  make  bold  to  fpeak  a  word,  on  paper,  to  your  Lordfhip,  at 
this  diflance,  which  I  truft  your  Lordfhip  will  take  in  good  part. 
It  is  to  your  Lordfhip's  honour  and  credit,  to  put  to  your  hand,  as 
ye  do  (all  honour  to  God  !),  to  the  falling  and  tottering  tabernacle 
of  Chriil,  in  this  your  mother-Church,  and  to  own  Chrift's  wrongs 
as  your  own  wrongs.  O  blefled  hand,  which  fhall  wipe  and  dry 
the  watery  eyes  of  our  weeping  Lord  Jefus,  now  going  mourning 
in  fackcloth  in  His  members,  in  His  fpoufe,  in  His  truth,  and  in  the 
prerogative  royal  of  His  kingly  power  !  He  needeth  not  fervice 
and  help  from  men  ;  but  it  pleafeth  His  wifdom  to  make  the  wants 
and  loffes,  the  fores  and  wounds  of  His  fpoufe,  a  field  and  an  office- 

212  LETTER  LXXXIII.  [1637. 

houfe  for  the  zeal  of  His  fervants  to  exercife  themfelves  in.  There- 
fore, my  noble  and  dear  Lord,  go  on,  go  on  in  the  flrength  of  the 
Lord,  againfl  all  oppofition,  to  fide  with  wronged  Chrifl:.  The 
defending,  and  warding  of  ftrokes  off  Chrifl's  bride,  the  King's 
daughter,  is  like  a  piece  of  the  reft  of  the  way  to  heaven,  knotty, 
rough,  flormy,  and  full  of  thorns.  Many  would  follow  Chrifl:, 
but  with  a  refervation  that,  by  open  proclamation,  Chrift  would  cry 
down  croffes,  and  cry  up  fair  weather,  and  a  fummer  fky  and  fun, 
till  we  were  all  fairly  landed  at  heaven.  I  know  that  your  Lordfhip 
hath  not  fo  learned  Chrift;  but  that  ye  intend  to  fetch*  heaven,  fup- 
pofe  that  your  father  were  ftanding  in  your  way,  and  to  take  it 
with  the  wind  on  your  face  ;  for  fo  both  ftorm  and  wind  were  on 
the  fair  face  of  your  lovely  Forerunner,  Chrift,  all  His  way.  It  is 
poiTible  that  the  fuccefs  anfwer  not  your  defire  in  this  worthy 
caufe.  What  then  "i  duties  are  ours,  but  events  are  the  Lord's  ; 
and  I  hope,  if  your  Lordfhip,  and  others  with  you,  will  go  on  to 
dive  to  the  loweft  ground  and  bottom  of  the  knavery  and  perfidious 
treachery  to  Chrift  of  the  accurfed  and  wretched  prelates,  the 
Antichrift's  firft-born,  and  the  firft-fruit  of  his  foul  womb,  and 
fhall  deal  with  our  Sovereign  (law  going  before  you)  for  the  reafon- 
able  and  impartial  hearing  of  Chrift 's  bill  of  complaints,  and  fet 
yourfelves  fmglyf  to  feek  the  Lord  and  His  face,  that  your  righteous- 
nefs  fhall  break  through  the  clouds  which  prejudice  hath  drawn 
over  it,  and  that  ye  fhall,  in  the  ftrength  of  the  Lord,  bring  our 
banifhed  and  departing  Lord  Jefus  home  again  to  His  fanftuary. 
Neither  muft  your  Lordfhip  advife  with  flefh  and  blood  in  this  ; 
but  wink,  and  in  the  dark,  reach  your  hand  to  Chrift,  and  follow 
Him.  Let  net  men's  fainting  difcourage  you  ;  neither  be  afraid  of 
men's  canny  J  wifdom,  who,  in  this  ftorm,  take  the  neareft  fhore,  and 
go  to  the  lee  and  calm  fide  of  the  Gofpel,  and  hide  Chrift  (if  ever 
they  had  Him)  in  their  cabinets,  as  if  they  were  afhamed  of  Him, 
or  as  if  Chrift  vv^^re  ftolen  wares,  and  would  blufh  before  the  fun. 
My  very  dear  and  noble  Lord,  ye  have  rejoiced  the  hearts  of 

*  Make  for  heaven.  f  ^Vith  a  (ingle  mind.  %  Prudent  and  kind. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXIIL  21^ 

many,  that  ye  have  made  choice  of  Chrift  and  His  Golpel,  whereas 
llich  great  temptations  do  fland  in  your  way.  But  I  love  your  pro- 
feflion  the  better  that  it  endureth  winds.  If  we  knew  ourfelves 
well,  to  want  temptations  is  the  greateft  temptation  of  all.  Neither 
is  father,  nor  mother,  nor  court,  nor  honour,  in  this  over-luflred 
world  with  all  its  paintry*  and  farding,f  anything  elfe,  when  they 
are  laid  in  the  balance  with  Chrift,  but  feathers,  fhadows,  night- 
dreams,  and  flraws.  Oh,  if  this  world  knew  the  excellency,  fweet- 
nefs,  and  beauty  of  that  high  and  lofty  One,  that  Fairefl  among  the 
fons  of  men,  verily  they  would  fee,  that  if  their  love  were  bigger 
than  ten  heavens,  all  in  circles  beyond  each  other,  it  were  all  too 
little  for  Chrift  our  Lord  !  I  hope  that  your  choice  will  not  repent 
you,  when  life  fhall  come  to  that  twilight  betwixt  time  and  eternity, 
and  ye  fhall  fee  the  utmofl  border  of  time,  and  fhall  draw  the 
curtain,  and  look  into  eternity,  and  fhall  one  day  fee  God  take  the 
heavens  in  His  hands,  and  fold  them  together,  like  an  old  holelyj 
garment,  and  fet  on  fire  this  clay  part  of  the  creation  of  God,  and 
confume  away  into  fmoke  and  afhes  the  idol-hope  of  poor  fools, 
who  think  that  there  is  not  a  better  country  than  this  low  country  of 
dying  clay.  Children  cannot  make  comparifon  aright  betwixt  this 
life  and  that  which  is  to  come  ;  and,  therefore,  the  babes  of  this 
world,  who  fee  no  better,  mould,  in  their  own  brain,  a  heaven  of  their 
own  coining,  becaufe  they  fee  no  farther  than  the  nearefl  fide  of  time. 
I  dare  lay  in  pawn  my  hope  of  heaven,  that  this  reproached 
way  is  the  only  way  of  peace.  I  find  it  is  the  way  that  the  Lord 
hath  fealed  with  His  comforts  now,  in  my  bonds  for  Chrifl ;  and  I 
verily  efleem  and  find  chains  and  fetters  for  that  lovely  One,  Chrift, 
to  be  watered  over  with  fweet  confolations,  and  the  love-fmiles  of 
that  lovely  Bridegroom,  for  whofe  coming  we  wait.  And  when 
He  cometh,  then  fhall  the  blacks  and  whites  of  all  men  come  be- 
fore the  fun  ;  then  fhall  the  Lord  put  a  final  decifion  upon  the 
pleas  §  that  Zion  hath  with  her  adverfaries.     And  as  faff  as  time 

*  Painted  things.  f  Fine  colouring. 

:j:  Full  of  holes ;  worn  out.  §  Matters  of  contrt)verfy. 

214  LETTER  LXXXIV.  [1637. 

pofteth  away  (which  neither  fitteth,  nor  ftandeth,  nor  fleepeth),  as 
faft  is  our  hand-breadth  of  this  ihort  winter-night  flying  away,  and 
the  fky  of  our  long-lafting  day  drawing  near  its  breaking. 

Except  your  Lordfhip  be  pleafed  to  plead  for  me  againft  the 
tyranny  of  prelates,  I  fhall  be  forgotten  in  this  prifon  ;  for  they  did 
fhape  my  doom  according  to  their  new,  lawlefs  canons,  which  is, 
that  a  deprived  minifter  fhall  be  utterly  filenced,  and  not  preach  at 
all ;  which  is  a  cruelty,  contrary  to  their  own  former  practices. 

Now,  the  only  wife  God,  the  very  God  of  peace,  confirm, 
flrengthen,  and  eflablifh  your  Lordihip  upon  the  ftone  laid  in  Zion, 
and  be  with  you  for  ever. 

Your  Lordfhip's  at  all  refpeftful  obedience  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

LXXXIV.— r^?  Jean  Brown. 

[Jean  Brown  was  the  mother  of  the  well-known  Mr  John  Brown, 
minifter  of  Wamphray  in  Annandale,  who,  after  the  reftoration  of  Charles 
II.,  was  ejefted  from  his  charge  and  banifhed  from  the  King's  dominions  for 
his  oppofition  to  Prelacy.  As  may  be  gathered  from  Rutherford's  letters  to 
her,  fhe  was  a  woman  of  intelligence  and  piety.] 


ISTRESS, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  unto  you.  I 
long  to  hear  how  your  foul  profpereth.  I  earneflly 
defire  your  on-going  toward  your  country.  I  know 
that  ye  fee  your  day  melteth  away  by  little  and  little,  and  that  in  a 
ihort  time  ye  fhall  be  put  beyond  time's  bounds  ;  for  life  is  a  pofl 
that  ilandeth  not  ftill,  and  our  joys  here  are  born  weeping,  rather 
than  laughing,  and  they  die  weeping.  Sin,  fin,  this  body  of  fin 
and  corruption  embittereth  and  poifoneth  all  our  enjoyments.  Oh 
that  I  were  where  I  fhall  fin  no  more  !     Oh  to  be  freed  of  thefe 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXIV.  215 

chains  and  iron  fetters,  which  we  carry  about  with  us !  Lord, 
loofe  the  fad  prifoners  !  Who  of  the  children  of  God  have  not 
caufe  to  fay,  that  they  have  their  fill  of  this  vain  life  ?  and,  like  a  full 
and  fick  ftomach,  to  wifh  at  mid-fupper  that  the  fupper  were  ended, 
and  the  table  drawn,  that  the  fick  man  might  win  *  to  bed,  and  enjoy 
reft  ?  We  have  caufe  to  tire  at  mid-fupper  of  the  befl  mefTes  that 
this  world  can  drefs  up  for  us  ;  and  to  cry  to  God,  that  He  would 
remove  the  table  and  put  the  fm-fick  fouls  to  reft  with  Himfelf. 
Oh  for  a  long  play-day  with  Chrift,  and  our  long-lafling  vacancef 
of  refl !  Glad  may  their  fouls  be  that  are  fafe  over  the  frith,  J 
Chrifl  having  paid  the  fraught.  §  Happy  are  they  who  have  paffed 
their  hard  and  wearifbme  time  of  apprenticefhip,  and  are  now  free- 
men and  citizens  in  that  joyful,  high  city,  the  New  Jerufalem. 

Alas  !  that  we  fhould  be  glad  of  and  rejoice  in  our  fetters,  and 
our  prifon-houfe,  and  this  dear  inn,  a  life  of  fm,  where  we  are 
abfent  from  our  Lord,  and  fo  far  from  our  home.  O  that  we 
could  get  bonds  and  law-furetyfhip  of  our  love,  that  it  faflen  not 
itfelf  on  thefe  clay-dreams,  thefe  clay-fhadows,  and  worldly  vanities  ! 
We  might  be  oftener  feeing  what  they  are  doing  in  heaven,  and  our 
hearts  more  frequently  upon  our  fweet  treafure  above.  We  fmell 
of  the  Imoke  of  this  lower  houfe  of  the  earth,  becaufe  our  hearts 
and  our  thoughts  are  here.  If  we  could  haunt  ||  up  with  God,  we 
fhould  fmell  of  heaven  and  of  our  country  above ;  and  we  fhould 
look  like  our  country,  and  like  ftrangers,  or  people  not  born  or 
brought  up  hereaway,  f  Our  croffes  would  not  bite**  upon  us 
if  we  were  heavenly-minded.  I  know  of  no  obligation  which  the 
faints  have  to  this  world,  feeing  we  fare  but  upon  the  fmoke  of  it ; 
and,  if  there  be  any  fmoke  in  the  houfe,  it  bloweth  upon  our  eyes. 
All  our  part  of  the  table  is  fcarce  worth  a  drink  of  water  ;  and 
when  we  are  If  ricken,  -we  dare  not  weep,  but  fteal  our  grief  away 
betwixt  our  Lord  and  us,  and  content  ourfelves  with  ftolen  for  row 

*  Get  into.        f  Vacation,  holidays.  %  The  ftrait,  or  eftuary. 

§  Freight.  ||  *'  Haunt,"  frequent  God's  prelence  up  above  this  workU 

^  In  this  quarter.  **  Leave  the  mark  of  their  teeth. 

2i6  LETTER  LXXXV.  [1637. 

behind  backs.  God  be  thanked  that  we  have  many  things  that  fo 
flroke  us  againft  the  hair  that  we  may  pray,  ''  God  keep  our  better 
home,  God  blefs  our  Father's  houfe  ;  and  not  this  fmoke,  that 
bloweth  us  to  feek  our  beft  lodging."  I  am  fure  that  this  is  the 
befl  fruit  of  the  crofs,  when  we,  from  the  hard  fare  of  the  dear*  inn, 
cry  the  more  that  God  would  fend  a  fair  wind,  to  land  us, 
hungered  and  opprefled  ftrangers,  at  the  door  of  our  Father's 
houfe,  which  now  is  made,  in  Chrifl,  our  kindly  heritage.  Oh  !  then, 
let  us  pull  up  the  flakes  and  ftoups  f  of  our  tent,  and  take  our  tent 
on  our  back,  and  go  with  our  flitting  to  our  beft  home ;  for  here 
we  have  no  continuing  city. 

I  am  waiting  in  hope  here,  to  fee  what  my  Lord  will  do  with 
me.  Let  Him  make  of  me  what  He  pleafeth  •,  providing  He  make 
glory  to  Himfelf  out  of  me,  I  care  not.  I  hope,  yea,  I  am  now 
fure,  that  I  am  for  Chrift,  and  all  that  I  can  or  may  make  is  for 
Him.  I  am  His  everlafting  dyvour,  J  and  ftill  fliall  be  ;  for,  alas, 
I  have  nothing  for  Him,  and  He  getteth  but  little  fervice  of  me  ! 
Pray  for  me,  that  our  Lord  would  be  pleafed  to  give  me  houfe- 
room,  that  I  may  ferve  Him  in  the  calling  which  He  hath  called  me 
unto.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

LXXXV. — To  John  Kennedy,  Bailie  of  Ayr. 



Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  untp  you. — I  am  yet  wait- 
ing what  our  Lord  will  do  for  His  afflicHied  Church,  and 

*  Where  provifion  is  dear,  or  coftly.  t  Pofts. 

t  Debtor.  Banknipt  is  the  meaning  preferred  by  fome;  but  that  is  not 
necefTarily  implied.  In  one  of  his  fermons  Rutherford  has,  '*  As  we  fay  to 
dyvours,  Pay  me,  or  fay  ye  will  not  !'" 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXV.  217 

for  my  re-entry  to  my  Lord's  house.  O  that  I  could  hear  the 
forfeiture  of  Chrifl  (now  caflen  out  of  His  inheritance)  recalled  and 
taken  off  by  open  proclamation  ;  and  that  Chrift  were  reflored  to 
be  a  freeholder  and  a  landed  heritor  in  Scotland  ;  and  that  the 
courts  fenced*  in  the  name  of  the  baflard  prelates  (their  godfather, 
the  Pope's,  bailiffs  and  fheriffs)  were  cried  down  !  Oh  how  fweet 
a  fight  were  it  to  fee  all  the  tribes  of  the  Lord  in  this  land  fetching 
home  again  our  banifhed  King,  Chrifl,  to  His  own  palace.  His 
fanftuary,  and  His  throne  !  I  fhall  think  it  mercy  to  my  foul,  if 
my  faith  will  out-watch  all  this  winter-night,  and  not  nod  nor  ilumber 
till  my  Lord's  fummer-day  dawn  upon  me.  It  is  much  if  faith  and 
hope,  in  the  fad  nights  of  our  heavy  trial,  efcape  with  a  whole  fkin, 
and  without  crack  or  crook.  I  confefs  that  unbelief  hath  not  reafon 
to  be  either  father  or  mother  to  it,f  for  unbelief  is  always  an  irra- 
tional thing  ;  but  how  can  it  be,  but  that  fuch  weak  eyes  as  ours 
mufl  cafl  water  in  a  great  fmoke,  or  that  a  weak  head  fhould  not 
turn  giddy  when  the  water  runneth  deep  and  ftrong  }  But  God  be 
thanked  that  Chrift  in  His  children  can  endure  a  ffrefs  and  a 
ftorm,  howbeit  foft  nature  would  fall  down  in  pieces.  O  that  I  had 
that  J  confidence  as  to  reft  on  this,  though  He  fhould  grind  me  into 
fmall  powder,  and  bray  me  into  duft,  and  fcatter  the  duft  to  the  four 
winds  of  heaven,  that  my  Lord  would  gather  up  the  powder,  and 
make  me  up  a  new  veffel  again,  to  bear  Chrifl's  name  to  the  world  ! 
I  am  lure  that  love,  bottomed  and  feated  upon  the  faith  of  His  love 
to  me,  would  defire  and  endure  this,  and  would  even  claim  and 
threep  §  kindnefs  upon  Chrift's  flrokes,  and  kifs  His  love-glooms,  [| 
and  both  fpell  and  read  falvation  upon  the  wounds  made  by  Chrifl's 
fweet  hands.  O  that  I  had  but  a  promife  made  from  the  mouth 
of  Chrifl,  of  His  love  to  me  !  and  then,  howbeit  my  faith  were  as 
tender  as  paper,  I  think  longing,  and  dwining,  ^  and  greening**  of 
fick  defires  would  caufe  it  to  bidef  f  out  the  fiege  till  the  Lord  came 

*  Conftituted  and  opened.  f  Unbelief  has  not  its  origin  in  reafon. 

X  Such.         §  Perfevere  in  vehement  aflertion.  ||  Frowns. 

f  Pining.     **  Longing  after  greedily,     ft  Continue  to  bear  or  hold  out. 

2i8  LETTER  LXXXV.  [1637. 

to  fill  the  foul  with  His  love.  And  I  know  alfo,  that  in  that  cafe 
faith  would  bide  *  green  and  fappy  at  the  root,  even  at  mid-winter, 
and  fland  out  againft  all  florms.  However  it  be,  I  know  that 
Chrifl  winneth  heaven  in  defpite  of  hell. 

But  I  owe  as  many  praifes  and  thanks  to  free  grace  as  would 
lie  betwixt  me  and  the  utmoft  border  of  the  higheft  heaven,  fuppofe 
ten  thoufand  heavens  were  all  laid  above  other.  But  oh  !  I  have 
nothing  that  can  hire  or  budf  grace ;  for  if  grace  would  take  hire, 
it  were  no  more  grace.  But  all  our  ftability,  and  the  ftrength  of 
our  falvation,  is  anchored  and  faflened  upon  free  grace  ;  and  I  am 
fure  that  Chrift  hath  by  His  death  and  blood  caften  the  knot  fo  faft, 
that  the  fingers  of  the  devils  and  hell-fulls  of  fms  cannot  loose  it. 
And  that  bond  of  Chrifl  (that  never  yet  was,  nor  ever  fhall,  nor 
can  be  regiftratedj)  flandeth  furer  than  heaven,  or  the  days  of 
heaven,  as  that  fweet  pillar  of  the  covenant  whereon  we  all  hang. 
Chrift,  with  all  his  little  ones  under  His  two  wings  and  in  the  com- 
pafs  or  circle  of  His  arms,  is  fo  fure,  that,  cafl  Him  and  them  into 
the  ground  §  of  the  fea,  He  fhall  come  up  again  and  not  lofe  one. 
An  odd  one  cannot,  nor  fhall  be  lofl  in  the  telling.  || 

This  was  always  God's  aim,  fmce  Chrift  came  into  the  play 
betwixt  Him  and  us,  to  make  men  dependent  creatures  ;  and,  in  the 
work  of  our  falvation,  to  put  created  ftrength,  and  arms  and  legs  of 
clay,  quite  out  of  play,  and  out  of  office  and  court.  And  now  God 
hath  fubflituted  in  our  room  and  accepted  His  Son,  the  Mediator, 
for  us  and  all  that  we  can  make.  If  this  had  not  been,  I  would 
have  fkinked  f  over  and  foregone  my  part  of  paradife  and  falva- 
tion, for  a  breakfafl  of  dead,  moth-eaten  earth ;  but  now  I  would 
not  give  it,  nor  let  it  go  for  more  than  I  can  tell.  And  truly  they 
are  filly  fools,  and  ignorant  of  Chrifl's  worth,  and  fo  full  ill-trained 
and  tutored,  who  tell  Chrifl  and  heaven  over  the  board  for  two 
feathers  or  two  ftraws  of  the  devil's  painted  pleafures,  only  luflred 
on  the  outer  fide.     This  is  our  happinefs  now,  that  our  reckonings 

*  Continue  to  hold  out.  f  Bribe.  %  Protefted.  §  Bottom. 

Ij  Counting  up.  %  Renounced  by  a  formal  farewell. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXVL  219 

at  night,  when  eternity  fhall  come  upon  us,  cannot  be  told.  We 
fhall  be  so  far  gainers,  and  fo  far  from  being  fuper-expended  (as  the 
poor  fools  of  this  world  are,  who  give  out  their  money,  and  get  in 
but  black  hunger),  that  angels  cannot  lay  our  counts,  nor  fum  our 
advantage  and  incomes.  Who  knoweth  how  far  it  is  to  the  bottom 
of  our  Chrifl's  fulnefs,  and  to  the  ground*  of  our  heaven  .''  Who 
ever  weighed  Chrifl  in  a  pair  of  balances  ?  Who  hath  feen  the 
foldings  and  plies,  and  the  heights  and  depths  of  that  glory  which  is 
in  Him,  and  kept  for  us  ?  O  for  such  a  heaven  as  to  ftand  afar  off, 
and  fee,  and  love  and  long  for  Him,  whillf  time's  thread  be  cut,  and 
this  great  work  of  creation  difTolved,  at  the  coming  of  our  Lord  ! 

Now  to  His  grace  I  recommend  you.    I  befeech  you  alfo  to  pray 
for  a  re-entry  to  me  into  the  Lord's  houfe,  if  it  be  His  good  will. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Jan.  6,  1637. 

LXXXVL — To  my  Lord  Craighall. 

[Sir  John  Hope,  Lord  Craighall,  was  the  eldeft  fon  of  Sir  Thomas 
Hope  (Lord  Advocate  of  Scotland  in  the  time  of  James  VI.  and  Charles  I.), 
and  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  Bennet  of  Wallyford.  His  property,  Craig- 
hall, is  in  the  parifh  of  Inverelk,  near  Edinburgh.  Sir  Thomas  was  the  mod 
eminent  lawyer  of  his  day,  and  was  firft  brought  into  notice  by  the  ability 
with  which  he  defended  the  caufe  of  John  Forbes,  John  Welfh,  and  the 
other  minifters  who  were  tried  for  high  treafon  at  Linlithgow,  on  account  of 
their  holding  a  General  Affembly  at  Aberdeen  in  1605.  John,  fecond  baronet 
of  Craighall,  followed  the  profeffion  of  law,  and  quickly  rofe  to  diftindion  and 
influence.  He  was  admitted  a  Lord  of  Seflion  27th  July  1632,  and  became 
Prelident  of  the  Court.  In  1645  he  was  appointed  one  of  the  Privy  Council. 
He  was  an  elder  of  the  Church,  and  his  name  appears  on  the  roll  of  members 
of  the  General  Aflemblies  1 645-1 649,  and  of  the  commiflions  which  these 
Aflemblies  appointed,  and  invested  with  full  powers  for  profecuting,  advanc- 
ing, and  bringing  to  a  happy  conclufion,  the  work  of  uniformity  in  religion  in 
all  his  Majefty's  dominions.     He  was  married  to  Margaret,  daughter  of  Sir 

*  Bottom.  t  Till. 

220  LETTER  LXXXVL  [1637. 

Archibald  Murray  of  Blackbarony.  This  lady  died  on  the  3d  of  Odober 
1 641.  His  father,  in  his  publifhed  Diary,  has  the  following  entry  of  that 
date  in  reference  to  the  event :  ^*  About  9  of  the  night,  my  dear  daughter  D. 
M.  Murray,  fpoufe  to  my  fon  Craighall,  deceafed  in  child-bed,  fhe  and  the 
bairn  in  her  womb.  God  in  mercy  pity  me,  and  my  fon,  and  his  children, 
for  it  is  a  fore  ftroke"  (p.  152).  Lord  Craighall  died  at  Edinburgh  near  the 
end  of  April  1654.  He  had  a  daughter,  Mary,  who  became  the  wife  of 
William  Gordon  of  Earlfton,  and  two  fons.  Sir  Thomas  and  Sir  Archibald. 
(Douglas'  Peerage.y\ 


Y  LORD, — I  received  Mr  L.'s*  letter  with  your  Lord- 
fhip's,  and  his  learned  thoughts  in  the  matter  of  cere- 
monies. I  owe  refpeft  to  the  man's  learning,  for  that 
I  hear  him  to  be  oppofed  to  Arminian  herefies.  But,  with  reverence 
of  that  worthy  man,  I  wonder  to  hear  fuch  popifh-like  expreflions 
as  he  hath  in  his  letter,  as,  "  Your  Lordfhip  may  fpare  doubtings, 
when  the  IGng  and  Church  have  agreed  in  the  fettling  of  fuch 
orders  ;  and  the  Church's  dire6lion  in  things  indifferent  and  circum- 
ftantial  (as  if  indifferent  and  circumftantial  were  all  one!)  ihould  be 
the  rule  of  every  private  Chriftian."  I  only  viewed  the  papers  two 
hours'  fpace,  the  bearer  haflening  me  to  write.  I  find  the  worthy 
man  not  fo  feenf  in  this  controverfy  as  fome  turbulent  men  of  our 
country,  whom  he  calleth  *'  refufers  of  conformity  ;"  and  let  me  fay 
it,  I  am  more  confirmed  in  non-conformity,  when  I  fee  fuch  a  great 
wit  play  the  agent  :j:  fo  flenderly.  But  I  will  lay  the  blame  on  the 
weaknefs  of  the  caufe,  not  on  the  meannefs  of  Mr  L.'s  learning.     I 

*  Who  is  here  meant  cannot  now  be  well  afcertained.  It  could  not  be  Mr 
Robert  Leighton,  afterwards  Archbifhop  of  Glafgow,  as  he  was  then  abroad, 
and  not  ordained.  Perhaps  it  may  have  been  Mr  Loudian,  of  whom  Baillie 
fays,  **  He  has  vn"itten  fomewhat  againft  our  courfes  (at  leaft  for  kneeling) 
againft  Rutherford.  They  fay  he  is  dead  alfo.  I  much  regrate  it :  he  was  an 
excellent  philofophe,  found  and  orthodoxe,  oppolite  to  Canterbury's  way,  al- 
beit too  conform.  I  counfelled  oft  Glafgow  to  have  him  for  their  Divinity 
Ledurer."     {Baillie  s  Letters  and  Journals ^  i.  77.) 

t  Converfant  with.  X  Advocate  ? 

637-]  LETTER  LXXXVL  221 

have  been,  and  ftill  am  confident,  that  Britain  *  cannot  anfwer  one 
argument,  a  fcatidalo  :  and  I  longed  much  to  hear  Mr  L.  fpeak  to 
the  caufe  ;  and  I  would  fay,  if  fome  ordinary  divine  had  anfwered 
as  Mr  L.  doth,  that  he  underflood  not  the  nature  of  a  fcandal ;  but 
I  dare  not  vilify  that  worthy  man  fo.  I  am  now  upon  the  heat  of 
fome  other  employment.  I  fhall  (but  God  willing)  anfwer  this,  to 
the  fatisfying  of  any  not  prejudiced. 

I  will  not  fay  that  every  one  is  acquainted  with  the  reafon  in 
my  letter,  from  God's  prefence  and  bright  fhining  face  in  fuffering 
for  this  caufe.  Ariflotle  never  knew  the  medium  of  the  conclufion  : 
and  Chrift  faith  few  know  it.f  I  am  fure  that  confcience  ftanding 
in  awe  of  the  Almighty,  and  fearing  to  make  a  little  hole  in  the 
bottom  for  fear  of  under-water,  J  is  a  ilrong  medium  to  hold  off  an 
erroneous  conclufion  in  the  leaft  wing,  or  lith,§  of  fweet,  fweet 
truth,  that  concerneth  the  royal  prerogative  of  our  kingly  and 
highefi  Lord  Jefus.  And  my  witnefs  is  in  heaven,  that  I  faw 
neither  pleafure,  nor  profit,  nor  honour,  to  hook  me,  or  catch  me, 
in  entering  into  prifon  for  Chrift,  but  the  wind  on  my  face  for  the 
prefent.  And  if  I  had  loved  to  fleep  in  a  whole  fkin,  with  the  eafe 
and  prefent  delight  that  I  faw  on  this  fide  of  fun  and  moon,  I  fiiould 
have  lived  at  eafe,  and  in  good  hopes  to  fare  as  well  as  others.  The 
Lord  knoweth  that  I  preferred  preaching  of  Chrift,  and  ftill  do,  to 
anything,  next  to  Chrift  Himfelf.  And  their  new  canons  took  my 
one,  my  only  joy,  from  me,  which  was  to  me  as  the  poor  man's 
one  ewe,  that  had  no  more !  And,  alas  !  there  is  little  lodging  in 
their  hearts  for  pity  or  mercy,  to  pluck  out  a  poor  man's  one  eye 
for  a  thing  indifferent  ;  i.e.,  for  knots  of  ftraw,  and  things  (as  they 
mean  II)  off  the  way  to  heaven.  I  defire  not  that  my  name  take 
journey,  and  go  a  pilgrim  to  Cambridge,  for  fear  I  come  into  the 
ears  of  authority.    I  am  fufficiently  burnt  already. 

In  the  mean  time,  be  pleafed  to  try  if  the  Bifiiop  of  St  Andrews,  f 

*  All  the  Divines  in  Britain,     f  R^v.  ii.  1 7 ,  ^  ^  hidden  manna."     %  Bilge-water. 
§  Joint.     In  a  fermon  at  Kirkmabreck,  1634,  he  fpeaks  of  ^^  the  fhoulder- 
blade  being  out  of  lit h." 

II  As  they  reckon,  or  think.  ^  John  Spottifwood. 

222  LETTER  LXXXVIL  [16:57. 

and  Glafgow*  (Galloway'sf  ordinary),  will  be  pleafed  to  abate 
from  the  heat  of  their  wrath,  and  let  me  go  to  my  charge.  Few 
know  the  heart  of  a  prifoner  ;  yet  I  hope  that  the  Lord  will  hew 
His  own  glory  out  of  as  knotty  timber  as  I  am.  Keep  Chrifl,  my 
dear  and  worthy  Lord.  Pretended  paper-arguments  from:):  angering 
the  mother-Church,  (that  can  reel,  and  nod,  and  ftagger,)  are  not  of 
fuch  weight  as  peace  with  the  Father,  and  Hufband.  Let  the  wife 
gloom,  §  I  care  not,  if  the  Hufband  laugh. 

Remember  my  fervice  to  my  Lord  your  father,  and  mother,  and 
lady.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  at  all  obedience  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Jan.  24,  1637. 

LXXXVIL — To  Elizabeth  Kennedy. 

[Elizabeth  Kennedy  was  the  filter  of  Hugh  Kennedy,  Provoft  of 
Ayr,  and  a  woman  as  eminent  for  piety  and  prayer  as  her  brother.  Wodrow 
records  an  anecdote  of  her  which  illuftrates  the  devotional  charader  of  Chris- 
tians in  her  time,  and  their  faith  in  the  power  of  prayer.  Being  much  afflicted 
with  the  ftone,  fhe  was  advifed  to  fubmit  to  a  furgical  operation.  Several 
meetings  for  prayer  took  place  among  the  godly  at  Ayr  in  reference  to  her 
cafe  in  particular.  When  the  furgeon  came  to  perform  the  operation,  one  of 
thefe  meetings  was  held  in  her  own  houfe,  and  the  people  continued  fo  long 
in  prayer,  as  nearly  to  exhauft  his  patience ;  but  before  they  had  concluded, 
the  ftone  dilTolved,  and  without  furgical  aid  fhe  obtained  immediate  relief. 
(PP'odrow's  AnahBaj  vol.  ii.)] 


ISTRESS, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  have 
long  had  a  purpofe  of  writing  unto  you,  but  I  have 
been  hindered.     I  heartily  defire  that  ye  would  mind 

*  James  Law  was  the  ordinary  or  official  deputy  of  the  Bifhop. 

t  Thomas  Sydferff,  Bifhop  of  Galloway. 

+  Arguments  drawn  from  the  risk  of  provoking.  §  Frown. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXVIL  ii^ 

your  country,  and  confider  to  what  airt*  your  foul  fetteth  its  face  ; 
for  all  come  not  home  at  night  who  fuppofe  that  they  have  fet  their 
face  heavenward.  It  is  a  woful  thing  to  die,  and  mifs  heaven,  and 
to  lofe  houfe-room  with  Chrift  at  night  :  it  is  an  evil  journey  where 
travellers  are  benighted  in  the  fields.  I  perfuade  myfelf  that  thoufands 
(hall  be  deceived  and  afhamed  of  their  hope.  Becaufe  they  caft  their 
anchor  in  finking  fands,  they  mufi:  lofe  it.  Till  now  I  knew  not  the 
pain,  labour,  nor  difficulty  that  there  is  to  winf  at  home  :  nor  did 
I  underfi:and  fo  well,  before  this,  what  that  meaneth,  "  The  right- 
eous fliall  fcarcely  be  faved."  Oh,  how  many  a  poor  profefibr's 
candle  is  blown  out,  and  never  lighted  again  !  I  fee  that  ordinary 
profefiion,  and  to  be  ranked  amongfi:  the  children  of  God,  and  to 
have  a  name  among  men,  is  now  thought  good  enough  to  carry  pro- 
fefibrs  to  heaven.  But  certainly  a  name  is  but  a  name,  and  will 
never  bide  J  a  blail:  of  God's  fiorm.  I  counfel  you  not  to  give  your 
foul  or  Chrifi:  refi,  nor  your  eyes  fleep,  till  ye  have  gotten  fomething 
that  will  bide  J  the  fire,  and  ftand  out  the  florm.  I  am  fure,  that  if 
my  one  foot  were  in  heaven,  and  if  then  He  fiiould  fay,  "  Fend§ 
thyself,  I  will  hold  my  grips  ||  of  thee  no  longer,"  I  fiiould  go  no 
farther,  but  prefently  fall  down  in  as  many  pieces  of  dead  nature. 

They  are  happy  for  evermore  who  are  over  head  and  ears  in 
the  love  of  Chrifi,  and  know  no  ficknefs  but  love-ficknefs  for 
Chrifi:,  and  feel  no  pain  but  the  pain  of  an  abfent  and  hidden  Well- 
beloved.  We  run  our  fouls  out  of  breath,  and  tire  them,  in  cours- 
ing and  galloping  after  our  night-dreams  (fuch  are  the  rovings  of 
our  mifcarrying  hearts),  to  get  fome  created  good  thing  in  this  life, 
and  on  this  fide  of  death.  We  would  fain  fiay  and  fpin  out  a 
heaven  to  ourfelves,  on  this  fide  of  the  water  ;  but  forrow,  want, 
changes,  crofies,  and  fin,  are  both  woof  and  warp  in  that  ill-fpun 
web.  O  how  fweet  and  dear  are  thofe  thoughts  that  are  flill 
upon  the  things  which  are  above  !  and  how  happy  are  they  who 
are  longing  to   have  little  fand  in   their  glafs,  and  to  have  time's 

*  Quarter  of  the  fky.  f  Get  to.  :j:  Continue  to  endure. 

§  Take  care  of.  ||  Grafp. 

224  LETTER  LXXXVIL  [1637. 

thread  cut,  and  can  cry  to  Chrifi:,  "  Lord  Jefus,  have  over  :*  come 
and  fetch  the  drearyf  pafTenger  ! "  I  wiih  that  our  thoughts  were 
more  frequently  than  they  are  upon  our  country.  Oh  but  heaven 
cafteth  a  fweet  fmell  afar  oiF  to  thofe  who  have  fpiritual  fmelling  ! 
God  hath  made  many  fair  flowers  ;  but  the  faireft  of  them  all  is 
heaven,  and  the  Flower  of  all  flowers  is  Chrifl:.  Oh  !  why  do  we 
not  fly  up  to  that  lovely  One  ?  Alas,  that  there  is  fuch  a  fcarcity 
of  love,  and  of  lovers,  to  Chrifl:  amongft  us  all !  Fie,  fie  upon  us, 
who  love  fair  things,  as  fair  gold,  fair  houfes,  fair  lands,  fair  plea- 
fures,  fair  honours,  and  fair  perfons,  and  do  not  pine  and  melt 
away  with  love  to  Chrifl  !  Oh  !  would  to  God  I  had  more  love 
for  His  fake  !  O  for  as  much  as  would  lie  betwixt  me  and  heaven, 
for  His  fake !  O  for  as  much  as  would  go  round  about  the  earth, 
and  over  the  heaven,  yea,  the  heaven  of  heavens,  and  ten  thoufand 
worlds,  that  I  might  let  all  out  upon  fair,  fair,  only  fair  Chrifl  ! 
But,  alas  !  I  have  nothing  for  Him,  yet  He  hath  much  for  me.  It 
is  no  gain  to  Chrifl  that  He  getteth  my  little,  fecklefs,J  fpan-length 
and  hand-breadth  of  love. 

If  men  would  have  fomething  to  do  with  their  hearts  and  their 
thoughts,  that  are  always  rolling  up  and  down  (like  men  with  oars 
in  a  boat),  after  fmful  vanities,  they  might  find  great  and  fweet  em- 
ployment to  their  thoughts  upon  Chrifl.  If  thofe  frothy,  fluftuating, 
and  refllefs  hearts  of  ours  would  come  all  about  Chrifl,  and  look 
into  His  love,  to  bottomlefs  love,  to  the  depth  of  mercy,  to  the 
unfearchable  riches  of  His  grace,  to  inquire  after  and  fearch  into  the 
beauty  of  God  in  Chrifl,  they  would  be  fw allowed  up  in  the  depth 
and  height,  length  and  breadth  of  His  goodnefs.  Oh,  if  men  would 
draw  the  curtains,  and  look  into  the  inner  fide  of  the  ark,  and  be- 
hold how  the  fulnefs  of  the  Godhead  dwelleth  in  Him  bodily !  Oh  ! 
who  would  not  fay,  "  Let  me  die,  let  me  die  ten  times,  to  fee  a  fight 
of  Him  "  ?  Ten  thoufand  deaths  were  no  great  price  to  ^ve  for 
Him.  I  am  fure  that  fick,  fainting  love  would  heighten  the  market, 
and  raife  the  price  to  the  double  for  Him.     But,  alas  !  if  men  and 

*  Be  done.  f  Sorrowful.  %  Unfubftantial,  worthlefs. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXVIIL  225 

angels  were  rouped,*  and  ibid  at  the  dearefl:  price,  they  would  not 
all  buy  a  night's  love,  or  a  four-and-twenty-hours'  light  of  Chrifl ! 
Oh,  how  happy  are  they  who  get  Chrift  for  nothing  !  God  fend 
me  no  more,  for  my  part  of  paradife,  but  Chrift :  and  furely  I  were 
rich  enough,  and  as  well  heavened  as  the  bell  of  them,  if  Chrift 
were  my  heaven. 

I  can  write  no  better  thing  to  you,  than  to  defire  you,  if  ever 
ye  laid  Chrift  in  a  count,  to  take  Him  up  and  count  over  again  : 
and  weigh  Him  again  and  again  :  and  after  this  have  no  other 
to  court  your  love,  and  to  woo  your  foul's  delight,  but  Chrift.  He 
will  be  found  worthy  of  all  your  love,  howbeit  it  ftiould  fwell 
upon  you  from  the  earth  to  the  uppermoft  circle  of  the  heaven  of 
heavens.  To  our  Lord  Jefus  and  His  love  I  commend  you. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

LXXXVIIL — To  Janet  Kennedy. 

[This  feems  to  he  the  wife  of  Mr  John  Fergufhill ;  fee  Let.  112.] 


ISTRESS, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  unto  you.  Ye 
are  not  a  little  obliged  to  His  rich  grace,  who  hath 
feparated  you  for  Himfelf,  and  for  the  promifed  in- 
heritance with  the  saints  in  light,  from  this  condemned  and  guilty 
world.  Hold  faft  Chrift,  contend  for  Him;  it  is  a  lawful  pleaf  to 
go  to  holding  and  drawing  for  Chrift  ;  and  it  is  not  poffible  to 
keep  Chrift  peaceably,  having  once  gotten  Him,  except  the  devil 
were  dead.  It  muft  be  your  refolution  to  fet  your  face  againft 
Satan's  northern  tempefts  and  ftorms,  for  falvation.  Nature 
would  have  heaven  to  come  to  us  while  fteeping  in  our  beds.     We 

*  Sold  by  public  auction.  f  Controverfy. 

vol..  1.  P 

226  LETTER  LXXXVIIL  [1637. 

would  all  buy  Chrifl,  fo  being  we  might  make  price  ourfelves. 
But  Chrifl  is  worth  more  blood  and  lives  than  either  ye  or  I  have 
to  give  Him.  When  we  fhall  come  home,  and  enter  to  the  pofTeflion 
of  our  Brother's  fair  kingdom,  and  when  our  heads  fhall  find  the 
weight  of  the  eternal  crown  of  glory,  and  when  we  fhall  look  back 
to  pains  and  fufFerings,  then  (hall  we  fee  life  and  forrow  to  be  lefs 
than  one  flep  or  ftride  from  a  prifon  to  glory  ;  and  that  our  little 
inch  of  time-fuffering  is  not  worthy  of  our  firft  night's  welcome- 
home  to  heaven.  Oh,  what  then  fhall  be  the  weight  of  every  one 
of  Chrift's  kifTes  !  Oh,  how  weighty,  and  of  what  worth  fhall  every 
one  of  Chrift's  love-finiles  be  !  Oh,  when  once  He  fhall  thrufl  a 
wearied  traveller's  head  betwixt  His  bleffed  breafls,  the  poor  foul 
will  think  one  kifs  of  Chrift  hath  fully  paid  home  forty  or  fifty 
years'  wet  feet,  and  all  its  fore  hearts,  and  light*"  fufferings  it  had 
in  following  after  Chrifl !  Oh,  thrice-blinded  fouls,  whofe  hearts 
are  charmed  and  bewitched  with  dreams,  fhadows,  fecklefs  things, 
night-vanities,  and  night-fancies  of  a  miferable  life  of  fin  !  Shame 
on  us  who  fit  flill,  fettered  with  the  love  and  liking  of  the  loan 
of  a  piece  of  dead  clay  !  Oh,  poor  fools,  who  are  beguiled  with 
painted  things,  and  this  world's  fair  weather,  and  fmooth  promifes, 
and  rotten,  worm-eaten  hopes  !  May  not  the  devil  laugh  to  fee  us 
give  out  our  fouls,  and  get  in  but  corrupt  and  counterfeit  pleafures 
of  fin  'i  O  for  a  fight  of  eternity's  glory,  and  a  litde  tafling  of 
the  Lamb's  marriage-fupper  !  Half  a  draught,  or  a  drop  of  the 
wine  of  confolation,  that  is  up  at  our  banqueting-houfe,  out  of 
Chrifl's  own  hand,  would  make  our  flomachs  loathe  the  brown 
bread  and  the  four  drink  of  a  miferable  life.  Oh,  how  far  are  we 
bereaved  of  wit,  to  chafe,  and  hunt,  and  run,  till  our  fouls  be  out 
of  breath,  after  a  condemned  happinefs  of  our  own  making  !  And 
do  we  not  fit  far  in  our  own  light,  to  make  it  a  matter  of  bairn's 
play,  to  fkink  and  drink  overf  paradife,  and  the  heaven  that  Chrift 

*  2  Cor.  iv.  17. 

t  Skink  is  formally  to  renounce  his  part  in  a  thing;    ^^  and  drink  oi^er, 
ihink  the  health  of  the  buver  over  the  concluded  bargain. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXVIIL  227 

did  fweat  for,  even  for  a  blail  of  fmoke,  and  for  Efau's  morning 
breakfaft  ?  O  that  we  were  out  of  ourfelves,  and  dead  to  this 
world,  and  this  world  dead  and  crucified  to  us  !  And,  when  we 
(hould  be  clofe*  out  of  love  and  conceit  of  any  mafked  and  fardedf 
lover  whatfoever,  then  Chrifl:  would  win  and  conquer  to  Himfelf 
a  lodging  in  the  inmoft  yolk  of  our  heart.  Then  Chriil  fhould 
be  our  night-fong  and  morning-fong  :  then  the  very  noife  and  din 
of  our  Well-beloved's  feet,  when  He  cometh,  and  His  firit  knock 
or  rap  at  the  door,  (hould  be  as  news  of  two  heavens  to  us.  O  that 
our  eyes  and  our  foul's  fmelling  fhould  go  after  a  blafted  and  fun- 
burnt  flower,  even  this  plaflered,  fair-outfided  J  world  :  and  then 
we  have  neither  eye  nor  fmell  for  the  Flower  of  JefTe,  for  that 
Plant  of  renown,  for  Chrift,  the  choicefi:,  the  faireft,  the  fweetefl 
rofe  that  ever  God  planted  !  Oh,  let  fome  of  us  die  to  fmell  the 
fragrance  of  Him ;  and  let  my  part  of  this  rotten  world  be  forfeited 
and  fold  for  evermore,  providing  I  may  anchor  my  tottering  foul 
upon  Chrifl:  !  I  know  that  it  is  fometimes  at  this,  "  Lord,  what 
wilt  Thou  have  for  Chrift  ?"  But,  O  Lord,  canfl  Thou  be  budded,  § 
and  propined  |1  with  any  gift  for  Chrifl  ?  O  Lord,  can  Chrift  be 
fold?  or  rather,  may  not  a  poor  needy  finner  have  Him  for  nothing? 
If  I  can  get  no  more,  oh,  let  me  be  pained  to  all  eternity,  with  long- 
ing for  Him  !  The  joy  of  hungering  for  Chrift  fhould  be  my  heaven 
for  evermore.  Alas,  that  I  cannot  draw  fouls  and  Chrifl  together  ! 
But  I  defire  the  coming  of  His  kingdom,  and  that  Chrifl,  as  I 
afTuredly  hope  He  will,  would  come  upon  withered  Scotland,  as 
rain  upon  the  new-mown  grafs.  Oh,  let  the  King  come  !  Oh,  let 
His  kingdom  come  !  Oh,  let  their  eyes  rot  in  their  eye-holes,^ 
who  will  not  receive  Him  home  again  to  reign  and  rule  in  Scotland. 
Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

*  Quite  out.  t  Embelliihed,  painted.  %  That  has  a  fair  external. 

§  Bribed.  11  Prefented  with.  ^  Zech.  xiv.  12. 

228  LETTER  LXXXIX,  [163' 

LXXXIX. — To  7ny  li^ell-beloved  and  Re^'erend  Brotht 
Mr  Robert  Blair. 

[Mr  Robert  Blair  was  bom  at  Inine  in  1593.  After  completing  his 
education  at  the  College  of  Glafgow,  he  there  held  for  feveral  years  the  office 
of  Regent,  during  which  time  he  was  licenfed  as  a  probationer  for  the  holy 
miniftr)-.  Ha%-ing  a  ftrong  defire  to  go  to  France,  he  was  encouraged  to  this 
by  M.  Bafnage,  a  French  Proteftant  minifter  who  vifited  Scotland  in  1622. 
But  Pro\-idence  ordered  his  lot  otherwife.  He  was  induced  to  accept  of  the 
charge  of  Bangor,  in  Ireland,  and  was  admitted  in  the  year  1623.  Here  he 
laboured  with  great  diligence  and  fuccefs  ;  and  there  being  in  the  fame  part  of 
the  country  feveral  other  de\out  minifters,  by  mutual  excitement  and  co- 
operation, they  were  inftnimental  in  producing  in  the  north  of  Ireland  a  change 
upon  an  ignorant  and  irreligious  people,  much  refembling  the  effedts  of  the 
preaching  of  the  Gofpel  in  the  apoftolic  age.  But  this  good  work  was  not 
allowed  to  go  on  unoppofed.  In  the  autumn  of  163 1  he  was  fufpended  from 
his  miniftn-  by  the  Bifhop  of  Down;  in  May  1632  he  was  depofed;  and 
in  November  1634  folemnly  excommunicated  ;  and  all  this  fimply  for  non- 
conformity. In  thefe  circumftances,  he  and  fome  other  minifters  fimilarly 
fituated,  together  with  a  confiderable  number  of  people,  formed  the  purpofe 
of  going  to  New  England,  and  actually  embarked  in  1636  ;  but  the  tempeftu- 
ous  ftate  of  the  weather  forced  them  to  return.  He  then  came  over  to  Scot- 
land, and  in  1638  became  minifter  of  Ayr,  from  which  by  a  fentence  of  the 
General  Affembly  he  was  foon  tranflated  to  St  Andrew's,  where  he  and 
Rutherford  lived  in  the  warmeft  friendfhip  until  the  controverfy  between  the 
Refolutioners  and  Protefters  arofe,  which  in  fome  degree  difturbed  their  mutual 
good  underftanding.  Rutherford  was  a  ftrong  Protefter :  Blair  endeavoured 
to  remain  neutral.  He  regretted  the  extremes,  as  he  conceived,  to  which 
both  parties  went ;  and,  with  Mr  James  Durham  of  Glafgow,  endeavoured  to 
reftore  harmony  between  them,  but  without  fuccefs.  Towards  the  end  of 
September  1661  he  was  fummoned  before  the  Privy  Council  for  a  fermon  he 
had  preached,  in  which  he  dwelt  on  fuffering  for  righteouihefs'  fake,  and  bore 
teftimony  to  the  covenanted  Reformation,  as  well  as  againft  the  defections  of 
the  times.  His  anfwers  to  the  Council  proving  unfatisfadton-,  he  was  fentenced 
to  be  confined  to  his  own  houfe.  He  was  afterwards  permitted  to  retire  to 
Muflelburgh.  He  next  removed  to  Kirkcaldy,  and  from  thence  to  Meikle 
Coufton,  in  the  parifh  of  Aberdour,  where  he  died  on  the  2-th  of  April 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXIX.  229 



—  Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  from  God  our  Father,  and 
from  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift,  be  unto  you. 
It  is  no  great  wonder,  my  dear  brother,  that  ye  be  in  heaviiiefs 
for  a  feafon,  and  that  God's  will  (in  croffing  your  defign  and  defires 
to  dwell  amongft  a  people  whofe  God  is  the  Lord)  fhould  move  you. 
I  deny  not  but  ye  have  caufe  to  inquire  what  His  providence  fpeaketh 
in  this  to  you  ;  but  God's  directing  and  commanding  Will  can  by 
no  good  logic  be  concluded  from  events  of  providence.  The  Lord 
fent  Paul  on  many  errands  for  the  fpreading  of  His  Gofpel,  where 
he  found  lions  in  his  way.  A  promife  was  made  to  His  people  of 
the  Holy  Land,  and  yet  many  nations  were  in  the  way,  fighting 
againft,  and  ready  to  kill  them  that  had  the  promife,  or  to  keep 
them  from  poffeffing  that  good  land  which  the  Lord  their  God  had 
given  them.  I  know  that  ye  have  moft  to  do  with  fubmilTion  of 
fpirit ;  but  I  perfuade  myfelf  that  ye  have  learned,  in  every  condition 
wherein  ye  are  caft,  therein  to  be  content,  and  to  fay,  *'  Good  is 
the  will  of  the  Lord,  let  it  be  done."  I  believe  that  the  Lord 
tacketh  His  fhip  often  to  fetch  the  wind,  and  that  He  purpofeth  to 
bring  mercy  out  of  your  fufferings  and  fdence,  which  (I  know 
from  mine  own  experience)  is  grievous  to  you.  Seeing  that  He 
knoweth  our  willing  mind  to  ferve  Him,  our  wages  and  flipend  is 
running  to  the  fore*  with  our  God,  even  as  fome  fick  foldiers  get 
pay,  when  they  are  bedfaft  and  not  able  to  go  to  the  field  with 
others.  *'  Though  Ifrael  be  not  gathered,  yet  fliall  I  be  glorious 
in  the  eyes  of  the  Lord,  and  my  God  fhall  be  my  ftrength."f  And 
we  are  to  believe  it  fhall  be  thus  ere  all  the  play  be  played.     *'  The 

*  Into  account  for  your  advantage.  f  I  fa.  xlix.  5. 

230  LETTER  LXXXIX.  [1637. 

violence  done  to  me  and  to  my  flefh  be  upon  Babylon  "  (and  the 
great  whore's  lovers),  ''  lliall  the  inhabitant  of  Zion  fay  ;  and  my 
blood  be  upon  Chaldea,  fhall  Jerufalem  fay."*  And,  "  Behold,  I 
will  make  Jerufalem  a  cup  of  trembling  to  all  the  people  round 
about,  when  they  fhall  be  in  the  fiege  both  againft  Judah  and  againfl: 
Jerufalem.  And  in  that  day  will  I  make  Jerufalem  a  burden- 
fome  ftone  for  all  people  :  they  that  burden  themfelves  with  it  fliall 
be  broken  in  pieces,  though  all  the  people  of  the  earth  be  gathered 
together  againfl  it."f  When  they  have  eaten  and  fwallowed  us  up, 
they  fhall  be  fick,  and  vomit  us  out  living  men  again  ;  the  devil's 
flomach  cannot  digeft  the  Church  of  God.  Suffering  is  the  other 
half  of  our  miniftry,  howbeit  the  hardefl ;  for  we  would  be  content 
that  our  ICing  Jefus  fhould  make  an  open  proclamation,  and  cry 
down  croffes,  and  cry  up  joy,  gladnefs,  eafe,  honour,  and  peace. 
But  it  muft  not  be  fo  ;  through  many  affli6lions  we  mufl  enter  into 
the  kingdom  of  God.  Not  only  by  them,  but  through  them,  mufl 
we  go ;  and  wiles  will  not  take  us  pafl  the  crofs.  It  is  folly  to 
think  to  fleal  to  heaven  with  a  whole  fkin. 

For  myfelf,  I  am  here  a  prifoner  confined  in  Aberdeen,  threatened 
to  be  removed  to  Caithnefs,  becaufe  I  defire  to  edify  in  this  town  ; 
and  am  openly  preached  againft  in  the  pulpits  in  my  hearing,  and 
tempted  with  difputations  by  the  doftors,  efpecially  by  D.  B.J  Yet 
I  am  not  aihamed  of  the  Lord  Jefus,  His  garland,  and  His  crown. 
I  would  not  exchange  my  weeping  with  the  painted  laughter  of  the 
fourteen  prelates.  At  my  firft  coming  here  I  took  the  dorts§  at 
Chrift,  and  would,  forfooth,  fummon  Him  for  unkindnefs.  I  fought 
a  plea II  of  my  Lord,  and  was  toffed  with  challenges^  whether  He 
loved  me  or  not ;  and  difputed  over  again  all  that  He  had  done  to 

*  Jer.  li.  },s-  t  Zech.  xii.  2,  3. 

%  Dr  Robert  Barron,  ProfelTor  of  Divinity  in  the  jNIarlfchal  College  of 
Aberdeen,  one  of  the  learned  dodors  of  that  city,  whofe  difpute,  in  1638, 
with  Alexander  Henderfon,  David  Dickfon,  and  Andrew  Cant,  on  the  fub- 
jed  of  the  Covenant,  excited  at  the  time  fo  much  attention. 

§  Sulks,  pet.  II  A  quarrel.  ^[  Upbraiding,  queftioning. 

1637.]  LETTER  LXXXIX.  231 

me,  becauie  His  word  was  a  fire  fhut  up  in  my  bowels,  and  I  was 
weary  with  forbearing,  becaufe  I  laid  I  was  call  out  of  the  Lord's 
inheritance.  But  now  I  fee  that  I  was  a  fool.  My  Lord  mifkent* 
all,  and  did  bear  with  my  foolifh  jealoufies  ;  and  mifkent*  that  ever 
I  wronged  His  love.  And  now  He  is  come  again  with  mercy  under 
His  wings.  I  pafs  from  my  (oh  witlefs  !)  fummons:  He  is  God, 
I  fee,  and  I  am  man.  Now  it  hath  pleafed  Him  to  renew  His  love 
to  my  foul,  and  to  dawtf  His  poor  prifoner.  Therefore,  dear 
brother,  help  me  to  praife,  and  fhow  the  Lord's  people  with  you 
what  He  hath  done  to  my  foul,  that  they  may  pray  and  praife. 
And  I  charge  you,  in  the  name  of  Chrift,  not  to  omit  it.  For  this 
caufe  I  write  to  you,  that  my  fufferings  may  glorify  my  royal  King, 
and  edify  His  Church  in  Ireland.  He  knoweth  how  one  of  Chrift's 
love  coals  hath  burnt  my  foul  with  a  defire  to  have  my  bonds  to 
preach  His  glory,  whofe  crofs  I  now  bear.  God  forgive  you  if  you 
do  it  not  ;  but  I  hope  the  Lord  will  move  your  heart,  to  proclaim 
in  my  behalf  the  fweetnefs,  excellency,  and  glory  of  my  royal  King. 
It  is  but  our  foft  flefh  that  hath  raifed  a  flander  on  the  crofs  of 
Chrift  :  I  fee  now  the  white  fide  of  it ;  my  Lord's  chains  are  all 
over-gilded.  Oh,  if  Scotland  and  Ireland  had  part  of  my  feall:  ! 
And  yet  I  get  not  my  meat  but  with  many  ftrokes.  There  are 
none  here  to  whom  1  can  fpeak:  I  dwell  in  Kedar's  tents.  Refrefh 
me  with  a  letter  from  you.  Few  know  what  is  betwixt  Chrift  and 

Dear  brother,  upon  my  falvation,  this  is  His  truth  that  we  fulfer 
for.  Chrift  would  not  feal  a  blank  charter  to  fouls.  Courage, 
courage  !  joy,  joy  for  evermore  !  O  joy  unfpeakable  and  glorious  ! 
O  for  help  to  fet  my  crowned  King  on  high  !  O  for  love  to  Him 
who  is  altogether  lovely, — that  love  which  many  waters  cannot 
quench,  neither  can  the  Hoods  drown  ! 

I  remember  you,  and  bear  your  name  on  my  breall  to 
ChriiL  I  befeech  you,  forget  not  His  afflicted  prilbner.  Grace, 
mercy,    and    peace    be    with    you.       Salute    in    the    Lord,    from 

*  Overlooked.  f  Dote  upoi)^  ibndk. 

232  LETTER  XC.  [1637. 

me,    Mr    Cunningham,    Mr  Livingftone,    Mr    Ridge,*    Mr    Col- 

wart,f  &c. 

Your  brother,  and  fellow-prifoner, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Feb.  7,  1637. 

XC. — To  his  Revere?id  and  Dear  Brother,  Mr  John  Livingstone. 

[John  Livingstone  (the  fon  of  Alexander  Livingftone,  firft  minifter  at 
Monyabroch  or  Kilfyth,  and  afterwards  at  Lanark)  was  bom  at  Monyabroch 
on  the  2ift  of  January  1603.  At  the  College  of  Glafgow,  where  he  received 
his  education,  he  enjoyed  the  advantage  of  having  as  his  regent  for  two  years 
the  famous  Robert  Blair,  for  whom  he  continued  ever  after  to  retain  the 
higheft  veneration.  He  was  firft  fettled  minifter  at  Killinchie,  in  Ireland,  to- 
wards the  clofe  of  the  year  1630,  but  had  not  laboured  above  twelve  months 
in  that  charge  when  he  was  fufpended  by  the  Biftiop  of  Down,  for  non- 
conformity. Being  afterwards  depofed,  and  finally  excommunicated,  to  enjoy 
religious  liberty  he  accompanied  Mr  Blair  and  others  in  their  intended  emi- 
gration to  America  ;  but,  with  the  reft,  was  forced  by  the  adverfe  ftate  of 
the  weather  to  return.  Shortly  after,  when  on  a  vifit  to  the  weft  of  Scotland, 
he  received  calls  from  two  parifties,  Stranraer  and  Stewarton.  By  the  advice 
of  his  ft-iends,  whom  he  confulted,  he  preferred  the  call  from  the  former  parifti, 
and  his  indud:ion  took  place  on  the  jth  of  July  1638.  Here  he  continued  in 
the  afliduous  difcharge  of  his  paftoral  functions  until  1648,  when,  by  the  fen- 
tence  of  the  General  Aflembly,  he  was  tranflated  to  the  parifti  of  Ancrum,  in 
the  Preftjytery  of  Jedburgh.  Upon  the  death  of  Charles  I.,  he  was  fent  to 
the  Hague,  and  aftenvards  to  Breda,  as  one  of  the  commiflioners  from  the 

*  Mr  John  Ridge  was  an  Englifti  minifter,  whom  oppofition  to  ceremonial 
impofitions  on  confcience  led  to  leave  his  native  country  for  Ireland.  He  was 
admitted  to  the  vicarage  of  Antrim  on  the  7th  of  July  16 19,  in  which  he 
laboured  with  fuccefs  for  many  years ;  but  being  at  length  depofed  by  Henry 
Leflie,  the  Bifliop  of  Down,  for  non-conformity,  he  came  over  to  Irvine,  where 
he  died. 

t  Mr  Henry  Colwart  was  alfo  a  native  of  England ;  and,  like  Mr  Ridge, 
left  the  land  of  his  birth,  and  went  to  Ireland.  He  was  admitted  to  the  pas- 
toral charge  of  Oldftone  in  1630;  but  being  alfo  depofed  by  Bifhop  Leflie  for 
refufing  to  fubmit  to  the  innovations  of  Prelacy,  he  came  over  to  Scotland, 
and  was  admitted  minifter  of  Paiflev,  where  he  died. 

1637.]  LETTER  XC.  233 

Church  of  Scotland  to  treat  with  his  foil  Charles  II.,  whofe  charac^lier  he  had 
the  penetration  to  difcover.  In  the  controverfy  between  the  Refolutioners  and 
Protefters,  Livingftone  took  the  fide  of  the  latter,  but  was  diilatisfied  with 
the  violence  manifefted  by  his  party.  After  the  reftoration  of  Charles  II., 
being  fummoned  to  appear  before  the  Privy  Council  on  the  nth  of  December 
1662,  he  appeared,  and,  declining  to  engage  to  obferve  the  anniverfary  of  the 
death  of  Charles  I.,  and  to  take  the  oath  of  allegiance  in  the  precife  way  in 
which  it  was  dilated  to  him,  he  was  fentenced  to  quit  his  native  land  within 
two  months.  Having  repaired  to  Rotterdam,  he  preached  occafionally  to  the 
Scottifh  congregation  there,  and  devoted  the  remainder  of  his  life  to  the  culti- 
vation of  Biblical  literature.  He  died  in  that  city  on  the  9th  of  Auguft  1672, 
in  the  feventieth  year  of  his  age. 

It  was  this  fame  Livingftone  that  was  fo  blefled  in  awakenings.  By  a  fer- 
mon  which  he  preached  in  1630  at  the  Kirk-of-Shotts,  on  the  Monday  after 
the  difpenfation  of  the  Lord's  Supper,  five  hundred  fouls,  it  is  believed,  were 
converted.  On  a  fimilar  occafion,  at  Holywood,  in  the  north  of  Ireland,  he 
was  the  inftrument  of  awakening  double  that  number  to  inquiry  after  falvation.] 



mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  long  to  hear  from  you, 
and  to  be  refreihed  with  the  comforts  of  The  Bride  ot 
our  Lord  Jefus  in  Ireland.  I  fuffer  with  you  in  grief,  for  the  dalh 
that  your  defires  to  be  at  New  England  have  received  of  late;  but  if 
our  Lord,  who  hath  fkill  to  bring  up  His  children,  had  not  feen  it?your 
befl,  it  would  not  have  befallen  you.  Hold  your  peace,  and  ftay 
yourfelves  upon  the  Holy  One  of  Ifrael.  Hearken  to  what  He  hath 
faid  in  crolTmg  of  your  defires  ;  He  will  fpeak  peace  to  His  people. 

I  am  here  removed  from  my  flock,  and  fdenced,  and  confined 
in  Aberdeen,  for  the  teftimony  of  Jefus.  And  I  have  been  confined 
in  fpirit  alfo  with  defertions  and  challenges.  I  gave  in  a  bill  of 
quarrels,  and  complaints  of  unkindnefs  againft  Chrift,  who  feemed 
to  have  caft  me  over  the  dyke  of  the  vineyard  as  a  dry  tree,  and 
feparated  me  from  the  Lord's  inheritance  ;  but  high,  high  and  loud 
praifes  be  to  our  royal  crowned  King  in  Zion,  that  He  hath  not 
burnt  the  dry  branch.     I  Ihall  yet  live,  and  fee  His  glory. 

Your  mother-Church,  for  her  whoredom,  is  like  to  be  caft  off. 

234  LETTER  XC.  [1637. 

The  bairns  may  break  their  hearts  to  fee  fuch  chiding  betwixt  the 
hulband  and  the  wife.  Our  clergy  is  upon  a  reconciliation  with  the 
Lutherans  ;  and  the  Doftors  are  writing  books,  and  drawing  up  a 
common  confeflion,  at  the  Council's  command.  Our  Service  Book 
is  proclaimed  with  found  of  trumpet.  The  night  is  fallen  down  upon 
the  prophets  !  Scotland's  day  of  vifitation  is  come.  It  is  time 
tor  the  bride  to  weep,  while  Chrifl:  is  a-faying  that  He  will  choofe 
another  wife.  But  our  fky  will  clear  again ;  the  dry  branch  of  cut- 
down  Lebanon  will  bud  again  and  be  glorious,  and  they  (hall  yet 
plant  vines  upon  our  mountains. 

Now,  my  dear  brother,  I  write  to  you  for  this  end,  that  ye  may 
help  me  to  praife  ;  and  feek  help  of  others  with  you,  that  God  may 
be  glorified  in  my  bonds.  My  Lord  Jefus  hath  taken  the  withered, 
dry  ftranger,  and  His  prifoner  broken  in  heart,  into  His  houfe  of 
wine.  Oh,  oh  if  ye,  and  all  Scotland,  and  all  our  brethren  with 
you,  knew  how  I  am  feafted  !  Chrift's  honey-combs  drop  comforts. 
He  dineth  with  His  prifoner,  and  the  ICing's  fpikenard  cafleth  a 
fmell.  The  devil  cannot  get  it  denied  that  we  fulFer  for  the  apple 
of  Chrift's  eye.  His  royal  prerogatives,  as  l^ng  and  Lawgiver.  Let 
us  not  fear  or  faint.  He  will  have  His  Gofpel  once  again  rouped* 
in  Scotland,  and  have  the  matter  going  to  voices,  to  fee  who 
will  fay,  *'  Let  Chrifl:  be  crowned  I^ng  in  Scotland."  It  is  true 
that  Antichrift  ftirreth  his  tail ,  but  I  love  a  rumbling  and  raging 
devil  in  the  kirk  (fmce  the  Church  militant  cannot  or  may  not  want 
a  devil  to  trouble  her),  rather  than  a  fubtle  or  fleeping  devil.  Chrifl: 
never  yet  got  a  bride  without  flroke  of  fword.  It  is  now  nigh  the 
Bridegroom's  entering  into  His  chamber  ; — let  us  awake  and  go  in 
with  Him. 

I  bear  your  name  to  Chrift's  door  ;  I  pray  you,  dear  brother, 
forget  me  not.  Let  me  hear  from  you  by  a  letter  ;  and  I  charge 
you,  iinother  not  Chrift's  bounty  towards  me.  I  write  what  I  have 
found  of  Him  in  the  houfe  of  my  pilgrimage.  Remember  my  lo\'e 
to  all  our  brethren  and  fiflers  there. 

*  Set  up  to  fale  by  audlon,  once  more. 

1637.]  LETTER  XCI.  235 

The  Keeper  of  the  vineyard  watch  for  His  befieged  city,  and 

for  you. 

Your  brother,  and  fellow-ibfferer, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  Feb.  7,  1637. 

XCI. — To  Mr  Ephraim  Melvin. 

[Ephraim  Melvin,  or  Melville,  was  firft  ordained  minifter  of 
Queensferry,  and  afterwards  tranflated  to  Linlithgow,  where  he  died.  His 
miniftry  was  fignally  blefTed  of  God  for  bringing  many  to  the  faving  know- 
ledge of  the  truth,  among  whom  were  fome  who  afterwards  became  eminent 
minifters  of  the  Gofpel  in  their  day.  One  of  thefe  was  the  famous  Mr 
James  Durham  of  Glafgow.  Happening,  with  his  pious  wife,  a  daughter 
of  the  laird  of  Duntervie,  to  pay  a  vifit  to  her  mother,  alfo  a  religious  woman, 
in  Queensferry,  when  the  facrament  of  the  Lord's  Supper  was  to  be  obferved  in 
that  place,  his  mother-in-law,  upon  the  Saturday,  defired  him  to  go  with  her 
to  hear  fermon.  Being  then  a  ftranger  to  true  religion,  he  was  difinclined  to 
go,  and  faid,  with  a  tone  of  indifference,  *  ^  that  he  had  not  come  there  to  hear 
fermon  ;  "  but  upon  being  prefled,  to  gratify  his  pious  relative,  he  went.  The 
difcourfe  which  he  heard,  though  plain  and  ordinary,  was  delivered  with  an 
affection  and  earneftnefs  that  arrefted  the  attention  of  Durham,  and  fo  imprefled 
him,  that  on  coming  home  he  faid  to  his  mother-in-law,  ^^  Your  minifter 
preached  very  ferioufly,  and  I  fhall  not  need  to  be  prefled  to  go  to  hear  to- 
morrow." Accordingly  he  went,  and  Mr  Melvin  choofing  for  his  text  thefe 
words,  ^^To  you  which  believe,  He  is  precious,"  i  Peter  ii.  7,  opened  up 
the  precioufnefs  of  Chrift  with  fuch  undion  and  ferioufnefs,  that  it  proved, 
by  the  power  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  the  means  of  his  converlion.  In  that 
fermon  he  firft  clofed  with  Chrift,  and  took  his  feat  at  the  Lord's  Table, 
though  to  that  day  he  had  been  an  abfolute  ftranger  to  believing.  He 
was  accuftomed  afterwards  to  call  Mr  Melvin  his  father,  when  he  fpoke  of 
him  or  to  him.  Melvin,  by  a  fermon  which  he  preached  at  Stewarton, 
when  a  probationer  and  chaplain  to  the  excellent  Lady  Boyd,  was  alfo  the 
inftrument  of  converting  Mr  John  Stirling  in  the  fourteenth  or  (ixteenth 
year  of  his  age,  an  excellent  and  ufeful  minifter  in  his  day,  though  lefs  knou  11 
than  Durham.  **Some  fay  alfo,"  remarks  Wodrow,  ^^that  he  was  a 
fpiritual  father  to  Mr  John  Dury  of  Dalmeny,  who  was  much  efteemed  of 
in  his  time,  as  having  a  taking  and  foaring  gift  of  preaching,  much  like  Mr 
William  Guthrie's  gift."     When  Rutherford  heard  of  Melvin's  death    he  is 

2^6  LETTER  XCL  [1637. 

repreferited  to  have  laid,  '^  And  is  Ephraim  dead  ?     He  was  an  interpreter 
among  a  thoufand."     (PVodro-vjs  Anal.^  vol.  iii.)] 


EVEREND    AND    DEAR   BROTHER,— I   received 
your  letter,  and  am  contented,  with  all  my  heart,  that 
our  acquaintance  in  our  Lord  continue. 
I  am  wrelHing  as  I  dow,*  up  the  mount  with  Chrift's  crofs  : 
my  Second  f  is  kind  and  able  to  help. 

As  for  your  queftions,  becaufe  of  my  manifold  diAra<5lions,  and 
letters  to  multitudes,  I  have  not  time  to  anfwer  them.  What  fhall 
be  faid  in  common  for  that  fhall  be  imparted  to  you  ;  for  I  am  upon 
thefe  queftions.  Therefore  fpare  me  a  little,  for  the  Service  Book 
would  take  a  great  time.  But  I  think  ;  Sicut  deofculatio  religiofa 
imaginis,  aut  etiam  elementorum,  eft  in  fe  idololatria  externa,  etfi 
intentio  deofculandi,  tota,  quanta  in  a6lu  eft,  feratur  in  Deum  Trpw- 
TOTVTTov  ;  ita,  geuiculatio  coram  pane,  quando,  nempe,  ex  inftituto, 
totus  homo  externus  et  internus  verfari  debeat  circa  elementaria  figna, 
eft  adoratio  relativa,  et  adoratio  ipfius  panis.  Ratio  :  Intentio  ado- 
randi  objeftum  materiale,  non  eft  de  eflentia  extern^e  adorationis,  ut 
patet  in  deofculatione  religiosa.  Sic  geniculatio  coram  imagine 
Babylonica  eft  externa  adoratio  imaginis,  etfi  tres  pueri  mente  inten- 
diftent  adorare  Jehovam.  Sic,  qui  ex  metu  folo,  aut  fpe  pretii,  aut 
inanis  gloriae,  geniculatur  coram  aureo  vitulo  Jeroboami  (quod  ab 
ipfo  rege,  qui  nulla  religione  indu6lus,  fed  libidine  dominandi  tantum, 
vitulum  erexit,  fa6litatum  efte,  textus  fatis  luculenter  clamat),  adorat 
\'itulum  externa  adoratione  ;  efto  quod  putaret  vitulum  effe  meram 
creaturam,  et  honore  nullo  dignum  :  quia  geniculatio,  five  nos  no- 
lumus,  five  volumus,  ex  inftituto  Dei  et  naturae,  in  aftu  religiofo, 
eft  fymbolum  religiofge  adorationis.  Ergo,  ficut  panis  fignificat  cor- 
pus Chrifti,  etfi  abfit  a6lus  omnis  noftrae  intentionis  ;  fic  religiolh 
geniculatio,  fublata  omni  intentione  humana,  eft  externa  adoratio 
panis,  coram  quo  adoramus,  ut  coram  figno  vicario  et  reprxfentativo 

*  I  am  able.  f  Chrift,  who  is  my  helper,  at  my  fide. 

1637.]  LETTER  XCI.  237 

Dei.  [As  the  religious  homage  done  to  an  image,  or  even  to  ele- 
ments, is  in  itlelf  an  external  aft  of  idolatry,  in  fo  far  as  the  aft  is 
concerned,  although  the  intention  of  fuch  homage  may  be  direfted 
to  God  the  Great  Firft  Caufe, — fo  the  aft  of  kneeling  to  a  piece  of 
bread,  feeing  that,  according  to  the  ordinance,  the  whole  man,  in- 
ternal and  external,  ought  to  be  engaged  in  the  elementary  iigns, 
is  a  relative  aft  of  worfhip  and  an  adoration  of  the  bread  itfelf. 
The  reafon  is  :  an  intention  to  worfhip  a  material  objeft  is  not  of 
the  efTence  of  external  adoration,  as  appears  in  a  religious  aft  of 
homage.  Thus,  the  bending  of  the  knee  before  the  Babylonifh 
image  is  an  external  aft  of  worfhip,  even  though  the  three  youths 
had  no  intention  to  worfhip  any  but  the  true  God  ;  and  in  like 
manner,  thofe  who,  from  fear  or  the  hope  of  reward  or  vain-glory, 
bend  the  knee  to  Jeroboam's  golden  calf  (which  the  text  clearly 
enough  proclaims  to  have  been  done  by  the  king  himfelf,  from  no 
religious  motive  but  the  mere  defire  to  rule),  do  pay  adoration  to  the 
calf  by  the  external  aft,  although,  no  doubt,  they  may  fuppofe  the 
calf  a  mere  created  objeft  and  unworthy  of  honour, — becaufe  the 
aft  of  homage,  whether  we  mean  it  or  not,  is,  from  the  ordinance 
of  God  and  nature,  a  fymbol  of  worfhip.  Therefore,  as  the  bread 
denotes  the  body  of  Chrift  (even  though  that  idea  be  not  prefent  to 
the  mind),  fo  in  like  manner,  kneeling,  when  ufed  as  a  religious  fer- 
vice,  is  the  external  adoration  of  that  bread,  in  prefence  of  which 
we  bow  as  before  the  delegated  reprefentative  of  God,  be  our  in- 
tention what  it  may.] 

Thus  recommending  you  to  God's  tender  mercy,  I  defire  that 
you  would  remember  me  to  God.  Sanftification  will  fettle  you 
moft  in  the  truth. 

Grace  be  with  you,  Brother  in  Chrifl:  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

238      .  LETTER  XCII.  [1637. 

XCII. — To  Robert  Gordon  of  K?iockbrex, 

lY    VERY    WORTHY    AND    DEAR    FRIEND,— 

Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  Though  all 
Galloway  ihould  have  forgotten  me,  I  would  have 
expected  a  letter  from  you  ere  now  ;  but  I  will  not  expound  it  to 
be  forgetfulnefs  of  me. 

Now,  my  dear  brother,  I  cannot  fhow  you  how  matters  go 
betwixt  Chrift  and  me.  I  find  my  Lord  going  and  coming  feven 
times  a  day.  His  vifits  are  fhort ;  but  they  are  both  frequent  and 
fweet.  I  dare  not  for  my  life  think  of  a  challenge  of  my  Lord.  I 
hear  ill  tales,  and  hard  reports  of  Chrift,  from  The  Tempter  and  my 
fiefh  ;  but  love  believeth  no  evil.  I  may  fwear  that  they  are  liars, 
and  that  apprehenfions  make  lies  of  Chrift's  honest  and  unalterable 
love  to  me.  I  dare  not  fay  that  I  am  a  dry  tree,  or  that  I  have  no 
room  at  all  in  the  vineyard  ;  but  yet  I  often  think  that  the  fparrows 
are  bleffed,  who  may  refort  to  the  houfe  of  God  in  Anwoth,  from 
which  I  am  baniftied. 

Temptations,  that  I  fuppofed  to  be  ftricken  dead  and  laid  upon 
their  back,  rife  again  and  revive  upon  me  ;  yea,  I  fee  that  while  I 
live,  temptations  will  not  die.  The  devil  feemeth  to  brag  and  boaft 
as  much  as  if  he  had  more  court  with  Chrift  than  I  have  ;  and  as  if 
he  had  charmed  and  blafted  my  miniftry,  that  I  fhall  do  no  more 
good  in  public.  But  his  wind  ftiaketh  no  corn.*  I  will  not  believe 
that  Chrift  would  have  made  fuch  a  mintf  to  have  me  to  Himfelf, 
and  have  taken  fo  much  pains  upon  me  as  He  hath  done,  and  then 
ilip  fo  eafily  from  pofTeffion,  and  lofe  the  glory  of  what  He  hath 
done.  Nay,  fince  I  came  to  Aberdeen,  I  have  been  taken  up  to  fee 
the  new  land,  the  fair  palace  of  the  Lamb  ;  and  will  Chrift  let  me 
iee  heaven,  to  break  my  heart,  and  never  give  it  to  me  ?  I  fhall  not 
think  my  Lord  Jefus  giveth  a  dumb  earneft,  or  putteth  His  feals  to 

*  Does  no  harm.  f  An  effort  exprefTive  of  intention. 

1637.]  LETTER  XCIL  239 

blank  paper,  or  intendeth  to  put  me  off  with  fair  and  falfe  promifes. 
I  fee  that  now  which  I  never  faw  well  before,  (i.)  I  fee  faith's 
necefTity  in  a  fair  day  is  never  known  aright ;  but  now  I  mifs  nothing 
fb  much  as  faith.  Hunger  in  me  runneth  to  fair  and  fweet  promiles ; 
but  when  I  come,  I  am  like  a  hungry  man  that  wanteth  teeth,  or  a 
weak  flomach  having  a  fharp  appetite  that  is  filled  with  the  very 
fight  of  meat,  or  like  one  ftupified  with  cold  under  the  water,  that 
would  fain  come  to  land,  but  cannot  grip  anything  caften*  to  him. 
I  can  let  Chrift  grip*  me,  but  I  cannot  grip  Him.  I  love  to  be 
kiffed,  and  to  fit  on  Chrift's  knee  ;  but  I  cannot  fet  my  feet  to  the 
ground,  for  affliftions  bring  the  cramp  upon  my  faith.  All  that  I 
dow  dof  is  to  hold  out  a  lame  faith  to  Chrift,  like  a  beggar  holding 
out  a  ftump,  inftead  of  an  arm  or  leg,  and  cry,  ''  Lord  Jefus,  work 
a  miracle  ! "  Oh,  what  would  I  give  to  have  hands  and  arms  to 
grip*  ftrongly,  and  fold  heartfomely  about  Chrift's  neck,  and  to  have 
my  claim  made  good  with  real  pofTefTion  !  I  think  that  my  love  to 
Chrift  hath  feet  in  abundance,  and  runneth  fwiftly  to  be  at  Him,  but 
it  wanteth  hands  and  fingers  to  apprehend  Him.  I  think  that  I  would 
give  Chrift  every  morning  my  bleiTmg,  to  have  as  much  faith  as  I  have 
love  and  hunger  ;  at  leaft,  I  mifs  faith  more  than  love  or  hunger. 

(2.)  I  fee  that  mortification,  and  to  be  crucified  to  the  world,  is 
not  fo  highly  accounted  of  by  us  as  it  fhould  be.  Oh,  how  heavenly  a 
thing  it  is  to  be  dead,  and  dumb,  and  deaf  to  this  world's  fweet  mufic ! 
I  confefs  it  hath  pleafed  His  Majefty  to  make  me  laugh  at  the  children, 
who  are  wooing  this  world  for  their  match.  I  see  men  lying  about 
the  world,  as  nobles  about  a  king's  court ;  and  I  wonder  what  they 
are  all  doing  there.  As  I  am  at  this  prefent,  I  would  fcorn  to 
court  fuch  a  fecklefs  J  and  petty  princefs,  or  buy  this  world's  kindnefs 
with  a  bow  of  my  knee.  I  fcarce  now  either  hear  or  fee  what  it  is 
that  this  world  ofFereth  me  ;  I  know  that  it  is  little  which  it  can 
take  from  me,  and  as  little  that  it  can  give  me.  I  recommend  mor- 
tification to  you  above  anything ;  for,  alas  !  we  but  chafe  feathers 
flying  in  the  air,  and  tire  our  own  fpirits  for  the  froth  and  over- 

Take  faft  hold  of  anything  flung  to  him.     f  Am  abk'  to  do.     %  Worthlefs. 

240  LETTER  XCII.  [1637. 

gilded  clay  of  a  dying  life.     One  fight  of  what  my  Lord  hath  let 
me  fee  within  this  fhort  time  is  worth  a  world  of.  worlds. 

(3.)  I  thought  courage,  in  the  time  of  trouble  for  Chrifl's  fake, 
a  thing  that  I  might  take  up  at  my  foot.  I  thought  that  the  very 
remembrance  of  the  honefty  of  the  caufe  would  be  enough.  But  I 
was  a  fool  in  fo  thinking.  I  have  much  ado  now  to  win  to*  one 
fmile.  But  I  fee  that  joy  groweth  up  in  heaven,  and  it  is  above  our 
fhort  arm.  Chrifl  will  be  fleward  and  dilpenfer  Himfelf,  and  none 
elfe  but  He ;  therefore,  now,  1  count  much  of  one  dramweight  of 
fpiritual  joy.  One  fmile  of  Chrift's  face  is  now  to  me  as  a  kingdom  ; 
and  yet  He  is  no  niggard  to  me  of  comforts.  Truly  I  have  no  caufe 
to  fay  that  I  am  pinched  with  penury,  or  that  the  confolations  of 
Chrift  are  dried  up  :  for  He  hath  poured  down  rivers  upon  a  dry 
wildernefs  the  like  of  me,  to  my  admiration  ;  and  in  my  very  fwoon- 
ings.  He  holdeth  up  my  head,  and  flayeth  me  with  flagons  of  wine, 
and  comforteth  me  with  apples.  My  houfe  and  bed  are  ftrewed 
with  kifl^es  of  love.  Praife,  praife  with  me.  Oh,  if  ye  and  I  betwixt 
us  could  lift  up  Chrifl:  upon  His  throne,  howbeit  all  Scotland  fliould 
cafl:  Him  down  to  the  ground  ! 

My  brother's  cafe  toucheth  me  near,  I  hope  that  ye  will  be 
kind  to  him,  and  give  him  your  beft  counfel. 

Remember  my  love  to  your  brother,  to  your  wife,  and  G.  M.f 
Deflre  him  to  be  faithful,  and  to  repent  of  his  hypocrify  ;  and  fay 
that  I  wrote  it  to  you.  I  wifli  him  falvation.  Write  to  me  your 
mind  anent  C.  E.  and  C.  Y.,  and  their  wives,  and  I.  G.,  or  any 
others  in  my  parifli.  I  fear  that  I  am  forgotten  amongft  them  ;  but 
I  cannot  forget  them. 

The  prifoner's  prayers  and  blefl"mgs  come  upon  you.     Grace, 

grace  be  with  you. 

Your  brother,  in  the  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  Feb.  9,  1637. 

*  To  get  at. 

t  All  thofe  whofe  initials  are  given  are  underftood  to  have  been  parifhioners 
of  his  at  Anwoth. 

1637.]  LETTER  XCIII.  241 

XCIII. — To  the  Honourable,  and  truly  Noble  Lady,  the 
Viscountess  of  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  your  Ladyfhip. 
— I  long  to  hear  from  you. 

I  am  here  waiting,  if  a  good  wind,  long  looked  for, 
will  at  length  blow  into  Chrifl's  fails,  in  this  land.  But  I  wonder 
if  Jefus  be  not  content  to  fuffer  more  yet  in  His  members  and  caufe, 
and  in  the  beauty  of  His  houfe,  rather  than  He  ihould  not  be  avenged 
upon  this  land.  I  hear  that  many  worthy  men,  who  fee  more  in 
the  Lord's  dealings  than  I  can  take  up  with  my  dim  fight,  are  of 
a  contrary  mind,  and  do  believe  that  the  Lord  is  coming  home  again 
to  His  houfe  in  Scotland.  I  hope  He  is  on  His  journey  that  way  ; 
yet  I  look  not  but  that  He  will  feed  this  land  with  their  own  blood, 
before  He  eftablifh  His  throne  amongil:  us. 

I  know  that  your  honour  is  not  looking  after  things  hereaway.* 
Ye  have  no  great  caufe  to  think  that  your  flock  and  principal  is 
under  the  roof  of  thefe  vifible  heavens  ;  and  I  hope  that  ye  would 
think  yourfelf  a  beguiled  and  cozened  foul  if  it  were  fb.  I  fhould 
be  forry  to  counfel  your  Ladyfhip  to  make  a  covenant  with  time, 
and  this  life;  but  rather  defire  you  to  hold  in  fair  generals,  and 
afar  off  from  this  ill-founded  heaven  that  is  on  this  fide  of  the  water. 
It  fpeaketh  fomewhat  when  our  Lord  bloweth  the  bloom  off  our 
daftf  hopes  in  this  life,  and  loppeth  the  branches  off  our  worldly 
joys,  well  nigh  the  root,  on  purpofe  that  they  fhould  not  thrive. 
Lord,  fpillj  my  fool's  heaven  in  this  life,  that  I  may  be  faved  for 
ever.  A  forfeiture  of  the  faint's  part  of  the  yolk  and  marrow  of 
fhort-laughing  worldly  happinefs,  is  not  fuch  a  real  evil  as  our 
blinded  eyes  conceive. 

*  In  this  quarter,  this  prefent  world. 

t  Blows  off  the  bloflbm  from  our  foolilh  hopes.  %  Spoil,  mar. 

VOL.  I.  Q 

242  LETTER  XCIV.  [1637. 

I  am  thinking  long  *  now  for  fome  deliverance  more  than  before. 
But  I  know  I  am  in  an  error.  It  is  poflible  I  am  not  come  to  that 
meafure  of  trial  which  the  Lord  is  feeking  in  His  work.  If  my 
friends  in  Galloway  would  efFeftually  dof  for  my  deliverance,  I 
fhould  exceedingly  rejoice ;  but  I  know  not  but  the  Lord  hath  a 
way  whereof  He  will  be  the  only  reaper  of  praifes. 

Let  me  know  with  the  bearer  how  the  child  is.  The  Lord  be 
his  father  and  tutor,  and  your  only  comforter.  There  is  nothing 
here,  where  I  am,  but  profanity  and  atheifm.  Grace,  grace,  be  with 
your  Ladyfhip. 

Your  Ladyfhip's,  at  all  obliged  obedience,  in  Chrifl, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Feb.  13,  1637. 

XCIV. — To  the  Noble  and  Chriftiati  Lady,  the  Viscountess  of 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.     I  would 
not  omit  the  occafion  to  write  to  your  Ladyfhip  with 
the  bearer.     I  am  glad  that  the  child  is  well.     God's 
favour,  even  in  the  eyes  of  men,  be  feen  upon  him  ! 

I  hope  that  your  Ladyihip  is  thinking  upon  thefe  fad  and  woful 
days  wherein  we  now  live,  when  our  Lord,  in  His  righteous  judg- 
ment, is  fending  the  kirk  the  gate:);  fhe  is  going  to  Rome's  brothel- 
houfe  to  feek  a  lover  of  her  own,  feeing  that  fhe  hath  given  up 
with  Chrifl  her  Hulband.  Oh,  what  fweet  comfort,  what  rich  fal- 
vation,  is  laid  up  for  thofe  who  had  rather  wafh  and  roll  their 
garments  in  their  own  blood,  than  break  out§  from  Chrift  by  apos- 
tacy  !     Keep  yourfelf  in  the  love  of  Chrift,  and  ftand  far  aback  from 

*  Am  longing,     f  Adl  for,  make  exertions.     :{:  The  way.     §  Off^  probably. 

1637J  LETTER  XCIF.  243 

the  pollutions  of  the  world.  Side  not  with  thefe  times,  and  hold  off 
from  coming  nigh  the  figns  of  a  confpiracy  with  thofe  that  are  now 
come  out  againft  Chrift,  that  ye  may  be  one  kept  for  Chrift  only. 
I  know  that  your  Ladyfhip  thinketh  upon  this,  and  how  you  may 
be  humbled  for  yourfelf  and  this  backfliding  land  ;  for  I  avouch, 
that  wrath  from  the  Lord  is  gone  out  againfl  Scotland.  I  think  aye 
the  longer  the  better  of  my  royal  and  worthy  Mafter.  He  is  be- 
come a  new  Well-beloved  to  me  now,  in  renewed  confolations,  by 
the  prefence  of  the  Spirit  of  grace  and  glory.  Chrift's  garments  fmell 
of  the  powder  of  the  merchant,  when  He  cometh  out  of  His  ivory 
chambers.  O,  His  perfumed  face,  His  fair  face,  His  lovely  and 
kindly  kiffes,  have  made  me,  a  poor  prifoner,  fee  that  there  is  more 
to  be  had  of  Chrift  in  this  life  than  I  believed  !  We  think  all  is 
but  a  little  earneft,  a  four-hours,*  a  fmall  tafting,  that  we  have,  or 
that  is  to  be  had,  in  this  life  (which  is  true  compared  with  the  in- 
heritance) ;  but  yet  I  know  it  is  more  :  it  is  the  kingdom  of  God  within 
us.  Wo,  wo  is  me,  that  I  have  not  ten  loves  for  that  one  Lord 
Jefus  ;  and  that  love  faileth,  and  drieth  up  in  loving  Him  ;  and  that 
I  find  no  way  to  fpend  my  love  defires,  and  the  yolk  of  my  heart 
upon  that  faireft  and  dearefl  One.  I  am  far  behind  with  my  narrow 
heart.  O,  how  ebbf  a  foul  have  I  to  take  in  Chrift's  love  !  for 
let  worlds  be  multiplied,  according  to  angels'  underftanding,  in 
millions,  whillj  they  weary  themfelves,  thefe  worlds  would  not 
contain  the  thoufandth  part  of  His  love.  O,  if  I  could  yoke  in  § 
amongft  the  thick  ||  of  angels,  and  feraphims,  and  now  glorified 
faints,  and  could  raife  a  new  love-fong  of  Chrift,  before  all  the 
world  !  I  am  pained  with  wondering  at  new-opened  treafures  in 
Chrift.  If  every  finger,  member,  bone,  and  joint,  were  a  torch 
burning  in  the  hottefi:  fire  in  hell,  I  would  that  they  could  all  fend 
out  love  praifes,  high  fongs  of  praife  for  evermore,  to  that  Plant  of 
Renown,  to  that  royal  and  high  Prince,  Jefus  my  Lord.  But  alas  ! 
His  love  fwelleth  in  me,  and  findeth  no  vent.     Alas  !  what  can  a 

*  Afternoon  meal.  f  Shallow.  %  Till. 

§  Join  in  with  energy.  ||  The  crowd. 

244  LETTER  XCF.  [1637 

dumb  prifoner  do  or  fay  for  Him  !  O  for  an  ingine*  to  write  a 
book  of  Chrift  and  His  love  !  Nay,  I  am  left  of  Him  bound  and 
chained  with  His  love.  I  cannot  find  a  loofed  foul  to  lift  up  His 
praifes,  and  give  them  out  to  others.  But  oh  !  my  day-light  hath 
thick  clouds  ;  I  cannot  fiiine  in  His  praifes.  I  am  often  like  a  fhip 
plying  about  to  feek  the  wind  :  I  fail  at  great  leifure,  and  cannot  be 
blown  upon  that  loveliefl  Lord.  Oh,  if  I  could  turn  my  fails  to 
Chrift's  right  airth,f  and  that  I  had  my  heart's  wifhes  of  His  love  ! 
But  I  but  mar  His  praifes  :  nay,  I  know  no  companion  of  what 
Chrifl  is,  and  what  His  worth  is.  All  the  angels,  and  all  the  glorified, 
praife  Him  not  fo  much  as  in  halves.  Who  can  advance  Him,  or 
utter  all  His  praifes  ?  I  want  nothing  :  unknown  faces  favour  me  : 
enemies  mufi:  fpeak  good  of  the  truth  :  my  Mafier's  caufe  pur- 
chafeth  commendations. 

The  hopes  of  my  enlargement,  from  appearances,  are  cold.  My 
faith  hath  no  bed  to  fleep  upon  but  omnipotency.  The  good-will 
of  the  Lord,  and  His  fweetefi:  prefence,  be  with  you  and  that  child. 
Grace  and  peace  be  yours. 

Your  Ladyfhip's,  in  all  duty  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

XCV. — To  the  Right  Honourable  and  Chrijlian  Lady,  the 
Viscountess  of  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  your  Ladyfhip. 
I  would  not  omit  to   write  a  line  with  this   Chrifiian 
bearer  ;  one  in  your  Ladyfhip's  own  cafe,  driven  near 
to  Chrift,  in  and  by  her  affliftion.     I  wifh  that  my  friends  in  Gallo- 

*"  Power  or  faculty.  f  Point  of  the  compafs. 

1637.]  LETTER  XCV,  245 

way  forget  me  not.  However  it  be,  Chrift  is  fo  good,  I  will  have 
no  other  tutor,  fuppofel  could  have  wale*  and  choice  often  thoufand 
befide.  I  think  now  five  hundred  heavy  hearts  for  Him  too  little. 
I  wilh  that  Chrift,  now  weeping,  fufFering,  and  contemned  of  men, 
were  more  dear  and  defirable  to  many  fouls  than  He  is.  I  am 
fure  that  if  the  faints  wantedf  Chrift's  crofs,  fo  profitable,  and  fo 
fweet,  they  might,  for  the  gain  and  glory  of  it,  wifh  it  were  lawful 
either  to  buy  or  borrow  His  crofs.  But  it  is  a  mercy  that  the 
laints  have  it  laid  to  their  hand  for  nothing  ;  for  I  know  no  fweeter 
way  to  heaven  than  through  free  grace  and  hard  trials  together  ; 
and  one  of  thefe  cannot  well  want  another. 

Oh  that  time  would  pofl  f after,  and  haft  en  our  looked-for  com- 
munion with  that  faireft,  faireft  among  the  fons  of  men  !  Oh  that 
the  day  would  favour  us  and  come,  and  put  Chrift  and  us  into  each 
other's  arms  !  I  am  fure  that  a  few  years  will  do  our  turn,  and  the 
foldier's  hour-glafs  will  foon  run  out.  Madam,  look  to  your  lamp, 
and  look  for  your  Lord's  Coming,  and  let  your  heart  dwell  aloof 
from  that  fweet  child.  Chrift's  jealoufy  will  not  admit  of  two  equal 
loves  in  your  Ladyfhip's  heart.  He  muft  have  one,  and  that  the 
greateft  ;  a  little  one  to  a  creature  may  and  muft  fufiice  a  foul  mar- 
ried to  Him.  "  Thy  Maker  is  thine  Hufband."J  I  would  wifti  you 
well,  and  my  obligations  thefe  many  years  byegone§  fpeak  nolefs  to 
me  ;  but  more  I  can  neither  wifti,  nor  pray,  nor  defire  for  your 
Ladyftiip,  than  Chrift  fnigled  and  waled  ||  out  from  all  created  good 
things,  or  Chrift  howbeit  wet  in  His  own  blood,  and  wearing  a 
crown  of  thorns.  I  am  fure  that  the  faints,  at  their  beft,  are  but 
ftrangers  to  the  weight  and  worth  of  the  incomparable  fweetnefs  of 
Chrift.  He  is  fo  new,  fo  frefti  in  excellency  every  day  of  new,  to 
thofe  that  fearch  more  and  more  in  Him,  as  if  heaven  could  furnifli 
us  as  many  new  Chrifts  (if  I  may  fo  fpeak)  as  there  are  days  be- 
twixt Him  and  us  -,  and  yet  He  is  one  and  the  fame.  Oh,  we  love 
an  unknown  lover  when  we  love  Chrift  ! 

*  Liberty  of  feleding  from  a  ftorc.       f  \Vere  deftitute  of.       :;:  Ifa.  liv.  5. 
§  Pafled.  II  Selected. 

246  LETTER  XCVL  [1637. 

Let  me  hear  how  the  child  is  every  way.  The  prayers  of  a 
prifoner  of  Chrifl  be  upon  him.  Grace  for  evermore,  even  whill* 
glory  perfect  it,  be  with  your  Ladyfhip. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

XCVL — To  the  Noble  and  Chri/lian  Lady,  the  Viscountess  of 


ADAM, — Notwithftanding  the  great  hafte  of  the  bearer, 
I  would  blefs  your  Ladyfhip  on  paper,  defiring,  that 
fmce  Chrift  hath  ever  envied  that  the  world  fhould  have 
your  love  by  Him,f  that  ye  give  yourfelf  out  for  Chrift,  and  that  ye 
may  be  for  no  other.     I  know  none  worthy  of  you  but  Chrilf. 

Madam,  I  am  either  fuffering  for  Chrift — and  this  is  either  the 
fure  and  good  way — or  I  have  done  with  heaven,  and  fhall  never  fee 
God's  face,  which,  I  blefs  Him,  cannot  be. 

I  write  my  blelling  to  that  fweet  child,  that  ye  have  borrowed 
from  God.  He  is  no  heritage  to  you,  but  a  loan  :  love  him  as  folks 
do  borrowed  things.     My  heart  is  heavy  for  you. 

They  fay  that  the  kirk  of  Chrift  hath  neither  fon  nor  heir,  and 
therefore  that  her  enemies  fhall  pofTefs  her.  But  I  know  that  fhe 
is  not  that  J  ill-friended  ;  §  her  Huiband  is  her  heir,  and  ihe  His 

If  my  Lord  would  be  pleafed,  I  fhould  defire  that  fome  be  dealt 
with,  for  my  return  to  Anwoth.  But  if  that  never  be,  I  thank  God 
Anwoth  is  not  heaven  ;  preaching  is  not  Chrift.     I  hope  to  wait  on. 

Let  me  hear  how  your  child  is,  and  your  Ladyfhip's  mind  and 
hopes  of  him  ;  for  it  would  eafe  my  heart  to  know  that  he  is  well. 

*  Till.  t  More  than  He,  or  to  the  fetting  Him  afide. 

X  So.  §  Deftitute  of  friends. 

1637.J  LETTER  XCVII.  247 

I  am  in  good  terms  with  Chrill  -,  but  oli,  my  guiltinels  !  Yet 
He  bringeth  not  pleas  betwixt  Him  and  me  to  the  ftreets,  and  before 
the  fun. 

Grace,  grace  for  ever  more  be  with  your  Ladyfhip. 
Your  Ladyfhip's  at  all  obedience  in  Chrifl, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

XCVII. — To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Earlston. 


UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace 
be  to  you.  I  received  your  letter,  which  refrefhed  me. 
Except  from  your  fon,  and  my  brother,  I  have  feen  few 
letters  from  my  acquaintance  in  that  country  ;  which  maketh  me 
heavy.  But  I  have  the  company  of  a  Lord  who  can  teach  us  all 
to  be  kind,  and  hath  the  right  gate*  of  it.  Though,  for  the  pre- 
fent,  I  have  feven  ups  and  downs  every  day,  yet  I  am  abundantly 
comforted  and  feafted  with  my  Eang  and  Well-beloved  daily.  It 
pleafeth  Him  to  come  and  dine  with  a  fad  prifoner,  and  a  folitary 
ftranger.  His  fpikenard  cafteth  a  fmell.  Yet  my  fweet  hath  fome 
four  mixed  with  it,  wherein  I  muft  acquiefce ;  for  there  is  no  reafon 
that  His  comforts  be  too  cheap,  feeing  they  are  delicates.  Why 
fhould  He  not  make  them  fo  to  His  own  ?  But  I  verily  think  now, 
that  Chrift  hath  led  me  up  to  a  nickf  in  Chriftianity  that  I  was  never 
at  before  ;  I  think  all  before  was  but  childhood  and  bairn's  play. 
Since  I  departed  from  you,  I  have  been  fcalded,  whillj  the  fmoke 
of  hell's  fire  went  in  at  my  throat,  and  I  would  have  bought  peace 
with  a  thoufand  years'  torment  in  hell  ;  and  I  have  been  up  alfo, 
after  thefe  deep   down-caftings   and  forrows,   before  the  Lamb's 

*  Way.  t  A  point.  %  Till. 

248  LETTER  XCVIL  [1637. 

white  throne,  in  my  Father's  inner  court,  the  Great  ICing's  dining- 
hall.  And  Chrift  did  cafl  a  covering  of  love  on  me.  He  hath  caflen 
a  coal  into  my  foul,  and  it  is  fmoking  among  the  ftraw  and  keeping 
the  hearth  warm.  I  look  back  to  what  I  was  before,  and  I  laugh 
to  fee  the  fand-houfes  I  built  when  I  was  a  child. 

At  firft  the  remembrance  of  the  many  fair  feaft-days  with  my 
Lord  Jefus  in  public,  which  are  now  changed  into  filent  Sabbaths, 
raifed  a  great  tempeft,  and  (if  I  may  fpeak  fo)  made  the  devil  ado* 
in  my  foul.  The  devil  came  in,  and  would  prompt  me  to  make  a 
pleaf  with  Chrift,  and  to  lay  the  blame  on  Him  as  a  hard  mafter. 
But  now  thefe  mifts  are  blown  away,  and  I  am  not  only  filenced  as 
to  all  quarrelling,  but  fully  fatisfied.  Now,  I  wonder  that  any  man 
living  can  laugh  upon  the  world,  or  give  it  a  hearty  good-day. 
The  Lord  Jefus  hath  handled  me  fo,  that,  as  I  am  now  difpofed,  I 
think  never  to  be  in  this  world's  commons  {  again  for  a  night's  lodg- 
ing. Chrifl  beareth  me  good  company.  He  hath  eafed  me,  when 
I  faw  it  not,  lifting  the  crofs  off  my  fhoulders,  fo  that  I  think  it  to 
be  but  a  feather,  becaufe  underneath  are  everlafting  arms.  God 
forbid  it  come  to  bartering  or  niffering§  of  crolTes  ;  for  I  think  my 
crofs  fo  fweet,  that  I  know  not  where  I  would  get  the  like  of  it. 
Chrifl's  honey-combs  drop  fo  abundantly,  that  they  fweeten  my  gall. 
Nothing  breaketh  my  heart,  but  that  I  cannot  get  the  daughters  of 
Jerufalem  to  tell  them  of  my  Bridegroom's  glory.  I  charge  you  in 
the  name  of  Chrift,  that  ye  tell  all  that  ye  come  to  of  it ;  and  yet  it 
is  above  telling  and  underftanding.  Oh,  if  all  the  kingdom  were  as 
I  am,  except  my  bonds  !  They  know  not  the  love-kilTes  that  my 
only  Lord  Jefus  wafteth  on  a  dawtedii  prilbner.  On  my  falvation, 
this  is  the  only  way  to  the  New  City.  I  know  that  Chrift  hath  no 
dumb  feals.  Would  he  put  His  privy-feal  upon  blank  paper  ^  He 
hath  fealed  my  fufferings  with  His  comforts.  I  write  this  to  con- 
firm you.  I  write  now  what  I  have  ieen  as  well  as  heard.  Now 
and  then  my  filence  burneth  up  my  fpirit ;  but  Chrifl  hath  faid, 

*  Artir.     See  Let.  181,  note.         f  Controverfy.         %  Under  obligation  to. 
ij  Exchanging.  jl  Fondled. 

1 63 7-]  LETTER  XCVIII.  249 

"  Thy  ftipend  is  running  up  with  intereft  in  heaven,  as  if  thou  wert 
preaching;"  and  this  from  a  King's  mouth  rejoiceth  my  heart.  At 
other  times  I  am  fad,  dwelling  in  Kedar's  tents. 

There  are  none  (that  I  yet  know  of)  but  two  perfons  in  this 
town  that  I  dare  give  my  word  for.  And  the  Lord  hath  removed 
my  brethren  and  my  acquaintance  far  from  me  ;  and  it  may  be,  that 
I  fhall  be  forgotten  in  the  place  where  the  Lord  made  me  the  in- 
If  rument  to  do  fome  good.  But  I  fee  that  this  is  vanity  in  me  ;  let 
Him  make  of  me  what  He  pleafeth,  if  He  make  falvation  out  of  it  to 
me.  I  am  tempted  and  troubled,  that  all  the  fourteen  prelates* 
fhould  have  been  armed  of  God  againft  me  only,  while  the  reft  of 
my  brethren  are  flill  preaching.  But  I  dare  not  fay  one  word  but 
this,  "  It  is  good.  Lord  Jefus,  becaufe  Thou  half  done  it." 

Wo  is  me  for  the  virgin-daughter  !  wo  is  me  for  the  defolation 
of  the  vir^n-daughter  of  Scotland  !  Oh,  if  my  eyes  were  a  foun- 
tain of  tears,  to  weep  day  and  night  for  that  poor  widow-kirk,  that 
poor  miferable  harlot !  Alas,  that  my  Father  hath  put-to f  the  door 
on  my  poor  harlot-mother  !  Oh  for  J  that  cloud  of  black  wrath, 
and  fury  of  the  indignation  of  the  Lord,  that  is  hanging  over  the  land ! 

Sir,  write  to  me,  I  befeech  you.  I  pray  you  alfo  be  kind  to  my 
alfli6fed  brother.  Remember  my  love  to  your  wife  ;  and  the  prayer 
and  blefling  of  the  prifoner  of  Chrift  be  on  you.  Frequent  your 
meetings  for  prayer  and  communion  with  God  :  they  would  be 
fweet  meetings  to  me. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Feb.  16,  1637. 

XCVIIL — To  the  Worthy  and  much  Honoured  Mr  Alexander 
CoLViLLE  of  Blair. 

[Alexander  Colville  of  Blair  (which  is  in  the  parish  of  Camock, 
Fifefhire)  early  commended  himfelf  to  the  gratitude  of  Rutherford  by  be- 

*  Sec  note  Let.  68.  f  Shut.  j  Alas!  for. 

250  LETTER  XCVIIL  [1637. 

friending  him  under  prelatic  periecutions.  When  Rutherford  in  1630  was 
fummoned  before  the  High  Gommiflion  Court,  this  gentleman,  being  one  of 
the  judges,  fo  exerted  himfelf  in  his  behalf,  that  his  influence,  together  with 
the  abfence  of  the  Archbifhop  of  St  Andrews  (whom  the  tempeftuous  ftate 
of  the  weather  prevented  from  attending),  occalioned  the  defertion  of  the  diet, 
and  put  a  ftop  to  the  proceedings  againft  the  obnoxious  minifter.  (See  Letter 
XI.)  As  we  learn  from  this  letter,  he  alfo  fhowed  much  kindnefsto  Ruther- 
ford's brother  on  his  trial  before  the  High  Commiflion  in  November  1636,  for 
his  non-conformity  and  zealous  fupport  of  Mr  Glendinning,  the  injured  minifter 
of  Kirkcudbright.  Colville  was  an  elder  of  the  Church,  and  his  name  appears 
on  the  roll  of  the  members  of  the  General  Aflemblies  1645,  1646,  1648,  and 
1649,  ^'^^  of  the  Commiflions  appointed  by  thefe  Aflemblies.  In  the  roll  he 
is  ftyled  **  Mr  Alexander  Colville,  Juftice-Depute."  We  find  him  after  this, 
in  co-operation  with  another  individual,  delating  Mr  Robert  Bruce,  minifter 
of  Ballagray,  of  which  they  were  parifhioners,  on  the  ground  that  they  were 
not  edified  by  his  doctrine.] 


UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace 
be  to  you.  The  bearer  hereof,  Mr  R.  F.,  is  moft  kind 
to  me  •,  I  defire  you  to  thank  him.  But  none  is  fo  kind 
as  my  only  royal  King  and  Mafler,  whofe  crofs  is  my  garland. 
The  ICing  dineth  with  His  prifoner,  and  His  fpikenard  cafteth  a 
fmell.  He  hath  led  me  up  to  fuch  a  pitch  and  nick*  of  joyful 
communion  with  Himfelf,  as  I  never  knew  before.  When  I  look 
back  to  by-gones,f  I  judge  myfelf  to  have  been  a  child  at  A,  B,  C, 
with  Chrift.  Worthy  Sir,  pardon  me,  I  dare  not  conceal  it  from 
you  ;  it  is  as  a  fire  in  my  bowels.  (In  His  prefence  who  feeth  me  I 
speak  it  !)  I  am  pained,  pained  with  the  love  of  Chrift;  He  hath 
made  me  fick,  and  wounded  me.  Hunger  for  Chrift  outrunneth 
faith  •,  I  mifs  faith  more  than  love.  Oh,  if  the  three  kingdoms 
would  come  and  fee  !  Oh,  if  they  knew  His  kindnefs  to  my  foul  ! 
It  hath  pleafed  Him  to  bring  me  to  this,  that  I  will  not  ftrike  fails 
to  this  world,  nor  flatter  it,  nor  adore  this  clay  idol  that  fools  wor- 
Ihip.     As  I  am  now  difposed,  I  think  that  I  fhall  neither  borrow 

*  Degree.  t  Things  pafled,  former  attainments. 


1 63 7-]  LETTER  XCIX.  251 

nor  lend  *  with  it ;  and  yet  I  get  my  meat  from  Chrift  with  nurture  ;f 
for  feven  times  a-day  I  am  lifted  up,  and  caflen  down.  My  dumb 
Sabbaths  burden  my  heart,  and  make  it  bleed.  I  want  not  fearful 
challenges,  and  jealoufies;]:  fometimes  of  Chrift's  love,  that  He  hath 
caften  me  over  the  dyke  §  of  the  vineyard  as  a  dry  tree.  But  this  is 
my  infirmity.  By  His  grace  I  take  myfelf  ||  in  thefe  ravings.  It  is 
kindly  5[  that  faith  and  love  both  be  fick,  and  fevers  are  kindly  to 
moll  joyful  communion  with  Chrift. 

Ye  are  blefTed  who  avouch  Chrift  openly  before  The  Prince  of 
this  kingdom,  whofe  eyes  are  upon  you.  It  is  your  glory  to  lift 
Him  up  on  His  throne,  to  carry  His  train,  and  bear  up  the  hem  of 
His  robe  royal.  He  hath  an  hiding-place  for  Mr  Alexander  Col- 
ville  againfl  the  florm  :  go  on,  and  fear  not  what  man  can  do.  The 
faints  feem  to  have  the  worfl  of  it  (for  apprehenfion  can  make  a  lie 
of  Chrift  and  His  love)  ;  but  it  is  not  fo.  Providence  is  not  rolled 
upon  unequal  and  crooked  wheels  ;  all  things  work  together  for  the 
good  of  thofe  who  love  God,  and  are  called  according  to  His  purpofe. 
Ere  it  be  long,  we  fhall  fee  the  white  fide  of  God's  providence. 

My  brother's  cafe  hath  moved  me  not  a  little.  He  wrote  to 
me  your  care  and  kindnefs.  Sir,  the  prifoner's  bleffings  and  prayers, 
I  truft,  fhall  not  go  pafl  you.  He  that  is  able  to  keep  you,  and  to 
prefent  you  before  the  prefence  of  His  face  with  joy,  eflabliih  your 
heart  in  the  love  of  Chrift. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus,  „   „ 

Aberdeen,  i()th  Feb.  1637. 

XCIX. — To  Earlston,  Touriger. 

[William  Gordon,  to  whom  this  letter  is  addrefled,  was  the  eldeft  fon 
of  Alexander  Gordon  of  Earlfton,  formerly  noticed   (Let.  59).     He  exhi- 

*  That  is,  have  no  dealings  with  it. 

t  Difcipline ;  fuch  as  a  child  gets  when  training. 

X  Queftionings  and  fufpicions.        §  The  dry  wall.        ||  Retradt  my  word. 

1  According  to  nature. 

252  LETTER  XCIX.  [1637. 

bited  in  youth  much  of  the  piety  and  public  fpirit  of  his  father,  which 
Rutherford,  in  his  correfpondence  with  him,  is  careful  to  ftrengthen.  His 
well-known  attachment  to  the  caufe  of  Prefb\i;ery  rendered  him  early  obnoxi- 
ous to  Charles  II.  and  the  Malignant  party.  "When  that  monarch  came  to 
Scotland  in  1 65 1 ,  and  held  a  Parliament,  Gordon  (like  many  other  gentlenien 
within  the  kingdom)  was  fined  for  his  compliance  with  the  Englifh  ;  and  on 
his  refufing  to  pay  the  fine,  foldiers  were  fent  out  to  extraA  it  by  compulfion 
from  his  tenants,  who  were  almoft  ruined  by  the  driving  away  of  their  cattle 
and  the  robbing  of  their  houfes.  He  was  again  fined  by  Middleton,  in  the 
Parliament  1662.  But  ftill  further:  he  was  fummoned  before  the  Privy 
Council;  and  on  the  ist  of  March  1664,  fentence  of  banifhment  from  the 
kingdom  was  pronounced  upon  him  for  keeping  conventicles,  and  for  refufing 
to  engage  to  refi-ain  from  fuch  meetings  in  all  time  coming.  He  accordingly 
left  the  kingdom.  \'\'hither  he  went  we  have  not  difcovered  ;  but  the  Coun- 
cil, on  being  petitioned,  granted  him  licenfe  to  return  until  the  15th  of  March 
enfuing,  at  the  fame  time  requiring  him  to  **  depart  and  remain  forth  of  the 
kingdom  the  faid  day,  in  cafe  the  faid  Lords  give  order  therefor."  {Deer. 
Seer.  Couneil,  Regi/ier  Houfe^  Edin.)  After  this  he  remained  at  home,  but  had 
not  long  to  live.  He  died  a  martyr  in  the  caufe  of  religious  freedom,  of 
which  he  had  proved  a  noble  defender  during  life.  Coming  up  to  join  the 
forces  of  the  Covenanters  at  Bothwell,  in  the  beginning  of  the  year  1679,  ^^^^ 
the  defeat  (either  on  the  day  of  it,  or  the  day  after),  he  was  met  near  the  place 
by  a  party  of  Englifh  dragoons,  who,  upon  his  refufing  to  furrender,  killed  him 
on  the  fpot.  *'  Thus  fell,"  fays  Howie,  in  the  Scots  Worthies ^  **  a  renowned 
Gordon,  one  whofe  charader  at  prefent  I  am  in  no  capacity  to  defcribe ;  only 
I  may  venture  to  fay,  that  he  was  a  gentleman  of  good  parts  and  endo\\Tnents ; 
a  man  devoted  unto  religion  and  godlinefs ,  and  a  prime  fupporter  of  the  Prefby- 
terian  intereft  in  that  part  of  the  countr)-  where  he  lived."  He  was  married  to 
Mary,  daughter  of  Sir  John  Hope,  fecond  baronet  of  Craighall,  and  Prefident 
of  the  Court  of  SeflTion,  by  his  v^-ife  Margaret,  daughter  of  Sir  Archibald 
Murray  of  Blackbarony.     His  eldeft  fon,  Alexander,  fucceeded  him.] 


lONOURED     AND     DEAR     BROTHER,  —  Grace, 

mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.     I  received  your  letter, 

which  refrefhed  my  foul. 
I  thank  God  that  the  court  is  clofed  •,  I  think  fhame  of  my 
part  of  it.     I  pafs  now  from  my  unjuft  lummons  of  unkindnels 
libelled  againft  Chrifl:  my  Lord.    He  is  not  fuch  a  Lord  and  Mafter 


t637.]  letter  XCIX.  253 

as  I  took  Him  to  be  -,  verily  He  is  God,  and  I  am  diifl:  and  afhes. 
I  took  Chrift's  glooms  *  to  be  as  good  as  Scripture  fpeaking  wrath  -, 
but  I  have  feen  the  other  fide  of  Chrifl:,  and  the  white  fide  of  His 
crofs  now.    I  behoved  to  come  to  Aberdeen  to  learn  a  new  myftery 
in  Chrifl,  that  His  promife  is  better  to  be  believed  than  His  looks, 
and  that  the  devil  can  caufe  Chrift's  glooms*  to  fpeak  a  lie  to  a 
weak  man.    Nay,  verily,  I  was  a  child  before  :  all  by-gonesf  are  but 
bairn's  play.    I  would  I  could  begin  to  be  a  Chriftian  in  fad  J  earneft. 
I  need  not  blame  Chrift  if  I  be  not  one,  for  He  hath  fhowed  me 
heaven  and  hell  in  Aberdeen.     But  the  truth  is,  for  all  my  forrow, 
Chrift  is  nothing  in  my  debt,  for  comforts  have  refrefhed  my  foul. 
I  have  heard  and  feen  Him  in  His  fweetnefs,  fo  as  I  am  almoft  fay- 
ing, it  is  not  He  that  I  was  wont  to  meet  with.     He  fmileth  more 
cheerfully.  His  kiffes  are  more  fweet  and  foul-refrefhing  than  the 
kiffes  of  the  Chrift  I  faw  before  were,  though  He  be  the  fame.     Or 
rather,  the  King  hath  led  me  up  to  a  meafure  of  joy  and  communion 
with  my  Bridegroom  that  I  never  attained  to  before,  fo  that  often  I 
think  that  I  will  neither  borrow  nor  lend  with  this  world.  §     I  will 
not  ftrike  fail  to  croifes,  nor  flatter  them  to  be  quit  of  them,  as  I 
have  done.     Come  all  croffes,  welcome,  welcome  !   fo  that  I  may 
get  my  heartful  of  my  Lord  Jefus.     I  have  been  fo  near  Him,  that 
I  have  faid,  "  I  take  inftruments  that  this  is  the  Lord.     Leave  a 
token  behind  Thee,  that  I  may  never  forget  this."    Now,  what  can 
Chrift  do  more  to  dawt  ||  one  of  His  poor  prifoners  ?     Therefore, 
Sir,  I  charge  you  in  the  name  of  my  Lord  Jefus,  praife  with  me, 
and  fhow  unto  others  what  He  hath  done  unto  my  foul.     This  is 
the  fruit  of  my  fufferings,  that  I  defire  Chrift's  name  may  be  fpread 
abroad  in  this  kingdom,  in  my  behalf.    I  hope  in  God  not  to  flander 
Him  again.     Yet  in  this,  I  get  not  my  feafts  without  fome  mixture 
of  gall ;  neither  am  I  free  of  old  jealoufies,  for  He  hath  removed 
my  lovers  and  friends  far  from  me  ;  He  hath  made  my  congrega- 
tion defolate,  and  taken  away  my  crown.     And  my  dumb  Sabbaths 
are  like  a  ftone  tied  to  a  bird's  foot,  that  wanteth  not  wings, — they 

*  Frowns,     t  The  paft  matters.     X  Settled.     §  Let.  98.     ||  Dote  upon,  fondle. 

254  LETTER  XCIX.  [1637. 

feem  to  hinder  me  to  fly,  were  it  not  that  I  dare  not  fay  one  word, 
but,  "  Well  done,  Lord  Jefus." 

We  can,  in  our  profperity,  fport  ourfelves,  and  be  too  bold  with 
Chrifl: ;  yea,  be  that  *  infolent,  as  to  chide  with  Him  -,  but  under  the 
water  we  dare  not  fpeak.  I  wonder  now  of  my  fometimef  bold- 
nefs,  to  chide  and  quarrel  Chrift,  to  nickname  providence  when  it 
ftroked  me  againfl  the  hair  ;  for  now,  fwimming  in  the  waters,  I 
think  my  will  is  fallen  to  the  ground  J  of  the  water  :  I  have  lofl:  it. 
I  think  that  I  would  fain  let  Chrift  alone,  and  give  Him  leave  to  do 
with  me  what  He  pleafeth,  if  He  would  fmile  upon  me.  Verily, 
we  know  not  what  an  evil  it  is  to  fpill  §  and  indulge  ourfelves,  and 
to  make  an  idol  of  our  will.  I  was  once  that  I  would  not  eat  ex- 
cept I  had  waled  j;  meat ;  now  I  dare  not  complain  of  the  crumbs 
and  parings  under  His  table.  I  was  once  that  I  would  make  the 
houfe  ado,  f  if  I  faw  not  the  world  carved  and  fet  in  order  to  my 
liking  ;  now  I  am  filent  when  I  fee  God  hath  fet  fervants  on  horfe- 
back,  and  is  fattening  and  feeding  the  children  of  perdition.  I  pray 
God,  that  I  may  never  find  my  will  again.  Oh,  if  Chrift  would  fub- 
je<5l  my  will  to  His,  and  trample  it  under  His  feet,  and  liberate  me 
from  that  lawlefs  lord  ! 

Now,  Sir,  in  your  youth  gather  fail ;  your  fun  will  mount  to 
the  meridian  quickly,  and  thereafter  decline.  Be  greedy  of  grace. 
Study  above  anything,  my  dear  brother,  to  mortify  your  lufl:s.  Oh, 
but  pride  of  youth,  vanity,  luft,  idolizing  of  the  world,  and  charm- 
ing pleafures,  take  long  time  to  root  them  out !  As  far  as  ye  are 
advanced  in  the  way  to  heaven,  as  near  as  ye  are  to  Chrifl,  as  much 
progrefs  as  ye  have  made  in  the  way  of  mortification,  ye  will  find 
that  ye  are  far  behind,  and  have  mofl:  of  your  work  before  you.  I 
never  took  it  to  be  fo  hard  to  be  dead  to  my  lufts  and  to  this  world. 
When  the  day  of  vifitation  cometh,  and  your  old  idols  come  weep- 
ing about  you,  ye  will  have  much  ado**  not  to  break  your  heart  : 

*  So.  t  Former.  %  Bottom.  §  Spoil. 

II  Carefully  feleded.  t  Aftir. 

**  Troublefome  occupation.      ^^  Ado"  here  is  a  noun;    in   the  phrafe, 
**  make  the  houfe  ado,"  it  is  an  adjedtive. 

1637-]  LETTER  C.  255 

it  is  beft  to  give  up  in  time  with  them,  fo  as  ye  could  at  a  call  quit 
your  part  of  this  world  for  a  drink  of  water,  or  a  thing  of  nothing. 
Verily  I  have  feen  the  beft  of  this  world,  a  moth-eaten,  threadbare 
coat  :  I  purpofe  to  lay  it  afide,  being  now  old  and  full  of  holes. 
O  for  my  houfe  above,  not  made  with  hands  ! 

Pray  for  Chrift's  prifoner  :  and  write  to  me.     Remember  my 
love  to  your  mother.     Defire  her,  from  me,  to  make  ready  for  re- 
moving ;  the  Lord's  tide  will  not  bide  her  :  and  to  feek  an  heavenly 
mind,  that  her  heart  may  be  often  there.     Grace  be  with  you. 
Yours,  and  Chrift's  prifoner, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen',  FeL  20,  1637. 

C. — To  the  Lady  Cardoness. 



THE  LORD, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — 
I  long  to  hear  how  your  foul  profpereth,  and  how  the 
kingdom  of  Chrift  thriveth  in  you.  I  exhort  you  and  befeech  you 
in  the  bowels  of  Chrifl,  faint  not,  weary  not.  There  is  a  great 
neceiTity  of  heaven  ;  ye  muft  needs  have  it.  All  other  things,  as 
houfes,  lands,  children,  hufband,  friends,  country,  credit,  health, 
wealth,  honour,  may  be  wanted  ;  but  heaven  is  your  one  thing 
neceflary,  the  good  part  that  fhall  not  be  taken  from  you.  See  that 
ye  buy  the  field  where  the  pearl  is.  Sell  all,  and  make  a  purchafe 
of  falvation.  Think  it  not  eafy ;  for  it  is  a  Heep  afcent  to  eternal 
glory  :  many  are  lying  dead  by  the  way,  that  were  flain  with  fecurity. 
I  have  now  been  led  by  my  Lord  Jefus  to  fuch  a  nick*  in 
Chrlftianity,  as  I  think  little  of  former  things.  Oh  what  I  want ! 
I  want  fo  many  things,  that  I  am  almofl  afking  if  I  have  anything 

*  Degree,  point. 

256  LETTER  C.  [1637. 

at  all.  Every  man  thinketh  he  is  rich  enough  in  grace,  till  he 
take  out  his  purfe,  and  tell  his  money,  and  then  he  iindeth  his  pack 
but  poor  and  light  in  the  day  of  a  heavy  trial.  I  found  that  I  had 
not  to  bear  my  expenfes  ;  and  I  fhould  have  fainted,  if  want  and 
penury  had  not  chafed  me  to  the  ftore-houfe  of  all. 

I  befeech  you  make  confcience  of  your  ways.  Deal  kindly,  and 
with  confcience,  with  your  tenants.  To  fill  a  breach,  or  a  hole, 
make  not  a  greater  breach  in  the  confcience.  I  wifh  plenty  of  love 
to  your  foul.  Let  the  world  be  the  portion  of  baftards,  make  it 
not  yours.  After  the  lafl:  trumpet  is  blown,  the  world  and  all  its 
glory  will  be  like  an  old  houfe  that  is  burnt  to  afhes,  and  like  an 
old  fallen  caflle,  without  a  roof.  Fy,  fy  upon  us,  fools  !  who 
think  ourfelves  debtors  to  the  world  !  My  Lord  hath  brought  me 
to  this,  that  I  would  not  give  a  drink  of  cold  water  for  this  world's 
kindnefs.  I  wonder  that  men  long  after,  love,  or  care  for  thefe 
feathers.  It  is  almoft  an  unco*  world  to  me.  To  think  that  men 
are  fo  mad  as  to  blockf  with  dead  earth  !  To  give  out  confcience, 
and  get  in  clay  again,  is  a  flrange  bargain  ! 

I  have  written  my  mind  at  length  to  your  hufband.  Write  to 
me  again  his  cafe.  I  cannot  forget  him  in  my  prayers  ;  I  am  look- 
ing.:}: Chrifl  hath  fome  claim  to  him.  My  counfel  is,  that  ye  bear 
with  him  when  paffion  overtaketh  him  :  "A  foft  anfwer  putteth 
away  wrath."  Anfwer  him  in  what  he  fpeaketh,  and  apply  yourfelf 
in  the  fear  of  God  to  him  ;  and  then  ye  will  remove  a  pound 
weight  of  your  heavy  crofs,  that  way,  and  fo  it  fhall  become  light. 

When  Chrifl  hideth  Himfelf,  wait  on,  and  make  din  till  He  re- 
turn ;  it  is  not  time  then  to  be  careleflly  patient.  I  love  to  be  grieved 
when  He  hideth  His  fmiles.  Yet  believe  His  love  in  a  patient  on- 
waiting  and  believing  in  the  dark.  Ye  muft  learn  to  fwim  and  hold 
up  your  head  above  the  water,  even  when  the  fenfe  of  His  prefence 
is  not  with  you  to  hold  up  your  chin.  I  truft  in  God  that  He  will 
bring  your  (hip  fafe  to  land.  I  counfel  you  to  ftudy  fan(5fification, 
and  to  be  dead  to  this   world.      Urge  kindnefs  on  Knockbrex. 

*  Strange.  f  Bargain.  :j:  For  an  anfwer,  Ps.  v.  3.  ' 

1 63  7-]  LETTER  CI,  257 

Labour   to  benefit  by  his  company  ;  the    man  is   acquainted  with 

I  beg  the  help  of  your  prayers,  for  I  forget  not  you.  Counfel 
your  hulband  to  fulfil  my  joy,  and  to  feek  the  Lord's  face.  Show 
him,  from  me,  that  my  joy  and  defire  is  to  hear  that  he  is  in  the 
Lord.  God  cafleth  him  often  in  my  mind  :  I  cannot  forget  him. 
I  hope  Chrift  and  he  have  fomething  to  do  together.  Blefs  John 
from  me.  I  write  bleflings  to  him,  and  to  your  huiband,  and  to  the 
reft  of  your  children.  Let  it  not  be  faid,  "  I  am  not  in  your  houfe," 
through  negleft  of  the  Sabbath  exercife. 

Your  lawful  and  loving  paftor  in  his  only,  only  Lord, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Feb.  20,  1637. 

CL — To  JoNET  Macculloch. 

[No  doubt  this  lady  was  one  of  the  Maccullochs  of  Ard<welly  a.  refidence 
near  Anwoth,  next  to  Cardonefs,  and  to  this  day  in  pofleflion  of  the  fame 
family.  The  Letter,  284,  to  Mr  Thomas  Macculloch  oi  Nether  Ard^juell^  re- 
lates apparently  to  another  of  the  fame  houfe.  The  houfe  is  very  pleafantly 
fituated  near  the  mouth  of  the  Fleet.  The  old  manhon-houfe  of  Ardwell,  or 
Ardwall,  bore  the  name  ^^  Nether  Ardwell;"  it  occupied  a  fpot  about  a 
hundred  yards  diftant  from  the  prefent  manlion,  lying  toward  the  fhore,  a 
little  below  where  the  bay  has  received  the  waters  of  the  Fleet.  ^^  Higher 
Ardwell"  was  toward  the  north:  a  farm  near  Bufhy  Bield  (Rutherford's  old 
manse,  which  was  originally  a  manfion-houfe)  ftill  bears  that  name.  The 
family  of  the  Maccullochs,  who  were  intimate  with  Rutherford,  ftill  retain 
the  property.  They  are  an  ancient  family;  for  William  Macculloch  got  a  feu- 
charter  of  the  lands  of  Nether  Ardwell  from  his  coufm,  or  uncle,  Macculloch 
of  Cardonefs  and  Myreton,  in  1587.  It  is  the  wife  of  this  William  Mac- 
culloch, in  all  probability,  of  whom  the  following  lines  fpeak,  on  the  tomb  at 
the  fouth  fide  of  the  raifed  pile  in  the  old  Churchyard  : — 
**  Dumb,  fenfelefs  ftatue  of  a  painted  ftone, 

W  hat  means  this  boaft  ?     Thy  captive  is  but  clay. 

Thou  gaineft  nothing  but  fome  lifelefs  bones  ; 

Her  choiceft  part,  her  foul,  triumphs  for  aye. 

Then,  gazing  friends,  do  not  her  death  deplore  ; 

You  lofe,  while  fhe  doth  gain  for  evermore. 
VOL.  1.  R 

258  LETTER  CI.  [1637. 

^*  Margrat  Maklellan,  goodwife  of  Ardwell,  departed  this  life  1620. 
^tatis  fuas  31." 

We  may  add,  the  grand-daughter  of  this  lady,  to  whom  the  lines  on  the 
monument  refers,  was  mother  of  the  martyr,  John  Bell  of  Whytefide.] 


I  EAR  SISTER, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — 
I  long  to  hear  how  your  foul  profpereth. 

I  am  as  well  as  a  prifoner  of  Chrift  can  be,  feafted 
and  made  fat  with  the  comforts  of  God.  Chrift's  kifTes  are  made 
fweeter  to  my  foul  than  ever  they  were.  I  would  not  change  my 
Mafter  with  all  the  kings  of  clay  upon  the  earth.  Oh  !  my  Well 
beloved  is  altogether  lovely,  and  loving.  I  care  not  what  flefh  can 

I  perfuade  my  foul  that  I  delivered  the  truth  of  Chrift  to  you. 
Slip  not  from  it,  for  any  bofts*  or  fear  of  men.  If  ye  go  againft 
the  truth  of  Chrift  that  I  now  fufFer  for,  I  ftiall  bear  witnefs  againft 
you  in  the  day  of  Chrift. 

Sifter,  faften  your  grips f  faft  on  Chrift.  Follow  not  the  guifesj 
of  this  fmful  world.  Let  not  this  clay  portion  of  earth  take  up  your 
foul  :  it  is  the  portion  of  baftards,  and  ye  are  a  child  of  God  ;  and, 
therefore,  feek  your  Father's  heritage.  Send  up  your  heart  to  fee 
the  dwelling-houfe  and  fair  rooms  in  the  New  City.  Fy,  fy  upon 
thofe  who  cry,  "  Up  with  the  world,  and  down  with  confcience 
and  heaven  ! "  We  have  bairn's  wits,  and  therefore  we  cannot 
prize  Chrift  aright.  Counfel  your  huiband,  and  mother,  to  make 
them  ready  for  eternity.     That  day  is  drawing  nigh. 

Pray  for  me,  the  prifoner  of  Chrift.     I  cannot  forget  you. 
Your  lawful  paftor  and  brother, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Fe6.  20,  1637. 

*  Threatened  blows;  often  written  boiji.  t  Your  hold. 

X  Ways ;  mapper,  (French). 

1637.]  LETTER  CII.  259 

CII. — To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Knockgray. 

[Knockgray  is  a  farm-like  houfe,  enclofed  by  trees,  at  the  foot  of  the  hills 
of  Carfphaim.  It  is  on  your  right  hand,  coming  from  Earlfton  to  Carfphaim, 
after  parting  the  little  hill  of  Dundeiich.  ^^  Alexander  Gordon  of  Knockgray," 
fays  Livingftone,  who  perfonally  knew  him,  *^  was  a  rare  Chriftian  in  his  time. 
His  chief,  the  Laird  of  Lochinvar,  put  him  out  of  his  land  mollly  for  his 
religion ;  yet,  being  thereafter  reftored  by  that  man's  fon.  Lord  Vifcount  of 
Kenmure,  he  told  me  the  Lord  had  blefled  him,  fo  as  he  had  ten  thoufand 
fheep."  {Seled  Biograph,  vol.  i.)  From  what  Rutherford  fays  in  a  fubfequent 
letter  addrefled  to  him — ^*  Chrill's  ways  were  known  to  you  long  before  I 
(who  am  but  a  child)  knew  anything  of  Him," — it  may  be  concluded  that 
he  was  much  older  than  Rutherford.  As,  therefore,  Rutherford  was  born 
about  the  year  1600,  and  Gordon  many  years  before,  there  is  reafon  to 
believe  that  the  following  ad  of  Privy  Council  may  refer  to  Gordon's  fon, 
and  not  to  himfelf :  ^^  Ordaining  thebaillies  of  the  Canongate  to  fet  at  liberty 
Alexander  Gordon,  defigned  of  Knockgray,  in  regard  they  find  he  is  not  an 
heritor,  that  he  is  an  old  dying  man,  and  has  renounced  in  the  King's  favours, 
or  his  donator,  any  lands  he  had  the  time  of  the  rebellion,  and  has  given 
bond  to  appear  when  called."  {Deer.  Seer.  Cone.)  At  any  rate  the  venerable 
old  man,  to  whom  this  ad:  refers,  was  apprehended  in  his  own  houfe  by  one 
Captain  Stuart ;  by  whom  alfo  he  feems  to  have  been  carried  to  Edinburgh, 
and  there  incarcerated.  Alexander,  his  fon  (the  grandfon  of  Rutherford's 
correfpondent),  had  alfo  his  own  fhare  of  perfecution  under  the  intolerant 
reign  of  Charles  H.  He  fuffered  much  by  garrifons  put  into  his  houfe,  by 
the  houfehold  articles  which  they  carried  away,  and  by  the  forfeiture  of  his 
property,  which  was  gifted  to  Lord  Livingftone.  (JVodro'TLV,  MSS.,  vol. 


EAR  BROTHER, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. 
I  long  to  hear  how  your  foul  profpereth.     I  expefted 
letters  from  you  ere  now. 
As  for  myfelf,  I  am  here  in  good  cafe,  well  feafted  with  a  great 
King.     At  my  coming  here,  I  was  that  bold  *  as  to  take  up  a  jealoufyf 

*  Bold  to  fuch  an  extent  that.  t  Sufpicion. 

26o  LETTER  CII.  [1637. 

of  Chrifl's  love.  I  faid  I  was  caft  over  the  dyke  of  the  Lord's  vine- 
yard, as  a  dry  tree  ;  but  I  fee  that  if  I  had  been  a  withered  branch, 
the  fire  would  have  burned  me  long  ere  now.  Bleffed  be  His  high 
name,  who  hath  kept  fap  in  the  dry  tree.  And  now,  as  if  Chrift 
hath  done  the  wrong.  He  hath  made  the  mends,  and  hath  mifkent* 
my  ravings  ;  for  a  man  under  the  water  cannot  well  command  his 
wit,  far  lefs  his  faith  and  love.  Because  it  was  a  fever,  my  Lord 
Jefus  forgave  me  that  amongft  the  reft.  He  knoweth  that  in  our 
affliftions  we  can  find  a  fpot  in  the  faireft  face  that  ever  was,  even 
in  Chrift's  face.  I  would  not  have  believed  that  a  gloomf  fhould 
have  made  me  to  mi{ken:f  my  old  Mafter  ;  but  we  muft  be  whiles  § 
fick.  Sicknefs  is  but  kindly  ||  to  both  faith  and  love.  But  O  how 
exceedingly  is  a  poor  dawted  f  prifoner  obliged  to  fweet  Jefus  !  My 
tears  are  fweeter  to  me  than  the  laughter  of  the  Fourteen  Prelates 
is  to  them.  The  worft  of  Chrift,  even  His  chaff,  is  better  than  the 
world's  corn. 

Dear  Brother,  I  befeech  you,  I  charge  you  in  the  name  and 
authority  of  the  Son  of  God,  to  help  me  to  praife  His  Highnefs  ; 
and  I  charge  you,  alfo,  to  tell  all  your  acquaintance,  that  my  Master 
may  get  many  thanks.  Oh,  if  my  hairs,  all  my  members,  and  all 
my  bones,  were  well-tuned  tongues,  to  fmg  the  high  praifes  of  my 
great  and  glorious  I^ng  !  Help  me  to  lift  Chrift  up  upon  His 
throne,  and  to  lift  Him  up  above  the  thrones  of  the  clay-kings,  the 
dying  fceptre-bearers  of  this  world.  The  prifoner's  blefling,  the 
blefling  of  him  that  is  feparate  from  his  brethren,  be  upon  them 
all  who  will  lend  me  a  lift  in  this  work.  Show  this  to  that  people 
with  you  to  whom  I  fometimes  preached. 

Brother,  my  Lord  hath  brought  me  to  this,  that  I  will  not 
flatter  the  world  for  a  drink  of  water.  I  am  no  debtor  to  clay  •, 
Chrift  hath  made  me  dead  to  that.  I  now  wonder  that  ever  I  was 
fuch  a  child,  long  fmce,  as  to  beg  at  fuch  beggars  !  Fy  upon  us, 
who  woo  fuch  a  black-fkinned  harlot,  when  we  may  get  fuch  a 

*  Overlooked,  as  if  He  did  not  know.  f  Frown.  %  Overlook. 

§  At  times.  ||  Quite  natural.  ^  Fondled. 

1637.]  LETTER  cm.  261 

fair,  fair  match  in  heaven  !  Oh  that  I  could  give  up  this  clay-idol, 
this  mafked,  painted,  over-gilded  dirt,  that  Adam's  fons  adore ! 
We  make  an  idol  of  our  will.  As  many  lufts  in  us,  as  many  gods  ; 
we  are  all  godmakers.  We  are  like  to  lofe  Chrift,  the  true  God,  in 
the  throng  of  thofe  new  and  falfe  gods.  Scotland  hath  caft  her 
crown  off  her  head  ;  the  vir^n-daughter  hath  loft  her  garland. 
Wo,  wo  to  our  harlot-mother.  Our  day  is  coming  ;  a  time  when 
women  fhall  wifh  they  had  been  childlefs,  and  fathers  fhall  blefs 
mifcarrying  wombs  and  dry  breafts  :  many  houfes  great  and  fair 
fhall  be  defolate.  This  kirk  fhall  fit  on  the  ground  all  the  night, 
and  the  tears  fhall  run  down  her  cheeks.  The  fun  hath  gone  down 
upon  her  prophets.  BlefTed  are  the  prifoners  of  hope,  who  can  run 
into  their  ilronghold,  and  hide  themfelves  for  a  little,  till  the  indigna- 
tion be  overpafl. 

Commend  me  to  your  wife,  your  daughters,  your  fon-in-law, 
and  to  A.  T.  Write  to  me  the  cafe  of  your  kirk.  Grace  be  with 

I  am  much  moved  for  my  brother.  I  entreat  for  your  kindnefs 
and  counfel  to  him. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Feb.  23,  1637. 

CIII. — To  the  Lady  Cardoness,  Elder. 



— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  long  to  hear 
from  you  on  paper,  that  I  may  know  how  your  foul 
profpereth.  My  defire  and  longing  is  to  hear  that  ye  walk  in  the 
truth,  and  that  ye  are  content  to  follow  the  defpised,  but  moft  lovely 
Son  of  God. 

262  LETTER  CIII.  [1637. 

I  cannot  but  recommend  Him  unto  you,  as  your  Huiband,  your 
Well-Beloved,  your  Portion,  your  Comfort,  and  your  Joy.  I  fpeak 
this  of  that  lovely  One,  becaufe  I  praife  and  commend  the  ford  (as 
we  ufe  to  fpeak)  as  I  find  it.  He  hath  watered  with  His  fweet 
comforts  an  oppreffed  prifoner.  He  was  always  kind  to  my  foul ; 
but  never  fo  kind  as  now,  in  my  greateft  extremities.  I  dine  and 
fup  with  Chrifl.  He  vifiteth  my  foul  with  the  vifitations  of  love,  in 
the  night-watches. 

I  perfuade  my  foul  that  this  is  the  way  to  heaven,  and  His  own 
truth  I  now  fufFer  for.  I  exhort  you  in  the  name  of  Chrift  to  con- 
tinue in  the  truth  which  I  delivered  unto  you.  Make  Chrifl  fure  to 
your  foul  ;  for  your  day  draweth  nigh  to  an  end.  Many  Aide  back 
now,  who  feemed  to  be  Chrift's  friends,  and  prove  difhoneft  to 
Him  ;  but  be  ye  faithful  to  the  death,  and  ye  fhall  have  the  crown 
of  life.  This  fpan-length  of  your  days  (whereof  the  Spirit  of  God 
fpeaketh,*)  shall,  within  a  fhort  time,  come  to  a  finger-breadth,  and 
at  length  to  nothing.  O  how  fweet  and  comfortable  will  the 
feafi:  of  a  good  confcience  be  to  you,  when  your  eye-ftrings  fhall 
break,  your  face  wax  pale,  and  the  breath  turn  cold,  and  your  poor 
foul  come  fighing  to  the  windows  of  the  houfe  of  clay  of  your  dying 
body,  and  fhall  long  to  be  out,  and  to  have  the  jailor  to  open  the 
door,  that  the  prifoner  may  be  fet  at  liberty  !  Ye  draw  nigh  the 
water-fide  :  look  your  accounts  ;  afk  for  your  Guide  to  take  you  to 
the  other  fide.  Let  not  the  world  be  your  portion ;  what  have  ye 
to  do  with  dead  clay  ?  Ye  are  not  a  bafi:ard,  but  a  lawfully  be- 
gotten child  ;  therefore,  fet  your  heart  on  the  inheritance.  Go  up 
beforehand,  and  fee  your  lodging.  Look  through  all  your  Father's 
rooms  in  heaven  :  in  your  Father's  houfe  are  many  dwelling-places. 
Men  take  a  fight  of  lands  ere  they  buy  them.  I  know  that  Chrift 
hath  made  the  bargain  already ;  but  be  kind  to  the  houfe  ye  are 
going  to,  and  fee  it  often.  Set  your  heart  on  things  that  are  above, 
where  Chrift  is  at  the  right  hand  of  God. 

Stir   up   your   hufband   to   mind    his    own    country   at    home. 

*  Ps  xxxix.  5. 

1637.]  LETTER  CIF.  263 

Counfel  him  to  deal  mercifully  with  the  poor  people  of  God  under 

him.     They  are  Chrifl's,  and  not  his  ;  therefore,  defire  him  to  fhow 

them  merciful  dealing  and  kindnefs,  and  to  be  good  to  their  fouls. 

I  defire  you  to  write  to  me.     It  may  be  that  my  pari(h  forget  me  ; 

but  my  witnefs  is  in  heaven  that  I  dow  *  not,  I  do  not,  forget  them. 

They  are  my  fighs  in  the  night,  and  my  tears  in  the  day.     I  think 

myfelf  like  a  hufband  plucked  from  the  wife  of  his  youth.    O  Lord, 

be  my  Judge :  what  joy  would  it  be  to  my  foul  to  hear  that  my 

miniftry  hath  left  the  Son  of  God  among  them,  and  that  they  are 

walking  in  Chrift !     Remember  my  love  to  your  fon  and  daughter. 

Defire  them  from  me  to  feek  the  Lord  in  their  youth,  and  to  give 

Him  the  morning  of  their  days.     Acquaint  them  with  the  word  of 

God  and  prayer. 

Grace  be  with  you.     Pray  for  the  prifoner  of  Chrift  -,  in  my 

heart  I  forget  you  not. 

Your  lawful  and  loving  paftor,  in  his  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  6,  1637. 

CIV. — To  the  Right  Honour  able  afid  Chrifliafi  Lady,  my 
Lady  Viscountess  of  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  am  re- 
frefhed  with  your  letter.  The  right  hand  of  Him  to 
whom  belong  the  iffues  from  death  hath  been  gracious 
to  that  fweet  child.  I  dow  not,  *  I  do  not,  forget  him  and  your 
Ladyfhip  in  my  prayers. 

Madam,  for  your  own  cafe.     I  love  careful,  and  withal,  doing 

*  Cannot. 

264  LETTER  CIV.  [1637. 

complaints  of  want  of  pra6lice  -,  becaufe  I  obferve  many  who  think 
it  holinefs  enough  to  complain,  and  fet  themfelves  at  nothing  -,  as  if 
to  fay  "I  am  fick "  could  cure  them.  They  think  complaints  a 
good  charm  for  guiltinefs.  I  hope  that  ye  are  wreftling  and  ftrug- 
gling  on,  in  this  dead  age,  wherein  folks  have  loft  tongue,  and  legs, 
and  arms  for  Chrift.  I  urge  upon  you.  Madam,  a  nearer  com- 
munion with  Chrift,  and  a  growing  communion.  There  are  curtains 
to  be  drawn  by*  in  Chrift,  that  we  never  faw,  and  new  foldings  of 
love  in  Him.  I  defpair  that  ever  I  fhall  win  to  the  far  end  of  that 
love,  there  are  fo  many  pliesf  in  it.  Therefore,  dig  deep  ;  and 
fweat,  and  labour,  and  take  pains  for  Him  ;  and  fet  by  as  much  time 
in  the  day  for  Him  as  you  can.     He  will  be  won  with  labour. 

I,  His  exiled  prifoner,  fought  Him,  and  He  hath  rued  J  upon 
me,  and  hath  made  a  moan  for  me,  as  He  doth  for  His  own  ,  §  and 
I  know  not  what  to  do  with  Chrift.  His  love  furroundeth  and  fur- 
chargeth  me.  I  am  burdened  with  it ;  but  Oh  how  fweet  and 
lovely  is  that  burden  !  I  dow  ||  not  keep  it  within  me.  I  am  fo  in 
love  with  His  love,  that  if  His  love  were  not  in  heaven,  I  fhould  be 
unwilling  to  go  thither.  Oh,  what  weighing,  and  what  telling  is  in 
Chrift's  love  !  I  fear  nothing  now  {o  much  as  the  lofmg  ^  of  Chrift's 
crofs,  and  of  the  love-ftiowers  that  accompany  it.  I  wonder  what  He 
meaneth,  to  put  fuch  a  (lave  at  the  board-head,  **  at  His  own  elbow. 
Oh  that  I  ftiould  lay  my  black  mouth  to  fuch  a  fair,  fair,  fair  face 
as  Chrift's  !  But  I  dare  not  refufe  to  be  loved.  The  caufe  is  not 
in  me,  why  He  hath  looked  upon  me,  and  loved  me  ,  for  He  got 
neither  budf  f  nor  hire  of  me  ;  it  coft  me  nothing,  it  is  good- 
cheap  J  J  love.  O  the  many  pound- weights  of  His  love,  under 
which  I  am  fweetly  prefTed  ! 

Now,  Madam,  I  perfuade  you,  that  the  greateft  part  but  play 
with  Chriftianity  ;  they  put  it  by-hand  §§  easily.     I  thought  it  had 

*  Alide.     t  Folds.     %  Grieved  for.     §  Jer.  xxxi.  20;  Hos.  xi.  8.     ||  Cannot. 
^  The  fear  to  be  deprived  of  it.     Former  editions  give  '*  laughing,'^  w^hich 
feems  a  mifprint. 

**  Head  of  the  table.  If  Bribe.  XX  ^'^^ry  cheap 

§§  Put  it  paft,  and  arc  done  with  it. 

1637.]  LETTER  CIV.  26s 

been  an  eafy  thing  to  be  a  Chriftian,  and  that  to  feek  God  had  been 

at  the  next  door  ;  but  O  the  windings,  the  turnings,  the  ups  and 

the  downs  that  He  hath  led  me  through  !    And  I  fee  yet  much  way 

to  the  ford.     He  fpeaketh  with  my  reins  in  the  night-feafon  -,  and 

in  the  morning,  when  I  awake,  I  find  His  love-arrows,  that  He  fhot 

at  me,  flicking  in  my  heart.     Who  will  help  me  to  praise  ?     Who 

will  come  to  lift  up  with  me,  and  fet  on  high.  His  great  love  .'*    And 

yet  I  find  that  a  fire-flaught*  of  challenges  will  come  in  at  mid- 

fummer,  and  queflion  me.     But  it  is  only  to  keep  a  fmner  in  order. 

As  for  friends,  I  will  not  think  the  world  to  be  the  world  if 

that  well  go  not  dry.    I  truft,  in  God,  to  ufe  the  world  as  a  canny f 

or  cunning  mafler  doth  a  knave  fervant  (at  leafl  God  give  me  grace 

to  do  fo ! )  :  he  ^veth  him  no  handling  nor  credit,  only  he  intrufleth 

him  with  common  errands,  wherein  he  cannot  play  the  knave.     I 

pray  God  that  I  may  not  ^ve  this  world  the  credit  of  my  joys, 

and  comforts,  and   confidence.     That  were  to  put  Chrift  out  of 

His  office.     Nay,  I  counfel  you.  Madam,  from  a  little  experience, 

let  Chrift  keep  the  great  feal,  and  intruft  Him  fo  as  to  hing:|:  your 

veffels,   great  and  fmall,   and   pin  your   burdens,   upon   the  Nail 

faflened  in  David's  houfe.§     Let  me  not  be  well,  if  ever  they  get 

the  tutoring  of  my  comforts.     Away,  away  with  irrefponfal  )|  tutors 

that  would  play  me  a  flip,  and  then  Chrift  would  laugh  at  me,  and 

fay,  "  Well-wared  ;  f  try  again  ere  you  truft."     Now  wo  is  me, 

for  my  whorifli  mother,  the  ICirk  of  Scotland !     Oh,  who  will 

bewail  her ! 

Now  the  prefence  of  the  great  Angel  of  the  Covenant  be  with 

you  and  that  fweet  child. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  7,  1637. 

*  Fire-flake,  or  flafli  of  lightning.  f  Prudent.  t  Hang. 

§  Ifa.  xxii.  23.  II  Irrefponfible.      ^  Well-deferved. 

266  LETTER  CV.  [1637. 

CV. — To  a  Gentlewoman,  tipofi  the  death  of  her  Hujhand. 


ISTRESS, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. 

I  cannot  but  rejoice,  and  withal  be  grieved,  at  your 
cafe.  It  hath  pleafed  the  Lord  to  remove  your  hufband 
(my  friend,  and  this  kirk's  faithful  profeffor*)  foon  to  his  reft  ;  but 
fhall  we  be  forry  that  our  lofs  is  his  gain,  feeing  his  Lord  would 
want  his  company  no  longer  .?  Think  not  much  of  fhort  fummons  ; 
for,  feeing  he  walked  with  his  Lord  in  his  life,  and  defired  that 
Chrift  fhould  be  magnified  in  him  at  his  death,  ye  ought  to  be  filent 
and  fatisfied.  When  Chrift  cometh  for  His  own.  He  runneth  faft  : 
mercy,  mercy  to  the  faints  goeth  not  at  leifure.  Love,  love  in  our 
Redeemer  is  not  flow  -,  and  withal  He  is  homelyf  with  you,  who 
cometh  at  His  own  hand  to  your  houfe,  and  intromitteth,J  as  a  friend, 
with  anything  that  is  yours.  I  think  He  would  fain  borrow  and  lend 
with  you.  Now  he  (hall  meet  with  the  folacious  §  company,  the  fair 
flock  and  bleffed  bairn-temej|  of  the  firft-born,  banqueting  at  the 
marriage  fupper  of  the  Lamb.  It  is  a  mercy  that  the  poor  wander- 
ing iheep  get  a  dyke-fide  in  this  ftormy  day,  and  a  leaking  ftiip  a 
fafe  harbour,  and  a  fea-fick  pafTenger  a  found  and  foft  bed  afhore. 
Wrath,  wrath,  wrath  from  the  Lord  is  coming  upon  this  land  that 
he  hath  left  behind  him.  Know,  therefore,  that  the  wounds  of 
your  Lord  Jefus  are  the  wounds  of  a  lover,  and  that  He  will  have 
compalTion  upon  a  fad-hearted  fervant ;  and  that  Chrift  hath  faid. 
He  will  have  the  huft^and's  room  in  your  heart.  He  loved  you  in 
your  firft  huiband's  dme,  and  He  is  but  wooing  you  ftill.  Give  Him 
heart  and  chair,  houfe  and  all.  He  will  not  be  made  companion 
with  any  other.     Love  is  full  of  jealoufies  :  He  will  have  all  your 

*  Confeflbr  r  t  Familial".  %  Intermeddleth. 

§  Full  of  conlblation.  ||  Family  by  one  mother. 

1637.]  LETTER  CV.  267 

love  ;  and  who  fhould  get  it  but  He  ?  I  know  that  ye  allow  it 
upon  Him.  There  are  comforts  both  fweet  and  fatisfying  laid  up 
for  you  :  wait  on.     Frill:*  Chriff  ;  He  is  an  honeft  debtor. 

Now  for  mine  own  cafe.  I  think  fome  poor  body  would  be 
glad  of  a  dawted  prifoner's  leavings.f  I  have  no  fcarcity  of  Chrifl's 
love  :  He  hath  wafted  more  comforts  upon  His  poor  banifhed 
iervant  than  would  have  refrefhed  many  fouls.  My  burden  was 
once  fo  heavy,  that  one  ounce  weight  would  have  caften  the  balance, 
and  broken  my  back  ;  but  Chrift  faid,  *'  Hold,  hold  !"  to  my  for- 
row,  and  hath  wiped  a  blutheredj  face,  which  was  foul  with 
weeping.  I  may  joyfully  go  my  Lord's  errands,  with  wages  in  my 
hands.  Deferred  hopes  need  not  make  me  dead-fweir§  (as  we  ufed 
to  fay)  :  my  crofs  is  both  my  crofs  and  my  reward.  Oh  that  men 
would  found  His  high  praife  !  I  love  Chrift's  worft  reproaches. 
His  glooms,  II  His  crofs,  better  than  all  the  world's  plaftered  glory. 
My  heart  is  not  longing  to  be  back  again  from  Chrifl's  country  ;  it 
is  a  fweet  foil  I  am  come  to.  I,  if  any  in  the  world,  have  good 
caufe  to  fpeak  much  good  of  Him.  Oh,  hell  were  a  good-cheap  5[ 
price  to  buy  Him  at !  Oh,  if  all  the  three  kingdoms  were  witneifes 
to  my  pained,  pained  foul,  overcome  with  Chrifl's  love  ! 

I  thank  you  mofl  kindly,  my  dear  fifter,  for  your  love  to,  and 
tender  care  of,  my  brother.  I  fhall  think  myfelf  obliged  to  you  if 
ye  continue  his  friend.  He  is  more  to  me  than  a  brother  now,  being 
engaged  to  fufFer  for  fo  honourable  a  Mafler  and  caufe. 

Pray  for  Chrifl's  prifoner  ;  and  grace,  grace  be  with  you. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  7,  1637. 

*  Give  Him  credit  to  a  future  day. 

t  What  an  over-indulged  prifoner  leaves  after  his  feaft  is  over. 

X  Blurred  v^ith  tears.      §  Extremely  lazy,      jj  Frowns.        1"  Very  cheap. 

!68  LETTER  CFL  [1637. 

CVI. — To  the  Right  Honourable  and  Chrijlian  Lady,  my 
Lady  Kenmure. 


ADAM, — Upon  the  offered  opportunity  of  this  worthy 
bearer,  I  could  not  omit  to  anfwer  the  heads  of  your 

I/?/)',  I  think  not  much  to  fet  down  on  paper  fome  good  things 
anent  Chrifl  (that  fealed  and  holy  thing),*  and  to  feed  my  foul  with 
raw  wifhes  to  be  one  with  Chrifl ;  for  a  wifh  is  but  broken  and 
half  love.  But  verily  to  obey  this,  "  Come  and  fee,"  is  a  harder 
matter !  Oh,  I  have  rather  fmoke  than  fire,  and  gueffings  rather 
than  real  afTurances  of  Him.  I  have  little  or  nothing  to  fay,  that  I 
am  as  one  who  hath  found  favour  in  His  eyes  ;  but  there  is  fome 
pining  and  mifmanneredf  hunger,  that  maketh  me  mifcallif  and 
nickname  Chrift  as  a  changed  Lord.  But  alas  !  it  is  ill-flitten.§  I 
cannot  believe  without  a  pledge.  I  cannot  take  God's  word  with- 
out a  caution,  ||  as  if  Chrift  had  loft  and  fold  His  credit,  and  were 
not  in  my  books  refponfal,  f  and  law-biding.**  But  this  is  fny  way  ; 
for  His  way  is,  "  After  that  ye  believed,  ye  were  fealed  with  that 
Holy  Spirit  of  promife."f  f 

2dlyj  Ye  write,  "  that  I  am  filled  with  knowledge,  and  ftand 
not  in  need  of  thefe  warnings."  But  certainly  my  light  is  dim  when 
it  cometh  to  handy-grips.  J  J  And  how  many  have  full  coffers,  and 
yet  empty  bellies  !  Light,  and  the  faving  ufe  of  light,  are  far  dif- 
ferent. Oh,  what  need  then  have  I  to  have  the  afhes  blown  away 
from  my  dying-out  fire  !  I  may  be  a  bookman,  and  (yet)  be  an  idiot 
and  ftark  fool  in  Chrift's  way  !     Learning  will  not  beguile  Chrift. 

*  Luke  i.  ;'^5.  t  That  makes  a  man  unmannerly. 

%  Give  wrong  names  to.  §  A  milplaced  rebuke. 

II  Security  given.        ^  Refponfible.         **  Able  to  face  the  law. 
tt    Eph.  i.  13.  t+  Clofe  grappling. 

637-]  LETTER  CVL  269 

The  Bible  beguiled  the  Pharifees,  and  lb  may  I  be  milled.  There- 
fore, as  night-watchers  hold  one  another  waking  by  fpeaking  to  one 
another,  (o  have  we  need  to  hold  one  another  on  foot  :  fleep  ftealeth 
away  the  light  of  watching,  even  the  light  that  reproveth  fleeping. 
I  doubt  not  but  more  would  fetch*  heaven,  if  they  believed  not 
heaven  to  be  at  the  next  door.  The  world's  negative  holinefs — *  no 
adulterer,  no  murderer,  no  thief,  no  cozener,' — maketh  men  believe 
they  are  already  glorified  faints.  But  the  fixth  chapter  to  the  Hebrews 
may  affright  us  all,  when  we  hear  that  men  may  take  (a  tafte)  of  the 
gifts  and  common  graces  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  and  a  tafte  of  the  powers 
of  the  life  to  come,  to  hell  with  them.  Here  is  reprobate  filver, 
which  yet  feemeth  to  have  the  King's  image  and  fuperfcription  upon  it ! 

3^/y,  I  find  you  complaining  of  yourfelf.  And  it  becometh  a 
finner  fo  to  do.  I  am  not  againft  you  in  that.  Senfe  of  death  is  a 
fib  friend,  f  and  of  kin  and  blood  to  life  ;  the  more  fenfe,  the  more 
life  ;  the  more  fenfe  of  fin,  the  lefs  fin.  I  would  love  my  pain,  and 
forenefs,  and  my  wounds,  howbeit  thefe  fhould  bereave  me  of  my 
night's  fieep,  better  than  my  wounds  without  pain.  Oh  how  fweet 
a  thing  it  is  to  give  Chrift  His  handful  of  broken  arms  and  legs,  and 
disjointed  bones  ! 

^hly^  Be  not  afraid  for  little  grace.  Chrift  foweth  His  living 
feed,  and  He  will  not  lofe  His  feed.  If  He  have  the  guiding  of  my 
ftock  and  ftate,  it  fhall  not  mifcarry.  Our  lpilled:j:  works,  loffes, 
deadnefs,  coldnefs,  wretchednefs,  are  the  ground  upon  which  the 
Good  Hufbandman  laboureth. 

^thly.  Ye  write,  "  that  His  compaffions  fail  not,  notwithftanding 
that  your  fervice  to  Chrift  mifcarrieth."     To  which  I  anfwer  : 

God  forbid  that  there  were  buying  and  felling,  and  blocking  § 
for  as  good  again,  betwixt  Chrift  and  us  ;  for  then  free  grace  might 
go  to  play,  and  a  Saviour  fing  dumb,  ||  and  Chrift  go  to  fleep.  But 
we  go  to  heaven  with  light  flioulders ;  and  all  the  bairn-teme,  f  and 

*  Make  for  ;  Lett.  83.  t  Near  relative.  %  Spoiled. 

§  Bargaining.  ||  Be  filenced. 

^  Family.  Peden  ufes  the  word  thus:  *  ^  The  Church  fhall  come  forth  with 
a  bonnv  bairn-teme  at  her  back." 

2  70  LETTER  CVII.  [1637. 

the  vefTels  great  and  fmall  that  we  have,  are  faftened  upon  the  fiire 
Nail.*  The  only  danger  is,  that  we  give  grace  more  to  do  than 
God  giveth  it  ;  that  is,  by  turning  His  grace  into  wantonnefs. 

6thly,  Ye  write,  that  "  few  fee  your  guiltinefs,  and  that  ye 
cannot  be  free  with  many,  as  with  me."  I  anfwer  :  BlefTed  be  God, 
that  Chrifl  and  we  are  not  heard  before  men's  courts.  It  is  at  home, 
betwixt  Him  and  us,  that  pleas  are  taken  away. 

Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 


CVII. — To  the  Right  Honourable  and  Chrijlian  Lady^  my 
Lady  Boyd. 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you,  from  God 
our  Father,  and  from  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift. 

I  cannot  but  thank  your  Ladyfhip  for  your  letter, 
that  hath  refreshed  my  foul.  I  think  myfelf  many  ways  obliged  to 
your  Ladyfhip  for  your  love  to  my  afflicted  brother,  now  embarked 
with  me  in  that  fame  caufe.  His  Lord  hath  been  pleafed  to  put 
him  on  truth's  fide.  I  hope  that  your  Ladyfhip  will  befriend  him 
with  your  counfel  and  countenance  in  that  country,  where  he  is  a 
ftranger.  And  your  Ladyfhip  needeth  not  fear  but  your  kindnefs  to 
His  own  will  be  put  up  into  Chrifl's  accounts. 

Now,  Madam,  for  your  Ladyfhip' s  cafe.  I  rejoice  exceedingly 
that  the  Father  of  lights  hath  made  you  fee  that  there  is  a  nickf  in 
Chriftianitv,  which  ye  contend  to  be  at ;  and  that  is,  to  quit  the 
right  eye,  and  the  right  hand,  and  to  keep  the  Son  of  God.  I  hope 
your  defire  is  to  make  Him  your  garland,  and  that  your  eye  looketh 

*  I  fa.  xxii.  23,  24.  t  A  degree  or  point. 

1637.]  LETTER  cm,  271 

up  the  mount,  which  certainly  is  nothing  but  the  new  creature. 
Fear  not,  Chrifl  will  not  caft  water  upon  your  fmoking  coal  ;  and 
then,  who  elfe  dare  do  it  if  He  fay  nay  ?  Be  forry  at  corruption, 
and  be  not  fecure.  That  companion  lay  with  you  in  your  mother's 
womb,  and  was  as  early  friends  with  you  as  the  breath  of  life. 
And  Chrifl  will  not  have  it  otherwife  ;  for  He  delighteth  to  take  up 
fallen  bairns,  and  to  mend  broken  brows.  Binding  up  of  wounds 
is  His  office.* 

Firjl,  I  am  glad  that  Chrifl  will  get  employment  of  His  calling 
in  you.  Many  a  whole  foul  is  in  heaven  which  was  fickererf  than 
ye  are.  He  is  content  that  ye  lay  broken  arms  and  legs  on  His  knee, 
that  He  may  fpelk J  them.  Secondly,  hiding  of  His  face  is  wife  love. 
His  love  is  not  fond,  doting,  and  reafonlefs,  to  give  your  head  no 
other  pillow  whill§  ye  be  in  at  heaven's  gates,  but  to  lie  between 
His  breafls,  and  lean  upon  His  bofom.  Nay,  His  bairns  muft  often 
have  the  frofty  cold  fide  of  the  hill,  and  fet  down  both  their  bare 
feet  among  thorns.  His  love  hath  eyes,  and,  in  the  meantime,  is 
looking  on.  Our  pride  muft  have  winter  weather  to  rot  it.  But  I 
know  that  Chrifl  and  ye  will  not  be  heard  ;  ||  ye  will  whifper  it  over 
betwixt  you rfelves,  and  agree  again.  For  the  anchor-tow  f  abideth 
faft  within  the  vail ;  the  end  of  it  is  in  Chrift's  ten  fingers  :  who 
dare  pull,  if  He  hold  ?  "I,  the  Lord  thy  God,  will  hold  thy  right 
hand,  faying.  Fear  not,  I  will  help  thee.  Fear  not,  Jacob."**  The 
fea-fick  paffenger  fhall  come  to  land  ;  Chrift  will  be  the  firft  to  meet 
you  on  the  fhore.  I  hope  that  your  Ladyfhip  will  keep  the  King's 
highway.  Go  on  (in  the  flrength  of  the  Lord),  in  hafle,  as  if  ye 
had  not  leifure  to  fpeak  to  the  innkeepers  by  the  way.  He  is  over 
beyond  time,  on  the  other  fide  of  the  water,  who  thinketh  longff 
for  you. 

For  my  unfaithful  felf,  Madam,  I  mufl  fay  a  word.     At  my 

*  I  fa.  Ixi.  I.  t  Stronger. 

X  Support  by  fplinters  or  trufs.  §  Till. 

II  No  one  will  ever  hear  the  chiding.  •[[  Cable. 

ft  Longeth  for. 

LE1TER  CFIL  [163' 

firft  coming  hither,  the  devil  made  many  a  black  lie  of  my  Lord 
Jefus,  and  faid  the  court  was  changed,  and  he  was  angry,  and 
would  give  an  evil  fervant  his  leave  at  mid-term.  *  But  He  gave  me 
grace  not  to  take  my  leave.  I  refolved  to  bide  fummons,f  and  fit, 
howbeit  it  was  fuggefted  and  faid,  "  What  fhould  be  done  with  a 
withered  tree,  but  over  the  dyke  with  it  ? "  But  now,  now  (I 
dare  not,  I  dow:j:  not  keep  it  up  !),  who  is  feafted  as  His  poor 
exiled  prifoner  ?  I  think  fhame  of  the  board-head  §  and  the  firft 
mefs,  and  the  royal  King's  dining-hall,  and  that  my  black  hand 
fhould  come  upon  fuch  a  Ruler's  table.  But  I  cannot  mend  it ; 
Chrift  muft  have  His  will  :  only  He  paineth  my  foul  fo  fometimes 
with  His  love,  that  I  have  been  nigh  to  pafs  modeily,  and  to  cry 
out.  He  hath  left  a  fmoking,  burning  coal  in  my  heart,  and  gone 
to  the  door  Himfelf,  and  left  me  and  it  together.  Yet  it  is  not  de- 
fertion  ;  I  know  not  what  it  is,  but  I  was  never  fo  fick  for  Him  as 
now.  I  durft  not  challenge  my  Lord,  if  I  got  no  more  for  heaven ; 
it  is  a  dawting  |j  crofs.  I  know  He  hath  other  things  to  do  than  to 
play  with  me,  and  to  trindle  %  an  apple  with  me,  and  that  this  feafl 
will  end.  O  for  inflruments**  in  God's  name,  that  this  is  He! 
and  that  I  may  make  ufe  of  it,  when,  it  may  be,  a  near  friend  within 
me  will  fay,  and  when  it  will  be  faid  by  a  challengingff  devil, 
*'  Where  is  thy  God  ?"  Since  I  know  that  it  will  not  laft,  I  defire 
but  to  keep  broken  meat.  But  let  no  man  after  me  flander  Chrifl 
for  His  crofs. 

The  great  Lord  of  the  Covenant,  who  brought  from  the  dead 
the  great  Shepherd  of  His  fheep,  by  the  blood  of  the  eternal  cove- 
nant eftablifh  you,  and  keep  you  and  yours  to  His  appearance. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  7,  1637. 

*  Difcharge  His  fervant,  turn  him  off.  f  Obey  the  citation. 

X  Cannot.  §  Head  of  the  table. 

II  That  has  fondnefs  in  it.  ^  Tnindle. 

**  A  law  phrafe;  taking  documents  in  proof  of  a  thing, 
tt  Accufmg,  upbraiding. 

1637.]  LETTERS  CFIIL,  CIX.  273 

CVIII. — To  the  Lady  Kaskiberry. 

[This  lady  was  wife  to  James  Schoneir  of  Kq/keberr'ie ^  or  Kafkeberrian,  in 
Fife.  His  name  occurs  as  elder  to  the  General  Aflembly  in  1647,  ^^^  ^^ 
was  ruling  elder  in  the  Prefbylery  of  Kirkcaldy.  {Lamont's  Diary ^  1650.) 
His  lady  died  in  1655,  and  was  buried  in  Kinglaffie  church.     {Do.y] 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  long  to 
hear  how  your  Ladyfhip  is.  I  know  not  how  to  re- 
quite your  Ladyfhip's  kindnefs  ;  but  your  love  to  the 
Taints,  Madam,  is  laid  up  in  heaven.  I  know  it  is  for  your  well- 
beloved  Chrifl's  fake  that  ye  make  His  friends  fo  dear  to  you,  and 
concern  yourfelf  fo  much  in  them. 

I  am,  in  this  houfe  of  pilgrimage,  every  way  in  good  cafe :  Chrifl 
is  mofl  kind  and  loving  to  my  foul.  It  pleafeth  Him  to  feaft,  with 
His  unfeen  confolations,  a  ftranger  and  an  exiled  prifoner  ;  and  I 
would  not  exchange  my  Lord  Jefus  with  all  the  comfort  out  of 
heaven.     His  yoke  is  eafy,  and  His  burden  is  light. 

This  is  His  truth  which  I  now  fuiFer  for  ;  for  He  hath  fealed  it 
with  His  blefled  prefence.     I  know  that  Chrift  fhall  yet  win  the 
day,  and  gain  the  battle  in  Scotland.     Grace  be  with  you. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

CIX. — To  the  Lady  Earlston. 

[This  was  probably  Lady  Earlfton,  fenior,  as  may  be  inferred  from  Ruther- 
ford's reminding  her  that  her  '  *  afternoon  fun  will  foon  go  down."  Her  maiden 
name  was  Elizabeth  Gordon,  fhe  being  the  daughter  of  John  Gordon  of  Muir- 
fad,  in  Kirkmabreck,  next  parifh  to  Anwoth  (the  fame  who  was  afterguards 
defigned  of  Penningham),  the  fecond  fon  of  Sir  John  Gordon  of  Lochinvar, 
vol..  I.  S 

274  LETTER  CIX.  [1637. 

and  brother  to  Sir  John  Gordon  of  Lochinvar,  father  of  firft  Lord  Kenmure. 
{Nijbets  Heraldry ^\o\.  i.)  Sir  John  Gordon  was  married  to  Jean  Glendon- 
ning.     (Minutes  of  Com.  of  Cor.,  p.  29.)] 


ISTRESS, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  long 
to  hear  how  your  foul  profpereth.  I  exhort  you  to  go 
on  in  your  journey  ;  your  day  is  fhort,  and  your  after- 
noon fun  will  foon  go  down.  Make  an  end  of  your  accounts  with 
your  Lord  ;  for  death  and  judgment  are  tides  that  bide*  no  man. 
Salvation  is  fuppofed  to  be  at  the  door,  and  Chriflianity  is  thought 
an  eafy  tafk  ;  but  I  find  it  hard,  and  the  way  ftrait  and  narrow, 
were  it  not  that  my  Guide  is  content  to  wait  on  me,  and  to  care  for 
a  tired  traveller.  Hurt  not  your  confcience  with  any  known  fm. 
Let  your  children  be  as  fo  many  flowers  borrowed  from  God :  if 
the  flower  die  or  wither,  thank  God  for  a  fummer  loan  of  them, 
and  keep  good  neighbourhood,  to  borrow  and  lendf  with  Him. 
Set  your  heart  upon  heaven,  and  trouble  not  your  fpirit  with  this 
clav-idol  of  the  world,  which  is  but  vanity,  and  hath  but  the  luflre 
of  the  rainbow  in  the  air,  which  cometh  and  goeth  with  a  flying 
March  fhower.  Clay  is  the  idol  of  baflards,  not  the  inheritance  of 
the  children. 

INIv  Lord  hath  been  pleafed  to  make  many  unknown  faces  laugh 
upon  me,  and  hath  made  me  well  content  of  a  borrowed  firefide, 
and  a  borrowed  bed.  I  am  feafled  with  the  joys  of  the  Holy 
Ghofl,  and  my  royal  King  beareth  my  charges  honourably.  I  love 
the  fmell  of  Chiift's  fweet  breath  better  than  the  world's  gold.  I 
would  I  had  help  to  praife  Him. 

The  great  MeflTenger  of  the  Covenant,  the  Son  of  God,  eflablifh 
vou  on  vour  Rock,  and  keep  you  to  the  day  of  His  coming. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  7,  1637. 

*  Wait  for.  t  To  be  on  good  terms. 

1637.]  LETTER  ex.  275 

ex. — To  his  Reverend  and  Dear  Brother ^  Mr  David  Dickson. 

[David  Dickson  or  Dick,  bom  in  1583,  was  the  only  fon  of  Mr  John 
Dlckfon,  a  pious  and  wealthy  merchant  in  Glafgow.  After  finifliing  his  ftudies 
at  the  Univerfity  of  Glafgow,  he  was  admitted  Profeflbr  of  Philofophy  in  that 
Univerfity,  a  fituation  which  he  held  for  eight  years.  In  161 8  he  was  or- 
dained minifter  of  Irvine,  where  he  laboured  with  much  acceptance  and  fuc- 
cefs.  In  1622,  refufmg  to  pradife  the  ceremonies  then  impofed  upon  the 
Church  by  the  Perth  Articles,  he  was  fummoned  by  James  Law,  Archbifhop 
of  Glafgow,  to  appear  before  the  High  Commiffion  Court.  Dickfon  appeared, 
but  declined  the  authority  of  the  Court  in  ecclefiaftical  matters.  The  refult 
was,  that  he  was  deprived  of  his  charge  at  Irvine,  and  banifhed  to  Turriff,  in 
Aberdeenfhire.  There  he  was  employed  every  Sabbath  by  the  incumbent  of 
the  parifh.  Yielding  to  the  folicitations  of  the  Earl  of  Eglinton  and  the  town 
of  Inline,  the  Bifhop  granted  him  liberty  to  return  to  his  old  charge  about  the 
end  of  July  1623.  He  refumed  his  paftoral  duties  with  increafed  ardour;  and 
in  addition  to  his  Sabbath  labours,  preached  every  Monday  (the  market-day 
of  Irvine),  for  the  benefit  of  the  rural  population.  Great  numbers,  particu- 
larly from  the  neighbouring  parifh  of  Stewarton,  attending  thefe  meetings, 
the  refult  was  the  famous  Stewarton  Revival,  which  lafted  from  1623  to  1630. 
After  the  renewal  of  the  National  Covenant,  in  1638,  Dickfon,  who  was  then 
diftinguifhed  as  a  leader,  in  conjunction  with  Alexander  Henderfon  and  An- 
drew Cant,  was  I'ent  on  a  million  to  Aberdeen,  to  explain  the  Covenant  to 
the  inhabitants  who  were  hoftile  to  it,  when  the  celebrated  controverfy  be- 
tween the  three  commiffioners  and  the  dodors  of  Aberdeen,  on  the  fubjed:, 
took  place.  In  1642  he  was  appointed  Profeflbr  of  Divinity  in  the  Univer- 
fity of  Glafgow,  in  which  office  he  was  aflbciated  with  the  celebrated  Robert 
Baillie.  He  was  afterwards  tranflated  to  the  fame  office  in  the  Univerfity 
of  Edinburgh.  In  the  differences  between  the  Refolutioners  and  Protefters, 
he  took  the  fide  of  the  former ;  but  on  feeing  how  matters  went  upon  the 
reftoration  of  Charles  II.,  is  reported  to  have  faid  to  one  who  vifited  him 
on  his  deathbed,  that  the  Protefters  were  the  trueft  prophets.  He  died  in 
December  1662.  Dickfon  was  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary  talents,  of  ex- 
tenfive  theological  acquirements,  of  a  very  intrepid  fpirit,  and  a  popular 
preacher.  He  was  the  author  of  various  works,  which  have  been  highly 

276  LETTER  CX.  [1637. 



joy  have  I  out  of  heaven's  gates,  but  that  my  Lord  Jefus 
be  glorified  in  my  bonds  ?  BlefTed  be  ye  of  the  Lord 
who  contribute  anything  to  my  obliged  and  indebted  praifes.  Dear 
brother,  help  me,  a  poor  dyvour,*  to  pay  the  intereft ;  for  I  cannot 
come  nigh  to  render  the  principal.  It  is  not  jeft  nor  fport  which 
maketh  me  to  fpeak  and  write  as  I  do :  I  never  before  came  to  that 
nickf  or  pitch  of  communion  with  Chrift  that  I  have  now  attained 
to.  For  my  confirmation,  I  have  been  thefe  two  Sabbaths  or 
three  in  private,  taking  inftruments  :|:  in  the  name  of  God,  that  my 
Lord  Jefus  and  I  have  kifTed  each  other  in  Aberdeen,  the  houfe  of 
my  pilgrimage.  I  feek  not  an  apple  to  play  me  with  (He  knoweth, 
whom  I  ferve  in  the  fpirit !)  but  a  feal.  I  but  beg  earneft,  and  am 
content  to  fufpend  and  frift§  glory  whill||  fupper-time.  I  know 
that  this  world  will  not  laft  with  me;  for  my  moon-light  is  noon- 
day light,  and  my  four  hours  f  above  my  feafts  when  I  was  a 
preacher  ;  at  which  time,  alfo,  I  was  embraced  very  often  in  His 
arms.  But  who  can  blame  Chrift  to  take  me  on  behind  Him  (if  I 
may  lay  fo),  on  His  white  horfe,  or  in  His  chariot,  paved  with  love, 
through  a  water  ?  Will  not  a  father  take  his  little  dawted  Davie** 
in  his  arms,  and  carry  him  over  a  ditch  or  a  mire  ?  My  Ihort  legs 
could  not  ftep  over  this  lair,-|-f  or  finking  mire ;  and,  therefore,  my 
I^ord  Jefus  will  bear  me  through.  If  a  change  come,  and  a  dark 
day  (fo  being  that  He  will  keep  my  faith  without  flaw  or  crack),  I 
dare  not  blame  Him,  howbeit  I  get  no  more  whill  ||  I  come  to 
heaven.  But  ye  know  that  the  phyfic  behoved  to  have  fugar  :  my 
faith  was  fallen  afwoon,:j:J  and  Chrift  but  held  up  a  fwooning  man's 

*  Debtor.  t  Degree. 

X  The  documents  that  prove  the  matter  fettled.      §  Poftpone  for  a  time. 

11  Till.  1"  Slight  afternoon  refrefhment.  **  His  fondled  boy,  or  pet. 

tt  Sinking  bog.  %%  Into  a  fwoon. 

1637.]  LETTER  ex.  277 

head.  Indeed,  I  pray  not  for  a  dawted  *  bairn's  diet :  He  knoweth 
that  I  would  have  Chrifl,  four  or  fweet, — any  way,  fo  being  it  be 
Chrift  indeed.  I  ftand  not  now  upon  pared  apples,  or  fugared 
difhes ,  but  I  cannot  blame  Him  to  give,  and  I  muft  gape  and  make 
a  wide  mouth.  Since  Chrift  will  not  pantryf  up  joys,  He  muft  be 
welcome  who  will  not  bide  away.  I  feek  no  other  fruit  than  that 
He  may  be  glorified.  He  knoweth  that  I  would  take  hard  fare  to 
have  His  name  fet  on  high. 

I  blefs  you  for  your  counfel.  I  hope  to  live  by  faith,  and  fwim 
without  a  mafs  or  bundle  of  joyful  fenfe  under  my  chin  ;  at  leaft  to 
venture,  albeit  I  fhould  be  ducked. 

Now  for  my  cafe :  I  think  that  the  council  Ihould  be  eflayed, 
and  the  event  referred  to  God ; — duties  are  ours,  and  events  are 

I  ftiall  go  through  yours  upon  the  Covenant  at  leifure,  and  write 
to  you  my  mind  thereanent ;  :j:  and  anent  the  Arminian  contract  be- 
twixt the  Father  and  the  Son.  I  befeech  you,  fet  to,§  to  go  through 
Scripture.  II  Yours  on  the  Hebrews  is  in  great  requeft  with  all  who 
would  be  acquainted  with  Chrift's  Teftament.  I  purpofe,  God 
willing,  to  fet  about  Hofea,  and  to  try  if  I  can  get  it  to  the  prefs 

It  refrefheth  me  much  that  ye  are  fo  kind  to  my  brother.  I  hope 
your  counfel  will  do  him  good.  I  recommend  him  to  you,  fince 
I  am  fo  far  from  him.     I  am  glad  that  the  dying  fervant  of  God, 

*  Fondled.  f  Lock  up  in  the  pantry,  or  cupboard. 

X  Regarding  this.  §  Set  about,  begin. 

II  Rutherford  feems  here  to  allude  to  a  plan  of  fumifhing  fhort  commen- 
taries on  the  whole  Bible,  which  was  fuggefted  and  fet  on  foot  by  Dickfon  at 
the  beginning  of  the  feventeenth  century.  *^  The  Hebrews,"  as  is  mentioned 
in  this  letter,  together  with  *'The  Pfalms"  and  ^'  Matthew,"  were  under- 
taken by  Dickfon;  and  ^*  Hofea,"  which  Rutherford  here  intimates  his  inten- 
tion to  undertake,  but  never  accomplifhed,  was  contributed  by  Hutchifon  in- 
ftead  of  him.  In  the  Preface  to  one  of  the  earlieft  editions  of  the  Letters,  a 
complaint  is  made  that  fome  one  was  fecreting  a  MS.  commentary  of  Ruther- 
ford's, upon  Ifa'iah. 

278  LETTER  CXI.  [1637. 

famous  and  faithful  Mr  Cunningham,  fealed  your  miniftry  before  he 
fell  afleep. 

Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  7,  1637. 

CXI. — To  Jean  Brown. 

ELL-BELOVED     AND     DEAR     SISTER,  — Grace, 

mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  received  your  letter, 
which  I  efleem  an  evidence  of  your  Chriftian  affe6lion 
to  me,  and  of  your  love  to  my  honourable  Lord  and  Mafter.  My 
defire  is,  that  your  communion  with  Chrifl  may  grow,  and  that 
your  reckonings  may  be  put  by-hand*  with  your  Lord  ere  you 
come  to  the  water-fide. 

Oh,  who  knoweth  how  fweet  Chrift's  kifTes  are  !  Who  hath 
been  more  kindly  embraced  and  kifled  than  I,  His  banifhed  prifoner  ^. 
If  the  comparifon  could  ftand,  I  would  not  exchange  Chrift  with 
heaven  itfelf.  He  hath  left  a  dart  and  arrow  of  love  in  my  foul, 
and  it  paineth  me  till  He  come  and  take  it  out.  I  find  pain  of  thofe 
wounds,  becaufe  I  would  have  pofi^effion.  I  know  now  that  this 
worm-eaten  apple,  the  plaftered,  rotten  world,  which  the  filly 
children  of  this  world  are  beating,  and  buffeting,  and  pulling  each 
other's  ears  for,  is  a  portion  for  baftards,  good  enough ;  and  that  it  is 
all  they  have  to  look  for.  I  am  not  offended  that  my  adverfaries  flay 
at  home  at  their  own  firefide,  with  more  yearly  rent  than  I.  Should 
I  be  angry  that  the  Goodman  of  this  houfe  of  the  world  cafteth  a 
dog  a  bone  to  hurt  his  teeth  ?  He  hath  taught  me  to  be  content 
with  a  borrowed  firefide,  and  an  uncof  bed ;  and  I  think  I  have 
loft  nothing,  the  income  is  fo  great.     O  what  telling  is  in  Chrifl: ! 

Put  afide,  as  finifhed  and  over.  f  Strange. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXII.  i79 

O  how  weighty  is  my  fair  garland,  my  crown,  my  fair  fupping- 
hall  in  glory,  where  I  fhall  be  above  the  blows  and  buffeting  of 
prelates  !  Let  this  be  your  defire,  and  let  your  thoughts  dwell 
much  upon  that  bleflednefs  that  abideth  you  in  the  other  world. 
The  fair  fide  of  the  world  will  be  turned  to  you  quickly,  when  ye 
fhall  fee  the  crown.  I  hope  that  ye  are  near  your  lodging.  Oh, 
but  I  would  think  myfelf  blefled,  for  my  part,  to  win  *  to  the  houfe 
before  the  fhower  come  on  ;  for  God  hath  a  quiver  full  of  arrows 
to  Ihoot  at  and  fhower  down  upon  Scotland. 

Ye  have  the  prayers  of  a  prifoner  of  Chrift.    I  defire  Patrick  to 

give  Chrift  his  young  love,  even  the  flower  of  it ;  and  to  put  it  by 

all  others.      It  were  good   to  flart  foon  to  the  way  ;    he  fhould 

thereby  have  a  great  advantage  in  the  evil  day.    Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  7,  1637. 

CXIL — To  Mr  John  Fergushill. 

[Mr  John  Fergushill's  mother  was  Janet  Kennedy,  jfifter  or  near 
relative  to  Hugh  Kennedy  of  Ayr.  He  was  at  this  time  minifter  of  Ochiltree, 
a  parifh  in  the  centre  of  A)Tfhire,  in  the  diftrid:  of  Kyle.  When  Mr  Robert 
Blair  was  tranflated  from  Ayr  to  St  Andrews  by  the  General  Aflembly,  1639, 
Fergufhill  was^  by  the  fame  Aflembly,  appointed  his  fucceflbr.  He  died  in 
1644.  He  is  mentioned  by  Livingftone,  as  one  of  the  **  many  of  the  godly 
and  able  minifters  "  in  Scotland.  He  was  a  member  of  the  famous  Glafgow 
Aflembly  1638.    Lady  Gaitgirth's  manfion  was  near  Ochiltree;  fee  Let.  187.] 


LORD, — I  was  refreflied  with  your  letter.  I  am 
forry  for  that  lingering  and  longfome  vifitation  that  is 

*  Reach  in  fpite  of  difficulty. 

286  LETTER  CXIL  [1637. 

upon  your  wife  ;  but  I  know  that  ye  take  it  as  the  mark  of  a 
lawfully  begotten  child,  and  not  of  a  baflard,  to  be  under  your 
Father's  rod.  Till  ye  be  in  heaven,  it  will  be  but  foul  weather  ; 
one  fhower  up  and  another  down.  The  lintel-ftone  and  pillars  of 
the  New  Jerufalem  fufFer  more  knocks  of  God's  hammer  and  tool 
than  the  common  fide-wall  ftones.  And  if  twenty  crofles  be  written 
for  you  in  God's  book,  they  will  come  to  nineteen,  and  then  at  laft 
to  one,  and  after  that  to  nothing,  but  your  head  fhall  lie  betwixt 
Chrijft's  breafls  for  evermore,  and  His  own  foft  hand  jfhall  dry  your 
face,  and  wipe  away  your  tears.  As  for  public  fuiFerings  for  His 
truth,  your  Mafter  alfo  will  fee  to  thefe.  Let  us  put  Him  into  His 
own  office,  to  comfort  and  deliver.  The  gloom*  of  Chrifl's  crofs 
is  worfe  than  itfelf. 

I  cannot  keep  up  what  He  hath  done  to  my  foul.  My  dear 
brother,  will  I  not  get  help  of  you  to  praife,  and  to  lift  Chrift  up 
on  high  ?  He  hath  pained  me  with  His  love,  and  hath  left  a  love- 
arrow  in  my  heart,  that  hath  made  a  wound,  and  fwelled  me  up 
with  defires,  fo  that  I  am  to  be  pitied  for  want  of  real  pofTeffion. 
Love  would  have  the  company  of  the  party  loved  ;  and  my  greateft 
pain  is  the  want  of  Him,  not  of  His  joys  and  comforts,  but  of  a 
near  union  and  communion. 

This  is  His  truth,  I  am  fully  perfuaded,  which  I  now  fufFer  for  ; 
for  Chrift  hath  taken  upon  Him  to  be  witnefs  to  it  by  His  fweet 
comforts  to  my  foul ;  and  fhall  I  think  Him  a  falfe  witnefs  ?  or  that 
He  would  fubfcribe  blank  paper  ?  I  thank  His  high  and  dreadful 
name  for  what  He  hath  given.  I  hope  to  keep  His  feal  and  His 
pawn  till  He  come  and  loofe  it  Himfelf.  I  defy  hell  to  put  me  off 
it.  But  He  is  Chrifl,  and  He  hath  met  with  His  prifoner ;  and  I 
took  inftruments  in  His  own  hand,  f  that  it  was  He,  and  none  other 
for  Him.  When  the  devil  fenceth  a  baftard-court  J  in  my  Lord's 
ground,  and  giveth  me  forged  fummons,  it  will  be  my  fhame  to  mis- 

*  The  frown  imagined  to  be  in  it. 

t  Took  documents  that  proved  the  matter  fettled. 

X  Opens  and  conflitutes  an  unauthorized  court. 

1637J  LETTER  CXIIL  281 

believe,  *  after  luch  a  fair  broad  feal.  And  yet  Satan  and  my  appre- 
henfion  fometimes  make  a  lie  of  Chrift,  as  if  He  hated  me.  But  I 
dare  believe  no  evil  of  Chrifl.  If  He  would  cool  my  love-fever 
for  Himfelf  with  real  preience  and  poiTefTion,  I  would  be  rich  ;  but 
I  dare  not  be  miflearned,f  and  feek  more  in  that  kind,  howbeit  it 
be  no  fhame  to  beg  at  Chrift's  door.  I  pity  my  adverfaries.  I 
grudge  not  that  my  Lord  keepeth  them  at  their  own  firefide,  and 
hath  given  me  a  borrowed  firefide  :  let  the  Goodman  of  the  houfe 
cafl  the  dog  a  bone,  why  Ihould  I  take  offence  ?  I  rejoice  that  the 
broken  bark  ftiall  come  to  land,  and  that  Chrift  will,  on  the  fhore, 
welcome  the  fea-fick  pafienger.  We  have  need  of  a  great  flock 
againfl  this  day  of  trial  that  is  coming.  There  is  neither  chaff  nor 
corn  in  Scotland,  but  it  fhall  once  J  pafs  through  God's  fieve.  Praife, 
praife,  and  pray  for  me  ;  for  I  cannot  forget  you.  I  know  that  ye 
will  be  friendly  to  my  afHifled  brother,  who  is  now  embarked  in 
the  fame  caufe  with  me.  Let  him  have  your  counfel  and  comforts. 
Remember  my  love  in  Chrifl  to  your  wife ;  her  health  is  com- 
ing, and  her  falvation  fleepeth  not.  Ye  have  the  prayers  and  bleiUng 
of  a  prifoner  of  Chrift.  Sow  fafl,  deal  bread  plentifully.  The 
pantry-door  will  be  locked  on  the  bairns,  in  appearance,  ere  long. 
Grace,  grace,  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  7,  1637. 

CXIIL — To  his  Reverend  and  Dear  Brother,  Mr  Robert  Douglas. 

[Robert  Douglas,  one  of  the  ableft  and  moft  refpeded  minifters  of  the 
Church  of  Scotland  in  his  day,  was  the  illegitimate  fon  of  one  Mr  Douglas,  who 
was  believed  to  have  been  a  baftard  child  of  Queen  Mary,  by  Sir  G.  Douglas, 
Governor  of  Lochleven  Caflle,  bom  when  fhe  was  prifoner  there.  He  was  thus 
the  grandfon  of  C^^een  Mary  (^odroav's  AnaleBa,  iv.  226).  Having  finifhed 
his  preparations  for  the  miniftry,  he  was  ordained  to  be  chaplain  for  the  forces 

*  Not  to  believe  truly.       f  Ill-bred,  indifcreet.       X  Some  time  or  other* 

LETTER  CXIIl.  [1637. 

that  ferved  under  the  celebrated  Guftavus  of  Sweden.  Continuing  in  this 
fituation  for  a  confiderable  time,  he  attracted  the  notice  of  the  Swedifh 
monarch,  who  held  his  character  and  talents  in  high  eftimation.  It  is  faid 
that,  in  one  of  Guftavus'  engagements,  furveying  the  battle  from  an  eminence, 
and  obfening  fomething  \^Tong  in  the  left  wing  of  Guftavus  army  which 
threatened  to  prove  difaftrous,  he  either  went  perfonally,  or  fent  a  meflfenger 
to  acquaint  the  commanding  officer  with  the  circumftance,  and  that  this 
information  led  to  vi(5tory.  When  he  left  the  army,  Guftavus  parted  w4th 
him  reluctantly,  pronouncing  him  to  be  a  man  of  the  moft  diftinguifhed 
abilities  he  had  ever  known.  *^  There,"  fays  he,  ^Ms  a  man  who,  for  wifdom 
and  prudence,  might  be  a  counfellor  to  any  king  in  Europe.  He  might  be  a 
moderator  to  any  aflembly  in  the  world ;  and  he  might  be  a  general  to  con- 
dud:  any  army,  for  his  Ikill  in  military  affairs"  (^Ibid.  iv.  221).  During  this 
period,  he  committed  to  memory  the  greater  part  of  the  Bible,  having  almoft 
no  other  book  to  read.  Returning  to  his  own  country,  he  was  admitted 
colleague  to  Mr  James  Simfon,  minifter  of  Kirkaldy,  in  1630.  Thence  he 
was  tranflated  to  Edinburgh  in  1641.  For  a  time  he  was  deceived  by  the 
duplicity  of  James  Sharp,  but  at  laft  he  deteded  his  real  charader ;  and  when 
the  traitor  (fhortly  before  he  went  up  to  London  to  be  confecrated  Arch- 
bifhop)  happened  to  meet  with  him,  and  addreffed  him  as  ^'  Brother,"  the 
good  man,  difgufted  at  his  hypocrify,  exclaimed,  **  Brother  !  no  more 
brother !  James,  if  my  confcience  had  been  of  the  make  of  yours,  I  could 
have  been  Bifhop  of  St  Andrews  fooner  than  you."  {AnaleBa^  vol.  iii.  p. 
130.)  In  1669  he  was  admitted  indulged  minifter  at  Pencaitland,  where  he 
died  at  an  advanced  age  in  1674,  and  was  buried  in  Edinburgh.  {Ibid.  vol.  i. 
p.  337  ;   Wodro^jjs  Hi/iory^  vol.  ii.  p.  133-)] 



■Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  long  to  fee 
you  on  paper.  I  cannot  but  write  you,  that  this  which 
I  now  luffer  for  is  Chrifl's  truth  ;  becaufe  He  hath  been  pleafed  to 
feal  my  sufferings  with  joy  unfpeakable  and  glorious.  I  know  that 
He  will  not  put  His  feal  upon  blank  paper  ;  Chrifl  hath  not  dumb 
feals,  neither  will  He  be  a  witnefs  to  a  lie.  I  befeech  you,  my  dear 
brother,  to  help  me  to  praife,  and  to  lift  Chrifl  up  on  His  throne 
above  the  ihields  of  the  earth.  I  am  aftonifhed  and  confounded  at 
the  greatnefs  of  His  kindnefs  to  fuch  a  fmner.     I  know  that  Chrift 

1637.]  LETTER  CXIV.  283 

and  I  ihall  never  be  even  ;  *  I  fhall  die  in  His  debt.  He  hath  left 
an  arrow  in  my  heart  that  paineth  me  for  want  of  real  pofTedion  ; 
and  hell  cannot  quench  this  coal  of  God's  kindling.  I  wifh  no  man 
to  flander  Chrift  or  His  crofs  for  my  caufe  ;  for  I  have  much  caufe 
to  fpeak  much  good  of  Him.  He  hath  brought  me  to  a  nickf  and 
degree  of  communion  with  Himfelf  that  I  knew  not  before.  The 
din  and  gloom  \  of  our  Lord's  crofs  is  more  fearful  and  hard  than 
the  crofs  itfelf.  He  taketh  the  bairns  in  His  arms  when  they  come 
to  a  deep  water ;  at  leafl,  when  they  lofe  ground,  and  are  put  to 
fwim,  then  His  hand  is  under  their  chin. 

Let  me  be  helped  by  your  prayers  -,  and  remember  my  love  to 
your  kind  wife.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Your  brother,  and  Chrifl's  prifoner, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  7,  1637. 

CXIV. — To  the  much  Honoured  William  Rigg,  of  Athernie,  in 
Fife,  near  Leven. 

[William  Rigg  of  Athernie,  in  the  capacity  of  one  of  the  bailies  of 
Edinburgh,  *^  gave  great  evidence  (fays  Livingftone)  that  he  had  the  fpirit  of 
a  magiftrate  beyond  many,  being  a  terror  to  all  evil-doers."  He  took  an  adtive 
part  againft  all  attempts  to  introduce  Prelacy,  and  contributed  liberally  to  the 
printing  of  fuch  books  as  ^^  crofled  the  courfe  of  Conformity."  In  March 
1624,  a  committee  of  the  Privy  Council,  by  the  authority  of  the  King,  de- 
prived Rigg  of  his  office,  fined  him  in  fifty  thoufand  pounds  Scots,  and  ordered 
him  to  be  warded  in  Blacknefs  Caftle  till  the  fum  was  paid,  and  afterwards 
to  be  confined  in  Orkney.  This  fentence,  however,  was  afterwards  mitigated. 
He  was  diftinguifhed  above  moft  for  devoting  a  large  portion  of  his  in- 
come to  religious  purpofes.  Such  was  his  liberality,  that  one  faid,  ^*  To  my 
certain  knowledge,  he  fpends  yearly  more  on  pious  ufes  than  all  my  eftate  is 

*  Be  quits,  have  accounts  fairly  balanced. 

t  Explained  by  the  next  word,  "degree,"  which  probably  has  crept  into 
the  text  from  the  margin.     So  in  Let.  no,  ''  pitch." 
X  The  noife  made  about  the  crofs,  and  the  fi^own. 

284  LETTER  CXIF.  [1637. 

worth  ;  and  mine  will  be  towards  8  or  9000  merks  (about  L.350)  in  the  year." 
He  was  a  man  of  much  prayer,  and  generally  commenced  with  deep  and  bitter 
complaints  and  confeflion  of  fin,  but  ended  with  unfpeakable  aflurance,  and 
joy  and  thankfgiving.  His  death  took  place  on  the  2d  of  January  1644,  and 
is  thus  recorded  by  Sir  Thomas  Hope,  in  his  Diary  (p.  201)  :  **  This  day, 
my  worthy  coufin,  William  Rigg  of  Athemie,  departed,  at  his  houfe  of 
Athernie,  having  taken  bed  on  Sunday  of  before,  and  died  on  the  third  day. 
The  Lord  prepare  me ;  for  this,  next  to  my  deareft  fon,  is  a  heavy  ftroke."] 


UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace 
be  to  you.  I  received  your  long-looked-for  and  fhort 
letter.  I  would  that  ye  had  fpoken  more  to  me,  who 
fland  in  need.  I  find  Chrift,  as  ye  write,  aye  the  longer  the  better ; 
and  therefore  cannot  but  rejoice  in  His  falvation,  who  hath  made  my 
chains  my  wings,  and  hath  made  me  a  king  over  my  crofles,  and  over 
my  adverfaries.  Glory,  glory,  glory  to  His  high,  high  and  holy 
name  !  Not  one  ounce,  not  one  grain-weight  more  is  laid  on  me 
than  He  hath  enabled  me  to  bear  ;  and  I  am  not  Co  much  wearied 
to  fuiFer  as  Zion's  haters  are  to  perfecute.  Oh,  if  I  could  find  a 
way,  in  any  meafure,  to  ftrive  to  be  even  with*  Chrift's  love !  But 
that  I  mufl  give  over.  Oh,  who  would  help  a  dyvour f  to  pay 
praifes  to  the  King  of  faints,  who  triumpheth  in  His  weak  fervants  ! 
I  fee  that  if  Chrift  but  ride  upon  a  worm  or  feather.  His  horfe 
will  neither  ftumble  nor  fall.  The  worm  Jacob  is  made  by  Him  a 
new,  fharp  threfhing  inftrument,  having  teeth,  to  threfh  the  moun- 
tains, and  beat  them  fmall,  and  to  make  the  hills  as  chafF,  and  to 
fan  them  fo  as  the  wind  fhall  carry  them  away,  and  the  whirlwind 
fhall  fcatter  them.  J  Chrifl's  enemies  are  but  breaking  their  own 
heads  in  pieces,  upon  the  Rock  laid  in  Zion  ;  and  the  flone  is  not 
removed  out  of  its  place.  Faith  hath  caufe  to  take  courage  from 
our  very  affli6fions  -,  the  devil  is  but  a  whetflone  to  fharpen  the 

Be  quits  ;  repay  in  full.  t  Debtor.  t  I  fa.  xli.  14-16. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXIV.  285 

faith  and  patience  of  the  faints.  I  know  that  he  but  heweth  and 
polifheth  ftones,  all  this  time,  for  the  New  Jerufalem. 

But  in  all  this,  three  things  have  much  moved  me,  fince  it  hath 
pleafed  my  Lord  to  turn  my  moon-light  into  day-light.  Firft,  He 
hath  yoked*  me  to  work,  to  wreftle  with  Chrifl's  love;  off  longing 
wherewith  I  am  fick,  pained,  fainting,  and  like  to  die  becaufe  I  can- 
not get  Himfelf ;  which  I  think  a  flrange  fort  of  defertion.  For  I 
have  not  Himfelf,  whom  if  I  had,  my  love-ficknefs  would  cool,  and 
my  fever  go  away  :  at  leaft,  I  fhould  know  the  heat  of  the  fire  of 
complacency,  which  would  cool  the  fcorching  heat  of  the  fire  of 
defire.  (And  yet  I  have  no  penury  of  His  love  I)  And  fo  I  dwine,f 
I  die,  and  He  feemeth  not  to  rue§  on  me.  I  take  inflruments  in  His 
hand,  ||  that  I  would  have  Him,  but  I  cannot  get  Him  ;  and  my  befl 
cheer  is  black  hunger.     I  blefs  Him  for  that  feaft. 

Secondly,  Old  challenges  f  now  and  then  revive,  and  caft  all 
down.  I  go  halting  and  fighing,  fearing  there  be  an  unfeen  procefs 
yet  coming  out,  and  that  heavier  than  I  can  anfwer.  I  cannot  read 
diflin^lly  my  furety's  a6l  of  cautionary**  for  me  in  particular,  and 
my  difcharge  ;  and  fenfe,  rather  than  faith,  afTureth  me  of  what  I 
have  ;  fo  unable  am  I  to  go  but  by  a  hold.  I  could,  with  rever- 
ence of  my  Lord,  for^ve  Chrifl,  if  He  would  give  me  as  much  faith 
as  I  have  hunger  for  Him.  I  hope  the  pardon  is  now  obtained, 
but  the  peace  is  not  fo  fure  to  me  as  I  would  wiih.  Yet,  one  thing 
I  know,  there  is  not  a  way  to  heaven  but  the  way  which  He  hath 
graced  me  to  profefs  and  fuffer  for. 

Thirdly,  Wo,  wo  is  me  for  the  virgin-daughter  of  Scotland, 
and  for  the  fearful  defolation  and  wrath  appointed  for  this  land  ! 
And  yet  all  are  fleeping,  eating  and  drinking,  laughing  and  fporting, 
as  if  all  were  well.  O  our  dim  gold  !  our  dumb,  blind  paflors  ! 
The  fun  is  gone  down  upon  them,  and  our  nobles  bid  Chrifl  fendff 

*  Engaged,  bound  me  in  a  prefling  way. 

t  I  am  fick  of  longing  for  which.  %  Pine.  §  Take  pity  on. 

II  Take  documents  in  evidence.  1  Self-upbraidings,  or  rebukes. 

**  Suretyfhip.  ft  Provide  for,  fhift  for. 

286  LETTER  CXV.  [1637. 

for  Himfelf,  if  He  be  Chrift.     It  were  good  that  we  fhould  learn 
in  time  the  way  to  our  ftronghold. 

Sir,  howbeit  not  acquainted,  remember  my  love  to  your  wife. 
I  pray  God  to  eflablifh  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  9,  1637. 

CXV. — To  Mr  Alexander  Henderson. 

[Alexander  Henderson,  the  well-known  hero  of  the  Second  Reforma- 
tion, was  bom  in  the  year  1583,  and  received  his  education  at  the  Univerfity 
of  St  Andrews.  After  having  taught  for  feveral  years  a  clafs  of  philofophy 
and  rhetoric  in  that  Univerfity,  he  obtained  a  prefentation  to  the  parifh  of 
Leuchars,  in  161 2.  Being  at  that  time  unimprefTed  with  fpiritual  truth,  he 
was  a  defender  of  the  principles  and  meafures  of  the  prelatic  party  in  the 
Church.  His  fettlement  was  on  thefe  accounts  fo  unpopular,  that  on  the 
day  of  his  ordination  the  church-doors  were  fecured  by  the  people,  and  the 
members  of  Prefbytery,  together  with  the  prefentee,  were  obliged  to  break  in 
by  the  window.  But  his  foul  was  foon  after  vifited  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  and 
underwent  an  entire  change.  He  became  Leader  in  effed:ing  that  revolution 
in  the  ecclefiaftical  affairs  of  Scotland  which  commenced  about  the  year  1637. 
He  was  Moderator  of  the  famous  Affembly  which  met  at  Glafgow  in  1638, 
and  by  that  AfTembly  was  tranflated  to  Edinburgh.  In  the  civil  war,  Hender- 
fon  was  appointed  by  the  Covenanters  to  ad:  as  one  of  their  commiffioners  in 
treating  with  his  Majefty  Charles  I.  In  1642,  he  was  delegated  by  the  Com- 
miflion  of  the  General  Aflembly  to  fit  as  one  of  their  commiflTioners  in  the 
Weftminfter  Aflembly  of  Divines,  which  kept  him  in  London  for  feveral  years. 
He  died  on  the  12th  of  Auguft  1646,  in  the  63d  year  of  his  age,  fhortly  after 
his  return  from  England.  Baillie,  in  his  fpeech  to  the  General  Aflembly  in 
the  following  year,  pronounced  him,  ^*thefaireft  ornament  after  Mr  John 
Knox,  of  incomparable  memory,  that  ever  the  Church  of  Scotland  did  enjoy."] 

OF  ALL.) 

ceived your  letters.  They  are  as  apples  of  gold  to 
me ;  for  with  my  fweet  feafts  (and  they  are  above  the 


1637.]  LETTER  CXV.  287 

defer ving  of  fuch  a  finner,  high  and  out  of  meafure),  I  have  fadnefs 
to  ballajft  me,  and  weight*  me  a  little.  It  is  but  His  boundlefs 
wifdom  which  hath  taken  the  tutoring  of  His  witlefs  child  -,  and  He 
knoweth  that  to  be  drunken  with  comforts  is  not  fafefl  for  our 
llomachs.  However  it  be,  the  din  and  noife  and  glooms f  of  Chrift's 
crofs  are  weightier  than  itfelf.  I  proteft  to  you  (my  witnefs  is  in 
heaven),  that  I  could  wifh  many  pound-weights  added  to  my  crofs, 
to  know  that  by  my  fufFerings  Chrifl:  were  fet  forward  in  His  kingly 
office  in  this  land.  Oh,  what  is  my  fkin  to  His  glory ;  or  my  loffes, 
or  my  fad  heart,  to  the  apple  of  the  eye  of  our  Lord  and  His  beloved 
Spoufe,  His  precious  truth.  His  royal  privileges,  the  glory  of  mani- 
fefted  juflice  in  giving  of  His  foes  a  dafh,  the  teftimony  of  His  faith- 
ful fervants,  who  do  glorify  Him,  when  He  rideth  upon  poor,  weak 
worms,  and  triumpheth  in  them  !  I  defire  you  to  pray,  that  I  may 
come  out  of  this  furnace  with  honefty,  and  that  I  may  leave  Chrift's 
truth  no  worfe  than  I  found  it ;  and  that  this  mofl  honourable  caufe 
may  neither  be  flained  nor  weakened. 

As  for  your  caufe,  my  reverend  and  dearefl  brother,  ye  are  the 
talk  of  the  north  and  fouth  ;  and  looked  to,  fo  as  if  ye  were  all 
cryftal  glafs.  Your  motes  and  dufl  would  foon  be  proclaimed,  and 
trumpets  blown  at  your  flips.  But  I  know  that  ye  have  laid  help 
upon  One  that  is  mighty.  Intruft  not  your  comforts  to  men's  airy 
and  frothy  applaufe,  neither  lay  your  down-caflings  on  the  tongues 
of  fait  J  mockers  and  reproachers  of  godlinefs.  "  As  deceivers,  and 
yet  true  ;  as  unknown,  and  yet  well  known."§  God  hath  called  you 
to  Chrifl's  fide,  and  the  wind  is  now  in  Chrifl's  face  in  this  land  ; 
and  feeing  ye  are  with  Him,  ye  cannot  expeft  the  lee-fide,  ||  or  the 
funny  fide  of  the  brae.  But  I  know  that  ye  have  refolved  to  take 
Chrifl  upon  any  terms  whatfoever.  I  hope  that  ye  do  not  rue,5[ 
though  your  caufe  be  hated,  and  prejudices  are  taken  up  againfl  it. 

*  Burden,  deprefs.  t  Frowns. 

X  Bitter,  farcaftic  ?     In  Jamiefon's  Dift.  we  have  it  lignifying  **trouble- 
fome."  §  2  Cor.  vi.  8,  9. 

II  The  fheltered  fide  of  the  hill.  1  Repent  of  it. 

288  LETTER  CXVI.  [1637. 

The  fhields  of  the  world  think  our  Mafler  cumberfome  wares,  and 
that  He  maketh  too  great  din,  and  that  His  cords  and  yokes  make 
blains,  and  deep  fcores  in  their  neck.  Therefore  they  kick.  They 
fay,  *'  This  man  fhall  not  reign  over  us." 

Let  us  pray  one  for  another.     He  who  hath  made  you  a  chofen 
arrow  in  His  quiver,  hide  you  in  the  hollow  of  His  hand  ! 
I  am  yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  9,  1637. 

CXVL — To  the  Right  Honourable  my  Lord  Loudon. 

[John  Campbell,  firft  Earl  of  Loudon,  and  the  fon  of  Sir  James 
Campbell  of  Lawers,  was  a  man  of  diftinguifhed  talents,  and  of  a  very  decided 
charadter.  In  the  hiftor)'  of  his  country  he  makes  no  fmall  figure  as  a  ftrenu- 
ous  opponent  of  the  attempts  made  by  Charles  I.  to  impofe  Prelacy  and  arbi- 
trary- power  on  Scotland.  He  was  a  member  of  the  General  AfTembly  which 
met  at  Glafgow  in  1638,  in  the  bufinefs  of  which  he  took  an  ad:ive  part. 
When  the  King,  diflatisfied  with  the  proceedings  of  this  Aflembly,  put  him- 
felf  at  the  head  of  an  army  to  reduce  his  Scottifh  fubjeds  to  fubmiflion, 
Loudon  had  a  leading  hand  in  the  meafures  then  adopted  for  preferving  the 
religion  and  liberties  of  Scotland,  according  to  the  ecclefiaftical  and  civil  laws 
of  the  kingdom.  In  the  Ikirmifh  at  Newbum,  where  the  King's  forces  were 
defeated  by  the  Scottifh  army,  he  commanded  a  brigade  of  horfe.  In  1641, 
when  peace  was  reftored  between  the  King  and  his  Scottifh  fubjeds,  Loudon 
was  made  Lord  Chancellor  of  Scotland,  a  fituation  which  he  held  till  after 
the  execution  of  Charles  I.,  and  the  calling  home  of  Charles  1 1,  by  the  Scots  in 
1650.  Malignants  being  again  brought  into  places  of  power  and  truft,  he 
demitted  his  office.  He  continued,  howe\er,  ftrongly  to  adhere  to  the  caufe 
of  Charles,  in  confequence  of  which  he  was  excepted  from  Cromwell's  a(5l  of 
indemnity,  and  his  eftates  forfeited.  But  all  that  he  had  fuffered  for  the  royal 
caufe  did  not  recommend  him  to  the  favour  of  the  unprincipled  government 
of  Charles  II.  His  name  is  in  the  lift  of  Middleton's  fines  (impofed  upon 
the  gentlemen  of  Ayrfhire  in  i66a)  for  L. 12, 000.  He  felt  convinced  that, 
fhould  his  life  be  fpared,  he  would  fall  an  early  vidim  to  the  vengeance  of  his 
enemies,  and  often  exhorted  his  pious  lady  to  befeech  the  Lord  that  he  might 
not  live  to  the  next  feffion  of  Parliament,  elfe  he  would  fhare  the  fame  fate  with 
the  Marquis  of  Argyle.  His  wilh  was  granted ;  for  he  died  at  Edinburgh, 
March  15,  1662.     Rutherford's  ^*  Divine  Right  of  Church  Government  and 

1637.]  LETTER  CXVI.  289 

Excommunication,"  printed  at  London  in  1646,  is  dedicated  to  this  noble- 
man, who  was  then  Chancellor  of  the  Univerfity  of  St  Andrews.  His  fon 
James,  fecond  Earl  of  Loudon,  was  fubjeded  to  no  fmall  perfecution  under 
the  dominancy  of  Prelacy ;  and,  feeking  refuge  in  Holland,  took  up  his  refi- 
dence  at  Leyden,  where  he  died  on  the  29th  of  Odober  1684.] 



Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  make  bold  to 
write  to  your  Lorddiip,  that  you  may  know  the  honour- 
able caufe  which  ye  are  graced*  to  profefs  is  Chrift's  own  truth. 
Ye  are  many  ways  blefTed  of  God,  who  have  taken  upon  you  to 
come  out  to  the  ftreets  with  Chrifl  on  your  forehead,  when  {o  many 
are  afhamed  of  Him,  and  hide  Him  (as  it  were)  under  their  cloak, 
as  if  He  were  a  ftolen  Chrift.  If  this  faithlefs  generation,  and 
efpecially  the  nobles  of  this  kingdom,  thought  not  Chrift  dear  wares, 
and  reli^on  expeniive,  hazardous,  and  dangerous,  they  would  not 
flip  from  His  caufe  as  they  do,  and  fland  looking  on  with  their 
hands  folded  behind  their  back  when  lounsf  are  running  with  the 
fpoil  of  Zion  on  their  back,  and  the  boards  of  the  Son  of  God's 
tabernacle.  Law  and  juftice  are  to  be  had  by  any,  efpecially  for 
money  and  moyen  ;\  but  Chrifl  can  get  no  law,  good-cheap  §  or 
dear.  It  were  the  glory  and  honour  of  you,  who  are  the  nobles  of 
this  land,  to  plead  for  your  wronged  Bridegroom  and  His  oppreffed 
fpouse,  as  far  as  zeal  and  flanding  law  will  go  with  you.  Your 
ordinary  lo^c  from  the  event,  "  that  it  will  do  no  good  to  the  caufe, 
and,  therefore,  filence  is  beft  till  the  Lord  put  to  His  own  hand,"  is 
not  (with  reverence  to  your  Lordfhip's  learning)  worth  a  ftraw. 
Events  are  God's.  Let  us  do,  ||  and  not  plead  againfl  God's  office. 
Let  Him  fit  at  His  own  helm,  who  moderateth  all  events.     It  is 

*  Allulion  to  Luke  i.  28,  x£jiot,p;T<y,a£v-/?,  ''  graced,  highly  favoured." 
t  Rogues,  worthlefs  fcoundrels.  %  Means,  influence. 

§  Gratis.  ||  Ad. 

VOL.  I.  T 

290  LETTER  CXVL  [1637. 

not  a  good  courfe  to  complain  that  we  cannot  get  a  providence  of 
gold,  when  our  lazinefs,  cold  zeal,  temporizing,  and  faithlefs  fear- 
fulnefs  fpilleth  *  good  providence. 

Your  Lordftiip  will  pardon  me  :  I  am  not  of  that  mind,  that 
tumults  or  arms  is  the  way  to  put  Chrift  on  His  throne  ;  or  that 
Chrifl  will  be  ferved  and  truth  vindicated,  only  with  the  arm  of 
flefh  and  blood.  Nay,  Chrifl  doth  His  turn  with  lefs  din,  than  with 
garments  rolled  in  blood.  But  I  would  that  the  zeal  of  God  were 
in  the  nobles  to  do  their  part  for  Chrift  ;  and  I  muft  be  pardoned 
to  write  to  your  Lordfhip  thus. 

I  dow  not,f  I  dare  not,  but  fpeak  to  others  what  God  hath  done 
to  the  foul  of  His  poor,  afBi6led  exile-prifoner.  His  comfort  is  more 
than  I  ever  knew  before.  He  hath  fealed  the  honourable  caufe 
which  I  now  fufFer  for,  and  I  fhall  not  believe  that  Chrift  will  put 
His  amen  and  ringj  upon  an  imagination.  He  hath  made  all  His 
promifes  good  to  me,  and  hath  filled  up  all  the  blanks  with  His 
own  hand.  I  would  not  exchange  my  bonds  with  the  plaftered  joy 
of  this  whole  world.  It  hath  pleafed  Him  to  make  a  fmner  the  like 
of  me  an  ordinary  banqueter  in  His  houfe-of-wine,  with  that  royal, 
princely  One,  Chrifl:  Jefus.  O  what  weighing,  O  what  telling  is 
in  His  love  !  How  fweet  mufi:  He  be,  when  that  black  and  burden- 
ibme  tree.  His  own  crofs,  is  fo  perfumed  with  joy  and  gladnefs  ! 
Oh  for  help  to  lift  Him  up  by  praifes  on  His  royal  throne !  I  feek 
no  more  than  that  His  name  may  be  fpread  abroad  in  me,  that 
meikle  §  good  may  be  fpoken  of  Chrift  on  my  behalf  ;  and  this  being 
done,  my  loITes,  place,  fiipend,  credit,  eafe,  and  liberty,  fhall  all  be 
made  up  to  my  full  contentment  and  joy  of  heart. 

I  fhall  be  confident  that  your  Lordfhip  will  go  on  in  the  if  rength 
of  the  Lord,  and  keep  Chrilf,  and  avouch  Him,  that  He  may  read 
your  name  publicly  before  men  and  angels.  I  fhall  entreat  your 
Lordfhip  to  exhort  and  encourage  that  nobleman,  your  chief,  ||  to 

*  Spoils.  t  I  cannot. 

X  As  if  fealing  it  by  His  ring  as  in  marriage,  or  as  Efth.  iii.  10. 

§  Much.  II  The  Earl  of  Argyle. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXVIL  291 

do  the  fame.  But  I  am  wo*  that  many  of  yon  find  a  new  wifdom, 
which  deferveth  not  fiich  a  name.  It  were  better  that  men  would 
fee  that  their  wifdom  be  holy,  and  their  holinefs  wife. 

I  muft  be  bold  to  defire  your  Lordfhip  to  add  to  your  former 
favours  to  me  (for  the  which  your  Lordfhip  hath  a  prifoner's  blefs- 
ing  and  prayers),  this,  that  ye  would  be  pleafed  to  befriend  my 
brother,  now  fuffering  for  the  fame  caufe  ;  for  as  he  is  to  dwell 
nigh  your  Lordfhip's  bounds,  your  Lordfhip's  word  and  countenance 
may  help  him. 

Thus  recommending  your  Lordfhip  to  the  faving  grace  and 
tender  mercy  of  Chrifl  Jefus  our  Lord,  I  reft,  your  Lordfhip's 
obliged  fervant  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  9,  1637. 

CXVIL — To  Mr  William  Dalgleish,  Minijler  of  the  Go/pel. 

[Mr  William  Dalgleish  was  minifter  of  the  conjund  parilhes  of 
Anwoth,  Kirkdale,  and  Kirkmabreck.f  He  preached  at  Anwoth  only  every 
alternate  week ;  but  fo  abundantly  blefled  were  his  labours  to  the  people,  that 
when  he  fuiTendered  (quoad  facra)  the  charge  of  Anwoth  to  Rutherford,  upon 
its  being  formed  into  a  diftind:  parochial  charge,  not  only  many  of  the  humbler 
clafs  of  the  parifhioners,  but  the  proprietors  too,  had  embraced  the  doArines  of 
the  Gofpel.  Dalgleilh  ftridly  adhered  to  Prefbyterian  principles,  and  on  that 
account  was  fubjed:ed  to  trouble.  Upon  the  death  of  Andrew  Lamb,  the 
tolerant  Bifhop  of  Galloway,  in  1634,  and  the  elevation  of  Thomas  SydferfF, 
Bifhop  of  Brechin,  a  man  of  the  moft  intolerant  character,  to  the  vacant  fee, 
the  prelate  immediately  threatened  Rutherford  and  Dalgleifh  with  a  profecution 
before  the  High  Commiflion  Court,  as  appears  from  a  letter  written  at  that 
time  by  Rutherford  to  Marion  M^  Naught,  referring  to  a  requeft  which  he  and 
Dalgleifh  had  made  to  her  to  ufe  her  influence  in  inducing  Lord  Kirkcudbright 

*  Grieved. 

f  Bar  holm  Cajile  is  in  this  parifh,  and  was  the  fpot  where  John  Knox  was 
fecreted  previous  to  his  efcape  for  the  Continent.  His  fignature  was  long 
fhown  on  the  wall  of  one  of  the  rooms.  You  fee  the  old  walls,  covered  with 
ivy,  on  the  right  of  the  road  as  you  are  going  from  Kirkdale  to  Creetown. 
The  modern  Barholm  is  a  fine  manfion,  on  the  other  fide  of  Creetown. 

292  LETTER  CXVIL  [1637. 

to  extend  to  them  his  proteftion.  (See  Let.  34.)  Next  year,  he  was  de- 
prived of  his  charge  as  minifter  of  the  united  parifhes  of  Kirkdale*  and  Kirk- 
mabreck.  In  163  7,  when  Epifcopacy  began  to  be  the  lofing  caufe,  he  returned 
to  his  flock.  His  name  appears  on  the  roll  of  the  members  of  the  famous 
Aflembly  which  met  at  Glafgow^  in  1638  ;  and  in  1639  ^^  was  tranflated  to 
Cramond,  as  fucceflbr  to  Mr  William  Colville,  afterwards  Principal  of  the 
Univerfity  of  Edinburgh;  to  whom  he  appears  to  have  been  related,  as  the 
name  of  his  wife  was  Elizabeth  Colville.  He  was  the  intimate  friend  of  the 
well-known  Alexander  Henderfon,  who  by  his  latter  wdll  ordained  his  executor 
*'  to  deliver  to  my  dear  acquaintance  Mr  John  Duncan,  at  Culrofs,  and  Mr 
William  Dalgleifh,  minifter  at  Cramond,  all  my  manufcripts  and  papers  which 
are  in  my  ftudy,  and  that  belong  to  me  any  where  elfe ;  and  after  they  have 
received  them,  to  deftroy  or  preferve  and  keep  them,  as  they  fhall  judge  con- 
venient for  their  own  private  or  the  public  good."  In  1662,  Dalgleifh  was 
ejected  for  non-confoiTnity,  and  died  before  the  Revolution.  Rutherford  often 
preached  at  Kirkmabreck.  We  have  notes  of  feveral  fermons  in  print,  as 
preached  by  him  there,  at  Communions.] 


JEVEREND  AND  DEAR  BROTHER,— Grace,  mercy, 
?  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  am  well.  My  Lord  Jefus  is 
kinder  to  me  than  ever  He  was.  It  pleafeth  Him  to 
dine  and  fup  with  His  afflicSled  prifoner.  A  King  feafteth  me,  and 
His  fpikenard  cafteth  a  fweet  fmell.  Put  Chrift's  love  to  the  trial, 
and  put  upon  it  our  burdens,  and  then  it  will  appear  love  indeed. 
We  employ  not  His  love,  and  therefore  we  know  it  not.  I  verily 
count  the  fufferings  of  my  Lord  more  than  this  world's  luflredf 
and  over-gilded  glory.  I  dare  not  fay  but  my  Lord  Jefus  hath  fully 
recompenfed  my  fadnefs  with  His  joys,  my  lofFes  with  His  own 
prefence.  I  find  it  a  fweet  and  rich  thing  to  exchange  my  forrows 
with  Chrift's  joys,  my  afflicflions  with  that  fweet  peace  I  have  with 

*  The  modem  manfion  of  Kirkdale  looks  acrofs  the  bay  to  Wigton,  and 
is  seen  peering  out  on  the  pafTer-by  from  its  high  platform  above  the  road. 
Kirkmabreck  was  a  pendicle  of  the  abbey  of  Dundrennan^  which  Ls  about 
feven  miles  from  Kirkcudbright.     (Nicolfon's^ro/Z^W.) 

t  Shining  by  art. 

1637-]  LETTER  CXFIL  293 

Brother,  this  is  His  own  truth  I  now  lufFer  for.  He  hath  fealed 
my  fufFerings  with  His  own  comforts,  and  I  know  that  He  will  not 
put  His  feal  upon  blank  paper.  His  feals  are  not  dumb  nor  delufive, 
to  confirm  imaginations  and  lies.  Go  on,  my  dear  brother,  in  the 
flrength  of  the  Lord,  not  fearing  man  who  is  a  worm,  nor  the  ion 
of  man  that  fhall  die.  Providence  hath  a  thoufand  keys,  to  open  a 
thoufand  fundry  doors  for  the  deliverance  of  His  own,  when  it  is 
even  come  to  a  coticlamatum  eft*  Let  us  be  faithful,  and  care  for 
our  own  part,  which  is  to  do  and  fuffer  for  Him,  and  lay  Chrift's 
part  on  Himfelf,  and  leave  it  there.  Duties  are  ours,  events  are  the 
Lord's.  When  our  faith  goeth  to  meddle  with  events,  and  to  hold 
a  court  (if  I  may  fo  fpeak)  upon  God's  providence,  and  beginneth 
to  fay,  "  How  wilt  Thou  do  this  and  that  ? "  we  lofe  ground.  We 
have  nothing  to  do  there.  It  is  our  part  to  let  the  Almighty  ex- 
ercife  His  own  office,  and  fleer  His  own  helm.  There  is  nothing 
left  to  us,  but  to  fee  how  we  may  be  approved  of  Him,  and  how 
we  may  roll  the  weight  of  our  weak  fouls  in  well-doing  upon  Him 
who  is  God  Omnipotent  :  and  when  that  we  thus  efTay  mifcarrieth, 
it  will  be  neither  our  fm  nor  crofs. 

Brother,  remember  the  Lord's  word  to  Peter  ;  "  Simon,  loveft 
thou  Me  ? — Feed  My  fheep."  No  greater  teftimony  of  our  love  to 
Chrifl  can  be,  than  to  feed  carefully  and  faithfully  His  lambs. 

I  am  in  no  better  neighbourhood  with  the  minifters  here  than 
before  :  they  cannot  endure  that  any  fpeak  of  me,  or  to  me.  Thus 
I  am,  in  the  mean  time,  filent,  which  is  my  greateft  grief.  Dr 
Barron  f  hath  often  difputed  with  me,  efpecially  about  Arminian  con- 

*  *^  All  is  over!" 

t  Barron  was  a  branch  of  the  family  of  Kinnaird  in  Fifefhire,  and  educated 
at  St  Andrews.  He  afterwards  became  minifter  in  the  parifh  of  Keith;  in 
1624  was  appointed  to  a  charge  in  Aberdeen;  and  1625  nominated  ProfefTor 
of  Divinity  in  Marifchal  College  there.  He  was  a  determined  opponent  of 
Rutherford,  Dickfon,  and  others,  and  was  obliged  to  refign  the  chair  and 
retire  to  Berwick,  where  he  died  in  1639.  Vide  Funeral  Sermon  by  Patrick 
Forbes,  publiflied  by  the  Spotteswoode  Society,  p.  27,  and  Baillie's  Letters, 

294  LETTER  CXVIII.  [1637. 

troverfies,  and  for  the  ceremonies.  Three  yokings*  laid  him  by  -, 
and  I  have  not  been  troubled  with  him  fmce.  Now  he  hath  ap- 
pointed a  difpute  before  witnelTes  ;  I  truil:  that  Chrift  and  truth  will 
do  for  themfelves. 

I  hope,  brother,  that  ye  will  help  my  people ;  and  write  to  me 
what  ye  hear  the  Bifhop  is  to  do  with  them.     Grace  be  with  you. 
Your  brother  in  bonds, 

S.  R. 

CXVIII. — To  Mr  Hugh  Mackail,  Minifter  of  the  Go/pel  at  Irvine. 


EVEREND  AND  DEAR  BROTHER,— I  blefs  you 
for  your  letter.  He  is  come  down  as  rain  upon  the 
mown  grafs  -,  He  hath  revived  my  withered  root ;  and 
He  is  the  dew  of  herbs.  I  am  mofl  fecure  in  this  prifon  :  falvation 
is  for  walls  in  it  -,  and  what  think  ye  of  thefe  walls  .'*  He  maketh 
the  dry  plant  to  bud  as  the  lily,  and  to  blofTom  as  Lebanon  : — the 
great  Hufbandman's  bleiling  cometh  down  upon  the  plants  of 
righteoufnefs.  Who  may  fay  this,  my  dear  brother,  if  I,  His  poor 
exiled  ftranger  and  prifoner,  may  not  fay  it  ?  Howbeit  all  the  world 
Ihould  be  filent,  I  cannot  hold  my  peace.  Oh  how  many  black 
accounts  have  Chrift  and  I  rounded  over  together  in  the  houfe  of 
my  pilgrimage  !  and  how  fat  a  portion  He  hath  given  to  a  hungry 
jbul  !  I  had  rather  have  Chrift's  four-hours,-]-  than  have  dinner 
and  fupper  both  in  one  from  any  other.  His  dealing,  and  the  way 
of  His  judgments,  are  paft  finding  out.  No  preaching,  no  book, 
no  learning,  could  give  me  that  which  it  behoved  me  to  come  and 
get  in  this  town.     But  what  of  all  this,  if  I  were  not  mifted,  J  and 

*  Contefts,  onlets.  t  Afternoon  refrefliment,  which  was  very  flight. 

X  Like  one  in  a  mift. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXVIII.  295 

confounded,  and  aftonifhed  how  to  be  thankful,  and  how  to  get 
Him  praifed  for  evermore !  And,  what  is  more,  He  hath  been 
pleafed  to  pain  me  with  His  love,  and  my  pain  groweth  through 
want  of  real  pofleffion. 

Some  have  written  to  me,  that  I  am  poilibly  too  joyful  of  the 
crofs  ;  but  my  joy  overleapeth  the  crofs,  it  is  bounded  and  termi- 
nated upon  Chrift.  I  know  that  the  fun  will  overcloud  and  eclipfe, 
and  that  I  fhall  again  be  put  to  walk  in  the  fhadow  :  but  Chrift 
mufl  be  welcome  to  come  and  go,  as  He  thinketh  meet.  Yet  He 
would  be  more  welcome  to  me,  I  trow,  to  come  than  to  go.  And 
I  hope  He  pitieth  and  pardoneth  me,  in  cafling  apples  to  me  at  fuch 
a  fainting  time  as  this.  Holy  and  blefled  is  His  name !  It  was  not 
my  flattering  of  Chrift  that  drew  a  kifs  from  His  mouth.  But  He 
would  fend  me  as  a  fpy  into  this  wildernefs  of  fuffering,  to  fee  the 
land  and  try  the  ford  ;  and  I  cannot  make  a  lie  of  Chrift's  crofs. 
I  can  report  nothing  but  good  both  of  Him  and  it,  left  others  ftiould 
faint.  I  hope,  when  a  change  cometh,  to  caft  anchor  at  midnight 
upon  the  Rock  which  He  hath  taught  me  to  know  in  this  day-light ; 
whither  I  may  run,  when  I  muft  fay  my  leflbn  without  book,  and 
believe  in  the  dark.  I  am  fure  it  is  fm  to  tarrow*  at  Chrift's  good 
meat,  and  not  to  eat  when  He  faith,  '^  Eat,  O  well-beloved,  and 
drink  abundantly."  If  He  bear  me  on  His  back,  or  carry  me  in 
His  arms  over  this  water,  I  hope  for  grace  to  fet  down  my  feet  on 
dry  ground,  when  the  way  is  better.  But  this  is  flippery  ground  : 
my  Lord  thought  good  I  fliould  go  by  a  hold,  and  lean  on  my 
Well-beloved's  fhoulder.  It  is  good  to  be  ever  taking  from  Him. 
I  defire  that  He  may  get  the  fruit  of  praifes,  for  dawtingf  and  thus 
dandling  me  on  His  knee  :  and  I  may  give  my  bond  of  thankfulnefs, 
{o  being  I  have  Chrift's  back-bond  J  again  for  my  relief,  that  I  fhall 
be  ftrengthened  by  His  powerful  grace  to  pay  my  vows  to  Him. 
But,  truly,  I  find  that  we  have  the  advantage  of  the  brae  upon  our 

*  To  be  pettifh  at.  f  Fondling. 

X  A  bond  given  after  a  former  bond,  declaring  the  perfon  who  gave  the 
firft  bond  free. 

29^  LETTER  CXIX.  [1637. 

enemies  :  we  are  more  than  conquerors  through  Him  who  loved 
us  ;  and  they  know  not  wherein  our  ilrength  lieth. 
Pray  for  me.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Your  brother  in  Chrill, 

S.  R. 


CXIX. — To  Mr  David  Dickson. 


EVEREND  AND  DEAR  BROTHER,— Grace,  mercy, 
and  peace  be  unto  you. — I  find  that  great  men,  efpecially 
old  friends,  fcaur*  to  fpeak  for  me.  But  my  kingly  and 
royal  Mafter  biddeth  me  to  try  his  moyenf  to  the  uttermofi:,  and  I 
fhall  find  a  friend  at  hand.  I  ftill  depend  upon  Him  ;  His  court  is 
fiill  as  before  ;  the  prifoner  is  welcome  to  Him.  The  black,  crabbed 
tree  of  my  Lord's  crofs  hath  made  Chrifi:  and  my  foul  very  entire. 
He  is  my  fong  in  the  night.  I  am  often  laid  in  the  dufl  with 
challenges,  and  apprehenfions  of  His  anger ;  and  then,  if  a  mountain 
of  iron  were  laid  upon  me,  I  cannot  be  heavier  ;  and  with  much 
wreftling  I  win  into  the  King's  houfe-of-wine.  And  then,  for  the 
mofl  part,  my  life  is  joy  ;  and  fuch  joy  through  His  comforts,  as  I 
have  been  afraid  left  I  fhould  fiiame  myfelf  and  cry  out,  for  I  can 
Icarce  bear  what  I  get.  Chrift  giveth  me  a  meafure  heaped  up, 
prefled  down,  and  running  over ;  and,  believe  it,  His  love  paineth  more 
than  prilbn  and  banifhment.  I  cannot  get  the  way  of  Chrifl's  love. 
Had  I  known  what  He  was  keeping  for  me,  I  ihould  never  have 
been  fo  faint-hearted.  In  my  heavieft  times,  when  all  is  lofl,  the 
memory  of  His  love  maketh  me  think  Chrift's  glooms  are  but 
for  the  fafhion.J     I  leek  no  more  than  a  vent  to  my  wine  ;  §  I  am 

*  Are  afi-aid,  boggk^  at.  t  Means  or  intereft. 

X  Frowns  for  form's  fake.  §  Alkiding  to  Job  xxxii.  19. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXIX,  297 

fmothered  and  ready  to  burfi:  for  want  of  vent.  Think  not  much 
of  perfecution.  It  is  before  you  -,  but  it  is  not  as  men  conceive  of 
it.  My  fugared  crofs  forceth  me  to  fay  this  to  you,  ye  fhall  have 
waled*  meat.  The  fick  bairn  is  ofttime  the  fpilledf  bairn;  ye  fhali 
command  all  the  houfe.  I  hope  that  ye  help  a  tired  priibner  to 
praife  and  pray.  Had  I  but  the  annual  of  annual  J  to  give  to  my 
Lord  Jefus,  it  would  eafe  my  pain.  But,  alas  !  I  have  nothing  to 
pay.  He  will  get  nothing  of  poor  me  -,  but  I  am  wo  that  I  have 
not  room  enough  in  my  heart  for  fuch  a  ftranger.  I  am  not  caft 
down  to  go  farther  north.  I  have  good  caufe  to  work  for  my 
Mafter,  for  I  am  well  paid  beforehand  •,  I  am  not  behind,  howbeit 
I  fhould  not  get  one  fmile  more  till  my  feet  be  up  within  the  King's 

I  have  gone  through  yours  upon  the  Covenant ;  §  it  hath  edified 
my  foul,  and  refrefhed  a  hungry  man.  I  judge  it  fharp,  fweet, 
quick,  and  profound.  Take  me  at  my  word,  I  fear  that  it  get  no 
lodging  in  Scotland. 

The  brethren  of  Ireland  write  not  to  me ;  chide  with  them  for 
that.  I  am  fure  that  I  may  give  you  and  them  a  commiffion  (and 
I  will  abide  by  it),  that  you  tell  my  Beloved  that  I  am  fick  of  love. 
I  hope  in  God  to  leave  fome  of  my  rufl  and  fuperfluities  in  Aber- 
deen. I  cannot  get  a  houfe  in  this  town  wherein  to  leave  drink- 
filver  II  in  my  Maker's  name,  fave  one  only.  There  is  no  fale  for 
Chrifl  in  the  north  ;  He  is  like  to  lie  long  on  my  hand,  ere  any 
accept  Him.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 


*  The  beft,  felefted.  f  The  fpoilt  child. 

X  The  fmalleft  return,  the  quit-rent  of  a  quit-rent. 

§  Therapeutica  Sacra ;  feu  de  curandis  cafibus  confcientiae  circa  regenera- 
tionem  per  Foederum  Divinonim  applicationem. 
II  A  token  of  regard  for  kindnefs  fliown. 

298  LETTER  CXX,  [1637. 

CXX.— T*^  Mr  Matthew  Mowat. 

[Matthew  Mowat,  Ion  to  the  Laird  of  Bufbie  (Lett.  133),  was  minifter 
of  Kilmarnock.  He  was  one  of  the  feven  leading  minifters  in  the  weft  whom 
the  Parliament,  after  the  reft  oration  of  Charles  IL,  brought  before  them  with 
the  view  of  extorting  their  acquiefcence  in  the  eftablifhment  of  Prelacy ;  w^hich, 
if  effected,  it  was  apprehended  would  have  an  influence  in  leading  others  to 
comply.  They  were  all  put  in  prifon,  and  refuting  (though  feveral  times  brought 
before  the  Parliament),  to  take  the  oath  of  allegiance  without  explanation,  inas- 
much as  it  involved  the  oath  of  fupremacy,  they  were  more  feverely  treated. 
Livingftone  defcribes  Mowat  as  ^^one  of  a  meek,  fweet  difpofition,  ftraight 
and  zealous  for  the  truth."  Rutherford,  who  highly  valued  him,  fays  in 
one  of  his  letters,  *^  I  cannot  fpeak  to  a  man  fo  flck  of  love  to  Chrift  as  Mr 
Matthew  Mowat;"  and  in  another,  ''  I  am  greatly  in  love  with  Mr  Matthew 
Mowat,  for  I  fee  him  really  ftampt  with  the  image  of  God."  The  time  of 
his  death  is  unknown.  Some  additional  notices  of  him  are  to  be  found  in 
Wodrow's  Analeda^  vol.  iii.] 


EVEREND  AND  DEAR  BROTHER,— I  am  a  very 
far  miflaken  man.  If  others  knew  how  poor  my  ftock 
was,  they  would  not  think  upon  the  like  of  me,  but 
with  compafTion.  For  I  am  as  one  kept  under  a  ftrift  tutor ;  I  would 
have  more  than  my  tutor  alloweth  me.  But  it  is  good  that  a  bairn's 
wit  is  not  the  rule  which  regulateth  my  Lord  Jefus.  Let  Him  give 
what  He  will,  it  fhall  aye  be  above  merit,  and  my  ability  to  gain 
therewith.  I  would  not  wifh  a  better  ftock,  whill  *  heaven  be  my 
ftock,  than  to  live  upon  credit  at  Chrift's  hands,  daily  borrowing. 
Surely,  running-over  love  (that  vaft,  huge,  boundlefs  love  of  Chrift 
that  there  is  telling f  in  for  man  and  angels!)  is  the  only  thing  I  moil: 
fain  would  be  in  hands  with.  He  knoweth  that  I  have  little 
but  the  love  of  that  love  ,  and  that  I  Ihall  be  happy,  fuppose  I 
never  get  another  heaven  but  only  an  eternal,  lafling,  feaft  of  that 

Till.  t  Which  will  trv  the  Ikill  of  men  and  angels  to  eftimate. 

i637-]  LETTER  CXX,  299 

love.  But  luppofe  my  wifhes  were  poor,  He  is  not  poor  :  Chrill:, 
all  the  feafons  of  the  year,  is  dropping  fweetnefs.  If  I  had  velTels, 
I  might  fill  them  ;  but  my  old,  riven,*  and  running-out  difh,  even 
when  I  am  at  the  Well,  can  bring  little  away.  Nothing  but  glory 
will  make  tight  and  faft  our  leaking  and  riftyf  vefTels.  Alas !  I  have 
(kailedj  more  of  Chrifl's  grace,  love,  faith,  humility,  and  godly 
for  row,  than  I  have  brought  with  me.  How  little  of  the  fea  can  a 
child  carry  in  his  hand  !  As  little  dow  §  I  take  away  of  my  great 
Sea,  my  boundlefs  and  running-over  Chrifl  Jefus. 

I  have  not  lighted  upon  the  right  gate  ||  of  putting  Chrifl  to  the 
bank,  and  making  myfelf  rich  with  Him.  My  mifguiding  and 
childifh  trafficking  with  that  matchlefs  Pearl,  that  heaven's  Jewel, 
the  Jewel  of  the  Father's  delights,  hath  put  me  to  a  great  lofs. 
O  that  He  would  take  a  loan  of  me,  and  my  ftock,  and  put  His 
name  in  all  my  bonds,  and  ferve  Himfelf  heir  to  the  poor,  mean, 
portion  which  I  have,  and  be  accountable  for  the  talent  Himfelf ! 
Gladly  would  I  put  Chrifl  into  my  room  to  guide  all ;  and  let  me 
be  but  a  fervant  to  run  errands,  and  a6f  by  His  direction.  Let  me 
be  His  interdifted^  heir.  Lord  Jefus,  work  upon  my  minority, 
and  let  Him  win  a  pupil's  bleffing.  Oh,  how  would  I  rejoice  to 
have  this  work  of  my  falvation  legally  faftened  upon  Chrift !  A 
back-bond**  of  my  Lord  Jefus  that  it  fhould  be  forthcoming  to  the 
orphan,  would  be  my  happiness.  Dependency  on  Chrift  were  my 
furefl  way  ;  if  Chrifl:  were  my  foundation,  I  were  fure  enough.  I 
thought  the  guiding  of  grace  had  been  no  art  ;ff  I  thought  it  would 
come  of  will ;  but  I  would  fpill JJ  my  own  heaven  yet,  if  I  had  not 
burdened  Chrift  with  all.  I  but  lend  my  bare  name  to  the  fweet 
covenant ;  Chrift,  behind  and  before,  and  on  either  fide,  maketh 
all  fure.  God  will  not  take  an  Arminian  cautioner.  §§  Freewill  is 
a  weather-cock,  turning  at  a  ferpent's  tongue,  a  tutor  that  cowped  ||  || 
our  Father  Adam,  unto  us  ;  and  brought  down  the  houie  ;   and 

*  Rent.         t  Full  of  rents.         %  Spilled.         §  Am  able  to.         ||  Way. 
^  Forbidden  by  interdict  to  enter  a  pofleflion  in  the  meantime. 
"**  See  Let.  118.  ft  Required  no  (kill,  but  would  come  as  I  chofe. 

XX  Mar.  §§  Surety.  ||||  Overturned,  uplet. 

300  LETTER  CXX.  [1637. 

fold  the  land ;  and  ient  the  father,  and  mother,  and  all  the  bairns 
through  the  earth  to  beg  their  bread.  Nature  in  the  Gofpel  hath 
but  a  cracked  credit.  Oh,  well  to*  my  poor  foul  for  evermore,  that 
my  Lord  called  grace  to  the  council,  and  put  Chrifl  Jefus,  with 
free  merits  and  the  blood  of  God,  foremoft  in  the  chafe  to  draw 
fmners  after  a  Ranfomer  !  Oh,  what  a  fweet  block  f  was  it  by 
way  of  buying  and  felling,  to  ^ve  and  tell  down  a  ranfom  for  grace 
and  glory  to  dyvours  \\  Oh,  would  to  my  Lord  that  I  could  caufe 
paper  and  ink  to  fpeak  the  worth  and  excellency,  the  high  and 
loud  praifes  of  a  Brother-ranfomer  !  The  Ranfomer  needeth  not 
my  report,  but,  oh,  if  He  would  take  it,  and  make  ufe  of  it !  I 
fhould  be  happy  if  I  had  an  errand  to  this  world,  but  for  fome  few 
years,  to  fpread  proclamations,  and  outcries,  and  love-letters  of  the 
highnefs,  the  highnefs  for  evermore,  the  glory,  the  glory  for  ever- 
more, of  the  Ranfomer,  whofe  clothes  were  wet  and  dyed  in  blood  ! 
albeit,  after  I  had  done  that,  my  foul  and  body  fhould  go  back  to 
their  mother  Nothing  that  their  Creator  brought  them  once  out  from, 
as  from  their  beginning.  But  why  fhould  I  pine  away,  and  pain 
myfelf  with  wifhes  ?  and  not  believe,  rather,  that  Chrift  will  hire 
fuch  an  outcaft  as  I  am,  a  mafterlefs  §  body,  put  out  of  the  houfe 
by  the  fons  of  my  mother,  and  give  me  employment  and  a  calling, 
one  way  or  other,  to  fet  out  Chriil  and  His  wares  to  country 
buyers,  and  propofe  Chrift  unto,  and  prefs  Him  upon  fome  poor 
fouls,  that  fainer  than  their  life  would  receive  Him  ? 

You  complain  heavily  of  ''  your  fhortcoming  in  practice,  and 
venturing  on  fufFering  for  Chrift."  You  have  many  marrows.  || 
For  the  firft,  I  would  put  you  off  a  fenfe  of  wretchednefs.  Hold 
on  !  Chrift  never  yet  flew  a  fighing,  groaning  child  :  more  of  that 
would  make  you  won  goods,  f  and  a  meet  prey  for  Chrift.  Alas  ! 
I  have  too  little  of  it,  for  venturing  on  fufFering.  I  had  not  fo  much 
free  gear**  when  I  came  to  Chrift's  camp  as  to  buy  a  fword.     I 

*  It  has  been  well  for  my  foul.  t  Bargain  drawn  up.       %  Debtors. 

§  None  to  own  him  as  under  his  care.       ||  Many  to  match  you. 
t  Goods  already  got.  **  Money. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXXI.  301 

wonder*  that  Chrill:  fhould  not  laugh  at  fuch  a  foldier.  I  am  no 
better  yet  ;  but  faith  liveth  and  fpendeth  upon  our  Captain's  charges, 
who  is  able  to  pay  for  all.  We  need  not  pity  Him,  He  is  rich 

Ye  defire  me  alfo  ''  Not  to  miftake  Chrift  under  a  mafk.'*  I 
blefs  you,  and  thank  God  for  it.  But  alas  !  mafked  or  bare-faced, 
kifling  or  glooming,  I  miflake  Him  :  yea,  I  miftake  Him  the  far- 
theft  when  the  mafk  is  off ;  for  then  I  play  me  with  His  fweetnefs. 
I  am  like  a  child  that  hath  a  gilded  book,  that  playeth  with  the 
ribbons  and  the  gilding,  and  the  pi(5ture  on  the  firft  page,  but  readeth 
not  the  contents  of  it.  Certainly,  if  my  defires  to  my  Well-beloved 
were  fulfilled,  I  could  provoke  devils,  and  croffes,  and  the  world, 
and  temptations  to  the  field  ;  but  oh  !  my  poor  weaknefs  maketh 
me  lie  behind  the  bufh  and  hide  me. 

Remember  my  fervice  and  my  bleiling  to  my  Lord.  I  am 
mindful  of  him  as  I  am  able.  Defire  him  from  a  prifoner,  to  come 
and  vifit  my  good  Mafler,  and  feel  but  the  fmell  of  His  love.  It 
fetteth  himf  well,  howbeit  he  be  young,  to  make  Chrifl  his  gar- 
land. I  could  not  wifh  him  in  a  better  cafe,  than  in  a  fever  of 
love-ficknefs  for  Chrift. 

Remember  my  bonds.     The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

CXXL — To  William  Halliday. 

[The  name  '*  Halliday"  occurs  on  the  tombftones  of  the  old  churchyard 
of  Anwoth.  No  doubt  this  correfpondent  was  one  of  his  flock  at  Anwoth. 
One  of  the  name  lies  buried  in  the  old  churchyard,  with  the  following  in- 
fcription  on  her  tombftone  : — 

**  Margaret  Halliday ^  fpoufe  of  John  Bell  in  Archland,  163 1.     O  death, 

*  In  old  editions,  it  is  ^^  ^  wonder,"  as  if  in  way  of  exclamation. 
t  It  becomes  him. 

302  LETTER  CXXIL  [1637. 

I  will  be  thy  death  !     Now  is  Chrift  rifen  from  the  dead,  and  is  the  firft  fruits 
of  them  that     .     .     ."  (broken  off.) 

Archland  is  the  fame  place  as  Henton^  in  the  parifh  of  Anwoth,  a  notice 
of  which  is  given  at  Letter  219,  addrefled  to  this  John  Bell.] 


OVING  FRIEND, — I  received  your  letter. — I  wifh  that 
ye  take  pains  for  falvation.  Miftaken  grace,  and  fome- 
what  like  converfion  which  is  not  converfion,  is  the 
faddeft  and  moft  doleful  thing  in  the  world.  Make  fure  of  falvation, 
and  lay  the  foundation  fure,  for  many  are  beguiled.  Put  a  low  price 
upon  the  world's  clay  ;  but  a  high  price  upon  Chrift.  Temptations 
will  come  ,  but  if  they  be  not  made  welcome  by  you,  ye  have  the 
beft  of  it.  Be  jealous  over  yourfelf  and  your  own  heart,  and  keep 
touches*  with  God.  Let  Him  not  have  a  faint  and  feeble  foldier 
of  you.  Fear  not  to  back  Chrift,  for  He  will  conquer  and  over- 
come. Let  no  man  fcaurf  at  Chrift,  for  I  have  no  quarrels  at  His 
crofs  ;  He  and  His  crofs  are  two  good  guefts,  and  worth  the  lodg- 
ing. Men  would  fain  have  Chrift  good-cheap  ;J  but  the  market 
will  not  come  down.  Acquaint  yourfelf  with  prayer.  Make  Chrift 
your  Captain  and  your  armour.  Make  confcience  of  fmmng§  when 
no  eye  feeth  you.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  Chrift  Jefus, 
Aberdeen.  S.  R. 

CXXIL — To  a  Gentleiuoinaji,  after  the  death  of  her  Hufband. 


EAR  AND  LOVING  SISTER,— I  know  that  ye  are 
minding  your  fweet  country,  and  not  taking  your  inn, 
the  place  of  your  banifhment,  for  your  home.     This 

*  Keep  faith  with.     It  is  an  old  Englifh  phrafe  for  '^  exad  performance  of 

t  Boggle  at,  go  off  in  fear.  +  Gratis. 

§  Be  confcientioiis  as  to  finning. 

1 63 7- J  LETTER  CXXII.  503 

life  is  not  worthy  to  be  the  thatch,  or  outer  wall,  of  the  paradife  of 
your  Lord  Jefus,  that  He  did  fweat  for  to  yon,  and  that  He  keepeth 
for  you.  Short,  and  filly,  and  fand-blind  were  our  hope,  if  it 
could  not  look  over  the  water  to  our  befl  heritage,  and  if  it  flayed 
only  at  home  about  the  doors  of  our  clay  houfe. 

I  marvel  not,  my  dear  fifter,  that  ye  complain  that  ye  come 
Ihort  of  your  old  wreftlings  which  ye  had  for  a  bleffing  ;  and  that 
now  you  find  it  not  fo.  Bairns  are  but  hired  to  learn  their  lefTon 
when  they  firfl  go  to  fchool.  And  it  is  enough  that  thofe  who  run 
a  race  fee  the  gold  only  at  the  flarting-place  ;  and  poflibly  they  fee 
little  more  of  it,  or  nothing  at  all  till  they  win  to  the  rinks-end,  * 
and  get  the  gold  in  the  looff  of  their  hand.  Our  Lord  maketh 
delicates  and  dainties  of  His  fweet  prefents  and  love-vifits  to  His 
own  :  but  Chrifl's  love,  under  a  veil,  is  love.  If  ye  get  Chrift, 
howbeit  not  the  fweet  and  pleafant  way  ye  would  have  Him,  it  is 
enough  ;  for  the  Well-beloved  cometh  not  our  way  ;  He  muft  wale 
His  own  gate  J  Himfelf.  For  worldly  things,  feeing  there  are 
meadows  and  fair  flowers  in  your  way  to  heaven,  a  fmell  in  the  by- 
going  §  is  fufficient.  He  that  would  reckon  and  tell  all  the  flones 
in  his  way,  in  a  journey  of  three  or  four  hundred  miles,  and  write 
up  in  his  count-book  ||  all  the  herbs  and  the  flowers  growing  in  his 
way,  might  come  fhort  of  his  journey.  You  cannot  flay,  in  your 
inch  of  time,  to  lofe  your  day  (feeing  that  you  are  in  hafle,  and  the 
night  and  your  afternoon  will  not  bidef  you),  in  fetting  youi  heart 
on  this  vain  world.  It  were  your  wifdom  to  read  your  account- 
book,  II  and  to  have  in  readinefs  your  bufmefs,  againfl  the  time  you 
come  to  death's  water-fide.  I  know  that  your  lodging  is  taken  ; 
your  forerunner,  Chrift,  hath  not  forgotten  that ;  and  therefore  you 
mufl  fet  yourfelf  to  your  **  one  thing,"  which  you  cannot  well  want. 

In  that  our  Lord  took  your  hufband  to  Himfelf,  I  know  it  was 
that  He  might  make  room  for  Himfelf.  He  cutteth  off  your  love  to 
the  creature,  that  ye  might  learn  that  God  only  is  the  right  owner 

*  Get  to  the  end  of  the  courfe.  f  Palm  of  the  hand. 

X  Seled  His  own  way.       §  In  the  pafTing  by.        ||  Journal.     ^  Wait  for. 

304  LETTER  CXXIII.  [1637. 

of  your  love.  Sorrow,  lofs,  fadnefs,  death,  are  the  worft  of  things 
that  are,  except  fin.  But  Chrifl  knoweth  well  what  to  make  of 
them,  and  can  put  His  own  in  the  crofPs  common,*  that  we  fhall 
be  obliged  to  affli6^ion,  and  thank  God  who  taught  us  to  make  our 
acquaintance  with  fuch  a  rough  companion,  who  can  hale  us  to 
Chrifl.  You  mufl  learn  to  make  your  evils  your  great  good  -,  and 
to  fpin  comforts,  peace,  joy,  communion  with  Chrifl,  out  of  your 
troubles,  which  are  Chrift's  wooers,  fent  to  fpeak  for  youf  to  Himfelf. 
It  is  eafy  to  get  good  words,  and  a  comfortable  meflage  from  our 
Lord,  even  from  fuch  rough  ferjeants  as  divers  temptations.  Thanks 
to  God  for  crofTes  !  When  we  count  and  reckon  our  lofTes  in  feek- 
ing  God,  we  find  that  godlinefs  is  great  gain.  Great  partners  of 
a  fhipful  of  gold  are  glad  to  fee  the  fhip  come  to  the  harbour  ; — 
furely  we,  and  our  Lord  Jefus  together,  have  a  fhipful  of  gold 
coming  home,  and  our  gold  is  in  that  fhip.  Some  are  fo  in  love, 
or,  rather,  in  lufl,  with  this  life,  that  they  fell  their  part  of  the  fhip 
for  a  little  thing.  I  would  counfel  you  to  buy  hope,  but  fell  it  not, 
and  give  not  away  your  croffes  for  nothing.  The  infide  of  Chrifl's 
crofs  is  white  and  joyful,  and  the  far-end  of  the  black  crofs  is  a  fair 
and  glorious  heaven  of  eafe.  And  feeing  Chrifl  hath  faflened 
heaven  to  the  far-end  of  the  crofs,  and  He  will  not  loofe  the  knot 
Himfelf,  and  none  elfe  can  (for  when  Chrifl  caflethj  a  knot,  all 
the  world  cannot  loofe  it),  let  us  then  count  it  exceeding  joy  when 
we  fall  into  divers  temptations. 

Thus  recommending  you  to  the  tender  mercy  and  grace  of  our 
Lord,  I  refl,  your  loving  brother, 

S.  R. 

CXXin. — To  John  Gordon  of  Cardonefs,  Younger. 

[John  Gordon  of  Cardonefs,  younger,  like  his  father,  previoufly  noticed 
(Let.  82),  was  naturally  a  man  of  ftrong  paflions.    Judging  from  this  letter,  he 

*  Put  you  under  deep  obligations  to  the  crofs. 
t  See  I  Kings  ii.  18.  %  Tieth. 

1 63 7-]  LETTER  CXXIII.  305 

appears  not  only  to  have  been  negledful  of  religion,  but  to  have  freely  indulged 
in  the  follies  and  vices  of  youth.  Rutherford  vv^arns  him  of  his  fin  and  danger 
with  much  freedom  and  affectionate  earneftnefs ;  and  thefe  warnings,  it  is  to 
be  hoped,  were  not  in  vain.  He  was  in  the  Covenanters'  army  in  England  in 
1644,  as  appears  from  a  letter  of  his  preferved  among  the  Wodrow  MSS.  It 
is  dated  **  Sunderland,  28th  Mai'ch  1644,"  and  is  addreffed  to  Mr  Thomas 
Wylie.  It  is  \\Titten  in  a  religious  ftrain.  After  referring  to  the  fuccefs  of  the 
aiTTiy,  and  to  the  account  of  this  drawn  up  by  Mr  Robert  Douglas,  it  contains 
in  the  clofe  the  following  paflage: — ^^  I  entreat  you  be  kind  to  my  wife,  and 
deal  with  her  neither  to  take  my  abfence,  nor  the  form  of  coming  from  her,  in 
evil  part;  for,  in  God's  prefence,  public  duties  and  nothing  elfe  removed  me, 
or  man-ed  the  form  of  my  removal.  Be  eameft  with  her  that  fhe  feek  a  nearer 
acquaintance  with  Chrift:  and  fail  not  to  pray  for  her  and  her  family,  and  me." 
{Wodroqjj  MSS.,  vol.  xxix.  4to.)] 


late  to  you  :  multitudes  of  letters  burden  me  now.  I 
am  refrefhed  with  your  letter. 

I  exhort  you  in  the  bowels  of  Chriil:,  fet  to  work  for  your  foul. 
And  let  thefe  bear  weight  with  you,  and  ponder  them  ferioufly  : 
ly?.  Weeping  and  gnafhing  of  teeth  in  utter  darknefs,  or  heaven's 
joy.  2(i/y,  Think  what  ye  would  give  for  an  hour,  when  ye  fhall 
lie  like  dead,  cold,  blackened  clay,  '^d/y.  There  is  fand  in  your  glafs 
yet,  and  your  fun  is  not  gone  down,  ^h/y,  Confider  what  joy  and 
peace  are  in  Chrift's  fervice.  5//Vj?,  Think  what  advantage  it  will  be 
to  have  angels,  the  world,  life  and  death,  croffes,  yea,  and  devils, 
all  for  you,  as  the  King's  ferjeants  and  fervants,  to  do  your  bufinefs. 
6t/)ly,  To  have  mercy  on  your  feed,  and  a  bleffing  on  your  houfe. 
ytkly^  To  have  true  honour,  and  a  name  on  earth  that  cafteth  a 
fweet  fmell.  Sth/y,  How  ye  will  rejoice  when  Chrift  layeth  down 
your  head  under  His  chin,  and  betwixt  His  breafts,  and  drieth 
your  face,  and  welcometh  you  to  glory  and  happinefs.  ^th/y,  Ima- 
gine what  pain  and  torture  is  a  guilty  confcience  -,  what  flavery  to 
carry  the  devil's  diflioneft  loads,  lothly,  Sin's  joys  are  but  night- 
dreams,    thoughts,  vapours,   imaginations,   and   fhadows.       iithly, 

VOL.  I.  u 

3o6  LETTER  CXXIV.  [1637. 

What  dignity  it  is  to  be  a  fon  of  God.  I  ithly.  Dominion  and  mas- 
tery over  temptations,  over  the  world  and  fm.  '^ykly^  That  your 
enemies  fhould  be  the  tail,  and  you  the  head. 

For  your  bairns,  now  at  reft,  I  fpeak  to  you  and  your  wife  (and 
caufe  her  read  this).  I/?,  I  am  a  witnefs  for  Barbara's  glory  in 
heaven.  2^/y,  For  the  reft,  I  write  it  under  my  hand,  there  are 
days  coming  on  Scotland  when  barren  wombs,  and  dry  breafts,  and 
childlefs  parents  ftiall  be  pronounced  blefled.  They  are,  then,  in 
the  lee  of  the  harbour  ere  the  ftorm  come  on.  3^/)',  They  are  not 
loft  to  you  that  are  laid  up  in  Chrift's  treafury  in  heaven,  ^hly. 
At  the  refurre6lion,  ye  fhall  meet  with  them;  thither  they  are  fent 
before,  but  not  fent  away.  5^^/)',  Your  Lord  loveth  you,  who  is 
homely*  to  take  and  give,  borrow  and  lend.  6/^/)',  Let  not  bairns 
be  your  idols ;  for  God  will  be  jealous,  and  take  away  the  idol,  be- 
caufe  He  is  greedy  of  your  love  wholly. 

I  blefs  you,  your  wife,  and  children.  Grace  for  evermore  be 
with  you. 

Your  loving  paftor, 

S.  R. 

CXXIV.— r^  John  Gordon  of  Cardonefs ,  Elder. 




Your  letter  hath  refreftied  my  foul.    My  joy  is  fulfilled 
if  Chrift  and  ye  be  faft  together.     Ye  are  my  joy  and 

my  crown.  Ye  know  that  I  have  recommended  His  love  to  you. 
I  defy  the  world,  Satan,  and  fin.  His  love  hath  neither  brim  nor 
bottom  in  it.  My  deareft  in  Chrift,  I  write  my  foul's  defire  to  you. 
Heaven  is  not  at  the  next  door.  I  find  Chriftianity  to  be  a  hard  tafk  ; 
fet  to  in  your  evening.     We  would  all  keep  both  Chrift  and  our 

*  A(5ts  the  part  of  a  familiar  friend. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXXV,  307 

right  eye,  our  right  hand  and  foot ;  but  it  will  not  do  with  us.  1 
befeech  you,  by  the  mercies  of  God,  and  your  compearance*  before 
Chrifl,  look  Chrifl's  account-bookf  and  your  own  together,  and 
collate  them.  Give  the  remnant  of  your  time  to  your  foul.  This 
great  idol-god,  the  world,  will  be  lying  in  white  afhes  on  the  day 
of  your  compearance;*  and  why  fhould  night-dreams,  and  day- 
fhadows,  and  water-froth,  and  May-flowers  run  away  with  your 
heart  ?  When  we  win  to  the  water-fide,  and  black  death's  river- 
brink,  and  put  our  foot  into  the  boat,  we  Ihall  laugh  at  our  folly. 
Sir,  I  recommend  unto  you  the  thoughts  of  death,  and  how  ye  would 
wifh  your  foul  to  be  when  ye  fhall  lie  cold,  blue,  ill-fmelling  clay. 

For  any  hireling  to  be  intruded,  I,  being  the  King's  prifoner,  can- 
not fay  much ;  but,  as  God's  minifter,  I  defire  you  to  read  Afts  i. 
15,  16,  to  the  end,  and  Afts  vi.  2-5,  and  ye  fhall  find  that  God's 
people  fhould  have  a  voice  in  choofmg  church-rulers  and  teachers. 
I  fhall  be  fbrry  if,  willingly,  ye  fhall  give  way  to  his  unlawful  intru- 
fion  upon  my  labours.  The  only  wife  God  direft  you. 
God's  grace  be  with  you. 

Your  loving  paflor, 

S.  R. 



CXXV.— r^  the  Lady  Forret. 

[Lady  Forret  was,  we  fuppofe,  a  *^  faint  in  Caefar's  houfehold;"  for 
Lord  Forret  (originally  Mr  David  Balfour),  was  one  of  Lauderdale's  friends, 
appointed  to  watch  the  outed  minifters  in  Fife.     See  Blair  s  Life,  by  Row.] 


ORTHY  MISTRESS,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to 
you. — I  long  to  hear  from  you.  I  hear  Chrifl  hath 
been  thatj  kind  as  to  vifit  you  with  ficknefs,  and  to  bring 

*  Appearing  in  court  in  obedience  to  a  fummons. 

t  Journal  of  tranfadions.  |  So  very  kind. 

3o8  LETTER  CXXV.  [1637. 

you  to  the  door  of  the  grave  :  but  ye  found  the  door  fhut  (blefTed 
be  His  glorious  name  !)  whill*  ye  be  riper  for  eternity.  He  will 
have  more  fervice  of  you  ;  and,  therefore,  He  seeketh  of  you  that 
henceforth  ye  be  honefl:  to  your  new  Hufband,  the  Son  of  God. 
We  have  all  idol-love,  and  are  whorifhly  inclined  to  love  other 
things  befide  our  Lord  ;  and,  therefore,  our  Lord  hunteth  for  our 
love  more  ways  than  one  or  two.  Oh  that  Chrift  had  His  own  of 
us  !  I  know  He  will  not  want  you,  and  that  is  a  fweet  wilfulnefs 
in  His  love  :  and  ye  have  as  good  caufe,  on  the  other  part,  to  be 
headflrong  and  peremptory  in  your  love  to  Chrift,  and  not  to  part, 
nor  divide  your  love  betwixt  Him  and  the  world.  If  it  were  more, 
it  is  little  enough,  yea,  too  little  for  Chrift. 

I  am  now,  every  way,  in  good  terms  with  Chrift.  He  hath  let 
a  banifhed  prifoner  as  a  feal  on  His  heart,  and  as  a  bracelet  on 
His  arm.  That  crabbed  and  black  tree  of  the  crofs  laugheth  upon 
me  now  ;  the  alarming  noife  of  the  crofs  is  worse  than  itfelf.  I 
love  Chrift's  gloomsf  better  than  the  world's  worm-eaten  joys.  Oh, 
if  all  the  kingdom  were  as  I  am,  except  thefe  bonds  !  My  lofs  is 
gain  ;  my  fadnefs  joyful  ;  my  bonds,  liberty  ;  my  tears  comfortable. 
This  world  is  not  worth  a  drink  of  cold  water.  Oh,  but  Chrift's 
love  cafteth  a  great  heat  !  Hell,  and  all  the  fait  fea,  and  the  rivers 
of  the  earth,  cannot  quench  it. 

I  remember  you  to  God  ;  ye  have  the  prayers  of  a  prifoner  of 
Chrift.     Grace,  grace,  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  c)^  1637. 

*  Till.  t  Frowns. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXXVL  309 

CXXSfl.—For  Marion  M'Naught. 


OVING  AND  DEAR  SISTER —Grace,  mercy,  and 
peace  be  to  you.  Your  letter  hath  refrefhed  my  foul. 
You  fhall  not  have  my  advice  to  make  hafle  to  go  out 
of  that  town  ;  for  if  you  remove  out  of  Kirkcudbright,  they  will 
eafily  undo  all.  You  are  at  God's  work,  and  in  His  way  there. 
Be  ftrong  in  the  Lord  ;  the  devil  is  weaker  than  you  are,  becaufe 
flronger  is  He  that  is  in  you  than  he  that  is  in  the  world.  Your 
care  of  and  love  fhowed  towards  me,  now  a  prifoner  of  Chrifl:,  is 
laid  up  for  you  in  heaven,  and  you  ihall  know  that  it  is  come  up  in 
remembrance  before  God. 

Pray,  pray  for  my  defolate  flock  ;  and  give  them  your  counfel, 
when  you  meet  with  any  of  them.  It  fhall  be  my  grief  to  hear  that 
a  wolf  enter  in  upon  my  labours  ;  but  if  the  Lord  permit  it,  I  am 
filent.  My  fky  fhall  clear,  for  Chrifl  layeth  my  head  in  His  bofom, 
and  admitteth  me  to  lean  there.  I  never  knew  before  what  His 
love  was  in  fuch  a  meafure.  If  He  leave  me.  He  leaveth  me  in 
pain,  and  fick  of  love  ;  and  yet  my  ficknefs  is  my  life  and  health. 
I  have  a  fire  within  me  ,  I  defy  all  the  devils  in  hell  and  all  the 
prelates  in  Scotland,  to  caft  water  on  it. 

I  rejoice  at  your  courage  and  faith.  Pray  flill,  as  if  I  were  on 
my  journey  to  come  and  be  your  paftor.  What  iron  gates  or  bars 
are  able  to  ftand  it  out  againft  Chrift  ?  for  when  He  bloweth,  they 
open  to  Him. 

I  remember  your  hufband.     Grace,  grace,  be  with  you. 
Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

310  LETTER  CXXFIL  [1637. 

CXXVIL— r^  John  Carsen. 

[John  Carsen  was  the  fon  of  Andrew  Carfen,  merchant  and  burgefs  of 
Kirkcudbright.  He  was  retoured  heir  of  his  father  13th  May  1635. — Inquir. 
Gener.  No.  ai2i.  There  are  ftill  feveral  of  the  name  in  Kirkcudbright,  and  it 
is  found  often  in  the  churchyard.  There  is  **  Bailie  John  Carfen"  in  the 
*^  Minute-book  of  Comm.  of  Covenanters,"  along  with  Bailie  Ewart ;  and 
is  called  *^  Carfen  of  Sennvick.''~\ 



Every  one  feeketh  not  God  ,  and  far  fewer  find  Him  ; 

becaufe  they  feek  amifs.  He  is  to  be  fought  for  above 
all  things,  if  men  would  find  what  they  feek.  Let  feathers  and 
fhadows  alone  to  children,  and  go  feek  your  Well-beloved.  Your 
only  errand  to  the  world,  is  to  woo  Chrifl:  ;  therefore,  put  other 
lovers  from  about  the  houfe,  and  let  Chriil  have  all  your  love,  with- 
out minching*  or  dividing  it.  It  is  little  enough,  if  there  were 
more  of  it.  The  ferving  of  the  world  and  fm  hath  but  a  bafe  re- 
ward and  fmoke  inftead  of  pleafures,  and  but  a  night-dream  for 
true  eafe  to  the  foul.  Go  where  you  will,  your  foul  fhall  not  fleep 
ibund  but  in  Chrifl's  bofom.  Come  in  to  Him,  and  lie  down,  and 
reft  you  on  the  (lain  Son  of  God,  and  inquire  for  Him.  I  fought 
Him  ;  and  now,  a  fig  for  all  the  worm-eaten  pleafures,  and  moth- 
eaten  glory  out  of  heaven,  fince  I  have  found  Him,  and  in  Him  all 
I  can  want  or  wifh  !  He  hath  made  me  a  king  over  the  world. 
Princes  cannot  overcome  me.  Chrifl  hath  given  me  the  marriage- 
kifs,  and  He  hath  my  marriage-love  :  we  have  made  up  a  full 
bargain,  that  fhall  not  go  back  on  either  fide.  Oh,  if  ye,  and  all 
in  that  country,  knew  what  fweet  terms  of  mercy  are  betwixt  Him 
and  me  !     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 
Aberdeen,  March  11,  1637.  S.  R. 

*  Cutting  into  fmall  pieces. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXXVIII.  311 

CXXVIII.— r^  the  Earl  of  Cassillis. 

[John  Kennedy,  fixth  Earl  of  Cassillis,  was  the  fon  of  Gilbert 
Kennedy,  mafter  of  Caflillis  (which  is  fix  miles  from  Ayr),  third  fon  of 
Gilbert,  fourth  Earl  of  Caflillis.  He  was  ferved  heir  to  his  uncle,  John,  fifth 
Earl  of  CafiTillis,  in  1616.  His  Lordfhip  was  a  perfon  of  confiderable  talents, 
of  great  virtue,  and  a  zealous  Covenanter.  Having  ftudied  under  Dr  Cameron, 
Principal  of  the  College  of  Glafgow,  a  great  defender  of  abfolute  government, 
he  could  not  yield  to  fome  claufes  in  the  firft  draught  of  The  Covenant,  which 
feemed  to  vindicate  the  ufe  of  defenfive  arms  againft  the  King  ;  but  he  agreed 
to  the  Covenant  as  it  now  ftands.  He  fat  in  the  Glafgow  Aflembly,  1638, 
being  returned  as  elder  by  the  Prefbytery  of  Ayr ;  and  was  one  of  the  three 
ruling  elders  fent  to  the  AflTembly  of  Divines  at  Weftminfter  in  1643.  He 
was  one  of  the  commiflioners  who,  in  March  i6jo,  went  from  Scotland  to 
Breda,  to  treat  with  Charles  H.,  and  who  returned  23d  June  that  year, 
bringing  his  Majefty  along  with  them.  He  attended  at  the  crowning  of  Charles 
at  Scoone,  January  i,  1651.  So  ftrongly  attached  was  he  to  the  royal  family, 
that  when  Cromwell,  at  one  time,  fummoned  him  to  a  meeting,  inftead  of 
attending  it,  he,  along  with  fome  minifters  and  his  chaplain,  kept  a  day  of 
fafting  and  prayer  in  his  family.  Such  was  his  hoftility  to  the  meafures  of  the 
court,  in  eftablifhing  Prelacy  and  in  ejed:ing  the  Prefbyterian  minifters  from 
their  charges  for  non-conformity,  that  he  would  fcarce  ever  pay  ftipend  to  any 
of  the  curates  intruded  into  their  places  till  he  got  a  charge  of  homing. 
Wodrow  defignates  him  *^  the  great  and  worthy  Earl  of  Caflillis."  **  I  have 
this  account,"  fays  he,  '^  of  the  Earl  of  CafTillis,  that  he  was  Angularly  pious, 
and  a  man  of  a  very  high  fpirit,  who  carried  wath  a  great  ftate  and  majefty. 
His  carriage  in  his  family  was  moft  exemplary  and  religious.  He  was  very 
much  in  fecret  duty,  and  had  his  hours  wherein  none  had  accefs  to  him.  Upon 
the  Sabbath  his  carriage  was  Angular.  He  ufually  WTote  the  fermon,  and  at 
night  caufed  his  chaplain  to  examine  all  his  fervants  and  his  children,  even 
after  they  were  pretty  big,  upon  the  fermon  ;  and  every  one  behoved  to  give 
their  notes  ;  and  after  all,  many  times  he  took  out  his  owti  papers  and  read  to 
them.  When  at  Edinburgh,  Lauderdale  fent  a  fervant  to  him  upon  a  Sabbath 
night,  telling  him  he  was  coming  to  wait  on  him.  Prefently  he  called  Mr 
Violant,  his  chaplain,  and  ordered  him  to  go  out  and  meet  Lauderdale,  and 
tell  him  that  if  he  defigned  a  Sabbath  day's  vifit  he  was  very  welcome,  but  he 
would  difcourfe  upon  no  other  thing  with  him  but  what  was  fuitable  to  the 
day.  Lauderdale  came  up,  and  difcourfed  with  him, — as  he  could  very  well 
do,^-only  upon  points  of  divinity."  {H^odroivs  Anakcia.)  His  Lordfhip 
died  at  his  own  houfe  in  the  Weft  in  1668. 

312  LETTER  CXXVIII.  [1637. 

The  manfion  is  a  peculiar  edifice,  near  Dairy mple.  It  is  on  the  banks  of 
the  Doon,  and  embofomed  in  wood,  with  the  hill  called  The  Dounans  facing 
the  houfe.  It  is  a  confiifed  pile  of  building.  A  long  avenue  of  fine  old  trees 
leads  up  to  it.] 



— I  make  bold  (out  of  the  honourable  and  Chriftian 
report  I  hear  of  your  Lordfhip,  having  no  other  thing 
to  fay  but  that  which  concerneth  the  honourable  caufe  which  the 
Lord  hath  enabled  your  Lordfhip  to  profefs)  to  write  this,  that  it  is 
your  Lordfliip's  crown,  your  glory,  and  your  honour,  to  fet  your 
fhoulder  under  the  Lord's  glory,  now  falling  to  the  ground,  and  to 
back  Chrifl  now,  when  ib  many  think  it  wifdom  to  let  Him  fend* 
for  Himfelf.  The  fhields  of  the  earth  ever  did,  and  do  ftill  believe 
that  Chrifl  is  a  cumberfome  neighbour,  and  that  it  is  a  pain  to  hold 
up  His  yeas  and  nays.  They  fear  that  He  take  their  chariots,  and 
their  crowns,  and  their  honour  from  them  ;  but  my  Lord  ftandeth 
in  need  of  none  of  them  all.  But  it  is  your  glory  to  own  Chrift 
and  His  buried  truth  -,  for,  let  men  fay  what  they  pleafe,  the  plea 
with  Zion's  enemies  in  this  day  of  Jacob's  trouble  is,  if  Chrift  jQiould 
be  King,  and  no  mouth  fpeak  laws  but  His  ?  It  concerneth  the 
apple  of  Chrift's  eye,  and  His  royal  privileges,  what  is  now  debated ; 
and  Chrifl's  kingly  honour  is  come  to  yea  and  nay.  But  let  me  be 
pardoned,  my  dear  and  noble  Lord,  when  I  befeech  you  by  the 
mercies  of  God,  by  the  comfort  of  the  Spirit,  by  the  wounds  of  our 
dear  Saviour,  by  your  compearance  f  before  the  Judge  of  quick  and 
dead,  to  fland  for  Chrift,  and  to  back  Him.  J  Oh,  if  the  nobles 
had  done  their  part,  and  been  zealous  for  the  Lord  !  it  had  not  been 
as  it  is  now.  But  men  think  it  wifdom  to  ftand  befide  Chrift  till 
His  head  be  broken,  and  fmg  dumb.  §  There  is  a  time  coming 
when  Chrift  will  have  a  thick  |1  court,  and  He  will  be  the  glory  of 

*  Provide  for,  fliift  for.  t  Appearing  when  fummoned. 

X  Help,  fecond  Him  in  what  He  docs.         §  Be  reduced  to  filence. 
II  Crowded. 

i637-]  LETTER  CXXIX.  313 

Scotland  -,  and  He  will  make  a  diadem,  a  garland,  a  feal  upon  His 
heart,  and  a  ring  upon  His  finger,  of  thofe  who  have  avouched  Him 
before  this  faithlefs  generation.  Howbeit,  ere  that  come,  wrath 
from  the  Lord  is  ordained  for  this  land. 

My  Lord,  I  have  caufe  to  write  this  to  your  Lordfhip ;  for  I  dare 
not  conceal  His  kindnefs  to  the  foul  of  an  afflifted,  exiled  prifoner. 
Who  hath  more  caufe  to  boaft  in  the  Lord  than  fuch  a  fmner  as  I, 
who  am  feafted  with  the  confolations  of  Chrift,  and  have  no  pain  in 
my  fulFerings,  but  the  pain  of  foul-ficknefs  of  love  for  Chrift,  and 
ibrrow  that  I  cannot  help  to  found  aloud  the  praifes  of  Him  who 
hath  heard  the  fighing  of  the  prifoner,  and  is  content  to  lay  the  head 
of  His  oppreffed  fervant  in  His  bofom,  under  His  chin,  and  let  Him 
feel  the  fmell  of  His  garments  ?  It  behoved  me  to  write  this,  that 
your  Lordfhip  might  know  that  Chrifl  is  as  good  as  He  is  called  ; 
and  to  teftify  to  your  Lordfhip,  that  the  caufe,  which  your  Lordfliip 
now  profeffeth  before  the  faithlefs  world,  is  Chrift's,  and  that  your 
Lordiliip  fliall  have  no  fhame  of  it. 

Grace  be  with  you. 

Your  Lordfhip's  obliged  fervant, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXXIX.— To  Mr  Robert  Gordon,  Bailie  of  Ayr. 

[Robert  Gordon  was  a  merchant  in  Ayr.  In  Paterfon's  Hijtory  of  the 
County  of  Ayr y  he  and  his  partner  merchants  are  mentioned  as  having,  in  1644, 
fupplied  the  Scots  army  in  Ireland,  at  a  certain  price,  with  a  large  quantity  of 
meal  and  beans.  He  was  coufm  to  John,  Vifcount  of  Kenmure,  whofe  '^  Laft 
and  Heavenly  Speeches  and  Glorious  Departure  "  were  publifhed  by  Ruther- 
ford, and  to  which  there  is  a  reference  in  the  beginning  of  this  letter.  This 
appears  from  the  following  quotations  from  thefe  Speeches: — ^^  To  a  coufin 
(Robert  Gordon,  bailie  of  Ayr),  he  faid,  '  Robert,  I  know  you  have  light  and 
underftanding ;  and  though  you  have  no  need  to  be  inftruded  by  me,  yet 
have  you  need  to  be  incited'"  (p.  94).  Gordon  was  frequently  a  member  of 
the  Town  Council  of  Ayr.  In  the  Records,  he  appears  in  1631  as  Dean  of 
Guild,  and  in  1632  as  Bailie.     In  1638,  and  1647,  ^^^  b^ld  the  office  of  Pro- 

314  LETTER  CXXIX,  [1637. 

voft.  He  was  a  man  of  piety,  and  a  zealous  fupporter  of  the  Prefbyterian 
caufe.  In  an  old  parchment  copy  of  the  National  Covenant  1638  (in  the 
pofleffion  of  Hugh  Cowan,  Efquire,  Ayr),  Gordon's  fignature  appears,  as 
well  as  the  (ignatures  of  the  other  members  of  the  Town  Council,  fome  of 
whom  were  Rutherford's  correfpondents,  as  John  Kennedy,  John  Ofburn, 
and  John  Stewart.  The  above  copy  of  the  National  Covenant  is  iigned  by 
Rothes,  Montrofe,  and  other  men  of  rank,  being  one  of  the  copies  fent  at  that 
time  by  the  Covenanters  from  Edinburgh  to  the  various  burghs  throughout 
the  country  to  be  fubfcribed.] 


ORTHY  SIR, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I 
long  to  hear  from  you  on  paper.  Remember  your 
chief's  fpeeches*  on  his  death-bed.  I  pray  you,  fir,  fell 
all,  and  buy  the  Pearl.  Time  will  cut  you  from  this  world's  glory  ; 
look  what  will  do  you  good,  when  your  glafs  fhall  be  run  out. 
And  let  Chrift's  love  bear  mofl  court  in  your  foul,  and  that  court 
will  bear  down  the  love  of  other  things.  Chrifl  feeketh  your  help 
in  your  place  ;  give  Him  your  hand.  Who  hath  more  caufe  to  en- 
courage others  to  own  Chrifl  than  I  have  .?  for  He  hath  made  me 
fick  of  love,  and  left  me  in  pain  to  wreftle  with  His  love.  And  love 
is  like  to  fall  afwoon  through  His  abfence.  I  mean  not  that  He 
deferteth  me,  or  that  I  am  ebbf  of  comforts  ;  but  this  is  an  unco  J 
pain.  O  that  I  had  a  heart  and  a  love  to  render  to  Him  back 
again  !  Oh,  if  principalities  and  powers,  thrones  and  dominions, 
and  all  the  world  would  help  me  to  praife !  Praife  Him  in  my 

Remember  my  love  to  your  wife.     I  thank  you  mofl  kindly 
for  your  love  to  my  brother.     Grace  be  with  you. 
Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

*  The  words  of  Lord  Kenmure.  t  At  a  low  tide  in  refped  of. 

X  Strange. 

1637].  LETTER  CXXX.  315 

CXXX. — To  John  Kennedy,  Bailie  of  Ayr, 


RACE,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  Your  not  writing 
to  me  cannot  bind  me  up  from  remembering  you  now 
and  then,  that  at  leaft  ye  may  be  a  witnefs,  and  a 
third  man,  to  behold  on  paper  what  is  betwixt  Chrifl  and  me.  I 
was  in  His  eyes  like  a  young  orphan,  wanting  known  parents, 
caften  out  in  the  open  fields ;  either  Chrifl  behoved  to  take 
me  up,  and  to  bring  me  home  to  His  houfe  and  firefide,  elfe 
I  had  died  in  the  fields.  And  now  I  am  homely*  with  Chrifl's 
love,  fo  that  I  think  the  houfe  mine  own,  and  the  Mafter  of  the 
houfe  mine  alfo.  Chrift  inquired  not,  when  He  began  to  love  me, 
whether  I  was  fair,  or  black,  or  fun-burnt  j  love  taketh  what  it 
may  have.  He  loved  me  before  this  time,  I  know  ;  but  now  I 
have  the  flower  of  His  love  ;  His  love  is  come  to  a  fair  bloom,  like 
a  young  rofe  opened  up  out  of  the  green  leaves  -,  and  it  cafteth  a 
ftrong  and  fragrant  fmell.  I  want  nothing  but  ways  of  exprefling 
Chrifl's  love.  A  full  veflel  would  have  a  vent.  Oh,  if  I  could 
fmoke  out,  and  cafl  out  coals,  to  make  a  fire  in  many  breafts  of 
this  land  !  Oh  !  it  is  a  pity  that  there  were  not  many  imprifoned 
for  Chrifl:,  were  it  for  no  other  purpofe  than  to  write  books  and 
love-fongs  of  the  love  of  Chrifl:.  This  love  would  keep  all  created 
tongues  of  men  and  angels  in  exercife,  and  bufy  night  and  day,  to 
fpeak  of  it.  Alas  !  I  can  fpeak  nothing  of  it,  but  wonder  at  three 
things  in  His  love  : — Fir/I,  freedom.  Oh  that  lumps  of  fm  fliould 
get  fuch  love  for  nothing  !  Secondly ^  the  fweetnefs  of  His  love.  I 
give  over  either  to  fpeak  or  write  of  it ;  but  thofe  that  feel  it,  may 
better  bear  witnefs  what  it  is.     But  it  is  fo  fweet,  that,  next  to 

*  At  home  with,  on  no  ceremony  with. 

3i6  LETTER  CXXX.  [1637. 

Chrift  Himfelf,  nothing  can  match  it.  Nay,  I  think  that  a  foul 
could  live  eternally  blefTed  only  on  Chrift's  love,  and  feed  upon  no 
other  thing.  Yea,  when  Chrift  in  love  ^veth  a  blow,  it  doeth  a 
foul  good  •,  and  it  is  a  kind  of  comfort  and  joy  to  it  to  get  a  cuff* 
with  the  lovely,  fweet,  and  foft  hand  of  Jefus.  And,  thirdly,  what 
power  and  ftrength  are  in  His  love  !  I  am  perfuaded  it  can  climb 
a  fteep  hill,  with  hell  upon  its  back ;  and  fwim  through  water  and 
not  drown  ,  and  fmg  in  the  fire,  and  find  no  pain  -,  and  triumph  in 
lofTes,  prifons,  forrows,  exile,  difgrace,  and  laugh  and  rejoice  in 
death.  O  for  a  year's  leafe  of  the  fenfe  of  His  love  without  a 
cloud,  to  try  what  Chrift  is  !  O  for  the  coming  of  the  Bride- 
groom !  O,  when  fhall  I  fee  the  Bridegroom  and  the  Bride  meet 
in  the  clouds,  and  kifs  each  other  !  O,  when  will  we  get  our  day, 
and  our  heart's  fill  of  that  love  !  O,  if  it  were  la\\^ul  to  complain 
of  the  famine  of  that  love,  and  want  of  the  immediate  vifion  of  God  ! 
O  time,  time  !  how  doft  thou  torment  the  fouls  of  thofe  that  would 
be  fwallowed  up  of  Chrift's  love,  becaufe  thou  moveft  fo  flowly ! 
Oh,  if  He  would  pity  a  poor  prifoner,  and  blow  love  upon  me,  and 
give  a  prifoner  a  tafte  or  draught  of  that  fweetnefs,  which  is  glory 
as  it  were  begun,  to  be  a  confirmation  that  Chrift  and  I  fhall  have 
our  fill  of  each  other  for  ever  !  Come  hither,  O  love  of  Chrift, 
that  I  may  once  kifs  thee  before  I  die  !  What  would  I  not  ^ve  to 
have  time,  that  lieth  betwixt  Chrift  and  me,  taken  out  of  the  way, 
that  we  might  once  meet !  I  cannot  think  but  that,  at  the  firft 
fight  I  fhall  fee  of  that  moft  lovely  and  faireft  face,  love  will  come 
out  of  His  two  eyes,  and  fill  me  w^ith  aftonifhment.  I  would  but 
defire  to  ftand  at  the  outer  fide  of  the  gates  of  the  New  Jerufalem, 
and  look  through  a  hole  of  the  door,  and  fee  Chrift's  face.  A 
borrowed  vifion  in  this  life  would  be  my  borrowed  and  begun 
heaven,  whillf  the  long,  long-looked-for  day  dawn.  It  is  not  for 
nothing  that  it  is  faid,  "  Chrift  in  you  the  hope  of  glory."t  I  will 
be  content  of  no  pawn  of  heaven  but  Chrift  Himfelf  ;  for  Chrift, 
poffefTed  by  faith  here,  is  young  heaven,  and  glory  in  the  bud.     If 

*  A  blow.  t  Till.  ;  Col.  1.  27. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXXX.  317 

I  had  that  pawn,  I  would  bide  horning*  and  hell  both,  ere  I  gave 
it  again.  All  that  we  have  here  is  fcarce  the  picture  of  glory. 
Should  not  we  young  bairns  long  and  look  for  the  expiring  of  our 
minority  ?  It  were  good  to  be  daily  begging  propinesf  and  love- 
gifts,  and  the  Bridegroom's  favours  ;  and,  if  we  can  do  no  more,  to 
leek  crumbs,  and  hungry  dinners  of  Chrift's  love,  to  keep  the  tafle 
of  heaven  in  our  mouth  whill±  fupper-time.  I  know  it  is  far  after 
noon,  and  nigh  the  marriage-fupper  of  the  Lamb  ;  the  table  is 
covered  already.  O  Well-beloved,  run,  run  fail !  O  fair  day, 
when  wilt  thou  dawn  !  O  fhadows,  flee  away  !  I  think  hope  and 
love,  woven  through  other,  §  make  our  abfence  from  Chrift  fpiritual 
torment.  It  is  a  pain  to  wait  on  ;  but  hope  that  maketh  not  afhamed 
fwalloweth  up  that  pain.  It  is  not  unkindnefs  that  keepeth  Chrift 
and  us  fo  long  alunder.  What  can  I  fay  to  Chrift's  love  ?  I  think 
more  than  I  can  fay.  To  confider,  that  when  my  Lord  Jefus  may 
take  the  air  (if  I  may  fo  fpeak),  and  go  abroad,  yet  He  will  be 
confined  and  keep  the  prifon  with  me  !  But,  in  all  this  fweet  com- 
munion with  Him,  what  am  I  to  be  thanked  for  ?  I  am  but  a 
fufferer.  Whether  I  will  or  not.  He  will  be  kind  to  me  ;  as  if  He 
had  defied  my  guiltinefs  to  make  Him  unkind,  He  fo  beareth  His 
love  in  on  me.  Here  I  die  with  wondering,  that  juftice  hindereth 
not  love  ;  for  there  are  none  in  hell,  nor  out  of  hell,  more  unworthy 
of  Chrifl's  love.  Shame  may  confound  and  fcaur  :  me  once  to  hold 
up  my  black  mouth  to  receive  one  of  Chrifl's  undeferved  kilTes.  If 
my  innerfide  were  turned  out,  and  all  men  faw  my  vilenefs,  they 
would  fay  to  me,  "  It  is  a  fhame  for  thee  to  ftand  ftill  whilli  Chrifl 
kifs  thee  and  embrace  thee."  It  would  feem  to  become  me  rather 
to  run  away  from  His  love,  as  afhamed  at  my  own  unworthinefs  ; 
nay,  I  may  think  fhame  to  take  heaven,  who  have  fo  highly  pro- 
voked my  Lord  Jefus.  But  feeing  Chrift's  love  will  fhame  me,  I 
am  content  to  be  fhamed.     INIy  defire  is,  that  my  Lord  would  give 

*  A  legal  demand  for  pa^Ttient  of  a  debt,  under  threat  of  imprifonment  if 
difregarded.  It  ufed  to  be  made  with  three  blafts  of  a  horn  in  the  market- 

t  Prefents.  X  Till.  §  Through  one  another.  ||  Make  afraid. 

3i8  LETTER  CXXXL  [1637. 

me  broader  and  deeper  thoughts,  to  feed  myfelf  with  wondering  at 
His  love.  I  would  I  could  weigh  it,  but  I  have  no  balance  for  it. 
When  I  have  worn  my  tongue  to  the  ftump,  in  praifmg  of  Chrifl:, 
I  have  done  nothing  to  Him.  I  muft  let  Him  alone,  for  my 
withered  arms  will  not  go  about  His  high,  wide,  long,  and  broad 
love.  What  remaineth,  then,  but  that  my  debt  to  the  love  of  Chrifl 
lie  unpaid  for  all  eternity  ?  All  that  are  in  heaven  are  black-ftiamed* 
with  His  love  as  well  as  I.  We  muft  all  be  dyvours  f  together  ; 
and  the  blefling  of  that  houfeful,  or  heavenful,  of  dyvours  f  fhall 
reft  for  ever  upon  Him.  Oh,  if  this  land  and  nation  would  come 
and  ftand  befide  His  inconceivable  and  glorious  perfections,  and 
look  in,  and  love,  and  adore  !  Would  to  God  I  could  bring  in 
many  lovers  to  Chrift's  houfe  !  But  this  nation  hath  forfaken  the 
Fountain  of  living  waters.  Lord,  caft  not  water  on  Scotland's  coal. 
Wo,  wo  will  be  to  this  land,  becaufe  of  the  day  of  the  Lord's  fierce 
anger  that  is  fo  faft  coming. 

Grace  be  with  you. 

Your  affe6i:ionate  brother,  in  our  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 


CXXXI.— r^?  Jean  Brown. 

ISTRESS, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  am 
glad  that  ye  go  on  at  Chrift's  back,  in  this  dark  and 
cloudy  time.  It  were  good  to  fell  other  things  for 
Him ;  for  when  all  thefe  days  are  over,  we  fhall  find  it  our  advan- 
tage that  we  have  taken  part  with  Chrift.  I  confidently  believe  that 
His  enemies  fhall  be  His  footftool,  and  that  He  will  make  green 
flowers  dead,  withered  hay,  when  the  honour  and  glory  fhall  fall 
off  them,  like  the  bloom  or  flower  of  a  green  herb  fhaken  with 

*  Made  black  with  (hame.  t  Debtors. 

1637.J  LETTER  CXXXL  319 

the  wind.  It  were  not  wifdom  for  us  to  think  that  Chrifl  and  the 
Gofpel  would  come  and  fit  down  at  our  firefide ;  nay,  but  we  mufl 
go  out  of  our  own  warm  houfes,  and  feek  Chrifi:  and  His  Gofpel. 
It  is  not  the  funny  fide  of  Chrift  that  we  muft  look  to,  and  we  muft 
not  forfake  Him  for  want  of  that;  but  muft  let  our  face  againft 
what  may  befall  us  in  following  on,  till  He  and  we  be  through  the 
briers  and  bufhes,  on  the  dry  ground.  Our  foft  nature  would  be 
borne  through  the  troubles  of  this  miferable  life  in  Chrift's  arms ; 
and  it  is  His  wifdom,  who  knoweth  our  mould,  that  His  bairns  go 
wet-fhod  and  cold-footed  to  heaven.  Oh,  how  fweet  a  thing  were 
it  for  us  to  learn  to  make  our  burdens  light,  by  framing  our  hearts 
to  the  burden,  and  making  our  Lord's  will  a  law! 

I  find  Chrift  and  His  crofs  not  fo  ill*  to  pleafe,  nor  yet  fuch 
troublefome  guefts,  as  men  call  them ;  nay,  I  think  patience  fhould 
make  the  water  which  Chrift  giveth  us  good  wine,  and  His  drofs 
good  metal.  And  we  have  caufe  to  wait  on ;  for,  ere  it  be  long, 
our  Mafter  will  be  at  us,  and  bring  this  whole  world  out,  before 
the  fun  and  daylight,  in  their  blacks  and  whites.  Happy  are  they 
who  are  found  watching.  Our  fand-glafs  is  not  fb  long  as  we  need 
to  weary ;  time  will  eat  away  and  root  out  our  woes  and  fbrrow. 
Our  heaven  is  in  the  bud,  and  growing  up  to  an  harveft.  Why  then 
fhould  we  not  follow  on,  feeing  our  fpan-length  of  time  will  come 
to  an  inch?  Therefore  I  commend  Chrift  to  you,  as  your  laft- 
living,  and  longeft-living  Hufband,  and  the  ftaff  of  your  old  age. 
Let  Him  now  have  the  reft  of  your  days.  And  think  not  much 
of  a  ftorm  upon  the  fhip  that  Chrift  faileth  in  ;  there  fhall  no 
paffenger  fall  overboard ;  but  the  crazed  fhip  and  the  fea-fick  paffen- 
gers  fhall  come  to  land  fafe. 

I  am  in  as  fweet  communion  with  Chrift  as  a  poor  finner  can 
be ;  and  am  only  pained  that  He  hath  much  beauty  and  fairnefs,  and 
/  little  love ;  He  great  power  and  mercy,  and  /  little  faith  ;  He  much 
light,  and  /  bleared  eyes.  O  that  I  faw  Him  in  the  sweetnefs  of  His 
love,  and  in  His  marriage-clothes,  and  were  over  head  and  ears  in  love 

*  Difficult. 

320  LETTER  CXXXII.  [1637. 

with  that  princely  one,  Chrifl:  Jefus  my  Lord  !     Alas,  my  riven  * 
difh,  and  the  running-out  veflel,  can  hold  little  of  Chrifl:  Jefus  ! 

I  have  joy  in  this,  that  I  would  not  refufe  death  beforef  I  put 
Chrift's  lawful  heritage  in  men's  tryfl:ing ;  and  what  know  I,  if  they 
would  have  pleafed  both  Chrifl:  and  me  ?  Alas,  that  this  land  hath 
put  Chrifl:  to  open  rouping,J  and  to  an  "Any  man  bids  more?" 
Blefl^ed  are  they  who  would  hold  the  crown  on  His  head,  and  buy 
Chrifl:'s  honour  with  their  own  lofles. 

I  rejoice  to  hear  that  your  fon  John§  is  coming  to  vifit  Chrifl:, 
and  tafl:e  of  His  love.  I  hope  that  he  will  not  lofe  his  pains,  nor 
rue  of  that  choice.  I  had  always  (as  I  faid  often  to  you)  a  great 
love  to  dear  Mr  John  Brown,  becaufe  I  thought  I  faw  Chrifl:  in 
him  more  than  in  his  brethren.  Fain  would  I  write  to  him,  to  fl:and 
by  my  fweet  Mafl:er  ;  and  I  wifli  ye  would  let  him  read  my  letter, 
and  the  joy  I  fhall  have  if  he  will  appear  for,  and  fide  with,  my 
Lord  Jefus.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXXXIL— 21?  Jean  Macmillan. 

[There  were  Macmillans  at  Dallliangan,  near  Carfphaim,  noted  as  Cove- 
nanters. But  the  name  is  a  common  one,  and  this  correfpondent  was  probably 
an  Anwoth  parifliioner.] 


OVING  SISTER,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. 
I  cannot  come  to  you  to  give  you  my  counfel ;  and  how- 
beit  I  would  come,  I  cannot  ftay  with  you.     But  I  be- 

*  Rent,  cracked. 

t  I  would  die,  ere  ever  I  would  put  Chrift's  property  at  the  difpofal  of 
men  who  may  choofe  to  appoint  their  own  times. 

X  Public  fale  by  auction. 

§  This  was  he  who  was  afterwards  fo  well  known  as  an  eminent  Chriftian, 
Brown  of  ^^'^amphray. 

1637.]  LETTER  C XXX III.  321 

feech  you  to  keep  Chrift,  for  I  did  what  I  could  to  put  you  within 
grips*  of  Him.  I  told  you  Chrifl's  teftament  and  latter- will  plainly, 
and  I  kept  nothing  back  that  my  Lord  gave  me ;  and  I  gave  Chrift 
to  you  with  good  will.  I  pray  you  to  make  Him  your  own,  and 
go  not  from  that  truth  which  I  taught  you,  in  one  hair-breadth. 
That  truth  will  fave  you  if  you  follow  it.  Salvation  is  not  an  eafy 
thing,  and  foon  gotten.  I  often  told  you  that  few  are  faved,  and 
many  damned  :  I  pray  you  to  make  your  poor  foul  fure  of  falvation, 
and  the  feeking  of  heaven  your  daily  tafk.  If  ye  never  had  a  fick 
night  and  a  pained  foul  for  fin,  ye  have  not  yet  lighted  upon  Chrifl. 
Look  to  the  right  marks  of  having  clofed  with  Chrifl.  If  ye  love 
Him  better  than  the  world,  and  would  quit  all  the  world  for  Him, 
then  that  faith  the  work  is  found.  Oh,  if  ye  faw  the  beauty  of 
Jefus,  and  fmelled  the  fragrance  of  His  love,  you  would  run  through 
fire  and  water  to  be  at  Him !     God  fend  you  Him. 

Pray  for  me,  for  I  cannot  forget  you.     Grace  be  with  you. 
Your  loving  pafior. 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

CXXXIIL— r^  the  Lady  Busbie. 

[Lady  Busbie  is  probably  the  mother-in-law  of  R.  Blair,  Rutherford's 
intimate  friend.  R.  Blair  married  Catherine,  daughter  of  Hugh  Montgomery, 
Laird  of  Bufbie,  near  Glafgow,  in  1635.] 


llSTRESS, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  am 
glad  to  hear  that  Chrift  and  ye  are  one,  and  that  ye 
have  made  Him  your  "  one  thing,"  whereas  many  are 
painfully  toiled  in  feeking  many  things,  and  their  many  things  are 

*  Reach,  grafp. 
VOL.  I. 

322  LETTER  CXXXni.  [1637. 

nothing.  It  is  only  beft  that  ye  fet  yourfelf  apart,  as  a  thing  laid 
up  and  out  of  the  gate,  *  for  Chrift  alone  ;  for  ye  are  good  for  no 
other  thing  than  Chrift  ;  and  He  hath  been  going  about  you  thefe 
many  years,  by  affliftions,  to  engage  you  to  Himfelf.  It  were  a  pity 
and  a  lofs  to  fay  Him  nay.  Verily  I  could  wifh  that  I  could  fwim 
through  hell,  and  all  the  ill  weather  in  the  world,  and  Chrift  in  my 
arms.  But  it  is  my  evil  and  folly,  that  except  Chrift  come  unfent 
for,  I  dowf  not  go  to  feek  Him  :  when  He  and  I  fall  a-reckoning, 
we  are  both  behind,  He  in  payment,  and  I  in  counting  ;  and  fo 
marches  J  lie  ftill  unredd,§  and  accounts  uncleared  betwixt  us.  Oh 
that  He  would  take  His  own  blood  for  counts  and  mifcounts,  [  that 
I  might  be  a  free  man,  and  none  had  any  claim  to  me  but  only, 
only  Jefus.  I  will  think  it  no  bondage  to  be  rouped,  f  comprifed,  ** 
and  pofTeffed  by  Chrift  as  His  bondman. 

Think  well  of  the  vifitation  of  your  Lord  ;  for  I  find  one  thing, 
which  I  faw  not  well  before,  that  when  the  faints  are  under  trials, 
and  well  humbled,  little  fins  raife  great  cries  and  war-ftiouts  in  the 
confcience  ;  and  in  profperity,  confcience  is  a  pope,  to  give  difpenfa- 
tions,  and  let  out  and  in,  and  give  latitude  and  elbow-room  to  our 
heart.  Oh,  how  little  care  we  for  pardon  at  Chrift's  hand,  when 
we  make  difpenfations  !  And  all  is  but  bairns'  play,  till  a  crofs 
without  beget  a  heavier  crofs  within,  and  then  we  play  no  longer 
with  our  idols.  It  is  good  ftill  ff  to  be  fevere  againft  ourielves  ;  for 
we  but  transform  God's  mercy  into  an  idol,  and  an  idol  that  hath 
a  difpenfation  to  ^ve,  for  the  turning  of  the  grace  of  God  into 
wantonnefs.  Happy  are  they  who  take  up  God,  wrath,  juftice,  and 
fin,  as  they  are  in  themfelves  ;  for  we  have  mifcarrying  light,  that 
parteth  with  the  child,  when  we  have  good  refolutions  only.  But, 
God  be  thanked,  that  falvation  is  not  rolled  upon  our  wheels. 

Oh,  but  Chrift  hath  a  faving  eye  !  falvation  is  in  His  eyelids  ! 
When  He  firft  looked  on  me,  I  was  faved  -,  it  coft  Him  but  a  look 

*  Out  of  the  way.  f  Cannot.  %  Boundaries.  §  Undefined. 

II  Erroneous  reckonings.  ^  Set  up  to  public  fale  by  auction. 

**  Seized  for  debt.  tt  Always. 

637.]  LETTER  CXXXIIL  323 

to  make  hell  quit  of  me  !     Oh,  but  merits,  free  merits,  and  the  dear 
blood  of  God,  were  the  beft  gate*  that  ever  we  could  have  gotten 
out  of  hell !     Oh  what  a  fweet,  oh  what  a  fafe  and  fure  way  is  it, 
to  come  out  of  hell  leaning  on  a  Saviour  !     That  Chrift  and  a  fmner 
fhould  be  one,  and  have  heaven  betwixt  them,  and  be  halvers  of 
falvation,  is  the  wonder  of  falvation.     What  more  humble  could 
love  be  ?     And  what  an  excellent  fmell  doth  Chriil:  call  on  His 
lower  garden,  where  there  grow  but  wild  flowers,  if  we  fpeak  by 
way  of  comparifon.    But  there  is  nothing  but  perfect  garden  flowers 
in  heaven,  and  the  befl:  plenifliingf  that  is  there  is  Chrifl:.     We  are 
all  obliged  to  love  heaven  for  Chrifl:'s  fake.     He  graceth  heaven, 
and  all  His  Father's  houfe,  with  His  prefence.     He  is  a  Rofe  that 
beautifieth  all  the  upper  garden  of  God  ;  a  leaf  of  that  Rofe  of  God 
for  fmell  is  worth  a  world.     O  that  He  would  blow  His  fmell 
upon  a  withered  and  dead  foul !     Let  us,  then,  go  on  to  meet  with 
Him,  and  to  be  filled  with  the  fweetnefs  of  His  love.    Nothing  will 
hold  Him  from  us.     He  hath  decreed  to  put  time,  fm,  hell,  devils, 
men,  and  death  out  of  the  way,  and  to  rid  J  the  rough  way  betwixt 
us  and  Him,  that  we  may  enjoy  one  another.     It  is  fl:range  and 
wonderful,  that  He  would  think  long  §  in  heaven  without  us  ;  and 
that  He  would  have  the  company  of  finners  to  folace  and  delight 
Himfelf  withal  in  heaven.      And  now  the  fupper  is   abiding  us. 
Chrifl:,  the  Bridegroom,  with  defire  is  waiting  on,  till  the  bride,  the 
Lamb's  wife,  be  bufl<;ed||  for  the  marriage,  and  the  great  hall  be 
reddf  for  the  meeting  of  that  joyful  couple.     Oh,  fools  !  what  do 
we  here  ?  and  why  fit  we  flill  ?     Why  fleep  we  in  the  prifon  ? 
Were  it  not  befl  to  make  us  wings,  to  flee  up  to  our  bleflTed  Match, 
our  Marrow,**  and  our  fellow  Friend  ? 

I  think,  Miflrefs,  that  ye  are  looking  thereaway,  \\  and  that  this 
is  your  fecond  or  third  thought.  Make  forward ;  your  Guide 
waiteth  on  you. 

*  Way,  manner.  f  Furniture  of  a  houfe.  %  Annihilate. 

§  Have  a  longing  heart.       ||  Decked  with  ornaments.       ^  Cleared  out. 
**  Partner.  ft  To  that  quarter. 

324  LETTER  CXXXJV.  [1637. 

I  cannot  but  blefs  you  for  your  care  and  kindnefs  to  the  faints. 
God  give  you  to  find  mercy,  in  that  day  of  our  Lord  Jefus  ;  to 
whofe  faving  grace  I  recommend  you. 

Yours,  in  our  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

CXXXIV. — To  John  Ewart,  Bnilie  of  Kirkcudbright. 

[John  Ewart's  name  often  occurs  in  the  ^^  Minute  Book  of  Comm.  of 
Covenanters,"  as  refiding  in  Kirkcudbright.  He  is  underftood  to  be  the 
father  of  the  John  Ewart  who  was  fentencedtobanifhment,  1663,  for  refufing 
to  take  part  in  quelling  a  tumult  raifed  at  the  intrufion  of  a  curate  in  room  of 
the  ejeded  minifter  of  Kirkcudbright. — (fVodro^'s  H'l/l.)  A  defcendant  of 
his  at  Stranraer  has  a  fmall  filver  cup,  which  has  been  handed  down  as  once 
belonging  to  his  anceftors.] 



cannot  but  moft  kindly  thank  you  for  the  expreilions  of 
your  love.  Your  love  and  refpeft  to  me  is  a  great  com- 
fort to  me. 

I  blefs  His  high  and  glorious  name,  that  the  terrors  of  great 
men  have  not  affrighted  me  from  openly  avouching  the  Son  of  God. 
Nay,  His  crofs  is  the  fweetefl  burden  that  ever  I  bare  ;  it  is  fuch  a 
burden  as  wings  are  to  a  bird,  or  fails  are  to  a  fhip,  to  carry  me 
forward  to  my  harbour.  I  have  not  much  caufe  to  fall  in  love  with 
the  world  ;  but  rather  to  wifh  that  He  who  fitteth  upon  the  floods 
would  bring  my  broken  fhip  to  land,  and  keep  my  confcience  safe 
in  thefe  dangerous  times  ;  for  wrath  from  the  Lord  is  coming  on 
this  finful  land. 

It  were  good  that  we  prifoners  of  hope  know  of  our  ftronghold 
to  run  to,  before  the  florm  come  on  ;  therefore,  Sir,  I  befeech  you 
by  the  mercies  of  God,  and  comforts  of  His  Spirit,  by  the  blood  of 

1637.]  LETTER  CXXXV.  325 

your  Saviour,  and  by  your  compearance  *  before  the  fin-revenging 
Judge  of  the  world,  keep  your  garments  clean,  and  fland  for  the 
truth  of  Chrift,  which  ye  profefs.  When  the  time  fhall  come  that 
your  eye-ftrings  fhall  break,  your  face  wax  pale,  your  breath  grow 
cold,  and  this  houfe  of  clay  fhall  totter,  and  your  one  foot  fhall  be 
over  the  march,f  in  eternity,  it  will  be  your  comfort  and  joy  that  ye 
gave  your  name  to  Chrifl.  The  greateft  part  of  the  world  think 
heaven  at  the  next  door,  and  that  Chriflianity  is  an  eafy  tafk  ;  but 
they  will  be  beguiled.  Worthy  Sir,  I  befeech  you,  make  fure  work 
of  falvation.  I  have  found  by  experience,  that  all  I  could  do  hath 
had  much  ado  J  in  the  day  of  my  trial  ;  and,  therefore,  lay  up  a  fure 
foundation  for  the  time  to  come. 

I  cannot  requite  you  for  your  undeferved  favours  to  me  and  my 
now  afflicted  brother.  But  I  truft  to  remember  you  to  God. 
Remember  me  heartily  to  your  kind  wife. 

Yours,  in  his  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXXXV. — To  William  Fullerton,  Provoft  of  Kirkcudbright. 



JUCH  HONOURED  SIR,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace 
be  to  you.  I  am  much  obliged  to  your  love  in  God. 
I  befeech  you.  Sir,  let  nothing  be  fo  dear  to  you  as 
Chrifl's  truth,  for  falvation  is  worth  all  the  world ;  and,  therefore, 
be  not  afraid  of  men  that  fhall  die.  The  Lord  will  do  for  you  §  in 
your  fuffering  for  Him,  and  will  blefs  your  houfe  and  feed  ;  and  ye 
have  God's  promife,  that  ye  fhall  have  His  prefence  in  fire,  water, 
and  in  feven  tribulations.    Your  day  fhall  wear  to  an  end,  and  your 

*  Appearance  in  court  in  obedience  to  a  fummons.  f  Boundary. 

X  My  utmoft  ftrcngth  is  hiu-d  put  to.  §  Ad  for^ 

326  LEriER  CXXXVL  [1637. 

fun  go  down.  In  death  it  will  be  your  joy  that  ye  have  ventured 
all  ye  have  for  Chrift ;  and  there  is  not  a  promife  of  heaven  made 
but  to  fuch  as  are  willing  to  fuffer  for  it.  It  is  a  caflle  taken  by 
force.  This  earth  is  but  the  clay  portion  of  baflards  ;  and,  therefore, 
no  wonder  that  the  world  fmile  on  its  own  ;  but  better  things  are 
laid  up  for  His  lawfully-begotten  bairns,  whom  the  w^orld  hateth. 

I  have  experience  to  fpeak  this ;  for  I  would  not  exchange  my 
prifon  and  fad  nights  with  the  court,  honour,  and  eafe  of  my  adver- 
faries.  My  Lord  is  pleafed  to  make  many  unknown  faces  to  laugh 
upon  me,  and  to  pro\-ide  a  lodging  for  me ;  and  He  Himfelf  vifiteth 
my  foul  with  feafls  of  fpiritual  comforts.  Oh  how  fweet  a  Mafter  is 
Chrift  !     Bleffed  are  they  who  lay  down  all  for  Him. 

I  thank  you  kindly  for  your  love  to  my  diftreffed  brother.  Ye 
have  the  blefling  and  prayers  of  the  prifoner  of  Chrift  to  you,  your 
wife  and  your  children. 

Remember  my  love  and  bleffing  to  William  and  Samuel.  I 
defire  them  in  their  youth  to  feek  the  Lord,  and  to  fear  His  great 
name  ;  to  pray  twice  a-day,  at  leaft,  to  God,  and  to  read  God's 
word  ;  to  keep  themfelves  from  curling,  lying,  and  filthy  talking. 

Now  the  only  wife  God,  and  the  prefence  of  the  Son  of  God, 
be  with  you  all. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXXX\T. — To  Robert  Glendinntng,  Mimjler  of  Kirkcudbright. 


Y  DEAR  FRIEND, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to 
you.  I  thank  you  moft  kindly  for  your  care  of  me, 
and  }  our  love  and  refpective  *  kindnefs  to  my  brother  in 

^  Perhaps  this  word  means  kindnefs  that  had  refpect  to  his  fpecial  needs. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXXXri.  327 

his  diftrels.  I  pray  the  Lord  that  ye  may  find  mercy  in  the  day  of 
Chrift ;  and  I  entreat  you,  Sir,  to  confider  the  times  which  ye  live 
in,  and  that  your  foul  is  more  worth  to  you  than  the  whole  world, 
which,  in  the  day  of  the  blowing  of  the  Laft  Trumpet,  fhall  lie  in 
white  afhes,  as  an  old  caftle  burned  to  nothing.  And  remember 
that  judgment  and  eternity  is  before  you.  My  dear  and  worthy 
friend,  let  me  entreat  you  in  Chrifl's  name,  and  by  the  falvation  of 
your  foul,  and  by  your  compearance*  before  the  dreadful  and  fm- 
revenging  Judge  of  the  world,  to  make  your  accounts  ready.  Reddf 
them  ere  ye  come  to  the  water-fide  ;  for  your  afternoon  will  wear 
fiiort,  and  your  fun  fall  low  and  go  down  ;  and  ye  know  that  this 
long  time  your  Lord  hath  waited  on  you.  Oh  how  comfortable  a 
thing  it  will  be  to  you,  when  time  fhall  be  no  more,  and  your  foul 
fhall  depart  out  of  the  house  of  clay  to  vaft  and  endlefs  eternity,  to 
have  your  foul  drefi^ed  up,  and  prepared  for  your  Bridegroom !  No 
lofs  is  comparable  to  the  lofs  of  the  foul  -,  there  is  no  hope  of  re- 
gaining that  lofs.  Oh  how  joyful  would  my  foul  be  to  hear  that  ye 
would  fi:art  to  the  gate,J  and  contend  for  the  crown,  and  leave  all 
vanities,  and  make  Chrifl  your  garland !  Let  your  foul  put  away 
your  old  lovers,  and  let  Chrifi:  have  your  whole  love. 

I  have  fome  experience  to  write  of  this  to  you.  My  witnefs  is 
in  heaven,  that  I  would  not  exchange  my  chains  and  bonds  for 
Chrifl,  and  my  fighs,  for  ten  worlds'  glory.  I  judge  this  clay-idol, 
which  Adam's  fons  are  rouping§  and  felling  their  fouls  for,  not 
worth  a  drink  of  cold  water.  Oh,  if  your  foul  were  in  my  foul's 
fi:ead,  how  fick  would  ye  be  of  love  for  that  faireft  One,  that 
Fairefi:  among  the  fons  of  men !  May-flowers,  and  morning  vapour, 
and  fummer  mifi:,  pofi:eth  not  {o  fafi:  away  as  thefe  worm-eaten 
pleafures  which  we  follow.  We  build  cafi:les  in  the  air,  and  night- 
dreams  are  our  daily  idols  that  we  doat  on.  Salvation,  falvation  is 
our  only  necefiary  thing.  Sir,  call  home  your  thoughts  to  this 
work,  to  inquire  for  your  Well-beloved.     This  earth  is  the  portion 

*  Appearing  in  court.  t  Settle ;  fet  in  order. 

X  Begin  with  alacrity  the  journey.  §  Setting  up  to  audjon 

328  LETTER  CXXXVIL  [1637, 

of  baftards  ;    feek  the  Son's  inheritance,  and  let  Chrift's  truth  be 
dear  to  you. 

I  pawn*  my  falvation  on  it,  that  this  is  the  honour  of  Chrifl's 
kingdom  which  I  now  fufFer  for  (and  this  world,  I  hope,  fhall  not 
come  between  me  and  my  garland) ;  and  that  this  is  the  way  to  life. 
When  ye  and  I  fhall  lie  lumps  of  pale  clay  upon  the  ground,  our 
pleafures,  that  we  now  naturally  love,  fhall  be  lefs  than  nothing  in 
that  day.  Dear  brother,  fulfil  my  joy,  and  betake  you  to  Chrift 
without  further  delay.  Ye  will  be  fain  at  length  to  feek  Him,  or 
do  infinitely  worfe.  Remember  my  love  to  your  wife.  Grace  be 
with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXXXVIL — To  William  Glendinning. 

[William  Glendinning  was  the  fon  of  Mr  Robert  Glendinning, 
minifter  of  Kirkcudbright.  A  fhort  time  before  this  letter  was  written,  he 
was  ordered  to  be  imprifoned  in  Kirkcudbright  by  Bifhop  SydferfF,  for  refufing 
to  incarcerate  his  father,  whom  that  intolerant  prelate  had  fufpended  from  his 
office,  and  had  ordered  to  be  imprifoned,  becaufe  he  would  neither  conform 
to  Epifcopacy,  nor  admit  as  his  affiftant  a  creature  of  the  Bifhop.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  General  AfTembly  of  Glafgow  1638,  being  returned  by  the 
burgh  of  Kirkcudbright,  of  which  he  was  then  Provoft.  During  the  fubfe- 
quent  years,  he  was  fi-equently  a  member  of  the  General  AfTembly;  and  his 
name  appears  as  a  member  of  Parliament  for  the  burgh  of  Kirkcudbright,  and 
fent  by  the  Committee  of  Eflates,  in  1644,  164J,  and  1646.] 


mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  thank  you  mofl  kindly 
for  your  care  and  love  to  me,  and  in  particular  to  my 

*  Pledge. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXXXVIL  329 

brother,  in  his  diflrefs  in  Edinburgh.*  Go  on  through  your  waters 
without  wearying;  your  Guide  knoweth  the  way;  follow  Him,  and 
caft  your  cares  and  temptations  upon  Him.  And  let  not  worms, 
the  Tons  of  men,  affright  you  ;  they  fhall  die,  and  the  moth  fhall 
eat  them.  Keep  your  garland  ;  there  is  no  lefs  at  the  flake,  in  this 
game  betwixt  us  and  the  world,  than  our  confcience  and  falvation. 
We  have  need  to  take  heed  to  the  game,  and  not  to  yield  to  them. 
Let  them  take  other  things  from  us  ;  but  here,  in  matters  of  con- 
fcience, we  mufl  hold  and  drawf  with  kings,  and  fet  ourfelves  in 
terms  of  oppofition  with  the  fhields  of  the  earth.  O  the  fweet  com- 
munion, for  evermore,  that  hath  been  between  Chrifl  and  His 
prifoner !  He  wearieth  not  to  be  kind.  He  is  the  fairefl  fight  I 
fee  in  Aberdeen,  or  in  any  part  that  ever  my  feet  were  in. 

Remember  my  hearty  kindnefs  to  your  wife.  I  defire  her  to 
believe,  and  lay  her  cares  on  God,  and  make  fafl  work  of  falvation. 
Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  only  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

*  Rutherford  here  refers  to  the  trial  of  his  brother  George,  fchoolmafter 
and  reader  in  Kirkcudbright,  before  the  High  Commiflion,  at  Edinburgh,  in 
November  the  preceding  year,  for  his  non-conformity  and  zealous  fupport  of 
Mr  Robert  Glendinning,  the  perfecuted  minifter  of  Kirkcudbright.  As  pre- 
vioufly  noticed  (Let.  67),  he  was  condemned  to  relign  his  charge,  and  to  re- 
move from  Kirkcudbright  before  the  enfuing  term  of  Whitfunday.  When 
at  Edinburgh,  and  on  his  trial,  he  experienced  much  kindnefs  from  feveral 
of  the  correfpondents  of  our  author,  who,  in  his  letters  to  them,  makes  the 
moft  heartfelt  grateful  acknowledgments.  After  his  ejection,  ^^he  feems," 
fays  Murray,  *'to  have  taken  refuge  in  Ayrfhire;  for  in  a  letter  to  Lord 
Loudon,  Rutherford  fpeaks  of  his  brother  as  being  nigh  his  Lordfhip's 
bounds ;  and  every  individual  whom  he  addrefled  on  his  behalf  (after  his  re- 
moval from  Kirkcudbright),  was  conneded  with  that  county.  The  kindnefs 
and  the  frequency  with  which,  in  his  letters,  he  fpeaks  of  him,  do  honour  to 
his  heart." — Life  of  Rutherford ^  p.  93. 

t  We  muft  flruggle  with. 

330  LETTER  CXXXVIII.  [1637, 

CXXX\^II.~T^  Mr  Hugh  Henderson. 

[Hugh  Henderson  was  firft  minifter  of  Daln-,  a  parilh  in  the  diftrid  of 
Cunningham,  A)Tfhire,  and  afterwards  of  Dumfries.  The  firft  inftance  in 
which  we  meet  with  his  name  as  minifter  of  Dalr)-  is  in  1643,  when  he  was 
nominated  as  one  of  the  eight  minifters  whom  the  General  Aflembly  appointed 
to  vifit  Ireland  by  pairs,  and  to  continue  there  for  three  months  fucceffively, 
to  inftruci,  comfort,  and  encourage  the  Prefbnerians  in  that  country-,  who  had 
been  deprived  of  their  minifters  through  the  t)Tanny  of  the  prelates.  In  1645 
he  was  appointed  by  the  General  Aflembly  chaplain  to  Colonel  Stuart's  regi- 
ment; and  in  1648  tranflated  to  Dumfries,  by  a  fentence  of  the  Aflembly. 
Shortly  after  the  reftoration  of  Charles  II.,  he,  and  all  the  minifters  of  the 
Prefbnen-  of  Dumfries,  were,  by  the  order  of  the  King's  Commifl^ioner,  car- 
ried prifoners  to  Edinburgh,  for  ha\-ing,  on  various  grounds,  agreed  not  to 
obferve  the  29th  day  of  May  as  a  religious  anniverlar)-,  in  commemoration  of 
the  King's  birth  and  reftoration.  But  he  and  the  reft,  with  the  exception  of 
two,  at  laft  yielded  fo  far  as  to  engage  fimply  to  preach  on  that  day,  knowing 
it  would  be  the  day  of  their  ordinary  weekly  fermon  ;  upon  which  they  were 
difmifled.  This  engagement  feems  hardly  compatible  with  ftraightforwardnefs 
and  ftedfaftnefs  to  principle,  as  it  was  fomething  like  a  difingenuous  attempt  to 
make  it  appear  that  they  were  complying  with  the  ftatute  of  Parliament,  when 
they  were  merely  difcharging  a  profefl^ional  duty.  Henderfon  exhibited  more 
confiftency  and  ftedfaftnefs  the  fubfequent  year,  when  he  preferred  being  expelled 
from  his  charge  to  conforming  to  Prelacy.  He  was  ejected  in  the  clofe  of  the 
year  1662,  by  the  Earl  of  Middleton.  After  this,  Henderfon  ft^uently 
preached  in  his  own  houfe  in  Galloway.] 



that  you  bear  the  marks  of  ChriiV^  dying  about  with 
you,  and  that  your  brethren  have  call  you  out  for  your 


Mailer's  fake.  Let  us  wait  on  till  the  evening,  and  till  our  reckon- 
ing in  black  and  white  come  before  our  Mailer.  Brother,  fmce  we 
muil  have  a  devil  to  trouble  us,  I  love  a  raging  devil  beil.  Our 
Lord  knoweth  what  fort  of  devil  we  have  need  of :  it  is  beil  that 
Satan  be  in  his  own  (kin,  and  look  like  hunfelf.  Chriil  weeping 
looketh  like  Himfelf  alfo,  with  whom  Scribes  and  Pharifees  were 
at  yea  and  nay,  and  iharp  contradiclion. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXXXVIIL  331 

Ye  have  heard  of  the  patience  of  Job.  When  he  lay  in  the 
afhes,  God  was  with  him,  clawing  and  curing  his  fcabs,  and  letting 
out  his  boils,  comforting  his  foul  -,  and  He  took  him  up  at  laft. 
That  God  is  not  dead  yet :  He  will  ftoop  and  take  up  fallen  bairns. 
Many  broken  legs  fmce  Adam's  days  hath  He  fpelked,*  and  many 
weary  hearts  hath  He  refrefhed.  Blefs  Him  for  comfort.  "Why  ? 
None  Cometh  dry  from  David's  well.  Let  us  go  among  the  reft, 
and  caft  down  our  toomf  buckets  into  Chrifl's  ocean,  and  fuck 
confolations  out  of  Him.  We  are  not  fo  fore  flricken,  but  we  may 
fill  Chrifl's  hall  with  weeping.  We  have  not  gotten  our  anfwer 
from  Him  yet.  Let  us  lay  up  our  broken  pleas  to  a  full  fea,  and 
keep  them  till  the  day  of  Chriil's  Coming.  We  and  this  world 
will  not  be  even  J  till  then  ;  they  would  take  our  garment  from  us  ; 
but  let  us  hold  and  them  draw. 

Brother,  it  is  a  flrange  world  if  we  laugh  not.  I  never  faw  the 
like  of  it,  if  there  be  not  **  paiks  the  man,"§  for  this  contempt  done 
to  the  Son  of  God.  We  muft  do  as  thofe  who  keep  the  bloody 
napkin  to  the  Bailie,  |j  and  let  him  fee  blood  -,  we  muft  keep  our 
wrongs  to  our  Judge,  and  let  Him  fee  our  bluddered^  and  foul 
faces.  Prifoners  of  hope  muft  run  to  Chrifl,  with  the  gutters  ** 
that  tears  have  made  on  their  cheeks. 

Brother,  for  myfelf,  I  am  Chrift's  dawtedff  one  for  the  prefent ; 
and  I  live  upon  no  deaf  J  J  nuts,  as  we  ufe  to  fpeak.  He  hath 
opened  fountains  to  me  in  the  wildernefs.  Go,  look  to  my  Lord 
Jefus  :  His  love  to  me  is  fuch,  that  I  defy  the  world  to  find  either 
brim  or  bottom  to  it.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Your  brother,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

*  Trufled  up,  bound  with  fplinters.  f  Empty.         %  Be  quits. 

§  ^^  Paiks  "  is  blo=ws,     '^  Be  the  man  foundly  beaten  ; "  an  expreflion  ufed  to 
intimate  what  the  man  deferved. 

II  The  magiflrate  who  was  to  judge  the  cafe.        ^  Blurred. 

*•*  The  marks  left  by  the  tears  that  ran  down  and  foiled  the  face. 

ft  Fondled.  ++  No  kernel  in  them. 

332  LETTER  CXXXIX.  [1637. 

CXXXIX. — To  my  Lord  Balmerinoch. 

[John  Elphinston,  fecond  Lord  Balmerinoch,  was  the  only  fon  of 
the  firft  marriage  of  the  Honourable  Sir  James  Elphinfton,  firft  Lord  Balmeri- 
noch. He  diftinguifhed  himfelf  in  1633  for  his  oppofition  to  the  meafures  of 
the  Court  in  favour  of  Prelacy,  and  particularly  for  oppofing  in  Parliament 
the  A6t  concerning  the  King's  prerogative  in  impofing  apparel  on  churchmen, 
and  the  A6t  ratifying  the  A6ls  previoufly  made  for  fettling  and  advancing  the 
eftate  of  bifhops.  Soon  after  he  w^as  libelled  and  condemned  to  death  as  guilty 
of  treafon.  How^ever,  after  a  long  and  fevere  imprifonment,  he  at  laft  obtained 
ft-om  his  Majefty  a  fi-ee  though  reludtant  pardon.  True  to  his  former  principles, 
he  ftill  continued  to  oppofe  the  meafures  then  purfued  by  Government,  and 
particularly  the  attempts  to  introduce  the  Service  Book  into  Scotland.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  Glafgow  Aflembly  1638,  being  returned  as  elder  for  the 
Prelbytery  of  Edinburgh.  *^  His  Lordfhip,"  fays  Wood,  ^^was,  without 
exception,  the  beft  friend  the  Covenanters  had,  as  he  not  only  affifted  that 
party  with  his  advice  on  all  occafions,  but  alfo  fupplied  them  with  large  fums 
of  money,  by  which  he  irreparably  injured  the  very  ample  fortune  he  inherited 
from  his  father.  He  lived  in  habits  of  ftrid  friendfhip  with  the  chief  leaders  of 
the  Prefbyterians,  and  was  particularly  intimate  with  Sir  Archibald  Johnfton 
of  Warrifton.  He  had  fo  ftrong  a  fenfe  of  juftice,  that  having  reafon  to  fus- 
ped:  his  father  had  made  too  advantageous  a  purchafe  of  the  lands  of  Balumby, 
in  the  county  of  Forfar,  he,  of  his  own  accord,  gave  10,000  merks  to  the 
heir  of  that  eftate,  by  way  of  compenfation." — (Wood's  Cramond.)  He  died 
fuddenly  in  1649,  ^^  ^^  iime  when  Charles  H.  was  proclaimed  King  of  Scot- 
land, and  when  commiflioners  were  to  be  fent  to  Holland  to  treat  with  him, 
of  which  his  Lordfhip  was  chofen  to  be  one. — {Lamont's  Diary ^  p.  i.)] 



LORD, — I  make  bold  to  write  news  to  your  Lordfhip 
from  my  prifon,  though  your  Lordfhip  have  experience 
more  than  I  can  have.  At  my  firfl  entry  here,  I  was  not  a  little 
caften  down  with  challenges,*  for  old,  unrepented-of  fins  ;    and 

*  Self-upbraidings. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXL.  333 

Satan  and  my  own  apprehenfions  made  a  lie  of  Chrifl,  that  He  hath 
caften  a  dry,  withered  tree  over  the  dyke  of  the  vineyard.  But  it 
was  my  folly  ,  blefled  be  His  great  name,  the  fire  cannot  burn  the 
dry  tree.  He  is  pleafed  now  to  feaft  the  exiled  prifoner  with  His 
lovely  prefence ;  for  it  fuiteth  Chrift  well  to  be  kind,  and  He  dineth 
and  fuppeth  with  fuch  a  fmner  as  I  am.  I  am  in  Chrift's  tutoring 
here.  He  hath  made  me  content  with  a  borrowed  firefide,  and  it 
cafteth  as  much  heat  as  mine  own.  I  want  nothing  but  real  poffes- 
fion  of  Chrift  ;  and  He  hath  given  me  a  pawn  of  that  alfo,  which  I 
hope  to  keep  till  He  come  Himfelf  to  loofe  the  pawn.  I  cannot  get 
help  to  praife  His  high  name.  He  hath  made  me  king  over  my 
lofles,  imprifonment,  baniftiment ;  and  only  my  dumb  Sabbaths  ftick 
in  my  throat.  But  I  forgive  Chrift's  wifdom  in  that.  I  dare  not 
lay  one  word ;  He  hath  done  it,  and  I  will  lay  my  hand  upon  my 
mouth.  If  any  other  hand  had  done  it  to  me,  I  could  not  have 
borne  it. 

Now,  my  Lord,  I  muft  tell  your  Lordlhip  that  I  would  not 
^ve  a  drink  of  cold  water  for  this  clay  idol,  this  plaftered  world. 
I  teftify,  and  give  it  under  my  own  hand,  that  Chrift  is  moft  worthy 
to  be  fuffered  for.  Our  lazy  flefti,  which  would  have  Chrift  to 
cry  down  croftes  by  open  proclamation,  hath  but  raifed  a  ftander 
upon  the  crofs  of  Chrift.  My  Lord,  I  hope  that  ye  will  not  forget 
what  He  hath  done  for  your  foul.  I  think  that  ye  are  in  Chrift's 
count-book,  as  His  obliged  debtor. 

Grace,  grace  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Your  Lordftiip's  obliged  fervant, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXL. — To  my  Lady  Mar,  Younger, 

[Lady  Mar,  Younger^  whofe  maiden  name  was  Chriftian  Hay  (being 
the  daughter  of  Francis,  ninth  Earl  of  Errol),  was  the  wife  of  John  Erlkine, 
eighth  Earl  of  Mar.     She  became  a  widow  in  1654,  his  Lordfhip  having  died 

334  LETTER  CXL.  [1637. 

in  that  year.  She  had  to  him  a  fon,  John,  who  became  ninth  Earl  of  Mar, 
and  a  daughter,  Elizabeth,  who  was  married  to  Archibald,  Lord  Napier. 
Lord  James  Edkine  of  Grange,  one  of  the  fenators  of  the  College  of  Juftice, 
who  lived  in  the  beginning  of  the  laft  centur%^,  was  the  great-grandfon  of  this 
lady. — (^Douglas'  Peerage^  vol.  ii.,  p.  216  ;  Craqvjord's  Hi/tory  of  the  Shire  of 
Renfrew,  p.  112.)  Lady  Mar, /-w/or,  from  whom  fhe  is  diftinguifhed,  was 
Lady  Mary  Stewart,  daughter  of  Efme,  Duke  of  Lennox,  fecond  wife  of 
John,  Lord  Erfkine,  feventh  Earl  of  Mar.  She  died  in  the  houfe  of  Sir 
Thomas  Hope,  in  the  Cowgate,  Edinburgh,  and  was  buried  at  Alloa,  nth 
May  1644. — {Sir  Thomas  Hope's  Diary  ^  p.  205.)  It  was  for  her  that,  in  1625, 
the  book  of  devotion,  called,  ^^The  Cowitefs  of  Mars  SanBuary^  or  Arcadia," 
was  drawn  up — a  little  work  of  which  only  two  copies  were  knowm  to  be  in 
exiftence,  till  reprinted  this  year,  1862,  at  Edinburgh.] 


jY   VERY    NOBLE    AND   DEAR   LADY,— Grace, 

mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  received  your  Lady- 
fhip's  letter,  which  hath  comforted  my  foul.  God  give 
you  to  find  mercy  in  the  day  of  Chriil. 

I  am  in  as  good  terms  and  court  with  Chriil:  as  an  exiled,  op- 
prefled  prifoner  of  Chrift  can  be.  I  am  ftill  welcome  to  His  houfe ; 
He  knoweth  my  knock,  and  letteth  in  a  poor  friend.  Under  this 
black,  rough  tree  of  the  crofs  of  Chrift,  He  hath  ravifhed  me  with 
His  love,  and  taken  my  heart  to  heaven  with  Kim.  Well  and  long 
may  He  brook*  it.  I  would  not  nifferf  Chrift  with  all  the 
joys  that  man  or  angel  can  devife  befide  Him.  Who  hath  fuch 
caufe  to  fpeak  honourably  of  Chrift  as  I  have  ?  Chrift  is  King 
of  all  crofles,  and  He  hath  made  His  faints  little  kings  under 
Him ;  and  He  can  ride  and  triumph  upon  weaker  bodies  than  I 
am  (if  any  can  be  weaker),  and  His  horfe  will  neither  fall  nor 

Madam,  your  Ladyfhip  hath  much  ado  with  Chrift,  for  your 
foul,  huiband,  children,  and  houfe.  Let  Him  find  much  employ- 
ment for  His  calling  with  you ;  for  He  is  fuch  a  friend  as  delighteth 
to  be  burdened  with  fuits  and  employments  ;  and  the  more  ye  lay 

*  Poffefs,  enjoy.  t  Exchange. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXLL  335 

on  Him,  and  the  more  homely*  ye  be  with  Him,  the  more  welcome. 
O  the  depth  of  Chrift's  love  !  It  hath  neither  brim  nor  bottom. 
Oh,  if  this  blind  world  faw  His  beauty  !  When  I  count  with  Him 
for  His  mercies  to  me,  I  mufl:  ftand  ftill  and  wonder,  and  go  away 
as  a  poor  dyvour,  f  who  hath  nothing  to  pay.  Free  forgivenefs  is 
payment.  I  would  that  I  could  get  Him  fet  on  high ;  for  His  love 
hath  made  me  fick,  and  I  die  except  I  get  real  pofTeilion. 
Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Your  Ladyfhip's,  at  all  obedience  in  Chrifl, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXLL — To  James  Macadam. 

[John  Livingftone  {HiJIor,  Relation),  along  with  Marion  M ^Naught  and 
other  fuch,  mentions  John  Macadam  and  Chriftian  Macadam  of  Waterhead, 
near  Carfphaim,  as  eminent  Chriftians.  The  perfon  to  whom  this  letter  is 
addrefled  may  have  been  one  of  that  family.  The  famous  road  engineer  in 
our  day,  Macadam,  was  bom  at  Waterhead,  defcended  from  this  ancient 

It  feems  that  the  Chriftian  Macadam  mentioned  above  was  afterwards 
Lady  Cardonefs ;  and  becaufe  of  her  connexion  with  this  con-efpondent  of 
Rutherford's,  we  may  give  the  infcription  on  her  tomb.  The  tomb  is  part  of 
the  enclofed  pile  clofe  to  the  old  Anwoth  church.  The  infcription  is  on  the 
north  fide  of  the  pile: — 

**  Chriftian  M^Adam,  Lady  Cardynes.     Departed  i6th  June  of  1628. 
T^tatis  fuse,  22>' 
*^  Ye  gazers  on  the  trophy  of  a  tomb, 

Send  out  one  groan  for  want  of  her  whofe  life. 
Twice  bom  on  earth,  now  is  in  earth's  womb ; 
Lived  long  a  virgin,  now  a  fpotlefs  wife. 
Church  keeps  her  godly  life,  the  tomb  her  corpfe, 
And  earth  her  precious  name.     Who  then  does  lofe  ? 
Her  hufband  ?     No,  fince  heaven  her  foul  doth  gain." 

*  At  home,  familiar.  f  Debtor. 

336  LETTER  CXLL  [1637. 



Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  long  to  hear 
of  your  growing  in  grace,  and  of  your  advancing  in 
your  journey  to  heaven.  It  will  be  the  joy  of  my  heart  to  hear 
that  ye  hold  your  face  up  the  brae,*  and  wade  through  temptations 
without  fearing  what  man  can  do.  Chriil:  fhall,  when  He  arifeth, 
mow  down  His  enemies,  and  lay  bulks f  (as  they  ule  to  fpeak)  on 
the  green,  and  fiU  the  pits  with  dead  bodies. J  They  fhall  lie  like 
handfuls  of  withered  hay,  when  He  arifeth  to  the  prey.  Salvation, 
falvation  is  the  only  necefTary  thing.  This  clay  idol,  the  world,  is 
not  to  be  fought ;  it  is  a  morfel  not  for  you,  but  for  hunger-bitten 
bailards.  Contend  for  falvation.  Y^our  Mafler,  Chrift,  won 
heaven  with  firokes :  it  is  a  befieged  caflle  ;  it  muft  be  taken  with 
violence.  Oh,  this  world  thinketh  heaven  but  at  the  next  door, 
and  that  godlinefs  may  fleep  in  a  bed  of  down  till  it  come  to  heaven ! 
But  that  will  not  do  it. 

For  m}-felf,  I  am  as  well  as  Chriil's  prifoner  can  be  ;  for  by  Him 
I  am  mafter  and  king  of  all  my  crofles.  I  am  above  the  prifon,  and 
the  lalh  of  men's  tongues  ;  Chrift  triumpheth  in  me.  I  have  been 
caflen  down,  and  heavy  with  fears,  and  haunted  with  challenges. 
I  was  fwimming  in  the  depths,  but  Chrift  had  His  hand  under  my 
chin  all  the  time,  and  took  good  heed  that  I  fhould  not  lofe  breath ; 
and  now  I  have  gotten  my  feet  again,  and  there  are  love-feafts  of 
joy,  and  fpring-tides  of  confolation  betwixt  Chrift  and  me.  We 
agree  weU  -,  I  have  court  with  Him  ;  I  am  ftUl  welcome  to  His 
houfe.  Oh,  my  fhort  arms  cannot  fathom  His  love  !  I  befeech 
you,  I  charge  you,  to  help  me  to  praile.  Ye  have  a  priibner's 
prayers,  therefore  forget  me  not. 

*  The  flope,  or  hillfide. 

t  Carcafes ;    properly,  the  trtmk^  or  bulk  of  the  man.      Some  \\r\te  it 
'*  boiiks  ;  '*  but  **  bulks''  is  in  all  the  old  editions. 
X  Ps.  ex.  6  ;   ^ '  the  places." 

1637.]  LETTER  CXLIL  337 

I  define  Sibylla  to  remember  me  dearly  to  all  in  that  paridi  who 
know  Chrifl:,  as  if  I  had  named  them. 
Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXLIL — To  my  very  dear  Brother,  William  Livingstone. 

[Probably  one  of  his  Anwoth  parifhioners.  There  are  Livingftones  in  that 
neighbourhood  to  this  day.] 


Y  VERY  DEAR  BROTHER,— I  rejoice  to  hear  that 
Chriil  hath  run  away  with  your  young  love,  and  that 
ye  are  fo  early  in  the  morning  matched  with  fuch  a 
Lord ;  for  a  young  man  is  often  a  dreffed  lodging  for  the  devil  to 
dwell  in.  Be  humble  and  thankful  for  grace  ;  and  weigh  it  not  fo 
much  by  weight,  as  if  it  be  true.  Chrifl  will  not  caft  water  on 
your  fmoking  coal ;  He  never  yet  put  out  a  dim  candle  that  was 
lighted  at  the  Sun  of  Righteoufnefs.  I  recommend  to  you  prayer 
and  watching  over  the  fins  of  your  youth  ;  for  I  know  that  miifive  * 
letters  go  between  the  devil  and  young  blood.  Satan  hath  a  friend 
at  court  in  the  heart  of  youth  ;  and  there  pride,  luxury,  luft,  re- 
venge, forgetfulnefs  of  God,  are  hired  as  his  agents.  Happy  is 
your  foul  if  Chrift  manf  the  houfe,  and  take  the  keys  Himfelf,  and 
command  all,  as  it  fuiteth  Him  full  well  to  rule  all  wherever  He  is. 
Keep  Chrift,  and  entertain  Him  well.  Cherifh  His  grace  ;  blow 
upon  your  own  coal ;  and  let  Him  tutor  you. 

Now  for  myfelf :  know  that  I  am  fully  agreed  with  my  Lord. 
Chrift  hath  put  the  Father  and  me  into  each  other's  arms.  Many  a 
fweet  bargain  He  made  before,  and  He  hath  made  this  among  the 

*  Letters  empowering  a  perfon  to  act. 

t  Man  the  houfe,  means  ad  as  the  goodman  of  the  houfe,  attending  to  vifitors. 
VOL.  I.  Y 

338  LETTER  CXLIIL  [1637. 

reft.  I  reign  as  king  over  my  crofTes.  I  will  not  flatter  a  tempta- 
tion, nor  ^ve  the  devil  a  good  word  :  I  defy  hell's  iron  gates.  God 
hath  pafTed  over  my  quarrelling  of  Him  at  my  entry  here,  and  now 
He  feedeth  and  feafleth  with  me. 

Praife,  praife  with  me ;  and  let  us  exalt  His  name  together. 
Your  brother  in  Chrifl:, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXLIIL — To  William  Gordon  of  Whitepark. 

[This  may  be  a  fon  of  George  Gordon,  who  is  recorded  as  heir  to  the 
eftate  of  ^*  Whytpark,"  March  20,  1628.    It  was  in  the  Parifh  of  Anwoth.] 


ORTHY  SIR, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  unto  you. 
I  long  to  hear  from  you.  I  am  here  the  Lord's  prifoner 
and  patient,  handled  as  foftly  by  my  Phyfician  as  if  I 
were  a  fick  man  under  a  cure.  I  was  at  hard  terms  with  my  Lord, 
and  pleaded  with  Him,  but  I  had  the  worft  fide.  It  is  a  wonder 
that  He  fhould  have  fuiFered  the  like  of  me  to  have  nicknamed  the 
Son  of  His  love,  Chrifl:,  and  to  call  Him  a  changed  Lord,  who 
hath  forfaken  me.  But  miibelief*  hath  never  a  good  word  to 
fpeak  of  Chrifl.  The  drofs  of  my  crofs  gathered  a  fcum  of  fears  in 
the  fire — doubtings,  impatience,  unbelief,  challenging  of  Providence 
as  fleeping,  and  as  not  regarding  my  forrow  ;  but  my  goldfmith, 
Chrifl,  was  pleafed  to  take  ofl^  the  fcum,  and  burn  it  in  the  fire. 
And,  blefled  be  my  Refiner,  He  hath  made  the  metal  better,  and 
furniflied  new  fupply  of  grace,  to  caufe  me  hold  out  weight ;  and  I 
hope  that  He  hath  not  lofl  one  grain-weight  by  burning  His  fervant. 

*  Erroneous  faith. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXLIIL  339 

Now  His  love  in  my  heart  cafteth  a  mighty  heat ;  He  knoweth 
that  the  defire  I  have  to  be  at  Himfelf  paineth  me.  I  have  Tick 
nights  and  frequent  fits  of  love-fevers  for  my  Well-beloved. 
Nothing  paineth  me  now  but  want  of  His  prefence.  I  think  it  long 
till  day.  I  challenge  time  as  too  flow  in  its  pace,  that  holdeth  my 
only  fair  one,  my  love,  my  Well-beloved,  from  me.  Oh,  if  we 
were  together  once  !  I  am  like  an  old  crazed  ihip  that  hath  en- 
dured many  florms,  and  that  would  fain  be  in  the  lee  of  the  fhore, 
and  feareth  new  florms  ;  I  would  be  that*  nigh  heaven,  that  the 
fhadow  of  it  might  break  the  force  of  the  llorm,  and  the  crazed 
fhip  might  win  to  land.f  My  Lord's  fun  cafteth  a  heat  of  love  and 
beam  of  light  on  my  foul.  My  blefling  thrice  every  day  upon  the 
fweet  crofs  of  Chrifl:  !  I  am  not  afhamed  of  my  garland,  "  the 
banifhed  minifl:er,"  which  is  the  term  of  Aberdeen.  Love,  love 
defieth  reproaches.  The  love  of  Chrifl  hath  a  corflet  of  proof  on 
it,  and  arrows  will  not  draw  blood  of  it.  We  are  more  than  con- 
querors through  the  blood  of  Him  that  loved  us. J  The  devil  and 
the  world  cannot  wound  the  love  of  Chrift.  I  am  further  from 
yielding  to  the  courfe  of  defection  than  when  I  came  hither.  Suf- 
ferings blunt  not  the  fiery  edge  of  love.  Cafl:  love  into  the  floods 
of  hell,  it  will  fwim  above.  It  careth  not  for  the  world's  bufked§ 
and  plaflered  offers.  It  hath  pleafed  my  Lord  fo  to  line  my  heart 
with  the  love  of  my  Lord  Jefus,  that,  as  if  the  field  were  already 
won,  and  I  on  the  other  fide  of  time,  I  laugh  at  the  world's  golden 
pleafures,  and  at  this  dirty  idol  which  the  fons  of  Adam  worfhip. 
This  worm-eaten  god  is  that  which  my  foul  hath  fallen  out  of  love 

Sir,  ye  were  once  my  hearer  :  I  defire  now  to  hear  from  you 
and  your  wife.  I  falute  her  and  your  children  with  bleffings.  I 
am  glad  that  ye  are  flill  handfafledji  with  Chrifl.  Go  on  in  your 
journey,  and  take  the  city  by  violence.  Keep  your  garments  clean. 
Be  clean  virgins  to  your  hufband  the  Lamb.     The  world  fhall  fol- 

*  So  nigh.  t  Get  to.  %  Romans  viii.  37. 

§  Decked  with  ornaments.  ||  Betrothed  to  by  joining  hands. 

340  LETTER  CXLIV.  [1637. 

low  you  to  heaven's  gates  :  and  ye  would  not  wiih  it  to  go  in  with 
you.     Keep  faft  Chrifl's  love.     Pray  for  me,  as  I  do  for  you. 
The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXLIV. — To  Mr  George  Gillespie. 

[George  Gillespie  was  the  fon  of  Mr  John  Gillefpie,  fometime  mi- 
nifter  of  the  Gofpel  at  Kirkcaldy.  He  was  licenfed  to  preach  the  Gofpel  fome 
time  prior  to  1638;  and  in  April,  that  year,  was  ordained  minifter  of 
Wemyfs.  In  1642,  by  a  fentence  of  the  General  Aflembly,  he  was  tranflated 
to  one  of  the  churches  in  Edinburgh,  where  he  continued  till  his  death. 
Gillefpie  poflefTed  talents  of  the  higheft  order ;  and  fo  much  were  thefe  appre- 
ciated, that  he  was  one  of  the  four  minifters  fent  as  commiffioners  from  the 
Church  of  Scotland  to  the  Weftminfter  Aflembly  in  1643.  There  he  attraded 
general  notice,  by  the  cogency  of  argument,  and  the  rare  learning  which  he 
fhowed  in  pleading  the  caufe  of  Prefbytery,  and  oppofing  Eraftianifin.  At  one  of 
the  meetings  of  that  Aflembly,  when  the  learned  Selden  had  delivered  a  long 
and  an  elaborate  difcourfe  in  favour  of  Eraftianifm,  to  which  none  feemed  pre- 
pared to  reply,  Gillefpie,  who  was  ftill  a  young  man,  was  obferved  to  be  writ- 
ing. A  venerable  friend  went  to  his  chair,  and  aiked  if  he  had  taken  notes, 
but  found  that  he  had  wTitten  nothing  except  thefe  words,  frequently  repeated, 
**  Give  light,  Lord."  His  friend  urged  him  to  anfwer.  Gillefpie  at  laft  rofe, 
and  in  an  extempore  fpeech  refuted  Selden  with  a  power  of  reafoning  and  an 
amount  of  learning  which  excited  the  admiration  of  all  prefent.  Selden  him- 
felf  is  faid  to  have  obferved,  after  hearing  this  reply,  **  That  young  man,  by  a 
fingle  fpeech,  has  fwept  away  the  labour  and  the  learning  of  ten  years  of  my 
life  ! "  Gillefpie  died  in  December  1648,  in  the  36th  year  of  his  age.  During 
his  laft  illnefs  he  enjoyed  little  comfort,  but  was  ftrong  in  the  faith  of  ad- 
herence to  the  divine  promifes — a  fubjed:  on  which  he  infifted  much  in  his 
fermons.  When  alked  if  he  had  any  comfort,  he  faid,  *^  No ;  but  though  the 
Lord  allow  me  no  comfort,  yet  I  will  helie've  that  my  Beloved  is  mine,  and 
that  I  am  His."  To  two  minifters,  who  aflced  what  advice  he  had  to  give 
them,  he  anfwered  :  *M  have  little  experience  of  the  miniftry,  having  been  in 
it  only  nine  years ;  but  I  can  fay  that  I  have  got  more  afliftance  in  the  work 
of  preaching  from  prayer  than  ftudy ;  and  much  more  help  from  the  afliftance 
of  the  Spirit  than  from  books."     And  yet  he  was  known  to  have  been  an  in- 

1637.]  LETTER  CXLIF.  341 

defetigable  ftudent.  He  is  the  author  of  various  works,  which  are  chiefly 
controverfial,  fuch  as  *^The  Englifli  Popifh  Ceremonies,"  and  **  Aaron's  Rod 


your  letter.  As  for  my  cafe,  brother,  I  blefs  His 
glorious  name,  that  my  lofles  are  my  gain,  my  prifon  a 
palace,  and  my  fadnefs  joyfulnefs.  At  my  firfl:  entry,  my  appre- 
henfions  fo  wrought  upon  my  crofs,  that  I  became  jealous*  of  the 
love  of  Chrifl,  as  being  by  Him  thruft  out  of  the  vineyard,  and  I 
was  under  great  challenges  if  as,  ordinarily,  J  melted  gold  cafteth  forth 
a  droffy  fcum,  and  Satan  and  our  corruption  form  the  firft  words 
that  the  heavy  crofs  Ipeaketh,  and  fay,  **  God  is  angry,  He  loveth 
you  not."  But  our  apprehenfions  are  not  canonical ;  §  they  indite 
lies  of  God  and  Chrift's  love.  But  iince  my  fpirit  was  fettled,  and 
the  clay  has  fallen  to  the  bottom  of  the  well,  I  fee  better  what  Chrift 
was  doing.  And  now  my  Lord  is  returned  with  falvation  under 
His  wings.  Now  I  want  little  of  half  a  heaven,  and  I  find  Chrifl 
every  day  fo  fweet,  comfortable,  lovely,  and  kind,  that  three  things 
only  trouble  me  :  ly?,  I  fee  not  how  to  be  thankful,  or  how  to  get 
help  to  praife  that  Royal  lOng,  who  raifeth  up  thofe  that  are  bowed 
down.  2d,  His  love  paineth  me,  and  woundeth  my  foul,  fo  that  I 
am  in  a  fever  for  want  of  real  prefence.  3^,  An  exceilive  defire  to 
take  inftruments  |1  in  God's  name,  that  this  is  Chrift  and  His  truth, 
which  I  now  fuffer  for  ;  yea,  the  apple  of  the  eye  of  Chrift's 
honour,  even  the  fovereignty  and  royal  privileges  of  our  Eng  and 
Lawgiver,  Chrift.  And,  therefore,  let  no  man  fcaur  at  Chrift's 
crofs,  or  raife  an  ill  report  upon  Him  or  it ;  for  He  beareth  the 
fufferer  and  it  both. 

I  am   here  troubled  with  the   difputes   of  the  great  doctors 
(efpecially  with  Dr  B.f )  in  Ceremonial  and  Arminian  controverfies, 

*  Sufpicious.        t  Rebukes.  %  Usually         §  Authentic  Scripture. 

II  Take  documents  to  atteft  the  matter.  ^  Dr  Robert  Barron. 

342  LETTER  CXLV.  [1637. 

for  all  are  corrupt  here  ;  but,  I  thank  God,  with  no  detriment  to 

the  truth,  or  difcredit  to  my  profeflion.     So,  then,  I  fee  that  Chrift 

can  triumph  in  a  weaker  man  *  nor  I  -,  and  who  can  be  more  weak  ? 

But  His  grace  is  fufficient  for  me. 

Brother,  remember  our  old  covenant,  and  pray  for  me,  and 

write  to  me  your  cafe.     The  Lord  Jefus  be  with  your  fpirit. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXLV.— r^  Jean  Gordon. 


mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  long  to  hear  from  you. 
I  exhort  you  to  fet  up  the  braef  to  the  King's  city, 
that  muft  be  taken  by  violence.  Your  afternoon's  fiin  is  wearing 
low.  Time  will  eat  up  your  frail  life,  like  a  worm  gnawing  at  the 
root  of  a  May-flower.  Lend  Chrifl  your  heart.  Set  Him  as  a  feal 
there.  Take  Him  in  within,  and  let  the  world  and  children  fland 
at  the  door.  They  are  not  yours  ;  makej  you  and  them  for  your 
proper  owner,  Chrift.  It  is  good  that  He  is  your  Hufband  and 
their  Father.  What  miffing  can  there  be  of  a  dying  man,  when 
God  filleth  His  chair  ?  Give  hours  of  the  day  to  prayer.  Fafh  § 
Chrifl:  (if  I  may  fpeak  fo),  and  importune  Him;  be  often  at  His 
gate  ;  give  His  door  no  refl.  I  can  tell  you  that  He  will  be  found. 
Oh  what  fweet  fellow fhip  is  betwixt  Him  and  me!  I  am  imprifoned, 
but  He  is  not  imprifoned.  He  hath  fhamed  me  with  His  kindnefs. 
He  hath  come  to  my  prifon,  and  run  away  with  my  heart  and  all 
my  love.     Well  may  He  brook    it !     I  wifh  that  my  love  get  never 

*  Than.  t  Pufli  up  the  hil 

X  This  feems  to  mean,  mould,  fafliion  yourfelf  and  them. 

§  Trouble  ;  by  being  importunate.  ||  Poflefs,  enjoy. 

1637.]  LETTER  CXLVI.  343 

an  owner  but  Chriil.  Fy,  fy  upon  old  lovers,  that  held  us  fo  long 
afunder  !  We  fhall  not  part  now.  He  and  I  fhall  be  heard,  before 
He  win  out  of  my  grips.*  I  refolve  to  wreflle  with  Chrill:,  ere  I 
quit  Him.  But  my  love  to  Him  hath  caften  my  foul  into  a  fever, 
and  there  is  no  cooling  of  my  fever,  till  I  get  real  pofTeflion  of 
Chrift.  O  ftrong,  ftrong  love  of  Jefus,  thou  haft  wounded  my 
heart  with  thine  arrows  !  Oh  pain  !  Oh  pain  of  love  for  Chrift  ! 
Who  will  help  me  to  praife  ? 

Let  me  have  your  prayers.     Grace  be  with  you. 
Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  13,  1637. 

CXLVL — To  Mr  James  Bruce,  Mimjler  of  the  Go/pel. 

[Mr  James  Bruce  was  minifter  of  Kingfbarns,  in  the  Prefbytery  of  St 
Andrews.  He  was  admitted  in  1630.  Prelacy  and  the  Englifh  ceremonies 
had  then,  for  a  confiderable  time,  been  impofed  upon  the  Church  of  Scotland. 
But  Bruce,  like  many  other  of  her  minifters,  being  in  principle  decidedly 
favourable  to  Prefbytery,  refufed  to  practife  the  ceremonies.  He  was,  how- 
ever, overlooked,  and  permitted  to  continue  in  his  charge,  the  Bifhops  at  that 
time  removing  very  few,  becaufe,  the  introduced  ceremonies  being  fo  un- 
popular, it  was  judged  dangerous  and  impolitic  to  enforce  a  rigid  and  univerfal 
compliance  with  them.  Bruce  made  an  early  public  appearance  againft  the 
attempts  of  the  court  to  impofe  the  Anglo-Popifh  liturgy,  or  Service-book, 
in  1637.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Glafgow  Aflembly,  1638.  He  died  at 
Kingfbams,  May  26,  i66z,  when  the  ftorm  of  perfecution  was  about  to 
break  upon  the  Church  of  Scotland,  being  thus  taken  away  from  the  evil  to 



Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — Upon  the  neareft 
acquaintance  (that  we  are  Father's  children),  I  thought 

good  to  write  to  you.     My  cafe  in  my  bonds  for  the  honour  of  my 

*  Grafp.    . 

344  LETTER  CXLFIL  [1637 

royal  Prince  and  King,  Jefus  is  as  good  as  becometh  the  witnefs  of 
fuch  a  fovereign  King.  At  my  firft  coming  hither,  I  was  in  great 
heavinefs,  wreftling  with  challenges-,*  being  burdened  in  heart  (as 
I  am  yet),  for  my  filent  Sabbaths,  and  for  a  bereaved  people,  young 
ones  new-born,  plucked  from  the  breaft,  and  the  children's  table 
drawn. f  I  thought  I  was  a  dry  tree  call  over  the  dyke  of  the  vine- 
yard. But  my  fecret  conceptions  of  Chrift's  love,  at  His  fweet  and 
long-defired  return  to  my  foul,  were  found  to  be  a  lie  of  Chrift's 
love,  forged  by  the  tempter  and  my  own  heart.  And  I  am  perfuaded 
it  was  fo.  Now  there  is  greater  peace  and  fecurity  within  than  be- 
fore ;  the  court  is  raifed  and  dilmifled,  for  it  was  not  fenced  J  in  God's 
name.  I  was  far  miflaken  who  fhould  have  fummoned  Chrifl  for 
unkindnefs  ;  milled  §  faith,  and  my  fever,  conceived  amifs  of  Him. 
Now,  now.  He  is  pleafed  to  feafl  a  poor  prifoner,  and  to  refrefh  me 
with  joy  unfpeakable  and  glorious  !  fo  as  the  Holy  Spirit  is  witnefs 
that  my  fufferings  are  for  Chrifl's  truth  -,  and  God  forbid  that  I 
fhould  deny  the  teftimony  of  the  Holy  Spirit  and  make  Him  a  falfe 
witnefs.  Now,  I  teflify  under  my  hand,  out  of  fome  fmall  experi- 
ence, that  Chrifl's  caufe,  even  with  the  crofs,  is  better  than  the  king's 
crown  ;  and  that  His  reproaches  are  fweet.  His  crofs  perfumed,  the 
walls  of  my  prifon  fair  and  large,  my  lofles  gain. 

I  defire  you,  my  dear  brother,  to  help  me  to  praife,  and  to  re- 
member me  in  your  prayer  to  God.     Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 
Yours,  in  our  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March ^  14,  1637. 

CXLVII. — To  John  Gordon,  at  Rufco,  in  Par'ifh  of  Anwothy 

[The  old  tower,  or  caftle,  ftill  ftands  on  a  gentle  flope,  three  miles  from 
Anwoth,  but  uninhabited.     It  was  at  this  old  manfion  (Rufco)  that  Robert 

Self-upbraidings.  f  Removed.  |  Opened  and  conftituted. 

That  ha3  a  mift  between  it  and  its  objed. 

1637.J  LETTER  CXLVIL  345 

Campbell,  laird  of  Kinzeancleugh,  the  friend  of  John  Knox,  died  of  fever, 
in  1574,  when  on  a  vifit  to  Gordon  of  Lochinvar,  *^  exprefling  his  confidence  of 
victory,  and  his  defire  to  depart  and  be  v^ith  Chrift."] 


not  your  fhort  fand-glafs,  which  runneth  very  fafi: ; 
feek  your  Lord  in  time.  Let  me  obtain  of  you  a  letter 
under  your  hand,  for  a  promife  to  God,  by  His  grace,  to  take  a 
new  courfe  of  walking  with  God.  Heaven  is  not  at  the  next  door ; 
I  find  it  hard  to  be  a  Chriftian.  There  is  no  little  thrufting  and 
thringing*  to  thrufl  in  at  heaven's  gates;  it  is  a  caflle  taken  by  force; 
— "  Many  fhall  ftrive  to  enter  in,  and  fhall  not  be  able." 

I  befeech  and  obteft  you  in  the  Lord,  to  make  confcience  of 
rafh  and  pailionate  oaths,  of  raging  and  fudden  avenging  anger,  of 
night  drinking,  of  needlefs  companion ry,f  of  Sabbath-breaking,  of 
hurting  any  under  you  by  word  or  deed,  of  hating  your  very 
enemies.  "  Except  ye  receive  the  kingdom  of  God  as  a  little  child," 
and  be  as  meek  and  fober-minded  as  a  babe,  **  ye  cannot  enter  into 
the  kingdom  of  God."  That  is  a  word  which  fhould  touch  you 
near,  and  make  you  ftoop  and  cafl  yourfelf  down,  and  make  your 
great  fpirit  fall.  I  know  that  this  will  not  be  eafdy  done,  but  I  re- 
commend it  to  you,  as  you  tender  your  part  of  the  kingdom  of  heaven. 

Brother,  I  may,  from  new  experience,  Ipeak  of  Chrifl  to  you. 
Oh,  if  ye  faw  in  Him  what  I  fee  !  A  river  of  God's  unfeen  joys 
have  flowed  from  bank  to  brae  J  over  my  foul  fmce  I  parted  with 
you.  I  wifh  that  I  wanted  part,  fo  being  ye  might  have  ;  that  your 
foul  might  be  fick  of  love  for  Chrifl,  or  rather  fatiated  with  Him. 
This  clay-idol,  the  world,  would  feem  to  you  then  not  worth  a  fig ; 
time  will  eat  you  out  of  pofl^eifion  of  it.  When  the  eye-ftrings 
break,  and  the  breath  groweth  cold,  and  the  imprifoned  foul  looketh 

*  Prefling  urgently.  f  Aflbciating  with  companions  ;  companionfhips. 

I  Rifing  high  above  ordinary  limits. 

34^  LETTER  CXLVIIL  [1637. 

out  of  the  windows  of  the  clay-houfe,  ready  to  leap  out  into  eternity, 
what  would  you  then  give  for  a  lamp  full  of  oil  ?     Oh  feek  it  now. 

I  defire  you  to  correct  and  curb  banning,*  fwearing,  lying, 
drinking.  Sabbath-breaking,  and  idle  fpending  of  the  Lord's  day  in 
abfence  from  the  kirk,  as  far  as  your  authority  reacheth  in  that 

I  hear  that  a  man  is  to  be  thrufl  into  that  place,  to  the  which  I 
have  God's  right.  I  know  that  ye  fhould  have  a  voice  by  God's 
word  in  that  (Acts  i.  15,  16,  to  the  end  ;  vi.  3-5).  Ye  would  be 
loath  that  any  prelate  (hould  put  you  out  of  your  poflefTion  earthly  ; 
and  this  is  your  right.  What  I  write  to  you,  I  write  to  your  wife. 
Grace  be  with  you. 

Your  loving  paftor, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  14,  1637. 

CXLVIIL— r^  the  Lady  Hallhill. 

[Lady  Hallhill,  whofe  maiden  name  was  Learmonth,  was  the  wife 
of  Sir  James  Melville  of  Hallhill,  in  Fife,  the  fon  of  Sir  James  Melville  of 
Hallhill,  a  privy  counfellor  to  King  James  VI.,  and  an  accomplifhed  ftatefman 
and  courtier  in  his  day,  who  died  in  1617. — (^Douglas'  Peerage ^  vol.  ii.) 
Confequently,  this  lady  was  fifter-in-law  to  Lady  Culrofs,  formerly  noticed* 
Livingftone,  who  was  perfonally  acquainted  with  her,  defcribes  her  as  *  *  emi- 
nent for  grace  and  gifts;  and  whofe  **  memory  was  very  precious  and  re- 
frefhing  "  to  him.] 


EAR  AND  CHRISTIAN  LADY,— Grace,  mercy,  and 
peace  be  to  you. — I  longed  much   to  write  to  your 
Ladyfhip  ;  but  now,  the  Lord  offering  a  fit  occaiTion,  I 
would  not  omit  to  do  it. 

I  cannot  but  acquaint  your  Ladyfhip  with  the  kind  dealing  of 
Chrift  to  my  foul,  in  this  houfe  of  my  pilgrimage,  that  your  Lady- 

*  Smaller  oaths. 

1637-]  LETTER  CXLVIIL  347 

Ihip  may  know  that  He  is  as  good  as  He  is  called.  For  at  my  riril 
entry  into  this  trial  (being  caften  down  and  troubled  with  challenges 
and  jealoufies  *  of  His  love,  whofe  name  and  teftimony  I  now  bear 
in  my  bonds),  I  feared  nothing  more  than  that  I  was  caflen  over 
the  dyke  of  the  vineyard,  as  a  dry  tree.  But,  blefled  be  His  great 
name,  the  dry  tree  was  in  the  fire,  and  was  not  burnt ;  His  dew 
came  down  and  quickened  the  root  of  a  withered  plant.  And  now 
He  is  come  again  with  joy,  and  hath  been  pleafed  to  feaft  His  exiled 
and  alflidted  prilbner  with  the  joy  of  His  confolations.  Now  I 
weep,  but  am  not  fad  ;  I  am  chaftened,  but  I  die  not ;  I  have  lofs, 
but  I  want  nothing  ;  this  water  cannot  drown  me,  this  fire  cannot 
burn  me,  becaufe  of  the  good-will  of  Him  that  dwelt  in  The  Bufh. 
The  worft  things  of  Chrift,  His  reproaches.  His  crofs,  are  better 
than  Eg}'pt's  treafures.  He  hath  opened  His  door,  and  taken  into 
His  houfe-of-wine  a  poor  fmner,  and  hath  left  me  fo  fick  of  love 
for  my  Lord  Jefus,  that  if  heaven  were  at  my  difpofing,  I  would 
give  it  for  ChrLft,  and  would  not  be  content  to  go  to  heaven,  except 
I  were  perfuaded  that  Chrifi:  were  there.  I  would  not  give,  nor 
exchange,  my  bonds  for  the  prelates'  velvets  ;  nor  my  prifon  for 
their  coaches  ;  nor  my  fighs  for  all  the  world's  laughter.  This 
clay-idol,  the  world,  hath  no  great  court f  in  my  foul.  Chrift  hath 
come  and  run  away  to  heaven  with  my  heart  and  my  love,  fo  that 
neither  heart  nor  love  is  mine  :  I  pray  God,  that  Chrift  may  keep 
both  without  reverfion.J  In  my  eflimation,  as  I  am  now  difpofed, 
if  my  part  of  this  world's  clay  were  rouped§  and  fold,  I  would 
think  it  dear  of  a  drink  of  water.  I  fee  Chrifl's  love  is  fo  kingly,  that 
it  will  not  abide  a  marrow  -,  [|  it  mufl  have  a  throne  all  alone  in 
the  foul.  And  I  fee  that  apples  beguile  bairns,  howbeit  they  be 
worm-eaten.  The  moth-eaten  pleafures  of  this  prefent  world  make 
bairns  believe  ten  is  a  hundred,  and  yet  all  that  are  here  are  but 
(hadows.    If  they  would  draw  by  f  the  curtain  that  is  hung  betwixt 

*  Self-upbraidings  and  fufpicions.  f  No  great  influence. 

X  Without  there  being  any  one  to  pofTefs  it  after  Him.     §  Set  up  to  public  fale* 
II  A  companion  on  equal  terms.  T  Draw  alide. 

348  LETTER  CXLIX.  [1637. 

them  and  Chrifl:,  they  fliould  fee  themfelves  fools  who  have  fo  long 
mifkenned*  the  Son  of  God.  I  leek  no  more,  next  to  heaven,  than 
that  He  may  be  glorified  in  a  prifoner  of  Chrifl:  -,  and  that  in  my 
behalf  many  would  praife  His  high  and  glorious  name  who  heareth 
the  fighing  of  the  prifoner. 

Remember  my  fervice  to  the  laird,  your  hufl^and  ;  and  to  your 
fon,  my  acquaintance.     I  wifh  that  Chrifl:  had  His  young  love,  and 
that  in  the  morning  he  would  flart  to  the  gate,f  to  feek  that  which 
the  world  knoweth  not,  and,  therefore,  doth  not  feek  it. 
The  grace  of  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  be  with  you. 
Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  14,  1637. 

CXLIX. — To  the  much  honoured  John  Osburn,  Provojl  of  Ayr, 

[Of  John  Osburn,  merchant  in  Ayr,  and  at  this  time  chief  magiftrate  of 
that  burgh,  little  is  now  kno\Mi.  He  died  about  the  clofe  of  the  year  1653, 
or  beginning  of  the  following  year,  as  appears  from  his  fon  David  being  re- 
toured  his  heir  on  17th  January-  1654. — (Jnq.  Gener.  No.  3884.)  He  had  a 
daughter,  Jane,  who  was  married  to  Robert  Kelfo  of  Halrig  and  Kelfoland, 
the  reprefentative  of  one  of  the  moft  ancient  families  of  A)Tfhire,  to  whom 
fhe  had  two  fons,  John,  surveyor  of  the  cuftoms  at  Port-Glafgow,  and 
William  of  Dalkeith,  wTiter  to  the  fignet.  Their  father  appears  on  the  lift  of 
the  gentlemen  in  A)Tfhire,  whom  Middleton  fined,  in  1662.] 



UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace 
be  to  you. — L^pon  our  fmall  acquaintance,  and  the  good 
report  I  hear  of  you,  I  could  not  but  write  to  you.  I 
have  nothing  to  fay,  but  that  Chrifl,  in  that  honourable  place  He 
hath  put  you  in,  hath  intrufled  you  with  a  dear  pledge,  which  is 
His  own  glory  •,  and  hath  armed  you  with  His  fword  to  keep  the 

*  Miftaken  through  ignorance.         f  Set  out  on  his  journey  with  alacrity. 

1637.]  LETTER  CL,  349 

pledge,  and  make  a  good  account  of  it  to  God.  Be  not  afraid  of 
men.  Your  Mafter  can  mow  down  His  enemies,  and  make  withered 
hay  of  fair  flowers.  Your  time  will  not  be  long  ;  after  your  after- 
noon will  come  your  evening,  and  after  evening,  night.  Serve 
Chrift.  Back  Him  ;  let  His  caufe  be  your  caufe  ;  give  not  an  hair- 
breadth of  truth  away ;  for  it  is  not  yours,  but  God's.  Then, 
fmce  ye  are  going,  take  Chrifl's  teftificate  *  with  you  out  of  this  life 
— '*  Well  done,  good  and  faithful  fervant!"  His  "well  done"  is 
worth  a  fhipful  of  "  Good-days  "  and  earthly  honours.  I  have  caufe 
to  fay  this,  becaufe  I  find  Him  truth  itfelf.  In  my  fad  days,  Chrifl 
laugheth  cheerfully,  and  faith,  "All  will  be  well!"  Would  to 
God  that  all  this  kingdom,  and  all  that  know  God,  knew  what  is 
betwixt  Chrift  and  me  in  this  prifon — what  kifles,  embracements, 
and  love  communions  !  I  take  His  crofs  in  my  arms  with  joy ;  I 
blefs  it,  I  rejoice  in  it.  Suffering  for  Chrifl  is  my  garland.  I  would 
not  exchange  Chrifl  for  ten  thoufand  worlds  !  nay,  if  the  compari- 
fon  could  ftand,  I  would  not  exchange  Chrift  with  heaven. 

Sir,  pray  for  me,  and  the  prayers  and  blefling  of  a  prifoner  of 
Chrift  meet  you  in  all  your  ftraits.     Grace  be  with  you. 
Yours,  in  Chrifl  Jefus,  his  Lord, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  14,  1637. 

CL. — To  his  loving  Friend ,  John  Henderson.     [See  Let.  208.] 


OVING  FRIEND,— Continue  in  the  love  of  Chrifl,  and 
the  do6lrine  which  I  taught  you  faithfully  and  pain- 
fully, according  to  my  meafure.     I  am  free  of  your 
blood.     Fear  the  dreadful  name  of  God.     Keep  in  mind  the  ex- 

*  Teftimonial,  or  certificate  of  charader. 

350  LETTER  CLI.  [1637, 

aminations*  which  I  taught  you,  and  love  the  truth  of  God.  Death, 
as  fafl  as  time  fleeth,  chafeth  you  out  of  this  life  ;  it  is  poiTible  that 
ye  may  make  your  reckoning  with  your  Judge  before  I  fee  you. 
Let  falvation  be  your  care,  night  and  day,  and  fet  afide  hours  and 
times  of  the  day  for  prayer.  I  rejoice  to  hear  that  there  is  prayer  in 
your  houfe.  See  that  your  fervants  keep  the  Lord's  day.  This  dirt 
and  god  of  cl^y  (I  mean  the  vain  world)  is  not  worth  the  feeking. 

An  hireling  paftor  is  to  be  thrufl  in  upon  you,  in  the  room  to 
which  I  have  Chrift's  warrant  and  right.  Stand  to  your  liberties, 
for  the  word  of  God  alloweth  you  a  vote  in  choofmg  your  paftor. 

What  I  write  to  you,  I  write  to  your  wife.     Commend  me 
heartily  to  her.     The  grace  of  God  be  with  you. 
Your  loving  Friend  and  Paftor, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  14,  1637. 

CLL — To  John  Meine,  Senior. 

[John  Meine,  merchant  in  Edinburgh,  was  a  man  of  enlightened  piety, 
and  a  decided  Prefbyterian.  His  zeal  and  fteadfaftnefs  in  maintaining  Prefby- 
terian  principles,  expofing  him  to  the  refentment  of  the  court  and  prelates,  he 
was,  on  different  occafions,  the  objed:  of  their  perfecution.  Having,  with 
other  citizens  of  Edinburgh,  encouraged  Nonconforming  minifters,  by  accom- 
panying them  to  the  court  when  dragged  before  the  High  Commiffion,  he 
was,  without  citation,  trial,  or  convidion,  banifhed  to  Wigtown  by  the  Privy 
Council,  according  to  the  orders  of  the  king.  But  the  execution  of  the  fen- 
tence  was  fufpended.  In  regard  to  the  Perth  Articles,  he  would  make  no  com- 
promife.  In  1624,  when  the  To\\ti  Council,  Seflion,  and  citizens  of  Edinburgh, 
convened,  according  to  an  ancient  cuftom  obferved  among  them  from  the 
time  of  the  Reformation,  to  remove  fuch  grounds  of  difference  as  might  have 
arifen,  before  uniting  in  the  celebration  of  the  Lord's  Supper,  Meine  ftrongly 
pleaded  that  the  ordinance  {hould  be  folemnifed  without  kneeling,  a  ceremony 
with  which  (he  faid)  he  could  not  comply.  On  account  of  his  zeal  in  this 
matter,  he  was  fummoned  before  the  Privy  Council.     The  refult  was,  that  in 

*  Perhaps  (fee  in  Let.  166)  his  inftrndions  on  the  Catechifm  are  meant. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLL  351 

June  that  year,  Meine  was  fentenced  by  the  Council  to  be  confined  within  the 
town  of  Elgin.  About  the  beginning  of  January  next  year,  he  obtained 
liberty  for  a  few  days  to  come  home  to  vifit  his  family.  He  was  afterwards 
ordered  to  return  to  his  place  of  confinement;  but  James  VI.  dying  on  the 
27th  of  March  that  year,  an  end  was  put  to  his  trouble  for  a  time.  Living- 
ftone,  defcribing  him  in  his  Memorable  Charadteriftics,  fays,  ^^He  ufed, 
fummer  and  winter,  to  rife  about  three  in  the  morning,  and  always  fing  fome 
pfalm  as  he  put  on  his  clothes.  He  fpent  till  fix  o'clock  alone  in  religious  ex- 
ercifes,  and  at  fix  worfhipped  God  with  his  family,  and  then  went  to  his 
fhop."  Meine  was  married  to  Barbara  Hamilton,  filter  to  the  firft  wife  of  the 
famous  Robert  Blair.] 


EAR  BROTHER, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. 
— I  wonder  that  ye  fent  me  not  an  anfwer  to  my  lafl: 
letter,  for  I  fland  in  need  of  it.  I  am  in  fome  piece  of 
court*  with  our  great  ICing,  whofe  love  would  caufe  a  dead  man 
to  fpeak,  and  live.  Whether  my  court*  will  continue  or  not,  I 
cannot  well  fay  ;  but  I  have  His  ear  frequently,  and  (to  His  glory 
only  I  fpeak  it),  no  penury  of  the  love-kifTes  of  the  Son  of  God. 
He  thinketh  good  to  cafi:  apples  to  me  in  my  prifon  to  play  withal, 
left  I  fhould  think  longf  and  faint.  I  muft  give  over  all  attempts 
to  fathom  the  depth  of  His  love.  All  I  can  do  is,  but  to  ftand 
befide  His  great  love,  and  look  and  wonder.  My  debts  of  thank- 
fulnefs  affright  me  ;  I  fear  that  my  creditor  get  a  dyvour-billj  and 
ragged  account. J 

I  would  be  much  the  better  of  help.  Oh,  for  help  !  and  that  ye 
would  take  notice  of  my  cafe.  Your  not  writing  to  me  maketh  me 
think  ye  fuppofe  that  I  am  not  to  be  bemoaned,  becaufe  He  fendeth 
comfort.  But  I  have  pain  in  my  unthankfulnefs,  and  pain  in  the 
feeling  of  His  love,  whill§  I  am  fick  again  for  real  prefence  and 
real  polTeffion  of  Chrifl.  Yet  there  is  no  gowked  ||  (if  I  may  fo 
fpeak),  nor  fond  love  in  Chrifl:.     He  cafteth  me  down  fometimes  for 

*  Have  fomething  like  influence.  f  Yearn  wearily. 

X  A  bankrupt  debtor's  account ;  torn  and  incomplete.       §  Till. 
II  Foolifh  i  love  that  puts  the  perfon  in  a  foolifh  pofition. 

352  LETTER  CLII.  Li<^37- 

old  faults  ;  and  I  know  that  He  knoweth  well  that  fweet  comforts 
are  swelling,  and,  therefore  for  row  mufl:  take  a  vent  to  the  wind. 

My  dumb  Sabbaths  are  undercoating  *  wounds.  The  condition 
of  this  opprefTed  kirk,  and  my  brother's  cafe  (I  thank  you  and  your 
wife  for  your  kindnefs  to  him),  hold  my  fore  fmarting,  and  keep 
my  wounds  bleeding.  But  the  groundwork  ftandeth  fure.  Pray 
for  me.     Grace  be  with  you.     Remember  me  to  your  wife. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus,  <-,   -^ 

Aberdeen,  March  14,  1637. 

CLII. — To  Mr  Thomas  Garven. 

[This  correfpondent  was  one  of  the  minifters  of  Edinburgh.  Letters  165 
and  247,  are  alfo  addrefled  to  him.] 


EVEREND   AND  DEAR  BROTHER,— I  blefs  you 
for  your  letter  ;  it  was  a  fhower  to  the  new-mown  grafs. 
The  Lord  hath  given  you  the  tongue  of  the  learned. 
Be  fruitful  and  humble. 

It  is  poflible  that  ye  may  come  to  my  cafe,  or  the  like ;  but  the 
water  is  neither  fo  deep,  nor  the  ftream  fo  ftrong,  as  it  is  called. 
I  think  my  fire  is  not  fo  hot ;  my  water  is  dry  land,  my  lofs  rich 
lofs.  Oh,  iff  the  walls  of  my  prifon  be  high,  wide,  and  large,  and 
the  place  fweet !  No  man  knoweth  it,  no  man,  I  fay,  knoweth  it, 
my  dear  brother,  fo  well  as  He  and  I ;  no  man  can  put  it  down  in 
black  and  white  as  my  Lord  hath  fealed  it  in  my  heart.  My  poor 
flock  hath  grown  fmce  I  came  to  Aberdeen  ;  and  if  any  had  known 
the  wrong  I  did,  in  being  jealous  of  fuch  an  honefl  lover  as  Chriif , 
who  withheld  not  His  love  from  me,  they  would  think  the  more  of 
it.     But  I  fee,  He  muft  be  above  me  in  mercy.     I  will  never  ftrive 

*  Feftering  under  the  Ikin. 

]  ^'  Oh  if;''  q.  d.y  What  will  you  fay  if  I  tell  you  that  the  walls  of  my 
prifon  are,  etc. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLIL  353 

with  Him  ;  to  think  to  recompenfe  Him  is  folly.  If  I  had  as  many 
angels'  tongues,  as  there  have  fallen  drops  of  rain  fmce  the  creation, 
or  as  there  are  leaves  of  trees  in  all  the  forefls  of  the  earth,  or  ftars 
in  the  heaven,  to  praife,  yet  my  Lord  Jefus  would  ever  be  behind 
with  me.*  We  will  never  get  our  accounts  fitted.  A  pardon  mufl 
clofe  the  reckoning  ;  for  His  comforts  to  me  in  this  honourable 
caufe  have  almofl  put  me  beyond  the  bounds  of  modefly  ;  howbeit 
I  will  not  let  every  one  know  what  is  betwixt  us.  Love,  love  (I 
mean  Chrift's  love),  is  the  hotteft  coal  that  ever  I  felt.  Oh,  but 
the  fmoke  of  it  be  hot !  Cafl  all  the  fait  fea  on  it,  it  will  flame  ; 
hell  cannot  quench  it ;  many  many  waters  will  not  quench  love. 
Chrifl:  is  turned  over  to  His  poor  prifoner  in  a  mafs  and  globe  of 
love.  I  wonder  that  He  fhould  wafte  so  much  love  upon  such  a 
wafler  as  I  am  ;  but  He  is  no  wafter,  but  abundant  in  mercy.  He 
hath  no  niggard's  alms,  when  He  is  pleafed  to  give.  Oh  that  I 
could  invite  all  the  nation  to  love  Him  !  Free  grace  is  an  unknown 
thing.  This  world  hath  heard  but  a  bare  name  of  Chrifl,  and  no 
more.  There  are  infinite  plies  in  His  love  that  the  faints  will  never 
win  f  to  unfold  ;  I  would  it  were  better  known,  and  that  Chrifl  got 
more  of  His  own  due  than  He  doth. 

Brother,  ye  have  chofen  the  good  part,  who  have  taken  part 
with  Chrifl.  Ye  will  fee  Him  win  the  field,  and  fliall  get  part  of 
the  fpoil  when  He  divideth  it.  They  are  but  fools  who  laugh  at 
us  ;  for  they  fee  but  the  backfide  of  the  moon,  yet  our  moonlight 
is  better  than  their  twelve-hours' J  fun.  We  have  gotten  the  New 
Heavens,  and,  as  a  pledge  of  that,  the  Bridegroom's  love-ring.  The 
children  of  the  wedding-chamber  have  caufe  to  flcip  and  leap  for 
joy ;  for  the  marriage-fupper  is  drawing  nigh,  and  we  find  the  four- 
hours' §  fweet  and  comfortable.  O  time,  be  not  flow!  O  fun, 
move  fpeedily,  and  haflen  our  banquet!  O  Bridegroom,  be  like  a 
roe  or  a  young  hart  upon  the  mountains!  O  Well-beloved,  run 
fafl,  that  we  may  once  ||  meet  ! 

*  Never  get  me  to  come  up  to  His  due.  f  Folds  that  faints  will  not  get  at. 
X  Noon  of  the  day ;  their  fun  at  his  beft. 

§  The  flight  meal  taken  in  the  ,^ftemoon.  ||  Some  time  or  other. 
VOL.  I.  Z 

354  LETTER  CLIIL  [1637. 

Brother,  I  reftrain  myfelf  for  want  of  time.  Pray  for  me ;  I 
hope  to  remember  you.  The  good-will  of  Him  who  dwelt  in  the 
bufh,  the  tender  mercies  of  God  in  Chrift,  enrich  you.  Grace  be 
with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  14,  1637. 

CLIIL — To  Bethaia  Aird. 

[The  name  Aird  is  not  uncommon  in  the  hiftory  of  the  Church.  Mr  JVni. 
Aird  was  a  noted  minifter  in  Edinburgh  in  Livingftone's  days.  Wodrow's 
Hiftory  mentions  Aird  of  Muirkirk,  and  alfo  John  Aird  of  Milton.  In  the 
memoir  of  Walter  Pringle  of  Greenknow,  we  find  James  Aird  was  his  inti- 
mate friend.  But  whether  this  correfpondent  was  related  to  any  of  them,  we 
know  not.     She  may  have  been  fimply  an  Anwoth  parifhioner.] 


ORTHY  SISTER, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  unto 
you.  I  know  that  ye  defire  news  from  my  prifon,  and 
I  fhall  fhow  you  news.  At  my  firfl  entry  hither, 
Chrift  and  I  agreed  not  well  upon  it.  The  devil  made  a  plea  *  in 
the  houfe,  and  I  laid  the  blame  upon  Chrifl ;  for  my  heart  was 
fraughtedf  with  challenges,  and  I  feared  that  I  was  an  outcaft,  and 
that  I  was  but  a  withered  tree  in  the  vineyard,  and  but  held  the  fun 
off  the  good  plants  with  my  idle  fhadow,  and  that,  therefore,  my 
Mafter  had  given  the  evil  fervant  the  fields,  to  fend  J  him.  Old 
guiltinefs  (as  witnefs)  faid,  "  All  is  true."  My  apprehenfions  were 
with  child  of  faithlefs  fears,  and  unbelief  put  a  feal  and  amen  to 
all.  I  thought  myfelf  in  a  hard  cafe.  Some  faid  I  had  caufe  to  re- 
joice that  Chrift  had  honoured  me  to  be  a  witnefs  for  Him  ;  and  I 
faid  in  my  heart,  "  Thefe  are  words  of  men,  who  fee  but  mine  out- 
fide,  and  cannot  tell  if  I  be  a  falfe  witnefs  or  not." 

*  Controverfy,  difpute.  f  Fully  filled  with  felf-upbraidings. 

X  To  fhift  for  himfelf  in  the  fields;  caft  him  out. 

1637.J  LETTER  CLIIL  ^S5 

If  Chrifl:  had  in  this  matter  been  as  wilful  and  fhort*  as  I  was, 
my  faith  had  gone  over  the  brae,f  and  broken  its  neck.  But  we 
were  well  met, — a  hafly  fool,  and  a  wife,  patient,  and  meek  Saviour. 
He  took  no  law-advantage  of  my  folly,  but  waited  on  till  my  ill- 
blood  was  fallen,  and  my  d  rumbled  J  and  troubled  well  began  to 
clear.  He  was  never  a  whit  angry  at  the  fever-ravings  of  a  poor 
tempted  finner ;  but  He  mercifully  forgave,  and  came  (as  it  well  be- 
cometh  Him),  with  grace  and  new  comfort,  to  a  finner  who  deferved 
the  contrary.  And  now  He  is  content  to  kifs  my  black  mouth,  to 
put  His  hand  into  mine,  and  to  feed  me  with  as  many  confolations 
as  would  feed  ten  hungry  fouls.  Yet  I  dare  not  fay  that  He  is  a 
waiter  of  comforts,  for  no  lefs  would  have  borne  me  up  -,  one 
grain-weight  lefs  would  have  caflen  §  the  balance. 

Now,  who  is  like  to  that  royal  King,  crowned  in  Zion !  Where 
fhall  I  get  a  feat  for  real  Majefty  to  fet  Him  on  ?  If  I  could  fet 
Him  as  far  above  the  heaven  as  thoufand  thoufands  of  heights  de- 
vifed  by  men  and  angels,  I  fhould  think  Him  but  too  low.  I  pray 
you,  for  God's  fake,  my  dear  filler,  to  help  me  to  praife.  His  love 
hath  neither  brim  nor  bottom  ;  His  love  is  like  Himlelf,  it  pafiTeth 
all  natural  underftanding.  I  go  to  fathom  it  with  my  arms  ;  but  it 
is  as  if  a  child  would  take  the  globe  of  fea  and  land  in  his  two  fhort 
arms.  Blefied  and  holy  is  His  name!  This  muft  be  His  truth 
which  I  now  fuffer  for ;  for  He  would  not  laugh  upon  a  lie,  nor 
be  witnefs  with  His  comforts  to  a  night-dream. 

I  entreat  for  your  prayers  ;  and  the  prayer  and  bleiling  of  a 
prifoner  of  Chrifl  be  upon  you.      Grace  be  with  you. 
Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  March  14,  1637. 

*  Short-tempered ;  hafty.  t  Fallen  over  the  hill. 

X  Difturbed,  made  muddy.  §  Turned  the  fcale. 

35^  LETTER  CLIK  [1637. 

CLn^. —  To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Knockgray,  fiear  Carjpha'irn. 

^|EAR  BROTHER, — I  have  not  leifure  to  write  to  you. 
Chrifl's  ways  were  known  to  you  long  before  I,  who 
^  am  but  a  child,  knew  anything  of  Him.  What  wrong 
and  violence  the  prelates  may,  by  God's  permiffion,  do  unto  you, 
for  your  trial,  I  know  not;  but  this  I  know,  that  your  ten  days'  tribu- 
lation will  end.  Contend  to  the  lafl:  breath  for  Chrift.  Banifhment 
out  of  thefe  kingdoms  is  determined  againft  me,  as  I  hear ;  this  land 
dow*  not  bear  me.  I  pray  you,  to  recommend  my  cafe  and  bonds  to 
my  brethren  and  fifters  with  you.  I  intrufl  more  of  my  fpiritual  com- 
fort to  you  and  them  that  way,  my  dear  brother,  than  to  many  in 
this  kingdom  befides.  I  hope  that  ye  will  not  be  wanting  to  Chrift's 

Fear  nothing ;  for  I  afTure  5'ou  that  Alexander  Gordon  of  Knock- 
gray  fhall  win  away,f  and  get  his  foul  for  a  prey.  And  what  can 
he  then  want  that  is  worth  the  having  ?  Your  friends  are  cold  (as 
ye  write) ;  and  fo  are  thofe  in  w^hom  I  trufted  much.  Our  Hulband 
doth  well  in  breaking  our  idols  in  pieces.  Dry  wells  fend  us  to  the 
fountain.  "  My  life  is  not  dear  to  me,  fo  being  I  may  fulfil  my 
courfe  with  joy."  I  fear  that  ye  muA  remove,  if  your  new  hireling 
will  not  bear  your  difcountenancing  of  him  ;  for  the  prelate  is  afraid 
that  Chrifl  get  you ;  and  that  he  hath  no  will  to. 
Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  and  Mafler, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

*  Is  riot  able  to.  t  Get  away  from  this  world. 

i637-]  LETTER  CLF.  357 

CLV. — To  Grizzel  Fullerton. 

[Grizzel  Fullerton  was  the  daughter  of  William  Fullerton,  Provoft 
of  Kirkcudbright,  and  Marion  M ^Naught.     See  Let.  6.] 


EAR  SISTER, — I  exhort  you  in  the  Lord,  to  feek  your 
one  thing,  Mary's  good  part,  that  fhall  not  be  taken 
from  you.  Set  your  heart  and  foul  on  the  children's 
inheritance.  This  clay-idol,  the  world,  is  but  for  baftards,  and  ye 
are  His  lawfully-begotten  child.  Learn  the  way  (as  your  dear 
mother  hath  done  before  you)  to  knock  at  Chrift's  door.  Many  an 
alms  of  mercy  hath  Chrift  given  to  her,  and  hath  abundance  behind 
to  give  to  you.  Ye  are  the  feed  of  the  faithful,  and  born  within 
the  covenant ;  claim  your  right.  I  would  not  exchange  Chrift  Jefus 
for  ten  worlds  of  glory.  I  know  now  (bleffed  be  my  Teacher  !) 
how  to  fhute*  the  lock,  and  unbolt  my  Well-beloved's  door ;  and 
He  maketh  a  poor  flranger  welcome  when  He  cometh  to  His  houfe. 
I  am  fwelled  up  and  fatisfied  with  the  love  of  Chrifl,  that  is  better 
than  wine.  It  is  a  fire  in  my  foul ;  let  hell  and  the  world  call 
water  on  it,  they  will  not  mend  themfelves.  I  have  now  gotten  the 
right  gatef  of  Chrift.  I  recommend  Him  to  you  above  all  things. 
Come  and  find  J  the  fmell  of  His  breath  ;  fee  if  His  kifles  be  not 
fweet.  He  defireth  no  better  than  to  be  much  made  of ;  be  homely  § 
with  Him,  and  ye  fhall  be  the  more  welcome  -,  ye  know  not  how 
fain  Chrifl  would  have  all  your  love.  Think  not  this  is  imagina- 
tion and  bairns'  play,  which  we  make  din  for.  |1  I  would  not  fuiFer 
for  it,  if  it  were  fo.  I  dare  pawn  my  heaven  for  it,  that  it  is  the 
way  to  glory.  Think  much  of  truth,  and  abhor  thefe  ways  devifed 
by  men  in  God's  worfhip. 

*  Shove  back.       f  ^V'ay  of  dealing  with.  X  Feel ;  or  find  out. 

$  At  home  with;  familiar.  11  Make  fo  much  noife  about. 

358  ■  LETTER  CLVL  [1637. 

The  grace  of  Chrifl  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jeius, 

8.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  14,  1637. 

CLVL— 21?  Patrick  Carsen. 

[This  was,    perhaps,    the   fon    of   John    Carfen,  formerly  noticed.     See 
Let.  127.] 


EAR  AND  LOVING  FRIEND,— I  cannot  but,  upon 
the  opportunity  of  a  bearer,  exhort  you  to  refign  the 
JJ  love  of  your  youth  to  Chrift ;  and  in  this  day,  while 
your  fun  is  high  and  your  youth  ferveth  you,  to  feek  the  Lord  and 
His  face.  For  there  is  nothing  out  of  heaven  fo  necefTary  for  you  as 
Chrifl.  And  ye  cannot  be  ignorant  but  your  day  will  end,  and  the 
night  of  death  fhall  call  you  from  the  pleafures  of  this  life  :  and  a 
doom  given  out  in  death  Aandeth  for  ever — as  long  as  God  liveth  ! 
Youth,  ordinarily,  is  a  poft  and  ready  fervant  for  Satan,  to  run 
errands  ;  for  it  is  a  nefl  for  lufl:,  curfmg,  drunkennefs,  blafpheming 
of  God,  lying,  pride,  and  vanity.  Oh,  that  there  were  fuch  an 
heart  in  you  as  to  fear  the  Lord,  and  to  dedicate  your  foul  and 
body  to  His  fervice  !  When  the  time  cometh  that  your  eye-ftrings 
{haU  break,  and  your  face  wax  pale,  and  legs  and  arms  tremble, 
and  your  breath  fhaU  grow  cold,  and  your  poor  foul  look  out  at 
your  priibn  houfe  of  clay,  to  be  fet  at  liberty  ;  then  a  good  con- 
fcience,  and  your  Lord's  favour,  fhall  be  worth  all  the  world's  glory. 
Seek  it  as  your  garland  and  crown. 
Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  14,  lA;,;. 

637-]  LETTER  CLVII.  359 

CLVIL— -r^  Carleton. 

[Livingftone,  in  his  Charaderiftics,  mentions  two  peiibns  of  this  name  -. 
^*  Fullerton  of  Carleton^  in  Galloway,  a  grave  and  cheerful  Chriftian;"  and 
**  Cathcart  of  Carleton,  in  Carrick,  an  old,  experienced  Chriftian,"  in  much 
repute  among  the  religious  of  his  day,  for  his  fkill  in  folving  cafes  of  con- 
fcience,  and  dealing  with  perfons  under  fpiritual  afflidion.  But  it  feems  clear 
that  Rutherford's  correspondent  was  John  Fullerton  of  Carleton^  in  the  parifh  of 
Borgue.  For,  in  Let.  15,  he  is  fpoken  of  as  in  Galloway.  In  the  ^*  Minutes 
of  Comm.  of  Covenanters,"  we  find  the  following  eftates  put  fide  by  fide,  all 
of  them  a  few  miles  from  Anwoth,  viz.,  ^^  Roberton  and  Carleton ^  Caillie  and 
Rufco,  Carfiuth  and  Caflincarrie."  His  lady's  name  appears  prefixed  to  Let. 

This,  too,  was  the  Carleton  that  wrote  the  Acroftic  on  Marion  M^ Naught 
(fee  note  on  Let.  5).  He  was  author  of  a  poem — ^*  The  Turtle  Doi^e^  under 
the  abfence  and  prefence  of  her  only  Choice.  1664," — dedicated  by  the  author 
to  Lady  Jane  Campbell,  Vifcountefs  Kenmure,  with  whom  he  was  conneded. 
The  only  copy  known  is  in  pofleflion  of  Mr  Nicholfon,  Kirkcudbright.  He 
alfo  wrote  *  *  A  Manifefto  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  in  favour  of  the  League 
and  Covenant,"  in  verfe.     (See  ^^  Minutes  of  Comm.  of  Covenanters.")] 


UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— I  wiU  not  impute  your  not 
writing  to  me  to  forgetfulnefs.  However,  I  have  One 
above  who  forgetteth  me  not — nay,  He  groweth  in  His 
kindnels.  It  hath  pleafed  His  holy  Majefty  to  take  me  from  the 
pulpit,  and  teach  me  many  things,  in  my  exile  and  priibn,  that  were 
myfteries  to  me  before. 

I  fee  His  bottomlefs  and  boundlefs  love  and  kindnels,  and  my 
jealoufies  and  ravings,  which,  at  my  firft  entry  into  this  furnace, 
were  fo  foolifh  and  bold,  as  to  fay  to  Chrifl,  who  is  truth  itfelf,  in 
His  face,  "  Thou  liefl."  I  had  well  nigh  loft  my  grips.*  I  won- 
dered if  it  was  Chriil  or  not  ;  for  the  mift  and  fmoke  of  my  per- 

Firm  hold. 

36o  LETTER  CLFII.  [1637. 

turbed  heart  made  me  miftake  my  Mafter,  Jefus.  My  faith  was 
dim,  and  hope  frozen  and  cold ;  and  my  love,  which  caufed 
jealoufies,  had  fome  warmnefs,  and  heat,  and  fmoke,  but  no  flame 
at  all.  (Yet  I  was  looking  for  fome  good  of  Chrill's  old  claim  to 
me.)  I  thought  I  had  forfeited  all  my  rights.  But  the  tempter 
was  too  much  upon  my  counfels,  and  was  ilill  blowing  the  coal. 
Alas  !  I  knew  not  well  before  how  good  fkill  my  Interceflbr  and 
Advocate,  Chrift,  hath  of  pleading,  and  of  pardoning  me  fuch  follies. 
Now  He  is  returned  to  my  foul  with  healing  under  His  wings  ;  and 
I  am  nothing  behind  with  Chrifl:  *  now  ;  for  He  hath  overpaid  me, 
by  His  prefence,  the  pain  I  was  put  to  by  on-waiting,  and  any  little 
lofs  that  I  fuflained  by  my  witnefling  againfl  the  wrongs  done  to 
Him.  I  trow  it  was  a  pain  to  my  Lord  to  hide  Himfelf  any  longer. 
In  a  manner.  He  was  challengingf  His  own  unkindnefs,  and  repented 
Him  of  His  glooms.  J  And  now,  what  want  I  on  earth  that  Chrift 
can  give  to  a  poor  prifoner  ?  Oh,  how  fweet  and  lovely  is  He  now  ! 
Alas  !  that  I  can  get  none  to  help  me  to  lift  up  my  Lord  Jefus 
upon  His  throne,  above  all  the  earth. 

id/y,  I  am  now  brought  to  fome  meafure  of  fubmiflion,  and  I 
refolve  to  wait  till  I  fee  what  my  Lord  Jefus  will  do  with  me.  I 
dare  not  now  nickname,  or  fpeak  one  word  againft,  the  all-feeing 
and  over-watching  providence  of  my  Lord.  I  fee  that  providence 
runneth  not  on  broken  wheels.  But  I,  like  a  fool,  carved  a  provi- 
dence for  my  own  eafe,  to  die  in  my  neft,  and  to  fleep  flill  till  my 
grey  hairs,  and  to  lie  on  the  funny  fide  of  the  mountain,  in  my 
miniflry  at  Anwoth.  But  now  I  have  nothing  to  fay  againfl  a 
borrowed  firefide,  and  another  man's  houfe,  nor  Kedar's  tents, 
where  I  live,  being  removed  far  from  my  acquaintance,  my  lovers, 
and  my  friends.  I  fee  that  God  hath  the  world  on  His  wheels,  and 
cafteth  it  as  a  potter  doth  a  vefTel  on  the  wheel.  I  dare  not  fay 
that  there  is  any  inordinate  or  irregular  motion  in  providence.  The 
I^ord  hath  done  it.  I  will  not  go  to  law  with  Chrift,  for  I  would 
gain  nothing  of  that. 

*  Chrilt  has  paid  mc  all  my  claim.  t  Rebuking.  t  Frowns. 

1637-]  LETTER  CLVIL  361 

3^/y,  I  have  learned  fome  greater  mortification  ;  and  not  to 
mourn  after,  or  feek  to  fuck,  the  world's  dry  breads.  Nay,  my 
Lord  hath  filled  me  with  fuch  dainties,  that  I  am  like  to  a  full 
banqueter,  who  is  not  for  common  cheer.  What  have  I  to  do  to 
fall  down  upon  my  knees,  and  worfhip  mankind's  great  idol,  the 
world  ^  I  have  a  better  God  than  any  claygod  :  nay,  at  prefent, 
as  I  am  now  difpofed,  I  care  not  much  to  give  this  world  a  difcharge 
of  my  life-rent  of  it,  for  bread  and  water.  I  know  that  it  is  not 
my  home,  nor  my  Father's  houfe  ;  it  is  but  His  foot-ftool,  the  outer 
clofe*  of  His  houfe.  His  out-fields  and  muir-ground.  Let  baftards 
take  it.  I  hope  never  to  think  myfelf  in  its  common, f  for  honour 
or  riches.     Nay,  now,  I  fay  to  laughter,  "  Thou  art  madnefs." 

^hly,  I  find  it  to  be  moft  true,  that  the  greatefl  temptation  out  of 
hell,  is,  to  live  without  temptations.  If  my  waters  fhould  fland,  they 
would  rot.  Faith  is  the  better  of  the  free  air,  and  of  the  fharp 
winter  ftorm  in  its  face.  Grace  withereth  without  adverfity.  The 
devil  is  but  God's  mailer  fencer,  to  teach  us  to  handle  our  weapons. 

^thly,  I  never  knew  how  weak  I  was,  till  now  when  He  hideth 
Himfelf,  and  when  I  have  Him  to  feek,  feven  times  a  day.  I  am  a 
dry  and  withered  branch,  and  a  piece  of  dead  carcafs,  dry  bones, 
and  not  able  to  ftep  over  a  flraw.  The  thoughts  of  my  old  fms, 
are  as  the  fummons  of  death  to  me  ,  and  my  late  brother's  cafe 
hath  flricken  me  to  the  heart.  When  my  wounds  are  clofmg,  a 
little  ruffle  J  caufeth  them  to  bleed  afrefh ;  {o  thin-fkinned  is  my 
foul,  that  I  think  it  is  like  a  tender  man's  fkin  that  may  touch  nothing. 
Ye  fee  how  fhort  I  would  fhoot  of  the  prize,  if  His  grace  were  not 
fufficient  for  me. 

Wo  is  me  for  the  day  of  Scotland !  Wo,  wo  is  me  for  my 
harlot-mother  ;  for  the  decree  is  gone  forth  !  Women  of  this  land 
fhall  call  the  childlefs  and  mifcarrying  wombs  bleffed.  The  anger 
of  the  Lord  is  gone  forth,  and  fhall  not  return,  till  He  perform  the 
purpofe  of  His  heart  againft  Scotland.    Yet  He  fhall  make  Scotland 

*  The  lane,  or  paflage,  forming  the  entry  to  the  houle. 

t  Under  obligation  to.  %  It  is  written  ^^  rifle/'  in  old  editions. 

362  LETTER  CLVIIL  [1637. 

a  new,  {harp  inftrument,  having  teeth  to  threfh  the  mountains,  and 
fan  the  hills  as  chafF. 

The  prifoner's  blelTing  be  upon  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  March  14,  1637. 

QlN\ll.—To  the  Lady  Busbie.      [See  Let.  133.] 


ISTRESS, — I  know  that  ye  are  thinking  ibmetimes  what 
Chrift  is  doing  in  Zion,  and  that  the  haters  of  Zion 
may  get  the  bottom  of  our  cup,  and  the  burning  coals 
of  our  furnace  that  we  have  been  tried  in,  thofe  many  years  bygone. 
Oh,  that  this  nation  would  be  awakened  to  cry  mightily  unto  God, 
for  the  fetting  up  of  a  new  tabernacle  to  Chrifl  in  Scotland.  Oh, 
if  this  kingdom  knew  how  worthy  Chrifl:  were  of  His  room  !  His 
worth  was  ever  above  man's  eflimation  of  Him. 

And  for  myfelf  I  am  pained  at  the  heart,  that  I  cannot  find  my- 
Idf  difpofed  to  leave  myfelf  and  go  wholly  into  Chrifl.  Alas,  that 
there  fhould  be  one  bit  of  me  out  of  Him,  and  that  we  leave  too 
much  liberty  and  latitude  for  ourfelves,  and  our  own  eafe,  and 
credit,  and  pleafures,  and  fo  little  room  for  all-love-worthy  Chrift  ! 
Oh,  what  pains  and  charges  it  cofleth  Chrifl  ere  He  get  us  !  and 
when  all  is  done,  we  are  not  worth  the  having.  It  is  a  wonder 
that  He  fhould  feek  the  like  of  us.  But  love  overlooketh  blacknefs 
and  fecklefTnefs  -,  *  for  if  it  had  not  been  fo,  Chrifl  would  never 
have  made  fo  fair  and  blefTed  a  bargain  with  us  as  the  covenant  of 
grace  is.  I  find  that  in  all  our  fufFerings  Chrift  is  but  redding 
marches,  f  that  every  one  of  us  may  lay,  "  Mine,  and  thine  ;"  and 

*  Worthlefs,  iifelcflhefs.  f  Settling  the  boundaries. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLVIIL  363 

that  men  may  know  by  their  crofles,  how  weak  a  bottom  nature  is 
to  ftand  upon  in  trial ;  that  the  end  which  our  Lord  intendeth,  in 
all  our  fufPerings,  is  to  bring  grace  into  court*  and  requeft,  amongfl 
us.  I  fhould  fuccumb  and  come  fhort  of  heaven,  if  I  had  no  more 
than  my  own  ftrength  to  fupport  me  ;  and  if  Chrift  (hould  say  to 
me,  "  Either  do  or  die,"  it  were  eafy  to  determine  what  fhould 
become  of  me.  The  choice  were  eafy,  for  I  behoved  to  die  if 
Chrirt  fhould  pafs  by  with  ftraitened  bowels  ;  and  who  then 
would  take  us  up  in  our  ftraits  .?  I  know  we  may  fay  that  Chrifl 
is  kindeft  in  His  love,  when  we  are  at  our  weakeft  -,  and  that  if 
Chrift  had  not  been  to  the  fore,f  in  our  fad  days,  the  waters  had 
gone  over  our  foul.  His  mercy  hath  a  fet  period,  and  appointed 
place,  how  far  and  no  farther  the  fea  of  affliction  fhall  flow,  and 
where  the  waves  thereof  fhall  be  flayed.  He  prefcribeth  how 
much  pain  and  forrow,  both  for  weight  and  meafure,  we  mufl 
have.  Ye  have,  then,  good  caufe  to  recall  your  love  from  all  lovers, 
and  give  it  to  Chrifl.  He  who  is  afflifted  in  all  your  afHi(Slions, 
looketh  not  on  you  in  your  fad  hours  with  an  infenfible  heart  or 
dry  eyes. 

All  the  Lord's  faints  may  fee  that  it  is  lofl  love  which  is  be- 
llowed upon  this  perifhing  world.  Death  and  judgment  will  make 
men  lament  that  ever  their  mifcarrying  hearts  carried  them  to  lay 
and  lavifh  out  their  love  upon  falfe  appearances  and  night-dreams. 
Alas  !  that  Chrifl  fhould  fare  the  worfe,  becaufe  of  His  own  good- 
nefs  in  making  peace  and  the  Gofpel  to  ride  together  ;  and  that  we 
have  never  yet  weighed  the  worth  of  Chrift  in  His  ordinances,  and 
that  we  are  like  to  be  deprived  of  the  well,  ere  we  have  tafted  the 
fweetnefs  of  the  water.  It  may  be  that  with  watery  eyes,  and  a 
wet  face,  and  wearied  feet,  we  feek  Chrifl:,  and  fliall  not  find  Him. 
Oh,  that  this  land  were  humbled  in  time,  and  by  prayers,  cries, 
and  humiliation,  would  bring  Chrifl  in  at  the  Church-door  again, 
now  when  His  back  is  turned  toward  us,  and  He  is  gone  to  the 
threfhhold,  and  His  one  foot,  as  it  were,  is  out  of  the  door  !     I  am 

Into  favour.  f  If  Chrift  had  not  been  exifting  ftill. 

364  LETTER  CLIX.  [1637, 

fure  that  His  departure  is  our  deferving  ;  we  have  bought  it  with 
our  iniquities  ;  for  even  the  Lord's  own  children  are  fallen  aileep, 
and,  alas  !  profeflbrs  are  made  all  of  fhows  and  fafhions,  and  are 
not  at  pains  to  recover  themfelves  again.  Every  one  hath  his  fet 
meafure  of  faith  and  holinefs,  and  contenteth  himfelf  with  but  a 
ftinted  meafure  of  godlinefs,  as  if  that  were  enough  to  bring  him  to 
heaven.  We  forget  that  as  our  gifts  and  light  grow,  fo  God's  gain 
and  the  intereft  of  His  talents,  fhould  grow  alfo  ;  and  that  we  can- 
not pay  God  with  the  old  ufe  and  wont  (as  we  ufe  to  fpeak)  which 
we  gave  Him  feven  years  ago  ;  for  this  were  to  mock  the  Lord, 
and  to  make  price  with  Him  as  we  lift.  Oh,  what  difficulty  is  there 
in  our  Chriftian  journey,  and  how  often  come  we  ftiort  of  many 
thoufand  things  that  are  Chrift's  due  !  and  we  confider  not,  how 
far  our  dear  Lord  is  behind  with  us. 

Miftrefs,  I  cannot  render  you  thanks,  as  I  would,  for  your 
kindnefs  to  my  brother,  an  oppreffed  ftranger  ;  but  I  remember 
you  unto  the  Lord  as  I  am  able.  I  entreat  you  to  think  upon  me, 
His  prifoner,  and  pray  that  the  Lord  would  be  pleafed  to  give  me 
room  to  fpeak  to  His  people  in  His  name. 

Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  and  Mafter, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

CLIX. — To  John  Fleming,  Bailie  of  Leith. 


LORD, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  unto  you.  I 
received  your  letter.     I  wi(h  that  I  could  fatisfy  your 

defire  in  drawing  up,  and  framing  for  you,  a  Chriftian  directory. 

But  the  learned  have  done  it  before  me,  more  judicioufly  than  I  can  ; 

1637.]  LETTER  CLIX,  365 

efpeciallyMr  Rogers,*  Greenham,-|-  and  Perkins.  J  Notwithftand- 
ing,  I  fhall  fhow  you  what  I  would  have  been  at  myfelf ;  howbeit 
I  came  always  fhort  of  my  purpofe. 

1.  That  hours  of  the  day,  lefs  or  more  time,  for  the  word  and 
prayer,  be  ^ven  to  God,  not  fparing  the  twelfth  hour,  or  mid-day, 
howbeit  it  fhould  then  be  the  ihorter  time. 

2.  In  the  midfl  of  worldly  employments,  there  fhould  be  fome 
thoughts  of  fm,  death,  judgment,  and  eternity,  with  at  leaft  a  word 
or  two  of  ejaculatory  prayer  to  God. 

3.  To  beware  of  wandering  of  heart  in  private  prayers. 

4.  Not  to  grudge,  howbeit  ye  come  from  prayer  without  fenfe  of 
joy.  Down-cafting,  fenfe  of  guiltinefs,  and  hunger,  are  often  beft  for  us. 

5.  That  the  Lord's-day,  from  morning  to  night,  be  fpent  always 
either  in  private  or  public  worfhip. 

6.  That  words  be  obferved,  wandering  and  idle  thoughts  be 
avoided,  fudden  anger  and  defire  of  revenge,  even  of  fuch  as  perfe- 
cute  the  truth,  be  guarded  againft  ;  for  we  often  mix  our  zeal  with 
our  wild-fire. 

*  Dr  Daniel  Rogers,  a  Puritan  divine,  author  of  a  treatife  called  ^^  David's 
Coft ;  or,  What  it  will  coft  to  ferve  God  aright ; "  ^^  A  Practical  Catechifm  ;" 
^*  Naaman  the  Syrian,"  and  others.  He  was  bom  in  1573,  educated  at  Cam- 
bridge, fuffered  from  the  perfecution  of  Laud,  and  died  in  1652,  at  the  age  of 
eighty.  He  was  a  man  of  great  talents,  deep  humility  and  devotion,  but  of  a 
temper  fo  bold  that  a  friend  faid  of  him,  ^^  He  had  grace  enough  for  t<wo  men, 
but  not  enough  for  himfelf." 

t  Richard  Greenham,  a  Puritan,  who  was  bom  in  153 1,  and  died  of  the 
plague  1 5  9 1 .  He  was  the  author  of  feveral  fermons  and  praftical  treatifes.  (See 
Brooke's  Li-ves  of  the  Puritans y  vol.  ii.,  pp.  448.) 

%  Dr  Wm.  Perkins,  an  Englifh  divine,  who  lived  in  the  end  of  the  fixteenth 
century,  and  was  the  author  of  feveral  pra<5tical  and  dodrinal  treatifes;  among 
others,  the  one  here  referred  to,  ^^  A  Cafe  of  Confcience,  and  Thirteen  Princi- 
ples of  Religion,"  publifhed  after  his  death.  He  was  a  ftridl  Calvinifl,  and 
took  part  in  the  controverfy  againft  Arminianifm.  He  ufed  fo  to  apply  the 
terrors  of  the  law  to  the  confcience,  that  oftentimes  his  hearers  fell  down  before 
him.  It  was  alfo  faid  that  he  pronounced  the  word  **  Damnation''  with  fuch 
an  emphafis  and  pathos  as  left  a  doleful  echo  in  the  ear  long  after.  He  wrote 
on  all  his  books,  ^  ^  Thou  art  a  minifter  of  the  ^^^ord :  mind  thy  bufinefs." 

366  LETTER  CLIX.  [1637. 

7.  That  known,  difcovered,  and  revealed  fins,  that  are  againft 
the  confcience,  be  efchewed,  as  moft  dangerous  preparatives  to 
hardnefs  of  heart. 

8.  That  in  dealing  with  men,  faith  and  truth  in  covenants  and 
trafficking  be  regarded,  that  we  deal  with  all  men  in  fmcerity ; 
that  confcience  be  made  of  idle  and  lying  words  ;  and  that  our  car- 
riage be  fuch,  as  that  they  who  fee  it  may  fpeak  honourably  of  our 
fweet  Mafter  and  profeffion. 

9.  I  have  been  much  challenged,*  I.  For  not  referring  all  to 
God  as  the  laft  end ;  that  I  do  not  eat,  drink,  deep,  journey,  fpeak, 
and  think  for  God.  2.  That  I  have  not  benefited  by  good  com- 
pany ;  and  that  I  left  not  fome  word  of  conviftion,  even  upon  natu- 
ral and  wicked  men,  as  by  reproving  fwearing  in  them ;  or  becaufe 
of  being  a  filent  witnefs  to  their  loofe  carriage  ;  and  becaufe  I  in- 
tended not  in  all  companies  to  do  good.  3.  That  the  woes  and 
calamities  of  the  ICirk,  and  of  particular  profefTors,  have  not  moved 
me.  4.  That  at  the  reading  of  the  life  of  David,  Paul,  and  the  like, 
when  it  humbled  me,  I  (coming  fo  far  fhort  of  their  holinefs) 
laboured  not  to  imitate  them,  afar  off  at  leajft,  according  to  the 
meafure  of  God's  grace.  5.  That  unrepented  fms  of  youth  were 
not  looked  to,  and  lamented  for.  6.  That  fudden  flirrings  of  pride, 
luft,  revenge,  love  of  honours,  were  not  refifted  and  mourned  for. 
7.  That  my  charity  was  cold.  8.  That  the  experiences  I  had  of  God's 
hearing  me,  in  this  and  the  other  particular,  being  gathered,  yet  in  a 
new  trouble  I  had  always  (once  at  leafl)  my  faith  to  feek,  as  if  I  were 
to  begin  at  A,  B,  C,  again.  9.  That  I  have  not  more  boldly  contra- 
dicSled  the  enemies  fpeaking  againfl  the  truth,  either  in  public  church 
meetings,  or  at  tables,  or  ordinary  conference.  lo.  That  in  great 
troubles  I  have  received  falfe  reports  of  Chrifl's  love,  and  misbelieved 
Him  in  His  chaflening  ;  whereas  the  event  hath  faid,  "  All  was  ifi 
mercy-,"     1 1.  Nothing  more  moveth  me,  and  weightethf  my  foul, 

*  Rebuked. 

t  Weighed  down  with  fadnefs.  *^  Death  did  not  weight  the  martyrs  when 
it  was  laid  on  them,"  occurs  in  one  of  his  fermons. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLIX.  367 

than  that  I  could  never  from*  my  heart,  in  my  profperity,  fo  wreftle 
in  prayer  with  God,  nor  be  fo  dead  to  the  world,  fo  hungry  and  fick 
of  love  for  Chrifl:,  fo  heavenly-minded,  as  when  ten  ftone-weight  of 
a  heavy  crofs  was  upon  me.  12.  That  the  crofs  extorted  vows  of 
new  obedience,  which  eafe  hath  blown  away,  as  chaff  before  the 
wind.  13.  That  praftice  was  fo  fhort  and  narrow,  and  light  fo  long 
and  broad.  14.  That  death  hath  not  been  often  meditated  upon. 
I  v  That  I  have  not  been  careful  of  gaining  others  to  Chrift. 
16.  That  my  grace  and  gifts  bring  forth  little  or  no  thankfulnefs. 

There  are  fome  things,  alfo,  whereby  I  have  been  helped  :  as, 
I.  I  have  been  benefited  by  riding  alone  a  long  journey,  in  giving 
that  time  to  prayer.  2.  By  abftinence,  and  giving  days  to  God.  3. 
By  praying  for  others ;  for  by  making  an  errand  to  God  for  them, 
I  have  gotten  fomething  for  myfelf.  4.  I  have  been  really  con- 
firmed, in  many  particulars,  that  God  heareth  prayers  ;  and,  there- 
fore, I  ufed  to  pray  for  anything,  of  how  little  importance  foever. 
5.  He  enabled  me  to  make  no  queAion,  that  this  mocked  way, 
which  is  nicknamed,  is  the  only  way  to  heaven. 

Sir,  thefe  and  many  more  occurrences  in  your  life,  fhould  be 
looked  unto;  and,  I.  Thoughts  of  Atheifm  fhould  be  watched 
over,  as,  "  If  there  be  a  God  in  heaven  ?"  which  will  trouble  and 
afTault  the  befl,  at  fome  times.  2.  Growth  in  grace  fhould  be  cared 
for  above  all  things  ;  and  falling  from  our  firft  love  mourned  for. 
3.  Confcience  made  of  praying  for  the  enemies,  who  are  blinded. 

Sir,  I  thank  you  mofl  kindly  for  the  care  of  my  brother,  and  of 
me  alfo.     I  hope  it  is  laid  up  for  you,  and  remembered  in  heaven. 

I  am  {till  afhamed  with  Chrift's  kindnefs  to  fuch  a  fmner  as  I 
am.  He  hath  left  a  fire  in  my  heart,  that  hell  cannot  cafl  water  on, 
to  quench  or  extinguifh  it.  Help  me  to  praife,  and  pray  for  me , 
for  ye  have  a  prifoner's  blefTmg  and  prayers. 

Remember  my  love  to  your  wife.  Grace  be  with  you.  Yours 
in  Chrift  Jefus, 

Aberdeen,  March  15,  1637.  S.  R. 

*  Should  probably  be  ^^from;'  though  it  is  *^  for,"  in  other  editions. 

368  LETTER  CLX.  [1637. 

CLX. — To  Alexander  Gordon  of  Earljloti, 




mercy,  and  peace  be  unto  you. — I  long  to  hear  from 
you.  I  have  received  few  letters  fmce  I  came  hither  ; 
I  am  in  need  of  a  word.  A  dry  plant  fhould  have  fome  watering. 
My  cafe  betwixt  Chrifi:  my  Lord,  and  me,  ftandeth  between 
love  and  jealoufy,  faith  and  fufpicion  of  His  love  ;  it  is  a  marvel  He 
keepeth  houfe  with  me.  I  make  many  pleas*  with  Chrift,  but  He 
maketh  as  many  agreements  with  me.  I  think  His  unchangeable 
love  hath  faid,  *'  I  defy  thee  to  break  Me  and  change  Me."  If 
Chrift  had  fuch  changeable  and  new  thoughts  of  my  falvation  as  I 
have  of  it,  I  think  I  fhould  then  be  at  a  fad  lofs.  He  humoureth 
not  a  fool  like  me  in  my  unbelief,  but  rebuketh  me,  and  fathereth 
kindnefs  upon  me.  Chrift  is  more  like  the  poor  friend  and  needy 
prifoner  begging  love,  than  I  am.  I  cannot,  for  fhame,  get  Chriil 
faid  "  nay"  of  my  whole  love,  for  He  will  not  want  His  errand  for 
the  feeking.  God  be  thanked  that  my  Bridegroom  tireth  not  of 
wooing.  Honour  to  Him  !  He  is  a  wilful  fuitor  of  my  foul. 
But  as  love  is  His,  pain  is  mine,  that  I  have  nothing  to  give  Him. 
His  account-book  is  full  of  my  debts  of  mercy,  kindnefs,  and  free 
love  towards  me.  Oh  that  I  might  read  with  watery  eyes  !  Oh 
that  He  would  give  me  the  interefl  of  intereft  to  pay  back !  Or 
rather,  my  foul's  defire  is,  that  He  would  comprifef  my  perfon,  foul 
and  body,  love,  joy,  confidence,  fear,  forrow,  and  defire,  and  drivej 
the  poind,  and  let  me  be  rouped,§  and  fold  to  Chrifi,  and  taken 
home  to  my  creditor's  houfe  and  firefide. 

*  Quarrels.  t  Arreft  by  a  civil  procefs,  by  writ. 

JDriveaway  the  cattlethathas  been  feized,  is  the  primary  meaning  of  the  term. 
§  Set  up  by  public  auction  to  fale. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLX.  369 

The  Lord  knoweth  that,  if  I  could,  I  would  fell  mylelf  without 
reverfion  to  Chrifl:.  O  fweet  Lord  Jefus,  make  a  market,  and 
overbid  all  my  buyers  !  I  dare  fwear,  that  there  is  a  myftery  in 
Chrift  which  I  never  faw  •,  a  myflery  of  love.  Oh,,  if  He  would 
lay  by*  the  lap  of  the  covering  that  is  over  it,  and  let  my  greeningf 
foul  fee  it !  I  would  break  the  door,  and  be  in  upon  Him,  to  get 
a  wombful  of  love  ;  for  I  am  an  hungered  and  famiflied  foul.  O, 
fir,  if  you,  or  any  other,  would  tell  Him  how  fick  my  foul  is,  dying 
for  want  of  a  hearty  draught  of  Chrifl's  love  !  Oh,  if  I  could  dote 
(if  I  may  make  ufe  of  that  word  in  this  cafe)  as  much  upon  Himfelf 
as  I  do  upon  His  love  !  It  is  a  pity  that  Chrift  Himfelf  fhould  not 
rather  be  my  heart's  choice,  than  Chrifl's  manifefled  love.  It  would 
fatisfy  me,  in  fome  meafure,  if  I  had  any  bud  \  to  give  for  His  love. 
Shall  I  offer  Him  my  praifes  ?  Alas  !  He  is  more  than  praifes.  I 
give  it  over  to  get  Him  exalted  according  to  His  worth,  which  is 
above  what  can  be  known. 

Yet  all  this  time  I  am  tempting  Him,  to  fee  if  §  there  be  both  love 
and  anger  in  Him  againft  me.  I  am  plucked  from  His  flock  (dear 
to  me  !),  and  from  feeding  His  lambs  ;  I  go,  therefore,  in  fackcloth, 
as  one  who  hath  loft  the  wife  of  His  youth.  Grief  and  forrow  are 
fuspicious,  and  fpew  out  againft  Him  the  fmoke  of  jealoufies  ;  and 
I  fay  often,  "  Show  me  wherefore  Thou  contendeft  with  me.  Tell 
me,  O  Lord  :  read  the  procefs  againft  me."  But  I  know  that  I 
cannot  anfwer  His  allegations  -,  I  ftiall  lofe  the  caufe  when  it  cometh 
to  open  pleading.  Oh,  if  I  could  force  my  heart  to  believe  dreams 
to  be  dreams  !  Yet  when  Chrift  giveth  my  fears  the  lie,  and  faith 
to  me,  "  Thou  art  a  liar,"  then  I  am  glad.  I  refolve  to  hope  to  be 
quiet,  and  to  lie  on  the  brink  on  my  fide,  till  the  water  fall  and  the 
ford  be  ridable.  ||  And,  howbeit  there  be  pain  upon  me,  in  lon^ng 
for  deliverance  that  I  may  fpeak  of  Him  in  the  great  congregation, 
yet  I  think  there  is  joy  in  that  pain  and  on-waiting ;  and  I  even  re- 
joice that  He  putteth  me  off  for  a  time,  and  fhifteth  me.     Oh,  if  I 

*  Put  afide.  \  Eameftly  longing.  %  Bribe. 

§  As  if  I  wifhed  to  find  out.  ||  Can  be  crofled  on  horfeback 

VOL.  I.  A   A 

370  LETTER  CLX,  [1637. 

could  wait  on  for  all  eternity,  howbeit  I  fhould  never  get  my  foul's 
defire,  fo  being  He  were  glorified  !  I  would  wilh  my  pain  and  my 
miniflry  could  live  long  to  ferve  Him  ;  for  I  know  that  I  am  a  clay 
veflel,  and  made  for  His  ufe.  Oh,  if  my  very  broken  fherds  could 
ferve  to  glorify  Him  !  I  defire  Chrifl's  grace  to  be  willingly  content, 
that  my  hell  (excepting  His  hatred  and  difpleafure,  which  I  put  out 
of  all  play,  for  fubmiflion  to  this  is  not  called  for)  were  a  preaching 
of  His  glory  to  men  and  angels  for  ever  and  ever  !  When  all  is 
done,  what  can  I  add  to  Him  ?  or  what  can  fuch  a  clay-fhadow  as 
I  do  ?  I  know  that  He  needeth  not  me.  I  have  caufe  to  be  grieved, 
and  to  melt  away  in  tears,  if  I  had  grace  to  do  it  (Lord,  grant  it  to 
me  !),  to  fee  my  Well-beloved's  fair  face  fpitted  upon  by  dogs,  to 
fee  loons  *  pulling  the  crown  off  my  royal  King's  head ;  to  fee 
my  harlot-mother  and  my  fweet  Father  agree  fo  ill,  that  they  are 
going  to  fkailf  and  give  up  houle.  My  Lord's  palace  is  now  a  neft 
of  unclean  birds.  Oh,  if  harlot,  harlot  Scotland,  would  ruej  upon 
her  provoked  Lord,  and  pity  her  good  Husband,  who  is  broken 
with  her  whorifh  heart !     But  thefe  things  are  hid  from  her  eyes. 

I  have  heard  of  late  of  your  new  trial  by  the  Bifliop  of  Gallo- 
way. §  Fear  not  clay,  worms'  meat.  Let  truth  and  Chrifl  get  no 
wrong  in  your  hand.  It  is  your  gain  if  Chrifl  be  glorified ;  and 
your  glory  to  be  Chrifl's  witnefs.  I  perfuade  you,  that  your  fufFer- 
ings  are  Chrifl's  advantage  and  victory ;  for  He  is  pleafed  to  reckon 
them  fo.  Let  me  hear  from  you.  Chrift  is  but  winning  a  clean 
kirk  out  of  the  fire  -,  He  will  win  this  play.  He  will  not  be  in  your 
common  ||  for  any  charges  ye  are  at  in  His  fervice.    He  is  not  poor. 

*  Worthlefs  fcoundrels.       f  To  part ;  break  up  and  difperfe.      %  Repent. 

§  The  Bifhop  of  Galloway  held  this  year  a  High  Commiffion  Court  in 
Galloway,  in  which,  befides  fining  fome  gentlemen,  and  confining  the  magis- 
trates of  Kirkcudbright  to  Wigtown,  for  matters  of  nonconformity,  he  fined 
Gordon  of  Earlfton  for  his  abfence,  five  hundred  merks  (about  L.a8),  and  fen- 
tenced  him  to  be  confined  to  Montrofe.  {Baillies  Letters  and  Journals^  This, 
no  doubt,  is  the  *^  new  trial  by  the  Bifhop  of  Galloway,"  to  which  Ruther- 
ford refers.     See  notice  of  Alexander  Gordon  of  Earlfton,  Let.  59. 

II  Under  obligation  to. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXI.  371 

to  fit  in  your  debt ;  He  will  repay  an  hundred-fold  more,  it  may  be, 
even  in  this  life. 

The  prayers  and  bleffings  of  Ghrift's  prifoner  be  with  you. 
Your  brother,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

Aberdeen,  1637.  ^'  I^* 

CLXI. — To  John  Stuart,  Provoft  of  Ayr. 

[John  Stuart,  Provoft  of  Ayr,  is  defcribed  by  Livingftone  as  ^'  a  godly 
and  zealous  Chriftian  of  a  long  ftanding,"  for  he  had,  from  his  earlieft  years, 
been  imprefled  with  a  fenfe  of  religion.  Inheriting,  after  the  death  of  his 
father,  confiderable  property,  he  largely  applied  it  to  benevolent  purpofes. 
Such  was  his  difintereftednefs  and  love  to  thofe  who  were  the  friends  of  Chrift 
and  His  truth,  that  he  called  a  number  of  them  whofe  diftrefled  and  ftraitened 
condition  he  knew,  to  meet  with  him  in  Edinburgh,  and  after  fome  time  fpent 
in  prayer,  told  them  he  had  brought  a  little  money  to  lend  to  each  of  them, 
which  they  were  not  to  offer  to  pay  back  till  he  required  it,  at  the  fame  time 
requiring  them  to  promife  not  to  make  this  known  during  his  life.  Not  long 
after  (the  plague  raging  with  feverity  in  Ayr,  and  trade  becoming,  in  confe- 
quence,  much  depreffed)  he  himfelf  fell  into  pecuniary  difficulties,  which  made 
him  at  that  time  remove  from  the  country.  Borrowing  a  little  money,  he  went 
over  to  France,  and  coming  to  Rochelle,  loaded  a  fhip  with  fait  and  other 
commodities,  which  he  purchafed  upon  credit  at  a  very  cheap  rate,  there 
having  been  little  or  no  trading  there  for  a  long  time.  He  then  returned  the 
neareft  way  to  England,  and  thence  to  Ayr,  in  expectation  of  the  fhip's  re- 
turn. After  waiting  long  he  was  informed  that  it  was  taken  by  the  Turks, 
which,  confidering  the  lofs  which  others  in  that  cafe  would  fuftain,  much 
afflid:ed  him.  But  it  at  laft  arrived  in  the  road ;  and  it  was  on  this  occafion 
that  his  friend  John  Kennedy,  going  out  to  the  vefTel  in  a  fmall  boat,  was 
driven  away  by  a  ftorm.  (See  notice  of  Kennedy,  Letter  75.)  Stuart  having 
fold  the  commodities  which  he  brought  from  France,  not  only  was  enabled  by 
the  profits  to  pay  all  his  debts,  but  cleared  twenty  thoufand  merks.  {Flemings 
Fulfilling  of  the  Scriptures^  He  joined  with  Mr  Blair,  Mr  Livingftone,  and 
others,  in  their  intended  emigration  to  New  England  ;  but  they  were  forced, 
from  the  tempeftuous  ftate  of  the  weather,  to  return.  This  good  man  was 
much  afflidled  on  his  death-bed.  One  day  he  faid,  ^^  I  teftifv^,  that  except 
when  I  flept,  or  was  in  bufinefs,  I  was  not  thefe  ten  years  without  thoughts 
of  God,  fo  long  as  I  would  be  in  going  from  my  own  houfe  to  the  crofs ;  and 
yet  I  doubt  myfelf,  and  am  in  great  agony,  yea,  at  the  brink  of  defpair." 
But  a  day  or  two  before  he  died,  all  his  doubts  were  difpelled ;  and  to  Mr 
Fergufon,  the  pious  minifter  of  Ayr,  he  faid,  referring  to  his  ftruggle  with 

372  LETTER  CLXL  [1637. 

temptations  at  that  time,  ^^  I  Tiave  been  fighting  and  working  out  my  falva- 
tion  with  fear  and  trembling,  and  now  I  blefs  God  it  is  perfected,  fealed,  con- 
firmed, and  all  fears  are  gone."] 



UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace 
be  unto  you.  I  long  to  hear  from  you,  being  now 
removed  from  my  flock,  and  the  prifoner  of  Chrift  at 
Aberdeen.  I  would  not  have  you  to  think  it  ftrange  that  your 
journey  to  New  England  hath  gotten  fuch  a  dalh.*  It  indeed  hath 
made  my  heart  heavy  ;  yet  I  know  it  is  no  dumb  providence,  but  a 
fpeaking  one,  whereby  our  Lord  fpeaketh  His  mind  to  you,  though 
for  the  prefent  ye  do  not  well  underfl:and  what  He  faith.  However  it 
be.  He  who  fltteth  upon  the  floods  hath  fliown  you  His  marvellous 
kindnefs  in  the  great  depths.  I  know  that  your  lofs  is  great,  and 
your  hope  is  gone  far  againfl:  you  ;  but  I  entreat  you,  fir,  expound 
aright  our  Lord's  laying  all  hindrances  in  the  way.  I  perfuade  my- 
felf  that  your  heart  aimeth  at  the  footfleps  of  the  flock,  to  feed 
befide  the  fhepherds'  tents,  and  to  dwell  befide  Him  whom  your 
foul  loveth  ;  and  that  it  is  your  defire  to  remain  in  the  wildernefs, 
where  the  Woman  is  kept  from  the  Dragon,  And  this  being  your 
defire,  remember  that  a  poor  prifoner  of  Chrifl  faid  it  to  you,  that 
that  mifcarried  journey  is  with  child  to  you  of  mercy  and  confola- 
tion  ;  and  fhall  bring  forth  a  fair  birth,  on  which  the  Lord  will 
attend.     Wait  on  ;  "He  that  believeth  maketh  not  hafl:e."f 

I  hope  that  ye  have  been  aflcing  what  the  Lord  meaneth,  and 
what  further  may  be  His  will,  in  reference  to  your  return.  My 
dear  brother,  let  God  make  of  you  what  He  will.  He  will  end  all 
with  confolation,  and  will  make  glory  out  of  your  fuflerings  ;  and 
would  you  wifh  better  work  ?  This  water  was  in  your  way  to 
heaven,  and  written  in  your  Lord's  book ;  ye  behoved  to  crofs  it, 
and,  therefore,  kifs  His  wife  and  unerring  providence.  Let  not  the 
cenfures  of  men,  who  fee  but  the  outfide  of  things,  and  fcarce  well 

*  See  note  at  Let.  63.  f  I  fa.  xxviii.  16. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXL  373 

that,  abate  your  courage  and  rejoicing  in  the  Lord.  Howbeit  your 
faith  feeth  but  the  black  fide  of  providence ;  yet  it  hath  a  better 
fide,  and  God  will  let  you  fee  it.  Learn  to  believe  Chrift  better 
than  His  ftrokes,  Himfelf  and  His  promifes  better  than  His  glooms.* 
Dafhes  and  difappointments  are  not  canonical  Scripture  ;  fighting 
for  the  promifed  land  feemed  to  cry  to  God's  promife,  "Thou 
liefl."  If  our  Lord  ride  upon  a  ftraw,  His  horfe  fhall  neither 
flumble  nor  fall.  "  For  we  know  that  all  things  work  together  for 
good  to  them  that  love  God  ;"f  ergo,  ihipwreck,  loffes,  &:c.,  work 
together  for  the  good  of  them  that  love  God.  Hence  I  infer,  that 
loffes,  difappointments,  ill-tongues,  lofs  of  friends,  houfes,  or  country, 
are  God's  workmen,  fet  on  work  to  work  out  good  to  you,  out  of 
everything  that  befalleth  you.  Let  not  the  Lord's  dealing  feem 
harfh,  rough,  or  unfatherly,  becaule  it  is  unpleafant.  When  the 
Lord's  bleffed  will  bloweth  acrofs  your  defires,  it  is  beft,  in  humility, 
to  ilrike  fail  to  Him,  and  to  be  willing  to  be  led  any  way  our  Lord 
pleafeth.  It  is  a  point  of  denial  of  yourfelf,  to  be  as  if  ye  had  not 
a  will,  but  had  made  a  free  difpofition  of  it  to  God,  and  had  fold  it 
over  to  Him ;  and  to  make  ufe  of  His  will  for  your  own  is  both 
true  holinefs,  and  your  eafe  and  peace.  Ye  know  not  what  the 
Lord  is  working  out  of  this,  but  ye  fhall  know  it  hereafter. 

And  what  I  write  to  you,  I  write  to  your  wife.  I  compaffion- 
ate  her  cafe,  but  entreat  her  not  to  fear  nor  faint.  This  journey  is 
a  part  of  her  wildernefs  to  heaven  and  the  promifed  land,  and  there 
are  fewer  miles  behind.  It  is  nearer  the  dawning  of  the  day  to 
her  than  when  fhe  went  out  of  Scotland.  I  fhould  be  glad  to  hear 
that  ye  and  fhe  have  comfort  and  courage  in  the  Lord. 

Now,  as  concerning  our  Kirk  ;  our  Service-book  is  ordained, 
by  open  proclamation  and  found  of  trumpet,  to  be  read  in  all  the 
kirks  of  the  kingdom.:):     Our  prelates  are  to  meet  this  month  about 

*  Frowns.  f  Rom.  viii.  28. 

X  The  Service-book,  or  Liturgy,  at  this  time  impofed  upon  Scotland,  was 
jufl  that  of  England,  but  containing  numerous  alterations.  The  Ad  of  Privy 
Council,  enjoining  the  ufe  of  the  Service-book,  is  dated  20th  December  1636  ; 
and  it  was  next  day  proclaimed  at  the  crofs  of  Edinburgh :  but  it  was  not 

374  LETTER  CLXL  [1637. 

our  Canons,*  and  for  a  reconciliation  betwixt  us  and  the  Lutherans. 
The  ProfefTors  of  Aberdeen  Univerfity  are  charged  to  draw  up  the 
Articles  of  an  uniform  ConfeiTion  ;  but  reconciliation  with  Popery 
is  intended.  This  is  the  day  of  Jacob's  vifitation ;  the  ways  of 
Zion  mourn,  our  gold  is  become  dim,  the  fun  is  gone  down  upon 
our  prophets.  A  dry  wind,  but  neither  to  fan  nor  to  cleanfe,  is 
coming  upon  this  land  ;  and  all  our  ill  is  coming  from  the  multi- 
plied tranfgreffions  of  this  land,  and  from  the  friends  and  lovers  of 
Babel  among  us.  "  The  violence  done  to  me  and  to  my  flefh  be 
upon  thee,  Babylon,  fhall  the  inhabitant  of  Zion  fay  ;  and.  My 
blood  upon  the  inhabitants  of  Chaldea,  fhall  Jerufalem  fay."f 

publifhed  till  towards  the  end  of  May  1637.  Its  title  is,  ^^TheBookeof 
Common  Prayer  and  Adminiftration  of  the  Sacraments  and  other  parts  of 
Divine  Service,  for  the  use  of  the  Church  of  Scotland.  Edinburgh,  1637." 
This  book  was  extremely  obnoxious  to  the  great  body  of  the  minifters  and 
people  of  Scotland,  both  from  the  manner  of  its  introduction,  which  was  by 
the  fole  authority  of  the  King,  without  the  Church  having  been  even  confulted 
in  the  matter,  and  from  the  dod:rines  which  it  contained,  in  which  it  ap- 
proached nearer  to  the  Roman  mififal  than  the  Englifh  liturgy.  It  was  drawn 
up  by  James  AVedderbum,  Bifhop  of  Dunblane,  and  John  Maxwell,  Bifhop 
of  Rofs,  wnth  the  afliftance  of  Sydferff,  Bifhop  of  Galloway,  and  Ballenden, 
Bifhop  of  Aberdeen.  It  was  revifed  by  Archbifhop  Laud,  and  Wren, 
Bifhop  of  Norwich.  Kirkton  mentions  that  he  faw  the  original  copy  cor- 
reded  by  Laud's  own  hands,  and  that  all  his  corredions  approached  towards 
Popery  and  the  Roman  miflal.     {Kirkton  s  Hi/iory^  p.  30.) 

*  The  Book  of  Canons  was,  in  obedience  to  the  King's  orders,  drawn  up 
b/  four  of  the  Scottifh  bifhops, — Sydferff  of  Galloway,  Maxwell  of  Rofs, 
Billenden  of  Aberdeen,  and  Whiteford  of  Dunblane.  After  being  fubmitted 
to  Archbifhop  Laud  and  two  other  Englifh  prelates  for  revifal,  it  received 
the  Royal  fandion,  and  became  law  in  1635.  This  book,  like  the  Service- 
book  which  followed  it,  was  extremely  unpopular  in  Scotland,  becaufe  it  was 
impofed  folely  by  Royal  authority,  and  fi-om  the  nature  of  the  canons  them- 
felves,  which  prefcribed  a  variety  of  ceremonial  and  fuperftitious  rites  in  the 
obfervance  of  baptifm  and  the  Lord's  Supper ;  invefted  bifhops  with  uncon- 
trollable power ;  inculcated  the  dodrine  of  the  King's  fupremacy  in  matters 
ecclefiaftical  as  well  as  civil, — affirming  that  no  meeting  of  General  AfTembly 
could  be  held  un'efs  called  by  the  King's  authority ;  and  introduced  other  in- 
novations equally  arbitrary  and  obnoxious. 

t  Jer.  li.  :.s 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXL  375 

Now  for  myielf :  I  was  three  days  before  the  High  Commiflion, 
and  accufed  of  treafon  preached  againft  our  ICing.  (A  minifler 
being  witnefs,  went  well  nigh  to  fwear  it.)  God  hath  faved  me 
from  their  malice,  ifl.  They  have  deprived  me  of  my  miniftry  ; 
2dly,  Silenced  me,  that  I  exercife  no  part  of  the  miniflerial  function 
within  this  kingdom,  under  the  pain  of  rebellion  ;  '^dly,  Confined 
my  perfon  within  the  town  of  Aberdeen,  where  I  find  the  minifters 
working  for  my  confinement  in  Caithnefs  or  Orkney,  far  from  them, 
becaufe  fome  people  here  (willing  to  be  edified)  refort  to  me.  At 
my  firfl  entry,  I  had  heavy  challenges*  within  me,  and  a  court 
fencedf  (but  I  hope  not  in  Chrifl's  name),  wherein  it  was  afierted 
that  my  Lord  would  have  no  more  of  my  fervices,  and  was  tired  of 
me  ;  and,  like  a  fool,  I  fummoned  Chrift  alfo  for  unkindnefs.  My 
foul  fainted,  and  I  refufed  comfort,  and  faid,  "  What  ailed  Chrift  at 
me  ^  for  I  defired  to  be  faithful  in  His  houfe."  Thus,  in  my  rov- 
ings;]:  and  mifi:akings,  my  Lord  Jefus  beflowed  mercy  on  me,  who 
am  lefs  than  the  leafi  of  all  faints.  I  lay  upon  the  dufl,  and  bought 
a  plea  from  Satan  againft  Chrift,  and  He  was  content  to  fell  it.  But 
at  length  Chrift  did  fhow  Himfelf  friends  with  me,  and  in  mercy 
pardoned  and  pafled  my  part  of  it,  and  only  complained  that  a  court 
fhould  be  holden  in  His  bounds  without  His  allowance.  Now  I 
pafs  from  my  compearance ;  §  and,  as  if  Chrift  had  done  the  fault, 
He  hath  made  the  mends,  ||  and  returned  to  my  foul ;  fo  that  now 
His  poor  prifoner  feedeth  on  the  feafts  of  love.  My  adverfaries 
know  not  what  a  courtier  I  am  now  with  my  Royal  King,  for  whofe 
crown  I  now  fufFer.  It  is  but  our  foft  and  lazy  flefh  that  hath 
raifed  an  ill  report  of  the  crofs  of  Chrift.  O  fweet,  fweet  is  His 
yoke  !  Chrifl's  chains  are  of  pure  gold ;  fufferings  for  Him  are 
perfumed.  I  would  not  ^ve  my  weeping  for  the  laughing  of  all 
the  fourteen  prelates  ;  f  I  would  not  exchange  my  fadnefs  with 
the  world's  joy.     O  lovely,  lovely  Jefus,  how  fweet  mufi:  thy  kifies 

*  Upbraidings.       f  Conftituted.      %  Wanderings,  like  one  out  ofhis  mind. 

§  Appearing  in  court  in  obedience  to  legal  citation. 

II  Made  up  for  the  wrong. 

^  Fourteen  was  the  number  of  bilhops  in  Scotland. 

37^  LETTER  CLXIL  [1637. 

be,  when  thy  crofs  fmelleth  fo  fweetly !  Oh,  if  all  the  three  king- 
doms had  part  of  my  love-feaft,  and  of  the  comfort  of  a  dawted* 
prifoner  ! 

Dear  Brother,  I  charge  you  to  praife  for  me,  and  to  feek  help 
of  our  acquaintance  there  to  help  me  to  praife.  Why  fhould  I 
fmother  Chrifl's  honefly  to  me  ?  My  heart  is  taken  up  with  this, 
that  my  filence  and  fufPerings  may  preach.  I  befeech  you  in  the 
bowels  of  Chrifl,  to  help  me  to  praife.  Remember  my  love  to 
your  wife,  to  Mr  Blair,  and  Mr  Livingftone,  and  Mr  Cunningham. 
Let  me  hear  from  you,  for  I  am  anxious  what  to  do.  If  I  faw  a 
call  for  New  England,  I  would  follow  it.  Grace  be  with  you. 
Yours  in  our  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

CLXIL — To  John  Stuart,  Provoji  of  Ayr. 




— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  from  God  our  Father,  and 
from  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift,  be  upon  you. 
I  expected  the  comfort  of  a  letter  to  a  prifoner  from  you,  ere 
now.  I  am  here,  Sir,  putting  offf  a  part  of  my  inch  of  time  ;  and 
when  I  awake  firft  in  the  morning  (which  is  always  with  great 
heavinefs  and  fadnefs),  this  queftion  is  brought  to  my  mind,  "  Am 
I  ferving  God  or  not  ? "  Not  that  I  doubt  of  the  truth  of  this 
honourable  caufe  wherein  I  am  engaged ;  I  dare  venture  into 
eternity,  and  before  my  Judge,  that  I  now  fufFer  for  the  truth  :  be- 
caufe  that  I  cannot  endure  that  my  Mafter,  who  is  a  freeborn  ICing, 
fhould  pay  tribute  to  any  of  the  Ihields  or  potfherds  of  the  earth. 
Oh  that  I  could  hold  the  crown  upon  my  princely  King's  head  with 

*  Fondled.  t  Spending. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXIL  377 

my  finful  arm,  howbeit  it  ihould  be  ft  ruck  from  me  in  that  fervice, 
from  the  fhoulder-blade.  But  my  clofed  mouth,  my  dumb  Sab- 
baths, the  memory  of  my  communion  with  Chrift,  in  many  fair,  fair 
days  in  Anwoth,  whereas  now  my  Mafter  getteth  no  fervice  of  my 
tongue  as  then,  hath  almoft  broken  my  faith  in  two  halves.  Yet 
in  my  deepeft  apprehenfions  of  His  anger,  I  fee  through  a  cloud 
that  I  am  wrong ;  and  He,  in  love  to  my  foul,  hath  taken  up  the 
controverfy  betwixt  faith  and  apprehenfions,  and  a  decreet*  ispafTed 
on  Chrifl's  fide  of  it,  and  I  fubfcribe  the  decreet.*  The  Lord  is 
equal  in  His  ways,  but  my  guiltinefs  often  overmaftereth  my  be- 
lieving. I  have  not  been  well  known  :  for  except  as  to  open  out- 
breakings,  I  want  nothing  of  what  Judas  and  Cain  had  ;  only  He 
hath  been  pleafed  to  prevent  me  in  mercy,  and  to  caft  me  into  a 
fever  of  love  for  Himfelf,  and  His  abfence  maketh  my  fever  moll 
painful.  And  befide.  He  hath  vifited  my  foul  and  watered  it  with 
His  comforts.  But  yet  I  have  not  what  I  would.  The  want  of 
real  and  felt  polTeflion  is  my  only  death.  I  know  that  Chrill  pitieth 
me.  in  this. 

The  great  men,  my  friends,  that  didf  for  me,  are  dried  up  like 
winter-brooks  of  water.  All  fay,  "  No  dealing  for  that  man  j  his 
beft  will  be  to  be  gone  out  of  the  kingdom."  So  I  fee  they  tire  of 
me.  But,  believe  me,  I  am  mofl  gladly  content  that  Chrift  breaketh 
all  my  idols  in  pieces.  It  hath  put  a  new  edge  upon  my  blunted  lov.e 
to  Chrift  ;  I  fee  that  He  is  jealous  of  my  love,  and  will  have  all  to 
Himfelf.  In  a  word,  thefe  fix  things  are  my  burden  :  I.  I  am  not 
in  the  vineyard  as  others  are  ;  it  may  be,  becaufe  Chrift  thinketh  me 
a  withered  tree,  not  worth  its  room.  But  God  forbid  !  2.  Woe, 
woe,  woe  is  coming  upon  my  harlot-mother,  this  apoflate  Kirk  ! 
The  time  is  coming  when  we  fhall  wifh  for  doves'  wings  to  flee  and 
hide  us.  Oh,  for  the  defolation  of  this  land  !  3.  I  fee  my  dear 
Mailer  Chrift  going  His  lone|  (as  it  were),  mourning  in  iackcloth. 
His  fainting  friends  fear  that  ICing  Jefus  fhall  lofe  the  field.     But 

*  A  lenience  of  the  Court.  f  Aded  for  me. 

X  Going  lonely,  by  himfelf;   Ps.  cii.  7. 

378  LE1TER  CLXIIL  [1637. 

He  mull:  carry  the  day.  4.  My  guiltinefs  and  the  fins  of  youth  are 
come  up  againfl  me,  and  they  would  come  into  the  plea  in  my 
fuiferings,  as  deferving  caufes  in  God's  juftice  ;  but  I  pray  God,  for 
Chrift's  fake,  that  He  may  never  give  them  that  room.  5.  Woe  is 
me,  that  I  cannot  get  my  royal,  dreadful,  mighty,  and  glorious 
Prince  of  the  kings  of  the  earth  fet  on  high.  Sir,  ye  may  help  me 
and  pity  me  in  this  ;  and  bow  your  knee,  and  blefs  His  name,  and 
defire  others  to  do  it,  that  He  hath  been  pleafed,  in  my  fufferings,  to 
make  Atheifts,  Papifts,  and  enemies  about  me  fay,  "  It  is  like  that 
God  is  with  this  prifoner."  Let  hell  and  the  powers  of  hell  (I  care 
not)  be  let  loofe  againfl  me  to  do  their  worfl,  fo  being  that  Chriil, 
and  my  Father,  and  His  Father,  be  magnified  in  my  fufferings. 
6.  Ch rift's  love  hath  pained  me  :  for  howbeit  His  prefence  hath 
fhamed  me,  and  drowned  me  in  debt,  yet  He  often  goeth  away 
when  my  love  to  Him  is  burning.  He  feemeth  to  look  like  a  proud 
wooer,  who  will  not  look  upon  a  poor  match  that  is  dying  of  love. 
I  will  not  fay  He  is  lordly.  But  I  know  He  is  wife  in  hiding  Him- 
self from  a  child  and  a  fool,  who  maketh  an  idol  and  a  god  of  one 
of  Chrift's  kiifes,  which  is  idolatry.  I  fear  that  I  adore  His  com- 
forts more  than  Himfelf,  and  that  I  love  the  apples  of  life  better 
than  the  tree  of  life. 

Sir,  write  to  me.     Commend  me  to  your  wife.     Mercy  be  her 
portion.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  deareft  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

CLXIIL — To  John  Stuart,  Provojl  of  Ayr. 



LORD, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. — I  was 
refrefhed   and   comforted  with  your  letter.      What  I 
wrote  to  you,  for  your  comfort,  I  do  not  remember  ;  but  I  believe 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXIIL  379 

that  love  will  prophefy  homeward,*  as  it  would  have  it.  I  wifh  that 
I  could  help  you  to  praife  His  great  and  holy  name  who  keepeth 
the  feet  of  His  faints,  and  hath  numbered  all  your  goings.  I  know 
that  our  deareft  Lord  will  pardon  and  pafs  by  our  honefl  errors  and 
miAakes,  when  we  mind  His  honour  ;  yet  I  know  that  none  of  you 
have  feen  the  other  half,  and  the  hidden  fide,  of  your  wonderful  re- 
turn home  to  us  again.  I  am  confident  ye  (hall  yet  fay,  that  God's 
mercy  blew  your  fails  back  to  Ireland  again. f 

Worthy  and  dear  Sir,  I  cannot  but  give  you  an  account  of  my 
prefent  eftate,  that  ye  may  go  an  errand  for  me  to  my  high  and 
royal  Mafler,  of  whom  I  boafl  all  the  day.  I  am  as  proud  of  His 
love  (nay,  I  blefs  myfelf,  and  boafl  more  of  my  prefent  lot)  as  any 
poor  man  can  be  of  an  earthly  king's  court,  or  of  a  kingdom.  Firji, 
I  am  very  often  turning  both  the  fides  of  my  crofs,  efpecially  my 
dumb  and  filent  Sabbaths  ;  not  becaufe  I  defire  to  find  a  crook  or 
defeft  in  my  Lord's  love,  but  becaufe  my  love  is  fick  with  fancies 
and  fear.  Whether  or  not  the  Lord  hath  a  procefs  leading  againfl 
my  guiltinefs,  that  I  have  not  yet  well  feen,  I  know  not.  My  de- 
fire  is  to  ride  fair,  and  not  to  fparkj  dirt  (if,  with  reverence  to  Him, 
I  may  be  permitted  to  make  ufe  of  fuch  a  word)  in  the  face  of  my 
only,  only  Well-beloved  -,  but  fear  of  guiltinefs  is  a  talebearer  be- 

*  In  its  own  favour. 

t  Some  of  those  who  had  embarked  in  that  voyage  had  important  work  to 
perform  in  Scotland.  The  minifters,  after  their  return  coming  over  to  this 
country,  were  settled  in  various  parifhes;  Meflrs  Blair  at  Ayr,  Livingftone 
at  Stranraer,  McClelland  at  Kirkcudbright,  and  Hamilton  at  Dumfries. 
They  were  zealous  promoters  of  the  fubfcribing  of  the  National  Covenant, 
and  of  other  meafures  by  which  the  triumph  of  the  Prelhyterian  Church  in 
Scotland  was  ultimately  fecured;  and  all  of  them  were  chofen  members  of  the 
celebrated  Aflembly  held  at  Glafgow  in  1638,  in  the  proceedings  of  which 
they  took  a  prominent  part.  Speaking  of  their  return.  Row  of  Ceres  fays, 
*  c  Neither  the  prelates  and  conformifts,  nor  they  themfelves,  knew  that  within 
a  year  the  Lord  would  not  only  root  out  the  prelates  in  Scotland,  and,  after 
that,  out  of  England  and  Ireland,  but  make  fome  of  them,  efpecially  Meflrs 
Blair,  Livingftone,  and  McClelland,  to  be  very  inftrumental  in  the  work  of 
reformation." — Life  of  Robert  Blair  (\\'odrow  Society). 

X  Caufe  fparks  ot  dirt  to  be  fquiited. 

38o  LETTER  CLXIII.  [1637. 

twLxt  me  and  Chrift,  and  is  ftill  whifpering  ill  tales  of  my  Lord,  to 
weaken  my  faith.  I  had  rather  that  a  cloud  went  over  my  comforts 
by  thefe  mefTages,  than  that  my  faith  fhould  be  hurt ;  for,  if  my 
Lord  get  no  wrong  by  me,  verily  I  defire  grace  not  to  care  what 
become  of  me.  I  defire  to  give  no  faith  nor  credit  to  my  forrow, 
that  can  make  a  lie  of  my  beft  friend  Chrift.  Woe,  woe  be  to  them 
all  who  fpeak  ill  of  Chrill !  Hence  thefe  thoughts  awake  with  me 
in  the  morning,  and  go  to  bed  with  me.  Oh,  what  fervice  can  a 
dumb  body  do  in  Chrift's  houfe  !  Oh,  I  think  the  word  of  God  is 
imprifoned  alfo  !  Oh,  I  am  a  dry  tree  !  Alas,  I  can  neither  plant 
nor  water  !  Oh,  if  my  Lord  would  make  but  dung  of  me,  to  fatten 
and  make  fertile  His  own  corn-ridges  in  Mount  Zion  !  Oh,  if  I 
might  but  fpeak  to  three  or  four  herdboys*  of  my  worthy  Mafler,  I 
would  be  fatisfied  to  be  the  meanefl  and  moil  obfcure  of  all  the 
paftors  in  this  land,  and  to  live  in  any  place,  in  any  of  Chrift's  bafefl 
outhoufes  !  But  he  faith,  ''  Sirrah,  I  will  not  fend  you  ;  I  have  no 
errands  for  you  thereaway."  f  My  defire  to  ferve  Him  is  fick  of 
jealoufy,  left  He  be  unwilling  to  employ  me.  Secondly^  This  is 
feconded  by  another  ;  Oh  !  all  that  I  have  done  in  Anwoth,  the 
fair  work  that  my  Mafler  began  there,  is  like  a  bird  dying  in  the 
fhell  ;  and  what  will  I  then  have  to  lliow  of  all  my  labour,  in  the 
day  of  my  compearance  J  before  Him,  when  the  Mafter  of  the  vine- 
yard calleth  the  labourers,  and  giveth  them  their  hire  ^.  Thirdly, 
But  truly,  when  Chrifl's  fweet  wind  is  in  the  right  airth,  §  I  repent, 
and  I  pray  Chrift  to  take  law-burrows  |i  of  my  quarrelousf  unbeliev- 
ing fadnefs  and  forrow.  Lord,  rebuke  them  that  put  ill  betwixt  a 
poor  fervant  like  me  and  his  good  Mafter.  Then  I  fay,  whether 
the  black  crofs  will  or  not,  I  muft  climb  on  hands  and  feet  up  to 
my  Lord.  I  am  now  ruing  from  my  heart  that  I  pleafured  the 
law  (my  old  dead  hu(band)  fo  far  as  to  apprehend  wrath  in  my 

*  Boys,  like  David,  keeping  the  fheep  or  cattle.  f  In  thofe  places. 

%  Appearance,  becaufe  fummoned.  §  Quarter. 

II  Pledge,  fuch  as  the  law  demands  from  a  man  that  he  will  not  injure  his 

^  Querulous,  or  quaiTelfomc  rather. 

1 637-]  LETTER  CLXIIL  381 

Iweet  Lord  Jefus.  I  had  far  rather  take  a  hire  to  plead  for  the 
grace  of  God,  for  I  think  myfelf  Chrift's  fworn  debtor  ;  and  the 
truth  is  (to  fpeak  of  my  Lord  what  I  cannot  deny),  I  am  over  head 
and  ears,  drowned  in  many  obligations  to  His  love  and  mercy. 

He  handleth  me  fome  time  fo,  that  I  am  afhamed  almoft  to  feek 
more  for  a  four-hours,*  but  to  live  content  (till  the  marriage-fupper 
of  the  Lamb)  with  that  which  He  giveth.  But  I  know  not  how 
greedy  and  how  illf  to  pleafe  love  is.  For  either  my  Lord  Jefus 
hath  taught  me  ill  manners,  not  to  be  content  with  a  feat,  except 
my  head  lie  in  His  bofom,  and  except  I  be  fed  with  the  fatnefs  of 
His  houfe ;  or  elfe  I  am  grown  impatiently  dainty,  and  ill  to  pleafe, 
as  if  Chrift  were  obliged,  under  this  crofs,  to  do  no  other  thing  but 
bear  me  in  His  arms,  and  as  if  I  had  claim  by  merit  for  my  fuffering 
for  Him.  But  I  wifh  He  would  give  me  grace  to  learn  to  go  on 
my  own  feet,  and  to  learn  to  do  without  His  comforts,  and  to  give 
thanks  and  believe,  when  the  fun  is  not  in  my  firmament,  and  when 
my  Well-beloved  is  from  home,  and  gone  another  errand.  Oh, 
what  fweet  peace  have  I,  when  I  find  that  Chrifl  holdeth  and  I 
draw ;  when  I  climb  up  and  He  fhuteth  J  me  down  -,  when  I 
grip  §  Him  and  embrace  Him,  and  He  feemeth  to  loofe  the  grips  § 
and  flee  away  from  me  !  I  think  there  is  even  a  fweet  joy  of  faith, 
and  contentednefs,  and  peace,  in  His  very  tempting  unkindnefs, 
becaufe  my  faith  faith,  "  Chrifl  is  not  in  fad  earneft  with  me,  but 
trying  if  I  can  be  kind  to  His  mafk  and  cloud  that  covereth  Him,  as 
well  as  to  His  fair  face."  I  blefs  His  great  name  that  I  love  His 
vail  which  goeth  over  His  face,  whill  ||  God  fend  better  ;  for  faith 
can  kifs  God's  tempting  reproaches  when  He  nicknameth  a  finner, 
"  A  dog,  not  worthy  to  eat  bread  with  the  bairns."  f  I  think  it 
an  honour  that  Chrift  mifcalleth**  me,  and  reproacheth  me.  I  will 
take  that  well  of  Him,  howbeit  I  would  not  bear  it  well  if  another 
fliould  be  that  homely  ;ff  but  becaufe  I  am  His  own  (God  be 
thanked).  He  may  ufe  me  as  He  pleafeth.     I  mufl  fay,  the  faints 

*  A  night  afternoon's  meal.      f  Difficult.      %  Shoveth,  pufheth.     §  Grafp. 
II  Till.        ^  Mark  vii.  27,28.        **  Gives  me  by-names.       ff  So  familiar. 

38:  LETTER  CLXIIL  [1637. 

have  a  fVe^:  ''r^  rrr-— r  :hr~  -.■:.i  Q'r~S'.  ~:.^,:-  \-  ~:: :~.  '-  r^- 
folace  ::  .  t  :-:  rri  ~  -'.  ::i  :^tZ\.  .r^rr.  Hr  irzir:::  :.z\  .^^  ::.z 
lilies,  11  i  :  -erh  into  His  giriei.  and  maketh  a  feaft  c£  hooey- 
cwnb.  r  r.  irJi  His  wine  and  His  milk,  and  crieth,  "  Eat,  O 
friend ~     i:'r  ^-rnk  abimdzr-'-.  O  weU-bdored."     Onehonr 

of  thi-  ^-;    .::  .  1  fliipfiil  ::  :   r      Drld's  drunken  and  muddy 

joy ;  nay,  even  the  gate*  to  hearen  is  the  ftmny  fide  of  the  brae, 
and  the  very  garden  of  the  world.  For  the  men  oE  this  world  have 
their  own  unchiiftened  and  pro^e  cr-  ":  ■  -  -  i  woe  be  to  them  and 
their  cxiried  crofles  both ;  for  their  iL  :ed  with  God's  renge^ 

ancDe,  and  oar  ills  feafeoed  with  oar  Father's  b.eiZiLg.  So  that  they 
are  no  foc^  who  choofe  Chrift,  and  fell  all  things  for  Him.  It  is 
no  bairns'  market,  nor  a  blind  block  ;f  we  know  wdl  what  we  get, 
and  what  we  g^e. 

Now,  for  any  refolation  to  go  to  any  other  kingdom,  I  dare  not 

; :  one  word.f    My  hopes  oE  enlargement  are  cx^d,  my  hopes  of 

re-fflitry  to  my  Mafter's  ill-drefled  Tineyard  again  are  far  cdider. 

I  hare  no  feat  for  my  foith  to  fit  on,  bat  bare  oomipocency,  and 

God's  holv  arm  and  good-will.     Here  I  defire  to  flay,  and  ride  at 

*  This  I'efT-.s  to  mem ,  '  *  The  very  -R-^y  { ^z )  to  bearen  is  pjeaiant-'" 

t  Birraiz. 

i  At  prei'ezt  the  proipects  of  the  Church  wer^  10  dark,  xhal  Rutherford 
appeals  fomftrmes  to  have  enteitaiiied  the  idea  ci  lemoving  to  another  oomitiy , 
Ihoiikl  he  farrpfd  in  obUiuii^  his  fibeity.  In  a  piwwling  letter  to  Stimt, 
he  names  New  Fngfan<l^  then  an  afyfaim  for  mnlritnHes  who  ireie  porfecuted 
for  ooniripnrp  lake,  as  a  place  to  which  he  would  willingly  go,  pnnided  he 
oould  fee  the  call  of  Providence.  And  fome  of  his  friends  about  this  time 
woe  defiroos  that  he  mi^fat  be  hooooiably  and  ufefoDy  en^loyed  afannd. 
Robert:  Bailfie,  in  a  letter  to  Mr  William  Spang,  minilter  at  Campitae,  dated 
Jannaiy  29, 1637,  lays,  **  AJwayes  I  take  the  man  [Riitheffofif|  to  be  among 
the  moft  learned  and  beft  ingynes  of  oar  nation.  I  think  he  were  v^rie  aUe  for 
feme  prafeffion  in  yoor  ooQedges  of  Utreck,  Gronii^,  cr  Rotteidame;  for 
oar  King's  dooiiiuons,  there  is  no  appeaiauce  he  wiD  evq-gett  fivii^  into  them. 
If  you  coald  qaietly  procore  him  a  caffing,  I  think  it  were  a  good  fervice  to 
GodtorAereoneof  histroabledminillEis;  a  good  to  the  pbce  he  came  to, 
for  he  is  both  godfie  and  learned;  yea,  I  think  by  time  he  might  be  ane  orna- 
ment to  our  nafrinnp-" — BailEts  Letters  amd  Jomrmals,  vdL  L,  p.  9. 

i637-]  LETTER  CLXIV.  383 

anchor,  and  winter,  whill*  God  fend  fair  weather  again,  and  be 
pleafed  to  take  home  to  His  houfe  my  harlot-mother.  Oh,  if  her 
hulband  would  be  thatf  kind,  as  to  go  and  fetch  her  out  of  the 
brothel-houfe,  and  chafe  her  lovers  to  the  hills  !  But  there  will  be 
fad  days  ere  it  come  to  that.  Remember  my  bonds.  Grace  be 
with  you. 

Yours,  in  our  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeex,  1637. 

CLXIV. — To  NiNiAN  Mure  [fee  Let.  l^l~],  one  of  the  family  of 


[We  do  not  know  more  of  Ninian  Mure  than  that  he  was  a  parifhioner  of 
Anwoth.  The  name  "  Mure"  is  found  on  feveral  tombs  in  the  old  church- 
yard, of  which  the  oldeft  and  moft  interefting  is  the  following,  on  the  eaft  fide 
of  the  enclofed  pile  : — 

^  ^  Walking  with  God  in  purity  of  life, 
In  Chrift  I  died,  and  endit  all  my  ft  rife. 
For  in  my  faul  Chrift  here  did  dwell  by  grace ; 
Now  dwells  my  faul  in  glory  of  His  face. 
Therefore  my  body  fhall  not  here  remain. 
But  to  full  glory  furely  rife  again." 

*^  Marion  Mure^  good  wife  of  Cullindock, 
Departed  this  life,  anno  1612." 


OVING  FRIEND, — I  received  your  letter.  I  entreat 
you  now,  in  the  morning  of  your  life,  to  feek  the 
Lord  and  His  face.  Beware  of  the  follies  of  dangerous 
youth,  a  perilous  time  for  your  foul.  Love  not  the  world.  Keep 
faith  and  truth  with  all  men  in  your  covenants  and  bargains.  Walk 
with  God,  for  He  feeth  you.  Do  nothing  but  that  which  ye  may 
and  would  do  if  your  eye-firings  were  breaking,  and  your  breath 

*  Till.  t  So  really  kind. 

384  LETTER  CLXV.  [1637. 

growing  cold.  Ye  heard  the  truth  of  God  from  me,  my  dear  heart , 
follow  it,  and  forfake  it  not.  Prize  Chrift  and  falvation  above  all 
the  world.  To  live  after  the  guile*  and  courfe  of  the  reft  of  the 
world  will  not  bring  you  to  heaven  ;  without  faith  in  Chrifl,  and 
repentance,  ye  cannot  fee  God.  Take  pains  for  falvation  ;  prefs 
forward  toward  the  mark  for  the  prize  of  the  high  calling.  If  ye 
watch  not  againft  evils  night  and  day,  which  befet  you,  ye  will  come 
behind.f  Beware  of  lying,  fwearing,  uncleannefs,  and  the  reft  of 
the  works  of  the  flefh ;  becaufe  "for  thefe  things  the  wrath  of 
God  cometh  upon  the  children  of  difobedience."  How  fweet  foever 
they  may  feem  for  the  prefent,  yet  the  end  of  thefe  courfes  is  the 
eternal  wrath  of  God,  and  utter  darknefs,  where  there  is  weeping 
and  gnafhing  of  teeth.  Grace  be  with  you. 
Your  loving  paftor, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

CLXV.— To  Mr  Thomas  Garven. 

[Thomas  Garven,  one  of  the  minifters  of  Edinburgh.  R.  Blair's  Life, 
by  Row,  tells  of  his  being  banifhed  from  the  town  by  the  King  in  1662,  for 
his  adherence  to  Prefbytery.] 


{^  E\T:REND  and  dear  brother,— Grace,  mercy, 
and  peace  be  to  you.  I  am  forry  that  what  joy  and 
forrow  drew  from  my  imprifoned  pen  in  my  love-fits 
hath  made  you  and  many  of  God's  children  believe  that  there  is 
fomething  in  a  broken  reed  the  like  of  me.  Except  that  Chrift's 
grace  hath  bought  fuch  a  fold  body,  I  know  not  what  elfe  any  may 
think  of  me,  or  expect  from  me.      My  ftock  is  lefs   (my  Lord 

*  Manner.  t  i  Cor.  i.  7  ;  fall  fhort,  or  be  wanting  in. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXF.  385 

knoweth  that  I  Ipeak  truth)  than  many  believe.  My  empty  founds 
have  promifed  too  much.  I  fhould  be  glad  to  lie  under  Chrift's 
feet,  and  kep*  and  receive  the  off-fallings,  or  the  old  pieces  of  any 
grace,  that  fall  from  His  fweet  fingers  to  forlorn  fmners.  I  lie  often, 
uncof-like,  looking  at  the  King's  windows.  Surely  I  am  unworthy 
of  a  feat  in  the  ICing's  hall-floor  ;  I  but  often  look  afar  off,  both 
feared  and  fremmed-like,  J  to  that  fairefl  face,  fearing  He  bid  me 
look  away  from  Him.  My  guiltinefs  rifeth  up  upon  me,  and  I  have 
no  anfwer  for  it.  I  offered  my  tongue  to  Chrift,  and  my  pains  in 
His  houfe  :  and  what  know  I  what  it  meaneth,  when  Chrift  will 
not  receive  my  poor  propine  ?§  When  love  will  not  take,  we  ex- 
pone  ||  that  it  will  neither  take  nor  give,  borrow  nor  lend.  Yet 
Chrift  hath  another  fea-compafs  which  He  faileth  by,  than  my 
ftiort  and  raw  thoughts.  I  leave  His  part  of  it  to  Himfelf.  I  dare 
not  expound  His  dealing  as  forrow  and  mifbelief  often  dicSlate  to 
me.  I  look  often  with  bleared  and  blind  eyes  to  my  Lord's  crofs  -, 
and  when  I  look  to  the  wrong  fide  of  His  crofs,  I  know  that  I  mifs 
a  ftep  and  Hide.  Surely,  I  fee  that  I  have  not  legs  of  my  own  for 
carrying  me  to  heaven  :  I  mufl  go  in  at  heaven's  gates,  borrowing 
fl:rength  from  Chrifl:. 

I  am  often  thinking,  *'  Oh,  if  He  would  but  give  me  leave  to 
love  Him,  and  if  Chrifl  would  but  open  up  His  wares,  and  the  in- 
finite plies,  and  windings,  and  corners  of  His  foul-delighting  love, 
and  let  me  fee  it,  backfide  and  forefide  ;  and  give  me  leave  but  to  fi:and 
befide  it,  like  a  hungry  man  befide  meat,  to  get  my  fill  of  wonder- 
ing, as  a  preface  to  my  fill  of  enjoying  ! "  But,  verily,  I  think  that 
my  foul  eyes  would  defile  His  fair  love  to  look  to  it.  Either  my 
hunger  is  over  humble  (if  that  may  be  faid),  or  elfe  I  confider  not 
what  honour  it  is  to  get  leave  to  love  Chrift.  Oh,  that  He  would 
pity  a  prifoner,  and  let  out  a  flood  upon  the  dry  ground  !  It  is 
nothing  to  him  to  fill  the  like  of  me  ;  one  of  His  looks  would  do 

*  Catch  up  when  falling.  f  Strange. 

X  Like  one  who  has  no  bond  of  relationfhip  to  the  perfon. 
§  Prefent  held  out.  Ij  Expound  the  meaning  to  be. 

VOL.  I.  E  B 

386  LETTER  CLXV.  [1637. 

me  meikle  *  world's  good,  and  Him  no  ill.  I  know  that  I  am  not 
at  a  point  yet  with  Chrift's  love  :  I  am  not  yet  fitted  for  fo  much 
as  I  would  have  of  it.  My  hope  fitteth  neighbour  with  meikle 
blackf  hunger  :  and  certainly  I  dowj  not  but  think  that  there  is 
more  of  that  love  ordained  for  me  than  I  yet  comprehend,  and 
that  I  know  not  the  weight  of  the  penfion  which  the  I^ng  will  give 
me.  I  fhall  be  glad  if  my  hungry  bill  get  leave  to  lie  befide  Chrifl, 
waiting  on  an  anfwer.  Now  I  fhould  be  full  and  rejoice,  if  I  got 
a  poor  man's  alms  of  that  fweeteft  love  ;  but  I  confidently  believe 
that  there  is  a  bed  made  for  Chrift  and  me,  and  that  we  fhall  take 
our  fill  of  love  in  it.  And  I  often  think,  when  my  joy  is  run  out, 
and  at  the  loweft  ebb,  that  I  would  feek  no  more  than  my  rights 
paffed  the  King's  great  feal,§  and  that  thefe  eyes  of  mine  could  fee 
Chrift's  hand  at  the  pen. 

If  your  Lord  call  you  to  fufFering,  be  not  difmayed  ;  there  fhall 
be  a  new  allowance  of  the  I^ng  for  you  when  you  come  to  it.  One 
of  the  fofteft  pillows  Chrift  hath  is  laid  under  His  witnefTes'  head, 
though  often  they  mufi:  fet  down  their  bare  feet  among  thorns.  He 
hath  brought  my  poor  foul  to  defire  and  wifh,  "  Oh  that  my  afhes, 
and  the  powder  I  fhall  be  difTolved  into,  had  well-tuned  tongues  to 
praife  Him  !" 

Thus  in  hafte,  defiring  your  prayers  and  praifes,  I  recommend 
you  to  my  fweet,  sweet  Mafier,  my  honourable  Lord,  of  whom  I 
hold  all.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Your  own,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

*  As  much  as  having  a  world's  good  things. 

t  Much  of  terrible  hunger.  %  Cannot. 

§  Things  I  am  to  get,  handed  to  me  in  the  fhape  of  title-deeds  from  the 

637.J  LETTER  CLXVL  587 

CLXVI. — To  Cardoness,  the  Elder. 


UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— I  long  to  hear  how  your 
foul  profpereth.  I  wonder  that  ye  write  not  to  me ; 
for  the  Holy  Ghofl  beareth  me  witnefs,  that  I  cannot, 
I  dare  not,  I  do*  not  forget  you,  nor  the  fouls  of  thofe  with  you, 
who  are  redeemed  by  the  blood  of  the  great  Shepherd.  Ye  are  in 
my  heart  in  the  night-watches  ;  ye  are  my  joy  and  crown  in  the 
day  of  Chrift.  O  Lord,  bear  me  witnefs,  if  my  foul  thirfleth  for 
anything  out  of  heaven,  more  than  for  your  falvation.  Let  God  lay 
me  in  an  even  balance,  and  try  me  in  this. 

Love  heaven  ;  let  your  heart  be  on  it.  Up,  up,  and  vifit  the 
new  Land  and  view  the  fair  City,  and  the  white  Throne,  and  the 
Lamb,  the  bride's  Hufband  in  His  Bridegroom's  clothes,  fitting  on 
it.  It  were  time  that  your  foul  cafl:  itfelf,  and  all  your  burdens, 
upon  Chrift.  I  befeech  you  by  the  wounds  of  your  Redeemer, 
and  by  your  compearancef  before  Him,  and  by  the  falvation  of 
your  foul,  lofe  no  more  time  ;  run  fall,  for  it  is  late.  God  hath 
fworn  by  Himfelf,  who  made  the  world  and  time,  that  time  fhall 
be  no  more.  J  Ye  are  now  upon  the  very  border  of  the  other 
life.  Your  Lord  cannot  be  blamed  for  not  giving  you  warning. 
I  have  taught  the  truth  of  Chrift  to  you,  and  delivered  unto  you  the 
whole  counfel  of  God  ;  and  I  have  ftood  before  the  Lord  for  you, 
and  I  will  yet  flill  ftand.  Awake,  awake  to  do  righteoufly.  Think 
not  to  be  eafed  of  the  burdens  and  debts  that  are  on  your  houfe  by 
oppreiTing  any,  or  being  rigorous  to  thofe  that  are  under  you.  Re- 
member how  I  endeavoured  to  walk  before  you  in  this  matter,  as  an 
example.     *'  Behold,  here  am  I,  witnefs  againft  me,  before  the  Lord 

*  '^  Dozv  not,"  in  old  editions;    but  we   have  given  it  ^^  do  not;"    for 
'^  cannot"  is  the  fame  as  '^  dow  not." 

t  Appearing  in  obedience  to  a  fumnmns.  J  Rev.  x.  6. 

388  LETTER  CLXVL  [1637. 

and  His  Anointed  :  whole  ox  or  whole  afs  have  I  taken  ?  Whom 
have  I  defrauded  ?  "Whom  have  I  opprefled  ?"*  Who  knoweth 
how  my  foul  feedeth  upon  a  good  confcience,  when  I  remember 
how  I  fpent  this  body  in  feeding  the  lambs  of  Chrift  ? 

At  my  firft  entry  hither,  I  grant,  I  took  a  ftomach  againfl:  my 
Lord,  becaufe  He  had  caften  me  over  the  dyke  of  the  vineyard,  as 
a  dry  tree,  and  would  have  no  more  of  my  fer\-ice.  My  dumb 
Sabbaths  broke  my  heart,  and  I  would  not  be  comforted.  But  now 
He  whom  my  foul  loveth  is  come  again,  and  it  plealeth  Him  to  feafi: 
me  with  the  kilTes  of  His  love.  A  King  dineth  with  me,  and  His 
fpikenard  cafleth  a  fweet  fmell.  The  Lord  is  my  witnefs  above, 
that  I  write  my  heart  to  vou.  I  never  knew,  by  my  nine  years* 
preaching,  fo  much  of  Chrift's  love,  as  He  has  taught  me  in  Aber- 
deen, by  fix  months'  imprilbnment.  I  charge  you  in  Chrifl's  name 
to  help  me  to  praife ;  and  Ihow  that  people  and  country  the 
loving-kindnefs  of  the  Lord  to  my  foul,  that  {o  mv  lutferings  may 
fomeway  preach  to  them  when  I  am  filent.  He  hath  made  me  to 
know  now  better  than  before,  what  it  is  to  be  crucified  to  the  world. 
I  would  not  now  give  a  drink  of  cold  water  for  all  the  world's 
kindnefs.  I  owe  no  l€r\*ice  to  it :  I  am  not  the  flefh's  debtor.  l\Iy 
Lord  Jefus  hath  dawtedf  His  prilbner,  and  hath  thoughts  of  love 
concerning  me.  I  would  not  exchange  my  fighs  with  the  laughing 
of  adverfaries.  Sir,  I  write  this  to  inform  you,  that  ye  may  know 
that  it  is  the  truth  of  Chrifl  I  now  fufFer  for,  and  that  He  hath 
fealed  my  fufFering  with  the  comforts  of  His  Spirit  on  my  foul  ; 
and  I  know  that  He  putteth  not  His  feal  upon  blank  paper. 

Now,  fir,  I  have  no  comfort  earthly,  but  to  know  that  I  have 
efpoufed,  and  fhall  prelent  a  bride  to  Chrift  in  that  congregation. 
The  Lord  hath  given  you  much,  and  therefore  He  will  require 
much  of  vou  again.  Number  your  talents,  and  fee  what  you  have 
to  render  back.  Ye  cannot  be  enough  perfuaded  of  the  fhortnefs 
of  your  time.  I  charge  vou  to  write  to  me,  and  in  the  fear  of  God 
to  be  plain  with  me,  whether  or  not  ye  have  made  your  fUvation 

*  I  Sam.  xii.  ;.  t  Fondled. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXFL  389 

fure.  I  am  confident,  and  hope  the  beft  ;  but  I  know  that  your 
reckonings  with  your  Judge  are  many  and  deep.  Sir,  be  not  be- 
guiled, neglefl  not  your  one  thing,*  your  one  necefTary  thing,f  the 
good  part  that  fhall  not  be  taken  from  you.  Look  beyond  time  : 
things  here  are  but  moonfhine.  They  have  but  children's  wit  who  are 
delighted  with  fhadows,  and  deluded  with  feathers  flying  in  the  air. 
Defire  your  children,  in  the  morning  of  their  life,  to  begin  and 
feek  the  Lord,  and  to  remember  their  Creator  in  the  days  of  their 
youth,J  to  cleanfe  their  way,  by  taking  heed  thereto,  according  to 
God's  word.§  Youth  is  a  glafly  age.  Satan  finds  a  fwept  cham- 
ber, for  the  moft  part,  in  youthhood,  and  a  garnifhed  lodging  for 
himfelf  and  his  train.  Let  the  Lord  have  the  flower  of  their  age  ; 
the  befl:  facrifice  is  due  to  Him.  Inftruft  them  in  this,  that  they 
have  a  foul,  and  that  this  life  is  nothing  in  comparifon  of  eternity. 
They  will  have  much  need  of  God's  condu6l  in  this  world,  to  guide 
them  by  ||  thole  rocks  upon  which  moft  men  fplit ;  but  far  more 
need  when  it  cometh  to  the  hour  of  death,  and  their  compearance 
before  Chrift.  Oh  that  there  were  fuch  an  heart  in  them,  to  fear 
the  name  of  the  great  and  dreadful  God,  who  hath  laid  up  great 
things  for  thofe  that  love  and  fear  Him  !  I  pray  that  God  may  be 
their  portion.  Show  others  of  my  parifliioners,  that  I  write  to  them 
my  beft  wifhes,  and  the  bleilings  of  their  lawful  paftor.  Say  to 
them  from  me,  that  I  befeech  them,  by  the  bowels  of  Chrift,  to 
keep  in  mind  the  doftrine  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jefus  Chrift, 
which  I  taught  them  ;  that  fo  they  may  lay  hold  on  eternal  life, 
ftriving  together  for  the  faith  of  the  Gofpel,  and  making  fure  falva- 
tion  to  themfelves.  Walk  in  love,  and  do  righteoufnefs  ;  feek  peace  -, 
love  one  another.  Wait  for  the  coming  of  our  Mafter  and  Judge. 
Receive  no  docftrine  contrary  to  that  which  I  delivered  to  you.  If 
ye  fall  away,  and  forget  it,  and  that  Catechifm  which  I  taught  you, 
and  fo  forfake  your  own  mercy,  the  Lord  be  Judge  betwixt  you 
and  me.  I  take  heaven  and  earth  to  witnefs,  that  fuch  ftiall  eter- 
nally perifh.     But  if  they  ferve  the  Lord,  great  will  their  reward 

Phil.  iii.  13.     t  Luke  x.  42.     %  Kccles.  xii.  i.     §  Ps.  cxix.  9.     ||  Paft. 

390  LETTER  CLXVII.  [1637. 

•be  when  they  and  I  fhall  ftand  before  our  Judge.  Set  forward  up 
the  mountain,  to  meet  with  God  ;  climb  up,  for  your  Saviour  calleth 
on  you.  It  may  be  that  God  will  call  you  to  your  reft,  when  I  am 
far  from  you  ;  but  ye  have  my  love,  and  the  defires  of  my  heart 
for  your  foul's  welfare.  He  that  is  holy,  keep  you  from  falling, 
and  eflablifh  you,  till  His  own  glorious  appearance. 
Your  affe(Sbionate  and  lawful  paflor, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

CLXVII. — To  my  Lady  Boyd.     [Let.  107^] 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  from  God  our 
Father,  and  from  our  Lord  Jefus  Chriil,  be  multiplied 
upon  you. 

I  have  reafoned  with  your  fon  *  at  large ;  I  rejoice  to  fee  him 
fet  His  face  in  the  right  airth,f  now  when  the  nobles  love  the  funny 
fide  of  the  Gofpel  beft,  and  are  afraid  that  Chrift  want  foldiers,  and 
fhall  not  be  able  to  do  for  Himfelf. 

Madam,  our  debts  of  obligation  to  Chrift  are  not  fmall  ;  the 
freedom  of  grace  and  of  falvation  is  the  wonder  of  men  and  angels. 
But  mercy  in  our  Lord  fcorneth  hire.  Ye  are  bound  to  lift  ChriA 
on  high,  who  hath  given  you  eyes  to  difcern  the  devil  now  coming 
out  in  his  whites,  and  the  idolatry  and  apoftafy  of  the  time,  well 
wafhen  J  with  fair  pretences  ;  but  the  fkin  is  black  and  the  water  foul. 
It  were  art,  I  confefs,  to  wafh  a  black  devil,  and  make  him  white. 

I  am  in  ftrange  ups  and  downs,  and  feven  times  a-day  I  lofe 
ground.  I  am  put  often  to  fwimming ;  and  again  my  feet  are  fet  on 
the  Rock  that  is  higher  than  myfelf.  He  hath  now  let  me  fee  four 
things  which  I  never  faw  before  :  ly?.  That  the  Supper  fhall  be 
great  cheer,  that  is  up  in  the  great  hall  with  the  Royal  King  of 

*  Lord  Boyd.     See  notice  of  him,  Let.  78.  f  Quarter. 

X  ^^'afhed  ;   whitened  over. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXVIL  391 

glory,  when  the  four-hours,*  the  {landing  drink,*  in  this  dreary 
wildernefs,  is  fo  fweet.  When  He  bloweth  a  kifs  afar  off  to  His 
poor  heart-broken  mourners  in  Zion,  and  fendeth  me  but  His  hearty 
commendations  till  we  meet,  I  am  confounded  with  wonder  to  think 
what  it  Ihall  be,  when  the  Fairefl  among  the  fons  of  men  fhall  lay  a 
King's  fweet  foft  cheek  to  the  fmful  cheeks  of  poor  fmners.  O  time, 
time,  go  fwiftly,  and  haften  that  day  !  Sweet  Lord  Jefus,  poft  ! 
come,  flying  like  a  young  hart  or  a  roe  upon  the  mountains  of 
feparation.  I  think  that  we  fhould  tellf  the  hours  carefully,  and 
look  often  how  low  the  fun  is.  For  love  hath  no  "  Ho  !"J  it  is 
pained,  pained  in  itfelf,  till  it  come  into  grips  §  with  the  party  beloved. 

2dly.  I  find  Chriil's  abfence  to  be  love's  ficknefs  and  love's 
death.  The  wind  that  bloweth  out  of  the  airth  where  my  Lord 
Jefus  reigneth  is  fweet-fmelled,  foft,  joyful,  and  heartfome||  to  a 
foul  burnt  with  abfence.  It  is  a  painful  battle  for  a  foul  fick  of 
love  to  fight  with  abfence  and  delays.  Chrilt's  "  Not  yet"  is  a 
ftoundingf  of  all  the  joints  and  liths**  of  the  foul.  A  nod  of  His 
head,  when  He  is  under  a  mafk,  would  be  half  a  pawn.ff  To  fay, 
*'  Fool,  what  aileth  thee  ?  He  is  coming,"  would  be  life  to  a  dead 
man.  I  am  often  in  my  dumb  Sabbaths  feeking  a  new  pleaJJ  with 
my  Lord  Jefus  (God  forgive  me  !),  and  I  care  not  if  there  be  not 
two  or  three  ounce-weight  of  black  wrath  in  my  cup. 

'^dly.  For  the  third  thing,  I  have  feen  my  abominable  vilenefs  ; 
if  I  were  well  known,  there  would  none  in  this  kingdom  afk  how  I 
do.  Many  take  my  ten  to  be  a  hundred,  but  I  am  a  deeper  hypo- 
crite, and  fhallower  profeflbr,  than  every  one  believeth.  God 
knoweth  I  feign  not.  But  I  think  my  reckonings  on  the  one  page 
written  in  great  letters,    and   His  mercy  to   fuch  a  forlorn  §    and 

*  When  even  the  (light  afternoon  meal  and  the  cup  handed  to  one  at  the 
door  is  fo  fweet. 

t  Count.  X  Ceflation ;  cr\'  to  halt.  §  Grafp.  ||  Cheering. 

^  \  dull  ftroke  that  comes  fuddenly  and  vibrates  through  the  body. 

**  Joints  ;  the  one  word  explains  the  other.  '*  Joift"  was  in  the  margin  of 
old  editions. 

ft  A  pledge.         XX  Qiiarrel ;   controverfy.         §^  Loft  prodigal  debtor. 

392  LETTER  CLXVIL  [1637. 

wretched  dyvour  on  the  other,  to  be  more  than  a  miracle.  If  I 
could  get  my  finger-ends  upon  a  full  afTurance,  I  trow  that  I  would 
grip  *  fail ;  but  my  cup  wanteth  not  gall.  And,  upon  my  part,  de- 
fpair  might  be  almoft  excufed,  if  every  one  in  this  land  faw  my  inner 
fide.  But  I  know  that  I  am  one  of  them  who  have  made  great 
fale,  and  a  free  market,  to  free  grace.  If  I  could  be  faved,  as  I 
would  fain  believe,  fure  I  am  that  I  have  ^ven  Chriil's  blood,  His 
free  grace,  and  the  bowels  of  His  mercy,  a  large  field  to  work 
upon  ;  and  Chrifl  hath  manifefled  His  art,  I  dare  not  fay  to  the 
uttermofl  (for  He  can,  if  He  would,  forgive  all  the  devils  and 
damned  reprobates,  in  refpeft  of  the  widenefs  of  His  mercy),  but  I 
fay  to  an  admirable  degree. 

^hly.  I  am  flricken  with  fear  of  unthankfulnefs.  This  apoftate 
ICirk  hath  played  the  harlot  with  many  lovers.  They  are  fpitting 
in  the  face  of  my  lovely  King,  and  mocking  Him,  and  I  dowf  not 
mend  it ;  and  they  are  running  away  from  Chrift  in  troops,  and  I 
dowf  not  mourn  and  be  grieved  for  it.  I  think  Chrifl  lieth  like  an 
old  forcaften  \  caftle,  forfaken  of  the  inhabitants  -,  all  men  run  away 
now  from  Him.  Truth,  innocent  truth,  goeth  mourning  and  wring- 
ing her  hands  in  fackcloth  and  afhes.  Woe,  woe,  woe  is  me,  for 
the  virgin  daughter  of  Scotland  !  Woe,  woe  to  the  inhabitants  of 
this  land  !  for  they  are  gone  back  with  a  perpetual  backfliding. 

Thefe  things  take  me  fo  up,  that  a  borrowed  bed,  another  man's 
firefide,  the  wind  upon  my  face  (I  being  driven  from  my  lovers  and 
dear  acquaintance,  and  my  poor  flock),  find  no  room  in  myforrow. 
I  have  no  fpare  or  odd  forrow  for  thefe  ;  only  I  think  the  fparrows 
and  fwallows  that  build  their  nefts  in  the  kirk  of  Anwoth,  bleffed 
birds.  Nothing  hath  given  my  faith  a  harder  back-fet§  till  it  crack 
again,  than  my  clofed  mouth.  But  let  me  be  miferable  myfelf  alone ; 
God  keep  my  dear  brethren  from  it.  But  flill  I  keep  breath;  and 
when  my  royal,  and  never,  never-enough -praifed  I^ng  returneth  to 

*  Gralp.  t  Am  not  able.  %  Not  ufed ;  caft  off. 

§  A  thruft  back.     In  a  fermon  at  Anwoth,  1630,  on  Zech.  xiii.  7,  he  fays, 
*^  God  gives  a  back-fet  and  fall  under  temptation."" 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXVIIL  393 

His  finful  prilbner,  I  ride  upon  the  high  places  of  Jacob.  I  divide 
Shechem,*  I  triumph  in  His  ftrength.  If  this  kingdom  would  glorify 
the  Lord  in  my  behalf !  I  defire  to  be  weighed  in  God's  even  balance 
in  this  point,  if  I  think  not  my  wages  paid  to  the  full.  I  fhall  crave 
no  more  hire  of  Chrift. 

Madam,  pity  me  in  this,  and  help  me  to  praife  Him  ;  for  what- 
ever I  be,  the  chief  of  fmners,  a  devil,  and  a  mofl  guilty  devil,  yet  it 
is  the  apple  of  Chrifl's  eye.  His  honour  and  glory,  as  the  Head  of  the 
Church,  that  I  fuffer  for  now,  and  that  I  will  go  to  eternity  with. 

I  am  greatly  in  love  with  Mr  M.  M.  jf  I  fee  him  flamped  with 
the  image  of  God.     I  hope  well  of  your  fon,  my  Lord  Boyd. 

Your  Ladyfhip  and  your  children  have  a  prifoner's  prayers. 
Grace  be  with  you. 

Your  Ladyfhip' s,  at  all  obedience  in  Chrifl, 

Aberdeen,  May  i,  1637.  S.  R. 

CLXVIIL — To  his  reverend  and  dear  Brother,  Mr  David  Dickson. 

that  ye  have  never  known  me  well.  If  ye  faw  my 
inner  fide,  it  is  poflible  that  ye  would  pity  me,  but  you 
would  hardly  give  me  either  love  or  refpeft  :  men  miflake  me  the 
whole  length  of  the  heavens.  My  fms  prevail  over  me,  and  the 
terrors  of  their  guiltinefs.  I  am  put  often  to  afk,  if  Chrift  and  I  did 
ever  fhake  hands  together  in  earneft.  I  mean  not  that  my  feafl-days 
are  quite  gone,  but  I  am  made  of  extremes.  I  pray  God  that  ye 
never  have  the  woful  and  dreary  experience  of  a  clofed  mouth  -,  for 
then  ye  fhall  judge  the  fparrows,  that  may  fing  on  J  the  church  of 
Irvine,  blefTed  birds.    But  my  foul  hath  been  refrefhed  and  watered. 

*  Pfalm  Ix.  6. 

t  Mr  Matthew  Mowat,  minifter  of  Kilmarnock.     See  notice  of  him,  Let. 


X  0//,  not  '^  /«,'"  as  in  old  editions. 

394  LETTER  CLXVIIL  [1637. 

when  I  hear  of  your  courage  and  zeal  for  your  never-enough- 
praifed,  praifed  Mafler,  in  that  ye  put  the  men  of  God,  chafed  out 
of  Ireland,  to  work.*  Oh,  if  I  could  confirm  3-ou  !  I  darefay,  in 
God's  prefence,  "  That  this  fhall  never  haften  your  fufFering,  but 
will  be  David  Dickfon's  feaft  and  fpeaking  joy,  that  while  he  had 
time  and  leifure,  he  put  many  to  work,  to  lift  up  Jefus,  his  fweet 
Mafter,  high  in  the  fkies."  O  man  of  God,  go  on,  go  on  ;  be  valiant 
for  that  Plant  of  renown,  for  that  Chief  among  ten  thoufands,  for 
that  Prince  of  the  kings  of  the  earth.  It  is  but  little  that  I  know  of 
God  ;  yet  this  I  dare  write,  that  Chrifl  will  be  glorified  in  David 
Dickfon,  howbeit  Scotland  be  not  gathered. 

I  am  pained,  pained,  that  I  have  not  more  to  give  my  fweet 
Bridegroom.  His  comforts  to  me  are  not  dealt  with  a  niggard's 
hand  ;  but  I  would  fain  learn  not  to  idolize  comfort,  fenfe,  joy,  and 
fweet,  felt  prefence.  All  thefe  are  but  creatures,  and  nothing  but 
the  kingly  robe,  the  gold  ring,  and  the  bracelets  of  the  Bridegroom  ; 
the  Bridegroom  Himfelf  is  better  than  all  the  ornaments  that  are 
about  Him.  Now,  I  would  not  fo  much  have  thefe  as  God  Him- 
felf, and  to  be  fwallowed  up  of  love  to  Chrift.  I  fee  that  in  de- 
lighting in  a  communion  with  Chrift,  we  may  make  more  gods  than 
one.  But,  however,  all  was  but  bairns'  play  between  Chrifl  and 
me,  till  now.    If  one  would  have  fworn  unto  me,  I  would  not  have 

*  When  Mr  Robert  Blair  and  Mr  John  Livingftone,  who  had  been  de- 
poled  in  Ireland  by  the  Bifhop  of  Down,  were  obliged  to  leave  that  country, 
to  avoid  falling  into  the  hands  of  the  Government,  which  had  given  orders  for 
their  apprehenfion,  on  account  of  their  preaching  in  their  own  private  houfes, 
they  came  over  to  Irvine  in  1637,  to  Mr  Dickfon.  Dickfon  had  been  advifed 
by  fome  refpedtable  gentlemen  not  to  employ  them  to  preach,  left  the  bilhops, 
who  were  then  zealous  in  urging  on  minifters  the  ufe  of  the  Service-book, 
fliould  thereby  take  occafion  to  remove  him  from  his  miniftr)-.  *^But,"' 
faid  Dickfon,  "  I  dare  not  be  of  their  opinion,  nor  follow  their  counfel,  fo  far 
as  to  difcountenance  thefe  worthies,  now  when  they  are  fuffering  for  holding 
faft  the  name  of  Chrift,  and  every  letter  of  that  blefled  name,  as  not  to  employ 
them  as  in  former  times.  Yea,  I  would  think  my  fo  doing  would  provoke  the  ^ 
Lord,  fo  that  I  might  upon  another  account  be  depofed,  and  not  have  fo  good 
a  confciencc."" — {l-ifi  of  Robert  Blair.) 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXIX.  395 

believed  what  may  be  found  in  Chrifl:.  I  hope  that  ye  pity  my  pain 
that*  much,  in  my  prilbn,  as  to  help  me  yourfelf,  and  to  caufe 
others  help  me,  a  dyvour,  f  a  fniful  wretched  dyvour,  to  pay  fome 
of  my  debts  of  praife  to  my  great  King.  Let  my  God  be  judge  and 
witnefs,  if  my  foul  would  not  have  fweet  eafe  and  comfort,  to  have 
many  hearts  confirmed  in  Chrifl,  and  enlarged  with  His  love,  and 
many  tongues  fet  on  work  to  fet  on  high  my  royal  and  princely 
Well-beloved.  Oh  that  my  fufFerings  could  pay  tribute  to  fuch  a 
king  !  I  have  given  over  wondering  at  His  love  ;  for  Chrift  hath 
manifefled  a  piece  of  art  upon  me,  that  I  never  revealed  to  any 
living.  He  hath  gotten  fair  and  rich  employment,  and  fweet  fale, 
and  a  goodly  market  for  His  honourable  calling  of  fhowing  mercy, 
on  me  the  chief  of  fmners.  Every  one  knoweth  not  fo  well  as  I  do, 
my  wofully-often  broken  covenants.  My  fms  againft  light,  working  J 
in  the  very  adl  of  fmning,  have  been  met  with  admirable  mercy  : 
but,  alas !  he  will  get  nothing  back  again,  but  wretched  unthank- 
fulnefs.  I  am  fure,  that  if  Chrift  pity  anything  in  me  next  to  my 
fm,  it  is  pain  of  love  for  an  armful  and  foulful  of  Himfelf,  in  faith, 
love,  and  begun  fruition.  My  forrow  is,  that  I  cannot  get  Chrift 
lifted  off  the  dufl  in  Scotland,  and  fet  on  high,  above  all  the  fkies, 
and  heaven  of  heavens. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 
Aberdeen,  May  i,  1637.  S.   R. 

CLXIX. — To  the  Laird  of  Carleton. 



ORTHY  SIR, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I 
received  your  letter,  and  am  heartily  glad  that  our 
Lord  hath  begun    to  work   for  the  apparent  delivery 

*  So  greatly.  t  Debtor ;  bankiaipt. 

I  The  fenfe  feems  to  be,  "  My  fms  againft  light,  which  was  at  work  even 
when  1  was  in  the  ad  of  finning." 

39^  LETTER  CLXIX.  [1637. 

of  this  poor  opprefled  Kirk.     Oh  that  falvation  would  come  for 
Zion ! 

I  am  for  the  prefent  hanging  by  hope,  waiting  what  my  Lord 
will  do  with  me,  and  if  it  will  pleafe  my  fweet  Mafter  to  fend  me 
amongfl:  you  again,  and  keep  out  a  hireling  from  my  poor  people 
and  flock.  It  were  my  heaven  till  I  come  home,  even  to  fpend 
this  life  in  gathering  in  fome  to  Chrifl.  I  have  flill  great  heavinefs 
for  my  filence,  and  my  forced  (landing  idle  in  the  market,  when  this 
land  hath  fuch  a  plentiful,  thick  harveft.  But  I  know  that  His  judg- 
ments, who  hath  done  it,  pafs  finding  out.  I  have  no  knowledge  to 
take  up  the  Lord  in  all  His  ft  range  ways,  and  paflages  of  deep  and 
unfearchable  providences.  For  the  Lord  is  before  me,  and  I  am  fo 
bemifted*  that  I  cannot  follow  Him  ;  He  is  behind  me,  and  following 
at  the  heels,  and  I  am  not  aware  of  Him  ;  He  is  above  me,  but  His 
glory  fo  dazzleth  my  twilight  of  fliort  knowledge,  that  I  cannot  look 
up  to  Him.  He  is  upon  my  right  hand,  and  I  fee  Him  not ;  He  is 
upon  my  left  hand,  and  within  me,  and  goeth  and  cometh,  and  His 
going  and  coming  are  a  dream  to  me  ;  He  is  round  about  me,  and 
compafleth  all  my  goings,  and  ft  ill  I  have  Him  to  feek.  He  is  every 
way  higher,  and  deeper,  and  broader  than  the  fhallow  and  ebbf 
handbreadth  of  my  ftiort  and  dim  light  can  take  up  ;  and,  therefore, 
I  would  that  my  heart  could  be  filent,  and  fit  down  in  the  learnedly- 
ignorant  wondering  at  the  Lord,  whom  men  and  angels  cannot 
comprehend.  I  know  that  the  noon-day  light  of  the  higheft  angels, 
who  fee  Him  face  to  face,  feeth  not  the  borders  of  His  infinitenefs. 
They  apprehend  God  near  hand  ;{  but  they  cannot  comprehend 
Him.  And,  therefore,  it  is  my  happinefs  to  look  afar  off,  and  to 
come  near  to  the  Lord's  back  parts,  and  to  light  my  dark  candle  at 
His  brightnefs,  and  to  have  leave  to  fit  and  content  myfelf  with  a 
traveller's  light,  without  the  clear  vifion  of  an  enjoyer.  I  would 
feek  no  more  till  I  were  in  my  country,  than  a  little  watering  and 
Iprinkling  of  a  withered  foul,  with  fome  half  out-breakings  and  half 

*  Involved  in  a  mift.  t  Low^  fliallow. 

\  They  have  to  do  with  God  near  at  hand. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXIX.  397 

out-lookings  of  the  beams,  and  fmall  ravifliing  fmiles  of  the  faireft 
face  of  a  revealed  and  believed-on  Godhead.  A  little  of  God  would 
make  my  foul  bankfull.  *  Oh  that  I  had  but  Chrifl's  odd  ofF-fall- 
ings  ;  that  He  would  let  but  the  meaneft  of  His  love-rays  and  love- 
beams  fall  from  Him,  fo  as  I  might  gather  and  carry  them  with  me  ! 
I  would  not  be  illf  to  pleafe  with  Chrift,  and  vailed  vifions  of  Chrifl ; 
neither  would  I  be  dainty  in  feeing  and  enjoying  of  Him  :  a  kifs  of 
Chrift  blown  over  His  fhoulder,  the  parings  and  crumbs  of  glory 
that  fall  under  His  table  in  heaven,  a  fhower  like  a  thin  May-mift 
of  His  love,  would  make  me  green,  and  fappy,  and  joyful,  till  the 
fummer-fun  of  an  eternal  glory  break  up.  J  Oh  that  I  had  anything 
of  Chrift  !  Oh  that  I  had  a  fip,  or  half  a  drop,  out  of  the  hollow 
of  Chrift's  hand,  of  the  fweetnefs  and  excellency  of  that  lovely  One  ! 
Oh  that  my  Lord  Jefus  would  rue  upon  me,  and  give  me  but  the 
meaneft  alms  of  felt  and  believed  falvation  !  Oh,  how  little  were 
it  for  that  infinite  fea,  that  infinite  fountain  of  love  and  joy,  to  fill 
as  many  thoufand  thoufand  little  veffels  (the  like  of  me)  as  there 
are  minutes  of  hours  fmce  the  creation  of  God  !  I  find  §  it  true  that 
a  poor  foul,  finding  §  half  a  fmell  of  the  Godhead  of  Chrift,  hath 
defires  (paining  and  wounding  the  poor  heart  fo  with  longings  to  be 
up  at  Him)  that  make  it  fometimes  think,  "Were  it  not  better  never 
to  have  felt  anything  of  Chrift,  than  thus  to  lie  dying  twenty  deaths, 
under  thefe  felt  wounds,  for  the  want  of  Him  ? "  Oh,  where  is  He  '^. 
O  Faireft,  where  dwelleft  Thou  ?  O  never-enough  admired  God- 
head, how  can  clay  win  ||  up  to  Thee  ?  how  can  creatures  of  yefter- 
day  be  able  to  enjoy  Thee  ?  Oh,  what  pain  is  it,  that  time  and  fin 
ftiould  be  fo  many  thoufand  miles  betwixt  a  loved  and  longed-for 
Lord  and  a  dwining  f  and  love-fick  foul,  who  would  rather  than 
all  the  world  have  lodging  with  Chrift  !  Oh,  let  this  bit  of  love  of 
ours,  this  inch  and  half-fpan  length  of  heavenly  longing,  meet  with 
Thy  infinite  love  !  Oh,  if  the  little  I  have  were  fwallowed  up  with 
the  infinitenefs  of  that  excellency  which  is  in  Chrift  !     Oh  that  we 

*  Like  a  river,  full  up  to  its  bank.  f  Difficult.  %  Song  ii.  17. 

§  Experience,  or  feel.  |j  Get  up.  f  Pining. 

398  LETTER  CLXX.  [1637. 

little  ones  were  in  at  the  greateft  Lord  Jefus  !     Our  wants  fhould 
foon  be  fwallowed  up  with  His  fulnefs. 
Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus,  n    y^ 

Aberdeen,  May  10,  1637. 

CLXX. — To  Robert  Gordon  of  Knockbrex. 


^  EAR  BROTHER, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. 
I  received  your  letter  from  Edinburgh. 

I  would  not  wifh  to  fee  another  heaven,  whill*  I 

get  mine  own  heaven,  but  a  new  moon  like  the  light  of  the  fun, 
and  a  new  fun  like  the  light  of  feven  days  fhining  upon  my  poor 
felf,  and  the  Church  of  Jews  and  Gentiles,  and  upon  my  withered 
and  funburnt  mother,  the  Church  of  Scotland,  and  upon  her  fiAer 
Churches,  England  and  Ireland  ;  and  to  have  this  done,  to  the 
fetting  on  high  of  our  great  ICing  !  It  matterethf  not,  howbeit  I 
were  feparate  from  Chrifl,  and  had  a  fenfe  of  ten  thoufand  years' 
pain  in  hell,  if  this  were.  O  bleifed  nobility !  Oh,  glorious, 
renowned  gentry  !  Oh,  bleffed  were  the  tribes  in  this  land  to  wipe 
my  Lord  Jefus'  weeping  face,  and  to  take  the  fackcloth  of  Chrifl's 
loins,  and  to  put  His  kingly  robes  upon  Him  !  Oh,  if  the  Almighty 
would  take  no  lefs  J  wager  of  me  than  my  heaven  to  have  it  done  ! 
But  my  fears  are  flill  for  wrath  once  §  upon  Scotland.  But  I  know 
that  her  day  will  clear  up,  and  that  glory  fhall  be  upon  the  top  of 
the  mountains,  and  joy  at  the  voice  [j  of  the  married  wife,  once  again. 
Oh  that  our  Lord  would  make  us  to  contend,  and  plead,  and 
wreftle  by  prayers  and  tears,  for  our  Hufband's  refloring  of  His 
forfeited  heritage  in  Scotland. 

*  Till.  t  Mattereth?     In  other  editions  it  is  ^^  maketh." 

X  Pledge.  §  Some  time  or  othei".  ||  *'  Noife,''  in  old  editions. 

[1637.  LETTER  CLXX.  399 

Dear  brother,  I  am  for  the  prefent  in  no  Imall  battle,  betwixt 
felt  giiiltinefs,  and  pining  longings  and  high  fevers  for  my  Well- 
beloved's  love !  Alas !  I  think  that  Chrift's  love  playeth  the 
niggard  to  me,  and  I  know  it  is  not  for  fcarcity  of  love.  There  is 
enough  in  Him,  but  my  hunger  prophefieth  of  in-holding  and 
Iparingnefs  in  Chrift  -,  for  I  have  but  little  of  Him,  and  little  of  His 
fweetnefs.  It  is  a  dear  fummer  with  me ;  yet  there  is  fuch  joy  in 
the  eagernefs  and  working  of  hunger  for  Chrift,  that  I  am  often  at 
this,  that  if  I  had  no  other  heaven  than  a  continual  hunger  for 
Chrift,  fuch  a  heaven  of  ever-working  hunger  were  flill  a  heaven 
to  me.  I  am  fure  that  Chrift's  love  cannot  be  cruel ;  it  muff  be  a 
ruing,  a  pitying,  a  melting-hearted  love  ;  but  fufpenfion  of  that  love 
I  think  half  a  hell,  and  the  want  of  it  more  than  a  whole  hell. 
When  I  look  to  my  guiltinefs,  I  fee  that  my  falvation  is  one  of  our 
Saviour's  greateft  miracles,  either  in  heaven  or  earth.  I  am  fure  I 
may  defy  any  man  to  fhow  me  a  greater  wonder.  But,  feeing  I 
have  no  wares,  no  hire,  no  money  for  Chrift,  He  muft  either  take 
me  with  want,  mifery,  corruption,  or  then*  want  me.  Oh,  if  He 
would  be  pleafed  to  be  companionate  and  pitiful-hearted  to  my 
pining  fevers  of  longing  for  Him  ;  or  then*  give  me  a  real  pawnf 
to  keep,  out  of  His  own  hand,  till  God  fend  a  meeting  betwixt  Him 
and  me  !  But  I  find  neither  as  yet.  Howbeit  He  who  is  abfent  be 
not  cruel  nor  unkind,  yet  His  abfence  is  cruel  and  unkind.  His 
love  is  like  itfelf ;  His  love  is  His  love  ;  but  the  covering  and  the 
cloud,  the  vail  and  the  mafk  of  His  love,  is  more  wife  than  kind,  if 
I  durft  fpeak  my  apprehenfions.  I  lead  no  procefs  now  againfl  the 
fufpenfion  and  delay  of  God's  love  ;  I  would  with  all  my  heart 
frift  till  a  day  J  ten  heavens,  and  the  fweet  manifeflations  of  His 
love.  Certainly  I  think  that  I  could  give  Chrifl  much  on  His  word  ; 
but  my  whole  pleading  is  about  intimated  and  borne-in  affurance  of 
His  love.     Oh,  if  He  would  perfuade  me  of  §  my  heart's  defire  of 

*  Or  elfe.         f  A  pledge.         %  Defer  to  a  day  that  might  be  named. 
§  Convince  me  that  He  intends  to  gratify  my  heart's  defire. 

400  LETTER  CLXXL  [1637. 

His  love  at  all,  He  ftiould  have  the  term-day  of  payment  at  His 
own  cowing.*  But  I  know  that  raving  unbelief  fpeaketh  its  plea- 
fure,  while  it  looketh  upon  guiltinefs  and  this  body  of  corruption. 
Oh  how  loathfome  and  burdenfome  is  it  to  carry  about  a  dead 
corpfe,  this  old  carrion  of  corruption  !  Oh  how  fteadablef  a  thing 
is  a  Saviour,  to  make  a  fniner  rid  of  His  chains  and  fetters  ! 

I  have  now  made  a  new  queflion,  whether  Chrill  be  more  to 
be  loved,  for  giving  San6tification  or  for  free  Juflification.  And  I 
hold  that  He  is  more  and  moft  to  be  loved  for  fan6lification.  It  is 
in  fome  refpecft  greater  love  in  Him  to  fanftify,  than  to  juftify  ;  for 
He  maketh  us  moft  like  Himfelf,  in  His  own  effential  portraiture 
and  image,  in  fan6i:ifying  us.  Juftification  doth  but  make  us  happy, 
which  is  to  be  like  angels  only.  Neither  is  it  fuch  a  mifery  to  lie  a 
condemned  man,  and  under  unforgiven  guiltinefs,  as  to  ferve  fm, 
and  work  the  works  of  the  devil ;  and,  therefore,  I  think  fan6lifica- 
tion  cannot  be  bought :  it  is  above  price.  God  be  thanked  for  ever, 
that  Chrift  was  a  told-down  price  for  liin6lification.  Let  a  finner, 
if  poiTible,  lie  in  hell  for  ever,  if  He  make  him  truly  holy  ;  and  let 
him  lie  there  burning  in  love  to  God,  rejoicing  in  the  Holy  Ghoft, 
hanging  upon  Chrift  by  faith  and  hope, — that  is  heaven  in  the  heart 
and  bottom  of  hell  ! 

Alas  !  I  find  a  very  thin  harveft  here,  and  few  to  be  faved. 

Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  lovely  and  longed-for  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

CLXXI. — To  the  Laird  of  Moncrieff. 

[Sir  John  Moncrieff,  of  that  ilk,  was  theeldeft  fon  of  William  Mon- 
crieff of  that  ilk,  by  his  wife  Anne,  daughter  of  Robert  Murray  of  Abercamie. 
He  married,  firft,  Anne,  daughter  of  David  Beaton  of  Creich,  and,  fecondly, 

*  Cutting  out ;  as  we  fay,  ^*  at  His  own  caning."      f  Available;   fer\iceable. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXI.  401 

Lady  Mary^  Murray,  daughter  of  William,  fecond  Earl  of  Tullibardin.  He 
was  a  zealous  Covenanter,  and  a  ruling  elder  in  the  parifh  of  Cambee,  in 
which  he  refided.  His  name  appears  in  the  lift  of  the  General  Aflembly's 
CommifTion  for  the  public  affairs  of  the  Church,  in  the  years  1646  and  1648  ; 
and  he  was  an  adive  member  of  the  Prefbylery  of  St  Andrews,  as  appears 
from  the  minutes  of  that  Prefbyler)'.  He  died  about  the  clofe  of  the  year 
1650,  or  beginning  of  the  year  1651.  Lady  Leyes,  to  whom  reference  is  made 
in  this  letter,  was  his  third  fifter  Jean,  who  was  married  to  Hay  of  Leyes* 
{Douglas^  Baronage  of  Scotland^  p.  46).] 


UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace 
be  to  you.  Although  not  acquainted,  yet  at  the  defire 
of  your  worthy  fifter,  the  Lady  Leys,  and  upon  the 
report  of  your  kindnefs  to  Chrift  and  His  opprefTed  truth,  I  am  bold 
to  write  to  you,  earneftly  defiring  you  to  join  with  us  (fo  many  as 
in  thefe  bounds  profefs  Chrift),  to  wreftle  with  God,  one  day  of  the 
week,  efpecially  the  Wednefday,  for  mercy  to  this  fallen  and  decayed 
Kirk,  and  to  fuch  as  fuffer  for  Chrift's  name  ;  and  for  your  own 
neceilities,  and  the  neceilities  of  others,  who  are  by  covenant  en- 
gaged in  that  bufmefs.  For  we  have  no  other  armour  in  thefe  evil 
times  but  prayer,  now  when  wrath  from  the  Lord  is  gone  out 
againft  this  backfliding  land.  For  ye  know  we  can  have  no  true 
public  fafts,  neither  are  the  true  caufes  of  our  humiliation  ever  laid 
before  the  people. 

Now,  very  worthy  Sir,  I  am  glad  in  the  Lord,  that  the  Lord 
referveth  any  of  your  place,  or  of  note,  in  this  time  of  common 
apoftasy,  to  come  forth  in  public  to  bear  Chrift's  name  before  men, 
when  the  great  men  think  Chrift  a  cumbersome  neighbour,  and  that 
religion  carrieth  hazards,  trials,  and  perfecutions  with  it.  I  perfuade 
myfelf  that  it  is  your  glory  and  your  garland,  and  fhall  be  your  joy 
in  the  day  of  Chrift,  and  the  ftanding  of  your  houfe  and  feed,  to  in- 
herit the  earth,  that  you  truly  and  fincerely  profefs  Chrift.  Neither 
is  our  King,  whom  the  Father  hath  crowned  in  Mount  Zion,  \o 
weak,  that  He  cannot  do  for  Himfelf  and  His  own  caufe.     T  verily 

VOL.  I.  c  c 

402  LETTER  CLXXL  [1637. 

believe  that  they  are  blefTed  who  can  hold  the  crown  upon  His  head, 
and  carry  up  the  train  of  His  robe  royal,  and  that  He  fhall  be  vic- 
torious, and  triumph  in  this  land.  It  is  our  part  to  back  our  royal 
King,  howbeit  there  was  not  fix  in  all  the  land  to  follow  Him.  It 
is  our  wifdom  now  to  take  up,  and  difcern  the  de\il  and  the  anti- 
chrifl  coming  out  in  their  whites,  and  the  apoftasy  and  idolatry  of 
this  land  wafhen  *  with  foul  waters.  I  confefs  that  it  is  art  to  wafli 
the  devil  till  his  fkin  be  white. 

For  myfelf,  Sir,  I  have  bought  a  pleaf  againll:  Chrifl:,  fmce  I 
came  hither,  in  judging  my  princely  Mafter  angry  at  me,  becaule  I 
was  caft  out  of  the  vineyard  as  a  withered  tree,  my  dumb  Sabbaths 
working  me  much  forrow.  But  I  fee  now  that  forrow  hath  not 
eyes  to  read  love  written  upon  the  crofs  of  Chrift  ;  and,  therefore, 
I  pafs  from  my  rafh  plea.  Woe,  woe  is  me,  that  I  Ihiould  have  re- 
ceived a  flander  of  ChriA's  love  to  my  foul !  And  for  all  this,  my 
Lord  Jefus  hath  forgiven  all,  as  not  willing  to  be  heard f  with  fuch 
a  fool ;  and  is  content  to  be,  as  it  were,  confined  with  me,  and  to 
bear  me  company,  and  to  feaft  a  poor  opprefTed  prilbner.  And 
now  I  write  it  under  my  hand,  worthy  Sir,  that  I  think  well  and 
honourably  of  this  crofs  of  Chrift.  I  wonder  that  He  will  take  any 
glory  from  the  like  of  me.  I  find  when  he  but  fendeth  His  hearty 
commendations  to  me,  and  but  bloweth  a  kifs  afar  off,  I  am  con- 
founded with  wondering  what  the  fupper  of  the  Lamb  will  be,  up 
in  our  Father's  dining-palace  of  glory,  fmce  the  four-hours  §  in  this 
difmal  wildernefs,  and  (when  in  prifons  and  in  our  fad  days),  a  kifs 
of  Chrifl:,  are  fo  comfortable.  Oh,  how  fweet  and  glorious  fhall 
our  cafe  be,  when  that  Fairell:  among  the  fons  of  men  will  lay  His 
fair  face  to  our  now  finful  faces,  and  wipe  away  all  tears  from  our 
eyes  !  O  time,  time,  run  fwiftly  and  hall:en  this  day  !  O  fweet 
Lord  Jefus,  come  flying  like  a  roe  or  a  young  hart !     Alas  !  that  we, 

*  Walhed.  t  Got  up  a  quarrel. 

X  Not  willing  to  be  heard  difputing  with  fuch  a  fool. 
§  The  flight  afternoon's  meal  is  fo  refrefhing, — 

^Mf  fuch  the  fweetnefs  of  the  ft  ream, 
AVhat  muft  the  fountain  be?" 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXL  403 

blind  fools,  arc  fallen  in  love  with  moonfhine  and  (hadows.  How 
iweet  is  the  wind  that  bloweth  out  of  the  airth  *  where  Chrift  is  ! 
Every  day  we  may  fee  fome  new  thing  in  Chrift  -,  His  love  hath 
neither  brim  nor  bottom.  Oh,  if  I  had  help  to  praife  Him  !  He 
knoweth  that  if  my  fntferings  glorify  His  name,  and  encourage 
others  to  ftand  faft  for  the  honour  of  our  fupreme  Lawgiver,  Chrift, 
my  wages  then  are  paid  to  the  full.  Sir,  help  me  to  love  that 
never-enough-praifed  Lord.  I  find  now,  that  the  faith  of  the 
iaints,  under  fuffering  for  Chrift,  is  fair  before  the  wind,  and  with 
full  fails  carried  upon  Chrift.  And  I  hope  to  lofe  nothing  in  this 
furnace  but  drofs  •,  for  Chrift  can  triumph  in  a  weaker  man  than 
I  am,  if  there  be  any  fuch.  And  when  all  is  done.  His  love  paineth 
me,  and  leaveth  me  under  fuch  debt  to  Chrift,  as  I  can  neither  pay 
principal  nor  intereft.  Oh,  if  He  would  comprifef  myfelf,  and 
if  I  were  fold  to  Him  as  a  bondman,  and  that  He  would  take  me 
home  to  His  houfe  and  firefide ;  for  I  have  nothing  to  render  to 
Him !  Then,  after  me,  let  no  man  think  hard  of  Chrift's  fweet 
crofs  ;  for  I  would  not  exchange  my  fighs  with  the  painted  laughter 
of  all  my  adverfaries.  I  defire  grace  and  patience  to  wait  on,  and 
to  lie  upon  the  brink,  till  the  water  fill  and  flow.  I  know  that  He 
is  faft  coming. 

Sir,  ye  will  excufe  my  boldnefs  :  and,  till  it  pleafe  God  that  I 
fee  you,  ye  have  the  prayers  of  a  prifoner  of  Chrift  ;  to  whom  I 
recommend  you,  and  in  whom  I  reft. 

Yours,  at  all  obedience  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  May  14,  1637. 

*  Point  of  the  compafs.  f  An-eft  me  by  writ. 


404  LETTER  CLXXIL  [1637. 

CLXXII. — To  John  Clark  [fuppofed  to  be  one  of  his  PariJIiioners 

at  Anivoth), 


OVING  BROTHER, — Hold  faft  Chrifl  without  waver- 
ing, and  contend  for  the  faith,  becaufe  Chrift  is  not 
eafily  gotten  nor  kept.  The  lazy  profefTor  hath  put 
heaven  as  it  were  at  the  very  next  door,  and  thinketh  to  fly  up  to 
heaven  in  his  bed,  and  in  a  night-dream  ;  but,  truly,  that  is  not  fo 
eafy  a  thing  as  mofl:  men  believe.  Chrift  Himfelf  did  fweat  ere  He 
wan  *  this  city,  howbeit  He  was  the  freeborn  heir.  It  is  Chriflianity, 
my  Heart,  to  be  fmcere,  unfeigned,  honeft,  and  upright-hearted  be- 
fore God,  and  to  live  and  ferve  God,  fuppofe  there  was  not  one  man 
nor  woman  in  all  the  world  dwelling  befide  you,  to  eye  you.  Any 
little  grace  that  ye  have,  fee  that  it  be  found  and  true. 

Ye  may  put  a  difference  betwixt  you  and  reprobates,  if  ye  have 
thefe  marks  : — I.  If  ye  prize  Chrifl:  and  His  truth  fo  as  ye  will  fell 
all  and  buy  Him  ;  and  fuffer  for  it.  2.  If  the  love  of  Chrift  keepeth 
you  back  from  finning,  more  than  the  law,  or  fear  of  hell.  3.  If 
ye  be  humble,  and  deny  your  own  will,  wit,  credit,  eafe,  honour, 
the  world,  and  the  vanity  and  glory  of  it.  4.  Your  profeflion  muft 
not  be  barren,  and  void  of  good  works.  5.  Ye  muft  in  all  things 
aim  at  God's  honour  ;  ye  muft  eat,  drink,  fleep,  buy,  fell,  fit,  fland, 
fpeak,  pray,  read,  and  hear  the  word,  with  a  heart-purpofe  that 
God  may  be  honoured.  6.  Ye  muft  fhow  yourfelf  an  enemy  to 
fin,  and  reprove  the  works  of  darknefs,  fuch  as  drunkennefs,  fwear- 
ing,  and  Jying,  albeit  the  company  fhould  hate  you  for  fo  doing. 
7.  Keep  in  mind  the  truth  of  God,  that  ye  heard  me  teach,  and 
have  nothing  to  do  with  the  corruptions  and  new  guifes  entered 
into  the  houfe  of  God.  8.  Make  confcience  of  your  calling,  in 
covenants,  in  buying  and  felling.     9.  Acquaint  yourfelf  with  daily 

*  Won  ;  obtained  pofleflion  of. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXIIL  405 

praying ;  commit  all  your  ways  and  aftions  to  God,  by  prayer, 
fupplication,  and  thankf^ving ;  and  count  not  much  of  being  mocked ; 
for  Chrift  Jefus  was  mocked  before  you, 

Perfuade  yourfelf,  that  this  is  the  way  of  peace  and  comfort 
which  I  now  fufPer  for.  I  dare  go  to  death  and  into  eternity  with 
it,  though  men  may  poffibly  fee  another  way.  Remember  me  in 
your  prayers,  and  the  ftate  of  this  opprefled  Church.  Grace  be 
with  you. 

Your  foul's  well-wiflier, 
Aberdeen.  S.  R. 

CLXXIIL — To  Cardoness,  the  Younger,     [Let.  123.] 


UCH  HONOURED  SIR,— I  long  to  hear  whether  or 
not  your  foul  be  hand-fafled*  with  Chrift.  Lofe  your 
time  no  longer  :  flee  the  follies  of  youth  :  gird  up  the 
loins  of  your  mind,  and  make  you  ready  for  meeting  the  Lord. 
I  have  often  fummoned  you,  and  now  I  fummon  you  again,  to 
compearf  before  your  Judge,  to  make  a  reckoning  of  your  life. 
While  ye  have  time,  look  upon  your  papers,  and  confider  your  ways. 
Oh  that  there  were  fuch  an  heart  in  you,  as  to  think  what  an  ill 
confcience  will  be  to  you,  when  ye  are  upon  the  border  of  eternity, 
and  your  one  foot  out  of  time  !  Oh  then,  ten  thoufand  thoufand 
floods  of  tears  cannot  extinguifh  thefe  flames,  or  purchafe  to  you 
one  hour's  releafe  from  that  pain  !  Oh,  how  fweet  a  day  have  ye 
had !  But  this  is  a  fair-day  J  that  runneth  faft  away.  See  how  ye 
have  fpent  it,  and  confider  the  neceility  of  falvation  !  and  tell  me,  in 
the  fear  of  God,  if  ye  have  made  it  fure.  I  am  perfuaded,  that  ye 
have  a  confcience  that  will  be  fpeaking  fomewhat  to  you.  Why 
will  ye  die,  and  defl:roy  yourfelf  ?     I  charge  you  in  Chrifl^'s  name, 

*  Betrothed  by  joining  hands.         f  Appear  in  obedience  to  a  fummons.. 
X  A  market-day. 

4o6  LETTER  CLXXIIL  [1637. 

to  roufe  up  your  confcience,  and  begin  to  indent  *  and  contract  with 
Chrifl  in  time,  wliile  falvation  is  in  your  offer.  This  is  the  accepted 
time,  this  is  the  day  of  falvation.  Play  the  merchant ;  for  ye  cannot 
expeft  another  market-day  when  this  is  done.  Therefore,  let  me 
again  befeech  you  to  "  confider,  in  this  your  day,  the  things  that 
belong  to  your  peace,  before  they  be  hid  from  your  eyes."  Dear 
Brother,  fulfil  my  joy,  and  begin  to  feek  the  Lord  while  He  may 
be  found.  Forfake  the  follies  of  deceiving  and  vain  youth  :  lay  hold 
upon  eternal  life.  Whoring,  night-drinking,  and  the  mifTpending 
of  the  Sabbath,  and  neglefting  of  prayer  in  your  houfe,  and  refufing 
of  an  offered  falvation,  will  burn  up  your  foul  with  the  terrors  of 
the  Almighty,  when  your  awakened  confcience  fhall  flee  in  your 
face.  Be  kind  and  loving  to  your  wife  :  make  confcience  of  cherifh- 
ing  her,  and  not  being  rigidly  auftere.  Sir,  I  have  not  a  tongue  to 
exprefs  the  glory  that  is  laid  up  for  you  in  your  Father's  houfe,  if 
ye  reform  your  doings,  and  frame  your  heart  to  return  to  the  Lord. 
Ye  know  that  this  world  is  but  a  fhadow,  a  fhort-living  creature, 
under  the  law  of  time.  Within  lefs  than  fifty  years,  when  ye  look 
back  to  it,  ye  fhall  laugh  at  the  evanifhing  vanities  thereof,  as  feathers 
flying  in  the  air,  and  as  the  houfes  of  fand  within  the  fea-mark, 
which  the  children  of  men  are  building.  Give  up  with  courting 
of  this  vain  world  :  feek  not  the  baftard's  moveables,  but  the  fon's 
heritage  in  heaven.  Take  a  trial  of  Chrift.  Look  unto  Him,  and 
His  love  will  fo  change  you,  that  ye  fhall  be  taken  with  Him,  and 
never  choofe  to  go  from  Him.  I  have  experience  of  His  fweetnefs, 
in  this  houfe  of  my  pilgrimage  here.  My  Witnefs,  who  is  above, 
knoweth  that  I  would  not  exchange  my  fighs  and  tears  with  the 
laughing  of  the  fourteen  prelates.  There  is  nothing  that  will  make 
you  a  Chriflian  indeed,  but  a  tafte  of  the  fweetnefs  of  Chrifl. 
"  Come  and  fee,"  will  fpeak  befl  to  your  foul.  I  would  fain  hope 
good  of  you.  Be  not  difcouraged  at  broken  and  fpilledf  refolu- 
tions  ;  but  to  it,  and  to  it  again  !  Woo  about  Chrift,  till  ye  get  your 
foul  efpoufed  as  a  chafte  virgin  to  Him.     LTfe  the  means  of  profit- 

*  Put  your  name  to  a  paper  containing  articles  of  agreement.        f  Marred. 

1637.J  LETTER  CLXXIF.  407 

ing  with  your  confcience,  pray  in  your  family,  and  read  the  word. 
Remember  how  our  Lord's  day  was  fpent  when  I  was  among  you. 
It  will  be  a  great  challenge*  to  you  before  God,  if  ye  forget  the 
good  that  was  done  within  the  walls  of  your  houfe  on  the  Lord's 
day  ;  and  if  ye  turn  afide  after  the  fafhions  of  this  world,  and  if  ye 
go  not  in  time  to  the  kirk,  to  wait  on  the  public  worfhip  of  God, 
and  if  ye  tarry  not  at  it,  till  all  the  exercifes  of  religion  be  ended. 
Give  God  fome  of  your  time  both  morning  and  evening,  and  after- 
noon ;  and  in  fo  doing,  rejoice  the  heart  of  a  poor  opprefTed  prifoner. 
Rue  uponf  your  own  foul,  and  from  your  heart  fear  the  Lord. 

Now  He  that  brought  again  from  the  dead  the  great  Shepherd 
of  His  fheep,  by  the  blood  of  the  eternal  covenant,  eftablifh  your 
heart  with  His  grace,  and  prefent  you  before  His  prefence  with  joy. 
Your  affeftionate  and  loving  paflor, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 


CLXXIV.— T*^  my  Lord  Craighall.     [Let.  86.] 


Y  LORD, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  am 
not  only  content,  but  I  exceedingly  rejoice,  that  I  find 
any  of  the  rulers  of  this  land,  and  efpecially  your 
Lordfhip,  fo  to  affe6lj  Chrifl  and  His  truth,  as  that  ye  dare,  for  His 
name,  come  to  yea  and  nay  with  monarchs  in  their  face.  I  hope 
that  He  who  hath  enabled  you  for  that,  will  give  more,  if  ye  fhow 
yourfelf  courageous,  and  (as  His  word  Ipeaketh),  ''  a  man  in  the 
flreets,"  for  the  Lord.§  But  I  pray  your  Lordfhip,  give  me  leave 
to  be  plain  with  you,  as  one  who  loveth  both  your  honour  and  your 
foul.  I  verily  believe  that  there  was  never  idolatry  at  Rome,  never 
idolatry   condemned  in   God's  word  by  the  prophets,  if  religious 

*  Caufc  of  fclf- upbraid  ing.      f  Have  pity  upon.      |  Love.      §  Jerem.  v.  i. 

4o8  LETTER  CLXXIV.  [1637. 

kneeling  before  a  confecrated  creature,  ftanding  in  room  of  Chrifl: 
crucified  in  that  very  a6t,  and  that  for  reverence  of  the  elements, 
(as  our  A61  cleareth),  be  not  idolatry.  *  Neither  will  your  intention 
help,  which  is  not  of  the  eflence  of  worfhip  ;  for  then,  Aaron  fay- 
ing, "  To-morrow  fhall  be  a  feaft  for  Jehovah,"  that  is,  for  the 
golden  calf,  fhould  not  have  been  guilty  of  idolatry  :  for  he  intended 
only  to  decline  the  lafh  of  the  people's  fury,  not  to  honour  the  calf. 
Your  intention  to  honour  Chrifl  is  nothing,  feeing  that  religious 
kneeling,  by  God's  inflitution,  doth  necelTarily  import  religious  and 
divine  adoration,  fuppofe  that  our  intention  were  both  dead  and 
fleeping  ;  otherwife,  kneeling  before  the  image  of  God  and  direct- 
ing prayer  to  God  were  lawful,  if  our  intention  go  right.  My  Lord, 
I  cannot  in  thefe  bounds  difpute  ;  but  if  Cambridge  and  Oxford,  and 
the  learning  of  Britain,  will  anfwer  this  argument,  and  the  argument 
from  aftive  fcandal,  which  your  Lord  (hip  feemeth  to  fland  upon, 
I  will  turn  a  formalift,  and  call  myfelf  an  arrant  fool  (by  doing 
what  I  have  done)  in  my  fuiFering  for  this  truth.  I  do  much  re- 
verence Mr  L.'sf  learning  ;  but,  my  Lord,  I  will  anfwer  what  he 
writeth  in  that,  to  pervert  you  from  the  truth  •,  elfe  repute  me,  be- 
fide  an  hypocrite,  an  afs  alfo.  I  hope  ye  fhall  fee  fomething  upon 
that  fubjedf  (if  the  Lord  permit),  that  no  fophiftry  in  Britain  fhall 
anfwer.  Courtiers'  arguments,  for  the  moft  part,  are  drawn  from 
their  own  fkin,  and  are  not  worth  a-  flraw  for  your  confcience.  A 
Marquis'  or  a  King's  word,  when  ye  ftand  before  Chrifl's  tribunal, 
fhall  be  lighter  than  the  wind.  The  Lord  knoweth  that  I  love  your 
true  honour,  and  the  ftanding  of  your  houfe ;  but  I  would  not  that  your 
honour  or  houfe  were  eftablifhed  upon  fand,  and  hay,  and  ftubble. 
But  let  me,  my  very  dear  and  worthy  Lord,  moft  humbly  be- 
feech  you,  by  the  mercies  of  God,  by  the  confolations  of  His 
Spirit,  by  the  dear  blood  and  wounds  of  your  lovely  Redeemer,  by 
the  falvation  of  your  Ibul,  by  your  compearance  before  the  awful 
face  of  a  fm-revenging  and  dreadful  Judge,  not  to  fet  in  comparifon 
together  your  foul's  peace,  Chrift's   love,    and  His  kingly  honour 

Sec  Let.  xcii.  f  Probably  Mr  Loudian.     Let.  86,  note. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXIV.  409 

now  called  in  queftion,  with  your  place,  honour,  houfe,  or  eale, 
that  an  inch  of  time  will  make  out  of  the  way.  I  verily  believe  that 
Chrifl  is  now  begging  a  teftimony  of  you,  and  is  faying,  "  And  will 
ye  alfo  leave  Me  ?"  It  is  pofTible  that  the  wind  fhall  not  blow  fo 
fair  for  you  all  your  life,  for  coming  out  and  appearing  before  others 
to  back  and  countenance  Chrift,  the  fairefl  among  the  fons  of  men, 
the  Prince  of  the  kings  of  the  earth,  "  Fear  ye  not  the  reproach  of 
men,  neither  be  afraid  of  their  revilings  :  for  the  moth  fhall  eat 
them  up  like  a  garment,  and  the  worm  fhall  eat  them  like  wool."* 
When  the  Lord  will  begin.  He  will  make  an  end,  and  mow  down 
His  adverfaries  ;  and  they  fhall  lie  before  Him  like  withered  hay, 
and  their  bloom  be  fhaken  off  them.  Confider  how  many  thoufands 
in  this  kingdom  ye  fhall  caufe  to  fall  and  flumble,  if  ye  go  with  them  ; 
and  that  ye  fhall  be  out  of  the  prayers  of  many  who  do  now  fland 
before  the  Lord  for  you  and  your  houfe.  And  further  ;  when  the 
time  of  your  accounts  cometh,  and  your  one  foot  fhall  be  within 
the  border  of  eternity,  and  the  eyeflrings  fhall  break,  and  the  face 
wax  pale,  and  the  poor  foul  fhall  look  out  at  the  windows  of  the 
houfe  of  clay,  longing  to  be  out,  and  ye  fhall  find  yourfelf  arraigned 
before  the  Judge  of  quick  and  dead,  to  anfwer  for  your  putting  to 
your  hand,  with  the  refl  confederated  againfl  Chrift,  to  the  over- 
turning of  His  ark,  and  the  loofmg  of  the  pins  of  Chrift's  tabernacle 
in  this  land,  and  fhall  certainly  fee  yourfelf  miredf  in  a  courfe  of 
apoflasy — then,  then,  a  king's  favour  and  your  worm-eaten  honour 
fhall  be  miferable  comforters  to  you  !  The  Lord  hath  enlightened 
you  with  the  knowledge  of  His  will ;  and  as  the  Lord  liveth,  they 
lead  you  and  others  to  a  communion  with  great  Babel,  the  mother 
of  fornications.  God  faid  of  old,  and  continueth  to  fay  the  fame  to 
you,  **  Come  out  of  her,  My  people,  left  ye  be  partakers  of  her 
plagues."  Will  ye,  then,  go  with  them,  and  fet  your  lip  to  the 
whore's  golden  cup,  and  drink  of  the  wine  of  the  wrath  of  God 
Almighty  with  them  }  Oh,  poor  hungry  honour  !  Oh  !  curfed 
pleafure  !  and,  oh,  damnable  eale,  bought  with  the  lols  of  God  ! 

*  I  la  li.  7,8.  t  Plunged  in  mire. 

410  LETTER  CLXXIV,  [1637. 

How  many  will  pray  for  you  !  what  a  fweet  prelence  ihall  ye  find 
of  Chrifl  under  your  fufferings,  if  ye  will  lay  down  your  honours 
and  place  at  the  feet  of  Chrifl.  What  a  fair  recompenfe  of  reward ! 
I  avouch  before  the  Lord  that  I  am  now  fhowing  you  a  way  how 
the  houfe  of  Craighall  may  (land  on  fure  pillars.  If  ye  will  fet  it  on 
rotten  pillars,  ye  cruelly  wrong  your  pofterity.  Ye  have  the  word 
of  a  King  for  an  hundred-fold  more  in  this  life  (if  it  be  good  for 
you),  and  for  life  everlafting  alfo.  Make  not  Chrift  a  liar,  in  dil- 
trufting  His  promife.  Kings  of  clay  cannot  back  you  when  you 
(land  before  Him.  A  ftraw  for  them  and  their  hungry  heaven,  that 
ftandeth  on  this  fide  of  time  !  A  fig  for  the  day's  fmile  of  a  worm  ! 
Confider  who  have  gone  before  you  to  eternity,  and  would  have 
given  a  world  for  a  new  occafion  of  avouching  that  truth.  It  is 
true  they  call  it  not  fubftantial,  and  we  are  made  a  fcorn  to  thofe 
that  are  at  eafe,  for  fuffering  thefe  things  for  it.  But  it  is  not  time 
to  judge  of  our  loffes  by  the  morning  -,  ftay  till  the  evening,  and  we 
will  count  with  the  befi  of  them. 

I  have  found  by  experience,  fince  the  time  of  my  imprifonment 
(my  witnefs  is  above),  that  Chrifi:  is  fealing  this  honourable  cauie 
with  another  and  a  nearer  fellowfhip  than  ever  I  knew  before  ;  and 
let  God  weigh  me  in  an  even  balance  in  this,  if  I  would  exchange 
the  cross  of  ChriA  or  His  truth,  with  the  fourteen  prelacies,  or 
what  elfe  a  King  can  give.  My  dear  Lord,  venture  to  take  the 
wind  on  your  face  for  Chrift.  I  believe  that  if  He  fhould  come 
from  heaven  in  His  own  perfon,  and  feek  the  charters  of  Craighall 
from  you,  and  a  difmiflion  of  your  place,  and  ye  faw  His  face,  ye 
would  fall  down  at  His  feet  and  fay,  *'  Lord  Jelus,  it  is  too  little 
for  Thee."  If  any  man  think  it  not  a  truth  to  die  for,  I  am  againfi: 
him.  I  dare  go  to  eternity  with  it,  that  this  day  the  honour  of  our 
Lawgiver  and  King,  in  the  government  of  His  own  free  kingdom 
(who  fhould  pay  tribute  to  no  dying  king),  is  the  true  ftate  of  the 
queifion.  My  Lord,  be  ye  upon  Chrilf's  fide  of  it,  and  take  the 
word  of  a  poor  prifoner,  nay,  the  Lord  Jefus  be  furety  for  it,  that 
ye  have  incomparablv  made  the  wifefi:  choice.  For  my  own  part, 
I  have  fo  been  in  this  prifon,  that  I  would  he  half-afhamcd  to  feek 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXV.  411 

more  till  I  be  up  at  the  Well-head.  Few  know  in  this  world  the 
Iweetnels  of  ChrilVs  breath,  the  excellency  of  His  love,  which  hath 
neither  brim  nor  bottom.  The  world  hath  railed  a  flander  upon 
the  crofs  of  Chriil:,  becaufe  they  love  to  go  to  heaven  by  dry  land, 
and  love  not  lea-florms.  But  I  write  it  under  my  hand  (and  would 
lay  more,  if  poffibly  a  reader  would  not  deem  it  hypocrify),  that  my 
obligation  to  Chrift  for  the  fmell  of  His  garments,  for  His  love-kiffes 
thefe  thirty  weeks,  ffandeth  fo  great,  that  I  fhould  (and  I  defire  alfo 
to  choofe  to),  fufpend  my  falvation,  to  have  many  tongues  loofed  in 
my  behalf  to  praife  Him.  And,  fuppofe  in  perfon  I  never  entered 
within  the  gates  of  the  New  Jerufalem,  yet  fo  being  Chrift  may  be 
fet  on  high,  and  I  had  the  liberty  to  caft  my  love  and  praifes  for 
ever  over  the  wall  to  Chrift,  I  would  be  filent  and  content.  But 
oh,  He  is  more  than  my  narrow  praifes  !  Oh  time,  time,  flee 
fwiftly,  that  our  communion  with  Jefus  may  be  perfected  ! 

I  wifh  that  your  Lordfhip  would  urge  Mr  L.  to  give  his  mind 
in  the  ceremonies  ;  and  be  pleafed  to  let  me  fee  it  as  quickly  as  can 
be,  and  it  fhall  be  anfwered. 

To  His  rich  grace  I  recommend  your  Lordfhip,  and  fhall  remain, 
Yours,  at  all  refpeffful  obedience  in  Chrift, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  June  8,  1637. 

CLXXV.— r^  John  Laurie. 


EAR  BROTHER,— I  am  forry  that  ye,  or  fo  many  in 
this  kingdom,  fhould  expeft  fo  much  of  me,  an  empty 
reed.  Verily  I  am  a  noughty*  and  poor  body  ;  but 
if  the  tinkling  of  the  iron  chains  of  my  Lord  Jefus  on  legs  and  arms 
could  found  the  high  praifes  of  my  royal  Kingt  whofe  priibner  1 

*  Some  underftand  tliis  as  meaning,  "  Being  nought,"  or  nothing.     It  is, 
however,  written  "naughty,"  evil,  in  okl  editions. 

LETTER  CLXXV.  [1637. 

am,  oh,  how  would  my  joy  run  over  !  If  my  Lord  would  bring 
edification  to  one  foul  by  my  bonds,  I  am  fatisfied.  But  I  know 
not  what  I  can  do  to  fuch  a  princely  and  beautiful  Well-beloved  ; 
He  is  far  behind  with  me.*  Little  thanks  to  me,  to  fay  to  others 
that  His  wind  bloweth  on  me,  who  am  but  withered  and  dry  bones  ; 
but,  fince  ye  defire  me  to  write  to  you,  either  help  me  to  fet  Chrift 
on  high,  for  His  running-over  love,  in-  that  the  heat  of  His  fweet 
breath  hath  melted  a  frozen  heart  -,  elfef  I  think  that  ye  do  nothing 
for  a  prifoner. 

I  am  fully  confirmed,  that  it  is  the  honour  of  our  Law^ver 
which  I  fuffer  for  now.  I  am  not  afhamed  to  ^ve  out  letters  of 
recommendation  of  Chrifl's  love  to  as  many  as  will  extol  the  Lord 
Jefus  and  His  Crofs.  If  I  had  not  failed  this  fea-way  to  heaven, 
but  had  taken  the  land-way,  as  many  do,  I  fhould  not  have  known 
Chrifl's  fweetnefs  in  fuch  a  meafure.  But  the  truth  is,  let  no  man 
thank  me,  for  I  caufed  not  Chrifl's  wind  to  blow  upon  me.  His 
love  came  upon  a  withered  creature,  whether  I  would  or  not ;  and 
yet  by  coming  it  procured  from  me  a  welcome.  A  heart  of  iron, 
and  iron  doors,  will  not  hold  Chrifl  out.  I  give  Him  leave  to  break 
iron  locks  and  come  in,  and  that  is  all.  And  now  I  know  not 
whether  pain  of  love  for  want  of  pofTeiTion,  or  for  row  that  I  dow  J 
not  thank  Him,  paineth  me  the  moft ;  but  both  work  upon  me.  For 
the  firfl :  oh  that  He  would  come  and  fatisfy  the  longing  foul,  and 
fill  the  hungry  foul  with  thefe  good  things  !  I  know  indeed  that 
my  guiltinefs  may  be  a  bar  in  His  way  ;  but  He  is  God,  and  ready 
to  forgive.  And  for  the  other  :  woe,  woe  is  me,  that  I  cannot  find 
a  heart  to  give  back  again  my  unworthy  little  love  for  His  great 
fea-full  of  love  to  me  !  Oh  that  He  would  learn  §  me  this  piece  of 
gratitude  !  Oh  that  I  could  have  leave  to  look  in  through  the  hole 
of  the  door,  to  fee  His  face  and  fmg  His  praifes  !  or  could  break 
up  one  of  His  chamber-windows,  to  look  in  upon  His  delighting 
beauty,  till  my  Lord  fend  more  !     Any  little  communion  with  Him, 

*  He  has  fo  fully  paid  me.  t  Unlefs  ye  do  this. 

X  Cannot.  §  Teach,      It  is  the  German,  Ickreu, 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXF,  413 

one  of  His  love-looks,  fhould  be  my  begun  heaven.  I  know  that 
He  is  not  lordly,  neither  is  the  Bridegroom's  love  proud,  though  I 
be  black,  and  unlovely,  and  unworthy  of  Him.  I  would  feek  but 
leave,  and  withal  grace,  to  fpend  my  love  upon  Him.  I  counfel  you 
to  think  highly  of  Chrifl,  and  of  free,  free  grace,  more  than  ye  did 
before  ;  for  I  know  that  Chrift  is  not  known  amongfl  us.  I  think 
that  I  fee  more  of  Chrift  than  ever  I  faw  ;  and  yet  I  fee  but  little  of 
what  maybe  feen.  Oh  that  He  would  draw  by*  the  curtains,  and 
that  the  Kng  would  come  out  of  His  gallery  and  His  palace,  that 
I  might  fee  Him !  Chrifl's  love  is  young  glory  and  young  heaven  ; 
it  would  foften  hell's  pain  to  be  filled  with  it.  What  would  I  re- 
fufe  to  fuffer,  if  I  could  get  but  a  draught  of  love  at  my  heart's 
defire  !  Oh,  what  price  can  be  given  for  Him  ?  Angels  cannot 
weigh  Him.  Oh,  His  weight.  His  worth,  His  fweetnefs.  His  over- 
pafling  beauty  !  If  men  and  angels  would  come  and  look  to  that 
great  and  princely  One,  their  ebbnefsf  could  never  take  up  His 
depth,  their  narrownefs  could  never  comprehend  His  breadth, 
height,  and  length.  If  ten  thoufand  thoufand  worlds  of  angels 
were  created,  they  might  all  tire  themfelves  in  wondering  at  His 
beauty,  and  begin  again  to  wonder  of  new.  Oh  that  I  could  win  J 
nigh  Him,  to  kifs  His  feet,  to  hear  His  voice,  to  feel  the  fmell  of 
His  ointments  !  But  oh,  alas,  I  have  litde,  little  of  Him  !  Yet  I 
long  for  more. 

Remember  my  bonds,  and  help  me  with  your  prayers  ;  for  I 
would  not  niifer  §•  or  exchange  my  fad  hours  with  the  joy  of  my 
velvet  adverfaries.     Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  June  10,  1637. 

*  A  fide.  t  Shallownefs.  %  Get  near. 

§  Barter.     Perhaps  ^^  or  exchange"  have  been  put  into  the  text  Irom  the 

414  LETTER  CLXXFL  [1637. 

CLXXVL— r^  Carleton. 


jORTHY  AND  MUCH  HONOURED,— Grace,  mercy, 
and  peace  be  to  you.  I  received  your  letter  from  my 
brother,  to  which  I  now  anfwer  particularly. 

I  confefs  two  things  of  myfelf :  I/?,  Woe,  woe  is  me,  that  men 
fliould  think  there  is  anything  in  me  !  He  is  my  witnefs,  before 
whom  I  am  as  cryflal,  that  the  fecret  houfe-devils  that  bear  me  too 
often  company,  and  that  this  fmk  of  corruption  which  I  find  within, 
make  me  go  with  low  fails.  And  if  others  faw  what  I  fee,  they 
would  look  by*  me,  but  not  to  me. 

2d/yy  I  know  that  this  fhower  of  His  free  grace  behoved  to  be 
on  me,  otherwife  I  fhould  have  withered.  I  know,  alfo,  that  I  have 
need  of  a  buffeting  tempter,  that  grace  may  be  put  to  exercife,  and 
I  kept  low. 

Worthy  and  dear  brother  in  the  Lord  Jefus,  I  write  that  from 
my  heart  which  ye  now  read.  ly?,  I  avouch  that  Chrift,  and  fweat- 
ing  and  fighing  under  His  crofs,  is  fweeter  to  me  by  far,  than  all 
the  kingdoms  in  the  world  could  poflibly  be.  2^/y,  If  you,  and  my 
dearefl  acquaintance  in  Chrift,  reap  any  fruit  by  my  fuffering,  let 
me  be  weighed  in  God's  even  balance,  if  my  joy  be  not  fulfilled. 
What  am  I,  to  carry  the  marks  of  fuch  a  great  King  !  But,  how- 
beit  I  am  a  fmk  and  finful  mafs,  a  wretched  captive  of  fin,  my  Lord 
Jefus  can  hew  heaven  out  of  worfe  timber  than  I  am  ;  if  worfe  can 
be.  3^/y,  I  now  rejoice  with  joy  unfpeakable  and  glorious,  that  I 
never  purpofed  to  bring  Chrift,  or  the  leafi:  hoof  or  hair-breadth  of 
truth,  under  tryfiing.f     I  defired  to  have  and  keep  Chrifi:  all  alone  , 

*  Paft  ;  as  Paul  *^  failed  by  Ephefus,"  />.,  part  ;   Ads  xx.  16. 

t  To  bring  under  man's  arrangement  the  fmalleft   part  of  Chrift's  trutli. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXVL  415 

and  that  He  rhould  never  rub  clothes  with  that  black-lkinned  harlot 
of  Rome.  I  am  now  fully  paid  home,  fo  that  nothing  aileth  me  for 
the  prefent,  but  love-ficknefs  for  a  real  pofTeilion  of  my  fairefl: 
Well-beloved.  I  would  give  Him  my  bond  under  my  faith  and 
hand,  to  frift*  heaven  an  hundred  years  longer,  fo  being  He  would 
lay  His  holy  face  to  my  fometimes  wet  cheeks.  Oh,  who  would 
not  pity  me,  to  know  how  fain  I  would  have  the  ICing  fhaking  the 
tree  of  life  upon  me,  or  letting  me  into  the  well  of  life  with  my  old 
diih,  that  I  might  be  drunken  with  the  fountain  here  in  the  houfe  of 
my  pilgrimage  !  I  cannot,  nay,  I  would  not,  be  quit  of  Chrift's 
love.  He  hath  left  the  mark  behind  where  he  gripped.f  He 
goeth  away  and  leaveth  me  and  His  burning  love  to  wreftle  together, 
and  I  can  fcarce  win  J  my  meat  of  His  love,  becaufe  of  His  abfence. 
My  Lord  giveth  me  but  hungry  half-kifTes,  which  ferve  to  feed 
pain  and  increafe  hunger,  but  do  not  fatisfy  my  defires  ;  His  dieting 
of  my  foul  for  this  race  maketh  me  lean.  I  have  gotten  the  wale  § 
and  choice  of  Chrift's  crofles,  even  the  tythe  and  the  flower  of  the 
gold  of  all  crofles,  to  bear  witnefs  to  the  truth  ;  and  herein  find  I 
liberty,  joy,  accefs,  life,  comfort,  love,  faith,  fubmiflion,  patience, 
and  refolution  to  take  delight  in  on- waiting.  And  withal,  in  my 
race.  He  hath  come  near  me,  and  let  me  fee  the  gold  and  crown. 
What,  then,  want  I  but  fruition  and  real  enjoyment,  which  is  re- 
ferved  to  my  country  ?  ||  Let  no  man  think  he  fliall  lofe  at  Chrift's 
hands  in  fuflering  for  Him.  ^hly.  As  for  thefe  prefent  trials,  they 
are  moft  dangerous  ;  for  people  are  ftolen  ofl'  their  feet  with  well- 
wafhen  %  and  white-fl<:inned  pretences  of  indiflerency.  But  it  is  the 
power  of  the  great  antichrift  working  in  this  land.  Woe,  woe, 
woe  be  to  apoftate  Scotland  !  There  is  wrath,  and  a  cup  of  the 
red  wine  of  the  wrath  of  God  Almighty  in  the  Lord's  hand,  that 
they  fhall  drink  and  fpue,  and  fall  and  not  rife  again.  The  flar 
called   "  Wormwood  and  gall,"   is   fallen   into  the  fountains  and 

*  Defer.  f  Grafp.  %  Get  enough  out  of  His  love  to  feed  me. 

§  Seledteft  part.  ||  Till  I  reach  the  heavenly  country. 

^  Waflied,  in  order  that  their  blacknefs  may  not  appear. 

4x6  LETTER  CLXXVL  [1637. 

rivers,  and  hath  made  them  bitter.  The  fword  of  the  Lord  is  fur- 
bifhed  againil:  the  idol-fhepherds  of  the  land.  Women  fliall  blefs 
the  barren  womb  and  mifcarrying  breail:  ;  all  hearts  (hall  be  faint, 
and  all  knees  fhall  tremble.  An  end  is  coming ;  the  leopard  and 
the  lion  fhall  watch  over  our  cities  ;  houfes  great  and  fair  fhall  be 
defolate  without  an  inhabitant.  The  Lord  hath  faid,  "  Pray  not  for 
this  people,  for  I  have  taken  My  peace  from  them."  Yet  the  Lord's 
third  part  fhall  come  through  the  fire,  as  refined  gold  for  the  trea- 
fure  of  the  Lord,  and  the  outcafts  of  Scotland  fhall  be  gathered 
together  again,  and  the  wildernefs  fhall  blofTom  as  the  flower,  and 
bud,  and  grow  as  the  rofe  of  Sharon  -,  and  great  fhall  be  the  glory 
of  the  Lord  upon  Scotland.  5//^/)',  I  am  here  afTaulted  with  the 
learned  and  pregnant  wits  of  this  kingdom.  But,  all  honour  be  to 
my  Lord,  truth  but  laughs  at  bemifted*  and  blind  fcribes,  and  dif- 
puters  of  this  world  ;  and  God's  wifdom  confoundeth  them,  and 
Chrifl  triumpheth  in  His  own  ftrong  truth,  that  fpeaketh  for  itfelf. 
6thlyy  I  doubt  not  but  my  Lord  is  preparing  me  for  heavier  trials. 
I  am  moft  ready  at  the  good  pleafure  of  my  Lord,  in  the  ftrength 
of  His  grace,  for  anything  He  will  be  pleafed  to  call  me  to  ;  neither 
fhall  the  black-faced  mefTenger,  Death,  be  holden  at  the  door,  when 
it  fhall  knock.  If  my  Lord  will  take  honour  of  the  like  of  me,  how 
glad  and  joyful  will  my  foul  be  !  Let  Chrift  come  out  with  me  to 
a  hotter  battle  than  this,  and  I  will  fear  no  flefh.  I  know  that  my 
Mafter  fhall  win  the  day,  and  that  He  hath  taken  the  ordering  of 
my  fufferings  into  His  own  hand.  'Jthly,  As  for  my  deliverance  that 
mifcarrieth  ;  I  am  here,  by  my  Lord's  grace,  to  lay  my  hand  on  my 
mouth,  to  be  filent,  and  wait  on.  IVTy  Lord  Jefus  is  on  His  journey 
for  my  deliverance  ;  I  will  not  grudge  that  He  runneth  not  fo  fafl 
as  I  would  have  Him.  On-waiting  till  the  fwelling  rivers  fall,  and 
till  my  Lord  arife  as  a  mighty  man  after  ftrong  wine,  will  be  my 
befl.  I  have  not  yet  refifted  to  blood.  8//6/)',  Oh,  how  often  am 
I  laid  in  the  dufl,  and  urged  by  the  tempter  (who  can  ride  his  own 
errands  upon  our  lying  apprehenfions)  to  fin  againfl  the  unchangeable 

*  Bewildered  in  mift. 

1637.]    '  LETTER  CLXXVI.  417 

love  of  my  Lord  !  When  I  think  upon  the  fparrows  and  fwallows 
that  build  their  nefts  in  the  kirk  of  Anwoth,  and  of  my  dumb 
Sabbaths,  my  forrowful,  bleared  eyes  look  afquint  upon  Chrifl,  and 
prefent  Him  as  angry.  But  in  this  trial  (all  honour  to  our  princely 
and  royal  I^ng  !)  faith  faileth  fair  before  the  wind,  with  topfail  up, 
and  carrieth  the  pafTenger  through.  I  lay  inhibitions  upon  my 
thoughts,  that  they  receive  no  flanders  of  my  only,  only  Beloved. 
Let  Him  even  fay  out  of  His  own  mouth,  "  There  is  no  hope  ;" 
yet  I  will  die  in  that  fweet  beguile,*  "  It  is  not  fo,  I  (hall  fee  the 
falvation  of  God."  Let  me  be  deceived  really,  and  never  win  to 
dry  land  ;  it  is  my  joy  to  believe  under  the  water,  and  to  die  with 
faith  in  my  hand,  gripping f  Chrift.  Let  my  conceptions  of  Chrift's 
love  go  to  the  grave  with  me,  and  to  hell  with  me  ;  I  may  not,  I 
dare  not  quit  them.  I  hope  to  keep  Chrift's  pawn  :  if  He  never 
come  to  loofe  it,  let  Him  fee  to  His  own  promife.  I  know  that 
prefumption,  howbeit  it  be  made  of  floutnefs,  will  not  thus  be  wilful 
in  heavy  trials. 

Now  my  deareft  in  Chrift,  the  great  MefTenger  of  the  Covenant, 
the  only  wife  and  all-fufficient  Jehovah,  eflablifh  you  to  the  end.  I 
hear  that  the  Lord  hath  been  at  your  houfe,  and  hath  called  home 
your  wife  to  her  reft.  I  know.  Sir,  that  ye  fee  the  Lord  loofmg  the 
pins  of  your  tabernacle,  and  wooing  your  love  from  this  plaftered 
and  over-gilded  world,  and  calling  upon  you  to  be  making  yourfelf 
ready  to  go  to  your  Father's  country,  which  fhall  be  a  fweet  fruit 
of  that  vifitation.  Ye  know,  "  to  fend  the  Comforter,"  was  the 
icing's  word  when  He  afcended  on  high.  Ye  have  claim  to,  and 
intereft  in,  that  promife. 

Remember  my  love  in  Chrift  to  your  father.  Show  him  that  it 
is  late  and  black  night  with  him.  His  long  lying  at  the  water-fide 
is  that  he  may  look  his  papers  ere  he  take  fhipping,  and  be  at  a 
point  for  his  laft  anfwer  before  his  Judge  and  Lord. 

All  love,  all  mercy,  all  grace  and  peace,  all  multiplied  faving 
confolations,  all  joy  and  faith  in  Chrift,  all  ftability  and  confirm- 

*  Delufion.  f  Grafping. 

VOL.  I.  D  D 

4i8  LETTER  CLXXVIL  [1637. 

ing  ftrength  of  grace,  and  the  good-will  of  Him  that  dwelt  in  The 
Bufh,  be  with  you. 

Your  unworthy  brother,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 
Aberdeen,  June  15,  1637.  S.   R. 

CLXXVIL— r^  Marion  M^Naught. 


loved  (fince  I  knew  you)  that  little  vineyard  of  the 
Lord's  planting  in  Galloway ;  but  now  much  more, 
fince  I  have  heard  that  He  who  hath  His  fire  in  Zion,  and  His 
furnace  in  Jerufalem,  hath  been  pleafed  to  fet  up  a  furnace  amongfl 
you  with  the  firft  in  this  kingdom.  He  who  maketh  old  things 
new,  feeing  Scotland  an  old,  drofTy,  and  rufted  ICirk,  is  beginning 
to  make  a  new,  clean  bride  of  her,  and  to  bring  a  young,  chafte 
wife  to  Himfelf  out  of  the  fire.  This  fire  fhall  be  quenched,  fo 
foon  as  Chrift  has  brought  a  clean  fpoufe  through  the  fire ! 
Therefore,  my  dearly  beloved  in  the  Lord,  fear  not  a  worm. 
*'  Fear  not,  worm  Jacob."*  Chrift  is  in  that  plea,  and  fhall  win  the 
plea.  Charge  an  unbelieving  heart,  under  the  pain  of  treafon 
againfl:  our  great  and  royal  King  Jefus,  to  dependence  by  faith,  and 
quiet  on-waiting  on  our  Lord.  Get  you  into  your  chambers,  and 
fhut  the  doors  about  you.  In,  in  with  fpeed  to  your  flronghold,  ye 
prifoners  of  hope.  Ye  doves,  fly  into  Chrift's  windows  till  the 
indignation  be  over,  and  the  florm  be  paft.  Glorify  the  Lord  in 
your  fufFerings,  and  take  His  banner  of  love,  and  fpread  it  over 
you.  Others  will  follow  you,  if  they  fee  you  ftrong  in  the  Lord. 
Their  courage  will  take  life  from  your  Chriflian  carriage.  Look  up 
and  fee  who  is  coming  !  Lift  up  your  head.  He  is  coming  to  fave, 
in  garments  dyed  in  blood,  and  travelling  in  the  greatnefs  of  His 
flrength.     I  laugh,  I  fmile,  I  leap  for  joy,  to  fee  Chrifl  coming  to 

*  Job  XXV.  6,  and  Ifaiah  xli.  14. 

1637-]  LETTER  CLXXVIL  419 

fave  you  fo  quickly.  Oh,  fuch  wide  fteps  Chrift  taketh  !  Three 
or  four  hills  are  but  a  ftep  to  Him  ;  He  fkippeth  over  the  moun- 
tains. Chrifl  hath  fet  a  battle  betwixt  His  poor  weak  faints  and 
His  enemies.  He  waleth*  the  weapons  for  both  parties,  and  faith 
to  the  enemies,  "  Take  you  a  fwordf  of  fteel,  law,  authority,  par- 
liaments, and  kings  upon  your  fide  ;  that  is  your  armour."  And 
He  faith  to  His  faints,  '*  I  ^ve  you  a  fecklefs  tree-fword  in  your 
hand,  and  that  is  fuffering,  receiving  of  ftrokes,  fpoiling  of  your 
goods  ;  and  with  your  tree-fword  ye  fhall  get  and  gain  the  viftory." 
Was  not  Chrift  dragged  through  the  ditches  of  deep  diftreffes  and 
great  flraits  ?  And  yet  Chrift,  who  is  your  Head,  hath  won:}: 
through  with  His  life,  howbeit  not  with  a  whole  fkin.  Ye  are 
Chrifl's  members,  and  He  is  drawing  His  members  through  the 
thorny  hedge  up  to  heaven  after  Him.  ChrLft  one  day  will  not  have 
fb  much  as  a  pained  toe  ;  but  there  are  great  pieces  and  portions  of 
Chrifl's  myftical  body  not  yet  within  the  gates  of  the  great  high 
city,  the  New  Jerufalem  ;  and  the  dragon  will  ftrike  at  Chrill:,  fo 
long  as  there  is  one  bit  or  member  of  Chrifl's  body  out  of  heaven. 
I  tell  you,  Chrifl  will  make  new  work  out  of  old,  forcaflen§  Scot- 
land, and  gather  the  old  broken  boards  of  His  tabernacle,  and  pin 
them  and  nail  them  together.  Our  bills  and  fupplications  are  up 
in  heaven  ;  Chrifl  hath  coffers  full  of  them.  There  is  mercy  on  the 
other  fide  of  this  His  crofs ;  a  good  anfwer  to  all  ourbills  is  agreed  upon. 
I  mufl  tell  you  what  lovely  Jefus,  fair  Jefus,  King  Jefus  hath 
done  to  my  foul.  Sometimes  He  fendeth  me  out  a  flanding  drink,  || 
and  whifpereth  a  word  through  the  wall  ;  and  I  am  well  content 
of  kindnefs  at  the  fecond  hand  :  His  bode  f  is  ever  welcome  to  me, 
be  what  it  will.    But  at  other  times  He  will  be  meffenger  Himfelf,  and 

*  Seledeth. 

t  In  old  editions,  ^^  qjoord;'  but  the  contraft,  *^  tree-fword,"  fword  of 
wood^  inftead  oijleel^  fhows  the  true  reading. 

X  Get.  §  Caft  off. 

II  A  cup  handed  to  one  as  he  flood  at  the  door  of  a  friend  without  dis- 
mounting.    It  is  like  the  ftirrup-cup. 

^  Offer  made  in  order  to  bargain. 

420  LETTER  CLXXFIL  [1637. 

I  get  the  cup  of  falvation  out  of  His  own  hand  (He  drinking  to  me), 
and  we  cannot  reft  till  we  be  in  other's  arms.  And  oh,  how  fweet  is 
a  frefti  kifs  from  His  holy  mouth  !  His  breathing  that  goeth  before 
a  kifs  upon  my  poor  foul  is  fweet,  and  hath  no  fault  but  that  it  is 
too  fhort.  I  am  carelefs,  andftand  not  much  on  this,  howbeit  loins, 
and  back,  and  fhoulders,  and  head  iTiould  rive*  in  pieces  in  flepping 
up  to  my  Father's  houfe.  I  know  that  my  Lord  can  make  long,  and 
broad,  and  high,  and  deep  glory  to  His  name,  out  of  this  bit  fecklefsf 
body ;  for  Chrifl  looketh  not  what  ftufF  He  maketh  glory  out  of. 

My  dearly  beloved,  ye  have  often  refrefhed  me.  But  this  is  put 
up  in  my  Mafter's  account ;  ye  have  Him  debtor  for  me.  But  if 
ye  will  do  anything  for  me  (as  I  know  ye  will)  now  in  my  ex- 
tremity, tell  all  my  dear  friends  that  a  prifoner  is  fettered  and 
chained  in  Chrifl's  love  (Lord,  never  loofe  the  fetters  !) ;  and  ye  and 
they  together  take  my  heartieft  commendations  to  my  Lord  Jefus, 
and  thank  Him  for  a  poor  friend. 

I  defire  your  hufband  to  read  this  letter.  I  fend  him  a  pri- 
foner's  bleffing.  I  will  be  obliged  to  him,  if  he  will  be  willing  to 
fuffer  for  my  dear  Mafter.  Suffering  is  the  profelFor's  golden  gar- 
ment ;  there  fhall  be  no  lofTes  on  Chrift's  fide  of  it.  Ye  have  been 
wirnefles  of  much  joy  betwixt  Chrifl:  and  me  at  communion  feafls, 
the  remembrance  whereof  (howbeit  I  be  feafl:ed  in  fecret)  holethj 
my  heart  ;  for  I  am  put  from  the  board-head  J  and  the  King's  firft 
mefs  to  His  by-board.  §  And  His  broken  meat  is  sweet  unto  me  ; 
I  thank  my  Lord  for  borrowed  crumbs,  no  lefs  than  when  I  feafled 
at  the  communion  table  at  Anwoth  and  Kirkcudbright.  Pray  that 
I  may  get  one  day  of  Chrifl  in  public,  fuch  as  I  have  had  long  fince, 
before  my  eyes  be  clofed.      Oh  that  my  Mafter  would  take  up 

*  Be  rent  in  pieces.  t  Worthlefs. 

J  *'  Holleth."  It  is  properly  **  hokthy'  makes  a  hole  in  my  heart.  It  is 
iifed  for  making  a  hole  for  inferting  railings  or  bars.  So  in  Let.  197,  and  in 
a  fermon  preached  before  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  1644,  on  Dan.  vi.  26,  he 
fpeaks  of  "  a  threadbare  cloak,  ragged  and  holed,"  p.  45. 

§  Head  of  the  table,  the  place  of  honour.  The  by-board,  or  fide-table, 
for  children  or  tho  like. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXVIIL  421 

houle  again,  and  lend  me  the  keys  of  His  wine-cellar  again  ,  and 
God  fend  me  borrowed  drink  till  then  ! 

Remember  my  love  to  Chrift's  kinfmen  with  you.  I  pray  for 
Chriil's  Father's  blefling  to  them  all.  Grace  be  with  you  ;  a  pri- 
foner's  bleifing  be  with  you.  I  write  it  and  abide  by  it,  God  will 
be  glorious  in  Marion  M'Naught,  when  this  ftormy  blaft  fhall  be 
over.  O  woman  beloved  of  God,  believe,  rejoice,  be  ftrong  in  the 
Lord  !     Grace  is  thy  portion. 

Your  brother,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

Aberdeen,  June  15,  1637.  'S.  R. 

CLXXVIIL— -To  Lady  Culross.     [Let.  74.] 


ADAM, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.     I  dare 
not  fay  that  I  wonder  that  ye  have  never  written  to  me 
in  my  bonds,  becaufe  I  am  not  ignorant  of  the  caufe  ; 
yet  I  could  not  but  write  to  you. 

I  know  not  whether  joy  or  heavinefs  in  my  foul  carrieth  it 
away.  Sorrow,  without  any  mixture  of  fweetnefs,  hath  not  often 
love-thoughts  of  Chrift ;  but  I  fee  that  the  devil  can  infmuate  him- 
felf,  and  ride  his  errands  upon  the  thoughts  of  a  poor  diflrefled 
prifoner.  I  am  woe*  that  I  am  making  Chrift  my  unfriend, f  by 
feeking  pleas  {  againft  Him,  becaufe  I  am  the  firft  in  the  kingdom 
put  to  utter  fdence,  and  becaufe  I  cannot  preach  my  Lord's  right- 
eoufnefs  in  the  great  congregation.  I  am,  notwithflanding,  the  lefs 
folicitous  how  it  go,  if  there  be  not  wrath  in  my  cup.  But  I  know 
that  I  but  claw  my  wounds  when  my  Phyfician  hath  forbidden  me. 
I  would  believe  in  the  dark  upon  luck's  head,  §  and  take  my  hazard 
of  ChriU's  good-will,  and  reft  on  this,  that  in  my  fever  my  Phyfician 

*  Sorry.  t  Lefs  than  friend. 

X  Occafions  of  quarrel.  §  On  the  chance  of  winning. 

42  2  LETJER  CLXXVIII.  [1637. 

is  at  my  bedfide,  and  that  He  fympathizeth  with  me  when  I  figh. 
My  borrowed  houfe,  and  another  man's  bed  and  firefide,  and  other 
lofTes,  have  no  room  in  my  forrow  ;  a  greater  heat  to  eat  out  a  lefs 
fire,  is  a  good  remedy  for  fome  burning.  I  believe  that  when  Chrifl 
draweth  blood,  He  hath  fkill  to  cut  the  right  vein  ;  and  that  He 
hath  taken  the  whole  ordering  and  difpofmg  of  my  fufferings.  Let 
Him  tutor  me,  and  tutor  my  crofTes,  as  He  thinketh  good.  There 
is  no  danger  nor  hazard  in  following  fuch  a  guide,  howbeit  He 
Ihould  lead  me  through  hell,  if  I  could  put  faith  foremoft,  and  fill 
the  field  with  a  quiet  on-waiting,  and  believing  to  fee  the  falvation  of 
God.  I  know  that  Chrift  is  not  obliged  to  let  me  fee  both  the  fides 
of  my  crofs,  and  turn  it  over  and  over  that  I  may  fee  all.  My  faith 
is  richer  to  live  upon  credit,  and  Chrifl's  borrowed  money,  than  to 
have  much  on  hand.  Alas  !  I  have  forgotten  that  faith  in  times 
paft  hath  flopped  a  leak  in  my  crazed  bark,  and  hath  filled  my  fails 
with  a  fair  wind.  I  fee  it  a  work  of  God  that  experiences  are  all 
loft,  when  fummons  of  improbation,*  to  prove  our  charters  of  Chrifl 
to  be  counterfeits,  are  raifed  againft  poor  fouls  in  their  heavy  trials. 
But  let  me  be  a  iinner,  and  worfe  than  the  chief  of  fmners,  yea, 
a  guilty  devil,  I  am  fure  that  my  Well-beloved  is  God.  And  when 
I  fay  that  Chrifl  is  God,  and  that  my  Chrifl  is  God,  I  have  faid  all 
things,  I  can  fay  no  more.  I  would  that  I  could  build  as  much  on 
this,  "  My  Chrifl  is  God,"  as  it  would  bear  ;  I  might  lay  all  the 
world  upon  it.  I  am  fure,  that  Chrifl  untried,  and  untaken-up  in 
the  power  of  His  love,  kindnefs,  mercies,  goodnefs,  wifdom,  long- 
liifFering,  and  greatnefs,  is  the  rock  that  dim-fighted  travellers  dafh 
their  foot  againfl,  and  fo  flumble  fearfully.  But  my  wounds  are 
ibrefl,  and  pain  me  mofl,  when  I  fm  againfl  His  love  and  mercy. 
And  if  He  would  fet  me  and  my  confcience  by  the  ears  together,  and 
refolve  not  to  red  the  plea,  but  let  us  deal  it  betwixt  us,  my  fpitting 
upon  the  fair  face  of  Chrifl's  love  and  mercies  by  my  jealoufies,f 

*  Actions  raifed  with  the-  view  of  fliowing  that  the  pcrfons  had  no  right  to 
what  they  claimed, 
t  Sufpicions. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXVIII.  423 

unbelief,  and  doubting,  would  be  enough  to  fink  me.  Oh,  oh, 
I  am  convinced  !  O  Lord,  I  fland  dumb  before  Thee  for  this  ! 
Let  me  be  mine  own  judge  in  this,  and  I  take  a  dreadful  doom 
upon  me  for  it.  For  I  flill  mifbelieve,  though  I  have  feen  that 
my  Lord  hath  made  my  crofs  as  if  it  were  all  cryiftal,  fo  as  I  can  fee 
through  it  Chrift's  fair  face  and  heaven  ;  and  that  God  hath  honoured 
a  lump  of  fmful  flefh  and  blood  the  like  of  me,  *  to  be  Chrifl's 
honourable  lord-prifoner.  I  ought  to  efteem  the  walls  of  the 
thieves'  holef  (if  I  were  (hut  up  in  it),  or  any  {linking  dungeon, 
all  hung  with  tapeifry,  and  mofl  beautiful,  for  my  Lord  Jefus  ;  and 
yet,  I  am  not  fo  fhut  up  but  that  the  fun  fhineth  upon  my  prifon, 
and  the  fair  wide  heaven  is  the  covering  of  it.  But  my  Lord,  in 
His  fweet  vifits,  hath  done  more  ;  for  He  maketh  me  to  find  that 
He  will  be  a  confined  prifoner  with  me.  He  lieth  down  and  rifeth 
up  with  me  ;  when  I  figh.  He  figheth  ;  when  I  weep.  He  fufFereth 
with  me  ;  and  I  confefs  that  here  is  the  bleffed  ifTue  of  my  fufFer- 
ings  already  begun,  that  my  heart  is  filled  with  hunger  and  defire 
to  have  Him  glorified  in  my  fuiferings. 

Bleffed  be  ye  of  the  Lord,  Madam,  if  ye  would  help  a  poor 
dyvour,  and  caufe  others  of  your  acquaintance  in  Chrifl  to  help  me 
to  pay  my  debt  of  love,  even  real  praifes  to  Chrifl  my  Lord. 
Madam,  let  me  charge  you  in  the  Lord,  as  ye  fhall  anfwer  to  Him, 
to  help  me  in  this  duty  (which  He  hath  ded  about  my  neck  with  a 
chain  of  fuch  fmgular  exprefHons  of  His  loving-kindnefs),  to  fet  on 
high  Chrift ;  to  hold  in  my  honefty  at  His  hands,J  for  I  have  nothing 
to  give  to  Him.  Oh  that  He  would  arrefl  and  comprife§  my  love 
and  my  heart  for  all !  I  am  a  dyvour,  who  have  no  more  free 
goods  in  the  world  for  Chrifl  fave  that ;  it  is  both  the  whole  heri- 
tage I  have,  and  all  my  moveables  befides.  Lord,  give  the  thirfly 
man  a  drink.  Oh,  to  be  over  the  ears  in  the  well !  Oh,  to  be 
fwattering  ||  and  fwimming  over  head  and  ears  in  Chrift's  love  !     I 

*  A  man  fuch  as  I  am.  f  Prifon. 

Jin  order  hereby  to  keep  up  my  charader  with  Him. 
§  Arrejl^  is  apprehended  by  force ;   comprife,  is  doing  fo  by  writ  of  law. 
II  Fluttering  and  moving  awkwardly  in  water,  as  ducks  do. 

424  LETTER  CLXXIX.  [1637. 

would  not  have  Chrifl's  love  entering  into  me,  but  I  would  enter 
into  it,  and  be  Iwallowed  up  of  that  love.  But  I  lee  not  myfelf 
here  ;  for  I  fear  I  make  more  of  His  love  than  of  Himfelf ;  whereas 
Himielf  is  far  beyond  and  much  better  than  His  love.  Oh,  if  I  had 
my  fmful  arms  filled  with  that  lovelv  one  Chrift  !  BlefTed  be  my 
rich  Lord  Jefus,  who  fendeth  not  away  beggars  from  His  houie 
with  a  toom*  difh.  He  filleth  the  velTels  of  fuch  as  will  come  and 
feek.  We  might  beg  ourfelves  rich  (if  we  were  wile)  if  we  could 
hold  out  our  withered  hands  to  Chrift,  and  learn  to  luitf  and  feek, 
afk  and  knock.  I  owe  my  falvation  for  Chrifl's  glory,  I  owe  it  to 
Chrift ;  and  defire  that  my  hell,  yea,  a  new  hell,  feven  times  hotter 
than  the  old  hell,  might  buy  praifes  before  men  and  angels  to  my 
Lord  Jefus  -,  pro\iding  always  that  I  were  free  of  Chrifl's  hatred 
and  difpleafure.  What  am  I,  to  be  forfeited  and  fold  in  foul  and 
body,  to  have  my  great  and  royal  King  fet  on  high  and  extolled 
above  all  ?  Oh,  if  I  knew  how  high  to  have  Him  fet,  and  all  the 
world  far,  far  beneath  the  foles  of  His  feet  ?  Nay,  I  deferve  not 
to  be  the  matter  of  His  praifes,  far  lefs  to  be  an  agent  in  praifmg 
of  Him.  But  He  can  win  His  own  glory  out  of  me,  and  out  ot 
worfe  than  I  (if  any  fuch  be),  if  it  pleafe  His  holy  majefly  lb  to 
do.     He  knoweth  that  I  am  not  now  flattering  Him. 

Madam,  let  me  have  your  prayers,  as  ye  have  the  prayers  and 
bleffing  of  him  that  is  ieparated  from  His  brethren.  Grace,  grace 
be  with  you. 

Your  own,  in  his  iweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  Ju?i<;  15,  1637. 

CLXXIX. — To  kis  re%'erend  ami  lovhig  Brother,  Mr  John  Nevay. 

[Mr  John  Nevay,  or  Neave,  as  he  Ipelt  his  name,  was  minifter  of 
New-mills,  in  the  parifh  of  Loudon,  and  chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Loudon.  In 
all  the  queftions  which  divided  the  Covenanters  in  his  day,  he  adhered  to  what 

*  F.mpty.  +  Lrge  a  requeft. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXIX.  425 

may  be  called  the  ftri<5t  party,  being  oppoled  to  the  Public  Reiblutions.  After 
the  reftoration  of  Charles  II.,  Nevay,  in  1662,  was  obliged  to  fubfcribe  an 
engagement  to  remove  forth  of  the  king's  dominions  before  the  ift  of  Feb- 
ruary, and  not  to  return  under  pain  of  death.  He  reached  Holland,  and 
lived  for  fome  time  in  Rotterdam.  But,  on  the  26th  of  July  1670,  a  letter  of 
Charles  II.  was  laid  before  the  aflembled  States  of  Holland,  accufing  Nevay  and 
other  two  minifters,  Mr  Robert  Trail  and  Mr  Robert  M'Ward  (who  was 
fecretary  to  Rutherford  at  the  Weftminfter  AfTembly,  and  who  firft  edited  his 
'*  Letters"),  all  refiding  within  the  jurifdidtion  of  the  States,  of  writing  and 
publifhing  pafquils  againft  his  Majefty's  Government.  It  would,  however, 
appear  that  he  ftill  continued  at  Rotterdam,  and  died  there.  Wodrow  de- 
fcribes  him  as  **  a  perfon  of  very  confiderable  parts,  and  bright  piety."  Robert 
M^Ward,  in  1677,  thus  writes:  ^^  Oh!  when  I  remember  that  burning  and 
fhining  light,  worthy  and  warm  Mr  Livingftone,  who  ufed  to  preach  as 
within  the  fight  of  Chrift,  and  the  glory  to  be  revealed;  acute  and  dijiinci 
iV(?i;/2)' ;  judicious  and  neat  Simfon ;  fervent,  ferious,  and  zealous  Trail ; — 
when  I  remember,  I  fay,  that  all  thefe  great  luminaries  are  now  fet  and  re- 
moved by  death  from  our  people,  and  out  of  our  pulpit,  in  fo  fhort  a  time, 
what  matter  of  foiTow  prefents  itfelf  to  my  eye  ! "  Nevay  cultivated  the  art 
of  poetry,  and  is  the  author  of  a  paraphrafe  (called  by  Wodrow  ^  ^  a  handfome 
paraphrafe")  of  the  Song  of  Solomon  in  Latin  verfe.  The  General  Aflembly 
entertained  fo  high  an  opinion  of  his  poetical  talents,  that  they  appointed  him, 
in  Auguft  1647,  along  with  three  other  minifters,  to  revife  Rous'  metrical 
verfion  of  the  Pfalms.  The  portion  affigned  to  him  for  revifal  was  the  laft 
thirty  pfalms  of  that  verfion.  After  his  death,  a  volume  of  fermons,  preached 
by  him  on  the  Covenant  of  Grace,  was  publifhed.  His  fon  mamed  Sarah 
Van  Brakel,  whofe  poetical  compofitions  are  favourably  exhibited  in  her 
elegy  upon  a  popular  preacher,  and  who  was  a  kind  friend  to  the  Britifh 


EVEREND      AND     DEAR     BROTHER,  —  Grace, 

mercy,  and    peace  be   to   you.      I   received   yours  of 
April   II,  as  I  did  another  of  March  25,  and  a  letter 
for  Mr  Andrew  Cant.* 

*  Mr  Andrew  Cant  was  at  this  time  minifter  of  Pitfligo,  in  Buchan, 
Aberdeenlhire.  He  had  been  previoufly  minifter  of  Alford.  In  1639,  ^^  was 
removed  from  Pitfligo  to  Newbottle  ;  and  in  1640,  to  the  New  Town  of  Aber- 

426  LETTER  CLXXIX.  [1637. 

I  am  not  a  little  grieved  that  our  mother  Church  is  running  fo 
quickly  to  the  brothel-houfe,  and  that  we  are  hiring  lovers,  and 
giving  gifts  to  the  Great  Mother  of  Fornications.*  Alas,  that  our 
hufband  is  like  to  quit  us  fo  fhortly  !  It  were  my  part  (if  I  were 
able),  when  our  Hufband  is  departing,  to  flir  up  myfelf  to  take  hold 
of  Him,  and  keep  Him  in  this  land ;  for  I  know  Him  to  be  a  fweet 
fecond,f  and  a  lovely  companion  to  a  poor  prifoner. 

I  find  that  my  extremity  hath  fharpened  the  edge  of  His  love 
and  kindnefs,  fo  that  He  feemeth  to  devife  new  ways  of  exprelTmg 
the  fweetnefs  of  His  love  to  my  foul.  Suffering  for  Chrift  is  the 
very  element  wherein  Chrifl's  love  liveth,  and  exercifeth  itfelf,  in 
cafting  out  flames  of  fire,  and  fparks  of  heat,  to  warm  fuch  a  frozen 
heart  as  I  have.  And  if  Chrift  weeping  in  fackcloth  be  fo  fweet,  I 
cannot  find  any  imaginable  thoughts  to  think  what  He  will  be, 
when  we  clay-bodies  (having  put  ofF  mortality)  fhall  come  up  to  the 
marriage-hall  and  great  palace,  and  behold  the  I^ng  clothed  in  His 
robes  royal,  fitting  on  His  throne.  I  would  defire  no  more  for  my 
heaven  beneath  the  moon,  while  I  am  fighing  in  this  houfe  of  clay, 
but  daily  renewed  feafis  of  love  with  Chrifl,  and  liberty  now  and 
then  to  feed  my  hunger  with  a  kifs  of  that  faireft  face,  that  is  like 
the  fun  in  his  flrength  at  noon-day.  I  would  willingly  fubfcribe  an 
ample  refignation  to  Chrifl  of  the  fourteen  prelacies  of  this  land, 
and  of  all  the  moft  delightful  pleafures  on  earth,  and  forfeit  my 
part  of  this  clay  god,  this  earth,  which  Adam's  foolifh  children  wor- 
fhip,  to  have  no  other  exercife  than  to  lie  on  a  love-bed  with  Chrift, 

deen,  where  he  became  ProfefTor  of  Theology  in  Marifchal  College.  In  this 
fituation  he  continued  till  the  year  after  the  reftoration  of  Charles  II.  Ruther- 
ford's Lex  Rex  having  then,  by  the  orders  of  the  State,  been  publicly  burnt,  and 
the  author  himfelf  fummoned  before  Parliament  to  anfwer  an  accufation  of 
high  treafon,  Cant,  indignant  at  fuch  ungenerous  treatment  of  a  great  and 
good  man,  condemned  it  in  one  of  his  fermons.  Being  accufed  of  treafon 
for  this,  before  the  magiftrates,  he  demitted  his  charge,  and  came  to  dwell  with 
his  fon  at  Liberton.  In  1663,  he  was  formally  depofed  from  his  charge  by 
the  Bifhop  and  Synod  of  Aberdeen,  and  died  not  long  after,  aged  feventy-nine. 
He  is  the  author  of  a  treatife  on  ^'  The  Titles  of  our  BlefTed  Saviour." 
*  Rev.  xvii.  5.  t  Helper. 

1637.1  LETTER  CLXXIX.  427 

and  fill  this  hungered  and  famifhed  ibul  with  kifTing,  embracing, 
and  real  enjoying  of  the  Son  of  God  ;  and  I  think  that  then  I  might 
write  to  my  friends,  that  I  had  found  the  Golden  World,  and  look 
out  and  laugh  at  the  poor  bodies  who  are  flaying  one  another  for 
feathers.  For  verily,  brother,  fmce  I  came  to  this  prifon,  I  have 
conceived  a  new  and  extraordinary  opinion  of  Chrift,  which  I  had 
not  before.  For,  I  perceive,  we  frill*  all  our  joys  to  Chrift,  till  He 
and  we  be  in  our  own  houfe  above,  as  married  parties,  thinking 
that  there  is  nothing  of  it  here  to  be  fought  or  found,  but  only  hope 
and  fair  promifes  ;  and  that  Chrift  will  give  us  nothing  here  but 
tears,  fadnefs,  and  crofies  ;  and  that  we  ihall  never  feel  the  fmell  of 
the  flowers  of  that  high  garden  of  paradife  above,  till  we  come  there. 
Nay,  but  I  find  that  it  is  poffible  to  find  young  glory,  and  a  young 
green  paradife  of  joy,  even  here.  I  know  that  Chrifl's  kifl^es  will 
caft  a  more  ftrong  and  refrefliful  fmell  of  incomparable  glory  and 
joy  in  heaven  than  they  do  here ;  becaufe  a  drink  of  the  well  of  life, 
up  at  the  well's  head,  is  more  fweet  and  frefli  by  far  than  that 
which  we  get  in  our  borrowed,  old,  running-out  veflTels,  and  our 
wooden  diflies  here.  Yet  I  am  now  perfuaded  it  is  our  folly  to 
frifl:*  all  till  the  term-day,  feeing  abundance  of  earneflf  will  not 
diminifli  anything  of  our  principal  fum.  We  dream  of  hunger  in 
Chrift's  houfe  while  we  are  here,  although  he  alloweth  feafl:s  to  all 
the  bairns  within  God's  houfehold.  It  were  good,  then,  to  fiore 
ourfelves  with  more  borrowed  kifles  of  Chrifl:,  and  with  more  bor- 
rowed vifits,  till  we  enter  heirs  to  our  new  inheritance,  and  our 
Tutor  put  us  in  pofiefiion  of  our  own  when  we  are  pafl:  minority. 
O  that  all  the  young  heirs  would  feek  more,  and  a  greater,  and 
a  nearer  communion  with  my  Lord  Tutor,  the  prime  heir  of  all, 
Chrift !  I  wifli  that,  for  my  part,  I  could  fend  you,  and  that 
gentleman  who  wrote  his  commendations  to  me,  into  the  King's 
innermofl:  cellar  and  houfe  of  wine,  to  be  filled  with  love.  A  drink 
of  this  love  is  worth  the  having  indeed.  We  carry  ourfelves  but  too 
nicely  with  Chrift  our  Lord ;  and  our  Lord  loveth  not  nicenefs,  and 

Defer  to  another  time.  f  Foretafte  of  what  Is  to  be  got. 

428  LETTER  CLXXIX.  [1637. 

drynefs,  and  unconefs,  *  in  friends.  Since  need-forcef  that  we 
muft  be  in  Chrift's  common,  \  then  let  us  be  in  His  common  \  for  it 
will  be  no  otherwife. 

Now,  for  my  prefent  cafe  in  my  imprifonment :  deliverance  (for 
any  appearance  that  I  fee)  looketh  cold-like.  §  My  hope,  if  it  looked 
to  or  leaned  upon  men,  would  wither  foon  at  the  root,  like  a  May 
flower.  Yet  I  refolve  to  eafe  myfelf  with  on-waiting  on  my  Lord, 
and  to  let  my  faith  fwim  where  it  lofeth  ground.  I  am  under  a 
neceffity  either  of  fainting  (which  I  hope  my  Mafler,  of  whom  I 
boaft  all  the  day,  will  avert),  or  then  I!  to  lay  my  faith  upon  Omiii- 
potency,  and  to  wink  and  flick  by  my  grip,  f  And  I  hope  that 
my  fhip  fliall  ride  it  out,  feeing  Chrifl:  is  willing  to  blow  His  fweet 
wind  in  my  fails,  and  mendeth  and  clofeth  the  leaks  in  my  fhip,  and 
ruleth  all.  It  will  be  ftrange  if  a  believing  paiTenger  be  caften  over- 

As  for  your  mafter,  my  lord  and  my  lady,**  I  fhail  be  loath  to 
forget  them.  I  think  my  prayers  (fuch  as  they  are)  are  debt  due  to 
him  ;  and  I  fhall  be  far  more  engaged  to  his  Lordfhip,  if  he  be  fafl 
for  Chrift  (as  I  hope  he  will)  now  when  fo  many  of  his  coat  and 
quality  flip  from  Chrifl's  back,  and  leave  Him  to  fendf  f  for  Himfelf. 

I  entreat  you  to  remember  my  love  to  that  worthy  gentleman, 
A.  C,  who  fainted  me  in  your  letter  :  I  have  heard  that  he  is  one 
of  my  INIafler's  friends,  for  the  which  caufe  I  am  tied  to  him.  I 
wilh  that  he  may  more  and  more  fall  in  love  with  Chrifl. 

Now  for  your  queftion  : — As  far  as  I  rawly  conceive,  I  think 
that  God  is  praifed  two  ways  :  ly?.  By  a  concional  profefHon  of  His 
highnefs  before  men,  luch  as  is  the  very  hearing  of  the  word,  and 
receiving  of  either  of  the  facraments  ;  in  which  acts  by  profefTion, 
we  give  out  to  men,  that  He  is  our  God  with  whom  we  are  in 

*  Refer\e ;  behaving  as  if  ftrangers.  t  Of  pure  necefTity. 

X  Under  obligation  to.  §  The  fire  gone  out,  hopelefs. 

II  Or,  as  an  alternative.     ^  Shut  the  eyes,  and  keep  firm  hold,  in  fpite  of  peril. 
**  John  Campbell,  fii-ft  Earl  of  Loudon,  and  his  lady,  Margaret  Campbell, 
Baronefs  of  Loudon,  daughter  of  George  Campbell,  mafter  of  Loudon, 
tf  Shift  for,  provide. 

637.]  LETTER  CLXXIX.  429 

covenant,  and  our  Lawgiver.  Thus  eating  and  drinking  in  the 
Lord's  Supper,  is  an  annunciation  and  profeilion  before  men,  that 
Chrifl:  is  our  flain  Redeemer.  Here,  becaufe  God  fpeaketh  to  us, 
not  we  to  Him,  it  is  not  a  formal  thankfgiving,  but  an  annunciation 
or  predication  of  Chrift's  death — conciofial,*  not  adorative — neither 
hath  it  God  for  the  immediate  obje(5f,  and  therefore  no  kneeling 
can  be  here. 

idly.  There  is  another  praifmg  of  God,  formal,  when  we  are 
either  formally  blefling  God,  or  fpeaking  His  praifes.  And  this  I 
take  to  be  twofold  : — I.  When  we  direflly  and  formally  dire6l 
praifes  and  thankfgiving  to  God.  This  may  well  be  done  kneeling, 
in  token  of  our  recognizance  of  His  highnefs  ;  yet  not  fo  but  that  it 
may  be  done  ftanding  or  fitting,  efpecially  feeing  joyful  elevation 
(which  fhould  be  in  praifmg)  is  not  formally  fignified  by  kneeling. 
2.  When  we  fpeak  good  of  God,  and  declare  His  glorious  nature 
and  attributes,  extolling  Him  before  men,  to  excite  men  to  conceive 
highly  of  Him.  The  former  I  hold  to  be  worfhip  every  way  im- 
mediate, elfe  I  know  not  any  immediate  worfhip  at  all ;  the  latter 
hath  God  for  the  fubje6f,  not  properly  the  objeft ,  feeing  the  predi- 
cation is  diredfed  to  men  immediately,  rather  than  to  God  ;  for  here 
we  fpeak  of  God  by  way  of  praifmg,  rather  than  to  God.  And, 
for  my  own  part,  as  I  am  for  the  prefent  minded,  I  fee  not  how 
this  can  be  done  kneeling,  feeing  it  is  priedicatio  Dei  et  Chrifti,  7ion 
laiidatlo  aid  benedictio  Dei.  [A  preaching  of  God  and  Chrift,  and 
not  of  praifing  or  blelTmg  of  God.]  But  obferve,  that  it  is  formal 
praifmg  of  God,  and  not  merely  concional,  as  I  diflinguifhed  in  the 
firft  member  ;  for,  in  the  firft  member,  any  fpeaking  of  God,  or  of 
His  works  of  creation,  providence,  and  redemption,  is  indireft  and 
concional*  praifmg  of  Him,  and  formally  preaching,  or  an  a6f  of 
teaching,  not  an  aft  of  predication  of  His  praifes.  For  there  is  a 
difference  betwixt  the  fimple  relation  of  the  virtues  of  a  thing  (which 
is  formally  teaching),  and  the  extolling  of  the  worth  of  a  thing  by 
way  of  commendation,  to  caufe  others  to  praife  with  us. 

*  An  a(5t  in  which  we  addrefs  men,  not  one  in  which  we  adore. 

430  LETTER  CLXXX.  [1637. 

Thus  recommending  you  to  God's  grace,  *  I  reft,  yours,  in  his 
fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

Aberdeen",  June  15,  1637.  S.   R. 

CLXXX, — 21?  the  much  Hofioured  John  Gordon  of  Cardonefs, 

the  Elder. 


LORD, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  My 
foul  longeth  exceedingly  to  hear  how  matters  go  be- 
twixt you  and  Chrift  ;  and  whether  or  not  there  be  any  work  of 
Chrift  in  that  parifh,  that  will  bide  the  trial  of  fire  and  water.  Let 
me  be  weighed  of  my  Lord  in  a  juft  balance,  if  your  fouls  lie  not 
weighty  upon  me.  Ye  go  to  bed  and  ye  rife  with  me  :  thoughts 
of  your  foul,  my  deareft  in  our  Lord,  depart  not  from  me  in  my 
fleep.  Ye  have  a  great  part  of  my  tears,  fighs,  fupplications,  and 
prayers.  Oh,  if  I  could  buy  your  foul's  salvation  with  any  fufFer- 
ing  whatfoever,  and  that  ye  and  I  might  meet  with  joy  up  in  the 
rainbow,  when  we  fhall  ftand  before  our  Judge !  Oh,  my  Lord, 
forbid  that  I  have  any  hard  thing  to  deponef  againft  you  in  that 
day  !  Oh  that  He  who  quickeneth  the  dead  would  give  life  to 
mv  fowing  among  you  !  What  joy  is  there  (next  to  Chrift)  that 
ftandeth  on  this  fide  of  death,  which  would  comfort  me  more,  than 
that  the  fouls  of  that  poor  people  were  in  fafety,  and  beyond  all 
hazard  of  being  loft  ! 

Sir,  fhow  the  people  this  ;  for  when  I  write  to  you,  I  think  I 
write  to  you  all,  old  and  young.  Fulfil  my  joy,  and  feek  the  Lord. 
Sure  I  am,  that  once  I  difcovered  my  lovely,  royal,  princely  Lord 

*  In  fome  modem  editions,  it  is  '^  Tweet  grace ; '"  but  not  fo  in  the  earlieft. 
t  To  ftate  as  a  witnefs  does. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXX.  431 

Jefiis  to  you  all.  Woe,  woe,  woe  fhall  be  your  part  of  it  for 
evermore,  if  the  Gofpel  be  not  the  favour  of  life  to  you.  As  many 
fermons  as  I  preached,  as  many  fentences  as  I  uttered,  as  many 
points  of  dittay*  (hall  there  be,  when  the  Lord  fhall  plead  with  the 
world,  for  the  evil  of  their  doings.  Believe  me,  I  find  heaven  a 
city  hard  to  be  won.  "  The  righteous  fhall  fcarcely  be  faved." 
Oh,  what  violence  of  throning  f  will  heaven  take  !  Alas  !  I  fee 
many  deceiving  themfelves  ;  for  we  will  all  to  heaven  now  !  Every 
foul  dog,  with  his  foul  feet,  will  in  at  the  neareft,  to  the  new  and 
clean  Jerufalem.  All  fay  they  have  faith  ;  and  the  greateft  part  in 
the  world  know  not,  and  will  not  confider,  that  a  flip  in  the  matter 
of  their  falvation  is  the  mofl:  pitiable  flip  that  can  be  ;  and  that  no 
lofs  is  comparable  to  this  lofs.  Oh,  then,  fee  that  there  be  not  a 
loofe  pin  in  the  work  of  your  falvation  ;  for  ye  will  not  believe  how 
quickly  the  Judge  will  come.  And  for  yourfelf,  1  know  that  death 
is  waiting,  and  hovering,  and  lingering  at  God's  command.  That 
ye  may  be  prepared,  then,  ye  had  need  to  flir  your  time,  and  to 
take  eternity  and  death  to  your  riper  advifement.  A  wrong  ftep, 
or  a  wrong  flot,^  in  going  out  of  this  life,  in  one  property,  is  like 
the  fm  againfl:  the  Holy  Ghoft:,  and  can  never  be  for^ven,  becaufe 
ye  cannot  come  back  again  through  the  lafl:  water  to  mourn  for  it. 
I  know  your  accounts  are  many,  and  will  take  telling  and  laying,  and 
reckoning  betwixt  you  and  your  Lord.  Fit  your  accounts,  and 
order  them.  Lofe  not  the  lafl:  play,  whatever  ye  do,  for  in  that 
play  with  death  your  precious  foul  is  the  prize  :  for  the  Lord's  fake 
fpill  §  not  the  play,  and  lofe  not  fuch  a  treafure.  Ye  know  that, 
out  of  love  which  I  had  to  your  foul,  and  out  of  defire  which  I 
had  to  make  an  honefl:  account  of  you,  I  teflified  my  difpleafure  and 
difliking  of  your  ways  very  often,  both  in  private  and  public.  I 
am  not  now  a  witnefs  of  your  doings,  but  your  Judge  is  always 
your  witnefs.     I  befeech  you  by  the  mercies  of  God,  by  the  falva- 

*  Indiiflment.       **  Your  dittay  is  burnt,"  (/>.  there   is  now  no  charge 
againft  you),  occurs  in  Kenmure's  Dying  Speeches. 

t  Prefling  in,  as  is  done  in  a  crowd.     %  Rebound,  (tumble.     §  Spoil,  mar. 

432  LETTER  CLXXX.  [1637. 

tion  of  your  foul,  by  your  comfort  when  your  eye-firings  fhall  break, 
and  the  face  wax  pale,  and  the  foul  fhall  tremble  to  be  out  of  the 
lod^g  of  clay,  and  by  your  compearance  before  your  awful  Judge, 
after  the  fight  of  this  letter  to  take  a  new  courfe  with  your  ways, 
and  now,  in  the  end  of  your  day,  make  fure  of  heaven.  Examine 
yourfelf  if  ye  be  in  good  earneft  in  Chrifl  ;  for  fome  are  partakers 
of  the  Holy  Ghofl,  and  tafte  of  the  good  word  of  God,  and  of  the 
powers  of  the  life  to  come,  and  yet  have  no  part  in  Chrifl  at  all.* 
Many  think  they  believe,  but  never  tremble  :  the  devils  are  farther  on 
than  thefe.f  Make  fure  to  yourfelf  that  ye  are  above  ordinary  pro- 
fefTors.  The  fixth  part  of  your  fpan-length  and  hand-breadth  of  days 
is  fcarcely  before  you.  Hafte,  hafte,  for  the  tide  will  not  bide. J 
Put  Chrift  upon  all  your  accounts  and  your  fecrets.  Better  it  is  that 
you  give  Him  your  accounts  in  this  life,  out  of  your  own  hand,  than 
that,  after  this  life.  He  take  them  from  you.  I  never  knew  fb  well 
what  fm  was  as  fmce  I  came  to  Aberdeen,  howbeit  I  was  preaching 
of  it  to  you.  To  feel  the  fmoke  of  hell's  fire  in  the  throat  for  half- 
an-hour  ;  to  fland  befide  a  river  of  fire  and  brimflone  broader  than 
the  earth  ;  and  to  think  to  be  bound  hand  and  foot,  and  caflen  into 
the  midft  of  it  quick,  and  then  to  have  God  locking  the  prifon-door, 
never  to  be  opened  for  all  eternity  !  Oh  how  it  will  (hake  a  con- 
fcience  that  hath  any  life  in  it !  I  find  the  fruits  of  my  pains  to 
have  Chrift  and  that  people  once§  fairly  met,  now  meet  my  foul  in 
my  fad  hours.  And  I  rejoice  that  I  gave  fair  warning  of  all  the 
corruptions  now  entering  into  Chrifl's  houfe  ,  and  now  many  a 
fweet,  fweet,  foft  kifs,  many  perfumed,  well-fmelled  kifles,  and  em- 
bracements  have  I  received  of  my  royal  Mafter.  He  and  I  have 
had  much  love  together.  I  have  for  the  prefent  a  fick  dwining|| 
life,  with  much  pain,  and  much  love-ficknefs  for  Chrift.  Oh,  what 
would  I  give  to  have  a  bed  made  to  my  wearied  foul  in  His  bofom  ! 
I  would  friflf  heaven  for  many  years,  to  have  my  fill  of  Jefus  in 
this  life,  and  to  have  occafion  to  offer  Chriff  to  my  people,  and  to 

*  Heb.  vi.  4,  5.  t  James  ii.  19.  %  Wait. 

§  One  time  or  other  ;  or,  once  for  all.  j|  Pining.  f  Defer. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXX,  433 

woo  many  people  to  Chrirt.  I  cannot  tell  you  what  fweet  pain 
and  delightfome  torments  are  in  Chrift's  love  ;  I  often  challenge  * 
time,  that  holdeth  us  fundry.  I  profefs  to  you,  I  have  no  refl,  I 
have  no  eafe,  whillf  I  be  over  head  and  ears  in  love's  ocean.  If 
Chrift's  love  (that  fountain  of  delight)  were  laid  as  open  to  me  as  I 
would  wifh,  oh,  how  I  would  drink,  and  drink  abundantly  !  oh, 
how  drunken  would  this  my  foul  be  !  I  half  call  His  abfence  cruel  ; 
and  the  mafk  and  vail  on  Chrift's  face  a  cruel  covering,  that  hideth 
fuch  a  fair,  fair  face  from  a  Tick  foul.  I  dare  not  challenge*  Him- 
felf,  but  His  abfence  is  a  mountain  of  iron  upon  my  heavy  heart. 
Oh,  when  fhall  we  meet  ?  Oh,  how  long  is  it  to  the  dawning  of 
the  marriage-day  !  O  fweet  Lord  Jefus,  take  wide  fleps  ;  O  my 
Lord,  come  over  mountains  at  one  flride  !  O  my  Beloved,  be  like  a 
roe  or  a  young  hart  on  the  mountains  of  Separation.  J  Oh,  if  He 
would  fold  the  heavens  together  like  an  old  cloak,  and  fhovel  time 
and  days  out  of  the  way,  and  make  ready  m  hafte  the  Lamb's  wife 
for  her  Hufband  !  Since  He  looked  upon  me,  my  heart  is  not  mine 
own  ;  He  hath  run  away  to  heaven  with  it.  I  know  that  it  was  not 
for  nothing  that  I  fpake  fo  meikle§  good  of  Chrift  to  you  in  public. 
Oh,  if  the  heaven,  and  the  heaven  of  heavens,  were  paper,  and  the 
fea  ink,  and  the  multitude  of  mountains  pens  of  brafs,  and  I  able  to 
write  that  paper,  within  and  without,  full  of  the  praifes  of  my 
faireft,  my  dearefl,  my  lovelieft,  my  fweeteft,  my  matchlefs,  and 
my  moft  marrowlefs  |1  and  marvellous  Well-beloved  !  Woe  is  me, 
I  cannot  fet  Him  out  to  men  and  angels  !  Oh,  there  are  few  tongues 
to  fmg  love-fongs  of  His  incomparable  excellency  !  What  can  I, 
poor  prifoner,  do  to  exalt  Him  ?  or  what  courfe  can  I  take  to  extol 
my  lofty  and  lovely  Lord  Jefus  ?  I  am  put  to  my  wits'  end,  how 
to  get  His  name  made  great.  BlefTed  they  who  would  help  me  in 
this  !  How  fweet  are  Chrifl's  back  parts  ?  Oh,  what  then  is  His 
face  .?  Thofe  that  fee  His  face,  how  dow^  they  get  their  eye 
plucked  off  Him  again  !     Look  up  to  Him  and  love  Him.     Oh, 

*  Rebuke,  upbraid,     f  Till.      %  ^^  Betber"  means  ''  separation/'  Song  ii.  1 7. 
§  Much.  II  Unequalled^  peerlefs.  ^  Can  they. 

VOL.  I.  E  E 

434  LETTER  CLXXX.  [1637. 

love  and  live  !  It  were  life  to  me  if  you  would  read  this  letter  to 
that  people,  and  if  they  did  profit  by  it.  Oh,  if  I  could  caufe  them 
to  die  of  love  for  Jefus  !  Charge  them,  by  the  falvation  of  their 
fouls,  to  hang  about  Chrifl's  neck,  and  take  their  fill  of  His  love, 
and  follow  Him  as  I  taught  them.  Part  by  no  means  with  Chrifl. 
Hold  faft  what  ye  have  received.  Keep  the  truth  once  delivered. 
If  ye  or  that  people  quit  it  in  an  hair,  or  in  a  hoof,  ye  break  your 
confcience  in  twain  ;  and  who  then  can  mend  it,  and  cafl  a  knot* 
on  it .''  My  deareft  in  the  Lord,  fland  fail:  in  Chrifl:  ;  keep  the 
faith  ;  contend  for  Chrifl.  Wreftle  for  Him,  and  take  men's  feud 
for  God's  favour  -,  there  is  no  comparifon  betwixt  thefe.  O  that 
the  Lord  would  fulfil  my  joy,  and  keep  the  young  bride  that  is  at 
Anwoth  to  Chrifl. 

And  now,  whoever  they  be  that  have  returned  to  the  old  vomit 
fince  my  departure,  I  bind  upon  their  back,  in  my  Mafler's  name 
and  authority,  the  long-lafiing,  weighty  vengeance  and  curfe  of 
God.  In  my  Lord's  name  I  give  them  a  doom  of  black,  unmixed, 
pure  wrath,  which  my  Mafier  will  ratify  and  make  good,  when  we 
ftand  together  before  Him,  except  they  timeouflyf  repent  and  turn 
to  the  Lord.  And  I  write  to  thee,  poor  mourning  and  broken- 
hearted believer,  be  thou  who  thou  wilt,  of  the  free  falvation, 
Chrifl's  fweet  balm  for  thy  wounds,  O  poor  humble  believer ! 
Chrift's  kiffes  for  thy  watery  cheeks  !  Chrifl's  blood  of  atonement 
for  thy  guilty  foul !  Chrift's  heaven  for  thy  poor  foul,  though  once 
banifhed  out  of  paradife  !  And  my  Mafler  will  make  good  my  word 
ere  long.  Oh  that  people  were  wife  !  Oh  that  people  were  wife  ! 
Oh  that  people  would  fpeerj  out  Chrifi,  and  never  refl  whill§  they 
find  Him.  Oh,  how  my  foul  will  mourn  in  fecret,  if  my  nine  years' 
pained  head,  and  fore  breaft,  and  pained  back,  and  grieved  heart, 
and  private  and  public  prayers  to  God,  will  all  be  for  nothing  among 
that  people  !     Did  my  Lord  Jefus  fend  me  but  to  fummon  you 

*  Tie,  to  keep  from  flipping. 

t  In  good  time,  foon.     See  the  metre  verfion  of  Ps.  cxix.  148. 

:{:  Afk  queftions  about.  §  Till. 

1637.J  LETTER  CLXXXI.  435 

before  your  Judge,  and  to  leave  your  fiimmons  at  your  houfes  ? 

Was  I  fent  as  a  witnefs  only  to  gather  your  dittays  ?*     Oh,  may 

God  forbid  !    Often  did  I  tell  you  of  a  fan  of  God's  wordf  to  come 

among  you,  for  the  contempt  of  it.     I  told  you  often  of  wrath, 

wrath  from  the  Lord,  to  come  upon  Scotland  ;  and  yet  I  bide  by 

my  Mafter's  word.     It  is  quickly  coming  !  defolation  for  Scotland, 

becaufe  of  the  quarrel  of  a  broken  covenant. 

Now,  worthy  Sir,  now  my  dear  people,  my  joy,  and  my  crown 

in  the  Lord,  let  Him  be  your  fear.     Seek  the  Lord,  and  His  face  : 

fave  your  fouls.       Doves  !    flee   to    Chrift's  windows.       Pray  for 

me,  and  praife  for  me.     The  bleffing  of  my  God,  the  prayers  and 

bleffing  of  a  poor  prifoner,  and  your  lawful  pafl:or,  be  upon  you. 

Your  lawful  and  loving  paftor, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  June  16,  1637. 

CLXXXL — To  Earlston,  the  younger. 


THE  LORD, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you. 
Your  letters  give  a  dafh  to  my  lazinefs  in  writing. 
I  muft  firfl  tell  you,  that  there  is  not  fuch  a  glaiTy,  icy,  and 
riippery  piece  of  way  betwixt  you  and  heaven,  as  Youth  ;  and  I  have 
experience  to  fay  with  me  here,  and  to  feal  what  I  aflTert.  The  old 
aflies  of  the  fms  of  my  youth  are  new  fire  of  forrow  to  me.  I  have 
feen  the  devil,  as  it  were,  dead  and  buried,  and  yet  rife  again,  and 
be  a  worfe  devil  than  ever  he  was  ;  therefore,  my  brother,  beware 
of  a  green  young  devil,  that  hath  never  been  buried.     The  devil  in 

*  Indictments. 

t  Should  not  this  be  <zt';W,  not  *'  -Mord  ^  alluding  to  Jer.  iv.  12  ? 

43^  LETTER   CLXXXL  [1637. 

his  flowers  (I  mean  the  hot,  fiery  lufts  and  paffions  of  youth)  is 
much  to  be  feared  :  better  yoke*  with  an  old  grey-haired,  withered, 
dry  devil.  For  in  youth  he  findeth  dry  flicks,  and  dry  coals,  and  a 
hot  hearth-ftone  ;  and  how  foon  can  he  with  his  flint  caftf  fire,  and 
with  his  bellows  blow  it  up,  and  fire  the  houfe  !  Sancflified  thoughts, 
thoughts  made  confcience  of,  and  called  in,  and  kept  in  awe,  are 
green  fuel  that  burn  not,  and  are  a  water  for  Satan's  coal.  Yet  I 
muft  tell  you,  that  the  whole  faints  now  triumphant  in  heaven,  and 
flanding  before  the  throne,  are  nothing  but  Chrifl:'s  forlorn  J  and 
beggarly  dyvours.  What  are  they  but  a  pack  of  redeemed  finners  } 
But  their  redemption  is  not  only  paft  the  feals,  but  completed  ;  and 
yours  is  on  the  wheels,  and  in  doing. 

All  Chrifl's  good  bairns  go  to  heaven  with  a  broken  brow,  and 
with  a  crooked  leg.  Chrifl  hath  an  advantage  of  you,  and  I  pray 
you  to  let  Him  have  it ;  He  will  find  employment  for  His  calling  in 
you.  If  it  were  not  with  you  as  ye  write,  grace  fliould  find  no  fale 
nor  market  in  you  ;  but  ye  mufl  be  content  to  ^ve  Chrifl  fomewhat 
to  do.  I  am  glad  that  He  is  employed  that  way.  Let  your  bleed- 
ing foul  and  your  fores  be  put  in  the  hand  of  this  expert  Phyfician  -, 
let  young  and  flrong  corruptions  and  His  free  grace  be  yoked 
together,  and  let  Chrifl  and  your  fins  deal  it  betwixt  them.  I  fliall 
be  loath  to  put  you  ofl'  your  fears,  and  your  fenfe  of  deadnefs  :  I 
wifli  it  were  more.  There  be  fome  wounds  of  that  nature,  that 
their  bleeding  fliould  not  be  foon  flopped.  Ye  mufl  take  a  houfe 
befide  the  Phyfician.  It  will  be  a  miracle  if  ye  be  the  firfl  fick  man 
whom  He  put  away  uncured,  and  worfe  than  He  found  you.  Nay, 
nay,  Chrifl  is  honefl,  and  in  that  is  flyting-free  §  with  finners.  "  Him 
that  Cometh  unto  Me  I  will  in  no  wife  cafl  out."  ||  Take  ye  that. 
It  cannot  be  prefumption  to  take  that  as  your  own,  when  you  find 
that  your  wounds  flound  f  you.     Prefumption  is  ever  whole  at  the 

*  Set  to,  enter  into  conflid.  t  Strike.  %  Loft,  prodigal  debtors. 

§  ''  I  am  flyting  free  with  him,"  is  a  proverb;  q.  d.^  He  has  nothing  to 
fay  to  me,  and  I  am  free  to  chide  with  him  for  his  faults. 
II  John  vi.  37. 
^  Shoot  pain  through  you. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXXL  437 

heart,  and  hath  but  the  truant*  ficknefs,  and  groaneth  only  for  the 
fafhion.  Faith  hath  fenfe  of  ficknefs,  and  looketh,  like  a  friend,  to 
the  promifes  ;  and,  looking  to  Chrifl  therein,  is  glad  to  fee  a  known 
face.  Chrift  is  as  full  a  feaft  as  ye  can  have  to  hunger.  Nay, 
Chrifl,  I  fay,  is  not  a  full  man's  leavings.  His  mercy  fendeth  always 
a  letter  of  defiance  to  all  your  fms,  if  there  were  ten  thoufand  more 
of  them. 

I  grant  you  that  it  is  a  hard  matter  for  a  poor  hungry  man  to 
win  his  meatf  upon  hidden  Chrifl  :  for  then  the  key  of  His  pantry- 
door,  and  of  the  houfe  of  wine,  is  a-feeking  and  cannot  be  had.  But 
hunger  muft  break  through  iron  locks.  I  bemoan  them  not  who 
can  make  a  din,  and  all  the  fields  ado,J  for  a  lofl  Saviour.  Ye 
mufl  let  Him  hear  it  (to  fay  fo)  upon  both  fides  of  His  head,  when 
He  hideth  Himfelf;  it  is  no  time  then  to  be  bird-mouthed  §  and 
patient.  Chrifl:  is  rare  indeed,  and  a  delicacy  to  a  fmner.  He  is  a 
miracle,  and  a  world's  wonder,  to  a  feeking  and  a  weeping  fmner  ; 
but  yet  fuch  a  miracle  as  (hall  be  feen  by  them  who  will  come  and 
fee.  The  feeker  and  figher,  is  at  lail  a  finger  and  enjoyer  ;  nay, 
I  have  feen  a  dumb  man  get  alms  from  Chrifi:.  He  that  can  tell 
his  tale,  and  fend  fuch  a  letter  to  heaven  as  he  hath  fent  to  Aber- 
deen, it  is  very  like  he  will  come  fpeedji  with  Chrift.  It  bodeth 
God's  mercy  to  complain  heartily  for  fin.  Let  wrefiling  be  with 
Chrift  till  He  fay,  "  How  is  it,  fir,  that  I  cannot  be  quit  of  your  bills, 
and  your  mifleared  ^  cries  ? "  and  then  hope  for  Chrift's  blefiing  ; 
and  His  blefiing  is  better  than  ten  other  bleflings.  Think  not  fliame 
becaufe  of  your  guiltinefs  ;  neceflity  mufi:  not  blufii  to  beg.  It 
ftandeth  you  hard  to  want  Chrifi  ;  and,  therefore,  that  which  idle 
on- waiting  cannot  do,  mifnurtured**  crying  and  knocking  wiU  do. 

*  Pretended,  like  fchoolboys'  pretences  for  play.         f  Earn  his  livelihood. 

t  In  a  fermon  preached  at  Kirkcudbright,  on  Rev.  xix.  11,  he  fuppofes  the 
courtiers  faying  to  Daniel,  ''  What  need  ye  make  all  the  fields  ado  ^ith your 
prayers  V'  The  word  means  ^^  aftir."  Cattle  are  faid  to  do  this  when  bel- 
lowing for  their  mates.  * 

§  Mealy-mouthed.  ||  Succeed. 

If  Ill-taught  ;   unmannerly.  **  Undifciplined,  unfubdued. 

438  LETTER  CLXXXL  [1637. 

And  for  doubtings,  becaufe  you  are  not  as  you  were  long  fince 
with  your  Mafter  :  confider  three  things.  I/?,  What  if  Chrift  had 
fuch  tottering  thoughts  of  the  bargain  of  the  new  covenant  betwixt 
you  and  Him,  as  you  have  ?  idly,  Your  heart  is  not  the  compafs 
which  Chrifl  faileth  by.  He  will  give  you  leave  to  fing  as  you 
pleafe,  but  He  will  not  dance  to  your  daft*  fpring.  It  is  not 
referred  to  you  and  your  thoughts,  what  Chrift  will  do  with  the 
charters  betwixt  you  and  Him.  Your  own  milbelief  hath  torn 
them  ;  but  He  hath  the  principal  in  heaven  with  Himfelf.  Your 
thoughts  are  no  parts  of  the  new  covenant  ;  dreams  change  not 
Chrifl:.  3^/y,  Doubtings  are  your  fms  ;  but  they  are  Chrift's  drugs, 
and  ingredients  that  the  Phyfician  maketh  ufe  of  for  the  curing  of 
your  pride.  Is  it  not  fuitable  for  a  beggar  to  fay  at  meat,  "  God 
reward  the  winners  ?  "f  for  then  he  faith  that  he  knoweth  who 
beareth  the  charges  of  the  houfe.  It  is  alfo  meet  that  ye  fhould 
know,  by  experience,  that  faith  is  not  nature's  ill-gotten  baflard, 
but  your  Lord's  free  gift,  that  lay  in  the  womb  of  God's  free  grace. 
Praifed  be  the  Winner! J  I  may  add  a  ^hly.  In  the  palling 
of  your  bill  and  your  charters,  when  they  went  through  the 
Mediator's  great  feal,  and  were  concluded,  faith's  advice  was  not 
fought.  Faith  hath  not  a  vote  befide  Chrift's  merits  :  blood,  blood, 
dear  blood,  that  came  from  your  Cautioner's  §  holy  body,  maketh 
that  fure  work.  The  ufe,  then,  which  ye  have  of  faith  now  (hav- 
ing already  clofed  with  Jefus  Chrifl  for  j unification)  is,  to  take  out 
a  copy  of  your  pardon  ;  and  fo  ye  have  peace  with  God  upon  the 
account  of  Chrift.  For,  fince  faith  apprehendeth  pardon,  but  never 
payeth  a  penny  for  it,  no  marvel  that  falvation  doth  not  die  and 
live,  ebb  or  flow,  with  the  working  of  faith.  But  becaufe  it  is 
your  Lord's  honour  to  believe  His  mercy  and  His  fidelity,  it  is 
infinite  goodnefs  in  our  Lord,  that  milbelief  ^veth  a  dafh  to  our 
Lord's  glory,  and  not  to  our  falvation.  And  fo,  whoever  want  (yea, 
howbeit  God  here  bear  with  the  want  of  what  we  are  obliged  to 

*  Foolifli  fprightly  air  ;   or  tune.  f  Thole  who  got  this  for  us. 

X  He  who  got  it  for  us.  §  The  furety. 

i637-]  LETTER  CLXXXL  439 

give  Him,  evea  the  glory  of  His  grace  by  believing),  yet  a  poor 
covenanted  finner  wanteth  not.  But  if  guiltinefs  were  removed, 
doubtings  would  find  no  friend,  nor  life  -,  and  yet  faith  is  to  believe 
the  removal  of  guiltinefs  in  Chrift.  A  reafon  why  ye  get  lefs  now 
(as  ye  think)  than  before,  as  I  take  it,  is,  becaufe,  at  our  firft  con- 
verfion,  our  Lord  putteth  the  meat  in  young  bairns'  mouths  with 
His  own  hand  ;  but  when  we  grow  to  fome  further  perfection,  we 
mufl:  take  heaven  by  violence,  and  take  by  violence  from  Chrift 
what  we  get.  And  He  can,  and  doth  hold,  becaufe  He  will  have  us 
to  draw.  Remember  now  that  ye  mufl  live  upon  violent  plucking. 
Lazinefs  is  a  greater  fault  now  than  long  fmce.  We  love  always 
to  have  the  pap  put  in  our  mouth. 

Now  for  myfelf ;  alas!  I  am  not  the  man  I  go  for  in  this  nation ; 
men  have  not  juft  weights  to  weigh  me  in.  Oh,  but  I  am  a  filly, 
fecklefs*  body,  and  overgrown  with  weeds;  corruption  is  rank  and 
fat  in  me.  Oh,  if  I  were  anfwerable  to  this  holy  caufe,  and  to  that 
honourable  Prince's  love  for  whom  I  now  fufFer !  If  Chrifl  fhould  re- 
fer the  matter  to  me  (in  His  prefence  I  fpeak  it),  I  might  think  fhame 
to  vote  my  own  falvation.  I  think  Chrift  might  fay,  "  Thinkeft  thou 
not  fliame  to  claim  heaven,  who  doeft  fo  little  for  it  ?"  I  am  very 
often  fo,  that  I  know  not  whether  I  fmk  or  fwim  in  the  water.  I 
find  myfelf  a  bag  of  light  froth.  I  would  bear  no  weight  (but  vani- 
ties and  nothings  weigh  in  Chrift's  balance)  if  my  Lord  cafl  not  in 
borrowed  weight  and  metal,  even  Chrift's  righteoufnefs,  to  weigh 
for  me.  The  ftock  I  have  is  not  mine  own  ;  I  am  but  the  merchant 
that  trafficketh  with  other  folks'  goods.  If  my  creditor,  Chrift, 
fhould  take  from  me  what  He  hath  lent,  I  fhould  not  long  keep  the 
caufeway  ;f  but  Chrift  hath  made  it  mine  and  His.  I  think  it  man- 
hood to  play  the  coward,  and  joukj  in  the  lee-fide  of  Chrilf  ;  and 
thus  I  am  not  only  faved  from  my  enemies,  but  I  obtain  the  viftory. 
I  am  fo  empty,  that  I  think  it  were  an  alms-deed  in  Chrift,  if  He 
would  win  a  poor  prifoner's  blefling  for  evermore,  and  fill  me  with 

*  Pithlefs,  vvorthlefs.  f  Appear  in  open  ftreet  unabaflied. 

X  Bend  mv  bodv  on  the  fide  where  there  is  fhelter  from  the  wind. 

440  LETTER  CLXJ^XL  [1637. 

His  love.  I  complain  that  when  Chrill:  cometh,  He  cometh  always 
to  fetch  lire ;  *  He  is  ever  in  hafte,  He  may  not  tarry  ;  and  poor  I 
(a  beggarly  dyvour f)  get  but  a  ftanding  vilit  and  a  Handing  kifs, 
and  but,  '*  How  doefl  thou  ?"  in  the  by-going.J  I  dare  not  fay  He 
is  lordly,  becaufe  He  is  made  a  Kdng  now  at  the  right  hand  of  God  ; 
or  is  grown  mifl:enning§  and  dry  !|  to  His  poor  friends  :  for  He  can- 
not make  more  of  His  kifles  than  they  are  worth.  But  I  think  it 
my  happinefs  to  love  the  love  of  Chrift  :  and  when  He  goeth  away, 
the  memory  of  His  fweet  prefence  is  like  a  feafl  in  a  dear  fummer. 
I  have  comfort  in  this,  that  my  foul  defireth  that  every  hour  of  my 
imprifonment  were  a  company  of  heavenly  tongues  to  praife  Him  on 
my  behalf,  howbeit  my  bonds  were  prolonged  for  many  hundred 
years.  Oh  that  I  could  be  the  man  who  could  procure  my  Lord's 
glory  to  flow  like  a  full  fea,  and  blow  like  a  mighty  wind  upon  all 
the  four  airthsff  of  Scotland,  England,  and  Ireland!  Oh,  if  I 
could  write  a  book  of  His  praifes  !  O  Fairefl:  among  the  fons  of 
men,  why  ftayefl:  thou  fo  long  away?  O  heavens,  move  faft !  O 
time,  run,  run,  and  haften  the  marriage-day!  for  love  is  tormented 
with  delays.  O  angels,  O  feraphims,  who  ftand  before  Him,  O 
blelTed  fpirits  who  now  fee  His  face,  fet  Him  on  high !  for  when  ye 
have  worn  your  harps  in  His  praifes,  all  is  too  little,  and  is  nothing, 
to  call  the  fmell  of  the  praife  of  that  fair  Flower,  the  fragrant  Rofe 
of  Sharon,  through  many  worlds  ! 

Sir,  take  my  hearty  commendations  to  Him,  and  tell  Him  that  I 
am  fick  of  love. 

Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  June  16,  1637. 

*  As  fteel  from  flint :  t  Debtor.  %  In  pafling  by. 

$  Apt  to  overlook,  as  if  not  knowing.       ||  Refen-ed.  ^  Qiiarters. 

637.3  LETTER  CLXXXIL  441 

CLXXXII. — To  his  honoured  and  dear  Brother,  Alexander  Gordon 

of  Knockgray. 



— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  have  feen  no 
letter  from  you  fince  I  came  to  Aberdeen.  I  will  not 
interpret  it  to  be  forgetfulnefs.  I  am  here  in  a  fair  prifon  :  Chrift 
is  my  fweet  and  honourable  fellow-prifoner,  and  I  His  fad  and  joy- 
ful lord-prifoner,*  if  I  may  fpeak  fo.  I  think  this  crofs  becometh 
me  well,  and  is  fuitable  to  me  in  refpeft  of  my  duty  to  fufFer  for 
Chrift,  howbeit  not  in  regard  of  my  deierving  to  be  thus  honoured. 
However  it  be,  I  fee  that  Chrlfl:  is  ftrong,  even  lying  in  the  dufl,  in 
prifon,  and  in  banifhment.  Loffes  and  difgraces  are  the  wheels  oi' 
Chrifl's  triumphant  chariot.  In  the  fufferings  of  His  own  faints,  as 
He  intendeth  their  good,  fo  He  intendeth  His  own  glory,  and  that 
is  the  butt  His  arrows  fhoot  at.  And  Chrift  fhooteth  not  at  rovers,f 
He  hitteth  what  He  purpoleth  to  hit ;  therefore  He  doth  make  His 
own  fecklefs:j:  and  weak  nothings,  and  thofe  who  are  the  contempt 
of  men,  "  a  new  fharp  threlhing  inftrument,  having  teeth,  to  threlh 
the  mountains,  and  beat  them  fmall,  and  to  make  the  hills  as  chaff, 
and  to  fan  them."§  What  harder  ftuff,  or  harder  grain  for 
threihing  out,  than  high  and  rocky  mountains  ?  But  the  faints 
are  God's  threfhing  inilruments,  to  beat  them  all  into  chaff.  Are 
we  not  Gk)d's  leem  ||  veffels  ?  and  yet  when  they  caft  us  over 
a  houfe  we  are  not  broken  into  fherds.  We  creep  in  under  our 
Lord's  wings  in  the  great   fhower,  and  the  water   cannot  come 

*  In  Luther's  ftyle,  he  playfully  fpeaks  of  himfelf  as  if  raifed  to  nobility 
among  prifoners. 

t  At  random.  X  ^Vorthlefs.  §  Ifa.  xli.  15,  16. 

II  Earthen  ;  from  limiu  ?  He  fpeaks  of  ^  ^  the  potter  having  the  dominion  of 
art  over  the  leamy  pot,"  in  a  fermon  on  Dan.  vi.  26.     It  is  conneded  with 

442  LETTER  CLXXXIL  [1637. 

through  thofe  wings.  It  is  folly  then  for  men  to  fay,  '*  This  is  not 
Chriil's  plea,  He  will  lofe  the  wad-fee  ;  *  men  are  like  to  beguile 
Him  : "  that  were  indeed  a  ftrange  play.  Nay,  I  dare  pledge  my 
foul,  and  lay  it  in  pawn  on  Chrifl's  fide  of  it,  and  be  half-tiner,t 
half- winner  with  my  Mafter  !  Let  fools  laugh  the  fool's  laughter, 
and  fcorn  Chrifl,  and  bid  the  weeping  captives  in  Babylon  "  fmg  us 
one  of  the  fongs  of  Zion,  play  a  fpring  J  to  cheer  up  your  fad-hearted 
God!"  We  may  fmg  upon  luck's-head§  beforehand,  even  in  our 
winter-ftorm,  in  the  expe6i:ation  of  a  fummer  fun,  at  the  turn  of  the 
year.  No  created  powers  in  hell,  or  out  of  hell,  can  mar  the  mufic 
of  our  Lord  Jefus,  nor  fpoil  our  fong  of  joy.  Let  us  then  be  glad, 
and  rejoice  in  the  falvation  of  our  Lord  ;  for  faith  had  never  yet 
caufe  to  have  wet  cheeks,  and  hanging  down  brows,  or  to  droop 
or  die.  What  can  ail  faith,  feeing  Chrifl  futfereth  Himfelf  (with 
reverence  to  Him  be  it  fpoken)  to  be  commanded  by  it,  and  Chrifl 
commandeth  all  things .?  Faith  may  dance  becaufe  Chrift  fmgeth  ; 
and  we  may  come  into  the  choir,  and  lift  our  hoarfe  and  rough 
voices,  and  chirp,  and  fing,  and  Ihout  for  joy  with  our  Lord  Jefus. 
We  fee  oxen  go  to  the  fhambles,  leaping  and  ftartling ;  ||  we  fee 
God's  fed  oxen,  prepared  for  the  day  of  flaughter,  go  dancing  and 
fmging  down  to  the  black  chambers  of  hell ;  and  why  fhould  we 
go  to  heaven  weeping,  as  if  we  were  like  to  fall  down  through  the 
earth  for  forrow .?  If  God  were  dead  (if  I  may  fpeak  fo,  with 
reverence  of  Him  who  liveth  for  ever  and  ever),  and  Chrifl  buried, 
and  rotten  among  the  worms,  we  might  have  caufe  to  look  like 
dead  folks  ;  but  "  the  Lord  liveth,  and  blelFed  be  the  Rock  of  our 
falvation."  ^  None  have  right  to  joy  but  we  ;  for  joy  is  fown  for 
us,  and  an  ill  fummer  or  harveft  will  not  fpill  **  the  crop.  The  chil- 
dren of  this  world  have  much  robbed  joy  that  is  not  weU-come.ff 
It  is  no  good  fport  they  laugh  at  :  they  fleal  joy,  as  it  were,  from 

*  Pledge;  the  fum  paid  in  hiring,  as  a  pledge  of  engagement. 

t  Half-lofer.  J  A  fprightly  air.  §  On  the  chance  of  winning. 

II  Running  to  and  fro  in  an  excited  manner.  •"  Ps.  xviii.  46. 

**  Mar.  +t  Got  in  a  right  way. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXXIL  443 

God  ;  for  He  commandeth  them  to  mourn  and  howl.*     Then  let  us 
claim  our  leel-comef  and  lawfully  conquefledf  joy. 

My  dear  brother,  I  cannot  but  fpeak  what  I  have  felt ;  feeing 
my  Lord  Jefus  hath  broken  a  box  of  fpikenard  upon  the  head  of 
His  poor  prifoner,  and  it  is  hard  to  hide  a  fweet  fmell.  It  is  a  pain 
to  fmother  Chrift's  love  ;  it  will  be  out  whether  we  will  or  not.  If 
we  did  but  fpeak  according  to  the  matter,  a  crofs  for  Chrift  fhould 
have  another  name  ;  yea,  a  crofs,  efpecially  when  He  cometh  with 
His  arms  full  of  joys,  is  the  happieft  hard  tree  that  ever  was  laid 
upon  my  weak  fhoulder.  Chrifl  and  His  crofs  together  are  fweet 
company,  and  a  blefled  couple.  My  prifon  is  my  palace,  my  forrow 
is  with  child  of  joy,  my  lofTes  are  rich  lofTes,  my  pain  eafy  pain,  my 
heavy  days  are  holy  and  happy  days.  I  may  tell  a  new  tale  of 
Chrifl  to  my  friends.  Oh,  if  I  could  make  a  love  fong  of  Him, 
and  could  commend  Chrift,  and  tune  His  praifes  aright  !  Oh,  if  I 
could  fet  all  tongues  in  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  to  work,  to  help 
me  to  fmg  a  new  fong  of  my  Well-beloved  !  Oh,  if  I  could  be  a 
bridge  over  a  water  for  my  Lord  Jefus  to  walk  upon,  and  keep  His 
feet  dry  !  Oh,  if  my  poor  bit  heaven  could  go  betwixt  my  Lord 
and  blafphemy,  and  difhonour  !  (Upon  condition  He  loved  me). 
Oh  that  my  heart  could  fay  this  word,  and  abide  by  it  for  ever  ! 
Is  it  not  great  art  and  incomparable  wifdom  in  my  Lord,  who  can 
bring  forth  fuch  fair  apples  out  of  this  crabbed  tree  of  the  crofs  } 
Nay,  my  Father's  never-enough  admired  providence  can  make  a 
fair  face  if  out  of  a  black  devil.  Nothing  can  come  wrong  to  my 
Lord  in  His  fweet  working.  I  would  even  fall  found  afleep  in 
Chrifl's  arms,  and  my  fmful  head  on  His  holy  breafl,  while  He 
kifleth  me  ;  were  it  not  that  often  the  wind  turneth  to  the  north, 
and  whiles  §  my  fweet  Lord  Jefus  is  ib  that  He  will  neither  give  nor 

*  James  v.  i. 

t  Purchafed,  or  obtained  by  induftry,  not  inherited.     Leel-come,  is  what 
has  come  to  us  in  a  found  way,  honeft  and  true. 

X  This  feeras  the  true  reading,  though  '^  feaft"  is  in  other  editions. 
§  At  times. 

444  LETTER  CLXXXIIL  [1637. 

take,  borrow  nor  lend  with  me.  I  complain  that  He  is  not  focial  ; 
I  half  call  Him  proud  and  lordly  of  His  company,  and  nice  of 
His  looks,  which  yet  is  not  true.  It  would  content  me  to  give, 
howbeit  He  fhould  not  take.  I  fhould  be  content  to  want  His 
kifTes  at  fuch  times,  providing  He  would  be  content  to  come  near- 
hand,  and  take  my  werfh,*  dry,  and  fecklefsf  kifTes.  But  at  that 
time  He  will  not  be  entreated,  but  let  a  poor  foul  ftand  flill  and 
knock,  and  never  let-on  J  him  that  He  heareth  ;  and  then  the  old 
leavings,  and  broken  meat,  and  dry  fighs,  are  greater  cheer  than  I 
can  tell.  All  I  have  then  is,  that  howbeit  the  law  and  wrath  have 
gotten  a  decreet  §  againft  me,  I  can  yet  lippen  ||  that  meikle  good  in 
Chrift  as  to  get  a  fufpenfion,f  and  to  bring  my  caufe  in  reafoning 
again  before  my  Well-beloved.  I  defire  but  to  be  heard,  and  at 
lafl  He  is  content  to  come  and  agree  the  matter  with  a  fool,  and 
forgive  freely,  becaufe  He  is  God.  Oh,  if  men  would  glorify  Him, 
and  tafte  of  Chrifl's  fweetnefs  ! 

Brother,  ye  have  need  to  be  bufy  with  Chrift  for  this  whorifh 
Kirk  ;  I  fear  left  Chrift  cafl  water  upon  Scotland's  coal.  Nay,  I 
know  that  Chrill  and  His  wife  will  be  heard :  He  will  plead  for  the 
broken  covenant.     Arm  you  againfl  that  time. 

Grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 
Aberdeen,  June  16,  1637.  S.  R. 

CLXXXIII.— 55  Mr  J R . 

[It  is  highly  probable  that  the  individual  to  whom  this  letter  is  addrefTed 
was  John  Row,  fon  of  John  Row,  minifler  of  Camock,  and  grandfon  of  John 
Row  the  reformer,  and  contemporary  of  Knox.  In  1632  he  was  appointed 
matter  of  the  Grammar  School  of  Perth,  in  which  fituation  he  continued  for 
fome  years.  The  year  after  his  appointment,  he  was  in  fome  danger  of  expul- 
iion,  for  refuiing  to  join  in  the  obfer\ance  of  the  Lord's  Supper  after  the  man- 

*  Infipid,  no  fait  in  them.        f  No  worth  in  them.        %  Seem  to  notice. 
§  Sentence  of  court.  ||  Truft  that  there  is  fo  much  good. 

^  An  a(51:  fufpending  final  execution  of  fentence. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXXIIL  445 

ner  enjoined  by  the  Perth  Articles.  At  the  time  when  this  letter  was  written, 
he  appears  to  have  been  expofed  to  a  fimilar  danger.  In  1641  he  was  ordained 
minifter  of  St  Nicholas  Church,  Aberdeen;  and  in  1652  was  elevated  to  be 
Principal  of  King's  College.  Row  was  a  man  of  learning,  and  was  the  author 
of  the  firft  Hebrew  grammar  printed  in  Scotland.     He  died  in  1646.] 



EAR  BROTHER,— Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  unto 
you.  Upon  the  report  which  I  hear  of  you,  without 
any  further  acquaintance,  except  our  ftraiteft  bonds  in 
our  Lord  Jefus,  I  thought  good  to  write  unto  you,  hearing  of  your 
danger  to  be  thruft  out  of  the  Lord's  houfe  for  His  name's  fake. 
Therefore,  my  earnefl  and  humble  defire  to  God  is,  that  ye  may  be 
ftrengthened  in  the  grace  of  God,  and,  by  the  power  of  His  might, 
to  go  on  for  Chrift,  not  {landing  in  awe  of  a  worm  that  fhall  die. 
I  hope  that  ye  will  not  put  your  hand  to  the  ark  to  give  it  a  wrong 
touch,*  and  to  overturn  it,  as  many  now  do,  when  the  archers  are 
fhooting  fore  at  Jofeph,  whofe  bow  fhall  abide  in  its  flrength.  We 
owe  to  our  royal  I^ng  and  princely  Mafter  a  teftimony.  Oh,  how 
blefled  are  they  who  can  ward  a  blow  off  Chrift,  and  His  borne- 
down  truth !  Men  think  Chrift  a  gonef  man  now,  and  that  He 
fhall  never  get  up  His  head  again ;  and  they  believe  that  His  court  J 
is  failed,  becaufe  He  fuifereth  men  to  break  their  fpears  and  fwords 
upon  Him,  and  the  enemies  to  plough  Zion,  and  make  long  and 
deep  their  furrows  on  her  back.  But  it  would  not  be  fo,  if  the 
Lord  had  not  a  fowing  for  His  ploughing.  What  can  He  do, 
but  melt  an  old  drofTy  Kirk,  that  He  may  bring  out  a  new  bride 
out  of  the  fire  again  ?  I  think  that  Chrift  is  juft  now  repairing  His 
houfe,  and  exchanging  His  old  veffels  with  new  veffels,  and  is 
going  through  this  land,  and  taking  up  an  inventory  and  a  roll  of  fo 
many  of  Levi's  fons,  and  good  profeffors,  that  He  may  make  them 

*  In  old  editions,  **totch;"  and  explained  to  be  a  fudden  pufh,  fuch  a 
pufh,  too,  as  fets  the  objeft  in  motion.     The  allufion  is  to  2  Sam.  vi.  6. 

t  Whofe  caufe  is  utterly  hopelefs,  ruined.  X  His  power  and  influence. 

446  LETTER  CLXXXIIL  [1637. 

new  work  *  for  the  Second  Temple  ;  and  whatfoever  fhall  be  found 
not  to  be  for  the  work,  fhall  be  caften  over  the  wall.  When  the 
houfe  fhall  be  builded,  He  will  lay  by  f  His  hammers,  as  having  no 
more  to  do  with  them.  It  is  poffible  that  He  may  do  worfe  to  them 
than  lay  them  by  ;  and  I  think  the  vengeance  of  the  Lord,  and  the 
vengeance  of  His  temple,  fhall  be  upon  them. 

I  defire  no  more  than  to  keep  weight  when  I  am  paft  the  fire  ;  J 
and  I  can  now,  in  fome  weak  meafure,  give  Chrifl  a  teflimonial§  of 
a  lovely  and  loving  companion  under  fufFering  for  Him.  I  faw  Him 
before,  but  afar  off.  His  beauty,  to  my  eye-fight,  groweth.  A 
fig,  a  ftraw  for  a  ten  worlds'  plaflered  glory,  and  for  childifh  ftia- 
dows,  the  idol  of  clay  (this  god,  the  world)  that  fools  fight  for  !  If 
I  had  a  leafe  of  Chrifl  of  my  own  dating  (for  whoever  once  cometh 
nigh-hand,  ||  and  taketh  a  hearty  look  of  Chrifl's  inner  fide,  fhall 
never  wring  nor  wreftle  themfelves  out  of  His  love-grips  f  again), 
I  would  reft  contentedly  in  my  prifon,  yea,  in  my  prifon  without 
light  of  fun  or  candle,  providing  Chrift  and  I  had  a  love-bed,  not  of 
mine,  but  of  Chrift's  own  making,  that  we  might  lie  together  among 
the  lilies,  till  the  day  break  and  the  fhadows  flee  away.  Who 
knoweth  how  fweet  a  drink  of  Chrift's  love  is  !  Oh,  but  to  live 
on  Chrift's  love  is  a  king's  life  !  The  worft  things  of  Chrift,  even 
that  which  feemeth  to  be  the  refufe  of  Chrift,  His  hard  crofs.  His 
black  crofs,  is  white  and  fair ;  and  the  crofs  receiveth  a  beautiful 
luftre  and  a  perfumed  fmell  from  Jefus.  My  dear  brother,  fcaur** 
not  at  it. 

While  ye  have  time  to  ftand  upon  the  watch-tower  and  fpeak, 
contend  with  this  land.  Plead  with  your  harlot-mother,  who  hath 
been  a  treacherous  half-marrowf  f  to  her  huiband  Jefus.  For  I  would 
think  liberty  to  preach  one  day,  the  root  and  top  of  my  defires  ; 
and  would  feek  no  more  of  the  blefTings  that  are  to  be  had  on  this 

*  See  p.  456.  t  Caft  afide. 

X  Lofe  nothing  when  I  am  pafled  through  the  fire,  even  if  I  fhould  not  gain. 

§  An  atteftation,  that  He  is.  ||  Near.  ^  Love-grafp. 

**  Boggle,  be  afraid.  ft  A  married  partner. 

I637-]  LETTER  CLXXXIV.  447 

fide  of  time,  till  I  be  over  the  water,  than  to  fpend  this  my  crazy 
clay-honfe  in  His  fervice,  and  faving  of  fouls.  But  I  hold  my  peace, 
becaufe  He  hath  done  it.  My  fhallow  and  ebb*  thoughts  are  not 
the  compafs  which  Chrift  faileth  by.  I  leave  His  ways  to  Himfelf, 
for  they  are  far,  far  above  me  :  only  I  would  contend  with  Chrift 
for  His  love,  and  be  bold  to  make  a  plea  with  Jefus,  my  Lord,  for 
a  heart-fill  of  His  love  ;  for  there  is  no  more  left  to  me.  What 
ftandeth  beyond  the  far  endf  of  my  fufFerings,  and  what  fhall  be 
the  event.  He  knoweth,  and  I  hope,  to  my  joy,  will  make  me  know, 
when  God  will  unfold  His  decrees  concerning  me.  For  there  are 
windings,  and  tos  and  fros,  in  His  ways,  which  blind  bodies  like  us 
cannot  fee. 

Thus  much  for  farther  acquaintance  ;  fo,  recommending  you, 
and  what  is  before  you,  to  the  grace  of  God,  I  reft. 

Your  very  loving  brother  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  June  16,  1637. 

CLXXXIV.— 7*0  Mr  William  Dalgleish.     [Let.  117.] 



Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  unto  you.  I  have  heard 
fomewhat  of  your  trials  in  Galloway.  I  blefs  the  Lord, 
who  hath  begun  firfl  in  that  corner  to  make  you  a  new  kirk  to  Him- 
felf.    Chrift  hath  the  lefs  ado  behind,  when  He  hath  refined  you. 

Let  me  entreat  you,  my  dearly  beloved,  to  be  fafi  to  Chrift. 
My  witnefs  is  above,  my  dearefi:  brother,  that  ye  have  added  much 
joy  to  me  in  my  bonds,  when  I  hear  that  ye  grow  in  the  grace  and 
zeal  of  God  for  your  Mafier.  Our  miniftry,  whether  by  preaching 
or  fuffering,  will  caft  a  fmell  through  the  world  both  of  heaven  and 

*  Shallow.  t  The  farther  end,  the  final  ifliie. 

448  LETTER  CLXXXIV.  [1637. 

hell.*  I  perfuade  you,  my  dear  brother,  that  there  is  nothing  out 
of  heaven,  next  to  Chriit,  dearer  to  me  than  my  miniftry  ;  and  the 
worth  of  it,  in  my  eftimation,  is  fwelled,  and  paineth  me  exceedingly. 
Yet  I  am  content,  for  the  honour  of  my  Lord,  to  fur  render  it  back 
again  to  the  Lord  of  the  vineyard.  Let  Hun  do  with  it,  and  me  both, 
what  He  thinketh  good.     I  think  myfelf  too  little  for  Him. 

And,  let  me  fpeak  to  you,  how  kind  a  fellow-prifoner  is  Chrifl 
to  me  !  Believe  me,  this  kind  of  crofs  (that  would  not  go  byf  my 
door,  but  would  needs  vifit  me)  is  ftill  the  longer  the  more  welcome 
to  me.  It  is  true,  my  filent  Sabbaths  have  been,  and  flill  are,  as 
glaffy  ice,  whereon  my  faith  can  fcarce  hold  its  feet,  and  I  am  often 
blown  on  my  back,  and  off  my  feet,  with  a  ftorm  of  doubting  ;  yet 
truly,  my  bonds  all  this  time  cafl  a  mighty  and  rank  fmell  of  high 
and  deep  love  in  Chrifl.  I  cannot,  indeed,  fee  through  my  crofs 
to  the  far  end  ;J  yet  I  believe  I  am  in  Chrift's  books,  and  in  His 
decree  (not  yet  unfolded  to  me),  a  man  triumphing,  dancing,  and 
fmging,  on  the  other  fide  of  the  Red  Sea,  and  laughing  and  praifmg 
the  Lamb,  over  beyond  time,  forrow,  deprivation,  prelates'  indigna- 
tion, lofTes,  want  of  friends,  and  death.  Heaven  is  not  a  fowl  flying 
in  the  air  (as  men  ufe  to  fpeak  of  things  that  are  uncertain)  ;  nay,  it 
is  well  paid  for.  Chriil's  comprifement  §  lieth  on  |i  glory  for  all  the 
mourners  in  Zion,  and  fhall  never  be  loofed.  Let  us  be  glad  and 
rejoice,  that  we  have  blood,  lofTes,  and  wounds,  to  fhow  our  Mafler 
and  Captain  at  His  appearance,  and  what  we  fufFered  for  His  caufe. 

Woe  is  me,  my  dear  brother,  that  I  fay  often,  "  I  am  but  dry 
bones,  which  my  Lord  will  not  bring  out  of  the  grave  again  ;"  and 
that  my  faithlefs  fears  fay,  "  Oh,  I  am  a  dry  tree,  that  can  bear  no 
fruit  ;  I  am  a  ufelefs  body,  who  can  beget  no  children  to  the  Lord 
in  His  houfe  ! "  Hopes  of  deliverance  look  cold  and  uncertain,  and 
afar  off,  as  if  I  had  done  with  it.     It  is  much  for  Chrift  (if  I  may 


2  Cor.  ii.  15,  16.  t  Pafs  by.  %  To  the  final  iflue. 

§  Apprehending  as  by  legal  procefs. 

II  ''  To  lie  on,"  is  for  a  thing  to  be  a  matter  of  duty  or 'obligation,  or  of 
legal  fecurity.  Chrift  has  laid  His  comprifement  on  glory  ;  He  hath  taken 
care  that  the  mourners  in  Zion  be  fecured  in  pofleflion  of  glory. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXXIV.  449 

fay  io)  to  get  law-borrows*  of  my  forrow,  and  of  my  quarrelousf 
heart.  Chrifl's  love  playeth  me  fair  play.  I  am  not  wronged  at 
all  ;  but  there  is  a  tricking  and  falfe  heart  within  me,  that  ftill 
playeth  Chrift  foul  play.  I  am  a  cumberfome  neighbour  to  Chrift  : 
it  is  a  wonder  that  He  dwelleth  befide  the  like  of  me.  Yet  I  often 
get  the  advantage  of  the  hill  above  my  temptations,  and  then  I  de- 
fpife  temptation,  even  hell  itfelf,  and  the  flink  of  it,  and  the  inftru- 
ments  of  it,  and  am  proud  of  my  honourable  Mafter.  And  I  refolve, 
whether  contrary  winds  will  or  not,  to  fetch  J  Chrift's  harbour  ;  and 
I  think  a  wilful  and  ftifF  contention  with  my  Lord  Jefus  for  His 
love  very  lawful.  It  is  fometimes  hard  to  me  to  win  my  meat  § 
upon  Chrift's  love,  because  my  faith  is  fick,  and  my  hope  withereth, 
and  my  eyes  wax  dim  ;  and  unkind  and  comfort-eclipfmg  clouds 
go  over  the  fair  and  bright  Sun,  Jefus  ;  and  then,  when  I  and 
temptation  tryft  ||  the  matter  together,  we  fpill  all  through  unbelief. 
Sweet,  fweet  for  evermore  would  my  life  be,  if  I  could  keep  faith 
in  exercife  !  But  I  fee  that  my  fire  cannot  always  caft  light  ;  I  have 
even  a  "  poor  man's  hard  world,"f  when  He  goeth  away.  But  furely, 
fmce  my  entry  hither,  many  a  time  hath  my  fair  fun  fhined  without 
a  cloud  :  hot  and  burning  hath  Chrift's  love  been  to  me.  I  have 
no  vent  to  the  exprefTion  of  it  ;  I  muft  be  content  with  ftolen  and 
fmothered  defires  of  Chrift's  glory.  Oh,  how  far  is  His  love  be- 
hind the  hand  with  me  !  **  I  am  juft  like  a  man  who  hath  nothing 
to  pay  his  thoufands  of  debt  :  all  that  can  be  gotten  of  him  is  to 
feize  upon  his  perfon.  Except  Chrift  would  feize  upon  myfelf,  and 
make  the  readieft  payment  that  can  be  of  my  heart  and  love  to 
Himfelf,  I  have  no  other  thing  to  give  Him.  If  my  fufferings  could 
do  beholders  good,  and  edify  His  Kirk,  and  proclaim  the  incom- 
parable worth  of  Chrift's  love  to  the  world,  oh,  then  would  my 
foul  be  overjoyed,  and  my  fad  heart  be  cheered  and  calmed  ! 

*  Pledge  given  to  the  law,  that  the  man  will  not  injure  his  neighbour. 
t  Ready  to  find  fault.  %  Make  for.  §  Get  a  livelihood. 

II  As  by  appointment,  bring  it  to  our  meeting. 

^  A  proverbial  faying.  **  Far  from  receiving  what  I  owe  to  it. 

VOL.  I.  F  F 

450  LETTER  CLXXXIV.  [1637. 

Dear  brother,  I  cannot  tell  what  is  become  of  my  labours  among 
that  people  !  If  all  that  my  Lord  builded  by  me  be  caflen  down, 
and  the  bottom  be  fallen  out  of  the  profeflion  of  that  parifh,  and 
none  ftand  by  Chrift,  whofe  love  I  once  preached  as  clearly  and 
plainly  as  I  could  (though  far  below  its  worth  and  excellence)  to 
that  people  ;  if  fo,  how  can  I  bear  it !  And  if  another  make  a  foul 
harveft,  where  I  have  made  a  painful  and  honeft  fowing,  it  will  not 
foon  digefl  with  me.  But  I  know  that  His  ways  pafs  finding  out. 
Yet  my  witnefs,  both  within  me  and  above  me,  knoweth.  And  my 
pained  breaft  upon  the  Lord's  day  at  night,  my  defire  to  have  had 
Chrifl  awful,  and  amiable,  and  fweet  to  that  people,  is  now  my  joy. 
It  was  my  defire  and  aim  to  make  Chriil  and  them  one ;  and,  if  I 
fee  my  hopes  die  in  the  bud,  ere  they  bloom*  a  little,  and  come  to 
no  fruit,  I  die  with  grief.  O  my  God,  feek  not  an  account  of  the 
violence  done  to  me  by  my  brethren,  whofe  falvation  I  love  and 
defire.  I  pray  that  they  and  I  be  not  heard  as  contrary  parties  in 
the  day  of  our  compearance-]-  before  our  Judge,  in  that  procefs,  led 
by  them  againfl  my  miniftry  which  I  received  from  Chrift.  I  know 
that  a  little  inch,  and  lefs  than  the  third  part  of  this  fpan-length  and 
hand-breadth  of  time,  which  is  porting  away,  will  put  me  without 
the  ftroke,  and  above  the  reach  of  either  brethren  or  foes  ;  and  it  is 
a  fhort-lafting  injury  done  to  me,  and  to  my  pains  in  that  part  of  my 
Lord's  vineyard.  Oh,  how  filly:^  an  advantage  is  my  deprivation 
to  men,  feeing  that  my  Lord  Jefus  hath  many  ways  to  recover  His 
own  lofTes,  and  is  irrefiflible  to  compafs  His  own  glorious  ends,  that 
His  lily  may  grow  amongft  thorns,  and  His  little  kingdom  exalt 
Himfelf,  even  under  the  fwords  and  fpears  of  contrary  powers  ! 

But,  my  dear  brother,  go  on  in  the  rtrength  of  His  rich  grace, 
whom  ye  ferve.  Stand  fail  for  Chrifl.  Deliver  the  gofpel  off  your 
hand,  and  your  miniftry  to  your  Mafter,  with  a  clean  and  undefiled 
confcience.  Loofe  not  a  pin  of  Chrift's  tabernacle.  Do  not  fo 
much  as  pick  with  your  nail  at  one  board  or  border  of  the  ark. 

*  Bloflbm. 

t  Appearance  in  obedience  to  legal  citation.  |  Pitiful. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXXIF.  451 

Have  no  part  or  dealing,  upon  any  terms,  in  a  hoof,*  in  a  doled 
window,  f  or  in  a  bowing  of  your  knee,  in  calling  down  of  the 
temple.  But  be  a  mourning  and  fpeaking  witnefs  againfl:  them  who 
now  ruin  Zion.  Our  Mailer  will  be  on  us  all  now  in  a  clap,  J 
ere  ever  we  wit.§  That  day  will  difcover  all  our  whitevS  and  our 
blacks,  concerning  this  controverfy  of  poor  opprefled  Zion.  Let 
us  make  our  part  of  it  good,  that  it  may  be  able  to  abide  the  fire, 
when  hay  and  flubble  fhall  be  burned  to  afhes.  Nothing,  nothing, 
I  fay,  nothing,  but  found  fandlification  can  abide  the  Lord's  fan. 
I  Hand  to  my  teflimony  that  I  preached  often  of  Scotland. — "  La- 
mentation, mourning,  and  woe  abideth  thee,  O  Scotland  !  O  Scot- 
land! the  fearful  quarrel  of  a  broken  covenant  flandeth  good  with 
thy  Lord  ! " 

Now,  remember  my  love  to  all  my  friends,  and  to  my  parilh- 
ioners,  as  if  I  named  each  of  them  particularly.  I  recommend  you, 
and  God's  people,  committed  by  Chrifl  to  your  trull,  to  the  rich 
grace  of  our  all-fufficient  Lord.  Remember  my  bonds.  Praife  my 
Lord,  who  beareth  me  up  in  my  fufFerings.  As  ye  find  occafion, 
according  to  the  wildom  given  you,  fhow  our  acquaintance  what 
the  Lord  hath  done  to  my  foul.  This  I  feek  not,  verily,  to  hunt 
my  own  praife,  but  that  my  fweetefl  and  deareft  Mafler  may  be 
magnified  in  my  fufFerings.     I  refl, 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  June  16,  1637. 

*  Referring  to  Exod.  x.  26.  t  Referring  to  Dan.  vi.  10. 

X  Suddenly,  like  a  clap  of  thunder.  §  Know,  are  aware. 

452  LETTER  CLXXXV.  [1637. 

CLXXXV.— 7*0  Marion  M'Naught. 

[EARLY     BELOVED     IN     OUR     LORD     JESUS 

CHRIST, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  Few 
know  the  heart  of  a  flranger  and  prifoner.  I  am  in 
the  hands  of  mine  enemies.  I  would  that  honefl  and  lawful  means 
were  eflayed  for  bringing  me  home  to  my  charge,  now  when  Mr 
A.  R.  and  Mr  H.  R.  are  reflored.  It  concerneth  you  of  Galloway 
moft,  to  ufe  fupplications  and  addrefTes  for  this  purpofe,  and  try  if 
by  fair  means  I  can  be  brought  back  again.  As  for  liberty,  without 
I  be  reftored  to  my  flock,  it  is  little  to  me  ;  for  my  filence  is  my 
greatefl  prifon.  However  it  be,  I  wait  for  the  Lord  ;  I  hope  not 
to  rot  in  my  fufFerings  :  Lord,  give  me  fubmiflion  to  wait  on.  My 
heart  is  fad  that  my  days  flee  away,  and  I  do  no  fervice  to  my  Lord 
in  His  houfe,  now  when  His  harveft  and  the  fouls  of  perifliing 
people  require  it.  But  His  ways  are  not  like  my  ways,  neither  can 
I  find  Him  out.  Oh  that  He  would  fliine  upon  my  darknefs,  and 
bring  forth  my  morning  light  from  under  the  thick  cloud  that  men 
have  fpread  over  me  !  Oh  that  the  Almighty  would  lay  my  caufe 
in  a  balance  and  weigh  me,  if  my  foul  was  not  taken  up,*  when 
others  were  fleeping,  how  to  have  Chrifl:  betrothed  with  a  bride,  in 
that  part  of  the  land  !  But  that  day  that  my  mouth  was  mofl:  un- 
jufl:ly  and  cruelly  clofed,  the  bloom  fell  off  my  branches,  and  my 
joy  did  call:  the  flower.  Howbeit,  I  have  been  cafling  myfelf  under 
God's  feet,  and  wreflling  to  believe  under  a  hidden  and  covered 
Lord  ;  yet  my  fainting  cometh  before  I  eat,  and  my  faith  hath 
bowed  with  the  fore  caftjf  and  under  this  almoft  infupportable 
weight !  Oh  that  it  break  not  !  I  dare  not  fay  that  the  Lord 
hath  put  out  my  candle,  and  hath  caften  water  upon  my  poor  coal, 
and  broken  the  flakes  of  my  tabernacle  ;  but  I  have  tafled  bitternefs, 

*  Occupied  bufily.  t  Lot ;   fate,  as  we  fay. 


1637.]  LETTER  CLXXXF.  453 

and  eaten  gall  and  wormwood,  fince  that  day  on  which  my  Mafter 
laid  bonds  upon  me  to  fpeak  no  more.  I  fpeak  not  this  becaufe 
the  Lord  is  unco*  to  me,  but  becaufe  beholders,  that  fland  on  dry 
land,  fee  not  my  fea-ftorm.  The  witnefles  of  my  fad  crofs  are  but 
flrangers  to  my  fad  days  and  nights.  Oh  that  Chrift  would  let  me 
alone,  and  fpeak  love  to  me,  and  come  home  to  me,  and  bring 
fummer  with  Him  !  Oh  that  I  might  preach  His  beauty  and  glory, 
as  once  I  did,  before  my  clay-tent  be  removed  to  darknefs  !  and 
•that  I  might  lift  Chrift  off  the  ground  !  and  my  branches  might  be 
watered  with  the  dew  of  God,  and  my  joy  in  His  work  might 
grow  green  again,  and  bud,  and  fend  out  a  flower  !  But  I  am  but 
a  ihort-fighted  creature,  and  my  candle  cafl:eth  not  light  afar  off. 
He  knoweth  all  that  is  done  to  me  ;  how  that  when  I  had  but  one 
joy,  and  no  more,  and  one  green  flower  that  I  efleemed  to  be  my 
garland.  He  came  in  one  hour  and  dried  up  my  flower  at  the  root, 
and  took  away  mine  only  eye,  and  my  one  only  crown  and 
garland.  What  can  I  fay  ?  Surely  my  guiltinefs  hath  been  re- 
membered before  Him,  and  He  was  feeking  to  take  down  my  fails, 
and  to  land  the  flower  of  my  delights,  and  to  let  it  lie  on  the  coafl, 
like  an  old  broken  fliip,  that  is  no  more  for  the  fea.  But  I 
praife  Him  for  this  waledf  fl:roke.  I  welcome  this  furnace  ^  God's 
wifdom  made  choice  of  it  for  me,  and  it  mufl  be  befl:,  becaufe  it 
was  His  choice.  Oh  that  I  may  wait  for  Him  till  the  morning  of 
this  benighted  Kirk  break  out !  This  poor,  aiflifted  Kjrk  had  a  fair 
morning,  but  Her  night  came  upon  her  before  her  noon-day,  and 
flie  was  like  a  traveller,  forced  to  take  houfe  in  the  morning  of  his 
journey.  And  now  her  adverfaries  are  the  chief  men  in  the  land  ; 
her  ways  mourn  ;  her  gates  languifli ;  her  children  figh  for  bread  -, 
and  there  is  none  to  be  inflant  with  the  Lord,  that  He  would  come 
again  to  His  houfe,  and  dry  the  face  of  His  weeping  fpoufe,  and 
comfort  Zion's  mourners,  who  are  waiting  for  Him.  I  know  that 
He  will  make  corn  to  grow  upon  the  top  of  His  withered  Mount 
Zion  again. 

*  Strange.  f  Seleded. 

454  LETTER  CLXXXVL  [1637. 

Remember  my  bonds,  and  forget  me  not.  Oh  that  my  Lord 
would  bring  me  again  amongft  you  with  abundance  of  the  gofpel 
of  Chrift  !  But,  oh,  that  I  may  fet  down  my  defires  where  my 
Lord  biddeth  me !  Remember  my  love  in  the  Lord  to  your 
hufband ;  God  make  him  faithful  to  Chrift !  and  my  bleffing  to 
your  three  children.  Faint  not  in  prayer  for  this  Kirk.  Defire  my 
people  not  to  receive  a  ftranger  and  intruder  upon  my  miniflry. 
Let  me  ftand  in  that  right  and  ftation  that  my  Lord  Jeius  gave 

Grace,  grace  be  with  you. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  and  Mafter, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  1637. 

CLXXXVL— r^  Robert  Stuart. 

[This  Robert  Stuart  was  probably  the  fon  of  Provoft  Stuart  of  Ayr, 
to  whom  feveral  letters  are  addrefled.  AUufion  is  made  to  his  early  conver- 


Y  VERY  DEAR  BROTHER,— Grace,  mercy,  and 
peace  be  to  you.  Ye  are  heartily  welcome  to  my 
world  of  fuffering,  and  heartily  welcome  to  my  Mafler's 
houfe.  God  give  you  much  joy  of  your  new  Mafter.  If  I  have 
been  in  the  houfe  before  you,  I  were  not  faithful  to  give  the  houfe 
an  ill  name,  or  to  fpeak  evil  of  the  Lord  of  the  family  ;  I  rather 
wifh  God's  Holy  Spirit  (O  Lord,  breathe  upon  me  with  that 
Spirit !),  to  tell  you  the  fafhions  of  the  houfe.*  One  thing  I  can 
fay,  by  on-waiting  ye  will  grow  a  great  man  with  the  Lord  of 
the  houfe.      Hang  on  till  ye  get  fome  good  from  Chrifl.     Lay 

*  F//,ek.  xliii.  ii. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXXVL  455 

all  your  loads  and  your  weights  by  faith  upon  Chrifl ;  take  eafe 
to  yourfelf,  and  let  Him  bear  all.  He  can,  He  dow,*  He  will 
bear  you,  howbeit  hell  were  upon  your  back.  I  rejoice  that  He  is 
come,  and  hath  chofen  you  in  the  furnace  ;  it  was  even  there  where 
ye  and  He  fet  tryfl.f  That  is  an  old  gatef  of  Chrifl's  :  He  keepeth 
the  good  old  fafhion  with  you,  that  was  in  Hofea's  days  :  "  There- 
fore, behold,  I  will  allure  her,  and  bring  her  into  the  wildernefs,  and 
fpeak  to  her  heart."  §  There  was  no  talking  to  her  heart,  while 
He  and  fhe  were  in  the  fair  and  flourifhing  city,  and  at  eafe ;  but 
out  in  the  cold,  hungry,  wafte  wildernefs.  He  allureth  her,  He 
whifpered  news  into  her  ear  there,  and  faid,  "  Thou  art  Mine." 
What  would  ye  think  of  fuch  a  bode  ?  ||  Ye  may  foon  do  worfe 
than  fay,  **  Lord,  hold  all  ;  Lord  Jefus,  a  bargain  be  it,  it  fhall  not 
go  back  on  my  fide." 

Ye  have  gotten  a  great  advantage  in  the  way  of  heaven,  that  ye 
have  ftarted  to  the  gate  f  in  the  morning.  Like  a  fool,  as  I  was,  I 
fufFered  my  fun  to  be  high  in  the  heaven,  and  near  afternoon,  before 
ever  I  took  the  gate  by  the  end.  I  pray  you  now  keep  the  advan- 
tage ye  have.  My  heart,  be  not  lazy  ;  fet  quickly  up  the  brae**  on 
hands  and  feet,  as  if  the  laft  pickle ff  of  fand  were  running  out  of 
your  glafs,  and  death  were  coming  to  turn  the  glafs.  And  be  very 
careful  to  take  heed  to  your  feet,  in  that  flippery  and  dangerous  way 
of  youth  that  ye  are  walking  in.  The  devil  and  temptations  now 
have  the  advantage  of  the  brae  **  of  you,  and  are  upon  your  wand- 
hand,  Jf  and  your  working-hand.  J  J  Dry  timber  will  foon  take  fire. 
Be  covetous  and  greedy  of  the  grace  of  God,  and  beware  that  it  be 
not  a  holinefs  which  cometh  only  from  the  crofs  ;  for  too  many  are 
that  way  difpofed.     "  When  He  flew  them,  then  they  fought  Him, 

*  Probably  inferted  from  fome  explanatory  margin,  ^^dow"  being  the 
fame  as  *^  can."     Should  we  not  read,  ^^  doth?" 

t  Made  appointment.  %  Way. 

§  Hos.  ii.  14  ;  margin.  \\  Offer  made  in  order  to  a  bargain. 

^  Set  out  on  the  road.  **  The  hill's  flope.  ft  Small  grain. 

XX  The  hand  that  holds  the  rod  or  wand  in  driving,  and  the  hand  that 
guides  the  horfe. 

45<^  LETTER  CLXXXVL  [1637. 

and  they  returned  and  inquired  early  after  God."  **  Neverthelefs, 
they  did  flatter  Him  with  their  mouth,  and  they  lied  unto  Him  with 
their  tongues."*  It  is  part  of  our  hypocrify,  to  ^ve  God  fair, 
white,  words,  f  when  He  hath  us  in  His  grips  J  (if  I  may  fpeak  fo), 
and  to  flatter  Him  till  He  win  to  the  fair  fields  again.  Try  well 
green  godlinefs,  and  examine  what  it  is  that  ye  love  in  Chrifl.  If 
ye  love  but  Chrift's  funny  fide,  and  would  have  only  fummer  weather 
and  a  land-gate,  §  not  a  fea-way,  to  heaven,  your  profeflion  will  play 
you  a  flip,  and  the  winter-well  will  go  dry  again  in  fummer. 

Make  no  fports  nor  bairn's  play  of  Chrifl: ;  but  labour  for  a 
found  and  lively  fight  of  fin,  that  ye  may  judge  yourfelf  an  undone 
man,  a  damned  flave  of  hell  and  of  fln,  one  dying  in  your  own 
blood,  except  Chrifl  come  and  rue  upon  ||  you,  and  take  you  up  ;  and 
therefore,  make  fure  and  fafl  work  of  converfion.  Caft  the  earth 
deep  ;  and  down,  down  with  the  old  work,  the  building  of  confu- 
flon,  that  was  there  before  ;  and  let  Chrifl  lay  new  work,  and  make 
a  new  creation  within  you.  Look  if  Chrifl's  rain  goeth  down  to 
the  root  of  your  withered  plants,  and  if  His  love  wound  your  heart 
whill^  it  bleed  with  forrow  for  fln,  and  if  ye  can  pant  and  fall 
afwoon,  **  and  be  like  to  die  for  that  lovely  one,  Jefus.  I  know 
that  Chrifl  will  not  be  hid  where  He  is ;  grace  will  ever  fpeak  for 
itfelf,  and  be  fruitful  in  well-doing.  The  fanftified  crofs  is  a  fruit- 
ful tree  ;  it  bringeth  forth  many  apples. 

If  I  fliould  tell  you  by  fome  weak  experience,  what  I  have  found 
in  Chrifl,  ye  or  others  could  hardly  believe  me.  I  thought  not  the 
hundredth  part  of  Chrifl,  long  fince,  that  I  do  now,  though,  alas  ! 
my  thoughts  are  flill  infinitely  below  His  worth.  I  have  a  dwining,f  j- 
fickly,  and  pained  life,  for  a  real  pofleflion  of  Him  ;  and  am  troubled 
with  love-brafliesJJ  and  love-fevers ;  but  it  is  a  fweet  pain.  I  would 
tefufe  no  conditions,  not  hell  excepted  (referving  always  God's 
hatred),  to  buy  pofleflion  of  Jefus.    But,  alas  !  I  am  not  a  merchant, 

*  Ps.  Ixxviii.  34,  36.         t  Plaufible  fpeeches.  %  A  hold  of  us. 

§  Way  by  lami.  ||  Take  pity.  f  Till.  **  Into  a  faint. 

tt  Pining.  %%  Fits,  or  attacks,  of  love-ficknefs. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXXVL  457 

who  have  any  money  to  give  for  Him  :  I  mufl  either  come  to  a 
good-cheap*  market,  where  wares  are  had  for  nothing,  elfe  I  go 
home  empty.  But  I  have  caften  this  work  upon  Chrift  to  get  me 
Himfelf.  I  have  His  faith,  and  truth,  and  promife,  as  a  pawn  of 
His,  all  engaged  that  I  ftiall  obtain  that  which  my  hungry  defires 
would  be  at ;  and  I  efteem  that  the  choice  of  my  happinefs.  And  for 
Chrift's  crofs,  efpecially  the  garland  and  flower  of  all  crofles,  to 
fuffer  for  His  name,  I  efteem  it  more  than  I  can  write  or  fpeak  to 
you.  And  I  write  it  under  mine  own  hand  to  you,  that  it  is  one  of 
the  fleps  of  the  ladder  up  to  our  country  ;  and  Chrift  (whoever  be 
one)  is  ftill  at  the  heavy  end  of  this  black  tree,  and  fo  it  is  but  as  a 
feather  to  me.  I  need  not  run  at  leifure,f  becaufe  of  a  burden  on 
my  back  ;  my  back  never  bare  the  like  of  it  -,  the  more  heavily 
crofled  for  Chrift,  the  foul  is  ftill  the  lighter  for  the  journey. 

Now,  would  to  God  that  all  cold-blooded,  faint-hearted  foldiers 
of  Chrift  would  look  again  to  Jefus,  and  to  His  love  ;  and  when 
they  look,  I  would  have  them  to  look  again  and  again,  and  fill 
themfelves  with  beholding  of  Chrift's  beauty  ;  and  I  dare  fay  then 
that  Chrift  would  come  into  great  court  J  and  requeft  with  many. 
The  virgins  would  flock  faft  about  the  Bridegroom  ;  they  would 
embrace  and  take  hold  of  Him,  and  not  let  Him  go.  But  when  I 
have  fpoken  of  Him,  till  my  head  rive,  I  have  faid  juft  nothing.  I 
may  begin  again.  A  Godhead,  a  Godhead  is  a  world's  wonder. 
Set  ten  thoufand  thoufand  new-made  worlds  of  angels  and  ele6t 
men,  and  double  them  in  number,  ten  thoufand,  thoufand,  thoufand 
times  ;  let  their  heart  and  tongues  be  ten  thoufand  thoufand  times 
more  agile  and  large,  than  the  heart  and  tongues  of  the  feraphim 
that  ft  and  with  fix  wings  before  Him,  §  when  they  have  faid  all  for 
the  glorifying  and  praifmg  of  the  Lord  Jefus,  they  have  but  fpoken 
little  or  nothing  •,  His  love  will  abide  all  poflible  creatures  to  praife. 
Oh,  if  I  could  wear  this  tongue  to  the  ftump,  in  extolling  His  high- 
nefs  !     But  it  is  my  daily-growing  forrow,  that  I  am  confounded 

*  Very  cheap.  f  I  am  not  obliged  to  run  (lowly. 

X  Favour,  influence.  §  Ha.  vi.  2. 

458  LETTER  CLXXXVIL  [1637. 

with  His  incomparable  love,  and  that  He  doeth  fo  great  things  for 
my  foul,  and  hath  got  never  yet  anything  of  me  worth  the  fpeaking 
of.  Sir,  I  charge  you,  help  me  to  praife  Him ;  it  is  a  fhame  to 
fpeak  of  what  He  hath  done  for  me,  and  what  I  do  to  Him  again. 
I  am  fure  that  Chrifl  hath  many  drowned  dyvours*  in  heaven 
befide  Him  ;  and  when  we  are  convened,  man  and  angel,  at  the 
great  day,  in  that  fair  laft  meeting,  we  are  all  but  His  drowned 
dyvours  :  it  is  hard  to  fay  who  oweth  Him  moft.  If  men  could 
do  no  more,  I  would  have  them  to  wonder  :  if  ye  cannot  be  filled 
with  Chrifl's  love,  we  may  be  filled  with  wondering. 

Sir,  I  would  that  I  could  perfuade  you  to  grow  fick  for  Chrifl, 
and  to  long  after  Him,  and  be  pained  with  love  for  Himfelf.  But 
His  tongue  is  in  heaven  who  can  do  it.  To  Him  and  His  rich 
grace  I  recommend  you. 

I  pray  you,  pray  for  me,  and  forget  not  to  praife. 
Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 

Aberdeen,  June  17,  1637. 

CLXXXVIL— r^  the  Lady  Gaitgirth. 

[Lady  Gaitgirth,  or  Isabel  Blair,  daughter  to  John  Blair  of  that 
ilk,  by  Grizel  his  wife,  daughter  to  Robert,  Lord  Semple,  was  the  wife  of 
James  Chalmers  of  Gaitgirth.  To  him  fhe  had  five  fons  and  five  daughters.  Mr 
Fergufhill  of  Ochiltree  refided  in  the  vicinity  ;  fee  Let.  112.  Her  hufband,  to 
whom  Rutherford  exprefTes  his  obligations  in  the  clofe  of  this  letter,  was  a  man 
of  worth.  He  was  made  Sheriff-principal  of  A^Tfhire  in  1632  i  and  in  1633, 
he  and  Sir  William  Cunningham  of  Cunninghamhead  reprefented  Ayrfhire  in 
Parliament.  Embracing  the  caufe  of  the  Covenant,  he  zealoufly  promoted 
the  meafures  adopted  for  its  fuccefs.  In  1641,  he,  with  Caflilis  and  Cap- 
rington,  were  fent  as  commiflioners  from  the  Scottifh  Parliament  to  Newcaftle; 
in  1646  he  was  in  the  Committee  of  War,  and  in  1649  he  had  a  troop  in 
Colonel  Robert  Montgomery's  Horfe.     (Robert/on  s  Ayrjhire  Families^     His 

*  Debtors,  drowned  over  head  and  ears  in  His  debt. 

1637.]  LETTER  CLXXXVIL  459 

great-grandfather,  James  Chalmers  of  Gaitgirth,  who  lived  at  the  time  of  the 
Reformation,  was  a  very  zealous  reformer,  and  is  defcribedby  Knox,  Calder- 
wood,  and  Spottifwood,  as  one  of  the  boldeft  and  moft  daring  men  of  any 
who  took  part  in  that  important  revolution. 

The  name  is  often  written  Gathgirth  and  Gadgirth.  It  is  in  the  parifh  of 
Coylton,  about  four  miles  from  Monkton.  The  modem  manfion  occupies  the 
fine  fite  of  the  old,  on  a  wooded  knoll  that  overhangs  the  river  Ayr,  and  at 
one  point  commanding  a  view  of  Arran  and  Goatfell.     It  is  a  fmall  eftate.] 


ISTRESS, — Grace,  mercy,  and  peace  be  to  you.  I  long 
to  know  how  matters  ftand  betwixt  Chrifl  and  your 
foul.  I  know  that  ye  find  Him  flill  the  longer  the 
better  ;  time  cannot  change  Him  in  His  love.  Ye  may  yourfelf 
ebb  and  flow,  rife  and  fall,  wax  and  wane  ;  but  your  Lord  is  this 
day  as  He  was  yefterday.  And  it  is  your  comfort  that  your  falva- 
tion  is  not  rolled  upon  wheels  of  your  own  making,  neither  have  ye 
to  do  with  a  Chrift  of  your  own  fhaping.  God  hath  fmgled  out  a 
Mediator,*  flrong  and  mighty  :  if  ye  and  your  burdens  were  as 
heavy  as  ten  hills  or  hells.  He  is  able  to  bear  you,  and  fave  you  to 
the  uttermofl.  Your  often  feeking  to  Him  cannot  make  you  a 
burden  to  Him.  I  know  that  Chrift  compallionateth  you,  and 
maketh  a  moan  for  you,  in  all  your  dumps,  and  under  your  down- 
caftings ;  but  it  is  good  for  you  that  He  hideth  Himfelf  fometimes. 
It  is  not  nicenefs,  drynefs,  nor  coldnefs  of  love,  that  caufeth  Chrifl 
to  withdraw,  and  flip  in  under  a  curtain  and  a  vail,  that  ye  cannot 
fee  Him  ;  but  He  knoweth  that  ye  could  not  bear  with  upfails,  a 
fair  gale,  a  full  moon,  and  a  high  fpring-tide  of  His  felt  love,  and 
always  a  fair  fummer-day  and  a  fummer-fun  of  a  felt  and  poflefled  and 
embracing  Lord  Jefus.  His  kifl^es  and  His  viflts  to  His  dearefl  ones 
are  thin-fown.  He  could  not  let  out  His  rivers  of  love  upon  His 
own,  but  thefe  rivers  would  be  in  hazard  of  loofening  a  young  plant 

*  Psa.  Ixxxix.  19. 

460  LETTER  CLXXXVIL  [1637. 

at  the  root ;  *  and  He  knoweth  this  of  you.  Ye  fhould,  therefore, 
friflf  Chriil's  kindnefs,  as  to  its  fenfible  and  full  manifeflations,  till 
ye  and  He  be  above  fun  and  moon.  That  is  the  country  where  ye 
will  be  enlarged  for  that  love  which  ye  dowj  not  now  contain. 

Caft  the  burden  of  your  fweet  babes  upon  Chrift,  and  lighten 
your  heart,  by  laying  your  all  upon  Him  :  He  will  be  their  God. 
I  hope  to  fee  you  up  the  mountain  yet,  and  glad  in  the  falvation  of 
God.  Frame  §  yourfelf  for  Chrifl,  and  gloom  ||  not  upon  His  crofs. 
I  find  Him  fo  fweet,  that  my  love,  fuppofe  I  would  charge  it  to 
remove  from  Chrifl,  would  not  obey  me  :  His  love  hath  flronger 
fingers  than  to  let  go  its  grips  f  of  us  bairns,  who  cannot  go,  but 
by  fuch  a  hold  as  Chrift.  It  is  good  that  we  want  legs  of  our 
own,  fmce  we  may  borrow  from  Chrifl  -,  and  it  is  our  happinefs 
that  Chrift  is  under  an  a6l  of  cautionary  **  for  heaven,  and  that 
Chrift  is  booked  in  heaven  as  the  principal  debtor  for  such  poor 
bodies  as  we  are. 

I  requefl  you  to  give  the  laird,  your  hufband,  thanks  for  his 
care  of  me,  in  that  he  hath  appeared  in  public  for  a  prifoner  of  Chrifl. 
I  pray  and  write  mercy,  and  peace,  and  bleflings  to  him  and  his. 

Grace,  grace  be  with  you  for  ever. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

*  The  river  Ayr  flows  clofe  to  Gaitgirth ;  fo  that,  in  time  of  flood,  Lady 
Gaitgirth  would  often  fee  an  exemplification  of  what  is  alluded  to, — the  water 
loofening  the  tree's  roots. 

t  Defer  till  another  time.  J  Ye  are  not  able  to. 

§  Set  yourfelf  in  a  fit  attitude,  as  Hos.  v.  4.     See  Let.  32. 

II  Frown,  be  fulky.  ^  Firm  hold.  **  Suretyfhip. 

[1637.  LEISTER  CLXXXVIIL  461 

CLXXXVIIL— T'cj  Mr  John  Fergushill  of  Ochiltree. 


EVEREND  AND  DEAR  BROTHER,— Grace,  mercy, 

and  peace  be  to  you.  My  longings  and  defires  for 
a  fight  of  the  new-builded  tabernacle  of  ChrLfl:  again 
in  Scotland,  that  tabernacle  that  came  down  from  heaven,  hath 
now  taken  fome  life  again,  when  I  fee  Chrift  making  a  mint*  to 
fow  vengeance  among  His  enemies.  I  care  not,  if  this  land  be  ripe 
for  fuch  a  great,  wonderful  mercy  ;  but  I  know  He  muft  do  it, 
whenever  it  is  done,  without  hire.  I  find  the  grief  of  my  filence, 
and  my  fear  to  be  holden  at  the  door  of  Chrift's  houfe,  fwelling 
upon  me  ;  and  the  truth  is,  were  it  not  that  I  am  dawtedf  now  and 
then  with  pieces  of  Chrift's  fweet  love  and  comforts,  I  fear  I  fhould 
have  made  an  ill  browflj  of  this  honourable  crofs,  that  I  know 
fuch  a  foft  and  fdly-minded  body  as  I  am  is  not  worthy  of.  For  I 
have  little  in  me  but  foftnefs,  and  fuperlative  and  exceilive  appre- 
henfions  of  fear,  and  fadnefs,  and  forrow ;  and  often  God's  terrors 
do  furround  me,  becaufe  Chrift  looketh  not  fo  favourably  upon  me 
as  a  poor  witnefs  would  have  Him.  And  I  wonder  how  I  have 
pafl  a  year  and  a  quarter's  imprifonment  without  ihaming  my  fweet 
Lord,  to  whom  I  defire  to  be  faithful ;  and  I  think  I  fhall  die  but§ 
even  minting  *  and  aiming  to  ferve  and  honour  my  Lord  Jefus. 
Few  know  how  toom  ||  and  empty  I  am  at  home  ;  but  it  is  a  part  of 
marriage-love  and  hufband-love,  that  my  Lord  Jefus  goeth  not  to 
the  flreets  with  His  chiding  againft  me.  It  is  but  ftolen  and  con- 
cealed anger  that  I  find  and  feel,  and  His  glooms  ^  to  me  are  kept 

*  An  effort  made ;  a  putting  forth  of  what  is  in  one's  power. 

t  Treated  as  a  fondled  child. 

J  An  ill-brewed  quantity  of  malt,  an  ill-managed  matter. 

§  Only ;  not  attaining  fiuther  than  the  attempt.       ||  Empty.      ^  Frowns. 

462  LETTER  CLXXXVIIL  [1637. 

under  roof,  that  He  will  not  have  mine  enemies  hear  what  is  betwixt 
me  and  Him.  And,  believe  me,  I  fay  the  truth  in  Chrifl,  that  the 
only  gall  and  wormwood  in  my  cup,  and  that  which  hath  filled  me 
with  fear,  hath  been,  left  my  fms,  that  fun  and  moon  and  the  Lord's 
children  were  never  witnefs  to,  fhould  have  moved  my  Lord  to 
ftrike  me  with  dumb  Sabbaths.  Lord,  pardon  my  foft  and  weak 
jealoufies,*  if  I  be  here  in  an  error. 

My  very  dear  brother,  I  would  have  looked  for  larger  and  more 
particular  letters  from  you,  for  my  comfort  in  this  ;  for  your  words 
before  have  ftrengthened  me.  I  pray  you  to  mend  this  ;  and  be 
thankful  and  painful,  f  while  ye  have  a  piece  or  corner  of  the  Lord's 
\ineyard  to  drefs.  Oh,  would  to  God  that  I  could  have  leave  to 
follow  you,  to  break  the  clods  !  But  I  wifh  I  could  command  my 
foul  to  be  fdent,  and  to  wait  upon  the  Lord.  I  am  fure  that  while 
Chrift  lives,  I  am  well  enough  friend-flead.J  I  hope  that  He  will 
extend  His  kindnefs  and  power  for  me  ;  but  God  be  thanked  it  is 
not  worfe  with  me  than  a  crofs  for  Chrifl:  and  His  truth.  I  know 
that  He  might  have  pitched  upon  many  more  choice  and  worthy 
witnefTes,  if  He  had  pleafed ;  but  I  feek  no  more  (be  what  timber 
I  will,  fuppofe  I  were  made  of  a  piece  of  hell)  than  that  my  Lord, 
in  His  infinite  art,  hew  glory  to  His  name,  and  enlargement  to 
Chrifl's  kingdom,  out  of  me.  Oh  that  I  could  attain  to  this,  to 
defire  that  my  part  of  Chrift  might  be  laid  in  pledge  for  the  height- 
ening of  Chrifi's  throne  in  Britain  !  Let  my  Lord  redeem  the 
pledge  ;  or,  if  He  pleafe,  let  it  fmk  and  drown  unredeemed.  But 
what  can  I  add  to  Him  ?  or  what  way  can  a  fmothered  and  borne- 
down  prifoner  fet  out  Chrift  in  open  market,  as  a  lovely  and  de- 
firable  Lord  to  many  fouls  ?  I  know  that  He  feeth  to  His  own 
glory  better  than  my  ebb  §  thoughts  can  dream  of ;  and  that  the 
wheels  and  paces    of  this  poor  diftempered  ICirk  are  in  His  hands  ; 

*  Sufpicions.  f  Pains-taking.  X  Befriended.  §  Shallow. 

II  The  weights  of  a  clock.  In  a  fermon  at  Anwoth,  we  find  him  uling  the 
fame  figure  when  preaching  on  Song  vi.  i.  The  word  is  from  the  French, 
''  pefer,"  to  weigh. 

637.]  LETTER  CLXXXVIIL  463 

and  that  things  ihall  roll  as  Chriil  will  have  them  : — only,  Lord, 
tryft*  the  matter  fo,  as  Chrifl  may  be  made  a  houfeholder  and 
lord  again  in  Scotland,  and  wet  faces  for  His  departure  may  be 
dried  at  His  fweet  and  much-defired  welcome-home !  I  fee  that, 
in  all  our  trials,  our  Lord  will  not  mix  our  wares  and  His  grace 
overhead  through  other ;  f  but  He  will  have  each  man  to  know 
his  own,  that  the  like  of  me  may  fay  in  my  fufFerings,  "  This  is 
Chrift's  grace,  and  this  is  but  my  coarfe  ftufF :  this  is  free  grace, 
and  this  is  but  nature  and  reafon."  We  know  what  our  legs  would 
play  us,  if  they  fhould  carry  us  through  all  our  waters.  And  the 
leafl  thing  our  Lord  can  have  of  us,  is  to  know  we  are  grace's 
dyvours, J  and  that  nature  is  of  a  bafe  houfe  and  blood,  and  grace  is 
better  born,  and  of  kin  and  blood  to  Chrifl,  and  of  §  a  better  houfe. 
Oh  that  I  were  free  of  that  idol  which  they  call  myfelf;  and  that 
Chriil:  were  for  myfelf;  and  myfelf  a  decourted  ||  cypher,  and  a 
denied  and  forfworn  thing !  But  that  proud  thing,  myfelf^  will  not 
play,  except  it  ride  up  fide  for  fide  with  Chrifl,  or  rather  have  place 
before  Him.  O  myfelf  (another  devil,  as  evil  as  the  prince  of 
devils  !),  if  thou  couldft  give  Chrift  the  way,  and  take  thine  own 
room,  which  is  to  fit  as  low  as  nothing  or  corruption  !  Oh,  but 
we  have  much  need  to  be  ranfomed  and  redeemed  by  Chrift  from 
that  mafter-tyrant,  that  cruel  and  lawlefs  lord,  ourfelf.  Nay,  when 
I  am  feeking  Chrift,  and  am  out  of  myfelf,  I  have  the  third  part  of 
a  fquint  eye  upon  that  vain,  vain  thing,  myfelf,  myfelf,  and  fomething 
of  mine  own.     But  I  muft  hold  here. 

I  defire  you  to  contribute  your  help,  to  fee  if  I  can  be  reftored 
to  my  wafted  and  loft  flock.  I  fee  not  how  it  can  be,  except  the 
lords  would  procure  me  a  liberty  to  preach ;  and  they  have  reafon. 
I.  Becaufe  the  oppofers  and  my  adverfaries  have  practifed  their  new 
canons  upon  me,  whereof  one  is,  that  no  deprived  minifter  preach, 
under  the  pain  of  excommunication.  2.  Becaufe  my  oppofing  of 
thefe    canons   was   a  fpecial    thing   that   incenfed  SydferfF  againft 

*  Appoint.  t  One  with  the  other,  promifcuouny. 

X  Debtors.        §  Defcended  from.        ||  Difcarded,  out  of  court. 

464  LETTER  CLXXXVIIL  [1637. 

me.*     3.  Becaufe  I  was  judicially  accufed  for  my  book  againfl  the 
Arminians,  and  commanded  by  the  Chancellor  to  acknowledge  that 
I  had  done  a  fault  in  writing  againfl:  Dr  Jackfon,  a  wicked  Armi- 
nian.f     Pray  for  a  room  in  the  houfe  to  me. 
Grace,  grace  be  (as  it  is)  your  portion. 

Yours,  in  his  fweet  Lord  Jefus, 

S.  R. 
Aberdeen,  1637. 

*  Thomas  Sydferff,  now  Bifhop  of  Galloway,  was  the  chief  inftrument  in 
procuring  Rutherford's  banifhment  to  Aberdeen.  He  was  firft  minifter  of  the 
College  Church,  Edinburgh ;  and  afterwards  fucceflively  Bifhop  of  Brechin, 
Galloway,  and  Orkney.  He  had  early  imbibed  Arminian  principles,  and  pro- 
moted the  meafures  of  Archbifhop  Laud.  He  was  fuppofed  to  lean  to 
Popery ;  and  it  was  generally  believed  that  he  wore  under  his  coat,  upon  his 
breaft,  a  crucifix  of  gold,  which  rendered  him  fo  unpopular,  that,  on  appear- 
ing in  the  ftreets  of  Edinburgh  in  1637,  when  great  excitement  exifted  on 
account  of  the  Service  Book,  he  was  attacked  by  the  matrons  of  the  city.  He 
had  equal  reafon  to  **  cry  to  the  gentlemen  for  help"  under  fimilar  attacks  in 
other  places.  At  the  Reftoration  of  Charles  H.,  he  was  the  only  furviving 
bifhop  in  Scotland.  He  was  then  nominated  to  the  fee  of  Orkney,  but  fur- 
vived  his  promotion  little  more  than  a  year. 

t  Dr  Thomas  Jackfon,  Dean  of  Peterborough,  firft  held  Calviniftic  fenti- 
ments,  but  afterwards  became  an  Arminian, — a  change  which  recommended 
him  to  the  favour  and  patronage  of  Archbifhop  Laud.  He  was  a  man  of 
talent,  and  the  author  of  various  theological  works,  of  which  his  *^  Commen- 
tary on  the  Apoftles'  Creed"  is  the  moft  important.  Rutherford's  book  againft 
the  Arminians,  here  referred  to,  in  which  he  treated  Jackfon  with  little  cere- 
mony, and  which  was  one  caufe  of  his  banifhment  by  the  High  Commiflion 
Court,  is  entitled,  ^^  Exercitationes  Apologetics  pro  Di'vina  Gratia"  It  was 
publifhed  at  Amfterdam  in  the  beginning  of  the  year  1636,  and  gained  the 
author  no  fmall  reputation  abroad.  Baillie,  in  giving  an  account  of  Ruther- 
ford's trial  before  the  High  CommifTion  Court,  fays;  ^'  They  were  animate 
alfo  againft  him  for  taxing  Cameron  in  his  book,  and  moft  for  his  indifcreet 
railing  at  Jackfon." — {Letters  and  Journals.) 


Murray  Sf  Gibb,  Printers,  Edinburgh. 

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