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ol cH ARS 34-19 
A R ““~“EIVED 
SF JANL3 1961 
y eS 


A Series of Experiments 
Demonstrating Light Effects 
On Seed Germination, Plant 

Growth, and Plant Development 

January 196] 

Agricultural Research Service 



INtrOGuCctiON cececccccccccvcccccvccccccescccccccccccccccsasccccescccsccccesesescccccccccccs 
Light and seed germination cccccccccccncssccvcccocccssesccusssncsopessaccascesccesss 
Light and plant growth. cccccccccccccccccccecccccccccsccsccccccccseccesccossscouscsoccs 
Lnght and plant pigments. .ccccccescsenen ss saesniecincsisencpeueseaceaisasancaeeerssaceses 
Effectiof duration-of light on! plantstcc-cssescc<senssesssee=snesphoscspeesssenceeas 
General cultural hints cece cmcesccenecscsicincisecisnaes ses sisciesselsl=s ss ceessnesateasnaee 
General TeterenCeSieccaccssnsensens-sclncevceessenscaesressieusneceeensacseeereeese sas 


A. Light and seed germination 

1. Effect of light on germination of seeds planted in soil....... 

2. How to test various kinds of seeds to determine their light 
FEQCUITEMENE FOYT PETMINALION .cccecccccecccccccccccccccccccccccccccce 

3. Effect of duration of imbibition period (soaking) on effec- 
tiveness of a given light exposure in promoting germination 

Of light-SeNSitive SEEAS ..ccccccccccccccccccccccssccceseccccccccccccece 

4. How a light requirement for germination can be induced in 
seeds that normally do not require light for germination... 

* 5. Photoreversible control of seed germination by red and 

far-red lig tesccccceccsceseccacsviscsesiacisscacacssomaaneseceecsseenestenee 

B. Light and plant growth 

1. Control by light of growth of an internode ..ccccccccccccccccveres 
2. Control by light of growth and chlorophyll formation......... 
3. Why plants bend toward light (phototropism)....cccccccccccscece 
4. Effect of red and far-red light on elongation of stems of 

Light- Grown plants .coccccccccccccccccccccesccccescccccccccscccccsccccces 

C. Light and plant pigments 

1. Effect of light on formation of anthocyanin in seedlings..... 
2. Effect of light on tomato skin and fruit COLOT cocccccccecccccccce 
3. Localization of response to light by the pigment in tomato 


4. Effect of light on coloration of appleS.cccccccccccccccccccccccseves 

D. Duration of light 

1. Photoperiodic control of flowering of short-day plants...... 
2. Photoperiodic control of flowering of long-day plants........ 
3. Photoperiodic control of growth and dormancy of woody 


4. Photoperiodic control of bulb formation of ONIONS .cccccccceeee 

This publication was prepared by the 
Crops Research Division 
Agricultural Research Service 





A Series of Experiments Demonstrating 
Light Effects on Seed Germination, 
Plant Growth, and Plant Development 

By R. J. Downs, H. A. Borthwick, and A. A. Piringer! 


Each year scientists in the U. S. 
Department of Agriculture receive 
many inquiries from students, 
teachers, and other interested biolo- 
gists for details of simple but dra- 
matic experiments todemonstrate the 
photomorphogenic effects of light on 
plants. To answer these requests for 
this specialized information detailed 
and systematic experiments and 
demonstrations on effects of light on 
seed germination, growth, flowering, 
and fruiting are outlined herein. 
References accompanying each ex- 
periment are cited for supplementary 
reading and additional details. Certain 
of these references will not be readily 
available to all interested persons, 
but, in general, the cited papers can be 
obtained from college and other school 
libraries of most metropolitan areas 
as well as the personal libraries of 
local plant scientists. 


Seeds of many kinds of plants 
germinate poorly or not at all when 
planted and covered with soil. Inmany 
instances these are seeds that require 
light for germination. Some seeds, 
such as those of peppergrass (Lepid- 

ium virginicum), do not germinate at 
all in darkness. Others, suchas seeds 
of Grand Rapids lettuce (Lactuca 
Sativa), often germinate as much as 
30 percent in darkness and some lots 
even higher. However, all the seeds 
of both peppergrass and Grand Rapids 
lettuce germinate following a single 
brief exposure to light. A single ex- 
posure to light, nevertheless, is "Bis 
adequate to promote germination o 

all kinds of light-sensitive seeds. 
Seeds of the Empress tree (Paulownia 
tomentosa), for example, require long 
periods of light for several days. 

Germination of still other kinds of 
seeds, suchas those of henbit (Lamium 
amplexicaule), appears to be inhibited 
by light. 

A favorable temperature is one of 
the requirements for germinationand 
often a change or alternation of tem- 
peratures is more effective than a 
constant one in securing maximum 
germination. For example, only about 
30 percent of peppergrass seeds 
imbibed in water and placed on 
blotters in Petri dishes at a constant 
temperature of 70° F. may germinate 
in the light. If the temperature is 
alternated, more seeds germinate. If 
the seeds are imbibed in a solution 

1Plant physiologists, Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 

Beltsville, Maryland. 

containing 0.02-percent potassium ni- 
trate and the temperature alternated, 
maximum germination is attained. 
Such an alternation of temperatures 
might be 77°F. for 8 hours per day 
and 60° F. for 16 hours per day. 

Germination studies are oftenmade 
on blotters in Petri dishes inorder to 
facilitate handling, planting, and 
counting the seeds. If Petri dishes 
are not available, plastic sandwich 
boxes with lids, and filter paper or 
paper towels will perform the same 
job. Studies of the effect of light on 
germination of seeds implies that 
some of the seeds must be kept inthe 
dark to act as a check orcontrol. The 
term ‘‘dark’* means ‘‘total dark- 
ness,’ a complete absence of light. 
To provide the darkness required for 
the dark controls a proven method is 
to make bags of at least two layers of 
black sateen cloth. These bags must 
be large enough to contain the dishes, 
with enough slack at the opening so that 
a flap may be folded back to prevent 
entrance of light. Analternate method 
would be to cover the dishes with two 
or more layers of aluminum foil. 

Studies on the effect of light on 
various plant responses can be made 
in greater detail using red and far- 
red’? radiant energy. These wave- 
lengths are the most effective ones 
for regulating many plant responses to 
light and they can be obtained by using 
colored filters in conjunction with the 
proper light source. The fluorescent 
lamp emits considerable red but al- 
most no far-red light and is, there- 
fore, used as a source of red light. A 
filter of two layers of red cellophane 
removes all visible light except red 
and since very little far-redis emitted 
by the lamp, the net result is reason- 
ably pure red light. 

Incanaescent-filament lamps emit 
considerable amounts of far-red and 

2In Europe this would be referred to as near infrared. 

are thus good sources of far red. The 
visible light is removed by appro- 
priate filters such as a combination 
of red and blue cellophane. The red 
cellophane absorbs all the visible light 
except red and the dark-blue cello- 
phane absorbs red. However, neither 
color of cellophane absorbs far red, 
so the radiation passing through the 
filter is, therefore, far-red. 

Seeds of trees, shrubs, orna- 
mentals, vegetables, grains, and 
grasses can be obtained from com- 
mercial seed sources thatrangefrom 
special seed supply houses to the local 
hardware store. Many weed seeds are 
light-sensitive and these can be 
gathered by the investigator. After 
gathering the seeds they should be 
stored dry in a refrigerator (about 
40° F.) until an appropriate time to 
begin the experiments because at 
higher temperatures they often under- 
go change in their light requirements. 
A good supply of seeds should be 
gathered toassure an adequate amount 
for possible additional experiments. 
Any difficulty in identifying the plants 
can be resolved with the aid of high 
school biology teachers, the botanists 
or horticulturists at the State Uni- 
versity, State Agricultural Experi- 
ment Stations, or agriculture exten- 
sion specialists. 

Demonstrations A-1 through A-5 
tell us the following facts: 

® Certain kinds of seeds require light 
in order to germinate. 

@ The light requirement is not some- 
thing that occurs only under a special 
set of experimental conditions, but 
occurs when seeds are planted in an 
ordinary way in pots of soil. 

© A light requirement can be induced 
in seeds that normally do not require 
light for germination. 

@®The photoreaction that allows 
germination to proceed is reversible; 
red radiant energy drives the reac- 
tion in one direction and far-red 
drives it in the reverse direction. 

®The sensitivity of seeds to agiven 
amount of radiant energy changes 
with the period of imbibition. 

Several questions should come to 
mind immediately. How much light is 
required to induce germination? What 
are the relative amounts of red and 
far-red required to drive the reac- 
tions? Do all light-sensitive seeds 
require the same amount of energy to 
trigger germination? What is the 
effect of various temperatures on the 
light requirements? Are there other 
methods of inducing a light require- 
ment in seeds that normally are not 
light-sensitive? Are there any seeds 
that are inhibited from germinating 
by light? Experiments can be de- 
Signed to answer these and many more 
questions relating to the mechanism 
by which light controls germination. 


Vegetative growth of plants is toa 
large degree controlled by light. 
Plants grown in total darkness have 
very long internodes, small leaves, 
and are yellow in color because no 
chlorophyll is formed. If the dark- 
grown plants are exposed to weak light 
for a minute or two each day, the 
plants have shorter internodes and 
normal-size leaves, although they 
may still be yellow and without visible 
chlorophyll. Daily exposures of the 
plants to light of higher intensities 
or for a longer duration may not 
change the size of the leaves or inter- 
nodes of the plants from that obtained 
with brief exposures to light of low 
intensity, but the plants turn greenas 
chlorophyll is formed. 

The formative effects of light, but 
not chlorophyll formation, result from 
the same red, far-red reversible 
photoreaction that also _ controls 
flowering of photoperiodically-sensi- 
tive plants, germination of light- 
sensitive seeds, and many other plant 
responses. Red is the most efficient 
portion of the spectrum in inhibiting 
stem elongation and promoting leaf 
expansion. A far-red irradiation im- 
mediately following the red reverses 
the potential effect of the red irradi- 
ation and the stems become long. 

If light is directed at either light- 
grown or dark-grown plants from 
one side, the leaves tend to bend and 
the leaf petioles twist until the plane 
of the leaf blade is perpendicular to 
the light. The stems tend to curve in 
such a way that the tip of the stem is 
directed toward the light source. This 
phenomenon is called ‘‘phototropism”"’ 
and is caused by a different photo- 
reaction than the red, far-red one. 
Blue light is the most effective kind 
of light to promote the phototropic 

Demonstrations B-1 through B-4 
show several ways in which light 
influences plant growth and develop- 
ment. These demonstrations tell us 
the following facts: 

@ Light inhibits stem growth and 
promotes leaf expansion. 

@ Plants bend toward the light. 

@® Chlorophyll formation requires 
light and the light must be of 
higher intensity than that which 
controls stem length. 

@ The red, far-red reversible pho 
toreaction that controls seed 
germination also controls stem 
length and leaf size. 

Additional experiments can be de- 
signed to answer many other questions 
relating to the manner by which light 
controls plant growth. Examples of 

such questions are as follows: Are 
bending (phototropism) and growth of 
internodes controlled by the same 
photoreaction? This question can be 
answered by using different regions 
of the spectrum (colors of light) and 
testing to see if bending and growth 
are controlled by the same colors. 

Does the duration of darkness fol- 
lowing the far-red irradiation of light- 
grown plants affect the ultimate length 
of the internodes? What is the opti- 
mum period of darkness and why is it 

How concentrated is the pigment 
that controls growth? How do we 
know it is not chlorophyll? These 
questions can be answered by com- 
paring the growth responses of albino 
and green corn or barley seedlings. 


The autumn coloration of leaves and 
stems of woody plants is in part due 
to the formation of a red pigment 
called anthocyanin. The formation of 
anthocyanin is also responsible for the 
red color of apple fruits and for the 
red to purple color of milo, turnip, 
and cabbage seedlings. 

A common observation is that 
apples often do not turn red uniformly 
but that one side of the fruit is green 
or at least a lighter shade of redthan 
the other side. The reddest side of the 
apple is usually facing outward from 
the tree. The formation of the red 
color (anthocyanin) in apple fruits is, 
of course, controlled by light. De- 
tailed studies have shown that antho- 
cyanin formation in milo, turnip, and 
cabbage seedlings and inleaves ofred 
maple and other trees is also regu- 
lated by light. 

Unlike many other light-controlled 
plant responses anthocyanin forma- 
tion requires high intensity lightfora 
relatively long time. However, at the 
close of the high-intensity light period 

the low intensity, red, far-red photo- 
reaction may exert final control on 
anthocyanin synthesis. Thus, if the 
plant material is irradiated for a few 
minutes with far-red at the close of 
the high-intensity light period, the 
potential anthocyanin synthesis is in- 
hibited and very little is formed. If a 
brief irradiation with red follows the 
far-red, then anthocyanin is formed 
in an amount equal to that produced by 
the high-intensity light alone. 

An example of a low-intensity, 
light-controlled coloration is the 
yellow color of the skin of the tomato 
fruit. Plant breeders recognize dif- 
ferences in the color of the skins of 
fruits of certain tomato varieties and 
have classified the skins as yellow or 
clear. The red flesh and a trans- 
parent or white skin give the fruit a 
translucent pink color, whereas the 
yellow skin and red flesh give the 
fruit an orange-red appearance. In 
many tomato varieties the formation 
of this yellow pigment is controlled 
by light. Moreover, the same red, 
far-red photoreaction that controls 
flowering of photoperiodically-sensi- 
tive plants, germination of light-seni- 
tive seeds, and many other plant re- 
sponses also controls the formation 
of the yellow pigment in the skins of 
tomato fruit. 

Demonstrations C-1 through C-4 
concern light and its control of plant 
coloration. From these demonstra- 
tions we know: 

@ That light is required for the for- 
mation of the red color (antho- 
cyanin) of certain seedlings and 
apple fruits. 

e@ Light is required for the forma- 
tion of a yellow pigment in the skin 
of tomato fruit. 

@ The coloration occurs only inthe 
areas that received light--there 
is no translocation of the 

Additional experiments can be de- 
signed to learn more about the light 
reaction and about the chemical 
processes that result in pigment for- 
mation. Questions that one might ask 
are: How much energy is requiredto 
induce the formation of anthocyanin? 
As light energy is increased, doesthe 
amount of anthocyanin increase pro- 
portionately ? Once the light require- 
ment is fulfilled, what is the rate of 
anthocyanin formation? What is the 
role of temperature? What isthe role 
of sugar? Does the red, far-red re- 
versible photoreaction operate in the 
control of coloration? 


Flowering of many kinds of plants 
is controlled by the relative length of 
the daily light and dark periods. This 
Phenomenon is called ‘‘photoperiod- 
ism.’’ Some plants, such as certain 
varieties of chrysanthemum, poin- 
settia, morning-glory, cocklebur, and 
lamb’s-quarter, are short-day plants 
and flower only when the days are 
short and the nights are long. Certain 
varieties of spinach, beet, barley, and 
tuberous-rooted begonia, are ex- 
amples of long-day plants which 
flower only when the days are long 
and the nights are short. Flowering 
of many other kinds of plants is 
hastened but not absolutely controlled 
by the appropriate daylength. For ex- 
ample, scarlet sage, variety America, 
flowers quickly on short days but 
eventually flowers on long ones. Many 
varieties of petunia flower most 
rapidly on long days but finally flower 
on daylengths as short as 8 hours. 

Bulbing and tuber formation are 
also controlled by daylength. Tuber- 
ous-rooted begonia, which is a long- 
day plant for flowering, produces 
tubers on short days but not on long 
days. Onions, on the other hand, 
produce bulbs on long days but not 
when the days are short. 

Dormancy and thereby preparation 
of woody plants for the coming of 
winter is another plant response regu- 
lated by photoperiod. Even in the 
warm greenhouse many woody plants 
stop elongation of stems, produce 
terminal buds, and ‘‘harden off’* when 
the days begin to shorten in the 
autumn. However, if artificial light 
is used to keep the days long, plants 
in the warm greenhouse will continue 
growing during the naturally short 
days of winter and several years’ 
‘*field’’ growth is often obtained in 
only 1 year. 

These plant responses are regu- 
lated not by the length of the light 
period but by the length of the dark 
period. Thus, a long-day plant is 
really a short-night plant, and a 
short-day plant is really a long-night 
plant. Therefore, a long-day plant 
will flower, dormancy will be pre- 
vented, and onions will produce bulbs 
when a long dark period is broken into 
two short periods bya relatively brief 
exposure to light near the middle of 
the dark period. Under these same 
conditions, short-day plants will re- 
main vegetative. 

Studies of the responses of green 
plants often require plants to be 
grown indoors, yet they should have 
the same healthy appearance as well- 
tended plants grown out-of-doors. 
Everyone knows that plants cannot 
survive without light of adequate in- 
tensity to operate the processes of 
photosynthesis. In the field and garden 
or in the greenhouse this high-in- 
tensity light is obtained from the sun 
which often provides an illumination 
as high as 10,000 footcandles. In the 
average home the light intensity is 
usually too low for growth of many 
kinds of plants, even on the window 
sills. However, plants can be grown 
quite successfully with artifical light 
in complete absence of sumlight. 
Beans, tomato, cereals, and many 
ornamentals that grow in open sun- 
light make satisfactory growth if the 

artificial light intensity is about 1,000 
footcandles. Shade-loving plants, such 
as African violets, begonias, episcias, 
gloxinias, and orchids, will grow well 
with intensities as low as 500 foot- 

A practical source of artificial 
light for plant growth is the fluores- 
cent lamp. These lamps supply the 
necessary intensity without excessive 
heat and are available in various 
lengths, wattages, and colors. They 
are usually operated on one- or two- 
lamp ballasts, which maintain the 
proper current and provide the start- 
ing voltage. Prewired lamps and 
ballasts of several sizes and types are 
available as commercial luminaires 
or as channels. 

Many kinds of plants can be grown 
satisfactorily using only two 40-watt 
fluorescent lamps. Since the lamps 
themselves are relatively cool, the 
plants may be placed quite close to 
them without danger of excessive heat 
or burning. Table 1 shows the illum- 
ination at various distances from two 
40-watt cool-white fluorescent lamps 
mounted 2 inches apart. If the lamps 
are mounted further apart, the illum- 
ination at 6 inches or less from the 
lamps is markedly decreased. 

If the daylength is to be controlled, 
plants must be put into complete 
darkness at the close of a particular 
photoperiod. A dark chamber can be 
made of masonite or plywood with 
caulked seams, or it could be made of 
two or more thicknesses of black 
sateen cloth stretched over a wooden 
frame. If used carefully, a cardboard 
box with all seams and joints sealed 
with paper tape could be placed over 
the plants to provide darkness. 

Experimental procedures can be 
facilitated and made more exact if 
an electric time switch is available 
to turn the lights on and off at any 
desired time. 

Table 1.--Illumination in footcandles 
at various distances from two or four 
40-watt standard cool-white fluores- 
cent lamps mounted approximately 2 
inches froma white -painted reflecting 

; Illumination 

from lamps Two lamps*| Four lamps* 

| Used+* | Used*#| New 

(in) (fc) (fc) (fc) 
1 1,100 1,600 1,800 
2 860 1,400 1,600 
3 680 1,300 1,400 
4 570 1,100 1,300 
5 500 940 1,150 
6 420 820 1,000 
7 360 720 900 
8 330 660 830 
9 300 600 780 

10 280 560 720 

11 260 510 660 

12 240 480 600 

18 130 320 420 

24 100 PIO: 3260 

* Center-to-center distance be- 
tween the lamps was 2 inches. 

** These lamps had been used for 
approximately 200 hours. 

Demonstrations D-1 through D-4 
show some of the effects of the rela- 
tive lengths of day and night on plant 
growth and reproduction. These 
demonstrations tell us that: 

® Some plants flower on short days 
and long nights, whereas others 
flower on long days and short 

@ Dormancy of woody plants in the 
autumn is brought about by short 

@ Daylength controls tuber and bulb 
formation as well as flowering 
and dormancy. 

Additional experiments can be de- 
signed to answer and demonstrate 
many other aspects of the photo- 
periodic control of flowering bulbing, 
and dormancy. Forexample, we might 
ask, what is the critical daylength for 
short-day plants? What isthe longest 
day (shortest night) that will include 
flowering in short-day plants? What 
is the shortest day (longest night) that 
will induce flowering of long-day 
plants? When a long dark period is 
interrupted by a brief interval of light, 
what is the minimum energy required 
to keep short-day plants vegetative or 
to induce flowering of long-day plants ? 
When is the most efficient time to 
give the interruption during the dark 
period? Is the control of flowering 
operated through the same red, far- 
red reversible photoreaction that con- 
trols other plant responses? 


For all demonstrations in which 
seeds are germinated in soil, or in 
which young seedlings areto be grown, 
the soil should be sterilized. Steriliz- 
ing the soil destroys harmful insects, 
disease-producing organisms, and 
weed seeds. Soil may be sterilized by 
different methods as follows: (a) 
Place small lots of moist soil in a 
shallow pan and bake for at least l 
hour at a temperature of 215° F,, then 
cool but do not use until at least 2 
weeks; (b) place soil in an autoclave 
or pressure cooker and steam steri- 
lize at 15 pounds’ pressure for at 
least 1/2 hour, then allow to stand 
for a minimum of 2 weeks; (c) sprinkle 
1 quart of formaldehyde solution (1 
pint 37 percent commercial formalde- 
hyde to 3-3/4 gallons water) on 1 
square foot by 6 inches of soil placed 
in a box or bushel basket, then water 
liberally and completely cover with 

plastic or heavy cloth for 48 hours, 
stirring frequently to hasten escape 
of the formaldehyde gas, and allow 2 
weeks before use of the soil (CAU- 
TION: Do not use for planting as 
long as fumes are present, because 
formaldehyde gas is an irritating 
poison to humans and is toxic tc 

Plants are usually grown in clay 
pots of 3-, 3-1/2-,or 4-inchdiameter 
filled with sterilized soil. Before the 
soil is put into the pot a piece of 
broken pot is placed in the bottom to 
cover the hole so that the soil will not 
plug it and prevent good drainage. 
Clean pots should always be used. 

When pots are not available or are 
for some reason objectionable, plastic 
cups, polyethylene freezer food con- 
tainers, or even tin cans may be used. 
One or more holes should be punched 
in the bottom of these containers and 
the holes covered with fiber-glass 
matting or plastic window screen be- 
fore filling with soil. Good drainage is 
imperative for good plant growth. 

Studies of the effect of light on plant 
growth and flowering require that the 
plants be placed indarkness at certain 
times. As with seed germination, this 
means complete or total darkness. 
Because plants require more space 
than seeds, light-tight bags are 
usually not satisfactory. Instead, a 
dark chamber must be constructed in 
such a way that there is adequate air 
exchange between the inside and out- 
side of the chamber to prevent over- 
heating. A satisfactory and proven 
method is to construct a frame of 
wood and cover it with at least two 
layers of black sateen cloth. An 
entrance or door can be provided by 
making an overlapping flap. 


Anonymous. Fundamentals of light 
and lighting. Bull. LD-2, General 
Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 

Anonymous. General Electric Fluo- 
rescent Lamps, LS-102. Large 
Lamp Div., General Electric Co., 
Cleveland, Ohio. 1957. 

Borthwick, H. A. Daylength and 
flowering. U.S.D.A. Yearbook 
1943-47, pp. 273-283. 1947. 

Borthwick, H. A. Photoperiodism: 
the dark secret; how nights and 
lights affect plant growth. Elec- 
tricity on the Farm Magazine 26: 
11-13. 1953. 

Borthwick, H. A. Effect of light on 
flowering and production of seed. 
_ U.S.D.A. Yearbook 1961.[In press.] 

Brown, F. A., Jr. The rhythmic 
nature of plants and animals. 
Amer. Scientist47: 147-168. 1959. 

Butler, W. L., and R. J. Downs. Light 
and plant development. Scientific 

Hendricks, S. B. Control of growth 
and reproduction by light and dark- 
ness. Amer. Scientist 44: 229-247. 

Hendricks, S. B. The clocks of life. 
Atlantic Monthly 200: 111-115. 

Hicks, GC. B. You can make a plant 
do tricks. Popular Mechanics 108: 
81-85, 232-236. 1957. 

Kranze sive Hee ands © herdnz. eel 
Gardening indoors under lights. 
Viking Press, New York, N. Y. 
MOS Ths 

Parker, M. W., and H. A. Borthwick. 
Influence of light on plant growth. 
Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 1: 43-58. 

Schultz, Peggy. Growing plants under 
artificial light. M. Burrows & Co., 
New York, No Yo 1955. 

U. S. Agr. Res. Serv. New light on 
plants. U.S. Dept.Agr., Agr.Res. 1: 
a= 55) 1953 

Wassink, E. C., and J. A. J. Stolwijk. 
Effects of light quality on growth. 
Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 7: 373- 
400. 1956. 

Weitz, C. E. General Electric Lamp 
Bull. LD-1l. General Electric Co., 
Cleveland, Ohio. 1950. 

Went, F. W. The role of environ- 
ment in plant growth. Amer. Sci- 
entist 44: 378-398. 1956. 

Withrow, R. B. Photoperiodism and 
related phenomena in plants and 
animals. Publ. No. 55, Amer. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., Washington, D.C. 


A. Light and Seed Germination 

DEMONSTRATION A-1: Effect of light on germination of seeds plantedin soil. 


Seeds of peppergrass (Lepidium virginicum or L. densiflorum). 
Sterilized potting soil. 

Six clay pots, or other suitable containers, 3 to 4 inches in diameter. 
Small glass squares large enough to completely cover the tops of the 

Glass baking dish or enamel pan large enough to contain all the pots. 
Pot labels. 




Fill six pots or containers with moist (not wet) sterilized soil to within 
2 centimeters of the top of the pots. Smooth the soil surface and tamp 
the soil gently but firmly with the bottom of one of the pots. 

Prepare six lots of 100 seeds each and distribute one lot of seeds uni- 

formly over the surface ofthe soilineach pot. Treat the pots as follows: 

(a) Pot 1 - leave the seeds on the surface. Do not cover them with soil. 

(b) Pots 2 to 6 - cover the seeds with 1 centimeter of soil. Level the 
soil surface and tamp gently. 

Do not water the top surface of the soil. Place all the pots in the large 
glass dish or enameled pan and sub-irrigate the soil in the pots by 
adding water to the dish. Maintain the pots in this dish, being careful to 
have them setting in about 1 centimeter of water at all times. 
Place all pots in the light. 
Keep each pot covered with a glass square, at least until the seedlings 
that will develop are well established. The soil will be kept moist by 
capillary action. The glass cover will admit light but will prevent 
excessive water loss from the soil and maintain a high humidity at 
the soil surface. This is important during the critical periods of 
germination and early seedling growth. 

Write the name of the plant material, the date of planting, the date of 

treatment on a label and insert it into the soil at the edge of the pot. 


(a) Pot 1 - see 2a. 

(b) Pot 2 - see 2b. 

(c) Pot 3 - immediately after covering the seeds with soil make a 
narrow slit 3 to 4 centimeters deep in the soil across the diameter 
of the pot with a knife. 

(d) Pots 4, 5, and 6 - repeat the process described for pot 3, 1, 2, and 4 
weeks after planting, respectively. 



Record the date of exposure to light, the subsequent date of germination 
and the extent of germination. Moist peppergrass seeds exposed to light (as 
in pot 1) will germinate in 3 to 4 days after exposure. Seeds covered with l 
centimeter of soil will not germinate since they are in the dark (as in pot 2). 
Slitting the soil with a knife blade exposes some of the buried seeds to light. 
Thus (as in pots 3 to 6) germination of seeds occur in the slit made in the 

The soil may shrink away from the sides of the pot and expose some seeds 
to light and seedlings may appear. This can be avoided by planting the 
seeds away from the edge of the pots. Slitting the soil at regular intervals 
after planting illustrates that germination will occur any time the seeds 
are exposed to light. Slitting the soil, in effect, simulates field cultivation. 
Thus, cultivation, while destroying plants and seedlings, also brings weed 
seeds such as peppergrass to the surface of the soil, where they receive 
light, germinate, and produce more weeds. 

Supplementary Reading: 

Koller, Dov. Germination. Scientific American 200: 75-84. April 1959. 
Toole, E. H., S. RB. Hendricks, H. A. Borthwick, and V. K. Toole. Physiol- 
ogy of seed gerrnination. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 7: 299-324. 1956. 
U.S. Agr. Res. Serv. New Light on Plants. U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. 

LOS 5) pal O5S:. 
U.S. Agr. Res. Serv. How Light Controls Plant Development. U.S. Dept. 
Agre, Agr. Resi18:19-5.. 1959) 

DEMONSTRATION A-2: How to test various kinds of seeds todetermine their 
light requirement for germination. 


1. A minimum of four Petri dishes or plastic sandwich boxes with lids. 

2. Ordinary color-fast or white blotters, filter paper, or paper towels. 

3. Black sateen cloth bags made of two layers of cloth large enough to 
hold the dishes. An alternate method is to wrap the dishes in two layers 
of aluminum foil. 

4. Seeds of several kinds of weeds. (Although some kinds of seeds are 
known to be light-sensitive, many kinds have never been tested. This is 
especially true for weed seeds, so they would be the more interesting 
group to investigate.) 


1. Collect seeds of several kinds of local weeds.In general, seeds will re- 
tain their viability fairly well when stored dry ina refrigerator. Some 
suggested seeds known to be light-sensitive are peppergrass (Lepidium 
virginicum and L. densiflorum), henbit (Lamium amplexicaule), and 


hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale), Other weed seeds worthy of 
investigation are Shepard’s purse (Capsella bursapastoris), yellow 
rocket (Barbarea vulgaris), tumble-mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum), 
chickweed (Stellaria ssp. and Cerastium ssp.), sheep sorrel (Rumex 

acetosella), the small-seeded cacti, and, of course, many others. 

Four dishes should be used for each kind of seeds tested. 

Cut the blotters to fit the dishes and presoak overnight (about 16 hours) 

by putting enough tap water into the dishes to flood the blotters. 

After the blotters are thoroughly soaked, pour off the excess water and 

evenly distribute 100 seeds over the surface ofthe blotters in each dish. 

Immediately after the seeds are distributed, place the covers on the 

dishes and place them in the black cloth bags. 

Allow the seeds to imbibe water in the dark for a period of 16 to 24 

hours, then begin treatments. 


(a) Dishes 1 and 2 should be kept at about 70° F. during the entire period 
of the demonstration. Dishes 3 and 4 should be held at about 60° F. 
during the 16- to 24-hour imbibition period, then transferred toa 
temperature of 77° F, for the remainder of the demonstration. 

(b) Dishes 1 and 3 are placed in the black cloth bags at the time of 
planting and left there throughout the demonstration. These will 
serve as ‘‘dark controls.”’ 

(c) Dishes 2 and 4 should be placed in the light for 1 hour each day. 
The temperature during the period of irradiation can be between 70° 
and 80° F. Light from two 40-watt standard cool-white fluorescent 
lamps should be adequate. 

(d) When the seeds in dishes 2 and 4 have germinated, the other dishes 
are removed from the black cloth bags andthe number of germinated 
seeds counted and recorded for each treatment. 


Record the number of days required for germination, the temperature, light 
conditions, and so forth. Count the number of seeds that germinate under 
each treatment and record as percent germination. When a light-sensitive 
seed is found, demonstrations can be designed to determine how much light 
the seeds require, how many times they mustbe exposed to light, and such. 
These seeds can also be used in Demonstrations 3, 4, and 5. 

Supplementary Reading: 

See Demonstration A-l. 


DEMONSTRATION A-3: Effect of duration of imbibition (soaking) period on 

effectiveness of a given light exposure in promoting 
germination of light-sensitive seeds. 


Eight Petri dishes or plastic sandwich boxes with lids. 
Two to four thicknesses of blotters, filter paper, or paper towel cut to 
fit the dishes. 




Eight black sateen cloth bags made of two layers of cloth large enough 
to hold the dishes. As an alternate method dishes can be placed between 
the folds of a large, double layer of black cloth, or they can be wrapped 
with two layers of aluminum foil. 

Light-sensitive seeds such as Grand Rapids lettuce or peppergrass 
(Lepidium virginicum). 





Prepare the dishes as outlined in the procedure in Demonstration A-2, 

Use 0.2 percent KNO3 instead of tap water for peppergrass. 

All dishes except dish Z2areimmediately placedin darkness (in the black 

cloth bags or between folds of a black cloth ‘‘blanket.*") Dish 2 is exposed 

to light for a period of 5 minutes, then placed in darkness. Illumination 
provided by two 40-watt fluorescent lamps is adequate. 


(a) Dish 1 remains in darkness throughout the demonstrationand serves 
as the dark control. 

(b) Dish 2 is irradiated immediately after distri bultag the seeds, then 
placed in darkness. 

(c) Dish 3 is irradiated for a period of 5 minutes with light from the 
fluorescent lamps after the seeds have imbibed in darkness fora 
period of 1 hour; that is, the seeds are exposed to light 1 hour after 

(d) Dishes 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are exposed to 5 minutes of light after 2, 4, 
8, 16, and 24 hours of imbibition in darkness. 

Following the 5-minute exposure to the fluorescent light the dishes are 

returned to the black cloth bags, to the folded black cloth blanket, or to 

the aluminum foil. 

Four days after the seeds were ‘‘planted’’ the dishes can be removed 

from the dark and the number of germinated seeds counted and recorded. 


Count the number of seeds germinated in each dish and record as percent 
germination. These data can be presentedina line graph by plotting percent 
germination against the number of hours of imbibition. The results may 
show the sensitivity of the seeds to a given dose of light changes during the 
period of imbibition. 

Supplementary Reading: 

See Demonstration A-1l. 

DEMONSTRATION A-4: How a light requirement for germination can be in- 

duced in seeds that normally do not require light for 



Petri dishes or plastic sandwich boxes with lids. 
Blotters, filter paper, or paper towels cut to fit the dishes. 


3. Black sateen cloth bags made of two layers of cloth large enough to 
hold at least two dishes. 

4, Dark-blue cellophane. 

5. Fluorescent lamp (a fluorescent desk lamp will do), 

6. Seeds of several kinds of plants including several varieties of lettuce 
and tomato. 


1. Prepare dishes as previously described in Demonstration A-2, 

2. Distribute 100 seeds evenly on the blotters of each dish. 

3. Dish 1 is placed in a black cloth bag (darkness). 

4, Dish 2 is placed under the fluorescent lamp. 

5. Dishes 3 and 4 are completely covered with two layers of dark-blue 
cellophane and placed under the fluorescent lamp. 

6. The fluorescent lamp is left on continuously. 

7. After germination is apparent in dish 2, count and record the number 
of germinated seeds in all dishes. 

8. Re-cover dish 3 with the blue cellophane and replace both dishes 3 and 
4 (without cellophane) under the fluorescent lamp. 

9. When germinationis completedindish4, countand record the germinated 
seeds in both dishes 3 and 4. 


The seeds in the dishes under the dark-blue cellophane may not germinate, 
whereas those receiving either light or darkness may germinate nearly 100 
percent. After a dish has remained under blue cellophane in light for 3 or 4 
days it can then be covered with black cloth and the seeds may remain 
dormant in the dark. When subsequently given unfiltered light, they promptly 

Supplementary Reading: 

See Demonstration A-1l. 

DEMONSTRATION A-5: Photoreversible control of seed germination by red 

and far-red light. 


Three Petri dishes or plastic sandwich boxes with lids. 

Ordinary color-fast or white blotters, filter paper, or paper towels. 
Red and dark-blue cellophane. 

Black sateen cloth bags made of two layers of cloth large enough to hold 
each dish, 

Light-sensitive seeds such as Grand Rapids lettuce or peppergrass 
(Lepidium virginicum). 



1, Cut two to four layers of blotter to fit each dish and presoak overnight 
(about 16 hours) by putting enough tap water into the dishes to flood the 

2. After the blotters are thoroughly soaked pour off excess water and 
evenly distribute 100 seeds over the surface ofthe blotters in each dish. 

3. Immediately place the dishes with lids in the black cloth bags. 

4, Allow the seeds to imbibe water in the darkness of the black cloth bags 
for a period of 16 to 24 hours, then begin treatments. 

5. Treatments: 

(a) In the dimmest light possible, preferably complete darkness, remove 
dishes 1 and 2 from their black cloth bags and wrap each dish with 
two layers of red cellophane. 

(b) Place both the cellophane-wrapped dishes under the fluorescent 
lights for a period of 5 minutes. 

(c) Return dish 1 to its black cloth bag without further exposure to light. 
If no dark room is available during this transfer, place the dish in 
the black cloth bag without removing it from the red-cellophane 

(d) Dish 2 is wrapped in blue cellophane so that the seeds are now 
covered with two layers of red and two layers of blue cellophane. 

(e) Dish 2 is now exposed to light from the incandescent lamps for a 
period of 15 minutes. 

(f) Place dish 2 in the black cloth, either in complete darkmess or if 
necessary still enclosed in the red- and blue-cellophane wrapping. 

6. The three dishes of seeds have now received their treatments. Dish 3 
has remained in the black cloth bag and serves as a dark control. Dish 
1 has been exposed to red radiant energy for 5 minutes and dish 2 has 
been exposed to red for 5 minutes and to far-red for 15 minutes. 

7. Allow 3 to 4 days to elapse, then remove the dishes from their black 
cloth bags and count and record the number of germinated seeds. 
Temperatures should be held as close to 70° F. as possible. 


When counting the number of seeds germinated in each dish, record as 
percent germination. These data can be presented in either tabular form 
or in a bar graph, using the bars for treatments and the height of the bars 
as percent germination. Those seeds that remained in darkness will 
probably germinate 0 percent if peppergrass seeds were used, or 5 to 25 
percent if seeds of Grand Rapids lettuce were used. Those seeds receiving 
red light will probably germinate 90 to 100 percent for both species, 
whereas those receiving red followed by far-red might germinate 5 to 10 
percent for peppergrass, and 5 to 25 percent for lettuce. Evidence has now 
been obtained to show that these seeds require light (red) for germination, 
and that the potential germination induced by the exposure to red can be 
reversed by a subsequent exposure to far-red radiant energy. 

Supplementary Reading: 
See Demonstration A-1, 


B. Light and Plant Growth 

DEMONSTRATION B-1: Control by light of the growth of an internode. 

1. Corn seeds. \ 
2. Two 4- to 5-inch clay pots or other suitable containers. 
3. Sterilized soil. 
1, Place a piece of broken pot, fiber-glass mat, or plastic screen over the 
drainage hole in the bottom of the pot or container. 
2. Fill pot or container 1 with sterilized soil to within 3 centimeters of 

the top of the pot, tamp the soil gently, place 3 to 4 corn seeds on the 
surface of the soil, and cover them with 2 centimeters of soil. Tamp 

3, Fill pot 2 with 3 centimeters of sterilized soil, tamp gently, place 3 to 4 
corn seeds on the surface of the soil, and fill the pot with sufficient soil 
to reach the same level as in pot 1. Tamp firmly. 

4. Place both pots ina large glass dish or enameled pan and sub-irrigate 
by adding water to the dish or pan. 

5. Place both pots in the light at a temperature of about 70° to 80° F. 

6. The seedlings of pot 1 will emerge first. Let them grow until the 
seedlings of pot 2 emerge and produce a leaf. 

7. Knock the soil out of the pots into a bucket of water and remove the 
seedlings from the soil, holding the soil and seedling under the surface 
of the water until the roots are free of soil. 


Compare and measure the length of the first internode (the distance from 
the corn seed to the beginning of the first leaf). Note that the internodes 
in both pots 1 and 2 stopped growing when the plant emerged from the soil; 
that is, when the seedling received light. 

Supplementary Reading: 

U.S. Agr. Res. Serv. New Light on Plants. U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. 

wee, 2953 5 

DEMONSTRATION B-2: Control by light of growth and chlorophyll formation. 



A chamber or box that can be made completely dark. If entrance into 
the chamber cannot be made without exposing the contents to light, 
regardless of how weak the light is, then more than one chamber will 




have to be made. These chambers can be made of masonite or plywood 
with caulked seams and a baffled door, or they can be made of several 
layers of black sateen cloth stretched over a wooden frame. 

Two 40-watt fluorescent lamps. 

Flats, boxes, pots, or plastic freezer cups filled with sterilized soil, 
sand, vermiculite, or perlite. 

Bean seeds (any kind). 




Plant the bean seeds and water. No nutrient solution is required even 
when the seeds are planted in sand, vermiculite, or perlite. 

The best temperature is 80° to 85° F, Lower temperatures will suffice, 
but the rate of germination and growth will be slower. 

Place the boxes in the dark chambers immediately after the beans are 
planted. If dark red kidney beans are used, planted in sand and kept at 
80° to 85° F., they will germinate in 3 to 4 days. 

On the fifth day, place box 1 in the light (preferably from fluorescent 
lamps) for 5 minutes, then return it to the dark chamber. 

Repeat step 4 on the sixth, seventh, and eighth days from planting. 
Place box 2 in the light for 20 minutes on the fifth day only. 

Place box 3 under the light for 2 hours each day, and box 4 for a period 
of at least 8 hours per day. 

Remove all boxes from the dark chambers on the ninth or tenth day 
from planting. Measure and record the length of each internode and the 
length of the leaves. 

Slice or mince the leaves and place in a known volume of ethyl alcohol. 
Use the same volume of alcohol for each treatment irrespective of the 
size of the leaves. A better method is to use 10 milliliters of alcohol 
for each gram of leaves. 

Calculate the average length of the internodes and the average length 
of the leaves for each treatment. 

The relative amounts of chlorophyll can be estimated by assigning a 
numerical value to each sample based on the visual greenness of the 
extract, or the optical density of each sample can be measured. 


The plants grown in complete darkness (box 5) should have long hypocotyls, 
short first internodes, small leaves,andno chlorophyll. Boxes l, 2, 3, and 4 
should contain plants that have shorter hypocotyls, longer first internodes, 
and perhaps more internodes than the plants of box 5. They should also have 
much larger leaves. Plants of box 1 should contain no chlorophyll, and those 


box 2 none or very little. Plants in boxes 3 and 4, however, should con- 

tain a greater amount of chlorophyil, withthose plants of box 4 having more 
than those of box 3. 

Supplementary Reading: 

Downs, R. J. Photoreversibility of leaf and hypocotyl elongation of dark- 

grown red kidney bean seedlings. Plant Physiol. 30: 468-473. 1955. 
Textbooks of Plant Physiology. 


DEMONSTRATION B-3: Why plants bend toward light (phototropism). 


1. A chamber or box that can be made completely dark (see Demonstra- 
tion B-2, steps 1 through 4 of Materials, for details). 


1. Plant the bean seeds and water. No nutrient solution is required even 
when the seeds are planted in sand, vermiculite, or perlite. 

2. The best temperature is 80° to 85° F, Lower temperatures will suffice, 
but the rate of germination and growth will be slower. 

3. After the beans are planted, place one box in the dark chamber and one 
in the light, where the plants should receive 8 hours of light per day. 

4. When the dark-grown beans are about 6 days old, open the door of the 
dark chamber so that the plants receive some light. Better results are 
obtained by placing a desk lamp 3 or 4 feet from the open door of the 
chamber. In a few hours these plants will bend toward the light entering 
the door. 

5. When the plants in the light have expanded their first pair of leaves, 
place them in the dark chamber. This is conveniently done in the late 
afternoon. Again, open the door of the dark chamber and place a desk 
lamp 3 to 4 feet from the door. 


The following morning the leaf blades will have twisted around until they 
are perpendicular to the light. 

Supplementary Reading: 
Textbooks of Plant Physiology. 

DEMONSTRATION B-4: Effect of red and far-red light on elongation of stems 
of light-grown plants. 


1. A light-equipped chamber (two 40-watt fluorescent lampsisa minimum). 

2. A red chamber (a cardboard box with seams sealed with paper tape). 
Cut out the top and most of the bottom of the box. Place two layers of 
red cellophane over the opening inthe bottom of the box, using cellophane 
tape to hold the cellophane in place. 

3. A far-red chamber (a cardboard box prepared in the same manner as 
for the red chamber except cover the cut-out opening in the bottom 
with two layers of red and two layers of dark-blue cellophane). 

4. A dark chamber. 

5. Bean plants (preferably Pinto bean). 



. Plant beans in pots of sterilized soil, water, and place at a temperature 
of (80° E. 

. After 3 to 4 days the plants will begin to emerge from the soil. At this 
time all pots should be placed in the light chamber, where they should 
receive light from the fluorescent lamps for 8 to 10 hours each day. 
The temperature during this growing period should be 70° to 75° F., 

3. The first pair of leaves should be about half expanded 10 to 12 days 
after planting. At this stage of development the plants are ready to 
start on treatments. 

4. Divide the plants into three equal lots; A, B, and C. 

5. Place plants of lot A in the dark at the close of the 8- to 10-hour light 
period. Place lots B and C under the red and blue cellophane (the far- 
red). Turn off the fluorescent lamps. 

6. Place a 100-watt incandescent-filament lamp 3 feet from the red- and 
blue-cellophane filter and turn it on for 15 minutes. 

7. Plants of lot B are moved in darkness to the dark chamber immediately 
after the 15-minute exposure to far-red. Plants of lot C are moved in 
darkness and placed under the box with the red-cellophane filter, which 
should be placed under the fluorescent lamps. 

8. Turn on the fluorescent lamps for 10 minutes, then move plants of lot C 
in darkness to the dark chamber. (Great care should be taken to assure 
that the plants receive no light of any kind after they are exposed to red 
and to far-red.) 

9. Return all plants to the fluorescent-light chamber the next morning. 

10. The treatments should be given daily until a response is obvious, re- 

quiring at least 5 days of treatment. 




Record date of planting, date treatments were begun, number of days treat- 
ments were given, and the durations of the light period, red exposure, and 
far-red exposure. Measure and record daily the length of the second 
internode. Data can be plotted as line graphs (length plotted against time). 
Three plots should be made: The control (lot A), the far-red treatment 
(lot B), and the far-red followed by red (lot C). 

Supplementary Reading: 

Downs, R. J., S. B. Hendricks, and H. A, Borthwick. Photoreversible 
control of elongation of Pinto beans and other plants under normal 
conditions of growth. Bot. Gaz. 118: 99-208. 1957. 

Wassink, E. C., and J. A. J. Stolwijk. Effects of light quality on growth. 
Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 7: 373-400. 1956. 

C. Light and Plant Pigments 

DEMONSTRATION C-1: Effect of light on formation of anthocyaninin seedlings. 

1. Seeds of turnip (Brassica rapa), variety Purple Top White Globe. 
2. Five Petri dishes or plastic sandwich boxes with lids. 


. Filter paper (Whatman No. 3), 

An aqueous solution of 32 parts per million chloramphenicol. 

. A solution of 0.01 molal HCl in aqueous 25-percent 1-propanol. 
. Black bags made of two layers of black sateen cloth. 


1. Place three sheets of filter paper in each Petri dish and moisten with 
water and 32 parts per million chloramphenicol to depress chlorophyll 

2. Place 50 seeds of turnip on the filter paper, cover the dishes with the 
lids, and place each dish in a black cloth bag, keeping the temperature 
at about 77° F. 

3. Allow 3 days for the seedlings to germinate and then begin treatments. 

4. Place the dishes under the fluorescent lamps for periods of 0, 2, 4, 6, 
or 8 hours, then return the dishes to their black cloth bags. 

5. The amount of anthocyanin formed can be observed after 16 to 24 hours 
after irradiation. 

6. Count out a certain number of seedlings (say 25) from each dish and 
place each lot of 25 seedlings inthe solution of 0.01 molal HCl in aqueous 
25-percent 1-propanol. Place them ina refrigerator (about 40° F.) for 
16 to 24 hours. 


The amount of anthocyanin formed by the various light treatments can be 
estimated by assigning a numerical scale that increases with increasing 
color, or it can be measured by differences in optical density as measured 
with a colorimeter or spectrophotometer. The amount of anthocyanin can 
then be plotted graphically by plotting the amount of anthocyanin asa 
function of the time (hours of light). 

Supplementary Reading: 

Siegelman, H. W., and S. B. Hendricks. Photocontrol of anthocyanin 
synthesis in turnip and red cabbage seedlings. Plant Physiol. 32: 393- 
See tamed OO SY 

DEMONSTRATION C-2: Effect of light on tomato skin and fruit color. 


1, Mature green tomato fruits from a normally red-fruited variety when 
ripe, such as the variety Rutgers. Their skin color should be greenish- 
white with no visible red, pink, or yellow color. These are readily ob- 
tainable from home gardens any time prior to frost and in the larger 
cities southern-grown green-mature fruits can be obtained throughout 
the winter from local wholesale vegetable distributors. 


2. A light facility, using incandescent or fluorescent lamps that provide a 
light intensity of 20 footcandles or more. Keep the temperature at 

3. A dark facility that provides total darkness, using light-tight black 
sateen cloth bags made of two layers of cloth. Keep the temperature at 

4. Scalpel or similar sharp instrument. 

5. Small bottles or vials. 

6. Acetone or petroleum ether (CAUTION: Flammable solvents.) 


1, Divide the green-mature fruits into two uniform lots, A and B. 

2. Ripen fruits of lot A for 10 to 14 days with illumination of daily dura- 
tion of 1 hour. Longer periods may be given but are not necessary. 

3. Ripen fruits of lot B 10 to 14 days in total darkness, taking care not to 
remove from darkness until ripe. These should ripen simultaneously 
with its lighted counterpart. 

4. When the fruits are ripe, remove uniformly shaped and size sections 
from a typical fruit from each lot, being careful to keep the sections 
separate and properly identified as to treatment. Immerse each section 
in boiling water for 1 minute and cool immediately by immersion in 
cold water; thus the skin is readily removed from the tomato flesh. 
Scrape the adhereing tissue from the skin with the scalpel as carefully 
and completely as possible. Place each scraped skin section in one of 
the small containers containing acetone or petroleum ether solvent and 
leach the skins with several washings (keeping the sections immersed) 
over a period of at least several hours. 


The fruits ripened in the dark will be pink; those ripened in the light will 
be orange-red. CAUTION: Fruits will ripenfaster at temperatures higher 
than 70° F., but at those higher temperatures the red pigment in the flesh 
does not develop well and gives the fruit an off-color appearance. 

The skin of fruits ripened in the dark will be colorless; the skin of those 
ripened in the light will have a yellow color even after prolonged leaching 
with the solvent. The insoluble light-induced yellow pigment left in the 
tomato fruit cuticle (skin) has not yet been identified. The presence or 
absence of the light-controlled pigment in the skins makes them either 
yellow or transparent. When the yellow skin is superimposed over the red, 
the fruit has an orange-red appearance, the typical coloration of summer 
field-ripened tomato fruits, The combination of red flesh and a transparent 
skin produces a fruit that is pink. The pink coloration is characteristic 
of fruits commercially available in the North in mid-winter which have 
been artificially ripened in darkness by vegetable wholesale distributors. 
If fruits ripened in the dark have yellow-tinted skins, the leaching process 
was not complete or the fruits were toomature and were already producing 
the light-responsive pigment at the time the fruits were placed in the 
dark. Light starts to act as soon as the fruits mature. 


Supplementary Reading: 

Piringer, A. A., and P, H. Heinze. Effect of light on the formation of pig- 
ment in the tomato fruit cuticle. Plant Physiol. 29: 467-472. 1954. 

U.S. Agr. Res. Serv. Light Link in Tomato. U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. 
2 BP eLOS4. 

DEMONSTRATION C-3: Localization of response to light by the pigment in 
tomato skin. 


1. Use the same materials as in Demonstration C-2Z. 
2. In addition, two small sheets of aluminum foil, enough to completely 
cover a tomato fruit. 


1. Carefully select three uniform green-mature fruits. 

2. Completely and tightly wrap one of the tomato fruits with a sheet of 
aluminum foil (dark control). 

3. Remove a 5-millimeter-diameter section from the center of another 
sheet of aluminum foil. Completely and tightly wrap another tomato 
fruit, being careful that the perforation exposes an area of skin on the 
side of the fruit. 

4, Leave the remaining tomato fruit unwrapped (light control). 

5. Place all tomato fruits, both wrapped and unwrapped, in the light and 
allow 10 to 14 days for ripening, keeping the temperature at 70° F. 

6. When the unwrapped fruit is ripe (soft and red), unwrap all fruits and 
note any differences in skin color. 

7. Sections of the skin should be removed and processed as in Demonstra- 
tion C-2, being careful to include the area exposed to the light through 
the perforation in the foil. 


Skins of the unwrapped fruit should be bright yellow; skins of the com- 
pletely wrapped fruits should be colorless; skins from the wrapped fruit 
with the small area exposed should be colorless except for the small 
exposed area which will be yellow. A novelty can be produced by tightly 
wrapping a green-mature fruit with a sheet of aluminum foil having a num- 
ber of small perforations. 

Supplementary Reading: 

Hicks, C. B. You can make a plant dotricks. Popular Mechanics 108: 
81-85, 232-236. 1957. 


DEMONSTRATION C-4: Effect of light on coloration of apples. 


1, Early harvested (green) Jonathan, Rome Beauty, or Arkansas apples. 
Jonathan variety is preferred. Store the apples at 32°F. in bags of 0.38- 
millimeter polyethylene plastic. 

2. Black cloth bags. 

3. Black plastic electrical tape. 

4. Aluminum foil. 


1, Place one apple in a black cloth bag. 

2. Wrap one apple in aluminum foil, then cut holes in the foil and place 
the apple under the light of the growth chamber. 

3. Using the black plastic electrical tape, put an initial on each of several 
apples and place the apples under the light of the growth chamber. 

4, Allow 3 to 4 days for the apples to turn red, then remove the foil, tape, 
or black bag. Keep the temperature about 75° F, 


The apple that has been keptinthe dark will still be green. The one covered 
with aluminum foil will also be greenexcept where light has entered through 
the cut-out holes; here, the apple will be red and may have a polka-dot 
appearance of red on green. The apple that was exposed to light except for 
areas under the black tape will be red. Under the black tape the apple will 
be green and thus show green initials on a red apple. 

Supplementary Reading: 
U.S. Agr. Res. Serv. How Light Controls Plant Development. U.S. Dept. 
Agre, Agr. Res.8:. 5-5, 1g5o. 

Siegelman, H. W., and S. B. Hendricks. Photocontrol of anthocyanin 
synthesis in apple skin. Plant Physiology 33: 185-190. 1958. 

D. Duration of Light 

DEMONSTRATION D-1: Photoperiodic control of flowering of short-day 


1, A light-equipped chamber (two 40-watt fluorescent lamps isa minimum). 
2. A dark chamber. 


3. Plants of cocklebur, lambsquarter, scarlet sage variety America, or 
morning-glory variety Scarlett O’Hara, should be grown on daylengths 
of 18 hours or more until large enough to use in the demonstration. 
Use morning-glory plants as soon as the cotyledons have expanded. 
Plants of cocklebur and lambsquarter are large enough when they 
have three leaves above the cotyledons. Photoperiodic treatments of 
scarlet sage can be begun as soon as the plants have 4 to 5 pairs of 

4. Sterilized soil. 


1. When the plants are large enough to use, divide them into lots A and B. 

2. Both lots of plants should receive 8 to 10 hours of light in the light 
chamber each day. 

3. Place lot A in darkness at the close of each daily light period. Turn off 
fluorescent lamps. Place lot B 3 to 4 feet from a 40-watt incandescent- 
filament lamp, which is now turned on. 

4. If an electric time switch is available, give lot B a total light period of 
18 to 20 hours (8 to 10 hours fluorescent light and 8 to 10 additional 
hours incandescent light). 

5. If an electric time switch is not available, leave the incandescent lamp 
on throughout the night. 

6. Return both lots A and B to the light chamber each morning. 

7. Continue these daily treatments until flower buds are obvious. If the 
treatments are discontinued now, the flowers will usually continue to 
develop. During this period of development both lots of plants should 
receive photoperiods of 18 hours or more. 


Record date of planting, date treatments began, length of the light and dark 
periods, and include the number of short days required to induce flower 

Supplementary Reading: 

Doorenbos, J., and S. J. Wellensiek. Photoperiodic control of floral in- 
duction. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 10: 147-184. 1959. 

Lang, A. Physiology of flowering. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 3: 265-306. 

Liverman, J. L. The physiology of flowering. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 
G-el77-210. 1955, 

Naylor, A. W. The control of flowering. Scientific American 186: 49-56. 

Parker, M. W., and H. A. Borthwick. Influence of light on plant growth. 
Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 1: 43-58. 1950. 

Salisbury, F. B. The flowering process. Scientific American 198: 109- 
Wis 1 958% 


DEMONSTRATION D-2: Photoperiodic control of flowering of long-day plants. 


1. A light-equipped chamber (a minimum of two 40-watt fluorescent lamps). 
2. A dark chamber. 
3. Plants of tuberous -rooted begonia, petunia, or barley. 


1, Divide the plants into lots Aand Bas soon as they emerge from the soil. 

2. Both lots should receive 8 tol0hours of light daily in the light chamber. 

3. Place lot A in darkness at the close of each 8- to 10-hour light period. 
Turn off fluorescent lamps and expose plants of lot B to light froma 
40-watt incandescent-filament lamp. 

4, If an electric time switch is available, allow a total light period of 16 
to 18 hours, 8 to 10 hours from the fluorescent lamps and another 8 
hours from the incandescent lamp. 

5. If an electric time switch is not available, leave the incandescent lamp 
on throughout the night. 

6. Return both lots to the fluorescent-lighted chamber each morning. 

7. These treatments should be given daily until flower buds are obvious. 
If the treatments are stopped at this point, the flower buds will usually 
continue to develop. During this period of development all plants should 
be grown on short days of 8 to 10 hours’ duration. 


Record date of planting, date demonstration began, length of the light and 
dark periods, and also record how many long days were required to induce 
formation of flowers. If the tuberous-rooted begonia is used as the experi- 
mental plants, make observations on the extent of tuber formation as well 
as flowering. 

Supplementary Reading: 

U.S. Agr. Res. Serv. Prescription for Better Plant Form. Dept. of Agr., 
Agra Res. 8: 1427 1959. 
See Demonstration D-1. 

DEMONSTRATION D-3: Photoperiodic control of growth and dormancy of 
woody plants. 


1. A light-equipped chamber. 

2. A dark chamber. 

3. Seedlings or rooted cuttings of some woody plant material such as 
deciduous trees (caftalpa and red maple), evergreen trees (spruce, 
loblolly pine, slash pine, or Virginia pine), and shrubs (hollies and 



1. Divide rooted cuttings or seedlings into lots A and B and place both lots 
in the light chamber for 8 to 10 hours daily. 

2. Place lot A in darkness at the close of each 8- to 10-hour light period. 

3. Turn off the fluorescent lamps and place lotB 3 to 4 feet from a 40-watt 
incandescent-filament lamp, which is now turned on. 

4. If an electric time switch is available, the total daily light period for 
plants of lot B should be 16 to 18 hours, 8 to 10 hours of fluorescent 
light plus 8 more hours of incandescent light. 

5. If an electric time switch is not available, leave the incandescent light 
on throughout the night. 

6. Return both lots A and B to the light chamber each morning. 

7. These daily treatments should be continued until the plants on 8- to 10- 
hour day (those of lot A) take on the aspects of dormancy and there is a 
marked difference in the size of plants of lots A and B. This should 
require at least 30 days. 


Record date treatments began, length of the light and dark periods, and 
also record the number of short days required to induce dormancy or to 
stop growth of the main axis. Measurements can be made at daily intervals 
and the length of the main axis of plants from both lots can be plotted 
against time in days. 

Supplementary Reading: 

Borthwick, H. A. Light effects on tree growthand seed germination. Ohio 
Jeuroci., 5f:351-s04. 1957. : 

Downs, R. J., and H. A. Borthwick. Effects of photoperiod on growth of 
trees. Bot. Gaz. 117: 310-326. 1956. 

Thimann, K. V. The physiology of forest trees. Ronald Press, New York, 
N.Y., pp. 529-583. 1958. 

Wareing, P. F. Photoperiodism in woody plants. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 
7: 191-214, 1956. 

DEMONSTRATION D-4: Photoperiodic control of bulb formation of onions, 


1, Onion seeds. Plants of southern varieties White Bermuda, Crystal Wax, 
Eclipse, Excel, and Granex hybrid will bulb on 12-hour days. Plants of 
northern varieties Australian Brown, Sweet Spanish, Elite hybrid, and 
Yellow Globe (Early Yellow Globe, Yellow Globe Danvers, Downing 
Yellow, and Globe) will bulb on 15-hour days. 

2. Sterilized soil. 


3. Four wooden boxes 8 to 10 inches wide, 10 inches deep, and 12 inches 
long with drainage holes. 

4. A light-equipped chamber. 

5. A dark chamber. 


1, Fill boxes with sterilized soil and level the soil surface. 

2. Make two shallow furrows lengthwise of the box 1/4-inch deep and 4 
inches apart. 

3. Plant the seeds thinly in the furrows, cover the seeds with soil, and water 
carefully. Label each box with the name of the variety, the date of 
planting, and the daylength treatment. 

4, When seedlings are well established, thin the plants to 2 inches apart 
in the row. 

5. Germinate the seeds and grow the plants at room temperature (70° to 

6. Place two boxes on short days and the remaining two boxes on long 
days immediately after planting the seeds. 

7. Additional varieties and intermediate daylengths can be used to broaden 
the experiment. 


Note any differences in the top growth or plant habit at regular intervals 
during the course of the demonstration. Differences should become apparent 
in about 60 days. Carefully remove a few plants at random from a box on 
each daylength and note any differences in bulbing. Do this at regular 
intervals to determine the time of bulbing and the treatment on which it 
occurred. When bulbing is definitely apparent, the experiment may be 
terminated. The plants in the remaining box on each daylength may be 
harvested and the extent of bulbing on each daylength noted and recorded. 

Supplementary Reading: 

Boswell, V. R., and H. A. Jones. Climate and vegetable crops: Onions. 
In CLIMATE AND MAN, U.S. Dept. of Agr., Yearbook of Agriculture, 
1941. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., pp. 388-389. 

Jones, H. A. Onion improvement: Varietal adaptation. In BETTER 
PLANTS AND ANIMALS, II. U.S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook of Agriculture, 
1957. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., pp. 325-326. 

Magruder, R., and H. A. Allard. Bulb formation in some American and 
European varieties of onions as affected by length of day. Jour. Agr. 
Ress 54:07 19-152. roi. 

Growth Through Agricultural Progress