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The  Literature  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Dialect: 
with  a  Bibliography. 

A  Dissertation  submitted  to  the  Board  of  University 
Studies  of  the  Johns  Hopkins  University  in  conformity  with 
the  requirements  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy, 


Harry  Hess  Re i chard. 

Baltimore,  Maryland. 

!$"<&,  o  3^ 

Sunt  bona,  sunt  quaedam  mediocria,  aunt  mala  plura 
Quae  legis  hie:  aliter  non  fit,  Avite,  liber. 

Martialis  Epigranimaton  Lib. I.  XVI, 

Poetry  may  be  regarded  and  estimated  from  two 
points  of  view,-  the  a  priori  and  the  a  posteriori. 
The  former  rests  on  principles  which  are  very  likely 
to  be  arbitrary  and  incomplete.   It  will  always  be 
found  to  be  more  satisfactory  to  ask  ourselves  what 
a  thing  is  or  has  been  -  provided  of  course,  an  answer 
is  possible  -  than  to  decide  what  it  ought  to  be 
according  to  certain  principles  laid  down  by  our- 

R.Y.Tyrrell  -  Turnbull  Lectures  on 
Latin  Poetry. 


Introduction  -                   -  p. 3 

Beginnings  of  the  Literature  -  -   p. 11 

Sohaff,  Philip  -          -  p.22 

Rond thaler,  Emanuel  -        -  p. 24 

Miller,  Louie  -          -  P«30 

The  earlier  period  and  writers  no  longer  living . 

Harbaugh,  Henry  -          -  p. 3 2 

Rauch,  Edward  H.  -       -  p. 33 

Wollenweber,  Ludwig  A.  -  -     .62 

Fisher,  Henry  L.  -          -  p. 68 

Home,  Abraham  R.   -         -  p. 80 

Rupp,  Israel  D.  -          -  p. 92 

Brunner,  David  B.  -          -  p. 95 

Grumbine,  Lee  L.  -            -  p. 101 

Mays,  George  -             -  p. 115 

Shuler,  Henry  A.   -          -  p. 120 

Hoffman,  Walter  J.   -        -  .124 

Hermany,  Edward  -         -  -   p. 127 

The  later  period:  writers  still  living. 

Eshelman,  Edgar  M.  -         -  p. 120 

Grumbine,  Ezra  -          -  p. 134 

Harter,  Thomas  H.  -          -  p. 145 

Henninger,  Milton  C.  -        -  p. 153 

Keller,  Eli  -  p. 159 

Lins,  Joseph  -         -  p. 164 

Meyer,  Henry  -  p. 168 

Miller,  Daniel  -  p. 172 

Miller,  Harvey  M.  -  -   p. 177 

Rhoads,  Thomas  J.B.  -       -  p. 188 

Stump,  Adam  -         -  p. 191 

Weitzel,  Louisa  -       -  p. 197 

Wuohter,  As tor  0.  -         -  p. 201 

Ziegler,  Charles  C.  -        -  p. 207 

Zimmerman,  Thomas  C.  -      -  p. 231 

Results  and  Conclusions  -  p. 245 

Bibliography  -       -         -  p. 255 

p. 271 

Bibliography  of  the  Literature  of  the  Pennsylvania  German 

Dialect.-    -     p. 277 

Poetry  -  -     -        p. 281 

Prose  -  p. 319 

Dictionaries  -  -        p. 346 

A  List  of  Newspapers  -  -   p. 349 



"People  who  will  take  no  pride  in  the  noble  achieve- 
ments of  remote  ancestors  will  never  achieve  anything  worthy  to 
be  remembered  with  pride  by  remote  descendants"   are  the  words  of 
Liacaulay  that  were  prefixed  to  a  call  that  went  out  from  Lancaster 
Pennsylvania,  in  February,  1891.   The  call  was  issued  by  a  small 
self' appointed  committee  to  certain  representative  Pennsylvania 
Germans  in  particular,  and  to  all  who  might  be  interested  in  gen- 
eral, inviting  them  to  meet  in  the  Court  House  at  Lancaster  on  the 
15th  of  April  for  the  purpose  of  organizing  a  society  of  the  des- 
cendants of  early  German,  and  Swiss  settlers  in  Pennsylvania,  with 
the  following  objects  in  view; 

1.  to  search  out  and  preserve  ancestral  records. 

2.  to  bring  their  forefathers  into  such  recognition  in  the 
eyes  of  the  world  and  especially  of  their  own  children  as 
they  deserved. 

3.  to  develop  the  friendly  and  fraternal  spirit  that  should 
exist  between  those  in  whose  vein  the  same  blood  flows. 

4.  to  lift  their  history  then  unnoticed  or  unknown  to  the  po- 
sition it  ought  to  hold,  and  very  particularly 

5.  to  preserve  to  posterity  the  old  public  records,  landmarks, 
and  memorials  which  in  another  generation  would  have  en- 
tirely disappeared. 

On  the  day  set,  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society  was 
organized  with  George  F.Baer,  President  of  the  Reading  Railroad 
System  as  its  first  President.   The  sentiments  of  the  call  were  in- 
corporated In  its  constitution?  then  it  began  to  set  itself  ser- 


iously  to  the  self =impoaed  task;  how  well  it  has  succeeded  is 
attested  in  part,  by  the  eagerness  with  which  historical  organi- 
zations subscribe  for  the  massive  volume  issued  every  year.   To 
the  substantial  work  of  this  society  it  is  due  tliat  statements  like 
the  following  are  now  being  made:  "JJhe  closing  years  of  the  nine- 
teenth and  the  opening  years  of  the  twentieth  century  witnessed  the 
birth  of  a  deep  and  widespread  interest  in  the  early  history  of  the 
Germans   who  came  to  Pennsylvania  in  the  first  days  of  that  great 
Commonwealth.   The  subject  has  grown  in  interest  as  records  of  the 
past  brought  to  light  the  doings  of  these  sturdy,  pious,  conscientious 
sons  of  the  Fatherland,  until  today  every  new  phase  of  the  subject 
is  anxiously  waited  for  and  warmly  welcomed  by  all  who  take  an  in- 
terest in  our  beginnings,  in  our  country.   Pennsylvania  Dutch,  once 
a  term  of  ridicule,  has  become  a  topic  of  the  most  absorbing  inter- 
est to  all  who  are  inclined  to  look  into  the  history  of  the  past." 
The  statement  is  made  by  Elder  D.L.Miller  of  Mt. Morris,  111.  in  the 
Introduction  to  John  L.Plory's  "Literary  Activity  of  the  German 
Baptist  Brethren"  published  by  the  University  of  Virginia,  in  190  9. 
As  further  evidence  of  this  aroused  interest,  it  might  be  men- 
tioned that  a  North  Carolinian  is  at  present  tracing  the  influence 
of  the  Pennsylvania  German  in  the  upbuilding  of  that  Commonwealth 
and  a  student  of  Columbia  University  is  at  work  upon  the  influence 
of  the  Pennsylvania  German  in  the  West. 

On  October  27,  1905,  when  the  Pennsylvania  German 
Society  met  in  Reading,  Pa.  Judge  Gustav  A.Endlich,  LL.D.  in  his 
address  as  President  said:  "I  almost  feel  constrained  to  apologize 
for  not  addressing  you  in  your  own  vernacular.   But  you  know  they 
Insist  on  printing  everything  that  is  said  at  theae  meetings  and 


f ortunately  as  yet  everyone  has  his  own  way  of  spelling  in  Penn- 
sylvania German,  so  that  hardly  anybody  can  make  sense  out  of  what 
any  other  has  written.   If  it  were  not  for  the  lack  of  a  distinctive 
alphabet  or  at  least  a  settled  orthography,  the  Pennsylvania  German 
might  even  have  a  literature." 

But  there  doe3  exist  such  a  literature,  and  it  has 
been  recognized  and  3poken  of  in  sufficiently  coii^endatory  terms 
to  warrant  U3  at  the  outset  in  overruling  the  decision  of  the  Judge, 
learned  in  the  law.   To  note  but  a  few  instances  where  such  liter- 
ature ha3  been  recognized: 

Oscar  Kuhns:  "German  and  Swiss  Settlements  in  Pennsylvania" 
chapter  five,  p. 121  ff.  -  three  poets  are  briefly  dis- 
cussed, a  fourth  is  mentioned  in  a  footnote:  and  one 
prose  writer. 
Karl  Knor,z:  "Streifzuge  auf  dem  Gebiete  Amerikanischer  Volks- 

kunde"   p. 76  ff .  speaks  of  two  poets^  and  in  his  "Geschichte 
der  Nord  Amerlkanische  Literatur"  Vol.11,  p. 190  ff.  three 
writers  are  mentioned. 
Julius  Goebel:  "Das  Deutschthum  in  den  Vereinigten  Staaten 

von  Nord  Amerika"  refers  to  one  poet.  (p. 30  ) 
The  Collection  "Deutsch  in  Amerika"  edited  by  Dr.G.U.Zimmermann 

Chicago,  describes  three  writers.  p.XLV.  and  245  ff. 
Georg  von  Bosse:  "Das  Deutsche  Element  in  den  Vereinigten 
Staaten"  S.  436  mentions  one  writer  and  one  volume  of 
collected  poems. 
Albert  Bernhardt  Paust:  "The  German  Element  in  the  United 

States"  discussed  two  poet3,  Vol.11,  p. 340;  and  gives  a 
somewhat  fuller  list  in  the  Bibliography. 


It  is  not  our  purpose  here  to  consider  the  old  def- 
initions of  literature  nor  yet  to  3et  up  a  new  one,  but  rather  to 
accept  such  a  general  recognition  of  a  Pennsylvania  German  litera- 
ture a3  indicated  above  and  to  adopt  a  liberal  definition  such  a3 
the  one  offered  by  Prof.  George  S.Woodberry  in  his  "Appreciation 
of  Literature"  (Baker  and  Taylor  Co.,  New  York,  1907)  p.l  ff.  and 
present  what  has  been  written  in  the  dialect. 

"Literature"  he  says,  "is  an  art  of  expression:  the 
material  which  it  employs  is  experience  or  in  other  words,  litera- 
ture is  the  expression  of  life.  Action,  emotion  and  thought  are 
the  three  great  divisions  of  life  and  constitute  experience.   Lit- 
erature attempts  to  represent  such  experience  through  the  medium 
of  language  and  to  bring  it  home  to  the  understanding  of  the  reader." 

In  the  of  the  works  cited  above,  it  is  in- 
variably the  same  authors  that  are  discussed.   In  all  about  half 
a  dozen  different  writers  are  briefly  mentioned.   Prof .Faust,  in 
the  latest  authoritative  work  that  mentions  this  literature  is  able 
to  give  less  than  two  pages  to  it  but  says  that  it  is  "refreshing 
and  historically  valuable?  if  this  be  true,  it  ought  to  be  worth- 
while to  have  a  more  extensive  knowledge  of  it.   With  a  view  to 
thi3  -  I  now  have  in  my  possession  or  have  seen  all  the  books  that 
have  ever  been  published  in  the  dialect  and  also  advance  copies  of 
two  that  are  shortly  to  be  published. 

"In  poetry"  says  Prof.  Kuhn3  "much  more  of  a  higher 
sort  has  been  written,  generally  however,  in  the  form  of  transla- 
tions from  English,  and  occasional  poetry  appearing  for  the  most 
part  in  newspapers  or  recited  on  festive  occasions."   Along  this 

line  I  have  made  collections  from  papers,  magazines  and  manuscripts 


that  run  up  into  several  hundred  selections,  and  have  added  a 
large  number  of  names.   The  fact  that  for  a  short  time  a  magazine 
was  published  in  the  dialect,  does  not  3eem  to  be  known  to  any  one 
that  has  written  about  the  dialect  literature.   A  Calendar  in  the 
dialect  i3  mentioned  in  Americana-Germanica  Vol.   p.   :  I  have 
found  and  am  in  possession  of  another}  finally  the  prose  written  in 
the  form  of  weekly  letters  to  a  large  number  of  newspapers  have  a 
value  and  an  interest  that  has  never   received  its  due  appreciation. 

In  the  next  place,  there  ought  to  be  room  for  an 
investigation  and  balancing  of  opinions  as  variant  as  the  following: 
Karl  Knoi;z,  in  discussing  one  of  tho  two  poets  mentioned  by  him 
says:  "Einer  der  neuesten  Beitrage  zur  Pennsylvaniech-deutschen 
Literatur  -  -  bildet,  um  es  kurz  und  bundig  zu  sagen  das  aller- 
traurigste  ^rzeugnis  derselben.M---  "Der  Verfasser,  der  noch  nicht 
einmal  seine  sogenannte  'Muttersprache'  kennt  aieht  mit  den  Regeln 
der  Dichtkunst  auf  gespanntom  Fusse?  and  then  goes  on  to  show  that 
the  book  has  no  legitimate  excuse  to  justify  its  existence.   It  is 
of  the  same  man  and  the  same  book  that  Dr.Zimmermann  in  his  col- 
lection "Deutsch  in  Amerika"  says  "Von  Hatur  mit  gesundem  Humor 
begabt,  schrieb  er  viele  Gedichto  und  Skizzen  in  Pennsylvanisch 
deutscher  Mundart,  das  Alltagsleben  der  Deutschen  in  Pennsylvanien 
meisterhaf t  schildernd"   And  again  this  same  nan  and  this  same 
work  is  referred  to  by  Prof .Faust  when  he  says:  "The  two  most  prom* 
inent  poets,  for  such  a  title  may  be  bestowed  upon  them"  and  when 
he  says:  "This  poetical  literature  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans  is 
one  of  the  few  original  notes  in  American  lyrical  poetry." 

Here  there  certainly  seems  room  for  a  meditation 
between  such  divergent  opinions.   Or  to  cite  another  instance:  In 


the  Friedensbote,  published  at  Allentown,  Pa.   a  Pennsylvania  Ger- 
man writes  a  letter  in  the  dialect,  apropos  of  the  book  to  be  issued 
on  and  in  the  dialect  by  Dr. Home,  then  Principal  of  the  Keystone 
State  Normal  School  at  Kutztown,  Pa.   After  discussing  the  ancestry 
of  the  dialect,  he  proceeds  to  consider  the  books  that  have  hither- 
to been  written  in  the  dialect,  with  a  view  to  giving  the  prospective 
author  advice  as  to  what  errors  of  former  writers  he  must  avoid. 
The  particular  paragraph  that  I  have  at  present  in  mind,  I  give  in 
the  original  dialect:   MRau  warm  du  dra*  gehst  for  sel  Buch  zu 
schreiwe  los  des  verhenkert  (Snglisch)  Kauderwelsch  haus  wo  gar 
net  in  unser  Sproch  g'hort.   Ich  arger  mich  allemol  schwarz  un 
bio  wann  so  dumm  stoff  gedruckt  un  in  die  Welt  g'schickt  werd  wo 
Pennsylvanisch  deitsch  sei. soil,  awer  lautor  geloge  is.   'S  is  uns 
verlaschtert  wo  mirs  net  verdient  hen.   Un  wann  dei  Buch  mol  fer- 
tig  is  un's  kummt  mir  unner  die  Finger  un  '  s  is  so  *n  elendiger 
V/isch  wie  kerzlich  wieder  eoner  in  Fildelfi  raus  kumme  is,  dann 
ufgobasst  -  for  dann  verhechel  ich  dich  dass  du  aussehnst  wie 
verhudelt  Schwingwerk,  un  die  Leut  dich  for'n  Spuks  a'gucke." 

"Schinnerhannes  von  Calrr.ushiwel ." 
Such  is  the  opinion  expressed  by  a  Pennsylvania  Ger- 
man editor  of  a  book  published  in  Philadelphia-  "Gemalde  aus  dem 
Pennsylvania chen  Volksleben:  Schilderungen  und  Aufsatze  in  poetischer 
und  prosaischer  Form  in  Mundart  und  Ausdrucksweise  der  Deut3ch 
Pennsylvanier?  von  Ludwig  August  '-Vollenweber.   Schaeffer  und  Koradi, 
Philadelphia  und  Leipzig,  1859.   This  same  work  is  called  by 
Karl  Xnorz  Mein  wertvollos  Workchen11  and  then  he  tells  that  here 
we  may  expect  the  truth,  for  the  author  was  himself  one  of  these 
people,  etc.   Here  again  there  seems  to  be  room  for  an  investigation 

into  the  reason  for  this  difference  of  opinion  and  perhaps  a  chance 
to  get  at  the  truth  where  opinions  differ  and  surely  where  there 
are  errors  of  fact. 

A  more  nearly  oomplote  survey  of  the  whole  field 
and  an  attempt  to  arrive  at  the  exact  truth  in  questions  of  fact 
are  accordingly  here  offered  in  the  first  Instance.   The  attempt 
is  then  made  to  determine  whether  the  one  or  the  other  of  the  op- 
posing general  estimates  is  correct,  and  finally  whether  a  new  one 
will  have  to  be  set  up. 


The  Beginnings  of  the  Literature. 


For  the  earliest  example  in  print  of  what  purports  to 
be  a  specimen  of  the  dialect  we  must  undoubtedly  hare  recourse  to 
Johann  David  Schopf 'a  Travels  (1783-1784)  published  at  Erlangen 
1788  and  reprinted  in  Radlof fs  "Musteraaal  aller  teutschen  Mund- 
arten"  Bonn,  1822.  Vol.11,  p. 361;   but  the  man  does  not  exist  who 
would  acknowledge  this  as  his  dialect,  or  who  would  recognize  it 
as  a  native  idiom  at  all.   Prof  .Ilaldeman,  who  cited  the  passage  in 
"Pennsylvania  Dutch"   agrees  in  regarding  it  as  nothing  other  than 
a  sportive  example  and  a  spurious  joke. 

In  Firmenich:  "Germaniens  Vftlkerstimmen" ,  Vol. III. 
p. 445  Berlin,  1854,  there  is  another  longer  specimen  which  was  taken 
from  a  Pennsylvania  Newspaper. 

The  earliest  examples  in  print  of  writing  in  the 
dialect  by  such  as  also  spoke  it,  must  be  sought  in  the  newspapers 
of  eastern  Pennsylvania  of  the  early  40*  s;  wDer  Deutsche  in 
Amerika"  of  1841  contained  some  rhymed  compositions:  they  were  "ex 
hamaxes"  and  in  various  ways  suggest  the  impromptu  productions 
which  we  are  taught  to  believe  were  the  forerunners  of  the  Aris- 
tophanean  comedy,  and  which  were  composed  by  the  bacchanalian 
chorus  of  rustics.  In  1846  advertising  doggerels  appeared  in  the 
Allentown  Friedenebote.   One  after  another  the  newspapers  took  up 
the  matter,  publishing  short  prose  or  verse  selections;  their  read- 
era  wanted  it;  except  in  familiar  intercourse  with  each  other,  the 
fcural  population  of  eastern  Pennsylvania  was  obliged  to  use  one  or 
the  other  of  two  foreign  languages;  in  business  chiefly  and  in  law 
entirely  it  was  the  English:  in  their  religious  and  intellectual 
life  it  was  the  High  German;  accordingly  they  seem  to  have  welcomed 
almost  anything  that  was  in  the  language  of  their  daily  speech;  they 


seem  to  have  felt  a  void  because  their  speech  was  only  something 
to  he  heard  and  not  also  something  that  oould  he  seen;  that  that 
is  the  way  they  felt  I  prove  in  this  way;  twenty  years  after  this, 
when  in  many  papers  they  could  see  their  speech  in  print  every 
week,  there  manifested  itself  a  more  ambitious  desire,  to  see  their 
speech  between  the  covers  of  a  book.   I  take  the  story  from  the  In- 
troduction to  Wollenwober's  "Gem&lde  aus  dem  Pennsylvanlschen  Volks- 
leben?  I  can  believe  that  the  story  is  literally  true.   (On  the 
language,  which  is  not  strictly  Pennsylvania  German,  I  shall  have 
something  to  say  when  I  consider  the  contents  of  the  book.) 

"Ich  war  nie  uf  de  Gedanke  komme  das  Buch  zu  schreiwe,  abey , 
do  war  ich  das  Fruhjohr  uf  dem  grosse  Pelse  bei  Allentaun,  un  hab 
uf  dem  wunnerbar  schftne  Platz,  wo  mer  viele  Meile  weit  die  schftne 
Berge  un  das  vun  Gott  so  gesegnete  Land  sehene  kann. 

"Un  wie  ich  do  so  gestanne,  un  die  Natur  so  bewunnert 
hab,  das  mei  Herz  ganz  weeg  geworre,  un's  Wasser  mer  schier  in 
die  Auge  komme  ischt,  do  kommt  uf  e  mol  en  alter  Mann  dorch  die 
Hecke  un  stellt  sich  grad  nebe  mich,  und  frogt  mich,  wie  ich  die 
Ansicht  do  gleiche  that.   Sehr  gut,  geb  ich  ihra  zur  Antwort.   Well, 
sagt  er,  ich  wohne  a  paar  Meile  von  do,  un  komme  wanna  Wetter  schft 
ischt,  schier  alle  Monat  uf  de  Pelse,  un  warm  ich  mich  dann  so 
recht  satt  gesehne  hab,  do  geht  mei  Herz  uf ,  un  ich  mehn  ich  war 
im  rechte  Tempel  Gottes,  und  dank  dem  guten  Vater  un  Schftpfer  mit 
ganzer  Seele  mit  ganzem  Herze,  dass  er  una  e  so  schon's  un  gut's 
Land  gegebe  hot.-  Un  warm  ich  vun  meiner  Bergras  wieder  hem  kumra, 
bin  ich  ganz  vergnugt,  un  predig  meiner  Fra  un  Kinner,  wie  scho 
als  Gott  die  Welt  gemacht  hot,  un  wie  mer  ihm  daftir  danke  sollte. 

"Nau  hab  ich  a  schon  dran  gedenkt,  wenn  e  mol  e 


Bucherhandler  dran  gehn  dat,  un  dat  e  Buch  drucke  losse  wo  mer  in 
uns're  egene  deutache  Sproch,  fiber  unser  Land  un  Volk  less  konnte 
un  nebebei  a  so  gespassige  Stuckelchen  nin  bringe,  wie  ae  manchmol, 
im  Doylestouner  Morgenatem  un  Express  3tehn,  un  wie  ae  die  Yohre 
zuruck  ira  Kutztowner  Neutralist  gestanne  hent,  daa  em  der  Bauch 
vor  Lache  gewackelt  hot,  un  ich  bin  achur  davon  alle  raeine  Nochbere 
date  ao  e  Buch  kafe,  un  der  Buchhandler  dat  net  achlecht  dabei  aua- 
mache  un  aich  noch  Dank  dazu  verdiene.- 

"Well,  sagt  ich  zu  dem  Altem,  ich  geh  morge  nftber 
noch  Philadelphia,  wo  ich  die  Buchhandler  Schafer  und  Koradi  kenn, 
und  ich  will  mit  ihm  von  Eurera  Vorachlag  schwatze,  vielleicht  gehn 
ae  dran,  un  loaae  ao  a  Buch  drucke,  un  bia  mer  dann  wieder  e  mol 
uf  dem  Felae  zuaamme  kumme  iacht3  Buch  vielleicht  fertig.   Awer 
Drubel  warda  koate,  dann  unaer  Pennaylveniach  Deutach  iacht  hart 
zu  schreiwe,  un  Ehner  achreibts  ao,  der  Annere  wieder  anneraht,  un 
mancher  verengliacht  es  so,  daaa  mehr  gar  nimme  draus  kumme  kann. 
Doch  denk  ich  wann  a  hier  un  do  a  Mistak  im  Buch  gemacht  werd, 
warre  die  Leut  es  net  ao  hart  ufnehme,  aiacht  jo  'a  erdt  Probe- 
stftck,  e  Buch  in  Pennaylveniach  Deutach.   Nau  aagte  der  Alte,  wann 
du  aell  aewege  bringat,  un  e  Peddler  kommt  mit  dem  Buch  in  unare 
Gegend,  do  wett  ich  eena  gege  zwe,  dass  er  all  verkaft  wo  er  hot, 
dass  er  geschwind  mit  fertig  werd,  will  ich  ihm  mei  bests  Gaul  gebe 
for  rum  zu  reite.- 

"Der  alte  Mann  druckte  mir  die  Hand  und  3agte  very 
well.  -  Ich  war  aber  noch  net  aatt  genunk  fiber  die  acho  Gegend 
zu  guke,  un  ea  war  schier  Nacht  wie  ich  hem  kumme  bin.  -Dem  alte 
Mann  aei  Geschwatz  ischt  mir  die  ganze  Nacht  dorch  de  Kop  ge- 
gange,  un  nachste  Morge  bin  ich  noch  Philadelphia  un  weil  mei 

Geschaft  a  bald  gesettlet  war,  hab  ich  den  Buchhandler  dem  alten 
Mann  von  Lecha  County  3ei  Wunsch  gesagt,  un  sie  ware  a  gleich  redy 
for  die  Sach*  un  nau  werd  bald  das  Buch  uberall  rum  gehn,  wanna 
nur  a  gefallt,  das  dat  dem  Schrelwer  en  arge  Freud  mache,  un  er 
dat  uf  sei  Pennsylvenier  un  uf  sel  Pennsylvenier  noch  stolzer 
werre  wie  er  jetzt  achun  iacht." 

The  same  forces  which  called  these  fir at  nrewpaper 
artiolea  and  this  first  book  into  exiatence  continued  to  operate 
and  to  a  certain  extent  are  atill  operative.   In  a  book  published 
in  1904  entitled  "Boonastiel" -Pennsylvania  Dutch,  by  Thomas  Harter, 
the  author  expreaaea  himself  thus  in  the  preface:  "The  articlea 
contained  in  this  volume  were  published  from  time  to  time  in  the 
Middleburgh  Post,  (Pa)  of  which  I  was  editor  until  1894  and  aince 
then  in  the  Keyatone  Gazette,  Belief onte,  Pa.  under  the  headline 
'Brief e  ifum  Hawaa  Barrick'  addressed  to  myaelf  as  'Liewer  Kernel 
Harder'  and  aigned  'Gottlieb  Boona8tielf.   At  first  they  were  only 
written  for  peraonal  amuaement,  and  appeared  only  occaaionally,  but 
I  soon  found  them  30  eaaential  to  the  proaperity  of  my  paper  that 
in  order  to  keep  up  ita  circulation,  I  was  compelled  to  write  every 
week  and  now  have  a  great  number  of  lettera  on  file,  out  of  which 
I  have  selected  the  substance  that  composes  this  volume."   As 
recently  as  July  of  this  year  -1910  -  Xr. Harter  announced  that  the 
Boonastiel  letters  would  be  reprinted  and  they  are  at  present 
running  in  the  Gazette. 

Twice  already  has  H.K.Miller,  who  writes  for  the 
Elizabethvills  Echo,  Elizabethville,  Pa.   felt  that  his  articles 
were  popular  enough  to  warrant  his  publishing  them  in  book  form. 
Two  of  these  publications  have  run  through  a  second  edition,  and 

each  has  had  a  second  printing.   Another  volume  has  been  printed, 
(I  have  a  copy)  and  is  nearly  ready  to  be  given  to  the  public. 

A  man  who  can  guage  the  forces  at  work  among  the  Penn- 
sylvania Germans  and  interpret  then  as  correctly  as  few  are  able  to 
do  is  Daniel  Miller  of  Reading,  Pa.   After  retiring  from  the  pub- 
lishing business  he  collected  and  published  in  1903  a  volume  of 
prose  and  verse  in  the  dialect  which  has  gone  through  two  editions; 
during  the  last  year  -  1909  -  he  has  made  further  collections  and 
has  now  in  press  another  volume  which  will  be  issued  early  in  1911, 
and  of  which  I  was  permitted  to  see  the  manuscript  this  summer  -1910  - 
and  now-  April  1911  -  havo  the  advance  sheets. 

I  have  cited  these  few  instances  to  indicate  one 
reason  for  the  existence  of  certain  works  in  the  dialect.   Karl 
KnorAz,  "Nord  Amerikanische  Literatur"  Vol. II. p. 192  speak3  of  a 
book  which  he  does  not  think  has  a  right  to  exist  and  leaves  the 
impression  that  the  author  rushed  into  print;  this  again  is  not 
correct,  for  whether  the  author  was  justified  or  not  in  yielding 
to  the  demand,  there  was  a  distinct  demand  that  he  make  the  pro- 
ductions accessible  in  permanent  form;  to  the  teachers  of  York 
County  he  had  recited  the  productions  at  a  County  Institute  and 
they  were  desirous  of  possessing  them. 

In  like  manner  the  friends  of  Dr.Grumbine  of  Lebanon 
have  for  a  number  of  years  been  urging  him  to  make  a  selection  of 
his  numerous  writings  and  publish  them  in  book  form,  but  he  has 
not  yet  consented  to  do  so. 

A  book  in  the  dialect  will  naturally  obtain  only  a 
small  circulation  outside  of  the  district  where  the  dialect  is  spok- 
en; if  the  book  is  written  by  one  of  these  people  and  for  them  and 

for  the  most  part  about  them,  and  accepted  with  satisfaction  hy 


these  people,  we  may  be  reasonably  certain  that  we  have  either  a 
flattering  idealization  of  then  or  at  loagt  a  faithful  portrait 
and  not  a  caricature.   (It  may  be  noted  in  illustration  of  this 
point,  that  Mrs. Helen  Reifsnyder  Martin's  novels  are  not  among  the 
most  popular  works  in  the  district  about  which  she  writes.) 

wEin  Bauer  der  seine  Sprache  frei  und  sicher  spricht, 
1st  ein  'Mann?  er  bringt  una  den  Hauch  einer  eigener  7/elt,  seine 
Weltanschauung,  mit:  so  hart  sie  sein  mag  -  er  korant  nie  an  una 
heran  ohne  Erquickung  der  Seele"  says  Klaus  Groth.   That  a  number 
of  writers,  by  responding  to  the  desire  of  the  people  to  have  some- 
thing in  their  own  speech,  have  succeeded  in  giving  us  the  Welt- 
anschauung of  the  body  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans  will  be  shown 
by  the  words  with  which  they  have  been  greeted  by  their  own  people 
and  the  success  which  has  attended  their  endeavors  as  authors. 
President  John  S.Stahr  of  Franklin  and  Marshall  College,  said  a 
number  of  years  ago:  "The  Pennsylvania  German  dialect  effectively 
expresses  the  simplicity,  honesty,  innocence,  pathos  and  beauty 

of  the  daily  life  of  these  people,  and  the  experiences  which  they 
have  made  as  part  of  their  history.   There  is  certainly  room, 
therefore,  for  the  study  of  such  literature  as  they  have  produced 
on  this  plane." 

In  a  little  volume  "Marsch  und  Geest:  Gedichte  in 
Oldenburg,  niederdeutscher  Mundart"  von  Franz  Poppe,  Oldenburg, 
1379  we  may  read  on  the  first  page: 

Se  saen,  wi  Noorddutschen 
Verstunnen  kin  Gesang 
An'n  Rhiin  un  an  de  Donau, 
Dar  harr  de  Sprak  blot  Klang. 

Dat  hett  us  lang  verdraten 
Dat  se  us  so  veracht't 

As  harm  se't  Recht  torn  Singen 
Far  sick  allsenig  pacht't. 

Evidently  dialects  in  different  parts  of  the  world 
have  the  same  reproaches  hurled  at  them  and  have  the  same  prejudices 
to  contond  with.   Out  of  pure  Belf  defense  they  have  sought  adequate 
expression.   The  spirit  thus  aroused  expresses  itself  in  one  of  two 
ways}  the  first  -  men  of  poetic  bent,  men  who  have  already  written 
poetry  in  a  recognized  literary  idiom  ,  now  at  last,  either  of  their 
own  motion  or  by  request,  essay  the  rhythm  of  their  native  speech 
and  bring  forth  their  productions  with  a  defiant-  There,  now  stand 
corrected.   The  second  -  men  will  burst  out  with  declarations  of 
their  affection  for  the  despised  tongue  and  in  their  very  passion 
create  poems. 

Of  the  first  class  in  Pennsylvania  German  are 
J.Max  Hark:  "En  Hondfull  Farsh",  and  some  of  the  poems  of  Lee  Light 
Grumbine.   Both  are  men  enjoying  a  wide  acquaintance  with  literature 
both  can  frame  their  thoughts  as  readily  in  Pennsylvania  German 
as  in  English;  both  had  written  English  poetry.   To  them  the  Pem 
sylvania  German  Society  said  in  effect  -  "Why  not  speak  for  and  in 
the  dialect?"  Among  those  who  acknowledged  conversion  may  be  cited 
C.F.Ferdinand  Ritschl,  Imperial  German  Consul  at  Philadelphia,  Pa, 
who  said  of  Grumbine' s  efforts  "I  am  sure  your  book  will  be  most 
successful  in  correcting  the  popular  misconceptions  of  the  dialect. 
I  was  surprised  myself  by  the  adaptability  of  the  dialect  to  a 
subject  like  tha  'Ancient  Mariner'.   Your  translation  of  that  poem 
is  beautiful,  etc.   Till  now  I  had  had  the  idea  that  Pennsylvania 
German  was  only  adapted  for  homelike  feelings  and  situations,  but 
I  stand  corrected." 


To  those  who  moved  of  their  own  initiative  belongs 

Col. Thomas  G. Zimmerman,  who  after  translating  many  German  lyrics 

into  English,  proceeded  to  translate  Scotoh,  English  and  Irish 

ballads  into  Pennsylvania  German.   To  the  second  class  belong  such 

poems  as  that  of  worshipful  adoration  of  his  mothertongue  by 

Adam  Stump,  of  which  the  last  stanza  runs  thus: 

0  eanfto,  deire  Muttersproch: 

Wie  Hunnig  fliesst  sie  darrich  mei  Sinn! 

Un  wann  ich  mol  im  Himmel  hoch 

Mei  scheene  Heemet  dun  gewinne 

Dann  heer  ich  dort  zu  meinomiwohl 

En  Mutterwort  -  ja,  ah  ebmol. 

Or  the  words  of  Ziegler,  confident  of  its  powers: 

Will  ich  recht  ve'stannig  schwetze 
Eppes  ausenanner  setze  - 
A,B,C  un  eens,  zwee,  drei, 
So  dass  jeder  commoner  Mann 
Klar  un  deitlich  sehne  kann 
Well   'as  Gold  is  un  wel  Blei, 
Nem  ich  gute  deitsche  Warte, 
We is  un  schwarzi,  weech  un  harte 
Noh  vollbringt  die  Sach  sich  glei. 

Or  again  the  vigorous  words  of  Dr. Keller: 

Ich  schwetz  in  der  deitsche  Sproch 
Lieb  sie  ah  un  halt  sie  hoch; 
Sie  is  ah  ken  Nevekind 
Das  mer  in  de  Hecke  find  - 
Sie  kummt  her  fum  Sch6ne  Rhei 
Wu  sie  Trauwe  hen  un  Weil 

This  incentive  to  write,  finds  its  parallel  again  in  Europe;  listen 

once  more  to  Franz  Poppe: 

Us'  Sprak  is  as  us'  Heiden 
Ursprungelk  noch  un  free 
Us  Sprak  is  deep  un  m&chtig 
Un  prachtig  as  de  See.  -  - 
Min  Modersprak,  wo  klingst  du 
So  sot  un  doch  so  stark; 
We  leew:  ick  di  van  Hart en, 
Du  Land  vull  Kraft  un  Mark I 

The  establishment  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Magazine, 

now  in  its  eleventh  year,  affording  a  reasonably  large  audience  of 


interested  readers  has  been  instrumental  in  bringing  forward  a 

number  of  new  singers,  among  whom  at  the  present  time  is  a  Professor 

in  a  lar^e  University  in  Ohio. 

From  a  Pennsylvania  German  poetess  the  call  has 

gone  out ; 

WU  sin  die  deitsche  Dichter 
Sie  sin  verschwunne  all 
Wu  sin  die  grosse  Lichter 
In  unsere  Ruhmeshall 
Heraus,  heraus,  Reimreiser, 
Wu  sin  ihr  all  versteckt 
Ihr  sin  jo  die  Wegweiser 
Die  Schoheit  uferweckt. 

Still  another  reason  for  the  existence  of  verses 
in  the  dialect,  is  that  somebody  perhaps  now  grown  old  remembers  a 
custom  in  vogue  in  the  days  of  the  grandfathers.   The  custom  wa3 
peculiar  to  German  people:  the  person  who  vaguely  remembers  it, 
wishes  to  communicate  his  knowledge  to  the  younger  generation  which 
does  not  know  of  it,  or  he  wishes  to  delight  the  old  by  recalling 
it.   Instinctively  he  feels  for  the  dialect  as  the  proper  medium 
and  generally  in  veneration  of  the  old  custom  he  will  try  to  dig- 
nify it  by  versifying.   The  writer  of  some  verses  in  the  Lebanon 
Report  of  Feb. 5,  1900  has  prefixed  introductory  remarks  of  the 
above  tenor  to  a  description  of  "The  Metzel  Day  Soup." 

Moreover,  the  person  who  is  thus  imparting  know- 
ledge has  often  been  induced  to  versify,  because  his  poetized  lore 
will  live  longer,  not  to  his  own  glory,  for  he  does  not  attach 
his  name,  but  to  recall  something  that  is  no  more.   The  folk,  and 
this  is  well  known,  will  be  more  likely  to  cut  out  and  preserve 
such  a  selection  than  one  in  prose  or  in  English  on  the  same  sub- 
ject.  A  much  better  description  of  "The  Metzel  Soup  Day"   was  printed 


in  a  Lancaster  Llagazine  in  1891,  but  only  in  the  files  of  the 
editor  did  I  find  it,  whereas  rhymed  descriptions  can  be  gathered 
almost  anywhere.   This  is  one  case  that  can  be  paralleled  by  many. 
Such  selections  have  a  historical  value. 

Another  small  class  of  books  may  be  mentioned  as  owing 
their  existence  to  a  very  real  necessity:  it  is  stated  thus  in  tfee 
preface  to  the  second  edition  of  Home's  "Pennsylvania  German  Manual" 
1895.   "The  great  problem  presented  for  solution  i3  how  shall  6  to 
800,000  inhabitants  of  eastern  Pennsylvania,  to  say  nothing  of 
those  of  other  parts  of  our  own  state  and  of  other  states,  to  whom 
English  is  as  much  a  dead  language  as  Latin  and  Greek,  acquire  a 
sufficient  knowledge  of  English  to  enable  them  to  use  that  language 
intelligently."   As  a  guide  to  the  study  of  English,  the  manual 
which  includes  a  guide  to  pronunciation,  a  select  Reader,   and  a 
Dictionary,  was  submitted  to  the  public  for  use  in  schools  and 
families.   The  book  was  first  published  in  1875  and  a  fourth  edition 
is  at  present  being  called  for.   There  exist  a  number  of  other 
works  of  this  class. 


Philip  Schaff. 

When  in  the  year  1843,  Dr.  Krummacher,  the  Berlin 
theologian  and  pulpit  orator,  after  some  hesitation  declined  the 
profferred  Professorship  of  Theology  at  ^ercersfeurg,  Pa.  he  suggest- 
ed for  the  place,  a  young  licentiate,  who  had  just  taken  up  his 
position  as  privat  dozent  at  the  University  of  Berlin.   After  the 
necessary  formalities,  this  young  man, Dr.  Philip  Schaff,  landed 
in  New  York  in  July  1844.   Prom  Easton,  Pa.  where  he  entered  the 
region  of  the  people  who  had  called  him,  his  progress  to  Mercers- 
burg  was  almost  a  triumphal  procession;  Germans  and  Americans  pour- 
ing out  to  meet  him.   Dr. Schaff  was  attracted  by  the  signs  of 
prosperity  in  town  and  country,  the  ample  farmhouses,  the  large  and 
well  cultivated  farms  and  the  kindness  with  which  he  was  entertain- 
ed. Everywhere  he  heard  German,  not  the  German  of  the  peasantry  or 
of  the  Educated  classes  in  Germany,  but  the  Colloquial  dialect 
known  as  Pennsylvania  German.   -  -  For  twenty  years  he  went  in 
and  out  among  them,  finding  sterling  virtues  not  excelled  in  any 
other  population  in  the  land.  These  facts  are  cited  from  the  Life 
of  Philip  Schaff  by  his  son,  David  S. Schaff.  (Scribner's,  New  York, 

This  commanding  personage,  who  meant  so  much  for 
the  religious  life  of  Europe  and  America,  merits  for  several  reasons 
brief  consideration  in  an  account  of  Pennsylvania  German  poetry; 
early  in  life  he  had  ambitions  to  become  a  poet,  nourished  his 
mind  at  the  founts  of  German  poesy  and  had  even  versified  to  a 
certain  extent  himself;  his  developing  literary  sense  presently 
told  him  that  he  was  no  poet,  notwithstanding  it  enabled  him  to 
recognize  poetic  talents  in  others.   In  1848,  he  began  the  publi- 


cation  of  the  "Deutschen  Kirchenfreund"  (the  first  German  Literary 
Monthly  in  this  country)  to  supply  the  literary  need  of  those  to 
whom  he  ministered;  in  this  he  published  (and  perhaps  for  the 
first  time)  what  is  said  to  be  the  earliest  poem  in  the  dialect  - 
a  poem  which  appeared  anonymously  in  the  number  of  August  1849, 
entitled  "Abendlied^  (See  Rondthaler) 

But  his  connection  with  the  poetry  of  this  people 
was  to  become  more  fruitful  still.   He  it  was  who  detected  poetic 
talent  in  the  timid  Harbaugh,  and  calling  his  attention  to  the  above 
mentioned  lone  specimen  in  the  dialect,  suggested  to  him  the  de- 
sirability of  doing  for  Pennsylvania  German  in  song  what  Hebel 
had  done  for  the  Allemanic  dialect;  the  first  fruits  of  this 
suggestion  were  then  modestly  submitted  to  Schaff  before  publication; 
these  did  not  however  Include  the  one  poem  now  known  and  cited 
wherever  Pennsylvania  German  is  mentioned  "Das  Schulhaus  an  der 
Krick"   As  Harbaugh  is  the  inspiration  in  turn  of  all  or  nearly 
all  the  subsequent  writers  in  the  dialect,  it  may  be  truly  said 
of  Schaff  that  he  it  was  who  awakened  the  muse  among  a  people  who, 
from  the  days  of  terror  at  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century  when 
they  left  their  Fatherland  along  the  Rhine,  down  to  the  middle 
of  the  nineteenth  century,  had  not  expressed  themselves  in  secular 


other'  sources  of  information 
for  the  chapter  on 
Bmanu9l  Rondtha 1 e r . 

Correspondence  with  members  of  his  family. 

Life  of  Harbaugh  -  Lynn  Harbaugh,  Philada,  1900. 

Life  of  Philip  Schaff-  D.S.Schaff,  Hew  York,  1897. 

Nazareth  Hall  and  it3  Reunions.  Reichel,  Philada,  1869. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. I. 2. 18. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol.7.  3.  121. 


Emanual  Rondthaler. 

The  aong  for  which  the  claim  has  been  ! ade  that  it 
is  the  earliest  known  poem  in  the  dialect  wa3  entitled  "Abendliod" 
when,  in  August  1349,  it  first  appeared  in  the  "Deutsoher  Kirchen- 
freund"   published  by  Philip  Schaff.   Up  to  1857,  Dr.Schaff  declined 
to  reveal  the  identity  of  the  author,  but  shortly  thereafter 
attributed  its  authorship  to  the  Rev. Edward  Rondthaler  Sr.  a  Mo- 
ravian missionary  and  minister  who  was  for  a  time  tutor  and  sub- 
sequently Principal  of  the  famous  Moravian  School,  Nazareth  Hall, 
Nazareth,  Pa.  and  who  died  in  1855. 

On  the  occasion  of  the  one  hundredth  anniversary  of 
the  founding  of  this  school  in  1769,  a  book  was  prepared  by 
William  C.  Reichel,  "Nazareth  Hall  and  its  Reunions','  Lippincott, 
Philada,  Pa,  1869,   in  which  our  poem  is  included  in  an  appendix, - 
but  under  the  title  "Morgets  un  Oweds"  and  with  a  slightly  modified 
orthography;   we  are  there  informed  that  the  author  was  the  Rev. 
Emanuel  Rondthaler,  a  brother  of  the  above  named,  who  had  also  been 
a  teacher  in  the  same  institution,  and  who  died  in  1848.   This 
la3t  statement  is  confirmed  by  Bishop  Edward  Rondthaler,  of 
Winston-Salem,  N.C.  a  son  of  the  former,  and  by  Miss  Elizabeth 
Rondthaler  of  Bethlehem,  Pa,  a  daughter  of  the  latter,  from  whom 
also  comes  the  statement  that  it  was  written  by  her  father  about 
1335  when  he  was  twenty  years  old  because  he  desired  to  prove  as 
above  stated Athat  the  Pennsylvanie  German,  so  generally  despised 
could  bo  used  to  express  poetic  and  refined  sentiment.   A  consider- 
ation of  certain  phenomena  of  nature  and  particularly  of  the  morn- 
ing bringing  favorable  omens  as  compared  with  those  of  evening, 
leads  our  divine  to  note  in  general  the  mutability  of  human  fortiine 


on  which  follows  the  comforting   reflection   that  "up  yonder"  what 
is  fair  In  the  morning  will  "be  no  less  so  at  eventide,  if  there 
he  an  eventide  there  at  all.   Hereupon  the  poet  hurst  into  an 
expression  of  passionate  longing  for  that  blest  abode,  and  calls 
upon  his  friends  not  to  grieve  for  him  when  he  is  laid  in  the 
tomb  and  enters  the  realms  where  there  is  no  change.   (cf.  for 
subject  matter  I.Thess.  IV.  13  ) 

Prof .Reichel,  in  his  introductory  remarks  declared 
it  as  his  belief  "that  it  is  one  of  the  first  attempts  to  render 
that  mongrel  dialect  the  vehicle  of  poetic  thought  and  diction." 
He  commends  the  poem  for  the  touching  appeal  it  makes  to  the  finer 
feelings  of  our  nature,  and  the  spirit  of  Christian  faith  and  hope 

with  which  it  is  imbued.   The  Professor  adds  a  translation  into 

.  -  j 
English  in  a  different  metre^this  is  in  reality  more  in  the  nature 

of  a  paraphrase. 

As  to  the  "mongrel"  dialect,  it  is  interesting  to 
note  that  of  the  162  words  in  the  poem,  only  two  are  English,  and 
of  these  it  is  possible  that  one  could  be  eliminated  if  we  had  the 
original  text,  inasmuch  as  a  third  extant  version  of  the  poem  make3 
in  this  very  place  a  good  rhyme  with  an  undoubted  Pennsylvania 
German  word. 

Reichel' s  version  betrays  an  effort  made  by  means 
of  the  orthography  to  accentuate  the  difference  between  the  pro- 
nunciation of  the  dialect  and  the  High  German.  While  a  few  of  his 
changes  might  meet  with  acceptance,  his  version  i3  not  on  the 
whole  successful,  and  at  least  one  change  is  made  in  gender  which 
violates  present  usage  in  that  same  county. 



Margets  acheint  die  Sun  bo  scho 

Owets  gent  der  gehl  Mond  uf, 
Margets  leit  der  Dau  im  Klee, 

Owets  tritt  mer  drucke  druf. 

Marge t9  sings  all  die  Vogel, 

Owets  greischt  die  Loabkrot  arg. 
Margets  gloppt  mer  mit  der  Flegel, 

Owets  leit  mer  schon  im  Sarg. 

Alles  dut  sich  annern  do, 

Nix  bleibt  immer  so  wie  now, 
Was  ei'm  Freed  macht,  bleibt  net  so, 

Werd  gar  arg  bald  hart  un  rau. 

Drowe  werd  es  anners  sein, 

Dart,  wo's  now  so  blow  aussicht; 
Dart  is  Margets  alles  feih, 

Dart  is  Owets  alles  Lioht. 

Margets  is  dart  Freed  die  Full: 

Owets  is  es  au  nooh  so, 
Margets  i9  em's  Herz  so  still, 

Owets  is  mer  au  noch  froh. 

AchJ  wie  dut  me  doch  gelischte 

Nach  der  blowe  Wohnung  dart; 
Dart  mit  alle  gute  Chrischte, 

Freed  zu  habe,  Ruh  alsfcrt. 

Warm  sie  mi  in's  Grab  nein  trage, 

Greint  net,  denn  ich  hab's  so  scho: 
Wann  sie  es  is  Owets  sage 

Denkt  -  bei  ihm  is  sell  all  anes; 

Deutscher  Kirchenfreund,  1649 
Pennsylvania  German,  May  1906.  p. 121. 

Morgets  und  Owets. 

Morgets  scheint  die  Sun  so  scho, 

Owets  geht  der  gehl  Mond  uf , 
Morgets  leit  der  Dau  im  Gla 

Owets  drett  mer  drucke  druf. 

Morgets  cinge  all  die  Feggle, 

Owets  greyscht  der  Lawb-krott  arg, 
Morgets  gloppt  met  mit  der  Fleggle, 

Owets  leit  mer  sho  im  Sarg. 

Alles  dut  sich  ennere  do, 

Nix  belibt  immer  so  wie  nau; 
Wos'  em  Frad  macht,  bleibt  nett  so, 

Werd  gar  arg  bald  harrt  un  rau.- 


Drowe  werd  es  annors  sein, 

Dart  wo  nau  so  bio  aussicht, 
Dart  is  Morgets  alles  fein, 

Dart  ia  Owets  alles  Licht. 

Morgets  is  dart  Frad  die  Fill, 

OwotB  is  es  o  noch  so; 
Morgets  is  ems  Herz  so  still j 

Owets  is  mer  o  noch  fro. 

Ach!  wie  dut  mer  doch  gelischte, 

Nach  der  blo'e  Woning  dart; 
Dart  nit  alle  gute  Christe 

Frad  zu  have  -  Roo  ale  fort. 

Wann  sie  mich  ins  Grab  nei  drage, 

Greint  nett  -  denn  ich  habs  so  echo,- 

Wann  sie  -  "Ess  is  Owet!"  -  sage  - 

Denkt  -  bci  ihm  is  sell,  "Allone". 

Nazareth  Hall  and  itB  Reunions,  1869 

Pennsylvania  German,  May  1906,  p. 121. 

Morgets  laid  Owets.   (Translation) 

In  the  morning  the  sun  shines  cheerful  and  bright, 

In  the  evening  the  yellow  moon's  splendor  is  shed; 

In  the  morning  the  clover's  with  dew  all  bedight, 

In  the  evening  its  blossoms  are  dry  to  the  trea-" . 

In  the  morning  the  birds  sing  in  unison  sweet, 

In  the  evening  the  frog  cries  prophetic  and  loud; 

In  the  morning  we  toil  to  the  flail's  dull  beat, 

In  the  evening  we  lie  in  our  coffin  and  shroud. 

Here  on  earth  there  is  nothing  exempt  from  rude  change  - 
Naught  abiding,  continuing  always  the  same; 

What  pleases  is  passing  -  is  past,  oh  how  strange! 

And  the  joy  that  so  mocked  us  is  followed  by  pain. 

But  above  twill  be  different,  I  very  well  know- 
Up  yonder  where  all  is  so  calm  and  so  blue! 

In  the  morning  there  objects  will  be  all  aglow, 

In  the  evening  aglow  too  with  Heaven's  own  hue. 

In  the  morning  up  yonder  our  cup  will  be  filled, 

In  the  evening  its  draught  will  not  yet  have  been  drained, 

In  the  morning  our  hearts  will  divinely  be  stilled, 

In  the  evening  ecstatic  with  bliss  here  unnamed. 


And  oh,  how  I  long,  how  I  yearn  to  be  there, 

Up  yonder  where  all  is  so  calm  and  so  blue, 

With  the  spirits  of  perfected  just  ones  to  share 
Through  eternity's  ages  joy  and  peace  ever  new. 


And  when  to  my  grave  I  shall  slowly  he  borne, 

Oh  weep  and  lament  not,   for  I  am  bo  blest ', 

And  when  "it  is  evening"  you'll  sar  or,  "tis  morn"- 
Remember  for  me  there  is  nothing  but  rert! 

This  is  the  translation  of  Rondthaler's  "Abendlied" 

made  by  Prof .William  C.Reichel,  Nazareth,  Pa. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Kay  1906.  p.  121  f. 


the  sketch  on 

Louis  Miller. 

Amerikanische  Volkskunde-  Knorz,  Leipzig. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society, 

Vol. XII.  p. 379. 

Short  Sketch  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans-  Fisher, 



Louis  Miller. 

Antedating  Rondthaler  is  another  Pennsylvania  German 

poet  whose  poems  were  however,  in  all  probability  not  in  print  at 

so  early  a  date.   Louis  Miller  was  born  the  the  son  of  a  school 

teacher,  at  York,  Pa.  Dec. 3rd.  1795 $  he  became  a  carpenter  and 

later  a  builder,  and  is  said  to  have  gained  credit  and  distinction 

as  suchj  he  was  a  man  of  ready  wit,  and  of  a  culture  unusual  for 

his  time  and  in  his  community.   This  fund  of  inf ormationAacquired 

by  diligent  self  instruction  and  by  one  very  extensile  trip 

through  Europe.   Besides  this  He  was  a  talented  cartoonist  and 

caricaturist  as  is  shown  by  two  volumes  of  his  sketches  still 

extant.   So  far  I  possess  only  one  of  his  poems;  it  is  a  driver's 

song  which  was  said  to  have  had  a  goodly  share  of  popularity  in  the 

days  when  the  German  farmers  of  southern  Pennsylvania  used  to 

convey  the   products  of  their  farms  to  market  in  Baltimore,  in 

their  great  Cones toga  wagons. 


Henry  Harbaugh. 

When  this  dis.Tertation  is  published,  the  writer 
will  (with  the  consent  of  the  Department)  insert  here  an  essay 
on  Henry  Harbaugh.   In  view  of  the  fact  that  in  comparison  with 
other  writers  treated  in  this  dissertation,  Henry  Harbaugh  is 
wellknown  and  of  the  additional  fact  that  a  Life  of  Henry  Harbaugh 
by  his  son,  Lynn  Harbaugh, has  been  published,  it  did  not  seem 
necessary  to  make  a  special  study  of  him  and  his  work,  for  the 
purposes  of  this  dissertation. 


A  Bibliography 

for  the  chapter  on 
Edward  H.Rauch. 

Allibone's  Dictionary  of  Authors.   Supplement.  1891. 

Canton,  Ohio  Repository  and  Republican,  Canton,  Ohio. 

Carbon  County  Democrat,  Mauch  Chunk,  Pa. 

College  News,  Franklin  and  Marshall  College,  Lancaster,  Pa. 

ElliB,  Early  English  Pronunciation.  London,  1869. 

Father  Abraham,  Reading,  Pa.  1864. 

Father  Abraham,  Lancaster,  Pa.  1868. 

Geschichte  der  Nordamerikanischer  Littsratur.  Knorz,  Berlin, 

History  of  Carbon  and  Lehigh  Counties,  Matthews  and  Hungerford. 

London  Saturday  Globe,  Aug. 18,  1886. 

Lebanon  News,  Lebanon,  Pa. 

National  Baptist, 

New  York  Deutsche  Blatter. 

Pennsylvania  Dutch  Handbook,  Mauch  Chunk,  Pa.  1879. 

Philadelphia  Press,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. III. 171 

Reading  Times  and  Dispatch,  Reading,  Pa. 

The  Pennsylvania  Dutchman,  Lancaster,  Pa.  1873. 

Rip  Van  Winkle.  Mauch  Chunk,  Pa.  1883. 


Col. Edward  Henry  Rauch. 
In  Col. Edward  Henry  Rauch  were  centered  a  ceaseless 
activity,  a  wonderful  initiative  and  an  untiring  energy  that  meant 
more  for  the  growth  of  Pennsylvania  German  Literature  than  any  other 
individual  group  of  forces.   To  trace  in  detail  his  movements  in 
Pennsylvania  would  be  too  long  a  story,  yet  they  must  be  passed  in 
rapid  review,  in  order  that  we  may  be  able  to  understand  his  re- 
lations to  the  people  of  the  state.   He  was  born  in  Lititz,  Pa. 
July  19,  1820,  grandson  of  Johann  Heinrich  Rauch  who  had  come  from 
K&ln  in  1769. 

Presently  we  find  Rauch  in  politics,  as  clerk  in 
the  office  of  the  Prothonotary  at  Lancaster  -  1845;  then  three  years 
later,  1847,  Deputy  Register  of  Wills}  again  three  years  later 
entering  3ournali0in>  and  under  the  leadership  of  Thaddeus  Stevens 
editing  and  managing  two  anti-slavery  Whig  papers-  the  Independent 
Whig  and  the  Inland  Daily;  in  1854  on  his  own  account  going  to 
Bethlehem  and  starting  the  Lehigh  Valley  Times,  which  he  sold  in 
1857  and  purchased  the  Mauch  Chunk  Gazette,  to  which  he  added,  in 
1859  a  German  paper  -  the  Carbon  Adler. 

In  ^859  he  became  transcribing  clerk  of  the  State 
Legislature  and  in  1860  -  1862,  chief  clerk,  although  he  accepted 
this  office  only  on  condition  that  he  sould  have  leave  to  go  with 
the  Qompany  he  had  raised  for  the  war.   Three  years  he  was  at  the 
front,  when,  on  being  discharged  because  of  physical  disability,  he 
started  the  Father  Abraham  at  Reading,  Pa.  -  a  militant  campaign 
sheet  in  a  county  of  doubtful  loyalty.   Next  he  became  city  editor 
of  the  Reading  Eagle;  in  1868  we  find  him  once  more  in  Lancaster, 
a  second  time  founding  a  Father  Abraham. 



With  Col.McClure  he  was  one  of  the  Greely  Campaign  managers  in  1872, 
four  years  after  he  published  the "Uncle  Samuel" in  the  Tilden  Campaign 
in  1878x  political  conditions  invited  him  oncejmore  to  Mauch  Chunk 
where  he  founded  the  Carbon  County  Democrat,  and  was  sotan  able  to 
absorb  his  rival  whereupon  he  settled  down  to  the  end  of  his  days 
in      ;  in  which  place  his  son  is  still  conducting  the  same  paper. 

Among  minor  accomplishments  Rauch  had  the  ability 
to  simulate  almost  any  handwriting  or  to  reproduce  any  signature. 
This  led  him  to  study  the  subject  until  he  became  an  expert,  and  as 
such,  during  a  period  of  almost  fifty  ^ears,  he  was  called  into 
the  courts  of  many  states  in  cases  involving  disputed  handwriting. 

But  this  military  and  civil  tribune  was  withal  a 
dialect  writer.   Already  in  his  first  Father  Abraham,  there  appeared 
an  occasional  short  selection  in  dialect,  but  those  were  times  of 
too  terrible  earnestness  for  such  work}  but  later,  in  1868  with 
the  advent  of  the  second  Father  Abraham,  contributions  in  the  dialect 
over  the  signature  of  Pit  Schweff elbrenner  became  a  regular  feature. 

Karl  Knorfe  has  referred  to  these  selections  as  "Humor- 
istisch  sein  sollende  Brief  e!J acormentary  on  this  readers  capacity 
to  appreciate  humor;  for,  five  years  later  the  author  of  the  letters 
could  speak  of  them  as  follows:   nOur  first  regular  productions 
in  Pennsylvania  Dutch  appeared  in  the  Father  Abraham  campaign  paper 
over  the  signature  of  Pit  Schweff elbrenner.   They  contributed  more 
to  the  remarkable  popularity  of  that  paper  than  anything  else  it 
contained  and  the  circulation  increased  rapidly  not  only  in  Penn- 
sylvania but  also  in  Ohio,  Indiana,  Illinois,  Maryland,  Wisconsin, 
and  other  states."   A  bit  of  presumably  disinterested  opinion  is 
the  following:  While  these  letters  were  running  in  the  Father 

Abraham,  the  Philadelphia  Press  published  a  translation  of  one  of 


the  letters  for  the  benefit  of  its  readers   and  prefaced  the  pro- 
duction by  the  following  statement. 

Pennsylvania  Dutch. 
We  give  below  a  first  class  specimen  of  that  unique  lit- 
erature, which  has  within  a  few  years  become  intensely  popular,  and 
which  carries  with  it  a  quaint  logic  often  more  convincing  than 
harder  facts  wrapped  in  satin  ornaments.   Every  one  has  read  with 
delight  the  celebrated  Bigelow  papers,  which  gave  point  and  pun- 
gency to  thoughts  that  the  language  of  the  forum  or  the  parlor 
would  have  suffered  to  lie  dormant.   The  shrewd  observations  of 
Naseby  have  not  only  immortalized  the  man,  but  have  answered  a  pur- 
pose which  no  other  literature  could  have  met.   Thousands  of  dogmas 
are  presented  which  no  argument  can  banish  simply  because  they 
cannot  be  reached  by  argument.   They  can  be  pushed  aside  by  a  con- 
par  tson,   exploded  by  a  joke,  vaporized  by  a  burlesque,  or  the  vic- 
timized party  may  be  made  ashamed  of  himself  by  seeing  how  ridiculous 
his  neighbor  appears,  who  carries  out  the  doctrines  he  so  gladly 
entertains  and  so  blindly  believes.   Great  good  then,  may  be  done 
by  the  adoption  of  such  a  literature.   Why,  it  is  hard  to  tell,  but 
the  fact  is  true,  as  every  one  will  admit. 

The  East  has  thrown  its  patois  into  the  books  of 
James  Russell  Lowell,  under  the  signature  of  Hosea  Biglow  and  no 
one  regrets  their  perusal.   The  Southweste-n  form  of  speech  and 
method  of  argument  has  been  incorporated  in  side-splitting  letters 
by  Petroleum  V. Naseby.   The  Pennsylvania  Dutch  is  a  language  pe- 
culiarly susceptible  of  similar  use.   Rauch,  editor  of  Father  Abra- 
ham, a  spirited  campaign  sheet,  published  in  Lancaster,  conceived 

the  idea  of  rounding  this  language,  or  rather  this  compound  of 


English  and  German  languages,  into  effective  and  popular  canvass* 
ing  logic.   His  success  has  been  complete,  and  the  letters  of  Pit 
Schweffelbrenner,  from  Schliff letown  have  created  a  sensation,  if 
not  as  widespread,  as  intense  as  those  from  the  "Confederate  Cross- 
roads which  is  in  the  Strait  of  Kentucky".   The  translation  we  append 
is  merely  to  give  the  substance  of  the  original.   It  convoys  no 
idea  of  the  peculiar  and  inimitable  merits  of  the  German  version, 
which  consists  more  in  the  manner  of  saying  it,  than  in  what  is  said" 
Prom  the  Pennsylvania  Dutchman.  Vol. I. No. I .1873.  January. 

Interesting  in  this  connection  ia  a  notice  in  the 
work  -  Early  English  Pronunciation  -  by  Prof .Alexander  J.Ellis.  If 
we  recall  that  some  of  these  early  letters  were  issued  as  a  small 
pamphlet,  the  quotation  is  self  explanatory.   "While  I  was  engaged 
with  the  third  part  of  my  Early  English  Pronunciation,  Prof .Haldeman 
sent  me  a  reprint  of  some  humorous  letters  by  Rauch,  entitled 
"Pennsylvania  Daitsh:  De  Campaign  Breefa  fum  Pit  Schweffelbrenner" 
Perceiving  at  once  the  analogy  between  this  debased  German  with 
English  intermixture  and  Chaucer's  debased  Anglo  Saxon  with  Norman 
intermixture,  I  requested  and  obtained  such  further  information 
as  enabled  me  to  give  an  account  of  this  singular  reproduction  of 
the  manner  in  which  our  English  language  itself  was  built  up,  and 
insert  it  in  the  introduction  to  my  chapter  on  Chaucer's  pro- 

In  1873  another  enterprise  Rauch  nftc  had  under  ccn- 
r  a  number  of  years  saw  its  beginning  with  the  issuing 
in  January,  1873  of  the  first  number  of  -  The  Pennsylvania  Dutchman- 
a  monthly  magazine.   This  first  number  contaired  the  publisher's 
announcement  in  parallel  columns  of  English  and  Pennsylvania  German , 


(This  will  be  included  in  entirety  elsewhere  with  the  contents  of 
all  the  known  numbers  of  the  magazine  and  specimens  of  the  articles 
contained):   familiar  sayings  in  similar  parallel  columns,  a  poem 
by  Tobias  Witmer,  together  with  a  translation  into  English  by  Prof .Hal- 
deman  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania:  a  poem  by  Rauch  himself, 
evidently  in  the  manner  of  Harbaugh  and  entitled  "Unser  Alty  Heemet"; 
a  Pennsylvania  German  letter;  the  first  of  Rauch' s  Shakespeare 
translations;  a  number  of  pages  of  English  short  stories  and  poems; 
followed  by  the  first  installment  of  the  author's  Pennsylvania 
German  Dictionary  with  this  interesting  note  nWe  are  confident  that 
before  the  first  of  January  1874  every  reader  of  the  Pennsylvanie 
Dutchman,  by  simply  studying  this  part  of  tho  publication  together 
with  the  page  of  familiar  sayings  will  be  able  to  re  i.p  substantial 
benefits  and  use  the  language  for  practical  business  purposes." 

That  the  language  was  necessary  for  business  pur- 
poses will  seem  evident  by  the  parallel  column  advertisements  in 
which  lawyers  and  merchants  assure  their  readers  that  they  speak 
"Deitsch  so  goot  dos  English" . 

Apropos  of  the  use  of  the  dialect  for  business  pur- 
poses, it  might  be  remarked  that  as  recently  as  1905  a  candidate  for 
Judge  in  a  County  in  which  his  party  was  in  overwhelming  majority 
was  defeated,  because,  though  he  had  been  long  a  resident  of  the 
County  he  had  not  thought  worthwhile  to  learn  the  dialect.   Lest 
this  cause  any  surprise,  I  call  attention  to  the  remarkable  par- 
allelism between  the  argument  used  by  the  organ  of  the  party  that 
opposed  him  and  the  statement  made  by  Jos. Grimmer  in  the  Strass- 
burger  Post  of  Sept. 19,  1905,  the  very  same  year.   The  paper  said: 
"The  question^ whether  the  judicial  candidate  can  or  cannot  speak 


Pennsylvania  German,  and  it  in  no  way  reflects 

upon  the  intelligence  of  any  public  man  to  be  able  to  do  business 
in  a  language  that  has  been  spoken  from  the  earliest  history  of  the 
county.   On  the  other  hand  it  is  important   that  the  man  who  sits 
upon  the  Bench  to  administer  justice  with  an  even  hand  shall  be  con- 
versant with  the  dialect  of  a  large  majority  of  the  people  and  which 
does  not  always  admit  of  strict  interpretation."   What  Grimmer  said 
in  his  article  I  can  only  report  at  second  hand,  but  the  Zeit- 
schrift  fur  Deutsche  Mundar ten, 1910  1.52  f.  says:  "Die  Mundart  in 
ihrer  Stellung  zuir.  Bffentlichen  Leben  erortert  eine  Aus  las  sung  von 
Grimmer  der  die  Notwendigkeit  dass  der  Richter  die  Mundart  der 
Gegend  in  der  er  seines  Amtes  waltet  wo  nicht  beherrsche  so  doch 
verstehe,  an  gut  gewahlten  Beispielen  erlautert. 

In  this  connection  it  may  not  be  out  of  place  to 
cite  from  a  newspaper  of  1907.   "Three  different  kinds  of  German 
were  spoken  recently  in  Court  at  Harrisburg.   A  witness  spoke  High 
German,  Judge  Thomas  Capp  spoke  the  Pennsylvania  Dutch  of  Lebanon 
County  and  Senator  John  E.Fox,  the  defendant's  counsel  spoke  the 
Pennsylvania  Dutch  of  Dauphin  County.   I  have  myself  heard  a  lawyer 
review  in  the  dialect  before  the  Jury,  testimony  that  had  been 
given  in  the  dialect,  at  such  length  that  the  Judge  stopped  him 
to  inquire  whether  he  purposed  to  give  his  entire  plea  in  the 
dialect.   Curiously  enough,  the  lawyer  in  questionjwas  a  native  of 
Cornwall,  England,  but  he  at  least  appreciated  what  Hauch  implied, 
that  a  knowledge  of  the  dialect  was  a  business  necessity. 

But  to  return  to  the  Pennsylvania  Dutch  Magazine. 
After  the  Dictionary,  there  followed,  strir.gley  enough  in  the  first 
number  of  the  Magazine  -  Answers  to  Correspondents!!  and  then  a  page 

of  editorials.   "Here  is  richness  for  youn  is  the  way  a  Mt.  Joy 
paper  expressed  itself  over  this  new  Magazine.   The  Reformed 
Church  Messenger,  although  objecting  to  the  name  Dutchman,  found 
the  enterprise  a  "commendable  one"   and  "hoped  it  would  prove  a 
success."   The  Canton,  Ohio  Repository  said:  "Mr. Rauch  is  best 
known  to  our  reiders  under  the  name  of  Pit  Schweffelbrenner;  he 
has  done  more  to  popularize  this  amusing  dialect  than  any  man  in 
America",   while  the  following  is  from  the  New  York  Deutsche  Blatter 
"In  Lancaster  erscheint  jetzt  ein  neuer  Magazin  -  Der  Pennsylvania 
Dutchman  -  es  ist  Teils  Englisch  und  Teils  in  dem  eigenttimlichen 
Pennsylvania  Deutsche  Dialekt  geschrieben  und  fuhrt  nicht  bloss 
die  Sprache  sondern  die  Sitten  vor,  welche  sich  unter  den  deutschen 
Ansiedlern  im  Innem  des  Staats  erhalten  haben.   Die  Zeitschrift 
wird  ohne  Zweifel  sowohl  hier  als  in  Europa  das  Interesse  der  Phil- 
oologen  erregen."   This  last  prophecy  can  hardly  be  said  to  have 
ccme  true,  for  that  Ms  magazine  had  ever  existed  seems  to  have 
been  completely  forgotten,  nor  is  it  anywhere  mentioned. 

Three  months  of  the  magazine  I  have  seen;  it  must 
have  survived  a  little  longer,  if  the  Deutsche  Pionier  of  Cin- 
cinnati is  correct  in  citing  from  it  material  that  does  not  appear 
in  these  first  three  numbers.   At  the  most,  its  life  was  no  douht 
a  short  one.   On  the  editorial  page  of  the  first  number  Rauch  had 
said:   "It  is  the  only  publication  of  its  kind,  but  that  it  will 
be  the  last  one  we  do  not  believe."   In  this  he  was  correct,  for 
the  Pennsylvania  German  Magazine,  now  in  its  twelfth  volume,  al- 
though operating  along  entirely  different  lines,  may  be  counted  as 
its  logical  successor. 

Rauch' 3  next  undertaking  was  in  the  3hape  of  a  book: 


according  to  the  supplement  to  Allibone's  Dictionary  of  Authors 
Vol.11,  p.    1391,  a  first  venture ^entitled  penn3ylvania  Dutch  In- 
structor, Lancaster,  Pa.  1877,  16  mo.  ,  followed  by  a  second,  Pen.  - 
sylvania  Dutch  Handbook,  a  Book  for  Instruction,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
1880,  IS  mo.   These  publications  have  thus  far  eluded  my  search, 
but  a  book  under  the  latter  title  was  published  at  Mauch  Chunk, 
1879.   This  contains  an  English-Pennsylvania  German  Preface,  from 
which  I  cite  the  opening  paragraph.    "About  im  yohr  1370,  hob 
ich  my  mind  uf  gemacht  for'n  booch  shreiva  un  publisha  fun  Penn- 
sylvania Deit3h  in  English,  un  English  in  Pennsylvania  Deitsh,  mi t 
der  obsicht  for  practical  un  profitliche  instructions  gevva,  abbord- 
ich  for  bisness  menner  03  in  pletz  woona  fun  Pennsylvania  Deit3h 
schwetzende  Leit  un  aw  for  die  feela  daussende  fun  Pennsylvania 
Boova  un  "aid  03  in  Englisha  shoola  gane  un  doch  sheer  nix  schwetza 
derhame  un  in  der  nochberschaft  os  Pennsylvanie  Deitsh." 

The  first  part  of  the  book  consists  of  his  English 
Pennsylvania  German  and  Pennsylvania  German  -  English  Dictionary, 
then  follow  several  general  chapters  on  the  use  of  words,  and 
practical  exercises,  -  reminding  one  of  the  first  aids   to  those 
landing  on  foreign  3hores,  handed  out  by  Transatlantic  Steamship 
Companies,-  together  with  special  chapters  entitled  Bisness  G'schwet3. 
The  first  of  these  conversations  is  Der  Boochshtore  -  a  talk  be- 
tween the  Boochhondler  and  a  customer,  in  '\rhich  we  learn  how  fast 
Rauch's  book  is  selling.   Clothing  store,  Drugstore,  Doctor,  Dry« 
goods,  Furniture  "tore,  Hotel  and  Lawyer  are  the  subjects  of  the 
succeeding  conversations.   A  brief  history  of  the  dialect  lit- 
erature up  to  that  time  follows,  "/ith  illustrative  examples,  in- 
cluding the  author's  own  Shakespeare  translations,  a  translation 

of  Luke  XV.,  of  Matthew  VII.  13-20  and  of  the  Lord1 3  Prayer.   A 
chapter  illustrating  Prof  .Whi  truer'  a  ideas  on  spelling  reform  and  a 
few  recent  Pit  Schweffelbrenner  letters  conclude  the  volume. 

Rauch  referred  slightingly  p. 209  to  Col  .Zimmerman  ' s 
Pennsylvania  German  work,  and  Zimmerman  in  his  turn  published  a 
merciless  review  of  hi3  critic' 3  book  in  the  Reading  Times  and  Dis- 
patch: Racuh's  controvery  with  those  who  did  not  spell  as  he  did 
was  perennial,  and  Zimmerman  continued  to  pile  up  evidence  of  Rauch 
contradicting  Rauch  in  spelling,   until  all  eastern  Pennsylvania 
was  Convulsed.   Rauch  strove,  in  letters  to  all  the  papers  that 
reprinted  Zimmerman's  review  to  defend  himself,  and  as  Zimmerman 
was  content  with  his  first  article,  the  controversy  went  no  far- 
ther.  Rauch 's  contention  was,  that  inasmuch  as  English  was  the 
language  Pennsylvania  Germans  studied  in  the  schools  and  that  inas- 
much as  they  and  not  people  trained  in  German  were  expected  to 
read  Pennsylvania  German,  -  it  ought  to  be  spelled  after  the  rules 
of  English  orthography.   Prof .Haldeman  once  wrote  him  saying,  that, 
in  order  to  read  what  Rauch  wrote,  a  German  had  first  to  learn 
to  read  English,  to  which  Rauch  replied,  "very  true?  that  that 
was  what  Pennsylvania  Germans  did  in  the  schools,  whereas  if  they 
wanted  to  read  what  some  others  wrote,  then  Pennsylvania  Germans 
would  first  have  to  learn  High  German. 

Since  many  differed  with  Rauch,  not  only  on  this  point 
but  also  on  the  propriety  of  calling  the  dialect  Pennsylvania  Dutch 
he  proposed  at  one  time,  that  those  who  spelled  after  the  German 
fashion  should  be  styled  Pennsylvania  German  and  those  who  used 
the  English  orthography  should  follow  him  and  call  themselves  Penn- 
sylvania Dutch.   This  initial  controversy  as  to  how  the  dialect 

should  be  spelled,  Involved  constantly  widening  circles. among  the 
Pennsylvania  Germans,  nor  was  it  confined  wholly  to  them,  Karl 
Knorfe,  a  German,  has  made  his  contribution, as  well  as  a  writer  in 
the  London  Saturday  Globe.   The  latter  while  conceding  that  Rauch 
was  a  very  popular  writer  and  the  author  of  a  Dictionary,  disproves 
nevertheless  of  his  Phonography,  which  he  characterizes  as  a  very 
inaccurate  and  misleading  method  of  spelling  one  language  accord- 
ing to  the  standard  of  another. 

The  last  word  in  the  controversy,  at  least  from  the 
scientific  point  of  view,  will  be  the  publication  of  the  Diction- 
ary by  Profs.  Learned  and  Pogel  who  are  using  a  good  phonetic  al- 
phabet, but  among  the  folk  the  strife  will  doubtless  continue, 
until  the  last  writer  in  the  dialect  has  uttered  his  last  word, 
spelled  as  he  and  a  kind  Providence  wills. 

Rauch' s  apparent  coldness  to  Zimmerman  in  this  book 
seems  strange  in  view  of  his  tone  towards  him  two  years  before. 
The  former  passage  I  include  here  as  a  specimen  of  the  dialect 
when  it  essays  literary  criticism.   "Schliff letown,  Jonuawr  1,  1877. 
Mister  Drooker:-  Ich  winsh  deer  un  all  dine  freind  en  rale  olt 
fashiondes  neies  Yohr.   De  7.'uch  hut  mei  olter  freind  Zimmerman,  der 
Editor  fum  Readinger  Times  un  Dispatch  en  copy  fun  seiner  Tseit- 
Ing  mit  a  Pennsylvania  Deitsh  shtickly  drin  g'schickt.   Es  is  'n 
Ivversetzung  fun  a  English  shtickly  un  ich  muss  sawga  os  der  Zimmer- 
man es  ardlich  ferdeihenkert  goot  gadu  hut.   Des  explained  no;? 
olles  wo  oil  de  fiela  sorta  shpeelsauch  un  tsucker  sauch  her  cooma. 
Now  whil  der  Zimmerman  so  bully  goot  is  om  shticker  shreiwa  a&b   er 
sich  aw  draw  macha  for  'n  Nei  Yohr's  leedly.ff 

Another  form  of  activity  in  which  this  busy  man 

engaged   is  indicated  from  the  following  notice  culled  from  the 
columns  of  the  Pennsylvania  Dutchman.   "The  editor  of  the  Dutchman 
will  deliver  a  lecture  under  the  auspices  of  the  -illerstown  (Le- 
high County)  Lecture  Association,  on  Saturday  Evening,  March  15, 
1873 |  in  the  Pennsylvania  Dutch  language   on  the  subject  of  "Alte 
un  Neie  Zeite."   He  will  also  read  Dr.Harbaugh's  "Das  Schulhaus  an 
Der  Krick"  and  several  other  popular  productions  including  "De  alt 
Heemet"  and  "De  Pennsylvania  Millitz"   (Incidentally  it  may  be  men- 
tioned that  this  '■lillsrstown  is  the  same  as  the  town  where  some 
of  Elsie  Singmaster's  stories  -  published  in  the  Century  are  local- 
ised; the  town  is  now  Macungie,  though  still  locally  known  as 
Millerstown)   This  lecture  he  frequently  repeated  before  ot     iu- 
diences,  and  notably  before  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society  (which 
he  wanted  named  Pennsylvania  Dutch  Society)  at  one  of  its  earlier 
meetings.   The  discourse  is  in  part  reprinted  in  one  of  the  early 
volumes  of  the  Proceedings  of  that  Organization. 

Finally,  in  1333,  Rauch  published  a  Pennsylvania 
Dutch  Rip  Van  Winkle;  a  romantic  drama  in  two  acts.   Translated 
from  the  original  with  variations.   In  the  Appendix  to  this  essay 
I  give  tha  characters  of  the  play,  the  costumery  as  prescribed  by 
the  author  and  an  outline  of  the  skit.   Home  writes  of  it  in 
Matthew's  and  Hungerford's  History  of  Carbon  and  Lehigh  Counties: 
"Rauch' 3  Pennsylvania  Dutch  Rip  Van  Winkle  ia  a  very  happy  trans- 
lation and  dramatization  of  Irving 's  story,  the  scene  being  changed 
from  the  Catskill  to  the  Blue  fountains  to  give  it  a  locale  in 
keeping  with  the  language  in  whicli  it  is  rendered"   I  will  add  that 
in  one  remarkable  instance,  our  author  has   forgotten  himself.   In 
Scene  3  of  the  Second  Act  when  Rip  returns  to  the  town  of  his  nativ- 

ity,  a  town  no  more,  but  a  populous  settlement,  George  III.  no 
longer  swinging  on  the  tavern  sign,  but  George  Washington  instead, 
he  al  o  sees  the  harbor  filled  with  ships! J   But  perhaps  he  meant 
the  harbor  of  Mauch  Chunk  on  the  Lehigh  River!! 

The  dramolet  is  well  adapted  to  the  local  town  halls, 
where  it  was  intended  to  be,  and  was  performed.   It  is  boisterous 
and  tumultuous,  but  we  do  not  expect  anything  altogether  refined 
in  the  home  of  the  old  sot  Rip,  nor  in  a  play  which,  as  far  as  the 
First  Act  is  concerned,  might  well  be  construed  as  a  horrible  ex- 
amplo  to  illusti^ate  a  temperance  lecture. 

The  language  of  the  romantic  parts,  of  Rip's  dealings 
with  the  spirits  of  the  mountains,  is  interesting  as  an  illustration 
of  what  form  the  dialect  takes  on,  in  the  hands  of  a  man,  who  never 
hesitates  for  a  word;  if  he  find3  it  not  in  the  dialect  vocabulary 
he  reaches  over  and  fetches  one  out  0?  the  English;  indeed  Rauch 
worked  6n  this  principle  all  his  life  and  it  must  not  be  denied 
that  this  is  the  way  a  large  number  of  Pennsylvania  Germans  are 
doing  all  the  time. 

One  more  word  about  his  influence:  Kuhns  calls  him 
the  Nestor  of  all  those  who  have  tried  their  hand  at  composition 
in  the  dialect,  and  of  hie  influence  on  subsequent  writers  there 
can  be  no  doubt.   Sometimes  the  acknowledgement  comes  incidentally, 
as  when  a  writer  in  the  "Spirit  of  Berks"  speaking  of  Zimmerman's 
poetry  says  "Er  kann  em  Pit  Schwef f elbrenner  die  Auge  zu  achreiwe" 
but  quickly  adds  "Wanna  awer  ans  Breefa  schreiwa  geht  dann  is  der 
Schwef f elbrenner  als  noch  der  Bully  Kerl" :   sometimes  the  acknow- 
ledgement comes  indirectly  as  when  somebody  signs  himself  "Em  Pit 

Schweffelbrenner  3ei  Cousin"  and  sometimes  it  comes  frankly  and 


freely  as  in  the  caae  of  Hartor  (Boonastiol)  in  a  private  letter 
I  received  from  him. 


Pennsylvania  Dutchman.  Vol. I. No. I.  Jan. 1875. Page  I. 


Der  Pennsylvania  Dutchman  i3  net  yuacht  intend  for 

Laecherlich  un  popular  leh3a  shtuff  for  oily  de  unaer  Pennsylvan- 

isch  Deitsch  -  de  mixture  fun  Deitsh  un  English  -  forstehn  awer  aw 

for  usefully  un  profitlichy  instruction  for  oily  de  druf  ous 

sin  bekannt  tsu  waerra  mit  der  sproch,  un  aw  mit  em  geisht, 

character  un  hondlunga  fun  unseam  fleisiche,  ehrlicha  un  tSAhlreicha 

folk  in  all  de  Middle  un  Westliche  Shtaate. 

Der  title,  Pennsylvania  Dutchman,  hen  mer  select 
noch  dera  das  mer  feel  drivvor  considered  hen,  un  net  ohna  a  wennich 
tzweifel  der  waega,  weil  mer  wissa  dass  a  dehl  Deitsha  leit  uf 
der  mistaken  notion  sin  das  an  "Dutchman"  g'hehsa  waerra  waer  dis- 
respectful qwer  sell  is  an  mistake.   Un  weil  unsor  Pennsylvanisch 
Deitsh  sproch  ivverall  bekonnt  is  alls  Pennsylvania  Dutch  wun's 
shun  wohr  is  das  es  Deitsch  is,  un  net  Dutch  odder  Hollendish  - 
awer  an  g'mix  fun  Deitsch  un  English,  sin  mer  g* satisfied  dos  mer 
net  besser  du  kenna  dos  fore  '  s  public  tsu  gae  unner  'era  plaina 
title  wo  mer  select  hen.   Un  wann  mer  considera  was  waerklich  der 
all  gemeina  character  fun  de  Pennsylvania  Deitscha  is,  donn  feela 
mer  dos  mer  specially  gooty  reason  hen  shtolz  tsu  sei  dos  mer  ssl- 
wor  tsu  dem  same  folk  g'hehra,  un  das  mer  mit  recht  de  hoffnung  hen 
ehra  ^etreier  diener  tsu  aei  in  unser  neie  editorial  aerwet  de 
fore  una  is. 

Es  is  unser  obsicht  freind  tsu  treata  mit  a  liberal 
supply  fun  neia  articles,  shtories,  breefa,  poetry,  etc.  in  dere 
pure  Pennsylvania  Deitsch  sproch  g'schrivva  unner  der  English  rule 
for  ahpella,  so  dos  aw  oily  leit  es  loh3a  kenna.   Mer  hen  aw  im 

sin  ivversetzung  tsu  gevva  fun  kortzy  shticker,  un  mer  hen  aw  an 
Pennsylvania  Deitsoh  Dictionary  aw  g'fonga  wo  mer  expecta  t3U 
drucka  in  buch  form.   Awer  um  die  yetzicha  publication  recht  in- 
teresting tsu  macha  hen  mer  conclude  aw  tsu  fonga,  un  in  yeder 
nummer  an  dehl  fum  Dictionary  tsu  publisha.   Awer  es  is  yusht  an 
awf ong. 

Mer  assura  aw  all  unser  freind  dos  gor  nix  erecheina 
soil  in  dem  publication  dos  net  entirely  frei  is  fun  indecency, 
odder  im  geringshta  unmorawlich  sei  konn. 

Ea  copy,  ea  yohr  -    -     -$1.50 
5  copies  "    "  -7.00 

Tsea  copies,  es  yohr  -    -   13.00 
Ehntaelly  copies  20^,  un  sin  tsu  ferkaufa  bei  oily  News  Dealers. 

E.H.Rauch,  Lancaster,  Pa. 

Page  2. 

A  Bright  Star  Quenched. 

Under  this  caption  the  Phil« 
adelphia  Press  of  Nov. 30  contain- 
ed a  highly  appropriate  and  ably 
written  editorial,  evidently 
from  the  pen  of  Col.  Forney  on 
the  death  of  Horace  Greely  from 
which  we  extract. 

One  of  the  rarest  char- 
acters in  history  is  suddenly 
dropped  from  the  ranks  of  men. 

An  Heller  Shtarn  Ousgonga. 

Unner  dem  heading  f inna  mer 
in  der  Phila.  Press  fum  30th  Nov. 
an  ivverous  schicklich  un  goot 
g'shrivva  editorial  -  wohrshein- 
lich  fum  Col. Forney  seinre  fedder 
fun  weaga  'm  Horace  Greely  aeim 
doht,  fun  wellam  mer  copya: 

Ehns  fun  de  rahrste  char- 
acters in  unser  g'shicht  is  uf 
amohl  gedropt  fun  ir.ensha  ranks. 

(Almost  to  the  end  of  Page  2. ) 


Familiar  Sayings. 
I  wish  you  a  happy  New  Year. 

'.Vhat  "business  are  you  driving 

The  Assembly  will  meet  in  a 
few  days. 

A  good  man  is  kinder  to  his 
enemy  than  a  had  man  to  his 

Carpets  are  bought  by  the 
yard  and  worn  out  by  the 

A  man  suffering  from  influenza 
was  asked  by  a  lady  what  he 
used  for  his  cold.   He  answer- 
ed "Five  handkerchiefs  every 

Ich  winsh  der  an  glick-3ehlich 
Neies  Yohr. 

Was  for  bisness  treibsht  olla 

Die  Semly  kumrat  tsomma  in  a  paar 

An  guter  mon  is  besser  tsu  seim 
freind  dass  an  schlechter  mon 
tsu  3eim  freind. 

Carpets  kawft  mer  by  der  yard 
un  weard  se  ous  mit  em  fuss. 

An  mon  daer  der  schnuppa  g'hot 
hut  is  g'froaked  waerra  by 
a  lady  wass  er  braucht  fer  sei 
kalt.   Sei  ontwart  war  "Finf 
shnupdicher  oily  dog.w 

etc.  to  middle  of  Page  4. 

Rest  of  Page  4. 
De  Freschlin 
Tobias  V/ it  mer  • 

The  Frogs. 
Translated  by  S.S.Haldeman. 

Page  5 . 

Unser  Olty  Heemet  -  by  E.H.Rauch  (Almost  a  column) 
Fum  Jonny  Blitsfonger  -  Dunnerstown,  Dec  15,  1872. 
Mr. Dutchman  Drucker,  Dare  Sir:-  Weil  ich  un  du  olty  bekannte  sin, 
un  wie  ich  ous  g'funna  hob  des  du  im  sin  husht  eppes  neies  tsu 
publisha,  in  goot  alt  Pennsylvania  Deitsh  so  dos  unser  ehns  es  aw 
lehsa  un  fershtea  konn,  hob  ich  grawd  amohl  my  mind  uf  g'macht  der 
en  breef  zu  shreiva. 

etc.  to  end  of  Page  6. 

Page  7. 

Shakespeare  in  Pennsylvania  =  Page  7  and  Part  of  Page  8. 

Der  Freedman's  Bureau.   For'n  gooty  Fraw  choosa.  "onmanat"  eunocht 
"schnifters"   The  puzzled  Dutchman. 

Pago  9. 

Select  Reading,  a  poem  Christmas  Tide  by  Rev. H.Hastings. Weld. 

Justice-  from  the  Christian  Union,  to  ^age  11. 

Page  12jThe  Green  Spot.-  The  Nation.  -  How  to  Amuse  Children. - 

Arthur's  Magazine.  -  Middle  of  Page  14.  Anecdote  of  Luther. 
Mrs . M . 0 . Johnson. 

Page  15.  The  Loaf  of  Bread.   Watching  One's  Self.   Poison  for  Children. 

Page  16.  Original  Articles.   Pure  German  in  Pennsylvania.  Lititz. 
Anno  Domini  1973.   a  Dialogue. 

Page  19.  The  First  Railroad.   Ephrata.  Lancaster. 

Page  20.  Lancaster. 

Page  21.  Kris  Krinkle.  Der  Easel  (in  dialect) 

Page  22.  Miscellaneous  Reading.   Meade  at  Gettysburg,  a  Pennsylvania 
soldier  to  his  son.   A  German  story. 

Page  23.  The  slanderous  tongue.   From  the  Christian  Advocate. 
Letters  of  Recommendation. 

Page  24.  Thaddeus  Stevens  Monument.   Cured  of  Romance; A  singular 

Page  25.  The  House  and  Farm. 

Page  26.  Dutch  Governors.   Wit  and  Humor. 

Page  29.  English  and  Pennsylvania  Dutch  Dictionary.   We  are  confi- 
dent that  before  the  first  of  January  1374,  every  reader  of  the 
Pennsylvania  Dutchman,  by  simply  studying  this  pa~t  of  the  pub- 
lication, together  with  the  pages  of  familiar  sayings  will  be 
able  to  reap  substantial  benefits,  and  use  the  language  for 
practical  business  purposes. 


Page  30.   Answers  to  Correspondents. 

The  popular  Pit  Schweffelbrenner  letters  in  the  Pennsylvania 
Dutchman  written  by  the  editor  of  the  Dutchman  will  continue  to 
appear  as  heretofore  in  the  Father  Abraham  newspaper  for  which, 
under  existing  conditions  they  are  expressly  written. 

Page  31.   Editorials.   The  purpose  of  the  publication.   On  the  spell- 
ing.  Haldeman  to  Pit.   "In  oKder  to  read  your  Dutch,  a  German 
must  fifcst  learn  to  read  English"   "very  true" 

Review  of  Book  and  article  by  S.S. Haldeman.   "Our  first  regular 
productions  in  Pennsylvania  Dutch  appeared  in  the  Father  Ab- 
raham campaign  paper  in  1868  over  the  signature  of  P. 3.  They 
contributed  more  to  the  remarkable  popularity  of  that  paper  than 
anything  else  it  contained  and  the  circulation  increased  very 
rapidly  not  only  in  Pennsylvania,  but  also  in  Ohio,  Indiana, 
Illinois,  Maryland,  Wisconsin  and  other  states.   Our  present 
enterprise  has  been  under  consideration  for  over  two  years  and 
from  all  we  can  learn  and  from  words  of  encouragement  by  a  num- 
ber of  highly  esteemed  friends  including  gentlemen  of  learning, 
and  position  in  the  community,  we  cannot  and  do  not  doubt  our 
entire  success.   It  is  the  only  publication  of  this  kind,  but 
that  it  will  be  the  last  one  we  do  not  believe." 

Page  32.  Where  spoken.   Prof .Haldemann  on  "Bellsnickle"   From  Phila. 

Advertisements.   Inside  first  page.   Singer  Sewing  Machines.  Jos. 

Barton's  Old  Southern  Hat  and  Cap  Store. 

Inside  Last  Page.   Bookbinding.   Wylie  and  Griest.  Confections. 

John  Seltzer,  Eng.  Attorney  at  Law, 

Pen.Deitsch  Lawyer. 
Deit3ch  so  goot  dos  English. 

Pennsylvania  Dutchman.  Vol. I. No. 2. 

1.  Familiar  Saying3. 

2.  Extract  from  a  poem  by  Tobias  Witmer.  Translated  by  S.S.Haldeman. 

3.  We  feel  lenger?  Ehns  fun  de  grossy  froga  dos  bol  amohl's  Amer- 
ikanisha  folk  ontwarta  muss  is  we  feel  lenger  de  rings  fun  deeb 
corruptionists  un  adventurers  in  politics  erlawbniss  hawa  solla 

de  greashty  responsible  offices  im  lond  tsu  filla.   Der  unnersheed 
-  (doctoring  and  magazine  printing) 

4.  De  Pennsylvania  Millitz.   E.H.Rauch.  Poem  in  the  dialect. 

5*  Uf  Unser  Side.   Translation  of  article  from  January  number  of 
Educator  by  A. R. Home. 

6.  Was  is  Millich? 

7.  Key  to  sounds  of  the  Vowel3  in  Pennsylvania  German  by  Tobias 
Witmer.   (he  refers  to  Haldeman's  system  as  a  complete  one.) 

8.  Loveletter  an  mei  Anni  -  Peter  Steineel. 

9.  Letter  from  Johnny  Blitzfonger. 

10. En  shtickly  Hoch  Deitsch.  (Ode  on  das  Schwein.) 

11.  Uvva  nous  gonga.  (how  slow  trains  can  go) 

12.  Der  Process. 

13.  Unser  Klehny  Jokes. 

14.  Select  Reading. 

15.  Original  Articles.  Lititz. 

16.  Tobias  Witmer,  474  Main  Street,  Buffalo,  N*Y.  in  praise  of  the 
undertaking.   He  follows  the  German  method  of  pronunciation. 

17.  Lexicon. 

18.  Editorials.  "College  Days"  of  Feb.  1873  contains  an  editorial  by 
W.U.Hensel  on  Pennsylvania  Dutch  and  an  extract  from  Prof.  Schae- 
ffer's  speech  at  the  Lehigh  County  Institute. 

Reformed  Church  Messenger: "The  enterprise  of  Mr.Rauch  i3  a  commend- 
able one  and  it  will  afford  us  pleasure  to  find  it  proving  a 
success. etc."  They  object  to  the  name.  Rauch  defends  it. 
JLoadarn  -  Lutzer)  Haldeman  approves  his  naming. 

Page  20.  Ourselves.  "Here  is  richness  for  youw-Mt.Joy  Herald. 

"Unser  Alty  Heemet*' reminds  one  very  much  of  Harbaugh's  "Alt 
Schulhaus  an  der  Krick."  "E.H.Rauch  is  best  known  to  our  readers 
under  the  title  of  Pit  Schweff elbrenner.   He  has  done  more  to 


popularize  this  amusing  dialect  than  any  other  man  in  America" 
Canton,  Ohio  Repository  and  Republican. 

"Judging  from  its  first  n$unber  it  should  commend  itself  to  all 
who  are  fond  of  those  utaid  and  sober  people  who  form  a  large 
portion  of  the  population  of  our  interior  counties. n   Nation- 
al Baptist. 

Note  its  usefulness  to  those  learning  the  language. 

"In  Lancaster  erscheint  jetzt  ein  neues  Magazin  -  Der  Pennsyl- 
vania Dutchman  -  es  ist  theils  English  theils  in  dem  eigentum- 
lichen  Pennsylvania  Deitsche  dialect  geschrieben  und  fuhrt  uns 
nicht  bios  die  Sprache  sondern  die  sitten  vor,  welche  sich 
untsr  den  Deutschen  Ansiedlern  ira  innern  des  staats  erhalten 
haben.   Die  Zeitschrift  wird  onne  Zweifel  sowohl  hier  als  in 
Europa  das  Interes3e  der  Philologen  ©rrogen."   New  York  Deutshe 

Pennsylvania  Dutchman.  Vol. I. No. 3. 

1.  Familiar  Sayings.   English  and  translation. 

2.  Keaha  mit  der  Deitsha  Sense.  Criticism. 

3.  Letter  in  praise  of  the  magazine,  and  in  it  a  poem  on  "De  Deutsche 
Baura  un  de  Morrick  Leit." 

4.  For  der  Simple  Weg.   (Spelling) 

5.  Unsor  Klshner  Omnibus. 

6.  Der  Shnae.  Tobias  Witraer. 

7.  An  Temperance  Lecture. 

8.  De  Beera  Wella  Net  Folia. 

9.  Parable  of  the  Prodigal  Son.   Miss  L.A.Ash,  live r town,  Pa. 
10. Der  Himmel  Uft  Eerda.  Tobias  Witmer. 

11. Open  Letter  to  Editor  on  Dialects . I. D.Rupp. 

12. Pennsylvania  German.  A. R. Home. 

13. Seeking  One's  Vocation.  A  Story. 

14. Scandal  in  Congress. 

15. Society  and  Scandal. 

16. Local  Option. 

17. Popular  Provorbs. 


18. Signs  and  Omens. 

19. Wit  and  Humor. 

20. Origin  of  a  Fashion. 

21. Billing's  Advice  to  Joe. 

22. Use  Tour  Life  Well. 

23. Curious  Epitaphs. 

24. A  Quaint  Essay  on  Dogs. 

25. Our  Table  Drawer. 


Rip  Van  Winkle. 

Act  I.  1763* 


Rip  Van  Winkle   -  -  A  Dutchman. 

Knickerbocker  -  A  rchoolmaeter. 

Derrick  vtn  Slaus  -  -  The  Squire 

Hermann  van  Slaus  -  -  Hi 3  Son. 

Nicholas  Vedder  -  -  Friend  to  Rip. 

Clausen  -  -  Friend  to  Rip 

Rory  van  Clump  -  A  Landlord 

Gustaffe  -  -  A  Young  man 

Dame  Van  Winkle  -   -  -Rip's  Wife. 

Alice  -          -  Rip's  Sister 

Lorena  -  Rip's  Daughter 

Ganderkinr   Spirits  of  the  Blue  Mountains. 
Acken    J 

Act  II. 

After  a  lapse  of  20  years  supposed  to  occur  "between  the 
First  and  Second  Acts. 

Rip  Van  Winkle  -   -   The  Dreamer. 

Herman  Van  Slaus 

Seth  Slough 


The  Judge 


Rip  Van  Winkle,  Jr. 

First  Villager 

Second  Villager 

Alicw  Knickerbocker 

Lorenna.  &  Costume. 

Rip  -  1st,  a  deerskin  coat  and  belt,  full  brown  breeches,  deer 

skin  gaiters,  cap.   2nd.  Same,  but  much  worn  and  ragged. 
Knickerbocker  -  1st,  Brown  square  cut  coat,  vest  and  breeches, 
shoes  and  buckles.   2nd,  Black  coat,  breeches,  hose,  etc. 
Derrick  -  Square  cut  coat,  full  breeches,  black  silk  hose,  shoes, 

buckles,  powder. 
Hermann  -  1st.  Ibid.  2nd.  Black  frock  coat,  tight  pants,  boots, 

and  tassels. 

Clausen     Dark  square  cut  coats,  vect3,  breeches,  etc. 

Gustaffe  -  Blue  jacket,  white  pants,  shoes. 
Seth  Slough  -  Gray  coat,  striped  vest,  large  gray  pants. 
Judge  -  Full  suit  of  black. 

Young  Rip-  a  dress  similar  to  Rip's  first  dress. 
Dame  -  Short  Gown  and  quilted  petticoat,  cap. 
Alice  -  1st  -Bodice  with  half  skirt,  figured  petticoat. 

2nd.  Brown  satin  bodice  and  skirt,  etc. 
Lorenna  -  Act  I.  A  child 

Act  II. White  muslin  dress,  black  ribbon  belt,  etc. 
Stage  Directions:   L.R.  SEL.SER.  USL.   UER.   C.   L.C.   R.C.   TEL 
TER.   CD.    DR.   D.L.    UDL.     U.D.R. 
Reader  on  stage  facing  audience. 


Village  Inn. 
Act  I.  Scene  1.  Choru3. 

Vedder,  Knicke  -bocker  and  Rory  talk  with  the  Landlord. 
V/here  is  Rip?  Knickerbocker  determined  to  wed  Rip's  nister.   Mrs. Rip 
evidently  opposed.   Knickerbocker  knows. 

Alice  and  Lorenna  come.   Music.   They  have  delayed  because  Alice 
wanted  to  see  Knickerbocker.   Knickerbocker  turns  up  -  would  call. 
Lorenna  volunteers  a  way  in  which  he  can  see  Alice.   Knickerbocker 
says  he  no  longer  cares  for  Dame  Van  Winkle.   At  that  moment  she  is 
calling  Alice  from  the  outside.   They  leave  hastily.   Rory  and 
Vedder  comment  on  the  old  woman.   Where  is  Rip?  Rip  appears  from  a 
hunting  trip.   Has  sworn  off  drinking.   Is  persuaded  to  take  one. 
Talk  turns  to  Rip's  inability  to  manage  his  wife.   Rip  refuses  to 
take  a  drink  to  keep  his  oath.   Having  shown  he  can  control  himself 
he  takes  one  J  Rip  sings  a  song.   Mrs. Rip  is  heard  outside.   Rip 
gets  under  table  with  bottle.   Music.   Mrs. Rip  enters  with  a  stick, 
chases  them.   Upsets  table  and  discovers  Rip.   She  gets  him  by  the 
ear  and  would  know  what  he  has  been  doing.   Hare3,  ducks,  the  bull, 
she  leads  him  home  by  the  ear  and  beats  him. 
Scene  II.   A  Plain  Chamber  in  First  Grooves. 

Derrick  complains  about  his  spendthrift  lawyer  son.   The  son 
is  heard  outside.   He  has  a  plan.   Rip's  sister  made  a  will  in 
favor  of  Alice.   He  proposes  to  get  a  paper  too  from  Rip  to  wed 
Lorer^kwhen  she  i3  of  age  to  marry  him  and  then  get  money  in  advance. 
Rip's  rent  is  due  and  they  decide  to  try  it.   Son  says  of  course  a 
lawyer  must  not  have  too  much  conscience. 



Scene  III.   Rip's  Cottage. 

Knickerbocker  enters  and  Alice  comes  soliloquizing  how 

she  loves  him:  he  catches  her  in  his  arms.   Mrs. Rip  is  heard  outside. 

Knickerbocker  is  concealed  in  the  clothes  hamper.   Music.   Mrs.  Rip 

and  Rip  come  inj  she  would  know  where  jj  the  game,  the  money  for 

the  rent*  then  she  turns  on  Alice,  who  she  says  has  done  nothing. 

Rip  begs  for  a  drink.   Alice  and  Mrs. Rip  withdraw,  then  Rip  proceeds 

to  the  cupboard.   Music.  -  Rip  stops  on  Knickerbocker  who  yells; 

Rip  falls,  upsetting  dishes.   Knickerbocker  rushes  out  into  a  chair. 

Alice  throws  cloak  over  him.   Mrs. Rip  enters.   The  Devil  has  been 

in  the  cupboard.   She  raves,  falls  into  a  half  faint  in  a  chair. 

Knickerbocker  again  safely  makes  the  closet.   Mrs. Rip  up  again. 

Somebody  was  in  the  chair.   Asks  Alice  to  get  bottle  from  her  pocket 

Rip  and  Mrs. Rip  drink.   Alice  tries  to  get  Knickerbocker  off  but  he 

retreats  again.   Alice  announces  Squire's  coming.   Rip  would  to  bed 

but  is  compelled  to  meet  the  Squire  while  Mrs. Rip  goes  calling. 

Alice  is  excused.   Rip  tells  how  honest  a  man  he  is.   Squir9  would 

talk  of  other  things.   They  make  the  contract,  but  :Rip  may  withdraw 

in  twenty  years  and  one  day.   "Still  du  Hex".   Rip  is  to  live  free 

of  rent.   A  bottle  is  always  to  be  at  Rory's  for  Rip.   He  goes  at 

once.   Knickerbocker  would  escape  but  Mrs. Rip  approaches.   Puts  on 

the  peddlar  woman's  dress. 

Mrs. Rip  comes  -  She  discovers  Knickerbocker's  identity  -  she  zoes 

afte~  him  with  the  broom  and  he  goes  out  of  the  window. 

Scene  IV. 

Half  dark,  A  front  wood.   Gun  heard.  Rip  enters.  He  has 

missed  his  aim.   Decides  not  to  go  homo.   Tomorrow  a  new  rule.   No 
drinking.   Dead  pause.   Noise  like  rolling  of  cannonballs.   Dis- 
cordant laughter.   Rip  wakes  and  sits  up  astonished.   Somebody  calls 


Rip.   Music.   Swaggerino.   Grotesque  dwarf  with  large  cask.    Music. 
Swaggerino  asks  Rip  to  help  him  up  the  mountain  with  it.   Cask  is 
put  on  Rip's  shoulder. 
Scene  V. 

Dark.   The  Sleepy  Hollow  in  the  bosom  of  the  mountains 
occupying  the  extreme  of  the  stage.   Stunted  tress.   Moon.   Entrance 
to  abyss.   Music.   Grotesque  Dutch  figures  with  enormous  masked 
heads  and  lofty  tapering  hats,  playing  cards,  dutch  pins,  battledoors 
and  shuttlecocks.   Most  of  them  seated  on  rocks  smoking  and  drink- 
ing.  "Heit  is  unser  f iredawgM .   "Fooftzich  yohr  is  unser  Zeit  im 
Barrick  doh,  un  luss  una  all  now  looshtich  si."   What  penalty  if 
any  have  detained  their  brother.   Spirits  take  immovable  attitude. 
Rip  amazed.   Music.   Figures  advance  and  stare.   Swaggerino  taps 
cask  and  asks  Rip  to  hand  around.   Rip  is  pleased,  believes  they  are 
witches.   Drinks.   Music.   Grotesque  dance.   Rip  drinks,  dances, 
reels,  sinks.   Dance  stops.   Music.   Curtain  slowly  descends. 

Act  II.  Scene  I. 
Last  of  Act  I.  repeated,  but  in  the  distance  a  richly  cul- 
tivated country.   The  bramble  by  Rip's  side  is  a  tree.   Rip's 
gun  has  only  a  rusty  barrel  left.   Bird  Music.   Rip  asleep.   Beard 
and  hair  gray.   Dawn.   Rip  talks  in  sleep.   Awakes.   Had  a  good  time 
but  is  stiff.   The  fellow  stole  his  gunJ 2  Sees  the  tree.   Not  sure 
whether  he  is  asleep  or  awake.   Old  woman  vill  tell.   Music.  He 
Scene  II. 

Well  furnished  apartment  in  the  house  of  Knickerbocker. 
Lorenna  soliloquizes  on  her  sad  lot.   Must  giv©  up  all  if  she  does 
not  wed  a  man  she  does  not  like.   Knickerbocker  and  Alice  enter. 

Are  surprised  to  find  Lorenna.   Note  her  trouble.   Lorenna  is  en- 
couraged to  hope.   She  would  marry  Gustaffa  only.   His  3hip  is 
coining  and  he  will  come.   Sophia  enters,  announcing  the  lawyer. 
Knickerbocker  is  going  to  take  care  of  him.   They  withdraw.   Lawyer 
insists  on  carrying  out  the  terms.   Knickerbocker  3ays  that  Rip 
was  not  capable  as  he  kiows.   They  get  rid  of  him  but  trouble  is 
feared.   Alice  and  Knickerbocker  see  a  fine  young  man  come.   Gustaffe 
rushes  in. 
Scene  III. 

Town  of  Rip's  nativity,  instead  of  a  village,  a  populous 
settlement.   No  longer  George  III.  but  George  Washington.   Harbor 
filled  with  ships.   Seth  Slough.   Temperance  election  is  over. 
Hello,  who  is  this  old  fellow?  Music,  Villagers  enter  laughing.   Where 
is  he?  Can  they  talk  German?  Who  is  your  barber?  Is  advised  to  go 
home.   Rip  is  dead  twenty  years.   I'm  sorry  Rip.   Seth  gives  him  a 
drink.   Rip's  wife  is  dead.   Are  you  a  democrat  or  republican? 
-orylJ  Music.   They  hurry  him  o"f.   Gustaffe  arrives.   Cowards. 
What '3  your  name?  Rip  Van  Winkle.   Have  you  a  daughter  Lorenna? 
Do  you  remember  a  paper?  Cone  with  me. 
Scene  IV. 

Knickerbocker's  house.   Knickerbocker  elected  to  Assembly. 
Enter  Hermann  (lawyer)  wants  to  have  the  matter  settled.   Gustaffe 
enters.   Hurra  for  Knickerbocker. 
Last  Scene. 

C^urt  House.   Judges  seated.   Knickerbocker  asked  to  "bring 
Alice.   Paper  is  read.   Who  can  testify?  Hermann  say3  Knickerbocker 
knows  and  will  say  so  if  honest.   How  was  the  oontract  drawn? 
Hermann  explains.   Lorenna  refuses  him.   Judge  says  contract  must 


te  carried  out.   Knickerbocker  appeala.   Gustaff9  enters.   Rip 

Van  Winkle!   If  this  is  Rip,  Hermann  want3  to  know  where  he  has 

"been.   "Last  night  I  went"-  Judge  would  jail  him.   Nobody  seems  to 

recognize  him.   Did  you  forget  how  I  savod  your  life?  Hermann 

demanded  justice.   Judge  says  if  he  is  Rip  he  ought  to  havo  a  paper. 

He  fumbles.  Finds  it.   Judge  decider  it  is  all  right. 

All  shout  and  shake  hand3. 

Hermann-   Qua  g'shpeeld,  ufgused,  obgawickled! 

Gus.-  Mach  plotz  -  '  s  kint  will  nocharaol  dawdy  sana. 

Gus.  and  Lorenna,  Alice  and  Knickerbocker.-  Who  is  this?  Si,  bruder. 


A  Bibliography 
for  the  sketch  on 
Ludwig  August  Wollenwober. 

Der  Deutsche  Pionier,  Cincinnati,  Vol. I. 87  &  Vol. V. 66 

Dialekt  Dichtung-Fick. 

Gemalde  aus  dem  Pennsylvanischen  Volksleben,  Wollenweber, 

Philadelphia  und  Leipzig,  1869 

Geschichte  der  Schwabischen  Dialekt  Dichtung,  Holder, 

Heilbronn,  1896 

National  Cyclopedia  of  American  Biography,  The. 

Pennsylvania  Dutch,  Gibbons,  Philadelphia. 

Pennsylvania  German.  Vol. I I I. 4. 192 

Publications  of  the  Deutsche  Pionier  Verein,  Philada. 

Records  of  the  Berks  County  Historical  Society. 


Ludwig  August  V/ollenweber. 

Few  of  the  later  immigrants  from  Germany  have  been 
able  to  conform  their  language  even  approximately  tc  the  compound 
dialect  which  formed  itself  as  the  speech  of  the  descendants  of 
the  pre-Revolutionary  German  settlers  of  Pennsylvania,  who  accord- 
ing to  the  fiat  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society  were  the  true 
Pennsylvania  Germans;  to  state  the  truth,  fewer  yet  of  those  who 
came  over  later,  wished  even  to  be  classed  with  or  cared  to  claim 
to  be  Eennsylvania  German.   Gen. Louis  Wagner  and  certain  others 
afterwards  prominent  in  the  work  of  German.  American  Societies,  did 
at  one  time  hope  to  have  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society  estab- 
lished on  a  broader  basic,  but  subsequently  accepted  gracefully  the 
ruling  of  the  Society's  founders. 

One  of  those  who  did  come  later,  who  thought  he 
had  learnt  their  speech,  who  protested  he  was  a  Pennsylvania  Ger- 
man, who  wrote  in  what  he  called  their  dialect,  was  Ludwig  August 
Wollenweber.   Born  at  Ixheim  near  Zweibrftcken,  Rheinpfalz,  Dec. 5, 
1807,  he  early  lost  his  parents,  was  obliged  to  give  up  his  hope 
of  a  University  education,   and  became  a  printer.   In  1832  he  was 
employed  on  the  Deutsche  Tribune  in  Hamburg,  a  paper  which  was 
shortly  afterwards  suppressed  by  the  German  Diet,  and  Wollenweber 
fled  to  America  via  France  and  Holland,  to  escape  persecution  for 
his  connection  with  ant i -government  movements. 

After  arriving  in  Philadelphia,  he  travelled  through 
the  State  on  foot,  then  returned  to  Philadelphia,  and  worked  on 
Wesselhoft's  Journal  "Die  Freipost',1   himself  established  "Der 
Freimuthige"   and  ended  by  purchasing  the  "Philadelphia  Democrat" 
In  1853  he  retired  from  the  newspaper  business  and  shortly  after- 


wards  from  all  but  literary  labors,  removing  first  to  Lebanon, 
and  later  to  Reading,  Pa.,  where  he  died  in  1888. 

He  wrote  chiefly  in  the  literary  (High  )  German,  but 
for  the  rost  part  on  subjects  pertaining  to  the  early  history  of 
Pennsylvania.   "Gila,  das  Indianer  Madchen,  oder  die  Wiedergefund- 
enen  deutschen  Kinder  unter  den  Indianern','    "Freuden  und  Leiden 
in  Amerika,  oder  Die  Lateiner  am  Schuylkill  Canal"  (plays), 
wGen. Peter  Muhlenberg','  "Sprache,  Sitten  und  Gebrauche  der  deutsch 
Pennsylvanier"  MAus  Eerks  County  schwerster  Zeit','  "Die  Drei  Graber 
auf  dem  Riethen  Kirchhof"  "Die  erste  Muehle  am  Muehlbach','  are 
among  his  chief  works.   In  what  he  calls  the  "Mundart  und  Ausdrucks- 
weise  der  deutsch  Pennsylvanier"  he  wrote  "Gemalde  aus  dem  Pennsyl- 
vanischen  Volksleben"   The  Genesis  of  this  book  has  already  been 
told  (see  p    Introduction)  also  a  Pennsylvania  German  opinion 
of  the  same  (see  p    Introduction). 

"Daraus  kann  man  das  Deutsch  Pennsylvanische  Leben 
schon  kennen  lernen,  denn  der  inzwischen  verstorbene  Verfasser  ge- 
horte  dem  Stamme  selber  an  und  konnte  sich  daher  mit  grosser  Berecht- 
igung  der  Aufgabe  unterziehen,  lebenagetreue   Schilderungen  aus 
alien  Phasen  des  Volksleben  zu  entwerfen"  says  Earl  Knortz.   "Das 
Bttchlein  enthalt  derbe  Heiratsantrage,  Gesprache  aus  dem  FarmerlebenT 
Sagen,  Geistergeschichten,  Klagen  uber  die  Allmacht  der  demorali- 
sierenden  Mode,  verzeihliche  Sehnsuchtsblicke  nach  der  guten  alten 
Zeit,  wo  die  Buwe  noch  keine  fteiteT  Hosen  und  'Standups'  und  die 
Mad  keine  bauschigen  'Hupps*  batten  und  'gehle  Brustspells'ansteck- 

That  Wollenweber  succeeded  in  passing  for  a  Penn- 
sylvania German  wa3  no  doubt  due  to  his  poem: 

Ich  bin  o  Pennsylvanier 

Druff  "bin  ion  stolz  und  froh. 

Das  Land  is  scho,  die  Leut  sin  nett 

Bei  Tschinksl  ich  maoh  schier  en'ge  Wett, 

'  S  biets  ke  Land  der  Welt. 

His  long  and  intimate  association  with  the  people 
of  the  State  did  indeed  enable  him  to  give  a  true  account  of  their 
life  but  why  Knortz  should  find  Wollenweber's  ''Sehnsuchts  Blicke 
nach  den  guten  alten  Zeiten"  verzeihlich  while  damning  the  same 
when  coming  from  a  real  Pennsylvania  German  (See  Fisher)  remains 
unexplained.   Dr.H.H.Fick  -  Die  Deutsch  Amerikanische  Dialekt  Dich- 
tung  (following  Zimmermann's  Deutsch  Amerikanische  Dichtung)  thus 
records  his  opinion  of  the  chief  merit  of  this  "eifrigen  Be- 
schutzer  und  Lobredner  der  Deutsch  Pennsylvanier?  Konnen  seine 
schriftstellerischen  Arbeiten  sich  auch  nicht  mit  denen  Harbaughs 
messen,  so  zeugen  sie  doch  von  einem  redlichon  Streben  im  Volke 
Biederkoit  und  Gesittung  wachtzuerhalten.   Passt  seine  sammtlichen 
schriftstellerischen  Arbeiten  lassen  diese  Tendenz  durchblicken 
und  In  diesem  seinem  humanisierenden  Einflusse  haben  wir  auch  das 
Hauptverdienst  des  ausgezeichneten  Mannes  zu  suchen. 

As  to  his  language,  it  resembles  that  wMch  many 
another  High  German  speaking  native  of  Germany  has  constructed  in 
trying  to  speak  the  dialect,  and,  as  is  usual  in  such  cases,  it  is 
full  of  reminiscences  of  High  German  and  remains  on  the  whole 
remote  from  the  actual  language  of  the  people.   Many  natives  of 
England  or  Ireland  that  I  have  known,  unembarrassed  as  they  were 
by  a  knowledge  of  High  German,  have  not  only  acquired  the  dialect, 
but  have  reached  a  comparative  degree  of  naturalness  and  ease  in 
its  use,  which  seems  denied  to  the  imported  High  German.   It  is  true 
that  in  those  days  (1869)  German  newspapers  were  more  common  than 

now,  German  preaching  more  general,  circumstances  which  affected 
the  vocabulary  characteristically,  as  it  were .  The  same  differen- 
tiation may  be  observed  at  the  present  day;  the  grandmothers  of 
the  children  now  growing  up  have  retained  in  their  vocabularies 
many  words  that  to  the  young  folks  seem  to  smack  of  the  High  Ger- 
man and  in  place  of  which  they  now  use  an  English  word.  In  all  such 
cases  the  vocabulary  in  its  inflections  bears  the  characteristic 
marks  of  the  dialect  and  not  of  High  German.   A  constantly  re- 
curring uncertainty  of  Wollenweber's  inflections  is  clear  enough 
proof  of  the  struggle  within.   Now  he  says:wIch  bin  ge-kommewand 
now  as  in  the  dialect  " Ich  bin  kummef   at  times  he  uses  English 
words  and  forgets  that  the  dialect  treats  an  English  verb  as  though 
it  were  German;  accordingly,  in  incautious  moments  he  says  "satis- 
fied  at  another  time  he  remembers  and  amends  it  into  "g'satisfiedy 
or  even  ventured  to  the  extreme  of  Mge-satisf ied" 

"Farms  and  Farmhaus"  words  which  I  have  frequently 
heard  in  Germany  and  seen  in  High  German  newspapers,   he  uses 
about  as  frequently  as  "Bauerei"  and  "Bauerehaus','   which  are  the 
only  v/ords  I  have  ever  heard  in  Pennsylvania.   He  says  "Schon 
Obst"  and  "SchB  Obst"   within  half  a  dozen  lines  of  each  other; 
similarly  wir  alternates  with  mir  and  mer.   The  Infinitive  end- 
ing with  n  and  without  n;   hat  and  hot;  sometimes  he  writes  habe, 
then  hawe,  hent,  haben  and  hen,  as  plural  forms  of  the  auxiliary 
verb.  He  uses  erzahle  more  frequently  than  verzahlo.  Von  inter- 
changes with  vum,  funu 

In  a  word  like  battle  he  evidently  transferred  the 
High  German  gender  of  Schlacht;  so,  in  accordance  with  German 


idiom  he  says:  "die  Battel"  and  "Bei  der  Battel*,'  instead  of  "Der 
Battle"  and  "In  Battle'.'   "Abend",  "ObendV  "Owent"  are  with  him 
interchangeable  forms. 

In  gewesen  he  drops  the  n  as  in  the  strong  parti' 
ciplos,  instead  of  treating  it  as  the  weak,  gewest.   These  are  a 
few  examples  that  could  be  increased  ad  libitum,  of  his  striving 
to  write  the  dialect  as  spoken,  and  his  inability  to  dissociate 
it  from  the  High  German. 


A  Bibliography 
the  chapter  on 
Henry  Lee  Fisher. 

Annals  of  the  Harbaugh  Family,  Harbaugh,  Chambersburg,  1861 

Der  Deutsche  Pionier,  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Deutsch  in  Amerika,  G.U.Zimmermann,  Chicago,  111. 

German  and  Swiss  Settlements  in  Pennsylvania.  Kuhns,  N.Y. 

GeBohichte  der  Nordamerikanischen  Litteratur.  Knortz,  Berlin. 


Geschichte  der  Schwabische  Dialektdichtung.  Holder,  Heilbronn, 


The  Independent,  New  York,  June  20,  1880.   Dr .L.Steiner . 

Kurzweil  un  Zeitvertreib,  York,  1882;  2nd  Edition,  1896 

Pennsylvania  Dutch,  L'.rs.  Gibbons,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. VII. 4. 178 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. XI. 1.2.  f.  Dr.Betz. 

Pennsylvania  German  Dialect.  Learned.  Baltimore,  1889 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vil.III.156 

'S  Alt  Marik  Haur,  Mittes  in  d'r  Stadt.  York,  1879. 

The  German  Element  in  the  United  States.  Faust.  Boston  and  N.Y, 

York  County  Historical  Society  Publications.  York,  Pa. 


Honry  Lee  Fisher. 
Henry  Lee  Fisher  was  born  1822,  in  a  part  of  Franklin 
County,  Pennsylvania, cAlled  the  Dutch  Settlement.   In  those  days 
life  was,  in  many  respects  more  primitive  than  now;  and  before 
Fisher  died  in  1909  he  had  witnessed  many  changes  in  the  manner 
of  living  and  the  ways  of  thinking  of  even  so  conservative  a  people 
as  the  Ger  ans  of  Pennsylvania.   When  past  middle  age,  he  wrote 
a  book  in  which  he  described  things  as  they  had  been:  how  in  his 
youth  father  and  mother,  if  well  to  do,  saddled  their  animals 
and  rode  on  horseback  to  church,  where  now  several  automobiles  are 
lined  up  on  Sunday  morning.   The  stage  coach  made  its  trips 
through  the  valleys  at  intervals  during  the  week,  where  now  ex- 
press trains  sp^ed  along  several  times  a  day.   In  the  harvest 
fields  the  farmers  bent  over  the  sickles  for  week#  where  now  the 
self -binding  harvester  accomplishes  everything  in  a  few  daysj  in 
winter  they  threshed  with  flail  and  horses  where  now  the  steam 
thresher  does  the  work  before  the  grain  leaveS  the  field.   In 
the  days  of  his  youth  the  shoemaker  and  tailor  still  want  their 
rounds  to  make  shoes  and  clothes  for  the  family  from  leather  often 
tanned  in  their  own  or  a  community  tannery,  and  from  wool  and 
flax  raised  and  spun  on  the  farm.   The  youn,^  folk  gathered  at  a 
neighbor's  house  in  the  evening  to  play  their  simple  games  or 
assembled  at  a  nearby  schoolhouse  for  Singschule  etc,  etc.  where 
now  for  the  most  part  they  board  a  trolley  and  find  their  amuse- 
ment in  the  town. 

As  a  boy  Fisher  attended  school  at  that  schoolhouse 
-  as  he  was  fond  of  telling  -  which  was  later  immortalized  as  "Das 
Schulhaus  an  Der  KrickV   On  the  title  page  of  his  first  book  in 

the  dialect  he  printed  the  well  known  line: 


"Vom  Lift tter chen  die  Frohnatur,  und  Lust  zu> fabuliren." 
by  which  he  intended  to  call  attention  to  the  fact,  that  on  his 
mother's  side  he  was  descended  from  that  sarr.e  Joost  Herhach  who 
was  the  great  grandfather  of  two  other  dialect  poets  -  Henry  Har- 
baugh  and  Rachel  Bahn.   In  his  young  days  the  sons  of  Pennsylvania 
Germans  were  expected  by  their  kin  to  take  up  seme  of  the  yet 
unoccupied  land  and  follow  in  the  same  peaceful  and  honorable 
occupation  as  those  before  their  -  namely  agriculture  -  and  not 
to  follow  any  of  the  learned  professions.   These,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  the  ministry,  were  generally  looked  upon  with  distrust,  or 
at  any  rate  with  suspicion;  ouf  youth  did  not  share  these  prejudices 
and  what  with  working  on  the  farm  and  attending  the  public  schools, 
he  prepared  himself  to  become  a  teacher.   After  several  yeafcs  of 
teaching  in  Ohio  and  Pennsylvania,  he  took  up  the  study  of  law  and 
in  1849  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  Chambersburg.   Like  many  others 
at  that  time,  he  felt  the  lure  of  the  West,  but  was  dissuaded  from 
carrying  out  his  adventurous  plan,  and  upon  the  advice  of  friends 
settled  in  York,  Pa,  in  1555,  where  he  continued  active   in  his 
profession  for  a  half  century  and  achieved  distinction. 

York  was  an  historic  town,  was  for  a  time  the  seat 
of  Government  of  the  United  States  during  the  Revolutionary  War, 
when  the  Continental  Congress  had  to  flee  from  Philadelphia  upon 
the  approach  of  the  British.   In  more  than  one  old  town  of  Penn- 
sylvania are  still  to  be  seen  the  traces  of  the  first  municipal 
architecture  in  the  way  of  a  public  square  in  the  center  of  the 
town  and  in  the  middle  of  the  square  a  circle,  on  which  originally 
stood  a  Court  House.   Selection  and  layout  of  town  sites  goes 
back  as  a  rule  to  the  first  charters  granted  either  directly  by 

William  Perm  or  by  his  sons  John  and  Richard.   These  squares  and 
circles  became  the  centers  of  public  business,  and  around  then  were 
grouped  the  offices  of  all  the  functionaries  of  the  government, 
of  the  office  holders  and  the  justices  and  the  lawyers.   '.Vhen 
the  proprietaries  similarly  granted  to  these  towns  the  privileges 
of  holding  a  public  market,  wares  were  usually  displayed  on  the 
pavement  surrounding  the  circle  in  Center  Square.   In  one  Pennsyl- 
vania city  of  considerable  rize,  this  is  still  the  only  public 

In  York,  the  Court  House  stood  not  in  the  center 
of  the  Square,  but  along  the  side,  and  consequently,  there  grew 
up  in  the  course  of  time  a  row  of  market  stalls  and  sheds  and 
shambles  right  through  the  center  of  the  block  and  also  along  the 
sides  of  the  street.   Through  these  busy  haunts  of  men  Fisher 
passes  daily  for  a  quarter  of  a  century,  and  whether  he  courted 
the  muse,  or  as  he  himself  said,  was  possessed  by  a  muse,  snatches 
of  rhyme  were  continually  taking  form  and  shape  as  he  went  in  and 
out  to  his  office  and  back,  and  to  and  fro  from  the  Court  House. 

In  1875  he  was  confined  to  his  room  with  an  illness 
and  during  this  time  he  gave  his  rhymes  permanent  form.   He  must 
have  derived  pleasure  from  this  work,  for  on  publishing  it  later, 
he  declared:  "Oebs  mer  net  au  e  bitzli  grothen  isch,  wereder  scho 
finde.   Hener  numme  halb  so  vil  Vergnuge  byrn  Lese  asz  i  g'  spurt 
ha  byrn  mache,  so  wirds  so  schlecht  nit  ausfalle  sy."   And  because 
everybody  was  making  Centennial  objects,  resurrecting  antiques, 
and  also  labelling  reproductions  "Centennial','  in  anticipation  of 
the  hundredth  Anniversary  of  American  Independence,  he  kept  on 
rhyming  on  half  a  hundred  things  in  and  around  the  old  Market 


House  in  the  middle  of  the  town  until  a  Centennial  poem  had  taken 
shape,  in  number  of  stanzas  one  hundred.   Even  the  slenderest  "bond 
of  unity  is  lacking  to  the  poem,  save  that  each  stanza  is  suggest- 
ed by  sometMng  about  that  spot,  and  that  they  nearly  all  end  in 
the  refrain  "Am  Marik  Haus  Mittes  in  d'r  Schtadt1,'  or  some  vari- 
ation of  it.   Many  bits  of  local  lore,  many  thrusts  at  local 
politics,  many  a  picture  of  a  rare  old  character  has  he  preserved 
in  these  verses,  which  gain  when  considered  as  single  stanzas  or  at 
most  in  small  groups  of  stanzas,  but  which  are  entirely  inadequate 
as  parts  of  a  longer  poem.   It  must  be  said  however,  that  they 
were  not  intended  for  the  public  eye,  although  he  was  urged  to 
publish  them  by  some  friends  to  whom  he  had  read  them  in  private. 

But  he  did  not  stop  musing  when  he  had  finished 
these  hundred  stanzas.   His  mind  takes  a  bolder  flight,  in  fancy 
he  wanders  with  a  companion  to  visit  the  old  place.   In  the  key  of 

"Tis  srweet  to  hear  the  watch  dog's  honest  bark, 
Bay  deepmouthed  welcome  as  we  draw  near  home." 

he  begins  thus: 

"Horich!  horscht  du  net?  der  Wasser  gautzt, 
Er  seen'd  uns  dorch  de  Bamj 
Er  hockt  im  Hoof,  dort  for'm  Haus, 
Un  gautzt  uns  welcome  Heen." 

Then  he  dreams  him-.elf  back  again  into  boyhood, and  from  Plumsack 

and  Blindemeisel  and  all  the  other  joyous  games  of  childhood 

onward,  there  are  few  experiences  in  the  life  of  those  people  that 

do  not  pass  in  review  until  the  time  when  he  goes 

Mei  alte  Heemet  sehne; 

Doch  guckts  gar  nimme  wies  als  hot 

Die   alte  Bekannte  sin  all  fort, 

Mei  Age  sin  voll  draene; 

Ich  ruuf  un  froog  ""m  sin  sie  all?" 

Der  Schall  antwort  "Wu  3in  sie  all?" 


E  dehl  sin  weit  fort  Owenau;;, 

Weit,  weit  fum  alte  Heerd; 

E  paar  bo  alte  sin  noch  do, 

Un  die  sin  krumm  un  schop  un  groh, 

Un  feel  sin  in  der  Erd, 

Ihr  alter  un  ah  wie  sie  heese, 

Kannscht  uf  de  schtee  im  Kerch  Hoof  leese. 

It  is  in  these  verses  that  he  is  at  his  best;  they  have, 
been  read  and  reread  and  printed  tines  without  number.   Karl  Knortz 
in  his  "Geschichte  der  Nordarr.erikanische  Litteratur"  rejects  the 
whole  book  in  terms  that  are  only  less  bitter  than  the  condem- 
nation which  Karl  Knortz ' s  own  poetry  has  received  in  a  recent 
Chicago  dissertation.   Knortz  says:  "Einer  der  traurigsten  Beitrage 
zur  Pennsylvanisch  deutschen  Litteratur  ftthrt  den  Titel  "  'S 
Alt  Marik  Haus  Mittes  in  d'r  Stadt  un  die  Alte  Zeite^  En  Centen- 
nial  Poem  in  Pennsylvanisch  deutsch.   Bei  H.J. Fischer,  York,  Pa. 
1879".   "Der  Verfasser,  der  noch  nicht  einmal  seine  sogenannte 
Muttersprache  kennt,  steht  mit  den  Regeln  der  auf  sehr 
gespanntem  Fusse  und  dass  en,  wie  er  sagt,  seine  nur  zum  Zeit- 
vertreib,  als  ihn  ein  hartnackiger  Rheumatismus  an  des  Zimmer  fes3- 
elte,  schrieb,  entschuldigt  weiaigstens  die  VerBffentlichung  der- 
selben  nicht." 

The  dishonesty  of  Knortz  deserves  to  be  noticed  in 
this  connection;  he  had  evidently  read  the  Introduction,  but  he 
chose  to  suppress  that  part  of  it  in  which  the  author  tells  how 
the  book  was  not  intended  for  publication;  how  that  friends  who 
had  heard  him  read  in  private  had  him  invited  to  read  at  the  York 
County  Teachers'  Institute,  and  how  only  after  the  contents  had 
become  semi  public  property  had  he  consented  to  publish  the  book 
and  then  only  with  a*  full  realization  of  its  imperfections.   The 
fact  that  those  who  succeeded  in  persuading  him  to  take  this  step 

did  not  have  Knortz' s  literary  estimates  must  not  be  laid  alto- 


gether   to  the  author's  charge.   If  Knortz  had  read  the  Introduction 
to  Fisher's  next  book  which  was  issued  nine  years  before  Knortz' 
own  "Geschichte5  he  might  have  read  in  reference  to  the  first  on 
"Es  erfreut  raich  zu  wisse  dass  en  Buch  das  gute  '.'/orte  grigt  hut 
fon  so  Leit  wio  Longfellow,  Steiner,  Haldeman,  Zimmerman,  Gtahr, 
Krieg's  Secretary  Ramsay  un  noch  hunnert  annere  net  gans  'Vertlos 
sei  kan."   The  book  has  been  offered  to  me  for  $17.00  which  shows 
that  the  fortunate  possessors  of  the  few  thousand  copies  in  exis- 
tence are  not  over  eager  to  get  rid  of  the  trash. 

But  to  cite  further:  "Er  schildert  in  diesem  oben- 
drein  auch  noch  mit  schauderhaf ten  Illustrationen  verunzierten 
Buche  das  alte  und  neue  Leben  und  Treiben  seines  Vaterstadtchens, 
York  und  verselt  unzusammenhangend  uber  Moden,  Scheerenschleifer, 
Landstreicher,  Friedensrichter,  und  aberglaubische  Gebrauche." 
This,  as  I  have  indicated  above,  refers  of  course  only  to  the  first 
part  of  the  book.   The  rest,  which  has  to  do  with  the  second  part 
shows  by  its  whole  tenor  as  clearly  as  possible  how  faithfully 
the  author  has  portrayed  a  certain  period  in  the  life  of  the 
people.   "Naturlich  lobt  er  dabei  wie  jeder  bejahrte  Bauer,  die 
gute  alte  Zeit  in  der  es  noch  keine  Prozesse  gab,  man  nichts  von 
Temperance  wusste  und  die  Sonne  und  T&chter  noch  den  Lohn  fur 
Knechte  und  Kagde  ersparten.   Ja,  in  der  guten  alten  Zeit,  da 
nahm  man  noch  den  Mann  beim  Word  und  den  Ochsen  beim  Horn.   Da 
gab  es  keine  Kartoffelkafer  und  Versicherungsgesellschaften  un 
nur  hochst  selten  brannte  einiral  eine  Scheune  ab.   Die  beste  Bank 
was  damals  ein  alter  Strumpf  und  dieselbe  war  viel   sicherer  als 
alle  jetzigen  Geldschranke  mit  ihrem  gepriesenen  Patentschlossern. 
Da  nahmen  noch  Nadel  und  Fingerhut  die  Stelle  der  Nahmaschinen  ein 

und  die  einzige  Zeitunge  die  es  gab  war  der  Hundert  Jahrige  Kalender. 


Da  hatten  die  Madchen  noch  den  schbnen  Glauben  dass  der  Teufel 
im  Kornfeld  versteckt  sei  weshalb  sio  sich  ate  Lb  einen  schmuckert 
kraftigen  Burschen  wahlten  wenn  sie  darin  zu  arbeiten  hatten.   Da 
setzte  man  am  Freitag  keine  Kinkel  und  deshalb  hat  auch  damals  nle 
eins  den  'Pippser  grigt'." 

Knottz'  utter  inability  to  understand  the  book  is 
shown  in  this  last  sentence.   "Diese  alte  Buschbauernheit  ist  nun 
langst  vorbei  (Pi3her  was  only  too  well  aware  of  this)  und  wir 
glauben  auch  nicht  dass  ee  der  Poesie  Fisher's  jemals  gelingen  wird 
das  entschwundene  Paradies  zuruck  zu  zaubern."  A  statement  with 
which  Fisher  would  have  been  in  hearty  accord,  nor  would  he  have 
wished  to  call  it  back  had  he  been  able,  but  that  he  described  it 
faithfully,  few  will  deny. 

Dr.G.U.Zimmermann,  in  his  "Deutsch  in  Amerika"  says: 
"Der  bedeutendste  Dichter  dieses  Dialectes  aber  war  Heinrich  Har- 
baugh,  dessen  Dichtungen  insgesammt  eine  Frische  und  Urspringlich- 
keit  athmen,  wie  man  sich  origineller  kaum  denken  kann;  dabei  giebt 
sich  ein  reiches  Gemuth  mit  freiem  Humor  kur.d.   Getrost  durfen 
wir  ihn  naben  Karl  von  Holtei  stellen,"  and  he  adds  of  our  author- 
"Ebenso  naturwahr  schildert  uns  Heinrich  L.Fisher  das  Leben  der 
Deutschen  in  Pennsylvanien  in  dieser  Mundart;  nur  geht  ihm  das 
tiefe  Gemuth  Harbaugh's  abM  and  in  another  place  the  same  author 
says  of  Fisher:  "Von  Natur  mit  gesundem  Humor  begabt  schrieb  er 
viele  Gedichte  und  Skizzen  in  Pennsylvanisch-deutscher  -iundart, 
das  Alltagsleben  der  Deutschen  in  Pennsylvanien  "eisterhaft 
schildernd. " 

Oscar  Kuhns  in  his  German  and  Swiss  Settlements  of 
Pennsylvania  recognized  the  work  as  the  "picture  of  the  life  of 


the  Pennsylvania  German  farmer  fifty  years  ago,  describing  among 
other  things  old  customs,  super.      i  s,  worl  ii  th<  iields  and 
house,  planting,  harvc     ,  thres]    ,  bee 

:  the  joys,  toils  and  pleasures  of  a  farmer's  life  -  butcher- 
ingo,  butterboiling3,  huskings  and  quiltingparties ."   His  next 
statement  that  the  volumes  contain  in  the  main  only  imitations  of 
German  originals  or  translations  from  English  and  especially  Am- 
erican poetry,  must  be  amended  so  as  to  read  that  this  applies  only 
to  the  aubhor's  second  volume  -  Kurzweil  un  Zeitvertreib  -  and 
only  to  a  very  small  extent  to  the  volume  at  present  under  con- 

A  short  time  after  the  publication  of  this  volume, 
Dr. Lewis  H.Steiner,  of  Frederick,  Md.  contributed  an  article  to 
the  Independent,  New  York,  which  may  be  taken  as  a  conservative 
Pennsylvania-German  estimate  of  the  book:  "Along  with  the  disappear- 
ance of  the  dialect?  says  Steiner  "the  manners  and  customs  of 
those  who  employed  them  are  also  dying  out.   Surely  historic  pride 
should  struggle  to  preserve  a  faithful  record  of  these  as  of  a 
people  who  have  contributed  so  much  to  the  upbuilding  of  the 
Keystone  State  and  whose  children  have  made  their  homes  in  Mary- 
land and  Ohio  abodes  of  manly  and  womanly  virtues.   Such  a  record 
could  only  be  made  in  the  dialect  ordinarily  employed  by  them.   It 
would  seem  in  English  as  awkward  as  even  the  best  translations 
from  the  Greek  and  Roman  writers  always   do  to  a  careful  student. 
To  meet  such  a  want,  H.L. Fisher,  a  member  of  the  York  County  Bar, 
has  recently  made  quite  a  notable  contribution.   Living  in  a  town 
which  was  honored  for  a  few  months  in  1777  as  a  place  of  meeting 
of  the  American  Congress,  he  has  endeavored  to  collect  the  his- 
toid cal  reminiscences  of  York  and  to  enshrine  those  of  the  old 


Market  House  along  with  the  custo  lvania  dermar.  ." 

"   '  ]   ;•"  ■    •  nowhere  chows  t.  noetic  fire 

that  pervaded  the  genial  Karbaugh's  lines  yet  his  descriptive  pe- 
ers  are  unusually  accurate  in  seizing  the  minute  peculiarities 
of  the  Pennsylvania  customs  and  his  verses  are  very  valuable 
as  embodying  detailed  accounts  of  the  simple,  honest  ways  of  the 
Pennsylvania  Germans.   A  vein  of  humor  moreover  pervades  his  lines 
that  makes  them  very  acceptable"  (This  is  a  point  that  Knortz  missed 
entirely)  "He  has  seized  the  serio-comic  rather  than  the  pathetic 
side  of  the  life  he  undertakes  to:  portray,  which  does:  not  detract 
from  the  value  of  his  work.   He  has  also  called  upon  the  pencil 
of  the  artist  to  assist  in  his  task,  and  over  one  hundred  wood  cuts, 
illustrative  of  domestic  habits,  manners,  and  customs  have  been 
incorporated  into  the  book,  which  if  not  indicative  of  high  art, 
are  nevertheless  exceedingly  interesting  a3  faithful  delineations 
of  scenes  described  by  the  author  in  the  text.   Fisher  g:ves  a 
reliable  account  of  the  home  life  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans  which 
will  be  read  with  interest  by  the  lovers  of  the  curious  as  well 
as  the  student." 

The  latest  recognition  the  author  has  received  is 
contained  in  Faust's  Prize  Book  on  "The  German  Element  in  the 
United  States"   According  to  Faust,  "The  two  most  prominent  pcetr , 
for  such  a  title  may  be  bestowed  upon  them,  who  wrote  in  Pennsyl- 
vania Dutch  are  Henry  Harbaugh  and  Henry  L.Firher".   We  may  not 
be  ready  to  agree  with  his  statement  that  these  are  the  two  most 
prominent  poets  (Faust  is  evidently  not  acquainted  \  ]  r's 

k,  the     ]  his  name  in  the  General  Bibliography) 

everyone  qualified  to  judge  will  agree  with  him  ii  Lng 

/    I, 

their  right  tc        '  -  •   Paua    ]  10  ace 

as  an  au     ic  ace     of  conditions  that  or.  .  ,d  add'  . 

"  '  .is   poetical  literature  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans  is  one  of 
the  few  original  notes  of  American  lyric  poetry." 

Fisher's  second  book  -       il  un  Zeitvertroiv  - 
York,  1882,  consists  almost  entirely  of  translations  and  adaptati 
of  English  and  American  poetry  and  of  German  dialect  writers.   Of 
the  latter,  Hebel,  Nadler  and  FelneT  are  drawn  upon  most  exten- 

His  first  selection: 

Dort  unner  'm  alto  Keschte  Baan 
Dort  war  der  alt  Schmidt  Schop 

is  full  of  reminis- 
cences of  Longfellow.   Bryant  too,  has  been  rendered  into  the 
dialect.   Except  for  the  few  poems  of  his  own  in  which  he  deals 
with  the  natural  scenery  or  places  near  his  ho^e  or  where,  as  in 
"Hesse  Dahl"  he  tells  the  story  of  a  stockade  in  which  Hessian 
prisoners  were  kert,  or  when  he  takes  a  drive  into  "Backmult  Valli", 
the  poems  have  nothing  distinctively  Pennsylvania  German.   The 
language  is  of  course  the  one  exception,  but  even  here  he  gets 
into  trouble,  where  the  Allemanian,  Suabian  or  Palatinate  will 
not  yield  him  a  corresponding  Pennsylvania  German  rhyme.   His 
renderings  o"   the  German  dialect  poets  are  however,  not  confined 
to  translation.   Many  of  them  are  adaptations  and  not  infrequently 
he  expands  them  or  adds  to  them  ide  s  of  his  own.   This  book 
appeared  in  a  second  edition  in  1895. 

Ludwig  Eichrodt  in  his  Rheinschwabisch  -  Gedichte 
in  L'ittelbadischer  Sprechweise-  says:  "Druckfehler  glaw  e  een  net 

drin,  sonsch  gabts  noch  e  Versaichnuss."This  our  author  could  not 


say  of  his  boo]  '    hai   ;iven        "     .ichnua  "       brains 

i  1  .- 
fierte  "rort  3         -  "z 
Do-1   a      a  noch  b '    Ira 
Suns cht  f al 1 '  t  die  Z e i  1&  kur z . 

On  the  misprints  he  say 3: 

.ckfehler,  die  ferderwes  Buch, 
Wiesoht  sin  sio  Oiine  Zweifel 

ler  drivvor  fluchtl 
Mer  gebt  die  ^chuld  dem  Deufel. 

Eiohrodt  had  said   similarly: 

Un  wo  urn's  Lewe  net  d    Spass,  odar  z'varstelin  ish  letz  gar 
Do  denkt,  's  isoh  am  end  e  Dail  Lesfehler  vomme  Getzar. 

This  sketch  would  not  be  complete  wi   >ut  mention  of 
a  poem  which  Fisher  did  not  include  in  the  collection,  notwith- 
standing it  is  by  no  means  one  of  the  worst;  it  is  his  translation 
of  Poe's  Raven  into  the  metres  of  the  original.   The  most  obvious 
fault  of  the  translation  is  a  frequent  wandering  from  the  exact 
sense  of  the  original;  its  greatest  virtues  are  a  certain  rude 
vigor  and  a  surprising  skill  in  reproducing  the  rhyth  . 

Un  so  wie  ich  mir  er inner 

Wars  so  ahfangs  in  om  Winter 
Un  en  jede  gluhend  Zinder 
Macht  sei  Geischtli  uf  em  floor. 
Un  ich  hob  gewinscht  '  s  war  I'orge 

.'er  do  war  nix  zu  borge 
Aus  de  Bicher  -  nix  as  Sorge 
oorge  for  de  liob  Lenore 
Ach  dass  sie  noch  bei  mir  war 
'  logel  hen      '         ire 
Do  genennt  doch  nimrnermehr. 

Falsch  Propheet,  du,  ohne  Zweifel, 
Unglicks  Fogel  oder  Deifel 

Ich  zu  ketzore  un  3U  quale 
V.'u  der  Deifel  ka:.v:scht  du  her? 
rum  duscht  du  mich  besuche 

as  bus  cht  du  bei  mir  zu  sue1, 
"'it  mich  in  die  Hell  verfluc" 

".t  deim  ewig  Himmermeer. 



A  Bibliography 
the  article  on 
Abraham  Reeser  Home. 

Beginner's  Book  in  French,  Doriot,  Boston,  1886 

Correspondence  and  Interviews  with  members  of  his  family. 

Der  Deutsche  Pionier,  Cincinnati,  0.  Vol. VII. 161 

History  of  Carbon  and  Lehigh  Counties,  Matthews  and 
Hungerford,  lSr54. 

National  Educator,  Allentown,  Pa.  Jan.  1903, 

New  York  Journal,  New  York. 

Pennsylvania  German  Manual,  Kutztown,  Pa.  1875.  Allentown 
1895,  1905,  1910. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol.11, 
p. 46  and  Vol . ITT .p. 161 

Prominent  Pennsylvanians,  Vol.1. 

Reading  Eagle,  Reading,  Pa. 

The  Pennsylvania  Dutchman,  Lancaster,  1873 


Abraham  R.  Horno. 

In  November   1910  there  All       ,  Pa. 

"  '".'  Horn  sei  Pennsylfawnish  Deitsh  Buch,  '  s  fert  mol  un  fel  fa 
bess'rd"   This  book  which  is  a  sort  of  Raritaten-Kasten,  giv 
evi     :   nevertheless  of  a  far  more  serious  purpose  than  any  of 
the  other  works  in  the  dialect}  this  purpose  -   lay  better  under- 
bid after  seeing  who  the  author  was.   Abraham  Ree3er  Home  was 
born  in  Bucks  County,  Pa.,  on  'larch  °4,      ;  his  ancestors  who 
were  of  the  Mennonite  faith  had  emigrated  from  Germany  and  had  pur- 
chased land  from  John  and  Thomas  Perm  early  in  the  18th  century. 
His  own  religious  tendency  manifested  itself  early  in  life,  when 
at  eight  years  oC    ige  he  is  said  to  have  preached  to   the  fowls  of 
the  barnyard  what  he  remembered  of  the  sermons  he  heard,  md  per- 
haps some  things  he  had  not  heard.   At  the  same  age  he  had  made 
sufficient  progress  in  his  studies  to  await  eagerly  the  Postrider 
who  once  a  week  distributed  the  county  papers  throughout  the  coun- 

When    sixteen  years  old  he  began  to  teach  school , 
and  at  twenty  ho  was  principal  of  the  schools  of  Bethlehem,  P  , 
it   this  time  he  entered  Pennsylvania  College  at  Gettysburg,  teach- 
ing vacation  school,  to  raise  the  funds  tc      ]     his  course. 
Upon  graduation  ^    tablished  in  1354,  at  Quakertown,  Pa.,  the 
Bucks  County  Normal  and  Classical  Institute.   Starting  with  three 
students,  at  the  end  of  his  five  years  work  here  he  was  employ- 
ing fifteen  teachers  to  instruct  the  ever  increasing  number  of 
students.   This  school  was  virtually  the  forerunner  of  the  Normal 
School  System  of  Pennsylvania,  there  being  at  that  time  no  other 
school  in  the  state  that  was  conducted  so  nearly  along  the  lines 

subsequently  followed  by  tho  Normal  Schools. 


It  was  during  this  period  '  ohool 

journal,  which  under  various  names,  but  1       iwn  by  its  last, 
The  National  Educator,  he  continued  to  pub!'    is  long  as  he  liv 
It  was  during  thi--  same  time  that  he  was  ordained  a  Lutheran  min- 
ister and  served  a  number  of  congregations  as  pastor.   In  1365,  he 
went  to  "Villiamsport  as  pastor  to  several  Lutheran  cor     itions 
there,  and  two  years  later  became  city  Superinten      "   hools 
at  Williamsport .   It  was  here  that  he  was  associated  w 
Thompson,  late  President  of  the  Pennsylvania  Railroad,  who  was  a 
director  of  the  schools.   After  five  years  (1  i  ' -"      2)  of  success- 
ful labor,  he  was  called  to  the  Principal ship  of  the  State  Normal 
School  at  Kutztown,  Pa.   After  five  years  (1372  -  1877  )  in  this 
position  he  organized  and  directed  the  Normal  and  Preparatory 
Department  of  Muhlenberg  College,  also  for  a  period  of  five  years 
(1377  -  1382) 

The  foregoing  account  does  not  by  any  means  include 
all  the  activities  of  the  life  of  the  man,  who,  even  when  almost 
70,  was  popularly  known  as  Allentown's  busiest  man.   In  addition 
to  his  work  as  preacher,  as  teacher  and  as  editor,  he  wrote  fr<  - 
quantly  for  magazines,  newspapers  and  educational  journals;  as  a 
lecturer  and  instructor  at  Teachers'  Institutes  ho  wa3  always  in 
demand,  not  only  in  Pennsylvania  but  in  neighboring  states  and 
through   '-.he  South,  .There  he  made  four  extensive   lecture  tours, 
after  he  had  given  up  his  work  as  teacher  in  1333.   It  was  after 
one  of  these  trips  that  he  wao  elected  President  of  the  University 
of  Texas,  but  declined  the  position.   During  these  trips  he  w 
also  correspondent  for  Philadelphia  Pa] 

I  lover  of       ..  '        1!       '    ]    -.  ,  and 


1    o  students  '   intr 

he  pub]  :T         "  T      •        uid  tc 

'  Df  self  h  lp  he  publisi       fc'  Ihem- 

istr;  1  sub  J     .   Believ'     hat  if 

of      selves  as  he  did,  their  health  w   ] 1  equal  his  own,  he  pub- 
lished his  Common  Sense  Health  Notes.   He  was  a  member  of  many 
socities  and  prepared  and  read  many  papers  before  them,  among  othera 
he  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society.   In 
]  )8  he  was  appointed  by  the  Governor  to  be  the  State  Educational 
Commissioner  to  the  Omaha  Exposition.   Late  in  life  he  p      1, 
organized  and  became  president  of  a  Railroad  Company  and  built  a 
Railroad.   He  also  published  the  Memoirs  of  Rev. Joshua  Yeager,  a 
noted  preacher  of  Eastern  Pennsylvania. 

A  Pennsylvania  German  by  birth,  a  teacher  in  the 
public  schools  at  a  time  and  in  a  place  where  the  dialect  only 
was  spoken,  Principal  of  a  Normal  School  which  is  notorious  for 
the  percentage  of  Pennsylvania  Germans  among  its  students,  he 
appreciated  a3  few  had  done,  the  difficulties  these  young  people 
had  to  contend  with  in  getting  an  English  education.   Indeed,  the 
original  object  of  his  paper  was  "to  supply  a  long  felt  want  in 
education  among  the  Pennsylvania  Germans,  namely  an  organ  for  the 
schools  and  parents  of  the  German  section  of  the  State,  specially 
devoted  to  their  interests."   During  his  first  twenty  five  years 
as  a  teacher,  he  had  become  convinced,  as  he  tells  us  in  his 
Manual  published  in  1875,  that  the  system  of  education  generally 
pursued  among  these  people  admitted  of   very  great  improvement, 
as  far  as  it  pertained  to  language  instruction.   In  thinking  and 
reasoning,  as  for  instance  in  Mathematics,  he  found  the  Pennsyl- 


vania  Germans  not  only  the   luala  "but  superior  to  many  of      sh 
ancestry;  but  where  there  wan  requ'  i  of  e      'ion, 

he  found  them  greatly  handicapped  by  their  inability  to  use  the 
English  language. 

"The  groat  problem  presented  for  solution,  is  how 
shall  six  to  eight  hundred  thousand  inhabitants  of  Eastern  Penn- 
sylvania  to  say  nothing  of  those  of  other  parts  of  our  own  State 
and  of  other  States,  to  whom  English  is  as  much  a  dead  language  a3 
Latin  and  Greek,  acquire  a  sufficient  knowledge  of  English  to  en- 
able them  to  use  the  language  intelligently?"   -    "To  render  such 
assistance  to  those  who  speak  Pennsylvania  German  only,  as  will 
enable  them  to  acquire  the  more  readily  the  two  most  important 
modern  languages,  English  and  German,  has  induced  us  to  prepare 
this  Manual." 

It  will  be  noticed  that  he  says  to  teach  English 
and  German;  this  idea  was  not  a  n£w  one  with  him;  in  an  article  in 
the  Pennsylvania  Dutchman,  Vol. I. No. 3.  1373  which  discusses  among 
other  things  to  what  extent  the  German  language  should  be  taught 
by  the  side  of  English  and  in  what  manner  this  should  be  done,  he 
had  already  recommended  Pennsylvania  German  for  Pennsylvania  Ger- 
man pupils  and  High  German  for  European  Germans  as  the  first 
language  of  instruction.   For  those  who  are  accustomed  to  speak 
Pennsylvania  German  he  recommended  the  use  of  articles  written  in 
Pure  Pennsylvania  German!  in  the  newspapers  and  especially  Har- 
igh's  poems  to  teach  pronunciation,  translation,  construction 
and  simple  grammatical  forms.   Then  turning  to  the  question  of 
English,  he  says  every  child  attending  the  schools  should  receive 
a  sufficient  knowledge  of  English  to  be  able  to  hold  intelligent 

conversation  and  conduct  correspondence  In  this  language;  two 
thirds  of  our  Pennsylvania  German  pupil3  fail  to  do  this  at 
present;  having  shown  how,  according  to  true  pedagogical  principl 
the  teacher  must  pass  from  the  known  to  the  unknown,  he  goes  on  to 
demonstrate  how  corresponding  words  and  sounds  in  English  and  Penn- 
sylvania German  should  he  made  the  basis  of  exercises  in  pronun- 
ciation.  Finally,  some  book  in  Pennsylvania  German  like  Harbaugh ' s 
Harfe  or  Ranch's  Pennsylvania  Dutch  Handbook  should  be  placed  in 
the  pupil's  hands.   In  the  same  number  of  the  Dutchman  there  appear- 
ed an  editorial  commending  the  scheme. 

Filled  with  these  ideas,  Horns  began  while  Principal 
of  the  Normal  School,  the  collection  of  material  for  a  book  which 
should  be  more  adapted  to  school  work  along  the  lines  of  his  articl  -s 
than  either  Karbaugh's  Harfe  or  Rauch's  Handbook.   The  first  part 
of  the  book,  intended  to  be  the  basis  for  a  correct  pronunciation 
of  English,  takes  up  seriatim  the  sounds  supposed  to  be  most  diffi- 
cult to  acquire,  with  rules  for  pronunciation.   Exercises  for 
practise  are  appended,  of  which  such  sentences  as  -  "He  that  re- 
fuseth  thriftlessness  and  rejoiceth  in  thorough  thinking  thrives" 
and  "What  whim  led  White  Whitney  to  whittle,  wisper,  whistle  and 
whimper  near  the  wharf  where  a  whale  wheeled  and  whirled?"  i 
stand  as  examples.   Those  who  were  in  his  classroom  bear  testimony 
to  the  rigorous  drills  he  used  to  subject  them  to  at  this  time 
whenever  he  caught  them  mispronouncing  English;  meanwhile  the  news 
got  abroad  that  the  Professor  was  preparing  a  book;  it  wa  -  being 
noised  about  in  the  newspapers.   The  following  letter  in  the  dialect 
contributed  to  the  Allentown  Friedensbote  by  Edward  D.  Leisenring 
about  the  Professor  and  his  forthcoming  book  I  include  here  partly 

for  general   reasons,  but  also  because  it  contains  the  views  of 
Leisenring,  who  deserves  to  be  heard  on  the  vexed   question,  ".'hat 
is  Pennsylvania  German?   Incidentally  it  contains  a  criticism  of 
".Volleiiweber's  "Gemalde  aus  deni  Pennsylvanisch  Deutschen  Volksleben" 
which  had  appeared  a  short  time  before,  and  also  of  the  poems  of 
Harbaugh;  besides  all  this  it  is  a  speciemn  of  a  dialect  newspaper 
letter  Such  as  the  latter  becomes  when  it  discusses  serious  things 
in  a  serious  vein. 

"  fN  Brief  an  der  Hochwerdig  Prof .Home  von  der  Kutztauner 

Normal schul. 
Hochwerdiger  Professor:-  Ich  hab  schon  von  d'r  gelese  im  Friedensbote 
un  annere  Zeidinge,  un  g'aehne,  dass  du  dich  bis  uf  die  neunt  Haut 
welire  dusht  for  unser  schftne  Pennsylvania  DeutacheSprach  ufzu- 
halte,  dass  sie  net  unnerdruckt  un  vernicht  sott  werre  von  dene 
Englisha  kerls,  wo  doch  net  English  konne  un  loeber  Gott,  ah  kenn 
Deutech.   * S  hot  mich  werklich  geplasirt,  dass  3o'n  gelerntef  Kerl, 
wie  du  eenor  biat,  unser  Part  nemmt.   Ich  bin  'n  Pfalzer,  mei 
Gros3dadi  is  aus  der  Pfalz  ruwer  kumme,  un  dieweil  die  gelernte 
Leut  behaupten,  der  Grossdadi  dhat  alsfort  widder  im  Enkel  raus 
kumme,  do  bin  ich  dennoch  mei  grossdadi  selwert,  wo  von  der  Pfal2 
ruwer  kumme  is.   Uf  sell  bin  ich  stolz,  vonwege  er  war'n  schmartor 
Mann . 

"Was  ich  eegentlich  hab  sage  wolle  is  des  "Ich  han  in 
der  Zeidung  gelese,  du  dhatst  mit  dera  Gedanke  ungeh,  'n  Buch  un  * n 
Dickachonary  uwer  Pennsylvanisch  Deut3ch  rauszugewe.   Weest  was  - 
so   'n  Buch  dhat  'n  die  Leut  do  in  Pennsylvania  un  sunst  uwerall 
wo  die  Pennsylvanisch  Deutsch  Sprach  sch.vatze  gewiss  arg  gleiche, 

un  die  Nallyann  is  recht  in  die  hoh  g'huppst  for  Freede  wie  ich 


sell  Stuckel  in  der  Zeidung  vorgelose  hab.   Awer,  sag   ich  zu  der 
Nallyann,  wie  mor  oweds  beinanner  g'sotze  hen,  wie  sie  bein  Petty 
licht  'n  paar  Blacke  uf  eens  von  de  Buwe  sei  Hoseknie  genaht  hot, 
Nellyann,  sag  ich,  denksht  seller  Professor  wees  war  er  unnernornnt? 
Nau  du  bist  'n  dorch  un  dorch  1 ennsylvani3ch  '.Veibsmensch  alle  zoll 
von  d'r.   Glaabste  so'n  Buch  konnt  zuwege  g'schriwe  werre,  dass 
m'r   sich  net  sohamme  braucht  init?  "Well*  sagt  sie,   weil  sie  ihre 
schone  braune  Aage  uwer  der  Disch  zum'r  ruwer  g'schraisse  hot,  sagt 
sie  'ich  glaab  wol  net  dass  es  der  ufgeblose,  hochmudig  Hanne- 
wackel  drunne  im  Wanzedhal  es  dhu'  konnt,  was  seller  Professor  dhu 
kann  wees  ich  net,  awer  sel  wees  ich,  dass  wann  inei  Hannes  so'n 
Lerning  hatt,  dass  er  's  dhu  kennt'.   Guck,  'wer  so'n  Fraa  hot,  lebt 
noch  so  long  sagt  der  Sirach  in  der  Biwel,  un  sel  hot  rnich  ufgeweckt, 
dass  ich  d'r  den  do  Brief  schreiwe  dhu. 

"Ich  bin,  denk  ich  net  ganz  so  gf3cheidt  wie  die 
Nellyann  meent  awer  wann  du  sell  Buch  schreiwe  wit,  mocht  ich  d'r 
eppes  von  Adveis  gewe,  vonwege  weil  ich  selwert  'n  Pennsylvanier  un 
noch  newebei  'n  Pfalzer  bin  wie  ich  d'r  bewisse  hab.   Nau  die  Efalz- 
er  Sprooch  un  die  Pennsylvanisch  Sprooch  sauwer  g'schwatzt,  sin  eens, 
un  is  schier  keen  Unnerschied  dazwische.   Les  mol  "FrbhcPfalz,  Gott 
erhalts"  (Nadler)  noh  geh  ufs  Land  un  geb  gut  acht  wie  die  Leut 
schwatze;  was  die  Buwe  un  die  Mad   zu  nanner  sage  an  der  Singschul, 
vor'ra  Schulhaus  wann's  dunkel  i3;  was  die  Baure  3age  von  de  Gaul, 
vom  Rinsvieh,  von  de  Sau,  vom  Weeze,  voin  "elschkorn  un  vora  Hai ;  was 
un  wie  die  Weibsleit  mitnanner  dischkurire  uwer  allerhand  Sache, 
die  juscht  sie  alleen  a'  belange,  un  du  werscht  bal  etffahre,  was 
Pennsylvanisch  Deutsch  is.   Do  sin  viel  von  dene  Kerls  wo's  prowirt 
hen,  die  raeene,  wann  sie  recht  hunsgeschmeo  schlecht  hoch  Deutsch 


schreiwe  un  ferchterlich  viol  3nglische  worte  drunner  schmiere  dhate, 
sell  war  Pennsylvanisch,  un  ao  narrisohe  Deutsche,  wo's  net  besser 
verstehen,  spend  'ne  dann  grosse  Lorbeere  for  'dieses  Gottlicho 
Verhunzen  der  so  edlen  deutschen  Sprache ' .   7or  selle,  hochwerdiger 
Professor,  m&cht  ich  dich  gewarnt  hawe. 

"  ' S  kann  gewiss  niemand  'n  hoherer  Respect  hawe  vor  eelle 
Lieder,  wo  der  Parre  Harbach  g'schriwe  hot,  wie  ich.   Ich  wees, 
wie's'm  urn's  Herz  war,  wie'r  alsemol  selle  Lieder  g'schriwe  hot  - 
dotlich  weech,  heemwehrig.   Herzewoh  noch  de  unschuldige  Kinnerjohre 
un  bei  so  Gelegenheite  hot  noch  eppes  von  owerunner  aus  der  annere 
Welt  uf 'n  gewerkt  -  so  dass  m'r  viol  von  seinr  Lieder  die  Poosie 
gewiss  net  ablegle  kannj  awer  die  Sproch  -  well  ich  will  nicks 
druwer  sago  -  just,  wo  in 're  Schrift  Oder  in 'me  Lied  so  viel  Snglisch 
wie  Pfalzisch  oder  Deutsh  vorkuramt,  is  es  net  Pennsylvanisch  Deutsch. 

"Nau  warm  du  dra'  gehst,  for  sel  Buch  zu  schreiwe  los 
des  vorhenkert  3nglisch  Kauderwalsch  haus,  wo  gar  net  in  unser 
Sproch  g'hore  dhut.   Ich  arger  mich  allemol  schwarz  und  bio,  wann 
so  dumm  stoff  gedruckt  un  in  die  Welt  g'schickt  werd  wo  Pennsylvan- 
isch Leutsch  sei  sol  awer  lautor  geloge  is.   'S  is  uns  verlascht- 
ert  wo  ra'r's  net  verdient  hen.   Un  wann  dei  Buch  mol  fertig  is,  un's 
kummt  mir  unner  die  Finger  un's  i3  so 'n  elendiger  7/isch  wie  kerzlich 
wieder  eener  in  Fildelfi  raus  kurorne  is,  dann  ufgebasst  for  dann 
verheckel  ich  dich,  das3  du  aussehnst  wie  verhudelt  Schwingwerk, 
un  die  Leut  dich  for'n  Spuks  a'gucke. 

Schinnerhanne3  vom  CalmushtWel" 
Horno  found  it  impossible  to  get  his  promised  pub- 
lication ready  by  Christmas  of  1375,  but  the  students  were  so  eager 
to  have  the  book  to  take  with  them  during  the  holidays  to  canvas 

for  its  sale,  that  a  ntlmber  of  specimen  copies  in  the  form  of  agent3 
samples  were  struck  off  for  their  use;  of  these  I  possess  a  muti- 
lated copy.   When  it  appeared,  the  second  part  was  entitled  Penn- 
sylvania German  Literature,  consisting  first  of  directions  for  the 
use  of  the  exercises,  a  phonetic  key,  and  then  a  long  series  of 
object  lesson  pictures,  serious,  humorous  and  Comic,  each  supplied 
with  a  title  in  English,  Pennsylvania  German  and  High  German. 

This  part  of  the  book  (as  well  as  the  first  part) 
finds  a  certain  pedagogical  justification  and  example.   Ten  years 
later  (1836)  the  firm  of  Ginn  and  Company  published  "The  Beginner's 
French  Book"  by  Sophie  Doriot  "with  Humorous  Illustrations".   In 
the  author's  Introduction  she  says:  "Experience  has  taught  me  fur- 
ther that  children  as  a  rule  are  rather  hard  to  please  and  not 
very  willing  to  submit  to  arduous  and  humdrum  work;  it  is  necessary 
to  amuse  them  -  -  I  also  rely  on  pictures  which  have  been  made 
as  humorous  as  possible  -  Children  who  do  not  know  how  to  read 
should  be  taught  the  words  and  expressions  contained  in  each  lesson 
by  means  of  pointing  to  the  different  parts  of  the  picture."   In 
fact,  her  entire  Introduction  might  be  bodily  transferred  to  out 
Pennsylvania  German  book;  this  evidently  belonged  to  the  pedagogy 
of  the  time. 

Next  follow  proverbs,  riddles,  rhymes,  anecdotes, 
descriptions  of  old  customs  by  the  author;  lives  of  distinguished 
Pennsylvania  Germans,  especially  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Gov- 
ernors and  of  the  State  Superintendent  of  Education,  by  Conrad 
Gehring  of  the  Kutztown  Journal;  and  finally  selection^  from  dialect 
poets.   The  third  part  contained  a  brief  grammar,  a  dictionary  of 
Pennsylvania  German  words  with  their  English  and  High  German  equiva- 


lents.   As  a  guide  to  the  study  of  English  and  Cierman,  the  book 
was  submitted  to  the  public  for  use  in  schools  and  families.   (Vide 
the  Introduction)    The  editor  of  the  Reading  Eagle  had  attacked 
Home's  scheme,  when  first  he  had  proposed  to  introduce  the  dialect 
into  the  schools;  Rauch  of  Lancaster  championed  Home  in  an  editorial 
in  which  he  said  he  supposed  the  Professor  would  attend  to  the 
fellow  and  then  encourages  him  thus  "Du  'm  mohl   sei  dicker  dum-cup 
t'zurecht  setza.* 

I  have  inquired  of  those  who  ought  to  know  whether 
the  book  ever  got  into  the  schools;  the  result  is  disappointing, 
save  this  from  a  letter  from  David  S.Keck  of  Kutztown,  who  was  Super- 
intendent of  the  Schools  in  Berks  County  in  those  days:  he  says:  "I 
occasionally  found  a  copy  on  the  teacher's  desk,  the  teacher  some- 
times consulted  it  to  get  the  English  names  of  common  objects." 
(Letter  of  February  13,  1911)   The  situation  which  the  book  was  in- 
tended to  meet  seems  to  have  been  generally  recognized  as  actually 
existing,  for  on  the  appearance  of  the  book,  the  New  York  Journal 
said,  "Prof .Home,  bekarmtlich  einer  der  unermudlichsten  Ver£echter 
des  Deutschtums  in  Amerika,  gibt  ein  Lesebuch.   Dies  Buch  wird  ei  i>: 
lang  geftlhlten  Bedurfniss  abhalfen,  da  dann  Pennsylvanisch  Deutsche 
Kinder  das  Englisch  nicht  bios  lesen  sondern  auch  verstehen  lernen 
k6nnen.   Ein  solches  Werk  ist  nicht  bios  wunschenswerth  sondern  gar 
unter  den  jetzigen  Verhaltnissen  zum  dringenden  Bedurfniss  geworden." 
It  is  of  course  possible  that  almost  all  of  this  was  read  out  of 
the  Introduction  by  the  reviewer,  but  it  was  in  turn  quotod  by  the 
Deutsche  Pionier  of  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

After  the  Manual  had  been  ten  years  our  of  print,  a 
second  edition  was  issued  in  1896  with  numerous  additions  to  all 


three  parts,  with  the  addition  of  a  supplement,  comprising  an  Eng- 
lish Dictionary  with  the  Pennsylvania  German  equivalent.   The 
author  has  dropped  the  word  German  from  his  preface,  and  has  in 
mind  a  Manual  only  for  the  acquiring  of  English.   He  says  further 
that  although  the  necessity  for  such  a  work  might  "be  supposed  to 
exist  no  longer,  yet  experience  and  observation  shows,  that  in 
Pennsylvania  German  districts  on  the  very  eve  of  the  20th  century 
what  was  said  in  the  preface  in  1875  may  again  he  repeated.   *n 
referring  to  the  second  edition  The  Pennsylvania  German  calls  it: 
"a  book  that  has  for  years  been  a  standard  among  those  having  to  cL> 
with  the  mastery  of  the  dialect  or  the  English  education  of  the 
children  who  speak  this  tongue."   In  response  to  a  wide  public  de- 
mand, Borne1 s  son  was  induced  to  issue  a  third  edition  in  1905; 
it  had  again  been  enlarged  in  every  part  and  purports  no  longer  to 
servo  merely  as  a  guide  book  for  the  study  of  English,  but  also  to 
show  how  the  Pennsylvania  German  i3  spoken  and  written;  an  indi- 
cation that  the  boo^:  is  on  the  way  to  become   a  historical  docu- 
memt  and  will  presently  show  how  Pennsylvania  German  was  spoken. 
In  November,  1910,  as  stated  at  the  outset,  the  Manual  was  issued, 
"Es  fert  mol  un  feel  ferbessered" .   Such  is  the  history  of  one  of 
the  most  popular  Pennsylvania  German  books  by  one  of  the  most 
widely  known  Pennsylvania  Germans,  one  who,  wherever  he  was,  was 
fond  of  applying  IVollenweber fs  lines  to  himself: 

wIch  bin  en  Pennsylfawni  Deutscher 
Druf  bin  ich  shtuls  un  dro." 


A  Bibliography 
for  the  sketch  on 
Israel  Daniel  Rupp. 

Egle,  W.H.  in  the  Historical  Magazine,  Feb.  1871 

R.  -  in  the  Deutsche  Pionier,  Vol. X. p. 200 

Ringwalt,  I.Trs. Jessie  C.  in  the  Deutsche  Pionier,  Vol. VI 

p. 351 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. VII .1 . I.-F.C.Croll. 


Israel  Daniel  Rupp. 

The  name  of   the  author  of  "Thirty  Thousand  Names 
of  German  and  Other  Immigrants  to  Pennsylvania"  is  known  to  all 
students  of  early  histories,   as  is  also  his  remarkable  series 
of  County  Histories  which  ha3  become  the  storehouse  whence  all 
later  writers  have  drawn.   Biographical  sketches  of  him  have  ap- 
peared in  the  Historical  Magazine,  Pet.  1871  by  his  friend  Dr.Sgle; 
in  the  Deutsche  Pionier  1874  p. 351  a  translation  of  an  "nglish 
article  by  Mrs. Jessie  C.Ringwalt;  in  the  Deutsche  Pionier  1878,  p. 200 
by  some  one  who  signs  himself  R.  (Rattermann,  H.A.  ?);  in  the 
Pennsylvania  Magazine  Jan.  1891  by  the  late  Prof .Seidensticker 
of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania;  and  in  the  Pennsylvania  German 
Magazine,  Jan.  1906  by  Rev.P.C.Oroll. 

Vihile  no  new  material  on  Rupp  has  been  discovered 
it  is  due  to  his  memory  to  recall  here  how  he  went  through  Penn- 
sylvania with  a  horse  and  wagon  and  a  load  of  books  to  sell,  while 
gathering  information  from  house  to  house;  how  he  went  from  torn 
to  town  teaching  school,  either  obtaining  a  position  or  starting 
new  schools,  in  places  where  there  were  records  to  be  searched, 
while  he  later  as  itinerant  life  insurance  agent  travelled  for  19 
years  through  Pennsylvania,  all  the  while  picking  up  the  material 
out  of  which  his  famous  works  were  evolved. 

A  :aaoter  of  rany  languages  and  a  student  of  language 
as  well  as  of  history,  he  found  time  to  scrutj  . 

*  2fermany,  and  frequently  wrote  ,  artic] 

he  compared  these  several  dialects  of  Germany  with  the  Pennsyl- 
vania German.   Such  a  one  is   a  dialect  Deutsche 
Pionier:  "En  Kurze  G'schicht  von  ineim  Grosvater  Johann  Jonas  Rupp" 


two  other  artel      wrote  for  .  are  entitled 

"Eppes  uber  Pennsylvania  Deutsch"  and.  "Eppes      de  Deutsche  Baure"  . 

In  1871  Dr.Egle  wrote  of  him:  "There  (in  Philadel- 
phia)he  still  resides,  pursuing  his  vocation,  laying  up  treasures 
of  history  for  the  great  work  of  his  life,  'An  Original  Fireside 
History  of  German  and  Swiss  Immigrants  in  Pennsylvania  from  1688 
to  1775a.   It  i3  nearly  completed  and  it  is  hoped   that  Rupp  will 
soon  give  it  to  the  public  who  have  been  on  the  lookout  for  the 
work  for  so  many  years." 

In  1873,  in  an  article  sent  to  Rauch's  Pennsylvania 
Dutchman  he  himself  said  of  the  chapter  on  ' Pan  Patois  of  Pennsyl- 
vania German'  that  was  to  appear  in  the  above  mentioned  volume:  "I 
have  for  nearly  fifty  years  been  studying  the  Pan  Patois,  Kauder- 
welsch,  spoken  in  Pennsylvania.   I  have  in  my  budget  a  va,ried  col- 
lection of  German  phrases,  words,  idiomatic  sentences,  written 
by  myself  as  pronounced  in  different  counties  in  Pennsylvania,  noted 
carefully  in  the  dialectic  variations" 

In  1878  when  he  died,   the  work  which  would  no 
doubt  vie  with  all  his  other  collections  and  compilations  in  value, 
had  not  yet  been  published  nor  has  it  to  this  time  seen  the  light 
of  day. 


A  Bibliography 

the  sketch  on 
David  B.  Brunner. 

Biographical  History  of  Berks  County,  Norton  L.  Montgomery, 

Chicago,  1909. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Lititz,  Pa.  Vol. VII. 4. 3 

Proceedings  of         lylvania  German  Society,  Vol. IV. p. 159 

Publications  of  the  Berks  County  Historical  Society,  R    ':jg,Pa 

Personal  interviews  with  his  fri 


David  B.  Brun  e  . 

David  B.Brunner  of     '      .  -    :  'A  a   11 

number   E1     :  'led  Xenieii,'  rhyme*  prov  ba,  ,  Baura- 

spruchej  to  which  he  signed  hi    ]   "       von  F    "i.e.  from 

Berks  County. 

7er  sucht  for'n  rechter  har   r  Job 
Der  geh  un  wart  sich  selwer  ab. 

lisst  nel  'na  dra  s  i 

Un  alfert  im  a  Schussj 
1     ide      Fin    H       1  :>ls 

".  Pochol  odder  'n 

t  Hi    1  sohtehlt, 

Dann  sperren  sie  en  ei' 
Doch  warm  or  dausent  Daler  sohtehlt 
it  er       ]  Lch  frci. 

thorough      '   x>  I   files  of  the  Reading  /Idler  (estab- 
lished 1796)  for  which  he  wrote     |  sntly /rould  yield    n 
numb or  o^ 

Widely  dif "  ...     contained 

Home's  Pennsylvania  German  Manual,  entitled  "De      '    on  un 
si  Bile".   The  familiar  cherry  tree  story  is  rehearsed;  George' 
father  is  portrayed  as  a  thrifty  Pennsylvania 
had  seen  tc  it  that  his  estate  had  its  due  share  of  oho-  , 
growing  all  about.   George,  who  was  a  good  boy,  -  "warm  er     bei 
seim  pap  war"-  was  tempted  by  the  red  ripe  fruit;  his  prude 
praised  in  not  electing  to  cli         >e;  suppo.         "alien 
and  crushed  out  his  young  life  - 

How  i^on  des  ding  so  ghappened  het 

Un  sis  una  goot  geglickt 
Don  hetta  mir  silawa  ken 

Unites  Ctates  do  grickt. 

George's  father  discovers  the  deed,  and  to  the  ques- 
tion why  he  cut  down  the  tree  with  his  little  hatchet,  George 
replies  with  the  countryman's  joke,-  because  ho  could  not  find  the 

axe.  Half  in  j         If  yield]  ptation  to  po' 

a  moral  the  selection 

Der  George  hut  net  viol  chansa  g'hot 
r  grosse  Buwo  het. 
■  George  hut  gor  net  leaya  kenna, 
Ihr  kennt,  doot  ov     )t. 

Danie]  Mil]   '.  Collection  of  Pennsylvania  Ge        tains 

five  selections  in  verse  by  Brunner.   1.     .  ich  juscht  en  Bauer 

war,  in  praise  of  country  life: 

Oi  warm  ich  juscht  en  Bauer  war, 

Un   hatt  en  gut  "tuck  Lai 
Dann  hatt  ich  ah  mei  Sack  voll  Geld 

Un  ah  noch  in  der  Hand. 

In  rapid  survey  are  passed  in  review  all  the  arguments 
that  used  to  be  brought  forward  by  the  affirmative,  when  in  the 
old  days  was  discussed  in  "Speakin- school"  the  ques    ,  Resolved: 
That  country  life  is  preferable  to  city  life.   Not  until  we  have 
read  the  last  four  lines  of  the  poem, 

0:  wann  ich  juscht  en  Bauer  war, 

".'arm's  ah  juscht  dauere  deht 
Bis  dass  '  s  gut  Sach  gesse  is 

Un's  an  die  Erwet  gehti 

do  we  realize  that  this  is 
a  satire;  that  our  author  is  sporting  with  us  and  with  his  subject, 
that  he  has  in  his  humble  wa£,  contributed  to  a  type  of  literature 
as  old  as  literature  itself. 

2.  Bezahlt  E}uer  Parre  -  narrates  how  a  witty  parson 
moved  a  wealthy  though  delinquent  congregation  to  meet  its  finan- 
cial obligations,  and  ends  with  a  merry  explanation  of  a  similafc 
phenomenon,  that  a  preacher  also  cannot  live  without  pay. 

3.  En  Gross  Misverstandniss  - 

Die  scho  un  lacherlich  "'  '    Lcht, 
Go  duhn  viel  sie  heese, 


Hab  ioh  in  meiner  Ilerche  Zeiti 
Sechs  Johr  zurft.     lose. 

hrscheinlich  is  die  G'schicht  ah  wahr, 
So  hot  sie  mir  geguckt, 
Sunst  hatte  unser  Parre  sie 
Sei  lebdag  net  gedruckt. 

Th  Misverst&ndniss  is  great 
enough  to  arouse,        tost  expectatioi  ,  while  the  disillusion- 
ment is  invariably  followed  by  a  burst  of  li     -r,  for  in  the  main 
it  is  true  that  the  Pennsylvania  German  loves  a  joke  on  the  "Parre". 

4.  Die  Grundsau  -  after  considering  this  creature 
and  all  her  ways,  and  all  her  claims,  and  all  her  influence,  he 
finds  that  we  have  to  with  a  thorough  humbug,  and  that: 

Exactly  wie  die  Grundsau  is, 

So  duht  ihr  Manner  finne; 
Auswennig  sin  sie  Gentellout, 

Un  humbugs  sin  sie  inne. 

This  gives  Brunner  occasion  to  consider  the  various  kinds 
of  sharpers  that  are  neither  what  they  seem,  nor  what  they  claim 
to  be;  U'  d 

Nau  geb  ich  euch  en  guter  Roth 

Un  den  du  ich  euch  schenke, 
'j'ann  ihr  so  humbugs  als  ahtrefft, 

Duht  an  die  Grundsau  denke. 

5.  Der  alt  un  der  Jung  Krebs  -  tells  of  an  old 
crayfish  that  chid  his  offspring  for  swi:      "hinnorsch-f odderscht" 
but  the  saucy  youngster  replies  that  he  has  learnt  it  from  his 

^s  is  ihr  wisst  on   alte  Ruhl, 

Dass  schier  gar  all  de  S6h, 
Grad  duhne  was  der  Vatter  duht, 

Un  juscht  en  bissel  meh. 

By  a  number  of  salient  examples  our  author  shows  that  fathers  and 
nothers  must  not  expect  to  forbid  their  sons  and  daughters  the 


follies  they  the  uilty  of,  with  any  prospect  of 

being  obeyed. 

In  MDer  Dan  Y/ebster  un  sei  Sens"   he  treats  another 
well  known  tale  after  the  manner  of  the  George  V/ashington  story. 
Dan  is  a  Pennsylvania  German  boy  fcho  has  gone  to  College  and 
comes  back  having  forgotten  how  to  work,  prefers  to  talk  English 
and  would  rather  sit  in  the  shade  than  do  anything  else.   This 
is  a  favorite  theme  of  our  writers;  Daniel  Miller  has  a  pro. 
version  of  this  same  story;  the  effect  of  the  first  year  of  College 
life  on  the  farmer  boys  has  received  the  attention  of  a  number  of 
writers,  one  notable  selection  having  been  prepared  by  T.H.Harter 
(Boonastiel  q.v. )  at  the  instance  and  to  the  complete  satisfaction 
of  a  former  President  of  State  College,  Pennsylvania. 

Brunner  wrote  also,  occasional  prose  letters  for  the 
papers,  notably  in  his  campaign  for  Congress;  during  this  time 
he  had  his  own  letters  appear  in  numerous  County  papers,  but  over 
the  signature  of  those  who  ordinarily  contributed  dialect  pro- 
ductions to  the  respective  papers. 

It  is  time  to  consider  briefly  what  manner  of  man 
this  strange  handicraftsman  of  literature  was.   David  B. Brunner  v;as 
fifth  in  line  of  descent  fror,  Peter  Brunner,  who  emigrated  from 
the  Palatinate  about  1736.   The  subject  of  our  sketch  was  born  in 
.ity  Township,  Berks  County,  Pa.  "u'arch  7,  1835;   he  attended  the 
public  schools  until  twelve  years  old  allowed  the  car- 

nter's  trade  with  his  father  till  he  was  nineteen,  meantime  con- 
tinuing his  attendance  at  school  during  the  winter  months.   He 
taught  school  three  years  and  prepared  himself  for  Dickinson 
College,  which  he  entered  in  1852,  graduating  in  1356}  he  conducted 


the  Reading  Classical  f-chool  until  1869,  whereupon  he  was  elected 
Superintendent  of  Schools  of  Berks  County.   ifter  serving  two 
terms,  he  founded  the  Reading  Academy  of  Sciences  and  the  Reading 
Business  College;  in  1880  he  "became  Superintendent  of  the  City 
Schools  of  Reading,  Pa,  and  from  1838  on  served  two  terms  in 

Brunner  was  interested  in  archaeology,  and  published 
works  on  the  Indians  of  Berks  County  and  of  the  State j  in  the 
domain  of  microscopy  and  mineralogy,  his  studies  on  the  minerals 
of  his  County  have  been  incorporated  in  the  publications  of  the 
2nd  Geological  Survey  of  Pennsylvania.   He  died  on  the  29th  of 
November,  1903*  His  dialect  writing  was  an  incident  and  a  diver- 
sion in  a  busy  life.   His  prose  letters  will  be  found  chiefly  in 
the  files  of  the  Reading  Adler. 


A  Bibliography 

for  the 
chapter  on 
Lee  Light  Grumbine. 

Allentown  Daily  City  Item. 

Bethlehem  Times. 

Biographical  History  of  Lebanon  County,  Chicago,  1904 

Der  Alt  Dengelstock,  Grumbine,  Lebanon,  1903 

Harrisburg  Star  Independent. 

Lancaster  New  Era 

Lebanon  County  Historical  Society,  Vol. I. No. 11 

Lebanon  Courier 

Lebanon  Daily  News 

Lebanon  Evening  Report 

Lee  Light  Grumbine -Cr oil  in  Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. V. 145 

Letters  in  possession  of  S.P.Heilman 

National  Cyclopedia  of  American  Biography,  New  York.  1894 

Vol. V. p. 264 

National  Educator,  Allentown,  Pa. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. V. 2. 96.   wDer  Dengelstock" 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. VII. 4. 178 

Philadelphia  Inquirer 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. IV. 169 

Vol. XIV. 55 

Publications  of  the  L-eabnon  County  Historical  Society,  Vol .3 

Transactions  of  the  American  Philological  Association. 


Lee  Light  Grumbine . 

Lee  Light  Grumbine  was  born  in  Fredericksburg,  Leb- 
anon County,  Pennsylvania,  July  25,  1858.   The  ancestry  of  his 
family  has  already  been  discussed  in  the  article  on  his  brother 
Dr. Ezra  Grunbine  (q.v.)  where  also  it  has  bee  noted  that  "to 
scribble  and  rhyme  runs  in  the  family"   Lee  Grumbine  possessed 
another  talent  that  ic  characteristic  of  the  best  dialect  writers 
according  to  a  writer  in  the  Forum  (Vol. XIV.  Dec. 1892,  p. 470)  who 
says  "Recalling  Col. R.M.Johnston's  dialectic  sketches  with  his  own 
presentation  of  them  from  the  platform,  the  writer  notes  a  fact 
that  seems  to  obtain  among  all  true  dialect  writers,  namely,  that 
they  are  also  endowed  with  native  histrionic  capabilities.   Hear 
as  well  as  read  Twain,  Cable,  Johnston,  Page,  Smith  and  all  the 
list,  with  barely  an  exception." 

In:  the  public  schools  and  at  Palatinate  College, 
Grumbine  gave  evidence  of  his  ability  along  thic  line,  and  when  a 
student  at  the  Wesleyan  University,  Conn,  he  began  giving  public 
elocutionary  entertainments,  and  this,  with  lecturing  and  Teachers' 
Institute  work  he  kept  us  as  a  diversion  during  his  lifetime. 

When  he  had  graduated  from  Wesleyan  University,  Conn, 
in  1881,  he  took  up  teaching  but  began  the  study  of  law  at  the 
same  time,  and  three  years  later  was  admitted  to  practice  in  the 
Courts  of  Lebanon  County,  and  in  1887  to  practice  before  the  Supreme 
Court  of  Pennsylvania;  for  a  time  he  was  the  law  partner  of  the 
late  Gen.Gobin.   In  1886  he  was  appointed  Instructor  of  Elocution 
at  Cornell  University,  but  never  entered  upon  the  duties  of  his 
position j  in  1889  he  was  Principal   of  the  School  of  Oratory  at 
the  Silver  Lake  (New  York)  Chautauqua. 

In  1889  he  became  the  founder  and  editor  of  the  Leb- 
anon Daily  Report,  which  he  conducted  along  independent  line, 
making  it  the  organ  of  reform  movements,  and  the  dread  of  evil  -  ■ 
doers  and  machine  politicians.   In  politics,  a  Prohibitionist,  he 
held  a  high  place  in  the  councils  of  hi3  party,  both  in  the  State 
and  in  the  Nation,  and  as  a  platform  orator  and  as  candidate  he 
made  many  a  vigorous  fight  for  a  forlorn  hope. 

Grumbine  was  also  one  of  the  prime  movers  in  the 
organization  of  the  Pennsylvania  Chautauqua  at  Lit. Gretna;  a  mem-  ■ 
ber  and  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Lebanon  County  Historical  So- 
ciety: a  member  of  the  American  Philological  Association,  for 
which  he  prepared  several  papers  on  the  results  of  his  study  of 
the  provincialisms  of  the  English  speech  of  eastern  Pennsylvania 
which  have  their  origin  in  German  idioms  and  expressions.   He  viae 
one  of  the  founders,  and  during  his  life,  Vice  President  and  a 
Director  of  the  Lebanon  Trust  Company. 

It  was  his  paper  -  The  Lebanon  Daily  Report  -  that 

first  suggested  in  December  1890  and  January  1891  the  organization 

of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  and  when  other  papers  quickly 

seconded  the  idea,  it  led  to  the  organization  of  that  society  early 

in  the  same  year (1891).   At  its  first  regular  meeting,  after 

organization  Oct. 14,  1891,  he  read  an  English  poem  entitled  "The 

Marriage  of  the  Muse"  in  21,  12  verse  stanzas.   He  calls  for 

"The  happy  bard,  the  poet  and  seer, 
Whose  voice,  with  its  tuneful  charm,  will  make  men  hear, 
As  he  tells,  in  stately  epic,  or  lyric  story, 
Of  a  quiet  and  simple  folk,  of  their  trials  and  glory- 
As  he  sings  with  wisdom  and  grace  and  musical  measure, 
To  their  children's  glad  delight,  or  a  busy  world's  pleasure, 
The  sterling  virtues  of  that  brother  band, 
'The  sorrowing  exiles  from  the  Fatherland, 
Leaving  their  homes  in  Kriesheim's  bowers  of  vine, 


And  the  blue  beauty  of  their  glorious  Rhine, 
To  seek  amid  their  solemn  depths  of  wood 
Freedom  from  man  and  holy  peace  with  God.'  " 

The  last 
five  lines  are  an  incorporation  of  verses  from  Whittier's  "Penn- 
sylvania Pilgrim" 

"A  timid  youth  , 

V/ho  only  knows  to  speak  with  simple  truth 
His  love. 

appears  as  suitor  to  the  Muse. 

after  explaining 

"who  dares  by  such  a  bold  demand 
Persistent,  sue  the  Kuse's  heart  and  hand?" 

the  poet 
proceeds  to  tell  of  the  noble  ancestry  of  the  youth,  and  finally 
makes  bold  to  reveal  his  name-  it  is  the  Pennsylvania  German 
Society.  His  petition  is  evidently  heard,  for  the  successful  or- 
ganization of  the  Society  is  celebrated  as  the  Nuptial  Feast  and 
the  hope  is  expressed  that 

"From  this  holy  union  may  there  spring 
A  progeny  of  poets,  that  will  sing, 
The  praises  of  those  hero  souls  who  came, 
In  search  of  neither  fortune  nor  of  fame, 
From  Alpine  slopes  and  banks  of  castled  Rhine, 
To  land  where  Liberty's  fair  sun  would  shine." 

The  second  and  third  parts  of  this  poem  are  entitled 
respectively  "Their  Dowry"  and  "Our  Heritage" 

Grumbine  remained  an  active  member  of  the  Society 
until  his  death  in  1904;  at  that  time  he  had  in  course  of  prepar- 
ation a  history  of  the  Mennonites,  which  he  was  writing  for  the 
Association.   In  1901  he  presented  a  paper  to  the  Society  -  an 
essay  on  the  Pennsylvania  German  Dialect:  A  study  of  its  status  as 
a  spoken  dialect  and  form  of  literary  expression,  with  reference 
to  it6  capabilities  and  limitations,  and  lines  illustrating  the 

same!!-  also  undertaken  at  the  request  of  the  Society.   In  part  it 
contains  good  poetics  as  when  he  says  "The  Pennsylvania  German 
occupies  a  unique  place  among  the  tongues  of  Babel  and  their  der- 
ivations.  It  is  like  a  provincial  rustic  youth,  strong  in  the 
vigor  of  athletic  young  manhood,  lusty  in  the  spirit  of  adventure, 
and  joviality,  schooled  in  self-reliance,  honesty  and  industry, 
trained  in  all  the  domestic  virtues  -  love  of  home,  of  work,  of  kin 
and  of  God,  but  not  used  to  the  courtliness  of  state,  unskilled 
in  the  hollowness  of  vain  compliment,  untutored  in  the  frippery  and 
polish  of  artificial  society,  unacquainted  with  the  insincerity  and 
diplomacy  of  the  wider  world,  removed  from  kith  and  kin,  and  thrown 
upon  his  own  resources  among  strangers  and  new   surroundings.   The 
feelings  and  sentiments  of  its  own  provincial  home  life  it  can  ex- 
press with  a  force  and  beauty,  a  directness ^a  tenderness  and  humor 
all  its  own,  but  in  the  more  cosmopolitan  relations  it  is  awkward 
and  wholly  inadequate,  probably  because  as  soon  as  the  Pennsylvania 
German  individual  strikes  out  into  the  larger  world  of  human  en- 
deavor, beyond  the  modest  and  circumscribed  limits  of  his  provin- 
cial sphere,  to  the  extent  that  he  becomes  a  cosmopolitan  in  taste 
in  education,  or  culture,  or  achievement  he  discards  the  provincial 
for  the  national}  he  loses  the  marks  of  his  native  racial  and 
linguistic  individuality;  in  short  loses  himself  in  the  great  mass 
of  the  national  commonplace.   He  discards  the  mother  tongue  and 
adopts  the  ruling  speech,  the  English." 

Or  again,  when  he  says  "A  foul  tongue  cannot  express 
a  pure  mind  even  though  a  corrupt  mind  may  at  times  clothe  itself 
in  fair  language.   The  artist,  the  poet,  the  writer,  the  musician 
each  expresses  his  thought,  his  life,  his  inner  self;   and  what  the 


vocabulary  is  to   the  individual,  that  the  dialect  is  to  the  com- 
munity, and  the  language  to  the  nation.   If  the  people  as  a  people 
are  concerned  with  the  heroic  affairs  of  human  activity  -  with 
statecraft  and  commerce,  with  science  and  art,  with  schemes  of 
metaphysics  and  education,  with  the  pomp  of  wealth  and  the  parade 
and  pageantry  of  aristocracy,  with  the  stilted  ceremonials  of 
society  and  the  outward  formalities  of  religion,  their  language  will 
be  stately,  courtly,  scholarly,  classical,  majestic,  and  sometimes 
hollow  and  insincere.   The  stormy  passions  of  the  soul,  the  machin- 
ations of  ambition,  the  intrigues  of  politics,  the  plottings  of 
hatred  and  revenge,  and  the  cruelties  of  persecution  can  only  be 
portrayed  upon  the  large  theater  of  the  world  where  are  played  the 
dramas  of  statecraft,  and  where  great  events  and  movements  mark 
the  onward  march  of  history  from  epoch  to  epoch.   For  these  the 
language  and  life  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans  furnish  neither 
example,  opportunity,  nor  means  of  expression.   It  were  ludicrous 
to  try  to  write  an  epic  poem  in  the  dialect  of  a  provincial  com- 
munity whose  interests  do  not  go  beyond  'the  daily  task,  the  common 
round1  of  its  simple  life.   Cathedrals  are  not  built  upon  the  plan 
or  out  of  the  materials  of  which  dwellings  are  made,  and  yet  while 
the  cathedral  with  its  noble  proportions,  its  majestic  arches  and 
softly  colored  light, 

'Where  through  the  longdrawn  aisle  and  fretted  vault 
The  pealing  anthem  swells  the  note  of  praise." 

may  help  to  lift  the  devout  spirit's  aspir- 
ations toward  the  Infinite  God,  it  is  the  pure  and  simple  life  in 
the  happy  home  of  the  plain  and  virtuous  people,  no  matter  how 
humble  the  architecture  or  how  modest  the  comforts,  where  the  Muse 
of  Poesy  loves  to  come  a  lingering  gue3t.   Here  are  cultivated 

the  tender  sentiments  of  the  fireside,  affection,  kindness,  filial 
love  and  obedience,  paternal  solicitude,  generosity,  unselfishness. 
Here  dwell  the  domestic  virtues  -  truth,  sincerity,  charity,  con- 
fidence, candor,  devotion,  chastity.   Here  too,  is  religion's  real 
altar  where  piety,  reverence  and  holiness  are  not  the  formal  profes  - 
sion  of  the  lips,  or  the  ceremonial  and  perftuictory  offices  of  the 
priest,  but  the  true  expression  of  the  heart  in  daily  right  living. 
Sportive  humor  plays  its  mirthful  part,  songs  of  contentment  and 
the  rippling  laughter  of  childhood  enliven  the  labors  of  happy  in- 
dustry.  These  are  some *of  the  sweet  notes  in  the  joyous  minstrel- 
sy which  rises  to  Heaven  when  the  poet  sings  of  the  Pennsylvania 
German  life  and  people.   The  common  range  of  every  day  human  ex- 
periences, human  activities,  human  feelings  and  failings,  these  are 
the  domain  and  these  the  materials  and  opportunity  for  the  Penn- 
sylvania German  poet;  and  if  ho  cannot  produce  the  heroic  measures 
of  the  music  drama  with  its  grand  world  chorus  of  immortals,  or 
the  stately  epic  with  its  mighty  epoch  making  movements  of  nations 
and  of  gods,  he  can  at  least,  on  the  sweet  toned  lyre  of  his  pro- 
vincial dialect,  play  simple  pastoral  songs  and  melodies." 

He  is  not  unfamiliar  with  some  of  the  dialect  poets 
of  Germany  and  it  is  to  be  noted  that  not  all  the  poems  that 
accompany  the  essay  were  written  to  illustrate  the  essay,  some 
having  appeared  earlier,  nor  can  it  be  said  that  he  has  touched 
up  all  the  phases   that  his  introduction  points  out  as  possibilities 
for  the  dialect  poet.   Accompanying  the  essay  is  a  brief  prefa- 
tory note,  explaining  the  basis  of  several  poens  as  well  as  fur- 
nishing a  sort  of  psychological  self  analysis  of  the  author's  moods 
and  an  explanation  of  his  aims.   I  include  this  in  its  entirety 


bo  that  any  one  who  cares  may  have  the  opportunity  of  deciding  for 
himself  in  how  far  he  has  succeeded  or  failed  in  his  endeavors. 
"It  may  be  said  in  a  general  way  that  everything 
here  written  is  founded  on  actual  fact  or  incident  within  the 
writer's  observation.   The  verses  are  picture?  from  nature.   Take 
for  example  those  on  a  country  Sabbath  morn  -  "Sonntag  Morge'ds  an 
der  Ziegle  Kerch"  -  if  I  had  the  hands  of  an  artist  and  could  trans- 
late the  lines  into  the  language  of  pictorial  art  almost  every 
verse  would  make  a  complete  picture  which  each  one  of  you  and 
every  Pennsylvania  German  would  recognize  as  a  glimpse  into  the 
mirror  of  his  own  life.   And  yet  I  may  say  the  whole  poem  was 
suggested  by  Robert  Louis  Stevenson's  "A  Lowden  Sabbath  Morn",  of 
parts  of  which  it  is  a  more  or  less  liberal  translation  adapted 
to  the  conditions  of  Pennsylvania  German  country  life.   "Elendig" 
is  an  almost  literally  true  narrative  of  an  actual  incident,  but 
even  if  it  were  not  it  is  absolutely  true  to  the  pathetic  fact  in 
life  that  when  we  are  becoming  physically  infirm  we  speak  of  it 
ourselves  in  the  hope  of  eliciting  comfort  from  our  friends  and 
the  assurance  that  things  are  not  as  bad  as  we  think;  but  we  do 
not  like  it  when  others  mention  the  fact,  and  we  invariably  resent 
it  when  our  friends  take  us  at  our  word.   The  several  translations 
further  serve  to  illustrate  what  has  been  stated  in  reference  to 
the  limitations  and  capabilities  of  the  dialect.   Whittier's 
"Barbara  Prietchie"  and  John  Vance  Cheney's  "Kitchen  Clock"  show 
how  readily  the  themes  and  incidents  of  provincial,  pastoral  or 
personal  everyday  life  lend  themselves  to  dialect  treatment;  while 
on  the  other  hand  the  more  dignified  philosophical  or  moral  theme 
of  Longfellow's  "Psalm  of  Life"  could  not  be  rendered  into  Penn- 


sylvania  German  without  the  effect  of  burlesquing  it,  but  calls 
for  the  statlier  measures  of  a  more  classical  German." 

nMei  Arme  Be"   with  a  mixture  of  satire,  humor  and 
pathos  paints  a  very  common  character  familiar  to  us  all  -  the  vil- 
lage toper  -  who  makes  every  ridiculous  pretext  an  excuse  for  his 
indulgence,  blames  everything  but  himself  for  his  weakness,  and 
who  protests  up     he  day  that  hi       p  "    1  irium    i 
"be  can  drink  or  let  it  alone?  but  who  never  lets  it  alone." 

"Der  Schumacher"  is  another  character  common  to 
every  village  and  suggests  his  various  brothers  in  the  guild  of 
handicraftsmen  would  furnish  subjects  for  similar  treatment  -  Der 
Weber,  Der  Schmied,  Der  Wagner  and  others.  "Der  Viert  July"  is  a 
somewhat  illnatured  portrayal  of  the  national  holiday  and  the  pain- 
ful, senseless,  wasteful  and  almost  intolerable  way  in  which  it 
has  come  to  be  celebrated  in  our  cities.   It  was  written  while 
still  smarting  under  the  tortures  which  the  'Glorious  Fourth'  en- 
tails upon  the  sensitive  nerves  of  a  suffering  people." 

"Lest  the  lines  under  the  title  'Ich  war  Jurymann' 
might  be  thought  to  contain  expressions  unnecessarily  emphatic, 
or  inelegant  perhaps,  it  is  mentioned  that  the  poem  was  suggested, 
and  is  based  upon  the  following  true  incident,  beyond  the  state- 
ment of  which  I  have  nothing  to  add  in  justification  or  apology: 
'There  lived  where  I  spent  my  childhood  a  little  old  man,  who  in 
the  happy  days  before  individualism  in  industrial  life  was  entire- 
ly crushed  out  by  the  spirit  of  combination  in  our  commercial 
evolution,  earned  a  livelihood  in  the  pursuit  of  his  chosen  handi- 
craft -  that  of  a  tailor.   He  lived  in  the  country  several  milec 
back  of  my  native  village  and  the  demands  of  fashionable  society 


made  no  heavy  draft  upon  his  artistic  powers,  it  may  be  assumed; 
but  he  lived  a  contented  and  useful  life  contriving  wonderful  gar- 
ments for  youthful  rural  swains  to  court  and  get  married  in,  which 
were  ever  afterwards  preserved  from  the  ravages  and  corruption  of 
'moth  and  rust'  with  scrupulous  care  and  never  worn  again  except 
upon  some  occasion  of  equal  state.   In  those  days  it  was  a  par- 
ticularly shiftless  and  improvident  lout  unworthy  the  name  or  the 
station  of  a  householder  who  did  not  preserve  his  'Hochaig-kle'der ' 
to  the  day  of  his  death  when  they  might  fulfil  tho  last  important 
function  in  their  and  their  owner's  career,  namely  that  of  shroud. 
It  happened  by  rare  chance  that  the  under  or  deputy  sheriff  stopped 
at  his  house  one  day  to  his  infinite  astonishment  and  satisfaction 
with  a  summons  to  do  jury  duty  at  the  County  Court  ten  or  twelve 
miles  distant.   This  was  such  an  unusual  event  in  the  old  man's 
life,  never  having  happened  before,  and  withal  invested  him  with 
such  dignity  and  importance  in  his  own  eyes  that  he  straightway 
celebrated  the  event  with  one  of  his  mild  sprees  in  which  he  was 
wont  to  indulge  upon  every  occasion  of  excessive  fueling,  and  he 
devoted  that  entire  day  to  little  excursions  between  the  bottle 
in  the  cupboard  and  his  other  duties,  strutting  about  meanwhile 
with  infinite  self  satisfaction  before  the  proud  gaze  of  his   ad- 
miring spouse  and  giving  vent  to  the  contemplation  of  hi3  sudden 
greatness  in  the  oft  repeated  exclamation:   "Bin  ich  awer  net  e 'n 
donnerwet terser  Jurymanni"   In  after  years  when  I  became  more 
familiar  with  the  scenes,  the  characters  and  the  methods  of  courts 
of  justice  myself  this  remark  was  often  recalled  and  as  often 
served  to  give  suitable  expression  to  my  own  estimate,  not  only  of 
jurors,  but  of  various  other  important  functionaries  that 


figure  there,  as  w-;"'  ]   i  the  sort  of  justice  that,  in  tr  1       ::uage 

of  : '  -  ""        is  'dispi       '     pon  occ     ,." 

"  '  S  L  a  .  •  r       "     "r    ]       Is  took" 

two  other  pictures  of  t'  h    ppy  co*       it  and  peaceful  domestic 

simplicity  of  rustic  Pennsylvania  Ger;;        life,  w  Lcl   very  ont 

has   .  ■  seen  or  known  it  wil]  recog  Lze  as  coincident  with 

his  own  experience  or  observation.   I  had  lust  enough  of  "both  to 

qualify  me  to  "speak  by  the  card"  on  the  subject  depicted,  to  wit: 

the  boiling  of  applebutter  at  the  particularly  eventful  moment  when 

it  is  finished,  as  described  in  the  lines: 

^r  is  gar:  du  kannst  's  net  besser  treffe; 
Hehk  der  Kes3el  ab,  un'  schoepp's  in  die  Hoeffej 
Was  muss  der  klo'  Joe  doch  die  Zung  'raus  strecke, 
Pur  der  Loeffel  un*  der  Ruhrer  ab  zuschlecke ." 

"   d  equally  of  that  second  occasion  in  the  hayfield  where 

the  very  spot  can  be  pointed  out  that  will  be  forever  linked  with 

the  feeling  and  the  situation  suggested  by  the  other  lines: 

Dort  hoert  m'r  laute  stimnie, 

Die  Buwe  3 in  am  schwimme, 
Im  Damm  wird  gebotzelt  un'  gekrischej 

Un  dort  drunne  im  Krickle, 

Im  Loch  un'  er'm  Bruckle, 
V/ahrhaftig  sin  sie  a'  am  fische!" 

""'hoever  has  seen  a  Pennsylvania  German  home  on  a  pros- 
perous  eastern  Pennsylvania  farm  has  seen  the  most  perfect  and 
idyllic  picture  of  contentment,  of  manly  independence,  of  plenty, 
of  comfort,  of  good  cheer,  of  peace  of  body  and  of  mind  that  is  to 
be  seen  anywhere  on  the  face  of  the  globe." 

Grumbino  clearly  had  the  feeling  that  he  was  con- 
tradicting his  own  principles  when  he  undertook  the  translation  of 
Coleridge's  "Ancient  Mariner"  into  the  dialect,  though  he  defends 
himself  by  stating  that  the  original  in  the  simplicity  of  its 

character,  its  language,  Its  plan  and  its  teaching,  is  consonant 
with  the  simplest  life  and  therefore  admits  of  adequate  expression- 
even  under  the  limitations  of  a  provincial  dialect.   Hon. G.F. Fer- 
dinand Ritschl,  Imperial  German  Consul  at  Philadelphia,  who  was 
present  when  the  poem  was  read,  expressed  his  surprise  at  the 
adaptability  of  the  dialect  to  a  subject  like  the  "Ancient  Mariner" 
-  a  criticism  that  might  easily  be  made  by  one  who  did  not  know  that 
the  dialect  had  no  perfect  tense,  no  genitive  case,  that,  when 
lacking  a  word  in  the- dialect  it  prefers^ as  a  rule,  an  English 
one  to  a  German  one.   These  facts  I  am  inclined  to  think  the 
German  Consul  was  not  acquainted  with. 

Then  Grumbine  himself  says  that  he  has  constantly 
kept  in  mind  that  he  is  writing  in  a  German  dialect  for  a  German 
rather  than  an  English  speaking  constituency,  and  has  discarded 
English  word3  to  a  much  larger  extent  than  in  ordinary  Pennsylvania 
German  conversation,  he  admits  that  he  has  created  an  artificial 
language,  which,  while  it  may  be  intelligible  to  any  native  born 
German,  as  he  says,  is  however  not  the  language  of  the  Pennsylvania 
Germans.   In  the  matter  of  language  wo  must  heartily  agree  with 
the  Philadelphia  .Inquirer  which  at  the  time  of  the  publication  of 
the  essay  and  the  poems  in  book  form  said:  "The  fact  remains  that 
hi3  dialect  is  very  different  from  that  of  current  publications 
such  as  the  fugitive  pieces  which  papers  published  in  Pennsylvania 
German  communities  occasionally  give  their  readers  -  such  as  for 
example  the  "Olt  nhulmashter','  letters  printed  weekly  in  the  Daily 
News  of  his   own  city  of  Lebanon,  Pa.   Does  it  not  seem  likely 
that  these  letters,  being  in  the  common  speech  of  the  people,  rep- 
resent the  real  Pennsylvania  German?" 

Grumbine's  original  poems  deserve  higher  praise  than 
his  translations;  the  degree  in  which  they  appeal  to  Pennsylvania 
Germans  far  away  from  the  old  roof  tree  i3  illustrated  in  a  letter 
from  Rev. Francis  T.Hoover,  a  former  Berks  Countian,  pastor  of  the 
Congregational  church  at  Lockport,  IT. Y.  and  author  of  "Enemies  in 
the  Rear"   etc   "I  am  free  to  say  that  few  things  could  have 
given  me  more  pleasure.   My  copy  of  the  'Pennsylvania  German'  came 
with  the  same  mail,  and  so  I've  spent  two  whole  evenings  and  part 
of  the  night3  reading  the  vernacular  of  my  old  Berks  County  home. 

"Last  evening,  I  read  among  other  pieces,  ' Ich  war 
Jurymann'.   To  say  I  laughed  is  putting  it  a  trifle  mildly.   But 
say!  How  did  that  'donnerwetterser  Jurymann'  ever  hoar  of  the 
gentle,  keusch  Portia?  Good!  Only  a  lawyer  -  one  who  knew  all 
the  ins  and  outs  of  the  'donnerwetterser  Gericht'  -  could  have  pro- 
duced 'Ich  war  Jurymann'. 

"Then  I  read  'Der  Alt  Dengelstock1  and  when  I  read 
the  stanza  'S  Dengel  lied  hat  g'shtoppt'  a  feeling  of  sadness 
came  over  me,  for  the  picture  of  my  old  father,  mowing  in  the 
meadow  in  front  of  the  house,  came  up  "before  my  vision,  and  I  was 
carried  to  the  grave  at  'Eck  Kerch'  where  he  ha3  slept  since  1364. 

"Next  came  ' S  Latwerg  Koche'  and  I  confess  that 
when  the  eye  took  in  the  words, 

>hi  wie  schnell  vergeht  die  Jugend's  Zeiti 
Gut  nacht,  zu'm  Latwerg  Koche! 

a  feeling  of  'he'm-weh' 
took  possession  of  me  for  a  time. 

"You  have  done  a  work,  which  though  you  do  not  pre- 
sume to  "be  an  expert  in  the  dialect,  I  believe  equals  that  of 
Dr.Harbaugh  in  this  department  of  literature.   Indeed,  you  have 

tested  and  proved  the  capabilities  of  Pennsylvania  German  more 
fully  than  the  bard  of  i^ercersburg." 

Prof .Oscar  Kuhns  of  the  Department  of  Romance 
Languages,  V/esleyan  University  too  thought  the  poems  would  be 
placed  besides  Harbaugh's  Harfe,  while  Prof .Learned  of  the  Univer- 
sity of  Pennsylvania,  referring  to  "Der  Dengelstock"  (or  to  the 
book  of  that  name  ?)  says  it  belongs  to  classical  dialect  poetry 
and  takes  its  place  alongside  of  Hebel's,  Schandein's  or  Nadler's 

In  1903  the  essay  and  poem3  were  published  in  a 
handsome  limited  (300  copies)  Autograph  edition.   For  the  "Rime 
of  the  Ancient  Mariner"   Elbert  Hubbard  loaned  the  cuts  and  head 
and  tail  pieces  which  were  used  in  illustrating  the  beautiful 
Roycroft  Edition  of  the  "Ancient  Mariner". 


A  Bibliography 
other  sources  of  information 
for  the  chapter  on 
Dr.  George  Mays. 

Christ  Reformed  Church  News. 

Heidelberg  Herald. 

History  of  Schaeff era town,  Brendle.   York,  1901. 

Interviews  with  the  family. 

Lebanon  Courier  and  Report. 

Montgomery  Transcript. 

Papers  of  the  Philadelphia  County  Medical  Society. 

Philadelphia  Evening  Bulletin. 

Philadelphia  Public  Ledger. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society. 


George  Mays. 
George  Mays,  who  was  born  of  Pennsylvania  German  parents 
at  Schaeff erst own,  Pa.  July  5,  1836  could  not  talk  English  before 
he  learned  it  in  the  public  school.   At  the  University  of  Penn- 
sylvania he  completed  a  course  in  Medicine  in  1861;  entered  the 
Army  as  surgeon,  later  practised  his  profession  at  Lititz  until 
1871  when  he  removed  to  Philadelphia,  where  he  lived  until  his 
death  in  1900. 

Almost  every  year  after  coming  to  Philadelphia  he 
returned  to  old  Schaofferstown  for  the  summer,  and  his  greatest 
delight  was  to  drive  over  all  the  familiar  roads  of  the  adjoining 

According  to  his  intimate  friend,  Dr. Stretch  of 
Philadelphia,  his  dialect  productions  were  written  not  so  much  for 
their  poetic  beauty,  as  to  carefully  preserve  in  phonetic  form  a 
language  which  he  felt  aure  would  soon  be  extinct,  insisting  that 
much -that  was  being  published  in  the  Pennsylvania  German  Magazine 
was  not  Pennsylvania  German  at  all  but  only  a  mixture  of  English 
and  German  with  a  sprinkling  of  the  dialect.   The  poems  were 
written  primarily  for  himself  and  his  friends.   Some  of  them  later 
found  their  way  into  Daniel  Miller's  collection  and  others  into 
the  columns  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Magazine.   Nine  such  pro- 
ductions were  known,  a  few  more  finished  or  partly  finished  I  found 
among  his  effects. 

Only  poetic  in  form,  aa  he  insisted,  they  yet  give 
us  touches  that  other  writers  passed  by  -  while,  for  instance, 
writers  have  described  the  parties  and  pastimes  of  Pennsylvania 
German  Rural  life  -  it  is  nowhere  else  that  I  find  a  party  of  the 

kind  referred  to  ^  tk*.  / ^u*~ 

En  achpinning  Party  finaht  du  oft 
Wu  gar  net  denkaht,  ganz  unvorhoff  t 
Un  warn  du  ergends  besuche  wit 
Heost  gleich,  nem  ah  del  apinnrad  mit. 

An  unserra  HauB  in  seller  Zeit 
Do  sammlo  oft  die  Nochbers  Leut 
Mit'm  Spinnrad  dort  zu  apinne 
Un  dabei  Plasier  zu  firme. 

Dort  hen  aie  g'schpunne  un  gelacht 
Storiea  verzahlt  un  spuohto  gemacht 
Wie  oft  hab  ich  dort  zugegvickt 
Un  waa  es  gebt  mit  Luate  geaohluckt. 

Hia  attitude  toward  a  possible  reading  public  ia  clearly 

ahown  in  the  linss  with  which  he  began  one  tale: 

Die  Schtory  de  ich  hier  beitrag 
Ia'n  wohri  G'achicht  ao  g'wiaa  ich  aawg 
Wen  achon  ehn8  denkt  ich  moch  ai  uf 
Ken  dier  sich  aure  ferluaaa  druf . 

Truz  dem  es  ia  en  alte  G'achicht 
So  mehn  ich  doch  sis  unser  Pflicht 
Solchi*  soche  fohr  zu  stelle, 
For  die  loit  wo* a  lehsa  welle. 

In  many  of  hia  verses  he  thus  goes  back  to  memories  of 

long  ago  and  places  of  local  interest.   As  with  so  many  of  the 

Pennsylvania  German  writers,  the  churchyard  and  the  tolling  of 

the  bell  make  atrange  appeala.   In  one  aelection  he  celebrates  the 

waterworks  of  the  town  of  Schaeff era town  - 

Das  aller  erscht  Werk,  vun  dem 
Mer  leae,  ia  in  Bethlehem; 
Dann  kummt  wie  ich  hier  bemerk 
Da3  Schafferstadtel  Wasserwerk. 

Ich  hab  des  net  vum  Hbresage 
Drum  kannst  du  mir  es  herzlich  glaabe 
Der  alte  Charter  weist  eo   plahn 
Das  Jedermann  kann  heut  noch  sehn. 

Interesting  are  the  verses  found  among  his  effects  in 

which  he  tells  why  some  Pennsylvania  Germans  opposed  the  Free  School 

Law.   The  poem  was  never  completed,  I  have  it  in  three  different 


forms,  each  with  some  stanzas  of  the  other  forms,  and  each  with 

some  new  stanzas;  what  was  tits  ho  it3  final  form  we  cannot  exactly 

determine . 

That  the  Germans  were  not  as  a  body  opposed  to  the 

free  schools  any  more  than  the  Quaker,  notwithstanding  that  many 

of  both  classes  for  various  reasons  were  opposed  to  the  law  of 

1834  is  well  known  (of .Shimmel's  article  P.G.  Vol.    )   The  Quakers 

opposed  the  proposition  because  having  schools  for  themselves  tbt»y 

were  averse  to  supporting  schools  for  others;  the  Germans,  because 

the  law  was  enacted  in  accordance  with  a  recommendation  in  the 

constitution  whereby  a  law  should  be  enacted  to  establish  schools 

where  the  poor  might  be  taught  gratis  and  they  had  none  of  that 

class  amongst  themselves. 

Other  reasons  of  some  Germans  are  given  U3  by  Dr. Mays: 

Will  ich  bel  der  Woret  bleiwe 
Mus  ich  eich  au  des  noch  schreive 
'  S  waar  net  de  Ormut  bei  de  Leit 
Das  Schule  raar  mocht  3elle  Zeit 

*     *       *       * 

Sie  wisse  ob  de  fri  Schul  law 
Die  greift  yo  ihre  Geldsock  au 
In  fact  '  s  war  nix  os  ihre  Geld 
Os  selli  leit  so  long  z'rick  held. 

Sel  G'sets  mocht  unser  toxbill  gross 
Un  benefit  die  Schtat  leit  bios 
Kauft  uns  ken  blotz,  net  mol  en  gaul 
Un  macht  yuscht  unser  kinner  foul. 

So  waar's  bi  feeli  baure's  Gschwetz 
So  hen  sie  g'fuchte  geges  Cteetz 
Un  moncher  glaubt  er  wert  gedrickt 
So  bol  mor  mohl  de  frei  schul  krickt. 

(Hort  hen  sie  gfuchte  geges  Gsetz 
Un  feel  de  mehne  es      1 
Sich  en   Laming  au  zu  schoffe 
'Veil  es  deht  foulenssr  moche.) 


Onri  glauwe  oni  zweifel 

01  de  Laming  kumnit  fum  Teifel 

Un  dor  wo'n  doraht  for  bioher  hut 

Wert  afters  shendlich  ausgeschput. 

Our  author  did  not  agree  with  these  notions,  as  several 

other  discarded  or  not  yet  incorporated  stanzas  show- 

Uf  der  Bauerei  zu  schaffe 

Un  de  Erwet  leioht  zu  moche 

Do  helft  uns  net  des  sohul  gesets  - 

Sel  waar  of  course  en  dummes  gschwetz, 

'  S  gebt  heit  noch  leit  de  hases  letz 
Un  schteibere  sich  om  schul  gesetz 
Doch  wons  net  for  de  schul  law  wehr 
Kemt  moncher  net  so  schmart  do  hehr. 

Two  lines  from  one  of  these  poems: 

In  sellem  shane  Deitsche  schtick 
Des  alt  Schulhaus  an  der  Krick. 

are  interesting  as 

showing  that  to  this  writer  too  Dr.Harbaugh  stood  as  a  model  and 

ideal.   One  of  Dr. Mays*  best  and  most  sustained  pieces  is  his 

picture  -  Der  Olt  Mon. 


'  A  Bibliography 
other  ouroes  of  information 
for  the  account  of: 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. IX. 3. 99  ff.  "by  H.W.Kriebel. 
Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. XVII. p. 56 
Town,   and  Country,  Pennsburg,  Pa. 
Veltbote,  Allentown,  Pa. 


Henry  A.  'huler,  born  July  12,  1850,  in  Upper  Milford, 
Lehigh  County,  Pa.  atas  a  strange  character;  an  unuoua :  ly  precocious 
"boy.   There  are  copybooks  3till  extant  containing  expressions 
in  German,  English,  Latin,  Greek,  Hebrew  and  French,  which  he 
copied  at  the  age  of  nine  years.   Early  in  life  he  began  pain- 
fully detailed  accounts  of  his  doings,  of  his  incomes  and  expendi- 
tures, of  his  thoughts  and  his  musings  on  his  doings,  of  outgoes 
and  expenditures;  all  this  he  rewrote  after  new  ponde rings  and 
meditations.   All  this  material  we  possess. 

Far  eleven  years  (1370  -  1881)  he  taught  school, 
then  became  editor  of  the  Friedensbote,  Allentown,  Pa.  until  1893, 
and  from  that  time  to  1903  conducted  the  V/eltbote,  Allentown, 
In  1906  he  assumed  the  editorship  of  the  Pennsylvania  German,  which 
position  he  held  at  the  time  of  his  death,  Jan. 14,  1908.   For  a 
fuller  account  of  his  life,  see  P. G. Vol. IX. March  1903.  99  ff. 

As  a  writer  of  Pennsylvania  German  he  contributed 
occasional  letters  to  all  of  the  papers  he  edited,  occasionally 
a  poem  and  some  spirited  translations;  in  the  dialect  he  gave  a 
third  loase  of  popularity  to  the  rhymes  "V/hen  the  angry  passions 
gathering  in  my  mother's  face  I  see"  which  had  their  second  vogue 
in  the  Hans  Breitman  form.   For  Home's  Manual,  3rd  Edition,  he 
wrote  a  chapter  on  "Zeechaglawa  un  Braucherei"  and  in  1904  during 
his  temporary  retirement  he  compilod-  for  the  Boten  Druckerei  - 
"Unssr  Pennsylvanisch  Deitscher  Kalenner"  for  the  year  1905,  the 
second  calendar  ever  issued  in  the  dialect. 

The  Kalenner • contains  an  introduction^  explains 
the  appearance  of  another  calendar  amid  the  multitude  of  those 
already  existing;  he  intends  it  for  the  thousands  of  Pennsylvania 

Germang  who  lovo  the  beautiful  old  speech  and  hold  it  in  esteem. 
He  guarantees  the  accuracy  of  the  reckoning  -  "Her  stehn  dafor 
dass  sie  recht  is  -  dass  die  Daga  grad  so  long  s'n,  dass  der  ".land 
grad  so  sei  G'sicht  weist  un  versteckelt,  dass  die  Gterne  grad 
so  laafa  und  die  Finschternissa  grad  so  kumma  wies  dart  steht." 
For  each  month  he  has  a  Geburtsdag  Kalenner  as  well  as  an  essay, 
"'.'.'as  no's  iwrig  Gales  a'geht  dart  hen  mer'a  bescht  for  oich 
rausgsucht.   Rezepta  wu  mer  sich  druf  verlossa  kann;  Baurasprich 
wu  aushalta;  stories  wu  interesting  sin  un  wu  mer  lacha  kann 
drivver  bis  em  der  Bauch  weh  dut,  un  viol  annera  Sacha.   Among 
these  merry  tales  are  a  number  of  specimens  which  will  find  their 
place  in  the  anecdote  book  long  projected  by  the  Pennsylvania 
German  Society. 

"Nau  hot  der  Kalenner  mann  sei  kleene  Spietsch  gemacht, 
3r  prowirt  eich  all  zu  pliesa  un  hoft,  ihr  nemmt  sei  Kalenner  so 
gut  uf  dass  er's  neekscht  Johr  widder  kumma  darf  un  alia  Johr 
bis  er  so  alt  werd  wie  der  Redingtauner.   "  '2  war  jo  a  schand, 
warm  unser  leit  net  ihr  egener  Plalenner  ufhalta  kennte."   But  no 
continuation  has  ever  appeared. 

Noteworthy  was  Shuler's   contribution  to  the  contro- 
versy as  to  how  the  dialect  should  be  spelled;  "Mer  schwetza 
deitsch  wie  mer's  vun  der  ^ammi  un  vum  Dadi  gelernt  hen,  un  mer 
schreiwa'S  ah  deitsch,  dass  mer's  arndlich  lesa  kann,  des  heest; 
mer  shpella'a  uf  da  deitscha  '''eg,   wie  sich' 3  gheort." 

The  Pennsylvania  German  Magazine  spoke  of  the  Calendar 
as  follows:  "It  has  come  to  this  that  onr  people  want  even  their 
weather  prognistications  and  signs  of  the  Zodiac  told  in  Pennsyl- 
vania German,  and  so  the  Weltbote  office  has  supplied  the  want. 

There  will  be  more  consultation  of  it  in  certain  parts   than  of 
the  Church  or  cosmopolitan  newspaper  Almanac" 


A  Bibliography 
the  chapter  on 
Walter  James  Hoffman. 

Journal  of  American  Folklore,  Vol.1,  and  Vol.1 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. IV. 171 

Transactions  of  the  American  Philosophical  Society, 
Vol. XXVI  and  Vol. XXXI I. 


Iter  J ai:;ec  Ho? 

"/alter  James  Hoffman  was  born  at  Weidasville, 

Lehigh  County,      ay  30,  1346.   Only  th    Ln  linos  of  his  "busy 
life  can  be  pointed  out.   He  became  a  physician,  served  in  the  Ger- 
man army  during  the  Franco  Prussian  War,  and  was  honored  with  an 
iron  medal  with  the  ribbon  of  non-combatants,  awarded  only  to 
worthy  surgeons  and  Knights  of  St. John. 

On  his  return  to  this  country,  he  was  attached  to 
an  exploring  expedition  of  the  United  States  Army  into  Nevada  and 
Arizona  in  1371;  this  gave  the  final  turn  to  his  life  and  his  sub- 
sequent appointments  were  determined  solely  by  the  opportunity  to 
make  new  studies  of  the  Indian  tribes.   From  the  organization  of 
the  Bureau  of  Ethnology  in  1877  he  was  associated  with  it,  As  an 
illustration  of  his  activity,  the  fact  is  interesting  that,  during 
the  summer  of  1884  he  travelled  11,000  miles  among  the  Indians  in 
the  Northwestern  part  of  the  United  States  and  in  British  Col- 
umbia.  The  publications  of  the  Bureau  bear  abundant  testimony  to 
the  work  he  did  in  Anthropology.  His  talent  in  painting,  drawing 
and  carving  served  him  in  good  stead  in  the  study  of  pictograph- 
ic  writing.   He  was  the  first  white  man  to  be  initiated  intc  the 
secret  rites  of  the  Grand  Iledicine  Society  of  the  Ojibways  of 

During  the  Franco  Prussian  war,  he  invented 
bullet  extractor  which     recommended  by  many  scientific  insti- 
tutions and  adopted  by  the  government  of  Turkey.   B 
he  was  a    '         a  lj    '   .   tt  w        bril         1 

learned  Societies  and  an  Honorary    ber  of    .  more, 
many  foreign  countries  ha  Lng  1        !  ]   and  orde- 

Prom  1S97  until  hi  ath  two  yearn  1  Liter,   he  was  United  States 

Consul  at  "annheim,  another  appointment  to  enabl •  him  to  carry 
on  research  work. 

While  serving  with  the  Prussian  Army  around  Metz 
under  Wilhelm  I.  he  was  struck  by  the  surprising  similarity  between 
many  of  the  dialects  he  heard  and  his  own,  the  Pennsylvania  German, 
and  determined  to  study  his  own.  The  fruitful  results  of  this  stim- 
ulus are  exhibited  in  two  articles  on  Folklore  of  the  Pennsylvania 
Germans* in  the  First  and  Second  Volumes  of  the  Journal  of  American 
Folklore;  an  article, in  the  dialect,  on  'Tales  and  Proverbs"with 
English  translations  of  the  same,  in  the  Second  Volume  6f  the  Jour- 

II  v 

nal  of  American  Folklore;  an  article  on  Folk  1'edicine  in  Volume 
26  of  the  American  Philosophical  Society,  in  the  same  volume  Gram- 
matical  Notes  and  a  Vocabulary  of  over  C-ooo  words,  and  in  the  32nd 
Volume  of  the  same  publication,  an  article  in  the  dialect,  entitled 
"G'schicht  fun  da  Alta  Tsaita  in  Pensilfani". 


Source  of  Information 
the  sketch 
Edward  Hermany. 

Corresponder ce  vr"  t]    member  of  his  family. 


Edward  Hermany. 

In  1895  there  died  in  the  town  where  he  was  horn  - 
Jacksonville,  Lehigh  County,  Pa.   -  a  curious,  eccentric,  old  bach- 
elor schoolmaster,  Edward  Hermany;  his  life  covered  almost  the 
entire  19th  century,  and  during  this  time  he  lived  much  to  himself 
and  kept  his  doings  to  himself. 

Up  to  the  time  of  his  death,  no  human  being  seems 
to  have  known  that  he  had  done  any  work  of  the  kind  that  his  effects 
showed  -  for  among  the  possessions  were  found  a  collection  of  over 
5000  verses  in  Pennsylvania  German,  in  many  of  which  he  has  described, 
often  with  an  almost  brutal  frankness,  characters  only  odder  than 
himself.   My  informant  (a  member  of  the  family)  tells  me  that 
because  of  this  it  is  perhaps  well  these  poems  have  been  withhold 
from  publication  for  upwards  of  a  generation}  the  twentyfour  poems 
in  the  collection  seem  to  have  been  written  between  1S60  and  1672. 

His  brother  Charles,  engineer  of  the  celebrated  water- 
works of  Louisville,  Kentucky  took  charge  of  the  MSS,  intending  to 
publish  them;  he  had  written  an  introduction  on  the  Pennsylvania 
Germans  and  on  the  poems  of  his  brother  when  death  came  to  him  too, 
and  the  MSS  again  found  their  way  back  to  Jacksonville,  Pa.,  into 
the  hands  of  another  brother. 

The  poem$ seemfe  to  take  in  the  complete  round  of  life! 
the  first  one  is  the  metrical  preface  -  Furnahahr  -  the  last  one  - 
Lebensmude  -j  between  them  are  "Der  Dorraday  ihr  Huchdsich",  "Die 
Yuggeles  Leicht?;  'Swerd  evva  30  3y  sulla"  is  probably  not  so  op- 
timistic as  it  looks.   Of  his  sketches  -  "Die  Olid  Eluddshawl"- 
which  may  be  rendered  the  old  baldheaded  wench,  "Der  Olid  Xnucha 
Fritz','  "D'r  Porra  Tiddle"  are  probably  characteristic.   "D'r  Cchtodd 


Ongle  im  Boosh"  is  a  familiar  subject.   "Wie  die  Ollda  Koch  d'r 
'Hyo  Sintt  -  records  a  chapter  in  the  early  migration  to  the  West. 
Another  subject  that  lent  itself  to  his  satire,  he  has  portrayed  in 
"Kerch  un  Shoodelmetsch" .   In  more  genial  vain  he  writes,  "Foon 
d'r  Hoyet"  "Foon  d'r  Ahrn"  "Foom  Lodwerk  KuchaV  all  well  worn 
subjects  of  the  dialect  writers. 

Although  the  MSS  is  now  in  the  region  I  canvassed 
a  year  ago,  I  heard  not  a  word  of  it.   If  the  possessors,  his 
relatives,  have  any  of  hi3  peculiarities,  any  use  of  the  mails  for 
eliciting  information  might  shut  off  all  future  sources.   The  know- 
ledge I  now  have  comes  from  Ohio,  and  I  believe  it  best  to  be  sat- 
isfied with  this  for  the  present,  until  the  case  can  be  handled 
personally.   The  prospect  of  regaining  or  losing  over  five  thousand 
verses  demands  that  one  proceed  with  care. 


Sources  of  Information 
for  the  chapter  on 



Pennsylvania  German  Magazine 


'  .  .  -1  8]  an. 

"Saw  a  copy  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  ilagazine 
at  the  home  of  a  friend,  borrowed  it,  read  it,  had  many  pleasant 
memories  suggested  by  it  and  desired  to  say  a  few  good  things  about 
them  out  of  love  and  respect  fer  our  people"  -  this  is  the  story 
of  how  another  Pennsylvania  German  who  had  wandered  away  from  the 
old  settlements,  came  to  give  us  a  number  of  selections  in  verse. 

Edgar  Mover  Eshelman  was  born  at  Topton,  Berks  Coun- 
ty, Pa.  July  14,  1872  of  stoc>  that  had  come  to  this  country  before 
the  Revolution.   His  youth  was  spent  in  the  Pennsylvania  German 
region  of  the  state,  but  having  become  a  bookbinder  his  interests 
took  him  away,  and  after  undertaking  work  in  various  cities  and 
service  in  the  hospital  corps  during  the  Spanish  American  War,  he 
located  in  "Washington,  S.C.  where  he  is  employed  in  the  Government 
Printing  Office. 

n    'S  New  Fogel  Haus"  he  wrote  because  he  wished  to  be 
classed  as  a  lover  of  birds:  "My  Aldty  GeikM  celebrates  the  favor- 
ite musical  instrument  of  the  family,  his  father  having  been 
teacher  of  the  violin  -  M  '5  alt  Rchwimloch'1  may  be  compared  with 
similar  poetic  treatment  of  the  same  class  by  James  V.'hitcomb  Riley 
and  others;  "Sclinitzpei"  celebrates  awdish  his  mother  used  to  make" 
which  only  Pennsylvania  Germans  can  prepare  to  suit  his  taste: 

Ich  wees  en  Madel  -  gleicht  mich  gut, 

Sie  wohnt  net  weit  aweck, 
Sie  is  ah  herrlich  schmart  un  gut 

Un  siess  wie  Zuckerschleck. 
Doch  meind  -  eb  sie  mich  heira  dut 

Ks  kann  net  annerscht  sei  - 
So  muss  sie  backe  kenna  -  heerscht? 

En  rechter  guter  Schnitz  Pei. 


In  lively  fashion  he  tells  the  story  of  "Der  Fer- 
lore  Gaul"  a  new  version  of  the  "absent  minded  Professor"  but  this 
tine  based  on  fact; 

Hoscht  du  shun  g'heert  vurc  Jakey  Schmitt, 

Versgesslich,  bees  un  grob? 
"  .u  is  mei  Brill?"  kreischt  er,  sucht  rum 

Un  -  hot  sie  uf 'm  Kop! 

Villeicht  hoscht  ah  die  Schtory  g'heert 

Vuiri  Jake  seim  Weissa  Gaul. 
Hoscht  net?  Dann  harchl  Ich  sag  der's  garn  - 

Leit  wissa's  iwerall. 

Schmitt  inspired  by  the  notion  that  he  had  left  his 
horse  in  town,  goes  to  the  barn,  saddles  his  horse  and  galloping 
down  the  pike  draws  up  before  the  hotel  porch  - 

"'.Vohln  ruft  der  Jake.   wIch  sag  der,  wohJ 

So  geht  *m  Schmitt  sei  Maul: 
"Hen  ihr  nix  g' senna,  Buwa,  vun 

Teim  alta  weissa  Gaul?" 

Jetzt  hen  sie  g'lachtJ  Deel  falla  um 

Un  schtehna  net  grad  uf . 
Sie  gehn  schier  doot  -  dann  kreischt  mol  Eens: 
"Ei,  Jake,  du  hokscht  jo  druf !" 

The  best  of  his  serious  poems  "Juscht  en  Deppich" 

he  has  written  to  Eulogize  one  of  the  loveliest  of  grandmothers  of 

the  oldfashioned  kind.   "The  favorite  pastime  of  her  later  years 

was  the  piecing  of  quilt3  of  various  well  known  designs;  it  was 

a  labor  of  love  -  ^feA   of  her  large  'freundschaft '  ha  J  one„  ctl  ]uorC 

of  hor  home  made  quilts,  the  making  of  which  consumed  many  precious 

hours.   Nowadays  it  is  considered  a  waste  of  time.   It  is  a  relief 

to  recall  her  simple  ways,  manners,  dress,  In  contrast  with  modern 

showy  artificial  life.   Her  needs  were  few.   Contentment  was  her 

lot ;  her  life  was  one  of  Christian  womanhood  and  I  shall  always 

cherish  her  memory." 


'  S  is  juscht  en  commoner  Deppioh  -  eeh! 
En  quilt  alt  Fashion  -  aver  acheo. 
Was  scheckig  guckt's!  Die  Patches  fei1 
Die  acheina  Schpot johrsbletter  zu  sei. 
Hoscht  du  die  Scheeheet  schun  betracht 
Vun  so  ma  Deppich,  heemgemacht? 

So  scheona  Placka,  gross  un  klee' 

Di^  Farwa  all  in  Roia  schteh; 
Drei  -  un  viereckig,  lang  un  karz, 
En  jeder  grad  am  rechta  Platz. 
Alles  in  Ordnung  zamma  g'neht; 
Juacht  druf  zii  gucka  is  en  Freed. 
#        #         *       * 

Sie  hot  als  Nama  for  sie  g'hat: 
Do  ia  en  grosses  "Eecheblatt" 
En  "Sunnadeppich"  lang  un  breet  - 
Paar  dausent  Patches  zamma  g'neht. 
So  darrich  nanner  geht  der  do, 
Sel  ia  der  "Ewig  Jager"  no. 

En  "Bettelmann"  ia  ah  dabei, 
Un  seller  soil  "Log  Cabin"  aei; 
En  "Siwaschtern"  gar  wunnerschee, 
En  "Gansfuss"  un  en  "Backaschtee" 
Sie  hot  gemacht  en  hunnert  schier, 
Des  war  der  Grandmam  ihr  Plessier. 
-::-         #  «•         * 

Sie  hot  net  juscht  an  sich  gedenkjbj 

Die  ganz  Freindschaft  hot  sie  beachenkt. 

Wer  in  die  Freindschaft  kumma  is, 

Der  muss  en  Deppich  hawa  gewiss. 

Die  Grandmam  sagt:  M  'S  kummt  handig  nei 

Die  Kinner  missa  warem  sei'". 

Sie  schafft  die  Schtunna  fleissig  weg; 

En  nitzlich  Lewa,  hocher  Zweck. 

Guck  mol  ihr  G'sicht,  wie  fromm  un  mild  ■ 

Nau,  is  sel  net  en  scheenes  Bild? 

0,  halt  in  Ehr  un  Dankbarkeit 

So  guta,  fleissige,  alt-fashioned  Leit! 

Jetzt  is  die  Grandmam  nirme  do; 
Sacht  schloft  sie  unner'm  Himmelsblo. 
Ihr  Hand  sin  nau  zur  Ruh  gebracht, 
Ihr  letschter  Deppich  hot  sie  g'macht. 
Ihr  Lewa  christlich,  herrlich,  siess  - 
So'n  Seel,  die  geht  in's  Paradies. 


A  Bibliography 
Other   sources  of  information 
for  the  article  on 
Ezra  Grumbine . 
Biographical  History  of  Lebanon  County&  Chicago,  1904. 
Correspondence  with  Xr. Grumbine. 

Der  Inshurance  Agent.   Dramolet.  Lebanon.  No  date. 
Interviews  with  his  friends. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society.   Vol. Ill . 
Publications  of  the  Lebanon  County  Historical  Society. 
Newspaper  Clippings. 
Stories  of  Old  Stumpstown.  Lebanon,  1910. 


Ezra  Grumbine. 

Dr.  Ezra  Grumbine  is  of  the  fifth  generation  in  line 
of  descent  from  Leonhart  Krumbein,  who  came  to  this  country  in 
1754  from  the  Palatinate  and  settled  in  Lebanon  County,  Pennsylvania . 
In  that  same  county  several  branches  of  the  family  have  continued  to 
reside  until  the  present  time. 

Dr. Ezra  Grumbine,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  was 

born  in  Fredericksburg  on  February  1,  1845  and  except  for  the  time 

spent  in  the  study  of  medicine  has  been  a  resident  of  the  county. 

For  this  reason  and  especially  because  as  a  general  practitioner 

of  medicine,  he  has  never  failed  to  give  his  services  cheerfully 

to  the  unfortunates  who  were  suffering  with  bodily  ailments,  and 

because  he  has  never  allowed  his  own  comfort  or  convenience  to 

count  when  any  one  thought  that  he  could  be  of  help  to  them,  he  is 

loved  and  honored  by  his  fellow  citizens.   Indeed,  the  only  negative 

note  that  has  ever  been  heard  from  him  in  cases  where  his  profession- 

al  aid  has  been  desired,  has  been  in  the  shape  of  somo  verses  on 

the  intolerable  condition  of  the  road3  which  he  was  obliged  to 


"Both  horse  and  cart  in  every  mile 
Are  splashed  from  mane  to  tire, 
And  the  driver  utters  words  of  guile 
As  the  wheels  swish  through  the  mire. 

"And  when  the  darkness  settles  down 
Upon  the  sodden  earth, 
The  trav'ler  asks  with  scowl  and  frown 
'Is  life  the  living  worth?'  " 

His  early  education  he  received  in  the  public  schools 
of  his  native  village,  at  the  Lebanon  Valley  Institute,  Annville,  and 
at  Dickinson  Seminary,  Williamsport.   After  this  he  taught  school, 
read  medicine  and  finally  graduated  from  the  University  of  Penn- 
sylvania as  a  Doctor  of  Medicine  in  1868.   Besides  taking  a  lively 

interest  in  his  profession,  being  a  member  of  the  County  and  State 


Medical  Societies  and  standing  in  the  fore  front  of  successful 
practitioners,  he  has  found  time  to  evince  his  capacity  for  business 
by  organizing  a  bank,  and  under  his   presidency  -  an  office  which 
he  still  holds  -  making  it  one  of  the  strongest  financial  insti- 
tutions in  the  Lebanon  Valley. 

"To  rhyme  and  to  scribble"  -  those  are  his  words  - 
are  his  pastimes  and  for  these  he  modestly  offers  the  excuse  that 
it"runs  in  the  family'.'   His  great  grandfather,  reter  Fuehrer,  wrote 
verses  in  German;  his  brother  Lee  Light  Grumbine  wrote  a  book  of 
Pennsylvania  German  poems;  while  his  son,  Harvey  Carson  Grumbine, 
Professor  of  English  at  the  University  of  Wooster,  Ohio,  has  pub- 
lished a  small  volume  of  poetry.   Grumbine's  own  efforts  began  when 
he  was  about  fourteen  years  of  age,  with  amatory  verses  for  his 
fellow  pupils  in  school.   Among  the  earliest  of  his  dialect  poems 
is  one  "Ich  wot  ich  ""aer  en  Bauer','  which  like  Henninger's  later 
song  "Des  Fahra  in  der  Train"  was  written  to  the  tune  of  "Michael 
Schneider's  Party".   Grumbine's  poem  has  been  sung  to  the  accompani- 
ment of  the  parlor  organ  at  social  gatherings  on  the  Swatara,  on 
the  Quittaphilla,  and  on  the  Tulpehocken.   Others  of  his  compositions 
have  been  recited  at  rural  spelling  schools,  and  debating  societies 
all  over  Eastern  and  Central  Pennsylvania.   It  appeared  also  in 
the  papers  of  other  counties  than  his  own  -  in  the  Reading  Times, 
in  the  Mauch  Chunk  Democrat,  etc.   Rauch-"Pit  Schweff elbrenner? 
pronounced  his  "  'S  Unnersht  'S  Eversht  Landt"  a  "gem".   More  than 
one  of  his  productions  have  attracted  the  attention  of  the  Metro- 
politan Press,  including  the  Philadelphia  Inquirer  and  the  New  York 
Recorder,  which  later  published  his  "Klag-liod"  with  three  English 
versions . 


Before  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  of  which  or- 
ganizations he  was  one  of  the  founders,  he  read  a  poem  -  "Der  Prahl- 
hans"-  facetiously  named  "An  Epic  of  the  War  of  1812".   It  tells  the 
stcry,  based  on  fact,  of  a  certain  well  known  character,  who,  when 
forces  were  being  raised  for  the  defense  of  Baltimore  during  the 
War  of  1812,  aimed  single  handed  to  put  the  entire  British  army  to 
rout,  but  before  he  got  within  a  hundred  miles  of  the  enemy  de- 
cided it  was  safer  at  home. 

As  to  the  quality  of  his  verse,  he  has  disarmed 
criticism  by  the  story  he  tells  of  the  thirty  cent  machine  he 
bought  on  which  he  turns  it  out.   Yet  his  modesty  on  this  point 
must  not  be  taken  too  seriously-  he  does  not  venture  beyond  the  prope: 
range  of  subjects  for  dialect  verse  and  there  is  little  that  could 
be  designated  artificial.   The  following  stanza  for  instance 
from  "En  Gluck  voll  Bieplin"-  in  which  a  Pennsylvania  German  boy 
goes  to  see  the  newly  hatched  chicks,  copies  only  nature: 

Gluck  Gluck,  Gluck  Gluck J  du  liewer  Grund! 

V/as  biescht  du  doch  so  bees! 
Efaltigs  dhier!  Ich  hab  30  gar 

Nix  gega  dich,  Gott  weessJ 

Much  of  his  verse  is  parody,  but  not  always  pure 

parody.   His  "Mary  and  her  Little  Lamb"  is  a  satire  on  some  facts 

in  our  educational  system.   Others  are  versions,  either  translations 

as  of  Nadler's  "  'S  Bott  Alles  Fix"  or  approaching  translations  as 

Ralph  Hoyt's  "A  World  for  Sale"   which  he  has  rendered  in  masterful 


"0,  yes'  0  yes  J  Now  harcht  amol, 

Un  kommt  jetz  bei,  ihr  liewa  Leit, 
Ihr  all  wu  wolfel  kawfa  wollt 

Kommt  bei,  for  do  is  fendu  heit! 

Die  Welt  is  'us  mit  Schlechts  un  Goots, 

Der  Groyer  nemmt  ke  falsch  Gabut; 


Die  Welt  mucs  fort,  sie  werdt  ferkawft, 
Mit  Glftck  un  Elendt,  Ehr  un  Schpott! 

One  of  his  tenderest  poems  "Der  Alt  Busch  Doktor7 

suggested  by  one  of  Will  Carleton's,  might  be  interpreted  as  a  sort 

of  commentary  on  his  own  life.   Even  here,  at  this  saddest  of 

scenes,  the  funeral  of  the  good  old  doctor  who  has  helped  so  many, 

and  was  always  willing,  his  playful  satire  crops  out  in  at  least 

one  stanza: 

Aer  cured  en  moncher  Patient 
Un  shtellt  ihn  richtig  haer,- 
Don  wor's  yo  Gottes  '.'.'ilia, 
Un  der  Herr  der  grickt  de  EhrJ 
Is  fn  Gronkes  awer  g'schtorwa, 
Un  der  Doat  gawinnt  der  Fecht 
Don  blamed  mer  evva  der  Dokter 
Un  shellt  ihn  dumm  un  schlecht. 

A  Republican  by  party  allegiance,  he  did  not  fail  to 
see  the  humorous  contrast  between  Teddy's  great  "Noise"  before,  and 
his  great  Silence'  after  the  last  ele-tion  and  he  has  incorporated 
his  thoughts  in  two  poems  "Before'*  and  "After"  in  the  metre  of 
Longfellow's  "Excelsior".   It  should  be  mentioned  that  in  his 
"Stories  of  Old  Stumpstown"  (Lebanon  County  Historical  Society  Pub- 
lications, Vol.V.)  he  has  preserved  some  Pennsylvania  German  politi- 
cal rhymes  from  the  time  when  Buchanan  was  running  for  the  Presi- 

As  one  of  the  organizers  and  an  enthusiastic  member 
of  the  Lebanon  County  Historical  Society,  he  has  prepared  for  its 
publications  a  ponograph  on  the  "Folklore  and  Superstitious  Beliefs 
of  Lebanon  County"  (Vol. III. No  9.)   As  a  trusted  physician  he  has 
had  rare  opportunities  to  get  close  to  the  "Volk"   and  to  learn 
what  they  believe  in  their  heart.   In  this  same  monograph  he  has 
a  collection  of  proverbs  and  sayings,  containing  a  number  that  have 

been  nowhere  else  recorded:  and  some  counting  out  rhymes. 

Yet  perhaps  his  most  important  work  as  a  writer  is 
that  in  which  he  has  engaged  in  the  last  fifteen  years  -  the  writing 
of  the  letters  -  first  for  the  Lebanon  Report  (at  one  tine  owned 
by  his  brother  Lee  Light  Grumbine)  and  later  upon  the  death  of  MDer 
Alt  Schulmeeschter"  (J. J. Light)  for  the  Lebanon  Daily  and  Semiweekly 
News,  (widely  copied  by  other .papers )  over  the  signature  Hon. Wen- 
dell Kitzmiller:  in  those  letters  he  has  been  engaged  for  the  most 
part  in  laughing  out  of  existence  the  follies  and  foibles  of  his 
fellow  men.   "Ridens  dicere  verum" .   Laughingly  telling  the  Penn- 
sylvania Germans  the  truth.   And  although  this  laughter  is  generally 
that  of  the  genial  satirist,  he  can  occasionally  be  sharp  and  cutting 
when  he  thinks  there  is  sufficient  provocation. 

There  follow  a  few  extracts  culled  from  his  letters, 
which  may  be  considered  characteristic.   He  advises  all,  but  pol- 
iticians in  particular:  "Schtail,  note  brauchst  nimme  schaffe,  un 
so  long  as  d'uf  en  lawfuller  waig  schtaileht,  kummscht  aw  net  in  die 

He  is  of  course  speaking  out  of  his  own  experience 
when  on  one  occasion  he  writes  of  a  strange  case  of  illness  of  a 
little  child,  that  baffled  all  the  doctors  of  a  certain  species. 
wUn  dael  eawga  nuch  gawr  es  waer  ferhext.   Sie  hen  schun  aentzig- 
ebbes  gabroveert  awwer  es  will  olles  nix  botta.   Im  aerschta  blotz 
hen  se  mol  die  oldt  Ducktor  Eetz  g'hot,  un  de  hut  olles  gedu  was 
sie  gewisst  hut.   Sie  hut  em  gebraucht  for  de  Gchweining  mol  for's 
aerscht,  un  note  hut  sie  don  gebraucht  on  Mond  wie  er  or.  zunemma 
war  awwer  do  war  nix.   Des  glae  is  evva  als  weniger  worra." 

He  has  this  comment  on  those  who  at  religious  camp- 


meeting  rise  to  make  confession  wEs  is  a  wenig  en  kitzlich  ding  so 
for  da  bakonnta  uf  tzu  schtae  in  ra  Chrischtlicha  Fersomlung  un  en 
loud  gebait  mocha  fore  Leit  as  aem  sei  bisness  schtraich  auswennich 

He  offers  the  above  half  playful  excuse  for  not  him- 
self having  made  a  public  profession.   But  genuine  wrath  intervenes 
when  he  threatens  to  withdraw  from  the  Hardshell  Church  and  start 
one  of  his  own  and  become  himself  its  preacher  and  treasurer.   He 
complains  that  although  it  was  for  no  less  reason  than  a  failure  of 
crops  and  failure  of  a  bank  in  which  he  had  money,  that  he  could  not 
make  his  annual  contribution,  yet  he  was  from  that  time  on  "Der 
Oldt  Kitzmiller"  and  "Der  Fersuffa  Kitzmiller".   "Now  so  long  as 
Ich  bully  gut  bezawlt  hob  won  sie  sin  rum  for  collecta  do  waescht 
war  ich  der  Eruder  Kitzmiller j  des  war  Bruder  hie  in  Bruder  haer, 
un  won  ich  aw  don  un  won  t/f  en  souf  spree  bin  konma,-  do  is  nix 
g'sawd  worra,  so  long  as  ich  tzu  da  dootzend  un  drei  dinga  batzawlt 
hob  as  mir  de  awga  ivver  g' luff a  sin".   He  makes  merry  at  the  expense 
of  the  preachers  and  their  attempts  to  explain  difficult  passages. 

His  contribution  to  academic  lore  may  fitly  close 
the  series  of  illustrations.   Along  with  satire  on  extravaganz  es  in 
religious  practice,  this  may  be  said  to  constitute  for  the  folk  of 
which  we  are  writing,  the  higher  criticism  of  social  conditions. 
The  Pennsylvania  German  farmers  sent  their  sons  in  great  numbers  to 
college.   'Alien  those  not  infrequently  at  the  end  of  the  year  came 
back  with  long  hair  and  idyllic  notions  of  loafing  under  shady  trees, 
while  father  and  mother,  and  younger  brothers  and  sisters  did  the 
work,  but  were  ever  ready  with  suggestions  as  to  how  things  should 
be  done,  and  were  full  of  superficial  knowledge  of  the  causes  of 


things   and  ever  willing  to  air  the  same,  the  Satirist  had  a  proper 
subject  for  work.   There  are  extant  no  end  of  stories  of  farme" 
boys  who  thus  came  home  and  had  not  only  forgotten  to  work,  but 
had  even  forgotten  the  names  of  the  commonest  tools  and  implements, 
etc    While  these  conditions  prevailed  perhaps  to  an  equal  degree 
in  other  American  rural  communities,  yet  there  is  this  difference, 
the  Pennsylvania  German  satirist  stayed  at  home  and  labored  among 
his  own  people,  and  so  his  satire  strikes  home. 

He  heads  his  article  as  follows:  "Wendell  Kitzmiller 
goes  on  the  new  trolley  road  from  Lebanon  to  Schaefferstown."  It 
was  a  balky  car  -  A  college  man  explains  volts,  ohms,  microbes  and 
feverbugs.   (This  will  at  the  same  time  show  where  the  dialect 
stands  in  relation  to  a  scientific  and  technical  vocabulary)  Sud- 
denly the  car  stopped.   "Eb  het  aw  nemond  ous  g'funna  was  de  oor' 
sach  war  fun  der  balkerei  won  net  *n  dakolletschter  Karl  druf 
waer  g'west  uf  fm  car.   Well  henyah,  aer  hut  g'sawd,  secht  er  'So 
weit  as  ich  saena  konn  sin's  die  -  entwedders  de  ohms  odder  de  volts. 
'Was  sin  sell'  hut  *n  oldter  Schaeff erschtedtler  Shoolmaeschter 
g'frogt  os  uf 'm  hameweg  war  fum  a  Deestrick  Institoot.   'Wy  de  ohms 
un  de  volts  sin  dinga  os  uf  der  same  waeg  schoffa.   Waescht  sie 
kumma  in  die  wires  nei  ollagabut,  un  dort  shpeela  sie  der  Deifel 
monnich  mol.   Note  gebts  was  mer  en  resistance  haest,  ebbes  as  es 
ding  fershtuppt,  uf'n  waeg  as  we'n  lot  ohla  die  Schnitzkrick  Wasser- 
peife  ferschtuppt  hen,  saen  dir?  Of  course  die  ohms  sin  net  so 
!rross  as  wie  en  ohl  awwer  sie  gucka  schier  so,  $uscht  feel  glenner 
so  sella  waeg.   Sie  sin  so  gla  as  wie  '.likrobes,  die  glaena  Keffer, 
die  Fever  Bugs,  waescht,  woos  titefut  fever  mache  un  newmony  un 
en  g'schleer  (uf  em  Baertzel),  un  so.   Of  course,  ich  selwer  hob 


nie  kenny  g'saena.   M'r  kon  se  net  caena  oony  so  'n  rohr,  en  telly- 
scope  oder  nitroschope  we  m'r  secht.   Ich   "aes  de  hocha  wordta 
nimmy  recht.   Ich  hob  so  es  menscht  football  g'shteert.1   'Un  i3 
sell  now  die  oorsach'  hut  der  Chim  Kichman  g'frogt.   'Wy  sell  is 
orrig  interesting  so  ebbes  tsu  wissa.   Well  now'.1  " 

Even  in  the  latest  social  discussions,  Grumbine's 
playfully  serious  note  may  be  heard.   The  present  writer  recalls  an 
incident  of  last,  when  certain  classes  were  very  anxious  to 
know  whether  the  daughter  of  one  of  our  ex  Presidents  indulged  in 
cigarettes,   In  answer,  our  author  presented  us  with  an  amusing  skit 
of  a  Woman's  Club  meeting,  embodying  resolutions  offered  by  the  pros 
and  cons  in  favor  of  and  against   twenty  cent  women's  clubs  minding 
their  own  and  other  people's  business. 

His  true  catholicity  of  opinion  appears  in  sayings 
like  that  to  Sara  Jane  "Mer  kon  ebmols  ebbes  lerna  even  fun  Schtadt- 
leit,  un  even  fun  Leit  wu  mer  maent  sin  nuch  dummer  wie  die  Hawsa 
Barricker."   His  writings  are  a  faithful  reflex  of  opinions  he  has 
found  to  prevail,  of  beliefs  and  customs  he  knows  thoroughly,  and 
from  his  homely  philosophy  might  be  culled  many  a  proverb  and  old 
saw  which  he  has  all  unconsciously  interwoven  into  his  stories 
without  even  having  incorporated  them  in   the  collection  he  has 
made.   He  has  frequently  been  urged  by  his  friends  to  publish  a 
collection  of  his  letters  in  book  form,  as  several  other  writers 
of  such  literature  have  done,  but  he  still  stands  aloof. 

Finally  he  has  written  a  little  play.  "Die  Inshurance 
Business"  -  that  has  been  on  the  boards  in  many  a  town  hall  or 
crossroads  schoolhouse. 

A  winter  evening  scone  in  a  country  farm  house  pre- 

serits  the  old  farmer,  plaiting  a  corn  husk  mat  and.  discussing  the 
price  of  farm  products  and  the  disposal  of  the  receipts  of  the  days ' 
sale.   Mother  wants  them  for  a  new  dresc  for  the  daughter  who  has 
a  beau,  the  sons  insist  they  need  new  books  for  school  -  a  neighbor- 
one  who  has  a  mortgage  on  their  farm  -  drops  in  and    the  old  folks 
agree  that  the  old  tines  were  best,  when  in  the  schools  all  learned 
reading,  while  those  who  wanted  to  study  writing  and  arithmetic, 
could  do  so,  with  no  consequent  humiliation  for  those  who  stopped 
at  reading.   In  those  days  whiskey  was  cheap  and  there  was  no  talk 
of  putting  it  away  by  vote.   Granny  has  a  heavy  cold  and  talks 
chiefly  about  her  health.   One  by  one,  Granny  and  the  youngsters 
are  packed  off  to  bed,  the  neighbor  delivers  his  message  that  he 
must  have  money  or  he  will  foreclose,  and  leaves  just  in  time  for 
Sally  to  receive  her  bgau,  a  clork  in  the  store,  who  comes  when  the 
shop  closes. 

The  Insurance  scamp  persuades  the  farmer  to  insure 
Granny,  the  agent  paying  the  dues,  taking  a  judgment  note  on  the 
farmer,  the  profits  to  be  divided.   Meanwhile  they  change  Granny's 
baptismal  certificate  so  as  to  be  able  to  establish  her  eligibility. 

Two  years  have  passed,  the  insurance  agent  needing 
more  and  more  dues  to  meet  assessments,  the  farmer  loth  to  drop  his 
policies  and  thus  to  lose  what  he  has  paid  in.   "hey  agree  to  give 
Granny  something  that  will  put  her  to  sleep.   The  farmer,  long  in 
a  frame  of  mind  that  has  caused  the  neighbors  to  remark,  goes  to 
store  for  rat  poison:  the  clerk  gives  him  Plaster  of  -i-'aris  instead, 
and  at  night  hastens  to  tell  his  sweetheart  his  suspicions.   She 
objects  that  Granny  is  too  old  to  be  insured:  they  look  up  the  cer- 
tificate and  discover  the  forgery. 

In  the  final  scene  these  two  enter  the  sitting  room  as  the 
agent  pours  the  powder  into  the  hoarhound  tea  Granny  takes  each 
evening;  one  of  the  boys  has  a  cold  and  decides  he  wants  some  of 
Granny's  tea  and  drinks  of  it  before  the   father  can  stop  him. 
Father  raves  because  he  thinks  his  son  is  poisoned.   The  clerk 
relieves  the  situation  by  explaining  that  it  is  harmless  stuff;  then 
at  the  point  of  his  pistol  he  recovers  the  policies,  tears  them  up, 
bids  th*  agent  leave  the  county  nor  return  on  pain  of  being  indicted 
for  attempted  murder,  then  announces  that  he  has  received  an  inher- 
itance which  will  enable  him  to  pay  off  the  mortgage  and  that  he 
and  Sally  will,  with  the  father's  consent  relieve  him  of  the  cares 
of  life  by  themselves  taking  over  the  farm.   While  Granny  pours 
her  blessing  over  the  couple,  the  curtain  falls. 

Thus  ends  what  is  the  only  original  play  in  the  dialect 
one  that,  with  the  exception  of  the  near  tragic  element  of  the  plot- 
which  I  am  inclined  to  doubt  -  is  from  beginning  to  end,  replete 
with  pictures  from  the  life  of  the  folk,  the  faithfulness  of  which 
no  one  who  knows  a  Pennsylvania  German  farm  house,  would  presume 
to  deny. 


Sourc~s  of  Information 
for  the  chapter  on 
Thomas  H.Harter. 


Pennsylvania  German  Magazine. 


Thoraaa  H.Harter. 

Just  as  In  the  last  generation,  Peregrine  Pickle, 
Petroleum  V.Naseby,  Max  Adeler  and  other,  and  in  our  own  day- 
George  Ade  and  "r.Dooley  first  wrote  sketchos  for  their  respective 
newspapers,  next  were  paid  the  compliment  of  being  copied  by  other 
papers  and  finally  were  encouraged  to  issue  their  productions  in 
book  form  -  so  did  a  number  of  Pennsylvania  German  writers  come  to 
be  publishers  of  works  in  the  dialect.   One  such  Pennsylvania  Ger- 
man dialect  writer  is  Thomas  H.Harter  of  Bellefonte,  Center  County, 
Pa  and  his  book  "Boonastiel?  named  from  "Gottlieb  Boonastiel"  the 
pseudonym  of  the  author,  is  about  to  appear  in  its  third  edition, 
two  editions  of  3,000  copies  each  of  the  years  1904  and  1906  having 
been  sold. 

In  addition  to  this,  the  entire  book  is  appearing, 
letter  by  letter,  in  Harter's  paper,  the  Keystone  Gazette,  since 
June  of  this  year,  the  author  having  yielded  to  the  pressure  of 
his  readers  who,  if  they  could  not  have  new  letters,  wanted  the 
old  ones  over  again,  many  of  which  having  been  written  a  quarter 
of  a  century  ago,  are  really  new  to  those  of  his  readers  who  do 
not  possess  the  book.   Besides  thi3,  no  less  than  twenty  five 
newspapers  in  Pennsylvania  and  Ohio,  having  wished  to  give  their 
readers  the  same  articles,  entered  into  negotiations  with  the 
author  for  copyright  privileges  -  to  all  of  which  Harter  has 
given  the  same  free  of  charge,  while  a3  many  more  papers,  cutting 
off  the  head  and  tail  to  disguise  them  and  escape  detection,  are 
publishing  the  same  clandestinely  without  the  consent  of  the  author. 

This  popularity  of  the  work  is  of  course  due  to  the 
complete  inside  knowledge,  which  the  author  possesses,  of  the 

character  of  the  people  whose  peculiarities  and  eccentricities  he 
describe^ ;  how  he  come3  to  this  knowledge  will  be  apparent;  he  wa3 
born  on  a  farm  near  Aaronsburg,  Center  County,  Pa.,  May  28,  1854, 
the  eleventh  child  in  a  family  of  eight  boys  and  four  girls.   Until 
fifteen  years  of  age,  he  worked  on  the  farm;  up  to  the  age  of 
twelve  he  could  neither  speak  nor  understand  English;  when  he  was 
fifteen  his  father  moved  to  the  small  town  and  then  the  subject 
of  this  sketch  attended  school  in  winter  and  was  sent  to  work  on 
the  farm  in  summer. 

Sent  to  Ohio  to  learn  the  tanner's  trade,  he  saved 
enough  money  to  enable  him  to  attend  the  Smithville  Ohio  Normal 
School  for  two  terms.   After  this  he  returned  to  his  home  in  1872 
and  learned  the  printer's  trade  in  the  office  of  the  Center  Hall 
Reporter;  it  was  during  this  time  that  he  read  all  of  Shakespeare 
with  his  mother,  translating  it  into  the  dialect  for  her  as  he 
proceeded.   Two  ten  s  at  an  Academy  (Springs  Mills)  completed  hi3 
schooling,  and  then  in  1876,  May  1,  at  the  age  of  22  he  started 
out  for  himself  as  editor  and  owner  of  the  Nevada  (Ohio)  Enterprise, 
which  he  conducted  for  seven  years,  whereupon  he  purchased  the 
Middleburgh  (Pa)  Post  in  1882. 

As  editor  of  a  county  paper  in  Pennsylvania  he 
naturally  knew  of  the  git  Schwoffelbrenner  letters  which  Rauch 
had  made  famous  or  which  had  made  Rauch  famous;  he  began  to  look 
over  these  letters  in  his  exchanges,  and  then  for  personal  amuse- 
ment, he  began  to  hand  out  some  of  his  own  "fun  and  filosofy"  in 
the  shape  of  occasional  letters  under  the  heading  of  "Brief  Fum 
Hawsa  Barrick"  addressed  to  himself  as  "Liewer  Kernal  Harder"  and 
signed  "Gottlieb  Boonastiel" 


He  had  reckoned  without  his  host;  his  readers  clamored 
to  have  them  regularly  and  threatened  to  drop  off  his  subscription 
list  unless  he  acceded  to  their  requests.   When,  after  twelve  years, 
he  sold  this  paper  and  bought  the  Keystone  Gazette  at  Belief onte, 
he  continued  the  letters.   In  1904  he   made  a  selection  from  his 
large  collection  and  issued  them  in  book  form;  as  intimated  above 
he  is  no  longer  writing  new  articles  and  he  gives  me  two  reasons: 
that  he  has  no  time,  and  that  he  is  pumped  out  of  original  ideas; 
those  who  know  him  however,  are  not  ready  to  admit  that  the  well- 
spring  of  good  humor  whence  these  letters  sprung  has  run  dry:  the 
fact  is,  that  what  with  his  business  and  political  interests, 
serving  as  postmaste -  of  his  city,  hunting  big  game  and  attending 
to  his  numerous  interests  his  time  is  fully  occupied  and  he  need 
not  write  new  letters,  for,  to  the  present  generation  of  his  readers 
who  do  not  possess  his  book  the  old  letters  are  really  new  -  a 
proof  at  the   same  time  that  his  productions  are  filled  with  a 
freshness  that  does  not  at  once  grow  old. 

The  criticism  has  often  been  made  that  many  (critics 
have  usually  said  all)   of  the  newspaper  letters  in  the  dialect 
were  characterized  by  a  certain  tendency  toward  the  vulgar  or 
the  profane  and  catered  to  a  depraved  taste.   The  time  has  come 
for  a  distinction  between  letters  and  letters,  and  of  those  which 
will,  and  deservedly  will  survive  i3  this  volume  of  mild  satire; 
privileged  to  tell  plain  and  disagreeable  truths  to  his  own  people, 
and  being  guaranteed  an  audience  because  he  continued  to  love  them 
even  when  he  chastened  them,  he  has  already  accomplished  the  two 
purposes  he  avows  in  the  preface  to  his  book;  1.  To  assist  in  per- 
petuating the  memory  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans,  and  2.  By  the 

combination  of  fun  and  Philosophy,  characteristic  of  the  language, 
to  correct  the  wrong  and  strengthen  the  right,  to  stimulate  noble 
thought  and  action  and  lead  to  honor,  happiness  and  success. 

This  however  must  not  make  us  forget  the  other  side 
of  the  book,  the  joy  of  reminiscence  it  gives  to  largo  numbers  of 
Pennsylvania  Germans  who  have  left  the  farm  for  service  in  other 
fields.   In  this  connection  three  letters  received  by  Harter  may 
be  cited;  the  sincerity  of  their  tone  can  hardly  be  denied;  they 
produce  the  conviction  that  they  were  written  because  the  writers 
had  a  certain  feeling  about  the  book  which  they  were  impelled  to 
communicate  to  the  author.   The  first  one  reads:   "It  is  an  un- 
doubted fact  that  when  two  or  three  Pennsylvania  Dutch  assemble 
together  socially,  they  can  get  more  fun  to  the  square  inch  read- 
ing your  "Boonastiel"  than  any  book  published  in  America.   Many  of 
your  pieces  carry  me  back  to  my  boyhood  day3  to  the  old  farm  in 
Somerset  County,  and  forcibly  recall  the  old  fashions  and  pe- 
culiar expressions  and  phrases  which  I  had  not  heard  for  the  last 
forty  five  years.  You  bring  them  back  into  life  with  the  old 
familiar  sound  and  jingle.   It  seems  marvelous  that  you  can  weave 
them  all  into  your  stories  and  spell  them  that  any  one  can  pro- 
nounce them.  You  certainly  deserve  great  credit  for  thus  pre- 
serving our  mother  tongue  and  perpetuating  the  memory  of  our  sturdy 
ancestry."  This  i3  from  a  letter  from  H.J.Miller,  an  attorney  in 
Pittsburg,  Pa. 

The  next  one  comes  from  Washington,  D.C.:   "To  say 
that  I  am   ■slighted  would  not  express  one  tenth  of  my  admiration 
and  appreciation  of  the  work.   In  perusing  its  pages  so  full  of 
genuine  humor  and  expressed  in  the  true  vernacular  of  the  old 

fashioned  farmer,  I  can  scarcely  realize  that  a  generation  has 
come  and  gone  the  way  of  all  the  living  since  I  was  familiar  with 
this  peculiar  dialect.   Well  do  I  remember  the  time  when  I  did 
not  know  the  English  name  of  that  handy  little  tool  nogel  bore 
(gimlet)  used  by  my  father  in  plying  the  cooper's  trade;  hence  you 
can  very  readily  perceive  the  tender  chord  of  memory  your  book  has 
so  fondly  touched.   It  recalls  to  memory  the  joyful  days  of  youth 
and  the  happy  years  s; ent  on  the  old  farm  after  the  manner  of  the 
good  old  song  in  Denman  Thompson's  impressive  play  *The  Old  Home- 
stead' : 

'Take  me  back  to  the  days  when  the  old  red  cradle  rocked, 

In  the  sunshine  of  years  that  have  fled, 
To  the  good  old  trusty  days  when  the  door  was  never  locked, 

And  we  judged  our  neighbor's  truth  by  what  he  said.'  " 

This  was  written  April  22,  1905,  by  Samuel  Beight,  then  First 

Assistant  Postmaster  General  of  the  United  States. 

The  third  is  from  a  former  neighbor  of  my  own.   After 
Baying  of  the  book  "It  touches  more  phases  of  life  among  the  Penn- 
sylvania Germans  than  any  collections  that  I  have  3een?  he  goes 
on  to  say  "Geshter  Owet  bin  ich  aw  mohl  draw  kumma  dei  buch  zu  lese 
ub  hob  gelocht  bis  mer  der  bauch  wae  gedoo  hut.   Du  conshts  gawiss 
net  ferlaigla  dos  du  uff  der  bowerei  uff  gabrocht  bisht  worra. 
Anich  ebber  dare  shriva  konn  fum  barfoosich  boo  dos  shpote  yohrs 
de  gile  holt  won  olles  wise  is  mit  rifa  un  joompt  g'schwint  hee 
woo  der  Gowl  galeaga  hut  fer  si  fees  tsu  waerma,  dare  wore  shunt 
dabei."   It  is  by  Marcus  B.Lambert,  teacher  of  German  in  the  Boys 
High  School  of  Brooklyn,  N.Y. 

By  admitting  at  the  outset,  what  he  says  some  avow 
of  him,  "Ich  ware  net  recht  g'scheit"  he  gains  for  himself  the 
privileges  of  the  old  time  court  fool,  of  speaking  the  truth  with 

impunity.   In  this  way  he  does  not  bring  down  upon  himsolf  the 
wrath  of  good  country  women  as  Washington  Irving  is  said  to  have 
done  in  the  case  of  the  good  Dutch  Dames  of  New  York,   by  his  de- 
scriptions of  their  manner  of  housekeeping. 

By  attributing  the  political  sins  of  the  party  to 
which  the  author  and  his  newspaper  did  not  belong  to  his  own  party 
he  avoided  arousing  political  animosities. 

Christian  Science  -Der  Christian  Science  Duckter: 
woman  suffrage  -  De  Weibsleit  in  Politics:  prohibition;-  social 
science  -  Die  Schuld  os  Leit  Awrum  Sin;  fashions  -  Die  Uferstenicha 
Fashions;   these  are  among  the  subjects  of  his  reflections,  all 
phases  of  human  life  come  under  his  consideration  -  from  an  article 
on  "De  Liens cha  un  de  Monkeys"  through  all  the  experiences  of  boyhood 
and  girlhood,  until  the  question  comes  up  "Wie  Con  ich's  besht  Laewa 
I.iaucha"  then  presently  he  goe3  "Karesseera"  then  arises  the  question 
"Ware  sull  Ich  Hira?  "Ware  Sull  de  Priscilla  Hira"  and  so  on 
through  marriage  2-Onera  Huchtzich"  to  Death  "Onera  Leicht"  and  the 
Grave  "Uf  em  Karri chofe " . 

"ometimes  he  tells  an  old  tale  -"Rip  Van  Winkle" 
or  gives  us  a  new  version  of  an  old  one  -"Der  Bush  Hoond  un  der 
City  Hoond  -  or  "Der  Asel  in  der  Giles  Howd"   One  on  "De  College 
Boova"  (referred  to  in  the  article  on  S.Grumbine)  was  written  at 
the  request  of  the  late  Pres. Atherton  of  the  Pennsylvania  State 
College,  and  the  finsi3hed  article  so  pleased  Atherton,  that  he 
requested  to  have  it  translated  into  English  for  the  benefit  of 
young  graduates.   With  his  pen,  Harter  ha3  drawn  years  ago  the 
same  lines,  illustrating  and  exaggerating  some  phases  of  college 
life,  which  have  of  late  years  become  a  favorite  of  the  colored 

poster  artist. 

Harter  has  also  made  his  contribution  to  the  ques- 
tion bf  the  spelling  of  the  dialect,  in  which  he  follows  Rauch  in 
the  main.   wV/hen  I  attempt  to  read  some  of  the  pyrotechnic  spelling 
adopted  by  some  of  our  writers,  I  am  impressed  with  the  belief 
that  their  effort  is  not  so  much  meant  to  make  themselves  under- 
stood, as  it  is  to  create  the  impression  that  besides  being  able 
to  write  English  and  speak  Pennsylvania  Dutch,  they  are  also 
High  German  scholars." 


A  Bibliography 
other  sources  of  information 
for  the  sketch  on 
Milton  C.  Henninger. 

History  of  Carbon  and  Lehigh  Counties.   Matthews  and 

Hungerf ord. 

Smull's  Legislative  Handbook  of  Pennsylvania. 

Pennsylvania  German.   Vol.11,  (in  press)  Daniel  Miller. 

Personal  Interviews  and  correspondence. 


Milton  C.  Henninger. 
In  the  spring  of  1874  the  Senior  class  of  f-uhlenberg 
College  elected  Milton  C.  Henninger  to  recite  a  piece  of  Pennsyl- 
vania German  poetry  at  its  Class  Day  exercises;  he  elected  to  com- 
pose one  himself,  and  this  production  happily  adapted  as  it  is  to 
the  tune  of  Micahel  Schneider's  Party,  soon  became,  as  it  has  con- 
tinued to  be,  the  most  popular  song  ever  written  in  the  dialect. 

From  the  windows  of  his  room  at  College  were  visible 
for  a  stretch  of  about  a  mile  the  tracks  of  two  railroads  on  either 
side  of  the  Lehigh  River  and  the  two  stations  at  Allentown;  the  time 
schedule   on  each  road  brought  a  passenger  train  in  at  the  precise 
moment,  4:30  in  the  afternoon,  when  the  student's  were  returning 
from  their  last  hour's  recitation,  and  they  presently  perceived, 
or  thought  th'^y  were  witnessing  a  race  taking  place  before  their 
eyes  each  day;  and  so  it  came  that  they  often  watched  which  train 
should  win  that  day  by  getting  into  the  station  first.   In  this 
fashion,  Henninger  came  by  his  subject  -  "Des  Fahre  in  der  Train" - 
or  the  delights  of  travelling  by  steam;  and  into  the  picture  he 
wove  some  reminiscences  of  his  childhood  days  when  a  railroad  was 
built  past  his  home,  notable  enough  event  for  farmer  boy,  and 
Henninger  himself  sprang  from  the  glebe,  having  been  born  on  a 
farm  near  Emaus,  Pa.  April  22,  1851. 

Subsequently  the  author  of  our  song  had  worked  in  a 
blacksmith's  shop,  attended  the  public  schools,  the  Freeland  Sem- 
inary, and  the  State  Normal  School  at  Kutztown,  and  had  taught  school 
even  before  his  college  days.   The  year  after  the  composition  of 
the  song  in  question  he  was  instructor  in  Muhlenberg  College,  All  en- 
town,  and  read  law.   In  1876  he  was  Admitted  "o  the  bar;  two  years 
after  this  he  was  elected  District  Attorney,  and  in  1882  State 

Senator,  an  office  for  which  he  was  returned  for  a  period  of  twelve 
years,  three  full  terms. 

The  opening  stanzas  of  his  poem  run  as  follows: 

Sis  oll^s  hendlch  eigericht 

In  unsera  gute  zeit 
Mer  brauch  sich  gor  net  bloga  meh 

Unless  mer  is  net  gscheit. 
Der  schtoam  dut  olles  fer  die  leit 

Gel  is  juscht  wos  ich  maen 
Un  won  mer  aergets  he  gae  will 

Don  fawrt  mer  in  der  train. 

Swar  net  so  gut  in  olter  zeit 

Sel  waes  ich  forna  nous, 
Des   mocht  f 'rleicht  die  olta  bae- 

Doch  sag  ich's  frei  heraus. 
Sie  sin  galuffa  ol  de  weg 

Fun  finf  bis   fufzig  mile 
'N  fawr  die  eppes  reicher  warn 

Sin  ganga  uf  de  geil. 

So  wawr  der  schteil  in  olter  zeit, 

'S  lawfa  wawr  ken  schond, 
'.'OS  is  mer  ols  do  he  gadopped, 

Sel  is  eich  gut  bakond, 
'  S  is  nimma  so  in  unsera  zeit 

'  S  fawrt  jeder  won  er  kon 
Un  waer  gor  nimme  lawfa  dut 

Der  is  der  gentlemon. 

and  so  on  through  nine  more 
stanzas  in  which  he  describes  the  iron  horse,   tells  of  the  num- 
erous classes  of  people  one  sees  in  the  train,  describes  the  dis- 
advantages of  travel  in  this  fashion,  especially  the  danger  of 
accidents,  but  finally  again  descides  in  favor  of  the  steam: 

So  gaet  des  fawra  in  der  train, 

Ich  haes  es  orrig  schae, 
Mer  griokt  ken  kopweh  fun  de  hitz 

Un  aw  ken  schteifa  bae,  etc. 

There  is  no  schoolhouse  in  German  Pennsylvania,  in 
which  this  poem  has  not  been  sung   at  an  entertainment  or  at  a 
meeting  of  the  "speaking  school'}  the  boys  of  a  dozen  colleges  in 
Eastern  Pennsylvania  have  sung  it  in  glee;  many  years  after  its 


composition  the  author,  when  State  Senator,   travelled  in  North- 
western Pennsylvania  and  heard  it  sung  by  logging  trains  in  the 
lumber  regions  of  the  State;  it  has  even  been  intimated  that  the 
composition  has  been  rendered  by  church  choirs,  and  the  name  of 
at  least  one  church  was  whispered  where  it  was  so  sung,  but  be  the 
truth  of  the  matter  what  it  may,  one  would  rather  think  this  an 
' Ortsneckerei'  aimod  at  some  out  of  the  way  settlerent. 

More  than  ordinary  attention  is  due  to  this  3ong 
for  a  double  reason;  not  only  did  the  therie  kindle  the  imagination 
of  a  Pennsylvania  German  writer  who  cormunicated  his  enthusiasm  too 
the  Pennsylvania  Germans  in  general,  but  also  the  subject  itself 
has  in  like  manner  appealed  to  dialect  writers  and  their  readers 
at  all  times;  the  following  instances  which  date  back  a  generation 
earlier  than  ours,  may  be  noted; 

"Untorredung  eines  oberschwabischen  Bauern  mit  seinem  Pferd, 
welches  Hans  heisst,  betreffend  die  Eisenbahnangolegenheit.   Von 
'.Vilhelm  V/ickel.   Selbstverlag  1843  8° 8  S. 

"Der  Veepertrunk  im  schwarzen  Adler  zu  Klatschausen  oder  Hans 

Jorg, Peter  und  Frieder  im  Gesprach  uber  die  Wuttembergischen 

Sisenbahn  angelegenheiten.   Schwabische  Dorfszene  von  Jakob  Daiss 

und  Karl  Siegbert,  genannt  Barbarossa.   Boblingen,  J.F.Landbeck- 

1843  8*  16  S. 

Motto:  Bald  braucht  mer  koine  Rossle  ami, 
Koin  Waga  und  koin  Schlitta# 
Jatzt  spannt  mer  Dampf  in  d*  Kessel  ei, 
Und  so  wurds  furscha  gritta. 

(Very  like  our  song.) 

"Die  in  Knittelversen,  besprochen  zwiscften  einem 

Schullehrer,  einem  Barbier  und  zwei  Bauern,  die  im  Rossle  am 

runden  Tische  satzen.  Teutlingen,  J. J. Beck.  1843,  8*15  S. 


"Der  Bauer  auf  der  Eisenbahn.   Ein  heiteres  Gedicht  in  schw&b- 
ischer  Mundart  von  einora  Filderbauern.    seudonymer  Verfasoer: 
Blasius  Sturmwind)  Stuttgart,  zu  haben  bei  C.Hetschel.  8*  8S. 

"Die  Ankunft  dss  ersten  Neckerdarnpsschiffbootes  in  Heilbronn 
in  Dezember  1841.   Von  :.Vilhelra  Wickel.   Stuttgart.   (Selbstverlag?) 
h*  16  S." 

From  Friedrich  Richter  a  3imilar  strain  may  be  cited; 

Moi,  uf  der  Eisebah 
Do  goht  es  schnell  vura, 
Und  ma  sitzt  prachtig  drauf, 
Do  hot  es  jo  sein  lauf . 

Koine  Ross  spannt  ma  na 

Uf  dener  Eisebah; 

'S  Fuier  isch,  was  es  treibt, 

Das  ma  net  3itza  bleibt. 

Das  isch  a  wissaschaft 
Hot  uch  der  Dampf  a  Kraft 
Ruf  uf  dia  EisebahJ 
Do  geht  es  schnell  Fura. 

Some  passages  from  the  famous  German  song  "Der  Goisbock 

an  der  Sisebah"  might  likewise  be  compared.   While  our  writer,  as 

shown  above,  is  not  afraid  to  remind  the  old  folks   that  some  things 

are  better  now  than  in  the  olden  times,  yet  he  does  not  wholly 

approve  of  the  pleasures  of  these  days,  notably  not  those  which 

are  now  sought  in  the  city;  this  is  shown  in  a  subsequent  song, 

"Die  Singschul  im  Lond" : 

Die  junga  leit  in  unsra  zeit 

Hen  arrig  feel  plessier 
Die  Meed  die  danza  dag  un  nacht 

Die  Buwa  drinke  bier. 
Es  karta  schpiela  macht  viel  Gschpass 

Uns  flirta  mit  de  Meed 
Des  is  de  Fun  vun  city  leit 

Die  heesa  sie  first  rate. 

For  mei  Deel  ich  geh  net  mit  noi 

Geb  mir  die  Land  Sing  Schul ; 
Dart  geht  mer  hie  fer  scheona  Gschpass 

Un  folligt  aw  der  rule. 

continuing,  he  describes  the  old  institutions,  and  thereupon  con- 
cludes with: 

Die  Singschula  ira  ^ond  sag  ich 

Die  sin  mei  greeschta  Freed 
So  long  os  die  noch  ghalte  warn 

Is  '  s  mir  gor  net  vorleed. 
Un  won  ich  schterb,  ^orlost  eich  druf, 

Dann  werds  der  welt  bekond, 
Dos  ich  nei  Geld  un  oilers  geb 

Per  Singschula  ira  Lond. 

Henninger  has  written  a  number  of  other  poems  (See  Index) 
and  more  are  to  be  expected.   In  a  recent  private  communication 
he  announces  that,  'if  the  Muse  has  not  entirely  deserted  him'  we 
may  soon  have  a  new  poem  from  him  entitled  w  '  S  Macht  Nix  Ous." 

At  the  celebration  of  the  one  hundredth  Anniversary  of 
American  Independence  at  Kutztown,  Pa.   Henninger  re-id  a  poem  "En 
Kunnert  Yohr  Zuruck"   which  is  full  of  his  characteristic  notes, 
love  of  the  past,  qualified  dissatisfaction  with  the  present,  and 
a  hopeful   confidence  in  the  future.   The  last  two  stanzas  prephesy 
concerning  the  most  modern  of  modern  things,-  navigation  of  the  air. 

Mer  hen  so  viel  Fortschritt  gemacht 

Im  letschte  hunnert  Yohr, 
Un  dass  mer  so  fortmache  duhn, 

Sell  hot  gewiss  ken  G'fohr; 
Ball  fahre  mer  in  die  klore  Luft, 

Bis  in  die  V/olke  neij 
Un  warm  sel  wenig  kommon  werd, 

Dann  bleibt  es  net  dabei. 

or  welle  als  noch  mehner  duh, 

Teh  wees  net  alles  was; 
Ich  sag  euch  nau,  ihr  liewa  Leit, 

Es  3in  mer  shuhr  ken  schpass; 
En  hunnert  Yohr  ins  Zukunft  nei 

.Veisst  un'sre  Republic 
So  viel  dass  wie  mer  g'sehne  hen 

Seit  hunnert  Yohr  zuruck. 



other  sources  of  information 
for  the  chapter  on 

Eli  Keller. 

Deutscher  Kirchenfreund,  1S48  -  1850. 

Friedenstote,  Allentown,  Pa. 


Pennsylvania  Dutchman,  Lancaster,  Pa. 

Pennsylvania  German. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. VI I.  4.  178. 

Personal  Interview. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. VII 

Unser  Fennsylvanisch  Deutscher  Kalenner  -  1895. 


Eli  Keller. 
Rev. Dr. Eli  Keller  of  Allentown  was  a  merry  farmer  "boy 
who  became  a  preacher  and  has  remained  the  latter  with  certain 
characteristics  of  the  former  to  this  day:  born  in  Northampton 
County,  near  Nazareth,  Pa  in  1835  before  Pennsylvania  had  a  Free 
School  System,  his  chances  for  an  education  were  small;  by  the 
time  the  system  came  however,  he  had  made  sufficient  progress  in 
his  studies  to  teach  a  country  school  for  several  years;  after 
this  he  attended  Marshall  College  at  Mercersburg,  Pa.,  moved  with 
the  College  to  Lancaster,  when  it  was  united  with  Franklin  College 
and  afterwards  returned  to  the  Seminary  at  iiercersburg  to  complete 
his  theological  studies.   At  Lancaster,  he  made  the  acquaintanceship 
and  formed  a  lifelong  friendship  with  Henry  Harbaugh,  who  had  how- 
ever at  that  time,  not  yet  developed  into  a  dialect  writer. 

His  ministerial  work  began' in  Ohio  in  1856.   At  first 
he  preached  in  English  and  German;  but  in  Ohio  the  German  sermon 
fell  into  partial  disuse  sooner  than  in  Pennsylvania:  during  the 
last  part  of  his  eighteen  years  stay  in  Ohio  he  was  required  to 
preach  in  English  only  and  with  this  he  began  to  long  for  the  old 
hoire  surroundings;  in  1874  the  way  was  opened  to  him  to  come  back 
and  from  that  time  until  his  retirement  in  1901  (87  years)  he  min- 
istered to  two,  three  and  finally  four  congregations  super-adding 
himself  the  work  involved  in  the  two  additional  congregations. 
Thus  he  frequently  had  to  drive  twentyfive  miles  on  a  single 
Sunday  to  meet  three  congregations.   But  these  labors,  his  outdoor 
life  and  his  association  with  the  people  he  loved  have  kept  him 
young  in  spirit  even  as  the  years  advanced. 

Man*-  of  his  poems  are  therefore  sermonettes,  pictures 
from  nature  with  the  lesson  the  preacher  draws  from  it.   Such  a 

one  is  the  example  already  known  to  Prof .Learned  when  he  was  stud- 
ying the  phonology  of  the  dialect;  it  is  entitled  "Der  Keschtabaam" , 
in  13  four  verse  stanzas  of  acatalectic  iambic  lines  of  seven  beats, 
he  expresses  his  delight  in  the  beauties  of  the  tree,  not  so  early 
to  bloom  as  the  willow  or  maple,   not  so  speedy  to  bring  forth  its 
fruit  as  the  cherry,  -  the  umbrageous  chestnut  tree,  which,  even 
after  the  nut  is  fully  ripe,  must  wait  for  the  "Keschta  Schtarm" 
to  put  it  within  our  reach. 

Der  Keschtabarcm  vun  alle  Beem  halt  ich  mer  fer  der  schenscht, 
Warm  du  net  ah  so  denke  kannscht,  glaab  ich  net  dass  du'n  kennscht. 
Mit  seina  Blatter,  Bliet  un  Frucht,  is  er  net  in  der  En 
Was  ebbes  rechtes  werra  will,  nemmt  imner'n  gute  Weil. 

When  the  tree  at  last  is  covered  with  its  fragrant  golden  tassels, 

about  which  bees  in  swarms  gather, 

1 S  is  en  Genuss,  gewiss  ich  leb,  for  Aage,  Nas  un  Ohr, 
Nix  kenr.t  mer  schenner,  besser  sei  im  gansa  liewa  yohr. 

He  who  with  patience  has  waited  for  "The  Keschta  Gchtarm"  will  have 

no  trouble  in  getting  the  ruddy  fruit: 

Geduld  is  doch  en  grosse  Sach,  sie  schpart  uns  Not  un  Mih, 

Wer  ohne  sie  sei  Glick  versucht,  der  finn't  's  doch  werklich  nie. 

The  lessons  are  endless: 

Guck  mol  so'n  Boll  genauer  ah,  wie  wunnerbarlich  schee! 

Inwennig  zart  wie  Kisse  schtofft,  auswennig  Schtachle,  Z&h, 
Was  is  des  doch  en  unnerschied,  beinanner  ah  so  dicht, 
'  S  gebt  viel  zu  lerne  iwwerall,  vum  beschta  unnerricht. 

Nor  does  he  forget  the  carefree  time,  when  he  played  in  its 

shade,  weaving  belt  and  wreath  of  the  leaves  and  flowers; 

Ich  schteck  mer  Blattcher  an  die  Bruscht,  un  Blimmcher  uf  der  Hut, 
Un  denk  dabei  in  siesser  Luscht,  Was  haw  ich's  doch  so  gut. 

In  another  poem,  he  describes  his  sallying  out,  a 

boy,  in  the  springtime,  to  find  the  slender  shoot  of  the  chestnut 

tree  just  when  the  sap  begins  to  rise,  to  make  "Keschta  Peiffe." 

Was  peifft  doch  nau  des  ding  so  schee! 
Ken  Orgel  kennt  yo  schennor  geh; 
Tut,  ta-ta,  te  te,  ti  ti,  ti 
Des  biet  die  Vegel  un  die  -  Kuh. 
Ya  Keschta  Peiffe  fer  ihr  Geld 
Bieten  alle  Peiffe  in  der  Welt. 

"Mer  Wolla  Fischa  Geh",  "Es  Glatt  Eis  Fahre"  are  others 

in  which  he  revels  in  the  pastimes  of  youth.   Only  one  who  has  had 

the  experience  of  a  boy  for  the  first  time  initiated  into  the 

mysteries  of  the  uses  of  the  German  scythe,  can  make  his  verses  bob 

up  and  down  in  onomatopoetic  glee  as  Keller  does  in  "  'S  Liehe  mit 

Der  Deitsche  Sens": 

In  so* re  schone  Zeit 

Werd  ehm  *  s  Herz  recht  weit 

Die  arme  gt&dtel-  Leut 

Die  wisse  nix  vun  Freud. 
Now  schwenkt  euer  Sense, 
Un  loss  aie  glanze, 

To  whit,  to  what, 

To  whit,  to  what,  to  whate 
Ihr  macht's  first  rate, 

To  whit,  to  what, 
Gut  gewetzt  is  halb  gemeht. 

His  abounding  joy  in  life,  he  frequently  gave  utter- 
ance to,  on  festival  occasions,  to  his  people,  as  in 

Der  Chrishdag  is  der  herrlicht  daag, 
Im  liewa  longa  Johr; 
Mei  Glaawa  is  ken  leeri  Saag 
Juscht  fer  en  kinnisch  Ohr, 

Der  Chrischdag  macht  mich  immer   jung, 

Un  fullt  mich  ganz  mit  Freed 

Er  nemmt  mers  Klage  vun  der  Zung 

Un  heelt  mei  Herze-leed. 

Dann  bin  ich  widder  Jung  un  klee 

Wie  ich  vor  lang  gewest, 

Mei  Herz  werd  weiss  wie  Chrischdag 's  schnee, 

Mei  Leeb  die  allerbescht. 

He  no  doubt  had  many  an  opportunity  to  practise  in 

his  broad  field  of  labor  -  as  he  also  had  in  his  own  family  - 

before  he  put  into  rhyme- 


'N  Buwli   Id's,    Ganz   aus    're   annere  V/elt, 

Wer  hets  gedenkt  das  bo  was  war  bostelltl 

Ken  Strumpche  ah,  ken  Hemmshe,  un  ken  Keppche  net, 

Ja  streck  dich  noli  Wunscht  gel  das  dich  der  Guguck 

Ei  was'n  G'slcht,  un  was'n  grosse  gchtimmJ 
Du  denkscht,  ich  reib  zu  hart,  un  mach's  zu  schlimm 
So  muss's  sei,  Ich  hab  so  Erwet  gut  gelernt 
Mit  so  bissche  GschpasB  werd  mer  net  grad  verzernt. 

Guck,  Mutter,  Guckt  do  bring  ich  deer  en  Mann 
So  klee,  un  schee  as  raer  juscht  denke  kann,  etc. 

For  a  Pennsylvania  German  Kalenner  which  he  edited  in 
1885  he  wrote  a  longer  poem  in  ten  parts  entitled  "Vum  Flachs- 
baue"   This  can  mosfc  profitably  be  read  in  grandfather's  garret, 
for  with  flax  raising  entirely  out  of  vogue  in  this  section,  or, 
where  it  is  still  raised,  coupled  with  modern  appliances,  such 
terms  as  Flachs  Britsch,  Hechle,  Brech,  etc.   are  to  Pennsylvania 
Germans  of  today,  words  of  a  time  that  is  past. 

A  number  of  Dr. Keller's  poems  are  included  in  the 
collection  published  by  Daniel  Miller,  Reading,  Pa.   Some  others 
as  well  as  several  prose  tales  are  to  be  found  in  the  Allentown 
Friedensbote.   In  his  younger  days  he  wrote  for  the  "Deutsche  Pionler" 
but  most  of  what  I  have  presented  and  other  material  that  I  have 
omitted,  has  come  direct  from  his  own  manuscript  Notebook  and  has 
never  been  published.   In  addition  to  these  productions,  he  has 
written  occasional  poems  in  English,  as  well  as  High  German,  ins 
eluding  hymns,  epilogues,  and  prologues  for  Christmas  and  Easter 
Festivals,  birthdays  and  anniversaries,  and  one  curious  composition 
in  which  alternate  couplets  6f  English  and  Pennsylvania  German 
rhyme  with  each  other. 


A  Bibliography 
other  sources  of  information 
for  the  sketch  on 
James  C.  Lins. 

Rural  Press,  Kemp ten,  Pa. 

Rural  Press,  Reading,  Pa. 

Common  Sense  Dictionary  of  Pennsylvania  German,  Reading, 
Pa.  1887  and  1895. 

Personal  Correspondence  and  Interviews. 


James  C.  Lins. 
man  .  who  will  have  to  be  considered  when  a  com- 
plete statement  is  made  of  those  who  wrote  Pennsylvania  German 
newspaper  letters,  is  James  C.  Lins  of  Reading,  Pa.   To  the  Kemp- 
ton  Rural  Press,  later  called  the  Reading  Press,  when  he  moved  his 
printing  office  to  Reading  he  contributed  letters  over  the  signa- 
ture "Sam  Kisselmoyer  fun  Wohlaver  Schtedel."  Very  many  of  these 
letters  are  distinctly  political  and  do  not  take  the  trouble  to 
introduce  fictitious  names;  the  only  reason  why  they  did  not  appear 
on.  the  editorial  page  (he  was  himself  editor  and  owner)  is  because 
of  the  greater  license  allowed  to  this  letter  column;  August 
Reiff  says  in  his  Schwab ische  Gedichte:- 

So  Nochb'r  wie  meine,  geits  gwiss  koine  maih 

'Vie  die  anand  schimpfet;  und  doch  tuets  koim  waih; 

Anander  seggiere,  dees  tent  se  am  gernschte, 

Und  doch  hent  se  nie  no'  en  Streit  ghet,  en  ernschte; 

Am  Spottle  und  Stichle  do  hent  se  a  Freud, 
Wenn  oiner  em  andre  sei  Moining  reacht  sait. 

When  the  introduction  of  the  Free  Delivery  of  rural 
mail  gradually  forced  the  weekly  newspapers  out  of  the  field  he 
ceased  to  be  an  editor  and  continued  to  be  a  printer;  but  mean- 
time he  had  been  activB  in  another  related  field  of  work.   In 
1887,  he  issued  a  word  list,  containing  "nearly  all  the  Pennsyl- 
vania German  words  in  common  use','  under  the  title  "Common  Sense 
Pennsylvania  German";  this  being  a  list  of  German  and  English 
words  in  the  form  in  which  they  are  used  by  those  speaking  the 
dialect,  with  their  English  equivalents.   At  first  sight,  this 
publication  is  disappointing,  nearly  half  the  Preface  is  taken 
word  for  word  from  Home's  Manual  published  12  years  before;  these 
are  furthermore  the  contents  of  Home's  Dictionary  and  the  words 
are  made  to  conform  to  a  different  spelling.  -  but  despite  these 

shortcomings,  Mns '  publication  is  not  lacking  in  original  work; 
hi3  list  comprises  9613  words  as  compared  with  Home's  5522,  in- 
creased "by  several  hundred  in  the  second  edition.   This  ^reat 
difference  in  bulk  is  partly  due  to  a  peculiar  limitation  in  the 
language  horizon  of  many  Pennsylvania  Germans;  such  might  be 
perfectly  familiar  with  words  like  bodderashun,  demagrawd,  raishta, 
whereas  they  did  not,  when  they  were  in  search  of  the  English 
equivalent  syllable  or  word,  know  that  it  was  spelled  both,  -crat 
roast,  in  English,  Lins  has  accordingly  included  many"  such  words 
in  his  list.   The  result  amounts  to  precisely  what  he  says  in  the 
preface,  that,  desiring  to  help  the  Pennsylvania  German  who  is 
studying  English,  he  has  introduced  a  great  many  English  words  in 
the  dialect  form,  whereas  Home,  according  to  M.D.Learned's 
counting,  gives  only  176  English  words. 

That  there  was  in  those  days,  a  real  search  for 
English  is  shown  by  the  fact  that  children  in  one  of  their  games 
at  school  wrote  on  their  slates  a  list  of  words  they  used  at  home, 
and  the  contest  turned  upon  who  could  in  a  given  time  think  of 
the  greatest  number  of  English  equivalents;  one  of  the  favorite 
questions  thrown  into  the  school  question  box  was  in  the  form  of 
a  list  of  hard  German  words,  the  requirement  being  made  that  the 
one  to  whom  it  was  referred  was  to  furnish  the  English  equivalents. 

The  younger  generation  would  not  have  been  willing 
to  expose  an  ignorance  such  as  did  an  old  farmer  in  a  story  told 
in  "Skizzen  aus  dem  Lecha  Thai"  -  "J. S. Hess,  Esq.  erzahlt  in 
einer  geschichtlichen  Skizze  von  Nieder  Saucon  Township,  dass 
einmal  ein  deutscher  Bauer  mit  Latwerge  nach  Easton  gekommen  sei. 
Als  inn  die  Stadtleute  nach  dem  Preise  von  Applebutter  fragten 

schuttelte  er  den  Kopf  tndem  er  nicht  wusste,  was  sie  wollten,  "bis 
ihm  ein  Bekannter  erklarte  dass  sie  Latwerg  meinten  ".Vas1  sagt 
er  'Latwerg  -  Applebutter,  Applebutter  -  Latwerg  -  Was  en  "proch. 
Warm  sie  Latwerg  gewollt  hen,  for  was  hen  sie  net  Latwerg  g'satl" 
Under  such  circumstances  a  younger  man  would  have  been  apt  to 
take  refuge  in  a  Dictionary. 

Even  to  the  present  day  the  oldest  inhabitants 
delight  in  requiring,  especially  of  those  who  have  been  away  to 
school,  the  English  equivalent  of  some  common  utensi '.  or  tool. 

It  is  not  by  the  introduction  of  English  words  alone 
that  the  disparity  in  numbers  between  Home  and  Lins  is  to  be 
explained.   The  latter  has  swelled  the  sum  total  by  the  intro- 
duction of  compound  words,  and  of  what  are  not  properly  words 
but  phrases 5  "Moul-nei-henka" ,  for  instance,  is  not  a  word  but 
an  idiom;  it  must  be  said  however,  that  the  book  is  not  les3  val- 
uable for  these  additions. 

Finally,  Lins  records  many  words  that  had  not 
appeared  in  any  previous  compilation  -  on  a  small  page  of  62 
words,  I  find  four  such  new  words  -  moshy,  mosserich,  mowlgrisht, 
mowlish.   I  have  called  the  whole  production  a  V.'ord  List  rather 
than  a  Dictionary;  there  is  no  attempt  to  give  the  pronunciation 
of  words  -  he  says  in  his  introduction  that  he  follows  the  English 
method  of  spelling  because  that  is  used  in  the  schools,  he  does 
not  indicate  parts  of  speech,  etc,  etc.   He  avows  of  his  book, 
that  "Its  aim  is  not  money,  and  its  object  is  not  praise"  and 
that  it  was  not  superflous  is  shown  by  the  fact  that  in  1895  a 
second  edition  was  called  for  and  this  also  is  now  sold  out. 


A  Bibliography 
other  sources  of  information 
for  the  sketch  on 
Henry  lleyer. 

Correspondence . 

Genealogy  of  the  Meyer  family. 

Smull's  Legislative  handbook. 


Henry  Meyer. 

Henry  Meyer  of  Rebersburg,  Pennsylvania,  was  born 
Dec. 8,  1840  in  Center  County,  Pa.   He  learnt  the  miller's  trade, 
went  to  the  War  and  having  lost  a  hand  there,  was  obliged  to  find 
a  different  way  of  making  a  living.   For  several  years  he  taught 
and  studied,  completing  a  course  at  the  Keystone  State  Normal  School 
at  Kutztown,  in  1869.   Next  he  taught  in  the  Center  County  Normal 
School,  and  in  1875  and  again  in  1878  he  was  elected  Superinten- 
dent of  the  schools  of  the  County,  and  in  1882  a  member  of  the 
State  Legislature. 

He  is  the  author  of  a  genealogy  of  the  Meyer  fami- 
ly, and  for  a  family  reunion  he  wrote  a  poem  "Die  alt  KeemetM-the 
first  stanza  suggests  Harbaugh: 

Heit  kumrce  mer  noch  emol  z'rick 

Ans  alt  Blockhaus  nachst  an  der  Krick 

Der  Platz  wu  un.3er  Heemet  war 

Schun  langer  z'rick  wie  sechzig  Yohr. 

In  reminiscential  mood  he  leads  his  hearers  up  to 

the  high  mountain  overlooking  the  Brush  Valley,  and  points  out 

all  the  scenes  of  their  youthful  pleasures,  the  old  schoclhouse, 

the  sugar  camp  (he  seems  to  be  the  only  Pennsylvania  German  writer 

who  has  included  this  among  his  descriptions),  the  swimming  hole, 

the  crossroads  store,  the  neighbor  whose  apple  orchard  the  boys 

used  to  visit;  at  the  close  he  turns  their  glance  to  the  cemetery 

below,  where  many  of  their  friends  already  lie  and  where  soon  they 

too  will  find  eternal  rest. 

In  der  "Alt  Scharnschtee"  he  de scribe a  an  oldfashion- 

ed  log  house j 

Der  alte  Scharnschtee  war  im  Haus 
Vum  Keller  nuf  bis  owa  naus 
Grad  mitta  drin,  wie'n  schtarka  fort 
Im  wind  un  schtarm  en  gut  support. 


Am  Winter  Owet  was  en  Freed 

Do  hen  die  Buwa  un  die  Meed 

Die  Eltra  un  vielleicht  der  Schquier 

Im  weita  Ring  dart  g'hockt  an  Feier. 

Then  he  goes  on  to  describe  the  winter  evening 

pastimes,  the  coming  of  the  chimney  sweep j  and  borrowing  fire  from 

the  neighbors,  if  the  rains  came  down  the  chimney  too  heavily; 

Gebreicha  vun  da  alta  Johre 
Sin  viel  nau  leeder  ganz  verlore. 
*        *  # 

Die  Freind  wu  als  inns  Feier  dart 
Rum  g'hockt  hen  sin  ah  ball  all  fart 
Die  Schee  alt  Zeit  is  ewig  hi 
Doch  ihr  gedachtniss  bleibt  mir  grie. 

He  strikes  a  note  that  is  entirely  unknown  elsewhere 

in  Pennsylvania  German  writing,  when  he  takes  his  Maud  a-walking 

in  the  meadows  where  the  violets  blow,  or  they  seek  the  shady 

places  by  the  streams,  and  look  into  each  other's  eyes  and  see 

things  they  are  too  timid  to  tell,  or  when  to  shun  the  bumblebee, 

she  buries  her  face  on  his  shoulder  and  then 

Ach  ihre  Leftse  sin  so  wohr 
Gedufte  wilde  Ro3e  gleich 
Un  nergets  -  woo  sin  sie  in  G'fohr 
So  oft  as  wie  in  sellem  Deich. 

Die  Maud  hut  Backe  roht  wie  Blut 
Un  hut  en  schtimm  wie'n  Nachtigall 
Un  ihre  Kisses  wees  ich  gut 
Sin  Honig  sees  im  Heck6dahl. 

Such  subjects  are  not  on  the  tongues  of  the  Penn- 
sylvania Germans,  and  Meyer  stands  alone  in  having  even  referred 
to  them,  not  to  speak  of  having  given  them  explicit  treatment. 
Even  when  he  taught  "Wei  Schtettel  Schul"  he  had  a  sweetheart  'mongst 
his  pupils: 

Es  kumme  uft  in  mei  Gemeet 
Juscht  wie  en  alt  bekanntes  Lied 
Dehl  G'schichte  wu  mol  G'schone  sin 
In  meine  Schul  am  Schtettel  drin. 

Ich  winsch  ich  konnt  in  scheene  Dichte 
Verzehle  selle  alte  g'schichte 
Un  kennt  ah  kalle  nocli  emol 
De  Roll  vun  selle  Schuler  all. 

But  Katie  would  no  longer  answer   to  the   roll,  her  seat 

would  be  empty,  Katie  to  whom  his  eyes  would  ever  wander  (and  it 

seems  she  reciprocated  his  feelings): 

Un  wann  ich  als  en  Blick  hah  g'schtohle 
Sie  war  jo  schuhr  en  z'rick  zu  hohle. 

Katie  who  often  broke  his  rules: 

Un  awer  'n  Blick  vun  ihra  Ahge 
Halt  mich  vun  beese  Worte  sage. 

En  Fashion  newig  mich  zu  sitze 

Hen  g'hatt  die  grosse  Meed,  die  Knitze, 

Un  bettle  dass  ich  helfe  daht 

Ihr  Sums  zu  rechle  uf  de  Schlet. 

When  Katie  came,  it  took  him  twice  as  long  to  shov;  her  how.   But- 

Ss  roht  un  gold  Meepel  Laub 
Bedeckt  schun  oft  ihr  greenes  Graab 
Un  wann  ich  dort  so  traurig  schteh 
Scheint's  mir  ich  wer  net  ganz  allee. 


other  sources  of  information 
for  the  chapter  on 
Daniel  Miller. 

Biographical  History  of  Berks  County. 

Das  Deutsche  Element  in  den  Vereinigten  Staaten.  Von  Bosse, 

p. 456. 
Interviews  and  correspondence. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol.1. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. V.I. 46. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society. 

Reformed  Church  Record. 


Daniel  Miller. 

"Jede  Amerikanische  Zeitung  ist  froh,  wenn  sie  unter 
ihren  Mitarbeitern  ein  Individuum  besitzt,  dae  mit  der  Gabe  be- 
haftet  ist,  zur  rechten  Zeit  einen  witzigen  Artikel  vom  Stapel 
lassen  zu  konnen.   Humorist ieche  Skizzen  sind  naturlich  der  Lese- 
welt  viel  lieber  als  Auszuge  aus  langweiligen  Predigten  und  wir 
sind  d6r  Letzte  der  sie  deshalb  tadeln  will.   Das  Leben  had  leider 
so  viele  ernste  jSeiten  dass  man  Jeden  Willkoranen  heiscen  sollte, 
der  einem  die  Burde  des  Daseins  erleichtet.1'   With  these  words  Karl 
Knorz  introduces  his  chapter  on  American  Newspaper  Humorists. 
What  Peregrine  Pickle,  Bob  Burdette,  Orpheus  C.Kerr,  Petroleum  V. 
Naseby,  Max  Adeler  and  others  who  became  national  characters  were 
to  the  great  metropolitan  papers,  this  the  Pennsylvania  German 
dialect  humorists  were  to  the  country  weeklies,  and  the  best  of 
them  became  at  least  as  widely  influential  as  the  dialect  was  known. 

A  case  illustrating  the  commercial  importance  of 
these  letters  is  that  of  Daniel  Miller,  Reading,  Pa.   In  1869, 
he  came  from  Lebanon  to  Reading,  a  young  printer  26  years  old,  and 
established  a  German  newspaper:  a  journal  with  Republican  prin- 
ciples, in  a  county,  where  as  the  story  goes,  the  farmers  are  still 
voting  for  Andrew  Jackson.   For  forty  years,  or  until, upon  his 
retirement  from  business,  it  was  suspended,  this  was  an  influential 
sheet,  and  gathered  among  its  readers  many  outside  the  German  Re- 
publican pale  of  that  and  the  adjoining  counties.   The  editor 
oredits  a  large  number  of  these  to  the  dialect  letter,  which  without 
missing  a  number  was  contained  in  it,  under  the  caption,  Humorist isch. 
Mr. Miller  took  pains  to  emphasize  that  his  composition  tried  to 
differentiate  itself  from  the  general  run  of  such  compositions.  He 


seems  to  have  had  in  mind,  something  which  Josh  Billings  some- 
where expresses  thus:   "Don't  be  a  clown  if  you  can  help  it;  people 
don't  respect  enny thing  mutch  thet  they  kan  only  laff  at:"  or 
again,  a  reminiscence  of  a  thought  as  expressed  by  the  Oldenburg 

dialect  poet: 

Low  jo  nich,  du  kunnst  de  Leeder 

So  schuddeln  ut  de  Mau 

As  mannig  Pap  sin  Predigtj 

Dat  geit  man  nich  so  gan. 

Indeed,  more  than  one  name  might  be  cited  of  such 
as  confessed  that  they  composed  while  setting  up  the  type.   It 
is  true  these  do  not  call  for  further  consideration,  but  for  com- 
pleteness' sake,  they  may  be  included  in  the  list  of  those  who 
"also  wrote" . 

Upon  my  request  to  have  it  indicated  what  Miller  con- 
sidered representative  selections,  he  presented  me  with  two  -  Con- 
versation Between  Father  and  Mother  on  a  Proper  Trade  for  their 
Son,  1869  -  and  another  written  in  1870  -  purporting  to  be  a  Con- 
versation between  two  Democrats  on  Politics.   Here  is  opened  up 
another  question-  the  political  influence  of  the  dialect  writings 
this  can  however  be  more  appropriately  discussed  in  connection  with 
another  man.   (See  Rauch  p.  )   These  two  selections  were  among  his 
earlier  compositions.   He  also  gave  me  a  number  of  his  very  latest- 
which  are  opening  a  new  field  in  the  dialect  literature. 

Miller  was  a  delegate  of  the  Reformed  Church  in  the 
United  States  to  the  World's  Missionary  Conference  in  Scotland, 
in  June  1910.   After  the  Conference,  and  in  company  with  his  son, 
he  travelled  in  Europe  for  four  months.   Efrery  week  fror  the  time 
he  left  New  York  until  now  he  had  one  or  two  lengthy  letters  in 
the  Reformed  Church  Record,  and  every  now  and  then  one  of  these 
was  in  the  dialect,  so  I  have  one  written  from  Zurich,  one  from  Rome. 

If  his  life  is  spared  we  may  look  for  an  entire  volume  of  stories 
in  the  dialect,  describing  the  tour.   His  English  letters  are  bald 
presentations  of  the  facts  of  his  journey,  a  chronicle  of  progress 
with  the  assistance  of  Baedecker  but  his  dialect  letters  are  written 
in  a  distinctly  quaint  and  simple  language,  style  and  manner  of  one 
who  knows  how  the  Volk  thinks  and  feels,  and  are  interspersed  with 
many  a  shrewd  satirico-didactic  observation  on  life  at  home  and 

The  paper  "The  Reformed  Church  Record"  just  mentioned, 
was  also  founded  by  Mr. Miller,  24  years  ago  and  in  it  have  appear- 
ed many  articles  in  the  dialect  by  himself  and  others.   The  fre- 
quency of  these  has  increased  as  Miller  has  gradually  resigned 
the  business  of  his  publishing  house  to  others.   This  paper  and 
the  Pennsylvania  German  Magazine  may  be  said  to  be  the  only  two  pub- 
lications now  furnishing  dialect  material,  that  have  a  more  than 
local  reading  public.   Among  other  things  that  Miller  has  written 
for  this  paper,  there  are  brief  biographical   sketches  of  the  Penn- 
sylvania German  Governors  of  Pennsylvania,  which  will  be  reprinted 
in  his  book  of  selected  prose  and  verse,  now  in  press.   For  this 
book  he  has  written  almost  all  the  prose  portions  himself  as  also 
he  did  for  a  similar  collection  published  in  1903  and  now  in  its 
second  edition;  among  the  few  in  this  first  volume  not  written 
by  him  are  an  address  by  Dr .N.C.Schaeff er,  for  the  last  20  years 
Superintendent  of  Public  Instruction  in  Pennsylvania,  delivered  at 
a  Reunion  of  the  Schaeffer  family,  and  a  brief  historical  sketch 
by  the  late  Prof .Dubbs,  of  Lancaster,  Pa.   The  book  has  an  Eng- 
lish introduction  by  John  S.Stahr,  late  President  of  Franklin  and 
Marshall  College,  a  man  who  can  speak  with  authority  on  the  sub- 

ject  and  who  assures  us   that  while  the  selections  are  of  unequal 
value  they  afford  better  than  anything  else,  an  insight  into  the 
life  and  character  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans,  their  simplicity, 
their  humor  and  shrewd  common  sense,  and  their  deep  feeling  and 

The  work  now  in  progress  follows  in  part  the  plan  of  this 
former  work,  in  that  it  will  contain  selected  poems  by  various 
authors  and  prose  articles  by  Miller;  in  part  it  is  clearly  in- 
fluenced by  Home's  Manual  because  the  Pennsylvania  German  Gov- 
ernors had  already  made  their  appearance  there,  in  brief  sketches 
by  Conrad  Gehring;  also  in  that  it  will  contain  a  collection  of 
sayings  and  proverbs,  and  a  brief  list  of  differences  of  vocabulary 
within  the  dialect  but  with  no  attempt  to  localize  them. 


A  Bibliography 
other  sources  of  information 
the  chapter  on 
Harvey  M.Miller.   (Solly  Hulsbuck) 

Center  County  Democrat,  Bellefonte,  Pa.  Jun.28,  1908. 

Der  Boyertown  Bauer,  April  17,  1907. 

Harrisburg  Star  Independent,  Aug. 26,  1907 

Old  Perm,  Philadelphia,  Oct. 5,  1907 

Personal  Correspondence 

Reading  Times,  Jan. 14,  1907. 

Reforned  Church  Record,  Reading,  Pa. Jan. 17,  1907 

Pennsylvania  German.  Vol.VII.6.328j  Vol. VIII .4.192. 

Works : 

Pennsylvania  German  Poems,  Elizabethville,  Pa. 1906 

Pennsylvania  German  Stories,  Elizabethville,  Pa. 1907 

Pennsylvania  German  Poems,  II.  (in  press) 

Poems  of  Childhood,  Elizabethville,  Pa.  1908. 

Harmonies  of  the  Heart,  Elizabethville,  Pa.  No  date. 


Harvey  Miller.   (Solly  Hulsbuck) 
Solly  Hulsbuck  -  the  pseudonym  under  which  Harvey  M. 
Miller  of  Elizabethville,  Dauphin  County,  Pennsylvania  sends  out 
his  dialect  productions,  bids  fair  to  become  the  most  voluminous 
writer  in  the  dialect,  Hartep  having  ceased  producing,  and  Grumbino 
and  Rauch's  contributions  never  having  been  collected.   During  the 
ten  years  since  i'iller  began  wirting,  he  has  issued  in  book  form, 
Pennsylvania  German  Poems  in  two  editions,  (1906)  each  of  which 
required  a  second  printing  within  six  months  after  their  first 
publication;  Pennsylvania  German  Stories,  in  prose  and  verse  (1907) 
while  the  advance  sheets  of  a  second  series  of  Pennsylvania  German 
Stories,  (to  be  issued  in  1911)  is  in  my  hands.   The  last  mentioned 
will  constitute  a  book  of  nearly  two  hundred  pages.   Each  of  these 
books  has  exceeded  in  size  the  one  preceding  it,  and  as  Miller  is 
still  a  comparatively  young  man  -  he  was  born  at  Elizabethville,  Pa 
in  1871  ,  -  and  as  there  seems  to  be  no  decrease  in  the  demand  for 
his  work,  a  large  production  may  still  be  expected  of  him. 

In  ancestry  he  is  of  Wurtemberg  stock  on  his  father's 
side  while  on  the  mother's  side  he  traces  his  descent  from  German 
and  English  stock,  the  latter  in  direct  line  from  the  family  of 
Mary  Ball,  the  wife  of  Augustine  Washington  and  the  mother  of 
George  Washington. 

The  dialect  was  the  only  spoken  language  he  hnew  when 
he  entered  school  at  ten  years  of  age,  for  though  he  read  English  as 
taught  at  home,  he  did  not  understand  English  when  addressed  by 
the  teacher.   It  was  the  dialect  poems  also,  especially  thove  of 
Harbaugh,  that  were  his  favorite  recitations  at  school  on  Friday 
afternoons.   The  frequency  with  which  he  recited  these  and  the  con- 
sequent fluency  he  acquired,  obtained  for  him  invitations  tc  recite 


also  before  the  pupils  of  the  High  School. 

These  tones  of  Harbaugh  struck  a  responsive  chord 
in  his  own  heart  and  presently  thoughts  akin  to  those  began  troop- 
ing through  his  own  brain  and  urged  him  to  give  them  tuneful  form. 
He  has  told  me  how,  at  dead  of  night  he  often  wakes  up  with  the 
substance  of  a  poem  ringing  through  his  brain,  and  how  he  cannot 
sleep  until  he  gets  up  and  has  committed  it  to  paper. 

His  first  productions  were,  neverthleess  in  English, 
and  the  very  first  ones  he  published  are  contained  in  an  artistic 
little  volume  entitled  "Harmonies  of  the  Heart"  which  is  literally 
the  work  of  his  own  and  his  wife's  hands,  even  to  setting  the  type, 
printing,  sewing,  binding,  embellishing  -  for  above  all  other  things, 
poet  in  English  and  in  the  dialect,   writer  of  prose  in  the  dialect, 
writer  on  subjects  connected  with  local  history  (he  has  contributed 
several  series  to  the  home  paper  The  Elizabethville  Echo,  and  to 
several  papers  in  Harrisburg)  business  man  and  secretary  of  the 
Local  Eoard  of  Trade  -  above  all  this,  he  is  an  artistic  printer, 
and  a  maker  of  artistic  books.   This  first  book  brought  him  unso- 
licited letters  of  praise,  among  others,  from  Dr.Marden  of  the 
Success  Magazine,  and  Dr. Theodore  L.Cuyler. 

His  first  work  in  the  dialect  he  announces  as  a 
volume  of  Pennsylvania  Dutch  Poems  on  a  wide  range  of  subjects 
bearing  on  the  daily  experiences  and  philosophies  of  "our  folk". 
In  the  second  impression  he  changed  Pennsylvania  Dutch  to  Pennsylvania 
German,  whereupon  the  Pennsylvania  German  magazine,  and  all  those 
who  are  sensitive  on  this  point  applauded.   It  is  professedly 
humorous  and  the  reviewer  in  the  Pennsylvania  German  I-agazine 
assured  hi3  readers  it  was  "just  the  thing  to  drive  away  the  blues" 


as,  in  a  private  letter  the  editor  speaks  of  having  read  it  to  his 

wife  "who  laughed  over  it  until  the  tears  came."   There  are  some  of 

course  who  "have  laughed  at  it"  and  to  all  intents  and  purposes 

said  of  it  what  Hans  Breitman  puts  down  as  the  criticism  of  his 

first  book  by  a  "Boston  shap." 

Dough  he  maket  de  beoples  laughen 
Boot  dot  vas  only  all. 

Hans  Breitman' s  reply,  put  into  the  mouth  of  a  Dutchman,  is  equally 

appropriate  here 

Twas  like  de  saying  dat  Heine, 
Haf  no  witz  in  good  or  bad 
Boot  he  only  Kept  saying  witty  dings 
To  make  beoplefe  he  had. 

Indeed  our  author's  wit  is  generally  as  spontaneous  and 

free  as  it  was  when  as  a  boy  he  had  been  compelled  to  listen  to  a 

long  and  tedious  sermon  by  a  new  parson  and  at  the  end,  when  the 

preacher  closed  the  book,  he  inquired  "Hut  aer  now  sel  gros  buch 

darch  g'lasa?"  Miller  has  at  times  anticipated  the  latest  witticisms 

in  our  Metropolitan  humorous  Journals.   The  present  writer  was;  one 

day  last  summer,  examining  the  files  of  papers  published  some  ten 

years  ago,  containing  some  articles  by  Miller.   The  same  evening 

he  purchased  a  copy  of  the  latest  number  of  "Life"  and  was  amused 

to  find  in  ±t  cartoons  for  which  the  Pennsylvania  German  he  had 

been  reading  might  have  furnished  the  text.  The  identity  extended 

even  to  the  figures  of  speech  and  the  same  sort  of  things  were  held 

up  to  ridicule. 

"Literature"  says  George  E.Woodberry  "is  an  art  of 

expression;  the  material  it  employs  is  experience  -  -  it  endeavors 

to  represent  experience  through  the  medium  of  language  and  bring  it 

home  to  the  understanding  of  the  reader.   It  is  obvious  that  liter- 

aturo  makes  its  appeal  to  the  individual  and  is  intelligible  only 

so  far  as  the  individual  is  able  to  comprehend  its  language  and 

interpret   the  experience  imbedded  there" .   It  is  because  our  author 

has,  in  satiric,  humorous  vein,  portrayed  that  which  appeals  to  all 

who  know  Pennsylvania  Germandom  that  he  is  popular.   For  instance, 

in  every  district  where  his  book  was  read  people  recognized  their 

own  Billy  Bloseroar,  who  goes  down  to  the  crossroads  store,  day  in 

and  day  out,  crosses  one  leg  over  the  other  and  with  a  long  face 

declares  he  has  never  had  a  show  at  all; 

"Yah"  sagt  er  "grawd  fer  zwanzich  yohr 
Bin  ich  do  alle  dawg  am  schtore, 
Un  ward  geduldich  far  en  chance, 
Joe  Hustler  iss  now  sel  net  wohr?" 
"Yah"  sagt  der  Joe, 
"Du  huscht  ken  show 
Du  warscht  success  aw  net  bakondt 
Wan' s  maul  juscht  schofscht  un  net  die  hondt." 

"Di  hussa  sitz  is  blendy  proof 

Dass  du  ken  chance  huscht  in  der  Weldt, 
Du  bischt  farflommt  gaduldich,  yah, 
Gaduld  iss  ken  exchange  far  Geld." 
"So"sagt  der  Joe 
"Du  huscht  ken  show, 
Except  am  loafa  dawg  un  nacht" 
Noh  hen  die  loafers  all  gelacht. 

Wherever  this  selection  has  been  read,  people  have  named 

the  character  described;  this  spells  universality,  at  least  in  so 

far  as  this  word  may  be  used  at  all  when  a  comparatively  small 

number  of  people  make  up  the  world  he  describes.   This  is  why  Miller's 

selections  in  prose  and  verse  have  been  copied  by  the  papers  in 

every  dialect  speaking  county  in  the  State  -  over  fifty  of  them- 

Under  date  of  June  27,  1908  the  Center  Democrat,  Bellefonte,  Pa,  wrote 

"We  find  that  our  people  greatly  appreciate  reading  these  selections 

and  as  our  supply  is  about  exhausted  we  should  like  to  hear  if 

you  have  anything  more  to  offer." 

April  17,  1907  Hon.Chas.B.Spatz,  editor  of  the  Berkes  County 

Democrat  and  Der  Boyertovm  Bauer  said  "Have  been  a  great  admirer 

of  your  work  and  have  used  selections  frequently  in  our  columns. 

We  are  more  than  anxious  to  read  all  you  write." 

In  book  form  they  have  found  their  way  as  far  south 

as  Texas,  west  as  far  as  Nevada,  north  to  Canada  and  east  to  New 

Hampshire;  in  fact  wherever  Pennsylvania  Germans  have  gone.  His 

verses  "Augawanet" 

Es  war  amohl  en  certain  kolb 
Dos  rum  gsucht  hut  far  ufenholt. 

Un  dorrich  bush  und  hecka  rum 

Hut  •  s  kolb  en  pawd  gemocht  gons  grum  -  havt.  a  wider 

application  than  Pennsylvania  German;  as  he  goes  on  and  tells  how 

that  crooked  path  became  in  turn  a  dog's  trail  and  a  cow's  path, 

a  foot  path  for  pedestrians  who  swore  about  it  but  did  not  make  a 

straight  one,  then  a  lane,  a  village  built  around  it,  there  arise 

before  our  eyes  pictures  of  large  cities  which  are  no  sooner 

visited  by  great  fires  or  earthquakes  than  they  ebgin  to  plan  to 

simplify  a  Bystem  of  narrow  and  crooked  streets.   His  own  application 

to  be  sure  is  more  general: 

In  dere  weldt  dun*  blendy  leit, 
Im  olda  waig  fort  doppa  heit. 

Grawd  we  far  oldars,  shrift  un  sproch 
Un  a  kolb  mochts  ma  onner  noch. 

The  Star  Independent  of  Harrieburg  has  already  called 

attention  to  the  fact  that  Miller's  thoughts  are  not  confined  to 

those  who  ordinarily  express  themselves  in  Pennsylvania  German,  but 

have  elements  that  are  universal. 

The  amusement  which  the  present  writer  has  seen  play 

on  the  features  of  parson  and  flock  on  the  occasion  of  the  reading 

of  the  poem  beginning: 

Won  der  Porra  coomt 

Waerdt  rum  gejumpt 
De  euchre  deck  waerdt  g'echwindt  ferbrennt, 
Es  hymnbuch  un  ea  Testament 
Obg'schtawbt  un  uf  der  dish  garennt 
Won  der  Porra 

has  indicated  all  too 
plainly  that  the  author  had  known  whereof  he  had  written. 

Another  type  he  is  fond  of  taking  off,  is  the  man 
who  is  always  ailing  during  the  busy  season  of  the  year,  but  always 
recovers  by  the  time  the  picnic  season  comes  around.   Ho  laughs  at 
those  who  are  the  easy  marks  of  the  "garrulous  but  shrewd  and  per- 
sistent 'Bicher  Agent'  who  plays  so  successfully  with  the  vanity  of 
his  would  be  customer."   This  poem  in  particular  attnacted  the 
attention  of  Richard  E.Helbig  of  the  Lennox  Library,  New  York  City 
and  from  him  I  have  quoted  almost  all  of  the  above  sentence. 

Of  the  dissatisfied  farmer  he  concludes  a  short 
poem  thus: 

Wun's  immer  dawler  waetza  ware 
Un  het  ken  toxa  un  egshpense 
Don  ware  de  geld  kisht  nemohls  lare 
Und  Bowera  hetta  aw  en  chance. 

In  1650  an  unknown  poet  in  Aug3burg  wrote  in  similar  strain, 

Das  Bauer  werck  ist  nix  mehr  wert 
Der  Handel  hat  sich  bald  verkehrt, 
Ist  nix  dabei  als  Muh  und  Gschwar, 
Wolt,  das  der  Teuffel  ein  Bauer  war. 

Other  points  of  similarity  might  be  pointed  out,  thus  do  the  satir- 
ists through  all  the  ages  find  it  necessary  to  hammer  on  the  same 
old  failings  of  humanity. 

On  the  other  hand,  our  author  is  full  of  real  joy  in 
the  baauties  of  nature,   whether  she  manifests  herself  in  the  bloom- 
ing of  the  flowers,  the  waving  of  the  golden  grain,  the  singing  of 
the  birds,  the  patter  of  children's  footsteps  or  the  prattle  of 

/•  S 

their  voices,  but  he  has  no  patience  with  the  thoughtless  "back  to 
the  country  movement"  of  those  who  think  they  may  enjoy  its  bounties 
without  paying  the  proper  price j 

Wie  sees  is  doch  die  summer  tseit, 

Es  Paradies  fum  yori 
En  himmel's  bild  fer  ola  leit 

Wu  awga  hen  dafor. 

*  *  * 

Woe  pikters  sait  mer  uf  de  bame 

Mer  kent  net  won  mer  wut 
Sel'r  Rambo  farba  naksht  so  sha 

Sel  war  de  hond  fun  Gott. 

*  #      *   * 

0,  mei  hartz  klupt  dos  en  brumd 
Now,  wun's  free  yohr  wid'r  kumt. 
*    *     *       * 

Ich  sa  es  nuch,  mei  lewas  kint 

Un's  dut  mer  laed  im  hartz 
Bin  shoor  in  Paradies  er  findt 

Ken  hung'r,  pein  un  schnartz. 
Doch  war's  mer  loeb  un  grosa  lusht 

Un  0J  Gott  wase  we  fro 
Het  ich  mei  bebeli  uf  da  brusht 

War  juscht  mei  engli  doh: 

*  *       *      * 

Oh,  de  tswa  klana  shu  -  supposin  ich  het 

Sie  nimma  urn  ufa  do 
Un  ken  kleena  fees  im  trundle  bet 

Wie  bid'r  war's  lava  derno! 

He  extemporizes  in  masterful  variations  on  the  general 

theme  of : 

Die  weldt  is  nimme  we  se  wore 
En  hunnert  yohr  zurick. 

1810  •  .,  * 

Der  Bower  nemt  sei  Beev  1  uf 

Un  las'd  ols  owets  ou3  em  Buch 

De  Fraw  hukt  bei  un  singt  en  shdick 

Un  So*  un  Duchd'r  singa  mit 

Recht  orndlich. 

Der  Bower  grikt  Fildelfy  "news 
Full  marderei  fun  kup  zu  foos, 
De  Boev'l  shtawwich  uva  druf 
De  Fraw  gookt  fashion  bicher  uf 


De  duehd'r  shbeeld  de  drumb'l  boks 
Mit  weisa  hend  we  gips  un  woks 
Der  so  wo  in  de  city  bletc 
Shmok'd  lawda  neg'l  cigarettes, 
Gone  shondlich. 

Yet  he  is  not  a  laudator  temporis  acti  to  the  extent 

of  wiBhing  the  good  old  days  backj  he  is  no  pessimist,  he  would 

merely  spund  a  warning: 

Ei,  wos  en  hunnert  yor  duch  mocht 
Farennaring  we  dawg  un  nacht 
Bei  Bower  un  bei  ola  leit. 

Mer  winsht ' s  aw  nimma  we ' s  mol  wor 
Duch  man'd  mer  *s  is  a  bis'l  g'for  - 
Leit  werra  in  a  hunnert  yc} r 
Tzu  weldlich  un  zu  Gctlcs  g'f   it. 

Cnc   of   Miller's  very  7 -~  4.  poem  was  nc 

\    nnyson'e   "Rfng  Cut,  Wild  Bells"- 

Ring'd,  bella  ringd 
Par  fraed  uf ' s  Nei  Yohr  he 
Far  bessra  dawga  forna  drous 
Un  freindlicher  we  dej 
Far  man'r  leeb  un  wennich'r  shond 
Far  wenich'r  shdreid  un  mae  farshtond 
Un  darch  aweck  en  besser  lond 
Ring'd,  bella  ring'd. 

Dol'd,  bella  dol'd 
Ous  la'd  far'n  moncha  seeza  shtund 
V/u  f  orhar  unser  war 
Ous  sorya  fer  ferlawra  zeit 
Far  nidra  driks  un  klan'r  shbeit 
Un  folshad  g'shwisha  chentleleit 
Dol'd,  bella  dol'd. 

Ring'd,  bella  ring'd 
Kaling,  a  ling,  ka  long, 
Ringt's  olt  Tohr  nous  mir  sorg  und  lad 
Uns  Nei  Yohr  rei  mit  g'sung. 
Ring'd  far  en  Shtondhcft  r:enlichkad 
Ring'd  loud  mit  lushd  und  fraed, 
Far  Breeda  und  garechtigkaed, 
Ring'd,  bella  ring'd. 

Likewise  in  parody  he  has  given  many  harpy  renderings.  I 

have  not  yet  spoken  of  the  philosophy  he  develops  for  himself; 

how  amid  complaints  of  too  much  this  and  too  much  that,  in  our 

complex  life; 

Nix  in  der  welt  dos  guter  farshtond 
Kann  alles  darrich  mocha. 

He  dilates  on  the  pleasures  to  be  drawn  from  a  corn  cob 

pipe  -  I'ex   Alte  Krutza  Pife  -  on  the  beauty  of  accepting  things 

as  they  come  -  Mer  Nemmt's  we's  Kummt  -  and  finally  locates  Heaven 


Dale  schwetza  fum  Hi  mine  1  we  en  lond  wide  aweck 

En  blotz  das  mer  nix  wa3e  derfun, 
Wu  die  leit  all  gechanged  sin  fun  juscht  comner  dreck 

Un  sin  ^ngel  und  fliega  dart  rum. 
Sie  sawga  sis  arryets  ivver'm  say 

En  mechtiger  lunger  weg  fart, 
Wu  niemond  sich  kenna  kon  bis  mer  schier  denkt 

Die  Leit  sin  all  foreigners  dart. 


So  mochts  net  feel  aus  ware  schwetzt  odder  sucht 

Far  die  awich  und  sees  harlichkeit 
Der  Hirnmel  is  net  im  Geogrpahy  Buch 

Ovver  naigscht  Tbei   em  Hartz  vun  de  Leit 
V,run  mer  breederlich  lebt  wie  die  Schrift  sagt  mer  set, 

Iss  mer  harlich  und  alles  geht  gude 
Un  won  em  de  g'sundheit  derno  aw  net  fehlt 

Iss  der  Hirnmel  grawd  unnich  em  Hut. 

In  his  prose  selections  he  usually  writes  on  some  timely 
subject  -  politics,  flying  machines,  woman  suffrage,  the  comet,  on 
abstract  subjects-  pride,  church  going,  but  whatever  the  subject, 
he  as  a  rule  sends  the  truth  straight  home,  making  an  appeal  di- 
rect to  his  own  people,  who  accept  well  merited  rebuke  in  good 
grace  because  administered  by  one  of  their  own  number  and  because 
tho  sarcastic  comment  is  mingled  with  such  playful  humor  that  it 
often  difficult  to  tell  whether  the  writer  is  in  earnest  or  only 
making  game. 

On  certain  questions  that  have  become  the  subject  of 
great  national  agitation,  the  dialect  write -s  are  working  hand  in 
hand  with  the  great  Metropolitan  papers.   To  mention  but  one  example 

-on  a  sane  celebration  of  the  Fourth  of  July.   To  a r  of  poems 
on  this  subject  in  my  possession,  our  author  has  an  essay  in  prose. 
Another  of  this  writer's  subjects  illustrates  how  the  dialect 
adapts   itself  to  modern  English  slang  -  Die  Nei  Runzel  im  Shpella. 

When  he  applies  to  the  Dictionary  that  they  propose  making,  he  is 
in  danger  of  getting  such  stuff  palmed  off  on:  him  as  Government 
reports  tell  him  he  is  really  getting  at  the  store  nowadays  when 
he  imagines  he  is  purchasing  pure  groceries  -  a  wonderful  mixture 
of  unmentionable  stuff  "Ovver  ich  denk  die  nei  Runzel  im  Shpella  wart 
gae  wie  fiel  onnera  so  narheita." 

The  present  writer  asked  him  what  had  been  the  moving 
cause  in  leading  him  to  do  this  sort  of  work,  and  he  modestly 
phrased  it  thus:   "My  purpose  in  writing  has  been  chiefly  to  meet 
a  local  demand  for  such  literature,  which  derand  seems  to  have  beer, 
created  after  it  became  known  that  new  matter  could  be  manufactured 
at  home.   The  first  selections  were  written  out  of  a  spirit  of 
humor,  impulsively,  and  when  the  editor  asked  for  more,  the  mill 
was  kept  running."  Liar  ion  D. Learned  has  referred  to  Miller's 
work  as  a  valuable  contribution  to  Pennsylvania  German  Literature. 


A  Bibliography 
other  sources  of  information 
for  the  chapter  on 
Thomas  J.B.Rhoads. 

Biographical  History  of  Berks  County,  Montgomery,  Chicago,  1909 

Onkel  Jeff's  Reminiscences  of  Youth  and  Other  Poems.  Boyertov/n, 

Pa.  1906 

Personal  Correspondence. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. V. 165 


Thomas  J.B.Rhoads. 

Dr. Thomas  J.B.Rhoads  of  Boyertown,  Pa.  graduated 
from  the  Jefferson  i.edical  College,  Philadelphia  in  1861  and 
shortly  afte1"  that  entered  the  army  as  Assistant  Surgeon.   After 
the  battle  of  Gettysburg  his  regiment  was  mustered  out  and  he  re- 
turned to  Boyertown  where  he  has  been  engaged  in rftultifarious  bus- 
iness undertakings,  drugs,  mines,  insurance,  banks,  real  estate, 
theaters,  being  his  principal  lines;   as  local  politician  and  aa 
a  member  of  local  fraternities  he  has  held  almost  all  offices  in 
the  gift  of  his  friends.   With  all  this,  he  has  kept  up  for  fifty 
years  (he  is  now  74  yrs  old)  an  extensive  practice  as  physician. 

It  was  while  making  the  rounds  of  his  patients  and 
especially  ?/hen,  as  was  not  infrequently  the  case  he  had  to  take 
long  drives  of  eight  or  ton  miles  at  night  that  'he  meditated 
the  thankless  musej  with  the  result  that   two  volumes  of  verses 
of  400  pages  each,  gradually  formed  themselves.   Those  called 
M0nkel  Jeff's  Reminiscences  of  Youth"   are  for  the  most  part  in 
English  although  a  number  are  in  dialect,  while  sundry  of  his  dia- 
lect poems  have  appeared  elsewhere  since  the  publication  of  the 
books  (1905). 

One  of  his  earliest  effusions  "Die  Whiske  Buwe"  des- 
cribes all  the  excuses  drinkers  offer  as  they  step  up  to  the  bar 
and  explain  why  they  must  have  a  drink.   In  "Das  Alt  Achteckig 
Schulhaus"  he  compares  the  three  months  school  in  the  year  with 
present  systems  of  school  all  the  year  round  and  day  and  night, 
compares  the  simple  curriculum  with  those  in  vogue  at  present,  which 
include  everything  from  "buchstabiere"  to"skriveliere" , "philosophiere" 
and  "karassierey  with  many  other   "iere'sV  and  concludes: 

Warm  mer  denkt  die  lange  Zei1 
Wu  sio  in  die  Schule  gehne 
Vun  sex  Johr  nuf  bis  zwanzig 
Sollt  mer  doch  gewiss  ah  mehne, 

Sie  sotte  besoere  Laming  hawe, 
Sotte  g'scheidt   sei  wie  die  Parre. 
Oft  mols  sin  die  hochst  gelernte 
Am  End  doch  die  grosste  Narre. 

In  "Neue  Mode"  he  seems  to  have  a  special  incident 

in  mind,  -  everything  is  changed  by  Fashion's  decree,  even  the 

Lord's  Prayer  has  been  supplanted. 

Die  Sache  werre  ganz  verdreht 
Der  Schwarz  Gaul  is  en  schimmel; 
Fer  Kinner  nerrf  s  en  neu  Gebet 
Un  bald  en  neuer  Himmel. 

Probably  his  bent  is  the  descriptive  poem  "Es  Lat- 

werg  Koche  fer  Alters^}  he  here  tells  the  story  in  greater  detail 

than  is  to  be  found  in  poems  on  the  same  subject  by  others,  and 

also  in  smoother  meters  than  is  his  own  wont. 


Sources  of  Information 
for  the  chapter  on 
Adam  Stump. 


Pennsylvania  College  (Student's  Publi- 

cation. ) 

Pennsylvania  German  Magazine. 


Adam  Stump. 

Adam  Stump  has  been  a  preacher  in  his  native  county 
of  York,  Pa  for  the  last  twenty  one  years,  after  having  been  five 
years  a  missionary  to  Nebraska,  before  which  he  preached  four  years 
in  York  and  Adams  Counties.   The  first  member  of  the  Stump  family 
came  to  America  in  1710J  several  other  lines  of  ancestry  he  traces 
to  a  period  nearly  as  early. 

After  leaving  the  farm,  in  1871,  at  the  age  of  17 
he  studied  at  York  Academy;  taught  school  for  two  years,  then  en- 
tered Pennsylvania  College  at  Gettysburg  and  upon  graduation  took 
the  course  in  the  Lutheran  Smeinary  at  the  same  place. 

His  poems  are  all  based  on  personal  experience  or 

were  written  for  some  occasion.   Everything  seems  to  him  a  symbol, 

an  emblem  of  the  perishable  in  this  world  and  a  reminder  of  the 

grave  and  the  entrance  into  the  next  world.   So  even  the  "Alt 

Cider  Muehl w  which  his  grandfather  built  and  the  processes  of  which 

he  describes  becomes  a  picture  of  the  grind  of  life  where  in  the 

end  nought  is  left  but  the  "Droeschter." 

Adieu,  du  alte,  liebe  Muehl, 
Du  gebst  mir  jetz  en  wehes  g'fuehl, 
Die  Lust  der  Kindheit  wie  des  Laub, 
Geht  mit  dir  zu  Aesch  un  Staub. 

Ganz  vermahle, 

Bis  an  die  Schale, 

Zehrt  una  die  Welt, 

In  unser  Zelt, 
Un  dreibt,  des  lebe  in  des  Grab. 

In  wEs  Haemelt  em  a'  "  he  goes  back  to  the  old  home  and 

passes  from  one  to  the  other  of  the  scenes  of  childhood: 

Dort  steht's  alt  Haus  am  Weg, 

Dort  is  des  Kammerlie, 

*         •»         * 

Dort  is  diessolbe  Schwell; 

Es  steline  fremrae  Puesse  druf; 
Mer  achleicht  ira  Zweifel  na' 
Es  is  wie's  war,  un  doch  net,  gel? 

Doch  haemelts  em  a' 

Es  haemelt  em  a'. 

Yet  with  all  the  old  familiar  faces  at  the  old  home  gone  and  with 

names  of  mother,  wife  and  child  to  greet  him  as  he  wanders  to  the 

nearby 'Gottesackeri'  it  almost  makes  him  feel  as  though  the  latter 
place  had  the  stronger  attractions; 

Der  Todes  Acker  blueht; 

Mer  fuehlt  net  ganz  so  frem  in  dem. 

Ja,  Mutter,  Kind  un  Fra, 
Guck  wie  mer  yetz  die  Name  siehti 

So  haemelts  em  a' 

Ec  haemelt  em  a' . 

Die  "Mami  Schloft"  is  a  most  tender  effort  to  per- 
suade the  heart  that  she  whose  day  was  long  and  labor  sore,  is  now 
better  off  in  the  sweet  rest  of  eternityj  but  the  recollection  of 
all  that  she  meant  from  earliest  childhood  on,  brings  pangs  to  the 
heart.   Her  Feierowet  has  come  and  she  lies  peaceful  on  her  bed, 
but  for  him  she  will  wake  no  more. 

Die  Nacht  is  doh,  die  Drauer-Nacht: 

Ss  hangt  en  flor  uf  meinra  dhier; 
Die  Mami  schloft!  Der  7/elt  ihr  Pracht 

Is  ganz  vergange,  sag  ich  dir! 

Ihr  Aug  hot  mich  es  erscht  erschaut, 

Erscht  haw'  ich  ihre  Stimm  erhoertj 
Uf  sie  haw'  ich  die  Welt  gebaut, 

Ihr  Lewe  war  mir  alles  wert. 

Ihr  dag  war  lang,  Ihr  Arwet  schw-r, 
Ihr  Pilger  reis  war  hart  un  weit, 

So  mied  war  sie,  un  matt  so  sehr, 
Die  Ruh  is  siess  in  Ewigkeiti 

*        #        #        # 

Doch  Feierowet  is  jo  doh, 

Die  --ami  leit  in  ihrem  Bett, 


Im  Kaemmerli  schloft  aie  recht  fro, 

Dann  week  sie  net,  oh  week  sie  net! 

M'r  sagts  net  gern:  m'r  muss  93  dun; 

Des  Herz  es  hangt  an  seinem  gut  - 
:Ier  guckt  noch  ee  Mohl  -  Jetz  mach  zui 

Die  Draehne  nemme  mir  den  Muthi 

Ihr  Aug  is  zu,  ihr  Mund  sohweigt  schtill, 

Un  kalt  is  ihra  Herzens-  quell. 
Dann,  gute  Nachti  Mach's  wie  mer  will  - 

Doh  muss  mer  saga  "Ferrawell." 

"Es  Hofdehcle"  as  it  swings  back  and  forth  sings  a 
melancholy  tale.   By  it  entered  the  joyou3  bride,  merry  children 
in  their  play  passed  in  and  out,  many  friends  and  strangers  rich 
and  poor  were  glad  to  enter  by  it  to  the  home  where  all  were  made 
welcome,  but  presently  one  after  another  in  sad  procession  all  passed 
out  neve"  to  return  again. 

Die  Braut,  die  Kinner  un  der  Mann, 

Die  Bluma,  's  Grass,  der  Vogelsang, 
Die  Blatter,  Summer  -  alles  geht  als  anni 

So  singt  des  Dehrle  dagelang. 

Es  schwingt,  es  singt  im  Summerwind; 

Es  werd  ah  niemohls  matt  un  mied. 
Es  weint  un  greint  wie  en  verlornes  Kind, 

Un  jetzt  weescht  du  mei  trauerig  Lied. 

Es  geht  mol  uns  en  Dehrle  zu, 

Un  gar  vielleicht  im  Aageblick. 
Noh  gehna  mer  vun  heem,  ja,  ich  un  du, 

Un  kumma  nie  ja  nie  zurick. 

Die  "iluttersproch"   is  a  heaping  up  of  reasons  why 
he  doe3  as  he  ought  to,  love  the  speech  that  first  he  heard  from 
his  motherrs  lips; 

Wie  kenne  mir  die  Liewe  Sproch, 

So  leichtsinnig  im  stolz  verlo33e! 
Der  alte  Strom,  so  nooh  un  noch, 

Is  noch  net  ganz  un  gar  verflosso. 
Mer  henke  fescht  am  alte  Stam, 
So  wie  die  Braut  am  Braut  iga:. 

Latin  and  Greek  are  a  rusty  old  gun,  his  mother  tongue  is  as 

bread  and  salt,  the  blossom  ne-ror   forgets  the  dew  that  fell  upon 

and  nurtured  it,  the  ^rape  does  not  hate  the  vine,  a  dog  does  not 

bite  his  friend: 

0  Muttersproch  di  bischt  \ms   liebi 
In  deinem  Ton  is  3eliger  Trieb. 

#  #         n  # 

Ja  in  der  Schockel,  in  der  Lad, 
Bleibt  unsere  liewe  Sproch  dieselwej 

He  knows  he  will  hear  it  even  when  he  gets  over  to  the  other  shore, 

0  sanfte,  deire  MuttersprochJ 

'.Vie  Hunnig  fliesst  sie  daroh  mei  Sinne; 

Un  wan  ich  mol  imm  Himmel  hooh 
Mei   scheene  Haemet  du  gewinne, 

Dann  heer  ioh  dart  zu  meinem  wohl 
En  Mutterwort  -  ja,  ah  ebmol. 

Der  "Zuk"  describes  scenes  well  known  and  annually  repeat- 
ed at  the  time  of  moving,  which  lead  our  good  pastor  to  his  in- 
evitable conclusions j 

Im  Himmel  gebts  ken  Zieges  meh, 
Des  Scheide  dort  duht  nimme  wehj 

Dort  bleibt  die  V/ohnungszelt, 
Dort  geht  ken  langer  Zuk  meh  fort 
So  laest  mer  klor  in  Gottes  wort; 

Sel  is  en  bessre  Welt. 

Only  seldom  and  for  special  occasions  does  he  allow  that 

feeling  to  get  the  upper  hand  which  proves  to  us  that  the  feeling 

of  growing  old  is  an  illusion.   I  call  attention  to  the  vividness 

and  the  playfulness  with  which  twenty  years  after,  he  recalls  the 

impressions  of  the  time  when  first  he  coiild  say: 

Do  bin  ich  jetst  in  Gettesberg 
•»        #        *       # 

Ich  war  juscht  vor  der  Facultee 
Es  hut  mer  g'fehlt  an  meine  Gnie; 

#  #         *       a 

Hab  wunners  gmaent  was  ich  aw  kann 
Bis  sie  mich  awgeguckt  -  ei  dann- 

His  struggles  with  his  courses  are  reflected  in  the  lines 


I oh  waes  net  rocht  was  sol  es  sei 
'S  haost  rait  "Conditions"  darf  ioh  nei; 
Doch  warm  ich  mol  reoht  inside  bin 
Darin,  wie  en  Glett,  bleib  ich  drin, 

and  it  seems  he  did. 

He  has  sean  a  girl  in  town  but  hears  there  is  a  Senior-  but  re- 

uionbers  Seniors  will  leave;  he  learns  the  reason  and  tells: 

n '.Varum  ioh  dummer  Freshman  heas." 

Dooh  Socrates  hut  ae  mohl  gsagt, 

So  hen  sio  rnirs  ins  Hern  gejagt 

Des  erscht  der  Schuler  lerne  muss 

Wie  rrad  as  wie  en  daube  Muss, 

Er  gar  nix  wisse  daeht.   Geb  achti 

Ich  hab  en  guter  schtaert  3chun  gmachti 

Ich  reib  mei  Rick  do  an  die  Wand, 

Un  reid  en  Pony  aus  Verstand, 

Dann  ess  ich  Fisch  bis  mirs  verlaed, 

Nord  waer  ich  a  en  Graduade! 

In  a  poem  for  the  Dallastown  reunion  he  gets  into 
similar  vein,  but  this  is  the  exception. 

He  has  written  a.  number  of  books  in  English  and 
been  a  frequent  contributor  to  Church  periodicals,  and  has  been 
known  to  express  the  wish  for  the  leisure  to  do  for  Pennsylvania 
German  life  and  history,  and  in  the  dialect  some  part  of  what  Sir 
Walter  Scott  accomplished.   A  similar  desire  to  have  this  done  and 
the  hope  that  somebody  would  do  it,  has  been  expressed  by  Judge 
Grosscup  of  Chicago,  himself  of  Pennsylvania  German  descent;  sim- 
ilar utterances  by  a  young  student  of  the  University  of  Penn- 
sylvania with  a  bent  toward  writing  suggest  the  thought  that  some 
day  a  beginning  of  this  kind  may  yet  be  made. 


Sources  of  Information 
for  the  sketch  on 
Louisa  V/eitzel. 

Correspondence . 

Pennsylvania  German  Magazine. 


Louisa  A.Wei tzel. 
Louisa  A.Weitzel  of  Lititz,  Pa.,  is  one  of  those 
Pennsylvania  Germans  who  took  up  writing  in  the  dialect  after  a 
medium  had  been  created  whereby  they  might  reach  an  audience.   Even 
before  she  had  finished  her  studies  at  Sunny side  College,  1876  and 
Linden  Hall  Seminary  in  1880  she  had  written  stories  and  verse 
that  had  been  published  in  the  Moravian,  and  other  church  period- 
icals.  For  these  she  ha3  been  writing  ever  since,  as  well  as  for 
the  Lititz,  Lancaster  and  Philadelphia  papers. 

For  a  time  she  served  a3  Associate  Editor  of  the 
Lititz  Express  and  while  acting  in  that  capacity,  in  1899,  began 
writing  articles  in  prose  in  the  dialect.   Shortly  after  the  found- 
ing of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Magazine,  3he  turned  her  attention 
to  verse j  new  contributions  by  her  have  appeared  year  by  year,  and 
one  of  these  it  was  my  privilege  to  receive  in  MS  (before  its 
publication  in  December  1910);  it  is  an  enthusiastic  Aufruf; 

Wu  sin  die  Deitsche  Dichter 
Sie  sin  verschwunne  all, 
Wu  sin  die  grosse  Liohter 
In  unsere  Runmeshall. 
Heraus,  heraus  Reimreiser, 
Wu  sin  ihr  all  versteckt 
Ihr  sin  jo  die  Wegweiser 
Die  Schoheit  uferweckt. 

There  is  a  cheerfulness  and  hopefulness  in  her 

lines  that  is  in  beautiful  contrast  to  a  life  that  has  been  far 

from  free  from  sorrow  and  gloom. 

Ich  wees  net  was  es  Neu  Yohr  bringt 
Uns  gebt  ke  Mensch  das  dut. 
Doch's  Herz  sich  mit  de  Glocke  schwingt 
Un  frohlich  steigt  der  Mut. 
*        *        #         « 

Kumm  her  du  frisches  junges  Johr, 
Geb  mir  dei  treue  Hand, 
Dei  Bruder  ware  gut  zuvor 
Du  bischt  es  ah  im  schtand. 

Her  poems  impress  one  as  though  she  had  gone  out 

into  the  wood*  and  laid  her  care^  on  the  lap  of  Mother  Nature,  even 

as  a  child  goes  to  her  mother  to  have  her  cry  and  then  goes 

merrily  hack  to  her  playj 

Es  i3  so  scho  im  alte  Bush, 
Der  Bodde  gru  mit  Moss  - 
V.'eechsitzt  mer  uf  der  kuhle  E^d, 
As  wie  im  Mutter  Shoss, 
Un  fuhlt  fun  all em  was  em  krankt 
So  glucklich,  frei  un  los. 

It  is  a  pleasing  note  of  a  young  old  age  that  we 
hear  in  the  following,  as  in  reply  to  the  repinlngs  so  often  in- 
dulged in  j 

Mer  schwatze  vun  alte  Zeite, 

Un  denke  gar  net  dra* 
Die  werd  net  alter  net  junger, 

Jusht  r.iir  werre  alt  un  gro' 
Sie  zahlt  ihro  Johre  bei  dausend 

Die  Welt  un  werd  net  alt 
Mir  zahle  sie  juscht  bei  zwanzig, 

Un  die  vergehne  bald. 

Dal  mehne  die  Zeit  war  besser, 

In  ihre  Jugend.  Ne 
Sie  ware  junger,  ge sunder 

Un  do  war  alles  echo 
Jetzt  sin  sie  ausgewohre 

Jetzt   sin  sie  mud  un  satt, 
Un  die  Welt  sheint  schlimmer  wie  frtiher, 

Un  luderlich  un  matt. 

Tven  the  fall,  and  the  departure  of  the  robins 
recall  to  her  only  the  joyous  season  when  they  came  and  anticipate 
its  recurrence  another  year. 

Persistent  as  she  is  in  refusing  to  look  on  the 
dark  side  herself,  she  is  aware  there  are  some  who  do  not  see 
much  light.   In  MEn  Charakter"  she  has  given  us  a  picture  of  a 
species  of  individual  not  unknown  here  as  elsewhere,  a  picture 
which  the  detractors  of  the  Pennsjrlvania  Germans  would  have  us  be- 
lieve was  fa,[r$ly  representative  of  the  whole  body  of  the  peopl  . 

Er  shafft,  un  gratzt,  un  geitzt,  un  shpuhrt, 

Un  blogt  sich  shpaet  un  fruel  ; 
Er  shpart  sich  nett,  er  shpart  ke  Leut, 

Un  shpart  ah  nett  sei  Pi eh. 
Ass  wie  ne  Kaetzle  uf 'e  Maus 

Guckt  er  uf  jeder  Cent, 
Er  wendt  un  dreht  en  sivvemol 

Bis  dass  er  aner  shpendt. 

Sei  Fraw  gelt  weniger  ass  die  Geul, 

Sei  Kinner  wie  die  Sau: 
Er  rechend  oft  sie  koste  neh 
Un  bringe  wenniger  ei. 
shickt  die  Kinner  in  die  Shul 
Wann  sie  sinn  jung  un  glee, 
Ann  ihre  Erwet  ebbes  mehnt 
Dann  darfe  sie  nimmie  geh. 

Some  of  our  latter-day  novelists  have  given  admirable 

pictures  of  such  characters,  but  only  the  perennial  recurrence  of 

this  figure  in  literature  has  revived  the  mistaken  notion  that  he 

represents  not  a  type,  but  the  people  itself. 

Our  writer's  plan  of  life  is  summed  up  in  hor  lines: 

Hie  un  do  a  Liedle 
Hie  un  do  a  Blum 
'.Veil  mer  gehne  uf  un  ab 
V.'ege  grad  un  grum. 
#      *       * 

Ebmols  is  es  dunkel  trub 
Regnet  alle  Dag 
Bat  es  wann  mer  brumme  dut? 
Helft  em  sei  geklag? 

In  1908  she  published  a  collection  of  her  English  poems, 

"A  Quiver  of  Arrows"  for  which  Longfellow ' s  "I  shot  an  arrow  into 

the  air"  suggested  the  title. 


A  Bibliography 
other  sources  of  information 
for  the  chapter  on 
As  tor  Clinton  V/uchter. 

Herringshaw ' s  Cyclopedia  of  American  Biography. 
Personal  Correspondenco. 



To  a  remote  past,  to  nobility,  to  relationship  with  the 
Dukes  of  Orleans  the  family  to  which  Wuchter  belongs  traces  its 
ancestry.   Prom  Suabia,  the  first  ancestor  :  i        3-ica  in  1749, 
although  the  father  of  this  one  h   .'  fled  to 

political  refugee  even  earlier  under  an  assumed  name  and  has  never 
been  definitely  traced.   On  the  maternal  side  his  ancestors  came 
from  Hanover,  in  1730.   Astor  Clinton  Wuchter  was  born  in  Jackson- 
ville, Lehigh  County,  Pa  February  4,  1856$  worked  on  the  farm  and 
was  a  pupil  in  the  common  schools  until  18  yoars  old;  attended  ihe 
l.'illersville  State  Normal  School,  taught  in  the  public  schools  1874 
1878 j  then  taught  and  studied  for  three  years  in  ^-aris,  France; 
graduated  from  the  Lutheran  Theological  Seminary,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
1885,  then  served  successively  the  congregations  at  Summit  Hill,  Ea 
from  1885  -  1890;  Weissport  1890  -  1893;  Gilbert  1893  -  1909  as 
pastor,  after  which  he  became  Professor  of  French  at  'Vittenberg 
College,  Ohio.   After  one  year  in  this  position  he  went  back  to  Lhe 
ministry  and  is  now  preaching  at  Paulding,  Ohio. 

He  began  writing  very  early;  his  published  works 
consisting  for  the  most  part  of  hymns  and  religious  poems,  origin- 
al and  translated,  appeared  chiefly  in  "The  Lutheran".   The  trans- 
lations include  renderings  from  Latin,  German  and  French.   It 
was  also  at  an  early  age  that  he  began  producing  Selections  in 
the  dialect,  but  there  are  none  of  these  extant  of  a  date  earlier 
than  1894,   Wuchter* s  reasons  for  writing  in  the  dialect  deserve 
mention  -  "I  sav;  many  limping  efforts,  as  I  thought,  especially 
in  verse,  and  so  I  essayed  what  I  could  do  as  to  meter  and  rhythm." 

Ho  finds  the  Pennsylvania  German  just  a3  easy  for  him  as  the  High 


German;  and  as  the  charm  grew  upon  him  ,  and  Pegasus  got  restive, 
they  ventured  on  bolder  but  still  measured  flights. 

It  is,  as  a  rule,  only  the  masters  of  any  subject 
that  fully  realize  its  difficulties}  Heine  could  say:  "Furwahr,  die 
Metrik  ist  rasend  schwer;  es  giebt  vielleicht  sech3  oder  sieben 
Manner  in  Deutschland,  die  ihr  V'esen  verstehen."   A  considerable 
number  of  our  dialect  writers  have  either  never  heard  such  a  state- 
ment, or  act  as  though  it  excused  them  from  giving  the  subject  ser- 
ious attention}  they  have  all  too  often  gone  merrily  a-rhyming,  ' 
without  shaping  their  course  or  avoiding  rude  jolts  of  cross  country 
roads.   Here  as  always,  careful  workmanship  aims  at  and  reaches 
more  than  outward  smoothness.   Thus  in  reading  some  of  Wuohter's 
lines  we  experience  an  indefinable  pleasure  not  elsewhere  afforded 
by  the  dialect  verse.   His  highest  success  he  has  perhaps  achieved 
in  the  playful  onomatopoetic  lines  in  which  he  tell3  the  familiar 
story  of  the  hired  boy  who  was  set  to  work  picking  stones  from  a 
field,  while  his  master,  Dinkey  and  the  latter' s  spouse  went  off 
to  the  village  on  business.   Now  towards  evening  they  are  coming 
home,  but  are  not  yet  is  sight  of  the  place  where  the  boy  is  work- 

Mer  sin  de  Lane  so  langsam  nuf ; 

Der  Schubkarch  hot  gegrahnt. 
Noh  lacht  die  Betz:  "Sag,  bass  mol  ufi 

:Veescht  7/ie  mich  sell  gemahnt? 
Der  Dinkey  kummt  noch  la-ang  net 

Er  kummt  noch  net,  rah-ie-J 
Der  Dinkey  kummt  noch  net,  I  bet, 

Er  kummt  net,  sweet  Marie." 

Er  hut  uns  ivverdem  erb]    ,; 

Noh  hot  die  Betz  gelacht; 
"Guck,  was  der  Joe  net  Eifer  krigtl 

Heerscht  v;ie  der  Schubkarch  macht? 
Dar  Dinkey  kummt,  der  Dinkey  kummt 

Ta-rie,  Tarie!  Tariei 
Der  Dinkey  kummt,  'r  'rumpt,  ' r  'rumpti 

Hurrah  for  Tshin'rel  Lee!" 

U  03 

His  first  productions  appeared  over  the  signature 
"Silfanis"  in  the  Allenfown  Democrat,  under  the  editorship  of 
C.  Frank  Haines,  who,  although  himself  in  the  dark  as  to  the  author, 
was  convinced  that  no  such  writer  had  as  yet  appeared  in  Pennsyl- 
vania. German.  '.Vuchter's  range  of  subjects  is  also  rather  broader 
than  that  of  the  average  writer  in  the  dialect,  but  he  too  returns 
to  the  central  thought  of  these  dialect  poets  and  defends  "Die 
Muttersprooch"  in  a  poem  which  concludes: 

Drum  tzwischa  Gott  un  tzwischa  mensch 

Was  hut  die  schproch  tz'  dun? 
Grickt  ehner'n  schennor  Pletz'l  dert, 

Geht's  in  die  ewich  Ruh? 
Kummt  alles  aw  uf  Shibboleth 

Beim  Jordan  ivvergeh? 
'"eg  mit  so  dumnhait,  ewich  week  - 

Die  Muttersprooch  is  scheh. 

which  seems  in  sentiment 

to  tally  with  the  linos  of  Suabian  Michel  Buck 

I  schwatz,  wia  miar  der  Schnabel  g'wachsa  'n  ischt 
Un  wia'n  is  han  von  meiner  Muatar  ghairt 
Und  glaub,  wear  seiner  Muatar  Sproch  it  aihrt, 
Dear  sei  schau'  weagadeam  koi '  reachter  Chrischt. 

He  reverts  also,  like  his  companion  poets,  to  the 
old  times,  and  describes  to  us  in  inimitable  verse  ""n  Alte  Lumpa 
Party^  he  indulges  in  a  satirical  disapproval  of  Sunday  clambakes 
and  in.  his  "Schpundaloch"  he  has  given  a  picture  and  embodied  a 
story  which  have  been  pronounced  by  his  church  to  be  better  than 
many  a  temperance  lecture.   His  muse  also  has  not  scorned  "occasion- 
al peers?  as  the  one  on  the  30th  anniversary  of  the  Ordination  of 
one  of  his  fellow  ministers. 

Under  the  guise  of  an  old  cobbler,  Yohli,  he 
philosophizes;  with  Yohli  he  makes  a  trip  (as  many  in  real  life 
have  done)  "Die  'hio  naus?  to  visit  those  of  the  family  who  went 

West  In  the  days  when  Ohio  was  West. 

He  is  particularly  fond  of  versifying  stories  with 

a  point  to  them.   One  of  these  "Der  Geitz"  he  has  brought  with  him 

from  Brittany,  another  "Der  Verlora  Ehsel"  is  an  Oriental  tale, 

adapted  from  the  High  German,  "Hummingbirds"  relates  an  incident 

of  the  War  of  1812  and  "Hans  and  Herrgott"  an  anecdote  of  Martin 


At  times  he  becomes  reminiscent,  as  in  "Kinner  Yohr" , 

"Die  Erschta  Hu-sa"  even  yielding  at  times  to  the  feeling   induced 

by  the  gray  days  of  November,  "Nof emberklawg" ;  but  here  aS  always, 

we  witness  the  triumphs  of  a  cheerful  optimism,  most  noticeable  in 

his  poem  of  the  seasons.   Such  a  one  has  a  right  to  his  joy  in  the 

approaching  springtime,  as  expressed  in  his  lines  of  welcome  to 

,:Der  Pihwie"  ; 

Ei,  guck  amohl  derta 

Der  Pihwie  is  doh! 

Er  huckt  uff 'm  Poschta 

''.'os  is  'r  so  froh; 

Now  guckt  ' r  mohl  nunner 

Now  guckt  'r  mohl  nuff 
Now  sing'd  or  a  bissel 

Now  haerd  rr  schun  uff . 

Ei,  Pihwie,  wo  warscht  du 

Seid  schpote  yohr  gewest 
Warscht  fart  mit  em  Summer 

Warscht  sudlich  farraest? 
Ich  denk  derta  drunna 

Huscht's  Heemweh  recht  ghot, 
Huscht  nix  wie  gedrauert 

Warscht 's  Lehwa  recht  sot. 

i'  /' 

This  is  praised  by  Dr.G.W.Sandt,  in  The  Lutheran 

"Genuine  poetry,  as  striking  an  equal,  if  not  a  higher  note  than 

And  again  his  delight  in  the  pleasure  of  ".'inter  is 
the  outward  symbol  of  inward  joys; 

Hurrah  for  dor  winter,  hurrah  for  der  "chnee, 
Nau  raus  mit'm  Schlitta,  un  sahl  mer  kon  zwee . 
-::-  tt  •:.<■  -::- 

Hurrah  for  der  Winter,  der  Schlitt  i    s  raus, 
Was  hockt  mer  am  Offa?  Was  will  mer  in  Hai. 
Un  druf  mit  de  Bella,  sunscht  is  es  ken  G'fahr, 
De     ter  is  karz,  un  die  Schlittabah  rohr. 

Hurrah  for  der  '"inter!  So  eppes  is  Gschpass 

Die  Meed  singa  en  Liedel,  die  Buwa  der  Bass 

Un  gehts   in  die   Schrieebank  un  schmeist's   err.ol   urn 

Seht's  drunner  un  drivver,  was  gebt  mer  dann  drum? 

V.hile  ".'uchter's  verses  prove  him  a  thorough  Pennsyl- 
vania German,  it  is  interesting  to  have  the  confirmation  of  it,  in 
a  letter  of  his  own.   After  stating  that  there  are  many  promine; rt 
men  in  Ohio  who  still  speak  or  at  least  are  able  to  speak  the  dia- 
lect, he  says:  "I  am  not  one  of  those  who  would  like  to  attend  the 
funeral  of  Pennsylvania  German  tomorrow,  if  it  were  possible.   It 
runs  in  smoother  measures  than  many  of  the  dialects  of  the  Father- 
land.  They  do  not  asphyxiate  dialects  over  there  *  -::•  -:<•  There 
are  those  who  presume  to  write  about  the  Pennsylvania  Germans,  who 
are  either  totally  ignorant  of  their  subject,  or  what  is  worse, 
renegade  Simon  Girtys-German  blood  in  their  veins,  but  troubled 
with  Yankee  or  THinglesh'  brainbunions.   They  would  not  recognize 
their  own.  grandmother  speaking  Pennsylvania  German,  should  they 
happen  to  meet  her  on  the  street. 

".,ucht6"•,  is  still  in  his  prirr.e,  and  his  successive 
bits  of  writing  are  evincing  constantly  increasing  force  and 


A  Bibliography 
and  other  sources  of  information 
for  the  chapter  on 
Charles  Calvin  Ziegler. 

Atlantic  Monthly. 

Bethlehem  Times,  Bethlehem,  Pa. 

Boston  Transcript. 

Bryant's  Thanatopsis. 

Critic,  New  York,  Feb. 11,  1895. 

Drauss  un  Deheem  Reviewed.   Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. IV. 

Fick,  H.H.  Deutsch  Amerikanische  Dialekt  Dichtung. 

Fiske,  John.   Dutch  and  Quaker  Colonies  in  America.  Vol  II. 

German  and  Swiss  Settlements  of  Pennsylvania,  Kuhns.  N. Y. 

Hark,  J.M.  Warm  der  Wind  mol  iwwer  die  Schtubble  Blohsed. 

Hark,  J.M.  Im  Busch  wann's  Schnayd. 

Hart,  Albert  Bushnell.   The  Pennsylvania  Germans. 

Holmes*  The  September  Gale. 

Holmes'  The  Chambered  Nautilus. 

Klopstock,  G.E.  Die  Todte. 

Lang,  A.  Lost  Love. 

Longfellow.  The  Snowf lakes. 

Longfellow.  The  Reaper  and  the  Flowers. 

Nation,  The. 

New  York  World,  Feb. 11,  1895. 

Personal  Correspondence. 

J?07,  (See  next  page) 

Philander  von  der  Linde.   Kein  Sonett. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennaylvania  German  Society,  Vol.1 II 

Reformed  Church  Messenger.  Duhbs,  Sept. 10,  1891. 

Schiebeler.   Ein  Sonett. 

Schlegel,  A.W.  Das  Sonett. 

Tennyson.  In  Memoriam. 

The  Democratic  Watchman,  Bellefonte,  Pa. 


Charles  Calvin  Ziegler. 

"That  Brush  Valley  should  increase  its  celebrity  by  pro- 
ducing a  poet,  confers  an  honor  upon  that  ancient  settlement  which 
should  not  be  lightly  regarded."  Reformed  Church  Messenger,  Sept. 
10,  1891. 

Charles  Calvin  Ziegler  is  a  Pennsylvania  German  of  the 
Pennsylvania  Germans;  he  was  born  June  19,  1854,  at  Rebersburg,  Pa., 
and  is  descended  from  a  family  that  came  to  America  in  1748.  He 
attended  the  public  schools  and  also  the  Select  Schools  of 
R.M.Magee  and  Henry  Meyer  in  his  home  town;  it  was  while  as  a  bare- 
foot boy  he  was  attending  these  schools  that  one  of  the  "big  boys" 
on  a  Friday  afternoon  recited  "Das  Alt  Schulhaus  an  der  Krick"  to 
the  great  delight  of  all  the  school.   This  was  before  Harbaugh's 
book  had  been  published  and  such  selections  were  rare,  and  when  se- 
cured, greatly  prized.   About  this  time,  Ziegler  and  his  brother 
secured  a  prose  copy  of  a  New  Year's  address,  in  the  dialect,  which 
they  hid  away  as  a  treasure,  though  sometimes  they  recited  it  in 
the  school.   It  was  not  until  some  years  afterwards  that  the  boys 
were  willing  to  give  it  to  the  public  and  then  the  older  brother 
copied  it  and  sent  it  to  the  Democratic  Watchman,  Belief onte,  Pa. 

In  1870  Kr.  Ziegler  went  to  live  with  his  brother  in  West 
Union,  Iowa.   In  1873,  he  entered  the  State  University  of  Iowa  from 
which  he  graduated  with  the  class  of  1878  with  the  degree  of  Ph.B. 
Here  it  seems  that  his  literary  work  began;  one  of  his  teachers 
recalls  with  pleasure  the  charming  poetic  translations  from  Greek 
and  Latin  which  he  used  to  make.   According  to  the  Bethlehem  Times, 
Bethlehem,  Pa.  (Sept.l,  1891)  he  also  graduated  from  the  Lawrence 
Scientific  School,  but  this  I  am  unable  to  confirm.   At  any  rate 

he  was  for  a  few  years  engaged  in  teaching  near  his  old  home  in 
Pennsylvania  and  writing  dialect  poetry  for  the  Democratic  Watch- 
man, Belief onte,  Pa. 

1881  -  1882  he  spent  with  Prof.  Ulrich  of  the  Bethlehem 
Preparatory  School  getting  his  Greek  in  shape  for  entering  the 
Junior  Class  at  Harvard  College  in  the  fall  of  1882  and  he  grad- 
uated from  the  Arts  Course  here,  magna  cum  laude,  1884,  with  honors 
in  Natural  History  and  honorable  mention  in  English  composition. 

His  poetry  written  at  this  time  received  high  praise 
from  his  instructor,  Barrett  Wendell;  he  also  published  some  witty 
material  in  the  Lampoon  and  although  at  Harvard  only  two  years,  was 
elected  by  his  class  to  write  the  Class  Day  Song.   Among  hiB  verses 
of  this  period  might  be  mentioned  one  in  High  German  for  Washing- 
ton's Birthday,  to  be  sung  to  the  tune,  Lauriger  Horatius; 

Bruder,  sagt  warum  so  froh? 

Was  soil  es  bedeuten? 
Warum  toben  alle  so  - 

Jauchzen  wie  die  Heiden? 
'S  1st  weil  unser  Washington 

Heute  war  geboren; 
Darum  stossen  alle  an  - 

Saufen  wie  die  Thoren. 

Unsere  Gesprach  Club  auch 

Will  dem  Georg  was  bringen; 
Speis1  und  Trank  sei  Uneerm  Bauch, 

Ihm  das  Lob  und  Singen. 
Dieses  Lied  dem  grossen  Mann, 

Unserm  Landesvater! 
Wer,  wie  er,  nicht  lugen  kann 

1st  ein  guter  Katerl 

The  next  year  he  was  at  the  Upper  Iowa  State  University, 
as  Instructor,  but  did  not  like  the  work,  accordingly  he  left,  went 
to  St. Louis,  and  drifted  into  business,  first  as  Clerk  of  the  Pan 
Missouri  Telephone  Co.,  while  later  he  became  connected  with  the 
American  Brake  Company,  a  Westlnghouse  concern  of  which  he  has  now 


for  many  years  been  Secretary  and  Treasurer.   It  was  during  that 
first  period  in  St. Louis  when,  separated  from  all  his  kin  and  a 
stranger  in  a  large  city  for  the  first  time,  there  burst  upon  him 
in  terrible  earnestness  the  fact  that  during  the  two  years  at  Har- 
vard he  had  lost  both  father  and  mother.   Prom  a  heart  full,  even 
to  overflowing  with  a  species  of  homesickness  he  began  to  work  upon 
a  memorial  he  planned  to  his  mother,  taking  for  his  model  Tennyson's 
memorial  to  his  friend  Hallam  -  In  Memoriam.   It  was  in  this  way 
that  there  grew  up  the  poem  "Zum  Denkmal"  in  nineteen  songs.   The 
first  one  carries  him  back  to  his  graduation  day. 

Heit  graduir  ich,  un  mit  Ehrj 

Mar  maerche  rum  darch  grossi  Crowds; 

Des  is  'n  Wese  -  Music,  Shouts  - 
A's  wann  dar  Bresident  do  waer. 

Ich  nem  mei  She re  im  grosne  Show  - 

G-rick  mei  Diploma  -  "k'agna  cum" 

Es  scheint  ich  bin  doch  net  so  dun 
Wie  Dheel  v\xn   denne  Yankees  do. 

Un  doch  -  es  is  allwan  h  i 

Mit  all  msim  Glickj  mei  Luscht  is  klee, 
Wie   'n  Blummeschtrauss  im  grosse  See, 

Im  See  vun  meinre  Draurigkeit. 

Was  batt  die  Laming  un  die  Ehr? 

Warm  ich  noch  meinre  Heemet  geh 

Finn  ich  ken  guti  Mammi  meh, 
Un  des  macht  now  mei  Harz  so  schwaer. 

this  la3t  idea  he  ha3  further  expanded  in  a  song  -  1  a.   "Laming 

un  Weisheit." 

Was  batt  di9  Laming?  Nix  -  un  viel; 

'S  depend  en  wennig  uf  dar  Kopp: 

En  marcher  eifersichter  Dropp 
Mit  frischem  Muth  un  hochera  Zielj 

Hot's  Ham  sohier  gaarli  rausgschtudiert  - 

Un  was  hot's  dann  am  End  gebatt? 

Ei,  endlich  hot  ar,  bleech  un  matt, 
Sei  Krafte  ganz  veruminirt; 

Dar  Zweifel  hot  sei  Seel  verzw&rnt; 
Uf  dunkli  Barri^e  rum  is  er 
Wahnsinnig  gschtolpert  hi'  un  her 

Un  hot  dar  recht  Weg  net  gelarnt. 

Die  Laming  muss  verwandelt  sei 

In' a  Lewe  -  juscht  wie  Brod  zu  Blut, 
Sohunscht  dhut's  'm  Mensoh  ganz  wennig  gut, 

Kann  gaar  noch  Schade  dhu  debei. 

Es  gebt  en  Soheeheit  vun  de  Seel, 
En  liebliche  Gerechtigkeit, 
'As  sich  versohennert  mit  de  Zeit 

Un  is  vara  wahre  Gott  'n  Dheel. 

Sel  is  die  haupt  Sach;  in  der  Dhaat 

Sell  is  es  eenzigsoht  Ding  'as  bschteht 
Wann  Welt  un  Hinnnel  mol  vegeht; 

Un  sel  hot  aa  die  Mammi  g'hat. 

In  ihrem  kleene  Finger  waar 

Mah  Weisheit  vun  de  reohte  Sart 

A' a  man cher  Witzkop  finne  ward 
In  all  de  Bicher  gross  un  rahr. 

In  some  of  these  songs  he  very  ol03ely  imitates  his 

model  and  his  favorite  poet,  Tennyson.   In  none  however,  has  he 

oome  quite  so  close  to  Tennyson  as  in  the  tenth  where  will  be  seen 

the  thoughts  and  in  part  a  translation  of  the  lines  in  Cantos  49 

and  50  of  In  Memoriamj 

Be  near  me  when  my  light  is  low 

When  the  blood  creeps,  and  the  nerves  prick 

And  tingle;  and  the  heart  is  sick, 

And  all  the  wheels  of  Being  slow. 

Be  near  me  .vhen  the  sensuous  frame 

Is  racked  with  pangs  that  conquer  trust j 
»        *        *        « 

Be  near  me  when  my  faith  1b  dry, 
»        *        « 

Be  near  me  when  I  fade  away, 

To  point  the  term  of  human  strife, 

And  on  the  low  dark  verge  of  life 
The  twilight  of  eternal  day. 
*      *        # 

Be  near  ub  when  we  climb  or  fall, 
*       *         «        * 

Sei  bei  mar  uf  rneim  Lewespaad 

Un  hiit  raich  far  de  falache  Schritt; 

Veloss  mloh  not  -  ach,  geh  doch  mit* 
Noh  hot  fe  ken  Gfohr  -  noh  laaf  ich  graad. 

Sei  bei  mar  warm  mei  Glaaw©  schwacht 

Un  Gottes  Sache  lappich  sin; 

Wann  ich  uf  letzi  Weege  bin 
Saag  mar  wuhi '  un  sohtell  mich  recht. 

Sei  bei  mar  in  de  letschte  Noth 

'.Vann  sich  die  Seel  vum  Karper  drennt; 
Sei  bei  mar,  nooch  'm  dunkle  End, 

Ira  ewige  Daag  sei  Margeroth. 

It  is  worthwhile  in  the  case  of  the  man  who  has 
mounted  highest  in  all  Pennsylvania  German  literature  to  note  that 
in  addition  to  a  true  poet,  we  have  in  Ziegler  a  careful  and  pains- 
taking artist,  one  who  knows  that  crude  material  must  be  worked 
over  and  over  again  slowly  and  laboriously  before  a  splendid  achieve- 
ment can  be  the  result.  For  this  reason  we  find  his  compositions 
elaborated  with  more  care  and  finished  with  a  finer  touch  than 
those  of  any  other.   Moreover,  Ziegler  seems  to  possess  more  of  the 
spirit  of  poetry  and  to  know  more  about  poetic  structure  both  in 
theory  and  its  illustration  than  any  one  else  who  has  essayed  to 
write  in  the  dialect. 

His  former  teacher  of  Latin  at  the  State  University 
of  Iowa,  was  selected  as  his  critic  and  adviser  before  he  sent  the 
poems  to  the  printers  to  be  issued  in  book  form.   In  an  article 
she  later  wrote  to  the  "Quill"  -  a  publication  of  the  University- 
she  has  revealed  to  us  the  author's  consciousness  of  his  task.  In 
this  article  she  quotes  from  a  letter  which  she  had  had  from  him 
as  follows:  "  Since  1885,  I  have  done  a  great  deal  in  my  own  dia- 
lect, the  Pennsylvania  German.   At  first  it  was  uphill  work,  the 
nature  of  the  dialect  not  seeming  to  be  adapted  to  poetical 
expression.   It  is  the  language  of  farmers  -  of  a  people  whose 


life  is  immersed  in  material  things,  and  who  have  paid  scarcely 
any  attention  to  intellectual  abstractions.   Hence  the  language  ia 
graphic  enough  but  lacks  flexibility  and  the  aesthetic  quality.  It 
is  almost  impossible  to  do  any  shading  in  it:  e.g.  there  is  only 
one  word  schee  or  scho  (Ger.  schon)  for  pretty,  beautiful,  fine, 
nice,  superb,  gorgeous,  etc.;  in  erotic  expressions,  it  is  difficult 
to  find  anything  poetical  enough  etc."   In  spite  of  her  ignorance 
of  the  dialect,  it  was  not  difficult  for  her  to  recognize  the  poetic 
quality  of  these  selections,  as  we  see  from  her  following  remark: 
"Out  of  consideration  of  my  ignorance  of  the  dialect,  Mr.  Ziegler 
kindly  sent  me  with  each  poem  its  English  rendering  very  literally 
done,  and  in  these,  without  any  effort  at  rhyme  and  but  little  in 
rhythm,  is  found  the  true  spirit  of  poetry."  Mrs.  Currier  was  par- 
ticularly pleased  with  the  eighth  song  in  "Zum  Denkmal"  -  "Ich  sehn 
die  scheckige  dage  gehn  -  "  The  conception  of  the  different  days, 
the  fair  seeming  ones,  that  after  all  bring  us  no  good  -  the  rough 
oneB  that  look  angry  and  are  our  friends,  do  we  not  all  know  them? 
but  only  a  poet  can  thus  set  them  forth." 

Another  illustration  of  Ziegler 's  method  of  work  is 
found  in  his  poem  "Es  Schneckehaus"  which  he  devotes  to  his  art. 
The  figure  recalls  Holmes'  "Chambered  Nautilus"   Without  sinking 
foundations,  or  laying  off  corners,  the  ugly  creature,  the  snail,  out 
of  mire  and  slime,  slowly  and  noiselessly,  builds  its  wonderously 
beautiful  structure  in  which  human  ingenuity  can  find  no  imperfection. 
Thus  works  the  poet,  but  listen  to  the  wholo  poem; 

'N  Schneckehaus i  Hoscht  schun  betracht 
Wie  wunner schee  es  is  gemacht? 

Es  hot  ken  Fundament,  ken  Sck, 

Es  is  gebaut  aus  Schleim  und  Dreck, 
Langsam  un  net  mit  Angscht  un  Jaclit. 

Die  Schneck  is  wuscht  un  ward  veracht, 
Doch  kann  'm  Jflensch  aei  Geischtesmacht 
Ken  Fehler  finne  un  ken  Fleck 
Im  Schneckshaua. 

So  dhut  dar  Dichter,  langsam,  aacht  - 

Wann  ar  aa  viel  ward  ausgelacht  - 
Gedrei  aich  halte  an  sei'm  Zweck, 
Un  aus  Gedanke  -  Schleim,  wie  'n  Schneck, 

Baut  endlich  aei  Gedicht,  voll  Pracht, 
Wie'n  Schneckehaua. 

In  1891  he  had  a  small  collection  of  his  dialect  pro- 
ductions published  by  Hesse  und  Becker,  Leipzig,  under  the  title 
"Drauss  un  Daheem."   The  book  takes  it3  name  from  the  first  poem 
in  which  the  author  reflects  after  years  of  experience  with  the 
world  that  the  words  of  his  mother  were  true  when  she  used  to  re- 
mind her  boys,  chafing  under  the  restraints  of  home,  saying  to 
them  "Wart  -  drauss  is  net  deheem."   In  the  bitter  loneliness  of 
the  little  room  in  St. Louis  where  he  spent  his  nights  after  the 
labors  of  the  day,  and  with  the  knowledge  that  there  no  longer  was 
a  home  and  a  mother  to  whom  he  could  turn  if  he  wished,  he  began 
to  realize  with  terrible  earnestness  that  "Drauss  i3  net  Deheem." 

The  National  Educator  Company  of  Allentown,  Pa.  with 
Dr.  Home  a3  its  President  was  the  chief  American  Salesagent,  and 
advertised  the  book  in  unique  fashion,  by  pointing  out, in  dialect, 
gems  that  ought  to  make  the  book  appeal  to  young  men,  young  ladies, 
parents,  children: 

"Buwe,  wan  d'r  en  guti  impression  uf  die  Mad  mache  wet  dann 
schenk  'ne  des  Buch.   Sel  Schtuck  'Kitzel  mich  net!'  macht  sie 
fihle  as  warm  sie  'n  'love  powder'  geschiuckt  hatte." 

"Kinneri  Shrt  eier  Eltere'  Wan  d'r  die  Mammi  liebt  dann  ward 
d'r  selli  schticker  "Zum  Denkmal"  hoch  schatze." 

"Eltere •   Wan  d'r  guti  Gedanke  in  eier  Kinner  blanze  wet,  dan 

grick   'ne  des  Buch." 

"Schtudentel  (Allentown  is  a  college  town)  "Wan  d'r  'm  Home 
eel  Manual  un  'm  Ziegler  sei  Drauaa  un  Deheem  fleiaaig  leeat,  dan 
het  d'r  ken  Druwwel  mit  'm  Virgil  un  Homer." 

Well,  the  book  made  ita  impreaaion  and  not  only  on  Perm- 
aylvania  Germans  j  but  on  the  Coamopolitan  critics  aa  well,  as 
Prof.  Joseph  H.Dubbs,  Secretary  of  Franklin  and  Marshall  College ,^1887 
to  whom  the  poems  were  also  submitted  before  publication,  predicted 
it  would.   "I  have  read  your  verses  with  great  pleasure.   They  are 
in  my  opinion  compositions  of  a  very  superior  order  and  their  pub- 
lication cannot  fail  to  be  alike  honorable  to  yourself  and  to  the 
people  in  whose  language  you  have  written  them.   They  will  certain- 
ly be  appreciated  by  all  persons  of  culture  who  are  familiar  with 
the  Pennsylvania  vernacular;  and  their  poetic  merit3  will,  I  feel 
certain,  be  recognized  by  the  German  press  of  America  and  Europe." 

Whether  the  book  was  ever  seen  in  Germany  after  the 
edition  which  was  printed  for  tha  author  was  sent  to  America,  I  am 
unable  to  say,  but  the  American  Press  had  nothing  but  words  of 
appreciation  and  with  these  we  must  atill  agree,  with  the  single 
exception  of  the  Atlantic  Monthly;  for  by  what  mental  processes  the 
writer  in  that  magazine  "inevitably  thought  of  Hana  Breitman"  seems 
hard  to  determine,  unlesa  it  be  becauae  our  author  and  Hana  Breit- 
man have  nothing  whatever  in  common.   The  incidental  criticiam  of 
John  Fiske  -  he  had  evidently  read  it,  because  he  cites  from  it  in 
"Dutch  and  Quaker  Colonies  in  America"  Vol.11,  p. 352.  to  illuatrate 
the  nature  of  the  dialectand  calls  it  a  "charming  book"  -  goes  far 
to  make  us  forget  that  the  above  from  the  Atlantic  Monthly  also 
came  from  Boston. 

The  Nation,  New  York,  Oct. 15,  1391  found  it  wa  moat 
curious  and  interesting  little  book  which  might  well  have  been 
larger"  and  gave  from  it  as  a  specimen  to  Its  readers  a  few  stanzas 
from  the  translation  of  Longfellow's  "The  Reaper  and  the  Flowers" 
Better  yet  to  a  Pennsylvania  German  seems  his  translation  of  Long- 
fellow's "Snowf lakes"  which  may  be  included  here  as  illustrating 
Ziegler's  work  in  the  field  of  translation: 

Aus  de  Luft  ihrem  grosse  Schoos, 

Runner  g'schittelt  aus  de  wolkige  Falte, 
Iwwer  die  Felder  leer  un  blooss, 

Iwwer  die  Barrige,  die  grooe  alte, 
Langsam  un  sacht  un  schee 
Flattort  dar  Schnee. 

Juscht  wie  1m  *me  harrliche  Gedlcht 

Die  Newwliche  Gedanke  sich  vereene, 
Juscht  wie  sich  im  'me  bleeche  Gsicht 
Drtlbsal,  Druwwel  un  Schmarz  bekenne, 
So  macht  die  Luft  bekannt 
Ihr  Drauerschband. 

Des  is  de  Luft  ihr  Drauer-lie} 

Langsam  in  weisse  Warte  sacht ig  g'schriwwe; 
Des  is  die  Verzweiflung  vum  Gemftth 

Lang  in  ihre  Bruscht  ve'schteckt  gebliwwe  - 
In  Pischpere  now  gemeldt 
Zum  Waici  un  Feld. 

The  New  York  Critic  (Nov. SI,  1891)  found  "That  the  language, 
in  its  soft  vocalic  utterance,  bears  to  the  High  German  much  the 
same  relation  that  the  Scottish  dialect  bears  to  the  English,  and 
like  that  is  well  adapted  to  poetry  of  a  plaintive  and  domestic 
cast  or  to  rustic  fun  and  satire.  To  the  latter  forma  Ziegler's 
muae  seema  little  inclined.   Most  of  his  corapoaitions  are  of  a  pen- 
sive character."   To  this  we  muat  now  add  that  aince  that  time, 
Ziegler  has  given  us  several  illustrations  of  his  Jovial  muse  some- 
what in  the  vein  of  "Kitzel  mi oh  net"  -  found  in  his  book  -  of 
which  the  best  are  no  doubt,  an  English  one  which  I  should  like  to 

include  here,  and  an  inimitable  translation  of  Oliver  Wendell  Holmes' 


"The   September  Gale"   and  "Die  Harte   Zeite." 

Behold,  I  am  deathless ;  The  scytheman 

'.Vho  deemB  that  all  flesh  is  but  grass 
Shall  find  me  a  tough  and  a  lithe  man, 

Pull  of  years  as  the  sands  in  his  glass. 
But  fare  as  it  may  with  the  Ego 

And  whether  or  no  I  am  crowned, 
My  life  shall  not  fare  like  Carthago  - 

Shall  not  be  brought  down  to  the  ground. 

I  have  fashioned  a  poem  sublime r 

Than  any  that  Milton  e'er  penned, 
Nor  did  the  great  German  at  Weimar 

My  latest  endeavor  transcend. 
No  more  by  the  critical  croaker 

Shall  my  work  as  unworthy  be  classed; 
I  am  out  of  the  hole  mediocre, 

I'm  an  author  immortal  at  last! 

Not  in  books  like  the  lyrics  of  Horace, 

But  in  forms  of  the  flesh  sweet  and  rare, 
In  my  Lalages,  Lilies  and  Lauras 

Shall  my  spirit  persist  and  grow  fair. 
And  to  prove  what  I  claim  -  for  I  know  you 

Are  anxious  for  facts  that  convinoe  - 
Gome  up  to  the  house  and  I'll  show  you 

My  poem  immortal  -  the  twins. 

The  September  Gale.  -  ©.vu.Ud-Ca*. 

I'm  not  a  chicken:  I  have  seen 

Pull  many  a  chill  September, 
And  though  I  was  a  youngster  then, 

That  gale  I  well  remember j 
The  day  before,  my  kite  string  snapped, 

And  I,  my  kite  pursuing, 
The  wind  whisked  off  my  palm  leaf  hat;- 

For  me  two  storms  were  brewing! 

It  came  as  quarrels  sometimes  do, 

'Then  married  folks  get  clashing; 
There  was  a  heavy  sigh  or  two, 

Before  the  fire  was  flashing, - 
A  little  stir  among  the  c„oUlJd3, 

Before  they  rent  asunder, - 
A  little  rocking  of  the  trees, 

And  then  came  on  the  thunder. 

Lord!  how  the  ponds  and  rivers  boiled; 

They  seemed  like  bursting  craters! 
And  oaks  lay  scattered  on  the  ground 

As  if  they  were  p'tatersj 
And  all  above  was  in  a  howl, 

And  all  below  a  clatter, - 
The  earth  was  like  a  frying  pan, 

Or  some  such  hissing  matter. 

It  chanced  to  be  our  washing  day, 

And  all  our  things  were  drying; 
The  storm  cane  roaring  through  the  lines, 

And  set  them  all  a  flying; 
I  saw  the  shirts  and  petticoats 

Go  riding  off  like  witches; 
I  lost,  ah»  bitterly  I  wept,- 

I  lost  my  Sunday  breeohes! 

I  saw  them  straddling  through  the  air, 

Alas:  too  late  to  win  them; 
I  saw  them  chase  the  clouds,  as  if 

The  de^ll  had  been  in  them; 
They  were  my  darlings  and  my  pride, 

My  boyhood* s  only  riches, - 
"Farewell,  farewell",  I  faintly  cried, - 

"My  breeches*  0  my  breeches." 

That  night  I  saw  them  in  my  dreams, 

How  changed  from  what  I  knew  them. 
The  dew  had  steeped  their  faded  threads, 

The  wind  had  whistled  through  them. 
I  saw  the  wide  and  ghastly  rents 

Where  demons  claws  had  torn  '■hen; 
A  hole  was  in  their  amplest  part, 

As  if  an  imp  had  worn  them. 

I  have  had  many  happy  years, 

And  tailors  kind  and  clever, 
But  those  young  pantaloons  have  gone 

Forever  and  forever! 
And  not  till  fate  has  cut  the  last 

Of  all  my  earthly  stitches, 
This  aohing  heart  shall  cease  to  mourn 

My  loved,  my  longlost  breeches* 


Ich  bin  ken  Hinkel.  Hab  schun  viel 

Septembers  sehne  hausse; 
Ee*  Schtarm  waar  awwer  sonderbaar  - 

Den  haer  ich  he it  noch  brausse. 
Der  Daag  devor  hot  mir  dar  Wind 

Mei  Kite  mit  fort  genumme; 
Mei  Schtroh-hut  hinne  drei,  -  far  mich 

Waar'n  zwetter  Schtarm  am  kummeJ 
*S  waar  juscht/vwann'n  Fraa  browiert 

Die  Hosse  aa'zeziege: 
Mar  haert'n  Seifzer  oder  zwee 

Epfs  Feier  aafangt  ze  f liege :- 
Die  Vifolke  hen  sich  rumgedreht  - 

Noh  hot  mar  Schwewwel  geroche; 
Die  Beera  hen  gschittelt  un  gegaunscht  - 

Noh  is  es  losgebrocheJ 

Gott!  wie  es  doch  gegleppert  hot 

In  aellem  wilde  Wetterl 
Die  Beem  sin  gfloge  wie  im  Gfecht 

Vun  alte  deitache  Getter. 
Drowwe  un  hunne  hot's  gedoobt  - 

Schwarz,  rauschig,  bollerig,  blitzig; 
Die  Aerd  waar  wie  en  Brodtpann  g'weat  - 

3ie  waar  so  arrig  schpritzig. 

'S  waar  unaer  Waachdaag;  uf  de  Lines 

Waar  sohier  die  Waaoh  gedrickeltj 
Dar  Wind  hot  Waach  un  Lines  mit  fort  - 

Veschattort  un  vewickelt. 
Die  Hemmer  un  die  Unnerreck 

Sin  wie  vehext  rumgachosse; 
Verlore  haw  ich  -  aoh,  Harr  Je; 

0  weh'  -  mei  Sundaag'e  Hoase. 

Ja,  grattlig  3in  aie  darch  die  Luft  - 

Zu  weit  aie  meh  ze  finne; 
Die  Wolke  ain  aie  noochge,1aagt 

Ala  waer  dar  Deifel  in'ne. 
"Wie  reioh  un  schtolz  waar  ich  in  eichl 

Now  hat  dar  mich  velosses 
Goot-bye,  goot-bye J"  -  so  haw  ich  g'heilt,- 

"Mei  Hoaee,  0  mei  Hosaei" 

Im  Draam  haw'  ioh  aie  gaehne  -  aoh: 

Wie  waare  aie  verennerti 
Vun  Wind  verschlitzt,  im  Rege  gaoakt  - 

Sie  waare  net  ve'achennertJ 
Aa'  g'aehne  hen  aie  juaoht  a* a  wann 

Die  Deifel  8ie  veriaae; 
'N  looh  waar  ninne  drin  -  dea  het 

Par'n  Deifel sachwanz  aei  miase' 

Ich  hab  schun  gute  Schneider  ghat 

Un  viele  frohe  Johre, 
Mei  Junge  Hosse  awwer  sin 

Par  ewig  mir  velore. 
Un  bis  dar  Dod  mol  piachpert,  "Kumm, 

Du  muscht  die  Aerd  veloasei" 
Schwaer  bleibt  mei  Harz  un  drauervoll 

Far  aelli  liewe  Hosse! 

"They  (his  poems)   are  in  flowing,  harmonious  verse" 
the  New  York  Critic  goes  on  "embodying  gentle  and  pleasing  sen- 
timents.  As  a  first  attempt  [11)    to  make  this  interesting  Ger- 
man American  dialect  the  vehicle  of  literary  expression  the  book 
may  be  pronounced  a  decided  success." 


One  of  the  facts  hinted  at  in  the  above,  had  been  noted 
in  the  Bethlehem  Times,  Bethlehem,  Pa  several  months  earlier,  (Sept. 
1,  1891)  when  it  said:  "Some  of  the  poems  are  full  of  the  ten- 
der, homely  sentiment,  the  lack  of  which  in  the  verse  of  most  Amer- 
ican poets  is  one  of  the  great  misfortunes  which  come  as  a  penalty 
of  straining  after  effect."   It  is  not  surprising  that  a  church 
paper  -  The  Reformed  Church  Messenger  -  should  find  as  among  the 
very  best  of  Ziegler's  poems  the  one  entitled  "Die  Alte  Lieder?  in 
which  are  enumerated  some  of  the  grand  old  chorals  sung  in  the 
German  churches.   Elbert  Hubbard,  who  is  not  known  to  scatter 
compliments  except  where  he  thinks  they  belong,  counted  the  book  as 
"a  valuable  addition  to  the  Roycroft  Library  of  Choice  Things." 

Ziegler's  old  friands  at  Harvard  and  his  new  ones 
of  the  Washington  University,  St.  Louis  expressed  equal  delight  at 
the  book.  The  paper  of  his  native  county,  for  which  he  had  in 
earlier  days  written  under  the  pseudonym  of  Carl  Schreiber  -  the 
Democratic  Watchman,  of  Belief onte,  Pa.-  unhesitatingly  put  the 
work  by  the  side  of  Harbaugh's  "Harfe"  and  noted  that  it  excelled 
the  latter" in  range  of  thought  and  power  of  expression." 

His  old  teacher,  Henry  Meyer,  (himself  the  author  of 
verses  in  the  dialect.   See  article  H.Meyer)  wrote  him  as  follows: 
"I  turned  over  the  leaves  as  a  miser  inspects  and  counts  his  crock 
of  gold  coins.  You  know  that  I  am  no  literary  critic,  but  when  I 
see  a  good  thing  in  Pennsylvania  German,  I  think  I  know  it.   And 
when  a  poem  has  the  potency  to  stir  an  audible  smile  or  move  one 
to  tears  it  certainly  possesses  the  right  ring;  and  that  is  just 
what  happens  if  one  sit3  down  and  peruses  "Drauss  un  Deheem" .   The 
Pennsylvania  Germans,  and  especially  those  of  your  old  home,  owe 

you  a  debt  of  gratitude  for  having  added  this  gem  to  the  few  lit- 
erary productions  in  their  mother  tongue." 

In  another  poem  "Der  Rewwer  Un  ich?  the  poet  looks 
forward  to  the  loss  of  identity  in  the  being  of  the  great  God  even 
aa  the  river  mingles  with  and  is  lost  in  the  seaj  the  author  how- 
ever assures  me  that  he  never  entertained  any  pantheistic  beliefs 
except  such  as  seem  to  be  general  poetic  stock;  and  in  another 
poem,  he  defends  after  the  manner  of  an  orthodox  churchman, as  he 
is ( (Lutheran)   "Es  Oltfashioned  Buohn  against  the  scorners,  and 
ventures  the  belief  that  it  has  enough  of  truth  for  many  a  thousand 

The  first  mentioned  poem  -  Der  Rewwer  un  Ich  -  was  trans- 
lated into  English  and  sent  to  the  New  York  World,  Feb. 11,  1895, 
by  William  Vincent  Byars,  a  New  York  Critic,  with  the  following 
note  of  explanation:  "The  other  day  I  took  down  from  the  shelves 
of  my  bookcase  a  thin  volume  in  pasteboard  covers  "Poems  in  Penn- 
sylvania German"  by  Charles  Calvin  Ziegler,  published  some  little 
while  ago.   It  is  not  paying  Mr.  Ziegler  too  high  a  compliment  to 
say  that  he  is  as  true  a  poet  as  the  very  best  of  the  contemporary 
-Aeous  writers  of  verse  for  American  periodicals.  He  takes  some 
pride  in  being  the  first  man  who  has  ever  written  a  sonnet  in  'Penn- 
sylvania Dutch*  and  I  think  he  is  entitled  to  the  satisfaction  he 
feels  because  of  the  exploit.   I  will  not  attempt  a  translation 
of  his  sonnets,  but  here  is  a  version  of  one  of  his  songs,  -  The 
River  and  I  -  which  may  suggest  its  deeply  spiritual  meaning  to  a 
wider  oircle  of  readers  than  it  could  reach  in  the  original." 

For  present  purposes  it  will  be  more  to  the  point  to 
give  the  original  here  than  the  translation  and  if  a  trite  expression 
may  be  used-  the  translation  is  not  equal  to  the  original. 

Dar  Rewwer  fliesst  munter  un  froh  dehij 

Sorglos  rollt  dar  Rewwer; 
Ar  geht  sei  Gang  unne  Kummer  un  Mih, 
Ar  froogt  net  fe'  was?  Ar  wunnert  net  Wie? 

Sorglos  rollt  dar  Rewwer. 

Un  so  wie  dar  Rewwer  geht  gehn  ich, 

(Sorglos  rollt  dar  Rewwer) 
Ar  wees  dar  Weg  -  nie  verliert  ar  sich  - 
Un  mar  trav'le  zamme  recht  bruderlichj 

(Sorglos  rollt  dar  Rewwer.) 

Die  Welle  lache  wie'n  luschtig  Kind, 

(Sorglos  rollt  dar  Rewwer); 
Bal  vereent,  bal  getrennt  -  sie  weoh3le  gschwind- 
Die  Schpielsaohe  sin  sie  vum  wilde  Wind; 

(Sorglos  rollt  dar  Rewwer.) 

Warm  die  Sohtarne  funkle  in  de  Nacht 

Ruhig  rollt  dar  Rewwer ; 
Ar  schockelt  mich  ei,  ar  draagt  mien  sacht, 
Un  ich  geb  mich  ganz  in  Gottes  Macht; 

Ruhig  rollt  dar  Rewwer. 

Hinaus  un  hlnab  zum  ewigs  See 

Sorglos  rollt  dar  Rewwer j 
Ar  gebt  sich  hi*  unne  Ach  un  Weh 
Un  vergeht  Ira  Meer  wie'n  Floclce  Schnee; 

Sorglos  achtarbt  dar  Rewwer. 

In  connection  with  the  first  sonnet,  it  was  rather  amus- 
ing to  find  that  claims  to  priority  in  any  particular  department  of 
literature,  such  as  we  frequently  meet  in  the  case  of  those  who 
play  the  game  more  seriously,  find  their  counterpart  among  the 
writers  of  this  dialect.   In  1900,  Rev. J.Max  Hark,  after  an  inves- 
tigation in  which  he  says  that  he  satisfied  himself  that  there  is 
no  inherent  lack  of  capability  for  poetic  expression  in  the  Penn- 
sylvania German,  set  about  composing  several  poems  in  various  poet- 
ical forma  and  speaks  thus  of  his  own  essay  with  the  sonnet.   "It, 
(the  Sonnet)  is  a  form  of  verse  that  perhaps  more  than  any  other, 
tests  the  capabilities  of  the  dialect,  requiring  as  it  doe3,  great 
delicacy  of  touch  and  great  flexibility  of  language.   So  far  as  I 
know  it  had  never  before  been  attempted  in  Pennsylvania  German(;) 
until  I  tried  it  in  "Im  Busch  Vann's  Shnayd"  and  "Wann  der  Wind 

mohl  Iwwer  dee  Shdubble  Blohsdt."   It  wae  not  in  this  connection 
that  I  wished  to  consider  the  merits  of  Dr.Hark's  two  sonnets,  "but 
only  to  note-  in  view  of  their  first  publication  in  1900  -  a  fact 
that  seems  to  have  escaped  his  attention-  namely,  that  full  nine 
years  previously  Ziegler  had  published  the  sonnets  in  "Drauso  un 
Deheem"  and  that  in  one  of  these,  in  the  course  of  its  fourteen 
lines,  he  twice  lays  claim  to  priority  in  this  department,  and  with 
justice,  for  it  was  written  even  nine  years  before  the  publication 
of  the  book. 

It  is  far  more  successful  than  the  two  attempts  of 
Hark,  because  the  latter,  while  seeming  to  realize  the  seriousness 
of  his  undertaking  takes  himself  too  seriously  and  does  not  under- 
stand the  nature  of  the  sonnet  as  well  as  Ziegler;  the  latter  under- 
stands, as  stated^  the  technique  of  the  sonnet  and  playfully  "Leimt 
zusammen"  as  Goethe  said,  until  Lo,  he  has  the  first  sonnet  in 
the  dialect 2 

To  a  certain  extent  it  suggests  the  famous  sonnet  by 

August  7Vilhelm  Schlegel  on  the  Nature  of  the  Sonnet,  because  it 

touches  on  the  same  theme,  though  not  in  the  same  tone*   In  serious 

vein  Schlegel  wrote: 

Zwei  Reime  heiss'  ich  viermal  kehren  wieder, 
Un  stelle  sie,  getheilt,  in  gleiche* Reihen, 
DasB  hier  und  dort  zwei,  eingefasst  von  zweien 
Im  Doppel  Shore  schweben  auf  und  nieder. 

Dann  schlingt  des  Gleichlauts  Kette  durch  zwei  Glieder 
Sich  freier  wechselnd,  jegliches  von  dreien. 
In  solcher  Ordnung,  solcher  Zahl , gedeihen 
Die  zartesten  und  stolzesten  der  Lieder. 

Dem  word  ich  nie  mit  meinen  Zeilen  kranzen, 
Dem  eitle  Spielerei  mein  Wesen  dftnket, 
Und  Eigensinn  die  kunstlichen  Gesetze. 

Doch,  wem  in  mir  geheimer  Zauber  winket 

Dem  leih'  ich  Hoheit  Full'  in  engern  Grenzen 

Und  reines  Ebenmaas  der  Gegensatze. 

In  humorous  vein  wrote  Ziegler; 

Vor  mir  hot  niemand  en  Sonett  noch  gschriwwe 

In  Pennsylvanisch  Deitoch.   Ich  will's  mol  waage 
'M  Dante  un  'm  Petrarch  nooch  ze  jaage 

Bia  ich  die  Warte  zamme  hah  gedrivve. 

Now,  'em  Sonett  eel  Lines  sin  zwee  mol  siwwe, 
Net  mehner  un  net  wenniger  kann's  vertrage; 
Zwee  Dheol  hot's;  's  aersoht  -  'es  Octave  so  ze  saage- 

Hot  juscht  zwee  Rhymes,  die  darf  mar  net  verechiewe. 

Es  zwet  ion  klenner  Dheel  -  Sestette  ward's  g'heese  - 
Kann  zwee  Rhymes  haw  we  odder  drei,  (net  meh) 
Un  die  darf  mar  arrange  wie  mar  will. 

Es  fehle  noch  drei  Lines;  halt  dich  now  schtill*- 
Ich  hab  sie  schund!  -  un  du  hoscht  now,  versteh, 
Es  aerscht  Sonett  in  daere  Schprooch  gelese. 

(July  1882) 

When  however,  I  found  in  the  private  collection  of  Ziegler  under 

"Sonnets  that  I  like"  the  two  that  follow  by  Daniel  Schiebeler  and 

Philander  von  der  Linde,  I  could  no  longer  doubt  the  source  of  his 

inspiration.  The  one  by  Schiebeler  reads  as  follows: 

Du  forderst  ein  Sonett  von  mir; 

Du  weisst  wie  echwer  ich  dieses  finde, 

Darum,  du  lose  Rosalinde, 
Versprichst  du  einen  Kuss  dafur. 

Was  ist,  um  einen  Kuss  von  dir, 

Dass  sich  Myrtill  nicht  understands? 
Ich  glaubefast,  ich  uberwinde; 

Sieh  zwei  Quadrains  stehn  ja  schon  hier. 

Auf  einmal  hort  es  auf  zu  fliessen. 
Nun  werd  ich  doch  ve^zagen  mussen. 

Doch  nein,  hier  ist  schon  ein  Terzett. 
Nun  beb*  ich  doch  -  Wie  werd'  ich  schliossen? 
Komm,  Rosalinde,  laas  dich  kftssen: 

Hier,  Schonste,  hast  du  dein  Sonett. 

The  one  by  Philander  von  der  Linde  thus: 

Bei  meiner  Treu',  es  wird  mir  Angst  gemacht, 

Ich  soil  geschwind  ein  rein  Sonettgen  sagen 
Und  meine  Kunst  in  vierzehn  Zeilen  wagen, 

Bevor  ich  mich  auf  reciiter  Stoff  bedacht; 

Was  reimt  sich  nun  auf  agen  und  auf  aoht ? 

Doch  eh'  ich  kann  mein  Reimregister  fragen, 
Und  in  dem  Sinn  das  A,  B,  C  durchjagen, 

So  wird  bereits  der  halbe  Theil  belacht. 

Kann  Ich  nun  noch  sechs  Verse  dazu  tragen, 
So  darf  ich  mich  mit  keinem  Gr.Hen  plagen; 

Wohlan,  da  aind  schon  wieder  drei  vollbrachtl 

Und  well  noch  viol  in  meinem  vollew  Kragen, 
So  darf  ich  nicht  am  letzten  Reim  vorzagen, 

Bei  meiner  Treu!  da3  Work  is  schon  gemacht. 

Besides  this  sonnet  Ziegler  has  written  a  number  of 
others:  ono  on  his  "Old  Pipe",  another  in  different  vein  on  the 
death  of  his  father. 

In  a  poem  with  the  unpoetic  title  "Cremation"  ad- 
dressed to  his  wife,  he  expresses  the  wish  not  to  be  buried  in  the 
earth  when  dead:  not  only  his  soul  but  also  his  body  is  to  fly  on 
the  wings  of  Heaven. 

Mei  Geischt  war  noch  immer  en  freier 
Un  mei  Leib  soil  aa  so  sei; 
Mit'm  Wind  soil  ar  rum  schpatziere  - 
In  de  Luft  -  wie  die  Veggel  frei. 

Ich  will  net  sei  bei  de  Warrem, 
Im  Grund,  wu  die  Sai  rum  drete, 
In  de  Sunn  will  ich  sei  un  de  Wolke 
Drum  sollscht  du  mich  cremate. 

Noh  brauchst  net  in  der  Karri chof 
Wann  du  mich  b'suche  wit; 
Noh  flieg  ich  frei  in  de  Luft  rum 
Un  kann  dir  iwwerall  mit. 

Noh  pischper  ich  scheene  Sache 
Warm  ich  zu  d'r  kumm  im  *me  Breeze 
Noh  boss  ich  dlch  oft  uf  die  Backe 
Un  uf  dei  Maul  so  sus. 

Un  in  de  Sunn  wann  sie  ufgeht 
Lachle  ich  dlch  freindlich  aa, 
Un  segen  dich  Owets  vum  Himmel 
Mei  liewe  guti  Fraa. 

These  are  not  the  only  poems;  there  might  be  mentioned 
others  in  which  he  has  translated  Emerson,  or  original  ones  in 
which  he  shows  the  influence  of  his  enthusiastic  Emerson  studies 
of  his  younger  days.   I  close  my  account  of  his  little  book  with 
a  reference  to  his  translation  of  Bryant* a  "Thanatopsis"  which  in- 
dicates unusual  akill  and  patient  labor  and  which  ia  reasonably 

faithful  in  the  language,  retaining  aa  it  does  very  remarkably 
the  spirit  of  the  original. 

Zum  Mensoh  'as  lieb  hot  far  die  schee  Nadur 
Un  fihlt  mit  ihrem  Wese  sich  ve'wandt 
Schwetzt  sie  en  Schprooch  we  ' schiede:  is  ar  froh 
Dann  is  sie  frehlich  un  vezahlt  ihm  viel 
Un  wunnersoheeni  Sache,  un  sie  schluppt 
So  sachtig  un  mit  so  'me  Mitgefihl 
In  sei  Gedanke  wann  ar  Druwwel  hot 
Dass  ihm  sei  Drauer,  ep  ar's  wees,  vegeht. 

The  rest  of  Ziegler's  poems,  in  part  published  in  magazines, 
and  in  part  unpublished  as  yet  may  be  passed  more  rapidly  in  re- 
view although  his  powers  have  been  by  no  mean3  diminished.   After 
he  had  come  back  to  his  native  Brush  Valley  and  taken  to  himself 
a  Pennsylvania  German  wife,  his  pensive  strain  gives  way  in  cer- 
tain measure  to  other  tunes  and  presently  we  hear  him  singing 
the  praiBes  of  "Zwiwwle"  and  "Sauerkraut"  About  the  time  of  the 
arrival  of  the  twins  he  writes: 

Die  Eltere  fihle  schtolz  un  froh  - 
Sie  hen  en  Bobli  -  *s  is  'n  Soh'. 
Die  News  geht  rum,  un  ziemlich  glei' 
Viel  Preind  un  Nochbere  kumme  bei, 
Un  ganz  nadlrlich  kumme  aa* 
Dar  Onkel  Henner  un  sei  Praa. 
Dar  Onkel,  wis  ar's  Kind  aaschaut, 
Lachelt  un  saagt  so  zimlich  laut, 
"Ei,  guck  juscht  wle  des  Kind  doch  hot  -" 
Noh  sagt  die  Aunt  gschwind,  "Tut,  tut,  tut!" 

'os  hot  dar  Onkel  saage  welle? 
Des  waer  net  schwaer  sich  vor  se  schtelle; 
Doch  wann  's  aa  wohr  waer,   's  is  net  gut 
Das  mar  alii  Wohret  saage  dhut, 
Ich  glaab  's  waar  besser,  in  d'r  Dhat, 
Dar  Onkel  hot  net  alles  gsaat, , 
Un  dass  sei  Praa  inn  abgecut 
Mit  ihrem  gschwinde  "Tut,  tut,  tut!" 

His  own  disappointment  that  "es  Bobli"  was  not  "en  Soh"  seems 

to  have  been  made  up  for,  by  the  fact  that  they  were  two  girls 

(cf .  the  EngliBh  poem  mentioned  above  -  Exegi  Monumentum)  -  and 

soon  and  apparently  for  them  -  he  writes  -nDer  Sandmann? 


Waer  is  des  'as  kummt  £9  schleiche 

Owets  aus  'm  Schatte  and? 
Scheint  die  Kinner  gut  ze  gleiche  - 

Ihne  is  ar  gut  bekannt. 
Mit  'me  Sa  -  cack  dhut  ar  kumme, 

Un  ar  schtreut  uniher  gaar  sacht 
Aage  -sand  -  *m  Schloof  sei  Sume,- 

Sel  is  was  em  schlafrig  macht. 

Wann  die  Kinner  'b  Maul  ufschparre 

BIb  es  wie  en  Keller  guckt; 
Wann  die  Aage  sandig  warre, 

Un  en  jedes  Kepli  nuckt,- 
Kann  mar  leicht  dar  Sandmann  schpftre, 

(Sehne,  haere  kann  mar  *n  net)j 
Jar,  's  is  ihn  -  ar  kummt  ze  fihre 

Jedes  in  sei  Drunrelbett. 

His  lamentation: 

Die  Zeite  sin  so  greislich  hart 
Dass  e'm  schier  gaarli  dottlich  ward; 
Ken  Geld,  ken  Arwet,  schier  ken  Brod,- 
Es  sieht  bal  aus  wie  Hunger snoth. 

Economy,  Economy ! 

Schpaare  misse  mar,  saagt  die  Fraa, 

Economy,  economy, 

Bis  mar  aus  'a  Halsli  kummt I 

must  not  "be  taken  too  seriously,  for  a  man  that  is  crushed  does 
not  write  merry  songs  to  the  tune  "Ich  bin  der  Dokter  Eisenbart, 
Zwie-li-di-li-wick  bamm  bumm!"  To  get  his  view  point  we  quote  fur- 

Was  is  die  grindlich  Drsach  dann- 
Weescht  du's,  gedreier  Handwerksmann?- 
Dass  unser  Land  so  voll  is  heit 
Vun  Millionaires  un  Bettelleit? 

Dheel  meene  des,  dheel  meene  sel 
Waer  Schuld  an  daere  dulle  Shpellj 
Mir  is  es  deitlioh  wie  die  Sunn  - 
Dar  Tariff  is  die  Schuld  devun. 

In  recent  years  he  has  translated  Longfellow's  version 

of  Klopstock's  "Die  Todten" ;  Andrew  Lang's  "Lost  Love";  he  has  sung 

in  praise  of  "En  Simpler  Mann"  and  has  written  a  beautiful  ode  - 

"  Danksaagungsdfiag" 


An  ardent  defender  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans,  when 
Prof.  Albert  Bushnell  Hart  several  years  ago,  after  an  automobile 
trip  through  Lancaster  County,  wrote  his  impressions  for  the  Bos- 
ton Transcript,  Ziegler  took  up  the  gauntlet  and  came  out  with  a 
vigorous  reply  to  what  seemed  to  be  the  Professor's  snap  Judg- 

Likewise  in  verse  "Die  Muttersproch"  has  he 
glorified  the  tongue  to  which  he  turns  when  he  wishes  to  talk 
sense j  the  language  not  polite,-  reminding  one  of  Goethe's: 

"Im  Deutschen  lugt  man  wenn  man  hoflich  ist."  Paust  II.  - 
which  best  can  express  his  wrath,  the  language  in  which  alone  he 
seems  able  to  approach  the  throne  of  his  Creator. 

Will  Ich  recht  ve'schtannig  echwetze  - 
Eppes  ausenanner  setze  - 
A,B,C  un  eens,  zweo,  drei,- 
So  dass  jeder  commoner  Mann 
Klar  un  deitlich.sehne  kann 
Wei  'as  Gold  is  un  wel  Blei,- 
Nem  ich  guti  deutschi  Warte, 
Weis  un  schwarzi,  weech  un  harte, 
Noh  vollbringt  die  Sach  sich  glei.' 

Bin  ich  an  de  Wohret  suche 
Un  fin  Ungerechtigkeit, 
Luge,  HeicMsrei,  un  Schtreit 
Bis  ich  alles  kennt  ve'fluche,- 
Schteigt  mei  Zarn  wie  rothe  Flamme 
Un  will  alles  noh  ve' damme, - 
Use  ich  net  *n  Schprooch  polite j 
Nee'  ich  nemm  mei  deitsche  Warte 
Beisslg  scharf  wie  Hickory  Garte  - 
Hack  derwedder  dass  ee  battj 
Schlack  druf  los  un  fluch  mich  sattl 

Wann  ich  war  die  Sinde  ledig, 
Schwaer  bedrickt  vun  meinre  Schuld, 
Arnschtlich  noh  un  ehrlich  bet  ich 
Urn  Vergebung,  Gnad  un  Huld; 
Kann  dar  Vatter  Unser,  meen  ich, 
In  de  Mutterschprooch  allee 
Mich  reoht  haere  un  ve'schteh; 
Far  in  deitsche  Warte  leenig 
Hot  die  Mar-mi  mich  gelarnt 



Wie  ze  bete j  mich  bereit 
Ze  mache  far  die  Ewigkeit; 
Hot  dar  Daadi  mi oh  gewarnt 
Un  gerothe  braav  un  grad. 
Grosser  Gott!  0,  echteh  mar  bei! 
Helf  mar  doch  en  Grischt  ze  sei! 

Dr.  Hermann  H.  Fick  of  Cincinnati,  in  a  little  pam- 
phlet on  "Deutsch  Amerikanische  Dialekt  Dichtung"  has  said:  "Der 
wahre  Dichter  folgt  dem  Gebote  der  Empfindungen  und  Gefuhle, 
welche  machtig  um  Wiedergabe  werben  und  nach  Gestaltung  rlngen. 
Er  *gehorcht  der  gebietenden  Stunde*  und  singt  well  es  inn  dazu 
treibt.  Das  was  ihn  freudig  oder  in  TrSuer  bewegt,  sein  ei- 
genstes  Wesen,  aussert  er  in  seinen  Versen."  To  no  writer  in  the 
Pennsylvania  German  dialect  do  these  lines  seem  to  be  so  com- 
pletely applicable  as  to  Charles  Calvin  Ziegler,  late  of  Brush 
Valley,  Pa.,  and  now  of  St. Louis,  Mo. 


A  Bibliography 
other  sources  of  information 
for  the  chapter  on 
Col.  Thomas  C.  Zimmerman. 

Berlin  Times,  Berlin,  Germany. 

Biographical  Annals  of  Berks  County,  Chicago,  1909. 

Carbon  County  Democrat. 

German  American  Annals. 

History  of  Berks  County, Montgomery.  Philadelphia,  1886 

New  York  Staats  Zeitung. 

011a  Podrida.   Book  Notice.  Pennsylvania  German.  Vol. IV. 69 

011a  Podrida.  Reading,  Pa.  1893. 

Pennsylvania  Dutch  Handbook.  Rauch.  Mauch  Chunk,  Pa. 

Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. IV.  2.  269. 

Vol. VII. 4.  178. 

Personal  Interviews  and  correspondence. 

Philadelphia  Record. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. III. 

Scranton  Tribune. 

Spirit  of  Berks. 

The  Lutheran. 

Wilkeebarre  Record. 


Thomaa  C.  Zimmerman. 

In  every  enumeration  of  Pennsylvania  German  writers,  the 
name  of  Col. Thomas  C.Zimmerman  would  demand  worthy  mention,  as 
that  of  the  translator  of  song  from  many  lands,  and  as  the  author 
of  some  dialect  prose.   But  upon  those  Pennsylvania  Germans  whose 
reading    is  confined  chiefly  to  literature  in  English,  Zimmerman 
has  a  special  claim.  These  he  has  made  acquainted,  through  ex- 
cellent translations,  with  what  is  best  in  German  lyric  song,  and 
has  thus  restored  and  interpreted  to  them  the  choicest  literary 
treasures  of  the  stock  from  which  they  sprung.   In  this  respect 
Zimmerman  occupies  a  position  absolutely  unique  among  Pennsylvania 
German  writers. 

For  many  years  he  carried  out  a  consistent  policy, 
publishing  in  the  papers  he  edited,  in  parallel  columns,  German 
lyrics  and  his  own  excellent  translations  of  the  same.  For  this 
reason  a  fuller  account  of  his  career  is  here  demanded,  and,  in- 
asmuch as  no  more  appreciative  one  could  be  written  than  that 
from  the  pen  of  Morton  L.  Montgomery,  Esq.  in  historical  and  Bio- 
graphical AnnalB  of  Berks  County,  I  have  made  an  abstract  of  his 
article.   The  briefer  portion  beginning  with  P«    whicli  deals  with 
his  work  in  dialect  literature  is  my  own. 

Thomas  C.Zimmerman  was  born  in  Lebanon  County,  Pa. 
Jan. S3,  1838.   The  only  academic  education  he  ever  enjoyed  was 
the  public  school  training  he  received  during  the  years  of  his 
boyhood  in  Lebanon  County.  Thus  he  never  had  the  advantages  of  a 
classical  education,  and  deserves  accordingly  the  higher  praiBe, 
for  making  such  notable  use  of  his  talents  and  opportunities.  When 
13  years  of  age  he  was  apprenticed  to  the  printing  trade  in  the 

newspaper  establishment  of  the  Lebanon  Courier.   Upon  the  comple- 
tion of  his  term  of  service  he  went  to  Philadelphia  and  worked  on 
the  Philadelphia  Inquirer  for  a  brief  interval  until  Jan. 8,  1856, 
when  he  entered  the  office  of  the  Berks  and  Schuylkill  Journal  in 
Reading,  Pa.  as  a  journeyman  printer.   In  1859,  Zimmerman  moved 
to  Columbia,  S.C.  where  he  worked  as  compositor  on  the  State  LawB 
in  the  printing  establishment  of  Dr.  Robert  Gibbs,  who  afterwards 
became  Surgeon  General  of  the  Confederate  Army.   In  March  1860, 
Zimmerman  returned  to  Reading,  as  the  Anti  Northern  sentiment  had 
beoome  so  intense  that  his  life  was  endangered. 

Here  he  again  entered  the  employ  of  the  "Reading 
Times"  and  "The  Berks  and  Schuylkill  Journal"  and  gradually  rose 
to  the  position  of  editor,  and  Co-proprietor.   This  paper-  the 
Reading  Times  -  is  one  of  the  foremost  journals  in  the  state  and 
exerts  a  potent  influence  upon  the  moral  and  material  development 
of  its  city,  being  held,  furthermore  in  high  estimation  among 
political  leaders  in  the  state  and  at  Washington. 

A  brother  editor  says  of  him:  "  He  has  a  genuine 
taste  for  literature,  poetry  and  the  fine  arts,  as  many  of  his 
articles  attest.  He  is  one  of  the  ablest  writers  in  the  Common- 
wealth." One  of  his  most  widely  published  and  copied  productions 
was  a  sketch  of  his  visit  to  the  Luray  Caverns  in  Virginia.  On 
returning  home  he  chose  this  theme  for  an  editorial  in  his  paper. 
It  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  Cave  Company:  the  merits  of  this  in- 
spiration of  the  moment  were  so  appreciated  by  them  that  they 
caused  upward  of  60,000  copies  in  illustrated  pamphlet  form  to 
be  published  for  general  circulation.  The  newspapers  of  Richmond, 
Va.  copied  this  article  and  the  favor  it  met  with  resulted  in  a 

request  that  Zimmerman  visit  Alabama  and  write  up  the  undeveloped 


resources  of  that  state. 

Very  early  in  life,  our  author  began  to  read  poetry 
for  the  intellectual  pleasure  and  profit  it  afforded  him,  and  at 
the  age  of  18  he  had  already  made  considerable  progress  in  a  care- 
fully systematized  perusal  of  the  whole  line  of  English  poets  or  of 
as  many  of  them  as  lay  within  his  reach.  The  instinct  of  the  trans- 
lator asserted  itself  in  marvelous  maturity  when  he  began  to  make 
this  one  of  the  prominent  features  of  the  Reading  Times.  Hundreds 
of  translations  from  the  German  classics  into  English  appeared 
from  time  to  time;  the  Saturday  issue  of  the  paper  invariably  con- 
taining a  translation  into  English  of  some  German  poem,  the  original 
and  the  translation  appearing  close  together  in  parallel  columns. 

One  of  his  most  noted  translations  from  the  German 
-The  Prussian  National  Battle  Hyran-  appeared  in  the  Berlin  Times 
and  was  favorably  noted.  To  the  reception  which  his  translation 
of  Luther's  "Ein  Peste  Burg"  won,  I  cannot  do  justice  here.  The 
Westliche  Post,  St. Louie,  Mo.  a  few  weeks  after  its  publication 
said  of  it:  "So  beautiful  is  the  translation  that  there  is  already 
talk  of  substituting  it  for  the  present  version  in  English  Luther- 
an Kymnbooks." 

His  translation  of  Schiller's  "Song  of  the  Bell" 

met  with  even  more  favor.  Prof .Marion  D. Learned  of  the  University 

of  Pennsylvania  said  of  it  "A  masterful  hand  is  visible  in  all 

the  translation.   It  is  perhaps  safe  to  say  that  Schiller's  'Song 

of  the  Bell'  is  the  most  difficult  lyrical  poem  in  the  German 

language  to  render  into  English  with  the  corresponding  metres. 

Your  version  seems  to  me  to  excell  all  other  English  translations 

of  the  poem,  both  in  spirit  and  in  rhythm.   Especially  striking  in 

point  of  movement  is  your  happy  use  of  the  English  participle  in 


reproducing  Schiller's  feminine  rhymes.   Your  version  however, 
while  closely  adhering  to  the  form  of  the  original  maintains  at 
the  same  time  dignity  and  clearness  of  expression  which  translators 
often  sacrifice  to  meet  the  demands  of  rhythm.  Your  poetic  in- 
stinct has  furnished  you  the  key  to  this  masterpiece  of  German 

The  New  York  World  says:  "Mr.  Zimmerman's  rendering 
of  Schiller's  'S0ng  of  the  Bell'   is  a  triumph  of  the  translator's 
art  and  recalls  the  work  of  Bayard  Taylor"  The  New  York  Herald  says: 
"Mr.  Zimmerman  has  placed  his  name   in  the  category  of  famous 
litterateurs  by  a  very  creditable  translation  of  Schiller's  'Song 
of  the  Bell'." 

The  following  ably  written  criticism  1b  from  the 
pen  of  J.B.Ker,  who,  while  a  resident  of  Scotland,  once  stood 
for  Parliament.   "To  Col. Thomas  C.Zimmerman.  Sir:   Having  read  and 
studied  your  noble  translation  of  Schiller's  'Song  of  the  Bell' 
I  have  been  forcibly  impressed  by  the  music  of  the  poem.   In  es- 
timating the  value  of  the  translations  of  the  great  German  poems, 
it  is  necessary  to  bear  in  mind  the  weight  which  the  literary  and 
critical  consciousness  of  Germany  attached  to  the  ancient  classical 
canons  of  poetry.   There  is  no  question  here  as  to  whether  the 
ancients  were  right.   The  point  for  us  is,  that  their  influence  was 
loyally  acknowledged  as  of  high  authority  during  the  Augustan  Age 
of  German  Literature.   Proof  of  this  can  be  found  in  Goethe,  as 
distinctly  as  it  superabundantly  appears  in  Lessing's  famous 
dramatic  notes,  where  the  poetic  dicta  of  Aristotle  are  treated 
with  profound  respect.   In  the  study  of  Aristotle's  work  on  the 
poetic,  nothing  is  perhaps  more  striking  than  his  dictum  that 
poetry  is  imitation  with  the  explanation  or  enlargement  so  aptly 

given  by  Pope  In  the  words: 

Tia  not  enough,  no  harshneBs  gives  offence, 
The  sound  must  seem  an  echo  to  the  sense. 

Now,  knowing  the  German  recognition  of  the  law  and 
acknowledging  its  realization  in  the  workB  of  the  leading  Teutonic 
poets,  one  of  the  crucial  tests  of  a  translation  of  a  great  German 
poem  is,  Does  the  language  into  which  the  original  is  rendered 
form  an  echo  to  the  sense?  It  seems  to  me  that  one  of  the  strongest 
points  in  your  translation  of  the  'Bell1  is  that  the  words  which 
you  have  selected  and  gathered  have  sounds,  which  like  the  music 
of  a  skillful  musical  composer,   convey  a  signification  independent- 
ly of  their  literal  meaning.  Not  to  protract  these  remarks  unduly, 
few  words  could  more  appropriately  refer  to  the  music  of  strong  and 
distant  bells  than  your  rendering  - 

That  from  the  metal's  unmixe'd  founding 
Clear  and  full  may  the  bell  be  sounding. 

Very  slight  poetic  capacity  must  admit  the  music  of  these 

words  as  eminently  happy  in  the  'Song  of  the  Belli  The  echo  to 

the  sense  is  also  striking  in  the  sound  of  the  word  symbols  in 

many  places  throughout  the  rendering,  where  the  poet  describes 

the  occurences  conceived  in  connection  with  the  bells'  imagined 

history.   Speaking  of  the  visions  of  love: 

0,  that  they  would  be  never  ending 

These  vernal  days  with  lovelight  blending, 

the  way  in 
which  the  penult  of  the  word  ending  conveys   the  idea  of  finality, 
while  the  affix  of  the  present  participle  yet  prolongs  the  word  as 
though  loth  to  let  it  depart,  is  a  beautiful  and  enviable  reali- 
zation of  the  Aristotelian  rule,  a  prolongation  of  the  words  which 

express  doubly  a  prolongation  of  desire.   The  four  lines  reading 


Blind  raging,  like  the  thunder's  crashing, 
It  hursts  its  fractured  hed  of  earth, 
As  if  from  out  hell's  jaws  fierce  flashing, 
It  spewed  its  flaming  ruin  forth. 

have  a  vehement 

strength  and  a  rough  and  even  painful  and  horrid  sound  which 

applies  with  singular  propriety  to  the  horrible  images  "by  which 

the  poet  presents  the  catastrophe  to  our  quickened  apprehensions.' 

In  1903  Zimmerman  published  a  collection  of  his 
addresses,  sketches  of  outdoor  life,  translations  and  original 
poems  in  two  volumes  entitled  "011a  Podrida"   These  volumes  were 
received  with  great  favor  and  almost  the  entire  edition  was  sold 
within  a  month,  a  number  of  the  public  libraries  having  become 
purchasers • 

Zimmerman  was  also  the  author  of  the  official  Hymn 
for  Reading's  Sesqui-Centennial,  sung  by  a  chorus  of  500  voices 
on  Perm  Common,  June  7,  1898;  of  the  Hymn  for  Berks  County's  Sesqui- 
Centennial,  Mar. 11,  1902  and  of  the  Memorial  Hymn  sung  at  the  dedi- 
cation of  the  McKinley  Monument  in  the  City  -Park,  in  the  presence 
of  one  of  the  largest  audiences  ever  assembled  in  Reading. 

One  of  the  proudest  achievements  of  Zimmerman's 

Journalistic  career  was  the  erection  of  a  monument  to  Stephen  C. 

Foster  at  his  home  in  Pittsburg,  which,  according  to  the  Pittsburg 

papers  had  its  real  inception  in  an  editorial  prepared  by  Zimmerman 

for  the  Reading  Times,  after  a  visit  to  Pittsburg,  during  which 

he  found  no  memorial  to  perpetuate  the  memory  of  the  world's 

greatest  writer  of  negro  melodies.   The  editorial  was  republished 

in  the  PittBburg  Press  and  endorsed  by  that  paper  which  also 

started  (Keenan)  a  fund  to  provide  a  suitable  memorial  and  called 

on  the  publio  for  popular  subscriptions,  the  ultimate  result  of 


which  is  seen  in  the  statue  which  now  adorns  Highland  Park  in  that 

Several  years  ago,  The  Pittsburg  Times,  in  a  notice  of  Zimmer- 
man's visit  to  that  Park  said:  "°ut  in  Highland  Park  yesterday, 
pasBersby  noticed  a  handsome,  military  looking  gentleman  making 
a  minute  study  of  Stephen  C.Foster's  statue.  Every  feature  of 
this  artistic  bit  of  sculpture,  from  Foster's  splendid  face,  to 
Uncle  Ned  and  the  broken  string  of  his  banjo  was  examined  with 
affectionate  interest.   The  man  was  Col. Thomas  C. Zimmerman,  editor 
of  the  Reading  (Pa)  Times  and  the  statue  was  the  fruition  of  his 
fondest  wish.   Col. Zimmerman  has  been  for  many  years  one  of  the 
staunchest  admirers  of  Foster's  imperishable  songs  and  melodies; 
16  yearB  ago,  while  in  Pittsburg  lie  visited  the  late  Maj.E.A.Montooth, 
he  asked  the  latter  to  show  him  the  monument  to  Foster,  and  was 
painfully  surprised  to  discover  that  no  such  memorial  existed; 
shortly  after  his  return  to  Reading,  he  wrote  an  editorial  for  his 
paper  calling  the  attention  of  the  world  in  general  and  ^ittsburg 
in  particular  to  the  neglect  of  Foster's  memory." 


After  having  translated  many  German  poems  into  English, 
Zimmerman  came  out  in  the  fall  of  1876,  with  a  translation  in  the 
dialect  of  Charles  C.Moore's  "The  Night  Before  Christmas"   This  at 
once  caught  the  fancy  of  the  press  and  brought  him  letters  from  dis- 
tinguished men  in  public  life,   as  well  as  from  philologists,  urging 
him  to  continue  to  test  the  compass  and  flexibility  of  the  dialect 
for  metrical  expression t  among  the  former  were  Hon. Andrew  D.White, 
Ambassador  to  Germany,  Gen. Simon  Cameron  of  Lincoln's  Cabinet,  and 
P.F.Rothermel  the  oelebrated  painter,  himself  a  Pennsylvania  Ger- 
man: and  of  the  latter  class,  Prof . S . S . Haldemann  and  Prof.M.D. 
Learned  among  others. 

The  local  newspapers  as  a  rule  expressed  their 
appreciation  of  the  work  by  articles  in  the  dialect  of  which,  as 
examples  of  literary  criticism  in  the  dialect,  I  include  a  few 
specimens  here.  First  the  one  from  Rauch,  the  leader  of  the  Penn- 
sylvania German  writers  at  this  time,  in  which  he  also  cites  from 
another  paper  of  this  period. 

Rauch 's  Carbon  County  Democrat:  -  "Der  Tom  Zimmerman,  seller 
os  die  Times  und  Dispatch  rous  gebt  in  Reading  is  'n  ordlich 
gooty  hond  for  English  poetry  £hticker  ivversetza  in  Pennsylvanisch 
Deitsch  un  doh  is  en  fhtick  oe  im  'Spirit  of  Berks'  g'schtonna 
hut  derweaga:  'Unser  older  fYeind  Zimmerman  aver  fun  der  Dimes 
und  Tispatch  drooker  conn  ferhoftlich  Englische  leeder  in  Pennsyl- 
vanisch Deitsch  gons  goot  ivversetza,  According  zu  unser  maining 
coomt  ar  net  feel  hinner  der  badauerta  Porra  Harbaugh,  un  warm  mer 
de  wohret  sawga  missa,  ar  conn,  wann  mer  schwetza  weaga  wass  mer 
poetry  haisst,  'm  Pit  Schweffelbrenner  si  awga  zu  schreiwa.   Mer 
missa  ower  explaina  uf 'm  Pit  si  side  os  ar  sich  nemohls  ous  gevva 

hut  for   'n  leeder  schreiwer  tzu  si.   Warm's  awer  ons  breefa 

schreiwa  coomt  don  is  der  Schweffelbrenner  als  noch  der  bully  kerl! 

For  selly  notice  dut  der  Zimmerman  seim  Noohber  orrlck 

shae  donka  un  weil  ar  der  Pit  acknowledged  os  der  'bully'  Deitsoh 

breefa  schreiwer  wella  mer  don  aw  donk  shae  sawga." 

A  second  one  by  Rauch  urges  our  author  to  follow  up 

his  Christmas  poem  by  a  New  Year's  poem: 

"Schliffletown,  Yonuawr  der  1, 

Mister  Drooker:  Ich  winsch  deer  un  all  dina  freind  an  rale  olt 

fashiondes  glicklich  Neies  Yohr.   De  wuch  hut  mei  freind  Zimmer- 
man der  editor  fum  Redinger  Times  und  Dispatch  an  copy  fun  seiner 
Tzeitung  g'schiokt  mit  a  Pennsylvania  Deitsch  shtickly  drin.   Es 
is   'n  ivversetzung  fun  an  Englisha  shtick,  un  ich  muss  sawga  os 
der  Zimmerman  es  ardlich  ferdeihenkert  goot  gadu  hut.   Des  ex- 
plained now  olles  wo  all  die  fee la  sorta  shpeesauch  un  tzuckersauch 
har  cooma»  Now,  while  der  Zimmerman  so  bully  goot  is  om  shticker 
shreiwa  set  ar  sich  aw  draw  macha  for   'n  Nei  Yohr's  leedly." 

A  third  one  by  an  unknown  writer  (in  an  undated 
clipping  from  an  unidentified  newspaper  of  apparently  the  year 
1877)   confesses  to  the  encouragement  received  to  take  up  similar 
work  and  incidentally  rehearses  some  of  the  difficulties  and  dis- 
couragements that  stood  in  the  way  of  the  beginnings  of  dialect 
literature,  particularly  in  the  decade  preceding  1850 t 

"For  about  flnf  un  zwanzig  bis  dreissig  yohr  zuruck  hen  mir 
alsemol  prowirt  Reime  zu  schreiwe  in  Pennsylvanisch  Deitsch:  awer 
des  einbildisch  Menscheshtofft  hot  Just  druwer  gespott  so  dass 
mer  uns  endlich  selwer  mit  geschamt  hen  un  unser  Harf  an  die  V/eide 
g'hangt  hen.  'Die  Reimen  raogen  noch  Ginne  geh  -  es  bezahlt  besser 
in  Cash  un  Ehr,  Sau  zu  masten  un  speck  un  Bonne  zu  rasen  as  so 

Reimen  zu  schreiwe'  hen  mer  gedenkt.   In  spaterer  Zeit  hen  annere 
Manner  die  Sach  ufgenommen,  tin  bo  gut  gemacht  dass  sie  respektable 
worre  is,   un  do  is  apart ig  ehner  Zimmerman  in  Reading,  ehner  von 
de  beste  English  Editors  in  der  stste,  kerzlich  in  selly  Bussniss 
gange  tin  scheint  so  gut  auszumachen,  dass  er  uns  uf  die  Noschen 
bringt  ah  nochemol  zu  prowiren  wa.nn  mir's  ah  net  so  gut  thun  konne 
as  der  Harb.rugh,  der  Ziirr.erman  un  so  Eerls  so  "brauchen  uns 
doch  net  E.:]rn  <~  mit  der  Cumpani*  .   ''er  her  en  Reire  g'funne  im 
Englische  'Telescope'  un  machen  en  F    ylvanii  cb  Deuti  v  .  uckle 
fiber  sell  Tatter:.   Nau  l^ore1"  c'lrl." 

in  in  December  1896,  "Der  Alt  Schulmaeschter" 
( Jos. H. Light)  in  his  letter  in  the"Lebanon  News"  republished  the 
poem  "De  Kacht  vor  de  Krischdag?  warm  der  Belsnickel  als  sei  appear- 
ance macht,  en  sehr  scha  poslich  Gadicht  dos  mei  freind  der 
Kurnel  Zimmerman  iwwersetzt  hut,  er  huts  ah  firBtrate  gaduh,  des 
waer  nau  eppes  for  de  Buwa  un  Maed  ouswennich  zu  larne." 

With  the  encouragement  of  the  philologians  and  at 
the  request  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Zimmerman  continued 
his  experiments,  making  selections  from  the  Scotch  Irish,  English 
and  German  and  from  the  Greek  Anthology;  embracing  many  moods, 
humorous,  pathetic,  didactic,  as  well  as  poems  of  love.   The 
author  tells  us  that  he  has  endeavored  not  only  to  reproduce  the 
rhythm  of  the  originals  but  to  leave  their  idiomatic  expressions 
intact  and  as  a  result  "has  been  handicapped  in  not  being  able 
to  invest  his  work  with  creations  of  his  own  fancy,  through  which 
he  might  have  gained  a  more  comprehemeive  diction  and  with  it  a 
wider  latitude  of  expression." 

Another  poem  he  has  translated,  "The  Bonnie  George 

2  9/, 

Campbell",  has  been  turned  and  returned  many  times  -  William 
Motherwell  partly  compiled  and  partly  wrote  it  for  hio  collection 
"Minstrelsy  Ancient  and  Modern"  1827.   0. L.B.Wolff  translated  it 
into  German:  Longfellow  made  the  German  version  the  basis  of  his 
own  and  this  was  used  by  our  author.   I  cite  the  second  stanza: 

Out  came  hie  mother  Raus  kummt  sei  Mutter  - 
Weeping  so  sadly)  Weine'd  so  herzlich; 

Out  came  his  beauteous  bride  Raus  kummt  sei  schftne  Praa 
Weeping  so  madly.  Weine'd  so  schmerzlich. 

All  saddled,  all  bridled  All  g'sattled  ge'zammt 

Home  came  the  saddle,  Heem  kummt  der  Sattel 
But  he  nevermore.  Doch  er  nimmermehr. 

Here  is  a  stanza  from  "Auld  Robin  Gray." 

He  hadna  been  gane  a  week  but  only  twa 

When  my  father  brake  his  arm  and  our  ccw  was  stown  awa ' 

My  mither  she  fell  sick  and  my  Jamie  at  the  sea, 

And  auld  Robin  Gray  came  a  courting  me. 

Er  war  net  'n  Woch  aweck,  'cept  juscht  en  paar, 
Wan  mei  Fatter  brecht  sei  Arm  und  die  Kuh  g'schtole  war, 
Mei  Mutter  sie  wart  krank,  und  mei  Dschimmy's  uf  em  See, 
Un  mich  zu  karessiere,  kummt  der  Alt  Robin  Grey. 

Or  still  another  song: 

The  bairnie's  cuddle  doon  at  nicht 

Wi  muckle  faucht  and  din 
"0  try  and  sleep,  ye  waukrife  rogues,' 

Your  father's  coming  in." 
They  never  heerd  a  word  I  speak, 

I  try  to  gie  a  froonj 
But  aye  I  hap  them  up,  an'  cry, 
"Oh  bairnies,  cuddle  doon." 

Die  Kinner  lige  hie  des  nachts 

Mit  Jacht  und  Fechtereij 
"Browier  und  schloft,  ihr  wackrich  Schelm, 

Euer  Fater  kummt  Jetzt  rei." 
Sie  hor'e  net  'n  Wort's  ich  sag 

Ich  guck  jetzt  bos  an  sie. 
Doch  heif  ich  immer  uf  und  schrei, 

"Oh,  Kinner,  legt  eich  hie." 

Or  finally  from  the  Greek  Anthology: 

My  Mopsa  is  little  and  my  Mopsa  is  brown 

But  her  cheek  is  as  soft  as  the  peach's  soft  down, 

And  for  blushing  no  rose  can  come  near  her, 
In  short,  she  has  woven  such  nets  round  my  heart, 
That  I  ne'er  from  my  dear  little  Mopsa  can  part,- 
Unless  I  can  find  one  that's  dearer. 

Mei  Mopsy  is  brau,  un  mei  Mopsy  is  klee, 

Wie  die  Woll  fun  de  Persching,  ihr  Backe  so  echo 

Un  for  blushe,  ke  Rose  gebt's  's  frisher  is; 

En  Net  hot  sie  g'wove  so  ganz  rum  meim  Herz, 

Ich  kann  fon  mei  Mopsy  nimme  geh  unne  Schmerz, 
Except  eane  fin  ich  as  besser  is. 

Other  translations  that  might  be  mentioned  are  "Baby 
Mine?   "The  Road  to  Slumberland?  George  P.Morris'  "When  Other 
Friends  are  Round  Thee"  and  Barry  Cornwall's  "Sing,  Maiden  Sing." 

It  is  not  surprising  that  he  is  at  his  best  in  songs 
that  are  the  expression  of  the  deep  yet  simple  feelings  of  the 
heart,  and  that  his  translations  of  Oliver  Goldsmith's  "Elegy 
on  the  Death  of  a  Mad  Dog"  or  the  anonymous  "John  Jenkin's  Sermon" 
or  the  "New  Casabianca"  have  brought  forth  many  turns  which  Penn- 
sylvania Germans  would  call  artificialities  of  their  speech.   Some 

fifteen  of  such  translations  were  included  by  the  author  in  his 
book  "011a  Podrida?  in  a  review  of  which  work  in  German  American 
Annals,  Prof .Learned  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  recognized 
Zimmerman  as  belonging  to  the  school  of  Harbaugh  and  Fisher. 

Edmund  Clarence  Stedman  speaking  of  these  translations 
said:  "Your  metrical  renderings  of  English  verse  into  the  local 
German  vernacular  are  unique.   They  have  a  special  value,  not  only 
philological  but  of  curious  poetic  craftsmanship.   I  like  your 
sense  of  the  worth  of  what  is  right  at  hand,  and  though  still 
fresh  is  likely  to  pass  away  in  time,  and  of  which  I  may  say  'pars 
magna  fuisti;'  I  don't  suppose  my  old  friend  Leland  -  peace  to  his 
wanderings*  -  knew  Pennsylvania  German  well  enough  to  have  writton 
in  it.   If  so  he  is  the  only  man  I  can  think  of  who  could  have  trolled 
it  forth  so  racily."   -from  a  private  letter.   (In  this  he  shows 

that  he  knows  whereof  ha  speaks  -  at  any  rate  he  does  not  make  the 
mistake  often  made  even  by  such  as  the  Atlantic  Monthly*  of  taking 
Leland's  own  language  for  Pennsylvania  German. 

Other  of  Zimmerman's  translations  are  scattered 
through  the  file3  of  the  Reading  Times  and  Dispatch,  as  are  also 
his  infrequent  articles  in  prose  -  of  whioh  the  most  famous  are 
the  letters  purporting  to  pass  between  "Wilhelai"  (The  Kaiser)  and 
"Mei  Leevi  Grosmommy"  (Queen  Victoria)  in  which  he  rebukes  her  for 
allowing  herself  to  be  under  the  influence  of  Salisbury  in  the 
matter  of  the  Boer  War,  censures  "Uncle  Wales"  (Prince  Edward? 
for  his  gambling  proclivities,  and  threatens  that  he  may  have  to 
take  a  hand  in  the  war  himself.   In  due  time  Victoria  replies  to 
"Mei  Leewer  Billy"  in  regretful  and  conciliatory  tone.   These 
letters  were  widely  copied  by  the  press,  taken  up  into  several 
anthologies  (Home's  and  Miller's)  and  presumably  represented 
Pennsylvania  German  editorial  (and  perhaps  popular)  opinion  at  the 
time  of  the  Boer  War. 



Results  and  Conclusions. 


Results  and  Conclusions. 

By  means  of  travel,  correspondence  and  the  assist- 
ance of  a  large  number  of  Pennsylvanians  interested  in  the  subject, 
the  present  writer  believes  that  he  has  succeeded  in  collecting 
the  great  bulk  of  material  in  Pennsylvania  German  dialect  in  veuse, 
that  is  at  present  accessible.   The  appended  bibliographical  index 
has  been  made  with  some  care,  and  the  sources  and  localities  are 
enumerated  where  printed  productions  or  those  in  manuscript  are  to 
be  found.   In  almost  all  cases  copies  of  both  are  now  in  my  pos- 

Of  prose,  a  similar  collection  has  been  made  and 
a  similar  index  of  selections  that  have  appeared  either  in  book 
form  or  were  published  in  magazines,  and  an  extended  list  (not  yet 
complete)  has  been  made  of  newspapers  which  are  now  publishing  or 
at  one  time  did  publish  prose  dialect  articles. 

Of  thi3  literature,  the  most  important  has  been  de- 
scribed by  means  of  a  method  in  the  main  biographical:  "Literature 
can  do  no  more  than  give  us  the  opinions  and  sentiments  of  par- 
ticular persons  at  particular  times.   To  estimate  -  even  to  under- 
stand -  these  opinions  and  sentiments,  we  must  know  something  of 
the  times  and  circumstances  in  which  they  were  expressed.   It  will 
be  requisite,  therefore,  now  and  then,  to  invade  the  domain  of 
history  and  biography  and  thus  diversify  our  purely  literary  studies." 
Thus  did  R.Y.Tyrell  introduce  a  series  of  lectures  on  the  litera- 
ture of  a  people  (the  Romans)  whose  history  and  intellectual  life 
are,  and  in  the  nature  of  the  case  always  will  be,  on  a  plane 
vastly  higher  than  that  which  we  have  here  treated  can  ever  hope 
to  be;  but  the  principle  is  the  same  and  seems  to  be  particularly 

applicable  in  the  case  of  a  people  relatively  unknown  -  if  we  are 
to  understand  them. 

.'.'hat  Armstrong  Wanchope  said  in  the  North  American 
Review,  (May  1894,  Vol.158,  p. 640)   of  story  writers  in  general 
seems  to  apply  with  peculiar  aptness   to  the  authors  I  have  con- 
sidered.  "Story  writing"  he  said  "is  an  attempt  to  preserve  the 
life  of  a  certain  time  and  locality  with  all  the  concomitants  of 
local  coloring.   The  personal  experience  of  the  writer  becomes  thus 
all  important  as  it  should.   He  can  testify  only  of  what  he  knows." 
The  large  element  of  biography  here  introduced  is  therefore,  neither 
unprecedented  nor,  in  the  nature  of  the  case,  unreasonable. 

The  principal  reasons  for  the  existence  of  dialect 
literature  have  been  pointed  out  in  a  chapter  at  the  beginning 
of  this  essay}  special  reasons  individual  writers  have  had  for 
writing  in  the  dialect  have  been  noted  under  the  respective  authors. 
In  not  a  few  cases  the  writers  began  as  makers  of  dialect  rhymes 
for  the  hamlet  and  the  neighboring  farmsteads,  or  contributors  of 
English  or  High  German  verses  for  distant  periodicals.   They  had 
lacked  both  a  recognition  of  the  dialect  as  a  literary  medium,  add 
local  journals  in  which  to  publish.   VJhen  such  was  offered  them, 
the  response  was  immediate,  and  the  dialect  literature  flourished. 
This  movement  was  further  encouraged  by  the  establishment  i 
of  a  magazi]     bended  to  reach  all  Pennsylvania  Ger    ,  "The 
nsylvania  German." 

"Der  wahre  Dichter  folgt  dem  Gebote  der  Empfindungen 
und  Gefuhle,  welche  machtig  um  VJiedergabe  werben  und  nach  Gestalt- 
ung  ringen.   Er  'gehorcht  der  gebietenden  Stunde*  und  singt  w 
es  ihn  dazu  treibt.   Das,  was  ihn  freudig  oder  in  Trauer  bewegt, 

sein  eigenstec  "'esen  aussert  er  in  seinen  versen.   Der  Dialect 

zeigt  da3  Vojk  wie  es  ist,  bei  seinen  Festen  und  in  seinen  Leide, 

an  der  Arbeit  ur:d  bei  seiner  Erholung,  in  seinen  Hoffen  und  seinen 

Harren,  wie  nicht  minder  im  Verkehr  mit  Hohergestellten  sowohl  als 

mit  Seinesgleichen  oder  Untergebenen."   Go  wrote  Hermann  H.Fick,  in 

a  small  pamphlet  on  "Deutsch  Amerikanische  Dialekt  Dichtung."  She 

Pennsylvania  German  dialect  poets  have  done  exactly  what  this 

writer  requires,  and  thi3  it  is,  which  renders  their  productions 

from  the  view  point  of  the  Kultur  Historiker  of  the  utmost  value. 

Criticism  and  faultfinding  of  which  the  literature  has  been  made 

to  bear  the  "brunt,  should  more  properly  be  leveled  at  the  people; 

if  the  writers  had  done  otherwise  than  they  did,  their  picture  had 

been  less  true.   If  the  poetry  occasionally  falls  to  a  flat  and 

heKvy  level,  it  should  be  remembered  that  in  a  measure  the  people 

are  themselves  prose  (not  to  say  prosy)  idyls,  and  the  wonder  is 

not  that  they  sang  no  better,  but  that,  what  with  the  horrors  of 

the  wars  in  the  Rhine  valley  before  their  migration,  what  with  a 

long  struggle  in  America  afterwards,  in  which  they  were,  when  not 

fighting  savage  Indians, 

Busy  with  hewing  and  building,  with  garden  plot  and  with  rnerestead, 
Busy  with  breaking  the  glebe,  and  mowing  grass  in  the  meadow. 

they  plucked  up  courage  enough  to  sing  at 
all.   Their  language  in  the  new   surroundings  could  grow  only  by 
the  engrafting  of  foreign  forms  and  even  then  was  useless,  except 
in  their  own  small  territory,  an  oasis  as  it  were  surrounded  by 
the  var.t  body  of  English  settlements.    '"hat  other  people  have  so 
completely  expatriated  themselves  and  yet  retained  so  truly  an  in- 
dividuality of  their  own,  even  to  the  extent  of  creating  a  litera- 
ture ?  "This  poetical  literature  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans"  says 

Prof.  Faust  "is  one  of  the   few  original  no1     f  American  lyrical 

poetry. w 


in  the  introduction  to  "Die  Deutschen  Sacular  Dichtungen  an  der 

'Vends  des  IS  u.  19  Jahrhunderts  says:  "Wenn  das  Leben  den  Mensohen 

sich  dem  Ende  nahert  so  treten  die  Ereignisse  seiner  fr!lhesten 

Jugend  am  starksten  in  seinem  Gedachtnisse  hervor."   In  Geron  der 

Adelige,  Wieland  had  already  expressed  the  same  idea  thus: 

Das  41ter  ist  geschwatzig,  .vie  ihr  wisst, 
Es  liebt  za  reden  von  den  guten  Zeiten, 
Die  nicht  raehr  sind,  in  denen  es,  air,  wie 
In  einem  Traum  allein  noch  lebt. 

These  two  quotations  exactly  describe  the  situation  in  re- 
spect to  Pennsylvania  German  literature.   Harbaugh  did  indeed,  to 
a  certain  extent  set  the  pattern  for  this,  as  some  of  his  titles 
show,  wDas  Alt  SchulhausJ.  "Die  Nei  Sort  Tschsntelleit','   "Die  Alt 
Miehiy   "Der  Alt  Fcierherd?   "Kerchegang  in  •liter  Zeit?  not  to 
speak  of  titles  by  other  poets,  such  as  "  'S  Latwerg  Koche  fer 
Alters" -Rhoads,  "Zeit  un  Leit  Ennore  Sich"-  Eisenbrown,  "Wis  es 
for  Alters  war"-  Brunner,  etc.,  and  the  many  "Hachklange"  heard 

THE  POETIK  of  DIALECT  LITERATURE  has  not  yet  bee 
written  but  here  and  there  we  may  gather  some  of  the  laws  that 
will  be  incorporated  in  it.   Karl  V.'einhold,  in  an  essay  "Ueber 
Deutsche  Dialekt  Forschung"  when  speaking  of  the  ne.v  life  that  en- 
tered Dialekt  Dichtung  through  Hebel,  adds:  "Viele  meinten  es  ihm 
nachthun  zu  kftnnen,  allein  nur  einer  unter  den  zahlreichen  Dialekt- 
Dichtern  hat  erreicht  was  er  wollte"  and  he  gives  as  his  reason 
"Er  hat  nicht  -.vie  die  andern,  lands chaftliche  Laute  und  Worts  mit 
Hoch  Deutschen  Empf indungon  und  Gedanken  zusammsngslsimt,  sondsrn 

das  Ftthlen,  Donken  und  Spreohen  des  Volkes  glucklich  wieder  er- 
schaffen.   Das  ist  das  einzige  und  hochste  was  diese  literarisohe 
Gattung  leisten  kann,  alles  andere  ist  leere  Gpreu  und  eitele 

In  this  respect,  few  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  poet3 
have  transgressed;  the  numerous  translations  of  the  "Psalm  of  Life" 
and  Lee  Light  Grumbine's  "Rime  of  the  Ancient  Mariner"  must  be  put 
down  a3  among  failures,  because  the  themes  are  not  suitable  for 
dialect  treatment,  and  yet  Ziegler  has  translated  Bryant's  "Thana- 
topsis"  with  wonderful  fidelity  to  the  thought,  into  a  language 
smooth  and  rhythmical  and  yet  so  that  in  words  and  structure  it 
remains  as  the  lang     of  true  poetry  often  does,  strangely  near 
the  language  of  daily  speech. 

"V.'ie  sich  das  Volk  in  3einen  Dichtungen  nur  an  das  wirk- 
liche  Leben  halt  und  bei  seiner  rastlosen  Arbeit  keine  Zeit  zur 
Schwamerei  findet,  so  muss  auch  die  Behandlungsweise  des  Dialekt 
Dichters  Bilder  schaffen,  die  der  'Virklicheit  nachgezeichnet  sind" 
is  another  rule  laid  down  by  Beyer  that  our  writers  have  seldom 
transgressed.  v 

LANGUAGE:  The  language  used  by  the  writers  varies 
from  the  one  extreme  where  stands  Rauch,  who  stopped  at  nothing 
short  of  incorporatir.  -  any  word  in  the  Unabridged  English  Diction- 
ary if  necessary,  or  Jos. H. Earner,  who  facetiously  writes" Ich  un 
der  Darwin  agreea  in  dem,  Er  sagt  uns  da3  im  anfang  wie  cosmos 
gleichartig  is  worra,  hat  entwicklung  augfanga  aus  welchera  molecule 

gewachsen  sin.  Molecule  han  protoplasm  ^V.acht  un  bald  werd  all 
lichtn  etc,>  or  the  political  orator  who  told  his  audience  that  a 

■tain  policy  must  be  pursued  "damit  die  prerogatives  vun  der  Con- 
stitution net  geviolate  warn",  all  the  way  to  the  other  extreme 

of  the  editor  of  Harbaugh's  "]J  trf  ■"  (not  Bausman  "but  the  man  to 
whom  he  entrusted  this  portion  of  the  work)  who  substi       a 
High  German  equival     rherever  possible,  where  Harbaugh  himself 
had  used  English  words  in  the  Germanized  for  . 

S.D.Leisenring.  criticised  on  the  one  hand,  V.'ollenweber 
for  his  German,  and  on  the  other  hand  "Der  Alt  Kunradt"  of  Ohio 
for  his  English,  in  language  that  is  not  free  frc    '  :aev.    To  be 

pecially  emphasized  in  reference  to  language,  is  the  opportunity 
afforded  "by  prose  writers  for  study  pf  the  varieties  of  dialect  - 
as  to  idiom,  vocabulary  and  pronunciatioi  .   Thus  in  the  writing i 
of  Dr.Grumbine,  the  use  of  da  for  ga  as  prefix,  d'shtola,  daglivva 
(for  gablivva),  dschrivva;  similarly  g  becomes  t  before  s  as  bsucht, 
tsawt,  tsehna,  or  in  nouns  tsicht:  so  the  omission  of  e  in  the  prefix 
ge  before  w;  an  old  Lebanon  County  schoolmaster  used  to  say  "Wie 
mer  sich  gwehnt  won  mer  jung  is,  is  mer  gwehnlich  won  mer  gwoxe 
is".   The  editor  of  a  Lancaster  County  paper  who  publishes  the  same 
letter  occasionally  always  adapts  th   1      e  to  the  idiom  of  his 
people.   It  is  thus  possible  by  the  comparison  of  different  ver- 
sions of  the  same  letter  to  differences  in  the  speech  of  different 
counties.   It  is  well  known  that  these  differences  exist;  I  myself 
know  of  a  family  whose  sons  and  daughters  have  gone  from  home  in 
different  directions  and  who  when  they  return  are  much  amused  by 
the  outlandish  ways  of  speaking  each  thinks  the  others  have  acquired. 
Such  differences  have  never  been  collected  and  localized. 

THE  DEPARTMENTS  REPRESENTED:   Although  in  poetry 
the  lyric  on  the  one  hand,  and  narrative  and  descriptive  poems  on 
the  other,  are  the  predominant  forms,  and  althotigh  in  prose  the 
satirico-didactic  newspaper  letters  have  as  it  were  pre-empted  the 

field,  yet  attention  has  been  called  to  the  faot  that  a  few  dram- 
olets  have  been  written,  that  there  exists  a  body  of  something  like 
literary  criticism,  that  at  least  one  (comic)  history  has  been 
written,  and  that  a  number  of  dictionaries  have  been  compiled.   A 
few  chapters,  as  yet  unwritten,  and  reserved  for  future  treatment 
will  be  entitled  Oratory,  Letterwriting,  The  Short  Story,  and  Comic 
Opera  in  the  dialect. 

ORIGINALITY:   Although  the  great  German  Hebel  was 
held  up  as  a  pattern  to  our  first  characteristic  singer,  Harbaugh, 
yet  the  latter  must  be  allowed  to  rank  as  an  original  poet,  in 
spite  of  scattered  traces  of  possible  influence,  for  Harbaugh  was 
a  poet,  before  he  became  a  dialect  poet.   All  others,  before  or 
since  were,  perhaps  unfortunately,  but  nevertheless  avowedly,  either 
translators,  or  else  truly  original  as  far  a3  foreign  influence  is 
concerned  in  the  matter  of  expression,  and  were  dependent  only,  if 
at  all,  on  Harbaugh  in  poetry  and  Rauch  in  prose. 

wide  field}  I  have  endeavored  wherever  the  material  was  accessible 
to  compare  the  feeling,  thoughts  and  ideas  of  the  Pennsylvania  Ger- 
man poets  with  those  of  dialect  poets  of  the  Fatherland,  and  have 
frequently  noted  how  easily  they  may  be  paralleled;  the  impulse 
that  makes  so  many  break  forth  in  song  in  defence  of  the  dialect, 
does  not  spring  from  fashion;  it  has  its  roots  in  real  feeling. 
Their  hopes  and  aspirations,  their  joys  and  sorrows,  are  as  a  rule 
from  the  same  sources;  in  their  rustic  philosophy  they  not  seldom 

METRE  AND  THYTHM:   In  this  our  poets  often  leave 
much  to  be  desired;  they  are  too  frequently  satisfied  with  a  rhyme, 


nor  can  we  3ay  that  even  here  they  are  uniformly  good.   The 
rhythm  in  many  cases  can  he  easily  assisted  after  the  manner  de- 
scribed by  Fisher  in  one  of  his  metrical  corrections  of  misprints: 

Im  neechster  Zeil,  graad  unnedra, 
Es  fierte  Wort  leest  schwarz 
Dort  mach  en  e  noch  hinnedra 
Sunscht  fallt  die  Zeil  zu  karz. 

A  comparison  of  sundry  of  the  poems  with  the  author's  MS 
leads  to  the  conclusion  that  we  are  justified  in  helping  out  many 
a  line  of  this  character,  which  halts  by  reason  of  poor  proofreading 
and  bad  printing.   I  have  the  testimony  of  more  than  one  editor 
that  he  gave  up  publishing  dialect  selections  in  his  paper,  evon 
where  his  readers  would  welcome  them,  because  his  typesetters  and 
proof  readers  were  so  lacking  in  all  feeling  for  the  dialect,  that 
it  became  too  difficult  to  get  out  reasonably  correct  copy.  It  is 
probably  for  this  reason  that  there  has  come  into  existence  a  Press 
Syndicate  Dialect  Letter  in  Eastern  Pennsylvania,  which  is  sold 
in  type  and  published  to  my  own  knowledge  in  at  least  five  dif- 
ferent newspapers. 

the  language  of  Rev. J. Max  Hark  must  stand  as  a  just  characteri- 
zation:  "Nearly  all  that  has  been  done"  (this  is  exaggerated)  "has 
been  broadly  humorous,  with  no  attempt  at  anything  else,  no  higher 
ambition  or  aim  than  to  make  the  reader  or  hearer  laugh.   From 
this  the  world  has  formed  its  judgment  of  us  and  of  our  speech. 
But  the  Pennsylvania  German  i3  not  to  be  too  severely  censured  for 
having  confined  himself  thus  almost  exclusively  to  humor  in  his 
writings.   Let  us  remember  that  he  was  from  the  beginning  a  hard 
worker.   The  early  settlers  and  makers  of  this  Commonwealth  were 

kept  exceedingly  busy  in  their  struggle  for  bare  existence.   Their 


daily  lives  were  full  of  hardships,  disappointments,  suffering, 
full  of  tragedy  and  pathos  all  bhe  time.   When  they  did  have 
loisure  to  write,  or  even  in  their  social  converse,  what  they 
needed  was  not  the  recital  of  these  experiences  and  feelings  which 
they  were  constantly  having,  but  rather  to  emphasize  the  other  side, 
that  which  would  take  their  minds  off  the  too  great  seriousness 
of  their  life.   They  naturally,  nece33arily  turned  to  humor  to  light- 
en their  lot."   In  this  connection  a  passage  in  Beyer's  "Deutsche 
Poetik"  Vol. lit. p. 178  may  be  cited:   "Besonders  abor  eignet  sich 
fur  den  Qialekt  alles  was  den  treffenden  Ausdruck  der  auf  gesundem 
Menschen  Verstand  beruhenden  praktischen  Moral  verlangt:  die 
Spruchdichtung,  ferner  tiefe  und  innige,  dabei  aber  ganz  natur- 
liche  Empf indungen,  vorzuglich  aber  alle  Arten  der  sowohl  derbon, 
als  schalkhaften  Komik  und  Humoristik."   The  satirico-didactic 
element  that  has  gradually  crept  into  this  kind  of  literature  has 
been  elsewhere  emphasized. 



Citations  from  newspapers  have  frequently  been  made 
from  clippings  in  the  private  collections  of  different 
persons,  and  in  such  cases  it  has  often  been  impossible  to 
get  the  exact  date  of  the  paper  cited.  An  individual  bib- 
liography accompanies  each  author  separately  treated. 


ADLER,  CARL.   Mundartlich  Heiteres.   In  Steiger'e  Humoristische 
Blbliothek.   Nos.  1,  10  and  16.   New  York,  1866. 

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ALLENTOWN  CALL.   Allentown,  Pennsylvania. 

ALLENTOWN  DAILY  CITY  ITEM.   Allentown,  Pennsylvania. 

ALLENTOWN  DEMOCRAT.   Allentown,  Pennsylvania. 


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ALMANAC,  PILGER.   The  Pilger  Book  Store,  Reading,  Annually. 


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BAER, GEORGE  F.  The  Pennsylvania  Germans.   In  the  Mercer sburg 
Review.   Vol.  23,  p. 248. 

■ Tht  Pennsylvania  Germans.  Myerstown,  Pa.  1875. 

BAHN, RACHEL.   Poems.   Introduction  by  Rev.  Ziegler.  York,  1869. 

BEIDELMAN, WILLIAM.  The  Story  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans:  em- 
bracing an  account  of  their  origin,  their  history  and 
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BERLIN,  ALFRED  FRANKLIN.   Walter  Jacob  Hoffman.   In  Pennsylvania 
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BERLIN  RECORD.   Jan.  7,  1893.   Berlin,  Somerset  County,  Pa. 

BERLIN  TIMES.   Berlin,  Germany. 

BETHLEHEM  TIMES.   Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania. 

BEYER, C.   Deutsche  Poetik,  Theoretisch-praktisches  Handbuch  der 
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BIOGRAPHIE,  ALLGEMEINE  DEUTSCHE.   Leipzig,  1875  -  1910. 

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BOYERTOWN  BAUER,  DER.   Boyertown,  Pennsylvania. 

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BUCK,  MICHEL.   Bagenga'.  Oberschwabische  Gedichte.   Stuttgart, 

BUEHRLE,R.K.   On  an  Anthology.   In  the  Pennsylvania  German. 
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CANTON  REPOSITORY.   Canton,  Ohio. 

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CENTER  COUNTY  DEMOCRAT.   Bellefonte,  Pennsylvania. 

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CIARLA.   Annual  of  the  Junior  Class  at  Muhlenberg  College,  Allen- 
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EGLE,W.H.   I.D.Rupp.   In  the  Historical  Magazine.   February.  1871. 

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MATHEWS,  ALFRED  &  HUNGERFORD,  AUSTIN  N.   HiBtory  of  Lehigh  and 
Carbon  Counties.   Philadelphia.   1884.   Contains  a 
lengthy  chapter  on  the  Pennsylvania  Germans;  their  his- 
tory, character,  customs,  language,  literature  and 
religion,  contributed  by  Dr. A. R. Home. 

MERCERSBURG  REVIEW.   Mercersburg,  Pa.   1848. 

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Elizabethville,  Pa.   To  appear  in  1911. 

Pennsylvania  German  Stories.   Elizabethville,  Pa.  1907. 

Pennsylvania  German  Poems.   Elizabethville,  Pa.  1906. 

2nd  Edition  $1.00 

-— -Pennsylvania  German  Poems.   Elizabethville,  Pa.  1906. 

2nd  Edition,  40/ . 

M0KBERT,  J.I.   An  authentic  history  of  Lancaster  County,  Pa. 
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MONTGOMERY,  MORTON  L.  Historical  and  Biographical  Annals  of  BerkB 
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XIV.  p. 465. 

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ST.   LOUIS  REPUBLIC.   St. Louis,  Mo. 

SAUER,  AUGUST.   Die  Deutsche  Sekular-Dichtung  an  der  Wande  des 
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SCHAFF,  D.S.   The  Life  of  Philip  Schaff.   New  York,  1897. 

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lichen  vereinigten  nordamerikanischen  Staaten  nach  ost 
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Jahren  1783  und  1784.   Erlangen,  1788.   2  Bande. 

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SMULL*S  LEGISLATIVE  HANDBOOK.   Harrisburg,  Pa.   Annually. 

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Review,  October,  1870. 

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Pennsylvania  German.   Reading,  Pa.   1904. 

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WANH0PE,   Value  of  Dialect.   North  American  Review.   Vol.CLVIII. 
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leben  Schilderungen  und  Aufsatze  in  poetischer  und 
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Pa.   1903.   2  Volumes. 


sources  of  information 
for  writers  not  specially  treated. 

xt  i 

other  sources  of  information 
for  writers  not  specially  treated. 

BAER,  S.A: 

Biographical  Annals  of  Berks  County,  Montgomery,  Chicago,  1904 
Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. V. 151 


Pennsylvania  Dutch  -Mrs. Gibbons,  Philada.  1874 

Pennsylvania  Dutch-Haldemann,  London,  1872 

Pennsylvania  Dutch  Handbook-Rauch,  Mauch  Chunk,  1879 

Pennsylvania  German  Dialect-Learned,  Baltimore,  1889 

Personal  Correspondence  with  Dr.Betz,  York,  Pa. 

Poems-Rachel  Bahn,  York,  1369.   Introduction  by  Rev.Ziegler. 

Rachel  Bahn,  the  York  County  Poetess-Dr.Betz,  Pennsylvania 

German,  Vol. VII. 3. 99 

Truebner's  American  and  Oriental  Journal,  London  and  Strass- 

burg,  Jan. 24,  1370. 


History  of  Schaeff erstown,  York,  1901 


Biographical  History  of  Berks  County,  Montgomery,  Chicago. 

Interviews  with  friends. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society. Vol. XVII. 



Pennsylvania  German  Magazine,  Vol. X. 6. 294 


History  of  Schaeffer3town,  Brendlo,  York,  Pa. 
Life  of  Dissinger,  Stetzel,  Allentown,  Pa. 


His  private  correspondence. 

Publications  of  the  Lancaster  County  Historical  Society. 
Vols. XV. 1.31  and  XIV. IV. 

Reformed  Church  Messenger,  Philada,  Vol.LXXIX.  No. 14. p. 4 
and  Vol.LXXIX  No. 18 

Reformed  Church  Review,  Fourth  Series,  Vol. XIV. No. 4. 


Correspondence  and  interviews  with  members  of  his  family. 
Obituary  memoir. 


Stories  of  Old  Stumpstown,  Grumbine,  Lebanon,  1910. 


Reformed  Church  Messenger,   Philada.  Vol.LXXVIt.No.16.19. 
Reformed  Church  Record,  Reading,  Pa. 


Personal  Correspondence  and  Interviews. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. III. 159 


HARK,  J.MAX:   (Continued) 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society.  Vol.X.Ap.l. 
Tributes  of  esteem  "by  Lancaster  friends. 


Biographical  Annals  of  Lebanon  County,  Chicago,  1904 

Lebanon  County  Historical  Publications,  Vol. 1.2. 

Personal  Interview  and  Correspondence. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. VI. Vol. I II , 

HORN,  A.P: 

Interviews  with  members  of  his  family. 
Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. XI. 10. 626 
Reformed  Church  Messenger,  Philada.  Pa. 
Reformed  Church  Record,  Reading,  Pa. 


Correspondenco  with  J.S.Dubb3. 
Heidelberg  Argus,  Ohio. 
Interviews  and  Correspondence. 


Der  Deutsche  Pionier,  Cincinnati,  0.  Vol. XIV. 68 
Priedensbote,  Allentown,  ?a. 


Allentown  Morning  Call,  Allentown,  Pa. 

Lenanon  News,  1883 

Shenandoah  Papers         J-7h, 


Franklin  and  Marshall  College  Obituary  Record,  Vol.1. p. 48 
Pennsylvania  German,  Vol. X. 7. 316 


Muhlenberg  Monthly,  Al lent own,  Pa. Vol. IV. 2 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. IV. 179 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. XVI. 37 


Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. I II. 181 
Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. X. 36 


Reformed  Church  Almanac,  1903,  p. 54 
Reformed  Church  Messenger. 


Muhlenberg  Monthly,  Allentown,  Pa. Vol. IV. 2 

Pennsylvania  Dutch-Haldeman,  London,  1872 

Pennsylvania  Dutch  Handbook-Rauch,  Mauch  Chunk,  1879 

Pennsylvania  German  Dialect-Learned,  Baltimore,  1839 

The  Pennsylvania  Dutchman,  Lancaster,  Pa. 

Transactions  of  the  American  Philological  Association,  Vol.1 

p.  30 


Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. I II. 186 


WEISER,  C.Z:  (Continued) 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German  Society,  Vol. VIII. 151 
Reformed  Church  Messenger. 
Reformed  Church  Record. 



1.  Poetry 

2.  Prose. 

3.  Dictionaries  and  '.7ord  Lists. 

4.  Newspapers. 



Al.  - 

All.Dein.  - 

Am.Volk.  - 

B. Co. Express  - 

Ciarla  - 

Cia.l".  - 

D.Kir.  - 


D.M.2  (in  press)  - 

D.P.  - 

Father  Ab.  - 

Fick.Dia.  - 

Fir.  - 

Fried.  - 

Flugblatt  - 


Ger .Cor .&Dem.  - 

Guard.  - 

Hal.P.D.  - 

Heil.Col.  - 

H.Harfe  - 

Hist. Berks  - 

Hist. Sk. of  P.G.  - 


Allentown  Democrat. 

Ameriikanische  Volkskunde. 

Bucks  County  Express. 

Muhlehberg  College  junior      1. 

Dialect  Notes. 

Deutscher  Kirchenfreund. 

Pennsylvania  German  1st  Vol.  Daniel  Miller. 

Pennsylvania  German  2nd  Vol.  Daniel  Miller. 

Der  Deutsche  Pionier. 

Father  Abraham 

Dialekt  Dichtung.  Fick. 

Firminich  Germaniens  Volkerstimmen. 


Privately  published  poems. 

Gottlieb  Boonestiel. 

German  Correspondent  and  Democrat. 

The  Guardian. 

Pennsylvania  Dutch.  Haldeman. 

Heilman  Collection. 

Harbaugh ' s  Harf  o . 

History  of  Berks  County,  Pennsylvania. 

Historical  Sketch  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans 


Home  1st  Edition 
Home  2nd  Edition 
Home  3rd  Edition  - 
Home  4th  Edition 

Hul.P.G.(in  press)  - 


Hul.P.G.Stor.   - 

Jour. Am. F. - 


Leb .  Adv .  - 

Leb.News  - 

Leb. Report  - 

Leb.Volks  Zeit.  - 

Life  Har.  -    - 

M.H.  -      - 

MS.  - 

Naz.Hall  - 

P.D.  - 

P.D.H.  - 

P.G.  - 

P.Leb.Hist.Soc  - 

Pro. Am. Phil os oph.  3.  - 


Pro . P . G . S . Ap .  - 

Read. Times  and  Dispatch 
Ref.Ch.Al.  - 
Ref.Ch.  Rec  - 

-Pennsylvania  German  Manual. 

Pennsylvania  German.  Solly  Huslbuck. 

Pennsylvania  German  Poems. Solly  Huslbuck. 

Pennsylvania  German  Stories.  Solly  Hulsbuck. 

Journal  of  American  Folklore. 

Journal  of  American  Folk  Lore. 

Lebanon  Advertiser 

Lebanon  News . 

Lebanon  Report 

Lebanon  Volks  Zeitung. 

Lifo  of  Harbaugh 

Mundartlich  Heiteres. 

From  the  private  records  of  various  authors 

Nazareth  Hall  and  its  Reunions. 

The  Pennsylvania  Dutchman  (a  Magazine) 

Pennsylvania  Dutch  Handbook 

Pennsylvania  German  Magazine 

Publications  of  the  Lebanon  County  His- 
torical Society. 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Philosoph- 
ical Society. 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German 

Proceedings  of  the  Pennsylvania  German 
Society.  Appendix. 

-  Reading  Time      Dj   itch. 

Reformed  Church  Almanac 

Reformed  Church  Recor  ■ 

3.7  f 

Ref.Rec.  - 
Sk.Lecha  Thai  - 
Sk.P.G.  - 

Stumps .Stories 
Trans . Am . Phil . Soc • 

Unsor  P.D.Kalenner 
Unser  p.D.Kal.  - 
W.B.Kal  - 
'.'oll.Gemalde  - 

Refomed  Church  Record. 

Skizzen  aus  dera  Leoha  Thal.Trexler. 

Short  Sketch  of  the  Pennsylvania  Germans. 

Stumpstown  Stories.  Grumbine. 

Transactions  of  the  American  Philological 

Uns°r  Pennsylvanisch  Deitscher  Kalenner 

Unser  Pennsylvanisch  Deitscher  Kalenner. 

Welt  Bote  Kalenner 

Gemalde   aus   dera  Pennsylvanisch  "T   ]      lehen 



2$ I, 


Bauraspruoh  - 

Befehl  am  Fouerheerd  - 

De  Deutsche  Baura  - 

Der  "Bio  BergM  - 

Der  Process  -     - 

Der  Verwerrte  Deutsche  - 

Der  '.'/ipperwill  - 

Des  County  Funf  zu  Ehm  fur  Quay 

Die  Bettler's  Klage  - 

Die  Kerche  Bell  -    - 

Dokter  Eisenbart  - 

En  Klagelied  -      - 

En  Trerap  - 

Ferzig  Johr  Zuruck 

Hurrah  ihr  Denokraten  - 

"^ei  Nochbor  Dschon  - 

Sauerkraut  - 

Sie  Hucka  Run  - 

'Sis  Nergeds  beaser  wie  deheem  • 

To  the  Disfranchised  Voters  of 
Lebanon  County  - 

Unser  Register  - 

kumt  die  Cute  Zeit  - 

Zu  wiel  wiske,  Jake  - 

Yukle  will  net  Bera  Shitla  - 


Unser  P.D.Kalenner,1895 
Unser  P." .   ]    er,190  5 

P. G. Vol. X. 4. 131. 

P. D. Vol.1. No. 3. 

Sk.Lecha  Thai  p. 

P. D. Vol.1. No. 2. 

D. P. Vol. V. 1873 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 5.? 

-Leb.Volks.Zeit.Feb.3, '99 

D.LI. 5  (in  press) 


D.M.2  (in  press) 

D.M.2. (in  press) 

P. G. Vol. V. 3. 115 

D.M.2  (in  press) 


D.M.2  (in  press) 

D.M.2  (in  press) 

P. G. Vol. II. 5. 305 

rV'.°  (in  press) 



D.M.2  (in  press) 

D.M.2  (in  pre.  x 

-P.D.Vol. ] •  • 
He  1 .  p .  49 
Horn  i  2 . a         4 . 

1  :  Bote,  ' 

See  also  index  u       1  I   -  1 

BAHl.,..  3K  Li 

Poems-R    1  Bal  ,  published  at  York,  Pa.  1869.  .      &Co, 

■  it) 
-::-  *  #  # 

Der  Alt  Schocklo  Stuhl  - 
Der  Alt  Weide  Bahm  For'm  Hous 
Der  Herbst  -      - 
Der  Summer  - 

Der  Winter  -     - 
Haeb  am  Felse  Dich  - 
' S  Fruehyohr  - 

'S  Glatt  Ice  - 

*S  Himmlisch  Haemweh  - 

Vocal  Music  - 

Poems  p. ] 

p.  187 

p.  183. 

p.  180 

D.Li. 2  (in  presn) 

p.  185 

p.  186 

p.  179 

p.  186 

p. 195 

p. 198. 


Du  und  Ich  - 

Leb.Ne'.?3,Dec.  16, 
1898 . 

Christ  Dag  - 

Der  Alt  Garret  - 

Der  Juni  un  der  Juli  - 

.p.  32 
Home  4th  Bd.186 

-   P. G. Vol. VIII. 505 
D.M.2  (in  press) 

P. G. Vol. IV. 317. 


BRUNNER, FRANK  R:  (Continued) 
Des  Menache  Lewe  - 
Die  Schulhaus  Bell  - 
Drei  Sache  - 

Sa  Fet  und  Inschlicht  Licht 
Lewe  land  Himmel  - 
Neujohr'a  Wunsch  - 
Oschtre  - 

Schpotjohr  - 
Wie  es  als  War  - 

.Vie  raer  Glee  Ware  - 

.  .p,96. 
P. G. Vol. V. 3. 113 
P. G. Vol. VI. 3. 303. 
P. G. Vol. X. 11. 576 
P. G. Vol. VI. 1.207 

.  .p. 102 

D . M .  p .  74 

P. G. Vol. IV. 2. 261. 

P. G. Vol. V. 1.23. 


P. G. Vol. XII. 2. 119 


P. G. Vol. IV. 1.21". 

BRUNNER,  DAVID  Bi  (Goethe  von  Berks) 
Bezahlt  euer  Parre  - 
Der  Alt  tui  der  Jung  Krebs  - 
Der  Dan  Webster  un  Sei  Sens  - 

Der  Washington  un  sei  Bile  - 

Die  Grundsau  -       - 

En  Gross  Mi avers tandniss  - 

Unzufriedenheit  unner  de  Mensche 

Wann  ich  just  en  Bauer  War 

Wie  die  Leut  des  Duhne  - 

Xenien  -        - 

Xenien  - 

Xenien  - 

Xenien  - 


D.I  I.  p.  153 

Reading  Adler 
P. G. II. 3. 110. 

Home  3rd  Ed. p.  159. 

: .  .p. 149 


D.M.2  (in  press) 


P. G. Vol. IX. 3. 135 

P. G. Vol. VII. 5. 255 

P. G. Vol. VII. 7. 376 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 274 

P. G. Vol. VII  CQ. 449 


The  Old  Chain  Bridr 

P. G. Vol. X. 6. 294 


Die  Gold'ne  Hochzig  - 

P. G. Vol. II. 1.33 


Zeit  un  Lout  annere  aich 

-P. G. Vol. III. 2. 65 

Herz  Schrnerza  - 


Der  Alt  Shoff  Buck  - 
Die  guta  alta  Zeita  - 

-P.G.  Ad. Section. 

P. G. Vol. II. 1.13 
P.G. Vol. III. 2. 66. 


Das  Vater  Unser  in  Reiraen 

'  •  .n.134 


Die  '.Veibsleut  - 

Zeit  un  Leut  annere  Sich 

Der  Bauer  Hot' 3  Plenty  - 

.p. 123 


Der  Verlora  Gaul  - 


P.G. Vol. VIII. 6. 231 
D.M.2  (in  press) 

ESHELMAN,E.M:  (Continued) 

Ein  Psalm  de3  Lebens  (Trans)  -    -  P. G. Vol .V. 1.24 

Juscht  an  Deppich  -           -  P. G. Vol. VII. 5. 263 . 

My  Aldty  Gelk  (Rev. by  Dr.E.Grumbine)  -  P. G. Vol. III. 1.111 

♦S  Alt  Schwim  Loch  -     -       -  P. G. Vol. VI. 4. 351 

Schnltzpei  -     -         -  P. G. Vol. VII .6.310. 

D.M.  2  (in  press) 

•S  Neu  Pogel  Haus  -     -      -  P. G. Vol. V. 2. 77. 


»S  Schulhaus  am  Weg  -  P. G. Vol. 11. 2. 70 


"  »S  Alt  Marik  Haus  Mittes  in  D*r  Schtadt  un  Die  Alte  Zeite" 

In  two  parts.   Published  at  York,  Pa. 1379.  (0ut  of  Print) 
*         *        #        #         ■» 

Part  1. 

Bonesohteoke  -      -         -      -  p. 60. 

Der  Alt  Fritz  Horn  -    -  -      p. 63 

Der  Washington  -         -  p. 68 

Der  Schquire  Braxton  -       -         p. 61 

Die  Fashions  -        -  p. 58 

D'r  Fette  Haas  -  p. 59 

Hanover  -         -  -       -  p. 75 

Marik  Geh  -        -       -  p. 43 

Paradies  -         -  -        p. 47 

Philadelphia  -  -      p. 48 

Ready  Mocha  for  noch  em  Marik  -         p. 65 


FISHER,  HENRY  L:   (Continued) 
'S  Marik  Haus  - 
Part  II. 

Aepple  - 

Alt  Zeit  Dresche  - 

Butchere  - 
Buwli  Gchpiele 
Der  Dadi  'N  Jackson  'Ion- 
Die  Doktor  Praa  - 
Die  Heemet  - 
Die  Muhl  - 
Die  Schul  - 

Die  Schweizer  Scheuer  - 
Die  Zinn  Schissel  - 

D'r  Abe  - 

D'r  Dschon  - 

D'r  Fiert  July  - 

D'r  Kremer  - 

D'r  Schnee  - 

D'r  Schneider  und  Schumacher 

Fier  Gauls  Fuhrwerk  - 

Flax  Schtickli  - 

Harce  kumme  - 

Ich  bin  die  Alt  Heeaet  Sehne 

p. 25 

p.  104 

p.  162 

Home  3rd  Edition  141 


P. G. Vol. IX. 9. 469 

p. 118 

p. 185 

p.  149 

p. 122 

p. 217 

p. 165 

p. 191 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. I. 51 

p.  143 

p.  124 

Home  3rd  Ed. p.  134 

p. 155 

p.  174 

p .  141 

p. 160 

p.  159 

p. 116 

p.  170 

p.  108 

p. 81 

P. G. Vol. II. 1.51 
Pro. P. G.S. Vol. 1.52 


FISHER,  HENRY  L:  (Continued) 

Ihr  Pennsylvania oh  Deitsche  Leut  -    -  p. 199 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol.1. p. 48 

Im  Erntfeld  -  -        p. 132 

P. G. Vol. IX. 7. 386 

Latwerg  Koohe  -       -  -        p. 100 

Mei  Alte  Heemet  -  p. 131 

Pennsylvanisch  Deitsoh  -  -     -  p. 198 

'S  Alt  Brennhaus  -  -      p. 168 

Schulhau3  un  Kerrioh  -  -     p. 184 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. I. 51 

Seider  -  -  p. 106 

Singen  Schul  -  -p. 149 

Sundag  Morge  -  p. 146 

Wie  m'r  ufg'wachse  sin-   -      -      p. 178 
#        -::•        *        #     * 

"Kurzweil  un  Zeitvertreib"  Fisher.   Published  at  York,  Pa. 1882. 

Two  Editions.   (Out  of  Print) 

Alt  Lang  Syne  -after  the  Scotch  -    -  p. 146 

Backmult  W&lli  -  -      -    p. 102 

Bier  Lied  -after  Felner  -  p. 132 

Der  Abschied  nooch  Amerika-af ter  Suabian-  122 

Der  Bauer  Hans  un  der  Advokat  -     -   p. 81 

Der  Bettler  -after  Hebel  -  p. 66 

Der  Dschonni  Sohuss  -  -      p. 114 

Der  Ehrlich  Fritz  -  p. 51 

Der  Ehrlich  Schmidt  -  -     p. 5 

P. G. Vol. V. 2. 80 

Der  Glucklig  Bauer  -after  Felner  -      p. 49 

Der  Luschtig  Bauer  -     -  p. 32 


FISHER, HENRY  L:  (Continued) 

Der  Mai  -after  Felner  -       -     - 

Der  Parre  un  die  Hummler  - 

Der  Snnee  -  - 

Der  Weg  Weiser-after  Hebel   - 

Der  Y/ei   -  -  - 

Der  Winter  -after  Felner  - 

Die  Wertschaft  - 

Drink  Lied  -after  Felner  - 

Ei  so  Geig  -after  Nadler  - 

Em  Bettelmon  sei  Owet  Lied  -after  Felner-  ; 

Em  Lump  sei  Leewes  Reiss  - 

En  Bier  Liedle-after  Felner  - 

En  Ferwickelte  Ferwandtschaf t  - 

Es  Bachli-af  !,er  Bryant  - 

Frfthjohr's  Lied  - 

Gas  Bock  odder  Parre-  after  Nadler  - 
Hesse  Dhal  - 

Het  ich  nix  as  mei  Lisli  -  p. 62 

Hirten  Lied  an  der  Krippe  -after  Felner  -  120 

Ion  kann  nix  dafoori -after  Nadler  -    -p. 58 

Ich  un  die  Nancy  -     -  -     p. 34 

Kreuzkriok  Willi  -       -       -     p. 139 

Hist. 3k. of  F.G. 

Luechtig  iBch's  Zigwuner  Leewe  -     -  p. 134 

Mei  Buwli  -        -       -  p. 29 

Mei  Fraa  un  Kind  -     -      -         p. 94 












































FISHER,  HENRY  Lj  (Continued) 

Owet  Lied  -  -  p. 118 

Reichdim  -after  Felner  -     -     -  p.  27 

'S  Badd  Alles  Nix-after  Palatinate  -  p. 133 

•S  Prtthjohr's  Bttwli-after  '.Veisman  -  -p. 39 

Tiddel  un  Abodhekersbuche -after  Nadler)-p.ll6 

Waeser  Lied-after  Felner  -    -  p. 93 

Wiegelied-af ter  Felner  -      -     -  p. 124 

Zu  gross  for  sei  Hosse  -         -  p. 126 
#        «•        #        #        # 

Der  Krabb  (Poe's  Raven  Trano.)  -    -  P. G. Vol. IX. 8. 373 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. II. 93 

Kuchler's  Ruuscht  -  -  Hist. Berks  p. 991. 


Schlitz  Beer  -  P. G. Vol. V. 3. IIS 


De  Leab  Schwatar  -  P.G.Vol.IX.10 .470 

Die  Alt  Familia  Uhr  -        -      -   P. G. Vol. VIII. 3. 13 

D.M.2  (in  press) 





Im  Bergeland  - 

En  Ruf  an  die  Brtider   - 



Die  Blinde  Man  un»  der  Elefant-Trana.   -P. G. Vol. X. 11. 693 
Wann  d'r  Frosoht  is  uf  de  Kerbse-Trans. -P. G. Vol. X. 11.694 


Der  Alt  Fischermann  - 

Die  Alta  Bapplabaem  - 

Die  Letscht  Maud  Muller  - 

Die  Y/omelsdorfer  f Cademie  - 

Du  bist  wie  eine  Blume  (Trans)  ■ 

•Haend  all  'rum  (Trans)  - 

*M  "Leaven"  Sei  Sauertheg  - 

fN  Schoenie  Altie  He'math  - 

Sell  Schtettel  im  Nordkill  Dahl 

Zum  Andenken  an  L.L.Grvunbine   - 

P. G. Vol. IV. 2. 263. 
P. G. Vol. VI. 2. 267 
P. G. Vol. V. 1.26 
P. G. Vol. V. 2. 73 
P. G. Vol. V. 1.26 
P. G. Vol. VI. 4. 363 
P. G. Vol. II. 2. 67 
P. G. Vol. III. 4. 157 
P. G. Vol. VIII. 9. 450 
P. G. Vol. V. 4. 160 


Der  Alt  Busch  Doktor  - 
Der  Pralhans  - 

Die  Alt  verlosse  Muehl  (Trans) 

Stumps.  Stories  p. 145 

D.M.2  (in  press) 

P. G. Vol. VI. 1.203 

GRUMBINE,  EZRA:  (Continued) 

Die  Mary  uii   Ihr  Hundle  -  Leb. Report,  Nov. 2, 01. 

P. G. Vol. VIII. S. 394 

Die  Welt  uf  Vendue  (Trana)  -  -     P.G.Vol .III .4. 1S1 

En  Gluckvoll  Bieplin  -  -     P. G. Vol. VII C. 6. 281 

Es  Bodt  Alios  Nix  (Trans)  -  -      P.G.Vol. IV. 2. 264 

Gedachtniss  der  Rothen  Kolbe  (Trans)  -  P.G.Vol. 1.4.26 . 

Hoch  der  Teddy  -  P.G.Vol .II . 12.755. 

After  the  Election  -  -    P.G.Vol. 11. 12. 755. 

(See  also  Prose  for  GRUMBINE,  EZRA: 


"Der  Dengelstock"  -  published  at  Lebanon,  Pa.  1903.  153  pages 
*        #  *  •»       # 

Der  Alt  Dengelstock  -  P. Leb. His. Soc Vol. I. 53 

P. G. Vol. I. I. S. 
Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 86 
p.  54  (in  book) 
Home  3  Ed.  p.  157 

Der  Reim  vom  alte  See  Mann  (Trans)  -    p. 92 

Der  Schumacher  -     -      -  p. 32 

P.G.Vol. VI. 3. 304 
Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 64 

Der  Viert  July  -  p. 37 

P.G.Vol. VI. 3. 304 
P.G.Vol. IX. 7. 327 
Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 69 

Die  Alt  Bevvy  Fritchie  (Trans)  -    -    Pro. P. G.S. Vol. VI. 88 

p.  58 

P.G.Vol. IV. 4. 347 
Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 90 

Die  Uhr  in  der  Kuch  (Trans)  -      -    p. 40 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 72 

Ein  Psalm  des  Lebens  (Trans)  -     -    p. 60 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 92 

GRUMBINE,  LEE  LIGHT:  (Continued) 
Elendig  - 

Ich  war  Jurymann  - 
Mei  arme  Be1  - 

fS  Latwerg  Koche  -       - 
Sonntag  Morgeds  an  der  Ziegel  Kerch 

p. 35 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 67 

p. 45 

Pro.    P. G.S. Vol. XII. 77 

P. G. Vol. II. 1.14 
-   p. 42 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 74 

P. Leb. Hist. Soc. Vol.1 .2 

P. G. Vol. I. 4. 22 

p.  49 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 81 

p. 25 

P. G. Vol. IV. 3. 309 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 57 


"Harbaugh's  Harfe"  -  Philadelphia,  1370.  121  pp.  2nd  Ed. 
#         «■         #         x 

Busch  un  Schtedtel 

Das  Alt  Schulhaus  an  der  Krick  - 

Das  Krischiindel  - 

Der  Alte  Feierheerd  - 

Guard.  Mar. 1362 
p. 51 

P. G. III. 2. 112 
D.M.  2  (in  press) 

Guard. Aug. 1861 

Woll.Gemalde  p. 86 

p.  13 

Al. Vol. II. 242 

P.D.H.  p. 210 

P. Leb. Hist. Soc. Vol. I  .11 

D.M.  p. 15 

Home  3rd  Ed.  p.  127 

Life  of  Har.  p. 68 

P. G. Vol. V. 2. p. 78 

Guard . 

p. 39 

Al. Vol. II. 247 

D. P. Vol. XV. 377 

D.M.  p. 21 

P.G.Vol.  XI. 12. 754. 

-  p. 25 


HARBAUGH,  HENRY:  (Continued) 

Der  Belanickel  - 

Der  Kerchegang  in  Alter  Zeit  - 

Der  Pihwie  - 

Der  Reiche  Gerr  in  Deich  - 

Der  Rejeboge  - 

Die  Alt  Miehl  - 

Die  Neie  Sort  Bschent 'lleit  - 

Die  Schlofschtub  - 

Guard . 
p.  23 

p. 61 

..III. 2. 61 
..1910-  p. 121 

Guard . 
p.  59 



Guard . 
-   p. 37 


.  1 .  24 

Guard . 
p.  53 



Guard . 
p. 45 

June  IS 6 2 

Guard . 
p. 21 

II. 2 


p. 31 
Guard . 



Heemweh  - 

Lah  Bisniss  - 

Will  widder  Buweli  Sei  I  - 



En  Stick  Uerwer's  Aernfeld   - 

Daa  Union  Arch  - 
Die  Staedtel  Bump  - 

Guard. Nov. 1861 

Woll.Gemalde  p. 92 

p. 77 

P.D.H.  p. 215 

D.M.  p. 9 

Life  of  Har.  p. 63 

Guard.  Feb. 1862 
p. 69 

Father  Ab.  Feb. 1869 
p. 65 

Guard.  Nov.  1862 
Hal.P.D.  p. 55 

Ref .Ch.Al. 

P. G. Vol. V.I. 27 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XI. 2. 3  0 

Guard.  Aug.  1862 




An  der  Pair  - 

Dee  Amshel  - 

Der  Aide  Karen  Hof  Uf'm  Barg 

Der  Koo  Shdohr  - 

Der  Shbohde  Shool  Boo  - 

En  Ley end  - 

En  Herrnhoodter  Ashder  Marge 

Fire!  - 

Im  Bush  Vann's  Shnayd  - 

Unnich  'em  Keschda  Bawm  - 

Unaer  Henny  -     - 

Vann  der  Wind  Blohsdt  - 

P. G. Vol. IV. I. 208 
Home  3rd  Ed.  p.  162 

Pro .P . G . S . Vol . X . Ap  .2  5 
P. G. Vol. II. 68 



Pro.P.G.S.Vol.X.Ap.2  0 
-  Pro.P.G.S.Vcl.X.Ap.22 

HEILMAN,S.P:   (Collector) 

Pennsylvania  German  Rimes  - 
Mei  Schoene  Sally 
Des  Buchlich  Maennli 
Now,  Bill  Ich  will  dich  froge. 
Ich  hob  g'trara't 
Mei  Ulla,  Ulla  Ei 
Schpinn,  Schpinn  mei  Lieve  Tochter 

P.Leb.Hist.Soc.Vol.I .11 



Der  Yokel  un  die  Lunch  Route 
Die  Singschula  im  Land  - 

En  Hunnert  Johr  Zuruck  - 
• S  Fawra  in  D'r  Tran  - 

P. G. Vol. IV. 3. 319 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 8. 392 
D.M.  2  (in  press) 

D.M.    2    (in  press) 

Home   3   rd  Ed.    p.  112 
G.B.    p. 251 


Die  Olid  Bluddshawl  - 

Die  Yuggules  Leicht  - 

D'r  Boodsher  Wiggle  - 

D'r  Dorraday  ear  Huchdsich  - 

D'r  Olid  Deedre  - 

D'r  Olid  Knucha  Fridz  - 

D'r  Olid  Sously  - 

D'r  Porra  Tiddle  - 

D'r  Stodd  Ongle  in  Boosh  - 

Eckenrohd  - 

Foom  Lodw'rk  Kucha  - 

Foon  d'r  Hoyet  - 

Foon  d'r  Ahrn  - 

Furnahahr  -(Preface)  - 

Gebt  ons  Cllda  Shool  Korregder 

Hinnanoh  - 

K'rch  oon  Shoodlmetsch  - 

Lebens  Mude  - 

Lobbes  - 

Meddlezoyer  - 


-  MS 
-  MS 

-  MS 

-  MS 

-  MS 

-  MS 




HERMANY,  EDWARD:  (Continued) 

S'  Barvelcha  -  MS 

S'  Olid  Wyeerla  -  MS 

S'  Werd  evva  so  sy  sulla  -  MS 

Wie  die  Ollda  Noch  d'r  Hyo  sin  -     -  MS 

HILL,  C.P: 

Die  Kerch  is  Aus  -         -  P. G. Vol. VII. 2. 83 

HORN,  A. Pi 

Die  Alte  Grabmacher  -       -  P. G. Vol. XI . 10 .626 


"Pennsylvania  German  Manual"  4th  Edition,  Allentown,  Pa.  372pp, 


#         *         *        #       * 

Rimes  -  -  Horns  4th  Ed.  p. 108 

(See  also  D.B.Brunner,  F.R.Brunner,  Fisher,  L.L.Grumbine, 

Henry  Harbaugh,  J.Max  Hark,  Henringer,  Kopenhaver,  Newhard, 

Rauch,  Rhoades,  Schuler,  Stoudt,  V/eiser,  Witmer,  Wuchter, 
Ziegler. ) 
(See  also  Prose) 





Der  Sailor  da8  Nimmymeh  Kunit 

-   P. G. Vol. V. 1.25 


Der  Valontine  Dawg  - 
Die  Elfetritsoha  Jagt 

Die  Metzel  Soup  - 


Leb. Report 

P. G. Vol. VII. 1.37 

Leb. Report  Feb. 5,  1900 


Aageweh  - 

Alter  Mutterklag  un  Trost 

Bericht  an  die  Klassis  - 

Christ  Daag  - 

Der  Alt  Weide  Baam  - 

Der  Holzhacker  - 

Der  Jockel  - 

Der  Kesohtabaam  - 
Der  Schnee  Starm  - 

Der  winter  Kummt  - 

Der  Stadtbu  -m  '.Velshkornfeld 

Die  Deutech  Sproch  - 

Die  Wesch  Fraa  - 
Drucke  ion  Heesz  - 
Es  Schaudert  Mich  - 




p.  50 



p.  59 


p.  63 

D.M.  p. 69 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 11. 560 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 10. 505 

P. G. Vol. VI. 2. 269 
D.M.  2  (in  press) 

D.M.  p. 61 

' .  .  2  (in  press) 

P. G. Vol. I. 2. 20 
D.M. p. 67 

P. G. Vol. II. 1.12 


D.  .  2  (in  presc ) 


KELLER,  ELI:  (Continued) 
Holz  Beschlaga  - 
Kesta  Peife  - 
Mei  Kerschebaam  - 
Mer  Wolla  Pische  Geh  - 

Monet  Sprtich  - 

1 N  Buwl i  is  's  - 

*S  Glatt  Eis  Pahre  - 

'G  Mehe  mit  der  Deutsche  Bens 

'S  V/etter  Brecht  - 
Sag  nix!  - 
Trub  Wetter  -     - 
Vum  Flachsbaue  - 

'S  Plaohs  Stueck 

Der  Plachs  Blueht 

Der  Flachs  is  Zeitig 

Flachs  Roppe 

Flachs  Britsche 

Flachs  Roetse 

Flachs  Breche 

Flachs  Schwinge 

Flachs  Hechle 

Flachs  Spinne 
Warm  der  Rege  V/idder  Kummt  - 
V'ilda  Dauwa  - 

P.M.  p. 65 


P. G. Vol. IV. 2. 262 
D.M.  p. 54 

D.M.  p. 71 



P. G. Vol. II. 3. 109 
D.M.  p. 46 


D.M.  p. 62 

D.M.  p. 68 

P. G. Vol. II. 4. 158 

Unser  P.D.Kalenner  1895 

D.M. 2  (in  press) 
P. G. Vol. VIII. 4. 183 

1 1 1 


Der  Auto  Waga  - 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 4. 183 


*M  Shded'l  Mora  Sei  V/unsh 

Home  3rd  sd.    p.  117 

KOPLIN,    A.B: 

Kerche  Streit  - 


Spotjohr  - 

(See  also  Prose) 

P. G. Vol. III. 4. 160 


Der  Miller  un  die  Mtthl  - 

-  D.M.  2  (in  press) 


Die  Alte  Kersche  Beerr.  - 

P. G. Vol. XI. 8. 501 


Dao  Alt  Wertshaua 

Das  Spinnrad  - 



D.M.  p. 36 

MAYS,  GEORGE:  ( Continued ) 
Der  Alt  Kerchhof  - 
Der  Alt  Mann  - 
Der  Gigerigee  - 

Der  Hon3Worsht  - 

Die  Brunne  Trog  - 

Die  Glock  - 

Die  Kerche  Glock  - 

Die  Shule  in  der  Alte  Zeit  - 

Preie  Yohr  im  Lond  - 

Hoyet  un  Em  - 

Psalm  des  Lebens  (Trans)  - 

'Sis  now  shun  men  als  ftifzig  Johr 

Vtfill  Ich  bei  der  Woret  Bleiwe  - 

D.M.  p. 27 

D.M.  p. 31 

P. G. Vol. III.?. 110 
D.M.  p. 43 

-   Flugblatt 

D.M.  p. 40 

P. G. Vol. VII. 1.38 

D.M.  2  (in  press) 




P. G. Vol. VI. 2. 270 




'Sis  nimme  wie  's  als  war  - 

D.M.  2  (in  press) 


Der  Alt  Scharr.schtee  - 

Die  Alt  Heemet  -  - 

Die  Mary  hut  en  Lamb  (Trans)  - 
Finkel,  Finkel  Klehne  Schtern  (Trans) 
Im  Heckedahl  - 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 5. 252 


P. G. Vol. IX. 6. 279 




P. G. Vol. XI. 9. 563 


MEYER,  HENRY:  (Continued) 

Mei  Schtettel  Sohul  -         -         Flugblatt 
To  my  old  friend,  Reuben  Stover  -     -  MS 


"Pennsylvania  German",  Reading,  Pa.  1904. 

Prose  and  Poetry. 
#      *       *      %  *       » 




See  also  Prose. 

«-       •»         *       »        # 

"Pennsylvania  German"  Vol.11,  to  be  issued  1911. 

Reading,  Pa. 





See  also  Prose. 

MILLER,  HARVEY:   (Solly  Hulsbuck) 

"Pennsylvania  German  Poems"-  Elizabethville,  Fa.  1906. 

Two  Editions,  $1.00  and  40$/.   Pages  the  same. 
*       *        *        *        # 

Awgawanet  -  -  -       p. 28 

Hul.P.G.192  (in  press) 

Billy  Bloseroar  -         -       -     p. 23 

Hul.P.G.Stor.  p. 9, 


MILLER,  HARVEY:  (Continued) 
Dawler  Waitza 
De  Farbessering  - 
De  Guta  Tseita  - 
De  Krutza  Fife  - 

Der  Bicher  Agent  - 

Der  Butcher  - 

Der  Deitsch  A,B,C  - 

Der  Haws  - 

Der  Magnet  - 

Der  Sensa  Wetzer  - 

En  Drawm  - 

En  Vollentine  - 

En  Wohrhofter  Fisher  - 

Epitaff  - 

Fendu  - 

Free  Yohr  - 

Fun  Kindheit  zu  Ewigkeit 

Himnels  Eck  - 

I oh  bin  so  gairn  Derhame 

Im  Winter  - 

Kreiz  V/aig  - 

Leeb  und  G'sundheit  - 

Lond's  Mon  We  Gaids  - 
Mensha  Fresser  - 

p. 48 

p. 77 

p. 76 

-   p.  78 

Hul.P.G.Stor.  p. 79 

p.  63 

Hul.P.G.Stor.  p. 37 
Hul.P.G.  p. 189  (in  press) 

p. 38 

p. 71 




p.  58 




p.  75 

p. 53 

p. 9 

p. 34 

p. 15 

p. 75 

p. 43 

p. 5 

-   p. 34 




p. 76 

p. 31 

p. 42 

p. 55 

p. 67 




p. 35 

p.  67 


MILLER,  HARVEY;  (Continued) 
Mer  nemt's  we's  Coomt  - 

Nancy  Hanks  - 
Neija  Resolushuns  - 
Nei  Yohr  - 
Oh  El end  - 

Shpode  Yohr  - 

Sinda  Shuld  - 

Sis  olles  Ivverdu  - 

Unser  Bandt  - 

Unser  Tillie  - 

Will  widder  Buvely  si  - 

Wos  Noshun  Dut  - 

V,run  der  Porra  Coomt  - 

Wun  Ich  Dote  Ware  - 

p.  68 

Hul.P.G.Stor.  p. 45 
Hul.P.G.158  (in  press) 

p.  26 

p. 17 

p. 49 

p. 45 
Hul.P.G.Stor.  P. 27 

p.  13 

P. G. Vol. VII. 6. 320 

p. 67 

p. 60 
Hul.P.G.Stor.  47 

p. 19 

p. 7 

p. 39 

Hul.P.G.Stor.  p. 17 

p.  77 

p. 11 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 10. 503 

p. 21 

"Pennsylvania  German  StoriesS.  Elizabethvillc,  Pa.  1907.  112  pp. 
De  Nacht  vor  Krischdag  (Trans)  - 

De  Krutza  Pife  - 

Der  Billy  Bloseroar  * 

Der  Deitsch  A,B,C,  - 
Der  Bicher  Agent  - 

p. 91 

p. 79 

Hul .  F .  G .  P .  p  .23 
p. 9 

p.  83 

Hul. P. G. P. p. 63 
p.  37 

J  01/. 

MILLER,  HARVEY:  (Continued) 
Der  Haws  - 

Pun  Kindheit  tzu  Ewigkeit  - 

Hend  in  de  Seek  - 

Leeb  und  G'sundheit  - 

Mer  Nemt's  We's   Coornt   - 

0  Elend!    - 

Romeo  and  Juliet  (Balcony  Scene)  - 

Schlofe  Bubbeli  - 

Shule  Shticker  - 

Sis  Olles  Ivverdu  - 

Will  widder  Buvely  si  - 






p.  57 

Hul .  , 





p. 77 






-  p. 71 






p. 61 






-   p. 45 






p.  27 

p. 33 

p. 107 

p.  65 




•  p< 


p.  47 



»  £  < 



-  p. 17 



"Pennsylvania  German"  (in  press)  See  also  Prose. 

Hul. P. G. P. p. 28 
Awgavanet   -         -  p. 192 

Awtzacha  und  B'deitunga  -  -       p. 15 

Ba'd  Dawg  -           -  -      p. 63 

Base  Bolla  -            -  -     p. 107 

De  Mommy  era  Kolenner  -  -      p. 3 

Der  Feert  Jooly  -  p. 25 

P. G. Vol. IX. 9. 424 
Der  Olmechtich  Dawle~  -        -        p. 35 

P. G. Vol. X. 8. 404 
De  Olda  Shool  Dawga   -      -     -     p. 45 

De  Picnic  -  p. 139 

Druka  V/ed'r   -  -  p.  141 

MILLER,  HARVEY:  (Continued) 
De  Karche  Bell  - 
De  Till  era  Wollentine  - 

De  gute  Clt  Summer  Taeit  - 
De  Kwilting  Pardy  - 
De  Olt  Seid'r  Meel  - 
De  Olt  Wek  - 

Der  Bicher  Agent  - 

Der  Boss  - 

Em  Shmock'r  Sei  Leed  - 

En  Brief  tsu'm  Sanda  Claus 

En  Haemweh  Shdick  - 

Es  Boyertown  Feier  - 

Es  Nei  Blawd  - 

Es  Olt  Finf  Dawler  Bill  - 

Es  Olt  Yor  un's  Nei  - 

Fisha  - 

Freeyor  - 

Far  Oldars  un  now  - 

Hartz  Hung'r  - 

Im  Washington  Sei  Tseit  - 

Mer  Nemt's  We's  Kumt  - 
Menlich  - 

Mi  Bubbeli  (Trans)  - 
Moi  30  - 

p.  143 

p.  157 

P. G. Vol. XI. 9. 563 
p. 179 

p.  184 

p.  185 

p.  182 

p.  189 

p.  188 

p.  154 


p.  187 

P. G. Vol. IX. S. 87 
p.  77 

p. 121 

p. 120 

p. 71 

p. 95 

p. 159 

p.  166 

p.  180 

p. 85 

p.  158 

p. 177 

p. 53 

p.  97 


MILLER,  HARVEY:  (Continued) 
Neia  Resolutions  - 
Och  du  lewar  - 

Tswa  Klana  Shu  - 
Un's  Schni tiler's  Shdor 
Wun  da  Sanda  Claus  Kurat 
Wun  de  Band  Shbeeld  - 

p. 191 

p. 83 

P. G. Vol. XI. 3. 179 
p.  149 

p.  186 

p.  190 

p. Ill 


Nooch  Baltimore  gent  unser  Fuhr 



Der  Bettle  Mon  - 

Der  Oldt  Huls  Elotz  - 

P. G. Vol. II. 1.15 
P. G. Vol. 1.3. 12 


De  Lecha  County  Fair  - 

P. G. Vol. X. 9. 462 


Der  Tschellyschlecker  - 
Die  Schatta  uf  der  Krick  - 
Leera  Bumpa  - 

P. G. Vol. V:  11.11.561 
P. G. Vol. VIII. 8. 392 

36 7. 

MORE,  CHARLES  C:  (Continued) 
Mei  Droni  - 

Unsere  Jugendzeit  - 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 8. 392 
D.M.  2    (in  press) 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 6. 282 


Wie  ich  en  Chap  War  (Trans) 

Home  2nd  Ed.  p.  115 




Em  Sam  Sei  Kinner 

P. G. Vol. IX. 5. 230 


Die  Pennsylvania  Millitz  - 
Shakespeare  in  Pennsylvania 

Julius  Caesar  (Act  III. So. 2) 
Hamlet  -   (Act  I.Sc.5)  - 

King  Richard  III. (Act  I.Sc.I) 

(Acr  V.Sc.4) 

P. D. Vol. I. No. 2 


P. D. Vol. I. No. 1 

P.D.H.  p. 220 

Home  2nd  Ed.  p.  121 

P.D.H. p. 219 
P.D.H. p. 220 

See  also  Prose. 


Die  Alt  Plainfield  Kerch  - 


D.M. p. 122 

P. G. Vol. X. 7. 316 

RHOADES,  THOMAS  B:  (Onkel  Jeff) 
Der  Bullfrog  war  Versoffe 

Des  Alt  Acht  Eckig  Schulhaus 

Die  Alt  Mahl  Muel  - 

Die  Tadler  - 

Die  Wiskey  Buwe  - 

Nei  Yohr  Schitz  - 

Neue  Besem  Kehre  Gut  - 

Neue  Mode  - 

Schpuks  oder  ken  Schpuks  - 

* S  Latw6rk  Koche  fer  Alters  • 

Unner  fm  Walnissbaam  - 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 10. 493 
D.M.2  (in  press) 

D.M. 2  (in  prese ) 

P. G. Vol. II. 3. 112 


D.M. p. 114 

Home  3rd  Ed.  p.  151 

P. G. Vol. III. 1.23 





D.M.  p. Ill 

P. G. Vol. 1.1. 18 

Abendlied  - 

D.Kir. Aug. 1849 
P. G. Vol. VII. 3. 121 
D.M.  2  (in  press) 


Die  Sumner  Schul  - 

Ebbes  fon  eellem  Spuck  - 

In  der  Spiel  Stunde  - 

'  S  Schulhaus  am  Sandloch  - 


Sk.Lecha  Thai  p. 61 


Sk.Lecha  Thai  p. 60 


Sk.Lecha  Thai  p. 61 


Sk.Lecha  Thai  p. 59 
Pro. P. G.S. Vol. VI. 38 
P. G. Vol. VI. 3. 306 



The  PennBylvania  German  (2  dialect  verBes)-Fro.P.G.S.Vol .III . 


Schulhaus  an  der  Kerch  - 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 7. 335 
D.M.  2  (in  press) 


Das  ist  im  Leben  Hesslich  eingerichtet 
Der  Beik  -  - 

Die  Mammi  Ihre  Schindel  (Trans)  - 

En  Gem  Kalenner  -         - 

P. G. Vol. X. 11. 693 

Home  3rd  Ed. p.  14 5 

P. G. Vol. IX. 7. 136 
D.M.  2  (in  press) 

Unser  P. D. Kalenner, 05 
P. G. Vol. IX. 1.39 


Der  Winter  - 

Die  Alt  Uhr  - 

Die  Kerche  Bell  - 

Die  Oley  Picnic  - 

Es  Jahresfest  Am  Wei3ehaus 

D.M.  2  (in  press) 
P. G. Vol. IX. 10. 628 
D.M. 2  (in  press) 
P. G. Vol. XI. 2. 113. 
D.M. 2.  (in  press) 


Uf 'm  O'werste  Speicher  - 

-  P.Leb.Hist.Coc.V.l, 


STOUDT,  J.BAER:  Collector. 

"Pennsylvania  German  Rhymes  and  Riddles"-Jour.Am.F.  19  .  113 

Home  4th  Ed.    p.  116 


Counting  Out  Rhymes 
Cradle  Songs 
Evening  Prayer 
Hock  Sermon 


Der  Alt  Kerchhof  -  -           P. G. Vol. I. 3. 28 

Der  Bu  am  Steh  Lehse  -  -       P. G. Vol. V. 1.30 

Der  Wald  -           _  -        MS 

Der  Zuk  -          -  P. G. Vol. II. 2. 70 

Die  Alt  Cider  Muehl  -  -         P. G. Vol. III. 4. 156 

Die  Dallastown  Reunion  -  -       P. G. Vol. VI. 3. 307 

Die  Mami  Schloft  -  P. G. Vol. IX. 5. 229 

Die  Muttersproch  -  P. G. Vol. VII. 3. 135 

Es  Haemelt  Em  a'  -         P. G. Vol. IV. 3. 321 

Es  Hof  Dehrle  -  P. G. Vol. VIII. 6. 280 

(One  of  the  above  poems  was  published  in  the  Pennsylvania 
College  paper  in  the  nineties)-A.S. ) 


Der  Alt  Kerchhof  -  D.M.p.104 

En  Fruhjohr's  Lied  -  -        D.M.p.109 



D'r  Kramer  - 

Zum  Andenke  an  Dr.Harbaugh  - 

Home  1st  Ed. p. 57 
Homo  3rd  Ed. p.  108 

H.Harfe  p. 9 


Der  Alt  Kerchhof  - 

Der  Bush  - 

Der  Mensh  - 

Die  Amschel  - 

Die  Besht  Zeit  - 

En  Auf  ruf  - 

En  Character  - 

Hie  un  do  en  Liedel  - 

Nei  Yohr  - 

Sauerkraut  - 

P. G. Vol. III. 2. 63 

P. G. Vol. II. 3. 112 

P. G. Vol. X. II. 575 

P. G. Vol. IV. 4. 351 

P. G. Vol. III. 4. 162 

P. G. Vol. XI. 11. 695 

P. G. Vol. V. 4. 162 



P. G. Vol. IV. 2. 258 


Grocsmutterchen  am  Feierheerd 

-  P. G. Vol. X. 1.36 


De  Freschlin  - 

Der  Himmel  uf  d'Erde 
Der  Schnay  - 

Geburtsdag  - 


P. D. Vol. I. 1.1. 
Tran . Am . Phi 1 . Soc . 

P. D. Vol. I. 3 

P. D. Vol. I. 3. 

Father  Ab . Feb . 8 , 1870 
Hal. P. D. p. 42 
P.D.Vol.I."  • 

P.D.H.  p. 216 

WITMER,  TOBIAS:  (Continued) 

Seks  OOr  -  Home  1st  Ed.  p. 59 

Home  3rd  Ed. p.  109 


nGemalde  ana  dem  Pennsylvanischen  Volksleben"  ^'hila.  und 

Leipzig.  1869.  143  pp.  (See  also  Prose.) 

Das  Lied  von  der  Union  -U  -     -  p. 69 

Der  Herbs t  U  -       -  -     -      p. 27 

Der  Herbst  U  -  -        -  p. 30 

Der  Pit  un  die  Betz  U  -  -       p. 97 

Der  Winter  U  -       -  -     p. 31 

Die  Berg  Marie  U  -  -        -    p. 126 


Die  Luterische  Kerch  bei  Trappe  W  -  p. 85 

Fruehling  und  Jugend  L.A.W  -   -    -  p. 18 

Fruehjohr  -U  -         -       -  p. 10 

Haersweh  (Harbaugh)  -         -  p. 92 

Heirat's  Anzeichung-V.',  Morgenstern  Ex.  p. 36 

Ich  bin  en  Pennsylvanier  -       -      p.5 

Fick  Dia. 

Im  Fruehjohr  -U  -         -     -       p. 7 

Im  Summer  L.A.W*  -         -      -     p. 19 

Fick  Dia. 

Schulhaus  an  der  Krick  (!!)  -    -      p. 86 

Verheiratet  M  -       -        -        p.47 

Wie  der  Ben  sich  verliebt  -     -    -  p.  10 


Zwe  Brief  U  -         -  -      p. 66. 



"Many  of  the  following  poems  appeared 

the  Allentovm  Democrat"  A.C.W. 
Der  Verlora  Ehsel  - 
Der  Geitz  -         -  - 

Der  Hendrik  Voss  - 
Der  Pihwie  -        -        - 
Der  Porra  Koons  - 
Der  Yohll  Versteht's  Net  - 
Der  Yohli  Wunseht  -         - 
Die  Aerschta  Hussa  - 
Dio  'Hio  Naus  - 

Die  Muttereprooch  -  - 

Die  Kalmustown  G'meh  - 
Die  Kinneryohr  - 
Fasnacht  -- 

Fiert  July  - 

Fische  Geh  - 

Guckuloh  - 

Hans  un  Herrgott  -         - 

Humming  Birds  -  - 

In  Show  -  - 

Im  Druvvel  - 

Lumpaparty  -  - 

'M  Dinkey  sei  Knecht  - 

first  anonymously  in 

P. G. Vol. IV. 4. 353 

P. G. Vol. IV. 3. 320 

P. G. Vol. VI. 4. 357 

P. G. Vol. II. 2. 69 


All .Dem. 


P. G. Vol. X. II. 575 

All.Dem.i'.ay  1910 
June  1910 


All. Dem. Fov. 1910 

P. G. Vol. X. 5. 238 

P. G. Vol. III. 2. 61 
Home  3rd  Ed. p.  165 

P. G. Vol. III. 3. 109 



All.Dem.  1907 

All.Dem.  1907 



P. G. Vol. XI. 9. 592 
P. G. Vol. XII. 59 
P. G. Vol. 2. 118 

P. G. Vol. IX. 2. 89 



Moi  Lied  - 
Mugtown  Rieschter 
Nofemberklaag  - 
An' 8  Honnese  - 
Schlittafahre  - 

Schpundaloch  - 
Yuni  Lied  - 



P. G.Vol. III. 4. 159. 

All .Dem. 

P. G.Vol. I 11.1.22 
P. G.Vol. IX. 1.38 

P. G.Vol. VI. 1.204 



"Drauss  un  Deheem"  -  Leipzig-  1891.   Out  of  Print, 
An  Mei  Pelf  - 

Bryant's  Thanatopsis  (Trans)  - 
Cremation  -  -      - 

Dar  gut  "Henner"  - 
Dar  Nadurgeischt  -         - 

Dar  Rewwer  un  Ich  - 

Dar  Schnitter  un  die  Blume  (Trans)  - 

Dedication  -         - 

Die  Alte  Lieder  -         -       - 

-    p. 


-    p< 

















.IX. 9 



Drauss  un  Deheem  - 

p. 3 

p. 9 

Home  3rd  Ed.  p.  120 

P. G.Vol. VI. 1.204 

p. 9 

P. G.Vol. IV. 1.214 

Du  V/olk  mit  de  weisce  Fliggel  -     -   p. 21 

Emerson  (Trans)  -         -       -     p. 40 

j;'Zum  Denkmal 

Heem  kumm  ioh,  un  schteh  widder  do  -p. 24 



Zum  Denkmal  -(Continued) 

Kunm,  Schweschter,  kumm  un  heil  net  so-p.25 

Fart  vun  daheem  un  darch  die  Welt  -  p. 26 

In  daere  Schtille  Summersnacht  -   -  p. 26 

Wann  epper  saage  dhat  zu  mir  -  p. 27 

Ioh  sehn  die  Scheckige  Dage  geh  -   -  p. 28 

Die  Welt  gent  rum,  was  dunkel  is  -   -  p. 28 

Deas  is  mei  Hoffning  dass  d'r  Dod  -  p. 29 

Dar  Sud  Wind  bringt  de   Mensche   Ivluth  -  p. 30 

Sei  bei  m'r  uf  mei'm  Lewespaad  -    -  p. 30 

Du  scheeni  kleeni  Weissi  Blum  -     -  p. 31 

Dar  Noah  hut  sich  b'sunna  dann  -  -p. 32 

Owet  am  aerschte  Oschterdaag  -      -  p. 33 

Wann  Laylocks  blihe  schee  un  siis  -  p. 34 

Wie  Krischtus  Ufwrsohtanne  is  -  p. 34 

Is  es  vielleicht  'n  Draam  in  Schloff?  -p. 35 

Die  Sunn  geht  unner  in  der  West  -  p. 36 

Es  Schneckehaus   -     -      -     -  p. 11 

Es  Sonnet t  -         -         -  p. 18 

Im  Draam  -         -        -  p. 14 

In  Ruh  -       -         -  p . 19 

Kitzel  Mich  Net  -             -  p. 12 


Lied  an  Die  Nacht  (Trans)  -        -  p. 39 

'M  Daag  Sei  Dod  -          -        -  p. 19 

•N  Alt  Fashioned  Buch  -             -  p. 17 

Samschdaag  Owet  -         -  p. 11 


Schnee  Flocke  (Trans)  - 

p. 37 

Am  Danksagung  Dag  - 
Die  Laming  - 
En  Simpler  Mon  - 
Mei  Muttersprooch  - 
Sauerkraut  - 

P. G. Vol. VII. 7. 374 
P. G. Vol. IV. 3. 314 
P. G. Vol. VIII. 30. 504 
P. G. Vol. X. 5. 238 
Pro. P. G.S. Vol. I II. 13 6 


"  Metrical  Trans lati on a" 
Bewi  Me in  - 

Der  Alt  Robin  Gray  - 

Der  Gut  Dschorg  Campbell  - 

Der  V.reg  Noch  Schlummerland  - 

Die  Jung  Witfraa  - 

Die  Nacht,  for  de  Chrischdaag  - 

Dschon  Dschankin's  Predich  - 

E'n  Lieb  G'sang  - 
Legt  Eich  Hie  - 
Lieder  - 


011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII.  129 

011a  P^rida 

Pro. P. G.S.  Vol. XII.  11 3 

011a  Podrida 

Pro.  P. G.S. Vol. XII.  10  9 

011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 155 

011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII.  Ill 

011a  Podrida 
P. G. Vol. 1.1. 11 
Pro. P. G.S. Vol. II. 93 

011a  Podrida 

Pro- P.  G.S.  Vol. XI  1. 131 

011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XI 1. 13  5 

011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XI 1. 12  7 

011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII.  13  7 

ZIMMERMAN,  THOMAS:  (Continued) 

Moi  Mopsy  is  Klee  -       - 

'  N  Neues   "  Casat>iancaM    - 

*N  Trauer  Gedicht  uf 'n  Doter  Hund  - 

'S  Dotes  Bedt  -         -       - 

Sing,  Madel  Sing  - 

Wan  an' re  Freunde  rhum  dich  sin  - 

011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 10 9 

-  011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 121 

-  011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 12 5 

011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XI I. 13 9 

011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 11 5 

-  011a  Podrida 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. XII. 123 



This  does  not  include  newspaper  articles  that  have  not  sub- 
sequently "been  reprinted  either  in  books  or  magazines. 


ANONYMOUS:   (See  alao  Poetry) 

Der  Eael  -  P. D. Vol. I .1.23 

Der  Gapenachenda  Merder  -        -      P. G. Vol. IX. S. 375 

Dialog  on  aelecting  a  Vocation  -     -  Fir. Vol. III. 445 

En  Neie  Cure   for  die  Rumatlea  (Adapted)P.G.Vol.VIII.6.232 

For  Oldars  -  -     -     Home  3rd  Ed.  102 

Geburt3monet  Profizeiunga  -       -     P. G. Vol. IX. 1.41 

Letter  Commending  the  Publication  of  the 

Pennaylvania  Dutchman  -     -        P. D. Vol. 1. 1. 

Letter  with  poem  "Die  Deitahe  Baura"-  P. D. Vol. I. 3 

Letter  to  the  editor  of  the  "Pionier"  -  D. P. Vol. VI II. 88 

Lovelettor  an  mei  Anni  -        -  P. D. Vol. I. 2 

*M  Captain  Jonea  aei  Chriach  Kindel  -  P. G. Vol. VII. 8. 431 

'M  Jimmy  Dull  aei  Schnapachtuhl  -     -  P. G. Vol. VIII. 2. 89 

Pennaylvania  German  Proverbs  -       -  P. G. Vol. VII. 5. 265 

Uvva  Nous  Gonga  -         -  P. D. Vol. I. 2 

Waa  em  Happena  kann,  warm  mer  Oier  f innt-P.G.Vol.VIII.5.233 

Widder  aa  geachmiert  -         -        Hal. P. D. p. 49 

B. Co. Express,  Jul.'69 

V/ie  kunnt   es   -  -  -  Hal. P. D. p. 52 

Ger.Cor.&  Dem.Aug.'69 


Die  Sallie  Geht  noch  Chicago  -      -   P. G. Vol. XI. 10.527 


Die  Macht   der  Hutteraprach  -  -  P. G. Vol. XI. 5. 305 


ASH,  L.A: 

Parable  of  the  Prodigal  Son 

P. D. Vol. I. 


Grumblere  Keffer  - 

Ref .Ch.Rec. 

P. G. Vol. X. 7. 350 

Letter  - 

P. D. Vol. I. 2. 



BRUNNER,  FRANK  R:   (See  also  Poetry) 

Slwe  Briefe  wi  der  Sallie  Besemstiel  -  M.H.Jan. 20,  1S86  p. 25 

DUBBS,  J:   (See  also  Poetry) 

Deustche  Settlements  vor  der  Revolution. D.M. p. 161 


Charlie  Green's  Experiment  mit  Erne  Skunk-P.G.Vol.VIII.4.184 


Pennsylfawnish  Deitsha  Guw'rnera  - 

-   Home  3rd  Ed.  p.  169 
Home  4th  Ed.  p. 203 

GRUMBINE,  EZRA:   (See  also  Poetry) 

Die  Inshurance  Business  -  -  Dramolet* 

Die  Yunga  Richter  -        -  P. G. Vol. VII. 1.39 


Was  raer  G* happen t  is  Bei'm  Hausbutza  -  P. G. Vol. VI I .3. 137 

Wie  mer  unser  Offa  Uf '  gschtellt  hen  -  P. G. Vol. VII. 6. 320 


Der  Harning  -       -       -  P. G. Vol. VIII. 2. 36 

Der  Sam  Gilderi  uf  der  Greieri  -     -  P. G. Vol. VII. 7. 375 

En  Paar  Neijohr's  Gedanke  -     -  P. G. Vol. VIII. 1.41 

Is  's  Maulhalta  en  Soheene  Sach?  -  P. G. Vol. VII. 2. 84 

HARTER,  THOMAS  H:   (Gotlieb  Boonastiel) 

"Boonastiel,  Pennsylvania  Dutch?  Belief onte,  Pa. 1904 

Are  Gsed  Hawsa  Hoonda  -        -  p. 85 

Are  Schwared  Ob  -  -  p. 23 

By  Da  Soldawda  -     -        -  p. 173 
Die  Beckie  Shtitsel 

Im  Orma  House  -      -  p. 113 

Se  Ooomed  Widder  Hame  -     -  p. 115 

De  Deitscha  un  die  Englisha  -     -  p. 24 

De  Feela  Lingner  -  -  p. 102 

Die  Gickser  -     -  -  p. 35 

De  House  Butz  Gichtera  -        -  p. 47 
De  Hous  Butz  Gichtera  Brecha  Widder  Ous-p.92 


HARTER,  THOMAS  H:  (Continued) 
De  Hoonds  Dawga  -        - 
De  Hoyet  - 

De  Leit  woo  Olsfart  G'hared  ai  '.Vella 
De  Maed  3in  we  Glaena  Fish  -   - 
De  Mensha  un  Die  Monkeys  - 
De  Ma  Laws  os  mer  Breicha  - 
De  Orma  hen  Mer  Olsfart  by  Uns  - 
Denksht  Are  Gebt  en  Editor  - 
Der  Boonastiel  an  der  Court  - 
Der  Bowera  Boo  un  der  Dude  - 
Der  Bush  Hoond  un  der  City  Hoond  - 

Der  Butcher  Dawg  - 

Der  Census  Numerator  - 

Der  Donks  Dawg  - 

Der  Fiert  July  - 

Der  Goot  Freind  - 

Der  Nei  Nuohber  - 

Der  Oldt  Hon  Lawft  far  en  Office  - 

Der  Schmart  Boo  - 

Der  Boo  os  si  Marrick  Maucht  - 

Der  U-Bennich  Boo  - 

Em  Boona3tiel  Sei  Buftcheres  - 

Em  Brown-Sequard  3i  "Life  Lixer"  - 

Em  Grover  Helfa  Tzeega  - 

Em  Mike  Sendapetzer  3i  City  Fraw  - 

En  Bower's  Boo  - 

En  Drawm  -        - 

p. Ill 

p. 16 

-  p. 9 
p. 11 

-  p . 148 
-p. 159 

p.  93 

-  p. 31 

-  p. 116 

-  p. 103 

-  p. 171 


P. G. Vol. X. 4. 131 

p.  105 

p. 45 

p.  108 

p.  174 

p. 97 

-  p. 30 
p. 121 
p.  164 
p.  163 
p. 72 

-  p. 63 
p. 161. 

-p. 33 
p. 156 
p. 81 

J  A3. 

HARTER,  THOMAS  H:  (Continued) 

En  Hior-rawd  Pardy  -        -  -     p. 68 

P. G. Vol. X. 2. 39 

En  Maidel  Progt  urn  Rode  -  -    -  p. 57 

En  Neie  Sart  Rigel-wake  -  -       P. 33 

En  Ride  uff  ma  Si-bickel  -  -     p. 59 

En  Shaeda  Brief  -      -  -      p. 49 

En  Shil-grut  -       -  -      p. 7 

En:  Siffer  -           -  p. 42 

Es  Rodda  Nesht  -         -  p. 12 

Friheit  Convention 

On  der  Convention  -  p. 39 

Hame  fun  der  Convention  -  -    p. 41 

Gebt  mere  Duwock  -        -  -       p. 54 

Grishkindlin  Kawfa  -       -  -      p. 50 

In  Ma  Hexa  Nesht  -        -  -       p. 20 

Karraseera  by  Machinery  -  -     p»166 

Knecht  Shoffa  -       -        -  p. 52 

My  Leava's  Lawf  -      -  -     p. 5 

On  der  Campmeoting  -         -  -   p. 110 

On  der  'Noggeration  Ball  -    -  -   p. 27 

On  dere  '.Veldt's  Fare  -        -  p.  169 

Onera  Huohtzich  -        -  p. 66 

Onera  Leioht  -        -  -       p. 61 

Rip  Van  Winkle 

De  Shtory  -       -       -  p. 74 

Are  Soocht  En  Onery  Haemet  -     -  p. 78 

Widder  Uff  Em  Nesht  -  -      p. 79 

Saela  0s  mer  Net  Essa  Con  -  -      p. 119 


HARTEH,  THOMAS  H:  (Continued) 

Shpeoulata  Mit  Oner  Leit  Eram  Geld  -    p. 37 


Ona  Hullerhocka,  -        -  p. 87 

Are  Act  Lawyer  -       -     -  p. 39 

Es  sholk  Yohr  -        -  p. 123 

Druvvel  Mit  Der  Polly  -  p. 126 

En  Tramp  -       -  p. 128 

Unner  Fremma  Leit  -         -  p. 129 

In  der  Jail  -        -  p. 131 

Are  Findt  En  Freind  -      -  p. 133 

Hame  Wae  -  p. 135 

Widder  Im  Druvvel  -       -  p. 137 

Om  Bowera  -  p. 139 

Are  un  de  Betsy  Wetzel  Gaena  Fisha-p.141 

In  Fildelfy  -        -  -  p. 143 

Widder  Dahame  -         -  p. 146 

Shtyle  Aw  Do  Won's  Em  Net  Baooomed  -    p. 91 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 3. 137 

Sols  Rever  - 

Der  Rever  Druvva  -        -  p. 150 

"Jos  Hut's  Gadoo  -          -  p.  152 

Im  Sols  Rever  Shtore  -  -    p. 154 

Tsu  Feel  Leit  -          -  p. 29 

Tswae  Baniche  Si  -            -  p. 25 

Uff  Der  Kup  G'shtellt  -  p. 100 

Uff  Em  Karrioh-hofo  -           -  p.  13 

Uff  Ganumma  on  Sime  Wardt  -  -   p. 94 

Ware  Sull  de  Prescilla  Hira  -  -  p. 167 

HARTER,  THOMAS  H;  (Continued) 

Ware  Sull  Ich  Hira  -         -  p. 56 

We  Con  Ich' a  Besht  Laeva  Maucha  -    -  p. 9 5 

We  Mer  Gaid  PI aha  -         -  p. 65 

We' a  Gait  Onera  Infair  -      -  p.  106 

Wos  Gebta  Mit  Unaera  Boova  -  p. 15 

Part  II. 

Axiom3  and  Epigrama- 

Sprichworta  -        -  p. 246 

Bleaaeer  Coomed  Oony  G'frogt  un  Gait 

Ooney  Ghaesa  -  p. 222 

De  College  Boova  -        -      -  p. 179 


Der  Aael  in  der  Gilea  Howd  -        -  p. 242 

Der  "Chriatian  Science"  Duckter  -  p. 195 

De  Retcha  un  de  Bletcha  -       -  p. 216 

Der  Jecky  Leebshtickle  Tend  Court  -  p. 223 

Der  Mon  Woo  Reich-Awreni  i3  -      -  p. 201 

Der  Oldt  Billy  Sultzer  un  de  Looder  Grobba-p.182 

De  ahuldt  0a  Leit  Awrum  ain  -        -  p. 218 

Der  Tawa  Keppich  Elefont  -      -  p. 240 

De  U-farahtenicha  Faahiona  -        -  p. 185 

De  Weipaleit  in  Politics  -        -  p. 198 

En  Jury -mon  -  p. 187 

Ich  Wutt  Ob  Ich  en  Bower  Ware  -       -  p. 191 

In  Pildelfy  - 

Em  Wannamaker  Si  Karrich  Hofe  -  p. 229 

Em  Mike  Sendapetzer  Si  Stylishe  Fraw  -p. 232 

Grishdoom  in  Ga-kooahenda  Sitz  -  p. 235 


HARTER,  THOMAS  H:  (Continued) 

Widder  Dahame  -             -  p. 238 

Karrassera-Der  Oldt  un  dor  Nei  Wake  -  p. 211 

On  der  Teacher's  Institute  -  -    p. 214 

Onera  Karicha  Fare  -         -  p. 203 

Politics  un  De  Karricha  -  -       p. 189 

Shtride  in  der  Hous-holdting-was  machts-  p. 209 

Unser  Niar  Porra  -  -      p. 206 

Widder  Uff  der  Oldta  Bowerei  -  -  p. 226 

Deitscha  Leeder  -See  Poetry-Ziegler  and 

Historical  -         -         - 

#       #         *        * 
De  Scientists  un  de  Hexaductor  - 
De  Suckers  in  Politics  -       - 

p. 255 

Home  3rd  Ed.  149 


Der  Hok'lbira  B&rig  - 

Der  Marti  Bechtel  - 

Der  Tshek  Shtraus  - 

Di  Granni  Shidl  - 

Jake  Strauss  - 

Proverbs  -         - 

G'schicht  fun  da  alta  Tsaita  in  Pen- 

silfani  - 

J  our . A . F . L  *  p . 194 
Jour. A. F.L. p. 195 
Jour. A. F.L. p. 193 
Jour. A. F.L. p. 192 
Jour. A. F.L. p. 194 
Jour. A. F.L. p. 197 

Pro.Am.Philosonh.  . 




"Pennsylvania  German  Manual"  -   let  Ed.  1875 

2nd  Ed.  1896 

3rd  Ed.  1905 

4th  Ed.  1910 

Part  I.  English  Prominciation  of  P. G. words-  p. 5  f. 

Part  I I. Pennsylvania  German  Literature 
with  English  Translations. 

Sprioh  werder  -         -       -      p. 70  f. 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. II. p. 47 

Ratsla  -         -         -  p. 78 

Reima  -  -  p. 81 

Spichta  -  -  -         p. 89 

De  G'breicha  fun  d'Pennsylfanisch 

Deitsoha  in  Oldta  Zeita  -       -   p. 93 

Pestdauga  -         -         -         p. 95 

De  Oldta  Games  -  p. 100 

Gschichta  -         -  p. 102 

See  also  Poetry-Weiser,  Witmer,  Henninger,  Newhard,  Kopenhaver, 

Ziegler,  Rauch,  Harbaugh,  Fisher,  Schuler,  Rhoads,  Grumbine, 

D.B.Brunner,  Hark  and  Wuchter. 

See  Prose-  Gehring,  Zimmerman,  Schuler,  Harter,  and  Warner. 

Part  III.  A  Pennsylvania  German  and  English 

Dictionary  -       -  p. 184  ff. 

(The  page  numbers  are  those  of  the  third  edition, 
the  4th  edition  contains  34  more  pages.) 





En  Hexe  G'schicht  - 

P. G. Vol. XI. II. 695 

KELLER,  ELI j   (See  also  Poetry) 

En  Gesprach  an  der  Mittel  Fence  - 

Penn3ylvanier  Sprich  Worter  - 

?/ie  der  Stoffel  3ei  Geld  Verlore  Hot 

Fried. Jan. 20, &17, '09 
Feb. 3  _  10, '09 

Fried. Jul. 14,  '09 



Em  Mark  Twain  Sei  Kameel  (Trans)  - 

-P. G. Vol. VII. 4. 211 


Mei  Experience  im  0ircu3  - 

P. G. Vol. VIII. II. 561 


Letters  to  the  Editor  of  the  Pionier- 


.IV. p. 7 
.IV. p. 50 
.IV. p. 95 
.IV. p. 132 
.IV. p. 170 
•IV. p. 203 
.IV. ft. 236 
.IV. p. 258 
.IV. p. 344 
.IV. p. 298 
.IV. p. 373 
.IV. p. 402 


Brief  an  nDer  Deutsche  Pionier"  - 

-D.P.  May,  1882 

LEISBNRING,  E.D:  (Continued) 

Brief  an  "Der  Deutsche  Pionier"  -       P. G. Vol. IX. 7. 325 
Pennsylfawnisch  Deitsch  -       -       D. P. Vol. XIV. p. ^0 


"Pennsylvania  German"  Vol. I. Reading,  Pa.  1904 

Part  I.  See  Poetry.  Harbaugh,  Veiser,  Mays,  Keller,  F.R.Brunner, 

Fisher,  Vogt,  Rhoads,  Graeff,  Reinecke,  Sisenbrown,  Dubbs, 

and  D.B.Brunner. 

Part  I I. Prose. 

Bete  Am  Disoh  - 

Buffel  Ochse  - 

Bush  Knuppel  -         - 

Das  Alt  Sohulhaus  - 

Das  Alt  Schulhaus  in  der  Stadt  - 

Das  Battalje  - 

Deiwel's  Loch  - 

Dem  Conrad  Weiser  Sei  Drahm  - 

Dem  Dr.Schaeffer  sei  Speech  an  der 
Schaeffer's  Reunion  •■     « 

Dem  Parre  Sei  Drahm  -        - 

Dem  Pitt  Sei  Handwerk  - 

Dem  Parre  Sei  Worscht  - 

Dem  Parre  Sei  Gelichniss  - 

Dem  Parre  Stoey  sei  Preddig  - 

Der  Bauer  un  die  Studente  - 

Der  Dan  Webster  un  sei  Sens  - 

Der  Elteste  am  Preddige  - 
















-    p. 


-    p, 








-  p« 










MILLER,  DANIEL:  (Continued) 

Der  Moae  Dissinger  -       - 

Der  Parre  un  die  Schunke  - 

Des  Leine  Vorsage  -       -      - 

Die  Gemee  in  Ochseschwamm  - 

Die  Haase  Preddig  -      - 

Die  Kanzel  is  Umgefalle  - 

Die  Pennsylvanisch  Deutsche  - 

Die  Regina  Hartman  - 

Die  Stadtol  Bump  -         - 

Die  V/orzel  vum  Uewel   - 

Elbetritsche  Fanga  - 

En  Brief  an  der  Parre  vun  der  Jacobua 

Kirche  - 

En  Gleichniss  -  - 

Englisoh  Denka  un  Deitsch  Sohwetze  - 

En  Laute  Stimm  - 

En  Parre s  Trick  - 

En  Reich  Paar  - 

Grosse  '"orte  - 

Gauls  Preddige  -         - 

Gross  Gegrisch  Awer  V/ennig  Woll  - 

Heiere  uf  Credit  -  - 

In  der  Kerch  Schlofe  - 

Kerchegang  vor  Alters  -       -     - 

Korze  Preddige  - 

Leeks chonire  - 

Lions ch  uf  em  Peld  un  in  der  Kerch  - 

Pennsylvania  English  -       - 






















































MILLER,  DANIEL:  (Continued) 

Sag..  Ich,  Hab  ich  Gesaht  -  -       p. 270 

Schlechto  Parre  -         -  p. 225 

Sonderbare  Ferrywoll  Preddige  -        p. 220 

Uewer3etzunge  -Translations  -  -      p. 266 

Was  Gehapponed  is  -     -  -     p. 257 

Wer  Hot  die  Welt  Erschaffe?  -  -    p. 160 

Wetterhahne  -  -     p. 258 

Wie  en  Loch  zu  Kache  -  -      p. 265 

Wie  er  Die  Haas  Verbroche  Hot  -      -  p. 178 

Wie  er  in  der  Semly  war  -  -       p. 246 

Wie  Der  Parre  sich  Hot  -   p. 219 

Wohleberstadtel  -        -  p. 217 

See  also  Prose.  Keller,  Dubb3,  Zimmerman. 

■»       *       #        •»        #      * 

"Pennsylvania  German"  -  Vol.11.  In  Press. 
Part  I.  Vocabulary  of  1200  word3. 
Part  I I. Variations. 
Part  IH.Piterature. 

See  Poetry.   Rondthaler,  Harbaugh,  Weiser,  Stahr,  Keller, 
F.R.Brunner,  Shuey,  E.Grumbine,  Rhoads,  D.B.Brunner, 
Bahn,  Lisberger,  L.Grumbine,  Gerhardt,  Eshelman,  Anon- 
ymous, Henninger,  Schuler,  -lays,   ore,   engel,  Wollenweber. 

Dem  Kunradt  Weiser  sei  House.  Illustrated. 

Dem  Kunradt  Weiser  sei  Shtore  in  Reading.  Illustrated. 

Der  Bauer  Huts  Goot 

Der  Parre  Harbaugh.  Portrait 

MILLER,  DANIEL:   (Continued) 

Die  Reoht  un  die  Letz  Sort  Lerning.     P. G. XI. 7. 433 

En  Ferhuttelt  Welt 

En  Klane  Kerch.   Illustrated 

En  Pennsylvanier  in  der  Stadt  Berlin. 

Ea  Alt  Courthoua  in  Reading 

Ferennerunga  und  Improfmenta 

Geba  de  Judde 

Grumbiere  Keffer 

In  Fildelfi 

In  New  York  -        -  P. G. Vol. X. 8. 406 

Ref .Rec. 

Meiner  Mammy  ihr  Spinnrad  Illuatrated. 

Pennaylvaniaoh  Deutsche  Begrauche. 

Pennsylvaniach  Deutache  Sprichworte. 

Pennaylvaniaoh  Deutsch  GouVeniere.   Illuatrated. 

Stadt  un  Landt. 

Uf  der  Jury. 

Wan  Ich  en  Porre  war. 

Wan  ich  net  Porre  war. 

MILLER,  HARVEY  M:   (Solly  Hulsbuck) 

"Pennsylvania  German  Storiean-Elizabethville,  iJa.l907. 
See  alao  Poetry. 

Bank  Bianias  -      -      -  -     p.l 

Basebolla  G'ahpielt  -  -p. 49 

De  O.W.L. Society  -      -  p. 53 

De  Engli3ha  -        -  p. 99 


MILLER,  HARVEY:   (Continue.!) 

De  Fiert  July  Celebrashun-  -     -  p. 59 

De  Irisha  -     -         -  -     p. 101 

De  Mawd  Gald  uf  en  Shtrike  -  -     p.  15 

De  Nei  Runzel  im  Shpella  -  -      p. 67 

De  Picnic  -                -  p. 63 

De  Polly  Grickt  en  Surprise  -  -    p. 19 

Der  Ab  Lincoln  -      -  -      p. 3 

Der  Bawrfeesich  Bu  -        -  -     p. 11 

Der  Fader  Fu'm  Lond  -  p. 7 

Der  Feert  Jooly  -  p. 43 

Der  Inshing  -  p. 103 

Der  Hebuchadnozzer  und  der  Napolyun  -   p. 109 

Der  Reicha  Era  Drovvel  -  -      p. 87 

Em  Jeckie  Si  Komposishun  -  -       p. 29 

En  Chury  Lion  -              -                 -  p. 95 

En  Thanksgiving  Shtory  -  -      p. 85 

P. G. Vol. IX. 

En  Trip  Noch  Sm  Shtate  Hous  -  -  p. 93 

Fendu  -         -        -  -       p. 13 

Flying  Macheena  -         -  p. 51 

Geil  Xawft  Und  G,schwoppt  -  -       p. Ill 

Hochmood  udder  Hunger  -       -  p.l 

Ira  Febiwerry  -         -  -        p. 5 

Labor  un  Capital  -            -  -   p. 21 

Mi  Pedigree  -        -       -  p. 25 

Political       icement  -     -  -    p. 4 

Politicks  -         -  -  p. 69 

MILLER,  HARVEY  M:  (Continued) 

Romeo  and  Juliet  - 

Romeo  and  Juliet  - 

Setta  de  '.Veibsleit  Vote?  - 

Um  Beara  Hunda  -        - 

Un  der  Fair  - 

V/as  aw  gaid  im  Deich  - 

We ' s  gai  d  won  do  Fraw  em  in  der  3htore 

shickt  - 

V.ros   iss   sugcess?   -   - 

Wos  mer  essa  -  - 

Wu  de  Deitsha  Harcooma  - 

WutsJ  Wutsi  Wutsi  -         - 

*  •::•  # 

"Pennsylvania  German"  in  press. 

A  fr  is  de  onar  wart  - 

Advertisa  batsawld  -       -     - 

Badrochda  noch  da  am  - 

Boona  ols  I'adazen  - 

De  Bevvy  singt  en  Anthem  - 

De  Huchtsioh  -  - 

De  Maria  gaid  iver  der  Barg  - 

De  Macht  fun  Xlanichkada  - 

De  Mommy  ols  en  Duckd'r  - 

De  Nancy  Hanks  im  Race  - 

De  Nei  Sort  Bud'r  - 

De  Rachel  Powhana     -        - 

Der  Comet  - 

Der  Drolley  -         - 



















































MILLER,  HARVEY  M:  (Continued) 

Der  Duckd'r  Lawdanagler  -  -        p. 79 

Der  Feert  Jooly  -  p. 103 

Der  Hochmood  -  -    p. 130 

Der  Jecky  Graddlate  -  -       p. 171 

Der  Jecky  larnd  en  Lesson  -  -    p. 152 

Der  Jecky  un  sei  Brief  -  -    p. 73 

Der  looses  Cadwallader  Schmidt  e  -  p.  165 

Der  Nei  V/ek  un  der  61 1  -  -         p.  126 

Der  Nord  Pole  -          -  p. 140 

Der  Osht'r  Haws  -  -          p. 93 

De  Schlung  im  loot  -  p. 174 

De  Weibsleit  -  p. 128 

Donkbawr  in  ola  Unglik  -  -      p. 151 

Drawm  Buch  Bedeitunga  -  -       p. 173 

D'r  Sh-Shduddera  Jeck  -  -        p.l 

Em  Jecky  Sei  Walk  far  Shduddia  -  -  p. 61 

Em  Pit'r  sei  gaba'd  -  -       p. 148 

Em  Pit'r  sei  Drik  -  -         p. 153 

Em  Pitt  sei  Handwerk  -  -          p. 147 

En  Arlich'r  Raskal  -  -         p. 105 

En  Asel  Drik  -  p. 117 

En  Bisniss  Notice  -  p. 167 

En  Drawm  Buch  -  -         p. 172 

En  Preigawich'r  Deeb  -  -         p. 142 

En  Gros'r  Dosh'd  -  -         p. 135 

En  Hinar-end  Collision  -  -       p. 19 

En  Hink'l-shproe  -  -           .134 

MILLER,  HARVEY  M:  (Continued) 

En  Publick  Eilawdung  -  -        p. 169 

Eishtars  un  English-Solz  -  p. 59 

En  Pendu  Fever  -  p. 169 

Es  Helra  -         -  -         p. 129 

Es  Hun'rt-yarich  Fesht  -  -      p. 43 

Es  Karoh-Gae  -          -  -  p. 3 

Far' s  Denka  kon  era  nemond  henl-a  -  p. 39 

Fawsnocht  -  -        p. 124 

Filosofikal  Gadonka  -  -         p. 155 

Fireworks  uf  da  Konsel  -  -     p. 29 

Fisikal  J'ografy  -       -  -      p. 75 

Free-yor  -         -  -         p. 39 

Gold-shtock  kawft  -      -  -   p. 31 

Ham-g'mocht  Mushk  -  -         p. 67 

Hink'l  Filosofy  -  -          p. 87 

Hunsdawga  Blazeer    -  -     p. 27 

Im  Dreebsawl  -          -  p. 163 

In  da  Lotsh  -  -     p. 162 

Karaseera  we  far  oldar3  -  -    p. 21 

Kourt  Bizness  -  p. 133 

Kurnal  Soakum  -          -  p. 115 

Law  Bizness  -           -  p. 91 

Lawendich  irargrawva  -  -      p.  136 

Lond  un  Shtot  -  -     p. 183 

Marb'l  Kucha  -         -  -       p. 55 

Milchhawr  -       -  -         p. 113 

Musich  bei  da  tcwilling  -  -     -  p.  122 


MILLER,  HARVEY  Mj  (Continued) 
Nuchterlicha  Badrochda'  - 
Nuchbershoft  Nochrichta  - 
Obrilakelv'r  -         - 
Off is  Hung'r  - 
Rawer  im  Hous  - 
Reich  iv'r  Nocht  - 
Rul • r  Ghkeeda  - 
Shprich  Wart a  - 
Siva  Deiv'l  - 
Tschentleleit  - 
Tswa  sorta  Grip  - 
Uf  B'sooch  in  da  Shool  - 
Uf  da  Eowerei  - 
Um  Circus  - 

Un  da  Jamestown  Exposition 
Ung'farlicha  Feiarworks  - 
Unich  em  Wed'r  - 
We  der  Bower  farlussa  Wart  - 
Weesht  galoga  is  nemo^d  batroga 
Wei  is  de  Mud'r  - 

p. 127 
p. 109 

p.  164 
p.  178 
p. 119 
p.  125 
p.  145 
p.  131 
p. 181 
p. 81 
p. 156 
p.  146 
p.  132 
p. 7 
p. 47 
p.  175 
p. 101 
p.  113 
p. 51 
p. 160 

MORE,  CHARLES  C:    See  also  Poetry. 
Der  Hexadoktor  - 
Der  Hexadokto:-  - 
Der  Wiescht  Mann  von  der  Flett 
Die  Kutztown  Mail  - 
En  Wieschter  Eraam  - 

.G. Vol. IX. 3. 136 

P. G. Vol. VIII. 9. 448 
P.G.Vo] .XI. 4. 239 
P. G. Vol. VIII. 10. 505 



MORE,  CHARLES  0:  (Continued) 

'S  Wash  Heller's  Ihra  Chris chtdagszug  -  P. G. Vol. VIII. 12.61: 

RAUCE,  E.H:   (See  also  Poetry. 

"Pennsylvania  Dutch  Handbook",  J'auch  Chunk,  Pa.  1879. 

Part  I.  Dictionary  of  circ-5000  words  to  p. 146 

Part  II. Special  Words  -  -      -  p. 151 

Abbreviations  -  -        p. 158 

The  Use  of  words  -       -       p. 160 

Counting  -       -         -     p. 171 

i'onths  and  days  -  -        p.  172 

Weights  and  1-easures  -       -   p.  173 

Practical  Exercises  -       -    p. 174 

Business  Talk  -  p. 185 

Home  3rd  123 
Progress  of  Pennsylvania  Dutch 

Literature  -   -   p. 208 

Quotations  from  Shakespeare 

Speech  of  Brutus  -    -  p. 218 

Richard  III. Act  I. So. I.  -  p. 219 

Act  V.Sc.IV.  -  p. 220 

Hamlet  Act  I.Sc.V.   -    -  p. 223 

Extracts  from  Scripture  -    -  p. 222 

Pit  Schweffelbrenner  -     -  p. 228 

Another  Letter  of  Schwef  «r,elbrenner-p.231 

Aether  Letter   of   Schweffelbrenner-p.234 
#  #  #  « 

An  Heller  Shtarn  Ousgonga  (Trans)  -   -  P. D. Vol. I. I. 

An  Temperance  Lecture  -  P. D. Vol. I. 3 


RAUCH,  E.H:   (Continued) 

De  Olta  un  Neia  Tzeita  - 

Familiar  Sayings  (Trans)  - 

Familiar  Sayings  (Trans)  - 

Familiar  Sayings  (Trans)  - 

For  der  Simple  Weg  -        -      - 

Im  V/ashingtoner  Schtadtel  - 

Prospectus  to  Pennsy,vania  Dutchman  - 

Rip  Van  Winkle  - 

Uf  Unser  Side  -         -     - 

Unser  Klehny  Jokes  -         -    - 

Unser  Klehner  Omnibus - 

-Pro. P. G.S. Vol. I. 33 

-  P. D. Vol. I. I. 

-  P. D. Vol. 1.2 
P. D. Vol. I. 3. 
P. D. Vol. 1.3 
M.H.Jan. 20, '86. p. 63 
P. D. Vol. I. I. 

P. D. Vol. I. 2 
P. D. Vol. I. 2 
P. D. Vol. I. 3 

RUPP,  I.D: 

Eppos  Ueber  Pennsylvanisch  Deitsch  -    P. G. Vol. IX. 5. 230 

D. P. 1870 

Open  Letter  to  the  Editor  on  Dialects  -  P. D. Vol. I. 3 

SCHANTZ,  F.J.F:   See  also  Poetry. 
Hombug  Orgel  Bissniss       - 
Letter  to  Dr.Fritschl  - 

Part  of  a  sermon  on  Job  - 

Speech  before  Dr.Mohldenke fs  Congre- 
gation i$  Hew  York  City  - 

Stories   -  - 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. III. 83  Dienzer's   acc't 
of  his  visit   to  Am- 

Pro. P. G.S. Vol. III. 126 

MS  in  family 
Pilger  Almanac 


SEIP,  J.Wx 

Hex   Erst  Blugges 

P. G. Vol. IX. 10.470 

SHULER,  K.0A:   See  also  Poetry. 
Stories  - 
Zeechaglawa  un  Braucherel^ 


Home  3rd  Eci.  p.  146 


Der  "Bockwampan"  und  sein  Getheirs  - 

Sk.Lecha  Thai. p. 192 

WARNER,  JOSEPH:   (Johann  Klotz) 

"Amerikanisch  Historic?  Annville,  Pa.  1905 

Einleitung  -        - 

Epoch  I . 

Der  Columbus  Entdeckt  America  - 

Andere  Entdeckungen  - 
Epoch  II. 

Virginia  -     - 

Massachusetts  -     - 

Rhode  Island  -        - 

Connecticut  - 

New  Hampshire  - 

New  York  - 

Pennsylvania  -         -     - 


p. 7 
p. 12 

p. 19 

p.  25 

p. 51 

p. 53 

p. 56 

p. 58 

p.  42 

Home  4th  Ed. p. 201 

WARNER,  JOSEPH:   (Continued) 

New  Jersey  -          -  p. 45 

Delaware  -          -  p. 47 

Maryland  -           -  p. 48 

Georgia   -          -  p. 52 

Epoch  III. 
Francosischen  Greek 

Koenig  William's  Greek  -  -     p. 56 

Koenigin  Anne's  Greek  -  -     p. 57 

Koenig  George's  Greek  -  -    p. 57 

Pransosish  urd  Inshing  Greek  -  p. 57 

Epoch  IV. 
Freiheits  Greek. 

Ursache  der  Greek  -      -    -    p. 61 

Der  Greek  un  der  Auskum  -  -     p. 64 

Epoch  V. 
Constitutional  Government 

George  Washington  -     -  -     p. 71 

John  Adams  -        -  p. 73 
Thomas  Jefferson  -         -    -  p. 75 

James  Vadison  -        -  p. 75 

James  Konroe  -     -      -  p. 72 

John  Quincy  Adams  -     -  -     p. 78 

Andrew  Jackson  -        -  -     p.8C 

Martin  VanBuren  -    -  -     p»8 

William  Henry  Harrison  -    -  p. 80 

John  Tyler  -  p. 21 

James  K.Polk  -         -  p. 81 

WARNER,  JOSEPH:   (Continued) 

Zachary  Taylor  -  -  p. 81 

Millard  Fillmore  -        -  p. 83 

Franklin  Pierce  -     -      -  p. 83 

James  Buchanan  -      -     -  p. 83 

Abraham  Lincoln  -       -    -  p. 84 

Andrew  Johnson  -     -    -  p. 89 

Ulysses  Grant  -       -  p. 90 

Rutherford  Hayes  -     -     -  p. 90 

James  A.Garfield  -      -  p. 91 

Chester  A.Arthur  -       -  p. 91 

Grover  Cleveland  -       -  p. 91 

Benjamin  Harrison  -        -  p. 91 

Grover  Cleveland  -        -  p. 93 

William  McKinley  -      -     -  p. 95 

Theodore  Roosevelt  -         -  p. 96 

Zum  Beschluss  -        -     -  p. 97 


Gemalde  aus  dem  Pennsylvania chen  Volkslebenn 
1869.  Leipzig  and  Philadelphia. 

See  Poetry. 

Ab  Reff Schneider  un  Susie  Leimbach  -  p. 10 

M.H.May  19,  1886  p. 136 

A  Lutarische  Hochzig-Unsigned  -    -  p. 46 

Conrad  Weiser's  Grab.  U.  -    -    -  p. 135 

Der  Aldermann  Mehlig  -  Wollenweber  -  p»102 

Der  Baron  Stiegel-U.  -        -  p. 127 


Der  Mister  Lebtag-  W.  -  p. 108 

Der  Mitle  Weg  ischt  der  Goldene  V.'eg-U  -  p. SO 

Der  Herbet  -  U.  -        -  -        p. 28 

Der  Pitt  fun  der  Trapp-U  -  -       p. 109 

Der  Winter-U  -      -        -  -    p. 31 

Die  Berg  Maria  -U  -     -    -  -     p. 125 

Die  Pas chens -U  -    -       -  -      p. 75 

Die  llargareth  und  die  Leah  -U  -  -   p. 66 

Das  Wilde  Heer  -U  -       -  -    p. 52 

Die  Sag  von  End  vura  Spieler-U  -  -   p. 60 

Die  Sag  von  Zwee  Saufer  -U  -  -    -  p. 57 

Die  Sara  un  die  Betz  -U  -  -     p. 68 

Dr  Dady  -U  -        -  -      p. 131 

Ein  Gesprach-Eppes  zum  Lacha  -  -     p. 76 

Eppes  zum  Lacha  -U  -        -  -    p. 73 

Farmleben-U  -       -         -  p. 23 

Heirath's  Kalender-U  -      -  p. 32 

Im  Frfthjohr  -          -  -    p. 8 

Korz  awer  gut-U  -      -  -        p«65 

LBb  un  Bar  oder  alter  Lieb  rost  nit  -   p. 50 

Pennsylvanisch  Ehrlichkeit-U  -  -   p. 121 

Pitt  Kommnoch-W  -        -  -      p. 35 

Sie  kumme  doch  noch  zusamme  -  -    p. 47 

Teite  Hosen  un  Standups  mache  der 

I.'enech  net  -U  -       -  p. 93 

Vom  Obstbaumbutza  -       -  -      p.  15 

Vum  Obst   -             -                  -             -  p. 24 


WOLLENY/KBER,  LUDWIG:  (Continued) 

Vorrede  -       - 

Vum  Ueberhitze  un  Sunnestich-U  - 

vie  die  Nochbere  de  Charle  Dorst  vom 
Branntweintrinke  Kure-W  - 

Wie  mer  aei  Fraa  ProMrt  - 

Womelsdorf  -        -        -    - 
Vendue, -Grease  -U  -        - 

p. 3 
p.  25 

p. 71 

p. 42 

P. G. Vol. XII. 1.54 

p.  140 

p. 71 

ZIMMERMAN,  THOMAS:   See  also  Poetry. 
Kaiser  Wilhelm's  Brief e  - 

Read. Times  and  Dispatch 
Home  3rd  Ed. p.  14-2 






"Kursweil  un  Zeitvertreib"-  1882  Special  Glossary-  1983  words. 
•S  Alt  Marik  Hous  -    -    1870  Special  Glossary-  2182   " 

F0GEL,E.Ii;   (See  LEARNED. 


"Harfe"    1870  -  Special  Glossary  -     -  245  " 


German  Dialect  in  the  Virginia  Valley.  Dia.N.III. 
Pt.4.  1908.  P. G. Vol. X. 10. 

Brief  Vocabulary  -  194  " 


In  the  Proceedings  of  the  Am. Phil. Soc. Vol. XXVI. Dec. 1888. 
A  Pennsylvania-German  -English  Dictionary  -   -  5689  words 
"A  quite  exhaustive  glossary  of  the  Pennsylvania  German 
dialect.  (P.G.English)   This  is  little  more  than  a 
review  of  Home 'a  Dictionary.   The  author  acknowledges 
no  sources  by  name  and  hence  gives  us  no  clue  to  his  mode 
of  procedure."  M.D. Learned. 


"Em  Home   Sei  Buch"-   1875-lst  Ed. 

Pennsylvania  German- English  Dictionary  -   -  5522  words 
"This  i3  far  the  most  complete  and  scientific  lexicon 
of  the  Pennsylvania  German  speech."   M.D. Learned. 1889 
1895-2nd  Edition-several  hundred  additional  words  and 
an  English  Pennsylvania  German  Dictionary. 


HORNE,  A.R:  (Continued) 

1905-3rd  Edit ion- Some  additional  words 
1910-4 th  Edition-Some  more  additional  words. 


Pennsylvania  German  Plant  Names  in  the  P. G. Vol. XII. 2 
Pennsylvania  German,  English  and  Latin  -    -     -  H65  words 

LEARNED,  M.D:   Assisted  by  E.M.Pogel. 

Complete  Pennsylvania  German  Dictionary-    Announced. 


Common  Sense  Pennsylvania  German  Dictionary,  Reading,  1887 
1895  2nd  Edition.  P. G. -English  -     -  9613  words 


Pennsylvania  German  Plant  Names  -   P. G. Vol. XI. 9. 

Pennsylvania  German,  English,  and  Latin  -    -    92  words 

Pennsylvania  German  Plant  Names-  P. G. Vol. XI. 12 

Pennsylvania  German,  English  and  Latin  -   -      38  words 


Pennsylvania  German  -   Vol.11. (in  press) 

Pennsylvania  German,  English  and  German  -    -    1200  words 


Pennsylvania  Dutchman  -  Vol. I. No. I  and  following  (incomplete) 
Pennsylvania  Dutch  Handbook- 1879,  I.'auch  Chunk,  Pa. 
Pennsylvania  German-  English  and  English-Pennsylvania 

German  -  circ.5000  w, 






Allentovm  Call 
Allentown  Democrat 




Berks  and  Bchuylkill 

Journal  -  Reading 

Berks  County  Democrat  Boyertown 

Bethlehem  Times        Bethlehem 

Boyertown  Bauer        Boyertown 

Bucks  County  Express   Doylestown 

Canton(Ohio)  Repository  Canton,  Ohio 

Carbon  County  Democrat  Mauch  Chunk 

Center  Democrat        Bellefonte 

Coopersburg  Sentinel    Coopersburg 

Der  Waffenlose  Wachter  Gap  - 

Der  Deutsche  Pionier    Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Doylestown  Morgenstern  Doylestown 

East on  Argus 
Easton  Democrat 
Easton  Express 
Easton  Free  Press 
Easton  Sentinel 
Easton  Sunday  Call 
Elizabethville  Echo 
Emaus  Herald 
Evening  Leader 
Father  Abraham 
Father  Abraham 
Geist  der  Zeit  - 














Lehigh  County 
Lehigh  County 



















Hummelstown  Sun  - 

Jefferson  Democrat 

Keystone  Gazette 

Kutztown  Journal  and 

Lebanon  News 

LebanonCourior  and 

Hummel stovm 










Mauch  Chunk 

Mauch  Chunk 

Lebanon  Pennsylvanier 

Lehighton  Press 

Lititz  Express 

Lititz  Record 

Macungie  Progress 

Manheim  Sentinel 

Manheim  Sun 

Mauch  Chunk  Democrat 

Mauch  Chunk  Times 

Mauch  Chunk  Daily  Times  Mauch  Chunk 

Middleburg  Post        Middleburg 

Myerstown  Sentinel      Myerstown 

Myerstown  Enterprise    Myerstown 

Northampton  Correspondent  Easton 

Northampton  Democrat    Easton 

Penn  Press 

Pennsylvania  Dutchman 

Pennsylvania  German 


Pennsylvania  Staats 

Pine  Grove  Herald 


Pine  Grove 


























Reading  Adler 



Reading  Times  and 



Reformed  Church  Record 



Republikaner  von  Berks 



Rural  Press 

Kemp ton 


Rural  Press 



The  Advocate 



The  American  Volunteer 



South  Bethlehem  Star  - 

South  Bethlehem 


Spirit  of  Berks 



The  National  Educator 



Unabhangiger  Republikaner  -Allentown 


Uncle  Samuel  - 








The  writer  of  this  dissertation  was  born  at  Lower  Saucon 
(Hellertown) ,  Pennsylvania,  August  27,  1878.   He  attended  the 
public  schools,  and  1894-5,  the  Keystone  State  Normal  School, 
Kutztown,  Pa.,  from  which  he  graduated  1895.   After  three  years 
of  teaching  he  studied  at  the  Pennsylvania  State  College,  State 
College,  Pa.  and  at  Lafayette  College,  Easton,  Pa.,  graduating 
from  the  latter  in  the  Classical  Course  (A.B.)  1901.   From  1901- 

1906  he  was  Tutor  of  German  and  Greek  at  Lafayette  College;  1906  - 

1907  Instructor  at  the  United  States  Naval  Academy  Preparatory 
School,  Annapolis,  Aid.   During  the  summer  of  1903  he  attended 
Summer  School  at  the  University  of  Marburg,  Germany. 

In  September,  1907  he  entered  the  Graduate  School  of  the 
Johns  Hopkins  University.  (During  the  year  1907-8  he  was  Instructor 
in  Latin  and  German  at  the  College  of  Notre  Dame,  Baltimore,  Mdj 
1908-9  he  was  University  Scholar  in  Germanics  and  1909-11,  Uni- 
versity Fellow  in  Germanics).   He  has  studied  under  Professors 
V/ood,  Collitz,  KIrby  Smith,  Gildersleeve,  Bloomfield,  Wilson, 
Robinson,  Mustard,  Hofmann  and  Roulston. 

He  takes  this  opportunity  to  express  his  gratitude  to  them 
for  the  inspiration  they  have  been  to  him  and  the  helpful  en- 
couragement they  have  given  him;  his  especial  indebtedness  to 
Professors  Wood  and  Collitz  is  hereby  acknowledged.   Under  the 
direction  of  Professor  V/ood  this  dissertation  was  prepared;  to 
his  counsel  and  criticism  during  every  stage  of  its  preparation 
the  writer  here  bears  testimony. 

The  Johns  Hopkins  University, 
Baltimore,  Maryland. 

May  1,  1911. 


I  '-■ 






