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By Authority of the Minister for Mines and Agriculture, 


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INTRODUCTORY eo2 eee eee 








List oF GRASSES... ae oan 



INDEX eee ece eoe aoe 






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T rrust this little Manual will supply a two-fold demand—that of the farmer 
and pastoralist, and that of the botanist. The former, whom it is primarily 
intended to help, may lay aside the botanical descriptions and find, perhaps, 
that the other notes and the references to plates will not only assist them in 
identifying the various kinds of grasses, but also in appraising their value, 
and guide them in taking steps to cultivate and improve them. 

As far as our knowledge extends at present, there are about 3,200 species 
of grasses, of which 196, comprised in 56 genera, are indigenous to this 
Colony. When it is pointed out that the short turf of the tops of our 
mountain ranges, and some of the tall reedy plants of our lagoons, are alike 
grasses, it will be at once understood how different in appearance and pro- 
 perties are the plants we call by this name. 

Grasses have flowers and seeds as well as gum-trees or lilies, but owing to 
the enormous number of herbivorous animals—domestic, such as sheep, 
cattle, and horses—and wild native animals, such as wallabies and kangaroos, 
(to say nothing of the ubiquitous rabbit), the flowering and seeding parts of 
the plant are usually eaten down, so that the diversity that grasses would 
naturally present is frequently not apparent; consequently, in many cases, 
in looking at grasses in the field we have only the leaves to look at, and as 
there is much similarity between the leaves of many grasses, the difficulty of 
the pastoralist in learning about them is much increased. If, however, he 
exercises care, he will see in paddocks from which stock are excluded, or under 
the shelter of shrubs, fences, stones, &c., grasses which have been allowed to 
flower, and by examination of these he can usually be able to discriminate 
most of the grasses on his holding. Nevertheless, however it may be sim- 
plified, there is no golden road to a knowledge of the grasses any more than 
to any other branch of knowledge, and those interested in the subject may 
be reminded that the Department will always be willing to name and give 
information in regard to any specimen that may be sent. But the grass must 
be sent in flower or grain; it will not suffice simply to send blades. 

What we know as grass consists of a number of plants growing closely 
together—for grasses will grow together far more closely than is the case 
with most plants. If a piece of turf be pulled apart it will be seen to be 
composed of little plants with complete roots and leaves, and if not kept 



cropped close each of these little plants may flower; so that it will be at 
once seen how countless is. the number of grass-plants in even one small 
paddock. As the value of the paddock for grazing depends on the kinds 
these little grass-plants are, it will be seen how desirable it is to set about 
improving the various kinds, for when we change a grass we do it as regards 
millions of plants. 

Just as florists’ flowers and vegetables have been vastly improved by selec- 
tion of seed and improved methods of cultivation on the part of the gardener, 
so as regards grasses (though not to the same extent perhaps, but who can 
tell?), we look forward to improvements of paddocks not cnly by substi- 
tuting good for inferior species, but we hope to be able to vastly increase the 
value (from the point of view of the farmer and pastoralist), of existing species. 
Many of us are apt to look upon grasses as the very embodiment of a stationary 
thing, as containing a fixed and definite quantity of nutriment for stock, 
incapable of improvement, an idea which, if persistently held, will be a bar 
to all improvement. 

I desire to thank Messrs. Ernst Betche and William Forsyth for the 
patient care with which they have assisted me to revise the proofs. 


Arrention has often been drawn in this Colony to the desirability of 
encouraging the growth of our native grasses, but the recommendations have 
frequently been in advance of the time. In this connection the words of 
P. Cunningham, written over seventy years ago, will be read with interest :— 

“We want much to have a course of experimental trials with our native. 
grasses, in order to ascertain how far they are capable of improvement from 
cultivation, and of being associated with the most suitable of the English 
grasses In ameliorating our swards. It is in this point of view that Govern- 
ment farms are calculated to be of use; and certainly the Government of a 
young country like ours could not devote a thousand or two yearly to a 
better purpose than experimentalising upon systems and substances likely 
to be conducive to the awakening of its slumbering energies and the pro- 
gressive advancement of its wealth.””— Two Years in New South Wales ; by 
P. Cunningham, R.N. 2nd edition, vol. i, p. 197 (1827). 

Now that we have a Department of Agriculture the work is being taken 
up in earnest. Our grasses are experimented with more or less at all the 
experimental farms. Under my own immediate supervision I have a number 
of Australian and American grasses under cultivation, in good soil near the 
coast, viz.,in the Botanic Gardens; in poor, sandy soil in the Centennial 
Park ; and in clay soil at the State Nursery at Campbelltown. The past year 
has been the most discouraging year for many years to planters, because of 
the drought, and of what I may term the ‘“‘ awkward” periods at which the 
small amount of rain we had fell; but such bad seasons teach some lessons 
which good seasons fail to do. 

Most of the reports on our native grasses refer to them strictly in the wild 
state, but cultivation frequently changes the nature of grasses in the 
direction of making them tender. In other words, our knowledge of native 
species is not as favourable to many of them as we may reasonably expect 
it to be on further acquaintance. 

There is another matter for consideration. Much depends upon the soil 
and situation in which a grass has been grown. Mr. T. R. Kidston, a man 
of wide experience of the western country, puts the case in this way :— 

“With regard to the nutritive qualities of grasses, I hold that they 
depend mainly on the soil on which they grow. If the ‘blue,’ ‘ umbrella,’ 
or “ kangaroo’ grasses are found on the rich plains, where the salsolaceous 
plants abound, they are very fattening ; but the same grasses growing in 
a stringy-bark gully or on a ridge are very deficient in fattening properties. 
In the first case the stock are always in high condition, in the second, 
however green and abundant the grass, the stock never thrive.” 

This should be borne in mind, not only in assessing the normal value of 
any particular grass, but also in our experiments with the view to their 
improvement. Because certain grasses have shown their adaptability to the 
conditions of certain soils and situations, it does not follow that they would 
not produce more valuable results elsewhere. This is the very basis of all 
acclimatisation work. If plants are all at the present time in their best and 



most congenial situations, let well alone, and not waste either time, money, 
or energy in endeavouring to modify their surroundings. But we know that 
the contrary is the case, and the intelligent grazier should ever be on the 
alert to seize opportunities of improving his pastures, by cultivating well- 
known grasses, and by the introduction and cultivation of new ones. 


Hacu holding should have a few acres of its best grasses fenced off for 
one or two seasons for seeding purposes. As land is usually stocked, 
grasses are frequently not permited to seed, and consequently are only able 
to propagate themselves by root-division. Who has not noticed howygrasses 
flower and seed when they get a chance, e.g., along the railway lines within 
the fences? In many places these situations are the only ones where one 
can get a little grass-seed. 

In addition, it would be very desirable for every selector and squatter to 
have a small grass-nursery, in order that he might test for himself the 
various native and imported grasses. Then he could ascertain their behaviour 
and habit in the climate and soils of his own district. The nursery should 
be in a place handy to the homestead, and if it would be a source of expense 
I would not advocate it. The principal cost would be that of a rabbit-proof 
fence, while the return to the grazier in the improved knowledge he would 
secure of the grasses suited to his district would be great. 

It would be, of course, very desirable to extend the idea of fencing off 
small paddocks. The very human mistake is made here, and in all parts of 
the world, of overstocking, with the result that the grasses most palatable 
to stock are temporarily (or perhaps permanently) eaten out, while their 
place is taken by weeds and inferior grasses,—grasses which have spread, 
because they have been comparatively uninterfered with by stock. The 
remedy, and there is only one remedy for this, is to periodically give 
paddocks a rest. In most parts of the Colony it is rarely that more can be 
done than this, but in the United States it has been abundantly shown how 
advantageous may be the breaking-up of the surface, and even the application 
of some kinds of manure. I will give one instance :— 

“‘ An experiment made at the Kansas Station in 1892 shuws what a thorough 
stirring up of soil will do for an upland prairie pasture. The experiment 
was made on a pasture in which the grasses had been dying out for some 
time, and the weeds were beginning to appear in abundance. It had been 
reduced to this condition by drought and over-pasturing. The surface was 
thoroughly loosened up by driving a weighted disc-harrow over the field in 
several directions. The pasture was sown to a mixture of orchard grass, 
meadow fescue, blue grass, timothy, red top, clover, and alfalfa, which was 
harrowed in, and a roller was driven over the field to level the surface and 
firm the ground. The seed germinated quickly, and the tame grasses made 
an excellent start, but by September the wild grasses had crowded them out 
and held complete possession of the field. In this case the stirring of the 
soil and the season’s rest not only enabled the prairie grasses to recover and 
to overcome the weeds, but to crowd out a good stand of tame grasses as 
well.” (Thomas A. Williams.) 

Professor Lamson-Scribner, the well-known American authority, thus 
speaks on the question of conserving the native grasses :— 

“It is very important that every possible effort should be made to pre- 
serve the native grasses. They are naturally adapted to the conditions 


which prevail in the region, and it is quite cmvegable that introduced forms 

can be had to take their places satisfactorily, at least for years to come. 
That some of the native forms flourish under conditions that would kill the 
common cultivated ones is seen by the situation in Stark County, North 
Dakota. At Dickinson, the Weather Bureau reports for 1895 show a rainfall 
of 11:75 inches. Of this amount, 5°75 inches fell in June and July. The 
small precipitation of 0°64 inch in the three months of August, September, 
and October favours the important process of curing on the ground. This 
enables thousands of cattle to live during the winter on the nutritious forage 
furnished by this method of curing the grasses which grow at this point.” 
(Brannon.) “Such a climatic condition would soon destroy the ordinary 
cultivated grasses, but the native species have flourished under it for 
centuries, and there is no reason why they should not continue to do so and 
still yield plenty of forage, if properly handled.” (Grasses and Forage 
Plants, United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 6, pp. 6 and 

The above might have been written with much of our western country 
in view, so similar are the conditions, at least as regards rainfall. 

And again: ‘‘ Experience has shown that many of the most valuable of 
the native grasses are very much benefited by a judicious application of 
even a small amount of water. Asarule there is sufficient rainfall to give 
the grasses a good start in the spring, and if enough water could be had to 
keep up a strong growth when the dry, hot summer weather comes on, an 
abundant forage crop would be assured.” (Op. cit. p. 7.) 

It may be that the water from our artesian bores, and other water avail- 
able for irrigation, may be utilised to an even greater extent than it has 
been in the past, in directly irrigating pasture land for part of the year. 

Mr. Thomas A. Williams gives the following summary of his recommen- 
dations for the renewing of worn-out pastures of native grasses :— 

“(z.) Avoid overstocking. 

(ar.) When the soil begins to get baked and packed stir it up with a 

(111.) Give an occasional light top-dressing of well-rotted stable manure 

(ay.) Fill in thin with hardy tame or wild grasses before the weeds get 
a start. 

(vy.) Keep the weeds mowed off so that the grasses may Epa the benefit 
of all the plant-food there is in the soil.” 


Very few analyses have been made of our indigenous grasses, but it is very 
desirable that a comprehensive investigation of them should be carried out. 
To do the work properly we require specimens of the same species collected 
in different parts of Australia, in different seasons, and in different stages of 
growth. In order to secure strictly comparable results, 1t would be desirable 
to set apart one chemist whose attention should not be distracted with any 
other kind of work. He could do the work with reasonable thoroughness in 
three years, and his researches would settle the comparative value of many of 
our esteemed indigenous grasses, and also give us specific information in regard 
to the value of some grasses in respect to which we only possess vague infor- 
mation. If, in addition, we could only obtain analyses of introduced grasses 
grown in the colonies, the results would be of enhanced value. 


In the Manual each grass has been dealt with in a uniform manner, and in 
the following order :— 

1. Botanical name. 6. Botanical notes. 

2. Synonyms. 7. Value as a fodder. 

3. Vernacular names. 8. Other uses. 

4. Where figured. 9. Fungi found on the grass. 
5. Botanical description. 10. Habitat and range. 

These appear to me the most important points on which information is 
likely to be required in a work of this kind. 

1. Botanical name.—The nomenclature followed has been that of Bentham’s 
Flora Australiensis. I hold the opinion that, except in the very rare instances 
in which Bentham is actually wrong, this work should be loyally respected 
as a standard of nomenclature of Australian plants. Until the time comes 
for a second edition of the Flora, in which any necessary corrections can be 
made, Bentham’s work should be followed as closely as possible. The 
numbering of the genera and species is that of the Flora Australiensis, so 
that the present publication may be conveniently referred to while studying 
the classic. The order of sequence of course indicates botanical affinity, 
and an advantage will be that as additional species are discovered in the 
Colony, notes in regard to them can readily be inserted in the text. 

2. Synonyms.—lI have, under this head, noted where the name in Mueller’s 
Census differs from that of the Flora. I have, in a few cases, given, in addi- 
tion, well-known names whether in the Census or not. In a few cases 
obsolete names have been noted, only because under such names good plates 
of grasses have been figured. 

3. Vernacular names.—Many of our grasses, not being specifically recog- 
nised by Australians, have no common names. In a few cases names, 
clumsy perhaps, have been coined for them. In regard to others, where 
species are not endemic in Australia, the names under which they are known 
in Europe, the United States, India, &c., are given as a matter of convenience. 

4. Where figured.—I have given the names of works where grasses have 
been figured. Where names have been given, the title of the illustrated 
work referred to will be found under “ Works consulted.,”’ see page 5. 
It will be found that the references are to works which are for the most 
part readily accessible to the people of this Colony. 

Some excellent figures of dissections of grass-flowers will be found at 
plate 4 of Vasey’s work; also Report of Secretary for Agriculture (U.S.A.), 
for 1879, 1880. Admirable figures, illustrating the genera of grasses 
(American), will be found on plates vii to xv of Gray’s Manual of the 
Botany of the Northern United States. 

5. Botanical description.—This is taken, both as regards genus and species, 
from the Flora Australiensis, and, as a very general rule, word for word. 

6. Botanical notes.—Under this head will be found a few general notes, 
which may perhaps be useful to the student,—notes which are not of an 
economic character, and which do not form part of the plant description. 

7. Value as a fodder.—This is by far the most important value of a grass, 
at all events in Australia. It will be observed that we have but imperfect 
knowledge of the fodder-value of many of our grasses, and correspondence 
is Invited on subject. 


8. Other uses.—As a general rule these are more interesting than useful, 
and some are inserted for completeness sake. 

9. Fungi found on grass.—As a general rule these will be found to be 
microfungi, such as what are known as “smuts,” “rusts,” black spots,” &c. 
Very few fungi have been recorded on Australian grasses, and now that 
attention has been drawn to the subject, I feel sure that collectors will 
speedily increase the number very largely. I shall be glad to receive speci- 
mens of grasses, blighted or with various small stains, patches, or spots 
thereon. . 

The following fungi have been recorded on Australian grasses, genera 
not stated. Where the genus or species has been recorded, the information 
has been given when dealing with the grass in question :— 

Grass— Grass, leaves of— 
Hypocrea (Hypocrella) axillaris, Phyllachora graminis, Pers. 
Cooke. Spherella graminicola, Fckl. 
Isaria graminiperda, var. fuci- Grass, roots of— 

formis, Berk. Agari Naucori rusticola 
Leocarpus fragilis, Dicks. ae A oe j 
Phoma nitida, Rob. Agaricus (Tubaria) inquilinus, 
Spunaria alba, Bull. Fr.; var. ecbolus, Fr. 
Grass, culms— _ Grasses, undefined— 
Phoma graminis, West. Epichloé cinerea, Berk. et Br. 

Grass, decaying— 
Choetonium elatum, Kz. 

10. Habitat and range.—We have much to learn in this direction yet. 
I have given the localities with some precision as regards our own Colony, 
making brief notes suffice in regard to the range in the other colonies. We 
want additional information in regard to the occurrence of many species 
within our own Colony, and collections of grasses are cordially asked for, it 
being understood that the fullest particulars will be returned to senders 
concerning their consignments. 


Fortowine is the list of works consulted by me, and to which I am more 
or less indebted :— 

1, Sinclair, G. 

Hortus Woburnensis gramineus.—Account of the result of experiments 
on the produce and nutritive qualities of different grasses and 
other plants. London, J. Ridgway, 2nd edition, 1825. 

2. Bentham, G. 
Notes on Graminee.—Proc. Linn. Soc. (Botany), xix, 14. 
3. Hackel, Edward. 

The True Grasses —Translated from Die natirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 
by F. Lamson-Scribner and Effie A. Southworth. Westminster, 
Archibald Constable and Co., 1896. 

4, Labillardiére, J. J. 

Nove Hollandiz Plantarum Specimen. Paris, 1804. (2 vols., 4to., 
with numerous plates.) 

o. Bentham, G., and Mueller, F. 

Flora Australiensis—A description of the plants of the Australian 
territory, in 7 vols. 1863-78. (B. Fl. is the usual contraction for 
this work.) 

6. Mueller, F. 
Fragmenta Phytographie Australie, in 11 vols.and 1 part. Melbourne, 

re Second Systematic Census of Australian Plants. Melbourne, 
8. Select Extra-tropical Plants. 

9. Cunningham, P. 
Two Years in New South Wales.—Chapter on “ Our Native Grasses.” 
Vol. i, p. 194. 1824. 
10. Bacchus, W. H. 
A Description of some Victorian and other Australian Grasses —Second 
Annual Report of the Secretary for Agriculture. Melbourne, 1874. 
11. O’Shanesy, P. A. 
Contributions to the Flora of Queensland. Daily Northern Argus . 
Office, Rockhampton, 1880. 
12. Bailey, F. M. 
Inquiry for Seeds of Grasses and other Fodder-plants. Brisbane, 
Thorne and Greenwell, 1877. 12mo., p. 21. 

13. An Ijlustrated Monograph of the Grasses of Queensland (plates 
by K. T. Staiger). Vol.i, 1878. Published in 1879 by Warwick and 
Sapsford, Brisbane. Large Ato. (This is the work in which the 
figures referred to as ‘“‘ Bailey” are to be found.) 

14, A Few Queensland Grasses: A publication prepared for the 

Queensland Commission, Melbourne Exhibition, 1888. 

15. Dairying in Queensland: A pamphlet issued by the Department of 
Agriculture, Brisbane, for circulation in England. The greater 
portion is taken up by a chapter on Queensland grasses by Mr. 
FE. M. Bailey. 

16, Vasey, G. 

The Agricultural Grasses and Fodder-plants of the United States. 
United States Department of Agriculture. Government Printing 
Office, Washington, 1889. 

17, Lamson-Scribner, F. 

Grass Gardens. Year-book United States Department of Agriculture 
for 1895. 

18. Grasses of Salt Marshes. 0. 

19, Kearney, Thos. T., jun. 

Notes on Grasses and Forage-plants of the South-eastern States. 
Bulletin No. 1, Division of Agrostology, United States mie 
of Agriculture, 1895. 

20. Smith, Jared G. 

Forage Conditions of the Prairie Regions. Year-book of United States 
Department of Agriculture for 1895. 

21, Williams, Thomas A. 

Grasses and Forage-plants of the Dakotas. Bulletin No. 6, United 
States Department of Avriculture, Division of Agrostology, 1897. 

22. Rydberg, P. A., and Shear, C. L. 

A Report upon Hie Grasses.aall Forage-plants of the Rocky Mountain 
Region. United States Department of Agriculture, Division of 
Agrostology, Bulletin No. 5, 1897. 

23. Buchanan, John. : 

The Indiecnous Grasses of New Zealand. Government Printer, 
Wellington, N.Z., 1880. 

24. Church, A. H. 

Food-grains of India. London, Chapman and Hall, 1886. Includes 
illustrations and particulars as to the alimentary value of several 

25. Duthie, J. F. 

The Fodder-grasses of Northern India. Roorkee, India, 1888. Printed 
at the Thomason Civil Engineering College Press. 

26. Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. Article “ Fodder-grasses,” 
vol. i, p. 420. 

27. Kew Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. 

28. Trinius, C. B. 

Species Graminum Iconibus et Descriptionibus. Petropoh, 1528-1836. 
(3 vols.) 


ForLnLowineé is a small and imperfect selection. Further particulars are, of 
course, given under each species :— 

For planting under shade of Trees. Panicum distachyum. 
Panicum foliosum. »  folvosum. 
»  pygmeum. Andropogon intermedius. 
Oplismenus. Heteropogon contortus. 

Imperata arundinacea. 
Cynodon dactylon. 

For arid Situations. 

Panicum flavidum. 
i ] Phragmites communis. 

_ velopus. 

,,  distachyum. Sand-binders (interior)- 

»  adspersum. Spinifex paradoxus. 

» efusum. Cynodon dactylon. 

” ee i tum. Coast Sand-binders. 
oe protutum. Paspalum distichum. 
dics wee ; Panicum repens. 
ante Oe Spinifex hirsutus. 

CANN Zoysia pungens. 
Anthistiria membranacea. Imperata arundinacea 
ae ; Cynodon dactylon. 

OFIS . oe Sporobolus virginicus. 

eee, _ ven a. Distichlis maritima. 

eee ee. Schedonorus litoralis. 
Bromus arenarius. Lepturus 

For re Lands. A few of the most valuable Grasses. 

Paspalum scrobiculatum. Eioioa 
= ” eel ai Panicum, various species. 

anicum melananthum. ; ‘ : 

ge Andropogon, various species. 
DRL LNe e YEE: Sorghum halepense. 
” ~ CS Anthistiria ciliata. 
Oh ” ail Microlena stipoides 
ee iuis- Agrostis, various species. 
Hemarthria compressa. Danio 
Isachne australis. Vier cbla a 
wis ” 
Glyceria. Cynodon dactylon. 
Soil-binders, e.g., on River-banks. Chloris truncata. 
Paspalum scrobiculatum. »  ventricosa. 

55 distichum. Eragrostis Browni. 



Primary Series A. PANICACEAL,—Spikelets articulate on the pedicels 
below the glumes. Spikelet with one fertile flower, the male or barren flower, 
if any, below it. 

Tribe I—Panicex.—Fertile spikelets with one terminal bisexual or 
female flower, with or without a male one below it. Glumes four or three, 
the upper flowering one of a firmer texture, the outer one usually smaller, 
sometimes wanting. A. palea to each flower. Stamens three, rarely fewer. 
Grain enclosed in the hardened (rarely thin, but stiffened) upper glume and 
palea. Awns rare, and when present neither twisted nor bent back. 

Series i. Spikelets bisexual. 
Infloresence not bracteate. No bristle-lkeinvolucre. 

Fruiting glume hardened. 
Spikelets with three glumes. 
Pedicels not callous atthe summit. Flower- 
ing glume not awned ... ee 7. 1 Paspalum 

Pedicels with a callous annulus or cup at 
the summit. Flowering glume with a 
point or short awn ... seis ., 2. Eriochiga 

Spikelets with four glumes. 
Outer glume shorter than the others, often 
minute, not awned .... BS: =) Oo CRanicuia, 

Outer glume with a long awn a ... 4. Oplismenus. 

Spikelets surrounded by or intermixed with abortiv 
branches of the panicle, forming a lobed or 
bristly involucre. Fruiting glume hardened. 
Spikelets intermixed with long persistent bristle- 
lke branches, and falling off fromthem ... 5. Setaria. 

Involucres crowded or distant along a simple 
rhachis, each enclosing one to three 
spikelets, and falling off with them. 
Involucres of numerous simple or plumose 
bristles completely surrounding the 
spikelet ... ae aie a ... 7. Pennisetum. 
Involucre of severai outer bristles and inner 
flat lobes completely surrounding one 
to three spikelets and at length hardened 8. Cenchrus. 
Branches of the particle produced beyond the base of 
the last spikelet. Fruiting glume stiff, but 
scarious and rather thin. 
Spikelets solitary, or few along the slender in- 
articulate branches of the panicle ... 9. Chameraphis. 
Series i. Spikelets unisexual. 
Stems prostrate. Spikelets dicecious, in dense beads 18. Spinifex. 

Tribe II.— ANDROPOGONEH.—Fertile spikelets with one terminal bisexual 
or female flower, with or without a male one below it. Glumes four or 
rarely fewer, one of the outer ones the largest enclosing the fruit, the third 
smaller, thin and hyaline, sometimes wanting, the upper or flowering one 


very thin and hyaline, often bearing a twisted and bent awn. A palea to 
each flower, sometimes very small or deficient in the fertile flower. Stamens 
three, rarely fewer. 

(The awn when present is terminal or between the notches of the flower- 
ing glume in all except Arthraxon.) 

Subtribe I. —Zoysiexe.—Spikelets solitary or rarely in clusters of two or 
three, inserted all round the articulate rhachis of a simple spike or raceme. 
Awns none on the flowering glume, none or straight on the outer ones. 

Spikelets sessile in notches of the rhachis and closely 
Glumes two, smooth... se ee ... 14, Zoysia. 
Spikelets two, rarely three or four together on very 
short pedicels. 
Glumes usually three, the larger one 
echinate, a minute outer one sometimes 
wanting and a small ie flowering 

one d33 a ... 15. Lappago. 
Spikelets in a dense spike, mee cmc Glumes four, 
the outer one the largest... an ... 16. Neurachne. 

Spikelets in a loose spike or raceme, very narrow. 
Glumes three, the two outer ones with 
straight awns... bee = 7. Eerotis: 

Subtribe II.—Rotthoelliez. mia itelor awnless, th pairs or rarely 
solitary, in alternate notches of the articulate rhachis of a simple spike, one 
sessile fertile and more or less embedded in a cavity of the rhachis, the other 

Spike one-sided, the rhachis scarcely articulate. 
Pedicel-like spikelet barren me ... 19. Hemarthria. 

Subtribe [V.—Euandropogonez.—Spikelets in pairs or threes, rarely 
solitary, one sessile and fertile and one or two pedicellate and male neuter or 
rudimentary, rarely fertile or deficient. Flowering glume of the fertile 
spikelet usually awned or reduced to the awn. 

(The awn is deficient in Imperata, in Ischemum pectinatum, and some- 
times minute or deficient in some varieties of other species.) 

Spikelets in pairs along one side of a simple spike 
or of the spike-like branches of a simple 

Spike single. Spikelets unisexual, the awned 
females turned to one side, the awnless 

males imbricate behind them ... ... 24, Heteropogon, 
Spikes single or digitate. Sessile spikelet with a 
male flower below the fertile one _... 25. Ischemum. 

Spikes digitate. Spikelets one-flowered with a 
barren pedicel in the same notch. Awn 

dorsal near the apex... .. 27, Arthraxon. 
Spikes digitate. Spikelets in pairs, boll one- 

flowered and usually fertile... = Zou eollmras 

Spikes solitary digitate or several nearly sessile 
on a simple rhachis. Sessile spikelet 
one-flowered and fertile, pedicellate one 
male or neuter ... eee wit ... 29. Andropogon. 


Spikelets in single or few pairs or triplets on the 
slender branches of amore or less compound 
Panicle long and dense, usually cylindrical, the 
spikelets awnless, concealed under long 
silky hairs tes ,.. 80. Imperata. 
Panicle loose. Fertile spikelets syne : 

Outer glume either membranous or narrow 
and rigid with two ee often 

muricate lateral nerves.. .. 31. Chrysopogon. 
Outer glume when in Baty hard, anooth 
and shining, ovate or lanceolate ... 82. Sorghum. 

Spikelets in triplets fame sessile and fertile between 
two pedicellate and male neuter or rudi- 
mentary) within sheathing bracts. 

Triplets surrounded by an involucre of four male 
or neuter spikelets at the base of the 

peduncle... aie .. 383. Anthistiria. 
Triplets sessile or pedunculate Saati ae bract 
without any involucre ... ms . 34, Apluda. 

Subtribe V.—Tristeginez.—Spikelets paniculate, all ee the terminal 
flowering glume more or less stiffened or enlarged when in fruit almost as in 
Panicew, but the awn twisted and bent as in Andropogonee. 

Glumes four, two empty, the third with a male 
flower or empty. Panicle loose ... do. Arundinella. 

Primary Series B. POACHK Ai,—Spikelets not articulate below the outer 
glumes. Rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the two or three lowest 
glumes, or wholly continuous. Spikelets with one or more fertile flowers, the 
males or impertect ones, if any, above or very rarely below them. 

(In a few Phalaridez the lower glumes are deficient.) 

Tribe IV.—PuALARIDEX.—Spikelets with one terminal bisexual flower 
and rarely two male flowers lower down. Glumes two to six, all keeled or 
with a central nerve, two below the articulation of the rhachis persistent or 
in several genera deficient, four or fewer above the articulation, of which two 
enclose the grain without any distinctly two-nerved palea. 

Stamens six, rarely three. No glumes below the 

Spikelets very flat. Glumes two, without any 
small ones ... Bs » ... 88. Leersia. 
Spikelets not dateoneds Detimes four, mem- 
branous, the two outer very smal] ... 40. Potamophila. 

Stamens six or fou, very rarely three or two. Two 
persistent glumes below the articulation. 

Stamens four, rarely two. Spikelets pe 
more or less awned 42. Microleena. 

Stamens four. Spikelets not cod se ... 43. Tetrarrhena. 
Stamens three, rarely two. Glumes three, none below 
the articulation. 

Flowering glume awned. Panicle dense, cylin- 
drical, spike-like ... ss Be: ... 44, Alopecurus. 


Stamens three, rarely two; two persistent glumes 
below the articulation, two inner ones enclos- 
ing the grain, two intermediate ones small 
or enclosing male flowers. 
Panicle loose. Intermediate glumes enclosing 
male flowers with two-nerved palee ... 47. Hierochloe. 

Tribe V.—StRerTatHEeR®.—Spikelets with one, two, or rarely several 
bisexual flowers, and rarely a male flower above or below. . Flowering glume 
usually bearing an awn twisted in the lower part, bent or divided about the 
middle. Palea two-nerved, usually thin or small, in afew Avenacez as large 
as in Festucacez. 

(The awn is very small and straight or deficient in a few species of Agrostis 
and Deyeuxia, the twisted portion below the branches very short or obsolete 
in one section of Aristida.) 

Subtribe I.—Stipacez.—Spikelets one-flowered. Awn terminal, simple or 
three-branched. Lodicules three. Fruiting glume usually narrow, hardened, 
enclosing the grain. 

Awn three-branched ... et nk ... 48. Aristida. 
Awn simple, at length articulate on the elume ... 49, Stipa. 

Subtribe 1].—Agrostidez.—Spikelets one-flowered. Awn either terminal 
between the lobes of the glume or dorsal, in a few species very small or 
deficient. Lodiculestwo. Fruiting glume enclosing the grain, usually thin. 

Awn terminal between the lobes of the glume (two 
on each side), rhachis of the spikelet not 
continued beyond the flower a ... Ol. Pentapogon. 
Awn more or less dorsal, sometimes minute or deficient. 
No bristle continuing the rhachis beyond the 
flowermg glume. 
Awn fine and near the tip of the glume. 
Paleamorethan halfaslongastheglume. 53. Dichelachne. 
Awn dorsal or none. Palea not more than 
half the length of the glume or minute 
Or NODE ... . 54. Agrostis. 
Rhachis of the spikelet aerate andes! ats a 
point or bristle beyond the flower or 
bearing an empty glume. Awn various. 
Palea more than half as long as the 
glume... ee te . 55. Deyeuxia. 
Subtribe I1].—-Avenacee., a with two or im a Sew genera more 
than two perfect flowers (only one in Anisopogon), the rhachis produced 
above them (except in Aira). Awn either dorsal or terminal between the 
lobes of the glume. Grain enclosed in the glume and palea, and sometimes 
Awn dorsal. 
Flowers both bisexual, the rhachis not at all or 

scarcely produced. Grain adnate ... 56. Aira. 
Flowering glumes keeled. Two or three perfect 

Awns attached below the middle. Grain free 59. Deschampsia. 
Awns attached above the middle, grain free, 
glabrous... te Ae Bie ... 60. Trisetum. 


Flowering glumes rounded onthe back. Five or 
more perfect flowers. Grain glabrous. 
Seed deeply furrowed ... re 62. Amphibromus. 
Awn terminal between the rigid lobes or lateral awns 
of the glume 
Spikelets one-flowered (large with long awns)... 63. Anisopogon. 
Spikelets several-flowered ae 13: ... 64, Danthonia. 

Tribe VI.—Astrert®.—Spikelets with several or ina few genera only one 
or two bisexual flowers, the rhachis usually produced and often bearing one or 
more empty glumes above them. [lowering glume unawned or with one or 
more terminal untwisted awns. Palea prominently two-nerved or two-keeled, 
usually as long or nearly as long as the glume. 

(The rhachis is not produced above the perfect flowers in Miliex, and in a 
few species of other subtribes.) 

Subtribe I.—Pappophorez.—Spikelets one or several flowered, in a dense 
compound head, or in a spikelet or looser panicle. Flowering glumes rounded 
on the back, with three or more nerves leading to three or more terminal 
lobes or teeth, all unawned, or the central one or all tapering into untwisted 

(See also Chloris, which has often a small awn or narrow lobe on each 
side of the awn, and a few Iestucaceze have the hyaline tip two-lobed in 
front of or on the side of the awn.) 

Spikelets with one perfect flower (one or more ad- 
ditional male flowers:or empty glumes in 
Lobes of the flowering glumes three. Spikelets 
Lobes of the flowering glume all with long 
points or fine awns. Rhachis not pro- 
duced above the flower... De ... 65. Amphipogon. 
Central lobe only of the flowering glume 
awned. Rhachis continued in a small 
bristle =. ite Ne . . ». 66> Echinopogon: 
Lobes of the flowering glume nine (in the N.S. W. 
species). Spikelets in a short dense or 
loose panicle... we ee ... 67. Pappophorum. 

Spikelets with several perfect flowers. 
Spikelets sessile in two rows on one side of one 
cr two simple spikes, flowering glume 
three-lobed, the central lobe alone 
awned ... Re Ss jee ... 68. Astrebla. 

Spikelets paniculate. 
Flowering glume with three narrow awned 

lobes. 2.. x ne Br ».. 09, Trinaphis: 
Flowering glume with three unawned lobes 
or teeth ... ak RSs -.. 10 Wraodaa, 

Subtribe I[I.—Chloridee.—Spikelets one or several flowered, sessile in 
simple secund or unilateral spikes, which are either solitary or digitate, or 
scattered on a commonrhachis. Flowering glumes usually keeled, entire and 
unawned, or with one, rarely three untwisted awns. 


(Astrebla has the inflorescence, but not the glumes of Chloridez.) 
Spikelets one-flowered. 

Spikelets awnless, in digitates pikes, the rhachis 
of the spikelet not at all or ayes 
produced above the flower... . 72. Cynodon. 

Spikelets awned, in a simple or in digitate ve 
with one or more emia glumes above 
the flowering one . 73. Chloris. 
Spikelets several flowered (rarely one flowered in 

Flowering glumes entire. 

Grain or seed within the pericarp loose and 
rugose. Spikelets in digitate or scat- 
tered spikes, awnless or with ae 

pointed glumes .. ss .. 74, Hleusine. 
Grain smooth, the pericarp adnate. Safle 
awnless, in scattered spikes ... ... 7d. Leptochloa. 

Flowering glumes with a minute point between two 
small hyaline lobes. Spikelets in a pe 
or in scattered spikes, awnless_... . 76. Diplachne. 

Subtribe III.— Miliez.—Spikelets one or two flowered in a loose or 
narrow and dense panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet not produced above the 
upper flower. Outer glumes usually convex, several-nerved or almost 
nerveless, unawned. Flowering glumes nearly similar, unawned or with one 
straight awn. Grain free. 

Rhachis of the spikelet glabrous or nearly so. Outer 
glumes faintly-nerved. Flowering glumes 
Spikelets one-flowered ... = ee ... 77. Sporobolus. 
Spikelets two-flowered, the flowering glumes 
close together or little distant, hardened 
as well as the palea round the grain as 

iMebanieume), | ~.. Ss . 79. Isachne. 
Rhachis of the spikelet hairy reid: the dowerne 

Spikelets two-flowered. Outer glumes many- 
nerved. Flowering ee awned or 
unawned ee 3 . 81. Eriachne. 

Subtribe [V.—Festucacee. BS rikelots dexeiatxoften many-flowered in 
a loose or narrow and dense panicle or capitate, the rhachis of the spikelet 
usually produced beyond the last flower or ending in an empty glume. 
Outer glumes usually narrow, acute or rarely obtuse, unawned. Flowering 
glumes entire or slightly notched, obtuse, acute or the keel or midrib 
produced into a point or straight awn. 

Group i. Several empty awned glumes above one or two flowering ones. 

Spikelets in a narrow and dense or loose and eae 
panicle int : . 82. Ectrosia. 

Group il. Only one empty Lihue ‘ikote the foward ones, sometimes 
rudimentary or deficient. 


Rhachis of the spikelet with long hairs enveloping the 

flowering glumes. Lowest flower male. 
Panicle large and loose ey ae ... 85. Phragmites. 

Rhachis of the spikelet glabrous. Spikelets dicecious, 

few with closely imbricate ees ates 

thick and spongy ..... .. 86. Distichlis. 
Rhachis of the spikelet glabrous or hon tl or satel 

hairy. Spikelets bisexual. 

Grain free from the palea (except in a few Poe). 

Spikelets usually flat; the flowering glumes 
keeled, entire. 

Flowering glume and palea_ thinly 
scarious or hyaline, the glume 
acute or shortly awned, the palea 
keels broadly winged. 

Spikelets in globular clusters in a 
long interrupted spike ... 87, Elytrophorus. 

Flowering glume membranous or 
herbaceous, three or five nerved. 
Spikelets usually. many-flowered. 

Flowering glumes three-nerved. 91. Eragrostis. 

Spikelets few flowered.. Flower- 
glumes five-nerved ... .. 92., Boa. 

Spikelets flattened, flowering glume vel 
hyaline tips, notched or two-lobed, the 
keel forming a small point between the 
lobes or just below them we .. 98. Schedonorus. 

Spikelets narrow. Flowering glumes roimtacea 
on the back with three or more nerves 
not reaching to the obtuse hyaline apex 94. Glyceria. 

Grain adnate to the palea when ripe. 

Ovary pubescent, obtuse. Flowering glumes 
with a dorsal point or awn below the 
entire or notched hyaline tip ... ... 96. Bromus. 

Ovary glabrous. Spikelets usually narrow. 
Flowering glumes entire, acute or 
awned ... re np shi ... 98. Festuca. 

Subtribe V.—Hordeaceze.—Spikelets one or several flowered, sessile on 
the opposite sides or alternate notches of the rhachis of a simple spike. 
Glumes entire, awned or unawned. 

Spikelets several-flowered, flat, one side or face of the 

spikelet next to the continuous ian 

notched rhachis aa oe . 99. Agropyrum. 
Spikelets one or two flowered, with the rhachis pro- 

duced above the flower, half embedded in 

the notches of the more or less articulate 

rhachis sae Pr oh sé 102. Lepturus. 



Spectres confined to Australia are marked with an *; those confined to this 
Colony with +; the rarer species, of which specimens are particularly desired, 
are marked with the letter R. 

Tribe I.—Panicem. 

1. Paspalum scrobiculatum. Series v.—Myuroidee. 

if distichum. Panicum indicum. 
. brevifolium. 
ee. minutiflorum. Series vi—Paniculate. 
2. Eriochloa punctata. * Panicum foliosum. 
, annulata. i adspersum. 
3. Panicum. ne uncinulatum. 
Series 1.— Digitariex, ee en 
r a pygmeum. 
Panicum cenicolum. * marginatum 
x . e e . 9 : 
: i divaricatissimum. ue obseptum. 
e macractinium. ae bicolor. 
é »  sangurnale. rate Be melananthum. 
: R tenurssimum. Sas effusum. 
: » parvifiorum. ria Mitchellr. 
5 -parleyt. ys decompositum. 
. ee . * } 
Series .—Trichachnee. 2 i iia 
Se ' : * prolutum. 
EE ICE LIM, 4. Oplismenus compositus. 
x semtalatum. N setarius. 
Series ii1.—Paspaloidez. Sa Shania glean 
aay . »  macrostachya. 
a cum flavi cn 7. Pennisetum compressum. 
> — = 8. *Cenchrus australis. 
” CUO DMS: 9. Chameraphis spinescens. 
ae, distachyum. * paradoxa. 
9 TEversum. 13. Spinifex hirsutus. 


Series iv.—Echinochloe. 
Panicum crus-galli. 

5  paradoxus. 


Sub-tribe I.—Zoysiex. 

. Zoysia pungens. 

. Lappago racemosa. 

. *Neurachne alopecurotdes. 
= ~ Mitchelliana. 

* BS Munroi. 

. Perotis rara. 

Sub-tribe II.—Rottboelliez, 
* Hemarthria compressa. 

Sub-tribe IV.—Euandropogonez. 

24. Heteropogon contortus. 
25. *Ischaemum triticeum. 

* % australe. 


2k AE ciliare. 
28. *Pollinia fulva. 




29. Andropogon— 30. Imperata arundinacea. 
Section i—Gymnandropogon. 31. Chrysopogon Gryllus. 
* Andropogon erianthoides. parviflorus. 
a sericeus. Bi. Sorghum halepense. 
se affinis. plumosum. 
o pertusus. 30. Anthistiria ciliata. 
e intermedius. 3 avenacea. 
Pa An membranacea. 
Section ii.i—Cymbopogon. 34. a Apluda aaah 
* Andropogon bombycinus. te 
~ refractus. Sub-tribe V.—Tristeginex. 
I lachnatherus. 35. Arundinella nepalensis. 
38. Leersia hexandra. 44, Alopecurus geniculatus. 
40. R+ Potamophila parviflora. 47. lie: ochloe redolens. 
42. Microlena stipoides. a3 rariflora. 

43. *Tetrarrhena juncea. 


Sub-tribe I.—Stipacee. 5D. ae Forstert. 
48. Aristida— m Billardiert. 
Section i.—Arthatherum. ee plebeja. 
BOTS stipordes. ge CONOR: 
- arenaria. » 4 de driseta. 
<A Srigida. 
Section 11.— Cheetaria. * r scabra. 
* Aristida Behriana. ee is nivalis. 
* ,,  leptopoda. 1a breviglumis. 
* - vagans. Sub-tribe III.—Avenacez. 
* 4, ramosa. 56. Aira caryophyllea. 
eee calycina. 59. Deschampsia cespitosa. 
A ee depressa. 60. Trisetum subspicatum. 
49, * Stipa elegantissima. 62. *Amphibromus Neesii. 
3 Pucker. 63. * Anisopogon avenaceus. 
ee? micrantha. 64. Danthonia— 
cae Slavescens. Section i.—Micrathera. 
2 setacea. * Danthonia paradoaa. 
5, semibarbata. ee 
% f pubescens. ee Testa du hons, 
* | aristiglumis. eg Oke bipartita. 
* | scabra. $y carphovdes. 
Section iii.— Eudanthonia. 
Sub-tribe II.—Agrostidee. ee 
51. *Pentapogon Billardierc. af longifolia. 
538. Dichelachne crinita. z a robusta. 
sciurea. ss racemosa. 
54. Agrostis Mueller. » pilosa, 
oy ee SCqOne: a semiannularis. 

es ; venusta. af pauciflora. 



. *Hriachne aristidea. 



Sub-tribe I—Pappophoree. 

. *Amphipogon strictus. 
. Echinopogon ovatus. 
: ee eriorun nigricans. 


. *Astrebla pectinata. 

* FS triticoides. 

R* bP 


2 _ Mitchelli. 

$9 trritans. 

Sub-tribe II.—Chloridez. 

. Cynodon dactylon. 
. *Chloris acicularis. 

a 4g 6° Ctruncata. 
* 4,  ventricosa, 
R* ,, = scariosa. 

. Hieusine egyptiaca. 


: * Leptochloa subdigitata. 


; Diplachne loliiformis. 

3 Susea. 

Sub-tribe III.—Miliez. 
Sporobolus virginicus. 
is indicus. 
- diander. 
< % pulchellus. 
= Y Lindley. 
* actinocladus. 
Wenelae australis. 

Fs pallida. 
= = mucronata. 
* e obtusa. 

var. elymotdes. 
. *Triraphis mollis, 





Sub-tribe 1V.—Festucacen. 

. *Ectrosia leporina. 

. Phragmites communis. 

. Distichlis maritima. 

. R Elytrophorus articulatus. 

. Hragrostis— 

Section i.—Chaunostachya. 
Eragrostis tenella. 

<4 nigra. 

i is megalosperma. 
Ps pilosa. 

* Re leptostachya. 

Section 1i.—Megastachya. 
* Hragrostis diandra. 

% Brown. 
ce 3 laniftora. 
* is erlopoda. 
* “ chetophylla. 

Section iii.—Cylindrostachya. 

* Eragrostis lacunaria. 

* ee Salcata. 

Poa cespitosa. 

* ,, nodosa. 

= 43 lepida. 

Schedonorus littoralis. 

*Glyceria Fordeana. 
ia ewetans: 

= », latispicea. 

< 3»  ©ramigera. 

Bromus arenarius. 

Festuca duriuscula. 

Sub-tribe V.-Hordeacez. 

Nee: scabrum. 
- velutinum. 
a » pectinatum. 

101. Lepturus incurvatus. 

Fe cylindricus. 


A—lPamica cess 

Tribe 1.—PANICER. 

Series .—1. Paspalum. 5. Setaria. 
2. Hriochloa. 7. Pennisetum. 
3. Panicum. 8. Cenchrus. 
4, Oplismenus. 9. Chameraphis. 


Spikelets one-flowered, not awned, not callous at the base, in one 
or two rows along one side of slender spikes, either forming the 
branches of a simple panicle or rarely solitary. 

Glumes three, two outer ones empty, usually membranous and 
equal, or nearly so, the third flowering, of a firmer texture. 

Palea within the flowering glume smaller and more involute. 

Styles distinct, rather long. 

Gramm enclosed in a hardened palea and flowering glume, and free 
from them. 

Spikes two to five, usually distant. peels orbicular or broadly 

ovate, obtuse, about 1 line long ... i 1. P. scrobiculatum. 
Spikes two, close together, or scarcely fine Spikelets ovate- 

oblong, acute, or acuminate, 14 to 2 lines long ... 2. P. distichum. 
Spikes two or three, digitate or ‘ang So. Spikelets ovate, 

about # line long... oe cf 3. P. brevifolium. 
Spikes rather numerous, filiform. Sriboiets narrow ov a about 

= lineilonge ... os ae be Bas oe ee: 4, P. minutiflorum. 

1. Paspalum scrobiculatum, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Paspalum, Greek paspalos, one of the millets, 
(paspale is a Greek word signifying “ finest meal’’) ; scrobiculatwm, 
Latin scrobiculus, a little ditch or furrow, referring to the outer glumes, 
which are scrobiculate or furrowed. 

Synonym.—P. orbiculare, Forst. (referrmg to the orbicular 

Vernacular names.—Sometimes called ‘ Ditch Mullet,” from the 
situation in which it grows. Called “Cow Grass” in Queensland, 
according to O’Shanesy. The ‘‘ Koda Millet” and “ Hureek” of 
India are varieties of this grass. | 


Where figured.—Buchanan, Duthie, Church, Agriculiwral Gazette 
(N.S.W.) 7 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu., 460).—Hrect or ascending, 
attainmg 1 to 2 feet, the Australian specimens glabrous, or rarely 
with a few long hairs at the base of the leaf-blades. 

Spikes varying from two to five, alternate, spreading, usually distant, 1 to 2, or 
rarely nearly 3 in. long, the rhachis usually flat, and about 1 line broad, and 
sometimes minutely pubescent at the base. 

Sprkelets sessile or shortly pedicellate in two close rows, or rarely in part, at least, 
of the spike, crowded into three or four rows, ovoid-orbicular, obtuse, flat, 
about | line long when in fruit. 

Outer empty glumes thinly membranous, with a prominent midrib, sometimes 
minutely pubescent. 

Fruiting glume similar in shape but soon hardened, very finely striate, the central 
nerve visible only in the young state. 

Palea hardened like the Zowering glume, the inflected margins dilated at the base 
into broad hyaline auricles enveloping the flower. 

Botanical notes.—“ All or nearly all the Australian specimens 
belong to the variety still distinguished by some as a species under 
Forster’s name orbiculare, usually a more slender plant, with smaller 
spikelets, the rhachis often pubescent at the base, and the outer 
glumes scarcely or not at all scrobiculate. The marginal indentures 
and the intermediate nerves between the midrib and the marginal ones 
of the typical P. scrobiculatum are chiefly prominent in cultivated 
varieties.” (B. Fl.) 

Value as a fodder.—A long, rather coarse grass, which not only 
grows on poor land, but also on swampy ground. In warm, moist 
situations it forms a great bulk of nutritious fodder, but it 1s coarse 
and fibrous when old. In tropical climates it sometimes becomes a 
weed in cultivated land, but it is less noxious in this respect in our 
climate. It will stand close feeding. Duthie states that it is culti- 
vated as a rainy-season crop throughout the plains of India and at 
low elevations on the Himalaya. It is there usually sown on the 
poorer kinds of soil, and the straw is used as fodder. 

This grass sometimes deleteriows.—Cases of poisoning are occasion- 
ally met with in India through the use of this grain as an article of 
food. The symptoms are the same as those caused by the European 
Darnel (Loliwm temulentwm). According to popular belief there 
are two kinds, the sweet or non-poisonous, and the poisonous 

In the same country this grass, called “ Hureek,’ and perhaps 
identical with Ghohona grass, is said to render the milk of cows that 
graze upon it narcotic and injurious. Rosenthal pronounces it per- 
nicious perhaps only when long and exclusive use is made of it. <A 
probable cause of the deleterious properties is the liability of the 
grain to ergotism. 

Fungt recorded on this grass.—Cerebella Rossen Cke. and Mass., 
and. Ustilago Cesatti, Waldh. 


Other uses.—A. good variety of this grass (“ Koda Millet ”’) is used 
in India as a food-grain by the poorer classes. The composition of 
“ Koda Millet” (husked), is as follows :— 

In 100 parts. In 1 Ib. 

oz. gr. 

Water ak Bi Boe ua) Kas bie ler sa 1 382 
Albuminoids bites 75) Gi, —_ a 70 1. S52 
Starch ee i (af ae Be a ie a) aD wale 
Oil Me: ded sae hee ote ees 25 a 0 147 
Fibre eal aS se mee sie 0:7 Q 49 
Ash 11353 0 91 


This grass is much used by the Fijians for strewing the floors of 
their houses and public buildings. (Seemann.) 

Habitat and range.—Port Jackson to the Tweed, and westward as 
far as the Blue Mountains; also in New England and the other table- 
lands. Frequents damp places. Found also im Queensland and 
Northern Australia. Common in tropical and sub-tropical Asia and 
Africa ; also in the Pacific Islands and New Zealand. 

2. Paspalum distichum, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Distichum, Latin, consisting of two rows, applied 
(amongst other things), to the arrangement of grains in an ear of 
barley, having the spikelets in two rows. 

Synonym.—P. littorale, R. Br. 

Vernacular names.—‘‘ Silt Grass”? is the name adopted by Baron 
von Mueller. ‘‘ Water Couch” is another name. ‘ Sea-side Millet ” 
is the name for the coast form. Knot-grass and Joint-grass of the 
United States. 

Where figured.—Buchanan, Flint, Illust. North American Grasses, 
Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F'l., vu, 460).—Stems often creeping and 
rooting in the sand to a great extent, the ascending extremities varying 
from short and entirely covered with the leaf-sheaths, to slender, 
1 foot long or more, with the leaves distant. 

Leaves either linear-lanceolate and flat or involute and almost subulate, glabrous, or 
with a few long hairs at the orifice of the sheath and base of the lamina. 

Spikes two, close together, or the lowest at a distance of 1 or 2 lines, quite glabrous, 
the rhachis not above 4 line broad. 

Sprkelets sessile in two rows, oval-oblong, acute or acuminate, flat, 14 to nearly 2 lines 

Outer empty glumes equal and distinctly three-nerved. 

Fruiting glume hardened and very faintly three-nerved, or the central nerve alone 

Botanical notes.—Bailey separates P. littorale from P. distichum, as 
a variety. Both are united in the Flora Australiensis. It is doubtful 
whether the normal species is truly indigenous in New South Wales. 
In any case it thrives remarkably well in the Colony. Bailey observes 
that the two forms preserve their characters when grown side by side. 
The normal form (“ Silt Grass’) will not, he observes, stand the least 
salt-water. The variety littorale (‘ Sea-side Millet’’) “ has the same 


running underground stems as the normal species, but it differs im its 
narrower leaves, erect stems, and in being only met with in coast 
swamps. It thrives best in brackish swamps.” 

Value as a fodder.—Although not a forage-plant of the highest 
class, it is valuable because it supplies nutritious food for stock in 
damp, muddy localities, where valuable grasses are not usually found. 
Its creeping, joint-rovting habit enables it to stand close feeding. 
O’Shanesy says the kangaroo is particularly fond of it. 

That it will endure such a cold situation as Walcha (New England) 
shows that it need by no means be confined to the warmer coast 

Mr. A. R. Crawford writes: ‘‘ It is becoming quite a common grass 
on the table-land. I noticed it five years ago in the town of Walcha 
(3,500 feet). Itis nowall over the town. ‘Twenty years ago I intro- 
duced it on our station (Cunderang, on the eastern slopes). It is now 
to be found in many placesalong the river. Itmakes a rough-looking 
but valuable hay, much esteemed on the Macleay River. I have seen 
a horse leave corn and chaff in his manger to eat hay made of this 
grass. For pasture it is one of the most fattening kinds.” 

This grass has been so carefully studied in the United States that 
the experience of American observers in regard to it is especially 

For example, “ Several species of Paspalwm have received attention 
in the South as being useful pasture grasses, and very durable from 
their creeping and rooting habit. P. distichwm is one of these species. 
It grows principally in low, moist ground. Its stems and culms are 
mostly prostrate and running, sending up here and there a few flower- 
bearing culms.” 

Mr. W. A. Sanders, of California, writes: “ Are you aware of the 
value of P. distuchum for seeding pond-holes that dry up, or nearly so, 
in autumn? Such ponds are usually spots of bare, stinking mud, but 
when well set to this grass will yield all the way up to 80 tons (in the 
green state) of autumn feed for stock, especially valuable for cows 
first, then follow with sheep till every vestige is devoured. Surely 
it has an immense food value in such places.” (Vasey.) 

“Joint grass is adapted to warm, moist, alkaline soils, and in New 
Mexico is most abundant in low lands that are flooded occasionally, 
and upon the ditch-banks late in theseason. In this latter place it is 
more or less of a nuisance, though possibly of some little value as a 
soil-binder. So far as Iam able to state, it is not used as a pasture 
grass or as a hay crop. It is cut by the Mexicans much as Barnyard 
grass (Panicum crus-galli), and other grasses, to be fed green to 
stock before corn has matured. Its nutritive ratio of 1 to 16-7 indi- 
cates that it is not a very valuable feed, and its manner and place of 
growth are not such as to make it a desirable grass to cultivate.’ 
(Some New Mexican Forage Plants, Bulletin No. 18, p. 63.) 

Having enumerated some of its good qualities, we must not forget 
that itis not without drawbacks. It mats together, and to such an 
extent does this sometimes occur on land prepared for crops, that 
farmers have the greatest difficulty in ploughing through it. It often 


fills the gutters, as Sydney suburban, and other municipalities know 
to their cost. It turns blackish on drying, which is a drawback to its 
use for hay. Mr. Seccombe, who made many experiments with native 
grasses on the Richmond River, does not look with favour on this 
grass ; in fact, he advises discontinuance of its cultivation. He remarks 
that its growth starts late in the spring and ceases early in the autumn. 

Other uses —The rhizome is used in India as a medicine for inflam- 
mation of the gums and against conjunctivis, and in the Argentine 
Republic for liver complaint (Hackel) ; also for kidney troubles and 
gonorrhoea (Some New Mewican Forage Plants). 

It has considerable value as a soil or river-bank binder, and, as 
regards the coast form, as a sand-binder in addition. Some refer- 
ences to its merits for binding soil havealready been made. Kearney 
says that on the beach (U.S.A.) he found sterile shoots 6 feet or more 
in length, making excellent sand-binders. Lamson-Scribner says it 
often does good service in binding soils subject to wash, and that it 
can well be recommended for this use. Mueller recommends it for 
fern-tree tubs to produce a green sward and some over-dropping 

Habitat and range.—Port Jackson to the Tweed, extending west to 
the table-land. The var. littorale is found on littoral swamp-land and 
wet bottoms among sandhills on the coast-line, and the species 
generally in damp or swampy land. It also occurs in Queensland and 
Western Australia. It is also widely distributed over the tropical . 
regions of both the New and Old World. 

3. Paspalum brevifolium, Fligge. 

Botameal name.—Brevifolium, from two Latin words signitying 
“‘short-leaved ” (brevis, foliwm). 

Synonym.—Panicwm tenmflorum, R.Br. 

Vernacular names.—“The short-leaved Paspalum 
may be coined. 

Botanical description (B. FL, vu., 461).—Stems from a creeping or 
much-branched base, erect, slender, 1 foot high, or rather more. 

” is a name that 

Leaves short, narrow, flat, the sheaths usually villous or pubescent, the ligula 
scarious, jagged. 

Spikes or panicle branches two or rarely three, digitate at the end of the peduncle, 
filiform, 1 to 2 inches long. 

Spikelets scattered along one side ofthe rhachis, on short curved pedicels, ovate, 
rather obtuse, or almost acute, about ? line long, sprinkled with short, fine, 
appressed, silky hairs. 

Limpty glumes two, rather obtuse, cite equal, thin, finely five-nerved. 

Value as a fodder.—A small grass, having a creeping underground 
stem, from which leafy tufts are sent up, the broad, tender foliage 
affording good but short early summer feed, the flowermg stems very 
slender, and from 1 to 2 feet high. (Bailey.) 

Habitat and range.—It extends from Port Jackson to Queensland 
and Northern Australia, mostly in the coast districts. It is widely 
spread over tropical Asia. 


4, Paspalum minutiflorum, Steud. 

Botanical name.—Minutiflorwm, from two Latin words signifying 
small-flowered (minutus, flos floris). 

Vernacular names.—The small-flowered Paspalum. 

Botanical description (B.F1., vu, 461) —A rather tall, glabrous grass 
closely resembling at first sight the Panicwm parviflorum, R. Br., but 
with the characters of Paspalum and nearly allied to P. brevifoliwm. 

Leaves flat, rather long and narrow, the ligula short, not ciliate. 

Spikes or panicle branches rather numerous, filiform, alternate or ‘the upper ones 
clustered, 3 to 5 inches long. 

Spikelets numerous, very shortly but unequally pedicellate, narrow ovate, rather 
acute, about 3 line long. 

Empty glumes two, nearly equal, prominently three-nerved, glabrous or the margins 
minutely ciliate. 

Fruiting glume acute, smooth, and shining. 

Botanical notes —Bailey remarks, “it might be called the autumnal 
form of P. brevifoliwm.” 

Value as a fodder—Gives good pasture and plenty of seed. 
(Bailey.) : 

Habitat and range.—It occurs in damp land on our Northern rivers, 
and along the Queensland coast districts. Widely spread over tropical 


Spikelets 1-flowered, without protruding awns, with a callous 
annular or almost cuplike base, articulate on a short pedicel, in one 
or two rows along one side of the slender branches of a simple panicle. 

Glumes three, two outer ones empty, usually membranous, equal or 
nearly so, the third or flowering glume shorter, of a firm coriaceous 
texture, obtuse, but tipped with a point or short awn not exceeding 
the other glumes. 

Palea within the flowering glume coriaceous and involute. 

Styles distinct, rather long. 

Grain enclosed ina hardened palea and flowering glume, and free 
from them. 

Spikelets usually above 14 lines long, the rhachis of the spikes and 

main axis of the panicle pubescent or hirsute ... eae ds 1. L. punctata. 
Spikelets usually under 14 lines long, the rhachis and main axis 
glabrous sais ws ‘ ; ; 2. H. annulata. 

1. Eriochloa punctata, Hamuilt. 

Botanical name.—Hriochloa, from two Greek words signifymg 
wool and grass, or rather, the blade of young grass (ervon, chloe) ; 
punctata, Latin for dotted, apparently from the annular disc at the 
base of the flowering glume, which gives the inflorescence a dotted 
appearance, accentuated when the annulus is (as it often is), of a dark 

Synonym.—Both H. punctata and EH. annulata are included under 
Hi. polystachya, Humb. et Kth., in Mueller’s Census. 


Vernacular names.— Karly Spring Grass.” “ Hverlasting Grass” 
is an American name. 

Where figured.—Duthie (as EH. polystachya) ; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B.F1., vu, 462).—An erect grass, attaining 2 
or 3 feet; glabrous, except the inflorescence, and sometimes a slight 
pubescence in the upper part. 

Leaves rather long, flat or convolute when dry. 

Spikes or panicle branches about five to eight, distant, erect, secund, the lowest often 
above 2 inches long, the others gradually shorter. 

Rhachis, as well as the main axis, pubescent or hairy. 
Spikelets all pedicellate, but often rather close. 
Pedicels 1 to 2 lines long, usually bearing a few hairs. 

Spikelet ovoid, acute or shortly acuminate, rather above 14 lines long, seated on a 
thick annular or almost cupular disk, articulate on the pedicel. 

Empty glumes membranous, broad, and usually five-nerved, or the inner one rather 
narrower and sometimes only three-nerved, both more or less hairy outside, and 
sometimes rather densely covered with long hairs. 

Flowering glume much shorter, coriaceous, faintly three or five nerved ; obtuse, but 
the midrib produced into a point or awn as long as the outer glumes, as in Pans- 
cum helopus. 

Value as a fodder.—One of the best pasture grasses of the Colony, 
particularly of the coast districts, though it will endure considerable 
drought. It grows freely, is succulent, and much esteemed by stock. 

A good account of New South Wales experience with this grass 
is by Mr. Seccombe, who experimented with it on the Richmond 
River. He reported: ‘‘ This perennial grass is fairly plentiful, and 
in sheltered situations in this district it maintains some growth all the 
winter. It grows rapidly from very early spring to late summer, and, 
if undisturbed, reaches a length of 2 or 3 feet. It grows on various 
kinds of soil. Under cultivation its growth 1s wonderful, as well as 
its power of seed-producing. I took as much as six cuttings for seed 
off my plot during the season 1894 to 1895. This grass has been 
introduced to our district, no doubt through the agency of travelling 
stock, for it can be found more or less on the old, much-used high- 
ways. It is seldom seen to any satisfaction in open situations, as 
stock and padamelons keep it cropped very close. This close 
clipping has given rise to frequently-expressed ideas that Hriochloa 
punctata banishes Mullumbimby Couch [Kyllingia monocephala, a 
great pest.—J.H.M.|. It is a grass, I feel confident, our dairy- 
farmers should introduce to their holdings; it has great vitality, 
unquestionable milk and butter qualities, as well as the invaluable 
property of rapid reproduction.” 

I also quote a valuable report on it from the United States, of which 
country it is also a native :— 

“Trrigated but uncultivated fields usually produce an abundant crop 
of the above grass each season. After the corn is ‘laid by,’ or during 
what little ramy weather we have in tbe summer, this grass appears 
in the cornfields, along the ditch-banks and in the fence-rows, and 
makes a very rapid growth during the hot days of August and 
September. It occasionally does considerable damage as a weed in 
the Alfalfa (Lucerne) fields. 


“Tt produces many culms from each stool, many broad green leaves, 
and abundance of seed, and will reseed the ground each year. Land 
once seeded with it would produce a crop of fair hay after a crop of 
wheat has been taken off, provided the wheat stubble be turned under 
and the land irrigated. It is generally associated with Panicum 
crus-galli and P. colonum. 

“No grass, however good it may be, is grown for hay or pasture 
in this section, since Alfalfa supplies these demands; so it is not 
customary to cut this one for hay except when it appears as a weed in 
the Alfalfa fields. But the occasional lack of water would seem to be 
the only good reason why a crop of hay might not be cut from the 
fields that lie idle during the latter half of the season. Quite a good 
deal of it is cut by the Mexicans, and fed green to stock while waiting 
for corn to mature. 

“The grass is a native of this south-western arid section, being 
reported from Kansas, Colorado, Texas, and New Mexico, notably 
from the creek bottoms of this territory. The nutritive ratio of 1 to 
9-3 is narrower than in the case of Timothy hay of the eastern States, 
and so far as can be judged from the analysis, it should be a valuable 
forage plant.” (Some New Mewican Forage Plants, Bulletin No. 18, 
March, 1896, p. 64.) 

Habitit and range.—Found on every kind of soil and widely spread 
as H. annulata, being common in the tropics of both the New and Old 
World and New Guinea. It occurs in all the colonies except Tasmania. 

2. Eriochloa annulata, Kunth. 

Botanical name.—Annulata, Latin annulus, a rmg; in allusion to 
the annular callus or ring-like base of the spikelet. 

Synonyms.—See EH. punctata. 

Vernacular name.—Harly Spring grass (Bailey). 

Where figured.— Agric. Gaz. See H. punctata. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 463).—A smaller and more slender 
grass than H. punctata, the leaves usually narrower, glabrous. 

Spikes slender, 1 to 14 inches long, the main axis of the infloresence as well as the 
rhachis usually glabrous, the pedicels sometimes bearing a few short hairs. 

Sprkelets narrow, tapering at the end, scarcely 14 lines long, including the point, 
which is rather longer than in H. punctata. 

Empty glumes much less hairy than in that species, three or rarely five nerved. 
Flowering glume the same. 

Variety acrotricha, spikelets rather longer, with long points and 
rather more hairy, and the hairs of the pedicels more numerous, with 
a few sometimes also on the rhachis (B.Fl.) Found from the coast 
and table-land to the interior. 

Value as a fodder.—This is a valuable grass, one of the best, and, 
as already pointed out, closely related to H. punctata. In any case 
the remarks on these two grasses may, from the point of view of the 
farmer and pastoralist, be considered to be interchangeable. Mr. 
Seccombe has experimented on the grasses, side by side on the Rich- 
mond River, and following is his statement :—“ It is said that this grass 


makes excellent hay. Like H. punctata, it has been introduced by 
travelling stock, either from Queensland or our own open country at 
the back. It1is more plentiful probably than H. puwnctata, particularly 
around Lismore, so that any settler could secure afew plants by seeking 
some near the stone quarry. The grassis highly recommended to dairy 
farmers for systematic cultivation, either for permanent pasture or to 
cut for hay. Both the Hriochloas referred to in this paper are 
sufficiently vigorous to force a footing m old pastures, the seed 
springing into life from August to March.” 
Habitat and range-—Same as the preceding species. 


Spikelets with one terminal hermaphrodite and occasionally a male 
or rudimentary flower below it, rarely awned, variously arranged along 
the branches of a simple or compound panicle rarely reduced to a 
simple spike, the partial rhachis very rarely produced beyond the last 
spikelet ; barren awnlike branches none, or very rarely a single one. 

Glumes usually four, the outer one smaller than the others, not 
awned, often very small, deficient only in P. gibbosum, the second and 
third very variable in relative proportions, the third occasionally with 
a palea with or without three stamens in its axil; fourth or fruiting 
glume smaller, or as long as the third, ofa firmer consistence, enclosing 
a palea and hermaphrodite flower. 

Styles distinct or very shortly united at the base. 

(Frain enclosed in the hardened fruiting glume and palea, but free 
from them. 

Series ].—DIcrrarinzm. 

Spikelets mostly im pairs along the outer and lower side of the 
simple slender branches of the panicle, one of each pair always 
pedicellate, the other sessile or on a shorter pedicel, the upper ones of 
each branch occasionally solitary, the lower ones very rarely clustered. 
Outer glwme usually very small. 

Branches of the panicle often numerous, the lower ones long and 
verticillate, the upper ones scattered. 

Lowest spikelet of each pair sessile. Spikelets 14 to 2 lines long, 
more or less silky-hairy ... .. 1. P. cenicolum. 

Spikelets 1 to 14 lines long, more or less dallage — .. 2. P. divaricatissimum. 
Spikelets 1 to 14 lines long, not silky, but the lateral nerves on 
the third glume ciliate with rigid hairs seated on tubercles 3. P. macractinium. 
Branches of the panicle few, three to eight, digitate or clustered at 
the end of the peduncle. 
Spikelets of each pair similar, both ae wee oe or softly 
ciliate ee . .. & P. sanguinale. 
Branches of the panel contin ad an or the per ones capaabreinntieg the 
lower ones rarely clustered, and not verticillate. 
Branches, usually three, distant, 1 to 14 inches long. Spikelets 

ovoid, about 4 line long.. ; 8. P. tenuissimum. 
Branches often numerous, 2 io 6 indies lem: Spikelets dkibrows, 
3 to ? line long, the lower ones often clustered ... .. 9 P. parviflorum. 

Brandhes often numerous, 2 to 6 inches long. Spikelets narrow, Vas 
nearly 1 line long, silky-hairy _... ie of te. .. 10. P. Baileys. 


1. Panicum ccenicolum, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.-—Panicum, Latin for a millet-like grain (indirectly 
from panis, bread), some of the species yielding food-grains ; cenicolum, 
from the Latin ccenum, dirt, filth, manure; colonwm, inhabitant, the 
grass being commonly found near the droppings of cattle. 

Vernacular name.—Mr. Koch informs me that, in common with 
Pappophorum commune and some other grasses and small herbage, 
this grass is called “‘ Kanta” by the aborigines of the Mount Lynd- 
hurst district, South Australia. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 467).—Stems from a knotty branch- 
ing base, ascending to 1 foot or more. 

Leaves flat, usually softly pubescent or villous. 

Panicle of rather numerous slender simple branches, 3 to 4 inches long, at first erect, 
at length spreading, the lower ones verticillate, the upper ones alternate and 
distant, or rarely in pairs. 

Spikelets in pairs, one sessile, the other pedicellate, oblong, 14 to 2 lines long. 

Outer glume not exceeding 3 line in our specimens, the second rather shorter than 
the spikelet, five or seven nerved, the third seven to eleven nerved, both more or 
less silky-hairy and empty. 

Fruiting glume, smooth, acute. 

Value as a fodder.—Valuable as a lasting grass for moist meadows. 

Produces a fine bottom, although the panicles are large, dry, and 
spreading, and give it anything but an inviting appearance; it is a 
kind well worth growing.—(Bailey.) 

Other wses.—The grain, known as “ Power-tandra,” is eaten by the 
aborigines of Mount Lyndhurst, South Australia—(Koch). 

Habitat and range.—In the more arid districts of this Colony, and 
also of Victoria, South and Western Australia. 

2. Panicum divaricatissimum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Divaricatissimum, superlative of divaricatus, a 
Latin word signifying straddling or spread out, in allusion to the 
spreading branches of the panicle. 

Vernacular name.— Spider Grass.” 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botameal description (B. FI., vu, 467).—Stems from a branching 
base, sometimes under, sometimes much above | foot high. 

Leaves glabrous or more or less pubescent or softly villous, the ligula not prominent 

: and not ciliate. 

Panicle of rather numerous rigidly filiform simple branches, 3 to 8 inches long, at 
first erect, at length spreading, the lower ones in a dense verticil, the upper 
ones alternate and distant. . 

Spikelets in pairs, or rarely solitary along the branches, one sessile, the other 
pedicellate, 1 to 14 lines long, glabrous, or covered with long silky hairs, 
spreading when in fruit. 

Outer glume very small, ovate, obtuse, the second and third nearly equal and both 
empty, or the third rarely with a minute rudimentary palea, the second usually 
three-nerved, the third five-nerved. 

Fruiting glume ovoid, not gibbous, glabrous, smooth, acute. 


Botanical notes.—There are four varieties of this species :— 

1. Glaberrimum.—Stems tall; branches of the panicle sometimes more than 8 
inches long, the whole plant glabrous, spikes 14 lines long, glabrous. 
Hitherto only recorded from Queensland. 

2, Normale.—Foliage glabrous, or nearly so, panicle branches 4 to 8 inches long, 
spikelets 14 lines long, silky-villous, rarely nearly glabrous. 

Coast districts of New South Wales; also Queensland. 

3. Ammophilum.—Foliage softly villous, spikelets small, covered with long silky 
hairs, spreading when in fruit. 

Syn. : P. ammophilum, F.v.M. 
Interior of South Australia and of New South Wales. 
4, Radiatum.—Foliage softly villous, spikelets small, glabrous, or nearly so. 
Syn. : P. radiatum, R.Br. 
Coast districts of New South Wales; also Queensland. 

Value as a fodder.—This variable grass is more widely diffused in 
the drier regions, and it is not only a drought-resisting species, but it 
yields palatable and nutritious fodder. It also seeds freely. 

Habitat and range.—In all the colonies except Tasmania and 
Western Australia. Adapts itself to a great variety of soils and 
climatic conditions, from the coast to the dry country. 

3. Panicum macractinium, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Macractinium, from two Greek words, macros, 
long, and actis, actinos a ray; referring to the long rays of the panicle. 

Vernacular name.—;Roly-poly Grass.” So called because its 
panicles, when ripe, break off and are blown and roll about by the 
wind. Hence it has got into bad repute, because of useless plants 
which behave in a similar manner. 

Where figured.—Bailey. 

Botanical description (B. F]., vii, 468).—Allied to P. divaricatissumum, 
but taller and quite glabrous. 

Panicle similar, the slender branches rigid, often 6 to 8 inches long, the lower ones 
in a dense verticil, the upper ones alternate and distant. 

Sprkelets distant in pairs, one almost sessile, the other on a longer pedicel, both 
fertile and similar, narrow, acute, about 14 lines long. 

Outer glume 4 to 2 line long, ovate, oblong, obtuse, the second nearly as long as the 
third, three or five nerved, the margins ciliate, the third rather longer, very 
prominently three-nerved, ciliate, with rigid hairs proceeding from a row of 
prominent tubercles. 

Flowering glume narrow, acute. 

Value as a fodder.—One of the dry-country grasses; grows in tufts, 
and is nutritious. It is especially valuable in producing a quantity of 
palatable feed when young and green ; later on the natural hay is stall 
sought after by stock. 

Habitat and range.—In New South Wales and Queensland, from 
the coast to the interior. 

“ Although it is often found on rich downs country, it is often met 
with on the poorest sandy ridges.” (Bailey.} 


4, Panicum sanguinale, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Sanguinale, Latin, “ belonging to blood”; hence 
blood-coloured, referring to the red or purple colour this grass fre- 
quently assumes, especially on the approach of cold weather. 

Vernacular names.—“ Summer Grass ”’ ; “ Crab Grass” of the United 
States. Other names are “Finger Grass,” “ Hairy-finger Grass,” and 
«Manna Grass.” 

Where figured.—Duthie, Vasey, Hackel, Trinius, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 469).—Decumbent and often 
shortly creeping and rooting at the base, ascending to | foot, or rather 

Leaves flaccid, flat, usually pubescent, and sprinkled with long hairs, especially on 
the sheaths, but sometimes nearly glabrous. 

Spikes, or panicle branches, three to eight, crowded at the end of a long peduncle, 
all from nearly the same point, or shortly distant, 14 inches to 3 inches, or in 
some varieties above 4 inches long; the rhachis slender but angular, flexuose, 

Spikelets in pairs, one nearly sessile, the other pedicellate, oblong, rather acute, 
about 14 lines long. 

Outer glume minute, rarely above } line long ; second glume lanceolate, three-nerved, 
from half to three-quarters the length of the spikelet ; third glume usually five- 
nerved, glabrous, or slightly ciliate in the Australian specimens, empty. 

Fruiting glume shorter, smooth. 

Botanical notes.—Most of the Australian specimens have the glumes 
glabrous, or nearly so. Some, however, have them more or less 
ciliate with soft hairs on the lateral nerves or margins, which con- 
stitutes the P. ciliare, Retz. (B. Fl.) 

Value as a fodder.—The ‘‘Summer Grass’ is looked upon with 
mingled feelings. In the early summer it springs up with sur- 
prising rapidity, formmg smothering tufts, which speedily cover 
gardens, orchards, or any soil which is not repeatedly hoed over. It 
is a very light grass; that is to say, 1t possesses but little substance, 
a load of the fresh grass shrivelling to very little. O’Shanesy says he 
has seen it give 14 to 2 tons per acre, but does not state the weight 
of hay. In this Colony it is not a favourite with stock, as they do 
not eat it unless they are somewhat pressed with hunger. I have, 
however, seen horses eat it often enough. It will be noted from what 
follows that it appears to produce more valuable fodder in the Southern 
United States than with us. Duthie states that the grass is much 
used. for fodder in India. 

“Crab Grass is generally considered the best hay-grass of the 
Southern States. It is never cultivated in the ordinary sense, but 
comes up spontaneously on arable land after the cultivated crop is 
taken off. Sometimes the ground is lightly rolled, but that is the 
only preparation made for it. After a crop of corn or cotton, one, or 
sometimes two, good catches of crab-hay are made on the land. On 
account of its rapid growth, crab-grass is peculiarly adapted for its 
functions as an after crop. In good soil, when favoured by sufficient 
rain, it attains considerable size. At Mobile it was seen nearly 4 feet 


high. It is a tender grass, and makes a sweet hay, but is slow to give 
up its moisture, and, therefore, rather difficult to cure. When 
allowed to get the better of the cultivator it becomes a troublesome 
weed, but with ordinary care it is easily subdued. At Aiken I saw a 
large lawn, quite a good-looking one, composed almost exclusively of 
this grass.” (Kearney.) 

“This is an annual grass, which occurs in cultivated and waste 
grounds, and grows very rapidly during the hot summer months. 
The culms usually rise to the height of 2 or 3 feet, and are bent at the 
lower joints, where they frequently take root. At the New Orleans 
Exposition there were specimens of this grass 5 ft. 10 in. long. 

“Professor Killebrew, of Tennessee, says: It is a fine pasture 
grass; although it has but few base leaves and forms no sward, yet 
it sends out numerous stems or branches at the base. It serves a most 
useful purpose in stock husbandry. It fills all our cornfields, and 
many persons pull it out, which is a tedious process. It makes a 
sweet hay, and horses are exceedingly fond of it, leavimg the best hay 
to eat it. 

‘“ Professor Phares, of Mississippi, says that the corn and cotton fields 
are often so overrun with it that the hay which might be secured 
would be more valuable than the original crop. It is sometimes 
mowed from between the rows, sometimes cut across the ridges, and 
with the corn. 

‘“‘ Although so much esteemed in the South, it is considered a pest 
in the Northern States.” (Vasey.) 

“The spontaneous growth affords excellent pasturage, as well as 
hay of the first quality, if properly cured. It contains but little fibre, 
and dries quickly when cut, but if after cutting it is wet by rains or 
heavy dews its value for hay is almost entirely destroyed.’ (Lamson- 

Other uses.—“<It produces much seed, of which birds are fond. 
The common method of collecting and preparing it in Germany is as 
follows :—At sunrise the grass is gathered or beaten into a hair- 
sieve from the dewy grass, spread on a sheet, and dried for a fort- 
night in the sun. It is then gently beaten with a wooden pestle in a 
wooden trough or mortar, with straw laid between the seeds and the 
pestle, till the chaff comes off ; they are then winnowed. After this they 
are again put into the trough or mortar in rows, with dried marigold 
flowers, apple, and hazel-leaves, and pounded till they appear bright ; 
they are then winnowed again, and being made perfectly clean by 
this last process are fit for use. The marigold leaves are added to 
give the seed a finer colour. A bushel of seed with the chaff yields 
only about 2 quarts of clean seed. When boiled with milk and wine 
it forms an extremely palatable food, and is in general made use of 
whole, in the manner of sago, to which it is in most instances pre- 
ferred.’? (Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis). 

Habitat and range.—All over the colonies, except Tasmania and 
South Australia, in all soils and situations. Occurs also in Hurope, 
Asia, Africa, America, and the Pacific Islands. 


8. Panicum tenuissimum, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Tenuissimum, superlative of the Latin tenws, 
thin or slender. The grass is a very slender one. 
Botanical description (B.FI., vu, 470).—Erect, very slender, much 
branched at the base, often above 1 foot high. 
Leaves short and narrow, quite glabrous, the ligula short, scarious and jagged. 

Spikes or panicle-branches few, usually three, filiform, spreading, distant, 1 to 14 
inches long. 

Spikelets in pairs, ovoid, quite glabrous, but little more than 4 line long, both pedi- 
cellate, but one pedicel twice as long as the other. 

Outer glume minute, almost microscopic, orbicular. 
Second and third nearly equal, both empty, obtuse, membranous, three to five nerved. 
Fruiting glume rather acute, usually slightly exceeding the empty ones. 

Value as a fodder.—<A. palatable grass, which is probably nutritious. 
Habitat and range.—Along the Northern rivers; also in Queens- 


9. Panicum parvifiorum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Parviflorum, Latin parvus, small, and flos, floris a 
flower ; small-flowered. 7 
Vernaculur name.—Small-flowered Finger-grass. 
Where figured.—Bailey, Agricultural Gazette. 
Botanical description (B.FI., vii, 470).—A tall but slender usually 
glabrous grass. 
Leaves long and,narrow, the /igula scarious, often long, jagged at the end. 
Panicle-branches often numerous, spreading, simple, filiform, 2 to 4 inches or in some 

specimens 5 to 6 inches long, the lower ones distant, the upper ones often 

Spikelets ovoid, glabrous, 4 to ? line long, mostly in pairs along the flexuose rhachis, 
one on a longer pedicel than the other; but in the lower part of the branch 
often clustered, the longer pedicel bearing two or three spikelets. 

Outer glume very small, ovate usually one-nerved. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, both empty, membranous, obtuse, the second 
usually three-nerved, the third five-nerved. 

Fruiting glwme as long, more acute, smooth. 

Value as a fodder.—A rather tall, slender grass, which is so eagerly 
sought after by cattle that it does not usually mature seed, except in 
sheltered situations. ‘There is no doubt it isa valuable grass, and 
attention has been drawn to it chiefly by Bailey and O’Shanesy. Mr. 
Bailey (speaking of Queensland) observes that there are several forms 
of at. ‘ That on the dry ridges is somewhat wiry when in flower, but 
makes a good tufty bottom. The tall form is usually met with near 
watercourses and in rich scrub-land.”’ 

Botanical notes—Var. pilosa, more or less hairy. Common in 
Southern Queensland, and very probably to. be met with in Northern 
New South Wales. 

Habitat and range.—Coast district to the table-land, from North 
Illawarra to Queensland. 

10. Panicum Baileyi, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Baileyi, in honor of Frederick Manson Bailey, 
the well-known colonial botanist of Queensland. 

Botanical description (B.F1., vii, 471).—A glabrous rather slender 
grass of 13 to 2 feet, with the inflorescence of P. parviflorum, but the 
spikelets rather of P. divaricatissimum. 

Leaves flat, narrow, the ligula shortly prominent, scarious, not ciliate. 

Panicle of several simple filiform branches of 3 or 4 inches, all distant or the upper 
ones rather crowded, or the lower ones sometimes clustered, not verticillate. 

Sptkelets narrow-ovoid, rather acute, nearly 1 line long, mostly in pairs, one on a 
much longer pedicel than the other, or in the lower part of the branch, the longer 
pedicel with two or three spikelets, 

Outer glume very small, ovate, one-nerved. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, fringed with rather long hairs spreading when 
in fruit, the second usually five-nerved, the third rather broader and seven-nerved. 

Fruiting glume acute, smooth, and shining. 

Value as a fodder.—“Very near P. parviflorwm in general appearance, 
and, like that species, a good pasture or hay grass; it attains the 
height of from 2 to 4 feet, and is plentifully supphed with leaves. 
It is usually met with on good soil.” (Bailey.) Doubtless a nutri- 
tious grass, but we require information in regard to New South Wales 
experience of it. 

Habitat and range.—Northern New South Wales and Queensland. 

Srrizes L].—TRIcHACHNER. 

Spikelets silky-hairy, or fringed with long hairs, sessile, or shortly 
pedicellate, clustered, or rarely in pairs along the rhachis of the 
simple spike-like panicle, or of the two or few long erect branches. 

Spike-like branches, few or spike single. Spikelets mostly clustered, 

1 to 14 lines long, the outer glume present, but small and often 
concealed by the long silky hairs re : 12. P. leucopheum 

Spike-like branches few. Spikelets 2 to 2} lines long, fringed with 
long hairs connected by a prominent nerve or membrane. 
Glumes with fine points... bisa sie és vine 13. P. semialatum 

12. Panicum leucopheum, Humb. et Bonpl. 

Botanical name.—Leucopheuwm, a Latinised form of two Greek 
words (leucos, white, and phaios, brown), denoting a grey, or russet, 
or brown dusky colour, in allusion to the appearance of the inflores- 

Vernacular name.— Cotton Grass” of the United States. This 
name is sometimes adopted for this grass in Australia. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Panicum. semialatum, R. Br. 

‘““The Half-winged Panic Grass.’’ 


Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 472). 
Stems from a branching base, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves narrow, long or short, usually glabrous. 

Panicle of few long slender and erect spike-like branches, very unequal, and some- 
times reduced to two nearly equal ones, or toa single one, the longest 3 to 4 
inches, or in some very lax Queensland specimens, 5 inches long; secondary 
branches short, slender, erect, the lower ones with four or five sessile or pedi- 
cellate spikelets, the upper ones with only one or two. 

Sprkelets scarcely 14 lines long, rather acute, densely covered with long silky, silvery, 
or purple hairs, often spreading when in fruit. 

Outer glume scarcely } line long, obtuse. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal and empty, both densely hairy, the second 
usually three-nerved ; the third, five-nerved. 

Fruiting glume shorter, smooth, rather acute, and often slightly gibbous at the base. 

Botancal notes—Var. monostachyon, Benth. Spike simple as in 
P. gibbosum, but the outer glume present. (Western New South 

As observed by Bentham, the Australian forms of this species vary 
much, especially in the degree of development of the inflorescence 
and the size of the spikelets. 

Value as a fodder.—A grass more particularly valuable for the 
drier districts of the Colony as it is an’ excellent resister of drought, 
and it produces a fair quantity of palatable feed. Like most other 
grasses, it produces more favourable results with better soil and 
increased moisture. 

Other uses.—The fibrous under part of the leaf is peeled off when 
young, and twisted with the fingers, as it is drawn off into a thread, 
and used by Queensland aborigines to make twine. (H. Palmer.) 

Habitat and range.—In all the colonies, except Tasmania, most 
usually in the drier districts, but by no means exclusively so; it is not 
uncommon in the Queensland coast districts. It occurs also in 
tropical Africa and America. 

13. Panicum semialatum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Semialatum, half-winged, from the Latin, semi 
half; alatum winged, perhaps in allusion to the membranous outer 
glume, which is about half the length of the spikelet. 

Vernacular name.—‘ Cockatoo Grass”’ of parts of Queensland. 

Where figqured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 472).— 

- Stems erect, 2 to 3 feet high, silky-pubescent about the nodes, otherwise glabrous, or 

nearly so. 

Leaves narrow, with involute margins or subulate, usually pubescent, the lower ones 
sometimes densely clothed with long silky hairs. 

Panicle 3 to 6 inches long, consisting of two to five long erect or slightly diverging 
branches, clustered at the end of a long peduncle. 

Spikelets 2 to 24 lines long, few together, in erect clusters or short branches along 
the rhachis. 

Glumes all ending in a short subulate point, the outer one membranous, three 
nerved, about half the length of the spikelet. 



Second glume the largest, membranous, five-nerved, fringed on each side with long 
pale or dark-coloured hairs, spreading in fruit, and connected at the base on the 
intramarginal nerve. 

Third glume more rigid, though thin, with a small palea, and sometimes three 
stamens in the axil. 

Fruiting glume more rigid, with a rather longer point, the palea also rigid, but the 
inflexed margins thin, with a distinct lobe at the base on each side. 

Value as a fodder.—A. strong-growing useful grass, much relished 
by stock, particularly when young and tender. 

Other uses.—Lumboltz found this grass, in Northern Queensland, 
to form the principal food of white cockatoos. (Bailey.) 

Habitat and range.—Hxtends from this Colony to Queensland and 
Northern Australia, from the Liverpool Plains northerly and westerly 
to the dry country. O’Shanesy says that (in Queensland) it mdicates 
a poor clay soil. It is also found in Africa, and in tropical Asia from 
Ceylon and the Indian Peninsula to the Malayan Archipelago and 
South China. 

Reference to Plate.—a, Portion of a panicle; B, Spikelet, showing relative size of outer 
glume; c, Spikelet dissected, showing outer glume, second and third glume, and fruiting 
glume with its palea; bp, Part of fruiting glume, tipped with a minute point, and 
minutely transversely rugose. 

Srries [I1I.—PAaAspaLompE2. 

Spikelets sessile or very shortly pedicellate, in one or two rows, 
very rarely in pairs, along the short simple alternate, often distant, 
spikes or spike-like branches of the panicle, rarely reduced to a single 
terminal spike. 

Spikes erect, several, distant. Spikelets usually sessile, glabrous in two close rows. 
Spikelets oblique, 1 to 14 lines long, in close regular rows; second 
glume broad, gibbous ; third glume flatter, with a palea in it 
axils Le ee ug ne as, a ere 2 .. 17. P. flavidum. 
Spikelets nearly straight, 1 to 14 lines long, the rows not always 
regular, and sometimes very few in the spike; second and 
third glumes nearly equal, both empty ... a se ain 
Spikes usually approximate, erect, or at length spreading. Spikelets 
not so closely sessile, nearly 2 lines long, in two rows, and 
frequently subtended by hairs or bristles. A broad palea in the 
third glume. Fruiting glumes obtuse, with an awn-like point 20. P. helopus. 
Spikes distant, at length spreading or reflexed. Spikelets alternate 
along the rhachis, but not close, and appearing almost uni- 
Spikelets near together on a flattened rhachis i w+ oe 24, P, distachyum. 
Spikes reflexed, the rhachis flattened, ending in an awn-like point, 
and a rigid awn-like bristle under the lowest spikelet... ... 25. P. reversum. 

18. P. gracile. 

17. Panicum flavidum, Retz. 

Botanical name.—Flavidum, a Latin word signifying yellow, or 
inclining to yellow, the “ear” being usually of that colour. 

Vernacular names.—* Vandyke Grass.” I recommend this local 
name on account of having seen the large variety in great luxuriance 
at Vandyke, beyond Springsure, Queensland. (Bailey.) “‘ Warrego 
Summer Grass.” 

Where figured.—Duthie, Trinius, Agricultural Gazette. 


Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 474).— 
Stems erect, branching at the base, rather rigid, attaining 1 to 2 feet, or rather more, 
Leaves acute, sometimes rather broad, but the margins involute when dry, glabrous, 
except a few short hairs at the orifice of the sheath. 
Panicle of several often numerous, erect distant branches or sessile spikes, the 
lowest sometimes above 4 inch long, the upper one shorter. 
Rhachis flexuose, slightly dilated. 
Spikelets sessile in about two rows, in the typical form very oblique, ovoid, about 
14 lines long, or rather more in several Australian specimens, 
Outer glume very short, broad, and obtuse. 
Second glume the largest, broad, several-nerved, very concave and incurved. 
Third smaller, flat on the back, enclosing a palea large and broad in the typical 
form, but no stamens. 
Flowering glumes usually shortly acuminate. 
Var. tenuior, Benth. Spikelets rather small, not quite so oblique, 
the palea within the third glume usually very small, the fruiting 
glume very rugose. (Widely distributed over New South Wales ; also 

in Queensland.) 

Value as a fodder.—This is undubitably a good grass, producing a 
large quantity of nutritious, palatable feed, and yielding far more seed 
than most species. It is not particular as to soil or situation. It ig 
especially valuable for the drier parts of the Colony. Bailey records 
that it was stated to be the best fattening grass of the Warrego Dis- 
trict of Queensland. Duthie states that it affords excellent fodder for 
both bullocks and horses in India. Bailey speaks of the variety 
tenuior as a small grass, the stems often prostrate from the weight of 
seed. “It forms a good pasture, as besides the seed it gives a large 
quantity of leaves.” (F.M.B.) 

Other uses.—Said to be the cheapest grain grown, and will keep many 
years without being eaten by insects. For this reason it is stored up 
as a provision against years of scarcity and famine. (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range——From the Illawarra and Camden Districts and 
Port Jackson to the table-lands and interior ; also in Queensland. It 
extends over tropical Asia. 

18, Panicum gracile, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Gracile, a Latin adjective denoting slender or 
weak, in allusion to the habit of the plant. 

Where jfigured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 475).—Hrect, much branched 
towards the base, quite glabrous, usually slender, from under 1 foot 
to above 14 feet high, but exceedingly variable in stature and aspect. 

Leaves from very narrow to rather broad. 

Panicle usually long and slender, the branches or sessile spikes or clusters erect, dis- 
tant, the lower ones 3 to 4 lines or rarely 4 to 1 inch long, the upper ones smaller, 
pe reduced to short clusters or to single spikelets towards the end of the 

Rhachis of the branches often but not always produced beyond the last spikelet into 
a point sometimes as long as the spikelet. . 

Spikelets singly sessile or in pairs, one pedicellate, the other sessile along the rhachis, 
rarely more or less distinctly in two rows almost as in P. flavidum, ovoid, 1 to 
13 lines long, nearly straight. 

Outer glume ovate acute, rather less or more than half as long as the spikelet. 

Second and third nearly equal, both empty, membranous, and about five-nerved. 

Fruiting glume as long or rather longer, minutely transversely rugose. 


Value as a fodder.—A tufty, often rather wiry grass, but never- 
theless palatable to stock. It grows in the poorest soils—almost pure 
sand—as well as in good soils. In favourable situations it forms very 
large spreading tufts, and forms really superior herbage. It is exten- 
sively distributed in the Colony, and is worthy of every encourage- 
ment. O’Shanesy testifies that it makes excellent hay. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania. It 
extends all over this Colony. 

20. Panicum helopus, Trin. 

Botanical name.—Helopus, Greek helos a swamp, and pous a foot, 
the grass growing in swamps. 
Vernacular name.—The “ Kuri,” of India. 
Where figured.—Duthie, Trinius. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 476). — 
Stems usually rather tall. 

Leaves lanceolate, often rather broad and cordate at the base, with loose sheaths, 
usually more or less hirsute, especially the sheath, but sometimes nearly 

Panicle of few simple branches, sometimes three to five, almost sessile above the last 
leaf, sometimes six or seven on a rather long peduncle. 

Spikelets irregularly alternate in two rows along the rhachis, or the lower ones 
clustered and the upper ones more distant, ovoid, acute, nearly 2 lines long, 
pubescent, villous, or glabrous. 

Outer glume very short and broad, three-nerved, the second about seven-nerved, the 
third about the same length, but narrower, five-nerved, with a palea in its axil 
but no stamens. 

Fruiting glume minutely rugose, obtuse, but the central nerve produced into a short, 
awn-like point, not exceeding the empty glumes. 

Botanical notes.—The short, awn-like point to the fruiting glume is 
its best distinguishing character (Duthie) ; and Bentham points out 
that not only does it resemble Hriochloa annulata in this respect, but 
the two grasses are somewhat similar in aspect. The spikelet has, 
however, the outer glume developed, and is not seated on the peculiar 
disc-like base of Hriochloa. 

Value as a fodder.—This is a valuable, drought-resisting grass, 
found in the drier parts of the Colony. Itisa useful, nutritious grass, 
and Duthie observes that it is an excellent fodder-grass for both horses 
and cattle in India. 

Habitat and range.—In the interior of this Colony, and also in 
South Australia, Queensland, and Northern Australia. Common in 
tropical Asia and Africa. 

24, Panicum distachyum, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Distachyum, a Latinised form of two Greek words— 
dis (twice) and stachys (an ear of corn). The spikelets are sometimes 
approximate in two distinct rows. 

Vernacular names.—“ T'wo-finger Grass” ; the ‘“‘ Rockhampton Hay 
Grass” of Bailey. 

Where figured.—Duthie, Trinius, Agricultural Gazette. 

Panicum reversum, F. v. M. 

““Reflexed Panic Grass.’’ 


Botanical description (B. FIl., vu, 478).— 

Stems decumbent or creeping, and rooting at the lower nodes ; slender, and ascends 
ing to 1 foot, or rather more. 

Leaves flat, glabrous, or with a few hairs, especially at the orifice of the sheaths. 

Panicle, a few (usually two to four, but occasionally six or seven) distant simple 
secund branches, 1 to 2 inches long, at first erect, at length spreading or reflexed, 
the rhachis slender or slightly dilated, often sprinkled with a few hairs. 

Spikelets sometimes loosely alternate along the rhachis almost in a single row ; some- 
times more numerous and approximate in two distinct rows, sessile or shortly 
stipitate, ovoid, rather acute, 14 lines long, quite glabrous. 

Outer glume scarcely half the length of the spikelets, thin, very broad, the margins 
overlapping each other. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, prominently three-nerved ; a narrow palea in 
the third. 

Fruiting glume nearly as long, very obtuse, hardened, but the three nerves very 

Value as a fodder.—A valuable grass, yielding abundance of nutri- 
tious feed. A correspondent from the Wilcannia district refers to it 
as a “sweet and hardy grass.” It is undoubtedly of great value for 
the western as well as the northern districts. It is one of several 
indigenous grasses tested at Gracemere, near Rockhampton (Queens- 
land), and considered to be the best for hay-making. Bailey recom- 
mends it to be sown with Landsborough grass (Anthistiria mem- 
branacea) for the purpose of hay. O’Shanesy, also referring to 
Queensland, remarks that it is of considerable value as fodder, but 
that it must be sown thickly, as otherwise it grows too rank. Duthie 
states that as a fodder-grass it is probably as nutritious as any of the 
other Indian Panicums, but less plentiful. 

Other uses.—\t has been recommended for consolidating river banks. 

Habitat and range.—In the drier parts of the Colony, principally ; 
also in South Australia, Queensland, and Northern Australia. Widely 
distributed over Hastern India and the Malayan Archipelago. 

25. Panicum reversum, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Reversum, Latin ‘‘ turned back,’ the branches 
and the panicle being reflexed (bent or turned back) as shown in the 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 478).—A weak, glabrous, rather 
glaucous, much-branched grass. 

Leaves long and narrow. 

Panicle usually of three or four simple distant branches, at first erect, but soon 
spreading, and at length reflexed like those of P. distachyum. 

Rhachis generally, though not always, dilated, produced into a rigid point beyond 
the last spikelet, and bearing under the lowest spikelet a rigid linear bristle (an 
abortive branch ?) as long as the spikelet. 

Spikelets not numerous, alternate and distant along the rhachis so as to appear in 
one row ; ovoid, oblong, fully 2 lines long in some specimens, rather under 2 
lines in Drummond’s. 

Outer glume three-nerved, obtuse, at least three-quarters the length of the spikelet. 

Second and third glumes equal, many nerved, both empty in the spikelets I examined, 
but F. Mueller found a palea in the third. 

Fruiting glume hardened, as in the genus. 

Value as a fodder.—We know very little about the value of this 
grass for fodder; but, as it is very easily recognised, perhaps friends 


in the interior will keep it under observation. It certainly belongs to 
a group which contains a number of fodder-plants known to be very 
valuable to the pastoralist, and the appearance of this grass leads one 
to the belief that it yields a fair quantity of tender herbage. Baron 
von Mueller records that at the Murchison River, in Western Australia, 
it attains a height of 3 feet. 

Habitat and range.—An interior species; found in all the colonies 
except Tasmania and Victoria. 

Reference to Plate.—a, Portion of a spike, enlarged, showing the flattened rhachis, 
which ends in an awn-like point, and the rigid awn-like bristle under the lowest spikelet ; 
B, C, Spikelet dissected, showing the outer and second and third glumes; also the fruiting 
glume and palea; pv, Spikelet, showing relative size of outer glume; 5, Grain. Note the 
characteristic way in which the spikes are bent back or reflexed. 

Srerinrs 1 V.—EcHINOCHLO®. 

Spikelets sessile and crowded in three or four rows, or irregularly 
along the simple alternate, usually secund spikes or spikelike branches 
of the panicle. Glumes sometimes awned. 

27. Panicum crus-galli, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Crus-galli (Latin)—crus, the shank, or that part of 
the leg between the knee and what corresponds to the ankle; galla 
“of acock.” Name given from a fancied resemblance of the crowded 
spikelets to the foot rather than the leg of a cock. 

Vernacular names.—‘‘ Barn-yard Grass” of U.S.A. Other American 
names are “ Cock’s-foot”’ (not to be confused with Dactylis), “ Large 
Crow-foot Grass,” ‘‘ Water Grass.” 

Where figured.—Duthie, Vasey, Trinius, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FL, vu, 479).—A coarse, decumbent annual, 
ascending to 1 or 2 feet, the leaves rather broad, without any ligula. 

Panicle dense, and usually secund, of simple branches or sessile spikes, the lowest 1 or 
2 inches long, the upper ones gradually shorter ; the whole panicle in some 
varieties densely hispid with the long purplish or green awns. 

Spikelets about 14 lines long, more or less pubescent, acuminate or awned, crowded 
and clustered along the branches. 

Rhachts usually bearing numerous cilia or capillary bristles amongst or below the 

Outer glume very short and broad. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, and three-nerved, usually ciliate on the margins. 

Second produced into a rather short awn. 

Third in the common Australian form, with an awn varying from 4 to 1 inch, and a 
thin palea, and very rarely a male flower in its axil. 

Fruiting glume smooth and shining, without any or only a very short point. 

Botanical notes.—The species with which this grass is most likely 
to be confused is P. colonwm, a tropical grass, which has been intro- 
duced also into this Colony. The two grasses can usually be most 
readily distinguished by the larger size and the longer awns of P. 
crus-gallt. The latter species is, however, exceedingly variable in the © 
matter of awns (“bristles”); sometimes they are quite short and 
scarcely observable; sometimes great variation exists m the same 
panicle. Some authorities unite them, but itis better to keep them 


apart. Perhaps the two species hybridise, which adds to the difficulty 
of the situation. JP. crus-galli prefers moister situations than does P. 

Value as a fodder.—lt is a large, coarse, succulent grass, which may 
be cut like Sorghum, as it produces great bulk of feed. It has shown 
great adaptability to climate and soil, flourishing in most places which 
are not too dry. It grows luxuriantly along river-banks, and will not 
object to moderate alkalinity in the soil. 

Tt is scarcely an exaggeration to say that, during the last few years 
it has been sent to the Department of Agriculture for inquiry almost 
as frequently as all other grasses put together. It has been sent from 
the Coast districts, from the Dividing Range and table-land, and from 
the Lachlan district. It may also be found in almost every suburb of 
Sydney, usually at the edges of roads which have not been kerbed 
and guttered, generally in damp places, and sometimes actually 
growing in water. It often appears in freshly broken-up land, 
rubbish-heaps, &c. 

Although a recent introduction into many of the localities in which 
it is now found, it is a real Australian native, although it is also found 
in many parts of the world. 

What is the explanation of its appearance in so many places during 
the same season can perhaps only be guessed at, and it really does not 
very much matter. It may have been distributed in seed sent by a 
Sydney house. 

All who express any opinion in regard to it are loud in its praises 
as a nutritious grass, which produces an enormous quantity of feed. 
It seeds sometimes at a foot high, but usually it is a much larger 
plant, attaiming a height of 6 feet and even more. 

In Rajputana, India, Duthie states that it 1s considered a good 
fodder, though not plentiful. 

“ At the Hatch Experiment Station, in Massachusetts, U.S.A., the 
crop of this grass was very uniform, averaging 7 feet in height. The 
yield was at the rate of 11,207 lb. of straw per acre, and 66°7 bushels 
of seed. When sown for silage or for soiling, at the rate of 1 peck 
of seed to the acre, the yield was at the rate of from 15 to 18 tons per 
acre. A field sown on 26th July, after a crop of hay was removed, 
yielded 12 tons per acre. It is very much liked by stock, and isa 
valuable forage plant for feeding green or for the silo. Itis not so 
well adapted for hay, as it is a coarse, succulent grass, and rather 
dificult to dry.” (Lamson-Scribner.) 

““In New Mexico it is found only as a weed on irrigated land, but 
one which is not difficult to keep down. The Mexicans cut it and 
feed it green while waiting for corn to mature. 

“Opinion differs very much as to its value as a hay crop, some 
saying that it is an entirely worthless and troublesome weed, while 
others are as sure it is a valuable forage plant. In a moist climate it 
would have the disadvantage of being hard to cure, but in New 
Mexico’s hot sun no such difficulty need be experienced. A field 
once sown to this grass would always supply a good crop of nutritious 
hay, since it re-seeds itself. Sown with Hrichloa punctata and Pani- 


cum colonum after the wheat crop has been removed, it would give a 
crop of at least 2 tons of valuable hay per acre from land generally 
left to the weeds. If cut just as the seeds were beginning to form 
and thoroughly cured, such hay would be excellent to feed with 
Alfalfa (lucerne), and, if properly mixed, the two would make a first- 
class combination. A little corn added would produce an almost typical 
ration.” (Some New Mexico Forage Plants, Bulletin No. 18, March, 
1896, p. 65.) 

The late Dr. George Vasey, in “ The Agricultural Grasses of the 
United States,” says of the Barnyard Grass :—‘‘In the Northern States 
it is esteemed as a rough coarse weed ; in the South it is often utilised 
and considered a very useful grass. He quotes Dr. Charles Mohe, of 
Mobile, Alabama, who says :—‘ It grows luxuriantly, particularly in 
the lowlands of the coast, is greedily eaten by horses and cattle, and 
makes a hay of good quality. It is justly regarded as an excellent 
grass, particularly before it ripens its seed, as in the latter stages of 
its growth the long and stiff awns of its spikes tend to make it some- 
what unpalatable.’ He also quotes Professor Phares, of Mississippi, 
who says:—‘ In Louisiana, Mississippi, and some other States, it is 
mowed annually. Some farmers assure me that they harvest 4 or 5 
tons of hay per acre. It may be cut twice each season by making the 
first mowing as soon as it begins to bloom. I know no one who plants 
it; but it annually re-seeds the ground and requires no cultivation 
or other care, save protection from live stock and the labour of 
harvesting. Being a coarse grass, with long leaves and large succulent 
stems, it requires care to make into hay. In one county of Missis- 
sipp1, hundreds of acres are annually mowed on single farms. Cows 
and horses are very fond of it whether green or dry. Farmers who 
have tested it most thoroughly for many years prefer it to the best 
corn fodder.’ ” 

Here is a Canadian opinion of it :—“ A tall coarse grass, producing a 
great quantity of succulent feed, which is highly relished by stock. 
Tt grows in low land and around dwellings throughout the country. 
In the early stages of growth it is excellent and nutritious feed ; but 
as it reaches maturity, in common with most grasses, it deteriorates 
rapidly—indeed somewhat more rapidly than any other.” (Fletcher, 
Bulletin No. 19, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa.) 

Mr. Fletcher also gives an analysis of a Canadian specimen of this 
grass. The sample selected was in flower. Following is its percentage 
composition :— 

In fresh or green | Calculated to water 

substance. free substance. 
Water Be ae oe tis is ols sed BEBO) | 0]? hesatemacniens 
Ash.. See ie ue baa is 1°64 11°16 
Protein (albuminoids) se as ee a a 2°02 13°75 
Fibre i a: 4°48 31°09 
Nitrogen free extract (carbo- hydrates) Le is 6°25 41°87 
Kther extract (fat) oe uy aif ae ee “31 2°13 

—_—_—_— | 

100-00 100°00 


lt will be interesting to compare these analyses with those of three 
samples of grass of American growth, as quoted in Dr. Vasey’s 
work :— 

Calculated to water free 

In fresh or green substance. substance. 

Uc 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 
Wrater*  ... 5 Hee | 14°30 14°30 PASSO BP ohesesry | denvarce lh \atmses 
Ash... as ses ma ae 5°98 13°37 10°13 6°98 16°07 11°82 
Albuminoids on se Be 6°66 3°42 10°80 Tee 3°99 12°60 
Fibre x: = sie teal aa 26°65 21°69 28°91 31°13 25°32 
Nitrogen free extract .. ...| 46°44 | 40°08 | 40°95 | 54:19 | 46°77 |. 47°77 
Fat ... aia £0} ‘ 1°84 1°75 2-13 2°15 2°04 2°49 


100°00 | 100°00 | 100°00 | 100°00 | 100-00 | 100°00 

* These samples were, of course, very much drier than the Canadian sample. 

The percentages of total nitrogen, or non-albuminoids, and of 
nitrogen as non-albuminoid substances, are also given, and at page 139 
an analysis by Wolff of the ash of this grass is given, but it will be 
sufficient to quote where they are to be found. The other analyses 
quoted by Dr. Vasey are by Clifford Richardson. 

Speaking generally, it may therefore be said that the grass arrives 
at its greatest perfection in moist warm localities ; in colder climes it 
gives less satisfaction. I have shown that it will grow in many parts 
of our Colony, and I would recommend farmers to give every 
encouragement to it for horse and cattle feed. It is too coarse for 
sheep. An advantage of it 1s the freedom with which it seeds. 

Other uses.—The grain is eaten by the poorer classes in India, and 
is also used for making into “khir.” Duthie was informed that it 
was frequently used in the Lahore district as a food-grain. Lamson- 
Scribner alludes to a tall glabrous form, the seeds, which are produced 
abundantly, being collected by the Mohave Indians of the United 
States, ground into flour, and cooked for food. He also states that a 
variety introduced from Japan has been cultivated at some of the 
U.S. Experiment Stations, and treated as a millet. 

Habitat and range.-—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania. 
Perhaps truly indigenous only in the coast districts, but it 1s impossible 
now to define the area. A common weed in most hot and some tem- 
perate countries. 

Serirs V.—MyuroipeEea. 

Spikelets not silky, crowded and clustered in a dense continuous or 
rarely interrupted cylindrical spikelike panicle. 

29. Panicum indicum, Linn. 

Botamcal Name.—Indicus—ULatin, Indian—in allusion to the 
country from which the grass was first described. 
Where jfigured.—Trinius. 


Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 480).— 

Stems decumbent at the base, ascending to 6 or § inches in the smaller varieties, 
above 1 foot high in the larger ones. 

Leaves narrow. 

Spikelike panicle cylindrical, continuous or rarely interrupted, 4 to 1 inch, or in 
some varieties 2 inches long. 

Spikelets crowded, narrow, acuminate, and more or less curved, 1 to 14 or rarely 
2 lines long. 

Outer glume three-nerved, about half the length of the spikelet or rather more. 

Second glume curved and "gibbous at the base, often ciliate, seven or nine nerved. 

Third glume the same length, but straighter and neither gibbous nor ciliate, with a 
small palea in its axil. 

Fruiting glume considerably shorter. 

Value as a fodder.—This is a moisture-loving grass, and hence 
valuable for cultivation or encouragement in very wet situations. We 
do not know much about its fodder value, but it is probably nutritious, 
like so many of its congeners. 

Habitat and range.—Usually found in swamps and moist situations. 
Extends from the Illawarra along the Coast districts to Queensland 
and Northern Australia. It is also widely dispersed over tropical 
Asia and Africa. 

Serius VI.—PanicuLatTa. 

Panicle-branches usually more or less divided. Spikelets all ped 
cellate (except sometimes the first three species and a Queensland one, 
P. mxquale). 

Panicle-branches scarcely divided; spikelets few, rarely more 
numerous, scarcely under 2 lines long; no male flowers. 
Spikelets nearly or sometimes quite sessile (species approaching 
the Paspaloidee). 
Spikelets 2 to 24 lines long, mostly distant along the branches 31. P. folioswm. 
Spikelets rather under 2 lines, crowded on the lower part of 
the branches in a rene ee second and third 
glumes almost equal ... 2 . 82. P. adspersum. 
Spikelets few, distinctly pedicellate in a loose spreading panicle. 
Spikelets 24 to 3 lines long, sprinkled with hooked hairs. 
F ruiting glume close above the others ... me ... 384. P. uncinulatum. 
Panicle narrow or spreading; spikelets numerous, 1 to near 2 lines 
long; shortly pedicellate, not clustered; glumes acute 
or acuminate ; a male flower in the third glume. .. ... 9. iP. repens, 
Spikelets } to 2 line long ; no male flower ; diffuse or creeping ; panicle- 
branches few, spreading ; spikelets few and distant, 
line long, on short pedicels te “Al, P. pygmeum. 
Spikelets usually numerous, 1 to near 2 lines long, pedicellate ; no 
male flower. 
Panicle narrow, branches wena few ; fruiting glume densely 
pubescent ... ... 44. P. marginatum. 
Fruiting glume smooth and shining ; panicle 1 to 2 inches long ; 
spikelets about 1 line; outer glume ovate, acute; leaves 
glabrous ck fi bas ... 46. P. obseptum. 
Panicle spreading, with numerous capillary branches. 
Panicle-branches scattered, neither clustered nor verticillate. 
Spikelets 1 line long, acute; outer glume acute; a palea 

in the third glume ~. ae Sue his .. 48. P: boeotan. 
Spikelets 1 line long, rather obtuse; outer glume acute; 
no palea in the third glume... ... 49. P. melananthum. 

Lower panicle-branches clustered, but scarcely ‘verticillate. 
Spikelets about 1 line; outer glume acute, half as long as 
the spikelet ; a palea in the third glume; nodes promi- 
nently ciliate ; ligula a ring of long cilia ... Ss .. 50. P. effusum. 

\\e eZ 









————. = 
<< —_—~ies== 

Panicum adspersum, Trin. 


Spikelets of P. effusum, nodes glabrous, ligula very short ... 51. P. Mitchells. 
Spikelets about 1 line, outer glume short, broad, truncate, 
or scarcely acute, nerveléss ; a paleain the third glume 52. P.decompositum. 
Lower panicle-branches verticillate, outer glume nearly as long 
as the others; a palea in the third glume. 
Ligula very short, with ring of cilia Hs Abs .» 88, P. trachyrhachis. 
Ligula prominent, scarious, without cilia... Sue ne 54. P. prolutum. 

$1. Panicum foliosum, RK. Br. 

Botanical name.—Foliosum, Latin for leafy or full of leaves, 
descriptive of this grass. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 481).— 

Stems 1 to 2 feet high, decumbent at the base. 

Leaves rather broad, usually pubescent, the nerve-like margins often undulate. 

Panicle loose, with few distant simple branches, the rhachis flexuose and slender, 
the lower branches sometimes 2 to 3 inches long. 

Spikelets few, distant, almost sessile or distinctly pedicellate, and the lower pedicels 
sometimes bearing two spikelets, all above 2 lines long in the typical form, 
ovoid, acute, pubescent, or glabrous. 

Outer glume about half as long as the spikelet, very broad, acute, with about seven 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, five or seven nerved ; a rather broad palea in 
the third. 

Fruiting glume minutely rugose without the point of P. helopus and its allies, but 
usually with a short callous incurved tip. 

Value as a fodder.—This is more a Queensland grass than a New 
South Wales one, and I therefore quote the remarks of two Queens- 
landers in regard to it :— 

“One of our most valuable perennial grasses, and admirably adapted 
for resisting very severe drought. Cattle of every description are 
fond of it. It delights in rich alluvial soil, where it attains a height 
of 3 to 4 feet.” (O’Shanesy). 

“ A handsome, broad-leaved grass, found usually on broken land, 
the borders of scrubs and river sides, or amongst rocks. Of straggling 
habit, the whole plant clothed with short hairs; does not bear feeding 
off, for stock destroy it by pulling it up by the roots, it has so slight 
a hold of the ground.” (Bailey). 

Other uses.—It has been recommended for growth on river banks. 

Habitat and range.—Northern New South Wales and Queensland, 
in the Coast districts. 

62. Panicum adspersum, ‘Trin. 

Botanical name.—Adspersum—Latin for besprinkled, or scattered, 
referring to the scattered hairs on the spikelets. 

Where figured.—Trinius, Agricultural Gazette. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 481)— 

Stems ascending to 1 foot or rather more, glabrous, except the ciliate nodes. 

Leaves flat, rather broad and short, the sheaths broader upwards, prominently 
ciliate. The lamina almost cordate at the base, with a very short ciliate ligula. 

Panicle narrow, rather dense, 14 to 3 inches long, with several erect and slightly 
spreading branches, all glabrous, without any, or with very few small cilia 
under the spikelets. 

Spikelets ovoid, rather acute, quite glabrous, 14 to near 2 lines long, crowded or 
clustered in the lower part of the branches, singly sessile towards the end. 


Outer glume one-quarter to one-third as long as the spikelet, rather acute, one or 

Second and third glumes nearly equal. 

Second broad, usually prominently seven-nerved. 

Third narrower, with about five nerves, and enclosing a long palea. 
Fruiting glume tipped with a minute point and minutely transversely rugose. 

Value as a fodder.—This is a leafy and free-seeding grass, and 
doubtless produces a fairly bulky quantity of nutritious fodder. At 
the same time the records and observations in regard to its value for 
grazing are scanty in the extreme. 

Habitat and range.—In the interior districts of this Colony and also 
of South Australia and Queensland. Found also in the West Indies 
(San Domingo). 

Reference to Plate.—A, Part of panicle; B, Spikelet, showing the relative size of the 
outer glume (which is three-nerved); c, Spikelet dissected, showing outer and second 
(the larger) glume, the third glume ; also, the fruiting glume and palea. 

34, Panicum uncinulatum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.— Uncinulatum—tLatin, signifying “beset with little 
hooks,” referring to the rigid hooked hairs on the glumes. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 482).—Glabrous erect and much 
branched, attaining sometimes 8 feet. 
Nodes often much thickened. 
Leaves flat, narrow, tapering into fine points. 
Panicle terminal, loose and slender, consisting of few distant spreading simple or 
scarcely divided branches. 
Rhachis almost filiform. 
Sptkelets few and distant along the branches, usually purplish, 24 to 3 lines long. 
Outer glume lanceolate, about half the length of the spikelet. 

Second and third nearly equal, acutely acuminate, seven or sometimes nine nerved, 
sprinkled with short, erect, rigid, hooked hairs ; a small palea in the third. 
Fruiting glume smaller, quite smooth. 

Value as a fodder.—A_ grass usually met with in mountain scrubs, 
also amongst brigalow ; it forms large tufts or tussocks, and furnishes 
in many places the principal scrub fodder both in New South Wales 
and Queensland. (Bailey.) It delights in the seclusion of our dense 
scrubs, where its wiry, perennial stems are found scrambling to a 
length of 9 to 10 feet, and its foliage, though scanty, is tender and 
nutritious, making a delicate repast for the innumerable wallabies 
and padamelons which inhabit those places. It is, perhaps, the 
tallest of ordinary fodder grasses. (O’Shanesy). 

Habitat and range.—In our Colony, in the northern Coast district, 
extending to the interior. Found also in Queensland. 

39. Panicum repens, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Repens—Latin, creeping, referring to the rooting 
Vernacular name.—“ Creeping Panic-grass.” 



Panicum pygmeum, R. Br. 

‘““The Pigmy. Panic Grass.’’ 


Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 484)— 

Stems from a creeping and rooting base, ascending to 1 or 2 feet, rather stiff, the 
nodes glabrous. } 

Leaves narrow, more or less pubescent or hairy, or sometimes quite glabrous, ligula 
short, ciliate. p 

Panicle narrow, with a few long branches, erect or at length spreading, the spikelets 
shortly pedicellate, irregularly crowded on short secondary branches, with a 
filiform flexuose rhachis. 

Spikelets 14 lines long, glabrous, or the nerves of the glumes minutely ciliolate. 

Outer glume less than half the length of the spikelet, acute, one-nerved. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, acute or acuminate, prominently three or five 
nerved ; a male flower in the third. 

Fruiting glume acute, smooth or minutely rugose. 

Value as a fodder.—Duthie quotes Royle and Roxburgh as stating 
that cattle are fond of this grass in India. Not much is known in 
regard to its fodder value in Australia. It will grow well in shady 

Other wses.—Lamson-Scribner asserts that it has no agricultural 
value, but that it is a natural sand-binder, stating that upon the sandy 
islands lying off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico it grows abundantly 
upon the outside of the dunes, protecting them from the action of the 
winds and waves. 

Habitat and range.—In the Coast districts of this Colony, extending 
to Queensland and Northern Australia. Found also in Victoria. 
Common in maritime districts in Southern Asia, the Mediterranean 
region, apparently in Brazil, also in the Pacific Islands. 

41, Panicum pygmeum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Pygmxum—Latin, small or dwarfish. It is a 
small grass. 
Vernacular name.—The “ Pigmy Panic-grass.”’ 
Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 
Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 484).—A small species, creeping 
and rooting at the nodes, ascending to about 6 inches. 
Leaves rarely above 1 inch long, linear or lanceolate, ciliate, and usually but not 
always sprinkled with long hairs. 
Panicle short and spreading with a few capillary flexuose simple or slightly divided 
Spikelets few and distant, scarcely 1 line long, obtuse, glabrous. 
Outer glume very short, broad, truncate, nerveless. 

Second and third glumes equal, three or five nerved, both empty. 
Fruiting glume smooth and shining. 

Value as a fodder.—Probably small; it is a dainty little grass which 
forms a dense, short turf even under the shade of trees, and hence 
valuable for such situations. 

Habitat and range.—Coast district and Dividing Range from Port 
Jackson northwards through Queensland. 

Reference to Plate—a, Portion of a panicle; B, Spikelet, showing relative size of 
outer glume, which is very short, broad, and truncate; c, Spikelet dissected, showing 
small outer glume, the 2nd and 3rd glumes, which are equal in size, and 3 and 5 nerved ; 
also the fruiting glume. 


44, Panicum marginatum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Marginatum—Latin, margined, referring to the 
leaves, which are prominently margined (showing a pale edge or 

Vernacular names.—I know of none; but, in order to distinguish it 
from the large number of other Panic-grasses, the half-botanical, half- 
vernacular name of “The Marginal-leaved Panic-grass”’ is suggested. 

Where figured.—Trinius (type, also variety strictwm), Agricultural 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 485).—A rather slender but often 
rigid grass, decumbent, branching and often rooting at the base, 
ascending to | foot or more, glabrous except the cilia at the orifice of 
the sheaths, and the rhachis of the inflorescence often slightly 

Leaves flat, usually narrow, but exceedingly variable in size. 

Panicle narrow, in the typical form 14 to 3 inches long, of few erect or scarcely 
spreading simple or slightly divided branches. 

Spikelets irregularly crowded along the branches, or sometimes almost in a single 
row, ovoid, obtuse, or scarcely acute, about 1} lines long. 

Outer glume very thin, not one-third the length of the spikelet, one-nerved, or 
faintly three-nerved. 

Second and third glume nearly equal and similar, both empty, membranous, three or 
five nerved, glabrous. 

Fruiting glume rather short, slightly hardened, and densely silky-pubescent or 
villous, as well as the exposed part of the palea. 

Botanical notes.—There is also a variety strictwm, described by 
Bentham in the following words:—‘‘Stems slender, rigid, much 
branched, with very short narrow leaves, the panicle narrow, very 
little branched, and sometimes reduced to a simple uninterrupted 

Bentham states, subsequently: “Some specimens seem to show 
that the var. strictwm is rather an after-growth from plants that have 
been cut down than a distinct variety.” 

Whether extended observations should confirm that the cause is 
cutting down by man or herbivorous animals, I would add that I 
have specimens which show various stages between the normal species 
and the so-called variety. At the same time, I think it would be con- 
venient to retain the name for the variety, as extreme forms of the 
species are very dissimilar in appearance. 

As Bentham emphasises, the species is really known by the dense 
pubescence of the fruiting glume, which has not been observed in 
any other Panicum. Neglect of observation of this characteristic 
may cause the student to stumble, as some other grasses resemble this 
one a good deal in general appearance. 

Bentham describes a coarse-growing variety of this species (majus) 
which is found in Queensland, and might be looked for in the northern 
parts of this Colony :—‘‘ The stems are tall, with broad leaves 6 inches 
long, the lower branches of the panicle 3 or 4 inches, and the spikelets 
above 1% line long.” 

Value as fodder—Though not a grass of the first rank as a fodder- 
plant, I believe its value has sometimes been understated. I have 

Panicum marginatum, R. Br. 

“<A Panic Grass.’’ 


seen cattle eat it many a time; nevertheless, as it gets old, it becomes 
harsh and fibrous, and less acceptabie to herbivorous animals, par- 
ticularly where occurring in dry rocky places. On the northern rivers 
it is less succulent than further south—say from Port Jackson to 
Gippsland. Its decumbent joint-rooting habit renders it sometimes 
serviceable to form a first growth of grass on newly-made ground. 

Habitat and range.—This grass is confined to the three eastern 
Colonies, extending from Hastern Gippsland as far as the southern 
parts of North Queensland. It is confined to the coast and coast- 
mountain districts, not extending far inland. Baron von Mueller 
records it from as far west as New England in this Colony. 

Reference to Plate.—a and 8B, Portions of a panicle variously enlarged; co, Spikelet, 
showing relative size and outer glume; D, Spikelet dissected, showing outer glumes, 
silky, pubescent fruiting glume and palea; 5, front and back views of seed (grain). All 
variously magnified. 

46. Panicum obseptum, Trin. 

Botanical name.—Obseptum—Latin for “hedged in, or shut up 
against,’ perhaps in allusion to the ligula, which consists of a ring of 

Botamcal description (B. FL, vu, 486)—A weak glabrous grass, 
decumbent at the base or creeping in the mud, and shortly ascending. 

Leaves narrow, the liguia a ring of cilia. 

Panicle narrow and loose, 1 to 2 inches long, of few simple or scarcely divided 

Spikelets few, pedicellate, the upper one of each primary branch solitary, the lower 
ones two or three together on short secondary branches, all narrow, ovoid, 1 to 
14 line long, quite glabrous, rather obtuse. 

Outer glume short, broad, nerveless, truncate or shortly acute. 

Second and third equal or nearly so, membranous, five-nerved, both empty. 

Fruating glume rather acute, smooth and shining. 

Value as a fodder.—Unknown. 
Habitat and range.—Confined to this Colony, as far as we know at 
present. Port Jackson to New England (coast to tableland) in muddy 

48. Panicum bicolor, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Bicolor—Latin for two-coloured, referring to the 


Where figured. Agricultural Gazette. - 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 487).—Usually a small slender tufted 
grass, with much the habit of some species of Aira or Agrostis, but 
sometimes above | foot high, approaching in habit P. melananthum. 

Leaves linear, usually very narrow, more or less hairy, especially at the orifice of the 
sheath, rarely quite glabrous. 

Ligula very short, ciliate. 

Panicle usually only 2 or 3 inches long, loose and slender, but rather narrow, but 
sometimes larger and spreading. 

Branches capillary and flexuose, not clustered and not much divided. 

Sprkelets all pedicellate, about 1 line long, glabrous. 

Outer glume acute, three-nerved, fully half as long as the spikelet. 

Second and third glume nearly equal, acute, about five-nerved. 

Third with a palea but not stamens. 

Fruiting glume smooth and shining. 


Value as a fodder.—A useful grass, hardy, and palatable to stock. 
Not frequently reported upon, probably because it has been confused 
with other species. 

Habitat and range.—Found in New South Wales and Queensland. 
In our Colony, from north to south, from the coast to the tablelands. 
Speaking of Queensland, Bailey says it is always found on high stony 
dry land. In this Colony it 1s apparently more accommodating as to 
soil and situation. 

49, Panicum melananthum, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Melananthum, from two Greek words, melan black, 
and anthos a flower, referring to the dark colour of the flowers. 

Vernacular names.—The “ Black-seeded Panic-grass.” 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 488).—A glabrous grass of 2 feet 
or more, decumbent at the base and perhaps annual. 

Leaves flat and rather broad. 

Ligula exceedingly short, ciliate. 

Panicle sessile, or nearly so, within the last leaf, large and loose, with very numerous 
much divided capillary branches scattered along the main rhachis, and very 
rarely clustered. 

Spikelets all pedicellate, about 1 line long, acute, glabrous, often dark-coloured. 

Outer glume ovate, acute, one or sometimes three nerved, nearly half the length of 
the spikelet. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, acute, rather broad, membranous, with usually 
five not prominent nerves. 

Third quite empty, without any palea. 

Fruiting glume smooth and shining. 

Value as a fodder.—A. moderately tall grass, yielding a fair amount 
of nutritious fodder. It may be distinguished by its panicle of nearly 
black seeds. 

Habitat and range.—From Victoria to Queensland. In our Colony, 
from the Coast districts to the table-lands. 

50. Panicum effusum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Hffusum, Latin, wide, open, spread out, referring 
to the panicle. 

Where figured.—Trinius, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 488).—An erect perennial; our 
specimens mostly under 1 foot, but said to attain 2 feet. 

Leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, scabrous, and hairy, as well as the sheaths. 

Nodes bearded with long spreading hairs. 

Ingula very short and ciliate. 

Panicle much branched, sessile within the last leaf, 3 to 4 inches long when first in 
flower, at length twice as long, with filiform divided branches very spreading 
and flexuose, the lower ones densely clustered but not verticillate, the upper 
ones scattered and distant. 

Spikelets all pedicellate, acute, about 1 line long, glabrous. 

Outer glume acute, one to three nerved, about half the length of the spikelet, or 
rather more. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, five or seven nerved, a palea within the third, 
about half its length. 

Fruiting glume smooth and shining. 


Var. convallium, less hairy, and more or less 

Botanical notes. 

Value as a fodder.—A useful grass, which has very extended geo- 
graphical range, valuable alike in the coast country and in the dry 
interior. It is an excellent grass, nutritious, and palatable. Speak- 
ing of a test at the Wollongbar Farm, Mr. McKeown reports: “ It 1s 
too light for pasture, being easily destroyed by stock.” 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies, except Tasmania. 
In this Colony, from the Coast districts to the dry interior. 

51. Panicum Mitchelli, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Mitchelli, in honor of Major (afterwards Lieut.- 
Colonel Sir Thomas) Mitchell, an explorer, and for many years 
Surveyor-General of the Colony, who collected the grass on one of his 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 489).—An erect grass, decumbent 
at the base only, 2 or 3 feet high; nearly allied to P. effusum, but 
larger ; quite glabrous, and the nodes not bearded. 

Leaves often long. 
Short ligula rather jagged than ciliate. 
Panicle usually very large and spreading, with very numerous divided filiform 
branches, the lower ones clustered and rigid, the upper ones scattered. 
Spikelets all pedicellate, usually several along the ultimate branches, rather above 1 
line long, acutely acuminate, quite glabrous. 
Outer glume acute, nearly half the length of the spikelet, one to three-nerved. 
Second and third glumes nearly equal, acutely acuminate, about five-nerved. 
Pa/lea in the third scmetimes very small, more frequently above half the glume. 
Fruiting glume smooth and shining. 
Value as a fodder.—An even more valuable grass than the pre- 
ceding, to which it is closely allied. 
Habitat and range.—In all the colonies, except Tasmania and 
Western Australia. In this Colony, from the coast to the interior, but 

more common in the dry country. 

52. Panicum decompositum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Decompositum, Latin, divided, cr not set together, 
alluding to the branches and the panicle. 

Synonyms.— P. laevinode, Lindl.; also, P. paludoswm, Roxb. (pro- 

Vernacular Names.—‘ Native Millet,’ “Umbrella Grass.’? Some- 
times called “ Barley Grass.” The seed used to be called “Cooly” 
by Western New South Wales aborigines, and “‘Tindil” by the 
aborigines of the Cloncurry River (North Queensland). 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 489).—A semi-aquatic glabrous 
grass, often tall and stout. 

Leaves mostly long, flat, and rather broad, especially when growing in water, narrow 
in drier situations. 

Lngula very short and broad, ciliate. 

Panicle 6 inches to 1 foot long, or even more, with numerous crowded filiform 
divided branches, the lower ones clustered, at first erect, and enclosed at the 
base within the last leaf sheath, at length sometimes very loose and spreading 
to the breadth of 1 foot. 



Spikelets all on slender pedicels, narrow, acute, 14 to 14 lines long, usually of a pale 
straw colour. 

Outer glume very short, broad and truncate, thin and nerveless. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, acute, thinly membranous, five or seven- 
nerved, the third, with a palea from one- quarter or one-third its length, but no 

Fruting glume very smooth and shining. 

Value as a fodder.—It affords a bulky, palatable, and nutritious 
fodder. It is worthy of extensive cultivation, particularly im the 
western country—an operation which is rendered the easier been 
it yields abundance of seed. 

Other uses.—The aborigines convert the very small millet-like grains 
into cakes, which are really nutritious. 

Alluding to this grass, Sir Thomas Mitchell (Three Hxpeditions, pp. 
237 and 290), says:—“‘In the neighbourhood of our camp the grass 
had been pulled to a very great extent, and piled in hay-ricks, so that 
the aspect of the desert was softened into the agreeable semblance of 
a hay-field. The grass had evidently been thus laid up by the natives, 
but for what purpose we could not imagine. At first I thought the 
heaps were only remains of encampments, as the aborigines sometimes 
sleep on a little dry grass, but when we found the ricks, or hay-cocks, 
extending for miles, we were quite at a loss to understand why they 
had been made. All the grass was of one kind, and not a spike of it 
was left in the soil, over the whole of the ground. . . . We were 
still at a loss to know for what purpose the heaps of one particular 
kind of grass had been pulled, and so laid up hereabouts. Whether 
it was accumulated by the natives to allure birds, or by rats, as their 
holes were seen beneath, we were puzzled to determine. The erass 
was beautifully green beneath the heaps, and full of seeds, and our 
cattle were very fond of this hay.” 

Mr. H. Palmer, in describing the food-stuffs of the Cloncurry 
(Queensland) aborigines, thus refers to this grass:—‘‘ Has a fine 
yellow seed like lucerne seed, which is gathered when the seed is just 
opened from the sheath. It is wmnowed and ground between two 
stones, mixed with water into a kind of paste or thick gruel, and 
poured into the hot ashes, making a sort of damp bread, very nourish- 
ing and satisfying.” 

Habitat and range-—A moisture-loving species, found in all the 
colonies except Tasmania. It is diffused throughout the Colony, but 
is most plentiful in the western districts. It has been doubtfully 
recorded also from Asia. 

53. Panicum trachyrhachis, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Trachyrhachis, from two Greek words—trachys, 
rough or harsh, and rhachis, the backbone (as applied to animals), 
the rhachis (in botany) or axis supporting a flowermg stem. In this 
grass the rhachis is rough, and so are the branches and the panicle. 

Vernacular name.—‘ Oo-kin” of the aborigines of the Mitchell 
River, Northern Queensland. 

Where jfigured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Panicum trachyrhachis, Benth. 


Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 490).—A tall, erect, stout, glabrous 
plant, nearly allied to P. decompositwm. 
Leaves long and narrow. 
Ligula reduced to a ring of cilia, the nodes glabrous, 

Panicle large and loose, often 1 to 14 feet long, with numerous long slender divided 
branches, the lower ones usually verticillate, scabrous as well as the rhachis. 

Spikelets all pedicellate, nearly 14 lines long. 

Outer glwme often as long as the others, three or five-nerved, tapering into a long 
point sometimes ciliate at the end. 

Second and third glumes nearly equal, acutely acuminate, seven or nine-nerved, the 
third with a palea often nearly as long, but no stamens in any of the specimens 

Fruiting glume much shorter, obtuse, smooth, and shining. 

Var., tenwior.—More slender, panicle not so large, and less scabrous, 
and the glumes less acute (the form found in this Colony). 

Value as a fodder.—A coarser plant than P. decompositum, which, 
however, it resembles in value for grazing purposes. 

Other uses.—‘‘ The fibre is peeled from the under surface of the 
leaf, by breaking it in the middle across with a sudden jerk while 
held between the fingers, and drawing the threads away. They are 
twisted up at once into twine by the Cloncurry (Queensland) natives. 
(HE. Palmer.) 

The aborigines sometimes used the grain for food. 

Habitat and range.—Found in this Colony, and also Queensland 
and Northern Australia. With us it has only been found in the north- 
west of the Colony, but in the other colonies in the Coast districts. 

Reference to Plate.—A, Portion of a panicle, note the pedicellate spikelets; B, 
Spikelet, showing relative size of outer glume; c, Spikelet dissected, showing outer 
glume, 2nd, and 3rd glume}; p, Fruiting glume and its palea. 

54, Panicum prolutum, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Prolutum—Latin for soaked or drenched, the: 
grass being usually found in damp situations. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vii., 490).— 

Stems from a branching base erect, rigid, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves rather rigid, the margins involute when dry, glabrous and glaucous. 

LIigula very prominent, scarious, truncate, or slightly jagged. 

Panicle 3 to 6 inches long, of numerous slender divided branches, the lower ones 
clustered, erect, and enclosed at the base by the last sheath, or at length exserted 
and spreading. 

Spikelets on filiform pedicels, ovoid, acute, glabrous, about 1} lines long. 

Empty glumes rather rigid, prominently nerved, the outer one obtuse, with scarious 
margins, more than half the length of the spikelet, three or five nerved, the 
second and third nearly equal, acute, five or seven nerved, no palea in the third. 

Fruiting glume smooth and shining. 

Botanical note-—Readily distinguished from all other members of 
the group by the much longer, non-ciliate ligule. 

Value as a fodder.—Possessing much the same properties, and of 
much the same value as P. decompositwm, and, like that grass, one of 
the most valuable of our interior species. 


Other wses.—In former years, the seeds of this grass were gathered 
in large quantities by the aborigines as an article of food, and being 
ground between two stones, were converted into a kind of meal. 

Habitat and range-—¥Yound in all the colonies except Tasmania and 
Western Australia, in the interior. 

O’Shanesy speaks in the following words of a Queensland grass, 
probably allied to the last few species :—“ Also from the seeds of a tall 
grass (evidently a Panicwm), known by the aborigines as ‘ Pawpa,’ 
which is treated in a similar manner to the yellow-box seeds. Hats 
are made from the stem of this grass simply by sewing them together.” 


Spikelets with one terminal hermaphrodite flower and a rudimentary 
one below it, awned, clustered along the secund distant branches of a 
simple panicle. 

Glumes four, the lowest empty one not much shorter than the others, 
and with a longer awn, the flowering glume awuless and hardened with 
the palea round the grain as in Panicum. 

Lower branches of the panicle 4 to 2 inches long ... ... LL. O. composviats: 
All the branches of the panicle reduced to sessile clusters ».. 2. O, setarius. 

1, Oplismenus compositus, Beauv. 

Botanical name.—Oplismenus, from the Greek, opleer armed (verb 
oplizo), perhaps in allusion to the slender but prominent awns ; 
compositus, Latin, composite or set together, the inflorescence being 
much more composite than O. setarius, and perhaps than all other 
species of Oplismenus. 

Where figured.—Trinius, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu., 491).—Usually a weak grass, softly 
pubescent or villous, but sometimes nearly glabrous. 

ee Seas or creeping and rooting at the base, ascending sometimes to above 

Leaves from linear-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 4 to 5 inches long in the goes 
specimens, but more frequently under 2 inches. 

Panicle slender, consisting of four to eight or rarely more distant one-sided branches 
or spikes, of which “the lowest slender ones are 2 inches long in the most 
luxuriant specimens, scarcely 4 inch long in others, the upper ones or sometimes 
the greater number reduced to short clusters. 

Spikelets glabrous, pubescent, or hirsute, rather above 1 line long, in distinct 
clusters of two or three each along the longer branches, crowded on the shorter 

Glumes, three lower ones membranous, five-nerved, the lowest not much shorter than 
the others, tapering into a rather long smooth awn ; the second with a small point 
or short awn, or only acuminate ; the third rather larger, awniess, with a small 
hyaline palea or rudimentary flower in its axil. 

Flowering glume nerveless, smooth, and hard, as well as the palea round the grain. 

Value as a fodder—Affords a bite for stock, but it is so closely 

appressed to the ground that they do not often touch it; it may also 
not be palatable. 


Other uses.—It forms a dense turf under trees, possessing a con- 
siderable value for such a purpose in cases where it can get sufficient 
moisture. It is a common weed in bush-houses. 

Habitat and range.—Victoria to Queensland, in the moister parts. 
In our Colony, confined to the Coast districts. Found also in Asia and 
the Pacific Islands, and New Zealand. 

2. Oplismenus setarius, Roem. et Schult. 

Botanical name.—Setarius—Latin, seta, a bristle, resembling Setaria 
(the next genus). 
Synonyms.—O. compositus, var. setarius, according to Mueller. 
Panicum imbecille, Trin. 
Vernacular name.—“ Creeping Beard-grass.”’ 
Where figured.—Trinius and Buchanan, as Panicum wmbecille. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu., 492).— 
Very near the slender forms of O. compositus, and perhaps rightly included in that 
species by F. Mueller. 
Spikes or branches of the panicle all reduced to single sessile clusters of spikelets, or 

the lowest rarely slightly elongated into two distinct clusters. 
Leaves always narrow lanceolate. 

Value as a fodder.—Same as the preceding. Lamson-Scribner 
speaks of it as having no recognised agricultural value. Buchanan 
states that cattle eat it readily, but points out that their relish for it 
must be considerably lessened by the large amount of foreign matter, 
such as dead leaves, with which it is usually associated. 

Other uses.—This grass also grows under the dense shade of trees, 
and hence is very valuable for planting in such situations. It is, 
therefore, of use for ornamental purposes, but it must have moisture. 
“It can be propagated by pieces of the stem, which root at the joints, 
and if cared for, will in a short time make a good turf. A closely- 
allied grass of similar habit and growth, with variegated leaves 
(O. Burmanni, Beauy.), is often grown in green-houses for its orna- 
mental appearance.” (Lamson-Scribner.) 

Habitat and range.—Same as the preceding species. 


Spikelets with one terminal hermaphrodite flower and sometimes a 
second male one below it, crowded in a cylindrical dense or rarely 
interrupted spikelike panicle, not awned, but surrounded by numerous 
awnlike barren branches, persistent on the main rhachis, the spikelets 
sessile near the base of the branches, and falling away from them. 

Glumes four, the outer one small, the second ‘usually shorter than 
the third; a palea, and sometimes three stamens in the axil of the 

Terminal or fruiting glume of a firmer consistence, transversely 
rugose, with a perfect flower. 

Styles distinct. 


Grain enclosed in the hardened glume and palea, but free from them. 
Awnlike panicle-branches, scabrous, with erect teeth. 

Panicle cylindrical, simple, 1 to 14 inches long, the spikelets solitary 

at the base of the awnlike branches ee He3 en Sale 1. S. glauca. 
Panicle dense or interrupted, 3 to 8 inches long, the spikelets 
clustered near the base of the awnlike branches x, 2. 8. macrostachya. 

1. Setaria glauca, Beauv.* 

Botanical name.—Setaria, from the Latin seta, a bristle, referrmg 
to the awn-like, barren branches of the panicle; glauca, Latin, grey 
or blue, or sea-green. In botany, glaucous, 7.e., a whitish, waxy- 
green, like the green of a cabbage-leaf. 

Vernacular names.—“ Pigeon-grass,” “ Yellow Foxtail,’ “ Bottle- 
glass Foxtail” of the United States. 

Where figured.—Trinius, Vasey, Hackel, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 492).—An erect annual of a pale 
green, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves flat, with scabrous edges, and often ciliate, with a few long hairs. 

Spikelike panicle, simple, cylindrical, 1 to 14 inches long, the spikelets solitary at the 
base of numerous awn-like branches, many of which are barren, and all scab- 
rous, With minute teeth directed upwards. 

Spikelets ovoid, about 1% lines long. 

Outer glume very small, the second not quite so long as the third; a palea and 
very rarely stamens in the third. 

Fruiting glume more or less gibbous, marked with prominent transverse wrinkles. 

Value as a fodder—It is a weed of gardens, orchards, &c., in many 
parts of the Colony, preferrmg low-lying situations where the ground 
has been newly broken up and is moist. It is of a spreading habit, 
green and succulent, and yields a fair quantity of fodder, which stock 
eat readily enough. It comes up im the summer months and dies 
down with the cold weather. Vasey says that it 1s very common in 
cultivated fields in the United States, especially amongst stubble after 
the cutting of grain. It is as nutritious as SN. ttalica, but not so pro- 

Duthie states that it is generally considered to be a fairly good 
fodder-grass in India, quotmg Symonds, who says that it affords a 
moderately good fodder, but that it is unsuited for making hay. In 
the central provinces of India it is used as fodder. 

Other uses —The grain is used as food in the central provinces 
of India. (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range.—W here truly indigenous, usually met with along 
river banks, &c., where the soil is rich. Found in all the Colonies 
except Tasmania. In this Colony it occurs in most districts. Itis a 
cosmopolitan species. 

* Sometimes this author’s name is given in the contracted form as Palisot. His full 
name is A. M. F. J. Palisot de Beauvois, and he is the author of an important work on 
grasses published at Paris in 1812. 

2. Setaria macrostachya, H. B. & K. 

Botanical name.—NMacrostachya, from two Greek words—macros 
long, and stachys an ear of corn, in allusion to the comparatively 
large, spike-like panicles. 

Vernacular name.— Barley Grass.’ (I have given the name 
“Barley Grass” to this kind on account of the resemblance it bears 
to barley grasses, being far greater than that of any of the numerous 
other grasses called by that name m Queensland. Bailey.) 

Where figured.—Bailey. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 493).—Much taller and stouter 
than S. glauca. 

Leaves long, flat, often above 4 inch broad. 
Ligula short, ciliate, otherwise quite glabrous in the typical form. 

Spike-like panicle 3 to 8 inches long, compound, usually very compact and cylindrical, 
or the lower branches longer. 

Spikelets numerous on the lower branches, few on the upper ones, in dense clusters, 
more or less interspersed with awn-like, barren branches, ovoid, acute, fully 
14 lines long, glabrous. 

Outer glume about half the length of the spikelet, the second shorter than the third, 
but variable in proportion ; all membranous, with prominent nerves. 

Fruiting glume often oblique or gibbous, always marked with prominent transverse 
wrinkles, as in S. glauca. 

Value as a fodder.—A larger and better grass than the preceding. 
““Produces a great amount of feed, of which cattle are extremely 
fond. Frequently found in scrubs bordering rivers. Has a 
somewhat straggling habit in the scrubs, but when sown im the 
open field it has been seen to greatly improve, and from what I 
have seen of it I consider it equal, 1f not superior, to S. ztalica. 
Worthy of field culture, either for cutting for green fodder or for 
grazing.” (Bailey.) 

Mr. G. McKeown has tested it at the Experiment Farm, Wollong- 
bar, and reports: ‘‘An annual grass which has produced a large yield 
of fodder, making hay of excellent quality, suitable only for cutting, 
as 1t would not withstand grazing.” 

“ This is called ‘ Hungarian Millet,’ but has no origin in Hungary. 
It grows with wonderful rapidity in warm weather, especially when 
irrigation can be applied, although it will grow on ordinary soils and 
under ordinary conditions in summer. It will reach a height of about 
6-feet in two months in the hottest weather if a good shower or two 
of rain should fall during January. The fodder is very nutritious, 
and the seed can be sown at any time from October till February, and 
will produce a crop within eight or nine weeks.” (The Garden and 
Pield, vol..xv, p. 16.) 

Habitat and range.—Found im all the colonies except Tasmania and 
Victoria. With us, only specifically recorded from the northern rivers. 
but from interior localities in the other colonies. Widely diffused in 
tropical Asia and America. 



Spikelets one-flowered, solitary or two or three together; sessile, 
or nearly so; each one enclosed in an involucre of several usually 
numerous simple or plumose bristles (probably awn-like branches of 
the panicle), the involucres crowded in a spike or spike-like simple 
panicle, falling off from the main rhachis with the spikeletand short 

Glumes four, the outer one shorter or sometimes minute. 

Second and third both empty. 

Fruiting glume usually smaller. 

Palea perfect. 

Styles distinct or united almost to the plumose stigmas. 

Nut enclosed in the more or less hardened glume and palea; free 
from it. 

1. Pennisetum compressum, Ii.Br. 

Botanical name.—Pennisetum—Latin, penna a feather, and seta a 
bristle, each spikelet being enclosed in an involucre of feathery bristles; 
compressum, pressed close or flattish, the stem being flattish. 

Synonym.—P. japonicum, Trin. ‘‘ Closely allied to, if not identical, 
with this species.” (B. FI.). 

Vernacular name.—“ Swamp Foxtail Grass.” 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botamcal description (B. Fl., vu, 495).— 

Stems 2 to 3 feet high, erect, usually very scabrous and more or less hirsute under 
the panicle, glabrous and smooth lower down. 

Leaves long and narrow, glabrous, the ligula prominent. 

Involucres nearly sessile ina simple cylindrical dense spike of 3 to 6 inches, con- 
sisting of numerous very unequal bristles, the inner more rigid ones varying 
from 4 to 1 inch. 

Outer ones much shorter and finer, mostly minutely scabrous-ciliate, but none of 
them plumose. 

ener solitary, within the involucre; narrow, terete, rather acute, about 3 lines 

Outer glume under 3 line long, orbicular. 

Second glume, from one-third to one-half the length of the spikelet. 

Third many-nerved, empty. 

Fruiting glume scarcely more rigid than the third. 

Styles united up to the feathery branches. 

Value as a fodder.—lt is a coarse-growing, fibrous grass, little eaten 
by stock except when young and comparatively tender ; when it is old 
it is as full of fibre as almost any sedge. It grows in large tufts, and 
when in flower is of an ornamental character. 

Habitat and range.—Confined to New South Wales and Queensland, 
occurring from the southern districts of our Colony from the coast to 
the tableland. Often found on the margins of swamps, and frequently 
as tussocks in paddocks in cold districts. 



Spikelets with one terminal hermaphrodite flower, and sometimes a 
male one below it, not awned, singly or two or three together, within 
an oyoid or globular involucre of numerous bristles, the inner ones 
usually broad and flattened, connected at the base and hardened 
round the fruit, the involucres sessile or pedicellate in a simple spike 
or raceme, and falling off with the spikelets. 

Glumes four, the outer one much smaller, sometimes minute, the 
second and third nearly equal, or the second shorter, a palea and 
sometimes three stamens in the third. 

Fruiting glume more rigid than the other, but not so much hardened 
as in Panicum. 

Styles usually very shortly united at the base. 

Nut enclosed in the fruiting glume and palea, free from them. 

1, Cenchrus australis, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Cenchrus, from a Greek word for “ millet” (equi- 
valent to the Latin miliwm) ; australis, Latin, southern,—in botanical 
names it frequently indicates Australian. 

Vernacular names.—< Large Burr-grass,” “ Scrub or Hillside Burr- 

Where figured.— Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FIl., vu, 497).—A_ stout glabrous grass, 
attaining 6 to 9 feet. 

Leaves long and flat. 

Ligula split into cilia. 

Spike rather dense, 4 to 8 inches long. 

Rhachis slightly scabrous, pubescent. 

Involucres very shortly pedicellate, erect or at length reflexed, broadly ovoid, under 
4 lines long. 

Inner bristles, or lobes, about ten, flattened and very shortly united at the base, 
plumose in the lower half, scabrous in the upper part, with reversed asperities, 
one sometimes but not frequently longer than the others. 

Outer bristles numerous, unequal, subulate and scabrous from the base. 
Spikelets always (?) solitary in the involucre and shorter than the inner lobes. 
Outer glume short, obtuse, hyaline, nerveless. 

Second glume acute, three or five nerved. 

Third rather longer, five-nerved, with a palea and sometimes a male flower in its 

Fruiting glume as long. 

Value as a fodder.—A long, scrambling, undesirable grass. The 
herbage it affords is harsh and coarse, while its burrs cling to clothing 
and to the bodies of animals. There is no doubt that it affords a 
little feed when young, but I fancy most pastoralists consider that its 
disadvantages outweigh its advantages. O’Shanesy’s statement is 
that it “is very nutritious, but that its long spikes of clinging seeds 
prevent cattle from feeding on it.” 

Halitat and range.—New South Wales and Queensland. O’Shanesy 
gives its habitat as on moist banks. Bailey says whole hillsides on 


the ranges may often be seen covered by this grass, both in New South 
Wales and Queensland. In our Colony it is found on the poorest 
soils to the best, but it prefers good soil m brush country on hillsides. 
Found from south (Mount Dromedary) to the north of our Colony in 
the Coast districts. 


Spikelets with one terminal flower, usually female by abortion and 
a male one below it, few and distant or solitary on the filiform branches 
of a simple panicle, the partial rhachis produced into a long awnlike 
point beyond the insertion of the upper or only spikelet. 

Glumes four, the outer empty one very small, the second and third 
nearly equal, membranous, or at length rigid, many nerved, often 
tapering to a point, but not awned; the third with a palea, and three 
stamens in its axil; the fourth, or fruiting glume, shorter and very 
faintly nerved. 

Palea with inflected margins, but not auriculate. 

Staminodia usually two, very slender, with small abortive anthers. 

Styles very shortly united at the base. 

Grain enclosed in the scarious, or rather rigid fruiting glume and 
palea, but free from them. Semi-aquatic grasses, glabrous, or 
nearly. so. 

Leaves flat, the ligula short. 

Panicle spreading, with distant spikelets on filiform branches. 
Fruiting glume short and obtuse ... : ye ... 1. C. sponescens. 

Panicle spikelike but loose, the spikelets athena two sie on the 
lower branches. Fruiting glume acute. Outer glume half a 
line long, membranous ioe a a ele ae ... 2. C. paradoxa. 

1. Chameraphis spinescens, Poir. 

Botanical name.—Chameraphis, Greek, chamai for “ on the ground,” 
and raphis a needle, referring to the awn-like point of the rhachis ; 
spinescens, derived from the Latin spina, a thorn or prickle, having 
much the meaning of raphis in the present connection. 

Synonym. —Panicwm spinescens, R.Br. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vn, 498) :— 

Stems creeping at the base, and big in water forming large floating masses. 

Leaves linear-lanceolate, flat, with loose flattened sheaths, quite smooth, or slightly 

Panicle, 2 to 4 inches long, with rather numerous filiform, flexuose, spreading 
branches produced beyond the last spikelet into an awnlike point always longer 
than the spikelet. 

Spikelets few on each branch, distant, shortly pedicellate, but closely appressed in 
each bend of the rhachis, very narrow, about 3 lines long in the typical form. 

Pedicels and rhachis usually minutely scabrous-ciliate. 

Outer glume about 4 line long, thinly membranous, the second many-nerved, 
tapering to a long point ; the third usually rather smaller, with a shorter point 
and fewer nerves, enclosing the male flower. 

Fruiting glume much shorter, obtuse, very thin, and remaining thin as well as the 
palea over the grain which readily falls out of them. 

a A . 

Chameeraphis paradoxa, Por. 

A ‘*‘ Mud-grass.’”’ 


Value as a fodder.—A creeping grass found near water; forms a 
good sward, covering the land as the water recedes in waterholes. 
(Bailey). Believed to be nutritious; stock eat it readily. 

Habitat and range.—A semi-aquatic, found in all the colonies except 
Tasmania ; and, as regards our own Colony, from the Coast districts on 
the ranges and table-lands to the driest districts. Found also in 

2. Chameraphis paradoxa, Poir. 

Botanical name.—Paradoxa—Latin adjective, “ something unusual 
or wnexpected,” a name first given to this grass by Robert Brown, 
who called it Panicum paradoxum, as it was abnormal in comparison 
with other species of that genus. 

Synonym.—Panicum paradoxum, R. Br. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 499).—A smaller plant than C, 

Leaves mostly short and spreading. 

Panicle almost reduced to a simple spikelike raceme. 

Awnlike branches mostly bearing only a single spikelet near the base. 

Lower ones only occasionally more elongated, with two distant spikelets. 

Rhachis always produced into a Jong awn, exceeding the spikelet. 

Spikelets acuminate, 4 or 5 lines long. 

Outer glume broad, thinly membranous, about 3 line long, the second and third glumes 
nearly equal, striate with many nerves. 

Fruiting glume oblong, acute, nearly 2 lines long, thin, and almost nerveless. 

Value as a fodder.—Probably the same as that of the preceding 
species. These moisture-loving plants are frequently not appreciated 
to the extent they deserve, because the uncomfortable situations m 
which they are found, render careful examination and continued 
observation of them difficult for the greater part of the year. 

Habitat and range.—Semi-aquatic; occurs from Victoria and 
Queensland. In our Colony it extends from the Coast district to the 
table-land. Itis uncommon around Port Jackson. 

Reference to plate.—a. Portion of a panicle, enlarged; 8. A spikelet, showing the 
rhachis produced into an awn longer than the spikelet; co. Grain. 


Spikelets dicecious,* spicate or solitary on partial rhachises col- 
lected in dense globular heads, with a bract under each rhachis. 

Male plant: Spikelets usually several to each bract, spicate or 
clustered, two-flowered. 

Glumes four, nearly similar, two outer empty ones sometimes smaller, 
sometimes larger than the two flowering ones; a perfect palea and 
three stamens within each flowering one. 

Fertile plant: Spikelets solitary within each bract at the base of a 
partial rhachis, with one female or hermaphrodite flower, and an im- 
perfect or rudimentary, or sometimes a male flower below it. 

*Dicecious means having the male and female inflorescence on separate plants. This is 
very unusual in grasses. 


Glumes four, as in the male, the third with a more or less developed 
palea, and sometimes three stamens or staminodes. 

Palea in the fourth glume perfect. 

Stamens three, often imperfect. 

Styles two, distinct with long shortly-plumose stigmas. 

Grain enclosed in the hardened glume and palea and free from them. 
Spreading or creeping hard branching grasses, the flowering branches 
subtended by leafy or lanceolate and concave bracts. 

Heads of spikelets several inches in diameter ; male spikelets in 

spikes of 1 to 14 inches ; females at the base of rigid rhachises 

of 3 to 4 inches ; plant silky, pubescent, or villous ... . 1.8. hirsutus: 
Heads of spikelets not above 1 inch diameter; male spikelets 

solitary or clustered within small bracts; females within 

broad bracts, the rhachis shorter than the spikelet, and some- 

times minute or obsolete ... Ba de me this .. & S. paradoxus. 

1. Spinifex hirsutus, Labill. 

Botanical name.—NSpinifex, from the Latin, spina a thorn or 
prickle, in allusion to the spinous rhachis of the male spikelets ; 
hirsutus, hairy, in allusion to the general appearance of the plant. 

Vernacular names.—“ Spiny Rolling Grass” appears to be, perhaps, 
the best name for this grass, but 1t 1s by no means in universal use, 
many people simply calling it ‘‘Sandstay ” or “ Sea-coast Grass.” It 
is sometimes called “ Porcupine Grass” in Tasmania. It is not to be 
confused with the so-called “ Spinifexes”’ of the interior, which are 
botanically Triodia. They are far more prickly, and hence deserve 
the name of Spinifex better than the plants included in that genus. 
The genera Triodia and Spinifex are not closely related to each 

Where figured.—Labillardiere, Buchanan, Hackel, Agricultural 
Gazette. - 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu., 503).— 

Stem stout, creeping in the sand, forming large tufts. 

Leaves often above | foot long with involute margins, clothed, as well as the whole 
plant, with silky or woolly hairs. 

Male plant: Spikes sessile or pedunculate, few or many in a terminal head or 
umbel, and often a cluster of two or three spikes, or a single spike lower down 
on the stem; each spike 1 to 14 inches long ; the rhachis produced into a point 
usually exceeding the spikelets, and sometimes very long. 

Lracts under the spikes or peduncles, lanceolate, acuminate, concave. 

Spikelets sessile in the spike or scarcely pedicellate, 5 to 6 lines long. 

Glumes membranous, hairy, the empty ones five or seven nerved, usually as long 

: as or longer than the flowering ones. 

Fertile plant : Spikelets very numerous, in a large dense globular head, each one 
solitary at the base of a spine-like rhachis of 4 inches or more, subtended by a 
much shorter linear-lanceolate bract, the spikelet 6 to 7 lines long, acute or 

Glumes all nearly similar, with seven or more nerves, the two outer ones rather 
the largest, with more nerves than the others. A palea and sometimes three 
stamens in the axil of the third, and an ovary and three stamens or staminodes in 
the terminal one. 

Value as a fodder.—Very small. 
Other uses.—Its only use, though that is a great one, is as a sand- 
stay. The “Marram Grass” (Psamma arenaria, R. et.S.—a Huropean 


Spinifex hirsutus, Labill. 
(Male Plant.) 

Spinifex hirsutus, Labill. 

(Female or Fertile Plant.) 


species) is more valuable for resisting the encroachments of rolling sand 
than is the grass under present notice, but we should not neglect our 
indigenous plants. The “Spiny Rolling Grass,” planted already by 
bountiful Nature along many parts of our coast, is capable of much 
good if landowners and public officers would only encourage its growth 
as asandstay. Stock will rarely eat it, which circumstance is both an 
advantage and a drawback. It may be propagated readily, and it is 
of rapid growth. The ‘‘Spiny Rolling Grass” and the ‘‘ Marram” are 
different in habit; the former is prostrate, while the latter is tall 
and erect, like rushes. 

In this connection, the Newcastle sand-drift forces itself at once on 
our notice. At Newcastle and at other places on our coast (e.g., 
Wollongong), the “Spiny Rolling Grass” has done much service, 
although it promises to fall into comparative neglect through the 
phenomenal success which has attended the introduction of the 
“ Marram Grass” into Australia. 

As has been pointed out in the course of an inquiry in regard to 
sandstays in India, no one plant is serviceable in all situations for the 
purpose; but where it is desired to utilise a grass, the “‘Spiny Rolling 
Grass” should always be given a trial. One advantage of it is its 
extensive geographical range, for it is practically indigenous all round 
the Continent. Sydney people will find quantities of it at the Spit, 
near Manly, and at Lady Robinson’s Beach. 

Many other of our native plants have been used as sandstays in 
addition to the grasses, e,g., Acacia longifolia, Willd., var. Sophore, 
a golden wattle, with very spreading habit; several of the tea-trees, 
and particularly Leptospermum levigatum, F.v.M., together with 
several of the Melaleucas. Then, some of our Casuwarinas are most 
valuable, particularly C. glauca, the swamp oak, and C. Cunningham- 
dana—the river oak. ‘To cite but one instance, one of the islands in 

-the Bega River would be washed away if the oaks on it were felled, 
and hence they are protected by the Forest Department. An allied 
species (C. eguisetifolia) is very largely planted in India in almost pure 
sand, particularly in the Madras Presidency. 

In other countries the question of preventing the encroachment of 
sea-sand upon adjacent land has often become of the greatest import- 
ance. ‘The reclamation of the “‘ Landes” of south-western France 
occurs at once to most of us. Here millions of acres of desert wastes 
have been transformed into valuable land through the success which 
has attended the planting of the Maritime or Cluster Pine (Pinus 
pinaster, or maritima), and not only has the problem of arresting the 
sand been solved, but the trees are tapped for resin, which is distilled 
for turpentine, forming the basis of a great industry. 

Habitat and range.—FYound round nearly the whole of the Australian 
Colonies, on the sea-shore. It extends also to New Caledonia and 
New Zealand. 

Reference to Plates.—Male plant—l, creeping stem, with foliage; la, inflorescence ; 
2, spikelet. Female or fertile plant—l, creeping stem with foliage ; la, inflorescence ; 
2, spikelet ; 3, ovary, with feathery stigmas. 


3. Spinifex paradoxus, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Paradoxus, Latin, something new or unexpected, 
an allusion by Bentham to the way in which the genus was overlooked 
by eminent botanists (see B. F'l., vu, 505). 

Where figured—lIcones plantarum, t. 1243, 1244. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 504).—Glabrous divaricately 
branched, rigid, and brittle, but not so stout as the preceding species. 

Branches in clusters of three to six, surrounded by short leaves with loose sheaths, 
the lower stem-leaves long and narrow ; the ligula a dense ring of cilia. 

Male plant: Spikelets in a dense cluster or head of $ to #inch diameter, one to 
three outer bracts lanceolate and about as long as the head, the inner ones much 
reduced; the spikelets about 3 lines long, the outer ones nearly sessile, the 
inner ones pedicellate and sometimes two on a pedicel, the pedicel or axis pro- 
duced into a point shorter than the spikelet. 

Outer empty glumes two, several-nerved. 

Flowering glumes two, nearly equal, longer than the empty ones, each with a palea, 
and three stamens. 

Female plant : Heads the size of the males when in flower, but the bracts larger and 
broader, and when in fruit the bracts variously enlarged, one or two often 
becoming curved, 1 inch long or more, broad with hard centres and scarious 
margins, sometimes all scarcely changed. 

Spikelets almost sessile within each bract, the very short pedicel produced into a 
point much shorter than the spikelets, and sometimes minute or obsolete. 

Einvpty glumes prominently seven or nine nerved, the two outer rather shorter than 
the third, which is either empty lke them or contains a small palea. 

Fruiting glume shorter, very acute, smooth, and shining. 
Styles distinct. 

Value as a fodder.—Not palatable to stock. 
Other wses.—Excellent as a sand-binder for interior regions, as it 
withstands very high temperatures and protracted drought. 

Habitat and range.—In the dry interior of all the colonies except 
Tasmania and Western Australia. 

Sub-tribe 1.—Zoysiex. 

14. Zoysia. 16. Neurachne. 
15. Lappago. 17... Perotis. 

14. ZOYSIA. 

Spikelets one-flowered, not awned, nearly sessile in a close spike, 
not distichous, the rhachis continuous. 

Glumes two, the outer one broad, complicate, keeled, the inner. 
flowering one much smaller, thin, and hyaline. 

Palea still smaller. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain free, enclosed in the somewhat hardened outer glume. 


1. Zoysia pungens, Willd. 

Botanical name.—Zoysia, named in honor of Baron Charles de Zoys ; 
pungens, Latin, “pricking,” in reference to the sharp-pointed leaves. 

Vernacular names.— Coast Couch-grass” ; “ Prickly Couch-grass” ; 
called ‘‘ Porcupine-grass” by Bailey ; “Japanese Lawn-grass” (Lam- 

Where figured—Buchanan, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 506).— 

Rhizome creeping in the sands to a great extent, with erect stems, rarely above 
6 inches high. 

Leaves flat or convolute, with rigid subulate, often pungent, points; glabrous, 
except a few cilia at the orifice of the rather loose sheath. 

Spike terminal, 1 to 14 inches long. 

’ Spikelets erect, closely appressed in the notches of the rhachis, 14 to 2 lines long. 

' Outer glume rather acute, broad, smooth, and shining; the sides nerveless. 
Flowering glume completely enclosed, usually much smaller, thin and hyaline, but 

sometimes more than half the outer one and rather more rigid. 

Value as a fodder.—Not inconsiderable, and it becomes the more 
important when it is considered that in sandy land, near the sea, very 
few grasses—at all events, edible grasses—will grow. Itforms a com- 
pact turf, and is easily propagated. Its value as a sand-binder is even 
ereater, and it may be readily propapated by division of the roots. It 
is palatable to stock, and should be encouraged in many places along 
our coast. 

“ Constant cropping appears to improve it, and to imcrease the 
density of the turf. In the foreign settlements of China and Japan it 
is prized as a lawn grass, especially for tennis-courts. Ii is finer- 
leaved than St. Augustine Grass,* and may prove superior to that 
grass for lawns in the Southern and Gulf States (U.S.A.). The habit 
of growth of Japanese lawn-grass (Zoysia) is very similar to that of 
Bermuda (our common Australian Couch-grass, Cynodon dactylon, 
J.H.M.), but the creeping stems are rather stouter and more rigid, 
and the upright branches or tufts of flowering stems are never so tall, 
rarely exceeding 6 inches. It may be propagated by root cuttings or 
by seed. Importations of both roots and seeds from Korea have 
been successfully grown in the United States, and the grass has proved 
hardy as far north as Connecticut. The leaves turn brown in the 
autumn, as do those of Bermuda.” (Lamson-Scribner). 

Habitat and range-—Found in Tasmania, Victoria, New South 
Wales, and Queensland, along the sea coast, and in salt marshes. It 
also extends to New Zealand, and is found in Asia. 


Spikelets one-flowered, not awned, two, or rarely three or four, 
together on very short pedicels along the continuous rhachis of a 
simple spikelike panicle. 

* Stenotaphrum americanum, which is known in the Australian colonies as Buffalo Grass. 


Glumes, usually three, the outer one, next the rhachis, very minute, 
and sometimes obsollena, the second empty, with five prominent nerves, 
armed with short, rigid, hooked bristles, the third or flowering olume 
and enclosed palea thin and hyaline. 

Styles distinct, slender. 

Grain enclosed in the thin palea and glume, and rigid outer glume, 
free from them. 

1. Lappago racemosa, Willd. 

Botanical name.—Lappago, from the Latin word fora plant with a 
burr. The Fuller’s Teazle (Dipsacus) is one of the plants supposed 
to have been meant by the Ancients, though there are probably 
others. More indirectly, the name is from the Latin Lappa, the well- 
known Burdock of Hurope (Arctiwm lappa), the burry fruits of which 
naughty school boys have collected from remote antiquity to put down 
one another’s backs or to throw at the hair of school-girls. The 
burry appearance of the spikelets of our plant will be seen from the 
figure ; racemosa, with infloresence in the form of a raceme. 

Synonym.—Tragus racemosa, Desf. Authorities differ as to whom 
belongs the credit of this species. Indew Kewensis gives Scopoli, 
Duthie gives Hall, Bentham and most Continental botanists quote 

Vernacular name.—The ‘‘ Small Burr-grass,’ in contradistinction 
to the “ Large Burr-grass”’ (Cenchrus australis). 

Where figured.—Duthie, Hackel, Agriculiwral Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 507).—An annual, spreading on 
the ground or ascending to from 6 inches to | foot in height, usually 
glabrous, except a few rigid cilia borderig the leaves. 

Leaves flat, with loose sheaths. 
Liguia small, split into cilia. 

Spikelike panicle or raceme, 2 to 4 inches long, cylindrical and narrow, the very 
short peduncles bearing on their end two sessile narrow spikelets about 2 lines 
long, falling off together with the peduncle as little burrs. 

The second glumes, with their hooked prickles, forming the principal part of the 
spikelets, the acuminate, almost aristate, frwting glumes remaining enclosed 
within them. 

Value as a fodder.—A useful grass for winter and early spring ; 
stock are fond of it. It is quite a small grass, usually not of much 
importance by itself for this reason, and also because it is not one of 
eur most abundant grasses, but useful to supplement other fodder 
grasses. Bailey speaks of it as “a good little grass for winter.” 

Mr. W. Coldstream, quoted by Duthie, states that it 1s common at 
Hissar, India; is too small to stock, but, being ‘a very nutritious 
grass,’ itis much grazed in the rains. Mr. Symonds states that 
cattle will not eat it, and Mr. Lowrie, of Ajmere, India, condemns it 
as a bad fodder grass. 

No chemical analysis appears to have been made of this grass, but 
with us it is believed to be nutritious, and certainly both cattle and 
sheep eat it readily enough. 

lis burrs are not usually complained of by the wool-grower. 

Lappago racemosa, Willd. 

‘‘Small Burr Grass.’’ 


Habitat and range.—The original home of this grass is given in the 
Index Kewensis as the Mediterranean region and Afghanistan. It is 
common in the sandy soils of the plains of Northern India, and is 
described by Bentham as a common weed in most tropical and tem- 
perate regions in the new and old world. ‘There is no doubt, however, 
that it is an indigenous Australian plant. The Baron informs us that 
up to the present it has been found in all the colonies, save only Tas- 
mania and Western Australia. 

This is one of those grasses which have been more widely diffused, 
though accidentally, by the agency of man. On the advent of the 
white man to this Colony it was found in the arid interior portions of 
it, but gradually it has worked its way coastwise, mainly, and perhaps 
entirely, through the burrs becoming entangled in the wool of sheep, 
or through the sweepings of the sheep-trucks containing seed-laden 
manure. So rapidly do sheep-trucks now come from such places as 
Hay, Narrandera, Gunnedah, &c., that the transmission of interior 
plants to the coast is proceeding at a rapid rate. To give but one 
instance; fettlers on the Southern line will inform you that the small 
introduced musk-melon (Cucwmis myriocarpus, Naud.) constantly ger- 
minates on the permanent-way, distributed through the droppings 
from the sheep-trucks. 

Our grass under notice I have traced on the railway line at different 
places, and finally near the Homebush sheep sale-yards near Sydney. 

Reference to plate.—A, spikelike panicle; B, part of the panicle enlarged ; c, a “‘ burr,” 
consisting of a pair of narrow spikelets opened out. 


Spikelets with one terminal hermaphrodite flower, and very rarely a 
second male one below it, sessile along the continuous rhachis of a 
simple ovoid or cylindrical spike. 

Glumes four, the second the largest, fringed on each side, at least 
in the lower half, with long spreading cilia on the intramarginal 

glume smaller and thinner, usually with a small palea in its 

Fruiting glume smaller, thin, and often hyaline. 

The palea also very thin, as long as or longer than the glume. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the thin palea and glume, free from them. 

Spike ovoid or oblong, $ to 1 inch long ; outer glume five- or seven- 

nerved, with long spreading hairs on the back ... a5 1, N. alopecurordes. 
Spike narrow, 1 to 2 inches long. Outer glume with a transverse 

callosity on the back bearing long cilia, and below it an ovate 

very thin space, bordered by a thickened margin a 2. N. Mitchelliana. 
Spike narrow, 1 to 2 inches long. Outer glume thin, glabrous, or 

bordered by very few cilia... 3. N. Munros. 



1. Neurachne alopecuroides, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Neurachne, from two Greek words, newron, a sinew 
or a nerve, achne, chaff (in botany, glume), referring to the nerves on 
the glumes ; alopecuroides, from Alopecurus, and oidos, like, denoting 
similarity to the genus of grasses known as Alopecurus. 

Where figured.—Icones plantarwm, t. 1,241; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FL., vu, 507).— 

Stems erect, 1 to 14 feet high, with the nodes usually hairy, otherwise glabrous. 

Leaves rather short, narrow and rigid, mostly at the base of the stem, glabrous, 
except the dense cilia of the ligula, the upper ones few and small. 

Spike ovoid or oblong, # to 1 inch long. 

Spikelets numerous, densely crowded all round the rhachis, but spreading and very 
readily falling away, a few at the base of the spike barren and almost reduced 
to single ciliate glumes, but more persistent, and forming an involucre at the 
base of the spike. Each spikelet about 3 lines long, with a tuft of hairs at the 

Outer glume rather shorter, five- or seven-nerved, tapering to a fine point, with a few 
spreading hairs on the back. 

Second glume many-nerved, tapering to a fine point, densely ciliate with long hairs 
on each side. 

Third glume rather shorter, with few nerves, sprinkled with a few short hairs. 
Fruiting glume and palea thin and hyaline. 

Value as a fodder.—T hough coarse, it is a welcome fodder in summer, 
as the young leaves push out as long as there is any moisture in reach 
of their roots. (Tepper.) 

Fungus found on this grass.—Ustilago Tepperi, Lind. 

Habitat and range.—¥ound in all the Colonies except Tasmania and 
Queensland. An interior species. 

Reference to Plate..—A, Portion of a panicle; B, Spikelet showing relative size of 
outer glume, which is very short, broad and truncate; c, Spikelet dissected, showing 
small outer glume, the 2nd and 3rd glumes, which are equal in size, and 3- or 5-nerved ; 
also the fruiting glume. 

2. Neurachne Mitchelliana, Nees. 

Botanical name.—Mitchelliana, in honour of Sir Thomas Mitchell, 
already alluded to. 

Vernacular name.—‘ Mulga Grass,” so-called because it is often 
found under Mulga (Acacia anewra). 

Where figured.—Bailey ; Icones Plantarum, t. 1240; Agricultural 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 508).— 

Stems from a knotty woolly branching base, erect, leafy to the inflorescence or 
nearly so. 

moe flat, short, spreading, ciliate with a few long hairs, or the lower ones woolly- 


Spike narrow—cylindrical, 1 to nearly 2 inches long, 

Spikelets about 2 lines long, with a tuft of hair at their base. 

Outer glume as long as the others, many-nerved, ciliate, marked in the centre on the 
back with a tranverse callosity bearing long rigid horizontally spreading hairs, 
with a broad cavity underneath it, very thin, almost hyaline, bordered by a 
prominent nerve on each side. 

Neurachne alopecuroides, R. Br. 


Second glume broad to above the middle, pubescent on the back, and densely fringed 
on each side by long spreading hairs, the upper part narrow and glabrous, or 
nearly so. 

Third glume shorter, thin, faintly nerved and not ciliate, either empty or enclosing 
a small palea. 

Fruiting glume and palea thin and almost hyaline. 

Value as a fodder.—An excellent grass, nutritious and palatable to 
stock. It grows under the shade of trees, and under the protection of 
shrubs and stones. It withstands severe drought, keeping up a 
growth when many other grasses are dried up. 

Habitat and range.—Found in South Australia, Victoria, New South 
Wales and Queensland. An interior species. 

3. Neurachne Munroi, [F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Munvrot, in honour of General William Munro, an 
eminent British authority on grasses. 

Where jigured.—Icones Plantarum, t. 1289. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 508).— 

Stems from a more or less woolly knotty base under 1 foot high. 

Leaves narrow, convolute, or subulate, ciliate at the nodes and ligula, otherwise 

Spike narrow-cylindrical, 1 to nearly 2 inches long. 
Rhachis pubescent. 
Spikelets 24 to 3 lines long, with a tuft of hairs at their base. 
uice-qivne nearly as long as the spikelet, thin, glabrous, or with a few marginal 
Second glume more rigid, acutely acuminate, with about seven very prominent 
nerves, the marginal ones fringed in the lower half with long cilia. 
Third glume shorter, much thinner, glabrous, about five-nerved, with a small palea. 
Fruiting glume and palea thin and hyaline, the palea larger than the glume. 
Value as a fodder.—A useful grass, believed to be nutritious, often 
affording a bite to stock in sheltered situations amongst scrub. 
Habitat and range.—Found in South Australia, Victoria, and New 
South Wales. An interior species, found frequently amongst mulga 
scrub (Acacia aneura and allied species). 


_Sptkelets one-flowered, sessile, or shortly pedicellate along the 

continuous rhachis of a loose simple spike or raceme. 

Glumes three, two outer empty ones linear, rigid, tapering into long 
terminal straight awns, the lowest the longest. 

Terminal flowering glume much smaller, thin, and hyaline, the palea 
still smaller. | 

Styles very shortly united at the base, the plumose stigmas short. 

Grain narrow, free, longer than the terminal glume, enclosed in the 
two rigid outer ones, 


1. Perotis rara, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Perotis, from the Greek peros, wanting or deficient, 
though the author of the genus gives no indication of what part he 
desires to indicate as deficient (supposing such to have been his idea) ; 
or, perhaps, from the Greek otites, eared, with long ears, and pert, 
around, referring to the long awns; rara, Latin, signifying seldom 
seen, or unusual. It is not a Rete common grass. 

Vernacular name.—* Comet- -grass,’ so called by Mr. Bailey ecccr: 
he noticed this grass to be very abundant in the pasture of the Comet 
River district, Queensland. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 509).— 

Stems from a decumbent or branching base, slender, ascending to 1 foot or rather 

Leaves linear, with subulate points, glabrous except a few marginal cilia especially 
at the orifice of the sheaths. 

Ingula ciliate. 

Spike or raceme in some specimens 3 to 4 inches, in others at least twice as long. 

Spikelets always numerous, at first erect, at length reflexed, in some specimens almost 
sessile, in others on pedicels of } to above 4 line long, often ciliate with a few 
hairs, the spikelets very narrow, 2 to 3 lines long without the fine awns, which 

are 4 to 1 inch long. 

Outer glume with a prominent keel, sometimes glabrous, in a few specimens ciliate 
with rather long hairs. 

Second glume similar, but rather shorter and narrower. 

Value as a fodder.—This is a quick grower. Some observers say it is 
succulent, and stock are stated to be fond of it; but Mr. P. A. 
O’Shanesy, speaking of the dry summer of 1881, states that he has 
observed the goats will not eat it, even in places where there are no 
other grasses. 

Bailey alludes to it as ‘‘a small decumbent grass, affording excellent 
sheep-pasture in open country, growing quickly after showers. The 
seeds, though sharp, are not very troublesome.’ He found it in much 
favour with the pastoralists of the Comet River, but in other places it 
was not so highly thought of. 

Some of our stock-imspectors do not apppear to be able to appraise 
the value of this grass, and their attention might be drawn to it. 

We know so little about the fodder value of Perotis that it may be 
interesting to note that, speaking of P. latifolia, Roxburgh says that 
cattle are not fond of this grass; Mr. Lowrie, however, states that at 
Ajmere it is considered to be a good fodder grass.” (Duthie.) 

Other uses.—Its inflorescence is ornamental, and may be used for 
decorative purposes. 

Habitat and range.—Found in South Australia, New South Wales, 
Queensland, and Northern Australia. It also occurs in Asia and the 
Pacific Islands. In New South Wales it is always an interior species. 
The Stock Inspector of the Bourke district says that 1t grows prolifically 
on sandy and red ground, and is not to be found on black soil 

Reference to Plate—a, Part of the spike, enlarged, to show the attachment of the 
spikelets ; b, A spikelet showing the two very long awns at the emt of the ee : 
C, Unripe grain, very much enlarged. 

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Sub-tribe 11.—RoOTTBOELLIEA. 


Spikelets in pairs, in the alternate notches of a simple spike, one 
sessile and half embedded in a cavity of the scarcely articulate 
rhachis with one hermaphrodite flower, the other on a closely appressed 
and often adnate pedicel reduced to two or three empty glumes, the 
spikes single on each peduncle above a sheathing bract, and often 

Flumes in the sessile spikelet four, the outer one appressed and 
covering the cavity of the rhachis, the second thinner and concave or 
keeled, the third and fourth and the palea in the fourth thin and 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the glumes, but free from them. 

1. Hemarthria compressa, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—From the Greek words hemi, half, and arthron, a 
joint; half-jointed, referring to the spike. Compressa, Latin, flattened, 
referring to the spike of this species. 

Synonym.—Rottbellia convpressa, Beauv. 

Vernacular names.—‘‘ Mat Grass,’ ‘Mackay Sugar Grass” (in 
Queensland), ‘‘ Needle Grass,” ‘so called by me from the appear- 
ance of the spike just before flowering.” (Bacchus.) 

Allied grasses are known as “ Rat-tail Grass” in the United States. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FIl., vu, 510).— 

Stems decumbent or creeping at the base, rather rigid, ascending to ] foot or rather 
more, slightly branched. 

Leaves narrow, glabrous, or the lower ones sprinkled with a few long hairs. 

Spikes solitary on the branches or nearly so, more or less compressed, rigid, 3 to 5 
inches long, often 14 lines broad. 

Sptkelets all closely appressed, 3 to 34 lines long. 

Outer glume many-nerved, tapering into a very variable point, sometimes very short 
and straight, especially in the sessile spikelet, sometimes elongated and fine or 
minutely hooked at the extremity, or in southern specimens especially towards 
the end of the spike, terminating in a rather long inflexed rigid hook. In the 
pedicellate spikelet the point of the outer glume is often longer, finer, and 
straight, but occasionally that also is hooked, and more rarely the second glume 
ends in a small hook. 

Value as a fodder.—A strong rambling grass, with creeping roots, 
found on undrained heavy clay or wet, sour soils, and hence useful for 
encouraging in land of that description. Its mflorescence is not con- 
spicuous, and hence many people do not distinguish this grass from 
others. Bailey describes it as “‘a rather harsh, wiry grass, the flattish 
stems often extending the length of 5 or 6 feet. It affords a coarse 
fodder around swamps and the margins of rivers, which is of value 
during very dry seasons. The flattened running stems are very sweet, 
and as the water dries up in the swamps, these are greedily eaten by 
stock ; horses are said to leave all else for these stems.’ Bacchus, a 


Victorian writer, describes it as “ perennial, 1 to 24 feet high. Com- 
mon about salt marshes and lakes, vegetates late, keeps green through 
the hot weather, and is then a favourite food with stock, which do not 
seem to care about it in-the winter. Often affected with rust.” 

Roxburgh says that cattle are fond of it. (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range.-—Found imall the colonies. In New South Wales 
confined to the coast district of Dividing Range. Occurs also in 
South Asia and South Africa. 

Sub-tribe 1v.—HvUANDROPOGONER. 

24. Heteropogon. 30. Imperata. 
25. Ishemum. 31. Chrysopogon. 
27. Arthraxon. 32. Sorghum. 
28. Pollinia. oo. Anthistiria. 
29. Andropogon. 34. Apluda. 


Spikelets one-flowered, moncecious, in pairs in the notches of the 
articulate rhachis of a simple one-sided spike; the females sessile, 
cylindrical, turned to one side of the spike; the males lanceolate, 
awnless, shortly pedicellate, imbricate on the other side of the spike. 

Glumes in the female spikelet four ; the outer one hard convolute, 
the second keeled, the third very thin and hyaline, fourth or terminal 
glume a hard twisted and bent awn, attenuate and flexuose, or narrow 
and hyaline at the base, as in Andropogon. 

Palea very small and thin, or none. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the hardened glumes, but free from them. 

1, Heteropogon contortus, Roem. et Schult. 

Botanical name.—Heteropogon, from the Greek heteros, irregular or 
variable, perhaps from the circumstance that the hairs on the outer 
glume and on the armed point of the flowering glume are different in 
colour and texture; pogon, a beard ; contortus, entangled, referring to 
the twisted awns, which become entangled, and give the plant a 
matted appearance. 

Synonym.—Andropogon contortus, Linn., in F.v.M. Census. 

Vernacular names.— Bunch Spear-grass,” “Twisted Beard Grass.” 

Where figured.—Vasey, Duthie, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl, vii, 517).— 

Stems ascending or erect, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves narrow, ciliate with a few long hairs, the sheaths flattened. 

Spikes pedunculate, 1 to 2 inches long without the awns. 

Male or barren spikelets 3 to 4 lines long, green, ciliate, closely imbricate in two rows 
along one side of the spike, almost concealing the females. 

Female spikelets narrow, the outer glume hard, obtuse, convolute; the second 

narrow, with a hard centre, the hairs surrounding the spikelet brown and silky. 
Awn protruding often to 2 inches, and very much twisted. 


Value as a fodder.—A. strong-growing grass, producing abundance 
of nutritious fodder when young, but becoming coarse when old. For 
this reason, as also because the barbed seeds are deadly to sheep, it is 
only suitable for large stock. These seeds are far more formidable 
than those of Stipa setacea (see page 114). 

“Tn India it is largely used as fodder, both before and after it has 
flowered, but chiefly when it is young and tender. In Rajputana and 
Bundelkhand, where this grass abounds, it is cut and stacked after 
the rains are over. It is also cut for hay in the Hissar bir, and 
Mr. Coldstream states that it will keep good in stack for twelve years. 
On Mount Abu the people consider it is the best fodder-grass they 
have. In other districts it is said to be eaten only by buffaloes or by 
cattle when they are hungry and cannot obtain other kinds of grass.” 

Other uwses.—Much used in thatching in India. (Duthie.) Hackel 
suggests that the awns may serve as hygrometers. Lamson-Scribner 
points out that the strong rhizomes and tough roots of this grass 
commend it as a soil-binder for river-banks, dams, &c. 

Fungus found on this grass.—Cerebella andropogonis, Ces. 

Habitat and range.—In the North Coast districts of this Colony, 
extending through Queensland and Northern Australia; also extends 
over tropical and sub-tropical Asia, Africa, America, and the Pacific 


Spikelets in pairs in the alternate notches of the articulate flexuose 
rhachis of simple spikes, one sessile with one hermaphrodite terminal 
fiower and a male one below it; the other pedicellate and either 
similar or with only one hermaphrodite or one or two male flowers or 
reduced to empty glumes. 

Spikes either solitary or two or more, sessile or nearly so at the end 
of the common peduncle. 

Glumes in the sessile spikelet four, the outer one the largest, awn- 
less, truncate or two-toothed at the top. 

Second glume keeled and sometimes produced into a short, straight 

Third glwme rather smaller, thin, enclosing a palea and three 

Terminal glume a twisted and bent awn, attenuate or hyaline and 
bifid at the base as in Andropogon. 

- Palea small and thin or none. 

Styles distinct. 

Gramm enclosed in the glumes, but free from them. 
Spikelets both two-flowered and awned ; outer glumerigid ; spikes two 

or three, rarely four, erect, often appressed so as to appear 
like one cylindrical spike ; nodes bearded. 

Stems 2 or 3 feet high; awn exserted. 
Spikes 3 to 4 inches, spikelets 4 to 5 lines long ... ae ae Os: Li triticeumas 
Spikes 14 to 3 inches, spikelets about 3 lines long bi w» 4 I australe. 


Stems creeping or diffuse, shortly ascending; leaves hairy, rhachis 
of the spike ciliate, outer glume wrinkled on the base, 
awn shortly exserted . aed Nos ee et oe 

Sessile spikelet two-flowered, awned ; pedicellate spikelet unawned, 
with a male or without any flower ; spike solitary. 

Pedicellate spikeJet without flowers ; spike slender ; sessile spike- 
lets flat, closely appressed, pectinate-ciliate on each side ; 
no awn ... a. i: oe a ss ... 8. I. pectinatum. 

Pedicellate spikelets lanceolate, flattened, with two male flowers 10. J. lawum. 

6. I. ciliare. 

3. Ischemum triticeum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Ischemum, said to be from iwschemon, a plant re- 
ferred to by Pliny: “ A herb like a hyrse, having sharp leaves and 
moss; itis good to stop blood.” It is said that the woolly seeds of 
one of the species were used as astyptic ; triticewm, Latin, wheat-like. 

Vernacular Name.—‘ Wheat Grass.” 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 519).—Very near J. muticum, but a 
coarse plant, ascending to 2 or 3 feet. 
Leaves mostly long and broad, contracted at the base or scarcely cordate, glabrous 
or the lower sheaths hairy. 
Spikes two together, 3 to 4 inches long. 
Spikelets 4 to 5 lines long, more acuminate than in J, muticum. 

Outer glume smooth and shining at the base, several-nerved, and often ciliate, with a 
few hairs at the end, the wings of the lateral nerves often unequal. 

Inner glumes rather rigid, the third with a rigid palea and male flower, the fourth 
under the terminal flower more hyaline, shortly two-fid, the awn usually exserted 
and sometimes 4 inch long. 

Pedicellate spikelet nearly similar, but, as in 7. muticwm rather narrower, the wings 
and nerves irregular, and the awn often shorter. 

Value as a fodder.—A coarse grass, of but little value for fodder. 

Habitat and range-—A common coast grass in Queensland and 
Northern New South Wales. 

4, Ischemum australe, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Australe, Latin, southern (Australian). 
Botanical description (B. FL., vu, 519).— 
Stems from a shortly decumbent base or creeping rhizome erect, 2 to 3 feet high, but 
not stout. 

Leaves rather narrow, glabrous or slightly hairy in the typical form, the nodes 
always bearded, the upper sheaths very long. 

Spikes two together on a long peduncle, sessile and erect, 14 to 3 inches long, the 
rhachis and pedicels slightly ciliate. 

Sprkelets 3 lines long or scarcely more, otherwise the same as in J. triticeum. 

Awn of the sessile spikelet + to 4 inch long, of the pedicellate spikelet shorter or 

reduced to a short point. 

Value as a fodder.—A coarse, harsh grass, only nutritious when 
young; when old, stock never touch it except when hard pressed. 
Bailey remarks that it hasa deep-running rhizome, and is thus enabled 
to stand a length of dry weather, and continue to afford a bite for 
stock after others have given up.’ Mr. Seccombe, with admittedly 
limited experience of it, speaks of it as a valuable acquisition, growing 


continuously through hot and cold weather, “ for so far the winter has 
in no way affected its appearance or growth. It has, moreover, 
proved a continuous seed-producer.” 

Habitat and range.—Found near moist places from the Port Jackson 
district northward to Queensland and Northern Australia. Confined 
to the coast districts. 

6. Ischeemum ciliare, Retz.: var. podostachyum, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Ciliare, Latin, cilia, the hairs of the eye-lids (eye- 
lashes), alluding to the hairy leaves and bearded nodes ; podostachyum, 
pous, podus a foot, and stachys an ear of corn, one of the spikes being 
attached lower down, giving the other a pedunculate appearance. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 520).— 

Stem, in the specimen seen, slender, under 1 foot high, erect from a shortly decumbent 
or creeping base. 

Leaves short, glabrous. 

Ligula prominent. 

Nodes bearded. 

Spikes scarcely 1 inch long, two at the end of the peduncle, but one of them shorter 
and attached lower down, giving the other a pedunculate appearance. 

Pedicels ciliate. 

Sessile spikelet 3 lines long. 

Outer glume lanceolate, acutely acuminate, the nerves more conspicuous and not 80 
smooth as in the typical J. caliare and in J. decumbens. 

Second glume as long, but thinner, narrow, and keeled. 

Third nearly as long, very acute, with a male flower. 

Fourth or ternunal glume hyaline, deeply two-lobed, with a slender awn not twice as 
long, enclosing the hermaphrodite flower. 

Pedicellate spikelet nearly similar, but containing only a male flower and no awn. 

Value as a fodder.—lt is occasionally used in India as a fodder- 
grass. (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range.—As far as is at present known, confined to this 
Colony, and to the Hunter River district. 

8. Ischemum pectinatum, Trin. 

Botanical name.—Pectinatum, Latin, combed or like a comb, from 
the supposed appearance of the spikelets. 
Botanical description (B. F., vu, 521).— 

Stems tufted and leafy at the base, about 1 foot high or rather more. 

Lower leaves narrow, flat, under 6 inches long, those on the stem few, reduced to long 
close sheaths, with very short, erect laminz. 

Spike single, pedunculate above the last sheath, rather slender, straight or slightly 
curved, usually about 2 inches, but sometimes twice that length. 

- Sessile spikelets closely appressed and imbricate on one side of the rhachis, much 
flattened ; 2 lines long or rather more. 

Outer glume broad, truncate or retuse, thin but rigid, seven-nerved, the outer nerves 
close to the margin elegantly pectinate-muricate in the lower part, and produced 
upwards into short wings. 

Second glume narrower, acute, keeled. 

Third glume thin and hyaline, with a palea and male flower. 

Terminal glume with a hermaphrodite flower, shorter, rather broad, obtuse, very 
thin and hyaline, with a faint central nerve but no awn; the palea similar but 
without the central nerve. 

Pedicellate spikelet reduced to a single few-nerved acuminate glume, slightly 


Value as a fodder.—A very close-growing grass, forming on even 
dry, stony ridges a close turf. (Bailey.) 

Habitat and range.-—Extends from New South Wales to Northern 
Australia. In our own Colony found on the northern rivers, extending 
to the table-land. Found also in Ceylon andin the Indian Peninsula, 

10. Ischemum laxum, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Laxum, Latin for loose or slack, in allusion to the 
habit of the grass. 

Vernacular name. Rat’s-tail Ischeemum.” 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 522).—A rather slender grass of 2 
to 3 feet, the Australian specimens quite glabrous. 

Leaves narrow, often subulate. 

Ligula short, ciliate. 

Spike single, dense, sometimes slightly curved, 2 to 4 or rarely 5 inches long; rhachis 
and pedicels ciliate. 

Sessile spikelet narrow, scarcely flattened, 3 to 4 lines long. 

Outer glume acutely acuminate, with two rather prominent nerves and obscure ones 
between them. 

Second glume thin, produced into a long, fine, straight awn. 

Third hyaline, with a male flower. 

Terminal glume hyaline, narrow, bifid, with a long, bent awn. 

Pedicellate spikelet more conspicuous, much flattened as well as the pedicel. 

Glumes acutely acuminate, the outer ones broadly lanceolate, with five very pro- 
minent nerves. 

Second thin, scarious, faintly three-nerved, two flowering glumes and paleas thin 
and hyaline, both with male flowers or the third empty. 

Value as a fodder.—This is a coarse grass, often met with at the base 
of hills. Before seeding it forms a fair pasture for cattle, but is not 
adapted for sheep. (Bailey.) Mr. Lowrie says it is one of the best 
grasses in the Ajmere district of India. (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range.—Extends from New Hngland, New South 
Wales, to Northern Australia; occurs also in tropical Asia and 



Spikelets one-flowered, sessile in the alternate notches of the 
articulate rhachis of simple spikes, with a short pedicel in the same 
notch usually without any spikelet, the spikes sessile or shortly 
pedunculate in a simple terminal panicle. 

Glumes four, the outer one the largest, membranous, several-nerved; 
the second keeled, acute ; the third smaller, hyaline, all awnless; fourth 
or terminal glume shorter than the second, hyaline but keeled, with 
a dorsal awn arising from the base, but twisted and bent as m 

Palea very small and hyaline. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the outer glumes, but free from them. 

Stems usually weak or slender with short broad leaves. 

1. Arthraxon ciliare, Beauv: vaz. australe, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Arthraxon, from the Greek arthron a joint, axis 
an axis or stem; jointed to the stem, the spikelets being sessile in the 
alternate notches of the articulate rhachis; ciliare, Latin, hairy. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vi, 524).—A broad-leaved, creeping, 
straggling, much-branched grass. 

Stems os decumbent or creeping at the base, branching and ascending to about 
1 foot. 

Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute, 1 to 14 inches long, cordate at the base, the sheaths 
usually ciliate with long hairs. 

Spikes usually three or four, shortly pedicellate, forming a little simple panicle of 
about 1 inch. 

Rhachis and abortive pedicels glabrous. 
Spikelets few, rarely above 6 inches, each branch or spike about 2 lines long. 

Outer glume acute, with about seven equally prominent more or less muricate nerves ; 
keel of the second glume ciliate towards the top. 

Terminal or flowering glume obtuse, entire or very shortly two-lobed, the dorsal awn 
proceeding quite from the base, fine, and about twice as long as the spikelet. 

Value as a fodder.—A straggling slender grass which, according to 
Bailey, seems to be well-liked by cattle. Duthie says it 1s considered 
to be a good fodder-grass in Rajputana, India. 

Habitat and range—Found in swamps; the only two Australan 
recorded localities being New England (New South Wales) and 
Toowoomba (Queensland). ‘This grass requires the further attention 
of collectors. 

Found also in Asia. In India the normal species is found in the 
plains of the north-west, and up to 7,000 feet on the Himalaya. 


Spikelets one-flowered, in pairs in the alternate notches of the 
articulate rhachis of simple spikes, one sessile or shortly pedicellate, 
the other on a longer pedicel, but the two otherwise similar, the 
spikes sessile and clustered, or rarely solitary at the end of the 
common peduncle. : 

Glwmes four or three ; outer one the largest, membranous, awnless 
with a truncate toothed or ciliate tip; second usually thinner, keeled, 
acute or produced into a fine straight awn; third thin and hyaline or 
deficient ; terminal or fourth glume a twisted and bent awn, contracted 
and flexuose or hyaline, dilated and two-lobed at the base as in 

Palea small and hyaline or none. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the outer glumes and free from them. 

Habit of Andropogon, section Gymnandropogon, the spikes silky- 
villous, rufous, or silvery-white as in A. sericeus and its allies, but the 
pediceilate spikelets are all, except sometimes at the base of the spike, 
fertile, which is never the case in Andropogon. 


3. Pollinia fulva, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Pollinia, in honor of Ciro Pollini, Professor of 
Botany at the University of Verona, and author of a Flora Veronensis ; 
fulva, Latin, deep-yellow or tawny, such being the colour of the 

Synonym.—Hrianthus fulvus, Benth.: in F.v.M. Census. Variety of 
P. Cummingiu, Nees (Hackel). | 

Vernacular names.—‘‘ Sugar Grass”’ 1s its most common name, owing 
to its sweetness. ‘‘ Brown-top,” ‘‘ Red Grass,” or “ Red-ribbed 
Grass” allude to its rich brown-red silky spikes of flowers. It is 
sometimes known as “ Bastard Mitchell Grass” in Queensland. 
“ Aldroo”’ of the aborigines of Mt. Lyndhurst, South Australia (Koch). 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 526).— 

Stems either slender and 1 to 14 feet high, or stouter, more branching at the base, 
and attaining 2 to 4 feet, the nodes glabrous, or shortly bearded. 

Leaves rather narrow, tapering to fine points, the orifice of the sheaths and ligula 
usually ciliate, and sometimes the sheaths hairy. 

Spikes two or three, sessile, and near together in a terminal cluster, but not quite 
digitate, 14 to 24 inches long, covered with silky hairs of a rich brown. 

Spikelets mostly about 2 lines long, but variable in size, all similar or the pedicellate 
ones rather narrower. 

Outer glume truncate, or denticulate at the end, faintly nerved. 

Second nearly as long, narrower, slightly keeled, truncate. 

Third very minute, or more frequently entirely deficient. 

Awn or terminal glume slender, rarely 4 inch long, contracted into a flexuose stipes, 
or slightly dilated at the base, hyaline and bifid. 

Styles very shortly united. 

Value as a fodder.—A. showy, moderately tall grass, very abundant 
in some places. It is very nutritious and palatable to stock. A 
correspondent of Mr. Bailey says: “ Itis much more drought resisting 
than the Mitchell Grass, and springs up more quickly after rain.” 
O’Shanesy speaks of it as a valuable grass for pastures. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania. In 
this Colony extending from the table-lands to the western districts. 



Spikelets one-flowered or empty, in pairs in the alternate notches of 
the articulate rhachis of simple spikes, one sessile hermaphrodite (or 
rarely female) and fertile, the other pedicellate and barren, either male 
or empty, the spikes either solitary or clustered-and sessile, or very 
shortly pedunculate at the end of the common peduncle. 

Glwmes in the fertile spikelet four, the outer one the largest, awn- 
less, several-nerved, but often two nerves near the margin much more 
prominent than the others; second glume keeled, rarely produced 
into a short straight awn; third much smaller, very thin and hyaline, 
always empty; fourth or terminal glume under the flower, very 
slender, flexuose, and stipes-like at the base, or if dilated very thin 
and hyaline, entire or bifid at the top, with an awn either terminal or 
from the notch, rigid and twisted in the lower part, bent back and 
very fine above the middle. 

Palea small and hyaline or none. 


Glumes of the barren spikelets four or fewer, the outer one the 
largest and many-nerved, the second keeled, the third and fourth, 
when present, small, thin, and hyaline, all awnless. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the glumes, but free from them. 

Grasses usually tall and often scented, simple or paniculately 

Spikes two, three, or more, clustered at the end of a peduncle without sheathing bracts, 
very rarely reduced to a single spike. 

Spikelets concealed or nearly so under copious long silky hairs. 
Spikes about 3 inches, spikelets about 3 lines long s .. Ll. A. ervanthordes. 
Spikes not above 2 inches, spikelets scarcely 2 lines long. 
Long silky hairs on the back of the outer glumes as well as 

on the rhachis and pedicels Be Zameen SCTIUCCUS: 
Long silky hairs only or chiefly on the rhachis and pedicels. 
Glumes not pitted... ae A, affinis. 

Outer glumes marked with a pit « on the back.. A. pertusus. 
Spikes silky-hairy, but the hairs not covering the spikelets. 

Spikes numerous, the common axis elongated 

ae Le HSSO = OND 

. A. intermedius. 

Section I].—Cymsopocon. 
Spikes two together on each peduncle within or above a sheathing bract. 

Spikes both sessile at the end of the peduncle. Awns slender, 
short and glabrous or deficient. 
Silky hairs long, concealing the spikelets or nearly so. Spikes at 
length spreading or reflexed. Awns none or big! fine 
and scarcely projecting ne . Ll. A. bombycinus. 
Hairs minute. Spikes soon reflexed. Awns very short or none .. 13. A, refractus. 
One spike affixed lower down than the other, slightly hairy. 
Awns 1 to 3 inches long, hairy on the lower part ... 14, A. lachnatherus. 

1, Andropogon erianthoides, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Andropogon—Greek, andros, of man (man’s), 
pogon, a beard, in allusion to the tufts of hairs on the inflorescence, 
thought to resemble a man’s beard. Er tanthoides, from two Greek 
words signifying resembling a grass of the genus Erianthus. 

Vernacular name.—‘‘ Satin Top,” or “Satin-topped Grass ” ; 
“Blue Grass,” the leaves having a somewhat bluish tinge. 

Where figured.—Bailey, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FL, vu, 529).—An erect glaucous grass of 
2 or 3 feet, glabrous except the inflorescence, the nodes not bearded. 

Leaves rather narrow. 
Spikes usually three or four, nearly sessile at the end of a peduncle without sheathing 

; bracts, erect or scarcely spreading, about 3 inches long. 

Spikelets concealed under the very copious long silky hairs surrounding the sessile 
spikelet on the pedicels and a few on the outer glumes. 

Sessile spikelet about 3 lines long. 

Outer glume nearly equally many-nerved, with a short scarious often notched tip. 

Second glume rather shorter, keeled, three-nerved, acute. 

Third thin and hyaline. 

Awn or terminal glume fine, not above twice the length of the spikelet, contracted 
at the base into a flexuose stipes, with sometimes a very slight hyaline dilatation. 

Pediceilate spikelet reduced to one or two empty glumes, 

_ Value as a fodder—An excellent grass, nutritious and palatable, 
yielding a large quantity of rich fodder. 


“This is one of the most remarkable of the Queensland grasses. 
Anyone seeing it when in flower would be surprised if told it was 
probably, for Downs country, one of the best that could be grown; 
yet nevertheless such is the case. The flowering stalks attain 4 or 5 
feet in height, but its shortly creeping root-stock forms a very close 
leafy turf, before and even when the plant is in flower.”’ (Bailey.) 

S. M. Tracey, in Bulletin. No. 20, Mississippi Experiment Station, 
U.S.A., writes :— Australian Blue-grass (Andropogon erianthoides) is 
a perennial species from Australia, which has been cultivated in a 
few localities for a number of years, and advertised to a considerable 
extent, but its growth has not been very satisfactory here. It is so 
tender that it barely lives through the winter in this latitude, and 
starts into growth late in the sprmg, though it makes an excellent 
growth during summer and will give two good cuttings of fine, tender, 
and nutritious hay. The leaves are killed by a moderate frost, and it 
fails to hold the ground against the encrcachment of other grasses. 
Several other species of Andropogon from Australia and from India 
have also been tested, but this appears to be the best of the genus, 
and the only foreign one which makes any promise of final success.” 

Habitat and range.—Found in New South Wales and Queensland. 
In this colony it 1s principally found in the Western districts, but it 
is also recorded from the Monaro. 

2. Andropogon sericeus, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Nericeus—Latin, silky, in allusion to the appear- 
ance of the spikes. 

Vernacular names.—The ‘ Blue-grass”? par excellence of Queens- 
land and New South Wales; has been sent from Mudgee under the 
name of “ Canary-grass.” 

Where figured.—Bailey, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F'l., vii, 529).—Perennial, 

Stems erect, branching at the base, usually rather slender and i to 2 feet high, with 
narrow leaves chiefly at the base, but sometimes twice that height with larger 
leaves, the nodes bearded. 

Spikes in the typical form two or three or rarely twice as many, sessile at the top 
of a slender peduncle, without sheathing bracts, all 1 to 2 inches long and densely 
clothed with long silky hairs on the outer glumes, as well as on the rhachis and 
pedicels. . 

Spikelets scarcely two lines long, the pedicellate one reduced to a many-nerved silky- 
hairy glume enclosing a second small hyaline lanceolate one. 

Outer glume of the sessile “spikelet rather rigid, obtuse or nearly so, about five- nerved, 
with long silky hairs on the back, and a short scarious ciliate tip. 

Second glume keeled, acute, glabrous. 

Third very small, broad, thin, and hyaline. 

Awn or terminal glume 3 2 to 13 inches long, without any hyaline dilatation at the 

Value as a fodder.—One of the best and most widely diffused of our 
grasses. Valuable alike for pasture and for hay. Very fattening, 
and much lked by stock of all kinds. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania, in 
all the districts of this colony, and in all sorts of soils and situations. 
Very widely distributed. Occurs also in Asia, the Phillippine Islands, 
and New Caledonia. 


8. Andropogon affinis, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Afinis—Latin, contiguous to, in allusion to its 
affinity to A. sericeus. 

Vernacular name.—A “ Blue-grass.” 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vii, 580).—Very near A. sericeus and 
perhaps a variety, with the same habit; the nodes less bearded and 
sometimes quite glabrous. 

Spikes usually three or four, not quite sessile, 14 to 2 inches long. 

Spikelets rather longer and narrower than in A. sericeus and not so closely imbricate,. 
the long silky spreading hairs only on the pedicels and at the base of the sessile 
spikelets, not on the back of the glumes. 

Third glume more developed in the spikelets examined, the awn $ to 14 inches long. 

Value as a fodder.—The remarks under A. sertcews will apply here 
very well. 

Habitat and range.—Occurs from Victoria to Queensland. In this 
colony it extends from south to north, both in the coast districts and 
on the tablelands and Dividing Range. 

Andropogon pertusus, Willd. 

Botanical name.—Pertusus—lUatin, having holes, in allusion to the 
little pit or depression in the outer glume. (See A. intermedius.) 

Vernacular names.—Sometimes called “Blue-grass;” known as 
“ Sour-grass ” in the West Indies. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description.—(B. F1., vu, 530).—A rather tall grass, 

Stems slender, 1 to 2 feet high, the nodes glabrous. 
Leaves chiefly at the base of the stem, narrow, glabrous. 

Spikes two to five, sessile or nearly so at the end of the peduncle without sheathing 
bracts, 1 to 2 inches long, silky-hairy as in the preceding species, with long 
hairs on the pedicels and at the base of the sessile spikelets. 

Spikelets fully 2 lines long, rather obtuse. 

Outer glume marked above the middle with a small pit which assumes inside the 
appearance of a projecting gland. 

Awn slender, about 3, rarely 1 inch long. 
Pedicellate spikelet usually containing a male flower. 

Value as a fodder.—An excellent grass, standing drought well, and 
yielding abundant and palatable, nutritious feed. 

“xcellent for pastures, yielding a large quantity of forage, and it 
stands constant grazing better than most grasses with which I am 
acquainted.” (O’Shanesy.) | 

“This grass, which is met with all over the plains of Northern 
India, is universally esteemed as a good fodder-grass, both for grazing 
and stacking.’ (Duthie.) 

The following account of West Indian experience with this grass is 
interesting :—“ The ‘ sour-grass’ is the chief fodder-grass of Barbados, 
where it is cultivated almost to the exclusion of all others. In the 
driest districts and most exposed places, this hardy and excellent 
fodder-plant, which grows from 18 inches to 2 feet high, seems to 


thrive and be at home, furnishing at the time of the year, when other 
fodder is scarce, food for the animals employed on the sugar estates. 
If cut shortly after it flowers, just as the fruit is setting, 1t forms 
valuable food for horses, cattle, and mules, who then seem to eat it 
with relish, but if it is allowed to get over-ripe the stems become hard 
and unpalatable, the animals then only eating the leaves and tender 
parts, unless it is chaffed up and given them with the addition of oil- 
cake and molasses. It is propagated by root-cuttimgs, the cuttings 
being placed in holes about 1 foot apart each way, when it soon 
spreads, covering the whole surface of the land. It goes on ratoon- 
ing for many years, giving two and sometimes three cuttings annually. 
The yield varies with the soil, rainfall, and manurial treatment, but 
the average yield, without manure, may be set down from 5 to 7 tons 
per acre per annum. With the application of manure the yield is 
greatly increased, an acre then giving from 10 to 12 tons of fodder 
yearly.” (Kew Bulletin, September, 1895.) 

Habitat and range.—Occurs in South Australia, Victoria and Queens- 
land, as well as our own Colony. With us it is very widely diffused, 
extending over most parts of the Colony. It is also found in tropical 

7. Andropogon intermedius, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Intermedius—Latin, between, in allusion to its 
affinities with A. ischemum and A. pertuswm, which causes it to be 
intermediate, in some respects, between these species. 

Synonym.—A. punctatus, Roxb., in Mueller’s Census. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botamcal description (B. Fl., vu, 5381).—An erect grass of 2 feet or 
more, with the narrow leaves and general habit of A. ischemum, the 
nodes varying with or without beards. 

Spikes slender, 1 to 14 inches long, usually numerous, all shortly pedicellate in an 
oblong terminal panicle of 3 or 4 inches without sheathing bracts ; the common 

Rhachis glabrous and always more or less elongated, the pedicels and base of the 
sessile spikelets more or less ciliate. 

Spikelets under 2 lines long, narrow and acute or scarcely obtuse, and often purplish, 
as in A, wschemum. 

Outer glume often, but not always even in the same spike, marked with a dorsal pit, 
as in A. pertusus. 

Awn small and slender. 

Pedicellate spikelet more developed than in A. ischemum, and often enclosing a male 

Botanical notes—Outer glume often, but not always even in the 
same spike, marked with a dorsal pit, as in A. pertusus. This is 
alluded to in the synonymic name (A. punctatus) of A. intermedius. 

Value as a fodder.—A rather coarse grass which yields, when young, 
a large quantity of nutritious fodder. It has been recommended by 
Bailey for planting river sides. 

Habitat and range——Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania. 
Is said to be common on springy land on the borders of rivers in 
Queensland. In ourown Colony it does not appear to be very common. 
It occurs from the tableland to the interior. It is also found in Asia. 


11. Andropogon bombycinus, R.Br. 

Botanical Name.—Bombycinus—Latin, silken, or made of silk, in 
allusion to appearance of the inflorescence. 

Vernacular names.—‘‘ Woolly-headed Grass,” or “ Silky-heads.”’ 

Where figured.—Bailey, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description.—(B. Fl., vii, 533).—An erect rigid perennial 
grass of 14 to 3 feet, usually glabrous, except a little silky pubescence 
on the lower leaf-sheaths, the nodes glabrous or shortly bearded. 

Leaves narrow, flat, rather rigid, the /igula very prominent, entire. 

Panicle shortly branched, 3 to 6 inches long, with sheathing bracts of 1 to 2 inches 
under the branches. 

Pedunceles usually shorter than the bracts, bearing each a narrow sheathing bract 
and two very densely woolly-hairy spikes of 4 to 1 inch, at first erect, but soon 
spreading and reflexed. 

Sessile spikelets two to five, concealed by silvery-silky hairs. 

Outer glumes acute, many-nerved, but the two lateral nerves much more prominent, 
especially as the flowering advances, and the intermediate ones becoming almost 
obliterated or visible only towards the end of the glume. 

Second glume thin, with a prominent keel, produced into a short point; third very 
thin, faintly three-nerved ; terminal flowering glume very thin and hyaline, 
shortly bifid, with a very fine awn scarcely exceeding the spikelet, or entire 
without any awn. 

Pedicellate spikelets reduced to a single narrow many-nerved glume of 25 to 3 lines. 

Value as a fodder.—Some pastoralists speak highly of this grass, 
and when it is young there is no doubt it yields most nutritious pasturage. 
It is highly drought-resisting. Queensland observers speak of it in 
qualified terms. O’Shanesy says it is not at all relished by stock, and 
Bailey says it is only cropped by stock in early growth. It is well 
known that stock avoid grasses with much silky or woolly vestiture if 
they can. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania. It 
occurs in shifting sand and in the hottest interior districts; but it is 
also found east to the tableland. 

13. Andropogon refractus, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Refractus—Latin, broken, in allusion to the 
broken or reflexed appearance of the inflorescence. 

Vernacular names.—Often called “‘ Kangaroo-grass” because of its 
resemblance to the true kangaroo-grass (Anthistiria ciliata). “ Broken- 
spiked Grass” 1s a name coined by Bailey. It is the “ Turpentine- 
grass” of O’Shanesy, so called owing to the odour of its roots. 

Where figured.—Bailey, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 534).—A glabrous erect grass of 
about 2 feet, with the narrow leaves, paniculate inflorescence, and 
sheating bracts of A. schenanthus, and the spikes similarly two 
together, about } inch long, on short bracteate peduncles, but much 
more divaricate, soon reflexed, and glabrous except a small tuft of 
short hairs at the base of the sessile spikelets. 

Sessile spikelets, two to five, 24 to 3 lines long. 

Outer glume acute, many-nerved; second, narrow and keeled; third, thin and hyaline ; 
terminal or flowering glume hyaline, narrow, either two-lobed with an awn slightly 
exceeding the spikelet, or more frequently entire or nearly so and awnless. 

aa? spikelets neuter, or rarely with a male flower; the outer glwme many- 



Value as a fodder.—An excellent grass, nutritious and palatable, 
and making great growth if reasonably conserved. Many people look 
upon it as but little inferior in value to the true kangaroo-grass. In 
the northern territory of South Australia, the Rev. J. EH. Tenison- 
Woods thus refers to it: “‘ It was usually a coarse jungle-grass, more 
like a rush or sedge, and often completely concealing the horses. The 
species was most commonly A. refractus, a worthless, weedy grass, 
only good when young and green. In the dry state the horses would 
not touch it.” This unfavourable report refers to a tropical locality. 

Other uses.—The roots (in common with those of other species of 
the genus) are aromatic, and perhaps for that reason the coarse hay 
of the species is used by Fijians for mattresses. Hackel states that in 
Tahiti the natives prepare a cosmetic oil, “‘monoi,” from it. 

Habitat and range.—F ound in Victoria and Queensland, besides New 
South Wales. It occurs in most parts of the Colony, right from the 
coast districts to the west. It is also a native of the Pacific Islands 

and of Japan. 
14, Andropogon lachnatherus, Benth. 

Botamcal name.—Lachnatherus—Greek, lachne, soft woolly hair ; 
ather, an ear of corn, in reference to the vestiture of the spike. 
Synonym.—A. filipendulinus, Hoch., in Muell. Census. 
Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 534). 
Stems rather slender, erect, about 2 feet high. 
Leaves narrow, glabrous or sprinkled with long hairs. 
Nodes not bearded. 

Panicle looser than in the preceding species, with slender but not very long branches, 
solitary or clustered within sheathing bracts or floral leaves. 

Peduncles exceeding the last sheathing bracts, bearing each two spikes, but not 
digitate, one attached lower down than the other, each $ to ? inch long without 
the awns. 

Sessile spikelets three or four, the lowest sometimes containing only a male flower, 
the others with a hermaphrodite flower, 2 to 24 lines long, slightly hairy. 

Outer glume obtuse, about nine-nerved. 

Second rather shorter, obtuse, three-nerved. 

Third very narrow, thin, and hyaline. 

Awnor terminal glume on a short filiform base, 1 to 2 inches long, the lower part rigid 
and hirsute with rufous hairs. 

Pedicellate spikelets narrow, acute, 24 to 3 lines long, usually containing a male 

Outer glume many-nerved, often produced into a fine point. 

Value as a fodder.—We have little knowledge as to its value for 
this purpose in New South Wales. It probably resembles most of 
its congeners, in being a very useful grass when young and tender. 

Speaking of Queensland, Bailey says: ‘ During the early part of 
summer it affords a fair amount of herbage, after which it sends up a 
number of flattened long stems, the greater part of which is occupied 
with the branching dry inflorescence, which is seldom touched by 

Habitat and range.—Found in New South Wales and Queensland. 
In our Colony it extends from the north coast to New England, bemge 
usually found in poor, stony ground. It is also found in Hast Africa. 



Spikelets with one or rarely two flowers, usually in pairs, one sessile 
the other pedicellate, along the slender continuous rhachis of the 
short branches of a long cylindrical spike-like panicle, densely silky, 
with the long hairs surrounding and seated on the spikelets. 

Glumes four, all thin, hyaline, and awnless, two outer empty ones 
usually hairy, the third empty or rarely enclosing a flower smaller and 
without hairs, terminal flowering glume still smaller. 

Palea usually truncate and jagged at the top. 

Stamens two, or one only in species not Australian. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain small, free, enclosed in the outer glumes. 

1. Imperata arundinacea, Cyr. 

Botanical name.—Imperata, in honour of Ferrante Imperata, a: 
Neapolitan botanist of the sixteenth century; arwndinacea—Latin,, 

Vernacular name.—< Blady-grass.”’ 

Where figured.—Duthie, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 536).—A stiff, erect perennial, 1 to 
3 feet high, glabrous except sometimes a tuft of hairs at the nodes, | 
which however is not so common in Australian as in Indian specimens.. 

Leaves erect, narrow, often longer than the stem. 

Spike-lke panicle very dense, 3 to 8 inches long, regularly cylindrical, silvery white, 
with the long silky hairs concealing the glumes, the dark-coloured stigmas and 
oblong linear anthers alone protruding. 

Spikelets 14 to near 2 lines long. 
Outer glume five- or seven-nerved. 
Second, three- or five-nerved. 
Third, usually empty. 

Value as a fodder.—This is a grass very easily recognised, and many 
people look upon its presence as indicating poor land. They also look 
upon the grass as worthless for feed, but this is by no means the case. 
In Bengal it forms the principal pasturage, and with us, if burnt 
over, it produces plenty of feed, although it may not be of the best 
quality. In our colony enormous areas of coarse blady grass are 
systematically burnt over for cattle-feed. When old it is so fibrous 

that only a camel could digest it. 
_. Other uses —“The Telingas, of India, make use of it in their marriage 
ceremonies.” (Duthie.) 

The strong broad leaves were often used for thatching in Australia 
in the early days, a use to which it is often put in India and the Malay 
Archipelago. Mr. O’Shanesy says that it is preferred by brickmakers 
to any other grass for a thatch to protect their bricks when wet. 

Mr. Bailey has suggested that it might be found useful for paper- 

Liamson-Scribner recommends it for binding river-banks, the sides 
of dams, and loose coast sands. ; 


Habitat and range.—This grass is usually found on damp, sour soils ; 
often it grows on poor, rocky soils, but by no means on worthless soils 
asarule. It furnishes the principal grass of the Alang Alang fields: 
of the Malay Archipelago. It is found in most parts of New South 
Wales, and in all the colonies. It is also a native of Hurope, Asia, 
Africa, and America—an almost cosmopolitan grass. 


Fertile spikelets one-flowered, sessile between two pedicellate male 
or barren spikelets at the end of the filiform unequal simple or divided 
branches of a terminal panicle, with sometimes one to three pairs of 
spikelets on the branch below the terminal three. 

Glumes of the fertile spikelets four, the outer one the largest, 
awnless, membranous, and many-nerved, or more rigid with the lateral 
nerves prominent and often muricate ; second glume narrow, keeled, 
pointed or produced into a fine straight awn ; third much smaller, 
very thin, and hyaline; fourth or terminal glume under the flower 
slender, flexuose, and stipes-like at the base, or dilated hyahne and two- 
lobed, with a short or long awn terminal or from between the lobes, 
twisted in the lower half and bent back above the middle as in 

Palea very small or none. 

Styles distinct. 

Gramm enclosed in the glumes, but free from them. 

Pedicellate spikelets awnless with reduced glumes and usually one 
male flower. 

Spikelets 3 to 5 lines long, one fertile and two pedicellate ones to 
each branch; second glume of the fertile one awned ; awn of 
the terminal one long and rigid mul Be sy. 

Spikelets scarcely 14 lines long, one to three fertile besides the pedi- 
cellate ones on each branch, second glume awnless_.... .. 2C. parviflorus. 

1 C. gryllus. 

1. Chrysopogon gryllus, Trin. 

Botanical name.—Chrysopogon, from two Greek words signifying 
““golden beard,” the tuft of hairs under the spikelet beg sometimes 
of a golden colour (very marked in C. gryllus). Gryllus—Latin, a 
cricket. ‘Trinius took the specific name from Linneus (Andropogon 
gryllus), but it 1s not evident why the species is connected with a 
cricket. | 

Synonym.—Andropogon gryllus, Linn., in Mueller’s Census. 

Where figured.—Duthie (sectional drawing). 

Botanical description (B. FL, vu, 537).—An erect glabrous grass of 
2 to 4 feet. 

Leaves long and narrow, with a small ligula. 

Panicle loose and spreading, 3 to 6 inches long, of numerous capillary simple 
branches mostly verticillate, of very unequal length, each bearing a single 
hermaphrodite spikelet, sessile between 2 pedicellate male ones, with a tuft of 
hairs at the base of the sessile one and on the pedicels. 

Chrysopogon parviflorus, Benth. 

‘cA Seented Grass."' 


Sessile spikelet narrow, 3 to 4 lines long, outer glumes rigid, acute, five- or seven- 
netved, the lateral nerves more prominent and muricate or hispid, with a few 
short conical or rigid hairs. 

Second glume narrow, hispid only at the end, the keel produced into a fine straight 
Third thin and hyaline. 

Awn or terminal glume, long, rigid, and twisted in the lower part, the hyaline base 
narrow, with short lobes sometimes obsolete. 

Pedicellate spikelets 3 to 5 lines long. 
Outer glume membranous, tapering into a short fine awn, the inner ones unawned. 

Value as a fodder.—A very good pasture-grass, not, however, 
abundantly diffused in this Colony. O’Shanesy says 16 improves much 
under cultivation. 

Other uses.—C. R. Dodge (Useful Fibre Plants) says :—“ Known in 
Italy as Barbone and Pollinia. From the fibrous roots horse-brushes 
and other coarse brushes, mats, &c., are said to be made ; also used for 
thatch material.” 

Habitat and range.—F ound in all the Colonies except Tasmania, and 
extending in New South Wales from the tableland to the interior. 
Tt is also found in Kurope, Asia, and Africa. In India it is specially 
found in the hilly parts of North India. 

2. Chrysopogon parviflorus, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Parviflorus, from two Latin words signifying 
“ small-flowered.” 

Synonyms.—C. violascens, Trin., is the oldest name, according to the 
Index Kewensis. (The inflorescence has a violet or purplish cast.) 
Baron von Mueller, designating it an Andropogon, adopts the name A. 
—micranthus, Kunth., in the Census (2nd ed.) and that of A. montanus, 
Roxb.,) an Indian-grass in the Census (1st ed.) Certain it is that the 
two grasses are very closely allied, and their properties are probably 

Vernacular names.—“ Scented grass,’ owing to the sweet smell of the 
panicle, which is particularly observable when crushed between the 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vi, 537).—Stems 2 or 3 or even nearly 
4 feet high ; the nodes usually but not always bearded. 

Leaves narrow, scabrous, glabrous, or the lower sheaths pubescent or hairy. 

Panicle 4 to 8 inches long, with very numerous capillary branches, mostly clustered 
and divided, the ultimate branches bearing in the typical form each a single 
hermaphrodite spikelet between two pedicellate male ones, the pedicels and base 
of the sessile spikelet ciliate. 

Sptkelets scarcely 14 lines long. 
Outer glume acute, not awned, finely many-nerved. 
Awn capillary, 3 to 6 lines long, without any basal dilatation. 

Mr. F. M. Bailey has described a variety, jlavescens, of this grass, 
and says of it: “This lovely and very distinct form is in some localities 
upon the Darling Downs, Queensland, plentiful. Instead of the usual 
purplish colour, the inflorescence is of a pleasing yellow.” 


Var. spicigera, Benth. Ultimate branches of the panicle bearing 
one or two sessile spikelets below the terminal one, each accompanied 
by a pedicellate male. 

Value as a fodder.—It is of too harsh a nature to be generally 
valuable for fodder, except when young. Cattle are, however, fond of 
it before it gets wiry. The general characteristic of this and other 
Chrysopogons may be stated as tall, slender grasses, only tender when 
young, but dry, wiry, and indigestible when old, not forming a dense 

Mr. A. R. Crawford points out that usually, in this Colony, it erows 
along fences, where stock cannot getatit. Mr. W.H. Walker remarks 
that it is to be found for miles in the Tenterfield district within the rail- 
way fence chiefly,—testimony to its appreciation by stock. O’Shanesy 
says it is a good fodder in Queensland. 

Referring to C. montanus, Trin., J. F. Duthie (quoting C. parviflorus 
as a synonym), says :—‘ This is found in the hilly parts of Northern 
India. On Mount Abu I found several patches of this very elegant 
grass. It is said there to be an excellent fodder grass.” Holmes 
(quoted by Mueller), says that this species resists fire better than many 
other grasses, which is a recommendation to us in this Colony. 

Speaking of the closely-related C. serrulatus, Trin., Mr. 8. M. Tracy 
(Mississippi Agricultural Hxperimental Station, Bull. No. 20) says :— 
“This is a perennial grass, the seed of which was received from India, 
and which is one of our most valuableimportations. Although nearly 
related to our native broom-sedge(? C. nutans, Benth.), it starts into 
growth much earlier in the spring, produces a heavier growth of leaves, 
and will yield two cuttmgs of excellent hay, besides a considerable 
amount of winter pasturage. It has been entirely free from any injury 
from cold, and from all attacks of fungus diseases, and is spreading 
well by self-sown seeds. It grows 4 to 5 feet high, and more than 
one-half of the hay is made up of the leaves, the stalks bemg rather 

I think that both C. parviflorus and C. gryllus, as well as several of 
the exotic species, are well worthy of careful experimental cultivation. 

Other wses.—In Rajputana the grain is sometimes collected and eaten 
by the natives. 

Habitat and range.—Extends from Victoria to Northern Australia, 
occurring in our own Colony in the coast districts, in sheltered situa- 
tions on the Dividing Range and spurs, and on the tablelands. It is 
partial to rich flats. 

Mr. W. H. Walker states that it is common at Tenterfield and for 
miles south within the railway fence. 

In the more southern parts of New Englanditiscommon. It extends 
also to Asia and the Pacific Islands. 

Reference to plate.—1. Part of a panicle, showing the inflorescence; 2. Showing the 
two pedicellate male spikelets and sessile hermaphrodite spikelet undeveloped (much 
enlarged). In C. gryllus the inflorescence is much larger, is more hairy under the 
inflorescence, and the second glume of the fertile spikelet is awned. 

Sorghum halepense, Pers. 

‘‘ Evergreen Millet.’’ 



Fertile spikelet one-flowered, sessile between two pedicellate male or 
barren ones, at the end of the simple or divided branches of a terminal 
panicle, with one to five pairs or triplets of spikelets below the 
terminal three. 

Glumes on the fertile spikelets four, the outer one the largest, awn- 
less, lanceolate or broad, hard and shining, obscurely nerved ; second 
glume rather hard, keeled and acute; third glume shorter, very thin 
and hyaline ; fourth or terminal glume very thin, hyaline and two-lobed 
at the base, with an awn between the lobes, twisted in the lower half, 
bent above the middle as in Andropogon. 

Palea very small or none. Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the hard and shining outer glumes, but free from 
Nodes glabrous or scarcely pubescent. Fruiting spikelets lanceo- 
late, nearly glabrous. Awn short and fine Ls: ae) . lL. S&S. halepense. 
Nodes bearded. Fruiting spikelets lanceolate, 2} to 4 lines long, 
villous. Awn usually long. Ovary glabrous .., Ps ... 2. 8. plumosum. 

To this genus belongs Planter’s Friend or Imphee, Amber Cane, 
and other fodder plants. ‘They have, from time to time, been reputed 
to have caused the death of stock, and the deaths have been attributed 
either to hoven, or to the presence of a specific poison (not hitherto 
isolated) in the plant. A note on the subject will be found at page 
251 of the Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, for April, 1896. 
Attention has again been drawn to the subject by the publication of a 
paper by Veterinary-Captain H. T. Pease, in the Agricultural Ledger 
(1896, No. 24), Veterinary Series No. 23, published by the Indian 
Government, entitled ‘‘ Poisoning of Cattle by the Juar Plant (Andro- 
pogon Sorghum). This is a synonym of Sorghum vulgare, and the 
poisoning is attributed to the large deposits of nitrate of potash that, 
under certain conditions, are thrown down in the stems. The death 
of stock by eating sorghum has not been attributed to this cause before, 
I believe, and the matter is worthy of careful consideration. At the 
same time, I believe that the matter has not reached finality, and we 
require absolute confirmation of Mr. Pease’s results. 

1. Sorghum halepense, Pers. 

Botanical name.—Sorghum, stated by some to be derived from an 
‘Indian word for a grain belonging to this genus ; but I cannot trace, 
with certainty, the Indian word. Halepensis, Aleppo (adjectival form). 

Synonym.—Andropogon halepensis, Sibth. 

Vernacular names.—< Hvergreen Millet”? is a name in use in the 
Sydney market (also in California), while Johnson-grass is the most 
widely-used name given to it in the United States. It isa much-named 
grass. Asregards the names “ Aleppo-grass,” and ‘ Johnson-grass,” 
neither the former, after a place m Asia Minor, nor the latter, after 
the name of a gentleman who introduced its cultivation from one part 
of the United States to another (South Carolina to Alabama), would 
seem to be a suitable name for an Australian grass. A. A. Crozier, of 


Michigan, U.S.A., in his monograph on millets, gives the following 
common names :—<Australian Millet, Morocco Millet, Arabian Millet, 
Arabian Millet-grass, Arabian Evergreen Millet, Mears’-grass, Guinea- 
grass (erroneously), False Guinea-grass, Hgyptian-grass, Hgyptian 
Millett, Green Valley-grass, Cuba-grass, Alabama Guinea-grass, Syrian- 
grass, St. Mary’s-grass. 

Where figured.—Duthie, Vasey, Hackel, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl, vii, 540).—Stems erect, varying from 
2 or 3 to 8 or 10 feet high, the nodes glabrous. 

Leaves long and flat, often rather broad, the midrib usually white and prominent. 

Panicle from 3 or 4 inches to above 1 foot long, loose and often much branched. 

Fertile spikelets lanceolate, varying from 2 to above 3 lines long, pale-coloured or 
scarcely purple, not rufous, with a few hairs at the base. 

Outer coriaceous glume faintly many-nerved, at length smooth and shining. 

Second glume rather smaller, five-nerved, usually sprinkled with a few hairs. 

Terminal glume hyaline, broad, ciliate, two-lobed, the awn from the notch very fine 
and short, rarely nearly twice as long as the spikelet. 

Mr. W. H. Walker, of Tenterfield, who has made many experiments 
in the cultivation of both indigenous and introduced grasses, writes 
that he is sending down 10 lb. of seed of this grass to his Winton 
Station, 830 miles below Goondiwindi, and is having a small paddock 
ploughed for it. He adds that it seems to grow well at Goondiwindi, 
and gives green feed for horses and cattle when other grasses have 
httle growth in them. 

Value as a fodder.—lt is best known as a fodder-grass in the United 
States, and as regards experience in that country, we cannot do better 
than quote Vasey: ‘‘ This grass is best adapted to warm climates, and 
has proved most valuable on warm, dry soils in the Southern States. 
Its chief value is for hay, in regions where other grasses fail on 
account of drought. If cut early the hay is of good quality, and 
several cuttings may be made in the season; but if the cutting is delayed 
until the stalks are well grown, the hay is so coarse and hard that 
stock do not eat it readily. The seed may be sown at any time when 
the soil is warm and not too dry. Failures often occur from sowing 
the seed too early. If there is danger that the soil should dry out 
before the seed can germinate, soaking the seed may be resorted to 
with good results. Thick seeding gives a heavier yield, and a better 
quality of hay. From 1 to 2 bushels are usually sown per acre, accord- 
ing to the quality of the seed. In case of failure to get a good stand, 
the crop may be allowed to go to seed the first year, after which the 
vacant spaces will be found to be self seeded. On small patches, in 
such cases, the ground is sometimes ploughed up, and the underground 
stems scattered along the furrows over the vacant spots. In most 
localities it is generally considered desirable to plough the land about 
every third year, otherwise the root-stocks become matted near the 
surface, and the crop is more affected by drought. Ploughing causes 
it to grow more thickly and vigorously.” 

In another work, ‘‘ Report on the Grasses of the South,” Dr. Vasey 
further says :—“Mr. N. B. Moore has cultivated this grass for forty 
years, and prefers it to all others. It is perennial, as nutritious as any 
other, difficult to eradicate, will grow on ordinary soil, and yields 


‘*¢ Horses and cattleare fond of it, both in its dry and green condition. 
Probably no grass gives better promise for the dry arid lands of the west.” 

“Tn California it is known as Evergreen or Arabian Millet. It roots 
deep in the sub-soil, and where that is at all alkaline it grows 
enormously, but at the same time absorbs so much of the unpalatable 
alkali that stock will not eat it. It is excellent for dry hills, free from 

It iscommon all over Northern India, in cultivated and uncultivated 
ground, and is considered to be a good fodder grass both for grazing 
and hay. 

The Department of Agriculture of Victoria distributed some of the 
seed of this grass to farmers in 1888, and following are extracts from 
the circular issued at the time :—‘“‘ Superior both as a grazing and hay 
grass ; has abundance of roots, which decay, thereby enriching the 
ground rather than exhausting it. The best results follow sowing the 
seed in August and September, enabling the seed to get a good root 
by the autumn, and forming a better turf the following season. Sow 
broadcast at the rate of a bushel an acre, and cover with a light brush, 
or sow just before a heavy rain. Three good crops the following season 
will be the result if the season is favourable.” 

Baron von Mueller quotes J. L. Dow, of Victoria, as stating that it 
keeps green in the heat of summer; also, Mr. Hollingsworth, that it 
is not eaten out by pasture animals. The Baron adds: “ It will also 
grow in drift sand of the coast, and will keep growing during the dry 
season, when most other grasses fail, but improves much on irrigation ; 
the roots resist some frost; three tons can be cut from one acre in a 
‘single season; it yields so large a hay-crop that it may be cut half a 
dozen times in a season, provided the land be rich. All kinds of stock 
have a predilection for this grass.” 

Objections to this grass.—‘‘ The greatest objection to this grass is 
the difficulty of eradicating it. Care should be taken not to introduce 
it into fields intended for cultivation. It spreads rapidly, both by root 
and seed, and it is apt to enter fields where itis not wanted. The 
grass is not well adapted to pasture, and close pasturing is one of the 
means of getting rid of it. Its succulent subterranean stems are 
usually well hiked by hogs after they have become accustomed to them, 
and by keeping hogs closely confined on it, it may be eradicated. There 
has been much discussion in the papers of the Southern United States 
as to this grass, some considering it a great blessing, others a curse, 
the fact being that it is a blessing where a permanent grass is desired, 
and a great pest m land intended for general cultivation.” (Vasey.) 

Duthie points out that various reports indicate its injurious effects 
on cattle if eaten when too young, or when the plants are stunted by 
drought. He adds that the same results have been observed to take 
place in the case of Sorghum vulgare. Dr. Stewart was told in Hazara 
that cattle, after eating it, are often attacked by fatal head affections. 
In other districts it is said to be poisonous until the rains are over, 
when cattle eat 1t with impunity. (See ante, page 87.) 

A gentleman in the Inverell district wrote to the Department some 
time ago asking for directions how to eradicate it, and there is no 


doubt it may become a pest in cultivated ground. I only bring it 
again under notice at the present time because I think it is not as 
generally known as it should be, and if it escapes into cultivated 
ground, if pigs be carefully enclosed, they will eradicate it: That it 
is poisonous in the ordinary sense I do not believe; but I have seen it 
so rampant and succulent that I can readily understand that stock, 
unused to it, might do themselves injury by gorging themselves with it. 
that the seed of this grass is collected 
in Bikanir, India, ground and mixed with the flour of Pennisetwm 
typhoideum, and eaten by the poorer classes. He also states that 
native pens are made from the stems. 

Habitat and range.—This is a truly Australian grass, being 
indigenous to Western Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland, 
In our own Colony it is found as far west as New England. It also 
occurs in the Pacific Islands, the countries around the Mediterranean, 
and is largely distributed in Asia. It 1s not a native of America, 
although itis so much cultivated in the United States, from which 
country most of the seed sent out by seedsmen has been originally 
obtained. I doubt whether any seed 1s collected from the indigenous 
New South Wales grass, which appears to be confined to the oa 

Most of the remarks which have been made in regard to this grass 
have been based.upon non-Australian forms of it, and I trust that it 
will be thoroughly tried in the arid regions of the west. I fancy it 
has been tried in the vicinity of the artesian bores; but, if not, it 
would appear to be of smgular promise for such situations. It flourishes 
in alkaline soils, and it could readily be ascertained in what localities 
it takes up so much alkali as to be distasteful to stock. 

In experimenting with such a grass as this im arid places, disappoint- 
ment might at first result through seed being used which was raised 
in the moist coast lands of Australia, or any other country ; but, with 
care, drought-resistant seed might be saved in a very few seasons. It 
bears such a good reputation for droughty localities that it is worth 
taking some pains over. 

This grass (imported seed) has been introduced into New South 
Wales for many years, although, as already remarked, it is far from 
being generally known even yet. A few years ago, the late Rev. Dr. 
Woolls (who lived at one time near the Hawkesbury), stated that the 
settlers im that district looked upon it as a recent importation, and that 
the seed had been distributed under the name of Panicum spectabile— 
quite a different grass. 

At the present time the catalogues of most of our leading seedsmen 
offer it, so that good seed is readily available. I have noted all the 
warnings that can be given in regard to the grass; but its good 
qualities far outweigh any possible bad ones, and I would again submit 
it to careful attention. 

Reference to plate:—(aA), Portion of panicle; (B), Showing female spikelet, and one 
male (stalked) spikelet. A second male spikelet has been “broken off where shown ; 
(c), Female spikelet opened out, showing awn and three glumes. 



2. Sorghum plumosum, Beauv. 

Botanical Name.—Plwmoswm—Latin, full of feathers, in allusion to 
the fruiting spikelets, which are villous. 

W here fiqured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 540).—A tall grass, closely resem- 
bling S. halepense, but with the nodes bearded with a dense tuft of 
hairs, and the leaves much narrower. Inflorescence and structure of 
the spikelets the same, but the smaller branches, pedicels, and spike- 
lets more or less villous, with hairs usually rufous, besides the dense 
tuft at the base of the sessile spikelets. 

Spikelets varying from 24 to 4 lines long, lanceolate as in S. halepense, but less 
flattened, and usually narrower. 

Outer glume at first several-nerved, at length rigid, shining, and apparently nerve- 
less, except two ciliate nerves near the top, often turning almost black when 

Awn often short and capillary, but usually longer and stouter than in S. halepense, 
though never so long as in S. zntrans. 

Ovary glabrous. 

Value as a fodder.—This is a coarse grass, not liked by sheep- 
farmers, but on a cattle-run it is a very good grass. (Bailey.) 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies, except South Aus- 
tralia and Tasmania. In our Colony it occurs from the Coast district 
to the tableland. 


Spikelets one-flowered or empty, seven (rarely six) in a spike or 
cluster, four male or barren, either sessile or pedicellate in a whorl at 
the base of the hairy rhachis, two, or sometimes one, pedicellate and 
male or barren on the top of the rhachis, with an intermediate sessile 
fertile one. 

Glwmes in the barren spikelets usually two, the outer one several- 
nerved, the inner thin and hyaline, in the male spikelets usually a 
third smaller hyaline one ; in the fertile spikelet glumes four, the two 
outer ones nearly equal, usually rigid and coriaceous, the outer one 
obscurely five- or seven-nerved, the second with two prominent nerves, 
the central one very faint, third glume much smaller, very thin and 
hyaline ; fourth very narrow and thin at the base, thickened into a 
long twisted awn, usually bent above the middle. 

Palea very small and hyaline, sometimes scarcely conspicuous. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain free, enclosed in the hardened outer glumes. Erect leafy 
branching grasses, the spikes or clusters singly pedunculate within 
sheathing bracts, or sessile in the bracts and collected many together 
in compound clusters, forming short almost:cyme-like leafy panicles. 

The four-whorled barren spikelets sessile. Awn very long and rigid. 
Spikelets in dense compound clusters, sessile within the bracts. 
Bracts glabrous. Barren spikelets glabrous or sprinkled with 
long cilia. Fertile spikelet glabrous or yeas pubescent at 
the end ; 1. A. ciliata. 
Spikelets with the surrounding barren ones on slender pedicels 
within the sheathing bracts. Barren spikelets glabrous. Fertile 
one densely villous with brown hairs __.. 3. A. avenacea. 
The four whorled barren spikelets Ba ane all the e spikelets glabrous. 
Awns very fine ... ww. 4& A, membranacea 


1. Anthistiria ciliata, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Anthistiria, from the Greek Anthisteri, very stiff 
stubble, the grasses often being coarse looking and tussocky ; ciliata 
(Latin), bearing hairs, or bearded, in allusion to the spikelets, which 
are often ciliate. 

Synonym.—Themeda Forskalu, Hack. 

Vernacular names.—The “ Common Kangaroo Grass.” ‘* It forms 
tussocks, which habit, combined with its nodding clusters of flowers, 
probably procured its local name” (Bailey.) Perhaps, however, it was 
so called because kangaroos and other marsupials feed on it. The 
“ Rooi Grass ”’ of South Africa. 

Where figured.—Bailey ; Agricultural Gazette ; Hooker, Fl., Tas. ; 
Duthie (figure and flower) ; Hackel. 

Botanic description (B. Fl., vu, 542).— 

Stems 1 to 3 feet high. ‘ 
Leaves narrow, glabrous or the sheaths hairy. 
Ligula very short, sometimes ciliate. 

Spikes or clusters of spikelets not numerous, sessile or the lower ones pedunculate in 
a short terminal leafy panicle, the leafy bracts subtending each spike sheathing 
at the base, and tapering into points longer than the cluster, the short rhachis 
bearded with long brown hairs. 

Sptkelets narrow, 4 to 5 lines long, four male or barren sessile at the base of the 
bearded rhachis, two or one pedicellate at the top, glabrous or sprinkled with a 
few long hairs. 

Outer glume the largest, acute, many-nerved. 

Second shorter, thin, and three -or five-nerved. 

Third thin and hyaline. 

Fertile terminal spikelet glabrous, or shortly pubescent at the end. 
Outer glume broad, obtuse, rather thick, about seven-nerved. 

Second rigid, rather shorter and narrower, with two prominent lateral nerves and a 
faint central one. 

Third narrow-oblong, very thin and hyaline. 
Awn, or fourth glume, very long and rigid, the attenuate base not dilated. 

Value as a fodder.—This is, perhaps, the best known and most 
appreciated of all our native grasses. It is readily identified, for its 
characteristic inflorescence freely forms if it has a chance to recuperate, 
and it grows in tussocks or tussocky masses, which frequently grow 
closely together.. The grass has been so much appreciated by stock 
that it 1s now virtually extinct in many districts in which it was. 
formerly plentiful. It forms so much inflorescence that a paddock of it, 
with its nodding flowers, has the appearance of a cultivated crop, but 
only those who have endeavoured to collect seed of it know how 
difficult it frequently is to collect even a few fertile grains. Hence 
one difficulty m propagating it; but it can be so readily propagated 
from lving plants that it seems a great pity that farmers and pas- 
toralists do not more frequently introduce it into their paddocks than 
they do at present. Of course, they would require to fence patches 
of it for a season ; in fact, it would be desirable to permanently main- 
tain nursery patches of it, in order that a supply of roots might always 
be available. This is, of course an amplication of the advice so often 


given to landowners to periodically rest the whole or portions of their 
paddocks, in order to enable the grasses to contend against the danger 
of extermination through overstocking. Hooker wrote in 1859: ‘‘ This 
is the best fodder grass in Australia,” and the dictum remains true to 
this day. Mac Owan says: ‘This is the best native fodder we have 
in South Africa.” In western New South Wales it is less succulent 
than in the eastern districts more favoured with rain, and, hence, there 
it sometimes becomes harsh and unpalatable to stock. 

Following is a Victorian account of this grass :—‘ Perennial ; 
average height under 3 feet, on rich unstocked land much higher, with 
strong penetrating fibrous roots; in flower during December. This 
grass is found in all parts of Australia. It forms generally but few 
perfect seeds, and these do not germinate readily. Some plants are 
much better seed-bearers than others. It is the finest and most useful 
of all the indigenous grasses. Here it commences to vegetate early in 
November, when all stock should be taken away until it is in flower. 
From then until winter it proves an excellent fattening grass. It 
keeps green during the summer, but turns a little brown in autumn, 
when its nutritive qualities are at the highest. In the early days of 
the Colony, I have ridden the same horse 20 to 40 miles, on a journey 
of several hundred miles, turning him out to graze on pasture of which 
this grass formed the principal part, and the horse kept his condition. 
With a sufficiency of this grass, a httle turned by the sun, the working 
powers of horse and cattle can be taxed to the utmost. They keep in 
better condition doing hard work on this than on any other description 
of native forage. If closely grazed by sheep or cattle (the former in 
particular) all the year round, it soon dies out. Other varieties of this 
valuable grass might be obtained by cultivation.”’ (Bacchus.) 

Other wses.—The aborigines of Lake T'yers, Victoria, used to make 
fishing-nets of this grass. A figure of the mesh, and an account of 
the method of employing the net, will be found in Brough Smyth’s 
Aboriginals of Victoria, 1, 389. | 

Habitat and range.-—¥ound in all the colonies, and, in New South 
Wales, all over the Colony. It is eaten out in many districts where it 
was once known to be plentiful. It attains its greatest luxuriance in 
the good soils of the coast and mountains. Found also in tropical 
Africa and Asia; common on the Himalaya. 

3. Anthistiria avenacea, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Avenacea, Latin, oat-like, in allusion to the 
appearance of the spikelets. 

Synonym.—Themeda gigantea, Hackel, var. 

Vernacular names.—The “Tall Oat Grass”? of the Darling Downs, 
Queensland. Sometimes called simply “ Oat Grass,’ and even “ Kan- 
garoo Grass.” 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FL, vu, 543). 

Stems from a more or less silky-hairy or woolly base, 2 to 3 feet high. 
Leaves very narrow, glabrous. 
Sheathing bracts narrow, membranous, glabrous, 1 to 2 inches long. 

Spikes or clusters all on rather long, slender, glabrous, or ciliate peduncles, within the 

last bract. 

Barren spikelets either reduced to a single several-nerved rigid glume, with a small 
hyaline one inside, or more developed, enclosing a male flower, the four involucral 
ones sessile. 

Fertile spikelets about 4 lines long. 
Rigid outer glumes, especially the lowest, densely villous with brown hairs. 
Awn long and rigid as in the two preceding species. 

Value as a fodder.—Undoubtedly a valuable grass, chiefly for the 
dry country and dry tablelands. It is of a tussocky habit, and pro- 
duces a large quantity of palatable and nutritious food. 

Few men could have been better acquainted with this grass than 
O’Shanesy, but his account, which follows, is not very favourable ; he 
probably refers to the old growths :— 

“It is perennial, and grows in large tufts, but its foliage is very 
harsh, and, therefore, rejected by cattle as well as by the kangaroo.” 

Habitat and range.-—Yound in all the colonies except Tasmania. 
In New South Wales it prefers good soil and occurs from the table- 
land to the interior. 

4, Anthistiria membranacea, Lindl. 

Botanical name.—Membranacea, Latin, like parchment, in allusion 
to the translucency of the glumes. — 

Vernacular names.—“ Landsborough Grass,” “ Barcoo Grass” (both 
named after Queensland localities), ‘Red Gulf Grass”’ (in allusion 
to its growth in the Gulf of Carpentaria country). 

Where figured.—Bailey. Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 543).—Quite glabrous, sometimes 
forming dense leafy tufts of 6 inches, the branching stems often 
elongated to | or 2 feet. 

Leaves flat, appearing almost articulate on the short, flat, prominently striate sheaths. 
Floral leaves or bracts with coriaceous sheaths and short lanceolate lamine. 

Panicles small, dense, almost cyme-like, as in Apluda, with very numerous small 
spikes or clusters, each subtended by a scarcely longer bract. 

Spikelets scarcely 2 lines long, glabrous, the four involucral ones pedicellate, the 
fertile one rather longer than the two pedicellate barren ones beside it. 

Glumes all thin, the outer one acute with several green nerves, the second with one 
or three nerves. 

Awn very fine, scarcely more than as long again as the spikelet. 

Value as a fodder.—This is mainly a Queensland grass, and Bailey 
says of 1t :— 

“ When under cultivation, it makes a dense intricate growth from 14 
feet to over 2 feet in depth, and being very leafy and full of seed 
should make good, nutritious hay. It is the rule to cut grass for hay 
when in flower, but with a grass like this, this rule cannot be strictly 
adhered to, for, from an early period of its life, 1t contmues to flower 
and mature seed. When closely fed, it bears good seed on stems only 
2 or 3 inches high, and, although a tropical grass, has been found to 
thrive admirably in the Brisbane district. . . . Probably no grass, 
indigenous or foreign, is so relished by stock. . . . It is very 
brittle when approaching maturity ; thus it is much broken by stock, 


but it is said that cattle are so partial to it that they often lick the 
broken pieces off the ground.” Information in regard to New South 
Wales experience with this erass, and in regard to its distribution, 
would be very acceptable. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except ‘Tasmania and 
Victoria. It is suitable for hot districts, occurring only in the dry 

84. APLUDA. 

Spikelets with one fertile flower, and a male one below it, sessile 
between two flattened pedicels, bearing each a rudimentary or barren 
spikelet, the whole embraced by a sheathing bract, the bracts clustered 
on the branches of a leafy panicle. 

Outer glume of the sessile spikelet concave, striate, awnless ; second 
glume acute, awnless, thin but stiff; third, very thin and hyaline ; 
fourth or terminal olume, very thin and hyaline, entire or bifid at the 
top, awnless, or with a slender twisted terminal awn. 

Palea very thin, or none. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the outer glumes, free from them. 

1. Apluda mutica, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Apluda, Greek for chaff, the inflorescence resem- 
bling chaff in appearance; mutica, Latin, blunt, perhaps, in allusion 
to the outer glume. 

Synonym.—aAll species of Apluda are reduced by Hackel to forms 
of A. varia, Hackel. 

Where figured.—Duthie (sect. figure). 

Botanical description (B. Fl. vu, 544).— 

Stem creeping or climbing, several feet long, with erect; branching a ering shoots. 
Leaves long, usually glabrous. 
Panicle loose and leafy, 1 to 2 feet long. 

Bracts subtending the spikelets 3 to 4 lines long, very concave, striate, with short, 
sometimes awn-like points, in clusters of five or six. 

Sessile spikelet shorter than the bract. 

Pedicellate spikelets either reduced to a rudimentary glume or more developed and 
protruding beyond the bract. 

Awns of the terminal glume very minute or entirely deficient. 

Value as a fodder.—So little is known of the economic value of this 
Apluda that the following note on an allied species (A. aristata)* is 
interesting :—‘“ In hedges and bushes it usually assumes a climbing 
habit. In forest land it often constitutes a large portion of the 
undergrowth. itis considered to be a fairly good fodder grass, and 
is readily eaten by cattle when young.” (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range.—F ound in New South Wales and Queensland. 
In our Colony found only in tbe interior, but rare, and worthy of the 
best attention of collectors. Found also in Asia, Africa, and the 

Pacific Islands. 

* Really a form of the same species, according to Hackel. 


Swb-tribe v.—Tristeginex. 

Spikelets with one terminal hermaphrodite flower and often a second 
male one below it, in a loose terminal panicle. 

Glumes four, the three outer ones often pointed but not awned, the 
third with a palea or a male flower in its axil; terminal flowering 
glume smaller, thinner, with a fine awn twisted in the lower part and 
bent back at or below the middle. 

Palea smaller. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the more or less stiffened glume and palea, free 
from them. 

1, Arundinella nepalensis, Trin. 

Botanical name.—Arundinella, diminutive of arundo, a reed, the 
erass being like a thin reed; nepalensis, adjective for Nepal, India, 
the country whence it was originally recorded. 

Where figured.~Hackel (after 'Trimius). 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 545).—An erect glabrous perennial, 
attaining 6 to 8 feet. 

Leaves narrow. 

Ligula short, minutely ciliate. 

Panicle narrow, dense or loose, erect or slightly spreading, varying from 4 to 6 inches 
in the smaller specimens to above 1 foot in luxuriant ones, the lower branches 
densely clustered. 

Spikelets all or mostly pedicellate, narrow, about 2 lines long, the three outer glumes 
usually five-nerved, tapering into short points, the lowest rather shorter than 
the others, the third rather thinner, with a male flower in its axil. 

Terminal flowering glume smaller and thinner at the time of flowering, slightly 
notched with minute obtuse or acute points on each side of the awn not pro- 
duced into bristles. 

Palea auriculate on each side near the base. 

Value for fodder—When mature this is a harsh, rush-lke or cane- 
like grass which stock cannot eat. When young they nibble it in 
conjunction with other and better grasses which are also available at 
a similar period of their growth. I give three opinions of it, remarking 
that itis better known in Queensland thanwithus. Duthie remarks that 
nothing definite is known in regard to its value for fodder in India. 

“Usually a dry grass, particularly when grown on poor land, but 
affording better fodder in the tropics and on better soil.” (Bailey.) 

“Commences its growth in the spring weather, and continues to 
imcrease during the whole summer, forming a dense mass of foliage, 
which grows as fast as it is fed off or cut.” (Mueller.) 

“Tt is useless for thatch, uninteresting to the settler, 1t being one 
of those grasses which cattle of every description appear to reject.” 

Habitat and range.-—Found in New South Wales and Queensland. 
In our own Colony from Windsor, Hawkesbury River, northwards. 
Bailey says, “ Met with usually on poor land, such as ironbark ridges,” 
while O’Shanesy states that it is chiefly confined to mundated places, 
bordering on creeks and rivers, where it grows to a height of 5 to 6 feet. 

Jt is also found in Asia and South Africa. 



Tribe 1v.—PHALARIDER. 

38. Leersia. 43. Tetrarrhena. 
40. Potamophila. 44, Alopecurus. 
42. Microleena. A7. Hierochloe. 


Spikelets one-flowered, flat, articulate, on short pedicels along. the 
filiform branches of a terminal panicle. 

Glumes two, complicate and keeled, the outer one the largest. 

No two-nerved Palea. 

Stamens six or in species not Australian three or fewer. 

Styles short, distinct. 

Gram enclosed in the shghtly hardened glumes, free from them. 

1. Leersia hexandra, Swartz. 

Botanical name.—Leersia, in honor of J. D. Leers, a German botanist ; 
hevandra, Greek hexa, six; aner, andros,a man (botany, stamen), in 
allusion to the six stamens. 

Vernacular name.—‘ Rice Grass.” 

Where figured.—Bailey. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 549).—An erect though weak 
glabrous grass, attaining several feet, often rooting in the mud at the 
lower nodes. 

Leaves rather narrow, flat when fresh, mostly erect. 

Panicle oblong, 2 to 4 inches long, with erect or slightly spreading filiform flexuose 

Spikelets narrow-ovate, about 14 lines long. 

Glumes membranous, acute, the outer one with a prominent nerve on each side 

besides the marginal one ; the inner glume nearly as long, but narrower, with 
only one nerve on each side near the margin. 

Stamens six. 

Value as a fodder.—This grass is closely allied to that which pro- 
duces rice. Itisasemi-aquatic grass which is so sparingly distributed 
in this Colony that we know but httle of it from a pastoral point of 
view, but it is not lkely ever to be important to the raiser of stock. 
It is, however, a tender grass, much hiked by stock, and Duthie quotes 
Symonds as stating that cattle are fond of it in India. 

“ A widely-distributed perennial swamp-grass found in warm regions 
of both hemispheres. In the Philippine Islands it is regularly culti- 
vated, under the name of Zacate, for the purpose of supplying food 



for domestic animals. It is treated lke rice, being transplanted to 
wet and previously ploughed meadows. Bailey found it to be one of 
the most relished by cattle amongst the aquatic grasses of Hast Aus- 
tralia. In Singapore it is regularly gathered in waste places as a 
green fodder for cattle and horses.”—(Kew Bulletin, 1894, p. 382.) 

Fungus found on this grass.—Thecaphoria inquinans, B. & Br. 

Habitat and range.—New South Wales and Queensland, from Port 
Jackson north. It is a semi-aquatic plant. It is especially common 
along the watercourses of Queensland, to a less extent on those of 
the northern parts of this Colony. It is found throughout the entire 
tropical zone. 


Spikelets one-flowered, polygamous, not flattened, articulate on very 
short pedicels along the filiform branches of a terminal panicle. 

Glumes four, two outer ones very small membranous, nerveless, two 
upper ones much larger, membranous but prominently nerved, the 
outer one the broadest. 

No two-nerved palea. 

Stamens six. 

Styles short, distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the larger glumes, free from them. 

1. Potamophila parviflora, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Potamophila, Greek potamos a river, philo I love, 
in allusion to the habitat of this grass; parviflora, parvus small, 
flora (flos, floris) flower, small-flowered. 

Where figured.—Trinius. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 500).—An aquatic glabrous 
grass of 3 to 5 feet. 

Leaves narrow and erect, convolute when dry, scabrous; ligula prominent, jagged. 

Panicle narrow, 1 to 14 feet long, or even more. 

Spikelets very numerous, about 1} lines long, pale-coloured or purplish, ovoid-oblong, 
the males and females very similar and variously intermixed, with a few barren 
ones reduced to empty glumes. 

Larger glumes membranous, rather acute, concave, the outer one five-nerved, the. 
inner one three-nerved. 

Value as a fodder.—A tall, pale-coloured, erect, cane-like grass, 
forming large tussocks in the water several feet in diameter. It is 
cropped by cattle wherever they can reach it, and is probably a very 
nutritious grass. 

Habitat and range.—Confined to this Colony, and only recorded from 
the Hastings and Williams Rivers. I found it in my recent expedition 
to Mount Seaview, occurring for many miles in the Lower and Upper 
Hastings. It is found in the stony bed of the limpid stream, always 
more or less submerged, probably because cattle have eaten it out 
close to the bank. 



Spikelets one-flowered, on filiform pedicels in a narrow loose panicle, 
the rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the two outer glumes. 

Glumes six, two outer short and persistent, third and fourth long, 
narrow and awned, fifth and sixth shorter, acute, unawned, all 

Flower terminal. 

No palea. 

Lodicules large, very thin. 

Stamens four or two. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the larger glumes, but free from them. 

1. Microlena stipoides, R. Br. 

Botanical name.—Microlena—Greek, micros, small; lenos, wool—in 
allusion to the small woolly flower-stalks ; stipoides, Stipa-like (oidos), 
resembling the grasses known as Stipa. 

Synonym.—Ehrharta stipoides, Labill., im F.v.M. Census. 

Vernacular names.—< Weeping-grass,” Meadow Rice-grass” of 
N.Z., ‘ Wire-grass;” the “Star-grass” of Bacchus, and the 
“ Nodding Feather-grass,” of Bailey. 

Where figured.—Labillardiere, as Microlena stipoides; Bailey ;. 
Buchanan ; Key Victorian plants (Mueller) ; Hooker (Flora Tasmania) ;: 
Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description.—(B. FI., vii, 552). 

Stems from a perennial rhizome, erect or ascending, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Ca usually rather short, flat or convolute and very acute, glabrous or slightly 

ee i itow, 3 to 6 inches long, with filiform erect branches and pedicels. 

Spikelets narrow, 4 to 5 lines long without the awn, two outer persistent glumes’ 
minute ; third and fourth glumes narrow, rigid, with three prominent scabrous 
nerves, tapering into a fine awn, with a tuft of hairs at their base on the slightly 
elongated rhachis, the fourth rather longer than the third, and its awn some- 
times much longer ; fifth glume rather shorter, acute but not awned, the nerves 
not prominent ; sixth shorter, very narrow and thin but stiff. 

Stamens, 4. 

Value as a fodder.—Vhis is an excellent pasture-grass for the moister 
districts of the colony. In depressions in pasture-land, and in other 
situations where it can obtain the necessary moisture, it grows in 
patches, affording a tender green growth, 6 inches to 1 foot high, for 
many months of the year. Though not one of our best grasses, it 1s 
believed to be nutritious. Cattle crop it readily, and the dairy farmer 
should give it every encouragement. It is not a very conspicuous 
grass, hence it may be readily passed over even when in inflorescence. 

Bacchus says of it :—‘‘ Where the Kangaroo-grass grows this grass 
is generally found also; it does not, however, suffer so much from 
overstocking as the former. It is a good fattening grass.” 

_ Habitat and range.-—Found in all the Colonies, including New 
Zealand. In our Colony it is widely diffused, except in the interior. 



Spikelets one-flowered, sessile or very shortly pedicellate in a simple 
spike or in a scarcely branched spike-like panicle’; the rhachis of the 
spikelet articulate above the two outer glumes. 

Glumes six, two outer small and persistent, the third various, the 
fourth usually the largest and rigid, the fifth similar but usually 
smaller, the sixth narrower but keeled like them, none of them awned. 

Flower terminal. 

No palea. 

Loodicules large, very thin. 

Stamens four. 

Styles short, distinct. 

Grav enclosed in the larger glumes, but free from them. 

2. Tetrarrhena juncea, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Tetrarrhena—tetra, Greek for four; arrhen, man 
(stamen), the flowers having four stamens; jwncea—Latin, rush-like. 
Synonym.—Lhrharta juncea, Spreng., in F.v.M. Census. 
Vernacular name.— Wire-grass.” 
Where figured.—Hooker, Fl. Tasmania. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 554). 
Stems either long, slender, and slightly branched, or more branched and entangled, 
scrambling over bushes to the height of 8 to 12 feet. (F. Mueller.) 
Leaves narrow, glabrous or pubescent, with short rigid hairs. 
Spike or raceme simple, 1 to 2 inches long, the rhachis flexuose. 

Spikelets distant, sessile or nearly so, 2 to 24 lines long. Two outer glumes short 
but unequal, obtuse, faintly-nerved, third glume nearly equal to the fourth and 
fifth, all three obtuse, prominently three- or five-nerved, sixth glume enclosing 
the flower, very narrow and hyaline. 

Value as a fodder.—It must be very little, perhaps affording a bite 
for stock, with other grasses, in the spring. Its tough stems and 
straggling habit would preclude stock walking amongst it even if it 
were otherwise desirable. It is a hindrance to travellers in the dis- 
tricts 1 which it grows. Stirling, speaking of the Australian Alps, 
says that even the dreaded thorns and the “Climbing Lawyer” (Smilax 
australis) are less objectionable than the finely serrated stems and 
leaves of this grass. 

Habitat and range.—Found in Tasmania, Victoria, and New South 

Wales. In our Colony, from the Blue Mountains, in a southerly 
direction, to Victoria. 


Spikelets one-flowered, flat, densely crowed into a cylindrical spike 
or spike-like panicle. 

Glumes three, two outer complicate, keeled, acute, but not awned, 
third under the flower shorter, keeled, with a short slender dorsal awn. 


No two-nerved palea or lodicules. 
Stamens three. 
Styles distinct. 

Graim enclosed in the scarcely hardened glumes, but free from 

2. Alopecurus geniculatus, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Alopecurus, from the Latin Alopecurus (indirectly 
from the Greek), signifying a plant like a fox-tail; geniculatus, Latin, 
knotty and jointed (like a knee). 

Vernacular names.—“ Knee-jointed Fox-tail Grass,” because it is 
bent at the joints; “ Water or Floating Fox-tail Grass” ; the “ Com- 
mon Fox-tail” of England. 

Where figured. —Buchanan, Sowerby, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FL, Vii, 959).—A perennial or sometimes 
annual only, glabrous except the spike. 

Stems usually procumbent at the base, bending upwards at the lower nodes, some- 
times only 3 or 4 inches, often 1 foot high or more. 

Leaves narrow, the upper sheaths broad and loose. 
Spike 1 to 2 inches long, closely imbricate but slender. 

Outer glumes hairy on the keel, scarcely pointed, usually but little more than 1 line 
long, free or scarcely united at the base, the hair-like awn of the flowering 
glume not projecting above | line beyond them. 

Value as a fodder.—Perennial fodder-grass, valuable for swampy or 
moist ground. Stock eat it readily enough with other grasses, but 
whether it is nutritious or not in Australia we can only make inferences. 

Bailey alludes to it in these terms: “This rather weak grass is 
valuable as producing, on the South-western Downs, a quantity of 
herbage during the winter when many other grasses are at a stand- 

It should be well-known in Hurope, but the testimonies of eminent 
British authorities in regard to it are contradictory, as the followmge 
extracts will show :— 

‘‘It is an extremely valuable pasture-grass, being relished by all 
cattle, and yielding a good crop of stems and foliage, and on stiff soils 
is perhaps the most reproductive of all our native (English) species, 
but is perhaps not so well adapted for hay as for pasture on account 
of the stems being few.” (Sowerby.) 

“It does not appear to be eaten with much relish by either cows, 
horses, or sheep. Its nutritive powers are not considerable, and its 
sub-aquatic natural place of growth excludes any recommendation of 
it for cultivation. (Sinclair, Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis.) 

As regards the United States, Vasey reports: “‘It seldom reaches 
more than a foot in height. It is of no value for cultivation, being 
useful only for the amount of grass: it may Somilone to the wild 
forage of the place in which it grows.” 

Fungus recorded on this grass.—NSclerospora macrospora, Sacc., has 
been recorded on the leaves of an Alopecurus. 

Habitat and range.—It is usually found near shallow lagoons and 
water-courses, often actually floating in water. It is found in all the 


colonies, and is a cosmopolitan grass in addition. In New South 
Wales it is found in most parts of the Colony. The following note 
from a correspondent from Myall Plains, near Jerilderie, explains one 
of its habitats :— 

“Only growing on some land that was cleared and burnt off last 
January, and only in the stump holes and ashes where the trees were 
burnt, and as thick as it can grow. It is quite unusual for grass to 
grow here for several years where large trees or heaps of wood or 
scrub are burnt, but this grass seems to come up at once, and do well 
where the most ashes are found. It grows so high and rank that you 
can trace where every portion of the tree has been burnt.” 


Spikelets with one terminal hermaphrodite flower and two male 
flowers below it, in a pyramidal or narrow terminal panicle, the rhachis 
articulate above the two outer glumes. 

Glumes six, thinly scarious; two outer acute, keeled, with a more or 
less distinct short nerve on each side; third and fourth obtuse or emar- 
ginate, the keel sometimes produced into a short awn, each enclosing 
a narrow palea and three stamens; fifth shorter, broad, obtuse, five- 
nerved, the keel rarely produced into a short point, enveloping the 
sixth which is narrower with a central nerve or keel.. 

No two-nerved palea to the terminal flower. 

Stamens two. 

Styles distinct. 

Gramm enclosed in the two upper glumes. 

Spikelets crowded on the branches of the panicle; outer glumes 
as long as the male ones _... ‘ oh ¥ fits we Ly Ge nedialenss 

Spikelets all on slender oie ; outer glumes slice than the 
male ones... cite : dhs sibs oie one wu 2. fd. raraflora, 

1.—Hierochloe redolens, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Hierochloe or Hierochloa, from two Greek words— 
hieros, holy; chloe, grass. It is generally and properly spelt Hierochloa, 
but Gmelin, author of the genus, spelt it Hierochloe ; redolens—Latin, 
smelling sweet. 

Vernacular name.—‘* Sweet-scented Grass.” 

Where figwred.—Labillardiére, as Disarrenum  antarctiewm ; 

Botanical description (B. El., vii, 558).—Stems tufted, erect, branch- 
ing, leafy, 2 to 3 feet high. 

Leaves flat, rather rigid, slightly scabrous, otherwise glabrous, the ligula scarious, 

Panicle rather dense, secund or nodding, 4 to 10 inches long in the larger forms, the 
spikelets crowded along the primary branches, forming spike-like secondary 
panicles of 1 to 14 inches, the upper ones sessile, the lower distant on clustered 
filiform peduncles. 

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Hierochloa rariflora, Hook. f. 


Glumes all thin, almost hyaline, rather shining; outer empty ones in the typical form 
about 3 lines long, the short lateral nerve on each side more prominent in the 
second than in the outermost one. 

Third and fourth glumes each with a male flower, nearly as long as the outer ones, 
ciliate on the margins and keels, with a short awn arising from a little below the 
tip, the rhachis of the spikelet shortly lengthened between and above the male 

Fifth and sixth glumes enclosing the grain obtuse and perfectly glabrous, or the fifth 
slightly hairy at the end with the keel produced into a minute point. 

Value as a fodder.—Believed to be nutritious as a fodder, but quite 
harsh when old. It is one of the few grasses which grow in cold 
moorland, and hence valuable in that respect. Its odour of Coumarin 
(pleasmg to cattle when not too strong), renders it an acceptable 
ingredient of hay, and it often renders demas hay more palatable to 

Habitat and range.-—Found in Tasmania, Victoria, and New South 
Wales. In our own Colony it is found in the southern mountain dis- 
tricts. It also occurs in New Zealand and Antarctic America. 

2. Hierochloe rariflora, Hook., f. 

Botamcal names.—Rariflora, from two Latin words, signifying thin 
or loose (inflorescence), in allusion to the panicle. The word rarus is 
the opposite of the word densus, which signifies dense. 

Vernacular names.—Usually known as ‘‘ Scented-grass” but some- 
times as “ Wire-grass” for obvious reasons. 

Where figured.—Hooker, Fl. Tasmania ; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 559). 

Stems slender, branching, 2 to 3 feet high. 
Leaves narrower than in H. redolens, tapering into long subulate points. 
Panicle loose and spreading, 2 to 3 inches long. 

Spikelets all on slenner pedicles, often variegated from the contrast of the purplish 
outer glumes and pale-coloured upper ones. 

Glumes.—Outer persistent glumes broad, obtuse, the lowest about 14 lines long, the 
second rather large and three- nerved ; ; intermediate male glumes about 2 lines 
long, rather rigid, five-nerved, obtuse, and awnless, finely and shortly ciliate 
on the margins, , and sometimes on the keel. 

Fifth glume very broad, thin, obtuse, glabrous, five-nerved. 
Sixth glume much narrower, keeled, but the lateral nerves scarcely visible. 

Botanical note.—Dr. (now Sir Joseph) Hooker, who first described 
this grass from a Tasmanian specimen, speaks of it as ‘a very distinct 
species, conspicuous for its slender, branched, leafy, knotted culms, 
2 to 3 feet long, its narrow, strict rigid leaves rough to the touch, 
and small loose panicles of small spikelets on long flexuous branches.” 
This is a brief popular description which could not readily be 
improved upon. 

Value as fodder—We have practically no data as to the specific 
fodder-value of our Scented-grass, and therefore we must fall back 
upon comparisons with other grasses belonging to the same genus. 
All Mierochloes have a certain value as sweeteners of musty or other 


hay, the pleasant odour they impart being grateful to most herbivorous 
animals ; but I express the opinion at once that our scented grass is 
of no agricultural importance. It is true that it is probably fairly 
nutritious ; but its foliage 1s sparse, the whole plant is wiry, the seed 
is less abundant than im the other Australian (and in most other) 
species; and, supposing for a moment that anyone in the Colony 
thinks of propagating it, the warning of Mr. Fletcher, of Canada, as 
to the tendency of a closely-related species to become (in Manitoba) 
a noxious weed, should be borne in mind. 

Speaking of a native Hverochloe, Mr. Bacchus states: “I am aware 
that stock eat the grass, but know nothing of its merits for grazing. 

We will now inquire what is the opinion held in regard to Hieroch- 
loes in older countries. 

Under the name of Holcus odoratus, there are some interesting 
noteson Hierochloe borealis in Sinclair’s Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis 
(2nd ed., p.167). There are some data as to the product per acre 
of this grass, dried and green, and at different seasons. Mr. Sinclair 
proceeds: ‘ Though this is one of the earliest flowering grasses, it 1s 
tender, and the spring produce of herbage is very inconsiderable, the 
flowering straws rising up in a manner destitute of leaves. This 
deficiency of produce is much to be regretted, as the nutritive 
qualities of the grass are greater than in most of the early spring 
grasses. It sends forth but a few flower straws, which are of a slender 
structure compared with the size of the leaves. In no instance that 
I have observed was this grass eaten by the hares and rabbits which 
preyed upon many of the other grasses. ‘’he powerful creeping 
roots of this grass, its tender nature, and the great deficiency of 
foliage in the spring, are demerits which discourage the idea of 
recommending it further to the notice of the agiculturist.”’ 

H. borealis is dedicated to the Virgin Mary on account of its sweet- 
ness, and is strewn about Catholic Churches in Northern Europe on 
festival days. Hence the name Holy-grass. The odour it emits is 
much more powerful when it is trampled upon. It is often called 
Vanilla-grass, on account of its perfume. This is the grass stated 
by Don to be indigenous to Scotland, as well as to Sweden, Norway, 
&c. No one else found it in Scotland, and it was dropped out of 
lists, until Robert Dick, the baker, botanist, and geologist, of 
Thurso, rediscovered it in that country, and an account of the 
discovery is pleasantly recounted by Samuel Smiles in his life of that 

Hierochloe borealis is common along the streams and rivers in the 
mountainous districts of Montana, U.S.A., frequently occupying ex- 
tensive areas to the exclusion of all other grasses. (Prof. Scribner, 
quoted by Dr. Vasey.) Dr. Vasey says that this grass is known in 
the United States as Vanilla or Seneca Grass, and Holy-grass. “ It 
is a perennial grass of northern latitudes, growing in moist meadows 
near the coast, also in low marshy ground in some parts of Illinois 
and other States bordering the great lakes, and in the mountains of 
Colorado and northward. . . . In our country it does not appear 
to be adapted to general cultivation.” 


According to Mr. James Fletcher (Bulletin No. 19, Central Hxpert- 
mental Farm, Ottawa), this grass is known in Canada as Indian Hay, 
and he makes the following observations in regard to it :—‘‘ When 
cut or fed off, it keeps continually producing young leaves. When 
once established, however, it is very persistent, and in Manitoba is 
rapidly becoming a noxious weed most difficult to eradicate. It can- 
not, therefore, in any case be recommended for cultivation there, and 
should be introduced everywhere with caution. Our analyses prove 
it to be a very rich grass. Horses and cattle eat it readily. 

“This is the grass of which the leaves are used by the Indian 
women to weave the scented ‘ Indian hay’ baskets and mats.” 

No analysis of our Scented-grass has yet been made. It will, there- 
fore, be useful to peruse the two accompanying analyses of H. borealis. 
No. 1 is a Canadian grass, gathered with the seeds half ripe. No. 2 
is from the United States. It will be observed that the Canadian 
specimen was very moist. The albuminoids (the flesh-forming con- 
stituents of plants) are unusually high. 

In Fresh or Green Material. Calculated to Water-free Substance. 

3 + ° wr) 
E Few ate E a3 lk. 
5 | $ Se | 58 E ay Vue | aes 
See TS Se Sa Ser eel ae hl 2 eC heh ili ae pee 
= < < cs Zi ca} < < ea Z es 
No.1 ...| 75°32} 1°64| 4°93| 6°14| 10°68} 1:29; 6°63 | 20:00 | 43:25 | 24°88 | 5:24 
No. 2 __...| 14°30 | 7°99 | 12°12 | 19°73 | 43°28 | 3°48} 9°32 | 14°15 | 23:02 | 49°45 | 4:06 

Other uses.—None, except that there would bea limited sale for 
small baskets and other plaited work made out of it. 

Since the above was written, Mr. W. H. Walker, of Tenterfield, has 
found this grass at his Boonoo Boonoo Out Station in very swampy 
country. This discovery (see Agricultural Gazette, February, 1896, 
p. 81) brings the range of the grass several hundreds of miles further 
to the north, Boonoo Boonoo being in the mountainous country near 
the Queensland border; and I feel sure that only further search is 
required to find this interesting species within Queensland territory. 
In a letter subsequent to the communication originally forwarding the 
grass, Mr. Walker writes :—“I saw this grass on Bookookoorara, 
close to the top of the main range (say) about 4,000 feet above the 
sea; and as the grass I saw had no seed on it, I asked my head stock- 
man to bring in a specimen in seed or flower. He says there is lots 
of it on both the eastern and western watersheds of the main range. 
Stock are very fond of itin the winter and early spring months of 
the year. Hedid not know it was scented until he got the specimens. 
From what I can hear it is a valuable winter and early spring grass, 
but useless when old.” 


Sub-tribe 1.—Stipacee. 
48. Aristida. | AQ, Stipa. 


Spikelets one-flowered on filiform pedicels, or nearly sessile in a 
terminal panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the two 
outer glumes. 

Glumes three, narrow; two outer usually persistent, keeled, empty, 
and unawned ; terminal or flowering glume narrow, rigid, rolled round 
the flower, entire, with a terminal trifid awn. 

Palea small, enclosed in the flowering glume. 

Styles distinct. 

Graim narrow, enclosed in the hard upper glume but free from it, 
the whole falling off with the stipes and awn as in Stipa. 

All Australian species glabrous, with convolute more or less subulate 

Fungus found on Aristida sp.—Ustilago segetuwm, Bull. 

Section I.—Arthratherum.—Awn articulate on the glume, entire 
and spirally twisted below the branches ; flowering glwme much shorter 
than the outer ones. 

Awn about 14 inches below the branches, which vary from 14 to 24 
inches 2. A. stipoides 

Awn 3 to 23-inch below the branches, which vary from 1 to 3inches_ 3. A. arenaria 

Section II.—Chetaria.—Awn not articulate, and divided to the 
glume into three branches, the glume itself when barren sometimes 
twisted, but not the awn ; flowering glume about as long or longer than 
the outer ones. 

Panicle short, broad and dense ; glumes 4 inch long; awnslong... 4. A. Behriana 
Panicle branches very long, at length spreading, with few spikelets 

on long pedicels; glumes at least $inch long ...............-.0008 5. A. leptopoda 
Panicle loose, at length pyramidal ; pedicels short ; outer glumes 

2 to 3 lines long ; flowering glume much longer; awns short... 6. A. vagans 
Panicle narrow, rather loose; outer glumes as long as the flower- 

ing one. 

Glumes scarcely 3 lines; awns under 4 inch long .............000+ 7. A. ramosa 

Glumes 4 to 5 lines long; awns $ to 1 inch long ...............06 8. A. calycina 

Panicle narrow, dense ; spikelets sessile and crowded on the short 
branches; glumes 3 lines, or the flowering one rather longer ; 
aawans Aton Maas ik... Mees adilipuip de bapied sedeemnehe peeee bon nke eee areiee eee 9. A. depressa 

2. Aristida stipoides, R. Br. 

Botanical name.—Aristida, from the Latin arista, the beard of an 
ear of corn; stipoides, from two words, stipa, ovdos (Greek for like, 
or similar to), signifying resembling the genus Stvpa. 

“A Wire Grass.’”’ 

Aristida stipoides, Pe ir: 

ae = WN 
= SSS uN 

S \ 
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Vernacular name.—< Wire-grass” is the only name known to me 

for this grass, and the reason for its use is obvious. ‘This is one of 
the grasses which is only a useful native plant at an early period of 
its growth. 

Where figured.— Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description.—(B. FI., vu, 561).—A_ perennial grass, with 
rigid subulate leaves, and with the sheaths minutely ciliate at the 

Panicle long, with a slender rhachis, the lower short erect branches usually bearing 
two spikelets, the upper spikelets singly distant on short erect pedicels. 

Outer glume one-nerved, about 4 inch long, glabrous or minutely pubescent. 

Second glume rigid, convolute, # inch. 

Flowering glume scarcely smaller than in A. hygrometrica, but the awn much finer, 
about 13 inches below the branching, the branches 14 to 2 inches long. 

Value as a fodder.—This is a harsh, dry, wiry grass, which is, as a 
rule, but little relished by animals of any kind. When burnt off it 
produces a moderate quantity of tender feed, but this soon becomes 
of a hard, fibrous nature. The awns (three-pronged) with “spears” 
at the end, are bad for sheep, hence the grass is looked upon with 
disfavour by the squatters at seed-ripening time. 

Habitat and range.—lt is found in all the colonies, except Victoria 
and Tasmania. While mainly an interior species, it extends to the 
north coast, and to the islands adjacent thereto. In our own Colony 
it is found in the interior, on sand-ridges. 

Reference to plate.—a, Spikelet Sane the trifid awn; B, Showing articulation of 
awn with glume. 

3. Aristida arenaria, Gaud. 

Botanical name.—Arenaria, Latin, belonging to sand—+.e., growing 
in sandy, sterile places. 

Botanical description.—(B. Fl., vu, 561). 

Very near A. stipoides, and reduced to that species by F. Mueller, Fragm. vit, 111, 
but a smaller plant, the— 

Stems usually not above 6 inches below the inflorescence, rarely slender, leafy, and 
nearly 1 foot long. 

Leaves much finer, almost filiform. 

Panicle narrow and spikelike, scarcely branched, or more frequently reduced toa 
simple raceme, 3 to 4 inches long, without the awns. 

Outer glumes very narrow and fine pointed, usually dark coloured, the lowest nearly 

' 4 inch long, the 2nd # inch. 

Flowering glume rather smaller than in A. stipoides, the awn under 1 inch and 
usually 4 to # inch below the branching, the branches very fine, varying from 1 
to 3 inches. 

Value as a fodder.—A dry, wiry grass, bad for sheep on account of 
its sharp awns, becoming harsh when old, and only useful for fodder 
when young. 

Habitat and range.—Poor, sandy, or sour land in all the colonies 
except Tasmania. In New South Wales it is confined to the dry 
western districts. 

4. Aristida Behriana, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Behriana, in honour of Dr. Herrmann Behr, a 
German botanist long resident in South Australia. 
Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 562). 

Stems ascending, usually under 1 foot below the inflorescence. 

Leaves subulate at the end, somewhat dilated at the base, and the upper sheaths 
often rather broad and loose. 

Panicle dense, 2 to 3 inches long, and almost as broad, the spzkelets nearly sessile. 

Outer glumes nearly equal, the lowest fine-pointed, the second usually rather longer 
than the flowering glume. 

Flowering glume about 4 inch long, with three nearly equal, sessile awns, fine and 
above 1 inch, sometimes nearly 2 inches long. 

Value as a fodder.—Same as A. arenaria. 

Habitat and range—Found in South Australia, Victoria, and 
Queensland, besides our own Colony. In New South Wales it is 
usually found in the interior, but it also occurs on the Dividing Range 
and spurs at least as far south as Mudgee. 

§. Aristida leptopoda, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Leptopoda, from two Greek words, leptos, pous- 
podos, signifying slender-stalked. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 062). 

Stems rather stout, from scarcely 6 inches to 2 feet long. 

Leaves long and subulate, with rather broad loose sheaths. 

Panicle very loose, 6 inches to 1 foot high, with numerous long rigidly filiform 
branches at first erect, at length spreading horizontally, bearing few spikelets 
on filiform pedicels. 

Outer glumes unequal, with long points, the longest usually about as long as the 
flowering glume. 

Flowering glume 6 to 8 lines long, on a very short scarcely ciliate stipes, with three 
nearly sessile awns 3} to 1 inch long. 

Palea small and rigid. 
Value as a fodder.—Same remarks as under A. arenaria. 
Habitat and range.—Found im South Australia, Victoria, and 
Queensland, as well as New South Wales. In our Colony it extends 
from the tableland to the interior. It is often found on good soil. 

6. Aristida vagans, Cav. 

Botancal name.—Vagans—Latin, straggling, in allusion to the 

Vernacular name.—‘‘ Wandering Three-awned Spear-grass.”’ 

Botamcal description (B. F1., vii, 562). 

Stems slender, erect, and 1 to 2 feet high, or diffuse and much branched. 
Leaves slender, almost filiform, usually short. 

Panicle 3 to 6 inches long, at first narrow, at length branching and pyramidal, the 
pedicels very short. 

Outer glumes usually dark-coloured, 2 to 3 lines long, the second longer than the 
lowest, both with one prominent nerve. 

Flowering glume always longer than the outer ones and often twice as long. 

Auwns sessile, about 4 lines long. 

Palea very short. 

ee es te ee ee | eee ee ve LS 


It is sometimes not easy to distinguish this species from A. ramosa. 

Value as a fodder.—‘ In some ” places this grass affords good 
pasture, growing through the year and forming a good leafy bottom. 
The awns of this species are shorter and less troublesome than some 
others of the genus.” (Bailey). 

“Found with A. calycina, which it somewhat resembles, but it is a 
superior pasture kind.” (Mueller.) 

At the same time it is an inferior grass, wiry, and providing but 
little nutriment for stock under the most favourable circumstances. 
It is one of the best of the Aristidas, but no Australian member of 
the genus is worth conserving as a fodder plant. 

Habitat and range.—It is found in Victoria and Queensland, and 
also extends from south to north of our Colony, in the coast districts 
and table-lands. It prefers dry rocky situations. 

7. Aristida ramosa, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Ramosa—Latin, full of branches, in allusion to the 
Botamcal description (B. FI., vu, 5638). 

Very nearly allied to A. calycina, and almost intermediate between that and A. 

Panicle narrow, with erect or scarcely spreading branches, and the outer glumes as 
long as the flowering ones or nearly so, as in A. calycina, but the spikelets much 
smaller, the glwmes scarcely above 3 lines, and the awns under 4-inch long. 

Value as a fodder.—A dry wiry grass, and sometimes very tough and 
full of fibre. During the winter months affording some pasture, but 
in summer bearing too much seed and flower-stalks to be of much use 
as feed. 

Halitat and range-—FYound in South Australia, Queensland, and 
New South Wales. In our Colony it occurs in the coast districts and 
tablelands, its most southern locality appearmg to be the Clyde- 
Braidwood district. In the western districts it has been sparingly 
recorded as far west as the Darling River. It is also found in New 

8. Aristida calycina, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Calycina—Latin, adjective from calyx a cup (in 
Botany, calyx), hence, having a prominent calyx or outer glumes (as 
regards the present species). 

Botamcal description (B. FI., vu, 563). 

Stems tufted, erect, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves very narrow, mostly subulate. 

Panicle narrow, often above 6 inches long, with few short erect branches, rarely at 
length spreading, each bearing one or two, or the lower ones several, but few 
sessile or shortly pedicellate spikelets. 

Spikelets in the typical form 4 to 5 lines long without the awns. 

Outer glumes with fine points, the second as long as or longer than the flowering 

Awns slender, sessile, $ to 14 inches long. 

Palea rather long. 

Value as a fodder.—Usually a very dry coarse grass, rarely afford- 
ing a bite to stock. Its sharp awns are very injurious to sheep. 



Mr. Forester Kidston, of Condobolin, thus alludes to it: “The cele- 
brated No. 9 grass, the most hurtful of all our grasses, the seed going 
right through to the paunch.”’ No. 9 is, of course, an allusion to the 
gauge of fencing-wire, and other Aristidas, Xerotes longifolia, and 
other plants with exceptionally tough leaves are also referred to by 
country people as No. 9 or No. 10. 

Habitat and range.—F¥ound in all the colonies except Tasmania, 
principally on the sand-hills in the arid districts. 

9. Aristida depressa, Retz. 

Botanical name.—Depressa—Latin, weighed or pressed down, signi- | 
fying, in a botanical sense, spread out or flattened down, referring to 
the panicle. 

Vernacular name.—‘ Beardy grass.”’ 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 563).—A very variable grass, 
distinguished by its narrow spikelets crowded and almost imbricate 
along the short erect branches of a narrow compact panicle. 

Stems, in the Australian specimens, ascending or erect, above 1 foot high. 

Leaves narrow, ending in subulate points. 
Punicle from 2 to 3 inches long and spikelike, to 6 or S inches and interrupted at the 

Spikelets sessile along the branches and often purplish. 
Outer glumes about 3 lines long. 
Flowering glumes usually longer. 
Awns sessile, varying from 4 to 6 lines or rather more. 

Probably the same as the tropical American A. dispersa, Trin. et 
Rupr. (Benth.) 

Value as a fodder.—Usually a dry unpalatable, innutritious grass. 
‘‘Opinions vary as to the value of this grass for fodder. Stewart 
described it as a favourite fodder for cattle in the Punjab. Symonds 
says that it is atroublesome grass which cattle will not eat. Colstream 
states that itis grazed, but 1s too short and ght to stack; that it covers 
the Hussar bir in vast sheets, is too fine to cut with a scythe, but is 
nutritious, and particularly relished by cattle. In the Jhang Set- 
tlement Report it is stated to bea grass of average quality, and is 
found growing in Kallar. Neither at Ajmere nor at Jeypur is it 
considered to be a good fodder grass.” (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range.—FY¥ound on sandy or light loamy soils n New 
South Wales, andin Queensland. In our own Colony occurring in the 
dry country, and found sparingly on the tableland, Dividing Range, 
and northern coast district from Hunter River. It is also a native 
of Hurope, Asia, Africa, and America. 

49. STIPA. 

Spikelets one-flowered, on filiform pedicels or nearly sessile in a 
terminal panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the two 
outer glumes. 

Glumes three, narrow ; two outer, usually persistent, membranous, 
keeled, empty, unawned ; terminal or flowering glume narrow, rigid, 


rolled round the flower, with a terminal undivided bent awn spirally 
twisted below the bend. 

Palea enclosed in the flowering glume. 

Lodicules usually large. 

Anthers usually tipped with a tuft of hairs, 

Styles distinct. 

Grain narrow, enclosed in the hard upper glume, but free from it. 
A short continuation of the rhachis of the spikelet above the articula- 
tion forms usually a stipes to the flower and fruit, falls off with it, and 
is usually ciliate with short hairs; the awn is more or less distinctly 
articulate on the flowering glume, but usually remains attached to it 
after it falls. 

The genus Stipa contains about 100 species. Australia claims 
fifteen, New Zealand two, one* of which is also found in Australia, 
while the others are natives of America and Asia. The United States 
has twenty-three species, and some of these have well marked varieties. 
In that country they are not, at least at present, accounted of much 
importance to the grazier, and no experiments appear to have been 
undertaken to determine their specific fodder value. 

Flowering glume glabrous or slightly hairy at the end, very shortly 
produced into hyaline lobes or entire. Palea very small or 
rarely half as long as the glume. 
Panicle branches long and plumose. Spikelets 4 to 6 lines long...1. S. elegantissima. 

Panicle very much branched, glabrous or Paani pubescent. 
Spikelets scarcely 14 lines long is bi 10, 2. 8S. nucrantha. 
Flowering glume silky hairy, the hyaline margins sat fhe. dual produced 
into a small lobe on each side of the awn. Palea nearly as 
long as the glume. Panicle narrow and compact. 

Outer glumes acute, under 3 inch, tas yellowish brown. Lobes 
of the flowering glume very small.. sa naa .. 3& S, flavescens. 
Flowering glume silky-hairy, the margins ae dilated ies the awn. 
Palea nearly as long as the glume. 

Ligula elongated, not ciliate. Panicle loose. Leaves slender, filiform 8. S. setacea. 
Ligula short, ciliate. Panicle dense, 6 to 10 inches long. Awn 
plumose hairy in the lower part, 14 to 4inches long... iM 9, S. semibarbata. 

Ligula short, cliate. Awn glabrous or slightly pubescent. 
Lowest glume usually slightly dilated and truncate or toothed at 
the end. Flowering glume narrow. Panicle dense or at 

length long and loose se, ae .. Ll. 8. pubescens. 
Lowest giume usually three- pointed. Flowering salem rather 

broad. Panicle very loose.. ¥ aoe 12. S. aristiglumis. 
Lowest glume always fine pumice! Beats settles, Aanets or 

pubescent, the upper sheaths sometimes dilated. Panicle 

foose ... Sco Be wae Bae es ee vies she 15. S. scabra. 

1. Stipa elegantissima, Labill. 

Botanical name.—Stipa—Latin for “tow,” in allusion to the feathery 
awns of the original species (S. pennata). In some species the awn 
is naked. Hlegantissima, superlative of elegans, signifying handsome. 
This is a most beautiful grass. 

Where figured.—Labillardiére. 

*Two, if S. Petrie: be reducible to 9. setacea. See Bentham, Proc. Linn. Soc., xix., 288. 


Botanical description (B. FI., vii, 565). 

Stems from a horizontal rhizome erect and, branching, rigid though rather slender, 
2 to 3 feet high. 

Leaves narrow, mostly erect, convolute when dry, glabrous. 

Panicle very loose, 6 to 8 inches long, at length broadly spreading, the rhachis and 
long filiform branches elegantly plumose, with fine spreading hairs. 

Outer glumes 4 to 6 lines long, equal or the lower much shorter, acutely acuminate. 

Flowering glume shorter, on a short hairy stipes, but glabrous, the involute margins 
shortly hyaline at the end, and produced into a very short obtuse lobe on each 
side of the awn. 

Awn 1 to 14 inches long, or sometimes even longer. 

Palea less than one-third as long as the glume. 

Value as a fodder.—Probably very little. 

Other uses.—This grass is often cultivated for ornamental purposes. 
The elegantly plumose branches of the panicle render it a charming 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania. In 
our own colony it occurs from the tableland to the interior. 

la. Stipa Tuckeri, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Tuckeri, in honour of G. A. Tucker, who first 
sent the grass to Baron von Mueller. 

Botanical description (Fragmenta xi, 129).—Described as a small 
grass, but according to specimens in the herbarium, Botanic Gardens, 
Sydney, scarcely less than 2 feet high. 

Leaves flat, with the stalks, sheaths, and nodes velvety-pubescent. 

Sprkelets small. 

Panicles—the branches much spreading, soft, covered with short soft hairs ‘* whitish 
and patent” (F.v.M.). 

Outer glumes short. 

Flowering glume glabrous. 

Awns about 1 to 14 inches long. 

[See also Key to System of Victorian Plants, p. 491.] 

Value as a fodder—Unknown. 

Habitat and range.—In our own Colony it has been recorded from 
the Lachlan and Darling Rivers and Liverpool Plains. Further search 
may greatly augment this list. It also occurs in Victoria and South 

2. Stipa micrantha, Cav. 

Botanical name.—Micrantha, from the Greek, micros, small, anthon 
a flower, in reference to the small spikelets. 

Synonym.—Stipa verticillata, Nees, according % Bentham. (See 
Dichelachne scrwrea.) 

Vernacular name.—* Bamboo-grass.” 

Botanical descruption (B. Fl., vu, 566) :— 

Stems several feet high, not stout but rigid, sometimes spreading or scrambling with 
the branches in dense clusters, sometimes long and little branched. 

Leaves very slender, the sheaths often long and loose, glabrous. 

Panicle loose, but often narrow, from under 6 inches to above | foot long, with very 
numerous capillary glabrous branches. 

Spikelets the smallest in the genus, pedicellate on the ultimate branches. 

Outer glumes linear, very thin, nearly equal, scarcely 14 lines long. 

Flowering glume shorter, nearly glabrous, on a very short and ciliate stipes, entire 
at the top, the awn very slender, about 4 inch long. 

Palea not above half the length of the glume. 


= \ 

Stipa setacea, R. Br. 

Grass or Corkscre 


Value as a fodder.—Although rather a rigid grass, it is always, at 
all events when young, cropped by cattle and horses. It is a tall 
tufty grass, met with in various situations, on hill sides and on the 
banks of rivers. 

Habitat and range.—Found in New Zealand, Queensland, and New 
South Wales. In our Colony, confined to the coast district and Divid- 
ing Range north of Port Jackson. 

3. Stipa flavescens, Labill. 

Botanical name.—Flavescens—Latin, growing yellow, in allusion to 
the general colour of the inflorescence. 

Where figured.—Labillardiére. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 566).—An erect rather slender 
grass of 1} to 3 feet, quite glabrous, or the lower leaves slightly 
pubescent. : 

Lower leaves sometimes flat at the base, but all otherwise convolute when dry, very 
narrow or almost subulate, often rigid. 

Ligula very short, not ciliate. 

Panicle narrow and dense, 6 inches to above 1 foot long, the erect branches and 
pedicels glabrous. 

Outer glumes 4 to 6 lines long, acute. 

Flowering glume on a rather long hairy stipes, scarcely 3 lines long, silky hairy, the 
hyaline involute margins ending in a small very thin lobe or tooth on each side 
of the awn, often difficult to distinguish from the hairs. 

Awn usually pubescent, 14 inches long or more. 

Palea nearly as long as the glume, hairy towards the top. 

Value as a fodder.—Only of value when young. 

Habitat and range.—Yound in all the Colonies except Queensland. 
In New South Wales it is found on the Monaro, and also on the 
Dividing Range and spurs as far north as the Mittagong district. It 
prefers rocky situations. 

8. Stipa setacea, RK. Br. 

Botanical name.—NSetacea, bristly, in allusion to the fine leaves. SN. 
setacea 18 found pretty well all over Australia, and hence it is not 
surprising that it varies a good deal. For instance, the leaves vary in 
width, and also in length, and we have figured both narrow and broad- 
leaved forms. 

Vernacular names.—A. “ Spear-grass,”’ owing to the spear-shaped 
ripened seed, to which is attached a long awn. Called “ Corkscrew- 
grass,’ owing to the twisted, corkscrew-like appearance of the lower 
part of the awn. 

Where fiqured.—Agricultural Gazette, Hooker, £1. Tasmania. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 568).— 

Stems slender, 1 to 2 feet high, or rarely more. 

Leaves fine and short, tufted at the base of the stem; those on the stem few, with 

long sheaths. 
Ligula elongated, not ciliate, often broken off from dried specimens. 
Panicle loose, 4 to 10 inches long, glabrous. 
Outer glumes very thin, narrow, acuminate, 4 to 5 lines long. 

Flowering glume much shorter, pubescent or villous, entire at the top. 

Awn glabrous, very fine, 14 to above 2 inches long. 
Palea as long as the glume, often hardened when ripe. 



The wide diffusion and variability of this grass have already been 
alluded to. In some forms the panicle is much looser than shown in 
our drawing ; in others, the amount of twist (‘‘ corkscrewness’’) of the 
awn varies, and other points of variation might be mentioned. 

Value as fodder.—Although this is a rather coarse grass, it 1s useful 
on account of its drought-resisting qualities. Itis much relished by 
stock of all kinds, and is very nutritious while young and tender. Mr. 
Bacchus says of it: “‘ By reason of its early growth of nice tender 
herbage, which stock are fond of, it constitutes a useful part of the 
supply of early annual grasses.” There is no doubt at all that it is a 
really valuable grass before the “seeds” (“spears”) ripen, and hence 
it is admissible into the category of “ useful plants”; but a sad draw- 
back to its value is the danger to sheep and wool from these seeds. 
They are produced in large quantities, are caught up by the wool, and 
by the mouth and nostrils. The structure of the “seeds” is suffi- 
ciently shown in the drawing, and they work home as certainly as a 
corkscrew or a gimlet. Mr. Bacchus says: “I once lost 800 out of 
2,000 lambs by placing them ona part of the run which had been 
rested for some time where this grass abounded, and was just begin- 
ning to shed its seeds, which penetrated the skin im hundreds; and, 
but for being able to get them shorn at once, I believe nearly all the 
lambs would have died.”? Mr. Alfred Hawkesworth, who has had a 
good deal of experience in such matters, has been kind enough to give 
me the following note on the terrible havoc spear-grass sometimes 
works with sheep :—“ Of all grasses and weeds, spear-grass seeds are the 
most damaging to sheep and wool. Being straight, and with sharp- 
pointed ends, when once they get attached to the wool they lie 
parallel with the staples and fibres, and by the movement of the animal 
they work their way on to the skin. In extreme cases the fleece is 
composed of fully 75 per cent. of spear-grass seeds, so persistently do 
they hold on to the wool. When once they get a hold, they never 
fall out. In the sarne way, when these sharp-pointed seeds enter the 
skin, they work through it, right into the sheep, until they come in 
contact with the vital organs, which results in certain death. I have 
seen them in the heart of a sheep, and even having a hold on the 
bones, from which they could not be pulled ; they would break off. 
Lf once saw a mob of sheep that had travelled from Hughenden to 
Townsville (Queensland), where they were slaughtered, and the spear- 
grass seeds were so dense and tenacious that they had to be cut 
through, in order that the skins might be released ; also, all through 
the body, to the intestines and lungs, they were present in large 
quantities. The face, also, suffers greatly, making the sheep blind in 
a very short time. Jam of opinion that spear-grass country is only 
fit for cattle.’ This bad character must not be borne entirely by 
SS. setacea, as some other Australian species of Stipa contribute to 
this result, and the blame must be borne by them jointly. Spear- 
grasses are also credited with destroying a large number of young 

Stipa spartea is also injurious to sheep in Manitoba, Canada. Mr. 
R. M. Christy observes (Proc. Linn. Soc. 1888-6, p. 57) :—“< This 


widespread species forms a more succulent grass than any other of the 
prairie grasses, and is locally known as buffalo-grass, spear-oat, &c. 
The fruits ripen in July, and the awns penetrate the hides of sheep and 
dogs, causing much damage to the settlers. There are very like those 
of S. pennata, but about $-inch m length, with an awn nearly 2 inches 
long, twisted nine or ten times. Rather more than 3 inches beyond, 
it is produed into a delicate bristle, which does not twist, and many 
small teeth pomting upward; when wet, the whole awn is perfectly 
straight. The author experimented in August, November, and 
December upon SN. spartea and S. pennata, and found that actual 
penetrative power was possessed by the hygrometric awned seeds. 
Butchers repeatedly find these seeds embedded about half an inch 
beneath the skin of animals slaughtered by them, and animals have 
not infrequently to be destroyed on account of their being infested 
with these fruits.” 

Other uses.—Nil. ‘his and other species have toughish stems when 
old, but none of them approach the Esparto (S. tenacisstma), in this 

Habitat and range——Found in every one of the Colonies, from the 
coastal districts to the deserts of the centre of the Continent. 

References to plate—Stipa setacea 1. The long ligule ; 2. Spikelet (opened out a little) ; 
3. Outer or empty glumes; 4. One empty glume, showing venation ; 5. Flowering glume, 
with awn; 6. Flowering glume, entire at top. All variously magnified. a, filiform 
leaves (type form) ; 8B, an old plant from western New South Wales. 

9. Stipa semibarbata, R.Br. 

Botanical names.—Semibarbata—Latin, semi, half; barbata, bearded, 
the awn being only partially (often for half its length) plumose. 

Where figured—Hooker, Fl. Tamania. 
Botancal description (B. FI., vu, 568).— 

Stems 14 to near 3 feet high. 

Leaves narrow, convolute, often almost subulate, glabrous, or shortly pubescent, the 
ligula very short and ciliate. 

Panicle oblong, rather dense, 6 to 10 inches long, with erect branches. 
Outer glumes 6 to 9 lines long, tapering into very thin, long, acute points. 
Flowering glumes silky-hairy, scarcely three lines long, entire at the top. 

-Awn varying from under 2 inches to near 4 inches long; shortly plumose-hairy to 
the bend, or sometimes nearly to the end. 

Var. mollis, Benth.—A coarser grass of 2 to 3 feet, the foliage 
usually softly pubescent, the other characters thesame. Coastal New 
South Wales; also, the Wimmera, Victoria. 

Value as a fodder.—A bad Spear-grass. (FI., Tas.) 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies. In New South 
Wales it is found in the coast districts and tablelands, and as far west 
as the Lachlan and Darling Rivers. 


11. Stipa pubescens, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Pubescens—Latin, downy, the nodes of the stem 
being pubescent. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 569).— 

Stems 2 to 3 feet high, with pubescent nodes. 
Leaves narrow, convolute, the ligula very short, usually ciliate. 
Panicle rather loose in the typical form, very loose in some varieties. 

Outer glumes unequal, the longest about 3 inch, scarious at the end, and often, but 
not always, truncate notched or three-toothed, rarely very acute. 

Flowering glume much shorter, hairy, entire at the top. 
Awn above 2 inches long, pubescent in the lower part or glabrous. 
Palea rather long. 

Value as a fodder.—A. tall, tufty grass, rather coarse, and a cattle- 
grass rather than one for sheep. -It is, however, believed to be 
nutritious. It is a bad spear-grass. 

Habitat and range—Found in all the Colonies. In New South 
Wales it occurs from the coast to the tableland. 

12. Stipa aristiglumis, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Aristiglumis—lLatin, arista, the beard of corn ; 
gluma, the husk or chaff of corn (glume), alluding to the outer glume 
being produced into fine points. 

Botanical description (B. FI, vii, 570).—Very nearly allied to S. 
pubescens, and should probably be added to its varieties. 

Habit and foliage the same. 

Panicle much looser. 

Spikelets smaller. 

Outer glume usually produced into one to three fine points. 
Fruiting glume broader. 

Awn of &. pubescens, but usually glabrous. 

Value as a fodder—The remarks under S. pubescens will apply 

As found in Queensland, Bailey speaks of it as a “ strong-growing 
grass, producing a large quantity of excellent fodder; indeed, it 1s one 
of the very best species found on the Downs; the seeds, also, are not 
so troublesome as some others of the genus.” 

Habitat and range—Found in all the Colonies except Western 
Australia and Tasmania. In New South Wales it extends from the 
coast districts to the mterior. 

15. Stipa scabra, Lindl. 

Botanical name.—Scabra—Latin, rough, the grass being somewhat 
harsh. Mitchell, the discoverer, writes, Tropical Australia, p. 31: 

cae) an, Wonatestheaat species of Stipa, remarkable for its fine, silky 
ears, and coarse rough herbage.” 


Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 570).— 
Stems in the typical form, slender, tufted, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves subulate or filiform, rather short, glabrous or slightly pubescent, the upper 
sheath scarcely dilated. 

Ligula very short, more or less ciliate. 

Panicle very loose, 6 inches to above 1 foot long, with long capillary, slightly 
spreading branches and pedicels. 

Outer glumes at first almost hyaline, at length, especially in western specimens, often 
purplish or rigid, tapering into long points, the longest about 4 inch long. 

Flowering glume about 2 lines long, silky-hairy, entire at the tip. 

Awn fine, glabrous, 3 inches long or more. 

Palea nearly as long as the glume. 

Value as a fodder.—Believed to be nutritious ; perhaps one of the 
best of the genus from the point of view of the stockowner. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania. In 
New South Wales it is only recorded from the interior districts. 

“Tt is worthy of note that some species of Stipa act upon cows, and. 
more especially upon horses, as narcotics. The fact is established as 
regards S.inebrians, Hance; S. viridula, Trin. ; and a species growing 
in Cashmere, probably S. stbirica, Lam.” (Hackel.) The ‘Sleepy 
Grass” of New Mexico, U.S.A., is S. viridula, var. robusta. 

Sub-tribe ti.—Agrostidex. 
ol. Pentapogon. 54. Agrostis. 
od. Dichelachne. od. Deyeuxia. 


Spikelets one-flowered, numerous in rather a dense much branched 
panicle; the rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the two outer 
glumes, with a tuft of hairs surrounding the flowering glume and not 
continued above it. 

Glumes three, two outer persistent, membranous, acute or shortly 

Flowering glume narrow, rolled round the flower, divided at the 
end into five lobes or awns, the central one rigid, at length twisted, 
continuous with the keel and sometimes slightly dorsal, the lateral 
ones shorter and straight. 

Palea narrow, enclosed in the flowering glume. 

Lodicules two. 

Styles short, distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the glume, but free from it. 

1. Pentapogon Billardieri, R. Br. 

Botanical name.—Pentapogon—Greek, penta, five; pogon, beard 
(awn), the flowering glume being divided at the end into five lobes 
orawns. Billardiert in honour of Jacques Julien Houton La Billar- 
diére, the celebrated botanist of the expedition despatched by the 
French Government in search of traces of La Perouse. 


Where figured.—La Billardiére, as Agrostis quadrifida ; Agricultural 

Botanical description (B. FI., vii, 572).—An erect annual, from under 
1 foot to above 2 feet high. 

Leaves narrow, hairy pubescent or rarely glabrous. 

Panicle narrow, erect or somewhat nodding, 2 to 6 inches long. 

Spikelets numerous, nearly sessile on the branches. 

Outer glumes narrow, varying from 3 to 6 lines long, almost hyaline, with a 
prominent shortly ciliate keel often produced into a short point. 

Flowering glume on a very short hairy stipes, the central awn terete, rigid, 4 to 1 
inch long, the lateral lobes, two on each side, much shorter, erect, diouely 
flattened, and one-nerved. 

Value as a fodder—Unknown. 

Habitat and range——Found in all the Colonies except Western 
Australia and Queensland. In New South Wales found in the 
extreme south of the Colony. ! 


Spikelets one-flowered, numerous in a narrow usually dense panicle, 
the rhachis of the spikelet articulate immediately above the two outer 
glumes and not continued beyond the flower. 

Glumes three, narrow, the two outer ones persistent, membranous, 
acute, keeled. F lowering glume raised on a short hairy stipes (rhachis 
of the spikelet), membranous at the time of flowering, hyaline and 
entire or two-lobed at the end, with a fine scarcely twisted dorsal awn 
a little below the end, slightly hardened round the fruit. 

Palea two-nerved. 

Stamens three or fewer; anthers glabrous. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the glume and palea, free from them. 

Panicle very dense, the awns above 1 inch long» pst) numerous and 
concealing the spikelets : 2 ae ~ Li Des exineten. 
Panicle rather loose, the awns 6 to 8 lines long. aint ke . 2. D, scevured. 

1. Dichelachne crinita, Hook., f. 

Botanical name.—Dichelachne—Greek, dis, double; cheilos, a lip ; 
achne, chaff (glumes), the flowering glumes beg two-lobed; crimta, 
Latin, having much or long hair, in allusion to the long hair-like awns. 

Synonym.—Stipa Dichelachne, Steud. in F.v.M. Census. 

Vernacular name.—< Long-hair Plume-grass.” 

Where figured.—ULabillardiére, as Anthoxanthum crinitum ; Bailey, 
Buchanan, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 574).— 

Stems 2 to 3 feet high. 

Leaves flat, glabrous or softly pubescent, the upper ones rather long with long 

Panicle very dense and spikelike, 4 to 8 inches long, the spikelets imbricate on the 
short erect branches, but concealed by the numerous long hair-like awns. 

Outer glumes very narrow, hyaline with a slightly scabrous keel, nearly equal, about 
2% lines long. 

Flowering glumes shorter, glabrous, the hyaline tip entire but readily splitting. 
Awn dorsal, very slender, bent but scarcely twisted, above 1 inch long. 


Value as a fodder.—A widely diffused, ornamental grass, affording 
a large bulk of fodder readily eaten by stock. “Itis avaluable grass, 
and forms, when in flower, a prominent feature in pasture. As a 
pasture grass, when grown under favourable circumstances on rich 
valley bottoms with perennial moisture, it is very succulent, but when 
on dry clay hills, it is harsh and scanty : ; its nutrient qualities may be 
admitted, forming, as it does, a large constituent of pastures famous 
for fattening stock. As a fodder grass it possesses considerable bulk, 
and would add much value to a mixed crop of hay.” (Buchanan.) 
* In fayourable—that 1s, rather dry—situations, this grass grows over 
3 feet high, standing the heat well. It is an excellent pasture grass, 
thrives well with Kangaroo-grass, and flowers about the same time. 
The two make excellent hay, or if grazed, a very fattening mixture.” 

Other uses.—Dodge quotes Mueller as stating that this species 
yields a tenacious paper, especially fit for thin wrapping or packing 
paper. He adds that it is not unlikely to make fair printing paper 
and the less costly kinds of writing and tissue paper. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies, including New 
Zealand. In New South Wales it occurs from the coast to the table- 

2. Dichelachne sciurea, Hook., f. 

Botanical name.—Sciurea—Latin, sciwrus, a squirrel, the panicle, 
with its long hair-like awns, being thought to resemble the tail of a 
squirrel in appearance. 

Synonym.—Stipa micrantha, Cay., in the opinion of Mueller (Census), 
but not of Bentham. 

Vernacular name.—< Short-hair Plume-grass.”’ 

Where figured.—Hooker, Fl. Tasmania; Buchanan; Agricultural 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 574).— 
Stems densely tufted, slender, 1 to 1}, rarely 2 feet, high, quite glabrous, the nodes 
usually dark-coloured. 
Leaves short, chiefly at the base of the stem, scabrous-pubescent, or glabrous. 
Panicle narrower and looser than in D, crinita, 3 to 6 inches long. 
Rhachis and filiform branches scabrous, 

Outer glumes very narrow, about 25 lines long, the outermost rather shorter than 
the second. 

- Fruiting glume rather more rigid than in D, crinita, and minutely pitted-rugose. 
Awns 6 to 8 lines long, not nearly so crowded as in that species. 

Botanical notes.—Var. setifolia, Benth. Very slender, with almost 
filiform leaves, the sheaths scabrous. Parramatta. 

Value as a fodder.—A useful grass, readily eaten by stock, though 
not of the highest merit. 

Habitat and range.—Same range as the preceding species. Ree porded 
from Norfolk Island. 



Spikelets small, one-flowered, pedicellate in a loose, spreading or 
narrow panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the outer 
glumes, glabrous or nearly so, not produced beyond the flower. 

Glumes three ; two outer empty ones narrow, keeled, acute, unawned. 
Flowering glume shorter, broad, thin, enveloping the flower, unawned, 
or with a dorsal awn, attached below the middle, fine and twisted. 

Palea not above half the length of the glume, very thin and hyaline, 
often very minute or none. 

Styles very short, distinct. 

Gram enclosed in the glume, free from it. 

Palea none, or rudimentary, (section 7ichodium ). 
Noawn. Outer glumes above | line long. Panicle narrow ......... 2. A. Muelleri. 
Noawn. Outer glumes about # line long. Panicle spreading...... 3. A. scabra. 
Awn nearly basal. Outer glumesabout1 line. Paniclespreading... 4. A. venusta. 

2. Agrostis Muelleri, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Agrostis, a Greek word signifying grasses in 
eeneral, a derivative of agros, a field; hence the word “Agrostology,” 
the science of grasses. Jluelleri, after Baron von Mueller. 

Synonyms.—A. canina, Linn.; var. gelida. A. gelida, F.v.M. 

Vernacular name.—Mueller’s Bent-grass. 

Where figured.—Buchanan, as A canina, Linn.; var. gelida. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 576).—A densely tufted grass, 2 
to 6 inches high. 

Leaves very narrow. 

Panicle narrow, though rather loose, 1 to 14 inches long, with short, erect, capillary 

Sptkelets purplish. 
Outer glumes very pointed, about 1} lines long, glabrous, or the keel minutely 

Flowering glume much shorter, thin and hyaline, obtuse, enveloping the flower and 
grain, without any (or a minute and rudimentary ?) palea. 
Stamens three. 

Value as a fodder.—A valuable pasture grass. 

Habitat and range.-—An Alpine species, confined to the Alps of 
New South Wales and Victoria. We have it from 5,000 to 6,000 ft. 
on Mount Kosciusko. ‘This grass is also found on high mountains in 
New Zealand. 

3. Agrostis scabra, Willd. 

Botanical name.—Scabra—Latin, rough, the grass being somewhat 
harsh. | 

Synonym.—A. parviflora, R. Br. 

Vernacular names.—The “Slender Bent-grass”’ of Buchanan, 
the “Plain Grass” of the United States; other American names in 
‘Rough Bent,” “Fly-away Grass (because the delicate particles, 
when mature, break away from the stalk, and are blown away by the 
wind), ‘‘Tickle-grass,” ‘ Fool-hay,” “ Silk-grass.” 


Where figured—Hooker, Fl., Tasmania ; Buchanan, as A. parviflora. 
Gray’s Manual of Botany (American) Pl. 7, fig. 3. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 576).— 

Stems slender, tufted, 6 inches to above 1 foot high. 

Leaves very narrow, almost filiform in the typical form, chiefly at the base of the 

Panicle compound, very loose and slender, with spreading capillary branches. 
Outer glumes narrow, keeled, rather acute, about 2 line long. 

Flowering glume shorter, hyaline, broad, and enveloping the flower, obtuse, truncate 
or slightly jagged, unawned, 

Palea none (or very minute? ). 
Stamens three. 

Var., elatior, Benth. ; taller, leaves flatter and flaccid, panicle very 
loose and spreading. 

Southern Mountain Ranges and New England; also in Victoria. 

Value as a fodder.—Produces a neat turf, which has been reported 
by some writers to be valuable for fodder. The judicious Bacchus, 
whose writings on Australian grasses form the basis of much that has 
since been written on the subject, says of the normal species : 
“ Perennial, about 18 inches high, vegetates rather late, making small 
patches of close turf.” Of the variety elatior he says: “ This grass is 
not so much eaten by stock as I had expected from its inviting 
appearance.” | 

Buchanan also speaks of it as a valuable grass. 

In the Colorado Agricultural Bulletin, No. 12 (“Some Colorado 
Grasses”’) this grass is alluded to as “ this worthless species, abundant 
in wet meadows at all elevations.” Lamson-Scribner states that ‘‘it 
possesses little or no agricultural value.” These statements carry the 
greater weight, since the species 1s widely distributed in the United 

I do not know to what extent these conflicting opinions are capable 
of reconciliation ; certain it is that there have always been differences 
of opinion as to the fodder value of some species of Agrostis, and it 
is hoped that the matter will be inquired into in regard to plants whose 
botanical origin is open to no doubt. The matter is discussed by 
Buchanan under A. parviflora. 

Other uses.—‘‘ Before the panicle has expanded, the grass is some- 
times gathered and sold, under the name of ‘silk-grass’, for dry 
bouquets.” (Lamson-Scribner.) 

Habitat and range.-—Found in all the Colonies except Western Aus- 
tralia. In New South Wales found on the southern mountain ranges 
and high tablelands south and north. We have it from Pretty Point 
(Mt. Kosciusko), 5,500 feet, also from the Guy Fawkes country, New 
England. A grass of cold localities exclusively. 

4, Agrostis venusta, Trin. 

Botanical name.—Venusta—Latin for graceful, in allusion to the 
appearance of the grass when in flower. 

Where figured.—Hooker, Fl. Tasmania. 


Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 576).—A slender, tufted grass, 
closely resembling the typical form of A. scabra, with still finer leaves. 
Panicle loose, with long capillary branches or contracted in some of the smaller 
Outer glumes very acute, about | line long. 

Flowering glume shorter, broad, hyaline, and remarkably truncate, enveloping the 
flower, with a dorsal tw isted awn, affixed very near the base and protruding 
bey ond the oater glumes. 

Palea none. 

Value as a fodder.—Unknown. 

Habitat and range-—Found in all the Colonies. In New South 
Wales found in southern mountainous (particularly Alpine) districts. 
We have it from Pretty Point (Mt. Kosciusko), 5,500 feet. 


Spikelets one-flowered, pedicellate or rarely sessile in a panicle 
either loose and spreading or narrow and spikelike, the rhachis of the 
spikelet articulate above the outer glumes, usually bearing a tuft of 
hairs round the flowering glume and usually produced beyond it in a 
small ciliate or rarely glabrous bristle very rarely bearing an empty 
glume or imperfect flower, sometimes very minute, rarely deficient. 

Glumes three; two outer ones persistent, keeled, unawned, flower- 
ing shorter and very thin, about as long or rarely longer and mem- 
branous, broad, enclosing the flower, five-nerved, with a fine dorsal 
awn usually bent and twisted, rarely short and straight or very rarely 

Palea thin, more than half as long as the glume, faintly or promin- 
ently two-nerved. 

Styles distinct, short. 

Grain enclosed in the glume and palea and sometimes partially 
adhering to them. 

Flowering glume very thin, almost hyaline, much shorter than the 
empty ones. 
Panicle loose and spreading or in smaller plants narrow. Rhachis 
of the spikelet produced into a hairy bristle. 
Spikelets 14 to 2 lines long. Flowering glume usually hairy, 
truncate, or shortly-toothed, the awn about the middle. 
Panicle spreading . D. Forstert. 
Spikelets about 3 lines. Flowering glume glabrous, with icon 
long points, the awn almost basal. Panicle spreading ... 4. D. Billardievv. 
Spikelets about 14 lines. Flowering glume hairy, with a 
long points, theawn almost basal. Panicle narrow ... 5. D. plebeta. 
Panicle dense and spikelike or shortly branched. Rhachis of the 
spikelet produced into a glabrous or minute bristle or not 
continued beyond the flower. 

Spikelets 2 to 24 lines long. Awn almost basal.  Bristles of 

the rhachis conspicuous sae . 6. D. montana. 
Spikelets 14 to 2 Jines. Awn almost Se “Bristle of the 
rhachis. minute or none 2 3 se . 7. D. quadriseta. 

Flowering glume nearly or quite as long as the ost ones, membr anous, 
often minutely scabrous or pubescent. 
Panicle very loose and long. Awn dorsal about the middle of the 
flowering glume but ver} y deciduous.. : . 1. D. frigida. 


Panicle very lcose. Awn very small and straight above the middle 
of the flowering glume or reduced to a small point near 

the summit ua 2. es RS us os ... 12. D, seabra. 
Panicle dense and spikelike. Leaves broad. Awn small and 
straight near the summit of the flowering glume ... .. 13. D. nivalis. 

Flowering glume twice as long as the truncate outer ones. Spikelets 
very small in a loose panicle, awnless, or with a minute 
point on the flowering glume. Outer glumes not keeled, 
truncate. Stems 1 to 14 feet... ies ere tex 15. D. breviglhumis. 

2. Deyeuxia Forsteri, Kunth. 

Botanical name.—Deyeuwia, in honour of Deyeux; Lorsteri, in honour 
of the Forsters; Johan Reinhold and George, the latter of whom accom- 
panied Captain Cook as botanist during his second voyage of circum- 

Synonym.—Agrostis Solandri, F.v.M. in Census; A. emula, R. Br. 

Vernacular names.—‘ Toothed Bent-grass”’; the ‘“ Winter-grass ” 
of Bacchus. 

Where jigured.—Buchanan (as A. emula), Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B.F1., vu, 579)—A common grass, very 
variable in habit, usually erect or decumbent; 1 to 2 feet high or rather 
more, with flat, rather flaccid leaves, but sometimes smaller, with 
convolute or fine, almost filiform, leaves. 

Panicles usually very loose and spreading when fully out, 6 inches to 1 foot long, 
with long capillary divided branches in distant whorls or clusters. 
Spikelets very numerous. 

Outer glumes narrow, very pointed, 1 to 14 lines long, or in some varieties, nearly 
2 lines. 

Flowering glume about half as long, thin and almost hyaline, broad, enveloping the 
flower, truncate, or very shortly and unequally two- or four toothed, sprinkled 
or densely covered with hairs on the back, rarely almost glabrous, surrounded 
by the hairs of the rhachis, with a fine twisted awn attached about the middle 
of the back. 

Palea very narrow. 
Rhachis produced into a bristle, usually very short and ciliate with a few long hairs. 

Botanical notes.—Normally with a very hairy flowering glume. Var. 
leviglumis with flowering glume nearly glabrous, except ee cilia. 
Lake George, N.S.W., and in Victoria. 

Value as a fodder 4 very abundant grass in the cooler sacs of 
the year, disappearing during the hot summer months. It produces 
large quantities of excellent pasture. As the seed ripens the panicles 
break off the stalk and blow about, frequently accumulating in large 
quantities against obstacles. Here follow a Victorian and a New 
Zealand account of the grass :— 

“Tt is the first grass to spring up after summer rains, and keeps 
up a supply of nutritive herbage. During winter it seeds freely. I 
consider it a useful winter grass. When summer comes it dries up, 
making room for other sorts.” (Bacchus.) 

“ Often forming a prominent part of the pasture on dry, stony, or 
sandy soils. It is valuable as a sheep-grass in such places, probably 
proving perennial when prevented by grazing from ripening its seed, 
the permanence of such grasses often depending on their capability to 
stole or form off-sets or branches at the roots before flowering and 


seeding. ‘This grass possesses a large adaptation of growth to varied 
soils, although most abundant on arid clay land, probably from the 
absence there of larger grasses; yet, on good soil, when sheltered by 
shrubs, it attains its greatest height, and is greedily eaten by horses 
and cattle.” (Buchanan.) 

Habitat and range-—Found in all the Colonies, including New 
Zealand, and occurring in most parts of New South Wales. 

4, Deyeuxia Billardieri, Kunth. 

Botanical name.—Billardieri,in honour of La Billardiére, ante, p. 117. 
Synonym.—Included under Agrostis Solandri by Mueller. 
Vernacular names.—Same as preceding species. 
Where figured.—Labillardiére, as Avena filiformis; Buchanan; Agri- 
cultural Gazette. 
Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 580).— 
Stems sometimes very short and tufted, usually about 1 foot high or more, leafy to 

the inflorescence, which is usually enclosed at the base in the broad sheath of 
the upper leaf. 

Panicle, when fully out, often nearly 1 foot long, though sometimes much smaller, 
with long capillary divided branches in regular whorls. 

Outer glumes very narrow and pointed, about 3 lines long. 

Flowering glume not half so long, quite glabrous, with two narrow pointed teeth, 
the dorsal awn attached much below the middle, and rather longer than the 
outer glumes, 

Palea shorter and narrow. 
Rhachis produced into a hairy bristle. 

Value as a fodder.—Annual on dry clay hills, and perennial on good 
moist land. Fodder value same as the preceding species. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies. In New South 
Wales extending from the coast north of Port Jackson west to the 
highest mountains of the New England district. Speaking of New 
Zealand, Buchanan states that it has a very extensive range of growth 
and adaptation to circumstances of soil, moisture and heat, growing 
with equal vigour in lttoral swamps, on sand-hills, and good pasture 

5. Deyeuxia plebeia, Benth. 

Botanical nane.—Plebeca—Latin, poor,mean; hence small and dwarf. 
This grass is small and slender. 

Synonym.—Included under Agrostis Solandri, by Mueller. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 580).—A slender, tufted, erect 
grass, of 6 to 10 mches; apparently annual. 

Leaves very narrow, almost filiform. 

Panicle narrow but loose, 2 to 4 inches long, the filiform branches scattered or in 
twos or threes, erect or slightly spreading. 

Outer glumes very narrow, and pointed, under 1% lines long. 

Flowering glume thin and hairy, about half as long, but with two fine teeth or lobes, 
almost as long as the outer glumes. 

Awn attached very near the base, exceeding the outer glumes. 
Palea small and narrow. 

Rhachis produced into a minute hairy bristle, almost concealed in the hairs sur- 
rounding the glume. 

Oa 4 


Value as a fodder.—Probably same as D. Forster’, but a smaller grass. 

Habitat and range.-—Recorded from Western and South Australia, 
besides our own Colony. Found in the coast district and mountain 

6. Deyeuxia montana, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Montana—lLatin, growing on the mountains—in 
reference to the habitat of the grass. 
Synonym.—Agrostis montana, R.Br. in F.v.M. Census. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 581).— 
Stems from under 1 foot to above 2 feet high. 

Leaves in the smaller specimens very narrow almost subulate, in the larger ones flat 
and 2 to 3 lines broad. 

Panicle dense and spikelike, or slightly branched and interrupted at the base, 2 to 
4 inches long. 

Spikelets crowded on the short erect branches. 

Outer glumes narrow, very acute, rather rigid, 2 to 2} lines long. 

Flowering glume short, glabrous, shortly 2- or 4-toothed, the awn attached much 
below the middle and exserted. 

Palea smaller. 

Rhachis bearing but few short hairs, and produced into a glabrous or slightly hairy 
bristle, either very short or lengthened, and occasionally bearing an empty 
glume or imperfect flower. 

Value as a fodder—Unknown. 

Habitat and range.—Found in Tasmania, Victoria, and South Aus- 
tralia, besides our own Colony. In New South Wales confined to the 
southern mountain ranges. 

7. Deyeuxia quadriseta, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Quadriseta—lLatin, from quatiuor, four; seta, a 
bristle—in allusion to the four nerves (two on each side) of the flowering 
glume, more or less produced into acute teeth or points. 

Synonym.—Agrostis quadriseta, R.Br., in F.v.M. Census. 

Vernacular names.—The “ Reed-grass” of Bacchus, and the “Spiked 
Bent or Reed-grass” of Buchanan. 

Where figured.—Labillardiére, as Avena quadriseta; Trinius, as 
Agrostis quadriseta ; Buchanan; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vi, 581).—A glabrous and smooth or 
scabrous erect perennial, very variable in stature, usually 1 to 3 feet 

Leaves narrow, erect or spreading, flat or convolute when dry. 

_ Panicle dense and spike-like, varying from 1} or 2 inches to 8 or 10 inches long ; 
when small closely cylindrical, when large more branched ; but the spikelets 
always densely crowded from the base of the short erect branches. 

Outer glumes narrow, very acute, with a scabrous or minutely ciliate keel, the sides 
smooth, 14 to near 2 lines long. 

Flowering glume shorter, broad, hyaline, and rolled round the flower, the two nerves 
on each side more or less produced into acute teeth or points. 

Awn attached much below the middle or close to the base, usually not much longer 
than the outer glumes. 

Palea narrow. 

Rhachis of the spikelet hairy round the flower, produced sometimes into a minute 
bristle, which, however, appears to be generally deficient. 


Value as a fodder.— An excellent grass, which might be improved by 
cultivation. There is a dwarf variety with a more spreading habit of 
growth and a greater number of radical leaves. Both sorts do not 
wither up in summer and grow during winter.” (Bacchus.) ‘‘An erect 
stiff grass, met with in Queensland on granite country; a fair cattle 
grass, at times making a good bottom, but the cane-like stem seldom 
touched by stock.” (Bailey.) ‘“ Variable, the smaller forms bemg 
usually most succulent, especially im sub-Alpine districts, the larger 
again being harsh, and best adapted for cattle.” (Buchanan.) 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies, including New 
Zealand. In New South Wales found in many parts of the colony. 

11. Deyeuxia frigida, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Frigida—Latin, cold—in allusion to the situations. 
in which it grows. 
Synonym.—Agrostis frigida, F.v.M., in Census. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 583).— 
Stems weak, and general habit of D. scabra, but usually taller, attaining sometimes 
4 to 5 feet. 
Panicle as in that species, long and loose with scattered branches. 
Spikelets rather larger. 
Outer glumes very acute, 2 lines long or rather more. 
Flowering glume not much shorter, five-nerved, nearly smooth or slightly scabrous in 
fruit, with a fine twisted awn attached a little above the middle and very 
deciduous, leaving usually on the fruiting glume a small dorsal notch. 

Value as a fodder.—Unknown. 

Habitat and range.—Found in Tasmania, and also in the Australian 
Alps, in both Victoria and New South Wales. We have it from 
Mount Kosciusko. 

12. Deyeuxia scabra, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Scabra—Latin, rough—in allusion to the flowering 

Synonym.—Agrostis rudis, Roem. et Schult., in F.iv.M. Census. 
Must not be confused with A. seabra, Willd. 

Where figured.—Buchanan; Hooker, Fl. Tasmania. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 583).— 

Stems usually weak and decumbent, 1 to 2 feet long. 

Leaves flat, flaccid. 

Panicle loose, varying from 2 to 8 inches, the capillary bravches short, scattered, or 
in twos or threes, distant in the longer panicles, few in the short ones, not very 


Outer glumes 1 to 14 lines long, acute, keeled or the second three-nerved. 

Flowering glume scarcely shorter or at length rather longer, membranous, rather 
stiff in fruit and minutely scabrous-pubescent ; the awn minute and straight, 
attached far above the middle and usually not exceeding the glume. 

Palea almost as long, rather broad. 

Rhachis with few hairs, and produced into a bristle, minute and glabrous or longer: 
and hairy. 

Value as a fodder.—Unknown. 

Habitat and range.—Found in Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, 
and Queensland. As regards New South Wales, found on the Aus- | 
tralian Alps, and other southern mountain ranges. 


13. Deyeuxia nivalis, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Nivalis—Latin, accompanying snow—in allusion 
to the localities in which it grows. 

Synonym.—Agrostis nivalis, F.y.M., in Census. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vii, 583).— 

Stems rather stout, under | foot high, covered to the inflorescence by the leaf-sheaths. 

Leaves flat, short, and broad, rather stiff, crowded at the base of the stem. 

Panicle dense and spikelike, 14 to 2 inches long, rather dark coloured, the short fine 
awns scarcely conspicuous, 

Outer glumes under 2 lines long, very acute, rather rigid and shining. 

Flowering glume rather shorter, glabrous but surrounded by the hairs of the very 
short rhachis or stipes, the hyaline apex obtuse and entire or scarcely notched. 

Awn slender, attached below the summit and projecting but little beyond it. 

Palea rather broad. 

Lthachis produced into a short glabrous bristle. 

Value as a fodder.—W hile somewhat harsh, a good leafy grass, and 
doubtless valuable. 

Habitat and range.—Found on the Australian Alps of both Victoria 
and New South Wales (near summit of Mt. Kosciusko). 

15. Deyeuxia breviglumis, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Brevighumis, Latin—brevis, short; gluma, chaff 
(glume), the outer glume being very small. 

Synonym.—Agrostis breviglumis, F.v.M., in Census. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vii, 584).—A slender grass of 1 to 
13 feet. 

Leaves almost filiform. 

Panicle rather loose, pyramidal, 14 to 2 inches long, with capillary but short and 
rather rigid divided branches, the very small spikelets pedicellate. 

Outer glume scarcely 4 line long, very broad, obtuse and truncate. 

Flowering glume nearly twice as long, rather obtuse, the keel often produced into a 
very short point. 

Palea nearly as long as the glume. 

fthachis glabrous, continued into a glabrous bristle nearly as long as the palea. 

Value as a fodder.—Unknown. 

Habitat and range.—Found in Victoria and New South Wales in 
the Clyde and Braidwood district, and also in New Hngland. It is 
usually found growing on damp rocks at the edges of creeks in the 
mountain districts named. 

Sub-tribe wWi.—Avenacee. 

56. Aura. 62. Amphibromus. 
59. Deschampsia. 63. Anisopogon. 
60. Trisetunt. “~~ 64. Danthonia. 

: 06. AIRA. 

Spikelets two-flowered, small, in a loose or rarely contracted panicle 
with capillary branches, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate and 
minutely hairy between the flowering glumes, and not at all or scarcely 
produced beyond them. 


Glumes thinly scarious, two outer empty ones nearly equal, acute ; 
flowering glumes close above them, shorter, thin and hyaline, finely 
pointed or shortly bifid, with a fine awn dorsally attached below the 
middle, and twisted at the base. 

Palea two-nerved. 

Styles short, distinct. 

Grain enclosed in, and more or less adnate to, the very thin glume 
and palea. 

1. Aira caryophyllea, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Aira. Dioscorides called a grass by this name, 
but the origin of the word is doubtful. Linneeus adopted this name, 
though the grass is not identical with that of Dioscorides. Caryo- 
phi yllea—Latin, a clove gilly-flower, having foliage resembling that of 
a pink. 

Sawn ical description (B. Fl., vu, 585).—A slender, elegant, tufted 
annual, rarely above 6 inches high. 

Leaves short and fine. 
Panicle loose and spreading, the capillary branches in pairs or threes, 
Spikelets erect, silvery-shining. 
Outer glumes 1 to 14 lines long, almost scarious, very acute. 
Flowering glumes shorter, the dorsal awn projecting about a line beyond the outer 
Value as a fodder.—Unknown. 
Habitat and range.—Found in Tasmania, Victoria, and New South 
Wales. In the last named Colony it has been recorded from the 
Mudgee district. It is a native of most temperate countries. 


Spikelets two-flowered, in a loose or rarely contracted panicle with 
slender branches, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate, hairy, more or 
less produced between the flowering glumes and beyond the upper one 
as a hairy bristle, or rarely bearing a terminal empty glume. 

Glumes keeled, with thinly scarious sides, two outer empty ones 
rather acute ; flowering glumes obtuse or truncate, and more or less 
four-toothed, with a fine dorsal awn attached below the middle, the 
lowest close above the empty glumes, the upper raised on a stipes (the 
rhachis of the spikelet). 

Palea prominently two-nerved, often two-toothed. 

Styles short, distinct. 

(rrain enclosed in the glume and palea, usually free from them. 
Perennial grasses with the shining spikelets of Tvrisetum and Aira, 
usually smaller than in the former, larger than in the latter genus. 

1. Deschampsia cespitosa, Beauv. 

Botanical names.—Deschampsia, after M. H. Deschamps, a French 
chemist (? naturalist), who accompanied La Perouse’s disastrous 
expedition. Cespitosa, a Latin adjective derived from cxspes, a turt 
or sod. 

Deschampsia ceespitosa, Beauv. 

“Tufted Hair Grass.’' 

Pee et oie “ee pea Mates : 
Pa om ict 8 i Ps 


Synonym.—Aira cxspitosa, Linn., the name under which it will be 
found in Mueller’s Census. 

Vernacular name.—‘ Tufted Hair Grass’’ is a name under which 
it is known in England and the United States, and as we have not 
fixed on a name we may perhaps follow the above designation. 

Where figured.— Buchanan ; Agricultural Gazette ; Hackel (sec. fig.) 
Trinius, as Aira cespitosa. 

Botanical description (B. FL. vii, 587).—A tall perennial, forming 
large dense tufts. 

Leaves stiff, narrow, usually rough on the upper surface, flat or convolute when dry. 
Stems attaining 2 to 4 feet, although sometimes much shorter. 
Panicle 4 inches to near | foot long ; at first rather dense, spreading with capillary 
branches when fully out. 
Outer glumes 15 to near 2 lines long, the flowering ones not exceeding them ; truncate 

and 4-toothed ; the awns very slender, scarcely or not at all twisted at the base, 
and usually shorter than the glumes themselves. 

Value as a fodder.—This is one of the tussocky grasses, and 1s not 
of high forage value—in fact, in many English works on the subject 
careful directions are given to show how the grass may be got rid of. 
We may bear in mind that English meadows are of a different 
character to our own, and some even of our nutritious tussocky grasses 
would not be appreciated because of their appearance alone. 

For instance, Sinclair, Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, says: “ The 
above details prove the innutritious nature of this grass; but even if 
it had greater nutritive powers, the extreme coarseness of the foliage 
would render it unfit for cultivation. Cattle sometimes crop the ends 
of the young leaves, but in all the stances that have come under my 
observation it appeared to be from supreme necessity. The only 
point to be considered here, therefore, is how to overcome or destroy 
it on soils where it has got possession. It delights in the most clayey 
soils, where the water stagnates, but is found in almost every kind 
of soil, from the dry sandy heath to the bog.” 

Again, Sowerby, Hnglish Botany : “This grass, according to Parnell, 
has a most unsightly appearance in meadow-pastures and parks, as it 
grows into large tufts, and forms irregularities on the surface which 
are termed by farmers ‘rough cups’ or ‘ hossacks,’ and are difficult to 
eet rid of. rom the extreme roughness and coarseness of the leaves, 
cattle seldom touch it ; and, as it contains little nutritious matter, it is 
not worth the attention of the agriculturist. It 1s a sure indication, 
wherever found on the farm, that the land wants under-draining, 
without which no cutting it out will destroy it; but the efficiency of 
the drainage, where it occurs, 1s seen by its dying away and scatter- 
ine the fields with its turned up rough branches of dried leaves.” 

Dr. George Vasey, however, speaking of it in the United States, 
says: “‘It is one of the common bunch grasses which afford pasturage 
to cattle and horses. It grows in bunches, which are firmly rooted. 
Tits culms are too light for hay-making, but the abundant root-leaves 
may make it valuable for pasturage, especially in the arid districts.” 

“In several very wet places in the Rocky Mountains, U.S.A., we 
saw forms of this grass which produced a great bulk of hay of fair 
quality.” (Rydberg and Shear.) 



Baron von Mueller, quoting Stirling, remarks that it is a rough. 

fodder-grass, best utilised for laying dry and moist meadows, and 

that it affords a fair pasturage if periodically burnt down. This. 

opinion of its value, as far as Australia is concerned, 1s probably the 
correct one; but as so few observations have been recorded in regard 
to it in Australia, perhaps our pastoralists on and near the Australian 
Alps will send notes on the grass now that attention has been drawn 
to it. It is true the same species is found in Hurope, but it is quite 
possible that our Australian plants differ in forage value from those 
of the Northern Hemisphere. Most of my specimens bave been 
nipped by grazing animals. 

Other uses.—Door-mats are sometimes made of the hay by cottagers 
in Scotland. 

I wish to draw attention to the highly ornamental character of this 
grass when in flower. Its spikelets are of a beautiful silvery gray, and 
are almost of metallic lustre. They vary somewhat in size and tint, 
and the panicles are well worthy of being gathered for decorative 

Habitat and range.—This grass is rather common on the Australian 
Alps at an elevation of 5,000 to 6,000 feet. It is found in damp, cold 
localities in the southern ranges, but as its precise northern limit in 
this colony is not ascertained, correspondence on the subject is invited. 

It is very common in Tasmania, and 1s also found in Victoria and South | 

Australia. Outside Australia, it is found in Europe, Asia and America, 
also in New Zealand and Fuegia, but never in warm climates. 

Reference to plate.—A. Spikelet showing fine dorsal awn attached below the middle of 
the flowering glumes, one flowering glume close above the empty glumes and the other 
raised on a stipes. Flowering glumes truncate and four-toothed. 


Spikelets two- rarely three-flowered, in a narrow and dense or loose 

panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate, hairy and more or less 

produced between the flowering glumes and beyond the upper one as 
a hairy bristle, or bearing a terminal empty glume or male flower. 

eal empty glumes unequal, acute, keeled, thinly scarious on the 

Flowering glumes more hyaline, keeled, acute or shortly two-fid, 
with a dorsal awn attached above the middle, usually twisted at the 
base and bent in the middle. : 

Palea prominently two-nerved, usually two-toothed. 

Styles distinct, stigmatic from near the base. 

Grain glabrous, enclosed in the glume and palea but free from them. 

Seed not furrowed. 

1. Trisetum subspicatum, Beauv. 

~ Botanical name. Triseftwum—lLatin, tres three, seta a bristle, the’ 

‘three bristles”? being the two-fid flowering glum? with two sharp 

See er 8 ee ee em 


teeth and a recurved awn inserted a short distance below the apex; 
subspicatum—Latin, sub nearly, spicatus eared like corn, equivalent 
to “ somewhat spikelike.” 

Vernacular name.—‘ Spiked Oat-grass ”? (Buchanan). 

Where figured.—Buchanan; Vasey; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 588) :— 

A tufted perennial varying from 6 inches to above 2 feet high. 

Leaves flat, glabrous or rarely pubescent, the sheaths rather loose, the ligula large 
and scarious. 

Panicle dense, almost spikelike, but much interrupted or shortly branched in the 
lower part, 2 to 4 inches long, silvery-shining as in Deschampsia. 

Sprkelets loose and flattened, the lowest outer glume nearly 2 lines long, the second 
rather longer, the keel minutely ciliate. 

Lowest flowering glume sessile above the outer ones, 24 to near 3 lines long, the awn 
sometimes scarcely exceeding it, sometimes twice as long. 

Upper flowering glume smaller but inserted higher up so as to be raised to the same 
level and sometimes containing only a male flower, the rhachis produced beyond 
it into a slender bristle, rarely bearing a terminal empty glume. 

Value as a fodder.—A_ perennial grass of the mountainous regions 
of Hurope and North America ; undoubtedly furnishes a considerable 
portion of mountain pasturage. (Vasey.) 

It seems improbable that a grass of such vitality and adaptation 
could be otherwise than valuable, and so, no doubt, it will prove to be 
when stockowners are enabled to distinguish it from other species. 

Habitat and range—Few grasses have such a range as this, nor am 
I acquainted with any other Arctic species which is equally an 
inhabitant of the opposite polar regions. (Hooker.) 

- It occurs in. Tasmania, Victoria, and New South Wales, in our own 
Colony being confined to the southern mountain ranges. Abundant 
on Mount Kosciusko, even to the summit. 


Spikelets several-flowered, in a loose panicle, the rhachis of the 
spikelet articulate, hairy and slender between the flowering glumes. 

Outer empty glumes acute, keeled, with scarious margins, five- 
nerved near the base. 

Flowering glumes more rigid, prominently five-nerved, with a dorsal 
twisted and bent awn attached about the middle. 

Palea prominently two-toothed. 

Styles short, distinct. 

Grain glabrous, enclosed in the glume and palea, and, perhaps, 
adnate. 3 

Seed deeply furrowed. 

1. Amphibromus Neesii, Steud. 

Botanical name.—Amphibromus, from two Greek words, amphi, 
“around ” or “on both sides” ; bromus, a wild oat, in reference to 
the resemblance of the grass to a bromus, but the glumes are not 


distichous like those of that genus, but all rownd the axis; Neesi, in 
honour of Christian Gottfried Nees von Esenbeck, the celebrated 
German botanist, who specialised on grasses as well as other plants. 

Synonym.—Danthonia nervosa, Hook., in Mueller’s Census. 

Where figured.—Hooker, Fl. Tasmania (as D. Archert) ; Agricultural 

Botanical description (B. FI., vii, 589).—A_ glabrous erect grass of 
2 or 3 feet, or even taller in marshy situations. 

Leaves very narrow in the smaller specimens, broader in the larger ones, with rather 
broad loose sheaths. 

Panicle 6 to 10 inches long, loose and narrow. 

Spikelets all pedicellate on capillary branches, usually about 4 inch long without the 
awns, five- to ten-flowered. 

Outer glumes varying from 2 to 4 lines long. 

Flowering glumes rather longer, the five nerves reaching to the end, and when old 
often splitting at the apex between the nerves, rather rigid and scabrous-rugose 
when in fruit. 

Value as a fodder.—A tall bulky grass, nutritious and palatable to 
stock, but not very abundant. 

Habitat and range.-—Such as margins of claypans, marshes, &c., 
with fresh water. It occurs in all the Colonies, except Queensland, in 

moist localities, and it is found over the greater part of New South 


Spikelets one-flowered, large, in a loose but scarcely branched 
panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the two outer 
glumes and produced into a slender bristle above the flower, occasion- 
ally bearing an imperfect spikelet. 

Glumes three, the two outer herbaceous; flowering glume raised 
on a short stipes (the rhachis of the spikelet), narrow, convolute, hard, 
with three rigid awns between two small hyaline terminal lobes, the 
central awn long, twisted and bent. 

Palea hard, ending in a long, rigid two-nerved point. 

Styles distinct. 

Ovary crowned by a tuft of hairs. 

1. Anisopogon avenaceus, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Anisopogon—Greek, anisos unequal, pogon a beard, 
in allusion to the unequal size of the awns of this grass; avenaceus, 
Latin adjective, signifying oat-like. 

Vernacular name.—Sometimes called ‘ Oat-grass,”’ from the general 
resemblance of its inflorescence to that of oats. 

Where figured—tTrinius, as Danthonia anisopogon ; Agricultural 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 590).—An erect glabrous grass of 
2.or 3 feet, branching at the base only. 

Leaves convolute, terminating in subulate points. 

Ligula very short, truncate, often ciliate. 
Panicle long, the large spikelets hanging from slender pedicels. 

Anisopogon avenaceus, R. Br. 

‘“*“An Oat Grass.’’ 

. ™~ 

5 t ~ 

= P at 

“ . 5 c 

= f 7 1 
< E e 


Outer glumes narrow, about nine-nerved, 14 to 2 inches long. 
Flowering glume about 4 inch long, the central awn 23 to 3 inches long, the lateral 

ones finer and not half so long. 
Pailea longer than the entire part of the glume. 
Lodicules long and lanceolate. 
Terminal barren spikelet, when present, small and silky-villous. 

Tt is an ornamental oat-like grass, its persistent, pale-coloured, very 
long outer glumes making the plant very conspicuous. 

Value as a fodder.—Very few observations have been made on this 
point, so that there is some uncertainty in regard to it. I fancy it is 
not generally known, perhaps being confused with other grasses. I 
have been in places where cattle appeared scarcely to touch it, but it 
must be borne in mind that it is chiefly found in poor sandstone 
country, and that it is sparsely tussocky, so that stock could only feed 
it down with difficulty. Against this I have the statement of a corre- 
spondent from Cape Hawke that it is a palatable and fattening grass 
for cows. 

Habitat and range.—Principally a New South Wales species, though 
it extends to Queensland on the north, and Victoria on the south. It 
is confined to the coast districts and coast mountain ranges, preferring, 
as far as I have noticed, sterile, rocky country. 

Reference to plate.—1. Spikelet opened out. 2. Flowering glume showing large central 
‘awn and fine lateral awns. 


Spikelets several-flowered, pedicellate or rarely almost sessile, in a. 
panicle, either loose or reduced to a single raceme, the rhachis of the 
spikelet articulate above the outer glumes, hairy round the flowering 

ones. | 
Outer empty glumes two, narrow, keeled, acute, unawned, usually as 

long as the spikelet. 

Flowering glumes convex at the back, usually nine-nerved, with two 
rigid or scarious terminal lobes more or less one- or three-nerved at 
least at the base, and a twisted and bent awn between them (almost 
reduced to a point in one species). 

Palea broad, as long as, or usually longer, than the entire part of 
the glume, obtuse or two-pointed. 

Styles distinct. 

Ovary glabrous. 

Grain free. 
[Fungi found on Danthonias. Ustilago destruens, Schlecht; and U. 

segetum, Bull; have both been recorded on Danthonia spp. | 

Section I.—MIcRATHERA. 

Panicle very loose. Spikelets nearly glabrous. Awn of the flower- 
ing glume not exceeding the very short lateral lobes. 

ingle species ssh va oe sri Suc ». 1. D. paradoxa, 


Section I[I].—MonAcHATHERA. 

Panicle almost reduced to a raceme or very short. Flowering 
glumes with a broad obliquely turbinate hard base and ciliate with 
long hairs, the awn shorter or scarcely longer than the lobes. 

Spikelets distant, in an almost simple raceme. Lobes of the 
flowering glumes tenga two or three times as long as 

the base ... is =? Hire Bs bonnie 
Spikelets few, in a very short “pinnae liebe ae the domeene 
glumes not longer than the base __..... aes eek . 3. D.carphoides. 

Section [II].—EupANTHONIA. 

Flowering glume ovoid or oblong at the base, scarcely oblique, 
ciliate at least at the base. Awn longer than the lateral lobes. 
Panicle loose. Spikelets numerous. Hairs of the flowering glume 

marginal and scattered, or in longitudinal series on the back ; 
lateral lobes acute or scarcely awned Bk ee . 4. D. pallida. 

Panicle rather dense. Flowering glumes very small, with copious 
long hairs, laterai lobes very short, with long awns. Leaves 
long and filiform .... ae bar ons oe Bis .. d. D. longifolia. 

Panicle narrow or dense. Flowering glumes oblong, with long 
marginal cilia, but very few hairs on the back. 

Stems stout, 3 to 5 feet high. Leaves long, with long loose 
sheaths. Panicle branched ... oe au . 6. D. robusta. 

Stems under 2 feet high. Leaves narrow. Beaicle reduced to 
a single raceme, or the lower panicles with two spikelets... 7. D. racemosa. 

Stems under 2 feet high. Leaves very narrow. Panicle dense 8. D. pilosa. 

Panicle dense or rather loose. Flowering glumes oblong, with a 
ring of long hairs at or below the base of the lobes. Outer 
glumes not much exceeding the spikelet. Leaves narrow, 
but not setaceous... ae iis 9. D. seniannularis. 

Panicle small, few-flowered. Tile nena spaeag ciliate with long 
hairs, the lobes broad, not prac than the base. Small 
Alpine plant .. : as sis Ll. D. pauciflora. 

1. Danthonia paradoxa, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Danthonia, in honour of M. Danthome, a French 
botanist (none of his works are mentioned in Pritzel’s Thesaurus). 
Paradova, Latin, something unexpected. This species is of unusual 
appearance for a Danthonia. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 591). 

Stems 2 to 3 feet high. 

Leaves long and narrow, glabrous. 

Panicle very loose, 3 to 4 inches long, with long capillary divided branches at length 

Spikelets pedicellate, flat, three- or four-flowered, 3 to 4 lines long. 

Outer empty glumes rather rigid, acute, 2 to 24 lines long. 

Flowering glumes shorter, very shortly hairy or pubescent below the middle, the two 
lobes shorter than the base, broad, shortly nerved, unawned. 

Central awn not exceeding them, somewhat flattened and brown at the base as in 
other species, but rarely long enough to show any twist. 
Botanical notes——The almost glabrous spikelets have much the 
appearance of those of a Poa, but the structure is quite that of a short- 
awned Danthonia (Benth.) 


Value as a fodder.—A wiry and rather rigid grass, cropped by stock 
only when young. 

Habitat and range.—Confined to New South Wales, and to the Port 
Jackson district and the Blue Mountains. 

2. Danthonia bipartita, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Bipartita, Latin, divided into two parts, in allusion 
to the bipartite outer glume. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 592). 

Stems from an almost bulbous often woolly base 1 to 2 feet high. 
Leaves flat but narrow, glabrous or sprinkled with long hairs. 
Panicle almost reduced to a simple raceme of 3 to 6 inches. 

Sprkelets few, on short erect distant pedicels, or the lower pedicels shortly branched, 
with two or three spikelets. 

Outer glumes herbaceous, many-nerved, 5 to 8 lines long, tapering into fine points. 

Flowering glumes four to eight, scarcely exceeding the outer ones, the oblique base a 
little more than | line long and broad, with a dense ring of long hairs under the 

Lobes narrow-lanceolate, very acute, unawned, 3 to 4 lines long, the central awn 
scarcely longer. 

Palea obtuse or truncate. 

_ Value as a fodder.—Useful as a tender-leaved and productive 
perennial grass for arid country. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania. It 
is confined to the arid districts. 

_8. Danthonia carphoides, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Carphoides, Carpha, oidos (like), the inflorescence 
superficially resembling that of Carpha, a genus of Cyperaceous plants. 

Vernacular name.—Has been sent under the name of ‘ Wallaby- 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FI. vii, 992). 

Stems from 3 or 4 inches to | foot high. 

Leaves very narrow, not long, glabrous. 

Panicle ovate, dense, 1 to 14 inches long. 

Spikelets few, very shortly pedicellate. 

Outer glumes 4 to 5 lines long, rather broad, with scarious margins. 

Flowering glumes three to six, with a broad oblique base as in D. bipartita, the ring 
of hairs almost broken into clusters. 

Lateral lobes shorter than the base, the very fine awn scarcely exceeding them. 

Value as a fodder.—A useful fodder-plant, not of the highest 
class. ap | 

Habitat and range.—Found in South Australia, Victoria, and New 
South Wales. In our colony it extends from the ranges and table- 
lands from New Hngland south to the Macquarie and Murray Rivers. 


4, Danthonia pallida, R. Br. 

Botanical name.—Pallida, Latin, pale, in allusion to the colour of 
the inflorescence. 
Synonym.—Danthonia penicillata, F.v.M. in Census. 
Venacular names.—“ Silver-grass”’; ‘‘ White-topped grass.” 
Where figured.—Trinius ; Agricultural Gazette. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 592). 

Stems 2 feet high or more, often rigid, but not stout. 

Leaves long, terete when dry, very narrow and sometimes as slender as in D, longi- 
folia, the sheaths more or less ciliate at the orifice. 

Panicle usually loosely branched, pale-coloured, 3 to 6 inches long. 
Spikelets rather numerous, the outer glumes under 4 inch long. 

Flowering glumes three or four, not exceeding the outer ones, with long hairs on the 
back as well as on the margins, but scattered or in vertical lines, without the 
transverse ring of D. semiannularis ; lateral lobes lanceolate, three-nerved at the 
base, often scarious upwards, but the central nerve continued to the apex or 
produced into a point or short awn. 

Var. subracemosa, Benth: Panicle narrow, very little branched. 
Marginal hairs of the flowering glumes copious, those on the back less 
so than in the typical form. 

Northern rivers, New South Wales; also in Queensland. 

Value as a fodder.—A good grass yielding abundance of palatable 

Habitat and range.—Found im all the colonies. In New South 
Wales from the coast districts to the table-lands. 

5. Danthonia longifolia, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Longifolia, Latin, long-leaved. 
Synonym.—Danthonia penicillata, F.v.M. in Census. 
Vernacular name.—‘‘ White-topped Grass.” 
Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 598). 

Stems densely tufted, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves long and filiform, often rather rigid and curved, quite glabrous without any 
cilia at the orifice of the sheath. 

Panicle dense, pale-coloured, ovate or narrow, 3 to 4 inches long. 

Outer glumes exceeding the spikelet, 4 to 6 lines long. 

Flowering glumes three to five, very short, almost covered with soft hairs, the upper 
ones very long, the two lobes broad and short, usually with long awns, very fine 
as well as the longer central one. 

Value as a fodder.—A good pasture grass. 

Habitat and range.—FYound in Victoria, New South Wales, and 
Queensland. In New South Wales it extends from the coast west as 
far as New England and Wellington. 

6. Danthonia robusta, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Robusta, Latin, strong, sturdy; this grass bemg 
large and coarse. 

Vernacular name.— Ribbony Grass” of Mount Kosciusko. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. . 


Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 598). 

Stems from a thick horizontal rhizome, stout, 3 to 5 feet high. 

td lone: narrow, convolute when dry, glabrous, the upper one w th a long loose 

Panicle dense, rather secund, 3 to 6 inches long. 

Spikelets pedicellate, about 4 inch long, five- to eight-flowered. 

Outer glumes scarcely so long, the lowest rather obtuse, the second tapering to a 
sharp point. 

Flowering glumes densely ciliate on the margins, with very few hairs scattered on the 
back, the lobes broad, tapering into short awns, the central awn long, flat, and 
much twisted below the bend. 

Value as a fodder.—This Alpine grass is tall enough to hide sheep, 
and is a coarse, strong grass, but much liked in spite of its coarseness. 
(Helms.) It reminds one somewhat of Blady Grass (Imperata), when 
not in flower. Horses feed on it greedily. 

Habitat and range.—Forms large patches of rich foliage, up to nearly 
the very summits of the highest peaks in the Australian Alps of both 
New South Wales and Victoria. 

7. Danthonia racemosa, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Racemosa, Latin, “very full of clusters ;” in 
botanical language, racemose, having inflorescence in a raceme. 

Synonym.—Danthonia pencillata, F.v.M. in Census. 

Vernacular names.—A. “ Mulga Grass.” It derives its vernacular 
name from being only found where the Mulga tree (Acacia aneura and 
other species) grows ; see Newrachne. ‘Bunch Danthonia.” (Bacchus.) 

Botanical description (B. Fl. vii, 594). 

Stems slender, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves very narrow, almost setaceous, glabrous, or sprinkled with spreading hairs. 

Spikelets, in the typical form, singly and very shortly pedicellate, or almost sessile, or 
rather distant along the rhachis of a simple raceme, but sometimes more 
approximate, and the lower pedicels with two spikelets. 

Spikelets narrow, erect, under 4 inch long, the outer glume nearly as long. 

Flowering glumes 6 to 8, or more in some varieties, hairy at the base and margins, 
glabrous, or with very few hairs on the back, but the hairs variable, the marginal 
ones sometimes long in a dense tuft on each side of the lobes, sometimes in 
several distinct marginal tufts. 

Lateral lobes in the typical form broad, with short fine points, but more awned in 
some varieties. 

Var. obtusata, F.v.M. A smaller plant, leaves more hairy. Lateral 
lobes of the flowering glumes with scarcely any points. New Hngland. 

Var. biaristata, Benth. Lateral lobes of the flowering glumes broad 

: 2 : 28 : ma) 
but with rather long points or awns. New South Wales, Victoria, 
South Australia and Tasmania. 

Var. multiflora, Benth. Spikelets often two together, and all 

: Z Ie : s 2 
approximate. Flowers rather numerous in the spikelet. Hunter 
River and New England, also Queensland and South Australia. 

Value as a fodder.—A grass widely distributed over Australia im 
one or other of its forms. It is one of the best of the Danthonias for 
the pastoralist, forming a good close turf of nutritious, palatable 
grass. ‘The principal grass of which a large portion of Victorian 
pastures is composed. Itis very hardy, and bears over-stocking better 

than any other native grass known to me. If attended to it would 
make a close turf. Its nutritive properties are considerable. It 
appears to thrive with rye grass and clover, which many native grasses 
will not do.” - (Bacchus.) 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies, except Western 
Australia. In New South Wales it extends from the coast to the 
table-lands and the southern mountain ranges. 

8. Danthonia pilosa, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Pilosa, Latin, hairy. 
Synonym.—Danthonia pencillata, F.v.M. in Census. 

Vernacular names.— Purple-awned Oat-grass.” (Buchanan.) 
Where jigured.—Buchanan ; Bacchus, (Trinius, t. 51, is D. setacea 2). 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 594). 

Stems rather slender, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves chiefly in radical tufts, very narrow, but not so slender as in D. setacea; 
usually more or less hairy, the hairs sometimes long and spreading. 

Panicle narrow and dense, not much branched, and sometimes almost as simple asin 
D. racemosa. 

Spikelets shortly pedicellate, about 4 inch long, the 

Outer glumes about as long, 

Flowering glumes six to eight, with lanceolate lobes tapering into fine awns almost 
asin D. semiannularis, but hairy on the margin only, without the transverse 
ring under the lobes of that species, and very few hairs (if any) on the back, 
except at the base. 

Botanical note-—Some forms approach in habit D. racemosa, but 
the spikelets are those of D. semiannularis, except in the want of the 
ring of hairs on the back under the lobes. (Benth.) 

Value as a fodder.—A useful fodder-grass. Bailey points out that 
as it is such a good seed-bearer, it is not so likely to be lost through 
overstocking as other grasses. Bacchus refers to it as a hardy and 
good pasture grass, which does not, however, stand the summer heat 
well. ! | 
Habitat and range.—F¥ound in all the colonies except Tasmania and 
Western Australia. Extends from the coast to the table-land. 

9. Danthonia semiannularis, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Semiannularis ; Latin, semi half, annulus a little 
ring, in allusion to the half-ring of hairs at the back of the flowermg 
glume. F 

Synonym.—Danthoma penicillata, F.v.M. in Census. 

Where figured.—Labillardiére, as Arundo semiannularis ; Trinius ; 
Buchanan; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 595). 

A variable plant, the 

Stems usually 2 to 3 feet high, but sometimes much lower. 

Leaves very narrow, flat or convolute, never so fine as in D. setacea, the sheaths 
glabrous or hairy, more or less ciliate at the orifice. 

Panicle sometimes loose and spreading, more frequently narrow and compact. 


Outer glumes acute, above 4 inch, and sometimes nearly 1 inch long. 

Flowering glumes usually four to eight, not exceeding the outer ones, the lobes 
lanceolate, with a broad or narrow hyaline margin, acute or tapering into a point 
or rather a short fine awn, the long hairs of the cilia copious at the base and 
margins, and forming a ring round the back immediately under the lobes, the 
twisted awn varying from 4 to 1 inch. 

Palea longer than the entire base of the glume, often two-pointed. 

Botanical Notes.—The common form, apparently abundant in the 
Southern Colonies, has usually a compact narrow panicle and the pale 
or greenish outer glumes often smooth and shining. The loose-flowered 
form with the outer glumes dark-coloured appears to be chiefly about 
Port Jackson.and the Blue Mountains, and occasionally in Tasmania. 

Var. alpina.—Stems short and densely tufted. Leaves rather stout, 
convolute and very glabrous. Australian Alps. 

Value as a fodder.—A valuable grass when young, but in arid country 
it becomes very harsh when old. A Wilcannia correspondent writes :— 
“Grows strong on country near the tank, but nothing will eat it, not 
even the rabbits, and there is no sign of any other feed. On Baden 
‘Park and Mount Manaro Stations with same results.” 

Habitat and Range.—FYound in all the colonies, and in most parts of 
New South Wales, from the coast to the interior. Perhaps our most 
widely diffused Danthoma. 

11. Danthonia paucifiora, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Pauciflora, Latin, pauci few, flos-floris flower; few- 
flowered, the panicle contaiming but few flowers. 

Vernacular name.—* Few-flowered Oat-grass.”’ 

Where figured.—Buchanan ; Hooker, Fl. Tasmania. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 596). A small plant forming low 
dense branching tufts of fine rigid leaves not above 1 inch long and 
the stems not above 6 inches, or when luxuriant both weaker and longer. 

Panicle ovoid, of few shortly pedicellate spikelets, sometimes reduced to 2 or 3. 
Outer glumes three lines long or rather more. 

Flowering glumes 3 or 4, very short, with short broad lobes, acute or with short fine 
awns, the hairs chiefly at the base and margins not forming a transverse ring, 
the central awn rather longer than the lobes or lateral awns. 

Palea obtuse. 

Var. ? alpina, F.v.M. Panicle small and narrow. Glumes small, 
the flowering ones with very few hairs and very short awns, but with 
the short broad lateral lobes of the typical form. Summits of the 
Australian Alps. 

Value as a fodder—A small Alpine pasture grass. Its small rigid 
leaves do not recommend it as a pasture grass, yet, from its evident 
perennial habit, it may prove valuable on those higher altitudes 
where few grasses can exist. (Buchanan.) It is cropped by sheep. 

Habitat and Range.-—Found in Tasmania, Victoria, and New South 
Wales, as well as in New Zealand. In Victoria and New South 
Wales on the Australian Alps. 


Tribe vi.—ASTREPTA. 

Sub-tribe 1.—Pappophoree. 

65. Amphipogon. 68. Astrebla. 
66. Kchinopogon. 69. Triraphis. 
67. Pappophorum. 70. Triodia. 


Spikelets one-flowered, nearly sessile in a dense panicle contracted 
into a head or short spike, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate above 
the two outer glumes, and not continued beyond the flower. 

Glumes three, two outer persistent, membranous, three-nerved, acute 
or tapering to an awnlike point, rarely three-fid. 

Flowering glume raised on a short hairy stipes (the rhachis of the 
spikelet), closed round the flower, deeply divided into three narrow 
lobes tapering into straight points or awns. 

Palea usually as long as the flowering glume, deeply divided into 
two narrow rigid lobes or awns. 

Styles united at the base, free upwards. 

Gram enclosed in the slightly hardened upper glume. 

Perennial grasses with convolute terete or subulate leaves. 

2. Amphipogon strictus, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Amphipogon, Greek amphi, around, pogon, a beard, 
in allusion to the short hairy stipes of the flowering glume ; strictus, 
Latin, rigid, which is the habit of the plant. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 597). 

Stems from a horizontal rhizome or tufted branching base erect and slender, usually 
above 1 foot high. 

Leaves rather short, erect, subulate, glabrous. 

Spikelike panicle dense, oblong or cylindrical, $ to 14 inches long, but little branched. 

Outer glumes broad, concave, faintly three-nerved, almost scarious, entire when 
perfect, the outer one about 2 lines, the inner rather longer and more acute. 

Flowering glume on the short hairy stipes shorter than the outer glume, with two 
short rows of hairs on the back, divided into three rigid ciliate linear lobes or 
awns longer than the entire part. 

Palea narrow, deeply divided into two rigid lobes similar to those of the flowering 

Seed separable from the membranous pericarn. 

Value as a fodder.—A rather harsh grass not readily eaten by stock 
except when quite young. 

Fungus recorded on this grass.—Ustilago Teppert, Lud. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania, 
and pretty well all over the Colony of New South Wales. 



Spikelets one-flowered, nearly sessile in a dense panicle contracted 
into a head or short spike, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate above 
the two outer glumes and produced into a short bristle above the 

Glumes three, two outer persistent, acute, keeled ; flowering glume 
thin, five-nerved, three-lobed, the lateral lobes unawned, the central 
one produced into a fine straight awn. 

Palea narrow. 

Styles distinct, the stigmas very shortly plumose. 

Grain enclosed in the flowering glume, but free from it. 

1. Echinopogon ovatus, Beauv. 

Botanical name.—LHchinopogon, Greek echinos a hedgehog, pogon a 
beard, in allusion to the very rough flower-head ; ovatus, Latin egg- 
shaped, or of an oval figure, in allusion to the shape of the flower-head. 

Vernacular name.—‘‘ Rough-bearded Grass.” 

Where figured.—ULabillardiére as Agrostis ovata; Buchanan; Agri- 
cultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 599)—An erect glabrous grass, 
from under 1 foot to above 2 feet high. 

Leaves flat, very scabrous, the asperites reversed on the sheath and back of the blade, 
erect on the upper surface. 

Head or spikelike panicle on a long terminal peduncle, varying from ovoid-globular 
and 4 inch diameter to oblong-cylindrical and 2 inches long. 

Spikelets numerous and densely crowded, about 14 lines long without the awns. 
Outer glumes lanceolate, boat-shaped, the keel prominent, green and ciliate. 

Flowering glume rather broad, surrounded by a tuft of hairs, the lateral lobes very 
short, acute, rigid at the base, the central one shortly flat at the base, tapering 
to an awn of 2 to 4 lines. 

Palea nearly as long as the glume. 

Sristle continuing the axis at the back of the palea usually shorter than the glume, 
bearing a short tuft of hairs or rudimentary glume. 

Value as a fodder.—A harsh grass of very little fodder value. It 
seeks the protection of shrubs and fences, and hence occasionally 
affords a bite to hungry stock when more palatable grasses have been 
eaten down. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies, including New 
Zealand. In New South Wales, extending from the coast to the 
table-land, and up to nearly 5,000 feet on Mount Kosciusko. 


Spikelets with one hermaphrodite flower and 1 or more male or 
rudimentary flowers or empty glumes above it, in a short, dense and 
spikelike or narrow and loose panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet 
articulate above the outer glumes and hairy round the flowering 


Outer glumes membranous, many-nerved, awnless, as long as ite 
Flowering glume broad, membranous, with 9, or in species not 
Australian, more nerves, produced into more or ieee plumose awns. 
Palea two- nerved, as long as the glume or longer. 
Styles distinct. 
Gram enclosed in the glume and palea, free from them. | 
Outer glumes I to 2 lines Tong, 5- to G-merved) co. sacedan news dalewe un « 1. P. ngricans 
Outer glumes 3 lines long, 11- to 2l-nerved ........ccccceovesssenerse erties 2. P. avenaceum 

1. Pappophorum nigricans, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Pappophorum, Latin (from the Greek) pappus, 
thistle-down, hence in botany the pappus of composites ; phorum, 
Greek phoreo, I bear, in allusion to the downiness or woolliness of the 
flowering glumes; nigricans, Latin, blackish, the panicle being usually 
of a dark colour. 

Synonym.—Included with P. avenaceum under P. commune F.v.M., 
by Mueller: 

Vernacular name.—‘ Purple-topped Grass.” (Bailey.) 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description.—(B. Fl. vii, 600). 

Stems from under 1 foot to 14 feet high. 

Leaves flat or convolute, usually narrow, sometimes quite setaceous, glabrous, 
pubescent or villous, the nodes glabrous or bearded. 

Panicle dense and spikelike, varying from ovoid-oblong and under 4 inch long, to 
narrow cylindrical and 3 inches long, or broader, more branched, and 2 to 3 
inches long, but always dense, pale or dark-coloured. 

Outer glumes varying from 1 to rather above 2 lines long, obtuse or acute, striate, 
with usually 7 or 9 nerves, but sometimes, especially on the lowest glume, 
reduced to 5 and 2 of those short. 

Flowering glume not above 1 line long, more or less hairy outside, especially at the 
base, with 9 fine spreading plumose awns varying from the length of the glume 
to twice as long. Above the flowering glume and enclosed in it is usually a 
smaller one with a male or rudimentary flower, and 1 or 2 still smaller empty 
Value as a fodder.—A drought-resisting species, but not readily 
eaten by stock, so far as my experience goes. 
‘This is an erect grass, and, although wiry in appearance, furnishes 
a good quantity of feed and bears close cropping; there are many 
forms of it, some of which would be worthy of cultivation as 
ornamental grasses.”’ (Bailey.) 
Habitat and range-—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania ; 
also in New Guinea and the Pacific Islands. Found in most parts of 
the Colony of New South Wales. Ascends Mount Kosciusko to 

nearly 5,000 feet. 

2. Pappophorum avenaceum, Lindl. 

Botanical name.—Avenaceum, Latin, oat-like; the panicle somewhat 
resembling oats in appearance. 

Synonym.—Included (with P. nigricans) under P. commune, F.v.M.. 

Where figured.— Agricultural Gazette. , 


Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 601).—Very near the P. nigricans, 
with which F. Mueller unites it under the name of P. commune, and 
with the same habit but the spikelike panicle looser with fewer and 
larger spikelets. 

Outer glumes fully 3 lines long with numerous nerves, usually more than eleven and 
sometimes as many as twenty-one. 

Flowering glumes several, closely imbricate, the outer ones with a fertile flower 
enclosing one or two male (or sometimes a second fertile) flowers and one or two 
small empty glumes. 

Value as a fodder.—See P. nigricans. 
Habitat and range.—F ound in the interior of New South Wales, 
Queensland, and South Australia. 


Spikelets few-flowered, sessile or nearly so in the alternate notches 
of the continuous rhachis of one or two simple secund spikes, the 
rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the two outer glumes. 

Outer empty glumes two, glabrous, acute, many-nerved, unawned. 

Flowering glumes silky-hairy, three-lobed, the central lobe with a 
broad base tapering into a ‘straight or curved not twisted awn, the 
lateral lobes erect, rigid, two- or three-nerved. 

Palea with two prominent ciliate nerves or keels. 

Styles distinct, very short. In both species the spikes are usually 
single, very rarely two together at the end of the peduncle. 

Spikelets closely imbricate on one side of a secund spike of 2 to 3 
inches. Awn about as long as the lateral lobes ................. 1. A. pectinata. 
Spikelets at some distance, almost erect in a secund spike of 3 to 6 

inches. Awn much longer than the lateral lobes, straight or 
BA Oe 0 ie sioaio in segs dsaie ov ocescsintoes etnias Puce hotibictne otietactae gee 2. A. triticoides. 

1. Astrebla pectinata, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Astrebla, Greek a not, strebla twisted, referring 
to the awn, which is not twisted; pectinata, Latin, combed or comb- 
like, the spike reminding one of the appearance of a comb. : 

Vernacular names.—aA. ‘‘ Mitchell Grass” ; “ Coarse Mitchell Grass.” 
(Bailey.) Mr. Koch informs me that Mitchell grass is known as 
Taldra-auto by Cordillo blacks in South Australia. 

Where figured.—Builey ; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botamcal description (B. Fl. vu, 602).—An erect glaucous grass of 
I to 2 feet, glabrous except sometimes a few hairs at the orifice of the 

Leaves flat, ending in long points, smooth or scarcely scabrous. 

Spikelets sessile in the alternate notches of a secund spike of 2 to 3 inches, closely 
imbricate and turned to one side. 

Outer glumes 4 to 5 lines long, glabrous, acute, 9- or 11-nerved, with scabrous margins, 

Flowering glumes 3 or 4, the entire part scarcely 1 line long, densely villous outside 
as well as the broad base of the middle lobe; lateral lobes semi-lanceolate, 
glabrous, rigid, 4 to 5 lines long, acute, 2- or 3-nerved, with the outer margin 
broadly scarious ; central lobe broad, ovate, concave, keeled, tapering into a 
slender straight awn about as long as, or rather longer than, the lateral lobes. 

Rhachis of the spikelet articulate only above the outer glumes, very hairy between 
the flowering ones, continued and less hairy above the perfect flowers, with one 
or two glabrous glumes and palecee empty or with rudimentary flowers. 


Value as a fodder—The Mitchell grasses rank amongst the most 
nutritious and drought enduring of the grasses of the interior of New 
South Wales. ‘They are rather coarse grasses, but after the rains 
they yield an immense quantity of succulent, nutritious fodder. 

Other uses—The seeds of the genus are large and separate like 
wheat, free from chaff, and are in the interior largely used by the 
natives for food. (Bailey.) 

When in seed this is a very handsome grass, and quite worthy to 
rank amongst the ornamental grasses for vases and decorative work. 

Habitat and range.—Occurs in New South Wales, Queensland, and 
Northern Australia, also in Western and South Australia. In New 
South Wales more or less spread over the whole of the western country. 
Var. elymoides, Bail. (Syn. A. elymoides, F.v.M. et Bail.), is a Mitchell 
grass, hitherto supposed to be confined to Queensland. It has, how- 
ever, been sent from Collarendabri, in the north-west of this colony, 
500 miles from Sydney, and via Narrabri and Walgett towards the 
Queensland border. 

It is figured by Bailey, who speaks of it as “a weak straggling 
erass, sprouting at the joints after every shower of rain, and affording 
a large amount of excellent fodder . . . . a great favourite with 

2. Astrebla triticoides, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Triticoides, Latin, Triticum, wheat, Greek, oidos, 
hike, indicating the similarity in appearance of the ‘‘ head” to that of 
a “head” of wheat. 

Vernacular name.— Mitchell-grass.” 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 602).—Very near A. pectinata, 
apparently a taller plant, the 

Leaves more or less scabrous or ciliate on the edges. 
Spikes 3 to 6 inches long. 
Spikelets alternate, not closely imbricate, and often almost erect and at some distance 

from each other. 
Outer empty glumes usually very unequal, the lowest short, the second 4 or 5 lines 

Woven glumes shorter, the lateral lobes shorter and more rigid than in A. pectinata, 
and the awn much exceeding them, the dorsal hairs appressed and silky. 

Var. lappacea, Benth. Spikelets usually thicker, the largest outer 
glume often inch long. Awns of the flowering glumes usually longer 
than in the typical form, often bent about and some or nearly all with 
a rigid hook at the end, but exceedingly variable ; in some specimens 
the hook is very rare, and the length of the awns very irregular. 

Localities.—Same as normal species. 

Value as a fodder.—Much the same properties as the preceding 
species. It should be propagated as far as possible, for it is not as 
plentiful as could be wished. Patches of it should be fenced off, if 
necessary, for seed. The variety lappacea is coarser than the normal 
species, but its fodder-value is much the same. 

Habitat and range.—Found in South Australia, also in New South 
Wales, Queensland, and Northern Australia. An interior species. 




Spikelets several-flowered, in a terminal panicle, the rhachis of the 
spikelet articulate above each glume, the terminal glume usually empty 
or with a male flower. 

Outer empty glumes unawned, entire or the second occasionally 
notched with a short point in the notch. 

Flowering glumes with three narrow lobes tapering into straight 
awns, the central occasionally with a short lobe or point on each side, 
or all three reduced to small teeth. 

Palea narrow. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the thin or coriaceous glume and palea, free from 

Panicle soft and dense ; flowering glumes hairy, with a pointed 

lobe or short awn on each side of the central awn Sdly MILA Gr MOMlase 
Panicle very loose; flowering glumes coriaceous, with three 
small teeth or points ... van ee ivf zis ... O. 2”. mucrodon. 

1, Triraphis mollis, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Triraphis, Greek treis, three, raphis a needle, in 
allusion to the three awns of the flowering glumes which are needle- 
like; mollis, Latin, soft, in allusion to the soft, silky feel of the panicle. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FI. vii, 603).—A glabrous, rather slender, 
erect grass attaining 2 feet, but sometimes much smaller. 

Leaves long and narrow ending in fine points. 

Panicle narrow, dense, 6 to 10 inches long, with a soft look owing to the slender awns 
and hairs of the glumes. : 

Spikelets crowded on the short erect branches, narrow, about 4 inch long without the 
awns, with 8 to 10 or even more flowers. 

Glumes narrow, membranous, about 14 lines long, the two outer empty ones glabrous, 
entire or the second with a short tooth on each side of the point. 

Flowering glumes sprinkled with a few long hairs, the central capillary awn three to 
four lines long, with a pointed lobe or short awn on each side, the lateral awns 
rather shorter. 

Value as a fodder.—Inferior for this purpose, and only eaten when 
better grasses are scarce. 

Other uses—The long dense panicle possesses such a handsome 
appearance as to place this plant within the category of ornamental 

Habitat and range.—¥Yound in all the colonies except Tasmania. 
An interior species. 

5. Triraphis microdon, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Microdon, Greek, micros, small, odows, odontos a 
tooth, the three principal nerves of the flowering glume being produced 
into short terminal points or small teeth. 

Synonym.—Triodia microdon, F. v. M., in Census. There seems 
little doubt that this species should be referred to Triodia rather than 



to Triraphis, a view I should adopt in this Manual were it not for the 
convenience of as close adherence as possible to the nomenclature of 
the Flora Australiensis. 

Botanical description (B. Fl. vn, 605). An erect glabrous grass of 
2 or 8 feet. 

Leaves narrow, flat, or convolute. 
Panicle very loose, with long capillary branches, bearing each one to three large flat 
spikelets on capillary pedicels, at first erect, at length pendulous. 
Spikelets ten- to fourteen-flowered, # to 1 inch long, the rhachis with a tuft of short 
hairs under each flowering glume. 
Outer empty glumes narrow, acute, keeled, with or without a faint nerve on each 
Flowering glumes distant from each other, about four lines long, rigid with five very 
prominent nerves of which the three principal ones produced into short terminal 
points or teeth, the central one rather the largest. . 
Value as a fodder—Unknown; not likely to be important, on 
account of its rarity. It may also be mentioned that its affinities are 
with two genera not distinguished for yielding nutritious grasses. 
Habitat and range.—Confined to New South Wales, and only 
recorded from the Blue Mountains. It is one of the rarest of our 
Reference to Plate.— A. One of the flat spikelets enlarged and opened out. B.c. Two 
pairs of glumes, showing a tuft of short hairs under each flowering glume. bp. End of a 

flowering glume, with its five prominent nerves, three of which are produced into_ short 
terminal points. 


Spikelets several-flowered, paniculate, the rhachis articulate above 
the outer glumes and between the flowermg ones, hairy round them 
or glabrous. 

Glumes unawned, two outer empty ones acute, keeled, glabrous or 
the keel scabrous-ciliate. 

Flowering glumes usually shorter, unawned, the lower part rounded 
on the back, more or less three-nerved at first, often hardened and 
nerveless in fruit, with three terminal one- or three-nerved lobes or 

Palea about as long as the entire part of the glume, with two 
prominent nerves. Ovary glabrous. 

Styles very short, distinct. 

Graim somewhat dorsally compressed, enclosed in the glume and 
palea, free from them. 

Leaves very pungent, the sheaths usually viscid; flowering glumes 
silky-ciliate, divided nearly to the middle into three lobes. 
Panicle loose and spreading ; spikelets dark, 4 inch long, eight- to 
twelye-fHowered suc. ceeded satu sias saad a seeeemenc ema Siena ae a mee 1. 7. Mitchellt 
Leaves very pungent, the sheaths not viscid; flowering glumes silky- 
villous at the base, with three sets of nerves each, leading to 
three small obtuse teeth ......... oO ee APR en dic vee Saerowane 4, 7, wrritans 

1, Triodia Mitchelli, Benth. 

Botancal name.—Triodia, Greek ; treis, three; odous odontos, a 
tooth; the flowering olumes having three terminal lobes or teeth ; 

Mitchells, in honour of Sir Thomas Mitchell, ante p. 49. 

OG sich a 


Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 606). 

Leaves very nearly those of 7. pungens but longer, nearly terete, pungent-pointed, 
with viscid sheaths. 

Panicle very much looser, 3 to 4 inches long, with capillary branches more or less 
spreading ; the lower ones 1 to 1} inches Jong, with three or four pedicellate 
spikelets ; the upper ones short with one or two spikelets. 

Spikelets dark-coloured, 4 inch long when fully out, ovate or oblong, with eight to 
twelve flowers. 

Outer glumes three-nerved, obtuse or minutely three-toothed, about 3 lines long. 

Flowering glumes 24 lines long, three-nerved, the entire part densely silky-villous 
and at length somewhat hardened, the three acute rigid glabrous lobes as long 
as the entire part or the central one rather longer. 

Palea glabrous. 

Value as a fodder.—A wiry, uninviting grass, utterly valueless for 
stock-feed except when quite young. 
Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania and 

Victoria. An interior species. 

4, Triodia irritans, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Irritans, Latin, provoking, which this harsh, 
prickly grass frequently is to travellers. 

Botanical description(B. FI., vii, 607).—A rigid, scrubby, glabrous 
grass with long rigid convolute pungent-pointed leaves, not viscid im 
any of the specimens seen. 

Panicle narrow, almost spike-like, 3 to 6 inches long. 

Spikelets solitary or few together, on short erect capillary pedicels or branches, 
mostly three- or four-flowered, 4 to 5 lines long. - 

Outer glumes glabrous, acute, five-nerved, 3 lines long. 

Flowering glumes not quite so long, villous with silky hairs at the base but much less 
so than in 7. pungens, truncate at the end, with three sets of three nerves, each 
leading to three very short obtuse or truncate lobes or teeth, the lateral ones 
rather broad, the central one smaller or minute. 

Palea narrow. 

Value as a fodder.—Of no value. 

Habitat and range——Found in all the colonies except Tasmania. 
Only found in the arid interior. 

The occurrence of a resin in a Jriodia, or in fact in any grass, Is a 
very interesting circumstance, and I attach copies of two papers by 
myself on the subject. The matter is worthy of further inquiry. 

Last year (1888) Sir William Macleay was kind enough to give me 
“‘a sample of gum used by the blacks for cementing the heads of 
spears,* and prepared from Spinifex roots,” which had been collected 
by Mr. Walter Froggatt in the Napier Range (locally called Barrier 
Range), 100 miles inland from Derby, North-west Australia. 

I was dubious as to it being the product of a “ Spinifex,” never 
having heard of a grass yielding a resin, but Mr. Froggatt is emphatic 
that he is not mistaken, nor is so experienced a collector likely to be. 
The Spinifex is probably Triodia writans, R.Br., but further infor- 
mation on the subject, giving the mode of preparation of the resin 

* <The heads of spears from Western Australia in my collection are coated with a 

hard gum, forming a ridge on one side, in which pieces of glass are impacted.” Brough 
Smyth’s Aborigines of Victoria, &c., i, 336. Mr. Froggatt informs me that Spinifex resin 
is put to such a purpose in the locality from which he obtained it. 


would be very acceptable. Mr. Froggatt states that it is obtained 
from the roots, and local Huropeans and aborigines all make similar 
statements as to its origin. 

It is in a cake about 4 inches in diameter, and 14 inches in thickness. 
The smell is something like bees-wax, but at the same time it has an 

exceedingly disagreeable and persistent odour which is not easily 

| described. It reminds one of the smell of the fabric known as cordu- 
roy. It is of especial interest because it is of aborigimal preparation. 
Its colour is that of a dirty dark bronze-green, or almost of a slaty 
colour with a little green init. ‘To the naked eye it looks very like 
finely chopped hay or grass-seed cemented into a compact mass. It is 
exceedingly tough, a sharp blow with a hammer on a cold chisel being 
necessary to fracture it. 

Petroleum spirit extracts 3'2 per cent. of a colourless fixed oil or fat, 
which possesses a little of the disagreeable odour of the original sub- 
stance. The solvent extracts no resin. As the substance has been 
made up into cakes by the blacks, and is to that extent not an absolutely 
natural product, it may be that the fat, or a portion of it has been 

he substance was then digested in alcohol, which extracts a trans- 
parent, hard, golden-yellow resin, possessing some odour, and which + 
appears to be an interesting substance. ‘The amount of this resin is 
67:3 per cent., and it darkens on keeping. 

Water digested on the residue dissolves out 6°9 per cent. of colouring 
matter ane salts. It contams no arabin. The remainder, 23°1 per 
cent., consists of dirt and particles of chopped grass. ‘This also is 
quite free from gummy matter. 

Fat, soluble in petroleum spirit ae oul 
Hiceim, soluble in alcohol ae oo NOS 
Elsipaclive and salts, soluble in eee 6°9 
Accidental impurity ... $i. aks sece= Sara 

A second sample, treated with alcohol direct, yielded 70:8 per cent. 
to that solvent, Proc. Linn. Society, N.S.W. [2], iv, 639 (1889). 

Following is my report on an allied substance recently collected by 
the Horn Expedition to Central Australia. 

No. 1. “ Portion of an ants’ nest consisting of sand agglutinated by 
cum from Triodia pungens, formed around the base of the grass, and 
continued as cylinders around leaves and flower stalks. ‘Tempe 
Downs.” This substance has the appearance of a lump of reddish- 
brown clinker. When treated at a very low temperature the resin ; 
melts (even in the flame of a match), and in its crude state would make a 
a useful cement. When the resin has burned away, the residue consists s 
of sand, principally quartz with ferric oxide, the latter being removed by 
dilute hydrochloric acid. This ferric oxide assists to give the original 
mass its reddish-brown appearance. When the original substance 

is treated with alcohol (rectified spirit), the resin readily dissolves, ’ 
leaving the sand, which differs in no way from that obtained by burnmg = 


off the resin. Ether dissolves the greater portion of the resin, but 
instead of the residual resin being dark brown, as m the case when 
alcohol is used, it is of a golden yellowish colour, and when ignited 
burns away without residue, while that portion extracted by alcohol 
after the ethereal extract has been removed, leaves a small quantity of 

The bright yellow resin melts at 83° CG. The original resin 
extracted by alcohol melts at 110° C., while the alcoholic residue 
left on removal of the resin soluable in ether does not melt at 140° 
C. It consists partly of inorganic material. As it was present 
in small quantities, its composition could not be determined in 
the small portion of material forwarded. The resin obtained from 
Triodia wrritans, R.Br., by ether, in appearance and colour resembles 
that obtained from Triodia pungens, but it has a lower melting point, 
melting at 63° C. The brown resin obtained by alcohol, corres- 
ponding to that obtained by alcohol from Triodia pungens melts at 
102° C. From the results of the examination of the bodies con- 
tamed in the resinous material of Triodia irritans, 1t was suggested 
that the fat found was artificially introduced; its presence would lower 
the melting point of the resm. Judging from the appearance of the 
two resins, their colour, odour, melting points, &c., there appears to 
be but little difference in the res:ns obtained from Triodia pungens and 
Triodia writans, and they may prove to be identical when prepared 
under similar conditions. 

We have so few records of the finding of the Porcupine resin, that 
the following is of interest :—‘‘ Samples of resinous matter from roots 
of Spinifex, and tunnels made by ants, found here for the first time, 
lying on the surface of the sandy ground between bunches of Spinifex, 
apparently made of sand cemented with some ageglutinuous secretion 
of the imsect, or what is more probable, the resinous substance 
found at the roots of the Spinifex plants.’ (W. T. Tietkens’ Explora- 
tion of West Central Australia, in Trans. Roy. Geog. Soc. Vict., viu., 
30). (Report of Horn Hxpedition to Central Austraiia, pp. 195 and 

Sub-tribe w.—Chloridex. 
72. Cynodon. 74, Hleusine. 
73. Chloris. 75. Leptochloa. 
76. Diplachne. 


Spikelets one-flowered, awnless, singly sessile in two rows on one 
side of slender spikes, digitate at the end of the peduncle, the rhachis 
of the spikelet articulate immediately above the outer glumes, and 
either not produced beyond the flower or continued into a minute point 
behind the palea. 

Outer empty glumes two, keeled, persistent or deciduous. 



Flowering glume broader, boat-shaped, with a prominent keel. 

Palea narrow or rather broad, the two nerves prominent, distant or 
closely contiguous. 

Gram smooth, enclosed in the glume and palea, but free from them. 

1. Cynodon dactylon, Pers. 

Botanical name.—Cynodon—Greek, Kuon, kunos a dog, odous, 
odontos a tooth, dog’s tooth. This grass is still known in some places 
as “ Dog’s Tooth Grass,” but whether the vernacular name is a trans- 
lation of the botanical one, or the reverse is the case, I do not know. 
Dactylon—Greek, dactulos a finger, in reference to the finger-hke 

Vernacular names.—“ Couch Grass,” the ‘‘ Doub Grass” of India, 
and the ‘‘ Bermuda Grass” of the United States ; sometimes known as 
“‘ Dog’s Tooth Grass.” 

Where figured.—Hackel, Vasey, Kearney, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 609). 

Stems prostrate, often creeping and rooting to a great extent, the flowering branches 
shortly ascending. 

Leaves short, of a glaucous green. 

Spikes two to five, often purplish, 1 to 2 inches long. 

Spikelets sessile, outer glumes narrow, acute, persistent, keeled, under 1 line long. 

Flowering glume rather above 1 line long, broadly boat-shaped, the keel usually 
minutely ciliate. 

Palea narrow. 

Rhachis of the spikelet produced into a point or bristle shorter than the glume, and 
often very minute. 


Var. pulchellus, F.v.M. Flowering glume ciliate on the keel with 
long hairs. Murray River. 

Value as a fodder—lIt is a useful pasture grass, stock eating it 
readily. the best all-round lawn grass we have, but it isa 
troublesome weed in gardens. It is so widely diffused and so largely 
cultivated that the fact thatit is an Australian native is sometimes lost 
sight of. At the same time, in many of its situations it has been 
introduced by the hand of man. As O’Shanesy points out: “ Its 
presence is one of the surest signs of settlement.” 

“It is by far the most useful of all fodder grasses in India, especially 
for horses. It is perennial, and flowers nearly all the yearround. The 
foliage becomes scanty during the cold weather months, at which time 
it may be said to be at rest. It varies considerably in habit as well as 
in its nutritive qualities, according to the nature of the soil or climate. 
It makes excellent hay, and will keep good for many years in stack.” 
(Duthie.) The Hindoos consider it sacred. 

“This is undoubtedly, on the whole, the most valuable grass in the 
Southern United States. It is a native of Southern Hurope, and of 
all tropical countries. It is a common pasture-grass in the West 
Indies, and the Sandwich Islands, and has long been known in 
the United States, but the difficulty of eradicatmg it when once 
established has retarded its introduction into cultivation. Its 
value, however, is becoming more appreciated now that more attention 


is being given to grass and relatively less to cotton, and better 
methods and implements of cultivation are being employed. Still, 
it seems probable, from the reports received, that at the present time 
a majority of farmers would prefer not to have it on their farms. It 
seeds very sparingly in the United States, and as the imported seed 
is not always to be had, and is expensive and often of poor quality, 
those who have desired to cultivate it on a large scale have seldom 
been able to do so. It is generally used as a lawn grass, and to hold 
levels or railroad embankments, and for small pastures.” (Vasey.) 

‘Perhaps no one plant represents more value to the south than does 
‘Bermuda’ ; certainly no other forage plant is more precious to that 
section. Whether for hay or for pasturage, it is everywhere placed 
first, and is considered the most nutritious grass that can be success- 
fully grown in the Southern United States. While it requires a fertile 
soil for its best development, it will grow on the thinnest soil, bemg 
a common plant of sea-beaches. In such situations the plants are 
very small, the erect flowering stems being quite short, and long 
sterile shoots (sometimes 6 feet long), rooting at every joint, are pro- 
duced. In better land a light loamy soil seems to suit it best, the 
tendency to send out long creeping shoots is checked, the upward 
growth is much greater, and the amount of leafage mcreases corre- 
spondingly, the whole plant becoming much taller and succulent. 
Besides its great value as a forage plant, Bermuda is one of the most 
effective of soil holders. When growing on sandy river banks and 
ocean beaches it is, apparently, the most valuable sand-binding grass 
of the Southern States. It is sometimes planted by roadsides and 
upon embankments for this purpose, and is a favourite lawn grass in 
most towns and cities, forming a close, fine turf, and remaining green 
in the driest and most sun-exposed situations.” (Kearney.) 

Other uses.—Used largely in medicinal preparations by the natives 
of India, and also by them for some sacred and ceremonial purposes. 
It really does possess some medicinal properties, as certified to by 
properly qualified medical men in India. Jor further particulars, 
Watts’ Dictionary of the Economic Products of India may be referred 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania ; 
well diffused in New South Wales. 

“This is a common and troublesome weed in all hot and some 
temperate countries, and although generally spread over the settled 
parts of extra-tropical Australia, it may have been introduced as 

suggested by R. Brown.” (Benth.) 


Spikelets one-flowered, awned, singly sessile in two rows on one side 
of simple spikes, either solitary or digitate at the end of the peduncle, 
the rhachis of the spikelet articulate immediately above the outer 

Outer empty glumes two, keeled, persistent, awnless. 


Flowering glume produced into a fine straight awn, entire or with a 
tooth, lobe or short awn on each side of the terminal awn. 

Palea folded or with two prominent nerves. 

Rhachis of the spikelet produced behind the palea and bearing one 
or more empty glumes, all awned, and usually with their ends on a 
level with that of the flowering elume. 

Spikes digitate, slender. Spikelets acute. Flowering glume usually 
witha tooth, lobe or short awn on each side of the terminal 
Spikes six to twelve or more, 3 to6inches long. Spikelets distant, 
3 lines long. Flowering glumes tapering into the awn, or 
very minutely toothed.. 5. C. acicularis. 
Spikes digitate, slender, 3 to 6 inches long. Spikelets ver y ‘obtuse 
or truncate. 
Spikelets cuneate, truncate, 1 to 14 lines long. Flowering 
glume, oblong, obtuse. Upper empty one broad, truncate 6. C. truncata. 
Spikelets very obtuse, 14 to 2 lines. ae glume ae! 
broad, embracing the narrower empty one . ” 7. C. ventricosa. 
Spikes digitate, dense, 1 to 2 inches long. 
Flowering glume broad, rigidly scarious, ciliate. Upper empty 
glumes several. Broad, scarious, very spreading... ... 9. C. scomosas 

Chloris acicularis, Lindl. 

Botanical name.—Chloris, the Greek word for pale green, in allusion 
to the colour of some of these grasses; acicularis, from the Latin 
needle-shaped or acicular, in allusion to the shape of the spikelets. 

Vernacular name.— Lesser Star Grass.” 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description. (B. Fl. vu, 612).—A glabrous erect grass of 
1 to 2 feet. 

Leaves flat, the lower sheaths broad and flattened. 

Spikes six to twelve or even more, at first erect, but at length horizontally spreading 
as in C.. divaricata, 3 to 4 inches long, slender, and often purplish. 

Spikelets rather distant. 

Outer glumes narrow, keeled, tapering to fine points, the lowest 14 to 2 lines, the 
second 3 lines long. 

Flowering glume about 2 lines, narrow, three-nerved, tapering into an awn of about 
4 inch, with sometimes, but not always, a short point on each side at the base. 

Palea long, narrow, prominently two-nerved. 
Terminal empty glume with an awn sometimes as long as that of the flowering glume, 
but usually shorter. 

Value as a fodder.—The very closely allied C. Rowburghiana, Edgew., 
is not uncommon in Northern India, and often grows amongst bushes, 
where its stems attain a considerable height. It is stated to be a 
good fodder grass m Ajmere. (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania. 
In New South Wales it extends from the table-land to the interior. 

Chloris truncata, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Truncata, Latin, maimed or mangled, hence 
“ cut off ” (truncate), which the glumes appear to be. 

Vernacular names.—“ Windmill Grass ” or “ Star Grass.” 

Where figured.— Agricultural Gazette. 


Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 612).—A glabrous erect grass of 
1 to 8 feet. 
Leaves usually flat but narrow, with flattened sheaths. 
Spikes six to ten, slender, 3 to 6 inches long, at length horizontally spreading. 
Spikelets numerous but not crowded, cuneate, 1 to 14 lines long without the awns. 

Lowest outer glume very small, almost setaceous, the second narrow and fine-pointed, 
about as long as the spikelet. 

Flowering glume oblong, obtuse, keeled, slightly ciliate, with a fine awn of 3 to 6 

Terminal empty glume much shorter and broader, raised to the level of the flowering 
glume and flat-topped, giving the spikelet its cuneate truncate form. 

Value as a fodder.—This is an elegant and at the same time useful 
fodder-grass. It is both palatable to stock and nutritious, and forms 
a compact turf. It is common in the coast districts, while at the same 
time it withstands prolonged droughts. Mr. T. Kidston, of Condo- 
bolin, who possesses great experience in such matters, reports it as 
one of the best summer grasses for the western country. 

Habitat and range.—Found in South Australia, Victoria, New South 
Wales, and Queensland. In the western districts of New South Wales 
it frequents Yarran country, when ringbarked, growing freely all over 
the river flats and uplands. It is, however, wide diffused over the 

7. Chloris ventricosa, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Ventricosa, Latin, big-bellied, in allusion to the 
inflated spikelet. 
Vernacular names.— Blue Star Grass ”’; “ Tall Star Grass.” 
Botamcal description (B. F1., vu, 615).—Uusually rather taller than 
C. truncata, often above 2 feet high, with few flat leaves. 
Spikes five to seven in the typical specimens, 3 to 4 inches long. 

Spikelets cuneate and obtuse as in C. truncata, but larger, from 14 to 2 lines long, and 
often, but not always, dark-coloured. 

Flowering glume broad, very obtuse, embracing the much smaller terminal one, which 
is raised and truncate as in C. truncata, usually emarginate, the awns of both 
much shorter than the spikelet. 

Another long-awned form has spikes of 3to 4inches. (Cabramatta 
and Ash Island, Hunter River.) 

Value as a fodder.—An excellent grass, having much the same 
value as the preceding. 

Habitat and range.—Found in New South Wales and Queensland. 
In New South Wales it occurs from the coast to the interior. 

9. Chloris scariosa, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—NScariosa, Latin, thin, dry, membranous, in 
allusion to the glumes. 

Vernacular names.— Rockhampton Star Grass” or “Gracemere 
Star Grass,” of Bailey. 


Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 614).— 

Stems erect, slender but rigid, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves narrow with subulate points or almost entirely flat in the larger specimens, 

Spikes four to six, dense, 1 to 14 inches long. 

Spikelets sessile, 3 to 4 lines long. 

Lowest glume narrow, hyaline, almost obtuse, scarcely keeled, about 2 lines long, 
the second rather longer, with a more prominent keel. 

Flowering glume raised on a hairy rhachis of about 1 line, rather above 1 line 
long, very broad and concave, prominently three-nerved, ciliate with long hairs 
at the end, with a fine awn of 2 to 3 lines. 

Terminal empty glumes several (four to seven), the lowest two broader than the 
flowering one, five- to seven-nerved at the base, hyaline and not ciliate, very 
spreading and at length rigidly scarious; the upper ones gradually smaller 
sessile and not exceeding the outer ones. 

Value as a fodder.—A beautiful grass, but perhaps of little value 
for pasture; worthy of garden cultivation. It may, however, prove 
to be of more value to the pastoralist when we know more about it. 

Habitat and range.—Found in Western and South Australia, also 
in New South Wales and Queensland. In our own Colony it has only 
been recorded from Hungerford, and may be looked for in other 
localities in the north-west of the Colony. 


Spikelets several-flowered, flat, imbricate in two rows along one 
side of the digitate or scattered branches of a simple panicle, the 
rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the outer glumes. 

Glumes spreading, keeled and complicate, thin, but rigid, the two 
outer empty ones usually shorter, unequal, obtuse, acute or tapering 
to a short point. 

Flowering glumes obtuse or less pointed, the terminal one usually 
empty or rudimentary. 

Palea folded. 

Styles short, distinct. 

Seed rugose within a loose membranous pericarp, which either 
persists round the ripe seed or breaks up and falls away or otherwise 
disappears as the ovary enlarges. 

Spikes digitate, short. Spikelets very closely packed, the glumes 
very pointed, the second outer one almost awned. Pericarp 

evanescent... sa ms ae sae ee pe .. Ll. H. egyptiaca. 
Spikes digitate, or with one lower down, 2 to 3 inches long. 
; Glumes obtuse. Pericarp persistent  ... rs sit . 2. Hoindiea. 

1. Eleusine xgyptiaca, Pers. 

Botanical name.—Hleusine, Latin eleusinius, of or belonging to 
Ceres, the goddess of corn and tillage; xgyptiaca, Egyptian. 

Synonym.—H. cruciata, Lam.; Dactyloctenium xgyptiacum, Willd. 

Vernacular names.—‘‘ Small Crow-foot Grass”; “ Egyptian Finger- 
grass.” | : 

Where figured.—Duthie, Kearney, Agricultural Gazette. 


Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 615).— 

Stems tufted or creeping and rooting at the base and shortly ascending like the 
Cynodon dactylon, or rarely above 1 foot high. 

Leaves flat, ciliate, flaccid, with long points. 

Spikes usually three to five, digitate, and under half an inch in most of the Australian 
specimens, but sometimes 1 inch long, the angular rhachis prominent on the 
upper or inner side, the spikelets regularly and very closely packed at right 
angles to it on the opposite side. 

Outer glume about 1 line long, acute, the second broader, obtuse, or emarginate, 
the keel produced into a short dorsal awn, the rhachis of the spikelet produced 
above the outer glumes, but glabrous. 

Flowering glumes broad, complicate, tapering into short spreading points. 

Pericarp loose over the enlarged ovary, disappearing from the ripe rugose seed. 

Value as a fodder.—An excellent grass for the hotter, drier parts of 
the Colony, and worthy of every encouragement. In the Bourke dis- 
trict, for instance, it grows luxuriantly, and Mr. D. G. Macdougall 
reports it as a grass “ possessing wonderful nutritious properties, stock 
of all descriptions fattening on it quickly.” 

Abundant in all cultivated fields in 8. Carolina, and commonly used 
for hay. (Ravenel, quoted by Vasey.) 

It is generally considered to be a very nutritious grass, both as 
forage and fodder. In the Lahore district it is said to be eaten by 
cattle, but not by horses. (Duthie.) 

Other wses.—In India the grain is sometimes used for food by the 
natives in times of scarcity. The Mohave Indians of California also 
use the grain for food, grinding it and making the flour into cakes or 
mush. (Orcutt, quoted by Lamson-Scribner.) 

A decoction is prepared from the seeds, which is used in Africa for 
inflammation of the kidneys. (Hackel.) 

Habitat and range.-—FYound in all the colonies except Tasmania, 
also in New Guinea and the Pacific Islands. Ii is found in the interior 

of New South Wales. 

It is a common weed of warm countries. 

2, Eleusine indica, Geertn. 

Botanical name.—IJndica, Latin, Indian. 

Vernacular names.—Has been called ‘‘ Gigantic Couch” near Casino ; 
“Crab Grass” is perhaps the most usual name ; ‘‘Crow-foot” ; “Yard 
Grass,” ‘Goose Grass,” “Crop Grass,” “ Wire Grass,” “Buzzard Grass,” 
“Dutch Grass” are names more or less in use in the United States. 

Where figured.—Trinius, Duthie, Kearney, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description. (B. Fl., vu, 615).—A coarse, erect, tufted 
grass, 1 to 2 feet high. 

Leaves narrow, the sheaths flattened and distichous, ciliate with a few long hairs. 

Spikes five to seven, 2 to 3 inches long, digitate, with usually one inserted rather 
lower down, the rhachis prominent on the upper or inner side, the spikelets 
loosely imbricate on the opposite side. Hach spikelet 14 to 2 lines long, con- 
taining three to five flowers. 

Glumes obtuse, the lowest small and one-nerved, the second empty one, and the 
lower flowering ones usually three-nerved. 

Pericarp persistent, very loose and membranous, enclosing the rugose seed. 

Value as a fodder —This is a grass found on the northern rivers, 
but is spreading, and opinions m regard to its value in New South Wales 


appear to be divided. Asa matter of fact, few people have experience 
of it at present. Itis a common weed of warm countries, and I give 
notes on the experience of observers in other parts of the world. 
The late Mr. Thomas Bawden, of Grafton, wrote :—‘‘The enclosed 
grass is spreading very much here, even overrunning the common 
Couch. Stock do not seem to care much for it.”’ 

A Casino correspondent, however, writes, ‘“‘ Hagerly eaten by cattle 
and horses.” 

Mr. Bailey speaks of it as a good summer grass in Queensland, but 
not liked by the farmer, as it spreads into cultivated places. 

“ An annual grass belonging to tropical countries, but now 
naturalised in most temperate climates. In the Southern States it is 
found in every door-yard and in all waste places.” 

Professor Phares, of Mississippi, says: ‘The clumps have many 
long leaves and stems rising | or 2 feet high, and many long, strong, 
deeply-penetrating, fibrous roots. It grows readily in door-yards, 
barn-yards, and rich, cultivated grounds, and produces an immense 
quantity of seeds. It is a very nutritious grass, and good for grazing, 
soiling, and hay. The succulent lower part of the stems, covered 
with the sheaths of the leaves, render it difficult to cure well, for which 
several days are required. It may be cut two or three times, and 
yields a large quantity of hay.” (Vasey.) 

‘* Confined to rich waste places and old yards and gardens, and is 
rarely or never seen in ordinary cultivated fields, and is never used for 
hay, as it is only found in tufts and sparsely.’ (Ravenel, quoted by 

“It is eaten by horses and cattle, and in some districts of India is 
considered to be a good fodder-grass, though Roxburgh says that 
cattle are not fond of it; this remark may, however, apply chiefly to 
the Bengal form, which the nature of the climate would render more 
rank and unpalatable.” (Duthie.) 

Other wses.—<A. decoction of this grass is said to be used in British 
Guiana in the convulsions of infants. 

Habitat and range.—A native of Queensland and New South Wales, 
which is advancing down the coast and has arrived at least as far 
south as Port Jackson. It is found in most warm countries. 


Spikelets several-flowered, or rarely one-flowered, sessile in two rows 
along one side of the slender usually numerous branches of a simple 
panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the outer glumes 
and more or less produced above the flowering ones. 

Glumes keeled, acute or obtuse, unawned, the two outer empty ones 
shorter or rarely as long as the flowering ones. 

Palea prominently two-nerved or folded. 

Grain smooth or nearly so, the pericarp very thin and adnate. 

Spikelets five- or six-fowered. Flowering glumes rather obtuse. “wil 
Spikes dense, mostly crowded at the end of the rhachis . 1, DL. subdigitata. 
Spikes slender, scattered along the long slender rhachis  ... 2, L. chinensis. 


1. Leptochloa subdigitata, Trin. 

Botanical name—Leptochloa—Greek, leptos, slender, chloe grass ; 
subdigitata—Latin, swb having the sense of almost; digitata—Latin, 
that which has fingers,—hence a slender grass with the panicle almost 
digitate, or spread out like the fingers of a hand. 

Synonym.—Hleusine digitata, Spreng. 

Vernacular name.—< Cane-grass.”’ 

Botanical description (B.Fl. vii, 617).—An erect, rigid, usually 
glaucous grass, attaining 4 or 5 ft. 

Leaves short, with rigid rather loose sheaths. 

Spikes or panicle branches 6 to 10, crowded at the end of the peduncle, with usually 
1 or 2 lower down, 2 to 4 inches long. 

Spikelets 14 or rarely 2 lines long, five- or six-flowered, the rhachis bearing a few 
short hairs under each glume. 

Glumes about 3 line long, obtuse, or almost acute, the outer empty ones usually 
rather smaller, especially the lowest. 

Palea folded. 
Grain oblong, perfectly smooth, the pericarp very thin and adnate. 

Value as a fodder.—A tall tussock-grass, with numerous erect 
branching leafy stems ; usually met with around dams and river banks, 
and affording a large supply of coarse herbage (Bailey). 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania and 
Victoria. In New South Wales itis found in the interior (Lachlan 

2. Leptochloa chinensis, Nees. 

Botanical name—chinensis ; a Latinised adjective meaning Chinese, 
or belonging to China (the country whence this grass was first 

Synonym.—HLHleusine chinensis, F.v.M. 

Where figured.—Duthie. 

Botanical description (B.F1. vu, 617).— 

Stems from a creeping and rooting base ascending to 2 or 3 feet, glabrous and usually 

Leaves narrow, flat, tapering to a point. 

Panicle 6 inches to above 1 foot long, the numerous simple branches scattered or 
clustered along the rhachis, very slender, 2 to 4 inches long, or in the smaller 
weaker specimens under 2 inches. 

Spikelets sessile or nearly so, distant or rather crowded, narrow, 1 to 2 lines long, 
usually four- to six-flowered. 

* Outer empty glumes rather unequal, acute, flowering ones broader, obtuse. 

Value as a fodder.—Used more or less for fodder in Northern 
India, though nothing definite appears to be known regarding its real 
value. (Duthie.) The same remarks may be applied to this grass as 
far as New South Wales is concerned. Stock eat it. 

Habitat and range.—Found in New South Wales and Queensland. 
In the former colony it is confined to localities between the northern 
rivers and the table-land, usually on the banks of streams. It is also 
found in Asia. 



Spikelets several- often many-flowered, linear, sessile, or very 
shortly pedicellate, but distant along the rhachis of a simple spike or 
of the elongated branches of a simple panicle, the rhachis of the 
spikelet articulate and usually hairy under the flowering glumes. 

Outer empty glumes keeled, acute, unawned. 

Flowering glumes with a hyaline shortly two-lobed apex, the keel 
produced into a short point or awn between or shortly below the lobes. 

Palea thin, prominently two-nerved. 

Styles short, distinct. 

Grain smooth, free. 

Spike slender, simple... aa gk she des 38 <f 
Spikes numerous in a simple panicle. Spikelets usually dark- 
coloured, 4 lineslong or rather more, with more than six 
flowers, rhachis glabrous, or nearly so... ie a uve De LD, FUSCte 

1. D. loliiformis. 

1. Diplachne loliiformis, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Diplachne Greek, diplous two-fold or double, 
achne, chaff (glume), the flowering-glume bemg two-lobed ; loliiformis, 
Latin, having the general appearance of the grasses belonging to the 
genus Lolium. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vi, 618).—A slender apparently annual 
erect grass, usually 6 to 8 mches, but a few specimens above 1 foot 

Leaves chiefly at the base, short and narrow, usually sprinkled with a few long 
hairs, the sheaths ciliate at the orifice, with a short jagged ligula. 

Spike slender and simple, 2 to 4 inches long, on a long peduncle. 

Spikelets sessile, rather distant, erect and appressed, turned somewhat to one side, 
narrow, 3 to 4 lines long, six- to twelve-flowered, the rhachis hairy round the 
flowering glumes. 

Flowering glumes about 1 line long, glabrous, three-nerved, the central nerve pro- 
duced into a fine point or awn shortly exceeding the hyaline lobes. 

Value as a fodder.—Quite a small grass, eaten by sheep, but not of 
much value for forage. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania and 
Western Australia. An interior species. Found also in Asia. 

3. Diplachne fusca, Beauv. 

Botanical name.—Fusca, Latin, brownish or tawny, referring to 
the colour of the spikelets. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 619).—A glabrous erect grass of 
several feet. 

Leaves narrow, convolute when dry, with long loose sheaths, the ligula jagged. 

Panicle narrow, 6 inches to 1 foot long, with erect branches, the lower ones long. 

Spikelets sessile or nearly so, rather distant, erect, linear, six- to ten-flowered, about 
4 lines long or rather more and straw-coloured, or longer and dark, the rhachis 
glabrous or slightly hairy under each glume. 

Flowering glumes nearly 2 lines long, shortly ciliate on the margins in the lower part, 
prominently three-nerved, the keel produced into a short point between or just 
below the short hyaline terminal lobes. 

Keels of the palea shortly ciliate. 


Value as a fodder.—Readily eaten by stock and believed to be a 
very nutritious grass. ‘‘ Buffaloes are said to be very fond of this 
grass,” in India. (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania, 
usually in damp, often brackish situations. It is an interior species. 
Té also occurs in Africa and India, and ‘in the plains of Northern India 
where water is liable to lodge. I have observed it in great abundance 
in the more depressed portions of the saline usar tracts in the Aligarh 

district.” (Duthie.) 

Sub-tribe wi.—Miliex. 

77. Sporobolus. 79. Isachne. 
81. Eriachne. 


Spikelets small, one-flowered, nearly sessile or pedicellate in a narrow 
spikelike or loose and pyramidal panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet 
very short, glabrous, scarcely articulate, not continued beyond the 

Glumes three, persistent or separately deciduous, unawned, slightly 
keeled or convex and obscurely nerved, two outer empty ones usually 
unequal ; flowering glume as long or longer. 

Palea about as long as the glume, with two nerves usually prominent, 
and readily sphtting between them. 

Styles very short. 

Grain free, readily falling away from the glume, the pericarp loosely 
enclosing the seed or very thin and evanescent. 

Panicle narrow, spikelike, continuous or interrupted, the short erect 
branches flowering from the base. 

Outer and flowering glumes nearly equal. Leaves bs 

short, rigid, and spreading ... é : .. lL. S. virginicus. 

Outer glumes unequal, shorter than the Hower aes ones. Teo 

rather long 2. S. indicus. 

Panicle narrow, loose, with shane ee od ene .. 3 S. drander, 
Panicle loosely pyramidal, the branches spreading in regular distant 
Spikelets loosely pedicellate, minute. 
Leaves rigidly ciliate. Glumes obtuse = = .. 4 S. pulchellus. 
Leaves not at all or ae ciliate. Glumes narrow, 
acute ast .. & WS. Lindley. 
Spikelets nearly sessile, crow med eae ae eee nee ...6. S. actinocladus. 

1. Sporobolus virginicus, Kunth. 

Botanical name.—Sporobolus, Greek sporos, a seed, bolos a throw with 
a casting-net, in allusion to the grains, which are on the outside of the 
panicle, as if they had fallen, or been thrown out; virginicus, a 
Latinised word, Virginian, from the American locality whence the 
grass was first described. 


Where figured.—Labillardiére, as Agrostis virginica, Trinius as Vilfa 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 621).— 
Stems much branched and leafy at the base, erect or decumbent, 6 to 10 inches, or 
rarely 1 foot high. 

Leaves short and narrow, often very spreading, convolute when dry, rather rigid, 
glabrous or ciliate at the base. 

Panicle rather dense, narrow and spikelike or rather more branched at the base, 
1 to 14 inches long, often rather dark-coloured. 

Glumes keeled, rather acute, about 1 line long, the two outer and flowering one 
similar, or the lowest rather smaller. 

Palea rather longer, the two nerves close together so as to represent a broad keel, 
but very readily splitting, showing an inflexed margin between the nerves. 

Grain broadly obovoid, the very thin pericarp separable when soaked, but undis- 
tinguishable in the dried state. 

Var., (?) pallida, Benth. ‘Taller, often above 1 foot high; leaves 
narrower, and often more erect ; spike looser, 2 to 4 mches long, the 
spikelets often small and pale-coloured. Found on the Richmond and 
Darling Rivers in this Colony; also im Queensland and Northern 

Value as a fodder.—This grass has something of the habit of 
Couch grass (Cynodon), and is particularly valuable for saline situations. 
Cattle become readily accustomed to it, and it is a nutritious grass. 

In Jamaica horses become rapidly and astonishingly fat while 
feeding upon this grass. (Jenman.) 

Habitat and range.-—Yound in all the colonies, usually in saline 
country near tidal rivers, or near the sea-shore. Occurs also in Asia, 
Africa, and America. 

2. Sporobolus indicus, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Indicus, Latin, Indian. 

Vernacular names.—“ Parramatta Grass,” “ Rat-tail Grass,” “ Chi- 
lian Grass,” “ Jil-crow-a-berry”’ of the aborigines of the Cloncurry 
River, Northern Australia. “Smut Grass,” ‘Carpet Grass,” and 
“ Drop-seed Grass”? are American names. The Brazilian name is 
Capim maurao. 

Where figured.—Trinius as Vilfa tenacissima, Vasey, Buchanan (as 
S. elongatus), Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B.F1., vii, 622).—An erect tufted grass of 1 
to 2 feet, glabrous except a few cilia at the base of the leaves. 

Leaves chiefly at the base of the stem, narrow, ending in fine points, the upper ones 
few with long sheaths. 

Spikeclike panicle very narrow, 3 to 8 inches or even longer, continuous throughout 
or when long often much interrupted. 

Spikelets very numerous, crowded along the very short erect almost imbricate or 
distant branches. 

Outer glumes almost hyaline, obtuse, one-nerved, the lowest about 4 line, the second 
$line long, flowering glume about 1 line, of a firmer consistence, broad but 
almost tapering to a point, one-nerved (the whole spikelet rather smaller in 
some specimens). 


Palea nearly as long, faintly two-nerved. 
Grain broadly ehowaid the very thin pericarp sometimes appearing loose, though 
often evanescent or undistinguishable in the dried state. 

Var. elongatus. Very like the type, but with narrower leaves, 
longer and looser panicle, and not quite so tufty. 

Value as a fodder.—This tough grass has been known to pull the 
teeth out of cattle and horses which feed on it as other grass becomes 
scarce. When young it is often eaten with other pasture, but it soon 
becomes fibrous. It is a coarse grass, seeds freely, and disfigures a 
paddock or lawn of finer grasses. 

Mr. Thos. H. Kearney, jun., of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 
obligingly gave me the following note on this grass in the United 
States :— 

“ Sporobolus indicus is not, to my knowledge, anywhere cultivated in 
the States, though a farmer in Florida told me he intended to sow it 
on his land. But it is held in high esteem in the South for pasturage, 
especially for horses. It has the merit of growing readily on sandy 
commons where few other grasses will thrive in that part of the 
country. Here, as with you, it becomes very hard when old, and is 
consequently unfit for hay. I should not think to recommend it for 
cultivation anywhere, as it grows in clumps and makes no turf. 

“This grass is a native of India, but has spread over most tropical 
and warm climates. It occurs more or less abundantly in all the 
Southern States, and is called Smut-grass, from the fact that after the 
flowering the heads become affected with a black smut. It grows in 
tufts or loose patches, from 14 to 3 feet high.” 

Professor Phares says: “It grows abundantly and luxuriantly on 
many uncultivated fields and commons, and furnishes grazing from 
April till frost. It thrives under much grazing and many mowings, 
and grows promptly after each if the soil is moist enough. Cattle and 
horses are fond of it, if it is frequently cut or grazed down, but if 
allowed to remain untouched long they will not eat it unless very 
hungry, as it becomes tough and unpalatable and probably difficult to 
digest.” (Vasey.) 

In the Gujranwala district (Punjab) it is considered to be a good 
fodder-grass, especially for horses. At Balaghat (Central Provinces) 
it is used as fodder when young. (Duthie.) 

Other uses —Used in the manufacture of hats in Madagascar. (Kew 
Bulletin, 1890, 212.) “ While the plant is not used industrially in 
this country (United States), it is employed in southern Brazil as a 
straw-plait material. The stalks from the flower to the last knot 
serve for the manufacture of straw-plait used for hats and other 
articles made of straw, which are softened by means of sulphur.” 
(Dodge.) The stalks are steeped several hours in water, when the 
seeds are easily rubbed out, and then ground between two stones and 
baked for bread by the Cloncurry, Queensland, natives. (H. Palmer.) 

Habitat and range.—F¥ound in all the colonies except Tasmania. 
In New South Wales it is found in the coast district, and rarely in the 
high table-land. It is not truly indigenous in many of its present 
localities. It is also found im Asia, Africa, America, and New Zealand. 



3. Sporobolus diander, Beauv. 

Botanical name.—Diander, Greek dis, two, aner andros, a man (sta- 
men), this grass having but ‘two stamens in the flower. 
Where figured.—Duthie, Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 622).—An erect singel grass of 
1 to 2 or even 3 feet. 


Leaves chiefly at the base, narrow, the upper sheaths not covering the stem. 

Panicle narrow but loosely pyramidal, 6 inches to about 1 foot long, the branches 
scattered, at length spreading. 

Spikelets very shortly pedicellate or almost sessile, $ to 1 line long. 

Outer empty glumcs very obtuse; hyaline, the upper one about 4 line, the other 

Flowering glume longer, slightly keeled, obtuse or almost acute. 

Palea broad, obtuse, faintly two-nerved, and not so readily splitting as in the other 

Grain broadly obovoid, the pericarp not readily separable. 

Value as a fodder.—Like the preceding species, it has some value 
when young, but when it becomes mature it is fibrous, and stock eat 
it only when compelled to do so by hunger. It is said to be readily 
eaten by horses and cattle at Lahore; is also favourably mentioned at 
Gujranwala and Shahpur in India. (Duthie.) 

Habitat and range.-—F ound m New South Wales and Queensland. 
In New South Wales it is found from the coast to the Dividing Range, 
from the Blue Mountains north. As regards Queensland, Bailey says 

it is always met with on good land, especially on river flats. It also 
occurs in Asia. 

4, Sporobolus pulchellus, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—Pulchellus, Latin, pretty, the grass beg orna- 
mental when in flower. 

Botanical description (B. FI1., vii, 623).— 
Stems tufted, 6 inches to 1 foot high. 

Leaves chiefly at the base, flat or keeled, broad or narrow, rather rigid, bordered by 
rigid cilia, tuberculate at the base. 

Panicle loosely pyramidal, 2 to 5 inches long, with numerous capillary spreading 
branches verticillate at regular intervals. 

Spikelets pedicellate, not 4 line long, shining. 

Glumes almost hyaline, rather obtuse, slightly keeled, the second outer empty one 

and the flowering one nearly equal and similar, the lowest empty one about 4 as 
long, narrow but obtuse. 

Palea very readily splitting in two. 
Grain globular, enclosed in a loose hyaline pericarp. 

Value as a fodder.—Similar to 8. actinocladus, but not abundant. 

Habitat and range.—It extends from New South Wales to Northern 
Australia. As regards New South Wales, it is found im the dry north 


5. Sporobolus Lindleyi, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Lindleyi, 1 honour of J. Lindley, the celebrated 
British botanist who described a number of Australian plants. 

Vernacular name.—‘* Yak-ka Berry,’ of the aborigines of the 
Cloncurry River, North Queensland. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 623).—Nearly allied to S. pul- 

Leaves narrow, not at all or only very shortly ciliate. 

Panicle very loose, broad)y pyramidal, 3 to 5 inches long and broad when fully out, 
the branches capillary, the lower ones elongated in a dense verticil, the upper 
ones more scattered. 

Spikelets 4 to ? line long. 
Glumes very acute, the lowest outer one very small and narrow, the second also 
. empty, and the flowering glume nearly equal, usually dark-coloured. 

Palea usually divided to the base into two, even at the time of flowering. 

Seeds enclosed in a loose pericarp, as in S. pulchellus. 

Value as a fodder.—This is one of the prettiest of our native grasses. 
Tt is at the same time nutritious and readily eaten by stock. 

Other uses.—The fine seeds are gathered and ground up with water 
into a paste and baked in the ashes by some Queensland aborigines. 
(H. Palmer.) 

Habitat and range.—Ilt is found in all the colonies except Tasmania. 
In New South Wales it extends from the table-land to the interior. 

6. Sporobolus actinocladus, F.v.M. 

Botamcal name.—Actinocladus, Greek, actis, actinos, a ray (of the 
sun), a spoke of a wheel, &c.; clados, a young branch or shoot, the 
panicle branches being verticillate (rayed). 

Botanical description (B. FL, vii, 6238).— 

Stems 1 to 2 feet high. 
Leaves flat, tapering to fine points, glabrous. 

Panicle pyramidal, 3 to 5 inches long, the branches numerous, spreading, the lower 
ones or nearly all verticillate at regular intervals, the upper ones scattered, all 
capillary and shortly bare at the base, but bearing narrow dense spikelike 
partial panicles of § to 1 inch. 

Spikelets sessile and crowded, nearly 1 line long. 

Outer glume very small, hyaline, almost obtuse; second very acute, keeled, 4 to 2 
line long. 

Flowering glume similar, but longer. 
Palea divided into two from the base, even at the time of flowering. 
Seed enclosed in a loose pericarp. 

Value as a fodder.—A useful grass for the dry, hot districts of the 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the colonies except Western Aus- 
tralia, Tasmania, and Victoria. It occurs in the dry western districts 

of New South Wales. 



Spikelets two-flowered, both flowers hermaphrodite or the upper 
female or the lower male, small in loose panicles, the rhachis of the 
spikelet articulate above the empty glumes, glabrous and not produced 
above the flowering ones. . 

Glumes unawned, convex, faintly nerved, two outer empty ones 
nearly equal; flowering ones of a firmer consistence, closely sessile or 
the upper one shghtly raised. 

Palea as long as the glume. 

Styles distinct. 

Grain enclosed in the hardened glume and palea, free from them. 

1. Isachne australis, R. Br. 

Botanical name.—Isachne—Greek, isos, equal ; achne, chaff (glume), 
the two outer glumes being equal; australis, Latin, southern (Aus- 

Synonym.—Panicum atrovirens, Trin. 

Vernacular name.—* Swamp Millet.” 

Where figured.—Buchanan ; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 625).— 

Stems rather slender, decumbent, creeping, and rooting at the lower nodes, ascending 
to 1 foot or more. 

Leaves lanceolate, rough, with a minute pubescence. 

Panicle loose, spreading, ovoid in circumscription, 14 to3 inches long, with numerous 
filiform branches. 

Spikelets all pedicellate, nearly 1 line long. 

Outer glume quite glabrous. 

Lower flower usually male, with a glabrous glume, the upper female, shortly stipitate, 
with the glume usually minutely and slightly pubescent, the rhachis slightly 
dilated, and articulate immediately under the upper glume. 

Value as a fodder.—A swamp-loving grass, nutritious, and readily 
‘eaten by stock. It is a tender, green grass, of rapid growth, 
and bears abundance of seed. Symonds, “ Indian Grasses,” p. 33, 
says that horses and cattle are very fond of it. (Duthie). 

Habitat and range.-—Found in Victoria, New South Wales, and 
Queensland. In New South Wales it extends from the coast to the 
tableland. Its favourite habitat is swampy land, or by the sides of 
streams. It also occurs in New Zealand, and in tropical Asia from 
Ceylon and the Peninsula to the Malayan Archipelago and South China. 


Spikelets two-flowered, usually not very numerous, in a loose or 
dense panicle, the flowers both hemaphrodite and similar, the rhachis 
of the spikelet articulate above the outer glumes and hairy round the 
flowering ones. 

Empty glumes two, persistent, acute or tapering into a point or short 
awn, many- (usually nine- to eleven-) nerved. 

Flowering glumes with fewer nerves, with long spreading hairs on 
the back or margins, awnless or tapering into a fine straight or curved 
awn not twisted. 


Palea very flat, often hairy on the back, with two prominent almost 
marginal nerves. 

Styles distinct, short. 

Grain more or less flattened, enclosed in the glume and palea, free 
from them. 

Fungi found on Hriachne.—Sorosporium eriachnes, Thun., and 
Ustilago australis, Cooke, have both been recorded from Hriachne sp. 
Awns not longer than the glumes. Panicle loose. Spikelets pedicellate, 

usually few. 
Leaves glabrous, flat. Outer glumes hairy, about 4 lines long. 
Flowering glume hairy all over... os we ote ... LO. #. arisirdea. 
Awn none or reduced to a very small point. 
Panicle narrow. Spikelets pedicellate. Outer glumes about 3 lines 
long. Tall plant, with glabrous flat leaves... ay a. Los ee paticdan 
Panicle loose or reduced to two or three spikelets. Outer glumes 
not above 2 lines long. Leaves not pungent, the upper ones 
distant. Spikelets about 2 lines long. 
Flowering glumes mucronate... sok = Sr 17. E. mucronata. 
Flowering glumes obtuse or scarcely acute ... nee ye .. 18. #. obtusa. 

10. Eriachne aristidea, F.v.M. 

Botanical Names.—Eriachne—Greek, erios, wool; achne, chaff 
(glume), the glumes being woolly or hairy; aristidea, resembling a 
grass of the genus Aristida in habit. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 629).— 

Stems branching and often aoecnneee at the base, ascending to from 3 to 14 feet, 
the nodes usually bearded. 

Leaves flat, glabrous, the sheaths often broad. 

Panicle loose, with few spreading branches. 

Sptkelets shortly pedicellate. 

Outer glumes usually purplish, about 4 lines long, acute, sprinkled with spreading 
hairs arising from tubercles. 

Flowering glumes densely silky-hairy except at the top, tapering into an awn scarcely 
so long as the glume itself. 

Palea hairy, tapering into a deeply bifid awnlike point. 
Value as a fodder.—Not known. 
Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania and 
Victoria. An interior species. 

15. Eriachne pallida, F.v.M. 

Botanical Names.—Pallida—Latin, pale, referring to the inflor- 
Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 631).— 

Stems apparently about 2 feet high, slender, and branching. 

Leaves flat but narrow, with subulate points, glabrous. 

Panicle loose but narrow, 2 to 4 inches long, the spikelets all pedicellate. 
Outer glumes glabrous, about 3 lines long, tapering into fine points. 

Flowering glumes longer, with fine points, scarcely awned, glabrous on the back 
except near the base, the margins ciliate with long hairs. 

Palea hairy, tapering to a fine bifid point. 
Value as a fodder.—Not known. 
Habitat and range.—Found in New South Wales; also from New 
South Wales to Northern Australia. An interior species. 


17. Eriachne mucronata, R. Br. 

Botanical names.—Mucronata—Latin, sharp-pointed (mucronate), 
the flowering glumes being tipped with short points. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 632).— 

Stems very slender, but rigid ; about 1 foot high. 

Leaves short, spreading, subulate, with fine points, but not so pungent as in Z, 
scleranthoides, the lower sheaths sprinkled with rigid hairs, or glabrous, the 
upper ones distant. 

Panicle rather loose, 1 to 14 inches long, of few spikelets, closely resembling those 
of #. obtusa, but rather larger ; and the 

Flowering glumes tipped with short points exceeding the outer glumes. 

Value as a fodder.—Not known. 
Habitat and range.—Found in South Australia, New South Wales, 
and Queensland. An interior species. 

18. Briachne obtusa, R. Br. 

Botanical names.—Obtusa—Latin, blunt, or obtuse, referring to the 
appearance of the spikelets when in fruit. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 632).—A variable grass, usually 1 
to 2 feet high, often branched in the lower part. 

Leaves narrow, flat, or subulate, glabrous, or the lower sheaths sprinkled with rigid 

Panicle loose, sometimes much-branched and 4 inches long, sometimes almost reduced 
to a raceme of half a dozen spikelets. 

Spikelets ovoid, about 2 lines long, appearing acute when young, assuming the obtuse 
aspect when in fruit. 

Outer glumes membranous, acute, with fewer nerves than in most species (usually five), 
sprinkled on the back and ciliate with a few long hairs, rarely quite glabrous. 

Flowering glumes about as long, more obtuse, rarely with a minute point, densely 
ciliate to the top, and sprinkled on the back with spreading hairs. 

Palea entire, slightly hairy. 

Grain much flattened. 

Value as a fodder.— A fairly good pasture-grass, suitable for sheep ; 
it is variable as to height, but generally branches much from the base, 
and before seeding makes a good leafy bottom.” (Bailey.) 

Habitat and range.—FYound in all the Colonies, except Tasmania and 
Victoria. Believed to be exclusively an interior species until recently 
discovered in the Port Jackson district. 

Sub-tribe iv.—Festucacee. 

82. Hctrosia. 92. Poa: 

85. Phragmites. 95. Schedonorus. 
86. Distichlis. 94. Glyceria. 

87. Elytrophorus. 96. Bromus. 

91. Hragrostis. 98. Festuca. 


Spikelets with one or rarely two fertile flowers, and two or more 
male flowers or empty glumes above them, in a terminal panicle; the 
rhachis of the spikelet articulate above the two outer glumes. 


Outer empty glumes unawned, the second rarely with a short point; 
glume of the perfect flower with a prominent point or short awn, the 
upper glumes tapering into fine straight awns. 

Styles distinct. 
Grain enclosed in the thin or scarcely hardened glume and palea. 

2. Ketrosia leporina, R.Br. 

Botanical name.—LHctrosia—Greek, ectrope, a turning off or aside; 
leporina—Latin, pertaining to a hare, referring to the softness of the 

Vernacular name.—“< Hare’s-tail Grass.’’ 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 633).—A glabrous, slender grass, 
attaining 2 feet or more, but sometimes smaller. 

Leaves very narrow, ending in subulate points. 

Panicle narrow, dense, 3 to 6 inches long, the fine awns giving it much of the aspect 
of Triraphis mollis. 

Spikelets crowded along the short erect branches, often purplish, the very short 
pedicels often bearing a few long hairs. 

Outer glumes narrow, very acute, about 1 line long. 

Flowering glume nearly as long, narrow, hyaline, one-nerved, slightly notched, with 
a fine awn nearly as long as the glume. 

Terminal empty glumes, usually two or three, smaller than the flowering one, but 
with longer fine awns. 

Value as a fodder.—*< A rather slender, dry, tufty grass; often attains 
a height of 2 feet.” (Bailey.) Itis ornamental, and is reputed to be a 
useful fodder grass. 

Habitat and range——¥ound in New South Wales and throughout 
Queensland and North Australia. An interior species in New South 



Spikelets three- or more-flowered, flat when open, all pedicellate in a 
large, much-branched panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet elongated 
between the flowering glumes, and covered with very long silky hairs, 
enveloping the flowers. 

Glwmes thin, keeled, the two outer ones empty, acute, or shortly 
pointed; the third like them, but with a longer point, and enclosing a 
male or rudimentary flower ; the others more distant, with long, almost 
awnlike points, the rhachis terminating in a rudimentary glume or 
bristle-like point. 

Palea two-ribbed. 
Stigmas nearly sessile. 

Fungi found on this genus.—Coniosporium inquinas, Dk. and Mont., 
W.A., bas been recorded on a species of Arundo (Phragmites). 
Puccima phragmites, Schum., has been recorded from Phragmites sp. 


1. Phragmites communis, Trin. 

Botanical name.—Phragmites—Greek, phragma, a fence or palisade, 
the stems of this grass being used for such a purpose ; communis— 
Latin, common. 

Synonym.—Arundo Phragmites, Linn. 
Vernacular name.—“ Reed-grass.” 
Where figured.—Sowerby, Vasey. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 636).—A stout perennial, usually 9 
or 6 feet high, but sometimes twice as much, with a long creeping 
root-stock, and numerous long leaves often an ‘inch broad, the sheaths 
covering the stems to the inflorescence. 

Panicle 6 inches to 14 feet long, with numerous branches, more or less one-sided and 
drooping, often of a purplish-brown tinge. 

Spikeletsnumerous, at first very narrow, 4 to 6 lines long, flat and spreading when in 
seed, the long silky hairs proceeding from the rhachis, and as long as, or longer, 
than the glumes, giving the panicle a beautiful silvery aspect; the glumes them- 
selves and the short part of the rhachis below the third glume quite glabrous, 

Value as a fodder.—“‘ A tall, coarse, perennial grass, growing on the 
borders of ponds and streams, almost rivalling Sorghum in luxuriance. 
It is resorted to by cattle only when finer and more nutritious grasses 
fail.” (Vasey.) “Used as fodder when quite young.” (Duthie.) 

This well-known plant, growing sometimes to over 15 feet high, is 
the tallest of our grasses, and at times a very useful one, too, for 
grazing purposes, as those who have known the reed-beds in Riverina 
and elsewhere can testify. 

“ Tn situations where the reed grows here, some of the most valuable 
pasture grasses, native and exotic, will grow also.” (Bacchus.) 

Other uses.—This grass was formerly much utilised by the aborigines 
of Victoria for making bags or baskets, and a figure of one made of 
this material will be found in Brough Smyth’s “ Aboriginals of 
Victoria,” 1, 843. It 1s not valuable for agricultural purposes, but it 
is of great importance for binding the earth on river banks with its 
extensively creeping root-stocks. The dry plant yields 4°7 per cent. 
of ash, and an analysis by Schulz-Fleeth will be found in ‘ Watt’s 
Dict.,” 1, 413. The reed is turned to account in so many ways, 
or rather used to be, that I copy some of them from ‘‘ Withering’s 
British Plants”? :—“In Sweden by it the country people used to dye 
woollen cloth green. For thatching, reeds are more durable than straw. 
Garden screens are made of them, and they make a good foundation 
for plaster floors. They are alsoin demand by brickmakers. Tull the 
introduction (in the seventh century) of pens made from quills of 
birds, they were in general use for writmg. They also occasionally 
serve for arrows. The young shoots, cut from the roots, when not 
exposed to the light, make an excellent pickle. The nest of the Sedge- 
warbler is generally found suspended between the stems at a small 
height from the ground. Hntomologists may sometimes find a con- 
siderable variety of insects on the panicles, where they resort for food 
or shelter.” 

Distichlis maritima, Rafin. 



“The largest panicles form very ornamental plumes, almost equal to 
those of Arundo donax, so much cultivated for ornamental purposes.” 

“Sandals are made from the stems in Lodak, India.” (Duthie.) 

In addition to the above uses, Hackel observes that the culms are 
used for the mouthpieces of musical instruments, weavers’ spools, &c., 
and an infusion of the root is used as a diuretic. 

“In Mexico where the plant grows 20 to 25 feet high (near the 
water), the stems are used for various purposes by the natives accord- 
ing to Dr. H. Palmer, who says they cut it into certain lengths, and, 
having split it, beat it flat and then weave it in and out, making a large 
square mat, with which they form the ends of their houses. They 
place it over the rafters before the tule thatch is put on. It is also 
used to cover verandahs and as screens for doors.’ (Dodge.) 

Habitat and range.—In swampy localities, all over the Colony. Found 
in all the other Colonies, and in many countries of the Old and New 



© Sprkelets several-flowered, dicecious, shortly pedicellate in a narrow 
panicle often reduced to two or three spikelets, the rhachis glabrous, 
articulate between the flowering glumes—at least in the females. 
Outer empty glumes narrow, keeled. 
Flowering glumes broader, keeled, many-nerved, all acute, unawned. 
Palea folded, the keels very prominent or narrowly winged. 
Stamens in the males three, without any or with a small rudimentary 
Staminodia in the females very rare. 
Lodicules broad. 

Ovary glabrous, tapering into two rather long styles with exserted 

Gramm obovoid or elliptical, free, with a thick spongy pericarp. 

1. Distichlis maritima, Rafin. 

Botanical name.—Distichlis—Greek, distichos, of two rows, refer- 
ring to the leaves which are so placed ; maritima—Latin, belonging to 
the sea, this being a coast grass. 

Synonym.—Festuca distichophylla, Hook. f. 

Vernacular names.—“ Salt-grass ” and “ Alkaline-grass” of the 
United States ; “ Spike-grass” and “‘ Quack-grass” are also American 
names. The first two names are in allusion to the saline land in which 
this grass will flourish. I do not know any name which has been 
adopted in these colonies, and suggest that “Salt-grass ” is as good as 

Where figured.—Vasey ; Labillardiére, as Uniola distichophylla. 


Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 637).—A rigid, glabrous, much- 
branched grass, forming broad low leafy tufts, the branches sometimes 
growing out to 1 foot covered to the inflorescence with the leaf- 

Leaves narrow, rigid, very acute or pungent-pointed, usually distichously spreading. 

Spikelets few, two or three in the females, rather more in the males, 6 to 9 lines long 
in the Australian specimens, rather smaller and more numerous in some American 
ones, flat but rather thick, eight- to twelve-flowered. 

Glumes closely imbricate, about 3 lines long, rather rigid and straw-coloured. 
Anthers in the males long. 
Stigmas in the females protruding from the end of the glumes. 

Value as a fodder.—“ Although this cannot be considered a first-rate 
grass for agricultural purposes, it is freely cut with other marsh 
g@rasses, and on the alkaline plains of the Rocky Mountains of the 
United States it affords an inferior pasturage.’”’ (Vasey.) 

“This dwarf creeping grass is of great value for binding soil, 
forming rough lawns; is useful for edging garden plots in arid places, 
and covering coast sand.” (Mueller.) 

In our own colony it has no recognised pastoral value, but it is un- 
doubtedly useful as a sand-binder, consolidating land close to the edge 
of the sea, and affording a bite for stock in such localities. Of its 
comparative nutritive value we know nothing, but judging from its 
harsh nature it does not promise much. 

Habitat and range.—A sea-coast grass, found in all the Colonies 
except Western Australia and Queensland. 

‘Grows in marshes near the sea-coast on both sides of the American 
Continent, and also abundantly in alkaline soil throughout the arid 
districts of the Rocky Mountains.” (Vasey.) 

“ Prospectors and miners in California consider its presence a sure 
sign of water near the surface, and when crossing the desert select 
spots where it grows to dig for water.”? (Orcutt.) 

Reference to Plate.—A. The spike-like inflorescence, showing the closely-imbricate 
glumes. 3B. c. Two pairs of the lowest glumes from an immature female plant. 


Spikelets small and flat, few-flowered, sessile, in dense compound 
globular clusters crowded in a cylindrical spike or the lower ones 
distant, the rhachis of the spikelet glabrous, articulate under the 
flowering glumes. 

Outer empty glumes narrow, membranous, keeled with short points. 

flowering glumes three-nerved, tapering into long points or short 
awns, one or two upper glumes empty or with male flowers. 

Palea folded, with two dorsal wings. 

Stamen one. 

Styles free, distinct. 

Grain smooth, free. 


1, Elytrophorus articulatus, Beauv. 

Botanical name.—Hlytrophorus—Greek, eleutron, a covering ; phoreo, 
I bear, in allusion to the large outerglume; articulatus—Latin, jointed, 
referring to the interrupted (joimted) spike-like panicle. 

Where figured.—Duthie. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 638).—An erect glabrous annual, 
from under 6 inches to rather above 1 foot high, including the 

Leaves flat, often longer than the stem, with loose sheaths. 

Spikelets small and very numerous, the globular clusters sessile in a cylindrical spike 
3 to 4 lines diameter, and often occupying the greater part of the plant, either 
continuous throughout or interrupted and shortly branched at the base. 

Glumes rarely 1 line long without the points, the awns of the flowering ones about 

as long as or rarely longer than’ the glume. 
Dorsal wings of the palea entire or denticulate, either both or one only rather broad. 

Value as a fodder—A handsome grass of little importance to the 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Western Aus- 
tralia and Tasmania. It is an interior species with us. It is found 
on the plains of Northern India on damp clay soils; also in other 
countries of tropical Asia and in Africa. 


Spikelets several- usually many-flowered, pedicellate or sessile, in a 
loose and spreading or narrow and clustered panicle, the rhachis of the 
spikelet usually glabrous and articulate under the flowermg glumes, 
but often very tardily so, and sometimes inarticulate. 

Outer empty glumes unequal and rather shorter than the flowering 
ones, keeled, without any or only faint lateral nerves. 

Flowering glumes obtuse or acute, unawned, three-nerved, the keel 
prominent, the lateral nerves in a few species very faint. 

Palea shorter than the glume, with two prominent nerves or keels, 
often persisting after the glume and grain have fallen away. 

Gram free, ovoid or oblong, not furrowed. 


Spikelets somewhat flattened, the glumes rather distant, loosely imbricate, overlapping 
the rhachis at the base, so as not to leave a longitudinal furrow, usually 
very thin, with the lateral nerve on each side faint or marginal. 

Spikelets usually three- or four-flowered, pedicellate, in a spreading 
’ Spikelets very numerous and minute, $ to ? line long. Grain 
ovoid, smooth : : 1. H. tenella, 
Spikelets on long capillary pedicels, 1 to 2 lines long. | Grain 
globular, tuberculate 2. H. mgra. 
Spikelets linear, more than six- flowered. Glumes acute or r rarely 
Spikelets numerous, pale-coloured, shining, shortly pedicellate 
and crowded on the ee branches of anarrow panicle. Grain 
broadly obovoid ... 6. H. megalosperma. 
Spikelets numerous, very narrow- -linear, shortly ‘pedicellate and 
distant along the capillary erect branches of the panicle ... 7, L. pilosa. 
Spikelets not very numerous, linear-lanceolate, De ae ina 
spreading panicle ... Ae a as do 500 . 8 #. leptostachya. 


Section [].—MacastacHya. 

Spikelets when mature very flat. Glumes closely imbricate in two distinct rows, leaving 
a longitudinal furrow or depression between them on each side of the 
spikelet, the lateral nerve usually prominent in the middle of each side of 
the glume. 

Base of the stems glabrous, not at all or scarcely thickened. 
Spikelets under 3 lines, sessile in small dense globular or oblong 
clusters sessile along asimple rhachis. Stamens usually two 10. H. diandra. 
Spikelets 3 to 6 lines, rather narrow, usually sessile and erect, 
scattered or clustered, rarely shortly pedicellate and spread- 
ing in a simple or branched panicle. Stamens usually three 11. HZ. Brownv. 
Base of the stem and short sheath of radical leaves thickened into 
an almost bulbous woolly-hairy base. 
Spikelets shortly pedicellate, nearly 2 lines broad, the base of the 

flowering glumes woolly-hairy ... 9. 45 . 14. E. lanflora. 
Spikelets sessile, scattered, glabrous, above 1 line seeea | ... 15. HE. ervopoda. 
Spikelets shortly pedicellate, glabrous, about ? line broad ... 16. EH. chetophylla. 

Section I]].—CyLinpRostacHya. 
Spikelets very narrow, terete or nearly so; glumes closely appressed. 
Spikelets ten- to thirty-flowered, rather obtuse, shortly pedicellate 

in a small panicle .. : 17. #. lacunaria. 
Spikelets twelve- to fifty- Fewoual, asliree. ses agro glestened 
often incurved Be is se ae ae ean .. 18. B#. falcata. 

1. Eragrostis tenella, Beauv. 

Botanical name.—FEHragrostis, from two Greek words—eros, love, 
and agrostis, grass ; hence the name, “‘ Love-grass,” an allusion, Paxton 
says, ‘‘to the beautiful dancing spikelets” ; tenella—Latin, somewhat 
tender and dainty, referring to the graceful inflorescence. 

Vernacular names.—I know of none. Grasses of the genus Hra- 
grostis are sometimes (one can scarcely say popularly) called ‘“ Love- 

Where figured.—Duthie. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 645).—An erect, tufted annual, 
from 6 inches to near 2 feet high. 

Leaves flat, usually narrow, glabrous. 

Panicle usually occupying the greater part of the plant, with very numerous 
capillary much-divided peat ess the lower ones in distant whorls or clusters. 

Spikelets pedicellate, minute, rarely # line long, with three or four, or rarely six 

Glumes thin, almost hyaline, obtuse, about 4 line long, the lateral nerve on each side 
almost marginal, very loosely imbricate, the rhachis articulate. 

Palea glabrous, as long as the glume. 

Stamens varying one to three. 

Grain very small, ovoid. 

Value as a fodder.—A small, tufted grass, excellent for pasture. 
Duthie says it 1s eaten by cattle both fresh and dry, and he also states 
that the seeds are said to be nutritious. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies, except Tasmania. 
In New South Wales it extends from the tableland to the interior. It 
is common on the inland plains of Northern Queensland, also in 
Central and North Aauginal, and widely spread through eastern and 
tropical Asia. 


2. Eragrostis nigra, Nees.; var. trachycarpa, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Nigra—Latin, black, in allusion to the colour of 
the inflorescence; trachycarpa—Greek, trachus, rough; carpos,a fruit,— 
the grain being rough on the surface (rugose-tuberculate). 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 643).— 

Leaves only seen in one specimen, narrow, rather short, glabrous. 
Panicle 1 foot long or more, very loose, with very long capillary divided branches, 

bearing few small dark-coloured spikelets on long capillary pedicels, the spikelets 
ovate, 1 to 2 lines long, loosely two- to four-flowered, quite glabrous. 

Flowering glumes broad, obtuse or scarcely acute, hyaline, the lateral nerves scarcely 

Palea as long, usually broad. 

Stamens three, with small anthers. 

Grai large in proportion, globular, prominently rugose-tuberculate. 

Value as fodder.—Not known. 

Habitat and range.-—Found in New South Wales and Queensland, 
also in Asia. In New South Wales it is found in northern New 

6. Eragrostis megalosperma, F'.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Megalosperma, from two Greek words signifying 
large-seeded (megalo-sperma). 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 644).— 

Stems 2 to 3 feet high, the branches almost filiform, but often rigid and clustered. 

Leaves long and narrow, flat or convolute, glabrous. 

Panicle narrow and compact, 3 to 8 inches long, with erect branches. 

Spikelets sessile or shortly pedicellate, erect, crowded, linear, about 3 lines long when 
fully out, rather silvery-shining, loosely six- to eight-flowered, the rhachis 
glabrous, scarcely articulate. 

Flowering glumes about 1 line long, acute, the lateral nerves often scarcely 
conspicucus except at the base. 

Palea nearly as long, scarcely curved. 

Stamens usually two, oblong. 

Grain broadly ovoid, often three-fourths as long as the glume, readily falling away, 
leaving the glume and palea more persistent. 

Value as a fodder.—Not known. 
Habitat and range-—Found in New South Wales and Queensland. 
In the former Colony it is found on the north coast to New England. 

7. Eragrostis pilosa, Beauv. 

Botancal name.—Pilosa—Latin, hairy, the plant being hirsute. 

Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 

Botamecal description (B. F1., vii, 645).—A tufted erect or ascending 
annual, 1 to near 2 feet high. 

Leaves narrow, usually flat. 

Panicle 6 inches to 1 foot long, narrow at first, spreading when in fruit, with 
numerous long capillary divided branches. 

Swuikelets 2 to 4 lines long, narrow-linear, usually of a dark leaden colour, but pale 
when old, loosely six- to twenty-flowered, the rhachis scarcely articulate. 

Glumes thin, distinctly keeled, the lateral nerves faint and short. 

Palea nearly as long, slightly ciliate on the keels, often persistent after the glumes 
have fallen away. 

Grain ovoid-oblong, smooth. 


Value as a fodder.—A very abundant annual grass, nearly always in 
growth, and readily eaten by stock of all kinds. Mr. A. R. Crawford, 
in the following note, draws attention to the perfume of this grass. I 
have not observed it myself, but Mr. Crawford is a careful observer :— 
“ Citron-like perfume. In the morning, when the dew _begins to dry 
off, the scent is very noticeable; in the heat of the day there is a 
strong perfume, but quite different from that of the morning. ‘The 
scent is given forth hke that from a flower. Rubbing between the 
fingers makes no difference, as with Chrysopogon parviflorus. It is 
unfortunate that the scent of the Hragrostis, strong when the plant is 
erowing, fades at once when it is cut.’ We have so few records of 
odours emitted by grasses, and particularly by Hragrostis, that the 
following is interesting :—‘‘ H. multiflora, Forsk, or ‘Stink Grass, is 
coarse and weedy, and has such a disagreeable odour when fresh that 
animals do not relish it. ‘This odour disappears on drying.” (South 
Dakota Bulletin, No. 40). 

“ H. pilosa is relished by buffaloes. Mr. Symonds says that cattle 
eat it readily, and that it would make good hay. Mr. Lowrie tells me 
that at Ajmere it 1s considered to be a good fodder grass.” (Duthie.) 

Other uses.—It is really a beautiful grass, and well worthy of culti- 
vation for ornamental purposes. The Seeds are used for food in 
Ajmere, India, according to Duthie. “ H. abyssinnica, Link., is an 
important food-plant in Abyssinia. The various-coloured seeds have 
the appearance of grits, and the flour made from these is baked into 
bread. This grass is probably a cultivated form of H. pilosa.” 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania. 
Widely diffused in New South Wales. In India, usually m damp or 
swampy ground, according to Duthie. 

A common weed in the warmer and some temperate regions of the 
northern hemisphere, chiefly in the Old World. 

8. Eragrostis leptostachya, Steud. 

Botanical name.—Leptostachya—Greek, leptos, slender ; stachys, an 
ear of corn, the inflorescence being slender. 
Vernacular name2— Slender Spiked-grass.” 
Where figured.—Agricultural Gazette. 
Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 645).— 
Stems slender, usually about 1 ft. high. 
Leaves at the base narrow, convolute or setaceous, glabrous. 
Panicle loosely pyramidal, 3 to 5 inches long, with slender divided spreading branches. 

Spikelets on capillary pedicels of 1 to 3 lines, loosely spreading, about 2 lines long, 
narrow, but much broader than in Z. pilosa, much smaller than in £. Brownz, 
loosely six-to ten-flowered, usually dark-coloured. 

Glumes acute, more spreading than in ZH. pilosa, the lateral nerves faint and almost 

Palea nearly as long, glabrous. 
Grain ovoid, smooth. 

Value as a fodder.—A grass much of the same character as the pre- 
ceding, and yielding tender feed for stock. 


Habitat and range-—Found in New South Wales and Queensland. 
As regards New South Wales, occurring from the coast district and 
the tableland from the Illawarra northward ; as regards Queensland, 
abundant on the high land about Brisbane, reaching almost to the 
Darling Downs. 

10. Eragrostis diandra, Steud. 

Botanical name.—Diandra-diander, ante, p. 162. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 646).— 
Stems | to 2 feet high. 
eaves very narrow, often convolute, glabrous. 
Panicle usually contracted into an interrupted spike of 3 to 6 inches. 
Spikelets very numerous, rarely above 2 lines long, flat, scarcely 1 line broad, six-to 
twelve-flowered, sessile in dense sessile clusters, the upper ones forming a 

cylindrical spike 3 or 4 lines diameter, the lower clusters usually distant, the 
lowest oblong or forming a cylindrical sessile spike of 4 inch or more. 

Flowering glumes closely distichous, thin, rather obtuse, the lateral nerve in the 
centre of each side or near the margin, 

Rhachis tardily or not at all articulate. 
Palea nearly as long as the glume, incurved. 

Stamens two, with small anthers in the flowers examined, but perhaps sometimes 

Grain ovoid, 

“ An erect grass, very ike H. Brownii—perhaps only one of its many 
forms—the panicle never spreading, but remaining always spike-lke.” 
(Bentham. ) 

Value as a fodder.— Excellent for pasture and hay.” (Bailey.) 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania. In 
New South Wales, occurring from the coast district to the tableland. 

11. Eragrostis Brownii, Nees. 

Botanical name.—Brownit, in honor of Robert Brown, author of the 
Prodromus and other works, perhaps the most eminent botanist who 
has ever specialised on Australian plants. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 646).—A very variable plant in 
stature and aspect, usually above | foot high, with very narrow flat 
or convolute leaves, glabrous except a few cilia at the orifice of the 
sheaths, not by any means constant. 

Panicle sometimes simple and dense, a few inches long, almost spikelike with 
numerous small densely clustered spikelets, always however, longer and more 
acute than in H. diandra, sometimes with short spreading branches and few 
spikelets, sometimes a foot long with few distant branches and long spikelets 
singly scattered or in distinct clusters, and a great variety of intermediate forms. 

Spikelets always sessile or very nearly so, flat, varying from 4 to } inch long, with 
ten to forty flowers, the rhachis very tardily articulate. 

Flowering glumes closely distichous, the lateral nerve nearly central on each side and 

Palea shorter than the glume, incurved, the keels usually minutely ciliate. 

Stamens usually three, but sometimes only two even in the larger spikelets. 

Grain ovoid-oblong, smooth. 

Botanical notes.— Hasily recognised by its closely packed florets 
arranged in dark-coloured and flattened spikelets.’ (Duthie.) 


Var. interrupta, Benth. A larger plant, often 3 or 4 feet high, with 
long flat leaves and large spikelets in dense distinct clusters. From 
the central coast districts to the mountain ranges and tablelands and 
northward into Queensland. 

Var. patens, Benth. Panicle loose, often spreading. Spikelets 
rather small, most of them shortly pedicellate. Port Jackson to Blue 
Mountains ; also Victoria. 

Value as a fodder.—A valuable grass, producing for many months 
of the year abundance of palatable and nutritious fodder. It shoots 
and seeds well. 

“Perennial; stems 1 to 2 feet high, common on both rich and 
poor soil, producing abundance of foliage. This grass has the great 
merit of keeping its verdure during the driest summers. A good 
fattening grass. Bears hard feeding. Produces plenty of seed.” 

“Keeps beautifully green in the driest Australian summer, even on 
poor soil. Pastor Kempe pronounces it to be the best of all grasses 
in Central Australian pastures. Haten down by sheep, but readily 
springs up again from the root. No drought seems to subdue it.” 


Var. interrupta. A stronger grower than the normal species, but 
its qualities are much the same. 

“This variety and var. patens have sprung up at Mudgee, New South 
Wales, and are increasing. At present large patches of the river flats 
are covered with it, but neither sheep nor cattle seem to lke it.” 
(Hamilton, Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S.W. [2] 1, 302.) 

Mudgee is over the Dividing Range, but the opinion of Mr. Bailey 
in regard to the coastal Queensland form is much the same :—‘ This 
is a very tall, or long, straggling, often hoary form, met with along the 
coast. Very harsh, and of little value as a fodder, but useful for 
binding coast sands, and affording a bite for stock m such localities.” 

Habitat and range.—F ound im all the Colonies except Tasmania ; also 
in Asia. Widely diffused over New South Wales. 

“ H. Browniti is abundantly naturalised about the Bay of Islands, 
and is proving itself a valuable grass.” (Sec., Auckland Acclim. Soc., 
quoted by Bacchus.) 

14. Eragrostis laniflora, Benth. 

Botanical name —Laniflora—Latin, lana, wool; flos, floris, flower, the 
glumes being enveloped at the base with woolly hairs. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 648).— 

‘Rhizome and somewhat bulbous bases of the stems woolly-hairy. 
Stems 1 to 14 feet high, slightly cottony at the nodes. 
Leaves narrow, flat, with scabrous sheaths. 
~ Panicle loose, 4 to 6 inches long, with few divaricate or reflexed scabrous branches. 

Spikelets very shortly pedicellate, and not numerous, divaricate, or reflexed, very 
flat, 4 to 8 inches long, nearly 2 lines broad, with twenty to fifty flowers, the 
rhachis tardily articulate. 


Glumes rather broad, very thin, closely distichous, enveloped at the base in woolly 
Palea nearly as long, the keels ciliate with soft hairs near the base. 
Stamens three, with rather long anthers. 
Grain globular. 
Value as a fodder.—Not known. 
Habitat and range-—Found in South Australia, Victoria, and New 

South Wales. An interior species. 

15. Eragrostis eriopoda, Benth. 

Botanical name.—Hriopoda—Greek, erios, wool; ous, podos, a foot, 
the stems being densely woolly at the base. 
Botanical description (B. F1., vu, 648).— 
Stems 1 to 14 feet high, somewhat bulbous and densely woolly at the base. 
Leaves very narrow, short, the lower sheaths pubescent or hirsute. 
Panicle in some specimens reduced to an interrupted spike, in others divided into 
spreading branches. 
Spikelets nearly sessile, scattered or in pairs, very flat, 3 to 9 lines long, above 1 line 
broad, with ten to thirty or more flowers. 
Glumes closely distichous but rather spreading, obtuse, almost hyaline, with a dark 
green nerve on each side, glabrous. 
Palea as long. 
Stamens two only in all the flowers examined, with rather large anthers. 
Value as a fodder.—Not known. 
Habitat and range.—FYound in all the Colonies except Tasmania and 
Victoria. An interior species. 

16. Eragrostis chetophyla, Steud. 

Botamcal name.—Chetophylla—Greek, chete, a bristle; phylla, 
leaves, the leaves being bristle-like. 
Synonym.—H. setifolia, Nees. 
Botanical description (B. F'l., vu, 648) .— 
Stems from a shortly-thickened, almost bulbous, slightly woolly-hairy base densely 
tufted, slender but rigid, 6 inches to 1 foot high, often leafy to the inflorescence. 
Leaves very narrow, convolute or setaceous, glabrous. 
Panicle narrow, 14 to 3 inches long, shortly branched. 
Spikelets usually rather numerous, shortly pedicellate, scattered or crowded, flat and 
thin, 2 to 4 or rarely 6 lines long, 1 to 14 lines broad, six- to thirty-flowered. 
Glumes closely distichous or rather loose, # line long, obtuse or almost acute, hyaline 
or purplish, the lateral nerve prominent on each side at the base. 
Palea nearly as long, glabrous. 
Stamens three. 
Grain small, ovoid-oblong. 
Value as a fodder.—Inferior, because of its wiry nature. At the 
same time, it provides useful feed when quite young. 
Habitat and range—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania. 
An interior species. 

17. Eragrostis lacunaria, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Lacunaria—Latin, lacuna, any little hole or hollow 
place, perhaps in reference to the localities in which the grass was 
originally found. 



Where figured.— Agricultural Gazette. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 649).— 
Stems slender, almost filiform, but rigid, 6 inches to 1 foot, or rarely 14 feet high, 
the base sometimes almost bulbous, but glabrous. 
Leaves very narrow, almost setaceous, usually short. 
Panicle loose, 2 to 4 inches long, with short, spreading, rather rigid branches. 

Spikelets few on the branches, shortly pedicellate, very narrow, 3 to 6 lines long, ten- 
to twenty-four-flowered, terete or very slightly flattened. 

Flowering glumes closely appressed, broad, obtuse, scarcely 3 line long, usually 
purple, keeled, but the lateral nerves very faint or obsolete, the rhachis scarcely 

Palea nearly as long. 

“With the habit and inflorescence nearly of H. cheetophylla, this has 
the spikelets rather of H. falcata.” (Benth.) 

Value as a fodder.—A wiry grass of little value. 

Habitat and range.—FYound in all the Colonies except Tasmania 
and Western Australia. An interior species. 

18. Eragrostis falcata, Gaud. 

Botamcal name.—Falcata, adjective, from the Latin falz, falcis, a 
sickle; used in botany to denote anything curved, in allusion to the 
curving of the spikelets. 

Where figured.— Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FL, vu, 649).—A slender, tufted, glabrous 
grass, varying from a few inches to about 1 foot high. 
Leaves narrow, convolute, erect. 
Panicle narrow, usually secund, slightly compound, 2 to 4 inches long. 

Spikelets sessile or nearly so, crowded or clustered along the short branches, very 
narrow, nearly terete, often curved, from 4 to 5 lines to 1 inch long and about 
3 line broad, with twelve to fifty or even more flowers, the rhachis scarcely 

Flowering glumes closely appressed, scarcely 1 line long, obtuse, hyaline at the end, 
the keel and a lateral nerve on each side very prominent. 

Palea rather shorter, curved, persistent. 
Styles slender. 
Grain ovate, flattened. 

Value as a fodder.—Isaac Tyson, quoted by Mueller, states that it 
is one of the best pasture-grasses in arid tracts in sub-tropical Western 
Australia. Such a statement is, of course, only comparative, for the 
grass 1s by no means of the highest merit. Itis a small grass, wiry 
in appearance, with small leaves ; nevertheless, it affords useful feed 
until it is burnt up by the summer droughts. Much of the plant 
consists of inflorescence, and it produces seed readily. 

Habitat and range.—This grass is found in all the Colonies except 
Tasmania. It is an interior species in most of the Colonies, although 
it comes near the coast in the south-western part of the Continent. It 
is common both on the far inland plains and also on the sand-ridges 
that skirt them. 

feference to Plate.—a,. A typically falcate spikelet. 3. Flowering glume, showing 
three prominent nerves, 


92. POA. 

Spikelets several usually few-flowered, in a panicle usually loose and 
spreading, rarely narrow and spikelike, the rhachis of the spikelet 
articulate between the flowering glumes. 

Glumes keeled, unawned, the outer empty ones rather short, one- or 
three-nerved, sometimes acute, the flowering ones usually obtuse, five- 
nerved, often surrounded by a few loose woolly hairs, rarely with 
seven or more nerves. 

Palea nearly as long, prominently two-nerved or two-keeled. 

Grain enclosed in the glume and palea and falling off with them, 
but free or rarely adnate to the palea. 

Perennials.—Grain enclosed in the glume and palea, but free from them. 

Leaves setaceous or rigid and convolute or flat ending in long 
points. Panicle dense and contracted, or spreading. Spikelets 
usually four- to six-flowered. Glumes and palea glabrous or 
with woolly hairs at the base ... & P. cespitosa. 

Leaves flat, narrow, acuminate. Panicle rather dense. Spikelets 
five- to eight-flowered, the keels of the glumes ciliate-pubescent. 
Stems knotty at the base... ra + ina ai . 5. P. nodosa. 

Annuals.—Leaves flat, flaccid. 

Panicle narrow. Spikelets clustered, 3 lines long. Flowering glumes 
seven-to eleven-nerved, the keel ciliate at the base with long 
hairs ... net wiv wis Sins bh mak she ... 8. P, legida, 

3. Poa cespitosa, Forst. 

Botanical name.—Poa, the Greek word for grass; cxspitosa—Latin, 
pertaining to a turf or sod. 

Vernacular names.—“ Wiry-grass,”’ called ‘‘ Bowat”’ by the Yarra 
(Victoria) aborigines. 
Where figured.—Buchanan ; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 651).—An exceedingly variable 
species from under 1 to 3 feet high, usually densely tufted and 

Leaves narrow, flat, convolute, or setaceous, chiefly at the base, sometimes longer 

than the inflorescence, sometimes very short, the ligula always very short or 

Panicle branched, compact, or spreading. 
Spikelets usually four- to six-flowered. 

Flowering glumes usually surrounded by a few fine woolly hairs, but sometimes the 
whole spikelet glabrous, the cilia of the palea-keels when present very minute. 

Grain oblong, usually narrow, enclosed in the glume and palea, but free from them. 

This is one of the most variable of the Australian grasses, and I 
give an account of its principal varieties chiefly from Bentham (Flora 
Australiensis) and from Bacchus (Rept., Department Agriculture, 
Victoria, 1874). 

I. Var. plebeia, Benth.—Tall and leafy, leaves narrow, flat or more 
or less conyolute. Panicle exceeding the leaves, rather large and 
loose. Glumes 2 to 24 lines long, usually surrounded by a few woolly 
hairs. Port Jackson (also Western Australia). 


Var. latifolia, Benth.—Very tall and luxuriant, with flat leaves, 
often 2 to 4 lnes broad. Illawarra and Australian Alps; also in a 
mountain range in Southern Queensland. 

‘The only Queensland habitat of this variety at present known is 
on the rich land upon the top of Mount Mistake. There it grows 
3 to 4 feet high, very leafy and succulent, and would probably under 
cultivation be profitable for cutting as green food for stock.” (Bailey.) 

The following grass may very probably be referred to var. latifolia :— 
“ Poa australis. Broad-leaved meadow grass; perennial; flowers in 
December; average height at time of flowering 3 feet, growing 
sometimes to 6 feet; leaves smooth, flat, and very long. Thrives on 
rich soil, in high, cold, and dry situations. A nice tender grass when 
young, but it soon grows into larger tussocks than any other grass we 
have. The herbage is of lttle value when suffered to grow old. If 
grazed or cut down close every year it would afford a good supply of 
valuable winter food.” (Bacchus.) 

2. Var. levis, Benth.—Leaves, when most characteristic, rigid, 
erect, terete, smooth and shining, and the panicle contracted ; but mm 
many specimens the leaves more slender and sometimes filiform as in 
the var. australis, but always quite smooth, the stem then taller, and 
the panicle more diffuse ; glumes usually about 1} lines long. From 
all the Colonies except Queensland, and perhaps that Colony also. 

“ Poa australis ; var. levis.—An extremely variable grass, which has 
received different names by authors. It is not surprising, therefore, 
under such circumstances, that various estimates have been made of 
its value as food for stock, according to which variety prevailed in any 
district, some of the varieties being much more valuable than others. 
There is no doubt but that the true value of the larger tussock grasses, 
among which the present occupies a prominent place, has been much 
under-estimated, as they have never been treated fairly on their merits, 
and conclusions based on the readiness with which stock eat or refuse 
them cannot be accepted as a criterion of their value, unless they are 
cut down when in flower and treated as fodder. Itis well known that 
even the most favourite grasses of cultivation, such as Loliwm perenne, 
the common rye grass, if left uncut till the seed is shed will be refused 
by all kinds of stock; and so it is with the present species, which 
should always be treated as a fodder plant.” (Buchanan.) 

5. Var. affinis, Benth.—Leaves very narrow, but often flat, as m 
the var. plebeia, but the panicle more diffuse, with more numerous 
smaller spikelets ; the glumes usually under 13 lines long. 

One of the commonest forms in the eastern Colonies, but passing 
much into the smooth P. australis and into P. levis. 

This grass is perhaps referred to by Bacchus in his notes on Poa 

4. Var. australis, Benth.—Leaves mostly radical, setaceous, much 
shorter than the stem, erect, and exceedingly scabrous. Stems under 
1 foot high, with a very loose spreading, rather small panicle. Glumes 
1 to 13 lines long. 

In Tasmania very abundant as above described. In Victoria and 
New South Wales the radical leaves are generally longer, and the 

Eragrostis falcata, Gaud. 

“The Falcate Love Grass.’’ 


stem taller. In the northern districts it is a common form, with very 
long scabrous, filiform leaves, and in New South Wales, Victoria, and 
South Australia it passes frequently into var. affinis. 

Following are Bacchus’ notes on two forms which may belong to 
this variety :— Poa auwstralis—(Wiry-grass)—Perennial ; in flower 
during Novemberand December. A rather low-growing species, from 
9 inches to 2 feet high ; common on the plains and elsewhere. Except 
when quite young, dishked by all kinds of stock. This grass seems 
to have no fattening qualities, but plenty of nutriment for stock to 
subsist on when forced by hunger to eat it. In this way it forms 
frequently their principal food during periods of drought.” (Bacchus.) 

“ Poa australis tenae—Narrow-leaved Poa. Perennial. Found on 
the sides of watercourses and swamps. About 3 feet high; flowering 
in December. Of little value for grazing; but it may become of use 
as a fibre plant, and is probably the variety referred to by Baron von 
Mueller as the rough, tufty kind of meadow grass growing along river 
banks, used by the natives for making fishing lines and nets. About 
a year ago I noticed what I believed to be a distinct variety of this 
erass, remarkable for the toughness of its leaves.”’ (Bacchus.) 

5. Var. tenera, Benth.—A slender, weak variety, with very narrow 
or filiform but flaccid leaves, and a loose spreading, rather small 
panicle, with small spikelets, the glumes scarcely 1 line long. 

Woods and shady places in New South Wales, Victoria, and 

The following forms are, with diffidence, referred to var. tenera. 
The names of some of Bacchus’ so-called varieties do not always have 
a holding in science :— | 

“ Poa australis decwmbens.—Perennial ; flowering late in December. 
‘A small, delicate grass, with weak, slender stems, and thread-like 
leaves. JI first noticed it here growing in some tussocks of dead 
rushes. It grows best in ight moist soil, forming a kind of turf or 
cushion. Sheep graze upon it; but I cannot speak with any certainty 
of its merits as a pasture grass.”’ (Bacchus.) 

“ Poa australis hwmilis.—Perennial ; grows 1 or 2 feet high ; leaves 
narrow and succulent; flowering in December. It thrives on lhght, 
dry soil, and appears’ to be a favourite with stock, and may possess 
superior merits for pasture.” (Bacchus.) 

Value as a fodder.—A. tussocky, rather wiry grass. Itis often eaten 
by stock ; but when it becomes old it is very fibrous, and contains but 
little nutriment. That stock are not partial to it may be noted from 
the frequently luxurious appearance of the tufts in places where 
stock have been running. A fuller account of the fodder value of this 
grass has already been given when dealing with its varieties. 

Other uses.—The different varieties of this grass afford excellent 
paper material. It was formerly used by the Yarra (Victoria) blacks 
for making their net bags (Ballang-cowat). For a figure of such a 
basket, see Brough Smyth’s Aboriginals of Victoria, 1, 3465. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies, also in New Zealand. 
Widely diffused throughout New South Wales. : 


5. Poa nodosa, Nees. 

Botanical name.—Nodosa—Latin, full of knots or bumps, referring 
to the nodules at the base of the stem. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 653).— 
Stems usually about 2 feet high, forming at the base one, two, or three superposed 
globular or ovoid nodules, 3 or 4 lines diameter. 
Leaves long, narrow, flat, usually scabrous. 
Panicie loose, narrow or spreading. 

Spikelets 3 to 4 lines long, five- to eight-flowered, rather narrow at first with closely 
appressed glumes, at length broad and flat, the glumes spreading out. 

Flowering glumes about 2 lines long, five-nerved, without the woolly hairs at the base 
of sey Pow, but shortly ciliate-pubescent on the keel and margins below the 

Palea nearly as long, the keels minutely ciliate-pubescent or glabrous. 
Grain free. 

Value as a fodder.—* Perennial; grows in almost pure sand, and 
produces tuberous enlargements at the roots. It is tender and 
nutritious, but neither tall nor bulky.” (Bailey.) 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania. In 
New South Wales, found in the extreme southern districts. 

8. Poa lepida, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Lepida—tLatin, pretty or pleasant, the grass being 
a desirable one. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 654).—An erect annual, varying 
from 2 or 3 inches to nearly 1 foot high, more slender and less spread- 
ing than P. annua. 

Leaves flat, flaccid, the ligula rather long, jagged. 

Panicle very narrow, almost spike-like, 1 to 2 inches long. 

Spikelets not numerous, nearly sessile, clustered on the very short branches, very 
flat, about 3 lines long, five- to seven- or more- flowered, the rhachis more or less 

Flowering glumes narrow, obtuse, nearly 14 lines long, seven- to eleven-nerved, the keel 
prominent, ciliate with long hairs below the middle, outer glumes three-nerved. 

Grain apparently broader than in most Poz and broadly furrowed, but not seen ripe. 

Value as a fodder.—Not known, but probably a useful grass. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania and 
Queensland. Found in the extreme southern part of New South Wales. 


Spikelets several-flowered, flattened in a narrow and spikelike or 
loose and spreading panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet glabrous or 
shg¢htly hairy, articulate under the flowering glumes. 

Outer empty glumes narrow, acute, keeled or three-nerved. 

Flowering glumes usually five-nerved, rounded on the back at the 
base, obtuse or shortly notched at the apex, the keel prominent, at 
least in the upper part, and usually produced into a minute point in 

or just below the notch. 

EF ave ive 


Scehedonorus Hookerianus 

‘* FHooker’s Fescue Grass.’’ 


Palea nearly as long, usually rather broad, prominently two-nerved. 
Styles distinct, slightly eccentrical. 
Grain very obtuse, usually broadly-furrowed, free from the palea. 

Panicle narrow, dense and spike-like, or pase Leaves 
long, erect, and rigid 

eo ; si . 2. S. littoralis. 
Panicle loose and spreading ... sai Ag «be See 2 3-8 

. Hookerianus. 

2. Schedonorus littoralis, Beauv. 

Botanical name.—Schedonorus—trom two Greek words, schedon close 
to, and ores a mountain, in allusion to the mountainous localities fre- 
quented by grasses of this genus; littoralis (litoralis) —Latin, belonging 
to the sea-shore, this being a coast grass. 

Synonym.— Festuca littoralis, Labill. 

Where figured.—Buchanan ; Labillardiére, as Festwca littoralis, and 
by Trinius as Arundo triodotdes. 

Botamceal description (B. FI., vii, 655).— 

Stems 1 to 3 feet high, forming dense hard tufts of a pale yellow colour. 

Leaves nearly cylindrical, erect, rigid, pungent-pointed, glabrous, often as long as 
the stems. 

Panicle narrow, dense and spike-like, 2 to 4 inches long. 

Sptkelets few, flat, erect, 7 to 9 lines long, six- to eight-flowered. 

Glumes about 4 lines long, rigid, straw-coloured, the flowering ones with two nerves 
on each side of the keel, acute or dilated and notched at the tip, the keel usually 
slightly protruding, the two outer empty ones narrower, three-nerved, acute. 

Rhachis of the spikelet shortly hairy. 

Value as a fodder.—Nil. 

Other wses.—An important grass for binding drift-sands on sea- 
shores. Jt has been recommended as a paper-making material. 

Habitat and range.—¥Yound on the coast of all the Colonies, including 
New Zealand. 

3. Schedonorus Hookerianus, Benth. 

Botanical Name.—Hookerianus, in honor of Dr. (now Sir) J. D. 
Hooker, for many years Director of the Botanic Gardens at Kew. 

Synonym.—Festuca Hookeriana, F.v.M., the name adopted by Baron 
von Mueller in his Census. It has also been placed under Poa. 

Vernacular names.—l know of none incommon use. This is readily 
accounted for, as this valuable grass is known to comparatively few 
persons, because of its usual occurrence in localities so little trodden 
by human beings. The name suggested is perhaps as good as any. 
Bacchus calls it ‘‘ Georgie’s Fescue.” 

Where jfigured.—Agricultural Gazette ; Hooker, Fl. Tasmania. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 656). —A stout perennial of 2 to 4 
feet, glabrous or slightly scabrous-pubescent. 

Leaves flat, rather long. 

Panicle very loose, 6 inches to 1 foot long, with rather short and erect or long and 
spreading branches. 

Spikelets numerous, 4 to 5 lines long, four- to six-flowered. 

Flowering glumes rigidly membranous, about 3 lines long, keeled only in the upper 
part, the tip hyaline, entire or notched, the keel produced into a short point. 

Outer glumes shorter, unequal, prominently keeled, the second often three-nerved. 

Reference to Plate :—A, spikelet ; B, outer empty glumes; c, back and front views of 
grain (seed) ; D, fragment of inner side of leaf, showing the ribbed and scabrous appearance 
(much magnified, ) 


Value as a fodder.—This is a bulky grass, and is highly spoken of 
by holders of the ‘‘ snow leases,” and others competent to speak in 
regard to it. It can stand the severest cold we ever experience in 
New South Wales, and it might be desirable to introduce it into the 
coldest parts of New England. It might also be desirable to introduce 
it into cold districts outside Australia. It not only yields a large amount 
of fodder, but it is very nutritious, and it also has a handsome appear- 
ance when in bloom. Stock are fond of it. 

Some specimens in my possession from the Bredbo River are badly 
ergotted ; all my other specimens are free from this undesirable fungus. 
It should be looked for now that attention has been drawn to the matter. 

Habitat and range.—Most collectors who have visited Mount Kosci- 
usko bring specimens of it, and it is fairly abundant in the Australian 
Alps. It extends into both New South Wales and Victoria, never 
descending to low elevations. Its most northerly locality would appear 
to be the Mittagong Ranges. It also occurs in a few localities in 

Reference to Plate:—A, spikelet; B, outer empty glumes; c, back and front views of 
grain (seed) ; D, fragment of inner side of leaf, showing the ribbed and scabrous appear- 
ance (much magnified). 


Spikelets several-flowered, pedicellate in a narrow or spreading 
panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet articulate under the flowering 
glumes, glabrous or rarely hairy. 

Outer empty glumes obtuse or acute, unawned. 

Flowering glumes convex on the back, three- to nine-nerved, the 
nerves not reaching tothe hyaline, obtuse, sometimes slightly denticulate 

pale nearly as long as the glume. 

Ovary glabrous. 

Styles distinct, very short, the plumose stigmas frequently more 
branched than in other genera. 

Grain glabrous, enclosed in the glume and palea, but free from them. 

Flowering glumes with a tuft of hairs round the base or on the 

back below the middle. Panicle loose ... fe sae .. 1. G. Fordeana. 
Rhachis and base of the flowering glumes glabrous or minutely 

Stems rarely 3 feet high. Panicle narrow. Panicle long and loose. 
Spikelets 4 to 1 inch. Flowering glumes distant, narrow, 
3 lines long; outer glumes much shorter... cae .. 2. G. fluitans. 

Panicle dense. Spikelets few, broad, 4 to 2? inch. Flowering 
glumes paleaceous, 3 to 4 lines long; outer glumes as long ... 3. G. latispicea. 

Stems very rigid, tall, with few short leaves and often clusters of 
short branches. Flowering glumes hyaline, three-nerved at 
the base. Panicle very spreading. Spikelets six- to twelve- 
flowered ‘ es 5a oe a6 . Ae .. 6. G. ramigera. 

1. Glyceria Fordeana, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Glyceria—Greek, gluceros, sweet, in allusion to the 
herbage of these grasses; FMordeana, in honor of Mrs. Helena Forde, 
who first sent this grass to Baron von Muller. 


Synonym.—Poa Fordeana, F.v.M. 
Where figured.— Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 657).—An erect glabrous grass 
attaining 2 or 3 feet. 

Leaves flat, very scabrous. 

Panicle very loose, compound, 4 to 8 inches long, with very spreading capillary 
branches, mostly in pairs or threes, 

Spikelets lanceolate, mostly 4 to 5 lines long, eight- to twelve-flowered. 
Outer-glumes acute, three-nerved. 
Flowering glumes five- or seven-nerved, 14 lines long, surrounded by a tuft of hairs 

and shortly hairy or pubescent in the lower part, the midrib prominent but not 
reaching the obtuse hyaJine apex, the lateral nerves shorter. 

Palea-keels scarcely ciliate. 

Value as a fodder.—-A useful fodder grass, succulent and palatable 
to stock. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania and 
Western Australia, in moist situations in the interior. 

2. Glyceria fluitans, R. Br. 

Botanical name.— Fluitans—Latin, floating, in allusion to the habitat 
of the plant, often floating in water. 

Synonym.—Poa fluitans, Scop. 

Vernacular names.—‘ Manna Grass,” ‘‘ Floating Manna Grass,” 
“Water Grass ”’ (Tasmania). 

Where figured.—Hackel ; Agricultural Gazette. 
Botamecal description (B. F1., vu, 657).— 

Stems creeping in mud or floating at the base, ascending to 2 or 3 feet. 
Leaves narrow, flat, glabrous, the ligula jagged. 
Panicle loose, long and narrow. 

Spikelets solitary in the distant notches, or two or three on a short branch from the 
same notch, erect, narrow, 4 to 1 inch long, six- to twenty-flowered, the rhachis 
glabrous as well as the glumes. 

Outer glumes broad, obtuse, hyaline, faintly nerved at the base, the lowest about 
14 lines, the second longer. 

Flowering glumes more rigid, about 3 lines long, with about seven nerves not reaching 
to the hyaline, obtuse, entire, or slightly denticulate apex. 

Lodicules usually connate. 

Value as a fodder.—One of the best fodder grasses for very damp 

“ Grows from 2 to 4 feet high. It flourishes in rich soil and swampy 
eround, often extending far into the water, floating in luxuriant 
growth on the surface. Cattle and horses are fond of it, even when 
partially dry.’ (Bacchus.) 

The statement was made in the New Zealand Farmer that this grass 
grows on land even if covered with a foot of water, and that stock 
neglect other pasture for it. It is much relished by cattle, horses, 
and pigs. 

“There is a great difference of opmion amongst agricultural writers 
with respect to the fondness of animals for the leaves and culms of 
this grass. We have often seen the ends of the leaves cropped by 


cattle but have never seen the culms or root-leaves touched by them. 
On the other hand, reliable writers have asserted that cattle, horses, 
and swine are alike fond of it.’ (Gould, quoted by Vasey.) 

Other uses.—The seeds are sweet and palatable, and in many 
countries used for porridge. 

“This grass yields a very nutritious and highly palatable grain, 
which is collected by Russian peasants. The peasant takes an old 
felt hat, and, wading in the water, skims the hat amongst the patches 
of Glyceria when the grain is ripe, and the seeds fall into the hat. 
Their collection is an important branch of industry.” (Pharm. Journ., 
xv, 048.) 

“‘ It is cultivated in many parts of Germany for the sake of its seeds, 
which are esteemed a delicacy in soup and gruel. When ground into 
meal they make bread very little mferior to that from wheat.” 

Fish and all graminivorous birds are exceedingly fond of these seeds. 

“Trout, and, indeed, most fish, are very fond of them. Wherever it 
grows over the banks of streams the trout are always found in great 
numbers waiting to catch every seed that falls.” (Gould, quoted by 

Habitat and range.—FYound in all the Colonies except Queensland. 
Coast district, and tableland from New England south. Always found 
in ornear water. A cosmopolitan species. 

“Grows in shallow water on the margins of lakes, ponds, and 
sluggish streams.” (Vasey.) 

‘This grass 1s found growing in shallow water, overflowed meadows, 
and wet woods, but will bear cultivation on moderately dry grounds.” 

Gould, quoted by Vasey. 
q yy, ME 

3. Glyceria latispicea, F.v.M. 

Botanical name.—Latispicea—Latin, latus, broad; spicea, belong to 
ears of corn, the spikelets being broad. 

Synonym.—Poa latispicea, F.v.M. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 658.)— 

Stems erect, attaining 2 or 3 feet. 
Leaves flat, glabrous, the ligula long and jagged. 

Panicle narrow, the branches very short, erect, each bearing one to three spikelets, 
the lower ones distant. 

Spikelets rather broad and loose, 4 inch long or rather more, pale-coloured, six- to 
twelve-flowered, the rhachis as wellas the glumes glabrous or very minutely 

Outer glumes obtuse, five-nerved; flowering ones 3 to 4 lines long, seven- or nine- . 
nerved, rounded on the back as in the rest of the genus, but the midrib reaching 
the obtuse hyaline apex, the lateral nerves faint and shorter. 

Grain oblong, flattened but concave on the inner face. 

Value as a fodder.—Not definitely known, but probably a valuable 

Habitat and range.—Found in New South Wales and Queensland. 
In New South Wales, from New England to the interior, m moist 


6. Glyceria ramigera, F.v.M. 

Botanical names.—Ramigera—Latin, ramus, a branch; gero, I bear, 
referring to the branching habit of the grass. 

Synonym.—Poa ramigera, F.v.M. 

Vernacular names.—“< Cane Grass,” ‘* Bamboo Grass.” 

Where jigured.—Agr cultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. F1., vii, 659).—A tall glabrous rigid, almost 
bamboo-like grass, branched at the base, and often bearing clusters 
of branches higher up. 

Leaves convolute and flat, few and short on the flowering stems. 

Panicle 4 to 8 inches long, loosely ovate or at length spreading. 

Sprkelets rather numerous, usually 3 to 5 lines long with six to twelve flowers, but 
sometimes longer, the rhachis glabrous. 

Outer glumes narrow, hyaline, acute, faintly one-nerved. 

Flowering giumes distant, about 14 lines long, broad and concave, hyaline, three- 

nerved, the nerves all short, the central one not reaching much above the 

Grain not seen ripe, but apparently that of Glyceria. 

Value as a fodder.—Stock only eat the young shoots of this grass. 

Other uses.—A_ tall cane-like species, growing plentifully in large 
detached tussocks in “ clay pans,” or as they are locally termed “cane 
swamps.” It is largely used for thatching purposes, for which it is 
admirably adapted. Roofs twenty years old, made of this grass, are 
standing, and are waterproof still. 

Habitat and range.—F ound in all the Colonies except Tasmania. An 
interior species, found in clay soil hable to mundation. 

96. BROMUS. 

Spikelets several-flowered, oblong or lanceolate, pedicellate, erect or 
drooping in a more or less branched panicle, the rhachis of the spikelet 
articulate between the flowering glumes, glabrous or scabrous- 

Outer empty glumes acute or fine-pointed, unawned. 

Flowering glumes convex on the back, five- or seven-nerved, the 
hyaline apex usually shortly bifid, the midrib produced into a straight 
or curved awn free from a little below tne apex. 

Palea nearly as long as the glume, the two prominent nerves usually 

Ovary obovate, crowned by a hairy membranous appendage, the 
very short distinct styles more or less lateral. 

Grain flattened, adhering to the palea, and often more or less to the 
base of the glume. 

2. Bromus arenarius, Labill. 

- Botanical name.—Bromus, from the Greek word for a wild oat, 
arenarius, Latin for sandy, in allusion to the situations in which some 
of these grasses grow. : 


Vernacular names.—“ Oat Grass,” ‘ Wild Oats,” “ Sea-side Brome 
Grass.” It has even been called “ Barley Grass”’—not at all an 
appropriate name. 

Where figured.—Buchanan ; Labillardiere ; Agricultural Gazette. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 661).—Apparently annual, from 1 
to about 13 feet high. 

Leaves flat, flaccid, softly hairy or pubescent. 

Panicle at first erect, at length drooping, the capillary branches clustered, the 
longer ones 2 to 3 inches long, with one to four spikelets on capillary pedicels. 

Sptkelets lanceolate, 4 to 3 inch long without the awns, flat, five- to nine- flowered. 

Glumes all pubescent or glabrous, the lowest about 3 lines long and five-nerved, the 
second longer and seven-nerved, both empty and acute. 

Flowering glumes rather longer, about seven-nerved, convex on the back, the awn free 
from a little below the scarious tip, 4 to $ inch long. 

Var. macrostachya, Benth. Spikelets 1 inch long, each with fifteen 
to twenty flowers. Yass, Darling River, &c. 

Value as a fodder.—An ornamental grass, which, while not of the 
first-class, is a useful fodder plant. It cannot stand drought, withering 
off as the hot weather approaches. Buchanan speaks of it as a common 
sea-side weed, which, from its dry woolly nature, is very unpalatable to 
all kinds of stock. Others, e.g., Woolls, speak of it as “a fine grass 
for cattle.’ Mr. A. R. Crawford writes to me concerning it:—“<I 
received a few seeds of this grass from the Castlereagh, and cultivated 
it on the eastern slopes for many years. Itis much lhked by stock, 
is fattening, makes a good hay, and is quite an ornamental grass.” 

Fungus found on this grass.—Ustilago bromivora, Waldh., on this 
species, and also B. mollis. Septoria bromi, Sacc., has also been 
recorded from the leaves of Bromus sp. 

Habitat and range-—Found in all the colonies except Tasmania ; q 
also occurring in New Zealand. Found in most districts of New South 



Spikelets several-flowered, pedicellate, in loose and spreading or 
compact and erect more or less one-sided panicles, the rhachis of the 
spikelet articulate under the flowering glumes, glabrous or nearly so. 

Outer empty glumes narrow, acute, keeled, usually unequal. 

Flowering glumes narrow, acute, or tapering into an untwisted awn 
or rarely obtuse, rounded on the back, faintly nerved. 

Palea narrow, with prominent nerves or keels. ) 

Ovary glabrous. 

Styles very short, distinct. 

Graim enclosed in the glume and palea and more or less adnate. 

2. Festuca duriuscula, Linn. 

Botanical name.—Festuca—Latin, the shoot or stalk of a tree or 
herb (the appellation not being specially appropriate) ; duriuscula— 
Latin, somewhat rough or harsh, the texture of the grass being thus 


Vernacular name.—‘ Hard Fescue.”’ 
Where figured.—Buchanan. 

Botanical description (B. Fl., vii, 663).—An erect perennial of 1 to 
2 feet. 
Leaves chiefly at the base, very narrow, almost setaceous. 
Panicle loose but narrow, 2 to 4 inches long, with few erect branches. 
Spikelets not numerous, erect, usually about 4 inch long, four- to six-flowered. 

Glumes rather rigid, the outer ones pointed, the lowest very narrow, keeled, scarcely 
2 lines long, the second rather longer, three-nerved. 

Flowering glumes 3 lines long or rather more, faintly nerved, glabrous or pubescent, 
with a fine point or awn, usually about 1 line long. 

Palea with a fine bifid point. 
Stamens three. 

Value as a fodder.—A useful pasture grass for the colder regions of 
the Colony. It grows well in hilly places, and is one of the best of the 
smaller fescues. It forms a close turf. All kinds of stock eat it 
readily, although it 1s somewhat harsh. Seed may be procured of 
most seedsmen. 

Habitat and range.—Yound in all the Colonies except Western Aus- 
tralia and Queensland. In New South Wales, apparently confined to 
the mountainous districts of the south-east. ‘‘ One of the most widely 
dispersed forms of the sheep’s fescue or #. ovina, Linn. Very 

abundant on downs and hilly pastures of the temperate regions of the 
New and Old World.” (Bentham.) 

Sub-tribe v.—Hordeacee. 
99. Agropyrum. | OE Lepturus. 


Spikelets several-flowered, more or less flattened, distichous, and 
alternately sessile on the continuous or slightly notched rhachis of a 
simple spike, one face of the spikelet next the general rhachis, the 
rhachis of the spikelet more or less articulate under the flowermg 

Glumes rounded on the back or scarcely keeled, tapering into points 
or awns, the flowering ones three- to seven-nerved, the two outer empty 
ones usually shorter, narrower, three- or rarely one-nerved. 

Palea nearly as long as the glume, the two prominent nerves almost 
marginal, scabrous-ciliate. 

Ovary pubescent at the top. 
Styles short, distinct. 
Grairv free or slightly adhering to the palea. 

Spikelets narrow with long awns, erect and distant along the rhachis... 1. A. scabrum. 
Spikelets broad, with short points or awns, erect and close eth 
along the rhachis... *e . 2. A. velutinum. 

Spikelets very flat, with short sointa or awns, spreading or at # length 
reflexed and not distant along the rhachis ‘ 3. A, pectinatum. 


1. Agropyrum scabrum, Beauv. 

Botamcal name.—Agropyrum (more properly Agropyron)—Greek, 
agros, a field; puros, wheat, owing to the resemblance of these grasess 
to wheat ; scabrwum—Latin for rough, in allusion to the foliage. | 

Synonym.—Triticum scabrum, R. Br. 

Vernacular names.—Mr. Bailey remarks that in New Zealand it often 
has a bluish tinge, and hence has received from the settlers the names 
of “ Blue Tussac-grass” and “Blue Oat-grass,” and adds that 
neither of which is suitable to the grass as seen in Australia. It would, 
however, appear to have a bluer appearance when growing in New 
South Wales than in Queensland. I have never seen a bluer and 
more glaucous looking grass than this species often presents in New 

The name ‘ Wheat-grass”’ is sometimes given to it in this Colony. 
It is closely related to the wheats, although it does not closely resemble, 
in appearance, those useful grasses. 

Where jigured.—Buchanan (as Triticum scabrum); Bacchus (as 
Festuca Billardiert) ; Labillardiére as Mestuca scabra; Agricultural 

Botanical Description (B. F'1., vu., 665).—Very variable as to stature, 
sometimes under | foot high, slender with short filiform leaves, and 
from that to 3 or 4 feet with narrow spreading flat or convolute leaves. 

Spike usually 6 inches to 1 foot long, the rhachis scarcely notched. 

Spikelets distant, sessile, erect, ? to 1 inch long without the awns, narrow, six- to 
twenty-flowered ; in the small specimens, sometimes only one or two spikelets. 

Glumes narrow, rigid, straw-coloured, mostly about five-nerved, not distinctly keeled, 
the two outer empty ones rather shorter, tapering into short points, the flowering 
ones 4 to 6 lines long without the awns, tapering into fine straight or at length 
spreading awns mostly longer than the glumes and sometimes above 1 inch long; 
those of the upper and of the lower glumes often not so long as the intermediate 

Palea obtuse. 

Botanical notes.—A large tufted, often straggling, grass, often of a 
bluish-green colour, rather harsh, commonly 1 or 2 feet long; but on 
the Lachlan River, found by the late K. H. Bennett, up to 6 feet long, 
according to Baron von Mueller. 

Buchanan figures a weak, elongated form, often 35 or 4 feet long, 
and trailing on the ground, under the name of variety tenue. 

Value as a fodder—‘ A rather harsh grass when in seed, but 
during winter and early spring it supplies a large quantity of feed. 
On poor land its height would be about a foot, but on good land it 
attains 8 or 4 feet. Cut when in flower it makes good hay; the seeds 
are not injurious.” (Bailey.) 

When young there is no question not only as to its palatableness, 
but also as to its nutritious character. 

The early settlers of New Zealand looked upon it as a good horse 
and cattle grass, and Buchanan calls it an excellent fodder, if cut in 





Agropyrum pectinatum. 
‘“‘The Comb-like Wheat Fern.”’ 


Some other notes in regard to Agropyrum as a grass and fodder 
grasses will be found under A. pectinatum. 

Habitat and range——Found in all the Australian Colonies, also in 
Lord Howe Island and New Zealand. In the Australian Colonies it 
extends from the coast and coast ranges to the dry interior—in fact, it 
is one of the species with the widest range. I have collected it up to 
5,900 feet on Mt. Kosciusko. 

2. Agropyrum velutinum, Nees. 

Botanical name.—Velutinwm—lLatin, velvety, in reference to the 
pubescent leaves. 

Synonym.—Triticum velutinwm, Hook. 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 665).— 
Stems 6 inches to above 1 foot high. 

Leaves chiefly at the base of the stem, flat or convolute when dry, not rigid, softly 
pubescent or nearly glabrous. 

Spike raised on a long peduncle, 1 to 2 inches long, the rhachis pubescent and notched. 

Spikelets almost erect, imbricate, or the lower ones distant, ovate or oblong, about 
% inch long, usually six- to eight-flowered. 

Glumes 3 to 5 lines:long, rigid, with short almost pungent points, the outer empty 
ones usually three-nerved, the flowering ones broader and five- or rarely seven- 

Value as a fodder.—Not important. It is less harsh than the other 
Species, but it does not appear to be very abundant. 

Habitat and range.—Found in Tasmania; also on the Victorian and 
New South Wales Alps, and other districts in the south-eastern parts 
of this Colony. 

30. Agropyrum pectinatum, Beauv. 

Botanical name. —Peciinatwm—Latin, like a comb, in allusion to the 
appearance of the inflorescence. 

Synonym.— Triticum pectinatum, R. Br. 

Vernacular name.—I do not know any vernacular name actually m 
use for this grass. The rather clumsy name of the Comb-like Wheat- 
grass suggested for it may serve provisionally. 

Where jigured.—Labillardiére, as Festuca pectinata; Agricultural . 

Botanical description (B. FI., vii, 666).— 

Stems from under | to 14 feet high. 
Leaves chiefly at the base of the stem, narrow, flat, usually hairy. 
Spike raised on a long peduncle, 1 to 3 inches long, the rhachis pubescent, not notched. 

Spikelets not very distant, spreading, or at length reflexed, mostly about 4 inch long, 
including the short points, three- to six-flowered. 

Glumes eae the two outer empty ones shorter, with only the midrib or three- 

- Flowering glumes 4 to 5 lines long, rigid, three- or five- nerved, tapering into a rather 
long pungent point, 


Value as a Fodder—We know very little about its value in this 
respect, and I would ask residents of the districts in which it grows 
to give it more attention. It produces a fairly leafy bottom, and is 
probably eaten by stock with the other grasses when young, but while 
still perfectly green and only in inflorescence. I have seen acres 
of pasture in which it preponderates with scarcely a spike bitten 
off. Nevertheless, arguing from analogy, it 1s probably a nutritious 

We have three species of Agropyrum, and they are peculiar to 
Australia, with the exception that A. scabrum extends to New Zealand. 
We know so little about the genus from Australian experience, that 
perhaps a few notes of the experience of other countries in regard to 
other species of Agropyrum may be of some use. I quote from Vasey’s 
“ Agricultural Grasses and Forage Plants of the United States” 

A. tenerum occurs mostly in low, moist ground, grows in clumps, 
and is one of the best grasses for hay. 

A. repens* (Couch-grass of the United States; Quack-grass). “ The 
farmers of the United States unite in one continuous howl of execra- 
tion against this grass, and it seems strange, when every man’s hand 
is against it, that it 1s not exterminated. Yet we could never really 
satisfy ourselves that its presence in meadows and pastures was such 
an unmitigated curse. In lands where alternate husbandry is practised 
it must be admitted to be an evil of great magnitude. Its hardiness 
is such, and its rapidity of growth so great, that it sprmgs up much 
more rapidly than any crop that can be planted, and chokes it; still, 
this grass has many virtues. It is perfectly cosmopolitan in its habits. 
Tt is found in all sorts of soil and climates. Its creeping roots are 
succulent and very nutritive, and are greedily devoured by horses 
and cows.” 

Of A. glawcum (Blue stem or Blue joint), considered by some to be 
a variety of the preceding, Professor Scribner writes: ‘‘ It is the most 
highly praised of the native grasses for hay. Wherever it occupies 
exclusively any large area of ground, as it does frequently in the 
lower districts, especially near Fort Benton, it is cut for hay. Naturally 
it does not yield a great bulk, but its quality is unsurpassed. After 
two or three cuttings the yield of hay diminishes so much that it is 
scarcely worth the harvesting. It is then customary to drag a short- 
toothed harrow over the sod, which breaks up the creeping roots or 
underground stems, and each fragment then makes a new plant.” 

Speaking of the genus in general in the United States, Mr. T. A. 
Williams says: ‘ These grasses mature early, and are the chief forage 
plants in the Western (U.S.A.) cattle districts, on which thrive the 
choice beeves which command fancy prices in the eastern markets. 
They have few equals among the grasses of the western prairies in the 
quantity or quality of forage produced, and should be cultivated and 
improved as much as possible.’” 

* Or rather A. pseudo-repens, Scribner and Smith, p. 34, Bulletin No. 4, ‘‘ Studies in 
American Grasses ”’ (1897). 


Habitat and range.—It is confined to New South Wales, Victoria, 
and Tasmania. In New South Wales it is common in many parts of 
the Monaro, chiefly on black soil flats, often in swampy land. It 
ascends to high altitudes (I have it from 5,000 to 6,000 feet on Mount 
Kosciusko). In Victoria it is confined to Northern Gippsland, in 
situations similar to those it frequents over the border of the northern 
colony. In Tasmania it is found in the Hampshire Hills, Thomas 
Plains, and Recherche Bay. 

Reference to Plate:—A, spikelet ; B, empty glume; c, back and front views of seed ; 
ali enlarged. 


Spikelets one-flowered, or in a species not Australian two-flowered, 
sessile, and half embedded in the alternate notches of a more or less 
articulate simple spike. 

Outer empty glumes two, one slightly overlapping the other on one 
side, or one only, appressed and covering the cavity, rigid and nerved. 

Flowering glume and palea shorter, thin, and hyalme, embedded in 
the cavity, the axis of the spikelet produced behind the palea mto 
a minute point, or bearing a small terminal empty glume. 

Styles short. 

Gra free from the glume. 

Annuals.—Outer glumes with about five prominent nerves. Axis of 
the spikelet produced into a minute point or bristle. 

Onter glumes of the lateral spikelets two ... eh a6 ae Le er anewunvatuse 
Outer glume of the lateral spikelets only one Me x, .. 2. Ly. cylindricus, 

1. Lepturus incurvatus, Trin. 

Botanical name.—Lepturus—Greek, leptos, slender ; owra, a tail, in 
allusion to the pointed rhachis; incurvatus—Latin, crooked or bowed, 
in allusion to the spikes. 

Botanical description (B. FI., vu, 668)—A tufted or branching 
annual of 3 inches to | foot, or rarely more, slender in the Australian 
specimens with very narrow leaves. 

Spikes nearly cylindrical, slender, 2 to 6 inches long, straight or curved. 
Outer glumes two, rigid, acute, usually five-nerved, about 3 lines long, placed in the 

lateral spikelets apparently side by side outside the rest of the spikelet, but 
one slightly overlapping.the other at the base. 

Flowering glume and fiower embedded in the cavity of the rhachis of the spike, the 
rhachis of the spikelet slightly produced behind the palea into a minute point 
sometimes almost obsolete. In the terminal spikelet the two outer glumes are 
normally exposed to each other. 

Value as a fodder.—Not known, but probably small. 

Habitat and range.—Found in South Australia, Victoria, and New 
South Wales. In the last Colony, in salt-marshes in the coast districts 
south from Parramatta to Victoria. Found also in the Mediterranean 
region ; also in India and New Zealand. 



2. Lepturus cylindricus, Trin. 

Botanical name.—Cylindricus—tLatin, cylindrical, in allusion to the 
Botanical description (B. Fl., vu, 668).— 

Habit and foliage of Z. incurvatus, in the Australian specimens usually shorter, more 
tufted, the /eaves not quite so narrow and the spikes rather thicker and more 
frequently curved ; but these differences are generally reversed in Mediterranean 

The terminal sprkelet and the internal structure of the others the same in the two 
species, but the ZL. cylindricus has always only one rigid five-nerved very 
pointed outer empty glume instead of the two of L. encurvatus. 

Value as a fodder—Not known, but probably small. 

Habitat and range.—Found in all the Colonies except Tasmania and 
Queensland. In New South Wales, from the coast district to the 
tableland, chiefly in salt-marshes, southwards from Liverpool Plains 
to Victoria, and westward to the Riverina. Found alsoin the Mediter- 
ranean region, South Africa, and Asia. 





Nore.—The botanical names of exotic grasses and the synonyms of the New South Wales species, 
also the names of fungi, are all in ttalics. 


Agaricus (Naucoria) frusticola, Berk. 5) 
Agaricus (Tubaria) pean ey vials 

ecbolus, ie ate 5 
Agaricus (Psallota) versipes, ‘Berk. 
Agropyrum (American species) ... Saehelo2 
Agropyrum pectinatum, Beauy. ... 17,191 
Agropyrum scabrum, Beauy. or 17; 190 
Agropyrum velutinum, Nees. Ae is Lgl 
Agrostis mula, R. Br. he ie seg ls 
Agrostis breviglumis, F.v.M. = We areal 2/6 
Agrostis canina, Linn. uP ae epee 
Agrostis frigida, F.v.M. _... sin jam S26 
Agrostis gelida, F.v.M. 7 shes oe Al) 
Agrostis montana, R. Br. ... ante Bene le) 
Agrostis Muelleri, Benth. ... Wa 16, 120 
Agrostis nivalis, F.v.M.  ... nat ie GAZ 
Agrostis ovata, Labill. es aoe Saeed 
Agrostis parviflora, R. Br. ... see eu LO 
Agrostis quadrifida, Labill.... ae fs. te lS 
Agrosis quadriseta, R. Br. ... wee ihe kD 
Agrostis rudis, Roem. et Schult. .., 126 
Agrostis scabra, Br. ... a 16, 120, 126 
Agrostis Solandri, F.v.M. ... ee 123, 124 
Agrostis venusta, Trin. : ae 16, 121 
Agrostis virginica, Linn. ... a Gee POO 
Aira cespitosa, Linn. ai ay Ae 9 
Aira caryophvllea, Linn, ... sa 16, 128 
Alang Alang fields... we te sist 84 
Aldroo . a Ey 3 site ia 76 
Aleppo Grass ... i oak ee aed 87 
Alkaline Grass fs sn aay See sets) 
Alopecurus geniculatus, Linn. His 16, 101 

Amphibromus Neesii, Steud. ess 
Amphipogon strictus, Br. ... is. 17, 140 
? Andropogon affinis, Br. oe 

Andropogon bombycinus, Br. ae 16, 81 
Andropogon contortus, Linn. a ae 70 
_ Andropogon erianthoides, F.v.M.. 16, 77 
Avena filiformis, Labill. ... ve 124 
} Andropogon filipendulinus, Hoch. en 82 
Andropogon Gryllus, Linn. ... <a an 84 
Andropogon halepensis, Sibth. aa a 87 
Andropogon intermedius, Br. 16, 80 
Andropogon lachnatherus, Benth.. 16, 82 
Andropogon micranthus, Kunth. ... a0 85 
Andropogon montanus, Roxb. se oy 85 

Andropogon pertusus, Willd. 
Andropogon punctatus, Roxb. is sie 
Avena quadriseta, Labill. ... st Sie b25 
Andropogon refractus, Br. ... i 

Andropogon sericeus, Br. Se 
Anisopogon ayenaceus, Br. ... ae 16, 132 
Anthistiria avenacea, F, Muell. .., vw 16,93 

Anthistiria ciliata, Linn. 

Anthistiria membranacea, Lindl. 

Anthoxanthum crintum, Labill. 
Apluda aristata, Linn. 

Apluda mutica, Linn. 

Apluda varia, Hackel 
Aristida arenaria, Gaudich. .., 
Aristida Behriana, F. Muell. 
Aristida calycina, Br. : 
Aristida depressa, Retz. 

Aristida dispersa, Trin. et Rupr. 

Aristida leptopoda, Benth. .. 
Aristida stipoides, Br. 
Aristida ramosa, Br. ... 
Aristida vagans, Cav. 

Arthraxon ciliare, oe var. 

Arundinella nepalensis, Drin: 
Arundo phragmites, Linn. ... 
Arundo semiannularis, Labill. 
Arundo triodoides 

Astrebla elymoides, F.v.M. and Bail. 

Astrebla pectinata, F.v.M.. 
Astrebla pectinata ; 
Astrebla triticoides, F. Muell. 
Austrahan Millet Bes 
Avena jiliformis 

Avena quadriseta 

Bamboo Grass... 
Barcoo Grass ... 
Barley Grass ... 
Barnyard Grass 5 
Bastard Mitchell Gr ass 
Beard Grass— 


Twisted ‘ 
Beardy Grass ... 
Bent Grass— 



Bermuda Grass 
Blady Grass 
Blue Grass , 
Blue Oat Grass 
Blue Star Grass a, 
Blue Tussock or Tussac Grass 
Bottle-glass Fox-tail .. 
Bowat ... pee, rae 

var. elymoides 


112, 187 
re 2 
49, 5B, 188 

Brome Grass, Sea-side she sah wee al 8S 
Bromus arenarius, Labill. ... nae iO; LST 
Brown-top... le sine eis ie 76 

Buffalo Grass ... aa aa ae: Bale 63 
Bunch Spear-Grass_ ... as ace é 70 
Burr-Grass : Ae ate eee ae 

Hillside ad ce ce ge sa 57 

Large a oe ir 56 5c 57 
Scrub te bs i oe we 57 
Small rs ee ae Be Pat 64 
Buzzard Grass.. ate a as at AES 

Cane Grass ba ae 46 157, 187 
Canary Grass ... eae Be a Ste i 

Carpet Grass ... ee & sea) GO 
Cenchrus australis, B. Br. os a 1d, 57 
Cerebelia andropogonis, Ces, fi red 71 
Cerebella paspah, Cke. & Mass... i 19 
Chameraphis paradoxa, Poir. 15, 59 
Chameraphis spinescens, Poir, 15, 58 
Chemical Analyses of Grasses Bie fe 3 
Chilian Grass ... Te ae a 160 
Chloris acicularis, Linea cs re 17, 152 

Chloris Roxburghiana, Edgew. Nie ie) AS 
Chloris scariosa, F. Muell. ... ayy, 

Chloris truncata, Br.. Bi alee 
Chloris ventricosa, Br. ae 17, 1538 
Chetomium elatum, Kze. ... es 5a 5 
Chrysopogon Gryllus, i bgiialepee Ps 16, 84 
Chrysopogon nutans, Benth. <r ee 86 
Chrysopogon parvitlonus, Benth. 16, 85 
Chrysopogon parviflorus, var. flavescens ... 85 
Chrysopogon parviflorus, var. spicigera ... 86 
Chrysopogon ‘serrulatus, rin: mie Asn 86 
Chrysopogon violascens, Trin. ae ae 85 
Coarse Mitchell Grass Ye. as daiys ES 
Coast Couch Grass... ae — as 63 
Cockatoo Grass a was 453 sid 33 
Cock’s-foot Grass... a a ails 38 
Comet Grass ... wit 5 she ch 68 
Common Fox-tail .. Restores 41) 
Coniosporiuminquinas, D.R. ‘& Mont., W.A. 167 
Conservation of Native Grasses _... 2 
Cooly ... at ae ai nde 49 
Corkscrew Grass ae ee sani me 5 
Cotton Grass .., me sire aon oh 32 
Couch Grass ... ane wake ik ca CP RISO 
Couch Grass, Coast ... a nih ae 63 
Couch Grass, pee. ‘se ae R; 63 
‘Cow Grass... a sits +7 18 
Crab Grass _... ae a 29, 155 
Creeping Beard Grass has ‘as sie 53 
Crop Grass... on sae oat wit (WkS55 
Crow-foot Grass , a, ae 38, 155 
Crow-foot Grass, small ae sa a oye 
Cuba Grass... an aif 88 
Cultivation of Native Grasses ae 3; 1 
Cynodon dactylon, Pers. ... ait 1785 

Dactyloctenium aegyptiacum, Willd. et. ONSA 
Danthonia Anisopogon : be ote BNS2 
Danthonia Archeri, Hook, f. sed eed WAT 
Danthonia bipartita, F. Muell. , 16, 135 
Danthonia carphoides, F, Muell. ... 16, 135 

Danthonia longifolia, Br. 
Danthonia nervosa, F.v.M. ... 
Danthonia pallida, Br. 
Danthonia paradoxa, Br. 
Danthonia pauciflora, Br. ... 
Danthonia penicillata F.v.M. 
Danthonia pilosa, Br. : 
Danthonia racemosa, Br. ... 
Danthonia robusta, F, Muell. 
Danthonia semiannularis, Br. 
Danthonia setacea 
Deleterious Grasses— 

Paspalum scrobiculatum, Linn. 


Stipa.. - 
esthauipees cxspitosa, Beauv. 
Deyeuxia Billardieri, Kunth. 
Deyeuxia breviglumis, Benth 
Deyeuxia Forsteri, Kunth. ... 
Deyeuxia frigida, F. Muell.... 
Deyeuxia montana, Benth. ... 
Deyeuxia nivalis, Benth. 
Deyeuxia plebeja, Benth. 
Deyeuxia quadriseta, Benth. 
Deyeuxia scabra, Benth. 
Dichelachne crinita, Hook, f. 
Dichelachne sciurea, Hook, f. 
Diplachne fusea, Beauv... 
Diplachne loliiformis, F. Muell. 
Disarrenum antarcticum, Labill. 
Distichlis maritima, Rafin. ... 
Ditch Millet 
Dog’s-tooth Grass 
Doub Grass 
Drop-seed Grass 
Dutch Grass 

Karly Spring Gras 
Echinopogon ovatus, Beauv. 
Kctrosia leporina, Br. 
Egyptian Finger Grass 
Hhrharta juncea, Spreng. ... 
Ehrharta stipoides, Labill. ... 
Eleusine egyptica, Pers. 
Eleusine chinensis, ¥.v.M. 
Hleusine cruciata, Lam. 
Hleusine digitata, Spreng. 
Eleusine indica, Gertn 

Elytrophorus articulatus, Beauv. ‘ 

Epichlie cinerea, Berk. & Br. 
Eragrostis abyssinica, Link.... 
Eragrostis Brownii, Nees... 
Eragrostis chetophylla, Steud. 
Eragrostis diandra, Steud. ... 
Eragrostis eriopoda, Benth. 
Eragrostis falcata, Gaudich... 
Eragrostis lacunaria, F. Muell. 
Eragrostis laniflora, Benth. . 
Eragrostis leptostachya, Steud. 

Eragrostis megalosperma, F. Muell. 

Eragrostis nigra, Nees 
Eragrostis pilosa, Beauv. 
Eragrostis setifolia, Nees 
Eragrostis tenella, Beauv. ... 
Eriachne aristidea, F. Muell. 

16, 136 
a Gee 
16, 136 
16, 134 
16, 139 
"136, 137, 138 
16, 138 
16, 137 
16, 136 
16, 138 

Eriachne mucronata, Br. 

Eriachne obtusa, Br.. 

Eriachne pallida, F. Muell.. 
Brianthus fulvus, Benth. 

Eriochloa annulata, Kunth.. 

Briochloa polystachya, Humb. & Kth. 
Eriochloa punctata, Hamilt. oa 
Esparto “Ae 

Evergreen M illet 

Ever lasting Grass 

Feather Grass, Nodding 
Festuca Billardieri, Steud. ... 
Festuca distichophylla, Hook. f. 
Festuca duriuscula, Linn. 
Festuca Hookeriana, F.v.M. 
Festuca littoralis, Labill. 
Festuca ovina, Linn. ... 
Festuca scabra, Labill. 
Finger Grass ... 
Finger Grass, Eeyptian 
Finger Grass, Hairy ... 
Figures of Grasses 
Floating Manna Grass 
Floating Fox-tail Grass 
Fly-away Grass 
Fool Hay : 
Fox-tail, Bottle Grass 
Fox-tail Grass— 





Fungi on Grasses 

Ghohona Grass 

Gigantic Couch 

Glyceria filuitans, R. Be. 

Glyceria Fordeana, F. Muell. 

Glyceria latispicea, F. Muell. 

Glyceria ramigera, F. Muell. 

Goose Grass .. 

Gracemere Star Grass_ 

Grasses for Special Purposes 

Grasses reputed Medicinal .. 
Paspalum distichum, Linn. 


Gulf Grass, Red 

Hair Grass... 

Hair Grass, Tufted 

Hairy Finger Grass ... 

Hard Fescue ‘e 

Hare’s-tail Grass 

Hemarthria compressa, R. Br. 
Heterepogon contortus, R. et 8. 
Mierochloé borealis 

Hierochloe rariflora, Hook, iB 
Hierochloe redolens, R. Br. 
Hillside Burr Grass .. 

Ffolcus odoratus : aa ae 
Hungarian Millet... OO ao 

Hypocr eat (Hypoer ella) axillaris, Cooke .. 


“17, 188 

Imperata arundinacea, Cyr. i 1G e8S 
Jsachne australis, Br, : Bt 164 
Isariagrauminiperda ; var. fucifor mis, Berk. 5 
Ischemum australe, Br. z . 15, 72 
Ischemum ciliare, Retz; podo- 
stachyum, Benth ... .. 15, 73 
Ischemum laxum, Br. si HS, 7A. 
Ischeemum pectinatum, Trin. 9, 15, 73 
Ischemum triticeum, Br. 15, 72 
Japanese Lawn Grass 63 
Jil-crow-a-berry 160 
Johnson Grass 87 
Joint Grass 20 
Kangaroo Grass §1, 93 
NG Ss : 4} 
Knee-jointed Fox-tail Grass _ 101 
Knot Grass 2 20 
Koda Millet 18, 20 
Kuri 36 
Landsborough Grass ... 94. 
Lappago racemosa, Willd 15, 64 
Large Burr Grass oF 
Lawn Grass, Japanese 63 
Leersia hexandra, Swartz. 16, 97 
Leocarpus fragilis, Dicks. 5 
Leptochloa chinensis, Nees.... yes 7 
Leptochloa subdigitata, Trin. PRN 57 
Lepturus cylindricus, Trin. 17, 194 
Lepturus incurvatus, Trin. ... 17, 193 
Lesser Star Grass 152 
Long-hair Plume Grass 118 
Mackay Sugar Grass 69 
Manna Grass ... 29, 185 
Manna Grass, Floating 185 
Marram Grass. 60 
Mat Grass Bh 69 
Meadow Rice Grass ... G9 
Microleena stipoides, R. Br. 16, 99 
Millet (with various prefixes) 88 
Millet, Ditch ; 18 
Millet, Evergreen ... 87 
Millet, Hungarian... 5d 
Millet, Koda 18, 20 
Millet, Native 49 
Millet, Sea-side 20 
Millet, Swamp 164 
Mitchell. Grass 143, 144 
Mitchell Grass, Bastard 76 
Mitchell Grass, Coarse 143 
Monoi ... oe re 82 
Mulga Grass 66, 137 
Native Millet .. 49 
Needle Grass ... 69 
Neurachne alopecuroides, R. Br. 15, 66 
Neurachne Mitchelliana, Nees 15, 66 
Neurachne Munroi, F, Muell. 15, 67 
Nodding Feather Grass 99 
Number Nine Grass ... 110 

Oat Grass sing 

Oat Grass, Blue 5 

Oat Grass, Purple-awned 

Oat Grass, Spiked 

Oat Grass, Tall 

Oo-kin . 

Oplismenus Bur manni, Beauv. 
Oplismenus compositus, Beauv. 
Oplismenus compositus, var. setarius 
Oplismenus setarius, R. et Sch. 

Panicum adspersum, Trin. .. 
Panicum ammophilum, F.v.M. 
Panicum atrovirens, Trin. 
Panicum Baileyi, Benth. 
Panicum bicolor, R. Br. 
Panicum ciliare, Retz : 
Panicum ccenicolum, F. Muell. 
Panicum colonum, Linn. 
Panicum crus-galli, Linn. 
Panicum decompositum, R. Br. 
Panicum distachyum, Linn. 
Panicum divaricatissimum, R. Br... 
Panicum effusum, R. Br. 
Panicum flavidum, Retz. 
Panicum foliosum, R. Br. 
Panicum gracile, R. Br. ... 
Panicum helopus, Trin. 
Panicum imbecille 

Panicum indicum, Linn. 
Panicum ievinode, Lindl. 
Panicum leucopheum, H.B.K. 
Paspalum littorale, R. Br. 
Panicum macractinum, Benth. 
Panicum marginatum, R. Br. 
Panicum melananthum, F. Muell.... 
Panicum Mitchelli, Benth. .. 
Panicum obseptum, Trin. 
Paspalum orbiculare, Forst. 
Panicum paludosum, Roxb. 
Panicum parviflorum, R. Br. 
Pamcum paradoxum, R. Br. 
Panicum prolutum, F. Muell. 
Panicum pygmeum, R. Br. 
Panicum radiatum, R. Br. «.. 
Panicum repens, Linn. : 
Panicum reversum, F. Muell. 
Panicum sanguinale, Linn. ... 
Panicum semialatum, R. Br. 
Panicum spectalile ‘ 
Panicum spinescens, R. By.... 
Panicum tenwiflorum, R. Br. 
Panicum tenuissimum, Benth. 
Panicum trachyrhachis, Benth. 
Panicum uncinulatum, R. Br. 
Pappophorum avenaceum, Lindl. .. 
Pappophorum commune, F.v.M. 
Pappophorum nigricans, R. Br. 
Parramatta Grass 

Paspalum brevifolium, Fluegge, 
Paspalum distichum, Linn, . 
Paspalum littorale, R. Br. 
Paspalum minutiflorum, Steud. 
Paspalum orbiculare Forst. ... sed 
Paspalum scrobiculatum, Linn, 




. 93, 132, 188 

Pawpa ... 

Pennisetum compressum, B. ‘Br. 

Pennisetum japonicum, Trin. 

Pentapogon Billardieri, R. Br. 

Perotis latifolia, Ait.... 
Perotis rara, R. Br. ... 
Phoma graminis, West 
Phoma nitida, Roxb.... 
Phragmites communis, Trin. 
Phyllachora graminis, Pers. 
Pigeon Grass ... : 500 
Plume Grass, Long- hair 
Plume Grass, Short-hair 

Poa uustralis ... ae 

Poa cespitosa, Forst. 

Pow flutans, Scop. ... 5 
Poa Fordeana, F.v.M. 

Poa latispicea, F.v.M. 

Poa lepida, F. Muell. 

Poa nodosa, Nees. 

Poa ramigera, F.v.M. 
Pollinia Cummingii, Nees. ... 
Pollinia fulva, Benth. 
Porcupine Grass 

Potamophila parviflora, R. Br. 

Prickly Couch Grass.. 2 
Psamma arenaria, R. & 8. =i 
Puccinia phragmites, Schum. 
Purple-awned Oat Grass 
Purple-topped Grass .. 

Quack Grass... se 

Rat-tail Grass... 
ediGnasse a en 

Red Gulf Grass 
Red-ribbed Grass 

Reed Grass 

Resin on a Grass 
Ribbony Grass 

Rice Grass 

Rice Grass, Meadow... 
Rockhampton Hay Grass 
Rockhampton Star Grass 
Rolling Grass, Spiny... 
Roly-poly Grass hes 
Rooi Grass 

Rottbellia compressa, “Beauv, 
Rough Bearded Grass 
Rough Bent Grass 

St. Augustine Grass .. 
Salt Grass , 

Satin-top : 
Satin-topped Grass 
Scented Grass.. 

Schedonorus Hookerianus, Benth . 

Schedonorus littoralis, Beauv. 
Sclerospora macrospora, Sace. 
Scrub Burr Grass 4 

Sea-coast Grass Me, Sere 
Seaside Brome Grass... ne 
Seaside Millet... Aa ROE 
Septoria bromi, Sacc.. ai 

Setaria glauca, Beauv. 
Setaria macrostachya, H.B. K, 

> > Se eee 

ort-hair Plume Grass 
mder Bent Grass ... 
k Grass ‘ 
t Grass 
ver Grass 
rghum halepense, Pers. 
rghum plumosum, Beauv. 
rghum vulgare 
Fosporium er iachnes, Thun. 
ur Grass ae 
aall Burr Grass : 
joall Crow-foot Grass 

aut Grass 
year Grass ... 
year Grass, Bach. 
pherella gr aminicola, Fekl. 
vider Grass ... 3 : 
J iked Bent Grass 
vike Grass... ~ 
viked Oat Grass 
yinifex hirsutus, Labill 
yinifex par adoxus, Benth.. 
yiny Rolling Grass ... 

jorobolus diander, Beauv.. 
y0robolus elongatus . 
oorobolus indicus, Br. ae 
norobolus Lindleyi, Benth, 
sorobolus pulchellus, Br: 
oorobolus ee ae Kunth. 
joring Grass, Karly . 

punaria alba, Bull. . 
tar Grass 
itar Grass, Blue 
tar Grass, Gracemere 
tar Grass, Lesser =u 
tar Grass, Rockhampton ... 
tar Grass, Tall 

‘tipa aristiglumis, F. Muell. 
tipa Dichelachne, Steud. 
tipa elegantissima, Labill . 
itipa flavescens, Labill. 
itipa inebrians, "Hance 
itipa micrantha, Cav. 

‘tipa pennata .. 

itipa petriet, Buchanan 
otipa pubescens, R. Br, 
ptipa scabra, Lindl. 

ptipa setacea, R. Br.. 
stipa sibirica Lam. 
otipa spartea ae 
Wtipa tenacissima ‘ 
istipa Tuckeri, F.v. M. 
Stipa verticillata, Nees 
‘Stipa viridula, Trin. . 
Sugar Grass 
Sugar Grass, Mackay _ 
Summer Grass ec 
‘Summer Grass, Warrego 
‘Swamp Fax- tail Grass 
‘Swamp Millet... 

yorobolus actinocladus, F. “Muell. 

fenotaphrum americanum, Schrank. 

‘tipa semibarbata, R. 'Br., and var, mollis 16, 


Tall Oat Grass 

Tall Star Grass oe 
Tetrarrhena juncea, R. Br. 

Theeaphoria inquinans, B & Br. 

Themeda Forskalit, Hackel .. 
Themela gigantea, Hackel 
Tickle Grass ane 
{Tea hl Seas nee 
Toothed Bent Grass ey. 
Tragus racemosa, Desf. 
Triodia irritans, R. Br. 
Triodia microdon, F.v.M. 
Triodia Mitchelli, Benth. 
Triodia pungens 

Triraphis microdon, Benth.. 
Triraphis mollis, R. Br. 
Trisetum subspicatum, Beauv. 
Triticum pectinatum, R. Br. 
Triticum scabrum, R. Br. 
Triticum velutinum 

Tufted Hair Grass 
Turpentine Grass ___... 
Tussock or Tussac Grass, Blue 
Twisted Beard Grass... 
Two-finger Grass 

Umbrella Grass 

Uniola distichophylla, ‘Labill.. 
Ustilago australis, Cooke. 
Ustilago bromivora, Waldh. 
Ustilago Cesati, Waldh. . 
Ustilago destruens, Schlecht. 
Ustilago segetwm, Bull. 
Ustilago Tepperi, Lud. 

Vandyke Grass 
Vilfa tenacissima 
Vilfa virginica 

Wallaby Grass : 
Warrego Summer-Grass 
Water Couch . 

Water Fox- tail Grass.. 
Water Grass a 
Weeping Grass i 
Wet lands, Grasses for 
Wheat Grass.. an 
White-topped Grass ... 
Wild Oats ie NG 
Windmill Grass 
Winter Grass ... 

Wire Grass 

Wiry Grass. ; 
W oolly- headed Grass. 

Yak-ka-Berry... oe bee 
Yard Grass... ae F 
Yellow Fox-tail wee 

Zacate ... bt 
Zoysia pungens, “Willd. 




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