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JLhis is an authentic story of the life 
and work of Mary Baker Eddy, the Dis 
coverer and Founder of Christian Sci 
ence as written by Dr. Lyman P. Powell 
while he was actively serving as a rector 
of a Protestant Episcopal church in New 
York City. For many years prior to the 
writing of this book, which was origi 
nally published in 1930, Dr. Powell had 
been collecting material both favorable 
and adverse to Mrs. Eddy and the 
Church she founded. In addition, The 
Christian Science Board of Directors of 
The Mother Church, The First Church 
of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massa 
chusetts made available for Dr. Powell s 
study, thousands of papers and letters 
to which no biographer had previously 
had access. The result is u sympathetic 
study, notable for its honesty and sin 
cere appreciation of this remarkable re 
ligious leader. 



Baker Eddy 


SEP J960 


Copyright 1930 by The Christian Science Board of Directors. 


Used by permission. 

Mary Baker Eddy 

A Life Size Portrait 



The Christian Science Publishing Society 
Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A. 

Copyright, 1930, 1950, by 

The Christian Science Publishing Society 

Boston, Massachusetts 

Copyright in the United States of America, 
Canada, England, France, and other countries. 

All rights reserved, including the right of re 
production in whole or in part in any form. 

All quotations in this book are duly copyrighted in the 
United States of America, Canada, England, France, and 
other foreign countries and are used by permission of the 
copyright owners: namely, The Christian Science Board 
of Directors of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in 
Boston, Massachusetts; the Trustees under the Will of 
Mary Baker G. Eddy; and the Board of Trustees of The 
Christian Science Publishing Society. 

Library of Congress Catalogue Card No. 51-544 
Printed in U. S. A. 






6 1 6 b -1 b 

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make 
you free. John 8:32 

And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for 
that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ 
Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do 
unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure. 

Mary Baker Eddy 

I love the prosperity of Zion, be it promoted by 
Catholic, by Protestant, or by Christian Science. 
... I would no more quarrel with a man because 
of his religion than I would because of his art. 

Mary Baker Eddy 

If this . . . work be of men, it will come to nought: 
But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it. 

Acts 5:38, 39 

This biography of Mary Baker Eddy by Dr. 
Lyman P. Powell has been approved by The 
Christian Science Board of Directors for sale 
or use in Christian Science Reading Rooms. It 
is a fair and intelligent account of Mrs. 
Eddy s life and an estimate of her work by 
an author who is not a Christian Scientist 
but who, as a minister of another Christian 
denomination^ has observed her career and 
the development of its results for many 
years. Such a book by an independent bi 
ographer, who has sought information at its 
natural sozirces, should be of particular in 
terest to persons who have heard or read ac 
counts of Mrs. Eddy by speakers or writen 
who were not correctly informed or were 
actuated by hostility. Dr. Powell s con 
clusions as well as his narrations are en^ 
tirely his own. 



Prologue 1 


I A Challenge 25 

II A Rich Girlhood 52 

III Finding Herself 72 

IV Building the Book 106 

V Founder 140 

VI At Pleasant View 170 

VII "The Full Grain in the Ear" . . . . 211 

VIII "By Their Fruits" 244 

Twenty Years After 266 

Notes 273 

Index 319 

Mary Baker Eddy Frontispiece 


Dedicated in 1895 30 

The Mother Church 46 

Sunrise at Bow 62 

Earliest Known Picture of Mrs. Eddy ... 78 

Mary Baker Eddy 94 

Mrs. Eddy as She Looked at Lynn and Stoughton 

About 1867 110 

Number 8, Broad Street, Lynn 126 

Mrs. Eddy in the Early Days at Boston . . . 142 
The Portrait of Mrs. Eddy Painted in Her Latest 

Years 158 

Mrs. Eddy Speaking, June, 1903, from the Balcony 

of Pleasant View to 10,000 Christian Scientists 174 
Mrs. Eddy Leaving Pleasant View for Her Daily 

Drive 190 

Returning to Pleasant View 206 

The Chestnut Hill Residence 222 

Mrs. Eddy s Study, Chestnut Hill 238 

The Leader in Her Chestnut Hill Days . . . 254 



NOWHERE is Thanksgiving Day so meaningful as 
in New England where the day originated. To 
the Rector of St. John s Episcopal Church in 
Northampton, Massachusetts, Thanksgiving Day, 1906, 
proved to be unwontedly significant. Long more or less 
interested in Christian Science, this interest had a year 
before been accentuated by the discovery, which many 
other clergymen were making, that as a rule conventional 
Christians who came under the influence of Christian 
Science were likely to fall away from whatever church to 
which they might previously have been more or less at 
tached, in order to give full allegiance to the new faith. 

In American religious life there was then nothing 
quite so puzzling as this new phenomenon. Few outside 
Christian Science knew how to account for it, and not 
all within, even with the best intentions, appeared able 
to interpret it with understanding to the average man. 
The vocabulary of Christian Science sounded strange in 
his ears. Its teachings required closer consideration than 
he could give them. The problems it presented were 
more intellectual than emotional. They had to be thought 
out, and of course no clergyman could shift his thinking 
to anybody else. 

In many a pulpit, sermons in explanation were preached 
which did not explain. The pulpit did perhaps the best 
it could in such a novel situation. But it rarely knew 
enough, and did not know it did not know. About 
the only thing concerning which the more thoughtful 


preachers agreed was that there were certain differences 
of opinion between Christian Science and other folds in 
regard to philosophy and theology; and between Christian 
Science and medicine radical differences in theory and 
practice which it appeared useless to attempt to reconcile. 

The Rector of St. John s preached no specific sermon 
on Christian Science. When in the pulpit he mentioned 
it at all, it was usually in casual praise. He had another 
way in his opinion more effective of dealing with a 
situation for which nothing in his theological training 
could prepare a minister in that day to deal. Having a 
church at the center of the biggest woman s college in 
the world, and a considerable representation of "gown" 
as well as "town" in his congregation, the Rector of 
St. John s wrote for his flock alone, a booklet in which 
he set forth what he believed to be the virtues as well 
as the defects of a faith which, for practical purposes, 
had suddenly emerged above the American horizon. 

The booklet appeared on November 15, 1906. It 
began with the comparison, which the author still deems 
sound, of Christian Scientists with Apostolic Christians: 

Some of the purest souls alive today are Christian Scientists. 
They have done much good. They have helped the sick, 
reclaimed the prodigal, brought surcease to many a sorrow, tem 
pered men s asperities and given a sense of unity and harmony 
where before were disunity and discord. To an age grown 
weary and impatient of dogmatism, . . . Christian Scientists have 
brought something of the warmth and glow, the freshness and 
the spontaneity, the poise and the sincerity, the gladness and the 
otherworldliness which suffused the Apostolic age and made it 
all alive with spiritual power. If Christianity is true, it is joyously, 
stupendously true. It is so true that all other truths in life seem 
but partial or secondary by its side. 


The early Christians gave proof at every turn that theirs was 
a faith somewhat like this. They "did eat their meat with glad 
ness and singleness of heart." They lived above life s fret and 
turmoil. They won and kept the peace which passeth knowledge. 
They endured whatever came their way, as seeing Him who is 
invisible. They lived for Jesus Christ, and him alone. Knit 
together "in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and 
charity," they went out to win the world to Christ. . . . 

Christian Scientists have many of the marks of Apostolic days 
upon them. Some of them are a protest . . . against the world- 
liness and the ecclesiasticism which afflict the church, and the 
materialism and meanness which constitute a continuous menace 
to the world. They furnish men proof positive and peace- 
bringing, that where there is a will there is a way to live the 
spirit s life against all odds. 

In response to a copy of the booklet sent in courtesy 
to the Committee on Publication 1 of The First Church 
of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, a letter of acknowledgment 
written in a kindly spirit was received in Northampton, 
on Thanksgiving morning. Its closing paragraph begins: 
"It is a mystery why you clergymen do not recognize 
the beauty of Christian Science and recommend it unre 
servedly to your followers." 

Scarcely had the Rector finished his Thanksgiving 
dinner before he was dictating an eight-page letter in 
reply so indicative of the author s attitude at the time 
that it is here quoted freely: 

To say that I am interested in your letter is to speak with 
moderation. I am delighted with it because its friendliness and 
open-mindedness make it possible for me to hope that you and 
I may have a freer and a franker talk about the subject . . . than 
newspaper columns permit. 

... I do believe that the spokesmen for Christian Science are 
trying to make their position clear to the great world. ... I 


gladly express abhorrence of all that business of a month ago 
when an aged woman s privacy was so rudely invaded to make 
newspaper "copy." I ... yield to no one in my admiration 
for the singular purity and nobility of many Christian Science 
characters, and in my sincere gratitude for the great good that 
has been done. May I go farther and say that every day my 
conviction deepens that God has called Christian Science to do 
a work of more significance than can possibly be foreseen? 

There are three contributions Christian Science is making to 
the world . . . : 

1. It is turning the thoughts of men back to the power the 
mind spiritualized has over the body. The doctors have neglected 
this truth to a great extent, the Christian Churches almost alto 
gether. Christian Science is forcing the truth on the minds of 
men, and in another decade, I believe, thanks largely to Christian 
Science, every church will emphasize what it now neglects. 

2. It is turning men and women into Bible readers and thus 
bringing them as no other set of people are to the very source 
of spiritual life. Nothing can be more important than that, and 
no later than last Sunday I paid glad tribute in my pulpit to 
Christian Science for this service and called my people to a new 
and more devout reading of the Bible every day. 

3. It is restoring something of Apostolic spontaneity and 
serenity and devotion to an ideal and of attendance on church 
services to our time sadly in need of it; and of this too I spoke 
last Sunday to my people. It is this especially that makes me 
feel that God has a good and great work for Christian Science 
in this land. 

Why then do we clergymen, as you inquire, "not recognize 
the beauty of Christian Science and recommend it unreservedly" 
to our followers? I will tell you ... in the same friendliness 
and frankness which characterize your good letter. 

Then follows a detailed statement of the honest differ 
ences of opinion, as the Rector understood them, between 
the orthodox church and Christian Science in regard to 
the inner meanings of philosophy, the essentials of theol- 


ogy, and the significance of the sacramental system to 
which Episcopalians are committed. But points of agree 
ment may, on wiser reflection, claim and reward close 
examination far more than absorption in dispute over 
differences. It was for these the Rector looked. He said, 
"I want to praise. I want to find some common ground 
on which we both can stand." 

As the Rector was then writing much on new develop 
ments in religion for the Review of Reviews, Good 
Housekeeping, and also various weekly joarnals, he 
expressed the hope that it might be made possible for 
him to interpret Christian Science aright to the general 
reading public at a time when snap judgments were per 
haps too frequent. 

No more courteous reply could have been made to 
this overture than the one received from the Committee 
on Publication on December 5, 1906, and the friendly 
relationship then begun has proved, at least to the author, 
advantageous, as through the years he has been making 
preparations, unconsciously but nevertheless steadily, for 
the writing of the present book. 

That winter the McClure^s articles on Mary Baker 
Eddy began to appear. On their face, they seemed to 
bear evidence of the same will to investigate which 
characterized the serials running, during the first years 
of this century, in the magazines, concerning the past 
of big business and big business men. "Debunking" was 
the order of the day, and for a time few knew but that 
it might be their turn next. The Rector s interest in 
Christian Science, already keen, was further whetted by 
a publisher s suggestion that he prepare a volume which 
would answer some of the questions which he had raised 


in his parish booklet, at a time when the average reader 
had little choice between books of adulation and of con 
demnation. He accepted the commission with a strong 
desire to produce something which would deserve the 
judgment actually accorded his work, when it finally 
appeared, by the Springfield Republican: "A fair-minded 
and judicial interpretation of Christian Science by one 
who is neither its assailant nor its defender." 

In the course of his preparation for the writing of the 
book, he tried to check up by interviews and letters as 
many of the statements as possible then appearing in the 
press. On his quest he visited various places. The corre 
spondence which, in some cases, he started, continued 
after the book was published, and today constitutes evi 
dence the more convincing because the letters were sent 
avowedly to help the author to write with understanding. 
His correspondents expressed themselves the more spon 
taneously and freely because never once were they asked 
to make affidavits. 

As a critic has written the author, much of the testimony 
of that period was one-sided. Out of the obscurity of 
small-town life, some of the witnesses not all emerged 
into a nation-wide notoriety, the enjoyment of which 
they made no effort to conceal. Not in every instance, 
dryly observes a critic, were "they the kind of sources 
we would have chosen." Such as seemed accessible were 
reported to have been interviewed; sometimes also their 
affidavits were taken. 

Just as the author was wondering how he could possibly 
discover witnesses closer to Mrs. Eddy and more compe 
tent to testify, he received on May 4, 1907, a courteous 
letter from the Committee on Publication in Boston, 


which opened the way for a discussion of some of the 
problems involved. 

But the summer of 1907 was not a favorable time for 
the author to collect material. Growth within and public 
clamor without had thrust so many new and unexpected 
duties upon all persons in any way engaged in Christian 
Science work, that granting to such an insistent investi 
gator as the author all the time and help he wished was 
physically impossible. 

Besides, most of the materials now available were yet 
to be collected; for it was not until the latter part of 1907, 
that there began the systematic and comprehensive mobi 
lizing of the data, which at first consisted of Mrs. Eddy s 
letters to church officers. No special need for the materials 
had been foreseen; or, for that matter, could have been. 
As always Mrs. Eddy s attention was concentrated on 
things she counted of more spiritual import than the 
compilation of information concerning herself. Some of 
the letters, which perhaps the author might have seen, 
had come without expectation of their publication; and 
the mere routine of getting from various quarters per 
mission for their use in a book would have taken time 
and care not then available to a staff already overworked. 2 

Although the "Next Friends Suit" did not come up in 
court until August, 1907, the action had months before 
been brought, and through the entire spring preparation 
to meet it was taxing every heart and mind in any way 
concerned. Owing to complete and inevitable failure to 
understand the conditions surrounding Mrs. Eddy, the 
author was persistently pressing her people for definite, 
even documentary, information; to which he added the 
request that, in company with the venerable Edward 


Everett Hale, he be allowed at her convenience to pay a 
call on Mrs. Eddy. 

The hesitation and reluctance which the Committee 
on Publication showed to take steps for the granting of 
a request which seemed to the author altogether reasonable, 
he did not understand. In his much writing, his habit 
had always been to go in every instance to the supreme 
source. Diplomatists and United States Senators, Presi 
dents and Prime Ministers had opened wide their doors 
to him. In preparing, shortly before, his Historic Towns 
of New England,, such men as President Charles William 
Eliot, Colonel Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Edward 
Everett Hale, and a score of other eminent New Eng- 
landers had personally assisted him. Why Mrs. Eddy s 
door should be the only one in all New England which 
would not open to him, puzzled the author. 

Now he understands. The circumstances that year 
were beyond even Mrs. Eddy s control. Long one of 
the busiest women in the world, Mrs. Eddy had already 
been obliged to write her Boston representative, "I shall 
not be subject to interviews and you must not subject 
me to them. My time is worth more for good than to risk 
its misuse or to be so used by others." 3 

In due season, the author s book appeared. The preface 

Christian Science has long engaged my interest. For years I 
discouraged none who sought its healing ministry. The undis- 
criminating censure visited upon it in apparent ignorance or 
prejudice made no impression on me. The desire Christian Scien 
tists were constantly expressing to be judged by their fruits 
seemed to me to be both Christian and scientific. 

In the copious notes of reference to his sources at the 


end of the book, the statement was inserted that he had 
"spared no effort to find all the evidence there is." He 
took pains also to announce that he would stand ready 
to revise the book, should new evidence come to light 
at any time to make revision necessary in the interest 
of truth. 

During the years that followed, his appreciation of 
Christian Science grew, along with his amazement that 
no presentation, fully documented and satisfying to critic 
as to public, was in print touching a woman who had a 
record to her credit of more extraordinary and benignant 
things in life than any other woman in the history of 
the world. He had in fact to wait until 1930 to find that 
Mrs. Eddy, with characteristic wisdom, had once observed 
that neither the time nor the person had come to write 
her life story. 

The year 1910 brought to the author s eye many edi 
torial appreciations which were evoked by Mrs. Eddy s 
passing. As he now looks back across the twenty years 
which have since intervened, he believes he then took 
a distinct step forward in understanding her personality 
and achievements. 

Selected the next year by the editors of the Schaff- 
Herzog Encyclopaedia of Religious Literature to write a 
judicial estimate, to be published midway between articles 
of commendation and of criticism of Mrs. Eddy and her 
faith, his article closed with this paragraph: 

The public has no longer any disposition to deny that from 
the standpoint of achievement Mrs. Eddy stood alone among the 
women of the world. . . . Mrs. Eddy and her followers have 
identified themselves as have no others in the world with the 
religious and the philosophical revolt against materialism. 


The World War broke and furnished the most con 
vincing demonstration in the history of the world of the 
unspeakable ravages to which wrong thinking may lead. 
More people than ever began to realize that there is 
something in Christian Science, as one critic had observed, 
"wholly gracious and beautiful." Significantly enough 
he added: "It would be difficult satisfactorily to explain 
why or how or by what argument that power should 
be nonexistent in Christians now." 

As America in 1917 was on the brink of the World 
War, the author again wrote for publication: 

In the last ten years Christian Science has certainly encouraged 
daily Bible reading, until now Christian Scientists are probably 
the most assiduous Bible readers in the world. They still avoid 
antagonisms. They keep singularly serene. They average high 
in otherworldliness. It looks as though . . . they were .endeav 
oring to make the most of the spiritual reality which those who 
study far into the movement easily discover. 

While overseas, a little later, to observe the effect of 
the war on English and French educational institutions, 
and during the two or three years that followed speaking 
in hundreds of places throughout the land, the author 
never lost a chance to add new impressions to the old of 
Christian Science. Everywhere he found the same devo 
tion to things of the spirit, the same inconspicuous 
efficiency, and the same loyalty to the woman of their 
love and faith. 

Moreover, his community contacts in such places as 
Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, where he had a suburban 
home, taught him to expect Christian Scientists to be 
found on the right side of public questions, from the 
education of the young to the reclamation of the old. 


In fact, more than once he had hearty co-operation from 
individual Christian Scientists in what are ordinarily 
termed ministerial duties, complicated in those days by 
the social dislocations and the family smash-ups which 
the War had brought. 

By 1921 when he received an invitation to contribute 
the article on "Science and Health" to the Cambridge 
History o] American Literature^ he had become convinced 
that there was too much constructive achievement to the 
credit of Mrs. Eddy to withhold full credit from her 
longer. "Christian Science," he therefore wrote, "is really 
its founder s creation. Where she got this idea, or where 
that, little matters. As a whole the system described in 
Science and Health is hers, and nothing that can ever 
happen will make it less than hers." 4 

Of Christian Scientists his closing words ran thus: 

With allowance for those in every religion who do not try to 
live up to its highest teachings, they measurably avoid friction 
and irritation and preserve considerable serenity and otherworld- 
liness amid temptations which many of us seem unable to resist. 
They have to their credit a widely read daily paper which for 
editorial ability as well as excellent news service ranks among the 
best journals in the country. Finally, as the years go by, it is 
thought by many that Christian Scientists seem to be increasingly 
disposed to emphasize only the outstanding virtues which their 
book teaches, and in consequence to bring forth "the fruit of the 
spirit love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 
meekness, temperance; against such there is no law." 5 

During the decade which opened with the appearance 
of the Cambridge History ^ America soared to the pinnacle 
of material achievement. Power both to earn and to enjoy 
was increased. The hours of labor were reduced. Com 
forts multiplied. The so-called hostilities of nature shrank, 


and her benevolences increased. The standard of physical 
fitness rose until it became bad form to enjoy ill health, 
or even to talk of being sick. Speaking of symptoms 
ceased to be an indoor sport except in institutions tarrying 
overlong in the past. Death lost much of its terror. Too 
ostentatious mourning gravitated into the discard. The 
Christian Science phrase "to pass on" began to dispute 
popularity with the word "dying," long associated, too 
long indeed, with the dark and dismal. 

Developments during this same decade in the academic 
world of science took place, which, to say the least, were 
hardly anticipated. Millikan began to strip the "atom" 
of its coating. 6 Eddington denied "actuality" apart from 
consciousness. Haldane made the individual mind a part 
of that "absolute or unconditioned mind," which was in 
the thought of St. Paul when he stated that "in him we 
live, and move, and have our being." Kirtley F. Mather 
of Harvard observed last April, as reported in The 
Churchman, in a Boston parish meeting, that "scientists 
are more and more coming not only to acknowledge the 
existence of spiritual forces, but to give all phenomena 
a spiritual interpretation." But Christian Scientists had 
long been holding to the familiar phrase of Mrs. Eddy: 
"There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in 
matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, 
for God is All-in-all." 7 

For better or for worse, religion, as well as science, 
began to feel the urge to restate its position. Defining 
God went on as energetically as ever. If God has not 
at last been defined to death in many a theological camp, 
most of us may perhaps take to heart the warning which 
Goethe gave to Eckermann: 


Dear boy, what do we know of the idea of the Divine; and 
what can our narrow conceptions presume to tell of the Supreme 
Being? If I called him by a hundred names like a Turk, I should 
yet fall short and have said nothing in comparison to the bound 
lessness of his attributes. 8 

Two preachers who grew so discouraged that they 
left the ministry this year past would seem to illustrate 
some adverse consequences of these unsettled conditions. 
One is a Presbyterian, two years out of seminary and 
still in the middle of his twenties. The other is an Episco 
palian in the maturity of middle life and, until the other 
day, rector of a conspicuous church in New York City. 
The reasons for their withdrawal appeared in two popular 
magazines. 9 

After one year in the ministry, the younger man 
withdraws because, to cite some of his words: 

I am muckle sick of the optimistic slush with which the pastors 
are lulling their congregations to sleep by congratulating them 
upon their Christian piety and assuring them that God loves 
them. I am also sick of all this talk about the hunger of the 
human heart for "pure religion and undefiled." The attempt to 
interest men in the church by feeding them chicken dinners 
belies this theory. Why can t we say quite frankly that the 
great majority of moderns care nothing about the church or 
Him it represents? Why don t we confess that the statistics 
showing forty million Christians in this country are a monu 
mental joke? The religious longing is ineradicably carved upon 
the human heart, say the philosophers. Very beautiful, but untrue. 
I fear it is a desire for "weenie" roasts and bowling-alleys rather 
than for religion. 

The more mature man has become convinced that the 
Protestant reformers of the sixteenth century blundered 
in substituting preaching for worship; that the recent 
rapid subsidence of church going leads logically to the 


closing of the churches; and that, with little prospect 
of developing a spiritual technique, which will help the 
individual every day as well as Sunday to be aware of 
God, Protestantism will soon be over the abyss. 

As between the two diagnoses submitted, the author 
is unable to accept either. Anxious about many things, 
he is not anxious about God. Conscious of human limita 
tions, to the author every new problem is nothing more 
than a new challenge to wrest a solution out of the 
unknown; to find in an enlarging understanding of the 
revelation which Christ Jesus gave of God the solution 
of all problems, old and new. 10 

But, no matter what the risk in too elaborate defining, 
each mind must still give its account of God. It must 
state the reason for the faith within it. The ability to 
do so always depends on having first-hand faith, on 
knowing God first-hand. Many of our intellectual inter 
ests we may pass on to others. Some we may refer to a 
"Committee of the Whole." But, in the higher life, each 
must know God with the heart. If we doubt we have 
a heart, we have to grow a heart to know God, to know 
God intimately near as well as infinitely far. The business, 
therefore, of growing a heart is always pressing. Nobody 
can grow a heart for anybody else. The only way to 
prove that we have grown a heart is to submit to the 
universal test found in Edna St. Vincent Millay s verse: 

The world stands out on either side 
No wider than the heart is wide; 
Above the world is stretched the sky, 
No higher than the soul is high. 
The heart can push the sea and land 
Farther away on either hand; 


The soul can split the sky in two 
And let the face of God shine through. 
But East and West will pinch the heart 
That cannot keep them pushed apart; 
And he whose soul is flat the sky 
Will close in on him by and by. 11 

Divisions among Christians have lost God from many 
a heart. That is why men like Bishops Brent and Manning, 
Doctors Burris Jenkins and Macfarland (the latter having 
recently rounded out twenty years of executive direction 
of the Federal Council of Churches), in season and out, 
have called Christendom to get together on at least a 
working basis. That is why as long ago as November 12, 
1906, Mrs. Eddy wrote Dr. Hamilton Holt, then Editor 
of The Independent^ now President of Rollins College, 
Florida: "I love the prosperity of Zion, be it promoted 
by Catholic, by Protestant, or by Christian Science, which 
anoints with Truth, opening the eyes of the blind and 
healing the sick. I would no more quarrel with a man 
because of his religion than I would because of his art." 

History has been a succession of revelations of the 
Highest, flashing forth when the night looked blackest. 
And so today as yesterday: 

I know of lands that are sunk in shame, 

And hearts that faint and tire; 

And I know of men who ask not fame 

Who would give their lives for the fire. 

I know of hearts that despair of help 

And lives that could kindle to flame, 

And I know a Name, a Name, a Name 

Can set these lives on fire. 

Its soul is a brand, its letters flame; 

I know a Name, a Name, a Name 

Twill set these lives on fire. 13 


When the resurgence of critical interest in Christian 
Science came a year ago, the author was invited, at a 
New York luncheon table, to speak out his opinion of 
the situation. His reply to the friends who made the 
request, one of whom had been editor of the Christian 
Science periodicals and was himself the writer of several 
books, was an outright declaration that the time had come 
for the spokesmen of Christian Science effectively and 
finally to lift discussion out of the lowlands of controversy, 
to the heights of general understanding. To one he 

You ought to write a book based on the hitherto unused mate 
rials which your church must have, and for all time lay some of 
the smaller bothers and misapprehensions which every little while 
reappear. The climate has changed. The public is weary of con 
troversy. Christian Scientists have done too many fine things to 
be disturbed so often by vexatious disputation. Bring it to an 
end the only way you can. 

Almost chapter by chapter, the author blocked out the 
book he thought the times require. As the group broke 
up, each going his own way, it was assumed that such a 
book would soon be written by some one belonging to 
the fold with access to the abundant sources, which have 
of late been assembled by the authorities of the church. 
In due season, arrangements were made for a conference 
between the author and The Christian Science Board of 
Directors in Boston, consisting of Mr. Edward A. Merritt, 
Mr. William R. Rathvon, Mrs. Annie M. Knott, Mr. 
George Wendell Adams, and Mr. Charles E. Heitman. 
His vision of the book which he believed should be 
written could now be thrown on a somewhat larger canvas 
than was possible at a luncheon table. After several dis- 


cussions, in which all present shared, agreement seemed 
to be general that the time at last had come to supplement 
the writings of the generation past, based on partial 
knowledge as they had to be, by a life-size portrait of 
Mrs. Eddy, for which the many new facts available might 
furnish the material. Such a book would have to be free 
from pettiness. Controversy would not be sought. It 
ought not merely to be based on original sources but also 
to be written with such simplicity and engaging freshness 
as would make it readable to all. 

While humanizing Mrs. Eddy, this book would nat 
urally not neglect to make much of the extraordinary 
foresight shown in her constructive work of instituting, 
organizing, and administering a movement which grew 
so fast as to attract the world s attention in her lifetime 
and to hold it since her passing on. Every incident 
accepted for inclusion would be chosen with relationship 
to this larger purpose, and nothing intentionally over 
looked which would help to give Mrs. Eddy her proper 
place among world builders. 

As the discussions developed, the conclusion slowly 
emerged that in order to interest and inform the public 
outside, in addition to those within Christian Science, the 
book would better be written by one without the fold 
and yet who had given proof that he possessed a good 
general understanding both of the movement and of its 

By a process of elimination, finally the task fell to this 
author. The Board of Directors generously promised him 
free access to the rich sources committed to their care, and 
also to respond to any proper requests for assistance that 
might be necessary in the execution of the task. No pledge 


was asked by the Directors of him, and he gave none. 

Before reaching a final decision, he talked over the 
matter with friends in New York and elsewhere. They 
agreed with him as to the desirability of such a book, and 
predicted general interest on the part of the public in it. 
Dr. Albert Shaw, whose monumental life of Lincoln 
now appearing is a model, tersely advised, "Tell the 
story as though it never had been told before." 

As, at last, the author approached his task, he felt that 
his background of twenty-five years of deepening appre 
ciation of the significance of Christian Science and of 
the personality of Mrs. Eddy should be an asset. On the 
other hand, his conviction seemed warranted that, with 
access granted to the colossal collection of original mate 
rials the most valuable part of which, for the author s 
purpose, had been collected in the last few years the 
hour had struck for the life-size portrait of Mary Baker 
Eddy to be made. 

On both sides, there was risk. The author might dis 
appoint the Board of Directors. Every writer knows that 
between having a vision and projecting it on paper, a 
wide gulf yawns. Almost anything can happen to obscure 
a writer s insight, or to divert him from his course. Many 
a book has been marred by listening overmuch to counsel 
in its preparation. Many a book has been dwarfed by 
refusing counsel altogether. Even after investigation 
begins, conditions may not prove as favorable as they 
at first appeared. Sometimes the sources disappoint. They 
prove less important on close inspection than they prom 
ised in the distance, or they turn out so amorphous, so 
unordered, so impossible to classify, that they are unwork 
able. But whatever difficulties arise, once an author 


assumes his task, his is the inescapable responsibility to 
see it through in his own way. 

On the other hand, the Board of Directors, through no 
fault of its own, might disappoint the author. More 
than once Mrs. Eddy herself had been misunderstood. 
Starting out possibly with good intentions members of 
her own household had, now and then, turned into foes. 
Furthermore, a part of the failure in those early days to 
grasp her meaning, was due to the novelty of her teaching. 
She humorously reported that on one occasion asking all 
those in her audience to stand up who had understood 
what she said, not one stood up. Since Mrs. Eddy passed 
on, the directorate, now representing her, have not always 
found their course clear or their task easy. The responsi 
bility to direct the movement, to care for the flock which 
Mrs. Eddy mothered so wisely, rests upon their shoulders, 
and they must take no unnecessary risks. 

But, if the task could be performed with the under 
standing of all concerned, it might be worth doing. The 
book would then, perhaps, do its bit to instill public 
confidence in a group which too few outsiders realize 
train themselves with the same meticulous care to live the 
higher life as the "track" man trains for his "meet," or 
the pianist practices for his concert appearances. 

Certain conditions, on both sides, would naturally be 
observed. The author must be left untrammeled in his 
work. His habits of intellectual creativeness which for 
years had been developing must be respected. His time 
must be conserved. In spite of his marked social instincts, 
he had for a season to deny them indulgence. Financially, 
he had to be independent. The book was to be his book. 
If evidently official or inspired, his chief purpose in writing 


it might be defeated. On these terms the author set about 
his task; and as he nears its close, he gladly testifies that 
the faith pledged to him has been kept. He has been 
permitted to consult everything necessary to the under 
standing of the subject. Nothing has been withheld to 
which he sought access. By day as well as night, he has 
come and gone, as suited his convenience, on these errands 
of research. Unvarying courtesy has been shown him. 
There has been no infringement of his personal integrity 
or of his financial independence. All necessary aids have 
been at hand. 

Being somewhat familiar with some of the greater 
libraries of the world, from the British Museum to the 
Library of Congress, the author cannot speak too highly 
of the originality, resourcefulness, efficiency, and unselfish 
service rendered by the Christian Science staff. No place 
does he know where a book of this type could have been 
done with such ease. In many excellent libraries, an 
investigator counts it no hardship sometimes to wait long 
for an important document to be placed before him. In 
the preparation of this book, the author cannot recall an 
instance in which what he has required has not been, 
without delay, forthcoming, so excellently organized is 
the entire department, so carefully ordered are the rich 
materials of which they take tender and intelligent care. 

Since a biography is rarely written as completely as 
this from original sources, the reader may care to hear 
something of them. He will recall if he has read to 
this point in the Prologue that it is almost a quarter 
of a century since the author began without prevision to 
collect the materials out of which this book has grown. 

Obviously his acquaintance, at first, was confined to 


those not close to Mrs. Eddy. No others then appeared 
accessible. As the years elapsed, his acquaintance widened, 
his correspondence increased with those who could speak 
with much authority, and the source of the materials 
grew on which to base the judgment which he was 
gradually forming. Now, as he nears the completion of 
a task which he began a quarter of a century ago, he 
finds that, in all probability, he has known, in one way 
or another, more of those on both sides qualified to testify 
concerning Mrs. Eddy than anybody else in the same 
period. All this time the author has been an ordained 
Episcopal minister, intensely interested in his Church, and 
with voice and pen often speaking for it beyond the 
range of his own parish. 

His more immediate approach to the task began by 
making the personal acquaintance of The Christian Science 
Board of Directors, their many helpers, and also others 
able and ready to assist him. Many who knew Mrs. Eddy 
in the last years of her life, or their descendants, or even 
their neighbors, furnished him much information not 
before available. 

The more important places where Mrs. Eddy lived 
were visited, and of her last home at Chestnut Hill a 
somewhat careful study was made. The many books she 
read, and marked, were examined; and the more important 
of them for his purpose were turned into abstracts for 
effective use. 

Written recollections from almost all who ever knew 
her well were supplemented by talks in person with 
many of them, some of whom by request came from 
afar to see the author. Judged by the standard which 
courts apply to human testimony, these new witnesses 


have proved trustworthy. Intellectually alert, as those 
associated with Mrs. Eddy had to be, they are naively 
loyal to her memory. Yet without collusion, often indeed 
never having met or corresponded, their testimony is 
substantially free from contradictions. 

The general correspondence of the movement, the 
copies of Mrs. Eddy s letters, the letters others wrote to 
her, and the multitudinous other materials occupy large 
fireproof vaults. 

Her original letters, amounting to more than eight 
thousand, a large proportion of them written with her 
own hand and many of special value only recently added, 
are mounted in fifty-seven large volumes having a general 
index, cross references, and a subject index in concordance 
style. Bound in fine leather, specially imported from 
England, the volumes are approximately fifteen inches by 
twelve inches in size. They are kept in a moisture-proof 
vault, specially fitted for them. The temperature of the 
vault is maintained at from sixty-six degrees to sixty-eight 
degrees in summer as well as in winter, and all other 
known precautions to safeguard such treasures are taken. 

The preserving of the letters is done by a special process, 
in some respects original. Before its mounting, each letter 
is placed in a bowl of water and thoroughly soaked. Then 
it is stretched out even on a zinc board and covered with 
a coating of paste. Next it is set in a large sheet of special 
grade paper cut out to form a frame. Then it is hung up 
on a line like clothes to dry. 

After drying, the letters are put under a heavy press 
with wax paper between the sheets to keep them from 
adhering to each other, and large pasteboards beneath 
them for protection. Then the press is clamped down 


and they are left there for twenty-four hours. Upon 
removal silk sheets are placed on either side of the letters, 
and, to prevent fraying, tissue strips are used to cover 
the edges where silk and paper meet. Once more they 
are dampened and pressed until they remain absolutely 
flat. Afterwards they are assembled in signatures, sewn 
to make volumes each of about one-hundred pages, and 
are ready for the binder, who comes to the church offices 
to do his work. 

The leather for the binding is of the best blue-black 
levant, and the volumes are hand-tooled. 

Approaching the volumes in The Mother Church vault, 
the designation on the back reads as follows: 


Letters and Miscellany Letters and Miscellany 

Vol. 54 Vol. 55 

Nos. 7526-7652 Nos. 7653-7824 

Looking back with reverent appreciation of this rare 
privilege of studying the life of a notable religious leader, 
as reflected in this mass of unusual detail over which he 
has pored both day and night, the author vividly realizes 
how necessary such sources are in any writing on this 

In fact, to attempt to do a biography of Mary Baker 
Eddy without steeping the mind in this material would 
seem as futile as to attempt a biography of George 
Washington, without recourse to the Library of Congress 
and the fourteen volumes of letters edited by Ford and 
containing the recollections of Washington s friends. 

In the nineties at Johns Hopkins University, the author 
had the good fortune to hear Woodrow Wilson give the 


material in lecture form of more than one book which 
he was afterward to publish. He recalls with special 
vividness his many talks with Woodrow Wilson about 
the materials for Division and Reunion, which covers our 
national history beginning with Andrew Jackson and 
ending with the close of the first century under the Con 
stitution. Woodrow Wilson still a boy in the South was 
a loyal Southerner when the war was on between the 
States. In the course, however, of spending his college 
days in the North and later, after he took his Ph.D. at 
Johns Hopkins, of teaching successively at Bryn Mawr, 
Wesleyan, and Princeton, with six weeks of lecturing 
every winter at Johns Hopkins, many of his earlier preju 
dices against the North died out. Without the loss of 
his love for the Southland, he thought and spoke and 
wrote increasingly in terms national, once calling his 
students to: 

Be strong-backed, brown-handed, upright as your pines; 
By the scale of a hemisphere shape your designs. 

Writing his preface after he had finished work on the 
manuscript of Division and Reunion, Woodrow Wilson 
showed that he was keenly sensible of both the advantages 
and disadvantages which lay in his Southern bringing up 
and his Northern contacts. In the closing sentence of 
that preface, after a modest admission that his work might 
contain imperfections, he stoutly laid claim to impartiality; 
for, he said, "Impartiality is a matter of the heart, and 
I know with what disposition I have written." 


Chapter I 

JESUS brought the undistinguished and the handi 
capped good news. "The blind receive their sight, 
and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the 
deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the 
gospel preached to them." 1 

No news could then have been more welcome to these 
millions, ever with us, of neglected ones. All the cen 
turies up from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, that earliest 
religious book in history, to Nietzsche, contempt for the 
average man and fawning deference for the inhumanly 
unhampered superman have been the rule. Rarely have 
the sick, the sinful, and the dying heard any good news 
other than the good tidings which Jesus brought of a 
heavenly Father who cares 2 for every one of us, poor 
as well as rich, young as well as old, who numbers every 
hair in every head, and lets no sparrow, however tiny, 
fall unnoticed to the ground. 

To the early Christians this radically different under 
standing of themselves which Jesus brought to them was 
news too good to keep. They simply had to pass it on. 
They had no time to stop for argument. To every 
challenge to engage in disputation they turned a deaf ear. 
Served with a summons to explain, they quoted the man 
after his sight had been restored who ended inquiry with 
the reply, "One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, 
now I see." 3 



Christian Science proclaims itself a be;arer of the same 
good news. Christian Scientists could not keep it to 
themselves if they would and would not if they could; 
for many of them have experienced in their own persons 
transformations similar to those of apostolic experience. 
They have been emancipated from grievous illnesses 
not only physical, but also moral and mental. If they 
were to hold their peace, it seems to them as if "the stones 
would immediately cry out." 4 That is why their Wednes 
day evening service is anticipated by them weekly with 
delight and attended with singukr devotion at a time 
when midweek services in other churches are either 
struggling for existence or have expired altogether. 

There is a challenge here which Christian Science offers 
to the world, and no longer can it be evaded. In fact, 
ridicule, flaw picking in this tenet or in that of Christian 
Science, sometimes tumultuous controversy spiced with 
outworn gibes, no longer satisfy a reading public every 
day growing more sophisticated and also better informed. 

The sincere testimony offered by thousands and thou 
sands of responsible people the whole world round that 
they have found joy and peace, healing and a higher 
aim in life in consequence of their adherence to this 
faith must now be regarded seriously. Whatever opinion 
the reader may hold of the theology of Christian Science, 
the evidence is now overwhelming that for innumerably 
many, Christian Science works. It meets for them the 
pragmatic test which Professor William James in 1907 
set up that "True ideas are those that we can assimilate, 
validate, corroborate, and verify." 

It would be a poor compliment, indeed, to the reader 
if the author did not invite him in this noncontroversial 


book, written by one not a member of the Christian 
Science church, to join in a clear-eyed look on at least 
a few representative testimonies out of the many now 
available. No other course is open. The evidence is not 
to be dismissed. It is not negligible. The witnesses are 
people of social, intellectual, and spiritual significance. 

Dr. Laurence McK. Gould, who was second in com 
mand to Rear Admiral Byrd in the recent Antarctic 
Expedition, sent these arresting words: 

In the physical world one may endure the hardships of explora 
tion with some confidence that he will receive at least a modicum 
of approval and appreciation. In the world of things not material 
this is much less likely to be true. Too often the explorer or 
pioneer here receives but scant sympathy and seldom lives to see 
his visions become realities. Probably no person who pioneered 
or explored beyond the margin of the conventional in this world 
ever lived to see such abundant and widespread fruitage as did 
the Founder of Christian Science Mary Baker Eddy. And each 
day finds this movement just a little bit at least more widespread 
than it was on the preceding day. 

Christian Science is an incontrovertible fact and no one can 
think to interpret or even understand the trends of modern 
religious thought without giving serious attention to it. To 
accurately appraise anything is in part to delimit it and that can 
scarcely be even attempted in the case of Christian Science. The 
Christian Science church with all its affiliated institutions com 
prehends this movement only in part. The essential philosophy 
of this faith has found its way into the thought and attitude of 
many Protestant churches and there is no measuring its bound 
aries. This widespread and lasting fruitage is the greatest evi 
dence of the essential soundness of Christian Science teachings. 

The next is Philip Kerr, sometime secretary to Lloyd 
George and now Marquis of Lothian, who has recently 
written for this book: 5 


Many spiritually minded men and women throughout the ages 
have found their way to the direct knowledge of God and have 
taught that knowledge to their fellow men. But Mary Baker 
Eddy has done something in the field of religion which is unique. 
Through her study of the Bible and of the words and works of 
Christ Jesus she has not only given us the full definition of the 
nature of the living God but she has also analyzed the origin and 
character of that evil or materialism from which humanity has 
never yet been able to escape and has shown us how we can 
destroy it and so prove our birthright as the children of God. 
Later ages will recognize that the writing of Science and Health, 
after Mrs. Eddy had demonstrated the truth of the teachings it 
contains by healing the sick, redeeming the sinner, and raising the 
dead as no one had done since the days of Jesus, was the turning 
point in human history. For it has given to mankind in a form 
which all can understand the v Science which will enable it to 
destroy utterly every phase of evil, sin, sorrow, sickness and death 
and thereby bring into our experience in all its purity, beauty 
and loveliness that perfect world which Jesus described as the 
Kingdom of God. In this age of preoccupation with the cares 
and pleasures of mortal existence the unique significance of Mrs. 
Eddy may not be generally discerned. But posterity will recog 
nize her as the greatest woman who ever lived upon this planet. 

Next is a word sent in June, 1930, by Viscount Astor, 
of interest on its own account and also because of the 
admiration felt for Lady Astor in her own land: 

Youth, science, intellectualism, modernism, challenge theology; 
and theologians are not able to give a satisfying answer to the 
very reasonable questions the world of today insists upon putting. 
As a result Christianity has lost both adherents and influence. 

Compared with this admitted loss the growth and the in 
creasing membership of Christian Science is phenomenal. This is 
doubly remarkable in a conservative country like Britain with 
its Established and Free Churches and their great position and 
tradition. What is the reason for this phenomenon? 

Christian Science is logical. Given certain premises which are 


accepted by all Christians the conclusions of Christian Science are 
inevitable. The natural scientist, too, who is not an atheist can 
find in Christian Science a philosophy which fits in with many 
modern views of the Universe. Lastly, suffering humanity finds 
in Christian Science a remedy. 

Across the years comes drifting the memorable testi 
mony of the Seventh Earl of Dunmore, written in 1907: 

I never knew the meaning of real happiness until I became a 
Christian Scientist. Amusements, relaxations, tastes, and pursuits 
that seemed to me in the old days the only things that made life 
worth living, I now know had never the true ring of happiness 
about them; they afforded me but a spurious kind of satisfaction, 
which I, in my ignorance of what life really means, mistook for 
happiness. The world that one day appeared to me so full of 
what I mistook for happiness and joy, would the very next day 
appear to me to be gloomy and miserable, full of doubt and 
discord; whereas today there is no shadow of uncertainty over 
the world as revealed to me in Christian Science, but a lasting 
sense of peace, sunshine, happiness, and love. Even money troubles 
can have no power to disturb the equanimity of the Christian 
Scientist, once he has brought himself to realize that God and 
not man is the source of all supply. 

American visitors to Cambridge remember well the 
distinguished Master of Trinity College, Dr. Montagu 
Butler. His widow, daughter of the late Sir James Ramsay, 
is the next witness: 

Every day they live, Christian Scientists are indebted to Mrs. 
Eddy. Through her writings their whole outlook on life and 
experience of life has been changed. She has enabled them to 
find convincing proof of the truth of Christianity as taught by 
Christ Jesus, and has shown them how it may be applied and 
lived today. She has solved enigmas, for an answer to which 
they had searched in vain in other directions. 


Count Helmuth von Moltke, of Berlin, expressed himself 
as confident that "the Christian Science movement is 
safely anchored through God s protecting wisdom and 

Up in Sweden, where Christian Science is growing 
apace, Count Sigge Cronstedt, of Stockholm, adds his 

The more I have the privilege to study Christian Science and 
to practice what I have learned therefrom, the more I humbly 
and gratefully acknowledge and appreciate the immense impor 
tance of the life work of Mary Baker Eddy. 

There is a plentiful supply of impressive confessions 
from American sources which vie in appreciation with 
these European ones. As a business man Mr. J. M. Stude- 
baker, Jr., of the Studebaker Corporation says: 

Although I am not as yet a member of the Christian Science 
church, I have for many years seen members of my family bene 
fited by the teachings of this wonderful work. I sincerely feel 
that Mary Baker Eddy, as the Discoverer and Founder of Christian 
Science, has given to the world through Science and Health with 
Key to the Scriptures and her other writings, a complete state 
ment of truth which is healing and bringing comfort to every 
sincere thinker. 

For men who "go down to the sea in ships," Commo 
dore John M. Orchard speaks: 

Our Master s message, "Go and shew John again those things 
which ye do hear and see," impels this witness to my grateful 
appreciation of the work of our revered Leader, Mary Baker 
Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science and author 
of its textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. 

In my own experience, simply through earnest study of the 
Bible in connection with Science and Health, old age glasses were 
permanently discarded. 


At one time the ship under my command was enabled to carry 
out instructions which necessitated entering a harbor through a 
channel having outlying rocks and no navigating aids, in spite of 
dense fog and strong irregular currents. 

More than all this is the peace and poise with which Science 
touches every phase of right endeavor and points it to higher, 
happier attainment. 

Among educators Professor Hermann S. Hering, 6 
sometime on the faculty of Johns Hopkins University: 

Christian healing is an essential element in Christian living, 
although not generally so considered. From the inception of 
Christianity, however, only a few have accepted fully our Mas 
ter s teachings, caught their spirit, and manifested this Christ- 
spirit in healing works, notably the early Christians who, during 
the first three centuries of the Christian era, did such marvelous 
healing, and led such self-sacrificing and consecrated lives. 

Dean William E. Masterson, of the College of Law, 
University of Idaho, arrests attention with his words: 

A thorough and unbiased study of the life of Mrs. Eddy reveals 
a woman of great personal charm, rare culture and learning, a 
purity of life and purpose, unsurpassed unselfishness, and the 
profoundest wisdom and spiritual discernment and understanding. 
She is, doubtless, the greatest prophet and benefactor that man 
kind has ever had, with the exception of Christ Jesus. I am 
convinced that she came according to prophecy and that through 
her there has been revealed and restored to humanity the com 
forter which St. John declared would be sent "from the Father." 
Such a revelation could come only through the noblest and purest 
type of womanhood. Subsequent to this discovery, which she 
later named Christian Science, her life was one unselfish and 
tireless effort to reduce to human comprehension and to establish 
among men this Science as a practical and healing religion. This 
she did by means of her teaching, her writings, and her church 
and the manifold channels of its activity. Such was her un 
swerving devotion to a cause in which her faith remained fixed 


and unshaken. Only those who have observed the beneficial 
effects of the application of this science to the lives of others or 
felt its benign influence in their own lives can properly appre 
ciate Mrs. Eddy and her mission and justly appraise her work in 
its relation to human welfare. 

A former physician, Dr. Walton Hubbard, of Los 
Angeles, California: 

My experience covering a period of nine years in the practice 
of medicine, followed by the practice of Christian Science, has 
proved to me that the results following Christian Science treat 
ment are incomparably better than those following the use of 
material means. 

For the stage, Mary Pickford: 

We are adjured to count our blessings and I count among my 
greatest, the clearer spiritual vision that has come to us in the 
light of Mary Baker Eddy s interpretations of the teachings of 
Christ Jesus. Facing a material world and preaching a doctrine 
of spiritual thought, she stood practically alone and matched her 
humanity and vision with a high courage that, in itself, should 
be an inspiration to all of us. 

Corinne Griffith: 

Mary Baker Eddy is the greatest benefactress the world has 
ever known, and even to those not interested in Christian Science, 
the clean-minded, honest influence of her life and works is bound 
to be felt. 

Conrad Nagel: 

Mary Baker Eddy has given to the world a religion that is 
demonstrable and practical, and offers every human being a 
thorough and complete solution to any and all problems that may 
present themselves. I have many times discussed Christian Science 
and Mrs. Eddy with most of the foremost people in the motion 
picture industry, and find that they all have the greatest admira- 


tion for her and for her teachings. I have found that, while not 
members of any Science church or even avowed Christian Scien 
tists, the heads of several of the biggest organizations in the motion 
picture industry have many times turned for help to her teachings. 

Religious people outside of Christian Science, and 
naturally differing widely from those inside, are more 
and more bestowing upon the good news which Christian 
Science proclaims appreciative recognition. A few of 
the more commanding out of a multitude of such tributes 
are selected for citation here. 

In one of the Encyclical letters issued to the Bishops 
and Clergy of the Anglican Church by the late Arch 
bishop of Canterbury, Dr. Randall Davidson, to begin 
again overseas, one finds the sentence: 

There is much in Christian Science which ought to be found 
within the Church, where it would be supplemented by truths 
which in Christian Science are neglected. 7 

The new Archbishop of York, the Most Reverend and 
Rt. Hon. William Temple, in his book entitled, Essays 
in Christian Politics: 

There is no doubt that we have in the church neglected the 
connection that does exist between faith and health, and it is 
largely because of that that Christian Science, for example, has 
been able to gain so many adherents; for the practice of Christian 
Science has brought incalculable benefit to many people. 

One of two London clergymen who have spoken with 
unusual clearness, the Reverend Edward T. Vernon: 

God used Mrs. Eddy for a special revelation, and there is, 
indeed, no reason why this should not be so. No just person can 
fail to admire her as a religious leader. She has founded a great 
church, and, let us say it frankly, brought great blessing on 
countless lives. 


The second, Dr. John Shaw: 

I am not a Christian Scientist, but I believe in what I should 
regard as the essential tenet of their creed, and which I might 
sum up in the words, "The Lord s hand is not shortened, that it 
cannot save." 

Ireland will be represented by the Reverend Richard 
W. Seaver of Belfast: 

We owe much to Christian Science for emphasizing the fact 
that "thoughts are things," and insisting upon our power and our 
duty to manage thought as the root of action. 

Returning to the United States, the following admis 
sion is made by the new Episcopal Bishop Coadjutor of 
St. Louis, the Right Reverend William Scarlett: 

Christian Science has made the church aware it has overlooked 
a great power and it has set the church to thinking of healing. 

But even more to the point are the words of the Rev 
erend Dr. Elwood Worcester because he established the 
Emmanuel Movement, which is largely responsible for 
the development of the new interest in spiritual healing 
observable in the Episcopal Church: 8 

The doctrines of Christian Science, for example, have been 
denounced, ridiculed, exploited times without number, apparently 
with as much effect as throwing pebbles at the sea checks the 
rising of the tide. Preachers, physicians, editors of powerful 
journals, philosophers, humorists, unite in pouring contempt upon 
this despicable superstition, very much as Juvenal, Tacitus, and 
Celsus mocked at nascent Christianity, but in spite of them it 
lives. While most other religious bodies are declining or barely 
holding their own, it grows by leaps and bounds. All over this 
country solid and enduring temples are reared by grateful hands 
and consecrated to the ideal and name of Mrs. Eddy. And this 
strange phenomenon has occurred in the full light of day, at the 


end of the nineteenth and at the beginning of the twentieth cen 
tury, and these extraordinary doctrines have propagated them 
selves not in obscure corners of the earth, among an illiterate 
and a fanatical populace, but in the chief centers of American 

The Reverend Dr. Charles F. Potter describes Mrs. 
Eddy as "the most compelling figure in American religious 

The late President Charles William Eliot, eminent in 
the field of education, in his customary downright and 
forthright way once observed that "Christian Science is 
good Christianity." 

President Edward S. Parsons, of Marietta (Ohio) Col 
lege, gives this explanation of his good opinion: 

The Christian Science churches have been crowded because 
they have been in a real sense the church of the living God. 
They have somehow persuaded people that there is a living God, 
whose strength is in a real way at their command; that not merely 
the past, but the present and the future, are the field of God s 
control and action, and that because He is, there can be nothing 
fundamentally wrong with the world. 

Doctors, too, are beginning to show less reluctance in 
admitting that Christian Science has good undeniable to 
its credit: 

Dr. William Mayo, of Rochester, Minnesota: 

I have sent people to Christian Scientists and they have got 

Dr. Copeland Smith, of Chicago, in a radio sermon 
described Christian Science as: 

The opening of a window to the winds of Heaven. It is the 
mightiest protest yet made by the human spirit against the blatant 
materialism of the present age. 


Dr. Richard C. Cabot, of Boston: 
Christian Science has done a great deal of good. 

The attitude of the press is no longer so adversely 
critical as it used to be. Even twenty years ago, Isaac 
Marcosson could describe Mrs. Eddy as "a striking char 
acter, who must be reckoned with in any estimate of 
the women who have made history." 

Thomas L. Masson: 

They pay their bills, erect beautiful edifices . . . heal diseases 
according to the teaching of Christ, and, owing to the strict 
discipline of keeping their minds pure, are exceedingly prosperous. 

The Editor of the Daily Journal-Press, of St. Cloud, 

Whatever opinions one may have had regarding the doctrine 
of this church, it must be admitted that its members are splendid, 
patriotic, law-respecting people. 

Judge William G. Ewing: 

Christian Science is the Christian religion pure and simple, a 
religion of works, a nearer approach to the ministering religion 
that Jesus taught and practised in the accomplishment of his 
mission to the world than men have known for seventeen hun 
dred years. 

Many of the women who have made places for them 
selves since the freer entrance of their sex into American 
public life are giving serious thought to Christian Science. 

Mrs. Alvin T. Hert, sometime Vice Chairman of the 
National Republican Committee: 

The constantly increasing preaching of health by various reli 
gions is proof of the truth of what Mary Baker Eddy taught. 
The lives of Christian Scientists expressing this truth are a benefit 
to mankind which people generally must acknowledge. 


Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt, recently Assistant 
Attorney General of the United States: 

The world is now far enough removed from controversy over 
Mrs. Eddy as a personality to recognize her wholly spiritual 
conception of the universe and human personality as a world 
force making toward the betterment and happiness of individual 
lives, control over adverse environment, and the purification and 
elevation of even material and human aims and activities. 

The Editor of the Christian Herald, Stanley High, who 
was once a member of the staff of The Christian Science 

From my own observation and my own contact with these 
friends, I am convinced of the very rich fruitage that Christian 
Science is bringing about in the lives of many people. 

Cecil B. DeMille, of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Stu 
dios, Hollywood, California, who is not himself a Christian 

Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy is one of the great benefactors of 
mankind. She has given to the world one of the great religions. 
She has interpreted the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth in 
a manner to prove a blessing to many hundreds of thousands of 
souls. She has carried the light of truth into many dark places. 
She has perhaps done more to fulfill the words of the Great 
Master, himself, than any individual of recent centuries. 

Mark Twain s final reversal of his previous judgment 
may come as news to many: 

Christian Science is humanity s boon. Mother Eddy deserves a 
place in the Trinity as much as any member of it. She has 
organized and made available a healing principle that for two 
thousand years has never been employed except as the merest 
kind of guesswork. She is the benefactor of the age. 9 


Although subject all through its history to ridicule and 
criticism so unreasonable as sometimes to cross the line of 
persecution, Christian Science has gone steadily on its 
way. In fact, opposition at the fiercest has stimulated its 
growth. In three years alone, following the hue and cry 
of 1907, the Christian Science churches built and paid 
for almost doubled. The following dates are stepping- 
stones in its development: 

1875, Science and Health was published. 

1875-1876, The Christian Scientist Association was organized 
and services were held under its auspices in Lynn. 

1879, church organized in Boston under a charter. 

1892, church organized under unique statute of Massachusetts 
and with twelve First Members. 

1892, the number of churches and societies was 155. 

1907, the number of churches and societies was 646. 

1910, the number of churches and societies was 1212. 

1930, the number of churches and societies is 2451, as well as 

39 university organizations. 

Those who expected that when Mrs. Eddy passed on 
(in 1910) Christian Science would soon begin to dwindle 
and in the end disappear will note that, from 1910 to 
1930, the increase in the number of churches, societies, 
and university organizations has averaged between five 
and six a month, and that for ten years past one new 
church has been dedicated, and paid for, every week. 

To those who ask in good faith, "What are repre 
sentative Christian Scientists like?" the answer is, "Quite 
like other people." They smile, but not vacuously. 
Recruited some may be from the discard and the grave 
yard as well as from the membership rolls of the churches 
but they never laugh unnaturally like Lazarus in O NeilPs 


play. They seek peace with all men, because they start 
with peace in their own hearts. If they look prosperous 
that can scarcely be surprising since poverty, like sin and 
sickness, is to them an illusion and, in accordance with 
Professor William James well-known law, they tend to 
become what they believe they are. Christian Scientists 
are so busy minding their own business that they do not 
have, and show no disposition to make, any time to inter 
fere with the business of their neighbors. Taught by their 
faith that "the powers that be are ordained of God," they 
of course obey their country s laws. Such bad habits as 
have not already been crowded out by the adoption of 
this new interest, the economy of Christian Science is 
designed to correct. 

Moderate tasks and moderate leisure, 
Quiet living, strict-kept measure, 

it is this which Scientists desire. Never are they noisy or 
disorderly. They do not fret, nor cry aloud. Drink they 
regard as an evil, and fleshly. Tobacco is also taboo. 
Many of them shun coffee and tea. To Christian Scientists 
the inner dynamo of the God-life furnishes all the ener 
gizing man requires. That without any official compulsion 
they vote "dry" goes without saying. Contact with the 
sensational in the newspapers is avoided by the habitual 
reading of their own dignified daily, which the Rt. Hon. 
H. A. L. Fisher calls "one of the best-informed journals 
of our time." 

In books ephemeral in content, they take little interest. 
Their reading taste is kept fine by employment upon a 
literature of lasting worth. None show more liking for 
good music than Christian Scientists. They travel, and 


enjoy it, as do others. For small-town gossip, they substi 
tute an interest in world affairs by which they have 
become internationally minded and intelligent friends of 
world peace. 10 While the difference between Christian 
Scientists and other Christians may appear slight, what 
difference there is matters. It is often an actual redistri 
bution of the emphasis in human relationships. 

Dr. Joseph Wood Krutch 11 observes that, with some 
of the main trends of scientific thought now headed 
toward religion and of theological thought toward science, 
the two may pass each other on the road and not know 
it. But Christian Scientists believe they have the answer 
to the riddle. They are openly committed to a mutual 
and peaceful interpenetration of religion by science, and 
science by religion, and they would gladly see all Christians 
of whatever fold commit themselves to the same. 

"The love of Christ in the human heart . . . creates a 
new, vast world," says the Reverend John S. Bunting, 12 "in 
which the spirit of man may live and move." Christian 
Scientists make such constant daily endeavors to live in 
that world that many of them, with St. Paul, might say 
without exaggeration, Tor to me to live is Christ." 

All this awareness of God, this demonstration of the 
power of God to transform, this devotion to the Bible, 
this absorption in the Christ, is the product of what may 
perhaps be called a priesthood of democracy, fostere d 
now through almost three generations. Christian Science 
makes every man responsible for his own inner life. Helps 
he may have, not substitutes. If he is to attain the higher 
salvation which expresses itself in perfect health of body 
and mind, he must "work out (his) own salvation." 13 

Never can the dubious privilege be his of referring 


back to a date, immediate or remote, when he was con 
verted, and of letting it go at that. He cannot live on 
a mere date. The manna on which his inner life is fed 
has to be gathered fresh every day. Nor has he any 
preacher to whom he can look to keep up his morale. 
For there is no place in Christian Science for any human 
preacher. "The Bible and the Christian Science textbook 
are our only preachers," states the Christian Science 
Quarterly. The Readers appointed to read the Bible and 
the textbook at the Sunday services hold office as a rule 
no longer than three years. No Christian Science church 
is given any chance to grow dependent on the personal 
popularity of any man, or any woman. A reminder to 
"have no ambition, affection, nor aim apart from holi 
ness" 14 rings ever through the teachings of Christian 
Science. The springs of its democratic priesthood must 
be replenished from the everlasting hills. 

Nor can the Christian Scientist shoulder off his personal 
responsibility on to any "group." The obligation Jesus 
laid on Nicodemus rests likewise on him. "Ye must be 
born again" is an experience every Christian Scientist 
must undergo. Everyone must heed this necessity, or 
forfeit his Christian Science birthright. 

Has one a bad temper? He must conquer it. Is his 
mind unclean? He must clean it out. Is he inordinately 
ambitious? He is the one to use the curb. Is he avaricious? 
That is an obnoxious form of selfishness which is taboo. 
A Christian Scientist supports his church whether or not 
he can afford to keep a car, to have a radio, or even to 
go much to the movies. 

Without pulpit "begging," without resort to church 
suppers, without any kind of money-raising by indirection, 


Christian Science has solved the problem of church sup 
port. Its members give to their church for but one reason, 
gratitude. The loosening of the purse strings has some 
times been called the test of faith most commonly in 
college student parlance "flunked." Christian Scientists 
when subjected to this test one of several rarely fail 
to pass it. Loyal Scientists give generously to their church 
because of an almost universal belief that their church 
has bestowed upon them something beyond money, 
beyond price. The love of Christ constraineth them. 15 

But the method used in raising the budget by The 
Mother Church is businesslike. The revenues needed are 
obtained from a nominal per capita tax of not less than 
one dollar a year, paid by each member; from the Sunday 
offerings; from the net profits of The Christian Science 
Publishing Society; and in part from the profits on the 
Founder s writings which go for special expenses in pro 
moting the Cause of Christian Science. In addition, the 
Board of Directors invites contributions for the support 
of the remarkable philanthropic institutions 16 in operation 
under Christian Science auspices and for other benevolent 
causes such as co-operation in relieving distress of famine, 
fire, or flood. But in no case is the need felt of any 
strident call for aid; a simple announcement in its peri 
odicals suffices. The money required comes. Indeed, the 
amount desired is often oversubscribed. 

The grateful show their gratitude in every way they 
can. Christian Scientists are thankful for the healing 
which soul and mind and body usually receive. Sharing 
in the expenses of carrying on its enterprises is to them 
the most natural thing in the world. The Christian Science 
priesthood of democracy are glad to accept the full 


measure of their responsibility, and by their gratitude to 
let the world perceive that they lay it on themselves. 

Simplicity is the outstanding characteristic of the 
Christian Science organization. The Mother Church 
(The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston) is the 
hub. Out from the hub radiate spokes so numerous that 
the organization may appear complex to some outside 
who do not understand the centralizing character of 
the hub. 

The organization consists of The Mother Church and 
its branches either churches, or societies located at all 
points where enough Christian Scientists have collected 
to be organizable. A group few in number is formed into 
a society, and then when its growth warrants, into a 
church. At colleges and universities the members of 
the faculty and the students who are Christian Scientists 
may form and conduct an organization. The rank and 
file of the membership are protected from all sense of 
isolation by the dual privilege habitually exercised of 
membership at the same time in both The Mother Church 
and the branch church near which they chance to live. 
To insure this amalgamated dualism, but even more to 
sustain the vital relationship of branch to vine in full 
vigor, no branch church or society can be formed until 
a certain number of the petitioners for the establishment 
of a local organization have already become members of 
The Mother Church. 

The Manual of The Mother Church, which contains its 
By-Laws and related deeds and documents, is both the 
Constitution and the fundamental law of the denomi 
nation. The Directors act within its scope. It sets forth 
the constituent departments and agencies of The Mother 


Church, including The Christian Science Publishing 
Society, and provides briefly for the conduct thereof. 
Branch churches and societies are formed under the 
Manual, which gives general directions for their govern 
ment. From first to last, however, each church is a 
democracy, and makes its own by-laws. Provision for 
the discipline, if need arises, of a member of The Mother 
Church, also, is made in the Manual. 

The Founder of Christian Science specifically provided 
the method to be used for the general supervision of her 
church, after she should pass on. In accordance with the 
provisions of the Manual^ which she prepared, the affairs 
of The Mother Church are in the hands of The Christian 
Science Board of Directors. In Mrs. Eddy s lifetime the 
Directors were nominated by her, elected by the Board, 
and finally accepted by her; now the Board fills its own 
vacancies. Besides exercising full administrative responsi 
bility over the congregation of The Mother Church in 
Boston, comfortably filling an edifice which will seat about 
five thousand, and over a large local Sunday School, the 
Board oversees the business of the denomination as a whole, 
taking final action on all applications for Mother Church 
membership from the entire field, appointing or electing 
the officers of The Mother Church and the editors and 
manager of The Christian Science Publishing Society. 
They certify the accuracy of the list of those qualified 
to act as practitioners, published in The Christian Science 
Joiirnal, appoint the lecturers, edit their lectures and 
supervise their work. In the largest sense theirs is the 
responsibility to guard the integrity of Christian Science 
and to take whatever measures they consider best, always 
in line with Mrs. Eddy s instructions, to make it known 


to the public. Almost identical in personnel with the 
Trustees under Mrs. Eddy s will, who pass on all questions 
relating to the issuance of her writings, the Directors 
establish the policies and exercise a close supervision over 
all the other literature of Christian Science published by 
The Christian Science Publishing Society, including its 
daily newspaper. William P. McKenzie, Fred M. Lamson, 
and James E. Patton are now serving as the Trustees of 
The Christian Science Publishing Society, created by a 
Deed of Trust executed by Mrs. Eddy in 1898 to carry 
on the business of the Publishing Society. It regularly 
publishes the Christian Science Quarterly^ The Christian 
Science Journal (monthly) , the Christian Science Sentinel 
(weekly), and The Christian Science Monitor (daily), 
besides several periodicals in other languages. 

Every Christian Science church has a Sunday School 
which is carefully conducted. The large enrollment 
which is the rule is to the outsider one of the surprises 
of Christian Science. The teaching adheres strictly to the 
fundamental principles enunciated in the Ten Command 
ments and the Sermon on the Mount, and does this so 
intelligently that parents not interested in Christian Science 
or for that matter in any religion send their children 
as years go by in increasing numbers to Christian Science 
Sunday Schools solely for the effective spiritual training 
they receive under teachers above the average. 

The work of instruction for adults is so regulated as 
to make it available to all interested. There is a Board 
of Education which selects, instructs, and certifies author 
ized teachers, subject to the approval of The Christian 
Science Board of Directors. Selections from the lists of 
the qualified are made somewhat on a geographical basis 


so that in all countries there may be teachers conveniently 
situated to respond to every call for class instruction in 
Christian Science. Class teaching is particularly desirable 
for Christian Scientists who wish to practice healing as 
a vocation. The relation between teacher and pupil usually 
becomes close, and is strengthened by the annual associa 
tion meetings and by the opportunities afforded for special 

The Christian Science Board of Lectureship is composed 
of men and women of culture and distinction. They can 
hold their own in any company. Dignified, gracious, 
immaculately dressed, they speak with a serious effective 
ness, which is free from all strenuousness and emotion. 
They do not extemporize. Every lecture, before it is given, 
has to be approved by the Board of Directors. They 
interest. They instruct. Year by year their work has 
grown, until today it covers not only the English-speaking 
world but also the Continents of Europe, Africa, South 
America, Australia, portions of Japan and China, and 
many islands of the sea. During the past year two hundred 
twenty-eight lectures were given in Great Britain and 
Ireland to 262,000 people; on the Continent to 75,500 
people, eighty-seven lectures of which fifty-eight were in 
German, five in French, and four in Dutch. In Australia, 
New Zealand, Tasmania, China, Japan, and the Philippine 
Islands and Hawaii, sixty-four lectures were delivered to 
53,000 people. In the United States, Canada, Mexico, 
West Indies, Bermuda, and the Canal Zone, 3412 lectures 
to 2,829,000 people. For the first time, a beginning was 
made also in South America. A total of eight lectures 
with an attendance of 1920 were delivered in the larger 
cities of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. 


In general, attendance on the lectures and enthusiasm 
for them increase as the following typical report would 
seem to indicate: 

I have just returned from a lecture tour of four months which 
has taken me all over England, Scotland, and Ireland, Paris, 
Geneva, Zurich, and Berne, Switzerland. . . . 

The audiences throughout Great Britain, with possibly two or 
three exceptions, have been the largest the Scientists have ever 
known. An idea as to the numbers of non-Scientists attending 
the lectures can be gained from the following: in the city of 
Birmingham we had at the lecture twenty-three hundred people. 
Certainly not more than eight or nine hundred in that audience 
were students of Christian Science and the rest were, therefore, 

The crowds in London were so great and so many people 
were unable to gain admission to the lectures that six of the 
churches decided to give a joint lecture in the Royal Albert Hall. 
I lectured there in 1920 to an audience of six or seven thousand 
people which only comfortably filled the great auditorium. At 
the recent lecture the place was packed to the roof with an 
audience estimated between nine and ten thousand and a thou 
sand or more were said to have been turned away. It was a 
most inspiring experience. 

The Committee on Publication has grown from one, 
functioning from Boston as a center, until now every 
state, every country, where there are Christian Science 
organizations has its committee. Their responsibility is 
to give correct information through the press concerning 
Christian Science, and also to correct misapprehensions 
proceeding from other authorship appearing in print. It 
would be impossible to over-estimate the service to 
Christian Science rendered by these committees. De 
veloped for educational purposes, the Committees on 
Publication have become the medium of better un- 


derstanding between the public and Christian Scientists. 

Much missionary work is done through literature dis 
tribution committees, maintained by the local churches 
and societies. Copies of periodicals used and new are 
donated by Christian Scientists and are dispensed in various 
ways. They penetrate to parts of the world where human 
missionaries could not travel. Railway stations, fire sta 
tions, hotels, theaters, and other public places are equipped 
with containers kept supplied with literature, which thus 
falls under the eyes of those interested who might not 
always care to be interviewed. Quantities of Christian 
Science Monitors are put on board ships for the crews at 
the large ports. 

To overpraise The Christian Science Monitor would 
be difficult. It never exploits crime or scandal. Disaster 
is only an incident in its reports of the day s news. 
Unhampered by partisan politics or by fear of financial 
losses, the Monitor acts as the purveyor of world infor 
mation to its readers with such a fine sense of proportion 
as to be substantially accurate and informing without 
becoming dull. Nearly half of its readers live two thou 
sand miles and more from Boston, where the Monitor is 
published. The teeming highways of the world are 
rapidly becoming the streets where dwell its subscribers 
as well as the channels of its news. 17 

The establishment of the Christian Science Benevolent 
Association Sanatorium in Chestnut Hill 1S marked a step 
of policy in advance of larger import than at the time 
could have been foreseen. Mrs. Mary Beecher Longyear, 
of Brookline, Massachusetts, generously presented to the 
church, of which she has long been a member, a tract 
of twenty acres on beautiful Single Tree Hill; and the 


Directors, in accepting the gift, announced the enterprise 
in the Christian Science Sentinel of October 7, 1916. The 
characteristically modest notice that funds were needed 
met with an immediate response from all parts of the 
world. This enabled the sanatorium to be ready for its 
first guests on October 1, 1919. Approximately one hun 
dred sixty-five can be cared for besides the necessary 
attendants or associates, including the staff of Christian 
Science nurses for whom a training school is maintained. 
The Assembly Hall, where services are held on Sunday 
morning and Wednesday evening, seats three hundred 
people. A temporary haven which offers practical assist 
ance toward the healing of sickness and the removal of 
distress, it has brought peace in a genuine Christian spirit 
to thousands of deserving people from all corners of the 
earth. And this year a similar institution has been estab 
lished on the Pacific Coast. 

The same benevolent purpose of looking after Christian 
Scientists in need and providing a proper environment 
for them which led to the establishment of the sanatorium 
at Chestnut Hill has inspired the Directors of The Mother 
Church to provide a home for elderly Christian Scientists, 
whose length of service in the Cause, good works, or 
other special circumstances furnish good reason for giving 
them a comfortable home. Pleasant View, where Mrs. 
Eddy lived from 1892 to 1908 at Concord, New Hamp 
shire, was chosen for the site Mrs. Eddy s home having 
been torn down years before. Again Christian Scientists 
were informed through the church s literature about the 
plan. Again the responses were adequate. The building, 
which was ready for use on July 15, 1927, is a beautiful 
structure of Georgian architecture, containing one hun- 


dred forty-four bedrooms, and is now occupied by more 
than one hundred residents from various places. 

Like the sanatorium, the Pleasant View Home has 
beautiful reception rooms, sun parlors, and assembly hall, 
a well-equipped library, and besides all this some sixty 
acres of farm land. Farm buildings also and a commodious 
dairy have been erected and equipped; and milk, as well 
as vegetables and fruit in season, is thus supplied. This 
Pleasant View Home does a great deal more than simply 
shelter some aged members of the Cause. It supplies them 
also with discriminating care and comfort, artistic sur 
roundings productive of such a happy spirit that they 
live together like one big harmonious household. Its table 
and the same is true of the sanatorium would do credit 
to the best hotel. 

With no paid preachers, Christian Science does a suc 
cessful pastoral work. The Readers preach the only 
Christian Science sermon heard, when on Sundays they 
read aloud the Scriptures and their textbook. The lec 
turers aim to explain the larger meaning of the movement 
and its message to honest inquirers outside, as well as 
seekers of a still better understanding within Christian 
Science. It is the office of the teachers to train the smaller 
groups. The practitioners treat those sick in mind as well 
as body. They carry everywhere they go the comfort 
and the consolation of a faith which makes God real to 
men, leads many to the way-showing Jesus, and turns 
them into daily Bible readers. 

To many now starting on pilgrimage through this vol 
ume, Christian Science may already appear to be as it 
actually is simply a reassertion of Christ s teaching that 
God is Love and Spirit; and that Love and Spirit are 


adequate to master sickness, sin, and death. All that 
Christian Scientists have to do is to live up to the teachings 
to which they are committed and to be loyal to the 
Founder, a woman who never rose too high to pray in 
all humility: 

Shepherd, show me how to go 

O er the hillside steep, 
How to gather, how to sow, 

How to feed Thy sheep; 
I will listen for Thy voice, 

Lest my footsteps stray; 
I will follow and rejoice 

All the rugged way. 19 

Chapter 11 

NAPOLEON had gone at last beyond ambition s 
lure, and family talk in many a New England 
home was turning toward the slavery issue just 
emerging above the horizon, when Mary Morse Baker 
was born to Mark and Abigail Ambrose Baker on July 16, 
1821, at Bow, New Hampshire. 1 

More farm than village, Bow, five miles from Concord, 
then had its own schools and its meetinghouse. As else 
where in New England, home was reinforced by school 
and church, as it rarely is in these days when the com 
munity bus carries children from many a mile round to 
the central school of the township, and the Sunday paper 
keeps at home most of those whom the automobile does 
not whisk entirely out of range of worship. 

Mary Baker s parentage was New England to the 
backbone, substantial, intelligent, and very religious. The 
devout mother 2 was preparing both in mind and soul for 
the coming of her baby girl, and an understanding 
neighbor joined her in frequent prayer and Bible reading 
all through the months before the birth of Mary Morse 
Baker. 3 

Mark Baker, 4 on his part, led his family in daily devo 
tions and in energetic argument for the church, then 
over-inclined to Calvinism. It is, therefore, not surprising 
that in her mature years Mrs. Eddy should have written: 

From my very childhood I was impelled, by a hunger and 



thirst after divine things, a desire for something higher and 
better than matter, and apart from it, to seek diligently for 
the knowledge of God as the one great and ever-present relief 
from human woe. 5 

It was altogether natural too that in her more intimate 
talks with friends in later years she should indicate that 
the goodness and mercy which followed her all the days 
of her life manifested their presence so early that memory 
all but failed her when she endeavored to recall their 
first consoling ministries. 6 

One dedicated, like Mary Baker, from her birth to the 
religious life, would early learn to pray; and when her 
mother read to her from the Bible that Daniel prayed 
three times a day, for spiritual good count she prayed 
seven times a day, chalking down on the shed wall each 
prayer in succession, for a while as a settled habit. 7 When 
as young as Samuel, she, like Joan of Arc, heard voices; 8 
and only those will minimize the incident who fail to 
catch the purport of the reply of Joan to the question 
put by King Charles, "Oh, your voices, your voices. Why 
don t the voices come to me? I am king, not you." 

Joan: "They do come to you; but you do not hear 
them. You have not sat in the field in the evening 
listening for them. When the angelus rings you cross 
yourself and have done with it; but if you prayed from 
your heart, and listened to the thrilling of the bells in 
the air after they stop ringing, you would hear the voices 
as well as I do." 

But Mary Morse Baker was never a theorizer, even 
while still in pinafores. She was practical as a little girl, 
and there is on record an early instance of her putting 
to quick test the immediate availability of prayer. As 


her mother was bathing Mary s temples to allay the suf 
fering from a fever, she bade Mary pray. The prayerful 
obedience was followed by "a soft glow of ineffable joy," 
and the fever quickly subsided. 9 

From the first little Mary Baker wanted and expected 
to become "somebody." There is evidence that a sense 
of mission early lodged in her consciousness. As in the 
cool of many a summer evening in her latter years, she 
loved to recall for those whom she knew best treasured 
incidents of the past, she once half humorously described 
how her sisters used to take her when a tiny child to 
school with them, and how they would set her during 
the luncheon hour on a table and would say, "Mary what 
are you going to do when you grow up?", to which she 
would reply, "I will write a book." 10 

Not merely did the little girl with blue eyes and 
chestnut curls say that she expected some day to write 
a book, she also began to make ready for the task by 
reading and by thinking. To her most brilliant brother 
she said, "I must be wise to do it"; and her pastor, evi 
dently a man of insight, predicted for her "some great 
future." 11 

Evidence abounds that from the first her mind was 
quick and active. At a time when social usage encouraged 
girls to be frail of body, or at any rate to appear to be 
ready on occasion to faint in full accord with all the 
proprieties, patterns of "the lass with the delicate air," 
such an alive and acquisitive mind as Mary Baker s was 
apt to overtax the body. Nor was the strain lightened by 
her habit of taking her books home from school and 
putting them under the pillow in her little trundle bed. 12 

In later years she often referred to these disturbances 


of her childhood. Whether they indicated an inherent 
delicacy or the wideness of margin in vigor between mind 
and body which made her an easy victim to casual dis 
comforts, it was soon found that the noise and confine 
ment of the country school, which she attended with 
her sisters, wore on her so seriously that her father 
promptly heeded the family physician who advised, "Do 
not doctor your child, she has got too much brains for 
her body; keep her out of doors, keep her in exercise, and 
keep her away from school all you can, and do not give 
her much medicine." 13 

Although as a rule mention of her health was incidental 
with her, as in a letter written at the age of fourteen to 
her brother George, always there hovered in the back 
ground of her thinking an oppressive sense of the 
precarious equilibrium of adolescent life which had to 
wait for larger understanding of ways and means of 
stabilizing till the coming of such men as G. Stanley Hall 
and S. Weir Mitchell. In Doctor and Patient., published 
in 1888, Dr. Mitchell, already foremost nerve specialist in 
the land, wrote that "no one knows women who does not 
know sick women"; and to the end of his distinguished 
life, he sometimes seemed anxious lest colleges for women 
should one day prove over-hazardous to their nerves. 14 

The mind of little Mary actively responded to its first 
strong stimulus when only nine years old. Her brother 
Albert was home from Dartmouth College from which 
he was to graduate in 1834 on his first vacation. Mary 
adored Albert. He was her knight without fear, above 
reproach. Nor was she the only one to find in Albert 
Baker a youth of unusual promise. A political rival later 
said of him that "gifted with the highest order of intel- 


lectual powers, he trained and schooled them by intense 
and almost incessant study throughout his short life." 15 

The Dartmouth freshman of twenty and his sister of 
nine found each other on his first vacation. He knew 
things and books as yet beyond her reach. Her girlhood 
ecstasy spared no words to make him understand her 
joyous pride in him, her purpose to deserve his pride in 
her. "I must be," she said, "as great a scholar as you or 
Mr. Franklin Pierce." 16 But there is some reason to believe 
the brother received as well as bestowed. One of Mrs. 
Eddy s girlhood friends at least implied in a letter written 
years later that Albert early shared his sister s feeling 
about the supremacy of the spiritual. 17 

No wonder then that Albert s good-by to Mary as he 
turned back to college should take the form of earnest 
counsel to apply herself to her Lindley Murray Reader, 
with which she was later to become as familiar as with 
the Westminster Catechism, which her orthodox father 
and her godly pastor would make sure she learned. 18 

Before me as I write are the very copies of Lindley 
Murray s Introduction to the English Reader and the 
English Reader itself, which Mary Baker read and marked 
and inwardly digested at the early age of nine. 

While eighteenth century writing is admittedly inferior 
to Elizabethan literature, it is at least serious and sub 
stantial, more worth while than much of the bad art and 
worse ethics which compel attention today on every 
news stand, in every railway train. Even in these high 
days of up-to-dateness, many a boy and girl could fare 
worse than at the hands of Lindley Murray. 

Going with Mary Morse Baker on the journey she took 
when she was only nine years old through Lindley 


Murray s books one finds much of interest. These books 
which were published respectively in 1803 and 1813 at 
Alexandria, Virginia, open with Rules and Observations 
for Assisting Children to Read with Propriety/ Then 
follow select sentences, some of them expressing senti 
ments as wise as those of Francis Bacon. Interesting 
narration, sound moralizing, vivid description, sustained 
dialogue, and "promiscuous" pieces make up the rest. 

For those expecting to find little Mary at the age of 
nine an infant prodigy moping over the pages of Spinoza 
and Leibnitz, it is perhaps worth while to recall that 
Emma Willard was only that very year making her first 
trip to Europe to get acquainted with the old world 
thinkers, and that Mary Lyon s dream of a real school 
for girls was not to take form for some six years yet in 
Mount Holyoke Seminary, in turn waiting more than 
fifty years to become Mount Holyoke College. Mary 
might perhaps have been reading Emerson; but Emerson 
was still young and too busy getting married and starting 
his preaching career at the Second Church in Boston to 
be writing anything. 19 

On closer inspection the author notes in these two 
books of Lindley Murray s, no fewer than forty of the 
better known writers of the eighteenth century quoted, 
sometimes at great length. Out of a total of four hundred 
thirty-eight pages in the two books, Goldsmith has twenty 
and one-half pages, Addison twenty-one, Pope nine and 
one-half, Cowper seven, Hume five and one-fourth, 
Thomson ten and one-half, Cotton eleven and one-half, 
Milton four and one-half, Samuel Johnson seven and 
one-half, Young four, Wordsworth three, More three, 
Lord Chesterfield three, Benjamin Franklin two, Robert- 


son four; with some shorter contributions from Socrates, 
Horace, Sallust, Cicero, Marcus Aurelius, Plato. 20 All 
through the two books the Bible appears in the King 
James Version or in paraphrase. 

In these sophisticated days the choice might fall on 
more diversified passages from eighteenth century litera 
ture than little Mary Baker read; but they would not 
perhaps be more representative of eighteenth century 
writing. Most significant is the evidence that she did read 
and reread them until they were so deeply embedded in 
her memory that sometimes they reappeared automatically 
in her own later speech and writing, possibly, as is familiar 
to all acquainted with modern psychology, unconsciously 
to point a moral or adorn a tale. 21 

Her marginal markings in the books reveal three of 
her girlhood tastes in reading: 

First, she was always interested in everything about 
the social niceties. She dwells much on Chesterfield s 
canons of good breeding. Her pencil often marks such 
sentences as "Awkwardness can proceed but from two 
causes; either from not having kept good company, or 
from not having attended to it." 22 Her love of preciseness 
in speech, which several near her in later years have 
emphasized to the author and her many letters before 
him as he writes confirm, appears in this passage: 

To begin a story or narration, when you are not perfect in it, 
and cannot go through with it, but are forced, possibly, to say 
in the middle of it, "I have forgotten the rest," is very unpleasant 
and bungling. One must be extremely exact, clear, and per 
spicuous, in everything one says; otherwise, instead of enter 
taining or informing others, one only tires and puzzles them. 
The voice and manner of speaking, too, are not to be neglected. 
Some people almost shut their mouths when they speak, and 


mutter so, that they are not to be understood; others speak so 
fast, and sputter, that they are equally unintelligible. Some always 
speak as loud as if they were talking to deaf people; and others 
so low that one cannot hear them. All these, and many other 
habits, are awkward and disagreeable, and are to be avoided by 
attention. You cannot imagine how necessary it is to mind all 
these things. I have seen many people, with great talents too; 
and others well received, only from their little talents, and who 
had no great ones. 23 

Second, a fine balance of interest in the moral and the 
spiritual at the early age of nine is one of the surprises 
which her copies of Lindley Murray give us. Already 
the Bible was the Book of Books to her. It furnished her 
many a precept on which she relied for self -direction in 
her personal contacts. The sentences from Proverbs 
which follow, not merely marked, but also numbered 
with her pencil, are commended to the consideration of 
the adolescent of today: 

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is 
broken down, and without walls. 

Happy is the man that findeth wisdom. Length of days is in 
her right hand; and in her left hand, riches and honor. Her ways 
are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. 

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy 
are deceitful. Open rebuke is better than secret love. 

Third, at an age when a girl s interest is usually confined 
to dolls, little Mary was beginning to take a lively interest 
in patriotic matters. Lindley Murray goes back to the 
time in which the Louisiana Purchase was sowing the 
seeds of discord over slavery. It was a year before Abigail 
Ambrose Baker was praying for her unborn baby that 
Maine, neighbor to New Hampshire, was admitted to the 
union as a "free state" and Missouri also came in, but on 





\ Oaptain-Generaland GOVERNOUR in Chief, hand over His 
^ MAJESTY S Province of New-HampJb tre in NEW-ENGLAND, &e. 



gY Virtue of the Power and Authority, in and by His Majefty*s Royal CommifljOft 
** to Me granted, to be Captain-General, &c, over this Hu, Majefty s Province of 
Ntw-HampJbtrf, aforefeid j I do (by thefe Prefcnts) repofing efpecial Tnift and 
Confidence in your Loyalty, Courage and good Conduct, ~ A: - ..... J * : -* 
You the &d - 



^ You are therefore carefully and diligently t^.difcharge the Duty of a "^fyfi 2 -"*- 
3n leading, ordering and exercifing (aid s fayt/** ^ in Arms bot\mferjour Officers and 
Soldiers, and to keep them in good Ord&and DHciplme $ hereby commanding them to obey 
you as their ^ f 6%&*. -^. and your felf to obferve and follow fuch Orders and 

Jnftruions, as yWftyljrom Time to Time receive from Me, or the Commander m Chief for 
the Time being, or other your fuperiour Officers for His Majefty s Service, according to Military 
Rules and Difciplioe, purfuant to the Truft repofed in You. 

Qken under my Hand and Seal at j4rms> at Portfmouth, /^^ SE^d- 
Day ofrf?2#y In tfa&fc&ffi+t^tar of the Reign ofHts 

Majefly Ktng GEORGE the Sdond, Annoq; Domini, i ; 




Joseph Baker was Mrs. Eddy s great grandfather. He married 

Hannah Lovewell, daughter of the famous Indian fighter, 

John Lovewell. 


terms so questionable that John Quincy Adams read in 
the historic Compromise of 1820 the "title page to a 
great tragic volume." 

A family of consequence, 24 the Bakers read the papers 
of the day, particularly the New Hampshire Patriot and 
State Gazette and talked over what they read in the living 
room. 25 Mary listened in and also joined in. Young as 
she was, she read the papers both for herself and also to 
the household. From her little trundle bed at night, as 
Mark Baker puzzled over the latest news from Wash 
ington, Mary would call out, "Father, I know what you 
are doing: You are reading the newspaper," to which he 
would reply, "Hush, child, and go to sleep." Then she 
would say, "I ll read it to you," and though she could 
not yet pronounce the longer words, she satisfied her 
father. 26 

These two books of Lindley Murray have much to 
say concerning slavery of every sort. The verses of 
Cowper and of Addison on the subject are elaborately 
marked by this little girl. For books published in Alexan 
dria, Virginia, before the Missouri Compromise, the four 
articles Lindley Murray quotes on slavery, significant 
enough in themselves, become more so as one reads the 
following paragraph with the marginal pencilings of 
Mark Baker s daughter: 

It may not be improper to remind the young reader, that the 
anguish of the unhappy negroes, on being separated for ever 
from their country and dearest connections, with the dreadful 
prospects of perpetual slavery, frequently becomes so exquisite 
as to produce derangement of mind, and suicide. 

If already, as she tells us in her writings, Mrs. Eddy 
took to verse more readily than to prose and thus laid 


herself open to the criticism that her verse was stilted 
and bathetic, it may not be amiss to remind ourselves that 
the same things are still said of Dryden and of Pope, whose 
"couplet," however, was to remain the model for imitation 
by succeeding poets until well along in the nineteenth 
century. All through her life, the strong impression which 
measured speech thus early made on the girl s mind 
endured. But it was John Dryden, and not Mrs. Eddy, 
who wrote such couplets as: 

Him of the western dome, whose weighty sense 
Flows in fit words and heavenly eloquence. 

It was Alexander Pope, and not Mrs. Eddy, to whom 
belongs the couplet: 

His soul proud Science never taught to stray 
Far as the solar walk or milky way. 

The conclusion to which these small particulars cumu 
latively point is that Mary Morse Baker was having a 
normal girlhood. She was the social center in every 
youthful neighborhood gathering. She loved and quar 
reled and made up with her sisters and brothers, and with 
her other boy and girl companions. She read much, and 
often "took her pen in hand." One of her first written 
verses was occasioned by the removal of her family from 
Bow to Sanbornton Bridge. She found parting with her 
young friend, Andrew Gault, 27 such sweet sorrow that 
in Popean style she left for him this farewell verse: 

Hard is the task to take a final leave 
Of friends whom we shall see ah! never 
With unaccustomed grief my bosom heaves 
And burns with latent fire forever. 


A vernal feeling thrills my very breast 
And scarce the accustomed word is spoken 
We firmer grasp the hand still loath to part 
And wish that grasp might never be broken. 

But go those finer feelings riven 
Which through my bosom shot 
And with the take this flower of Heaven 
The flower forget-me-not. 28 

In letter writing more clearly than in verse making, 
Mary Baker revealed her girlhood self. The earlier letters, 
in common with other letters of the time, appear somewhat 
self-conscious here and there. The spelling at the first 
is markedly informal, as is evident; so too was the spelling 
of George Washington until the end. 29 Now and then 
the characteristic sense of more or less complete isolation 
apt to be the experience of the sensitive adolescent is 
revealed along with its conventional concern about her 
health. But taken in their entirety, the letters which she 
wrote between her fourteenth and her sixteenth year 
throw sufficient light on that formative period in her life 
to convince a keen appraiser like Isaac F. Marcosson that 
they represent a "find of genuine historic value." 30 

Her first letter extant the second she says she ever 
composed was written September 7, 1835, at Bow to 
her brother, George Sullivan Baker, whom she loved to 
call "Sullivan/ then living at Wethersfield, Connecticut. 
It simply expresses the affection of a fourteen-year-old 
girl for an older brother and her eagerness to have his 
counsel in all her concerns. 

There is one thing if I have not improved it aright I have 
lerned from expperience to prize more perhaps than ever I did 
before that is Dear brother the friendly advice and council you 


was ever giving me and the lively interest you ever manifested 
in my welfare but now when I sit down to my lonely meal I have 
no brother Sullivan to encourage me as formerly but there is 
no philosophy in repining I must extend the thought of benevo 
lence farther than selfishness would permit. 31 

The next letter, dated May 2, 1836, from their new 
home (then Sanbornton Bridge, renamed Tilton in 1869) 
to the same brother refers to him as "brother S. at Conn." 
and also makes mention of the more gifted Albert: 

My Dear brother 

We have just finished our morning vocations, and I am en 
gaged in the sweet emplyment of writing (or rather talking) to 
brother S. at Conn, and to comply with good ton, I shall first 
enquire for your health, spirits, and the like of that, hopeing time 
sill continues to glide smoothly as in former years, it continues 
to do so with us only when we are obligeed to ride in a ivagon 
and then it is rough. ... I hope after I read the book you sent 
us, I shal becom some what more civilized in my presant state of 
ignorance I cannot express the gratitude I feell for the presants 
you sent us by Mr. C., they meet a weelcom recepttion you may 
depend, although I should much rather have seen the original. 
You cannot imagin the disappointment I felt on receiveing your 
letter that you should not return, but I hope it will not be long 
before I shal again see you, do not disappoint me but come and 
see us if you cannot stay. We received a letter from Albert not 
long seince, he informed us he had written to you but had 
received no answer. Mother wishes to be remembered to you 
with all the kindness of parental love, but none more sincerely 
than your Sister 

Mary. 32 

Another letter which was written to "Sullivan," Decem 
ber 20, 1836, is alive with happy references to those she 
loves. The election of Franklin Pierce to the United 
States Senate calls forth proud comment on the prospect 


of even closer relations between Albert and the future 
President. After a reference to the illness of her "Uncle 
Baker," she runs on about affairs in this fashion: 

We attended a party of young Ladies at Miss Hayes last eve 
ning she was truly sorry our Brother from Conn, was not there, 
but she is soon to be married and then the dilemma will close as 
it is your fortune to have some opposeing obstacle to extricate 
you. Oh brother I wish I could see you, and I hdly think Abby 
and I would be as sleepy as we wer the last night you spent with 
us; but could amuse ourselvs (if not you) by telling you things 
that would excite laughter if nothing more, but when are we to 
realize this this happiness? I am impatient to learn soon verry soon 
I hope: but if we are not to see you soon, to hear of your health 
and prosperity is a pleasure that none but those to whom we are 
most nearly can experience. But I must obey Mothers motto to 
be spry and hasten to a close with executing her commissions 
to give her love to Sulivan hoping you will receive the same 
from us all not forgetting to tender it to Mr. Cutchins. 

Write soon Dear brother and excuse the unpardonable sin of 
our writing so often but do retaliate if you have any resentment 
in writing to us. Pardon all mistakes for I am in hast and accept 
the well wishes of yours truly 

Mary M. Baker. 33 

Spring was in the air when April 17, 1837, Mary, now 
near sixteen, writes "Sullivan" a long letter, more illus 
trative than ever of her widening interests and her growing 
sense of humor. She says: 

It is a little funny, I will give you an abridged sketch of a gen 
tleman recently from Boston, now reading medicine with a doctor 
of this town, a perfect complet gentleman I met him a number 
of times at parties last winter he inviteed me to go to the shakers 34 
with him but my superiors thought it would be a profanation 
of the sabbathe; and I accordingly did not go. But I have since 
then attended a wedding with a Mr. Bartlett he was goomsman 
and I bridsmaid; we had a fine time I assure you. 


Referring to her sister Martha s illness she adds as 
though foreseeing later years, "I should think her in a 
confirmed consumption if I would admit the idea, but it 
may not be so, at least I hope not." 

To "Sullivan" the news may not be altogether welcome 
that "Father has been speculating of late, ... he has 
swaped your favourite horse with Mr. Rogers. And he 
thinks it a fine trade." 

The writing master is urging the Baker girls to join 
his village class, writes Mary, "but Martha is not able and 
7 have not wherewith." And she closes her long letter 

Write soon dear Brother and give me all the good advice you 
can for yours is the genuine growth of experience don t forget 
but remember the solicitation of your affectionate 

Mary 35 

The letter which she wrote home when she was paying 
her first real visit to another town, Haverhill, evidently 
belongs to her sixteenth year. She was then, as a friend 
in later years recalled, frail and fair with "brilliant blue 
eyes, cheerful, hopeful, and enthusiastic," 3G as this letter s 
account of the many impressions made on her will show: 

My dear Brother: 

Since I left you I have made it a religious duty to obey you in 
all things. And today, according to promise, write you the order 
of exercises since Wednsday I reached here about 6 o clock 
p. M. was the only passenger inside, and such a sky-rocket adven 
ture I never had; some times I really thought I was at least midway 
betwen heaven and earth, till the driver s shrill whistle, or a more 
tolerable road would restore my senses; Mr. Hale is the very 
most polite good natured driver in the whole world (As I have 
seen it all} and was very kind to me on your account I suppose 
-You cannot know how lame and unwell I felt yesterday; 


Augusta would sleep with me the first night, and kept me awake 
so long after we retired, I did not rest much, if any, that night. 
Yesterday in the afternoon, we both took off our dresses and 
went to bed I rested some, and to-day am as well as usual 
have not been any where. Augusta and all want me to stay here 
until commencement And then attend with them, but there is so 
much to excite me here, and such a teazing etiquette in this vill. 
it is not best for my health And I go to L. to-night Go d 
bless you 

Mary 37 

G. Stanley Hall s words, 

that bright gkls of good environment of eighteen or nineteen, 
or even seventeen, have already reached the above-mentioned 
peculiar stage of first maturity, when they see the world at first 
hand, when the senses are at their very best, their susceptibilities 
and their insights the keenest, tension at its highest, plasticity and 
all-sided interests most developed, 

would appear from the letters 38 to be presented next an 
almost photographic likeness of Mary Baker at that age. 

Her interest in books is now spreading and deepening. 
She writes her friend, Augusta Holmes: 39 

My dear Augusta, Have you Surwalt s gramar? If so, would 
you do me the favour to loan it to me for a short time? I am 
told it is easier than Levizac s at least if it is not I shall have 
the horrors worse than last evening after you left are you well, 
and did you return safely? but answering echo must reply to this. 
Much love to Abi- As ever your aff 


P.S. In looking over some books yesterday I spied an essay I think 
must be yours will forward it the first opportunity. 

Even in inviting Augusta to a "party" Mary s eagerness 
for books vies with her enthusiasm for the party. In a 
postscript longer than the invitation she writes: "You 


will please to bring along with you that favourite book 
of mine, entitled, Forget me not, I have not had an 
opportunity to send to Concord for one yet." 

A few weeks later Mary Baker is reading Byron s 
Corsair and Manfred; but not as yet, she says, The Prisoner 
of Chilian. Incidentally she wonders if her friend ever 
sees (Godey s) Lady s Book, forerunner of The Ladies 
Home Journal, and sharing with Graham s Magazine the 
interest of young women of about that day. 40 

Illness almost drops out of this buoyant correspondence 
with Augusta. Even the occasional "molting" spells by 
which girls up to the nineteenth century often sought to 
win attention are dismissed with the remark, "I am 
low spirited occasionally, as you know I am subject to 
such fits !" 

At a Methodist revival, which lasted five long weeks 
at Sanbornton Bridge, while Mary Baker was interested, 
she evidently had her doubts in some instances as to 
whether conversion had gone beyond the talking stage, 
for she wrote: 

the marvelous James Smith! Your crazy correspondent was 
correct, so far as pretensions warrant; he professes to have religion, 
and so far succeeded in exhausting that interesting and exalted 
subject, I grew weary and retired. 

She hastens to describe the meetings themselves as 
Very interesting." Entertaining friends and relatives 
the Bakers had many who drove in from miles around 
to attend the daily services, involved Mary and her family 
in much "extra labor." She hopes Augusta will forgive 
her for neglecting to write oftener, and would have her 
know that almost all her acquaintances are now rejoicing 
in the hope set before them of higher aims and nobler joys. 


The sceptic s scoff, and the ribaldry of the multitude is scarcely 
left among us. I will mention some of your particular acquaint 
ances who have experienced a change indeed since you were here 
Esqr. Gate & wife, Mr. Curry, wife, and two daughters Mr. 
Wingate. N. Atkinson. J. Tilton Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. Carr 
& wife My sister, Mrs. Tilton; with a hundred of others, I cannot 
mention, and with whom I am unacquainted. Would that you 
were here to witness with me this changed scene! tho I fear for 
some, I rejoice with many, whom I doubt not possess the "pearl" 
which is priceless And do you not also rejoice with me if it 
were but for one sinner that hath repented? Doubtless as you 
feared, there are some who have deceived themselves by "zeal 
without knowledge" But methinks we have less to fear from 
fanaticism, than from stoicism; when a question is to be decided 
that involves our weal, or woe, for time and eternity^ 

Everything of concern to Augusta is of concern to 
Mary. She ardently hopes: 

that the friendship which has existed between us, is founded upon 
a basis too solid to be shaken by trifles. How many friendships 
(so called, but sadly miscalled) have such a foundation that a 
mere word is sufficient to dissolve them forever. But I hope such 
will not be the case with us. If we each possess a forgiving spirit, 
much pain may be spared us. 

Almost a century later, reading Mrs. Eddy s own copy 
of Hugh Black s Friendship, published in 1898, the author 
is not surprised to find her little blue pencil underlining 
the words: "friendship in its essence is spiritual. It is the 
free, spontaneous outflow of the heart, and is a gift from 
the great Giver." 

When Augusta s father died Mary wrote April 9, 1840: 

It must be a great affliction to be deprived of the watchful 
care and guardianship of a kind and tender father. But Augusta, 
there is one who has promised to be a "father to the fatherless," 


and if we go to him, we shall indeed find consolation. Have you 
not been enabled in this time of sorrow and distress to cast all 
your care upon Him who careth for us? I believe you once told 
me that you had a hope in Christ. If so you will not need to 
turn to the world for comfort, and for balm for your wounded 
heart, for in Christ "all fulness dwells." 

Already her love of nature leads her in visiting Boston 
to single out Mount Auburn and Cushing s garden as 
"delightful places." "Nahant is also a beautiful place . . . 
refreshingly cool, and the prospect is certainly delightful." 
Augusta s description of Haverhill is, Mary writes, "indeed 
interesting to me, for I well remember your love for what 
was wild or picturesque in nature." 

Late in February as the sap begins to flow, Mary 
facetiously promises to "magnetize a letter with *sap sugar 
and send you." 42 Bits of human, harmless gossip impart 
homely touches here and there to the correspondence. 
Mary wrote: 

I rec d letters a few weeks since from Miss Balch Greenough. 
Miss G was then at Salisbury on a visit to an aunt. She thinks 
of going to Ipswich this summer to school. Miss Balch expects 
to go somewhere, had not decided where. I rec d a letter from 
Miss Burnham in Jan. & am expecting another daily. She was 
then attending school at R Miss L. Howard wrote me last week. 
She has been attending a singing-school & dancing-school. She 
wrote that Miss Sheed is engaged, and that Caroline Dean received 
letters from George A. Merrill, who, by the way, is now at 
Boston. Miss Sutherland s father has been very sick. I have heard 
that Miss Delano is preparing in all possible haste to be married 
next autumn. I cannot vouch for the truth of it, for I believe 
but few reports that I hear "now a-days," I think if every one 
would be cautious in reporting flying stories, a great deal less of 
falsehood would be spoken. I have not heard from Elisabeth 
Noyes for a long time. I have expected a letter for more than a 


week. I cannot write more now, for I must write a letter to our 
daughter Betsy this P.M. I rec d one from her week before last. 
Her school has closed. Please to write soon, if you can take the 
trouble. I have written in great haste. 

The one subject of which happy girls are sure to talk 
is not absent from these letters. Mary teases Augusta 
about "Enoch" "Mr. Noyes," she admits, had called on 
her, but simply "to be polite." Augusta Holmes will care 
to hear that "Mr. Lawrence is inquiring where Miss 
Holmes is now," and Mr. L. had made "an incoherent 
speech about Diana. " She would have Augusta "say 
something nice" to "Mr. Dickey" in her name. She admits 
she would be willing to share with her friend the high 
responsibility of "making cold hearted man raise his 
standard of female excelence, still higher." But "as to my 
being married, I don t begin to think much of that decisive 
step, neither do I intend to be married at present. I 
am sure, I feel as though I should like my liberty a 
while longer." 

But it was to be only a little while. Mary Morse Baker 
was now in her early twenties. George Washington Glover 
was heading her way. 

Chapter III 

THE Christmas spirit was already in the air when 
Mary Baker was given in marriage to George 
Washington Glover on Sunday, December 10, 
1843. The wedding guests, from Concord and Boston, 
as well as from Sanbornton Bridge and from the sur 
rounding country, came in sleighs to the little farmhouse, 
a mile and a half from the town. All the other Baker 
children were there, Samuel, George, Abigail, and Martha, 
except Albert, whose lovable character and whose brief 
career of rich promise had kept the family grief green 
for two years. 

Samuel brought with him from Boston his new wife, 
previously a missionary to the Indians. From Concord 
came Martha with her husband, Luther G Pilsbury. 
Abigail, more sure of herself than ever because six years 
before she had made the best marriage in the Baker family, 
brought her husband, Alexander H. Tilton. The father s 
and the mother s cup of joy was now full with the sight 
of the family they had founded starting well in life. 

Mary Baker looked her best. Past twenty-two, she was 
drawing near to wifehood. 1 George Glover was no 
stranger. Collaterally related and once of Concord, he 
had learned the building trade in Boston with Samuel 
Baker, and for four years had been making for himself 
a place in Charleston, 2 South Carolina. On a former visit 
to Boston he had run up to Tilton with his friend, Samuel, 



and had left his heart with Mary Baker, who was ten 
years his junior. An impetuous wooer, 3 scant delay inter 
vened till the day when the long loved pastor of the Baker 
family, the Reverend Corban Curtice, made the two one. 

The wedding night was spent at Concord, and the next 
day the bride and groom drove up to Bow for a fitting 
farewell to the birthplace of the bride. 5 Then Mr. and 
Mrs. George W. Glover set sail from Boston for their 
new home in the South. There were no domestic storms 
to mar the honeymoon, but the ship did run into heavy 
weather, and on Christmas Day the gale was so severe 
that even the captain became alarmed. 

Mrs. Eddy in her later years related to Miss Shannon, 
Mr. McKenzie, and Mr. Tomlinson this almost tragic 
experience. She told them how after she and her new 
husband knelt in their cabin and prayed to God to save 
them, in a short time the wind subsided and she, as always 
in a crisis, gave God the credit. The captain also was so 
impressed with the sudden cessation of the storm that he 
called it "a miracle." 6 

Young Mrs. Glover was not the first bride nor yet 
the last to find a sea voyage little conducive to the 
happiness of the honeymoon. A penciled note in Mrs. 
Eddy s handwriting on the margin of her old scrapbook 
records that she "was hopelessly seasick." The letter of 
counsel which her mother had given them to ponder 
when halfway on their voyage, she was scarcely in a 
mood to read with the storm adding its aggravation to 
her discomfort. But of her husband she writes, "When I 
grew better" I "saw the tears wet on his cheek," as he 
read what her mother had given him under seal to be 
opened "when we were midway on our journey South." 


Normal mothers are torn between tears and smiles 
when they see a daughter whom they love passing into 
the most complex experience which ever comes to a 
woman. But they rarely show the tender forethought of 
Mrs. Glover s mother in counseling the man to whom 
she gives her daughter to take heed of Mrs. Sigourney s 
verse, popular in those days on both sides of the Atlantic; 
and we of these more prosaic times may perhaps overlook 
the sentimentality of a less sophisticated age. 

Deal gently, thou, when, far away, 

Mid stranger scenes her feet shall rove, 
Nor let thy tender cares decay 

The soul of woman lives on love; 
And should st thou, wondering, mark a tear 

Unconscious from her eyelid break, 
Be pitiful, and soothe the fear 

That man s strong heart can ne er partake. 

A mother yields her gem to thee, 

On the true breast to sparkle rare 
She places neath thy household tree 

The idol of her fondest care; 
And by trust to be forgiven, 

When judgment wakes in terror wild, 
By all thy treasured hopes of heaven, 

Deal gently with my darling child. 

Then, as now, the approach from the sea to Charleston 
was attractive. Josiah Quincy of Boston who made the 
same trip not long before this left record in his diary: 

This Town makes a beautiful appearance as you come up to 
it, and in many respects a magnificent one. I can only say in 
general that in grandeur, splendor of buildings, decorations, 
equipages, numbers, commerce, shipping and indeed everything, 
it far surpasses all I ever saw, or ever expect to see in America. 7 


And the Philadelphia!!, Owen Wister, in his Lady Balti 
more called Charleston "the most appealing, the most 
lovely, the most wistful town in America." 

Not even in Boston, or in Philadelphia, was the pursuit 
of culture for its own sake keener than in Charleston, 
when Mrs. Glover arrived. Had she stayed long enough, 
Mrs. Glover might have been admitted to The Southern 
Review, then the leading literary journal of the South. 
Or she might have made the acquaintance of Edward 
Malbone whose miniatures on ivory were already taking 
high place in the world of art. 8 She might even, had 
she remained long enough, have been invited to attend 
one of the concerts of the St. Cecilia Society, the most 
exclusive social club in all the land. Save for the fact 
that John C. Calhoun was in that same year to leave for 
Washington to become Secretary of State to President 
Tyler, she might, after establishing herself securely in 
Charleston society, have contemplated the possibility at 
least of measuring swords over the question of slavery 
with the man then dominating South Carolina. 

Mary Baker Glover chose to turn as usual toward the 
moral, and this meant the particular issue to which her 
attention was most sharply called by her transfer to 
Southern soil. Already in her Tilton life, she had observed 
the slavery question dividing families. Her father was 
a Northern Democrat who, like Franklin Pierce, was in 
favor of letting slavery alone. Still mindful of her early 
training in the Lindley Murray 9 Reader the influences 
of which in her life have often been overlooked Mary 
Baker Glover took a stand stoutly against slavery. As 
practiced in Charleston it only deepened her conviction 
that slavery was too wrong for talking to make it right. 


The simplicity of the negroes appealed to her, and their 
religious earnestness touched her heart. It is on record 
that she once drove up to a little chapel where negroes 
were at worship and listened to them express "their trust 
in God and Jesus Christ their only Saviour from slavery." 10 

There may be room for differences of opinion con 
cerning some other of Mrs. Eddy s views; but nobody 
who knows whereof he speaks can question that from 
childhood until the day she looked out for the last time 
from her Chestnut Hill window this woman believed 
with all her heart and soul that "All God s Chillun s Got 

Never in her long life was Mary Baker Eddy content 
to stop with anything so unaggressive as mere opinions. 
Her opinions soon climbed up into convictions. Quick 
to catch the point, she never remained long the non 
committal spectator cautiously and objectively weighing 
evidence. She soon became the passionate and prophetic 
proponent of profound conviction. No grays crept into 
the warp and woof of her mentality. The scarlet thread 
of spiritual conviction ran conspicuously and unweariedly 
through all the thinking of the fourscore years and ten 
of her extraordinary life. 

But there were circumstances during those first weeks 
in Charleston by which the young bride from the North 
was somewhat handicapped. Her husband for a newcomer 
was a man of some consequence; for in barely four years 
he had built up a business already past the stage of promise, 
and "possessed real estate of considerable value." n Among 
these assets, however, were a few slaves, readily accepted 
in payment of debts at a time when slaves passed as 
current coin. 


His wife would have had her husband free his slaves 
at once but he had lived in Charleston long enough to 
be well aware of the difficulties in the way. Not only 
was there local condemnation with which to reckon; 
there was also a State law, passed in 1820, before Mrs. 
Glover s birth, which forbade the formal freeing of slaves 
except by special act of Legislature. Though the ardent 
young wife could not but admit that her husband had no 
power in the circumstances to do her will, one thing at 
least to her seemed possible and that she did in spite of 
all the admonitions of expediency. Under a pen name 
she pointed out the inherent wrongness of slavery in a 
local paper which drew from its rival a query, not at all 
courteous, as to the identity of "that damned Yankee" 12 
who had come to Charleston to rob people of their prop 
erty. Thus early giving evidence in the South, as had 
been her habit in the North, of living up to her convictions, 
she clinched the point as soon as the passing of her husband 
gave her the sole power so to do by letting her slaves 
"go free without any formal act of emancipation." 13 

June 1844 found her in Wilmington, North Carolina, 
where she had accompanied her husband on a business 
trip. There an epidemic of yellow fever was in full swing, 
and George Glover was soon laid low by it. His brother 
Masons for he ranked high in Masonry - attended his 
sick bed, where Mrs. Glover also would have been, but 
that both the doctor and the Masons forbade her, realizing 
that she was soon to become a mother. 

But what she could not do with loving hands she tried 
to do with prayer; and to such purpose that it drew 
from the doctor the remark that George Glover would 
have died earlier but for his praying wife. 


The dying man s last words were a pathetic plea to 
his brother Masons to see his wife safe to her home in 
the North. 14 Faithful to their trust, they laid their 
brother s form to rest with the full Masonic ritual in 
the cemetery of St. James Episcopal Church at Wil 
mington. During the weeks that followed they gave 
the grieving widow tender care while, with their counsel, 
she salvaged what she could of her husband s estate, 
informally allowed the slaves, now hers alone, to go 
free, and under Masonic escort made the journey to 
New York where her brother, George, was waiting to 
greet her. 15 

In August Mrs. Glover was once more under the 
Baker roof. For her, romance was at an end. No care 
her childhood home could give was compensation for 
the piteous completeness of her loss. The tender grace 
of a day that was dead would never come back to her. 
In a nature so vital as Mrs. Glover s, love would awake 
again. This was as inevitable as it was desirable. The life 
urge was not buried. The life urge cannot be. It knows 
no grave. But the men who came into her life in after 
years never evoked what she gave George Glover during 
those six months of happy expectation that their marriage 
would run the usual appointed course, with children 
playing round, with home ties growing stronger, and 
sweet responsibilities heavier. 

Motherhood was near. Her whole being was making 
ready for it. As the autumn opened she said good-by to 
that high spot which Charleston represented, in the verse: 

For trials past I would not grieve, 

But count my mercies o er; 
And teach the heart Thou has bereaved, 

Copyright 1930 by Belle Peabody Brown. Used by permission oj Arthur S. Brown. 


This picture was photographed from a daguerreotype, made in 
Mrs. Eddy s young womanhood. 


Thy goodness to adore, 
Thou gavest me friends, in my distress. 

Like manna from above; 
Thy mercy ever I ll confess, 

And own a Father s love. 16 

Born September 12, 1844, her son was named George 
Washington Glover, II, for his father. Childbirth all but 
plucked life from her body. For a time her family gravely 
doubted whether she would survive. Not even her stout 
hearted father thought she would ever regain strength 
enough to nurse her child and bring him up. In his own 
arms Mark Baker carried little George to a nursing mother 
at a neighbor s home, where shortly before one of twins, 
newly born, had died, and Mrs. Glover s baby was there 
fore welcome. 17 

Recovery from this, her first and only childbirth, was 
long delayed, and during this period Mary Baker Glover 
herself needed as tender care as any baby. Mahala Sanborn, 
the blacksmith s daughter, became her faithful nurse. 
Even so, Mark Baker, whose heart was as big and active 
as his mind, used for hours at a time to hold his nerve- 
racked daughter in his arms and rock her gently to and 
fro, enforcing silence in the house; and with rare fore 
thought taking the precaution to deaden the clatter made 
by passers-by, he strewed the road outside with straw 
and tanbark. 18 If in her girlhood there had been clashes 
of will between the strong-minded father and the even 
stronger-minded daughter, now in her extremity there 
was nothing left but the devotion of an anxious father 
and the confident dependence of a frail daughter on a 
father s strength. 

The story of those years of widowhood can be quickly 


told. Mrs. Glover, try as she would, and did, found 
herself not vigorous enough to care for the little boy 
she had brought into the world and always dearly loved. 19 
He was left too much for his best interest to the company 
of his good nurse and her indulgent associates. Attractive 
and precocious, in the circumstances his spoiling was 

Changes, too, were taking place in the Baker home. 
Mark Baker, growing every year more prosperous, now 
built a comfortable house in Tilton and moved his family 
to town. 20 George Baker married and departed for Balti 
more to start a branch of the successful mills owned by 
Abigail s husband in Tilton. About the time Mrs. Glover 
might have given the measure of care which one so frail 
would naturally bestow on the child she loved, her mother, 
whom they all adored, fell ill and after six months passed 
away. Mrs. Glover sat down the morning after, Novem 
ber 22, 1849, and wrote to her brother George: 

My Dear Bro : 

This morning looks on us bereft of a Mother! Yes, that angel 
on earth is now in Heaven! I have prayed for support to write 
this letter, but I find it impossible to tell you particulars at this 
time. She failed rapidly from the time you saw her, but her last 
struggles were most severe; her physician spoke of it as owing 
to so strong a constitution. Oh! George, what is left of earth to 
me! But oh, my Mother! She has suffered long with me; let me 
then be willing she should now rejoice, and I bear on till I follow 
her. I cannot write more. My grief overpowers me. Write to me. 

Your aff ec Sister, 

(Signed) Mary. 

Died last night at half -past seven o clock; will be buried next 
Saturday. I wish you could be here. 21 

The coming into the home next year of a stepmother 


left the young mother in an awkward predicament. 
There was no room any longer in her own mother s house 
for the frail young widow. When a stepmother comes, 
even one as kindly as was Elizabeth Patterson Duncan, 
there is rarely room in any home for such a charge. The 
situation was not to be evaded. Something had to be 
done about it. Mrs. Glover had no private means. She 
had flung away her only potential assets when in Charleston 
at the call of conscience she had freed her slaves. She 
was not well enough to earn a living for herself. She 
did the best she could. She wrote for the weekly papers; 
but this, as usual, brought a precarious income. She tried 
teaching, but teaching proved to be a makeshift a poor 
one at that. 

Her sister, Abigail, expressed a willingness to receive 
Mrs. Glover into the comfortable Tilton home; but as 
she had a somewhat younger boy of her own there seemed 
no room even in that ample house for little George, who 
had in consequence to go with Mahala Sanborn, by this 
time Mrs. Russell Cheney, to live in North Groton, 
forty miles away. 

Mrs. Glover had no alternative. If her life with her 
generous, but dominating, sister did not prove satisfactory 
to either, perhaps it could not be. The situation was 
impossible. No family roof is wide enough to cover long 
an adult dependent of different habits and ideals. Mrs. 
Glover, still frail in body, often confined to her bed, 
was, however, mentally independent and spiritually 
resourceful. Beholden, of necessity, for bed and board 
to Abigail, who was herself under much nerve strain, 
due to hernia, 22 Mrs. Glover saw no reason for subservi 
ence also to her sister s intellect. There had never been 


a time no matter how young she was when she had 
not done her own thinking. She knew no reason why, 
amid the new conditions, she should not continue to 
think for herself. 

In the nation, the irrepressible conflict was steadily 
moving on to its climax. Down in Washington, Henry 
Clay was now espousing the adoption of the Compromise 
of 1850 to avert open war. Daniel Webster, who was 
born and spent his earlier life in Salisbury, about five miles 
from Tilton, threw in his lot with Clay, and made his 
Seventh of March Speech not without the forlorn hope 
of inducing the South to help him to the nomination for 
the Presidency. 

Many a substantial home became a hotbed of discussion. 
The Tiltons one day turned a community reception, 
given in their home, into a political discussion. Graceful 
and attractive in spite of her delicate health, Mrs. Glover 
assisted Mrs. Tilton in receiving. But she kept out of 
the discussion until one of the guests openly insisted on 
hearing what she thought concerning slavery. She replied, 
with her Charleston days in mind, that the South as well 
as the North suffered rather than benefited from the 
continuance of slavery and its spread to other States; 
that the election of Franklin Pierce would involve the 
whole country in fiercer and more menacing disputes; 
and that victory for him would therefore be good neither 
for the North nor for the South. 

With the Tiltons and the Bakers siding with the 
Northern Democrats, and in a community so divided 
that some of its members as late as 1865 illuminated their 
homes when news came of Lincoln s assassination, Mrs. 
Glover s words created consternation. Mrs. Tilton is 


reported to have said in protest, "Mary, do you dare to 
say that in my house?" 

"I dare to speak what I believe in any house," 2Z was 
the decisive reply she received, uttered with dignity. 

Mrs. Tilton, with that strange disposition observable 
in some families to force on blood relations the adoption 
of group opinions, a policy which in friendship s circles 
is tabooed by conventional courtesy, would have con 
strained her sister to think as well as live like her. But 
during the three years that followed, Mrs. Glover held 
her own in all their repetitious discussions, even though 
that course could scarcely have promoted household har 
mony. Mrs. Tilton s persistence, however, lasted to the 
end; for when she reached threescore years and ten she 
wrote her sister, by that time famous, a letter so little 
to her credit as to be hardly fair to quote, to which 
Mrs. Eddy replied: 

How my heart goes out to you in sorrow that you are not 
filling the last pages of your life with better thoughts, motives, 
and aims. May our dear Father forgive you and fill you with 
the sweet peace that I find in His love. 

Through the long nine years that followed the expe 
rience of childbirth, Mrs. Glover suffered from ill health, 
which persisted almost unbroken until she was in middle 
life. The symptoms were different from the earlier 
adolescent disturbances. All through her correspondence 
until well on into the sixties mention of these symptoms 
now and then recurs as a matter of course. The nervous 
agitation which her father had quieted by taking her 
into his arms, her sister endeavored to allay by ^ putting 
up a swing in her bedroom, forerunner of the chair swing 
in which in later years at Pleasant View she liked to sit 


on summer evenings, rocking back and forth, while passing 
in review for the entertainment of her house friends 
various episodes of her earlier days. 

Seldom after George was born can she be said to have 
rested well. She suffered from pangs of indigestion 
traceable to the stomach, as well as to the intestinal tract. 
Incidentally it may be mentioned that graham bread, rye 
pudding, and fruit were in those days staple foods in her 
diet. 24 But it was the persistent pain she habitually located 
in her spine which indicated that something may have 
gone wrong when George was born. 

In spite of all her physical distress, however, Mrs. 
Glover often participated in church and lodge and other 
social life. She prayed in public. At the lodge she was 
the star speaker. She obviously had rare social charm. 
Of a certain John M. Burt she had occasion to write 25 
as though the coupling of his name and hers in village 
gossip had gone too far to please her. James Smith 26 
seemed disposed to seek her heart through the pious 
pathway of the consolations of religion. But, persistent 
and pervasive as he was, she never took him seriously. 

John H. Bartlett, however, made more headway in his 
suit. In her letters years before to Augusta Holmes, she 
had habitually underscored his name. In opening his 
campaign, March 21, 1846, for her heart, he presented 
her with the conventional autograph album of that day, 
fondly indicating in the opening pages his hope that she 
will remember him "when friends near and dear are far 
away." 27 Some sort of understanding between them for 
a time existed, with reservations on her part. She was 
not the woman to make a marriage that would leave out 
of the home she craved the boy for whom the Tilton 


house was never big enough. Winsome as young Bartlett 
was, she never could be sure that he could furnish the 
conditions necessary for the proper bringing up of her 
young son. For that matter, he had doubts himself; for 
in his acceptance of what looked like a dismissal, he indi 
cated that he agreed with her as to his financial outlook, 
and he called heaven to witness that he would insist on 
nothing that did not appeal to her feelings and in addition 
promise family support. 

Some of the reasons why Mrs. Glover, June 21, 1853, 
married Daniel Patterson are not difficult to give. 

The Cheneys were, not long afterward, to take young 
George far away with them. Meanwhile, Mrs. Glover, 
as she found living through those days of humiliating 
dependence on her strong-minded elder sister increasingly 
irksome, was trying to find a way to keep her young son 
at least within hailing distance. Abigail was so immersed 
in her unceasing efforts to bring up her boy, Albert, to 
be a "gentleman" that she felt she had no right to let 
him play daily with his somewhat rougher and more 
boisterous cousin. There was something to be said on 
both sides. There always is. But it is scarcely open to 
discussion that real home life was not to be expected in 
an atmosphere too often charged with controversy and 
perhaps acrimony. 

That herein lay an impelling motive for Mrs. Glover s 
second marriage is, also, indicated by the removal of 
Dr. and Mrs. Patterson, after their first three years of 
married life in Franklin, during which her invalidism 
continued, to North Groton in order to be near her son. 

The very happiness, in fact, of Mrs. Glover s brief 
wifehood, so swiftly ended, had made her eager, as is 


usual with normal people, for a closer comradeship and 
a more intimate understanding than she was now expe 
riencing in these years of isolation. Her letter about this 
time to Martha D. Rand (later wife of her brother 
George) speaks for itself: 

Now dearest Mathy, I am alone to-day. The family are all at 
church, and solitude, and silence, reign supreme, meek dwellers 
in the old chateau. Two things well calculated to influence 
memory to bring up the light of other days, when ^njoe tnjoo have 
met" Alas! for the bye-gones in memory, would that I possessed 
the power of Magic, to command the delicate spirits of fancy to 
reproduce the dear reality, that would bring you to my side, 
where in one fond embrace of affection I could clasp thee to my 
lone heart, so weary of solitude I have half determined this very 
moment to throw aside my pen and wait to weep. 28 

Apparently Dr. Patterson was well equipped to comply 
with some of the conditions required to satisfy the lonely 
widow. He was big, handsome, healthy such a Beau 
Brummel as was never seen before in Tilton. Confidence 
in himself was another asset which would appeal to Mrs. 
Glover s need for a strong arm on which to lean. Inci 
dentally, too, he was a relative of Mark Baker s second 
wife. His wooing proceeded apace. He soon convinced 
her that no honor in his estimation could possibly equal 
the right he craved to help her in the care of George. 
To Mrs. Glover he became the one person in the world 
who seemed to understand her invalidism and to be 
qualified to make her well, if he might have the chance 
which marriage would afford to keep her under close 
professional as well as loving observation. 29 On his side, 
he evidently believed that if she could once be taken out 
of the depressing conditions in which she was living she 
could certainly be restored to health and happiness. 


He confided to Mrs. Tilton his conviction that Mrs. 
Glover s suffering was due as much to separation from 
her boy as to any possible organic or functional disorder. 
Mrs. Tilton, therefore, had the right to feel that she was 
acting in her sister s interest as well as in her own in 
encouraging a marriage which would take out of her 
home an invalid not of her immediate family. 30 Mrs. 
Glover s father was not so easily convinced. He endeav 
ored to impress on Patterson, whom he did not wholly 
trust, the gravity of the double responsibility which he 
would be assuming, for a wife who was a sick woman 
and a stepson, self-willed like all the Bakers, and in addi 
tion already showing at the age of nine, the unhappy 
results that usually follow being "handed about" from 

In this marriage Mrs. Glover s heart did not go freely 
with her hand. But at last, almost desperate, her personal 
tragedy deepening, she accepted the bewhiskered, broad- 
clothed, silk-hatted suitor in kid gloves. Looking back in 
October, 1891, across the years to this decision which she 
made in 1853, and its disappointing consequences, she 
wrote, "My dominant thought in marrying again was to 
get back my child, but after our marriage his stepfather 
was not willing he should have a home with me." 31 

The years she spent as wife to Dr. Patterson proved 
as drab as any years could be for a woman always virile 
in mind, no matter how her body failed her. In the 
three years passed at Franklin the income of the itinerant 
dentist was disappointing. The two lived in a little house, 
kept a cow, and a horse which, however, Dr. Patterson 
needed most of the time for his tooth-pulling peregrina 
tions. Neither her mind nor her body found health in 


this second marriage. For several years her sole attendant 
was a girl incapacitated by her blindness and, like herself, 
unwanted in the average home. Often depressed as well 
as ill, sometimes, as this companion dear to her through 
many years wrote in 1911, Mrs. Patterson would grow 
violently impatient under the goad of nervous irritation 
with the blind girl s uncertain movements, but "imme 
diately came and put her arms around my neck and said 
that she was sorry." 32 

She yearned more than ever for her boy; and it was 
this, on her part, that took them in 1855 to live in North 
Groton. 33 Now her liege lord, obliged to add the running 
of a sawmill 34 to his dental work in order to make both 
ends meet, showed himself more reluctant than before 
to take in little George, who finally, therefore, at the 
age of twelve, said farewell in 1856 to his mother and 
went off to Minnesota with the Cheneys. At seventeen, 
when the Civil War broke out, he joined the army and 
went South to fight for the freedom which his mother 
had for years been preaching both with voice and pen. 

A wife s ill health and a husband s broken promises due 
to his conspicuous inability to make a living, to pay even 
fifty cents on the dollar of the obligation he had expressly 
assumed to make a home for a stepson as well as for an 
ailing wife, were not contributory to that happiness in 
marriage which is dependent on generous reciprocity. 
The neighbors began to talk about the inharmony in the 
Patterson home, and the "blind girl," looking back long 
afterwards, admitted sadly that "they often quarreled." 35 

One of the many children who loved Mrs. Patterson 
through all these years wrote in 1916, when she was then 
an aged woman: 


My blind sister Myra Smith (Myra Smith Wilson) worked for 
Mrs. Patterson, consequently I was at the house two or three 
times each week She was ill nearly all the time and would lie in 
bed, with a book for her constant companion but when I came 
up to the bedside she would lay aside her book and pat rne on 
the head and say "Oh you dear little girl. You are worth your 
weight in gold. I wish you were mine." 

Every pleasant day my sister would wrap Mrs. Patterson up 
and draw her out on the piazza and when she was too tired to 
stay longer out of doors would draw her into the house & she 
would retire and rest. 

When she was ready for breakfast she would ring the bell 
and my sister would cook a rye pudding to be eaten as a cereal. 
When she ate pie it had to be made with a cream crust as she 
could eat no fatty substance. One of the greatest pleasures of the 
children was to carry in the earliest berries and wild flowers to 
the "poor sick lady" but they did not call when Dr. Patterson 
was at home for we were all afraid of him. 36 

Dr. Patterson soon tired of the inconveniences to which 
a husband with a wife of "nerves" must, at least, try to 
grow accustomed. Nor could she on her side continue 
in heart to "honor" one who kept his promises no longer 
than it was convenient. There were scenes. The hus 
band s absences from home grew more frequent and 
lengthy than his scant business required. 

Things went from bad to worse. The mortgage on 
the Groton house came due, and the holder resorted both 
to law and to his fists to collect his money. Mrs. Tilton 
was importuned to come to her sister s rescue. The fore 
closure which followed sank Mrs. Patterson into the 
deepest depths of humiliation. As her sister drove her 
down the mountain side while the hard-hearted holder 
of the mortgage had the church bell tolled in ironic 
glee, Mrs. Patterson broke into tears, and the "blind girl" 


who stumbled after on foot wept bitterly in sympathy 
for the woman whom she truly loved. 37 

There followed a superficial resumption of home ties. 
The doctor made some effort to keep the home together. 
The unhappy couple boarded with a Mr. and Mrs. John 
Herbert at Rumney Station. Mrs. Patterson turned all 
but hopeless, and Dr. Patterson took her to a little house 
in Rumney Village. Then, early in the Civil War, he 
went off to Washington, commissioned by the Governor 
of New Hampshire to distribute a fund from that state 
among Union sympathizers in the South. He left his wife 
without money, and also without food. Before he started 
South, Mrs. Patterson wrote him: 

I have had one good ride with D. Lang and Barnes. He took 
us over to Franklin and I went to see E. J. Gate, stopped about 
one hour. I paid, 50 cts and I cant go again for lack of money. 
I felt better for the ride; twas yesterday and the air did so brace 
me, and O, twas so delightful to see so much of beauty on this 
earth. ... I have not had any Graham bread since you were 
here, if you come by railroad I think you better bring some 
wheat. 38 

With customary carelessness, straying in March, 1862, 
too near the Confederate lines, Dr. Patterson was cap 
tured and sent to Libby Prison, from which, on April 
second, he wrote his wife the following letter in which 
he expresses the lively hope that God will find her food 
and shelter and seems also to hope that some way may be 
found to salvage for him the inconsequential boots and 
traveling bag he had left behind in Washington and to 
commandeer the interest of their Congressman, T. M. 
Edwards, M. G, in effecting his release: 


Dear Wife 

You will be amazed to learn that I am in prison in the con 
federate States prison, but it is so, I was taken one week ago today. 
Give yourself no uneasiness about me. I have found very gentle 
manly officers and friendly gentlemen as fellow prisoners, But 
God alone can tell what will become of my poor sick wife with 
none near to care for her "but God who tempers the wind to the 
shorn lamb" will care for you, I have no care except for you 
I left my travelling bag and a new pair of boots at 381 Pensyl- 
vania Avenue Washington at Mrs. C. W. Hey don s perhaps 
you had better write to our representative in congress T. M. 
Edwards M.C. and ask him to see that I am exchanged if there 
is any exchange of citizens I became somewhat acquainted with 
him while in W. if you write to me direct by way of Fortress 
Munroe and put on a confederate state stamp which I will enclose 
if I can find one, and also a United States one, I would send you 
some money if I thought it safe, and I would write more but fear 
if too long it will not pass, it will have to be sent unsealed as 
yours must also, write short and plain or it will be burned perhaps 
instead of forwarded My anxiety for you is intense but be of 
as good cheer as possible and trust in God 

Your Affectionate Husband 

D. Patterson, 39 

To occupy her mind there was news coming almost 
every day from the battlefields, and Mrs. Patterson rose 
to her intellectual best in interpreting to the Kidders and 
other friends the deeper meaning of the war. Then too, 
spiritualism, mesmerism, and other psychical phenomena 
were on the air and in town talk as much as radio today. 
Mesmer had died, but mesmerists were everywhere in 
evidence. A certain Charles Poyen had been talking in 
places where Mrs. Patterson later was to live, of the 
Tower of Mind over Matter," and had made ready for 
the publication in 1837 of his book on The Progress of 
Animal Magnetism in New England. What Braid had 


done in England to make mesmerism popular, Grimes was 
doing in New England, and Dods and Stone, Andrew 
Jackson Davis, and Warren F. Evans were to follow him. 40 

How much more widespread was the interest in these 
related subjects than is now commonly believed may be 
inferred from the fact that the Boston Medical Library 
today contains ninety-three books dealing with animal 
magnetism, and the Boston Public Library has over one 
hundred, of which seventy-seven bear a date previous to 
1870. Of magnetizers or mesmerists there were almost 
three hundred listed in Boston, and in every New England 
town lectures and seances were the "movies" of that day. 
Not a few were reading The Magnet and The Mesmeric 
Magazine for mesmerism had even its own magazines. 

But Mrs. Patterson was too broken in body, too 
wounded in spirit, too troubled in mind to find such 
interests more than superficial and temporary. A lonely, 
forsaken woman often too weak to stand on her feet, 
confined day after day to her bed, already long suffering 
from the spinal trouble which made her a "helpless 
cripple," 41 needing even fifty cents to get an outing and 
wheat with which to make the bread on which to keep 
alive at all, Mary Glover Patterson, in the nature of the 
case, was not likely to be as much occupied as some of 
her neighbors with mesmerists or sitting in as often at 

More likely she was praying with the Psalmist: "Out 
of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord; Lord, hear 
my voice." She, who in childhood at her mother s knee, 
had listened with joy to the Bible stories about the healing 
of the sick, was now promising God as thinking back 
wards at Pleasant View she once remarked that if He 


would raise her up to health she would give her life to 
the help of the sick. 42 

Of her mother, the Reverend Richard S. Rust wrote 
that, to her entire family, Abigail Ambrose Baker was "a 
living illustration of Christian faith." 43 Mrs. Eddy also 
recalled to a friend that once when a heated discussion 
with her father about everlasting punishment brought on 
her a fever, it was her mother s comforting exhortation to 
"lean upon divine Love" 44 that drove down her tem 
perature. Always in her brilliant daughter s thought, 
Mrs. Mark Baker was associated with God and health, 
with love and goodness; and when in 1849 the mother 
passed away, Mrs. Glover, following her habitual impulse 
to express in verse 45 her deeper feeling, wrote: 

Supporting faith be mine below, 
Life s parting words to greet; 
Thy mantling virtues o er me throw, 
Till child and mother meet. 46 

Still earlier in her teens, she sent word to a friend 
bereaved of a dear father: "There is one who has promised 
to be a father to the fatherless. " 47 

At the time her brother George was seeking Martha 
Rand in marriage, his widowed sister wrote: 

Let us ever remember, there is One "who careth for us" too 
wise to err, too good to be unkind. On Him may you rely, and 
find a Father and a friend. Yes, dear Mathy, this is my only 
consolation, unworthy as 7 am and tis the greatest I can recom 
mend to those I love. 48 

Later, on the eve of her marriage to Dr. Patterson, she 
made it clear that what Mrs. Tilton, outclassing the new 
husband in power to bend others to her will, had failed 


utterly to do, he need not so much as try to do; for hers 
was a "fixed feeling that to yield my religion to yours I 
could not." 49 

Throughout this period she was, says Mrs. Turner, "a 
very spiritual woman." 50 In the Congregational Church 
at North Groton Mrs. Patterson frequently responded to 
the call to offer prayer in public, and her prayers were 
long remembered as uplifting and helpful. All through 
her life there surged such a tide as never seemed to ebb 
of consciousness of God, a sense of absolute dependence 
on Him. Her most recent critic of distinction admits that: 

Prayer, meditation, eager and puzzled interrogation of the 
Bible, had claimed from childhood much of her energy, so that 
those who met her in later times were conscious of a certain quiet 
exaltation, such as may come to a woman nursing a secret spiritual 
advantage. 51 

In spite of her ill health, of which the sign manual was 
an evident nervousness of manner which caused some to 
regard her as "peculiar," 52 Mrs. Patterson, as she came 
toward forty, was a very attractive woman. 53 She had a 
grace of manner the more appealing, because of her 
habitual neatness and exquisite taste in choosing and in 
wearing clothes. A frailness unmistakable and apparel 
indicative of poverty were much in evidence, when Mrs. 
Patterson came to P. P. Quimby s office in the Interna 
tional Hotel at Portland, Maine, in October, 1862. The 
young George Quimby he told the author so himself 
in 1907 helped her up the stairs. "She was too feeble," 
wrote her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary A. Baker, who went 
with her, "to go unattended." 

P. P. Quimby was Mrs. Patterson s last hope. She had 
heard of him a year before, for stories were in wide cir- 


From a tintype thought to belong to the period, 1864-67. Waiting to be 

photographed, Mrs. Eddy quieted a crying child and then their picture 

was taken together. 


dilation of his magic cures. People reported that he used 
no medicine and was particularly helpful in afflictions of 
long standing. Her husband was so impressed that on 
October 14, 1861, he wrote Quimby: 

My wife has been an invalid for a number of years; is not able 
to sit up but a little, and we wish to have the benefit of your 
wonderful power in her case. If you are soon coming to Concord 
I shall carry her up to you, and if you are not coming there we 
may try to carry her to Portland if you remain there. 5 * 

The next May, when her husband was in Libby Prison, 
Mrs. Patterson herself wrote Quimby: 

I have entire confidence in your philosophy as read in the cir 
cular sent my husband Dr. Patterson. Can you, will you visit 
me at once? 55 

She then thought that all the ways to Portland were 
closed to her. Mrs. Tilton believed Quimby to be a quack 
and the reports of his cures greatly exaggerated. She 
would not lift a finger to help Mrs. Patterson get to 
Portland. Mrs. Tilton did, however, agree to finance 
her sister if she would consent to go to Dr. VaiTs Hydro 
pathic Institute at Hill, New Hampshire, and there take 
the water cure. In no position to make terms, obliged to 
accept the best that she could get, and therefore scarcely 
in a mood to receive help from any water cure, Mrs. 
Patterson arrived at Hill as summer dawned in 1862. She 
found few of the patients were settling down to profit 
by Dr. Vail s care. Reports of Quimby s wonderful cures 
at Portland, coming day after day, sowed the seeds of 
unrest and of longing in the minds of the unfortunates 
at Hill. Now and then a patient would slip off to Portland 
to see Quimby. When one of them, Julius Dresser," 



returned visibly improved, Mrs. Patterson became sure 
her very life depended on seeing Quimby. A letter she 
wrote to him in August, 1862, runs: 

Dear Sir: I am constrained to write you, feeling as I do the 
great mistake I made in not trying to reach you when I had 
more strength. I have been at this Water Cure between 2 and 3 
months, and when I came could walk % a mile, now I can sit 
up but a few minutes at one time. Suppose I have faith sufficient 
to start for you, do you think I can reach you without sinking 
from the effects of die journey? I am so excitable 57 I think I 
could keep alive till I reached you but then would there be 
foundation sufficient for you to restore me is the question. I 
should rather die with my friends at S. Bridge, hence I shall go 
to you to live or to them to die very soon. Please answer this 
yourself $* 

The more her physical ailments challenged her reso 
lution, the more determined Mrs. Patterson was to have 
her way. The little sums of money which Mrs. Tilton 
kindly sent her now and then for "extras" she hoarded 
until she had enough to pay her fare to Portland. 59 She 
came expecting much altogether overmuch and in 
consequence she responded quickly to the treatment she 
received. As with kindly eyes and sympathetic heart, 
Quimby looked into that wan, worn face, his friendly 
understanding went out to her in a consuming desire to 
do all he could for her. His diagnosis in itself increased 
her faith. He told her that she was "held in bondage by 
the opinion of her family and physicians," and "her 
animal spirit was reflecting its grief upon her body and 
calling it spinal disease." 60 His assurance that she would 
soon be well was accompanied by his usual manipulation 
of the head to generate the flow of healthy electricity, 
on which he laid great stress, 61 


Encouragement to expect recovery Quimby furnished 
with persuasive f orcefulness. With her flaming faith the 
patient helped herself while she thought she was only 
helping Quimby to help her. The change was instan 
taneous. Her pain and weakness disappeared. A sense 
of comfort and well-being stepped into their place. 62 
Within a week she says that without help she climbed 
the one hundred eighty-two steps to the dome of the 
City Hall. 63 And in this whole experience she furnished, 
though she was not to realize it until 1866, a new illus 
tration of the words Jesus spoke to the woman healed 
after twelve years illness, "Thy faith hath made thee 

At last the prayers of years seemed to be answered. 
Though her healing was not permanent and she soon 
suffered a relapse, 64 she told others of the change that 
had come over her; and to Quimby, almost two years 
later, she wrote: "I have often repeated the first instance 
of my salvation to wondering hearers, and if when we 
are converted we should strengthen our brethren how 
ought I not to preach." 65 

Out of the thirty-four hundred cases 66 which Quimby 
treated in those last two years at Portland only one at 
once felt any obligation to pass on the healing gospel. 
Mrs. Patterson did not delay. She was not content merely 
to be healed. She would know how the healing was 
effected. With becoming modesty and characteristic def 
erence she wrote the Portland Courier that "At present I 
am too much in error to elucidate the truth." 6T She would 
know all before she ventured to apply any. That was 
Mrs. Patterson s way. That was why at last she traveled 
far in heavenly healing. 


During those autumn weeks of 1862 she haunted 
Quimby s office. She asked him questions. She read all 
the notes accessible to those in whom Quimby showed 
some interest. She studied his method. He was impressed 
by her, as by no other patient. More than once, he 
buoyantly remarked, "She is a devilish bright woman." 6S 
As weeks went by, Mrs. Patterson grew greater in his 
estimation, which once led him to remark to another 
patient: "This is a very wonderful woman and in com 
parison I am the man, but Mary is the Christ." 69 

After her three weeks in Portland with her daily talks 
with Quimby, she went back to her sister s home. Mrs. 
Tilton was so impressed by the change in Mrs. Patterson 
that she took her son Albert to Portland and put him 
under Quimby s treatment for alcoholism; but to no 
purpose. The boy knew not how to make himself the 
vehicle of the curative forces which his aunt s faith alone 
had so promptly brought to her, and which she then in 
turn too generously ascribed to Quimby. But even that 
benefit was only temporary. When she turned back to 
Tilton, Mrs. Patterson soon grew ill again. She reported 
to Quimby that the spinal trouble had returned, and 
with it the chronic indigestion. 70 But faith like hers was 
not readily put down. In the spirit in which the Fourth 
Gospel describes Christ as "the true Light, which lighteth 
every man that cometh into the world," 71 she once 
inquired in print, "Is not this the Christ which is in him?" 
When in January, 1866, Quimby passed away, she paid 
this tribute to his memory: 

Rest should reward him who hath made us whole, 
Seeking, though tremblers, where his footsteps trod. 72 

What Quimby by his own method did for many, none 


would undervalue. Generous as usual, Mrs. Patterson 
overrated his method and underrated the efficacy of her 
own abounding faith. Not only did he, with his vitality, 
encourage her to expect much but he also confirmed and 
deepened her conviction already larger far than his, had 
she only known it which she had had since 1844, that 
the Christ has a message for the body as well as for the 
soul, and that Jesus knew whereof he spake when he once 
observed, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed . . . 
nothing shall be impossible unto you." 73 

But Mrs. Patterson meant much to Quimby more 
perhaps than he or anybody then could be expected to 
realize. Close contact of two such vivid personalities was 
bound to be significant to both. She was always about. 
This, George Quimby, in his early manhood, resented. 
He was too young to understand; to have as yet, per 
spective. To him his father was a finished product. 
George was jealous for his father s reputation, and fearful 
lest the most arresting personality he had ever met might 
endanger it. That was the boy of it. To himself, of 
course, no man is ever finished. 74 

Seventeen years later, the interest which she was the 
first generously to show in Quimby, others one by one 
began to show. No evidence is more illustrative of her 
magnanimity than her appeal, soon after Quimby s death, 
to Julius Dresser with Quimby much the last few years 
of Quimby s life to "step forward into the place he 
had vacated. . . . You are more capable of occupying his 
place than any other I know." Nor could any answer be 
more illuminating than Julius Dresser s of March 2, 1866: 

As to turning Dr. myself, & undertaking to fill Dr. Q s place, 
and carry on his work, it is not to be thought of for a minute. 


Can an infant do a strong man s work? Nor would I if I could. 
Dr. Q gave himself away to his patients. To be sure he did a 
great work, but what will it avail in fifty years from now, if his 
theory does not come out, & if he & his ideas pass among the 
things that were, to be forgotten? He did work some change in 
the minds of the people, which will grow with the developement 
& progress of the world. He helped to make them progress. 
They will progress faster for his having lived & done his work. 
So with Jesus. He had an .effect which was lasting & still exists. 
But his great aim was a failure. He did not succeed, nor has 
Dr. Q. succeeded in establishing the science he aimed to do. . . . 
No I wouldn t cure if I could, not to make a practice of it, as 
Dr. Q. did. 75 

In the period which followed it was Mrs. Patterson 
who kept green the memory of the unusual man, and 
but for her supreme success Quimby would, as Dresser 
in 1866 predicted, long since have joined the forgotten 
failures of the world. 

Mrs. Patterson went away from Quimby with the same 
faith in God she had when she came to him, and which 
she was in a few years to make so effective in the healing 
of the sick that in retrospect Quimby became to her 
scarcely more than an interesting episode. 

Certain phrases which developed in their frequent 
conversations were to stick in her vocabulary for a while. 
Of them in February, 1899, she wrote: 

Quotations have been published, purporting to be Dr. Quimby s 
own words, which were written while I was his patient in Port 
land and holding long conversations with him on my views of 
mental therapeutics. Some words in these quotations certainly 
read like words that I said to him, and which I, at his request, 
had added to his copy when I corrected it. In his conversations 
with me and in his scribblings, the word science was not used 
at all, till one day I declared to him that back of his magnetic 


treatment and manipulation of patients, there was a science, and 
it was the science of mind, which had nothing to do with matter, 
electricity, or physics. 

After this I noticed he used that word, as well as other terms 
which I employed that seemed at first new to him. He even 
acknowledged this himself, and startled me by saying what I 
cannot forget it was this: "I see now what you mean, and I 
see that I am John, and that you are Jesus." 76 

Quimby never rose to the spiritual heights scaled by 
Mrs. Eddy. However, with her habit of impressing upon 
other minds what was dominant in her own, she gave 
Quimby credit in full measure, 77 running over, for all 
she thought at the time he did for her, but which it is 
now plain was the product of her own faith. But, as her 
understanding grew with ripening experience, she was 
soon filling old words and phrases with new meaning, 
then coining her own unquestioned terms to elucidate 
her system, and at last in obedience to the same persistent 
urge, writing the book. 

She discovered Christian Science in a larger sense than 
ever Columbus discovered America. Hers was no peep 
at a new world and then a scuttling back to the old. 
Hers was that real discovery which consists of finding 
an age-old truth, settling in it, sharing it with others, and 
making the most of it for the redemption of the world 
from sickness, sin, and death. 

This was essentially the discovery which Shakespeare 
made in drama when reading Plutarch, Holinshed, Sir 
Thomas More, and even Fox s Book of Martyrs, he sent 
characters singing down the ages who otherwise would 
long since have faded out of memory. 

This was the discovery in government which the 
Fathers of the Constitution made, in 1787, when they gave 


us what Gladstone mistakenly called "the greatest work 
ever struck off at any one time by the mind and purpose 
of man"; of which James Bryce was then to say "there 
is little in that Constitution that is absolutely new, there 
is much that is old as Magna Charta"; and of which no 
less an authority than Sir Henry Sumner Maine with 
veracious accuracy ultimately said: "The Constitution of 
the United States of America is much the most important 
political instrument of modern times." 

What did Mrs. Eddy owe to those who went before 

The name at last she gave her church, Christian 
Science? 78 As early as 1866 Abraham Coles used the 
name in verse, and earlier, in 1846, an English clergyman 
in a lecture published in 1847. The Episcopal Bishop of 
Wisconsin, Dr. William Adams, had also, in 1850, pub 
lished his addresses on Moral Philosophy under the caption, 
"Elements of Christian Science." But his book was not 
yet to come her way, and when it came, through the gift 
of a student, the book bore no relationship to Mrs. Eddy s 
faith. Two years before, a friend of Dr. Oliver Wendell 
Holmes, Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale, followed her somewhat 
familiar, "Mary had a little lamb," 79 with a more ambitious 
poem in which the line occurs: 

Tis Christian Science makes our day. 

But there is no evidence that the poem affected Mrs. 
Eddy. Nor would the phrase Christian Science be now 
significant if it had had only such casual launching. 

Did Mrs. Eddy get the title of her book from Quimby 
who once spoke of the "science of health"? 80 Again, the 
evidence is lacking that Quimby s phrase ever made on 


anyone a lasting impression. Of the thirty-four hundred 
whom Quimby treated thirty-three hundred ninety-nine 
went their way like the nine out of the ten cured of 
leprosy in the New Testament. In 1902 Mrs. Eddy 
wrote that the title came to her in the silence of the 
night, and not till six months later did a friend find 
"science and health" in John Wyclif s version of the New 
Testament, and bring it to her notice. 81 

God as love, spirit, truth, and life is found in one 
version or another of the Bible, and they are terms used 
in many a theology long before the day of Quimby and 
his more famous patient. 82 

As for the nothingness and erroneousness of matter, 
this is an idea almost as old as human thinking. Before 
ever Gautama took his seat beneath the Botree, India 
was accepting it as a general concept. As early as four 
hundred thirty B.C. Democritus of Abdera remarked, 
"Man lives plunged in a world of illusion and of deceptive 
forms which the vulgar take for reality." Plato esteemed 
matter nothing, and mind everything. 83 Being without 
well-being is naught, "John the Scot" was teaching 
France in the ninth century. 

In the years when Spinoza was resolving to remain 
a materialist "until the last king had been strangled with 
the entrails of priestcraft," S4 he was heading towards Mrs. 
Eddy s "Infinite Mind" with his talk of "Universal Sub 
stance." Berkeley came to the conclusion that apart from 
some mind to perceive it, matter would be nonexistent. 
Jonathan Edwards, rated by A. M. Fairbairn as "the 
highest speculative genius of the eighteenth century," 
could say that the "Material Universe exists only in the 
Mind." 85 


"The laws of nature" were to Kant "creations of our 
own understanding, acting upon the data of the senses." 
"Man has no body," wrote William Blake, "distinct from 
his soul." Lotze avowed "that matter is nothing but an 
appearance for our perception." Like the morning stars, 
the Transcendentalists all sang together of "the supremacy 
of mind over matter"; and Emerson required no urging 
to report that: 

Out of thought s interior sphere 
These wonders rose in upper air. 

But before her views could run into a complete system 
Mrs. Patterson was again in need of help. In the early 
spring of 1864, she paid another visit to Quimby. As 
late as 1904, Mrs. Eddy was able to recall a conversation 
with a fellow patient in 1864, in which she expressed 
her judgment that "Dr. Quimby is the most progressive 
magnetic doctor I ever knew, and back of it all there is 
a science that some day will be discovered." 86 

On this visit Mrs. Patterson was keener than ever to 
exhaust the possibilities in Quimby s teaching. No other 
patient ever took such pains to understand him. This 
was the more necessary because, as Horatio W. Dresser 
says, "he could not express his thoughts accurately. One 
searches his manuscripts in vain for a clear explanation of 
his method of silent cure." She talked things over after 
noons with Quimby and sat up "late at night" writing 
down "what she had learned during the day." 87 All the 
time, at first unconsciously, she was reading into Quimby s 
teaching what had been growing in her own conscious 
ness amid vicissitude and change, in loneliness and destitu 
tion. Beginning in those early days when she was no 


older than thirteen and yet used to "converse on deep 
subjects" 88 with her pastor, no one can go intelligently 
with her all those years from 1844 to 1866 without 
hearing now and then a lonely and heroic soul singing 
to herself: 

I shall arrive! What time, what circuit first, 
I ask not: but unless God send his hail 
Or blinding fireballs, sleet or stifling snow, 
In some time, his good time, I shall arrive: 
He guides me and the bird. In his good time! 89 

Eager to practice what she had learned and was spirit 
ualizing for herself, in the spring of 1864 she went to 
Warren, Maine, to try to complete the restoration, begun 
in Portland weeks before, of Miss Jarvis s health. Later 
in the year found her stopping at Albion, Maine, with 
Mrs. Sarah G. Crosby, who in 1907 recalled to the author 
that on that visit Mrs. Patterson seemed as "one fired with 
the prescience of a great mission." Even in 1909, 90 as 
she was near her passing, Mrs. Crosby tenderly observed: 

Many months Mary Patterson was a beloved guest in my home, 
for I had a most unselfish love for her and deep sympathy with 
her, when in her poverty she came to me, no money, scarcely 
comfortable clothing, most unhappy in her domestic relations. 
Her only assets being her indomitable will and active brain. 91 

This, then, was Mrs. Eddy at the age of forty-three, 
her health improved but not yet all it should be; some 
what better friended than before, but still hard pressed 
to make a living; overrating in a grateful woman s way 
what she owed to Quimby, and looking vainly for a 
man to carry on his work, and, when none appeared, 
carrying on herself till the hour struck when she could 
write with truth: "in the year 1866, I discovered the 
Christ Science." 92 

Chapter IV 

TWICE between 1866 and 1875, the period when 
the book was building, Mrs. Eddy lived with Mr. 
and Mrs. George D. Clark on Summer Street, in 
Lynn. The names of the group of persons gathered round 
Mrs. Eddy in the Clark home as the time drew near for 
publication and even the places where they sat at table 
are known, thanks to a diagram * prepared by George E. 
Clark, the son. 

Mrs. Eddy 


Mrs. Raymond 13 1 Hiram Crafts 
Minot Raymond 12 2 Mrs. Crafts 
George Clark 11 3 Mrs. Brene Paine Clark 

John Bogart 10 4 Charles Porter 

Nathaniel Brookhouse 9 5 Mrs. Porter 
John S. Keyes 8 6 Wm. Wadlin 

Joshua Sheldon 

If there were not, in that friendly circle, any fisher folk, 
as among the twelve who surrounded Jesus, emphatically 
there were nineteenth century equivalents workers in 
the Lynn shoe factories, salesmen in shoe stores, a painter, 
and a teamster. 

Mrs. Eddy sat at the head of the table. Wherever 
Mrs. Eddy sat, at any time, was the head of the table. 
The years which followed were abundantly to justify 
the soundness of judgment of Asa G. Eddy expressed in 



a letter written on August 5, 1880, that, as a matter of 
course, in any project success was certain only when 
Mrs. Eddy led the way. 2 

Records reveal to us how Mrs. Eddy looked in the 
days when her book was going through its final stage 
of preparation for the printer. Though entering the 
fifties, she still retained the complexion of her girlhood, 
the color coming and going in her fair cheeks, and her 
hair falling in a shower of brown curls around her face. 
Her blue eyes, as she talked, shone more brilliantly than 
ever. Says Mr. Clark: 

She usually wore black, but occasionally a violet or pale rose 
color, and I remember well a dove-colored dress trimmed with 
black velvet that she wore in the summer. She was a little above 
medium height, slender and graceful. Usually she was reserved, 
though her expression was never forbidding. But when she talked, 
and she talked very well and convincingly, she would make a 
sweeping outward gesture with her right hand as though giving 
her thought from her very heart. 3 

Argument was frequent at that dinner table. Wherever 
fourteen New Englanders are met together serious dis 
cussion, and often actual debate, is likely to spring up. 
Young Clark, soon to go to sea, became at times appre 
hensive lest the pitch of intensity to which discussion was 
carried should lead to dissension. But courtesy invariably 
tempered feeling, and saved the day, much of the credit 
for which belonged to Mrs. Eddy. One of her friends 
thus drew her picture from memory in later years, "I can 
seem to see her now as she sat before us with that heavenly 
spiritual expression which lighted her whole countenance 
as she expounded the truth ... her conversation was 
always an inspiration and instructive/ 4 


Naturally, the talk sometimes turned to Quimby. At the 
Wheelers his name was often on her tongue. 5 During her 
stay with the Crafts family, in the winter of 1866-67, 
Quimbyism was not infrequently her theme. Notes in 
Mrs. Eddy s handwriting, which Hiram S. Crafts pre 
served, still exist, as proof that Mrs. Eddy was already 
thinking independently of Quimby, and identifying " the 
whole idea man with the perfect man of God s creating." 6 

At the Wentworths she took advantage of the oppor 
tunity to add an introduction to Questions and Answers; 
and as her two years with them drew to a close, her 
incessant talk concerning mind and matter bored some 
of the intellectually incurious members of the family. 7 

By 1871, she was leaving Quimby far behind, and no 
one was more aware of it than Mrs. Eddy herself. She 
was coming to realize the full import of his admission 
to her in 1864 that she had discovered something different 
from anything he ever taught, which now no open-minded 
investigator can doubt who has access to these compre 
hensively informing sources the author has studied and 
also to the author s extensive personal correspondence, 
supplementing his face to face talking with Quimby s 
son. During this same year, in writing to her friend, Miss 
Sarah Bagley, Mrs. Eddy s reference to some unknown 
person whom she described as "that half 8 scientist, a 
former patient of Dr. Quimby" 9 indicates this clearer 
understanding of herself. If further testimony were 
needed her severest critic of a generation ago conceded 
that "she had improved upon the original Quimby method 
and left it behind her"; 10 while one of her most recent 
critics 11 affirms that: "In those eight years Quimby had 
ceased to be an entity" in her life. 


In this connection her own observation late in life is 
worth consideration that for "a time (after 1866) she 
was somewhat hampered by the theories of Quimby." 12 
Of aid, also, in plotting correctly the upward curve of 
her development is this other later statement: 

What I wrote on Christian Science some twenty-five years ago 
I do not consider a precedent for a present student of this Science. 
The best mathematician has not attained the full understanding 
of the principle thereof, in his earliest studies or discoveries. 
Hence, it were wise to accept only my teachings that I know to 
be correct and adapted to the present demand. 13 

The table talk at the Clarks was often of her fall in 
Lynn. It was one of the most significant experiences in 
Mrs. Eddy s significant career. Its consequences in dealing 
with the years that followed no one will minimize who 
cares to understand her extraordinary career. Starting 
from Swampscott anticipating a happy evening at a tem 
perance meeting in Lynn, on Thursday, February 1, 1866, 
Mrs. Patterson had a hard fall on the ice, of which this 
account appeared the next Saturday in the Lynn Reporter: 

Mrs. Mary Patterson of Swampscott fell upon the ice near the 
corner of Market and Oxford streets on Thursday evening and 
was severely injured. She was taken up in an insensible condi 
tion and carried into the residence of S. M. Bubier, Esq., near by, 
where she was kindly cared for during the night. Dr. Gushing, 
who was called, found her injuries to be internal and of a severe 
nature, inducing spasms and internal suffering. She was removed 
to her home in Swampscott yesterday afternoon, though in a 
very critical condition. 14 

Forty years later, Dr. Gushing, near fourscore years, 
recalled that he found Mrs. Patterson very nervous, par 
tially unconscious, semi-hysterical 15 ; symptoms not un- 


usual in cases of profound shock. The next morning he 
gave her one-eighth of a grain of morphia as a sedative. 
Her response to this small dose was such as to indicate 
that she was not in the least accustomed to the drug; for 
she was so late in awaking frofai the profound sleep into 
which she fell that the doctor feared he had given her 
a larger dose than he had the night before intended. 
Incidentally, once when talking to the author he observed, 
"Probably one-sixteenth of a grain would have put her 
sound asleep." 16 

It was in the summer of 1907 that the author had a 
long talk as well as correspondence with Dr. Gushing, 
who was spending his last years in Springfield, near the 
author s Northampton home. Across the twoscore years 
he recalled with pride the days when he was a popular 
doctor and a man of social consequence in Lynn. His 
eyes brightened in describing the "spanking" team which 
he often drove on sunny afternoons along the Lynn 
speedway. He observed that one day he had prescribed 
for as many at fifty-nine patients. 17 

About the value of attenuated doses both of arnica and 
"belladonna to the two hundredth attenuation," he spoke 
with not a little gusto. Having spent a summer not many 
years before with Osier, the world-eminent diagnostician, 
later Sir William, of Oxford, 18 and helped him daily in 
the preparation of his still world-used book on The 
Practice of Medicine, and having also heard at length 
his well known opinions about homeopathy, the author 
was not impressed with Dr. Cushing s missionary zeal 
for "attenuation" to the two hundredth degree of such 
drugs as arnica and belladonna. 

Although of less importance than the spiritual conse- 

Copyright 1929 by The Christian Science Publishing Society. From a tintype, 


ABOUT 1867 


quences of the fall in Lynn, the former physical symptoms 
soon returned. Within two weeks Mrs. Patterson was 
writing Julius Dresser for mental aid to forestall a possible 
return of "the terrible spinal affection from which I have 
suffered so long and hopelessly." 19 

On June thirtieth, the Mayor of Lynn presented to the 
city government a communication from Mrs. Patterson: 

in which she states that owing to the unsafe condition of that 
portion of Market Street at the junction of Oxford Street, on 
the first day of February last she slipped and fell, causing serious 
personal injuries, from which she has little prospect of recovering, 
and asking for pecuniary recompense for the injuries received. 20 

But the fall did bring its spiritual revelation. She never 
in the years that followed doubted that it led her farther 
on the way to God. The Sunday following the fall, still 
prostrate in her Swampscott home from the accident, as 
she was reading the Bible narrative of how Jesus healed 
the palsied man, she experienced one of those rare visita 
tions reserved for the religious discoverers of the race and 
thus describes it: "The lost chord of Truth (healing, as 
of old) I caught consciously from the Divine Harmony. 
... It was to me a revelation of Truth." 21 

Her consciousness of God s power to heal, which had 
been ever growing brighter with the years, and had been 
enhanced by the idealizing faith which for a while she 
honestly believed that Quimby also had, was now at its 
full. She was sure, as the Rt. Hon. H. A. L. Fisher writes, 
that "a spiritual life transcending the human formed the 
ultimate basis of reality." 22 No matter what might happen 
to her in the years ahead, never again would she doubt 
the literal truth of the New Testament promise, "My 
grace is sufficient for thee." 


Not that she understood it all at once. She was, in 
fact, to spend her life in plumbing its depths upon depths. 
In the calm of eventide in her swinging chair at Pleasant 
View, musing over this experience, she confided to a 
friend 23 that she had come to the realization that: 

She had been thinking about God, and it dawned upon her 
that it was the attitude of mind which she was in that made it 
possible for the divine power to heal her, that in some unknown 
way she had attained unto that consciousness of the divine 
Presence which heals the sick even as the natural musician without 
scientific knowledge touches the harmonic chords. 24 

Like Jacob at Peniel, with many a weary mile yet to 
trudge before his journey s end, Mrs. Eddy always after 
wards felt that she could say, "I have seen God face to 
face, and my life is preserved." 25 

The way now began to clear for that complete con 
centration on her life work which was essential if the 
goal she set before her was ever to be reached. In 1862, 
poor and sick as she was, from her husband s brother 26 
she borrowed thirty dollars, with which to try to bring 
about the release of her blundering husband from prison. 
In 1 864, an effort was made, in all good faith, to re-establish 
a home in Lynn. But in his consort s dreams the husband 
sought and took no lot or part; for in the summer of 
1866 he eloped with the wife of another man; 27 was 
divorced in 1873 for unfaithfulness; and in 1896 died at 
Saco, Maine, 28 in the poorhouse. But, long before this, 
he took on himself the full responsibility for the failure 
of his marriage, when to a friend he described Mrs. 
Patterson as "a pure, estimable and Christian woman," 
and added "that if he had done as he ought he might have 
had a pleasant and happy home as one could wish for." 29 


Already Mrs. Eddy was well along with the building 
of her book. But there was other building to be finished 
before the book could be completed. At this time, Mrs. 
Eddy was a disadvantaged woman. Between her fall in 
1866 and the appearance of her book in 1875, more than 
once she lacked both friends and * Vhere to lay her head." 
Her father had died in 1865. Not merely was her boy, 
now a grown man, gone to war, but there were years 
when she knew not so much as his whereabouts. Mrs. 
Tilton s doors at last swung open very grudgingly. Ellen 
Pilsbury, her own niece, had attended to that. Healed 
by Mrs. Eddy of a serious illness, Ellen went with her 
aunt to complete her recuperation at Taunton, where, 
like a typical Baker, she reacted against the plainness of 
the Crafts home and returned to Tilton with such sorry- 
tales as ever after made the older aunt shut Mrs. Eddy 
out of her heart. 30 

There were times when Mrs. Eddy had to fight for 
her personal independence. Now and then every man s 
hand seemed to be against her. In 1890, she told her 
good friend, Miss Shannon, that for a time, while living 
in Lynn, she was annoyed almost beyond endurance. 31 
No wonder that in a day when the law was often a 
woman s only protection from imposition, Mrs. Eddy 
sometimes felt the need of legal aid. 

The situation grew acute. She was rarely free from 
grave anxiety. She became sensitive even to the thoughts 
which she believed were directed at her, and she wrote 
one to whom she had given confidence and who was 
failing her, 32 "won t you exercise reason and let me live 
or will you kill me? Your mind is just what has brought 
on my relapse and I shall never recover if you do not 


govern yourself and TURN YOUR THOUGHTS wholly away 
from me ... won t you quit thinking of me." 

She needed at her right hand some one who would 
ask nothing except the chance to help her carry out her 
larger purpose. And the man was there. Asa Gilbert 
Eddy was kindly, modest, unassuming, patient, sensible, 
methodical, reliable, no troublemaker, and "careless in 
nothing but his own comfort." 33 To some originality 
and considerable ability, he added a true man s instinct 
to defer to superior wisdom and to work with others. 
Into the expanding life of this unusual woman Asa Gilbert 
Eddy came unobtrusively. But here is her own story, 
written January 12, 1877, to a friend: 34 

Last Spring Dr. Eddy came to me a hopeless invalid. I saw 
him then for the first time, and but twice. When his health was 
so improved he next came to join my class (his residence was 
South Boston). In four weeks after he came to study he was in 
practice doing well, worked up an excellent reputation for healing 
and at length won my affections on the ground alone of his great 
goodness and strength of character. 

On New Year s Day, 1877, they were married, and a 
satisfying home was now hers which all her life she had 
been craving and sometimes seemed destined never to 
possess. Writes one who knew them well, 35 This home 
in Lynn was very simple in all its arrangements, but 
immaculately neat." 

On the death of her husband, June 3, 1882, she wrote 
to this same friend from the Vermont hills, whither she 
had gone in her bereavement: * 


I can t yet feel much interest in anything of earth. I shall try 
and eventually succeed in rising from the gloom of my irreparable 
loss but it must take time. Long after I shall smile and appear 


happy shall I have to struggle alone with my great grief that none 
shall know if I can hide it. I think of you at the fort and always 
as little, or rather great heroes and pray that my coming shall 
be a joy and not a sorrow to you I know you will hail it but O! 
I hope I shall be more useful to you all than a mourner is apt to 
be. I shall never forget dear, dear Gilbert his memory is dearer 
every day but not so sad I think as when I left home. It is beauti 
ful here the hills vales and lakes are lovely but this was his native 
state and he is not here. 

More and more the truth pressed home that she could 
never hope to build her book until she had first acquired 
an income on which to live; a sum at least above the 
margin of actual want. To this grilling task she set her 
hand while her spirit ranged the skies. Who shall say 
that it may not have been with these hard days in mind 
that she wrote in 1893: 

O, make me glad for every scalding tear, 
For hope deferred, ingratitude, disdain! 

Wait, and love more for every hate, and fear 
No ill, since God is good, and loss is gain. 37 

If she was to write, she had to have a roof over her 
head, and food to eat. The Phillipses gave her shelter 
for a while, and in the Clark home there was good food, 
and happy company. Then, too, she earned a little by 
her healing work. Her first student was Hiram S. Crafts, 
whom she taught from the Bible and her manuscripts. 38 
The pages of her notebook, which he retained, the first 
two of which are now before the author, are expositions 
of the first Gospel which are full of her reliance on God, 
and descriptions of the harmony and healing which she 
said outright would naturally result from such a faith. 
He paid her while they were fellow boarders at the 
Clarks; and, when he set up for himself as a practitioner, 


she went to live with him and Mrs. Crafts, first in East 
Stoughton, then in Taunton. At the Wentworths, where 
she stayed two years, in exchange for her "keep" she 
explained to Mrs. Wentworth her new method of healing 
and also allowed her to copy Questions and Answers 
together with her comments. But the time came when 
that was not regarded as compensation enough; and at 
last she was obliged to move on. 39 -During one of the 
years of that long period while her, book was building, 
she tells us that she moved eight times. 

Never in the years from 1866 to 1875 was she happier 
than while with the Ellises, 40 spending many an evening 
with the family. Kindly Mrs. Webster at Amesbury, 
who was interested in spiritualism, 41 was hospitable to Mrs. 
Glover until her son-in-law came from New York and 
made conditions so impossible for Mrs. Glover that she 
moved to Miss Bagley s. 

But always this woman of the book kept at her task. 
Nothing else not even a living seemed so important 
to her. Some of her students paid her one hundred dollars 
for ten lessons, and promised her a commission of ten 
per cent on their future earnings. 42 This arrangement 
appeared necessary at the start; but it later proved to be 
unwise and was discontinued. Mrs. Eddy looked upon 
a contract as a contract even with her earlier students; 
as is evident from a letter which she wrote one of them 
July 28, 1869: 

I learn from your own signature that you have retained a copy 
of those MSS. This was a fraud for which I must hold you or 
any other person responsible who should commit such an act. 
Now if you wish for a private settlement I will spare your 
feelings and charge you fifty dollars only for the copy; but if 


you do not wish to settle in this manner I shall certainly take 
measures to protect myself against such damage. 43 

Once in those early days when other helpers failed, 
Mrs. Eddy felt driven to invoke legal aid to protect her 
teaching in the well known Arens Case, and with success. 
Without her consent some suits were brought against 
students. 44 Richard Kennedy, her business partner from 
1870 to 1872, however, told the author in 1907 that 
after their partnership was dissolved and her income was 
decreased she felt the pinch, and did the best she could. 45 

But her habitual policy is clearly stated in the Church 

A member of The Mother Church shall not, under pardonable 
circumstances, sue his patient for recovery of payment for said 
member s practice, on penalty of discipline and liability to have 
his name removed from membership. Also he shall reasonably 
reduce his price in chronic cases of recovery, and in cases where 
he has not effected a cure. A Christian Scientist is a humanitarian; 
he is benevolent, forgiving, long-suffering, and seeks to overcome 
evil with good. 

Poor as she was in those days, not letting her left hand 
know what her right hand generously gave, she often 
helped substantially both the worthy and also the less 
worthy. Mrs. Annie Macmillan Knott recalls the authentic 
case of a woman who for two years was taught by Mrs. 
Eddy without charge. S. P. Bancroft 47 paid his three 
hundred dollars, which Mrs. Eddy promised to refund 
if he found he could not "demonstrate" what she taught 
him. And when James C. Howard was unable to meet 
his obligation, he received from his generous teacher a 
receipt in full, along with a check with which to buy 
an overcoat which he conspicuously needed. 48 


At last, after much experimenting, she came to the 
conclusion, confirmed by general experience, that people 
habitually value only that for which they pay. Just why 
she raised her price to three hundred dollars and later 

reduced her lessons from twelve to seven may never be 
known in full. There is reason to believe it was a wise 
decision, and that it was not made at the expense of her 
high standard. In a letter which she sent to Mrs. Clara 
E. Choate she declared: te l shall teach them as soon as 
they will study. The taxes, coal and repairs on building, 
and book have drained. But not for that would I teach 
this Science." 49 

Years later she wrote: 

When God impelled me to set a price on my instruction in 
Christian Science Mind-healing, I could think of no financial 
equivalent for an impartation of a knowledge of that divine power 
which heals; but I was led to name three hundred dollars as the 
price for each pupil in one course of lessons at my College, a 
startling sum for tuition lasting barely three weeks. This amount 


greatly troubled me. I shrank from asking it, but was finally led, 
by a strange providence, to accept this fee. 50 

To the impartial observer, nothing more surely indi 
cates the prevision and administrative wisdom of the 
Founder than the financing of the Christian Science move 
ment. The present situation in some parts of Christendom 
is intolerable. The shabby money-raising devices to which 
some churches resort which hark back to the time of 
Jesus when a settled income was not necessary, and when 
the poorest peasant in the region around Galilee, might, 
like the Pilgrim Fathers, "suck of the abundance of the 
seas, and of treasures hid in the sand," are out of place, 
archaic, adventitious, and distinctly hurtful to the larger 
cause. This is no plea to turn the minister into a man 
of wealth, but to save him from deteriorating into what 
a young man, who recently left the ministry at the end 
of his first year, describes as "the proverbial, down-at-the- 
heels, dispirited, sad-eyed parson." 

Mrs. Eddy s views were products of a personal expe 
rience which had cost her much travail. Her belief never 
wavered that the truth she taught was for the rich, as 
well as for the poor. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, 
and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added 
unto you," 51 was the basis of her economic counseling. 
She said, "Soul has infinite resources with which to bless 
mankind. 52 . . ." "We are all capable of more than we 
do." 53 To one of her students, having "quite a financial 
struggle," Mrs. Eddy cheeringly observed: "Keep on in 
the work of Science and you will always be glad that 
you did. Know that you are fed and clothed by Spirit, 
and you will be fed and clothed and to the world it will 
be a miracle." 5 * 


In those dark days when, with the odds against her, 
she learned to make a living, she demonstrated that those 
who, in singleness of mind, seek the kingdom receive all 
the human things of which they have real need. The 
mind that is set on higher things draws to it the lower 
if only like the sheaves in Joseph s dream to do 
homage to the higher. That is why Christian Scientists 
look prosperous and are often prosperous. They seek the 
kingdom of God, and other things are usually added to 
them. God keeps His promises. 

Mrs. Eddy had to protect her spiritual morale as well 
as win her economic independence. Sensitiveness over 
the attitude of public opinion toward the domestic differ 
ences with Dr. Patterson led her, unfriended and distressed 
as she sometimes was in her Lynn days, to turn back to 
the name Glover. The aloofness and censoriousness of her 
relatives cut her to the heart. The one sweet note of 
her earlier home was struck by her sympathetic step 
mother who wrote her on a pale little postcard: 55 

My own Dear Daughter 

It is a long time since I have heard one word from you. Hope 
you are well and enjoying the light of God s countenance and 
surrounded with kind friends, a good Minister, and good society. 
I know you must miss your own dear relatives and former friends. 
. . . My love to yourself and all who are kind to you. 

E. P. B. 

How to sheathe her sensitiveness from exposure to the 
world s venom took her many a year to learn. But she 
learned. Richard Kennedy 56 once said: "It was an unfor 
tunate fact that Mrs. Eddy with her small income was 
obliged to live with people very often at this time in her 
life who were without education and cultivation/ 


A woman sharing the same house with her when Mrs. 
Eddy was busiest on her book, described her to Miss 
Emma C. Shipman 57 as The purest minded woman I 
ever knew." But she added that she thought Mrs. Eddy 
a "crank." Asked to explain what she meant by "crank" 
the aged woman answered, "Mrs. Eddy wished the house 
kept so still," a condition essential to intellectual cre- 
ativeness which every educated household, where books 
are written, accepts without calling names. 

But whether people understood her or not, Mrs. Eddy 
lived with them. "It was never her custom to keep apart 
from the family. She invariably mingled with them and 
through them kept in touch with the world." Even in 
what in 1869 she called her "time of severest trial," she 

My Father chastens in love, and I know if my physical frame 
endures I shall rejoice here for every tear I have shed, and ere 
long enter the lighted sanctuary, and cast off my crown won 
from the cross at the foot of the throne, whither have gone 
through great tribulation such as have washed their souls in the 
blood of the Lamb which is the spirituality of truth bleeding 
from the wounds of error. 58 

There were, however, some to give her loving sym 
pathy. That summer of 1866, which she spent with the 
PhilHpses at Lynn, Grandmother "Mary" and Mary 
Baker Glover many years her junior were so com 
pletely one in mind and heart that one time when "Uncle 
Thomas" came home and found them side by side on 
the sofa talking of the higher things of life, he remarked 
to his wife, "Hannah, do you see our two saints? There 
they sit together, the two Marys." 59 


Though personally and industriously building up a 
growing business, George Oliver was known, when Mrs. 
Eddy was at his house, deliberately and repeatedly to 
overstay his luncheon hour. Returning to his office, he 
never offered an excuse. One day, however, he did 
casually observe, "I would rather hear (her) 60 talk than 
make a big deal in business." 

Hiram S. Crafts, that first student in whose home she 
lived for some months, paid the last tribute to his teacher 
on December 20, 1901, in a renewed confession of loyalty 
to her teachings which covered all his later years. 61 

The Wentworths were a large household. During the 
two years from 1868 to 1870, when Mrs. Eddy lived in 
their home, now and again her relationship with some 
members of the family became somewhat strained a 
not unusual experience. But what one of the sons, Charles 
O. Wentworth, remembered in 1909, when trivialities 
were fading out of mind, was that her "gentle, unassuming 
nature made her a peacemaker." 62 This confirmed his 
mother s judgment expressed in 1869 that "If ever there 
was a saint on earth it is Mrs. Glover." 63 

She had constant need of a full suit of armor for her 
natural sensitiveness. No sooner was she fairly launched 
upon her teaching enterprise than some of her first 
students usually crude, frequently unteachable, and 
sometimes merely mercenary began to make trouble for 
her. When to his amazement George Tuttle, home from 
a sea cruise to Calcutta, seemed easily to cure his first 
patient, he fell into a panic and nothing could induce 
him to try to repeat his experience. His brother-in-law, 
Charles S. Stanley, gave such free vent to his argumenta 
tive spirit in class that Mrs. Eddy, in the interest of her 


other students, had to dismiss him to make him realize 
that he was not the only student in the class. 

A certain young bank clerk, Wallace Wright, would 
not or perhaps in his crassness could not for the life 
of him see how mesmerism and Mind Science differed. 
With retaliatory zeal he hurried into print to attack a 
teacher whom he did not understand; whereupon five of 
her larger-visioned students came to her defense. In con 
sequence, young Wright disappeared from public view and 
also from history after making the somewhat premature 
announcement, on February 24, 1872, "that Mrs. Glover 
and her Science were practically dead and buried." 64 

Of all those earlier students Richard Kennedy gave 
most promise. From 1870 to 1872, he was in partnership 
with Mrs. Eddy. Under her inspiring touch he was 
from the first a growing success as a healer, which at 
last left her free entirely to teach. At the end of two 
years, Mrs. Eddy had six thousand dollars in the bank. 65 
But young Richard found the business obtainable by 
rubbing heads so satisfactory that he felt no desire to 
study under Mrs. Eddy what she taught. Why bother 
about theory, so long as he could make a good income 
from his practice. The more he used those expert hands 
of his, the more he closed his agile mind until, by mutual 
consent, on May 11, 1872, the partnership was dissolved. 66 

Daniel H. Spofford brought into Mrs. Eddy s life a 
more mature and less ebullient personality. He won much 
success at first in healing, and was also more or less 
helpful for a time in the management of her growing 
interests. As the months slipped by, however, his interest 
in her teaching did not keep pace with her enlarging 
plan. As she turned more to Asa Gilbert Eddy, she 


depended less on Spofford. Personal difficulties arose, 
and Spoiford went the way of others. 67 

In 1881 eight of her students none of them at all 
concerned about what she considered the real issue 
openly rebelled and put her leadership to a severe test. 
As usual, Mrs. Eddy made appeal to rise above the petti 
ness of personalities. Getting no response, she read the 
eight out of connection with the Cause, 68 rallied to her 
side the better disposed members, and as the event proved 
gave a conclusive demonstration that she ruled, no matter 
what might happen, in the little world around her. After 
that it was clear that she would be able to cope with any 
crisis which might arise. 

The spring before the book appeared in 1875, Mrs. 
Eddy was living in a boarding house at Number 9, Broad 
Street, Lynn. Still pursued by controversy and overtaken 
by much contumely, she yearned even more intensely 
for the quiet which a home of her own would probably 
provide. Leaning one day from her window, she observed 
a sign "For Sale," fastened on the two-story frame house, 
with attic, at Number 8, across the street. She resolved 
that this should be her haven and on March 31, 1875, 
she bought the place for five thousand six hundred and 
fifty dollars. 

But her income was not yet adequate to maintain so 
large a house. She was obliged to lease all but the front 
parlor on the first floor, and on the third floor the tiny 
upper bedroom under the sloping roof, in which during 
the months that followed, she completed the preparation 
of her book. 

Number 8 was not a mansion. It, however, put a roof 
over her head. Fancy perhaps might see in its modest 


bow windows and little balconies tokens of the comforts 
and the beauty to be hers. The enforced wandering, 
which for years had handicapped and humiliated her, she 
now believed was near an end. Status, at last, she had 
the security furnished by the owning of property. It 
was little enough, but that little was sweet to one who 
had known less. Number 8 might possibly, she dared to 
hope, one day bring her the condition "when an ounce 
of sentiment may save a ton of sorrow." 69 

At any rate a student of those days reports that he 
"never knew her so continuously happy as in that summer 
at Number 8." Sibyl Wilbur, too, says: 

the litde place grew most attractive. The affectionate zeal of her 
students, many of whom she had healed from serious complaints 
or diseases and some of whom she had reclaimed from intemperate 
lives, made her gardens bloom, kept her grass-plot like velvet, and 
relieved the austerity of her parlor with decoration. Mrs. Glover s 
balconies were filled with calla lilies of which she was particularly 
fond, and when she stood among them tending and caring for 
them with the sunlight sifting through the leaves of the elm, 
making splashes of green and gold upon her cool white gown, 
she made a picture of composure and purity. 70 

Not only in numbers, but also in love and loyalty, her 
students seemed to multiply. No service, at that time, 
appeared too great for them to render. Often they antici 
pated her unexpressed wish; and with them she shared 
her confidences and also took them to her heart. Some 
she addressed by endearing names. To many she opened 
a new heaven and a new earth. Letters written by students 
in their old age are on record in which words fail them 
to describe all that she had meant to them in the elysian 
days they spent with her. 


To ensure her independence against all accident Mrs. 
Eddy needed not merely to triumph over the sordid and 
the commonplace with whom she overlong had been 
obliged to associate, but also to be drawn increasingly 
within range of the circles in Boston and in Concord 
devoted to those higher ideals and cultural interests con 
genial to her. 

Certain phrases used by Emerson are faintly reminiscent 
of Science and Health. Those were the days when he 
was telling lecture audiences: "Mind is supreme, eternal, 
and one. . . . The universe is the result of mind." But 
we have Mrs. Eddy s own word dictated to a secretary 
that she never read Emerson till after her book was pub 
lished. 71 Between Emerson and Mrs. Eddy there was a 
great gulf fixed. He was all for thought, and she for 
demonstration. He never fired her imagination, or awak 
ened her enthusiasm. The Reverend Thomas Van Ness 

I asked Mrs. Eddy one afternoon, when we were talking on 
the subject of her plans, whether she cared much for the teachings 
of Emerson. . . . Her reply was vague. The subject did not 
interest her and we soon drifted away from it, or rather, she did. 72 

But to Whittier Mrs. Eddy turned instinctively. He 
was more approachable and more responsive. Nine of 
his poems, in which she took a great personal interest, 
were put into the Christian Science Hymnal and to the 
end it was a joy to her to hear people sing: 

The healing of his seamless dress 

Is by our beds of pain; 

We touch him in life s throng and press. 

And we are whole again. 


On one occasion when Sarah Bagley (in whose home 
Mrs. Eddy stayed in Amesbury) took Mrs. Eddy to call 
on Whittier, they found him "sitting before a fire in a 
grate (in July) coughing incessantly with hectic flush on 
his cheeks and scarce able to speak above a whisper." As 
she talked and showed a sympathetic interest over his 
indisposition, he brightened up and appeared to be much 
better. Of her visit Mrs. Eddy writes, "When I rose to 
go he came to me with both hands extended and said 
C I thank thee Mary for thy call, it has done me much 
good, come again. " 74 

For all his kindly reserve, Bronson Alcott had a sympa 
thetic nature which appealed to Mrs. Eddy. Concerning 
slavery, their opinions were identical. After her book 
appeared and the storm of criticism broke, he introduced 
himself to her with this salutation, "I have come to com 
fort you." 75 For that reason, she sent him on January 14, 
1876, a copy of the book, which he acknowledged in 
the pleasure-giving words: 

The sacred truths which you announce sustained by facts of 
the Immortal Life, give to your work the seal of inspiration 
reaffirm in modern phrase, the Christian revelations. In times like 
ours so sunk in sensualism, I hail with joy any voice speaking an 
assured word for God and Immortality. And my joy is heightened 
the more when I find the blessed words are of woman s divinings. 76 

Twice he visited her in her own house at Lynn. He 
showed an interest in the class work, and indicated 
clearly that he had abundant reason for his confidence 
in her and in her followers. 77 

Again, on June 5, 1878, in company with the Reverend 
J. L. Dudley, Mr. Alcott was a welcome guest at a 
Christian Scientist Association meeting. Should the ques- 


tion ever arise as to whether Mrs. Eddy borrowed from 
Alcott, the author would refer inquirers to the minutes 
of the meeting, now in the files of The Mother Church, 
and reading thus: 

After listening to questions & answers between teacher & class, 
Mr. Alcott presented his argument of the working of mind from 
Spirit down to atom & "vice versa." It was interesting to notice 
how near some points in the argument approached to the true 
argument in Science. 78 

At the Emersons and elsewhere in Concord in those 
days, there was much talk of Mrs. Eddy; and Mrs. 
Emerson, whose time usually was altogether occupied in 
balancing with her practical sense the unpracticalness of 
her husband, expressed a wish to meet her. Mr. Alcott 
often spoke to his daughter, Louisa M. Alcott, of Little 
Women fame, to Frank Sanborn and various Concord 
Brahmins of his new friend; and among them so little 
opposition developed to her teachings that he evidently 
believed there could be little of it also among people 
worth while anywhere. 79 

As the years passed Mrs. Eddy won a place in Boston 
life, and met many Boston people. But by that time she 
was so engrossed in writing, in teaching, in building up 
her book and her church, and in multitudinous details 
of administration, that she had little time to spare for 
those occasions which have always given dignity and dis 
tinction to Boston society, and still give it a unique place 
among the cities of the land. 

All those years when she was building up her health, 
her income, her equilibrium, she was qualifying more 
and more for building up her book. Her very hardships 
lent substance to her writing. She was coming up through 


much tribulation. As the Scriptures put it, "The earth 
helped the woman." Speculation about what might have 
been may be interesting, but it is scarcely worth the time 
and trouble. Yet had not Mrs. Eddy been so absorbed 
in building up her book from 1866 to 1875, when life 
was seldom kind to her, she probably would never have 
become infused with the heavenly courage to go on and 
on more soundly building up her health, her income, her 

The work on the book, exhausting as it sometimes 
must have been, was her anchorage to reality when a 
lesser soul would have drifted to oblivion. Did she, like 
St. Paul, have to become all things to all men that she 
might save some? It was the honest toil she gave the 
book which taught her tact and courage. Was it necessary 
to pay attention to the spiritualistic rhapsodies of Mrs. 
Webster 80 in order to keep a roof over her head? She 
could bring herself to do it for the sake of the precious 
hours it would give her every day to write. Did she 
have to sit in at a game of cards to keep on good terms 
with acquaintances, when she so begrudged every minute 
stolen from her writing that to some she now and then 
appeared distracted, even cross? There was sure to be 
some hour of the day when, huddled in her shawl, with 
the house rocking in the wintry wind, she could be 
at her book. Were there times when, with children 
mimicking her, with adults insulting her and even threat 
ening her with harm, her pride was wounded sore, and 
her heart was broken, by the cruel trivialities inflicted 
upon a woman striving to establish her spiritual security? 
Her book brought some relief from pain, and assistance 
to forget. Who shall say that it was not this absorption 


in the book which gave her power to rise above cold, 81 
above hunger, above all the thousand stings of petty 
persecution to regions where nothing counts but Spirit, 
regions which sustain in the supreme conviction that 
nothing exists but Spirit? 

For years Mrs. Eddy was working on her book. As 
her students more and more desired to see her teachings 
put in writing, she first fed them the familiar Questions 
and Answers, to which she was soon adding an Intro 
ductionalmost immediately to find its way into the 
text itself. By the summer of 1869 another booklet was 
ready forerunning Science and Health which later 
received the title The Science of Man, but at first evi 
dently was called Science of Soul. 

On June 7, 1869, from East Stoughton (now Avon) 
she wrote a Tilton friend of her earlier days: 

I have just sent a work to the press for publication entitled 
Science of Soul I mean you shall read it sometime. I have 
written this and notes to the entire book of Genesis within the 
last year and this, besides laboring for clothes and other expenses 
with teaching I am worn almost out, have lost my love of life 
completely and want to go where the weary have a rest and 
the heavy laden lay down their burdens. 82 

The postscript to this letter further indicates that she 
was hard pressed at the time for money: 

I am anxious to know why Dr. P. (Patterson) does not send 
me my annual remittance. 

In February, 1872, she began to write what in her 
little notebook in the author s hand she calls The 
Science of Life. A little later she was putting out 
Soul s Inquiries of Man, on which there are more touches 


than ever of Mrs. Eddy s individuality. While traces 
of her state of mind in the fast receding Portland 
days may here have lingered on, they steadily grew 
fainter until, at the very latest in 1875, she gave her 
students printed instructions they could not misunder 
stand to omit "manipulation"; after which Quimby s 
name was very rarely mentioned by her. 88 

Perhaps, therefore, the author of this book was justified 
when he wrote, in 1921, for the Cambridge History of 
American Literature that "As a whole the system described 
in Science and Health is hers, and nothing that can ever 
happen will make it less than hers." S4 As though to con 
firm the author s judgment, which had for years been 
growing, the New York Times 3 review in 1922 of The 
Quimby Manuscripts, which appeared in 1921, adds: 

It is a gigantic task which the editor of The Quimby Manu 
scripts has undertaken when he offers this loosely arranged mass 
of writings and reflections as not only containing the beginning 
of spiritual healing but also the origin of Christian Science. . . . 
Science and Health, whatever views may be held concerning it 
by individuals, has served to build up a mighty organization 
which could hardly have been reared on the uncertain founda 
tions of the Quimby manuscripts. 

Under the tiny skylight which, even in that cool 
summer, 85 focused the hot rays of the sun uncomfortably 
on the head of Mrs. Glover, writing her first book at 
a time in life when many a writer has said farewell to 
his creative power, Mrs. Glover, in 1875, put the last 
touch on the first edition of Science and Health. To find 
a publisher was no easy task. She had long been trying. 
Nothing could be impossible to one who, more than a 
half-century before had prattled in the schoolroom "I 


will write a book," and had never quite lost sight of her 
high purpose. 86 

Mrs. Glover had already taken young George Clark 87 
with her to Boston in search of a publisher, with no more 
to show him than the prospectus which she carried with 

W. #. Sf own & Cfo., 

Job, Ckfd, .kqd fiook 

her. Seeing no profits in an enterprise which might even 
today appear an unpromising business risk the publisher 
expressed the usual regrets. To publish the book would 
cost more than fifteen hundred dollars. Two of Mrs. 
Glover s friends advanced the required amount, and the 
first edition of one thousand copies of Science and Health 
appeared on October 30, 1 875. The bill for its production, 
which came the next day from the printers, W. F. Brown 
& Company, of No. 50 Bromfield Street, Boston, mounted 


to $2285.35, of which Mrs. Glover paid seven hundred 
dollars. 88 

The book now lies before the author, in its pale green 
cover and in a style of type usual at that time. As a piece 
of bookmaking it is somewhat like The Bible Looking 
Glass, Fanny Fern, Nurse and Spy, and also other books 
then popular. In appearance, it is no better and no worse. 
No sooner was it off the press than Mrs. Glover was 
visualizing, in a letter written to a student, 89 a new edition, 
which she hopes will be an improvement on the first: 

There are grammatical errors in Erata and some in the book 
doubtless that I have not touched . . . and if you see them and 
are sure of what is right in the case correct them but not otherwise 
dont meddle with the punctuation but mark any doubtful cases 
so you can point them out to me. Our next printer should have 
a proof reader who is responsible for this. 90 

If this first edition bears some marks of a first book, 
Mrs. Glover at once began to remove them and continued 
to improve the successive editions until at last Science 
and Health became, next to the Bible, the "best seller" 
among serious books. 

Like the Bible, Science and Health was published as 
Mrs. Glover says in her first preface "to do good to 
the upright in heart, and to bless them that curse us, and 
bear to the sorrowing and the sick consolation and 
healing." The style is well adapted to the end in view. 
Without sacrificing dignity, the language is often con 
versational. Developing out of her rich experience among 
plain people, the Science and Health of 1875, like the 
King James Version of the Bible, is easily "understanded 
of the people." Help does come to those who would be 
"upright in heart" when they read, "Every pang of 


repentance, every suffering for sin, (accompanied with 
reformatory efforts) and every good deed, atones for 
sin." 91 There is blessing for those whom the world 
would curse in such a glowing sentence as, "Love must 
triumph over hate." 92 Rightly understood, there is ample 
comfort for all who sorrow and who suffer in the seven 
words, "Mind, and not matter, embraces all suffering." 93 

Never was Mrs. Eddy satisfied with anything she wrote. 
The publication of each edition of Science and Health 
was simply a new challenge to make the next edition 
better. Between the table of contents of that first edition 
of 1875 and the latest of 1910, 9 * there is not merely a 
wide difference but also a complete reordering. The first 

Natural Science; Imposition and Demonstration; Spirit and 
Matter; Creation; Prayer and Atonement; Marriage; Physiology; 
and Healing the Sick. 

The latest edition runs as follows: 

Prayer; Atonement and Eucharist; Marriage; Christian Science 
versus Spiritualism; Animal Magnetism Unmasked; Science, The 
ology, Medicine; Physiology; Footsteps of Truth; Creation; 
Science of Being; Some Objections Answered; Christian Science 
Practice; Teaching Christian Science; Recapitulation; Genesis; 
The Apocalypse; Glossary; and Fruitage. 

All the way through the thirty-five years which elapsed 
between the first edition and the last, she was consumed 
with a desire to make her book more accurately express 
her meaning, more perfectly disclose the revelation she 
never doubted God had given her. Never could she be 
too busy and no busier woman ever lived to find 
time every day to work upon the book. The story in 
detail of her revisions would make a volume in itself. 


Before the author, as he writes, are the very copies in 
which her own corrections and additions are penciled 
on many a page in almost bewildering abundance. 

Even in 1907, when she was eighty-six years old and 
the attacks upon her, culminating in the "Next Friends 
Suit," were suggesting to her and to her friends that: 

When sorrows come, they come not single spies, 
But in battalions, 

she was revising, and revising. Her pencilings crowd the 
margins, interline the text crosswise, and all but wear 
the flyleaves threadbare. Every problem then confronting 
her church, and as time was to prove almost every problem 
that could come, is reflected in her pencilings. 

There were times, as in this 1907 period, when the 
copy which she then used of Science and Health evi 
dently served somewhat as a diary in which she wrote 
down her inmost feeling. Did persecution strike her a 
new blow? She pencils the appropriate sentence, "It is 
our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which pro 
duces apparent discord." 95 

Was there misunderstanding of her use of the quotation: 

I, I, I, I itself, I 

The inside and outside, the what and the why, 
The when and the where, the low and the high, 

All I, I, I, I itself, I? 

She substitutes for it in pencil: 

O! Thou hast heard my prayer; 

And I am blest! 
This is Thy high behest: 
Thou here, and everywhere?* 

Were the "Next Friends" 97 pressing over much? In 
a burst of righteous wrath, supremely justified, she cuts 


out from page four hundred thirty of the 1907 edition, 
the expression, ordinarily colorless, "next friends." 

At midnight of September 25, 1907, she was reading 
about death on page one hundred sixty-four, when, as 
though anew to defy death, this woman, in her eighty- 
seventh year, changed the subjunctive to the indicative 
mood and declared that death "does not in the least dis 
prove Christian Science." And then recalling St. Paul, she 
joyously exclaimed, "Death is swallowed up in victory." 

It was not long before Mrs. Eddy entered into those 
business arrangements which were to continue for many 
a year with John Wilson, 98 head of the University Press, 
the artistic craftsmanship of whose books has in all the 
years been matched by their intrinsic worth. With the 
entire firm her relations remained until the end both 
friendly and agreeable. Indeed, the story of the successive 
editions of Science and Health can be traced in detail from 
the letters and the memoranda of such representatives of 
the University Press as John Wilson, William Dana 
Orcutt, and William B. Reid." They are used here the 
more lavishly because they dismiss much idle speculation 
including Mark Twain s about the originality and the 
orderly development of Mrs. Eddy s thinking, as revealed 
from year to year in Science and Health. 

From the first, Mrs. Eddy made on these substantial 
men a profound impression, which they saw no reason 
to change in a business and personal relationship lasting 
through an entire generation. To them she seemed a 
high-bred gentlewoman, to the manor born, sure of her 
self and her ideas, yet considerate and courteous to all. 
Upon every detail they indicate Mary Baker Eddy lavished 
care constant and untiring. She moved in a large orbit. 






She saw things whole. She saw things in their true har 
mony. To all, she was an object lesson, not merely in 
her penetrating insight but also in her habit of doing more 
than her share of the hard work necessary for its practical 
expression. 100 

From the head of the firm down to the youngest office 
boy, she knew them all. Her frequent visits were awaited 
with pleasurable anticipation. She earned the respect they 
freely gave her; and increasingly their personal affection. 
As late as February 11, 1897, John Wilson, head of the 
firm, after many years of business intercourse with Mrs. 
Eddy spoke of her "gentleness and sweetness." 101 

When she inquired where she could obtain the services 
of a trained editor, the Reverend James Henry Wiggin, 
staff reader for the University Press, was "detailed to the 
work (punctuation, capitalization and general smoothing 
out as to construction of sentences); and, as he did this 
on his own time, the payment for these services was made 
by Mrs. Eddy. . . . This was well known to those in our 
office," says Mr. Reid, "as well as in our proof reading 
department, and caused many a smile among us when we 
read, from time to time, the repeated assertion that Mr. 
Wiggin had written the book, and it tickled him, more 
than perhaps anyone else to read that he was the author 
(instead of corrector)." In later years, Mr. Wiggin once 
remarked to Mr. Wilson: "Wouldn t it have been fine 
if I had?" 102 

Now and then some writer, unacquainted with such 
convincing documentary evidence as this in the files of 
The Mother Church, circulates again the overestimates 
of the very helpful service which Mr. Wiggin rendered 
Mrs. Eddy. It may, therefore, be worth while to quote 


another representative of the University Press, a man of 
no less standing than William Dana Orcutt, friend of 
William James and Theodore Roosevelt, Bernard Shaw 
and Sir Sidney Lee, who testifies: 

Mr. Wiggin was still proofreader when I entered the Press, 
and he always manifested great pride in having been associated 
with Mrs. Eddy in the revision of this famous book. I often 
heard the matter referred to, both by him and by John Wilson, 
but there never was the slightest intimation that Mr. Wiggin s 
services passed beyond those of an experienced editor. I have no 
doubt that many of his suggestions, in his editorial capacity, were 
of value and possibly accepted by the author, in fact, unless 
they had been, he would not have exercised his proper function; 
but had he contributed to the new edition what some have 
claimed, he would certainly have given intimations of it in his 
conversations with me. 103 

There is finally another witness whose testimony may 
be of greater value because she always held her highly es 
teemed editorial assistant "in loving, grateful memory." 104 
That is why these few extracts from Mrs. Eddy s letters 
to Mr. Wiggin 105 may seem timely: 

July 30, 1885: Never change my meaning, only bring it out. 

June 14, 1886: They (your corrections) are all right in grammar 
and I understood you should do no more for the proofs than to 
attend to that. 

July, 1886: Please send both copy and proof to me and have 
no alterations made after I return the proof to press. 

June 14, 1890: I shall request Mr. Wilson to send the proofs 
to you and then you to me and I to him. 

Years later (in 1906) recalling again Mr. Wiggin s 
editorial service, Mrs. Eddy said, "In almost every case 
where Mr. Wiggin added words, I have erased them in 
my revisions/ 106 

Chapter V 

IN 1882, Mrs. Eddy went to live in Boston. The 
golden age had already dawned on the "Athens of 
America." * The comforts of every day existence were 
now matching the charm ineffable which was gathering 
round the city. More and more, rich memories were 
accumulating as conditions changed. Dignified amenities 
were becoming social customs which Bostonians observed, 
and practiced, without boasting. To the political equality 
first flowering out in the Town Meeting was now added 
a certain "quality," still suggested in the humorous verse: 
Cabots speak only to Lowells 
And the Lowells speak only to God. 

Though years had passed since grand dames milked 
their cows on the public street and a little boy, named 
Ralph Waldo Emerson, was doing his bit to add to the 
meager family income by minding his mother s cow on 
the Common, Boston had retained its earlier simplicity, 
and had also added to it a quality of thinking and of 
writing which then made the city the undisputed literary 
center of the land. 

By this time Boston had produced such a crop of native 
writers as no other city in the New World ever dreamed 
could anywhere be raised this side of the Atlantic. It was 
neither conceit nor affectation that occasioned the casual 
inquiry, when friends met in Cambridge, Concord, or on 
Park Street: "How is your new book coming on?" 



And already from states south and west, where Holmes, 
Emerson, and Alcott had been lecturing, as far even as 
the Mississippi Valley, pilgrims with eyes wide open for 
"whole shelves of their library walking about in coats 
and gowns," were reverently wending their several ways 
to Boston. Some were still talking of Brook Farm with 
its coterie of cultural celebrities. As in his last years 
Hezekiah Butterworth showed the author over the site 
of that social experiment, he told him how Margaret Fuller 
came here to gaze at the stars and to her disgust discovered 
that she had to "milk a kicking cow." 

In 1882, Longfellow was just passing on, but Holmes 
and Whittier were not yet "nearing the snow line"; and, 
in addition, Lowell, Emerson, Aldrich, Whipple, Agassiz, 
Francis Parkman, and Charles Eliot Norton might be 
found, almost any Saturday morning, looking over the 
new books at the Old Corner Book Store, and at least 
once a month meeting for luncheon and high talk at the 
Saturday Club. 

Marion Crawford was serving his literary apprenticeship 
before going to Italy. Theodore Roosevelt was graduating 
from Harvard, where William James was then getting his 
start as a brilliant teacher. Henry James had already 
published his brief critical study of Hawthorne, shot 
through with penetrating criticism and over-punctuated 
with irritating condescension. Thus early, premonitory 
symptoms were showing of his exclusive interest later in 
things English; and it was about this time that Julia Ward 
Howe, on one occasion feeling that he "professed" too 
much, sharply remarked to him, "Don t lie to me, Henry." 

The Globe was prospering under General Charles H. 
Taylor. The Herald, Post, and Traveler, too, were 


flourishing. With Louis Elson and Henry Austin Clapp 
on the Advertiser, music and the stage were adequately 
reported and interpreted. The Evening Transcript was 
almost a family oracle, and in its field The Atlantic had 
come to a pre-eminence which none disputed. 

The cornerstone of the new Public Library on Copley 
Square was laid in 1888. Those were the days when 
Major Henry L. Higginson was founding the Boston 
Symphony Orchestra, and the audiences were all appre 
ciation as William Gericke interpreted the great masters. 
Though Boston s literary lights had not been hasty to 
shine on aspiring art, the School of Drawing and Painting 
under the leadership of Otto Grundmann, who was called 
in 1877 to be its director, was growing apace; and William 
Morris Hunt was introducing Boston connoisseurs to the 
Barbizon school. 

Past Hawthorne Hall, where in the eighties Mrs. Eddy 
won her first reputation as a preacher, Charles Sumner had 
strolled with his friend, Thackeray; and James T. Fields 
had taken Dickens for the daily constitutional needed to 
keep him "fit" for his evening "appearance." The author, 
still a Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, recalls 
walking in the nineties here with youthful pride between 
James Whitcomb Riley and the aged Edward Everett 
Hale, down whose bearded cheek a tear trickled as, re 
telling a story related to him in his boyhood by an aged 
veteran of the American Revolution, Dr. Hale would have 
his young friend know, "That was just three days before 
the British hanged my great-uncle, Nathan Hale." 

In those years Boston had arresting preachers. The 
Reverends Joseph Cook and Adoniram Judson Gordon 
were in fighting trim; and Phillips Brooks, rated by 

Copyright 1930 by The Christian Science Board of Directors. Used by permission. 

From a crayon by Elizabeth S. Eaton. 


This picture was made at the request of Mrs. Eddy and still hangs on the 
wall of her Chestnut Hill home. 


Edwin D. Mead 2 as "the greatest preacher in the world/ 
was at his best. 

Mrs. Eddy was outgrowing Lynn. Then as now 
Lynn had people of importance. But small-town curiosity 
cabined her spirit and cramped her individuality. Back 
door gossip always annoyed this woman of the stars. 
Through her long life, wherever she might be, Mrs. Eddy 
was "news"; her every accidental utterance town talk or 
"copy" for the papers. Eavesdroppers usually kept within 
earshot, keen to twist any casual word to her discredit. 
Sometimes she broke under the strain of keeping con 
stantly on guard. Not even Red Rock, 3 with its outlook 
seaward, invariably brought the quiet and the isolation 
which her soul craved. 

Long in need of someone more congenial than Barry, 
Spofford, Kennedy, and Arens, 4 in 1877, while still living 
in Lynn, she married Asa Gilbert Eddy. No easy role 
awaited him. His unassuming manner some mistook for 
weakness. His business, as he was well aware before his 
marriage, was to be helpmate to a wife indissolubly wedded 
to a public purpose akeady well defined. Amid these 
difficult conditions, he did himself credit. Wise in counsel, 
increasingly he won the recognition to which his sound 
judgment entitled him. A man of solid parts, he wore well. 
To her service he brought tact conjoined to tried efficiency 
at a time when his wife was harassed by the pretentious 
ness, the irresponsibility, the inefficiency, and the general 
inconsequence of those around her. 

Miss Julia S. Bartlett s estimate of Asa Gilbert Eddy is 
reliable. Grateful for the healing which he brought her, 
she was a frequent visitor in the Lynn house. As a friend 
and student, who often saw him, she writes: 


They kept no servant at that time, but Dr. Eddy did much to 
help in every way for the Cause that would otherwise take her 
time, and attended to business outside. He was always the kind 
husband and friend and ready helper in all things. 5 

Though his capacity for initiative was not extraordi 
nary, he employed it when he could, and Mr. Frye, on 
June 27, 1895, wrote that Mr. Eddy was "the first or 
ganizer of a Christian Science Sunday School . . . also 
the first individual who put onto a sign the words Christian 
Scientist." 6 

In a letter dated June 27, 1882, to Colonel E. J. Smith, 
Mrs. Eddy said her husband had "the sweetest disposi 
tion" 7 she had ever known. To Judge Hanna she wrote, 
March 25, 1896, that he was "in a humorous way gentle 
but firm," 8 and two years later in another heartfelt letter 
to him she added, "You have said all When you touched 
on the tenderest chord of my human heart in your allusion 
to my late husband." 9 

During their first months in Boston Mr. and Mrs. Eddy 
stayed with the Choates at 551 Shawmut Avenue. In her 
recollections, Mrs. Choate describes Mr. Eddy as inces 
santly busy with the publishers, arranging for the Christian 
Science services, the multiplying lectures, and also the 
Association meetings. Mrs. Choate characterizes him "a 
very gentle man, but firm & quiet." 10 

The man s unapologetic understanding of his position, 
his frank admission that his wife was the prime mover 
and he the helper, combined with freedom from all signs 
of false modesty and self-depreciation, are indicated in 
the following summation of the common enterprise in 
which they were all engaged: "Mrs. Eddy is the rightful 
head and we have never yet succeeded unless she filled 


that place and we abided by her direction." 11 Again: 

We have just been listening to the reading and explanation of 
the Scriptures by Mrs. Eddy as is our wont to do on the Sabbath 
and from which we are refreshed; though the hour seems dark 
and the exertion of the wicked great, yet in mercy and goodness 
will we abide. 12 

If to some Mrs. Eddy s final tribute to her husband, 
"Mark the perfect man" 13 seems overstrained, perhaps 
even they will admit that any man who adapts himself 
perfectly to the situation in which life places him and 
gets the best results attainable in the circumstances is no 
failure. 14 In a period when many others were making 
life almost unbearable for this woman with a vision, 
Asa Gilbert Eddy moved with discretion among the con 
tradictory forces that crisscrossed her plans, acting with 
decision when there was need of action, and bringing to 
a woman often hard pressed the peace and understanding 
of which she often stood in need. When after their five 
years together, he passed on, by those who knew him 
best he was accredited the place Lowell allows to the 
modestly efficient: 

That loved heaven s silence more than fame. 

The church Christ Jesus founded began, we are told, 
with a membership of no more than twelve. Only eight 
rallied to Mrs. Eddy s standard when, in the summer of 
1875, she held her first church services in accordance 
with her revelation of 1866. 

The program made provision for Sunday services in 
a hired hall, with Mrs. Eddy as preacher and director, 
on a budget of ten dollars a week, to be paid by amounts 
pledged by the charter members as follows: 


Elizabeth M. Newhall .... $1.50 

Dan l H. Spofford $2.00 

George H. Allen $2.00 

Dorcas B. Rawson $1.00 

Asa T. N. MacDonald 50 

George W. Barry 2.00 

S. P. Bancroft 50 

Miranda R. Rice 50 15 

On July 4, 1876, Mrs. Eddy organized the larger 
Christian Scientist Association, and three years later, 
August 23, 1879, came the legal incorporation under the 
title "Church of Christ, Scientist," with a mandatory pro 
vision that the church be established in Boston. 

While Mrs. Eddy gave the credit for the official or 
ganization of the Sunday School to her husband, she 
declared that Warren Choate, the pet of the household, 
was the little child who led to the genesis of the idea 
in her mind. 16 

As the year 1883 drew to a close, the Sunday services 
were held in Hawthorne Hall, at No. 2 Park Street, 
which, with its seating capacity of two hundred and 
thirty-two, seemed too big at first for that group of 
twenty-six. After two brief years the services had, in 
fact, to be moved to dickering Hall, which was larger 
still. Mrs. Eddy was at last "arriving," and Boston was 
furnishing the platform from which her message was to 
cross the continent. Men and women still recall those 
Sundays in Hawthorne Hall. While the attendants were, 
in general, of a higher type perhaps than those at Lynn, 
not all, however, who came to Hawthorne Hall remained 
to pray. 

At these meetings Mrs. Eddy always appeared well 


dressed. She knew by instinct how to dress becomingly. 
Like many another wife who is a good manager, she 
could make a good impression on a small outlay. She 
wore her clothes well. She bore herself with an air of 
distinction, which made everything she wore count for 
more than it cost. In the hour set aside for questions from 
the audience rather impertinent inquiries were sometimes 
made. One Sunday she was asked: 17 

"Do you think it Christian to wear purple velvet and dia 
monds?" I ll never forget the sweet expression on her face while 
answering. She said as near as I can remember, "There are ladies 
here I presume with much more expensive dresses on, as this is 
velveteen, thirty-six inches wide, and only one dollar per yard. 
The cross and ring were given me by those who had been healed 
in Christian Science with the request that I wear them." 

Those Sunday services in Hawthorne Hall soon began 
to attract public attention. In their planning and conduct 
Mrs. Eddy devoted that tireless attention to detail which 
today gives Christian Science services an appeal different 
from others. She began, and closed, on time. Usually 
she opened with a familiar hymn like "Nearer, my God, 
to Thee." Then there was silent prayer ending with the 
Lord s Prayer. Another hymn was sung, and next the 
sermon was delivered. 

Mrs. Eddy compelled interest in herself and her subject 
from the start. Sometimes even when scheduled, she 
would not begin because when the time came she did 
not feel the inspirational surcharge on which she counted 
to command her audience. She had pulpit personality. 
Her dainty and engaging figure, eyes "large, deep and 
soulful," waving brown hair, 18 her hands half outstretched 
in irresistible appeal, all aided her voice, which none ever 


forgot who heard it from the pulpit or the platform, 
to carry home her message. With or without notes, she 
spoke rapidly, and that Iowa woman, who found in 
Mrs. Eddy s sermon never a trivial thought," was not 
alone in her findings. No matter what her text, her 
sermons all revolved around the central thought that God 
is Spirit, God is All-in-all, matter is insubstantial, and 
sin, sickness, and death can be vanquished by Spirit. But 
no one can today read back across her printed sermons 
without seeing the Way-shower in them all. 

As to the content of her preaching, listeners might 
differ. But in the eighties like John Wesley she was 
still desiring "to have a league, offensive and defensive, 
with every soldier of Christ." Once she preached for 
six months in a Baptist Church, 19 without compromising 
her own message. That her attitude toward others of 
all types should be well understood and proper precedent 
be set her followers, she placed among the By-Laws of 
The Mother Church the specific admonition: "A member 
of this Church shall not publish, nor cause to be published, 
an article that is uncharitable or impertinent towards 
religion, medicine, the courts, or the laws of our land." 20 

As truly as William James, Mrs. Eddy was fitted to 
teach and her talents were already trained to a fine point 
by long practice when she arrived in Boston. Miss C. Lulu 
Blackman, who came in 1885 all the way from Nebraska, 
to join Mrs. Eddy s autumn class, wrote: 21 

When she entered the classroom, I saw her for the first time. 
Intuitively, the members of the class rose at her entrance, and 
remained standing until she was seated. She made her way to a 
slightly raised platform, turned and faced us. She wore an im 
ported black satin dress heavily beaded with tiny black jet beads, 


black satin slippers, beaded, and had on her rarely beautiful 
diamonds. These she spoke of in one of the later sessions. She 
stood before us, seemingly slight, graceful of carriage and 
exquisitely beautiful even to critical eyes. Then, still standing, 
she faced her class as one who knew herself to be a teacher by 
divine right. She was every inch the teacher. She turned to 
the student at the end of the first row of seats and took direct 
mental cognizance of this one, plainly knocked at the door of 
this individual consciousness. It was as if a question had been 
asked and answered and a benediction given. Then her eyes 
rested on the next in order and the same recognition was made. 
This continued until each member of the class had received the 
same mental cognizance. No audible word voiced the purely 
mental contact. Experience has been the lightning flash, that has 
revealed to me something of the mass mentality she confronted. 

The session began with so impressive a repetition of 
the Lord s Prayer that the same student reported: 22 

It was not as though she had gone to the Father in prayer, but 
rather as though, because she was with the Father, she prayed. 
. . . After this audible repetition of the Lord s prayer, Mrs. Eddy 
took her seat and the students resumed theirs. As she began to 
speak, many of the students opened notebooks, and began to 
write. Instantly and peremptorily she said, "Put up your note 
books." I had written but one sentence and no other was ever 
added. There were others who refused to consider the command 
as final and, almost at once, covertly began again to make notes. 
With eagle eyes she detected the overt act, and again, repeated 
the words, "Put up your notebooks." All complied, some will 
ingly and some with silent but resentful protest; then she resumed 
her "teaching. A little later, one student began again surrepti 
tiously to make notations. Stopping her discourse, Mrs. Eddy 
for the third time repeated the words emphatically and clearly 
and never again was there an effort on the part of any to write 
down a thought or word that came from this great Teacher. 
She, at no time, made any explanation of this arbitrary require 
ment, but all my days I have blessed her for this ruling, because 


it compelled us to let the form go so that limited finite statements 
of Truth might not circumscribe the pinions of her thought. Her 
importations transcended the medium of words. Words served 
only to convey her revelations. She gave both the letter and the 
spirit, but she took away the letter, lest any should substitute it 
for the wine of the Spirit. 

In such teaching no incidental interruption was toler 
ated. Even that bane of every classroom, noisy coughing, 
once received this firm rebuke from her: "Anyone with 
the least understanding of God does not cough." 23 Even 
today physical distractions like coughing and sneezing, 
so much a matter of course in other assemblies, are heard 
less often in Christian Science meetings. 

Questions, however personal, Mrs. Eddy welcomed, 
and answered them without evasion. She encouraged 
comments out of a conviction that they might open the 
door to truth which otherwise, perhaps, would not come 
through at all. When some overzealous students in the 
class of 1889 volunteered the statement that they had 
tried in vain to bring back some who had strayed away 
and were no longer loyal to their teacher, Mrs. Eddy 

"Do not try any more. The love that is going out to the world 
through Christian Science is the greatest power there is and the 
only thing that will change that thought" adding, "I have often 
felt these hard unloving thoughts of others come about me like 
dark clouds, and seem to surround me, but they never touched 
me, and why? Because my thoughts were going out to them all 
the time in love and with a desire to help them." 24 

It was perhaps in her presentation of God, as "incor 
poreal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Prin 
ciple, Life, Truth, Love," 25 that Mrs. Eddy towered in 


her teaching. Sometimes, when she opened her soul 
concerning prayer, her students were swept up to a 
perception of the way to become a "new creature in 
Christ Jesus." Referring last winter to the chapter on 
Prayer in the Christian Science textbook Dr. William L. 
Stidger is reported by the press to have said from a 
Boston pulpit, CC I wish for my own life, and my own 
home that I might have in it the beauty and power and 
the spirit of prayer that is in that chapter." 

In every class there were Marthas cumbered with much 
care and serving, and not infrequently weighted down 
with the imponderable burden of fear. Some were small 
of mind, some small of soul. Mrs. Eddy understood all. 
Of each she sought to make something. She gave to all 
solicitude. But she kept her mental balance. First things 
were put first in all her teaching; and, say what one will 
about her terminology, error never deceived her into 
regarding it as other than the nothingness which she 
proclaimed it to be. 

"What would you do," she once inquired, "if you knew that 
some one was trying to kill you through mental arguments?" 
With me this question created a great sense of fear and I believe 
it was the same with other members of the class. After waiting 
a few moments for an answer Mrs. Eddy said, "Cast it in the 
waste basket." This light remark concerning the error, and her 
realization of the powerlessness and nothingness of the highest 
form of error, destroyed my sense of fear and left with me a 
great sense of peace and fearlessness of the claim of error to harm. 26 

She had a way of bringing students down out of the 
clouds of vain aspiring and idle sentimentalizing. Says 
Mrs. Foye: 27 

One day a friend of mine, who was also a student of Mrs. 


Eddy s, called to see her on business. As she was about to leave, 
Mrs. Eddy invited her to stay for lunch, and just then the house 
keeper came in, and, hearing my friend declining, said to her, 
"You had better take off your wraps and stay, I ve just made a 
strawberry shortcake that will melt in your mouth." Whereupon 
Mrs. Eddy said, "There s a scientist that isn t soaring o er the 
church steeples." 

Bliss Knapp recalls that on another occasion, to a too 
dreamy student, she observed, "Come down. Your head 
is way up there in the stars, while the enemy is filling 
your body with bullets." 28 

Back of all the give and take of class contacts, back 
of every word she spoke and also of every gleam in 
her eyes, glowed a faith in her message, which she never 
failed to impress upon her students nor allowed them to 
supplant by any other interest. The correctness of her 
thinking might be challenged, never her sincerity. She 
was true to her conviction when she pronounced Jesus 
in nothing "more divine than in his faith in the immor 
tality of his words." 29 

But it was not interest in sheer metaphysics which 
brought those students to Mrs. Eddy s classroom. It was 
eagerness to learn her method of healing. To theorizing 
about healing she habitually brought the sharp test of 
practice. The swift growth of Christian Science in Boston 
during the eighties was due to its effective healing. Critics 
might explain it as they would. There were by that time 
enough well people in evidence who once were sick, to 
bring of their own accord the sick of body and soul in 
ever growing numbers to Christian Scientists for treat 
ment and then, automatically, to enlarge the group of 
prospective healers trained in Mrs. Eddy s classes. 


Her understanding of the great need of the sick and 
sorrowing for healing is shown in a letter she wrote to 
Calvin C. Hill at the time he was leaving business in 
order to devote himself wholly to the practice of Christian 

There are the sick the halt the blind to be healed. Is not this 
enough to be able to accomplish? Were I to name that which is 
most needed to be done of all else on .earth I should say heal 
the sick, cleanse the spotted despoiled mortal; and then you are 
being made whole and happy, and this is thine. "Well done good 
and faithful" enter thou into all worldly worth and the joy of 
thy Lord, the recompense of rightness. 

By 1883 not merely were Mr. and Mrs. Dresser in 
California hurrying East to have a hand in mental healing, 
which they were hearing that Mrs. Eddy was conducting 
with success, but pulpits also were unlimbering their big 
guns on something few as yet understood. Yet before 
the tumult and the shouting ceased, Mrs. Eddy was 
writing tenderly of her girlhood pastor, Dr. Bouton of 
Concord: "The religion that he taught and lived, I love 
and honor. It was the vestibule of Christian Science." 

No Boston preacher was more outspoken in censure 
than the Reverend Dr. L. T. Townsend. Nevertheless 
in the book which he wrote in 1887, to express his mature 
judgment, he freely admitted "that this woman ... is 
successful in healing disease/ Looking back today upon 
those same years one critic says, "There is a central core 
which is true." 30 

All the while hundreds, whose health had been im 
proved by Mrs. Eddy s prayers, when subjected to 
cross-examination were quoting, to describe their experi 
ence, the man whose sight Jesus restored, "Whether he 


be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, 
whereas I was blind, now I see." 31 

Out of many cases, a few of the more significant, 
because of the high reputation of the parties concerned, 
will now be cited to serve as types of healing in the 
period we are considering. Miss Julia S. Bartlett, later 
one of the early church officers, had for seven years been 
bedridden. Physicians who had done their utmost for 
her, would hold out no hope of recovery. In April, 1880, 
Miss Bartlett turned as a last resort to Mrs. Eddy. Under 
Asa Gilbert Eddy s care, "I began," says Miss Bartlett, 
"to improve immediately. I felt like one let out of 
prison. . . . The world was another world to me. All 
things were seen from a different viewpoint and there 
was a halo of beauty over all." 32 

A son of Ira O. Knapp, Director of The Mother 
Church from 1892 until 1910, relates in his privately 
printed recollections 33 this family history: 

Mrs. Knapp, after thirteen years of ill health, had become a 
helpless invalid; the son had developed a supposedly incurable 
trouble, while Mr. Knapp had a slight indisposition. The skill of 
the physicians . . . had been exhausted. Her sister . . . advised 
Mrs. Knapp to try Christian Science. Mr. Knapp remarked 
laconically, "Well, we will try one more humbug." 

Mrs. Eddy assigned one of her students to the Knapp 
family; and, after absent treatment had been given, the 
student was asked to visit the Knapp home. On getting 
off the train, she inquired of the station agent if Mrs. 
Knapp had come to meet her. Overcoming his surprise 
that such a question should be asked about a woman 
crippled for so many years, the agent answered gently: 
"Mrs. Knapp will never come to this station again." 


Later, however, when the Christian Scientist was leaving 
her hotel, "a handsome, fresh-faced young woman came 
up the steps," inquiring for the guest. It was Mrs. Knapp 

"The first time," says one of her sons, "she walked to 
the home of her nearest neighbor, about a quarter of 
a mile away, the children all went too, dancing around 
her in the joy of seeing her able to walk again." S4 The 
practitioner remained only four days with the Knapps. 
She healed one of the sons and also the father. The Bible 
promises then became in the light of Christian Science 
so engrossing to the father that, as the son writes, he 
literally wore out the big family Bible. 

Another Director of The Mother Church (1888- 
1909), William B. Johnson, became interested in Chris 
tian Science after exhausting all surgical, medical, and 
dietetic treatment for rupture and also for a legacy of 
diseases brought on by bad food and insanitary conditions 
during his three years of service in the Civil War. The 
expert who, one day in 1882, was making him a special 
truss, felt regretfully compelled to tell him that he could 
promise him no permanent relief, except possibly in 
Christian Science. In sheer despair, Mr. Johnson called 
in a student of Mrs. Eddy. When she came, she found 
her patient writhing on the floor in agony. His response, 
however, to treatment was immediate. His wife also 
was cured of tumor and catarrh. 

Captain Joseph Eastaman, later a Director of The 
Mother Church (1892-93), brought his wife to Christian 
Science in a last effort to save her life. Boston doctors 
had declined longer to give encouragement. In a desper 
ate "nothing to lose and everything to gain" spirit, he 


turned, in his discouragement, to Mrs. Eddy, who put 
the unexpected and astounding question to him: "Captain, 
why don t you heal your wife yourself?" Spellbound 
with amazement, he entered Mrs. Eddy s class, proved 
an apt student, and soon, he said, "as I understood the 
rudiments, I began to treat her [his wife] ; and, so quickly 
did she respond to the treatment, that she was able to 
avail herself of the kind invitation of the teacher to 
accompany me to the final session." 35 

In a recent talk with Mr. Joseph G. Mann, for several 
years at Pleasant View, the author s attention was called 
to the remarkable story of his first experience with 
Christian Science. He had been accidentally shot, and 
the diagnosis of the four physicians, called to his bedside, 
revealed the ball from the thirty-two caliber revolver 
lodged in the inner layer of the pericardium of the heart. 
After a final consultation, the doctors agreed that the 
case was hopeless. Turning to Christian Science, his 
restoration to health was almost instantaneous. 36 This 
testimony would seem the more convincing because it is 
credibly reported that the community then believed the 
healing genuine. 

But Christian Science healing, contrary to general 
opinion, includes the spiritual and mental as well as physi 
cal, and Mr. Albert F. Gilmore writes: 

I joyously recall a testimony given in The Mother Church 
one evening which appealed to me so greatly that I have since 
remembered it. ... He told of having been ill, in poverty, 
friendless, and hopeless, in the very depths of misery and despair. 
Someone told him of Christian Science. The appeal was imme 
diate and he took up the study and sought the aid of a practi 
tioner, with the result that he was soon healed of disease, was 


restored to an active business, and his friends returned. In the 
intervening years he had experienced a fullness and joy of life 
which he had never known before; and said he, "On more than 
one occasion so plentiful has been God s bounty, I have been 
tempted to say, Not quite so fast, O Lord; You are giving me 
more than I can take care of. " To him the regenerating truth 
had been revealed; he had seen the perfect man with the result 
that, in goodly measure, he had come into his own; that is, he was 
laying hold and making use of the blessings which God has 
bestowed upon all His beloved sons. 

Almost as soon as Mrs. Eddy could get settled in her 
Boston home the wisdom of her decision to locate in the 
larger city was amply justified by events. To her Sunday 
preaching and her Thursday lecturing, was added a cor 
respondence which grew so rapidly as to become almost 
unmanageable. The classes in attendance were soon over 
taxing 571 Columbus Avenue, and there was continued 
growth even after Mrs. Eddy moved, in 1887, to 385 
Commonwealth Avenue. 

As references to her in the newspapers became more 
frequent people came her way more and more to see 
what she was like. Casual contacts occurred with Frances 
Hodgson Burnett, Louisa M. Alcott, and Rose Cleveland. 
Many unacquainted or ill acquainted with her teachings 
felt constrained to attack her in print; but, she was ever 
ready at a moment s notice to back up the faith to which 
she had given all allegiance, and it was not her wont to 
delegate the business to others. 

Even when she was busiest, she made time to meet 
her critics face to face. A few still living recall how she 
looked and acted when she appeared in person one March 
Monday morning after pulpit attacks by the Reverends 
A. J. Gordon, Joseph Cook, and L. T. Townsend, to 


speak for herself in Tremont Temple where one of the 
then famous Monday lectures of the Reverend Joseph 
Cook was in progress. To Dr. Townsend she replied in 

The Christian Science Journal of April, 1885: 

Because of the great demand upon my time, consisting in part 
in dictating answers through my secretary, or answering per 
sonally the numerous inquiries from all quarters, having charge of 
a church, editing a magazine, teaching the principles of Christian 
Science, receiving calls, etc., I find it inconvenient to accept your 
invitation to answer you through the media of a newspaper; but 
for information as to what I believe and teach, would refer you 
to the Holy Scriptures, my various publications, and my Chris 
tian students. 

Already with that prescience which gives her high place 
among constructive organizers of all time she was reaching 
out from Boston, through The Christian Science Journal, 
the first issue of which appeared on April 14, 1883, 37 
to the victims of failure and frustration and low vitality 
on the isolated farms and in obscure communities from 
coast to coast. It was plain to her that neither the austere 
theology nor the periodic revivals then popular had sub 
stantial significance to those in greatest need of vital and 
inspiring faith. 

In the opening editorial of the first issue of the Journal, 
she broadcast her proclamation of comfort and release to 
the drab legions for whom the Journal had a cheering 
message: "The purpose of our paper is the desire of our 
heart, namely, to bring to many a household hearth 
health, happiness and increased power to be good, and 
to do good." 

Having recently studied the early issues of the Journal} 
the author is convinced that but little reason exists to 

Copyright 19W by The Christian Science Publishing Society. Renewed 1938. 

From painting by Alice H. Barbour. 



doubt the strength of its appeal to the handicapped. 
Hosts of those in trouble of soul or mind or body were 
evidently helped by reading the healing testimonies 
straight from the heart and also by the successful union 
of Mrs. Eddy s monthly contribution of the didactic and 
the practical. Her editorials are sometimes sermons, 
oftener "leaders," comparable in their power to get their 
message across to those which made the fame of Charles 
A. Dana in the New York Sun and Horace Greeley in 
the Neiv York Tribune, Lyman Abbott in the Christian 
Union, and John Fulton in the Church Standard. 

Both as to substance and style, Mrs. Eddy is thoroughly 
at home in the good company of those who write as 
freely as they talk and with the same effectiveness. Her 
style has coloring too, which is rarely found elsewhere 
and which makes a spiritual appeal to those outside her 
circle as well as in. This extract from her fifteen hun 
dred word "leader" in the Journal of September, 1886, 
is illustrative and representative: 

He alone ascends the hill of Christian Science who follows 
Christ, the spiritual idea who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 
Whatever obstructs this way, causing mortals to stumble, fall, or 
faint, Divine Love will remove, and uplift the fallen and strengthen 
the weak, if only they will forsake their earthweights, and "leave 
behind those things that are behind, and reach forward to those 
that are before." Then, loving God supremely, and their neighbor 
as themselves, they will safely bear the cross up the hill of Science. 38 

When "Dear Gilbert," as Mrs. Eddy fondly called her 
husband, passed away in 1882, like Lee when Jackson 
fell at Chancellorsville, Mrs. Eddy thought she had lost 
her right arm. If she had needed Asa Gilbert Eddy in 
Lynn, there was more need of him than ever with the 


increase of responsibilities in Boston. To a student of this 
period, she once said, "I could be happy with him in a 
hut, but God means that I shall rely on Him alone." 39 

There had to be a helper at hand whom she could 
trust in little things as well as great, to relieve her of 
details as well as large responsibilities, to stand between 
her and those who, with good intentions, would yet use 
up her increasingly valuable time, and to assure her the 
conditions necessary to carry on at all. 

When Calvin A. Frye came in 1882 to remain as it 
proved with Mrs. Eddy until the end, he was still under 
forty. Reticent, retiring, devoted to what became his 
life work, he went his tirelessly methodical way for 
almost thirty years. Asking nothing and receiving only 
modest compensation, his loyal service was beyond all 
valuation to Mrs. Eddy. No one did more to ensure her 
the proper conditions for successful leadership, even 
protecting her from physical discomfort. He was perhaps 
as nearly indispensable to Mrs. Eddy as any one could be. 
No task was too large, or too small, for him to undertake 
as she directed. He made her appointments for her when 
she could see people, and her regrets for her when she 
could not. He assisted in looking after her finances and 
her mail, and also copied her priceless manuscripts. 

He lived to see responsibilities overtake her beyond 
his foreseeing when he joined her staff; but he never 
spared himself in helping all the while. As others came 
into her group, Mr. Frye maintained his habitual single- 
mindedness, always doing his utmost and his best, always 
illustrating the memorable words of the third Gospel: 
"He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also 
in much." 


The maternal instinct was always strong in Mrs. Eddy. 
When definite word came of her son, a man well on in 
the thirties and with a growing family in the Northwest, 
she brought him East by telegram in 1879. Again in 
1887, he came East with his family to see his mother. 
Both tried, at that late date, to forget those years of 
almost total severance and to make vital the blood rela 
tionship. But it was too late. With some of the essential 
characteristics of his mother, he was, however, too rough 
and too undisciplined after so long a break, to fit into 
her complex life. A mining prospector, with the pros 
pector s instinct to venture overmuch, he was always 
wanting money, not so much for his family as to sink 
another shaft in search of silver and of gold. 40 Against 
her will, Mrs. Eddy had at last, in 1888, to recognize that 
much as she desired him by her side, she could not make 
a place for him in her menage and her widening plans, 
without wrecking all she had built up. He simply did 
not fit, and knew not how intelligently to try to fit. 

Yet she needed a son s comradeship, a son s co 
operation. 41 A certain Dr. Ebenezer J. Foster, who came 
her way about this time, was different from her son, 
different also from Mr. Frye. Turned forty, he was a 
slight man with a gentle disposition and kindly manners. 
He rarely offered counsel when it was not asked. He 
never interfered with what she thought or planned. 
Years later for the life of him he could not remember 
ever having crossed "Mother" in anything. Graduated, 
some years before, from the Hahnemann Medical College 
in Philadelphia, Dr. Foster represented much that she 
desired. He never forgot the tenderness with which she 
greeted him. Her love for him a true mother love 


led her to desire that he become a son according to the 
law. No longer young and strong, she needed such a 
staff on which to lean. Those near her were not ade 
quate to meet her deeper needs. From that moment his 
heart instinctively went out to her, and he remained 
with Mrs. Eddy until 1896. 

On November 5, 1888, by legal adoption, he became 
Ebenezer J. Foster-Eddy; and in her petition to the court 
Mrs. Eddy touchingly divulged her maternal yearning 
in the avowal "that he was associated with her in busi 
ness, home life, and life work, and that she needed his 
interested care and relationship." 42 

Now sixty-seven years of age Mrs. Eddy depended 
on her son-by-law, since her son-by-blood had not 
turned out dependable. Dr. E. J. Foster-Eddy called her 
"Mother." He did much for her. He taught in her 
college. He succeeded William G. Nixon in looking after 
certain of her publishing interests. He was given various 
responsibilities. On many he made a pleasing impression. 
But in a few years he disappeared from the picture to 
reappear for a moment as a valuable witness for The 
Mother Church in the litigation against the Board of 
Directors which ended in 1922. Now in his old age living, 
like many whom Mrs. Eddy loved, on a generous remem 
brance, he tenderly recalls that "no one ever heard me 
say one word against her." 43 

As the eighties drew on towards the nineties, this in 
dustrious woman was more industrious than ever. She 
kept her hand on everything from the incessant revision 
of her book, Science and Health,, to the production in 
those years of such books as The People s Idea of 
God, Christian Healing, Retrospection and Introspection, 


Unity of Good, Eudimental Divine Science, and No 
and Yes. 

Mrs. Eddy was always starting something new. Scarcely 
was she settled at 569 Columbus Avenue, when she placed 
on the front door a large silver plate, bearing the words, 
"Massachusetts Metaphysical College." During the seven 
years of its existence, it succeeded on a big scale, training 
hundreds of students to heal the sick, and bringing in 
large returns. 

In those days, busy as she was, her labors on revisions 
of her book were unremitting. By 1890 Science and 
Health had reached its fiftieth edition. Few books ever 
written reach their fiftieth printing and fewer still, per 
haps none, have produced a tithe of such results in so 
short a time. From the small beginnings in 1882 when 
she came to Boston, and with twenty-six members held 
services in a small hired hall, the movement grew till 
at the end of this period it numbered two hundred and 
fifty trained practitioners at work throughout the land, 
twenty incorporated churches, ninety societies not yet 
incorporated as churches, and thirty-three academies and 

Even before Mrs. Eddy s removal to 385 Common 
wealth Avenue, Christian Science was rapidly pushing 
its frontier line to the Pacific. Strong centers were de 
veloping in various cities, particularly in Chicago, to 
which she paid her first visit in 1884. 44 

In 1888, came a pressing call to revisit Chicago, 45 which 
already, as Lyman J. Gage a few years later wrote, "am 
bitious to excel in everything," 46 was becoming a favorite 
convention city. Thus the National Christian Scientist 
Association had shown wisdom in planning for its first 


nation-wide convention in Chicago. Delegates from every 
state were sure to be present, for Mrs. Eddy had so worded 
her appeal as to make it irresistible. "Let no considera 
tion," she said, "bend or outweigh your purpose to be in 
Chicago on June 13." 47 It was a virtual summons to 
meet her there. 

Thousands, who in one way or another had felt the 
widening outreach of her thinking, longed inexpressibly 
to go to the convention that they might look upon the 
face, touch the hand, hear the voice of the one woman 
in all the world whose prayer, thought, and published 
words especially in Science and Health and at that time 
also in the Journal had been used of God to restore 
to sound health of body as well as mind many long 
regarded by themselves, and often also by others, as 

As delegates began to arrive by every train headlines 
in the Chicago papers greeted them with the assurance 
that their "prophetess" would appear. When, on the 
second day, the doors of Central Music Hall opened, eight 
hundred delegates and many more were there, packed 
so closely that every inch of room was taken. Impatient 
to set eyes upon the woman of their dreams, many were 
all but ready to greet her with such lines as Auslander s: 

Balboa of your fate, you stared 
On a Pacific none had dared. 

When Mrs. Eddy stepped upon the platform, the 
audience rose to its feet as one man. Not expecting to 
speak, not specially prepared as was Bryan 4S when his 
hour struck in the Democratic Convention of 1896 
Mrs. Eddy hesitated for a moment. Those nearest detected 


the instinctive recoil of head and hand. Then, Mrs. Eddy 
walked down to the front of the stage, at her best as 
always when the unexpected challenged. A hush fell on 
the crowd as, confident, serene, and smiling, she offered 
as a text, extemporized for the occasion, the first verse of 
the ninety-first Psalm: "He that dwelleth in the secret 
place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow 
of the Almighty/ 7 

Without a note to aid her, without an abstract even 
in her mind, a pentecostal flow of golden eloquence began 
to pour from her lips. The substance of that sermon 
is in print. 49 Though superior to the published report 
of Bryan s Cross of Gold speech, the report we have is 
of small assistance in accounting for the effect of the 
sermon on that congregation. Some still alive who heard 
it become inarticulate when they attempt to describe 
the occasion. The Boston Traveler s account 50 is this: 

The scenes that followed when she had ceased speaking will 
long be remembered by those who witnessed them. The people 
were in the presence of the woman whose book had healed them, 
and they knew it. Up they came in crowds to her side, begging 
for one handclasp, one look, one memorial from her whose name 
was a power and a sacred thing in their homes. Those whom 
she had never seen before invalids raised up by her book, 
Science and Health attempted hurriedly to tell the wonder 
ful story. 

A mother, who failed to get near, held high her babe to look 
on their helper. Others touched the dress of their benefactor, 
not so much as asking for more. 

An aged woman, trembling with palsy, lifted her shaking hands 
at Mrs. Eddy s feet, crying, "Help, help!" and the cry was 
answered. Many such people were known to go away healed. 
Strong men turned aside to hide their tears, as the people 
thronged about Mrs. Eddy with blessings and thanks. 


Meekly, and almost silently, she received all this homage from 
the multitude, until she was led away from the place, the throng 
blocking her passage from the door to the carriage. 

Back to the Palmer House 51 Mrs. Eddy was taken for 
a little rest and quiet. But for once she was not to have 
her way. Rich and poor had preceded her and were 
waiting there, bent on seeing her again. They would 
not be denied. To touch that healing hand, to hear again 
that captivating voice, the people hemmed her in on 
every side. Crushing the flowers with which the Palmer 
House had in her honor hurriedly been decorated, they 
sought to press in closer to her. Heedless of torn silk 
sleeves and mussed lace collars, unmindful even of the 
precious jeweky they trampled under foot, the crowd 
grew importunate to the point of inconsiderateness. 

As usual, Mrs. Eddy was gracious. She yielded to this 
astounding claim of personality. The rich wine of recog 
nition of her teachings was warm and welcome after all 
those arid years in Tilton and in Lynn, and the earlier 
years in Boston. She was deeply gratified to have the 
truth which she represented receive recognition. But, 
as always in her notable career, looking ahead she feared 
that in the afterglow, preoccupation with her personality 
would prove to have been a disservice to the truth. 52 
She foresaw some friends outside believe that the tide 
of popular favor, now surging full and free, would as 
likely as not a little later ebb as fast away. The situation 
was not to her liking. In fact, in the Palmer House, she 
was overheard to say: "Christian Science is not forwarded 
by these methods." 53 

On her return to Boston, Mrs. Eddy found her worst 
fears justified. Dissension long growing within had at 


last turned into revolution. Outside, the Dressers, after 
their return to Boston in 1883, had been developing a 
mental science movement of their own, shading off into 
New Thought. 54 The books of the Reverend Warren F. 
Evans, more and more were being read. Arens s feeble 
and impertinent attempts to build up a personal business 
by displaying, as his own, goods which were really 
Mrs. Eddy s, were feeding a discontent now ready to 
break out. Almost under her eyes, Mrs. Sarah Crosse, 
whom she had trusted, was turning to other interests. 
Mrs. Gestefeld in Chicago, Mrs. Plunkett and Mrs. 
Hopkins were starting something in several western cities 
which they could not finish. 

Before Mrs. Eddy could get back from Chicago, the 
boring in" tactics of malcontents, endeavoring to dilute 
the larger faith of Christian Science and divest it of its 
wider implications, had turned into open rebellion already 
delivering its master stroke. A little group of thirty-six 
had obtained possession of the Association s books to 
facilitate the break they planned with Mrs. Eddy, with 
out the danger and the degradation of expulsion. The 
Association s loyal Secretary, Mr. William B. Johnson, 
who had Mrs. Eddy s entire confidence, endeavored to 
induce the thirty-six conspirators to desist, reasoning with 
them that "now is the only time for us to meet in Christian 
love and adjust this great wrong done to one who has 
given all the best of her years to heal and bless," Never 
theless, the thirty-six would-be usurpers stood out a whole 
year, won at last their letters of dismissal, and went their 
way to oblivion. 

But, those long and anxious months were for Mrs. Eddy 
months of close thinking. She was meditating on the 


implication of events. She was testing various inferences 
which might be drawn from such occurrences. If it were 
possible for a revolution of such dimensions to break out 
within the camp at the moment when her movement, 
far from having a setback, was becoming national in 
scope, changes at least in the machinery seemed to 
be indicated. The stabilizing influence of her book, 
published in 1875, had saved the Cause shortly before. 
More now was needed, Mrs. Eddy was convinced, to 
conserve her Boston work by gearing it in irreversibly 
to the developments appearing in the West. The hour 
had struck to rally the far to support the near, and thus 
to give the Leader the larger status obtainable only from 
a Christian Science becoming nationalized, and on its 
way to being internationalized. 

Airs. Eddy perceived the logic of the situation. She 
fearlessly accepted the facts observable at their face value. 
With a courage perhaps unsurpassed in history, with an 
indestructible confidence correspondingly unique in her 
central conviction, this woman, sixty-seven years old, 
dismantled the machinery which, out of tears as well as 
hopes, she had for years been building up. She closed 
her college. She gave up her active teaching. She retired 
from the editorial supervision of the Journal. She dis 
organized the Association. 55 Most significant of all, Mrs. 
Eddy definitely, even sharply, ordered those who followed 
in her train to stop their at times sentimental and often 
unwise adulation of her personality. She charged them 
peremptorily to turn their eyes away from her, and to 
fix them on the truth. Then, to end the possibility of 
her becoming a storm center, in the future more dangerous 
to the Cause than to herself, she ordered published in 


The Christian Science Journal these Seven Fixed Rules. 56 

1. I shall not be consulted verbally, or through letters, as to 
whose advertisement shall or shall not appear In the Christian 
Science Journal. 

2. I shall not be consulted verbally, or through letters, as to 
the matter that should be published in the JOURNAL and 
C. S. Series. 

3. I shall not be consulted verbally, or through letters, on 
marriage, divorce, or family affairs of any kind. 

4. I shall not be consulted verbally, or through letters, on the 
choice of pastors for churches. 

5. I shall not be consulted verbally, or through letters, on 
disaffections, if there should be any between the students of 
Christian Science. 

6. I shall not be consulted verbally, or through letters, on who 
shall be admitted as members, or dropped from the membership 
of the Christian Science Churches or Associations. 

7. I am not to be consulted verbally, or through letters, on 
disease and the treatment of the sick; but I shall love all mankind 
and work for their welfare. 

Many years had passed since that evening on the 
streets of Lynn when, as though inspired, she said to 
young George Clark, "I shall have a church of my own 
some day." 57 

Now starting life anew as she neared seventy, Mrs. 
Eddy set her feet firmly on the path that led to the 
organization of The Mother Church, one day to include 
members from all parts of the world as well as Boston. 

Chapter VI 

IT was during the sixteen years between 1892 and 1908 
that Mrs. Eddy, in retirement at Pleasant View, came 
to the fullness of her powers and the widening of her 
influence. Freer there than in Boston from ceaseless de 
mands upon her time and her vitality, Mrs. Eddy could at 
last, by careful planning, obtain a larger measure of the 
ordered life which she had become convinced must be 
hers to discharge her rapidly expanding responsibilities. 

To two of her friends, who were holding positions of 
importance in the Publishing Society, she indicated in 
July, 1898, that what she now was doing they too could 
do if they seriously set themselves to the task, even under 
less favorable conditions in Boston, of commanding the 
time which real thinking requires, and also of developing 
the ability to say "No" to unwarranted encroachments 
on their busy lives: 1 

You can take my method, bar your doors, and then hold your 
solitude with moral dignity by meeting the merciless selfishness 
of callers with a fixed rule and the divine imperative Principle to 
be alone with God and never break this rule till you have your 
interval of study and prayer. I am an exception to all peace on 
earth -but not to "good will" The mail and the male and 
female claim undisputed powers to break my peace and rob me 
of all individual exemption from labor. But you have no need of 
thus surrendering your rights for others. I have written this in 
bed in the still hours while others sleep, after 3 o. c. in the 

morning. 2 



No other woman so far along in life and only a few 
men like Thomas A. Edison and Mr. Justice Holmes 
are on record as having paid such a price for an oppor 
tunity to serve the public, as Mrs. Eddy had to pay 
even after she withdrew to Pleasant View on the edge 
of Concord, New Hampshire. 3 

Her day was laid out with precision. At six in summer 
and by seven in winter, Mrs. Eddy was accustomed to 
arise. Her hour for reading and for meditation she habit 
ually observed. Of this one of her household tells us: 4 

Often she would preface some morning Scripture-reading with 
the confiding invitation: "Come and hear what God said to me 
this morning," and then she would read as God s ambassador, or 
as the good God speaking indeed. There was nothing of the 
assumed or artificial in all her reading; she read with the unaf 
fected grace of a heart overflowing with humility and under 
standing, even as she spoke from demonstration, as one who 
had suffered and who had a right to speak. 

Another says, who was with her those ripe years: 5 

It was Mrs. Eddy s custom when she came into her study in 
the morning to open her Bible and Science and Health and read 
the verse or paragraph on which her eyes first rested. Sometimes 
after she had read aloud the selections to those in the room with 
her she would call the other students and give them a little lesson 
from what she had read or instruct them as to what it was 
necessary to handle at that particular time. During the first days 
I made a few notes of the lessons she gave which I will copy here. 
They may not be her exact words as they were written after 
the lesson. 

July 15, 1907. Opened to Romans 14:22, "Hast thou faith? 
Have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not 
himself in that thing which he alloweth." 

Mrs. Eddy said, "We should allow nothing which we cannot 
justify. He who sees sin and condemns it not will suffer for it. 


Can we work out a problem correctly if one figure is not in 
accord with the principle of mathematics? Can I enter the king 
dom of heaven if I allow one sin? Will not that destroy the 
whole problem?" 

Meals were served on the minute, and any member of 
her household who was late was invariably regretful. 
Practical and artistic, Mrs. Eddy set a table well furnished 
and attractive. Her standpoint in this regard is clearly 
indicated in her remarks: 6 "To stop eating, drinking, or 
being clothed materially before the spiritual facts of 
existence are gained step by step, is not legitimate. When 
we wait patiently on God and seek Truth righteously, 
He directs our path." 

Her attention to the kitchen 7 was as minute as that 
she gave her study. On occasion she herself could cook. 8 
An expert housekeeper of the best New England type, 
even in her difficult days at Lynn, she was once found 
by a noted visitor in dust cap and apron, doing her 
housework and without apology even scrubbing down 
the steps. Today the Chestnut Hill house, kept as she left 
it, is a model which any housewife would approve. 

Because her life was lived according to a fixed routine, 
often there was time for little extras. Every morning as 
she walked through her home, she had a cheery word 
for everyone, for cook and laundress, maid and friends. 
Sometimes she stopped a moment to rearrange some trifle 
on the whatnot or the mantel. Almost till the last, Mrs. 
Eddy could trip lightly down the stairs; or, as Mr, Joseph 
G. Mann has told the author, "come floating through the 
corridors like a young girl." In the pitch and toss of wit 
and humor, she was always quick on the catch and the 
return; both in hearty commendation of good works, 


and in the sharp reproof of slackness, she never failed. 

In fair weather after an outdoor walk, sometimes around 
the artificial pond which her students had caused to be 
built for her, Mrs. Eddy would receive her secretary 
with the morning s mail. As the years went by, larger 
discretion was given him in sorting it over, with the help 
of others, to decide on what, in the light of his experience, 
he felt Mrs. Eddy would wish to see. Many of her letters 
she wrote with her own pen; and those dealing with 
the church or publishing concerns were likely to be sent 
by special messenger to Boston. 

Dinner was at twelve o clock, ending invariably with 
ice cream which she specially liked. One at least of her 
household recalls the welcome sound of the grinding of 
the freezer at eleven o clock each morning, 9 

The daily drive immediately followed and the coachman 
reported many evidences of Concord s friendly interest 
in its most distinguished citizen. For everyone, Mrs. Eddy 
had a friendly greeting or a smile. They might be friends 
or strangers, adults or children. In every case, she meas 
ured up to the cultural test which John Cowper Powys 
sets in the memorable phrase: "No one can be regarded 
as cultured who does not treat every human being, without 
a single exception, as of deep and startling interest." 10 

Though she had left Boston, she had not forgotten 
the city where she saw her work expand, and she would 
have visited it more frequently had her busy life per 
mitted. 11 On the visit unannounced of April 1, 1895, 
she spent the night in the room designed for her in the 
new church. It was on this first visit to her church that: 

She asked to have the lights turned on in the auditorium; she 
first walked down the center aisle and stood a little while nearly 


under the dome. Then she came back and went down on the 
right aisle to the platform and knelt on the first step for a few 
moments as if in silent prayer. She arose and went to the steps 
at the left and up to the first desk, where she repeated audibly 
the Ninety-First Psalm, then over to the next desk and repeated: 

Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah! 

Pilgrim through this barren land: 

I am weak, but Thou art mighty, 

Hold me with Thy powerful hand. 

Bread of heaven! Feed me till I want no more. 

Open is the crystal fountain, 

Whence the healing waters flow: 

And the fiery, cloudy pillar 

Leads me all my journey through. 

Strong Deliverer! Still Thou art my strength and shield. 12 

Although before she left Boston to make her home at 
Concord, New Hampshire, Mrs. Eddy had given the 
land for the new church, she was as always more con 
cerned to win her followers to the spiritual life. Most 
of the organizations formed in early years were by this 
time broken up, to encourage concentration on things 
more lasting than material forms. 13 

The teacher, regarding with concern the growing 
tendency to give her adulation, had removed herself from 
the center of activity that her teaching might be taken 
at its own intrinsic value. To a student in a position of 
responsibility she minced no words in indicating her 
position: u 

First. Let my works, and not my words, praise me if I am 
worthy of praise. 

Second. I always detested flattery. 

Third. What is being said and written in such profusion of 

Copyright 1904 by The Christian Science Publishing Society. Renewed 1932. 



reference to, and praise of, me is not Christian Science and I 
hereby forbid its publication in the Journal. 

Practically Christian Science is manifested by moderation, 
meekness, and love. "He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall 
any man hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed shall he 
not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth 
judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust." 

Never did Mrs. Eddy lose her business sagacity. The 
"Optimist" 15 of Philadelphia, who interviewed her in 
1907, was impressed with it. Anyone who tried to outwit 
her in business was not unlikely to regret his zeal. The 
following incident 16 is one which Mrs. Eddy had delight 
in telling; it recounts an instance of her effective dealing 
with an avaricious neighbor. 

With the improvement of Pleasant View in mind, Mrs. Eddy 
wished to purchase a little strip of land on which stood an 
unsightly barn. The old man who owned the objectionable 
adjoining half-acre seemed willing to accept Mrs. Eddy s tempting 
offer, but for some unknown reason raised his price as often as 
Mrs. Eddy agreed to meet his advancements. 

At last Mrs. Eddy divined that a crafty neighbor, for his own 
benefit, was secretly manipulating the old gentleman. 

She at once sent for this intriguing neighbor and, enlisting 
him in her behalf, engaged him to buy the property for her. 
She invited him to set his valuation on the barn in question which 
he cunningly placed at two or three hundred dollars. He then 
named the price for which he thought Mrs. Eddy might buy 
both lot and barn. 

An agreement was made whereby he was to deliver to her the 
deed for the property after which she was to make him a valuable 
present in lieu of commission. 

The transaction went through smoothly; the deed, accurate and 
safe in her hands, Mrs. Eddy said to her neighbor agent, "Now I 
will make you a present of the barn, and you may move it off 
as soon as you can." 


The barn, really, was comparatively worthless, and Mrs. Eddy s 
would-be deceiver had deceived himself. 

Mrs. Eddy laughed heartily when she told of teaching this 
schemer the lesson of his life, in letting him fall into the pit which 
he had dug for her. 

While still worshiping in Hawthorne Hall, some of 
her students tried to raise a fund for the building of a 
church. Always alert, Mrs. Eddy was as often warning 
them, 17 "let there first be a Church of Christ in reality 
and in the hearts of men before one is organized." As 
though to justify her warning, that first small fund was 
lost; but later another nucleus was raised, and a site was 
chosen. Even yet the money was not adequate and a 
mortgage had in consequence to be placed on the lot. 
When the mortgage fell due and Mrs. Eddy found her 
students could not pay it off, she bought the lot herself 
and had it conveyed to the Board of Trustees to hold 
for the church to be. 18 

In spite of their good intentions those associated with 
her in the enterprise again fell into financial difficulty, 
and again she took the lot over to save the project. In 
September, 1892, it was reconveyed to four of her stu 
dents, "thereby constituting them the Christian Science 
Board of Directors." This Board was bound by the deed 
of transfer to hold the land in trust for the whole body 
of Christian Scientists in accordance with a law which 
had been discovered that permitted property to be held 
in this way. 

^ By the end of 1894, the way was open, without the 
aid of church suppers or church fairs, to secure with 
dignity and dispatch funds ample for the completion of 
the church. Built of gray Concord granite the church 


seated eleven hundred people, and the first service was 
held on December 30, 1894. In the next month s issue 
of The Christian Science Journal (January, 1895) after 
thanking all who had helped to bring the enterprise to 
success, the treasurer requested that, after January, 1895, 
since the fund was sure to be completed and the books 
closed that month, no further contributions be sent. 

In developing her great idea and adapting it to widen 
ing opportunities, Mrs. Eddy more and more became a 
jealous guardian of her time. Too easily accessible to 
every chance inquirer while she was in Boston, at 
Pleasant View, with Mount Monadnock offering in the 
southwest a dim but lovely background, she found it 
easier, although an honored citizen of Concord, 19 to 
command the hours which she required to dream her 
dreams, to see her visions, and to express them all in print, 
in organization, and in stone. 

To have written all she wrote between 1892 and 1907 
would have taxed any genius. Few newspapers could 
match her record. In addition she started, in 1898, The 
Christian Science Publishing Society, perhaps the most 
successful organization of its kind in the world today; in 
1898 the Christian Science Sentinel, 20 which every week 
continues to carry its message to many thousands; and 
somewhat earlier the Christian Science Quarterly contain 
ing the Lesson-Sermons which every Christian Scientist 
studies daily. To this period also belongs her Miscellaneous 
Writings, which for a year took the place of class teaching; 
and, in addition to being a graphic guide-book, contains 
the substance of such addresses as that made by her in 
Chicago in 1888. As early as 1895 followed the Church 
Manual, to all Christian Scientists the most vitally useful 


book, next to Science and Health, which this woman of 
"The Vision Splendid" ever wrote: 

To lift to-day above the past, 

To nail God s colors to the mast. 21 

At Pleasant View, Mrs. Eddy also found the detach 
ment she required to think ahead. As her teaching 
increasingly touched the hearts of her followers every 
where, her vision splendid included a larger building as 
cosmic as her teaching. But she would not be hurried. 
She would have her people "strong enough in God to 
stand." 22 

Ten years she had been living at Pleasant View before 
she suggested to the Church in Boston the need of a 
larger building. At the Annual Meeting in June, 1902, 
on motion of Edward A. Kimball, the Church was for 
mally committed to the enterprise. 23 

In 1903, the land adjacent to the earlier building was 
acquired. The next year the corner-stone was laid. Then, 
in June, 1906, thirty thousand Christian Scientists from 
many lands came to share in the dedication of a church 
seating over five thousand, costing two million dollars, 
paid in advance a church not incorporated by any 
state law because it was designed for world use, a church 
not unworthy to be compared with the cathedrals of the 
Old World. 

The Christian Scientists who had come to Boston to see The 
Mother Church dedicated remained to attend the Wednesday 
evening meeting at which testimonies of Christian Science healing 
were given. The great temple was crowded from floor to dome, 
and overflow meetings were held in the original Mother Church 
and in four public halls. Many who were not Christian Scientists 
were amazed listeners to the outpouring of testimonies from every 


part of the great auditorium. Men and women arose in their 
places on the floor of the church and in the first and second 
balconies. As each arose he called the name of his city and waited 
his turn to tell of the miracle of health and virtue wrought in his 
life as a result of the study of Christian Science. The names of 
the cities called up the near and the far of the civilized world 
Liverpool, Galveston, St. Petersburg, San Francisco, Paris, New 
York, Atlanta, and Portland. There were negroes as well as white 
men in that audience; there were French, German, and Scandi 
navian; there were army officers from Great Britain, and members 
of the British nobility, Americans of great wealth, jurists, former 
doctors and clergymen, teachers, clerks, day laborers. It was like 
a jubilation of an army with banners. And not only of the van- 
quishment of cancers, consumption, broken limbs, malignant dis 
eases, and paralysis did these votaries of Christian Science testify, 
but of poverty overcome, victory gained over drunkenness, mor 
phine, and immoral lives. It was a triumphant assertion of the 
health and power of spiritual living. 24 

Home from Cuba, with his Rough Riders, Theodore 
Roosevelt had just been elected to the Governorship of 
New York State and an honorable peace was being made 
in Paris, after our little unpleasantness with Spain, when 
Mrs. Eddy, on November 20, 1898, began to teach the 
last of all her classes. 25 Its membership was of her own 
choosing. Only those were admitted who were specially 
invited by letter or by telegram. Before the sixty-seven 
arrived, none knew who else was included each invita 
tion having evidently been marked "confidential." Her 
pride in them she expressed later by saying she was "glad 
to give to the world such men and women to demonstrate 
Christian Science." 26 

The recollections, written or oral, of several members 
of the class 27 are now before the author. United States 
Senator George H. Moses not a Christian Scientist 


says of the Leader, "She was exactly the sort of woman 
I should have liked my grandmother to have been." 28 
None have been found to diif er from Mr. George Wendell 
Adams that, though well on toward eighty years of age, 
Mrs. Eddy appeared much younger "a mature woman," 
vigorous, vivid, and so highly spiritual that one member 
will "never forget the heavenly look upon our beloved 
Leader s face." 29 

"Escorted by Mr. Frye," Mrs. Eddy "came into the 
Hall that Sunday afternoon with her quick, graceful, 
gliding step, and took her place on the platform. She 
looked from one to another over the whole class . 
with the most sweet, tender and happy expression." 30 
Out of the richness of her spiritual experience, now at 
its maturity, Mrs. Eddy gave the Class of 98, already well 
grounded in Christian Science, perhaps the best instruction 
which any class received during her many years of 
teaching. She increased their confidence in their power 
to heal. She showed them how to improve their tech 
nique. She convinced them that the Sermon on the 
Mount 31 can be demonstrated in our everyday concerns. 
She bade them "run and not be weary," no matter how 
hard the way might seem, how baffling some of the cases 
which they wished to help. She emphasized the necessity 
of living the life they would have others live. The value 
of humility in all their relationships, she indicated by a 
personal experience which she once had at the bedside 
of a sick child. "In my anguish I bowed my head until 
it touched the floor, and when the assurance came again 
of the loving presence and healing power of God, the 
child responded instantaneously." 82 

Asked by one member of this last class: 


"Should we ever permit ourselves to speak harshly?" "Oh," 
she replied, "there is a tight place. We must separate Truth 
and error." Then slowly and sadly she said: "That has cost me 
more suffering than anything else. I have had to see error when 
I most wanted not to see it." 33 

Their minds were every instant concentrated on her 
words. Their emotions were deeply stirred. But she was 
an expert. She knew how to ease the strain, as in reference 
to that day, when, a tiny girl, amid the laughter of the 
other school-children, she said she meant to write a book. 
She knew how to use the timely story; as, at the expense 
of the more austere literalists, one day she said: 

Some men were employed on a farm to hoe. After working 
some time one of the men laid down his hoe and started toward 
the house. Another asked him why he was leaving his work, and 
the reply was that the man was thirsty and was going for a drink. 
"But," argued the second man, "that is not according to the 
Bible." "How so?" asked the thirsty man. "Why, the Bible says, 
Ho, every man that thirsteth. " 3 * 

She took a humorous fling at conventional philosophy 
in the story: 

A tanner of hides bored a hole through his front door and put 
a fox s tail through it, letting the bushy part hang outside. People 
looked and wondered what it meant. One man passed the house 
many times, and finally the tanner asked him: "Are you a min 
ister?" "No, I am not that." "Are you a lawyer?" "No, I am 
not that." "Well, may I ask what you are?" "I am a philosopher, 
and I have been wondering how that fox ever went through 
that hole." 35 

Aware of their unusual privilege, the Class of 98 
learned that, first and last: 

there was but one God, and consequently, there could be but 
one full reflection, which of course was the compound idea, man. 


She dwelt at length on the point that there could be but one full 
or complete reflection of one God, and that fact must be the 
basis for all scientific deduction. She indicated that only as her 
students grasped the fundamental fact that one God could have 
but one full reflection did they have the right basic sense of 
Christian Science, and know that there is no other starting point. 36 

Every religion with "bite" in it reckons with the devil. 
As Goethe 37 pointed out, man s way to heaven leads 
through hell, and in hell he meets the devil. Men may 
try to ignore the devil or to cut his acquaintance after 
they have met him; but, as Faust discovered, this is a 
large assignment. "The backward pull" is strong on all 
of us. Honesty compels agreement with St. Paul that 
"when I would do good, evil is present with me." 38 More 
than once, Jesus indicated that his business here was to 
beat the devil, and to transmit to his disciples the power 
to do the same. 30 St. Paul s "thorn in the flesh" he once 
described as "the messenger of Satan." 40 The Church 
Fathers debited the devil with all their erroneous doctrines 
as well as evil practices. In the Castle of Wartburg the 
stain on the wall, from the ink bottle which Luther is 
reported to have flung at the devil, still awes an occa 
sional pilgrim. 

Some of the substantial pious in the Valley of the 
Connecticut were disquieted when, in 1741, in the most 
telling sermon which he ever preached, Jonathan Edwards 
multiplied the minions of the devil to his heart s content, 
and adjured his shivering people to believe that "the devils 
watch them; they are ever by them, at their right hand; 
they stand watching for them like greedy, hungry lions 
that see their prey and expect to have it." 41 

Mrs. Eddy was not the first defiantly to face the devil, 


or to doubt his power over souls. Nor is it surprising 
that, with the term animal magnetism" so loosely used 
by many a tongue on both sides of the Atlantic that 
Disraeli said London was "mad" with it, Mrs. Eddy, when 
she was developing her teaching, should have coined the 
special name of malicious animal magnetism," and in her 
correspondence abbreviated it to "M.A.M." 

It was natural for Mrs. Eddy, with her insight into 
things spiritual, to understand the apparent attractiveness 
of evil which she, like others, was thought at times to 
personalize. There was nothing unnatural in her solici 
tude in season and out, to keep those around her on their 
guard against the subtlety and insidiousness of evil. Miss 
Shannon 42 says: 

Mother explained to us what that was, and her explanation of 
evil indulged in was indeed terrifying. She showed us that, if 
we neglected to do our duty and did what was wrong without 
detecting, correcting and overcoming error, but continued repeat 
ing the same mistakes and justifying ourselves, the suffering which 
would result would be simple interest, which we would have to 
pay; then, if Christian Scientists refused to see the error when it 
*was shown, and wilfully or maliciously continued to repeat it, 
allowing their thoughts to be governed by hate, malice, jealousy, 
or any of these subtle conspirators, this would result in moral 
idiocy, and would bring compound interest. Then the experience 
of hell would ensue. 

Miss Lucia C. Warren wrote in The Christian Science 
Journal, June, 1930: 

Hers was the tender sensitive consciousness of the mother who 
must discipline and counsel her young, must feel responsible for 
their welfare and future attainments, must guard them from out 
ward and contrary influences, must fit them to encounter alone, 
and without her, the billows of mortal experience, and to encoun 
ter them triumphantly. 


Jesus set the precedent. He bade his disciples avoid 
the very appearance of evil. In the prayer Jesus offered 
as a model for us all to use, occurs the counsel: "Lead 
us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Jesus 
realized that most of those with whom he had to deal 
were apt to go to sleep when there was the greatest need 
that they should keep awake. It was, unhappily, the three 
closest to him who all but missed his transfiguration on 
the Mount because they were sleepy-headed; and in Geth- 
semane in spite of his pathetic plea they could not 
keep awake one hour when: 

Into the woods my Master went, 

Clean forspent, forspent. 

Into the woods my Master came, 

Forspent with love and shame. 

But the olives, they were not blind to Him, 

The little gray leaves were kind to Him, 

The thorn-tree had a mind to Him, 

When into the woods He came. 43 

Slow of comprehension, many associated with Mrs. 
Eddy had to be treated like irresponsible children inclined 
to make something out of nothing. Even that Class of 98 
had the arresting question put to them by a teacher who 
left nothing unsettled: "Why make so much ado about 
nothing? Error is no more than a row of ciphers added 
from one wall to another, unless you place a unit with 
it and make something of it." 44 

But she paid them the distinctive compliment of saying 
nothing about M.A.M. Years later she herself wrote that 
she had not referred to it in teaching them. 45 Valuing 
beyond price what they had learned at Concord, the Class 
of 98, from none of whom Mrs. Eddy would accept 


any compensation, went their way to promote harmony 
among Christian Scientists and also to teach with more 

At Pleasant View the days for all passed quickly. 
Everyone was busy. By her own devotion to the duties 
which each day brought, Mrs. Eddy furnished an example 
which her household were keen to follow. Save for the 
daily drive, she allowed herself no recreation. Always 
engrossed in her work, she was never too engrossed to 
be kind. Painters working outside in the winter might 
feel the cold. Though Mrs. Eddy herself never drank 
coffee, she saw to it that her workingmen had coffee in 
abundance, steaming hot. 46 She expressed the tolerant 
views which she illustrated with the painters in a letter 
to General Charles H. Grosvenor: "Upheld by divine 
Love man can make himself perfect but he must not 
attempt this too rapidly with his neighbor." 4T 

With many still living among those employed at Pleasant 
View and later at Chestnut Hill, the author has talked. 
All tell the same story of a woman unlike anyone else 
whom they ever knew and indescribably attractive. Their 
heartful recollections bring tears to the eyes and a sob 
to the throat. Several eminent citizens of Concord not 
all of her faith have put themselves on record. A former 
Mayor expressed the well-considered conviction that Mrs. 
Eddy was "keen of intellect and strong in memory." 48 
"Reserved, deliberate, just," an editor 49 observes. And a 
lawyer was impressed by her "physical activity not ordi 
narily to be found in persons many years younger." 50 

Even from the small details of the lives around her 
she did not hold aloof. She spoke the word that helped, 
whether in admiration or in admonition. Never was 


she above the sharing with them of her intimate experi 
ences, the entering fully into theirs. Says Mrs. Grace A. 
Greene: 51 

She would often say to me, "I make my pumpkin pies thus and 
so," or "I make puddings like this." One day I said, "Mother, can 
you really make pies and puddings?" She replied, "Of course I 
can." And then she told me of making herself a bonnet and 
dress when she was too poor to hire them done, although she 
had never done such a thing in her life before. She finished by 
saying, "If you are an ordinary cook, dressmaker, or milliner, 
Christian Science will make you -perfect in any of these lines, and 
everyone should seek to perfect himself wherever he is, or 
whatever his calling." 

As for her enemies, she was quick to detect and 
resourceful to checkmate any move to hurt her Cause. 
But the evidence abounds that her settled policy was, 
"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good 
to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite- 
fully use you, and persecute you." 52 

Even those who had once been close to her, and then 
went away and sometimes " willfully or mistakenly per 
verted her teaching," 53 she kept on loving. But she 
always drew the line between sin and the sinner, and 
once with gravity and regret she indicated what might 
in some cases prove the natural result of sinning: "Nothing 
except sin, in the students themselves, can separate them 
from me. Therefore we should guard thought and action, 
keeping them in accord with Christ, and our friendship 
will surely continue." 54 Because she did love humanity, 
she was quick to reprove the errors which she saw in 
individuals, obscuring the perfection of the real man. No 
matter how she made others suffer, she suffered more 


herself. Hers was that vicarious suffering, more terrible 
to bear than that of persons on whom, for their good, 
she felt obliged to inflict pain. 

Never did this woman of much loving speak more 
from the heart than when she said: 55 

There is a flower whose language is "I wound to heal." There 
is a physician who loves those whom He chastens. There is a 
woman who chastens most those whom she loves. Why? Because 
like a surgeon she makes her incisions on the tender spot to 
remove the cold lead that is dangerous there. 

Even a small part of her letter writing at Pleasant View 
would have taxed the time of the modern woman. The 
collected masses of letters, mounting up into the thousands, 
which she wrote with her own hand, are bewildering to 
examine. Her secretaries helped her all they could in 
correspondence routine; but there were many burdens 
which she alone could carry, and these she carried with 
dignity. As back in her girlhood, when she was writing 
to Augusta Holmes about the thousand and one things 
that interest young people, so in the days at Pleasant 
View, her mind now teeming with projects for the 
benefit of millions, Mrs. Eddy became a great as well as 
a voluminous letter-writer, unsurpassed in the range of 
topics covered, in the widening sweep of her vision. 

Says Miss M. Louise Baum, sometime on the editorial 
staff of The Christian Science Monitor: 

Even as the English Bible stands as the great monument of 
English style for the centuries until now, and even as Dante 
made Italian speech by epitomizing it in his fervent poem, even 
so the writings of Mrs. Eddy are certain to stand as models of 
twentieth century style, of direct actual saying the thing itself, 
with every ornament inherent in the thinking, never a piece of 


verbal trickery or tracery added from without, with every 
sweeping passage of eloquence borne on the actual high tide of 
spiritual revelation. Mrs. Eddy s word is yea, yea, and nay, nay. 
She is herself what she says. She has lived it out, and so it is 
that her words live and kindle life in others. 

All through her letters runs that Victorian disposition 
to lend to duty an inexorableness for which present-day 
behaviorism is a poor substitute in the conservation of 
the higher things of life. Friendship-love, based on a 
faith in God as well as man, which every age requires, 
appears in her letter of March, 1896, to Judge Hanna: 56 

Words fail to tell how much comfort your letter gives me. It 
sometimes almost overcomes the sense of being to breast the 
storms of mortal mind. Then to hear such a bird note, then to 
see such a ray divine of light and love coming from human 
pen O, is it not comforting? I thank you, God loves you, that 
is enough. He will finish and furnish all that remains to be felt 
and known by us and all poor sinners. Yours and Camilla s photos 
are in my album side by side; but on my mantle your face and 
Gen. Baker s are face to face. That is the way you are in my 
heart. For I know you to be two of the most genuine characters 
I have ever known, and I have known grand and glorious ones. 

Though Mrs. Eddy did direct The Mother Church, 
she was habitually wise in training others to bear respon 
sibility. February 12, 1895, she writes: 57 

My beloved Students: 

I cannot conscientiously lend my counsel to direct your action 
on receiving or dismissing candidates. To do this, I should need 
to be with you. I cannot accept hearsay, and would need to 
know the circumstances and facts regarding both sides of the 
subject to form a proper judgement. This is not my present 
province, hence I have hitherto declined to be consulted on these 
matters, and still maintain this position. 

These are matters of grave import, and you cannot be indif- 


ferent to this, but will give them immediate attention and be 
governed therein by the spirit and the letter of this scripture: 
"Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even 
so to them." 

I cannot be the conscience for this Church. But if I were I 
would gather every reformed sinner that desired to come, into 
its fold, and counsel and help them to walk in the footsteps of 
His flock. I feel sure that as Christian Scientists you will act 
relative to this matter up to your highest understanding of justice 
and mercy. 

Businesslike, forethought for the Church is also shown 
in her constant regard for the observance of all legal 
requirements. July 28, 1892, she wrote the clerk: 58 

Remember dear student, that this Church must be properly 
chartered, and its Constitution and Bylaws correctly made, and 
accepted, and the whole proceeding be strictly legal. Then, we 
have complied with civil law (and I always recommend this being 
done, wisely done) and then, every Church of Christ, Scientist, 
will have a precedent to follow whereby to establish the Gospel 
of Christian Science. 

In an emergency she took the helm, and issued com 
mands too plain to be misunderstood. On September 29, 
1893, with plans well along for the original edifice of The 
Mother Church but one detail after another delaying the 
beginning of the work, she wrote the Directors: 59 

My dear Students, 

Do not delay one other day to lay the foundation of our 
Church, the season will shut in upon you perhaps, and the frost 
hinder the work. God is with you, thrust in the spade, Oct. 1st 
1893 and advertise in next No. of Journal that you have begun 
to build His temple a temple for the worship and service of 
Divine Love the living God. 

With great love Mother 


Man as he was, St. Paul tried to mother each little 
group of converts which he left behind in town and city 
on his missionary tours. When visiting in those pre- 
airplane days was not practicable, he wrote them letters 
aglow with mothering counsel for their nurture in the 
Christian Faith. 

In the Founder of Christian Science, also, that mother 
instinct was strong. It included those near, those far, 
and those to follow in her train in all the years to come. 
There is nothing, perhaps, in all the history of woman 
kind quite like Mrs. Eddy s loving forethought, flowing 
out toward all her spiritual children. As she looked back 
even to the sixties when she was building up her book, 
she realized that it had always been the invasion of 
wrong ideas, mortal mind, 60 into the circle around her 
that disturbed, unsettled, detached, sometimes took from 
her those who needed most the guidance which she gave. 
It was specially for them that she wrote in Science and 

The lame, the deaf, the dumb, the blind, the sick, the sensual, 
the sinner, I wished to save from the slavery of their own beliefs. 61 

It was for them she began in 1883 to publish The Christian 
Science Journal, in 1898 the Christian Science Sentinel, 
and in 1908 The Christian Science Monitor. Monthly, 
weekly, daily, she would have the members of her church 
read what she was convinced would make them immune 
to error. But, besides all her many books and papers, 
from Science and Health in 1875 to The Christian Science 
Monitor in 1908, something was needed for the complete 
mothering of her people, for the binding of them up so 
closely to the church that nothing could steal from them 

Copyright 1945 by The Christian Science Board of Directors. 

Used by permission 


Taken in June, 1900. 




her revelation of 1866, which for forty years and more 
she had been emphasizing, interpreting, enlarging, and 
widening as new problems came and pressed for a 

That is the reason why, among Christian Scientists, 
the Manual of The Mother Church today ranks next to 
Science and Health. They see in it the Discoverer and 
Founder of Christian Science, mothering her flock long 
after she had passed on, protecting them from ills when 
she had gone from sight, forestalling temptation and 
misunderstanding, and earnestly endeavoring to continue 
in the spirit through the Manual to protect them from 
their own mistakes and from the hurts which others 
might inflict. 

To Miss Susie M. Lang she said on August 2, 1896, 
"I was compelled by a sense of responsibility to put up 
the bars for my flock." 62 Miss Shannon loves to recall 

The first time that Mrs. Eddy saw the need of a manual for The 
Mother Church was in connection with teaching, and she told 
me to write to Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Webster of Chicago, whom 
she used to call "the twins." She wanted to see them to explain 
to them the need that she saw to preserve the teaching of Christian 
Science pure and unadulterated for future generations, and the 
wisest way she could see at that time was to have a Manual on 
teaching Christian Science. They came, and she showed them 
the right thing to do was to have a Committee of her old loyal 
students, with themselves, and for them to compile a set of 
by-laws in connection with teaching. This was done. Afterwards, 
God showed Mother that it was wise to make by-laws to govern 
all church members as well as teachers, which ultimately developed 
into the present Manual of The Mother Church, which includes 
articles and by-laws for teachers and teaching, as well as for 
Church discipline. 63 


In The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany 
(p. 230), we read, "Notwithstanding the sacrilegious 
moth of time, eternity awaits our Church Manual, which 
will maintain its rank as in the past, amid ministries 
aggressive and active, and will stand when those have 
passed to rest." 

Rising to a more official relationship, Mrs. Eddy, on 
February 27, 1903, addressed the Directors: 

Beloved Students: I am not a lawyer, and do not sufficiently 
comprehend the legal trend of the copy you enclosed to me to 
suggest any changes therein. Upon one point however I feel 
competent to advise namely: Never abandon the By-laws nor 
the denominational government of the Mother Church. If I am 
not personally with you, the Word of God, and my instructions 
in the By-laws have led you hitherto and will remain to guide 
you safely on, and the teachings of St. Paul are as useful to-day 
as when they were first written. 

The present and future prosperity of the cause of Christian 
Science is largely due to the By-laws and government of "The 
First Church of Christ, Scientist" in Boston. None but myself 
can know, as I know, the importance of the combined sentiment 
of this Church remaining steadfast in supporting its present 
By-laws. Each of these many By-laws has met and mastered, 
or forestalled some contingency, some imminent peril, and will 
continue to do so. Its By-laws have preserved the sweet unity 
of this large church, that has perhaps the most members and 
combined influence of any other church in our country. Many 
times a single By-law has cost me long nights of prayer and 
struggle, but it has won the victory over some sin and saved 
the walls of Zion from being torn down by disloyal students. 
We have proven that "in unity there is strength." 64 

With love as ever 


N. B. I request that you put this letter upon our church records. 

M. B. E. 







T^ONG. C S. D. 

M MLMOUTM rrmrr totroM 

pteuant View. 


b. 27,1903 


Christian Science Board of Directors. 
Beloved Students* 

I am not a lawyer, and do not suffic 
iently comprehend the legal trend of the copy you enclosed to me to suggest any 
changes therein. Upon one point however I feel competent to advise namely* Sever 

change the By-laws nor the denominational government of the Mother Church,. If I 

arc not personally with you, the TCord of God, and my instructions in the By-laws 

have led you hitherto and will remain to guide you safely on, and the teachings 

of St. Paul are as useful to-day as when they were first written. 

The present and future* of the cause of Christian Science is largely due 

to the Sy-laws and government of "The First Church of Christ, Scientist" in Bos 
ton. None .but myseH can know, as I know, the importance of the combined senti 
ment of thS^emainirig steadfast in supporting its present By-laws. Each of 
these many By-laws has met and mastered, or forestalled some contingency, some 
imminent peril, and will continue to do so. Its By-laws have preserved the sweet 
unity of this large church, that has perhaps the most members and combined influ 
ence of any other church in our country. Many times a single By-law has cost roe 
long nights of grayer and struggle,but it has won the victory over some sin and 







Ad4rt Alt inqulfi** to JOSEPH ARMSTRONG. C. S. D.. 


ant View. 


saved the walls of Zion from being torn dowi by disloyal students* "We have 
proven that "in unity there is strength." 



The Manual was issued during the very year that her 
flock began to worship in the new building of The 
Mother Church. When Mrs. Eddy was no longer visible, 
the Manual was her representative. Through its By-Laws 
she still speaks in preservation unadulterated of her teach 
ing, in the government through the Board of Directors 
of her Church, and in the regulation of its services. Over 
her own signature the six Tenets of The Mother Church 
appear as follows: 

1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the 
Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life. 

2. We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. 
We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine 
Comforter; and man in God s image and likeness. 

3. We acknowledge God s forgiveness of sin in the destruc 
tion of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as 
unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts. 

4. We acknowledge Jesus atonement as the evidence of divine, 
efficacious Love, unfolding man s unity with God through Christ 
Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved 
through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated 
by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin 
and death. 

5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his 
resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even 
the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter. 

6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that 
Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others 
as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, 
and pure. 


Before ever big business or nations, in peace or war, 
had learned how to mold public opinion through the 
press, Mrs. Eddy provided in her Manual for a Committee 


on Publication, now found in every state and every land 
where Christian Science has organization, "to correct in 
a Christian manner impositions on the public in regard 
to Christian Science, injustices done Mrs. Eddy or mem 
bers of this church by the daily press, by periodicals or 
circulated literature of any sort." 66 

As recently as last year the Board of Directors, with 
the Manual before them, broadcast the announcement, 67 
"We assert the right to defend and protect our religion 
and persons connected with it from public misrepresen 
tation"; and, as usual, they based their right on the specific 
words of Mrs. Eddy, "A lie left to itself is not so soon 
destroyed as it is with the help of truth-telling." 6S But 
they also counseled discretion, using their Leader s very 
language, "Meekness and temperance are the jewels of 
love set in wisdom. Restrain untempered zeal." 69 

It was the multitudinous contacts with the public 
through the press in carrying out her mothering program, 
which made Mrs. Eddy a mystery woman to many out 
side her fold and at last drew upon her the light of pitiless 
publicity. Democracy is impulsive. Democracy resents 
privacy. Democracy wants to know it all. Regardless of 
the Declaration of Independence, which declares for all 
"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" by reason 
of which the United States Constitution promised for all 
time to secure to us the right to worship God in our 
own way democracy worked itself up into an unseemly 
and even passionate curiosity to learn what Mrs. Eddy 
really was like. To learn by what means she had amassed 
a competence reported to be large, and how she had 
built up a church which was thrusting its searchlight, as 
the Marquis of Lothian has lately said, "past what all 


the greatest teachers have recognized to be the transient 
and unsubstantial phenomena of mortal existence into 
the eternal reality which is the kingdom of God." 70 

With the opening of the twentieth century, the big 
stick was in full swing and the muckrake was plied busily, 
seeking the unsavory in public life. "Tainted" money 
became a slogan with professional reformers, and upon 
many of them Mr. Dooley s humorous suggestion that 
the final proof of tainted money with some is " taint 
mine" was lost. 

Any man with sufficient brains and purpose to lift 
his head above the mass ran the risk of being listed with 
the "scamps." Although there was much public indigna 
tion at the inhuman treatment which French procedure 
meted out to Dreyfus, a growing disposition was in 
evidence to substitute for the Anglo-Saxon habit of 
assuming innocence until guilt was proved, the French 
habit of taking guilt for granted and requiring the 
accused to prove his innocence. 

Great things were already on record to Mrs. Eddy s 
credit. Her book was long since built. Her church, too, 
was built and was becoming news to the whole world. 
Men of consequence, here and there, were observing 
that Christian Scientists did seem to be bearing the fruits 
of the spirit. Mark Twain dropped his jesting for a 
moment to predict that "Christian Science is destined to 
make the most formidable show that any new religion has 
made since the birth and spread of Mohammedanism." 

But Mrs. Eddy s withdrawal from publicity to the 
privacy of Pleasant View, her success in so ordering 
her life as to secure the freedom needed to carry on her 
work and the quiet in which to hear the voice of God, 


tended to make her practically unknown, not only to 
America at large, but also to many of her followers 
whom she was constantly urging to put Principle before 
personality, her teaching before her visible self. Nor did 
the few pilgrimages, made at her invitation to Pleasant 
View, alter the case, no matter how much pleasure they 
brought the pilgrims. On the occasion in 1903, when ten 
thousand went by special trains to Concord, Mrs. Eddy 
spoke to them from the balcony outside her window. 
However, rumors continued to gain credence that the 
head of the Christian Science Church, overcome by 
physical infirmity, had "falTn into the sere, the yellow 
leaf"; that she was at last in the power of a little selfish 
coterie who were managing her vast interests as they 
chose and concealing her not only from the public but 
even from her son, her adopted son, and her former 

Big city newspapers were beginning to wonder whether, 
after all, Mrs. Eddy was still alive, whether she had not 
actually passed away, and whether a substitute, her face 
hidden behind a parasol, was not now in Mrs. Eddy s 
stead driving out every afternoon to deceive the world. 

In May, 1905, departing from her custom, Mrs. Eddy 
granted an interview to a representative of the Boston 
I^erald^ whose write-up of the interview seemed so 
satisfying that Mrs. Eddy wrote the editor a message 
of appreciation. The next year, however, America gave 
an exhibition of that national inquisitiveness which Owen 
Wister characterizes as "peculiarly disagreeable" and "a 
perfectly unwarrantable invasion of one s privacy." 

With the opening of October, reporters of a New 
York daily came prepared to spend some time in Concord, 


commissioned by their paper to find out whether Mrs. 
Eddy was alive or not. A few weeks later, on Tuesday, 
October 30, 1906, representatives of the Associated Press, 
the Publishers Press, and all the larger daily papers of 
Boston and New York numbering fifteen arrived at 
Pleasant View to interview her again. The report read 
that, though not conspicuously strong, Mrs. Eddy was 
very much alive and evidently capable of attending to 
her work. 

Individual journalists, also, of the type of Arthur 
Brisbane and William E. Curtis visited her soon after, 
and a critical reading today of their impressions gives 
them even a more convincing finality than when they 
were first published. Arthur Brisbane almost naively said, 
"Nobody could see this beautiful and venerable woman 
and ever again speak of her except in terms of affectionate 
reverence and sympathy." 71 William E. Curtis, as skillful 
in his day in interviewing world celebrities as was Isaac 
Marcosson later, had just returned from China. Accom 
panied by Michael Meehan, a local Concord editor, he 
was received by Mrs. Eddy, to whom he explained in 
some detail the then recent Boxer Rebellion. 

Mr. Meehan records: 

In the course of preliminary remarks, he made a statement 
about affairs in China, touching which Mrs; Eddy asked for more 
detailed and definite information, and quite unconsciously, seem 
ingly, she took the topic entirely out of his grasp, and for more 
than an hour, dwelt on the details of the Chinese situation, with 
such a wonderful insight and with such intimate knowledge of 
its social, political and economic conditions, as to quite confound 
the man. 

When she had closed her quiet talk, she rose, and after answering 
briefly some conventional questions, the audience was ended. 


As we were leaving the room, Mrs. Eddy halted us and said 

"I hear I am not the person who goes for a short drive each 
day. If you wish to remain outside for a few minutes, you will 
see me enter my carriage and drive away." 

We did as directed. In a short while, Mrs. Eddy stepped thru 
the doorway and into her carriage, smiling recognition at us 
as she passed. 

As we drove from Pleasant View, Mr. Curtis marveled how 
a woman who so completely excluded the world could possibly 
know so much about the world s affairs, and particularly how she 
could have acquired such accurate and comprehensive acquaint 
ance with the history and national habits of the Chinese, a people 
so little known, and with the court customs and the unpublished 
intrigues of its rulers. As we parted, he said, "Just one more 
surprise, one more instance of where we came to preach, and 
remained to pray." 72 

Through 1907 and well into 1908, magazine articles 
which attracted much attention were exploiting her life 
story, based on such information as could then be un 
earthed and written with much journalistic skill. But 
at last the most incredulous were having to admit that 
Mrs. Eddy was at least alive. 

However, a new flock of rumors was let loose that 
she might as well be dead, that she had fallen into 
unfriendly hands, and was no longer altogether capable 
of caring for herself and her friends. With an adroit 
change of tactics the suggestion was put forward that 
it would be only kind, in the distressing circumstances, 
to invoke the law in Mrs. Eddy s best interest, to bring 
her legally into court that all the world might learn her 
real condition and join the law in saving her from her 
"household," and in turning her over to responsible 
guardians, described in law as "Next Friends." Although 


without large business experience the "Next Friends" 
seemed quite willing to assume responsibilities, vast and 
complex, for the management of the millions which they 
appeared to hope Mrs. Eddy possessed. 

Her nearest heir was her son George, who was still in 
the Northwest, hoping prospector-like to strike pay-dirt 
in his paternity, and thus break into the ranks indicated 
in Madison Julius Cawein s line: 

Some shall reap that never sow. 

Without undue prodding, George s memory recalled a 
letter Mrs. Eddy once wrote him in which, motherlike, 
she confided, "I am as lone as a solitary star." To his 
mining enterprises he had added risky building projects; 
and, because of them, he more easily remembered that 
her replies to some of his requests for money with which 
to experiment had not been precisely what he could 
have wished. He was not the first son to attempt to 
cajole a mother into being too indulgent for his good, 
nor the last son to turn against a mother who denied 
him for his good. George W. Glover, together with 
his wife, required but little coaxing to become the flying 
wedge in the "Next Friends" game, the success of which 
would give him, he hoped, some opportunity to share 
in the handling of his mother s fortune, including 
obviously valuable copyrights. 

Among the increasing number of requests which came 
to Mrs. Eddy for financial aid, there were letters written 
by a nephew, whom she could personally have known 
but little. Only son of George Sullivan Baker and his 
wife, "Mathy," of whom Mrs. Eddy in her Tilton days 
had been fond, George W. Baker, also, developed a 


grievance. His letter, offering to sell some family heir 
loom to his aunt, had been answered by a secretary at 
a time when the task of personally attending to her vast 
correspondence was out of the question. A small-town 
mind possibly could not be expected to understand how 
one could be so busy; nor was it surprising that George 
W. Baker was willing, at any inconvenience, to come 
down from Maine and do what he could, in his small 
way, to save his rich aunt from those she knew and 
trusted, but who were scarcely even names to him. 

With an array of notable lawyers, led by ex-United 
States Senator William E. Chandler, "The petition of 
Mary Baker Glover Eddy who sues by her next friends 
George W. Glover, Mary Baker Glover and George W. 
Baker against Calvin A. Frye, Alfred Farlow, Irving C. 
Tomlinson, Ira O. Knapp, William B. Johnson, Stephen 
A. Chase, Joseph Armstrong, Edward A. Kimball, 
Hermann S. Hering, and Lewis C. Strang" 73 was pre 
sented on March 1, 1907, to the Superior Court at 
Concord, for the appointment of a receiver for Mrs. 
Eddy s business interests. 

The petition alleged that Mrs. Eddy was incompetent 
to care for her property, and questioned the loyalty of 
the "men and women near her." 74 The distinguished 
chief counsel appeared to expect little difficulty in win 
ning the suit. To court he brought his considerable legal 
ability, wide experience, and more than local prestige. 
Nevertheless, in his very opening statement, in which he 
endeavored to draw a distinction between medical and 
legal insanity, he fell promptly into the old pitfall of 
trying to prove too much; for if in following his line 
of argument he established the insanity of Mrs. Eddy, 


he would inferentially establish the insanity of countless 
thousands sharing her views. Since no court, State or 
Federal, has ever yet regarded seriously any effort to 
draw an indiscriminate indictment against any large 
body of people in good standing, the Honorable Frank 
S. Streeter, leader of the opposing counsel, had little 
difficulty in persuading the court to dismiss that part of 
the case during the first day s session. 

Next, an effort was made to bring into court by 
summons Mrs. Eddy in person possibly with the expecta 
tion that her age might place her at a disadvantage. But 
this scheme also failed, and the court took advantage 
of the opportunity promptly to raise the level of the 
proceedings by appointing three Masters to take her 
testimony Dr. George F. Jelly (the noted alienist), 
Judge Edgar Aldrich of the United States District Court, 
and Hosea W. Parker of Claremont. By appointment, 
on August 14, the Masters, with the senior counsel on 
each side, came to call on Mrs. Eddy in her study at 
Pleasant View. 

A woman past eighty-six, her restless fingers indicating 
awareness of the object of their visit and perhaps of a 
situation unparalleled in American Court procedure, 
received with grace and dignity her odd visitors, the 
strangest, perhaps, who ever crossed her threshold. 
Throughout the proceedings, the Masters were consider 
ate. Lifting his kindly face a bit, Judge Aldrich at the 
outset requested Mrs. Eddy to give notice if, at any 
moment, she began to feel fatigued. At her best, as usual, 
in a crisis, Mrs. Eddy answered, "I can work hours at 
my work, day and night, without the slightest fatigue 
when it is in the line of spiritual labor." "" 



The purpose of the visit was disclosed in the question 
which needed no explanation next courteously put 
by Judge Aldrich: "What would be a sound investment 
of money that comes from life insurance or anything 
else?" Her answer, and the succeeding questions and 
answers which it called forth, made it evident to all that 
Mrs. Eddy was qualified, out of court as well as in, to 
make sound investments, and even to give instruction 
to others in their handling. Questions and answers are 
therefore given in full as contained in a volume, with 
drawn without general circulation, to which the author 
has had access: 

Replied Mrs. Eddy: 76 

Well, I should invest it in the hands, at my age, of trustees 
that I could vouch for from my own knowledge. And why? 
Because, when I found my church was gaining over 40,000 mem 
bers, and the field demanding me all over the world, I could not 
carry on the letters, make answers to inquiries that were made 
of me. Then I said, "Which shall I do, carry on this business 
that belongs to property, or shall I serve God?" And I said 
and it came to me from the Bible "Choose ye this day whom 
ye will serve. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon." Then I chose, 
and I said, "So help me God," and I launched out, and I gave my 
property I gave $913,000 to the trusteeship, to others for the 
benefit of my son no, not for the benefit of my son, but 
$913,000 into the trusteeship for myself. For my son I gave 
$125,000 into trusteeship for himself and for his family. 

Q. (By Judge Aldrich.) Where did that idea of putting your 
property into the hands of trustees originate, with yourself or 
somebody else? 

A. Utterly with myself. It came to me in an hour in this room, 
and I think the first one that I named it to was Laura Sargent, 
and I said to her, "Do not speak of it, but I feel impressed that 
it is my duty." 


Q. When was that? 

A. That was in February, 1907. 

Q. Last winter, you mean? 

A. I do. 

Q. Now this is all interesting and useful, but still I have not 
quite made myself understood. For instance, without regard to 
your trusteeship now, if you had a hundred thousand dollars to 
invest to-day, and we will lay aside for the purposes of this 
question the matter of trusteeship, what kind of investments would 
you consider sound, municipal bonds, or government bonds, or 
bank stock, or what? 

A. I prefer government bonds. I have invested largely in gov 
ernment bonds, and I prefer bonds to stocks. I have not entered 
into stocks. 

Q. Why? 

A. Because I did not think it was safe for me. I did not want 
the trouble of it, that was all. Perhaps I was mistaken, but that 
is my business sense of it, and the only time I took the advice 
of a student and went contrary, I lost ten thousand dollars by it. 

Q. What was that? 

A. That was an investment that was made in property in the 
West, where the land, they said, was coming up and going to 
be a great advancement in value, and I lost it, and I never got 
caught again. I always selected my own investments. 

Q. How do you select them now? 

A. Now? 

Q. Yes. 

A. I leave them to my trustees. 

Q. Before that? 

A. I will tell you. I have books that give definitely the popu 
lation of the states, and their money values, and I consult those, 
and when I see they are large enough in population and valuation 
to warrant an investment I make it. 

Q. Well, now, upon what philosophy do you base your cal 
culations upon population? Why do you take population as the 

A. Because I think they can sustain their debts and pay them. 

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Q. Well, I should think that was pretty sound. Would you 
go West for municipal investments, or would you rather trust 
yourself in the East, in New England we will say? 

A. I would rather trust my trustees now. I do not take those 
things into consideration. 

Q. Dr. Jelly desires that I should ask you, laying aside for the 
present the matter of trusteeship, what would be your idea, 
whether there was greater security of investment in Eastern 
municipalities or Western? 

A. The East I should say. 

After this, by request, Mrs. Eddy began to tell the 
story of the rise and development, and to explain the 
teachings of Christian Science. But something had hap 
pened. The atmosphere had changed. Never altogether 
at their ease, during an hour over long for them, though 
Mrs. Eddy was, as usual, courteous and kindly, the visitors 
were ready to go home. Her answers to the questions 
put the "Next Friends Suit" into a parlous state. As 
Senator Chandler and a friend hurried down the stairway 
to the front door, the Senator was overheard, half to 
himself, to say, "That woman is smarter than a steel 

Through an ordeal, which perhaps few women in their 
prime could undergo, Mrs. Eddy had borne herself with 
engaging simplicity and sincerity. As always, she had 
dressed specially for the occasion. "She wore," says 
Miss Still, "a black grenadine dress with a white chiffon 
vest and collar and white niching in the neck and 
sleeves." 77 As she was waiting for her visitors, she was 
serene, and even merry. Looking out toward Mount 
Monadnock, more visible than ever on that bright August 
day, Mrs. Eddy casually observed, "The Nexters have 
fine weather for their trial." Miss Still, who was near 


her at the very moment Masters, attorneys and others 
came into the library, has lately told the author that "as 
one looked at her that hot afternoon there was no sign 
of fear expressed, but her face was calm, clear, and 
confident, and the moment that the opposing lawyer 
saw her sitting there in her study, he knew that he hadn t 
a ghost of a chance of winning his case." 

But the experience hurt to the heart a noted woman, 
whom Theodore Roosevelt 7S once compared with other 
religious leaders decidedly not to her discredit. 

To one of her household she confided, "If I were a 
man they would not treat me so." 79 Never was her 
good sense more evident than when she said: "During 
forty years I have had many trials and when this came 
up I was not disturbed. If the world says I am a fool, 
that does not make me so." 80 

While the suit was still on Mrs. Hulin she tells the 
author once found Mrs. Eddy looking depressed, and 
heard her sadly say as if thinking aloud, "I don t know, 
perhaps they will have their way." Mrs. Hulin replied, 
"Mother, they will not. We love you. You will win." 
Then Mrs. Eddy brightened up, and was herself again. 
She was not a woman to take chances which she could 
avoid, or to fail to take precautions against further 
annoyances. Of one of her lawyers she inquired: 81 

If you let this case remain as it now is could the "next friends" 
take possession of my person? If they could not then is it not 
better to let this suit stand as it is? I fear if you press it they 
will get Judge ... to decide it against me and give my person 
to my enemies (called "next friends") and they will take me 
away from my real friends, students, and thus get rid of me by 
such means, then fight over my last will. 


But not even this bitterest of all experiences that ever 
came into that many-sided life could distract her from 
her daily study and habitual revision of the book, from her 
habit of meditation and persistent praying, and also from 
her loving thought for others. In the midst of this strange 
invasion of her busy life, she gladdened one worker, just 
home from the field, by expressing the pleasure it gave 
her to learn of the proposed building of his little church. 
She added, "I like those small beginnings. First, the 
right thought, then right words, and words proved by 
the hands. 782 

Michael Meehan, the capable and cultivated editor of 
Concord, though of another Christian fold, was, from 
the beginning, closely identified with the litigation of 
1907. The participants on both sides, he personally 
knew. At the request, afterwards, both of Mrs. Eddy 
and of Boston friends, Mr. Meehan prepared a book for 
publication intended to preserve for all time the salient 
facts of a case which might one day become as famous 
in legal history as that other New Hampshire suit, the 
Dartmouth College case, which, some years ago, Alfred 
Russell stated had been cited more frequently in judicial 
decisions than any other case in American law reports. 

Of Mrs. Eddy and the Late Suit in Equity - a costly 
book to publish five thousand copies were that next 
spring off the press. The first copy was promptly sent 
to Mrs. Eddy. Till far into the night she sat up read 
ing it. Next day she wrote its author that she wished 
the book withheld from sale and circulation. Perceiving 
and accepting the moral obligation involved, she added: 83 

You will render me a statement of all expenses to which you 
have been put. Make liberal allowance for those who have aided 


you in the work. Put a value upon your own time and service 
while engaged on it, and when you have done this, double the 
value you have placed on your own work, and double it again, 
and then send me the bill. 

Mr. Meehan says: 

I did this, and as soon as a complete bill was rendered, she 
wrote out a check in full of account, amounting to many thou 
sands of dollars. 

At the moment when most of us would have wanted 
to put before the public a permanent vindication from 
such unworthy charges as lay in the "Next Friends 
Suit," Mrs. Eddy was thinking of larger and less per 
sonal interests. Years before, in 1896, she had written 
Mr. William P. McKenzie, "Love unselfed, love of one s 
enemies, humility, moderation, strength, are the cardinals 
of Christian Science." Again she was practicing what 
she preached. 

This book which today appears to at least one privi 
leged reader to be in many respects a model of successful 
refutation Mrs. Eddy feared would "keep alive a memory 
of bitterness and discord, where obedience to God s law 
of harmony should be the aim of all." 84 

And so, under God, the "Next Friends Suit" collapsed. 
And under God, Mrs. Eddy, nearing the advanced age of 
eighty-seven, moved on unhindered to her next world- 
vision task, the establishment of The Christian Science 

Chapter VII 

ON Sunday afternoon, January 26, 1908, as bright 
a day as ever May could bring, Mrs. Eddy with 
the ease and grace of a much younger woman, 
walked across the platform and stepped aboard the special 
train scheduled to leave Concord at two o clock to take 
her to her new home in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. 1 

To help a woman, even the youngest, into a railway 
coach is the courtesy which gentlemen are expected 
instinctively to volunteer. But Mrs. Eddy was in the car 
before anyone could efficiently give aid. There was good 
reason, too, why she did not desire assistance, even though 
she was in her eighty-seventh year. However, the "faith 
ful John" 2 was allowed to walk beside her across the 
platform from the train shed. But that was all. 

In defiance of the facts, rumors of infirmity and abnor 
mality had long persisted; and always mentally alert, 
always looking ahead, Mrs. Eddy was not the woman 
to confirm erroneous accounts of her condition. What 
the merely curious and irresponsible might say to injure 
her, mattered less to her than the possibly evil effect of 
some carelessly spoken word upon the Cause she loved. 
Her concern, in consequence, was to insure that if any 
thing were reported to the hurt of Christian Science, it 
should have no true basis, slight as it might be; that un 
truths, however studiously circulated, should without 
delay be known for what they were sheer fabrications. 



Besides, never, perhaps, in all history did another 
woman appear to understand as clearly as Mrs. Eddy the 
unreality of error, the transitory nature of untruth. 
Never, could there have been a woman who looked 
forward more steadily than did Mrs. Eddy past the in 
dividual erroneousness of the present to the general 
truthfulness of the ultimate. 

Seldom could death have been in Mrs. Eddy s thought. 
When, on August 14, 1907, the "Next Friends Suit" 
precipitated upon Pleasant View a group of unwelcome 
visitors as ill at ease as they were glad at last to bring 
their curious visit to a close, one of them referred to 
life insurance, Mrs. Eddy promptly answered, "God 
insures my life." 3 

Less than the robust Gladstone, passing at eighty-eight, 
did Mrs. Eddy almost as old either favor herself or ask 
those near to make allowances for her. At Chestnut Hill, 
she took an hour s rest each afternoon, sometimes dozing 
off a bit. But she was not unlikely to awake at three 
the next morning, to jot down a new idea or even to 
write a confidential letter. 4 With her rapidly increasing 
work, while she followed the routine approved at 
Pleasant View, she was more engaged than ever. She 
wasted no time on the unnecessary. She gave no thought 
to curious contemplation of the future. Her faith was 
reaching and outreaching, till at last in Dante s phrase 
it "eternalized" her life. No one more triumphantly than 
the joyous sage of Chestnut Hill agreed with St. Paul, 
"Death is swallowed up in victory." 5 

If, earlier, anyone had intimated that as 1908 opened 
she would be saying farewell to Concord, she would 
have given a retort characteristic and unmistakable. 


Not all Concord citizens were Christian Scientists, but 
almost all held in high esteem many in deep affection 
the woman who had made the capital of New Hampshire 
more widely and lastingly known than ever Emerson, 
Thoreau, and the Alcotts had made the Concord of 
Massachusetts. She identified herself with Concord by 
little nameless deeds of kindness, timely gifts of shoes to 
scores of poor children, thoughtful gifts of flowers and 
fruits to neighbors and to strangers, and by a large 
generosity in promoting matters of great moment to 
the city, and by a liberal support of all worthy Concord 
enterprises. 6 

An evening or two after Mrs. Eddy said goodby to 
Concord, a group of men at the Wonalancet Club as 
reported in the Manchester Mirror of February 3, 1908 
made an effort to determine what Mrs. Eddy s stay of 
almost twenty years among them had brought financially 
to Concord. The most conservative figures the evening 
produced ran as follows: 

The Christian Science church, - Mrs. Eddy s gift $ 225,000.00 

Charitable donations 25,000.00 

For good roads . . 25,000.00 

Miscellaneous gifts and contributions .... 25,000.00 

Pleasant View estate 40,000.00 

Household expenditures 100,000.00 

Income from special privileges granted to Con 
cord manufacturers and business men . . . 40,000.00 
Granite contracts for Christian Science churches 
obtained because of Mrs. Eddy s residence and 

through her influence 1,000,000.00 

Other known expenditures 90,000.00 

Total $1,570,000.00 


The City Council was prompt to pass resolutions of 
unfeigned regret at her departure, and Mrs. Eddy wrote 
in appreciation: 

To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Concord, N. H. 

GENTLEMEN: I have not only the pleasure, but the honor of 
replying to the City Council of Concord, in joint convention 
assembled, and to Alderman Cressy, for the kindly resolutions 
passed by your honorable body, and for which I thank you 
deeply. Lest I should acknowledge more than I deserve of praise, 
I leave their courteous opinions to their good judgment. 

My early days hold rich recollections of associations with your 
churches and institutions, and memory has a distinct model in 
granite of the good folk in Concord, which, like the granite of 
their State, steadfast and enduring, has hinted this quality to other 
states and nations all over the world. 

My home influence, early education, and church experience, 
have unquestionably ripened into the fruits of my present reli 
gious experience, and for this I prize them. May I honor this 
origin and deserve the continued friendship and esteem of the 
people in my native State. 

Sincerely yours, 


But the hour to go had struck. Larger plans, requiring 
that she be nearer Boston, engaged her interest. She was 
also ill at ease about those "Next Friends," who might, 
she suspected, let their chagrin lead them to make more 
trouble for her. 8 Slow in getting into court, the suit was 
also slow in reaching final settlement. Though she filed 
no complaint, she with others felt that a grave defect 
had been laid bare in the laws of her native and much 
loved state, or it could not have been so easy for designing 
men to persecute a citizen a woman, at that to feed 
avarice, to make "news," or to satisfy a merely morbid 
curiosity. Her years alone should have sufficed to protect 


her. 9 Massachusetts might furnish conditions more aus 
picious for her expanding usefulness. She could hope to 
have more peace of mind. Whatever the reason, the hour 
to go had struck. 

The trip 10 from Concord to Chestnut Hill was almost 
uneventful. Save her own party, none were at the station 
in time to see her off . Comfortably settled in her state 
room, Airs. Eddy was an interested traveler, appearing 
at the journey s end as fresh and animated as when her 
train pulled out of Concord. 

Dr. Alpheus B. Morrill traveled with her; but as the 
nearest kin at hand, rather than as her physician. Mr. 
Frye and Mrs. Sargent were on duty. Mr. McLellan was 
with her and also Mr. Tomlinson, who recalls her cheeri- 
ness along the way. Mr. John C. Lathrop was, as usual, 
ready to render such secretarial assistance as might be 

Arriving at Chestnut Hill Station, one of Mrs. Eddy s 
carriages, sent on ahead from Pleasant View, was awaiting 
the train. As others of her party entered the "hacks" 
ranged along the station platform, Mrs. Eddy walked 
quietly to her carriage and at once started to drive the 
last mile to the new home. 

As her carriage drove into the grounds, Mrs. Eddy 
detected in front of the house a group of newspaper men, 
notified by telephone from Concord after she had left, 
that she was on the way. In the last "hack," John Salchow 
also observed them, jumped down, ran up to Mrs. Eddy s 
carriage as she was ready to step out. She said, "John, 
can you get me into the house?" He answered, "I 
surely can." 

Then, before the newspaper men could guess his inten- 


tions, John gathered Mrs. Eddy up into his stout arms, 
pressed through the bystanders, and carried her straight 
into the house. Up the stairs he bore her, set her down 
in a comfortable chair, and then her joyous laugh rang X1 
through the hall. The only explanation of the episode 
which the papers of the next day had to give was that, "A 
huge Swede grabbed Mrs. Eddy and ran off with her." 

The new house at Chestnut Hill had some time before 
been unobtrusively bought for her by the trustees, and 
remodeled to meet the needs of Mrs. Eddy and her ex 
panding household. Mrs. Eddy s own suite, at her request, 
had been made as like as possible to her familiar rooms at 
Pleasant View. Mount Monadnock and her birthplace, 
Bow, were no longer within sight; but from her sunny 
study window Old Orchard Road lined with well-kept 
estates was visible, and the hazy outline of Blue Hills. 

At Chestnut Hill, the Pleasant View menage was 
continued. If possible, however, more care than ever, 
under the Manual^ was exercised in selecting those fitted 
to give Mrs. Eddy the special aid she required to keep 
up with the multiplying calls upon her time and strength. 
By this time, it had become a highly prized distinction 
to be called to spend three years in Mrs. Eddy s household. 
Those summoned, eagerly, gladly, humbly complied, 
although the material compensation was a mere trifle. 
However, Mrs. Eddy sometimes reminded the friends near 
her that "trifles make perfection, but perfection is no 
trifle." There was, too, the Scriptural uplift: 13 "Every 
one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or 
father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my 
name s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit 
everlasting life." 


Mrs. Eddy required of those nearest her a literal in 
terpretation of the command of Jesus, 11 "Watch and 
pray." On May 29, 1930, one 15 of them says: 

With the penetrating spiritual luminosity which shone through 
her as from out the heart of God s allness, Mrs. Eddy untiringly 
reiterated to her household, and to a benighted world, the Master s 
warning; "Watch." The Godliness of her ever alert being 
exemplified her own Godly watch and she loved her household 
as she loved herself by her indefatigable call to them that they 
have oil in their lamps, and watch to keep them trimmed and 
burning, so that evil s serpentine machinations be foreseen to 
the forestalling of its workings through their sleepiness, their 
unwariness, or their insufficiently spiritual aliveness. 

When, now and then, Mrs. Eddy gathered her "experts" 
for an intimate talk, she made short shrift of sluggards. 
All were made to understand that their watching and 
their praying were to be taken as seriously as Mrs. Eddy 
took her own. She knew no God emeritus; and those with 
her were permitted to know none. To her, as she wrote 
in her textbook, "God is infinite, therefore ever present, 
and there is no other power nor presence," 16 and in the 
name of such a God the Only God she bade them 
"Watch and pray." 

"You can t alter meteorological forces by words," 
observes Dr. Shailer Mathews, 17 Dean of the Divinity 
School of the University of Chicago. "I m almost sure 
of that almost. ... If I were in a storm at sea, so severe 
it seemed we should sink, I m pretty sure I d pray. . . . 
If only to get peace, courage, inner unity." 

Mrs. Eddy set no limits to prayer. She prayed as Jesus 
bade us pray, with the same understanding assurance, 
which Jesus had, that with God all things are possible. 
She even sought through prayer, intelligently offered, to 


bring about more harmonious weather conditions. Hers 
was a deep confidence in the efficacy of prayer, God 
willing, to control the weather. Perhaps it is worth noting 
that prayers of the same type are still found in the 
Protestant Episcopal Prayer Book, twenty years after Mrs. 
Eddy has passed on. 18 

The faithful Mrs. Laura Sargent specially "attended 
to the weather," But Mrs. Eddy would have her entire 
household understand what "attending to the weather" 
involved. No nonsense would she tolerate with regard 
to praying. One day she called several of them into her 
sitting room, made them stand up before her like school 
children, and, going down the line she asked, pointing 
her finger at each in turn: 10 "Can a Christian Scientist 
control the weather?" Each answered, "Yes, Mother." 
Sharply, even scornfully, she said to each and all, "They 
can t and they don t. They can t, but God can and 
does. ... A Christian Scientist has no business attempting 
to control or govern the weather any more than he has 
a right to attempt to control or govern sickness, but he 
does know, and must know, that God governs the weather 
and no other influence can be brought to bear upon it." 
Every Christian Scientist must pray in faith, and leave 
the rest to God. 

Years never staled her sense of humor. Even her 
sharpest admonition was likely to be softened by a lovino- 
smile. A playful twitching of the lips would reveal "the 
funny side" of a situation, which sometimes suggested 
a schoolboy frightened in the presence of his teacher. 
Under severe correction, her students one day were 
promising that next time they would do better when, 
with a ripple of mirth, Mrs. Eddy said: 


I am afraid you are like the Irishman that used to work on my 
father s farm. He was so useless about the place that my father 
finally called him and said, "Mike, I shall have to let you go. 
You re not earning what I am paying you and it is not right for 
me to keep you under the circumstances." Rather than be dis 
charged, the Irishman pleaded to be kept in my father s employ. 
He said, "If you ll only keep me, sir, I will work for my week s 
board." "But," replied Mr. Baker, "you don t earn your board 
in a week." "Well, sir," he said, "if I can t earn it in one week, I ll 
do it in two." That is what your promises sound like to me. 
You are not doing your work as you should, and you protest 
that if you haven t done it heretofore, you will hereafter. 

Upon another occasion, seeking to illustrate the tend 
ency of mortal mind to misrepresent, Mrs. Eddy spoke 
of a neighbor in New Hampshire who wanted to sell 
her father a horse. He represented the horse as per 
fectly sound, gentle in disposition, and having all the 
qualities of a family carriage horse. 

My father said, "I am afraid he is too skittish for me. My 
family needs a quiet animal that would not be frightened at any 
thing." "Oh," replied the neighbor, "Mr. Baker, you couldn t 
scare this horse, no matter what you did." My father replied, 
"Why, that horse would jump if you were to say boo at him." 
The man stoutly denied this and offered to put the case to a test. 
The arrangement was that while Mr. Baker crouched behind a 
large stump in the field, the owner was to ride the horse by the 
stump, and Mr. Baker was to jump out, and shout "boo." All was 
ready. The horse loped past the stump. Mr. Baker jumped out, 
threw his arms up in the air and yelled a vigorous "boo." The 
horse made a sudden lunge, threw his rider, and dashed across 
the country. The Irishman got up, brushed the dirt from his 
clothes and said, "Well, Mr. Baker, that was too big a c boo for 
such a small horse." 

Never was Mrs. Eddy more human than in the ordinary 


give and take of social contact. She affected nothing. 
She abhorred all stiltedness in conversation, all preten 
tiousness in bearing. She put everyone at ease, and knew 
how to bring out the best in those around her. With 
her lovely voice often, in those later years, she joined 
her household in singing such old favorite songs as "Auld 
Lang Syne," "Comin Through the Rye," "Annie Laurie," 
and "The Old Oaken Bucket"; such familiar hymns as 
"Nearer, my God, to Thee," "Guide me, Oh Thou Great 
Jehovah," "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," and "I Love to 
Tell the Story/ 20 

While she was still at Pleasant View Mr. John C. 
Lathrop 21 and his mother gave her that music box which 
she carried with her to Chestnut Hill, and often played. 
It was during the first winter there that the new Victrola 
came. The superior music, which it furnished, delighted 
Mrs. Eddy. Her joy was like a child s; it bubbled over. 
For a time she played her Victrola every day; and, when 
the new record "Home, Sweet Home" came, she had 
her household accompany the Victrola in singing it for 
her. As the last strain died away, playfully she addressed 
the Victrola, as though it were a human being, "Thank 
you, Mr. Singer Man, but I prefer my own choir to the 
choir invisible." Then turning serious, she meditated 
aloud to those present: 

Home is not a place. It is a power. Going home is doing right. 
If you cannot make home here, you cannot anywhere. I am glad 
to have you, so many are going with me homeward and we will 
all meet there. Blessing immortal, eternal, infinite, comes not 
from personality, but through understanding of Principle. 22 

Those were the days when in cities and at remote 
crossroads the big news was the discovery of the North 


Pole. With his right to the discovery at last confirmed, 
Admiral Peary was in demand by publishers and lecture 
bureaus. One description, which he gave of his expe 
riences in the far North, was turned into a record. After 
listening, all intent to it, Mrs. Eddy, in her inimitable 
way, quietly observed, "Why, it is matter talking." 

William E. Curtis was not the only globe trotter to 
find Mrs. Eddy, whose travels ordinarily extended no 
farther than her library, unexpectedly well-informed about 
countries distant as well as places near. Other guests at 
Chestnut Hill departed full of the wonder which Mr. 
Curtis felt after contact with a stay-at-home mind as 
accurate as it proved weU-furnished. Lady Mildred 
Fitzgerald of England relates in March, 1930, that on 
her several visits to Mrs. Eddy she had been specially 
impressed with Mrs. Eddy s "grasp of world affairs" and 
with her untiring efforts to bring England and America 
together by closer bonds. But those with her every day 
had the most substantial reasons for respecting her world- 
mindedness. When after a time at Chestnut Hill, John 
Milton s birthday came on December 9, she made Milton s 
line, cc They also serve who only stand and wait," the 
subject of an extemporaneous talk on "Timeliness," which 
one today recalls for its vividness and impressiveness, 
closing, as it did, with the unforgettable sentence, "The 
right thing done at the wrong time is no longer the right 

The author, in the course of his researches, has met 
many of her Chestnut Hill entourage. All have added 
to the totality of the steadily accumulating impressions 
of Mrs. Eddy s genius for attaching the rightly disposed 
to her by her unfeigned interest in human beings. 


One of them says, "I loved to hear her laugh, a 
wonderful laugh when she had time to laugh." 23 He 
also recalls the physical agility of this extraordinary 
woman long after she could be called young. She loved 
sometimes even to slip nimbly up into her desk chair, 
curl her feet under her in tailor fashion like a college 
girl today, and go merrily to her work. He remembers 
her intimate familiarity with the details of the life around 
her, an insight into everyday existence which grew more 
penetrating with the passing years. "When she looked 
me in the eye," one says, "she seemed to look clear 
through me." One of the faithful seemed one day a bit 
depressed, and he still carries in his heart the little note 
she wrote him after he had left her house: 
Dear Student 

You looked sad to-day. Is anything not right that troubles you? 
If so what is it? I thought it might be something about Maggie s 
stay here. Perhaps I can help you. With love Mother. 24 

Another tells how she "scared him almost out of his 
wits" when, in reply to her inquiry, "Are you doing 
your work?" he answered," "I am trying to do it"; and 
she came back at him with this quietus for his irresolute- 
ness: "Don t try, do it." Off he hurried to his room to 
attack more vigorously the work to which he had been 
assigned. Within the hour, he was summoned to her 
study, and was received with smiles and tenderness and 
praise. She knew, before he spoke a word, that he had 
pulled himself together and actually done his work. 

And how she missed her loved ones when any of them 
had to be away! Sometimes she felt the separation so 
poignantly that she could scarcely bear it. With her, 
all through her pilgrim journey, to say farewell was a 


great grief. Eyes would, indeed, be dry that could not 
shed a tear when told how their beloved Leader, finding 
one of her helpers would have for a time to be away, 
would hide her face in her hands, unable to say goodby. 
On one of these occasions Mrs. Eddy called the faithful 
round her and tenderly remarked, "We are all one family, 
and when my parents would go away we children used 
to get together and say to each other, Now you will 
be good to me while they are gone, won t you? So we 
must all be good to each other while one of us is away." 

Her love for those who gave her help embraced all 
dear to them. It extended even to the household pets 
their cats, their dogs, their horses. A little note, written 
shortly before to one of her faithful helpers, reads: 

My Darling Son: 

Pull up the strawberries they are not in the proper place. 
Give my love to Pauline and greetings to Kitty. Mother. 35 

Today "Sam" Shoemaker is contributing much to the 
development of genuine personal religion. Perhaps no 
feature of his technique is more significant than the em 
phasis he places on self-disclosures in associating with those 
who are hungry for the riches of the inner life. Jesus loved 
to talk his heart out to his comrades by the way. He 
wanted them to realize that he, like them, was human, 
and had to solve the same problems which came to them. 
No open-minded reader of Mrs. Eddy s writings can mis 
understand either the general drift of her teaching or such 
forthright and downright words as these: "To think or 
speak of me in any manner as a Christ, is sacrilegious." 2Q 
As early as 1902 she was counseling her people: "Follow 
your Leader, only so far as she follows Christ." 27 


Feeling the responsibility to safeguard herself against 
excesses of adulation, or any other disposition to set her 
apart from her fellow human beings, she was ever on 
the alert. Many-sided and ample as was her personality, 
there was no room in it for spiritual conceit. St. Paul 
had no exclusive copyright to the thought, decidedly hers 
as well as his: 28 

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this 
one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and 
reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward 
the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 

But her humility found its choicest expression in the 
outpouring of her heart to those who knew her best: 
"Oh what a reward for the cup it is to know that God 
has made me, me, so poor, so nothing in my sight the 
means of telling His power and grace and glory!" 29 

The final settlement of the lawsuit was not effected 
until November 10, 1909. Even though the ultimate 
victory, now as usual, was hers, she soliloquized, "For 
every mistake Mother has ever made, she lias suffered, 
and suffered, and suffered." 30 

Christmas Day dawned clear and cold in 1909 in the 
gray stone house on the hill. Always up by seven in 
the morning, the Leader that day entered her study earlier 
than usual. As, responding to her call, the happy house 
hold came with a smile into the room, she greeted them 
with, "A cheery, Holy Christ Mass to you all." 

Never in the years that followed could they recall a 
day when she seemed more alive mentally, more vigorous 
physically, more gracious in manner, or more tender in 
word. None needed to be told, although all were keen 
to hear: 


I love to observe Christmas in quietude, humility, benevolence, 
charity, letting good will towards man, eloquent silence, prayer, 
and praise express my conception of Truth s appearing. 

The splendor of this nativity of Christ reveals infinite meanings 
and gives manifold blessings. Material gifts and pastimes tend to 
obliterate the spiritual idea in consciousness, leaving one alone 
and without His glory. 31 

To turn Christmas Day into a riot of extravagant giving 
never made any appeal to Mrs. Eddy. She would keep 
the holy season true to its profounder meaning, and 
members of her household still recall the impressiveness 
with which, on that last Christmas Day, she said, "A 
holy, uplifting sense of Life, Truth, and Love is the true 

Though none foresaw that it was to be her last Christ 
mas Day with them, her next word sounded grave: "By 
another Christmas there will be great changes. See that 
you make them for the better." 

Before noon, again the faithful were called round her, 
and Mrs. Sargent read to them what the beloved Leader 
had just written on a sheet of letter paper lying on her desk: 

My Household 

A word to the wise is sufficient. Mother wishes you all a 
happy Christmas, a feast of Soul, and a famine of sense. 

Lovingly thine 




7*7^ - 

* ~ ^9 

^ . x^ 


To this woman of the spirit, Easter brought a happier 
opportunity than Christmas Day to speak her supreme 
message. The Easter couplet was of her own writing: 32 

Joy not of time, nor yet by nature sown, 

But the celestial seed dropped from Love s throne. 

Her lifelong love of flowers reappears in her procla 
mation to the children of her faith to gather "Easter 
lilies of love with happy hearts and ripening goodness." 
Though she discouraged careless giving, she always took 
into account the motive. One of the friendliest of her 
Easter messages was written to Mr. Edward A. Merritt, 
a member of the Board of Directors of The Mother 

Your Easter memory expressed by this most beautiful and 
unique design is prized by me quite beyond words to express. 
Accept my heart s thanks for this priceless pin. 

I will wear it in memory of you at the throat of my best gown. 33 

To Mrs. Eddy, Easter had one overwhelming meaning, 
and one only: "Mortality s thick gloom is pierced. The 
stone is rolled away. Death has lost its sting, and the 
grave its victory. Immortal courage fills the human breast 
and lights the living way of Life. 5 34 

One of the faithful reports the substance of the little 
Easter sermon she preached to her household. The text 
has slipped from memory, but the context would indicate 
it was from Ephesians 4:22-24: 

That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old 
man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be 
renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the^new 
man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. 

As this member of her household noted at the time, 


Mrs. Eddy first gave the true meaning of Easter. Next 
she spoke of putting off, not keeping, "the old man." 
Then she said in substance: 35 

We have but one Mind; and to abide in this perfect freedom 
of individuality is the resurrection, is to have risen above mate 
rial or lower demands. The resurrective sense is positive; it is 
"yea, yea and nay, nay." The resurrective sense does not listen 
compromisingly to error. It is always about its "Father s business," 
reflecting Principle. Jesus whole life was resurrective; that is, 
his life was a constant conscious rising spiritually above sin, sick 
ness, death; and his resurrection from the grave was to sense a 
type of divine Love s final triumph over the human belief that 
matter is substance, or has power to impose limitations to Mind 
or man. 

Like the Manual, The Christian Science Monitor was 
a product of the Leader s mothering instinct. She would 
have the minds of those she loved immune every day, as 
well as every week and every month, to the evil influence 
which she believed newspapers exerted. Long had this 
peril been in her thoughts. When as early as 1883, she 
was establishing The Christian Science Journal , she wrote: 

Looking over the newspapers of the day, one naturally reflects 
that it is dangerous to live, so loaded with disease seems the very 
air. These descriptions carry fears to many minds, to be depicted 
in some future time upon the body. A periodical of our own will 
counteract to some extent this public nuisance; for through our 
paper, at the price at which we shall issue it, we shall be able 
to reach many homes with healing, purifying thought. 36 

All through that first spring at Chestnut Hill, she was 
preparing to launch her daily paper. In July, she took 
the Board of Directors into her confidence. Businesslike 
as ever, she held back, however, until the last of the 


indebtedness on the Publishing House was cleared. But 
the very next month, on August 8, 1908, she wrote the 
Board of Trustees: 37 

It is my request that you start a daily newspaper at once, and 
call it the 3S Christian Science Monitor. Let there be no delay. 
The cause demands that it be issued now. 

You may consult with the Board of Directors, I have notified 
them of my intention. 

The reply of the Trustees, dated August 11, is one of 
the most important letters in the Historical Files. It runs: 

Beloved Leader: 

Your letter of August 8th was delivered to us yesterday. The 
announcement contained in your letter is good news. We are 
confident that this move is timely; that the Monitor will be a 
mighty instrument for the promotion of Christian Science; and 
that it will be a success from a business standpoint. We rejoice 
to have this additional opportunity of assisting you in your plans 
for the welfare of humanity. 

As soon as we received your letter we immediately began the 
work of starting the new Daily and we shall proceed with it 
without delay. To-day we consulted with the Board of Directors. 
To-morrow and next day we will confer with two practical 
newspaper men from Pittsburgh and Chicago whom Mr. McLellan 
has called here as advisers. 

Gratefully and lovingly yours, 
Wm. P. McKenzie 
Thomas W. Hatten 
Clifford P. Smith 
Trustees of the Christian 
Science Publishing Society. 

The mere intimation that Mrs. Eddy was starting a 
newspaper at once brought in almost four hundred 
thousand dollars, which was enough both to buy the land 
required for the enlargement of the Publishing House 


and to construct on it the building necessary. While 
the construction was still in progress and Boston reporters 
were working overtime to find out what actually was 
happening, the new presses were placed; and, on October 
17, 1908, an editorial in the Sentinel announced that: 

With the approval of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, The Christian 
Science Publishing Society will shortly issue a daily newspaper 
to be known as The Christian Science Monitor. In making this 
announcement we can say for the Trustees of the Society that 
they confidently hope and expect to make the Monitor a worthy 
addition to the list of publications issued by the Society. It is 
their intention to publish a strictly up-to-date newspaper, in 
which all the news of the day that should be printed will find a 
place, and whose service will not be restricted to any one locality 
or section, but will cover the daily activities of the entire world. 

It will be the mission of the Monitor to publish the real news 
of the world in a clean, wholesome manner, devoid of the sensa 
tional methods employed by so many newspapers. There will 
be no exploitation or illustration of vice and crime, but the aim 
of the editors will be to issue a paper which will be welcomed 
in every home where purity and refinement are cherished ideals. 

For this new publication, Mrs. Eddy took the full 
initial responsibility. No one wished to snatch it from 
her, few to share it with her. No one envied her such 
brave initiative. There was no precedent to guide her. 
For her novel task, she had no special training. In her 
eighty-seven busy years there had been no spare time to 
learn to run a daily paper. No religious organization 
whatever had before that made a success of a daily paper. 
Most of the weekly denominational journals were then 
and many still are run at a deficit when they are 
not actual failures. 

Some loyal Scientists, not the Trustees of the Publishing 


Society, hoped that the two words "Christian Science" 
would not be in the title of the new paper. Why add 
to the obvious difficulties? When before its first appear 
ance she named the paper The Christian Science Monitor 
and even stressed the The, some had misgivings which 
proved too strong to conceal. She was earnestly solicited, 
at the very last, to recall her decision. When the first 
copy of the Monitor came off the press, it was taken out 
to Chestnut Hill for Mrs. Eddy to approve. With 
trepidation, Mr. Archibald McLellan, 39 who had definite 
convictions about the matter, went into the Leader s 
study to make one last appeal for the abbreviated title. 
Almost as soon as he disappeared, he reappeared, dis 
appointment and dejection in his habitually cheerful face. 
"It is no use," he said, "the name will have to remain 
The Christian Science Monitor." 

In spite of the counsel of some friends, and the expec 
tations of some enemies, she gave her paper the name it 
bears today, directed that the cover should be "illustrated 
with a pretty design," and placed on the editorial page 
the motto: "First the blade, then the ear, then the full 
corn in the ear." 40 Even the first style type font, best 
of its day for newspaper use, was of her selection. Later, 
at the request of the Board of Trustees, she expressed in 
print the desire that Christian Scientists should subscribe 
to the new paper. Every wish of Mrs. Eddy was, and is, 
a command to loyal Christian Scientists. In every detail, 
her interest was constructive and constant. One of the 
first editors a few years later wrote: 41 

No wonder Mrs. Eddy was an ever-inspiring Leader to work 
for, and no wonder there grew up around her a body of devoted 
assistants. No matter how hard they might work, she worked 


harder still; and for months and years, while they were receiving 
her constant and incisive instructions, they read with mingled 
amusement and amazement the stories of her mental incapacity 
and the failure of the movement, which then, very much as now, 
constituted in the Press the news of Christian Science. 

The Christian Science Monitor made its bow on Novem 
ber 25, 1908, the day before Thanksgiving. The editorial 
leader was from Mrs. Eddy s pen. It struck the keynote 
of a policy unchanged in all the years: "The object of the 
Monitor is to injure no man, but to bless all mankind." 

From that first issue, the author has made it his business 
to record impressions and collect opinions about the 
Monitor, in newspaper offices on either side of the ocean. 
He recalls his talks, during the World War, with editors 
of daily papers in London, Paris, New York, Chicago, 
Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and 
other cities of the new world and the old, and the frequent 
tributes which he heard paid by eminent newspaper men 
to the Monitor. Of a certain substantial college in New 
England, a representative has observed that it is the second 
choice of more graduates of other colleges than any other 
institution in the land. It might be first choice were some 
starting new. No higher praise could be desired. Among 
newspapers, the Monitor would seem to occupy somewhat 
the same position as that college. Every editor is loyal first 
to his own paper. Practically all the many with whom 
the author has discussed the Monitor speak next for it. 
Last May the Monitor was singled out by Batten, Barton, 
Durstine, and Osborne for first place as a national adver 
tising medium, with no other daily paper even a close 

There is, perhaps, no field in which success is achieved 


with greater difficulty than in journalism. Certainly no 
service which the Christian churches could render is 
potentially superior to the establishment and the main 
tenance of high-grade newspapers, standing for the best 
things in public life. But the author is here but faintly 
echoing professional opinion of more importance than his 
own. An editorial in German in The Christian Apologist 
of December 25, 1929, published by A. J. Bucher, 
Methodist editor at Cincinnati, pays this impressive trib 
ute to the Monitor:** 

Regardless of what one may think of the health society which 
terms itself The Church of Christ, Scientist, we must at least 
concede them one thing, and that is they have brought forth 
what all the Christian churches in the United States combined 
have thus far failed to produce, namely, the publication of a daily 
newspaper edited in a thoroughly Christian spirit. Their Christian 
Science Monitor stands high above our American daily papers, 
both as to contents and form. It carries good and dependable 
information concerning the most important incidents of the day, 
both domestic and foreign. Each issue contains an excellent and 
dignified leading editorial on some question or topic which stands 
in the foreground of public interest. Christian Science doctrine 
is held entirely in the background. Shouting headlines, found on 
the front pages of our daily papers, are entirely missing, as are 
also the sensational and the professional newspaper fiction. Each 
good reform movement is observed and is vigorously supported. 
The paper takes its place resolutely on the side of law and order, 
as for example, on the prohibition question. A good clean atmos 
phere pervades its sections of light literature. It serves the most 
varied needs and interests of an intelligent group of readers. With 
its handsome proportions, excellent paper and print, the Monitor 
presents a distinguished appearance. 

If all those in the American Federation of Churches would lend 
a hand, there is no doubt but that we could publish a Christian 
daily newspaper and that, too, with a large measure of success 


which is one of the most crying needs of the present time. This 
would be a newspaper which would not consciously and delib 
erately lie, but would give out the truth, which would not serve 
sensation but information, which would not be in the pay of 
alcohol interests nor stand in political cross currents, and which 
would keep from its pages the immorality through which we 
must wade in the average daily paper. It would be a newspaper 
that we would not be afraid to have our children read. Here 
would be an opportunity to put on record the fact, which we 
stress so zealously, that we Protestants, with all our differences 
in minor points, are nevertheless one in essentials. It is high time 
that we had such a newspaper in America. When will it appear? 

Not even those days, crowded with details necessitated 
by the launching of the Monitor, were free from the 
characteristic annoyances which seemed ever at the heels 
of this woman of expanding interests. With opera glasses, 
a young woman in the neighborhood was spying much 
on her, growing bolder as Mrs. Eddy started for the 
drive which she missed only once in all her days at 
Chestnut Hill 43 To reprove outsiders was not Mrs. Eddy s 
habit. She reserved reproof as a compliment to those for 
whom she felt immediate responsibility. 44 But love, un 
clouded by resentment, almost always proved effective 
in her dealing with strangers. At last, when the intrusion 
had degenerated into rudeness, Mrs. Eddy sent her driver 
to the girl with an overflowing basket of delicious peaches 
and her card on which she wrote a brief word of kindly 
interest. Curiosity turned at once into respect, and the 
young woman is reported to have come to like Mrs. Eddy. 

Never was any Christian Scientist more assiduous in 
the daily study of the Bible Lessons than was the Founder 
of the faith. Each of the many thousands devoted to the 
Cause has his own hour, or hours, for studying the Bible 


and his textbook. Business men and women are often 
up at five o clock to devote two hours before breakfast 
to the study of their Bible Lessons. Some busy home- 
keepers take an hour in the morning or the afternoon for 
the same purpose. A few sit up late at night to do their 
work. Whatever hour they choose, they study their Bible 
Lessons every day. This is a spiritual phenomenon to 
which Christians everywhere may well give increasing 
heed, and by which there may be, as years go by, profit 
beyond all estimating to the Church of Christ. 

Mrs. Eddy s reliance on the Bible was absolute. The 
well-thumbed and much-marked copy which she used 
at Chestnut Hill, the author has had the privilege of using 
in the preparation of this chapter. Out of the Old Testa 
ment, she drank deep of spiritual truth. Not morbid and 
yet not unmindful of the claims which advancing years 
were making, the author finds her one day in 1909 medi 
tating on Isaiah 46:4: "And even to your old age I am 
he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, 
and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you." 

But her favorite in those days was Philippians 4: 8-1 3 : 

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things 
are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, 
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good 
report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think 
on these things. 

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and 
heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. 

But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your 
care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, 
but ye lacked opportunity. 

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in 
whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. 


I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: 
every where and in all things I am instructed, both to be full and 
to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 

I can do all things through Christ which strengthened! me. 

He would indeed be unresponsive who failed to feel 
the uplift which this woman of large faith received as 
she gave to the Scriptures such interpretations as the 
following words which I find marked, in 1909, from the 
last copy of Science and Health which she used: 

1. God is All-in-all. 

2. God is good. Good is Mind. 

3. God, Spirit, being all, nothing is matter. 

4. Life, God, omnipotent good, deny death, evil, sin, disease. 
Disease, sin, evil, death, deny good, omnipotent God, Life. 45 

Even in the gathering twilight no joy was so great to 
Mrs. Eddy as studying her Bible Lessons. There were 
times, indeed, when, with all her heart and soul, she 
wished she could be a member of the Lesson Committee; 
and thus have a larger share in the spiritual education of 
the people of her heart, rather than in "settling impending 
difficulties, the effects of mortal sin." 46 

Until the very last, she was editing and re-editing her 
book. In each new edition she made minor changes, and 
occasional larger alterations, as she was convinced the 
Spirit led her more deeply into the truth. Her command 
of words grew. No changes except those authorized by 
Mrs. Eddy have been made in the book since Mrs. Eddy 
passed on. But her own copy employs a vocabulary of 
ten thousand vital words, which has been assayed thus: 

Every word means something. Not one is thrown in as a make 
weight or as a padding. The weight and fluency of her style 
inheres in her thinking. There are no extra words to veil thought 


or to cover vacancy. She has achieved the great thing; her 
thinking stands forth in its naked sincerity as if she had done 
away with the medium of speech and had brought forth the 
Word itself which is one with thought and deed. 

At Chestnut Hill, while Mrs. Eddy had secretarial help, 
yet with her own pen she still wrote many a letter. Ruth 
less in planning the hours for those around her, Mrs. Eddy 
was yet more ruthless in planning her own program so 
as to insure an extra minute here and there for the work 
which, in no circumstances, could she bear to neglect. 
This quaint note in Mrs. Eddy s own handwriting speaks 
for itself: "Maid one half hour to dine at noon. Mrs. 
Eddy has twenty minutes." 47 She knew the secret of 
finding time for everything important, and once observed, 
"just a little duty performed each hour and each day, 
and at length symmetrical unity." 48 

Some of her letters bear marks of the pressure under 
which they were written. But not one is recalled which 
is marred by indiscretions or retaliations. What John Hay 
in his advancing years admitted, there was no need for 
Mrs. Eddy farther on in years to admit: "Every day I 
still write notes filled with indiscretions, and I can t help 
it." Mrs. Eddy could, and did help it. 

Motherly in conversation with those around her, she 
was as much so in correspondence: 

Your sweet letter at hand. I am sensible of the zeal and good 
works of dear Mrs. . . . and you. But none can know my necessity 
to reprove, rebuke, exhort, but the loving Father and Mother of 
us all. You all are babes in Truth and Love and the older you 
are the more the Mother sees to love, and to reprove. Why? 
because you attempt more, and each endeavor is an experiment 
with a student; whereas it is an old and proven effort with me 
and I know just how it will come out. The danger to the student 


is popularity and power, selfseeking instead of self abasement I 
have washed their feet and continue to do thus, and they must 
wash one anothers feet instead of elbowing each other, or they 
never can follow the example of our Exemplar. 49 

How considerate she was! To the Board she wrote: 

Mr. F. ... is carrying too big a burden. His salary does not 
pay his rent and clerks! Please vote to amend the By-law to read 
instead of three thousand dollars annually for the Pub. Com. not 
less than three thousand dollars. Then vote to increase his salary 
to five thousand dollars annually. 50 

To sacrifice herself was an instinct: 

After forty years in your service I need more of my time to 
watch individually. I have neglected myself for others; now help 
your Leader by helping yourself. This is all I ask of a student; 
and is it too much, and will you not grant my request? 51 

Mrs. Eddy was not arrogant or pretentious. When in 
1907 she began to look about for another home, she wrote: 

I give up the thought of the estate in ... for several reasons, 
one of which is I dislike arrogant wealth, a great show of it, and 
especially for one who works as well as preaches for and of the 
nothingness of matter. 52 

In business matters she was always strictly honest. To 
a student she said: 

In doing business I am careful to account for all I take or 
appropriate, and I require this of my students. I may give them 
all I please, and they have that privilege with me, but I demand 
honesty of myself and of others and strict accounts. 53 

Mrs. Eddy came even closer than that disciple who 
inquired if it was his business to forgive as much as seven 
times, to an understanding of the inexhaustibleness of the 
Christ spirit of forgiveness. To one long dear to her, 
and then for a time estranged, at last Mrs. Eddy wrote: 


This lovely morning I wish I could see you and put my arms 
round your neck and tell you how much I love you. I never can 
feel so happy as when thinking of you in the old way and asking 
God to bless my child that so many years I have been accustomed 
to do, and must continue to do as long as memory lasts. 

I have forgiven you in years past, and can and do again, because 
I love you and I cannot hold any enmity against one who has done 
the good that you have done; or even if they had done much 
that was wrong I must love all, because I cannot help it. I feel 
it and cannot feel otherwise. 54 

She did at times grow weary. Once she wrote: 

Give oh give me peace for one 24 hours in 30 years! You 
dear one, are fresh in the conflict I an old soldier weary of battle. 55 

But on she pressed until the very end, deserving 
Chesterton s inspiring lines: 

So, with the wan waste grasses on my spear, 
I ride forever, seeking after God; 
My hair grows whiter than my thistle plume, 
And all my limbs are loose, but in my eyes 
The star of an unconquerable praise; 
For in my soul one hope forever sings, 
That at the next white corner of a road 
My eyes may look on Him! 

Her foreign correspondence brought Mrs. Eddy special 
joy. When The Mother Church Extension was dedicated 
three years before, in June, 1906, delegates had come 
from many countries, their very presence testifying that 
at last Christian Science had put a girdle around the globe. 
Even so, an eminent London surgeon was then predicting 
that in another quarter century, the edifices of Christian 
Science in London would be turned into music and lecture 
halls. But he was one of many in that time who needed 
to meditate upon the wisdom of the humble humorist 


who said, "Never predict unless you know"; for in June, 
1909, news came that the First Church of Christ, Scientist, 
in London had not only paid for, but also dedicated, on 
June 13, 1909, a new building at a cost of four hundred 
thousand dollars. In addition, it had sent a thank-offering 
of some seven thousand dollars to the Publishing House. 

Scarcely had Mrs. Eddy s joyous letter of congratulation 
gone overseas to her London followers when, in Novem 
ber, Christian Scientists of Scotland announced that they 
were ready to begin the building of the First Church of 
Christ, Scientist, in Edinburgh. To them she wrote a 
letter ringing with the peculiar satisfaction which such 
news as they had sent her must have brought to one 
whose ancestors had been Scotch: 56 

Beloved Christian Scientists: 

Like the gentle dew of heaven and the refreshing breeze of 
morn, comes your dear letter to my waiting heart waiting in 
due expectation of just such blessedness, crowning the hope and 
hour of divine Science, than which nothing can exceed its minis 
trations of God to man. 

I congratulate you on the prospect of erecting a church 
building, wherein to gather in praise and prayer for the whole 
human family. 

Lovingly yours, 


As she drew near her earthly end, the woman of the 
stars seemed to be living in two worlds at once. Day by 
day she drew closer to God. At times she seemed to 
think aloud to Him. She advised her maid to speak to 
God about her own personal problems. 58 To one of her 
secretaries she casually observed, Til tell you what God 
has told me to-day." Once, after making a remark which 
she wished at once to recall, she placed her finger to 


her lips and said, That was Mary talking, now let God 
talk." 59 In emergencies, she gave her household special 
spiritual directions which they needed in their work. 

Before any public appearance, however minor, she 
prayed to God to use her in His own good way. Once, 
at the end of a day filled with vexations, she prayed aloud, 
"Oh, Father, we turn like tired children to Thee; Thou 
wilt not leave us comfortless." 

Mrs. Eddy accepted literally the account which Christ 
Jesus gave of himself: "I and my Father are one." But 
she said, "I cannot be a Christian Scientist except I leave 
all for Christ." 60 She never doubted that the familiar 
promise would be kept: "Lo, I am with you alway, even 
unto the end of the world." Jesus was her Way-shower. 

Her eagerness to know what Jesus would do, if he 
were in her place, was sometimes very touching. Once, 
in approaching a problem, she remarked to a friend, "I 
wonder what Jesus would do." On another occasion it 
comforted her to observe, "Jesus would know what I am 
going through." Perhaps no leader of her time had better 
right to quote the lines attributed to St. Patrick: 

Christ, as a light 
Illumine and guide me! 
Christ as a shield o er-shadow and cover me! 
Christ lie under me, Christ be over me! 
Christ be beside me 

On left hand and right! 
Christ be before me, behind me, about me, 
Christ this day be within and without me! 

Never had she been quite so naive, so childlike, as in 
those final weeks. "One night," says one of her helpers, 
"she called me to her bedside. She talked about the work. 


At last she had me tuck her in. But somehow she was not 
comfortable. She tossed about. She fussed a bit. Then 
quieting down, with the smile we loved to see, she looked 
at me and said: Forgive me, dear. I always was such a 
Betty. " 61 

Happy Pilgrim of the Infinite, Mary Baker Eddy grew 
quieter as the days grew shorter. After supper, seated 
in her study, she would look down the driveway, watch 
the light come in the electric globes on either side the 
gate; then tell out the stars as, one by one, they brightened 
up the sky. Thinking of the things invisible, she would 
often glance a moment at her blessed Bible or her own 
Science and Health lying open on the desk. 

Until the end she took her daily drive. The frosty 
fingers of an early winter were, with the coming of 
December, reaching out to touch the window panes, the 
woods, the hills. As she stepped into her carriage on the 
first afternoon in December, a heavenly smile was shining 
from her face and eyes. Each happy band of children, 
waiting here and there along the road to greet their "dear 
old lady," waited not in vain. Returning home, she rested 
a few moments in her study. Then, at her request, a 
pencil and tablet were brought to her. Hesitating a 
moment, Mrs. Eddy stooped slightly forward, and on 
the tablet wrote these words: 62 


Next day she was up and about. Her household gathered 
in her study, and she talked with them. They realized 
that she was failing. They had, however, so often seen 
her rally from a weakness even greater that, though fore 
boding, they were not overanxious. All through the day, 
however, as they worked and prayed, they were ill at ease. 

On December third, a half hour before midnight, her 
faithful household group around her, Mrs. Eddy passed 
quietly away. 63 

The final services, on December eighth, were as she 
would have had them. Across the snow-clad lawn at 
Chestnut Hill came, on that Thursday morning, about 
fifty guests. At eleven o clock Judge Clifford P. Smith 64 
read the ninety-first Psalm, which had furnished the text 
for the historic sermon in Chicago in 1888, together 
with portions of the Gospel of St. John, chapters thirteen 
and fourteen. Mrs. Carol Hoyt Powers, Second Reader 
of The Mother Church, read Mrs. Eddy s poem, "The 
Mother s Evening Prayer." 65 The Lord s Prayer was 
recited in unison. Then the casket was taken up on the 
shoulders of affection, borne through the open gateway, 
and carried to Mount Auburn near Boston; and over the 
last resting place of this woman of the stars, the stately 
oaks now keep watch in solemn dignity. 

Chapter VIII 

THROUGHOUT her vivid life, Mary Baker Eddy 
often figured in the news columns. She paid the 
price which always must be paid for startling com 
placency or for breaking with conservatism. There were 
long stretches when room for some new depreciation or 
disparagement was about the only space she was allotted 
in the daily papers. 

Only after she was gone, did Mrs. Eddy "make" the 
editorial page a steeper grade to make than the news 
page. At last appreciation displaced the depreciation of 
earlier years. The adulation, against which in her lifetime 
she never ceased to warn her chosen, won readers from 
dark disparagement. Now that she was beyond the touch 
of idle gossip, not a few wondered why anything but 
praise could have been spoken of a woman who had 
kindled in the hearts of uncounted many a spiritual fire 
which showed no sign of dying out. 

In her beloved Boston, the editor of the Globe, com 
mented on her passing that: "Present day testimony must 
be one of respect for a woman of remarkable mind and 
of unusual ability." The editorial reference to her in the 
Post was a tribute to her for reviving primitive Christianity 
and adapting it to present day conditions. The editor of 
the Evening Transcript put Mrs. Eddy in the company of 
Julia Ward Howe, who some weeks before had passed 
on after winning earlier in her distinguished career a 



well-deserved immortality by the writing of her famous 
patriotic poem. Mrs. Eddy s verse is sung each week by 
millions around the world; her books many read; and her 
newspaper no one from the first has grudged a place among 
the most substantial papers of the time. Hers was a 
"career," according to the editor of the conservative 
Springfield Republican, "from which everyone may draw 
immense inspiration . . . that must come from the spectacle 
of astonishing achievement. . . . One may search history 
from the beginning and have difficultynn matching Mrs. 
Eddy s performance, between the ages of fifty and 
eighty, in making a million people accept her at her own 

Outside of New England, where praise or blame is 
more outspoken, tributes to the Leader of Christian Science 
developed into such panegyrics as few persons in all 
history have evoked. Editors in New York, Philadelphia, 
Baltimore, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, 
Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and 
many other cities with one voice placed Mrs. Eddy among 
those of whom it has been said that: 

Never to the mansions where the mighty rest 
Since their foundations, came a nobler guest. 

If all such tributes to this woman who yearned more 
for the praise of God than for any praise of man be ruled 
out of reckoning, still no one seriously doubts that Mary 
Baker Eddy was born to leadership. Scarcely one of its 
essentials did she lack. When he coined his phrase "a 
prodigious example of insubmission, courage, perseverance, 
and ingenuity," Maeterlinck might have been painting 
Mrs. Eddy s portrait. Glimpsing in her girlhood the goal 


of her life work, she set her feet on a long trail which was 
to stretch across a century, and she followed on until 
the end. Her ineffable charm, which the years could 
never blight, brought many to her. By a process of 
careful selection and reselection, based on spiritual fitness, 
she was sometimes making those changes in her entourage 
which the higher interest of her Cause demanded. She let 
all count with her, but as Kipling advises "none too 
much." To counsel she listened, but she made her own 

When criticism seemed to her in order, she preferred 
to criticize in private. To praise, when she honestly could, 
she gave publicity; and never could one call it "the praise 
of men s forgetting." True, there were times when some 
charged that she played favorites; but none was ever bold 
enough to charge that she set her own interests above the 
Cause she loved and those who tried to capitalize any 
distinction thus conferred upon them to the injury of the 
Cause might find waiting for them around the corner 
the demotion which their indiscretion merited. She always 
followed through, and any in her train who failed to 
follow after were one day likely to discover that they 
had been left far behind. 

Patient, sometimes over many a year, with the shifty 
and even the disloyal, Mrs. Eddy always drew the line 
the moment the good of the Cause demanded it. Insubor 
dination she never tolerated. To seek a quarrel was not 
her way; but, when a quarrel was thrust on her, the 
regret at the outcome was rarely hers. In the life of 
Mary Baker Eddy, as of Ellen Terry, 1 opposition called 
out her highest fighting power. More than once, in order 
to win, with one stroke of her pen she demolished old 


machinery and constructed it sometimes seemed al 
most over night new machinery better fitted for the 
changed conditions. 

Many a pitched battle she fought to gain breathing 
space in which to write, to discover, to build, to organize, 
to construct; and if now and then, in an almost continuous 
struggle against handicaps covering some fourscore years 
and ten, she was stricken, her spirit remained as unbroken 
as the Scotchman s in the ballad: 

Fight on, my men, Sir Andrew says, 
A little I m hurt, but not yet slain; 
I ll but lie down and bleed awhile, 
And then I ll rise and fight again. 

On the far-flung battle line of the faith she founded, 
Mrs. Eddy turned a page as new in modern religion as 
Einstein s page in modern science. Some doubted this 
while she was here. A few were certain that her work 
would not outlive her. But even fewer now worth while 
think in terms of death of her extraordinary movement. 
From Count Hermann Keyserling s 2 announcement that 
"every spiritual American who can be considered repre 
sentative, actually belongs, whether he knows it or not, 
to the wider circle of Christian Science," to the admission 
of Harry Emerson Fosdick, 3 "Anything that floats must 
have some good timber in it, and Christian Science never 
could have floated as it has if there had not been sound 
wood there," agreement has become general that Christian 
Science lives and grows and must be reckoned with. 

Between Mrs. Eddy s discovery and Einstein s, the 
likeness is amazing. Changes in men s thinking have taken 
place since two centuries ago Newton conferred on space 
definite physical reality. Faraday, a century later, devel- 


oped the "ether" concept to explain the electro-magnetic 
field. Within the memory of readers middle-aged, matter, 
once solid as a mountain in men s thoughts, has crumbled 
into molecules, the molecules into atoms, and at last the 
atoms into immaterial "particles" of radiation. Yesterday 
Einstein casually observed that space is "eating up 
matter," 4 a concept not altogether inharmonious with 
Mrs. Eddy s concept of God as good since M. K. Wisehart 
on his return last season from Europe reported Professor 
Einstein as now convinced that "God is as valid as a 
scientific argument." 5 

It is, however, in the field of imparting religion, that 
Mrs. Eddy s leadership excels. She is a literalist, wherever 
the spiritual teachings of Christ Jesus are involved. Hers 
is a spiritual technique highly effective. She has set the 
feet of millions in the path that leads up to the mount 
where the Ten Commandments are thundered forth to be 
obeyed and the Beatitudes break in blessings to be lived. 
The religious services of the Christian Science churches 
are well attended, both on Sunday and on Wednesday 
evening. Weather matters little. The author has looked 
in on nights when it was pouring rain, and The Mother 
Church was well filled. He has made it his business to 
test attendance on a very hot night in early summer, and 
the people were there. 

Reasons why Christian Scientists go to church as a 
matter of course are as evident as they are easy to set 
forth. For one thing, the details of their worship are so 
designed and perfected as to hold the close attention of 
the worshiper. The service is always brief. All present 
on Sunday share with the two Readers in prayer and 
join in the singing, which in Christian Science is as dis- 


tinctive as it is truly congregational. Yet neither in the 
Sunday nor the Wednesday evening service is any stress 
laid upon the emotional. Nor is there any "long face" 
ever in sight. 

A great teacher developed the Christian Science service 
to suit student worshipers. Not even Mark Hopkins on 
one end, with his student on the other, of that over-ridden 
log, deserves a higher place among the teachers of America 
than Mary Baker Eddy. She, too, first taught one at a 
time; and later, when increasing calls upon her hours 
obliged her to group her students into classes, she tried 
to keep the number down so as to give them the maximum 
possible of individual attention. 6 For all her teaching, 
she personally made careful preparation, and by the time 
her Church was going strong she had a Committee at 
work preparing the Bible Lessons far in advance for all 
student worshipers. 

One can be a Christian Scientist and little heed the 
magazines and newspapers, but one cannot be a Christian 
Scientist and omit the daily study of the Bible Lessons. 
The world over the author knows Christian Scientists, 
and he has yet to find one in good standing who cannot 
quote his Bible with a readiness and an accuracy which 
few outside that faith, even preachers of our day, can 

The study of the Lesson for the preceding six days 
acts as a feeder for the Sunday service in which the same 
Bible passages which have been studied through the week, 
are read from the platform accompanied by correlative 
sentences from the Christian Science textbook. 

Every Sunday congregation, therefore, no matter where 
assembled, is both a company of worshipers and a group 


of students met together to receive more light on the 
studies they have made day by day, through the preceding 
week. Even in traveling, by land or sea, or in vacation 
time, wherever Christian Scientists are however few 
they read their Lessons. Though no Christian Science 
church may be within reach many when Sunday comes 
have their little service as though they were at home. 
With the same Lessons studied everywhere on week days, 
and on Sundays read in church throughout the world, 
there is constituted a democracy, both of study and of 
worship, going far to explain "the crowded churches" 
which outside of Christian Science are the fascination and 
despair of Christian leaders. Rarely, in fact, are they to be 
found elsewhere save in the case of the few congregations 
fortunate enough to have a brilliant preacher, and even he 
must not often take the risk of preaching long. 7 

Every religious fold has some excellence by which 
other folds may profit, but the approach to it from the 
outside must be with understanding and with sympathy. 
Perhaps Rufus Jones 8 has stressed the greatest of all 
Christian needs, in making the awareness of the presence 
of God the one essential. Standing for the same eternal 
principle, Mrs. Eddy worked out a technique which keeps 
her followers, every one, constantly aware of God. But 
to this boon, she added practical demonstration of the 
intrinsic value of the Bible Lessons used daily and their 
reading at the public services on Sunday and a literal 
acceptance of the healing promises of Jesus. 

For a discussion of healing, no apology is made. The 
interest in the revival of apostolic healing is now widening. 
Many years ago the late Bishop Brent, while still in the 
Philippines, wrote the author in approval of Christian 


healing, and immediately after, he even wrote a book for 
the author s editing in explanation of what the life of God 
in the soul of man can do for anyone. No later than last 
May, Bishop Remington of Eastern Oregon is reported 
to have summoned the church to recover the lost art of 
healing. After twenty and more years of experimenting, 
started most intelligently by the Emmanuel Movement, 
the Protestant Episcopal Church has its Nazarene So 
ciety helping many; its Commission on Healing carefully 
studying with the church s approval the ways and means 
of restoring what should never have been lost; and its 
latest General Convention seriously agreeing that "Chris 
tian healing has passed beyond the stage of experiment and 
its value cannot be questioned." 
Mr. Frederick Dixon wrote: 

People frequently talk of Christian Science as if it were nothing 
more than a mammoth dispensary; as a matter of fact, that is an 
almost ludicrous misconception of what its healing means. It 
means the eradication from the human consciousness of all those 
mental causes which produce sin, disease, and death. It means 
that in order to be healthier every patient must become a better 
man. It aims not merely at the destruction of sickness and pain, 
but of sorrow and want, of misery and vice. 9 

The knowledge that the understanding mind does 
deeply influence for good the body pathological is not 
confined exclusively to the pages of Science and Health. 
Three hundred years before Mrs. Eddy announced that 
"Whatever is cherished in mortal mind as the physical 
condition is imaged forth on the body," 10 Spenser, in his 
Faerie Queene, was reminding a believing public: 

For of the soule, the bodie forme doth take, 
For soule is forme, and doth the bodie make. 


Some twenty-three hundred years before Mrs. Eddy 
wrote, "Moral conditions will be found always harmo 
nious and health-giving," 11 Socrates said to Charmides, 
"First then and above all, the soul must be treated if the 
head and the rest of the body are ever to be made whole." 12 

In making the observation that "When spiritual being 
is understood in all its perfection, continuity, and might, 
then shall man be found in God s image," 13 Mrs. Eddy 
was simply leading men back to the teachings of Him 
whom John Charles Earl thus describes: 

He pours the flood of light on darkened eyes, 

He chases tears, diseases, fiends away; 
His throne is raised upon those Orient skies, 

His footstool is the pave whereon we pray. 
Oh, tell me not of Christ in Paradise, 

For He is all around us here, to-day. 14 

While theologians were over-busy speculating about 
the personality of Christ Jesus, Mary Baker Eddy went to 
the heart of the practice of Christ Jesus and revived his 
healing ministry. She never claimed to have originated, 
but only to have discovered and restored, what had too 
long lain dormant since the passing of our Lord, and to 
have furnished a healing technique which all can learn to 
practice who will take the trouble in both faith and prayer. 
A study first-hand, with a mind unbiased, of her words 
and works usually substantiates her claims. 

"The gods give thread for a web begun." In her long 
life on earth, Mrs. Eddy began a web, and in the twenty 
years which since have intervened, thread has been fur 
nished in abundance to those she designated to carry on 
when she was gone. After the pattern she set, that web 
is still aweaving. What the finished product is to be no 


one as yet foresees. No prevision is adequate. Those who 
understand the teachings of their Leader are content to 
make the best use they can of the thread given them. The 
ultimate they leave to God. 

Meanwhile the world at large keeps an eye on Christian 
Science. Every year it expects more of this faith. "By 
their fruits" the world is judging Christian Scientists. 
Some of the fruits of this new faith it is, therefore, now 
in order to consider. 

At first, not all the fruits of Christian Science ripened. 
Not all, as early as Mr. James A. Neal, 15 of revered 
memory, brought forth fruit abundantly. Many of the ear 
lier Christian Scientists were plain folk. Many of the men 
worked in factories, or in the field. The women were 
housekeepers, often broken on the wheel of drudgery. But 
they came to Mrs. Eddy. They sat at her feet. Something 
told them she had a message for them; and in listening 
to her words a reorientation came to them of which 
through all their later years they never tired of speaking. 
To some as several told and also wrote the author years 
ago the days they spent in Mrs. Eddy s class opened 
to them a new heaven and a new earth. Not in all cases, 
however, did this entrancing experience last. The vision 
which she gave was sometimes allowed to fade out. Some 
of those earlier followers turned back to the trivial round 
and found it as trivial as it was before, to the common 
task and it seemed commoner than ever. But there were 
others who conserved their vision until the end, and until 
the end they testified that the healing touch which body 
and mind had felt lasted, and outlasted, time. 

One of the earlier Scientists testified to healing of an 
illness before she ever met the woman wonderful. So 


deeply moved was she by her experience that she packed 
her bag, and hurried to Boston to see her benefactor. Not 
realizing that Mrs. Eddy had already become a very 
busy woman, the visitor was disappointed on ringing the 
door bell to learn that Mrs. Eddy was too engrossed to 
see anyone. Not to be entirely frustrated, the well- 
meaning visitor begged to be shown a portrait which she 
had heard hung in the parlor. Almost as soon as she was 
admitted to the room she discovered herself in the pres 
ence of the woman she had come to see and thank. With 
both hands outstretched, Mrs. Eddy stepped forward, put 
her arm around her visitor, and promptly said, "I was 
in my study writing as busily as ever I wrote in my life 
when suddenly I put down my pen and came to this 
room. I knew not why." Before leaving the house the 
visitor had become a member of Mrs. Eddy s class, and 
later proved a worthy student. 

Even in these sophisticated days the primitive type of 
faith persists, naive and blessed in proportion to its sim 
plicity. Coming down the automatic elevator in a city 
office building, late one night when the street floor seemed 
deserted, the author stopped a moment at the hallway 
desk of the watchman who was not then in sight. But 
near a low reading light a chair was drawn, and on the 
chair a book lay open a little much- worn copy of 
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. On soli 
tary guard this faithful man, through the still watches 
of the night, was seeking intently for a clearer under 
standing of the truths he found in Christian Science. 
With a curiosity the author hopes is not beyond all 
pardon, he spied these words on the open page on which 
the watchman s eyes had rested and which he had marked: 

Copyright 1917 by Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker G. Eddy. Renewed 1945. 

Used by permission. 
From an oil painting by Margaret F. Richardson. 



Truth will be to us "the resurrection and the life" only as it 
destroys all error and the belief that Mind, the only immortality 
of man, can be fettered by the body, and Life be controlled by 
death. A sinful, sick, and dying mortal is not the likeness of God, 
the perfect and eternal. 16 

Dropping in one Wednesday evening at a service in 
a suburban church, the author heard a plain man tell 
his story. He was all humility, although for twenty years, 
as he explained, he had been a persistent student of 
Christian Science. During all that time he had never 
faltered, whether on the mountain top or in the valley 
far below. Some small success had come his way, some 
times also failure. Through the years, however, he had 
stood firm, and modestly he hoped he could with truth 
report some headway gained. For all that Christian 
Science had done for him he was grateful, and to the 
casual visitor his words rang true. 

The testimony of the Christian Science lecturers is 
significant because, in lecturing to groups, sometimes 
numbering thousands and including many persons not 
of their own faith, they have to treat their subject in 
a generous spirit, of which such words as these are 

Christian Science is essentially Christian. It is calm, peaceful, 
serene, and divinely secure. It resorts to no emotionalism to excite 
an interest in itself. On the contrary, it appeals through pure 
reason and logic to the very best in one s nature. It repeats the 
saying of ancient times: "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye 
to the waters." 17 

The best practitioners have stories to tell from real 
life which, for spiritual insight, can scarcely be surpassed. 
Their work is not perfunctory. In emergencies, they 


remain in the sickroom day and night, denying discord 
and asserting God s presence and power until the hour 
strikes for the results to come. Back, therefore, of their 
calm and measured words, there is a wealth of hard facts 
to give weight to their words: 

Christian Science is vital to men and women, because it presents 
a scientific explanation by which all may work out their own 
salvation. It explains all cause and effect as mental; and that sin, 
disease, and death are overcome by the understanding of the same 
divine Principle which enabled Jesus to heal the sick and raise 
the dead. Contrary to popular opinion, this healing is achieved 
not by any use of the human will or suggestion, but by the 
understanding of that which is absolutely true in the sight of 
God. It is indeed the "Spirit of truth," the Comforter which 
Jesus promised. 18 

The testimony of both the business man and business 
woman is to the author all the more impressive because 
he has talked with many of this type, from the expert 
secretary to the big business man, although it must not 
be forgotten that in Christian Science there is no small 
and great. In its spiritual democracy, Kipling s millennial 
lines find immediate fulfillment: 

And no one shall work for money, and 

no one shall work for fame; 
But each for the joy of the working, and 

each, in his separate star. 

Of nothing in this book is the author more certain 
than of business efficiency in Christian Science. Not once 
has he failed to find the loyal Christian Scientist living 
up to the high business ideal which insures success. That 
ideal has been happily expressed by Mr. Charles E. 
Heitman in the words: "Alertness, worthiness, and love 


of our work determine its productive value." The 
Christian Scientist s eye is never on the clock. He wastes 
no time in loud or idle talk. He is never overtaken by 
brainstorms. His vitality he does not waste in worry or 
in hurry. Undercutting and side-stepping the true Chris 
tian Scientist never practices. His single-mindedness and 
happiness of spirit carry over into business life and make 
his every effort count toward high success. How could 
it be otherwise, when an hour, often two hours, he sets 
aside each day sometimes in the early morning for 
the study of the Bible Lessons, which brings the quiet 
mind, the ordered energy, the poised personality? 

Nor is the author without much good company in his 
opinion. Years ago Michael Meehan not a Christian 
Scientist confirmed it: 

Christian Scientists are successful. Why? They are in harmony 
with the law of the presence of God in all things, as forcibly 
demonstrated by the Founder of Christian Science; their complete 
acceptance of God s law makes them quickly responsive to the 
laws of their country and enhances their value as citizens; they 
do not gossip they have neither the time nor inclination; their 
petitions over wrongs and grievances are not clogging court 
records; they are never found patronizing questionable resorts, 
nor are they engaged in questionable practices; they do not 
meddle in the affairs of their neighbors; they avoid even the 
appearances of evil. 19 

Mr. Clarence H. Howard, a business man of St. Louis, 
who long ago became convinced of the value of the tests 
which Christian Science sets up and which Mr. Meehan 
describes, successfully applied them in the development 
of the manifold activities of his Commonwealth Plan, 
until at last the Commonwealth Steel Company of Granite 


City, Illinois, of which Mr. Howard was President, has 
become one of the major industries of the Mississippi 

Another outstanding example of business men who 
were Christian Scientists was Mr. William Delavan Bald 
win, Chairman of the Board of the Otis Elevator Company, 
who testified: 

It is now about forty years since I first became interested in 
Christian Science, and during all of this time I have been and am 
a strong and devoted adherent of the teachings of Mary Baker 
Eddy. Each year brings to me an ever greater appreciation of 
her wonderful character and the tremendous influence for good 
her revelations and teachings have had, and are now having with 
ever increasing force. The world needs the higher spiritual under 
standing and knowledge of spiritual healing taught by Mrs. Eddy, 
to solve and heal its complex material problems. Christian Science 
rests on demonstration. 

No field has been more productive of a type of Christian 
Scientist than the stage. Perhaps it is because stage folk 
have to pay a heavier price than most of us for any 
lowering of vitality. They must keep high their level of 
efficiency. Competition is so keen and public censure so 
immediate that if they do not give their best at every 
performance, they may have to say of the audience: 

They light me once, 

They hurry by, 

And never come again. 

Twenty years ago The Music Master and The Lion 
and the Mouse were crowding theaters, and winning for 
their author, Charles Klein, a deserved reputation and 
also a large income. He overworked. His health broke. 
Life lost its zest for him. His associates believed him 


through. Suddenly he snapped back into larger success 
than ever. Asked to account for such an unexpected 
resurgence of health and effectiveness, he replied that he 
turned to Christian Science. In the Cosmopolitan for 
February, 1907, he wrote: 

I gradually, indeed almost immediately, recovered my health, 
my peace of mind, professional and financial success, and happi 
ness far beyond my wildest dream. 

Since 1918, when as Vice President of the Association 
of American Colleges, the author was brought close to 
many an institution, he has wondered: "Does Christian 
Science touch the college mind?" More recently he has 
listened to many expressions of opinion, talked with rep 
resentative students, and also read the files of letters 
from college students received by The Christian Science 
Board of Directors, while administering the late Ruggles 
Educational Fund, established in 1926 under the will 
of Dr. Georgia Sackett Ruggles of Los Angeles, Cali 
fornia, to assist young men and women, not only in this 
country but also in Canada, England, Germany, Holland, 
France, Switzerland, and other lands, to complete their 

Among the distinguished American institutions repre 
sented in these reactions to Christian Science are Harvard, 
Williams, Brown, University of Chicago, Northwestern, 
and University of Idaho. The author heard a young 
college man, at a Wednesday evening service, express 
gratitude for the help which Christian Science was 
bringing to him in his college life. Not merely had his 
faith equipped him, he said, to handle better the problems 
of his daily living; it had also helped him through exami- 


nations, by the elimination of fear and its replacement 
by such a spirit of confidence and serenity as made it 
possible for him to marshal all his resources, which else 
would have been scattered. 

The author was so impressed with the thoughtfulness 
of a Christian Science student, senior in another college, 
in which he was well regarded, that finally there was 
procured from him this statement in writing: 

Of course, the average college man finds his religion up against 
a severe test when he first meets the cold lights of science and the 
paradoxes of philosophy, and the general attitude of skepticism 
which is so prevalent among undergraduates. I have seen many 
of my friends enormously disturbed as they watch the founda 
tions of a none too objective religious background crumble out 
from under them. They often have to resort, in case belief in 
religion is not swept away, to retaining a non-rational and usually 
emotional faith, which is quite unsatisfactory to their reasoning 
intellect. For my part, having only just acquired a really work 
able knowledge of Science when I entered college, I have through 
college been most interested in putting it to the test under . . . 
conditions which ordinarily prove severe. I have even gone out 
of my way to do this as much as possible. 

I can truthfully say, Dr. Powell, that there has been no problem 
that I have found in any of the departments of the college work, 
which I have not been able to settle definitely by using Science. 
I am constantly amazed at the completeness of Mrs. Eddy s 
writing. Using the concordances carefully, the most detailed 
points in such a highly complex subject as philosophy will be 
explicitly decided in her writings, with the scientific logic which 
characterizes the entire system. Or if there is not a direct answer 
to a given problem, the student can find statements which will 
enable him to decide for himself. I never have found a question 
which I could not solve in a way wholly consistent with Science, 
to my complete satisfaction. I cannot tell you the value of 
having a firm and completely stable mental and spiritual system, 


which I have never known to fail. It means a mental vigor and 
decision which could come, I think, only from a consistently 
inclusive Science. 

On another occasion, the author was fortunate to 
obtain from a Phi Beta Kappa man, ten years out of a 
great university, this thought-provoking opinion: 

If I could speak to the college youth of to-day I would say 
this: the study and the practice of Christian Science will make 
you a better student with less effort; from my own experience 
in helping others I can say that there are no conditions of pain 
or suffering which Christian Science cannot eliminate, that there 
is no fear which it cannot cast out, no financial problem which 
it cannot solve; if my words have any weight it is only because 
they are backed up by proof, proof gained from such persistent 
evidence that it is impossible to draw any other conclusion except 
that neither luck nor human sagacity but the operation of a power 
above and beyond man is responsible for the multiplicity of 
harmonious results which have followed the application of the 
principle and rule set forth in the Christian Science textbook, 
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker 

Out of letters in the files of the late Ruggles Educational 
Fund from students at home and abroad, a few selected 
sentences are submitted: 

As I walked to school each morning I kept saying Divine Mind 
works harmoniously. "All is infinite Mind and its infinite mani 
festation." 20 By declaring this I saw that I was not doing the 
work myself, but reflecting infinite Mind which neither works 
too fast nor too slow. Immediately my laboratory work speeded 
up and I caught up with the class and stayed with them to the end. 

For the first time in my life I have reached the point where I 
actually love to study and want to forge ahead and learn much 
more than is actually required in the courses. I am convinced 
now of the value of a college training if one really wants to get 


all the good possible out of it, and it seems to me that my under 
standing of Christian Science is being broadened rather than 
confused by it. The history either of a country or a literature is 
so much more explicable and meaningful in the light of Truth, 
and in studying it one gets rid of false prejudices at the same time 
that one sees the futility of all systems of thought or action 
resting on a material basis. Involuntarily I measure any theory 
or hypothesis with which I come in contact by the rule of 
Christian Science and value it according as it approaches or falls 
below that rule. I am all the more grateful for this absolute 
standard of judgment inasmuch as several of my friends have had 
their orthodox religious views completely upset in college and 
are now pretty much at sea. 

Through holding fast to Truth and denying error I have over 
come the difficulties which confronted me. (A German student 
in a German University.) 

While in Berlin, I stood before an examination to last five 
hours ... I made it clear to myself that the one infinite Mind 
alone filled me and that God governs us all: that nothing can be 
asked of me that I could not do. ... To my great joy I began 
to see here too that my right thinking was victorious. (Another 
translation from a German student.) 

There was a time when the attitude of Christian Science 
toward family life was not everywhere understood. Much 
ink was spilt in criticism. The simple fact is that Mrs. Eddy 
literally took her stand with Jesus, as she interpreted him. 
Jesus preached purity in all the relationships of life. Mrs. 
Eddy preached the same in somewhat the same language. 
But she was always practical. Once she observed: 

Be faithful over home relations; they lead to higher joys; obey 
the Golden Rule for human life, and it will spare you much 
bitterness. It is pleasanter to do right than wrong; it makes one 
ruler over one s self and hallows home which is woman s 
world. Please your husband, and he will be apt to please you; 
preserve affection on both sides. 21 


Coming over on the Olympic, Zoe Beckley found 
Lady Astor with Science and Health always near her in 
her daily writing and "speech-preparing." Zoe Beckley s 
human interest story in the Woman s Home Companion 
(August, 1930) pictures Lady Astor as charming, vital, 
sensible, and adds: "She is religious, a Christian Scientist. 
Motherhood is a mania with Nancy Astor. I have only 
six children, she says ruefully, 1 would like a full dozen. " 
Nothing could better illustrate Mrs. Eddy s practicalness 
than in counseling the individual to live up to his own 
understanding of the truth before he interferes with the 
affairs of others. Mrs. Eddy says: 

Great mischief comes from attempts to steady other people s 
altars, venturing on valor without discretion, which is virtually 
meddlesomeness. Even your sincere and courageous convictions 
regarding what is best for others may be mistaken; you must be 
demonstratively right yourself, and work out the greatest good 
to the greatest number, before you are sure of being a fit 
counsellor. 22 

Among the many letters received by the author in 
twenty-four years from men and women who had been 
with Mrs. Eddy in Lynn and Boston, is one indicative of 
the blending of the ideal and practical almost from the first 
in her experience. In reply to the author s inquiry for the 
exact truth concerning Mrs. Eddy s opinions on marriage 
when, in 1875, the writer often talked with her, the word 
came: "There was nothing at variance" with those lines in 
her chapter on Marriage in that first edition of Science and 
Health (1875): "Be not in haste to take the vow until 
death do us part but consider well its obligations, respon 
sibilities, and relations to all your future happiness; judge 
before friendship, 23 then confide till death." 


In the twenty years since Mrs. Eddy passed on, the 
practical bearing of her teaching has become apparent 
along with the lowering in the world at large of the high 
standard of purity set up by her. At a time when mar 
riage seems menacingly unstable, and subject to easy 
dissolution, Christian Science is securing for it more 
stability. Christian Science calls the entire family to rally 
to the unifying standard of purity, unselfishness and 
recognition of the higher rights of every member. Writes 
the college-bred mother of one of the many attractive 
Christian Science families, whom the author has the happy 
privilege of knowing in their homes: 

There has been one sentence that has been like a beacon light 
to us in bringing up our three children. This was told to some 
of Mrs. Eddy s students who asked her how they were to protect 
their little children from aggressive propaganda of mortal mind. 
The sentence is as follows: "Give the children the truth at home, 
and then let them go." We have found that in so far as we have 
lived up to this admonition, teaching them the moral principle 
found in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, 
that we could then send them forth into their school and college 
and social life, trusting them to God s care. We have tried to 
instill in them the desire for obedience to the spiritual import of 
the Bible, our text-book, Science and Health with Key to the 
Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, and the Manual of the Mother 
Church, and to awaken in them the sense of the importance of 
daily study of the lesson-sermon. They have turned to the prin 
ciple of Christian Science in working out all their problems and 
have found that, since each one of us must work out his own 
salvation, it is wise to attempt to solve a problem first through 
one s own understanding of the truth before turning to another 
for help. 

We are learning through the teaching of Christian Science to 
treat the children as equals and to share all family problems and 
experiences with them as far as is practicable. We find that 


their response to this point of view is astonishing, and contributes 
to their confidence in themselves, and the progress, interest, and 
happiness of the home life. The children have been encouraged 
to have a special interest outside their prescribed school studies, 
such as athletic sports and music. Jesus prayed that his disciples 
should be kept not from the world, but from the evil in the 
world, and Mrs. Eddy gives us the practical application of this 
principle in her admonition: "keep your minds so filled with 
Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them." 24 
We have tried to arouse in the children the ideal of service to 
mankind in all they do. We discovered that one of them had 
adopted the plan of saying to himself mentally whenever he met a 
new friend: "What can I do for you?" A very important lesson 
for them is obedience to the laws of the land. This obedience to 
Caesar does not conflict with rendering what is due to God but 
unfolds the necessary quality of self-discipline in the individual. 
We have been learning as a family that happiness in the home 
life is due to the exercise of certain qualities, such as honesty, 
loyalty, purity, activity, charity and affection. 25 

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." 26 


ALMOST twenty years have passed since Mrs. Eddy, 
on the little tablet which a member of the family 
brought her, wrote her last message to the flock 
she loved and was about to leave. 

Since that December day in 1910, much has happened. 
Recently the author was one of a little group, a member 
of which, apropos of nothing, sagely observed: "Christian 
Science is now on its last legs." 

Unless the author has altogether misunderstood and 
utterly misinterpreted the rich sources open to him first 
among all investigators, and on which this is the first 
book to be based, Christian Science, which has more 
than doubled its churches, societies, and membership in 
twenty years, far from being on "its last legs," is now 
going stronger than ever. 

The very reserve concerning the publication of statistics 
by those responsible for the general policy of the 
movement has increased the author s respect for the 
management. Again and again, as he has come accidentally 
upon facts and figures not officially in evidence, he has 
discovered a systematic policy of understatement rather 
than of overstatement, and an appropriate spiritual mod 
esty which Mrs. Eddy once called the "jewel" 1 of 
Christian Science. 

While the author is aware that readers of this book 
will give only such credence to his opinions as they 
appear to deserve, he confidently believes that his general 
impression of the strong and steady development these 



twenty years past of Christian Science, will seem even 
to the incredulous to be amply justified. 

Mrs. Eddy never claimed to have found something 
entirely new. On the other hand she said, "I have found 
nothing in ancient or in modern systems on which to 
found my own except the teachings and demonstrations 
of our great Master." 2 What Jesus brought to light, and 
then in the dark ages many lost, Mrs. Eddy brought to 
light again. No religious leader in all time has ever been 
more insistent than the Discoverer and Founder of Chris 
tian Science that Christ Jesus kept his promise: "Lo, I am 
with you alway." 8 No follower of Christ Jesus has ever 
testified more convincingly than Mrs. Eddy both to the 
naturalness and the effectiveness of his works. 

They are [she says] the sign of Immanuel, or "God with us," 

a divine influence ever present in human consciousness and 
repeating itself, coming now as was promised aforetime, 

To preach deliverance to the captives [of sense], 
And recovering of sight to the blind, 
To set at liberty them that are bruised. 4 

Objectionable comparisons never interested Mrs. Eddy. 
Hers was too busy a life to waste time on them. As she 
came to the fullness of her powers and her fame, not 
merely did she herself wish all Zion prosperity; but she 
also spoke thus for her followers: "A genuine Christian 
Scientist loves Protestant and Catholic, D.D. and M.D., 

loves all who love God, good." 5 Incidentally, the 
author has had abundant evidence that at least once she 
indicated she would rather see a good Congregationalist 
than a poor Christian Scientist. 

That was natural. Congregationalism had been her 


religious training from the cradle, and she never once 
denied the devoutness and democracy of the Congrega 
tional denomination. 

If Mrs. Eddy did not specifically praise the "Disciples" 
(sometime called Campbellites) she illustrated the pos 
sibility of putting the Christian fellowship they preached 
above mere difference of definition. 

The woman who wrote, "Divine Science derives its 
sanction from the Bible," 6 was not apt to be at odds 
with Lutherans, who from the first have kept the Bible 
at the center of their worship. 

Making for itself a large place in history by the sub 
stitution of "conversion" for mere "respectability" at the 
very time that Mrs. Eddy was growing up, Methodism 
never emphasized "Ye must be born again" more posi 
tively than Mrs. Eddy emphasized the thought in such 
phrases as "The man born of Spirit is spiritual." 7 

The dignity and decorum which give distinction to 
Episcopal worship are matched in Christian Science 
through the explicit instructions worked out in the earlier 
days by its Founder. 

If as Dr. J. Fort Newton believes, "something is missing 
in modern religion," it is not the fault of Mrs. Eddy, 
nor of those today who carry on not merely in her 
spirit but also in obedience to her definite and far-reaching 

On February 27, 1903, Mrs. Eddy wrote The Christian 
Science Board of Directors: 

Never abandon the By-laws nor the denominational govern 
ment of The Mother Church. If I am not personally with you, 
the Word of God and my instructions in the By-laws have led 
you hitherto and will remain to guide you safely on. 8 


Mrs. Eddy was still on earth when one of her critics 
who turned later to hearty appreciation said: 

The power, through loving mercifulness and compassion, to 
heal fleshly ills and pains and griefs all with a word, with a 
touch of the hand! This power was given by the Saviour to the 
Disciples, and to all the converted. All every one. It was exer 
cised for generations afterwards. Any Christian who is earnest 
and not a make-believe, not a policy-Christian, not a Christian for 
revenue only, had that healing power, and could cure with it 
any disease or any hurt or damage possible to human flesh and 
bone. These things are true, or they are not. If they were true 
seventeen and eighteen and nineteen centuries ago it would be 
difficult satisfactorily to explain why or how or by what argu 
ment that power should be non-existent in Christians now. 9 

Differ as men in 1930 may about Christian Science, 
all who have even scant knowledge of the organization 
agree that Christian Science under the conscientious con 
duct of a Board of Directors never unmindful of their 
spiritual responsibility to the Founder, has lifted the blight 
of poverty as well as sickness from many a life and many 
a home. 

Under a technique of daily Bible study of their 
Leader s planning and with her still ever-present help 
through her writings, Christian Scientists have developed 
a habit of church attendance and of church financial sup 
port which in the minds of many other Christians is 
evolving out of doubt into aspiration. 

Even more significant is the large percentage of 
Christian Scientists who indisputably as even casual 
observers testify bear those fruits of the spirit which 
St. Paul listed as "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentle 
ness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." 


Not a few outside of Christian Science who recognize 
its worth, now have little difficulty in agreeing with 
"Sonny s Father" in Ruth McEnery Stuart s story: 

I want to treat em white, thet s all. Any sect thet dwells upon 
the beauty of holiness an thet challenges every soul to find God 
in itself has got a great truth, an there s so much health an 
well-bein in that one reelization thet we might forgive em ef 
their heads gits turned a little an they become imbued with 
the idee thet they ve got a corner on the Grace of God. 10 

Most of us are quite willing that any group if they 
can shall get "a corner on the Grace of God"; for the 
only corner possible, in the nature of the case, on the 
Grace of God is a strategic place from which the Spirit 
drives us out to share the Grace of God with those who 
have it not. 

If, these twenty years past, under the direction of the 
Board, Christian Science has actually gotten "a corner 
on the Grace of God," none need be over-anxious. The 
best they have Christian Scientists were never keener 
than they are today to give away, without solicitation 
and also without proselyting, "to them that are far off 
and to them that are nigh." 

What the final judgment is to be on Christian Science, 
those who direct its course though giving no evidence 
of concern would be the last to venture to predict. 
They understand that their first responsibility and that 
of all other Scientists is to live the faith to which they 
bear witness. They know, too, that Clio, muse of history, 
still stands, as in pre-Christian days, with judicial pen 
suspended, always waiting but never over-eager to 
write the last word concerning men and movements. 

With persecution passing, one peril still remains. It is 


the peril of prosperity. But even out of that peril, which 
has proved too much for many a worthy cause, there is 
a way for Christian Science. It is as the incoming 
President of The Mother Church in 1924 clearly indi 
catedthe way of gratitude 

to the God of our fathers, who has carried us through this 
desert to the promised land; to Christ Jesus, "the author and 
finisher of our faith"; to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, 
whose teachings have sustained our faith, and whose Church 
Manual has kept us in the right path; and to our Board of 
Directors, who, through stress and storm, have held our standard 
aloft without wavering. 11 

So long as Christian Scientists keep in this way, so 
long also as day by day they try to live up to the teach 
ings of their Leader, so long will they take no thought 
for the morrow. Tor the morrow shall take thought for 
the things of itself." 12 



1. Page 3. Alfred Farlow. 

2. Ptfge 7. One of the staff at Christian Science headquarters, with some 
pathos, then explained to the author that in order to get through even ordi 
nary routine, he was coming in from the suburbs every morning to be at 
his desk by seven and sometimes staying late. 

3. Page 8. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 14:29:1688. 

4. Page 11. Cambridge History of American Literature, Vol. Ill, 526. 
This passage was read at the annual meeting of The Mother Church in 1929, 
by Judge Clifford P. Smith, to an audience of five thousand. 

5. Page 11. Cambridge History of American Literature^ 531. 

6. Page 12. Andrade s An Hour of Physics, 222. 

7. Page 12. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary 
Baker Eddy, 468. Hereafter when the author refers to Science and Health 
it will be abbreviated thus: S. & H. 

8. Page 13. Otto s The Idea of the Holy, 158. 

9. Page 13. Scribner s, December, 1929; Collier s, April 19, 1930. In addi 
tion, Bishop Charles Fiske of Central New York is thus quoted in The Living 
Church, June 21, 1930: "Church attendance is not an infallible test of religious 
reality. It is, however, a fairly accurate thermometer by which to record 
the warmth of Christian loyalty. I have had a count made of the number of 
worshipers present at the principal Sunday service in some of our churches. 
The reports are amazing. In one city church having nearly 1,200 communi 
cants, there was a Sunday morning congregation of 250. About the same 
number was present in a church reporting 1,300 members. In another, with 
close to a thousand communicants, the congregation numbered 225. In other 
churches with communicant lists ranging from 800 to 900 and upward, the 
proportion was about the same. Apparently the smaller churches showed a 
better record. City and town parishes with 400 to 600 communicants, and 
over, record an average attendance of about thirty-five per cent. Village 
and small town churches of 200 total membership, or less, showed about 
forty per cent. The count in several churches showed an appalling absence 
of men about one-sixth of the congregations was all that could be mustered 
in several parishes, one-seventh in others. These are the facts. I can under 
stand everything about them, save that clergy and laity who know the facts 
do not seem in the least anxious or concerned about them. The insoluble 
mystery is that so few of our leaders show serious dissatisfaction at such 
evident falling away. 

"These figures do not reflect special discredit upon our own diocese. I was 
led to make the count here because of the publication of certain statistics of 
church attendance in New York City. Fifteen prosperous parishes, leading 
churches of the city, having a total reported communicant list of 23,196 had 
on a fair, cool day in summer an attendance of only 2,496 at the principal 



Sunday morning service. Of course summer attendance is hardly a true test, 
although even in New York everybody is not away for week-end holidays 
or enjoying an entire season s vacation for the heated term. A survey made on 
a fair Sunday at the peak of the winter season showed in the same churches 
6,977 persons present, not counting the attendance at early communions, 
which in several of the churches must have been considerable. Attendance 
under favorable conditions, therefore, was less than one-third of the reported 
membership. Unfortunately, the figures do not tell the whole story, because 
five of the congregations counted were in famous metropolitan churches 
where there is usually a large proportion of visitors to swell the number of 
worshipers. Either parish communicant rolls are absurdly overpadded, or the 
religious habits of church members are tragically lax." 

10. Page 14. Everyone should read Channing Pollock s defense of the 
times in The American Magazine, July, 1930. In Church Federation, June, 
1930, it is recorded that Charles P. Steinmetz, the world s foremost electrical 
engineer, in his last days, forecast the future in the following impressive 
words: "I think the greatest discovery will be made along spiritual lines. Here 
is a force which history clearly teaches has been the greatest power in the 
development of men and history. Yet we have merely been playing with it 
and have never seriously studied it as we have the physical forces. Some day 
people will learn that material things do not bring happiness and are of 
little use in making men and women creative and powerful. Then the 
scientists of the world will turn their laboratories over to the study of God 
and prayer and the spiritual forces which as yet have hardly been scratched. 
When this day comes, the world will see more advancement in one genera 
tion than it has seen in the last four." 

As though to call Christians of all types to their co-operative responsibility 
the Right Reverend James De Wolf Perry, Bishop of Rhode Island and 
Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, 
said in Westminster Abbey August 10, 1930, in his farewell sermon to the 
Lambeth Conference as reported in the New York Times, August 11, 1930: 
"Hearts and minds everywhere are uniting in a demand for a way of life 
to guide them and light and truth to reassure them. Here is a singleness of 
need that will be satisfied only by the witness of a united voice." 

11. Page 15. Renascence. 

12. Page IS. The Independent, November, 1906. 

13. Page 15. The Living Church, October 13, 1928. 


1. Page 25. Matthew 11:5. 

2. Page 25. The author was privileged in the summer of 1917 to share 
with the late Baron von Hugel the gracious hospitality of the Master s Lodge 
at Balliol College, Oxford, and to listen entranced to the Baron s now familiar 
interpretation of "Christianity as caring" the very words the Baron uses in 
his letter to his niece. 

3. Page 25. John 9:25. 

4. Page 26. Luke 19:40. 


5. Page 27. Christian Science encircled the globe in Mrs. Eddy s time. 
Since she passed on, Christian Science has grown so rapidly that twenty-six 
countries besides the United States are now represented in the advertising 
columns of the Monitor. In London alone there are twelve churches instead 
of, as twenty years ago, only three, and in other European cities the cause 
is growing at a substantial rate every year. 

6. Page 31. First Reader of The Mother Church, 1902-05; First Reader 
of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Concord, New Hampshire, 1906-09; since 
1905 he has been a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship. 

7. Page 33. Quoted by Judge Clifford P. Smith, manager of Committees 
on Publication, at the annual meeting of The Mother Church in June, 1921. 

8. Page 34. Religion and Medicine, 10. 

9. Page 37. Albert Bigelow Paine: Mark Twain, A Biography (1912), 
Vol. Ill, 1271. 

10. Page 40. The interest taken by Christian Scientists in other lands, 
other folds, and in all who need, is of the Scriptural type. They are averse 
to making the left hand acquainted with what the right hand does. Kipling s 
couplet describes them: 

Help me to need no help from men, 
That I may help such men as need. 

At a time when individual Christian Scientists were very generous to the 
sufferers from the fire of 1906 in San Francisco, the church itself was criti 
cized for holding aloof by some who did not understand the modesty of 
Christian Science giving. The criticism was soon silenced, however, by the 
relief action taken in accordance with their Leader s directions by The 
Mother Church. 

All through the four years of the World War names of Christian Scientists 
stood high on the honor roll of war relief, not merely in the war zone lands, 
but also in countries only indirectly hurt by the world tragedy. Nor was 
their generosity confined to their own people. Beginning with the Red 
Cross, funds of their contributing were disbursed through the Y. M. C. A., 
the Boy Scouts, and other relief committees in many lands. 

When the earthquake came in 1923 to Japan, The Mother Church was 
instant in relief, and the Japanese delegation which visited Boston last spring 
to thank the city for its generosity, on that occasion paid a special visit to 
the Directors of The Mother Church, bringing letters of appreciation from 
the Mayor of Tokyo and the bureau of reconstruction of the Japanese 

The author has seen letters from Episcopal, Methodist, and Baptist min 
isters expressing fervent gratitude for Christian Science gifts to them when 
they were overtaken by the floods, some in the Mississippi Valley, others in 

It has been said that Christian Science has no paid missionaries and does 
no systematic missionary work. Such critics, however, disregard the fact 
that every Christian Scientist is ipso facto a non-proselyting missionary: and 
among the most impressive data to which the author has had access are 
some with illustrations from the Philippine Islands, Brazil, Argentina, 
Southwest Africa, the Dutch East Indies, and other remote lands indicating 


that not merely are Christian Scientists doing works of mercy, wherever 
they may be, but that also in some lands notably Africa and Oriental 
countries Christian Science societies and churches are in consequence 
automatically resulting. 

11. Page 40. The Literary Digest, April 26, 1930. 

12. Page 40. The Radiant Life, 11. 

13. Page 40. Philippians 2:12. The conception of the priesthood of de 
mocracy grew out of a discussion with Charles E. Heitman, member of the 
Board of Directors, and constructively helpful to the author. 

14. Page 41. Miscellaneous Writings, 154. 

15. Page 42. In the Jewish Tribune, July 26, 1929, Orwell Bradley Towne 
says: "Christian Scientists do not put on revivals or conduct campaigns 
openly or secretly to gain followers, or for funds with which to finance its 
activities. Christian Science as a religious organization seeks only to serve 
the cause of humanity as set forth in the Bible. Christian Science is not for 
any particular class of people, and its membership is not made up of any 
particular class of people." 

16. Page 42. In the report of the United States Bureau of Labor, dated 
October, 1929, on the "Care of Aged Persons in the United States," there 
appears (p. 129) a table showing a census of the aged in homes of various 
religious groups and also the average cost of caring for each resident. 
Christian Science heads the list with an average annual expenditure on each 
resident at Pleasant View of 1270 dollars, while the next nearest group is 
listed as expending only a little more than one-third as much, and some 
other groups below one-fifth as much. 

17. Page 48. J. Roscoe Drummond. 

18. Page 48. A suburb of Boston. 

19. Page 51. Poems, 14. 


1. Page 52. Mrs. Eddy wrote, December 28, 1899, to Rufus Baker that 
"affection craves legend and relics." From collection of the Reverend Irving 
C Tomlinson. For full discussion of Mrs. Eddy s pedigree, see Sibyl 
Wilbur s The Life of Mary Baker Eddy, page 6, long accepted by Christian 
Scientists as a standard biography. Hereafter when the author refers to this 
biography it will be designated as: Wilbur. Her closing words run thus: 
"It is therefore sufficient to state that Mary Baker Eddy s great-grandparents 
were akin to the McNeils." 

2. Page 52. After her passing Reverend Richard S. Rust, D.D., pastor of 
the Baker family, wrote of Mrs. Eddy s mother: "The character of Mrs. 
Baker was distinguished for numerous excellencies, and these were most 
happily blended. She possessed a strong intellect, a sympathising heart, and 
a placid spirit. Her presence, like the gentle dew and cheerful light, was 
felt by all around her. She gave an elevated character to the tone of the 
conversation in the circles in which she moved, and directed attention to 
themes at once pleasing and profitable. She appeared no less lovely in the 
sphere of domestic life. As a mother, she was untiring in her efforts to 
secure the happiness of her family. -The oft-repeated impressions of that 


sainted spirit on the hearts of those especially entrusted to her watchful care 
can never be effaced, and can hardly fail to induce them to follow her to 
the brighter world. No sacrifice was esteemed too great, could it subserve 
their interests. She ever entertained a lively sense of the parental obligation 
in regard to the education of her children." (From Mrs. Eddy s scrapbook.) 
On February 28, 1891, Calvin A. Frye took down at the wish of Mrs. Eddy 
some of the early memories of her mother s bedtime visits with her little 
girl and how she tried to impress on her such maxims as: "Count that day 
lost whose setting sun finds no good done." Also such wise counsel as: 
"Now remember child that a word that s flown is in your hearer s power 
and not your own." (From Historical Files of The Mother Church.) Also 
this hymn the mother used with which to sing her little girl to sleep: 

How can I sleep while angels sing, 
And hover o er my bed; 
And clap their wings in joy to Him 
Who is their glorious Head? 

Also the recollections of Miss Clara M. S. Shannon, 26, companion to Mrs. 
Eddy for several years, for Mrs. Eddy s description of her mother s appear 
ance. "Short and stout; she had golden hair, and beautiful blue eyes; she was 
a blonde." 

3. Page 52. Professor Hermann S. Hering s notes on Mrs. Gault in 
March, 1919, and several other personal recollections of Mrs. Eddy s em 
phasis on the significance of this prenatal influence on her life, March, 1930. 
Also the written recollections of Miss Shannon, that "she (Mrs. Baker) was 
filled with the Holy Ghost . . . and felt the quickening of the babe." 

4. Page 52. Mark Baker was a vigorous and inelastic personality. He 
sometimes seemed to insist upon agreement with or without understanding 
in the family circle. As his little girl began early to display the instinct for 
leadership which later received full expression in the founding and develop 
ment of the Christian Science Church, intellectual clashes seem to have 
taken place between father and daughter. But on the authority of Mrs. 
Eddy s most critical biographer, we are told that her mother and her sisters 
were usually on Mary s side. 

5. Page 53. Retrospection and Introspection, 31; also Miss Shannon and 
the written recollections of Miss Julia S. Bardett, who lived with Mrs. Eddy 
at her Columbus Avenue home for several years, and William R. Rathvon, 
Mrs. Eddy s corresponding secretary and member of her household from 
November, 1908, until Mrs. Eddy s passing in December, 1910. 

6. Page 53. Rev. I. C. Tomlinson, a member of her household at Con 
cord and at Chestnut Hill, stresses Mrs. Eddy s unusual consciousness of God. 

7. Page 53. Professor Hering; Wilbur, 27. 

8. Page 53. Saint Joan, by Bernard Shaw, 60. Mrs. H. S. Philbrook, who 
grew up with Mrs. Eddy, in a letter to her dated April 7, 1901, the original 
of which the author has seen, states that she too as a child had heard voices 
"scores of times" but never was impressed by them. 

9. Page 54. Retrospection and Introspection, 13. 

10. Page 54. Shannon, 5. 

11. Page 54. Wilbur, 26. 


12. Page 34. The author recalls on several visits to the Chestnut Hill 
home, seeing the bed light Mrs. Eddy used until the last. Sometimes she 
woke says Mr. Rathvon at three in the morning to make notes on the 
pad she always kept on the little walnut table at the side of her bed, still 
there in her modest sleeping room, which is unchanged like her study in 
furnishings and appointments. Also Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, 
VoL 39:74:5121. 

13. Page 55. Christian Science and Its Discoverer, by E. Mary Ramsay, 4. 
Retrospection and Introspection, 10. 

14. Page 55. That Mary Baker was already thus early in life, resourceful, 
enterprising, and gifted with a sense of humor, is indicated by the following 
incident she related to Mr. Rathvon in 1909: "Mark Baker was insistent that 
all of the family be present at morning devotions, which he conducted by 
reading from the Bible followed by extemporaneous prayer, with all present 
kneeling in silence. In his fervor he would sometimes extend his prayer 
beyond the limits of the little girl s endurance. On one occasion, after 
standing it as long as she could, she took a long shawl pin from the pin 
cushion on the table, crawled along die floor until she got behind the chair 
where he was kneeling and vehemently exhorting, applied the pin at a point 
where it brought immediate results, and in the confusion that followed made 
her escape." Mr. Rathvon recalls that as she told him the story eighty years 
after, the quiet smile, to which those near her were accustomed, lighted 
up her face. 

15. Page 56. Retrospection and Introspection, 7. 

16. Page 56. The business card of Albert, after his admission to the Bar, 
shows that he shared Mr. Pierce s office. Franklin L. Pierce was just gradu 
ating from the New Hampshire House of Representatives into Congress 
where he supported President Jackson. Six years later he joined Webster, 
Clay, and Calhoun in the United States Senate; later served in the Mexican 
War; and was elected President of the United States in 1852. 

17. Page 56. August 7, 1902, the Reverend Irving C. Tomlinson wrote 
Mrs. Eddy that he had learned the following fact "from your loving neighbor 
and loyal follower, Mrs. Mary D. Aiken. She was telling me of her mother, 
Mrs. Harriet P. Dodge, nee Dunklee, who as a girl was well acquainted 
with your honored family. . . . Mrs. Dodge says, When I was quite a young 
girl I cut my finger and Albert Baker tried to persuade me that it did not 
hurt me any. You and your dear brother were so close that these thoughts 
must have been your own." See also Mrs. Eddy s letter of April 17, 1837, in 
Munsey s, April, 1911, 10. 

18. Page 56. Nominated for Congress in 1841 in a district in which a 
nomination insured election, Albert Baker died before the polling day at the 
age of thirty-one to the grief of relatives and friends. 

19. Page 57. Those inclined to think Mrs. Eddy was ever seriously influ 
enced by Emerson may care to know that in her bold handwriting on the 
flyleaf of her copy of Emerson s Nature, published in 1836, the author finds 
the comment: "Emerson put so much reason into Mind and so much phi 
losophy into Science that he lost the true sense of Spirit, God." 

20. Page 58. That Mrs. Eddy was not altogether ignorant of English 
parliamentary speaking a while earlier would seem to appear from a letter 


she wrote to her friend, Judge Septimus J. Hanna, February 6, 1898: "You 
have shown yourself our American barrister for the legal rights of C. S. 
beyond the power of an English Fox that I as a child delighted to take in 
when reading his eloquent pleadings for equity." Mrs. Eddy s Letters and 
Miscellany, Vol. 39:225:5209. 

21. Page 58, On May 5, 1907, in a talk with George H. Kinter, one of 
her secretaries, she thus described her memory: "When I was a little girl 
I could remember whatever I read, never forgot anything, used to be the 
prompter for the entire family, my father and all of them. We had a chore 
boy, a good fellow, but one who had had no advantages of books, or 
schooling, so I used to read the Bible to him, a chapter at a time, and then 
repeat it to him. I wanted him to go to Sunday School, and my father did 
too, but he was bashful about it because he could not recite Bible verses as 
the others did. I adopted this plan, but he would forget it as soon as I had 
recited it to him, so I hit upon the plan of reading it aloud, and then closing 
the book, I would rehearse it to him, and then he could remember and did 
recite it himself in Sunday School." 

22. Page 58. Lindley Murray s Introduction to the English Reader, 100. 

23. Page 59. Lindley Murray s Introduction to the English Reader, 102. 

24. Page 61. Plate and pictures of the Baker family shown the author 
March 21, 1930, by Mr. Arthur S. Brown in his home at Tilton, New 
Hampshire, give new evidence of the cultural influences playing round the 
early life of Mary Baker. Mrs. Brown s father, the late Mr. Selwin B. 
Peabody, was successor to Mrs. Abigail Tilton in her later years in the 
management of the large business interests of the Tilton family, and received 
from her many things of family value, which are now treasured by Mrs. 

25. Page 61. Many lively discussions on slavery appear in the newspapers 
of the day. In 1839, Albert Baker sat with a select committee, which adopted 
resolutions on non-interference of slave and non-slave states with each other, 
rebuked abolition propaganda methods, recommended that Congress should 
not interdict slave trade between states and expressed the opinion that the 
abolition of slavery without expatriation of slaves, would prove disastrous. 

26. Page 61. Shannon, 5. 

27. Page 62. Andrew Gault was the grand-nephew of the unusual woman 
who read and prayed much with Abigail Ambrose Baker just before the 
birth of Mrs. Eddy. 

28. Page 63. Historical Files of The Mother Church. These verses of 
Mrs. Eddy now appear in print for the first time. 

29. Page 63. Paul Leicester Ford in The True George Washington, 38, 
says that Washington in writing to his London tailor for clothes in 1763 
directed him to "take measure of a gentleman who wares well-made cloathes 
of the following size: to wit, 6 feet high and proportionably made if any 
thing rather slender than thick, for a person of that highth, with pretty long 
arms and thighs. You will take care to make the breeches longer than those 
you sent me last, and I would have you keep the measure of the cloaths you 
now make, by you, and if any alteration is required in my next it shall be 
pointed out." 

Mr. Ford also says, 62: "To the end of his life, Washington spelt lie, lye; 


liar, lyar; ceiling, deling; oil, oyl; and blue, blew, as in his boyhood he had 
learned to do. ... It must be acknowledged that, aside from these errors 
which he had been taught, through his whole life, Washington was a non 
conformist as regarded the King s English." 

The reader will observe in this chapter the same improvement in Mrs. 
Eddy s spelling between her fourteenth and her eighteenth year as is usual 
with young people still at school. Like Theodore Roosevelt, she was a 
prodigious letter writer. Like him always hard pressed by her duties, she 
frequently added to, subtracted from, and interlined her letters. All through 
her life, she sometimes dropped her commas; sometimes she forgot her 
periods; and in many letters she did not cross her t s. Once she wrote her 
trusted friend, Judge Hanna: "I long to see you punctuate my matter just 
as you do your own; that is the modern way but I know no rules for it, 
and leave this to you. I have changed the poem a little in punctuation and 
composition which greatly improves it. I wrote it so quickly I had no time 
to choose words as is necessary." Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, 
Vol. 39:129:5154. 

30. Page 63. Marcosson in Munsey s Magazine, April, 1911, describes the 
discovery of these letters in the former home of Mrs. George Sullivan Baker 
at Tilton, and writes an excellent critique of them. The letters are repro 
duced here through the courtesy of the Frank A. Munsey Company. 

31. Page 64. Munsey s, April, 1911, 7. 

32. Page 64. Munsey s, April, 1911, 8, 9. 

33. Page 65. Munsey s, April, 1911, 9, 10. 

34. Page 65. This appears to be the only reference in her correspondence 
to the Shakers, and it indicates no special interest then in them. But it is 
worth noting that it was in 1747 that a revival took place in England in the 
ranks of the Quakers, out of which emerged the sect of the Shakers. At first 
Jane and James Wardley were the leaders, then Ann Lee, daughter of a 
blacksmith. In response to a revelation, "Mother" Ann later removed with 
her followers to America where a settlement was established near Albany, 
New York. The first Shaker Society in the United States was organized at 
New Lebanon, New York, in 1787. As "Mother" Ann herself went about 
preaching and healing by faith, so her followers made converts with the 
result that sooner or later societies were established in Kentucky, Ohio, 
Indiana, and Florida as well as in New England. In 1874 there were fifty- 
eight Shaker communities, numbering 2,415 souls, but by 1905 the number 
had shrunk to one thousand. The Shakers were celibates, living apart in 
their own communities and holding property in common. According to the 
Encyclopaedia Britannica, they "held that God was both male and female. 
... In Mother Ann . . . the female principle in Christ was manifested, and 
in her the promise of the Second Coming was fulfilled." Their lives were 
of the simplest, without adornment in dress or surroundings. They were 
busy always with their good works and their handicrafts, regarding physical 
disease as an offense against God. 

35. Page 66. Munsey s, April, 1911, 10, 11. 

36. Page 66. Letter written by D. Russell Ambrose, April 9, 1876, to his 
cousin, Mrs. Eddy. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

37. Page 67. Munsey s, April, 1911, 11. 


38. Page 61. The letters that follow are from Mrs. Eddy s Letters and 
Miscellany, Vol. 21:223-246. 

39. Page 67. In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Brown of Tilton 
now stands the imposing hall clock once in the Holmes residence. 

40. Page 68. Though in her adult years, Mrs. Eddy was given to reading 
Shakespeare as the marked copy of her Shakespeare in the author s hands 
indicates and her allusions to him in her writings confirm she could 
scarcely in her girlhood have done so much; for it was not then considered 
proper for girls to read his plays. Indeed, on this account, Charles and 
Mary Lamb, in 1807, published their interesting, but innocuous, Tales -from 
Shakespeare, especially for girls. In the introduction occurs the paragraph: 

For young ladies too it has been my intention chiefly to write, because 
boys are generally permitted the use of their father s libraries at a 
much earlier age than girls are; they frequently have the best scenes 
of Shakespeare by heart, before their sisters are permitted to look into 
this manly book; and, therefore, instead of recommending these tales 
to the perusal of young gentlemen who can read them so much better 
in the originals, I must beg their kind assistance in explaining to their 
sisters such parts as are hardest for them to understand; and when 
they have helped them to get over the difficulties, then perhaps they 
will read to them (carefully selecting what is proper for a young 
sister s ear) some passage which has pleased them. . . . 
But family reading of Shakespeare at least was permitted; for Mr. S. B. G. 
Corser, son of one of her early pastors speaks of dropping in sometimes "at 
the Baker homestead, where Shakespeare perchance was the theme of con 
versation." Quoted from personal letter dated July 17, 1902, to Mrs. Eddy. 
Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

Till her passing, Mrs. Eddy was an omnivorous reader. With her little 
blue pencil in her hand to mark passages of special interest, and not infre 
quently to insert in the margin her own original comments, Mrs. Eddy read 
by day and sometimes after she had gone to bed, with her droplight illu 
minating book and pillow. Scores of her books, particularly of the last third 
of her life, the author has handled, and most of them can be found in many 
a minister s study. They include: Amiel, Arnold (Edwin), Beecher (Henry 
Ward), Black (Hugh), Browning (Robert and Elizabeth), Bunyan, Burns, 
Byron, Carlyle, Channing, Conybeare & Howson s Life of St. Paul, Dickens, 
Drummond, Eliot (George), Emerson, Farrar, Furness, Hillis, Hilty, Jordan 
(William George), Keats, Kingsley (Charles), Longfellow, Mabie (Hamil 
ton W.)i Maclaren (Ian), Markham (Edwin), Milton, Munger, Parker 
(Joseph), Plato (Jowett s Translation), Pope, Ruskin, Shakespeare, Talmage 
(T. DeWitt), Tennyson, Tolstoy, Trench, Trine, Van Dyke, Whittier. As 
indicative of her wide ranging intellectual interests, Mrs. Eddy sent to Mr. 
William Lyman Johnson on February 13, 1905, the newly published Legends 
of Parsifal. 

Her guest room and the room for her maid were fittingly provided with 
devotional books; and to her own desk with regularity came such magazines 
as Century, Christian Herald, Contemporary Review, Literary Digest, North 
American Review, and The Outlook. Many numbers are still preserved. 

41. Page 69. Mary Baker began her church going when as a little girl she 


was taken by her parents every Sunday to the First Congregational Church 
at Concord. She describes in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and 
Miscellany, 147, how she spent the noon hour between the services under 
"the grand old elm," which has been recently cut down. She joined the 
Tilton Congregational Church when she was seventeen years old. 

42. Page 70. In her scrapbook nature clippings abound and a little later 
in the cycle of the seasons than maple sugar time, she once broke into a 
lilt not so very different from some of Browning: 

Who loves not June 
Is out of tune 
With love and God: 
The rose his rival reigns, 
The stars reject his pains, 
His home the clod! 

Poems, 57 


1. Page 72. Mrs. Sarah C. Turner, niece of the Cheneys, in a testimony 
embodied in a letter written May 5, 1907, by Albert E. Miller to Mrs. Eddy, 
recalls that Mary Baker was fair to look upon. Her eyes were blue. Her 
cheeks were richly red. Soft chestnut hair fell in ringlets to her shoulders. 
Grace of manner and a becoming gown gave to these good looks a fascina 
tion all observed and few resisted. 

The color of Mrs. Eddy s eyes (like her stature, which actually was five 
feet six inches) has often been the subject of discussion. The most informing 
note is furnished by Miss Emma McLauthlin, her friend and household 
companion at Pleasant View for several weeks late in the nineties. In her 
recollections Miss McLauthlin writes: "I asked her as to the much disputed 
color of her eyes; she put both her hands on my shoulders, and gently 
pushed me with my back to the window while she faced the light with her 
eyes looking smilingly into mine, and asked me what color I thought they 
were. I said They are hazel with such large pupils that they look very 
dark, I do not see a vestige of blue in them. She laughingly said that 
reminded her of a disagreement between Judge and Mrs. Hanna over the 
same subject. The Judge was first called to meet her personally, and when 
he returned Mrs. Hanna asked him to describe her looks; in doing this he 
spoke of her eyes as sky-blue. When later Mrs. Hanna had had an interview 
with her, she asked her husband why he had told her Mrs. Eddy s eyes were 
blue, when there wasn t a vestige of blue in them. Many years later, during 
a stay with her of several weeks, one day as she sat gazing out of the 
window with a far-away look, seeing visions unknown to me, standing 
opposite, I noted with wonder that her eyes were blue as sapphires." 

2. Page 72. Report of Charleston Committee. The Charleston Evening 
Post, quoted in the Christian Science Sentinel, January 26, 1907. 

3. Page 73. Gilbert C. Carpenter, once secretary to Mrs. Eddy, with 
whom the author has talked, recalls that Mrs. Eddy once told him how she 
first met at the age of ten her future husband: "... it was at the marriage 


of her brother, Samuel Dow Baker to Maj. Glover s sister, Eliza Ann Glover, 
and he took her on his knee and asked her how old she was. She told him 
ten years old. He said he would come back in exactly five years, and then 
said jokingly that he would make her his little wife; whereupon she jumped 
off his knee and hid herself. He came again in exactly five years, -when her 
sister Abigail married Alexander Tilton, manufacturer, for whom the town 
of Tilton was named; she expected to see him at this wedding. The third 
time was at the age of twenty-two in Tilton. She was going along the 
street and thought it was her brother George, so she slapped him on the 
back and said, Oh, you re dressed up, and when he looked around she 
beheld to her mortification it was Maj. Glover." Recollections, 22. 

4. Page 73. S. B. G. Corser, son of Dr. Corser, August 4, 1902, wrote: 
"As Mrs. Eddy s pastor and for a time teacher my father held her in the 
highest esteem; in fact he considered her, even at an early age, superior both 
intellectually and spiritually to any other woman in Tilton, and greatly en 
joyed talking with her. ... I well remember her gift of expression which 
was very marked, as girls of that time were not usually possessed of so large 
a vocabulary. She and my father used to converse on deep subjects fre 
quently (as I recall to mind, from remarks made by my father) too deep 
for me. She was always pure and good. During my residence of some years, 
previous to the fall of 1843, in or near the town of Tilton, I never heard a lisp 
against the good name of Miss Baker but always praise for her superior 
abilities and scholarship, her depth and independence of thought, and not 
least, her spiritual mindedness." 

5. Page 73. Carpenter, 23. 

6. Page 73. Carpenter, 23. 

7. Page 14. Historic Towns of the Southern States by Powell, 259. 

8. Page 15. Historic Towns of the Southern States by Powell, 275. 

9. Page IS. Lindley Murray s Introduction to the English Reader, 151. 

10. Page 16. Shannon 11, 12. 

11. Page 16. Farlow 114, quoting U. S. Department of Agriculture, 
Weather Bureau. 

12. Page 11. Shannon, 11. Also William R. Rathvon s reminiscences 
(1930): "On May 29, 1909, Mrs. Eddy was in a reminiscent mood and 
speaking to me of her earlier experiences in Charleston, said, c We found 
the people of the South generally kind and hospitable, so long as the question 
of slavery was not raised. My husband had the courage or his convictions 
and may not always have been discreet in voicing them. As a result he was 
once challenged to a duel by one who believed the Northerner would not 
fight. Being the challenged party Major Glover had the privilege of naming 
the weapons and conditions. He chose pistols "toe to toe, and muzzle in the 
mouth." These austere conditions settled the question of his courage for all 
time, and the challenger withdrew his challenge as quickly as he could and 
my husband was not again disturbed. Such performances sound strange to 
us now, but this was in the days when duelling was the gentleman s test 
of honor and courage and was approved by such eminent Southerners as 
Clay, Jackson, Calhoun, and Benton, all of whom fought notable duels." 

13. Page 11. Farlow, 115. 

14. Page IS. Wilbur, 39. 


15. Page 78. The following is taken from a photographic copy of a Card, 
which appeared in the Wilmington Chronicle, August 21, 1844: 

Through the columns of your paper, will you permit me, in behalf 
of the relatives and friends of the late Maj. George W. Glover, of 
Wilmington, and his bereaved lady, to return our thanks and express 
the feelings of gratitude we owe and cherish toward those friends of 
the deceased, who so kindly attended him during his last sickness, 
and who still extended their care and sympathy to the lone, feeble, 
and bereaved widow, after his decease. Much has often been said of 
the high feeling of honor, and noble generosity of heart which char 
acterize the people of the South, yet when we listen to Mrs. Glover, 
(my sister,) whilst recounting the kind attentions paid to the deceased 
during his last illness, the sympathy extended to her after his death, 
and the assistance volunteered to restore her to her friends, at a dis 
tance of more than a thousand miles, the power of language would 
be but beggared by an attempt at expressing the feelings of the 
swelling bosom. The silent gush of grateful tears alone can tell the 
emotions of the thankful heart. Words are indeed but a meagre 
tribute for so noble an effort in behalf of the unfortunate, yet it is all 
we can award; will our friends at Wilmington accept it the tribute 
of grateful hearts. 

Many thanks are due Mr. Cooke, who engaged to accompany her 
only to New York but did not desert her, or remit his kind attentions 
until he saw her in the fond embrace of her friends. 

Your friend and obedient servant, 

Sanbornton Bridge, N. H., Aug. 12, 1844. 

It was the conscientious freeing of her slaves that sent her home without 
an income and made her a dependent on the world. But she never counted 
the cost before she did the right. 

16. Page 19. Mrs. Eddy s scrapbook, 37B. 

17. Page 19. Wilbur, 40. 

18. Page 19. Wilbur, 41. 

19. Page SO. "When a widow & I sat rocking to sleep my baby boy as 
I gazed into his sweet face a big tear fell upon his soft cheek & wakened 
him. Reaching up his little hand to my face & half asleep he murmured 
mama not onesome Georgie is comp ny. Georgie not s eep. . . . his little 
hand fell & he slept on. Those tender words comforted me." Dictated to 
her secretary at Pleasant View. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

20. Page 80. Wilbur, 40. 

21. Page 80. The Ladies Home Journal, June, 1911; reproduced here 
through the courtesy of the editor. 

22. Page 81. On January 31, 1863, Mrs. Patterson wrote to Dr. Quimby: 
"My sister (Mrs. Tilton) and her son will visit you at an early period. She 
has an abdominal rupture, and I am very anxious for her restoration. She 
is very useful to her family and community." The Quimby Manuscripts, 
1921 edition, 149. 

23. Page 83. Wilbur, 51. 


24. Page 84. Recollections in November, 1911, of Elmira Smith Wilson, 
the blind girl, who was Mrs. Patterson s maid in North Groton and 
Rumney, 1. 

25. Page 84. Letter to Martha D. Rand, Munsey s, April, 1911, 12. Mary 
Baker s autograph album, given her March 21, 1846, indicates many admirers, 
all writing in the stilted verse of that day. 

26. Page 84. James Smith s letter to Mrs. Glover, December 8, 1849. This 
verse, written by James Smith and pasted in Mrs. Eddy s early scrapbook, 
speaks for itself: 


Written in a young lady s album. 
Air- "The Bride." 

I d offer thee this heart of mine, 
If I could love thee less; 
But hearts as warm, as soft as thine, 
Should never know distress. 
My fortune is too hard for thee, 
Twould chill thy dearest joy; 
I d rather weep to see thee free, 
Than win thee to destroy. 

I leave thee in thy happiness, 

As one too dear to love! 

As one I ll think of but to bless, 

Whilst wretchedly I rove. 

But oh! when sorrow s cup I drink, 

All bitter though it be, 

How sweet to me twill be to think 

It holds no drop for thee. 

Then fare thee well; an exile now, 
Without a friend or home, 
With anguish written on my brow, 
About the world I ll roam. 
For all my dreams are sadly o er 
Fate bade them all depart, 
And I will leave my native shore, 
In brokenness of heart. 


27. Page 84. See Ch. 2, p. 69. Also autograph album in Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

28. Page 86. Munsey s, April, 1911. 

29. Page 86. Perhaps it was this failure of the homeopathic doses, given 
by her husband to help his wife, that led at last to the sentence in her text 
book (152): "Her experiments in homeopathy had made her skeptical as to 
material curative methods." See also The First Church of Christ, Scientist, 
and Miscellany, 345:15. The following extract from the recollections of "the 


blind girl" who lived with Mrs. Patterson at North Groton and Rumney 
affirms that Mrs. Patterson "read a great deal and studied a large Doctors 
book on Homeopathy, and there were some of the neighbors that would 
come occasionally for medicine which she would give them. She always kept 
under her pillow a little bottle of pellets and one day in making up the bed 
the bottle fell upon the floor and I stepped on it breaking it. While trying 
to find and pick up the little pills Mrs. Patterson noticed what I had done, 
but she did not scold me, but told me not to mind as they were no good any 
way." Wilson 3, 4. 

30. Page 81. Until the end, Mrs. Tilton s character presents a curious 
combination of generosity and stiffness. In her will dated May 6, 1886, she 
bequeathed the Tilton Episcopal Church five thousand dollars on condition 
that a former rector whom she disliked should not be recalled. Liberal 
provision was made for her many relatives including her nephew, George 
W. Glover, but Mrs. Eddy was omitted. Her business associate and his 
little daughter were directed to occupy the first carriage in her funeral pro 
cession; "then my direct family according to their years." Of her sisters 
attitude Mrs. Eddy wrote, "My oldest sister dearly loved me, but I wounded 
her pride when I adopted Christian Science, and to a Baker that was a sorry 
offence." Christian Science Sentinel, January 5, 1907. 

31. Page 81. Retrospection and Introspection, 20. 

32. Page 88. Wilson, 6. 

33. Page 88. Mrs. Turner, niece of the Cheneys, stated in May, 1907, in 
personal recollection of Mrs. Patterson and her little son. Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

34. Page 88. Her sister, Martha Pilsbury, loaned the thousand dollars to 
buy the sawmill and some land. Wilson, 1. 

35. Page 88. Wilson, 3. 

36. Page 89. Mrs. Sylvester Swett s recollections in the Historical Files 
of The Mother Church. See S. & H. 170 and 221 for evidence that Mrs. Eddy 
early became acquainted with the Graham and Cutter cures for dyspepsia. 

37. Page 90. The "blind girl" (Myra Smith Wilson) wrote November 7, 
1911, when she was a very aged woman: "Mrs. Tilton, her sister, and myself 
rode in the carriage with Mrs. Patterson. It was in the spring and the roads 
were very bad in spots deep snow other places mud. As we were 
leaving, the bell in the church was rung. It was said Joseph Wheat had his 
son Charles toll the bell. I walked the greater part of the way to Rumney 
and was very tired & Mrs. Tilton walking with me so that she would not 
hear the moans and grief of Mrs. Eddy." 

38. Page 90. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

39. Page 91. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

40. Page 92. The author s book of 1907, 43-45, 51; Haggard s Devils, 
Drugs, and Doctors, 306. 

Grimes was a hypnotist and left behind him some crude observations in 

John Bovee Dods, more business man than philosopher, explained his clair 
voyant methods in The Philosophy of Electrical Psychology, published in 

Andrew Jackson Davis, born in 1826, had extraordinary vogue before the 


Civil War as a mesmerist. Elaborate pictures of his method are given in The 
Magic Staff (1857). His favorite thesis was there is no mind, only matter; 
and his cult faded out before he passed on. 

Warren F. Evans, too, was enamored of magnetism and in his Mental 
Medicine (1872) declared it to be "the torch by the light of which mankind 
will explore their way to an all-satisfying faith." He was more than a 
mesmerist. Having been both a Methodist and a Swedenborgian, the philoso 
phy he brought to Quimby, to whom he came for treatment in 1863, was a 
"blend." Quimby s chief service to Evans, in addition to the improvement 
in his health, was to show Evans how definitely to heal. He described 
Quimby s method as "an exhibition of the force of suggestion," laying much 
stress in the last two chapters of Mental Medicine on both the value of 
"psychic force" and on the specific ways of using finger pressure at various 
points of the body. He began to practice mental healing after his return 
to his New Hampshire home, later conducted a mind-cure sanitarium at 
Salisbury, Massachusetts, and between 1869 and 1886 published several books 
more lucid than The Quimby Manuscripts on mental healing, which had a 
large place in the genesis and development of New Thought. No propa 
gandist, Evans tried simply to give mental healing a place among the curative 
agencies in life, and in his last book, Esoteric Christianity (published in 
1886) he described his teaching as largely "occult" and "phrenopathic." 

41. Page 92. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 55: 199:7796. 

42. Page 93. This is in Calvin A. Frye s handwriting. Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

43. Page 93. Retrospection and Introspection, 6. 

44. Page 93. Farlow, 82, 

45. Page 93. Gilbert C. Carpenter states in his recollections, 11: "To 
illustrate how easily she wrote poetry, Mrs. Eddy said to me one day, 1 
think in poetry, and without a moment s hesitation, she dictated a poem 
to me . . . : 

Guide us gently, God, 
Through the cloud or on the sod; 
Be our everlasting stay 
Night or day. 

46. Page 93. Mrs. Eddy s scrapbook, 37. 

47. Page 93. Letter to E. Augusta Holmes, April, 1840. Mrs. Eddy s 
Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 21:227:2681. 

48. Page 93. Munsey s, April, 1911, 12. 

49. Page 94. Mary B. Glover s letter to Daniel Patterson. Historical Files 
of The Mother Church. 

50. Page 94. Albert E. Miller s letter of May, 1907. 

51. Page 94. Our New Religion, by H. A. L. Fisher, 44. 

52. Page 94. Milmine, 56. 

53. Page 94. Even at the age of sixty-four, as Mr. Farlow testifies in his 
recollections (2), Mrs. Eddy looked about forty. 

54. Page 95. The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, 14<$. 

55. Page 95. The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, 147. 

56. Page 95. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

57. Page 96. She perhaps meant "excited." 


58. Page 96. The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, 147-8. 

59. Page 96. Milmine, 44. 

60. Page 96. Wilbur, 86-7. 

61. Page 96. Reports another patient: "His mode of treating the sick was 
to immerse his hands in water and manipulate their heads." Miss Abigail 
Dyer Thompson recollections, Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

62. Page 91. Wilbur, 87. Also Matt. 9:21; and Emmanuel Movement, by 
Powell, 176. 

63. Page 97. The Portland Courier, 1862. 

64. Page 91. Letters, January 31, 1863; March 10, 1863; September 14, 
1863; May 24, (no year); May, 1864; The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edi 
tion, 149-156. See also Miscellany, 307, where Mrs. Eddy wrote in later years: 
"At first my case improved wonderfully under his treatment, but it 

65. Page 91. The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, 156. 

66. Page 91. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

67. Page 98. The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, 162. 

68. Page 98. Milmine, 58. 

69. Page 98. Abigail Dyer Thompson s letter of January 20, 1930, states: 
"With regard to the statement made by Dr. Quimby in introducing Mrs. 
Eddy to my mother, I have heard her tell the entire experience, including 
that statement, repeatedly since my childhood; and also know that when 
mother recalled it to our Leader s mind, Mrs. Eddy replied that Dr. Quimby 
had paid her the same tribute many times during her stay in Portland." 
Thompson recollections in the Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

70. Page 98. The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, 149. 

71. Page 98. John 1:9. 

72. Page 98. The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, 164. 

73. Page 99. Matthew 17:20. Retrospection and Introspection, 24. Also 
Milmine, 61. 

74. Page 99. Till the end George A. Quimby was both jealous for his 
father s reputation and adverse to Christian Science, but on November 11, 
1901, he wrote of Mrs. Eddy: "The religion which she teaches certainly 
is hers, for which I cannot be too thankful; for I should be loath to go down 
to my grave feeling that my father was in any way connected with Christian 
Science. " The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, 436. 

75. Page 100. This letter is reproduced by permission of Mrs. Julius A. 
Dresser. Historical Files of The Mother Church; which also indicate that 
Julius Dresser was somewhat sensitive, and would not willingly become a 
target of criticism for ministers and doctors. He spent his time for a while 
in newspaper work, first in Portland, Maine, and then in Webster, Massachu 
setts. As his health failed again, he went to California to remain till 1882. 
Mrs. Eddy then had attracted a following in Boston, and established Christian 
Science. The reason Mr. and Mrs. Julius Dresser gave in explanation of 
their return in 1882 to take up "the Quimby work" was that they "had heard 
what was going on in Boston" and "they believed the time was now ripe 


for action." 

76. Page 101. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 306, 
307. In Vol. I of the 10th edition of 5. & H. Mrs. Eddy wrote: "The only 


manuscript that we ever held of his, longer than to correct it, was one of 
perhaps a dozen pages, most of which we had composed." 4. "Not one of 
our printed works was ever copied or abstracted from the published or from 
the unpublished writings of any one." 5. 

77. Page 101. The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, 163. In later years 
she spoke of "his rare humanity and sympathy" (Miscellaneaus Writings, 
379: 18), and also described him as "a remarkable man " (Miscellany, 307:22.) 
Just before this chapter went to the publisher the author found by chance 
that the Rt. Hon. H. A. L. Fisher (27, note) supports the author s thesis after 
a study of The Quimby Manuscripts alone. 

78. Page 102. The earliest names Mrs. Eddy called her teachings were 
Moral Science, Christian Healing, Mental Healing, Christian Science Mind- 
Healing. But we read in S. 6> H., 107, that "In the year 1866, I discovered 
the Christ Science or divine laws of Life, Truth, and Love, and named my 
discovery Christian Science." 

79. Page 102. For discussion of its authorship the reader is referred to 
The Christian Science Monitor, February 25, 1927. 

80. Page 102. The Quimby Manuscripts, 1921 edition, Preface VI, indi 
cating that Quimby did not use the phrase "Science and Health." 

81. Page 103. Message for 1902, 16. 

82. Page 103. Love -II Cor. 13:11, 1 John 4: 7, 8, 16. 

Spirit- Gen. 1:2; Job 33:4; John 4:24; Rom. 8:16; Eph. 4:30; I John 4:13. 
Truth-Deut. 32:4; Psalms 31:5; Isa. 65:16; Jer. 10:10. 
Life -John 1:4; 3:26; Rom. 8:2, 10; Eph. 4:18; Col. 3:4; I John 1:2; 5:12, 20; 
Rev. 11:11. 

83. Page 103. Mansions of Philosophy, by Durant, 55 fT; Powell s Christian 
Science, 1907, 108. 

84. Page 103. Durant, 58. 

85. Page 103. Memoirs of Jonathan Edwards, 51; and Heavenly Heretics, 
by Powell, 22 if. 

86. Page 104. Dictated memorandum of Mrs. Eddy s talk with Calvin A. 
Frye in Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

87. Page 104. Milmine, 62, quoting Mrs. Crosby. Also A Message to the 
Well, by Dresser, 88. 

88. Page 105. S. B. G. Corser s letter to Alfred Farlow, August 4, 1902. 

89. Page 105. Browning s Paracelsus. 

90. Page 105. Letter of December 11, 1909, in Historical Files of The 
Mother Church. 

91. Page 105. The author has a letter which Mrs. Crosby wrote him in 
her last years, again summing up her indebtedness: "I am sure my experience 
with Mrs. Eddy gave me a clearer understanding of my own capabilities as 
well as a better knowledge of the world." 

92. Page 105. S. & H., 107. 


1. Page 106. Human Life, July, 1907. 

2. Page 101. Asa G. Eddy s letter to James C. Howard, August 5, 1880. 
Historical Files of The Mother Church. 


3. Page 107. Human Life, July, 1907, 

4. Page 107. Bartlett, 9, 10. 

5. Page 108. McClure s, April, 1907, 613. 

6. Page 108. Memorandum April 11, 1930, from executive offices of The 
Mother Church. 

7. Page 108. One of her hearers not a follower left this record: "She 
is a woman of one idea almost to wearisomeness," Van Ness, The Religion 
of New England, 168. 

8. Page 108. Italics the author s. 

9. Page 108. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 55:207:7801. 

10. Page 108. McClure s, May, 1907, 113. 

11. Page 109. Dakin, 96. 

12. Page 109. Farlow, 88, 89. 

13. Page 109, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 237, 
Also the Christian Science Sentinel, July 4, 1908. 

14. Page 109. Dr. Gushing wrote the author, June 17, 1907: The Reporter 
is wrong, as she went home in the morning not afternoon." S< & H., 3rd Ed., 
155-157, confirms Dr. Cushing s statement. 

15. Page 110. Dr. Cushing s affidavit in McClure s, March, 1907, 512. 

16. Page 110. McClure s, March, 1907, 512. 

17. Page 110. Dr. Cushing s letter, June 17, 1907. 

18. Page 110. Powell s Human Touch, 15, 16. 

19. Page 111. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 55:199:7796. See 
Miscellaneous Writings 24:7 for Mrs. Eddy s account. 

20. Page 111. Lynn Reporter, June 30, 1866. However, six months later, 
she withdrew her claim. 

21. Page 111. The Christian Science Journal, June, 1887. Years later Mrs. 
Eddy describes as follows the deeper meaning of the fall: "For three years 
after my discovery, I sought the solution of this problem of Mind-healing, 
searched the Scriptures and read little else, kept aloof from society, and 
devoted time and energies to discovering a positive rule. The search was 
sweet, calm, and buoyant with hope, not selfish nor depressing. I knew the 
Principle of all harmonious Mind-action to be God, and that cures were 
produced in primitive Christian healing by holy, uplifting faith; but I must 
know the Science of this healing, and I won my way to absolute conclusions 
through divine revelation, reason, and demonstration. The revelation of 
Truth in the understanding came to me gradually and apparently through 
divine power." S. 6> H., 109. 

"In following these leadings of scientific revelation, the Bible was my only 
textbook. The Scriptures were illumined; reason and revelation were recon 
ciled, and afterwards the truth of Christian Science was demonstrated. No 
human pen nor tongue taught me the Science contained in this book, 
SCIENCE AND HEALTH; and neither tongue nor pen can overthrow it. This 
book may be distorted by shallow criticism or by careless or malicious 
students, and its ideas may be temporarily abused and misrepresented; but 
the Science and truth therein will forever remain to be discerned and demon 
strated." 110. 

"After a lengthy examination of my discovery and its demonstration in 
healing the sick, this fact became evident to me, that Mind governs the 


body, not partially but wholly. I submitted my metaphysical system of 
treating disease to the broadest practical tests. Since then this system has 
gradually gained ground, and has proved itself, whenever scientifically em 
ployed, to be the most effective curative agent in medical practice." 
S. 6- H., 111. r 

22. Page 111. Fisher s Our New Religion, 45. 

23. Page 112. Farlow, 88. 

24. Page 112. In Retrospection and Introspection, 24, 28, she calls her 
experience "The Great Discovery" that "Mind reconstructed the body, 
and that nothing else could. ... It was a mystery to me then, but I have 
since understood it. All Science is a revelation. Its Principle is divine, not 
human, reaching higher than the stars of heaven." 

25. Page 112. Genesis 32:30. 

26. Page 112. This she paid back with interest, amounting to ninety-six 
dollars, thirty-five years later, in 1899 in reply to an appeal from John 
Patterson, then eighty years old and destitute. Historical Files of The Mother 

27. Page 112. Dr. Cushing wrote the author in 1907 that Dr. Patterson 
was not even at home when his wife had her fall in Lynn, and had to be 
brought down from New Hampshire by telegram the next day. He was 
rarely where he should have been when needed. 

28. Page 112. Report in Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

29. Page 113. Affidavit of R. D. Rounsevel, proprietor of the White 
Mountain House, Fabyans, N. H., January 18, 1902. Farlow, 119. 

30. Page IB. Wilbur, 166, 167. 

31. Page 113. Shannon, 26, 27. 

32. Page 113. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 55:225:7811. 
SpofTord letters in Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

33. Page 114. Recollections of Mrs. Clara E. Choate, dated October 12, 
1914. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

34. Page 114. Original letter to Mrs. Anna Kingsbury in Historical Files 
of The Mother Church. 

35. Page 114. Bartlett, 9. 

36. Page 114. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 55:53:7691. 

37. Page 115. Poems, 4. 

38. Page 115. He wrote Mrs. Eddy February 24, 1902, that he had had 
one sheet of the first manuscript typewritten for her that she had written 
while with him. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

39. Page 116. But, as Mrs. Eddy s little notebook before the author indi 
cates, neither the Crafts nor the Wentworths ever paid her any cash, though 
it is evident that what they received from her came to far more than her 
"keep," liberally estimated. H. S. Crafts was lifted out of the manual labor 
class by her, into at least a semi-professional status with income to match. 

40. Page 116. Ellis letters. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 

41. Page 116. H. S. Crafts wrote December 14, 1901 (Historical Files of 
The Mother Church) that, though a spiritualist when he began to study 
under Mrs. Eddy, her teachings changed his views and led him altogether 
away from spiritualism. The author had the privilege in his youth of spend- 


ing two days in the home of the daughter of Judge Edmunds, a leader of the 
spiritualistic movement in New York in Mrs. Eddy s earlier womanhood, 
and of observing that the daughter, once his medium, at the time the author 
in her old age met her was convinced that under emotional strain the 
Edmunds family had misinterpreted their experiences. Scarcely anyone of 
intelligence in the middle of the nineteenth century but had at least a passing 
interest in spiritualism. In fact, with C. C. Helberg s A Book of Spirit 
Writings and Mrs. M. E. Williams s article in the latest issue of Psychic 
Research available, there is as reliable evidence that Abraham Lincoln was 
a spiritualist as that Mrs. Eddy, with no more than gossip gathered up a 
generation later to go by, ever had a profound interest in spiritualism. 

42. Page 116. Not merely did many of these students receive as the 
little notebook shows instruction without charge but also in some cases, 
where there was actual want, she loaned them money to live on while they 
studied with her, that, too, at a time when to make both ends meet she 
often added to the ordinary cares of a homekeeper scrubbing the floors and 
living on a meagre diet. She could never, perhaps, have gotten on at all had 
she not budgeted her time and strength and means. Among the many 
evidences in the little notebook that she counted her every penny is the 
following memorandum: 

Sept. 26, 1874 Postage 18 cts. 
Sept. 26, 1874 Expressage 15 cts. 

also recollections of Miss Emma C. Shipman in the Historical Files of The 
Mother Church. 

43. Page 111. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 55:205:7799. 

44. Page 117. Farlow, 94-97. 

45. Page 111. Mrs. Eddy s little notebook, in which she kept a careful 
record of her receipts and expenditures in those days, is a touching revelation 
of her serious situation. She counted every penny of outlay, as well as of 
income. Early training may have been a contributory force in this respect, 
for at Pleasant View she once related to a friend: "When they (the Baker 
family) were children, in the winter evenings they used to shell corn for 
food for the chickens, etc. On one occasion little Mary was sitting by the 
fire, and as she shelled, a grain of corn fell off her lap. She pushed it with 
her little foot towards the burning log. Her Mother said, Mary, get down 
and pick up that corn. She answered, Oh! Mother, it is only one grain. 
Never mind, said her Mother, It will help to make a meal for a little chick. 
I have not forgotten that lesson." Shannon, 8. 

46. Page 111. Church Manual, 46. 

47. Page 111. Bancroft s Mrs. Eddy as I knew her in 1870, 2. 

48. Page 118. In addition, without charge, she opened her little home in 
Lynn to him and his family, setting aside five of her seven available rooms, 
and unconsciously revealing the wealth of her tenderness in the words: 
"Now you have a home offered you and no rent to pay for it So do not 
be cast down I thank God more for this than anything that I have a shelter 
if it is humble to go to in an hour of want and to welcome those who need 
a little time to meet the hour." Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

49. Page 118. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 20:11:2469. 


50. Page 119. Retrospection and Introspection, 50. 
5L Page 119. Matthew 6: 33. 

52. Page 119. S. & H., 60. 

53. Page 119. S. 6- H., 89. 

54. Page 119. Recollections of Miss Sarah A. Farlow in the Historical 
Files of The Mother Church. 

55. Page 120. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

56. Page 120. Wilbur, 178. He also told the author substantially this in 
1907. J 

57. Page 121. Shipman recollections in Historical Files of The Mother 

58. Page 121. Miss Sarah O. Bagley letter. Historical Files of The Mother 

59. Page 121. Wilbur, 139. 

60. Page 122. He called her Mrs. Patterson. Wilbur, 140. 

61. Page 122. Crafts 7 letter in Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

62. Page 122. Farlow, 106. 

63. Page 122. Wilbur, 179. Of the Wentworths Mrs. Eddy wrote: "they 
are very kind Don t you think they wont take a cent for board and want 
me to remain as long as I live." Original letter to Sarah O. Bagley in His 
torical Files of The Mother Church. 

64. Page 123. McClure s, May 1907, 107. 

65. Page 123. Her little notebook contains the full record of her per 
centage month by month from Kennedy s healing, for a typical year: 

June, 1870 $225 

July, 1870 200 

August, 1870 137 

September, 1870 167 

October, 1870 90 

November, 1870 200 

December, 1870 130 

January, 1871 147 

February, 1871 100 

March, 1871 136 

April, 1871 110 

May, 1871 100 

Total $1742 

66. Page 123. Mrs. Eddy s notebook. 

67. Page 124. But when personalities faded far into the past, Daniel Spof- 
ford, near his threescore years and ten, once in his quiet way indicated to a 
friend of the author that what Mrs. Eddy did for him was beyond all 

68. Page 124. How Mrs. Eddy made spiritual preparation to "read out 
the eight" is such a revelation of her character that Miss Bartlett s personal 
recollection of the extraordinary experience is given at length: 

"In October, 1881, eight students who had allowed error to enter their 
thought, united in writing a disloyal letter of false accusations to their 
Leader and signed their names to tie same. This cruel letter was read by 


one of their number at a meeting of the Christian Scientists Association in 
the presence of Mrs. Eddy who was the President of the Association. She 
made no reply, and when the meeting, which was held in her house, was 
closed, she went to her room and all the students went to their homes with 
the exception of two. These two remained with their beloved teacher to 
comfort her in her sorrow and anguish. . . . On hearing what had transpired 
I took the first train for Lynn, desiring to be with my dear teacher and to 
be of some service in her hour of trial. Dr. Eddy admitted me to the house. 
I found Mrs. Eddy seated by the table and the two students who had spent 
the night with her sitting near. I quietly took a seat near them as did 
Dr. Eddy also, and listened to Mrs. Eddy who was talking with a power 
such as I had never heard before. They were wonderful words she was 
speaking while we young students were receiving of the great spiritual illu 
mination which had come through her glorious triumph over evil. 

"Just before I had entered the room she was sitting with the others and 
the burden was still heavy upon her, when all at once she rose from her 
chair, stepped out in the room, her face radiant and with a far-away look 
as if she was beholding things the eye could not see. She began to talk and 
to prophesy of the blessings which would reward the faithful while the 
transgressor cannot escape the punishment which evil brings on itself. Her 
language was somewhat in the style of the Scriptures. When she began, the 
three with her, seeing how it was, caught up their pencils and paper and took 
down what she said. When she was through speaking, she put down her 
hand and said, Why, I haven t any body, and as she came back to the 
thought of those about her, they were so moved by what they had seen 
and heard their eyes were filled with tears and one was kneeling by the 
couch sobbing. . . . Those three days were wonderful. It was as if God 
was talking to her and she would come to us and tell us the wonderful 
revelations that came. We were on the Mount. We felt that we must take 
the shoes from off our feet, that we were standing on holy ground. What 
came to me at that time will never leave me." Bartlett reminiscences, 16-18. 
Also see Wilbur, 259 if. 

69. Page 125. George Walter Fiske s The Changing Family , 222. 

70. Page 125. Wilbur, 205, 206. 

71. Page 126. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

72. Page 126. The Religion of New England by Thomas Van Ness, 166. 

73. Page 126. Christian Science Hymnal (1932 Edition), 96, 142, 170, 217, 

74. Page 127. Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

75. Page 121. Pulpit and Press, 5. 

76. Page 121. Bronson Alcott s letter to Mrs. Eddy, January 17, 1876, in 
Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

77. Page 121. Alcott s letter to Mrs. Eddy, March 5, 1876, in Historical 
Files of The Mother Church. 

78. Page 128. Christian Scientist Association Records, Vol. 1:48. 

79. Page 128. Alcott s letter to Mrs. Eddy, February 6, 1876, in Historical 
Files of The Mother Church. 

80. Page 129. Hiram S. Crafts letter stating that she was not a spiritualist. 
Historical Files of The Mother Church. 


81. Page 13Q. Mrs. Emilie B. Hulin, often with Mrs. Eddy in her Concord 
days, told the author in April, 1930, that Mrs. Eddy in speaking of this period 
said that sometimes, as she wrote, her hands would grow so cold she would 
go down to the kitchen to warm them over the stove. 

82. Page 130. Mrs. Eddy s letter to Mrs. Miliken in Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

83. Page 231. "When," writes Mrs. Eddy in Science of Man, 1876 edition, 
12, "we commenced teaching this science, we permitted students to manipu 
late the head, ignorant that it could do harm, or hinder the power of mind 
acting in an opposite direction, viz.: spiritually, while the hands were at 
work and the mind directing material action. We regret to say it was the 
sins of a young student, that called our attention to this question for the 
first time, and placed it in a new moral and physical aspect. By thorough 
examination and tests, we learned manipulation hinders instead of helps 
mental healing." 

In further confirmation of the fact that Mrs. Eddy had completely done 
with Quimbyism, the author, in 1907, was informed by George A. Quimby 
that he believed that Mrs. Eddy had finally landed in prayer-cure pure and 

84. Page 131. Cambridge History of American Literature^ Vol. Ill, 526. 

85. Page 131. The weather report, in and about Boston in 1875, indicates 
an average temperature of 72 for July, and 71 for August, with a rainfall of 
3.93 and 3.50 respectively. 

86. Page 132. Shannon, 5. 

87. Page 132. George Clark s boys story of sea life was accepted, and all 
the way home Mrs. Eddy rejoiced with him, as though she, herself, had not 
suffered a grievous disappointment. Wilbur, 202, 203. 

88. Page 133. The bill itself is in the Historical Files of The Mother 

89. Page 133. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 55:219:7808. 

90. Page 133. In her personal notebook Mrs. Eddy records: "490 typo 
graphical errors in words besides paragraphs and pages wrong and punc 

91. Page 134. S. & H., 1st edition, 300. 

92. Page 134. S. & H., 43. 

93. Page 134. S. & H., 1st edition, 386. 

94. Page 134. Since Mrs. Eddy passed away in 1910, no changes have 
appeared in Science and Health, other than those already indicated by her. 

95. Page 135. S. & H., 1907 edition, 390. This quotation appears on the 
same page in the present edition. 

96. Page 135. Flyleaf of S. & H., 1907 edition. 

97. Page 135. For account of "Next Friends" see Chapter VL 

98. Page 136. Letter from John Wilson, December 18, 1896, in Historical 
Files of The Mother Church. 

99. Page 136. Wm. G. Nixon was her agent from 1890 to 1892, in seeing 
the book through the press. Mrs. Eddy s letters to Mr. Nixon, Nos. 2242- 

100. Page 138. Mrs. Eddy s letter to Mrs. A. H. Whiting in Historical 
Files of The Mother Church. 


101. Page 138. John Wilson s letter in Historical Files of The Mother 

102. Page 138. Recollections of William B. Reid dated January 16, 1930, 
in Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

103. Page 139. In Quest of the Perfect Book, by William Dana Orcutt 

104. Page 139. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 319. 

105. Page 139. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 18:2158-2241. 

106. Page 139. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 318. 


1. Page 140. The reader who cares for the information is referred to the 
following descriptions of Boston: 

Drake s Old Landmarks of Boston; Ticknor s Doctor Holmes s Boston; 
E. M. Bacon s Rambles Round Old Boston; Shacldeton s The Book of Boston; 
Powell s Historic Towns of New England. Also certain letters written to 
the author, beginning in 1893, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, T. W. Higginson, 
Edward Everett Hale, George P. Morris, Charles Carlton Coffin, Frank B. 
Sanborn, Hezeldah Butterworth, William E. Barton, W. W. Goodwin, 
Edwin D. Mead, James Schouler, James F. Rhodes, and President Charles 
W. Eliot, 

2. Page 143. Powell s Heavenly Heretics, 126. 

3. Page 143. "A beautiful spot by the sea where sometimes she loved to 
go by herself." Bartlett, 10. 

4. Page 143. After going the limit in free will service for affection s 
sake, Barry in a temper foolishly turned to the law to secure him repayment 
in cash. 

Spofford had the distinction of being the only American of his day to 
have a legal action brought against him for witchcraft; then of disappearing 
under circumstances so mysterious that a charge was laid against two of his 
former friends that they had murdered him, which was not dropped until 
Spofford reappeared in two weeks. He lived to become a kindly old man, 
who left on record a final opinion that Mrs. Eddy was "the sole author of 
her famous book." 

Richard Kennedy became a respected Vestryman of St. Paul s Episcopal 
Church in Boston and lived on into the twentieth century. In a conversa 
tion with the author in his old age he deplored the pettiness of the men and 
women around Mrs. Eddy those days in Lynn and observed that it all 
seemed unworthy of men and women in this work-a-day world of ours. 

In jauntily passing off Mrs. Eddy s writings as his own Edward J. Arens 
seemed to forget what he perhaps had never learned, that they were copy 
righted, and that infringement of copyright - a subject on which Asa Gilbert 
Eddy had made himself an authority - is a serious matter in the eyes of the 
law; but when the court so ruled, Arens had at last to quit, and dropped 
into the background. 

5. Page 144. Bartlett, 9. 

6. Page 144. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 10:111:1138. 

7. Page 144. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 17:39:2059. 


8. Page 144. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 39:103:5141. 

9. Page 144. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 39:229:5212. 

10. Page 144. Genealogy and Life of Asa Gilbert Eddy by Mary Beecher 

11. Page 145. Letter in the Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

12. Page 145. Letter in the Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

13. Page 145. "My last marriage was with Asa Gilbert Eddy, and was a 
blessed and spiritual union, solemnized at Lynn, Massachusetts, by the Rev. 
Samuel Barrett Stewart, in the year 1877. Dr. Eddy was the first student 
publicly to announce himself a Christian Scientist, and place these symbolic 
words on his office sign. He forsook all to follow in this line of light. He 
was the first organizer of a Christian Science Sunday School, which he 
superintended. He also taught a special Bible-class; and he lectured so ably 
on Scriptural topics that clergymen of other denominations listened to him 
with deep interest. He was remarkably successful in Mind-healing, and 
untiring in his chosen work. In 1882 he passed away, with a smile of peace 
and love resting on his serene countenance. Mark the perfect man, and 
behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. (Psalms xxxvii. 37.)" 
Retrospection and Introspection, 42. 

14. Page 145. Professor Traquair s plea in The Atlantic, March, 1929, 
for "equal rights for men" in these days when women have without the 
asking the position which Mrs. Eddy won long years ago by worth and 
work, finds no illustration in the career of Asa Gilbert Eddy. 

15. Page 146. Original agreement in Historical Files of The Mother 

16. Page 146. "After our dinner was over we assembled in the parlor for 
a sing in which Mrs. Eddy joined us usually. My son, Warren, was about 
5 yrs. old, & every one petted him more or less for he sang nicely and both 
Dr. and Mrs. Eddy delighted to hear him. This eve Mrs. Eddy grew silent 
as she often did when impressed by unusual thought arising for her con 
sideration. The singing ceased, & one after another left the room for 
various reasons. There seemed such good feeling, we spoke of the progress 
we were making in the cause & felt this was a demonstration of the love 
she was trying to establish. The boy had climbed into her lap & gave her 
some caresses. She began to talk to him in something of this fashion, *Now 
Warren dear you behaved splendidly today. Well, he replied, 1 know I 
did for you didn t look at me any all the time you talked, & now you love 
me, don t you? To this Mrs. Eddy tenderly assented, and she told him 
she had a plan for him to speak on the platform with her. This greatly 
interested myself of course, as well as the boy. Mrs. Eddy still embraced 
with loving hugs now & then as their two heads leaned together as if in 
concurring confidence. Mrs. Eddy continued, Veil, we must have a Sunday 
School, Warren. You shall be the first scholar. He fell in with the plans 
but immediately said, how can we have a Sunday School with only me? 
Mrs. Eddy smilingly told him that was only to begin with, & soon other 
little boys & girls would come & he would have them to listen to & 
to play with, but he could not comprehend how so much was to follow, 
tho if Mrs. Eddy said so & they must come if she told them to. I, the one 
onlooker, thought it all prattle to amuse the child, & gave no serious thought 


to either of them nor to what they were saying. I gave special attention 
tho to Mrs, Eddy s loving tenderness with the child & it found a like 
response in my own heart s love for her, & at the time she was so beset and 
distracted by worldly trials & evils on every hand. The boy grew sleepy & 
was soon abed, while Mrs. Eddy retired to her apartments, to no doubt 
formulate plans so suddenly started then & there. The following morning 
Mrs. Eddy asked Warren if he would come upstairs to her parlor awhile 
to which he readily consented. We never questioned Mrs. Eddy why nor 
wherefore in those days. So after Warren had an extra touch to his hair & 
a general looking over of face, hands & clothes, that he might not ofTend 
in any way, we kissed & he went to keep his important appointment 
to explain the extra care Warren continually reminded us that Mrs. Eddy 
is fttssy & won t like it so & so. After quite a stay the boy reappeared full 
of enthusiasm & fun. We asked him what it meant & he mysteriously replied 
Mrs. Eddy has been rehearsing me. Further questioning was for a time 
useless except that some important aff air was afoot & the child was alive with 
its importance. Every little while he would recite in a most dramatic way 
a line from a song later another line and with each subsequent visit with 
Mrs. Eddy during the next few days, new words and new lines, were 
recited in all sorts of ways over & over. Then a message came from Mrs. 
Eddy, thro him, she would like him to look his best for the coming Sunday, 
for she was going to open her Sabbath School & he was to speak from the 
platform at the Hawthorne rooms on Park St., one verse before she began 
the regular services of the church. We all gladly consented and the boy s 
best frock a white pique kilt with wide collar & cuffs, a wide blue sash was 
all carefully attended to for Warren continued to assert Mrs. Eddy was 
terrible fussy, and she told him he was just as important on the platform 
as she was & must look nice & behave nice & he thought her handsome if 
she was -fussy! So each day of this very important & busy week was varied 
with plans & talk over the idea of a Sabbath School. Some praised & others 
discouraged the project, in the meantime Mrs. Eddy with all her manifold 
duties of church work, lectures forthcoming & manuscript to be revised, 
found time to ^rehearse* the child in the verse he was to recite on Sunday at 
3 P.M., Mrs. Eddy was as we all know quite particular in manners. She 
objected to our saying thanks & felt it better manners to say *thank you if 
occasion required. 

"So she taught the boy how to walk to the front of the platform, how to 
bow to the audience, how to scrape his foot or draw it backward and the 
general fine gestures before his recitation. I don t know which enjoyed 
most these times, he or Mrs. Eddy. In giving these details his attention & 
which he practised daily, he caused us endless amusement & many a laugh 
& scream in which Dr. and Mrs. Eddy joined heartily. But the boy did 
finely in them all and with watchful coaching of such a woman as Mrs. 
Eddy, is it any wonder he should meet the excellence she expected. The 
wonder to me is she could ever find time to attend to these details. It all 
enforces the fact, however, of her thoroughness in laying foundations. In her 
mind the idea of the church with a Sabbath School was a truly engrossing 
affair, so she frequently said, & to this end we must help her. The starting 
was not easy and numbers, or material to work with were not then plentiful. 


Most of those interested or attracted to the cause were above the age 
desirable for such a movement. The younger element being Miss Lilly, Miss 
Potter, Mr. Orne, Mr. Bancroft, my young sister & myself. I know of only 
one other child besides Warren, the son of Mrs. Rice, about my boy s age, 
but he was living in Lynn & quite a care, so he did not come to the services 
regularly with either his mother or his aunt, Miss Rawson, who usually 
attended. I do not now remember so much of the services on this particular 
Sunday only we assembled at 3 P.M. as usual, for Mrs. Eddy was very 
prompt. She had taken greatest pains to look nice as an example to us, who 
were not as the boy termed *so fussy. She even placed a rose in her hair to 
the delight of the boy whose beaming face betrayed not the least anxiety, 
but a consequential air pervaded him which pleased Mrs. Eddy, who so 
wisely said to us, We don t know where this will all end do we, but we as 
ever unthinkingly replied Well, it won t amount to much anyway, at least 
not impressively for the church or for the cause. But Mrs. Eddy made no 
reply & with undaunted quiet refrained from argument. With her reticule 
containing some leaves for her sermon she entered the hall from the dressing 
room in the rear, hand in hand with the boy. They ascended the few steps 
at the side of the platform. With a graceful bow to an ever respectful 
audience, she stepped to the front of the platform at the side of the pulpit, 
and spoke of the Sabbath School in a few words, as if it already existed. 
She then introduced this little boy, Warren, as one of the representatives of 
the school, who would recite a short verse* He had followed in her wake 
& stood deferentially quiet beside her and as she retired, with a face full of 
smiles he bowed profoundly. In the most assured tones he then recited the 
following verse Mrs, Eddy had taught him to say & had so often rehearsed 
him, that full credit might be done to her & to the school he represented 

And right is right since God is God; 
And right the day must win; 
To doubt would be disloyalty, 
To falter would be sin! 

Then another graceful bow and he came down to sit with Dr. Eddy, who 
seldom was on the platform with Mrs. Eddy, & who enjoyed the company 
of the boy, relieving me of care, while I sang a solo part, or led the con- 
gregational hymns with the quartette. 

"The sermon was beautiful, full of the glory of Truth, the healing Truth 
of Christ. She seemed inspired & it uplifted us all by her positive & explana 
tory revelations. She referred to A little child shall lead them. The Dr. 
looked with admiration from her to the boy, who had done so well, for 
a sensitive little chap, as the Dr. said & by her directing. The singing was 
fine & the contribution generous. We all felt a new era of the cause was 
coming. As the audience of less than one hundred parted, more harmony 
was manifest and a mutual resolution to loyally abide by Mrs. Eddy s 
leadership. Upon our return at the dinner table the Dr. remarked with so 
much love, Mary, you have done a great work today, a grand work, & she 
turning to the boy with a smile said It is because I let this little child lead 
me/ Of course we all looked the adoring love of her we could not speak, 
and retired to the parlor for our singing with a God praise few companies 


can ever know." Recollections of Airs. Choate in the Historical Files of The 
Mother Church. 

Mrs. Choate s many affectionate references, during 1914, to Mrs. Eddy are 
the more informing because in the eighties Mrs. Eddy more than once 
lovingly as was her lifelong habit reproved her young friend and student 
in accordance with St. Paul s counsel (II Timothy 4:2) to his young friend 
Timothy to "reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsufTering"; and also in 
illustration of her own words in the Church Manual (Art. VIII, Sec. 1 ) : "a 
Christian Scientist reflects the sweet amenities of Love, in rebuking sin, in 
true brotherliness, charitableness, and forgiveness." 

17. Page 141. Mrs. Mary Harris Curtis s recollections in the Historical 
Files of The Mother Church. 

18. Page 141. Before undertaking to give an impression of Mrs. Eddy s 
appearance in her Boston pulpit, the author in years past talked with many 
who then heard her including the late Miss Frances J. Dyer, then of 
The Congregationalist. He has also read the unpublished recollections now 
in the possession of The Mother Church of Mrs. Clara E. Choate, Miss 
Julia S. Bartlett, Miss Mary Alice Dayton, Miss Elsie Lincoln, Miss Mary 
A. Daggett, Miss Sarah A. Farlow, Mrs. Mary E. Foye, Mrs. Annie R. 
Hessler, Mr. William B. Reid, and Mr. William Lyman Johnson. 

On all, Mrs. Eddy, near threescore years and ten, made the impression of 
eternal youth, and often imparted the impression to others. Miss Lilian 
Whiting wrote in the Ohio Leader, July 2, 1885, when Mrs. Eddy was 
sixty-four, that she came away from her first interview with "an utterly 
unprecedented buoyancy and energy which lasted days." 

Mrs. Emma Easton Newman reports in her recollections that when Mrs. 
Eddy was sixty-seven, Mrs. Newman s father guessed she was about fifty-five. 
Mrs. Newman s recollections in Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

Mr. Farlow first met Mrs. Eddy when she was sixty-four and observed 
"she might easily be taken for a lady of forty." Farlow recollections in 
Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

At fifty-six Mrs, Eddy looked so young that Asa Gilbert Eddy, never 
once having thought to ask her age, assumed that it was forty when he 
applied for the marriage license, and it was not till many years after his 
passing that Mrs. Eddy ever heard of the occurrence. Farlow, 123. 

Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health: "Comeliness and grace are inde 
pendent of matter. Being possesses its qualities before they are perceived 
humanly. Beauty is a thing of life, which dwells forever in the eternal 
Mind and reflects the charms of His goodness in expression, form, outline, 
and color. It is Love which paints the petal with myriad hues, glances in 
the warm sunbeam, arches the cloud with the bow of beauty, blazons the 
night with starry gems, and covers earth with loveliness." S. & H. 247. 

19. Page 148. Mrs. Eddy wrote an early student: "a Baptist clergyman in 
Boston (now more of an Adventist) sent for me to supply his pulpit and 
I did, that gave me the opportunity for six months to keep the good tidings 
circulating. I healed a large number by my sermons and they owned it at 
the close of them." Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 17:19:2050. 

20. Page 148. Church Mamial, 48. 


21. Page 148. C. Lulu Blackmail s recollections in Historical Files of The 
Mother Church. 

22. Page 149. Blackman recollections in Historical Files of The Mother 

23. Page 150. Miss Sarah A. Farlow s recollections in Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

24. Page 150. Miss Mary Alice Dayton s recollections in Historical Files 
of The Mother Church. 

25. Page 150. S. & H., 465. 

26. Page 151. Sarah A. Farlow. 

27. Page 151. Mary E. Foye s recollections in Historical Files of The 
Mother Church, 5. 

28. Page 152. ha Oscar Knapp and Flavia Stickney Knapp, by Bliss 
Knapp, 15. J 

29. Page 152. Miscellaneous Writings, 99. 

30. Page 153. Faith Work, Christian Science, and Other Cures, 46. 

31. Page 154. John 9:25. 

32. Page 154. Bartlett, 7, 8. 

^33. Page 154. ha Oscar Knapp and Flavia Stickney Knapp, by Bliss 
Knapp, 6. 

34. Page 155. ha Oscar Knapp and Flavia Stickney Knapp, by Bliss 
Knapp, 8, 9. 

35. Page 156. The Christian Science Journal, May, 1892, 68, 71. 

36. Page 156. Recollections of Joseph G. Mann in Historical Files of 
The Mother Church, 69. 

37. Page 158. ^ At first it was called, The Journal of Christian Science. Her 
great happiness in editing the Journal is indicated in a letter written January 
31, 1884, to Colonel E. J. Smith, to whom she also says "Never was a time 
when the Cause was in better condition." Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscel 
lany, Vol. 17:51:2065. 

38. Page 159. The Christian Science Journal, September, 1886, 133. 

39. Page 160. The Genealogy and Life of Asa Gilbert Eddy, by Mary 
Beecher Longyear. 

40. Page 161. The following is an excerpt from one of George W, 
Glover s letters to his mother, dated January 31, 1895: 

"I have a very valuable mining property which lies next to and adjoining 
the property of a company that is shipping ore. The company is anxious to 
get it and have offered seven thousand five hundred dollars, but that is 
only a pittance. 

"If I had two thousand dollars to open it I would realize a good figure 
as it is now I haven t the money and can t open it out so as to receive what 
it is worth. 

"I do not wish you to feel as if I was asking any thing of you for nothing 
but if you can assist me at present it would be of great help and I would 
secure you." Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

41. Page 161. Mrs. Eddy s Petition. 

42. Page 162. Wilbur, 322. 

43. Page 162. Letter by Dr. Foster-Eddy February 23, 1920, in Historical 
Files of The Mother Church. He passed away November 13, 1930. 

44. Page 163. Of this visit she wrote Colonel E. J. Smith June 25, 1884: 


"I went in May to Chicago at the imperative call of people there and my 
own sense of the need. This great work had been started but my students 
needed me to give it a right foundation and impulse in that city of ceaseless 
enterprise. So I went, and in three weeks taught a class of 25 pupils, lectured 
... to a full house, got 20 subscriptions for my Journal, sold about thirty 
copies of Science and Health, etc. In the class were three M.D. s and two 
clergymen one Methodist, the other Universalist both good thinkers and 
scholarly." Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 17:61:2069. 

45. Page 163. In preparation for the meeting of 1888, Mrs. Eddy long 
before in March, 1887, had called all her students who could be reached to 
come to Boston in April, 1887. She was much concerned to have them do so. 
She wrote Mrs. Annie Macmillan Knott as though the very life of the Cause 
might depend on. this preparatory meeting. (Mrs. Knott s letter of May 16, 
1930, to the author.) Mrs. Knott is a member of The Christian Science Board 
of Directors of The Mother Church, and is the first woman to serve as a 
member of this Board under the deed of 1892. 

Mrs. Eddy never took a chance. "Accidents are unknown to God," she 
said. S. & H., 424. For every important step in life she made the utmost 
preparation possible. 

46. Page 163. Powell s Historic Towns of the Western States, 228. 

47. Page 164. Miscellaneous Writings, 134. 

48. Page 164. Mark Sullivan (Our Times, I, 123-131) says that Bryan s 
historic speech was extemporaneous only in its arrangement. In paragraphs 
he had made the speech scores of times the two years before up and down 
the Missouri Valley. Once at least on the floor of Congress he had closed a 
speech with the phrase: "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor 
this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." 

49. Page 165. Miscellaneous Writings, 98-106. 

50. Page 165. The Christian Science Journal, July, 1888, 209. 

51. Page 166. On Mrs. Eddy s visit, four years before, in 1884, to Chicago 
she was refused a room at the Palmer House, and also three other places in 
Chicago till someone known to the management became her sponsor. Recol 
lections of Gilbert Carpenter in the Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

52. Page 166. Mrs. Annie Macmillan Knott, who was present in Central 
Music Hall and later attended the reception in the Palmer House, tells the 
author that Mrs, Eddy remained at the hotel reception only a few minutes. 
"She shrank from personal adulation and everything of that sort." 

53. Page 166. Wilbur, 311. 

54. Page 161. New Thought, too, is a revolt against materialism, and is 
altogether idealistic. Both in theory and in practice it differs from Christian 

55. Page 168. Miscellaneous Writings, 359. The following personal letter, 
November 28, 1889, addressed to the Church takes us back across the years: 

"The Church of Christ (Scientist) in Boston was my patient seven years. 
When I would think she was well nigh healed a relapse came and a large 
portion of her flock would forsake the better portion, and betake themselves 
to the world s various hospitals for the cure of moral maladies. These stray 
ing sheep would either ,set up claims of improvements on Christian Science 
and oppose the Mother Church, or sink out of sight in religious history. This 


state of the Church has lasted ten years. It even grew rapidly worse when 
about three years ago I for lack of time to adjust her continual difficulties 
and a conscientious purpose to labor in higher fields and broader ways for 
the advancement of the glorious hope of Christian Science put students in 
my pulpit. 

"As one who is treating patients without success remembers that they are 
depending on material hygiene, consulting their own organizations and thus 
leaning on matter instead of Spirit, saith to these relapsing patients, *now 
quit your material props and leave all for Christ, spiritual power, and you 
will recover. So I admonish this Church after ten years or sad experience 
in material bonds to cast them off and cast her net on the spiritual side of 
Christianity. To drop all material rules whereby to regulate Christ, Chris 
tianity, and adopt alone the golden rule for unification, progress, and a better 
example as the Mother Church." Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, VoL 

On December 2, 1889, the Church Board at 9:30 pjn. unanimously adopted 
the following resolutions: 

"(!) That the time has come when this Church should free itself from the 
thraldom of man-made laws, and rise into spiritual latitudes where the law 
of love is the only bond of union. 

(2.) That the Regulations and By-Laws of this Church be and are hereby 
declared to be, in all their articles and clauses except that part of Article 1 
which fixes its name, null and void. 

(3.) That the Corporation be and is declared dissolved and that the present 
Clerk of the Church be hereby requested to take the steps necessary to give 
legal effect to this resolution. 

(4.) The members of this Church hereby declare that this action is taken 
in order to realize more perfectly the purposes of its institution as an organi 
zation viz. growth in spiritual life and the spread of the glad tidings and 
that they will continue as a Voluntary Association of Christians knowing no 
law but the law of Love, and no Master but Christ in the exercise of all the 
ministrations and activities heretofore performed by them as a Church of 
Christ (Scientist). 

(5.) That the members of this Church hereby make loving recognition of 
the services and guidance of the founder and late pastor of the church, and 
also the expression of their grateful thanks to those who in the capacities 
of assistant pastor or otherwise have fostered its growth." From records of 
the Church organized in 1879, 265. 

56. Page 169. The Christian Science Journal, September, 1890. Also Mrs. 
Eddy s letter to Miss Julia Bartlett of July 21, 1889: 

"Now I repeat that whatever questions in any of the C. S. organizations 
come up no reference be made to me, for I hereby state that I will not 
entertain the question nor consider it, and why? 

"Because under the counteracting mental influences, if I do this, my 
counsel is liable to be either carried out too late, or misunderstood, or 
carried out only in part, and because of all these things the wisdom and 
necessity of it is not seen nor the good it might do accomplished, and many 
will say she is a hard master. I have borne this many years and think at 
this period of my retirement it should be seen that this is why I left the field. 


Again my students must learn sooner or later to guard themselves, to watch 
and not be misled. 

"I appreciate your tasks far more than you can mine and have rewarded 
you by incessant care for you many years. It is a grave mistake not to do 
quickly all that is worth doing, delay gives all away, under our circum 
stances." Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 55:61:7695. 

57. Page 169. Wilbur, 203. 


1. Page 170. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 40:11:5227B. 

2. Page 170. To another she wrote: "I cannot and do not receive visits 
any more from any one but from those who come at my request to help 
me or who are my students. 

"This dear one is the reason, viz. I have so much writing and care as a 
leader in a cause to which I devote my entire life that I have not time to 
visit or to be visited. 

"Now this is not because I would not enjoy seeing you but because I 
cannot give more than one hour to any one unless it be to work with me in 
my field of labor." Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 17:159:2124. 

3. Page 171. When Mrs. Eddy first settled, June, 1889, in Concord, she 
lived at 62 North State Street. In the spring of 1891, she moved to Roslindale, 
Massachusetts; but within a few weeks she returned to 62 North State Street. 
In December, 1891, she bought a farm of about seventy acres beyond the city 
limits, and remodeled the farmhouse which she found there into the com 
fortable home to which, because of its broad and attractive outlook, she 
gave the name of Pleasant View. 

4. Page 111. Mann, 33. 

5. Page 171. M. Adelaide Still, 1, 2. 

6. Page 172. S. 6- H., 254. 

7. Page 172. Miss Margaret Macdonald. 

8. Page 172. Says Miss Abigail Dyer Thompson, 2: "One day when she 
asked the gardener to bring a basket of vegetables, carefully packed, to send 
on the train to one of her students who lived in an adjoining town . , . she 
sent the gardener to the basement for a generous piece of salt pork. This 
she had carefully wrapped in paper and tied to the side of the handle so it 
would be held securely in the basket; she then slipped in a note expressing 
her pleasure at sending the vegetables from her own garden, and added: 
With the salt pork I think you have all the ingredients necessary for a 
good meal.* " 

9. Page 173. A member of the Chestnut Hill household tells the author 
that this practice was continued at Chestnut Hill. 

10. Page 173. The Meaning of Culture, 237. 

11. Page 173. "The fact is I am allowed no earthly peace and it is this 
that keeps me from visiting my church oftener, from not one week for 
vacation, and nothing save servitude. At my age this is all wrong." Mrs. 
Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 19:187:2429. 

12. Page 174. Miss Shannon s recollections, confirmed bv Mr. Charles H. 

13. Page 174. The dissolution of the visible organization of the Church 


is the sequence and complement of that of the College Corporation and 
Association. The College disappeared, that the spirit of Christ might have 
freer course among its students and all who corne into the understanding of 
Divine Science ; the bonds of organization of the Church were thrown away, 
so that its members might assemble themselves together and provoke one 
another to good works in the bond only of Love." The Christian Science 
Journal for February, 1890, 566. 

Later, however, with characteristic timeliness, Mrs. Eddy wrote a student: 
"You recall his [Jesus ] . . . turning water into wine for the marriage feast, 
and even being baptized to meet the necessity of suffer it to be so now for 
thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. His age or the age in which 
he lived required what he did and his wisdom caused his concession to its 
requirements in some instances. Just as this age requires organization to 
maintain Christian Science." Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 

14. Page 114. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 39:231:5213. 

15. Page 115. Leigh Mitchell Hodges to the author. 

16. Page 115. Mann, 48. 

17. Page 116. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 1:59:21. 

18. Page 116. Mrs. Eddy s own story of her relationship with the building 
of that earlier church is told as follows in her Message -for 1902, 13, 14: 

"During the last seven years I have transferred to The Mother Church, of 
my personal property and funds, to the value of about one hundred and 
twenty thousand dollars; and the net profits from the business of The 
Christian Science Publishing Society (which was a part of this transfer) 
yield this church a liberal income. I receive no personal benefit therefrom 
except the privilege of publishing my books in their publishing house, and 
desire none other. 

"The land on which to build The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in 
Boston, had been negotiated for, and about one half the price paid, when 
a loss of funds occurred, and I came to the rescue, purchased the mortgage 
on the lot corner of Falmouth and Caledonia (now Norway) Streets; paying 
for it the sum of $4,963.50 and interest, through my legal counsel. After the 
mortgage had expired and the note therewith became due, legal proceedings 
were instituted by my counsel advertising the property in the Boston news 
papers, and giving opportunity for those who had previously negotiated for 
the property to redeem the land by paying the amount due on the mortgage. 
But no one offering the price I had paid for it, nor to take the property 
off my hands, the mortgage was foreclosed, and the land legally conveyed 
to me, by my counsel. This land, now valued at twenty thousand dollars, I 
afterwards gave to my church through trustees, who were to be known as 
The Christian Science Board of Directors. A copy of this deed is published 
in our Church Manual. About five thousand dollars had been paid on the 
land when I redeemed it. The only interest I retain in this property is to 
save it for my church. I can neither rent, mortgage, nor sell this church 
edifice nor the land whereon it stands." 

19. Page 111. Concord citizens of responsibility never lost an opportunity 
to express their great regard for Mrs. Eddy; and the author has before him 
letters of that time from the Mayor, the Concord editors, a United States 



Senator, and others agreeing with Mr. Josiah E. Fernald s appreciation which 
is the more impressive because he has never been a Christian Scientist. 

20. Page 177. The Christian Science Sentinel first had the title of the 
Christian Science Weekly, but received its present name January 26, 1899. 

21. Page US. John Oxenham. 

22. Page 118. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 26:71:3278. 

23. Page US. Mrs. Eddy s Message -for 1902, 12, 13. 

24. Page 119. Wilbur, 342, 343. 

25. Page 119. Historical Files of The Mother Church, Recollections of 
George Wendell Adams, Judge Septimus J. Hanna, Joseph G. Mann, Mary 
Stewart, Mary E. Eaton, Emma C. Shipman, Lida S. Stone, Sue Harper Mims; 
and U. S. Senator George H. Moses. 

26. Page 119. Hanna s Christian Science History, 11. 

27. Page 119. 

Adams, George Wendell 
Andrews, Mrs. Effie 
Baker, Mrs. Anna B. White 
Baker, Dr. Alfred E. 
Betts, Edgar K. 
Betts, Mrs. Harriet L. 
Blain, Julian 
Bond, Mrs. Lulu H. 
Brown, Miss Alice Seward 
Buswell, Ezra M. 
Chamberlain, Miss Jessie C. 
Chanfrau, Mrs. Henrietta E. 
Clark, Joseph B. 
Clarkson, Judge Joseph R. 
Coates, Lewis B. 
Cochrane, Mrs. E. Rose 
Colles, Mrs. Marjorie 
Davis, Mrs. Emma S. 
Dole, Rev. Walter 
Easton, Miss Emma Gould 
Eaton, Miss Mary E. 
Fiske, Rev. Henry S. 
Foster, Mrs. Adeline 
Frame, Mrs. Caroline W. 
Hanna, Mrs. Camilla 
Hanna, Judge Septimus J. 
Higman, Mrs. Elizabeth W. 
Higman, Ormond 
Kent, Mrs. Rose E. 
Kimball, Edward A. 
Kimball, Mrs. Kate Davidson 
King, Mrs. Frances J. 
Knapp, Miss Daphne S. 
Lathrop, John Carroll 

The Class of 1898 


McBean, Mrs. Catherine 
McDonald, Miss Margaret S. 
McKee, David N. 
McKenzie, Rev. Wm. P. 
Mann, Mrs. Frances Mack 
Mann, Joseph 
Meehan, Albert 
Metcalf, Albert 
Metcalf, Mrs. Mary C. 
Miller, Mrs. Frederica L. 
Miller, William N. 
Mims, Mrs. Sue Harper 
Moore, George H. 
Neal, James A. 
Norton, Carol 
Norwood, Edward Everett 
Pearson, Charles W. 
Robertson, Mrs. Annie Louise 
Robertson, Miss Nemi 
Shipman, Miss Emma C. 
Smith, J. Edward 
Smith, Richard 
Speakman, Miss Rachel T. 
Stewart, John H. 
Stewart, Miss Mary 
Stocking, Miss Daisette D. 
Stone, Mrs. Lida Stocking 
Sulcer, Dr. Abraham A. 
Thompson, Miss Abigail Dyer 
Thompson, Mrs. Emma A. 
Tomlinson, Rev. Irving C. 
(Representing press) 
George H, Moses 
Allan H. Robinson 
A. Frye 


28. Page 180. Willis J. Abbot s interview with Senator Moses reported in 
The Christian Science Monitor for June 19, 1929. 

29. Page 180. Mrs. Lida S. Stone s recollections in the Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

30. Page 180. Miss Mary Stewart s recollections in the Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

31. Page 180. Thompson, 2. 

32. Page 180. Thompson, 2. 

33. Page 181. Stewart, 6. 

34. Page 181. Stewart, 4. 

35. Page 181. Mary E. Eaton s recollections in the Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

36. Page 182. Mr. George Wendell Adams recollections in the Historical 
Files of The Mother Church. Mr. Adams was sometime clerk of The Mother 
Church, and is now a member of The Christian Science Board of Directors. 

37. Page 182. Conversations with Eckermann. Bonn s Library Transla 
tion, 258, 259. 

38. Page 182. Rom. 7:21. 

39. Page 182. Luke 10:17-20. 

40. Page 182. II Cor. 12:7. 

41. Page 182. Powell s Heavenly Heretics, 7. 

42. Page 183. Shannon, 50, 51. 

43. Page 184. A Ballad of Trees and the Master, by Sidney Lanier. 

44. Page 184. Eaton, 3. 

45. Page 184. Hanna s Christian Science History, 11: Mrs. Eddy to Judge 
Hanna: I did not refer to mental malpractice, its members generally had 
taken the primary course, and this instruction properly comes before that 

46. Page 185. Mann, 11; also S. & H., 406. 

47. Page 185. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 21:61:2615. 

48. Page 185. Charles R. Coming s statement in the Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

49. Page 185. Michael Meehan s recollections in the Historical Files of 
The Mother Church. 

50. Page 185. General Frank S. Streeter s statement dated October 28, 
1906, in Historical Files of The Mother Church. 

51. Page 186. Mrs. Grace A. Greene, 3, 4. 

52. Page 186. Matt. 5:44. 

53. Page 186. Mann, 89. 

54. Page 186. Retrospection and Introspection, 81. 

55. Page 181. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 38:103:4996. 

56. Page 188. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 39:101:5140. 

57. Page 188. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 1:219:90. 

58. Page 189. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 1:53:19. 

59. Page 189. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 1:145:53. 

60. Page 190. This is the Christian Science equivalent for "carnal mind," 
found in the Epistles of St. Paul. Tagore is still here, and thus he personalizes 
"mortal mind": 

"Who is this that follows me into the silent dark? I move aside to avoid 


his presence, but I escape him not. He makes the dust rise from the earth 
with his swagger; he adds his loud voice to every word that I utter. He is 
my own little self, my lord, he knows no shame; but I am ashamed to come 
to thy door in his company." 

61. Page 190. S. & H., 226. 

62. Page 192. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 37:19:4777. 

63. Page 192. Shannon, 53, 54. 

64. Page 193. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 3:225:325. 

65. Page 196. Church Manual, 15, 16. 

66. Page 191. Church Manual, 97. 

67. Page 191. Christian Science Sentinel, December 21, 1929. 

68. Page 191. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 130. 

69. Page 191. Retrospection and Introspection, 79. 

70. Page 198. The Christian Science Monitor, January 8, 1930. 

71. Page 200. What Mrs. Eddy Said to Arthur Brisbane, 41. 

72. Page 201. Michael Meehan s recollections in the Historical Files of 
The Mother Church, 9, 10. 

73. Page 203. Michael Meehan s Mrs. Eddy and the Late Suit in Equity, 
25. Copyrighted and used by permission. In studying the testimony, the 
author has used Mrs. Eddy s own marked copy. For various reasons the 
court hearing did not occur till August 13, 1907. On March 6, 1907, Mrs. 
Eddy had placed her property in trust to Archibald McLellan, Henry M. 
Baker, and Josiah E. Fernald, the last two not being Christian Scien 
tists at all. 

Among the many outside of Christian Science to whom the author 
is under greater obligation than can be described for counsel and co 
operation are distinctively Mr. Talcott Powell of the New York Tele 
gram, and Mr. Josiah E. Fernald of Concord, New Hampshire, who 
has added to substantial assistance in procuring material for the author, 
the following authentic personal recollection of Mrs. Eddy: 

"After Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy came to Concord to live, she did her 
banking with the National State Capital Bank, and started her account 
with the bank on May 16, 1890. Mr. Fernald being Cashier at that 
time, Mrs. Eddy asked him to look after some business matters for her, 
and in that way he came to know her. She in turn sent for him to 
come to her home to consult with him and give such directions as she 
wished about the business in hand. 

"It was a great pleasure to Mr. Fernald to be called upon by Mrs. 
Eddy to attend to any of her business matters. He always found her 
a person who knew exactly what she wanted him to do and how it 
should be carried out. Mrs. Eddy signed her own checks, and ordered 
such securities as she chose to purchase, having a good knowledge 
of her business. 

"Mr. Fernald remembers Mrs. Eddy in her office or study, which 
was on the second floor of the house, and was a very bright and sunny 
southeast corner room facing to the North, with her visitor in a chair 
at her left in an easy speaking distance. She was always prompt, alert 
and courteous. 

"It was a great pleasure to Mr. Fernald to be chosen one of the three 


trustees March 6, 1907. He assisted Gen. Henry M. Baker in the settle 
ment of her estate up to the time of Mr. Baker s death, and was then 
appointed to complete the administration of her estate. After that, 
with the Board of five Directors of The Mother Church, he was 
appointed the sixth Trustee under the Will, and has served in that 
capacity up to the present time. He is very glad to do all in his power 
to help carry out the terms of the Trust as set forth in the Will. 

"Mr. Fernald states that in his relations with his co-trustees, and with 
the many Christian Science Workers, he has found some of the finest 
Christian people in the world; and that it is a great joy to be asso 
ciated with such people, and to be of some assistance in carrying on 
a work that extends all over the world." 

Another valued helper has been Miss Ida Belle Little, Scientist. 

74. Page 203. Mrs. Eddy and the Late Suit in Equity, by Michael 
Meehan, 27. 

75. Page 204. Mrs. Eddy and the Late Suit in Equity., by Michael 
Meehan, 153. 

76. Page 205. Mrs. Eddy and the Late Suit in Equity, by Michael 
Meehan, 157-159. 

77. Page 207. Recollections of Miss Adelaide Still, Mrs. Minnie A. Scott, 
and Professor Hermann S. Hering in the Historical Files of The Mother 

78. Page 208. Letter, April 20, 1908, to Hayne Davis in the Historical 
Files of The Mother Church. 

79. Page 208. Professor Hermann S. Hering s talk with the author. 

80. Page 208. Still, 6. 

81. Page 208. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany^ Vol. 21:101:2632. It is 
interesting that later Mrs. Eddy thought it unnecessary to send this letter. 

82. Page 209. Mann, 93. 

83. Page 209. Reminiscences of Michael Meehan, 13, as well as Mrs. Eddy 
and the Late Suit in Equity. 

84. Page 210. Mrs. Eddy and the Late Suit in Equity, by Michael 
Meehan, 12. 


1. Page 211. Farmington (N. H.) News, January 31, 1908. In prepara 
tion for the writing of this chapter, the author has read many recollections 
in the Historical Files of The Mother Church. He has also talked with many 
of the men and women still on earth who were then associated with 
Mrs. Eddy. Mr. William R. Rathvon has been of special service; but the 
author has also profited by the words of Mrs. Annie Macmillan Knott, 
Reverend Irving C. Tomlinson, Professor Hermann S. Hering, William P. 
McKenzie, Judge Clifford P. Smith, John C. Lathrop, John G. Salchow, 
Joseph G. Mann, Miss M. Adelaide Still, Mrs. Emilie B. Hulin, Miss Minnie 
B. Weygandt, Miss Emma H. McLauthlin, Mrs. Emma Easton Newman, 
Mrs. EUa W. Hoag, Miss Sarah A. Farlow, Mrs. Lauretta W. Blish, Mrs. 
Martha W. Wilcox, and Mrs, Minnie A. Scott. 


2. Page 211. John G. Salchow served a longer term of unbroken service 
to Mrs. Eddy than anyone else, except Calvin A. Frye. 

3. Page 212. Mrs. Eddy and the Late Sidt in Equity, by Michael 
Meehan, 156. 

4. Page 212. In fact Mrs. Eddy once wrote a student: "I have had no 
vacation for over 30 years." 

5. Page 212. I Cor. 15:54. 

6. Page 213. The Portsmouth Chronicle for January 28, 1908, states: 
"Mrs. Eddy was instrumental in many improvements and charity, and the 
latter was very little known about for she gave quietly and her gifts were 
always with the understanding that the name of the giver should not be 

7. Page 214. Christian Science Sentinel, February 15, 1908. 

8. Page 214. Letter on this point see page 208. 

9. Page 215. Arthur Brisbane thus indicated at the time. 

10. Page 215. Boston Globe, January 27, 1908. 

11. Page 216. John G. Salchow s account of this memorable occasion as 
told to the author. 

SECT. 11. At the written request of the Pastor Emeritus, Mrs. Eddy, the 
Board of Directors shall immediately notify a person who has been a member 
of this Church at least three years to go in ten days to her, and it shall be 
the duty of the member thus notified to remain with Mrs. Eddy three years 
consecutively. A member who leaves her in less time without the Directors 
consent or who declines to obey this call to duty, upon Mrs. Eddy s com 
plaint thereof shall be excommunicated from The Mother Church. Members 
thus serving the Leader shall be paid semi-annually at the rate of one thou 
sand dollars yearly in addition to rent and board. Those members whom she 
teaches the course in Divinity, and who remain with her three consecutive 
years, receive the degree of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College." Church 
Manual, 67. 

13. Page 216. Matthew 19:29. 

14. Page 217. Mark 13:33. 

15. Page 211. Joseph G. Mann s letter to the author, 

16. Page 217. S. 6- H., 471. 

17. Page 217. American Magazine, June, 1930, 51. 

18. Page 218. 

"For Rain 

"O God, heavenly Father, who by thy Son Jesus Christ hast promised to 
all those who seek thy kingdom, and the righteousness thereof, all things 
necessary to their bodily sustenance; Send us, we beseech thee, in this our 
necessity, such moderate rain and showers, that we may receive the fruits of 
the earth to our comfort, and to thy honour; through Jesus Christ our 
Lord. Amen? 

"For Fair Weather 

"Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech thee, of thy great 
goodness to restrain those immoderate rains, wherewith, for our sins, thou 
hast afflicted us. And we pray thee to send us such seasonable weather, that 


the earth may, in due time, yield her increase for our use and benefit. And 
give us grace, that we may learn by thy punishments to amend our lives, 
and for thy clemency to give thee thanks and praise; through Jesus Christ 
our Lord. Amen." 

Other Christians besides Episcopalians still pray for rain. During the 
summer drought of 1930 all Christians totalling 625,000 in Arkansas were 
called to pray for rain, and notice was sent to aU the daily papers. 

19. Page 218. Mr. Adam H. Dickey, a valued member of Mrs. Eddy s 
household and also of The Christian Science Board of Directors from 
November 21, 1910 to February 8, 1925. 

20. Page 220. Through the courtesy of Mr. Rathvon, the author has 
examined the song book from which Mrs. Ella S. Rathvon many times sang 
to Mrs. Eddy the songs and hymns which Mrs. Eddy loved. 

21. Page 220. Mr. John C. Lathrop was a trusted member of Mrs. Eddy s 
household and for many years served as a member of The Christian Science 
Board of Lectureship. At present he is a Christian Science teacher and 

22. Page 220. Mr. Rathvon s recollections; also pages 221 and 223. 

23. Page 222. Salchow. 

24. Page 222. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 52:199:7344. 

25. Page 223. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 44:53:5820. 

26. Page 223. Pulpit and Press, 75. 

27. Page 223. Mrs. Eddy s Message for 1902, 4. 

28. Page 224. Phil. 3:13, 14. Also Mrs. Eddy s Message for 1900, 6. 

29. Page 224. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 36:85:4<567. 

30. Page 224. Mann, 93. 

31. Page 225. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 262. 
Quotations that follow are from Mr. Rathvon s recollections. 

32. Page 227. Poems, 30. 

33. Page 227. Presented to The Mother Church by Mr. Merritt. 

34. Page 227. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 191. 

35. Page 228. Mann, 99. 

36. Page 228. Miscellaneous Writings, 7. 

37. Page 229. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 52:79:7268. 

38. Page 229. Mrs. Eddy s secretary wrote November 24, 1908, to Mr. 
Archibald McLellan: "Our Leader prefers the heavy style of type shown in 
the title of the paper which I enclose herewith, but insists that the article 
The properly belongs in the title and wishes it placed there. This will 
necessitate making another design that can be as easily read as the one 
enclosed." (Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 51:175:7178.) This is 
another indication of Mrs. Eddy s constant oversight of details in the estab 
lishment of her Cause. 

39. Page 231. Mr. McLellan, a resident of Chicago, had been attorney 
with R. G. Dun & Co. for eighteen years, when he was called in 1902 by Mrs. 
Eddy to assume the Editorship of the Christian Science periodicals. When 
The Christian Science Monitor was established, Mr. McLellan became its 
Editor-in-Chief. Up to the time when Mrs. Eddy desired to make Mr. 
McLellan a Director, there were but four members of the Board. She caused 
the By-Law, Article I, Section 5, of the Church Manual to be amended to 


provide that the Board "shall consist of five members." Then Mr. McLellan 
was elected the fifth member of the Board. 

40. Page 231. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 25:203:3191. 

41. Page 231. Christian Science Sentinel, March 11, 1911, 524. 

42. Page 233. Translated from the German. 

43. Page 234. Mrs. Minnie Scott, 12. 

44. Page 234. Such an instance of reproof which Mrs. Eddy gave one of 
her beloved students had to do with the student s failure to observe the 
counsel of Matthew 18:15-17: "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass 
against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee, and him alone: if he 
shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, 
then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three 
witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear 
them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him 
be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican." This Scripture has been a 
preliminary requirement of discipline since the early history of the Church. 
Mrs. Eddy wrote: "You are committing an unpardonable sin by talking as 
you do about the s. What you say against them to others you should say 
to them. The Mother Church By-Laws forbid doing otherwise. . . . Un 
pardonable sin means one that we are never pardoned of but taught 
through suffering that it is a sin." 

45. Page 236. S. & H., 113. 

46. Page 236. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 38:223:5066. 

47. Page 237. Mrs. Eddy s notebook. 

48. Page 237. Meehan, 5. 

49. Page 238. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 19:11:2345. 

50. Page 238. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 3:85:258. 

51. Page 238. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 36:225:4755. 

52. Page 238. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 14:97:1721. 

53. Page 238. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 15:99:1832. 

54. Page 239. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 32:53:4095. 

55. Page 239. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 19:73:2372. 

56. Page 240. Wilbur, 6 note. 

57. Page 240. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 55:38:7682. 

58. Page 240. Miss Lydia B. Hall s recollections. 

59. Page 241. Sarah A. Farlow, 2. 

60. Page 241. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 138. 
Perhaps nowhere has Mrs. Eddy indicated more vividly her love and loyalty 
to Christ Jesus than in her poem: 

O er waiting harpstrings of the mind 

There sweeps a strain, 
Low, sad, and sweet, whose measures bind 

The power of pain, 

And wake a white-winged angel throng 

Of thoughts, illumed 
By faith, and breathed in raptured song, 

With love perfumed. 


Then His unveiled, sweet mercies show 

Life s burdens light. 
I kiss the cross, and wake to know 

A world more bright. 

And o er earth s troubled, angry sea 

I see Christ walk, 
And come to me, and tenderly, 

Divinely talk. 

Thus Truth engrounds me on the rock, 

Upon Life s shore, 
Gainst which the winds and waves can shock, 

Oh, nevermore! 

From tired joy and grief afar, 

And nearer Thee, 
Father, where Thine own children are, 

I love to be. 

My prayer, some daily good to do 

To Thine, for Thee; 
An offering pure of Love, whereto 

God leadeth me. 

Poems, 12. 

61. Page 242. An earlier New England village word for a little, restless 

62. Page 242. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 6:227:636. 

63. Page 243. In the Historical Files of The Mother Church appears the 
following statement made by the undertakers in attendance: 

To Whom it may Concern: 

We were called to the residence of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy in Chestnut 
Hill, Mass., at 8-15 A.M., Sunday December 4, 1910, to care for her body. We 
found it in an excellent state of preservation when first called, and also fifty 
eight hours after death. No preserving compounds were used until that time. 
The tissues were remarkedly normal; the skin was well preserved, soft, 
pliable, smooth and healthy. I do not remember having found the body of a 
person of such advanced age in so good a physical condition. The walls of 
the arteries were unusually firm and in as healthy a state as might be 
expected in the body of a young person. The usual accompaniments of age 
were lacking, and no outward appearance of any disease, no lesion or other 
conditions common to one having died at such an advanced age were 

In the process of embalming we found the body at sixty hours after death, 
in as good condition of preservation as we always find at twelve to twenty- 
four hours after death. 

This is our voluntary statement made without solicitation or influence of 
any kind. 

64. Page 243. Judge Smith served as First Reader of The Mother Church, 
was a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, for a period 


of years was Manager of Committees on Publication, and later was Editor 
of the Christian Science periodicals. At present he is the Editor of the 
Bureau of History and Records. 
65. Page 243. 

O gentle presence, peace and joy and power; 

O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour, 
Thou Love that guards the nestling s faltering flight! 

Keep Thou my child on upward wing tonight. 

Love is our refuge; only with mine eye 

Can I behold the snare, the pit, the fall: 
His habitation high is here, and nigh, 

His arm encircles me, and mine, and all. 

O make me glad for every scalding tear, 

For hope deferred, ingratitude, disdain! 
Wait, and love more for every hate, and fear 

No ill, since God is good, and loss is gain. 

Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing; 

In that sweet secret of the narrow way, 
Seeking and finding, with the angels sing: 

"Lo, I am with you alway," watch and pray. 

No snare, no fowler, pestilence or pain; 

No night drops down upon the troubled breast, 
When heaven s aftersmile earth s tear-drops gain, 

And mother funds her home and heav nly rest. 

Poems, p. 40. 


1. Page 246. Once in her old age asked by the author how she kept her 
youthfulness, Ellen Terry answered: 

I pray devoutly, 

I hammer stoutly, 

And always get my way. 

POWELL S The Human Touch, 136. 

2. Page 241. America Set Free, 572. 

3. Page 247. Reported in Christian World, London, England, March 8 

4. Page 248. Time, June 16, 1930, 21. 

Compare the following editorial from The Christian Science Monitor of 
June 18, 1930: 

One of the most noteworthy features of many of the recent theories 
of the physical scientists is the fact that their authors have recognized 
the necessity of looking right through the fluctuating testimony of the 


senses in an endeavor to reach basically correct ideas of fundamentals. 
Of none can this be said more truly than of Prof. Albert Einstein, who 
just the other day, before the delegates of the World Power Confer 
ence in Berlin, discussed, for the first time in more or less popular 
fashion, his ideas of space, time and relativity. 

His opening sentence was startling in its metaphysical significance. 
"Conceptions and conceptional systems," he declared, "logically re 
garded, never originate from sense experiences." It is clear, therefore, 
that thought must lie behind those things that seem real to human 
testimony. From this point of view, Professor Einstein proceeded to 
show how, through the centuries of past investigation, gradually what 
he designated as "space" has obtained a foundational sense of reality. 

One by one the earlier theories had been disproved or corrected 
until, in his words, "space ... has swallowed up ether and time and 
is about to swallow up the field theory and the corpuscular theory as 
well, so that it will remain as the only theory representing reality." 

"Space," however, is not used in an entirely popular sense. It refers 
more to a structural framework of the universe. This, prior to the 
theory of relativity, was represented as absolute in itself, "as something 
the inner substance of which was not capable of being influenced and 
was in no wise changeable." Later, however, as "the last bit of 
substance" was removed from ether, "a structure of greater richness 
of form" for space had to be sought. This was necessary to reconcile 
the idea with further theories which were found to clash with the 
primary space hypothesis. 

Of course, it is not possible to describe the Einstein theories in a 
short article. That they constitute a decided advance in the direction 
of a broadening concept of the unity of power and a clearer realization 
of the metaphysical nature of the universe is undeniable. It cannot 
be said that they represent absolute statements of Truth, because at 
best they aim simply at the explanation of the phenomena of the 
physical world. Still they are, without any question, aspects of that 
increase of knowledge welcomed as productive of the human invention 
that will be succeeded by even more important phases of experience. 

There is little doubt that the development of these theories will be 
far-reaching and will greatly help in relieving mankind of its shackles 
of limitation. It is important, however, that the theories be seen in 
their right light, while being recognized as included among the most 
important contributions to twentieth century material progress. 

5. Page 248. American Magazine, June 1930, 138. 

6. Page 249. The famous class of 1898 the last with its sixty-seven 
members, was an exception. 

7. Page 250. No preacher in Protestantism is more courageous or more 
understanding of American conditions than Dr. Burns Jenkins of Kansas 
City. His church is always filled; and yet in his new book, The World s Debt 
to Protestantism, 248, he writes: "Dean Inge has recently said that the golden 
age of preaching is past. He speaks for England, to be sure; but what 
happens in England sooner or later is likely to happen in America. The 


golden age of preaching no doubt recedes into the past in this country as 
well as in the motherland. The names of commanding preachers in America 
may be counted on the fingers of one hand. Country people who would 
listen eagerly for an hour or two hours to a preacher have given place to 
city people who will not listen with patience for twenty to thirty minutes. 
It is impossible in the cities to gather evening audiences even for the most 
powerful men. The foolishness of preaching no longer gathers a gaping 
crowd on Sunday nights." 

8. Page 250. The New Case, 220. 

9. Page 251. Mary Baker Eddy, 7, 8. 

10. Page 251. S. & H., 411. 

11. Page 252. S. 6- H., 125. 

12. Page 252. Powell s Emmanuel Movement, 154. 

13. Page 252. S. 6- H., 325. 

14. Page 252. Bunting s The Radiant Life, 174. 

15. Page 253. In Mrs. Eddy s earlier days in Boston, Mr. Neal was a bank 
cashier in a Kansas town. His attention was brought to Christian Science by 
a friend. He bought a copy of Science and Health, and was soon launched 
on a notable career of Christian Science healing. In 1889 he was under Mrs. 
Eddy s class instruction in Boston, and from 1892 until he passed on in 1930 
he practised healing in Boston and served as a member of the Board of 
Directors from July 1912 to October 1929, when he resigned. 

It was to Mr. Neal that Mrs. Eddy, January 28, 1897, wrote with her own 
pen the following letter which is unsurpassed in its revelation of her affec 
tion for the faithful and of the high value she set on healing. 

My beloved Student, 

Your letter is my best New Year s gift, I had felt for sometime the fitness 
you possess for healing I knew it when you were a member of my College 
class. It looked a waste of your talents to have you in a counting room. 
Now, thank God, I have at least one student in Boston that promises to 
be a Healer such I have long waited and hoped to see. Oh may the Love 
that looks on you and all guide your every thought and act up to the 
impersonal, spiritual model that is the only ideal and constitutes the only 
scientific Healer. 

To this glorious end I ask you to still press on, and have no other ambition 
or aim. A real scientific Healer is the highest position attainable in this sphere 
of being. Its altitude is far above a Teacher or preacher; it includes all that 
is divinely high and holy. Darling James, leave behind all else and strive for 
this great achievement. Mother sighs to see how much her students need 
this attainment and longs to live to see one Christian Scientist attain it. Your 
aid to reach this goal is spiritualization. To achieve this you must have one 
God, one affection, one way, one Mind. Society, flattery, popularity are 
temptations in your pursuit of growth spiritual. Avoid them as much as in 
you lies. Pray daily, never miss praying, no matter how often: "Lead me not 
into temptation," scientifically rendered, Lead me not to lose sight of 
strict purity, clean pure thoughts; let all my thoughts and aims be high, un 
selfish, charitable, meek, spiritually minded. With this altitude of thought 
your mind is losing materiality and gaining spirituality and this is the state of 


mind that heals the sick. My new book will do you much good. Do not 
purchase one, Mother wants to give you one. I welcome you into the 
sanctum of my fold. God bless you. 

Your loving Teacher 

M B Eddy 
(Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 28:33:3524.) 

16. Page 255. S. & H., 292. 

17. Page 255. Bicknell Young of Chicago, for many years a member of 
The Christian Science Board of Lectureship. 

18. Page 256. Bliss Knapp, member of The Christian Science Board of 
Lectureship for many years. 

19. Page 251. Michael Meehan s recollections in the Historical Files of 
The Mother Church, 18. See also in confirmation S. & H., 128. 

20. Page 261. S. 6- H., 468. 

21. Page 262. Miscellaneous Writings, 287. 

22. Page 263. Miscellaneous Writings, 287. 

23. Page 263. This letter is in the collection the author has presented to 
the Board of Directors. The word "friendship" in the last phrase Mrs. Eddy 
used, like Henry Clay Trumbull in his standard book on Friendship The 
Master Passion, was thus hyphenated "friendship-love." 

24. Page 265. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 210. 

25. Page 265. Miss Mary Burt Messer was an authority on the family 
before she wrote "The Family in the Making" (1928). At one time connected 
in New York with the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor 
and the Charity Organization Society, for seven years engaged in research 
for Wisconsin, teacher at Stout Institute, and finally lecturer on the family 
for the University of California Extension Division, she says (p. 351): 

"Breaking through the entire scheme of accepted values, and carrying its 
methods into all quarters of the wojld, the movement of Christian Science 
stands forth as a conception of the Christian religion drawn from woman s 
insight, quietly advancing women to a position of equality with man in the 
Christian church, and, conceiving the spiritual or creative principle in 
feminine as well as in masculine terms. The maternal attribute of the divine 
is thus advanced in connection with the paternal attribute not as in the 
poetic overtones of Virgin worship, but with the living potencies of an 
operative truth, a conception intimately associated with the restoration to 
Christianity of its lost power of healing." 

26. Page 265. Matthew 7:20. 


1. Page 266. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 357. 

2. Page 261. S. & H., 126. 

3. Page 261. Matt. 28:20. 

4. Page 261. S. 6- H., xi. In the Christian Science Sentinel March 28, 
1931, Judge Clifford P. Smith writes that Mrs. Eddy "has made Christianity 
more comprehensible to modern thought, less miraculous or mysterious, and 

318 NOTES 

more spiritually sensible than original Christianity was known to be before 
she discovered its Science." 

5. Page 267. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 4. 

6. Page 268. S. & H., 146. 

7. Page 268. Miscellaneous Writings, 184. 

8. Page 268. Mrs. Eddy s Letters and Miscellany, Vol. 3:225:325. 

9. Page 269. Mark Twain quoted in Powell s Christian Science, 1917, XV. 

10. Page 270. 211. 

11. Page 271. Torrance Parker in the Christian Science Sentinel, June 7, 

12. Page 271. Matt. 6:34. 



ABBOT, WILLIS J., interviews Senator 
Moses, 306 

Abbott, Lyman, 159 

Adams, George Wendell, 16; de 
scribes Mrs. Eddy, 180, Class of 98, 
306; Clerk and Director of The 
Mother Church, 307 

Adams, John Quincy, 61 

Adams, Mrs. Mary M. W., called by 
Mrs. Eddy to compile rules for 
teachers, 192 

Adams, Rt. Rev. William, published 
addresses on moral philosophy un 
der caption Christian Science, 102 

Addison, Joseph, read by Mary 
Baker, 57, 61 

Africa, 46, 276 

Agassiz, Louis, 141 

Aiken, Mrs. Mary D., 278 

Albany, N. Y., 280 

Albion, Maine, Mrs. Patterson stop 
ping with Sarah Crosby, 105 

Alcott, A. Bronson, calls on Mrs. 
Eddy and thanks her for Science 
and Health, 127; visits her at Lynn, 
127; at Christian Scientist Associa 
tion meeting, 127, 141, 294 

Alcott family, the, 213 

Alcott, Louisa M., Mr. Alcott speaks 
of Mrs. Eddy to, 128, meeting with 
Mrs. Eddy, 157 

Aldnch, Judge Edgar, "Next 
Friends Suit," 204 

Aldnch, Thomas Bailey, 141 

Alexandria, Va, Lindley Murray s 
books published in, 57, 61 

Allen, George H., 146 

Ambrose, Abigail (wife of Mark 
Baker), birth of Mary Baker, 52, 
preparation for child, 52; teaches 
daughter to pray, 53, 54; slavery 

question then vital, 61; sends by 
Mary message to George, 64, 65; 
letter of counsel to be read on 
Mary s wedding journey, 73; passes 
on, 80; Mrs. Glover informs 
George, 80, 93; Mary at her knee 
in childhood hears Bible stories of 
healing, 92; Rev. Richard S. Rust s 
tribute, 93 , her understanding, 276; 
influence on Mary, 277; 279, 283 

Ambrose, D. Russell, 280 

America, 221, 315 

American Federation of Churches, 

American Magazine, The, July, 1930, 
Charming Pollock s defense of the 
times in, 274; 310, 315 

Amesbury, 116 

Amiel, Henri Frederic, 281 

Andrade, An Hour of Physics, 273 

Andrews, Mrs. Effie, 306 

Anglican Church, 28, 33, see Episco 
pal Church 

Annte Laurie, 220 

Antarctic Expedition, 27 

Arens, Edward J., Mrs. Eddy in 
vokes legal protection against, 117, 
143; attempts to build personal 
business, 167; infringement of Mrs. 
Eddy s copyright, 296 

Argentina, lectures in, 46, 275 

Armstrong, Joseph, defendant in 
"Next Friends Suit," 203 

Arnold, Edwin, 281 

Associated Press, representatives in 
terview Mrs. Eddy, 200 

Association, see Christian Scientist 

Astor, Lady Nancy, 28, 263 

Astor, Viscount, 28 

Atkinson, N., convert at Methodist 
revival, 69 

Atlanta, Georgia, 179, 245 

Atlantic, The, 142 




Auld Lang Syne, 220 
Aurelius, Marcus, 58 
Auslander, Joseph, quoted, 164 
Australia, lectures in, 46 
Author, the, see Powell 
Avon, see East Stoughton, 130 


BACON, E. M., 296 

Bacon, Francis, 57 

Bagley, Miss Sarah, Mrs. Eddy de 
scribes former patient of Quimby 
to, 108; 116; takes Mrs. Eddy to 
call on Whittier, 127, 293 

Baker, Abigail (wife of Alexander 
Tilton), in Mary s letter to 
George, 65; 69; at Mary s wedding 
to George W. Glover, 72; hus 
band s mills at Tilton, 80; receives 
Mrs. Glover into her home, 81; 
dominating mentality and political 
views, 81; endeavors to force sister 
to same thinking, 82; Mrs. Eddy s 
letter to her in later years, 83; no 
room for little George Glover, 84; 
bringing up Albert, 85; encourages 
Mrs. Glover s second marriage, 87; 
removes Mrs. Patterson from 
North Groton to Rumney, 89; 
clash of wills, 93; considers 
Quimby quack and sends sister to 
water cure, 95; money she sends 
her is hoarded for journey to Port 
land, 96; impressed by Mary s 
healing takes son Albert to 
Quimby, 98; closes her doors to 
Mrs. Eddy, 113; 279; she and son 
visit Quimby, 284; character and 
will, 286; Mrs. Eddy quoted, 286; 
to Rumney with Mrs. Eddy, 286 

Baker, Abigail Ambrose, see Am 
brose, Abigail 

Baker, Albert (brother of Mary), 
Mary confides plans to him, 54; 
home from Dartmouth College, 55; 
close relations with Mary, 56; 
Mary writes George of Albert s 
absence, 64; Mary comments on 

his closer relations with Franklin 
Pierce, 65; child with cut finger, 
278; death of, 278; on slavery, 279 

Baker, Dr. Alfred E., 306 

Baker, Mrs. Anna B. White, 306 

Baker, Mrs. Eliza Ann, see Glover, 
Eliza Ann 

Baker, Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson, see 
Duncan, Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson 

Baker family, daily devotions, 52; 
interest in political affairs, 61; at 
tend Methodist revival, 68; keep 
aloof from Mrs. Eddy, 120; prac 
tice economy, 292 

Baker, George Sullivan, Mary s let 
ters to, 55, 63, 64, 65, 66; Mark 
Baker swaps George s favorite 
horse, 66; at Mary s wedding, 72; 
meets his widowed sister in New 
York, 78; marries and goes to 
Baltimore, 80; Mrs. Glover writes 
him of mother s death, 80; her 
letter to his future wife, 86; son 
joins in "Next Friends Suit," 202, 
280; thanks Southern people for 
kindness to sister, 284 

Baker, George W., joins in "Next 
Friends Suit," 202, 203 

Baker, Gen. Henry M., his picture 
on Mrs. Eddy s mantel, 188; one 
of three trustees, 308 

Baker, Joseph, 60 

Baker, Mark, birth of youngest 
daughter Mary Morse, 52; ardent 
advocate of church, 52; gets advice 
from family doctor, 55; Mary 
reads newspapers, 61; swaps 
George s favorite horse, 66; North 
ern Democrat and attitude to 
ward slavery, 75; Mrs. Glover 
returns a widow to her father s 
house, 78; carries little George to 
neighbor, 79; cares for frail daugh 
ter, 79; builds comfortable home, 
80; marries Elizabeth Patterson 
Duncan, 81; Dr. Patterson relative 
of his second wife, 86; advice to 
Dr. Patterson as to marrying 
Mary, 87; in heated discussion with 



Mary about everlasting punish 
ment, 93; dies in 1865, 113; Mrs. 
Eddy tells humorous incidents of, 
219; vigorous and inelastic person 
ality, 277; insistent that family at 
tend morning devotions, 278 

Baker, Martha (married Pillsbury), 
Mary writes George of Martha s 
illness, 66; at Mary s wedding to 
George W. Glover, 72; loaned 
Patterson money for sawmill and 
land, 286 

Baker, Martha Rand (Mrs. George), 
see Rand, Martha D. 

Baker, Mrs. Mary A., accompanies 
Mrs. Patterson to Quimby s office, 

Baker, Mary Morse, see Eddy, Mary 

Baker, Rufus, 276 

Baker, Samuel Dow, with new wife 
at Mary s wedding to George 
Glover, "72; 283 

Baker, Uncle, Mrs. Eddy refers to his 
illness, 65 

Balch, Miss, girlhood correspondent 
of A4ary Baker, 70 

Baldwin, William Delavan, 258 

Ballad of Trees and The Master, A, 
Lanier, 307 

Balliol College, 274 

Baltimore, Md., George Baker goes 
to, 80; 245 

Bancroft, Samuel P., Mrs. Eddy s 
promised refund of tuition, 117; 
146, 292, 299 

Baptist Church, Mrs. Eddy preaches 
in, 148 

Barbizon School, The, 142 

Barry, George W., 132, 143, 146, 296 

Bartlett, John H., 65; converted at 
Methodist revival, 69; suitor for 
Mrs. Glover s hand, 84 

Bartlett, Miss Julia S., estimate of 
Asa Gilbert Eddy, 143; healed, 
154; 277, 290, 291, 293, 294, 296, 
300, 303 

Barton, Wm. E., 296 

Batten, Barton, Durstine and Os- 
borne, 232 

Baum, Miss M. Louise, 187 

Beatitudes, 248 

Beckley, Zoe, writes of Lady Astor, 

Beecher, Henry Ward, 281 

Benevolent Association, Christian 
Science, proposed sanatorium an 
nounced, 49; opened, 49; capacity 
and purpose, 49 

Benevolent Association, Christian 
Science, on Pacific Coast, 49 

Benton, 283 

Berkeley, teaching regarding matter, 

Bermuda, lectures in, 46 

Berne, Switzerland, 47 

Betts, Edgar K., 306 

Betts, Mrs. Harriet L., 306 

Bible, daily reading encouraged, 4, 
10, 50; runs through Lindley 
Murray books, 58; Book of Books 
to Mary Baker, 59; "science and 
health" found in Wyclif s New 
Testament, 103; best seller among 
serious books, 133; King James 
Version, 133; engrossed Ira O. 
Knapp, 155; Mrs. Eddy s morning 
reading, 171; Mrs. Eddy s writing 
and, 187; her study of, 234; reliance 
on, 235, 242; her favorite passage, 
235; interpretation of, 236; reading 
of, 249; Scientists knowledge of, 
249; in Lutheran worship, 268; 
technique of daily study, 269; 
Christian Scientists live according 
to, 276 

Bible Lesson Committee, Christian 
Science, 236, 249 

Bible Lessons, instead of personal 
preaching, 41, 50; studied daily, 
234, 235; Mrs. Eddy s joy in study 
ing, 236; preparation of, 249; daily 
study of, 250; value of, 250; re 
sults, 257; importance of daily 
study, 264 

Bible Looking Glass, The, 133 



Black, Hugh, Friendship, 69, 281 
Blackman, C. Lulu, joins Mrs. Eddy s 

class, 148, 301 
Blain, Julian, 306 
Blake, William, 104 
Blish, Mrs. Lauretta W., 309 
Blue Hills, seen from Chestnut Hill 

residence, 216 

Board of Directors, The Christian 
Science, conference with, and per 
sonnel, 16; grant access to Church 
historical files, 17; responsibility to 
the flock, 19; arranging for author 
contacts, 21; method of financing 
organization, 42; nominated by 
Mrs. Eddy in her lifetime, 44; ap 
point and supervise work of Chris 
tian Science lecturers, etc., 44; 
pass on issuance of Mrs. Eddy s 
writings, 45; select Christian Sci 
ence teachers, 45; establish sanato- 
riums and home for elderly 
Christian Scientists, 48; Ira O. 
Knapp, 154; William B. Johnson, 
155; Capt. Joseph Eastaman, 155; 
litigation against, 162; take land 
for church, Sept. 1892, 176; Mrs. 
Eddy s letter to, 188; directed to 
start church, 189; Mrs. Eddy 
writes "Never abandon the By- 
Laws," 193, 268; defend their re 
ligion, 197; Edward A. Merritt 
cited, 227; directed to start a news 
paper, 228; consulted as to new 
daily, 229; Mrs. Eddy suggests in 
crease in salary, 238; administer 
Ruggles Educational Fund, 259; 
conduct commended, 266; con 
ducting organization according to 
Leader s instructions, 269; and the 
future of Christian Science, 270; 
gratitude of Christian Scientists to, 
271; Charles E. Heitman, 276; land 
deeded to, 305; Mrs. Annie M. 
Knott, 302; George Wendell 
Adams, 307; Directors and Mr. 
Fernald are Trustees, 309; Adam 
H. Dickey, 311; Archibald McLel- 
lan, 311; James A. Neal, 316 

Board of Education, Christian Sci 
ence, selects, instructs, and certifies 
teachers of Christian Science, 45 

Board of Lectureship, Christian 
Science, appointed by Directors 
and work supervised, 44; men and 
women of culture, 46; their aim, 
50; testimony of, 255 

Bogart, John, at the darks table, 106 

Bonn s Library Translation, 307 

Bond, Mrs. Lulu H., 306 

Book of Boston, The, Shackleton, 

Book of Martyrs, Fox s, 101 

Book of Spirit Writings, A, C. C. 
Helberg, 292 

Boston Advertiser, 142 

Boston Evening Transcript, 142, 244 

Boston Globe, 141, 244, 310 

Boston Herald, 141, 199 

Boston, Mass., The First Church of 
Christ, Scientist, organized in, 38; 
center of Committee on Publica 
tion activities, 47; Emerson starting 
career as preacher in, 57; Mary 
Baker visits, 70; pursuit of culture, 
75; magnetizers or mesmerists in, 
92; Mrs. Eddy wins place in, 126; 
128; Mrs. Eddy looks for pub 
lisher in, 132; Mrs. Eddy removes 
to, 140; writers, 141; Public Li 
brary and Symphony Orchestra, 
142; preachers, 142; swift growth 
of Christian Science in, 152; ad 
visability of Mrs. Eddy s settling 
in, 157; 160; work taken up in Bos 
ton, 163; Dressers starting mental 
science movement, 167; increas 
ing demands on Mrs. Eddy 
cause removal, 170; Mrs. Eddy re 
members, 173; Mrs. Eddy gives 
land for church, 174; newspapers 
sent representatives to Concord, 
200; why Mrs. Eddy should be 
near, 214; loved by Mrs. Eddy, 
244; Japanese delegation visits, 275; 
276; weather report for 1895, 295; 
Mrs. Eddy preaches in Baptist 
church, 300 



Boston Medical Library, books on 
animal magnetism, 92 

Boston Post, 141, 244 

Boston Public Library, books on ani 
mal magnetism, etc., 92; 142 

Boston Traveler, 141; convention in 
Chicago, 165 

Bouton, Dr., 153 

Bow, New Hampshire, birthplace of 
Mrs. Eddy, 52; Baker family re 
moves from, 62; Mary s second 
letter written from, 64; Mr. and 
Mrs. Glover pay visit to, 73; Mrs. 
Eddy s birthplace no longer in 
sight, 216 

Boxer Rebellion, Mrs. Eddy s knowl 
edge of, 200 

Boy Scouts, 275 

Braid, mesmerism in England, 91 

Brazil, lectures in, 46, 275 

Brent, Bishop, 15, 250 

Bride, The, verse, 285 

Brisbane, Arthur, tribute to Mrs. 
Eddy, 200, 308 

British Museum, 20 

Broad St., Lynn, Mrs. Eddy s resi 
dence in, 124; her purchase of 
8 Broad St., 124; 125 

Brook Farm, 141 

Brookhouse, Nathaniel, at the Clarks 
table, 106 

Brooks, Phillips, 142 

Brown, Miss Alice Seward, 306 

Brown & Co., W. F., bill for printing 
Science and Health, 132 

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S., 
owners earliest picture of Mrs. 
Eddy, 279; own clock once in 
Holmes residence, 281 

Brown University, 259 

Browning, Elizabeth, 281 

Browning, Robert, 281; Paracelsus, 

Bryan, William Jennings, speaks at 
Democratic Convention of 1896, 
164; Cross of Gold speech, 165, 302 

Bryce, James, estimate of U. S. Con 
stitution, 102 

Bryn Mawr, Woodrow Wilson 

teaching at, 24 
Bubier, S. M., Esq., Mrs. Patterson 

carried to his home after fall on 

ice, 109 
Bucher, A. J., in The Christian 

Apologist, 233 

Bunting, Rev. John S., 40, 316 
Bunyan, John, 281 
Burnett, Frances Hodgson, meets 

Mrs. Eddy, 157 

Burnham, Miss, girlhood correspond 
ent of Mary Baker, 70 
Burns, Thos., 281 
Burt, John M., 84 
Business efficiency and Christian 

Scientists, 256-258 
Buswell, Ezra M., 306 
Butler, Mrs. Agnata Frances, 29 
Butler, Dr. Montagu, 29 
Butterworth, Hezekiah, 141, 296 
By-Laws, see Manual 
Byrd, Rear Admiral, 27 
Byron, 68, 281 


Calcutta, 122 

Calhoun, John C., 75, 278, 283 

Calvinism, 52 

Cambridge, Mass., 140 

Cambridge History of American Lit- 
erature, author s article on Science 
and Health in, 11, 131; 295 

Campbellite, denomination, preaches 
fellowship, 268 

Canada, lectures in, 46; fund admin 
istered in, 259 

Canal Zone, lectures in, 46 

Canterbury, former Archbishop of, 

Carlyle, Thomas, 281 

Carpenter, Gilbert C., secretary to 
Mrs. Eddy, 282; Mrs. Eddy writes 
verse with ease, 287; 302 

Carr, Mr., and wife, converted at 
Methodist revival, 69 




Gate, Esq., and wife, converted at 
Methodist revival, 69 

Cawein, Madison Julius, 202 

Central Music Hall, 164, 302 

Century Magazine, The., 281 

Chamberlain, Miss Jessie, 306 

Chandler, Senator Wm. E., and 
"Next Friends Suit," 203; visit to 
Mrs. Eddy, 207 

Chanfrau, Mrs. Henrietta E., 306 

Changing Family, The, G. W. Fiske, 

Channing, Wm. E., 281 

Charles, King, and Joan of Arc, 53 

Charleston, South Carolina, George 
W. Glover, builder in, 72; returns 
with bride to, 73; attractiveness of, 
74; cultural and literary center, 75; 
slavery in, 75; Mrs. Glover in, 76, 
77, 78, 81, 82, 283 

Charleston Evening Post, The, 282 

Charmides, 252 

Chase, Stephen A., defendant in 
"Next Friends Suit," 203 

Cheney, Mrs. Russell, see Sanborn, 

Chesterfield, Lord, 57, 58 

Chesterton, G. K., 239 

Chestnut Hill, Mrs. Eddy s last home, 
21; Benevolent Association sanato 
rium established at, 48; 76; Mrs. 
Eddy leaves Concord for, 211; ar 
rival at, 215; life at, 212, 216, 220, 
221, 228, 234, 237, 243, 278, 304, 313 

Chicago, Mrs. Eddy visits, 163, 302; 
National Christian Scientist Asso 
ciation convention at, 163 ; Chicago 
newspapers, 164; Mrs. Eddy s re 
turn from, 167; 232; editors in, 245 

Chickering Hall, services moved to, 

Children, Mrs. Eddy s advice on 
bringing up, 264; Christian Science 
teachings on, 264, 265 

Chile, lectures in, 46 

China, lectures in, 46, 200; Mrs. 
Eddy s knowledge of Chinese af 
fairs, 200 

Choate, Mrs. Clara E., Mrs. Eddy 

writes her, 118; the Eddys live 
with, 144; characterizes Dr. Eddy, 
144; 291; recollections of, 300 

Choate, Warren, first Sunday School 
pupil, 146; Mr. and Mrs. Eddy s 
love for, 297; speaks from platform 
when Mrs. Eddy announces first 
Sunday School, 297 

Christ My Refuge, 312 

Christian Apologist, The, 233 

Christian Healing, 162, 289 

Christian Herald, 37, 281 

Christian Science, see Science 

Christian Science and Its Discoverer, 
Ramsay, 278 

Christian Science Benevolent Asso 
ciation, see Benevolent Association 

Christian Science Benevolent Asso 
ciation on Pacific Coast, see Benev 
olent Association on Pacific Coast 

Christian Science Board of Directors, 
The, see Board 

Christian Science Board of Educa 
tion, see Board of Education 

Christian Science Church, see 
Church, Christian Science; Church 
of Christ, Scientist 

Christian Science Hall, 180 

Christian Science History, by Hanna, 
306, 307 

Christian Science Mind-healing, 289 

Christian Science Monitor, The, see 

Christian Science Pleasant View 
Home, The, see Pleasant View 

Christian Science Publishing Society, 
The, see Publishing House and 
Publishing Society 

Christian Science Quarterly, see 

Christian Science Series, Mrs. Eddy 
not to be consulted, 169 

Christian Scientist, see Scientist 

Christian Scientists, see Scientists 

Christian Scientist Association, or 
ganized, 38; Bronson Alcott and 
Rev. J. L. Dudley guests at, 127; 
Asa Eddy arranges for meeting of, 



144; organized, 146; books carried 
off by disloyal students, 167; dis 
organized, 168; eight disloyal stu 
dents accuse Leader, 293; records, 
294; disbanded, 305 

Christian Scientist Association, Na 
tional, first convention held in 
Chicago, 163; Mrs. Eddy speaks, 
164; Boston Traveler s account, 165 

Christian Union, 159 

Christian World, 314 

Christmas, Mrs. Eddy s concept of, 
225; her message to her household, 

Church attendance, recent rapid sub 
sidence, 13; tendency to diminish, 
52; why Christian Scientists go to 
church, 248; Christian Scientists 
habit of, 250, 269 

Church, Christian Science, not de 
pendent on personal popularity of 
anyone, 41; generous financial sup 
port and why, 42; simplicity of, 
43; formation of, with democratic 
branches, 43, 44; societies in col 
leges, 43; Mother Church hub with 
branches, 43; Sunday Schools and 
teaching system, 45; policy of un 
derstatement rather than over, 266; 
more than doubled in last 20 
years, 266; generous in relief work 
inside and outside of Christian 
Science, 275; expression of Mrs. 
Eddy s leadership, 277 

Church of Christ, Scientist, organ 
ized, 38; name for, 102; rebellious 
members expelled, 124; legal in 
corporation, 146; first services, 
146; conduct of services, 146; 
breaks up organizations, 174; dis 
organization of, 303, 304. 

Church of Christ, Scientist, in Con 
cord, N. H., see Concord 

Church, The Mother, notable in 
crease, 38; method of raising bud 
get, 41, 42; branch churches spokes 
from hub, 43; affairs in hands of 
Board of Directors, 44; member 
ship in, 44; first services, 145; legal 

incorporation, 146; conduct of 
services, 147; preparation for or 
ganization of, 169; Mrs. Eddy s su 
pervision from Concord, 173; her 
first visit to, 173; advises church in 
hearts, 176; Trustees hold land for, 
176; church built and closing of 
fund, 177; Mrs. Eddy suggests 
larger church, 178; purchase of 
land, 178; laying corner-stone, and 
dedication of extension, 178; 
Wednesday evening meetings at 
dedication, 178; Mrs. Eddy s coun 
sel as to membership, charter, etc., 
188; she directs to lay foundation, 
189; quoting Tenets, 196; Mrs. 
Eddy writes of its prosperity, 193; 
mentioned by Cincinnati editor, 
233; dedication of Extension, for 
eign attendance at, 239; Readers of, 
conduct Mrs. Eddy s funeral serv 
ice, 243; attendance of Scientists 
at, 248, 249; Directors never to 
abandon By-Laws, 268; affairs ad 
ministered by Directors, 269; habit 
of financial support, 269; remarks 
of President on gratitude, 271; 273; 
age requires organization, 305; 
Mrs. Eddy transfers property to, 
305; land on which to build, 305 

Church edifices, dedication of, 38; 
Mrs. Eddy s gift of church edifice 
in Concord, 213; make granite con 
tracts in Concord, N. H., 213; new 
Mother Church dedicated, 239; 
First Church in London, England, 
dedicated, 240 

Church Federation, June, 1930, 
Charles P. Steinmetz quoted that 
greatest discovery of future will be 
along spiritual lines, 274 

Church Manual, see Manual 

Church membership of Christian 
Science, more than doubled in 
twenty years, 266 

Church Standard, The, 159 

Churches, Christian Science, see 
Church, Christian Science 

Churchman, The, 12 



Cicero, 58 
Cincinnati, O., 233 

Civil War, approaching, 82; George 
W. Glover II joins army, 88; Dr. 
Patterson captured and sent to 
Libby Prison, 90; Mrs. Patterson 
interprets deeper meaning of, 91; 
William B. Johnson healed of dis 
eases incurred in, 155 
Clapp, Henry Austin, 142 
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. (Brene Paine) 
George D., Mrs. Eddy lives with, 
106; table talk, 109, 115 
Clark, George E., describes Mrs. 
Eddy s life in his father s and 
mother s home, 106; her appear 
ance and manner, 107; goes to Bos 
ton with Mrs. Eddy to find pub 
lisher, 131; her remarks to, 169; 
story of sea life, 295 
Clark, Joseph B., 306 
Clarkson, Judge Joseph R,, 306 
Class Teaching, 45, 116 
Clay, Henry, trying to avert War, 

82; 278, 283 
Clemens, Samuel T., see Twain, 


Clergymen, attitude of toward 
Christian Science, 1; one who left 
ministry, 13; tributes to benefits of 
Christian Science, 33; Bible and 
Science and Health take place of 
preaching in Christian Science 
churches, 41; no paid preachers in 
Christian Science, 50; financing 
churches, 119; Boston s arresting 
preachers, 142 
Cleveland, Rose, meets Mrs. Eddy, 


Clio, muse of history, 270 
Coates, Lewis B., 306 
Cochrane, Mrs. E. R., 306 
Coffin, Charles Carlton, 296 
Coles, Abraham, uses "Christian 

Science" in verse, 102 
College, see Massachusetts Meta 
physical College 

Colleges, see Universities, reactions 
of students to Christian Science, 

259; testimonies of students, 260- 
263; college-bred mother describes 
Christian Science in family, 264 

Colles, Marjorie, 306 

Collier s, April 19, 1930, 273 

Columbus, 101 

Columbus Avenue, Mrs. Eddy s col 
lege on, 157, 163 

Comiri Through the Rye, 220 

Commandments, 248 

Committee on Publication, author s 
correspondence with, 3, 5, 6, 7; 
growth and responsibility of, 47; 
medium of better understanding 
between public and Christian Sci 
entists, 47; provided for, 196; 
salary increased, 238 

Commonwealth Avenue, Mrs. Eddy 
removes to, 163 

Commonwealth Steel Co., 257 

Concord, Mass., 126, 128, 140, 213 

Concord, New Hampshire, Pleasant 
View Home established where 
Mrs. Eddy s home torn down, 49; 
Bow five miles away, 52; Mary 
Baker sends to Concord for books, 
68; Mrs. Eddy s removal to, 170; 
Mrs. Eddy s last class in, 184; 
eminent citizens regard for Mrs. 
Eddy, 185; New York reporters 
come to, 199; Mrs. Eddy removes 
from to Mass., 211; farewell to, 212; 
what Mrs. Eddy meant to Concord 
financially, 213; her gift of First 
Church of Christ, Scientist, in, 213; 
City Council s resolution of regret 
at her departure, and her acknowl 
edgment thereof, 214; reasons for 
leaving Concord, 214; trip from, 
215; days in, 295; Mrs. Eddy buys 
home and settles in, 304; citizens 
express regard for Mrs. Eddy, 305 
Confederate army, Dr. Patterson 
captured and committed to Libby 
Prison, 90; Dr. Patterson requests 
steps for release, 91 
Congregational Church, Mrs. Patter 
son prays in church at No. Groton, 
94; Mrs. Eddy s love for all who 



love God, 267; Mrs. Eddy s cradle, 
268; preaches devoutness and de 
mocracy, 268; Mary Baker joins 
Tilton church, 282 

Congregationalist, The, 300 

Connecticut, 182 

Contemporary Review, 281 

Convention of 1896, Democratic, 164 

Conybeare and Howson, Life of St. 
Paul, 281 

Cook, Rev. Joseph, 142; attacks Mrs. 
Eddy from pulpit, 157 

Cooke, Mr., accompanies Mrs. 
Glover to N. Y., 284 

Corning, Mayor Charles R., 307 

Corsair, by Byron, 68 

Corser, Dr. Enoch, converses with 
Mary Baker on deep subjects, 105, 
281, 283 

Corser, S. B. G., 281, 289 

Cosmopolitan, 259 

Cotton, 57 

Cowper, read by Mary Baker, 57, 61 

Crafts, Hiram S., and Mrs., residents 
of Clark home when Mrs. Eddy 
there, 106; Mrs. Eddy stays with 
and talks of Quimby, 108; Ellen 
Pillsbury visits aunt at Taunton, 
113; Mrs. Eddy s instruction to 
Mr. Crafts, financial arrangements, 
he begins practice of healing, 115; 
lives with at E. Stoughton (Avon) 
and Taunton, 116; his tributes to 
Mrs. Eddy, 122; 292, 293, 294 

Crawford, Marion, 141 

Cressy, Alderman, of Concord, 
N. H., 214 

Cronstedt, Count Sigge, 30 

Crosby, Mrs. Sarah, Mrs. Patterson 
visits in Albion, 105; late expres 
sion of affection for Mrs. Patter 
son, 105, 289 

Crosse, Mrs. Sarah, turns from Mrs. 
Eddy, 167 

Cuba, 179 

Curry, Mr., wife and two daughters, 
converts at Methodist revival, 69 

Curtice, Rev. Corban, unites George 

Washington Glover and Mary 

Baker in marriage, 73 
Curtis, Mrs. Mary E. Harris, 300 
Curtis, William E., sees Mrs. Eddy 

take daily drive, 200; interviews 

Mrs. Eddy, 221 
Gushing, Dr., attends Mrs. Patterson 

after fall on ice, 109; describes her 

case, 110; author s contacts with, 

110; 290, 291 
Cushing s Garden, Mary Baker visits, 

Cutchins, Mr., brings presents from 

George, 64; Mary sends message 

to, 65 
Cutter system, 286 


DAGGETT, Miss MARY A., 300 

Daily Journal Press, St. Cloud, Minn., 


Dakin, E. F., 290 
Dana, Charles A., 159 
Daniel, Mary Baker s example in 

prayer, 53 
Dante, 187, 212 
Dartmouth College, Albert Baker 

graduates from 1834, 55; Famous 

Suit, 209 

Davidson, Rt. Rev. Randall, 33 
Davis, Andrew Jackson, 92, 286 
Davis, Mrs. Emma S., 306 
Dayton, Miss Mary Alice, 300, 301 
Dean, Caroline, girlhood friend, 70 
Declaration of Independence, The, 


Delano, Miss, 70 
De Mille, Cecil B., 37 
Democritus of Abdera, 103 
Denver, 232, 245 
Devils, Drugs, and Doctors, Haggard, 


Dickens, Charles, 142, 281 
Dickey, Mr., Mary sends message to, 


Dickey, Adam H., 311 
Directors, see Board of 
Disciples of Christ, 268 
Disraeli, on animal magnetism, 183 



Dixon, Frederick, 251 

Doctor and Patient, by Dr. S. Weir 
Mitchell, 55 

Dods, John Bovee, 92, 286 

Dole, Rev. Walter, 306 

Dooley, Mr., 198 

Dr. Holmes s Boston, Ticknor, 296 

Drake, 296 

Dresser, Annetta (Mrs. Julius) , comes 
to Boston, 153; developing a men 
tal science movement, 167; 288 

Dresser, Horatio W., see Qnimby 

Dresser, Julius A., improved by 
Quimby s treatment, 95; Mrs. Pat 
terson asks him to step forward 
into Quimby s place and he de 
clines, 99; his estimate of Quimby s 
work, 100; Mrs. Patterson s request 
for mental help, 111; comes to 
Boston, 153; develops mental sci 
ence movement, 167; his life, 288 

Dreyfus, 198 

Drummond, Henry, 281 

Drummond, J. Roscoe, 276 

Dryden, John, 62 

Dudley, Rev. J. L., guest at Christian 
Scientist Assn. meeting, 127 

Dun & Co., R. G., 311 

Duncan, Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson, 
marries Mark Baker, 81; relative of 
Mrs. Eddy s second husband, 86; 
writes loving note to Mrs. Eddy, 

Dunmore, Seventh Earl of, 29 

Durant, Will, 289 

Dutch East Indies, 275 

Dyer, Miss Frances J., 300 


East Stoughton (now Avon), Mrs. 

Eddy writes in, 130 
Eastaman, Captain Joseph S,, enters 

Mrs. Eddy s class, wife healed, 155 
Eastaman, Mrs. Mary F., healed, 156 
Easter, Mrs. Eddy s thought of, 227; 

sermon to household, 228 

Easton, Miss Emma Gould, 306 

Eaton, Miss Mary E., 306, 307 

Eckermann, 12, 307 

Eddington, 12 

Eddy, Asa G., success of any project 
required Mrs. Eddy at head, 106; 
a true helper, 114; healing while at 
South Boston, 114; marries Mary 
Baker Glover, 114, 297; Mrs. Eddy 
on, 114; she turns to him for help, 
123; aid to wife, 143; Miss Bart- 
lett s estimate of, 143; organizer of 
first Sunday School, 144; first uses 
words Christian Scientist on sign, 
144; Mrs. Choate describes activi 
ties, etc., 144; protects Mrs. Eddy, 
145; heals Miss Julia Bartlett, 154; 
passes away, 159; 289, 294; author 
ity on copyright laws, 296; Gene 
alogy and Life of, Longyear, 297; 
starts first Sunday School, 297; love 
for Warren Choate, 297; mistaken 
in wife s age, 300 

Eddy, Dr. Ebenezer J. Foster, see 


McClure s articles on, 5; Church 
begins to assemble historical data 
and letters concerning, 7; why au 
thor s request for interview not 
granted, 8; her attitude toward 
interviews, 8; time ripe for writing 
her life story, 9; editorial appre 
ciations at her passing, 9; Christian 
Science its Founder s creation, 11; 
letter to Dr. Hamilton Holt, 15; 
life-size portrait planned, 17; diffi 
culties in having her message un 
derstood, 19; author talks with 
many who knew her, visits home, 
21; process for preserving her let 
ters in Church Executive Offices, 
23; sources necessary for writing 
her biography, 23; in her lifetime 
saw abundant fruitage, 27; Mark 
Twain s revised judgment of, 37; 
expectations that cause would 
dwindle when she passed on, 38; 
provides for supervision of Church 



under Manual, 44; nominates Board 
of Directors, 44; her deed of Trust 
creates Trustees of Publishing So 
ciety, 45; site of her home used for 
Pleasant View Home for elderly 
Christian Scientists, 49; born at 
Bow, N. H., of New England par 
entage, 52; dedicated to religious 
life and heard "voices," 53; healed 
of fever through prayer, 54; early 
thought to write a book, 54; pre 
dictions as to her future, 54; deli 
cate health, 55; love for her brother 
Albert and her Lindley Murray 
books, 55, 56; choice of books, 57; 
concern for social niceties, 58; in 
terest in preciseness of speech, 58; 
Bible her Book of Books, 59; patri 
otic interest and reading news 
papers, 61; early pencilings show 
interest in Negroes, 61; takes to 
verse more readily than prose, 61; 
a normal girlhood, 62; parting 
verse to Andrew Gault, 62; early 
letter writing, 63; removed to San- 
bornton Bridge, 62; second letter 
she ever wrote, 63; letters to her 
brother George, 64; bridesmaid at 
a wedding, 65; without funds to 
join class of village writing mas 
ter, 66; first visit to Haverhill, 66; 
letters to Augusta Holmes, 67; 
books read at 19, 68; interest in 
Methodist revival and impressions 
of its effect, 68; values friendship, 
69; sympathizes with Augusta on 
passing of father, 69; visit to Bos 
ton and Nahant, 70; writes Augusta 
town news, 70; on marriage, 71; 
marries George Washington 
Glover, 72; their first meeting, 72; 
going to South Carolina, 73; prayer 
saves from shipwreck, 73; stand 
against slavery, 75; frees slaves, 78; 
husband s death in Wilmington, 
N. C, 77; Masons care of, 78; 
again in father s house, 78; son 
George Washington Glover born, 
79; illness, 79; mother s death, 80; 

father marries again, 81; efforts at 
self-support, 81; removal to sister 
Abigail s home, 81; maintains intel 
lectual independence, 81; views 
conflict with Mrs. Tilton s, 83; 
letter to Mrs. Tilton in later years, 
83; participates in church in spite 
of invalidism after childbirth, 84; 
speaks at lodge, 84; suitors, 84; 
marries Dr. Daniel Patterson, 85; 
impelling motive of marriage to 
get back her son, 85; residence in 
Franklin and No. Groton, 85; de 
scribes her solitude to Martha 
Rand, 86; dominant thought in 
marrying again and disappoint 
ment, 87; little girl describes her, 
88; husband s absences and their re 
moval from No. Groton, 89; finan 
cial stress in Rumney and hus 
band s capture and commitment to 
Libby Prison, 90; interpretation of 
deeper meaning of the war, 91; 
interest in mesmerism or spiritual 
ism but incidental, 92; first listens 
to Bible stories of healing, 92; her 
promise to God, 92; mother s ex 
hortation and influence, 93; verse 
to her mother, 93; message to 
Martha Rand bereaved of a father, 
93; would not yield her religion to 
Dr. Patterson, 94; prayer in church 
and dependence on God, 94; ap 
pearance in 1862, 94; goes to 
water-cure at Hill, 95; Quimby, 
96; temporary restoration and 
gratitude, 97; seeks to learn basis 
of Quimby s works, 98; his esti 
mate of her, 98; her relapse, 98; 
tribute to Quimby, 98; George A. 
Quimby s attitude, 99; appeals to 
Julius A. Dresser to carry on 
Quimby s work, 99; but for her 
Quimby would have been forgot 
ten, 100; looking back after years 
Quimby a mere episode, 100; de 
veloping a vocabulary, 100; grow 
ing away from Quimby and 
discovering Christian Science, 100; 



debt to those before, 102; a student 
presents Rt. Rev. Wm. Adams s 
book, 102; naming her book, 103; 
second visit to Quimby, 104; ef 
forts to exhaust Quimby s methods, 
104; treatment of Miss Jarvis and 
visit to Mrs. Crosby, 105; at 43, 
105; at darks in Lynn, 106; ap 
pearance and manners, 107; at 
Wheelers , Crafts , Wentworths , 
108; growing away from Quimby- 
ism, 108; hampered by him for a 
time, 109; fall in Lynn, 109; treat 
ment by Dr. Gushing, 109; peti 
tions City Council for recompense, 
111; healed by reading Bible narra 
tive, 111; consciousness of spiritual 
healing growing, 111; analyzes her 
recovery, 112; borrows money to 
effect release of husband from 
Libby Prison, 112; after Dr. Pat 
terson s unfaithfulness divorces 
him, 112; his subsequent tribute to 
her, 112; handicaps while building 
her book, 113; healing Ellen Pills- 
bury and breach with Mrs. Tilton, 
113; Asa Gilbert Eddy a true 
helper, 114; describes his healing in 
South Boston, 114; his death, her 
retirement to Vermont, and ex 
pressions of bereavement, 114; 
building income, 115, 116; charges 
for class instruction and insistence 
on fulfillment of contract, 116; 
invoking legal aid, 117; her gen 
erosity, 117; writes Mrs. Choate 
of charges for instruction, 118; 
length of class, 118; prevision 
in financial affairs, 119; takes name 
Glover, 120; time of severest trial, 
121; love for Grandmother 
"Mary," 121; Hiram Crafts her first 
student, 122; difficulties with early 
students, 123; proving her leader 
ship, 124; purchases 8 Broad St., 
124; difference from Emerson s 
teachings, 126; calls on Whittier, 
126; Alcott, Emerson, others talk 
of her, 127, 128; writing book, 129; 

Science of Man appears 1869, 130; 
writing The Science of Life and 
SouPs Inquiries of Man, 130; in 
structs students to omit manipula 
tion, 131; author s tribute in 
Cambridge History of American 
Literature, 131; last touches to 
Science and Health of 1875, 131; 
publishes book, 133; uses Science 
and Health as diary, 135; relations 
with publishers, 136; John Wilson, 
appreciates gift, 137; instructions 
to Wiggin, 138; removes to Boston, 
140, 157; preaches in Hawthorne 
Hall, 142; outgrowing Lynn, 143; 
writing Col. E. J. Smith and Judge 
Hanna, 144; living with Choates, 
144; final tribute to husband, 145; 
first services at which she preached, 
145; organizing Christian Scientist 
Association and church, 146; her 
dress, 146; services in Hawthorne 
Hall, 147; preaches in Baptist 
Church, 148; a real teacher, 148; 
answering questions, 150; under 
standing people, 151; teaching 
classes, 151, 152; rebuking dreamer, 
151, 152; growing number of stu 
dents, 152; helped by her prayers, 
153; student to Knapp family, 154; 
Capt. Eastaman, 155; moves to 
Commonwealth Avenue, 157; ap 
pearance in Tremont Temple, 157; 
replies to Rev. L. T. Towiiscnd, 
158; message in first issue of 
Journal, 158, 159; need of helper 
after passing of husband, 159; 
Frye remains until Mrs. Eddy 
passes away, 160; visits of her son, 
161; adopts Dr. E. J. Foster, 162; 
industry, 162; starts Massachusetts 
Metaphysical College, 163; visits 
Chicago, 163; invites National 
Christian Scientists Association to 
"convention," 163; speaks at con 
vention, 164; profound impression, 
165; her misgivings, 166; dealing 
with disaffection, 166, 167; closes 
college, disorganizes association, 



retires as editor of Journal, pub 
lishes Seven Fixed Rules, 168; near 
seventy starting life anew, 169; re 
tirement to Pleasant View, 170; 
routine there, 170-171; spends 
night in her room in new church, 
April 1, 1895, 173; breaks up or 
ganizations, 174; warns against 
personal adulation, 174; Optimist 
interviews her, 175; business sagac 
ity, 175, 176; constitutes Board of 
Directors, 176; starts Publishing 
Society in 1897, 177; starts Sentinel, 
177; starts Quarterly, 177; Miscel 
laneous Writings appears, 177; 
Church Manual, 177; sees need for 
larger church in Boston, 178; 
teaches last class, 179-182; humor 
ous stories, 181; malicious animal 
magnetism, 183, 184; devotion to 
duties, 185; kindness to working- 
men, 185; attitude toward her 
enemies, 186; letter to Judge 
Hanna, 188; letter to Directors, 
Feb. 12, 1895, 188, 189; observes 
legal requirements, 189; requests 
Board to hasten work on Church, 
189; publications issued to mother 
the flock, 190; statement to Miss 
Lang, 192; calls Mrs. Adams and 
Mrs. Webster to compile by-laws 
for teachers Manual, 192; "Never 
abandon By-laws," 193-194; her 
Tenets, 196; provides for Commit 
tee on Publication, 196; atti 
tude of Press, 197; addressed 
10,000 at Pleasant View, 199; 
rumors, 199; grants interview to 
Boston Herald, 199; reporters from 
New York and Boston, 200; in 
terviewed by William E. Curtis, 
200; remarks about her daily drive, 
201; starting of "Next Friends 
Suit," 201; Masters questioning, 
204-207; explains her trusteeship, 
205; explains her investments, 205, 
206; convinces Masters, 207; un 
happy experience, 208; generously 
pays Michael Meehan to withdraw 

book, 209, 210; removes from Con 
cord to Chestnut Hill, Mass., 211; 
proves rumors of infirmity mere 
fabrication, 211; hours of work, 
212; financial help to Concord and 
nameless kindnesses, 213; trip to 
Boston and arrival at Chestnut 
Hill, 215; those called to her 
household, 216; counsels her help 
ers, 217; relies on prayer, 217; 
sense of humor, 218, 219; enjoys 
old songs and hymns, 220; music 
box and Victrola, 220; grasp of 
world affairs, 221; talks on time 
liness, 221; interest in those around 
her, 221, 222; guards against adula 
tion, 224; Christmas in 1909, 224; 
Easter in 1909, 227; Easter sermon 
to household, 227; launches The 
Christian Science Monitor, 228; 
initiates enlargement of Publishing 
House, 229; names the Monitor 
and approves first copy, 231; esti 
mate as Leader, 231; courtesy and 
reproof, 234; studies and interprets 
Bible, 234, 235, 236; edits and re- 
edits Science and Health, 236; large 
vocabulary, 236; extensive letter 
writing, 237; points out danger of 
popularity, 237; unpretentious, 238; 
honesty in business, 238; forgive 
ness and endurance, 238; joy at 
churches built abroad, 239, 240; 
last days, 240-243; last drive, 242; 
last written words, 242; funeral, 
243; editorial tributes, 244; her 
place, 245; attitude of newspapers 
after her death, 245; her character, 
245; battles she fought, ^247; 
scientists approach to her views, 
247; great teacher, 249; revives 
Christ Jesus healing ministry, 252; 
influence on her students, 252; re 
ception of unexpected visitor, 254; 
takes her stand with Jesus in rela 
tion to marriage, 262; teachings on 
marriage and home, 263265; 
twenty years since she wrote last 
message, 266; bases all her teach- 



ings on those of Christ Jesus, 267; 
love for all who love God, 267; 
Congregationalism her cradle, 267; 
derives her Science from Bible, 
268; points of agreement with 
Protestant religions, 268; instruc 
tions to The Mother Church, 268; 
Christian Scientists gratitude to, 
271; Christian Science encircles 
globe in her time, 275; writes Rufus 
Baker, 276; prenatal influence, 277; 
displays instinct for leadership, 
277; stops Mark Baker s prayer 
with pin, 278; not influenced by 
Emerson, 278; not ignorant of par 
liamentary speaking, 278; extraor 
dinary memory as child, 279; cul 
tural influences in early life, 279; 
improvement in spelling, 280; reads 
Shakespeare in adult years, 281; 
omnivorous reader, 281; books in 
her library, 281; joins Tilton Con 
gregational Church, 282; loves 
nature, 282; color of eyes, 282; 
early acquaintance with Maj. 
Glover, 282; pastor describes early 
years, 283; husband s courage, 283; 
frees slaves, 284; widow rocks son, 
284; verse written by early ad 
mirer, autograph album, 285; 
studies books on homeopathy and 
gives medicine to neighbors, 285; 
omitted from Mrs. Tilton s will 
because she adopts Christian Sci 
ence, 286; acquainted with Graham 
and Cutter cures, 286; trip to 
Rumney, 286; ease in writing 
poetry, 287; health improves under 
Quimby, 288; religion she teaches 
is hers, 288; earlier names, 289; her 
discovery, 290; withdraws claim 
for damages, 290; payment to John 
Patterson, 291; spiritualism, 291; 
loans and generosity, 292; lesson of 
economy, 292; opens house in 
Lynn to students, 292; little note 
book, 292, 293; discipline of "the 
eight," 293; goes to kitchen to 
warm hands, 295; typographical 

errors, 295; "sole author," 296; 
Kennedy s friendly statement, 296; 
Arens pirates her works, 296; mar 
ries A. G. Eddy, 297; love for 
Warren Choate, and starting Sun 
day School, 297; impression of 
eternal youth, 300; preaches in 
Baptist church in Boston, 300; 
petition, 301; visits Chicago to 
teach, lecture, etc., 302; types in 
her class, 302; prepares for every 
important step, 302; shrinks from 
adulation, 302; admonition to 
church members, 303; receives no 
callers, 304; in Concord, and Ros- 
lindale, Mass., 304; sends vegetables 
and salt pork to student, 304; no 
time for vacation, 304; organization 
required, 305; relationship to build 
ing Mother Church, 305; Concord 
citizens express regard, 305; in 
court, 308; deals with National 
State Capital Bank at Concord, 308; 
knows what she wants, 308; gives 
to charity, 310; serving, 310; con 
stant oversight of detail, 311; ob 
serves Matthew, 312; loyalty to 
Christ Jesus in poem, 312; state 
ment of undertakers, 313; regard 
for James A. Neal, 316; "Friend 
ship," 317 

Edinburgh, Mrs. Eddy s congratula 
tions on first church building, 240 

Edison, Thomas A., 171 

Edmunds, Judge, his daughter and 
spiritualism, 292 

Edwards, Jonathan, 103; his sermon 
of 1741, 182 

Edwards, T. M. (M. C.), Dr. Patter 
son wishes wife to appeal to, for 
his release from Libby Prison, 91 

Egyptian Book of the Dead, 25 

Einstein, 247, 248, 315 

Electro-Biology y Grimes, 286 

Eliot, President Charles William, 8, 
35, 296 

Eliot, George, 281 

Elizabethan literature, 56 



Ellis family, the, Mrs. Eddy happy 
with, 116, 291 

Elson, Louis, 142 

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, starting 
preaching career in Second Church, 
57; 104; Mrs. Eddy s estimate of, 
126; minding his mother s cow, 140; 
lecturing and writing, 141; 213; 
Mrs. Eddy not influenced by, 278; 

Emerson, Mrs. Ralph Waldo, wishes 
to meet Mrs. Eddy, 128 

Emmanuel movement, 34, 251 

Emmanuel Movement in a New Eng 
land Town, Powell s, 288, 316 

Encyclical letter of late Archbishop 
of Canterbury, 33 

Encyclopedia Britannica, 280 

England, 47, 221, 259, 315 

English Reader, Lindley Murray s, 
56, 57, 59, 61 

Episcopal Church, its sacramental 
system, 5; spiritual healing in, 34, 
251; George W. Glover laid to 
rest in cemetery of St. James Epis 
copal Church, Wilmington, N. C, 
78; prayers for weather, 218, 311; 
dignity and decorum of its wor 
ship, 268; Mrs. Tilton bequeaths 
$5000 with restrictions to, 286 

Esoteric Christianity, by Warren F. 
Evans, 287 

Essays in Christian Politics, 33 

Europe, lectures in, 46 

Evans, Reverend Warren F., 92; his 
books read, 167; more than mes 
merist, 287; taught by Quimby to 
heal, 287; last book Esoteric Chris 
tianity, 287 
Ewing, Judge William G., 36 

Faerie Queene, Spenser s, 251 

Fairbairn, A. M., 103 

Faith Work, Christian Science, and 

Other Cures, 301 
Family, Christian Science and the, 


Family in the Making, The, Messer, 

Fanny Fern, 133 

Faraday, 247 

Farlow, Alfred, 3; defendant in 
"Next Friends Suit," 203; devotion 
to duty, 273; 283, 289, 290, 291, 292, 
293, 300; describes Mrs. Eddy s 
appearance, 287 

Farlow, Miss Sarah A., 293, 300, 301, 
309, 312 

Farmington (N. H.) News, 309 

Farrar, 281 

Fernald, Josiah E., appreciation of 
Mrs. Eddy, 306; Trustee for Mrs. 
Eddy, 308; Mrs. Eddy consults, 
308; Trustee under her Will, 308 

Fields, James T., 142 

First Church of Christ, Scientist, and 
Miscellany, The, 193, 282, 285, 288, 
290, 296, 308, 311,312, 318 

Fisher, Rt. Hon. H. A. L., on 
Monitor, 39; Our New Religion, 
111, 287, 289, 291 

Fiske, Bishop Charles, The Living 
Church, 273 

Fiske, George Walter, 294 

Fiske, Rev. Henry S., 306 

Fitzgerald, Lady Mildred, visits Mrs. 
Eddy, 221 

Flinn, John J., called from Chicago 
to advise in starting Monitor, 229 

Ford, Paul Leicester, Washington s 
English, 279 

Forget-me-not, 68 

Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 247 

Foster, Mrs. Adeline, 306 

Foster-Eddy, Dr. Ebenezer J., adop 
tion of, 162; taught in Mrs. Eddy s 
college, 162; witness in litigation 
ending 1922, 162; 301 

Fox s Book of Martyrs, 101 

Foye, Mrs. Mary E., 151, 300, 301 

Frame, Mrs. Caroline W., 306 

France, "John the Scot" teaching in, 
103; 259 

Franklin, Benjamin, 57 



Franklin, N. H., Dr. and Mrs. Patter 
son live 3 years in, 85, 87; Mrs. Pat 
terson visits E. J. Gate, 90 

Friendship, by Hugh Black, 69 

Friendship, The Master Passion, H. 
C. Trumbull, 317 

Frye, Calvin A., and A. G. Eddy, 
144; comes to help Mrs. Eddy, 160; 
remains until Mrs. Eddy passes 
away, 160; escorts Mrs. Eddy to 
class of 98, 180; "Next Friends 
Suit," 203; on duty during removal 
to Boston, 215; Mrs. Eddy s early 
memories of her mother s bedside 
visits, 277; 287, 289, 306, 310 

Fuller, Margaret, 141 

Fulton, John, 159 

Furness, 281 

GAGE, LYMAN J., 163 

Galveston, 179 

Gault, Andrew, Mary Baker writes 
him parting verse when leaving 
Bow, 62; 279 

Gault, Mrs., 277, 279 

Gautama, 103 

Genealogy and Life of Asa G. Eddy, 
Longyear, 297, 301 

Geneva, 47 

Gericke, William, 142 

Germany, 259 

Gestefeld, Mrs., starting own move 
ment, 167 

Gilmore, Albert F., reports testi 
mony, 156 

Gladstone, 102, 212 

Glover, Eliza Ann (Mrs. Samuel 
Baker), 283 

Glover, Major George Washington, 
71, 72; marries Mary Baker, 72; 
returns to Charleston, South Caro 
lina, 72; Mrs. Baker s counsel to 
him, 74; his business and slaves, 
76; with Mrs. Glover makes trip to 
Wilmington, North Carolina, 77; 
attacked by yellow fever, death, 
and burial, 78; his request to 
brother Masons to see his wife to 

her home in the North carried out, 
78; early acquaintaince with Mary 
Baker, 283; courage in accepting 
challenge, 283; sister Eliza marries 
Samuel Baker, 283; passing on, 284 
Glover, George Washington II, born 
at Tilton, N. H., 79; cared for at 
neighbor s home, 79; early years, 
80; removes with the Cheneys to 
Groton, 81; his mother s health 
after his birth, 83; mother s desire 
to have him with her, 84; Cheneys 
take him away, 85; before marriage 
Dr. Patterson craves to help restore 
him to his mother, 86; his charac 
teristics at nine, 87; mother s dis 
appointment and stepfather s op 
position, 87; goes West and joins 
army, 88; for years mother knows 
not his whereabouts, 113; visits 
mother, 161; cannot fit into her 
work, 161; nearest heir, 202; helps 
in "Next Friends Suit," 202, 203; 
Mrs. Eddy s trust fund for, 205; 
liberal provision in Mrs. Tilton s 
will, 286; writes to mother for 
money, 301 

Glover, Mary Baker (grandchild), 

Glover, Mary Baker, see Eddy, Mary 

Godey s Lady s Book, 68 

Goethe, 12, 182 

Golden Rule, and Mrs. Eddy, 262 

Goldsmith, 57 

Good Housekeeping, 5 

Goodwin, W. W., 296 

Gordon, Rev. A. J., 142; attacks Mrs. 
Eddy from pulpit, 157 

Gould, Dr. Lawrence McK., testifies, 

Graham cure, 286 

Graham s Magazine, 68 

Great Britain, lectures in, 46, 47; 179 

Greeley, Horace, 159 

Greene, Mrs. Grace A., and Mrs. 
Eddy s ability to cook, 186, 307 

Greenough, Miss, girlhood friend of 
Mary Baker, 70 



Griffith, Connne, 32 

Grimes, 92, 286 

Grosvenor, Gen. Charles H., Mrs. 

Eddy s letter to, 185 
Grundmann, Otto, director of school 

of drawing and painting, 142 
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, 

174, 220 



Hahnemann Medical College, 161 

Haldane, 12 

Hale, Mr., polite stage-driver, 66 

Hale, Edward Everett, 8, 142, 296 

Hale, Nathan, great-uncle of Edward 
Everett, 142 

Hale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha, uses words 
"Christian Science" in poem, 102 

Hall, G. Stanley, 55, 67 

Hall, LydiaB., 312 

Hanna, Mrs. Camilla, 188, 282, 306 

Hanna, Judge, Mrs. Eddy writes to, 
144, 188, 279, 282; 306 

Harvard College, 259 

Hatten, Thomas W., 229 

Haverhill, Mary Baker s visit to, 66; 
Augusta Holmes describes, 70 

Hawaii, lectures in, 46 

Hawthorne Hall, services in, 142, 
146, 147, 176 

Hay, John, 237 

Hayes, Miss, Mary attends party at 
home of, 65 

Healing, attitude of Episcopal Bish 
ops toward apostolic, 251; Com 
mission on Healing in Episcopal 
Church, 251; Mrs. Eddy s healing 
technique, 253; power exercised by 
the Disciples, 269 

Heavenly Heretics, Powell, 289, 296, 

Heitman, Charles E., Member Board 
of Directors, 16, quoted, 256, con 
sulted, 276 

Helberg, C. C, 292 

Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. John, the Pat 
tersons board with, 90 

Hering, Prof. Hermann S., state 
ment by, 31; defendant in "Next 
Friends Suit," 203, 277, 309 

Hert, Mrs. Alvin T., vice-chairman 
of National Republican Commit 
tee, 36 

Hessler, Mrs. Annie R., 300 

Heydon, Mrs. C. W. and Dr. Patter 
son, 91 

Higginson, Colonel Thomas Went- 
worth, 8, 296 

Higginson, Major Henry L., founds 
Boston Symphony Orchestra, 142 

High, Stanley, editor of The Chris 
tian Herald, 37 

Higman, Mrs. Elizabeth, 306 

Higman, Ormond, 306 

Hill, N. H., Mrs. Patterson enters Dr. 
Vail s Hydropathic Institute, 95; 
some of Dr. Vail s patients go to 
Qmmby, 95 

Hill, Calvin C., Mrs. Eddy s letter to, 

Hillis, N. D , 281 

Hilty, Carl, 281 

Historic Towns of New England, 
Powell, 8, 296 

Historic Towns of Southern States, 
Powell, 283 

Historic Towns of Western States, 
Powell, 302 

Historical files of The Mother 
Church, author granted access to, 
17, 20, excellently organized, 21, 
preserving process for Mrs. Eddy s 
letters, 23, 128 

Hitchings, Edward, 132 

Hoag, Mrs. Ella W., 309 

Hodges, Leigh Mitchell, 305 

Holland, 259 

Hollinshed, 101 

Holmes, Mr., Mary Baker writes 
Augusta letter of condolence on 
her father s passing on, 69 

Holmes, Augusta, Mary Baker visits 
her at Haverhill, 67, writes her for 
books, 68; gives impressions of 
Methodist revival, 69; writes on 
their friendship, 69; expresses sym- 



pathy on passing of Augusta s 
father, 69; reports things of inter 
est about friends, 70; letters to, 84; 
187, 281, 287 

Holmes, Justice, 171 

Holmes, Dr. Oliver Wendell, 102, 
141, 296 

Holt, Dr. Hamilton, Mrs. Eddy s 
letter to, 15 

Home, relation of Christian Science 
to, 262-265 

Home, Sweet Home, 220 

Homeopathy, Mrs. Patterson reads 
books on, 286 

Hopkins, Mrs. Emma, starts inde 
pendent movement, 167 

Hopkins, Mark, 249 

Horace, 58 

Hour of Physics, An, Andrade, 273 

Howard, Clarence H., 257 

Howard, James C., Mrs. Eddy s gen 
erosity to, 117; 289; 292 

Howard, Miss L., girlhood friend, 70 

Howe, Julia Ward, 141, 244 

Hubbard, Dr. Walton, 32 

Hulin, Mrs. Emilie B., reports Mrs. 
Eddy depressed over suit, 208; 
with her in Concord, 295; 309 

Human Life, 290 

Human Touch, The, Powell, 290, 314 

Hume, 57 

Hunt, William Morris, 142 

Hydropathic Institute at Hill, N. H., 
see Vail, Dr. 

Hymnal, Christian Science, 126, 294 

/ Love to Tell the Story, 220 

Idea of the Holy, The, Otto, 273 

Immanuel, 267 

In Quest of the Perfect Book, 
Orcutt, 296 

Independent, The, 15, 274 

India, accepted nothingness of mat 
ter, 103 

Inge, Dean, 315 

Introduction to the English Reader, 
Lindley Murray, 57, 59, 61, 279, 

Iowa woman writes of Mrs. Eddy, 

Ira O. Knapp and Flavia Stickney 

Knapp, Bliss Knapp, 301 
Ireland, lectures in, 46, 47 
Irishmen, Mrs. Eddy s stories of, 219 


JACKSON, ANDREW, President, 24, 278, 

Jackson, "Stonewall," 159 

James, Henry, publishes study of 
Hawthorne, 141 

James, William, 26, 39, 139, 141, 148 

Japan, lectures in, 46; delegation 
thanks Directors for earthquake 
relief, 275 

Jarvis, Miss, at Warren, a patient of 
Mrs. Patterson, 105 

Jelly, Dr. George F., Master in "Next 
Friends Suit," 204, 207 

Jenkins, Dr. Burris, 15, 315 

Jesus, Lover of My Soul, 220 

Jewish Tribune, quotes O. B. Towne, 

Joan of Arc, her voices, 53 

"John the Scot," teaching in France, 

Johns Hopkins University, 23, 31 

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 57 

Johnson, William B., healed, 155; 
Secretary of National Assoc., had 
Mrs. Eddy s confidence, 167; de 
fendant in "Next Friends Suit," 203 

Johnson, William Lyman, 281, 300 

Jones, Rufus, 250 

Jordan, William George, 281 

Journal, The Christian Science, prac 
titioners list in, 44, 45; reply to 
attack by Rev. L. T. Townsend, 
157; first issue, 158; extract from 
Mrs. Eddy s "leader" in, 159; Mrs. 
Eddy s writings in, 164; Mrs. Eddy 
retires from editorial supervision, 
168; not to be consulted, 169; Mrs. 
Eddy warns against adulation in, 
175; thanks donors of fund for 
church, 177; brief account of Mrs. 
Eddy s life in, 183; publication in 



1883, 190; Mrs. Eddy s article 
describing need of a newspaper 
published by Christian Scientists, 
228; Mrs. Eddy analyzes real mean 
ing of fall, 290; first use of title, 
301, 302; dissolution of church or 
ganization, 305 
Jowett, translation of Plato, 281 


KANSAS CITY, 232, 245 

Kant, 104 

Keats, 281 

Kennedy, Richard, business partner 
of Mrs. Eddy, 117; speaks of Mrs. 
Eddy s early associates, 120; suc 
cess in healing, 123; partnership 
dissolved, 123, 143, 293; deplores 
pettiness of those around Mrs. 
Eddy in Lynn days, 296 

Kent, Mrs. Rose E., 306 

Kerr, Philip, Marquis of Lothian, 27 

Keyes, John S., at the darks table, 

Keyserling, Count Hermann, 247 

Kidder family, Mrs. Patterson inter 
prets deeper meaning of the Civil 
War, 91 

Kimball, Edward A., 178, 203; 306 

Kimball, Mrs. Kate Davidson, 306 

King, Mrs. Frances J., 306 

Kingsbury, Mrs. Anna, 291 

Kingsley, Charles, 281 

Kinter, George H., Mrs. Eddy s un 
usual memory, 279 

Kipling, Rudyard, 246, 256, 275 

Klein, Charles, 258 

Knapp, Bliss, 152, 154, 301, 317 

Knapp, Miss Daphne S., 306 

Knapp, Mrs. Flavia S., healed by 
student of Mrs. Eddy, 154 

Knapp, Ira O., and family healed, 
154; 203 

Knott, Mrs. Annie Macmillan, 16; 
relates how Mrs. Eddy taught 
woman without charge, 117; first 
woman to serve on Board of Di 
rectors under deed, 302; 309 

Krutch, Dr. Joseph Wood, 40 

Ladies Home Journal, The, 68, 284 

Lamb, Charles and Mary, 281 

Lambeth Conference, 274 

Lamson, Fred M., 45 

Lang, D., and Barnes, 90 

Lang, Miss Susie M., statement from 
Mrs. Eddy, 192 

Larder, Sidney, 307 

Lathrop, John G, on Mrs. Eddy s 
train to Boston, 215; with his 
mother presents music box to Mrs. 
Eddy, 220; 306, 309, 311 

Lathrop, Mrs. Laura, 220 

Law, New Hampshire, 214; obedi 
ence to, taught by Christian Sci 
ence, 265 

Lawrence, Mr., asks Mary about 
Augusta, 71 

Lectures on Christian Science, Direc 
tors supervision, 44; number given 
in 1929, 46; increased attendance at, 

Lecturers, Christian Science, see 
Board of Lectureship 

Lee, Ann, Leader of Shakers, 280 

Lee, General Robert E., 159 

Lee, Sir Sidney, 139 

Legends of Parsifal, 281 

Leibnitz, 57 

Lesson-Sermons, see Bible Lessons 

Letters and Miscellany (Mrs. Eddy s) , 
273, 278, 279, 280, 281, 287, 290, 291, 
292, 295, 296, 297, 300, 302, 303, 304, 
305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 311, 312, 313, 
317, 318 

Levizac s Grammar, 67 

Libby Prison, and Dr. Patterson, 90, 
95, 112 

Library of Congress, 20, 23 

Life insurance, 212 

Life of Mary Baker Eddy, The, Wil 
bur, see Wilbur 

Life of St. Paul, Conybeare & How- 
son, 281 

Lilly, Miss, 299 

Lincoln, Abraham, Dr. Albert Shaw s 
Life of, 18; death of, 82; 292 



Lincoln, Miss Elsie, 300 

Lion and the Mouse , The, 258 

Literary Digest, The, 278, 281 

Literature Distribution Committees, 

Litigation, Arens case, 117; Dr. 
Foster-Eddy witness in, 162, see 
"Next Friends Suit" 

Little, Miss Ida Belle, 309 

Little Women, 128 

Liverpool, 179 

Living Churchy The, Bishop Charles 
Fiske on church attendance, 273 

Lloyd George, 27 

London, England, lectures in, 47, 232; 
Christian Science Churches in, 239; 

Longfellow, 141, 281 

Longyear, Mary Beecher, donates 
land on Single Tree Hill, 48; 297, 

Lord s Prayer, The, ended Mrs. 
Eddy s earlier services, 147; re 
peated in her classroom, 149, 184; 
recited at Mrs. Eddy s funeral, 243 

Los Angeles, 232, 245 

Lothian, Marquis of, 27, 197 

Lotze, 104 

Louisiana Purchase, 59 

Lowell, James Russell, 141, 145 

Luther, story of the ink bottle 
thrown at the devil, 182 

Lutherans, Bible in worship, 268 

Lynn, Mass., Christian Science serv 
ices first held in, 38; Mrs. Eddy s 
residence at the Clarks, 106; associ 
ated with workers in shoe factories 
at, 106; Mrs. Patterson s fall on the 
ice in, 109; Dr. Cushing popular 
doctor in, 110; consequences of 
Mrs. Patterson s fall in, and petition 
to Lynn council for recompense, 
111; Pattersons establish a home in, 
112; Mrs. Patterson alone in, 113; 
the Eddy home in Lynn, 114; Mrs. 
Eddy s trials in, 120; lives with 
Phillipses, 121; boards at 9 Broad 
Street, 124; buys 8 Broad Street, 
124; A. Bronson Alcott calls on 

Mrs. Eddy at, 127; outgrowing, 
143; marries Asa Gilbert Eddy, 
143; 159, 166; and George Clark, 
169; housekeeping in, 172; fall in, 
290, 297; Mrs. Eddy opens home to 
students, 292 

Lynn Reporter, 109, 290 

Lyon, Mary, 57 



MacDonald, Asa T. N., 146 

Macdonald, Miss Margaret, 304 

Macfarland, Dr. Charles S., 15 

Maclaren, Ian, 281 

Maeterlinck, 245 

Magic Staff, The, publishes pictures 

of Andrew J. Davis methods, 287 
Magna Charta, 102 
Magnet, The, 92 
Magnetism, Animal, Poyen s book 

on, 91; following in Boston and 

New England, 92; Mrs. Patterson 

says a science lay behind Quimby s 

use of it, 101; 104 
Maine, 203 
Maine, Sir Henry Sumner, estimate 

of Constitution of the United 

States, 102 

Malbone, Edward, 75 
Malicious animal magnetism, Mrs. 

Eddy coins term, 183 
Manchester Mirror, 213 
Manfred, 68 
Manipulation, used by Quimby, 96, 

101; Richard Kennedy s use of, 


Mann, Mrs. Frances Mack, 306 
Mann, Joseph G., first experience 

with Christian Science, 156; 172; 

Mrs. Eddy s letters to, 222; 223, 

301, 304-311 
Mann, Pauline, Mrs. Eddy sends love 

to, 223 

Manning, Rt. Rev. William T., 15 
Mansions of Philosophy, Durant, 289 
Manual, Church, the constitution and 

law of Christian Science organ- 



ization, 43; branch organizations 
formed under, 43; provides for 
discipline, 43; policy as to suit at 
law, 117; members shall not pub 
lish uncharitable articles, 148; ap 
peared in 1895, 177; love of, 192; 
ranks next to Science and Health, 
192; Mrs. Eddy explains need for, 
193; issued, 196; provision for 
calling aids to Mrs. Eddy, 216; 
product of Mrs. Eddy s mothering 
instinct, 228; mother teaches chil 
dren obedience to, 264; Mrs. 
Eddy s instruction never to aban 
don, 268; keeps Christian Scientists 
in right path, 271; 292, 300; copy of 
deed published in, 305; 308, 310; 
discipline according to Matthew, 

Marcosson, Isaac F., describes Mrs. 
Eddy, 36; keen appraiser of Mary 
Baker s girlhood letters, 63, 200; in 
Munsey s Magazine, 280 

Marietta (Ohio) College, President 
Edward S. Parsons of, 35 

Markham, Edwin, 281 

Mark Twain, A Biography, 275 

Marriage, Mrs. Eddy takes her stand 
with Jesus in preaching purity, 
262; Christian Science views on 
Mrs. Eddy s attitude, 263; Chris 
tian Science securing more stabil 
ity for, 264 

Mary Baker G. Eddy, Arthur Bris 
bane, 308, 316 

Masons, George W. Glover s brother 
Masons attend his sick bed and see 
his widow North, 77 

Massachusetts, unique statute of, pro 
vides way of organizing church, 
38; Mrs. Eddy removes from Con 
cord, N. H., to, 211; laws, 215 

Massachusetts Metaphysical College, 
training teachers, 163; closes, 168; 
305, 310 

Masson, Thomas L., 36 

Masterson, Dean William E., 31 

Mather, K. F., in The Churchman, 12 

Mathews, Dr. Shailer, 217 

Matter, nothingness and erroneous- 
ness of, admitted, 103 

Mayo, Dr. William, 35 

McBean, Mrs. Catherine, 306 

McClure s Magazine, 5, 290, 293 

McDonald, Miss Margaret S., 306 

McKee, David N., 306 

McKenzie, William P., present Trus 
tee of Publishing Society, 45; 73; 
letter from Mrs. Eddy, 210; as 
Trustee writes Mrs. Eddy re 
Monitor, 229; 306; 309 

McLauthlin, Miss Emma, Mrs. Eddy s 
companion, 282, 309 

McLellan, Archibald, on Mrs. Eddy s 
train to Boston, 215; calls news 
paper advisers to Boston, 229; con 
sults Mrs. Eddy about title of 
Monitor, 231; trustee, 308; called 
to editorship; later director, 312 

McNeils, and Mrs. Eddy, 240, 276 

Mead, Edwin D., 143, 296 

Meaning of Culture, The, 304 

Medicine, Dr. Walton Hubbard s ex 
perience in, 32 

Meehan, Albert, 306 

Meehan, Michael, prepares Mrs. 
Eddy and the Late Suit in Equity, 
209; payment for book, 209; esti 
mate of Christian Scientists, 257; 

Memoirs of Jonathan Edwards, 289 

Mental Healing, 289 

Mental Medicine, by Warren F. 
Evans, 287 

Merrill, George A., writing Mary s 
girlhood friend, 70 

Merritt, Edward A., Member of 
Board of Directors, 16; Mrs. Eddy 
thanks, 227; 311 

Mesmer, 91 

Mesmeric Magazine, The, 92 

Mesmerism, 91; practiced in England 
and New England, 92; 123 

Messages to The Mother Church, by 
Mary Baker Eddy, 289, 305, 306, 

Message to the Well, A, by Horatio 
W. Dresser, 289 



Messer, Miss Mary Burt, 317 

Metcalf, Albert, 306 

Metcalf, Mrs. Mary C., 306 

Methodism, 268 

Methodist, revival at Sanbornton 
Bridge, 68; editor at Cincinnati 
pays tribute to Monitor, 233; 287 

Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer Studios, 
Cecil B. DeMille, 37 

A4exico, lectures given in, 46 

Miliken, Mrs., 295 

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 14 

Miller, Albert E., 282, 287 

Miller, Mrs. Frederica L., 306 

Miller, William N., 306 

Millikan, Robert A., 12 

Milmine, Georgine, 287, 288, 289 

Milton, John, 57, 221, 281 

Mims, Mrs. Sue Harper, 306 

Missouri Compromise, 61 

Miscellaneous Writings, 177, 276, 289, 

Mississippi Valley, Relief Work, 275 

Missionaries, every Christian Scien 
tist a missionary, 275 

Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir, 55 

Mohammedism, 198 

Moltke, Count Helmuth von, 30 

Monitor, The Christian Science, 37; 
Fisher s estimate, 39; 45; distribu 
tion, policy and accomplishment, 
48; quoted, 187; first published in 
1908, 190; Mrs. Eddy founds, 210; 
product of her mothering instinct, 
228; her directions to start it, 229; 
Trustees predict it a business suc 
cess, 229; Publishing House en 
larged for, 230; mission and name, 
231; Mrs. Eddy s contribution to 
first issue, 231; newspaper and edi 
torial opinions of, 232; advertising 
medium, 232; Methodist editor in 
The Christian Apologist pays trib 
ute to, 233; twenty-six countries 
represented in advertising columns, 
275; 289, 308, 311, 314 

Moore, George H., 306 

Moral Science, 289 

Morrill, Dr. Alpheus B., Mrs. Eddy s 
cousin, 215 

More, Sir Thomas, 57, 101 

Morris, George P., 296 

Moses, U. S. Senator George H., 179, 
306; represents press in class of 98, 

Mother Church, The, see Church, 
The Mother 

Mother s Evening Prayer, The, read 
at Mrs. Eddy s funeral, 243, 314 

Mount Auburn, Mary Baker s early 
visit to, 70; Mrs. Eddy s remains 
rest in, 243 

Mount Holyoke College, 57 

Mount Monadnock, seen from Pleas 
ant View, 177; 207, 216 

Mountain Lakes, N. J., 10 

Mrs. Eddy and the Late Suit in 
Equity, by Meehan, 209, 308, 309, 

Mrs. Eddy as 1 kne<w Her in 1810, by 
Bancroft, 292 

Munger, 281 

Munsey s Magazine, 278, 280, 285, 287 

Murray, Lindley, Reader, Albert s 
counsel to Mary to study, 56; the 
author uses Mrs. Eddy s copies, 56; 
discussion of contents, 57, 58; 
furnishes Mary Baker precepts for 
self-direction, 59; concerning slav 
ery, 61; Introduction to the Eng 
lish Reader, 279, 283 

Music Master, The, 258 



Nahant, Mary Baker visits, 70 

Napoleon, 52 

National Christian Scientist Associa 
tion, see Christian Scientist 

Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson, 278 

Nazarene Society, 251 

Neal, James A., 253, 306, 316 

Nearer, My God, to Thee, 147, 220 

Nebraska, 148 

Negroes, Lindley Murray books on, 
61; Mary Baker opposes slavery, 
75; 77, 78, 81, 279 



New Case, The, 316 

New England, 245, 313 

New Hampshire, of "Next Friends 
Suit," 209; laws, 214 

New Hampshire Patriot and State 
Gazette, 61 

New Lebanon, N. Y., 280 

New Thought, Dressers start mental 
science movement shading into, 
167; Evans place in development 
of, 287; revolt against materialism, 

New York, 78, 179, 200, 232, 245 

New York Telegram, 308 

New York Times, 131, 274 

New York Tribune, 159 

New York Sun, 159 

New Zealand, lectures in, 46 

Newhall, Elizabeth M., 146 

Newman, Mrs. Emma Easton, 300, 

Newspapers, and Mrs. Eddy, 199, 201 

Newton, 247 

Newton, Dr. J. Fort, 268 

"Next Friends Suit," 7, 135; suit 
started, 201; plaintiffs, 203; peti 
tion, 203; Masters visit Mrs. Eddy, 
204-207; ordeal ended, 208; Mrs. 
Eddy withdraws Meehan s book 
on, 209; suit collapses, 210; brings 
unwelcome visitors to Pleasant 
View, 212; possible relation to Mrs. 
Eddy s removal to Boston, 214; 
settlement, 224, 295, 308 

Nicodemus, 41 

Nietzsche, 25 

Ninety-First Psalm, 174 

Nixon, William G., 162; Mrs. Eddy s 
Agent, 295 

No and Yes, 163 

North American Review, 281 

North Groton, N. H., little George 
Glover removes there with Mrs. 
Russell Cheney, 81; Mr. and Mrs. 
Patterson remove to, 85; Mrs. Pat 
terson s disappointments there, 88; 
mortgage on home foreclosed and 
Pattersons remove from, 89; Mrs. 

Patterson s prayers in church, 94; 
285, 286 

Northampton, Mass., 1, 110 
North Pole, Admiral Peary discov 
ers, 220, 221 
Norton, Carol, 306 
Norton, Charles Eliot, 141 
Northwestern University, 259 
Norwood, Edward Everett, 306 
Noyes, Mr., calls on Mary Baker, 71 
Noyes, Elizabeth, girlhood friend of 

Mary Baker, 70 
Nurse and Spy, 133 
Nurses, Christian Science, training 
course at Benevolent Association 
sanatorium, 49 

Ohio Leader, 300 

Old Landmarks of Boston, Drake, 


Old Oaken Bucket, The, 220 
Old Orchard Road, 216 
Oliver, George, 122 
O Neill, his Lazarus, 38 
Optimist, 175 

Orchard, Commodore John M., 30 
Orcutt, William Dana, of University 

Press, 136; testifies Mr. Wiggin 

proof reader, 139; 296 
Orne, Mr. Edward A., 299 
Osier (Dr.) Sir William, 110 
Otis Elevator Company, 258 
Otto, The Idea of the Holy, 273 
Our New Religion, by Rt. Hon. H. 

A. L. Fisher, 287, 291 
Our Times, Sullivan, 302 
Outlook, The, 281 
Oxenham, John, 306 
Oxford University, Sir William 

Osier at, 110 


Palmer House, Mrs. Eddy stays at, 

166; decorated with flowers, 166 
Paracelsus, Browning, 289 
Paris, 47, 179, 232 



Park Street, 140 

Parker, Hosea W., Master in "Next 
Friends Suit," 204 

Parker, Joseph, 281 

Parker, Torrance, quoted, 271, 318 

Parkman, Francis, 141 

Parsons, President Edward S., of 
Marietta (Ohio) College, 35 

Patterson, Daniel, marriage to Mary 
Baker Glover, 85; after three years 
in Franklin, N. H., removes to No. 
Groton, 85; wooing Mrs. Glover, 
86; a disappointing stepfather, 87; 
failure to make a living, 88; ab 
sences and loss of home in No. 
Groton, 89; commissioned by gov 
ernment of N. H., goes South, is 
captured, committed to Libby 
Prison, writes wife, 91; directs 
steps for release, 91; Mrs. Patterson 
could not yield her religion to him, 
94; writes Quimby in wife s behalf, 
95; Mrs. Patterson borrows from 
his brother to try to effect his re 
lease from prison, 112; effort to re 
establish a home, 112; eloped, di 
vorced, and died, 112; after divorce 
expressed regret at failure as hus 
band, 112; domestic differences, 
120; wife had not received ex 
pected remittance from him, 130; 
Mrs. Glover s letter to him, 287; 
not in Lynn when wife fell, 291 

Patterson, John, loans Mrs. Patterson 
money, 112; Mrs. Eddy repays 
with interest, 291 

Patterson, Mary Baker, see Mary 
Baker Eddy 

Patton, James E., present Trustee 
Publishing Society, 45 

Peabody, Selwin B., 279 

Pearson, Charles W., 306 

Peary, Admiral, and North Pole, 221 

People s Idea of God, The, 162 

Perry, Rt. Rev. James DeWolf , 274 

Phi Beta Kappa man, 261 

Philadelphia, Pa., pursuit of culture, 
75; Dr. E. J. Foster-Eddy in, 161; 
175, 245 

Philbrook, Mrs. H. S., grows up with 
Mrs. Eddy, hears voices, 277 

Philippine Islands, lectures in, 46; 
250, 275 

Phillips Family, the, shelter Mrs. 
Eddy, 115, 121 

Phillips, Hannah, 121 

Phillips, Uncle Thomas, tribute to 
Mrs. Eddy, 121 

Philosophy of Electrical Psychology, 
The, John Bovee Dods, 286 

Physicians, Dr. Walton Hubbard, 32; 
some admit good in Christian Sci 
ence, 35; eminent London surgeon, 

Pickford, Mary, 32 

Pierce, Franklin, little Mary s esti 
mate of, 56; her comments on his 
election, 64, 65; attitude toward 
slavery, 75; Mrs. Glover s views as 
to effect of his election on contro 
versy between North and South, 
82; 278 

Pilgrim Fathers, 119 

Pilsbury, Ellen, healed by Mrs. 
Eddy, and her reaction, 113 

Pilsbury, Luther C, at Mary s wed 
ding to George W. Glover, 72 

Pilsbury, Martha, see Martha Baker 

Plato, 58, 103, 281 

Pleasant View, Concord, N. H., site 
of Mrs. Eddy s home used, 49; 
Mrs. Eddy s chair swing, 83; look 
ing backwards, 92, 112; Joseph G. 
Mann there, 156; retirement at, 170; 
improvement of, 175; life at, 185, 
187; pilgrimages to, 199; New York 
and Boston Press reporters at, 199; 
"Next Friends Suit" brings unwel 
come visitors to, 212; value of, 213; 
carriages sent ahead to Chestnut 
Hill, 215; her suite at Chestnut 
Hill, 216; 282, 292; buys farm and 
names it, 304 

Pleasant View Home, The Christian 
Science, built on site of Mrs. 
Eddy s home, 49; home and farm 
land described, 50; cost of caring 
for residents at, 276 



Plunkett, Mrs., starting independent 
movement, 167 

Plutarch, 101 

Poems, Eddy, 276, 282, 311, 312, 314 

Pollock, Channing, The American 
Magazine, 274 

Pope, Alexander, 57, 62; Mary 
Baker s verses to Andrew Gault in 
Popean style, 62; 281 

Porter, Charles, and Mrs., at the 
darks table, 106 

Portland Courier, The, 97, 288 

Portland, Maine, Mrs. Patterson 
comes to Quimby, 94, 95; difficul 
ties in reaching, 96; climbs the one 
hundred eighty-two steps to dome 
of City Hall, 97; remains three 
weeks in, 98; Abigail Tilton and 
son, Albert, go to, 98; Mrs. Patter 
son s writings in, 100, 101; Mrs. 
Patterson and Miss Jarvis, 105; 131, 

Portsmouth Chronicle, The, 310 

Potter, Miss, 299 

Potter, Rev. Dr. Charles F., 35 

Powell, Lyman P., earlier writings on 
Christian Science, 2; later studies, 
6; revising book, 9; writes judicial 
estimate for SchafT-Herzog Ency 
clopedia, 9; 1917 tribute to daily 
Bible-reading, 10; contribution to 
Cambridge History of American 
Literature, 11; first outlines this 
book, 16; granted access to his 
torical files, 17; and George A. 
Quimby, 94; and Sarah G. Crosby, 
105; and Sir William Osier, 110; 
and Richard Kennedy, 117; Brook 
Farm, 141; and Boston authors, 
141, 142; talks with many who 
lived with Mrs. Eddy, 185; tribute 
to night watchman, 254; contacts 
with college students, 259; corre- 
spendence with those who knew 
Mrs. Eddy, 259; estimate of Chris 
tian Science group, 266; 283, 288, 
289, 290, 296, 302, 307, 314, 316, 318 

Powell, Talcott, advises author, 308 

Powers, Mrs. Carol Hoyt, assisted in 
conducting Mrs. Eddy s funeral 
service, 243 

Powys, John Cowper, 173 
Poyen, Charles, 91 

Practice of Medicine, The, Osier, 110 

Practitioners of Christian Science, 

their work, 50; charges, 117; 255, 


Prayers, for rain, for fair weather, 

Presbyterian, reasons for leaving 

ministry, 13 

Press, editorial appreciation at Mrs. 
Eddy s passing, 9; 36, see news 
Princeton University, Woodrow 

Wilson teaching at, 24 
Prisoner of Chilian, The, 68 
Protestantism, 14, 27, 29, 234 
Psychic Research, 292 
Publication Committees, see Com 
mittee on Publication 
Publishers Press, 200 
Publishing House, Christian Science, 
clearing of debt on, 229; enlarge 
ment for Monitor, 229; contribu 
tion from London to, 240 
Publishing Society, The Christian 
Science, net profits of, 43; Manual 
provides for, 44; literature issued 
by, 44, 45; 170; its periodicals, 177, 
190; to start Monitor, 229; an 
nounces new periodical, 230; yields 
Church liberal income, 305 
Pulpit and Press, 294, 311 


Quarterly, Christian Science, 41, 45, 
177, see also Bible Lessons 

Questions and Answers, first given to 
students, 130; in Miscellaneous 
Writings, 177 

Quimby, George A., helps Mrs. Pat 
terson upstairs to father s office, 94; 
jealous for father s reputation, 99; 



author talks with, 108; denies 
father responsible for Christian 
Science, 288; says Mrs. Eddy at 
last landed in prayer-cure pure and 
simple, 295 

Quimby Manuscripts, The, 104; N. Y. 
Times estimates, 131; 284, 287, 288, 

Quimby, Phineas P., in 1862 Mrs. 
Patterson comes to his office, 94; 
Dr. Patterson writes him in 1861 
but Mrs. Tilton later interposes 
objection, 95; helps Julius A. 
Dresser and other patients from 
Dr. Vail s Hydropathic Institute, 
95; Mrs. Patterson s letter and visit 
to, 96; diagnoses Mrs. Patterson s 
case, 96; effect upon her, 97; she 
seeks basis of his healing, 97; his 
estimate of her, 98; her words on 
his passing, 98; she appeals to 
Julius A. Dresser to carry on his 
work, 99; temporary effect on 
Mrs. Patterson s vocabulary, 100; 
his use of words "science of 
health" and scope of work, 102; 
Mrs. Patterson s second visit to and 
a fellow patient s estimate, 104; 
again tries to understand him, 105; 
at first overrates what she owed 
Quimby, 105; sometimes talks of 
him at Clarks in Lynn, and else 
where, 108; growing away from, 
108; at first hampered by his 
methods, 109; for time believed in, 
111; name rarely mentioned, 131; 
Mrs. Patterson writes, 284; teaches 
Warren F. Evans to heal, 287; 
Mrs. Eddy s health improves, 288; 
pays tribute to Mrs. Eddy, 288; 
son states not connected with 
Christian Science, 288; rare human 
ity and sympathy, 289; did not use 
phrase "science and health," 289; 

Quimbyism, 108 

Quincy, Josiah, describes Charleston, 
S. C., 74 

Radiant Life, The, Rev. John S. 
Bunting, 276, 316 

Rambles Round Old Boston, Bacon, 

Ramsay, E. Mary, 278 

Ramsay, Sir James, 29 

Rand, Martha D., Mrs. Glover writes 
her future sister-in-law, 86, 93; 
wife of George Sullivan Baker, 
202; 285 

Rathvon, Mrs. Ella S., 311 

Rathvon, William R., member of 
The Christian Science Board of 
Directors, 16; Mrs. Eddy s secre 
tary, 283; relates incidents of Mrs. 
Eddy s life, 222, 223, 225, 278, 283, 
304, 309, 311 

Rawson, Dorcas B., 146 

Raymond, Minot, and Mrs., reside at 
Clarks , 106 

Readers, at Christian Science serv 
ices, 41, 50, 248 

Red Cross, 275 

Red Rock, 143 

Reid, William B., of University 
Press, 136, 138, 296, 300 

Relief Work, done by Christian Sci 
ence Church, 275 

Religion, J. Fort Newton on modern, 

Religion and Medicine, 275 

Religion of New England, The, Van 
Ness, 290, 294 

Remington, Bishop, 251 

Renascence, 274 

Retrospection and Introspection, 162, 
277, 278, 286, 287, 288, 291, 293, 297, 

Revolution, American, 142 

Review of Reviews, 5 

Rhodes, James F., 296 

Rice, Mrs. Miranda R., 146, 299 

Riley, James Whitcomb, 142 

Robertson, 57 

Robertson, Mrs. Annie Louise, 306 

Robertson, Miss Nemi, 306 

Robinson, Allan H., represents press 
in class of 98, 306 



Roosevelt, Theodore, 139; graduating 
from Harvard, 141; elected Gov 
ernor of New York, 179; compares 
Mrs. Eddy with other religious 
leaders, 208; as letter writer, 280 

Roslindale, Mass., Mrs. Eddy re 
moves to, 304 

Rough Riders, 179 

Rounsevcl, R. D., 291 

Royal Albert Hall, 47 

Rudimental Divine Science, 163 

Ruggles Educational Fund, 259, 261 

Ruggles, Dr. Georgia Sackett, 259 

Rumney, N. H., Pattersons remove 
to, 90; 286 

Ruskin, John, 281 

Russell, Alfred, 209 

Rust, Rev. Richard S., tribute to Abi 
gail Ambrose Baker, 93, 276 

SAGO, Maine, Dr. Patterson dies in, 

St. Cecilia Society, Charleston, S. C., 

Saint Joan, Bernard Shaw, 277 

St. Louis, 245 

St. Patrick, lines attributed to, 241 

St. Paul, quotes, 129, 136, 182, 190, 
224, 269 

St. Petersburg, 179 

Salchow, John, accompanies Mrs. 
Eddy across train platform, 211; 
observes newspaper men, 215; car 
ries her into Chestnut Hill home, 
216; serves Mrs. Eddy longer than 
anyone else except Mr. Frye, 309, 

Salisbury, Mass., Warren F. Evans 
conducts sanatorium in, 287 

Salisbury, N. H., Daniel Webster s 
birthplace, 82 

Sallust, 58 

Samuel, Mary Baker hears voices like, 

Sanatoriums, see Benevolent Associa 

Sanborn, Frank B., Mr. Alcott men-, 
tions Mrs. Eddy to, 128; 296 

Sanborn, Mahala, nurses Mrs. Glo 
ver, 79; as Mrs. Russell Cheney 
removes to North Groton with 
little George W. Glover, 81; 
Cheneys take George to next home, 
85; go to Minnesota and George 
joins army, 88 

Sanbornton Bridge, Bakers remove 
from Bow to, 62; renamed Tilton 
in 1869, 64; Methodist revival at, 
68; Mary Baker s marriage to 
George W. Glover at, 72; Mrs. 
Patterson prefers Sanbornton 
Bridge, 96; 284 

San Francisco, 179, 232, 245, 275 

Sargent, Laura E., Mrs. Eddy tells 
her of plan for Trustees, 205; on 
duty during removal to Boston, 
215; prays for good weather, 218; 
reads Mrs. Eddy s Christmas mes 
sage to household, 225; 266 

Scarlett, Rt. Rev. William, 34 

SchaflF-Herzog Encyclopedia of Re 
ligious Literature, 9 

Schouler, James, 296 

Science and Health with Key to the 
Scriptures, published in 1875, 38; 
where Mrs. Eddy got title, 102; 
building the book, 106, 113; income 
needed, 115; residences while com 
pleting, 115; quiet needed for writ 
ing, 121; book finished at 9 Broad 
Street, Lynn, 124; growth of, 126, 
128; book brings relief to author, 
129; Cambridge History article on, 
11, 131; New York Times compares 
Quimby Manuscript to, 131; last 
touches and bill for printing, 131; 
appearance of first edition in 1875 
and cost, 132; errata and improve 
ment in subsequent editions, 133; 
best seller next to Bible, 133; 
changes in revisions, 134, 135; 
change in statement about death, 
136; printed by University Press, 
136; Mrs. Eddy s instructions to 
Mr. Wiggin, 139; reaches 50th edi 
tion by 1890, 163; invalids healed 
by, 165; Mrs. Eddy reads it each 



morning, 171; most important book 
to Christian Scientists, 178; early 
aim to " ite a book," 181; quoted, 
190; Manual next to, 192; editing 
and re-editing of, 236; vocabulary 
of, 236; open on Mrs. Eddy s desk 
till last, 242; helps make up Bible 
Lessons, 249; teaches mind influ 
ences body, 251; studied by night 
watchman, 254; teaching o n mar 
riage and home, 263; mother 
teaches children obedience to, 264; 
273; writing of, 290; no changes 
since Mrs. Eddy passed on, 295; 
300, 304 

Science, Christian, teachings require 
close consideration, 1; philosophy, 
theology, medicine, 2, 4; distribu 
tion to the world, 4; a critic s esti 
mate, 9; author s 1917 estimate, 
10; teaching regarding matter, 12; 
meets test, 26; testimonies and 
tributes to, 26; growing steadily 
through criticism and ridicule, 38; 
stepping-stones in its development, 
38; what it is, 50; Christian Sci 
ence discovered by Mrs. Eddy, 
101; how name originated, 102; Rt. 
Rev. William Adams entitles his 
book Christian Science, 102; phrase 
used by Sarah Josepha Hale in 
poem, 102; Mrs. Eddy provides for 
financing, 119; explains to Masters, 
207; concern for, 211; puts girdle 
round the globe, 239, 275; prema 
ture prediction of failure, 266; 
author s findings, 266; modesty 
jewel of, 266; even critics admit 
some good effects, 269; perils of 
prosperity, 271; her discovery, 
289; advancing women to position 
of equality, 317 

Science of Man, The, 130, 295 

Science of Soul, The, 130 

Science, natural developments in, 12, 

Scientist, Christian, Dr. Eddy first to 
use words on sign, 144 

Scientists, Christian, author s esti 

mate of, 2; on public questions, 10; 
Cambridge History of American 
Literature, 11; train themselves to 
live higher life, 19; bearers of good 
news, 26; their lives, 38-40; salva 
tion individual, 40; must conquer 
personal faults, 41; method of rais 
ing budget, 42; response to calls of 
Board for contributions, 49; must 
live up to teachings, 50; Manual s 
instruction as to lawsuits, 117; some 
fall away, 151; study Bible lessons 
wherever they are, 249; judged by 
fruits, 253; loving all, 267; bear 
fruits described by St. Paul, 269; 
sharing their good with others, 
270; averting peril of prosperity, 

Scotland, 47; first Christian Science 
church edifice in, 240 

Scott, Mrs. Minnie A., 309, 312 

Scrapbook, Mrs. Eddy s, 277 

Scribner*s Magazine, 273 

Seaver, Rev. Richard W., Belfast, 
Ireland, 34 

Sentinel, Christian Science, 45; an 
nounces proposed benevolent sana 
torium, 49; Mrs. Eddy s statement 
regarding Mr. Wiggin, 139; pub 
lished, 177; 190; announces The 
Christian Science Monitor, 230; 
quoted, 282, 286, 290; first title 
Christian Science Weekly, 306; 310, 

Sermon, see Lesson-Sermons 

Sermon on the Mount, 180 

Shackleton, 296 

Shakers, Mary invited to visit them, 
65; not interested, 280 

Shakespeare, discovery of characters, 
101; Mrs. Eddy reads, 281 

Shannon, Miss Clara M, S., 73, 113; 
Mrs. Eddy s teachings on overcom 
ing evil, 183; Mrs. Eddy sees need 
of Manual, 192; describes Mrs. 
Eddy s mother, 277; cited, 277; 279, 
283, 291, 292, 295, 304, 307, 308 

Shaw, Dr. Albert, 18 

Shaw, Bernard, 139, 277 



Shaw, Dr. John, 34 

Sheed, Miss, girlhood friend, 70 

Sheldon, Joshua, at darks table, 106 

Shipman, Miss Emma G, tribute to 
Mrs. Eddy, 121, 292; 306 

Shoemaker, "Sam," 223 

Sigourney, Mrs., 74 

Slavery, talk turning to, 52; Louisiana 
Purchase sowing seeds of discord 
over, 59; Lindley Murray books 
and, 61; question vital to Mrs. 
Glover, 75; opposed to, 75; tells 
her views on, 82; 279 

Slaves, Glovers and slavery, 75; de 
sire to free slaves, 77; Mrs. Glover 
allows late husband s slaves go free, 
78; thus flings away potential assets, 

Smith, Judge Clifford P., Trustee of 
Publishing Society, 229; conducts 
Mrs. Eddy s funeral service, 243; 
quotes author in Annual Meeting, 
275; 309,313,317 

Smith, Dr. Copeland, of Chicago, 35 

Smith, Col. E. J., 144; early student 
of Mrs. Eddy, 301 

Smith, J. Edward, 306 

Smith, James, converted at Methodist 
revival, 68; a suitor for Mrs. 
Glover s hand, 84; writes verse to 
Mrs. Glover, 285 

Smith, Elmira (Myra), see Wilson, 
Mrs. Patterson s attendant, 89; 
life at No. Groton, 89; her sister s 
(Mrs. Swett s) reminiscences, 89; 
sympathy at Mrs. Patterson s hu 
miliation, 90; blind maid, 285; in 
cident of pills, 285; goes to Rum- 
ney with Mrs. Patterson, 286 

Smith, Richard, 306 

Societies, Christian Science, growth 
of, 38 

Socrates, 58, 252 

"Sonny s Father," 270 

South America, lectures in, 46 

Southern Review, The, 75 

Speakman, Miss Rachel T., 306 

Spenser, 251 

Spinoza, 57, 103 

Spiritualism, 91, 116, 129, 291 

SpofTord, Daniel H., 123, 143, 146; 
appreciation of Mrs. Eddy, 293; 
alleged murder, 296 

Springfield, Mass., 110 

Springfield Republican, 6, 245 

Stage, interested in Christian Science, 

Stanley, Charles S., dismissed from 
Mrs. Eddy s class, 122 

Steinmetz, Charles P., on greatest dis 
covery of future, 274 

Stewart, John H., 306 

Stewart, Miss Mary, in class of 98; 
recollections, 306 

Stewart, Samuel Barrett, solemnizes 
marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, 

Stidger, Dr. William L., on Mrs. 
Eddy s chapter Prayer, 151 

Still, Miss M. Adelaide, reports Mrs. 
Eddy s readiness for interview 
with Masters, 207; cited, 304; 309 

Stocking, Miss Daisette D., 306 

Stone, Mrs. Lida Stocking, 306 

Stone, mesmerist, 92 

Stoughton, East, Mrs. Eddy lives at, 
with the Crafts, 116 

Stout Institute, 317 

Strang, Lewis C., defendant in "Next 
Friends Suit," 203 

Streeter, Frank S., Mrs. Eddy s coun 
sel in "Next Friends Suit," 204; 307 

Stuart, Ruth McEnery, 270 

Studebaker, J. M., Jr., 30 

Sulcer, Dr. Abraham A., 306 

Sullivan, Mark, 302 

Sumner, Charles, 142 

Sunday School, every Christian Sci 
ence church has, 45; enrollment 
and instruction, 45; Asa G. Eddy 
first organizer, 144 

Surwalt s Grammar, 67 

Sutherland, Miss, Mary Baker writes 
Augusta Holmes of, 70 

Swampscott, Mass., Mrs. Patterson 
resides in, 109; removed to her 
home in, 109; healed at, 111 

Swedenborgian, 287 



Swett, Mrs. Sylvester, recalls child 
hood contact with Mrs. Patterson, 
89, 286 

Switzerland, 47, 259 

TAGORE, 307 

Tales -from Shakespeare, 281 

Talmage, Rev. T. DeWitt, 281 

Tasmania, lectures in, 46 

Taunton, Mass., Ellen Pilsbury visits 
aunt at, 113; Mrs. Eddy lives with 
Crafts at, 116 

Taylor, Gen. Charles H., and Globe, 

Teachers of Christian Science, taught 
and certified by Board of Educa 
tion, 45; their office, 50 

Temple, Archbishop of York, 33 

Tenets of Christian Science, 196 

Tennyson, Alfred, 281 

Terry, Ellen, 246, 314 

Testimonials, at Wednesday evening 
meetings, 26; contributed to this 
book, 27 

Testimony Meetings (Wednesday), 

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 142 

Thanksgiving Day, 1, 3, 232 

Thompson, Abigail Dyer, on 
Quimby s method of healing, 97, 
98; 172, 179, 180; Quimby intro 
duces Mrs. Eddy to Abigail s 
mother, 288; 304, 306 

Thompson, Mrs. Emma A., 288, 306 

Thomson, 57 

Thoreau, 213 

Ticknor, 296 

Tilton, Abigail, see Baker, Abigail 

Tilton, Albert, 81, 85; put under 
Quimby s treatment for alcoholism, 

Tilton, Alexander H., husband of 
Abigail, 72; owns successful mills 
at Tilton, 80; 283 

Tilton, J., converted at Methodist 
revival, 69 

Tilton, N. H. (see Sanbornton 
Bridge), Sanbornton Bridge re 

named Tilton, 64; Mrs. Glover 
returns a widow to father s house, 
78; removes to sister Abigail Til- 
ton s home, 81; near Salisbury, 
Daniel Webster s birthplace, 82; 
houses illuminated when Lincoln 
was assassinated, 82; Mrs. Patterson 
returns to sister s home, 98; Ellen 
Pilsbury home from visit to Taun 
ton, 113; Mrs. Eddy writes friend 
at, 130; spends arid years in, 166; 
joins Congregational Church at, 
282; Episcopal Church remem 
bered in Mrs. Tilton s will, 286 

Time, 3 14 

Tolstoy, 281 

Tomlinson, Rev. Irving G, 73; de 
fendant in "Next Friends" suit, 203 ; 
on Mrs. Eddy s train to Boston, 
215; Mrs. Eddy s secretary, 276; 
her unusual consciousness of God, 
277; writes Mrs. Eddy about child 
with cut finger, 278; 306, 309 

Towne, Orwell Bradley, 276 

Townsend, Rev. Dr. L, T., admits 
Mrs. Eddy successful in healing 
disease, 153; attacks Mrs. Eddy 
from pulpit, 157 

Transcendentalists, 104 

Tremont Temple, Mrs. Eddy speaks 
in, 158 

Trench, 281 

Trine, 281 

Trinity, Mark Twain says Mrs. 
Eddy deserves place in, 37 

Trinity College, 29 

True George Washington, The, Paul 
Leicester Ford, 279 

Trumbull, Henry Clay, 317 

Trustees, of Publishing Society, 45; 
Mrs. Eddy directs them to start 
Monitor, 229; others than Trustees 
wanted change in Monitor s name, 
230; Mrs. Eddy s instructions to, 

Trustees, under the Will of Mary 
Baker Eddy, personnel almost 
identical with Board of Directors, 



Turner, Mrs., found Mrs. Patterson 
very spiritual woman, 94, 282, 286 

Tuttle, George, in panic because he 
cures his first patient, 122 

Twain, Mark, final word regarding 
Christian Science, 37, 136; his pre 
diction, 198; A Biography (Paine), 
275; 318 


UNITED STATES, lectures in, 46 
United States Bureau of Labor, 276 
United States, Constitution of, 102, 


Unity of Good, 163 
Universities, Christian Science organ 
izations in, 38; fund helps students 
in, 259, see colleges 
University of California, 317 
University of Chicago, Dr. Shailer 

Mathews, 217, 259 
University of Idaho, 31; 259 
University of Pennsylvania, 142 
University Press, relations with Mis. 

Eddy, 136, 139; 295 
Uruguay, lectures in, 46 



Hill, N. H., Mrs. Patterson enters, 

95; some patients go to Quimby, 


Van Dyke, Henry, 281 
Van Ness, Rev. Thomas, quotes Mrs. 

Eddy s attitude toward Emerson s 

teachings, 126; 290, 294 
Vermont, Mrs. Eddy retires to, 114; 

ministers receive relief from The 

Mother Church, 275 
Vernon, Rev. Edward T., London 

clergyman, 33 
Vocabulary of Christian Science, 1, 

12; Mrs. Eddy coining, 101; terms 

for God, 103, 151 
Voices, heard by Joan of Arc and 

Mary Baker, 53 
von Hiigel, Baron, 274 


WADLIN, WILLIAM, at the darks 
table, 106 

War, The World, effects of, 10, 11; 
editors tributes to Monitor during, 
232, see also Civil War 

War Relief, carried on extensively 
by Christian Science Church, 275 

Wardley, James and Jane, Shaker 
leaders, 280 

Warren, Maine, Mrs. Patterson prac 
tices healing there, 105 

Warren, Miss Lucia C., 183 

Washington, D. C., Mark Baker reads 
news from, 61; civil war, 82; Dr. 
Patterson to collect fund for union 
sympathizers, 90; hopes for recov 
ery of his personal effects in, 91; 
editors in, 245 

Washington, George, sources neces 
sary for biography of, 23; spelling 
informal, 63 ; letter to London, 279, 

Watchman, tribute to a, 254 

Water-cure, 95, 96 

Weather Bureau, 283, 295 

Webster, Daniel, 82, 278 

Webster, Mrs. Elizabeth, called by 
Mrs. Eddy to compile rules for 
teachers, 192 

Webster family, interest in spiritual 
ism and turning Mrs. Eddy out, 
116, 129 

Webster, Massachusetts, Julius A. 
Dresser in, 288 

Wednesday evening meeting, At 1906 
dedication of The Mother Church, 

Wednesday evening meetings, 26, 
178, 249, 255, 259 

Welch, Charles H., confirms Shan 
non recollections, 304 

Wentworth, Charles O., 122 

Wentworth, Mrs. Sally, appreciates 
Mis. Eddy, 122 

Wentworth family, Mrs. Eddy lives 
with, 108, 116; 122, 291, 293 

Wesley, John, 148 



Wesleyan College, Woodrow Wil 
son teaches at, 24 

West Indies, lectures in, 46 

Westminster Abbey, 274 

Westminster Catechism, 56 

Wethersfield, Connecticut, Mary s 
letters to her brother George in, 63 

Weygandt, Miss Minnie B., 309 

Wheat, Charles, rings church bell 
when Pattersons leave Groton, 286 

Wheat, Joseph, forecloses mortgage, 

Wheeler family, Mrs. Eddy mentions 
Quimby to, 108 

Whipple, 141 

Whiting, Mrs. Abbie H., 295 

Whiting, Miss Lilian, 300 

Whittier, Mrs. Eddy s love for his 
poems, 126; her call and his sub 
sequent statement about her, 127; 
his new books, 141, 281 

Wiggin, Reverend James Henry, en 
gaged for detail work on Science 
and Health, 138; Mrs. Eddy s let 
ters to him, 139 

Wilbur, Sibyl, her book cited, 125, 
276; 277, 283, 284, 288, 291, 293, 294, 

Wilcox, Mrs. Martha W., 309 

Willard, Emma, 57 

Willebrandt, Mrs. Mabel Walker, 37 

Williams College, 259 

Williams, Mrs. M. E., 292 

Wilmington, N. C., Maj. Glover s 
business trip to, death and burial at, 
77, 78; Wilmington Chronicle, 284 

Wilson, Elmira Smith, see Myra 

Wilson, John, Mrs. Eddy s relations 
with, in University Press, 136; Mr. 
Wiggin s conversation with, 138; 
tributes to Mrs. Eddy, 138; 139, 

Wilson, Woodrow, 23, 24 

Wingate, Mr., convert at Methodist 
revival, 69 

Wisconsin, Episcopal Bishop of, Rt. 
Rev. William Adams s book, 102 

Wisehart, M. K., 248 

Wister, Owen, 75, 199 

Woman s Home Companion, 263 

Wonalancet Club, members estimate 
what Mrs. Eddy meant to Con 
cord, 213 

Worcester, Rev. Dr. Elwood, foun 
der of Emmanuel Movement, 34 

Wordsworth, William, 57 

World Power Conference, 315 

World s Debt to "Protestantism, The, 
Dr. Burns Jenkins, 315 

Wright, Wallace, misjudges Mrs. 
Eddy, 123 

Wyclif, John, "science and health" 
in his translation, 103 

YORK, present Archbishop of, 33 

Young, 57 

Young, Bicknell, 317 

Young Men s Christian Association, 



