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Full text of "Bengal plants ?a list of the phanerogams, ferns and fern?allies indigenous to, or commonly cultivated in, the Lower provinces and Chittagong, with definitions of the natural orders and genera, and keys to the genera and species."

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Bengal Planis. 

oS! 5 aa Forest Tracts #=: 

82 E. of Greenwich. 84 86 88 90 92 

Scale of English Miles. 
bse 100 


H. H. RISLEY, Ese., C.1-E., 
Officier @ Académie. 

My DEAR RIsuey, 

Wherever my search for the plants of Bengal has led 
me, I have found myself following your footsteps in the study 
of the folks that dwell in the Lower Provinces and live in the 

pages of the Tribes and Castes of Bengal. 

Will you, then, accept this work as a mark of my appre- 

ciation of yours, and a token of my warm regard? 

Yours very sincerely, 




Tren years have passed since the suggestion that the 
writer should prepare a guide to the plants of the provinces 
under his rule was first made by Sir Caantes Exuxiorr. 
The work could not, however, be undertaken till the Flora 
of British India was finished; since then it has occupied 
the scanty leisure of the writer, who has received much 
encouragement from Sir Josrpn Hooker, Sir Grorer Kine, 
and Sir Joan Woopzury to carry it to completion. 

Its many imperfections—due in some measure to the 
fact that dies fasti ac feriati have alone been available for 
its preparation, and that on these it could only receive 
divided attention—must have been more numerous had not — 
Sir Gzorce Kine, with a kindness which nothing can repay, 
read the final proofs. 

The key to the species of Polygonum was drawn up by 
the writer’s friend, Captain A. T. Gace. The need for an 
Appendix is mainly the result of a practical interest in 
the progress of this work on the part of Mr. J. H. Lace 
and H. H. Hares, who have communicated records of 
species unknown to the Lower Provinces when its prepara- 
tionhegan. The writer is also much indebted to Messrs. 
West, Nev:man & Co., of London, for the care they have 
exercised, at so great a distance, in printing its pages. 

“Cancurre> March, 1903. 


II.—Catycirtorm , 




THE completion of the Flora of British India, which for over 
@ quarter of a century (1872-97) absorbed much of the attention 

seventh and last volume of the Flora, Sir Joseph describes it as 
“a pioneer work which, besides enabling botanists to name with 
Some accuracy a host of Indian plants, may, I hope, serve two 
higher purposes: to facilitate the compilation of local Indian 

One period having ended, a new one must begin. The efforts 
of Indian botanists have for the past thirty years been largely 
devoted to the accumulation of material calculated to facilitate 
the preparation of-the Flora of British India ; they must now 
be directed to the compilation of smaller works, compact in form 
and concise in style, dealing with the vegetation of specific areas 
within that Indian Empire which is served by the Flora. This 
Empire, in the botanical sense, includes, besides those territories 
that are under the control of the Government of India, the Island 
of Ceylon, the Malayan Peninsula, and the Himalayan regions of 
Nepal and Bhutan. 

A rather formidable difficulty, however, confronts those who 
would decide what the limits of the specific areas to be dealt with 
in such local Floras shall be. Putting aside for the moment 
the Malayan and the Indo-Chinese possessions of Britain, and 
neglecting the huge belt of hill-country which extends along the 
Himalayas from the Hindu Kush to the Mishmi and the Kachin 


ranges, we find within what is more precisely known as India a 
number of obvious and intelligible natural subdivisions. There 
is India Deserta—the dry and almost rainless area in Scinde, 
Rajputana, and the Panjab; there is India Diluvia, with its 
chief development in the Gangetic plain, comprising much of 
the territory that constitutes the North-West and the Lower 
Provinces; there is India Aquosa, the wet forest tract along the 
western Ghats from Guzerat to Travancore, which receives all the 
force of the south-west monsoon; there is India Vera, the dry but 
not desert triangle between the western and the eastern Ghats, 
with its apex in Tinivelly and its base along the Gangetic plain; 
there is India Subaquosa, the eastern Ghats and the strip between 
these and the sea; finally, there is India Littorea, most highly 
developed in the Sundribun area of the Gangetic delta. In each 
of these areas the type of vegetation that prevails is more or less 
dependent on the natural conditions there met with; this type is 
in consequence more or less distinctive. The obvious treatment 
is therefore to subdivide India into the regions thus roughly out- 
lined, and to provide a compact local Flora for each. But it is 
evident enough, when further consideration is given to the subject, 
that, though plausible in theory, such a system of delimitation is 
neither wholly practicable nor altogether expedient. So far as 
India Deserta and India Aquosa are concerned, the areas are 
compact and the boundaries definite; it is, however, otherwise with 
India Diluvia and India Littorea. The vegetation characteristic 
of the Gangetic plain extends into the valley of the Brahmaputra, 
and though we may for the moment ignore, because the territory 
affected is Indo-Chinese, the fact that this flora recurs in the 
valley of the Irrawaday, we cannot forget that the same, or a very 
similar, vegetation appears in the alluvial tracts along Indian 
rivers other than the Ganges. Again, the mangrove forests at the 
mouths of the Ganges constitute no more than an outlying patch 
. a flora that characterises every sea-shore from the Mascarenes 

o Melanesia; this mangrove vegetation, though more extensively 
Be eed in the Sundribuns than elsewhere in India, is not 

more distinctive of the Gangetic delta than it is of similar tracts 
at the mouths of other considerable Indian rivers. Finally, the 
line of demarcation between India Subaquosa—the tracts along 

and below the eastern Ghats, and India Vera—the great peninsular 




table-land, is so much less clearly defined than the corresponding 
line between this table-land and the country along and below the 
western Ghats, that the two have to be dealt with as an organic 
whole. When so treated the two together form an area that, in 
its extent, is out of all proportion to any of the other subdivisions 

If what has been said indicates that the adoption of natural 
areas is hardly practicable, it is easier still to show that this 

coincident with the natural characteristics of its provinces, as 
these are reflected in the acter pln The theoretical advantage 
of dealing with even & compact natural area is thus usually over- 

den who would wish to study the Madras vegetation, a iA 
these natural areas be adopted, have at hand two works: 

dealing with India Aquosa or, as an eminent Indian botanist ae 

sed to name it, Malabaria; and a second dealing with the 
Seroins India Subaquosa and India Vera, for which area the same 
authority has proposed the name Coromandelia. The inhabitant 
of the Bombay Presidency must possess both these works, and in 
addition that which treats of India Deserta. The district officer 
in the North-West Provinces, besides providing himself with a 
work dealing with the vegetation of the Gangetic plain, should 
have also at hand at least that which refers to Coromandelia. 
Finally, in the Lower Provinces, with which we are now more 
immediately concerned, anyone stationed in Chota Nagpur must 

the iataeal vegetation of the Sundribuns; while anyone pel to 
Chittagong must consult a treatise dealing with the vegetation of 
Indo-China, whereof Chittagong forms geographically, though not 
politically, an integral part. If the public interest is to be con- 
sulted, it is clear that a system of delimitation other than the 
obviously natural one is essential in deciding what are to be the 
limits of the areas treated in our Indian local floras; and the best 


system to adopt, because the most practicable, must be one that is 
based on a frank recognition of existing political frontiers, no 
matter how unscientific these may be. Now and again, however, 
it may be found possible, and indeed advisable, to effect a com- 
promise, at least in matters of detail, between these political 
frontiers and the boundary lines indicated by the natural facts 
of distribution. 

n the case of the Lower Provinces—for the use of whose 
inhabitants the present work is designed—a compromise of this 
kind seems particularly desirable. Here are included the plants 
of Bengal, Behar, and Tirhut, or those of the eastern half of the 
Gangetic plain, and those of the Sundribuns or the Gangetic delta. 
Besides these, however, the work includes not only the plants of 
Chota Nagpur and of Orissa, which are almost wholly character- 
istic of Coromandelia, but those of Tippera and Chittagong, which 
are Indo-Chinese rather than Indian, With the exception of a 
single district the work deals with the whole of the territories that 
go to form the Lieutenant-Governorship of Bengal, irrespective of 
the natural areas completely or partially included in its various 
provinces. The excluded district is that of Darjeeling, which, 
save as regards the submontane subdivision of Siliguri, is wholly 
Himalayan, and, from an elevation of 1500 feet upwards, possesses 

of any other two districts. To include in our Bengal list the 
plants of the Darjeeling district that are distinctly Himalayan — 
would necessitate a larger volume, while the increase in bulk 
would confer no corresponding benefit on, indeed it might con- 
ceivably prove a hindrance to, some of those who are likely to use 
it. It seems preferable, therefore, to prepare a separate list of the 
plants of the Darjeeling district. If it be objected that the course 
now followed involves the exclusion from the Bengal list of the 
plants of the Sikkim Terai, which naturally forms part of the 
northern extension of the Bengal plain, the answer is that the 
corresponding tract to the east of the River Tista, known as the 
Duars, is within the area here discussed, so that no species foun 
in any part of Bengal is likely to be omitted from the list. If it 
be further objected that the inclusion of the plants of the Terai and 
of the lower hills and valleys of Sikkim in a subsequent Darjeeling 


list will involve, ipso facto, the repetition of a considerable number 
of species already dealt with in the Bengal list, the answer is that 
this will ensure that no species shall drop out of both lists, a con- 
tingency that might easily occur in the case of any species found 
only on or near the arbitrary boundary line which must otherwise 
be drawn between the one area and the other. 

When the question of boundary delimitation has been satisfac- 
torily gestions fe compiler of a local Flora finds himself face to 

w and almost equally formidable difficulty. 

collections on = ebiah the Flora of British India is based have 
been sufficiently extensive to permit of a general review of the 
vegetation of the Indian Empire, and are ample enough to allow 
of a special study of the characteristic features presented by the 
various natural subordinate areas. It is, however, found, when a 
definite tract is examined in detail, that we possess, as a rule, too 
limited a knowledge of its vegetation to admit of the compilation 
of a complete and reliable account of its flora. In the case of the 
Lower Provinces, while it may be assumed that our knowledge of 
the plants of the Eatigesic Plain, and perhaps also of the Sundribuns, 
is fairly complete, and may even be taken for granted that, though 
we do not know all, we know the majority of the species of Behar, 
Chota Nagpur, and Chittagong, it is certain that our knowledge of 
the flora of Northern Tirhut and of that portion of North Bengal 
which constitutes the Duars leaves much to be desired, and that of 
the vegetation of the hilly portions of Tippera and Orissa we know 
no more than is necessary to enable us to appreciate our ignorance. 
The time for the preparation of a complete Local Flora of the Lower 
Provinces has not yet come; much special work is still called for 
in many of the more outlying districts. Yet something must be 
done, if the attention and interest of those capable of rendering 
the necessary assistance is to be invoked. What under the cir- 
cumstances seems the best measure to adopt is toi issue a i 
list or census of the plants within our area. This list is based on 

of such a list goes a very short way end assisting those inter- 


ested in the Bengal Flora, this information is supplemented by 
references to Roxburgh’s Flora Indica and Hooker’s Flora of 
British India, where descriptions of the majority of the species 
are to be found, and to Watt’s Dictionary of Economic Products, 
where such of them as are useful are enumerated. Having regard, 
however, to the fact that the only one of these works, Roxburgh’s 
‘a Indica, which can, by reason of its size, be conveniently 
used in the field, besides being the oldest, and on that account the 
least complete, does not cover the whole of the area under review, 
it has been considered advisable to provide, for field-use, definitions 
of the natural orders and genera to which our species belong, with 
a series of keys a to assist the student in referring any 
plant to its order and gen Knowing, further, the difficulty often 
a by the Vicidindl in using any “natural” system of 
ion, an attempt has been made, by the employment of 

rn now generally discarded, but by no means therefore despicable, 
‘artificial’ sexual system, to provide an alternative route to his 

where a genus contains more than one species, to facilitate their 
determination by providing keys to all the species under the 
various genera. Beyond this it does not, for the moment, appear 
advisable to go. The assistance that it is hoped many of those 

who may use the present work shall be willing to give must be 

awaited before an attempt can be made to issue what should aim i 
at being a complete Local Flora, giving succinct botanical descrip- — 

tions of all the species that occur within the limits of the Lower 
Provinces and Chittagon 

The inclusion in this list of cultivated plants, exotic so far as the 


Lower Provinces are concerned, calls for some explanation. The — 
selection—for it is not contended that every exotic species to be — 

found in gardens in Bengal is here referred to—has been governed 
by the principle that it is advisable to include any species that is — 

of economic interest, whether for its fruit, its seed, or its timate 3 . 

or for the dye, tan, oil, fibre, or drug it may yield. As regards 
plants whose interest is purely esthetic, it has, on the other hand, 
been deemed inadvisable to encumber the list with species that 
are to be found only in the gardens of European residents or in 
those of native noblemen and gentlemen of means and taste. An 


endeavour has therefore been made to limit the references to such 
species of this class as are commonly planted in village gardens, or 
are to be found in the neighbourhood of temples and shrines. e 
method adopted has, doubtless, sometimes led to the mention of 
species that, on the eclectic principle stated above, might have 
been omitted; and has in other cases failed in the direction of 

as it does,—with the exception of the district of Darjeeling, or 
nae nae Me 

Governor of B 
comprising the north-eastern portion of India proper, and lying 
between long. 84° and 93° E., lat. 22° and 27° N. The region 
is bounded throughout on its northern border by the lower spurs 
of the Himalayas. Its western boundaries are, approximately, 
the Gandak and the Son rivers, streams that find their way into 
the Ganges near the eighty-fifth meridian—the former from Nepal 
to the north, the latter from the highlands of Central India to the 
south. Its southern boundaries are, in the western half, approxi- 
mately the river Mahanadi, which flows from Central India east- 
ward to the Bay of Bengal; in the eastern half the Bay of Bengal 
itself. The eastern side is much more irregular ; its boundaries 
are, in the northern third the river Brahmaputra; thereafter, more 
to the east as well as to the south, the river Megna; in the southern 
half and, still more to the east, the Lushai Hills, which are the 
northward prolongation of the Yomah of Arracan. 

A line roughly coincident with the eighty-seventh meridian, 
naturally marked to the north of the Ganges by the river Kosi 
and to the south of the Ganges by the eastern base of the Chota 
Nagpur plateau, divides our area into two fairly equal halves: 
a western drier and an eastern moister half. This line is also 
roughly coincident with that which separates the area receiving 

e y inches of rain annually, from that which receives fifty 
inches or over. The country to the west of the line is that charac- 
terized by an annual turf as opposed to the perennial turf of the 


eastern half. In the western half the northern portion is occupied 
by the eastern extension of the Upper Gangetic plain, constituting 
to the north of the Ganges the province of Tirhut, to the south of 
aot river we Se of moles Immediately to the south of 
ich forms the north-eastern 
portion of the table- land of Central tndin: south and south-east of 
Chota Nagpur lie the highlands of Orissa and the level country 
between these and the sea. The greater portion of the eastern 
half, from the eighty-seventh to the ninety-second meridian, is 
occupied by Bengal proper and the Sundribuns, or the Lower 
Gangetic Plain and the Gangetic Delta; between the ninety-second 
and ninety-third meridians, to the south of the twenty-sixth parallel 
and east of the Gangetic Delta, lie the hilly tracts of Tippera and 
Chittagong, which, though politically included in our area, belong” 
geographically to Indo-China rather than to India 

The essential features of wei area therefore are siealal of a great 
alluvial plain, with the lower spurs of the Himalayas and a strip 
of submontane forest along its northern border. The longer axis 
of the first or western half of this plain runs, like the river that 
dominates it, from west to east; that of its second or eastern half 
runs at right angles to its fobniee course, from north to south. To — 
the south of its upper or western half, and to the west of its lower _ 
or eastern half, this alluvial plain is again bounded by a fringe of — 
submontane forest, above which rise the escarpments of the plateau 
of Chota Nagpur. The lower or eastern half of this alluvial plain — 
extends towards the north-east into the valleys of the Surma and — 
the Brahmaputra, and is bounded along the south-east border by — 
the submontane forests, and the hilly tracts beyond them, of 4 
Tippera and Chittagong. The submontane forests to the north and 
to the south-west of this plain are characterized by the existence — 
of gregarious tracts of Sal, unknown in the forests to the south- 
east; these latter forests are distinguished by the presence of q 
Gurjan, unknown in the Subhimalayan forests, or in the s 
montane forests of Chota Nagpur. q 

The essential features of the vegetation in the area to the north — 
of the Ganges, from the Gandak on the west to the Brahmaputra ~ 
on the east, as we pass from north to south are as follows. First, — 
a narrow, more or less sloping, gravelly submontane tract along — 
the base of the Himalaya, covered, except along river-beds, with a — 


dense forest, the constituent species of which are those that oceur 
on the lower slopes of the mountains themselves. In existing 
river-beds only a few tough flexible bushes oceur; along abandoned 
shingly river-courses the jungle is open and park-like, and the spe- 
cies are those characteristic of a drier climate than obtains in the 
forest alongside. This submontane forest is normally succeeded 
by a belt of swampy land of varying width, covered with long 
reedy grasses. Further out into the plain the ground as a rule 
rises somewhat, and, if so high as to be free from inundations, 
is in waste tracts’usually covered with open jungle—of a bushy 
character in the western parts, taller and more park-like in the 

bushes and trees, that form characteristic village shrubberies. In 
the western parts of this area, where the population is very dense, 
these village shrubberies are sparingly represented ; further east, 
the thickets thus formed become as a rule larger and denser ; in 
places where a population has formerly existed, but has now dis- 
appeared, the species characteristic of these village shrubberies 
form dense and sometimes, as on the site of Gour, rather extensive 

owards the west, the tracts liable to inundation are mainly 
confined to the banks of the larger rivers, and are there often 
covered with a jungle of reeds and bushes, largely Tamarisk, with 
a few trees. As we pass further east, however, the river-courses 
widen considerably in proportion to their streams, and their beds 
contain little or no vegetation. The powerful current in the rains 
sweeps everything away; the shingly or sandy banks are at other 
seasons too dry to admit of much growth. But old river-beds, 
marshes, lakes, and such streams as are stagnant or nearly 80, 
except after heavy rains, are almost as completely covered with 
vegetation as is the land, while even small rivers with a gentle 
stream abound with water-plants. The south-eastern portion o 
North Bengal and that portion of Central Bengal to the east of 


the Bhagirati and the Hughli is of this character; while the same 
features are continued into Eastern Bengal, where they become 
exaggerated in the Jhils, a tract wholly under water during the 
rains, and only partially dry in the cold season. The marshes that 
in the cold weather stretch away from the river-banks, which stand 
a few feet above the mean level of the flooded country, are covered 
with rice. In the rains they form an almost unbroken inland sea 
of fresh water, dotted with islets of matted floating grasses. The 
banks themselves carry a fringing fence of brush-wood. As we pass 
‘southward from Central Bengal these features become equally 
exaggerated, but in a different manner, in the area of the Sundri- 
buns within which the influence of the tides is felt. Here the 
whole is covered with a dense forest of those trees peculiar to 
mangrove swamps, and in its western half finally ends at the sea- 
face in a fence of the shrubs and climbers characteristic of all 
Indo-Malayan coasts. The eastern half of the Sundribun coast- 

the fresh-water marshes of the Jhils, is characterized by the 

presence of many low hills, islets of laterite rising slightly above | 

the plain of alluvial soil, usually densely forest-clad; the trees at 
their bases mixed with tall grass, higher up their slopes tangled 
with heavy creepers. 

Immediately to the south of the Ganges, from the Son eastward ; 

to the Bhagirati, the features met with north of the river continue 

unchanged, though the country as a whole is drier, the cultivation — 

is less extensive, the bush-jungle more plentiful and closer, the 
groves of palms near villages larger. As we pass further south 
the country becomes diversified with numerous bare, low hills, and 
the intervening jungle becomes more park-like. The level or nearly 
level plain is much narrower than the corresponding tract to the 
north of the Ganges, and rapidly passes into a submontane forest 
altogether similar in character to, and largely identical in com- 
position with, the corresponding tract at the foot of the Himalayas. 
This forest extends up the slopes that lead to the edge of the table 

land of Chota Nagpur. Immediately to the west of the Bhagirati 



and the Hughli, in Western Bengal, we find, especially towards 
the south, an extension of the features that characterize Central 

engal. The strip of alluvial semi-aquatie rice-land is, however, 
comparatively narrow, and along the drier parts of West Bengal, 
from Burdwan to Midnapur up to the eastern edge of the Chota 
Nagpur plateau, we find repeated the features encountered between 
the Ganges and the northern slopes of that table-land. These 
characters are all continued southward into Orissa, where the low- 
lands are only an extension of Western Bengal, and the highlands 
are continuous with those of Chota Nagpur. Between the sea an 
the alluvial portion of Orissa, which is rather extensive, especially 
in the valley of the Mahanadi, we do not, however, experience 
that transition to a mangroye-swamp which ¢ ‘acterizes Central 
Bengal, but meet instead, both to the north and again to the south 
of the Mahanadi delta, with a series of sand-dunes interposed 
between the rice-plain and the sea-face. 

he inner highlands of Orissa are forest-clad like the ghats that 

lead up to their eastern edge; further west they become bare, or 
are only sparsely forest-clad. The same is true of the eastern 
edge of the Chota Nagpur plateau; the northern edge of that 
plateau and the table-land itself where not under cultivation are 
sparsely clad with a forest that, like the forests of Orissa, in 
appearance and largely in composition resembles those of Central 
India, rather than the forest met with in Northern Bengal. 
Some of the loftier peaks, both in Chota Nagpur and in Orissa, are 
sufficiently high to more humid near the top than they are 
lower down, and therefore possess a few species characteristic of a 
nearly temperate moist climate. 

The forest on the isolated hills already alluded to as charac- 
teristic of the northern portion of the alluvial area to the east of 
the Brahmapuira and the Megna, where they constitute the 

such species as are to be found in Chota Nagpur, without occurring 
under the Himalayas, than it has of such species as are met ith 
under the Himalayas, but not in Chota Nagpur. There are, how- 
ever, present in these low hills an appreciable number of species 


that are not found in either of these areas, but that occur in the 
Garo Hills in Assam or in Tippera, which bounds the deltaic plain 
on the east, and in Chittagong, which continues, but on a more 
extensive scale, the features that characterize Tippera 
é provinces of Tippera and Chittagong are hilly throughout. 
The northern part of Tippera, where the hills are low, is largely 
covered with bamboo jungle. The southern portion is, like the 
higher part of See sa oe with dense, often rather dry 
forest. The lower part of the Chittagong hills is often covered 
with brushwood. "pei oT outer hills themselves lie cultivated 
river-valleys, while between these hills and the sea is a narrow level 
of rice-land with, towards the north, a muddy sea-face, as in 
the adjacent eastern portion of the Sundribuns. More to the south 
a@ series of low flat islands skirt the coast, while the shores have the 
same mangrove vegetation and sea-fence as the western Sundribuns. 
For the purposes of this work, the natural boundaries of the four 
western provinces, Tirhut, Behar, Chota Nagpur, and Orissa, have 
been left unchanged. As regards the first three, this treatment is 
as natural as it is convenient. ‘Tirhut, lying from west to east 
between the Gandak and the Kosi, from north to south between 
the Subhimalayan forest and the Ganges; and Behar extending 
from the Son on the west to the old bed of the Bhagirati on the 

the Upper Gangetic plain. Chota Nagpur, immediately to the 
south of Behar, similarly constitutes a direct north- -easterly ex- 
tension of the highlands of Central India. 

From one point of view it might have been advisable to deal 
with Tirhut and Behar together. It is, however, more convenient 
to separate them because Tirhut is wholly flat, whereas Behar is 
much diversified by hills, outliers from the flanks of the Chota 
Nagpur plateau. Behar, too, is appreciably drier than Tirhut, 
and these two circumstances, greater diversity of surface and less 
humidity, account for the presence in Behar of many species from 
Bandelkand, and some even from the Panjab, that are absent from 
Tirhut. Another and, though an accidental, not less important 
factor in influencing the vegetation of Tirhut is the density of the 
population. So close, in consequence, is the tilth, that throughout 
whole dietriets field is conterminous with field, and the cultivated — 


land abuts so closely on wayside and watercourse as to leave no 

foothold for those species that form the roadside hedges and fill the 

weedy waste places so characteristic of Lower Bengal. Even the 
“171 1 25 s 41 L Pho wees 1 fe £ ¢ i 1, At aw 

area, are in Tirhut conspicuous by their absence. The result is that, 
£ f. 41 ‘4 1 mre ie rh] re Sew "ih alr east 

except for the water-pia. Ze ; 
the vegetation of Tirhut is chiefly limited to the crops with their 
concomitant field-weeds; even the latter are often conspicuous by 
their paucity. To this state of affairs is largely due the fact that 
our collections from South Tirhut are few and scanty. Of North 
Tirhut, where our province abuts on the submontane forest, here 
mostly within the Nepalese frontier, we know very little, the only 
collections of importance from the region being those of Buchanan- 
Hamilton, few of whose specimens are in India now, and more 
recently those of Hieronymus, the latter being altogether from 
Bettiah, the extreme north-west district of Tirhut. It is to be 
expected that, if carefully looked for, many of the plants charac- 
teristic of Gorakhpur, beyond the Gandak to the west, may yet be 
found in Tirhut. Behar, too, requires systematic re-exploration, 
for, though there are many Behar plants in the collections of 
milton, Wallich, and Hooker, and especially in those of Kurz, 
much probably still remains to be collected. Chota Nagpur has 
received closer attention than Tirhut and Behar, large and valuable 
collections having been made there by Hooker, Thomson, Anderson, 
urz, Clarke, Gamble, and, especially, by Wood, Campbell, and 
aines. But our knowledge of the Chota Nagpur flora is still far 
from adequate; much has yet to be done, particularly in the 
southern and south-western parts of the province. 

Unlike the other western provinces, Orissa, in place of being a 
compact natural area, is an exceedingly composite one. The inner 
highlands form, like those of Chota Nagpur, a plateau with oc- 
easional higher hills, some of which actually reach subtemperate 
altitudes. The ghats that lead up to these highlands are con- 
tinuous to the north with the eastern escarpments of Chota Nagpur, 
to the south with the Eastern Ghats—those “ mountains of the 
Cirears,”’ from which, more than a century ago, Roxbargh obtained 
so many plants, of which he has left excellent drawings, that no one 

as seen since. The submontane strip below is continuous to the 
north with the drier part of West Bengal, which has a vegetation in 


appearance and composition like that of Behar. To the south this 
strip is continued as a belt below the Eastern Ghats that yielded 

is the line of sand-dunes between the rice-plain and the sea. These 

province is almost bl The chief collections at our disposal ar 
some valuable ones made by Gamble, which are, however, only 
large enough to whet t ppetite and to demonstrate our ignorance ; 

attempt any natural subdivision. The only obvious alternative, so 
far as our present knowledge goes, is to annex the Orissa highlands 
to Chota Nagpur, and treat the lowlands as an integral portion of 
West Bengal. 

If we now turn to the three eastern provinces, Chittagong, Tip- 

both are integral portions of the western, or Assam-Arracan, 
subdivision of Indo-China. The two are, however, naturally well 
delimited by the valley of the river Feni, and, if for no other 

collector Bruce, Hooker and Thomson, Clarke, Wood, and especially 
Lister and the native collectors of the Caleutta Garden supervised 


} Joo t} obtained, 2a. gh mae Be | Pate 

by Dowling. T 
complete, is nevertheless wr The vegetation of Chittagong 
may be said to be mainly that characteristic of Arracan, with, how- 
ever, as might be expected, a considerable admixture of species 
a of Cachar and Khasia, and with not a few special 

Of Tipper era we know even less than we do of Orissa. What we 
do know of the level and the submontane north-western portion we 
mainly owe to Clarke. Taken by themselves, these lower tracts 
might be considered no more than a portion of Eastern Bengal, 
with an unusual admixture of species characteristic of Silhet. But 
this Silhet element in the flora is sufficiently vee to make it 
convenient to deal with this tract, the Comilla district, apart from 
Be and to treat it in connection with its own highlands. As 
regards these highlands, we know little beyond what is to be 
learned from the work of Roxburgh os et name: Hamilton, 
done eighty to a hundred years ago. n, indeed, appears to 
be the only botanist who has ane rae hills of ‘‘ Southern 
Tripura.” Few of Hamilton’s specimens, and none of his Tippera 
ones, are now in India. Roxburgh’s specimens, too, are gone, but 
fortunately India has not been robbed of his drawings, a number of 
which represent interesting and, but for these drawings, still un- 
known plants from Hill Tippera. What we do know of the vege- 
tation of these Tippera hills indicates that in the northern parts it 
is an extension of the flora characteristic of the Bhuban and other 
ranges of hills in Cachar and South Silhet, outliers of the Lushai 
range; in the southern parts the flora is a repetition, with variations, 
of the vegetation of Chittagong. 

The Lower Gangetic Plain, or Bengal proper, which from the 
uniiosanity: of its configuration a be expected to oxbilis 1 a 

for mity OL 
so dignewdsat as ce demand further sabdivisions Fortanately, iten 
examined in detail, the area is found to lend itself naturally to our 
purpose. That portion of the Gangetic delta nearest to the sea, an 
intricate system of sea-creeks and half-formed islands, densely 
clothed with a tidal forest of a purely Malayan type, separates 
itself spontaneously from the alluvial rice-plain to the north, 
where the river-banks at least are higher, where tanks can be 
dug that will retain fresh-water, and where only the larger streams 


are much affected by the tides. This dense forest forms the com- 
Pact and natural Sundribun province, filled with species to be met 
nowhere else in our area save along the southern coast of Chitta- 

Roxburgh, Wallich, Hooker, Thomson, Anderson, Kurz, Gamble, 
Clarke, have all penetrated the tract. It is, however, to Heinig 
that we are chiefly indebted for the more complete exploration of 
this most interesting region ; his collections, assiduously and care- 
fully made during a succession of seasons, have converted what ten 
years ago was one of the least known portions of Bengal into a 
tract almost as thoroughly investigated as the rice-plain itself. 
Searcely less necessary and natural is the separation of Eastern 

t there are two dominant and, as it happens, v 

Separate treatment essential. One of these features is the vege- 
tation of the Jhils, those inland sheets of fresh-water that are as 
characteristic of the southern portion of East Bengal as their salt- 
Marshes and tidal creeks are of the Sundribuns. The other is 
Supplied by the curious and distinctive vegetation of the laterite 
Islets that crop through the alluvium in the Mymensingh district 
of the Dacea division. Our acquaintance with the flora of the 
Jhils is derived from the labours of Roxburgh, Griffith, Hooker, 
Clarke, and others; what we know of the Madhopur jungles in 
Mymensingh we owe entirely to Clarke. Much has yet to be done 
towards completely investigating these Mymensingh jungles, which 
M many ways are the most interesting feature of the Lower Gan- 
Setic Plain. 

seful, too, is the recognition apart of North Bengal—the 
‘ountry that lies from west to east between the Kosi and the 
Brahmaputra, from south to north between the Ganges and the 
lower spurs of the Himalaya. Towards the south and south-east, 
no doubt, this province repeats the essential features of the alluvial 
Plain of Central and Eastern Bengal, while further to the north it 
7S no more than an eastward continuation of the features exhibited 
by Tirhut. Even here, however, amid much agreement there is 

ee ee ee ee 

eS ee eer eee eee 



great dissimilarity; we are now in a land where the turf is 
uniformly perennial, a circumstance that carries with it more 
than lies on the surface. The northern portion includes the sub- 
montane forest belt; in this respect North Bengal. accidentally 
differs from Tirhut, since along the northern border of that province 
this forest lies largely within the Nepalese frontier, and so is removed 
politically from the area with which we have to deal. It is this 
Subhimalayan forest which supplies the feature that necessitates 
the separation of North Bengal from the rest of the Lower Gangetic 
Plain. Our knowledge of the flora of North Bengal, as regards the 
central portions, we owe chiefly to Kurz, King, and Clarke; the 
most westerly district, Purnea, has been well explored only by 
Buchanan-Hamilton, few of whose specimens, unfortunately, are 
available in India. The submontane forest has been explored by 
Anderson, King, Kurz, Clarke, and Gamble, but the attention of 
all save the last-named botanist, and indeed his also in the main 
has been directed to the Terai, which, for reasons already set forth, 
it has been necessary to exclude from the scope of this work. The 
Duars, which are merely an eastward extension across the Tista 
of the same forest belt, have been, however, oes explored by 
Gamble, and more fully examined by Hea and by Hai 

to whose exertions our knowledge of the region is chiefly due. 
Much, however, yet remains to be done both in the Duars and in 
Cooch Behar. 

Central Bengal, the tract to the south and west of the Ganges 
and Brahmaputra, lying north of the Sundribuns and east of the 
Bhagirati and Hughli, possesses, as compared with the three 
Bengal tracts already discussed, the negative feature of being 
typically representative of the alluvial deltaic rice-plain and nothing 
more. Except that along the banks of its main streams, so far as 
these are at all affected by the tides, we find, as a narrow hedge or 
in scattered patches, some species characteristic of the Sundribuns, 
and that all abandoned river-beds and ponds are covered with 
water-plants, the whole country is a semi-aquatie rice-plain. 
The mounds and embankments thrown up here and there through- 
out the area are, where not occupied by honses or by age 

shrubberies. Of this tract, as of the Sundribuns, we possess a 
knowledge that is probably practically complete. Little or nothing 


has been left by Roxburgh and Carey for succeeding generations of 
botanists to add; indeed, these careful collectors have left us not a 
few records of species, found by them in Central Bengal, that no 
one has met with since. 
The remaining portion of Bengal proper stretches westward 
from the Bhagirati and the Hughli to the eastern base of the 
ur ghats. i i 


the eastern ghats of Chota Nagpur, with all the transitions 
encountered as we pass southward through Behar to the northern 
edge of the same table-land. e owe to many collectors, but 

find, growing side by side, a few species characteristic of the 
Panjab and Rajputana that have managed to find their way 
through Bandelkand and Behar thus far to the east; and a few, 
equally characteristic of Coromandel and the Circars, that have 
succeeded in spreading, through the lowlands of Orissa and Mid- 
napur, thus far to the north. One of the most interesting members 
of the latter category is, perhaps, the intrinsically insignificant 
monotypic genus Spheromorphea. Our acquaintance with the 
southern portion of this tract is of the slightest; but for some 
references by Roxburgh to interesting species from the ‘ Midnapur 
jungles,” it would be altogether blank. Having regard to the 
composite nature of West Bengal as a botanical province, and to — 
the fact that its alluvial rice-plain is neither very extensive nor at 
all distinctive, the province has not been cited in the list under 

collected, to the west of the narrow semi-aquatic rice-plain, in the 
non-alluvial portion of the province. s 

The artificial sexual system of classification, of which a sub- E 


sidiary use is here made as an alternative aid in the determination 
of the genera, is employed, so far as it is used at all, in an absolute 
fashion. The Se that accompany its employment in 
botanical works of the early portion of last century have been 
put aside. In these densities, as here, the primary subdivision is 
dependent on the number of stamens in the flower. In many 
obviously natural genera, however, and for that matter in not a 
few species, the number of stamens is variable. Sometimes this 
variation in number is the result of what we may term a natural 
accident, as where, among the smaller and definite numbers, the 
uniseriate stamens in the flowers of the same plant are found to 
run from 3-5, 7-10, and the like. More often the variation has an 
obvious structural explanation, as where the stamens in a species 
may be 4 or 8, or 5, 10, or 15, according to whether only one, or 

ore than one series of stamens becomes developed. This type 
of variation, occasional in species, is much more frequent within 
the limits of a genus, where, too, another type of variation, rare in 
individual species, is not uncommon. This is the type that leads 
to the number of stamens being 4 or 5, 8 or 10, and the like; one 
species and often a whole section of a genus having tetramerous 
flowers, whee another type and section may have the flowers 

In works sinacs the artificial system is the only one employed— 
Roxburgh’s Flora Indica, of which those who are likely to use 
this work will probably become possessed, is an excellent example 

bility of these two objects is sufficiently obvious. No system of 
arrangement could be satisfactory that resulted in the treatment 
of the same natural genus in more places than one. A decision 
had therefore to be arrived at, in cases where a genus includes 
some species with 4 stamens and others with 5, whether the genus 
as a whole should be placed in the class Tetrandria or the class 
ge a whatever in the compromises thus called for made 
for efficiency in the arrangement of the ere correspondingly 
detracted soe the system as an instrument for the determination 
of their species. Here we are hampered na no such necessity ; 
the basis of our arrangement is derived from an independent 
source—the Genera Plantarum of Bentham and Hooker adopted 


in the Flora of British India. We are therefore at liberty to 
make fuller use of the artificial system than our predecessors — 
could as an aid to identification. In this work, therefore, if, as — 
sometimes happens, a genus contains species with 4 or 5, or 8 or — 
10 stamens, it will be found to have been included under all the ; 
four classes—Tetrandria, Pentandria, Octandria, Decandria— : 
to which an examination of any individual flower may naturally 
invite a reference. 4 

The secondary subdivision into orders, in treatises like the Flora q 
Indica, is based on the number of free carpels, or at any rate free _ 
Styles, in the flower. We have, however, our own “natural” 4 
orders, as limited in the Flora Of British India. To deal with — 
another series of orders would only tend to confusion, and the — 
character on which these artificial ones are based is only casually _ 
made use of in the a conan for the genera under the various q 

these hermaphrodite flowers, it is found that they are referable. : 

The last of the Linnean classes, the twenty-fourth, is not — 
given completely, our attention being entirely confined to the — 
Pteridophyta or Vascular Cryptogams, comprising the Ferns and 4 
the Fern-Allies. The arrangement and nomenclature adopted for _ 
these plants is that used in Hooker and Baker’s Synopsis, and in — 
Baker’s Fern-Allies, while for the Ferns themselves references are 
given to the admirable — of the Ferns of British India — 
and Ceylon by Beddom 

The following are the aon — used :— 

F. I.—Roxburgh’s Flora Indie 

F. B. I.—Hooker’s Flora of British India. 

E. D.—Watt’s Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. 

F. I. C.—Beddome’s Ferns of British India and C 

As regards Roxburgh and Hooker, the references are to volume | 
and page. As regards Watt’s great work, the references are to — 
the letter, and to the register number of the particular plant or Z 
product. In the case of Beddome, whose work is in one volume, 
the references are to the pages. a 


{Plants with conspicuous flowers Ss aaemcOeaRS :—[p- 22] 
+Stamens and pistils in the same flowe ] 

Male and female organs distinct :— 
ces not united Pa a or below :-— 
Stamens of equal or nearly equal length :-— 

amens solitary I. MONANDRIA. 
ens 2 ... Il. DIANDRIA. 
Stamens 8 ...........- Ill. TRIANDRIA. 
Stamens 4 IV. TETRANDRIA. 
Stamens 5 V. PENTANDRIA. 
Stamens 6 equal, or if unequal then 3 act np 3 short 
Stamens 7 ma poe soe 
Stamens 9 ...... IX. ENNEANDRIA. 
Stamens 10 or 11 X. DECANDRIA. 
Stameris 12 or any number between 12 ey 19 

Stamens 20 or more than 20 :— 

Stamens 2 long and 2 short........--+++++++ XIV. DIDYNAMIA. 
Stamens 4 long and 2 short... XV. TETRADYNAMIA. — 
Stamens united :— 
nion of stamens occurring in the filamen 

Stamens in one phalanx or bundle.. os “MONADELPHIA. 

Stamens in two phalanges ....+.--+---++ XVII. DIADELPHIA. 
Stamens in three or more plalanges 


Union of stamens eonfined to anthers......XIX. SYNGENESIA. 

Male organs attached to and standing upon the female 

22 ; BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Guide | 

emt and are in different flowers :—[p. 21] 
male flowers not mixed with ee ae, flowers :— 
ois sit female flowers on the same plant......} x. ae 

unisexual flowers sometimes on the — sometimes on different 

ean ORE proper flowers [p. 21] ............X1V. bis Pronkuiil 
* The Polygami ti f subdivided oe as the flowers 
~ polyg i polyg di It is not a very useful class, 

h AieatrehitoanA +h 

various other classes from I. to XX. 

a that in the following pages are distinguished by an asterisk— 
, 106*. Kleinhovi 

are eB tee in the Appenprx. 

via—will not be found in the body of the work, but | 

to the Genera.] I,—MONANDRIA. 23 

*Perianth double :—[p. aus 

pei a herbs : 
subcapitate, enti lobed . 598. Hoppea. 
Sige 2, — at the apex of a linear style ...... 599. Canscora. 
Leaves altern: 
Leaves ob 5 woody shrubs ; fruit a legume ...... 279. Bauhinia. 
Leaves entir 
Trees; leaves a seiAhibia a leaf- a and with distinct reticulate 
secondary venation ; fruit a dru 203. M era. 

Herbs, rarely shrubs ; leaves ithe large clasping leaf-sheath, and 
with many parallel nerves passing horizontally or obliquely from 
a midrib but ee adie secondary venation ; fruit neither 
a legume nor 
+Anther 2- oaien go tubular or pereesaiee style slender, 
embraced below the stigma by the anther; placentas many- 
. ovuled; embryo central, straight : ai 24 
Ovary eae _— ntas 3 parietal; corolla-tube long; 
stigma turbinate :— 

ape beret owes lilac 929. Mantisia. 
Stem leafy; flowers yellow 930. Globba. 
Ovary 3-celled ; placentas axial :— 
minodes broad :— 
Connective not spurred at the base; corollu-tube long, 
slender :— 

Filament shor 
Connective rol crested ; ee —— 

1. Kempferia. 

Connective not crested ; stigma ail 
. Gastrochilus. 
Filament long, narrow ; a poo narrow, not 
rested ; stigma — soasagaeewes 933. Hedychium. 
Connective spurred a se; corolla-tube funnel- 

shaped; stigma ne the lips ciliate; bracts forming 
a egies SPike .....eseseeeseeeenerreeeeeewnnene 
La staminodes small or 0, rarely narrow Soa adnate 
to the ag ; corolla-tube cylindric :— 
{Flowers in dense cone-like spikes —{p- 24] 
Anther-cells divaricate on a short oo filament with 
or without a petaloid crest ; stigma small subglobose, 

24 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Gi id 

or larger and gibbous behind; spikes almost always. 
rising direct from rhizome, rarely at apex of a | 
stem 935. Amomun 
eee contiguous, parallel :— = 

Fila: short, connective produced as a narrow 

on n gm, i 

subglobose ; spikes usually produced direct from the 

rhizome, sometimes at apex of a leafy stem 

Filament forming with the produced connective an 

semilunar pit ciliate round the spikes 
usually at ~~ of leafy stem, aa, idle ect 
from the rhizome 937 
{Flowers in racemes or panicles at the top of leafy “a 
filament long, anther-cells divergent at — ; stig 
bose [p. 23 

[p. 2 
inal tube with 5 subsimilar slightly unequal pete 
sesihidate, the 1-celled anther adnate to one of the sma 
segments; ovary 3-celled; placentas many-ovuled; sty 
flattened, stigma terminal, capitate; embryo seg 

Staminal tube very irregular, 5-6-lobed, 1 or 2 lobe 

lateral and 1 (the lip) anterior, with 2 or 3 lobes dors 

which 2 or 1 are hood-like and another bears the anther 

placentas 1l-ovuled; stigma oblique, dilated or 2-labia 

embryo ¢ curved :— c 
Ovary in appearance 1-celled and l-ovuled with 2 am 
rudimentary empty cells; stem leafy with a termi 
few-flowered inflorescence and convolute a b: 


Ovary 3-celled, 3-ovuled :-— 
Stem leafy with terminal panicled scattered flowers 

heads of flowers ; bracts and bracteoles persistent 

942, Phryn 
*Perianth single, or obsolete or absent :—[p. 23] 

to the Genera.] I.--MONANDRIA. 25 

Flowers with distinct gamophyllous perianth ; stems perhaps with 
opposite leaves and no leaf-sheath, or fleshy jointed and lea 
Leaves distinct, opposite; stems herbaceous; style peers 
763. Boerhaavia. 
Leaves 0; stems fleshy; styles 2 or m 
Flowers in the axils of scales of a sani cone ; seeds albumi- 
nous, embryo curv: .783. Arthrocnemum. 
Flowers sunk in onritied of the joints of a slender cone; seeds 
without buihioes n, embryo conduplicate .........++ 784. Salicornia. 
Flowers with mene % pera to lodicules or soe in the eo of 
the orem of spikelets, o stems grassy, usually leafy at least at 
ase; leaves alternate peed Areese leaf-sheath, a ee the sheath 
alone present :— 
+Flower in axil of a glume only; leaves 3- stichous, rarely 0, sheaths 
closed in front; fruit a nut with seed free inside; embryo within the 
albumen ; style simple with 2-3 sti jit 
Intermediate hermaphrodite glumes few, not more numerous than 
the 2 or more lowest empty ; perianth of 6 gee bristles 
0. Ryne 

Intermediate hermaphrodite glumes esaly many, always more 
numerous than the 1-2 lowest empty 
Flowering glumes arranged eiekonys ae absent : 
Rachilla of spikelet deciduous  ......+++++++++++ 9. Kyllinga. 
Rachilla of spikelet persistent :— 
Fruit laterally compressed 1033. Pycreus. 
Fruit dorsally compressed 1034. Juncellus. 

of style constricted or articulate above the fr 
‘Bion leafless ; perianth aaa by hres ‘bristles 
. Eleocharis. 
Stem leafy below ; perianth 0 
Style base LR or if decbhiets not leaving a tumour 
on the fru 
ace anne from the rachilla 1039. Fimbristylis. 
Glumes persistent on the rachilla 1040 Echinolytrum. 
Style base deciduous, leaving a tumour on the fruit 
1041. Bulbostylis. 
ie of style passing gradually into the fruit :— 
rianth of 2 hyaline antero-posterior entire hypogynous 
1042. Lipocarpha. 

ag EE ET TT a actuate hacrr a vata 

scales, when 2 not antero-posterior :— 


26 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Guid 

Hypogynous scales 6, divided to the base into linear 
segments ...... 1043. Eriophorum. — 

Hypogynous scales 1-7, undivided, or 0...1045. Sei irpus. 
+Flower interposed between a glume and a palea ; leaves 2-stichous, 
sheaths open in front and ligulate at apex behind; fruit a grain with 
seed adherent to pericarp ; embryo iene ea at base; styles 
2, distinct, very rarely connate below 

Spikelets articulate on their edie or ons) ai with them 
Spikelets all similar; styles connate below ...1065. imperaill 
Spikelets dissimilar ; styles free :— 

Glume III of sessile spikelet male ...... 1076. Pogonatherum. 
Glume III of sessile spikelet neuter or 0...1080. Andropogon. 

a a with their pedicels and persistent on them ; 

styles fre : 
Spikelets 1 1-flowered 

deeb clnbes di 1088. Polypogon. 

id :-— 
ee minute, in globose clusters on an elongated simple 
achis El 

ehh Niehaus 1097. Elytrophorus. | 
icon conspicuou : 

Spikelets pendatliadee with long silky hairs, in large panicles 

sore not penicillate with silky hairs, in Wiebe panicles” 
pikes 1101. 


SF —_ Class I. DIANDRIA. 
Carpels and styles 4, carpels free; small submerged aquatic plants 
brackish ponds and marshes, with narrow grassy leaves...1021. a 
arpels solitary, or if 2 or more, connate ; style simple with 1-3 stigmas. 
or if styles free not more than 2 :— 
*Leaves sheathing at the base or occasionally a to sheaths; 
nerves parallel with no reticulate venation :— 
+Perianth reduced to small scales o r bristles, or fais :—[p. 28 
a gl 

pa a palea; leaves 
distichous, sheaths open in front and ligulate at apex behind; 
tuit a grain with segues 4 outside the albumen; st 

p. 27 


yles 2, free or 
rarely connate below 
§ Spikelets articulate on their pedicels or deciduous with © 
them:—{[p. 27 
‘| Rachis of inflorescence inarticulate : ; Styles free:—{p. 27] 
**Spikelets very many, minute, densely crowded on the capil. : 
lary branches of a large panicle [p. 27] 1050. Thysanolena. 

to the Genera. |} II.—DIANDRIA4A. 27 

**Spikelets secund on a slender flattened or — rachis 

. 26 064. Dimeria. . 
“| Rachis of Aniopmanet articulate :—[p. 

Spikelets all sim 
Racemes of ets in compound spiciform panicles ; 
styles connate at b 1065. Imperata. 
Racemes of ale - nate, ‘nasil or pe grerrs on 

short n axis ; ining s fre Pollinia. 

Spikelets aicaiegtia 

Lower floret of coadle pane male :— 
Spikelets sg emnats styles fr 

3086, Pogonatherum. 

ae l-a iad 
Leaves oo spikelets 2- — 

. Apocopis. 
Leaves cordate at base; spikelets ssayie- 
1078. Arthraxon. 
— 2-nate, only the upper one i! ; styles 
connate below 1079. Lophopogon. 
Lower Pte of all the spikelets sii 
080. Andropogon. 

§Spikelets continuous with their pedicels ry persistent on 
them; styles free :—{ p. 26 
Leaf-blade tunel trabeculately “geil between the 

parallel nervy 6, Centotheca. 
Leaf-blade without any transverse cn — 
anes 1-flowered :— 4 
Glumes I and II firm, awned ....... .»...1088. Polypogon. 

pi T and II membranous, not awned 
1090. Sporobolus. 
Spikelets 2- or more-flowered :— 
Spikelets minute, in globose clusiett. 8 on i long simple 
Petr hy BRgReeS caper eNE ey Cee wnpee re 7 109 Elytrophorus. 
Spikelets conspicuous 
Spikelets a eriillate with long nh peat panicled 
me ites. 

Spikelets not penicillate, loosely pn or spicate 
1, Eragros 

t Flowers in the axil of a glume only; leaves ‘ ares or only 
nea sometimes 0, sheaths closed in front; fruit a minute 
nut with embryo inside the albumen; style simple with 2-3 
stigmas :—[p. 26] 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Guide 

Intermediate hermaphrodite — few, not more numerous © 
than the 2 or more lowest empty :— 

Style 2-fid ; perianth of 6 cee bristles 

1030. Ame 
Style 3-fid ; perianth 0 Cla i 
Intermediate hermaphrodite glumes ane many, it: more — 
numerous than the 1-2 lowest empty : a 
Flowering glumes distichous; perianth 0:— + 
Rachilla of spikelet deciduou 1032. Kyllinga. 

ruit laterally compressed.................. 1033. Pycreus. 

Fruit dorsally compressed 1034, Juncellus. — 
uit trigonous 1035. Cyperus. — 
Flowering glumes spirally arranged :— 
Base of style co: cted or articulate above the fruit : 

Stem Sishiai ence of bristles......1038. Eleocharis : 
Stem leafy below; perianth 0 :— io 
si rage persisting, or if deciduous not leaving a 
tumour it :-— 

Sian separable from the moh 3 
039. Fimbristylis. 
Grames persistent on the mil s 
wnat : 
Style. base deciduous, leaving a a — the fru 5 
. Bul Siecisti 

Base of style passing gradually into ri Ph perianth 
usually of scales or bristles :— 
Hypogynous scales 6, divided to the base into linear : 
segments iophorum. 

Hypogynous scales, if present, undivided :-— 
Leaves hairy ; hypogynous scales 6, or 3, or 0 : 
1044, Fuirena. 
Leaves glabrous; hypogynous scales 7-1, or 0 : 
1045. Scirpus. — 
}Perianth conspicuous, in two whorls of 3 each :—[p. 26 ‘ 
Perianth segments in two dissimilar whorls; staminodes 4; leaves | 
thin 976 ua 
eS segments all similar, corolline; staminode be 
gid A 

to the Genera.) II.—DIANDRIA. 29 

Perianth 0; small membranous or fleshy herbs with minute flowers 
in slender simple spikes ; leaves opposite or whorled 

2. Peperomia. 
Perianth of 2 distinct whorls, sepals and petals always present :— 

etals free 
Leaves witetmate 
Herbs ; sepals and petals each 4; leaves Eade lobed 

Trees or shrubs ; poe 5 or more and pete a leaves simple 
or compound odd-pinn 
Fruit a small, eee itiaiotcen drupe; leaves simple or 
201. Melio: 

und sma. 
Fruit “at 1-5 linear-oblong, membranous samaras ; leaves 
n 148, Ailanthus. 

Leaves sPape 
Shr ar yitmaitel amie the calyx and outside the flat 
disk: wc rather large, fleshy ......-..----ss++00+> 182. Salacia. 
Herbs; petals inserted at the ie of the éalyatiibe on the 
edge of the cupular disk; fruit very small, = 
2, Ammannia. 
Petals connate in a gamophyllous corolla 
tCorolla regular; stamens alternate with carpels, facing each 
other at opposite sides of the flower, never accompanied by 
staminodes ; leaves sAeLamer :—[p. 30] 

Corolla-lobes im 
Climbing fees a berry-like fruits ; peti ea 
or simple minum. 

Erect trees with dry capsular fruits 
Leaves simple, fruit a compressed ethers capsule 
2. Nyctanthes. 
Leaves compound, odd-pinnate; fruit an eel woody 
sule 533. Schrebera. 

RAB vadivate leav 
trees or dherabs: “with s iastil leaves pinnately 
nervy vid cee 

Flowers in axillary panicles or cymes; corolla-tube very 
short so that its lobes form often almost free petals, or 
als connate in twO pairs ......-+.s0+-r+++ 534. Linociera. 
Flowers in n terminal panicles ; corolla- always obvious 

Climbing shrubs, with thick sar gts wncagly 
3-nerved from the base ......-..s..+++-537. Myxopyrum. 

Boul Serre Sela 


BENGAL PLANTS. [ Artificial Guide 


tCorolla irregular, often markedly so; even when only somewhat | 

oblique, th 

anterior = and —e accompanied by 2, sometimes 
even by 3 29] 

e stamens not alternate with carpels but with corolla- — 
and obviously either a posterior or, less frequently, an — 

Corolla ii pee 2- incad, the stamens — with | 
obes lowe v: 

submerged capillary multifid leaves 
Corolla not spurred :— 

” 7 ; 
Corolla distinctly 2-lipped; staminodes 2, representing ; 

an imperfect anterior pair of stamens :-— 

Stamens and staminodes both inserted within the 

ceslbcinbe tgs OTM Ed oinss riers + opatrium. — 
Stamens onl serted within he ore staminodes — 
ci e ae throat, both exserted :— ; 
alyx 5-partite, lobes all narrow :— 
Leaves with main-veins more or less parallel from — 
base ; staminodes unequally 2-lobed ; capsule short — 

657. Ilysanthes. — 
Leaves seca main-veins pinnate ; nn : 
entire; capsule lon 658. Bonn : 

pea 8 ye 
Calyx 4- oe upper and lower ae pra lateral 

na : 
Stamens at the lower side of the Paine or at least not — 
obviously representing a posterior pair :-— 
Small prostrate diffuse or sreening: — with opposite 
or fascicled leaves never exceeding 
very minute flowers -07--05 in. lo cn a 
Calyx tubular 5- sonal shortly acutely 5-fid 

n. long and with 

Ae : 

660. Micr 
Calyx campanulate, with 3-4 short ee lobes - 
661. Glossostigma — 
Herbs or shrubs, with conspicuous i and usually 
conspicuous —_ leaves never 

under ‘5 in. long :— ~ 
Ovules in 

cell of the ovary or on each placenta 
more vente “" or if only 2 then placed one above the 
other ; anthers 2-celled :— 

-celled; herbs of places or 4 

Mast Sees 71. Utricularia. — 

he upper side of flower, representing a 

to the Genera.) II.—DIANDRIA, 31 

Anther-cells divergent ; sess a8 stamens almost 
always represented by staminodes :— 
Anther-cells coed at apex; ovary 1-celled, 
sometimes obscurely so :— 
eaves several alternate; capsule ellipsoid, 
included in the calyx...675. Rhynchoglossum. 
Leaves opposite or’ whorled or leaf solitary ; 
capsule much longer than calyx :— 


stem leafless or scaly below, with 4 leaves in a 
whorl at the apex ......... 674. Tetraphyllum. 
Flowers pedicelled on axillary peduncles : 
a ma oblique; leaf solitary or leaves 
672 ym u 

rf fone 2-fid; leaves opposite 
673. Chirita. 
Anther-cells not confiuent ; leaves opposite : 

Ovary 1-celled, the ovules attached under on 
laminse - a projecting parietal 2-laminate 
plac 685. M a. 
Gere pee the ovules attached to an incon- 

spicuous placenta on the middle of the septum 

Anther-cells parallel or one placed higher up than 

the other : 
Leaves ors crowded, subradical; seeds not 
supported on Pala retinacula ...... 688. Elytraria. 
Leaves opposite 

§|Seeds support iol on hard retinacula :—{p. 32] 
Corolla-lobes twisted to the left in bu 
01. Dedalacanthus. 
per eeaT papers in bud :— 
ach gh a normally 
Hig or more- Cas a i—[p- 
sino pe naa at es angles to the 
oid, Lege compressed 
3. Andrographis. 

Capsule subterete ; ois much com- 
d :— 
§Corolla - tube narrowly cylindric, 
slender, 2 Spenn ; ovary pubescent 
. 32] . Gymn 

Fee e ee eee 

BENGAL PLANTS. (Artificial Guide — 

§Corolla-tube funnel-shaped, curved; 3 

ovary glabrous [p. 31] 

2, rarely 1, in al cell 
lla-lobes 5, subequal :— 

ak 4, two opposite outer larger than : 

the other 707. Barleria. 
Sepals 5, oe all small :— 
Corolla-tube long, slender 
09. Eranthemum. 
Corolla-tube short, limb enlarged 
710. Codo 

— — 2-lippe 

sa nes valves :— 
Anther-cells parallel, ong bracts 

large, imbricate ... Ecbolium. — 
Anther-cells cr one pases up 


a ac, at least the lower, 

with a ame basal spur - like 

veeeseeess T13, Justicia 
later a ct eianred at base :— 

Anther-cells apiculate 

subequal; corolla white 
715. Rhinacanthus. 
Bracts longer than bracteoles 

in opposite valvate pairs; 

corolla rose or purple 

716. Peristrophe. — 
Placente = elastically upwards — 

from valves ; bracts involucrate :— 

Bracts PERL in a unilateral spike 
17. Rung 

Bracts either clustered in leaf-axils oF . : 

(occasionally) laxly cymose 

"|Seeds not supported rigid retinacula; 

by | 
ovules in each cell of the ovary 1:—{p. oi} 

705. eer : 

nacanthus. © 

ed :— 
separating elastically — 

to the Genera. | III.—TRIANDRIA. 33 

Calyx equally 5-lobed ; corolla subequally 
5-lobed; ovary 2-celled; stamens 2-celle 
cells divaricate .......+. 721. Stachytar arpheta. 
Calyx 2-lipped; corolla er or indis- 
tinetly 2- mit ovar 
Stamens h 2 aan inte perfect 
cells ; cial bdeerety 2-lipped 
757. Meriandra. 
Stamens with only the posterior cell perfect, 
the anterior imperfect or obsolete ; corolla 
markedly 2-lipped ...+++++++-+++" 758. Salvia. 


*Flowers arranged in spikelets in the axils of glumaceous bracts ; leaves 

+Flowers in the axil of a simple glume, leaves 3-stichous or only basal, 
sometimes 0, the sheaths closed in front; fruit a minute nut with 
pps inside the albumen; style simple with 2-3 stigmas :—[p- 
mediate hermaphrodite glumes few, not more numerous than 
oe 9 or more oan ene ee 

Style 2-fid ; peria pog) pristles...1030. Rynchospora. 

jorinall 0 
Intermediate hermaphrodite glumes usually many, always more 
numerous than the 1-2 whe oh sgitates — 
Flowering glumes distichou: 
le 2-fid; rachilla of cpikelot deciduous ...--- 1032. Kyllinga. 
Style 3-fid, very rarely (Cyperus § Anosporum) subentire and 

chilla of spikelet persistent ...-.-...-+++++-++* 1035. Cyperus. 
Rachilla of spikelet deciduous : 
Fruit- bearing glumes not dinigek fruit rather broad 
Fruit-bearing glumes winged ; fruit very narrow 
1037. Courtoisia. 
Flowering glumes spirally arr ged: 

**Base of style articulate or constrite sgh se fruit:—[p- 34] 
Stem leafless ; perianth 0 of bristles...----+- . Eleocharis. 
Stem leafy below; perian 

Style-base panes 
on the fetitac.-. cane Coe 
Style-base er leaving a tumour on 

anth 0:— 
or if deciduous not leaving a tumour 
1039. Fimbristylis. 
es fruit 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Guide 

**Base of style passing area into the fruit, perianth usually 
of scales or bristles :— 
Hypogynous scales 6, ecb to the base into linear segments 
1043. Eriophorum. 
Hypogynous scales, if any, undivided :— 
—!4 — Leaves hairy ; hypogynous oie 6, or 3, or 0 
1044. Fuirena. 
Leaves glabrous; hypogynous scales 7-1, or 0 1045. Scirpus. 
+Flowers interposed between a glume and a palea ; leaves distichous, 

isin. ee separating entirely from their pedicels, or falling 
with them; spikelets similar or differing in sex and structure; 
perfect spikelets with 2 heteromorphous florets, the upper herma- 
p the lower male or barren :— 
Rachis continued beyond upper ipiihelet glumes 4; spikelets 
1-2-flowered, subsecun tees this SR 4 hameraphis. 

§Spikelets usually in continuous ahha: sac racemes or ee ; 
glumes herbaceous or membranous, the lower smaller, some- 

firmer, at len rigid, often papery to crustaceous, 
rarely awned or mu ucronate :—[p. 35 
‘iSpikelets 2-flowe red, upper 2-sexual, lower male or neuter, 
rarely (Isachne) both fertile :—[p. 35 
ure spikelets surrounded singly or in clusters by a whorl 
_ of naked or plumose b: bristles which falls with the spikelets ; 
te beloiweid. cific: s 1047. Pennise 
Mature spikelets — — and singly from the tips of 
their Latieeiay styles f 
Spikelets with an ieee: of bristles......1048. Setaria. 
ake not subtended by bri stles ; 
Glumes 4, all very minute ; spikelets very numero 
and very small, crowded o capillary branches @ 
a very large panicle. Eh lena. 
Glumes 4, all cons 
minute or obsolete -— 
§Lowest — distinet MBit 
**Glumes I and II Separately deciduous ; spikelets. 
bibelohiag panicled [p, 35] 1051. Isachn 

plteoune or a conspicuous and 1 

to the Genera.] III.—TRIANDRIA. 35 

**Glumes I and II not separately deciduous :— 

tio west glume, at least, subulate-aristate ; spike- 
lets fascicled or solitary on a simple axis or on 
the branches of a panicle ...1052. oP! smenus. 
Lowest glume not subulate-arista 

Glume II fimbriate ; glume III with a deep- 

2-nerved or hyaline rudimentary palea or 
1 anicum. 

quite empty 
§Lowest glume minute or 0:—[p. 34] - 
Lowest glume nute Rio usually present ; 
glume III with ‘Siaabsiig a minute palea, its 
nerves — 0 minent ...... 1055. Digi 
Lowest gl a glume II (= glume = of 
Digitaria) em st oe ied nerves cu 
Spikelets not thickened at the base 
6. Paspalum. 

7. Eriochloa. 

{| Spikelets 1-flowered, deciduous with their pedicels —{p. _ 
Spikelets fascicled all round a slender rachis, 

a — of 2-4; outer glume echinate ; nog free or 

Spikelets thickened at the base 

Slt not peers serge singly; peer not echinate ; 
styles co low 

dist perros awns 1063. Zoysia. 
Glumes long-awned.........secceeceeseeeee scenes 1062. Perotis. 
§Spikelets usually in pairs, one sessile the other pedicelled, or 
the terminal 3-nate or solitary, in the axis of a usually spike- 
like raceme; outer glumes more or less rigid and firmer than 
the flowering glumes, the lower always larger than the florets ; 
flowering glumes membranous, often hyaline, that of the upper 
oret often awned or reduced to an awn; styles always dis- 

tinct sas yg Bs 
tt tracted panicles :—{p. 36 
re of spikelets in . open, compound, much-branched 
Spikelots awnless .. Saccharum. 
_— awned : ae Erianthus. 

of spikelets 2-nate, digitate, or eae on 4 

BENGAL PLANTS. [4 ritfciat Guide 5 


ae dissimilar or (Ophiurus) spikelets solitary’ — 

“ apibedels sunk in pits of an articulate fragile rachis :— 
Sessile — solitary in each internode of the spike:— 

essile spikelets not on gaa by an upper spikelet i 

ven the pedicel of one 1069. Ophiurus. 
Sate en et nage by dissimilar pedicelled — 
spikelets e 
Glume a oo inflated, pitted ...1070. Manisuris. 
Glume I smooth :— 
Glume I tralesions bivocssecses 1071. Bon 
Glume I caudate Vossia. 
Sessile spikelets 2, opposite, in each cope 
. Mnesithea. 

Spikelets not sunk in nodes of the cis: -- 
Spikelets 3, a sessile 2-flowered and two pedicelled, 
enclosed in a peduncled spathe on a short 1- -nodal 

inarticulate rachis ............... 1074. Apluda. y 
Spikelets many or few on a plurinodal articulate rachis: Fs 

racemes pcciots ae or digitate or approximate on — 

male :— 
Margin of glume I of sessile green ree 

- Ischemum. — 
Margin of glume I of sessile poh Se inflexed :— 

Spikelets 2-flowered ; leaves lanceolate 

1077. Apocopis. 

Spikelets 1-flowered ; leaves cordate at junction — 
Wik ghetthie cnc 6 23605 1078. raxon. 
d panicles or spiciform racemes 5 
variously disposed, 2-nate rare ely 3-nate ; lower floret 
of all the —— empty upper usually awned or 

— = 


‘Sessile spikelets more than 2, usually mail a, 
orescence usually elongate...1080. Andropogon. — 

Sessile spikelets 2 only ; inflorescence very short 

Spikelets dimorphie, 
asian sound the u 

“ =a Hatiseeslcaus 

the 4 lower Sessile, forming an — 
‘upper : 

ae, ..1082, peta 

fun ieee eae Oia Rest Tarn ae Ss 

to the Genera.] III,—TRIANDRIA. 37 

{{Rachis articulate below the ee spikelets 
36] 83. Iseil 

[p. 3 seilema. 
{Mature spikelets breaking - leaving the rating or alc 
f 2 

glumes on the pedicel, or alling entire not compose 
heteromorphous oe :—[p. 34] 
§Spikelets not inserted in notches or pits of a simple rachis :— 

‘Spikelets panicled, or if spicate not secund :—[p. 38] 

Spikelets 1-flowered, rachilla not or rarely oo beyond 
the floret ; awns when present twisted ; styles 

Glume III aay did in fruit and tightly saspin the grain ; 
awns usually 3- 7. Aristida. 
lumes all mem = nous; awns if i poset rie -- 
Spikelets sea: —- 
I omink. bas gkawie 1088. Polypogon. 

Rae : pis II ee not awned :— 
Pericarp of grain — to seed ...... 1089. Agrostis. 
Pericarp of grain loose............-+. 1090. Sporobolus. 
ane! very narrow, ar glumes finely acuminate 

1091. Garnotia. 

Spikelete bo or more-flowered :— 

Rachilla not continued beyond the upper floret :— 
Spikelets not awned; rachilla elongated between the 
flowering glumes, but not penicillately hairy; styles free 

1092. Cee! 

Spikelets awned :— 
Florets 2, dissimilar, the lower awnless male or barren ; 
styles free or connate below ........- 1093. 

— 2-many, similar except the uppermost, which 

gradually nedsioad ¢ styles free ...1094. Eriachne 

R schille ¢ continued beyond the upper floret or if not con- 

tinued (Phragmites) then elongated between the flowering 
glumes and penicillately hairy ; —- er free :— 

Spikelets awned sate wn tw 

_— not awned or if i with ae awn not 

ae tesselately nerved ; fruiting glumes with reflexed 
1096. Centotheca. 

istles : 
**Spikelets very minute, in globose clusters on an 
elongated simple rachis [p. 38]...1097. Elytrophorus. 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Guide 
**Spikelets conspicuous, not in globose clusters :— _ 

ows ering glumes 1-3-nerved :— 
Spikelets penicillate with lo ong silky hairs on 
the flowering glumes or the callus or both; 
paniculate; lowest flowering glume sometimes 
male or neuter :— 7 
Rachilla glabrous ; flowering glumes dorsally 
hairy beyond the middle ...... 1098. Arundo, 
Rachilla hirsute :— 
Flowering glumes glabrous 

1099. P 
Flowering glumes Seo with long hairs 

1100. Triraphis. | 
Spikelets not penicillate with long silky hairs; 
many-flowered :— f 
uter sites shorter than lowest flowering — 
glume; grain very minute, terete 
110 stis. 
Outer glumes longer —- ee flowering 
glume ; grain broad, con 
02, Myviostachys 
Flowering — 5- or more need spikelets 
--1103. Bromus. 
‘ISpikelets 2-seriate tad 6 dunt’ on an 4 Seiallindiiis spike or on ~ 
the spiciform branches of a tenses styles free :-— — 

Flowering glumes 3-toothed .................. 1104 Diplackae: 
wering glumes entire or simply aristate 
1105. Leptochloa. — 
Spikelets in simply digitate or simply racemed iptien _ . 
pikelets in pedicelled, deciduous, articulate clusters 
1106. Gr 

Spikelets not clustered -— 
Spikelets 1-flowered :— 
Spikel ets awnless :— 
solitary terminal -.-1107, aS 
likes digitale oils iesacidis 1108. Cynodon. 
Spikelets awned ; spikes ates — = ae 

Spikelets 2- or more- flowered :— 
Spikelets crowded on a solitary spike...1110. Tripogon. 

to the Genera.} IIT.—TRIANDRIA. 39 

Spikelets in numerous spikes 
Spikelets digitate or Gieka peepee 1 1111. Eleusine. 
3 Spikelets racemed on a long rachis 
2. Dinebra. 
ages inserted in notches or pits of a simple rachis :— 

[p. 3 
Sock solitary at the nodes of the spikes 
Plane of spikelets radial to the rachis ...... "1s. Oropetium. 
Plane of spikelets tangential to the rachis ...1114. Triticum. 
Spikelets 2 or more, collected in fascicles at the nodes of the 
spikes 1115. Hordeum. 
*Flowers not in spikelets, inflorescence without glumaceous bracts :— 

Leaves long and narrow, sheathing at the base, rarely reduced to 
scales or sheaths, nerves all parallel; perianth 2-seriate, with normally. 

Peria i i 2 ‘diestotlas dee 3 outer segments calycine ; leaves 
all radical tufted ; aquatic plan 888. Blyxa. 
Perianth of 2 similar whouki, se % segments petaloi aiden 
Ovary 1-celled; leaves mostly radical tufted, sometimes all 
reduced to scales 891. Burmannia. 
Ovary 3-celled; stems more or less leafy :— 
Stem leafless between the few radical basal leaves and the 
single large plicate floral leaf just under the inflorescence 
948, Cipura. 


Stem leafy throughout 
Ovary superior :— 

Perianth of 2 dissimilar whorls; outer segments calycine — 

Stem a leafless scape with capitate flowers ; leaves ya — 

Stem leafy :— 
Cymes solitary, within a spathaceous bract 
it is 975. Commelina. 

Cymes paniculate, bracts not spathaceous ...976 

Pesianth of 2 similar whorls, more or less calvin: ‘erect tufted 
Grassy herbs... i jedasive ds ceed ed oyeeeeopenpelede seen tteeee 981. Juncus. 
res not sheathing at the base, venation reticulate, never reduced 
to sheaths or scales; short and broad, or if narrow with perianth- 

Segments 4 or 5 in each whorl :-— a 
tPerianth none; styles free; flowers in cylindric spikes; leaves 
i [p. 40 eee ue ory G0 Tk Pipes 

40 BENGAL PLANTS. (Artificial Guide 

tPerianth of at least one whorl present :—[p. 39] 
Leaves compound : 
Leaflets gland-dotted ; leaves 3- foliolate or oa -pinna 

3. Zanthoxyial 
Leaflets not gland-dotted :— 
Leaves even-pinnate; leaflets Opposite :— 
Petale Gulinsiiicia gonedides. 278. Cassia. 
PONS hte cds cs baddies £ 284. Intsia. 
Leaves om seer leaflets alternate......... 148. Ailanthus. 

Leaves simple 
Styles 3 or more, free ; carpels united :— 
Ovary 1- —_ losis always opposite ; rg small but 

Usually present ... 2.0... ccesces5,. 
Ovary faa i 
Leaves opposite or falsely whorled or alternate petals 0 
es always oS a eee 74. Bergia. 
oe: cahes or see 
Leaves alternate 
INVER INGA O sari ch cheval wich site Sides. cues 0 
Leaves 2-lobed at apex ....eescecedssceseseses..., 279. Bauhinia. 
Leaves opposite :— 
Shrubs, trees or woody climbers: 
pals free, orbicular, imbricate :— 
Fruit a berry ; S$ not winged............ 182. Salacia. 
Fruit a capsule; seeds wi inged ...... lita ipa 
Sepals connate below, ‘eibiee fruit a — 
en Bouea. 
Herbs :— 
IRM eccdiice, capes sss, 69. Polycarpon. 

Sepals connate in a campanulate tube :— 
Leaves large, 3-5-nerved from the base, often unequal ; 
calyx-teeth and petals always 340. Sonerila. 

Leaves small, penninerved, equal: one teeth 3-5, 
petals often 0 2. Ammannia. 

a ee 

OT ee eN RP OAR Sil ig ges 

*Inflorescen, ee on a fleshy spadix subtended by a large spathe; 
leaves simple :— 41) 
§Epiphytic wis with smooth leaves s—[p. 41] 
ies free ; ovules and seeds solitary [p, 41]...1009. Scindapsus. 

to the Genera.] IV.—TETRANDIA. 41 

‘Berries confluent; ovules and seeds numerous :—[p. 40] 
1010. rp ppenigsgae 

§Marsh herbs with leaves p t 
*Inflorescence never cabtende by a spathe :—[p. 40 
Floating or submerged aquatic herbs ; leaves simple : 
Petioles of upper rosulate floating leaves inflated kad vesicular, the 
lower submerged leaves SPE Opposite .............ce ees 353. Trapa. 
Petioles, if present, not inflated and ves a 
Perianth double, of ras yee coro. 
orolla gamopetalous; leaves ae Mating: cordate, all alter- 
nate; ovary 1-celled 601. Limnanthemum. 
Corolla of 2-4 free petals; leaves small, su ubmerged, narrow 
linear, usually whorled, rarely alternate ; ovary 4- or 2-celled :-— 
vules solitary, pendulous in each cell of the inferior ovary ; 
nous scales absent . 318. Myriophyllum. 
Plate several on axial placentas in eee cell of the free 
ovary at base of calyx-tube; hypogynous scales 4, 2-fid 
343. pbs fxr ss 
Perianth single, of 4 green, valvate BSN Bio 
0. Potamogeton. 
Terrestrial herbs, shrubs, or trees, or if ovat in or near ponds or 
marshes, the leaves not floating or submerged :— 
Climbing herbs or shrubs, raising themselves by the aid of spirally 
twisted dies leaves simple or compound ; petals valvate, stamens 
opposi site petals ode bil idsies nes decane 188. Vi 
Erect hesbs, shrubs, or trees, or if climbing raising themse ves by 
voluble stems or by prickles, if with tendrils (Bauhinia sometimes) 
these simply ee or subcireinate not spiral :— 

aves compoun 
Leaflets gland- dotted phomle ls Uiuisll Seok aek ssi 133. Zanthoxylum. 
Leaflets not gland-dot — 

5-celled ; seeds winged.........+++-++sreeer++* 166. Cedrela. 

Ovary 1-celled ; seeds not winged :— 
Ovule and seed solitary ; unarmed trees with once pinnate 
210. Rhus. 

digitately twice heat se nt leaves... 
Leaves eran — 
tLeaves alternate :—{p. 4) 
sPesieia wt :—{p. 42] 
Seeioe anth tubular and —_ ected above the ovary; 
1 oe h-lobes[p. 42] 807. Eleagnus. 

42 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Guide 

**Perianth deeply partite or the segments quite free, if 
tubular below not constricted above the Neat :—[p. 41] 
Ovary inferior bedice 336. Gyro conan 
Ovary super 
Stamens sic, with perianth-segments 

86. Rivina. 
Stamens opposite perianth- -segments :— 
Perianth- aoe valvate ; Soe or trees :— 
tary :— 

Ovule erect; bracts small; stem — 
2. Cansjera. 
Ovule pendulous ; bracts large ; _ erect 
Ovules 2, ascending ; ; Stem erect......803. Heli 

solitary : 
ianth green; ovule Béadolona; small trees 
853. Celtis. 
Perianth coloured ; ovule erect; herbs 
87. Polygonum. 
}Perianth double :— 
ttPetals free or only slightly connate below “hea 43] 
tied ee 169. Olax. 

§Style simple or atblee united :—[p. 43] 
ae 1 — free carpel; leaves 2-lobed at 
the a uhinia, 
Gracy: a 2 or more i pieuly ‘ckejalas leaves not 
2-lobed at apex 
| Ovary superior ; ok hypogynous :—[p. 4 
Leaves pinna tely lobed ; fruit a 2-valved ae 
with a partition (replum) between the 2 pla- 
centas :— 
Fruit long, narrow, cylindric 
39. Nasturtium. 
Fruit short, —— sea venenen ts - Lepidium. 
— not lobed, Margins entire or only 

Seu alternate with petals :— 
Ovules and seeds pendulous ...,.. 176. Ilex. 
Ovules and seeds erect or as = 

180. ymnosporia. 
Stamens opposite the petals ..,. apr Sabia. 

to the Genera. | IV.—TETRANDIA. 43 

{Ovary inferior ; petals cea af 42] 
2. Ludwigia. 
§Styles 2 or more than 2, free :—[p. oT 
Trees or shrubs ; stamens — zs petals 
5. Homalium. 
Small viscid-glandular herbs a insectivorous 
leaves; stamens alternate with the peti 

++Petals united in a gamophyllous corolla; ovary 
superior :—[p. 
Stamens opposite the corolla-lobes ; leaves entire :— 
rae annual herbs; seeds many in a circumscissile 
516. Centunc 


Shrabe, mostly climbing; seeds solitary in a small 

erry-like fruit 518. Embelia. 
Stamens alternate with the corolla-lobes 

orolla plicate in bud; ovules many; leaves entire, 

or variously lobed or pinnately cut ; “ae or herbs, 

often prick . Solanum. 

Corolla-lobes imbricate in bud; bere ert or with 

each cham of a 4-celled ovary; corolla quite 
regular :— 
Styles 2; a prostrate herb........---- 609. Coldenia. 

— terminal on an entire ovary; trees or 

ces es a twice 2-partite stigma, not 
annulate ......s++++ ..604. Cordia. 
Style shortly 2-lobed, with a borisonted ring 
below the stigma .........--- 605. Tourn ia. 
—— many in each cell of a 2-celled ovary; 
rolla somewhat oblique; herbs.....-.-. 642. Celsia. 
+Leayes sual :—{p. 4 
Perianth single; trees; lobes of perianth valvate :— 
Ovary 1-celled; ovules 2-3 on a free central placenta ; 
stamens — Ss -lobes «.-+++++++++ 810. Santalum. 
vary many on axial placentas ; 
stamens ican with ise aa -lobes 
346. Crypteronia. 
Perianth double, or if single (Ammannia sometimes), then 
small herbs :— 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Guide 

Petals free or, rarely ee sometimes), 0 :— 
Stamens h ——— 
als f 

Siyles a free ; small herbs :— 
Ovary 1-c elled Soe é 66. Stellaria. 
ry 2-5-celled ..... 74. Bergia. 
Styles combined :-— 
Herbs ; ovary 1-celled............... 69. Polycarpon. 
Shrubs ; ovary 3-celled.. 182. Salacia. 
Sepals dinate below. ......., 203*. Bouea. 

Stamens inserted on the mouth of a campanulate gamo- 
sepalous calyx :— 
Small herbs; petals minute or 0...... 342. Ammannia. 
Shrubs ; peta conspicuous, wrinkled...345. Lawsonia. 
Petals connate in a gamophyllous corolla :— 
Stamens opposite the corolla-lobes ...... 808. Loranthus. 
area ns alternate with corolla-lobes : 
Ovary inferior : :—[p. 46] 
“Leaves opposite ; Atipalee . . 2506. Campanumeea 
t with in able 
petiolar oe or if thpulad 0 dekcvis. ghddied: — 
4 Ovules usually numerous, never fewer than 2 in 
each cell of the ovary :—[p. 45 
Corolla-lobes twisted in bud :— 
Fruit a capsule; seeds many, small; flowers 
in terminal panicles..,...... 407. Wendlandia. 
Fruit a berry; seeds few, large; flowers 
axillary :— 
Flowers in spikes; ovules pendulous from 
apes OF eel io... 0. Petunga. 
Flowers in fascicles or small cymes :— 
Ovules 6-10 in each cell, pendulous from 
iS Spee citi. civic 421, ianthera. 

nt capsules, or if fruit 
indehiscent BP ate Sometimes) then small 
herbs with d dry minute fruits — 

to the Genera.] IV.—TETRANDRIA 45 

Calyx-teeth in fruit contiguous; capsule 
loculicidal or septicidal, or rarely inde- 
iscent; seeds usually angular 
410. Hedyotis. 
Calyx-teeth in fruit remote; capsule loculi- . 

cidal above them, ad indehiscent :— 

Seeds minute, angul 

grt Oldenlandia. 
eeds Rae aa or gee with a 
vity 412 otis. 
§{Ovules hire in each cell of the ovary :— 

(p. 44] 
Corolla-lobes twisted in bud :— 
owers paniculate or corymbose :— 
Bracts coriaceous, never sheathing 
425. Ixora. 
Bracts membranous, the lower sheathing 
: 424. Pavetta. 
Flowers axillary, fascicled or solitary 
426. Coffea. 


Corolla-lobes valvate in bud :— 

£ £ 

[p. 46] 
++Fruit a fleshy or dry drupe, with two or 
more pyrenes :—([p. 46] 
Flowers cohactine by their ome pareatg 
a firmly fleshy head......... 427. Morinda. 
Flowers free :— 
Erect shrubs or trees; pyrenes in a 
leathery or fleshy drupe :— 
Leaves decussate :— 
Flowers in axillary fascicles Vor 

belie 2-celled 
428. Canthium. 
Ovary 3-5-celled 
429. Vangueria. 
Flowers in terminal cymes 
430. Psy 
Leaves distichous 431. Lasianthus. 
wining herbs or shrubs; pyrenes in a 
papery drupe.... ...433. Paderia. 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial G 

ttFruit of 2 separable cocci; herbs:—{p. 
Cocci indehiscent :— 

Flowers in cymes; cocci small 

a solitary, eg cocci large, 
. Hydro 

eee eee ey 


{Ovary superior Lp. 44] 
Corolla regular 
Ovary Leelled : — 
Ovule iin 538 Balvadors: 
Ovules many 600. Swertia. 
Ovary 2- celled s ovules many :— 
Corolla-lobes contorted :— 
Corolla-lobes twisted to right...596. Exacum. 
Corolla-lobes twisted to left...542. Mel 
Corolla-lobes not twisted :— 
it i APE id sks c5e0s 595. Strych 
Fruit dehiscent :— 
Corolla-lobes valvate...... 592 

. Mit ome 
ae lobes imbricate ......593. Buddleia. 
Corolla o a 

ie in ic cell of ovary numerous 

Fruit not 4-lobed :— 
Fruit a small drupe with 4 pyrenes 

Fruit a leathery capsule ...... 735. Avi 
Fruit 4 - lobed, separati ing into 4 ds 
nutlets :— 

§Calyx subequally 5-lobed :—[p. 47] 
‘|Calyx-lobes short; stamens exserted 

Corolla 4-fid with a spreading lip e 
746. Pogostemon- 
Corolla subequally 4-fid 

Pee TS a ee ee 

to the Genera. ] V.—PENTANDRIA. 47 

{| Calyx-lobes long, plumose [p. 46] 
§Calyx declinate 2-lipped [p. 46] 749. Perilla. 


Pat ascoaee sare on a fleshy spadix subtended by a large spathe ; 
leaves simple : 
Epiphytic eerie with smooth leaf-stalks and ae 
010. Rhaphidophore. 
Marsh herbs with prickly leaf-stalks and leaves ..........-- . Lasia. 
Inflorescence not within a spathe, or if naan not eas — 
Floating or partly submerged aquatic herbs :-— 
Corolla mars petals free ; stems fistular, floating, and rooting at 

the nodes; branches leafy, erect ; leaves not floating :— 
Flowers ues showy, in few-flowered racemes; leaves linear- 
lanceolate, simple; ovary 5-celled, superior ...... 132. Hydrocera. 
Pen small, in eat: = umbels ; leaves pinnately com- 
und; ovary 2-celled, inferi: 390. GEnanthe. 
Saas ee petals more or pas connate, leaves floating :— 
Ovary 1-cell 

ed :— 
Leaves small, whorled, spathulate or orbicular, somewhat vesi- 
cular ; petals connate in a cap; fruit a 5-valved capsule 
317. Aldrovanda. 
Leaves large, cordate, alternate, or only subopposite, flat; 
petals connate in a deeply lobed rotate uk fruit subin- 
_~Sehiscent 601. Limnanthemum. 
“Ovary 2-celled; leaves cordate or hastate; petals connate in a 
ampanulate corolla ; fruit a 2-4-seeded capsule ...626. Ipomoea. 
Terrestrial herbs, shrubs, or ee or # Dadaist in or near water the 
stems erect and the leaves not float 
“Climbing herbs or shrubs with aril dco peo :—[p. 48] 
Flowers with no corona; style simple; pe nnate at tips in a 
calyptra ; stamens opposite petals, the aoa pa ee : 
style simple ; leaves pur OF COMPOUNA ......++-eeeeereee 88. Vitis. 
Flowers with corona outside stamens; styles 3; cit free ; 
stamens alternate with petals, adnate below to gynophore ; leaves 
simple, entire or lobed or partite ...+++.--s++se+-+-++ .357. Passiflora. ~ 


*Erect herbs, or shrubs, or trees, or if climbing raising themselves 
by voluble stems or by Prickles ; if by tendrils (Helinus, Ancistro- 
cladus Bauhinia sometimes, and Strychnos sometimes) 
then lisse seats hooked or eines: but not ae a 47} 
Leaves absent; yellowish parasitic twiners............ uscuta, 
Leaves present :— i 
Leaves compound :—[p. 4 
{Leaves grees Pt di 

—[p. 49] 
simply pinnate or ianataly 3-foliolate :— 

t 33 Zanthoxylim ‘ 
Leaves not gland-dotted :— 
es odd-pinnate :— 
Leaves opposite :— 
Petals fre 199. Turpinia. 
Petals th in a tube wisi oe. 402. Sambucus. — 
Leaves alte iu. _ 
Seeds irae ovary 5-celled......... 166. Cedrela. 
Seeds not winged a 

ae 2-celled, nosis arillate ...197. Harp ullia. 
Ovary 1-celled, seeds not arillate 
Leaves shes: ate 

hosten 210, Rhus. 
Leaves twice or more than twice pinnate :— 
Leaves evenly twice pinnate :— 
Anthers gland-crested 296. Neptunia. 
Anthers not gland-crested . 

vss++--298. Desmanthus- 
Leaves unevenly twice or more ise twice pinnate :— 

ves opposi ite 

678. Oroxylum. 
Leaves alternate : — 
Flowers not in 

a in panicles : carpels 3, — in a l-cellee 
vary + io : 

Flowers in umbels : 
TOarpelag 2 ey 

ttPetals “nie flowers in compound uM- 
bis } 
ous :—[p. 49 

‘] Fruit constricted at commissure or !8 

rally compressed ; ridges of fruit slender -— 
[p. 49] 

to the Genera.] V.—PENTANDRIA4. 49 
Furrows of the fruit with apes vitte 

Furrows of the fruit with 2-3 vith 
387. impinella. 

Ridges of the fruit not thickened :— 

etals white ..........++++ 389. Seseli. 
Petals yellow ...... 388. Foeniculum. 
Ridges a ae fruit — and corky ; 
oats tals w. Cnanthe. 

Frui — compr' — ida, the 
“lo ridges winged.. 391. ceanagpeie 
p. 48] 

Fruit glabrou psvcmies 392. pp OE 

Fruit pea bristly.........--- 393. Daucus. 

t {Petals valvate ; umbels racemed or panicled :— 
. 48 

Pedicels jointed ; albumen ey 

. Panax. 
Pedicels continuous ; albumen faites ted 
95. Heteropanax. 

a 4-5 ; pedicels jointed ; en faintly im- 
94. Aralia. 

bricate [p. 48) - 
{Leaves caida compound ; flowers in —— fobeey = 
» 48) 

Carpels 5, styles free ......+seseereeeeeees re Heptapleurum. 
Carpels 2, styles united 6. Brassaiopsis. 
ra simple :—([p. 48 
§Leaves alternate (in Trichodesma alternate only above) ; or 
if ret (Sarcosperma) with stamens opposite the 
petals : 
Perianth double . 59] 
**Petals free or eee one rarely (Holigarna, 
Tamariz), faintly united at the very base; the stamens 
never adnate to the petals :— 52 1 
**Petals valvate or ea in bud :—{p. 50] 
ges — te 50] 
tttLeaves palmately lobed; ovary inferior ; sta- 
mens it = lb [p.50]396. Brassaiopsis. 

Mo. Bot.Garden 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 

t{ {Leaves penninerved ; ovary superior ae 
Ovules pendulous from tip of cent 
place nta ; -stamer ens opposite edges, ocell 

stamens opposite free petals......... 170. Opilia. 
. 49 

Ovary inferior ; oa in umbels; leaves palm- 
ately-nerve 384. Hydroco 
***Petals imbricate or contorted in bud :—{p. 49] 

ttStamens alternate with petals :— —[p. 52] 
tStyles or stigmas 2 or more than two, free: 

Orary capi 
vary lied, styles 2; leaves with — 
0 diated at the base; flowers 

Umbels compound ; leaves Hnear 
Ovary 1-celled, styles 3 ; petit not sheath- 
ing ; flowers racemose or panicl 
Petals contorted ; sisin't ot adie acoreseent 

85. Ane 
Petals ar imbricate ; _ of calyx not 
accre 206. Holigarna 
Ovary sopeita or half-superior :— 

any, small :— 
Leaves beset with glandular hairs 

Leaves not glandular :— 
Sepals and petals dissimilar 

Sepals and petals alike or nearly 89 
355. H 

to the Genera.] V.—PENTANDRIA 51 

tOvary 2-5-celled :—[p. 50 

Styles and carpels 3-4 

122, Reinwardtia. 
Sepals more or ae connate below ; ovary 
2-celled ; styles 2 ......... prong 

ttLeaves minute aad scale-like aes 
13. Sa 

iat rep aw or pi united :—{p. 50] 

olla irregular : 

gLeaves lasaiee: 2-lobed; carpel solitary; 
als 5 279. Bauhinia. 


Mueaves not 2-lobed; carpels more than 

londil superior ; leaves not sheathing :— 
Anthers free; ovary 1-celle 
54. Ionidium. 
Anthers connate ; gli s see 

: . Impatiens. 
Ovary inferior, 3-celled ; fool sheath large - 
and stem-clasping............ 943. Ravenala. 

Corolla regular :— 
ti and ao 5, rarely 4; leaves 

penninerved, rely palminery wit! 
reside venilene: petiole not ieathtig:— 
[p. 52] 

Ovary super 

Sepals ees iF trod ..118. Triumfetta. 
ee imbricate, more or less connate 

Ova 3-5-celled ; petals not accres 
ers cymose; ovary at base 
nites with dis 
180. Gymnosporia. 
Flowers spicate, racemose, or pani- 
culate; ovary at base free from disk 
179. Ce. 
Ovary 1-celled; petals accrescent 
204. Swintonia. 

One inferior :— 

52 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 

Sepals imbricate, shortly connate below; 

ovary 1-celled and 1-ovuled 

Sepals valvate, united below in a 
racy tube; ovules more than ‘s 

gy 1-celled ; ovules 2-5 
329. L 

Ovary 4-5-celled ; ovules very many 
ee Lud 

§§Sepals and petals, each 3; leaves parallel- — 

umnitzera. — 

ics ~_ stem-clasping oka ovary — 

eck en 979. Floscopa. — 

++Stamens pst the petals :—[p. 50] 
epals v; 
Ovary ce or half-superior 
Fruit a dry or fleshy drupe with no termina 
eae 184. Zizyphus. 

Fruit a dry nut prolonged above in bee aa 
linear leathery wing ............ 185 tilago. 

vary quite a: the fruit per: by the - 


Fruit Sniageavl ; flowers in paniculate fascicles d ) 
186. Gouania. 

Fruit terete, ovate; flowers subumbellate 
187. H 

Se see imbricate ; ovary superior ...... 
**Petals u in a sensctliiiinl corolla ; “if free 
(Embelia) the stamens adnate to the petals :—[p. 49] 
tOvary inferior or half-inferior : :—[p. ra 
— not adnate to corolla :— p- 5 

ve vidoe —— from a strong midrib; 

indehiscent.:.2............... 944 Musa. a 
Leaves vito ee venation reticulate; : 

fruit dehise 
Capsule est ve ss calyx-teeth :— 
Corolla stellately 5-p 
one Cephalostigma- 
Corolla campanulate ...509. Wahlenbergia- 
Capsule opening below the eter 


with large stem-clasping Tet heii : 

510. Campanula : 

to the Genera.] ~ 7‘V.—PENTANDRIA. 53 

4Stamens adnate to corolla-tube; leaves reticulate 
without leaf-sheath ; capsule circumscissile [p. 52] 
507. Sphenoclea, 
t+Ovary superior :—[p. 52] 
Stamens opposite the petals or corolla-lobes 

=~ sStyles 5 free; ovary 1-0 vuled ...... 512. Egialitis. 

{ re Styles connate, or style simple :— 
“a Stamens free from corolla-tube ; ovary 1-ovuled ; 
style 5-armed above............++ 513. Plumbago. 

Stamens adnate to corolla - tube; __ style 

3,€ Ovary 1-locular with a free-central placenta ; 
ovules 2 or more; staminodes 0 :— 
Fruit a capsule; herbs :— 
Capsule dehiscing by valves :— 
Corolla-lobes imbricate 
514, Androsace. 
Corolla-lobes contorted 
516*. Lysimachia. 
Capsule circumscissile 
16. Centunculus. 
id, indehiscent or follicular; shrubs or 

“cay nearly enclosing the many-seeded 
517. py 

Calyx free from the one-seeded fru 

base, imbricate..........++ 
eae sane lobes twisted to right:— 
Fruit globose, quite indehiscent 
519. Ardisia. 
Fruit cylindric, curved, splitting 
along one side......... 5 he 
Ovary 2- or more-celled ; ovules in each cell 
one, adnate to inner angle; trees; stamens 

with 5 alternate staminodes :— 

Leaves subopposite ; albumen none; ovary 
glabrous.. 1. Sarcosperma. 
pore suite ‘sterile = albuminous ; 
VillOUS .....-s0e-00++- 22. Sideroxylon. 
ra cf — alternate with corolla- aoe usually adnate 


k- : : ve 
“BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 6 
ba mes 

2S Styles distinct :-— 
Corolla-lobes 5, Sarame, ; stigmas to 
style simple, capitat 
Fruit a drupe ithe 41. 1-seeded pyrenes 

Fruit a capsule :— 

eeds very many ............ 603. Hyd 
Seeds few, 1-4... 
Corolla-limb aubéntite, plicate ; Paris 
style 2, linear........ et 

Carpels 2 a only the styles united :— 
— of 2 indehiscent fibrous hago <a 
els 54, 

Throat of corolla with many hairs that 
conceal the stamens; sare a 2-locular 
rupe Thevet 
Throat ée ‘rola with 5 flat scales 


Nutlets with scar of attachment co 
inued to their — produced down- 
watds below the 

Pi: Cynoglos: 
a Nutlets with scar of attachment 
4 extending to their apices, more or 

produced upwards 
610. Bothriospermut 
Corolla-throat naked :— 
tio umerous in each cell of the 
2. celled caraly Spuriously 4-celled ovary :- 

[p. 55] 
frFruit an indehiscent berry :—[p. 55] 
**Corolla rotate or wide-campanu- 
late :—[p. 55] 

§Anthers longer than filaments, con 
nivent in a cone, not 

throughout their length :—[p. 55) 

to the Genera.]} 


Anthers ‘opening introrsely by 
PO Pe slits, their tips 
empty; leaves pinnatisect 
4. L 

- Lyco um. 
Anthers opening by apical pores 
or short apical slits ; leaves entire, 
lobed or pinnatifid 

35. Solanum. 

§Anthers not longer em — 
and not connivent in a cone, de- 
hiseing trough vate ‘aa by 
lateral slits :—{p. 54 
Calyx not sniasiies materially 
636. Capsicum. 

. Phy: 
**Corolla urceolate ; calyx enlarged in 
fruit and overtopping the berry lane fo 
638. With 

ttFruit caps = endl valves completely or 

partially separa :—[p. 54] 

ers slr, solitary ; corolla pli- 
seeds somew m. 

: what compressed, 
embryo ¢ a Pre 639. Ae 
Flowers in te panicles; corolla 

induplicate-valvate; seeds hardly com- 
pressed ; embryo straight 
640. pyri: 
ttOvules 2, less often 1, rarely 4 in 
call of the ovary :—[p. 54] 
pacar cae imbricate or, if contorted 

of corolla-tube; flowers polygamous; 
drupe with 2 or more 1-seeded stones 
176. Ilex. 

Stamens distinctly attached to tube or 

“og only once 2- partite or 
simple :— 

BENGAL PLANTS. [ Artificial 

Corolla - lobes imbricate; 
— two 2-seeded or four 1 seeded 

aes depressed-conical at the 
apex or with a Bee ntal ring 

a, > _ below or ‘at the stigma :— 
aa : Style short, pte 2-lobed ; 
oye stones 2, each 2-seeded; — 

double; stones 4, each 1- 
seeded ; herbs 

oe eloxigadol: not dilated or 
ar a — 
<i simple .. 7. Rhabdia. 
Style more or po opal or 
Corolla - lobes contorted leaves 
opposite below ; calyx 7 in 
fruit ; fruit of 4 pera 

612. Tricho 
negro limb plicate or indupticaie = 

hice: more or less uniformly 

rather large; style short or none} 
— 5-10-rayed; corolla - lobes 
-fid 614 

Pri dehiscent, or if not dehiscent 
na sometimes), then small and 
witli thin, fragile walls :— 
_ Flowers in racemes or panicles} 
ay 1-locular 2-ovuled, rarely : 

to the Genera. ] 


ovuled and 1-2-locular; capsule 
l-seeded indehiscent or rarely 2- 

valved; outer 3 or a e sepals 
prey in fruit; style entire or 

es or solitary; 
capsule valvate or ee rarely 
dehiscing irregul 
Styles 2, i css sepals 
hardly enlarged in fruit; cymes 
subcapitate; capsule dehiscing 
ak TUALLY be <5 18. Bonami 
Style entire, stigmas. aiadiy 
Ovary 1- Peg par 4- 
valved, 4 - seeded ; 
short, on arene ec io 
sie sive the calyx ; 
pollen Se 
619. Calystegia. 
Bract not enveloping the 
calyx ; i pollen polyhedral 
20. Hewitti 
Ovary 2- oe or sometimes 
4-locular :— 
uter 3 sepals much 
larger than the 2 inner and 
decurrent on the peduncle; 
stigmas capitate 

3 a. 
Outer 3 sepals not larger 

2-locular, 4-ovuled, cap- 

hiscent ; hai 
shits ome [p.58] 
622. Conyolyulus. 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial G 

+Stigmas elliptic, sh 

ved; hairs 
taidly Scns [p. 
623. Jacquemont 
*Stigmas globose —p. 
Capsule 4-valved ; ov 
2-locular otteas 

§Corolla-tube not cnitormly enl 
_ from base to apex, the 5 bands on the 

Stamens arising from the backs 
of 5 scales attached to the corolla- 

tube; flowers 
fasciculate; fruit 4-valved 

29. Lepis 
Stamens arising directly from 
corolla-tube :— 

${Corolla more or less campan 
lites calyx-lobes never aris 


to the Genera.} V.—PENTANDRIA. 59. 

ttCorolla more or less hypocra- 
pie saiemiepian’ calyx-lobes aristate or 
pee? if obtuse the infl 
e ~ pioid ; stamens exserted :—[p.58] 
Flowers rather small, pink, 
slightly irregular 
627. Quamoclit. 
Flowers large, white or purple, 
never pink, quite regular 
628. Calonyction. 
**Fruit — woody or mea 
or — pi’ 

stigmas elliptic- 

pieces ; Sais seeaees teriform 
630. Riv 

Fruit mealy or fleshy; stigmas 

lobose; corolla not, or very 

c ucilagi 
a. enveloping the fruit 
631. Stictocardia. 

Sepals small, ovate or narrow- 
oblong, leathery, ultimately dry, 
not enlarging so as to envelop 
the fruit :— 
Ovary 4-celled 
632. Argyreia. 
Ovary 2-celled 
633. Lettsomia. 
‘| Perianth single :—[p. 4 
Leaves with parallel oni on and a large ere clasping 
leaf-sheath ; perianth represented by . pn 

pe ocanna. 

Leaves with reticulate nervation, a absent or 

minute :— 

+{Leaves with stipules :—([p. 60] 
Stipules transformed into prickles .. - Zizyphus. 
Stipules membranous or herbaceo 

***Stipules connate on both sie in an ochrea 

aie the stem within the arene of its leaf 

. 60] ygonum. 

60 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial G 

***Stipules lateral, free :—[ 9] 
Fruit a small drupe with hard endocarp 

Fruit a dry nut, expanded into a flat obovate 
or orbicular reticulate wing 
Leaves serrate ; oneal flat 

Leaves entire ; cotyledons folded 

852. Holoptelentl 
ttLeaves without a :—[p. 59] 

Perianth- lobes valvate ...........0.0... 172, Cansjera. 
Stems twining ; perianth-lobes connate below 

Stems erect :— 
avtadias lobes membranous or herbaceous :— 
: Perianth-lobes connate below : 
rt $ —~ Teves ora linear, ats or flattish ; 
ee embryo spiral 778. Suda. 
Leaves hevbaseous, flat ; embryo annular 

Perianth-lobes free :— 
i all moa ang 779. oe 
rs polygamous ......... 782. Atriplex. 
ery Rid eration free ; Pree 3-nate, 
€ outer pair reduced to crested scales 
769. Digera- 
Leaves opposite (in Trichodesma alternate above) oF 
Mey —I[p. oe 
}{Perianth sing petals absent :—{p. 61] 
Sepals free, hen styles 3 or more :— 
Ovary 1-celled 
Ovary 3-5-celled 
Sepals or perianth-lobes connate below in a gamophyllous- 
calyx or Perianth-t esi —_ 

of perianth with a tuft of hairs on their 
ee ; thls ovules few —_ on a free central 
plac - Santalum. 
Eber! pr realy: ‘ailekea on en Jeu: ovules very 
many on axial placentas 

to the Genera.]} V.—PENTANDRIA. 61 

Herbs ; calyx membranous ...... 342. Ammannia. 
Trees with firm calyx; flowers polygamous 

346. Crypteronia. 
t{Perianth asa petals present :—[p. 60] 

Ovary 2- or more- celled : 74. Bergia. 
Ovary 1- — — 
Styles — 
Seba: abse 66. Stellaria. 
Stipules st SCRTIOUS.., sscerss= 67. Spergula. 
Styles combined :— 
Sepals not keeled :— 
Leaves ovate-cordate; stipules inconspicuous 
68. Drymaria. 

Leaves linear ; stipules scarious 

0. Polycarpza. 
Sepals cord leaves linear or spathulate ; 
stipules scarious .................. 69. Polycarpon. 

Bee connate be 
eee very a ovary superi 

pe a drupe; seeds without sila _ 
Si x-lobes small, valvate ......... . Bouea. 

Calyx-lobes sees: imbricate, pitti 
177. Eleodendron. 

Fruit a dehiscent capsule ; seeds arillate ; calyx- 
lobes large, imbricate, orbicular 
178. Lophopetalum. 
Calyx-tube longer than the acute valvular merch 
ovary inferior or enclosed in the calyx-tube :— 

ple Be 

Styles two, si 313. Vahlia. 

Petals united in a gamophyllous corolla, or if free 
(Loranthus sola nee' i stamens epipetalous :— 

ttOvary inferior :- 
Stipules 0; 

-[p. 65] 
corolla-lobes v: 
s opposite mp 08 Loranthus. 

aneeR alternate with corolla- 

Stipules — interpetiolar or if 0 (Rubia) the 

seeks many or, if few, at least more than one 

in each cell :—[p. 63. 

62 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 

UF ruit dry, dehiscent, or if indehiscent s 

heads not bracteate ; trees 

03. nha : 
Ovaries free or nearly so; fruits quite 
separate, capsular ; corolla- lobes valvate in 
bud :— 

Flowers socal with paleaceous — 
bracteoles ; tree: : 

Calyx-limh 5. seniied heads with 

without bracts ............ .. 404. 
Calyx-limb entire; heads with 2 wi 
ie NSS eee RE ph 

climbers with hooked Apes: 
« © 


Flowers axillary, solitary or uae or 1 
axillary or terminal cymes, racemes 

panicles, never in dense globose hea 
Corolla-lobes twisted in bud ; fruit capsular 
2-celled; seeds angular, but not winged 
flowers in panicles ; trees or shrubs 
407. Wendlandia. 

Corolla-lobes valvate in bud :-— 
Trees; flowers with leafy bracts, i 
panicled spikes ; fruits capsular, 2-celled 
seeds d Hymenodicty: 

ee ee es 

eee ed 

. Oldenl 

Fruit — Fa oe obcort 
with 2 essed spreading lobes 

413. Ophiorrhiza 


to the Genera.] V.—PENTANDRIA. 63 

“|Fruit fleshy or leathery, a berry, or drupe-like 
=e with 2 or more many-seeded pyrenes; seeds not 

winged ; shrubs or trees :—[p. 62] 
Corolla valvate; seeds many, small, 

se i lax; fruit a berry :— 
Inflorescence aaanan ; one calyx-lobe 
ly leaf-li 414. M 

usually RKO. cveccie usszenda. 
Inflorescence aimazy' . rf equally 4-5- 
lobed Adenosacme. 

Inflorescence reel ; calyx with 5 
rigid lobes; fruit a drupe with 2 many- 
seeded pyrenes............ 416. Myrioneuron. 
Corolla imbricate or contorted :— 
Stamens inserted at base of corolla-tube ; 
lobes of corolla imbricate ; seeds small, coty- 
ledons minute ; inflorescence terminal 
417. Hamelia. 
Stamens inserted at near mouth or 
corolla-tube; lobes of gion contorted ; 
seeds large, i apr often leafy; inflor- 
escence axillar 
oe 1- selled ; Sees poe ; stigma fusi- 
8. Gardenia. 

Ovary 2-celled :— 
Stigma fusiform :— 
ee MEANY. (cele 419. Randia. 
ata ebera 

s few 
Style. arms two; seeds 
Flowers scales ai hirsute, ne 
included ......... 21. 
Flowers usually pedicelled ; aie 
glabrous, exserted 
422. Diplospora. 
**Ovules solitary in each cell :—{p. 61] : 
+Corolla-lobes contorted in bud; 0. 
interpetiolar solitary ; shrubs or small trees 

ttFlowers in large corymbs ; stigma fusiform 
sitnidieaiie —[p. 64] 
*Style short, pubescent; stigma stout [p. 64] 
: 423. Webera § Pseudixora. 


aia long, glabrous ; stigma slender : 
[p. 6 
Face membranous, the lower sheathing — 
' 424, Pavet 
Bracts coriaceous, not —— 

{Flowers axillary, solitary or tascicled: 

Shrubs or small trees, usually eres leaves 

stipulate :— 
Flowers in dense heads ; bene: confluent; 
fruits forming a globose or oblong solid 
mass ; erect shrubs or lina trees 

i 427. Morinda. 
ee ats ?-—Plowers free :— i 
Pesint Erect shrubs or small tr 
— eo: ; tye not papil- ] 
Siyle stout; stigma large; ovules 
pendulous; radicle superior ; flowers. 
axillary, fascicled :— 

Style slender, stigma divided ; ovals 

erect ; radicle inferior :— 

owers in terminal cymes ; calyx 

et — 4-5-toothed ; sty. 
430. Ps 

Fruit poked ane 5-valved at 
apex; style 5-fid, papillose; flowers 
densely panicled ...432. Hamil 

mpressed, 1-seeded ibe flowe 
ade aes 3. Pederia- 
Herbs ; leaves whorled with eat —_ = 

by ‘ekndns fruit of 2 coriaceous or fl 
indehiscent lobes 437 


to the Genera.] V.—PENTANDRIA. 65 

fees os :—{p. 61) 
8 opposite corolla-lobes :— 
paren ; placentas free- ities ovules numerous 
515. lis, 
Trees; placentas axial; ovules solitary in each 
loculus of ovary Sarcosperma. 
Stamens alternate with coral lobes; placentas 
parietal or axial, never free-central :— 
*Carpels free and only the ou united (if carpels 
united in flower the fruit of two free follicles) ; 
style more or less enlarged near the top with its 
i urf. w the ti 

rarely 1, free follicles, rarely of 2 drupes:— 


+Pollen aggregated in solitary or paired masses 

PB oe in each anther-cell; apex of style 

dilated i apg or beaked disk with a 

ignntic cee bearing 5 glands (corpuscles), 
W. the sities are attached in pairs or 

et : aps i 2 free follicles :—[p. 66] 
Corona of 5 short, thick scales adnate to the 
corolla _ oe from the filaments ; seeds 

with a 
faites aa. funnel-shaped, the lobes 
overlapping .............. 564, Cryptostegia. 
Corolla small, rotate :— 
Lobes of corolla ire 

5. Cryptolepis. 
Lobes of corolla aaniaig 
566. Hemidesmus. 
Corona of 5 filiform or — eo closely 
adjacent or adnate to the filam 
Filaments ag no ince ba as seeds 
without coma ............... 567. Finlaysonia. 
Pilemehte re interposed teeth or glands ; 
seeds with a coma :— 
Cymes short, sessile ; corolla-lobes short, 
ovate ; follicles smooth 
. Streptocaulon. 
Cymes loosely panicled ; corolla-lobes lan- 
ceolate; follicles with many longitudinal 
membranous wings ...569. Myriopteron. 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 

tPollen granular ; stigma annular or inte: 
below the smooth, non-stigmatic entire or 2 
tip of the style: . 65 
Anthers free from the stigma, always i 
cluded = ee, the anther-cells 
rounded bas 
——. not tldns within 

rpel sometim 
i ietbels to the right 
548, Kopsi 
ruit dehiscent, of two free, slender 

several - seeded wit corolla - 
overlapping to the le 

rpei ; 
ends; leaves whorle 

550. é 
Calyx glandular within ; fruit follicular: 

in pulp, without wings or coma; cord 
lobes overlapping - the left 

& deciduous coma; corclla-ichua over 
lapping to the right ...552. Holarrhen® 
Anthers conniving in a cone round the 

rarely (Vattarie, Pendee 

to the Genera.} V.—PENTANDRIA. 67 

throughout in flower; fruit always of 2 free 
follicles ; seeds always with a coma at one 
or at both ends :— 
a Anthers more or less exserted; corolla 
re rotate or salver-shaped; leaves oppo- 
site :— 

Mouth of corolla with a ring of scales; 

except at the styles; er or 

Mouth of corolla naked ; cate connate 
or subconnate in flower; climbing 
shrubs :— 

Corolla rotate, lobes overlapping to the 
right ; connective thickened at the back 

554. Vallaris. 
Corolla salyer-shaped, lobes subvalvate ; 
connective not thickened 

. Parsonsia. 
Anthers ee ; corolla-lobes overlapping 
to the ri 
Mouth i dhtclis with a ring of scales ; 
corolla funnel- —— d :— 
rubs; lobes of corolla not 
tailed ; -aeihicles erect ; leaves hoe 

Spreading or climbing shrubs; foltieies 
spreading ; leaves opposite -— 
Lobes of corolla ta “ 
557. Strophanthus, 
Lobes of corolla not anal 
558. Roupellia. 
ere of corolla naked; leaves oppo- 

reper funnel-shaped, very large, 
3-5 in. long; oye ae leafy segments 
. Beaumontia. 

Corolla salver- Aas -- 
{Corolla very large, 2-3 in. wide, 
lobes sharply twisted to the left 
[p. 6 560. Chonemorpha. 

BENGAL PLANTS. (Artificial 

{Corolla medium or small, 1 i 

ight ; 
oe hidden { in the disk ; seeds ne 
VORB ere esi stes 561. Aganosmi 
Lobes of the small accel sharp 
ape to the left in bud; 

Ovary ag re in the cup 
shaped disk; tips of corolla 
lobes not deflected 

562. An 
Ovary free from the 5- 
disk; tips of corcllane as 
cted.. 63. Ichnoc 


with parietal placentas; fruit 
echinate, 2-valved capsule 

Corolla mediu hypocrate jexiforas ; of 
2-celled with ae placentas ; fruit 
globose, smooth berry......... 542. Melodinus: 


o Sf 

armed shrubs [p. 67] ...543. © 

to the Genera.) V.—PENTANDRIA, 69 

**Corolla long, tubular; ovules and 

seeds very numerous; unarmed trees, 

shrubs, or climbers often oe 
594. F 

p. 68] 
paler me valvate ; leaves usually ne 
ved ; r shrubs climbing with 
shied ‘oles ‘euiidtls [p- os 
5. Strychnos. 
Fruit a capsule, or if tcaumansi small and 
of separating nutlets, or a dry or nearly dry 
drupe :—[p. 68] 
Fruit a capsule ; herbs: 
Corolla-lobes valvate, wreey 2-valved 
591. Mitreola. 
Corolla-lobes contorted :— 

Capsule sipeiitty 2-valved :— 
Ovary and capsule completely 
2-celled 596. Exacum. 
Ovary and capsule l-celled or 

imperfectly 2-celled 

7. Erythrea. 

Capsule 3-valved ...........- 602. Phlox. 

Fruit eilibai dry, or nearly so; or of 
separating nutlets :-— 

Corol ran contorted, leaves opposite 
only below ; fruit of 4 ar nutlets ; herbs 
eeasctaoe: esa fruit a small 
Gyms panicled ; drupe included in a 
bladdery calyx ; large trees 

Cymes capitate, with large involuerant 

bracts; large climbers 
733. Sphenodesma. 

70 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial & 

a a 
pa Class VI. HEXANDRIA. 
Leaves 0; parasitic twining herbs ............. 

802. Cassytha. 
Leaves present, or if no proper leaves (A a then their place taken 
by slender leaf-like modified branches (cladodes) :— 

owers in simple or eige is piles (spadices) subtended by large, 
much modified bracts (spathe 

Perianth-segments aad rigid, in two dissimilar series of 
3 each :— 

Leaves pinnatisect, segments with flabellate nerves; flowers 
polygamous (usually moneecious) ; medium 

987. W. 
Leaves orbicular, flabelliform, fae — with induplicate sides 
and parallel nerves ; flowers all 2-s 

Stigma in fruit basal ; lofty palms 982. Corypha. 
n fruit terminal ; sm CUT nearer 983. Licuala. 
Perianth-segments small, herbaceous, 6 similar :-— 
Erect prickly herbs of wet places....... 1012. Lasia. 
candent unarmed epiphytes ........ 1011. Pothos. 
Flowers variously arranged, but if in spikes these not subtended by 
spathes :— : 
*Leaves compound, with 3 or more leaflets Lp. 71] 
Leaves sacra Det MONOWRAG, co cicsrocccs cases, .: 51. Gynandropsis. 
Leaves p 

Leaflets more than b, ne alia dotted :— 
Leaves odd-pinna 
Style simple ; > 5-celled ; fruit a 5-valved capsule with 
many winged seeds 
Style 3; ot l-celled ; fruit a dry drupe — a firm 
1. seeded at 0. Rh 
Leaves ae. 
Seeds without an Bore 

Cocci of fruit at heek os united, ultimately cpntneot 

pet: . ~ dotted, a lateral pair with a — petioluled 
al leaflet 40. Triphasia. 

SCOR FNP SSRs se i. eeeee ood 

ee ee 

in eee Shlain oe Bk at ee een 

it deeply — to nearly oper oe a 
spontaneously separating ..__ 4. A 
Seeds arillate :— 
{Fruit not aad — aay more than 1 
developed 1090). 195. Schleicher@ 

to the Genera. | VI.—HEXANDRIA. 71 

“(Fruit sulcately lobed, usually only sp coccus developed 

[p. ae ephelium. 
*Leaves simple, compound only 1- sdanie or ic absent 
replaced ioeibents - cladodes oe 70) 
+Venation of leaves reticulat 73] ¥ 

pal ‘a 
{Stamens adnate to the Coietla :—I[p. sai 

erior :— 
aves radical, 3-partite ; ete 2- ee 6-lobed ; 

stamens opposite corolla-lobes; ova ; ovules 
many on 3 ats placentas "957 Tacca. 
Leaves opposite :— 
Stamens onoste the petals or wage lobes; ovary 
1-celled, Loranthus. 

Stamens ai awe with the petals or Bae lobes :— 
Leaves without mS ; ovary 5-6-celled, ovules 
506. Ca 

pio «yy Reo xial placentas ......... . Campanumea. 
Leaves vib pies, dice — 

Lobes of corolla valvate :— 
Ovules several § in each loculus . git 
. Adenosacme. 
Ovules solitary in each loculus ee ovary :-— 
Flowers in dense heads with confluent calyces 
427. Mori 


Rive roe ga large ; ovules pendulous ; 
owers in axillary fascicles...429. Vangueria. 

Style slender, stigma divided ; ovules erect :— 
Flower: rmina re ; calyx-limb 


Flowers in axillary oda. ; calyx-tube 

deeply 3-6-fid; style-arms 3-9 

. Lasianthus. 
Lobes of corolla contorted ; ovules aml in each 
= of o a! 418. Gardenia. 
Ovary superio 
§Leaves peo stamens alternate with petals or corolla- 
lobes —[p. 72] 

Sed Laeiaaye drupe included in the accrescent calyx ; 

lofty 725. Tectona. 

Pia pola 3-9-flowered, with jie involucrant 
bracts ; large climbers 732. Symphorema. 

72 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artisicial G 

§Leaves alternate :—[p. 71] 
Stamens opposite petals or corolla-lobes :— 
Corolla-lobes as many as calyx-segments 

Corolla-lobes three times as many as calyx-segments 

Stamens alternate with petals or corolla-lobes : 
Style twice 2-partite ; ovary 4-celled, each cll 1- ovaled ; 
fruit a 1-4-seeded dru : 
Style simple, stigma undivided; ovary 2-cele, 

each cell many-ovuled; fruit a many-seeded f 

Anthers opening introrsely by longitudinal s 
their tips empty; leaves pinnatisect 

Anthers opening by apical pores or short @ 
slits ; leaves entire, lobed or ee 

. So 
{Stamens, even when corolla present, not ain to 
petals : 1 
erianth- sleuniniie of 6 sepals and 6 petals all free ; sta 
hypogynous; armed shrubs with leaves —— in thes 
of 3-5-partite spines 

ee fewer than 12; unarmed rae shrabs, 0 
ees : 

aoe opposite :— a 
Sepals free ; styles 3; stamens arising from thalamas 
Sepals connate in a Soe tube; ; style ninigie sta 
arising from cal 

Cal lyslobes thetic leaves strongly —_— : 

Si Ve OOOO hE 6S Seb Se SLE OEIC, « 6 bc 

chia. valvate ; leaves cede? 

—y fee f Leaves alternate :— 

mn Perianth ree “ enn and petals :—[p. 73] 
Sepals qui 

Sipals ak nuk 4; ‘petals without seales oti 
base; herbs . Cleome 

Sepals and petals 5, peinie:with ser woolly in- 
curved basal s seales ; tree OOS PAS. 

94. Aph 
Sepals connate in a small suacgiiiial sige = 

to the Genera.] VIL—HEXANDRIA. 73 

Stamens alternate with petals :— 

Leaves gland-dotted 144. Atalantia. 
Leaves not gland-dotted ......... 207. Semecarpus. 
Sta opposite petals 355. Homalium. 
sPesianth ih of “sepals only; leaves stipulate :— 
[p. 72] 
Stipules lateral, free; trees ............ 852. Holoptelea. 
Stipules ochreate ; herbs :— 
Stigmas capitellate 787. Polygonum. 
Stigmas fimbriate 788. Rumex. 

}Venation of leaves parallel :—[p. 71] 
§§Ovary inferior :—{p. 74] ~ 

Flowers more or less sunk in the rachis, all the flowers of the 

ipiprireape confluent with the accrescent rachis and bracts 

a fles shy co cone-like fruit 945. Ananas. 

as all free :— 

Ovary 1-celled ; ovules many :— 

uter perianth-segments calycine, inner petaloid ; 

placentas intruded so° that the ovarian chamber is 

almost 6-celled; submerged aquatic herbs 


Outer perianth-segments firm like the inner, both sub- 
herbaceous or lurid; placentas 3 parietal; leaves radical ; 
flowers in involucrate umbels on leafless sca, 

Ovary 3-celled; outer oo -segments white, ‘pink, or 
yellow, petaloid like the in 
Leaves large, thick, ih pte densely clustered on a 
rootstock or a short, simple stem, spiny at tip and usually 
armed along the edge; scape long, terminal, simple or 
oo oa ards apex :— 
Inflorescence simple spicate, or compound thyrsoid ; 
sana longer than perianth; filamen sa? filiform or 
flattened at the base; style filiform......-.. ‘aye. 
eG laxly paniculate; stamens ssi 
perianth ; filaments thickened at base ; a keel 
in the Middle ........cseeceneneceeeeeeeeseeees . Furcrea. 
— thin and fiat or, if ae comet un- 
+ {Rootatock tuberous ; meee strongly nerved, flat or 
Slinates . flowers spicate or racemose, very rarely 8 sub- 
umbellate ; perianth he +=[p. 7 

74 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Artificial 

Fruit opening at top as a cireumscissile or 3-¥ 

a v0 
Fruit indehiscent ; often the ovary sige in 

¥ Bootie ck a tunicated bulb; leaves not. stro 

nerved, flat, smooth, thinly fleshy; flowers at the 

of a scape usually um rue. lips soli 

perianth white or pink :—{p. 

pe ag Scapes umbellate .......... j 
Govary ee +—fp. ‘7 

“Flowers arranged in spikelets with imbricating ee ty) 

1- sia and ovule solitary ; leaves with stem-cla sping sheaths 

and a ligule at the junction of leaf-sheath and blade ; peri 

if present reduced to a 2-nerved palea and 2 lodicules ; 

a grain with seed-coats adherent to the pericarp :—(p. 7 5] 

Herbaceous grasses; blades never transversely veined 2 

articulate on the leaf-sheaths is 

Glumes I and II minute or setaceous ; aa and i. 
chartaceo 058 

Glumes I and IT absent; III and IV forks an 

lumes broad, the outmost not awned 

Cee eee tee seeeees 

Glumes narrow, the outmost awned 

1060. H 
Shrubby or tree-like grasses; blades transversely Vv 
and articulate on the leat-sheath 

Spikelets fans acu. only one flower asoally 
fertile ; area: 4 spikelets capitate on the branches 
of the panicle 

Ovary highs at top; pericarp crustaceous 
1119. D 

Ovary glabrous at top ; ashes fleshy 

0. Melocalamus- 
Spikelets 1-flowered :— 

‘Spikelets loosely spicate on the branches of bass 
panicle [p, 75] Se ONS psa enre et: | einostachy' 

to the Genera.} VI.—HEXANDRIA. 75 

"{Spikelets crowded in ae heads [p. 74] 
. Cephalostachyum. 
+Palez 0, or, if present, cae tnt i—[p. 74] 

Spikelets very minute; fruit small...1123. Dinochloa. 

Spikelets conspicuous; fruit very large 
4. Melocanna. 
*Flowers not enclosed in imbricating glumes ; ovary rarely 
1-locular and never 1-ovuled ; leaves without a ligule ; perianth 
always present, and either calycine or petaloid or both ; fruit 

never a grain :—[p. 74 
Carpels free 

Flowers in spikes ; perianth-segments petaloid, 1-seriate, 
irregular in shape and 1-3 in number ; fruit of 3 follicles 

. Ap 

Flowers in umbellate or isa whorls ; perianth-seg- 
ments regular 2-seriate, 3 outer agrees 3 inner 
petaloid ; fruit of 6 or more achen 

Flowers all 2-sexual 1015. Alisma. 

Flowers polygamo stl ennenia S00 

Carpels connate in a 3- ‘eine: rarely : soe ovary :— 

Perianth 2-seriate, the 3 outer segments calycine, the 
3 inner petaloid :— 

Petals connate below in a tube............ 977. Cyanotis. 
Petals fre 
Camas s 3- :isiahes 878. Forrestia. 
Capsule 2-locular 979. Floscopa. 

nage of 6 1-seriate segments, or if in 2 series of 
each the segments of both series similar :-— 
"Pera sgment small calycine :— 
up Fruit 3-valved — grassy herbs with cea 
beslen 6 r terete lea 981. Jun 
rita indehiscent ; eakabase shrubs with sistas 
leaves ending in a tendril............ 980. Flagellaria. 
Pellet: apical all petaloid :— 
{Perianth-segments tle below in a distinct tube; 
stamens adnate to the corolla :—([p 

stout herbs or shrubs; flowers spicate :—[p. 76] 
ttPericarp membranous, deliquescent ; seeds 
ripening outside the pericarp ; each cell of 
ovary l-ovuled [p. 76]......... 947. Sanse 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial ¢ 

ttPeri coriaceous: 
Each cell of the ovary Levelt 


Each cell of the ovary many-ovuled 

963. Cordyline 

**Perianth-tube wide, funnel- shaped, lob broad, 

longer than the tube; fruit a loculicidal caps 

delicate leafy herbs ; flowers peed (P ™ 

}Perianth-segments quite free or sie wer u 
at the very base : 5 

§Terrestrial "aia or shrubs ; inflorescence ¥ 

i or terminal, but never in a one-le 

Shrubs with perennial epigeal stems; leave 
main branches with many clustered leaf: 
cladodes, fruit a berry 960. 

Herbs with annual stem ms or scapes rising f 
perennial rootstocks, corms, or bulbs, 

Tee e ee eee 

berianth large, showy ; peg: 

like, irr r, naked ...... 

Aerial annual stems or pre 
leaves narrow; roots a 
coated corm or — 

flowers solitary or corymbose 

Perennial stem a tunicated bulb 
annual scape simple, naked; le 
radical] :— 

to the Genera.] VII.—HEPTANDRIA. 77 

Flowers racemose on the scape, not 
surrounded by an_ involucre of 

bracts :— 
Seeds subglobose; perianth seg- 
ments spreading “a os 
. Scilla. 
Seeds flattened; perian ae eg- 
ments ascendingeam mpanulately 
Dine A 968. Urginea. 
Flowers umbellate or capitate at the 
top of the scape, at first enclosed in a 
spathe-like involucre of membranous 
bracts 969. Allium. 
{Underground perennial stem very small or 
(Asphodelus) sometimes none; grape 
large, numerous, usually some or all fles 
or tuberous ; leaves radical ; fruit a eth: 
capsule :—[p. 76 
Each cell of the ovary 2-ovuled; capsule 
3-quetrous; leaves semi- -terete; plant 
annua 970. Asphodelus. 
Each cell of the ovary Acanone-ovuleds cap- 
_ deeply 3-lobed, the _ flattened ; 
leaves flat ....10..0...-08 971 
§Aquatic nats or floating rae ci 
racemose or spicate, terminating a 1- leafed scape 
(pi 16) iis: cio 973. Monochoria. 



*Leaves compound, even-pinnate :—[p. 78] 
tSepals sma * free ; ovary syncarpous ; fruit composed of 1 or more 

cocei :—[p. 7 
Seeds ~Atb an arillug...... cde ee 194. Aphania. 
Seeds arillat 
Fruit not aie lobed, usually more than 1 cell oo 

Fruit suleately lobed, usually only 1 coccus srl 
96. Nephelium. 


tSepals connate in g short-tubed calyx; ovary of 1 carpel ; 
& pod :—fp, 77] 
a0 ghee ee ei cr 278 
eee MS lade sae 282. Se 
*Leaves simple : a 77] 

Leaves opposite : 

arge climber bende 732. Symphorems. 
Leaves with interpetiolas stipules 

Flowers aggregated in heads ; otbil, lobes Merle 2 

Leaves alterna, 
Leaves without leat- 
Perianth double 
free :— 

Owers free ; corolla-lobeg contorted............... ie Gardenia. 
iota ; 

sheath or ligule :— 
, Of sepals and petals ;— 


Sepals not united; stamens arising ce en ovary, 

Opposite the petals, which have each a bas 

Sepals united in OO calyx ; ‘stamens 
from calyx-tube Opposite the petal] 


tere raw eseee 

TAR CEE SOSS CSS ew eee eruS ci 

* Leaves compou 

nd :—[p, 79] 
tLeaves dotted with vipa glands : -—{p. 79] “ 
ga 136. Glycosmis- 
Style articulate at pay of ovary, deciduo. i— 
Leaves odd-pinnate with all leaflets hE unarmed 

—— 3- a or odd-pinnate with leatiets sipseniie except aie 
inal; armed :— 

to the Genera.] VIII—OCTANDRIA. 79 

Calyx distinctly 4-5-lobed ; leafiets usually 5...... 141. Lim 
Calyx cupular, margin entire or obscurely 4—6-lobed ; el 
lways 3 142. Luy 

oa. not gland-dotted :—{[p. 78] 
s odd-pinnate with leaflets opposite except the terminal, or 
Trees or shrubs; tendrils 0 :— 
Leaves simply pinnate; flowers polygamous :— 
Ovary 1-celled (in this genus the flowers are mostly monecious 
or dicecio 209. Odina. 
Ovary 4-5-celled ; flowers always polygamous 
212. =e 

‘ Leaves digitately 3-foliolate 191. Allophylu 
Herbs with slender climbing habit, with twice ternate leaves, and 
tendrils 190. Cardiospermum. 

Leaves even-pinn 
Leaves simply eae trees :— 
eaflets 4 or more than 4; sepals free; ovary syncarpous ; 
fruit of 1-3 oe cocci :— 
Seeds without an ari 
Cocci fruit at ep oebétell at length spontaneously 
separat Sapi 
Cocci ae fruit deeply divided to nearly shal ie, but oe 
spontaneously separating :— 
Cocci oblong; testa of seed membranous ; scales of the 

petals hooded and crested ..... ...193. Erioglossum. 
Cocci ellipsoid or ae syemuiley teite cartilaginous ; 
scales of the petals not crested ............ 194. Aphania. 

Seeds arillate :— 
Fruit not deeply lobed, usually more than one cell 
developed 195. Schleichera. 
Fruit suleately lobed, usually only one eyes develo) 
6. Nephelium. 
Leaflets 2 only, carpel solitary free, fruit a stinkin pod 
ci twice evenly or digitately pinnate ; wn and seed 
00. Mim 

oe ak. ; if compound, 1-foliolate:—{p. 78] : 
‘Leaves alternate : —{p. 81] 
Ovary inferior :—[p. 80] 
f{Aquatic herbs; ovules many axial in several rows in each cell 
es 351. Jussiza. 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 

;Terrestrial shrubs or trees; ovules solitary from apex of 
cell :—{p, 7 

Flowers in panicled umbels; leaves stipulate 

~ Treva 
1. Marlea. 

8 in axillary cymes; stipules 0 
es oele :—{p. 79 

4% _Venation of leaves aerons flowers in bracteate whorls ; carpels 
ana follicles apocarpou 1018. Butom 
Venation ste leaves aaa flowers never in bracteate 
horls :-— 
elec: 2-seriate, of ¢ 
Stamens opposite 
Petals free ; styles 
Petals united in a ice 

alyx and corolla :—{p. 81] 
the = or lobes of manne _ 
mb eulivitin sendesiiveil . Homalium. 
phyllous corolla ; a simple 
526. Mim 
Stamens alternate with 
Corolla-lobes : 

Petals unite in & gamophyllous corolla......... 604. Cordia. 
Petals fr 

or more numerous than petals « 

Small ete with eso hairs; styles 2-5, free, 
crowning a 1-celled o Drosers 

Soe eters ees e ter ecsese 

ste anthophyllum- 

Leaves Clustered in ip whorls ; omy 2-3-celled 

Petals with basal scales ............._ 4. Aphania- 
Sepals conna 

Style articulate at top of ovary, isda = 
Flowers polygamous ; stem unarmed 

135. Aeronyenr 
Flowers all hermaphrodite ; armed wi 
spines ;— 

to the Genera.| VIUI.—OCTANDRIA. 81 

Anthers linear-oblong ; disk elongate 

143. Paramignya. 
Anthers ovate-cordate ; disk 8 pret 
ttLeaf not gland-dotted :—[p. 80} 

Fruit a kidney-shaped nut resting on the enlarged 
fleshy pyriform disk and — 3; carpe 


solitary r 
Fruit a small nearly dry drupe a a crustaceous 
or bony stone; carpels 5-6, only one developing 
202. Buchanania. 
**Perianth 1-seriate, ia absent :—T[p. 80] 

Perianth-segmen ts fre 
Shrubs ; stipules 0. 198. Dodonza. 
Herbs ; stipules connate in a membranous ochrea 
787. Polygonum. 

Perianth-segments united :— 
Ovary with many parietal ovules; fruit a capsule 
354. Casearia. 
re with a solitary pendulous ovule; fruit inde- 

ania 2; eae fruit with a reat orbicular or 
obcordate wing ea. 
Stipules 0; tr ovoid 804. piers Sort 
{| Leaves — :—[p. 79] 
styles free 

Sepals free carpels connate in a 1-celled ovary ; sagen usually 

petals free, sometimes absent € a. 
4/sepis connate in a tubular or inflated calyx ; — 4, free or 
only slightly united —— petals connate at base :— 
Calyx shortly 4-fi 314 whi aA SS 
Calyx deeply 4- eri Kalanchoe. 
Style simple or styles co 
Perianth 1-seriate pscial Riedie partly eon 
4, Wikstreemia. 

Perianth 2-seriate, of calyx and corolla :— 
Petals connate in a gamophyllous corolla :— 
Ovary superior; corolla-lobes imbricate ; stipules 0 

2. Symphorema. 
Ovary inferior; corolla-lobes contorted ; oe inter- 
petiolar 8. Gardenia. 

Petals free :— 

§2 BENGAL PLANTS. _ [Artifieial 
Leaves dotted with pellucid glands (subopposite “a 
135. Ae 
Leaves not gland-dotted, or if glandular the sand 

Sepale, ae 2, fewer than petals, ines and —_ imbr 
herbs with fleshy stems and leay 
Se 4-5, as many as petals, “ately imei 
truncate ; trees, shrubs, or, if herbs, 
aves 3-nerved from the “ya “alba lobes sig 
imbricate .. 

Leaves penninerved :— 
Calyx-tube truncate .. 341. Meme 
Calyx-lobes distinct, valvate :— 

Leaves stipulate ; plants of mangrove swamps — 
319. Rhize 

Leaves without stipules; inland plants :— 
Ovary 1-locular ; climbing shrubs - 
327. Combre' 

Ovary 2-more-locular :— 
Herbs of wet places; petals small, flat 
342. Amn 

Shrubs ; petals larger, corrugated 

Leaves none ; parasitic twining herbs ; anthers dehiscing by val 

Leaves present, always simple :— 
*Leaves alternate or all radical :—[p. 8 
parallel; leaves pete or mostly so; 2 
more or less submerged her se —[p. 
Ovary inferior ; carpels u 


Ovary superior; carpels apocarpous :— 
Fruit of indehiscent achen nes ;— 
Receptacle flat ; flowers all hermaphrodite...... 1015. 
ptacle gl sate — polygamous ...1017. Sag) 
Fruit of dehiscent follicle 1018 

to the Genera, |_ IX—ENNEANDRIA. 83 

+Venation of age reticulate ; leaves never radical; terrestrial trees 

or shrubs :— 
Leaves 2- lobed, more or less cleft at the tip, ae nerved 
po rt bas Ba 

Leaves not 2-lobed at tip; main-nerves oe _ 
Anthers opening by aaa! 
lowers 3-merous ; sepals free, “s ee 6, 2-seriate ; carpels 
several, each 6—-8-ovuled 1 agerza. 
Flowers 5-merous; sepals connate below, 5; | sagt 1-seriate ; 
carpel solitary, ovule 1 8. Anacardi 
Anthers Eee: by upturned flap-like si — 
— all 2-celled :— 
anth- ss persistent ; enclosing the fruit; its lobes 
794. Cryptocarya. 

on vans 

Silane: re altogether deciduous 
Perianth-lobes 5, subequal ; pe edicele Ss carthichebod in fruit ; 
staminodes ovate or cordate; leaves both alternate and 

ite 795. Beilschmiedia. 

Perianth-lobes 6, the three outer much the shorter ; 

— much enlarged in fruit; staminodes minute or 
abse 796. D 

Anthers a 4-celled :— 
Perianth in fruit with deciduous lobes but wholly or partly 
persistent tube ............ 797. Cinnamomum § Gamphora. 
Perianth in fruit altogether persistent :— 
Lobes of perianth reflexed in fruit ......... 798. Machilus. 
obes of perianth erect in fruit .........-.....799. be. 

*Leaves opposite or subopposite :—[p. 82] 
Anthers dehiscing by upturned flap-like valves ; trees :— 
Anthers 2-celled ; leaves alternate as well as oo 
. Beilschmiedia. 
Anthers 4-celled ; leaves 3-nerved from base 
. Cinnamomum § Malabathrum. 
Anthers not opening by valve 
Petals connate in a corolla noe contorted lobes; ovary inferior ; 
style simple; shrubs or small trees +418. Gardenia. 
Petals i or pena i absent ; poe peemacrn’ styles free ; 
m ...66. Stellaria. 

84 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial | 

oS *Leaves compound :—[p. 86 | 

Ovules 2 in each loculus of ovary 153 
Ovule solitary in each loculus of ovary ; leaves sometimes Lol " 
136. Glyec 

Style sapiens at top of ovary, ee — 
$ 1-2 in each loculus of o 
Cascada plants ; leaves ak w vith leaflets alternate :— 
Petals imbricate ; cotyledons fleshy, plano-convex :— 
Filaments dilated below 137. Cla 

Filaments linear-subulate 138 i 
etals valvate; cotyledons leafy, er lam 
linear-subulate ......... Micro 
ed plants ; _ pinnate or 3-foliolate, an leaflets opp 
except the terminal :— 

Calyx distinctly 4-5-lobed ; leaflets usually 5 or a 
Calyx ae — entire or obscurely 4-6- too 
leaflets alwa 
Ovules more ‘ens fe in b ah loculus of ovary ; a tn 
145. 4 

Leaflets not glandular-punctate :— 
tLeaves odd-pinnate :— [p. 85] 
Leaves 3-pinnate ES ET GS 213. . 

shrubs ; ore sizeply pinnate :— 
Leaflets alternate : fruit of 1-5 

flowers einai only the male cas 10-stamin 

Leaflets opposite or subop no 
Sepals 5, 

Sepals 5, rarely 4, connate en in a ne caine ai 

tOvary 1-locular :— 
gine solitary ; _ a ee :—[p. 85] 
Ovule ulous from a basal funicle......210. 

Ovule suspended from top or side of ovary :— 

to the Genera.] X.—DECANDRIA. 85 

Style solitary 211. Tapiria. 

tyles 3 or 4 209. Odina. 

§Ovules 2 or more from the ventral line of ovary ; fruit 
& pod :— 

Stigma feréshnall pod moniliform ...275. Sophora. 
Stigma oblique ; pod turgid, fleshy, or coriaceous 
276. i 


{Ovary 2-more-locular :—[p. 84] 
Ovules in each loculus solitary; _— 4 or 5 con- 
nivent above 212. Spondias. 

Ovules in each loculus 2; style simple :— 
Fruit a fleshy indehiscent 1-seeded berry 
: 161, Walsura. 
Fruit a drupe with hard 1-seeded stones :-— 
rupe 3-gonous, with a valvate epicarp; pyrenes 3 
151. Boswellia. 
~ Drupe globose, with a fleshy entire .epicarp ; 
pyrenes 5 or by abortion 1-3 ...... 152. Garuga. 
tLeaves even-pinnate : sth 4] 
Leaves simply pinn 
Styles 5, distinct ; es sensitive ; herbs......129. Biophytum. 
Styles connate, or style solitary ; leaves not sensitive :— 
Leaves opposite ; ovary 5-12-celled ; herbs ...125. Tribulus. 
Leaves alternate ; trees or shrubs, sndnae i times) 
herbs :— 
Ovary 2—more-celled :— 
Leaflets 2; ovary 5-celle 
Leaflets 4 or more than vary 2-3-celled :— 
Ovary 3-celled ; on several in each cell; fruit a 
capsule with winged seeds ............ . Chlo 
Ovary 2-3-celled ; ovules solitary in es cell; fruit of 
1-3 indehiscent cocci; seeds not winged :— 
Seeds without arillu . 
arillate 196. Nephelium. 
Ovary 1- codlla of a single free carpel :— 
rolla of 5 imbricate petals :— 

149. Balanites. 

dite dehiscing by a terminal pore ......278. Cassia. 
Anthers doksoviag Pie shagnds bles bool Cynometra. 
Corolla Meee ; leafle ...281. Hardwickia. 
Leayes 2-pinn: 

4! Flowers ieregiilas petals imbricate :—[p. 86 
Leaves with a short spinescent main-rachis, the 4-8 aR 

86 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial | 

- Simulating a fasciculus of simply pinnate leaves ; a 
subequal 286. Parkins 

tase with a distinct main-rachis :— 
Calyx-segments valvate :— 
alyx-lobes subequal, green ............... 287. Foi 
Calyx-lobes ar the four upper connate, the 
free, all coloure 288. Coly 
Calyx-segments im me icate, very unequal, the lowest 
boat-shaped and enclosing the others :— 
Pod win 8 289. Mezoneur 
; zsal 

Pod w 
“| Flowers Seren valvate :—[p. 85] 
Anthers gland-tipped :— 
Inflorescence sais 5 
Large tendril- ream climbers; leaves with few leaflet 
pod very long and wide ; seeds huge ; flowers sessile 

Trees or ee a tendrils ; leaves with. 

leaflets ; pods n 
Flowers ainartly ehaked se aa ne not 
tiguous, alternate on the secondary rachises; 

narrow at length isbiehe ; unarme ale 

Flowers aa leaflets small, optiosite® armed sh 
or small tre 
Pod tnrgli with thick edible ee ; 
not contiguo 
Pod thin juan at ~— contr ; 
iguous Dichros 

Peete eee eee 

Be 3 reba aes by the upper suture ......... 296. 
Lofty pe ane cee thick woody pods pes! de 
by both sutures....... 

capitate flowers ‘i thin inttleandi pods :— 

Undershrubs; stigma clavate ............ 298. 

Large shrubs or small trees : ; stigma capitate 


*Leaves simple ; or if compound Sod a 1-foliolate :—{p- 84] 
tLeaves alternate, or Snare p. 88] 

onieas free :—[p. 8' 

to the Genera.] X.—DECANDRIA. 87 

Leaves parallel-nerved, all radical tufted ; carpels pie: 6-7 
8. Butomopsis. 
Leaves reticulate-veined, nerves oa or penninerved ; carpels 
connate, only the — free 
Leaves conspicuous :— 
Shrubs, dinbing with hooked tendrils ; ovary ou a styles 
3; leaves clustered, eB en ~ iis rocladus. 
Herbs; ovary superior ; leaves eh sauna 
palminerved, jae a! ni9i4 geet ‘nutbheds, .127. Geranium. 
Leaves small, scale-like; ere se styles 3...73. Piast 
{Styles connate, or Si solitary i 
Perianth of 1 whorl only ; shrubs or a — 
Perianth-lobes with scales above the stamens; ible solitary 
in each cell of the ovary ; seeds 1-2; fruit a ca 

~ 6. haniiia. 
Perianth-lobes with no scales : 
Ovules many on parietal Gasesiad ; seeds numerous; fruit a 
capsule 4. Casearia. 
Ovules 2-3, pendulous from apex of ovary :— 
Flowers in racemes or spikes ............005 326. Terminalia. 
Flowers in heads 325. Anogeissus. 
Perianth of 2 whorls, calyx and corolla :— 
Petals connate in a gamophyllous corolla :— 

Stamens not adnate to corolla-tube 511. Agapetes. 
neni _— to corolla-tube 530. St 
Petals fr 

Ove | siiparior —[p. 88] 
‘iFlowers regular :—[p. 88] 
Sepals distinct, valvate ; f 1 t | 
etals glandular at seas drut small, globose, prickly, 
oS a or of separable cocci...... 118. Triumf 
Petals glandular at base; fruit a globose or 
sibegaea peter e capsule, iii» or oe 
. Corchorus. 
Sepals connate below in a gamophyllous oo _— 
*Leaves not gland-dotted ; ovary of 1 carpel or if more 
than one (Buchanania) only one developed :—{p. 88] 
Fruit a kidney-shaped nut resting on the Silasead 
ssid Lgnarse and disk......«++++ 208. Anacardi 
Fru all, nearly dry drupe derived from na 
“chase sate BRE of the 5-6 carpellary whorl 
202. Buchanania. 


: a *Leaves gland-dotted ; ovary 2—-more- re [p. 

‘| Flowers irregular; ovary of a single carl: 4 
ply 2-lobed 

Leaves not 2-lobed 277. Di 
§Ovary inferior :— 7 
Leaves large palmatifid ; flowers in panicled umbels 
several-celled, cells each 1-ovuled ; calyx-limb tru 45 
faintly toothed... 399 

Leaves entire, penninerved ; calyx-lobes valvate:—_ 
Ovary 4-5-celled; cells many-ovuled ; ~~ herbs 

Ovary 1-celled; cells 2-5-ovuled; pe in 
SWAMPS ......... 329. Lum 
tLeaves opposite :—[p. 
©Perianth 2-seriate; a calyx and a corolla :—[p. 89] 
Leaves stipulate :— 
Trees or shrubs ; style simple : 
Species of mangrove swamps; embryo without 
macropodous and germinating while the fruit eat. 

Soe wee eee ere eseses 

Species of inland forests ; embryo small, immersed i 
albumen, not germinating on the tree.. 323. Ci 
Herbs; _ free, 3-5, or if connate, ign 38.845 

Ovary ca fruit 5-celled; ovules on axial waere” 

i 7 
Ovary and fruit 1-celled; ovules on a free- central | 

placenta ;— 
a pe petals each 5; capsule st 

Seba 2 only, petals 4-5 ; oe creas ; 
reduced to Sacto — 
Leaves without stipules 

{Ovary superior; syle free, sometimes (Hiptage) 

solitary : 
Herbs ; ovary 1-celled ; ovules on a basal placenta; 
Calyx gamosepalous ..... 65. Sax 
Calyx of free a me 

Shrubs, bs, climbing or suberect ; ovary Gtdled; ovules 
~ in each cell; fruit of one or more winged samaras -— 

to the Genera. | XI.—DODECANDRIA. 89 

Styles 3; flowers small, regular or — 
Styles 2 or 1; flowers large, irregular ......... 123. Hiptage. 
tOvary inferior :—[p. 
Ovary 1-celled ; ovules few, suspended by long funicles :— 
Calyx-tube chan the ovary less than half an inch long 

. Combretum. 
Calyx-tube above the ovary more than half an fee long 

Ovary 4-5-celled, joined to the calyx by eo walls ovules 
very many on yes placentas :— 
Stamens all alik 338. Osbeckia. 
ns very unequal 339. Melastoma. 
©Perianth ia seriate, a rates ne © :—[p. 88] 
_ Shrubs; style simple; ovary 1-celled :— 
£ ade Perianth-tube with ten aida above the stamens; limb not 
accrescent 805. Linostoma. 
Perianth-tube with no scales above the stamens ; limb much 
anaaan — = iste 324, Calycopteris. 
Herbs ; 
Ca oe ‘i pa Begins: on se page 
. Trianthema. 
Calyx deeply 5-partite ; stamens oe ae ..383. Mollug 

Leaves compoun 

Leaves digtintety t 3-5-foliolate, not gland-dotted ; herbs oe narrow 

Z-valved, capsular fruit ............cseseeeesseeeerenereseeesenseees 0. Cleome. 

Leaves sega wae elandular-punctate ; armed ss as large, 

Blobose: indehisaont tak. oo ee 145. Feronia. 
Leaves Sai 

Leaves all radical, parallel-veined ; aquatic herbs, styles free :— 

Ovary inferior ; carpels united, only the styles free...... 890. Ottelia. 
Ovary superior ; carpels apocarpous :— 
Fruit of indehi: enes .. 
t of dehiscent follicles ........cssecssseeeeeersere 

Leaves not radical; reticulate-vein ; 
“Leaves alternate ; ; sepals or ike more at i 307, Fragar e- 

90 BENGAL PLANTS, [Artificial G 


Styles free ; stamens in fascicles opposite the petals; ov: 
superior, 1-celled, placentas parietal, ovules several; trees 
355. Hon 

Style simple, or styles connate ;— 
Ovary superior :— : 
Petals connate in a gamophyllous corolla ; stamens opposite 
the corolla-lobes : 
Segments of ways 4 525. Bassia 
Segments of calyx 6-8 524. Dichopsis. 
Petals free ; stamens not opposite petals :— 
Leaves not gland-dotted :— 
Ovary 1-celled, placentas parietal; flowers polygamous 
trees with large, globose, indehiscent fruit 

Ovary 2—more-celled :— 
Ovules in each cell 2; petals contorted ; — valal 
or subvalvate ; leaves entire or slightly lo 
Calyx enlarging in fruit, the sepals at first slighty 
imbricate ; fruit nut-like 
Sepals faintly stig at t the base only ; segments 

subvalvate in 

Two sions bined into narrow wings 
87. Watica 

All calyx-lobes equal in fruit......... Isauxis: 

tube with 2 pendulous ovules; fruit a thin-walled dry ° 
fleshy drupe ............ 806 

vies Pygeu™ 
2 Beirne ann 3-nerved from base; stipules 0; flowers cot 
8; petals valvate ; ovary Ttalied er 1 pendulo™ 
Shrigle ; a a l- Soned preg! 

it 2 al e-celled :—1 

eee ee ee 

to the Genera.) XIT.—ICOSANDRIA 


ene trees with huge ee leaves; flowers in 

Tie We wek yeaess vesia. 
sauati herbs with small stakes Seavon? mei not 

mbellate Jussiza. 
*Leaves Saeehte: or if alternate (Talinum mnie the sepals ‘ 
2 only :— 

p. 89) 
Porinnth of only one series (calyx) ; stamens seonietidl on a 
tube :— 
Ovary and capsule 3—5-celled ......+4+.-.sserees eee sce Sesuvium. 
Ovary and capsule 1—2-celled .......++-++sse-.0+++ . Trianthema. 
Perianth of two series (calyx ws ovary pri celled :— 
Sepals or lobes of calyx 4 or 
Petals united in a etal seein stamens inserted on 
the corolla 732. Symphorema. 
a free; stamens inserted on the calyx :— 
Leaves without stipules ; ovary at the bottom of the calyx- 
tube, fre B44, ame odfordia. 
Leaves padi ovary adnate to palatal ube 
- Species of mangrove swamps ; embryo without albumen, 
macropodous and germinating while fruit is still on the 

etals 5-6, emarginate ne sages Ceriops. 
Petals 8-14, 2-fid .........cceeeeseeeereeenes ruguiera. 
Species of inland forests ; : pee ci pera in 
albumen, not germinating on the ...823. Carallia. 

et 2 only ; petals benatne ovary mpi patie basal :— 
Ovary half-adnate ; leaves with sealy or hairy nodal appen- 
ieee: thick, succulent ........csseeseeeerneereeeeees 71. Portulaca. 
Ovary free; leaves without stipules, flat, sometimes only sub- 
opposite or alternate 72. T 

Ubc sWevak oa bent nt ho cnebesaers ter 64% alinum, 


*Leayes compound :—{p. 92] 
Leaves even-pinnate ; carpel solitary :— : 
Leaves twice pinnate ‘i leaflets many, small idvwne geuew erst acla. 

. Ac 
Leaves simply pinnate ; —_ few, ene .»- 280. nei 

es odd-pinnate or digi 

carpels many :— 
tLeaves digitately ret fruit of many achenes, not include 
307. F 

in the calyx-tube [p. 92] 

OPE PTO ORT ake £2 tla eat ha, 

92 BENGAL PLANTS. : [Artificial 

tLeaves akan ip: 91] 
Fruit of many achenes not included i in the aneen 
MO Mirae l..alisess.. Leccins., ote! 
— of many or few achenes, included in the cls 
with prickles 

Hee rem weeeee 

—[p. 91] 
Teaves 0; plants with thick fleshy flattened prickly stems. 

Teavec a 

Leaves sitemnate - te : 

Sarmentose ake armed with flattened prickles...... 309. Rae 
Erect, unarmed trees or shrubs: 

tinkies 3-nerved at base; ssicke valvate ; sa 1-celled ; 

Leaves penninerved ; petals imbricate, rarely ye) petals 
absent :— 

Stamens in fascicles opposite the petals ; ovary of 2-5 

connate in a 1-celled chamber with parietal ovules oe 

5. Homalium 

Stamens not fascicled opposite the petals :— 

Ripe carpel solitary ; not enclosed in the calyx-tube 

ied carpels 2 or more, confluent and enclosed in the 
tube :-— 

Ovary 5-celled ; flowers panicled.........311. Erioboty! 

Ova 2-3-celled; flowers corymbose 
Be - 312. Pore 

Leayes opposite :— 
erbs with fleshy leaves; some of the leaves may be alternate — 
Sepals 2 only ; Ovary l1-celled with basal placenta ; — 
distinct Portulaca. 

Ne So lead kL eee Oe 

Sepals 5 connate in a tube; ovary 5-celled with axial placentas 
hevtgh Ce oe Cee ee 381. Sesuvium 
Shrubs or trees ; leaves never mie = opposite :— e 
Leaves stipulate 3 ovules pendulou : | 

Petals 5-6, lacerate ; ovary L-celled Sis cens, DH ei Kane z 
Petals 8-14 2-fid; ovary 2-4-celled 

Leaves without stipules ; ovules axial; rarely BRP 
{Leaves gland- dotted ; fruit a i—([p. 93] 
§Limb of calyx lon in bud, lobes subimbricated, rh 
deeply oul Separated when in flower; seeds many 
ONE a ice 882 Psidium 


to the Genera.] XIIT.--POLYANDRIA. 93 

§Limb of calyx 4-5-lobed or Sik in oy not further 
divided when in flower ; seeds fe [p. 
Ovules pendulous from top of ale seuea = . Pimenta. 
Ovules from the whole inner angle or from a somewhat 

prominent septal placenta :— 
Sh am bryo with small ae leaves» .camseiovess 334. Myrtus. 
Embr i 

ryo with large fleshy seed-leaves ...335. Eugenia. 
tLeaves not gland-dotted ; calyx-lobes valvate :—[p. 92] 
Fruit a berry; seeds in 
Calyx-tube adnate to ovar 350. Punica. 
Calyx-tube almost free re er Prepe 349. Sonneratia. 
Fruit a capsule; seeds lpy 
Stamens in several rows ; aaa iaiae with a distinct wing 
347. Lagerstroemia, 
Stamens in one row; seeds small, faintly winged 
348. Duabanga, 

Leaves opposit: 
Sepals elds climbers with free carpels and styles; leaves 
ompoun ¢ 

Petals 0.. 1. Clematis. 
Petals many, linear 2. Naravelia. 
Sepals in decussate pairs or imbricate, rarely closed in bud and then 
carpels connate; trees or shrubs with styles and carpels connate or 
with a simple style; leaves simple :— 
lis of the ovary 1-ovule 
Ovary 2-more- rani 

Calyx of 4 or 5 sepals 80. Garcinia. 
Calyx closed in bad, bursting into 2 valves ...77. Ochrocarpus. 
Ovary 1-celled 79. Calophyllum. 
Cells of mi ~— 2, each 2-ovuled 78. Mesua. 
Leaves altern 
*Leaves nent —[p. 94] 
Is 0; carpels free; petiole sheathing ........-..+..- . Thalictrum. 

Petals dintiriet:; carpels united, style simple ; petiole = sheathing :— 
Sepals 4, free ; leaves not gland-dotted :—[p. 9 
Herbs ; leaves digitately 5-9 foliolate ; fruit a 2- valved capsule 
. Cleome. 
Small trees ; leaves 3-foliolate ; fruit a berry -:+++.58, Crateva. 

94 BENGAL PLANTS. (Artificial G 

d (Citrus) then 1-foliolate :—{p. 93] 
tStyles more than 1, free :—[p. 95 
Sepals and petals arranged in whorls of 3 ; trees or shrubs ~ 
Stipules large, enclosing the leaf-buds ; petals in several series a 
Carpels in a loose spike on a stalked gynophore...8. Micheli. : 
Carpels densely packed on a sessile gynophore...9. Magnolia — 
Stipules 0; petals in 2 series :— : 
Carpels not confluent in fruit :— 
Petals imbricate " 

11. Uvaria 
Anther-cells not concealed by overlapping connective:— _ 

Petals of inner series larger than those of outer :— 
Ovules 6 or more 2 Saccopetalum 
13. Milius® 

O or 2 5 |! 
Petals subequal; ovules 4-8 ......ss000. 14. Alphonsea d 
Anther-cells concealed by overlapping connective :— : 
Peduncles hooked ; petals connivent at concave base 

Peduneles not hooked :— a 

tals of both series flat, lanceolate, subeq 
spreading from base :-— 
vules many, 2-seriate 16. Canang® 

Ovules 2-6, 1-seriate on the ventral suture 

i: Unona. 

Ovules 1-2, basal or subbasal ...18. Polyalthia. 
Petals of the 2 series unequal :-— eget 

Petals of outer series spreading; those of inne! 

concave connivent, overarching the stamens an’ — 

in ME 19. Mitrephor® — 

Petals of outer series thick, rigid, connivent, larg® 

Pee beeen eee 

rigid, connivent, larger than those of inner ; anther-cells con 
cealed by overlapping connectiy 21. An 53 
Sepals and petals never 3-merous, either arranged in whorls of ? — 

each or passing insensibly from sepals to petals in a continuous — 
spiral :— : 

{Trees ; 

ee ee 

carpels cohering in the axis, each many-ovuled ; styles 
free ; sepals and petals each 5 [p. 95] ce Dillenia- 

to the Genera.] XIIT.—POLYANDRIA. 95 

tHerbs ; carpels not or only pig cohering :—[p. 94] 

iced connate below, free above ; ovules in each more than” 
2; sepals and petals each 5; ae Laas eta 5. Nigella. 
Carpels not connate; ovules in each not more than 2:— 

Carpels several, close set on Whe cm mus; ovule solitary 
in each; petals 5, sepals 3-5; leaves penninerved 
4, Ranunculus. 
Carpels many, discrete, irregularly re and sunk in 
pits of the turbinate disk; ovules 1-2 in each; petals and 
sepals many in a continuous spiral ; ‘ve peltate 
35. Nelumbium 
Style simple on a solitary carpel or styles connate with a wpsamagoas 
ovary :—[p. 94] 
Stamens adnate to the petals or corolla-tube : 
Ovules in each loculus of ovary solitary ; pitsle connate 
525. Bassia. 
Ovules in each loculus of ovary 2; petals free or faintly connate 
529. locos. 
Stamens not adnate to the petals or only slightly adnate at the 
point of insertion of both :— 
Floating aquatic herbs; sepals 4; petals numerou 
Sepals, petals and stamens half-superior, pehich on a disk 
which is confluent with the carpels ; plants unarm 
33, Nymphea. 
Sepals tubular below and confluent with the disk in which 
the cre are enclosed; petals and stamens superior ; 
plants pric 34. Eur 
Erect or ents terrestrial herbs, pe or trees :— 

epals more or less connate below in a calyx-tube :— 

Petals contorted ; leaves simple, we gland-dotted :— 
Anthers globose, ren at ons th confluent at top; stami- 
nodes 5 within the stamens ............ 116. ube nlowia. 
Anthers elongated, dats atsatiet staminodes 0 

Fruit free from calyx-tube; 2 calyx- Lobia much 
acecrescent 86. Dipterocarpus. 
Fruit slightly adnate to calyx-tube, which is very 
short; three outer calyx-lobes much accrescent 

Petals imbricate; leaves pellucidly gland- diatied, 1- tolio. 
late with winged petiole jointed to the blade ...147. Citrus, 
Sepals free :— 
§Sepals imbricate :—[p. 96] 


Sepals 2-3 :— 
Sepals 2, petals 4; stigma radiating, sessile 

>: Sepals 3, petals 6; stigma lobed, style sor dis 
6 " 

<=. Beoais 4-5 :— 
Sepals 4, in 2 decussate pairs, the inner imbrie: 
titer at +i 1 7 , 1 ee ee 

Ovary stalked........0.. 52 
JS Se 59. Tarakte 

Sepals 5, regularly imbricating 
Sepals deciduous ; ovary mbt NE placentas pa 
or intruded :— 

Flowers large yellow, appearing before the | 
55. Cochlos 

leaves ,, 
Sepals persistent: — J 
vary of 1 carpel; a woody eT frait 

Flowers medium white or pink, s appearing with 

Ovary of 3-10 carpe, connate ; trees or 
_ Fruit a capsule: 
~. Peduncles cane: -flowered ...... o Sau 

Peduneles 1-flowere 

Teen eee eee eee 

§Sepals valvate : i—{p. 95] 
Petals thin, coloured, unguiculate, entire or su 
imbricate or twisted in bud; anthers oblong :— 
Petals with a more or jon adnate basal scale, i 

round base of a raised torus; stamens arising ae 
apex of torus: 

Fruit divapacegua not pric 7. Gr ‘ 
Fruit small, globose, ni abe or ea 
118. Triumfetta 

cocci ; air 
Petals withon 

Mt RT © WO OS Mle buen d baw: 

t a basal scale, inserted directly rol 

stamens on a contracted torus ; — a loculicidal : 

iniedia, 9. Corchoras — 
Petals Shei mite or _Sepaloid, almost se nae 
was plica 

n gr ae —. the petals ~~ alinroste with lobes 
5—lobed torus ; fruit dru upaceo --12 

to the Genera. | XIV.—DIDYNAMIA 97 
ls % 


Limb of corolla both plicate and slightly 2-labiately imbricate 
. Browallia. 
Lobes of corolla more or less markedly 2-labiately imbricate or contorted, 
never plicate :— 
*Carpels or placentas more than 2-ovuled or if igs 2-ovuled (nearly 
all Acanthace@) the ovules not collateral :—{p. 102] 
aves compound ; trees :— 
Capsule septifragal, linear, compressed parallel to the septum ; 
leaves 2~-3-pinnate; calyx small, cup-shaped; corolla long, slender, 
narrow tubular 679. Millingtonia. 
Capsule Aes ge leaves 1-2 pinnate; te large; corolla- 
tube short or long, much widened at _ 
rang not winged, apatite or subq gular or comp d 
with sides parallel to septum :— 
a tubular- ilupiavalati equally 5-toothed, capsule com- 

pressed Tecoma. 
Calyx ovoid or oblong, never equally 5-toothed ; capsule round, 
quadrangular or only slightly tes essed :— 

Calyx spathaceous, an to the base on one side in flower, 

close rsa —— long or short, cylindric below, 
obes crisped crenate or incised ; 

cps pa ek or somewhat compressed, nearly 
681. Dolichan ie. 

Gaivs not spathaceous; corolla-tube ventricose :— 
Calyx irregularly deeply 3-5-lobed in flower, closed in 
bud; capsule faleate or twisted ...682. Heterophragma. 
Cc , 

st or open in bud; capsule me a thickened spongy 

ptu . 
Gipile: ey double wings along the margin, igen , compressed 
at Yr right angles to the septum; calyx large or | campanu- 

late, limb 5-fid 4, Pajanelia 
‘Leaves age rarely 0; herbs: 
tOvary celled ; placentas eas or intruded : 

—I[p. 98] 
Le a parasitic herbs; placentas not outa fruit a 
2-valved capsule :—[p. 98]. 
—Aegel spathaceous, split in front; corolla- ae all broad 
spreading [p. 98] 9. gine 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 

++Calyx unequally 4-toothed or split both behind and in 
front; corolla with upper lip more erect than the lower 
3-fid lip [p. 97] 670 : 
**Leafy herbs; placentas intruded; leaves alternate or oppo- 
site :—[p. 97 

Fruit a 2-valved or ultimately 4-valved tetragonous capsule : 

Fruit an indehiscent or irregularly breaking oe heated oP 
Calyx plicate ; fruit bursting irregularly ; 
676. ‘Seunaeall a 
Calyx not plicate ; fruit indehiscent ; disk annular ue 

t+Ovary perfectly 2-celled :-—[p. 97 
{Ovules on each Placenta more hens 2, buenally. eang - i 

posed in one row; seed suppo 
capsule never elastically dehiscent :—[p. 100] : 
Leaves all alternate; corolla pi bode tube short , throat 

it elas ea BAe ems as HE 

narrow, lobes 5, broad, subequal, the two asia “a in 
by WM i vsthbess 6 Wire blattiee Kessat cc: 2. Celsia- 
0 lla-tube — 
Leaves at lokal the ae if not all opposite; coro 
reps or if short (Sopubia) the two upper lobes inmost 
n bud ;— 

Corolla-tube bulging or spurred at the base in front; limb 

Solve te ou. ote, p Ree Se 

upper lip also 2-gibbous outmost in bud ; capsule opening 
by pores ; anther- ~~ ene leaves alternate above‘- 
Corolla spurred in front 643 Linaria ‘ 
Corolla saccate ar ee mais in front 

644. Antirrhinum — 
Corolla-tube not enlarged at the base in trout limb not 5, 
personate ; capsule opening by valves :— 
§Corolla with upper lip or 2 upper lobes outermost and — 
lower lobe inmost in bud; _ cylindric with more 
less expanded throat :— --[p. 1 
‘Stamens all inserted sa the tube:—[p: 100] 
Rascsiciae not  Siatinbly. 2- “lipped, lobes all rounded 
on fi nent 1 -loc! 

= 5. ~partite:: capsule seustians valves aan 
—[p. 99 

2-fid ; : 
©Calyx-lobes much imbricated ; filaments in 

curved; leaves opposite or —— capsule : 
eke e [p. 99] 5. Russelia- 


to the Genera. } 


OCalyx-lobes hardly imbricated; filaments fili- 
leaves cae ite stat: alternate above ; 
646. Sutera. 

(Herpestis) the anthicriieiie not confluent; eons 
loculicidal or both loculicidal and septicidal; if 
anther-cells confluent (Mimulus) the lower lip with 
2-gibbous throat :—[p. 98] 
Corolla with 2-gibbous mati anther-cells 
arn sine —— loculicidal 
Caly angled and ppt a al 
vite Boh 1-celled ; leaves all o 
647. Mi mulus. 
Calyx wide campanulate, 2-fid; anther-cells 
contiguous but distinct; lower, leaves opposite, 
upper alternate 648 nae 
Corolla-throat not2-gibbous; anther-cells distinct 
Calyx wide campanulate, 2-fid; corolla- throat 
wits 2 parallel ridges; anther-cells disjoined, 
stipitate ; capsule loculicidal 

Calyx 5-partite; corolla-throat witha ridges ; 
capsule both loculicidal and ob icidal :— 

a aso stipita 
Upper lobe of calyx a or 
ae age ing the others; 2 or 

the stamens with 1 cell imperfect 

650. osma. 

Uppermost lobe of calyx not much if at 

all larger than the others; all the stamens 

rrect -— 
Placentz either separating in the fruit, 
or, if conjoined in a column, the column 
not winged ; seeds terete 

651. Stemodia. 
Placente always conjoined in a column, 
winged by the remains of the soak 

(5 seeds angular. .+-++s+++-+ 652. 

— “Anther- cells contiguous though ., 
calyx 5-partite, lateral segments inmost, 
much narrower than the others; corolla 
with 5 subequal lobes ..,....-.653. Herpestis. 


- {Stamens with only posterior pair inserted 
corolla-tube, the anterior pair inserted on | 

5 ri vite or wings; mouth 0 
3-5-toothed or 2-li 655 
ti without wings, 5-lobed or: ah, -pa 
ents equal Var 
§Corolla + ie upper lip or 2 upper ae ee ink 
leaves opposite below, often alternate above ; wholl 
partially parasitic plants ; capsule loculicidal :—{p. 

Corolla subglobose-campanulate, limb oblique 

campanulate; anther-cells both perfect. AL 

Corolla narrow-tubular : ; only 

perfect :— 

Calyx tubular, 5-toothed or 5- fid ; cone 

narrow throughout; anthers 1-locular, ve 
— straight or slightly incurved; I 
subequal ; basal leaves much ee: ae th 

OVS acs... Buch 

Corolla-tube abruptly incurved at or abo 
middle, two upper lobes smaller than theothe 
basal leaves not much larger than 8. 

yx spathaceous, compressed, split in 
corolla slightly ener at the throat, 
ped; anthe 

tOvules in me ges 2, rarely more, superposed in one, 
two rows, or nged alterna seeds without alb 
supported ana on hard retinacula ; capsule loculi 
2-valved, ses valves separating pats from the oe 
leaves oppos —f{p. 

many :—[p, 

©Ovules Perposed in 2 rows in each cell; corolla-lot 

lebbeicaka au lobes es in bud; leaves 
690. Ebe 

*Seeds srs sibicies on hard retinacula ; ovules in each : 
101 th 

pinnately cut [p. cin Re ee 

to the Genera.] XIV.—DIDYNAMIA 101 

“apis not in 2 rows; corolla-lobes twisted to the left in 
; lower leaves pinnately cut [p. 100] 691. Cardanthera. 
~4ds supported on hard upward-curving retinacula ; ovules 
2 not collateral, or if more than 2 (rarely exceeding 8) super- 
posed in one row or else arranged eee rein in each 
cell :—[p. 100] 
Corolla with no upper i the lower lip rail expanded, 
8-lobed; ovules 2 in each ¢ 
Anterior filaments with an idiot process 
692. Blepharis. 
Anterior filaments without any process...693. Acanthus. 
i with either 2 lips or with 5 subequal lobes :— 
rolla-lobes twisted to the left in bud :— 
Filed more than 2 in each cell; capsules normally 
with 6 or more seeds 
Corolla "@istinelly 2. ida Pree ieee 694. Hygrophila. 
Corolla subequally 5-lobed :— 
Bracteoles large; capsule clavate — a — base 
Bracteoles small, narrow, or 0; ge seed- 


bearing throughout :— 
nthers acuminate at tips...696. Aichman 
An thats blunt-tipped .. .697. Neier 
Ovules 2 in each cell; eapaules formally —? 
fewer seeds ; corolla usually subequally 5-lol 
Placentas an elastically from the voles 
the base upwards : 
Bracteoles very ieee, reticulately nerved 
698. Petalidium. 
om. Phaylopsis. 

es on 

2 mrecinols © ve aGetas caberewaceets! 

Anthers minutely mucronate at fie base 
700. Calophanes 

nther 2. 8 
eseitadites erpeTt in bud ; Pe 2, rarely eA in 

each cell :— 
Corolla-lobes 5, subequ 
mre s 1-celled ; pi ely 


lobes larger than the 
. Crossandra. 

102 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Artificial 

*Carpels 1-ovuled, or if 2-ovuled the ovules collateral; leaves 2 
opposite :—[p. 97] 
Fruit a loculicidally 2-valved capsule, the valves separat 
elastically from apex downwards; climbing shrubs. 
687. Thunbe 
Fruit indehiscent with 1-4 pyrenes, or separating into 2-4, 
more, 1-seeded cocci or nutlets 
Ovary entire; fruit conibiain, ng 1-4, rarely ee _s 
subcapsular, each valve with 1 pyrene attached ; 
glandular :—{p. 103] 
Leaves digitately al gig trees or shrubs; pe 
cymose; fruit pieeaes 
Leaves simple 
iliasacter with the lowest saesule opening first :—. 
Inflorescence of dense spikes :-—— 
Fruit with 2 or 1 one-se aad pyrenes; spikes ca. 
ovoid or cylindric; calyx small; shrubs or undershirt u 
rarely herbs :— 
Fruit succulent or leathery, not dehiscent 


Fruit dry, partially dehiscing ; one species herbs . 

Fruit with 4 one-seeded pyrenes; spikes clon ne 
calyx tubular ; herb 722. Vi 
Inflorescence racemose; fruit fleshy with 2 7 
pyrenes ; shru 723, Dw 
Inflorescence centrifugal, ¢ 
;Cymes lax or dense, Uetaiaie or thyrsoid ; trees 
shrubs :—[p. 103 
Fruit indehiscent : : 

pe pital one 4-celled pyrene ; erect trees 

shrubs ;— 
Flowers large, an inch long ........+++ .726. Gmel al 
Flowers very small 721. £F 

Drupe containing four 1-seeded pyrenes :— 
Calyx campanulate or tubular or subur 
truncate, 5-toothed or deeply 5- >. erect sh 

: . Cle 

Calyx rotate, widely patent, sa or 
5-lobed ; climbing shrubs 730. Ho 

Fruit breaking up into 4 valves with 1 dee ® 

each ; trees or shrubs Ci 

eee eee 

to the Genera. | XIV.—DIDYNAMIA 


}Cymes densely capitate, 3-9-flowered, the heads subtended 
by 3~-4 involucrate Drage s ; fruit small, aie — large 



tOvary distinctly 4. lobed or -partite; fruit of 4, tai fewer, 
1-seeded indehiscent nutlets ; leaves almost always gland-dotted :— 
[p. 102 

§Ovary 4- pee nutlets with the ae small, basilar or 
slightly oblique to the outer side :— ] 
*|Nutlets dry :—[p. 105 
*Stamens declinate; anther-cells ultimately explanate 
confluent :—{p 
© Attachment of nutlets quite basilar; upper lobe of calyx 
eT broader than the rest and at least — than 
e 2 anterior lobes, or, if the calyx-lobes are subequal 
peak often, Hyptis always), the ssiniak exserted 
and the lowest pra concave :—[p. 104 
**Lower lip of corolla somewhat iedbie. flat or very 
slightly concave, gute narrower but hardly longer 
than the 4- met upper lip; upper lobe of calyx always 
ee - 

Bot in fruit with the upper lobe large 
pati recurved, its m gt ath ane on the tube, 
the other lobes narrow, subul 

Corolla-tube short ; ‘agai? ge ...736. Ocimum, 

* Corolla-tube usually long ; stigma ain 

7. Orthosiphon. 

Calyx Eee or declinate in fruit, the upper lobe 
broader the lateral and anterior pairs or 
atteae some only broader ton the 
anterior an a hae the lateral pair, not 

heads with idtate bracts; calyx 
upper se widely 1-lobed, anterior and lateral 
ies nited in an ulin or 4-toothed lower 

.738. Acrocephalus. 
we racemose or subspicate; calyx usually 
declinate, upper lip widely 1-lobed with the anterior 
and lateral pairs not connate, subequal, smaller ; 
or with upper lip 3-lobed, the posterior and lateral 
lobes being subconnate, and with a 2-lobed lower 
lip formed by the 2 subconnate anterior lobes ;— 

Wp waz lip of corolla deflexed, concave I al 
saccate:—[p. 103] 
Corolla with upper lip very short, obtusely 
toothed, lower lip much elongated, boat-shaped 
Calyx equally 5-toothed or somewhat 2-lipped 
3-toothed upper and 2-toothed lower lip 
the upper lip a rounded reflexed, the 
narrow subulate 
Filaments free 741 Pleetr 
Filaments at their bases connate in 
round the style 74 

margins and much contracted base; calyx- 

Been ew ee 


OAttachment of nutlets a aren: to the 

side ; ee lobes subequal, 3-15-nerved ; 

2-lipped ,» Upper lip 2-fid, ew poi bes 

spreading ; stamens included in the tube [p- Mesto 

*Stamens erect, or ascending or spreading :—[p- 103] 

tCorolla-lobes 4 or 5, flat subequal and similar or 

+Lobes of corolla 4; sae L-celled ; calyx 5-1 
equally ished :—[p. 105] 

to the Genera.] XIV.—DIDYNAMIA. 105 

Lower corolla-lobe subpatent ; whorls in glomerate 

or paniculate or solitary et om ino filaments 

bearded or nake ogostemon. 

Lower corolla-lobe like the others ; "diate in slender 

dense continuous spikes ; filaments bearded 

+-Lobes of nee 5, lowest rather longer ehh the 
others ; anthers, at least when young, 2- celled; calyx 
10-nerved, in fruit docluiate distinctly 2- — [p. 104 | 
749. Perilla. 
{Corolla distinctly 2-lipped :—[p. ae 
Anterior pair of stamens the lo 
- Calyx 13-nerved ; anthers 2- Bae oes short ; upper 
lip of corolla not hooded :— 
Calyx equally 5-toothed ......-.- 750. Micromeria. 
Calyx distinctly 2-lipped.....---. 751. Calamintha. 

stamens cad, an saiasaceiiia of ne er pair 
dimidiate, of lower pair paralled transverse 

752. Anisomeles. 
ee lip of corolla long concave, densely 

wooly :—— 
‘ei Anther-cells parallel; stamens more OF less 
exserted ; calyx 5-toothed, teeth spinescent 
753. Leonurus. 
eR 2 a pass stamens not exserted ; 
x 6-10-too 

eae lip of ale longer than the hood 
754. Leucas. 
Lower lip of corolla shorter than the hood 
755. Leonotis. 
Posterior pair of stamens the longer; calyx 1- 

nerved, 5-toothed ; stamens not exserte 
756. Nepeta. 
ilipnsé, neat lip hooded ; 

“Nutlets succulent; corolla 2 
amens the longer 

anther-cells parallel, anterior pair 0: 
on  aacaenests tee omphostemma. 

§Ovary 4-lobed ; nutlets with a large o eae or oral areola on 
the inner side; stamens erect exserted from the notch or fissure - 
of the upper lip :—[ 

Corolla deeply slit behind and apparently Llipped, the two 


small upper lobes along with the small lateral pair s 
from the contracted base of the very large lower lobe 

760. Te 
Corolla tagiiad 2-lipped, upper lip short 2-lobed, not 
lateral pair of lobes very small, springing from sds 
large te ] yen 


" *Fruit dehiscent -—[p, 107] 
Pods narrow, lon ong :— 
ods bedi tas s and dehiscing Sit abe length ; 
not pouched at the base; cotyledons accumbent 
ree st cylindric; seeds globose, Socwtate or i 
IW. Lshecins bits ds 39. Nast 
pressed, 1-seriate; flowers ‘ard 


Pods with a seedless indehiscent beak projecting beyond the valv 
sepals poudhied at the base; cotyledons lingitodinadll a . 

Pods narrow, cy 

lindrie or turgid; beak cylindric or con 
seeds 1 

“Seriate ; flowers yellow or yellow with green veins 

; sae me pouched at bas 
Pods globose; seeds many, small, compressed eters : 
bent ; ae os our species) yello 
Pods flattene 

Pods ‘biadead from the back, paralled to the expanded 

seeds few, Compressed ; cotyledons accumbent, flowers Bes 
perree) White. SG csi de et 44. BI a : 
Pods compressed laterally at right angles to the very 


VidvilkG of the many-seeded pods not winged ; ae ineum- : 
bent ; Bier white 

FOUGFEROS ben bee wee 

Seay i: in each cell 4-6; cotyledons accumbent .., 47. 
Seeds in each cel] golita 

ry ; cotyledons incumbent 

to the Genera.] XVI—MONADELPHIA 107 

*Fruit indehiscent :—{p. 106] 
Pods short, globose, 2-celled, each cell 1-seeded ; sepals spreading not 
pouched at base ; white flowers and pods both very small 

8. Senebiera. 
Pods elongated, terete, hollow or transversely sepals erect, 
pouched at the base; flowers yellow, white, or lilac w purple veins 
and pods both large o ‘ak 


*Stamens definite, fewer than 20:— [p. 117] 
tLeaves compound :— 10 
{Carpel solitary ; fruit a dehiscent or indehiscent pod :—[p. 109] 
soda regular; petals valyate; leaves evenly twice pinnate ; 
stamens 10 91. Parki 
Wissen irregular; petals imbricate ; leaves only once ternate or 
‘digitate or pinnate :— 
§Plants with basifixed hairs or glabrous; authers neither mucro- 
nate nor gland-tipped :—[{p 
§|Pod dehiscent by both sutures, from apex to base :—[p. 108] 
einai ending in a Leap stamens 9 in a sheath ye. 

above; leaves even-pinn. Abrus. 
Texts not saiditie i in a bristle; leaves with a terminal 
leaflet :— 
teri digitately aon ines yisewsaeazsy 223. Crotalaria. 
Leaves pinnately comp 

ytd ti i bearded below the 
Stamens 10 fertile, at pi ais but 
caper i! 9 ddeighons by beste Oe vexillary 
Gl dine. 

ne 5 fertile with 5 leiins sterile, 
Share ee ee Teramnus. 
Nodes of the rachis swollen 
Upper lip of pen sheicutty Saxkes 240, Canavalia. 
Upper lip of calyx not projecting :— 

108 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Artificial 
Unarmed ihe 
Pod oblong, bingid anthers timorphou 

6 fertile D1 

Pod Rt flat or sil 
seeded ; anthers uniform 242. Pue! 
ed trees 245 E yt 

**Leaves 5- or more- “foliolate :—[p. 107] : 
Style bearded below the stigma; flowers _ 


se eeee 

tyle not bearded; flowers médium ; standadl 

longer than other r petals : 

dan anon pasatfel: veined, pod thin, 

dehis Teph 

Deals forage veined ; pod thick, 
ent 252. 3 

Pee eee eee eaee 

"Pod saan :—[p. 107] 
Pod not segmen ae 

Leaves odd-pinna 
Trees or shrubs argin of leaflets entire :— 
Leaflets Opposit : 
gless ..,..... 253. Por 
winged ...... 254.0 
Leaflets alternate :— 
Flowers small ; pods narrow ...... Dalk 

Flowers inedidin : pods suborbicular 


256. bec 
~ >). Herbs ; margins of leaflets with the main-veins pr 
| 8 teeth ; leaves 3-foliolate :— 

Pod subglobose, hardly longer than pr ks 



Pod flattened, much longer than aye ny coal 

Leaves ey en-pinnate : 

Rachis of leaf ending in a bristle; herbs with b 
geal fruits ; stamen 260. Arachis: 

Rachis of leaf not ening in a bristle 
So . 


j} large trees Wit 
a amarindus: 
uricate i -see shac a: guile 
dim ; leaves atorad 2-4-foliolate ...261. Zor! 
§Plants mo te airs on twigs leaves and calyx eal by 
centre ; pod thick; leaflets ‘ ‘hae toothed [p. 107} 
273. Cyam 

to the Genera.} XVI.—MONADELPHIA 109 

{Carpels more than one, free or connate in a syncarpous ovary -— 

Silas free or if Lek at base (Sterculia, Cardiospermum) the 
stigmas free and radiating :— 
Leaves twice ternate ©. Candospermum. 
Leaves simply pinnate, 3-foliolate, or aii 
Carpels free as well as styles; fruit of one or more follicles ; 
leaves pinnate or 3-foliolate; perianth 2-seriate :— 
Calyx acerescent, clasping base of sessile follicle 

Calyx not accrescent, clasping the stalk ot ‘the stipitate 
licle nnarus. 

Carpels connate, at least at first, only the pote completely 
or partially free :— 
Leaves pinnate; styles quite free; fruit a berry ; perianth 
2-seriate 130. Averrhoa. 
Leaves digitate ; styles connate at base ; fruit a group of free 
follicles ; pseep't 1-seriate, petals absent...105. Sterculia. 
Style simple or stigm ssile: 
Leaflets dotted with pellucid eee soy tik snien esos 142, Luvunga. 
Leaflets not begin glee -dotted :— 

Stamens : pein att the petals ; eo in each 
cell of the ovary man petals valvate .... as 
Stamens usually 10, if 5 the apes not Bodie a ‘peal : 
ovules in each cell of ovary usually 2 or more, petals 
usually imbricate or contorted, aes valvate :— 
©Seeds not winged :—[p. 110. 
Leaflets coarsely serrate, rarely entire ; fruit a drupe; 
seeds with fle ee albumen and thin cotyledons: ovules 
in each cell 1 
Flower saa calyx 5-partite ; petals im 
cate; style lo Nea disk annular ; fruit with a Some 
1—5-celled stone ......sseceeseneseerereeseerseres 154, Melia. 
Flower Ra ties ; calyx 5- toothed; petals valvate ; 
style rather short; disk cup-shaped ; fruit containing 
HOYNY PYLEDES...eeecesereneerereseteees 155, Cipadessa. 
Leaflets entire; seeds with no albumen, cotyledons 
ifOtles 1-2 in each cell; fruit either a capsule or a 
berry ; seed arillate :—[p- 
*Fruit a capsule, dehiscence loculicidal :—[p. 110] 

110 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Artificia 

Flowers and staminal tube oblong or | 

a style long :— 
) > “Sather linear; disk short annular; 
solitary in each cell of the ovary 
156. Chisock 
Anthers short; disk cylindric, longer t 
the ovary; ovules 2 in each cell of ovary 

157. Dysoxy! 

Flowers and oe tube globose or turbine 
style short o 
Anthers wedges filaments att unit 

petals 3 
ar rae filaments free pa p 
159. He 

“Prat a ben petals 5; anthers meer sty 
[p. 1 

pei aa in each cell; fruit a large seal ae 
large, thick, tessaroid, without arillus i. : es 

OSeeds winged :—[p. 109] 

Disk present ; petals spreading ; staminal tube wide 
Petals oblong; staminal tube urceolate ; disk 2 
annular; seeds albuminous, winged only at uppF 
en 163. Sw 

Petals obovate ; staminal tube cupular; disk 

wide; seeds without albumen, winged at both e 

164. Soy! 

Disk 0; petals oblong, suberect ; staminal tube 
dric; seeds without albumen, winged only below 

+ Leaves digitate [p. 109 104. Eriodend 
}Leaves simple or 1-foliolate gt ai 
{Leaves parallel-veined :—{p. 

sheath; perianth rudimentary; flowers ‘e Fpikalela: bamboos 
pikelets many-flowered ; paleas all 2-keeled 

1117. cigantchl 

Spikelets few-flowered; pale of aaa hsige absent, 

present glume-like and not keeled ......... 8. Oxytenanth 

Leaves with leaf-sheath small or abse nt; tae ae articulat 

sheath ; perianth conspicuous, 2-seriate ; flowers not in spikelets 

to the Genera. | XVI.—MONADELPHIA. . iii 

Leaves apical, large, flabellate-plicate, lobes with induplicate 
sides and parallel veins, the apex of f leaf-stalk liguliform ; 
perianth 2- adatd 3-merous; palms; flowers in spadices 

984, Livistona. 
Leaves not flabellate ; flowers not in spadices :— 

Perianth 2-seriate 3-merous, stamens 6; leaves all radical :— 
Leaves firm, subplicately nerved; flowers 3 small, racemed 
on a solid slender firm scape with scarious bracts ; rhizome — 

WHEY | oss ccceeecguoseuenteenenveccernsunsgersiners? 946. Peloisanthes. 
Leaves herbaceous, not plicate ; flowers capitate, umbellate, 
or solitary, on a fistular scape with apical involucre of 1 or 
more membranous bracts ; rootstock a tunicated bulb :— 

Ovary superior ; flowers RYAN phe cteeeevect se . Allium. 
Ovary inferior; flowers large ....---.---- 956. Pancratium. 
Perianth 2-seriate 2-merous, stamens 4 ; stem leafy ; leaves 
usually opposite or whorled ......++++++++ssreee* 959. Stemona. 

Leaves alternate :— [p- 
“{Perianth 2-seriate, both calyx and hore present :—{p. 112] 
ad *Flowers regular or nearly so : 
Leaves pellucidly pasa padals : Sse connat 
< Kiaiaillis 
Leaves not glandular- -punctate 
= Sepals free; stamens not siipoaibs the gre :—{p. 112] 
Sepals imbricate ; styles S FLEE ......200e0e eranium, 
_ Sepals valvate, or Soa ered abse’ 
Petals oer in a tubular holla with inflated 
: B-toothed limb ....e.ceeceesereversereeee’ 465. Xanthiu 
Petals free or eit faintly connate at the base :-— 
+ Petals flat my 112 
Petals deciduo 
Anther-cells rdivitioate ° ; seeds wingless :-— 
Ripe carpels membranous 
106*. Kleinhovia. 

Ripe carpels firm ..--+---+--- 107. Helicteres. 
Anther-cells sjeatia | seeds winged 
108. Pterospermum. 

Petals persistent -— 
Anthers 15, in 5 groups of 8 which alternate 
with 5 staminodes ...--.+++++- 110. Pentapetes. 
Anthers 5, staminodes 0 :— 

Ovary lle 

112 BENGAL PLANTS. [4 rtipicial 

ta d 
anthers marginal, 1-seriate, alternating 

p- 111) 
Anthers in groups of 2-4 between each 
staminodes :— 
Petals with a clawed ovate blade ; cal 
d ’ 

Anthers solitary between each pair of sta 
nodes; petals 2-fid; capsule bie 
5. Bu 

= Sepals connate ; stamens opposite seit te 1m 

*Flowers irregular :—[p. 111] 

Petals united in an opnane 2-lipped corti. 2 2- 

upper and 3-lobed lower 
Petals not connate in a hs 
Stamens 8 or fewer; ieee petal (keel) largest ; 

free ; anthers opening by pores :— 

Fruit a 2-celled loculicidal capsule; herbs or 
shrubs or undershrubs :— 
Stamens 8; two inner sepals wing-like, petaloid 
62. Polyg 

Stamens 4-5 ; sepals all subequal, petaloid 

Fruit a l-celled, 1-seeded indehiscon 
Stamens 8 ....... Se 
Stamens 10; dbpernieat petal Raa largest, 10 

O petals united (keel); sepals connate : — 
opening by pores ; fruit a 1-celled pod :— 

Leaves not gianduler ccittate = 
= a eee ; Beeds 1-2......... 
oat turgid ; seeds BIBADY Gov cs sins s« 
‘| Perianth pais —[p. 

Erect trees or shrubs : perianth-segments valvate; antd 
olumn ;— 

Anthers seyeral-seriate : ; Ovary with cells see 
l-seriate ; ovary with cells 1-ovuled 106 

Climbing shrubs, or Lobe prostrate or clim 
perianth-segments conna te throughout or imbrica 

to the Genera.] XVI.—MONADELPHIA 113 

med climbing woody shrubs, with oe abit 
perianth completely tubular, plicate in bud; flowers in 
threes in the axils of large coloured Sam bracts ; 
stamens 764. Bougainvillea. 
Dnavaied'é erect or climbing plants with usually herbaceous 
stems ; perianth segments imbricate :— 
Perianth petaloid, segments very large; climbers with 
rachis of inflorescence produced as tendrils ; stamens 7-8 
: . Antigonon. 
Perianth scarious or rarely herbaceous, ne a small ; 
erect, or if climbing, without tendrils ; stamens 
Ovary 2-more-ovuled :— 
Fruit a berry ; perianth herbaceous ; ise often 
cInnIDEE ee. Decrt ngia. 


erect herbs 767 Celosia. 

Ovary 1-ovuled :— 
pe ro erect; flowers capitate; staminodial fila- 
nts 0 768 ia 

Oeutig suspended from a basal funicle; flowers 
spicate; staminodial filaments interposed between 
ile sta 774. Hrua, 

§Leaves opposite ; rarely reavel 0:—[p. 111] 
}Perianth 2-seriate; both calyx and corolla present ; corolla 
always gamophyllous; carpels 2 free, only the styles united ; 
pollen aggregated in waxy masses (pollinia) :—[p. 1 is 
Pollen-masses in pairs in each ce in all), sessile in fours 
(2 pairs) on the corpuscles; anthers with membranous 
inflexed tips; corolla rotate, lobes valvate 
570. Genianthus. 
Pollen-masses solitary in each cell (10 in ttoee sessile or 
peduncled in pairs on the corpuscle :— 
Pollen-masses pendulous from the tip or side of the 

5-lobed; stems sini 
Corona single or, if double, the outer as Gah as the inner 
attached to the stamens :— ie 

OStems leafy erect or climbing, not jointed :—{p. 114) 

114 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 

Stems erect; corolla-lobes valvate; corona si 

pressed and spurred on the 
Corolla rotate; coronal ear erect, 

shaped, and ligulate on the face...573. 
alee, wits corolla-lobes erates ing :— 
orona annular single, fleshy, truncate, 
to base of 10-ribbed staminal tbe 
. Holoster 
Corona double an outer eee memb 

lo r of 5 processes, or, i 
Soe cad sometimes Pentatropis 

not annular :— 

Socam of inner corona free from sm 
staminal tube; outer corona with 5 dis 

lobe ; corolla siceieatalcte or faeces 

Processes of inner (or only) corona adi 
staminal tube :— 

corolla ca mpa nul 

Processes of i inner or dhe 2h5 ma compl 
often spurred on the back ; ‘corel role 
funnel-shaped :— 

Outer corona minute or absent ; if pr we 
5-10-lobed with the longer or oe lobe 
i 77. Penta 

alte brotate, 
OStems “Vidoes, jointed, trailing; corolla su 
lobes overla apping; corona double, outer ann 
membranous, 10-lobed; inner of 5 processes joi 
the outer to the back of the stamens ve 113] 
tPollen-masses erect, parallel with or tee above the 
of the stigma, if horizontal or pendulous (rarely in 
phora) still with an erect pedicel :—[p. 113] 3 

to the Genera.] XVI—-MONADELPHIA. 115 
+Anthers with a membranous inflexed apex, if obtuse 
(rarely in Hoya) then with large pees single corona, 
rotate corolla and free petal tips :—[p. 1 

orona Os fruits Blobose; Seeds Inge ee coma ; 

0. Sarcolobus 
Corona present, or if (onistianen's in Se ae sane 

in Marsdenia) absent, then fruit not globose, and seeds 
provided with a co 

Corona adnate to corolla-tube ; iced = corolla over- 
lapping to the right 

ae Sehae to the staminal ne: or to ie 

goraak lobes overlapping to the right, or if sub- 

valvate (Tylophora sometimes), then with stamens 

inserted in the throat or tube of the corolla :— 

{p. 116] 

Stamens arising from the base of the corolla :— 
cales of corona minute, attached to base of 

staminal tube; fiowers urceolate or wide- 
campanulate, small 582 

cales of corona conspicuous, attached above 
the base of the staminal tube, rarely 0 :— 
Corolla large (1 in. long or seer ani 
salver-shaped or funnel-sha of 
corona erect, attached to back of sien, 
sometimes absent .,......- 583, Stephanotis. 
Corolla medium (5 in. long or less) :— 
cales of corona ere’ 
"Cael scales attached to staminal 
tube and back of anthers, rarely absent ; 
AM iowers purplish or greenish, campanu- 
late or f eceslate 200.584, M enia. 
wae wig attached only to sta- 
nal tube, free above; flowers yellow 
or peter etched 


ube; te Dregea. 
Stamens FO ied throat or tube of corolla ; 
scales of corona laterally compressed, fleshy, 
attached to staminal tube, more or less spread- 


BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial | 

ing; flowers small subrotate, sometime 
valvate 587 

arising from ahi base of the ec cota ¢ 

scales attached to staminal tube :—[p. 115] 

Seales of corona erect, capri 

Seales of corona stellately sficadiag thik 
ses corolla rotate; anthers rarely w 
mbranous tip 589. Hoy 

+ Ant thers aidibind ® membranous inflexed tip; cor 

lobes cohering at their pa. 
twining ; seeds with coma [p. 115) 590. 

Pévissith 1-seriate : ——[p. 118 

Perianth tubular, corolline, constricted above the ovary, P! 

in bud :— 

eee eee 

Flowers large, involucrate, bracts connate ; stamens 56 

Flowers small, 
stamens 1-5 , 
Perianth of searious, 

coloured sepals : 
Anthers 2- obitleid’ — 
Flowers all perfe 
Stamens with aia rposed staminodial filaments :— i 
Sepals wie woolly 774 
— spine 
odes ns 

Paniculate or pubellat bracteolse 
3. Boerhaa 

imabelete. free or earls free whitish 

hina eke e a eae Shed peer 

Cr With interposed staminodial filaments 

We Peano ee ee 

taminal-tube ase ; stigma capitate, subsessile 

: ternan 

Staminal-tube long; stigma 2-fid, style long 
777. G@ 

to the Genera.] XVI.—MONADELPHLA. 117 

*Stamens indefinite, 20 or more than 20 :-— . 107] 
Leaves opposite, simple, glandular- punctate ; sepals grasp 

5. Hypericum. 
Leaves alternate, not glandular- -punctate ;— 
§Leaves simple :—[p. 118 
Ovary inferior, 2-more-celled ; petals imbricate :— 
“) ) tamens all perfect ; ens angular, fibrous, 1-seeded ; sepals 
valvate or imbricate 3 arringtonia. 

Stamens not all perfect, those of inner or of outer series or both 
without anthers ; fruit ovoid or globular, fleshy ; seeds many 
336. Careya. 
Ovary superior, 2-more- celled :— 

nthers 2-cell 
Sepals passing jeden from bracts, scapes: petals 
imbricate Came te 
ee valvate in a calyx at first caine; petals co 
ted Eri ie 

itor 1-celled :— 
tCarpels when ripe bd from the axis as dehiscent or 
indehiscent cocci :—[p. 118 
Styles as many as the ans 
Bracteoles 3; ripe carpels after — indehiscent, 

1-seeded ; ovules solitary ascen 
Stigmas linear, carpels many .........0...000 90. Malya. 
Stigmas capitate, carpels 8-12......... 91. Malyastrum. 

oe 0; ripe carpels after separating dehiscent :— 

Carpels without a false dissepiment :— 

Ovules solitary pendulous; carpels 1-seeded ; fore- 

noon- and noon-flowering plants with small leaves 

and flowers 92. Sida. 

Ovules 2 or more; carpels 1- or more-seeded ; after- 

noon- or aie etsa ecl plants with rather 3] 
um flowe 93. Abutilon. 

leaves and me 
Carpels with a cues false dissepiment 
94. Wissadula, 
sep twice as many as the carpels; carpels 1-seeded :— 
pels cir — indehiscent after separating ; 
1 95. Payvonia. 
indehiscent after separa-~ 

ae es 1 
pa a shill petals ; 

ie lee 5, connate; pairs — or un- 
armed; flowers pink [p. 1 96. Urena. 


iis BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 
‘| Bracteoles intermixed with flowers, or 0; flor 
dense heads, white or yellow ; carpels unarmed 

+Carpels when ripe forming a capsule :—[p. 117] 
Stigmas spreading ; seeds reniform :— 

Ovary 5-celled ; sometimes spuriously 10-celled from 
dissepiments ; cells opposite sepals, 3- or more-ov u 
flowers axillar 

Stigmas cohering in a club-shaped m 

ass :-— 
Bracteoles 3, large, cordate; seeds cottony 

Bracteoles 3-5, small; seeds not moore 

§Leaves compound :— 

ves digitate ; cetahs contorted ; flowers large; fruit large 
ovary 5-celled :— 
Calyx 5-cleft; 

fruit oblong, woody, rameaneeye seals 1 
packed in cotton; staminal tube long; flowers 

ik dansonia. 
alyx truncate or irregularly toothed ; fruit ovoid, dehiscent’ 
seeds packed in cotton - ; Staminal tube short; flowers (in 

Ds aecies Ped aha 

. Bombax- 
Leaves equally twice ead potas valvate ; flowers small 
a pod; ovary of 1 ¢ 1: 

+e seeds :— 
Pod straight, with thin valves :-— 
ures thin ; pod indehiscent, or if dehiscent the val 
ning ey 
Sutures thickened : pod gd dehiscent, ‘the val 
opening elastically froth apex 3, Calliandr® 
Pod twis isted, with — valve hee 804. *Pitheooobi 

¢ p 

Stamens 6, in two antero-posterior bundles of 3 each ...... 8. F umariae 
Stamens 10, in an anterior bundle of 9 with a posterior eer stamen | 
in’ two lateral bundles each pia 

to the Genera.] XVII.—DIADELPHIA 119 

Plants with ie hairs or glabrous; anthers not mucronate or 
gland-tipped :— 
tPod sates i. po sutures :—[p. 1 
eaf-rachis ending in a bristle or pai nes oxensetennye 
aa large, foliaceous, oblique at base ; stamens 9+ 
yle not bearded ; wings free from staminal es eats 
toothed ; seeds with a slender funicle; pod turgid ...216. Cic 
Style bearded ; wings more or less adnate to Janina) sae 
leaflets entire ; seeds with short funicle :— 
Staminal sheath oblique at the mouth ; pod compressed :— 
Style with a eo tuft a hairs or bearded ~~ tip ; 
ovules usually more than 7. Vicia. 
Style longtadinal a along inner face ; ge never 
more than 218. Lens. 
Staminal sheath truncate at mouth; style bearded along the 
inner face 
Pod co HE ; style flat, dilated at tip...219. Lathyrus. 
Pod turgid ; style 3-cornered, dilated upwards ie tie 
. Pisum. 
Leaf- rachis bearing a terminal leaflet; leaves ms pera or 
imple or 1-foliolate or digitately compou und :— 
“Teave oecre 3-foliolate or petioled 1-foliolate, glandular 

Pod tu fanpid : leaves digitstely 3-foliolate with bracts small, or 
1-foliolate with bracts large; funicle cen 
4, Flemingia. 
Pod depressed between the seeds; leaves re our species) 
l-foliolate with bracts small; funicle attached near end of 
bbe sci licen decleviewens sebeuciarenth sessenseveus one 225. Eriosema. 
Leayes pinnately compound, rarely 1 -foli 
tLeaves 3-foliolate, or if 1-foliolate Pa: ger the leaves not 
den dutur beneath :—[p. 121] 
§Pods dehiscing from apex to base :— 21] 
4{Leaves glandular beneath ; pod comes the 2 upper 
calyx-lobes connate ; funicle centric :—{p. 120] 
Ovules 1-2 :— 
Calyx-lobes accrescent, ETS membranous, the 
lowest lobe largest 226. Cyli 
Calyx-lobes not ocean’. or 3 ean subequal 
aNd NOt SCATIOUS......+1-seseeerrerseees 227. Rhynchosia. 
phe 4 or more 
**Climbers ; odin small terminal :—[p. 120] 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artifictal 

Pod linear-acuminate, hardly depen 

the seeds ............ 
Pod oblong- diy deeply vansveal 
between the 229 
**Woody s We or py Ret stigma 

aan iy pod acute, bpd trans aie 
between the seeds [p. 119] ve.cseessee 230. 
{i Leaves ue glandular iste leaflets stipelate 
[p. 119 
Style bearded below the stigm 
Pod woody, septate between Gua ¥v clree seeds ; 
PUNO oa icccls 

3\ od coriaceous, not septate ee the I 
seeds :— 

Stigma obligu a 
Keel asta twisted 232. Ph 
Keel not spiral :— 

Style flattened upwards .,.234. “Pachyt 
rminal . 

Style not pouaca below the stigma : — 
odes of rachis of racemes not swollen 
Calyx-tube cylindric with oblique past me 
style dilated i in the middle ; standar ai 

Calyx-tube campanulate, margin toothed 
upper teeth subconnate; style uniform; stan 
flexed ; stamens at first seeing Gl 

Nodeg of rachis of racemes swollen 
Petals of equal length :— 

Leaves 3-foliolate :-— 

Pee ewe eee ieee 

Lara 1-foliolate ; upper lobe of salad 


Petals very unequal : a 
ers uniform; keel and wings both s 
dard ; peas trees ; stamens 
lee phous 245, E 
Anthers dimorphous ; epg shorter 
keel and Mc Climbers .....:...246. 

to the Genera, | XVII.—DIADELPHIA. 121 

§Pods dehiscing at seed-bearing apex only, elsewhere seed- 

s large 
Petals nearly equal; flowers small ...248. spatial 
tLeaves pinnately 5-many-foliolate ; ull dehiscing from 
apex to base :—[p. 119 
Style bearded rpse the stigma; flowers with orig unequal 
9. Cli 

petals, standard large toria. 
Style not be a eairc medium, the aaa not longer 
than the othe 
Pod eave iia between the eioet ak truly 
dia ania. 

Be pore ant: stamens sub-1l- sions, ti et 
stamen being united by its middle to the sh 

neeee closely parallel-veined; pod ae say de- 

251. Tephrosia. 

teas reticulately veined; pod ae lige de- 

hiseent . Millettia. 

+Pod dehiscent or rarely (Desmodium sometimes) Sait along 

{p. 119 

the ventral su 
ttLeaves a ealneais gland-dotted :—{p. 122] 
not segmented ; always indehiscent :-— 
Leaves odd-pinnate :— 
Trees or strong woody climbers ; leaflets entire 
Leaflets opposite ; stamens usually sub- spre : 
253. Ponga. 

>) Pod —— on shel sae aes mia. 

Pod winged .c.ccc...cccesneseeeeeseereereeneaeners rris. 
Leaflets distinctly oe — 

Flowers small, pods narrow  ...-.++++++ 255. Dalbergia. 

Flowers medium, pods seaflor inal 
256. Pte 

Herbs; leaflets with the veins ites as “targa 
teeth ; leaves always 3-foliolat 

Pods subglobose, hardly shiver take calyx 

257. Melilotus 

Pods flattened, much longer than calyx :— 

Pod straight or curved, not spiral 


258. Trigonella. 
Pod spirally twisted ........ccse-seereeeee* 259. Medicag 
ods of 1 or several indehiscent 1-seeded segments; in some 
Desmodia dehiscing along the yentral suture :- 
ttLeaves peat tip Aoi can 122] 

stamen ; leaves 1~3-folio. 
Stipules spinescent ; = ave: aa simple; joints 
hardly separating ; vexillary stamen always free 

262. Alt 

Stipules not spinescent ; leaves ee 3-foliolate, 
1-foliolate; pod a solitary, 1-seeded, flattened segme 
vexillary stamen sometimes partially bao to is 

Leaves odd-pinnate; pod straight, exserted ; acd 
265. Aischyno! 
{ {Leaves stipellate ; stamens 9 and 1, occasionally ee 
ad elphous ; i of pod about as long as broad i , 
vary l-ovuled; leaves 1-foliolate 266. 
Ovary i. vuled :— 

Pod folded bigetins within the calyx : 
Calyx-teeth setaceous, not accrescent .....- 267. U 
Calyx-teeth ec vice accrescent ......++ 268. Le 

Pod straight, exserted :— : 
A tree ; jis of pod thin, wing-like, large ; flow 
fascicles from old wood ; stamens dimorphous 

269. Ou; 

Herbs, rarely shrubs; joints of pod not 
flowers from the year’s shoots; stamens uniform 
Joints of pod thin, or, if coriaceous, broader 4 
thick ; if as-thick as their width much longer ® 
broad ; sometimes opening along lower suture — 

Joints of one seraasi about as thick as “they 

broad and lo se 
ttLeaves pellucidly pina dees - leaflets (in our Flan i 

their margins toothed ; ; stamens sub-1-adelphous; ovule 
21 ee eek 

*Plants with hairs on twigs, eaves and calyx fixed - their centres; 

connective of anthers mucronate or a: shine tipped ; leaves simple 
compound [p, 119] .. 274. r3 

to the Genera.) XIX.—SYNGENESIA, 123 


Leaves compound, odd-pinnate, with alternate leaflets not gland-dotted ; 
carpel solitary ; fruit an indehiscent orbicular pod; stamens 10 
256. Pte 

Leaves simple or 1-foliolate, gland- ‘ties sans several, connate in a 
2-more-celled ov. a3 ; stamens 20 or m 
Ovary superior 
Leaves opposite 
Fruit a 3- daleat, capsule 76 gp web ns 
Fruit a berr 80. Garcinia. 
Leaves si teerinnt! ye foliolate, petiole winged ; fruit parton’ with 
leathery rin 
Ovary inferior :— 
Leayes alternate or opposite; flowers in heads or ve fruit a 
aia Melaleuca. 

3-yalved cap 

Leaves opposite ; flowers never in heads or spikes; “ra a small or 

large berry 5. Eugenia. 
6,4 a Class KIX. SYNGENESIA. 

Ann ary superior, 5-celled; ovules in each cell 2 or more; flowers large, 
not aggregated in heads :— 
Lateral petals connate in pairs; fruit capsular .........131. Impatiens. 

Lateral petals free; fruit a fleshy drupe.........s0+--0+++ 132. Hydrocera. 
Ovary inferior, 1-celled, 1-ovuled; flowers sina always small and . 
Aggregated in heads : ‘ 

*Corollas of all the flowers tubular to near the mouth, or if any flatly 
expanded from a tubular base (ligulate) then only the marginal florets 
of the flower-head (ray-florets) so expanded ; sap not milky :—(p. 180) 
tStyle-arms long, distinct, or if very short or the style subentire then 
80 only in the sterile florets of heads with dissimilar (he terogamous) 

tFlowers red, purple or white, never yellow; all the florets similar 
(homogamous) and tubular or rarely (Z Eps Ns ai : 
involucre of bracts always more than 1 ——_ _ 
usually setaceous or rarely (Ethulia) tts recep naked 
rarely (Ageratum) paleaceous :—{p. 124 
}{Anthers cleft at base and poh at apex; style-arms 
subulate, hairy ; leayes alternate :—{p. 124] 
§§Heads distinct ; many-flowered :—[p. 124] a 
Pappus absent; f peenqes eet s? ulia. 
Poppe present ; ashen zoibted 

; ie 

124 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial a 

Pappus short, fugacious .............+ 439. Centrath 
appus long, copious 440. Ve 
§§Heads 1- or few-flowered but crowded into dense mi 
resembling single heads ; pappus chaffy rie a 
{{Anthers subentire at base, either salablals or appendaged : 
eer ; style-arms sagt papillose ; leaves opposite :—[p- 138) 
Anthers truncate at ti Adenos 
Anthers appendaged tip :— 
Pappus paleaceous ; receptacle sometimes rphe 

Pappus of slender hairs ; receptacle always naked :— 
Bracts of involucre numerous, several-seriate 
4. Eupatorium. 

Bracts of involucre 4, with sometimes a small outer one 


}Flowers, if similar (homogamous) and tubular, yew? it 
similar (heterogamous) at least those of the disk yellow; oF 
none of the flowers yellow (Lagascea, Emilia) then with the b 
soil involucre only 1-seriate; rarely (some Inuloide) fi 
ts ee -seriate, but if so with the heads at 

heterogamous :—[p. 123] 
§Anthers aopeinlged at the apex :—[p. 1 “ 
e naked, smooth or fov. Spal ; sometimes W: 

proper palez ; if paleaceous (Athroisma) or pseudo-paleaceous 
Nopesy then with the anther-bases produced into tails - 
[p. 126] 


**Bracts of the involucre many-seriate ; leaves alternate! 
[p. 126 
ttAnthers subentire at the base ; style-arms flattened 
plano- -convex, all, or at least Shoal of the disk-florets, 
tipped by a cone; all the flower-heads heterogamous : 

Piven hinats oerim : hppa ray; pappus hard] 

any or altogether ab: 
Achenes minute, nl smooth ; ape absent 
4 ae 6. Cyathoclin 
oe. Ah, odd La 1 =5} r et | toothed 
or bristly pappus-ring 447. Gr 

er-heads with distinct ra. ray-flore 
+ Ray-florets rets ligulate, never pact “flerahe 2 
ate 5 peppas long, copious [p. 125] ...448. B 

to the Genera.] XIX,—SYNGENESIA. 125 

+Ray-florets slender, tubular or with very short 
ligules, yellow like those of disk:—[p, 124 

eit 2 OUOPIGUB Eater incvesses 9. Conyza 

Pappus short, scanty 450 i 
}t+Anthers ct at the me or rarely (Laggera) with 
bases suben and, if so, with the cashed arms of the 
hermaphrodite ret aliform; piyiemems fi liform, linear 
or obtuse or t ided {p. 124) 

*Female florets, if present, filiform :— 
Style-arms of hermaphrodite florets filiform ; flower- 
heads androgyn 

Receptacle HO  baaeie of the involucre linear, 
herbaceous or scarious :— 
Flower-heads medium, separate, solitary, in 
corymbs or panicles, not in globose clusters ; 
or, if clustered (some oe ‘then the achenes 
with a copious soft pappu 
Pappus copious, of ae or bristly hair 
He ht epee 3 involucre narrow ; doa 
not corymbos 
peeiecy oa tailed at the ee the tails of 
adjacent anthers confluent 45 et 
Anther-c subentire at be or, if 
tailed, the tails short and not 

fe Ci 


Shrubs; bracts of the Seculuert broad ; 
flowers corymbose.........-+.++ 453. Pluchea,. 
Pappus absent or represented = omg 1-2 rigid 
4. Epaltes. 

ales or bristle 
Flower-heads pee in dense Tee or ovoid 
masses ; herbs with winged stems; pappus absent 
455. Spheranthus. 

Receptacle with paleaceous scales; female florets 
ee in the long outer scales of the receptacle 
in the inner bracts of the involucre; flower- 
side aggregated in dense terminal clusters or 
short spikes 456. Athroisma. 
Style-arms of hermaphrodite florets truncate ; bracts 
of the involucre hyaline :— 
ttFlower-heads many-fiowered; heads hetero- 
gamous disciform ; Say age naked; hoary or 
woolly herbs [p. 1 457, Gnaphalium 

126 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Gi 

{{Flower-heads 1- flowered ; heads homogam 

with Ii 
style-arms, rounded or dilated at their tips ; receptacle 
naked :—[p. 125 

Achenes faintly ribbed; flowers usually rayed; ad 
| pus- -hairs all slender, those of ray-florets few ac 
x 459. Vicoa. 
ag i distinctly ribbed ; flowers either ae 
discoi ; Pappus of outer florets iia of ot fl 

**Bracts of the involucre 1- seriate, asl free or valle 
with Sometiines a few short outer bracts (calycule) at ie 
eads heterogamous or hom mogamous; anther-cells 

eaves alternate; pappus of fine hairs, usually soft and 
generally copious; style-arms of weasigetinan flor 

truncate or obtuse, penicillate or with a h y tip:— all 
Heads all ho omogamous; florets (in our pei) 
putple 4.5. jc4..5 03. Emilia. 

Heads rayed, heterogamous; florets all ie 

Leaves Opposite; pappus paleaceous or abasek! pul 

arms truncate, ricci or not, or shortly appendag 

at tip; heads heterogamo ) 
Pappus absent ; eed sasiee or dentate ; heads ee : 
small, ray sometimes absent... -463. Flavertt 7 
Pappus present; leaves pinnati ‘hands ae flowel! = 

Pry 4 ia Pee Senet Nae ces cee ea en haa 

CMO Ow eee sees 

) : 
sterile oreis eae pappus of 2-4 arms, or paleaceous, 0 
absent ; lea e base peaally opposite, those higher UP 
opposite or cae i—[p. 1 
eads 1-flowered, in clusters ; bracts of the nt 
luere forming a 5-fid tube ; lower or all the leaves oppose» 
rbs 466. Lagascea: 

villous he i 
Heads many-flowered :— 

foes Ad ee ee 

to the Genera. ] XIX.—SYNGENESIA, 127 
§§Pappus nese is of only 1-4 bristly awns, or eup-like, 
or absent :— 
Corollas of the: Ln florets persistent on the a : 
pappus of 1-3 awns; leaves cae 
Corollas of all the florets deciduo 

tAchenes all thick, or those er ne ray-florets 3-cor- 

scales or altogether absent; leaves usually opposi 
p. 1 

Inner bracts of the involucre embracing and 
enclosing aa schenpe of the fertile ray-florets 
pappus absen 
Outer es of the isimiar . apie 
8. Siegesbeckia. 

Outer bracts of the yee rs in two opposite 

pairs, glabrous 9 ydra, 
Inner bracts of the involucre all flat :— 

omg Be ae Lenoonienis ey Coa seesiiee aes! 


absent or, if present, shortly 2- saa priv 
braéts of the involucre numerous...470. Eclipta, 
Scales of the receptacle concave or complicate, 
more or less enclosing and eee the disk- 
florets :— 

t+Achenes wingless, compressed or 4-5-cor- 
nered :—{p. 128 

Pappus united at the base into a ring or 

cup; flower-heads small or medium ; ray- 
“ florets fertile :— 


4 y-florets white, with small ligules ; disk- 
oe achenes with 2-5 persistent awns ; — 
opposite, at least below 471. 
Ray-florets eee re ren ge; disk- 
A + deciduous awns 5 

apuengene 472. elia. 
Pappus-scales or awns free 

flower-heads large, ray-florets sterile :— 
“| Awns of the pappus deciduous or per- 
sistent, interm scales present, “seta 
tent; leaves always alternate [p. 12: 
473, peti 


‘{Awns of the pappus deciduous, o} 
paleaceous, without intermediate s 
leaves alternate or opposite {p. 127] * 

tt+Achenes of the disk ciliate or ‘vie on 
margins, laterally compressed ; heads s 
leaves always opposite [p. 127 fe 

5. Spilanth 

tAchenes more or less digas pe the t 

ceous; inner bracts separate, almost re 
the scales of a“ receptacle; ray- Aorets t 
leaves opposite 
Achenes messes 4-cornered, without a pai 
but crowned by the densely pilose base of cor 
476, Guiz 

Achenes flat; margins lacerate ae 
Pappus present, composed of bristles 

Outer bracts of the involucre ° fen, scant i 
bracts connate below, membranous :— 

Leaves alternate, gitinatieask ray-florets 
tile; achenes narrow, flat, lo ng-ciliate 
two stiff smooth dltimately recurved ay 

478. Gl 
Leaves pene simple to vines 
flor rets sterile; achenes with 2-4 stiff al 

Style-arms ending in a long, shortly 
appendage ; ray-florets fertile :— , 
Achenes long, crowned with 2-3 stiff pers 
bristles ; leaves mostly base 

to the Genera.) XIX.—SYNGENESIA. 129 

Scales of pappus oblong, chaffy ; mae pag small 
3. Galinsoga. 
Scales of pappus feathery, fringed ; seek medium 
484. Tridax. 
sAnthers not appendaged at the apex; receptacles (in our 
species) not paleaceous ; pappus absent or reduced to a — 
rim, aad scaly or short; leaves usually alternate :—[p. 1 
Flower-heads radiate ; elie s of the involucre rather —. 
pappus of short scales sometimes ems 

ee 85. Chrysanthemum. 
_2* Flower-heads discoid, heterogamous ; mes absent :— 
Florets of the circumference very numerous; achenes flat 
or concave at the top; PBs ei spherical or hemi- 
Tinits ode bracts of the involucre 1-2-seriate 
486. Cotula. 

Heads subsessil 
Bracts of the Baa ie 2-seriate, spreading in frui 
; 487, ented 
Bracts of the involucre 3-4-seriate, incurved in frui 
3. # sad 
Florets of the circumference few; achenes obovate or 
rounded at top; flower-heads very small, in racemes or 
panicles 489. Artemisia. 
+Style-arms very short, hairy or thickened towards the base, 0 r the 
style subentire in all the florets, which are similar and a to 
the deeply 5-fid mouth ; anther-cells always appendaged at the apex, 
either subentire or cleft at the base; receptacle usually paleaceous ; 
leaves alternate, generally spinescent :—[D- 23 
Flower-heads 1-flowered, crowded into dense spherical balls ; 
achenes inserted in the straight areoles of the receptacle, silky ; 
leaves and bracts of the involucre ies an thistle-like 
490. Echinops. 
Flower-heads many-flowered, separate ; achenes glabrous :-— 
4/Achenes inserted in the straight areoles of the receptacle :— 

coe bucelk Coweens ReRReN PES Te eO COPS tre Tr 

} re and brat a ee involucre epineaoets cage 
pa ppus ; in [p. 30) 
Filaments free, papillose-hairy ; pappus- -hairs feaihaty 
491. Cnicus. 

Filaments connate, glabrous ; pappus-hairs simple 
492. Silybum. 

130 : BENGAL PLANTS. (Artificial 6 

ttLeaves and bracts of the involucre unarmed ; 

free :—[p. 129 
Pappus-hairs 1-seriate, casi or only a few e ee out 
ones ck filaments glabrous ............ 493. Se 

| Achenes inserted in the very oblique or quite iter areola 
the receptacle ; leaves and bracts of the involucre spinescent 
. 129 

Bracts of the involucre without any whorl of outer 
gna pets ; Pham many-seriate, bristly excep 
flattened in 495. Volu 

Bra on of ihe: shane with a distinet whorl of spin 
leafy bracts at their base; pappus (in our species) wanting 

*Corollas of all the flowers flatly expanded from a tubular base (High 
ae ligules 5-toothed ; anthers cleft at base, rarely appen ndaged 
; leaves apr or alternate ; stems always herbaceous, fistulose : 

ag say 323 
Pappus of ois with sometimes alternating hairs, or pappus absent 
florets blue ..497. Cichorium 
Pappus of nase bristles, at least in the cangeal florets of the 
heads; florets ow :— 
Daihen: snails ; achenes contracted at both ends, ribbed, 
498. Pieris: 


Pappus- ei simple 
Achenes beaked said: also contracted at the base, ribbed; ae 
albs or smooth :— 
Achenes fusiform or oblong, wa shortly cylindric, 
slender, glabrous or puberulous ..........ce..00ee8* 499. Crepis. 
_ Achenes compressed or sinainol ovoid-oblong or nartow 
500. Lact 
Achenes not beaked :— 
Achenes narrowed at the base, truncate at the pes 
Achenes oblong with 4-5 rugose ribs.......-+ 1. Picridium 
Achenes compressed, aeiiaed: ye smth rely 

Achenes truncate at base as well as at apex.....- an Launea 
& b. Class KX. GYNANDRIA. 

“Leaves ‘with os venation ; ovary more or less completely as 
celled :—[p. 131] 

to the Genera.) XX.+~GYNANDRIA. 131 

Perianth 1-seriate, pegen with inflated base then contracted, hairy 
within; limb dilated, obliquely 1-2-lipped; anthers 6; ovary with 
intended or connivent placentas more or less completely 4-6-celled ; 
shrubs or perennial herbs, often twining............... 790. Aristolochia. 
Perianth 2-seriate, calyx 5-lobed often somewhat 2-lipped ; corolla 
gamopetalous, ieegited 2-lipped; anthers 2; nae completely 
2-celled’s small ereet herbs iis ivssicssiscedebees sod tecsseweetee 4. Stylidium. 
OLeaves with salva venation ; ovary 1-celled with 3- ent placentas ; 
perianth 2-seriate, outer series 3, similar or nearly so, inner series 3 dis- 
similar, with two segments more or less like outer, and a third (lip) 
usually very different in shape and size :—[p. 130] 
*Anther single :—[p. 135] 
}Pollinia waxy :—[p. 134] 
tPollinia free or those of each cell held together at the base by a 
viscid appendage, not attached by their bases or by a caudicle to 
the rostellum ee 133 

pear 4:—[p. 132] 
eaves ssl, feb y sea me tes on short, or dis- 
tichous on with the vaginal part much shorter 

than the main -Abar ; inflorescence gh ininal.; ;, flowers minute, 
racemose or spicate ; column very short, with no appendages 
or foot ; epiphytes devgh ine 892. Oberonia 

iaceous or chartaceous, not equitant 
or if, very rarely (Dendrobium § Aporum), equitant and 
fleshy, the flowers axillary and the vaginal portion of the leaf 
nearly or quite as long as the m main portion and with the 

foot :— 
Terrestrial herbs; leaves membranous, rarely (Liparis 
sometimes) coriaceous, usually sessile; inflorescence ter- 
minal; flowers rather small, in racemes or spikes ; column 
prolonged below as a foot :— 
Lip with basal auricles; column very short with broad 

HAAS Topica seseetees icros 
oe without basal auricles; column long, with callosities 
r wings or both ; rostellum sometimes double 
. Liparis. 
Epiphytic, occasionally casually sa but never atte 
terrestrial herbs; leaves chartaceous or or coriaceous; colum: 
more or less prolonged below as a pera 
§|Stems solitary or ccespitose or co composed of discrete 
pseudo-bulbs en attached to a short or long 
rhizome :[p. 182] _ 


BENGAL PLANTS. (Artificial 

Flowers from the stems or pseudo-bulbs term 
axillary, solitary or on few-flowered pedunel 
few- or many-flowered racemes, usually large 
showy; stems ceespitose with leaves che 
coriaceous more than 2, rarely a creeping rhizom 
distant pseudo-bulbs and 1-2 elbi Pag sis 

subequal, free Dene 
Flowers from lateral scapes at ORG Z ponte 
from rhizome between them, solitary or in 

umbels or racemes; leaves solitary coriaceous, oF 

Lateral ; sepals longer than the dorsal ; flowers 
Species) irrhope 
Lateral and dorsal sepals subequal :— 

Flowers (in our species) racemose ; lateral 6 
Sa ip.. 897 Pili” 
solitary ; sepals spreading...... 898. 

Sica cial composed “ sonal pseud 

strung on a woody core; leaves solitary or 

taceous > 131] . 8 

§Pollinia 8:—{p, 1 31} 

Epiphytic herbs, pseudo-bulbous or not; leaveschartaceot 

mose or capitate ; column short or long, prolonged below ' 
foot ; pein eae all cohering or cohering by | 
® common membran 

Terrestrial ey a a a or not; leaves eee: 


Leaves elliptic, oblong or lanceolate from a short 

pseudo-stem ; flowers contem mporaneous with leaves i“ 
Sepals and petals ing lip adnate to beet of _ 
less column, spurred 

Sepals connate with long foot of short cli 
saccate mentum : ; lip mobile ...903. Acanth 

to the Genera.) XX.—GYNANDRIA. 133 

tPollinia attached singly or in pairs or by fours sth one or, 
epee two a pei to a stigmatic gland :—[p. 131] 
**Anther terminal :—[p. 134] 
Pollinia 8, attached by fours to a granular caudicle; terrestrial 
herbs ; leaves chartaceous, plicate ............ 904. Calanthe. 
Pollinia 2 :— 
Terrestrial herbs, with pseudo-bulbous stems ; flowers in 
peduncled racemes; leaves chartaceous or membranous, 
plicate :— 
Lip brain : lobed, saccate or gpsiee® at base ; in- 
florescence str 5. E cehia. 
Lip Chagurery: rm Se aide mente ooee o aie but not 
6. Geodorum. 

Epiphytic herbs 

Stem ee lous leat meme dyes ree Thecostele. 

Stem not pseudo-bulbous ; leaves 
Stems very short, leaves closely tained flat, fleshy 
and ween lip spurred, with forked oe on 
its dis Doritis. 
Stems more or less bee leaves coriaceous and 

flat or fleshy and ter 

Lip not spurred ; jo site TOC, cat. caveree 909. Luisia. 
Lip spurred, adnate to the column or to its foot :-— 
Column prolonged a a long foot which forms an 
elongated spur with no callus or septum within :— 

Lip jointed to the foot ...... 910. Ornitharium. 
Re p not jointed to the foot ......... 911. rides. 
‘ Column with little or no foot :— 

ett with neither calli nor septum within :— 

(p. 1 

Spur compressed, very deep, pubescent at the 
mouth ; side-lobes none 912. Rhynchostylis. 
Spur not compressed, long narrowly cylindric, 
or wide funnel-shaped or short saceate, rarely 
one Vanda) reduced to a gibbous swelling 

Side-lobes of lip cui large; spur wide 
infundibuliform, glabrous at the mouth ; 
if side-lobes of lip small then the spur also 
subobsolete; flowers large; caudicle of 
Eee very bre Te Res enero 913. Vand 

Po gnee, ee oe na ety a, Mpagee 8 

Qiis Wes Op A 

134 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artific 

wide saceate ; flowers a ca 

Spur occluded by a dorsal scale or by 
the anterior and posterior = but wi 


i within partially cuban by calli 
divided by a vertical cea 
ante _ — chambers sar? arcal 

** Anthaoay 7 


tapering toa minute gland ; epiphytic iuihe fa 138), 

tPollen powdery, granular or in small masses :—{p: 1 

er terminal ; pollinia 2 or 4 cohering by their aa : 
either giand or caudicle : 

Large leafy epiphytic climbers with coriaceous leaves 

Small erect terrestrial herbs : 
Saprophytic leafless ono with sepals - here united 
a 5-toothed 2-labiate tube 9. Die 
Green herbs with sepals and petals pret ha solitary 
the flower from a separate tuber, rarely from the same 
and contemporaneous., 920. NE 
bite prema vertical but inverted ; pollinia 2, or 4 in? 

single caudicle inserted 0 a long, narrow gland; 
i us or siliacetaias 

Lip spurred or saccate, but with no mews 921. 

Lip with a long claw, but neither spurred or —— 

Pollinia short my inserted directly on the gland ‘ 
flat, membranous :-— 
Pollinia 2, ig Saccate at the base, the sac usually regu 
tubercled within ; gland vari riously shaped... 
ois eco 4, lip neither saccate nor spurred ; gland 
994 ] 

iieintuatead hee ae re Tee es 

Biomass 2, lateral, distant ; “ope 2, each pe 
Sessile; leaves flat, membranous 

to the Genera.] XXI.—-MONCCIA, 135 

Base of lip produced as a long spur ...... 925. Vrydagzynea. 

Base of lip saccate but not spurred .............06 926. Zeuxine. 
*Anthers 2, each with only one perfect ~~ ups pany on he column 
remote or contiguous but always discrete, t ollinia 

; po 
2, sometimes 2-partite, attached with or without ‘eiicles to two 
separate glands; leaves flat, membranous; terrestrial herbs [p. 131] 
927. Habenaria. 

Ae ‘Class XXI. MONGCIA. 
Minute annual lenticular or granular floating aquatic hemniet with little 
or no proper vascular pir flowers without perian 
Flowers from chinks in the margin of the flattened ae fronds 
emitting roots; anthers Ramil stamens 1 or 2......... 1013. Lemna. 
- Flowers on the upper surface of the granular frond ; reg anthers 
1-celled, stamen solitary 014. Wolffia. 
a or large plants with well-developed ean iiac system :— 
Inflorescence a spadix subtended by a spathe :—[p. 137] 
}Perianth regular 2-seriate ; flowers on a i branched spadix ; 
leaves tufted at the apex of a usually elongated woody stem ; trees or 
shrubs (palms) ; leaves vowapeneh: siete p. 13 
Leaves twice pinnatisect, th ents very obliquely dimidiate- 
flabelliform; spadix sais fai followed progressively down- 
wards by cosines male and female infrafoliar spadices ; 
stamens many, 986. Caryota. 
Leaves wedi or partially once pinnatisec 
{Spadix interfoliar, — while the oe in ea axil of which 
it is produced is still green; leaves ene pinnatisect, the 
segments with reduplicate ute 36] 
Leaf-segments oblong nat cs toothed; base cuneate 
1-costate; nerves flabellate ; fruit small; stamens 6, free 
te Wallichia. 

Leaf- is EB linear, nerves parallel, fruit lar 
Dwarf palms with prostrate branching ssid ne Baye 
with male ii on lateral catkin-like branches, female i 
a globose terminal head ; fruit a spherical mass of ead 
1-celled and 1-seeded nee carpels ; stamens ere 

Tall palms with erect unbranched stem; spadix with 
— female flowers alone or between two males near 
ases and with close-set eto towards the tips of the 
Paine fruit a large ovoid, terete or sub-3-gonous nut 
with a fibrous husk ; stamens 6, free... ..- pert .989. Cocos, 

Male flowers minute solitary or Aaa towards tips of 
branches ; female flowers larger solitary ; stamens 3 or 6, 

{Perianth absent ; spadix unbranched = males above and fe 
below on different portions ; herbs :—{p. 1 

Water or mars ib eaves entire; barren appendage. 

ovules orthotropous 

loating stemless senile herbs ; leaves sessile obovate 

in a rosette-like tuft ; base stoloniferous ; stamens mona 

Submerged stitutes or palustrine herbs; leaves tufted 
uried creeping rootstock ; stamens 1 or 2, free 
98. Cryptoce 
. Terrestrial herbs :— . 
§Leaves and scapes rising directly from a tuber-like hypoe 
corm, the leaves usually more or iess lobed, sect, oF partite 
leaves entire (Typhonium sometimes) not peltate; conn 
narrower tha ther-cells :—[p. 137 
95 — with a barren terminal appendage :— 
wers and leaves present together; leaves undivided 

SOs Cee ree eesccteseee 

ales and females remote ; ters ois orth above 
females; leaves pedatipart ei a es of the. “ 
connate below; ovules orthotropous; stamens 80 

Males and females contiguous or cil $0; neuters | 
leaves 3-sect, segments ok ieee s of spathe freer 
ovules anatropous; stamens 2-4 

Spadix without a barren pendage; males and 
separated by a belt of area peunty whit neuters ; 
appearing before the leaves; leaves 3-sect, segments 
— edges of spathe free ; ovules anatropous ; stam: 

WISE S CS CV OR Ne ls bee SOP OC OOO See eee eeecoeees 1003. 

to the Genera.) XXI.—MONCGECIA. 137 

§Leaves and scapes arising from a short caudex Pye a 
hypogeal rhizome or if arising direct from a tuber 
geal corm the leaves peltate and undivided; 2 ae wider 
than the anther-cells ; flowers and leaves present together :— 
[p. 136] 
Leaves peltate ; stamens monadelpho 
Spadix with a barren appendage ; m8 adesté at its base to 

the spathe: 
Ovules fev: basal 1004. Alocasia. 
Ovules many, parie 1005. Colocasia. 
Spadix without an a premier ovules et parietal :— 
Spadix quite free from the spathe ......1006. Remusatia, 
Spadix at base and female part of inorsene partially 
adnate to the spathe 007. Steudnera. 
sites not ey spadix without a 2 appendage ; 

stamens 2-4, fr 1008. Aglaonema. 
sittin. i sata by a spathe; if with a spathe then 
not spicate :—[p. 
§| Leaves sae apa parallel; nearly all aquatic or marsh 
plants :—! p, 140 
Ovary ‘aieiade carpels connate; perianth 2-seriate, 3 outer 
segments calycine, 3 inner petaloid ; stamens 6 or 9, free; floating 
aquatics sees Pei HOWE a I Wek ee 889. Hydrocharis. 
Ovary super 
Carpels me or mo 
Tufted patie in dies radical leaves ; flowers whorled on 
erect scapes, conspicuous; perianth 2-seriate with 3 segments 
in each series; carpels many; seeds basilar erect; PT, 
9 or more, free 1017 it 
Creeping submerged aquatics with a gai: ster 
leaves; flowers minute, axillary; perianth 0; carpels 2-9, 
usually only 4 ripening ; seeds a stamen ees 
1022. Zanichellia. 
Carpel solitary or, if 2 or more, carpels connate; flowers 
minute :-— 
Flowers axillary ; creeping submerged aquatics with linea: 
opposite, alternate or whorled leaves; perianth of ain 
flower double, outer whorl tubular, 4-fid, inner hyaline; of 
female single hyaline or 0; carpel solitary ; stamen sami 

Flowers in terminal spikes or spikelets or heads; leaves 
radical tufted or distichous or 3-stichous along the stem; 

rN ee 

erect or floating aquatics or peenenete non-aquatic, ni 
wholly submerged and cree epin 

gf2_siei-in orm 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial G 

Stamens many ; filaments on or connate ; flower: 
inal cylindric sparadig without as pe: ndin 
spathe ; batty reduced to sete ; tall gregarious ma 
plants with tufted linear dies sntiss 996. 

Aten eeeee 

Hee ee ere eee 

axil of a glume; leaves 3-stichous, sheaths 

closed in front, ligule 0; fruit a minute nut 

embryo inside albumen ; style simple, stigmas 2-3: 

ep oe ypo. : 
Spikes in a dense oblong sanietl style * 
branched; nut 6-ribbed...1027. Seir . 
Spikelets with the terminal flower not female ; the 
basal : 

stamens 4 or Baby ree 

Or 2, free ...... ipl 
Flowers inte between a gl a paleas 
leaves tiaibens. sheaths open in front, ligulate at 
apex behin ryo a 

2, free or sometimes connate below 
Bpikeleta in ee spikes, racemes OF pole 

sometimes very small or suppressed ; lower flowering 
Slame, generally resembling the outer glumes iD 

‘structure and nervation, the upper aes at length 

to the Generd.] XXIL.—MONGCIA. i39 

rigid, often papery to crustaceous, awnless or, rarely, 
mucronate ; stamens 3:— 
Branches of the panicle produced beyond the 
uppermost ss glume I minite, ins i 
spikelets narrow 1049. Cham —_ 
Branches “, dhe panicle not produced od th 
—— spikelets; glume I menned seikslets 
subglobos Isachne 
Spikelets in pairs, one sessile the ce pediestiod, 
or the terminal ternate or solitary on the axis of a 
usually spike-like raceme; outer glumes more or 

less rigid and firmer than the flowering glumes, the 
lower always longer than the florets; flowering 
glumes membranous; often hyaline, that of the 

upper floret often awned or reduced to an awn :— 
Spikelets of each pair differing in sex and 
structure :— 
Spikelets 3, a sessile 2-flowered and 2 pedicelled 
enclosed in a peduncled spathe on a short 1-nodal 
inarticulate rachis; stamens 3 ...1074. Apluda. 
4) —Spikele ts many or few on a slucinndal articulate 
rachis :— 

Lower floret of the sessile spikelet male :— 
Margin of glume I of sessile spikelet in- 
1075. Isch 

flexed; stamens 3......... schemum. 
Margin of glume I of sessile rn not 
inflexed; stamens 1-2...1079. hopogon. 
wiles - ret of all the “tls empty: 

2 istiria. 

ERs prensa a spice ae male 

and female spikelets on Pica spikes or, if on 
the same ene ve the females at the base of 
the spike; sta 
Fruiting ae densely crowded on a cylindrie 
spongy rachis, the grain exposed ...... 1084. Zea. 
Fruiting spikelets a5 ee slender, grain 

rt £ -2 

ore = 
ra ghee See 438k. 

o 1 p to t e 
other glumes and the grain...1085. Polytoca. 
Fruiting spikelet enclosed in the stony, 
polished, nut-like bract...........0+ 1086. Coix. 


140 BENGAL PLANTS. (Artificial Gui 

{Leaves with venation eiaeaes ; all except Myrophy 
Ceratophyllum terrestrial :—[p. 1 
uatie plan 

ants with sdbenleues or floating stems; 

Ovary inferior, 4- or 2-celled; stamens 4...318. 8. Myrioph 
Ovary Per igor: stamens 20-30...880. Ceratophy! 
Terrestrial plan 
+Climbers mee with tendrils :—[p. 1 
tOvary ere or ana half-superior ist if half-superi 
1-cell ers :—[p. 141 
eas aaeiied: ovules horizontal or very rarely 
lous ; female flowers usually solitary never panicled ; 
never divided into distinct leaflets :—[p. 
ttAnthers folded together or Hesicames curved i= 
§§Corolla rotate or, if ca nulate, divided al 
quite to the base into 5 ar iialbs :—[p. 141] 
Petals fimbriate at their margins ; anthers com 
stamens 3 361 
Petals with entire marg 
Calyx-tube of art ‘lowers elongated; § 
inserted within and included in the 
tube ; rae sitelatag in an_ oblong 

Tendvils simple; stigmatic lobes of 
flower linear simple; petiole without . 
362. G ; 

Tendrils divided; stigmatic lobes of 
flower 2-lobed ; petiole with 2 glands ab iit 
363. Lage 

Calyx-tube of male flower short :— 

m. B64. 
Fruit soft, endocarp fleshy, indebi 
male and female flowers alike s¢ 
stamens ba 365. Bem 

calyx ; filaments Sasdty exserted, not ! 
4 % Sais ae less coherent :— 
2-3 scales at i 

to the Genera. } XXI.—MONCECIA. 141 

flowers with usually a large enveloping bract ; 
tendrils simple; stamens 2- 
6. Momordica. 
Calyx without scales at its base ; ‘ae ak flowe 
with no enveloping bract ; stamens 3 :— 
Connective produced heyanitl others 3 
tendrils simple umis. 
Connective not produced ; ini oan 
8. Citrullus. 
§§Corolla ra ae not divided thsi more than 
half-way down: tendrils 2-3-cleft; stamens 3, anthers 
connate [p, vin 370. Cucurbita. 
+tAnther-cells straight, or if curved (Bryonia) not ate 
plicate nor sigmoid ; stamens 3; anthers free :—[p. 140] 
Male and female pedicels alike 1-flowered, sagen _ 
Tend simple Mukia,. 
Tendrils 2-fid 373. aaa 
Male tities in corymbs or racemes ...374. Melothria. 
**Anthers 1-celled, cells straight ; stamens free 3-5, flowers 
small, the females in panicles or many-flowered racemes ; 
ovary half-superior [p. 140] ............ 376. Actinostemma. 
{Ovary superior; anthers 2-celled ; fruit eT ee 140} 
tErect herbs, nie. or trees, or if climbing not pitior with 
tendrils :—[p. 
§Leaves pares :—[p. 142] 
‘| Erect tall trees ; leaves not sep gland-dotted :—{p. 142] 
“| {Leaves odd-pinnate :—[p. 1 
Flowers in wee catkins ga Hadlé spikes ; ee 
incomplete or absent ; leaflets with resinous glan 
underside ; fea a small globose nut adnate to on 
accrescent, 3-lobed scarious reticulate bracts; stamens 

4-12; ovary l-ovuled ............06 875. 
Flowers salina sar complete of a 4-5-lobe 
calyx and 4 or 5 petals; stamens 8 or 10; leaves not 

ath :— 
salads except the terminal; petals 4-5 
initia ovary 1-celled ; fruit a small drupe 

209. Odin 
Leaflets all alternate ; ore 5 eaiadiaiones. : 
ovary 2-5-partite ; fruit of 1-5 samaras 

148. Ailanthus. 

149 BENGAL PLANTS. (Artificial | 

‘| {Leaves digitate [p. 141] 1 
‘| Prickly climbing or sarmentose sh rubs; leaves 3.foli 
casually 1-foliolate ; leaflets pellucid gland- <a 
2-5 141 


§ Leaves sieeaie 
Ovary inferior ; kines at least the female, wi 
— perianth :— 

s alternate :— 
eae calyx 4-5-partite; stamens 4-7 
ovary 1-celled, ovule 1, pendulous; fruit 
crowned by the accrescent spathulate ole 

c 330. Gy 

erbs :— 

Stamens many, free or connate ; ovary 2-4 
ovules very many on axial placentas ; 
I-seriate or sub-2-seriate, segments 4 or 5; 
capsular or succulent; stem and leayes succulent 


Stamens 5, filaments connate ; ovary 1- celled 
1 erect ; corolla tubular 5 Anoka, in female 
0; fruit dry indehiscent ; stem and leaves coarse _ 

Leaves opposite or sometimes (Viscum) reduced 
scales :— 

Stamens 3-4, opposite and adnate to the 
lobes ; ha pc desine ADO) nrarosannvan 809. Vit 
Stamen 1; marsh-weeds .........:000 318*. Callit 

Ovary PA pai unclosed nine with « 
naked :-— 

*Ovary wets as a closed cavity Lp. 151 
tOvary 4— 

+Petals 0, or if present, free :—[p. 143] 

Ovary 5-locular ; perianth 1- pai petals 

stamens connate in a column with anthers 

its apex ; leaves alternate :-— 

Ovary with cells 2- or more- ovuled :— 

Fruit of 2-yalved cocci. ...... 817. Glochi 

Fruit of ripe ices opening like follicles. : 

Ovary with cells 1 1-ovuled ; earpels in 
indehiscent, subsamaroid.........106. He 
Ovary 4-5-locul lar ; perianth 2-seriate ; petals 

to the Genera.] 

XXI._—MONG@CIA. 143 

stamens connate in one or in 4-5 phalanges, ovary 
with ar l-ovuled; fruit indehiscent; leaves 

oppo reinia. 
}Pe oe pia in a salver-shaped sorties leaves 
142 604. Cordi 

seus te [p. 

+Ovary not more than 2-3-locular, or if (Quercus rarely) 
4-5-locular the male flowers in catkins :—[p. 142] 


mens 6-12; cells ee ovary sora 

Involuere of bracts not armed ; nut satis rarely 

uite enveloped 877. Quercus. 
Involuere of  heenate armed with spines; nuts often 
2.or more, usually quite schinaterrn 

8. Castanopsis. 

Male a. not in c 

"| Ova: 

y 2-3-, — ielestoentil ovules 2 or 1 
lus :—{p. 149 

in oc loculu 

Flowers sanseaiaies: -moncecious, many males (con- 
sisting of each a solitary pedicelled stamen) 
surrounding a single central 3-carpelled pedi- 
celled female, all enclosed in a pseudo-calycine 
involucre ; perianth proper 0, or rarely of 1-3 
minute scales at the joint between pedicel and 
flower; cells of ovary J-ovuled ; herbs, shrubs, 
or trees with milky aa juice :— 

Involucre regular, campanulate or turbinate 

with segm ; up 
Involucre oblique, irregular, slipper-shaped, 
eerie produced | into a spur glandular 

..812. Pedilanthus. 
Flowers pci nee -moneecious ; perianth of sepals 
almost always present, occasionally also a 
see ; stamens ~2-seriate or all in the centre 

va. wer :— 
sv of the outer or only series a 

the sepals, or if stamens all in the centre of the 
flower then the cells of the ~gegeghs ed 
ovary each 2-ovuled; petals when present 
small or minute; sepals — inflores- 
cence always lateral or axillary : 45 

144 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificia 

Flowers in small axillary cymes; 
5, imbricate; petals 5, each 2-fid; si 
free; ovary 2-3-celled, fruit an ind 

pe; shrubs or small trees 

Flowers not eymose :— 
¢Male flowers in axillary fas 

column ; trees or shrubs :— 
Ovary 2-celled; fruit in 

Ovary 3-celled; fruit deh 

or oblong sessile column with 

sk t 
herbs [p. 145] ...819. 

to the Genera.] XXI.—MONQICIA. 145 

{Fruit of 3-6 indehiscent cocci ; 
disk 0 in either sex:—[p. 144} 
ee cp on angles ‘ot 
colum male 6- 
jatok, secon of female 
6-cleft, persistent; small 
shrubs or undershrubs 

20. us 
Anthers adnate to whole length 

free ; fruit dehiscent, or separating 

into cocci, or indehiscent ; herbs, 
shrubs, or trees sik 1 

2. Phyllanthus. 

tMale flowers in a racemes ; 

stamens 4-8, free round a rudimentary 

— filaments short, anthers 

didymous; fruit a fleshy irregularly 
eae pense sone og 144] 
. Baccaurea. 

gStamens of the “ga or a series alternate 
with the sepals or if the stamens all central 

present at least in the m 
absent from both sexes (tant then with 
a large hypogynous . in both male 
and female flowers era mens definite, 
2-seriate, marginal :— as 

Flowers in ia achaails cymose 


panicles; stamens erect; lata 
tately lobed :— : 
Calyx imbricate in bud, 
5-lobed ; fruit dry, capsular, each 
2-valved :— 
- Stamens 10, united in 2 series 
the lobes of a hypogyn 
ies none in either sex; s 

a many, the outers 

Wee e wees 

ral, i imes, | 
Sebastiana) with stamens definite 
seriate :—[p. 145 
§Petals present in male flower; f 
ee ovary 3-celled ; pie ws 
[p. 147] 

aaa imbricate ; i develop 
both sexes; stam ee 

mes i 
base of male raceme; males 

to the Genera. ] XXI.—MONCECIA. 147 

fascicled ; females solitary 
832. Codizum. 
Sepals valvate; disk in male obscure ; 
_/ stame ns_5-15,Cc0 nnate below; diffuse 
0 herbs; male flowers crowded in upper 
ap of raceme, females in pedi- 
833 Phe 


vetals none in either sex ue 
Sepals imbricate, 4-6, free; ede in 

0-30, tral filaments fre e 
connate; anther-cells adnate throughout 
to a broad connective ; capsule dry, crus- 
taneous 5.56050. 836. Baliospermum, 
Sepals calyx-segments valvate or 

iendionay calyx NG hiniees in 
naman cata! terminal, spikesracemes 

s cule a tual flowers closed in bud, 
usually membranous, oblong, ovoid 

flower ange with sepals iadiel 
cate :— 
ile aitinet, usually long, en- 
tire, 2-fid, multifid or papillose- 

go, rarely drupaceous :— 
p. 148] 

laments — i—Ip. 
** Ant 

ls i: Me only by 
their 2 ie? — many or 

females at 


spikes or in se 
usually with a 
disk 0; 

capsular; d 
present in female 

Anthers 3-4-locel 
0; style long 2-fid 
shrubs; male flowe 

lary veinaalt tate 

ares connate 

to the Genera, | XXI.—-MONG@CIA, 149 

*Calyx of male flower open in bud ; 

styles entire, free or shortly connate 
t the base; stamens 1-seriate; disk 

rp trees, shrubs, or erect herbs: 

p- 147] 
Trees or shrubs ; stamens 3, rarely 
2; filaments free :— 
Calyx 2-3-lobed ; flowers in ter- 

racemes; males several, 
eRe solitary in each bract ; 
females in lower part of spike or 
on separate spikes ; fruit fleshy 
or pulpy, rarely as od 
8. Sapium, 
Calyx deeply ede. ; fowers 
in lateral axillary or termina 


cemes; fruit crustaceous 
849. Exccecaria. 

Herbs ; stamens 2-4, filaments 
ane at the base: male calyx 
inute; flowers in slender ter- 

females solitary at base of raceme 
or lower and long-pedicelled on the 
stem; fruit ara” 
0. Sebastiania. 
“Ovary 1-locular; ovule Pos —[p. 1 
§§Leaves without stipules ; alternate :—[p. 150] 
Anthers oblo r lin i 
- segments 5, rarely fewer, free, membranous, 
dry, present in both male and female flowers ; 

: tus. 
pre ie a  perianth of male herba- 
as 3-5 part 

of oe fomnls.0 Be ec iossreceree 782  Mriplex. 

150 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artifi 

§§Leaves stipulate :—[p. 149] 
Stamens 6; stipules ochreate 

Stamens 5 or fewer; iat never 0 

ttPlants with watery juice :—[p. 
Anthers in bud erect; ers 2-fid 

pe tetas undivided or 0; 3 ova 

Frese ‘ar stems beset with | 

or capitella 

very small or none 

Female perianth tubular, 
toothe a or subentire, enc 
Fruiting perianth dry, 

to the Genera.} XXI,.—MONQICTA. 151 

ovary ; stigma Aya tie 
4. Debregeasia. 

+4Plants with milky j sink sys 1 
Anthers in bud reversed, stamens in- 
flexed; ovule pendulous, anatropous ; 

shrubs or trees ; style 2-fid or 2-partite :— 

Female sepals fleshy in fruit and 
enclosing the achenes ; both male and 

beapit S. 

Female sepals not fleshy ; stint flowers 

subcapitate ; female few or solitary 

: b 
Anthers in igs erect; style undivided or 

2-fid; ovule pendulous, apeapeeny or 
somewhat saa phierpbel 
lowers all exposed :— 

Inflorescence elongated; male flowers 

or oblong heads; erect trees 

Flowers on the inner walls of a closed 
receptacle; trees or erect or climbing 
bs 874. Ficus. 
*Ovary an unclosed carpellary leaf with ovules 
naked; stamens monadelphous :—[p. 142] 
Leaves conspicuous, coriaceous :-— 
Leaves opposite; large climbers; flowers 
whorled on interrupted spikes ; males with a 
membranous 2-lobed, females pr an utricular 
perianth Gnetum. 
Leaves (in our see, sir ag ; male 
flowers in sessile clustered spikes; female 
flowers solitary ; perianth 0 

. Podocarpus. 
Leaves small, scale-like, Atirtoniaky adpressed, 
imbitionte § trees, male neces s terminal so! solitary, 

883. nam 

Ve ieee BENGAL PLANTS. [ Artificial | 

ee arranged on a eeticet subtended by a spathe or by se 
spathaceous bracts: : 
Perianth 2-seriate, 3-merous ; spathes simple 
Trees with ech stems and terminal tufts o leaves ; fruit smoot 
unarmed palms :— 
Leaves Pe orbicular or nearly s0............ 985 

Climbing shrubs with voluble stems and scattered leaves; 
lepidote with shigidia shining, closely imbricate adpressed s¢ 
prickly palm 
Spathes patil on persisting 993. Ge 
Spathes cymbiform or open, deciduous ......... 994. Deemono: 
nth 0 :— 

' ‘Trees or shrubs; leaves long, narrow, coriaceous, ‘spinescen 

Flowers not on spadices subtended by a spathe; if sploste: without 
basal involving bract, or if provided with an involving basal bract 
not on spikes :— : 
*Leaves with venation carat parallel; with narrow blades 

* distinct basal sheaths :—[p. 1 
Ovary inferior ; aquatic mein with flowers enclosed in spathes 

_ never spica 
Stems bang, leafy; spathes small, sessile; perianth double: 
nye Bene 

bee eeeeee 

ee superior ; perianth single or irregular or 0 :— 
Submerged creeping aquatic plants with minute axillary flow 

Erect species; leaves with a long stem-clasping leat 
flowers arranged in spikelets in the axils of glumes:— 
{Leaves 3-stichous ; a — in front, not on 
— without palese {p. 1 

to the Genera. } XXIT.--DIGCIA. 153 

tLeaves 2- stichous ; ; eugr open in front, rs behind ; 
‘shrubs, glumes paleate [p. 152] 046. Spinifex. 
*Leaves with netted clan a even when a main-nerves paralle 
the intermediate venation anastomosing :—[p. 
tPlants climbing with the aid of tendrils je 154] 
§Ovary inferior :—[p. 154] 
Anthers 2-celled; female flowers usually eared leaves entire 
or lobed but never divided into distinct leafle 
Anther-cells folded together or sigmoidly ¢ sth 
Corolla rotate, or if campanulate divided maaan or quite to 
the base into 5 free petals :— 
Petals fimbriate at their margins : 
vules 12; perfect seeds usually 76, each with an abor- 
tive seed attached to its side........+ ae se Hodgsonia. 
vules and perfect seeds very aa 
1 fAchosanthes. 
Petals with entire margins 
Calyx-tube of male fower iin ngated :— 
Tendrils simple; stigmatic lobes of female flower 
linear, simple; petiole without glands 
362. Gymnopetalum. 
Tendrils divided; stigmatic lobes of female flower 
2-lobed ; petiole with two glands at its apex 
363. Lagenaria. 
Calyx-tube of male flower short, with 2-3 scales at its 
ale tee with usually an eg 
bract; tendrils simpl 366. Momordica. 
gerne campanulate, not divided much more than helt -way 
VLRO Oe BI Apsveecbeepe. de puacoe veo 369. Cephalandra. 
Papers cells straight :— 
Flowers large, deep yellow; male setae shor 

base; the m 


Taian tha. 
Flowers small, pale yellow ; male see or racemes 
slender : 

Comiiastive produced ; jo on — 2 male 
flowers usually racemed .....s-++++++e0+0++*" lothria. 
Connective not produced ; fruits o n short meee male 
flowers usually corymbose or subumbellate 
375. Zehneria. 
Anthers 1-celled, cells straight; flowers small, the female ones 
many, racemed or panicled; leaves pedately divided into 3-5 
le cathe Bipalies : apis lice eNO ET Gynostemma. 

BENGAL PLANTS. [ Artificial G 

§Ovary superior :—[p. 153] 

Leaves twice 3-nate ; Perinerth of 4 wane. and 4 petals; s 
8; fruit an inflated ca ardiospert 
Leaves simple, 3-5- — and ay is the nei 
perianth 2-seriate, each series 3-merous; stamens 6; 
globose berry ...... 961 
Plants with erect stems or, if climbing, not ae 

tendrils :—{p. 153 
vary inferior :— 
Ovary 3-celled ; ovules in each cell 2, superposed ; clim 
rarely erect, bere or shrubs ; perianth segments 6, 2-8 
stamens 3 or 6; leaves simple or compound ...958. Dio 
Ovary 1-celled; ovule solitary; erect species with 5-mel 
rarely 4-merous, perianth :— 
Leaves alternate :— ‘ 
Herbs with prickly leaves, flowers in heads surrounded 
an involucre of bracts; anthers Sinan” 

Trees with unarmed simple leaves ; flowers not in 
anthers free :— 

Petals imbricate ; style 1; drupe ultimately — 
Petals valvate ; styles 3; drupe half-inferior or 
206. Holi 

Leaves opposite, flat and thick, or reduced to scales on 
jointed ~ a3 pemiparasitic herbs (mistletoe) ...809. 
Ovary superi 
Anther-cells openin g by upcurved at length deciduous ralvlt 
lids ; leaves esis, gland-dotted ; aroma Mo. ee am 
shrubs ; perianth-segments TS oatiate. all ee 
Flowers clustered, enclosed in densely ieoheleatal brac 
perianth-segments 6 ...... 800. Actinodaphne 
Flowers umbellate, the umbels involucrate ; per ‘ 
sometimes 6, sometimes 4, sometimes small or ot, ee 

a * Sehiccing by chinks or pores, never ye ei 
*Perianth double, of calyx and corolla :—[p. 1 

1d 1. €s compound ; trees or shrubs :—{p. oe 
Stamens united in a tube 
Stamens eer 

Ovary 2-3-celled; stamens 8 :-— 

to the Genera.]| XXII.—DIGECIA. 155 

Leaves pinnate 193. Erioglossum. 
ves 3 G6 toliclatecnsteuie 191. Allophylus. 
{| Leaves simple :—{p. 154] 
Stamens fewer than petals; stamens 2, petals 4, valvate, 
sometimes petals 0 in female flower ; leaves opposite 

535. Olea. 
Stamens at leastas many as the petals or lobes of corolla, 

sometimes more numerous than petals : 
Stamens sive with petals and not it sansaling them 

Leaves oaneatal stamens and petals 4...539. Azima. 
Leaves alternate ; — and petals usually 5 :— 
Leaves conspicuo 
Stamens piontin in centre of flower; petals 
smaller than soe Bike 814. Bridelia. 
Stamens not connate: 
Petals siealei siiachens ovary 1-celled :— 
Flowers capitate; style simple; flowe 

ithout staminodes..........+- 174. ae 
Flowers ~~ styles 2; male flowers 
with 5 inodes aonitie the petals, 
outside — pee ieee site N one tum. 

Petals imbricate ; erect shru tre 
Ovary 4-more roplied 5 ae spl: eta 
connate below «:...e.secrererevereeeee . Tex, 
Ovary 1-celled ; styles 3; petals “sd 

Leaves very small, scale- -like, stem-clasping ; : 
sepals and petals imbricate ; sau 

3. Tamarix. 
Stamens more numerous than petals, or . not exceed- 
ing them in number then opposite the petals or corolla- 

lobes :— 
+Carpels 3 or more, free, rarely solitary ; perianth 


p. 156] 
Perianth 3-merous ; sepals 3, socal —_ 6, 
2-seriate; stamens many; =o 
ECOG. <i cieviidevendeoteupaanrecrneneersthe=** 
Perianth not Saqnero ; sepals connate in a 
5-toothed calyx; corolla 3-5- 3-5-lobed; stamens 
3-5, oe the corolla-lobes; ovary 1-celled 

BENGAL PLANTS. (Artificial 
with 2 pendulous ovules; climbers 

{Petals imbricate ; climbers :—[p. 155 
Stamens free; perianth-segments free ; car 

3 or more :— 
Petals 2; sepals 8 ; anthers 4...31. Antitaxis. 
Petals 6 :— 
Sepals 9-12; anthers 6, — obliquely 
30. Hem 
pals 6 :— 
Anthers 9° ..0).000000. ..26. Pycnarrhena. 

vertically ; carpels 9-12; styles subulat 
29. Tiliacora- 

Stamens connate :— 
Anthers 6; perianth-segments en free :— 
Carpels 3, accompanied by staminodes:— 
Petals 6, sepals 6; female tanked 6 : 

Petals 0, sepals 6; female staminodes 
Carpel solitary, female states des 0; sepals 
. in male, 3-5 in nape B gor mei 

eee ree eees 

female petal B; sehed on vei. .25. Gi paca 
tCarpels 3 or more, connate in a syncarpous OVaTy) — 
trees or erect. shrubs ; perianth rarely 3-merous -— 
[p. 155] 

‘Ovary 3-5-celled ; styles free :—[p. 157] 
Petals 0, imbricate, only slightly united below 

81. Eury® 
Petals contorted, connate in a s-more lobe 
gamophyllous corolla :-— 

to the Genera.] XXII.—DIGCIA. 157 

mini SmexvOus VTi... esse eeses sees 527. Maba. 

Flowers 4—5-merous ......-++++5 528. Diospyros. 
Ovary 1- sae with ‘45 parietal placentas’ -- 
[p. 156] 
Stamens many , hypogynous ; petals fr 

Pp a. 

Sepals connate, subvalvate 60. Chaulmoogra. 
Stamens 10, adnate to the gamopetalous corolla, 
5 with filaments carl with peer 5 opposite 
lobes without filaments .........+.+++ 359. Carica. 

*Perianth of one whorl (calyx) aati or se | 154 | 

Stamen in male flower solitary ; trees or shrubs: 

Tall trees with green leafless ron Teale sie 

small scales whorled at the joints; perianth- segmen 


p. 158] 
Perianth absent; females in few-flowered cones; males 
spicate, fascicled or solitary ; leaves alternate or oppo- 
site; ovules aah TECOS ...ccscescerese 882, Podocarpus. 

ent :— 

ves jopeutel flowers whorled on ad or branch- 

ing spikes ; ovules naked ; clim . Gne 
Leaves alternate; ovules sosieed in ae cells of a 
1_-more-celled ovary ; trees or shrubs : x 

Ovary 1-celled, 1-ovuled :-— 

oe with a mace; stamens connate ina central 
Jum ; treeS......seecseerereeeeeees 793. pe lies 

Seeds ieaghia a mace; stamens connate belo 
in a ring or tube; shrubs armed, climbing, or 
765. Pisonia. 

So Geek peu Cates nar cae se Bebeem Pere eSee eT 

Ovary 3-, sometimes more- -celled :— 

{Small trees; flowers in axillary elusters:—[p.158] 
Fruit smooth; ovary often more than 3-celled, 
styles columnar ; ovules 1 in each ce 
817. Glochidion. 
- Fruit tubercled or echinate; ovary 3-cell 
: styles distinct ; ovules 1 in eac 
835. Che us. 

6 a eh gg i 

158 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 

}Shrubs: flowers in axillary spikes; 
3-celled, ovules 1 in each cell [p. 157] 
844. Hom 
§Stamens free :—[p. 157] 
tOvary 2- or more-celled :—[p. 159] 
Leaves pili nd :— 

Leaves even-pinnate 195. Schleicher 
Leaves 3- folinlate 813 
Leaves sim 
Sepals imbricate —— 
Cells of the ovary each 1-ovuled ; stamens! : 
834. Gelonium. 

Cells of the ovary each 2-ovuled :-— 
Stamens many ; sepals ciliate; ovary 
ie . Flaco' 

sometimes) the —- not ciliate :— 
ruit a loculicidal capsule, 

Fruit cnafilensn or tardily dehiscent; 

or panicles 
Seeds not axillat cuiieael 826. Al 
Seeds arillate ......... 827. 

Male — in axillary fascicles or 

Fruit a drupe ; 
Stamens 2-4; saepe l-celled 

Stamens 8 or more ; ig 2-s-celled 
824. Cycl 

y' ostemon. 
Fruit a berry with 6 cocci enclosed it 
an indehiscent epicarp 
81s. Fiuegge® 
Sepals valvate, at least in the male, or opeD 

Calyx vl base, closed in bud, 
or if shortly 3-partite open in bud :— 

to the Genera.) XXU.—DIGCIA. 159 

Calyx of male closed in bud, splitting valvately 
to the base pie ed concave sepals :— 
Anthers 2-ce 
Anther- a iad! males in long, lax, 
lateral racemes; females solitary on a long 
pedunele, or nreaialos ; fruit Pg are : 

\) _—Knther- cells ie : ca sexes with 
flowers in simple or branched axillary or 
lateral spikes or racemes ; fruit a capsule : 
leaves alternate or opposite 

_ $41. Mallotus. 
Anthers 3-4-celled, the cells globose ; fruit 
capsular :— 

are very long, 2-fid; male flowers in 

long axillary eee: ‘females 1-2 on 

long axillary pedu 842 clasdinns 

Styles entire, short or long; flowers in 

axillary racemes or br anched panicles ; 
males clustered; females grnil or few 

Calyx of male flower open in bud, be deeply 
-partite; flowers in lateral axillary, or 
terminal spikes; fruit crustaceous 
849, Excoscaria. 
+Ovary 1-celled sit. ee 
Placentas 2-4, 
Perianth 0; pies 2 or more; placentas 2-4, 
mamy-OVUled ....22..sserrereeresrsrereenere® 879. Salix 
Perianth :. seriate, distinct: 
Stamens many ; placentas 52-4, few-ovuled 
58. Xylosma. 
Stamens 4; placentas 4, wie -ovuled 
9. Tetrameles.: 
Placenta solitary :-— 
vary 2-ovuled ; stamens D Sace 825. intideem® 
Ovary 1-ovuled ; stamens 5 or _— _ 
*Leaves without stipules :—[p- 60] 
Female flowers ebracteate ; “pest sub- 
globose, 3-4-toothed ...-+-+++++ 781. Spinacia. 
Female flowers 2-bracteate ; perianth 0 
782. Atriplex. 

160 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial 
“Leaves with stipules :—[p. 159] 5 
tho 791. F 

ha ro os 7 hea l-seriate, regular 
ite with watery jui 
Anthers in oo ali ; ee 2-fid ; 
Trees with penninerved leaves; 
anatropous; male sepals indupli 
valvate 854 

Hathe or annual undershrubs with 
tate leaves; ovule obcampylotro) 

Anthers in bud reversed; stamens | 
flexed ; a — or 0; ovule erect, 

lete; stigma penicillate ; ae 
cymes, or clustered on a fleshy | 
tacle :— 

eaves opposite; flowers cymose 
858. Pilea 

one Seinalil perianth very 
Somat sited tubular, shortly too 
\\\ orlsubentire; enclosing the achene:— 
ruiting perianth pate membr 
stigma 6) 
tad pastanth more oF 


Oiex: free; stigma penicillates 

leaves narrow 862. Sarcochlamy® 

Ovary adnate ; leaves broad :— 

Stigma sessile, peg - 

Stigma ieee 
864. De 

Plants with milky ju ju i¢6 
tAnthers in bud reversed; stamens in 
flexed; ovule pendulous, anatropous 
shrubs or trees: :—[p. 161] 

to the Genera.] XXIV.—CRYPTOGAMIA. 161 


Style undivided, elongated; male 
flowers spicate, female in globose 
heads ; achenes eg 

5. Broussonetia. 
Style 2-fid or 2-part 
Female sepals me in fruit and 

rous, both male and female spicate, 
or bse spicate and female subcapi- 
lA as eee Bt, Morus. 
flowers few or solitary :— 
ale flowers racemose, bracts 
minute; female sepals very short 
867. Taxotrophis. 
Male flowers subcapitate :— 
Bracts of male flowers n 
large; female sepals Pion 
868. sheen peed 
Bracts of male flowers 2; female 
ssi coriaceous, clasping the 
869. Streblus. 

—— in ng Ae erect; style undivided or 

2-fid ; climbing shrubs :— 
Ovule erect, ahokionorel ; stipules 
connate, intrapetiolar 
870. Conocephalus. 
Ovule pendulous, anatropous ; stipules 
lateral, small .....++++++- 872. Cudrania. 


ch therefore belong to this class, 

[Plants having polyg.mous flowers, whi 
g to the nature of 

pit been distributed among the other classes accordin 
ir hermaphrodite flowers. ] 

herbs :— 

Aquatic, more or less submerged, or floating 162] 
s or pe streams :-— 

}Plants growing at sides or in depths of pool 

[p. 162 

Fronds pinnatisect, dimorphic g longitudinally 

down the fertile pinne nearly ae ie both midrib » and edge 
1134, Ceratopteris. 

162 BENGAL PLANTS. [Artificial Guide 

Fronds long petioled, with 4 terminal obcordate to cuneate segments; 

See er evesseceserces 

tPlants floating on the surface of ponds and rice-field swamps:— : 
(p. 161 

Fronds ential with po we cae anastomosing acsre me 
. Salvinia. o 
Fr small, deeply lobed, each lobe 1-nerved oe i Azolla. 
oPenveaertar’ or epiphytic herbs: —[p. 161] 
Leaves very small in proportion to the stem, or abse aA 
Stem articulate, simple or with whorled RRO leaves reduced 
to rings of teeth at the nodes; sori on underside of peltate bracts 
making a terminal cone-like frtictification ; ; erect in bud 

1156. Eq ‘ 
Stem not articulate, as or dichotomously branched ; leaves not — 

whorled ; circinate n bud; sori in axils of bracts or leaves, ee 
seattered along sala or aggregated in terminal cone-like fruc 
tions :— 

Sporangia of 2 sorts, one with |. large spores, one with more 
numerous small Son leaves usually 4-stichous and 2-morphie, 
rarely u nifo Bn, orem cece il 
Sporangia all of one sort with many small spores ; ‘eat almost 
always sate and usually multifarious : 
Leaves many, crowded; sporangia orbieuar, compressed 
~valved L co 

+ © Ctecvecsseese 

rl a Selg Seagal i eee Fee pn pee 

Leaves fronts gy lange i in proportion to the stem or roatatook: stem 
never arti 

WGHa, : cong in he, 
barren portion :— 
Sterile portion of frond simple or, rarely, palmately lobed 

1151. Ophioglossum- 

oD gp 1152. Helminthostachys- 

divided more or less deeply into a fertile and & 

Sterile portion of frond digitate 
Fronds circinate in bud :— 
— opening by a lateral slit or an apical pore but without 
guia sori dorsal or mar inal :— 

Sporangia sessile, contiguous but discrete, arranged in bands 
near the edge of the pinne ; fronds 2-pinnate, veins free 

Sporangia concrete in raised circular dorsal ae with hollow 
centre ; fronds palmate, veins anastomosing...1150. Ka’ 
Sporangia provided with a more or less elastic ring :-— 

to the Genera.] XXIV.—CRYPTOGAMIA. 163 

Ring of a pone complete, the sporangia opening 
down the side ; sori latera 
aitted ferns with al or forked fronds 
_ 1147. Schizea. 
Climbing ferns with palmate, pinnatifid or pinnate fronds 
1148. Lygodium. 
Ring of sporangia equatoria. 
eating 0 of sporangia ra oeeinls transverse; sporangia 
opening vertically ; sori with few sporangia, dorsal, indusium 
0; climbing ferns with dichotomously branching fronds 
1125. Gleichenia. 

ng of sporangia more or less complete, jointed, eae; 
ree usually bursting transversely; sori with many 
sporangia, dorsal or marginal :— 

boda sori without an indusitim Vide hense 1126. Alsophila. 

Herbs :— 

+Sori furnished with an indusium :—[p. 164} 
Fronds delicately i ORT ppreeree indusium 
apical on a vein, tubular.........--- . Trichomanes. 

{Sori marginal or submarginal :—[p. 1 
ear ium opening iiealty towards edge of 

sori | disorete: indusium apical or subapical on 
1128. Dayallia. 

Sori in a ‘continuous or subcontinuous marginal 
or submarginal line; indusium double, the 
inner valve membranous ...--- 1129. Lindsaya. 
Indusium opening inwardly towards midrib of 
frond :— 
Sporangia on the underside of the indusium, 
which cpokidle of the pares margin of the 
frond 130. Adiantum. 

Sporangia not on the underside au the indusium ; 
the veins supporting the sori or their receptacles 

Sori terminal or nearly 80, oD np distinet veins, 
globose and, at least at . discrete 
1. Cheilanthes. 
Sori on a slender nites ate in the 
axis of the indusium, con nnecting several to 
many veins, linear and continuous :— 

164 : BENGAL PLANTS. [ Guide to Genera. — 

Segments of fronds very small and narrow; — 
the receptacle connecting ie Paps of few 
veins ...... 2. Onychium. — 
Segments of fronds conspicuous; the recep- 
tacle connecting the apices of many veins 
3. Pteris. 
{Sori remote from margin of frond :—[p. 163] 
Indusium linear or oblon ng :— 
Fronds simple or variously once or oftener 
pinnate :— 

wes membranous, parallel and close to 

and opening towards midrib 1135. Blechnum. 

Indusium divergent from midrib, single and 

opening towards midrib, or double and open- — 

ing both towards midrib oe Ere of leaf 

Indusium ren 
Pinnee teen ald, not articulate nor white- 
dotted aboy 1138. Nephraaee 
Pinns eae simple, articulate at base, wi 
whi its geben dots above...1139 Nephrolopis. 4 
+Sori without an indusium :—{p. 1¢ 3 

Fronds pi ai flabellate i Actinopteris. 


1140. Polypodium. — 
Sori linear :— 

"> a Veins not all soriferous 

Sori erated ie on soriferous veins :— 
1 on the iia s only 

141. Gymnogramme- 
Sori on the pie connecting veinlets 
1142, Meniscium. 

i Aelhhichddded s6 2k Ce ee Or 

Fronds dimorphic ...,..1144. Drymoglossum. 

Veins freely anastomosing, all sage 5 

5. Hemionitis. 

Sori not confined to the veins, ie ecal over the — 
whole under-surface of the frond...1146. Acrostichum. 



meee bearing flowers with stamens or pistils or both; pistils bearing 
ovules that may ultimately change into embryonate s eeds 

Pistils with a stigma; ovules contained in an ovary composed of a 
Carpel with pherng fdas or of two or more cohering carpels; 
perianth usu 3 PROBE» siiicies wane nate potbadacard vib ANGIOSPERMEZ. 
First leaves of embryo solitary or alternate; framework of leaves of 
parallel. tang ink mi or, less often, ye oe “di ivergent, rarely nette 
veins; perianth usua ily 3-merous ; ubstance of stem in 
wolated bundles 22 6.290. 82sec. 600: “MONOCOTYLEDONES i x 
First leaves of embr ryo and opposite ; ieaune ework of leaves 
usually of netted veins; dariieale usually 4-merous or, more often, 
5-merous; wo ony. ubstance of stem usu i. os rings of bundles 
round a central p DICOTYLEDONES. 
Corolla usually ahd Pays, almost always present; flowers gener- 
ally hermaphrodite 
Segments of eorilla almost rapitecks and of calyx very often 
coherent, corolla rarely absent pier aniae almost si be definite, 
usually adhe rent to corolla, sometim ypogynous, rarely epi- 
g8ynous; ovary inferior, or if superior the carpels 0k more than 3 
Segments of erete almost always dae abiuan some or all 
of iran absent ; stamens often indefini 
Stamens aa r perigynous Tariiciig from calyx or from 
a disk Seri its Hoagide if Lenin les eae pe someone 
the ovary =o arpels more than 3; segments of 
“mlx usually united |. 60s 6.0. 66s. e668 CALYCIFLOR# 11. 
Stamens hypogynous arising apart from calyx direct from 
the sepals or from a disk that crowns the ne eae <5 9 
all fie THALAM 

ments of calyx usually free........-. ancoall 
— almost always and calyx often err = genera] 
ae 8: ved "a . INCOMPLETE 1, 

2 n two 
stem in rings of bundles round a central pith. “GYMNO 
Plants without eves bearing antheridia or archegonia or both on 
pei: Frothalli in e stage of existence and mee small sporangia 
minute s some in an alternating stage.. , 



Leaves small in — - wre stem, the fertile ones almost always 
confined to a particular 
Leaves in whorls, the tertile « ar peltate, forming wh spike at the 
apex of the stem beari angia on their inner face 
Leaves not in whorls, the fertile ones flat, with sporangia in their 
Leaves mids in proportion to the stem, the pe, ones not confined to — 
particular r 

Leaves Siete, mucansis on their upper surfaces 
Leaves bearing sporangia on their lower surfaces ..FILICES VII. a 

PHANEROGAMIA.—Exceptions eg teratological ; certain flowers ae acciden- : 

ally (Brassica, Sterculia, Triumfetta, &c.) Ve pistil, 1 are ble”- @ 
be Green vane s gardens) both these whorls replaced by leafy organs ; garden double” 
flowers m nO proper stamens, e being replaced by petals; certain 

ANGIOSPERME.—Carpels open and young seeds “naked from an early stage ia 
some species (Sterculia colorata &e.), but stigma present, and carpels closed prior 
poche Partial or complete absence of perianth is noted under the various 
MONOCOTYLEDONES .—Parallel-divergent veins in many Scrrawivex and mod! 
PALMER ; character is, however, associa with 3-mery of perianth- ray 
Welied: vendtion Sharacherises most AROIDES, but is associated with specialized Bit 
florescence (spadix and spathe) not met with in Dicotyledons. Netted veins also er ae 
ca, Dio ilaz: di i 
re 0 in 


—Parallel-dive mt veins in leaves of some GUTTIFERE 
TACE®, and Urticacem, but : without Smery of perianth. The 3-merous Diets 

absent in OLEACE a (Olea) ; ear may nie 
» SaLvaDora —— lasine), STYRACEH ; stamens indefini 

: yx-tube ¥ very short or free in some Lecuminos#, Bost 
EX, SaAMYDACER, Po Petals absent in'some Lacuaisos, Rosacez, COM 
®, Dariscrx SAMYDACE®, FicowEx. 
Thalamus like a Pers sagen ri in pete HACER, po aoe tube 
ss united a 

ore or less t base in TERNS 
INER, STERCUL mpi > ILIcINER, &e.; a at times in RANUN' con, 

dames LET, ay Occasionally present in EUPHORBIACEx ; perianth similarly 
GYMNO SPERIAD eo ere and corolla distinct in Loranthus. 
RIDOP HYTAT gh oe : ct periant occurs in flowers of Gnetum. 

da tan fertile organg _ EK oo i some s 

of sporangia to definite feo 



*Sepals usually imbricated in bud; if valvate (RANUNCULACEE : Clematis, 
Naravelia) then with sepals free, leaves opposite, stamens many, and 
fruitlets separate; or (SAPINDACEEZ: Nephelium) with leaves compound, 
even-pinnate, and seeds arillate :—[p. 171 
tSepals usually free; if united below then (SaPINDACEZ : Schleichera, 
Nepheliumy with compound alternate even-pinnate leaves, or (SAPIN- 

Sepals 3 or fewer; deciduous :— 
Petals more or less resembling sepals, in 2-many more OF 
less distinctly ternate whorls ; carpels many in several whorls ; 
trees or shrubs with alternate leaves ..--- .Ill. Magnoliacez. 
Petals coloured, unlike green sepals; herbs :— 
Sepals 2 with petals 4, or 3 with petals 6; ovary 1-celled 
with nerviform or intruded parietal placentas ; leaves alter- 
nate; sap milky ....-+++++esereeert* VIII. Papaveracez. 
Sepals 2 with petals 4 or 5; ovary 1-celled with free cen 
placentas; leaves alternate or opposite; sap watery ; stamens 
i i Bre 46 Re 

Sepals 4 or more; if 2-3 (GUITIFERE: Ochrocarpus) then trees 
with opposite or 3-nate leathery leaves and resinous juice :-— 

VII. Nymphezacez. 
Petals few, usually 4 or 5, rarely 8-12, or 10, in one rarely in two 
whorls; if many (RANUNCULACEX - Naravelia) then like stam- 

if in a continuous spiral with sepals and 
MIACER ; Camellia) then in terrestrial shrubs :— 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Synopsis of the - 

Sepals deciduous :— 

Carpels when ripe usually quite free; if partially coherent 

(Nigella) the ovules arising from the ae sutures of the 

closed carpels I unculacez. 

Carpels colieceiit: { in a 1-locular ovary Ler parietal or 
IXINEZ sometimes) intruded placente :— ; 
Fruit either a 2-valved sessile or stipitate capsule with- 
out a replum and with marginal placente, or a berty 
Separated from the torus by a long gynophore; floral 
whorls 4-merous; embryo small at the base of the 

QIMOMM Coot els evac lies o ss cece XI. Capparide®. — 2 

Fruit either fleshy and sessile, or a capsule with median — 
placent# ; embryo considerable, near middle of albumen 

Sepals persistent : ~ 
eaves alternate; trees or shrubs: 
Stamens quite teas from the peta bi 
istil of 1-many carpels distinct or cohering in the axis 
of the flowers; styles quite free throughout, terminal — 
or subdorsal ; disk 0; carpels more than 1-ovuled 
Il. Di 


Pistil deeply lobed, lobes oblique, embedded in a0 

accrescent disk; styles connate central; loculi1-ovuled _ 
II. Ochnac 

Stamens attached to the bases of and deciduous with 
cg EERE Eo peer geemuey XXI. Ternstreemiace® 
Leaves opposite :— 
Flowers almost always 1-sexual or polygamous, — 
merous with resinous juice; leaves coriaceous 20 
plana: dotted ».4 8 
< lowers hermaphrodite, S-merous; leave herbaceou 

X. Hypericine® 

ewe eee ewer ee ee ee ee eeee 

Te ee ee etree rs see sk oe ee 

"lovers usually sero, if 2-m —e freee mere - 


pals in Fumarracesz only 

9) — . 
Petals 4 with stamens 6; placentas 2 suvieb, frait a capsule 

er i 

Natural Orders.| I.—THALAMIFLOR. 169 

with 2 valves or a small indehiscent nutlet ; herbs with alter- 

s 4; stamens free in 2 rows, an inner with 4 longer 
and an outer with 2 shorter filaments; petals similar, their 
limbs cruciformly set; fruit with a partition (replum) stretched 
from placenta to placenta ..&. Cruciferz. 

epals 2; stamens united in two bundles of 3 each; petals 
irregular in 2 dissimilar pairs ; fruit without a replum 
IX. Fum 

Petals usually 5, sometimes 4, with perfect stamens as many 
or twice as many as _— “ sepals (anisomerous in all 
PoLyGALACE® and so APINDACEZ) :-— 
Abas Lol wu Resity persistent; stamens and petals 
peed 3, parietal; stamens as many as sepals; petals 
often irregular ; ‘id alternate rarely opposite 
XII. Violacezx. 
Placentas free central; stamens usually twice as many as 
sepals; petals regular :— 
Leaves herbaceous, always spyoniias sepals united below 
or free; petals free, sometimes erbs 

sei Aap 
Leaves scale-like minute, alternate; sepals free ; petals 
ape connate below; shrubs .. XVII. Tamariscinee. 

Ovary 2- or more-celled; if 1-celled Peenet ames Xantho- 

flowers regular 3—5-merous with carpels as many as sepals ; 
small diffuse plants with simple opposite stipulate leaves 
XVIIL. Elatinex. 
Seeds 1, less often 2 to each cell of fruit and either erect 
or pendulous; if more than two and attached to inner 
angle of cells (GERANIACE : Oxalidee and Impatiens) 

or pinnate leaves (Ozalis , Biophytum, Averrhoa) or with 

opposite or alternate inne lee ves and irregular flowers :— 
**Seeds pendulous :—[p- 170] 
{Flowers usually anisomerous (sepals 5, stamens 8; 
subisomerous in Salomonia) filaments connate in a 
sheath usually adnate to petals; sepals and petals 
generally irregular; ovary 1-2-locular; leaves simple 
alternate ; disk 0 [p. 170] -.-- .,.XIV. Polygalacex, 


BENGAL PLANTS. [Synopsis of the 

ttFlowers isomerous; disk usually present :—[p. 169] ’ 
aves compound opposite; oe quite free; : 
stamens always 10...... XXVI perder E 
Leaves simple, or if compound altcinatt's one 
more or less united :— 4 
Ovules in each carpel 2 collateral ; cells of expel 
fruit 2-chambered, chambers each 1- seeded; leaves : 
always alternate simple; stamens always 5; petals — | 
and sepals always regular XXVI. Linez. 

perianth and pene 10 and compound alternate q 

leaves, or irregular perianth stamens 5 with connate 

A and simple ere .XXIX. Geraniacez. 

**Seeds erect; flowers isomerous or anisomerous ; leaves 

usually eben even-pinnate rarely simple or digitately_ 

compound, more rarely opposite and odd-pinnate; seed 

Se Nera oe GN Mao WP ee, 

often arillate [p. 169) ............ I. Sapindacez. : 7 
tSepals more or Sous united at the base: :—[p. in : 
Stamens —— + petals contorted ; dike’ ae often enlarged 10 © 

fruit ; 

mbing shrubs with sagt sap; leaves a 
simple not ye dotted; calyx-lobes an 5 

XXII. Dipterocarpe®. 
Stamens definite (12 or fewer if indefinite (Ruracem: Citrus, 
4igle) the leaves gland-dotte ‘ 
Leaves ~ ps gland- ha simple or compound, gue : 
nate; calyx-lobes and petals 4-5; stamens inserte 
the Sroniy ea disk ; petals often valvate ......XXX. Rutaces 

Leaves opposite simple ; calyx-lobes and petals 5, stamens 10; 
disk obscure ; Ovary 3-celled, cells 1-ovuled 

XXVI I. Malpighiaces- 

Leaves alternate; if opposite (Cenastrinem: Salacia, i 

§Ovules and seeds pendulous : rm 171] 
—— s cotmpound —[p. 1 71) 

hiscent: leaflets 

eee ee esos see 

° Simarube- 
Ficsahe united in a » tube; ie free tes (Code - 

Natural Orders. | I.—THALAMIFLOR&. 171 

capsular, or if fruit RE BPARINO S (Walsura) then the 
leaflets alternate XXIV. Meliacez. 

Petals 2-lobed, sa helondaes raphe of seed ventra 
XXX fe 
Petals entire; raphe of seed dorsal 
Petals usually valvate, fruit 1- oelled 1-seeded 

Petals imbricate, fruit of 3-5 1- si Lig: ts te 
XXX Suan: 
§Ovules and seeds erect or ascending :— de 
Ovary 3-5-locular, leaves simple 
XXXVI. Celastrinex. 
Ovary 1-locular, leaves eis or compound, or 2-5- 
. XLII. Ana 

locular, leaves compoun cardiacez. 
ttStamens opposite a ag simple or com- 
pound :—[p. 170 

Petals eitantas leaves usually stipulate 
XL. Ampelidez. 
Petals imbricate ; leaves without stipules 
XLII. Sabiacez. 
_ STSOOFDOOA 1-locular, placente 3, parietal with 
ovules; disk large lining calyx-tube; leaves 2- 
oe {p 70] - XLIV. Moringez. 
*Sepals cdak | in bud; if inalirionte or subimbricate Geen always with 
valvate petals and either (ANonAcEm: some Polyalthias) with 3-merous 
2-sexual flowers or (Tracem: some Eleocarpi) with anthers dehiscing 
transversely, or (BuRSERACEE: Bursera) with balsaminous sap :-—([p- 
Sepals free; flowers 3-merous, stamens free indefinite; ripe wa 


free or rarely (Anona) conjoine 

upwards into phalanges opposite the petals; ultimate filaments 
with anthers 1-locular (2-locular in Eriodendron an in inner 
series of filaments in Bombaz, then with compound digitate leaves 
and petals) ; staminal column adnate at base to contorted corolla- 
lobes often an = of bracts below calyx; leaves except in 
endron and Bombaz simple «...+++++++XXII. Malvacez. 
Stamens saat or subdefinite in a iene or cup round style 

GONIACEH ; Crassunacem 

172 _BENGAL PLANTS. —_ [Synopsis of the 
with mouth of tube usually with 5 steril 
the petals, the intervening sinuses bearin 
sometimes (Eriolena) in a colum 


e prolongations opposite 
g 1-5 2-locular anthers; 
n round style with short ra 
om middle upwards, then with anthers 2-locular, 
‘leaves simple, sometimes compound-digitate, and then with no 
petals 258510) Pee 16 stganr: Sori to: ela: XIV. Sterculiacea. 
‘Stamens free or (Trutacex rarely) filaments slightly connate e 
ring or shortly 3-5-adelphous at the base ; anthers 2-locular:—[p. 171] 
Stamens indefinite or if subdefinite (Triumfetta, Corchorus) . 
twice as many as petals; leaves entire or lobed always simple; 
trees, shrubs or herbs XXV. Tili 

tamens usually twice as many, rarely only as many a ‘ai ee 
if isomerous then alternate with petals and quite free 4 
compound unequall innate; trees with balsaminous § 
: pl pal XIII. pe 
: hic 
Stamens as many as and always opposite the petals whi 

usually are hooded over the anthers and are adnate to filam 
at their insertion : 

leaves always simpl 

“Stems herbaceous or woody, or if fleshy (Ficoiprm: Sesuvium; pi 

) not flattened or articulated; leaves 
tinet :-—[p. 175 

tOvary apocarpous with 1 or more than one carpel; or syncarpous 
several completely closed loeuli 

any :—[p. i 
Carpels solitary, excentric, style terminal; flowers impel 
definite often diadelphous stamens, or regular with eT 
definite stamens; ovules many or few arising from inner alent 
of carpel ; calyx with odd sepal nearest axis; leaves an 
always stipulate 

Carpels several or if soli 
not termin 

with ovules basilar and with exstipulate leaves -— 
§Flowers hermaphrodite —-[p. 173] ? 

Natural Orders.) I1.—CALYCIFLOR#. 173 

Carpels i or if ultimately united, with styles distinct :— 
Stamens indefinite; leaves stipulate ; carpels many free or 
ys Miteally united, not seldom carpel 1; ovules usually 

om inner angle of cell; style not terminal ; odd sepal 
et from axis. Ui... CASO, at XLVII. Rosacez. 
Stamens definite; leaves not stipulate 

fewer in eer than lobes of calyx ; shrubs or trees, 
leaves alternate.........2--+-55 XLV. Connaracez. 
et r53 wer many arising — inner — of carpels 

posite soesolatt leaves and stem TXLIK. "Crass ulacese. 
Carpels with free styles but elsewhere united; fruits 
capsular ; leaves opposite ; seeds many; herbs :— 
Seeds with straight embryo in centre of albumen; 
ovules aeay from placentas oe tke from top of 
a l-locular ovary ....+.++++ XLVIII. Saxifragacee. 
Seeds with aia embryo ied ‘eilocdshedi; ovules 
from inner angle or from base of loculi 
LXV. Ficoides.. 
Carpels and styles united throughout ; stipules 0 :— 
Calyx-lobes imbricate ; trees or shrubs :— 
Stamens indefinite; petals imbricate ; anthers opening 
by slits ; leaves usually opposite and sien dotted 

Stamens definite ; petals valvate ; ciety getonk usually 

by Asc leaves opposite not dotted, usually 3-5-nerved 

fromm base ......0. eee sees cece ee V. Melastomacez. 

Calyx-lobes tala ; stamens definite, rarely indefinite :— 
Ovary free from calyx-tube ; petals usually corrugated ; 

aquatic herbs, or trees or shrubs ; if ovary adnate to calyx- 

tube (Punica) then stamens indefinite LVI. racez. 

a adnate or semi-adnate to calyx-tube with stamens 

efinite; marsh or aquatic herbs. . ..LVII. Onagracez. 

§Flowers Laexunls ovary inferior :—[p. 172 

corrugated anthers; styles united or only free at apex; 
placentas confluent in axis of ovary; climbing, tendril- 
LXI. Cucurbitaceez. 

Flowers not symmetrical; stamens numerous, free or con- 
joined, anthers ovoid; placentas projecting from inner angle 

174 BENGAL PLANTS. [Synopsis ofthe 

into carpellary chamber ; styles free or only united at base; 
erbs or shrubs with more or less succulent leaves and 
erties LXII. Begoniaces 
fOvules sunpeaied from apices of carpels or loculi; ovaries almost — 
always inferior, usually more than 1-locular; ovules always — 
few :—[p. 172] 

Ovules more than one in each loculus, the flowers herma — 

p aes or if ovules in each loculus solitary, the flowers” 

rite submerged herbs with 1-sexual flowers; styles usually 
» free ; ovules solitary; stamens definite ; leaves whorled 
LI. Hal 

Terrestrial, or if aquatic not submerged, trees and shrubs; with 
hermaphrodite or rarely (CompreTacez: Gyrocarpus) 1- sexual 
mepieks styles united; ovules (except Gyrocarpus) more than - 

Say © ee ee Rete en ed ae EM ene Teen Saris scree ee tr 

an. 2-6-locular ; maritime species (except Carallia) ; lanes . 
opposite ......... LIL 
Ovary 1-locular ; gg species (except Lumnitzera) ; leaves 
opposite or altern LIII. Combretace® — 
Ovules solitary in moh loculus, the flowers hermaphrodite; 
terrestrial herbs, trees and shrubs :— | 
Flowers in axillary cymes or fascicles; fruit drupaceous with # 
1-2-celled stone; trees or shrubs with simple aang a 

cere ee 

Flowers in umbels; leaves almost always erm compoust 
or if simple nbeallp deeply lobed; stipulate 
Trees or shrubs; fruit usually veda fleshy ; 
generally more than two, without glandular vitte, we never 
separating spontaneously............++ LXV 
Herbs ; fruit dry separating spontaneously into two o dry ee 
dahineans carpels with usually glandular vitte con — 
essential oil LXVI. 

Ovary syncarpous 1- -locular, with 3-5 parietal placentas a apes 
ovules, usually free from calyx-tube, occasionally half- inferior er 
DAcEm: Homaliwm) or inferior (Datiscem); styles usually ‘ 
(more or less united in Samypacem: Casearia; and in ee 


Ovary superior :— [p. 175 styles : 
‘Herbs of small _ the leaves beset with glandular hairs; 
quite distinet [p. 1 L. Droserace® 

Natural Orders.) IIT.—COROLLIFLOR. 175 

Shrubs erect or climbing, or trees, without glandular 
hairs :—[p. 174] 
Flowers with a distinct corona between petals an 
climbers with tendrils or (Carica) trees with 1-sexual flowers ad 
a superior ovary ; styles united at least below LX 
Flowers without a distinct corona between the petals and 
stamens :— 
Sepals and petals dissimilar; styles atoenen free ; shrubs 

Sepals and petals similar or nearly so; styles united at base 
or free; trees I. Samy 

Wise 1- etal or polygamous, with ovary sion segments of 
ianth minute; styles aietinns often 2-partite; leaves alternate 
without stipules; trees [p. LXIII. Datiscex. 

“Stems fleshy, flat and patel “leaves minute; flowers large herma 
phrodite; calyx adnate to ovary; lobes of calyx, petals and stamens 
numerous; styles radiating at tips, united below; pig syncarpous, 
1-locular, with parietal placentas [p. 172] Cactacee. 


Ovary inferior; stamens equal in number to, rarely fewer than, and 
always alternate with, lobes of corolla; flowers regular or, less often, 
irregular ; fruit never of two elongated follicles :—(p. 176] 

Stamens attached to the corolla, equal in number with its lobes :— 
Anthers free; ovary 2-many-locular, chambers 1-many-ovuled; seeds 
usually with copious albumen ; calyx-limb toothed, lobed or partite ; 
leaves opposite :— 

Stipules absent or if present lateral ...... LXIX. Caprifoliacex. 
Stipules present, inter- or intrapetiolar, or leaflike and whorled 
with their leaves; flowers sometimes in heads without involucres 

Anthers connate, syngenesious ; ovary 1-locular, lasuleks seeds 
without albumen; calyx-limb reduced to a pappus or obsolete; 
flowers usually in heads surrounded by an involucre; leaves usually 
alternate LXXI. 
Stamens free from the corolla; ovary 2-10-locular, chambers usually 
many-ovuled :— 
ttStamens 5, as many as the equal or unequal corolla-lobes, the 
filaments free from the aie; ovary with 2-5, rarely 6-10 placentw 
or loculi, ovules many [p. 176] ......--LXXIII. Campanulacer. 

176 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Synopsis of : 

ttStamens 2, fewer than the unequal corolla-lobes, the er 
united in a column along with the style; ovary ye mite 
ssenaatat Rerdetppiccseds © oR Lid ECE REET BE LXXIlI er vid 
*Ovary superior, or if inferior then (VaccrnracEx ; most Sryrai ial 
stamens more numerous than corolla-lobes; if with stamens pi 
many as corolla-lobes and ovary inferior then either (M easional) pe 
with stamens opposite corolla- lobes, o or if (ApocyNEx occasion i 

i r with 
numerous than corolla-lobes (Gntiaencae) then corolla nie 
locular many-ovuled ovary. ee 2-locular aments : 
not united in a column with the style stp 175 ‘Pan 

bts 1-locular, with a free-central placenta ; stamens (excep ie 

the regular 

Shaiaees eels in number to and opposite the lobes of : 
corolla :— é 
b eer 5 . 

Ovary 1-ovuled ; styles or style-bra xxv. iii he 

Ovary 2-many- ene style undivided :-— 

VI. Primulace® 

vii — herbs Mibdiveiuscek see LXXV Myrsine® 
dehiscent ; trees or shrubs ....-- a the irregalat 

dace - sheenalt with the three anterior i tibularie® 
corolla Sts eisai al Bl isp ees XcIV. Lem arietal, 

Ovary 2-many.-, rarely 1-locular, placentas axial or less often P 
never free-centra] :-— its 
us than» 
‘amens free from the corolla and usually more numero 
lobes; trees or shrubs :-— tamens 
r; 8 
Viewers hermaphrodite ; ovary inferior or half- pace! ¢ in each 
twice as many as corolla-lobes : ; style simple; © : 

Cnaitber winny i ele! ies em Ut 43 a and opposité 
Flowers dicecious ; ovary superior; stamens equ les 2-8; ovules 
or twice as many as corolla-lobes or many; ate x undivided 
always twice as many as styles, either two rial 
t of sail 
loculus, or solitary in each compartmen LXXIX. E 

Stamens attached to the corolla :-— “s aroraces | 
tOvary 3- or more-carpelled, or if 2-carpelled oa more 2 
with stamens either equal to and opposite, o per mai 
than the corolla-lobes; flowers ecanineiie 
trees or shrubs :—[p. 17 (p. 177] 

7] ; | 
**Ovary superior; ovules in each champ VIEL Bapotace® 

Natural Orders.} III.—COROLLIFLOR. 177 

**Qvary inferior or half-inferior or at least partially attached 
to calyx-tube; ovules in each chamber 2 or more {p. 176] 
LX Styracez. 
tOvary 2-carpelled, or if 3—-5-carpelled (PoLeMoNIACEz ; some Con- 
VOLVULACE& and some VERBENACE&) with stamens either equal to 
and alternate with, or fewer than the corolla-lobes :—[p- 176] 
tCorolla regular, rarely slightly oblique; stamens as many as 
and alternate with corolla-lobes, or if oblique or irregular and 
perfect st f tl lla-lobes (S x: Browallia; 
GENTIANACE® : Canscora) the corolla-limb plicate or subcon- 
torted ; if stamens fewer than corolla-lobes and corolla regular 
(Oteack) then stamens alternate with carpels :—(p. 179) 
§ Leaves opposite or if alternate (APOCYNACE® : Thevetia, Cer- 
bera, Plumeria; GENTIANACEZ : Limnanthemum) then either 
(Cerbera, Plumeria) with carpels free and only styles united, 
or if carpels united then (Thevetia) with a ring of hai 
rs lla throat hiding the stamens, or (Li nthemum) 
floating aquatic plants with 1-locular ovaries :—[p. 178 
Stamens 2 i 

more, imbricate or valvate; ovary 2-locular, each chamber 
2-ovuled or, rarely, 1- or 4- or 8-ovuled ; stipules 0 
LXXXI. Oleacezx. 

Stamens 4 or more, alternate with eorolla-lobes :— 
Corolla-lobes or free petals and stamens 4, segments of 
corolla imbricate ; ovary 1-locular, 1-ovuled or 2-locular, 
each chamber 2-ovuled; rudimentary stipules usually 
present ....eseeceseeereeees LXXXII. Salvadoracee. 
Corolla-lobes or free petals 5, rarely many or, if 4 (Loganta- 
cez and GENTIANACE% sometimes) the chambers of the 

larged towards the top with its stigmatic surface below 
the tip; stamens and corolla-lobes always 5:—([P- 178) 
§§Pollen granular ; stigma annular or interrupted 
below the smooth non-stigmatic entire or 2-fid tip 
of style; fruit berry-like or drupaceous or of two free 
follicles; ovules sometimes few (1-6) in each cham- 
ber, usually many ; stipules 0, or rarely represented 

by interpetiolar glands or horizontal lines [p. 178) 
LXXXIII. Apocynacee. 


pistil 3-merous 

BENGAL PLANTS. [Synopsis of ti 

§§Pollen aggregated in solitary or 

paired masses 
pollinia) in each anther-cell; apex of pn mer | 
into a plane or beaked disk with stigmatic border 

bearing 5 glands (corpuscles) to which the pollinia 

are attached in pairs or fours; stipules always 4 

absent; fruit usually of 2 free follicles pi 177] 

“|Carpels as well as styles always unite a stigma tet- 


minal; corolla-lobes parr an or fc or, if contorted — 

(Logantacez: Fa agrea; GENTIAN : except Canscora 

and Limnanthemum), ‘tina twisted to the right; stamens — 

and corolla-lobes 4-5, occasion 

ally 7 
Leaves joined at bases by pig a stipules a 

raised horizontal lines, always oppos 

ov : 
locular ; corolla-lobes valvate or im eee bale ¥ 

oe Stee corolla long tubular and 


cicaa ri even rudimentary stipules ; ovary 1. 

locular or if 2-locular (Exacum) with corolla short 

rotate and placentas simple; corolla-lobes contorted 

or if valvate (Limnanthemum) the leaves alternate 

numerous, or if 3-5 (certain ConvonvuLa ce) with corolla 
Plicate and — in each loculus 1—4 erect from the base 
of the loculus 

seeds not arising from the carpel-base :— [P- Ve 
Prete sider imbricate or if Bac, contort style 
ovary 1-, not 2-locular; fruit always capsular; 
2-fid or styles 2 [p. 179] EXXXVIIL. “a 

SLeaves alternate or if opposite (Poiauionincieile® Phioz) the — 
; carpels never free; stamens never hidden — 

Natural Orders.) III.—COROLLIFLOR2. 179 

ttCorolla- oe plicate or if (rarely) meohares the style 
entire [p. Solanacez. 
**Ovules in “ie carpel 2, less often 1, ra 4:—[p. 178] 
Corolla-lobes imbricate or contorted; ovary 2-locular 
loculi 2-ovuled, or spuriously 4-locular loculi 1-ovuled ; 
fruit of 2 1-2-seeded pyrenes or 4 1-seeded indehiscent 
nutlets ; embryo with radicle superior 

Corolla-lobes plicate or rarely (Cressa, Cuscuta) imbri- 
cate and then with fruit a valvular or circumscissile 

tCorolla irregular, or at least somewhat oblique, its lobes over- 
lapping; uppermost stamen if present smaller than the others, 
often reduced to a staminode without anther or altogether 
absent; if corolla regular with ovules 1-2 in each ovary and 
fruit indehiscent (some VeRseNnacez) then with radicle 
inferior :—[p. 1 
ttCarpels 2- or more-ovuled, usually the ovules many, but if 
only 2 then the ovules superposed, or if ovules 2 collater al 
(AcantHACER : Thunbergia only) the fruit a 2-valved capsule 
Hees elastically from the tip :—[p. 180] 

Ovary 1-locular, placentas parietal, or if 2- locular by intru- 
sion of eit centas (some GESNERACE#) only imperfectly so; 

beiuidise fa herbs; seeds very small, embryo very 

Minute 66... s ciiwees vs edsves XCIII. Orobanchacez. 

Green leafy habe or shrubs; ovary often inferior; leaves 

usually opposite........+++ ....XCV. Gesneracez. 
Ovary 2-locular or if 1-locular thi (some Bronontace#) 

within loll formed by, the much acerescent parie 
Fruit opening elastically from the apex by 2 loculicidal 
valves ; seeds: usually pees on retinacule ; leaves 
usually opposite ......++++++++ thacez. 
Fruit dehiscent but not opuuing satay, or rarely 
indehiscent :— 
Seeds large transverse, usually with a broad mem- 
branous marginal wing, with horizontal embryo and 

180 BENGAL PLANTS. [Synopsis of the 

no albumen, radicle centrifugal; fruit capsular or 

indehiscent and filled with fleshy or spongy pulp; ‘ 

mostly trees with opposite compound leaves _ a 

. Bignoniaceé. — 

ds small or minute; herbs or shrubs with one 
simple leaves: 

Ovary 1. eortias with ovules attached singly at 

Ovary 2-locular, the placentas sb to the mide 
of the septum; seeds almost always albuminous 
. Scrophularine® : 
+ Carpels 1-ovuled, or rarely 2-ovuled, and if so the ovules co! : 

lateral not superposed and chambers of fruit always 1-seeded, 
agian leaves almost always opposite :—([p- 179] 
Fruit not 4-lobed or if 4-lobed drupaceous ; if separating 
ire XCIX. Ver ' 

drupes; rarely 4-lobed not separating and then not dru 
paceous ; ovary always 4-lobed ........--+- C. Labiate. 

“Flowers hermaphrodite, less often (some CuRHOROPIACA Lo 
Exmacnacea, Lavrte) 1-sexual and then crm) the em 

peripherie annular or (Lo ORANTHA: HACER) the ovule not — a 

f the 
small, the seed with no fate and the plamnenn atte the lobes ° pes 
inner perianth, if abse xual CHENOPODIM' 
the embryo © periph aunnles :—[p. 183] 

tOvary inferior; seeds with aett albumen :—([p. 1 

Ovary soaps completely or partially 6-, rarely fe or 4-locular 
ovules very many superposed 2-seriately in each loculus or 1- seriately 

Natural Orders. | IV.—INCOMPLET#. 181 

on the opposite sides of each placenta; seeds with a distinct testa; 
— nth 3-lobed, often irregular ; stamens 6; scandent herbs or 

rubs . CVI. Aristolochiacee. 
beans 1-locular ; ovules 1-3; seeds with? no proper testa; stamens 
as many as and opposite the inner or only perianth- -lobes : _ 

calycine or corolline; terrestrial herbs, shrubs or trees frequently 
semiparasitic on roo OXIV. neaied 
Ovule solitary, erect from the base of the ovary but at first not 
clearly distinguishable from the tissues of the inner carpellary 
all; perianth corolline simple or sometimes double, the inner 
— large, the outer minute; epiphytic rarely terrestrial 
miparasitic undershrubs or shrubs ..CXIII. Loranthacee. 

foraey superior ni — — ng perianth’ or (N war ae ELzxac- 
h-base ; 1-locular 


NACE) with its b 
and 1-ovuled or occasionally (most Puyrotaccace®) of several free or 
some TuyMEL#aAce®) of 2 synearpous 1-ovuled carpels, rarely 1-locu 
with (some AmMARANTACER) 2-many ovules on a free-central, or with 
(some Prorgace#) 2 collateral or more than 2 biseriately superposed 
— st & tateral £ caagen ht 1 

the porvers straight; trees or shrubs, very rarely herbs —[P. 129)” 
i beorolli 

as many as the perianth-lobes, anthers normal; ovary 
ovule solitary erect; trees or shrubs ene wm or stellate 
tomentum II. Elzagnacee. 

Perianth tuih “ ee th } her long: esis: 
Stamens as many as and cman or twice aaa thrice as many 
as the perianth-lobes :— 

Perianth-lobes 4, valvate, tube long or short; stamens always 
ers normal; ovary 1-locular, ovules 

several 2-seriately su ; 
th calycine or corolline; trees or shrul 

Perianth-lobes asap sine stamens often in 2, rarely in 3 

series ; ovules pendulou : 
Perianth-tube rather pe lobes 4-5, 1-seriate; stamens 
twice as 

as many as the lobes, sometimes fewer 
many, very rarely thrice as many, anthers norm ovary 


BENGAL PLANTS. [Synopsis of the 

1-2-celled, each cell 1-ovuled; shrubs or irees 
CXI. Th ‘ 
Perianth-tube very short, lobes either 6 or 4, 2+ 
stamens as many or twice as many as and opposite theta, 
anthers almost always opening by valves; ovary al 
1-locular ; shrubs or trees or, very rarely, parasitic twining 

Tee A oe Oe wee 6 oe 666 8 et ore SS * eee 

i phecds usvally with copious elhumens i albumen scanty (Nyonsoms 

Leaves stipulate, stipules connate as an pi embracing the 
nodes, persistent rarely deciduous, ce a circular scar opposite 

centric or peripheric; usually herbs, rarely shrubs or * trees :—(p. 181] 
Leaves enna or if stipules present (PHyToLAccacEs occasion: 

minute or reduced to tubercles :— 
Poseutk tubular, base adherent to ovary, tube short or long 

deciduous, truncate or sei toothed or -lobe d, the segments 

eekanti scarious and dry; flowers always bracteate te ad 

gynous or perigynous; ovary 1-locular, style simple or 2-3-fid} 
ovule solitary or ovules 2-3; — or grok leaves opposite 
or alternate CII. Amarantace®. 
Perianth membranous, herbaceous or coriaceous, never soar 
ous; stamens anally hypogynous; leaves alternate VeY 
rarely opposite 

Flowers Siokamuiaie axillary or in spikes or panicles, 

cymose, rarely a or sunk in the nodes if a ine 

eee eee ees 

rachis, or very r; simply sap _— ebracte 
rarely bracteato, rar rarely both bracteate and 2-bré 
late; herbs with membranous or he ig s perianth, OF 

Occasionally in 1- ia female flowers pea absent; 
ovary bi Pgs l-ovuled; style ates or 2-3-lobed, °F 
styles 2-6. i cess Chenopoe 
a ale racemose, racemes ee or pore 
bracteate and 2- bracteolate; trees or shrubs, rarely rt 
woody at the base: : pecianth herbaceous or coriaceous} 
ovary 1-locular Lsveled, style simple, or carpels severs! 
apocarpous each with 1 ovule and a wae style 

Natural Orders. } IV.—INCOMPLET. 183 

attachment of alternate or horizontal lines between the attach- 

l-ovuled; style-arms or styles 2-3; herbs rarely undershrubs, 
8 ¢ ...CV. Polygonacee. 
*Flowers 1-sexual, rarely (many Preerace®) hermaphrodite and then 
- no perianth; perianth often absent or minute, if present simple or 
y (some Evrnorsrace®) double and then the outer whorl con- 
Rercetbs with the stamens either all central or those of the outer series 
alternate with the inner perianth-segments, or if the stamens of the 
outer series opposite the inner perianth-segments then the seed provided 
with a testa and the plant not parasitic; ovary superior very rarely 
(some Unricacex) inferior and then the stamens opposite to and not 
more numerous than the perianth-segments; anthers never opening 
by valves :—[p. 180] 
+Leafy trees, shrubs or herbs :—[p. 184] 
{Terrestrial trees, shrubs or herbs eink 
§Leaves simple or (some Secusaesl digitately compound, 
never pinnately compound :—[p. 184] 
vary monocarpellary 1-locular, or if synearpous 2- or more- 
locular ; ovules in each carpel or loculus solitary or 2 collateral ; 
rarely (some PIrERACES) ovary imperfectly or almost peer 
3—4-loc ular, with 6 
on intruded placentas and then with @-edeial flowers: —_ -[p. 184) 
Leaves exstipulate ; perianth gamophyllous ster 3-, rarely 
2-4-lobed; flowers 1-sexual, fascicled or su umbellate ; sta- 
mens monadelphous, ovary 1-locular Ate in the base of 
the respective perianths; ovule erect ; albumen copious fleshy, 
embryo very minute; trees with alternate leaves 


Leaves stipulate or if stipules absent (PrreRace2x : Peperomia) 
the flowers 2-sexual and perianth 0 :— 

**Ovary 1-locular, 1-ovuled or if synearpous s (some PrrEr- 

ace), the carpels only partly united, or if completely united 

either simple or absent :-—_ J o 
+t+Seeds with copious — albumen = a et: minu 
embryo; flowers in spikes or very Tar y in racemes, 
rarely 1-sexual ; perianth almost always absent; herbs 
or shrubs, very rarely trees; leaves usually alternate 
(p. 184] coer eneed ‘geupeove sees. OVIL Piperaces. 

184 BENGAL PLANTS. [Synopsis of the 

ttSeeds with little or no albumen, the embryo large and 
filling the seed-coats, or if albumen copious then fleshy : 
and the embryo nearly or quite as long as the albumen; — 
inflorescence cymose or capitate or the cymose clusters 
arranged in catkin-like spikes or racemes ; flowers almost — 
always l-sexual rarely polygamous; perianth 
present with stamens as many as and opposite its lobes 
very rarely fewer or more; herbs, shrubs or trees, leaves 
alternate or opposite [p. 183] ...... CXVI. Urticacez. 
Ovary 2- or more-locular with the loculi cfr and never — 
more than 2-ovulate; rarely (some Evpnorsrace®) 1-loculat 
and diana’ the ‘telly 2, oF if ‘the ovary loa and : 

than the 

perianth. lobes and those of the outer or only series oe A 

absent the fruit a capsule, or if indehiscent drupe-like oF 
berry-like with fleshy or leathery pericarp ; inflorescent® — 
very variable but male flowers never in catkins; leaves 
various usually simple, generally penninerved sometimes 
palmately nerved, rarely miveanige ee herbs, — 
shrubs or trees Euphorbiace®: — 
Seeds ihe saan fruit eto an indehiscent 
l-seeded nut with a Maia or tough 

superposed ; fl 
long hairs, albumen none; trees or shrubs; ape simple 
SBE ahd wives Sees (eves nn CXX. 
aves pinnately compound, stipules none; ovary err 
l-ovuled; stamens many attached to the base of the bracts of 
the catkin-like inflorescence; seeds with a 2-4-lobed base, without 
albumen ; trees [p. 183 CXVI. Ju 

ee a 


spinescent nutlet; albumen none [p. 183) . ae Ceratophy""" 

tLeafless trees with slender green jointed branchlets, usually “a : 
duous, and with whorls of small adpressed ae connate scales 

Natural Orders.) VI.—MONOCOTYLEDONS. 185 

the nodes, the scales of adjacent nodes alternate; flowers in spikes; 
perianth-segments 1-2, small; stamen solitary; ovary 1-locular, 
2-ovuled; seed solitary, albumen none [p, 183] CXVIII. Casuarinez. 

Leaves or scales undivided, opposite, alternate or in clusters : 
Perianth present in both sexes, of male membranous 9.lobed, of 
female utricular.,........cssesceeceecestnes® CXXII. Gnetacez. 
Perianth absent from the flowers of both sexes ..CXXIII. Conifere. 
Leaves very large pinnatisect, clustered at the apex of the stem; peri- 
anth absent from the flowers of both sexes ..... .CXXIV. Cycadacez. 

VI. weight nt 
*Poerianth 2-seriate th a ne hbk li 
subherbaceous and then with ovary inferior, or if only the inner series 
corolline its segments much larger than those of the outer calycine series ; 
ovary synearpous, rarely (some XyRtDE%), the perianth 1- seriate corolline, 
or (some HyprocnartpE®) 1-seriate nn e and then in aquatic herbs 
with snr 1-locular ovary :—[p. 187] 
Seeds many small, often very minute, without elbumen; ovary inferior 
l-locular with 3 parietal placenta, rarely 3-locular 
Outer perianth-segments calycine, inner eorolline very rarely absent ; 
stamens 3 or 6 or 9, rarely by further multiplication more than 9 or 
re eenge fewer than 3; aquatic plants with regular often 1-sexual 
rei dee. 

be ks a ACE) 

patty perianth-segments corolline like the 
Flowers regular or occasionally slightly pant by enlargement 
of a segment of the outer series; stamens 6 or 3 not united to 
the gyncecium; marsh or land plants, frequently leafless 

Flowers irregular, usually markedly so, from modification of a 

sessile or nearly sessile anthers......+++-€ 
Seeds conspicuous, with copious albumen :— i 
tOvary inferior or if free or half- i: i (some Haoponace®) then 
terrestrial plants with ovary 3- le both series of perianth- 
segments are corolline and 3-merous ee the embryo is not com- 
pletely enclosed within the albumen :—{p. 186} 


BENGAL PLANTS. [ Synopsis of 

Flowers very irregular, outer series of perianth esa 

perfect stamens either solitary with 5 reduce sed 

with a single staminode; seeds often with an ail 

VIII. Seitamines, 

Flowers regular or only slightly irregular :-— : 
Outer series of perianth segments calycine; stamens 6 

. Bromeliace®. — 

Both series of perianth-segments sigh or rarely (some 

pairs. both reo subherbaceous 12 

tamens 3, opposite the outer Aauae. segments; flowers Z 
mitra or Beater | irregular; locules of the usually 3-loeaat 
+ Nas a | Sincteh eng ORT I CXXXI. Iridez. 

Stamens 6, very rarely ons Ausivcboestiiah more numerous 
or if 3 then (Amaryitzpacem and H@MOoDORACEZ 80. ite 
opposite the inner perianth-segments or if (Dicscore = a 

GF hideded i. set ag) XXIII Tacceces 
Ovary 3-locular, or if 1-locular sieceemmlall rarely), 
the stamens not ho oded :— 
Flowers 1- sexual, very small; stems scandent; res 
6, or if 3 these opposite ie vutee eee segments 

I — 
Flowers hermaphrodite, merge or very large; Se" 
not scandent; stamens 6 r a more or if 3 these Opp 
site the inner perianth- Seiad 
Ovary inferior, loculi many-, nee 1-2-ovuled; —. 
very small, embedded in the albumen : 

: CXXXII. reenierer | 
Ovary free in the fundus of the pores il 
Superior, less often inferior; loculi 1-many-0 I 
embryo not completely drsued by the albumen 

CXXIX. Hemodo 

tOvary superior with embryo completely enclosed within tel | 
men; or if ovary half-inferior (some Roxpurentaces) the a“. 
Stiverods and the ovary l-locular; if embryo not comp a : 
coat within the albumen, then (PonTEDERIACEa) the os “no 

$Outer as well as inner series of perinth segment 
corolline :—[p, 187) 

Natural Orders. } VI.—MONOCOTYLEDONS. 187 

erianth-segments of both series present and isomerous :— 
Perianth-segments 2-merous ; stamens 4; ovary 1-locular 
CXXXV. Roxburghiacex 
Perianth-segments 3-merous; stamens 6 or 3 :— 
Terrestrial plants of very various habit; embryo small, 
shorter than and completely enclosed within the albumen ; 
inflorescence very various, axillary or terminal, but never 
on a l-leafed scape .......6ss0eeee: CXXXVI. Liliacezx. 
Aquatic erect or floating herbs; embryo cylindric, as long 
as anand lying within a central canal in the albumen; inflor- 
or spicate, pica a 1-leafed sca 
CXXXVII. Pontederiacez. 
Perianth of the outer series either a Inge solitary segmen 
embracing the inner 3-merous series, or else absent; flowers 
small solitary axillary in the fantier bracts of a terminal 
capitulum CXXXVIII. Xyridez. 
= 1p 

{Outer series of perian 
embryo marginal or oni —— colonel within the albumen 

[p. 186] ‘ 
*Perianth if 2-seriate with the segments of i pe series calycine or if 
those of the inner series corolline then not larger. than those of the 
outer series or perianth 1-seriate calycine—and then either in terrestrial 
r in aquatic herbs with apocarpous or solitary carpels,—or 

§Perianth regularly 2- étiue segments of each series 3-merous; ovary 
synearpous with albuminous seeds, or if ovary apocarpous and seeds 
Without albumen Prairie then erect scapigerous herbs with con- 
spicuous whorled paniculate or umbellate flowers :—(p.1 
IP th with segments of both series calycine rigid or herbaceous, 
rarely (some Juncacex) the segments of inner series petaloid but 
then not a = those of the outer; ovary syncarpous; albumen 
copious :—[p. 
Fruit a 3- nar capsule; grassy herbs with slender linear or 
terete leaves, or with leaves reduced to scales; embryo enclosed 
within the albumen ......--s+++++ese000" Juncacez. 
Fruit indehiscent ; shrubs or trees with fattened leaves; embryo 
not enclosed within the albumen :— 

near the hilum {p. 188) eee) * 



**Leaves broadly tlabellate-plicate or pinnatisect ; trees ore 

or climbing shrubs; embryo situated in a small pit near 
Periphery of the albumen; flowers in spadices [ p. 187] 

§Perianth with an herbaceous outer and a rather larger pecs 
or petaloid inner series of segments; ovary apocarpous; albumen | | 
embryo horseshoe-shaped; aquatic erect herbs with conspicuous 

§Perianth absent or reduced to scales or bristles; or if present and 

herbaceous or hyali 

line (Narapacex often) the segments either ed 

regularly 3-merously 2-seriate or if, rarely, 6 in 2 rows then aquatic | 
erect weeds with small flowers disposed in simple racemes or spikes 

and with a fleshy embryo that is not horseshoe-shaped :—[p. Be pe 
Noe £ ral | £ a a di pl 


aquatic tixed or rarely free floating herbs, the flowers in q 
Sudtended by a usually much modified spathe :— oe 
Trees or erect or scandent shrubs with flowers dicciov 

Shed iors st * andi <i 
racemes, or if flowers solitary then not placed in the axils of modified 
glumaceous bracts :— [p- 189 

Aquatic or marsh plants; flowers small not in spadices pis 

Spadices these not covered by spathes or spathaceous bracts — _ 
Freely floating minute stemless lenticular or granular sails 3 
rootless or with 1 or more rootlets that do not enter ti me 
perianth 0; flowers minute from the margin or upper side ae 
frond ; albumen present or 0... CXLVI. pa 
Fixed herbs with erect seapigerous or elongated floating - 
submerged leafy stems rising from a fixed usually ereepimé 
stock ; perianth present or absent :— 

albumen 0, embryo large fleshy not horseshoe-shaped 
CXLVII. Naiadace® 

Perianth of filiform bristles or membranous scales; ae 

d or 1-bracteate at the bade's.. Pe4 CXLIV. Ty ine < 
or epiphytic plants or if (some ARorDEz) iced 

Natural Orders.) VI.—MONOCOTYLEDONS. 189 

erect terrestrial, occasionally aquatic fixed or rarely (Pistia) 
free floating, with flowers monecious in the same spadix or 
less often hermaphrodite, very rarely dicecious ; perianth 0, or 
of imbricating scales; leaves various, rarely parallel-veined and 
then not spinulose, rarely spinulose and then venation reticu- 
late; spadix simple with a usually much modified and generally 
enveloping subtending spathe ; albumen present or 0 
CXLV. Aroidee. 
ttInflorescence of heads or spikelets composed of solitary flowers in 
the axils of glumaceous bracts; perianth-segments small, scale-like 
or 0; seeds albuminous :—[p. 188} 
Flowers always 1-sexual in depressed or subglobose usually an- 
drogynous heads; ovary 3-2-locular, loculi l-ovuled, ovules 
pendulous; perianth-segments 6 or fewer, searious or hyaline; 
CXLIX. Eriocaulez. 

glumes; ovary 1-locular, ovules solitary erect or ascending ; 

perianth-segments greatly modified or absent; grassy herbs :— 
Stems solid; leaves 3-ranked, rarely 0; sheaths rarely ligulate, 
closed in front; perianth 0 or of hypogynous bristles or scales; 
fruit a compressed or 3-gonous nut with the seed within free ; 
embryo inside the albumen ; weeeee--CL. Cyperacen. 
Stems usually hollow except at the nodes; leaves 2-ranked 
very rarely subspiral; sheaths almost always ligulate behind 
and split in front; perianth represented by a 2-nerved palea 
and 2 lodicules, or 0; fruit a caryopsis with the seed-coats 
adherent to the pericarp, very rarely free within; embryo at 
the base of the albumen; grasses ...----»-- CLI. Graminez. 


. confined to 4 
Leaves large in proportion to the stem, the fertile ones not ned tos 
particular 1egion :— De 
Leaves bearing sporangia on their lower surfaces (VII. Frnices):— — 
Sporangia with a ring ‘— 
Ring equatorial, encircling the Sporsti gree 7 
ing transverse, caudex and fronds rigid 

CLIL. Glei 
Ring vertical or if transverse (Trichomanes) the caudex fexitle 
and fronds thinly membranous . 
Ring opercular, crowning the sporangium ..CLIV. 
Sporangia without a ring, opening down one side :— 
Vernation circinate : sporangia marginal or dorsal 

T oe wae tee 

Vernation erect ; sporangia spicate ....CLVI. Ophi 

Fugacious floating annual aquatic herbs ....CLVII. Salviniace® 

erennial marsh-herbs with slender ei 

aves small in proportion to the stem, the fertile ones very 
fined to a particular region :— : 
Leaves in whorls, the fertile ones peltate forming a spike yet . 
of the stem bearing sporangia on their inner faces (IX. Equ 
CLIX. Equ axillary 

Leaves not whorled, the fertile ones flat with sporangia 
(X. Lycopoprxrx) — * podiace® 
Sporangia uniform .... 2.2.2... ioq ie ees CLX. Ly lace® 
Higurrey sang CLXI. Selaginellace® 


Sepals herbaceous, rarely petaloid, distinct, imbricate or valvate, 
or connate in a tube with imbricate or valvate or open lobes, free 
or, rarely, with the base of the tube adnate to the base of the 
ovary, Torus small, or raised or stalk-like, or thickened and fleshy 
or crowned by a disk, annular or cupular or flattened, entire or 
lobed or broken into glands, free or adnate to calyx and ovary, or 
to ovary alone, rarely to calyx alone. Petals 1-2-seriate, unlike 
the sepals, or 2-many-seriate passing gradually from the sepals, or 
as many as sepals or fewer by abortion, inserted on the torus or 
adnate to the base of the calyx external to the disk, or sometimes 
when disk absent adnate at the base to the stamens. Stamens 

humerous or few, inserted on the torus or rarely on the base of 
the calyx, free or adnate to base of petals, or few and inserted 
around, upon or within the disk. Carpels free or connate. or 
rarely more or less embedded in the fleshy torus, or immersed 
in the thickened disk. 


Herbs, rarely shrubs, annual or perennial; leaves radical or 
alternate, rarely opposite ; simple, rarely compound ; stipules 0, 
or adnate to petiole. Flowers regular or irregular, hermaphrodite 
or l-sexual, Disk very rare (Paonia only). Sepals 5 or more, 
rarely 2-4, deciduous, often petaloid, imbricate, rarely valvate in 
bud. Petals 0, or 5 or more, rarely 8, often maleate or deformed. 
Stamens many, hypogynous; anthers iscence 
tudinal, Claraly ane, cancis, 1, walt Oe, Coat stigma 
simple ; ovules 1 or more on ago ventral suture, — 




with a ventral or pendulous with a dorsal raphe. Fruit ee — 
achenes or many- -seeded isi Seed small; album 
rarely fleshy; embryo min 
Leaves opposite ; sepals valvate ; climbing shrubs :— 
Petals 0 ; petiole not produced as a tendril ..... ma | 
Petals many ; petiole produced as a tendril.........-1:+0000+ 
Leaves alternate ; sepals imbricate; herbs -— 
Carpels free, 1-ovuled :— 
aad compound; petals 0; ovule pendulous a <a 
Leaves simple; petals 5; ovule erect ....s..-+sseee+0* oe 
Carpels united at base; ovules iniaks ; leaves much diss 


1. Clematis Linn. aa 

Woody, usually climbing undershrubs ; ; leaves Oe ae u ee 
compound, petiole sometimes twining but not produced 
tendril; stipules 0. Flowers axillary or terminal, solita nut "e. 
or paniculate. Sepals usually 4, valvate, oes byes : 
Stamens numerous. Carpels many, each with 1 pendulow sale 
styles usually long, bearded. Frwit a head of sessile or 

achenes, each with the style a as a long twisted pl 
tail or a long, straight, naked bea 

beaks, Bo 
aa solitary axillary; achenes with long, straight Coie 

POO e reer easeceses 

inert in axillary panicles ; her with long feathery tails :— 
a Spreading from lane bas 

ling a half-in. across.- Con . . 

_. Wightian®- 

Filaments hairy ; ae x more than 1- Bi in, across ...--++ mot as | 

Sepals erect with recurved tips; filaments hairy; flower 
1°5 in. across 

sees Tull 
Soe ere scecensses 

1. CLeMatis Capa meres 8. de de ae Thalicla® 
bracteatum F., I. ii, 671. 
Tropical jungles of N. and E. Bengal. 
clim Vernac. Ban jelaki, Ban m 

: Li 
2. CLEMATIS GouRIANA Mass: ¥. 1, fi. oie F B. 
KE, D. ©. 1856, 

Bengal, ruins of Gour; Chota Nagpur, on Pee 
and other mountains, 
A climber. 

Ranunculus.) ' RANUNOULACES- 198 

Orissa, on mountains. 
A climber. 
4. Ciematis nutans Royle; F. B. I. i. 5. 
Chota Nagpur, on Parasnath and other mountains. 
A climber. Santal. Bonga khanti. 

8. Cuematis Wientrana Wall.; F. B. I. i. 5. 

2. Naravelia DC. 

Woody climbing undershrubs ; leaves opposite, 2-foliolate, 
petiole ending in a. tendril; stipules 0. Flowers paniculate. 
Sepals 4-5, valvate, petaloid. Petals many, linear or clavate. 
Stamens numerous. Carpels many, each with 1 pendulous ovule ; 
styles long, bearded. Fruit a head of stalked achenes, each wi 
the style persistent as a long twisted pilose tail. 

5. Naravenia zeyianica DC.; F. B. L i: 75 2: D. N. 8. 

Atragene zeylanica F., I. ii, 670. 
Hedges and thickets, general. 
Aclimber. Beng. Chagul-bati, murcha (Sundribuns). 

3. Thalictrum Linn. 
Perennial rigid herbs; leaves alternate, compound ; petiole 
sheathing, often auricled or stipulate. Flowers in racemes oF 

a head of sessile or stalked achenes. 
6. Taattcrrum savantcum BI.; F. B. 1. i. 13. 
Chota Nagpur, on Parasnath. 
A slender, stiff herb. 

4. Ranunculus Linn. 

Annual or perennial herbs; leaves alternate, entire, lobed or 
; stipules membranous or 0. Flowers 
yellow or white. Sepals 3-5, caducous, imbricate. Petals usually 
5, occasionally 0, often glandular at base. Stamens wagers 
Carpels many, each with 1 ascending ovule; styles short. # 
a head or spikelet of beaked achenes. 

7. Raxuncvnus scereratvs Linn. ; F. B. I. i. 19; E. D. RB. 
28. BR, indicus F. I. ii. 671. ee 


Banks of rivers and nullahs, fairly general. 
An acrid weed. Vernac. Polica (Tirhut). 

5. Nigella Linn. 
Annual erect it ; leaves alternate, 2-pinnately dissected; 
stipules small. Flowers terminal peduncled, white, blue o — 

yellowish, sometimes with n involucre of floral leaves. Sepals — 
5, regular, deciduous, ittoaic, petaloid. Petals 5, with long 
claw and small 2-fid limb. Stamens numerous. Carpels 3-10, 

sessile, connate below, each with several horizontal ovules 2-seriate 

on the ventral suture; styles usually long. Fruit a capsule : 
dehiscing along ventral suture of free portion of indivi 

8. NigeLua sativa Linn.; E. D. N. 158. N. indica F. I. ii. os. 
In cultivated ground, spontaneous, especially in the 
western p: é 
A crop, atte occurring as a weed. Beng. ragrels ae 


Trees or shrubs, sometimes ¢ climbing, or herbs ; leaves aera 
simple, entire or toothed; stipules 0, but petiole setae 
rarely with lateral deciduous stipules. Flowers regular; - 
phrodite, often showy, white or yellow. Disk 0. Sepals 5, rarely % 
more or fewer, imbricate, persistent, often accrescent. Petals 5, 
rarely more or fewer, caducous. Stamens many, hypogynous+ 
anthers innate; dehiscence longitudinal, introrse or lateral, of : 

terminal pores. Carpels 1—many, free or cohering ; styles Sri. ; 

albumen perch embryo minu 
Climbing shrub ; carpel 1; filaments expanded, anther-cells sh : 

remote, oblique ....., veereeeee oD _ 
Trees; carpels 5-20; filaments slender, anther-cells pA “Diese 

6. Delima Linn. ED 
Voody climber; leaves scabrid, parallel-nerved from the mid 
Flowers numerous, hermaphrodite, white, in terminal pani’™™ 

Dillenia.) DILLENIACEA. 195 

Sepals 5. Petals 2-5. Stamens numerous; filaments dilated 
upwards, anther-cells widely diverging. Carpel weprii subglo- 
» narrowed into a subulate style; ovules 2-3, ending. 
Frwit an ovoid, coriaceous, 1-seeded follicle. Seed with a atti, 
toothed arillus 
9. DeLIMa sARMENTOSA Linn.; ~ . 81;,.E..D, D. 243. 
Tetracera sarmentosa F. I. ii. 
Tippera ; Chittagong. 

7. Dillenia Linn. 

Trees; leaves large, simple, parallel-nerved from the midrib ; 
Stipules 0. Flowers appearing with or before the leaves, large or 
very large, solitary or fascicled, yellow or white. Sepals 5, at first 
a afterwards connivent, acerescent. Petals 5, caducous. 

Stamens humerous ; anthers linear, dehiscence by small chinks or 
pores; inner introrse, outer extrorse. Carpels 5-20, coherent in 
the centre; ovules many. Fruits globose, composed of an 
accrescent calyx enclosing the matured indehiscent carpels. Seeds 
not arillate, pulpy or not. 

Flowers with the leayes, large (6 in. abbey totes petals at 

carpels about 20; fruit as large as the hum 
Flowers before the leaves, petals yellow 

Flowers small, fascicled ; carpels 517; fruit not larger than a plom :— 

Pedicels with ee bracteoles near the middle; flowers 2 in. 

5 eanpels 5- scabrella 

| a ls 5 pentagyna 

mten: rie merle 's 4-5 in. :aoréeas Aaaiyle 8-12; fruit as large as 
& small a apple aurea. 

10. phase yeye =. F. B. I. i. 36; E. D. D, 428. D. 
speciosa F. I. ii. 650. 
Planted, but aes readily self-sown in all the provinces. 
A tree. Beng. Chilta, chalita, hargéza; Santal. Korkot; 
Uriya Oao, rai. 
11. Druuewta scapretta Roxb.; F. I. ii. 653; F. B. I. i. 38. 
Chittagong. — 
A tree. éaa (Chittagong). 
12. Dinnenta enlace oro F. I. ii. 652; F. B. 1. i. 38; 
E. D. D, 488, D. augusta F. I. ii. 652. , 


Behar and Chota Nagpur, common; W. Bengal, rate 
A stunted tree. Bihar. Agor; Beng. Karkotta; Santal. 
Korkot; Uriya Rai. 
13. Diutenta aurea Sm.; F. B. I. i. 37; E. D. D. 428. 
- Bengal, submontane forests. 
A spreading tree. Vernac. Chammagai. 


rees or shrubs, sometimes climbing, usually aromatic; leaves — 
alternate, simple, entire, rarely toothed ; stipules convolute or 0. : 
Flowers hermaphrodite, rarely 1-sexual, axillary or terminal, _ ; 
showy, yellow, white, or pink. Disk 0. Perianth of similar sepals : 
and petals, hypogynous, imbricate, in 8 or more ternate whorls, 
caducous, rarely 0. 

longitudinal, variously introrse, lateral or extrose. Carpels a | 
free or partly united, in 1 or more whorls on a short or long torus; : 
style usually short, stigmatic on inner face; ovules 2-many;— 

or cone of baccate, rarely woody, indehiscent, or of dehiscent 4 
follicular carpels. Seeds 1 or few, funicle sometimes slender; ; 
testa crustaceous and closely united to tegmen, or fleshy er 
tegmen distinct; albumen granular or fleshy or oily; embry? = 

Carpels in a loose spike on a stalked gynophore .....s++e+++ee007 Michelia — 
Carpels densely packed on a sessile gynophore .........-+++++99+*1" | 

8. Michelia Linn. 

nate convolute caducous stipules. Flowers solitary, Us 


Magnolia.] ANONACE. 197 

14. Micuenza Cuampaca Linn.; F.T. ii. 656; F.B. 1. i. 42; 
E. D. M. 517. 
Planted near villages and temples. 
A tree; flowers yellow, very fragrant. Hind. and Beng. 
Champa, champaka ; Uriya Kanchana U, champa 

9. Magnolia Linn. 

Trees or shrubs ; leaves evergreen or deciduous ; rm enclosed 
in the connate convolute caducous stipules. Flowers large ter- 
minal. Sepals 8. Petals 6-12, 2-4-seriate. cosenieell numerous, 
many-seriate ; filaments flat, agg adnate and introrse. Carpels 
many, imbricate on a sessil e gynophore ; ovules 2. Frutt an 
elongated spike of persistent, pees 1-2-seeded follicles opening 
by the dorsal suture. Seeds with a long funicle, pendulous; testa 
fleshy ; albumen oily. 

15. Macnoura prerocarpa Roxb. M. sphenocarpa ¥. Bt 

i. 41; E. D. M. 51. Liriodendron peut ee © 

A tree; flowers large, white, fragrant. Beng. Duli- 

Trees or shrubs, often climbing, some etimes aromatic ; leaves 
ternate, simple, entire; stipules 0. Flowers hermaphrodite, 
rarely I-sexual. Disk 0. Sepals 3, usually valvate, free oF 
connate, ..Petials hypogynous) iit 2:0r-1:S-inerous whorls.» Siew 

truncate head; dehiscence longitudinal, extrorse 
Carpels 1-many, free or rarely (Anona) united, but with stigmas 
distinet; style short or 0, stigma capitate or oblong, entire or 
sulcate or 2-lobed; ovules 1 or more, basal or on the ventral 
suture, anatropous with ventral raphe. Fruit of 1 or more, 
sessile or stipitate, 1-many-seeded , usually carpels ; 
rarely (Anona) the carpels confluent in a subglobose many-celled, — 
many-seeded mass. Seeds large, testa testa coriaceous or crustaceous 5 
atevcnindigaae ruminate; embryo small, sometimes minute. 


Carpels not reer in front :— 

Anther-cells not concealed by overlapping connective :— 
Petals of inner series larger than those of outer :— 

— tes tig ore . — 
— al, ovules 4-8 -Alphonsea- 

Petals s 
Anther-cells concealed by overlapping connective 

Peduneles hooked ; bevel connivent at concave tae: “Artabotrys. 
iisrecs pat hoo. 

Petals of both series flat, lanceolate, subequal, spreading | 
the pa on at 
Ovules — oo _Ganangs- 
Ovules defi “es 
Ovules ps Scllsats on the ventral suture.....--+- oe : 
Ovules T-2, basal or subbasal .-Po y 

—s con- i 
Petals of outer series spreading, those of inner em 
nivent, ne stamens and pistil ‘ Mitrep thad 
tees — series thick, rigid, connivent, large! : 
S g .-Mel lodorum: 

Petals of the two series unequa 


Se Tete EROS CUP Ae apes eos wee 

lines concave. Stamens _— imbri 

Fruit of discrete, globose 

or ovoid ripe carpels. 
16. Sac 

ER#A Lisrert King 

> Stamens 9; ripe carpels an inch long; 5 
ate g 12 j in 2 rows. Beng. Dhaman icnsenine 

Uvaria.} ANONACE®, 199 

44. Uvaria Linn. 

Scandent shrubs; leaves dull, pubescence stellate. Flowers 
terminal or leaf-opposed, rarely axillary, solitary or in cymes or fas- 
cicles, yellow, purple or brown. Se epals 3, valvate, often connate 

ow. Petals 6, imbricate, in 2 series, orbicular, ovate or oblong, 
Sometimes connate at the base. Stamens numerous ; connective 
ovate-oblong, truncate, or subfoliaceous. Thalamus depressed, 
tomentose. Carpels many, linear- -oblong; style aban rt, thick ; 
ovules numerous, 2-seriate, rarely few, l-seriate. Fruit a h 
of numerous dry or berry- -like free ripe carpels, each few- fe many- 

Leaves more or legs pubescent :— 

Leaves over 6 in. long, sparsely pubescent beneath ; -agetetg at least 

15 in. across ; carpels at least an inch long, many- 
Peduncles 1~2-fid. ; flowers 2in. across, brick-red, pati (1 in.) 
longer than buds ; canes globose or vey shorter than the 1-5 in. 
long stipe Hamiltoni 
Pidtholes: wae. -fid.; flowers 2in. across, dull purple-red, pedicels 
eg shorter than buds; carpels oblong, exceeding the °4 in. long 

stipe macrophylla 

Leaves under 6 in. long, densely velvety beneath ; peduncles 1-2-fid.; 
flowers under 1:5 in. across; carpels less than °5 in. long, sree 

ovoid, with very short stipe; 1-2- pia ieisieatcsiakseee 
Leaves quite glabrous on both sides, 4-9 in. long; flowers 1 in. across ; 
carpels 1 in. long, ovoid or oblong, stalk over 1 in. long ........+-+ Hookeri 

17. Uvarta Hamtitonr Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B. 1 i. 48 
Behar, Monghyr; N. Bengal; E. Bengal, Madhupur 
A climber. 
18. Uvarta macropaytta Roxb.; F. I. ii. 668; F. B. L. i. 49; 
E. D. U. 69. 
A climber. Beng. Bagh-runga. 
19. Uvarra rerrversza Ham. — ferruginea ¥. B. I. 
ii. 52. 
A climber. 

20. Uvarta Hooxerr King. U. Narwm var. macrophylla ' 
F. B. I. i. 50. ) 
Orissa, Khurda. 
Aclimber. Uriya Gaichiria. 

2. Saccopetalum Benn. : 
Trees ; leaves —. pubescent. Flowers solitary m 
fascicled, axillary. Sepals 8, valvate, small. Petals 6, arene | 
valvate; outer small, sepal-like, inner much larger, ere i 
connivent, saccate at base. Stamens numerous; anther. 
contiguous, dorsal, connective much produced. Carpels many} 
ovules 6 or 

more. Fruit of subglobose long-stalked ripe : 

Peduncles very short (*25 in. —_ solitary in old axils; inner P 

— noose carpels glabr tals 
Peduncles very tb (2-3 in. lite) cymose, leaf-opposed; inser nese 
Agus: carpels puberulous 

21. SaccorpeTaLUM LoNGIFLORUM Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B+ 
i. 88, 

N. Bengal, Purnea; Chittagong, thence introduced to the — 
Calcutta Garden in 1810, but not found wild since. : 

tree. KL 

22. SaccopeTratum TOMENTOSUM Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. 

i. 88; E. D. 8. 487. Uvaria tomentosa F. I. ii. 667. 
Behar ; Chota Na. ur; Orissa. | 

A ‘tas, Hind. Kani: Kol. Lapkari; Santal. Omé; 
Uriya Patmossu. 4 

13. Miliusa Leschen. 

Trees or shrubs, Flowers hermaphrodite or 1-sexual, ae 
red, solitary, fascicled or cymose, axillary or ci ot | 
epals 3, valvate, small, Petals 6, 2-seriate, snes: 

Gata: wht fee a en. short, ae ovules 
1-2, rarely 3-4. Fruit of globose or oblong 1- seas t — 

Alphonsea. } ANONACES. 201 

Small tree; leaves glabrous above, glabrous or tomentose beneath; 

flowers 1-3 together, axillary, dicecious ; inner petals glabrous on 

both sides; carpels glabrous, ‘5 in. long, shorter than the glabrous 

stipe ...Roxburghiana. 
Tall tree ; leaves tomentose on both surf mose, hermaphro- 
dite; inner petals densely worst ntose outside) glabrous insid - earpels 
pubescent, ‘75 in. long, rather longer than the pubescent stipe.. anal. 

23. Mittusa ra bt eats f. & Thoms.; F. B. I. i. 87. 


tree. Vernac. Tasbi. 
24. na veLuTina Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B. I. i. 87; E. D. 
Uvaria villosa F. I. ii. 
chien: Chota Nagpur, common; N. Bengal, Maldah ; 
Orissa, Khurda. 
A large tree. Hind. Dom-sal; Kol. and Santal. Omé. 

14. Alphonsea Hook. f. & Thoms. 

Tall trees; leaves thick, leathery, glabrous, shining. Flowers 
small or medium, in peduncled fascicles, leaf-o pposed or extra- 
axillary. Sepals 8, valvate, small. Pet tals 6, 2-seriate, valvate, 
larger than the sepals, subequal or the inner smaller. Stamens 
numerous, loose; anther-cells contiguous dorsal, connective 
apiculate; dehiscence extrorse. Carpels 1 or more; style oblong 
or depressed; ovules 2-seriate on the ventral suture, 4-8 in each 
carpel. Fruit of subsessile or stalked ripe carpels. 

Leaves narrow-oblong, long-acuminate ; flowers in fascicled short 
racemes; pedicels “5-1 in. long, petals “75 in. long; stipe 1 in., 

Leaves ovate-oblong, abruptly Hegre flowers in dense leaf 
fascicles; pedicels very short; style in., much shorter thas Clint 

co apennenennes ssieeeeeaneeer® oti tr 

25. ALPHONSEA VENTRICOSA Hook. f. & Thoms. ; F. B. 1. i. 2 
Uvaria ventricosa F. I. ii. 658. 
A tall tree; leaves 6-10 in. long. 
96; Azrrowaes ‘Lures: Hibok.' ticetemomenes © Be Bb i 8. 
Uvaria lutea F. 1, ii. 666. 

A tree ; leaves 3-5 in. long. 


5. Artabotrys R. Br. 
Seandent shrubs; 7 shining, SRR us. Flow 
or fascicled, on woody hooked re une 
Sepals 3, valvate. Petals 6, valy oe in two series, with conni 
Concave bases, and flat subterete or clavate spreading limb. , 
tamens numerous; oblong or cuneate, connective trae 
produced ; anther-cells dorsal ; dehiscence extrorse. a4 ; 
many ; style oblong or columnar ; ovules 2, collateral, erect. | 
a head of berry-like free ripe Ras . 

Flowers over 1-5 in. long, solitary or geminate on the hooked plo ; 
petals broad-lanceolate, pubescent near base when young, : 
when expanded ; carpels 1-5 in. long ces 
Flowers about °5 in. long, numerous on the hooked peduncle; Pee : 
cylindrie or subclavate, grey-pubescent throughout; carpels a 
long suaveolens. 

ER Oe + Aa eae O40 da reas mewes tec ox: 

27. ARTABOTRYS opoRaTissiuus R. Br.;,F. .B. 1. i: S65 Me 
A. 1431. Uvaria odoratissima F, I. ii. 666. . 
Planted in gardens, especially in C. Bengal. fancied | 
climber. Beng. Kantali-champ, from the fat : 
resemblance of its odour to that of the Jak. D. : 

A. 1434, : 


16, Cananga Rumph. 

Tall trees, with large leaves. Flowers large, yellow — ~ 
or fascicled, on short axillary peduncles. Sepals 3, ova x 
triangular, valvate, Petals 6, valvate, in two series, subeq : 
the inner smaller, long, flat. Stamens numerous, linear} 
cells close together, extrorse, connective produced as a lan “lige 
Process. Carpels many; style oblong; stigma subcap! ripe : 
ovules many, 2-seriate. Frwit a head of berry-like free 
carpels. Seeds numerous; testa crustaceous, sending sai : 
spine-like processes into the albumen, ELD. 

29. Cananca oporata Hook. f. & Thoms.; F, B. I. i. 56; 

C. 271. Uvaria odorata F. I. ii. 661. 
Planted in gardens, ely | in C. Bengal. 

Polyalthia. } ANONACE. 203 

17. Unona Linn. 
a or erect or climbing shrubs. Flowers usually solitary, 
, leaf- aiaghely or terminal, Sepals 3, valvate. Petals 6, 
2- sexiatn, valvate or open in bud, sometimes the inner series 0. 

nective truncate or rounded ; dehiscence extrorse. Carpels many ; 
style ovoid or oblong recurved grooved; ovules 2-8 in each, 
l-seriate rarely sub-2-seriate. Fruit of many ripe carpels, usually 
elongated and constricted between the seeds. 

Petals 6, 2-seriate : 
Climbing ; gee "pedis under 1-5 in. long; peduneles 2- ie eae 
Didar °& ith. 1ONg ..4.. .-pe-sen «+ ceannsest--1veseennninne 1 a ualii. 

Shrubby ; et petals over 2 in. long; peduncles 1-fld., “ioe ta 
EP iM, Mag en eee cco aeeca se ingeeve cs tes an ernie discolor, 
Petals 3, 1-seriate, the inner series wanting; a slender tree ; i eaoge 6 in 

long; peduncles slender, often very long, up to 10 in. ...longiflora. 
30. Sona Dunauu Wall.; F. B. I. ii. 58.- 
glabrous climber. 

31. crag piscotor. Vahl; F. LL: ii. 669; F. By I. i. 59. 
Uvaria cordifolia PF. I. ii. 652. 
—— Orissa ; Chittagong, 

spreading shrub. 
32. ian LonGirLora Roxb.; F. L ii. 668; F. B. 1. i. 61. 
A slender tree. 

18. Polyalthia Bi. 

Trees or shrubs. Flowers solitary, few or many, in axils of 
present or of fallen leaves, or on woody tubercles, or extra-axillary. 
Sepals 3, valvate or sometimes subimbricate. Petals 6, 2-seriate, 
valvate, flat or the inner vaulted, ovate or it Stamens 
numerous, cuneate, anther-cells remote ; dehi 
Carpels many ; style usually oblong; ovules in each ‘each 1-2, basal 
erect, or subbasal ascending. Fruit of berry-like 1-seeded ripe 

“Branches and leaves glabrous ; flowers many, tse petals ‘linear ; 
earpels ovoid :—{p. 204] 


Leaves narrow- lanceolate, apex tapering, margin undulate; 
“75-1 in. long; carpels fleshy, black, -75 in. long, exceeding their 

Leaves ovate-oblong, apex acute, margin not waved; petals 11% 
long; carpels fleshy, orange, 1-5 in. long, equalling their stipe 

“Branches and leaves beneath pubescent ; flowers = on woody tubers 
petals ovate, “5 in. long; carpels spherical :—{p. 
Leaves lanceolate-ac uminate ; peduncles i. tubercles sxilay 
carpels -4 in. across, dark red, their stipe 1 in. lon at 
Leaves oblong-obtuse ; peduncles 1-2-fid., suber ters 
carpels -25 in. in diam, their stipe -25 in. long ......++e+++++ee 



33. PoLyaurara Lonerrorra Benth. & Hook. f.; F. B. Lie: 
E. D. P. 1052. Uvaria longifolia F. I. ii. 664. 
Planted, especially as an avenue-tree, in C. Bengal *, 
Tirhut. . 
A tall tree. Hind. and Behar. Asok; Beng. Debdarii 
Uriya Asokay asupal, debdar : 
34, Péstitten SIMIARUM Benth. 1 Hook. £.5°F. i I. i, 68: 
Chittagong ; Orissa, Khurda; N. Bengal, D 
A tree. Vernae. Boga-kainla pie orig rite 
35, PoLyaLrata CERASOIDES Benth. & Hoo FoBes 
-D. P. 1048. Uvaria sonatas F. Fr Beng 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal, chal C. : 
and E. Bengal, only in thickets near villages. 
A tree. Hind. Kudumi; Santal. Panjon. : 65: 
36. Ar ie SUBEROSA Benth. & Hook. f.; F. B. l * . 
E. D. P. 1058. Uvaria suberosa F. I. ii. 667. 
Behar ; N. and W. Bengal, common; C. Bengal, oc¢ ae 
A shrub or small tree. Beng. Bara-chali; Santal. : 


19. Mitrephora BI. 
Trees; leaves hapangé strongly pen, beer in bud. Fl Y 
hermaphrodite or Bw: 1-sexual, inal or leaf-op 

Phage numerous, oblong-cuneate at apex; anther-cells ail 
dehiscence extrorse. Carpels many, oblong; style oblong oF ¢ 

Anona,) ANONACE®, 205 

furrowed on inner face; ovules 4 or more, 2-seriate on the ventral 
suture. Fruit of stalked or subsessile, globose or ovoid, free ripe 

37. MrrrePHORA TomENTOSA Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B. I. i. 76. 
A tree. 

20. Melodorum Dunal. 

Shrubs, caning leaves with strong parallel nerves from the 
midrib. Flowers terminal, axillary, or leaf-opposed, solitary, 
pcm or idibtlaie: 3-gonous in bud. Sepals 3, valvate, con- 

nate below. Petals 6, 2-seriate, valvate, outer subconvex or 
angular, inner triquetrous above hollowed below on the inner face. 
"Stamens numerous ; anther-cells contiguous ; dehiscence extrorse ; 
top of connective truncate or rounded. Carpels many; style 
oblong ; ovules in each 2 or more, Frwit of berry-like ripe 

Flowers 1-25 in. long, axillary or in terminal 5-6-fld. leafless panicles ; 
outer petals oblong-acuminate, tomentose outside, hoary within 

Flowers -25 in. long, in 3-7-fd. leatonneess cymes; outer petals crates 
silky outside, faintly puberulous within ...........«++++ ceseseteeeepolyanthum, 

88. MELoporum rvuprcrNosum Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B. I. i. 79. 
A large climber. 

39. MELoporum potyaNtaum Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B, I, i. 81. 

21. Anona Linn. 

concave at base, Stamens numerous ; narrow, dorsal, 
contiguous ; top of connective ovoid. many, subconnate ; 
style oblong’; ovale. solitary. arth prinrwnraty 

oF ovoid mass of confluent ripe 

206 BENGAL PLANTS. (eer 
Leaves usually obtuse; peduncles generally solitary; fruit ovoid - 
projecting convex ovoid areoles 4 Ioho® 

Leaves acuminate; peduncles generally 2-4 together ; fruit ae 
with flat 5-cornered areoles . 

. i 78; ED. 
40. ANONA sQuaMosA Linn.; F. I. ii. 657; F. B. Li 183 B i 
A. 1166. 

Near villages, planted and sometimes self-sown, ar 

A small tree. Beng. Ata.—Custard Apple of English ® 

India; Sweet Sop of English in West Indies. _ ig 
41. ANona RETICULATA Linn.; F. I. ii, 657; F. B. Lh 

E. D. A. 1158, 

Near villages, planted and oftener self-sown, very apie 

A small tree. Santal. Gom ; Beng. Nona,—B alloeee 

Heart; Custard Apple of English in West Indies. 


ubs or undershrubs, climbing or twining rarely carmel 
leaves alternate, entire or lobed, usually palminerved, oil ; i 
peltate ; stipules 0. Flowers 1-sexual dicecious, small or jitary. 
sometimes 3-bracteolate, in racemes, cymes or fascicles, or sol a i 
Disk 0. Sepals 6 (rarely 1-4 or 9-12), almost always free, ae 
cate, 2-seriate, the outer whorl often minute. Petals 6, 2- oll : 
(rarely 5-1 or 0), free or connate. 3g Stamens hypogynous, er ilok : 
1 opposite each petal ; filaments free or connate ; anthers 2 ee 
usually adnate; dehiscence longitudinal, extrorse or neh . 
introrse ; rudimentary carpels minute or 0. ir or : 

divided; ovule 1 or rarely (Ftbrawrea) 2, on the ventral me : 
amphitropous rarely anatropous wit of drupaceous basal 2 
carpels with a subterminal or (from excentric growth) su , 
Style-scar. Seed campylotropous, hooked or reniform ; endocs i 
often intruded in the concavity; albumen ruminate or un 

or 0 

“¢ stamens connate :— [p. 207] 
t¢ anthers 6; g ¢ perianth-segments all free :—[p. 207] 
+ carpels 3, accompanied by staminodes :—[p. 207) _ 
o ? petals 6; Sepals 6; ¢ staminodes 6 ...........++- 

Anamirta,| MENISPERMA CER. 207 
} ? carpel 1, staminodes 0; ¢ petals 3-5; sepals 6-10; ¢ petals 

35; sepals 3-5 [p. 206) Stephania. 
+¢ anthers 4; petals connate 4; sepals 4; ¢ petal 1; sepal 1 {p. 206) 

*¢ stamens free ; perianth-segments free ; éapelis 3 or more:—{p. 206) 
é ? petals 6 :— 

¢ ? sepals 6:— 
é anthers 9 Py h 
¢ anthers 6 :— 
2 in male ih +e 
stam k q . ati ai g bliq y3 

; carpels 3, styles forked Tinospora 
é stamens with subglobose anthers dehiscing transversely ; ; 
@ carpels 3-6, styles cylindric  -.....-cesssserereereee Cocculus. 

Carpels in male 3, rudimentary; ¢ stamens subcylindrie, 
anthers dehiscing vertically; ¢ carpels 9-12, styles subulate 

sepals 9-12; z anthers 6, bamfing obliquely Heematocarpus. 
g 2) petals 2; sepals 8; ¢ anthers 4 .......:.::seceresesners Antitaxis. 

_ 22. Parabeena Miers. 
A climber with milky juice. Flowers in axillary dichotomous 
cymes. Sepals 6, subequal. Petals much smaller. ¢ Anthers 6, 
ho ; 

cence transverse. * Stace 6, cylindric, Carpels 3, styles 
subulate, recurved. Frui t drupaceous, ovoid, style-scar subter- 
minal; endocarp subglobose, spinulose on the back, concave 
ries oss ee curved, yentrally concave; cotyledons 

42. lsieae, sacirtatTa Miers; F. B. I. i. 96. 
rns ng. 
A climber with milky juice, and cordate or sagittate 

23. Anamirta Colebr. 
A climbing shrub. Flowers panicled. Sepals 6 with 2 ad- 
Pressed bracts. Petals 0. ¢ Ant hers sessile on a stout column, 
i Staminodes 

globose, surrounding the intruded pericarp; albumen gram 
horny; embryo curved. cotyledons thin. 
43. Anammra Coccunus W. & A.; F. B. I. i. 98; EB. D. A. 1088 
Menispermum Cocculus F. I. iii. 807, 

A climbing shrub, with ovate, cordate leaves. Verna. 

24. Stephania Lour. ; 

leaves usually peltate. Flowers in ee af 

umbellate cymes. ¢ Sepals 6-10, free, ovate or obovate. Pe ¢ 
3-5, obovate, fleshy. Anthers 6, connate, encircling the top of the 

; dehiscence transverse. Sepals Bi = wild : 

Staminodes 0, Carpel solitary, style 3-6-partite. F - 

drupe-like, glabrous; endocarp compressed, heen : 

tubercled on the back, hollow and perforated on the sides. i 

almost annular ; cotyledons long, slender, ee 

STE HERNANDIFOLIA Walp.; F. B. I. i. 103; E. : 

8. 2794. Cissampelos hernandifolia F. I. iii. 842. “ 

Common in hedges and thickets. - 

A slender climber with somewhat peltate leaves. Beng- a 

A’kanddi, nimukha. 

Climbing shrub; 

25. Cissampelos Linn. : 
Shrubs, suberect or climbing; leaves often peltate. 3 F ne : 
Cymose. Sepals 4, rarely 5-6, erose. Petals 4, connate "e : 
4-lobed cup. <Anthers 4, connate, encircling the top o bi 4 
3 dehiscence transverse. 9 Flowers rac 17 
of leafy bracts. Sepals 2, petals 0; or ya 

TRA Stisa: F. B. I. i. 108; E. D. C. 1206. 2 
C. Caapeba F, I. iii, 849, C. convolulacea F, I. iii. 842: 
ehar ; W. Bengal; Chota N ur. 
A climbing plant with generally peltate leaves ; the female 
racemes with leafy imbricated bracts. Santal. Tej® 
Malla; Beng, Ekleja. ' 

Coceulus.) MENISPERMACEZ. 209 

26. Pycnarrhena Miers. 

Shrubs, suberect or climbing. Flowers axillary, fascicled or 
panicled. ¢ Sepals 6 with 8 bracts, inner larger orbicular. 
Petals 6, small, lobed. Stamens 9, filaments very short; anthers 
subdidymous; dehiscence transverse. ¢ Flower unknown. Fruit 
drupe-like, broadly oblong, slightly gibbous; style-scar lateral ; 
endocarp subreniform. Seed — concave ventrally; albu- 
men 0; cotyledons oblong, very thi 

46. PYCNARRHENA PLENIFLORA Miers: FB, B, I. i. 106. 

A climbing shrub. Vernac. Langadu (Chittagong). 

27. Tinospora Miers. 

Climbing shrubs. Flowers in axillary or terminal racemes or 
panicles, Sepals 6, 2-seriate, inner membranous larger. Petals 6, 
smaller. g Stamens 6, filaments free, tips thickened; anther 
cells adnate; dehiscence oblique. ¢ Staminodes 6, aad: 
Carpels 3, stigmas forked. rier of 1-3 Grapes Cony a x ehovny flat 
below ; style-scar pe ag k, 
concave below. Seed grooved ventrally or curved pe the 
intruded endocarp ; albumen ruminate below; cotyledons leafy. 

Leaves orbicular- cordate somewhat 3-lobed, pubescent above, — 
beneath ; drupes mentosa 


Leaves tondais, eilaota not lobed ; drupes red cordifolia 

47. Trnospora TOMENTOSA Miers; F. B. I. i. 96. Menispermum 
tomentosum F. I. iii. 813. 
In hedges and thickets, rare 
A climbing shrub. Vernac. ‘Padmo-gulanché. 
48. Tinospora corprrouiA Miers; F. B. I. i. 97; E. D. T. 470. 
Menispermum cordifolium F. I. iii. 811. 
In hedges and thickets everywhere, very common. 
An extensive climber. Vernac. Gulancha. 


210 BENGAL PLANTS. [Coeculus, 
3-6, styles usually cylindric. Fruit of laterally compressed — 

sides hollowed. Seed curved; albumen fleshy ; embryo annular 
with linear cotyledons. 
occuLUs vittosus DC.; F. B. I. i. 101; E. D. ©. 1402 — 
‘Menispermum hirsutum F. I. iii. 814. : 
Behar; W. Bengal; Chota Nagpur: common in waste : 
A tomentose climber. Vernac. Huyer. 

29. Tiliacora Colebr. 

% Carpels 9-12; styles short subulate. Fruit of obovoid pedi 
ed subcompressed drupes with subbasal style-scar ; endocaP 
thin, obscurely ribbed, laterally grooved. Seed hooked; albumen 
oily, ruminate ; cotyledons linear, fleshy. or 
TILIACORA RACEMOSA Colebr.; F. B. I. i. 99; E. D.T. 456, 
Menispermum polycarpum F. I. iii. 816. : : 
In hedges and thickets everywhere, but especially ™ 
C. and E. Bengal. a 
A large glabrous climber. Hind. Bhaga-mushada, bhagt — 
luta; Beng. Tiliacora. 

30. Hematocarpus Miers. “ 
A strong glabrous climber; leaves very coriaceous, 3-nerv 

Flowers in axill 

6; stigmas ligulate, reflexed. Fruit of 1-4 large ovoid-oblong 
drupes with blood-red juicy flesh, style-scar subbasal; endoca!P 
coriaceous, oblong, adherent. Seed oblong; albumen 0; embry? 
very large, with thick semicylindric cotyledons. 
51. Hemarocarpus Tuomsont Miers ; F. B, I. i, 106. 


Berberis. ] BERBERIDE. 211 

A strong glabrous climber with oblong leaves ; the fruits 
like bunches of grapes, the endocarp blood-red. 

31. Antitaxis Miers. 

fragile, subreniform. Seed subglobose, ventrally concave ; albumen 
0; cotyledons oblong, slightly incurved, thick, semicylindric. 
- 52. Anrrraxis caLocarpa Kurz. 


A shrub. 

hrubs, armed or not, sometimes climbing, less often herbs ; 
buds usually scaly. Leaves alternate, simple or compound ; stipules 
rare (Berberis sometimes). Flowers regular, often globose, yellow 
r white, hermaphrodite or 1-sexual, in panicles or racemes or 
solitary. Disk 0. Perianth of similar sepals and petals, hypo- 
gynous, caducous, in 2 or more 2-8-, rarely 4-nate whorls, imbricate 
or with the sepals only valvate, very rarely 0. Stamens usually 
one opposite each petal; anthers erect, adnate ; filaments free or 
connate ; dehiscence longitudinal, extrorse or lateral, or by valves, 
revolute or ascending. Carpels 1 or 3, rarely 6-9, free, oblong, style 
0 or short, stigma peltate or oblong or conical ; ovules 2 or more, 
basal erect, or 2-many-seriate on the ventral suture, or many- 
seriate or scattered on the carpellary wall, anatropous with a 
ventral raphe rarely orthotropous. Fruit of berry-like fleshy, or 
dry indehiscent, or capsular dehiscent ripe carpels. Seed crusta- 
ceous, membranous or fleshy; albumen firmly fleshy ; embryo 
‘minute or elongated. 

32. Berberis Linn. 

Shrubs with yellow wood; leaves pinnate or simple and then 
fascicled in the axils of 3-5-partite spines. Flowers regular, 
hermaphrodite, yellow, solitary fascicled or racemose. sig seer 6, 
2-seriate, imbricate, with 2-8 adpressed bracts. Petals 6, 2-seriate, 

212 BENGALI PLANTS. ~ [Berberis 

imbricate, with often 2 basal glands inside. Stamens 6, free; 

anther-cells opening by recurved valves. Ovary simple, stigma — 

peltate, sessile or with a short style ; ovules few, erect basal. Fruit 
berry-like, few-seeded. 

53. BERBERIS asIaTIcA Roxb.; F. B. I. i. 110; E. D. B, 453. 
Chota Nagpur, on Parasnath, near the top. 
A shrub. 

Herbs, perennial, aquatic; leaves usually floating radical, 

SHEL Ree ee 

rarely on floating stems, often peltate, in bud involute. Flowers — 

solitary on naked scapes. Disk fleshy and enveloping the carpels, 

sometimes also adnate to the tubular base of perianth, or 0. 

Perianth of many spirally imbricate segments, gradually ane. 
from sepals to petals and petals to stamens or the whorls distinct 
with sepals 3-5, petals 83-5 or more, and stamens 6—-many, all free 

hypogynous, or with the inner or all perigynous, less often | 

epigynous, on the disk. Stamens with filaments continued as the 
connective: +h no Sige. One 4 Ah] Ns ne lonoitudina, — 

introrse or extrorse. Carpels 8 or more in one whorl, free, OF more 

often adnate to disk as a many-celled ovary, rarely (Nelwmbium) 
i as 

naked or with an arillus; albumen floury with a cavity in w oe 
the embryo is partially immersed, or 0; embryo with thi 
cotyledons and usually a large plumule. 

Carpels confluent with each other or with the disk ; ovules many; seeds 

albuminous :— 

cece wer eweserneereere 

are enclosed, petals and stamens superior ; plants armed with spine — 

Carpels discrete, irregularly scattered, sunk in pits of the turbinate disk; | 
» petals, and stamens inferior ; ovules 1-2; seeds without albume?y 
es ics Nelumbiam 

plants unarmed 


Euryale. | NYMPH AACE. 213 

33. Nymphea Linn. 

Large aquatic herbs with creeping rootstock. Flowers large 
expanded, floating on long radical scapes. Sepals 4, adnate to 
the base of the disk. Petals many-seriate, inner successively 
transformed into stamens, all adnate to disk. Stamens n numerous ; 
filaments petaloid; anthers small linear ; dehiscence introrse. 
Carpels many, 1-seriate, sunk in the fleshy disk and forming with 
it a many-celled ovary crowned by the connate radiating furrowed 
stigmas; ovules numerous, anatropous. Fruit a spongy berry, 
ripening under water. Seeds very small, enclosed in a fleshy 
saccate arillus 

Leayes sharply sinuately toothed ; sepals apes anthers without appen- 
dages; stigmatic rays with clubbed appendages 
Blowers: white: ies <dcv. > cacsedconde -mobewalet-<c4gikeed> «de> SOI ENe ob RO Lotus. 
FOWOrs. FOBG OF: TO « «io ecc acidic vcsceuce bo oauonua chy ces oo0.c4 gees tear PSens a. 
Leaves entire or phew sinuate; sepals many-ve eined but not kel: 
anthers with long appendages ; stigmatic rays ending in short horns 
without appendages :— 
Flowers pale blue, 1-2 im. across ......cseererseereers tener nent stellata. 
Flowers darker blue, 4-5 in. acrOSs .....++e+eeesreeseett stellata var. major. 
54. Nympnza Lotus Mrw B,) Biidvcke 14g, Bee Dict O00, 
N. esculenta F. I. 578. 
Everywhere in ate and ditches. Beng. Kambal. Two 
forms; one with glabrous, one with pubescent leaves. 
55. Nympuama rusra Roxb.; F, I. ii. 576. 
Less common than the nar tot ace plant though 
equally widespread. Beng. Rakto-ka mbal. 
56. Nympuma srettata Willd.; F. I. ii. 579; F. B. I. i. 114; 
E. a N. 209. 

verywhere in ponds. Beng. Nil- —_ 
56/2. Ven Masor Voigt. N. cyanea F, I. ii. 
Less common than the wins 9288 ——s Beng. 
Bara nil-padma. 

34, Euryale Salisb. 

Densely prickly aquatic herbs, with thick rootstock; leaves 
orbicular, corrugate. Flowers partially submerged. Sepa als 4, 
erect, inserted on the edge of the thalamus above the carpels. 
Petals numerous, 8-5-seriate, shorter than the sepals. 


gy berry, a 
persistent sepals. Beads 8-20, with a pulpy oat 
57, EURYALE FEROX Salisb.; F. B. I. ; E. D 
Anneslia spinosa F. I. ii. 573. 
E. Bengal, in jhils, Kid common ; Tippera; Chit J 
C. Bengal, rather ra | 

Uriya Kanta-pa 

i N eigebiun Willd. 

of scape, passing into petals, caducous. Petals many- 
hypogynous, passing into stamens, caducous. Stamens pre 
many-seriate, hypogynous, caducous; anthers with a — 
appendage. Carpels many, each 1-celled, discrete, and 
in the flat top of the obconic fleshy thalamus, pears laterally 
the cavities; style very short, exserted, stigma inl 
ovules 1-2, pendulous. Fruits of ovoid ripe sca loose 
cavities of the enlarged spongy thalamus ; pericarp long, 
Seeds filling the carpels, testa spongy, without albumen; cotylelat 
eee fleshy, ms 
sis Waihcierne SPECIosuM Willd.; F. I. ii. 647; F. B. 1.i 1) 
E. D. N. 39, : 
Everywhere i in ponds. eS 
A large water-plant; leaves peltate, floating ay ot 
plants. mig de are two forms, | one with oe fowt 

td le milky 
coloured. Leaves radical or “xlnenniitke or both a 
— often showy, regular, he ermaphrodite, usualy 
m bud. Disk 0. Sepals 2, perenne 3, hypogynous, 1 

Argemone.] PAPAVERACE. 215 

-very caducous. Petals 4, rarely 6, Q-seriate, very rarely more and 
spi pogynous, large, crumpled, very caducous. Stamens many, 
several-seriate or spiral, hypogynous; filaments slender, innate ; 
anthers erect; dehiscence longitudinal, lateral. Carpels 2 or 
more, united in a superior 1-celled ovary with parietal or more 
or less intruded placentas, or 2-celled (Glaucium) by @ pseudo- 

as axis; style 0, or short, rarely long, stigmas always alternate with 
placentas though sometimes the adjacent halves of stigmas connate 

q pp tly opposit the pl eset } y-seriate parietal, 
very rarely (Bocconia) solitary, anatropous with a lateral raphe. 
Fruit a capsule, completely or partially dehiscent by valves or 
pores. Seeds many, small, frequently caruncled ; albumen fleshy 
or oily ; embryo minute. 

Sepals 2, petals 4; capsules globose; the stigmas sessile, radiating from 
its centre ver. 
Sepals 3, petals 6; capsules oblong; the stigmas plicate capitate, supported 
by a short distinct style ......-.ssssssccsecrecneereenenersensereessen ee? Argemone. 

Uy scsweedes ces heuer teense ss 

36. Papaver Linn. 

Annual or perennial herbs with milky juice ; leaves lobed or cut. 
Flowers on long peduncles. Sepals 2, rarely 3, caducous. Petals 4, 
rarely 6, 2-seriate, caducous. Stamens numerous, hypogynous. 
Carpels united in a 1-celled ovary with 4 or more intruded 
placentas, sometimes several-celled by complete intrusion of 
placentas as far as axis; style 0, stigmas connate as 4 discoid or 
pyramidal star with rays composed of conjoint half-stigmas oppo 
site each placenta. Frwit a short, usually truncate capsule, opening 
by short valves below the persistent stigma. 

59. Papavern somnrrerum Linn.; F. I. ii. 571; F. Bw. i. 117; 

E. D. P. 87. 
Tirhut, and Behar, cultivated only. 
A glabrous and glaucous annual, with milky juice; only 
white-flowered forms are cultivated in our area. Beng. 
Pasto.—The Opium Poppy: 

37. Argemone Linn. 
Annual herbs, erect, prickly; leaves variegated, lobed, lobes 
spinescent. Flowers in few-flowered cymes, with leafy bracts. 
3, very rarely 4, caducous. Petals 6, very rarely 8, 


2-seriate, caducous. Stamens numerous. Carpels united 3 
1-celled ovary with 3-6 parietal placentas; style distinct, 
connate, lobes subradiating alternate with placentas, 
line of union of adjacent stigmas suberect. Fruit a lor 
- pointed capsule, opening about one-fourth of its lent 
angular valves alternate with the placentas and 7 ” 
sa lobes. 
. ARGEMONE MEXICANA Linn.; F. I. ii. 571; F. B. Li 
E. D. M. 1351. 
Everywhers:i in waste places. 
A prickly annual with yellow juice, shee flowers @ 
prickly leaves with white veins. Beng. Bara shil-k 
Santal. Gokhula janum 

Herbs, annual or perennial ; juice watery. Leaves alte 
opposite, usually much divided ; iligales 0. ogi pak 
i k 

or both gibbous or spurred, inner always like each 
usually very unlike outer, narrower, erect with often cohering 
tamens rarely 4, free, opposite the petals, usually diadelp 
2 phalanges opposite the outer r petals, each phalanx with a¢ 
2- aehed 

ovul * amphitropous, 1-2-seria 
very rarely solitary on each or on only one 2 
Fruit a 2-valved many- or few-seeded capsule, or ind 
l-seeded, rarely 2-seeded, and nut-like. Seed. small, 
siphictetas albumen fleshy ; embryo minute 

38. Fumaria Linn. 
Annual, rarely perennial, usually branched, often sc” 
herbs ; leaves much divided, wi w segments. 
small in ‘iain or leaf-oppohba racemes, irregular, 
i » small, scale-like, caducous. Petals 4 

2-seriate, the 2 outer dissimilar, anterior concave posterior 

Fumaria.) CRUCIFERZ. 217 

or spurred at the base, the two inner lateral similar, long-clawed, 
keeled, with usually cohering tips. Stamens diadelphous in antero- 
posterior bundles, each with a central 2-celled and two lateral 
1-celled anthers. Carpels 2, connate in a 1-celled ovary with usually 
only 1 parietal fertile placenta; style filiform, stigma entire or 
slightly lobed; ovules normally 1 near base of fertile placenta. 
Frwit a small globose indehiscent 1-seeded nutlet. 
61, Fumarra parvirtora Lamk.; F. I. iii. 217; F. B. 1. i. 128; 
E. D. F..728. 

In fields and gardens, not uncommon. 

A small branched annual weed with much-divided glaucous 

leaves. Hind. Pit-papra; Beng. Ban-salpha. 


Herbs, annual or perennial, rarely undershrubs; juice often 
pungent. Leaves radical in a rosette and cauline alternate ; 
stipules 0. Flowers in racemes, rarely solitary axillary or on 
scapes. Disk with 4 glands opposite the sepals, or 0. Sepals 4, 
free, imbricate, hypogynous, the lateral pair opposite the placentas 
often the larger, saccate. Petals 4, free, hypogynous, set cross-wise. 
Stamens 6, rarely 2 or 1, or many ; 2-seriate, outer whorl of 2 oppo- 

amphitropous with raphe ventral. Fruit a 2-celled 2-valv 
capsule with deciduous valves and persistent replum and placentas, 
or transversely jointed or indehiscent. Seeds small, albumen 0;_ 


*Pods dehiscing :—[p. 218] 
tPods narrow, long :—[p. 218] 
Pods bearing seeds and dehiscing throughout their length ;. sepals 
not pouched at the base; cotyledons accumbent :—[p- 218) 


Pods almost cylindric; seeds globose, 2-seriate or 
l-seriate; flowers yellow a 
Pods flattened ; seeds compressed, 1-seriate ; iowen 

}Pods with a a indehiscent beak projecting beyond the 

sepals pouched a a base ; cotyledons longitudinally 

incumbent :—[p. ol 
: Pods narrow antes or turgid, beak Racy or ho 

tPods broad, short ; sepals not pouched at base :—[p. 2 17) 
ods globosts seeds many, small, compressed ; pie - 
bent ; flowers (in our species) yellow sve ; 
Pods flattened :— 

Pods compressed from back, parallel to expanded om oe 
few, compressed, cotyledons acctimbent ; flowers (in 0 

OPO CEC 46s Seeab bined cece 

Pods ee laterally at right angles to the very 

replum : 
Vitor 4 of the many-seeded pods not winged ; cotyledons " 
PORES, PTR WHINE ooo i6 css cro cssin chop 

Valves of the few-seeded pods winged, the tip of pod per 
igege in each cell solitary ; cotyledons incumbent. ie 
n each re 4-6; cotyledons accumbent | 
*Pods not rest :—{p. 2 1 
Pods short globose, J nay. each cell 1-seeded ; sepals spreadingy’ 
pouched at the base ; white flowers and pods both very or eee 


Pods elongated, terete, hol 
pouched at = base; fi 
and pods la: 

low or transversely septate; me 
Owers yellow white or lilac with purP 
39. Nasturtium R. Br. y 
strial or aquatic, usually branching, eT Ai 
hairy ; leaves entire, lobed or pinnatifid. Flowers small, y 
ite, sometimes bracteate. Sepals short, spreading, ed! 
Petals —— narrowed at the base, scarcely 
yn amous, or 4, or 2. Caps ule long 


Herbs, terre 

stoutish, or long lewd er, “stigma 
w: irregularly 

small, an 2-seriate 0: 
cotyledons accumbent, 


Brassica.) CRUCIFERA. 219 

~ Pods short, broad, hardly longer than the pedicels ; beech 0. ...palustre. 

Pods long, narrow, at least twice as long as the pedicels grbde 
Flowers without bracts me 
Flowers with leafy bracts indicum var. benghalense. 

62. ered ily PALUSTRE DC.; F. B. I. i. 133. 
Behar, rare; N. Bengal, Maldah ; C. Bengal, 24. Pergun- 
nahs; never zis ntiful. 

A small herb, sa Hn) 
63. Nasturtium inpicum DC.; F. B. L i. 184. Stnaprs 
divaricata F. I. iii. 128. 

Everywhere, common. 
A small herb. 
63/2. Var. BENGHALENSE F. B. I. i. 184. 
. Bengal, more common than the preceding ; 
Chittagong ; also N, Bengal, but rare. 
A small herb. Beng. Bil-rai. 

40. Cardamine Linn. 
Herbs, often flaccid, annual or perennial, glabrous or sith 
ies leaves entire, lobed or pinnatifid to -sect. Flo 
ite or purplish, rarely yellow. Sepals equal at the ins, 
Pa distinctly clawed. Capsule narrow linear, compressed, 
tapering to both ends, midrib distinct, valves subelastic in 
dehiscence; replum membranous; stigma simple © ie sauna 
Seeds flattened, 1-seriate ; cotyledons accumbent 
64. CaRDAMINE DEBILIS Don. C. hirsuta Linn. var. sylvatica 
F, B. I. i. 188; pened eheny 
C. Bengal, not comm 
A weed of the cold wrasaa 

MM. Brassica Linn. 

bed; style pein: or ensiform; stigma trun ect or 2-lobe 
Seed bean; cotyledons incumbent. 


a pale greyish bloom :— 
Roots stout spindle-shaped ; pods slender, beaded opposite the seas 
campestris var. oleifert 
Roots slender tapering ; pods stout, not beaded opposite the seeds 
campestris Var Saree 
Leaves without hairs, green above, with a faint bloom beneath, less 
lobed and smaller than in the preceding Napus var. dichotome. 


65. Brassica RuGosA Prain. Sinapis rugosa F. I. iii, 122. 
A crop of the Himalaya from Kamaon eastward. 
Vernac. Badisha Lai (Kamaon), Pasai (Nepal), Palang 
(Nepal). ei, 
The typical S. rugosa has irregularly deeply toothed Jeaves wit 
a much thickened midrib ; it does not occur in the pia! 

65/2. Var. cunerrouta. Sinapis cuneifolia F. I. iii. 122. 2 
A cold weather crop in N. Bengal. Beng. Lahi ss: ish; 
66. Brassica yuncea Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B. 1 * 

A cold weather crop in all the provinces except on 
Nagpur. Hind. Rai; Beng. Rai sarisha, chanebi, jh 

66/1. Var. AcREstIs. Sinapis patens F. I. iii. 124. a 
A weed appearing in C E. Bengal towards the 

the rains. Beng. Bil-rai, keel-rai. r 

67. Brassica campzsreis Linn, var. ouerrera DC.; E. Dp. Bm 

very near the Colza crop of Europe. 
67/2. Var. Sarson. 

i. 156. Sinapis trilocularis F. I. iii. 121. 
valvis F. B.1.i.156. 

— Cochlearia.) CRUCIFERZ. 221 

A cold weather crop in all the provinces. Hind. 
Sarson; Beng. Swet sarisha. The Sarson or Indian 
Colza crop. 

with pendent ones. Each race may be subdivided into two subraces, 
viz., that with 2-valved pods ai a complete replum, and that with 3-4- 
valved pods and 2 shee incomplete or absent. The no ormal 2-valved 
Natua Sarson is, in part, B. campestris subsp. Napus of the F. B. L., and 

exactly Sinapis nase of the F. I. The 3-4-valved Natua Sarson is 

quadrivalvis of the F. B. I.; it is not alluded to in the F. he 
normal 2-valved Ulti oun is neglected in both works; its occurrence 
is as a matter of fact rare, and its cultivation is confined to Northern 

_ Bengal and Eastern Behar. The 3-4-valved Ulti Sarson is B. trilocularts 

of the F. B. I., and Sinapis trilocularis of the F. I. 

68. area Arve Linn. var. picnotoma. Sinapis dichotoma 
F. I. iii, 117. ‘ scorepertint subsp. Napus F. B. Li 
. E. D. B. 

A cold pee crop in all the provinces. Vernac. Tori 
(Tirhut, Behar) ; ae Mee Nagpur); Sarisha (C. 
Bengal) ; Maghi (E. and N. Beng al), The Tori or Indian 
Rape crop ; possibly the same as the Summer Rape of 

42, Eruca Linn. 
sas erect. and branching; leaves lyrate-pinnatifid. Flowers 
lilac with violet veins, or yellowish with lilac veins. Sepals erect, 

axis; valves convex, 3-nerved; stigma sip. 
globose, 2-seriate ; cotyledons incumbent, conduplicate 
69. Eruca sativa Lamk.; F. B. L i. 158. Brassise erucoides 
F. I. iii. 117 

In C. Bengal, occasionally ; Behar, comm 

A crop of the cold weather. Hind. uate Beng. Swet 
43. Cochlearia Linn. 

Annual or perennial, glabrous, often fleshy herbs ; leaves entire 
or pinnatipartite. Flowers white, rarely yellow or violet, corym- 
© or shortly racemose, rarely on solitary scapes. Sepals. 
Spreading, equal at the base. Petals shortly clawed. peenee 

222 BENGAL PLANTS. — [Coch 

globose, ovoid or oblong, valves convex, turgid. Seeds 2-seria 
compressed ; cotyledons accumbent. 
OCHLEARIA FLAVA Ham.; F. B. I. i. 145. 
Western Behar and Chota Nagpur, fairly common; 
Bengal, on the banks of the Ganges, very rare, 

44, Alyssum Linn. 
Herbs or small undershrubs, branched, often rigid, pubescent 0 
hoary with stellate hairs or scales: ; leaves linear, entire. Flowers 
small, white or yellow, in bractless racemes. Sepals short, equal 
at the base. Petals with short claws, blade entire or peer 
Filaments often with tooth-like appendages. Capsules short, 
turgid or flattened parallel to replum, orbicular, elliptic, obovate, 
or oblong ; replum membranous, perforated or ver’ aa short 

or long. Seeds few, flattened ; cotyledons accumben 
71. ALyssum maritimum Linn. 3 
In gardens, cultivated in the cold season, but asco 4 
coming up etiens Gta on rubbish-heaps towards 

end of the r 

45, Capsella Linn. 

Weber: Behar ; very rare in C. Ben gal. i 
A weed of cet eae in the cold ae The “ Shep 
herd’s P | 

46. Lepidium Linn. 

Herbs, undershrubs or shrubs, diffuse or erect ; leaves entire © 
divided. Flowers small, white, bractless. Sepals short, equal at 
the base. Petals Sometimes only 2, or absent. Stam ens 6, 
tetradynamous, or 4, sometimes ‘beri: Capsules ovate 
oblong, rarely globose, usually orbicular, much compressed ati 

Raphanus. | CRUCIFERZ:. 223 

angles to replum, tip notched or entire; valves boat-shaped, 
winged, or keeled ; replum narrow, membranous. Seeds solitary in 
— each cell ; cotyledons incumbent, sometimes divided. 
EPIDIUM sATIvuM Linn.; F. B. I. i. 159 
Cultivated in Tirhut, Behar and N. Bengal. 
A small annual herb. Vernac. Halim; aleveri. 

47. Thlaspi Linn. 

Herbs, annual or perennial ; leaves entire or toothed, the upper 
often amplexicaul. Flowers small, white or pale pe ae 
Sepals small, erect, equal at the base. Petals small. Capsules 
orbicular, obovate or obcordate, compressed at right mgrthet 
replum ; valves boat-shaped, keeled, or winged; replum narrow, 
membranous ; style short or long. Seeds 2 or more hire 
cotyledons accumbent. 

74. THLASPI ARVENSE Linn. ; F. B. I. i. 162. 

Behar, very rare. 
A weed of cultivation in the cold season. 

48. Senebiera DC. 
Herbs, diffusely branched from the base, annual or biennial ; 
leaves entire or pinnatisect. Flowers small, usually white, race- 

adyn. r 
small, didymous, laterally compressed ; the valves subglobose, not 
Separating, rugose or crested; stigma sessile. Seeds solitary in 
each chamber ; cotyledons incumbent or the embryo spiral. 
A weed in garden ground and by roadsides, but apparently 
only in C. Bengal; is especially common at tlah. 
A small diffuse herb; of recent introduction to India. 

49, Raphanus Linn. 
Herbs, glabrous or roughly hispid, annual or biennial ; leaves 
lyrate-pinnatifid. Flowers large, yellow or white or lilac with 
urple veins, in long bractless racemes. Sepals erect, lateral pair 
Saccate at base. Petals clawed. Fruits inhehiscent, elongate- 
Nerehe, thick, continuous or constricted at intervals with a long 
Polnted tapering beak, the valves not separating ; chamber within 


filled with pulp between the seeds or open. Seeds panty 
globose ; cotyledons induplicate. Ua 
76. Rapwanus sativus Linn.; F. I. iii, 126; F. B. Li. 166. 
A cold weather crop. i: 
An annual herb. Beng. Mula. The Radish. 


Herbs or shrubs, erect or climbing, rarely trees. Leaves alter 
nate, rarely opposite, simple or Tea compound ; ope 
erbaceous, setaceous, or spinous, or 0. Flowers regular or ute 
gular, usually hermaphrodite, han showy, in terminal racemes of 
corymbs, or axillary in fascicles, or solitary. Disk tumid, lining the 
calyx-tube, or 0. Sepals 4 or 6 or 8, free or connate, 1-2-seriate, 
subequal or somewhat irregular, valvate or imbricate or outer only 
valvate or open. Petals 4, rarely 2 or absent, hypogynous or pet 
EyHons; imbricate or new and open | in bad. Stamens Aa more, 



ealhacs —— subdorsifixed dehiscence longitudinal ae 

usually short or 0; stigma depressed or capitate ; ovules a 
1-many-seriate on the placentas, rarely solitary, amphitropous ¢ 

campylotropous. Fruit a 1-locular elongated capsule, or mee 

Herbs with slender capsular fruits —— 
St tamens arising sjiegs the Sisk; npetals teabelonis(t in bud ; leaves sige 

tamens arising trom the esmophore petals open in cc late 
iit Nes te with stamens 6 drops. 
Shrubs or t ovoid, eee usually ‘auitbodle fruits; 
stamens many, rarely definite :— 
imbing shrubs with simple leaves and stipulary thorns ; oe 4, ime 
seule pon ie Oi Shirk 
Trees with digitately trifoliolate leaves, unarmed ; ate 4, mp in 
bud, cohering below with a convex | obed disk Craters 

wee eeeeeeeeenerere 

Gynandropsis.} CAPPARIDEZ. 

50. Cleome Linn. 

Herbs; leaves simple or digitately 8-9-foliolate. Flowers yellow, 
rose or purple, racemose. Sepals 4, spreading. tals 4, Sta- 

mens 4 or more, directly attached to the thalamus. Ovary sour ; 
style short or 0; ovules many on 2 parietal placentas. Mrwit a 
oblong or linear capsule with 2 valves that separate from the nae 
bearing placentas. Seeds reniform. 

— simple ; ne 6; flowers dull purple 
ns 12 or more: 

Sten 12-20; es yellow ; coset and leaves softly viseid- 

Soe ww ed cee belees ce oeeein es. 

capsules glabrous, leaves 
Be re a 

Bans mens many; flowers rose-coloured ; 
Sassen or sparingly hairy 
77. CLkome Monopuynia Linn.; F. I. iii. 129; F. B. I. i. 168. 
Behar; W. Bengal; Chota Nagpur 
A pasa of fields and waste haben, 

Santal. Harhara ; 
78. CLeome viscosa Linn.; F. I. iii. 128; F. B. Li. 170; E. D. 

In fields and waste places, everywhere 
A viscid herb. Beng. Hurhuria ; Hind. Kanphuti. 
79. CiEomE CueLiponn Linn. f.; ie oy a. De de 

Sear marshy places at the foot of the Rajmahal Hills, 
A herb 
51. Gynandropsis DC. 
ama glandular pubescent or glabrate herbs ; leaves digitately 
Pei oliolate. Flowers purple, racemed. Sepals 4, spreading. 
tals 4. Siemens 6, the filaments adnate below to the gyno- 
Phore, free above. Ovary ry stalked; style short; ovules many 
s 2 parietal placentas. Fruit an oblong or linear capsule with 
Valves that Senate from the seed-bearing placentas. Seeds 
80. Gyvanprorsis pentapayita DC.; F. B. 1. i. 171; E. D. 
C. 753. Cleome ene F. I. iii. 126. 
Tn waste places, everywhe 

An annual herb with pale hab flowers and 8-foliolate 

226 BENGAL PLANTS. [Gynandrop 

bracts. Santal. Seta kata arak; Beng. Sada bari 
ansarisha, arkahuli; Hind. Charota, karaila, huhil. 

52. Capparis Linn. 
Trees or shrubs, erect, decumbent, or climbing, unarmed or with 
stipulary thorns; leaves simple, rarely 0. Flowers usually white, 
often showy. at 4, free, 2-seriate, imbricate, or the outer pait 
valvate. Petals 4, sessile, imbricate. Stamens numerous, Vey 
rarely definite, inthe directly on the thalamus at base of gyno 
phore. Ovary sisi on a long gynophore, 1-4-celled; stigm® 
sessile; ovules many on 2-6 parietal placentas. Fruit ee 
indehiscent, rarely saivdlad dehiscent. Seeds many, imbedded 
pulp ; cotyledons convolute. 
Flowers few :—- 
Flowers supra-axillary, 2-4, the serially superposed pedicels o! of une 
length ; ait Regia -oblong to broad-ovate, young shoots and — | 
rusty pubesce bie es ouas ; 
Flowers ae . ce solita: 
eaves oie broad ads ‘© ln lanceolate, glabrous ; fruit smooth; 


Howers 1-& On a short shoot .......,...:c0+..-s0essse0s+ceootPle a often 
erie orbicular, floccose ee white pabeeey ens fruit rib yl | 
dehiscing ; flowers always solitary ...........- spinosa var. leucop 

Flowers numerous, in umbellate corymbs ; leaves vie ‘ous -— von 
orymbs simple, sessile or short-peduncled ; stamens many ; ee 
large as a pea ‘ie 8); 
Corymbs arranged in sm terminal panicles ; Seal few ( ee 
fruit as large as a joe 

ee ee 

81. Capparis norripa Linn, f.; F. B. L. i. 178; E. D. © a6 
C. zeylanica F. I. ii. 567 (not of oe . 
In thickets and ayy everywher . | 
A climbing shrub. Vernac. Libin, bagnai. 
i ag 

S.-W. Bengal and Orissa, on dry stony ground. 
A rigid, wiry, much-branched shrub. Beng. Kalu ker® 
83. Capparis sprvosa Linn. var. LEucopHYLLA Hook. * 
Thoms.; F. B. I. i, 173 
Tirhut, Bettiah. 

Crateva. | VIOLACEA. 227 
84. Capparis seprarra Linn.; F. I. ii. 568; F. B. Li, 1775 
E. D. c. 427. 
Hedges and thickets, general; Sundribuns, sea-face. 
A rather extensive wiry climber. Beng. Kanta gur kamai. 
85. CAPPARIS FLORIBUNDA Wight; F. B. Li. 177. 

A large woody climber. 

53. Crateva Linn. 

Trees; leaves digitately 3-foliolate. * lowers large, yellow or 
purplish, polygamous. Sepals 4, cohering below with the lobed 
convex disk. Petals 4, long-clawed, open in bud. Stamens 
numerous ; filaments adnate below to the base of the gynophore, 

e above. Ovary stipitate on a long gynophore, 1-celled; stigma 
Sessile; ovules man arietal placentas. F rit hax aae 
hiseent. Seeds imbedded in pulp. 

Leaflets ovate-lanceolate, abruptly acuminate ; fruit ees ...religiosa. 
Leaflets ovate-lanceolate, gradually tapering ; fruit ovo 
vaighine var. Nurvala. 
86. CRATRVA RELIGIOSA Forst.; F. Be I. i. 172; E. D.C. 2039. 
Capparis trifoliata F. I. ii. 571 
Generally planted. 
86/2. Var. Nurvaza Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B. I. i. 172; E. D. 
C. 2041. 

As frequent as the preceding. 
A stunted tree, standing long bare of leaves. Flowers large, 
from creamy-white to pe rose, with purple stamens. 
Beng. Tiktashak ; Hind. Bar 


Le eaves ages rarely dings entire 0 
ma n de Ean 

Herbs or arabe 


by apical pores. Carpels 3, rarely 4-5, connate in a 1-locular 
sessile superior ovary it] ietal pl tas; 8s e simple ; stigma 
5 truncate, or cup-like, entire or lobed ; ovules many, rately 
1-2, on the parietal placentas, anatropous. Fruit a 3-valved, 
oaks 4-5-valved capsule, very rarely berry-like and indehiscent. 
Seeds small; albumen fleshy ; embryo straight, axial. 

54. Ionidium Vent. 

Herbs or undershrubs; leaves alternate or sometimes opposite. 
Flowers axillary, orange, red or purple. Sepals 5, Papa : 

spurred on the back. Ovary ovoid; style clavate incurved, stigma 

oblique. Fruit a 3-valved, subglobose, few-seeded capsule. a 

87. Iontpium surrruticosum Ging.; F. B. I. i. 185. viol 

suffruticosa F. I. i. 649. 
verywhere in grassy places. 

A small branching pocrniad, with rose-coloured flower 

Beng. Nunbora; Hind. Ratanpuras; Santal. Tandi oo 

bir suraj mukhi. : 


Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, simple, usually toot : | 
stipules small, caducous, or 0. Flowers regular, hermap a 

irregularly, deciduous. Petals a many as the sepals or 0, . 
many, imbricate or contorted. Rethons hypogynous or Pomerat : 
perigynous, usually man ny; anthers 2-celled; dehiscence oe : 
dinal lateral, rarely apical porous. Carpels 2-many, connate in ee 
1-locular rarely more-locular ovary, very rarely carp 

placentas aes or somewhat intruded, linear or dilated; as 

and sti many as carpels, united or free; ovules g-many 
~ pacts, Pe ET or mates Fruit dry ber eitii 
f the valves, or indehis 


Cochlospermum.] BIXINE. 229 

Seeds usually few, arillate or with pulpy testa; albumen fleshy, 
rarely scanty ; ones straight or incurved, axial. 
Sepals free ; imbri 
Petals, if eset aia any basal scale 
Petals large, broad, contorted ; sieilihaadll — by pores ; flowers 
large or aa ium, always hermaphrodite 
Leaves deeply digitately lobed or divided ; capsule smooth, 3-5- 
valved ; seeds cover net with cotton ; flowers large, yellow, appear- 
ing before the leaves ...........seseeeeseeceneetenrersne® hlospermum 
Leaves entire ; secant softly prickly ; seeds covered with dye- 
yielding pulp; flowers medium, white or pink, appearing wath the 
TOA VES. o.-c5.jcckscigesceenessesseoncseeees stepieeesaee: iemeesermeemrat 
Petals 0; anthers opening by slits; flowers very small, usually 
yaiy's with 2-8 cells ; branches almost always spiny ; leaves (ot 
our species) never more than twice as long as broad... ns pare 
cited 1-celled, with parietal placentas ; branches rarely arme 
ves (of our species) thrice as long as bro ad.. y — ea 
Petals small, with fleshy cuneate basal ame -like -sichds “with cilia 
ges ; flowers rather small, usually dicecious......------ arakto ene 
Sepals connate in a valvately toothed or seedblials bursting cup; petals 
rather large, with basal ciliate scales; flowers conspicuous, dicecious ; 
anthers opening longitudinally ; ovary globose, 1-celled ...Chaulm: 

55. Cochlospermum Kunth. 
Trees and shrubs, with yellow or reddish juice ; leaves — 
lobed or divided. Flowers very large, yellow, egigeR e 

woolly ; ; embryo cur 

88. Cieiis evaedtied Gossyirom DCG: Fi eas = D. 

C. 1512. Bombax gossypium F. I. iii. 169. a 

W. Bengal; Behar; Chota Nagpur; Orissa : elsewhere 

A small tll bare when paca = flowers, vet con- 

spicuous, in os 98 ason. Ben abdi; Santa es ; 
ind, Kumbi 1. Galgal; Cae Konto palas. 

Yellow rare The gum,—Katir 


56. Bixa Linn. 
Trees, with simple leaves digitately nerved and slightly or not 
lobed. Flowers in terminal panicles, - or rose, hermaphrodite. 
Sepals 5, imbricate, deciduous. onto: 
Stamens numerous; anthers opening a eanaaal pores. Ovary a 
1-celled, placentas 2 parietal ; style slender curved; ovules many. — 
Fruit a 2-valved loculicidal capsule, the placentas in the centre of 
the valves. Seeds numerous, with thick funicle and dye-yielding 
pulpy testa; embryo large, with scanty fleshy albumen. 
89. Brxa Orentana Linn. ; F. I. ii. 581; F. B. 1. i. 190; E. De 

Cultivated everywhere, but in Bengal proper vey 
generally wild in village jungles. 
A small, evergreen American tree or large bush grown fot 
the dye yielded by the pulpy testa. The cultivated form 
has often rose flowers; the flowers of plants that have ru 
wild are almost always white. Vernac. Latkan (generally); 
Kong kuombi ee ; Powasi (Chittagong) ; Grilbas: 
(Orissa). The Anatto. 

a7. lowes gat Commers. 

Seeds obovoid with leathery testa; cotyledons orbicular. 

— riots oF a lanceolate with acuminate apices, twice as 1008 
about t the si ze of grapes. Cr # 

placenta. Frwit indehiscent with a hard endocarp ; cells 1- : : 

Thorns scattered, eas yi eae united, lobes of stigma si s 
berry when dried 5-T-angled; seeds 8-10 :— be, 
Leaves glabrous above, glabrous or only hairy on the a“ : 
MO Ramontehi var. sapidt 

amontchi var. 0¢ 
Thorns numerous, =m always bearing leaves and flowers; 
— mae: lobes of sti ma 3-4; ney when dried 3-4 mee 

Redimpa dug wet Es SOF hie he rie Ube | Sa ela 

Taraktogenos.] BIXINE. 231 

90. FLACOURTIA CatapHracta Roxb.; F. I. iii. 884; F. B. iy 
E. D. F. 603 

YN. Bengal; E. Bengal; Tippera; Chittagong. 
mall tree. Beng. Panidla; Hind. Talispatri, paniaonla. 
91. Fuacourtia RaAMONTCHI pemgets var. sapipa F. B. I. i. ; 
E. D. PF. 615. F. sapida F. 1. iii. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur, a “te W. Bengal, 
common; ©. Bengal, rather rare; Ori 
A rambling shrub. Beng. Benchi, bait, poner Santal. 
erali; Uriya, Baincho; Hind. Bilangoa, kanju, bench. 
91/2. Var. Sunes Hook. f. & Thoms B. I. i. 193 
Western Behar; Western Chota Nagpur. 
marae shrub. Santal. Merli; ot Merlec. 
92. ic nonig serrata Roxb.; F. I. iii, 885; F. B. 1.1 194; 
E. D. F. 624 

C. and FE. Bengal, common ; Biss Sundribun 
A low, rather compact spiny shrub. Beng. Hench 

58. Xylosma Forst. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves simple, usually serrate. Flowers small, 
diecious. Sepals 4-5, small, imbricate. Petals 0. Stamens 
numerous; anthers versatile. Ovary on a glandular disk, 1-celled 
with 2, rarely 3-6 parietal placentas; style very short, us sually 
entire, tee capitate. Fruit a globose 9-8-seeded berry. Seeds 
obovoid with leathery testa. 

93. XyLosma LonerFotrum Clos.; F. B. 1. i. 194; E. D. x. 21. 

ota Nag 
A large ea. or small tree, flowers deliciously scented. 
Vernac. Dandal, katari, khandara. 

59. Taraktogenos Hassk. 
Trees ; ; leaves entire, alternate; stipules minute, fugacious. 
Flowers in more or less dense, short, few-flowered, axillary cymes, 

the sepals, imbricate, each with a basal gland; glands less than 
half as large as petals, fleshy, cuneate, often fringed, ridged and 
pitted. Stamens 20-32, anthers deeply cordate g and ¢ like 
males in structure. Sepals, however, often ae 3. Petals often 



only 6. Stamens, when present, about 16. Carpels 4, connate in 
a 1-celled, elongate-ovoid, often sulcate ovary, divided above into 
4 oblong, divergent, reflexed lobes, stigmatic on their inner faces 
placentas 4, parietal ; ovules s many on each placenta. Fruit large, 
globose or ovoid, with a hard fibrous or woody rind. Seeds many : 
with a thick firm testa; albumen copious, firm; embryo central 
straight, with large, cordate, foliaceous, 3-nerved cotyledons. 
94. Taraxtocenos Kurz King; E. D. G. 762. 
Tippera ; Chittagong. 
A tree 40-50 feet high; yields the Chaulmoogra seeds 
and sonata oil of commerce. Vernac. Chaulmoogta 

60. Chaulmoogra Roxb. : 
A tree with large, entire, glabrous leaves. Flowers fascicled, — 
axillary or on the stem and large branches below the leaves; 
dicecious. Sepals connate in a cup-shaped, valvately 5- toothed « or 
irregularly opening a calyx. Petals 5, each with a 
ciliate scale. ¢ mens numerous; anthers basifixed, linear. 
Ovary 0. ¢ Re ominades 10-15, villous. Ovary globose 1- celled : 
styles 5; stigmas large, cordate; ovules man y, on 5 p [ 
placentas. Frwit large globular, berry-like, with a rough, hard, : 
woody rind. Seeds obovoid, imbedded in pulp, with tough, 
testa ; albumen oily; cotyledons large, flat, fleshy, reniform, usually 
more or less excentric with radicle oraian horizontal. ; 
- CHAULMOOGRA oporaTa Roxb.; t I. iii, 885. Gynocardia 
odorata F. B. I. i. 195; E. D. « 16 L 

A large tree; long supposed to Pei the source of the well- 
known Chaulmoogra seeds, now known to be 

erroneous. Vernac. i. the. 


small, sohnlaks Sepals 5, 2 inner wing-like, petadads large, ie s 
bricate. — 5 or a 

Salomonia.]} POLYGALACEM. 233 

nate in a cleft sheath, less often bee us suall adnate to petals ; 

oceasionally by abortion 1-locular, less often 3-5-locular superior 
ovary; style simple, curved sie usually capitate; ovules 1, 
rarely more in each cell, anatropous. Fruit generally a 2-celled, 
2- orien aoe? capsule; sometimes indehiscent 1-seeded, 
indehiscent carpels. Seeds pendulous, usually 
sophie; albumen fleshy, rarely scanty or 0; embryo straight, 

Herbs or undershrubs; fruit a compressed, loculicidally 2-celled capsule ; 
seeds 2, albuminous ; petals gamophyllous ; stamens m monadelphous :— 
Sepals 5, the two inner hardly larger than the others; petals 3, lateral 
pair united to keel, upper pair absent; stamens WTS oonntase? Salomonia. 
Sepals 5, the two inner much larger than the others; petals 3, lateral 
pair united Bes keel, upper 0, or Paes by scales; stamens 8; 
woody at the base ........:.--erssssesrrrerstte Polygala. 
Shrubs or trees; fruit heroes l-celled; seeds solitary, without 
albumen; petals free, stamens 8 :— 


pair not united to keel, upper pair represented by PR stame 

monadelphous ; fruit with a samaroid wing ; climbers.....- urid 

Be 5, all subequal; petals 5, subequal, free; oe 8, free 

(2 hypogynous, 6 epipetalous) ; fruit not winged ; erect tree 

61. Salomonia Lour. 

Annual herbs, leafy and diffuse, or leafless and parasitic. 
Flowers minute, in dense terminal spikes. Sepals subequal, the 
2 inner i slightly larger than the others. Petals 3, adnate at 
the bas the staminal tube, the lowest keeled and somewhat 
hooded, tac 4-5, the filaments in their lower half connate in 
a sheath ; anthers with vated dehiscence. Ovary 2-locular, ar 
one veneRildiig ovule th each cell. Fruit ‘a laterally compree 
capsule, 2-celled, ésckte "loculieidally, margins toothed. Pods 
albuminous, with a faint strophiole or naked. 

. Satomonra optonarroura DC. ; F. B. I. i. 207. 

W. Bengal; Chota fas she Behar; Tirhut; N. Bengal; 

always rather scar 

A slender a Bee small leaves and strict, angular 



62. Polygala Linn. 
with alternate leaves. 

Sepals aig 

leoneuke connate for their lower half i Sa sheath ; sues | a 
with dehiscence porous. Ovary 2- ete: ; ovules in each cell q 
solitary, pendulous. Fruit a 2-celled, loculicidal capsule, with one : 
seed in each cell. Seeds albuminous, almost always strophiolate. 

Calyx deciduous; keel petal not crested ; bracts caducous ; strophiole of 
seed with two sm rani peandners. flowers very small, yellow; leaves large, 
membranous (1-2 in. long) tri bulla var. glaucescens. — : 
Calyx persistent ; ak petal crested ; bracts persisting till the flowers — 4 
open; leaves herbaceous 
Racemes axillary or te axillary ; bracts pad tos 
Racemes dense-flowered, shorter than the leav ith ‘ 
Stems woody below; wings obovate, stance. ous, petaloid, w# 
rounded tips, twice as long as capsule; capsule broader than long, 
notched, ciliate; seeds hairy, strophiole with pis sm: a ‘unl 
dages ; Mates large (1°5-2 in. long) ........eeeeeneeeere | 
Stems herbaceous ; wings not much longer than caps ae A 
Wings obliquely oblong, membranous, petaloid, hairy; ott 
ovate, notched, aets seeds densely silky, strophiol on 
Without appendages ...,....cccs..ccssssscevacsensesseconensnnns ba 
Wings very zal acute, herbaceous, gi:trous; se } 
suborbicular, notched, glabrous except the ciliate margiD; 
sparsely hairy, strophiole with 3 very short appendages a idee 

Racemes lax-flowered, longer at the ae Noe bes obliq > 
herbaceous; capsules di idymou 

_ ib 3 ap 
winged, glabrous; seeds siidta, ‘scbohiel ee wi mt 
eke ccc th Loam ESR SD gt era emer ee meer 

Racemes terminal, dense- flowered ; bracts twice as long a5 — 

petaloid, membranous, glabrous, obovate rine aia. en 

twice as long as the suborbicular winged capsu wleptalt 

97. Poty@ata TRipHynta Ham. var. GLAUCESCENS | Hook f . 

Thoms. ; F. B. I. i. 201. 
Chota Nagpur, on most of the higher h a 
A weak erect or ascending herb with — stems. k D. 
98. Potyeana CROTALARIOIDES Ham.; F, B, I, i- 201;.25", 

Sa rats 

Xanthophyllum.) POLYGALACE# 235 

Behar; Chota Nagpur: rather uncommo 

A small, much- a unders meee Santa Lil kathi. 

Behar and Chota aod freque 

An annual herb, usually sci and diffuse. 
100. cena CHINENSIS Linn.; F. B. I. i. 204; E. D. P. 1062. 

P. arvensis F. I. iii. 218. 
Common everywhere in pastures and on roadsides. 
An annual herb, usually decumbent and diffuse. Beng. 
and Hind. Meradu. 

101. . ELONGATA Klein; F, B. I. i. 203. 

Western Behar 

An erect annual, The Behar plant is the form with linear- 
oblong, obtuse leaves. 
102. mee LEPTALEA DC.; F, B. I. i. 202. 
agpur; Behar; Tirhut; N. Benga al. 
in as branching perennial, with slender angled stems. 

3. Securidaca Linn. 

Shrubs, usually scandent ; leaves alternate, simple, entire. 
Flowers in terminal or axillary simple or panicled racemes. 
Sepals deciduous, the two inner larger wing-like and petaloid. 
Petals 3, lateral pair not united to keel, the upper choral by 
seales, the lowest keeled, galeate and crested. Stamen ait ee 
connate; anthers 2-celled, dehiscence obliquely pore Ovary 
Neenlat : ovule solitary. Frwit a 1-celle 1-seeded samara, with 
broad coriaceous wing. Seeds without albumen and without a 

103, Securrpaca ravoyana Wall.; F. B. I. i, 208. 

ippera ; Chittagong. 
A large woody scandent shrub. 

_ 64. Xanthophyllum Roxb. 

Trees, with large, alternate, coriaceous, pale-green leaves. 
Flowers in panicles. Sepals 5, nearly equal. Petals 4 or 5, nearly 
equal, the lowest keeled but not crested. Stamens 8, 2 hypo- 
gynous, filaments free, 6 adnate to the base of the petals. Ovary 
stipitate, 1- locular; style curved; ovules several. Frwit 1-celled, 
I-seeded, indehiscent, Seeds without albumen and without a 

236 BENGAL PLANTS. [Xantho 

104. XANTHOPHYLLUM FLAVESCENS Roxb.: F. I. ii. 222;F.B.1 
i 5 («aes 8. 
Chittagong. 2 ae 
A timber tree; wood very hard and durable. ae 
Ajensak, gandi. Z 

Herbs, rarely shrubby at the base, stems and opposite branches 

dite, rarely 1-sexual, solitary terminal, or in cymes. 5, 
annular or elongated, or represented by glands. Sepals 4 ot if 
connate or free, imbricate. Petals 4-5, rarely 0, hypogynous, 
rarely perigynous on the disk. Stamens 8 or 10, rarely rig 

cence longitudinal lateral. Carpels 2-5, united as a 1-loculat, 
rarely imperfectly 2-5-locular ovary ; styles 2-5 free, or style single 
2-5- ; 

ovules 2-many, on slender basal funicles that ma, may be free or un 
ial ¢ 

; the 
nada gpa si eset 5-toothed ; aoe clawed and inserted oe 
& gynophore; capsule shortly 4-valved ; “styles fp 

Si oO tReeee COR RO wes ORCC Rhee eens ca cebunscesk Sous berenee 

opposite, me petiole 
ita ells 

PETERS SS 0 and dae cs 6 obs + Ke aes ocean teks 

“Set keeled ; selina entire; style 3- 

Sepals not keeled ; tals entire, re See or erose ; ei a 
throughout ; ‘tices. 3-toothed... oly 

Fee e we eew wee eeeee 


Spergula. }  CARYOPHYLLACEA. 937 

65. Saponaria Linn. 
Herbs, annual or perennial; Jeaves fiat. Flowers in dicho- 
tomous cymes. Calyx more or less tubular, ovoid or oblong, 5- 

with or without a basal scale. Stamens 10. Disk small or 
elongated into a gynophore. Ovary 1-celled or imperfectly 2-3- 
celled; styles 2, rarely 3; ovules numerous. Fruit an ovoid or 
oblong capsule, rarely subglobose, 4-toothed in dehiscing. Seeds 
reniform or subglobose ; embryo annular. 
105. SAPoNARIA VACCARIA pr bs le Ss by '* 9 Bega D. Ss. 850. 
S. perfoliata F. I. ii. 
In fields of grain in ne and Behar, common; C. 
Bengal, occasional only. 
A cold weather weed. Beng. Sabuni; Hind. Musna, 

66. Stellaria Linn. 

Herbs, annual or perennial, erect or prostrate ; leaves usually 
flat; stipules 0. Flowers in dichotomous cymes, OF occasionally 
terminal solitary, white. Sepals 5, rarely 4, free or connate at the 
base. Petals 5, rarely 4, 2-fid or 2-partite, occasionally 0. Stamens 
10, rarely fewer, hypogynous or perigynous. Dis k annular or divided 
into glands. Ovary 1-locular, rarely ¥ locular; styles 8 or rarely 
2-5; ovules usually numerous. Fruit geo capsule, splitting 
from below the middle to the base ge many entire 0 r 2-fid 
valves as there are styles. Seeds pence tubercled, aalede 
or nearly smooth; embryo annular. 

106. SrennaRIA MEp1a Linn.; F. B. L. i. 230; E. D. S. 2789. 

C. Bengal, Sdemaittil in waste ground or gardens, but 
only near Calcutta, in the cold weather. 
A variable weed. 

67. Spergula Linn. 

Herbs, annual or perennial, with dichotomous or fascicled 
branches ; leaves opposite, with frequently axillary leafy buds 
whence leaves become pseudo-verticillate ; stipules able scarious. 

_ Flowers in peduncled Liem cymes. Sepals 5. Petals 5, 
entire, Stamens 10 or 5, rarely fewer, rising from the perigynous 
disk, Ovary 1-locular; styles 3 or 5; ovules numerous. Fruit 
& capsule, with 3 or 5 entire valves. Seeds compressed, winged or 


938 BENGAL PLANTS. { Spergula. 
eo leaves linear, semi-terete igi beneath ; petals obtuse; 

eeled or narrowly winged, papillose ............:++-seerereesnneeeeetees 
ih leaves linear-subulate, Z rete not L Eee. aie el 

acute; seeds smooth compressed, broadly winged .......-.+..++ 

107. SpeRGuLA arvensis Linn.; F. - P, i. 248; E. ay 8. pect 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal. 

A cold weather weed. 

108. SPERGULA PENTANDRA Linn.; F. B. I. i. 248. Arenaria — 

also C. Beng 

Behar ; ane Coal W. Bengal ; 
ale , but r 
A cold vain wee 


68. Drymaria Willd. | 
Herbs, diffuse or suberect, much dichotomously branched ; leaves ’ 
ei stipules small, often se eid S. ers 
nal or axillar Sepals 5, herbac Petals 9, 
piscine 5, bisins fewer, slightly sac Ovary 1-loculars 
style 3- s few or numerous. Fruit a 8-valyed capeulé: | 
Seeds Bail bik or compressed ; embryo curved. 
109. DrymarIA corpata Willd.; F. B. I. i. 244. 
cordifolium F. I. ii. 458. 
Chota Nagpur, on Parasnath; N. Bengal. 
A diffuse weed. 


69. Polycarpon Linn. 
Herbs, glabrous or pubescent, diffusely dichotomously branched 
become | 
puendo-VéHticiltase e; stipules scarious. Flowers small, in crow — 

many-flowered cymes with scarious bracts. Sepals 5, keeled: 
Petals 5, small, hyaline, entire or toothed. Stamens 3-5. : 
1-locular ; style short 3-fid; ovules numerous. Fruita g-valved 
capsule. Seeds ovoid; embryo incurved or nearly straight. Lo 
110. Porycarron Lariineta Benth. & Hook. f.; ae 

5. Leflingia indica F. I. i. 165. 
In fields and waste places, Wak beat 
An erect or diffuse weed. oo tee Beng. Chie | 

70. Polycarpea Lamk. : 
coh annual or perennial, usually erect; leaves flat, ca 
th axillary leafy buds whence leaves become pseudo-ve 

Portulaca. | PORTULACACES. 239 

subperigynous, free or connate in a tube and further adnate to 
petals. Ovary 1-locular ; style slender 3-fid or 3-toothed ; ovules 
numerous. Fruit a 3-valved capsule. Seeds obovoid or com- 
pressed ; embryo curved, rarely straight. 
111. Porycarpma corymosa Lamk.; F. B. Li.; E. D. P. 1060. 
Celosia corymbosa F. I. i. 681. 
In fields and waste places throughout Behar and Chota 
Nagpur; on sandy river-banks in N. and E. Bengal. 
An erect or decumbent herb. Santal. Janhe nanjom. 


Herbs, rarely undershrubs. Leaves opposite or alternate, entire ; 
stipules scarious or bristly, occasionally 0. Flowers regular, her- 
maphrodite. Disk 0, but ovary sometimes (Portulaca) partially 
sunk in the torus. Sepals fewer than petals, usually 2, imbricate. 
Petals 4-5, rarely more, hypogynous or perigynous, free or united 
below, fugacious. Stamens 4— i 

transversely or by as many valves as there are style-arms, or, 
Cecasionally, indehiscent. Seeds 1—-many, compressed ; albumen 
mealy; embryo excentric, curved. 

Flowers terminal, solitary or clustered, surrounded by a whorl of 
leaves ; calyx-segments united below in a persistent tube adnate to 
lower half of ovary, the u per free teeth deciduous .....-+-+++ Portulaca. 

Flowers lax] ‘ . F - ovary free 
Y paniculate ; ls free, entirely deciduous ; ovary 
Pp sepals fr ¥ : iralincin, 

71. Portulaca Linn. 
Herbs, annual or perennial, diffuse, usually succulent; leaves 
scarious or bristly nodal stipular appendages ; occasionally 


stipules 0. Flowers terminal, solitary or clustered, surrounded , 
a whorl of leaves. Sepals 2, connate below, the free : 
deciduous. Petals 4-6, perigynous or epigynous. Stamens 
more. Ovary half-superior; style 3-8-fid; ovules num 
Fruit a crustaceous, circumscissile capsule. Seeds many, 

Leaves flat ; seeds brown ; stamens 8-12; root slender 
Leaves *4-1'2 in. long, cuneate-oblong ; ser not ie flowers 
clusters of is small, yellow; petals 5; style 3-8-fid ...+++- oleraets 

eaves *2—3 in. long, ovate- Bleng to ovate- sme nodes pilose; 
flowers pe small, yellow, surrounded by a whorl of 4 lew a 
petals 4; style 3—4-fid ws quadrypes 

Leaves bate linear, ‘5-6 in. long; seeds black ; Pitihed 2 20-many 

root tuberous; flowers in terminal sangesty yellow, s nia by 

whorl of 8 ie and by tufted Hairs)... 1.6... a leis vew eee eencneees 

112. PUntites oLERACEA Linn,; F. I. ii. 463; 
i, 246 ae ae 8 iy 

Searels common in waste ground. : 

An annual prostrate succulent herb. Vernac. 

113, enna QUADRIFIDA Linn.; F. B. Ls — E. 
P. 1187. P. meridiana F. 1. i 
Everywhere, very common yf roadaides and in was 

A small diffuse prostrate annual. Vernac. Chota ok 

114. Porrutaca ruserosa Roxb.; F. I. ii. 464; F.B. Lb 

E. D. P. 1191. 

Behar, Monghyr, 
A perennial with somewhat fusiform tuberous 
Vernac. Lani iya. 

72. Talinum Adans. 
Herbs or undershrubs, with succulent stems and a 
stipules 0. Flowers racemose or panicled. Sepals 2, her 
ovate, deciduous or subpersistent. Petals 5, 
Stamens 5 or more. Ovary s superior; style 3-fid ; ee 
Fruit a globose or ovoid 2-3-valved capsule. Seeds 8 
or compressed, numerous, strophiolate 
145. Taunem ¢ PATENS Willd. T. ici hae F. I. ii 


Tamarie. } TAMARISCINEA. 241 

C. Bengal ; beeen somewhat common in the cae 

bourhood of Caleu 

An American nahin weed. This, which is the T. 

Repeat ahi: of the F. L., is not the J. cunetfoliwm 
the .I. The latter is a species indigenous in India ; 

it ay nat, however, occur in Bengal. 

Shrubs or small trees. Leaves alternate, minute, often scale- 
like, imbricate, sometimes sheathing, occasionally fleshy ; stipules 

simple or panicled axillary spikes. Disk of 10 hypogynous or 
subperigynous glands. Sepals 5, rarely 4, imbricate. Petals 5, 
rarely 4, free or connate below. Stamens 4-5, or 8-10, rarely more, 

2-celled versatile, often apiculate; dehiscence longitudinal 
lateral. Carpels 8-5, united as a free 1- locular or imperfectly 3-5- 
locular ovary with 8-5 septiform placentas free or somewhat 
connate at the centre, or somewhat united with ovarian W 

their peripheral margin, sometimes extending to top of ovarian 
ber ; styles free or connate with apical stigmas, oF stigmas 
sessile, as many as the placentas; ovules Q-many on eac 

Placenta, satoootis with raphe ventral. Fruit a Futbleaen 
capsule. Seeds erect, usually more or less comose, OF winged ; 
albumen mealy or fleshy or 0; embryo straight. 

73. Tamarix Linn. 

Small trees or bushes; leaves scale-like, sheathing and stem- 
clasping. Flowers white or pink, in lateral or terminal spikes 
or dense racemes, occasionally dicecious. Sepals free, 4-5, rarely 
6. Petals 4-5, rarely 6, inserted below the angled or lobed or 
crenate disk. Stamens 4-5 or 8-10, rising from the disk; filaments — 
free or connate at their bases ; anthers apiculate. Ovary narrows 
sabe styles 8-4, short, dilated into the stigmas ; ovules many 

& basal placenta. Seeds with a sessile coma; albumen 0; 
oe ovoid. 
Stamens 5; disk 5-lobed :-— 

Leaves not sheathing; racemes long, slender ...-------2.777°7177'7 

Leaves sh sheathing; racemes shorter, dense ; flowers dicecious - _ dioica. 
Stamens 10; glands of disk ee the filaments ; leaves RTO 


242 BENGAL PLANTS. [Tamari 

116. Tamarrx Gatuica Linn.; F. B. I. i. 248; E. D.T 
T. indica F. I. ii. 100. 
On river-banks in Tirhut, Behar and Bengal. 
A aor or ape tree; gregarious. Vernac. Jhau, ban- 

jhau, jau ; 
117. Tamarrx prorca Roxb.; F. I. ii. 101; F. B. 1 i. 
E. D. 8. 61. 

On river-banks in Bengal, also in the Sundribun: 
A shrub or small tree ; gregarious. Re: ial jhiat 2 

118, Tamanrx ertcomes Rottl.; F. B. I. i. 249; E. D. T. 68. 
Chota Nagpur, in river bead and on pace banks. 
A bush; gregarious. 


Herbs, often minute, or undershrubs. Leaves opposite 
oe entire or serrate; stipules 2, scarious or her 
regular, hermaphrodite, axillary, solitary or in ® 

iis fees Disk 0. Sepals 2-5, free, imbricate. Petals 2 
h ous. Stamens hypogynous, free, 2-5, or 4-10; antl 
2-celled, versatile ; dehiscence longitudinal lateral. Carpels ume 
in a 2-5-locular superior ovary; styles as many as oculi, frees 
stigmas capitate; ovules many in each chamber, on the 
angle, anatropous, raphe usually lateral. Fruit a S€P! 
capsule, the central placental axis and often the septa persisins 
when the valves fall away. Seeds straight or curved with 4 raphe 
on the hollow side; albumen very scanty or 0; embryo conform - 
the seed. : 

74. Bergia Linn. 

Annual herbs, or erect, decumbent or diffusely branche ae! 
shrubs, often pubescent ; leaves opposite, serrate oF 
Flowers solitary or in axillar ary fascicles, minute. pa 5: petals 
5, with herbaceous midrib and membranous margin ales 
usually 5. Stamens 3-5, or 10. Ovary ovoid, >a outils . ie 
many. Capsule subcrustaceous, septicidal. Seeds may: 
Glabrous ; ee — rooting ; sepals 5, petals 5, stame 
flowers sessile, eS 
Puberulous ; rin erect with lower branches aasaunend® “sepals, ae 
and stamens ¢ 1 3-5, varying synchronously ; flowers poi 

SS ell 

Hypericum.] HYPERICINEA. 243 

119. Beroia verticiuata Willd.; F. I. ii. 456: F. B. 1. i, 262, 
Rice-fields and river-banks ; occasional. 
A small annual weed. Vernac. Lal-keshuriya 

120, Berara amManniorpes Roxb.; F. I. ii. 457; F. B. Li. 251, 
Rice-fields and river-banks; common. 
A small annual wee 


Herbs, shrubs or, rarely, trees. Leaves opposite, rarely whorled, 
frequently gland-dotted; stipules 0. Flowers regular, he rmaphrodite, 
terminal ita ose or solitary, rarely axillary. Disk 0, or repre- 
sented by hypogynous glands between the staminal bundles. 
Sepals 5, rarely 4, free, imbricate. Petals 5, rarely 4, hypogynous, 
often contorted-imbricate. Stamens many, rarely few, but never 
isomerous with _ filaments usually connate in 3 or 5 
bundles, rarely free or all connate; anthers versatile, rarely 
innate, 2-celled; Peete longitudinal lateral. Carpels 3-5, 
United in a superior 1-locular, or more or less perfectly 3-5-locular 
ovary, rarely carpel solitary; styles as many as carpels, free or 
united, stigmas terminal, capitate or truncate; ovules many to 


dehiscent capsular, or berry-like and indehiscent, rarely breaking 
up into cocci. Seeds ial straight ; albumen 0; embryo straight 
or curved. 

Capsule bursting septicidally ; seeds not winged ; a herb....-. Hypericum. 
Capsule bursting loculicidally ; seeds winged ; a shrub ..--.- Cratoxylon. 

75. Hypericum Linn. 

Herbs, shrubs, or small trees; leaves sessile, gland- -dotted. 
ers yellow, in terminal or axillary cymes. Sepals 5, im- 
neate. Petals 5, usually oblique. Stamens numerous, free or 
shortly connate below in 8-8 bundles without intervening glands, 


tween, or all connate at the base. Ovary 1-locular, with 3-5 

ietal aca or — with axial placentas ; styles free 

es rous. Fruita thee capsule, 
- dehiseing nee the ror Seeds not winged, 


121. SSR gaponicum Thunb.; F. B. Li 
Cho gr a ma common; Tirhut; N. te E. Ben 
rare; Chittag 
A small sate or pruakae annual. 

76. Cratoxylon Bl. 
Trees or shrubs; leaves entire, usually chartaceous. er 
i terminal cymes. Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals 5, 
appendaged or not at the base. Stamens numerous, in 3, rarely 5, 
bundles, with fleshy intervening hypogynous glands. 
3- _— styles distinct ; ovules 4 or more in each loculus. 
Fruit a 8-valved, loculicidal capsule, valves bearing the septa on 
their ~~ Seeds winged at the apex. 
192. Craroxy.on wenurouum Kurz; F. B, 1 i, 207% 

A shrub, 10 feet high, 


s or trees, with yellow or greenish resinous ioe 
Leaves opposite decussate, rarely whorled, simple, entire, 
coriaceous; stipules 0. Flowers regular, dicecious or polyg amous, 
rarely hermaphrodite; axillary or terminal, solitary, fascicley 
in simple or _ panicled few-flowered cymes, very rarel 

in decussate pairs. Petals 2-6, rarely more or 0, usually ™ 
imbricate or conto 3 Stamens usually many, rarely de go 

nd as many or Fotos as many as petals; filaments free OF Te 
connate, or connate in bundles as many as petals; anthers adnate 

extrorse. ¢ or ? Staminodes, or stamens surroundin, 
fewer and less united than stamens in ¢. Carpels rarely 
usually several, united in a 2-many-, rarely 1- locular ovary» 
on torus or seated on the disk ; oo slender, short, or 0, 

stigmas as many as loculi, free connate, sometimes 

ovules in each loculus 1-2 or dens, axial or erect basal. 

indehiscent, baceate or drupaceous, rarely a capsule wi 

7 cidally dehiscent valves. Seeds large, often with arillus of 
0; embryo conform to seed, with either a large 

and obsolete cotyledons or thick cotyledons and minute ™ 

Mesua.} GUTTIFERZ. 245 

Calyx closed before flowering, at length opening into 2 or (rarely) 
3 valvate segments; petuls 4; ovary 2-celled, ovules 2 in each cell; style 
short, stout, stigma 3-lobed; embryo a large radicle mth; parsed 
yx of 1s free sep 
Ovary (2-celled) ae orale (erect) 2 in each cell; style long, stigma 
peltate ; embryo a small radicle with two Price besten): fruit uid 

Ovary with ovules solithity in ‘dah ce 

* 2-12-celled; ovule attached to inner angle of each cell; stigma 
ssile or subsessile, entire or lobed, peltate; embryo a large radicle 
a small cotyledons ; petals 4-5......ssssseseereenertenenessenee Garcinia, 

77. Ochrocarpus Thouars. 

Trees with coriaceous usually 3-nately whorled leaves. Flowers 
axillary, polygamous or hermaphrodite. Sepals connate in a closed 
calyx, opening in flower into 2, rarely 3, rather irregular valvate 
sepals, Petals 4—7 or more. Geahions numerous ; filaments 

linear with dehiscence longitudinal. Ovary 2-celled; style short, 
Stout, stigma 3-lobed ; ovules in each cell 2 on the inner angle. 
Fruit 1-4-seeded, berry-like. Seeds large ; embryo a large radicle 
with aeagaiel cotyledons. 
123. OchRocarpus ere Benth. & Hook. f£; F. B. I. 
Orissa, adi Chittagong. 
A medium-sized tree. Uriya Chluriana; Hind. Nag- 
kesar; Beng. Nagesar. 

78. Mesua Linn. 

Trees; leaves opposite, very coriaceous, often gland- — 
veins many, slender, parallel, at right angles to midrib. Flower 
large, showy, solitary, axillary, polygamous OF” he se. 
Sepals 4, ‘tae Petals 4-5, imbricate. Stamens numerous; 

i , free or connate at the base; anthers erect, 
oblong, Qecelled: Qelddosrids longitudinal. Ovary 2-celled; style 
ee stigma peltate ; ovules 2 in each cell, erect. Fruit dehiscent, 

© pericarp firmly leathery, 1-celled from absorption of the 
iter. opening by 4 valves. Seeds 1-4; testa fragile, arillus 0, 


124, ose eager F. I. ii, 605; F. B. I. i. 277; E 

di Benight: Dinajpur; Chittagong: Chota Nag 
aoe only. 

A medium-sized, erect, handsome tree, with very hat 
wood. Vernac. Nagesar, Nagkesar, Nahor. 

79. Calophyllum Linn. 
Trees; leaves opposite, shining, coriaceous, with many ioe 
parallel veins at right angles to midrib. Flowers polygamous; ! 
axillary and terminal panicles. Perianth of 4-12, 9--8-seriate, 
imbricate aes and petals. Stamens numerous ; filaments filiform, 
often flexuous, free or connate below; anthers 2-celled, erect, 
dehiscence sas udinal. Ovary 1- ae style slender, stig 
peltate; ovule solitary, erect. Fruit subdrupaceous, 
crustaceous putamen. Seed erect, ovoid or > qobeial with very thin 

Leaves oblong or obovate-oblong, obtuse or emarginate, shining, margils 
even; racemes shorter than leaves, in upper axils; flowers BaP 
OM, ie ey heey ccvotnnnsee ee inophy 

eaves lanceolate-acuminate, margins waved; racemes 48 long. 
leaves, terminal; flowers -35 in. in diam. he poly 

125. CaLopHYLLUM INopHYLLUM Linn.; F. I. ii. 606; F. B. 
i. 278; . C. 146. 
Orissa, pee elsewhere often planted. 
A some medium-sized tree with fragrant © w : 
flowers, Vernac. Kath champa, sultana champ; 
Punnang; Beng. Punnag. The Alexandri 
196. Casoraviage POLYANTHUM Wall.; F. B. I. i. 274; 
©. 152. 

A tall tree. Beng. Kandeb. 
80. Garcinia Linn. 

Trees, with usually yellow juice; leaves very corinecnie = 
oeen; opposite ; stipules very rare. a peepsnioree 

decussate. Petals 4-5, imbricate. parent tamens numerous, 
connate in a ring or a globose or elas 4-5-lobed column; 4 


Garecinia.] TERNSTREMIACES. 247 

surrounding a rudimentary ovary; anthers sessile or on thick short 
filaments, 2-, rarely 4-celled, adnate or peltate, dehiscing by slits 
or pores or transversely. ¢ and ¢ Staminodes or stamens 8 or 
more, free or connate. Ovary 2-12-celled; stigma sessile or sub- 
sessile, peltate, entire or lobed, smooth or tubercled ; ovules in 
each cell solitary on the inner angle. Frwit berry-like, rind 
leathery. Seeds vroviada with a pulpy arillus. 

Sepals and petals 4 each; stamens of ¢ in a central shortly stalked 
4-angled or columnar mass; anthers quadrate dehiscing vertically; 
rudimentary ovary 
Male flowers in dual. fid terminal and axillary fascicles; fruit 
4-8-grooved and -celled, apex depressed mamillary; leaves broad, 
lanceolate, acute at both ends ....,....ssseeceereesseemnrenereeteret Cowa 
ale flowers in a terminal 3-chotomous panicle ; fruit smooth; leaves 
obovate, obtuse, long-petioled ..,......s.ceeeseeereeeeeeeeeetettt? P seis c, 

s usually 5 e : 
erect, discrete, pedicelled, ROTH S eaeta a ean at oe ; 
male flowers fascicled shortly pedicelled ; leaves large, linear-oblong, or 
oblong-lanceolate, ROWE le es Xa nthochymus. 

127. Garcrnta Cowa Roxb.; F. I. ii. 622; F.B. T.i. 262; E. D. 
G. 22. 

> eae Monghyr ; Tippera; eek 
A tall erect tree. ernac. Cow 
128, GARCINIA PEDUNCULATA Roxbsi ; I. i626; F. B..1. 

‘ , Rangpur. 
A tall tree. Vernac. Tikil. 
129, — Sagvrcuues ool £ 1B Bole i. 200s ae Bs 
G.99. Xanthochymus pictorius F. ‘T. ii, 688. 
Chittagong; elsewhere planted. 
A small or medium tree. Beng. Dampel. 

Trees, or shrubs, rarely climbing. Leaves alternate, simple, 

entire or serrate, generally coriaceous; stipules 0: ver 
aves opposite, or digi compound or minutely stipulate. 
owers usually showy, _— with 2 sepaloid bracts, regular, 
‘aphrodite, ee xual. Disk 0. Sepals 5. and 4-7, free 


ens many, rarely definite ; filaments free or connate, 
the es 

apical, by slits ~. by pores. Carpels united in a 1 
-, very rarely many-celled superior, rarely half- inferior owalts 
sessile, wide-based ; silos as many as loculi, free or united, 
usually small; ovules 2-many in each cell, rarely solitary, 
ropous or campylotropous. Fruit indehiscent, soft, leathery 
woody, or dehiscent capsular. Seeds few or many on the 
placentas; albumen scanty or 0, rarely fleshy; embryo straight, 
horseshoe-shaped or spiral. 

Flowers small, dicecious ; fruits small, indehiscent ; stamens me 
fewer) ; peduncles 1-flowered ; anthers basifixed a 
Flower conspicuous, sswigon ga odite ; fruits fioaiaadl “aohiaeuat? 
many ; anthers versatile: 

Pedunceles few- or (Gawaa: albumen scanty or 0; seeds few :-— 
Seeds flat, kidney-shaped, winged on the back ......--++++++*7"" . 
Seeds irregularly globose, wingless ............::-eseceeettt 3 

umero i: 

Peduncles many-flowered; albumen copious ; seeds 0 gaurs r 

’ 81. Eurya Thunb. e 
Shrubs; leaves carer crenate-serrate. Flowers small, di eo 
sessile or shortl icelled in axill fisciGle®s em 
soli connate we 
Stamens 15-10, rarely 5; anthers plabects. oobi 3 

2-5-celled ; ve 3, rarely 2-5, free or connate ; ovules nURE 
on inner angle of each cell. Frwit small, berry-like. Seeds : 
fleshy albumen. 
130. Eurya acuminata DC.; F. B. I. i. 285; E. D. ©: 563. 
Chitt: ttago ng. 

A shrub 

82. Schima Reinw. 

Trees ; leaves evergreen, thin. Flowers axillary, solitary or 
uppermost in 3-5-flowered racemes, showy, 2-brac¢ teolate, 

phrodite. Sepals 5, free. Petals 5, connate at the base: 

outermost concave subcucullate. Stamens numerous, 

base of petals. Ovary 4-6-locular, usually 5-locular ; sty" 

or faintly lobed above, stigmas broad spreading; © 

Sawrauja. } TERNSTR@MIACE. 249 

loculus 2-6, subpendulous from the inner angle. Fruit a woody, 
depressed, globose capsule, loculicidal with persistent axis ; 
ehiscence much retarded. Seeds flat, reniform, winged on the 
back ; albumen scanty; cotyledons leafy, accumbent. 
181. Scarma Watuicutt Choisy; F. B. I. i. 289; E. D. 8. 940. 
Gordonia integrifolia F. I. ii. 572. 
A lofty tree. Vernac. Makrisal. 

83. Camellia Linn. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves coriaceous or membranous, evergreen, 
serrate. Flowers usually showy, axillary, solitary or sub- 
fasciculate, sessile or shortly peduncled. Sepals 5-6, unequal, 
within a series of subsimilar bracts, and graduating from these to 
the petals. Petals 5 or more, slightly connate below. Stamens 
numerous, outermost many-seriate, more or less connate and mon- 
adelphous, as well as adnate to base of petals, innermost 5-12 1-2- 
seriate, free. Ovary 3-5-locular; styles as many as loculi, free or 
more or less connate; ovules 4-5 in each cell, pendulous from 
inner angle. Fruit a short, woody capsule, opening loculicidally. 
Seeds usually solitary in each cell, without a wing; albumen 0; 
embryo straight with thick cotyledons. 

132, Cament1A Tura Link. C. theifera F. B. 1. i 292; 


Cultivated in Chota Nagpur, sparingly, and in Chitta- 
gong; also in N. Bengal, Duars. 
A shrub, as grown for leaf; or small tree, in the seed-lines. 
Vernac. Chha. 

84. Saurauja Willd, 

Trees or shrubs; young branches brown with white lenticels, 
strigose or scaly, as are the large, usually serrate leaves with 
strong parallel veins diverging from the midrib, generally aggre- 
gated near ends of branches. Flowers usually hermap® ite, 
Mm many-, rarely few-flowered cymes or panicles, axillary or from 
above scars of fallen leaves ; bracts usually small and remote from 
calyx. Sepals 5, much imbricate. Petals 5, usually connate 
below. Stamens numerous; anthers with porous dehiscence. 
Ovary 8-5-locular; styles as many as loeuli, free or connate. 
* Twit usually indehiscent, berry-like, rarely dry and subdehiscent. 
Seeds many, small; albumen copious. 

250 BENGAL PLANTS. [Saurayja, 
133. Saurausa Roxpurcuu Wall. ; F. B. I, i. 287. Ternstramu 
serrata F’. I. ii. 521. 

A shrub or small tree. Vernac. Dalip. 


Trees with resinous juice, rarely climbing shri Leaves 4 
alternate, simple, entire or sinuate-crenate, with parallel secondary 4 
nerves ; stipules small or large, persistent, deciduous or caducous, 
leaving an annular scar. Flowers regular, hermaphrodite, often 
fragrant, in axillary or terminal panicles. Disk 0. Sepals 5 
connate ; tube free e campanulate, or short adnate to base of ovaly; 

torted, eels at base or free. Stamens many, or 15, 1 
hypogynous or ERT OCR, free, connate, or adnate to the 
filaments short, often dilated below; anthers 2-celled, outer lo 
sometimes larger, connective often aristate or appendaged; de 
hiscence longitudinal introrse or lateral. Carpels united in a usually 
3-locular, rarely 2- or 1-locular ovary, generally somew. 
immersed in the torus; style single cor gear or fleshy, § 
entire or minutely 3-lobed; ovules 2 each cell pendulous bs 
lateral, rarely solitary and erect, age tlie. Fruit usually 
indehiscent, nut-like, 1- rarely 2-seeded, sometimes dehi 

albumen, very rarely (Ancistrocladus) with ruminate fl 
albumen ; oe with ag veaid often neath coil 

pn calyx with tube very short or 0:— 
united at the base only, segments subvalvate :— 
i calyx-lobes ep inte narrow wings 
All calyx-lobes equal in Poti 
Sepals quite free, valvate ; — outer calyx-lobes expan in 

PE eo Atha 

Dipterocarpus: | DIPTEROCARPE. 251 

85. Ancistrocladus Wall: 

Shrubs, climbing with short supra-axillary often arrested and 
Gana hooked branches; leaves avin coriaceous, usually 
tufted, entire, reticulately veined ; stipules minute, caducous, or 0. 
Flowers usually small, caducous, in rane or lateral pilsibdos. 
Calyx 5-lobed, lobes imbricate, tube at first short, adnate to base of 
oe finally turbinate and adnate to fruit, with lobes unequall 

ged, membranous, spreading. Petals 5, minute. Stamens 

ee igsadas 5 or 10. Ovary 1-celled, at length subinferior ; 

styles 8, articulated to a rounded or shortly cylindric epigynous 

disk ; ovule solitary, erect, basal or lateral. Seeds solitary, sub- 

globose, testa. intruded between the folds of the copious fleshy 
te albumen ; embryo short, straight. 

134, AncistRoctapus Wat.icutt Planch.; F. B. I. i. 300. 

A climbing shrub with supra-axillary circinate hooks. 

86. Dipterocarpus Gaertn. f. 
ofty trees ; young branches more or less closely pubescent with 
stellate or tufted hairs ; leaves coriaceous, entire or sinuate, lateral 
herves subparallel; petiole somewhat swollen at apex; stipules 
large, valvate, enclosing the bud, caducous from an annular scar. 
Flowers large, reddish or white, in short or long racemes. Calyx 
S-lobed, tube free, two of the lobes much acerescent. Petals 5, 
contorted, slightly et below. Stamens numerous; anthers 
ear acuminate. Ovary 3-locular; style filiform; ovules 2 in 
each loculus, Frwit tadlehtosaul nucular, 1-, rarely 2-seeded, 
enclosed within the accrescent free calyx-tube, whtithi is surmounte 
y the persistent calyx-lobes, 2 of which are enlar ged into erect 
hg lanceolate coriaceous wings. Seed adnate to the pericarp 
W 5 ee 0; embryo with large, thick, ae unequal 
| ont 

: Calyx-tube i in fruit with mea ribs nor wings :— 
Young branches not pilose :— 

Young branches ayinndetes CANESCENE .....ceeecsecceerrsee ers ene turbinatus. 
Young branches compres sed, GIADTOUS....cccccscreccceecrccsnecesscoere levis 
Ls vy 
Young branches more or less pilose ee ee a ereies Lepage bere Pp Boies: 

Calyx-tube i in fruit 5-ribbed or 5-winged :— 
Angles projecting on upper part of calyx-tube only [p. 252] apenniatnt: 


*Angles or wings prolonged to base of tube :—[p. 251] 

Leaves pilose both above and below ; poe pilose . 
Leaves glabrous above, somewhat pubescent beneath 


Calyx-tube gies ane? widely win 

1°5 in. eat : dana calyx- fobs "75 im. wide «...+++ 

135. DiptERocaRPUS tTURBINATUS Gaertn. f.; F. B. L 
E. D. D: 701. 

Tippera ; Chittagong. 
A tree. Beng. Dhulia-garjan. 
136. Deemscuhs Lavis Ham. ; E. D. D. 685. D. tw 
; FE. B. 1. i. 206. 

A tall tree. Beng. Telia-garjan. 

137. Diprerocarpus prnosus Roxb. ; F. I. ii. 615; F.B. 1 
D. D. 692. * 

A tall tree ne 
138. Divkanersadis TUBERCULATUS Roxb.; F. 1. it 
oda QO} 4c. D 
‘Chidtagond g: 
A tall tree. 
189. Diprerocarpus scaber Ham.; F. B. I. i. 297. 
A tall tree. Beng. Garjan 
140, Drprerocarrus COSTATUS Dicer f.; F.1.ii, 614. D. 
F.B. I. i, 298, 
all tree. Beng. Telia-garjan. ; 
141. Diprerocarpus mcanus Roxb.; F. 1.ii. 614; F.B-1 i 
E. D. D. 682. 

tall tree. Beng. Garjan. 
142. Diprerocarpus aLaTus Roxb.; F. I. ii. 614; F. BL 
E. D. D. 676. 
Planted not es 
A tall tree, Beng. Garjan. 

Vatica,} DIPTEROCARPEZ. 253 

In the Flora of British India, Dipterocarpus levis is considered to be 
only a form of D. turbinatus ; this is almost certainly correct. As, how- 
ever, they were kept separate on account of their very different economic 
properties, by so careful and accurate an observer as Buchanan-Hamilton, 

and as no one has by actual observation in the field controverted his 
statements, it seems better here to leave the two trees as distinct species. 

In the Flora of British India, D. costatus is reduced to D. alatus, on the 
assumption that the figure of D. costatus given by Gaertner is bad. Asa 
matter of fact Gaertner’s figure is an an representation of one of 
the Garjans, and there is every reason to think that the species it repre- 
sents is also the tree which Roxburgh ROE by the name D. costatus. 
I cannot help thinking, however, that D. scaber bears to D. costatus much 
the relationship that D. levis bears to D. turbinatus, and that it is at 
most only a form of Gaertner’s tree. But here again no one is yet in a 
position to controvert the statements made by Buchanan-Hamilton ; this 
being so, the two trees are better treated, for the moment, as distinct. It 

may be able to record that the faaiety of these Garjans has been satis- 
factorily settled by some one resident in Chittagong. It is not a matter 
for Congratulation that we know less about trees so important as the 
Garjans than was known by English residents in Bengal 90 years ago. 

87. Vatica Linn. 

ium or small trees: ; leaves coriaceous, entire, reticulately 
veined ; _ small, caduc or inconspicuous. Flowers in 
anicles. Calya 5- lobed, tube very short, adnate to base of 
i = at first imbricate, at length subvalvate, persistent, and 
. of them considerably accrescent in fruit. Petals 5. Stamens 
anthers oblong, connective apiculate. Ovary 3-locular ; style 

short, subulate clavate or capitate, stigma entire or 3-toothed ; 
*s2ineach loculus. Fruit a coriaceous 8-valved capsule, or 
iscent leathery, resting on the accrescent calyx-tube, with 



persistent spreading segments, of which 2 are accrescent as 
win Seeds 1-2; embryo with fleshy jeter 
143. Vartca scapnuna Dyer; F. B. I. i. 301; E. Do Ve 
Hopea scaphula F. I. ii. 611: 
A tall tree. Beng. Boilshura. 
88. Isauxis Arn 
Medium trees; leaves coriaceous, ‘tials reticulately V 
stipules small eaducous. Flowers in axillary panicles. 
5-lobed, tube short, adnate to base of ovary ; lobes subvalvate, 4 
Petals 5. Stamens 15; anthers apiculate. Ovary 8-locular; § 
clavate, stigma 3-toothed; ovules 2 in each loculus. 
coriaceous 8-valved capsule resting on the acerescent calyx 
and surrounded by the somewhat accrescent, equal, 5P 
lobes. Seeds 1-2, embryo with fleshy cotyledon 
144. Isauxis LANCEMFOLIA King. Vateria loncraptin F. 
Vatica lanceefolia F. B. I. i. 302; . 
A medium-sized tree. Vernac. Mohal. 
89. Shorea Roxb. 
Trees, with glabrous or pubescent young branches ; leaves 
or subrepand, coriaceous, lateral veins subparallel ; stipules 

Stamens 15, or 20, or numerous; anthers with bee: sl 
cuspidate, rarely blunt connective and obtuse, rarely 
lobes. Ovary 8-locular ; style subulate, stigma entire or 3-0° 
ovules 2 in each loculus. Frwit leathery indehiscent, 
2-valved dehiscent, shies surrounded by the pe : 
—s of which the three outermost are sane in 
ear wings. Seed usually solitary; embryo with 
145. SHoreA ropusta Gaertn. f.; F. I. ii. 615; F. B: Le 
E. D. 8. 1656. 4 
Tirhut; N. Bengal ; Chota Nagpur. 
A fine tree. Vernac. Sal (general) ; Santa. 
Uriya Sekwa. . 



Herbs, shrubs, or trees, often stellate-haired, inner bark ae 

wood By juice mucilaginous or rarely acid. Leaves alterna 
ved at base, seaaeshe lobed or rarely digitately sel Be 

iivates 7 sometimes caduco Flowers regular, hermap. ite, 
rarely dicecious or polygamous; | henna 3 or more, scattered or 
approximated, free or connate, often forming an epicalyx. Disk 
small, often produced upwards between the carpels. Sepals 5, 
+atRabo’ connate at base or free. Petals 5, adnate below to staminal 
column, contorted in bud, often oblique. Stamens many, rarely 
definite ; filaments ae in a tube adnate below to the petals, 
variously divided at the top into antheriferous lobes; anthers 
l-celled (very rarely a fii 2-celled), cells sinuous linear or reniform ; 
dehiscence longitudinal extrorse. Carpels many, whorled, connate 
or free; styles free, or partly or quite connate, stigmas linear 
or spathulate on inner face or capitate; ovules 1 or more in each 
cell, axial on the inner angle, soba raphe usually ventral. 
Fruit of dry indehiscent or dehiscent cocci, or capsular and loculi- 
cidal, sometimes large and woody. Seeds obovoid globose or 
reniform, i or hairy ; albumen mucilaginous, scanty, or 0; 
embryo cu 

“Leaves simple, entire or lobed ; sepals leafy :—[p. 256] 
tCarpels separating from the axis when ripe as dehiscent or inde- 
hiscent cocci :—[p. 256] 
Styles as many as the car 
Bracteoles 3; ripe paar pte a iaspadadlons indehiscent, 1-seeded ; 
ovules solitary ascending :— 
Stigmas linear; carpels many ... Malva. 
as capitate ; carpels 8-12 .......csccseeeeerees Malvastrum. 
Bracteoles 0; ripe carpels after seresnties dehiscent :— 
Carpels without a false dissepimen 
Ovules solitary pendulous; Bi 1-seeded ; forenoon- or 
noon-flowering EGE with small leaves and flowers .....- ida. 
Ovules 2 or more; carpels 1- or more-seeded ; afternoon- or 
evening-flowering ‘Gide with rather large leaves and medium 
Le Se aimee aa Abutilon. 
Carpels with a sagen false dissepiment..........-- Wissadula. 
Styles twice as many as carpels ; carpels 1- 
}Carpels opposite sepals, dehiscent after sepia’ ; bracteoles 10 
[p. 256] . Pavonia. 



{Carpels opposite petals, indehiscent after separating :—[p. 255] 
Bracteoles connate 5; carpels spinescent or unarmed ; flowers 

eer intermixed with flowers, or 0 ; flowers in dense heads; z 

carpels unarmed ; flowers yellow or white.........+++0 Malachra. | 

tCarpels when ripe forming a ee alt 255 
Stigmas spreading ; seeds re 

Ovary 3-celled, ovules 2 in ante cell ascending ; flowers panicle, 
polygamous = amall trees ss. sicicecesoccicsscéoecosshaxedisoteeaneal Kydia. : 
Ovary 5-celled, sas ae spuriously 10-celled from false dissepl- 
ments, cells opposite petals, with three or more ovules; flowets : 
axillary Hibiscus. 


Stigmas cohering in a club-shaped mass :— 

*Leaves digitately compound ; sepals feathiany Seatac 0; tall trees—~ 

Sates 5-cleft; fruit oblong, es erage seeds not packed in 
cotton ; staminal tube long ; flower re 
Calyx truncate or irregularly tone “trait ovoid, dehiscent ; 
packed in cotton; staminal sca short :-— 
Valves of capsule woody ; flowers re oy ; stamens many ..---- Bombs 
Valves of capsule thickly coriaceous ; flowers white ; stamens 1eW 
. oe Eriodendrot- 

90. Malva Linn. . 

Herbs; leaves lobed, pubescent. Flowers axillary iin 
bracteoles 3, distinct. Sepals 5, connate at the base. Pe t ee 
- argina ate, slightly connate below. Stamens mimerous, in & : 

~_ ig i Seed ieiaea cose in each separate coccus. 
6. Matva verticiitata Linn.; F. B. I. i. 320; E. D. M. 1 
N. Bengal; clivated throughout Dinajpur and Bog 
as a cold weather veg 
An erect annual. porate Tabtia, napha. 

91. Malvastrum A. Gray. : 

Herbs or undershrubs with entire or divided leaves. F lowers : 
pal or in terminal spikes ; bracteoles 3, narrow- Caly? 
cupular, 5-partite. Petals 5, exceeding the sepals. Stament 

Sida.} MALVACEZ. 257 

numerous, in a tube antheriferous to the top, without sterile teeth. 
Ovary 5- or more-locular; styles as many as the carpels, stigmas 
capitate. Fruit consisting of separating but indehiscent ripe 
carpels, with or without beaks. Seed solitary, ascending in each 
separate coccus. 

. ’ + rICUs ids t 
Hairs simple ; carpels with three small projecting points...t oa sie 
Hairs stellate ; carpels rounded or angular not beaked........000 spicatum. 

147, Matvasrrum rricusprpatum A. Gray; F. B. I. i. 821, 
In waste places; common in W. and C. Bengal. 

An erec 

148. Manvasrrum spicatum A. Gray; F. B. Li. 821. 
In waste places in C. Bengal, rare. 
An erect herb. 

92. Sida Linn. 

i f 
2-awned at the tip and opening irregularly to admit <a acgiae : 
the seed. Seed solitary, pendulous or horizontal in each ripe carpe 

Leaves cordate at the base :-— 

: : leaves 

Pedicels jointed in the middle; petiole not so long as leaf-blade ; leav 
aways acute at tip; carpels 5 :— ‘td but wot 

Bio, hes sparingly hispid but n 
ae sen ; leaves and slender ee ees ereplesfousd: 
: utinosa 

tems erect ; leaves and stoutish branches glutinous ------ glu 
Pedicels jointed under the flower :— 

: i obtuse 

Leaves always cordate at base, usually acute but sometimes obtu 

cee ordryfoud. 
at tip; petiole as long as leaf-blade ; carpels 10 «-.--- ee tip; «eee 
Leaves only sometimes cordate at base, always obtuse “spinosa 
shorter than leaf-blade + carpels 5 isre asenean “esthert: " 

Leaves cuneate at the base: i 
— with 
membranous, never more than 5; — cos io 
Spiny tubercles below the leaves; peduncles jointed near the 


as long as or longer than the petiole ; ribet a beneath, 
cordate at base ; stipules shorter than the es 
Carpels crustaceous, rarely so few as 5 atin never sp 
leaves always cuneate at base ; stipules longer than the petiole 
pitt nearly glabrous, narrow, acuminate, serrate; Pp 23 
ted in the middle as long as Satiet : carpels 5-9, awned 

Leaves pubescent to hoary beneath ; peduncle longer than ein 
jointed near base :— 

Leaf-blade rhomboid acute rhombifolia var. typit 
Leaf-blade rhomboid obtuse or subacute 

rhombifolia var. rhomboides. 

Leaf-blade obovate 

unka e 
150. ape mmkeencs Cay.; x I. iii. 172. S. mysorensis F. 

W. Bengal; Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A glutinous erect herb. a 

151. Stipa corprrotra Ednnep: Boil, aii. 177 3: BeBe i, 804 
E. D. s. 1694, a 

W. Bengal; Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A softly hairy erect weed. Beng. Berela. i 
This is often very difficult to distinguish from the cordate-leav 

form of S, sa; the best character in this case is the number 

152. Srpa sprnosa Linn. ; PER it 687 Be eee 114 

one has leaves wane sat 
; the other a sedans based leaves (S- oe 

led carpels an : 
varieties ofS. Sede Owing to the existence ze 

Abutilon.] MALVACE A. 259 

two forms, which are Hea SS distinct, it is necessary to 
show S. spinosa twice in the 

153. Stipa acuTa pene ; F. 1. iii. 171. 8S. carpinifolia F. B. I. 
i. 823; E. D.s 
Paceewharec comm 
A weed of waste Asie and waysides. Beng. and Hind. 

154. Sipa RHoMBIFOoLIA Linn.; F. I. iii. 176; F. B. I. i, 328. 
D. 8. 1703. 

Everywhere common in localities like the - 
A shrubby perennial weed. Beng. Lal bere 
154/2, Var. nHomBorpgEa F. B. I. i. 324. 8. baste Mia. 
iii. 176; E. D. S. 1706. 
Chota Nagpur, common; Bengal, rare. 
A shrubby perennial. Beng. Swet berela. 
154/3. Var. opovata F. B. I. i. 324; E. D. 8. 1707. 
irhut; Behar 
A Sates eaten weed. 

93. Abutilon Gaertn. 

Herbs or undershrubs ; stems and lobed or angled /eaves more or 
bracteoles 0. Calyx of 5 

of stamin amens numerous, below in a tube, 
Separating above into distinct antheriferous filaments. Carpels 5 
or more; styles as m as the carpels. Fruit of awned 

2 blunt ripe saepalb that separate from the axis entirely, 
or remain attached by their bases, and dehisce by 2 valves to 
admit of escape of the seed. Seeds 1 or more in each carpel, 

one the upper ascending the lower usually suspended or 

Carpels 5; filaments tree nearly to the base; leaves roundish cordate 
with a long acumen, down —_— elin.«iee polyandrum. 
Carpels 15-20 ; Sindleninis free at apex 
Leaves cordate, covered on both sides or white felted down ; pee 
longer than petioles is. .ccccsseccssseveaedeesoocannetenseeesbescosseene es? 
Leaves orbicular cordate with a long point, sions tomentose ; aaa 
than potioled. si ss<ursssapopivsesertl omerreerse’ Tee Avicenne. 


155. ABUTILON POLYANDRUM Schlecht.; F. B. I. i. 325; BE. 
A. 98. Sida polyandra F. I. iii. 173. 
Chota Nagpur, very common. 
An erect woody herb. 
156. ABuTILoN Inpicum G. Don; F. B. I. i. 326; E. D. A. 88 
Sida indica F. I. iii. 179. 
Everywhere, a very common weed. es 
An erect woody herb. Beng. Petari, jhampi; Hind. 
Jhampi, kanghani; Santal, Miru baha. 
157. ABUTILON AVICENN® Gaertn.; F, B. I. i. 327; E. D. A. 82 
Sida Abutilon F. I. iii. 178. ; 
Bengal, Dacca, &e.; somewhat rare. 
An erect herb. 

94. Wissadula Medik. 
Undershrubs ; stems and palmately lobed leaves usually softly 
hairy. Flowers in lax terminal panicles; bracteoles 0. Sepals 6, 


below. Stamens numerous, connate in a tube below, divided above 
into separate antheriferous filaments. Carpels usually 5, whorled 
l-seriate ; styles as many as carpels. Frwit consisting of 5 many 
seeded, beaked, dehiscent ripe carpels, each with usually a trent 
verse dissepiment. Seeds 1-3 in each loculus, the lower suspene" 
the upper ascending. 
58. WIssapULA ROsTRATA Planch. ; FF. B. 1.4.08he Ei 
Ww. Sida periplocifolia F. I. iii. 178. : 

C. Bengal, an occasional escape; elsewhere cultivated 

but not commonly. 


95. Pavonia Cav. 

Herbs or undershrubs, with entire, angled or lobed more oF less 
pubescent leaves. Flowers axillary or clustered at the ends of the 
branches; bracteoles 5 or more, free or forming a tube below the : 
calyx. Calyz 5-partite. Petals 5, adnate below to base of 

d a 
without, truncate or 5-toothed at the apex. Ovary 5-locular; lo 10, 
i rarely opposite the petals; styles ™ 

of ripe carpels that separate from the axis but may themsel¥es 

Urena.] MALVACES. 261 

indehiscent or more or less 2-valved, smooth netted or winged. 
Seed solitary in each cell, ascending. 
159. Pavonta oporata Willd.; F. I. iii. 214; F. B. Li. 331; 

Chota Na 
A weed of fields and waste places. Vernac. Bala. 

96. Urena Linn. 
Herbs or undershrubs ; leaves angled or lobed and stems more 
or less clothed with rigid stellate hairs. Flowers small, sessile or 
cbt Re He ener bracteoles 5, adnate to the 

alyx and s imes connate below in a cup. Calyx 5-cleft. 
Petals 5, soetaliahis ier connate at base and there adnate 
to base of staminal column. Stamens many, connate in a tube 

antheriferous without, truncate or minutely ioothel at the top. 
Ovary 5- -locular, loculi ss the petals; styles with 10 stig- 
matic branches, stigmas capitate ; ovules solitary in each loculus. 

Fruit consisting of 5 ripe carpels, covered with hooked bristles or 
smooth, separating from the axis but themselves indehiscent. 

Seed solitary in each coccus, spepeie 
Carpels armed with hooked bristles 
Leaves rounded, angled, not divided beyond the middle .........lobata. 
— divided beyond the middle into 5 oblong lobes narrowed — 
Tee SEN Eee dae pee ceendetkeUsavcsesbvecres sbesebnvs sUOuHTSt ME TeeMORaE rN Ts ~— 
Gaps Smooth, unarmed ..5)s.i5..i.esesetee ceecdaseh ected dere db ares cnsssun 

160, aes LOBATA Linn.; F. I. iii. 162; F. B. 1. i. 829; E. D. 
GU. 29. 

Everywhere very commo: 
= ung of waste places ent roadsides. 
g. Bun-okra; Santal. Bhidi janetet. 
161, vasa sinuata Linn.; F. I. iii. 182; F. B. 1 i. 329; 
E. D. v. 33. 

ae frequent in Chota Nagpur; more sparingly in 

the other provinces. 

“ees Kunguiya; Hind. Lobloti; Santal. Mota bhidi 

102. Uaena REPANDA Roxb.; F. Ip ith 16°F. B. 1. i. 880; 
BP D.262 Bx a7: sae F. I. iii. 182. 

i Nagpur; co 

A shrub. Santal. renee 


97. Malachra Linn. 
Herbs ; leaves angled. Flowers in dense heads, 
with bracteoles. Sepals 5, connate below. . Petals 5, ie 

CHRA CAPITATA Linn,; F. B. I. i 
Common everywhere, but socal so in E. and 
Bengal; now extending into the Sundribuns. 
A weed of waste places. Vernac. Ban-bhindi. 

_ 98. Kydia Roxb. 

Trees; leaves palminerved, usually lobed, stellately 
Flowers polygamous, in close panicles; bracteoles 4-6, leafy 
nate below, accrescent and gs reading in fruit. epals 5, 
at the base. Petals 5, obcordate, muster adnate below 1 
staminal tube. Stamens about 15, united below in a tube 
separates above the middle into 5 raid 8 each bearing 3 % 
anthers which are imperfect in functional female flowers. ©" 
2-8-locular ; style 8-cleft, stigmas 3, peltate, imperfect in 1 
tional male flowers ; ovules in each loculus 2, ascending: Fruul 
re SG sae ae obtuse, loculicidally 8-valved capsule. Seeds renifor 


KE. D. &. 

W. Bengal ; Behar ; Chota Nagpur. 
A tree. Vernac, Pola. 

164. Kypra_ canycra Roxb.; F. I. iii, 188; F. B. 1 ee 
K. 42. 

99. Hibiscus Medik. 
Sewn shrubs, or trees ; leaves more or less palmately lob 
stipulate. vawe pcg bracteoles 5 or more, rarely: 

taminal Fete numerous, CO" 
— » truncate or 5 “toothed at the apex, giving off ne ; 

Hibiscus.) MALVACEM. 263 
5-locular, loculi opposite the sepals; styles 5 
stigmas capitate or subspathulate ; ovul 
Frui ae | 

connate below, 
3 or more in each loculus 
t a loculicidally 5-valved capsule sometimes with a separating 
endocarp, sometimes spuriously 10-celled from the formation of 
vertical false dissepiments. Seeds glabrous, hairy or woolly. 

*Herbs; bracteoles of involucre always free from each other and (except 
H. oe free from calyx-tube ; often 0 in H. Solandra :—(p. 264) 
x elongate, seein? eous, 5- rarely 3-toothed, deciduous by basal 

is scence; bracteoles 5-20, always quite free, often 
caducous; seed mrt 

Flowers small white; bracteoles short, aaa; caducous was the 
flower ope 

Flowers ae fcsie with a maroon or Sissi) oe se clitied 
narrow and many or wide, sient and few 
Bracteoles 6-15, narrow line 
apsule elongated-conical, t me bracteoles 8-10...esculentus. 
Capsule short, 5-an 

ed s+ 
Bracteoles 6-12, much shorter than the oblong jg 

Bracteoles 10-15, as ans as the ovoid capsule...... nis 
Bracteoles 4-6, broad le eafy 
eaves almost glabrous; ae glabrous except the tomentose 
MATIN 53 issczsosdee ovaesssteneenn ten ieneee O Oeen Manihot. 
Leaves and bracteoles more or less hispid and bristly :— 
Flowers only 2 in. across ; bracteoles usually 4 only 
Flowers 5-8 in. across :— 
Amante 4 or 5, flowers under 6 in, across ...-++-+» pungens 
es 6, flowers over 6 iM. ACTOSS ..+-+++eerrere ee sti 

Calyx ve as scant s ee persiste 
alyx m 

ent :— 
Cal ranous, ventricose; bracteoles numerous linear ; Buiatg 
sm aS ras wers yellow with a purple CYC crvcseseerreernnarers Tri 
Calyx herbaceous, not inflated :— 

Calyx-lobes equally 3-5-nerved, margins not thickened ; bracteoles 
without appendages ; sometimes bracteoles 0:—[P- 264] 
§Capsules smooth, globose, shorter than the calyx; flowers : 
pink or white , pe ada neles as aes the leaves ; seeds cotto 
bracteoles conspicuous :—[p. 

eaves more or less eae glandular beneath ; i 
spreadin hi 

Leaves na or only serrate, not glandular ; corolla “eta 


§Capsules hirsute, oblong acuminate or truncate 4 
seeds hairy, but not cottony :—[p. 263] 
Flowers small danas i or white ; ped 
as petioles ; bracteoles minute s nigel wanting 
sparsely hirsute longer than ca 
Flowers large yellow with maroon or paige ever 
conspicuous ; capsules very hairy :— 
Capsule longer than calyx, acuminate, not winged ; 
3-nerved ; all parts densely glutinously hairy 

Capsule shorter than calyx, truncate eget 
sepals 5-nerved ; all parts softly villous.. 
+Calyx-lobes with a prominent midrib and with “ysually @ 
— borders :—[{p. 263 

acteoles Sitch on the back an oblong or linear eres 
puma ages of bracteoles leafy, oblong; flowers 
with a purple eye: 
Flowers short- aside ncled, 2 in, across ; bree Jan 

stem stiffly hirsute and usually pric 
Flowers on long slender stalks, 1 in. across; + stipules 

ys prickly . 
Appendages of bracteoles linear, or edcaselle 0 
white or _ yellow with purple eye ; midrib of eal 
WRORE G1AA civccierersvsceresieeveveserrrnvesna nee : 
Bracteoles nvr any appendage on the back :— 
Calyx dry, horny in fruit, lobes prickly, midrib of each 
a large gland ; bracteoles adnate to base of calyx- a , 
glabrous ..... 
Calyx fleshy, red, lobes not righly 2 : midrib ‘ih 
bracteoles not adnate; seeds hispid ......seeeeereeer* 
*Shrubs, erect or rarely dlinibing or trees; bracteoles age 
often connate at base but never adnate to calyx :—[p. 263. 
ee. not subdivided by spurious dissepiments :—{p- 265 
in, ole t ; 
outline, serie at aia flowers small, yellowish Mies 
crimson eye, in rig ety dates terminal panicles ..+++--* - 
Erect shrubs or trees 
Bracteoles 6-7, free; leaves not cordate at base, labo 
Peduncles shorter than petioles ; bracteoles linear -- 
Peduncles longer than petioles; bracteoles lan 

___ Bracteoles 10; leaves cordate at base, tomentose or Seto 

Hibiscus.) MALVACE. 265 

Bracteoles free; all parts densely seurfily tomentose ; leaves 



}Carpels more or less completely subdivided ry spurious vertical septa ; 
bracteoles 10, connate at base into a distinct cup; seeds glabrous :-— 
[p. 264] 
Free portion of bracteoles twice as long as cupular base ; carpels 
2-locular only at the base; leaves regularly cordate ; stipules large 
i i ortwosus 

eee weeees 

owers yellow with crims 

Leaves always cordate, closely white pubescent beneath 


Leaves usually 3-partite, sparsely pubescent beneath ...... tricuspis. 

165. Hisiscus ricutneus Linn.; F. B. I. i 840; E. D. 
H. 21 

5. H. prostratus F.1. iii. 208. H. ieicias F. I. iii. 206. 

Behar ; in fields. 

There are two forms, as indica ed in the 
not, however, specifically distinct. Leaves 
at base ii cordate, those higher up and younger 

palmately lobed, lobes rounded sinuses wide. Beng. Ban- 
dheras , jangli bhindi. 
1G. Hruscus necunawros Linsict > By Bei L.. i 848; E. D. 
H. 19 . longifolius F. I. iii. 210. 
Ev erywhere cultivated in garden 
A herb. Beng. Bhindi, eee Hind. Bhindi, ram- 
rai. The “ Lady’s Fingers,” or Ochro. 

167. pees Apatioacuus finn: Fae 

2; E. D. H. 168. 
N. Bengal; Chittago 
A herb, 2-3 feet high: oak smell of musk. Beng. Kal- 
kastari, mushak-dhana, The Musk Mallow. 

168. Hisiscus cancennaTus Roxb. oo fd. ORF. B.- I. 

i. 342, 

Behar, Rajmahal Hills; Chota Nagpur, common. a 
A herb with very bristly leaves and stems, 2-8 feet high. 


169. Hisiscus Maxtor Linn.; F. B. I. i. 841, 2. 
phyllus F. T. iii, 212, 
- Bengal, naturalised. 
A tall almost glabrous herb, native of China. 
170. Hizrscvs TETRAPHYLLUS Roxb,; F, I. iii. 211; FB. 
1. 341; E. D. H. 252. 
C. See near Caleut 
An annual hispid ae Yo herb. 
The locality quoted is taken from the F. It appears never 
been collected near Calcutta since Roxb ns day. The plants 
were issued by Wallich as H. tetraph ieee are, in my opinion i 
form of H. pungens ; they certainly are not the Concan and ; 

plant that agrees with the coloured drawing which Roxburgh hes 
his H. tetraphyllus. 


171. Hisiscus puncens Roxb.; F. I. iii. 218; F- 

Behar, Rajmahal Hills, rather common. 
A * very ged sens with broad, leafy | 
and very large flow 
172. Hoaenys HOSTILIS Wall. F. B. I. i. 842. 

Taller, more bristly and with larger flowers than t : 
— but hardly deserving to be considered # 

173. nda Trionum Linn.; F. B. I. i. 884. 
gal, cultivated only. wad 
A pubescent annual with orbicular lower leaves Hh 
nine upper leaves, in shape rather like those of #-/ 

174, Huniscus HIRTUS Linn.; F, B. 1. i. 885. HA ph : 
- I. iii. 194, 
Behar, eqoenk; probably, however, only an es¢ a 

In bai Somewhat shrubby. Beng. nats pre 885. 
i : 
175. — MICRANTHUs Linn.; F. eo 

dus = I. iii. 195, 
eee. Chota Nagpur. - 
Shrubby, muy like the preceding in — 
A weed of places and roadsides. — 

Hibiscus.) MALVACE®. 267 

176. Hisiscus SOLANDRA pr PE ni ies eo ae 
A. pumilus F. 1. iii 
Behar, occasional. 
A weed of waste places and roadsides. 
177. Hreiscus panpuR=ForMis Burm.; F. B. I. i. 338. 4. 
tubulosus F. I. iii. 196. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur. 

A he 

178. Hretscus virirotrus Linn.; F. I. iii. 200; F. B. I. i. 338; 

Kk. H. truncatus F. I. iii. 200. 

In all the provinces, comm 
A common weed. Roxburgh’s H. truncatus is a small 
form growing in poor soil. Beng. Ban 

179. Hreiscus rurcatus Roxb.; F. I. iii. ona" F, B. I. i. 385; 
D. H. 219. 

Chota Nagpur 

Erect, shrubby, gps downy and armed with scattered 
recurved prickles 

180. Hrarscus surarrensts Linn. ; ; F.T. iii. 205; F. B. I. i. 334; 

E. D. H. 250. 

Bengal, not common; Chittagong. 
Weak-stemmed, ispos: softly downy and sparingly 
armed with prickles. 

181. Hipiscus rapratus Willd.; F. I. iii. - 209; PB. I. i. 835. 
Bengal, cultivate 
Almost shrubby, Es 

182, Hisiscus yempeae Linn.; F. I. iii, 208; F. B. 1 
1.3389; E.D. a 
Tirhut, Hahar, ve Chota Nagpur; cultivated. 
A herb with strict, glabrous, prickly stems. Beng. Mesta- 
pat, ambya-pat; Hind. Ambari; Santal. Dare kudrum ; 
Uriya Kanuria 

188. Hipiscus SanpaRrrrrA Linn.; F. B. I. i. 840; E. D. H. 288. 
Cultivated everywhere. 
A well-known vegetable; used also to make a conserve 
voy red-currantjelly. Beng. Mesta; 4 Patwa; Santal. 

kudrum, togot arak. The Rozell 

184, WRigedtoe SCANDENS Roxb.; F. I. iii. 200; °P, B. I. i, 337. 
A woody climber. 


185. Hrpiscus syrracus Linn.: F. I. iii, 195; F. B. ut 

juva. a 
186. Hisiscus Rosa-smvensis Linn.; F. I. iii. 194; F. 
i, 344; E. D, B. 227, 
In gardens everywhere. : 
A shrub. The shoe flower. Beng. Juva; Hind. 
187. Hrpiscus MUTABILIS Linn. ; F. I. iii. 201; F. B. 11? 
E. D. H, 224, ; 
In most gardens, 
A small tree. Vernac. Thalpadma. : nD 
188. Hisiscus macroruyntus Roxb.; F. B. I. i. 3887; # 
H. H. setosus F. I, iii. 194. 
Chittagong. ie 
A small tree or large shrub everywhere setose. : 
Kashia udal, kashia palla, 
- Hretscus rorrvosus Wall. 


A rambling bush. 

This is not the variety “‘ tortuosus” of the next species 
i, 343) which was issued by Wallich under his number 
according to the F. B. I., but is the plant from the “} 

€ Ganges” issued by Wallich as 1913/A, of which the F 



in the Calentta Botanic Gardens, but the only species rep 
the Sundribuns of late years has been the well-known 

; : : als 
. ripens its fruits regularly but progeé 
abortive seeds; it is, with hardly a doubt, a natural hybrid 
(macrophyllus) tiliaceus, 

Thespesia] MALVACEZ. 269 

190. Hisiscus tiniaceus Linn.; F. I. “t 192; F. B. 1. i. 348; 
H. 255. H. tortuosus F. I. iii. 192. 
oh Sundribuns ; Chittagong: oan 8 near the sea. 
A large stheg or small much-branched tree. Beng. Bola; 

Uriya Bar 
191. Hisiscus rricuspis Banks; F. I. iii. 202; F. B. I. i. 844; 
E. D. H. 261. 

Frequently planted. 
Atree. Vernac. Gurhul. 

100. Gossypium Linn. 

Herbs, shrubs, or low trees; leaves palmately lobed. Flowers 
axillary, large, yellow usually with crimson centre, or purplish, 
solitary on jointed peduncles; bracteoles 3, large, leafy, cordate. 
Calyx cupular, truncate or slightly 5-toothed. Petals connate 
slightly at the base and there adnate to the staminal tube. 

tamens numerous, connate in a tube, truncate or 5-toothed at the 
top, giving off below the apex many antheriferous filaments. 
Ovary 5-locular ; style sete 5- frites: at the apex, stigmas 5; 
ovules in each josalas numero Fr wit a oe 3-5-valved 

; seeds free, clothed with closely adhering silky down ; bracteoles 
not rae below the middle’! ....¢ vad. osetia herbaceum. 
Perennial, shrubby ; seeds black, free or noheringy without adhering 
Pubescence, bracteoles deeply incised ......::+seeceeveeresereserene acuminatum. 

192. Gossypium HERBACEUM Linn.; F. I. iii. 184; F. B. I. i.340;5 
D. G. 404. 

small shrub. Vernac. Kapas, del i. 
193. Gossyrrum acummnatum Roxb.; F.I. iii. 189; E. D. @. 400. 
G. barbadense var. acuminata F. B. I. i. 347. 

A shrub. Vernac. Kapas. 
01. Thespesia Corr. 
Shrubs or trees; ee entire or lobed. Flowers large, axillary 
showy ; bract les 5-8 ing from the thickened apex of ‘be 

| Pedunele, deciduous. Calyx truncate, minutely 5-toothed, or 
—- spartite, _p, te to 

Petals 5, connate at their bases and share gine? 


staminal column. Stamens numerous, united in a tube, 5-t 
at the me and giving off below the top numerous antl 
filamen Ovary 4-5-locular ; style clavate, 

ered ovules in each loculus few. Fruit a joule C 
or stibinttebiced Seeds glabrous or tomentose. 
A tree with glabrous leaves; young branches and unripe capsules 
with rusty-coloured scales ...........«...-«.¢ssesssscescsepassaananunll D0 
A shrub with leaves sparingly pilose above, tomentose beneath; ¥ 
branches stellate-tomentose, unripe capsules densely hirsute...... 

194. THEsPesia poputnea Corr.; F. B. I. i. 845; E. D. T 
Hibiscus populneus F. I. iii. 190. 
Sundribuns, plentiful ; elsewhere very often as a 

- 387. Hibiscus a F. I. iii. 198. 
Behar ; Chota N 
A small bush. vali ‘Reabapelt 

102. Adansonia Linn. 
Trees, with short thick trunk, bulbous below and with sp! 

solitary, long peduncled, pendulous. Calyx cupular, 
5-cleft, 2-bracteolate. Petals 5, adnate at base to th 
co! ens numerous, connate in a cylindric tube gi 
at the on many antheriferous filaments. Ovary 5-10 
style long, exserted, divided into as ses branches as there 
radiating; ovules in each cell numerous 
oblong: woody, velvety outside, Gidahingente Seeds reniform, 
a thick testa and scanty albumen, embedded in a mealy pulp: 
96. ApaNsonia vigrrara Linn.; F. I. iii. 164; F. Be L* 
E.D. A. 455, 
Planted here and there, especially in the westerD 
parts and especially near the tombs of Mussalman® 
3 thick-based spreading tree. Vernac. Gorakh-amli. 

103. Bombax Linn. 
Wed stdin armed with prickles; leaves agitate 
deciduous. Flowers axillary or subterminal, solitary 

Tow fete een Sey 

Eriodendron. | STERCULIACEA. 271 

appearing before the leaves. Calyx cupular, coriaceous, irregularly 
bursting into 3-7-lobes; bracteoles obsolete but ca alyx and peduncle 
marked with 2-3 scars. Petals 5, adnate below to staminal tube. 
Stamens numerous, connate below in a tube, dividing upwards 
more or less complicately into 5 usually again subdivided pips Be 
ultimate filaments all with 1-celled or occasion nally the series next 
the style with 2-celled anthers. Ovary 5-celled, pre filiform ; 
stigmas 5, often very minute; ovules in each cell numerous. 
Fruit a 5-valved capsule, valves woody or coriaceous, woolly 
within. Seeds globose, embedded in the woolly packing derived 
from the endocarp ; testa thin; albumen scanty. 
197. Bompax NE Bere DC; Bi dh.  Eodiicsegeicws heepha 
phyllum 167. 

In all a provinces, very comm 

A prickly stemmed tree with bisbiteana base. 

Vernac. Simal. The Red Cotton-tree. 

104. Eriodendron DC. 

Trees; trunk armed with prickles ; leaves digitately compound, 
deciduous, Flowers tufted at ends of branches or axillary, 
Ppearing before the leaves; bctoles obsolete. Calyx cup- 
shaped, truncate. Petals 5, white. Stamens few, 1-seriate, united 
below in a tube, divided above into ig or more thick filaments 
bearing 2-celled or rar rely 1-celled anthers with sinuate lobes. 
Ovary ovoid, 5-loculayr ; style cylindric, dilated, stigma obscurely 
5-lobed. Fruit an oblong 5-valved capsule, valves coriaceous, 
Woolly within. Seeds globose, embedded in the woolly packing 

derived from the endocarp ; testa thin; albumen scanty. 
198. Ex1openpRon anrractuosum DC.; F. B. I. i. 350; E. D. 


beset with prickles. Beng. Swet simal. The Kapok, or 
White Cotton-tree. 

en or shrubs, rarely climbing, or herbs, often stellate-haired ; 
‘auer bark fi fibrous, wood soft, juice mucilaginous. Leaves alter- 



nate, simple, lobed or rarely digitately compound, ais 
either penninerved or palminerved ; stipules free, ta 
F lower % regular, hermaphrodite or 1- etttals usually in 
tminal cymes. Disk 0. Sepals 5, connate below rarel; 
out, very taoelp free; lobes valvate. Petals 5 or 0, co 
bud, free or sometimes adnate below to staminal column. § 
many, connate in a column or tube, rarely few and free, ma 
below to petals; anthers in heads or in a ring at apex 0 

8 p 
wohoont tas at their dink ; ca aes “longitudinal, 
Carpels rarely solitary, usually 2-5 united in a superior é 
stalked 2-5-, rarely 10-12-locular xsi styles 1-5, more : 
united, rarely free; ovules few or many, axial on the inner 4 

cent or indehiscent. Seeds sometimes arillate ssa 
scanty or 0; embryo straight or curved, with usually 


Flowers 1-sexual or polygamous; petals 0; andreecium columns! 
sessile ; mature carpels discrete :— F’ 
- Anthers sri ie irregularly clustered in a head or ring 
staminal column ; ripe carpels dehiscent. .........:+-+:+-" 
thers 5 in a ring at top of column ; ripe carpels indehiscent 

Flowers oo aaa petals present ; mature carpels conjoined 
1 ferpel in altheria) :— 
pd deciduous or persistent :—[p. 273] 
Petals deciduous :-— anthers 
Andreecium columnar below, dilated into a cup ni or 
edge of staminal cup usually alternating with st 
sules woody :— 

Anther-cells divaricate or confluent ; seeds without ~ 

Anther-cells parallel, distinct ; seeds winged ...Pte iddle to 
Andreecium Be aed conical, cothitatios from the m 
top; staminodes 
Petals persistent: i 
ium tubular with sitherifercue margin ; anthers 
— of 3, the sama Reacting with 5 —, 


Sterculia, | STERCULIACE, 273 

Andreecium tubular only at base ; stamens 5, without staminodes:— 
rsa 5-celled Melochia 

Ovary 1-celled Waltheria, 
*Petals acs at the base, appendaged at the tip; an 
tubular; anthers marginal 1-seriate, singly or in groups lisesi 

with staminodes eas 272] 
thers in groups of 2-4 between each pair of staminodes :— 
Petals with a ries ovate blade; capsule 5-winged and 5- 
angled, truncate at the top, valves hirsute at edges ..,... Abroma, 

Pet w: with a linear 2-fid blade; capsule matey wager: 


“esa solitary between each pair of staminodes; ORs ‘with ug 

ligulate 2-fid blade; capsule pri ds MR Pee ots eT Buettneria, 
105. Sterculia Linn. 

Trees or shrubs, with simple, palmately lobed, or compound 
digitate leaves. Flowers in axilla ry or terminal panicles, ig 
mous. Calyx tubular, 4-5-partite, often petaloid. Petals 0. 
Stamens united in a column bearing a head or ring of stile 
2-celled anthers, Ovary sessile or stipitate, of 4-5 carpels opposite 
the sepals ; styles connate below ; stigmas free, radiating, as many 

folded embryo with cotyledons sometimes thin adherent to the 
albumen. sometimes thick and fleshy. 
Seeds without wings, few :— 
Carpels boat-shaped, woody in fruit, forming a 5-rayed star, not open- 
ing till the ea are ripe; flowers campanulate :— 
Leaves digitate Re 
Leaves a 
Leaves palmately nerved and palmately lobed o 
Carpels densely withers with stiff fragile nore flowers Lia 

BCrOSS, FJ fewer than 9  ...ccpecrseceerncernrerenerrsrcrensccseees 
Carpels shortly Eien with stellate hairs ; ‘ioe a. 
ACTOSS, F More NUMEFOUS than Fo ccceeeeeerseeererrerseeres villosa, 
Leaves 1-nerved, not palmately lobed .....+.-.+:+1+--00" Roxburghii 
Carpels spathulate, membranous, pendulous in fruit, opening long 
before the seeds are ripe; flowers tubular ......---+++---+10re0-+* colorata, 

1 8 winged along their upper end, numerous ; carpels ere bees ; 
“aves 5-neryed at base but not lobed scs.c.-ssesess-cesestecespeer seers 


199. SrercuLia Ferma Linn.; F. I. iii. 155; F.B. 
E. D. 8. 2824. 
Planted by roadsides and near temples. 
A talltree. Vernac. Jangli-badim 
200. Srercuria urens Roxb.; F. I. iii. 145; F. B. 
E. D. 8. 2850. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A soft-wooded tree with papery outer bark. 
Keonji, karaunji, telhec’ (Santal.), guhu, bali. 
201. Srercuria vittosa Roxb.; F. I. iii. 153; F. By 
E. D. 8. 2861. 
Behar, Rajmahal Hills; Tippera, Comilla; 
A white-barked tree. Hind. Udal; Santal. 
Kol.Sisi, pironja. og 
202, ceo Roxsureur Wall.; F. B. 1. i. 356; 
. 2841. 8S. lanceefolia F. T. iii. 150. ; 

A Vernac. Ushli. 
208. Srercunia cotorata Roxb.; F. I. iii. 146; F. B. 
E. D. s. 2819. 
Chota Nagpur ; i tai ear oe elsewhere 
A tree. Vernac. Samarri, pisi 
204. Srercunta avara Roxb.; F. I. iii. 152; F. Be 
E. D. 8. 2806. 

Chittagong; ; — planted in other provinces. — 
At me tree with buttressed hes 
Buddha aR 

106. Heritiera Ait. 

2-celled anthers at the apex. Carpels abe: er isk 
short ; stigmas 5, thick; ovules solitary in 
chister of woody indehiscent keeled or Hams ripe 
maine albumen 0; cotyledons sige thick. 
205. Herrrrera sor Roxb.; F. I. iii. 142. we: 
1 368; E. D. H. 184, 

A tree with blind rooteuckers. Beng. Sut 


- Pterospermum.} STERCULIACE i. 275 

T ‘“‘Sundri” whence me Sundribuns take their name. 
The on is frequently ma hat H. littoralis also occurs on 
the Bengal coast. This wali is not the case; at all events 

able to find it i it 

H, littoralis are smooth, winged on the outer, keeled on the inner 
e of i 

on the inside ana less prominently winged on the outer side than 
those of H. littorulis are. 

107. Helicteres Linn, 
Trees or shrubs; leaves simple, pubescence stellate. Flowers 
axillary, solitary or fascicled. Calyx tubular, often irregular, 
ent Petal 

between the teeth. Ovary at the top of the column 5-lo 
5-locular; styles subulate, more or less united, slightly chicksinad 
at the stigmatic tips; ovules in each cell numerous. Fruit of 
straight or spirally twisted follicles. Seeds tubercled ; albumen 
Scanty; embryo with foliaceous cotyledons. 

Ripe carpels spirally twisted See 

Ripe carpels not twisted .........:.....+++. ee ak 

206. Heticreres Isora Linn,; F. I. iii. 143; F. B. 1.1. 365; 
E. D, H. 92. 

General throughout our area. 
A shrub. Beng. Atmora; Kol. Sakomsang; Hind. 
Bhendu, maraphali. 
207. Henrcreres sprcata Colebr.; F. B. I. i. 366. 
A shrub. 
408. Pterospermum Schreb. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves leathery, oblique below, penninerved, 
simple or lobed, usually 2-farious ; tome ntum stellate or sometimes 
lepidote. Flowers axillary and terminal, usually showy, solitary 
or 2-3 together, bracteoles entire or laciniate, persistent or de- 
ciduous. Calyz of 5 more or less connate sepals. | Petals 5, large, 
deciduous with the calyx. Stamens unt united in a short column, 


with 5 ligulate staminodes opposite the petals alternating ¥ 

ups each containing 3 linear 2-celled apiculate anthers op 
the sepals. Ovary within the top of the staminal co 
locular; style entire, stigma 5-grooved ; ovules in each cellnu 

capsular chambers ; albumen scanty or 0; embryo with p) 
crumpled cotyledons. 

Capsules distinctly 5-angled ; leaves large, broad ......-.1+++-.94 
Capsules terete ; leaves oblong-lanceolate, semi- ‘bacitiate® semis 

208. PrerosperMum acertFoLium Willd. ; F.I. iii. 1BGs P 
i. 368; E, D. P. 1389. 
Chittagong ; N. Bengal: elsewhere often planted. 
Alarge tree. Vernac. Kanak-chimpa. Lig 
209. PrerosperMUM semisacitratuM Ham.; F. 1. ™& 
Feet. 868. 
Chittagong; elsewhere occasionally planted. 

109. Eriolena DC. 
Trees; leaves simple or lobed; tomentum stellate. 

sistent, or small caducous. Calyx spathaceous but w 
5-partite. Petals 5, flat, with dilated tomentose claws. 
numerous, united in a short column; anthers man 
2-celled, linear-oblong, on outside of column with no im 
minodes, ey sessile, 5-10-locular; style erect, 
5-10, spre ovules numerous in each loculus. 
woody loculicidal capsule. Seeds winged above; albumen * 
embryo with plaited or crumpled cotyledons. 

Bracteoles deeply cut ; duncles not exceeding the leaves; 
tubercled or pitte = ii Hi 

Std Ck Ee Teme err Te Lakh Cn 

210. Batons Hooxeriana W. & A.; F. B. I. i 8705 
E. 314, j 
Chota Nagpur ; Behar, on hills: often plaslape 

_ A tree, Vernac, Bindin, gua-goli, gua-kasiy 


Waltheria. } STERCULIACEA 277 

211. 2p QUINQUELOCULARIS Wight; F. B. I. i. 871; E.D. 

cta Nagpur, on Parasnath. 
A tree. 
410. Pentapetes Linn. 
rbs; leaves hastate-lanceolate. Flowers axillary; brac- 
teoles 3, subulate, caducous. Sepals 5, lanceolate, connate only 
at the base. Petals 5. Stamens connate at the base, 15 fertile in 
5 groups of 8, alternating with 5 staminodes that are almost as 
long as the petals; anthers 2-celled, extrorse. Ovary sessile, 5 
locular; style entire, twisted and thickened upwards; ovules 
numerous in each loculus. Fruit a loculicidally 5-valved cap- 
sule. Seeds 8-12, 2-seriate in each chamber, without wings ; 
embryo with 2-partite plicate cotyledons. 
212, oe pHENICEA Linn.; F. I. iii. 157; F. B, I. 
D. P. 398. 

‘Bverywhars common. ‘ 
A weed of waste places. Beng. Kat- lita, bandied ; 
Santal. Bare baha; Hind. Dopoharia. 

4114. Melochia Linn. 
cent sates Flowers small, in lax panicles or clusters. Sepals 5, 

petals, connate at the base in a tube; anthers 2-celled extrorse. 
Ovary sessile, 5-locular; styles 5, free or connate at the base ; 
ovules 2in each loculus. Fruit a loculicidally 5-valved capsule. 
Seeds ascending ; albumen copious ; embryo straight. 
18, ous concHoRiFoLIA Linn}: ff. 1 ii 180}, Rese 
. D. M. 429. 

Everywhere common ee 
A shrubby weed of waste places. Beng. Tiki-okra ; 
Santal. Thuiak’ arak’. 

112. Waltheria Linn. 

Herbs or undershrubs with simple leaves; stipules narrow 
Flowers small, in dense axillary or terminal clusters. Sepals “ 
connate below. Petals 5. Stamens 5, connate below in a tube; 
anthers 2-lobed, Ovary sessile, 1-locular; style excentric, stigma 



clavate; ovules 2 ascending. Fruit a 2-valved, 1-seeded caps 
Seed ascending ; albumen copious ; pe straight. 

‘214. Warrnerta inpica Linn.; F. B. I. i . 

Everywhere co: 

A weed of waste ane Vernac. Khar dudhi. 

113. Abroma Jacq. 

Trees or shrubs ; leaves cordate or ovate oblong, serrulate, a2 

or not. Flowers in few-flowered leaf-opposed cymes. ¢ 

connate at the very base only. Petals 5, concave below, ph 

upwards as a cochleate lamina. Stamens connate in a 

with 5 groups containing each 2-4, usually 3, fertile 
anthers 2-lobed, lobes diverging. Ovary sessile, 5-loculat 
5-lobed ; styles 5; ovules numerous in each loculus. 
membranous, 5-angled, neers septicidally 5-valved 
villous margins and truncate apex. Seeds numerous; * 
copious ; embryo straight. 
215. ABRoma aveusta Linn.; F. I. iii. 156; F. BY L 
D. A. 41, 

Sometimes planted ; occasionally also 
A shrub, branches downy. Vernac. Citi 

114. Guazuma Plum. 
Trees; leaves simple, tomentose. Flowers in axillary 
Calyz at first spathaceous, at length 5-fid. Peale 5, cones 
the base, lamina di vided above into 2 narrow strap- -shaped 

umen copious; embryo curve . @. 
216. Guazuma TomenTosa Kunth.; F. B. Li. "875; E. 
Often planted by roadsides and near tanks, 

readily self-sown 
A tree. Beng. Nipal tunth. The Bastard Cedar 
115. Buettneria Linn. 

Herbs, shrubs often climbing, or trees, frequently. 4 
‘simple, entire, or lobed, Flowers minute, in ™ 

Buettneria.] TILIACE®. 279 

axillary or terminal umbellate cymes. Sepals 5, connate below. 
Petals 5, with concave claw and long strap-like 2-fid limb. Sta- 
mens connate in a membranous tubular column, with 5 staminodes 
opposite the sepals alternating with 5 fertile stamens opposite the 
petals ; anthers 2-lobed, lobes extrorse. Ovary sessile, 5-locular ; 
style entire or 5-fid; ovules 2 in each loculus. Fruit a globose, 
armed, septicidally 5 caine ed capsule, with persistent central 
eolumn. Seeds ascending, solitary in each chamber; albumen 
0; embryo with large, spirally convolute cotyledons. 

Leaves glabrous, ovate-acuminate, longer than broad; a herb, = ag 
prick] herba 

see ene eee retees 

“sig *poberlons or tomentose, not longer than broad :— 
length glabrescent, cordate-oblong, entire; 2 tree ; 

PR a Pe ae a Nee) eee ee rn 

vata BOY 22.0 6<. ikecivecite nee ee aspera, 
Leaves pilose on both surfaces, cordate at base, margin angled or 
lobed ; a climbing shrub ; capsule bristly .....:.:cseee eset pilosa, 

217. BuETTNerIA HERBACEA Roxb.; F.I. i. 619; F. B. I. i. 376. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; Ori 
A herb. Beng. Kaitbead; ; aah Dikku sindur. 

218. Burrrneria aspERA Colebr.; F. B. I. 377 

Behar, Rajmahal Hills. 

tree, : 
219. Burrrnerra priosa Roxb. : F. 1. i. 618; F. B. I, i. 877. 
A climbing shrub, especially in secondary jungle or on 
exposed ridges. 


Trees, shrubs, or rarely herbs; inner bark fibrous, wood usually 

Soft, juice often mucilaginous. Leaves alternate, simple, entire or 
toothed, rarely opposite; stipules free, often caducous. Flowers 
tegular, hermaphr. odite, or rarely 1-sexual, in usually corym 
+ OF panicled many-flowered cymes. annular or 0. 
Sepals. 5, rarely fewer, free or connate below, valvate in bud. 
Petals 5 as 
rarely few, usually inserted on the disk, filaments filiform, free or 
connate at base or united in 5-10 bundles; anthers 2-celled ; cells 
“Parallel, rarely. divari cate, and then sometimes su at 
their tips; dehiscence longitudinal extrorse, rarely apical porous, 


Carpels 2-5, united in a free 2-10-locular ovary; styles 
rarely partly or quite free, or stigmas sessile and as many 
or connate; ovules 1 or more, if few pendulous from 
ascending from base, if more horizontal often 2-seriate, but: 
from inner angle, anatropous with raphe ventral or lateral. 

1-celled. Seeds 1 or more, ascending transverse or pendulous, 
arillate; albumen fleshy, sometimes scanty, rarely 

usually straight, with leafy, rarely fleshy cotyledons. 
Petals thin, coloured, unguiculate, entire or subentire, im 
twisted in bud; anthers globose or oblong, openin 

MVPICOE 5... viévscesisss on 
Sepals distinct :— : 
Petals with a more or less adnate basal seale, inserted round 

@ raised torus ; stamens springing from apex of torus :— 
Fruit not prickly, drupaceous .............s0sessesesee* tits 
Fruit prickly, small, globose, indehiscent or separating 1 

FOP OR eee eee eens 

contracted torus; capsule opening loculicidally, many-seeded 


Petals rigid, white or sepaloid, almost always laciniate, indupli ce 

in bud ; anthers linear, opening by slits ; stamens arising in groups 

site the petals and alternate with the lobes of a 5-lobed fs: 
distinct; fruit drupaceous . signe 


116. Brownlowia Roxb. 

Trees ; leaves entire, pinnately 3-5-veined ; pubescence 7 
Flowers many, small, in large terminal or axillary panicles: 
campanulate, irregularly 3-5-fid. Petals 5, eglandular. 
numerous, risin a raised torus, many-seriate; 

; filaments slender ; staminodes linea?’ 
#8 long as its adjacent leaf .. ix ydhteeest 


Grewia. | TILIACEZ. 281 

Leaves lanceolate-acuminate, scaly beneath; buds ovoid; calyx cam- 
panulate, scaly; filaments stout; staminodes petaloid; panicle siuetas 
t leaves lanceolata 
220. BRowNLowIA ELATA Roxb.; F. B. I. i. 881; E. D. B. 893. 
Humea elata F. I. ii. 640 
A tall tree. Vernac. Mass, masjot. 

221. BrownLowIA LANCEOLATA Benth.; F. B. I. i. 881; E. D. 

A tree. Beng. Bola sundri, kedar sundri. 

117. Grewia Linn. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves entire, usually palmately 3-9-nerved ; 
pubescence eee Flowers usually few, in axillary, extra-axil- 

or terminal Symes, 6 sometimes numerous paniculate. Sepals 

5, free. Petals 5 » glandular at the base, rarely 0. Stamens 
numerous, on a raised torus; staminodes 0, Ovary 2-4-locular ; 
style subulate, fea suid lobed ; locules with 2-many ovules. 

Fruit drupe-like, fleshy or fibrous, entire or 2-4-lobed; stones 4 
or fewer, each 1-2- ee with spurious dissepiments between the 
re 8. Seeds ascending; albumen fleshy, rarely 0; cotyledons 


| ly 

Inflorescence terminal in panicled cymes ; flowers involucrate; stigma 
slightly toothed ; drupe entirely fleshy ; leaves 3-nerved at base, glabrous 
sbove, glabrescent ben BUN se ic ec hak pene ae on oan Microcos. 
orescence in asitlar 4 rani cymes ; flowers not involucrate ; stigma 
dilated, fringed, radiat 
Drupe when dry with a din crustaceous rind ; peduncles very short, 
rarely as long as 
Leaves aunt rough “with short stellate tomentum, sub-3-nerved at 
Baws: Gitipos guisit. 0.020. 300" Oe oes eee cenccanesveoseienee pilosa 
Leaves ovate or Sevan very harshly scabrid, drupes large 
rs dtr 
rind ; 

Drupe fleshy, wrinkled when dry, without a crus 
So Pliage nearly or quite as long as, usually longer than 

are broad, strongly 5- or, sometimes, more-nerved at base 
Ovate-oblong, oblong, — or cordate :—[p. 28 

Stipules ed at base, falcate; leaves obliquely ovate-rhom- 
boid, obtuse or abruptly short:pointed, almost always cordate ; 


hoary or only pubescent beneath; peduncles not e 
ioles ae 

Stipules not auriculate at base " 
Peduncles at least twice as long as_ petioles, ‘often 
longer :— 5 

Leaves ovate-oblong, apex long acute o 
simply serrate; buds subglobose, apatite coded 

Leaves rounded or obovate, apex obtuse or shortly 
pointed, margin double-serrate; buds oblong. or 
ribbed :— 
Leaves densely pubescent above as well as —_ 
beneath ; petals notched; stipules lanceolate ..- 
Leaves et on or pubescent or at length g 
above; petals cee 
—— mikaiclae ; flower-buds clavate ; ba 

isis linear; flower- silt! prey duupes 50 
faintly 4-lobed; a dwarf shrub with eollty il 

rgin simply serrate 
—o closely finely nas beneath ; stipules linear , 

: pee densely tawny-white tomentose beat 
lanceolate faleate; cymes many ......-.-.1ee#1¢00" 
Leaves narrow, gneryed at base, lanceolate or al 
drupe fleshy :—[p. 281 
Leaves nearly lao drupes didymous; peduncle! much 
than petiole: 
Leaves ovate- lanceolate ; eapiaue over Lin, across; alarge 


_ Leaves glabrescent above, densely NLT. ‘but ree 

_ beneath ; peduncles not much longer than the pe 
922. Gnuwra Mrcnocos Linn. F. B. I. i, 8923 B-D 
- -G. ulmifolia F, I, ii, 591. gs 

Grewia.) TILIACEA. 283 
A shrub. 

228. GREWIA prLosA Lamk.; F. B. 1. i. 388. G. carpinifolra 
FI. ii.. 587. 
Behar ; Chota Nagpur 
A large shrub or small tree. 
4. GREWIA SCLEROPHYLLA Roxb. G.scabrophylla F. I. ii. 584; 
F. B. I. i. 387; E. D. G. 708. 
Chota Nagpur; Chittagon . 
A small shrub with large jritdals leaves. 
25. GREWIA TILIZFOLIA Vahl; F. I. ii, 587; F. B. I. i. 386; 
E. D. G. 714. 
Behar ; Chota Nagpur. 
: medium-sized tree. Vernac. Dhamin, olat (San- 

226. Grewia excetsa Vahl; F. B. I. i. 885; E. D. G. 677. 
G. salvifolia F. I. ii. 587. 
hota Nagpur, eres vag se 
A considerable shrub. Vernac. Kulo. 
27. GREWIA Seerhins cease ea a“ Pi i. 386. 

228. Grewia astatica Linn.; my I. ii. 586; F. B. I. i. 886; 
K. D. G. 663. 
Cultivated in Tirhut, N. Bengal, Behar, Chota Nagpur, 
Orissa ; also wild in Chota Nagpur 
small tree. Vernac. Pharsa, pisien, sukri (Hind.). 

» GREw1a saprpa Roxb. ; F. I. ii. 590; F. B. 1. i. 387. 
Chota Nagpur; E. Bengal. 
A small ecb sending fies annual herbaceous shoots from 
a woody stoc 

30. GREWra VESTITA “Wall. G. asiatica var. vestita F. B. I. 


A tree. Vernac. Dhamin, olat, bimla. 
231. Grewia CINNAMoMEA Gamble; E. D, G. 673 peers 
Chota Na agpur 
Atree. Vernac. Dhamin, olat. 
282. GREWIA LavIGATA Vahl; F. B. 1. i, 880; B.D. @ 679. 
G. didyma F¥. I. ii, 59 


Chota — Orissa ; Behar; N. Bengal, 
A small ‘nen or large shrub. Hind. Kath bial 

933. GREWIA MULTIFLORA Juss.; F. B. I. i, 388; B.D. 
G. Bese F. I. ii. 5 
. Bengal; in other parts usually only pani 
-A small very virgate shrub. Beng. Pani sara. 
234. GREWIA SALVLEFOLIA Heyne ; F. B. L. i. 886; B. D.G 
Behar, Monghyr hills; Chota Nagpur, common; 

A shrub or small tree. Uriya Dhattika ; Santal. 
khorkhorendna ; Kol. Bursu, cheli. 

235. Grewia nirsuta Vahl; F. I. ii. 587; F. B. L 38 
Chota Nagpur 
A shrub 

118. Triumfetta Linn. 
bevel or undershrubs ; leaves serrate, simple or wobedeal 
te. Flowers small, in dense cymes. Sepals 5, oblong: 
cave. Petals 5. Stamens 5, 10, 15 or more springing © 
fleshy, lobed, glandular —— Ovary 2-5-locular ; ag 
stigma 5-toothed; ovules 2 in each loculus. Fruit 8} 
oblong, bristly or spiny, ti cot or breaking up by 3-6 
Seeds solitary or paired in each chamber, pools 
copious; embryo straight. 
Capsules indehiscent or nearly so, echinate, the cells usually 
seeded :-— 
Fruit oblong; leaves disk 
ruit globose :— 

—o roundish not lobed, blunt, greyish tomentose bene 

POECRO LC Vee bo sub ed CoG eh CUOT ECL el cccuek Ula nueeeeeeret ta an 


Capsules separating when ripe into 3-4 densely bristly ; 
usually 2-seeded :— 

i slightly hirsute ; capsules and bristles amet” ee 
_ eaves densely tomentose beneath, put t ; capsul 
the bristles more or | pil seapennetnt 

Corchorus.} TILIACE. "285 

236. TRIUMFETTA NEGLECTA W. & A.; F. B. I. i. 396. 
Tirhut ; ar. 
An sooo herb. 
| 237. TRIUMFETTA ROTUNDIFOLIA Lamk; F. B. I. i. 895. 
. Western Behar. 
An undershrub. 
- 238, TRIUMFETTA RHOMBOIDEA Jacq. ; #5. Es lek a, 
ea Bartramia ¥. Ti, di,,468e, ahi irilocularis F. 5 a 
ii. 462 
Common everywhere. 
A weedy undershrub. Beng. Ban-okra; Hind. Chikti. 
239. Triumrertra annua Linn.; F. B. I. i. 896; E. D. 8. 835 
An annual herb. Vernac. Chikti. 
240. TrRruMFETTA PILOSA —— F, B. I. i. 894; E. D. T. 837. 
rie Chitta 
A her 

119. Corchorus Linn. 

Herbs or undershrubs : ; leaves simple; pubescence stellate. 
Flowers small, yellow, 1-2 on axillary or leaf-opposed peduncles 
Sepals 4-5, Petals 45, anaes Stamens numerous, several- 
Seriate or rarely 2-seriate and twice as many as the petals, arising 

om the torus; tre free. Ovary 2-6- locular; style short, 
stigma cupular ; ovules numerousin each loculus. Fruit a slender 
elongated, jsicly's a stout subglobose, smooth tuberculate or prickly, 
loculicidally 2-5-valved capsule, occasionally with transverse dis- 

Sepiments. Seeds numerous, pendulous or sede albumen 

Copious ; embryo curved. 
“Capsule elongated, beaked : 286 

Beak of ca ule 3-fid, lobes Set - leaves without basal bristle- like 

lobes :— 
Capsule thick, truncated, 6- Sisk the alternate Begs? produc 
into Wings: Stamens 16-00 ceca ieee ean 
Capsule rather slender, tereta, ine winged ; stamens 5-10 ens 


eak of capsule entire, erect :— eetiiis 
Capsule puberulous, bois penne without transverse pa 
between the seeds ; sera 

= Ae scabrous or aculeate, beak ks leaves without basal 
lobes [p. 286] eS trilocularis. 


es Bin glabrous, beak long; leaves with the lower ~ fe 

es prolonged as fine basal lobes [p. 28 
bdeeaks globose, not beaked, muricate ; leaves with pre pair 
tures prolonged as fine basal lobes [p. 285 

241, are ACUTANGULUS ae F: SB, ‘Boe 308; E. | 
1840. escus F. I. ii 
a common atte vise uae : 
A spreading or ascending annual ps Beng. ‘Titaget 2 

242. Corcuorus Tripens Linn.; F. B. I. i. 398; E. D. 0.1 

An annu r ee 
243. Corcnorus rascicunarts Lamk; F. I. ii. 582; F.- 
i. 398; E. D. c. 1858. 
rere Chota Nagpur; N. Bengal. 
nual herb. Beng. Jangli-pat, pee 
244, Gapeabate rrmocunaris Linn.; F. I. ii. 582; F. B. 
i. 897; E. D. , 1875. 
Behar; Tirhut. 
An annual weed. 
245. CorcHorus oxrrortus Linn. ; F, I. ii. 581; F. B. 1.1.07 if 
KE. D. 0. 1861, C. decemangularis F. I. ii. 582. 
Cultivated everywhere. 
nh annual rains crop. Beng. Pat. Jute 
246. Corcuorus capsuxaris Linn. ; F. I, ii. 581; F B.L ie 
Ki. D. c. 1846, 
Cultivated everywhere. 
An annual rains crop. Beng. Pat. Jute. 

 ~ Hruit 
-celled or sometimes by aborti 
solitary pendulous in each cell; albumen fleshy ; pat 

Eleocarpus.} TILIACEZ, 287 

_ Anthers _* or only one anther-cell sharply produced; flowers small, 
petals glabrous :— 

vary 5- ited - drupe 5-celled and 5-seeded, globular; — many ; 
anthers Siesied. one anther-cell acute, longer than the o .. Ganitrus. 
Ovary 3—4-celled ; drupe usually 1-celled, 1-seeded, port — 
won bearded ; petiole eglandular 
ers 20 ; racemes about as isagal MS LOAVES... ....<serrs Jloribundus. 
ei 40-50 ; racemes shorter than leaves.......scscssesee robustus. 
Anthers not bearded ; petiole with two ait glands at the ion of 
junction with blade 
Anthers cuspidate or aristate at the apex ; flowers medium, petals ee — 
Anther-tails erect; petals narrowed towards base and dilated towards 
apex :— 
Racemes as long as leaves ; buds lanceolate ; stamens 40-50 ; leaves 
cuneate-obovat aristatus 
Racemes 85 than leaves; buds conical; stamens 30; leaves 
obovate-oblo rugosus. 
Anther-tails ean petals wide at base and narrowed towards apex 

247. ELmocarpus Ganrrrus Roxb.; F. I. ii. 592; F. B. 1. i. 400; 
E. D. B. 57 

Chittagong. gee 
A tree. Dr. Wallich received this from Chittagong, but it 
has not been received since. It is common in Malaya ; 
perhaps it is only a eee tree in any part of India. 
Beng. Radrakia; Hind. R 

248. ELZocaRpus FLORIBUNDUS Bl. ; mE ‘3. I. i. 401. 
N. Bengal; E. Bengal; Chittagong. 
A tree. Vernac. Belphoi. 

249, ELxocarpus Ropustus Roxb.; F. I. ii. 597; F. B. I. i. 402; 

. 65 

Chittagong, commo 

tree. Vernac. Chek Sebyisnenes 
250, Enxocarrus Lucipus Roxb Dsl F. I. ii. 600; F. B. I. i. 408, 

readily Sigs p it. 


251. Exaocarpus aristarus Roxb.; F. I. ii. 599; F. B. 

tree. eek 
252, ELa#ocarpus rugosus Roxb.; F. I. ii. 596; F.B. Li! 


ree. ; 

253. Evmocarpus Varunva Ham.; F. B. I. i. 407; E. D.: 
A tree 


Herbs or shrubs, rarely trees. Leaves alternate, rarél 
posite, simple, entire, rarely crenate-serrate ; stipules 
interpetiol. r 0 

Staminal ring. Sepals 5, rarely 4, imbricate, connate below 
free. Petals 5, rarely 4, hypogynous or slightly we 
Stamens with 

nating staminodes, or 8-10 all fertile, rarely more ; fil 
filiform, connate below in a h ogynous or subperigynous 
anthers versatile 2-celled ; dehiscence longitudinal, lateral. C47 
united as a free, 3-5-celled entire ovary; styles 3-5, free or D 
or less connate, with terminal stigmas; ovules 1-2 in each 
attached to inner angle, anatropous, pendulous with raphe vend 
Fruit capsular, dehiscing septicidally into 2-valved cocel. | 
compressed ; albumen fleshy ; embryo nearly as long as the 
men, straight or curved. 

Herbs; leaves linear or lane 

eolate; styles 5; capsules 5-celled -. 
Undershrubs ; leaves ellipti 

¢c-ovate; styles 3-4; capsules 3-4-celled 

Herbs ; leaves narrow, quite entire; stipules 0 or replaced 
glands. Sepals 5. Petals 5, contorted, fugacious. ine 
often with small alternating staminodes ; disk-glands opposite * 
Ovary 5-locular, each loculus 2-locellate ; styles 

free, stigmas clavate or capitate; ovules 10, one in each 
Fruit a 5-celled capsule, splitting septicidally into 5 
10 1-seeded cocci. Seeds compressed; ab 

Scanty ; embryo straight, 


Reinwardtia. | MALPIGHIACE®. 289 

254. Linum vusitTatisstmum Linn.; F. I. it. 110; F. B. I. i. 410; 

. D. Gs 885; 
Generally cultivated. 
A cold-weather crop; flowers blue. In India cultivated 
only as an oil-seed. Hind. Chikna, alsi, tisi; Beng. 
Tisi, masina; Uriya Pesu. 

122, Reinwardtia Dumort. 

Undershrubs; Jeaves alternate, entire, or crenate-serrate ; 
stipules subulate, small, fugacious. Flowers yellow, showy, in 
axillary and terminal cymose clusters or solitary. Sepals 5, 
acuminate. Petals 5, contorted, fugacious. Stamens 5, hypogy- 
Nous, connate at the base, alternating with as many subulate 
staminodes ; disk-glands 2-8. Ovary 3-5-locular; locules 2-locel- 
late ; styles 3-4, filiform, free or connate below, stigmas su 
capitate ; ovules in each locellus solitary.- Fruit a globose capsule 
splitting into 6-8 cocci. Seeds reniform, solitary in each coceus. 

55. ReINWARDTIA TRIGYNA Planch.; F. B. I. i. 412; EB. D. BR. 71. 
Linum trigynum F, I. ii. 110. 
ehar, Rajmahal Hills; Chota Nagpur, common. 
A tufted subgregarious undershrub, with large yellow 


3 ovules solitary in each carpel or loculus, orthotropo 
long funicle and raphe ventral. Fruit usually of one or more 


winged samaras, less often (not in ane species) drupaceous. 
Seed with usually membranous testa; albumen 0; oo 
straight. or more or less curved, scbiaicia often unequal. 
Calyx with a single large gland adnate to the pedicel ; styles sian 
(rarely) 2; carpels 3-winged 
Calyx Without a gland; styles 3; carpels broadly winged all ei 

123. Hiptage Gaertn. 
Shrubs, climbing or suberect; leaves opposite, entire, cori- 
aceous, eglandular or with a line of intra- -marginal glands below; — 
stipules 0. Flowers white, fragrant, with the 5th petal coloured, 
in terminal or axillary racemes or panicles; peduncles bracteate; 
articulate pedicels 2-bracteolate. Calyx 5-partite, with large 
gland ) ic 

¢ t, 

ments connate at the base. Ovary y 3-locular, with appendiculate 

lobes; styles 1-2 circinate, 2-1 rudimentary, stigmas 1 or a 

ovules solitary in each loculus. Fruit of 1- , a 

samaras. Seed subglobose; embryo with thick unequal cot 

256. Hiprack Mapasora Gaertn.; F. B. fii Mag 9 E. D. 

H. - Gaertnera racemosa F. I. ii. 368. 

Behar; Chota Nagpur; Chittagong: elsewhere ye 

plant =) 
A very heavy woody climber, with fragrant flowers. 
Hind. and Beng. Mahadeo- lata; Beng. Basanti; Oriya 

124. Aspidopterys A. Juss, 

Shrubs, usually clim fesse leaves opposite, entire, eglandular 
white or yellow, in axillary or t terminal 

or crested at the back and surr 
cular m 

a wide oblong oF orbi 
arginal w: o straight 
with equal cotyledons 

unded by 
ing. Seeds ae subterete ; embryo 

Tribulus. } ZYGOPHYLLACEA. 291 

257. ASPIDOPTERYS ROTUNDIFOLIA A. Juss. A. nutans var. 
rotundifolia F. B.1.i.421. Hirea rotundifolia F. I. ii, 448. 
A slender climber. 


Herbs or shrubs, rarely trees, branches often articulate. Leaves 
opposite or alternate by suppression, 2-foliolate or pinnate, very 
rarely simple, entire, or multifid; leaflets entire, not dotted ; 
stipules 2, persistent, occasionally spinescent. Flowers her- 
maphrodite, regular or irregular, solitary or paired, axillary, 

Versatile ; dehiscence longitudinal lateral. Carpels usually 4-5, 
rarely fewer or more, united in a sessile or occasionally stipitate 
2-12-lobed -angled or -winged and 2-12-locular ovary, the loculi 
sometimes partially transversely septate; style terminal, rarely 
subgynobasic central, angled or furrowed with angles stigmatic, 
or with sim] 4: ‘ tig with tig 5 free ; ovules 2-—many, 
rarely 1, ascending or pendulous, raphe ventral. Fruit dehiscent 
or indehiscent, of 2-10 free or united, often spiny coccl, very 
rarely (Peganwm sometimes) berry-like. Seeds usually pendulous, 
solitary, very rarely 2 or more, oblong or linear ; albumen fleshy 
or horny but scanty, sometimes 0; embryo as long as the seed, 
straight or curved. 

fertile; flowers pseudo-axillary.:.scess+ceccsesseeceneecreeereesenenseet® 
aves rate, entire or multifid; stamens 3-seriate, usually some 
without anthers; flowers leaf-opposed .....+-.---:sssesseeserereets anum. 

4125. Tribulus Linn. 
Prostrate herbs, diffusely branched; leaves opposite, usually 
Unequal, abruptly pinnate, usually silky; stipules 2. Flowers 

292 BENGAL PLANTS. [Tribi 

solitary, white or yellow, on pseudo- axillary peduncles, Sond 
Petals 5, patent, caducous. Stamens 10, inserted at the base 0 
a 10-lobed annular disk, alternately short and long, the 5 shorter 
glandular externally, the 5 longer opposite the petals; filaments 
Ovary sessile, hirsute, 5-12-locular and 5-19-lobed; 

tary in each coccus, obliquely pendulous; albumen 0; embry 
with ovate ihe dons. 

Vlowaiss ‘4—-6 in. across 

7 7 } rl 1} ey | ie 

258. TRIBULUS CISTOIDES Tee: BY Bl Tis 438. 
C. Bengal, only near Caleutta, dticttisiea and rare, 

Tirhut ; Behar; Chota Nagpur ; Orissa. 
A prostrate fer’ with spiny fruits. Vernac. Gakhuru. 

6. Peganum Linn. 

Perennial herbs, islet or pubescent; leaves alternate, entire 
or multifid ; stipules 2, setaceous. Flowers white, solitary, on sub 
terminal leaf-opposed peduncles. Sepals 4-5, sometimes leafy 
= pinnatifid. Pet, tals 4-5, imbricate. Stamens 12-15, inserted 

2-3 stigmatic ~— above; © pe 

in each loculus numerous on the inner angle. Fruit 3-4-¢ ne 

ic and splitting by 3 valves, or —e and indehiseent. mee 

oie ee Pagal BD. P37 
Western Behar ; Wt hut: very rar 

A bush 1-3 feet fe atk “Hind, Sl "Beng. Isband. 

This genus, a the advice of Hooker in the Flora of British 
India is retransferred from Rutacee to Zygophyllee. One great 

tion to Maing hore in Rutacee is the absence of pellucid cual 
from its lea 



_ Herbs, sometimes climbing, rarely shrubs, very rarely trees. 
Leaves epee or RAE simple, occasionally peltate, usually 
dentate or lobed, or ompound sometimes sensitive ; ; stipules 
usually 2. Flovwers terae rodite, icy or irregular, usually 
ier: Disk inconspicuous or glandular. Sepale 5, rarely 4 or 
2, free or connate, imbricate or wee rll the upper sometimes 
spurred. Petals 3-5, or 0, h ypogynous or subperigynous, im- 
bricate, occasionally contorted. Stam ens usually 5 1-seriate in 
irregular flowers, 10 or 15 2-3-seriate in regular flowers, fre- 
quently some deformed ; Aasents filiform or dilated, free or con- 
nate below; anthers 2—celled ve atile ; dehiscence longitudinal 
lateral. Carpels united in a 3-5- lobed and 8—5-celled ovary, rarely 
2- pene produced upwards with the axis in a style-bearing beak or 
styles free or only partly conan stigmas capitate or linear ; 
wae 1-2, less often more in each cell, pendulous, ase 

y. Seed often solitary, pendulous or horizontal; album 
tarely fleshy, usually scanty or 0; embryo straight or curved. 

Flowers gt or subregular; sepals herbaceous, not spurred, im- 
ica ted ; stam: B Agu 
Glands on ep torus 5, alternating with the subregular petals ; capsules 
beaked, the valves when dehiscing rolled elastically upwards; leaves 
simple ; RE 5. sen'sarnick ccessornsin tases Soc Cee iu eae Geranium. 
Glands on the torus 0; capsules not beaked ; leaves compound :— 
ble of loculicidally dehiscent capsules; stamens all perfect; 
érbs -—— 

Valves cohering with axis; leaves digitately compound ...Oxalis. 
Valves detaching from axis; leaves pinnately comp ound 

Fruits of indehiscent serie ; often 5 of the stamens reduced to 
Minodes ; leaves pinnate; trees .......sesseesseeeeereeeeeeets Averrhoa. 

Nlowers irr egular; sepals eran ei the tiquper epurred ; stamens 
*Y Short, 5, with subconnate anthers :—= 
Later: al petals connate in pairs; fruit capsular, elastically sa te 
— — free like upper, imbricate; fruit agin fleshy, 
Ndehiscen ggeatas 

eis wee oespenpeoereree 


127. Geranium Linn. : 

Herbs or undershrubs; leaves opposite or alternate, ps n i 
nerved; stipules 2. Flowers regular, on axillary bractale 
flowered or umbellate peduncles. Sepals 5. Petals 5, hypogy 

imbricate, alternating with 5 glands. Stamens 10, all f 

ary 5-locular and 5-lobed, beaked; styles 5, stigmas 
tudinal; ovules 2 superposed in each loculus. Frwit a 5- 
5-celled capsule, with a solitary seed in each cell; carpels 
ventrally splitting and often separating septifragally pres the 3 
their beaks coiling elastically upw ards. Se eds with | 

- Geranrum ocettatum Camb.; F. B. I.i. 483; E. D.@ 
Behar, Parasnath. 
A small straggling herb; flowers rose-coloured 
purple eye. Hind. Bhinda 

128. Oxalis Linn. 

Herbs, rarely undershrubs, with acid juice; leaves” 
alternate, ternately digitate, often subsensitive; stipules ry 
Flowers regular, on axillary 1- or more-flowered peda 
5. Petals 5, hypogynous , contorted ; disk without glands. | 
10, all fertile, free or slightly connate at the bi Ke 
locular and 5-lobed ; edn! “ stigmas ante Pie ba 

XALIS CORNICULATA Linn.; F, I. ii. 457; F. B, Li 
E. D. 0. 547. 0. pusilla F. I. ii. 457. 

Common everywhere by roadsides and, especially, : 
tivated ground. 
A small “shamrock” with yellow flowers. 
Ambéti, iuivoat, Beng. Amrul, chuka-tripati; ° 
Tandi chatom ‘rake’: 

129, Biophytum DC. 

Annual or sometimes perennial herbs or undershrubs; 

or branched ; leaves usually sensitive, compound, ev 



Averrhoa.] GERANIACEZ. 295 

~ faseicled at top of stem or branches; leaflets opposite, oblique ; 

stipules minute or 0. Flowers small, umbellate on terminal 

peduncles, Sepals 5. Petals 5, hypogynous, contorted; disk 

without glands. Stamens 10, those of the outer series smaller, 
all fertile, free. Ovary 5-locular and 5-lobed; styles 5; stigmas 
terminal, 2-fid or notched ; ovules several in each loculus. Fruit 

a loculicidally dehiscent capsule with spreading persistent valves. 

Seeds with an elastically opening outer coat and a crustaceous 

testa; albumen fleshy ; embryo straight. 

Sepals exceeding the capsules; pedicels not as long as the flowers :— 
Leaflets in 10-14 pairs; pedicels distinct; seeds with transverse 
tubercled ae sitivum 
Leaflets in 5~7 ice: pedicels very short or 0; seeds sinply ‘bere 

Sepals not exceeding the capsules ; pedicels as long as ret or lean? : 

leaflets 10-20 pairs; seeds spirally furrowed ......sseseereeeeess Reinwaratii. 

263. Biopayrum SENSITIVUM DC.; F. B. I. i. 486. Ozxalis 
sensitiva F. 4 

Very common poetics on roadsides and in cultivated 

A small herb with a spreading crown of sensitive leaves. 
Hind, Lak-chan 
264. Bropuyrum apoprscras Turez.; ; F. B. I. i. 487. 
Behar, Mongh 
A herb very like, but rather smaller than, pe preceding. 
265. Bropnyrum RemnwaRpTi Walp.; F.B. Ti 
Chota Nagpur, common; Behar; N. ee "Chitagong 
Very similar to B. sensitivum. 

130. Averrhoa Linn. 
t ves panne compound, odd-pinnate, leaflets sub- 
opposite islet Flowers small, regular, in panicled cymes 
in leaf. axils or on “ Tbh pa sez 5. Petals 5, contorted disk 

a8 capitate ; es ach cell numerous. Fruit 

ng, S-lobed, fleshy, ape io Seeds with or without an 
sailing; albumen fleshy but scanty ; embryo straight. 

Fruits sharply angled; seeds arillate ..........::+:0se++9* david Carambola. 

‘one bluntly angled; seeds without arillus sss:s-+.--sesesreseneeren* Bilimbi. 


266. Averrnoa Carampora Linn.; F. I. ii. 450; F. B.L 
E. D. A. 1646. in, 
Planted rather frequently everywhere ; occasionally 


Planted everywhere; and often occurring self-sown. 
A tree, Vernac. Bilimbi. 

131. Impatiens Linn. 

2 connate petals. Disk 0. Stamens 5; filaments short bro 
anthers connivent, usually connate. Ovary oblong, - 
stigma sessile 5-toothed; ovules numerous 1-seriate in 
loculus. Fruit a 5-valved loculicidal capsule, the valves 
rating elastically from the axis. Seeds tubercled or smooth, ha 
or glabrous; albumen 0; embryo straight 
» Impatiens Batsamina Linn. ;P.1L. i051; PF Bes nee 
Chota Nagpur, very common near police outposts 
villages, but also now extending far into the forests. ae 
A “herb. Hind. Gul-mendi; Beng. Dupati; U 

132. Hydrocera Bl. : 
Herbs, erect, aquatic; leaves alternate narrow; stipules 
Flowers irre, » On short axillary 1-2-flowered peduncles. Sepals 
5, petaloid, imbricate; the 2 lateral outer flat, the posi’ 
Spurred. Petals 5, anterior outmost in bud large, concave; 
Me 21 r; 8 5; filaments short broad; anthers nannies : 

stigmas 5, sessile; ovules 2-3 in each loculus. 

Hydrocera.} RUTACE. 297 

drupaceous indehiscent, with a bony truncate 5-celled stone. 
Seeds in each cell s olitary, curved, corrugated; albumen 0; 
— with rather thick cotyledons. 
9. HypRocera TRIFLORA ; F. B.1. i. 483. Impatiens 
natans ; i 
E. Beitial; Faridpur 
An annual water Weed with fistular “a stems 
bentiging: roots at the nodes. Beng. Domuti 


Trees or shrubs, sometimes climbing, rarely herbs. Leaves 
abundantly gland-dotted, opposite or alternate, usually compound ; 
stipules0. Flowers usually hermaphrodite and regular, in axillary 
or terminal simple or panicled cymes, rarely racemose. Disk 
annular, crenate or lobe d, sometimes considerably penne 2 
Sepals 4-5, almost always suckek aed free or connate. Petals 4-5, 
hypogynous, rarely subperigynous, free, imbricate or valvate. 
Stamens am or 8-10, rarely more ; filaments aaa free, hyposy- 


Sometimes numerous, superposed on the inner angle, raphe ven- 
| tral. Fruit of 1-4 dehiscent cocci, or a capsule, or ta dakisoent 

and paceous or berry-like and then often large. Seeds usually 
ow in the cells; albumen fleshy or 0; embryo straight or 

Flowers usually polygamous or monecious; carpels 2-ovuled : 
eeply 2-5-lobed, styles basilar ventral, more or a free ; 
carpels dehiscent; stamens 3-5; flowers polygamous; leaves 3- or 
More-foliolate ; stem prickly........cescsescssveeseeeeeeeeeeet’ Zanthoxylum. 
“ey "y chant style aie: carpels syncarpous indehiscent; leaves 

Stem puanny. flo d stamens each 2-5 

Ww us; petals and s 
Des ers moncecio Pp Toda atin: 
Stem unarmed; f tals 4, stamens 
owers polygamous; pe gate sais 

_ TS usually hermaphrodite; ovary entire; style simple; fruit 
Indehiscent :—_ 


Style short persistent ; ovules solitary in each cell ; leaves — 
o pinna lycos 
Style oa at top of ovary, deciduous 
Ovules 1-2 in each loculus; stamens 10. or few 
Unarmed plants ; leaves pinnate with jesdiata ‘sleepin tie 

Filame t ow, 7 sandnaed 

Filaments linear-subulate, s 10 .<ssseneeecmnes Murraya. 
Petals oleate ae dopa bi pai i linear- 
subulate, s 

site, or Holo te :— 
Leavy metimes more-foliolate, leaflets opposite :— 
chide ini lobed :—— 
Calyx 3-lobed ; stamens 6; leaflets always 3 ...T 
Calyx 4-5-lobed ; stamens 8 or 10; leaflets 5 oF | 
PATOL S652. 201s Qe sua al don ee i 
Calyx cupular with entire or ae ie 4-6-toothed ot mi 
stamens 8 or 10; leaflets always 3 
Leaves 1-foliolate ;— 
Anthers linear-oblong, stamens 8-10; disk elonatita 

Anthers ovate-cordate, stamens 5-8; disk cup shape 

Ovules more than 2 in each loculus; ; stamens 10 or mores , 
trees with a te Tuite s— 
tam, 10-12; ovary incompletely 5-6-locular; leaves. 
nate; can of fruit woody; flowers polygamous .....+..-+ Fe 
a 20-60; ovary usually many-locular; flowers. 

Sauna & ae stamens 30-60; ovary 8- or more- Joe i 

rind of frui woody < paauat 
Leaves Sperry ; Stamens 20-60; ovary many cle ae 
of fruit leathery 

133. Zanthoxylum Linn. 

Shrubs or trees, usually a with stout prickles ; leaves alter 
nate, 3-foliolate or imparipinnate ; leaflets usually opposite, 

inhiinctvates, Stamens 3-5, hypogynous, or reduced to § 

~ Aeronychia.} RUTACEH. 299 

flowers ; disk small or obsolete. Ovary in ¢ flower rudi- 
mentary, in ¢ or ¢ flowers of 1-5 oblique 1-locular carpels; 
styles sublateral, free or connate abov e, stigmas capitate ; ovules 2 
in each loculus, usually collateral. Fruit of 1-5 5 globose, cori- 
aceous or fleshy, 1-seeded carpels dehiscing by the ventral suture; 
endocarp hard, Bae or not. Seed oblong or compressed or 
globose, often pendent by a longish funicle; testa shining hard ; 
albumen fleshy ; embryo straight. 
270. ZANTHOXxYLUM BUDRUNGA Wall Fi Biter 4957 Baw. 
4.23, Fagara Budrunga ¥. I. i. 417. 
A tree armed with prickles; leaves pinnate; leaflets 
with large glands in the crenatures of the blade. Vernac. 

134. Toddalia Juss. 
Shrubs, usually scandent, stems prickly ; leaves alternate, 1-3- 
foliolate, petioles prickly ; leaflets sessile; stipules 0. Flowers 
small, 1-sexual, in axillary or terminal cymes or panicles. Calyx 

vary in ¢ flower rudim mentary or 4-lobed, in ¢ flower oblong or 
globose, 2-7. (rarely 1-) locular; style short or 0, stigma capitate ; 
ovules 2, either superposed or collateral in each cell. /ruit sub- 
Blobose or lobed, coriaceous or fleshy, indehiscent, 2-7-celled ; 
cells 1- »Tarely 2-seeded, Seeds angular, reniform; testa coriaceous ; 
albumen fleshy ; embryo curved. 
271. Toppatia acuneata Pers. ; ; F. B. Li. 497; E, D. T. 489. 
Scopolia aculeata F. I. i. 61 
A rambling prickly sarmentose shrub. Vernac. Kada- 

135. Acronychia Forst. 
Trees, unarme d; es opposite or alternate, 1-, sie 3-folio- 
late ; leaflets . ee 0. Flowers medium or 
tin in axillary and terminal corymbs. Calys 4- lobed, lobes 

Stamens 8, inserted below a thick 8-angled hirsu 
; filaments alternately longer and shorter. Ovary 4-locular, 


tomentose, inserted in hollow of disk; style terminal, | 
4-furrowed ; ovules 2 superposed in each loculus. Frutti 

272. os LAURIFOLIA Bl.; F. B. I. i. 498. 
A sad “in or large shrub. 

136. Glycosmis Corr. 

Shrubs, rarely trees, unarmed; leaves 1-foliolate or impati 
pinnate ; leaflets alternate ; stipules 0. Flowers small, ins 
rarely terminal panicles. Calyx 4-5- berate ger: broad, im 
cate. Petals 4-5, imbricate. Stamens 8 or 10, free, ins ‘ 
outside the disk; filaments dilated ei geen small, o! 
with a gland at back or tip. Ovary 2-5-locular ; style very si 
persistent, stigma capitate; ovules solitary, pendulous in é 
loculus. Frwit small, dry or fleshy, 1-3-seeded, berry-like. ¢ 
oblong, testa membranons ; ; albumen 0; embryo with thick i: 

Ovary connate at base with disk ; leaflets usually 3 ........+0+¢ penta] 
Ovary constricted at base and free from disk ; aa usually 5 
entaphylla vat. 

2738. estas _PENTAPHYLLA Corr as B. I. i, 4995 
G. 27 

2738/2. We NITIDA. G. pentaphylla var. 2, sub-var. 4, # 



137. Clausena Burm. 

Shrubs or trees, unarmed ; leaves ini leaflets melo 

branous, alternate ; stipules 0. Flowers small, 

snd longer, See or ieueled and concave holon the — 

‘Murvoya.) RUTACEZ. 301 

deciduous, stigma obtuse, entire or lobed; ovules 2, collateral or 

superposed in each loculus. Fruit small, oblong or globose, 
ike, 2-5-celled. Seeds 1-2 in each cell, oblong; testa mem- 

branous ; albumen 0; embryo with large equal cotyledons. 

Panicle terminal :— 
ous; inflorescence and leaves glabrous; aa 5-9 
sually 4-, rarely 5-mero 
| (usually 7), hardly oblique; flowers usually Oe ile 
; Ovary hirsute or sagen leaflets oblique 
Leaves and inflorescence more or less aor leaflets PB 

flowers a -merous ; ovary 4. celle al ede vedecnseesssseredoeseorers - Per ag 15. 
: Leaves and inflorescence pustular; leaflets 5-9; aia am: 

Merous ; Ovary usually 5-celled ........c.sesseceennseeeenscerseestene 
Racemes axillary; all parts softly pilose ; sviky glabrous ; lowers 
Pitidroas: Veaflets 517 | ...366008s.. 0 AR suffrut 

274. CLausena ueprapHytta W. & A.; F. B. L i, 504. 
Amyris heptaphylla F, I. ii. 248. 
C. and E, Bengal; Chittagong. m 
A branching bush. Beng. sik -p. 
275. CLausena ExcavaTa Burm : ee i. Amyris 
sumatrana F, I. ii, 250, A. puntata F- I, ii. 25 
Chittagong; Chota Nagpur, Singbhum 
A somewhat feetid tree 
276, see Wanmpr Blaaoas F. B. Ll. i. 505. Cookia punc- 
tata F. I, ii. 382. 
pees Nagpur, planted. : 
mall glabrous tree. Vernac. Wangp! (from the 
Chinese name), ae 
277. Crausena surrruticosa W. & A.; F. Bet 
Amyris suffruticosa F. I, ii. 250. 
A shrub 

i. 506. 

138. Murraya Linn. leaflet 
ithe can trees, unarmed; leaves sr 0 TY eaflets 
alternate, -enegaarni base oblique or cuneate ; 8 — 
Solitary axillary, o. ary cymes or termina i 
B-fid +5 eens apes 5, imbricate, free. geen a inserted 
| outside an elongated disk, alternately sacne oto oihh style. 
: 25-locular, narrowed upwards: into ‘the long’** : 

— capitate ; ovules 1, or 2 superposed or collateral in e 

oculus. Fruit 1-2-celled, 1-2- seeded, oblong or ovoid, berry-lil 
— woolly or glabrous; albumen 0; cotyledons large equal. 

Petals ‘5 in. long; leaflets 3-8; a bush 
Petals ‘2 in. long; leaflets 10-20; a tree 

278. Murraya exotica Linn.; F. I. ii. 874; F. B. I. i, 502; 
E. D. M. 797. 
Chota Nagpur; Behar. P, 
A bush, or sometimes subarboreous. Beng. Kamini; Hind. 
279. Murraya Koxnrart Spreng. F. B, I. i. 503; E. D. M. 800. 
} i. 875. 

EAs tes 
A small spreading tree. Beng. Barsanga; Hind. 
sanga, kathnim. . 

139. Micromelum Bl. 
Trees, unarmed ; leaves imparipinnate ; leaflets alternate, obli 
stipules 0, Flowers in large terminal flat panicles. Calyx 
shaped, eevtosevgr or -lobed. Petals 5, free, "thick, valvate or sul 

valvate. Stam 10, free, inserted round the disk; filam 
linear, alternat Iy sh orter and longer. Ovary 5-, rarely 9,-6-loculat 
style constricted at the base, deciduous, stigma capitate or obtusé 
ovules 2, superposed in each loculus. Fruit small, dry, iste 
spirally twisted septa, usually 1-2-seeded. Seeds oblong; testa 
membranous ; albumen 0; cotyledons Sree arn 
280; Microwntum pubescens Bl; F. B. I. i, 501. bey 
integerrima F. I. ii. 376. 
Chittagong ; ig Reng, a ; N. Bengal, Dinajpt 

Chota Nagp ur, Singbhu 

A small spreading tree. “Ver nac. Ban-kaneh. 

140. Triphasia Lour. 

Shrubs, armed with strongish straight spines ; leaves atone 

sessile, 3-foliolate ; leaflets obtuse, crenate, _— opposite onal 

stipules 0. Flowers solitary i red axillary oyme 
@ 3-lobed. Petals 3, free, SonGaaeag oorons Stamens 

inserted round the fleshy disk, free; filaments dilated —_— 

Ovary ovoid, 3-locular, narrowed into the ars deckauelah 

Luvunga,} RUTACEZ.. 303 

stigma obtuse or capitate, 3-lobed; ovules solitary in each cell. 
Fruit small, fleshy, ovoid, berry-like, 1-3-celled and 1-8-seeded. 
Seeds oblong, embedded in mucilage; testa coriaceous ; albumen 0 ; 
_ embryo with often unequal or lobed cotyledons. 

281. “Seem Avriantiora Lour. T. trifoliata F. B. I. 
. 507; E.D. T 

2% gardens in i al the provinces. 

A glabrous spiny shrub ; apparently introduced to India 
: from China. Vernac. Chini Narangi. 


444. Limonia Linn. 

Shrubs or small wees — armed with spines ; leaves alternate, 

cell. Fruit globose, indehiscent, berry-like, 1-4-celled and 1-4- 
ay Seeds embedded in mucilage; albumen 0; cotyledons 

82, Limonra acrorssita Linn; F Bo. i. 607; B. D. 1 862, 
dE. Crenu lata F. poe i. 3 me 
Behar; Chota Nagpur 
A small glabrous hes tree, Hind. Beli, belsian (Chota 
Nagpur) ; Uriya Bhenba. 

142, Luvunga Ham. 

Shrubs, ¢ climbing, armed with axillary spines ; leaves 3-foliolate ; 
leaflets coriaceous, entire ; stipules 0. Flowers in axillary fascicled 
Tacemes or panicles. Calyx cupular, mouth entire or obscurely 
4-6-toothed. Petals 4-5, free, thick, imbricate. Stamens 8 or 10, 
inserted outside the disk ; filaments equal or alternately shorter 
and longer, free or sometimes connate, nearly throughout, in a 

be. Ovary 2-4-locular; style stout deciduous, s stigma capitate ; 
ovules 2 superposed in each loculus. Fruit large, ellipsoid, berry- 
like, with a thick leathery rind. Seeds 2-3, large, ovoid; testa 
membranous, nervyed; albumen 0; cotyledons fleshy, equal. 


. Luvonea SCANDENS Ham; PF. BT i oe 
scandens F. I. ii. 880. 
Tippera ; Chittag 
A large glabrous slimbing shrub. Vernac. Luvunga- 
143. Paramignya Wight. 
Shrubs, erect or climbing, armed with axillary spines or 1 
armed ; leaves 1-foliolate but often the articulation obscure, 

equal; anthers linear-oblong. Ovary 3-5-locular; style 
deciduous, stigma capitate; ovules solitary, or 2 obliquely supe! 
posed in each loculus. Frwit ovoid or subglobose, berry-like, of 
contracted at the base, rind coriaceous. Seeds 1- 5, large, oblong, 
much compressed; testa membranous; albumen 0; coty! 
fleshy, equal. ; 
284, ese La crrrirouta Hook. f.; F. B. I. i, 510, Timonsa 
citrifolia F. I. ii, 379. . 
A branching, rigid, spiny shrub. 
144. Atalantia Corr. : 
Shrubs or trees, armed or unarmed ; Jeaves alternate, 1-fol 
coriaceous, evergreen, entire or crenulate ; stipules 0, 
stipule-like scales be elonging to fret eloped buds may occur 4 
of the petioles and sp Flowers in axillary fascicles 

large subglobose, be erry-like, with thick leathery rind, 1-0- 3 
bryo ¥ 

and 1-5-seeded. Seeds oblong, large; albumen 0; em 
fleshy cotyledon 
» Arata MONOPHYLLA Corr.; F. B. I. i. Sil; B. 

A. 1601, Limonia monophylla P. Be bv ih 


Behar ; Orissa. 
A small tree, with usually stout axillary spines. Uriya 

145. Feronia Gaertn. ‘ 
tree, armed with spines ; leaves alternate, imparipinnate ; 
leaflets opposite subsessile entire, petiole winged or not; stipules 
Flowers polygamous, in terminal or lateral loose panicles or 
racemes, Calyx small, flat, 5-toothed, deciduous. Petals 5, rarely 
4-6, imbricate, spreading. Stamens 10 or 12 a few sometimes im- 
perfect, inserted round the disk; filaments dilated below with 
w at 

ous mm ap 
locular, at length 1-locular ; the 0, stigma oblong, fusiform, 

with rough woody rind. Seeds embedded in pulp, oblong, com- 
‘Pressed ; albumen 0; embryo with thick spi cotyledons 
; 6. Feronta Exepuantum Corr.; F. I. ii. 411; F. B. 1.4, 516; 
F. 53. 

engal; Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A stnall deciduous spiny tree. Hind. and Beng. Kath- 
bél; Uriya Koeta ; Santal. Kainta. The Wood-Apple, 
or Elephant-Apple. 

146. gle Corr. 

Trees, armed with spines; leaves alternate, 3-foliolate ; rp 
membranous, subcrenulate; stipules 0. Flowers large, w 
axillary panicles. Calyx small, 4-5-toothed, Sine ete 
£6, imbricate, spreading. Stamens numerous (30-60), inserted out- 
Side the minute disk ; filaments free, short, subulate. Ovary ovoid, 

locular, loculi peripheral round a thick axis; style short; 

stigma capitate or oblong or fusiform, deciduous ; ovules numerous, 
>-seriate in each loculus. Frwit large, globose ovoid or reniform, 
5-15-celled ; cells many-seeded ; rind hard woody. Seeds oblong, 
compressed, embedded in acid pulp; testa mucilaginous and 
Woolly ; albumen 0; embryo with thick fleshy Seog 

287. Here ating Corr.; F. I. ii. 579; ods de 8165 
EB. D. A 

‘inter verywher 

A small sree spiny tree. Hind. Bél, siri-phal ; 

Beng. Bél, vilva. The Bael-Fruit. 


147. Citrus Linn. 

Shrubs or trees, usually armed with spines; leaves 
1-foliolate, coriaceous, evergreen, petiole usually winged; sti 
Flowers axillary, solitary or in small cymes or panicles. 
cupular or urceolate, 3-5-fid. Petals 4-8, linear-oblong, thick 
cate. Stamens numerous (20-60), inserted outside the large 

septa; cells few-seeded and filled with transverse fusiform 
cells. Seeds horizontal or pendulous ; testa coriaceous of 
branous; albumen 0; embryo with large fleshy cotyledons. — 

Young shoots glabrous ; leaflet glabrou 
Twigs purple ; flowers pinkish, often a weetidt fruit with usu 
skin and mamillate ; juice subacid (typica) or very acid :— 

Leaflet ovate ; petiole distinct, margined or winged; fruit medion 

medica var. 

Leaflet ne oe petiole very short, linear or slightly oo 

fruit small is... medica var, 

Twigs peace white; flowers white, always hermaphrodite ; P if 

usually broadly winged ; fruit medium, with usually thin skin and 
mamillate Aue 


panne shoots and nerves of leaves beneath pubescent; flowers —_ 
ts large 

hhh eee ee ee ed 

288, Cirrus MEDICA Linn.; F. B. I. i. 514; E. D.C. 1270. y 
Trpica. C. medica, F. I. iii. 392 partly. 
Cultivated very sparingly. 

A ag tree. Beng. Beg-pura; Hind. Bijaurs- 

288/2. Var. “won F B. I. i. 515; E. D, 0. 1286. ©. 
. lii, 892 
Pathe not en 
small tree, Beng. Karna-nimbu. The Lemon. 
288/3, be acipa Brandis; F. B. I. i. 515; E. D. © 
acida F. T. iii. 390. 
pee extensively in numerous forms, the tw . 
being the Pati-nimbu, or ‘ common round Lame 


the Kaggi- ree or “long small Lime”; the latter is 
especially used. 

A bush. Hong Nimbu. The Indian Lime. 
289. Cirrus Aurantium Linn.; F. I. iii. 8392; F. B. I. i. 515; 
D.C: 1282. 

Cultivated, but only thrives well in the western parts. 
A small tree. The Bengali name seems to show that the 
earliest knowledge the habiives of Bengal possessed of the 
Orange was derived from the kingdom of Comilla to the 
east and not from tion India. Beng. Kamila-nimbu ; 
Hind, Narangi. The Orange. 
290. Crrrus pecumana Linn.; F. I. iii. 393 5 F. B. I. i. 516; 
E. D. 

Cultivated + very largely. 

tree. The Bengali name here again indicates pretty 
clearly that the first knowledge of the fruit in our area 
was derived from the Malay Islands. Beng. Batavi- 
nimbu. The Shaddock 


Trees or shrubs, bark almost always bitter. Leaves alternate, 
ehiag ~ agit rarely simple, often very large; stipules 
deciduous or 0, Flox wers regular, small, 1- sexual or polygamous, 
rarely oe axillary. Disk annular or elongated, simple 
or lobed, rarely 0. Sepals united in a 8-5-lobed calyx, lobes 
valvate or imbricate. Petals 3-5, very rarely 0, hypogynous, 
valvate or imbricate. Stamens as many or twice as many as 
it rarely numerous ; filaments inserted at base of disk, free 

€n with a basal scale ; anthers 2-celled ; dehiscence ‘oreieanes 

Ie SEMPER Ree gees oe SPT hy Sic Gee Tee Ne gee piece eet.” Woe ee a a he ae ds ae ges al ka ia lc i eh es Si 

smooth, 1-6-celled ovary; styles 2-5, free or more or less uni en, 


each cell rarely more, anatropous with raphe ventral. Fruit 
usually of 2-6 separating indehiscent carpels, occasionally sama- 
toid, or dehiscent capsular, sometimes indehiscent drupaceous. 
Seed usually solitary, erect or pendulous; albumen fleshy, rarely 
Scanty or 0; embryo straight or curved. 

*Leayes oewaly pinnate ; calyx 5-fid ; ovary deeply lobed ; fruit of rs 
Samaras ; a lofty unarmed tree [p. 308]......--sesrre-srerrerseeret® Ailanthus. 

So 8 


*Leaves 2-foliolate; calyx 5-partite; ovary entire; fruit a jane i 
oily, 1-seeded icape- ; @small spiny tree [p. 307] ....:+.sseeeee BBS 

148. Ailanthus Desf. 
Tall trees ; leaves very large, alternate, imparipinnate. F 0 
small, polygamous, in terminal or axilla: ary panicles. Calyx 
lobes equal, imbricate. Petals 5, valvate; disk 10-lobed. Stame 
in ¢ flowers 10, in ¢ flowers 2-8; filaments short or filifor 
scales 0. Ovary 2-5-partite and 2-5-locular; styles connal 
‘etl solitary in each loculus, semianatropous. Fruit of] 
single-seeded samaras; wing very large, membranous. 5 
pendulous; albumen scanty ; embryo with — cotyledons. 
1. hacindnags EXCELSA Roxb.; F. I. ii. 450; F. B. Li 

« Ake 
Behar, rare; Chota Nagpur, common; Orissa, 
A tree 60-80 feet high; flowers in lax, often mue 
ns panicles. Hind, Mahgrukhs, ghorkaram 3 
Uriya Mahanim, gormi-kawat. 

149. Balanites Del. 

Shrubs or trees, armed with spines ; leaves coriaceous, 2. folic 
leaflets entire. Flowers small, green, in axillary cymes. 

292. Batanites Roxeurcum Planch.; F. B. I. i. 522; : 
B. 13. Ximenia egyptiaca F. I. ii. 253. : 
A small spiny tree, 20 feet high; flowers int 
axillary cymes. Hind. and Beng. Hingan. 


Trees or shrubs, juice watery. Leaves enti simple, ¥ 
pinnately compound; stipules 2, free. rs Stee 
phrodite, bracteate, often showy, in neering panicl 8 OF 


Sa eae ae Sang END one 

ape Ce ee a tee 


or in axillary umbels or fascicles, rarely axillary solitary. Disk 0, 
or of a prolongation of torus often enlarged after flowering. Sepals 
4-5, free, imbricate, persisting. Petals 5, rarely 4 or 10, free, 
hypogynous, imbricate, deciduous. Stamens 4-5 or 8-10 or many ; 

_ filaments inserted on the disk when present, persistent; anthers 

basifixed deciduous ; dehiscence er anaes lateral or apical 
porous. Carpels united in a superior ovary, short and 9-locular, 
or elongated and 2-10-locular OE ‘staal ntas axial, occasionally 
L-locular with placantas parietal or intruded ; style subulate acute 
simple, rarely lobed at apex, stigma terminal; ovules in each cell 
1-2, or many in each cell or on each placenta, ascending or rarely - 
pendulous, raphe ventral. Fruit indehiscent, drupaceous or berry- 

like, compound, each pyrene 1-4-seeded, or a dehiscent 1-5- celled 

septicidal capsule. Seeds solitary or few, less often numerous; 
albumen fleshy or 0; embryo usually straight. 

450. Ochna Linn. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves alternate, simplest almost always serrate 5 ; 

: ro 
filaments short or long, persisting; anthers deciduous. Ovary 

deeply 3-10-suleate, 3-10- locular ; styles connate below or through- 


Leaves finely serrate; flowers ‘75 in. across, in axillary racemes; @ tree 

Leaves pes conreelt toothed; flowers 1:35 in. across, umbellate ; a 
dwarf shru pumila 

ene be ep aths +25 s5 ek ee ae ene =o 

293. Ocuna squaxrosa Linn.; F. I. ii. 643; F. B. L i. 528; 
E. D. O. 1 


A medium tree. Uriya Koniari. 
294. Ocuna pumiia Ham.; F. B. I. i. 524; E. D. O. 2. 
Behar ; Chota Neo: rather common. 
A low shrub. Santal. Champa baha. 


Trees or shrubs with balsaminous juice es alternate, 
rarely opposite, unequally pinnate or 3- He pee 1: : 
stipules, or lowest stipule-like leaflets, foliaceous, or 0. F 
regular, hermaphrodite polygamous or subdicecious, 
racemes or panicles. Disk usually conspicuous, ann | 
like, free or adnate to base of calyx. Sepals united in a 3-4 
often minute calyx ; lobes imbricate or valvate. Petals 3-6. 
rarely connate, imbricate or valvate. Stamens as many 

indehiscent drupaceous with 8-5-pyrenes, rarely dehiscent 
capsular. Seeds solitary, pendulous, with membranous 
silane 0; embryo with usually membranous cone 
with fleshy cotyledons 
Drupes trigonous, vias dehiscent, pyrenes separating « 
Drupes globose or ovoid, indehiscent, pyrenes not eT 
Calyx 5-fid urceolate, the tube clothed a the disk nee 
Calyx 4-6-lobed imbricate, disk annula 

151. Boswellia Roxb. 

Tall trees, with balsaminous ; juice and papery bark; le ” 

nate, — with opposite usually serrate leaflets ; stip 
# s hermaphrodite, small, white, in axill 
panicles. Calyx small, 5-toothed, persistent. Pet 

narrowed below, imbricate. Stamens 10, siclaiaell lng 

shorter, inserted at the peg of the disk. Ovary sessil 

Behar; Chota Nagout. pe 
A iferous tree. Vernac. Salhe, sali, saleya 

Bursera.] MELIACE. ail 
152. Garuga Roxb. 
Trees, with 2 ta a young eipitsrss bgtsad alternate, impari- 
pinnate, ite, crenulate ; 
stipules 0. powers polygamous, in nad eee peniolon: 
aly 5-fid, valvate, lined by the large disk. Petals 
5, attached to ayes -tube, induplicate-valvate. Stamens 10, equal, 
2-seriate, attached to calyx-tube at margin of disk ; filaments hairy 
below. Ovary sessile, 4—5-locular; style erect, stigma capitate, 
4-5-lobed ; ovules 2 in each loculus. Fruit a globose fleshy drupe 
with 1-5 pyrenes, each 1-seeded. Seed with a membranous testa ; 
albumen 0; embryo with contorted cotyledons. 
296. GaruGa pinnata Roxb.; F. I. ii. 400; F. B. I. i. 528; 
Chota Nagpur ; Chittagong. 
A tree reaching 40 feet in height. Beng. Jum, 
i nil mse Hind. Ghogar, kaikar ; Uriya sor 
Kol. Nia 

153. Bursera Linn. 
Trees with balsaminous juice; leaves alternate, imparipinnate 
rarely 1. foliolate ; ; stipules 0. Flowers hermaphrodite or poly- 

globose, 3-5-locular ; style very short, stigma 3-5-lobed ; ovules 2 in 
each loculus. Fruit a globose or ovoid drupe with 3-5 1- seeded 
Pytenes. Seeds with membranous testa; albumen 0; embryo 
with contorted, usually 3-fid cotyledons. 
297. Bursera SERRATA Colebr. ; ‘F B. I. i. 580; E. D. B. 941. 
Limonia pentag yna F. I. ii. 882. 
Chota Nagpur; Orissa; Chiesa 
A balsamiferous tree. Vernac. Chitrika, 



At SES Nae 

Order XXXIY. renee 

ay > Stipules 0. Flowers regular, herm ermaphrodite or eo: 
tiecious, usually in axillary panicles. Disk tubular or ann 

free or adnate to the ovary, or obsolete. Sepals united “in 
lobed or sometimes entire calyx, rarely free, usually im 

or berry-like. Seeds sometimes arillate, sometimes 
Without albumen or with albumen fleshy ; embryo 

“Stamens connate in a tube —[p. 313] 
tSeeds not winged —[p. 313 2 
Leaflets coarsely serrate, rarely entire; fruit a drupe; ieee 
fleshy albumen and thin cotyledons ; ovules in each cell 1 

disk cups 

fe =| 
lea 3 

pe ; woeee : % 

Leaflets entire; seeds with no albumen and fleshy cotyledon 

{Ovules 1-2 in each cell; fruit either a capsule or a ber } 
arillate :—{ p 313) 

thers linear ; disk short annular ; ovules ee 
oe . 

Anthers short ; disk cylindric longer than ovary; i 

each cell of the ovary pitas yle 
Flowers and staminal tube globose or turbinate ; 7 
or Ua. 

Anthers included; filaments quite united ; aaewrt 
Anthers exserted ; filaments free towards apex; 

Fruit a berry, indehiscent ; petals 5 :— 
Anthers included ; styleO . 


_ * Usually the filaments in Walsura are connate, in two OF : 
(including the only species found within our area) they are 1 

Melia.) MELIACE®. 313 

{Ovules 3-8 in each cell; fruit a large capsule; seeds large thick 
tessaroid, without wings; arillus 0 [p. 312] .......:.00:c000 arapa,. 
tSeeds winged :—[p. 312 

Disk — petals se staminal tube w 

oblong; staminal tube eA Pass narrow annular ; 

o., albuminous, 23) winged se PF CD sseese Swietenia. 
Petals obovate; staminal tube ge ; disk rather wide; seeds 
without albumen, winged at both ends. ... Soymida, 
Disk 0; petals oblong, suberect; stasningh “ks agliniie: seeds with- 
out albumen, winged only belo Chickrassia 

*Stamens free; seeds winged ; Guid 8-12 in each cell of ovary :—[p. 312] 
Fruit ely the valves separating from the axis:— 

s oblong, erect; stamens 4—6, with at times alternating stami- 
nodes ; ovary 5-celled, ae 8-12-ovuled; seeds with albumen, winged 
at both ends or only be a ie: 
Petals clawed, insane ; stamens 10 ; ovary 3-celled, cells 8-ovuled; 

co without albumen, with angular margins and winged above 

a berry, indehiscent; ovary 2-celled...........++s01e++ Walsura.* 

454, Melia Linn. 

Trees ; leaves pinna: tely or 2-3-pinnately compound ; leaflets 
entire or toothed, often stellately amore stipules 0. Flowers 

Mm axillary panicles. Calyx short, imbricately RET aie 
5-6, free, p atent, imbricate ; disk ‘anu Stamens united in 
-¢ylindric dite dilated below and above, 10-12- att and abe: 
anthers 10 or 12, included or partly exserted, short, attached near 
= of tube. Ovar y 3-6- locular ; style slender nearly as long as 


4 eB, 

* Posed. Frwit a fleshy drupe with a 1-5-celled stone. Seal 
ty, pendulous in each cell; albumen fleshy but scanty ; embryo 
with rel cotyledons 

gs cepeadececeneter RES et 


* See footnote on opposite page. 


Atree. Beng. Gora nim, mahanim; Hind. 
deikna. The Persian Lilac. 
299, Spy ear Linn. ; F. I, ii. 394; F. B. : 
E. D. M. 363. gi 
Planted and spontaneous in all the provinces, 
A tree with dark wood and bitter leaves and bark. 
and Hind. Nim. The Margosa or Neem. 

155. Cipadessa BI. 
Shrubs or small trees ; 
nearly ‘so, serrate or entire ; stipules 0. Flowers su gel 
i cled panicles, Calyx small, cupular, 5- 
g, rather short, free, spreading, valvate. i 
connate in a deeply 10-lobed tube, adnate below to the cups 
disk, lobes linea; i <i 
inserted between the lobes, Ovary 5-locular, the cells 

drupe. Seeds 1-2 in each cell; 
th leafy cotyledons. 

ota Nagpur; Orissa. 
A much-branched shrub, 

156. Chisocheton Bl. 

Trees or Shrubs: leaves imparipinnate, opposite or sub 
leaflets more or legs oblique ; stipules 0. Flowers be 
occasionally in Spicate racemes, usually in div 

Supra-axillary or rarely axillary panicles. Calyx 

s8 cor - 

d at the tip, lobes entire or pang 1 
as and alternate with the lobes, ere ae 
k short. Ovary depressed, 2-4-loot® 

Closed in a partial arillus; albumen 0; 
with peltate coty pn 


eath ; staminal tube more or less pubescent on both sides 
Flowers almost sessile ; leaflets quite glabrous; staminal tube glabrous 
801. CHISOCHETON PANICULATUS Hiern; F. B. I. i. 552. Guarea 

paniculata F. I. ii. 242 

Vernac. Kalikora. 3 
302. CuIsocuETon pysoxyLirotius Kurz; F. B. I. i. 551. 
A tree, 

157. Dysoxyluni Bl. 


Calyx caducous, subentire or 4—5-toothed or -lobed. Petals 4-5, 
oblong, spreading, valvate or slightly imbricate. Stamens connate 
Ma cylindric tube with a crenate or dentate apex ; anthers short, 
6 or 8 or 10, included or half-exserted; disk tubular as long as or 
longer than the ovary. © Ovary usually 3-4-locular; style as long 
’s staminal tube, stigma broadly capitate ; ovules usually 2 in _ 

cell. Fruit a globose or pyriform 1—4-celled loculicidal capsule ; 
valves coriaceous. Seeds with or without an arillus; testa 
Wseotas sibonces 0; embryo with very large superposed or 
collateral cotyledons. 

half as long as corolla ; disk 
y outside and 

CaO Ee oe ey sdebceveeencesdnccursase dkacnpeus ees ae eenneeteerermerern: fii 

tube quite glabrous seceeete! ee 
303. Dysoxynum pinecrarirerum Hook. f.; F: = sae a e 2 
E. D. D. 884. Guarea binectarifera P- 1. ie 24u- 

A tree 30-40 feet high. Vernae. hab 

304. Dysoxytum procerum Hiern; F.B- iid 
Chittagong. KSEE BRS 
A very tall tree. Vernae. Danger: 


sin; B.D. D800. 

= + 




158. Amoora Roxb. 
Trees ; leaves imparipinnate ; leaflets oblique, quite 

campanulate ‘icicatdonoualy 6-lobed tube ; eae as 
disk obsolete. Ovary short, sessile, 3-locular; stigmi 
locules 1-2-ovuled. Frwit a subglobose, ootigeeae loculi 
3-valved capsule. Seeds with a fleshy bright arillus; t 
aceous ; albumen 0; embryo with conferruminate cotyl 

Flowers oer — ay spikes branched, female ane 

Flowers ak ew in’ many-fld. branching panielens 
few-fid. racemes ; calyx 3-lobed or 3-toothed :— 
pee alternate or subalternate, not more than 6; ovary 
sa tiene 2-celled, under 1 in. across ; racemes much 

Teale opposite or subopposite, often as many as 19; “ovary 
fruit subglobose 3-celled, 2-5 in. across; racemes about 
leaves .... 

305, AMoora Ronrruka W. & A.; F. B. L. i. 559; E 
Andersonia Rohituka F. I. ii 218. 

Harin-hara; Beng. Tikta-raj; Kol. Sikru. 
306. Amoora Cuirraconca Hiern; F. B. I. i. 559. 

A considerable tree. 
307. AMoorRA cucuLLATA Roxb.; F. B. I. i. 560; E. D. 
Andersonia cucullata =< L ii, 212. . 
Sundribuns, abundan 
A large tree with numerous vertical blind ¥ 
Beng. Amir, latmi. 

159, am, Roxb. 

‘Trees or rarely shrubs; leaves imparipinnate; 
Opposite, entire ; stipules 0. Flowers hermaphrodite, § 
peduncled terminal and axillary panicles. Calyx 

-— Walsura.) MELIACES. 317 

lobes imbricate. Petals 4-5, oblong, suberect, subimbricate. 
Stamens connate in an 8-fid or 10-fid tube, lobes linear 2-toothed 
at the tip; anthers 8 or 10 attached between the lobes; {Bs 
annular, Ovary sunk in the disk, 2-3-locular, narrowed u § 
into a short style; stigma 2-3-toothed with a sthickélded!: aaa 
ovules 2 in each loculus. Frwit a 1-celled 2-valved capsule. Seed 
solitary, with a thin white arillus; albumen 0; embryo with 
hemispherical cotyledons 

HEYNEA TRIJUGA Rikh,- F, I, ii. 890; F. B. I. i. 565. 

irhut. : 
A considerable tree. Vernac. Kapia kushi, chenenji. 

160, Aglaia Lour. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves pinnate or 3-foliolate ; leaflets ti 
pubescence often fa Whi or stellate; stipules 0. Flowers eee iy 
samous, minute or small, subglobose, in dense or lax eae 
Calysx 5- lobed ; lobes imbricate. Petals 5, short, concave, imbricate. 

ang usually 3 rarely f or 3, pale QICON ose seeeverseer sees geen 
Leaflets 11-13. bright green .........s.sseseeesseensssesssssssnsnsetses oe 

309, Acuara RoxBuRGHIANA Miq.; F. B. I. i. 655; E. D. A. 644. 
Chota Nagpur ; W. Bengal, Midnapur ; Orissa. 
A medium tree. Vernac. Priyangu. 
310, AGLAIA PERVIRIDIS Hiern; F. B. I. i. 556. 
Sse agong. 
A medium tree. 

161. Walsura Roxb. 

Trees; leaves imparipinnate, sometimes 1- foliolate ; Boge 
opposite, quite entire ; stipules 0. Flowers small, hermap biegit 
in axillary and termin al panicles. Calyz short, 5-fid or 5-p te £ 
lobes imbricate. Petals < oblong, spreading, slightly imbrica a 
subvalvate, Stamens 8 or 10, free linear or subulate, or connate 


in a tube; anthers terminal or inserted in a notch at the a 

the filament; disk usually annular ary short, 2-8-le 

sunk in the disk; style at sien turbinate, 2-3-to 
ovules 2 in each loculus. Fruit indehiscent berry-like, 

2-celled, and 1-2-seeded. Seed enclosed in a fleshy 

albumen 0; embryo with thick coty ghee 

311. Wausura ropusta Roxb.; F. I, ii. 386; F. B. Li i) 
E. D. w. 19. Pee 

A large timber tree. Vernae, Upphing. 

162, Carapa Aubl. : 
Trees, ‘always littoral ; leaves equally pinnate ; leaflets 1 

phrodite, in lax ssa nie es. Calyx short, 4-fid. P 

2-8 in each — Frwit a very large globose 6— 

capsule, the 4 coriaceous valves opening opposite the ob 
dissepiments. Seeds large, thick, ia ae irre es 
testa Ae 3; arillus 0; albumen 0; embryo with amyg 

312. ee opovata Bl. Carapa moluccensis F. B. 
in part ; E. D. c. 482. Xylocarpus Granatum F. 
Sandribuns, common 
A small tree, with a bitin spherical fruit. Beng. 
163. Swietenia Linn. 
Lofty trees; leaves even-pinnate ; leaflets SPP 
stipules 0. Flosies hermaphrodite, 

_ te: panicles, sae small, 5-fid, lobes  imbriate. & 
spreading, contorted, nnate in an urceolate 10-toot 
tube; anthers 10, cae attached between the i 
annular. Ovary pe te or, 5-locular; style short, | i 
discoid, 5-lobed ; ovules 
angle. Frwit a 5- Aas tige a septifragally de 
base, the 5 valves 2-lamellate, the outer thickly the inner 

 Chickrassia, } MELIACEZ. 319 

woody, separating from the subpersistent 5-angled woody axis. 
Seeds numerous, pendulous, 2-seriate, with compressed bodies 
below and long wide imbricating wings above; albumen fleshy; 
embryo transverse. 
Leaflets 1:5 in. long or less ; capsule 4 in. long or less agoni. 
Leaflets 3 in. long or more ; capsule 7 in. long or terigar’s: mae lapihyid 
318. SwreTEnraA Manacont Linn.; F. B. I. i. 540. 
lanted generally. 
A very re ge tree ; flowers freely but fruits very sparingly. 
Native of W. Indies and Hondur Vernac. Mahagni 
(from the English wane The Matiogsity y: 5 
Planted very generally. } 
A medium tree ; flowers and fruits very freely. Native 
of Honduras. Vernac. Bara mahagni. 

164. Soymida A. Juss. 
Lofty trees; leaves even-pinnate ; leaflets opposite, entire, 
obtuse ; =i les 0. Flowers small, in axillary and term! 
Nah ioe als 5 free, short, sgt Petals 5, spreading, 

each loculus. Fruit a 5-valved, woody, septifragal 
2-lamellate, separating from the 5-winged axis. Bact numerous, 

flattened, winged at eae ends; albumen fleshy; embryo wi 

foliaceous cotyledon 

315. Sovmmpa repriruca A. Juss.; F. B. Li. 567; E. D. 8. 2501. 
Swietenia febrifuga F. I. ii. 398. 
ota Nagpur, common. 
A large timber tree. Vernac. Rohun. 
465. Chickrassia A. Juss. 

Lofty trees; leaves even-pinnate; leaflets nee na 
‘cuminate, oblique; stipules 0. Flowers herm ee 

al panicles. Calyx short, 5-toothed. Petals 5, oblong, 
free, contorted, suberect. Stamens connate in a cylindric tube, 
\O-crenate the apex; anthers 10, attached within the 


crenatures; disk obsolete. Ovary shortly  stipitate, 
5-locular ; style stigma capitate; ovules many, 
each loculus. Fruit a 3-celled, septicidally 3- valved 
valves 2-lamellate, coaue from the 3-winged axis, § 
flattened, winged at the lower end; albumen bg embryo 
orbicular cute ledons. 
ICKRASSIA TABULARIS A. Juss.; F. B. I. i. 568; 
Cc. ee Swietenia Chickrassia Pr. I. ii. 899. 

gong. : 
A tall timber tree. Beng. Chikrass, pabba, d 

166. Cedrela Linn. 

Lofty trees ; leaves imparipinnate ; leaflets many-jugate, op pa 
or subopposite, entire or serrate ; stipules 0, 
terminal or subterminal panicles. Calyx short, 5-fid. Petals 
oval, suberect, free, imbricate. Stamens 4—6, usually 5, free, 
on a 4-6-lobed rai sed d isk, with alternating svan 
filaments subulate ; anthers versatile. Ovary sessile on the 
rm, ith each 

pressed, winged below or at both ends: ; albumen fleshy; 
with flat, subfoliaceous cotyledons, 

Leaves usually T-jugately pinnate; panicles glabrous; sepals 
acute ; ate subglobose, valves woody ; seeds evenly winged @ 
ends . 


Leaves usually 94) iaily pines, petiole long; panicles pub 
Sepals orbicular ;_ capsul Bane ee thin; seeds acute: 
below, with a longer dois « ocecses oe 

317. Cepreta Toon, Roxb.; F, I. i. 685; F. B. I. i. 568; 
C. 838, 

Fairly = though in the central parts only @ 

Seal tai tree, Hind. and Beng. Tin; Uriga 
limbu; Kol, Kahangai. 

318. Cepreta MICROcARPA ©, DC, 
Chittagong ; Tippera. 
A tall timber tree. Vernac, Tun; kujya. 

Chloroxyton.) CHAILLETIACE&. 321 

167. Chloroxylon DC. 

Medium trees; leaves even-pinnate; leaflets obtuse, oblique, 
entire. Flowers small, in axillary and terminal pubescent panicles. 
Calyx deeply 5-lobed. Petals 5, spreading, clawed, imbricate. 
_ Stamens 10, free, inserted between the lobes of the thick 10-lobed 
pubescent disk ; filaments subulate, alternately shorter and longer ; 
_ anthers versatile. Ovary pubescent, sunk in the disk, 3-lobed 
and 3-locular; style short slender glabrous, stigma capitate ; 
ovules about 8, 2-seriate in each cell. Fruit a leathery, 3-celled, 
loculicidally 3-valved capsule Seeds compressed with angular 
margins, winged above; albumen 0; embryo with thick 

319. CHLoRoxyton Swrerenta DC. ; F. B.1.i. 569; E. D. Cc. 1081. 

Swietenia Chloroxylon F, I. ii. 400. 
ota Na : 
A medium to large tree. Vernac. Behru, girya; Kol. 
Sengel sali. Indian Satin- Wood. 



Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, entire, simple; stipules 
2, deciduous. Flowers regular or irregular, 1-sexual or r polygamous, 
tarely hermaphrodite, in corymbose cymes; peduncles sometimes 
adnate to petiole. Disk of 5 glands or scales, or cupular with 5 
glands or lobes. Sepals 5, free or connate, sometimes unequal, 
imbricate. Petals 5, free, subperigynous, equal or unequal, notched 
or 2-fid, blade often with an inflexed plate adnate to its face, 
bey open in bud. Stamens 5, subperigynous, all or only some 

te to 

*mbryo large with thick cotyledons. 


168. Chailletia DC. a 

Trees or shrubs ; Jeaves alternate, entire ; stipules 2, deciduous. — 
Flowers small, polygamo-monecious, in corymbose cymes, Sepals 
5, unequal, obtuse, connate at least at the base. Petals 5, 
2-lobed, narrow, free. Disk of 5 quadrate antipetalous scales. 
Stamens 5, sometimes slightly adnate at the base to the petals. 

membranous ; albumen 0; embryo with thick cotyledons. 
20. CHAILLETIA GELONIoIDES Hook. f.; F. B. L i 9 
Moacurra gelonioides F. 1. ii. 70 
A small tree. Beng. Moacurra. 


Trees or shrubs, rarely herbs, sometimes climbing. — 
alternate, rarely opposite, simple or lobed, penni- or palmineny” 
stipules 0. Flowers regular, hermaphrodite, or 1-sexual os, 
dicecious, cymose. Disk hypogynous, or cup Pr 

with the petals, free or adnate to them and either opposite 

als ’ pas 
connate, valvate or imbricate. Stamens 3-15; filaments si 
alternate with them, all fertile or some without an 1» 

disk. Seed pendulous; albumen fleshy, entire oF Jobers 
embryo straight, cotyledons leafy, rarely fleshy. 
*Flowers 2-sexual; ovules 1 to each cell :— [p. 323] 

Ovary somewhat 3-celled below, 1-celled above ; ovules 3; Pe 

Olaz.} OLACINES, 323 

fertile stamens 3—5, opposite edges of petals, staminodes 5-6 re a 
their centres ; flowers 2-chlamydeou 
Ovary re celled throughout; ovule solitary ; fertile stamens isomerous 
with and opposite to petals or periant Si 
Flowers 2-chlamydeous ; es stamens 5 opposite the = 
staminodes 5; ovule pendulo 
abs Gaonochhautyastaet- ; * font stamens opposite Se A 

Bciniinbites 0; ovule pendulous ; bracts conspicuous 

Staminodes 5; ovule erect; bracts small ............-..++ ansjera. 
*Flowers 1-sexual; ovary 1-celled, ovules 2 pendulous :—[p. 322 
Fertile stamens opposite the petals ; stigma sessile; flowers cymose 

Fertile stamens alternate with the petals ; styles short:— 
Flowers capitate ; stigma dilated, ten Feat ekeee a Miquelia. 
Flowers racemose ; stigma capitate Natsiatum. 

169. Olax Linn. 
rees or shrubs, often climbing, sometimes armed; leaves 
alternate, simple, (etisled: ; stipules 0, Flowers in axillary racemes 
or panicles, minutely bracteate. Calya minute, cupular, truncate 
or obscurely toothed, accrescent. Petals golly valvate, 
somewhat connate, usually 6 connate in 3 pairs, or 5 with 
connate and 1 free, rarely 5 or 3 all ite Stamens usually 3 
fertile, opposite and attached to edges of petals, alternate with 
Pairs of usually 6 2-fid staminodes that are opposite and attached 
to centre of petals, sometimes 4 or 5 fertile, and then oceasion- 
ally one or twoo opposite centre of petals, s staminodes sometimes 
only 5; anthers oblong 2-celled ; dehiscence longitudinal. Ovary 
free, its base usually surrounded by a shallow hypogynous disk, 
imperfectly 3-locular (three partial dissepiments below, always 
Llocular above) ; style simple, terminal, stigma 8- lobed ; ovules 3, 
ear, pendulous from the tip of a central placenta. Fruit a 
small drupe, more or less covered by the acerescent fleshy calyx ; 
Stone crustaceous, 1-celled, 1-seeded. Seed inverted; albumen 
fleshy ; embryo minute, apical. 

tShrubs, usually scandent, = wood y twigs; ; vata in racemes :—[p. 324] 
}Branche es terete : 5 Ta shee 

Prickly ; bracts otra ‘diaiiie ‘Alone pat 

Unarmed ; bracts large, imbricate, oR PUNT? cadimbr icata, 



Branches angular, unarmed ; racemes few-flowered (p. 323] acuminata, 
sgpossorabs, with short erect stocks and herbaceous branches; flowers 
solitary [p. sa 

321. OLax scanpeNS Roxb.; F. I. i. 163; F. B. Li. 5; 
DO aa. 

Behar; Chota Nagpur; Chittagong. in 
A large climber, tt tree-like. Hind. Dheniani; 
Beng. Koko-aru; Uriya Bodo-bodoria; Santal. Hund; . 
Kol. Rimmel. 
322, OLAX ImBricaTa Roxb.; F. I. i. 164; F. B. I. i, 575. 
A large ddtiahien, almost tree- like. 
323. OLAX AcuMINATA Wa a. 2. 2. 4 Ore 
E. Bengal, Dacca; Tippera, Comilla. 
A climber, or shru 
324, Ovax:NaNA Wall.; F. B. I. i. 576; E. D. O. 125, 
N. Bengal ; Chota Nagpur. 
A small shrub with woody base and herbaceous shoots. 
Santal. Merom met. 

170. Opilia Roxb. Le 
Low trees or climbing shrubs; leaves alternate, ee 
simple, entire, l-nerved, short-petioled ; stipules 0. 

min ovule solitary, pendulous. Fruit ™ 
indehisce drupe ; pericarp thin, fleshy ; stone crustaceous 
Seed inverted ; albumen fleshy ; embryo apical or axial. 
325. O 

PILIA AMENTACEA Roxb.; F. I. ii. 87; F. B. 1. i. 583. 
Behar; W. Ben gal; Olde: ko 
A shrub or small weak-branched tree. Beng. Bal 
171. Lepionurus BI. 
Small trees; leav 

stipules 0. Flowers » monoc ochlamydeous, numerou s, closely id 
chotomous i racebes 

cyme subtended by an ovate bract. Perianth 
limb 4-partite; lobes valvate. Stamens 4, opposite the P 

—— Todes.) OLACINE. 4. 325 

lobes; disk fleshy, lining the base of perianth-tube. Ovary free, 
oblong, conical, 1-locular ; stigma sessile, 4-lobed; ovule solitary. 
Fruit a glabrous drupe with crustaceous stone. Seed pendulous ; 
albumen fleshy ; embryo small, axial, cotyledons 3. 
326, Lerpionurus syLvestris Bl. L. oblongifolius F. B. i 
i. 58. 

- 083. 
A small tree. 
172. Cansjera A. Juss. 

Shrubs, climbing, occasionally armed; leaves alternate, shortly 
petioled, 1-nerved; stipules 0. Flowers monochlamydeous, herma- 
phrodite, in dense bracted axillary spikes. Perianth regular, 
4-5-partite, marcescent; lobes valvate. Stamens usually 4 fertile, 
occasionally 5, opposit perianth-lobes and alternate with 4-5 hypo- 
gynous staminodes or disk-glands; filaments free or adnate at the 
base to the thickened disk. Ovary superior, ovoid-conical, 1-locular ; 
style cylindric, stigma capitate 4-lobed; ovule solitary, pendulous. 
Prwit a drupe, its base surrounded by the marcescent perianth ; 
putamen bony. Seed solitary, inverted, subglobose; albumen 
fleshy ; embryo apical, cotyledons . 

827. CansseraA RuEeper Gmel.; F. B. I. i. 582. C. scandens 

F. 1, i. 441 
Behar, Monghyr Hills. 
A climbing s 

173. Iodes Bl. 

Shrubs, usually climbing; leaves opposite or subalternate, 
petioled, simple, 1-nerved; stipules 0. Flowers dicecious, - 
chlamydeous,in axillary or extra-axillary cymes, the lower pedune es 
often sterile and metamorphosed into tendrils. ¢ Calyx minute, 
cupshaped, 5-toothed. Petals connate, 3-5-partite ; lobes valyate. 
Stamens hypogynous, 3-5, opposite the corolla-lobes; anthers 
2-celled, intror 

icle much dilated. Fruit a drupe, surrounded at the base by 

the persistent, unaltered calyx; stone crustaceous, 

? YX5 2 3 

ned pendulous ; testa thin; albumen fleshy; embryo with leafy 

328. Iopes Hooxertana Baill.; F. B. I. i. 596. 

A climbing shrub. 

174. Miquelia Meissn. 

Shrubs, climbing; wood with large vessels; leaves 

petiolate, palminerved, simple, — stipules 0. 

dicecious, subcapitate ; ; peduncles extra-a 
ose. d. 

short ; anthers introrse. Ovary 0. ¢ Peduneles solitary. ; 
minute, 4-5-fid. Petals 4—5 5, free or only faintly connate below, 
length reflexed. Staminodes 4—5, alternate: with corolla-lobes 
0. Ovary sessile, 1-locular ; style short, stigma dilated, 
ovules 2, pendulous from the apex of the loculus. pa 
somewhat compressed drupe, its base surrounded by the pe 
unaltered calyx; stone crustaceous, rugose, 1-seeded 
dulous; albumen fleshy ; embryo with thick haw cotyl 
329. Miquexia rep Baill.; F. B. I. i 
W. Bengal. 
A climbing shrub. 

175. Natsiatum Ham. 

Herbs, hardly shrubs, cl climbing ; wood porous, medullary 

inconspicuous ; leaves alternate, petiolate, repand, simple, 

nerved; stipules 0. Flowers ahetens dichlamydeous, 2 per 
"ary tacemes. Calyx deeply 5-partite, persistent. 

free or connate at the base. 3 Stamens 5, fertile, es 

the petals and also with 5 antipetalous staminodes external 

% Staminodes 4-6, hypogynous, alternate W 
many compressed glands. Ovary 1- locular, sessile, villous seh 
yul a 

crustaceous, I-celled. Seed solitary; albumen fleshy; ‘ 
with leafy co otyledons, 
- Narstatum uerrericum Ham.; F. B. I. i. nan 
- Bengal; E. _— Chittagong. 
A pha ana 



Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, simple, usually coriaceous 
and evergreen; stipules 2 minute, or Flowers regular, ae 
usually 1-sexual, dicecious, ¢ with im pephest ovary, ? wit 
perfect stamens, in axillary cymes fascicles or small abet. 
Disk 0. Sepals united in a 3—6-partite or -lobed calyx; segments 
imbricate. Petals 4-5, rarely 6-8, connate below in both sexes or 
in ¢ only, citar at ee e. Stamens 4-5, adhering to the 
bases of the petals, o ? the imperfect stamens sometimes free 

and hypogynous ; Pena subulate; anthers versatile ; dehiscence 
longitudinal, lateral. Carpels connate as a free 3-16-locular ovary ; 
style 0 or very short, rarely long, stigma capitate or discoid; ovules 

lor 2 collateral in each loculus, pendulous, with raphe dorsal and 
funicle often cu upular. Fruit a drupe with 2 or more free rarely 
connate 1-seeded stones. Seed witha membranous testa; albumen 
fleshy ; embryo minute. 
476. Ilex Linn. 

Shrubs or trees; leaves alternate, usually coriaceous and ever- 
green, sometimes deciduous; stipules minute or 0. Flowers small, 
in axillar cymes fascicles or umbellules, dicecious or polygamo- 
ae Calyx 4-lobed or -partite ; lobes imbricate. Petals free 

sbieey apica 
. Inex Gis agzam Colebr.; F. B. I. i. 604; E. D. I. 17. 
Chittagong; N. Bengal, Dua: 
A tree with pale ashy bark; sence deciduous. 


Flowers regular, hermaphrodite or ma small, 
ey opiate, Disk generally conspicuous, 


or entire, rarely 0. Sepals united in a small persistent 3 
calyx with imbricate segments. Petals 4-5, rarely 0, i 

3-gonous, rarely 3-partite: ovules 2 in each cell 
erect and 

arillate, sometimes winged ; albumen fleshy or 0; embryo 
large with leafy cotyledons. 

Stamens 4-5, rarely more, attached to margin or below margin of 
filaments usually ineurved ; seed albuminous :— 
ves opposite :— 
Fruit indehiscent ; seeds without arillus..,.......cscsere 
Fruit dehiscent ; seeds arillate ..........c.ecccscssseseeeel 
Leaves alternate: fruits dehiscent :— oa 
Climbers ; flowers in terminal panicles ; fruits subglobose ‘ 

Erect. shrubs or trees :— : : ante 
Shrubs with armed branches ; flowers cymose ; —_ He 

Unarmed trees ; flowers spicate; fruits narrowly oblong 
Stamens usually 3, attached to face of disk, always recurved) 
posite :— . 

bose; seeds not winged co eanenneananananttd 
‘ ,»- Fl PP 
d; seeds winged ....... bey 

177. Eleodendron J acd. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves opposite or subopposite, enti 
crenate ; 

stipules minute, seale-like. Flowers polygamo 
herma ite, in axill 

ary dichotomous cymes. Coleg 

1-2-celled; cells 1-, rarely 2-seeded. Seed with 
testa and no aril; albumen fleshy ; embryo with flat 

3 Gymnosporia.] ”  GELASTRINEZ: 329 

332. ELHODENDRON GLAUCUM Pers.; F. I. i. 688; F. B. I. i. 
623; E. D. B. 73. 
Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal. 
A tree. Kol. Miri, thanki; Santal, Neuri. 

178. Lophopetalum Wight. 

Trees or shrubs ; leaves opposite or alternate, petioled ; stipules 
0. Flowers hermaphrodite, often rather large, in axillary cymes. 
Calye shortly 5-lobed, lobes obtuse. Petals 5, persistent, con- 
tinuous with the large entire or lobed disk, the upper surface often 
crested lamellate or villous. Stamens 5, inserted on the di 
Ovary small, sunk in and adnate to the disk, trigonous or pyramidal, 
34-locular, narrowed into a short style ; stigma capitate; ovules 
2seriate, 4 or more in each loculus. Fruit a coriaceous 3-4- 
angled and 3-4-celled loculicidal capsule. Seeds few, occasionally 
winged, arillate ; albumen fleshy ; embryo small 

LorHoreTaLUM FIMBRIATUM Wight; F. B, I. i. 615. 

A tree. 
179. Celastrus Linn. 

Shrubs, climbing; leaves alternate, entire or crenulate; stipules 
minute deciduous, or 0. Flowers polygamous, in terminal or 
axillary racemes or panicles. Calyx 5-cleft. Petals 5, spreading ; 
disk wide, concave. Stamens 5, inserted on edge of disk. Ovary 

334. CeLasrrus PANICULATA Willd. ; Fit. i 621; ¥.°B. : 
617; B.D. c. 854. C. nutans F. I. i. 623. C. multiflora 
F, I. i. 622, 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; N. Bengal. 
A scandent shrub. Hind. Mal-kungi; Beng. Mal. 
kangni; Santal. Kujari. 

180. Gymnosporia W. & A. 
Shrubs or small trees with often spinescent branches ; leaves 
alternate ; stipules0. Flowers hermaphrodite, in small dichotomous 
‘ymes. Calyx 4-5-clett. Petals 4-5, spreading ; disk broad, lobed 


or sinuate. Stamens 4—5, attached below the disk.  Ovari 

without arillus; albumen fleshy; embryo with leafy col 

Dp +. 

; leaves entire, obovate-cuneate; flowers f 
on spines and in he ane fruit turbinate,‘25 in. long. 
Branches rather slender, almost straight ; leaves coeintlalll suborbi 
cymes on spines or in-leaf axils, many times divided ; fruit B0 
‘15 in. long 

335. Given EMARGINATA Roth; F. B. I. i. 2 E. 

C. 852. Celastrus emarginata F. I. i. 620. 
Orissa, Khurda 
A shrub. 

336. GyMNosPoRIA MONTANA Laws.; F. B. I, i. 621. Ce 
montana i 
Chota Wiapar, Parasnath. 
A shrub. 

181. Kurrimia Wall. 
Trees; leaves opposite, rarely alternate, clustered 
clu hitced — sai of branches, coriaceous, entire, § 
stipules deciduous, at first clothing the ends of the 
branches. Flowers in racemes or panicles. Calyx 
fienased. Petals 5, inserted below margin of disk, ¥ 
spreading; disk 5-lobed, fleshy. Stamens 5, inserted e 
disk. Ovary free, with an apical tuft of hairs, 2-locular; 
filiform, twisted in bud, stigmas small capitate; ovules 2, 
eachloculus. Fruit an entire or 2-lobed capsule, 1-2-celled, 
dehiscent by two valves. Seeds 1-2, erect, more or less 
by an arillus; albumen fleshy; embryo with linear 
337. KuRRIMIA PULCHERRIMA Wall.; F. B. I. i. 602. 
robusta F. I, i. 626 
A tree. Vernac. Shilkoil. 

182. Salacia Linn. 

Small trees, or climbing or sarmentose shrubs; leaves 
petiolate; stipules 0, Calyx 5-partite, small. Petals 

_ Hippocratea.) CELASTRINEA, 331 

cate; disk thick, broad or conical, lobed. Stamens usually 3 
= 2 or 4, inserted on the top of the disk close to the pen: : 
ents recurved. Ovary conical, sunk in the disk, 3-locular ; 
style very short, stigma capitate or 3-lobed; ovules 2-seriate, 2-8 
in each cell. Frwit indehiscent, aries fleshy or wee 
leathery. Seeds 1-4 in each cell, angular a firm; album 
0; embryo with her ‘aiiialiy corrugated ce hcadia 
Flowers few, 3-6 from each tubercle, almost all axillary, pedicels under 
in. long :— 
Leaves obtusely acuminate, distinctly serrate ; branches smooth ; fruit 
l-celled, 1-seeded, not exceeding 1 in. across; sepals puberulous 
Leaves caudate-acuminate, entire; branches with wrinkled bark ; 
fruit 2-3-celled, 2-3-seeded, 1-75-2 in. across; sepals glabrous 
Flowers many from Bae tubercle, tubercles almost all extra- axillary 
pedicels over “5 in. lon : leaves bluntly acuminate or obtuse, hardly 
Serrate ; indbtiai web ssa fruit under 1 in. across......... verrucosa. 
388. Sauacta prinorpEes DC.; F. B. I. i. 626. Johnia coroman- 
deliana F. I. i. 169. 
Sundribuns, common; Behar; W. Bengal ; Orissa. 
A large climber with very fastia flowers. 
Beng. Modhu-phal, 
339, Apes waar Wall.; F. B. I. i. 627. Johnia sala- 
ctoides F. I, 
Tippera ; “Chittagong. 
A large branching shru 
840. SaLacta VERRUCOSA Wight ; F, B, I. i, 628, 

183, Hippocratea Linn. 
Small trees or ee shrubs; leaves opposite, petioled ; 
Stipules small, caduco Flowers small, in ary cymes or 

below, usually dehiscent. Seeds compressed, generally winged 
below ; albumen 0; embryo with large flat connate cotyledons. 

Flowers minute, -05 in. across ; leaves finely serrate 
Flowers larger, -3 in. across ; leaves shallow-crenate 

See eee eeee 

341, Fr eigeaiagd InDica Willd.; F. I. i. 165; F. B. Lis 

A shrub with sarmentose branches. Beng. 
342, Hivpocuares MACRANTHA Korth. 
A shrub with sarmentose branches. 


Trees, or erect or climbing, rarely cirrhose, shrubs, often spity: 
Leaves simple, alternate or opposite, usually leathery, 
ratte ; Stipules small deciduous, or if persistent s 
hermaphrodite or polygamous, small, in lax 

orter Sree calyx-lobes, usually clawed and ae 

St 8 ere with and opposite the petals, 
8 filiform, rarely dila 

— sometimes daboontigst dehiscence longi 
rarely extrorse. Carpels united as a sessile 3- 

2- or naiisa Ovary, free or immersed in the disk and su 
more or less adnate to c calyx-tube ; style short, simple or 
stigmas termi al, capitate or 3- lobed; ovules 1 rarely 2 in 
cell, erect, anatropous, the raphe dorsal rarely lateral. 

dehiscent capsular, or indehiscent dry or flesh 
the base or to th, 

Ys free 
€ middle by the adnate calyx-tube, or Wi 
inferior, 3-celled or, rarely, 1-4-celled, sometimes winged. 
in each cell solitary, frequently arillate ; albumen fleshy but 
scanty, sometimes 0; embryo lar, arge, 


*Armed shrubs or trees with strongly 3-nerved leaves; ovary : 
disk ; fruit 

» fleshy, with a hard 1-3-celled, 
core; seeds idiabinioen [p.: 838} ..).4 Facet 

Toe eeee 

Zizyphus.) RHAMNACE#, 333 

*Unarmed climbers with penninerved leaves :—[p. 332] 
Fruit half-superior, samaroid, 1-celled, 1-seeded below, gach og above 
as a Narrow coriaceous wing; seeds without albumen ; ee y 
Fruit inferior, crowned with pain calyx, 3-celled, 3- ‘sea: seeds 
albuminous ; tendrils usually present :— 
Fruit 3-winged; flowers in Sill fascicles ; elgg ——— 
cirrhose Gouan 
Fruit terete ; flowers subumbellate ; branches cirrhose ...... elicias. 

184. Zizyphus Juss. 
Trees or shrubs, often dec umbent, sarmentose or climbing, 
armed ; leaves Pal ie alternate, usually coriaceous, 
d into sharp hoo. 

tickles. J'lowers in fascicles or in sessile or peduncled cymes. 
Calyx 5-fid ; lobes she a within. Petals 5, cucullate, 
detlexed, rarely 0; disk 5-10-lobed. Stamens 5, opposite and 
often nestling under the saad Ovary sunk in, or adnate at 
base to, the disk, 2-4-locular; styles 2-3, rarely 4, usually more 
or less connate, stigmas small, papillose. Fruit indehiscent, 
drupaceous, fleshy or dry, bie" a ghiorns or bony 1-4-celled and 
14-seeded putamen. See what compressed; albumen 
scanty or 0; embryo with thiae cotyledons. 

Flowers in reel Lea, cymes :-— 

loaves clatrs vulgaris. 
Leaves more or ie pubescent :— 5 
Leaves glabrous above, woolly beneath..............+:cceeerrre cpt 
Leaves softly pubescent re e, silky beneath .........++--..++ (Enoplia. 
Flowers in peduncled ¢ P 
Cymes axillary Coeesectvevcbeenceede aylopyra. 
ymes in terminal panicles :— bone 
Leaves tomentose beneath Lh RTE A a ile ? a 
Leaves glabrescent beneath ....c.sestses-eesees rugosa var. glabrescens. 

343. Zizyeuus vunearts Lamk; F. I. i. 609; F. B. Li. 638; 
E: D. @. 
A small tree. Hind. Titni-ber, kandiari. 
344. Zizvpuus Jusupa Lamk ; F. I. i. 608; F. B. I. i. 682; 
E. D. 2. 231 

Cultivated, general. 


A small tree. Hind. and Beng. Ber; Santal. and 

Jom janum; Uriya Bar koli. if 

845. oe (Enorzia Mill.; F. I. i. 611; F. B.T i. € 
. D. Z. 268. : 

straggling shrub. Hind. Makai; Beng. 
wi ya Baro koli. 
346. concent xytopyra Willd.; F. I. i. 611; F. B. Li at 
Bakes Chota Nagpur. 
A small, usually gregarious tree. Hind. Kat-ber; Santal 
and Kol. Kar katta; Uriya Kanta bohul. 
347. pap seek RUGOSA pee F. B. I. i. 636; EB, D. 4 
4. tomentosa F. I. i, 611 
TS eg a 
A large s 
8347/2. Var, GLABRESCENS Prain. 
Chota Nagpur; Behar; W. Bengal. 
A large evergreen shrub, often climbing. Santal. 
Kol. Tsekra; Hind, Rukh-ber. 

185. Ventilago Gaertn. 
Shrubs, climbing; leaves alternate, bifarious; stipules 
small, caducous. Flowers small, in axillary and terminal pam 
with small bracteoles. Calyx 5-fid; lobes spreading, keeled 
tube obconic. Petals 5, deltoid or subcucullate ; disk sk 5-lobed 
free Sta i 

longed above in a linear-oblong coriaceous-wing, 
adnate calyx-tube. Seed subglobose; albumen 0; “embryo ' a 
thick fleshy cotyledons. 

Branches and leaves glabrous or nearly so; panicles rather Ii 

girt by the calyx at the bage..............css.csscsesovessennens cals 
Branches and leaves pubescent ; panicles dense ; nut aie us pe 

348. VENTILAGO MADERASPATANA Gaertn. ; F. B. oo ee 
V. 54. ina 


| ak a aati 

St Sc Seal A ae a ee eR GN og 5 

Helinus. } RHAMANCE. 335 

Orissa; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal. 
A strong climber. Beng. and Uriya Ruktu-pita; Hind. 

3848/2. Var. canycunata King. V. maderaspatana F. I. i. 629. 
V. calyculata F. B. I. i. 681; BE. D. V. 48 
Chota Nagpur, Singhbhum 
A strong climber. Santal. ‘Beans -sarjom. 

186. Gouania Linn. 

Shrubs, unarmed, climbing by means of tendrils; leaves alter- 
hate ; inane oblong, deciduous. Flowers polygamous, in axilla 
or terminal spikes, the rachis often cirrhose. Caly« superior, 
d-fid; tube short obconic. Petals 5, inserted below the margin of 
the 5-angled or stellate disk which fills the calyx-tube. Stamens 
5, Opposite and nestling under the petals. Ovary sunk in the 
disk, 8-locular; style 8-cleft, stigmas minute; 
Fruit coriaceous, inferior, tipped the persistent sali haat 
3-winged and 8-celled, the cells separating from the axis as 
8 indehiscent, cocci. Seed obovate ; testa hard, sliatng’ albumen 
scanty; embryo with flattish cotyledons. 
349. Gouanza tuprostacuya DC. ; FYB, I.i. 648. 
Chittagong; E. and N. Bengal; Chota Nagpur. 
A strong climber 

187. Helinus E. Mey. 

Shrubs, unarmed, climbing by tendrils, branches slender angular ; 
leaves alternate, entire ; stipules small, deciduous. Flowers small, 
wnbellate, on long slender peduncles. Calyx superior ; tube broadl 
obeonic. Petals 5, inserted in the margin of the epigynous disk 
which fills the calyx-tube, cucullate. Stamens 5, opposite to and 
48 long as the petals. Ovary inferior, 3-locular; style short, 
8-cleft, stigmas recurved; ovules solitary. Fruit inferior, obovoid- 
globose, 3-celled with cells 1-seeded, coriaceous, tardily dehiscent. 
Seed somewhat compressed; testa leathery, shining; en 
fleshy ; embryo with rather large cotyledons and a minute radicle. 

350. HeLinus tanceonarus Brand i. 

Western Behar ; Chota Nagpur. 
A scandent cirrhose shrub. 


trees; rarely subherbaceous; juice copious, wil 
alternate, usually petioled, simple or digitately or pedately, rare! 
pinnately or twice pinnately compound, frequently gland-dotted; 
petiole usually thickened at ah articulate base and often ex] 

in a membranous stipule. Flowers regular, horns ot 

calyx. Petals 4-5, free or connate, valvate. caducous. Stamens 
4-5, opposite the petals, inserted at base of disk or between its 
lobes; filaments short subulate ; anthers free or connate; short, 
2-celled; dehiscence longitudinal introrse. Carpels connate as 
eis or imperfectly 2-6-locular ovary, usually partially ' sunk 
e disk; style short, slender or conical, or 0; stigma sm 
— flat, slightly lobed; ovules 1-2 in each cell, ascending, 
anatropous, raphe ventral. Fruit indehiscent, berry-like, 1 
— cells 1-2-seeded. Seed erect, often rugulose ; albumen 
artilaginous ; embryo short basal. 
Sane cirrhose shrubs or herbs ; stamens free; ovary 2- ile 
Erect shrubs without tendrils ; stamens connate with disk slong with the 
petals; ovary 3-6-locular, cells 1-ovuled age 

188. Vitis Linn. 

Shrubs or subherbaceous plants, climbing usually by leaf-op 
tendrils rarely by adventitious roots; leaves simple, or on 
and then digitate or pedate, rarely pinnate or 2- eae 
adnate to base of petiole, membranous, or 0. Were ao 

aie or free; disk conspicuous or sm halt or 0. Stamens a 
serted below the margin of the disk; anthers free. Ovary pee 
rarely 3-4-locular; style short or 0; ovules 2 in each 10% | 
Fruit ovoid or globose, indehiscent, berry- aes ee aa 
1-2-seeded. Seeds with a hard testa; album e 
embryo minute bas 

Vitis.) AMPELIDEZ. 337 
Leaves sim 

imple :— 
Petals and stamens usually 5; inflorescence a modification of the 
tendrils :— 
Nearly glabrous ; cymose panicles ample, with or without cirrhi; 
i leaves 3-5-lobed atifolia 

More or less woolly-tomentose ; panicles usually with cirrhi :— 
Branchlets, peduncles, and petioles with stiff black hairs mixed 
with woolly tomentum ; leaves usually sinuate-dentate, at length 


glabrous above and woolly only on nerves beneath ......... rbata. 
: Branchlets, peduncles, and petioles woolly without black hairs ; 
leaves lobed or mre tom MOTIUGHE ss cere panes tomentosa. 
Petals and stamens usua y 4; inflorescence of true cymes : ri, 
Stem thick, succulent, witha quadrangularis. 
Stem herbaceous or wo 

A dere 
Stems and leaves beneath glabrous :— 
Leaves membranous, broadly ovate 
Leaves subcoriaceous, suborbicular 
Stems and leaves beneath pubescent :— 
Pubescence rufous; leaves ovate-cordate, acute or acuminate, 
bristly-serrate pagnee- 
Pubescence woolly; leaves wide-cordate, crenate, s niki 
often repan --repanda 
Leaves compound; petals and stamens usually 4; pay ls ¥ true 
cymes :— 



Leaflets 1-5 :— 
, Leaves more or less pubescent :— 
Pubescence present on both surfaces of leaflets :— am 
eaflets 3, rarely 1; seeds COMPTessed......seseeceseeseeess ror 
eaflets 5, soutbettitiee only 3; Seid atlas seeceeee JAPOMied, 
Pubescence only on lower surface of leaflets, upper side smooth ; 
: leaflets 5; seeds ses on! obliquely ovate ......s6+s..008+: auriculata, 
’ Leaves glubeous 
Style diahisiet = cymes very short; leaflets 3-5 ......-...++ oxyphylla. 
Leaflets 1-3 :— Se 
ae very short, glabrous .......:+ssesereeeseereett® angustifolia. 
mes slender, large, puberulous. ...-++++++++e0000-0** bracteolata. 
Laid 5, or upper only 3; cymes s short palerriee lahoesturia. 

= a 7, usually softly pubescent ; cymes equalling or seas vs 

wee tewere 
eee ceeneeeresense 
PPO Ccewerecreweseseucpeeecverseretresses eee tt” 

851, Virts. nartronta Roxb.; F. I, i, 661; F, B. I. i. 652; 

E, D, v. 213. 


Chota Nagpur; Behar; W. Bengal; C. Benga. 

= = herbaceous climber. Beng. Govila; 

352. viris » BARBATA Wall.; F. B. I. i. 651; E. D. V. 193. 
- Bengal, Pugh Chittagong. 

quadrangularis F. I. i. 407 
undribuns; Orissa. 
A square-stemmed climber. Beng. and Hind. 

. C. pentagona F, I. i. 408. 
E. Bengal, W. Mymensingh ; Chithegued! 
A long slender climber. 

356. ViTIs assamica Laws. : ; BB. 1,4..648. 
Chi : 

A large climber. 
357. VITIS ADNATA i F. B. I. i. 647; E. D. V. 184. 
adnata F. I. i. 
nm Bengal ; e Ticaat: E. Bengal ; Chita n 
A slender climber. Santal. Bod-larna 
358. Virrs REPANDA W. & A.; IF. B. I. i. 648. 
Chota Nagpur; Behar. W. Bengal. 
A large climber 
859. VITIS TRIFOLIA a V. carnosa F. B. I. i. 6654 & 
- 195. Cissus carnosa F. I. i. 409. 
C. Bengal; E. Bengal; Sundribuns. 
A considerable climber. Beng. Amal-lata, Sone “Kesar. 
360. Vitis sapontca Thunb. YV. mollis F. B. Li. ee 
A considerable climber. pee 
361. Vitis auricuLaTa Roxb.; E. D. v. 191. Cissus aui 
ide 619. 

Chota Nagpur, Singhbhum. 
A large climber. 
362. Virts oem Wall, G Aull a , Kaw. 

Leea, | AMPELIDE. 339 

An extensive climber, 
863, VITIS ANGUSTIFOLIA Wall.; F. B. I, i. 654. Cissus angustt- 
folia F. I. i. 408 
. Bengal. 
A rather slender climber. 
364, VITIS BRACTEOLATA Wall.; F. B. I. i, 654. 
N. Bengal, Rungpur; Chittagong. 
An extensive climber. 
365. Viris LANCEOLARIA Wall.; F. B. I. i. 660. Cissus lanceo- 
laria F. I. i. 412. CG. Joma FT 430, 
Chota bs ad Parasnath ; E. Bengal, Dacca ; Chittagong. 
A large ber 
3866. VITIS PEDATA Vahl; F. 8. %. 1 661; EB. Dee, Shi. 
Cissus pedata F. I. i. 413. 
Chota Nagpur; W. C. and N. Bengal. 
A large weak climber. Beng. Goali-lata. 


189, Leea Linn. 

mall trees, erect shrubs, or herbs; branches striate or 
towed; leaves alternate, usually large, simple or 1-3-pinn 
compound; petiole dilated at the base into sheathing nage 
Flowers on leaf-opposed peduncles, in corym cymes. Calyx 
5-toothed. Petals 5, connate below and adherent to the staminal 
tube, revolute. prin outside the annular disk, connate below 
in a 5-lobed tube ; filaments 5 above the tube free, inflexed, arising 
between the sig anthers free and exserted from, or connate and 

aginous ; embryo minute, cat 

Flowers red ; leaves compound, primary nerves distant :— 
Leaves all 1- “pititiintes © «oo. veusanivosecsnecsscekraotie oh ras emeeeaegen eee 

~ tLeaves with loss, numerous primary nerves :—{p. 340] 
{Leaves all simply pinnate; leaflets broad, _— with parallel 
sides ; petioles and rachises often winged [p. 340] ...------ crispa, 


{Leaves more or less 2-pinnate ; petioles and rachises round 
. 339 

r leaves simply pinnate or with the lowest pair 
only 3-foliolate, lower leaves 2-pinnate; leaflets cordate at 

Upper leaves usually 2-pinnate like the lower ; leaflets 
or cuneate at base 
tLeaves with rather distant, fewer primary nerves, all 2-3-pinnate 

Leayes glabrous beneath 
Leaves rite eneath ;— 

Leafiets with basis and scattered flat disks beneath ...... equ 

“Leaves simple, white beneath with mealy pubescence [p. 339] 

367. Lena atata Edgew.;.F. B. I. i, 665. é 
W. Bengal, very rare; E. Bengal, Madhupur jungles. 

E. Bengal, Dacca and Mymensingh. 
A dwarf shrub, 1-2 feet _ 
369. Lexa crispa Linn.; F. I. i. 654; E. D. L. 226. 
E. Bengal; Tippera ; Chittagong. 
A rigid shrub, 4-8 feet high. Beng. ‘Ban-chélité. 
370. Lea aspera Edgew.; F. B. I. i. 665; E. D. L. 224 
hota Nagpur. a 
A stout spreading shrub, 6-12 feet high. 
371. Lega HERBAcEA Ham. L. crispa F. B. I. i. 665. 
W. Bengal; Chota Nagpur 
A many-stemmed shrub, 12-16 feet high. 
372. Lega sampucina Willd.; F. I. i. 657; F. B. Lb 
E. D. i. 241. 
E. Bengal; Chittagong. 
A rigid shrub, 4-10 feet high. Beng. Kukur-jhiw 
373. Lega mquata Linn. L. hirta F. 1. i. 655; F. B.1 
D. L. 229, 

C. and E. ee Chittagong. 
A shrub, 4~ sree Beng. Kak-jhanga. 
874. LeEa RopustA sre F. B. 1. i. 667; E. D. L. 287 
Chota Nagpur; C. Bengal; E. Bengal; Chit 
A shrub, 6-12 feet high. Santal, Haramada, 

Leea.] SAPINDACEZ. 341 
875. LEEA MACRoPHYLLA Hornem.; F. I. i. 653; F. B, I. i. 664 
pa E. D. L. 282. 

Chota Nagpur; Behar; Bengal generally. 

A herb, 1-3 feet high ; the lower leaf often 2 feet across, 
the upper ones ‘5-1 foot. Hind. and Beng, Dhol-samudra; 
Santal. Hatta: 

Order XLI. eueaiisioa 



Trees or shrubs, rarely und bs or herbs n 
or twining, Sisal adaity witht tendrils. Leaves Weis or less 
often opposite, pinnate with leaflets alternate or opposite, 3- folio- 
late, palmate, or simple, entire or serrate, sometimes lobed ; stipules 
very rare, Flowers regular or irregular, usually igo REN 

valyate. Petals usually 5, or 4 the fifth sometimes absent, 
occasionally 0, flat or rarely cupular, often bearded or wi with a basal 
seale. Stamens 5-10; filaments often pubescent, always free, in 
serted between ovary and disk, on the disk, or at base of disk 
externally, occasionally declinate ; anthers 2-celled, basifixed or 
versatile ; dehiscence longitudinal usually lateral. Carpels unite 
through ou or below only, in a median or excentric, lobed or entire 
1-4. locular ov ary ; ae, Pee or Dried usually terminal, stigma 


capsular, or indehiscent and berry-like or dry, sometimes samaroid 
Seeds a] e or compressed, with or without arillus; albumen 

tarely present ; embryo usually thick, occasionally pee or plicate. 
*Leaves alternate, stipules 0; seeds witheut albumen :—{p. 342] 

tOvules solitary in each cell of the ovary; stamens Psat inside the 

disk :— 342 
Leaves 3. nate ; seeds with a small arillus 

Tendril-bearing slender cant with 2-ternate - and a 

2 membranous inflated 3-celled capsule -------+++-- rmum. 

4 Shrubs without tendrils ; ti es oe 3- ‘nae . fruit of 

1-2 globose indehiscent cocci ....----.+eeesrereerrrtnee ophylu 
(in Aphania Danura only) simple ; fruit 

tSeeds without an achiie :—_[p. 342] 
§Coeci of fruit at first united, at length spontaneously separating 
342] Bapindye. 



sins non: >—[p. : 
; testa of seed ene scales of the p 

hooded aR crested 
Cocci ellipsoid or sub-3-gonous; testa cartilaginous: 

Fruit not deeply lobed, usually more than 1 cell developed 

Fruit suleately lobed, usually only 1 ecoccus develora 

tOvules 2 in each cell of the ovary :—[p. 341] : 
Leaves pinnate ; capsule coriaceous inflated, subcompressed, 
form, not winged ; stamens inserted inside the disk ; seeds a 

Leaves simple; capsule membranous not inflated, much 
oblong, winged; stamens inserted outside the disk; seeds | 
a Fe: 

FORK ce howe OePbesereees 

Opposite, stipulate; seeds albuminous, without t arillus 

Seis outside the disk ; ovules 2 in each cell of ovary[p. 341] 
90. Cardiospermum Linn. 

8 with wiry sehen and branches, climbin. 

with a small crested scale; disk one- sided, almost reed to 9 
glands opposite the lower petals. Stamens 8, excentric; fil 
free or connate belo ow, the 4 nearer the glands shorter that 

al arillus and ae testa; albumen 0; em 
large conduplicate cotyled 

376. CaRDIOsPERMUM Haseicane Linn, ; F. I. ii. 2925 ‘ - 
i, 670; E. Dio 551. 

Everywhere, mmon. 

A climbing ne with wiry stems, B eng. 


~ Sapindus.] SAPINDACEZ, BM 

191. Allophylus Linn. 

Small trees or shrubs; leaves 1- or 8-foliolate; leaflets entire or 
serrate; stipules 0. Flowers small, polygamo-diecious, pedicelle 
in slenple or branched axillary racemes, Sepals 4 in opptaite 
pairs, hooded, membranous, much imbricate; the outer pair the 
smaller. Petals 4, small or almost obsolete, generally declinate, 
with or without a shaggy scale inside; disk unilateral with usually 
4 glands opposite the petals. Stamens 8, inserted inside the disk. 
Ovary usually 2-lobed and 2- locular; styles usually 2, free or more 
often connate below, stigmas small; ovules ascending, solitary in 


each cell, Frwit indehiscent, 1-2-lobed ; lobes dry or fleshy. 

Seeds usually with a short arillus; albumen 0; embryo curved. 

Leaflets ovate :-— 

Shoots and leaves glabrescent ; leaflets serrate ...... Cobbe var. serrata. 
Shoots and leaves s very hairy ; leaflets subentire...... Cobbe var. villosa, 
Leaflets lanceolate, glabrous Cobbe var. glabra. 

377. AtLopayius Copper Linn.; F. B. I. i. 673; E. D. A. 787. 
Ornithotrope Cobbe F. I. ii. 268. Var. pape Ornitho- 
20 epee I. ii, 266; O. aporetica F, I. ti 

; C. Bengal; E. Beng 
37/2. Nae vruaolia: Ornithotrope illoka F. I. ii. 265. 

377/83. Var. auaBra. Ornithotrope glabra F. I. ii. 267. 
Sundribuns; E. Bengal; Chittagong. 

192. Sapindus Linn. 
Trees or shrubs; leaves alternate, e even-pinnate ; leaflets coria- 
. entire; stipules0. Flowers regular, polygamous, in termin 
axillary panicles. Sepals 4-5, 2-seriate, widely imbricate. 
Petal 4-5, with or without scales on their inner face, sometimes 
disposed cements disk‘annular, complete. Stamens 8, or 
se or 10, inserted within the disk, more or less uni- 

ody ral. Ovary : inal, stigma 3—4- 
. : y lobed, 3—4-locular; style terminal, stigm 

4 lobed ; ovules solitary in each loculus. Frwit fleshy, 2-8-lobed, 
> the oo at first united but ultimately separating as distinct 

hiscent subglobose cocci. Seeds with a crustaceous or mem- 

: Ss testa; albumen 0; embryo with thick cotyledons, 


Ovary hairy ; leaflets 6-4, usually pubescent beneath ; anthers 
Ovary glabrous ; leaflets 16-10, glabrous; anthers obtuse ...... 

378. SapinDUs TRIFoLIATUs Linn.; F. B. I. i. 682; E. D.: 
S. laurifolia F. I. ii. 278. S. emarginata F. I. 
Cultivated, fairly “pet gt appears to be wild, 
rare, in Chota Nagpur 

A tree. Beng. Bor sidlnis Uriya Makta maya. — 
379. Sapinpus Muxorosst Gaertn.; F. B. I. i. 6885 
S. 808, S. detergens F, I. ii. 280. 

A tree. Beng. Ritha; Uriya Ita; Hind. Ritha, 

193. Erioglossum BI. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves ik iy albert leaflets 0 
or nearly so, entire; stipules 0. irregular, poly 
dicecious, in elongated erect terminal cate Sepals 5, 
orbicular, concave, widely imbricate. Petals 4, unequal, 0° ob 

stipitate, obcordate, 3-lobed and 3-locular; style slender, 
obscurely 3-lobed ; ovules solitary in each loculus. Fruit in - 
cent, deeply 1-3- lbbad: ; segments prea: not separating as : 

0; embryo straight with thick wieiedine 
. ErtogLossum repute BL; et B. I. i. 672; E. D 
Sapindus rubiginosa F. Li 282. 

C. Bengal, rare; FE. Boca Chittagong. 
A small tree. 

194. Aphania BI. 
Trees or shrubs; leaves alternate, even-pinnate, oF 1-fo 
simple and then sub-verticillately clustered ; stipules 0. 
regular, polygamous, in terminal and axillary panicles. 
4-5, 2-seriate, widely imbricate. Petals 4-5, with oF 
stad on their inner face, always disposed regularly ; ih 
complete. Stamens 6,7, or 8, inserted within the 
dis on all sides. Ovary entire or lobed, 2-3- 
terminal, stigma 2-3-lobed; ovules solitary in vita 


Nephelium.] SAPINDACEX. 345 

fleshy, 1-2-lobed, indehiscent, the lobes ellipsoid not separating as 
distinct cocci. Seeds with crustaceous or membranous testa, 
sometimes with fleshy edible arillus; albumen 0; embryo with 
thick cotyledons. 

Leaves pinnate, scattered . rubra. 
Leaves simple, crowded at bases and ends of shoots ... Danura. 

381. APHANIA RUBRA Radlk. Se spies rubra F. I. ii, 272. 
Sapindus attenuata F. B. I. i. 684; E. D.S 
A small tree. Vernac. Lal koi-pura 
882. APpHANIA Danura Radlk. Scytalia Devisived F. I. ii. 274. 
8. verticillata F. I. ii. 273. Sapindus Danura F. Bils 
i. 684. 

Sundribuns ; Chittagong. 
A small tree. Beng. Danura. 

195. Schleichera Willd. 

Trees ; leaves alternate, even-pinnate ; leaflets subopposite, quite 
entire, or sli htly serrate; stipule es 0. Flowers regular, poly- 

gamo-dicecious, fascicled in simple racemes or panicles. Calyx 
4-5-fid, sm , cupular; lobes valvate or subvalvate. Petals 0; 
disk complete, annular ens 6-8, inserted within the disk. 

: tar 
dan’ ovoid, 3—4-locular, sachetiall to the ot neal stigma 3-4- 
ovules erect, solitary in each cell. ¢ dry, indehiscent, 
I-elled, firmly but thinly coriaceous. shea erect, arillate ; 
phe men 0; embryo with conduplicate, unequal, connate coty- 
3883. Scutercuera rrisvca Willd.; F. 1. ii. 277; F.B. I. i 681; 
E. D. 8. 950 

Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A large tree. Hind. Kusum; Santal. Baru. 

196. Nephelium Linn. 

Trees or shrubs ; leaves alternate, usually even-pinnate ; leaflets 
pert: or rarely dentate, subalternate ; stipules 0, or very rarely 
with lowest pairs of — stipuliform. Flowers regular, poly- 
Bamous, in terminal xillary panicles. Calyx 4-8-lobed, usually 
cupular, lobes sulaveavutes Petals small without scales, or 0; 

fleshy, glabrous or pubescent. Stamens 6, 8, or 10, inse 


within the disk. Ovary pubescent, subverrucose, lobed, 
locular; style erect, stigma 2-3- RF ovules solitary im 

loculus. Fruit indehiscent, 1-3-, but usually 1-coccous, obl 
globose, echinate or tubercled, aie smooth. Seeds globose, 
erect, with coriaceous testa, enveloped in a pulpy arillus; a 
men 0; embryo with very thick firmly fleshy cotyledons. 
Petals 0; calyx dentate; disk glabrous............ccsecesseeesenerenerer Lite 
Petals present; calyx deeply lobed ; disk tomentose ......-++1++ Longana. 

384. Nepuetrum Laront Camb.; F. B. I. i. 687; B. D. NB 
Scytalia Litchi F. I, ii. 269. 
ed generally. 
A tree. Hind. Lichi. The Lit-chi. 
885. Neruetium Loncana Camb.; F. B. I. i. 688; B.D. v.72 
Scytalia Longan F. I, ii. 270. 
Planted occasionally. 
A tree. Beng. Ashphal. The Longan. 

197. Harpullia Roxb. < 
Trees ; leaves alternate, even- -pinnate ; leaflets alternate ; stipules 
0. Flowers regular, polygamous or polygamo-dicecious, in 
i 4-5 

ap disk obscure. Stamens 5-8, elongated, inserted inside 
he disk. Ovary tomentose, ellipsoid or oblong, 2-locular; 
gett: stigma linear, twisted ; ovules usually 2 su 
each loculus. Fruit a coriaceous, inflated, 2-lobed, elle 
licidally 2-valved capsule. Seeds 1-2 in each cell, sgl 
usually arillate; albumen 0; embryo with thick hem/sp™ 
cotyledons, A 
386. HarPunia cupaniorpus Roxb.; F. I. i. 6453 F: B, I.) 
A straight-stemmed tree. Vernac. Harpulli. 


198. Dodonea Linn. 

Shrubs; leaves simple, alternate; stipules 0. F lowers | 
polygamous or polygamo-dicecious, in lateral and terminal ¢ 
Sep >, imbricate or valvyate. Petals 0; disk obsolete 
small in ¢ flowers. Stamens 5-10, but usually 8, inserted oP 
outer side of the disk. Ovary 3-6-angled and 3-6-loculaté 


ee . 

: occasionally 1,in each loculus. Capsule 2-6-sided, membranous or 
coriaceous, septicidally 2-6-valved, valves dorsally winged. Seeds 
1-2 in each cell, subglobose or compressed lenticular, without 
: arillus; albumen 0; embryo spiral. 

$81, Dovowzza viscosa Linn. ; F. B, I. i, 697; E. D. D. 72. 
: D. angustifolia F. 1. ii. 256. D. dioica F. I. ii. 256. 
Tirhut ; Chota Nagpur; N. Bengal; Chittagong. 

| Ashrub, Hind. Aliar. A good hedge-plant. 

: 199. Turpinia Vent. 

Trees or shrubs, with smooth branches; leaves opposite, odd- 
: pinnate ; Le flets opposite, stipellate lat ; stipules interpetiolar, 
> deciduous, Flowers small, hermaphrodite, regular, in terminal d 
axillary panicles. Calyx 5-partite, lobes imbricate. Petals 5, 
é imbricate ; disk raised, lobed or crenulate. Stamens 5, inserted 

| : subglobose, 
_ benry-like, 3-celled. Seeds angular; testa hard shining, arillus 0; 

888. Tupinta pommrera DC.; F. B. I. i. 698; E. D. T 847. 
Dalrympelia pomifera F. 1. i. 633. 
; ee. Vernac. Janoki jam. 

| Sain usually climbing, or erect trees. 
— Simple or compound pinnate; stipules 0. 

3 stot small, annular. Sepals imbricate, connate in & 

: ee imbricate. Stamens 4-5, opposite 
antl if of or on the small disk, all perfect or 
: an si filaments clavate or obcuneate, the sterile subulate ; 
i “es didymous, cells 2, discrete; dehiscence transverse, OF 
bh by a deciduous cap. Carpels more oF less connate below 

— Pressed or 3-lobed 2-3-locular ovary + styles 2-3 free or 
- SOtnate, or 0, stigmas minute; ovules. in each looulus 1-2, suPe%: 


posed or collateral, horizontal or pendulous, raphe ventral. Fruit 
of 1-2 dry or fleshy, globose or compressed, indehiscent ripe carpels, 

basal, with a broad hilum; albumen 0 or thin and adherent 
testa ; embryo large, with thick often contorted cotyledons. 
Stamens 4-5, all perfect and equal; drupes compressed; — 

seer eens 

penton 5, very unequal, 2 only fertile ; drupes subglobose ; — 

200. Sabia Colebr. 
Shrubs, sarmentose or climbing; branches with bud-seales per 
sisting at their bases; leaves simple, ae alternate ; stipules 0. 
Flowers usually hermaphrodite, 2-bracteolate, axillary and solitary 
or in axillary simple or panicled cymes; the members of all the 
whorls opposite. Calyx 4-5- -partite. Petals 4-5; disk annular, - 
5-lobed. Stamens 4-5, inserted at base of disk. Carpels 2 
rarely 3, very slightly connate; styles 2, erect, terminal, slightly 
connate; ovules 2 in each carpel, sul or pte pe 
zontal. Prvit of 1-2 dry or drupaceo 
somewhat compressed and gibbous 2a a Se style. se 
1-2 in each earpel, reniform, with coriaceous testa; albumen 
embryo curved, 
389. SaBIa Limontacea Wall. ; F. B. L. ii. 3. 
A large climber with slender branches. 

201. Meliosma BI. 
Trees or shrubs, usually more or less pubescent; leaves sini 

7 imparipinnate, with subopposite adh: rarely Jr: 
stipules 0, a small, irregular, hermaphrodite, in b 
termin Nary ae ; bracts ee 8 

Stamens altogether 5; 2 opposite the inner Soiaby fertile, lames 
short, flattened, incurved, adnate below to the petals, expanded 
=. as @ cup, bearing 2 globose transversely dehiscing — 
cells Springing back elastically; 3 opposite the outer 

-Meliosma.) ANACARDIACEA. "B49 

formed, 2-fid, with empty cells, together forming a hood over the 
_ pistil. Ovary sessile, 2-, rarely 3-locular, contracted into a simple 
or partible style; stigma simple ; ovules 2in each loculus. Frwit 
& small, obliquely subglobose drupe ; stone crustaceous, 1-celled, 
with usually a basilar. projection over which the seed is curved. 
seed globose ; testa membranous ; albumen 0; embryo curved. 
Leaves simple .. simplicifolia 
2 Leaves pinnately compound pinnata 

390. MeLIosMA sIMPLIcIFOLIA Bl; F. B. I. ii. 5. Millingtonia 
simplicifolia F. I. i. 103 
ittagong ; N. Bengal. 
A tall tree. Vernac. Dant-rangi. 
_ 1 Metrosma prynata Planch.; F. B. I. ii, 6. Millingtonia 
Pinnata F. T. i. 104. 
Atree. Vernac. Bativa. 


Smnate in a 8-5-partite calyx with imbricate segments, sometimes 
Paes rarely spathaceous. Petals usually 3-5, rarely 0, 
: ate with sepals, free, imbricate or valvate, sometimes 
3 acerescent, Stamens as many as petals, rarely more; filaments 
te subulate, inserted below base of, rarely on, the disk ; anthers 
C, ey si xed or versatile; dehiscence longitudinal, introrse. 
“pels solitary or 2, connate but one early suppressed, less often 

half-inferior : 


ous; albumen 0 or very scanty; embryo large, with fleshy 
Leaves simple :— 
arts of the flower not altered in fruit :— 
Carpels 5, rarely 4 or 6, but only 1 fertile; stamens 8-10 

Carpels solitary ; stamens He all our species) 1 only ...Mangifera. — 
Parts of the flower altered in fruit :-— ee 
Petals accrescent; calyx and peduncle unaltered ; carpel so 2 

} y Pp § ia 

Petals not accrescent :— a 
Ovary inferior, composed of 3 united carpels but 1-celled 1-ovuled; 
drupe more or less sunk in the eae 2 stamens 5 :— i 

Petals imbricate ; calyx 5-lobed ; style 1..........++ 
Petals valvate ; calyx shortly 5- at i85 styles 3. ..-Ho see 
Ovary seam — set on a much enlarged apex of peduncle; : 
petals imbrica 
Stamen iba ; viteiea 3; ovule pendulous from a nearly apical 
funicle ; ovary 1-celled, but composed of 3 united carpels : 

aes 8-10; style 1; Pts with a basilar funicle; carpel 
7 ..Anacardium. 


Leaves pins compound :— 
celled, 1- — d :— 
Trees ; styles 3 1 the 
Ovule pendiatede from near apex of ovary ; — 7 : 
distant styles ; leafless at time of flowering .. 

Ovule oe a — Panicle i ivi. si.,ie.2. evi licsispeneede ote gee 
Climber ; Oye Oi.. .e er his ks ere alberee eevee Ta out 
Drupe 2-5- ohing Shdoiled ovules a leaflets (in 
species) with a distinct Marginal Nerve ......seseeereseeeerert® Spondias 

202. Buchanania Roxb. — 
Trees; leaves alternate, petiole d, simple, entire; stil d xis 
#lowers small, hermaphrodite, in crowded terminal and 

icles.. Calyx short, 3-5-toothed or -lobed, ae 
imbricate, Petals 4-5, 
others imperfect; styl rate; ovule 

: yie stout, stigma trunca' fleshy 
pendulo: & basal funicle. Fruit a small, slightly 


drupe; stone crustaceous or bony, 2-valved. Seed gibbous, acute 
atone end; albumen 0; embryo with thick cotyledons. 

: Panicles pubescent, stout, stiff; flowers sessile ; leaves broad, tomentose 

on both surfaces latifolia. 
_ Panicles quite glabrous ; flowers with slender pedicels; leaves narrow, 
quite glabrous lancifolia. 

392, BucHANANIA LaTiFoLIA Roxb.; F. I. ii. 885; F. B. 1. ii. 23; 
E. D. B. 913. 
Orissa; Chota Nagpur. 
A tree. Hind. and Beng. Piyér, piyal; Kol. Tarum. 

393, BucHawanta LaNcr¥ou1a Roxb.; F. I. ii. 886; F. B. 1. ii. 24. 
A tree, 

203. Mangifera Linn. 

Calyx and panicles quite glabrous 

eg Panicles and long pedicels very slender ; petals obtuse .-...---- longipes. 
P, e, (white ; disk 


anicles and short pedicels very stout; petals acut 
PAUP AEs drapes acute) .........ccs.cccecscoorecsongesseecessounerenets sylvatica. 

chu vcesusseeerernete 

394. Manorrera tonerrxs Griff.; F. B, I. ii. 15. 

Chittagong. A 

A tree, usually near the coast. Beng. Jangli am, uriam 
(Chittagong) ; Magh. To-sara. 


895. MANGIFERA syLvaTica Roxb.; F. I. i. 644; F. B. I. ii. 16 

. D. M. 209 
Chittagong. ‘ 
A tree, usually inland. Beng. Kosham. : 
896. Manoirera rnpica Linn.; F. I. i. 641; F. B. L ii, 18. 
E. D. M. 147. 
Everywhere planted. 
A tree. Uriya, Beng. and Hind. Am, amb ; Santal. and — 
Kol. Ul, uli; Magh. Ing-sara. 
204. Swintonia Griff. 

Tall glabrous trees; leaves alternate, long - petioled, simple, 
entire ; stipules 0. wers in terminal and axillary large 
hermaphrodite or polygamous. Calyx small, 5-lobed; lobes obtuse, 
imbricate. Petals 5, adnate to the short or long cylindric disk, 
linear-oblong, imbricate, accrescent and persistent reflexed in 
fruit. Stamens 5, inserted on the disk, free. Ovary sessile, ovoid, 
1-locular, narrowed into the slender style ; stigma small capitate 
ovule solitary, pendulous from a basal funicle. Fruit an ovoid, 
smooth, sessile, leathery drupe, subtended by the 5 enlarged 
reflexed petals. Seed erect; testa thin; albumen 0; 



3897. Swinronta FLoRIBUNDA Griff. S. Grigithii F. B. 1. ii. 3 
S. Schwenkii E. D. 8. 8040. , 

A lofty tree. Beng. Boilsur, boilam. 
205. Drimycarpus Hook. f. 
all trees; leaves alternate, petioled, simple, quite were 
stipules 0. Flowers small, polygamo-dicecious, in axillary ™ Petals 
bricate. £ 

5, erect, orbicular, imbricate; disk broad annular. Stamens 
inserted at the base of the disk. Ovary inferior, 1-locular; ' 
short, stigma capitate; ovule solitary, lateral. F ruit bg 
rupe with resinous flesh, transversely obliquely ovoid ; 

thickly leathery. Seed attached to wall of cell ; testa mem 
albumen 0 ; embryo thick, with large cotyledons. gD. 

898. Driwycarpus racemosus Hook. f.; F. B. 1. ii. 36; * 
D. 8384, Holigarna racemosa F, I, ii. 82. 

A tall tree. Beng. Telsur; Magh. Sangrin- 

Semecarpus.] ANACARDIACEA. 353 

206. Holigarna Ham. 
Tall trees; leaves alternate, simple, entire, coriaceous ; petiole 
_ With one or two pairs of deciduous appendages; stipules 0. 
: Flowers small, polygamo-dicecious, crowded in a illary and 
Pre. racemes or panicles. Calyx superior, tube cupular, teeth 
z 5, imbricate, Petals 5, connate below and adnate to edge of disk ; 
* disk lining calyx-tube in ¢, obscure in ¢ flowers. Stamens 5, 

— Woid or oblong drupe; stone coriaceous. Seed parietal, testa 
_ Membranous; albumen 0; embryo thick with large cotyledons. 
899, Hoticarwa Lonerronia Roxb.; F. I. ii, 80; PF. B, L ii, 87; 
E. D. H. 317. 


A tall tree. Beng. Barola. 

207. Semecarpus Linn. f. 

panic es 
&s. Calyx 5-6-fid; segments deciduous. Petals 5-6, imbri- 

as gmen somewhat fleshy ; albumen 0; embryo thick with 
2 eeateeeee cogent ee© 

Leaves Paper ‘ 
Ovary ,acuminate, glabrous, and not very strongl} veined beneath ; 
eather nmr subpanduriformis. 

400, Szmecarpus Anacarprum Linn. f.; F. I. ii. 83; F- B. L 


4. 35; E. D. s. 1041 

Behar; Chota Nagpur. 

A tree. Hind. and Beng. Bhela; Uriya Bhallia ; Santal, 
Soso ; Kol, Loso, 

354 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Semecarp 

A tree, 

208. Anacardium Rottb. 
Shrubs or trees; leaves alternate, petioled, simple, entire; 

stipules 0. Flowers small, polygamous, in terminal bracteate 

panicles. Calyx 5-partite; segments erect, imbricate, deciduous. — 

Petals 5, linear-lanceolate, recurved, imbricate ; disk erect, filling 

the calyx-tube. Stamens 8-10, usually 9, all fertile or some sterile, 

one usually larger than the others; filaments connate at the base 

and adnate to the disk. Ovary 1-locular, ovoid or obcordate; style 

excentric filiform, stigma minute; ovule solitary, ascending from 4 

lateral funiculus. Fruit a kidney-shaped nut, seated on a large — 

pyriform fleshy mass derived from the accrescent disk and top of 

peduncle; pericarp hg and filled with oil. Seed kidney 

shaped, ascending ; apisiendoe ti adherent; albumen 0; 

embryo curved, ou. semilun : 

402. ANACARDIUM occIDENTALE ony F. I. it, 812; F. BL 

20; E. D. A. 1014. 

Cultivated and sometimes nas tas as wild, especiallyin _ 

rae and Chittagon 2 

A small tree, native of America. Hind. Kaju; Bing 

Kaju, hidgli-badam. : 

209. Odina Roxb. 

rminal racemes or panicles. Calyx 
persistent ; lobes ‘niet imbricate. Petals 4-5, imbricate; 
annular, 4-5-lobed. Stamens 8-10, inserted within the 
Ovary rudimentary, 4- -partite. ¢ ¢ Stamens 8-10 or 0. ont : 
Sesaile, oblong, 1- locular ; till 4, stout, stigmas simple 
Capitellate; ovule solitary, pendul ll com i 
reniform drupe, tipped by the distant rig stone hard. 5¢ 
Compressed ; albumen 0; embryo curve 
_ OPIss. Won Woprer Roxb.; F. I. ii. "998; F. BL 

i, 95 

Sa ky y trovines, including the Sundribuns. 


A deciduous tree. Beng. Jiyal; Hind. Jhingan; Uriya 
Indramai; Kol, and Santal. Dhoka. 

210. Rhus Linn. 

Trees or shrubs, with often an acrid juice; leaves alternate, 
simple or 1-3-foliolate or pinnate; leaflets entire or serrate ; 
stipules 0. Flowers small, polygamous. Calyx small, 4-6-partite, 
persistent; segments subequal, imbricate. Petals 4-6, equal, 
spreading, imbricate ; disk cupular, lobed. Stamens 4-6, or 10, 
peeked at base of disk, free; filaments subulate; anthers in 
functional female flowers often imperfect. Ovary sessile, ovoid or 

large tree, with odd-pinnate leaves. Vernac. 

211. Tapiria Juss. 

spay shrubs, or trees ; leaves alternate, odd-pinnate ; leaflets 
tous, subopposite, serrate ; stipules 0. Flowers small, poly- 

idiot, 98 axillary and terminal panicles. Calyx 5-partite; lobes 

rosa os persistent. Petals 5, small, oblong, imbricate ; disk 

Ov : ‘lobed. Stamens 10, inserted at the base of the disk. 

weary sunk in the disk, 4~5-lobed, with 4-5 styles in ¢ flowers; 

i functional ¢ flowers ovoid, more free, L-locular, with 1 short 

se eous, rugose, Seed oblong ; testa membranous 5 albumen 0; 
ryo straight, cotyledons large. 
- Tapreta niersuta Kurz; F. B. I. ii. 28. 
F. I. ii. 455. 
Chittagong ; Tippera. 
A scandent, usually softly villous shrab. 

Robergia hirsuta 

212. Spondias Linn. 
Pea leaves alternate, odd-pinnate, usually cr 

owded at the ends 
* the branches ; leaflets opposite; stipules 0, Flowers 



polygamous, in terminal spreading panicles. Calyx small, 4-5-fd, 
deciduous ; lobes slightly imbricate. Petals 4-5, spreading, sub- 
valvate; disk broad, cupular, crenate. Stamens 8-10, inserted 
beneath the disk. Ovary sessile, free, 4-5-locular; styles 44, 
connivent; ovules solitary, pendulous in each loculus. Fruit a 
fleshy drupe, with a hard 1-5-celled stone, the cells erect or 
diverging and opening by canals in the top of the stone. Seeds 
pendulous ; testa membranous ; albumen 0 ; embryo straight, coty- 
ledons elongate. 

Leaflets 4-6-jugate, quite entire smangifere. 
Leaflets 6-8-jugate, crenate-serra te ve ules. | 
406. Spoypias MaNGIFERA Willd. ; F. IL. ii. 451; F.B. LI. iit, 2; : 
E. D. 8. 2649 

Tn all the provinces; often planted. 

A tr Vernac. Amra, The Indian Hog-Plum. — aL 
407. Sponpias puucrs Willd.; F, I. ii. 452; F. B. I it a; 2 
D. 8. 2644 

Oceasionally planted. ; 
A tree. Vernac. Amra. The Hog-Plum, or Otaheite @ 
Apple. Native of Polynesia. 


Trees, with soft white wood and with gummy juice. weir 
alternate, compound, simply or 2-3-pinnately divided; ml Q 
Opposite, entire ; stipules and stipels 0 or reduced to glands ee 
bases of leaves and pinnules, Flowers irregular, hermaphrodite” : 
axillary panicles, Disk lining calyx-tube. Sepals connate ™ i 
cupular 5-cleft calyx ; segments unequal, imbricate, the odd ” 
Posterior, subpetaloid, deciduous. Petals 5, unequal, the upp : 
small, the lowest largest. Stamens declinate, 5 ther : 
oe petals with 5-7 alternate sterile ; filaments free, ™ a 

thks, inserted gin of disk; anthers versatile, 1 
erence longitudinal, extrorse. Carpels 8 

ular ovary with 3 parietal placentas ; 

Moringa.) CONNARACEA.. 357 

213. Moringa Lamk. 

The only genus. Characters those of the Order. 

408. MorInca PreryGosPeRMA Gaertn.; F. B. I. ii, 45; E. D. 
M.721. Hyperanthera Moringa F. I. ii. 368. 

In all the provinces, planted ; but often also self-sown. 
A small tree with corky bark, soft wood, and pungent 
root. Beng. Hind. and Uriya Sajina; Kol. Mulgia ; 
Santal, Munga arak’. 


3 Sepals connate, partially or completely, in a tube adnate to or 
enclosing the ovary, persistent or with the upper portion deciduous, 

_ ‘Yeryrarely free, Disk adnate to the calyx-tube and free from the 

Ovary, OF adnate both to ovary and calyx-tube, bearing the stamens 

eal at the apex of the calyx-tube or on the disk lining 
“Y%, occasionally absent. Stamens variously indefinite or defi- 
the peared on the margin or inner face of the disk, rarely outside 
a. disk. Carpels free or connate, usually inferior or 
q in the calyx-tube. 


Shrubs, erect or climbing, or trees. Leaves persistent or deci- 

: dhons, alternate, 1-3-foliolate or imparipinnate ; leaflets coriaceous, 
‘atire; stipules 0. Flowers usually hermaphrodite, regular or 

Somewhat irregular. Disk small annular, or imperfect, or 0. 

als connate as a 5-lobed or 5-partite calyx, imbricate or valvate, 

‘ometimes 5, the shorter antipetalous series being imperfect, 
Perigynous or hypogynous within the disk ; filaments filiform, often 
© below ; anthers short, didymous; dehiscence longitudinal 
rarely after flowering extrorse by torsion. Carpels 5, 

358 BENGAL PLANTS,  [Rourea 

rarely fewer or sc globose, free, hirsute, 1-locular; styles subu- 
late or filiform, stigmas minutely capitate or 2-lobed or rei 
ovules 2, sella from inner angle at base of the | 
ascending, orthotropous. Fruit of 1, rarely 2 or more, sessile pe : 
stalked, 1-, rarely 2-seeded follicles meer by ventral suture. 
Seed erect, often with basal arillus; testa thick, sometimes fleshy 
below the middle; albumen fleshy or 0: embryo with amygdaloid 
cotyledons in exalbuminous, and with leafy cotyledons in albumi- 
nous seeds 

Calyx enlarging in fruit, clasping the base of the sessile capsule Rourea. 
Calyx not acerescent, clasping the pedicel of the stipitate capsule 

214. Rourea Aubl. 
bs, sometimes scandent, or small trees, with odd -pinnate 

panicles, on usually slender pedicels. Sepals connate in & short 
tube with deeply partite limb; lobes 5, orbicular, imbricate, — 
enlarged and clasping the base of the fruit. Petals 5, usually : 
linear-oblong, exceeding the calyx. Stamens 10; filaments fili- 
form, alternately shorter and longer, connate in a ring at the base. 
Carpels 5, usually 4 imperfect and reduced to functionless styles, A 

smooth, shining ; gehlinyo without album 
409, Rourea commurara Planch.; F. B. ‘Li. 47; EB. D. R556 
Cnestis monadelpha F, I, ii. 454 . 
Tippera, Comilla ; Chittagong. 
A small tree. Vernac. Kowatothi. 

215. Connarus Linn. 

all enlarging, spreading, not clasping the base of the fruit. ni ts 
5, linear-oblong, exceeding the ealyx-lobes. Stamens 10; HI" with 
filiform, alternately shorter and longer, the shorter cgeually 

Connarus.] LEGUMINOS:. 359 

functionless anthers, connate below ina ring. Carpels 5, usually 
i ect, minute or suppressed, the fifth ovate with subulate 
style. Frwit a stipitate follicle, enlarged upwards. Seed solitary, 
arillate; testa smooth, shining; albumen 0. 
410, Connarvs PANICULATUS Roxb.; F. I. iii, 189; F. B. I. ii. 52; 
E. D. C. 1778, 
A large climber. 



Herbs, shrubs, or trees. Leaves alternate rarely opposite, 

compound rarely simple, 1-foliolate, or pin 1 


‘Flowers irregular ; petals imbricate; stamens usually 10 :—[p. 360] fe 
Calyx distinctly united below beyond the top of the disk; upper Pé 

(standard) outermost; stamens very often 1-adelphous or 2-adelphous 
(9 +1) [p. 360)... “Suborder PAPILIONACE, 


“Calyx divided into lobes (except in some Bauhinias) down to the top of 
the disk ; upper petal innermost; stamens almost always free [p. 359] 

{Flowers regular ; petals valvate ; stamens often indefinite fp. 359] 
Suborder MIMOSEZ, 


Herbs, shrubs, or trees, Leaves simple or digitately or 
pinnately compound, rarely 2-pinnate; stipels very common. 
Flowers irregular, rarely almost regular, almost always 
hermaphrodite, never capitate, very rarely spicate. Sepals 5, 
united above the middle and beyond the disk in a campan 
or tubular calyx with truncate, 5-toothed or 5-lobed limb, often 
the two upper sepals connate and the limb 4-toothed, or the two 
upper and three lower discretely connate and the limb 2-lipped; 
rarely closed in bud and spathaceous in flower. Petals 54, 
imbricate, erect or Spreading, the upper (standard) outmost, free 
or below to stamens, the 2 lower (keel) inmost 

accumbent cotyledons, 
“Stamens 1- or 2-adelphous :— [p. 365} 
tPlants with basifixed hairs or glabrous; anthers not mucronate of 
gland-tipped ;— [p. 365 
{Pod dehiscent by both sutures :— [p. 363] ‘ 
SLeaf-rachis ending in a bristle or tendril; leaflets even-Pit 
nate :—[p, 361 

‘Stems herbaceous; flowers axillary solitary, or T 


**Style not bearded ; wings free from staminal tube; les a. 
toothed ; seeds with a slender funicle; pod turgid {p. 361) s 


**Style bearded ; wings more or less united to staminal tube; 
_ entire ; seeds with short funicle :—{p. 360] 
Sta tube oblique at the mouth ; r : 
Sipié se sory uft of bas or bearded i some tip ; 

ovules usually e than Vicia. 
Style longitadinal oie along inner face; ovules 
never m Lens. 

e than 2 
Staminal tube truncate at mouth; style bearded along the 
inner face :— 
Pod compressed ; style flat, dilated at tip ...... Lathyru 
Pod turgid; style 3-cornered, dilated upwards shot hiet 

“Stems woody; flowers in terminal racemes; stipules narrow, 
equal at base; stamens 9, 1-adelphous in a sheath slit above, 
vexillary 0; snyts not bearded ; pod compressed [p. 360] Abrus. 
§Leaf-rachis not ending in a tendril; leaves odd-pinnate or simple 
or digitately 3-more foliolate pee 5 
Leaves simple or digitately compound :— 
Stamens 1-adelphous, 10, doce aa split along back, anthers 
5 long and 5 on ee Are short free filaments ; leaves not 
Bauza benea 
od eed ist 1-2; leaves simple sessile 
turgid, seeds many; leaves ree sessile, or 
digitately 3-7 foliolate ce ee ...Crotalari 
Stamens 2-adelphous, 9 sp 1; sods 2; ‘NeiNes Piles 
3- es or petioled 1-foliolate, g ular benea 
turgid; leaves digitate Athy eHtbuls with: ithe 
mae or 1-foliolate with bracts large; funicle centric 
Pod depressed between the seeds; leaves (in our species) 
1-foliolate with bracts small; funicle attached near end 
of hilum Eriosema. 
Leaves pinnately compound :— : 
t+Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, or if 1-foliolate (Grona) with 
ve leaves not glandular beneath: 
t{Pods dehiscing from apex to base Wend 363) 
fae glandular beneath ; pod co pressed ; stamens 
e two upper calyx-lobes sath adie funicle 
ats a 362] 
vules 1-2:—[p. 362] 
©Calyx-lobes accrescent, scarious-membranous, the 
lowest lobe largest [p. 362] .-++++-r++rererse*"* .. .Cylista. 

cae dcabrenes 206 bss O08 F4562%: 


86] coached Rhynchosia. 
“| Ovules 4 or more :—[p. =e i. 
eg — mall term 

r-acuminate, eu apres between 

between the s 

on pees: ehitis deeply transversely lineate 
.. -Atylosia. 

Woody undersh “i stigma dilated, ‘oblique; pod 
acute, deeply transversely lineate between the seeds 

§§Leaves not glandular beneath; leaflets stipellate-- — 
p- 361 

Style bearded below the stigma; stamens 9 + 1:— 
Pod woody 

y, septate between the arias seeds ; 
stigma oblique solobium. 

— coriaceous, not septate bet eames ae se 3 
eeds :— 

bene obligq : 
Keel eS twisted ...2..cccorsserses ..Phaseolus: 
Keel not spiral :— : 
Style filiform ... pitciee Vigna. 
Style flattened upwards .....-++ Pachyrhizus. — 


igma terminal :— 
Pod flattish, not winged ......+sss+0+ : 
Pod square, 4-winged; stamens submon- séesirviscnen epeopntons Psophocarpus 
Style not bearded ~~ ~~ — 
Nodes of racemes n 

Pal es 
Calyx. tube eplindtie, with oblique i — ; 

Ralyxitube campanulate, margin acre the 
tami teeth subconnate; style uniform; § 

reflex all : 
Se at length 2- adelpbaust anthers © 
fertile --Glycin® 
Stamens set giibeas 1- -edelphows 5 al 
anthers sterile...,.......+ Teral 

Nodes of racemes swollen 

*Stamens 1- os watts shi 363] alia _ 

Upper-lip of calyx projecting «-----'* Cana : 

2 cgghcote of calyx not projecting ‘— 


Pod oblong, turgid, 1-2-seeded; anthers 

2-morphous, 4 sterile .......sss00...00000 oclea. 

Pod linear, flat or subeylindric, many- 

seeded; anthers uniform, sometimes sub- 

2-adelphou Pueraria. 

*Stamens apo Mi 1):—[p. 362] 
Petals of equal len, 

Leaves 3- Lite: ; upper lobe Pe Ponds 

rat 1-foliolate ; upper lobe ey = 


Petals very unequal :— 
Anthers uniform; keel and wings both 
shorter tha st ae armed trees; 

pho Erythrina. 
Anthers di Bifeat! ce he shorter than 
eel and wings; climbers........+...++. ucuna. 
t{Pods dehiscing at seed-bearing apex only, elsewhere 
weadlods and indehiscent :—[p. 3 
Petals unequal; flowers large tea. 
Petals subequal; flowers small ........+..0+++ Spatholobus. 
{Leaves pinnately 5-many-foliolate ; pods dehiscing from apex 
to base :-— : 
Style Soanied below the stigma; flowers with very — 
petals, standard la rge ria. 
Style not bearded ; “flowers medium, the standard a pein 
than the other petals : 
Pods transversely pie between the seeds; aaa 
2-adelphous (9 + 1) ...csssesesseeseeesrrereencsreneneesees 
Pods not septate; stamens submonadelphous, the ncaa 
stamen usually united in the middle to the edges of f the 
sheath : 

east closely _parallel-veined ; pod thin, early 
dehiscent i Ae rosia. 
Lends reticulately veined; pod thick, tardily 


de eocccecen sec sseseesserer 
+Pod indehi ea or rarely (some Desmodia) opening along the : 
Ventral suture :—[p. 360 
SLeaves not Sen dotted :—[p. 365] 
=Pod not segmented, — ee :—{p. 364] 
x Leaves pa 
+ Trees or strong ee —- leaflets entire :—[p. 364] 


Leaflets opposite, stamens usually submonadelphous the 
vexillary stamen united in the middle to the sheath, — 
sometimes 2-adelphous (9 + 1) :— 

od mete Pongamia. 
od winged ..,. Derris. 
Leaflets atiiotiy alternate :— 
Flowers small ; pods narrow ..........s000+8 
Flowers tedium ; pods Siiborbicwies “isan Pterocarpus. 
+ Herbs ; leaflets with the inal teeth ; 

leaves always 3-foliolate :—[p. 363] 
Pod subglobose, hardly longer than calyx ......Melilotus. 

a epitaily twisted £22005 .2......cccitceoeeen M 
x Leaves nena the rachis ending in a bristle; herbs with 
hypogeal fruits [p. 3 .-»- Arachis. 
= Pod by 1 or several meena. 1-seeded sega in some 
ia de ehiscing along the ventral suture :—[p. 363] 
spe exstipellate :— 
tamens l-adelphous, anthers dimorphous; leaves pra 
2-4-foliolate ; joints of pod muricated, several........+++ 
Stamens 2 ieee anthers uniform :— : 
in a sheath slit above with a free vexillary stame?; 
leaves Sle — 
Stipules spinescent; leaves always eet joints 9, ped 
Bacaly oiconiens vexillary stamen always free -- Alhagi. 
Stipules not spinescent; leaves etsy 8-foliolate, rarely 
I-foliolate; pod a solitary 1-seeded flattened segment 
vexillary ciate sometimes partially united to sheath 

Stamens in 2 lateral bundles of 5 — leaves pinnate; -“ 
of pod papillose or weakly muricu 
Leaves oo end-leafiet replied by a bristle; e 
folded within cal — 
Leaves er piniies poll straight exserted ; marsh plants 
Leaves Stipellate; stamens (9 + 1) diadelphous or rai 
adelphous ; joints of pod usually about as long as 
Ovary 1-ovuled; leaves 1-foliolate ..........cccc0ecsee0ee00e* 
Ovary sa or more-ovuled :— 
+Pod folded within the calyx :—[p. 865] Uraris. 
©Calyx-teeth setaceous, not accrescent [p- 365] ae 


©Calyx-teeth si it accrescent [p. 364]......... Lourea, 
+Pod straight exserted :—{p. 364 

A tree; joints of ai thin, wing-like, large; flowers in 
fascicles from the old wood; stamens mere 

Herbs, rarely shrubs ; joints of pod not or deer flowers 

Joints of pod thin or, if coriaceous, eaias than re! 
if as thick as broad much net than broad; sometim 

opening along lower suture..........ccsceeeeees Bicnadlans: 
Joints of all coriaceous, pre as thick as rab are broad 

and lon sicarpus. 
§Leaves ply te caiblg pas 1 (in our ‘paleo their 
ins tooth Iphous or submonadelphous ; 

connective of anthers mucronate or gland-tipped :—{p. 360] 
Stamens 1-adelphous, sheath tubular; pod thick; sas 3, large, 


Pek eee wee see 

Stamens 2. -adelphous (9+ 1), sheath slit above; st gg 
leaflets usually small, css ; leaves simple or gay or 
pinna ms 3- or more-foliola 

"Stamens f 

Leaves satiate bracts and bracteoles small, caducous :— 
Stigma terminal ; pod long, moniliform .........:++-s0e0000+0 ora. 
Stigma oblique ; pod short, turgid Ormosia. 
Leaves 1-foliolate ; bracts ahd bracteoles large, opposite, persistent 

216. Cicer Linn. 

Annual herbs ; with usually even- -pinnate rigid leaves ; leaflets 

and foliaceous stipules strongly veined and deeply toothed, the 

"achis ending in a bristle or tendril, sometimes in cultivated forms 

wittt a hea rey, a 0. Flowers axillary solitary; 


366 BENGAL PLANTS. (Cicer. 

411, Cicer ARIETINUM Linn.; F. I. iii. 8324; F. B. I. ii. 176; 
E. D. Cc. 1061. 

Generally cultivated in Tirhut, Behar, N. and W. Bengal. 
A small herb. Hind. Chola, but, but kalia; Beng. 
Channa; Santal. But. The Gram or Chick- Pea. 

247. Vicia Linn. 

Annual or perennial herbs ; leaves even-pinnate ; rachis ending 
in a twisted tendril, rarely in a simple point; stipules semi- 
sin stipels 0. Flowers Staats axillary 1-3, or im 
axillary racemes; bracts small caducous, bracteoles 0. 

Sepals connate in a campanulate tube often oblique ; lobes 5 sub- 
equal or the 2 upper shorter and the lowest longer than the lateral. 
Petals ae standard obovate emarginate, 0 narrowed into a 

Shore! ey Stamens 10, the vexillary one free or sligh 
connate with the rest; anthers uniform. Ovary —- 
stipitate, usually many-ovuled, rarely 2-ovuled; style inflex 
filiform, or flattened, usually pubescent with a dorsal np 
subapical ring of hairs, rarely glabrous; stigma t terminal, capita 
ruit a compressed pod, continuous within. Seeds globose, rarely 
compressed ; hilum oblong or linear. 
Stems prostrate; leaflets 4 or more pairs; rachis of leaf ending in ® 
tendril : 

Flowers solitary, almost sessile, large (°5 in.); pods glabrous, 6- 
seeded :— 

vee 80ti00. 

Leafiets wide, obtuse see 
Leaflets narrower, those of lower leaves sabe 
sativa vat. angustifolia. 
Flowers several in a peduncled raceme, ts (715 in.); Pe sae 
hairy, 2-seede whit a 
Stems erect ; leaflets 3 or fewer pairs ; rachis of leat ending | in & ae 
POLS © 05 .cccs 

412, Victa sativa Linn.; F. I. iii. 323; F. B. Liat 

Sometimes cultivated. 
A small herb. Hind. and Beng, Ankari. The Tare 
412/2. Var. anaustironia; E. D. v. 114. 
General throughout the area. 
A small prostrate or climbing herb. 

— Lathyrus.) LEGUMINOSAL, 367 

A general field-weed. 
A small prostrate herb. Beng. Musur-channa ; Hind. 
Shunjhuni-ankari; Santal. Tiririte. 
414. Victa Fasa Linn.; F. I. iii. 828; F. B. LI ii. 179; 
EK. D. Vv. 108. 

Occasionally in gardens, especially in Tirhut and N. 

An erect herb. Hind. Bakla, anhuri. The Bean. 

218. Lens Gren. & Godr. 
Annual herbs, erect or subscandent; leaves usually even-pinnate, 
the rachis ending in a tendril or a simple point occasionally with 

415. Lens rscutenta Moench; E. D. L. 252. Cicer Lens F. I. 
ili. 824. Ervum Lens F. B. I. ii. 179. 
Cultivated, especially in northern and western parts, also 
in Chittagong. Vernac. Masuri, masur. The Lentil. 

219. Lathyrus Linn. 

Annual or perennial herbs with even-pinnate leaves, the rachis 
ending in a tendril or bristle, sometimes wholly cirrhose ; stipules 
ers axillary 


bracteoles 0. Sepals connate in an obliquely camp: 
Sometimes gibbous behind ; teeth 5, subequal or the 2 upper shorter. 
etals more or less exserted ; standard broad, narrowed to a short, 
claw; wings falcate, obovate or oblong, slightly adnate i 
eel, or occasionally “pe 

i wi 

ther middle to the shorter incurved k 
#10, the vexillary one free or more OF less connate 


368 BENGAL PLANTS. (Lathyrus, 

the others, which are united in a sheath with a straight meee 
anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile or stipitate, many- 

style dorsally flattened, bearded longitudinally on the inner side; 
stigma terminal, capitate. Fruit a subterete or compressed pod, 
continuous within, coniak. seeded. Seeds globose or pie rarely 
compressed ; hilum small or linear. 

Leaves reduced to tendrils; stipules large ovate, leaflike ; pir ee 


Leaves pinnate, with 1-2 pairs of leaflets; stipules small Te 
flowers blue or sometimes white ........c.ccccc cee ccceee nen egnunanenetree® 
416, Larayrus Apuaca Linn.; F. I. iii, 822; F. B. 1 ib i 
A general, but not common, field-weed. 
LA are herb with leafy stipules. Beng. Jangli matt, 

417, Beets sativus Linn.; F. I. iii, 822; F. B. 1 it 1795 
E. D. L. 100. 

Generally cultivated. 
nannual herb. Vernac. Kesari, kassur. 

220, Pisum Linn. 

Herbs, diffuse or climbing; leaves even-pinnate; leaflets 51-3 sts 
rachis ending in a simple or branched tendril or a simple point 0. 
stipules foliaceous, semicordate or semisagittate, stipels : 
Flowers axillary peduncled, showy, solitary or in few-fid. racemes, 
bracts very small caducous, bracteoles 0. Sepals connate ae 
oblique tube sometimes gibbous behind; lobes 5, subequal nee 
2 upper wider. Petals much exserted; standard very b x 
narrowed to a short, wide claw; wings oblong faleate, adnate on 
their middle to the shorter ineurved obtuse keel. Stamens 10, 

sessile, many-ovuled; style inflexed, hard, ee with 
edges, compressed laterally towards the to there Wei ) 
tudinally bearded on the inner side. Fruit an slau pooh , 
compressed or subturgid “ied continuous within, several: : 
Seeds subglobose ; hilum ob: 
“Standard white or pale _ w and keel purp 

see Srey or purple, mottled ; nna of sachet of a a vol : 

agecoeede Feesty 

Abrus.) LEGUMINOS.E. 369 

“Standard, wings, and keel white ; seeds rounded, green or pale straw- 
coloured ; point of attachment of stipules pale green [p. 368]...... sativum, 
418. Pisum anvense Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 181; E. D. P. 882. 
Cultivated, especially in the northern and eastern parts. 
An annual herb. Vernac. Matar. The Field-pea. 
419, Pisum sartvum Linn. : PE. 1h. Bel te ee ie ee ee 
D. 'P. 885. 
Cultivated, especially in the western parts. 
Anannual herb. Beng. Cabuli-matdr. The Pea. 

221. Abrus Linn, 

Shrubs or undershrubs, with twining stems; leaves even-pinnate ; 
many-paired, subdecid ; rachis ending i imple point ; 
stipules subscarious, striate, lanceolate, deciduous; stipels minute, 
blunt, persistent, rigid. Flowers small, distinctly pedicelled, 
tcemosely fascicled on the nodes of terminal peduncles or on 
almost leafless, short, axillary branches ; bracts small, ovate, acute, 
deciduous; bracteoles under the calyx 2, lanceolate, deciduous. 
Sepals 5, connate in a subtruncate tube, the teeth short, the upper 
2 subeonnate. Petals exserted; standard ovate narrowed to a 
short claw slightly adnate to the staminal tube; wings falcate, 
oblong, Spreading, free, shorter than the curved keel. Stamens 9, 
connate in a sheath split along the top, the vexillary filament 
absent ; free portions of filaments alternately longer and shorter ; 
anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, several- or many-ovuled; style 
short, ineurved, not bearded ; stigma terminal capitate. Fruit an 
oblong or linear pod, considerably or much compressed. Seeds glo- 
bose or compressed ; testa smooth, shining; hilum shortly oblong. 
Pods twice to thrice as long as broad, fairly thick, somewhat corrugated ; 

Seeds rounded i 


precatorius. - 
Pods four to five times as long as broad, thin, smooth ; seeds compressed. 
420. Aprus PRECATORIUS Linn.; F. I. iii. 257; F. B. Lit. 175; 
B.D. A. 51. 

Tn all the provinces. . 
A slender climber. Hind. Gaunchi, rati, chirmiti; 
Beng. Kunch, chun-hati; Santal. Kawet. 

421. Aprus putcuELus Wall.; F. B. I. ii. 175. 
N. Bengal ; E. Bengal; Tippera; Chittagong. 
A. slender climber. 

370 BENGAL PLANTS. | Heylandia, 

222. Heylandia DC. 

A prostrate herb ; leaves close-set, alternate, simple. lowers 
small, axillary, solitary. Sepals connate in a turbinate tube; teeth 
lanceolate, 3 lower longer than the 2 subconnate upper. Petals 
much exserted; standard suborbicular with 2 basal scales at the 
top of the short claw; wings short, obovate-oblong ; keel narrow, 
its petals connate, narrowed to an incurved beak. Stamens 10, 
united in a tube slit above; anthers alternate, short versatile, and 
long basifixed. Ovary sessile, 2-ovuled; style abruptly ineurved 
at base, elongated, longitudinally bearded above; stigma terminal. 
Fruit a flat oblong 1-2-seeded pod, continuous within. Seeds 
without strophiole ; funicle filiform. ‘ 

422. HeynanpIa LATeBRosA DC.; F. B. LI. ii, 65. Crotalaria 

uniflora ¥F. I, iii. 271. 

and long basifixed. Ovary sessile or rarely stipitate, g-many” 
ovuled ; style much incurved, often abruptly inflexed, na or ee 

*Leayes digitately com : 
pound :—{p. 371} linest 
Leaflets almost always 5, sometimes 7, very rarely 3, narrowly 

Crotalaria.) LEGUMINOS#. 371 

or oblanceolate, obtuse; pod glabrous many-seeded, — Hie 4 
Teatlets always 3, ovate or oblong :— 
Pods oblong or cylindric, many-seeded :— 
Erect, shrubby; bracts minute setaceous; pods large :— 
ods Soheneni, subses 

uingr uefoli 

Leaflets obovate, obese : ges loosely pubescent 

Fercceyes incana. 
Leaflets oblong, acute; pod densely pubescent ...... racteata 
Pods glabrous :— 
Pods subse 

Leaflets obovate, o 


Pods witha long, oe filiform gynophore ; eats ae 
oblong acute 

Prostrate, diffuse, herbaceous ; 

bracts conspicuous, tlaeous 
persistent ; pods small, glabrous, long-stalked...........- en 
Pods small obliquely ——— 2-seeded ; leaflet soil - 
lanceolate ; bracts linear minute ....-.+- 
— simple :—{p. 

medicaginea var. neglecta. 

Stipules persisting as long decurrent wings along the twigs ; pod prone 
oblong, many-seeded, stipitate, glabrous. 

Stipules, if present at all, not are along the twigs :— 
Erect shrubs or herbs ; seeds 10-2 

with strict, erect ‘sindbis ; racemes both terminal and 
lateral; pods pubescent or velvety :— 
iitaves ovate; branchlets angular; stipules foliaceous semi- 

lunar, large ; flowers usually blue and white 

see eeeenenee 

eaves lanceolate or linear; stipules minute or 0; flowers 
Behoshidin angular ; leaves acuminate; pod speed ei 
Branchlets rounded, grooved; leaves obtuse; pod at 
Herbs ea oe unbranched stems; racemes a only ; 
pods g 
Stipules : ace minute; bracts deciduous; leaves avert 

Stipules foliaceous, leafy ; bracts reflexed persistent ; at set 

Diffuse low ee or rarely shrubs ; goatee small or 

tLow annuals bs with sao S essidink 
branches a terminal racemes ; pada hardly, if at all, ex- 
serted :—{p. 372] 

372 BENGAL PLANTS. [Crotalaria 

Pods obviously exserted from ¢ 

calyx: ; 
tipules linear, persistent: bracts lniiooua foliaceous ; eaves: : 

eM paS obtuse ; pods subsessile, glabrous ...mysorensis. 
Stipules 0 

Pods silky ; bracts minute, lanceolate; leaves linear, very 

small; annual, densely silky herbs 
Pods glabe rous :— 
Bracts lanceolate, foliaceous ; leaves linear, = 

a linear, very minute ; leaves linear or ici 
€; perennial, obscurely silky, slender vs .albida. 
Pods eat in calyx, glabrous; annual herbs: 

very minute; leaves linear or oblanceolate, jens — i 
Racemes capitate or subumbellate ......... a yar. me 
Racemes elongated, lax 

Stipules minute, Soteneots; calyx-teeth all noe mr a 

ze bracteoles long 
Flowers in eae: congested rounded heads; bracts and 
bracteoles broad, ovate-acute : ; leaves obovate, cuneate, 
subacute --odtubia. 

See e eee e eee eeees 

Flowers in lax or elongated racemes; bracts and bracteoes : 

natrow ; leaves linear or lanceolate :— 
acemes elongated ; flowers close, blueish, ae é 
rous ; bracts and bracteoles setaceous..+.+.+-++« essilijlora. 
acemes short; flowers lax, yellow, always ir 4 
acteoles lanceolate 

aoe Oe pee 
t+ Prostrate oe with flexuous, ne stems ; flowers pi : 

or in few-flowered racemes :—{p. 
Pods — 
Corolla hardly exserted ; pods finely silky, at length pect 
subglobose; 5 Stipules very minute or 0 .. “ 
distinctly exserted ; pods finely aownye obong in 
small, linear 


Stipules 0 — 

—— a cordate; pod short-stalked ...... —_— : 
mieadione: pod Subsessile......-+sseeeceeP108 
oe present 

Stipules email: ee bracts deflexed ; pods is. . 

*25-"35 in. lo 

Stipules deliastions iersisheis. often defiexed ; bracts ine. 
ing; pods shortly nated 1-1-25 in. long. «+.++-++,ferru 


Ms Riss 
Se reen BO Bg mee 

Bee. ‘ 
Ps ecg Fart SE 

rotalaria.} LEGUMINOS&. 373 

425. CROTALARIA QUINQUEFOLIA Linn.; F. I. iii. 279; F. B. I. 
ii. 84 

Behar; N. Bengal; Chota Nagpur. 
An erect annual, 2-4 feet high. 
424. Croranaria incana Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 83. 
seaman also at Sinise an escape, especially in Chitta- 

An ai ershrub, 2-4 feet high. 
425, CRoTaLarra BRACTEATA Roxb: ? F. T.iiis 2785-7. Be Tf. 
ii, 83. 

A small shrubby species. 
426, Croranaria Browner Bert. C. striata F. B. I. ii. 84 

Cultivated and also in some places naturalise 
427. Croranarta Saurtana Andr. . striata F. 5 I. ii, 84 
partly; E. D. c. 2159. 
Throughout Bengal, including the Sundribuns; and in 
A Sbadhide weed, probably introduced during the last 
century. Santal. Can 
428, Croranarta Lasurntrouia Linn.; F. I. iii, 275; F. 1 
D. Cc. 2148 

A low sh stb, Hind. Mun 
429. CROTALARIA ORIXENSIS Roti. F. I. ii. 276; F. B. 1. 
ii, 88, 
Behar; Orissa. 
A diffuse ear perennial with slender, much- 
branched stem 
#80. CRorataria eprcacinea DC. var. NEGLECTA Bak. ; 
°F. B. T. ii} 81. ¢: procumbens F. I. iii. 278 partly. E. D. 
C, 2151, 

Chota Nagpur. 
diffuse perennial with slender ascending stems. 
#1. Croratarra arava Ham.; F. I. iii. 274; F. B. I. ii. 69. 
Bengal ; Behar ; Chota Nagpur. 
An undershrub. 
82. Croratarrs verrucosa Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 77. €. angulosa 
FI. iii, 278. 







442. CROTALARIA LINIFoLIA Linn. f.; F. I. iii. 266; F. a 

‘ copes TETRAGONA ae a ee Fi? a Ree. F. B. I. ii. 78. 


: aging RETUSA Linn ; F, C iii, 972 ; F.. Be ly th. 8; 

; CROTALARIA peponanees Roth; F. B. I. ii. 70. @. stipw 

- CROTALARIA pusILLA Heyne; F. B. I. ii. 70. 

- CRoTALaRIa uieta Willd.; F. B. I. ii, 70. C. chinensis 

BENGAL PLANTS. (Crotalaria. 

Orissa; C. Bengal; Sundribuns; —_ ong. 
A subherbaceous undershrub. Vernac. Ban-can. 


A stiff slit 6 feet high, with = brown velvety pods. 
CROTALARIA JuNcEA Linn.; F. I. iii. 259; F. B. 1. ii, 79; 
E. D. C. 2105. 

Cultivated oo and aemceinies spontaneous. 

A rigid shrub. Ver * Sun Jan. 

E. D. co 
C. Bacal: Sundribun 
A robust edad 6 a 3-4 feet high. Beng. 
Pima sericea Retz; F. I. iii. 278; F. B. L ii. 1; 
E. D. GC; 2157. 
Chota Nagpur; N. and E. Bengal; Chittagong. 
_A robust herbaceous undershrub, 3-4 feet high. Beng. 

lacea F. : : 
C. ana W. pata Chota Nagpur 
A much- ernes herb ; stems 1-2 feet, with long dense — 
spreading hair 

A aaail herb, with stems 6 in. high. 

F. I, iii. 
W. Bengal; Behar. 
A diffuse annual herb. 
CRoTALARIA ALBIDA Heyne; F. B. I. ii. 71. ©. montana 
F. I, iii. 265. : 
Chota Nagpur, common; Behar; W- Bengal. 
A small undershrub or shrub, 1-2 feet high. 
Croratarta Nana Burm. var. patois Bak.; F. B. I ii. 7 
C. Bengal, but probably introduced from Burma. 
An annual, stems 6-8 in. high. 

ii, 72, 


Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
An annual, stems 8-20in. high. 
443. CroTaLaRiA puBIA Grah.; F, B. I. ii. 73. 

Stems 2 Sotk high, sometimes not — 

E. Bengal. 
Stems 1-2 feet high. 
445, CROTALARIA caLyorna Schrank; F. B. I. ii. 72. C. stricta 
F. I. iii. 265 
Chota Nagpur’: Behar; E. Bengal. 
Stems 8-20 in. high; calyx densely covered with long, 
silky, bro hai 
446. CROTALARIA aLopuLosa Wight. C. globosa F. B. I. ii. 66. 
Behar, rare. 
ailing annual, stems 1-2 feet long. 
447, CRoTALARIA HIRSUTA Willd.; F. I. iii. 270; F. B. I. ii. 68. 
"Teg 1-2 feet long, diffuse, much branched. 
448, Croranarra tricHopHora Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 67. 

Behar, rare. 

Stems 1-2 feet long, very slender, much branched. 
449, Croranarra prostrata Roxb.; F. I. iii. 270; F. B. I. ii. 67; 
E. D. c. 2158. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; Bengal generally. 
A diffuse herb, with slender stems 6-20 in. long. Beng. 
Chhoto-jhanjhan; Santal. Nanha or katie’ junkha. 
450. CRoTaLARIA ACICULARIS Ham. ; F. B. I. ii. 68. 
_ ~ Inall the provin 

A diffuse herb, pag slender stems 6-20 i in. long. 

61 Croraarta FERRUGINEA Grah.; F. B. I. ii. 68. 
A diffuse herb, with rather stout stems and silky branches. 

224, Flemingia Roxb. 

Undershrubs or shrubs, erect or prostrate, rarely herbs; leaves 

Loliolate or oftener digitately 3-foliolate, gland-dotted be beneath ; 
es striate, often deciduous; stipels 0. Flowers spicately or 

subeapitately racemose, or panicled; bracts large foliaceous, or 

hattow striate, persistent or caducous; bracteoles 0. Sepals 


connate in a very short tube; teeth 5, qlee: subequal or the — 
af est ane Petals slightly or hardly exserted, subequal in 

obovate or Schiele 2- eacae at base; wings — 
chiguay om or spec adnate Pg straight or incurved 
obtuse or acute keel. Stamens 10, the vexillary filament free, 
the rest connate; anthers reid ae subsessile, short, 
2-ovuled; style Siiform or slightly thickened upwards, beardless; 
stigma terminal, capitate. Fruit a small oblong pane usually 
2-seeded pod, continuous within. Seeds rather thick, not strophio- 
late ; small, 

Bracts i persistent :— 
Leaves simple; flowers in small cymes, each hidden by @ broadly 
cordate folded membranous bract ; ost in copious panicles in the 
axils of leaves and at the ends of ie 

Axis of racemes zigzag; bracts hardly roads’ than long 
Erect shrubs, 5-10 fee eae leaves Berrie or ovate- ‘snoetal, 
rounded at the mai bracts -75-1 in. long :— a 

Lateral nerves all subequal eo airs; bracts 1 in., for 
puberulous, a all obscurely cuspidate, sometimes 1° — 
— Slightly emarginate ..........cccsssesesneeeeenes 12g 
teral nerves 4-6 pairs, the basal pair longer, stronger “— 
more oblique than the rest; bracts ‘75 in., softly hirsute sk : 
long hairs, usually all slightly emarginate, amaiiail the . 
obscurely cupidate : 
Low shrubs, 1-3 feet high; leaves lanceolate vrith “cuneate wale 
bracts 4 i in. eo softly pubescent with long spreading white | ond oo 


acteatd. — 

cordate ; bracts at: sndinginate, firm, much br oader than long 

Leaves digitately 3-foliolate ; flowers in dense globose ape a 
by a ring of lanceolate ac dminate scarious bracts .....+-++++ 
Bracts small, caducous :— Teal 
Leaves simple, thin ; flowers in lax panicles single or wae = a 
yrsoid ‘ak ends of branches .......csssecceseenrertt en” panic : 
i. otra 3- Sree 
copious axillary and oe lax panicles; 
oblanceolate oblong, obtuse, deeply plicate ......---s+-sste1t"" 
Flowers in dense subspicate axillary racemes ; leaflets acute -— 307) 
*Erect woody shrubs with distinct aboveground stems: in 
tBracts rigidly scarious ; leaflets long-acuminate :—[P- 7/7 

lineata. — 

—— Flemingia.) LEGUMINOSZ. 377 

Branches and- stems distinctly 3-cornered; bracts much 
exceeding the buds .........s:esercceneerenensternteenecss teens icta 
Branches Seda stems slightly 3-cornered; bracts hardly 
exceeding the buds ....s..secceceesseceesrencererersrsesneneeess preco 
+Bracts herbaceous ; leaflets abruptly pointed or shortly acumi- 

nate :—[p. 376] 
Racemes as long as leaves, petioles winged ......--+++- semialata. 
Racemes shorter than petioles, which are not winged :— 

Bracts and calyx sparsely grey-silky ; shrubs, 5-10 a mt 
Bracts and cal ed-tawny-pubescent sTaithine mete 
rch aes t FUR ic eee eatewere sen prostrata 

*Dwarf cheats with thick subterranean woody stems ; somes very 
large, petioles very long [p. B76] ....+-sseceesseresreseneresseerer ess ana, 

452. Fiemmneia stropiirera R. Br.; Fs B. 1, ii. 227 

F. 664. Hedysarum strobiliferum F, I. iii. 350. 
Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal; Chittagong. 

hrub. Santal. Sim-busak. 

453. FLEMINGIA BRACTEATA Wight. J’. strobilifera var. brac- 
teata F. B. I. ii, 227. Hedysarwm bracteatum F. I. iii. 351. 
Chota N 
An erect sect: 

An undershrub. 
455. eerste Cuappar Ham.; F. B. I. ii. 227. 
W. Bengal; Chota Nagpur; Orissa. 
An erect shrub. 
456. FLeMINGIA INVOLUCRATA Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 229. 

457. FLEMINGIA PANICULATA \ Wall. ; F, B. I. ii. 227. 
W. Bengal; Chota Nagpur. 

An erect en a Ee 
458, Prineara toceata Roxb. ;, F. 1. ile CALG. ey fo 228. 
. Be 
An erect shrub. i . 
459, Ponscn stricta Roxb.; F. I. iii. 342; F- B. I. ii, 228. 
Hagens Chittagong. 



460. Fueminera precox C. B. Clarke. 
A shrub. 
461. Fiemryeia semranata Roxb.: F. I. iii. 838. F. congesta 
var. semialata F. B. I. ii. 229 partly. 
Chota Nagpur. 
A shrub, 5-10 feet high. Santal. Bir but. 
462, FLemineia concesta Roxb.; F. I. iii. 340; F. B. I. ii. 28; 
E. D. F. 633. 
N. Bengal; Chittagong; Tirhut. 
A tall shrub. Vernac. Bara-salphan, bhalia. 
463. FLEMINGIA prosrrata Roxb.; F. I. iii. 338. F. congesta 

A diffuse, suberect or prostrate shrub. 
I. iii. 889. F. congesta var. 

Dwarf, with underground stems emitting shoots after 

225. Eriosema DC. 
Shrubs or herbs, mostly suberect, with 1-8-foliolate pinnate leaves 

rather inconspicuously gland-dotted beneath ; stipules free or co 
nate opposite the petiole, lanceolate. Flowers axillary | 
solitary or geminate along the rachis, occasionally axillary solitary: 
Sepals connate in a campanulate tube; lobes 5, as long as the 
tube, subequal, or the two upper rather shorter and subconnate. 
Petals somewhat exserted ; standard obovate or oblong, wee 
at the base; wings narrow, as long as the obtuse incurved k ; 
and shorter than the standard. Stamens 10, vexillary filamet 

465. Ertosema CHINENSE Vog.; F. B. I. ii, 219; E. D. EB. * 
Chota, Nagpur. 
A small shrubby plant, with slender stems from a pete™ — 
nial woody stock. Santal. Konden. 

. -Rhynchosia.] LEGUMINOS#. 379 

226. Cylista Ait. 

A twining undershrub or shrub; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, 
dotted beneath with resinous glands; stipules lanceolate, de- 
ciduous; stipels long, subulate, persistent. Flowers axillary 
racemose, pedicels short; bracts membranous, hyaline, large, 
deciduous ; bracteoles 0. Sepals connate in a campanulate tube, 
the lobes obtuse, scarious, enlarging ; lowest largest, concave, the 
lateral pair much shorter than the two upper almost completely 
connate in an emarginate lip. Petals included, subequal in length ; 
standard suborbicular auriculate at the base; wings narrow; keel 
incurved, obtuse. Stamens 10, vexillary filament free, the others 
connate; anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, 1-ovuled ; style long 
‘ filiform ; stigma terminal capitate. Fruit a small, oblique pod, 
enclosed in the calyx, 1-seeded. Seed not strophiolate. 

466, Cyzista scartosa Ait.; F. I. iii, 820; F. B. 1. ii. 219. 
har; W. Bengal; C. Bengal. 
A woody climber. 

227. Rhynchosia Lour. 

Twinin or erect herbs or shrubs; leaves pinnately rarely sub- 
digitately 3-foliolate, dotted with resinous glands beneath ; stipules 
ovate or lanceolate ; stipels long subulate, or minute or 0, Flowers 

bod, oblong or round, continuous or septate within. eds 2, rarely 
: Compressed orbicular or subreniform; hilum lateral short or 
oblong; funicle central ; strophiole present or 0. 
Calyx. a hrubby; 


lobes broad, obtuse, distinctly enlarged; st 
Tound, turgid, downy seeds arillate .....------+-+-**- a scsens 
§yx-lobes narrow, lanceolate-acuminate or setaceous -— 

380 BENGAL PLANTS. ‘Rhynchosia, 

Seeds arillate :— 

j Pe 
f undershrubs 

than the atiales pod “sey alan at length glabrescent, not lineate 
between the seeds ........ me 
Trailing sare ith fl fl i , peduncles 
longer than the bee pod s aie compressed SEY beset with 
spreading hairs, faintly lineate between the seeds capitata. 

Seeds not arillate ; twining herbs or shrubs ; mk ie — 
Leaflets small, obtuse ; pod glabrescent, canons recurved ; stems very 

Pe PO Ect ninima var. laxiflora 
Leaflets — acute; pod pubescent or ‘iene straight ; sli 
rather sh 

Sulbeanaicks minutely glandular, not hoary ; meee deltoid, 
acute; lower ealyx-tooth not exceeding the t pod finely 
pubescent worst 

FOCRECES DS O05 1665 oe oe toh 

Pubescence h ot lul flet led, cuspidate:— 
Lower ane ae not on diibes pod finely pabeeeit 

Lower calyx-tooth exceeding tube ; pod minutely pate P 

467. Ruynenosra RUFESCENS DC,; F. B. I. ii. 220. 
Bengal; C. Be engal; E. Bengal. 

A shrubby species with long eo) shoots. 

468. Ruyncnosra cana DC.; F. B, I. i 


A small undershru 
469. Ruyncnosa ties DC. R. aurea F. B. I. it. 221 

wide-trailing herb. 
470, uve: Minima DC. var. taxrrtora Bak.; F. B. | 
ii, 223; E. D. R. 846, 
Chota Nagpur; Behar; W. Ben gal. i 
A Doiron annual with very slender stems. Him 

471. behncliteds Viscosa DC.; F. B. I. ii. 225. Dolichos gluti- 
nosus FT. iii, 319. 

A wide-spreading ee with almost woody branches: 
Beng. Shim-bhatra 

Dunbaria.} LEG UMINOSE. 381 

472. RHYNCHOSIA SERICEA Span.; F. B. I. ii. 225. 
. C. Bengal. 

A wide-spreading climber with a branches. 
473, one BRACTEATA Benth.; F. ii. 225. 

A hie climber with woody grooved branches. 

228. Dunbaria W. & A. 

Prostrate or weirs woody Re ; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, 
distinctly glandular beneath ipules setaceous or lanceolate ; 
stipels 0 or small. Flowers some or paired along the rachis of 
peduncled axillary — a not tumid ; a 

solitary or paired; bracts y membranous, deciduo 

teoles 0. Sepals 5, ae ina ‘acaien short tube ; lobes lanceolate 

obovate or oblong; keel incurved, obtuse, rather shorter pe the 
wings. Stamens we? vexillary — sii i others wept in 
a sheath; anthers uniform. Ovary sessile o stipitate, m 
ovuled; style inflekeat in the middle, oes or ‘slightly amet 
beardless ; stigma terminal capitate. Frwit a linear flat pod, sub- 
ptat i 

Corolla much exserte d, large, marcescent; stems stoutish, woody ; 

branches at length glabrescent ; racem es lax, onger than the eaves. 
pedicels retrofracted ; pod beset with hails hairs bulbous at their bases 

oa little exserted, small, caducous ; stems filiform; branches finely 

Flowers many, in close es racemes; pod distinctly stalked, 
clothed with fine spreading hairs ........:sesececeeseernesnseeeennee® circinalis 

owers 1-2, axillary, not or ‘Houde peduncled ; oa met: — 

474, Dunparta GLANDULOSA Prain. Atylosia roshhata F. B. I. 
ii. 216, 

E. Bengal, Mymensingh. 
A stoutish woody-stemmed climber. 

382 BENGAL PLANTS. [Dunbaria. 

475. DunBarta crrcinais Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 219. 
. Bengal, Duars. 
A slender woody climber. 
476. Dunparra conspersa Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 218. 
N. Bengal, Duars. 
A twining herb with very slender stems. 

=. Atylosia W. & A. 

Herbs or shrubs, twining or erect; leaves pinnately or occasion- 
ally subdigitately 3. ite leadlete with resinous glands beneath; 
stipules lanceolate or seta deciduous or not; stipels often 0. 
hig axillary fascicled, or in clustered racemes at the tips of 

illary peduncles, cseional the uppermost densely panicled; 
a usually large membranous caducous; bracteoles 0. Sepals 
5, connate in a soos ese tube ; lobes longer or sho 
tube, lanceolate- -acuminate, the lowest longest, rea 2 upper connate 
in an entire or 2-toothed lip. Petals exserted, sometimes marcescent; 
standard orbicular cecal at base; wings obliquely obovate 
or oblong ; keel somewhat curved, — a. 10; vexi 
filament = the rest connate in a s 

F sai linear or oblong pod, septate within; valves — 
or obliquely depressed “aap the seeds. Seeds ovate or orbicular, 
conspicuously strophiola; 

Petals falling before the — develope € 
Flowers many, in long- cpeatercled racemes ; leaflets pag cr y ; 
leaf-rachis produced beyond lateral pair; pods with ¢ or 
natrowen at both ends, densely clothed with ae sjcdding ae 
Flowers oe Heo peduncled ; leaflets without stipels; pods 
at both e 

Ranta af leat Pear produced ; Fh sg lineate, flat, er thin, 
seg; with fine short deciduous haj Ape ee 

iim 8 Jed 
Petals se till the pod is Ase ta wig in lax, a — 
oe CTH 
477. a BARBATA Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 216. 

E. Bengal ; — 
A woody climbe 

Dysolobium. | LEGUMINOS#., 383 

478, ATYLOSIA PLATYCARPA Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 216. A. as ee? 

479, ATYLOSIA SCARABHOIDES ‘Hans. ¥, Bi te ii. 215. Dolichos 
scarabeoides F. I. iii. 815; E. D. BR. 

A herbaceous biennial climber. Beng. Banur-kalai. 
480. Arynosta crassa Prain. A. mollis F. B. I. ii. 218 partly. 

Behar; Chota Nagpur. 

A woody climber. 

230. Cajanus DC. 
Erect shrubs ; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, leaflets with min 
"resinous glands beneath; stipules small lanceolate en : 
stipels 0. Flowers scattered on the rachis of axillary peduncl 

2-auriculate at base ; wings obliquely eles ; 

what oblique, capitate. Fruit a linear, ‘flat, suuaualy acute pid, 

continuous within; valves with depressed oblique lines outside 

between the seeds. ae somewhat compressed, with oblong 

lateral hilum ; strophio 
481. Cas 

ANUS INDICUS oo PF. Bod hi. 91735. D. C. 49. 
Cytisus Cajan F. I. iii. 325 
Cultivated everywhere. 
An erect shrub. Vernac. Arhar. The Dal, or Pigeon- 

231. Dysolobium Prain. 

Twiners, sometimes large, usually woody ; leaves pinnately tri- 
folclate; leaflets not glandular beneath; stipules lanceolate, basi- 
fixed, sometimes deciduous; stipels subulate, persi 
copious axillary racemes; bracts and bracteoles “loceliehaa incon- 
Spicuous. Sepals 5, connate in a campanulate tube; lowest lobe 
lanceolate, exceeding the rest but shorter than the tube, the two 

384 BENGAL PLANTS. [Dysolo 

Salas i d. scab 
markedly septate with double hitdicice ‘rithin; Seeds ee 
velvety or hirsute; hilum lateral, small or prone | ; strophiole 

-villous ; 
Racemes lax, long-peduncled, flowers large ; pods closely velvety villous ; 
‘ eath ; 

Leaflets rounded, cuspidate, chartaceous, hirsute on nerves beneath; 

ak ; style 
flowers 1-75 in. long; keel with a long laterally defiexed be pice 

Leaflets narrowed to apex, membranous, glabrescent ; flowers 6 
long ; beak of keel not deflexed ; style penicillate round the seein 

Racemes dense, short-peduncled, flowers small, ‘3 in. long or role 

softly hirsute with long hairs : ; Seeds densely velvety ; beak o: 

defiexed :— mee 
Leaflets roundish | Cuspidate ; pod neither keeled nor wing ie 

pee ep Pre: pod subquadrangular, prominently — et 
scitipe cad te ee 

. EF. Bak 
482, Dyso.osrum GRANDE Prain. Phaseolus velutinus F. 

N. Bengal, Duars. 

A large wo woody climber, . 
483. Dysoxosrum tocens Prain. Vigna lucens F. B. I. ii. 207. 
Chitt: tagong, 
A large woody os A 
484. 7 ee DOLICHOIDES Prain. Reems: dolichotde 
F. I. iii, 290, Vigna ahiealsiae poy ee 
Chittagon mg. 

A large climber. ae 
485. DysoLosrum TETRAGONUM Prain. Psophocarpus sp.; ¥. . 
ii. 212, 
N. Bengal, Duars 
A slender climber. 

Phaseolus.) LEGUMINOS&. 385 

232. Phaseolus Linn. 

Herbs, rarely undershrubs, —— nei suberect ; leaves pin 
nately 3-foliolate, leaflets eglandular ; stipules membranous, Leaner 
late, small or conspicuous, biattixadl or valtately attached ; stipels 
subulate. Flowers fasciculately copiously racemose, peduncle 

ry wit rachis n odose; bracts and bracteoles often conspicu- 

ong, € 

or exceeding the standard, adnate to keel above the st kee 

ail in a beak to form a complete spiral. Stamens 
ary filament epee: or Resa 7: above the base, 9 
the others connate in a sheath;.anthers uniform. Ovary sub- 
ssile, many-ovuled ; style ase in ssi of keel and following 
its curvature, thickened upwards, usually longitudinally bearded 
below the oblique or introrse stigma. Fruit a linear or faleate 


occluded between the seeds. Seeds thickish, smooth ; hilum 
punctate or shortly linear ; strophiole 0. 

Stipules fixed by their — corolla never pure yellow (sometimes 
_ Yellowish-green in P. lunatus) :— 
$ narrow, subcylindric, almost straight; flowers white and purple 
Pod broad, subeompressed, recurved :— 
Racemes aes capitate; flowers white and ‘purple; pods linear, 
RO Ridin’ 2 a ay adenanthus. 
Hace lax ; pods 2—4-seeded :— 
Pod oblong ; flowers small yellowish-green or dirty white.../wnatus. 
Pods linear; flowers medium :— 
Racemes shorter than the leaves; flowers lilae to white 

—— as long as or exceeding the leaves ; wee deariet or 
ly pinkish-white 2/22 Ji. Ri aie tea tee eeneens=* ultifiorus. 

v= hau peltately at or near their middle ; corolla eats pure 

*Pods g glabrous :—[p. 386] 
tPods cylindric ; : seeds rounded at ends ; sah seein aa 

386 BENGAL PLANTS. [Phaseolu:, 

Stipules ated c ae brie 3-lobed, the central lobe — 

late; stems 
Stipules faaelaia ielols deeply 3-lobed or dissected, the phere 
lobe ligulate ; stems hirsute aconitifolius, 

tPod ash se aati seeds subtruncate at ends; ‘stems 
ining, or in some cultivated forms of P. calcaratus erect ; racemes 
subspicate ; leaflets as long as petioles or longer : 
lowers medium ; seeds with a centric hilum ............ catcarat, 
Flowers larger ; seeds with hilum nearer one end ... Ricciardianus. 
*Pods hirsute or libaesne slightly compressed ; racemes sub- 
capitate :—[p. 385 
tems and pods densely beset with rusty hairs ; pods ascending, 
septate between the seeds; stems always twining ......... sublobatis. 
ms and pods sparsely beset with grey tomentum; pods not 
septate between the see - 
ods erect or subere 
Seeds black ; 0H cubseundent seneeeeee Mungo. 
Seeds grey ; stems diffus Mungo var. Roxburghii. 
Pods spreading or reflex 
Seeds green; leaves a. -green ; pods spreading a 


Seeds yellow ; leaves pale-green ; pods einem ste 
var. aurea. 
Seeds black ; leaves medium-green ; pods cual 7 horizontally 

radiatus var. grandis. 

486. Puasrotus SEMIERECTUs Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 201. 
. Bengal, 

A suberect shrubby species. 
487, a ADENANTHUS G. F. Mey.; F. B. I. ii, 200; 
- P. 484. P. alatus F. I. iii. 288, not of Linn. 
ye Bengal ; banks of rivers and village jungles. 
A perennial prostrate or climbing species. Beng. Ba 

488. Puaskotus Lunatus Linn.: ; FI. iii. 217; F. B. L ii. 200; 
. D. P. 489, 

C. Bengal; Orissa: cultivated. bar- 
A biennial or annual Stables species. Beng. Ban 
bati; Hind. oa bali-pat: « 900; 
489, Puuseaces VULGARIS Linn.; = 2 iii. 287; F. BLE a 
E. D. P. 530, | 
~ Cultivated. 

; Phaseolus. ] LEGUMINOS2. 387 
: Annual, climbing or suberect. French Bean. Hind. 

akla, loba. 
490, Prasrows MULTIFLORUS Willd.; F. B. I. ii. 200; E. D. 
P, 493. 

An an ir climnidis The ~—— Runner 
491, a ies Trinogus Ait.; F. I. iii. 298; Fr. Bla wos 

In all ‘he provinces, wild. 
A diffuse tr aili ing herb. Hind. Rakhal-kalai, mugani; 

492. Puaseoiins ACONITIFOLIUS Jacq.; F. I. iii. 299: F. B. I. 
; . P. 468. 
Chota Nagpur; Behar; Tirhut: cultivated. 
A oe trailing herb. Hind. Moth; Beng. Kheri; 

Santal. Moch, bir-mung. 
498, Plaats catcaratus Roxb.; F. I. iii. 289; F. B. 1. 
ii, 203; E. D. P. 486. 

Chota Nagpur; Behar; Tirhut; N. and E, Bengal. 
A climber usually; sometimes suberect zie short. 
Hind. Sutri, ghurish ; Santal. Sutri 
494. Paasgotus RiccrarpIANus Ten. 
peor cultivated. 

495, Pulaatts suBLoBatus Roxb.; F.I. iii. 288. P. trinerviws 
I. ii, 2038 ; E. D. P. 528 
Chota Nagpur; Western Behar. 
A climber. Beng. Ghora-mung. 
496. PHaszotus Munco Linn.; E. D. P. 
In most of the provinces, iva ted. 
A scandent or subscandent herb. Vernac. Tikari-kalai. 
4968/2. Var, Roxsureuu Prain. P. radiatus F. L iii, 296, not of 
Lin . Mungo var. radiatus F. B. I. ii 
In all the provinces, but especially the werion ones, 
cultivated. : 
A diffuse but not scandent herb. Vernac. Urd, mash- 

497. PHaszotus rapiatus Linn.; BE. D. P. 5138. P. Mungo 
F, I. iti, 292, not of Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 208 partly. 
In all the provinces, cultivated. 
A suberect herb. Vernac. Mung; hali-mung. 


497/2. Var. AUREA Prain. P, aureus F. I. iii. 297. P. Mungo 
ii. 203, partly. 
In as <2 provinces, cultivated. 
A suberect herb. Vernac. Sona-mung. 
497/3. Var. see Prain. P. Max F. I. iii. 295, not of Lin. 
o F. B. I. ii. 203, p artly. 
In oe of the the occasional only. 
A suberect or erect herb. Vernac. Krishna-mung. 

233. Vigna Savi. 
Herbs, rarely under shrubs, twining, pa saben] ie 
pinnately 3-foliolate, leaflets eglandular ; stipules 
lanceolate, basifixed, rarely peltately pitachans tinal rubat. 
Qwers fasciculately racemed, peduncles axillary with rac 
nodose ; bracts and bracteoles small, deciduous. Sepals 5, connate 

a (ie et dees tisti gs 

Aw: medium (-6 in. or shorter) ; pods persistently pile a 
Flowers reddish ; hairs on pods and stems spr CAdiNg.....+.-+++8 ae 
Flowers yellow ; hairs on pods adpressed, those on stems — 


Keel not beaked > pods glabrous :—_ 
Stipules basifixed ; pods short, og oe a wild littoral hiner 

pales £36. above the’ base ::pods long, 12-d0-aeoied , widely oul 
vated plants with white, pink, or yellowish flowers :— 

Sd Sete ee 

+ Pachyrhizus.] LEGUMINOS4. 389 

Stems suberect; pods with short spaces between the seeds.. oe sila 
Stems twining ; pods with very long intervals between the se 
Catjang var. sinensis. 

498. Viena vexitiata Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 206. 

B har ota Raita 
Ac pking or trailing species with perennial fusiform 
rootstock and herbaceous ene 
499. Viena priosa Bak.; Feo Bool. iii 2077) B.D. Vv. 120- 
Dolichos pilosus F. I. iii. 312. 
_ Chittago 

A climber with slender rigid stems. Beng. Jhikrai, 

500. Viena CuarKEI Prain. 
N. Bengal, Dua 
A climber with dénaaé rigid stems. 
501. Viena turzota Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 205. Dolichos gan- 
geticus F. I. iii. 310. 
D ocais 

A tw or a pore eo 
502. Viena Oiisliti En pag 
Dolichos rt a F, 1 ate 
In all the provinces, cultivated. 
A suberect herb. Hind. Lobia, ransa; 

_ 205; E. D. Vv. 116. 

Beng. Baxrbati ; 

Santal. Ghangra. es 
502/2. Var. stnensts Prain. Dolichos sinensis F. I. iii. 302. 
all the provinces, cultivated. 
A climbing herb. 

234. Pachyrhizus Rich. 
Large herbaceous twiners with great eae ppesecninr ic 
leaves pinnately 8-foliolate; leaflets lobed, ; stipules 
lanceolate, basifixed ; stipels subulate. risien pallies on the 
mid nodes of long axillary peduncled racemes; bracts and 
bracteoles small setaceous, caducous. Sepals 5, connate in & 
campanulate tube; 3 lower teeth subequal acute, 2 upper connate 
in an emarginate lip, Petals much exserted, subequal; stand 
oblong, falcate; keel 
Incuryed, obtuse. Stamens 10; vexillary filament free, 
connate ina sheath; anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, many- 

390 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Pachyrhizus. 

ovuled; style somewhat thickened and subcircinate upwards, 
longitudinally bearded below the introrse globose stigma. Fruit 
a linear turgid pod, occluded but not truly septate within, valves 
externally depressed between the seeds. Seeds ovate or sub- 
orbicular compressed ; hilum small ; strophiole 0. : 
503. Pachyruizus ancunatus Rich.; F. B. I. ii. 207; E. D. 
P.1. Dolichos bulbosus F. I. iii. 309. 
Cultivated, fairly generally. 
A climber with somewhat woody stems, and a large 
tuberous root. Beng. Sankalu. 

235. Dolichos Linn. 

Herbs or undershrubs, twining prostrate or suberect; leaves pi 
nately 3-foliolate, leaflets eglandular ; stipules small, subpersistent 
stipels subulate. Flowers axillary, solitary or fascicled, or fascicu- 
lately racemed on axillary peduncles with nodes tumid or not; 
bracts and bracteoles minute, subpersistent. Sepals 5, connate m 
a campanulate tube; lobes very short, usually obtuse, the 2 upper 
connate in an entire or emarginate very short lip. Petals much 
exserted, usually subequal; standard orbicular, auriculate at base; 
wings falcate, obovate, adnate to keel; keel much incurved, often 
beaked, beak straight. Stamens 10; vexillary filament free, 
thickened or appendaged at base, the others connate in a sheath; 
anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, many-ovuled; style thickened 


Style clavate, thickened upwards, bearded along the inner face; ig 
oblong recurved, 2-4-seeded :-— 

Pods tapering to the apex ; seeds with long axis parallel to the pas : 

Pods abruptly truncated at apex: seeds with long axis across the pods 

lab var. ligne’ 
Style filiform throughout, penicillate round the stigma; pods ae 

Pods recurved, few-seeded ; flowers 1-3, axillary ......s0-00--+ bi, : 
Pods straight or nearly so, many-seeded; flowers numerous, © 
peduncled racemes subcarnoss: 

Heer ew eeeeee sf 

Dumasia.} LEGUMINOS#. 391 

504. Doticnos Lasias Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 209 partly. D. 
lignosus F. I. iii. 807, not of Linn. 
In all the provinces, cultivated. 
Beng. Shim 
04/2. Var. tagNosus Prain. D. Lablad F. I. iii. 306, not of 
Linn. ; F. B. I. ii. 209 partly. 
In all the provinces, cultivated. 
Beng. Shim 
505. Dotrcnos prrLorus Linn.; F. I. iii. 313; F. B. I. ii. 210. 
Behar ; Chota Nagpur. 
A suberect or trailing or twining annual. 
ind. Kulti; Beng, Kurti-kalai ; pane’ Horee’. 
506. Roudae supcarnosus W. & A.; F. B. I. ii. 211. 
Chittagong, cultivated. 
A climber. 

236. ee Neck. 

mone lonniss the apex of ealay peduncles, no 

obovate; keel incurved at apex, obtuse. Stamens 10; ve 


" Dotichos tetragonolobus F. I. iii. 
A slender annual climber. 

237. Dw 
Twining herbs; leaves aad ¥ cau ; 

leaflets eglandular ; 
stipules setaceous or striate; stipels subulate Flot 

wers solitary 


or paired on the rachis of an axillary raceme; bracts narrow; 
bracteoles minute. Sepals 5, connate in a cylindric tube, gibbous _ 
at the base behind; limb obliquely truncate, teeth obsolete. Petals 
exserted, subequal ; standard erect obovate, very slightly inflexed, 
auriculate at base; wings falcate-ob 
obtuse, slightly incurved. Stamens : 
the rest connate in a sheath; anthers uniform. Ovary substipi- 
tate, many-ovuled; style erect and filiform below, dilated above 
the middle, the top subulate inflexed, beardless ; stigma terminal, 
capitate. Fruit a linear falcate pod, compressed, continuous 
within, torulose opposite the seeds. Seeds subglobose; strophiole 0. 
508. Dumasra vinLosa Ot Fe Be Di 88; 
Chota Nagpur, Parasnath. 
A slender climber. 

238. Glycine Linn. 

Herbs, suberect or twining; leaves pinnately 3-7-foliolate 5 : 
stipules small ; stipels subulate. Flowers in axillary roe 
Solitary or fascicled on the rachis; bracts small, setaceous; 

base; wings narrow, slightly adnate to keel; 
keel obtuse, shorter than wings. Stamens 10, all connate, or the 
vexillary filament at length partially or quite free; anthers 

pod, spongily septate between 
the seeds. Seeds without strophiole. t 

509. GLYCINE HISPIDA Maxim. G. Soja F. B. I. ii. 184, not 
Dolichos Soja F. I. iii. 314. 

A suberect annual. Beng. Gari-kalai; Hind. Bhat, gas 
kurthi; Santal, Hende disom horec’, pond disom horee- 

239. Teramnus Sw. 
Twining herbs wi 
leaflets eglandular; stipules small; stipels subulate. 

small, few, axillary fascicled or paired, or fascicled on the rachis 
of axill 

Canavalia.) LEGUMINOS. 393 

striate. Sepals af connate in a small campanulate — lobes 

subequal or the 2 upper shorter and distinct, or the 2 upper 

connate. Petals little exserted; standard obovate, oe at 
the base, not appendaged; wings narrow, adnate to keel; keel 
shorter than wings, almost straight, obtuse. Stamens 10, connate 

Ovary sessile, many-ovuled; style short, thick, curved, beardless ; 

stigma terminal, capitate. Fruit a linear flattish pod, septate 

within, tipped by the hooked persistent style. Sceds slightly 
oblong; hilum lateral small; strophiole 

sete small, acute or subobtuse ; racemes elongated, usually 
talked :— 
bE membranous, sparsely hirsute; calyx-teeth as long as = 

Leaflets subcoriaceous, densely pubescent beneath ; calyx-teeth aM 

MRA be nc assee i gol ch nsiden ic DAE eM TICE SIRE Te Mboet debilis 
Leaflets large, acuminate or acute; racemes congested, senile : 
ealyx-teeth shorter than tube cibeus bab buswortabals +s fl@ieete 

510. TrRaMNus LABIALIS Spreng.; F. B. I. ii, 184. Glycime 

A slen ies. 
511. Teramnus pepruis Prain. . labialis var. mollis F. B. I. 
ii. 184. Glycine “delilie F. I. iii. 318. 
C. and E. Bengal. 
A slender eerie g species. 
Beng. Mashan 
512. Trramnus FLEXILIS Benth. ; F. B. I. ii. 185. 
Sundribuns ; on 
A rather robust twining apetal: 

240. Canavalia DC. 
Large twining or prostrate herbs; leaves sin 8-foliolate, 
leaflets eglandular ; stipules small, sometimes art-like or obsolete; ; 
i lat i 

racemes, fascicled on a nodose rachis; bracts minute; bracteoles 
caducous. Sepals 5, connate in a tube; limb oblique 2-lipped, 
upper lip projecting entire or emarginate, lower shortly 3-too 

or entire, much smaller. Petals much exserted ; standard large, 
suborbicular, reflexed ; wings narrow, free from the wider obtuse or 

394 BENGAL PLANTS. (Canavalia, 

obtusely beaked keel. Stamens 10; vexillary filament free at the . 
ase, connate with others in a tube from the middle; anthers — 
uniform. Ovary  substipitate, many-ovuled; style in 
beardless; stigma terminal minute. Fruit a large linear or bla 
flattish pod, distinctly ribbed or subalate on each valve near the 
upper suture. Seeds ovate-rotund, subcompressed ; hilum linear. 

Pods not turgid, aye double-channelled along the dorsal suture :— : 
Pods 8-12-seeded, 1-5-2 in. wide; flowers rather numerous; leaflets 
ovate, acute . ensiformis 

Pods 4-6- desta, *5—75 in. wide: 
Flowers rather numerous; ieee wnaisictd acute or obtuse ...virosd. 
Flowers few ; leaflets orbicular, obtuse or sees edineata. 

Pods turgid, almost flat along the dorsal tite ob arp separating, 

4-6-seeded, 3-5-4-5 in. wide: ; leaflets ovate, acute or obtuse ...obtusifolia. 

518. CANAVALIA ENSIFORMIS DC. ; _ B. I. ii. 195; E. D. C. 289. 
Dolichos a ie I. iii 
enerally cultiv 
A large = a ae Kadsambal ; Beng. Makhan-sim ; 
Santal. Tih . 
514. Canavanta ae W. & A. C. ensiformis var. virosa 
B _ I. iii. 196; E. D. c. 290. Dolichos virosus F. I. ii 

A most of the provinces. 
A large climber. Beng. Kath-sim, kala-s D. 
* 615. es LINEATA DC. C. enone: F. Li ii, 196; E. 
C. 294. Dolichos obcordatus F. I 
Sundribuns, sea-face o only ; Pies mae the coast. 
littoral species, creeping along the sand. 
516. CANavALta OBTUsIFoLIA DC. C. ensiformis ae. turgida 
I. ii. 196. Dolichos rotundifolius F. I. iii. 302. J 
Sundribuns and C. B Bengal; a och common | oF ong 
the banks of tidal creeks and riv 

241, Dioclea H.B.K. 

Large climbing shrubs; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate ; — 
lanceolate ; stipels subulate. ——- fasciculately racemose 4 
thick elongated peduncles, rachis with thickened nodes ; bracts we 
bracteoles lanceolate, A aoa caducous. Sepals 5, pre 
in a campanulate tube; the 2 upper lobes connate in an e? 

Pueraria.] LEGUMINOSZ. 395 

lip as long as tube, lateral lobes shorter, lowest rather longer than 
the upper lip. Petals somewhat exserted; standard orbicular or 
ovate, reflexed, auriculate at the base; wings obovate or oblong, 
free from the somewhat shorter, incurved, beaked or obtuse keel. 
Stamens 10; vexillary filament free below, connate from the middle 
with the rest, its anther perfect ; anthers of the sheath uniform or 
alternately perfect and much shorter sterile. Ovary subsessile, 
2- or more-ovuled; style incurved, beardless; stigma terminal, 
capitate. Fruita linear or oblong pod, few-seeded, flattened or 
angled along the upper suture, occluded but not septate between 
the seeds. Seeds somewhat compressed; hilum short or linear; 

strophiole 0. 
517. Diochea gavantca Benth. D. ei FOR, 1. ave 
partly. (Dolichos hexandra Roxb. 

A rather slender woody climber. 

242. Pueraria DC. 

twining or diffuse shrubs oF herby; ene pinnately 3-foliolate ; 
leaflets , sometimes ; stipules herbaceous, 
usually basifixed, occasionally wet attached ; stipels subulate 
Flowers purplish or blue, densely fasciculately racemose on ‘ons 
axillary peduncles, or subpaniculate near ends of branches ; rachis 
Nodose, nodes sometimes produced; bracts small, deciduous; 
bracteoles small subpersistent, or minute and caducous. Sepals 5, 

Connate in a campanulate tube; teeth short or long, the 2 upper 

connate in an entire or 2-lobed lip. Petals distinctly exserted ; 
standard ob6vate or suborbicular, auriculate at base; wings narrow, 
oblong or faleate, about as long as and adnate in the middle to the 
Straight or curved keel. Stamens 10; vexillary filament free at 
the base, connate in the middle with the rest, rarely quite free ; 
anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, many-ovuled; style filiform, 
hay above, beardless; stigma terminal capitate. Fruit 

“Flowers produced when the plant is leafless ; leaflets entire ; pod wide, 
flat, somewhat constricted along the sutures between the seeds, tip 
Straight :—[p. 396] 


Calyx ob teeth subobtuse, shorter than tube ; bracts eee than 

uds ; pods bristly... berosa. 

Calyx x subglabrous ; teeth bibs as long as tube; bracts one on 

uds; pods almost glabro 

*Flowers produced along with the leaves ; leaflets more or ae : ee 4 
pod narrow, somewhat turgid, sutures straight, tip recurved :—[p. 395 

Leaflets shallow-lobed; flowers :5 in. long ; sutures of suber eae 

PA NC oe jaseoloides, 

Leaflets deeply lobed, larger ; flowers 1 in. long; sutures : ec dis- 

tinetly thickened, pods broader than thick........................ ubspicata. 

518. Purrarra TUBEROSA DC.; F. B. I. ii. 197; BE. D.p. 1401. | 

Hedysarum one us 3 iii. 368. : 

ota Nagpur; Ori é 

A shrubby sate ae a large tuberous root. Hind. “ 

and Santal. Tirra, patral khonda ; Heng: Shimia batraji. - 

519. PUERaRIA CanDotier Grah.; F. B. I. ii. 19 f 


520. PuERARIA PHAsEoLoIpEs Benth. ; F. B. I. ii, 199 partly. 
Dolichos phaseoloides F. I. iii 
N. Bengal; E, Heiae 
An extensive climbe : 
521. Purrarra SUBSPICATA Lier P. phaseoloides F. B. I. 
ii. 199 partly. 
N. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
An extending climber. 

243. Galactia P. Br. all 

Prostrate or twining herbs; leaves 3- aria ; stipules sma” 
deciduous ; stipels subulate. Flowers in axillary pedune 

Facemes, paired or fascicled on the ilies nodes of the rachis; 

bracts setaceous ; bracteoles minute. Sepals 5, connate in & sett 

vary ae tet many-ovuled ; a ing, 
S; stigma terminal, capitate. Fruit a linear, - 
thy recurved, flattened pod, occluded or subseptate between 2 
€ seeds. Seeds somewhat compressed ; strophiole 0. 

| Erythrina.} LEGUMINOS#. 397 

522, Ganacrra renvurrtora W. & A.; F. B. 1. ii. 192. Glycine 
tenuifiora F. I. iii. 

A slender twining herb. 

Only var. villosa has been obtained within our area, and it appears to 
be very rare. 
244. Grona Lour. 

wining herbs; leaves 1-foliolate ; stipules caducous ; stipels 
subulate. Flowers in axillary or subterminal racemes, 2-3 together 

10; vexillary filament free, the rest connate; anthers uniform. 
Ovary subsessile, many-ovuled; style filiform, beardless; stigma 
terminal capitate. Frwit a linear compressed or somewhat turgid 
pod, occluded between the seeds. Seeds orbicular; hilum small ; 
strophiole distinct. 

523. Grona Granami Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 191. 

Chota Nagpur, Manbhum. 

A lax, slender, trailing species. 

Trees, rarely ershrubs, with prickly branches; leaves pin- 
ipules small; 

behind with minutely toothed tip, or in a campanulate 2-lipped 
toothless calyx. Petals exserted, very unequal; standard long or 
wide, erect or spreading, sessile or long-clawed, base not auriculate ; 
wings very short; keel short, its petals partly connate or free. 

398 BENGAL PLANTS. [Erythrina, 

stricted or sinuate between the seeds ; dehiscence follicular through- 
out the dorsal suture or at the apex only. Seeds ovoid; hilum 
lateral oblong; strophiole 0. 

Calyx spathaceous — not at all 2-lipped, finally split to the base 
along the back; tall ¢ 
Calyx 5-cleft at ney dip; $ aur petals free; pod 6-8-seeded, wees 
torulose .., 
Calyx entire at the tip; keel-petals connate ; pod 2-3-seeded, i 
torulose ... 
~ Calyx Gihipdoalas: more or less distinctly 2-lipped, not splitting : = 
base down the back :— 
Considerable trees : 
eaflets as long as ic toad, pubescent beneath, their margins sinuate; 
limb of standard 3-4 times as long as broad ; ise urgid . 
rosa var. sublobata. 
Leaflets twice as long as broad, glabrous pos their margins 
entire ; limb of standard only as long as broad ; pod torulose : 
Herb with annual twigs from a woody rootstock; leaflets entire, as long 
as broad resupinata. 

ee et ee 

524. Eryrarina inpica Lamk; F. I. iii. 249; F. B. I. ii. 188; 
D. E. 342, 

Sundribuns, sea-face, wild ; elsewhere common but always 

An armed tree, with blackish prickles. Beng. Palita- 
mandar; Hind. Mandara; Santal. Marar baha. 

- Eryrurina srricta Roxb.; F. I. iii. 251; F. B. I. ii. 189; 
D. B. 354. 


Orissa, Khurda ; Chitt g: os 
An armed tree, sinh pide prickles. Magh. Katheik; 
Uriya Chaldua 
526. Bevan eenenoai Roxb. var. SUBLOBATA — F. B.I. 
- 190; E. D. B. 356. E. sublobata F. I. iii 

ch aa Chota Nagpur; Oriss 

A tree with thick corky bark. ” Uriya Paldua 
527. ERyrurina ovanirouia Roxb.; F. I. iii. 254; F. B.I. ii, 189. 

- Bengal. 

A tree with many prickles. Beng. Hari-kekra. a 
528, ERYTHRINA RESUPINATA Roxb.; F. I. iii. 257; F: 
ii, 189, 

cuna.] LEGUMINOS#. | 399 

Chota Nagpur, Raph sa 
A dwarf species, the racemes and annual leafy shoots 
springing directly from a sith rootstock. 

246, Mucuna Adans. 

Perennial or annual lar ge, twining shrubs or herbs; leaves 
siiAicly 3-foliolate ; stipules deciduous ; stipels subulate, rarely 0. 
Flowers large, pu as red or greenish, fasciculately racemed on 
usually long ax axillary peduncles, or occasionally subeymose, on a 
nodose rachis ; bracts deciduous, Jaree or small; bracteoles small. 
Sepals 5, connate in a widely ampanulate tube ; lowest tooth long, 
lateral short, upper 2 connate in an entire lip. Petals much ex- 

hort hilum ; strophiole 0. 

Smooth, within n sepa a3 occluded. nee orbicular with long 
linear hilum g with 

ea woody climbers; seeds large, flat, with a large hilum extend- 
round the greater portion of their circumference :— 

‘Pols with plaits across their faces, seeds solitary; racemes short 
bose osperma. 

Pods without t plaits across their fibcek’ seeds 2~4; racemes long- 
llifo) ...gigantea. 

Stems ait gaan annual; seeds small fovoid. with ¢ * 
hilum; pods turgid, subrecurved at apex, \onaitodinall ribbed ; 

tacemes elongated :— 
Pods grey, covered with pungent deciduous hairs; flowers purple ; 

leaves beneath grey-silk 

Pods black, Aisbered with velvety persistent conanint — 

Flowers purple ; leaves beneath grey-Silky ....e-eeerereerrererestees 
Owers white; leaves beneath glabrescent ....+-+-+--+-+++1++07+- 

529. Mucuna monospeRMA be.; F. B. I. ii. 185; y DD. M. 
781; Carpopogon monospermum F. I. iii. 288. 


ete Chittagong. 

e woody climber a 
530. ean GIGANTEA DO; F. B. I. ii. 186. Carpopogon 
extensive woody climber, confined to mangrove tidal 

531. Mucuna prurtens DC.; F. B. I. ii. 187; E. D. M. 786. 
Carpopogon pruriens F, I. iii. 283. 
In all the provinces; common both on the edges of 
forests and in village jungles. 
An annual climber with slender stems. Beng. Alkushi, 
bichchoti; Hind. Kivanch, goncha; Uriya Kaincho; 

Santal. Etka. 
532. Mucuna urius Wall.; F. B. I. ii. 187. 
Occasionally aidlitvateds Spottt in the western pro- 


An annual climber with eH stems. In badly eit 
plants the racemes are often short and few-flow 
sometimes only 1-2 rite ere produced. Beng 

583. esp nivea DC.; F. B. I. ii. 188. Carpopogon niveum 
F. I. ii. 285. 
Occasional cultivated. 
annual climber with slender stems. This and M. 
ae are probably only varieties of the same species- 


247. Butea Roxb. 
Trees or large woody twiners ; leaves pinnately 3- foiolate, leas 

large; stipules small, caducous; stipels subulate. Flowers larg 5 : 

showy, densely fascicled in axillary or terminal racemes oF pani a 
Sepals 5, connate in a wide campanulate tube; teeth deltoid, 
short, the two upper connate in a broad entire or emarginate ip 
Petals much exserted; standard ovate, acute, recurved, not 
appendaged at base; wings falcate, adnate to the much-ineurved 
acute keel, which equals the standard in length. Stamens 10; 
vexillary filament free, filiform, the rest connate ; anthers uniform. 
Ovary aeile or shortly stipitate, 2-ovuled; style long, incurveds oe 
beardless ; stigma terminal, truncate or capitate. Fruit . soee 

° | ee LEGUMINOS2. 403 

oblong or widely ligulate follicle, the base flat, wing-like, and 

empty, the tip thick and splitting along the dorsal suture round 
the solitary seed. Seed obovate, somewhat compressed; hilum 
small, strophiole 0. 

An erect tree; lower calyx-teeth deltoid Jrondosa 
A strong woo oody climber; lower calyx-teeth lanceolate ; flowers nearly 
half as large again uperba,. 

534, Borga FRONDOSA Roxb.; F. I. iii. 244; F. B. I. ii. 194; E. D. 
B. 944. 

Behar; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal. 
A gonngiderable tree. Beng. Palas; Hind. Dhak; Santal. 
urup; Kol. Murut 
535. Burza superpa Roxb.; F. I. iii. 247; F. B. L. ii. 195; E. D. 
B. 978. 

Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal; Orissa 
A very heavy climber. Beng. Lata- caine: Hind. Chihunt; 
Santat. Nari mur 

248. Spatholobus Hassk. 

Large woody twiners ; — —- 3-foliolate; stipules small ; 
Stipels subulate. Flowers small, in large terminal panicles extend- 
ing into the upper leafy — heusied on the swollen nodes 
of the individual racem ; bracts lanceolate; bracteoles linear, 
small. Sepals 5, oma in a campanulate calyx; teeth lanceolate 
or deltoid, the two upper connate in a ip. Petals exerted, ash- 
equal i in len gth ; ; st Tchicinterh 
at base; ites obliquely bbinne, Setay Keel obtuse, " straight. 
Stamens 10; vexillary filament free, the rest connate; anthers 

iform, Ovary sessile or stipitate, 2-ovuled ; ges pare 
incurved, beardless; stigma terminal capita Fru 
oblong or wide-li ate follicle, the base flat, wing-like ae pases ’ 
the top thick and tardily splitting along the dorsal suture roun 
the solitary seed. Seed compressed; hilum small; strophiole 0. 
Leaflets very firm grey-canescent beneath, the end leaflet obovate, 
rhomboid, all obtuse or shortly cuspidate......-....+-see+eee++ Roxburghiti. 
Leaflets m membranous or papery glabrous beneath, the =i one ovate 
acute like the later PE DAI nei ccnanosaddceidvavoeaoinepheepotvadnreonsrsett> Listeri. 

586. Sparnotonus Roxsurcum Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 193; E. D. 

8. 2508. Butea parviflora F. I. iii. 248. 


402 BENGAL PLANTS. [Spatho by 

Finns Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal; Tirhut; N. Bengal 
very heavy A Je climber. Hind. Maula; Kol. Mon; 
sit tal. Chihunt | ff 
587. SpaTHOLoBUS Tivra ‘Drain. f 
A large climber. 

249. Clitoria Linn. 
Herbs or shrubs, t twining or erect ; leaves pinnately 3-7- oe 
stipules persistent striate : ; stipels small subulate, sometimes 0. 
Flowers very showy, blue, white, red or purple, sae solitar apa 

erect emarginate narrowed to the base, without appendages ; 
wings faleate- -oblong, spreading, adnate in the middle to the keel; 
keel shorter than an wings, incurved, acute. Stamens 10; vexillary 
5; daira or more or less viens! Diese = others ;, anthers 

upper or both sutures, occluded or continuous within. 
subglobose or compressed ; esas 
Curroria Ternarea Linn erty Pe iii. 321; F. B. Lid. 208; 
E. D. c. 1403. 
Tn gardens everywhere; also often self-sown in village 
jungles, and by waysides. 
A slender climber with large cobalt blue, or, less often, 
pure white flowers. Vernac. Aparajita. 

250. Sesbania Pers. 
or small, soft-wooded trees, sometimes prickly; 
-pinnate, leaflets many-jugate, entire ; stipules usually 
caducous ; stipels minute or 0. Flowers in lax racemes 
with slender pedicels ; bracts and bracteoles setaceous, caducous OF 
eae Sepals 5, connate in a campanulate, slightly 2- mas 

or truncate or shortly. equally 5-lobed tube. Petals much e 
standard round or o vate, spreading or reflexed; wings 

Herbs, shrubs, 
leaves even 

Sesbania.] LEGUMINOS&. 403 

oblong ; keel incurved, obtuse, or bluntly acuminate, long-clawed. 
Stamens 10; vexillary filament free, jointed at the base with the 
sheath ; anthers uniform or occasionally alternately slightly longer 

and shorter. Ovary usually stipitate, many-ovuled; style incurved, 
eg stigma terminal capitate. Fruit a linear or rarely 
oblong pod, flattened, subterete, 4-angled or ‘4. winged, sometimes 
iat biscens, septate within between the numerous seeds. Seeds 
transversely oblong or quadrate ; strophiole 0. 

Flowers small to medium (-75 in. or less), buds straight :— 
Pods twisted, =k piso flowers ‘5 in. or more long; stems and 
nehes unarmed :— 
Perennial, stems wo ody ; flowers *6 in.; pods 6 in. long, sutures undu- 
late and valves widely depressed between the seeds ; small trees :— 
Flowers uniformly ye a egyptiaca, 

red :— 
Standard seine sotto with purple ...egyptiaca var. picta. 
Standard externally dark maroon or pur 
egyptiaca var. 

Annual, stems pith-like ; s -75 in.; pods 10-12 in. losis, 
— —— valves ‘ane “abot “depressed between the 
oe naaany apicins with: trenelilch a Jidniedteaiaves ludosa. 

Pods not t in S cannabina) ; 

“Haag ‘4 in. or less long ; annuals with wot stems :— 
Stems erect :— : 
Stems very tall and rachises of leaves smooth; pods with straight 
sutures ont valves not depressed, oftenest spreading or ee, 

SAID. WOR. eer ere -cavdineaarscccrininst ia REET nnabina. 
Stems Soot and pele of meres armed with more tis ~ 
with slig htl tly ate sutu d between 
the seeds, 9-12 in. lon _. .aculeata. 
Stems diffuse, procumbent, and rachises of a smooth ee 
subtorulose, very erect, 3-4 im. long ....scscersecesseeseeteeeneee® 
vitae Jarge (3 in. ein bor falcately recurved ; anal fees 
White or reddish flowers ..........2:.cssseseesseaseeesenersesentes grandiflora. 

589. Suspanta moyptraca Pers. ; F. B. I.di114 partly. 
tivated occasionally 
As tree. 
589/2. Var. preva Prain. S. egyptiaca F. B. I. ii. 114 partly. 
_ Cultivated fairly commonly. 
A small tr 



539/3. Var. Bicotor W. & A. S. picta F. B. 1. ii. 114. Bischy- 
nomene Sesban F. I. 332. HE. D. 8. 1174. 
Generally cultivated and often subspontaneous. 
small tree. Vernac. Jainti. ; 
540. SesBanzA PaLUDOSA Prain. S. aculeata var. paludosa F. B.1. 
ii, 115 partly. Aschynomene paludosa F. I. iii, 393. 
EK. D. 8. 1164. 
Central and Eastern Bengal, in jheels; common. 
A tall marsh plant with tree-like stems. Beng. Katb- 

541, Smspanza caNnnaBInA Pers. S. aculeata var. cannabina 
F. B. I. ii, 115. Aschynomene cannabina F. I. iii, 339. 

. D. 8. 1166. 
Cultivated in N. C. and E. Bengal. 
An unarmed annual with very tall slender stems. Beng. 

542. Sespanza acuLgzata Pers.; F. B. I. ii. 114. AMschynomene 
spinulosa F. I. iii. 333. E. D. S. 1163. 
In all the provinces, in wet fields. 
A low virgate prickly undershrub. 
543. SESBANIA ULIGINOSA Sweet. S. aculeata var. paludosa F.B. i. 
ii. 115 partly. Aischynomene uliginosa F. I. iii. 334. 
Central Bengal. 
diffuse, prostrate, unarmed annual weed of wet 

544. Suspanta Granpirtora Pers.; F. B. IL. ii. 115; EB. D- 
S. 1186. Xschynomene grandiflora F. I. iii. 331. 
Generally planted. 

A soft-wooded tree. Vernac. Agati, agasthi. 

251. Tephrosia Pers. 

Herbs or undershrubs, rarely shrubs; leaves odd-pinnate ; a 
lets numerous, rarely 3 or 1, obliquely parallel-veined from we 
midrib, usually silky beneath; stipules setaceous, sometimes 
Spmescent, or, if broader, striate; stipels 0. Flowers paired of 
fascicled in the axils of leaves or on terminal leaf-opposed oF _ 

axillary racemes, occasionally both axillary and racemose: 
racemes with bracts consisting of connate stipules ; bracteoles 0 

epals 5 connate in a campanulate tube ; teeth subequal or the 2 

upper slightly connate or the lowest occasionally longer than the 

ose > 

es ae 

Tephrosia. | LEGUMINOS#. 405 

rest. Petals all clawed ; standard rounded ; wings obliquely cu 
or oblong, slightly adnate to the incurved obtuse keel. Stamens 10; 

vexillary filament free below, at first connate in t sihaac with 
the others, a8 at length usually free ; anthers heer Ovary 
sessile, usually several-, rarely 2-ovuled; style incurved or bent, 
hardened, often flattened, bearded or not; stigma terminal capi- 
tate, sal penicillate. Fruit a linear pod, somewhat compressed, 
continuous or obscurely aii within. Seeds ovate; strophiole 
etal small, usually 

Calyx-teeth deltoid, shorter than the tube ; shrubs ; pods densely pe : 
with adpressed brown hairs, slightly recurved ; leaflets acute, 9-12 pa 
can ‘ite 
Calyx-teeth narrow-cuspidate, as long as I ; Selin - leaflets obtuse :— - 
Stems erect or suberect ; leaflets 6-10 p 
Pods 28 ely clothed with long, persient spreading silky hairs :— 
much recurved, covered with white hairs ...-++---+++** villosa. 
Pods s slightly recurved, covered with wea wi ipethe keriana. 
Pods finely downy with short hairs or jana sae ee 

= copa diffuse ; leaflets 4-5 pairs ; pods finely sae! sigh 

«ace tea ed ewees ova beda eet tery’” 

545. “asi canpipa DC.; F. B. I. ii. 111. Robinia candida 

N. Beans oo elsewhere often planted. 
A low shrub, 6-8 feet hig 
546. Tepnrosta vittosa Pers.; F. B. I. ii. 113; E. D. T. 280. 
Galega villosa F, I. iii. 385 
Behar; W. Bengal. 
A branching Apo herb, 2-3 feet high. 
547, Ternrosta Hooxenrana W. & A.; F. B. I. ii. 118. 
C. Bengal; E. Bengal 
A branching perennial herb, 2-3 en Pee 
548. Tepurosra puRPUREA Pers.; F. B. . D. T. 270. 
Galega purpurea F, I. iii. 386. ‘6 gprenpasest ¥F.1. 
ul. 8 G. tinctoria F. I. iti. 886, not of Linn. 
i. all the provinces, in waste places and by way- 
A much-branched, very variable- —— 
1-2 feet high. Vernac. Sarphonka, ban- 

herb; stems 

406 BENGAL PLANTS. (Tephrosia, 

549. shape PUMILA Pers. 7. purpwrea var. pumila F. B. I. 
i. 118. Galega diffusa F. I. iii. 387. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur: in fields. 
A diffuse perennial weed. 

252. Millettia W. & A. 

Large climbing shrubs or occasionally trees ; leaves odd-pinnate, 
alternate; stipules usually small; leaflets opposite; stipels small, 
subulate, sometimes 0. Flowers fascicled, rarely scattered, on the 
rachis of axillary or terminal simple racemes or panicles; bracts 
small, caducous; bracteoles caducous. Se epals 5, connate in & 
campanulate tube ; teeth usually short or nearly obsolete. Petals 
much exserted; standard obovate or eens spreading or re- 
flexed, with or without a callosity at the top of the claw, and 

Ovary sessile or rarely stipitate, base usually enclosed in at 
annular disk or sheath, many-ovuled ; style inflexed, beardless, 

compressed or thickened, coriaceous or woody pod, usually very 
tardily dehiscent. Seeds orbicular or reniform ; hilum small. 

Standard not auricled at the base ; stamens diadelphous ; pods tore: 
lose :-— 

Leaflets 13-15, obscurely silky reigeoe — large; standard 
glabrous on the back; pod co riaceous, glabrous ......++++++eee+ racemosa. 
Leaflets ge Sagan aaa i pitas standard yee e 
the back ; velve 


Standard anvicléd at me ‘abi Pe meng eet siats* aaiten ie 
Leaflets 7-9 ; fowers shortly pedicelled ; pod silky.. ,auriet 
Leaflets 9-11; flowers subsessile ; pod glabrescent ....-.--+--/7ue ticosa. 

550. MILLETTIA RACEMOsA Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 105. M.leiogym 
F. B. I. ii. 109. Robinia racemosa F. I. iii. 829. 
Behar, Rajmahal Hills; Orissa, Khurda. 
A large woody climber. 
MILLETTIA CINEREA Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 106. 
A large woody climber. 


Derris.]_ LEGUMINOSE. 407 

552. Mintertia AURICULATA Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 108. M. extensa 
B. I. ii. 109. Robinia miele I. iii, 829, 
Chota <a very common 
A very se stout, woody climber. Santal. Hehel}. 
Kol. Hél 

553. Miierris ; FRUTICOSA, Benth.; F. B. I. ii, 109. Robinia 

Sruticosa F. I. iii. 3 

N. Bengal, very common near base of hills. 
A very large, stout, woody climber 

253. Pongamia Vent. 

A tree; leaves odd-pinnate, alternate; stipules small; leaflets 
opposite; stipels 0. Flowers in fascicles of 2-4 on the rachis of 
axillary racemes; bracts small, caducous; bracteoles minute, 
caducous. Sepals 5, connate in a warrant tube; teeth obso- 

filament connate in the middle with the ‘ans sSiheis uniform, 
Versatile. Ovary subsessile, 2-ovuled; style filiform, ineurved, 
ardless ; stigma terminal, capitate. Frwit an obliquely oblong, 
indehiscent, compressed lomentum, not winged on either suture. 
Seed solitary, rather thick, reniform ; hilum small. 
554. Pon NGAMIA GLABRA Vent. ; F. B. I, ii. 240; E. D. P. 1121. 
Galedupa indica F. I. iii, 239. 
Sundribuns ; C. and E. Bengal, on banks of tidal creeks 
and rivers, elsewhere commonly planted, especially in 
Chota Nagpur. 
A tree. Vernac. Karanj. 

254. Derris Lour. 
Large climbing shrubs, rarely trees ; leaves odd-pinnate, ae 
nate; stipules small - ; leaflets opposite ; stipels usually 0. Flow 
usually fascicled on ‘ba rachis of axillary or terminal racemes or 

use, Stamens nr vexillary filament free slaee connate in 

408 BENGAL PLANTS. [Derris. 

the middle with the rest, rarely quite free ; anthers uniform, ver- 
satile. Ovary sessile or shortly stipitate ; ovules 2 or more; 7 
i i i Fruit 

winged along the upper or both sutures. Seeds solitary or several, 
compressed, reniform or orbicular; hilum small. 
Standard with no thickened callosities at the base 
exillary stamen quite free ; flowers single in Ai thyrsoid pone 
nodes neither swollen nor produced into a pods win 
upper suture, sutures sinuate between the 


Pods pri only sbi ie upper sutu 
Pods narrow, pointed at both ends, several seeded :— 

cece ee cower 

8 winged along both pababes, ‘lobe 

ae with 2 aniskeped callosities at ‘i base; vexillary stamen 
united with the others 

Leaves and petals shibiohe: ; racemes much shorter than leaves 
Leaves and petals pubescent ; racemes nearly as long as leaves elliptica. 
- 555. Derris smnvara Thw.; F. B. I. ii. 246. 

A large eae: in tidal forests. 330. 
556. Derris SCANDENS Be nth.; F. B. I. ii, 240; E. D. D. 

A slender woody climber, with excentric stems. Beng- 

557. DerRis Rogusra Benth, : ut he I. ii, 241; E. D. D. 38. 
Dalbergia Krowee F. I, iii. 
Chittagon, ng. 

ERRIS ULIGINOSA Benth. F, ‘'B. I. ii, 241. Galedupa 
undribuns ; eee coast; C. Bengal, banks of 
tidal rivers, 

An extensive littoral climber. fone: Pan-lata. 

Dalbergia.) LEGUMINOS&. ~ 409 

559, DerRis MARGINATA Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 245. Dalbergia 
marginata F. I. iii. 230. 

A large ey climber. Vernac. Makrigila. 
560. Derris CUNEIFOLIA Benth. ; F. B. I. ii, 248. Galedupa 
marginata F, i. 241. 

E. Bengal ; Chitagong 
A large wood 
561, DERRIS ELLIPTICA coe F. B. I. ii. 243; E. D. D. 326. 
fone elliptica F. I, iii. 242. 

An Ssiacaive, showy climber. 

255. Dalbergia Linn. f. 

Trees or shrubs, often climbing ; leaves odd-pinnate, alternate ; 
leaflets alternate, 5 or more, rarely 8 or 1; stipules usually small, 
deciduous ; stipels 0. Flowers small, usually numerous, in 
simple or panicled axillary or terminal cymes; bracts small, sub- 
persistent ; oretroalen 2, usually minute, often deciduous. Sepals 
9, connate in campanulate tube; the two upper teeth widest, 
the lowest eoth longest. Petals somewhat exserted; 

Crate or orbicular ; wings oblong; keel obtuse. Stamens 10 the 
= y filament free, the rest connate in a sheath, or 10 all con- 
hate in a sheath split above, or 10 in two lateral bundles of 5 each, 

sutures, usually reticulate opposite the seed. Seeds 1-4, reniform, 
Compressed ; hilum small. 

*Pod thin and flattened except opposite the seeds :—[p. 410] 

{Stamens in two lateral phalanges of 5 filaments each :—[p- 410] 
Bracts and bracteoles oblong, finer conspicuous; pod thickly 
suberous opposite the solitary seed, abruptly narrowed to a stipe 
twice as long as calyx; — considerably longer than broad ; a 
climber or a sarmentose shrub .......+c.sesseseseeeotereensereeree stipulacea, 
— — ee nepaan none, or inconspicuous deciduous ; pod coria- 

te the met oe narrowed to a stipe; leaflets not 
ae net than b 

BENGAL PLANTS. (Dalbergia, 

Pod narrow, 4-6 times as long as broad, not veined opposite the 
seeds ; leaflets persistently hirsute on both sides ; flowers in short 

ested anicles; a tree; hraniasan 0; stalk of pod 
twice as ue as calyx sericea, 
Pod wider, : 

only 2-3 times as long as broad, veined opposite the 
seeds ; lent early — on both sides; stalk of pod much 
longer 1 

Ca ie auth iss. deltoid ; flowers in Phi SS and 

tStamens 9-10 in one bundle, vexillary stamen united to one sae of 
sheath or absent :—[p. 409 

aflets many (25-41), thinly pubescent, trapezoid-oblong, rer 
small; flowers in congested sessile axillary panicles; pod thin. 
papery ; a climber tamarindi 
Leaflets fewer rane more than 15), glabrous, oblong or orbieulay, 
distant, large or medium :— 
Leaflets 11-15 ; flowers in ample terminal panicles, with subeapi- 
tate, congested corymbs at the ae of their branches; stalk of 
pod many times longer than calyx; a climber ......... confertiflora 
Leaflets 3-7; flowers in axillary pale ose stalk of pod only twice 
as long as calyx; tall trees :— 
Panicles small, pedicels short; leaflets oa distinctly 
cuspidate ; pods narrow, 6-8 times as long as broad .......Siss00. 
Panicles lax, pedicels long ; sie oblong or bled obtuse ; 
3 pods only 2-3 times as long as broad .......+- lati ifolia. 2 

tal phalanges of 4 or 5 each; branches spine 
an erect shrub . nosa. 


Stamens 10 in one cacian: unarmed ; a large climber.. pails 
562. DALBERGIA sTIPULACEA Roxb.; F. I. iii. 283; F. B. L 
il. 237; E. D. D. 87. 
N. Bengal ; Chittagong, 
A climber or erect shrub, according to eee 
963. Datpercia sericea G. Don, D. hircina F. B. I. ii. 2863 
D.D. 31. D. stenocarpa F, B. I. ii. 288. 


N. Bengal. 

564. DaLperera VoLuBitis Roxb,; F, J, iii. 231; F. B. I. ii. 935; 
E. D. D. 94, 

_ Pterocarpus. LEGUMINOS. 411 

Chota — ; Behar; W. Bengal; N. Bengal; Orissa ; 
A hey climbing shrub. Santal. Bir munga, nari siris; 
Uriya Nubari 
565. DaLBERGIA LANCEOLARIA Linn. f.; F. B. I. ii, 285; E. D. 
D. 32. D. frondosa F. I. iii, 226. D. ‘oleie't I. iii. 228. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; = Bengal: planted elsewhere. 
A tall, handsome tree. Santal. Chapot siris. 
566. DatBercta TAMARINDIFOLIA Roxb.; F. I. iii. 283; F. B. 1. 
ii, 234; E.D.D 
A climbing or, rarely, suberect shrub. 
567. ic CONFERTIFLORA Benth. ; F. B. I. ii. 233. 
A ae ol cies 
568. Darperera Stssoo Roxb.; F. I, iii. 228; F. B. L ii. 281; 
E. D. D. 64 

In all is provinces. 
A tall tree. Vernac. Sissoo. 
569. DALBERGIA LATIFOLIA Roxb. ; Fr. J. ii. 221; F. B. I. ii. 281; 

Chota Nag piis Behar; N. Bengal. 
A tall tree. Beng. Sitsal. 
570. Darperera spinosa Roxb.; F. I. iii. 233; F. B. I. ii. 288; 
E, D. D. 84, 

An erect, spiny shrub. 
571, Bossecn CANDENATENSIS Prain. D. monosperma F. B. 1. 
li. 287 ; . D. 48, 
A rather seine climber. 

256. Pterocarpus Linn. 

Erect timber trees; leaves odd-pinnate, alternate ; leaflets 
firmly papery or coriaceous, alternate eRe small, snag 
stipels 0. Flowers yellow, in t racemes 0 


teoles 2, often caducous. Sepals 5, connate a 
binate or campanulate tube, somewhat incurved; teeth s ; 
the two upper sometimes subconnate. Petals exserted ; stan 


Stamens 10, all connate in a Sheath split above, © or in two lai 

nate in one sheath or in 2, rarely 8, bundles; anthers mparee 
versatile. Ovary sessile or stipitate, 2-6-ovuled; style filiform, 
incurved, beardless; stigma terminal, capitate. Fruit a com- 
pressed, indehiscent, orbicular or ovate lomentum, with the style 
then usually lateral, the centre seed- -bearing and often externally 
reticulate, the margin forming a coriaceous or submembranous 
wing; septate within if more than 1-seeded. Seeds 1-2, oblong or 
subreniform ; hilum small. 

Leaves firmly coriaceous, finely pubescent beneath; pod velvety when 
ort :-— 

Leaflets ovate, acute or MOUMINALC.. 5. .o0si..sesecerscode Marsupium var. B. 
Leaves fir rmly papery or thinly coriaceous, enters pods very sparsely 
pubescent when young ; pedicels long, slender 
Leaves ovate-rotund, with a sudden blunt point, main nerves beneath 
hardly more distinct than the secondary ; ates almost all ie 
olat ndicus. 

main nerves much stronger beneath than secondary ; panicles large, 
aoa or ed extending into the axils of 2-3 distal leaves; tae: 
teoles ov: dalbergioides. 

572. . —- Roxb.; F. I. iii. 234; F. B. 1. 
; 1370. 
eee Kurds; Chota Nagpur. 
tree. Vernac. Bija sal; pit sal. The Gum Kino tree. 
5772/2. Vad 8. P. indicus F. B. I. ii. 238 partly, not of Willd. 
Behar, Rajmahal Hills. 
medium tree. Vernac. Bija sal. Gum Kino tree. 
573. Prmocaars INDIcUs Willd.; F. I. iii. 238; F. B. 1. ii, 288 

gee occasionally in C. Bengal. 
A medium tree; native of Moluccas. 
574, PErrocarpus DALBERGIOIDES Roxb. ; F. I. iii. 236. P,.$@ 
dicus F. B. I. ii, 238 partly ; E.D. P 
eae: not infrequently i in C, Bosal, 
A tall tree, Andaman Red Wood. 

— Prigonetta.] LEGUMINOS#. 413 

257. Melilotus Linn. 
Annual or biennial herbs; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate ; main- 

racemes; bracts minute or 0; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, connate in 
4campanulate tube ; teeth subequal, lanceolate. Petals deciduous, 
free from the staminal tube ; standard obovate or oblong, sub- 
sessile; wings oblong, longer than the obtuse keel. Stamens 10; 
Vexillary filament free or connate in the middle with the others; 
filaments filiform; anthers uniform. Ovary ‘y sessile or stipitate, 
few-ovuled ; style filiform, incurved; stigma - small 

or indehiscent lome a longer than the calyx. Seeds few or 
solitary ; strophiole 
Corolla minute, yellow ; pod usually 1-seeded ; annual............... indica, 
Corolla rather larger, white ; pod often 2-seeded ; bignnial ON. chee alba. 
575. She pie inpica All. M. parviflora F. B. I. ii. 80; EB. D. 
M. 422. Trifolium ae F. I. iii. 388 
In all the province 
A small field- weed ‘of the cold season. Vernac. Ban- 

576. voor ALBA Lamk; F. B. I. ii. 89. 
n all the provinces. 
A field-weed appearing in the cold season. Vernac. 
Safed ban-methi. 

258. Trigonella Linn. 

Annual herbs; leaves — 3-foliolate ; main-nerves of the 
leaflets usually excurrent as ma rginal teeth; stipules adnate ; 
stipels 0. Flowers solitary ‘ila or capitate, subumbellate or 
densely racemed on ver y short or elongated axillary peduncles ; 
bracts minute or obsolete; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, connate in a 
tubular calyx ; “teeth distinct, subequal. Petals free from 

Staminal tube; standard obovate or oblong, short-clawed or 
Sessile ; wings oblong, longer than the obtuse keel. 0 
Yexillary filament free or connate in the middle with the others ; 
filaments filiform; anthers uniform. Ovary sessile or shortly 
Stipitate, many-ovuled; style filiform or thickened, beardless ; 
stigma, terminal, small. Frwit usually an indehiseent grape 

414 BENGAL PLANTS. [Trigonella, — 

less often a follicle opening by the ventral suture, rarely. sue 
thick and long-beaked or thinner, linear or compressed or terete, 
straight or faleate, continuous within. Sceds rather numerous; 
strophiole 0. 
Hrect, robust ; flowers 1-2, axillary ; pod long, turgid, beaked 
Diffuse, slender ; flowers 6-12, closely racemose; pod flat, Pie: fal- 
cately recurved ...... rnicula 

577. TRIGONELLA Pyeng -GREcUM Linn. ; F. I. iii. 389; F. B. 1. 
ii. 87; E. D. T 
Cultivated in sy esac provinces. 
An annual crop. Vernac. Methi. A prs 
578. TRigoneLLA Cornicunara Linn.; F. I. iii. 389; F. B. 1, 
ii. 88, 

Tirhut and N. Bengal, cultivated ; in C, Bengal only a 
cold-weather weed and rare. Ben eng. Piring. 

259. Medicago Linn. 
Herbs, rarely shrubs; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate ; main-nerves 
of leaflets often excurrent as ma arginal teeth; stipules adnate; 
stipels 0. Flowers small, in axillary racemes or heads, rarely 


from the calyx-tube; standard obovate or oblong, subsessile; 
wings oblong, longer than the obtuse keel. Stamens 10; vexillary 
: filament t free, the rest connate; filaments filiform; anthers 

uniform. Ovar) y sessile or shortly stipitate, usually many- -ovuled, 
rarely l-ovuled; style subulate, beardless ; ; stigma su beapitate, 
oblique. Fruit a spirally twisted, rarely falcate, indehiseent 
lomentum. Seeds several, rarely (M. lwpulina) solitary; stro- 
phiole 0. 

CO ee AC ee ee stn 

Stems diffuse, trailing; field-weeds : ; 
Pods minute, sickle- -shaped, Soatcse T-seeded ........sseseeeees lupulind. 
Pods subglobose, spiral, muricated oases 

579. Mrepicago Sativa Linn.; F, B. L. ii, 90; ED — M, 334 
A cold-weather fiche crop, especially 
A subereet, much-branched sorb, 1-2 feet — Lucerm, 

— Lornia.) _ LEGUMINOSA. 415 
580. Mgpicaco Lupuuina Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 90; E. D. M. 332. 
. N. Bengal. 

A diffuse, finely downy, trailing weed. 
581. Mupicaco penticunata Willd.; F. B. 1 it. 90; E. D. 
M, 329. M. polymorpha F. I. iii. 390. 
Behar; N. Bengal. 
A diffuse, almost glabrous weed. Vernac. Maina. 

260. Arachis Linn. 
Prostrate herbs ; leaves even-pinnate, leaflets 2-jugate ; stipules 
te; stipels 0. Flowers in a dense, axillary spike, sessile 

@ _ or shortly pedicelled in the axil of a leaf or a 2-auriculate bract ; 

slender tube ; lobes membranous, the igKeck slender, distinct, the 
4 upper connate in a lip. Petals inserted with the stamens 
at the apex of the tube; standard suborbicular; wings oblong, 

ong, filiform; stigma terminal, minute. Fruit a thick, oblong, 
reticulate, indehiscent lomentum, subtorulose but continuous 
within, burying itself to ripen underground. Seeds 1-3, irregularly 
ovoid ; cotyledons thick, fleshy. 
a. cHIs HypoGmA Linn. ; F. B. I. ii. 161; 
Occasionally cultivated. 
An annual herb, ripening its pods underground, Beng. 
Belati-mung, chiné-badam, mat-kalai. The Ground 

E. D. A.-1261. 

261. Zornia Gmel. 

Annual herbs ; leaves digitately 4-foliolate or 2-foliolate 5 leaflets 
gland-dotted; stipules subfoliaceous, gland-dotted ; stipels 0 
Flowers in interrupted spikes or solitary, on terminal oF axillary 
peduncles ; bracts geminate, stipular, striate, larger than the true 
stipules ; bracteoles 0, Sepals 5, connate in a small subhyaline 
calyx; 2 upper lobes connate in a lip, lowest lobe oblong or lan- 
ceolate, as long as the upper, 2 lateral lobes small. Petals ex- 
serted ; standard suborbicular, clawed; wings obliquely oblong ; 


416 BENGAL PLANTS. [Zornia. 

keel incurved, acute. Stamens 10, connate in a closed tube; 
anthers alternately longer subbasifixed, and shorter sessile 
Ovary sessile, many-ovuled ; style filiform ; stigma terminal, capi- 
tate. Fruit a lomentum of several small, rounded, finely muri- 
cate, 1-seeded indehiscent joints. Seeds subreniform ; strophiole0. 
583. ZORNIA DIPHYLLA <7. Demet : 
Hedysarum diphyllum F. I. iii. 353. 
Behar ; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal. Santal. Tandijapni. 

262. Alhagi Desv. 
shrubs; leaves simple, small, entire; stipules small. 
ees few, in axillary racemes with spine-tipped rachis; bracts 
minute ; bracteoles 0. ‘Sepals 5, connate in a campanulate tube; 
teeth short, subequal. Petals exserted ; standard obovate, shortly 
clawed ; wings subfalcate, free; keel incurved, obtuse. Stamens 
10; vexillary filament free, the rest connate; anthers uniform. 
Ovary sessile, many-ovuled ; style filiform, incurved, beardless; 
stigma terminal, capitate. Fruit a linear, thickish, indehiscent 
lomentum, constricted and doubly septate between the seeds, but 
not jointed. Seeds reniform ; strophiole 0. 
584, ALHAGI caMELoRUM Fisch. A. mawrorum F. B. I. ii. 149; 
E. D, A. 745. Same aia Alhagi F. I. iii. 344. 
Behar, Gyr. 
A low, angels spiny shrub. Hind. Javasa. 

263. Lespedeza Michx. 
Herbs or shrubs, usually softly silky ; leaves pinnately 3- folio- 
late, aig 1-foliolate, og entire ; stipules free, me stipels 0. 

narrowed to a claw; wings ions free or faintly a a 
incurved, obtuse or beaked keel. Stamens 10; vexillary filam 
free, the others connate in a sheath; anthers uniform. Ova” 

flattened, indehi hiscent, 1- — lomentum. Seed compressed, 
suborbicular ; strophiole 

~ Smithia.] LEGUMINOS#. 417 

585. LespepEza sericea Miq.; F. B. I. ii. 142. 

Chota Nagpur, on higher hills, rare : not reported from 


An erect undershrub with long, slender, virgate branches. 
264. Smithia Ait. 

Herbs or undershrubs; leaves even-pinnate, the rachis ending 
in a bristle, rarely with a terminal leaflet; leaflets small, sensi- 
tive ; ‘qed persistent, membranous oF scarious; stipels 


deeply 2- Ee calyx; upper lip entire or emarginate, lower entire 
or shortly 8-lobed. Petals exserted ; standard suborbicular, short- 
clawed ; sit hone oblong, yo obovate; keel incurved, 
obtuse. Sta connate in 2 lateral bundles 0 of 5 each, the 
bundles at, at ‘lightly anette in sone! anthers uniform. Ovary 
sessile or ae many-ovuled ; style filiform, incurved; stigma 
terminal, capitat Fruit a lomentum of few or numerous, 
flattened or Peni 1-seeded ries folded together inside the 

yx. Seeds reniform; strop 
Calyx rigid, with close, parallel, aire 
Flowers in short, simple racemes ; Lane ae calyx slightly pais 

Flowers in pairs in the axils of the leaves; leaves and calyx distill 

bristly ; upper nodes of stem congested in a hea 
geminiflora var. eddies 

Calyx membranous, with distinctly separated anastomosing veins +-— 
Racemes dense axillary ; bracteoles nearly as lon: 

Oe cide er gra 
586. iodhas sensitiva Ait.; F. I. iii. 342; F. B. I. ii. in, 
E. D. 8. 2259. 

In all the provinces. 

An annual weed o 

Beng. Nala-kashina. 

f waste places. Hind. Oda-brini ; 

verta Bak.; F. B. I. 

i. 149 
Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A weed of waste places. 


588, SmrruHia criutaTa Royle; F. B, I. ii. 150. 
a Nagpur, Parasnath 
An annual herb in grassy places. 
589. SMrrHia GRaNDIS Benth.; F. B. I, ii. 151. 
Bengal, Duars. 
A tall herb in grassy places. 

265. Zschynomene Linn. 

Erect undershrubs or shrubs; leaves odd-pinnate ; leaflets 

numerous, sensitive, linear, close-set; stipules setaceous or lan- 
ceolate ; stipels 0. Flowers in axillary, rarely terminal, simple, or 

calyx ; upper lip entire, lower ite or shortly 3-lobed. Petals 
deciduous; standard orbicular, short-clawed; wings obliquely 
obovate or oblong; keel obovate, nearly straight, or narrow and 
ineurved. Stamens 10, connate in two lateral bundles of 5 each; 
Lb uniform. seery stipitate, 2-many-ovuled ; style incurved, 

less ; stigma terminal, capitate. Fruit a linear, long-stipi- 
‘ok: lomentum, with 2-8 flattened, 1-seeded, separating joints. 
Seeds subreniform, compressed ; strophiole 0 

glabrous ; pods smooth or pa 
Stems stout, slightly bettichiod: or siasmata’ peduncles not seduced eee 
and larger corolla hispid ; pods echinulate ..........:ss++seseeeeereee aspera 


Stems slender, much nema ES viscid ; calyx and small ga ek | 


590. AlscHyNomENr rnpica Linn. ; F. B. L ii. 151; E. D. A- 565. 8 
Hedysarum Neli-Tali F. I. iii. 365. a 
In ditches and jheels, general , 
An annual undershrub with many slender branches. 
Beng. Bhath-sola. 
591. Macca aspera Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 152; B.D. 4 bem 
sles — O08. 1s i 343, Hidyaatig lagenarium 

In pein and jheels, general. 
A tall, erect shrub with few branches. Beng. Sola. 

266. Eleiotis DC. 
An annual herb; leaves 1- foliolate, but with occasionally a 
of minute lateral leaflets added ; stipules short, striate; 

‘a s 

— Uraria,) LEGUMINOS#. 419 

under the reniform leaflet subulate. Flowers usually in pairs on 
terminal or axillary racemes; bracts large, striate, deciduous ; 
bracteoles minute or 0. Sepals 5, connate in a very short tube 
with subequal, setaceous teeth. Petals minute; standard orbicu- 
lar, emarginate, narrowed to a claw; wings oblong, adnate to the 
obtuse keel. Stamens 10; Shire’) filament free, the rest con- 
nate; anthers uniform ary subsessile, l-ovuled ; style short, 
inflexed above, itches’ alts stigma terminal, capitate. Fruit 
& compressed, dimidiate, indehiscent, 1-seeded, membranous, re- 
ticulate lomentum; dorsal margin straight. Seed transversely 
oblong, subreniform ; strophiole 

592. Exeroris SORORIA coe F. B. LL ii 153. Hedysarum 

sororium F 


2B > rar 
A slender, trailing annual. 

267. Uraria Desvy. 

Perennial herbs or undershrubs; leaves odd-pinnate, leaflets 
1-9; stipules free, acuminate, striate below; stipels subulate. 
Flowers many, in terminal spicate racemes; bracts ovate or 2 
ceolate, acuminate, persistent or deciduous; bracteoles 0. Sepals 
5, connate in a very short tube; 2 upper teeth short, 8 lower ~ 
setaceous. Petals small; standard orbicular or obovate, narrowed 
to a claw ; wings falcate-oblong, adnate to the slightly ineurved, 
obtuse keel. — 10; vexillary filament free, the rest con- 

nate; anthers uniform. Ovary sessile or shortly stipitate, 2-many- 
oes style Bite inflexed ; stigma terminal, capitate, Fruit 
® lomentum of 2-6 small, turgid, 1-seeded, indehiscent joints, 

usually more or less folded together within the calyx, occasionally 
faleately P digomees and exserted. Seeds orbicular or subglobose ; 

Upper leaves 5-9 folio 
esa clouded, a sails shortly bristly ; joints of pod 

Ssaeeer eee weeeareee 

Laaitets green, oblong ; pedicels clothed with fous bristles ; en of 
PNG 5 cnis av ais si eins rodienex sta uunse Aube rra eee eee gees mesa ee inita. 

Leaves 3-1- foliolate intermixed :-— 
*Stems ogg ; leaflets small, orbieular or oblong ; heads short, 
— oblong ; bracts narrow, ciliated, persistent; lower calyx-teet 
ugated ; Salita of pod finely pubescent [p. 420] ceeserseress lagopoides, 

420 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Uraria, 

*Stems erect ; leaflets large —— 19] 

Leaflets cordate-ovate, often clouded; heads short, dense, cylindsla; 

bracts ovate, pealiniod, atti ieee calyx-teeth clonantes 4 

of pod glab fi rs 

Leaflets oir or oblong, not cordate, green; heads ee cylindric ; 

bracts cuspidate, pubescent, deciduous ; calyx-teeth subequ a 

_ Joints of pod opaque, dark, pubescent; heads lax- alee 
Joints of pod shining, pale, quite glabrous; heads dense- 
flowered : neglecta. 

593. Urarra pica Desv.; F. B. I. ii. 155; E.D. U. 25. Doodia 
otis I. iii. 36 68. 
n all the provi 
“e erect, little- a herb. Beng. eddear aint Hind. 

594, Unarrs « cRINITA Desy.; F. B. I. ii. 155. Doodia ervmta | 
F. I. iii. 369. 
- An erect, little-branched herb. 96. 
595. URARIA LAGOPOIDES DCs3o Be Be dictin 156; EoD 
Doodia — F. I. iii. 366. 
In all the pro to 
A ‘ilies weed om grassy places. Beng. Golak chakulia; 
ind. Petw 

596. rearey So cin Wight. U. repanda F. B. 1. ii, 156. 
Doodia alopecuroides F. I. iii. 868. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; E. Bengal. 
An erect herb or undershrub. : 
597, Urarta HAMOSA Wall.; F. B. I. ii. 156. Doodia hamos@ 
. I. iii. 8367. D, Seinsbliasfoti F. 1 iii. 366. 
Chota Nagpur; Chittagong. 
An erect, branching undershrub. 
598. URaRIA NEGLECTA Bie. U. lagopus F. B. I. ii. 156 partly, 
not of DC, 
N. Bengal, Duars. 
A short, erect herb. 

268. Lourea Neck. a 
: — erect or prostrate; leaves 1-3-foliolate, leaflets - _ : 
than long ; stipules free, striate or subulate; 

. Desmodium.) LEGUMINOSH#. _ 421 

subulate. Flowers usually in pairs, in lax terminal racemes; 
bracts acuminate, caducous; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, connate in a 
campanulate tube; teeth subequal, rather broad, accrescent. 
Petals short ; standard obovate or obcordate, claw narrow; wings 
obliquely oblong, adnate to the slightly curved, obtuse keel. 
sag 10; ana filament free, the others connate ; anthers 
unifo Ovary 2- or more-ovuled, sessile or stipitate ; — 
ocaeiad indlonea : stigma wide-capitate, terminal. Prwit 
lomentum of 2 or more 1- seeded, indehiscent, soahas aa 
subturgid joints folded together within the calyx. Seeds orbicular 
or su anes strophiole 0. 

599. Lour 4 VESPERTILIONIS Desv.; F. B. 1. ii. 154. Hedysarum 

Sometimes planted ; often as an escape in waste places. 
An erect, little-branched herb. Beng. Chamchika. 

269. Ougeinia Benth. 

A tree; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules free, deciduous ; 
Stipels rather large. Flowers in densely fascicled racemes in leaf- 
axils and on old wood; pedicels fascicled on the rachis; bracts 
small, scale-like; bracteoles under the calyx minute, persistent. 
Sepals 5, connate in an obtusely campanulate ame ee all 
obtuse, the lowest larger than _ the 2 pik 
emarginate lip. Petals much exserted; standard oc i 
short-clawed ; wings obliqu ae hess one adnate to the 

obtuse, oniiotrhuit incurved keel. Stamens 10; vexillary filament 
ee, the rest connate; wae uniform. Ovary sessile, many 
ovuled ; style incurved, te; stigma terminal, capitate 

reticulate, hardly dehiscent joints. Seeds compressed, reniform ; 
8trophiole 0, 
- OUGEINIA DaLBERGIOIDES Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 161; E. D. 
0. 5387. Dalbe ergia ecbaeat: F. I. iii. 220. 
Behar ; Chota Nagpur; Oriss 
An erect tree. Hind. wae Beng. Tinis; Uriya 
Bandhona; Kol. Ruta 

270. Desmodium Desv. 
Herbs t shrubs, rarely small trees; leaves 1- foliolate or pin- 
nately a, ; stipules dry, usually striate, free or connate 

422 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Desmodium. 

opposite the petiole ; ; stipels subulate, often long. Flowers — 

: iduous ; 
striate or subulate and persistent, or membranous and decid : 

bracteoles teh cae ‘caeex or minute or obsolete. Sepals . 
connate in a anulate or turbinate tube ; teeth — if 
longer than aan oi 2 upper subconna a lip, the 3 low 

r quite free, the rest connate; anthers uniform. Ovary 

partially ter- 
sessile or stipitate, 2-many-ovuled ; style incurved ; . mae 
minal, capitate. Fruit exserted from calyx, sessile wa ee “ad 
usually distinctly jointed, the joints separating, 1-seeded, 

*Pods aistiscls divided into Tame separating, 1-seeded joints:—(P. 
tLeaves 3-foliolate : —[p. 423] 
aflets small, never over 1 in. — rarely half that length ; 
stems very slender, cylindric, trailing eate, 
Pedicels Hered exceeding the petibleet leaflets se to- 
runeate or emarginate at apex; flowers all anes 
gether ; pod me straight upper and indented lower su phat 
po ovate, 
Pedicels anaes Asay the petioles ; leaflets oblong or ° 
rounded at ith 
s wi 
Flowers ia sits ry, also 2-6 in small lax racemes; ee 
straight upper and indented lower suture ... --heteropny 

in 5 . 
Leaflets large, 2-3 in. lon ng; stems stout, angular ee 
many-flowered, lateral, axillary, also in terminal piles ifusum- 
obovate, entire ; pod indented on both sutures......-++--++* t 
Stems erect or suberect :-— 

}Bracts large, 2- -foliolate, persistent ; a woody shrub a pice 

chellum: Z 


— Desmodium] LEGUMINOS#. ic 423 

{Bracts small, simple, deciduous —{p. 422] 
| Flowers in dense, short- -peduncled, preach umbels; woody 

rubs : 
es terete ; joints of pod large, longer than broad 


Branches angular; joints of pod small, as broad as long :— 
P. silky ephalotes 
Pods glabrescent. ....:0-,<s+cexs seer Ce a var. congesta, 

Flowers in more or less elongated race 
Joints of — not longer than broad, “add dehiscing along the 
lower suture 
Stems clothed with adpressed hairs ............++- polycarpun, 
Stems clothed with spreading hairs 
polycarpum var. trichocaulon. 
Joints of ta 4 times as long as broad, each joint indehiscent 

tLeaves 1-foliolate :—[p. 422] 
Stems erect or suberect :— 
Petioles not winged :— 

aflets membranous 
oblong, acute, glabrescent on 
emes lax ; pods ers: leaflets pT 
Taller ; leaves rounded or cuneate at base ...... 
Dwarf ; leaves cordate at base, eae or 
ticum yar. maculata. 
Racemes dense; pods densely schoo leaflets obscurely 
Wepahds es stl pa ee virgatum, 
Leaflets coriaceous, as broad as long, ovate, subobtuse, repand, 
densely date scabrous; racemes dense; pods densely 
Pubescerit 3.6 3 es Ue ee a is hasaetiensd latifolium. 
eee acy winged :-— 
s hairy throughout, na 
Ay glabrous throughout, pes ida. ‘thinly ‘membranous 

or apenas op longer than broad, 


.trique trum, 

Stems diffuse 
Petioleg edly winged ; pods with a line of as hairs along 
each suture, has QIADTOUS ....2-.eeeeeevenre ees pseudo-triquetrum. 
Petioles not w inge 

Leaves reniform ; ale glabrous, teeth short ; pedicels straight ; 
pods 3-5-jointed, joints longer than broad ; racemes mes lax 
Leaves rounded, ee calyx densely hairy, teeth long ; 
pedicels decurved at tip; pods eae beg ee 
long ; racemes tain (panera achystachyum, 


BENGAL PLANTS. [Desmodium. 
*Pods indistinctly jointed, dehiscing in a continuous line along the 
ventral suture; leaves 3-foliolate i—[p. 422 
Pod glabrescent or only downy ; undershrubs 3-4 feet high :—. 
End-leaflet 4-6 times as long as broad gyre 
End-leaflet twice as long as broad ; flowers a 

var. Roylei. 
Pod copiously, loosely pubescent ; shrubs 8-10 feat high . baa 8s gyroides, 

601. Desmoprum gee DC, 3 FB. bie L7Be nis hes 
Jolium BE. D. D. 343. ye ea triflorum F. I. iii. 3 
_ In all the vetisinoda. 
A common prostrate weed. Santal. Tandi. chatom arak’. 
602. DesMopium HETEROPHYLLUM DC.; F._B. I. ii. 178. Hedy- 
sarum reptans F, I, iii. 354. 
- Bengal, rare. 
A prostrate weed. 
603. Desmoprum parvirotrum DC.; F.'B, 1. ii. 174. 
Chota Nagpur, western parts, very rare. : 
A prostrate weed, 
604, Duskdsied ab DirFusum DC.; F. B. I. ii. 169; E. D. D. 335. 
Hedysarum articulatum F. I, ii. 855. . Ae ali ssi 
I. iii. 855. 


SRS eT te eee RT eT ap ee Oe SO ee 

latum F, 
Chota Nagpur; Behar; W. Bengal; C. Bengal. 
A prostrate, ifieen, cxspitose herb. i 
aa PULCHELLUM ‘Benth. F. B, 1. ii, 162. Hedy-- 
Sarum pulchellum ¥F. 1. iii, 361. 
ota Nagpur; BE. Bengal; Chittagong. : 
A stoutish shrub, 3-6 feet hi gh. 4 
606. Desmoprum UMBELLATUM DC. ; F. B. I. ii. 161. Hedysarum 
arborewm F. I. iii, 360, 
gion : 
a-coast shrub or small tree, reaching 20 feet. ine 2 
TUM CePHALoTEs Wall.; F. B. I. ii. 161; E. D.D. 
Hedysarum Cephalotes F. I. iii, 360. 
oie Nagpur; Behar; C, Bengal; E. Bengal. 
rub. Santal. Bir jharwar. REL 
607/2. eo CONGESTA nie Hedysarum wmbellatum F. + . 
iii, 360, not o 
Chota Nagpur; sGidieinn 


Desmodium. } LEGUMINOS#. 425 

608. ea POLYCARPUM DC.; F.B. 1. ii. 171. Hedysarwm 
patens ii. 862. H. purpureum F. I. iii. 358.. 
In all eee provinces. 
An erect or suberect undershrub. 
608/2. Var. tRrcHocAULON Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 172. 
Chota Nagpur, very rare (on Parasnath and on a hill 
east of Pitorea) ; Chittagong. 
A suberect undershrub. 
609. Desmoprium LaxrrLorum DC.; F. B.1. ii. 164. Hedysarwm 
recurvatum F. I. iii, 358. H. diffusum F. I. iii. 857, not of 
Willd. 2 

Chota Nagpur; E. Bengal. 
A slender, erect undershrub. 
610. Desmoprum GanGeticum DC.; F. B. 1. ii. 168; E. D. D. 339, 
Hedysarum gangeticum F. I. iii. 349. H. collinum F. I. 
ili. 349, 

In all the provinces. 
A suberect undershrub. Vernac. Salpani; Santa andi 

bedi jan 
610/2. Var. MACULATA Bak.; F. B. I. .ii.-168. 

611, ... Ne a: “Zoll. D. latifolium F, B. I. ii. 168 
partly, no 
A suberect undershrub. 
612. Desmoprum Lattrortum DC.; F. B. I. ii. 168; E. D. D. 341. 
- Hedysarum ten Gt F. I. iii. 350. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal; Tippera; Chitta- 

An erect undershrub. Santal. Sim ee sura 
618, Biswooitis TRIQUETRUM DC. ; Y. Bk _ 168 partly. 
Hedysarum alatum F. 1. ii. 848. 
small shrub. 
614. Desmoprum atatum DC. D. triquetrum F. B. 1. ii, 163 

An erect shrub. PBI 
615, isbeurcc PSEUDOTRIQUETRUM DC. D. triquetrum 

426 BENGAL PLANTS. [Desmodiun. 

1638 partly, not of DC. Hedysarwm triquetrum F. 1. iii, 347, 
not of Linn. 
E. Bengal; N. Bengal. 
A diffuse undershrub. 
616. DesMopIUM RENIFORME DC.; F. B. I. ii. 178. 
N. Bengal. 
A diffuse trailing herb. 
617. Desmoprum pracuystacuyum Grah.; F. B. I. ii. 171. 
Chota Nagpur 
diffuse, trailing herb. 
618. Desmopium gyrans DC.; F. B. I. ii. 174. Hedysarum 
gyrans F, I, iii. 351. 
In all the provinces, but nowhere plentiful. 
An undershrub with motile leaflets. Beng. Gora chand. 
The Semaphore plant 
618/2. Var. Royzer Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 175. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; E. Bengal. 
An ise shrub, 
619. Desmopium erromes DC.; F. B. I. ii. 176. 
N. Bengal, 
A large ae with very showy flowers. 

271. Alysicarpus Neck. 

Diffuse or erect annual or biennial herbs ; leaves 1-foliolate, rarely 
3-foliolate ; stipules scarious, acuminate, free or connate; § els 
subulate. Flowers s terminal, rarely axillary racemes; 

edicels adie: usually in tee bracts scarious, mostly pase, 
bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, very slightly connate below ; lobes glum 

ceous or striate, subequal, only the 2 upper connate to neat ihe 
apex. Petals hardly or not exserted ; standard obovate or orbicu- 
lar, narrowed to a claw; wings obliquely oblong, adnate ee 
keel; keel slightly incurved, obtuse, usually wi with a lateral appe™ 

connate. Ovary sessile or shortly stipitate, many-ovuled ; style 
filiform, incurved at the tip; stigma wide-capitate, terminal. 
Fruit a subterete or turgid lomentum, constricted or not between 
the ovate or globose or oblong and truncate convex OF 

indehiscent, 1-seeded joints. Seeds suborbicular or globose ; 
strophiole 0. 

Alysicarpus. | LEGUMINOSE. : | 427 

— not exceeding the first joint of the pod :— 
moniliform, veinless, turgid; stems clothed with fine pepe 

ae not moniliform, reticulate-ven 
Pod compressed ; stems de see .d with spreading hairs hamosus. 
Pod terete ; stems pg oe 
Stems ascendin r leaves usually lanceolate and upper 
oblong, Estactonally vee oblong and upper ovate ; racemes A 
va, is. 

Stems more slender, diffusely spreading; lower leaves always 
oblong, upper ovate ; racemes dense 
vaginalis yar. arya ek Sr 
Calyx much longer than first joint of pod ; imbricated in frui 
Flowers sessile ; calyx densely beset with long, white, poner i 

Flowers eee pedicelled :— 
Pod 4-cornered joints, transversely plicate ; pe “ NS 
and a iat ed PST TT. hae gonolobus. 
3 with rounded joints; calyx ciliated only 
Joints of pod slightly moniliform, neither veined nor ee 
Leaves acute, linear or lanceolate ; pods 4-6-join 
Be soles 

Leaves obtuse, oblong-lanceolate ; pods 2-3- 
bupleurt dite var. gracilis. 
Joints of pod — oe deeply transversely plicate:— 
Stems suberect o ing :— 2 
Stems 1-2 feet, eee glabrous as are the leaves beneat: 
PAGOMBS CONSE. hs.ccncoasscece dupseranmeestnnenermameet ete” nt rugos 
' Stems 3-4 feet, subaliet, persistently pubescen 
...PUgosus Var. soi let 

Stems and leaves beneath finely pubescen 
ru ipa var. st yracifolia. 
Stems and leaves beneath glabrous ...-- ve erugosus Var. minor. 
620. ALystcarpus montuirEeR DC.; F, B. Li. 157. 2m ysarune 
moniliferwm F, I. iii, 345. 
ota Nagpur; W. Bengal. 
A small prostrate weed. 
621, Riseiniteos HAMOSUS Edgew: ; ; 
sarum procumbens F'. I. iii. 345. 
estern B 

F. B. I. ii. 157. Hedy- 


A small prostrate weed. 

428 BENGAL PLANTS. [Alysi 

622. ALysIcARPUS VAGINALIS DC.; F. B. I. ii. 158. Hedysarum — 
vaginale F. I. iii, 345. 
In most of the p 
A suberect itr fot — feet high. 
622/1. Var. NumMMuLARIFOLIA Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 158; E. D. 
‘A. OLE. : 

e all the provinces. 
A small prostrate weed. 
623. ALYsIcaRPUS PUBESCENS Law ; F. B. I. ii. 160. 
Western Behar, ver 
An erect weed, stems oo feet high. 
624, ALYSICARPUS TETRAGONOLOBUS Edgew.; F. B. I. ii. 159. 

A site: prostrate weed. 
625. ALYSICARPUS BUPLEURIFOLIUS DC. ; F. B. I. ii. 158. Hedy- 
sarum granuneum F, I. iii. 346. 
In all the provinces 
An erect, slender yea: Beng. Pan-nata. 
625/2. Var. cractuis Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 158. 
ou ; Chota Nagpur. : 
An erect, slender weed. : : 
626. Pies we, RuGosus DC.; F. B. I. ii. 159. Hedysarwm — 
bupleurifoliwm F. I. iii. 346, not of Linn. ~ 
hota Nagpur; C. Bengal; E. Bengal. | 
A suberect weed. oe 
626/2. Var. Heyneana Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 159. Hedysarum 
styracifolium F, I. iii. 347. : 

An erect weed. | 
626/3. Var. srvgactrorta Bak. ; F. B, I. ii. 159. Hedysarwm 
glumaceum F. I. iii. 347. 
Chota Nagpur ; paca W. Bengal. 
A diffuse, prostrate wee 
626/4. Vani MINOR Prain. 
Chota Nagpur; C. Bengal. 
A small prostrate weed. 

272. Psoralea Linn. 

Herbs « or undershrubs ; leaves 1-foliolate or pinnately 3- tel Gn 
(in Indian species) ; leaflets repand or toothed, gland-do 



“Indian species); stipules — stem-clasping, but hardly adnate 
petiole; stipels 0. Flowers capitate, spicate, subracemose, or 
-fascicled, rarely solitary, in i axils of reduced floral leaves; 
bracts membranous often 2-3 flowers to each; bracteoles 0. Sepals 

standard ovate or orbicular, narrowed to a claw, sometimes 
auriculate at base; wings oblong, faleate; keel incurved, obtuse, 
its petals only slightly connate. Stamens 10; vexillary filament 
free or connate with the rest; anthers uniform or alternately 
attached at higher and lower levels. Ovary sessile or shortly 
-stipitate, l-ovuled; style filiform or dilated below, incurved 
above; stigma terminal, small. Fruit an ovate, indehiscent 
lomentum. Seed often adnate to pericarp 5 ; strophiole 0. 
627. PsoraLea coryuirousa Linn. ; F, I, iii, 3875 F. B. I, ii. 103; 
E. D. P. 1852. 

In all the provinces. 

An erect annual, 1-3 feet high. Hind. Babachi; Beng. 

Barachi, hakuchi; Uriya Bakuchi 

73. Cyamopsis DC. 

Erect herbs, beset with laterally attached hairs; leaves pin- 
nately 8-foliolate (in the Indian species); leaflets toothed ; 
stipules small, setaceous; stipels 0. Flowers in axillary racemes ; 

pedicels short, solitary; bracts caducous ; bracteoles rg Sepals 5, 
connate in an oblique tube; lowest tooth longest, setaceous. 
Petals caducous; standard obovate, sessile; wings oblong, not - 
adnate to the erect, obtuse inappendiculate keel. Stamens 10, all 
connate in a tube ; anthers uniform, connective apiculate. Ovary 


capitate. Fruit a linear, suberect pod, subquadrangular, acuminate, 
septate within. Seeds quadrate, compressed ; strophiole 0. 
628. Cyamopsts psoratrorpEs DC.; F. B. I. ii. 92; E. D. ©. 2514. 
Dolichos fabeformis F., I. iii. 316. 

An annual crop. 
A robust erect plant, 2-3 feet high. Hind. Guar ; 
Santal. Buru raher. 
274. Indigofera Linn. 
Herbs, undershrubs, or shrubs, with adpressed, laterally attached 
“alts, occasionally with basifixed hairs intermingl led ; am odd- 


pinnate, rarely simple or 1-foliolate, very rarely digitately 3-folio- 
late, sometimes pinnately 8-foliolate; leaflets usually opposite — 
except the terminal, occasionally alternate ; stipules usually small, 
shortly adnate ; stipels setaceous or 0. Flowers usually reddish 
or purple, in axillary spikes or racemes, solitary sessile or pedi- — 
celled in the axils of caducous bracts; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, 
connate in a minute campanulate calyx; teeth subequal, or the 
lowest eee Petals caducous; standard ovate or orbicular, 
sessile or clawed; wings oblong, slightly adnate to the e 
laterally gibbous or spurred keel. Stamens 10; vexillary filament 
free, the others connate; anthers uniform, connective gland-like, 4 
apiculate. Ovary sessile or clauckila: 1-2 or many-ovuled; style . 
beardless, but the capitate ea wags penicillate. Fruita globose, 
1-seeded, or oblong or linear, straight or curved, 3-4-angled or 
compressed astevidnetiod Sd, en within. Seeds globose, or 
cylindric and truncate, or compressed or quadrate ; strophiole 0. 

Leaves simple :— 
Pods 1-seeded :— 
Pods recurved, sickle-shaped, muricated along the ventral meee 

Pods globose, unarmed, minute’ : soveesnslinifolia. 

Pods 2-seeded wave cordifolia, 

Leaves compound, odd-pinnate or digitate :— 

Leaflets 3—one terminal and a lateral pair :— peo 
Leaves digitately 3-foliolate—end leaflet sessile ......++...++ trifoliata | 
Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate—end leaflet stalked :— ’ 

s short, 1-2-seeded; flowers in dense sessile heads; leaflets 
oblanceolate, thinly pubescent ; a herb...........++++00++* see 
Pods elongated, 4-angled, 6-10-seeded ; flowers in racem 
lin. long; leafiets obovate, grey-silky ; a woody aati aria 
Leaflets 5 or more :— 
Leaflets rege aay leaves sessile or nearly so 

Leaflets silvery-hoary, 7-9; pods 2-seeded ; flowers 1% 5 in dee 
sessile heads... .......s060.86..) C ccc ak ane enneap oo 
Leaflets nate! adpressed-hirsute, 5-9; p ight, 

ods 8 Ila 
ded ; flowers in close racemes, 1-4 in. long........+ endecaphy 

tipped hairs ; racemes laxly 6-12-flowered ; leaflets 7-9 oblancee : 
late ; pods faintly torulose, straight, 10-12-seeded ; a diffuse - 
[p. 431 1] seeoeee ere 

Indigofera.) LEGUMINOS®. 431 

*Branches, _— and pods not viscidly hairy :—[p- 430) 
pods densely clothed anes wins spreading pubes- 

“cence ; racemes very dense, 2-6 in. long; leaflets 5-11, large, 
: obovate ; pod short, straight, 6-8- oo a as herb 
% hirsuta, 

a Stems and sparingly hirsute or grey- -canescent or glabrous:— 
3 2-4-flowered, short, lax; leaflets always 5; stems 
and manus seins per: slender; pods glabrous, (i 
seeded; a diffuse, tufted herb ............seseeeresssereeser glab 
Racemes sailba aay aeelel erect woody | eke 
or shrubs :— 
Flowers small; leaflets membranous; pods often recurved :— 

longer than broad ; racemes shorter than leaves 

Pods many, stout, 8-10-seeded, blunt ; leaflets longer 
sen broad; racemes as long as leaves wea. Stmatrand. 

silvery, a 3-4-seeded ; leaflets 7-9, obovate, 
a silvery beneath ......+s++-+s++0+ artic 
Flowers sacae ea ie 13-17, subcoriaceous ; pods a 
8-12-seeded, sutures thickened ......---+serereerrerttte’* 
leptdbrans-tontara-Willd.; F: I, iii 8705 BB. 1. i. 92. 
Western Behar ; Chota seh 
A diffuse branched annual w: : 
. INDIGOFERA LINIFOLIA Retz ; i ri iii. 870; F. B. I. ii. 92; 
E. D. 1. 184. 



In all the provinces except Chittagong. 
A wiry tufted annual weed. Ht nd. Motiyavi, torki; 
Beng. Bhangra; Santal. Tandi khode baha. 
. Iypicorera corprrotia Heyne; F. B. I. ii. 935 E. D.1. 121. 
Behar ; Chota Nagpur 
A diffuse branched oie weed. 
632. InpIcoreRa TRIFOLIATA Linn. ; F. B. L. ii. 96. I. prostrata 
F. I. iii. 373. 
Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal; C. Bengal. 
A perennial weed of waste places. 
‘ INpIGOrERA GLANDULOSA Willd.; F. 1. iii. 3 
ii, 94; E. D.1. ae 
Western Behar 
An annual ictal a a weed, 


72; I. B. I, 


432 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Indi; 

634, InDIGoFERA TRITA Linn. f.; F. I. iii. 371; F. B. 1. ii. 96. 
a Nagpur, rare. 
A woody undershrub, 2-3 feet high. 
635. INDIGOFERA ENNEAPHYLLA Linn.; F. I. iii. 876; F. B. 1 
ii. 94; E. D. 1. 125. 3 
Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal. 
d of waste places. Hind. Latahai. 
636. INDIGOFERA ENDECAPHYLLA Jacq.; F. B. I. ii. 98. 
Western Behar, rare. 
A diffuse weed of waste places. 
637. INDIGOFERA viscosa Lamk ; F. I. iii. 877; F. B. L. ii. 95. 
C. Bengal. 
A tufted branching herb. 
638. Inpicorera airsuta Linn.; F. I. iii. 376; F. B. 1. ii. 98 
ota Nagpur ; N. Baia W. Bengal. 
A suberect herb, 2-4 feet high. Hind. Chhota sirphonka. — 
639. INDIGOFERA GLABRA Linn. I. fragrans F. I. iii. 379. I. eo 
pentaphylla F. B. 1. ii. 95. 

Chota Nagpur, very common. J 
An annual tufted weed. 
640. INDIGOFERA TINcToRIA Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 99 partly. 

F. B. I. ii. 99 partly; E. D. 1. 145: not of Lim. 4 
Cultivated, chiefly Tirhut; occasionally spontaneous a : 
Tamarisk jungles and on river-banks. a 
A shrub with weeny woody branches. Hind. & Beng: — 
Bengal Indigo 3 
642. te ARTICULATA Gouan var. HOovER. re q 
FP. I. iii. 877. I. argentea var. coerulea F. B. 1. ii, 99 

EK. D. I cis. 

Behar ; not now cultivated in our area vee : 
A shrub with twiggy woody beunahile Hind. Surms 
nil. Surat Indigo. 

Neither “ Surat,” formerly grown in our area, nor “ Ben 
has displaced it, is native. Three others are sometimes gt ; 
‘*Guatimala ” (I. guatimalensis “apg & Sessé); ‘* W. Indian” (I. wt: 
Fruticosa Mill.: I, Anil Linn.); ‘*E. African” or “Natal” (J. arrecla 

Ry whieh : 


! “Natal,” like ‘‘ Bengal,” has 8-10- seeded pods, but is a 
much larger plant; its leaflets are not obovate. ‘The other two, like 

643. InDIGoreRA ARBOREA Roxb.; F. I. iii. 381. I, purpu- 
oegenay I. iii. 8388. I. elliptica F. I iii. 880. I. violacea 
F. I. mee I. pulchella F. B. 1. ii. 101; E. D. 1. 141: 
| of Roxb. 
Chota 8 a very common 
A shrub or small tree. Hint Sakina, lakina; Santal. 
Dane-huter, lili bichi. 

275. Sophora Linn. 

or shrubs; leaves odd-pinnate; leaflets subopposite or 
opposite ; stipules Palate Tae stipels setaceous oF 0. 
Flow owy, in simple terminal racemes OF leafy panicles ; 

bracts linear, caducous; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, connate ta) 4n 
oblique, wide-campanulate calyx; teeth ‘deltoid, very short. 
Petals all clawed, much exserted; stan dard _ wide-ovate oF 
orbicular, erect or spreading; wings oblong, oblique ; pal oblong, 
hearly straight, its segments imbricate or © connate. Stamens 10, 
free; anthers versatile. Ovary shortly pei itll ovale 
style incurved; stigma small, terminal. Fruit a ee 
cylindric or slightly compressed, rarely we comcennn 
Woody lomentum or pod. Seeds obovoid or globose ; strophio oye 9 
644. SopHora Baxerr Clarke. S. sp. F. B. 1. i 
Chota Nagpur. 
A shrub. 
276. Ormosia Jacks. 
~ Erect trees; leaves odd- -pinnate ; leaflets opposite 5 —_— 
al p 

ty stipels usually 0. Flowers in termin anicles ; bracts 
; bracteoles minute, linear. Sepals 5, cnt in as 

bane t anthers; anthers versatile. Ovary subsessile, 2-many- 
} Style filiform; stigma introrse, oblique. Fruit an oblong 

434 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Ormosia, 

or occasionally elo 

shining ; funicle cartilaginous. 
5. ORMosIA RoBusTA Wight; F. B. I. ii, 252. 
A large tree; seeds arillate. 
277. Dalhousiea Grah. 

panulate calyx; teeth very short, deltoid. Petals exserted, 
almost sessile; standard orbicular; wings oblique, obovate; keel- 
petals obtuse, slightly incurved, subconnate. Stamens 10; filaments 
free; anthers uniform, versatile. Ovary subsessile, 2-4-ovuled; 

cu stigma small, terminal. Fruit m 

Seeds 2-3, suborbicular, compressed ; strophiole 0. ; 
* “ALHOUSIEA BRACTEATA Grah.; F. B. I. ii. 248. Podalyria 
bracteata F. I, ij 17 
A subscandent shrub. Vernac. Gupuri. 


8 or shrubs, rarely herbs; leaves very rarely simple _ 

usually pinnate or 2-pinnate, with often numerous 
orvery rare. Flowers irregular, rarely regulats 
» never capitate, very rarely spicate. Sepals me 
upper pair, separate as far as the m : 
the short or elongated disk, usually much below the middle, into 
distinct, imbricate, rarely valvate lobes; very rarely the se < 
connate above the middle and beyond the disk in a lobed lim). 

the lowest pair not connate. sre 
10 or fewer by abortion, rarely numerous; free or occasionally 

Some or all shortly or distinctly connate. Carpel free or adherent 

without alb 

ngated pod, woody or coriaceous, continuous or 
septate within. Seed obovate or oblong, arillate or not; testa — 

much impressed, coriaceous pod, continuous — 


bya Synophore to the disk lining the calyx-tube. Seeds with of 2 


Cussia. | LEGUMINOS. 435 

Leaves simply pinnate or (Bauhinia) 1- foliolate :— 
Anthers basifixed; petals 5; leaves even-pinmate ..-..-+-.-+++++++ Cassia. 
Anthers versatile :— 

Corolla complete, with 5 petals; calyx-lobes 5; stamens free :— 
Leaves 1-foliolate, 2-lobed; stamens 10 or 3 or 1; seeds albu- 
minou Bauhinia 

Leaves even- Boats ih rarely 1-jugate; stamens 10 or many ; 
Seeds without albumen ........6..ceceseececereteeensesteete Cynometra. 
uae incomplete, ees petals fewer than 5 or 0; leaves even- 
nate :— 

irene absen 
Calpe 5 5, green; stamens 10; leaflets 1-3-jugate ; flowers 
all Ha rei 

uy Op cee Ree S ees oe ees SERS R OE EE NTT 

fow Jeaveeedeusereerper yen: 
kati eh alg: -lobes 4 :— 

etals 3; stamens 3, monadelphous; leaflets or jugate, 

ee Ol RIA ARR Re: arindus. 

Petal 1; stamens 3, free ; piers few-jugate, large -..--- Intsia. 

Leayes 2-pinnate ; anthers versatile 
Stamens 5 ; calyx-lobes equal ; ‘ines with a distinct main-rachis 

— Mes. 
Leaves with a short, spinescent main-rachis, the 4-8 pinne simu- 
lating a fasciculus of simply pinnate leaves ; ‘calyx-lobes subequal 

Leaves with a distinct main-rachis :— 
Calyx-segments valvate :— 
Calyx-lobes subequal, green........+sseserseecrereerr en Poinciana. 
Calyx-lobes unequal, the 4 upper connate, ‘the lower free, all 
op lvillea. 

Calyx-segments imbricate, very unequal, the lowest large, boat- 
shaped, and enclosing the others :— 

Wd rete cocvuneiecocvicetsece See Onn nes 

Pod wingless vec. eiiviviccessedscecse ese, os oneseert secenenees 

278. Cassia Linn. 
Trees, shrubs s, or, less often, herbs; leaves even-pinna ate ; 
Stipules various ; stipels 0; inter-foliolar glands often present. 
ers usually showy, in axillary racemes OF terminal panicles, 
tarely subsolitary axillary ; bracts and practeoles present, various. 
5, imbricate above, at the base very shortly connate in & 

436 BENGAL PLANTS. (Cassia, 

disk-lined tube. Petals 5, imbricate, spreading, subequal or the 
lower larger, the upper inmost in bud. Stamens 10, all 

or swollen. Fruit a terete, woody lomentum, septate within, 
a flattened pod, woody, coriaceous or membranous, and usually 

ally winged 
externally. Seeds transverse, rarely longitudinal, horizontally or 
vertically compressed, occasionally subtetragonous, albuminous. 

*Sepals eta, obtuse 437] 
Pods indehiscent, ae terete; stamens 10, all fertile, the 3-2 lowest 
larger than the rest; trees: Seidl 
Leaflets 4-8 pairs, large ; x oweg yellow, in long racemes; gic 
deciduous, minute veel : 
Leaflets 6-12 pairs, medium : ; flowers pink, in short eorymbs bracts 
Targe, pereitbent 8 oi ooo oeceg cides sc 

Pods dehiscent, compressed, rarely (C. bicapsularis) turgid and sw 
terete :— 

— 10, all perfect ; anthers subequal ; a shrub.......-+++ ia . 
Stamens only 7 perfect :— 
}Leaf-rachis fwthes with glands :—[p. 437 : 
Leaves with one large gland near base of eee petiole :— 
eaflets nl ovate-oblong ; pods flattened, im ia 
between the see occide pee s 
Leaflets 6-12- cae oblong-lanceolate ; pods slightly : 
not impressed = ween the seeds :-— 

Branches préeh 2.3.00 sk kk ae Sophera. 
Branches rank. centots smaller...Sophera var. purpu" 
Leaves with one re glands on the main-rachis, 

Stipules large, foliaceous, persistent; a tall ae 

Stipules narrow, caducous :— terete. 
{Stamens very unequal; pod thick, net 
seeds heads leaflets obtuse, 3—4-jugate ; a shru 


{Stamens subequal ; pod long, slender, sub-4-angled ; seeds 
1-seriate; leaflets obtuse, 3-jugate ; erbs:—[p. 436 
Leaflets glaucescent beneath, fetid; leaf-rachis with 
2 glands, 1 between each of the lower pair of leaflets Tora. 
rot green beneath, not foetid ; leaf- eee be only 
and, between lowest pair * leg flets +: «ss ustfolia. 
t+Leaf- at fiihont any glands:—[p. 436] 
od with a broad wing down the Lara of each valve ; leaflets 
very large, oblong ; flowers in dense, spicate heads ; a shrub 

Pod with no wing; leaflets medium, ovate-oblong; flowers in 
ed corymbs ; trees :— 
Stipules persistent, foliaceous ; sutures of pod thin 
Stipules caducous, minute; sutures of pod thickened. .siamed. 
“Sepals narrow, acute; pod small, ligulate, dehiscent; low shrubs, 
undershrubs or herbs :—[p. 436] 
Leaflets 2-jugate, medium, ovate, membranous, dist ant. Absus. 
— very many, small, narrow, rigidly coriaceous, cai is — 
t3nle atinitate : 

BRATION 5 onic... scrsenevsenncvseescomersety uci pumila. 
Ben Giis VO. onc. o.cs re, osooss ca deswersebeeeeee En pepe Kleinii. 
Gland of petiole sessile .........:.ssccrersereeeecensrsenensnenene rs mimosoides. 

647. oo Fisruna Linn.; F, I. iii. 333; F. B. L. ii. 261; E. dD. 
C. 756 

Tn all the provinces; often only planted. 
A medium tree. Amaltas or Indian Laburnum. Beng. 
& Hind. Amaltas ; Santal. Nurnic’ ; Uriya Sonari 

648. ~— woboua: Hank; 30141808 BvD IE E861; B.D. 
©. 177. 
hia ; often planted elsewhere. 

649, oa eravuca Lamk; F. B. I. ii. 265; B. De. 769. Senna 
arborescens F’, I. ii. 345. 

A shrub. 
650. Cassta occrpenratis Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 962; EB. D. C. 780 
Senna occidentalis F. 1. ii. 343. 
In all the provinces, in waste places. 
undershrub. Hind. Kasondi; Beng. Kal- 
_ Kashonda. 


651. Cassta SopHera Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 269:s:- HD 
Senna sophora F, f. ii. 347. S. era PLiy 346. 
In om Aten provinces, in waste pla 
I shrub. Hind. Kasondi; “Bog! Kalkashonda. 
651/2. Var. PURPUREA Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 263. Senna purpurea 
. ii, 842. i 
Behar; W. B 
A small ak aie Lal Kalkashonda. 
652. Cassia AURICULATA Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 263. Senna auwrieu- 
lata F. I. ii. 849. : 
In hedges and near villages in most of the provinces. 
A tall shrub, Hind. Tarwar. ae 
653. Cassia BicapsuLaris Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 263. Senna bicap- 
sularis F, I. ii. 842. 
In C. Bengal, near villages ; introduced, not plentiful. 
A bushy shru 
654. Cassta Tora ee ; F. B. 1. ii. 263 partly; E. D. 0. 1%. 
Senna Tora F. I. ii. 340. 
In all the provinces, very common ; in pe places. 
An annual foetid weed. eyes Chakun : 
655. Cassta optusirotia Linn. C. Tora F. B. Li ii, 268 partly. 
not of Linn. Senna eiveides F. I. ii. 340. 
Chota Nagpur. 
An annual weed. Santal. Chakoada arak’, 
656. Cassia auara Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 264; E. D, C. 732. Senna ; 
alata F. I. ii, 349. 
In most of the provinces, near villages ; not uncommon. — 
A shrub, with thick, rather soft, downy branches. Verna. 
- Cassia TIMoRENSIS DC.; F. B. I. ii. 265; E. D, ©. 795. 
Planted, see generally, especially in the eastern parts. 
A small tr 785. 
658. Cassta wines TA mk; F. B. I. ii. 264; E. D. © 
Senna sumatrana F. I. ii. 347. ee 
Planted in most of the provinces. 
A tree. 



659. Cassta Ansus Linn.; F. B. I. ii, 265; E.D.0. 728. Sen 
Absus F. 1. ii, 340. 8S. Shoes - ii. 339. 

Chota Nagpur; W engal ; ; Tirhu : 

An erect annual, Bey feet aig ils Chakeu, banat. 

Bauhinia. } LEGUMINOS4#. 439 

660. Cass1a pumitA Lamk; F. B. I. ii. 266. C. mimosoides 
E. D. 0.775. Senna sigehes F. be ii. 352. 

ae Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal 

A rad “pit piney acest Chota aura ; Santal. 

661. am fifa W.& A.; F. B. I. ii. 266. 
Behar, western parts, rare. 
ow prostrate undershrub. 
662. Cassia mrmosores Linn. ; F. B. I. ii. 266. Senna sensitiva 
F, I. ii. 853. S. tenella r. I. ii. 854. 
Chota Nagpur; N. and E. Bengal. 
A low prostrate undershrub. Santal. Ot kondro. 

279. Bauhinia Linn. 

_ Trees or shrubs, erect or —_— when climbing, sometimes 

with flattened stems, and often with simple, cireinate tendrils ; 
leaves simple, 8-many-nerved, rarely entire mucronate, usually 
2lobed with mucronate sinus, from more or less complete union 
of 2 connate leaflets, sometimes the 2 leaflets quite free, with the 
Petiole aristate between their ose stipules usually small, occa- 
sionall y e: 

ing or corymbose t Ganinad panicles. se 5, connate in a short, 
turbinate, disk-lined tube with large imbricate lobes, or in a long 
eylindric or clavate tube, with lobes imbricate or valvate or closed 

a t 
slightly oblique, capitate or lobed or peltate. rit an oblong 
oy linear pod lomentum, flattened, woody, continuous rarely 
ae ees a Me ame within. Seeds orbicular or ovate, compressed, 




Fertile stamens more than on 
Fertile stamens 10; calyx with a very short tube; pod narrow; 
ors tendrils :— 

dehiscent ; calyx-limb spathac 
genre rs white, in close ea racemes ; ae subulately 
5-toothed at the tip; pod ribbed near upper suture...... i 
Flowers yellow, the standard red-blotched wih, usually 
xillar ; Calyx-limb entire; pod not ribbed near upper 
ry A aahk calyx-li Pp ; 

Pod indehiscent : ss 
Calyx-limb ecttichiian : Aegan in lax racemes ; pod faleate, 
venulose and not long-be 

eaves $-cleft, 2°25 in. arora 2 in. long or rsngée at od 1 

see ereeees 

are %-cleft, ‘75 in. wide, °5 in. long or less; pod 5 > wide 

Calyx-limb 5-cleft ; flowers in short corymbs ; pod nearly straight, 
closely reticulate-venuilose along the centre, beaked by the long, 
persistent style ee 
Fertile stamens almost always 3, ped 4-5 :— 
Calyx-tube very short ; limb 5 : 
Flowers minute, white, in sas a panicles ; pod ae 
cent, distinctly stalked, 1-2-seeded, under 2 in. long; @ ig 

at apex ... as 
Flowers medium, yellow, in terminal racemes ; pod at es shrub 
ipo Dents shortly stalked, 6-8-seeded, o-6 in. et. ; one Ag 

cag tube elongated :— wr 
wers medium See ge silky ; large climbers bei 
ts = deeply clef consaeat’ 
nbreglay elt pod indehiseent, 2-4 ees nace 
c matinee 2-cleft; pod at length dehiscent, mers eee e 
Flowers large ; petals glabrous ; erect trees ; leaves not deeply ¢ 
lobes rounded ; tendrils 0; pod late of dehiscing :— : 
Calyx-limb cntie spathaceous, equalling eg cylindrie 
flowers appearin. g when tree is nearly leafless .....++-- i 
eoatne irregularly 3-5- pitt longer fae me turbinate 1 
wers appearing with leaves ei 
Fertile ead solitary ; wea toy, fusiform, limb Re *: 
pod flat, late of dehiscing ; a shrub ; tendrils 0 

eae eeneeneeenee 

whinia, ] LEGUMINOS#. 441 

663. BAUHINIA AcumtNATA Linn.; F. I. ii. 824; F. B. PiiL 276; 
E. D. B. 295. 
Planted and self-sown in village shrubberies in all the 
. Hind. Kanchnar; Beng. Kanchan. 
664. Bavarnta tomentosa Linn.; F. I. ii. 328 ; F, B. I. ii. 275 ; 

. Planted in most of the provinces. 
: shrub. Hind. Kanchnar. 
665. BAUHINIA RACEMOSA Lamk; F. B. I. ii. 276; B. D. 8B. 318. 
ie veal F. I. ii. 328. 
Chota Nag 
A small hy tree with pendulous branches. 
eng. nae ; Hind. Gurial; Kol. Kaimu; Uriya 

‘ Ambhot 
 ClBGB: Be ieeici RUFESCENS Lamk; F. B. I. ii. 277. 

In gardens, especially in the central parts. 

A shrub. 

667. Bavutnra manaparrca Roxb.; F. I. ii. 321; F, B. Ay Holes 
Chota Nagpur. ; 
A medium-sized, bushy tree. — Karmai; Hind. 

Amlosa ; Uriz 2 Gumbati; Kol. 
068, Bawsintia anoursa Roxb.; F. 1. ii en a mA 
E. D. B. 297. 
A large climber. Vernac. eer 

669, Bavninia retusa Ham.; F. 1. _ 922; F. B. I, ii. 2795 

A small tree. Kol. Laba; Oraon Twar ; Hind. Kanla. 
670. ae macrostacuya Wall.; F. B. 1. i 281: E. D. 
B. 301. B. scandens F. I. ii. 326 
An extensive climber. Beng. Ganda-gila. 
671. Bavarnia Vantin W. & A.; F. B. I i 278; E.D. B. 342. 

An extensive climber. pion Chehur; Hind, Malghan ; 
Uriya Sheoli, 


672. BAUHINIA VARIEGATA Linn: ; Fe Ie ii, 819: FB a 
. candida F., I. ii. 318, 
Chota Nagpur; Behar; seo N. Bengal; Chittagong; 
in other provinces often plant F 
A medium-sized tree; the aaa vary a good deal in 
colour; those trees with pure white flowers constitute 
B. candida Roxb. Beng. Rakto kanchan, swet 
chan; Hind. Khairwal; Kol. Singya; Santal. Jingya; 
Uriya Borara. 

673. BAUHINIA PURPUREA rag F, I. ii. 320; F. B. I. ii, 284. 

B. triandra F. 1. i 
Chota Nagpur ; te ; N. and E. Bengal; in other pro- 
vinees often plante 
A medium-sized ‘eo the flowers are of two colours, 
purplish-pink and pale purple. The trees with purplish: 
pink flowers, which only occasionally occur and are 
always sibeiielly constitute the true B. purpurea; 
pale-flowered trees constitute B. triandra Roxb., whic 
is more commonly planted than the other, and is o 
oe wild form in our area. Hind. Kaliari; Beng. Koiral, 
va kanchan ; Santal. Singyara. 

674, Pediat MONANDRA Kurz; F. B. I. ii. 285. 

Occasionally planted. 
A shrub ; Gattis of of Madagascar. Beng. Belati kanchan. 

280. Cynometra Linn. 
Trees or large shrubs; leaves odd-pinnate ; leaflets few, wae 
site, coriaceous; stipules caducous; stipels 0. Flowers smal 

ovate, dry, imbricate, at length deciduous, decreasing — 
bracteoles 0 or membranous and coloured. Sepals — 
rarely 5, connate in a very short tube with subbasal disk; a 
oblong, imbricate, at length reflexed. Petals 5, almost ne 
Sonera Bese ee: or the 2 lowest smaller. Stamens 
rarely many; filaments free, filiform, exserted; anthers sm 
oblong, ‘ats atile e; dehiscence longitudinal. Ovary sessile OF le 
shortly stipitate, 2-ovuled, free or ce roe ee to disk ; sty 
form ; stigma terminal, capitate or trun Fruit at 

slightly ovoid or subreniform, indehiscent ae or ee 
pod, with very thick, iongh, somewhat fleshy pericarp Si 

icickia.} LEGUMINOS A. 443 

or compressed, occupying the whole cavity of the fruit; 
... thick, fleshy; albumen 0; hilum ventral. 

Stamens 10 ; leaf-rachis glabrou 
Flowers on stem and thick Fonas in racemes with a pone 
axis; pedicels glabrous; leaves 1-jugate ulifiora 
Flowers among the leayes in laxly umbelliform corre pithout a 
produced axis ; pedicels puberulous ; leaves 2-juga 
stk var. mimosotdes, 
_ Stamens 40-60; leaf-rachis puberulous ; leaves 3-jugate ......polyandra. 

675. Cynommrra cautirtora Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 268; E. D. 
C. 2572. 
soeepan planted. 
A small tr 

«676, Crvowzrna RAMIFLORA Linn. var. MIMOSOIDES Bak, ; ¥<B.1. 
li, 267. C. ramiflora EB. D. C. 2577. 
medium-sized littoral tree. Beng. Shingar. 
877. CynvomeTRA POLYANDRA Roxb. ; F.I. ii. 872; F. B. I. ii. 268; 
E. D. C. 2574. 

peiegne: ; occasionally planted elsewhere. 

A medium-sized tree. Vernac. Pen 

281. Hardwickia Roxb. 

Trees ; leaves even- -pinnate; leaflets 1~-3-jugate, coriaceous ; 

Pules small, caducous ; stipels 0. Flowers small, in paniculate 

rbicular, much imbricate. Petals 0. Stamens 10 or 8, alter- 
meely ae aie shorter ; hen yersatile, dehiscence longi- 

678. Eston Binata Roxb.; F. I. ii. 4238; F. B. I. ii. 270; 
E.D. a 

A tall tree. Vernac. Anjan. 


282. Saraca Linn. 
Trees or large shrubs ; leaves even-pinnate ; leaflets coriaceous; | 
stipules small, connate, intrapetiolar ; stipels 0. Flowers race: 
mose, in condensed panicles, usually from old wood ; bracts small, 
deciduous ; bracteoles subpersistent, coloured. Sepals 4, connate 
in a long, disk- -bearing tube; the lobes oblong, hardly equal, peta 
loid, much imbricate. Petals 0. Stamen s usually 7, rarely 3-4; 
filaments long, filiform ; anthers versatile ; dchiwogle longitudinal 
Ovary stipitate, stipe adnate below to disk and produced — 
it; ovules many; style long, filiform; stigma small, capitate 
Fruit a flattened, oblong, firmly coriaceous or almost. ~om 
continuous within. Seeds thick, flattened or subterete; al 
-men 0. 861 
679. SaRaca indica Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 271; E. D. 8. 50) 
Jonesia Asoca F. I. ii. 218, 
Generally planted ; wild in Chittagong. 
A low tree. Vernac. Asoka. 

283. Tamarindus Linn. 

A tree; leaves even-pinnate; leaflets opposite, aa ) ‘i 
Stipules minute, caducous ; stipels 0. Flowers in race me pee 
ends of branches; a ovate; bracteoles nis : 
what ody ores se 4, connate a in a narrowly turbinat 

the ovate lateral, the 2 lowest represented by bristles veers sh 
Stamens 3 perfect, aera in a sheath split arate with 

lomentum with brittle epicarp, pulpy mesocarp, a? wae 
endocarp, septate — Seeds pba orbicular, compre 
testa firm; albumen 913; 
lated 6, inpica Linn.; F. I. ii. 215; F. B. I. ii. 
E. D. 8. 28, 
Generally planted. 
A tall tree. Beng. Tintuli, tinturi; Hind. Auli, byte 

© deca. LEGUMINOS&. 445 


284, Intsia Thouars. 
Trees; leaves even-pinnate; leaflets see opposite, few- 

: _ paired; stipules minute, intrapetiolar, deciduous, or 0; stipels 
Flowers rather conspicuous, in short panicles ends of branches ; 
bracts ovate, usually deciduous; bracteoles ovate, subpersistent, 

hardly yenclosing the bud. Sepals 4, connate in a long disk-lined 
tube; lobes slightly sant decussately imbricate. Petal 1, 
awed, orbicular. Stamens 8, a lowest single and a lateral pair 
ith a pair of Datiewus staminodes, and with 2 pairs of 
staminodes between lateral stamens and petal; filaments filiform, 
pilose ; anthers small, oblong; dehiscence longitudinal. Ovary 
Stipitate, many-ovuled; stipe adnate below to disk-lined only 
tube and produced beyond it; style long, lieder: stigma 
truncate, Frwit an obliquely oblong, much flattened, sae 
us, indehiscent lomentum, occluded between the seeds. 
Seeds aang orbicular, much compressed, with slender 
funicle ; album 
681, “Ge hy 0. ay Jonesia triandra F. I. ii. 220. 
Afzelia retusa F. B. I. ii. 274. A. eh D. A. 580 

A littoral tree. Beng. Hinga, somdal. 

285. Acrocarpus W. & A. 
Erect t trees; leaves twice- -pinnate ; pinne odd-pinnate ; leaflets 
ovate, acumin ate, herbaceous, opposite except the terminal ; 
stipul es Aeciduous ; stipels 0. Flowers _ appearing before _ 

small, oblong ; beletbls ag caducous. Sepals 5, con- 

hate in campanulate, disk-lined calyx; teeth lanceolate, as 

ng 48 tube. Petals 5, narrow, subequal, somewhat exserted. 

nie 5, free, exserted, straight ; anthers versatile ; dehiscence 

dial. Ovary y stipitate, many-ovuled; stipe free from 

a; style short, incuryed ; stigma minute, terminal. Fruit a 

si ey pod, upper suture winged. Seeds obovate, oblique, 
Compressed ; strophiole 0, 

682, Aenocanrs FRAXINIFOLIUS Wight; F. B. I. ii. 292; E. D. 

_ A tall tree. 

446 BENGAL PLANTS. ([Parkinsonia, 

286. Parkinsonia Linn. 

Small armed trees; leaves 2- -pinnate with a very short, spines- 
cent main-rachis ; pinne with much flattened rachis, even-pinnate; 
leaflets many, small; stipules spinescent; stipels 0. Flowers 
long-pedicelled in short, lax, axillary racemes; bracts small, 
caducous; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, connate in a short, disk-lned 
tube; lobes slightly unequal, membranous, little imbricate. 
Petals 5, spreading, the uppermost inmost rather wider than the 
rest. Stamens 10, villous below; anthers a dehiscence 
longitudinal. Ovary dlicktty ee many-ovuled ; stipe free 
from disk; style filiform, infolded in bud; stigma terminal, 
minute. Fruit a linear, torulose esi opening late; — 
coriaceous or almost woody. Seeds oblong, elongated, album! 
nous; hilum almost apical. 

- PARKINSoNIA acuLEaTA Linn.; F. B. I, ii. 260; E. D. P. 822. 
Planted, but also as if wild in all the provinces. 
A large shrub. Vernac. Belati kikar. 

287. Poinciana Linn. 

all trees; leaves 2-pinnate; leaflets many, small; stipules 
small; stipels 0. Flowers showy, in terminal corymbs; 

, caducous ; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, connate in a very short, 
disk-lined tube ; segments valvate, subequal. Petals 5, orbicular, 
imbricate, subean al or the uppermost innermost dis similar. y 
Stamens 10, declinate, free; filaments villous below; anthers 

penne eae leet ip DP. 1085. 
Planted in most of the provinces. T 
A medium-sized spreading tree. The Gold- Mobur ree 

This was introduced to India from Mauritius ; ; the general supf get 
that it is a native of Madagascar does not appear to be correct ; wh 
it came to Mauritius is not exactly known. 
288. Colvillea Boj. le 
Tall trees; leaves 2- -pinnate; leaflets many, small; sti : 
small; stipels 0. Flowers showy, in dense subpanic / 

 Mezoneuron. | LEGUMINOS#. 447 

the lowest outermost narrow. asks 10, ‘decuath free ; la 

ments villous below; anthers uniform; dehiscence longitudinal. 
_ Ovary subsessile, many-ovuled, free from the disk; style some- 
what thickened; stigma small, terminal. Fruita thick, straight, 
_ -Glongated, turgid pod. Seeds transverse, oblong; hilum small. 
685. Conviniea RACEMOSA Boj 

Planted occasionally in _— of the provinces. 

A medium-sized tree; introduced from Mauritius. 

289. Mezoneuron Desf. 
Prickly, woody climbers; leaves abruptly 9-pinnate ; Pp’ 

abruptly pinnate ; leaflets small, numerous, or large; few; stipules 
mall or tela stipels 0. Flowers racemose, 
or in Sige panicles; bracts narrow; bracteoles 0. 
a short, very oblique, disk-lined tube ; segments imbri- 
cate, the aa outermost large, boat-shaped. Petals 5, orbicular, 
A ive much — subequal, or the uppermos rmost inmos 
— Stan 10, declinate, free, glabrous oF pilose ; 
anthers uniform ; lie das longitu Ovary sessile oF 
shortly “Say 2-many-ovuled; stipe or bile free from disk ; 
style subulate, apex obliquely clavate ; stigma te , minute oF 
Concave and ciliolate. Fruit a thin, flattened jomentum, longi- 
udinally winged along the upper suture. Seeds transverse, com 

Pressed, orbicular or reniform; albumen 0: 

. = 

Pod l-seeded ; h 

—- 4-5-jugate, large, ovate-acute ; stamens muc 

exceeding the calyx baie : 
feat ets 2 in. or ‘eed long; wing of pod -4 in. or less wide. _cucullatum. 

flets 3 in. or more long; wing of pod ‘5 in. or mor re wide 

Pod cucullatum var. grandis. 

‘ai 4-6-seeded ; leaflets 9-11-jugate, small, oblong, © obtuse, °5 in. } 
sg stamens slightly exceeding the calyx...-.--+1+r1--"77" enneaphyllum. 

686. Mezonzuron cucunnatum W. & A.3 FP. B. 1. ii. 258. 

Cesalpinia cucullata F. I. ii. 358. 
Chota Nagpur; N. Bengal. 
A very extensive climber. 

448 BENGAL PLANTS. [Mezonenron. 

686/2. Var. cRanpIs Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 258. 
Behar ; Chota Ragone ; Deas 
A very extensive climbe 
687. MezonguRoN ENNEAPHYLLUM W. & A.; F. B. I. ii, 258 4 
Cesalpinia enneaphylla F. I. ii. 363. 
A climbing shrub. 

2-pinnate; pinne abru ruptly pinnate ; leaflets many eee ae 4 
firmer, larger ; stipules various ; stipe els 0. Flowers often showy; : 

aaiihive outermost. Petals 5, raniiite or oblong, usually — 
spreading, slightly unequal, imbricate, the uppermost page” : 
Stamens 10, free, declinate ; filaments villous or glandular . Hy 

free from the disk, few-ovuled ; -_— usually terete, filiform, rarely : 
clavate ; stigma terminal, minute, truncate or concave. q 
oblong or ligulate, thin, Ee or turgid pod, meee spiny 7 
outside, usually occluded between the seeds, or an ! mie in 
coriaceous or almost fleshy, subturgid lomentum. See 4 
verse, ovate to orbicular; albumen : 
Pod armed with a ined prickles ; petals narrow «+--+ 
Pod unarmed ; peta a 
Pod dry, icawea sito narrow suture : ely? “ 
Leaflets few, coriaceous, large ; pods sate seeds solitary oF Nugas c 

Leaflets many, membranous or only subcoriaceous, small ; pods : 

longer than broad; seeds 5-8 strap- ; 
Stamens long, far exserted ; pets long-clawed ; pods cherie ‘ 


Stamens short, little exserted ; petals short-clawed :— bint 
Stipules 0; petals subequal; pod w wingless, broadly 
pointed, with a recurved beak.........-ssceccseseeeetet eee 
Stipules large; upper petal smaller than the © ne io 

narrowly winged along the ventral suture, pees ae 

6 straight beak  .......... incl, 2h. oe sd, 

Pod somewhat fleshy, thick-valved, with seed sutures, t 
» 2-4-seeded 

Cosalpinia.} LEGUMINOS. 449 

688. Cmsatprinia Bonpucenta Flem.; F. I. ii. 857; F. B. I. 
ii. 254; E. D. co. 6. 
N. and C. Bengal; Chota Nagpur; Sundribun 
An extensive climber. Hind. Kat- -karanj ; pany Nata 

FOO. stall Nouea Ait.; F.. B. 1. it, 266; 3. D..0, 80 
C. paniculata F, I. ii. 364. 

Sundribuns; Chittagong, coast. 

. An extensive, shrubby cli 

690. Casauprnta votomeneias Sw. 5 VF B. I. ii, 255; E, D. ©, 82. 

A shrub in gardens or hedges flowers either red or — 
yellow. Beng. Krisha chura. 
691. eee Sappan Linn.; F. I. ii. 857; F. B. I. ii. 255: 
. 35, 

Planted i in some of the provinces. 
A large shrub or small tree. Hind. and Beng. Bakam, 
, patang; Santal. and Hind. Teri; Uriya Bokmo. 

692. CmSALPINIA SEPIARIA Roxb.; F, I. ii, 8360; F. B, I. ii, 256; 
E.D. o, 42, 

In most of the provinces, — in the western and 
northern ; used as a hedge-plan 
A shrubby climber. Hind. se ral kando. 
693, Cusauprra DIGYNA ee F, B.-L. ii 256; EB. D. O. 26. 
C. oleosperma F. I. i 56. 
Chota Nagpur ; Beliats N. Bengal; Chittagong. 
A climber, Beng. Amal-kochi; Hind. Vakeri-mal. 

Suborder III. MIMOSEZ. 

ant or shrubs, rarely herbs; leaves always compound, 2-pin- 

© disk lining the tube, or sepals free. Petals as many as 

or slightly perigynous. Stamens as many as sepals 
or both, someti es numerous, free or monadelphous or 


adnate to tube of corolla, Carpel free. Seeds sometimes arillate, 
with little or 0 albumen; embryo with flat cotyledons. 
Anthers gland-tipped ; stamens 5-10 :— 
Calyx-teeth short, imbricated ; filaments usually either connate ot 
adnate at base ; inflorescence capitate, heads large ; trees......Parkia, 
Calyx valvate ; filamen 
Taiflonieniin elongated :— 
Large tendril-bearing climbers; leaves with few leaflets; ot 
very long and wide; seeds huge; flowers sessile; leaflets Keele 


— or shrubs without tendrils; leaves with many leaflets ; me 

ep saslele shortly stalked; leaflets fairly large, not contiguous, 
alternate on the secondary rachis ; unarmed trees ; La AEC: i 
at length contorted 
Flowers sessile ; leaflets small, opposite; arme ‘a shrubs 

od —- with thick, edible mesocarp; leaflets sal oo 

contiguo —s 
Pod thin, coriaceous, at length contorted ; leaflets m 
ous Dichrostachys 

Infiorescence chbitats, heads small :-— 
mall aquatic or subaquatic herbs, with small, thin yer” — 
early OF SGUGTO 2 Bia ae ; 
“ks trees pe orchie thick, woody pods, late in ‘aaa ope ; 
Hoth autres: (05 ok Se eee Xylia. 

Aster: nt “ Hippel calyx valvate, rarely 0 :— 
free : 

pans definite, as many or twice as many as petals; shrubs 
undershrubs with capitate flowers and thin, coriaceous ap 
— — with continuous valves, dehiscin throug! : 

peers with clavate stigmas ...Desmanthus- 
Large shrubs or small trees with capitate stigmas....-- Le cae 
Pods slightly curved, with usually segmented sige and 
Indehiscant, persistant sutures....__..<.....<.sic.-eee ue 
Stamens indefinite, often very numerous; flowers spicate ae 

seovceneree® 23°: 
MOVERS CES 69 bb been eo <: 

Filaments more or less connate, usually indefinite, rarely only 
times as many as pees 
*Pod not septate between the seeds abe et j 
tPod straight, sae thin valves :—[p. 45 valves not 
+Sutures thin; pod indehiscent, or if dais the Re 
opening — [p. 451] eee: 

— Entada.) LEGUMINOS2. 451 

{Sutures thickened ; pod revolutely dehiscent, the valves opening 
elastically from apex to base [p. 450] ....-++++++++0+0+- alliandra. 
Pod t 

wisted, with coriaceous valves [p. 450] ..---- Pithecolobium. 
*Pod septate between the seeds, indehiscent ; valves spongy or fleshy ; 
sutures thickened [p. 450].....-.-+-s+ecceeseceeeeeeerenerees Enterolobium. 

291. Parkia R.Br. 

5, connate in a small tubular calyx, tube adnate to cael or foes : 
lobes short, imbricate, a Q-lipped. Petals 5, linear- 
spathulate, connate to the middle or free, valvate or subvalvate. 
eens 10, exserted, connate below, and there adnate to corolla 

y free from the petals; anthers oblong, gland-tipped ; 
sy Sia the clusters 2-seriate. Ovary sessile or stipitate, 
many-ovuled; style filiform; stigma small, capitate, terminal. 
Fruit a large, flat, ligulate, Olitaataty dehiscing, coriaceous or 
fleshy pod, sometimes long-stipitate. Seeds transverse, thick, 
compressed or ovoid. 

Petiole with two glands aeons _ by side; leaflets on each pinna 

nen ; heads iglandulosa. 
etiole = gg gland ; leadtets on ipa une 40-80 pairs ; pee some- 
Beebe csbs cis nnnsesensnininrt > rencchareHaeapaiterdensbeartne” De 

F ietiveiata Fok. 8: 551. 

695. Parkra loa G. Don; F. B.-L ii. 989. Mimosa 
biglobosa F. I. ii. 551. 
Chittagong ; sometimes planted in Bengal. 
A tall tree. Beng. Sapota. 

292, Entada Adans. 

Very large, woody climbers ; : leaves 2-pinnate, the ultimate 
_ sometimes modified as tendrils without leaflets; one 
- sg Setaceous ; stipels 0. roe in slender spikes, some’ 

the branches, sometimes paniculate ; uniform hermaphrodite 

452 BENGAL PLANTS. [Entada, 

or polygamous; bracts minute, triangular or subulate ; bracteoles 

0. Sepals 5, connate in a campanulate calyx; teeth short. 

Petals 5, free or slightly connate, valvate. Stamens 10, free, 

little exserted, filiform; anthers shortly oblong, gland-tipped; 

pollen- “granules many. Ovary subsessile, many-ovuled; style — 

pt eit dew Ta 

straight or curved, fir y coriaceous or woody lomentum with 
thickened, persistent, continuous sutures, pericarp separating from 
the transversely articulated endocarp, which breaks away in 
l-seeded joints. Seeds large, orbicular, lee hilum small. 
696. See PurszTua DO. E. scandens F. B. I. ii. 287; B.D. 
19. Mimosa scandens F. I. ii. 554. 
* ehtiapede’ Chota Nagpur; Oris 
A large climber. Beng. Gila; Ovi Geredi. 

Bs tne ee ee Oe Shanes. 

293, Adenanthera Linn. { | 

Erect, unarmed trees; leaves 2-pinnate; pinne opposite, but — 
their ti hahe alternate, even-pinnate ; stipules very minute, cadu- oe 
cous ; stipels 0. Flowers in slender, subspicate racemes, either 

connate below, valvate. Stamens 10, free, hardly exserted; 2 
pane oblong, gland-tipped ; pollen-gran les numerous. Ovary : 
sessile, many-ovuled; style filiform; stigma small, te 
Pau: a linear, faleate, torulose ied! septate =e the valves : 
coriaceous, much twisted after dehiscence. - Seeds ’ p 
polished, pink or pink with bl ack eye, often, with nA, pulpy . 


697. ADENANTHERA Pavontna Linn.; F. I. ii, 870; FB. 1. ii, 287; . 
E. D. A. 471. a 

ae Tippera. ; - 
A tree. Beng. Rakto-kanchan, ranjan.. ; . 

294. Prosopis Linn. 

Shrubs or trees, with scattered prickles ; Jeaves evenly 2-pinnates 

pinne usually few- -paired ; leaflets many, narrow, coriaceous; — : 

stipules small or 0, sometimes spinescent ; stipels 0; interfoliolar : 
glands usually present but small. lower i 

 Neptinia.} LEGUMINOS&. 453 

Petals 5, ligulate, valvate, subconnate at base. Stamens 10, free, 
slightly exserted; filaments filiform; anthers ovate, gland-tipped. 
Ovary stipitate or sessile, many-ovuled ; style filiform; stigma 
terminal, small. Fruit a linear, compressed or subterete, indehis- 
cent omentum, straight or twisted, septate within ; mesocarp thick, 

spongy ; endocarp thin, firm. Seeds usually ovate, compressed, 
698. Prosopis sprcraERA Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 288; E. D. P. 1459, 

Adenanthera aculeata F. I. ii. 871. 
Behar; sometimes planted in other provinces. 
small tree. Hind. Jhand; Beng. and Uriya Shami. 

295. Dichrostachys DC. 
Shrubs ; branches here and there spinescent; leaves evenly 2- 

‘ fi i 
indehiscent or irregularly disarticulating lomentum, continuous 
Within. Seeds obovate, compressed. 
699. Dicnrostacnys civeREA W. & A.; F. B. I. ii. 288. Mimosa 
cinerea F. I. ii. 561. 
Orissa, Khurda. 
A large shrub. Vernac. Vurtuli. 

296. Neptunia Lour. 
Perennial herbs or undershrubs, branches often compressed or 
ed; leaves evenly 2-pinnate ; leaflets small, sensitive ; stipules 
— i stipels 0, Flowers small, in ovate-globose, pedune ed, 
ar ~ heads; upper flowers ¢, lower ¢; lowest neuter 
th protruding, flattened staminodes ; bracts minute ; bracteoles 0. 
Sepals 5, connate in a campanulate tube; teeth short. Petals 5, 
in ¢ d z flowers 10, 
tarely 5, free, exserted, tipped by @ stipitate gland; pollen in 
ee ig granules; staminodes in neuter flowers 10, id, 
exserted, Ovary stipitate, many-ovuled ; style filiform ; stigma 

454 BENGAL PLANTS. [Neptunia, 

small, terminal, concave. Frwit an obliquely oblong or ligulate, — 
flattened, coriaceous pod. Seeds transverse, ovate, compressed. 

Stems prostrate or nearly 80; leaflets of a pinna 8-15-jugate ; pod oblique, — 
oblong, 6-10-seeded naaniene: 

Stems ascending, stout; leaflets of a pinna 20-30-jugate ; pod oblong- 
ligulate, 15-20-seeded _— 

700. NEPTUNIA OLERACEA Lour.; F. B. I. ii. 285; E. D. N. 7. 
Mimosa natans F. I. ii. 553. 

C. Bengal, in jheels. 

A widely creeping marsh plant. Beng. Pani-najak. a 
701. Nepronta pena Benth.; F. B. I. ii, 286. Mimosa Adenan- , 
thera F. I. ii, 554. . 
C. Bengal, introduced only. ae 
A a marsh-plant; native of America. Beng. 7 
Belati pani-najak, o. 

297. Xylia Benth. a 

A tall, hard-wooded tree; leaves evenly 2-pinnate ; pinn®e A: : 

jugate ; leaflets opposite, even-pinnate, large, few ; stipules small, : 

linear, deciduous ; Stipels 0; interfoliolar glands few. Flowers mS 

globose, peduncled heads, peduncles fascicled in ag si 
racemose at ends of branches; bracts 0; bracteoles 0. Sepals 

elastically but tardily; septate within. Seeds oblong, ™ - 
compressed, 6 
702. XY¥LIA DOLABRIFORMIS Benth. ; F.B. 1. ii. 286; E. D. 
Mimosa wylocarpa F. I. ii. 548 
Orissa, Khurda. 
A tall tree, Uriya Boja, kongora. 

298. Desmanthus Willd. : 

Perennial herbs or undershrubs; branches striate or pen 

leaves evenly 2-pinnate ; pinne even-pinnate; leaflets 8? 
stipules setaceous ; stipels 0. Flowers in ovate-globose heads, 

solitary axillary peduncles ; all ¢ or the lower neuter, sometimes 


apetalous; bracts 0; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, connate in a cam- 
 —panulate, idinntly toothed calyx. Petals 5, free or slightly connate, 
 valvate. Stamens 10 or 5; filaments free, filiform ; anthers ovate, 
not gland-tipped; pollen-granules numerous. Ovary subsessile, 
_ lnany-ovuled ; style subulate or clavate ; stigma small, terminal, 
concave. Fruit a linear, straight, coriaceous pod, continuous or 
subseptate within. Sceds longitudinal or oblique, ovate, com- 

703. DesManTHUs vrrcatus Willd. ; F. B. I. ii. 290. 
C. Bengal, naturalised, but ra: 
A perennial undershrub with we branches. 

299, Leuczena Benth. 


lower on the peduncle; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, ake in a 

: tubular calyx; teeth short. Petals 5, free, valvate. Stamens 10, 
free, exserted; anthers ovate, often pilose, not gland-tipped ; 
pollen-granules numerous. Ovary stipitate, m: many-ovuled ; style 

filiform ; stigma terminal, small. Frwit a stipitate, flat, ligulate, 

Coriaceous pod, continuous within. Seeds transverse, ovate, com- 

704. Levcena cuavca Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 290; E. D. L. 306. 
Chota Nagpur ; C. Berigal: naturalised. 
al large shrub or small tree; native of America. 

300. Mimosa Linn. 
Prickly and bristly herbs or shrubs; leaves evenly 2-pinnate ; 
Pinne even-pinnate ; leaflets small, sensitive or subsensitive, 

he — se heads on axillary, solitary, or fascicled 
oo the upper peduncles sometimes in te racemes ; 
0; bracteoles 0 als 4, connate in a campanulate calyx; 

ahs, short. Petals 4, connate below, valvate. Stamens 4 or 8, 
uch exserted ; filaments free, filiform; anthers ovate, not gland- 
Style filif pollen-granules many. Ovary stipitate, many- ovuled ; 

—s ; Stigma minute, terminal. “ diestatee membranous, 



disarticulating lomentum, the 1-seeded joints separating when | 
ripe from the persistent sutures ; subseptate or continuous within. 
Seeds ovate or orbicular, flattened. 

Stamens as many as petals; rachis of leaf bristly; stem bristly and 
prickly ; pinne digitately congested ; sutures of pod very prickly; small 
undershrubs prdica 
Stamens twice as many as petals; rachis of leaf smooth ; stem prickly 
but not bristly ; leaves 2-pinnately compound ; sutures of pod unarmed 
or with only a few prickles ; large shrubs or small trees ..,... rubricaulis, 

705. Mimosa puprca Linn.; F, I. ii. 564; F. B. Li, 291; B.D. 
M. 557. 

FOC cis eee ves eeceeereeece 

In all the provinces, by roadsides. : 
An undershrub. Hind. Lajalu, lajwati; Beng. Lajak. 

Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal; C. Bengal. : 
A straggling, prickly shrub. Hind. Shiah-kanta; Beng. — 
Shiah-kanta, kuchi-kanta; Santal. Sega janum. a 

301. Acacia Willd. 

Sometimes spinescent ; stipels 0. Flowers in cylindric spikes & 
globose heads ; peduncles axillary solitary or fascicled, or terminal 
panicled ; bracts usually 2, at apex or in middle, less often at base 
of peduncle ; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5 or 4, rarely 3, connate in 8 


ovate or compressed ; funicle filiform or subarillate. 

“Trees or erect shrubs, the bravidlds abtued with diverging stipalary oF 

infra-stipulary spines, but without prickles :{p. sisal t 
tFlowers in elongated axillary spikes; spines short, slightly recurve": 

* Pods thin, fist, sutures riot sinuate:—[p. 457] 

~ Aeacia.) LEGUMINOS&. 457 
Bark white; calyx downy, not much aa than the pale petals ; 
pinne 10-20-jugate ; leaflets 30-50-jugate........-0eeeseeeeeers Suma. 

Bark brown ; : calyx less than half as va as the dark-yellow petals ; 

ga e : 
Calyx, petals, and rachis covered with spnosdine al .Catechu. 

Calyx and petals glabrous; rachis puberulous ......... catechuoides: 

{Flowers in globose heads ; spines long and a :—[p. 456] 

Heads axill 

Flowers yello 

Pod with a pulpy mesocarp and 2-seriate seeds, thick, cneieg 

cylindric, glabrous, with straight BUPUrER 5 pinne 4-8-ju ga 
leaflets 10-20-jugate...........sseseseceecaneneeseseeeeerseees Farnesiana. 

Pod coriaceous with 1-seriate seeds, sere elongated :— 

Pod thickened, valves depressed, and sutures rather deeply 

i sinuate between the par iat eerie pinne 3-6- 

i. leaflets 10—20-jugate............sseseeseeseereeceeees bica. 
hin, flat, sutures not ‘ghaas between the seeds, quite 
rous; pinne 2-5-jugate; leaflets 6—-8-jugate ...... eburnea, 

on a 
Flowers purple; pod thin, flat, sutures not sinuate between the 
aa thinly grey-downy; pinne 6-12-jugate; leaflets 20-30- 
PN eons scence rsscsnovecesoovasnoruapehmenks Seven aie” RES ..tomentosa. 
Heads in aS terminal panicles ; flowers yellow; pod thin, flat, 
Sutures not sinuate, closely tomentose ; pinnz 6- vere leaflets 


sect aceeeeree ree 

s 15-30-j Juga 
=. shrubs without stipulary spines, but with many © rved 
ickles mm the branches; flowers in globose, amply Srp 

slighty aici velit: ripe shrivelled rig rugose; pinne ry Ba 

thin, coriaceous, flat, sutures total ; flowers W. <a 
— Pe close-set, <n a ie atom sie $12. ne 
ne 6-8- 
— Vaiian’ and pod glabrous ......seseseerereeterees Intsia 
Leaflets close tec 
ist sad a, pubescent; pinne sh leaflets itd 
oa pubescent beneath, 10-20-jugate ....s---+esrstretree 
vary and as giakroms; ; pinne Perit leaflets narrow- 
Rachis Sg ee pubescent with no prickles .--..---- pennata, 
Rachis pepally quite glabrous and almost always armed beneath 

Paw ewesere rer seenaeeereee 


707. Acacia Suma Ham.; F. B. I. ii. 294; EF. D. A.291. Mimosa 

Suma F. 1. ii. 563 
Chota Nagpur; W. Ben gal, 
ium-sized tree. Beng. San-kanta. 

. 563. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur ; Orissa; E. Bengal, Madhupur 
A medium-sized tree. Hind. Khair, khair-babul; Beng. 
and Santal. Khaya. 

709. Acacta CATECHUOIDES Wall. A. pigs F, B. I. ii. 295 

partly. Mimosa catechuoides F. I. ii 
C. N. and E Bengal. 

um-sized tree, Beng. 

A medi Khay y 
710. Acacta Farnestana ar : F.B. He ii. yr E. D. A. 217. | 

Mimosa Farnesiana F. I 


Planted rather ee especially in the western pro- : 

shrub or small tree. Vernac. Belati babul, guhiya — 

Tirhut ; Behar; C., ease 
A tree. Vernac. Babul, kikar. 

712. ACACIA EBURNEA Willd. ; F. B. I. ii. 293; E. D. A. 216. 
args Beh 

713. rab sieee Willd. ; som B. I. ii, 294; E. D. A. 20%. 
Mimosa tomentosa F. I. ii. 
Central — barohiay 
A sm: 

714. ie oo Willd. ; F. B. I. ii. 204; E. D. A. 24% 
Mimosa lewcophloa F. I. ii, 558, 
Orissa, Kh 

shrub, Bani: Safed-babul ; sft Goira. 
7b; Acacta CONCINNA 

A large climber. Hind, Ritha; Beng. Ban- ritha. 

DC.; F. B. I. ii, 206; E. D. A 20 

lhizzia.} LEGUMINOS4:. 459 
716. Acacra Intsta Willd.; F. B. I. ii, 297; E. D. A. 288. 
Mimosa Intsia F. I. ii. 565. 
Sundribuns ; Chittagong. 
An extensive climber. 
717. Acacta Gxsta W. & A. A. Intsia var. Cesia F. B. 1. ii. 297; 
E. D. A. 233. Mimosa Cesia F. I. ii. 565. 
W. Bengal; Chota Nagpur; Orissa; E. Bengal, Madhupur 


A large climber. Santal. Kondro-janum ; Kol. Kandaru. 
718. Acacta pENNATA Willd.; F. B. I. ii. 297. Mimosa pennata 
F. I. ii. 565. M. torta F. I. ii. 566. 
: W. Bengal ; Chota Nagpur. 
A large climber. Hind. Biswal; Kond. Kundaru; San- 

tal, Undaru. 

‘1148/2. Var. arropHuna Bak.; F. B. I. ii. 298, 

A large climber. 

302. Albizzia Duraz. 
Considerable trees, rarely climbing shrubs; eaves evenl 

pinnate; pinnw even-pinnate; leaflets large few, or medium 

Climbing shrubs, the pulvinus below the leaf-base enlarged into a short, 
rhe: recurved hook; leaflets numerous, narrow-linear, with a median 
Main-nerve, close-set i jal, Alive myriophylla. 

’ t, tall trees; pulvinus not persistent :— : 
Stipules very large; leaflets numerous, narrow, with — 
___-‘Rearest upper margin, hardly close-set [p. 460] ----- sesereese Stipulata. 


*Stipules small :-— [p. 459 
Leaflets nu umerous, narrow, close-set :— ; : 
Leafiets narrowly ovate with median main- -nerve ; main-rachis — 
pubescent with tO hairs; flower-heads solitary or — ; 
late in axils of lea: whe 
Leaflets linear a. main-nerve nearest upper margin; sain: 
rachis puberulous with very short hairs ; flower-heads in axillary 
eoryinbs............ Richardiana. 
Leaflets ovate, not close- set :— 
Leaflets obtuse, never more than 2 in. lon 
Leaflets 8-24-jugate, main-nerve neare ae upper margin; 
main-rachis with one basal and 1-2 distal ne torent 
bases of the upper pairs of pinne — 
Leaflets usually fewer ; leaves. -with basal nea on main- 
rachis, but none between bases of the distal pairs of ee ee 
Main-nerve rather nearer lower tha 
copiously panicled, florets sessile; . leaflets 6-12 eo 
inne 2-6-juga Ods brownish ...s0...csessenseeteees 
: — a. heads not panicled, florets ra: . 
leaflets 5-9-jugate; pinne 2-3- (less often 4-, 5 
ju ate MI i a ee ee 
toktisa somata the terminal pairs 4 in. an 1-2- ie 
jugate; main-nerve median ; pinne 1-2-jugate....... 

719. ALBIZz14 MYRIOPHYLLA Benth. ; F. B. I. ii. 800. Mimo 

A climbing shrub. Vernac. Tituliya. ie, 
720. Aupizzia srrpuLaTs Boiv.; F. B. I. ii. 300; E. D. A ie 
Mimosa stipulata F. I. it. 549, MM. Smathnais ~ 

F. I. ii. 550, 

Chota Nagpur; N. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
A tall tr : iran - ; A ia. 
all tree. Hind, SB aie 5 i ee 686. 
Mimosa amara F. I. j i. 548. i pulehetla F. I. ii, 548. 
issa; sometimes shiek elsewhere. 
A small tree, 
722. Aupizzia RicHarprana King & Prain. 
ted in C. Bengal. Beng. 
A tall, lisdlinbog tae, native of Madge. 
Belati amlukia. 


Ree ee Fae LT eT |, ee aL ES RMT Es BoE asl hen) 


728. ry opoRaATISsImA Benth.; F. B. a Hi 2905 FD. 
A. 711. Mimosa odoratissima F, I. i 
Behar; Chota Nagpur ; Chitieaieaiis ; ick ian planted in 

A tall tree. Santal. Jang siris 
124, ALBIZZIA PROCERA Benth. F. B. I. ii. 299; E, D. A. 717. 
Mimosa procera F. I, ii, 54 8, 

A tall, handsome tree. Beng. vale Hind. Safed siris. 
125. Atgizzia Leppex Benth, - F. B. I. ii. 298; E. D. A. 695. 
Mimosa Sirissa F. I. ii. 544, 
Generally planted. 
A medium tree. Vernac. Siris, sirissa. 
726, Aupizz1a Luctpa Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 299; E. D. A. 709. 
Mimosa lucida F. I. ii. 544, 
C. Bengal; E. Bengal ; ceeeante 
Amedium tree. Beng. Sil-koroi 

303. Calliandra Benth. 
Shrubs or trees ; leaves ev enly 2-pinnate ; pinne even- pinnate ; ; 
ls 0. 


ets (in our species) large; stipules persistent ; ; stipels 

i Sutures much thickened; valves dehiscing elastically 
™m is ar bhiivards Seeds obovate or orbicular, compressed, 
727. Cantianpr A UMBROSA Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 302. 

Chittagon ng. 
A small tree, 

304. Pithecolobium Mart. 
ws se: trees; leaves evenly 2-pinnate; pinne even-pinnate ; 
Pules small o rt conspicuous, sometimes spinescent; stipels 0. 

lowers in 
globose heads, on solitary, subfascicled or racemed 
Peduncles _ 

) axillary at the ends of branches ; bracts small, A 

462 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Pithecolobium. 

or 0; bracteoles 0. Sepals 5, rarely 6, connate in a campanulate 
or tubular calyx ; teeth very short. Petals 5, rarely 6, connate in 
a tubular corolla with long, valvate lobes. Stamens numerous, 
far exserted, connate below in a tube; anthers small; pollen- 
granules in each cell 2-4. Ovary sessile or rege: many-ovuled; 
style filiform ; stigma minute, capitate. Fruit a ligulate, cireinate, 
less often only — usually much rll sey or less often an : 
indehiscent lomentum, with unthickened sutures. Seeds some 
imes arillate or tibadiolt in pulp, ovate or orbicular, compressed. — 

Stipules spinescent; pinne and obiere leaflets each 1-jugate ; sae whe . 
covered by a white, pulpy, edible aril ..............cccecsseseseereneneeeees 
Stipules not spinescent ; binne ges -jugate, and large, acute a 
3-6-jugate ; seeds not arilla a _angulatum. 

728.  ehegeapaT putce Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 302; EB. D 
Mimosa dulcis F. I. ii, 5 6. 
oe everywhere, but often also self-sown. 
A medium tree; often also trimmed as a hedge. Native 
of Tropical America. Vernac. Belati amli; dekhani 

729. PITHECOLOBIUM ANGULATUM Heath F, B. I. ii, 906 
Mimosa heterophylla F. I. ii. 545 
Chittagong ; Tippera, 
A tall tree. 

305. Enterolobium Mart. 

Erect trees; leavés evenly 2-pinnate; pinne even-pinnale; 

leaflets opposite ; stipules small, eocgian stipels 0. Flowers 

in globose heads, on solitary or subfasciculate peduncles, axillary 

or the upper racemose ; bracts lanceolate ; bracteoles 0. 

Ai arp cartilaginous, hack mh the septa. seit 
verse, compressed ; funicle slender, 

3 Enterolobium, ] ROSACEA. 463 

730, ENTeRoLoprum Saman Prain; E. D. A. 720; P. 909. 
Planted ; especially in Central and Eastern parts, 
A medium-sized spreading tree; pods pulpy. Native of 
Tropical America. 


Herbs, shrubs, sometimes sarmentose or climbing, or trees. 
Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, simple or compound ; stipules 2, 
free, or adnate to petiole, very rarely obsolete. Flowers usually 
regular and hermaphrodite. Disk lining the calyx-tube or forming 
&ring at its base. Sepals connate in a tube, adnate to the ovary 
or free; limb usually 5-lobed, the fifth lobe uppermost; lobes 

Usually persistent, often bracteolate, imbricate or valvate. Petals 
5, rarely 0, ins ; j 

te or filiform, usually incurved in bud; anthers 
: didymous ; dehiscence longitudinal, introrse. Carpels 1 or 
More, free or connate ; styles basal, lateral, or subterminal, free or 
“nnate; stigmas simple or capitate or penicillate; ovules 1 or 
in each carpel, anatropous, pendulous with a ventral, or 
ding with a dorsal raphe. Fruit usually indehiscent, of 
clustered achenes or drupes, or a berry, or single drupe, rarely 
“apsular dehiscent. Seeds erect or pendulous ; testa membranous 
9? gaa albumen 0; embryo with large, flat, fleshy coty- 


oe Superior ; the ripe carpels not enclosed in the calyx-tube :— 
SrPél solitary ; unarmed shrubs or trees.....s1..scsssseseeeseeeee Pyg 
Is many :— 
Unarmed herbs ; ripe carpels dry ; ovules solitary, ascending :— 
Achenes set on a fleshy receptacle «ic. ..cisijisee deans F 
Achenes set on a dry receptacle ...Potentilla. 
Sg Shrubs ; ripe carpels fleshy ; ovules 2, pendulous......Rubus. 
snetior ;, the ripe carpels enclosed in the calyx-tube :— 
Armed shrubs, with compound leaves and large adnate stipules; 
ae many, not confluent when ripe Rosa. 
| trees, with simple leaves and small stipules; carpels few, 
confluent when ripe :— 
aoeey “Celled ; flowers panicled ......s:sscecseossvsesoeeseete Eriobotrya. 

Ovary 2-3-celled ; flowers corymbose ..,.-+-++++ seseseeeeeeeePOurthiaga, 

464 BENGAL PLANTS. [Pygewm. 

306. Pygeum Gaertn. 
Evergreen shrubs ot trees; leaves alternate, persistent, a 
entire ; stipules small, fugacious; basal gla nds 2 or 0. 
emall, racemose, sometimes ¢ from suppression of ovary. Sepals 
connate in a campanulate or urceolate tube, with limb 5-6-, of 
10-15-lobed ; lobes often unequal. Petais 5—6,minute when calyx 
5-6-lobed, absent when calyx 10-15-lobed; even when present 
often much resembling calyx-lobes, usually villous. Stamens 10- 
50, 1- or more-seriate at mouth of calyx-tube ; filaments slender, 
incurved; anther all. Carpel solitary at the base of ~ 
calyx-tube, omoid ¢ or subglobose ; style terminal, slender, € 
— terminal, capitate; ovules 2, collateral, pene 
a eerie « oblong, —— didymous J 
pe; pericarp thin, soft or dry. Seeds tanvesl oblong 
cotyledons rota sdebeh cies radicle minute, superior 
Tree; leaves oblong-lanceolate, long- -acuminate; racemes slender, 
8 villous, narrow-ovate ; stamens 30-40 ......--.-seereertee* 
Shrub; leaves oblong, subacute or obtuse; racemes dense, eee 
petals glabrous except margins, wide-ovate ; stamens 15 ..Lucidm- 
731. Pyezum acuminatum Colebr.; F. B. I. ii. 318. 
N. Bengal; Chittagong. 

A tree; drupe dark- le, an inch across. 
pe purp “B. L. iis 820. 


Chota Nagpur, Parasnath. 
A shrub. 

307. Baoger'e Linn. 

x sll) 
stipules a rs white or yellow, often palygaot 
cymose on erect scapes; bracteoles 5, close under calyx 
0. a persistent, obconic or turbinate, disk- 

tent; filaments filiform, glabrous; anthers didymous: 
numerous on a convex receptacle; style ventral, pe 
solitary, ascending. Fruit a large, Hee rope 
with many minute achenes sunk in its surfac Seeds min ; 
Flowers yellow ; fruit insipid swoiiens dns thosese 
Flowers white ; fruit edible , iste ae 

8.) ROSACEA. 465 

788. Fracarta mvpica Andr, ; F. I. ii. 620; F.B. I. ii. 348; B.D. 
F, 678. 

A herb with long, agen: sient stems. 
734. Fracarra vesca Linn. Li ; E. D. F. 682. 
~ Cultivated in the cold season in she ‘pester! provinces. 
A herb with slender, prostrate stems. Straw berry. 

eee Nah leery aa 

308. Potentilla Linn. 

corymbose cymes ; bracteoles 5, rarely 4 under the 
—" Bapeths, rarely 4, persistent, connate in a 
-_eeolate tube; lobes valvate. Petals 5 or 4. Disk 
em: the calyx-tube. Stamens many, 1- or more-seriate, rarely 
definite, Carpels many; style persistent or deciduous, ventral or 
teoninal; ovule solitary, pendulous. Ir wit of many. achenes, 
‘ Alastered ona small, dry receptacle. Seeds minu ute. 
735. Porentmuna suptNa Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 3595 E. D. P. 1210. 
Comarum flavum F. I. ii. 521. 
Tirhut ; N. Bengal. 
An annual herb with numerous, slender, spreading stems. 

EFIZEBe PRRs nea St 

Yipee een eet Bea re 

309. Rubus Linn. 

rab epee 

— or erect shrubs, rarely cree ping herbs, almost 
Ys prickly; leaves alternate, simple or compound ; stipules 
te or f wers in terminal and axillary corymbose cymes, 

the calyx. 

Oe: white or red; bracteoles 0 under t 
pth connate in a wide, short-tubed, disk-lined calyx ; lobes 
vas nt. Petals 5. Stamens many. Carpels many © 
collateral, or conical receptacle; style subterminal ; 

1. pendulous. Fruit usually a cluster of numer 
awe drupes, crowded on a dry or spongy conical or eylindri 
dulous, e; rarely drupes few, very rarely solitary- Seed pen- 

Puig cea sits So Ms DRL ees ine 

m6, Ruzus HEXAGYNUS Roxb.; F. I. ii. 516; F- Bp. I. ii. 327. 


A dimbing shrub, stems as thick as human arm, prickles 
Se flat; flowers in large panicles. V' . Hira- 

466 BENGAL PLANTS. [Rosa, 

: 310, Rosa Linn. 
Shrubs, erect, sarmentose, or climbing, usually prickly ; leaves 
pinnately 8- or more- foliolate ; leaflets more or less serrate; 

mouth ; aphiae 8 leafy, persistant or deciduous, nae Petals 
normally 5, in cultivation often many. Disk lining and almost 
occluding the calyx-tube, silky. Stamens many, inserted on the 
disk. Carpels many, rarely few, in the bottom of the calyx-tube; 
styles subterminal, free or connate upwards; stigma thickened ; 
ovule solitary, pendulous. Fruit a fleshy calyx-tube (rose-hip), _ 
enclosing a cluster of coriaceous or bony achenes. Seeds small. 

Fruit and branchlets densely tomentose ; flowers subsessile, white, single, 
strongly P t-scented, surrounded by large, pectinate, wouny bracts 
Peter twit eto 
Fruit and branches without tomentum ; flowers stalked, often double, 
not bractea: tel 

Prickles nae with often glandular bristles; flowers delicately 

Scented, rose or purple 

Prickles unequal, the araee ones hooked :— 
ristles few; nepal reflexed in flower ...........sseeeee0 a 

P aio, equal, slender; flowers erect ..1......e0eeeceeseeeseeeeets se at 
Prickles not mixed with b bristles; flowers purple, rose, oF W 
strongly scented :— 

Prickles equal ; Spell reflexed in flower :— ag 
Vale eecots ee i : 
Calyx-tube Sn ; indica (emperforen 

Prickles somewhat MOGQUAL of 

787. Rosa mvovcrata Roxb.; F. I. ii. 518; F. B. I. ii. 3655 
E. D. R. 582. 

eer Nagpur ; N. and E. Bengal. 
A shrub, grows naturally in places usually submerged : 
during the rainy season. Wild Rose of Bengal. 
788. Rosa pamascena Mill.; F. B. L. ii. 864; E. D. RB. 508. 
In gardens, frequent ; cultivated for Attar. 
A small, erect shrub. Vernac. Gulab. 

Briobotrya.) ROSACEZ. 467 
739, Rosa centirouia Linn.; F. I. ii, 513; F. B. 1. ii. 364; 

In gardens. 
A small, erect shrub. Cabbage Rose. Vernac. Gulab. 
64; E. D. RB. 526. 

740. Rosa Ganuica Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 
In gardens, occasionally. 

inn.; F. B. IL. ii. 864; E. D. RB. 581. 
R. chinensis F. I. ii. 513. 
In gardens, frequent. 
A small, spreading shrub. Beng. Kanta-gulab. 
741/2. Var. sempeRFLoRENS. R. semperflorens F, I. ii. 514. 
In gardens. 
A small, spreading shrub. 
742, Rosa arpa Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 364; E. DB. 501. 2. glan- 
dulifera F. 1. ii, 514. 

A subscandent shrub. Beng. Shwet gulab. 

311. Eriobotrya Lindl. 
Large or small trees; leaves entire or serrate, simple, thickly 
toriaceous ; stipules narrow-lanceolate, or broad. Flowers white, 

mg. Fruit a succulent or dry berry, 2-5-, rarely 1-locular ; anor 
branous ; chambers 1-, less often 2-seeded. Seeds erect; 

carp mem 
cotyledons thick 

143. Entonorrya penGatensts Hook. & , F. B. 1. ii. 871; E. D. 
E, 281. Mespilus bengalensis F. I. ii. 510. 
Chi | 

A large, stout tree. 

468 BENGAL PLANS. (Briobe 
744. Extoporrya saponica Lindl.; F. B. I. ii. 872; E. D. B. 286. 
Mespilus japonica F. I. ii. 510. 
A small tree. The Loquat. 

312. Pourthiza Dene. 
Shrubs or small trees, generally woolly when young; leaves 
simple, persistent, crenate; stipules minute, subulate. Flowers 
small, white, in few-flowered corymbs with ultimately warted 
branchlets. Sepals 5, connate in an obconic tube; lobes acute. 
etals 5, contorted, obovate, oblique and notched ; claw glabrous. 
Stamens 20; filaments slender. Carpels 2-8, connate in an aeridi 
ovary; styles 2-3, connate more than half their length; stigma — 
2-fid, capitate ; ovules 2 in each loculus, collateral, basal, ascend: 
ing. Frwit a small, ovoid or globose berry; flesh grandlar; 
seeds 1 or 2; endocarp membranous. Seeds ellipsoid ; cotyledons 
rather thick. ee 
745. Pourtuima arcura Dene, var. Hooxert Hook. f.; F. BL 
ii. 382. : 
N. Bengal, Western Duars. 
A shrub. 


Trees, shrubs, or herbs. Leaves alternate with stipules adnate ; 
i i 30. Flowers ager : 

sometimes in a 1-locular ovary with parietal placentas; atyles 2 
many as carpels, free or connate towards the top, stigmas gene 
or lateral Subeapitate ; ovules numerous, anatropous, ere 


Fruit cS capsular, rarely follicular, or an 
berry. many or few, rarely solitary; albumen 
leshy, rarely scanty or re embryo usually minute, subcylindric. 

313. Vahlia Thunb. 

Annual or biennial, pubescent, often glandular, erect herbs; 
leaves pete. entire; stipules 0. Flowers axillary, subsessile or 

Pedicelled, geminate, white. Sepals 5, connate in a hemi- 

spheric ‘a op i to the ovary ; lobes persistent, ovate or lan- 
 eeolate, valvate. Petals 5, epigynous, obovate, shorter than 
4 Padi obes. Stamens 5, inserted on the margin of the epigynous 
; filaments subulate. Carpels 2, connate in an inferior 
“Tealled ovary, with 2 pendulous, many-ovuled placentas ; styles 2, 
stigmas capitellate. Fruit a capsule, dehiscing at the apex 
between the styles. Seeds many, minute, ellipsoid, smooth. 

746, Vamuta viscosa Roxb.; F. I. ii. 89; F. B. I. ii. 399. 
W. Bengal 
A small herb, 
47. VaHura OLDENLANDIOIDES Roxb.; F. I. ii. 89; BF. Be 

A small herb. 


. ane, sometimes eines or paniculate Disk 
oe by hypogynous mig eppatitead fags? adnate to 
Sepals connate in a 4-5-, m rarely 6-8-fid, free 

‘ al Petals 4-5, rarely 6-8, Pas or iis Stamens as many 

as many as petals, hypogynous or epipetalous ; # Smet 
Sto or subulate ; linear or didymous; dehiscence 

subul anther ear 
‘ongitudinal, lateral. Carpels 4-5, very rarely fewer, free oF cone 

470 BENGAL PLANTS. [Bryophyllum, 
nate below, narrowed upwards into the subulate or filiform free 
styles; stigmas often oblique, subcapitate, or minute; ovules ; 
numerous, 2-many-seriate on the ventral suture, rarely Pe baci 
rarely solitary, erect, or pendulous. Fruit of usually a 
fewer, follicles dehiscing by the ventral suture. Seeds many, Jess 
often few, rarely solitary; albumen fleshy; embryo minute, 

Calyx with a long, inflated tube and a shortly 4-fid limb; corolla-tube 
campanulate with a shortly 4-fid limb; retiring angles of crenate leaves 
readily bulbifero Bryoph 
Calyx with a aan tube and —— 4-partite limb; corolla-tabe flask- 4 
like with a spreading 4-fid li Kalanchoe. 

314. eat Salisb. 

rted in the 

anthers Seti, shortly exserted ; pari sd: scales 4, obtuse. — 
Carpels 4, free or connate at the base, narrowed into long, exsored : 
styles; stigmas capitellate; ovules many. Fruit of 4 many | 
seeded follicles : : 
7 oo — CALYcINUM Salisb.; F. B. I. ii. 418; E, ». : 
Cotyledon rhizophylla F. I. ii. 456. 

C. Bengal; Chitta, 
A ate iy fini stems 1-4 feet high. Beng : 

315. Kalanchoe Adans. 
Erect, perennial herbs, with stout, fleshy stems and _— 
leaves opposite, or the upper alternate. Flowers large, erect, 
many-flowered, subpaniculate cymes. Sepals 4, conna' 
tubular calyx ; lobes narrow, usually much longer 
Petals 4, connate in an urceolate none ir spreading aha er : 
sistent, much longer than calyx. Stamens 8, 2-seria 
corolla-tube, those of one series sicunicnied infertile or ‘ base 
hypogynous scales 4, linear or oblong. Carpels 4, bree 
of corolla-tube, narrowed into exserted styles ; stigmas 

Drosera.) DROSERACE&. 471 

truncate. Fruit of 4 many-seeded follicles. Seeds oblong, ellip- 
soid, longitudinally ribbed. 

Leaves obovate-elliptic, crenate ; sepals oblong, acute, standing apart at 
base heterophylla. 

Leaves pinnatifid, laciniate, lobes entire, subserrate or dentate ; sepals 
lanceolate, subpatent Pi denelbacdddnectecipuentven int 
749, KALANCHOE HETEROPHYLLA Prain. K. floribunda var. glabra 
F. B. 1. ii, 415. Cotyledon heterophylla F. I. ii. 456. 
Chota Nagpur, Parasnath. 
A stout, fleshy herb. 
750. KaLANcHoE LactntaTa DC.; F. B. I. ii. 415; E. D. K. 14. 
Cotyledon laciniata F., I. ii. 456. 
ar; E. Bengal 

A stout, fleshy herb. Vernac. Hemsagar. 

ee ) = te 


Herbs, rarely somewhat woody below, perennial, usually small, 
generally glandular-hairy, and insectivorous. Leaves often rosu- 
i er. 

connate below, imbricate. Stamens 4-20, hypogynous oF 
Perigynous, rarely epipetalous; filaments free or occasionally 
connate below, subulate or filiform ; anthers basifixed or versatile ; 
dehiscence completely or partially longitudinal, extrorse. Ovary 
or only adnate to calyx at the base, globose or ovoid, Ant 
locular ; styles 8-5; stigmas capitate, 2-fid, or fimbriate ; ovules 
humerous, rarely few, attached to parietal, axial, or basal placentas, 
rarely pendulous, anatropous. Fruit a membranous or submem- 
branous, usually loculicidal, 3-5-valved capsule. Seeds numerous, 
rely few or solitary, in each loculus; albumen fleshy; embryo 

axial, cylindric, or basal, minute. 
ti glandular, hairy, those of stem, if present, alternate .-.Drosera. 
Yes Vesicular, glabrous, those of stem opposite «.+-++-- .... Aldrovanda. 
316. Drosera Linn. 

oo glandular, pilose herbs, the glandular hairs partly 
“rived from tissues beneath the epidermis ; leaves rosulate, basal, 


473 BENGAL PLANTS. (Drosera, 

the stem scapigerous, or alternate, the stem leafy, in bud usually 

circinate; stipules 0, or scarious and adnate. Sepals 4, 5, or 8, 

suberect, very slightly connate at base, free from ovary, persistent. 

Petals 4, 5, or 8, hypogynous or slightly perigynous, rose or white, : 

gynous. Carpels 2-5, connate in a 1-celled ovary with 
styles; placentas parietal; ovules numerous. Fruit a Joculi- 
cidally opening, 2-5-valved capsule. Seeds many, obovoid, 

Stems leafy, decumbent; leaves alternate, long, linear; styles 3, ep 
their base i 


751. Drosera Burmanni Vahl.; F. I. ii. 113; F. B. 1. ii. 4243 
. D. D. 836. 

In all the provinces except C. Bengal. 
A small herb. Hind. Mukha-jali. 
752. Drosera mnpica Linn. ; F. I. ii. 113; F.B. I. ii. 424. 
a Nagpur, 

317. Aldrovanda Linn. : 
A weak, succulent, glabrous, floating, aquatic herb, with articu: 
late stems; leaves spathulate, orbicular, whorled at the nodes, the 
blades contorted, bladder-like. Flowers peduncled, anes 
tary; peduncles decurved in fruit; bracts 0. Sepals 5, slightly — 
connate below, oblong, obtuse, imbricate. Petals 5, h had 
connivent ina cap. Stamens 5, hypogynous ; filaments — ; 
anthers didymous; dehiscence lateral. Carpels 5, connate ) 
1-celled ovary, with 5 parietal placentas ; styles 5, filiform, 
with terminal branching stigmas ; ovules very many- B 
globose, 5-valved, membranous eapsule. Seeds numerous, broad, 
ining tes 

C. Bengal, salt lakes, i 
A floating water-weed. Beng. Malacca jhangl. 

Myriophyllum.} HALORAGEZL. 473 


Herbs or undershrubs, rarely annual, often aquatic. Leaves 

site or whorled, sometimes partly alternate, the submerged 
leaves often pectinate; stipules 0. Flowers hermaphrodite or 
l-sexual, small, sometimes incomplete, usually axillary, solitary 
or fascicled, usually sessile ; whorls sometimes spicately aggre- 

d. Disk epals connate in a calyx, with tube adnate to 
ovary ; lobes 2, 4, or 0, or imperfect in ¢ flowers. Petals 2, 4, or 
0, concave, deciduous, valvate or slightly imbricate, epigynous. 

2-, or 1-locular, compressed or angled; styles 4, 2, or 1, fimbriate 
or simple; ovules 4, 2, or 1, pendulous from apex of loculus. 
Fruit small, dry or drupaceous, 4-, 2-, or 1-celled, indehiscent or 
Separating into indehiscent 1-seeded cocci. Seeds pendulous ; 
testa membranous; albumen fleshy; embryo axial, cylindric. 

318. Myriophyllum Linn. 

Glabrous aquatic herbs with floating stems; leaves whorled, 
rarely alternate, dentate, serrate, or the submerged ones pectinate, 
Pinnatifid, rarely entire. Flowers small, sessile, or subsessile, 

in upper leaves or in nearly naked terminal spikes ; 
Moncecious or hermaphrodite. ¢ Sepals connate in a short tube ; 
limb 4-, rarely 2-lobed, sometimes obsolete. Petals 2 or 4, con- 
cave, sessile. Stamens 2, 4, or 8 (in our species always 4). ¢ 

. plumose ; ovules solitary, pendulous in each chamber. Fruit 

‘fwrowed nut or drupe, sometimes separating into 4, rarely 2 

oak - Seeds pendulous, cylindric-oblong ; testa membranous ; 
Fyo cylindric, central in the copious albumen. 

Flowers pink ; stigmas pink, much fimbriate ; fruits acutely ridged along 

backs, both ridges and furrows beset by pointed tubercles 

on white; stigmas green, little fimbriate; fruits with rounded 
carpel backs, puberulous or glabrous, tubercled or not 

474 BENGAL PLANTS. [Myriophyllum, 

754, Myriopaytitum TUBERCULATUM Roxb.; F. I. i. 451 ;F. BI 
li. 482. 

C. and E. Bengal, in jheels. 
A submerged water plant. 
755. Myrtopaynium inpicum Willd. ; F. B. I. ii. 483. M. tetran- 
drum F, I. i. 451. 
In all the provinces, in jheels and ponds. 
A submerged water plant. 


Trees or shrubs. Leaves coriaceous, entire rarely serrulate, 4 
opposite, with stipules interpetiolar, caducous; rarely alternate, 5 
with stipules 0. Flowers regular, usually hermaphrodite, axillary, : 

adnate to the ovary ; lobes 4-14, valvate, persistent. Petals a8 — 
many as the calyx-lobes, entire, emarginate, 2-fid or lacerate, con : 
volute or inflexed, always shorter than calyx-lobes. Stamens ; 
usually twice ag many as petals, in antipetalous pairs em a 
by the lamina, rarely numerous; filaments short or long, sent 

anthers 2-celled with dehiscence longitudinal, lateral, rarely we : 
locellate. Ovary inferior, half-inferior or rarely superior, 

in each loculus usually 2, pendulous. Frwit leathery, ard 
indehiscent, 1- elled, 1-seeded. Seed pendulous, arillate bg eee 
umen fleshy or 0; embryo in albuminous seeds sage 
exalbuminous elongated, often germinating while the fruit 18 
on the tree, 
*Sea-shore trees (mangroves) ; seeds without albumen ; embryo es ; 
large radicle germinating while the fruit is still on the tree :1D- i 
Calyx-segments and petals not more than six; calyx surrounded © 
connate bracteoles :—[p. 475 

Calyx-segments and petals each 5-6 ; petals not entire :— oe 
Petals emarginate ; stamens 10-12; ovary 3-celled.....--- .Ceriops i 
Petals lacerate ; stamens indefinite ; ovary 1-celled......Kandelit 


{Calyx-segments and petals 8-14; calyx without bracteoles; petals 

2-fid; stamens 16-28; -— 2-4-celled [p. 474] ......+0+-+ Bruguiera. 
"Inland trees; seeds albuminous; embryo not germinating till fruit falls; 
calyx-tube minutely adapt [p. 474] wccoseessbnabbansobeourmentiios Carallia. 

319, Rhizophora Linn. 

Littoral trees; branches. marked by leaf-scars ; leaves opposite, 
coriaceous, glabrous, mucronate; stipules large, interpetiolar, 
caducous. Flowers rather large, in axillary, 2-3-chotomously 
divided, few-flowered cymes; bracteoles connate round base of 

yx. Sepals 4, connate in a short tube, adnate to ovary; lobes 
coriaceous, valvate. Petals 4, entire, inserted on a fleshy disk. 
Stamens 8, inserted with the petals; filaments short; anthers 
linear. Carpels 2, connate in a half-superior ovary, projecting 
beyond the calyx as a fleshy cone; chambers 2- ovuled; stigma 

2-fid. Fruit 1-celled, 1-seeded, indehiscent, coriaceous, ovoid or 
obeonic, with the reflexed, persistent calyx-teeth surrounding i 
Seed pendulous, germinating on the tree; radicle elongated, 
Perforating the apex of the fruit 

Leaves elliptic ; cymes longer than the petioles, from axils of present 

any usually 3-flowered ; flowers pedicelled ; petals rad lanate in 

ysis ee csenieeeeel aucronata. 

on oblong to oblong-lanceolate; cymes shorter than iid — 
m axils of fallen leaves, usually 2-flowered ; flowers sessile ; pe 

en rece, REN FE te a ee an. 

756. RuizopHora MUCRONATA eee F. B. I, ii. 485; E. D. 
- Mangle F. I. ii 
Boniidbana: coasts of pareets anid Chittagon. 
A small evergreen tree. Beng. Knamo, reat Uriya 

757. Rurzopnora consueata Linn.; F, B. L ii. 436. 
_ Asmall tree.. Beng. Khamo, bhora. 

320. Ceriops Arn. 
Shrubs; branches thick; leaves aves ovate or obovate ; 
nig interpetiolar, caducous. Flowers in condensed, 2-8- 
us, axillary cymes; bracteoles appear round base of 
Sepals 5 or 6, senate in a short tube, adnate to ovary; 


lobes coriaceous, valvate. Petals 5-6, emarginate. Stamens 10 
or 12, inserted between the lobes of a fleshy disk in pairs opposite 
e petals ; anthers oblong or linear. Carpels 3, connate in an at — 

teeth surrounding its base. Seed pendulous, germinating on the 
tree ; radicle elongated, perforating the apex of the fruit. - 
ERIOPS Roxpureurana Arn.; F. B. I. ii. 486; E. D. 


A large shrub. Beng. Goran. 

321. Kandelia W. & A. 
Small trees; branches terete ; leaves opposite, cori wie 
oblong, obtuse ; stipules interpetiolar, caducous. Flowers few, et 
i » dichotomous cymes; bracteoles connate round base 
calyx. Sepals 5-6, connate in a short tube, adnate to ovary; gd 
linear-lanceolate, valvate. Petals 5 or 6, bifid, with incised, mak 
tifid, capillary lobes. Stamens many ; filaments slender, exserted; 
anthers small, oblong, Carpels 3, connate in a 1-locular, halt — 
superior ovary, produced beyond the calyx in a fleshy rae ed ovules 
6, arising in pairs from a central column ; style slender, wih a 
base; stigma 3-lobed. Fruit 1-celled, 1-seeded, inde 
coriaceous, ovoid, with the persistent calyx-teeth surrounding 
base. Seed pendulous, germinating on the tree ; radicle elongated, 
perforating the apex of the fruit. a 
159. Kanpetta Rurxper W. & A.; F. B. I. ii. 487; E. D. 2 
A small tree. Beng. Goria; Uriya Rasunia. 

322. Bruguiera Lamk. : 
Trees or shrubs; branches terete ; leaves opposite, coriac is 
petioled, oblong, entire ; stipules interpetiolar, caducous. Flow . 
rather large, Solitary or eymose on axillary peduncles ; braeteoles 
0. Sepals 8-14, connate in an obconic or campan plong; 
adnate to ovary; lobes lanceolate, valvate. Petals 8-14, obI0MS 
2-lobed or emarginate, convolute at base, appendiculate. eo 0 . 
16-28, in pairs opposite the involving petals ; filaments HMf0h’ 

- Carallia.) COMBRETACE. 477 

_ anthers linear, mucronate, as long as the filaments. Carpels 2-4, 
connate in a 2~4-celled inferior ovary; ovules 2 in each cell, gemi- 
nate on the axis; style filiform, its base conic; stigma minutely 
- Q4tlobed. Fruit 1-celled, 1-seeded, indehiscent, coriaceous, tur- 
binate. Seed pendulous, ea igae on the tree; radicle elongated, 
perforating the apex of the frui 
760. BruGUIERA GYMNORHIZA awk F. B. I. ii, 487; B,D, 
- B. 898. “ace gymnorhiza F. I. ii, 460. 
Sundribuns ; coasts of Orissa and Chittagong. 
A large tree. pints Kankra. 

323. Carallia Roxb. 

Trees or shrubs; branches terete; leaves opposite, petioled, 
ovate or elliptic, entire or serrulate; stipules interpetiolar, cadu- 
cus. Flowers small, sessile, usually crowded in short, ares 
_ axillary, 3-chotomous cymes ; bracteoles at base of ¢ min 

Sepals 5-8, connate in a cylindric or campanulate tube above the 
ovary; lobes erect, short, valvate. Petals 5-8, inserted on a 
crenulated disk lining the calyx-tube, clawed, orbicular ; att or 
2fid toothed or lacerate at the apex. Stamens 10-16, in 
4 with the petals ; arrears filiform ; anthers small, oblong. ae 
pele 8-5, connate in a 1-celled or a 8-D-celled ovary, slightly 
| Mesieally Bes hinn beyond the calyx; ovules 2 to each cell, 
. attached axially in pairs above the middle; style subulate or 
filiform; stigma 3-5-lobed. Fruit usually 1-celled, 1-seeded, 
slightly produced beyond the calyx, globose, coriaceous, indehis- 
cent. Seed subreniform, with fibrous testa; albumen fleshy; 
embryo cury 

761. Canaria Lucipa Roxb. C. integerrima F. B. I. ii. 4895 

E. D. C. 474. 
E. Bengal; Chittagon 
An evergreen tree with shining leaves. Beng. Kierpa ; 
Kol. Jur 

_ Trees or shrubs, often climbing. Leaves Lie subopposite, or 
0 te, sometimes whorled, simple, rarely 8-foliolate 5 stipules 
Flowers hermaphrodite or sometimes Y tygamo-dicesious ve 
as. Spicate or racemose rarely eymose, bracteolate. 

478 BENGAL PLANTS. [Calyeop 

lobed or epigynous or 0. Sepals connate in a 4-5-, rarely a 
lobed calyx, with usually valvate, persistent, and occasi 
accrescent or deciduous lobes ; tube adnate to and produced, some- 
times very far, above the ovary. Petals 4-5 or 0, rarely 6-7, : 
usually small. ee 1-seriate, 4-5, or 2-seriate, 8-10, rarely — 
indefinite, inserted on the limb or in the base of the calyx; fila- 
ments subulate or aliform, naked or rarely glandular, em occa: 

tary, pendulous from the apex. Frwit usually indehiscent, leathery 

upaceous, ovate or angular or winged, sometimes crowned by 
the accrescent calyx-limb. See stig: albumen 0; embryo ; 
with convolute or flattened cotyledon 

ae pecans in racemes, spikes, or heads ; le val- : 
mens without glands or staminodes at their bases; aa Z 
desl by longitadtnal slits; ovules 2-7, suspended by a long funicle: 
Petals 0 

Calyx-limb accrescent in fruit; diffuse rambling mes 

Calyx-limb deciduous ; erect trees or shrubs :— ig 
Plowerein hegie 7... 41603..4dt. hucnwe. Sanne Anogeisss- 
sists Hl Spikes Or TACOMES. £006): .<cinckascddboseeeeeet Terminalis. : 

Petals 5 bs a 

Calyx. is deciduous ; climbers with opposite leaves :— be = 
Calyx-tube not or shins Bai beyond ovary (never &' o 
‘5 in. long) ; if produced, with calyx-limb 4-fid ...-.. Cone . 
Calyx-tube much produced —— ovary (from -75-2°5 in : 
Pile b 5-fid with : 

yx-limb = shrubs or trees (of raainotte -swamps ) : 

Pe. Le 

Inflorescence symiats ; “ane lobes imbricate; stamens “With pre 
staminodes at their base; anthers opening by recurved late teral _ 
ovule solitary, suspended . a short funicle een 

324. Calycopteris hanks 

A diffuse shrub with drooping branches; leaves opposite, shot 
petioled, EA or ovate. Flowers small, in dense ! of i 
Rae and crowded in large skies towards the ends 

ONY EEE Br get See teem rac 



branches; bracts lanceolate. Sepals 5, connate in a 5-striate calyx- 
tube, produced beyond the ovary; lobes persistent and accrescent. 
Petals 0. Stamens 10; 5 opposite the calyx-lobes and inserted on 

: the tube, 5 alternate with and inserted between the calyx-lobes. 
_ Carpel solitary, aon ; style subulate, simple; ovules 3, pendu- 

lous from a cell. Fruit narrow, ovoid, 5-ribbed, villous, 

4 apex 
‘ l-seeded ; a by the enlarged calyx. Seed with convo- 
lute cotyled ons. 

762. Catycoprerts FLorrBUNDA Lamk; F. B. I, ii. 449; E. D. 
C. 200. Getonia floribunda F. I. ii. 428. 
Orissa ; Chittagong. 
A diffuse shrub with drooping branches, 

325. Anogeissus Wall. 
Trees or shrubs ; leaves alternate or subopposite, petioled, entire. 

4 Flowers in dense globose heads on short axillary peduncles ;, brac- 
_ teoles small or large. Sepals 5, connate in a tube, long-produced 

slender — the wae subpersistent ; lobes small, de- 
ciduous. Petals Sta 0, 2-seriate. Carpel solitary, 

sr Fruits numerous, small, compressed, 2-winged, paeked 

_ Leaves broad, elliptic, ea at both ends, glabrous beneath . , latifolia. 

a acute at both ends, pubescent beneath :— 
ves elliptic or dai: : bracteoles obovate, often leaflike, large 

Leaves narrow-lanceolate ; bracteoles small, linear, very deciduous 

163, Axocetssus LattroL1a Wall. ; F. B. I. ii. 450; E. D.¢. 1149. 
Conocarpus latifolia F. I. ii. 442. 
Orissa ; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal; Behar. 
A tree. Hind. and Uriya Dohu; Kol. and Santal. 


764. premiere acuminata Wall.; F. B. L . 450; . Y- 
c. 11 onocarpus acuminata F. I. it a 

Behar; Chota Nagpur 

A tree 60 feet high. Beng. Chakwa; Uriya Pansi; 

Gara hesel, parsia. 



765. eavigte LANCEOLATA Wall. A. acuminata var. 
lat 451; E. D. oc. 1146. 
A tall tree. 
326. Terminalia Linn. 
arge trees; leaves alternate or subopposite, entire or slightly 
crenulate, often with glands on petiole or on the mi 
near the base. Flowers small, spicate, the spikes sometimes 

narrow, soon deciduous. Sepals 5, connate in a cam 
calyx, Hale ose slightly beyond the ovary ; lobes of limb valvae, 
triangular, deciduous. Petals 0. Stamens 10, inserted on 
RSP with a hairy, epigynous disk between them and ovary. 
Carpel solitary, inferior; ovules 2 or 3, pendulous from apex 
cell ; vse long, simple. Fruit an ovoid, fleshy and stringy: 
coriaceous drupe, with hard, indehiscent endocarp, 
pean or with 2 or 5 angles or wings. Seed solitary ; otal 
Fruit not winged, ovoid or subcompressed :— 
Leaves clustered towards ends of twigs, alternate; spikes always 
simple, axillar 
ie sone base of obovate leaf narrow but cordate; fruit 
brous, ellipsoid, somewhat compressed, showing mc 


Leaves not clustered, usually more or less price 
ect petioles distinct ; fruit somewhat 5-ridged, at leas 

fete acute but not — at apex, rounded at base; 
ellipsoid or obovoid, -75-1:25 im. long. .......++eseereeeeeettt o 
Leaves acuminate at apex, ee at ira fruit oblong- 
2 in. ae! slightly 5-ridged, even when fr 
Fruit with 5 subequal acute wings; spikes rasitaiaate’ ‘eaves 
or subopposite :— 
Leaves i Nc ee at length glabrous beneath, oblong or ai 
old trees, lanceolate in seedlings; wings of fruit marked 
ascending striations; bark pale, smooth, flaky ....+-++-++1-77"" 
Leaves distinctly petioled, usually persistently pubescent 
’ elliptic or prea wings of fruit marked with horizontal * 
bark dark-grey, rough, corrugated 

Combretum.) COMBRETACE. 481 
766, Tenwi~anta Carappa Linn.; F. I. ii. 480; F. B. I. ii. 444; 
E. D. T. 312. 

Planted. . 
A large tree with horizontal branches and much-but- 
tressed trunk. Vernac. Deshi-, bangla-, or hindi-badam. 
a The Country Almond. ; 
A008 @anwreatsa-natknica Roxb. ; PF) Buds it. 4453 Bi De Be 200. 
q T. moluccana F. I. ii. 432. 
Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal; Chittagong. ee | 
A large tree. Hind. Beng. and Uriya Bhairé ; Santal 
and Kol. Lopong. The Beleric Myrobalan. 5 
768. Terminattia Cuesuna Retz; F. I. ii. 433; F. B. 1. ii. 446 ; 

Chota Nagpur. 
A large tree. Beng. Haritaki ; Hind. and Uriya Harara; 
Santal. and Kol. Rol, rola. The Black Myrobalan. 
769. Termanatra crrrmva Roxb.; F. I. ii. 435: F. B. 1. ih 446; 
E. D. T. 349. 
W. N. and E. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
A tall tree. Beng. Haritaki, harra. 
770. Terminatra Arsuna Bedd.; F. B. I. ii. 447; E. D. T. 282. 
Pentaptera Arjuna F. I. ii. 438. 
Chota Nagpur; Behar; W. and N. Bengal. 
A tall tree. Vernac. Arjhan. Sh 
: 771. Termivatta Tomenrosa Bedd. ; F. B. 1.ii.447 ; EB. D.T. 902. 
2 Pentaptera tomentosa F. I. ii. 440. 
' Chota Nagpur; Behar; W. Bengal. 
: A tall tree. Vernac. Asan, asna, saj; Kol. Hatana ; 
Santal. Atnak’. 

327. Combretum Linn. 

a Large or rarely small shrubs, usually with pendent or seandent 
: branches, occasionally spinous, very rarely trees; leaves entire, 
ay Opposite, sometimes ternate, epee ternate. 
: wers small, polygamo-dicecious, spicate, spikes 
bra cteoles small, "Bepali 5 or 4, connate in an urceolate ne 
ae slightly or considerably beyond the ovary; limb at 
inserted Petals 5 or 4, very rarely 0. Stamens 10 - 8, _— ‘ 

ed with the petals on the calyx. Carpel solitary, -nsineh 
diendoaa pendulous from apex of cell; style subulate, suupie. 



Fruit dry, generally a drupe, occasionally opening, with 4. 
angles or ridges. Seed solitary ; cotyledons plicate or flat, very 
rarely convolute. 

ei with 5 a: and 10 petals; floral leaves cream-white 
ruit with 5 membranous wings dec 
fone with 4 calyx-lobes ae: 8 petals ; leaves all green 
Fruit with 4 thick, blunt ridges, not no ger into wings...acuminatum. 
Fruit with 4 papery or membranou 
aes very shortly produced, pbs res gree beyond top of 
MY rh 

gto of fruit between the wings more or less clothed with . 
scales ; calyx-tube beyond ovary funnel-shaped :— 
Fruit densely clad with elongated, jecoke tial rae and ; 
sides puberulous flag : 
Fruit more or less clad with sessile, rounded scales, “bat ot fhe 
wise glabrous: : 
Se ites on fruit close-set; leaves prominently covered with 
flat, round scales on both “piiltabiad: glabrous gn full grown 

Scales on fruit smaller, distant; leaves rill = 
sides, subscabrous above, pubescent on the nerves bene 
— of fruit between the wings not scaly, aed or Dee = 

lees tube beyond the ovary funnel-shaped :— ; 
A climbing shrub; leaves opposite or often ternate; racemes 
subequal, rather numerous; hid outside and young feects 
densely glandular and finely hairy .........c00-.-+eeereee chi one 
A small shrub with annual ‘hos from a woody stock ; ‘ia 
alternate or opposite ; es few, one much longer al 
the rest ; calyx outside soey young ovary sparsely ae : 

Pree trea ad 

Calyx-tube beyo nd the ovary wide-campanulate ..... ‘ii 
Calyx diakinddy produced beyond the Hike as a cylindric mn 
terminated by a campanulate 4-fid limb ........seseceeeeereet* extens 

772. peu DECANDRUM Roxb.; F. I. ii. 282; F. B. I 
452; E. D. ¢. 1749, Chitts 
ow. N. and E, Bengal; Chota Nagpur; Orissa; 
A large shrub with subscandent branches. sa et 
Aténa. : 

Quisqualis. | COMBRETACE. 483 
173. cage acuminatum Roxb.; F. I. ii. 228; F. Bz 1. 

“Ny. Sengal : Chittagong. 
A large scandent shrub. Vernac. Pa atyuni. 
774, ComBRETUM FLAGROCARPUM Clarke; F, B, I. ii. 455. 
N. and E. Bengal ; ee 
e scandent s 
775. Comprerum ceeeiats Ey F: 1. fi. 281; FooB. th 
ii. 456. 
Chittagong; N. and E. Bengal. 
A large scandent shrub. 
776, CompreTum pasystacuyum Kurz; F. B. I. ii. 457. 
scandent shrub. 
777. CoMBRETUM CHINENSE Rosh: Fede #2003 FB. L 
A large climbing shrub. 
778. Compnerom wanum Ham.; F. B. I. ii. 457; EB. D- ©. 1744. 
Tirhut ; Chota Nagpur 
A dwarf shrub, somite up annually ap forest fires. 
779. Compretum ovatirottum Roxb.; F. 1 
ii. 458; E. D. c. oe 
Chota Nagpur; 
A large climbing Aoi: 
780. Compretum ExTENsuM Roxb.; F. 
Chota Nagpur; Chittagong. 
A large shinning shrub, Vernac. Cou-lata. 

B. I. 

L. ii. 229; F. B. Li. 458. 

328. Quisqualis Linn. 

Lar ge, scandent or subscandent shrubs; leaves opposite, 
or obovate, entire. Flowers in short axillary or terminal spikes, 

Carpel solitary, eee style filiform, subadnate to calyx A 
Pt . st ing ovules 3-4, pendulous from apex of ce 
Put 8 dry, .c iene 5-angled or 5-winged, 

Pe. Seed she cotyledons not conyolute. 

484 BENGAL PLANTS. (Qu is¢ 

781. QuisguaLIs inpIca Linn.; F. I. ii. 457; F. B. L ii : 
- Q. 88. 

In gardens everywhere. 
A large climbing shrub. 

329. Lumnitzera Willd. 

Littoral shrubs or small trees: ; leaves clustered towards ends of 
branches, alternate, thickly coriaceous, narrow-obovate, subsessile, 
entire or subcrenate. Flowers small, in axillary or terminal 
racemes ; bracteoles 2, adnate to base of calyx. Sepals 5, connate 
in an oblong calyx-tube, produced beyond ovary; lobes of limb 
persistent. Petals 5, oblong. Stamens 2-seriate, 10, or occasio 
ally those of one series partly or wholly absent. Carpel solitary, 
inferior ; ovules 2-5, pendulous from apex of cell; style simple, 
subu inte: Fruit a woody, elliptic, oblong drupe, “longitudinal 

L. 576. Petaloma alternifolia Fr. I. ii. 372. 

A small tree 20-40 feet high. Beng. Kripa. 

330. Gyrocarpus Jacq. 

Petals ‘amens 47, inserted at base of calyx with as 
alternating gala glands; anthers oblong, small; dehiscen® 
je ary m3 and Sepals 4, one ina short 

Stigma sessile. Fruit a bony nut, atomnlel! by the = : 
spathulate inner calyx-lobes. Seed solitary ; cotyledons con 
83, Pe Se AMERICANUS ie G. Jacquini F. Li, 
F. B. I. ii. 461; E. D. a. 
Odi: ‘Ss. -W. Bengal, near - the 
A considerable tree ; perhaps me planted in our | 
Vernac, Zaitan. 



tally coriaceous’and gland-dotted ; stipules 0 or minute, fugacious. 
a Flowers regular, rarely slightly irregular, hermaphrodite or some- 

a ela “apni rarely subterminal, often 2-bracteolate. 
’ Disk lining the tube. Sepals connate in a superior or half- 
_ Superior calyx ; tin on ually 4-5-, sometimes many-fid or -partite, 
; Persistent or Recadhivus, valvate or imbricate, occasionally entire 
4 or closed in bud. Petals 4-5, rarely 6, or fewer ibe abortion, or 0, 
qual, or the outer slightly larger, usually h_ imbricate. 
numerous, several-seriate, evict definite pe 2- 

 Mehiscence longitudinal, lateral. Ovary h half-inferior or + sitet 
opps by the disk, 1-locular with 1 or more ovules, or 2-many- 
with numerous ovules; style terminal, rarely lateral, 

ate or bearded at the top; stigma simple; ovules campylo- 
Pous or anatrop axial placentas, rarely in 1-locular 

“gag on 2 parietal placentas. Fruit usually tipped by the calyx- 
co. » occasionally half-superior, loculicidally dehiscent above by 
i: Pee valves as there are cells, or dry, indehiscent, 1- seeded, or 
1. ehiscent, fleshy berry with cells many- -seeded or, by arrest, 
“Seeded. Seeds angled, cylindric, or compressed ; testa hard or 
lembranous, sometimes winged; albumen 0; embryo straight, 
“urved, or spirally twisted. 

Reg Bre oy ee OP og eee hy PORE ree 


: or a loculicidally 3-valved capsule ; leaves alternate, nerves 

ame mare; x rk peeling in spongy flakes ; individual flowers 
--Melale uca, 

me ipsa usually gland-dotted ; fruit berry-like : 486) 
: imb of calyx closed in bu : fi — sub eee ieied wre 
db Separated ehiiecae in seeds numerous.....-+++ 
b of calyx 4~5- ones or wea in bud, not aaa divided will 
in flower ; seeds f 


Ovules pendulous from the top of the locules .............. 
Ovules from the whole inner angle or from a somewhat promi 
septal placenta :— 
Embryo with small seed-leaves ise (Vidi. tad 
Embryo with large, fleshy seed-leaves ......c..sosssesseee Eugenia. 
“Leaves alternate, not gland-dotted :— ] Lips 
Stamens partly imperfect (without anthers) ; fruit ovoid or spherical, 
fleshy ; seeds man Careya. 
Stamens all perfect; fruit angular, fibrous ; seed ie: 


: 331. Melaleuca Linn. 6 

Trees or shrubs; Je lt te, rarely opposit , entire, lanceolate 
or linear, flat or subterete, 1-3- or many-nerved. Flowers spicate 
or capitate, the heads or spikes sessile in the axil of a floral leaf 

bracts deciduous. Sepals 5, connate in a subglobose calyx-tube 

m 1 ngi- : 
the petals; anthers versatile; cells parallel, with dehiscence. : 

Carpels 3, connate in an inferior ovary, enclosed in 

haped ; testa thin ; embryo straight. ab 
Metarzuca Leucapenpron Linn.; F. I. iii. 897; F. 

ii. 465; E. D. M. 340, 

C. Bengal, in parks and gardens. 
A tall tree. Vernac. Cajaputi. 

332. Psidium Linn. ort 

Trees or shrubs; leaves opposite, entire, not dotted. — 

large, white > peduncles solitary or few-flowered, axillary. eee 

4 or 5, quite connate in bud in an urceolate or obovate a 
limb Separating valvately in flower. Petals 4 or 5, free. Stamens 

: a i oe 0 
many, inserted in several series on a wide disk; anthers 

» connate in an ovary with as many chambers ; ovules ae 
cell numerous ; style filiform, often thickish ; stigma aa 
capitate. Fruit a globose, ovoid, or pyriform berry, crow” al 
the calyx-limb or not. Seeds many or few, subre z 
hard; embryo curved, horseshoe-shaped or subspiral. 




785. Pstorum Guyava Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 468; E. D. P. 1848. 
P. pyriferum F. I. ii. 480. P. pomiferwm F. I. ii. 480. 
Naturalised and planted in all the provinces. 
A small tree. Hind. Amrud; Beng. Piyar. The Guava. 

333. Pimenta Lindl. 

Fragrant trees ; leaves large, coriaceous, dotted, opposite, penni- 
nerved. Flowers small, in many-flowered 3-chotomous cymes, in 
the upper axils. Sepals 4 or 5, connate in a small turbinate or 
campanulate tube, little if at all produced beyond the ovary; 

7 lobes of limb spreading, persistent. Petals 4 or 5, spreading. 

Stamens many, in several series, free ; filaments filiform ; anthers 
short, versatile, dehiscence longitudinal. Carpels 2, connate in @ 
ovary ; ovules 1-4 in each cell, pendulous from near the 
top of the inner angle ; style filiform ; stigma small or subcapitate. 
Fruit a small berry crowned by the calyx-limb. Seeds few, 
; testa membranous oF hard; embryo 
more or less spiral, with a very long radicle and short cotyledons. 
86, Prwenta orricinatis Berg. P. acris F. B. I. ii. 462, 
Occasionally planted in native gardens, especially in the 
eastern provinces. 
A fragrant tree. The Allspice or Pimenta. 

334. Myrtus Linn. 
Shrubs, rarely trees; leaves opposite, penninerved, usually 
small, Flowers on axillary, generally slender peduncles, solitary 
ot eymosely 3-7, less often numerous, the central with a short 

i imbricate or open. Petals 4 or 5, spreading. 
Giien series; filaments free, filiform or flattened ; anthers 
ie ile or basifixed; dehiscence longitudinal. Carpe 2-3, 
fr Y 4, connate in an ovary with as many perfect or partial cells, 
on tue septa not always reaching the axis; placentas sometimes 
ene, sometimes 2-lamellate, with many ovules irregularly or 
lag Y arranged on the axis; style filiform ; stigma small, 
limb, ae Fruit a berry, usually crowned by the calyx- 
wo naked. Seeds 1-2 perfect, less often many, 
shaped orm; testa hard or membranous; embryo 
“Ped; radicle very long, cotyledons small or minute. 


787. Myrtus communis Linn.; F. I. ii. 497; F. B. I. ii. 462; — 
it } 

In lisdinbas Bolias: Tirhut. 
A shrub. Vernac. Belati mehndi. Myrtle. 

335. Eugenia Linn. 

les or shrubs; glabrous or rarely pubescent; leaves opposite, — 
rarely alternate, coriaceous or membranous, penninerved. F lowers 
solitary, axillary, or in short racemes (axillary leafless branches), — 
or in dense terminal cymes, or in lateral or terminal 3-chotomous — 

versatile; dehiscence longitudinal. Carpels 2, rarely 3, connate = 
in a 2-, rarely 3-celled ovary ; se rate in each cell numerous; style 
filiforni ; stigma small. Fruit a drupaceous or dry and fibrous 
berry, crowned by the sahiho — os ca few, globose 
or variously compressed; testa branous or cartilaginous; 
embryo with a short, thick aie ¢ ool y GANS peer or free. a : 

*Calyx inside with a circular or ee oka, disk within or under the . 
stamens ; limb conspicuously 4-lobed, persistent ; flowers large, showy) 
fruits large, ovoid or ae nate; seeds bitpe, several, or if solitary with 

some abortive seeds ; endocarp thick, fleshy :—- 
Leaves ternate ; cis with 8-16 petals, all lakerat calyx-lobes i0- 
curved in fruit.. ail 
Leaves opposite; flowers with 4 petals 
Leaves wide-base dedi: ; oven all lateral; calys-lobes 

eer eeeeee 

incurved in fruit :— 
Flowers purplish-red ; fruit white formost 
Awa pas white ; fruit greenish-yellow 
rowed to the base, tapering into the petiole, or if ro 
not stem-clasping :— 
Flowers all lateral, red ; leaves tapering into petiole ; eh 
mhedtyed in fre SOS Sister arormis-< Bae oe malaccens'* 
Flowers tertatinak as swat as sr or terminal only :— 
+Calyx-lobes incurved in frui —[p. 489 

eee eeeeneeeernerer 


}Flowers sessile, in seal and @ bers compact cymes : 
aie or white; leaves rounded or subcordate at at base 3 
-(p. 489) macrocarp — 

Aa TEEE EO CES EE OES be eee Bldg ch bs Uh bbdee Lew bes cde serere 

tala. S 



{Flowers distinetly — :—[p. 488] 
Leaves rounded o ordate at base; flowers in ter- 
minal and sly cymes, Pees or white ; fruit pale- 
rose or aquea 
—e tering into pee’ flowers in << clusters 
only, 8 white ; fruit dull yellow Jambos 
sCalyslobe rie in fruit ; Psi: rather long- ee 

. aay calyx-limb u usually obsolete or truncate after flowering; fruits 
f . — oblong or pyriform ; seeds 1-2; endocarp often pulpy :— 

Owers in ye or cymes ; leaves, branchlets, and inflorescences 
slabrons :—[p. 4 
Calyx kaa: clavate ; petals free; flowers in axillary racemes 
Calyx short, oo petals (except in C. venusta) falling a 
3 in one piece ; flowers eymes :— 
Leaves bright- re, shining ; lateral nerves slender, close and 
parallel, or nearl 
Cymes lateral, on at the scars of fallen leaves :—- 
Bark of twigs brown; branchlets of inflorescence sae 
4-angled ; calyx subsessile; fruit the size of a ruticos 
Bark of twigs white; branchlets of inflorescence bluntly vi 
angled ; calyx-base narrowed and = a 
Leaves ovate or oblong :-— 
Fruits ovoid, as large as an jlive ones 
Fruits spherical, as large as a 
Jambolana var. he eta 

Leaves narrowly lanceolate ; fruit ovoid, half as large as a 
EEG nae sev LCS he conc EDs UNM EEE ERO EE O Heyneana. 


Cymes terminal and axillary, or terminal on ml ue 
Branchlets rounded, brown ; fruit as large as a cherry...oblata. 
Segment 4-angled, white; fruit the size of a pea; petals 

oon etovernnsceeesaers 

Leaves, dull-green, opaque; lateral main-nerves distant, with 
Teticulate, finer venation between ; cymes lateral :— 
Cymes compact; calyx with a pedicel-like, narrow base, and a 
cate limb ; fruit small, abe the size of a pea :— 
Si ovate or ovate-lanceolate .....+.-.cererssertteet* balsamea. 
Leaves narrowly lanceolate ........- balsamea var. angustifolia, 
Cymes laxly panicled ; pra — margin of limb obtusely 
lobed ; truit the size of a sloe 

490 BENGAL PLANTS. [Eugenia. 

Fruit globose ; leaves not decurrent on the petiole :— 
Leaves ovate operculata 
Leaves obovate operculata var. r. obovata, : 

Fruit ovoid ; leaves decurrent on the bc ei 

operculata var. Paniala. : 
§Flowers solitary or aage in leaf-axils ; leaves, pore and inflo- — 
. bracte 

rescences pubescent [p. 489] acteata. 
‘788, Evoexta poryperata Wall.; F. B. I. ii. 472. E, angustt 
folia F. I, ii. 490. i 

789. EvGenta Formosa Wall.; F. B. I. ii. 471; E. D. B. 409. 

A large tree. Beng. Phul-jamb. L 
790. EvGENIA amptextcauyis Roxb.; F. I. ii. 483; F. B.+ . 
ii. 471. 

A large tree. 

791. Eveenta manaccensts Linn.; F. I. ii. 483; F. B. Li. 471; 
. D. EB. 444, 

ark in E. and C. Bengal and in ae 
rub or small tree. Beng. Malacca jam 
792. duguts MacRocaRPA Roxb.; F. I. ii. 497; F. “B. 1. ii, 474 
Chittagon | 
small ue Beng. Chalta- enna ae 
793. lees aque Burm. ; F. I. ii. 492; F. B. I. ii. 473; B D. 
E. 396. | 

medium-sized tree. Beng. Jambo. 
: na, — Linn. ; F. I. ii. 494; F. B. 1. it 
E. D. E ; 
N. aiid a rok cultivated ; perhaps wild in the Duar 



795. EuGENta Lancemrouta Roxb.; F. I. ii. 494. B. Wallichii 
var. lanceefolia F. B. I. ii. 475. 

A medium-sized tree. Beng. Poora-jamb. 

796. EvGENta cLavirtora Roxb.; F. I. ii. 488; F. B. l ii, 484 5 
+; 407. 

A tree. Vernac. Lamba- agile ause 

Eugenia.) MYRTACEH. 491 

197, EuGenta Fruticosa Roxb.; F. I. ii. 487; F. B. I. ii, 499. 
engal; Chittagong. 
* small lide: Vernac. Ban-jamb. * 
798. aah . Lamk ; F. I. ii. 484; F. B. I. ii. 499; 
E. D.E 

Saas; in ae the provinces ; sometimes semi- -wild. 
A medium-sized tree. Hind. Jaman; Beng. Kala- jamb, 
_ jamb; Kol. and Santal. Kudo; gifs ya Jamo, jamkuli. 
798/2, Var. caryopHyLuirotia F. B. I. ii. 499; E. D. EB. 428. 
E. caryophyllifolia F, I. ii. 486. 
Orissa ; Chota Nagpur. 
A medium-sized tree. Vernac. Chota jamb. 
799. Eugenia Heyneana Wall.; F.B. I. ii. 500; E. D. B. 416. 
Behar; Chota Na 
shrub in eatin and nullahs. Santal. and Kol. 
Gara kudo. 
_ 800, Evernta opnata Roxb.; F. I. ii. 493; F. B. I i. 492 ; 
|)  E.D. B. 450. 
ium-sized tree. Vernac, Gulam 
801. Evucenia venusta Roxb.; F. I. ii. 491; F. B. L. ii. 488, 
A small tree with drooping branches. 
802, EUGENIA BALSAMEA Wight; F. B. I. ii. 499. 
N. Ben ngal. 
A small tree. 
802/2. Var. ancustiroxra F. B. I. ii. 499. 
oTape ed 
A smal 
803. ten ot opercunata Roxb.; F. I. ii. 486; F. B. I. ii, 498 ; 
E. D. B. 453. 
N. Bengal; E. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
A lips tee tree. Sieg Sn ti-jamb ; Hind. Rai-jamb ; Kol. 

803/2. Var. opovara F. B, I. ii. 498; E. D. EB. 458. 
A large tree. . 
803/3. Var. Pantana F. B. L ii. 498. 2. Paniala F. I. ii. 489; 
E. D. B. 460. 

A — tree. Beng, Paniala jamb. 


804, ‘Bowne BRACTEATA Roxb.; F. I. ii. 490; F. B. 1. ii. 502. 
Oriss : 
A els Benq. Hidjli menadi. 

336. Careya Roxb. 

Small undershrubs or large trees; leaves alternate, crowded 
towards the ends of branches, membranous, — erenate- 
serrate, penninerved, not dotted, narrowed to the sessile se 
petioled ase. Flowers large, showy, in racemes or-in 

tube, hardly produced beyond ovary; lobes ovate, imbri 
Petals 4, imbricate. Stamens very many, many- -seriate, 
at their base; filaments filiform, the outermost and i 
sterile. Carpels 4-5, cacoiett in an inferior ovary with esl 
epigynous disk ; ovules many, in two rows in each cell on vertical 
axial pladentas ; ee long, simple; stigma filiform. Fruit 3 
large, globose, fibrous berry, crowned by the persistent caly™ 
lobes ; dissepiments subobsolete. Seeds many, ellipsoid, em 
in pulp; albumen 0; embryo large with obsolete pierre 
Undershrub with legis woody rootstock, the shoots Ces 
ing up after forest fi Be herb 
Tree 30-60 feet high 

805. CAREYA HERBACEA Roxb.; F, L. ii, 638; F. B. I. ii, 510 
DO, 680. 

N. Bengal. , 

An undershrub. Beng. Bhui dalim. = al 

806. CaREYA arBorEA Roxb.; F. I. ii. 638; F. B. I, i. 
«OC. 663: 

In all the provinces. : 

A tree. Hind. Kambi; Santal. Kambir; Kol. Asanda 

337. Barringtonia Forst. iE 

Trees; leaves alternate, crowded towards ends of branches 
entire or crenate-serrate, penninerved, not dotted. Flowers” 
elo ongated, terminal or area racemes or interrupted § 
bracts small, deciduous. Sepals connate in a calyx-tube, 

Barringtonia.} MELASTOMACEE. 493 

filaments filiform, long, all fertile. Carpels 2-4, connate in a 
-24-celled inferior ovary, crowned by the annular epigynous disk; 
ovules 2-8 in each cell, pendulous; style long, simple; stigma 
small. Fruit a fibrous berry, crowned by the persistent calyx- 
limb, globose or quadrangular, by abortion 1-seeded. Seed ovoid 
_ orellipsoid; albumen 0; embryo large; cotyledons subobsolete. 

Ee Calyx valvate ; fruit ovoid, when ripe slightly 4-angled towards base 

7 racemosa. 
_ Calyx slightly imbricate; fruit oblong, fusiform, markedly 4-angled 
throughout .acutangula. 

807. BarRincronia RAcEMOSA BL; F. I. ii. 684; F. B. I. ii, 5075 
E. D. B. 193. 
A medium-sized tree. Beng. Samundra. . 
808. Barrineronta acuranGuLa Gaertn. ; F. L. ii. 635; F. B. I. 
ii, 508; E. D. B. 180 
In all the provinces. : 
A small tree. Hind. Hidjal; Beng. Hidjal; Uriya 
Kinjol, hidjara. 


‘orlaceous extra-staminal corona. Sepals connate as a calyx with 
~ united by vertical walls to the ovary, sometimes nearly free; 
me usually 4-5., sometimes 8- or 6-lobed, occasionally truncate, 
Ry deciduous as a cap. Petals as many as lobes of calyx, 
Plaats Margin of tube, contorted. Stamens 1-seriate, as 
_ Many as or more than, often twice as many as petals ; filament 
ie inwards in bud, inserted with petals, often alternately shorter 
, und longer, sometimes alternately perfect and rudimentary ; 
ean 2locular, basifixed; connective often appendaged near the 
base by bristles or tubercles or a spur ; dehiscence usually ter- 
: hy Porous, rarely by short, longitudinal, introrse slits. Ovary 
_ ~ Farely 3- or 6-locular, very rarely 1-locular ; style ag 

filiform, rarely short; stigma punctiform or truncate or capitate, 
sega or lobed; ovules many, anatropous on axial or less often — 

parietal placentas, rarely few on a free, central placenta. Fruit 
ae in the calyx-tube, capsular, dehiscent irregularly or by 
slits or valves at the top of its cells, or an indehiscent berry. 
Seeds minute, usually very many, rarely solitary; albumen 
embryo with short, very rarely with long, convolute cotyledons. 
Leaves 3- or more-nerved from base; ovary 4-5-celled; placentas 
koa from axis; ovules and seeds very many ; fruit more or 

Petals re seeds = through half a circle, minutely page= 
Mtaniens al alike cc 35.6 aiatianian. chee 
Stamens very unequal... ......i.0...00.000ccests00syhouees meee 

Petals 3 ; ‘aks on. oblong or wedge- saksiuil often engl 

saat Binosiely nerved ; ovary 1-celled, plecenian free, cnt ov 
; Seeds solitary; fruit a berry ..... .-++-Memecy 

338. Osbeckia Linn. 

Herbs or shrubs, usually erect ; branches generally . angel : 
leaves opposite or occasionally ternate, entire, subcoriaceous, 
nerved. Flowers terminal, solitary, capitate OF panicled, P 
or white ; bracts usually conspicuous. Sepals 5 or 4, conte 
an ovoid tube, beset with stellate hairs or pectinate te scales; 
‘pubescent, with usually stellate, rarely simple hairs cant 
4. Stamens 10 or 8, equal or subequal; anthers oblong, ; 
or attenuate or beaked; connective not produced at pi erior, 
slightly swollen or 2-tuberculate. Carpels connate in aie 
5- or 4-celled ovary, more or less adnate to calyx-tube; © 
numerous, on placentas radiating from the axis ; style long: § 8 
Fruit a capsule opening at its free apex by 5 or 4 pores 
many, curved, minutely tuberculate. 

*Perianth normally 4-merous :—{p. ae 
Anthers not beaked ; annual herbs : truncate 
Capsule oblong, distinctly g-ribbed : plant 4-16 in. high -- 
Capsule ovoid, very faintly ribbed ; plant 2 in. al ae Kuri . 

Anthers pean ea! 

tFlowers small ; caly-tube tainpandlate’ a herb with ¢ as 
branches [p. 495] .. pelo es ere 

mt.) MELASTOMACE. 495 

+Flowers large, showy ; calyx-tube urceolate, in fruit produced beyond 

apex of ovary into a tubular neck ; shrubs :—[p. 494 
Branches many, spreading, densely clothed with short, adpressed, 
rigid hairs; neck of calyx half as long as fruiting ovary...stellata. 
Branches none or few, virgate, glabrous of with few scattered, 
spreading hairs; neck of calyx as long as fruiting ovary oF longer 

pwards but not beaked ; 
of which 5 are 

z *Perianth always 5-merous ; anthers narrowed U 
-calyx-tube campanulate with large, flat, pectinate scales, 

alternate with the broad-lanceolate calyx-teeth; ® shrub [p. 494] 

809, Ospeckra rRUNcATA Don; F. B. I. ii. 514. 
hota Nagpur; E. Bengal. ; 
A herb, 4—16 in. high. 
809/2. Var. Kurzu F. B, I. ii. 514. 
Chota Nagpur, Parasnath. 
oe herb, 2 in, high. 
; Be Ceeycura camensis Linn. ; Fels O04 Be I, ii. 515. 
Nagpur; N. and E. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
as A herb, 2 feet high. : 
$11. Ospeckra srectara Wall.; F. 
crinita F. I, ii. 402. 
A shrub, 4-6 feet high. 
812. Ospeckra rosTRATA Don; F. B. L ii. 
chella F. 1. ii. 403. 

Bi: dacik BID Melastoma 

517. Melastoma pul- 

and E. Bengal. 
a8 A slender erect shrub, 4-8 feet high. 
. OSBECKIA NEPALENSIS Hook. ; F. Lil. 521. 
N. Bengal, Duars; E. Bengal, Mymensingh. 
A rather rigid shrub. ‘ 
339. Melastoma Linn. 
petioled, oblong oF 
inal, showy; solitary 
5, connate in an 
of limb deciduous. Petals usually 5 
ive produced at base to 

ae purple anthers and with connee 
“natn two lobes, and alternately shorter with yellow anthers, the 



placentas; style filiform, simple. Fruit an irregularly dehison 

coriaceous, or soft, berry- like capsule. Seeds minute, numerous, 

curved; minutely punctate. 

814. MeLasroma MALABATHRICUM Linn.; F. I. ii. 405; F. B. I 
ii. 523; E. D. M. 359. 

In all the provinces except C. Bengal and Sundribuns. 

A spreading shrub, 5-6 feet high. 

340. Sonerila Roxb. : 

Herbs, rarely shrubby below; leaves membranous or somewhat 4 
fleshy, opposite, those of a pair similar in shape but often different 4 
in size or of different shapes and then as if alternate, usually some 
what oblique, 3-7-nerved from the base or near it, r 

’ be 
or campanulate babes ly or teeth small. Petals 3, ovate 
al it 

815. SoneRma TENERA A Rope F. B. 1. i 
Chota Nagpur 
A herb, 
341. Memecylon Linn. 
Glabrous shrubs or trees; leaves oe short- -petioled ° ae 
sessile, coriaceous, orbicular-ovate or lanceolate, entire, 

als 4, connate in a campanulate, glabr 
dilated, truncate or shortly lobed. Petals 4, blue ° 
white, rarely reddish. Stamens 8, equal; filaments long; 

- Memecylon.} LYTHRACE. 497 

bychinks. Carpels 4, connate in an inferior 1-celled ovary, with 
glabrous apex capped by a convex or depressed disk with 8 
- nadiating groo 

; ledons convolute, 

_ Pranchlets rounded or only faintly A-angled ..s.c.scseesenesseeeesees® eee 
_ Branchlets distinctly 4-angled or almost 4-winged ..,-. ys Dauciflorun. 

816. Memecyton EpuLE Roxb,; F. I. ii, 260; F, B, 1. it 563 ; 
» D, M. 489. 
A shrub or small tree. 
817, Memecynon paucrriorum BI,; F, B, I, ii. 555, 
A small tree, 


t terete, OF 
sorption of septa l-celled. Seeds numerous, me nae eal? fat, 
winged; albumen 0; embryo straight; cotyledons 
Sometimes conyolute. 

Calyx thin, membranous; low herbs.with very o flow j 
Herbs in muddy soil ; stems not submerged [p- 498 sree 32 

498 '_ BENGAL PLANTS. [4 
+Herbs growing in water; submerged except flower-spike [p. 497) 

yi ‘yi 
*Calyx thickly herbaceous or coriaceous; trees or shrubs with ¢ 
Spicuous, often showy flowers :—[p. 
Flowers secund; ae sais calyx curved; leaves — 
neath ; calyx-tube free from o W 
Flowers symmetrical ; san ot Ty ane calyx straight; eaves 
not dotted :— 
Calyx-tube free ~ 2D — 
Stamens definite 
Stamens rere as many as lobes of calyx; petals 03 capsule 

2-celled, 2-valv: 
Stamens 8, twice as many as lobes of calyx; pial 45 4; -_ 
4-celled, — arsed a wees wsonia. 
Stamens numerou 
Fruit capsular; folds free, not imbedded in pulp :— ii 
tamens in one row; capsule 4-8-celled; seeds small, fa faintly 
evo csvnccodctecconnede pee eee 
Stamens in two or more rows; capsule 3-6-celled ; seeds large, 
with a broad wing troemia 
Fruit berry-like, 10-15-celled ; seeds imbedded i in pulp. 

Calyx-tube adnate to ovary ; stamens in several rows; fruit ei 
coriaceous pericarp ; seeds pulpy .. ee vo-Pu 

342, annia Lin ‘ 
Annual glabrous herbs of marshy a ; branches often 
angled; leaves opposite and alternate, sometimes whorled, 
stipules 0. Flowers small, often dimorphic, axillary, st 
solitary, or in terminal spikes, or in small axillary, 3-chotom in 
ges: pose under calyx usually 2. Sepals 3-0, connate #7 
a small, campanulate or subtubular calyx, often with min! 
teeth or folds between the lobes of limb. Petals 3-5, small, of 
sometimes obsolete, inserted on calyx-tube between the 
—— 2-6 or 8, inserted on the calyx-tube. Carpels 2-5, con wt 
a 2-5-celled, or by absorption of septa 1-celled 0 
partie i the calyx-tube; ovules numerous on axial : 
style filifo: orm, short or long ; ; stigma capitate. Frutt a globose * 
ellipsoid, membranous capsule, tty in the calyx, ite 
2-4 valves or dehiscing irregularly or transversely. 
small, ellipsoid or nearly hemispheric, with rounded inc : 
Taphe on somewhat flattened i inner face. 

- Anmannia,) LYTHRACEA. 499 

E raaiaag in close-set spikes, or axillary solitary; eapsule regularly 2~-4- 
‘Galyzin fruit campanulate, aa longer than broad :— 
Flowers in close-set terminal spikes :— 
esti 4-valved, not very ihe longer than — leaves or- 
bolic otundifolia 
Capen 2-yalved, much longer than broad ; leaves als or aio 

‘ioe axillary, solitary; capsule 2-valved, much longer fia 
oad : 

Cauline leaves elliptic, prominently nerved beneath ; floral leaves 
~ Smaller, usually approximated on axillary subspicate br anchlets 

Cauline leaves linear ; flowers axillary, solitary, not at all polite 
ee ete herb dentelloides. 
qs in fruit hemispheric, ru as broad as or broader than long ; 
| flowers a solitary axillar 
| as _— ea capsule val flowers sessile; a very minute 

Leaves | elas oblong or elliptic ; capsule 3-valved :— 

Owers ibedemtiy pedicelled, distant below, approximated above ; 
leaves narrow] oblong; a minute herb ........+eee++ simpliciuscula. 
Ponies sessile ; not at all spicate :— 

Leaves elliptic- ered ; stamens alwa: 

Cauline leaves 1 i n. long, much ike than floral; stems 
usually ae Sma opposite, pian axillary flower- 
Dearing branches............sssessessssevoeseennerdearesstees err tandra. 

Cauline malas “25 in. long, vgs excening flor: 
andra var. aie 
Leayes narrowly oblong, soa = base; stamens some- 
Flow times 6; petals often fimbriate .....-.:- pentandra var. fonbriata. 
wen axillary cymes or clusters ; oe bursting irregularly :— 

cay ves tapering to the base, usually more or less distinctly petioled ; 
St elobooe; leaves lanceolate.. a 
“Cal ote ounded, cordate, or paturieulate jase. — 
alyx in fruit smooth ; capsule globose —[p. 500 

hog sessile, clusters many-flowered; leaves lanceolate, 
ded at base; capsule not covered by | ye toett 
'wers pedicelled, clusters few-(2-5-)flowered 5 y mares 

oblong, cordate at base; capsule = os she cordata, 


+Flowers in peduncled cymes; leaves elongated, oblong, sub- 
auricled at base ; capsule not covered by calyx-teeth : a : 
Capsule much exceeding calyx-tube, *1 in. tng pe i , 
Capsule hardly exceeding calyx-tube, -05 in. long. — 7 
*Calyx in fruit 4-angled and distinotly 8-ribbed; capsule e rai 
flowers in scddnaiad cymes ; leaves elongated, oblong, —— 
at base [p. 499} : 

818, Siem ROTUNDIFOLIA Ham.; F, I. ii. 425; F. : 

es all the provinces. 
A commo : weed in rice-fields and by sides of ditches. 
819, AMMANNIA TENUIS Clarke; F. B. I. ii. 567. 
ehar ; in wet places. 
A weed, much less common than preceding. Acai 
820. AMMANNIA PEPLOIDES Spreng.; F. B. I. ii. 566. 
F. I. ii. 427, 
In all the provinces. 
A common weed in rice-fields and beside ditches. 
821. AMMANNIA DENTELLOIDES Kurz; F. B. I. ii. 568. 
Behar, on Parasnath ; N. Bengal, common. 
ygmy weedlet, on wet roadway s, Ke. 
822. AMMANNIA pyemma Kurz; F. B. I, ii. 568 
In all the provinces, 
Pygmy weedlet, on wet roadways, Kc. 
823, AMMANNIA srmpLicruscuLa Kurz; F. B. I. ii. 568. 
A pygmy weed, on borders of rice-fields. a 568 
824. AMMANNIA PENTANDRA Roxb. ; F. I. ii. 425; F. B. 
In all the provinces. 
A eelniten weed of rice-fields, roadside “ditches, and other 7 
moist spots, . 
Var. ILLECEBRorDEs F. B. I. ii. 569. 
eine agpur; Orissa 
A rice-field weed. 
Var. rivpriata F. B, I. ii, 569. 


S : he 958. 
825. AmMANNtAa Bacctvera Linn.; F. B. I. ii. 569; E. D. 
A, vesicatoria F, I. i, 426. : 

In all the provinces. 

A common weed of all wet — Vernac, Dad 

— Woodfordia.} LYTHRACEAE. 501 

826. Asnrannra sattorroutA Monti; F. B. I. : 569. 
Behar; C, and E. Bengal; Sundribun 
A weed of wet places, less ape than the preceding. 
wia conpata W. & A.; F. B. I. ii. 570. 
E. Bengal, 
A weed of wet places, very rare in our area 
828, oot SENEGALENSIS Lamk; F, B. I. ii, 570; E. D. 
A. 960. 

Tirhut; N. Bengal, Purnea. 
A weed of wet places. Vernac. Dad mari. 

829. Aarwannta MULTIFLORA Roxb, ; F. I. i. 426; F. B. I. ii. 570. 
In all the provinces, 
A weed of wet places. 

830. Asmannza ocrannRa Linn, f.; F. 1. i. 425; F. B. I. ii. 571, 
A weed of rice-fields. 

343. Hydrolythrum Hook. f. 

A glabrous, aquatic herb; lower submerged leaves pierre: 
, inear; spikes rising above the water with oblon g, bracteifo 
its Flowers small, a subsessile, in axils 0 bract-like 

Accessory teeth, Petals 4, inserted between the calyx-lobes. 
Stamens 4, inserted on calyx-tube, with 4 hypogynous, 2-fid scales 
Within them, Carpels 2, connate in a free, 2-celled ovary at the 
ase of the calyx-tube; : ovules few, on axial placentas; style 
“mnple; stigma capitate. Fruit a sore globose, 2-celled capsule, 
eeds 3-4 in each cell, ovoid, conca 
831. Hypronyrarum WaLLicHtt Hook f.; F. B. I. ii, 572. 
N. Bengal, Duars, in ditch 
A water-weed, submerged cn the flower-spikes. 

344, Woodfordia Salisb. 
A shrub ; leaves opposite, subsessile, entire, lanceolate, soa 

beneath with black, glandular dots. Flowers searlet, in weap 
puniculate cym, ymes on axillary pedunated, rarely solitary a a2 
sa base of pedicels. Sepals 6, connate in a long, tubular, i akin 

*ved calyx; limb oblique; lobes short, with 6 accessory, mun 

502 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Woodfi 

teeth between the lobes. Petals — 6, inserted at mouth of 
calyx-tube, sometimes she olete, Stamens 12, declinate, inserted 
below the middle of the calyx-tube. Gateas 2, connate in a free, 
sessile, oblong, 2-celled ovary at the base of the calya- taken ovules 
numerous on axial placentas; style filiform ; stigma s rut 
an ellipsoid, membranous capsule, included in the wee Seeds 
aoeivanhing narrowly cuneate, obovate, smooth. 

. Wooprorp1a FLORIBUNDA Salisb.; F. B. I. ii, 572; E. D. 
W. 106. Grislea tomentosa F. I. ii. 233. 

aes, Chota Nagpur; N. Bengal. : ‘ 
A shrub with long, spreading — ches and red flowers. 
Vernac. Dhas, dhani; Kol. and Santal. Icha, ichak’, 

345. Lawsonia Linn. 
A glabrous erect shrub, with terete, sometimes spinoas branches 
leaves opposite, entire, lanceolate. Flowers rather small, in large, 
terminal, panicled cymes; bracts small, deciduous. Sepals 4 
ovate, very shortly connate below. Petals 4, obovate, wrinkled, 
inserted on the short calyx-tube. fae usually 8, inserted in 
pairs between the petals, occasionally not paired, sometimes onl, : 
4. Carpels 4, connate in a completely or partially 4- celled, free 
ovary ; ovules numerous on axial placentas; style long; ip 
capitate. F'rwit a coriaceous, globose, irregularly d 
ultimately 1-celled capsule. Seeds numerous, angular, pyramidal 
smooth, close-set on a central placenta. 
833. LAawsoNIA ALBA Lamk ; F, B..-I.. ii... 578; B.D 12 
L. inermis FT. ii, 258. 
Planted, pee ay in hedges, and chiefly in the wensteee 
" A shrub or small tree. Mehndi, Henna, or Indian Prvet 

346. Crypteronia Bl. 
Trees; leaves opposite, entire, ovate or lanceolate, petioled. 
Flowers minute, white or green, polygamo-dicecious, 1 
with long, slender racemes; bracts at base of pode 
minute. Sepals 5, rarely 4, connate in a small, saucer 
a eubhemispheric tube; lobes persistent, valvate. cils ae 
Stamens 5 or 4, inserted between the calyx-teeth. Carpels yd 
connate in a free, globose, 2-celled ovary; ovules numerous, : 
axial placentas ; style long, stigma sub-2-fid. Fruit a gi” 


Lagerstreemia. | LYTHRACEA. 503 
- Yeelled capsule, tipped by the persistent style, opening at the top 
across the septum so as to split the style; pedicel in fruit deflexed. 
Seeds many, ellipsoid ; testa produced at each end. 

RYPTERONIA PANICULATA Bl. C. glabra F. B. I. ii. 574, 
A tall, erect tree. 

347. Lagerstreemia Linn. 
4 Trees or shrubs ; leaves hse distichous, or the uppermost 
2 alternate, entire, pune or ovate. Flowers showy, often large, in 
d ter 

tube, with distinct be wrinkled, and with sepa erose, Or 
4 fimbriate margins. 2ens numerous, inserted n base of 
a ealyx-tube; filaments vii exserted. Carpels 3-6, ae in a 

and as many valves. Seeds numerous, viel caieae 
erect, winged from their apex. 

Calyx-tube smooth, rounded, glabro 

Leaves Sarees eneath ; flowers ATE -5 in. across; trees: 
Leaves 2-3-5 in. long ; capsule 1 in. long or JeSS .+.seseeeee 
aces 4-5 in, long; capsule 1°5 in. long or mo 
sar diatd var, majuscula. 

Leaves green beneath; flowers 1:5 in. across or larger; ® shrub- 

pare arvifior al. 

Calyx-tube 12-14. en vad eroored, covered with a harsh grey pate 
fence ; flowers 2:5 in. across; tree: 
Leaves long, Seeaclate: not vitted al little reticulated above 
Flos- Regine. 
het broad, elliptic, obtuse or short cuspidate; distinetly pitted in 
€ recesses between the pronounced reticulations above-- -macrocarpa- 

885. Lagersrramra parvirtora Roxb.; F. 1. ii. 5095 F. B. 1, 

ii. 575 5B) : 
W. Bengal ; aaebiees Orissa, 

504 BENGAL PLANTS, [Lagerstremia, 
A tree, 60 feet high, were Sida ; Uriya Salora ; Santal. : 
Sekrek ; Hind. Bakli, s 
8385/2. Var. MAJUSCULA F. B, si ii. is 
Chota Nagpur ; §. Behar. : 
A tree, 60 feet high, Kol. secre par 1. Sekrek. ; 
836. Lacersrramra mptoa Linn.; F. I. ii. 505; F. B. I. ii. 515; 
»D. L, 52. 
Planted in gardens in all the pro 
A showy shrub. Vernac. Farashy! Télings: china. 
837. Lacerstremra FLos- a Retz; F. B, I. ii. 577; ED. 
L, 42. L. Regine F. I. ii, 505. ; 
Chota Nagpur ; Chittagong ; ; often also elsewhere eee: 
A showy tree, Vernac. J arool; Kol. and Santal. Se 
888. Lacersrrama MAcROCARPA Wall 
A large tree, 

348. Duabanga Ham. : 

Large trees with droo oping, 4-angled branches; leaves round : 
'distichous, ian short-petioled, acute, Sagas & 
cordate base. Flow 

long, curved; stigma capitate, 4—8-lobed. Fruit a ne . 
ess perfectly 4-8-celled capsule, sea aa 
the Spreading leathery calyx; valves 4-8, Seeds beige 
i » ellipsoid ; testa produced ie both ends into 

839, DUABANGA SONNERATIOIDES Ham. ; F. B. 1. ii, 579. Lag 
stremia grandiflora F, I. ii. 5 
Bengal, Duars; Chittagon hua. 
Ais very tall tree. Beng. Basdaihoullis Magh. Baie 

349. Sonneratia Linn. f. eh 
Glabrous, littoral trees : ; leaves opposite, petioled, “i 
entire. Flowers large, so solitary axillary, or in threes at en® 

Punied.} LYTHRACES. 505 

- branches; bracts 0. Sepals 4-8, thickly jeatheéry, connate below 
ina widely campanulate calyx ; lobes lanceolate, valvate. Petals 
£8, linear-oblong, or 0. Stamens numerous, inserted in a circular 
band on the calyx-tube. Carpels many, connate in a many-celled 
ovary, only adnate at its base to the calyx-tube; ovules many, 
ascending, on axial placentas ; style long; stigma capitate. Fruit a 
subglobose, 10-15-celled berry, supported by the persistent calyx. 
Seeds very many, small, angular, curved ; cotyledons convolute. 
Leaves narrow-oblong; calyx 4-lobed ; petals 0; stigma very large, 
MO SO soc. ees ccc sles vee rlew eve dodutcnsebvcousses ts elwahnie apetala. 
Leaves oblong or oboyate-elliptic; calyx 6-lobed ; petals 6 ; stigma capi- 
tate, not very large acida. 

840, SonneRaTIA APeTALA Ham.; F. I. ii. 506; F. B. 1. ii. 579; 
E. D. 8. 2369. 
A tree 40 feet high. Beng. Keora. 
841. Sonneratia actpa Linn. f.; F. I. ii. 506; F. B. Lit. 579; 
E. D. 8. 2362. 


A small tree 15 feet high. Beng. Ora. 

350. Punica Linn. 

angular ; 

ro thinly pulpy outer coat; cotyledons convolute. 

842. Puntca Granatum Linn.; F. I. ii. 499; F. 8B. L. ii. 581; 
E. D. P. 1496. 
In gardens, in the western and northern provinces 
A shrub. Hind. Anar, darim; Beng. and Uriya Dalim. 
The Pomegranate. 



pas or perennial herbs, sometimes aquatic, rarely shrubs. 
Leave opposite or alternate, entire or toothed, rarely (in some 

Flowers hermaphrodite, regular or slightly irregular, 

Petals 2-5, alternate with lobes of calyx, rarely 0. Stamens 1-4, 
rarely 5, 6, or 12, 1-2-seriately attached along with petals to the 
disk, sometimes one series imperfect; filaments filiform, some 
times declinate ; ; anthers dorsifixe d; dehiscence longitudinal, q 
introrse. Ovary inferior, rarely half-inferior, 1-6-locular, ; 
usually 4-locular, or 1-locular from absorption of septa; style 
filiform, entire; stigma capitate, entire or 4-lobed or ee 
ovules ae anatropous, solitary, or numerous 1-seriate, 
numerous many-seriate. Fruit dehiscent capsular, either sep! 
sideil & or loculicidally 4-valved with persistent axis, or r indehiseent 
nutlike, or a berry. Seeds many, few, or solitary, usually small 
albumen 0 or very scanty ; embryo usually obovoid. 

Seeds numerous; plants growing in swamps :— a 
Stamens twice as many as lobes of calyx .. een cele 
Stamens equal in number to lobes of calyx 

Seed solitary ; an aquatic, with spongy leiaiova.¢ on n the Teaf- oe 

351. Jussiea Linn. 

Herbs or undershrubs, marsh or aquatic ; leaves alternate, : 
usually entire. Flowers axillary, solitary, yellow or Ciel 
teoles usually 2 at apex of ee Sepals gt connate 1 & 

persistent. Petals 4-6, epigynous. Stamens 8, 10, 
epigynous. Carpels 4-6, connate in an inferior 4~6-cé 

ovules many, several-seriate on vertical axial placentas 
simple, usually short, stigma 4-6-lobed. Fruit a linear, ane 
angled, 4~6-celled, and 8-12-ribbed capsule ; dehiscence 5°? 
the ribs persistent, or irregular between the ribs. Seeds n numerous 
- testa hard or spongy ; cotyledons obtuse. 

Leaves obovate or oblanceolate, obtuse ; petals 5 (rarely 6), white ; _ 

eeeeweeeess eee res 
sa bintaasy «Sioa heedsenys bees see ramet Ta eae 

in ee 
Leaves lanceolate, acute ; petals 4 , yellow ; stems erect ...-+- Te 

$43. Jussrma REPENS Linn. ; F. I. ii. 401; F. B. I, ii. 587. 
In all the provinces. : 
A herb, creeping in mud on margins of tanks and floating 
n the surface of the water. Beng. Kesara- -dam 
844, as surrruticosa Linn. ; F. B. I. ii. 5875 E. D. J, 114. 
J. exaltata F. I. ii. 401. 
A herb or undershrub, in moist places. Beng. Lal ban- 
langa; Santal. Dak ichak’. 

352. iadwige Linn. 

Placentas; style simple; rae capitis Fr wit a linear or 
oblong, 4-5-celled capsule, opening by termin al pores oF rupturing 
uregularly along the sides. Seeds many, obovoid, smooth. 
Capsule inflated, agin aes in many rows in each cell, not distin- 
BUishable through its walls .........s.-ce-cseerecennteeerteee parviflora. 
Capsule. not inflated, esas seeds in one row in each am rile 
themselves prominently through its walls -..+-::s1rren ostratd. 
845. Lupwicta parvirtora Roxb.; F. I. 1.419; F. B. I. ii, 588. 
W. Bengal; Behar; Chota Nagpur: 
An erect herb, in rice-fields. si 
846. Lupwiera prosrrata Roxb.; F. 1-1. 420; F. B. I. ii, 588. 
N. and E gal. 
A owl or xndtiedaes herb, in rice-fields. 

353. Trapa Linn. 
Aquatic, floatin hie rent 
’ g herbs; leaves dimorp™?, eel 
tootlike, pinnatipartite ; floating rosulate, omboid, the pe 

& spongy swelling near its apex. . axillary, solitary, 
a led. Sepals 4, connate in a short tut 
the ovary ; lobes persistent, 2 or all beeo 


COVER CCH Sees eeeees 

847. Trapa BIsprnoga Roxb. ; F. I. i. 428; F. B. I. ii. 590; # : 
T, ’ 
In all the provinces. ee 
A floating aquatic. Beng. Singhara; P ani-ph : 
847/2. Var. incisa F. B. I, ii. 590 

A floating aquatic. 

Trees or shrubs, Leaves alternate, often distichous, au 
entire or slightly serrate, often linear-punctulate beneath ; . ju © 
small, deciduous. Flowers regular, usually hermaphrodi ’ ie 
axillary, short-pedicelled, fascicled, or less often in pene e 

panicles. Disk perigynous or hypogynous, annular, cup rt, free 
glandular. Sepals connate in a persistent calyx, with a ee af 
tube, or a longer tube adnate to ovary ; limb 3-7-fid, lobes am 

cate or valvate. Petals as many as calyx-lobes, mie : 


or oblong; dehiscence longitudinal, either introrse pee 4 
Ovary free or half-superior, l-locular; style single wit ioe 
capitate or 3-fid, or rarely styles 8; ovules many or few : 

ds few or many, oblong or angular; albumen fleshy; em) 
axial, but shorter than the albumen. 

Homaliun.] SAMYDACE#. 509 

_ Petals absent ; flowers in axillary fa scicles Casearia. 
present ; flowers in axillary and terminal racemes.....- Homalium. 

354. Casearia Jacq. 
Shrubs or small trees; leaves simple, alternate, distichous, 
ntire or slightly serrate, minutely linear- -punctate 

q ous, sometimes very short, tube ; filaments free above 
_ with alternating staminodes. Carpels 3, or sometimes 2, connate 
_ ina free, ovoid, 1-celled ovary; ovules many, placentas parietal ; 
_ ttyle simple; stigma capitate or 3-fid. Fruit succulent, globose 
or ovoid or ellipsoid, smooth or 3-angled or 6- ribbed, opening by 3, 
rately 2, valves. Seeds many, angular or obovoid, with a fleshy 
willus; embryo straight. 

Adult leaves and petioles glabrous beneath . --graveolens. 
orp leaves, at least on the midrib and petites more or cesienin pubescent 

iio oblong, closely serrate, softly hairy beneath: .<ccdeeq-4 4 Vareca. 
Leaves elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, crenate, pubescent, or a 
exeept midrib and petiole, beneath .....----ssseseerseseeenett’ ventosa 
$48. Caszarra GRAVEOLENS Dalz.; F B. I. ii. 592; E. D. ©. 722. 
Behar ; Chota Nagpur 
A shrub or small tree. 2 ewe: Chilla, pimpri; Kol. Rari; 
Santal. Neu 
849. Casearra sated Roxb.; F. I. ii. 418; F. B. 1. ii. 593. 
si ota Chittagong. 
A shrub. 
850, Caszarta tomentosa Roxb.; F. I. ii. 421; F. B. I. ii. 598; 
E. D.C. 725. 
In all the provinces. 
A shrub 2 small tree. Hindi Chilla, baira; Kol. Roré; 
Santal. Chorcho ; Uriya Girari. 

355. Homalium Jacq- : 
Shrubs or trees; leaves simple, alternate, entire or tc 
Pioled or sessile, rarely punctulate. Flowers small, pubescen. 

510 BENGAL PLANTS. [Homalium, 

in slender axillary and subterminal racemes or panicles; bracts ab 
base of pedicels often prominent, caducous. Sepals 5-7, connate — 
in a funnel-shaped calyx-tube, adnate to base of ovary; lobes 
narrow, persistent. Petals 4-8, inserted in the throat of the 

2-5, connate in a half-superior, 1-celled ovary ; ovules several or — 
many; placentas parietal, confined to the portion of ovary beyond 
the calyx; styles 2-5, filiform; stigmas capitellate. Fruit & 
coriaceous, half-superior capsule, opening at the top by 2-5 valves 
Seeds few, angular or oblong. 
1. Homarrom Scaticum Kurz; F. B. I. ii. 597. 
A tree. 


ens 5, in : 
calyx-tube, rarely hypogynous; filaments free; anthers oblong; 

356. Turnera Linn. i 

Herbs, undershrubs or shrubs; leaves alternate, simple, enti 

serrate or pinnately lobed, usually 2-glandular at base; rte 

or 0. Flowers axillary, solitary, rarely fascicled cule 
racemes, yellow, peduncle sometimes adnate to petiole; » 

— Turnera.} PASSIFLORE. 611 

teoles 2 or 0. Sepals 5, connate in a a or narrow 
talyx-tube ; lobes of limb oblong or linear, imbricate. Petals 5, 
inserted in calyx-throat. Stamens 5, ‘eaticn on eons calyx below 
the petals, or sometimes quite hypogynous; filaments free, 
flattened; anthers oblong. Carpels 3, pet: fia free, sessile, 
oblong, 1-celled ovary; ovules many, 2-seriate on 3 parietal 
placentas ; | 8, quite free or occasionally connate at the base ; 
stigmas flabellately 3-5- or more-fid. Frwit an ovoid or oblong, 
many- oy or rarely 3-seeded capsule, opening completely by 3 
valves, Seeds confined to centre of placentas, oblong or cylindric, 
a& membranous arillus; albumen fleshy; embryo 
axial, cylindric. é 
852. TuRNERA uLMIFoLra Linn. 
In most of the provinces; an escape from gardens. 
An undershrub. 


Herbs or shrubs, almost always twining or climbing. Leaves 
alternate, simple or lobed, penninerved or palminerved, often 
glandular beneath; petiole often glandular ; — 2, deciduous 
or persistent, sometimes 0; tendrils Flowers regu- 
br, hermaphrodite or 1- sexual; usually 3- haps: with brac- 
teoles small and scattered or large and forming a leafy epicalyx, 

; ose, with sometimes one or more of the 

Sepals 5, connate in a calyx with tubular base, fleshy or subcori- 

aeous, less often membranous, imbricate. Petals 0, or 5 attached 
to calyx-tube, membranous or fleshy, imbricate, marcescent ; 

*tona above the disk usually soot Stamens 5, adnate to a 

= Fiore or free at the base, perigynous; anthers oblong, 
» basifixed or versatile ; dehiscence longitudinal, lateral or 

tary or erent ; styles 1 or 3; stigmas reniform, capitate or 
Rec’; ovules numerous, anatropous, pendulous. — * 
berry or sang Seeds many, ovoid or flattened, with a fleshy 
Aen often pitted ; albumen fleshy, rarely scanty ; embryo 

512 BENGAL PLANTS. (Passiflora. 

— hermaphrodite ; corona of corolla conspicuous ; tendril-bearing 
erbs Passiflora. 

— unisexual ; corona of corolla small or none: 
Male and female corollas similar ; ; tendril-bearing fi or ahrabs 

Male and female corollas dissimilar ; erect trees with soft stems Carica. 

357. Passiflora Linn. . 

Twining shrubs, with usually am simple tendrils ; leaves q 

simple or padaistely lobed, usually glands on under-s 

and petiole; stipules slender or eae Flowers solitary 4 

springing from throat of calyx and from one or more membranous 
folds lower down, and with a basilar, membranous cup surround: 
ing the base of a distinct gynandrophore. Stamens 5, arising 
from apex of gynandrophore; filaments flat; anthers oblong 
dorsifixed. Carpels 3, connate in a one-celled ovary, crowning : 

€ gynandrophore ; ovules numerous; styles 3; stigmas reniform, 
capitate. Fruit a fleshy berry. Seeds many, rarely few, arillate. 

Flowers small, without Reve bracts none, or if present not mess aD J 
inyolucre under the fower ,.... °°... ee e nied 
gist cee, showy ; bradks 3, forming an involucre mr 4 

eaticld of the involucre finely pinnatifid, the ultimate cngmetia 

sected, setaceous fe 

Leaflets of the involucre entire or toothed :— hylla 
Branches terete; stipules large, foliaceOus.......---+++++++° adenop’ 

Branches quadrangular, faintl nage aise the corners 
3 : quadra angular 

eee meee 

853. PassirLora suBERosa Linn. ; F. B.I. ii. 599. 
C. and E. Bengal ; ‘Sundribuns ; ; Chittagong. ative of 
A herb slachine in hedges and thickets; 4” 

America, but quite naturalised. 
854. Passtrtora Feria Linn. ; F. B. I. ii. 599. 
C. Bengal; Chit 

A climbing slender shrub in hedges near egie 
native of America, but fairly naturalised. 

I Re ae ee 

Carica) PASSIFLOREZ. 513 


N. Bengal, naturalised. 

A garden escape. 

N. Bengal, naturalised. 

A garden escape. 

358. Modecca Lamk. 
herbs or undershrubs, with simple lateral tendrils ; 

_ Twining 
leaves entire or palmately lobed, usually with 2 or more flat, 
tircular glands on the under-surface, and with similar glands at 

in few- or many-flowered axillary cymes, the peduncles long, one 

_ &more being sterile and converted into tendrils. ¢ ? Sepals 5, 

connate in a tubular or campanulate calyx-tube ; lobes of limb 
imbricate, coriaceous. Petals 5, free, membranous, 1-nerved, 
inserted on calyx-tube, those of ¢ rather smaller. Corona O or 

*Pposite as many ligulate, capitate glands. Carpels 3, connate in- 
‘globose o r elliptic, — or stalked, xihes or — 1-celled. 

A lsige Sinaben Vernac. Akand-phul. 

359. Carica Linn. 

Trees or Shrubs, with s juice; leaves 

; pongy stems 
large, flaccid, long-petioled, palmately iobeds eae stipules 
Flowers whiti tish, dicecious, the male laxly ph the ee 
Sepals 5, connate in a small, campanulate calyx. 
Petals 5, connate in a salver-shaped corolla with — pecans 
bes oblong or linear, valvate or contorted. yes 

on the corolla-throat; anthers 2-seriate, ae 

514 BENGAL PLANTS. [Carica, 
short filaments, alternate with corolla-lobes, 5 sessile, opposite 
corolla-lobes; dehiscence introrse, connective usually prod 
Ovary reduced to a subulate process. ¢ Petals 5, free, Tinear- 
oblong, erect, deciduous, Staminodes 0. Carpels 5, connate ina 
sessile, 1-celled ovary; ovules many, several-seriate on 5 parietal 
placentas ; style short or 0, stigmas 5, linear or flattened, simple 
orlobed. Fruit a large, fleshy, somewhat furrowed, many-seeded 
berry. Seeds ovoid, with an adnate arillus ; albumen fleshy. 
858. Carica Papaya Linn. ; F. I. iii, 824; F. B. I. ii. 599; E.D. 

Generally cultivated and often subspontaneous. oii 
An erect small tree ; native of America. Vernac. Pippiya 
(from the American name). The Papaw. 


Herbs or shrubs, climbing by means of solitary, lateral, spiral, 
simple or divided tendrils. Leaves alternate, petioled, often gx 
date, simple, lobed or pedately divided; stipules modified ages 0. 
Flowers regular, 1-sexual, monecious or dicecious, usually panicled, 
rarely racemose or subumbellate, often solitary, usually yellow 
white. Disk 0. Sepals united in a calyx, with tube almost always 
quite adnate to ovary ; limb rotate, campanulate, or tubular; lobes 
5, rarely 3, imbricate. Petals 5, inserted on the calyx-limb, connate 

anthers free or connate in a tube, usually one 1-celled and se 
2-celled, cells straight or flexuous or conduplicate, the connect! : 
; dehiscence dinal or in curves, follow 

horizontal, rarely 
2-seriate on 3 vert 

or by a stopple, usually 1-celled, less often spuriously soot 
seeds embedded in pulp or fibre. Seeds usually many, often 


_ pressed, horizontal, or pendulous ; testa often with corrugate or 
spinose margins ; albumen 0; embryo with leafy cotyledons. 

*Anthers 2-celled ; ovules horizontal or very rarely pendulous; female 
flowers menally solitary, never panicled ; leaves never divided into dis- 
tinct leaflets :—[p. 5 
tAnther- fails folded together or sigmoidly curved :—[p. 516] 
Corolla rotate, Be if campanulate, divided almost or quite to the 
base into 5 free petals :— 
Petals ae at their margin 
vules 12, perfect seeds weige 6, each with an abortive seed 
attached to its side ; tube of calyx 3 in. long or longer 
Ovules almost pendulous and seeds very numerous ; spe of 
calyx less than 3 in. long 

Calyx-tube of male tomar elongated ; stamens inserted within 
and included in the calyx-tube; anthers cohering in an oblong 
head :— 

Tendrils simple ; stigmatic lobes of the iene flower hes 

Tendrils divided ; stigmatic lobes of the “female flower 
2-lobed ; petiole with 2 glands at its apex .....-Lagenaria. 
Calyx-tube of male flowers short :— 

uit dry; endocarp fibrous, opening by a stopple ; male 
ane partly i IT PRCCTTIOR cod dod covickcsvkci dass qeree ee Luffa. 
Fruit soft ; endocarp fleshy, indehiscent ; male and female 
flowers alike solitary .--Benincasa. - 
tamens inserted balow the mouth of the ships filaments 
ae: exserted, not recurved; anthers more or less ¢o- 

en a eee a 

Culp with 23 scales at its base; male flowers with 
usually a large enveloping bract; tendrile simple 

Calyx without — at its base; male flowers with no 
enveloping brace ae a 
Connecti adi ed beyond anther-cells ; ten simp 
gies 3 Cucumis. 

Connective not produced ; tendrils 2-3- fid sii Citrullus. 
Corolla campanulate, not divided much more than half-way down :— 

516 BENGAL PLANTS. [Hodgsonia. 

Flowers white ; tendrils simple....................se0000+ 
- Flowers yellow ; tendrils 2-3-cleft .......0cccc.ecccacseceeeee Rei 
tAnther-cells straight, or, if curved (Bryonia), not conduplicate nor 
sigmoid :-—[p. 515] i 
Flowers large, deep-yellow ; male racemes stout ....-. : 
Flowers small, pale-yellow ; male pedicels or racemes slender:— — 
Male and female pedicels alike 1-flowered, clustered :— Phe 
Tendrils simple . ---Mukia. 
Tendrils 2-fid...... .-Bryonla. 

Male flowers in corymbs, umbels, or racemes :— 

usually corymbose or subumbellate .........1..:se0+00008+* 
*Anthers 1-celled, cells straight; stamens always free; ovules alvn® 
pendulous; flowers small, the female ones in panicles or many-flowered : 
acemes :—[p. 515] . 
Leaves not divided into separate leaflets Actinostemm® ; 
Leaves pedately divided into 3-5 leaflets Gynostemm* 

360. Hodgsonia Hook. f. & Thoms. ; 
d, long- i 
es iD 

A large climber; leaves coriaceous, palmately lobe 
petioled; tendrils 2-3-fid. Flowers large, dicecious; males” 
. Si pals 5, 

long racemes ; bracts oblong, entire; females solitary. 

laterally attached. 

859. _Hopeson1a HETEROCLITA Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B. 1-2. 606. ‘ 

Trichosanthes heteroclita F. I. iii. 705. 

An enormous climber, stem sometimes 100 feet lone 
Vernac. Gulur. 

- Trichosanthes. CUCURBITACEZE. ot 

361. Trichosanthes Linn. 
__ Herbaceous climbers ; leaves entire or palmately lobed, denticu- 
Bosh i fi Flowers dicecious, less often 
_ Monecious, white; male peduncles usually in axillary pairs, one 
_ taeemose, the other 1-flowered, caducous ; bracts large or small 
_ 0t0; female flowers solitary. Sepals 5, connate in @ long tube ; 

many, horizontal, on 3 parietal placentas ; style filiform ; stigmatic 
apex 3-fid or 6-fid. Frwit a lanceolate or globose, smooth, acute 
4 or obtuse berry. Seeds many, horizontal, embedded in pulp, 
ellipsoid ; margins sometimes angled. 

Breets of the male fi small or none :— 

Leaves cordate-oblong, acute, sinuate-dentate, but not angled or 
lobed, harsh ; anthers in male flowers free ; both male peduncles as @ 
ET LUG Grod |... seccscecosovcorssee coresget ope eens dioica. 
Leaves subreniform-cordate, usually 5-, sometimes 3-7 -lobed or -angled, 
puberulous or pubescent; anthers in male flowers connate ; earlier 
male peduncle (sometimes replaced by a female) 1-flowered, later one 
Tacemed :— 

Fruit ovoid-conical et” cucumerina- 

erat elongate-cylindrie, sometimes contorted .....--++++++17"" 
with . the male flowers large, wide-based, and sheathing the flowers ; 
€rs in male flowers connate; one male peduncle (sometimes absent) 

: “a9 the other racemed ; margin of leaf-blade dentate-serrate -— 

cut 8 ovate or obovate, lacerate or deeply serrate ; lea palmately 

ll into 5, sometimes 3 or 7, broad or (rarely) narrow lobes, occasion- 
*Y only 5-angled or almost entire, always glabrous peneath...palmata 

sie TRicHosanTHES prorca Roxb.; F- I. iii. 701; F. B.I. ii. 609 ; 
E. D, v. 586. 
In all the provinces. 
A rather extensive climber. Hind. Palwal; Beng- Patol ; 
_ Uriya Patal : 

518 BENGAL PLANTS. [Trichosanthes. 

861. TricHosanTHEs cucumeRINA Linn.; F. I. iii. 702; F.B1 

In all the provinces; sometimes cultivated. : 
A considerable climber. Beng. Ban-chichinga; Hind. 
_ Sangli chachi a 
862. TricHosanrHes anGurina Linn.; F. I. iii. 701; F. BL 
ii, 610; E. D. T. 569. 
Cultivated fairly generally. rls 
A considerable climber. Hind. Chachinda; Beng. Chi- 
chinga; Uriya Chichendara. 
863. TricHosanrHes patmaTa Roxb.; F. I. ii. 704; F. BL 
ii. 606; E. D. T. 600. £3 
In all the provinces. 
A large climber, stems often 30 feet long. Hind. gt 
drayan ; Beng. Makal. 4 
864, TRICHOSANTHES CORDATA Roxb.; F. I. iii. 708; F. B. IL 
ii. 608 ; «2.518. 
N. Bengal; E. Bengal. 
An extensive climber. Beng. Bhoi-kamra. 

362. Gymnopetalum Arn. ete 
Herbaceous climbers; leaves petioled, 5-angled, in ~ 
5-lobed; tendrils usually simple or 2-fid. Flowers white, rathe 

ter long racemose, one or other often suppressed ; bracts: 
racemed flowers large, incised, or small lanceolate ; female yess 
solitary, usually in separate axils if not on separate individ - 
Sepals 5, connate in a long calyx-tube, contracted under the ne 
lobes lanceolate. Petals 5, margins not fimbriate. ¢ — 
anthers included, connate, elongate, one 1-celled, two 2-celled; ee® 
conduplicate. Ovary represented by 1 or 8 small linear , 
? Carpels 8, connate in an oblong, 1-celled ovary; ovules eer 
horizontal, on 3 long vertical placentas ; style long; stigmas sd 
short, linear. Fruit an ovate-oblong berry with acute ad ie 
cuneate base. Seeds many or few, ellipsoid, compressed, margined 
almost smooth. ij, 61d. 

865 Lh 


A rather slender climber. 


363. Lagenaria Ser. 

Large climbing herbs; leaves ovate or orbicular, cordate, den- 

_ tate; petiole long, with 2 glands near its apex; tendrils 2-fid 

_ Flowers large, white, solitary, moncecious or dicecious ; males with 

ong, females with short peduncles. Sepals 5, connate in a funnel- 

3 = ig 1-celled ovary ovules many,  Koseontal, on 18 vertical 

Cucurbita Lagenaria F. Li iii. 718. 
Cultivated generally. 
A large climber. Vernac. Kaddu, kodu. 

364. Luffa Cav. 
E a” small climbers; leaves cordate, usually 5- angled or 
bed petiole not glandular at apex ; tendrils 2-5-fid. Flowers 

Emig produced beyond the ovary ; lobes triangular or lanceolate. 
5, obovate. ¢ Stamens 8, less often 5; filaments free or 
ia anthers exserted, free, one 1-celled, two 2-celled, or all 
eae cells sigmoid, often on the margin of the broad connec- 
man eerpels 8, connate in an oblong, 1-celled ovary ; ovules 
ey horizontal, on 8 parietal placentas ; ori cylindric; stigmatic 
Fruit a large or small, oblong, smooth or angled or 

[ERT ee OUR ESN ee Te en ong ee a ee 

> Peicels is ien dela ae t bracts; fruit small, 2 in. 

- Mh covered with papille, obscurely 10-striate.....- graveolens. 
pa i rac sag on long peduncles, each with usually a small, 
ri Viseid bract; fruit large, clavate, ‘5-12 i in. long, smooth, dis- 
¥ 10-angled or 10-ribbed egyptiaca. 

ceunpich cuca coe epee eees cern’ FENES? 


*Male flowers with only 3 stamens :—[p. 519] : 

Fruit medium, 3-4 in, long, 10-angled or 10-ribbed, smooth :— a 

Fruit clavate, rather acai dh = -angled ; endocarp — cooked 
bland, edible ; leaves green ben cutangula, 

phe oblong, 10-ribbed ; endocap pot cooked acrid, cnthactiall 
metic ; leaves pale benea amen 

Pri small, under 1-5 in. ‘a obscurely 10-striate, densely —— 

bristly ... 

see eeeneeeee 

867. Lurra GRAVEOLENS Roxb. : FI. iii. 716; F. B. I. ii. 614. 
N. Bengal; E. Bengal; Behar; Chota Nagpur. 

A climber. 

868. Lurra xeypriaca Mill.; F. B. I. ii. 614; E. D. b. 56%. : 

L. pentandra F. I. iii. Ti L. clavata F. I. iii. 74. 2 

L. racemosa F. I. iii. e 

Generally ‘tthegtud Ni also as if wild in most of the © 


A very large climber, Hind. Ghia-taroi; Beng. D Dhundul. 

869. Lurra acutancuna Roxb.; F. I. iii. 713; F. B. I. ii. 615; 


Generally cultivated, but also as if wild in E. OAL 
An extensive little-branched climber, Hind. Tardi 
Beng. Jhinga. : 
870. Lurra amara Roxb.; F, I. iii. 715. L. acutangula vat. 

; Orissa ead 
A ean “econ, ittle- branched climber. Hi 
Karui-taroi; Beng. Tita-jhinga. D. 
871. ret SLR Roxb. ; F. I. iii. 716; F. B. I. ii. 615; E.D. 
L. 574, 

N. and E. Bengal; Tirhut. 
A small climber. Vernac. Bindaal. 

gg Benineasa Savi. 

NE Ege eee CT yay SURG Oe) a et ec eae even ee Se, Leaner jee stsy se A 

A slender cli 
874, Momorpica prorca Roxb.; F. I. iii. 7095 F, B. Li 
M. 639. 

Momordica.] CUCURBITACEZL. 521 

--‘Yeelled; cells sigmoid. ¢ Carpels 8, connate in an oblong, densely 

pubescent, 1-celled ovary; ovules numerous, horizontal, on ¢ 

; parietal placentas. Frwit a large, fleshy, oblong, pubescent, inde- 
__ hiseent berry. Seeds many, oblong, compressed, margined. 

872. BENINCASA CERIFERA Savi ; F. B. I. ii. 616; E. D. B. 480. 
Cucurbita i. 718 
Cultivated ; generally. 
A large climber. Beng. Chal-kamra ; Hind. Gol-kaddu, 

366. Momordica Linn. 
Herbaceous climbers ; leaves cordate, entire, petioled ; tendrils 

Fruit an mere! or spherical, smooth or rough, many- 
or few-seeded ber rry or 8-valved capsule. Seeds obovate or 
flattened, smooth, sicrigaean or sculptured. 

Moneecious; bracts small near middle of slender male peduncle ; fruit 
‘overed with triangular tubercles arantia. 
a bracts large near top of male peduncle and embracing the 

_ yellow; fruit densely covered with soft spines; seeds "aie in. 

weree eee eetene 
TOPRPONS RN ae wae cae oe Ciree kaa kc kc chee eBaeew ena eesenee eee net te re = 

873, Sage Magy gee Linn. ; F. I. iii. 707; F. B. I. ii. 616; 
E. D. M. 626. M. RESIS 1. 11... 706 
In all - provinces ; cultivated and as if wild in village 

mber. V ernac. Kar : 7 ; 


In all the province 
A climber. Jie Kanchan-arak’. 

522 BENGAL PLANTS. [Momordica 
875. Momorpica cocnincuinensts Spreng.; F. B. I. ii. 618 s 
» D. M. 634, 4 iii. 709. : 

C. and E. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
A large climber. Vernac. Kakrol, gol-kakra. 

367. Cucumis Linn. ony 

Herbaceous, hispid or scabrous herbs ; leaves petioled, pal- 
mately lobed or entire, dentate or serrate; tendrils simple. 

Flowers yellow, monecious, all short-peduncled, axillary; the 
males fascicled, the females solitary. Sepals 5, connate in a tur- 
binate or campanulate calyx-tube ; lobes small. Petals 5, connate 
below in a campanulate tube; lobes oblong or ovate, acute. ¢ 
Stamens 3; anthers free, one 1-celled, two 2-celled; cells flexuose : 
or conduplicate, connective crested. 9 Carpels 3, connate in an 

Leaves hispidulous, and sometimes also softly hairy but not soabrid, 
~angular or slightly 5-lobed, the lobes acute ; fruit almost always ae 
dric, faintly muriculate; root annual; always cultivated ..--++++ situ 

876. Cucumis rriconus Roxb. ; F. I. iii. 722; F. B. L ii, 619% 
E. D. c. 2298. ¢. turbinatus F, I, iii, 723. 

In most of the provinces. : 

An annual or perennial climber or creeper ; not cultivated. 

Sometimes considered the original source of the Melon, it may aus 
probably be a form of that iti which has become feral after escaP® 


877. Cucumis Mexo Linn. ; F. I. iii. 720; F. B. 1. ii: 620; & 
; 2268. C. utilissimus P. 1. ib: 991. 
Cultivated in all the provinces. 

- Cephatandra.] CUCURBITACE, 523 

An annual climber or creeper. Vernac. Karbuz (the 
Sweet); Kakri (the Master The Melon. 
878. Cucumis sativus Linn. :’F, I. i, 7205°R. B. 1a. 620; 
E. D. Cc. 228 
Cultivated in some of the provinces. 
An annual climber or ene Hind. Khira ; Beng. Sasa, 
‘Khir ; Uriya Kakna 
368. Citrullus Schrad. 
__ Herbaceous re hispid or scabrous; leaves petioled, pal- 
_ lately lobed, with usually narrow, sinuate-pinnatifid segments, 
a Sometimes lobes small ; tendrils 2-3-fid. Flowers monecious, all 
«Solitary, rather large. Sepals 5, connate is a campanulate calyx- 
tube. Petals 5, connate half-way up in a campanulate corolla 
_ With ovate-obtuse lobes. 3¢ Stamens 3; pee scarcely connate, 
we l-celled, two 2- celled; cells conduplicate, connective not pro- 
* Carpels 8, connate in an ovoid, 1-celle ovary; ovules 

*eniform. Fruit a large, globose or ellipsoid, smooth, fleshy berry. 
Seeds very many, oblong, compressed, smooth, 
879. Crrrunius vonearis Schrad. ; F. B. I. ii. 621; E. D.C. 1221. 
ili 719. 

Cultivated throughout our area. 
annual creeper or climber. Vernac. Tarbuz. The 

369. ——— Schrad. 

EES 2a TSE ay a ea ea eR Reg Ne, POS eg tee ee ee eT 

. pre: 
ta td lobes short, acute. 3 Stamens 3; anthers exserted, con- 
ey aay two 2-celled ; cells conduplicate. ¢ Carpels 3, 
an oblong ovary ; ovules many, horizontal, on 3 vertical 
a a long; stigmas 3, bifid. Fruit a smooth, fleshy, 
— berry. Seeds many, ovoid, gpa margined. 
| Orrtaranons inpica Naud.; F. B. I. ii. 621; E. D, ©. 919. 
ea monadelpha ¥. 1. iii, 708. 
the provin 
aes cen cinnibee Hind. sep ee Beng. Tela- 

524 BENGAL PLANTS. [Cucurdita, 

370. Cucurbita Linn. 
Large, climbing, hispid or hairy herbs; leaves petioled, cordate, 
ovate, angled or lobed; tendrils 2~4-fid. Flowers moncecious, all 
solitary, yellow, very large. Sepals 5, connate in a campanulate 
calyx-tube ; lobes of limb linear-or leafy. Petals 5, connate ina 
campanulate euags lobes short, triangular. ¢ Stamens 3, in- 

Seeds ovoid or oblong, compressed, margined or not. 

Leaf-stalks beset beneath with rigid, pungent hairs ; calyx-lobes narrow” 

subulate; leaves deeply 5-lobed, with broad sinuses between the epee 

Leaf-stalks with hairs equal both beneath and above, not rigid nor ae 

pungent :-— 

i OE narrow-subulate ; leaves not deeply lobed, mere pi 

thelighesaiiridwaue . fossils sa.cnqlals.ogel eee NEES 
ely ieee nic -spathulate, leafy; leaves very variously lobed 

881. pines Pero DC.; F. I. iii. 718; F. B. I. ii. 622; E. ok 
C. 2331. 

Cultivated in our area. 

An annual creeper or climber. Beng. Kumra, saled 

The Pumpkin. 

kaddu. 2. B D.. 
882. CucurBrta maxrmma Duchesne; F. B. I. ii. 62: S 
Cc. 2316. 

Cultivated in our area. 
n annual creeper or climber. 
The Gourd. 2 
883. Cucursrta woscHata Duchesne; F. B. I. ii. 622: 
C, 2325. C. Melopepo F. I. ii. 719. 
Cultivated in our area. 
An annual ne or climber. 
The Musk. Melo 

371. Thladiantha Bunge. 
Herbaceous climbers; leaves petioled, donee 
3-lobed, denticulate; tendrils simple, rare 2-fi 

Soe reseas ieee Protea a aR Me TSA ca 

moschatd. — 

Vernac. Mitha-kaddt 

Pca Pa aoe SSS Sasi sik! pra aial S geae os 

Beng. Safra uur : 


diecious, yellow, small or large ; male peduncles in fully developed 
_ individuals paired, one 1-flowered, caducous, without bract, one 
 tacemed, with bracts ‘paggi or obsolete; female Peg wi 
_ gated, 1-flowered, bra Sepals 5, connate ina shortly campan 
late calyx-tube RE by a horizontal scale; lobes practi 
_ Petals 5, connate below in a epee tube, upper half of 
_ petals free, revolute. ¢ Stamens 5, four approximated in 2 pairs; 
_ filaments free, subulate ; are te straight, narrow, oblong, 1-celled. 
? Carpels 8, connate in an oblong ovary; ovules many, hori- 

_ stigmas. Frwit an ellipsoid,-obtuse, green, subcylindric, vertically 
a tibbed berry. Seeds many, small, obovoid, compressed, smoo h. 
‘884. Tauapranrua cAncaraTa C. B. Clarke. T. dubia F. B. I. 
ii. 681. : 
E. Bengal ; et 
_ A large climber 
372. Mukia Ar 

E Herbaceous, scabrid climbers ; Jeaves waa nerved, corte: 
z angled but not tesely ae petioled and sessile on same 
: i a ld imple. owers small, yellow, monoecious, us 

=e aa ee not produced. ¢ Gorges 2 or 3, con- 

-celled, ovoid, hispid ovary, with an annular disk ; 

Ovules few, horizontal, on 2-8 vertical placentas; style thick, its 

4 hes with 2-3 stigmatic lobes. Fruit a small, globose berry. 

Meds few, ovoid, compressed, ie ae arid 
8. Muxia scapre rn.; 623; E. D. M. 791. 

Bryonia scabrella F. I. iii. 724. 

In all the provinces. 

A slender scabrid climber. Vernac. Bilari. 

373. Bryonia Linn. 
debe; leaves petioled, palmately lobed or 
Flowers small, yell llowish, moneecious ; 
short-pedicelled, in same axil. Sepals 
: ag in a widely campanulate calyx; lobes of limb small. 
: », connate in a 5-partite corolla. ¢ Stamens . in- 

526 BENGAL PLANTS. [Bryonia. 

serted deep in the calyx-tube; anthers free, one 1-celled, two 
2-celled; cells curved or sigmoid, not conduplicate, connective not 
ed 0 

”D con: y 
ovules many, horizontal, on 3 parietal placentas ; style slender, — 
3-fid at the apex. Fruit a globose berry. Seeds — 
oblong or ovoid, compressed. 
RYONIA Laciniosa Linn.; F. I. iii. 728; F. B. L ii. 622; 
E. D. B. 904. 
In all the provinces. 
A slender, nearly glabrous climber. Hind. Gargunam) 
Beng. Mala 

374. Melothria Linn. 

Herbaceous climbers ; leaves deltoid, truncate or hastate, entire 
or 3-lobed, often punctate, petioled; tendrils simple or “1 
Flowers small, white, moncecious or, rarely, dicecious, males and 
females often. in the same axil; male pedicels 

inserted in middle of calyx-tube; anthers free, two 
1-celled; cells straight, simple, sublateral, connective P: 
¢ Carpels 8, connate in an oblong, 1-celled ovary; ovwes = 
horizontal, on 3 vertical placentas; style long ; i s, 
globose. Fruit a globose or fusiform, somewhat 
Seeds numerous, small, oblong, much compressed; 
Male flowers clustered in the leaf-axils; fruit ellipsoid, pointed vo 
Male peeabie in distant clusters on long racemes ; fruit g obose, 
rate, obtus 
eaves und or slightly 3-lobed .........-seseesereeeeeecte et 
Leaves deeply cut in cate lobes 
ply to long, narrow, divari sssicoreee triloba. 

887. Metornria mpica Lour.; F. B. I. ii. 626. Bryon tens 
FL. iti, 725. 

E. Bengal ; oe 

A slender climber. ee 

888. Metorunra revcocarra Cogn. M. odorata F. B- ue 

E. Be ngal. : 

A. climber. 

_ Actinostemma.) CUCURBITACE. 527 

888/2. Var. rritopa F. B. I. ii. 626. 
. Bengal. 
A climber. 
375. Zehneria Endl. 

___ Herbaceous climbers; leaves petioled, petioles short or long, 
kina polymorphous, toothed, angled, or deeply lobed; tendrils 

simple. Flowers small, yellowish, moncecious or diwcious ; males 
_ in peduncled corymbs; females short-peduncled, solitary, or less 
_ often subeorymbose; bracts small or obsolete. Sepals 5, connate 
Ina tubular calyx; lobes of limb small. Petals 5, triangular, con- 
hate only at the base. 3 Stamens 8, inserted deep in the calyx- 
tube; filaments glabrous or pubescent; anthers free, all 2-celled, 
two 2-celled and one 1-celled; cells curyed or sigmoid, connec- 
‘ tive often papillose at top. ¢ Carpels 8, connate in a globose or 
' oblong, glabrous or hairy, 1-celled ovary ; ovules many, horizontal, 
_ 03 vertical placentas ; style cylindric, its base surrounded by an 
_ annular disk, its stigmatic apex 3-lobed. Fruit a globose, ellip- 
_ “id, or cylindric succulent ber erry. 
: — longer than the auricles at base of leaf-blade ; pgs _ 
te, rugose when dry ana. 

a Pee usually shorter sain the auricles; fruit cylindric, | a rt 

899, ZEHNERIA Hooxerrana Arn.; F. B. I. ii. 624. 

890. ZeHNERIA UMBELLATA Thwaites; F. B. I. ii. 625; E. D. 
Z. 182. ewsriien smbellary B I, .ii:. 710, 
In every provin i 
A climber, bee Kudari; Hind. Tarali; Santal. At’. 

376. Actinostemma Griff. 

3 A weak herbaceous climber; leaves petioled, deep-cordata..t 

q ‘state, elongate, much- toothed; tendrils simple and 2-fid. 

i » Moneecious, in lax axillary panicles, mostly male, 

2 in females few near the base of the peduncle. Sepals 5, — 

_ ;_ “Small, rotate calyx ; lobes linear-lanceolate. Petals 5, cauda 

; lneeolate, connate at the base. 3 Stamens 5, free, their connec- 
ier, » papillose on one side, with a straight, oblong, single 

--uther-cell on the other. 9? Carpels 2, connate in a su se, 

528 BENGAL. PLANTS. [Aetinostemma. 

verrucose, 1-celled ovary ; ovules 2 or 4, pendulous from bwo short, : 
ietal placentas near apex of ovary; style short ; stigmas 2 2 
reniform. _Prut a small, ovoid-conical, half-superior ers a 

—4, ovate, corrugated and denticulate on the margin. 
91. AcTINosTEMMA TENERUM Griff.; F. B. I. ii. 633. 
BE. Bengal. 
A weak climber. 

377. Gynostemma BI. 
A herbaceous climber; leaves pedate, segments 3-5, ovate: 
lanceolate, serrate; tendrils simple. Flowers small, beeen 
greenish, in diffuse axillary panicles. Sepals 5, connate in a shor 
tube; lobes small. Petals 5, connate in a rotate corolla, segments 
lanceolate. ¢ Stamens 5; filaments connate below; . 
~2-celled; cells me straight. ¢ Carpels 2-3, separ ; 
spherical, 2-3-celled ovary; ovules in each cell 2, pen i 
styles 2 or 38, panes below, each 2-fid at tip. Fruit fu 
umbonate, or globose, 1-3-seeded berry. Seeds verrucose. 
892. GynosrEMMA PEDATUM BI.; F. B. I. ii. 638. 
. Bengal, in the Duars. 
A slender climber. 


Herbs or undershrubs, usually succulent ; stem often a cree 

rhizome or corm. Leaves alternate, rarely Pp seudo-vertic 9, 
more or less inequilateral, lobed or toothed or enti ; — 

free, Races deciduous. Flowers unsymmetrical, 1-sexu with 

on axillary, dichotomously cymosely divided pearl 

branchlets and basal bracts usually opposite; gener ad ‘ao 

_ white, rose or yellow, sometimes small. Disk 0. pals 

amens numerous, free or connate in one P “ ini 
narrowly obovoid, 2-celled ; cells adnate ; since 0: 

introrse. ¢ Perianth of 2-6 segments. Ovary _ 
locular or 1-locular, usually 3-locular and rere esis 
placentas axial simple, or 2-lamellate and intruded 

loculus ; styles 2-4, free or connate below; stigmas 

Begonia.) DATISCE. 529 

: reticulate ; albumen scanty or 0; embryo obovoid or subcylindric 
_ with minute cotyledons. 

378. Begonia Linn. 

: Herbs, rarely shrubs; leaves unequal-sided, entire or lobed, 
 imegularly toothed. Flowers often showy, moncecious. 

_ Perianth of 2 outer sepaloid and 2 inner. petaloid segments, rarely 
more, very rarely 0. Stamens many; filaments free or monadel- 
: phous. ¢ Perianth usually of 5 segments, the 2 outer rather 
a larger and sepaloid. Carpels usually 3, rarely 2 or 4-5, connate 
Ma 2-5-locular ovary; styles usually as many as the ovarian 

tidal or loculicidal, partial or complete, occasionally irregular. 
Seeds many, small. 
Papery wings, the flat faces ribbed down the middle .......-+-+--+: p 
Capsule 2-celled, compressed, 3-angled, two angles produced into equal 
harrow wings, the third into a broader Wing...-...-++--seesrerrrree** -barbata. 
893. Beconza prcra Sm.; F. B. I. ii. 638. 
Chota Nagpur. 


Capsule 3-celled, 3-angled, the angles produced into three unequal, 
; _ picta. 

$94. Begonra Barsata Wall.; F. B. I. ii. 646. 

tall herb. 

racemes, or panicles. ¢ Seé. connate in & calyx 
with short tube and 3-9 equal or unequal teeth. Petals 0. 
filaments short; anthers 

4 lens 4~more, opposite the calyx-lobes ; | 
telled ; dehiscence longitudinal, lateral, or extrorse 5 

530 BENGAL PLANTS. [Tetrameles, 

tary ovary 0 or minute. ¢ Sepals connate in a calyx, with tube 
adnate to ovary; lobes 3-8, short. Petals 0. Stamens, if pre- 
: P On 

2-partite or simple; ovules numerous, ascending or horizontal, 

tropous. Frwit a coriaceous or membranous capsule, opening 
at the apex between the styles. Seeds numerous, small ; albumen 
scanty ; embryo axial, straight, cylindric. 

379. Tetrameles R.Br. 

accessory lobes present. Petals 0. Stamens 4, opposite the . 
ealyx-lobes, inserted round a depressed disk, within which is occa 
sionally a quadrangular rudiment, ovary. ¢ Sepals 4, comma 

in an ovoid calyx-tube with short lobes. Petals 0. Carpels 4, a 

connate in a 4-lobed ovary with intruded apex; ovules 3-4-seriate 
on 4 parietal placentas ; styles 4, short ; stigmas simple, subclavate- 
Fruit a small, ovoid, faintly 4-ridged, membranous capsule, ope 
ing at the apex between the styles. Seeds minute, numerous, 
flattened, ellipsoid, with a loose, lax, reticulate testa. : 
895. TeTRameLes Nupirtora R.Br.; F. B. I. ii. 657; B.D 
- : 

N. Bengal, Duars; Chittagong. <a 
A lofty tree, 100-150 feet high. Vernac. Sandugem” 

Herbs, shrubs, or trees, with usually succulent stems ; branches ‘ 
often thickened, striated or angled. Leaves usually rep 

Petals many, free or shortly connate below, imbr fila- 
Stamens numerous, free, or adnate to the base of the petals; *™ 
ments filiform ; anthers small, oblong, dehiscing in front. “*" * 
free or embedded in the stem, 1-locular ; placentas many, parietal , 

Opuntia.} FICOIDEZ. 531 

style terminal, simple, filiform or cylindric ; stigma 2-many-rayed ; 
_ ovules numerous on each placenta, eatcadals anatropous. Fruit 
on Leelled berry with pulpy placentas. Seeds very many, oblong 
_ ot reniform ; testa hard, black; albumen scanty, copious, or 0; 
4 embryo straight or curved; cotyledons free or connate. 

380. Opuntia Mill. 

Shrubs, with rounded woody base; br anches jointed, joints 
fleshy, flattened, ovate, tubercled, the tubercles hirsute and spiny, 
the youngest joints with small, scale-like, deciduous leaflets. 
Flowers lateral, yellow, or purplish. Sepals many, the outermost 
seale-like or leafy, adnate to ovary, the inner short, flat, all con- 
nate ina tubular calyx, not produced beyond the ovary. Petals 
many, spreading, connate below. Stamens very numerous, many- 
seriate ; filaments shorter than petals, free or more or less connate. 
Carpels several, connate in a glabrous, exserted ovary ; ovules 
many, on parietal placentas; style cylindric, hardly exceeding the 

, thickened below, hollow above; stigmatic rays thick, 
frect, several. Frwit a pear-shaped, umbilicate, tubercled berry. 
— compressed; testa very hard, albuminous ; cotyledons leaf- 

896. Opunrta Dintennt Haw.; F. B. I. ii. 657; E. D. 0. 198. 
Cactus indicus F. I. ii. 475. 
Behar; W. Bengal ; Chota Nagpur; Oris 
A spiny shrub with flattened, coli! fleshy stems. 
Vernac. Nag-phana. 


usually very small, white, or 0. Stamens ae os or hypo- 
8Ynous, definite or indefinite, sometimes accompani 
Galas ce mNtY 25 20 sepals o opposite to them m, if more some 0 

in bundles; anthers oblong, celled ; dehiscence longi- 
tain introrse. Carpels 2-5, connate, very rarely free, superior, 
Very rarely inferior ; styles as many as sdveaxpils free or connate 

532 BENGAL PLANTS. — [Sesuvium, 

below; stigmas usually subulate, introrse; ovules amphitropous, — 

either solitary basal, or many axial in each carpel or loculus. — 

Fruit usually capsular, with dehiscence dorsal or circumscissile, 
less often of separating, indehiscent cocci, or of free, indehiscent 
carpels. Seeds 1-many in each carpel, usually reniform, com 
pressed; albumen mealy, embraced by the curved or annular 

Calyx-tube elongated ; stamens inserted on the tube ; capsule with dehis- 
cence circumscissile :— Ree 
_ Ovary and capsule 3-5-celled ese 

Ovary and capsule 1-2-celled be 
Calyx deeply 5-partite ; stamens hypogynous ; capsule with dorsal dehis- . 
tenet; OVATY Bhd capsule $-5-célled 21 20 ee ee cece Mollugo. — 

Succulent, branching, prostrate, littoral herbs; leaves Orpen 
fleshy ; stipules 0. Flowers axillary, purplish ; bracts al 
4 ls i 

emb: BL 
897. Szsuvium PorrunacastRuM Linn.; F. I. ii. 509; F. : 
ii. 659; E. D. s. 1203. . | 
A seashore creeping herb. 

382, Trianthema Linn. i eee 
Diffuse, prostrate, branching, glabrous or pa a at 
leaves petioled, opposite, unequal, entire; petioles connet™ "ee 
their base by membranous dilatations. Flowers small, pve 
Solitary, sessile or peduncled, or in clusters or small — 
feoles 2. Sepals 5, connate in a short or long caly — 
’ ? : - 
top of calyx-tube. Carpels solitary, or 2 connate in yore 
superior ovary ; styles subulate, 1 or 2, excentric, ranma 
ovules 1 or more in each carpel, arising from a basal a 

Mollugo.) FICOIDE#. 533 

— Pruit a membranous or coriaceous, clavate j scissile capsule, 

Seeds 1 or more, reniform ; maere annular. 

898. TRIANTHEMA MONOGYNUM Linn. ; F. B. igh 660 ; E. D. T. 587. 
T. obcordata F. I. ii. 445. 

Chota Nagpur; C. and E. Bengal. 

A diffuse, glabrous herb. Vernac. Gada-bani, labuni. 

383. Mollugo Linn. 

Branching, often dichotomous herbs; leaves often falsely 

_ whorled or alternate, or radical rosulate, entire, linear to obovate ; 

‘Stipules caducous. Flowers small, greenish, axillary, sessi € of 


ovoid or globose, 8-5-celled ovary; ovules many in each cell, axial; 
styles 3-5, linear or small clavate. Fruit a membranous, oblong, 
globose, or subeylindric capsule, sheathed by the calyx ; dehiscence 
—— leculicidal. 08 several in each cell, rarely solitary, reniform 3 
i embryo ahiwk 

Inflorescence in compound terminal cymes ; seeds not ne ech pe 
hilum ; leaves and stem glabrous 2.2... fies ci sce cesesseneseceoes pee ceeaee a. 
atorscene in axillary sted . seeds with an appendage me | the 

Glabrous or almost glabrous; flowers pedicelled ; seeds with a atiorts 
Subulate bristle at hilum ........2.-.secsscesssceeeecooeeeseeeneeonsee te? Spergula. 
Stellately woolly or hai iry ; flowers — seeds with a membranous 
Seale, which emits a long, curved bristle..........-ssrrrreseesttr ren hirta. 
899. Moivco srrrcra Linn. ; , 668; EB. D. M. 617- 
M. triphylla ¥. I. i. 360. M. pre re F, I, i. 360. 

In all the provinces. 

A sic herb. Uriya Pita-gohun; Beng. Khet- 

900. e aouiee Spercuta Linn. ; F. B. I. ii. 662, M- verticillata 
F. 1. i. 360. Pharnacewm Mollugo F. 1. 1. 102. 

A diffuse leafy herb. 
1. Mottuco miRra Thunb.; F. B. I. ii. 6625; 
Pharnaceum pentagonum F. I, ii. 108. - 

In all the provinces. 

A prostrate herb. 

E. D. M. 615- 



Herbs, rarely shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, usually divided 

or dissected, sometimes simple; petiole generally sheathing ab 

base; stipules 0. Flowers regular or irregular, hermaphrodite or 

flowers sometimes ray-like; bracts at base of general, and brae 
teoles at base of secondary umbels involucrately whorled. Disk 
epigynous, distinct from stamens and petals, variously 2-lobed. 
Sepals connate in a tube adnate to ovary ; limb adel or 0. 
Petals 5, epigynous, often unequal, with a median fold on the 
upper side, with the margin often ase or 2-lobed, imbricate . 
or reduplicate-valvate in bud. Stamens 5, epigynous; anthers . 
versatile; dehiscence longitudinal, lateral. Ovary inferior, 2 a 
~~ crowned by the disk ; styles 2; stigmas capitellate; ovules 

cell solitary, pendulous, anatropous. Frwit of 2 indehis- 
jel dorsally or laterally compressed ripe carpels \ueicas s 
separated by a commissure; carpels each attached to and often 
pendulous from a slender forked axis (carpophore), with 5 poy 
ridges (1 dorsal, 2 marginal, and 2 intermediate) nia often 4 inter : 
calated secondary; pericarp often traversed by oil-canals (ia : 
Seed solitary in each ne pendulous; albumen cartilaginous) — 
embryo minute, near hilum 

Umbels cane: fruit not vittate ; evn ~ sod soobeseeh Hydrocotyle 
Umbels compound ; fruit usually vitta 
, 7 vitt 
Leaves pains flowers yellow ; senha ridges of fruit a 

Leaves variously compound :— 
*Secondary ridges of the fruit inconspicuous cae 535] 
tPrimary ridges of the fruit not winged :—[p. 535] omnis 
Fruit laterally compressed, or at least constricted at the 
sure ; ridges of the fruit slender :— : 

Furrows of the fruit 2-3-vittate.........s00s-+e0"" : 
Fruit in cross-section circular, or somewhat eres she tri 
pressed = widest at the commissure; furrows 

{Flowers ye i yeti ; leaves cut into filiform eo ae 

distinet, 2. partite calyx-teeth 0 [p: 535] s.+--00-B 

Hydrocotyle. UMBELLIFER2. 535 

{Flowers white or pink-tinged :—[p. 534) 
Lateral primary ridges hardly wider than dorsal; carpo- 
phore distinct, 2-partite or not; calyx-tee OC isssecs Seseli. 
Lateral primary ridges thick, triangular, corky, much 
exceeding dorsal; carpophore 0; calyx-teeth small, acute 
tPrimary lateral ridges of the fruit excurrent, winged ; fruit much 
dorsally compressed, the wings of the opposing carpels closely 
applied face to face [p. 534].........ssseseeeeereeeeeeereses Peucedanum. 
*Secondary ridges of the fruit prominent; fruit subterete, not 
winged :—[p. 534 

Fruits glabrous, secondary ridges broad, very blunt; involuere of 
a ae ee apace re eh Coriandrum 
Fruits hirsute, secondary ridges bristly; bracts of involucre 
MUMEFOUS, pinnate .......00...--secersrseeccesenccncceserstenesnayers Daucus. 


384. Hydrocotyle Linn. 

a Prostrate herbs, rooting at the nodes ; leaves cordate or hastate 
_ (Indian species), round or angled, subentire or palmately lobed, 
-_long-petioled ; stipules small, scarious. Flowers white, sometimes 
sexual, in small, simple umbels; bracts small or 0. Sepals 
- Mite connate in a calyx with 5 small teeth or with limb entire. 
Petals 5, entire, valvate or imbricate. Stamens 5. Carpels 2, 

Primary ridges concealed within the commissure or remote e r 
h ee 

acute, valvate ; secondary ridges of fruit 0; pericarp not thickened ; 
leaves orbic : rotundif 

ular-cordate, *25-1 im. across ......s+s+seereeereeeee* ro vy bares 

0 tuse, imbricate ; secondary ridges as distinct as primary ? perl- 
‘arp much thickened ; leaves orbicular-reniform, *5-2°5 1S: 


02. Hyprocoryie rotunpirota Roxb.; F. 1. ii. 38; F. B. I 
li. 668. 

N. Bengal ; C. Bengal. 

A prostrate herb. ore 
%8. Hyprocorynr astarica Linn. ; F. 1. ii. 88; F- B. I. ii. 669; 
E. D. 8. 486, ) 
In all the provin 

ces. aki 
A prostrate herb. Vernac. Brahmamand . 

536 BENGAL PLANTS. [Bupleurum. 

385. Bupleurum Linn. 
Glabrous herbs or shrubs; leaves entire. Flowers yellow ot 
lurid, pedicelled or subsessile; umbels compound ; bracts and 
bracteoles foliaceous or setaceous or obsolete. Sepals connate 
a calyx-tube with entire limb. Petals 5, obovate, emarginate, — 
Stamens 5. Carpels 2, connate in an inferior ovary ; styles short. 
Fruit subpentagonal; primary ridges distinct, sometimes almost 
winged, rarely obscure ; secondary 0, or obscure ; vittze 1-3 between 
the primary ridges, rarely 0 or more than three ; carpophore entire 
or 2-fid or 2-partite; disk depressed, rarely prominent in fruit. 
Seed terete, sometimes slightly grooved on the inner face. ‘ 
UPLEURUM MuCRoNATUM W. & A.; F. B. I. ii. 676. 
Chota Nagpur, Sirguja. 
A herb, 7 feet high, with yellow flowers. 

386. Carum Linn. 
Perennial or annual herbs; leaves pinnate or decompound. 
Flowers white, polygamous, the sterile flowers often with enl 
i ce 

Sepals connate in a calyx-tube with teeth small or 0. Pe en 
retuse or emarginate. Stamens 5. Carpels 2, connate. i ia 
ovoid, ellipsoid or oblong, laterally compressed and more oF 

inner face flattened ; rimary ridges slender, conspicuous, 
obsolete, lateral commissural ; furrows 1-vittate ; carpophore ly 
or 2-partite. Seed terete, oes shea dorsally, flat or obseur 
channelled on the inner fac Q 
Leaves ternately cut; lobes of the lower stem-leaves ohne i 
hispid ; bracteoles 4-8, lanceolate, margins ciliate . .....-Rovbu" 
Leaves decompound ; ; lobes of all the leaves inoar pennecdss fruit 0 
culate ; bracteoles 35, Biel, linear vo... ccs. sanceeneteea ert coptis 
905. Carum Roxsurcutanom Benth.; F. B. I. ii 6523 E. . : 
C. 701. Apiwm sak ena F: i, ii.-97%. 
Cultivated in all the provi a 
A field-crop, of herbs 1-3 Ssok high. Beng. Chanu, ™"" 
Hind. Ajmud. eal. 
906. Carum copricum Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 682; E. D. © 
Ligusticwm Ajouan F. I. ii. 91. 

greene in most of the provinces. 
field-crop, of herbs 1-3 feet high. Hind. Ajouan; 
oo Jurani. 
387. fet ES Linn 

sre furrows very — 1-vittate ; carpop 
oe or 2-partite. Seed terete, semi-terete, or dorsally 
oy face almost or quite flat. 
trifoliatum F. I. i peat 
Chota Nagpur ; ‘Chi ong. 
A herb, 2-4 feet ae Sait 1-8 times 3-partite. 

Tall bien 388. Foeniculum Adan 

pinnate nial or perennial glabrous ee leaves 2-8-4 tim: 

, the ultimate segments linear oF sebaceous. poled 
eoles 0, or few linear. 
b. Petals 5, emarginate. 

compressed ; 

B. I. ii. 684. Anethum 


corns: Carpels 2; styles short. 
bbtealisac aed laterally ; carpels semi-terete; 
ol eg ; furrows 1-vittate ; carpophore 2-partite 
908. F pressed dorsally ; face mts concave 
ENICULUM VULGARE Gaertn. ge ; 695; E. D. F. 659. 
Anethum Panmorium F. I. i 

Occasionally cultivated in bi ene provinces. 
A tall glabrous herb. Hind. peank: Beng. Pan -mohuri. 
389. Seseli Linn. 
thrice pinnate, or 


meee glabrous or pubescent; leaves twice OF 

few, ra ene ers white ; umbels compound ; bracts 0 or 
‘tarely many ; braeteoles aul or many. Sepals connate in 

538 BENGAL PLANTS. [Seseli. 

a calyx-tube; limb entire or with 5 minute, lanceolate or linear | 
teeth. Petals 5, emarginate. Stamens 5. Carpels 2; styles 
L r terally 

occasionally much compressed dorsally ; inner face flat or occa- — 
sionally concave; ridges strong, obtuse or subacute, lateral hardly 
larger than dorsal; vitte solitary, usually prominent, eg each 
furrow ; carpophore 2-partite or 2-fid, less often entire; disk not 
prominent on the fruit. Seed semi-terete or occasionally dorsally 

‘compressed ; inner face concave. 

pubescent ; fruit usually pubescent to hirsute, subglobose......... * 
ower leaves often thrice pinnate, ultimate segments linear or 

SOO co cesetteccease, 

Ligusticum diffusum F. I. ii, 92. 
In all the provinces. : 
An annual much-branched herb. Beng. Ban-jowan- 
‘910. SEsELI Dauctrotium C. B. Clarke; F. B. I. ii. 693. 
E. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
An annual erect herb. 

909. SEsELI mnDIcUM W. & A.; F. B. I. ii. 693; E. D.S. 1201. is 

390. Cnanthe Linn. . : 
Herbs of marshy ground ; roots fibrous, creeping or stolo wis m4 e 
leaves 1-3-pinnate, ultimate segments large or small, pees Co 

~ Peueedanum. J UMBELLIFER. 539 

Leayes pinnate, rarely 2-pinnate; stem long, decumbent, often floating, 
_ ¢nitting stolons from its base ; umbels on very long peduncles 

& stolonifera. 
Leaves pinnately Beoomopnnds stem erect; umbels on very short 
_ peduneles or almost sessile ..».. .benghalensis. 

911. (ENANTHE STOLONIFERA ga F. B. I. ii. 696. Phellan- 
drium stoloniferum F. 
C. and E. Ben 
A herb of wet silaces: Beng. Pan-turasi. 
912, (inanTHE BENGHALENSIS Benth.; F. B. I. ii. 696. Beseli 
benghalensis i, 94, 
and E. Bengal. 
A herb of ditch-sides and banks of tanks. 

391. Peucedanum Linn. 
Perennial herbs; leaves 1-8-pinnate or 2-3 times ie 
ultimate segments lanceolate or ovate, rarely linear, toothed or 

ginate or 2-fid. Stamens 5. Carpels 2, connate in a glabrous 

Y; inner face flat. 

cane leaf-segments filiform ; fruit small, narrowly winged sfPEEe 
Lvittate ; commissure Q-vittate ...s+e.s-s++sccssesreseenressneneenentets® 

Uitimate He les segments orpnmiee (lanceolate to ovate) ; fruit large, much 
wee ; com- 
Frit sul sabquadate doen furrows 1-vittate, late 

teral 2-vittate 
€ 4- or more-vittate ; leaf-segments ee ovate, OF. rae) 
Balad 6s... cet eae eet 

540 BENGAL PLANTS. [Peucedanum. — 

913. Prucepanum Sowa Kurz. P. graveolens F. B. I. ii. 109; — : 
E. D. P.460.. Anethum Sowa F. I. ii, 94. a 
Generally cultivated. 
A glabrous herb, 1-3 feet high. Hind. Sowa; Beng. 
Salpha, sowa. : 
914. Peucepanum DHaANa Ham.; F. B. I. ii. 709. 
N. Bengal; Chota Nagpur. . 
A glabrous herb, 6 in. to 2 feet high. 
915. PeuceDANUM NAGPURENSIS Prain. P. glaucum var. ? nag- 

purensis F, B. I. ii. 710. 
Behar; W. Bengal; Chota Nagpur. 
A tall herb, 5-7 feet high. Vernac. Tej raj. 

392. Coriandrum Linn. 

annual, branched, glabrous herb; leaves decompound. 
Flowers white or purple, the outermost irregular; um Is re 
pound, rays few ; bracts 0, or small and linear ; bracteoles filiform, : 
few. Sepals connate in a calyx-tube; limb with small, acute, — 
often unequal teeth. Petals 5, obovate, emarginate. Stamont 5. a 
arpels 2, connate. Fruit subglobose; ridges nob prominent — 

broad as thick, L 43 
916. CortanpRum sativum Linn.; F. I. ii. 94; F. B.L aha 
E. D. ©. 1954, 

Cultivated in the northern and western provinces. 
An annual glabrous herb. Hind. Dhaniya; Beng. Dhane- 

; only the secondary bristly é itt 
primary little developed ; lateral secondary the widest; ' 

Daucus. } ARALIACE.. 541 

solitary under the secondary ridges; carpophore entire or 2-fid. 
_ Seed semi-terete, dorsally subcompressed ; inner face flattened. 
917. Daucus Canora Linn.; F. I. ii. 90; F. B. I. ii. 718. 
Cultivated, especially in the western parts. 
A herb, stem 1-4 feet high. Vernac.Gajar. The Carrot. 

} Trees or shrubs, rarely herbs, sometimes scandent, or at first 
_ Scandent, at length rigid, frequently armed with prickles. Leaves 
alternate, or the u sometimes subopposite, long- -petioled, 

. ae, pakoeniva: or panicled heads; bracts and eae arneil 
| ‘ or inconspicuous ; ; sedivclo continuous with calyx-base, or jointed. 
7 epigynous, variously crenated. Sepals connate in a tube, 

adnate to ovary; limb truncate or with small teeth or obsolete. 
: Petals 5, rarely 6-7, or many, valvate or subimbricate, separating 
|  deiduonsl calyptrate. Stamens as many as petals and alter- 
_* h them, a erous, inserted outside the disk ; 

q styles as many as cells, connate or free; ovwes In each loculus 
: Solitary, pendulous, anatropous. Fruit usually small, pans 

ruminate ; embryo minute, near fa m, 

om slightly overlapping in bud; pedicels jointed ; styles —_— 
ves compound ; ovary (in our soeB 4- or more-chambered ; & 
seed uniform velereey Eksess 

Petals valvate in bud :— 

Alb ip.:542] 
umen of seed ruminate; pedicels continuous :— 
Styles distinct ; leaves more than once pinnately — 
Styles _ leaves simple and pao gee or if com- 
~ aa digita SL Gi dpbucteereeeeeerone =" 
Albumen of se uniform ; pedicels jointed Jeaves more than once 
Holy compound ; styles distinet sss 

542 BENGAL PLANTS. [Aralia. 

*Ovary 4- or more-chambered; albumen of seed uniform ; pedicels 
continuous; leaves not pinnate ; styles united, at least at the base:— 

Leaves (in our apse perfectly digitately pompennag sa Pop 

not larger than a p 

Leaves simple, pee eae lobed, or (eee yagi 
ompound ; fruit ovoid, °5 in. long ..........:eceeeeeeeeeereeeees Tre 

394. Aralia Linn. 
Herbs, shrubs, or small trees, glabrous, hairy, or prickly ; leaves 
alternate or whorled, digitate, pinnate, or compound pinnate; 
leaflets serrate or nearly entire; stipules small. Flowers often 
polygamo-monecious, in solitary, less often racemed or pani 
umbels, rarely in compound umbels ; pedicels jointed or not close 
to the flower. Sepals 5, connate in a truncate or 5- -toothed calyx. 
Petals 5; ovate, imbricate. Stamens 5. Carpels 2-5, connate in 
a 2-5-celled ovary; styles 2-5, free or, in fertile flowers, -~ 
connate at base. Fruit a small, 4-5-celled and 4-5- angled, 
ae -ce let and subglobose berry. Seeds compressed; ‘ines 

ane, Amiais FOLIOLOSA Seem.; F. B. I. ii. 723. 
A large lax shrub, armed with numerous prickles. 

. 395. Heteropanax See 
A small unarmed tree ; leaves very large, gira decompo 2a 

almost minen ‘ 
polygamous, umbels racemed, more or less mee ai, 
peri aco the terminal umbel of each branch of the raceme — 

; bracts small, ovate, obtuse, persistent ; pedicels - 
: Petals 5 

, Carpels 0. 
styles 2, distinct ehent.a spreading. Fruit a laterally com 
pressed, 2-seeded berry. Seed compressed ; — ruminate. 

919. HeTeRoPanax FRAGRANS Seem.; F. B. I. ii. 784. - 

fragrans F, 1. ii. 76, 

Chota eae E. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
A small unarmed tree. Vernac. Guti-suna. 

396. Brassaiopsis Dene & Planch. ae 
Large shrubs or trees, armed or not ; leaves digitate or palms 
or angled ; stipules intrapetiolar, connate, not prominent. * 

Heptapleurum.] ARALIACES. 5438 

_ often polygamous; umbels in large compound panicles, young 
Parts stellately tomentose ; bracts small, often persistent ; pedicels 

_ Sepals connate in a 5-toothed calyx. Petals 5, valvate. Stamens 
5. Carpels 2, connate in a 2-celled ovary; styles long or short, 
; united 5 stigmas apical, oblique, introrse. Fruit a globose or tur- 
ie drupe ; pyrenes 2, or by abortion 1. Seed not compressed ; 
albumen ruminate. 
Leaves ttre a palmate, divided about half-way down into ogee rh 
segmen i. 

rere ee 

Leaves compound, digitate ; petioles long ; leaflets lanceolate or oi 
a iosa 

920. Brassaropsis patmata Kurz; F. B. I. ii. 735. Panar fue 
matum FF, I, ii. 74 
A small tree, prickly towards tips of branches. 
921. Brassaropsts spectosa Dene & Planch. ; F. B. I. ii. 787; 
E. D. B. 798. 

small tree, ends of branches, and sometimes also the 
panicle, prickly. 

397. Panax Linn. 

= Btame ens 5. Carpels 2, sols 3, oe in a 2-3- 
ed ovary ; styles distinct. Fruit a subcompressed or globose, 
tarely 3-seeded berry, the carpels rounded on the back. Seed 
ei compressed or subterete, smooth or sulcate ; albumen 

922. Panax rRuTICOsUM Linn.; F. L. ii. 76; F. B. I. 725. 
A shrub, 3-6 feet high. 
398. Heptapleurum Gaertn. 

Pics ae ore soarenaes climbing, © 
ompound digitate, or 1 

trees, unarmed ; leaves 
dear leaflets cori- 

lobed, those of the aa a0 

4 Pete oan or pisces toothed or 
almost ost always entire; stipules prominent, | 

544 . BENGAL PLANTS. [Heptapleurum. 

petiolar, connate. Flowers in umbels, rarely heads, arranged in 
compound racemes; bracts woolly, deciduous or persl rsistent ; 
bracteoles usually few or 0, rarely densely tufted ; pedicels not 
join: als connate in a toothed or truncate calyx-tube. 
Petals 5, or 6 or more, valvate. Stamens (in our species) 5, or 6 
or more (as many as the petals). Carpels 5 (in our species) oF 6 

with a small or os saan disk ; styles small, distinct (in our 
species), or sometimes connate in a narrow cylindric column. — 
Fruit a o- pate oC RS dry drupe. Seeds compressed ; 
albumen uniform 
923. Hevnarinexos VENULOsuM Seem. ; F. B. I. ii. 729; B.D. 
H.131. Aralia digitata F. I. ii 
Behar; Chota Nagpur 
A climbing shrub. Hind. Dain; Kol. Sukriruin. 

399. Trevesia Vis. ‘ 

Shrubs or small trees, unarmed or prickly ; leaves palmate °F 

digitate ; petiolules say united by a basal wing ; stipules conta ; 

intrapetiolar or obsolete. Flowers polygamous, rather large: a 
umbels panicled ; bracts small or 0; pedicels not joi ted. 

subcoriaceous, in the fertile flowers often calyptrate. Sion = 
8-12, usually 10. Carpels 8-12, connate in an ovary with as nh 
cells as there are petals or stamens; styles connate in 4 ee 
umbo or column. Fruit a large, ovoid berry. Seed comp’ reseed 
albumen uniform. : 
924, Trevesta patmara Vis. ; F. B. I, ii. 732. Gastonia palmate 
F. L. ii oe 
A ria - 10-15 feet high. 

Shrubs or trees. Leaves opposite or alternate, 

general a 

axill ‘ 
; ae 
fleshy, sometimes inconspicuous, epigynous. Sepals connate 
tube, adnate to ovary; limb truncate or 4-5-toot hed, pers” 

pigs Sa oa AI a RY eee ne aI PIR TT ras 

PRES SN rate eee 

at : 
the base, valyate. Stamens 4-8 (in our species 

~ Marlea. CORNACEA. 545 

_ Petals 0 or 4-5, occasionally many, epigynous, imbricate or val- 
_ Yate. Stamens inserted with and as many as, rarely 2-4 times as 
_ Many as the petals; anthers short or long; dehiscence longi- 
‘ ‘tudinal, introrse or lateral. Ovary inferior, 1-4-locular, crowned 
* . disk; style simple, short or long; stigma capitate or 

branched ; ovules in each locule solitary, very rarely 2-3, pendu- 
lous from apex, anatropous. Fruit usually drupaceous, with a 

: solitary, 14-celled pyrene, less often with 2 pyrenes. Seed oblong, 

se albumen fleshy; embryo axial, sometimes minute, 
sometimes with leafy cotyledons. 

Pe Stamens twice or thrice as many as petals ; cotyledons corrugate 


: Stamens as many as petals; cotyledons flat .........seeseesssererreres Marlea. 

400. Alangium Lamk. 

Ps 6-10, linear, oblong, valvate in bud, reflexed in flower. 

c: ; ovule solitary, pendulous. Fruit a 1-seeded berry, 

owned by the somewhat accrescent calyx-limb. Seed oblong ; 

umen ruminate ; embryo with leafy, corrugate cotyledons. 

95. Atanctum Lamarcumt Thw.; F. B. I. ii. 741; E. D. A 661, 

A. hexapetalum F. I. ii. 502 

Behar; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal. 

A small tree, reaching 20-25 feet high, often only & 

Shrub, Hind. Akola; Beng. Ankura; Uriya Ankula ; 
Santal. Dela. 

401. Marlea Roxb. 
oe or shrubs; leaves alternate, petioled, orbicular = See 
,, ®2 oblique base. Flowers hermaphrodite, 1 — 
cymes ; pedicels jointed. Sepals connate in @ toothed or 

truncate cal free 
itn - or somewhat 
. yx-tube. Petals 4-8, linear, almost always 

546 BENGAL PLANTS. [Marlea, 

8), slightly adnate at base to the petals and there hirsute ; anthers 
linear. Carpels 1-8, if more than one, connate in a completely 
2-8-celled ovary, or 1-celled at apex and 2-3-celled below ; ovules 
in each complete or incomplete cell solitary; style long, often 
thickened upwards; stigma simple or with 4 linear or su 
lobes. Frwit a 1-2-celled, 1-2-seeded berry. Seed oblong, com 
pressed ; cotyledons orbicular, thin, leafy. agers 
926. MaRLEA BEGONIMFOLIA Roxb.; F. I. ii. 261; F. B. Li 743; 
E. D. M. 289, 
N. Bengal; Chittagong. : 
A tree 20-60 feet high. Vernac. Marleza, marlia. 

rarely (Styracee and Ebenacee) indefinite 
more or less adnate to corolla-tube, rarely fre 


o within the corolla a 

- ani iene 
placentas on the inner angle or occasionally on the eee : 
some distance from the inner angle, sometimes with only on! 
and then with as many 1- or more-ovuled parietal placem in 
constituent carpels or with a basal central placenta; apoar™ 

no-carpellary pistil usually oblique, with the generally ge 
ta excentric, 2 

Sambucus.) RUBIACEE. BAT 

Shrubs, erect or scandent, or small trees, very rarely herbs ; 
branches round. Leaves opposite, rarely alternate, simple, lobed, 
ay odd-pinnate, sometimes 3-nately cut; stipules 0, or if present 

- interpetiol vérs hermaphrodite, cymose OF paniculate, 
rately capitate ; regular or irregular. Sepals connate a calyx- 
tube, o ovary ; limb 3-5-toothed or Jobed. Petals connate 

an inferior, 2~8-celled, rarely 1-celled ovary ; ovules solitary pen- 
dulous, or several on axial placentas ; style long, with stigma capi- 
sa or short, with stigma 2-5-lobed. Fruit a drupe with 1-8 
cartilaginous pyrenes, or a many-seeded berry. Seeds 1 or many 
 Meach cell; albumen copious, fleshy ; embryo usually minute. 

402, Sambucus Linn. 

_ Shrubs or small trees ; Jeaves odd-pinnate, large ; leaflets serrate 
— laciniate ; stipules absent or present. Flowers small, in large, 
much-branched corymbs ; bracts always present; pedicels jointed ; 
les small or 0. Sepals connate in @ 3-5-toothed calyx. 
Petals connate in a rotate or campanulate 3-5-partite corolla. 
Stamens 5, adnate to nearly the base of the corolla-tube. Carpels 
in a 3-5-celled ovary ; ovules in each cell solitary, pe? 
tlous ; style short, 3-5-partite, or stigmas 3-5, sessile. Fruit 6 
‘all, 3-5-celled berry, crowned by the calyx-teeth. Seeds com- 

Pressed; embryo elongated. 

927. Sampucus savanica Bl.; F. B. I. ili. 25 E. D. 8. 767. 
N. Bengal, Duars ; E. Bengal. 
A straggling shrub. 

ae shrubs, or herbs, rarely annual, erect OF twining, Roeenes 
Provided with spines or hooks, rarely prickly. Leaves simple, 
“bposite or whorled, quite entire, with interpetiolar or less often 
inbetiolar stipules, or very rarely with stipules replaced by 
Yes. Flowers often 2-3-morphic ; inflorescence very variable. 
connate in a calyx-tube, adnate to ovary ; limb 


Petals connate in a aed gamopetalous corolla ; lobes 4-5, val- 

inser short or obsolete, or long; anthers 2-celled, usually dor- 
sifixed; dehiscence lateral or i omaie’ Disk epigynous, namely 
annular or cushion-like. Carpels connate in an inferior & 

celled ovary ; ovules 1 or more in each cell ; style simple or cleft; — 

stigmas various. Fruit 2-10-celled, a berry, drupe, or saben 
Sapores of mutually separating indehiscent cocci, Se 
Vv umen fleshy or horny ; embryo straight or curved; 
Sea orth flat or semi-terete; radicle superior or inferior. 

*Ovules numerous, or, if few, at least more than one in each ls a a 
{Fruit dry, dehiscent, or if pnshieent separating into 2-4, sever . 

seeded cocci, rarely nutlike :—[p. 

49] ee 
Flowers in dense globular ety corolla funnel-shaped ; Py 

simple, far exserted :— 

Ovaries confluent; fruits forming a globose, solid mass; ©0) : 

lobes imbricate in bud ; heads not bracted ; trees 

Ovaries free or nearly so; fruits quite separate, “capsular j a a 

lobes valvate in bud :— 
Flowers intermixed with paleaceous bracteoles ; trees :— 

er there —— heads with « or without bracts -. Adina. v 

Seer eweeeee 

cymes, racemes or panicles; never in pete lob noagaal 

Corolla-lobes twisted in bud; fruit pine 2-celled ; 

angular but not winged ; flowers in panicles ; trees —— iis 

Corolla-lobes valvate in bud :— 
rees; flowers with leafy bracts, in panicled spikes; 
capsular, 2-celled; seeds win nge 
erbs; flowers solitary or tascicled, hailey. 
termin es :-— 
}Fruit oblong, subglobose or orbicular :—fp. 549] 
it indehiscent, globose, nut-like, 2-celled; 
corolla 5, each 2-3-toothed ; stipules entire; fete 
Wary, extlbnt yee GL: ied 
Fruit dehiscent, usually slightly oblong, ? 
indehiscent (often in Hedyotis) the corolla-l io ‘ : 




CE gl ee Stay aoe eee 


-Hymeé: : 
or in oily 0 : 


entire; stipules bristly, not entire; flowers in cymes, not 
solitary :— 

Calyx-teeth contiguous: capsule (in our species) tardily 

et or indehiscent; seeds usually angular; cymes 

Ga we edyotis. 

Calys- teeth remote ; ae pergre dehiscent above 
calyx, very rarely indehis — 

Seeds minute, angular ; eae laxly paniculate 


Seeds plano-convex or globose with a ventral cavity 


{Fruit broadly, didymously obcordate, with 2 compressed, 

Siete lobes opening above calyx by gaping slits; flowers 

n dichotomous oyu [p. 548] eat coueives hiorrhiza. 

Inflorescence lax ; fruit a berry :— 
Inflorescence terminal; calyx with one lobe usually forming a 
coloured leaf ..-Mussenda. 
nflorescence axillary ; : ee equally 4-5- lobed .. -Adeno sacme. 

with 2 many-seeded pyrenes Myrio —ve 

Stamens inserted at base of corolla-tube ; lobes of corolla imbri- 
cate; seeds small: ; cotyledons minute ; inflorescence terminal 

Stamens inserted at or near mouth of corolla-tube; lobes of 
Corolla contorted ; seeds large; cotyledons often leafy ; inflores- 

Cence axillary :-— 
Ovary 1- celled ; seeds many; stigma fusiform -. ...-- Gardenia. 
Ovary 2-celled :-— . 
Seeds many ; stigma fusiform .. (a eS Sa 
Seeds few ; style-arms two :— 
Flowers in axillary spikes LOND 4 Lae Petunga. 
Flowers in axillary fascicles : 
Flowers sessile ; anthers insite! subincluded 

Flowers usually pedicelled ; anthers exserted, glabrous 

"Ovales solita 
tary in each cell :—[p. 548] : 
ec “lobes contorted in bud ; stipules =e ee solitary ; shrubs 
| trees :—{p. 550] 


Flowers in large corymbs ; stigma fusiform, exserted :— 
Corolla-lobes 5; style short, pubescent; stigma ae 
Webera § Pseudixora. 
Corolla-lobes 4 (rarely 5 in Pavetta) ; style long, ac glabrous ; 
stigma slender :— 
Bracts membranous, me lower sheathing............e00s+ 
Bracts coriaceous, not sheathing.......0......ceeesseseeeeeeeeee® 
Flowers axillary, solitary or fascicled ; style-arms 2, linear...Coffea. 
§Corolla-lobes valvate in bu —[p. 549] 
rubs or small trees, Sia erect ; leaves stipulate :— 
Flowers in dense heads, calyces confluent; fruits forming ® 
globose or oblong solid mass; erect shrubs or small trees 

Flowers free :— 
Erect shrubs or small trees :— 

Fruit drupaceous ; Parise not papillose ee 
Style stout, stigma large; ovalie . pendaloon radicle 
superior ; flowers axillary, fascicled :— : 

Ovary 2-celled Canthium. 

vary 3—5-celled Haase ee 
Style slender, stigma divided; ovules erect; 1 
ferior :— 

Flowers in terminal cymes; calyx-limb shortly es 

caes i sports fascicles; calyx-limb deeply ere 

re Sioeaied capsule 5-valved at apex; style 5-fid, papillose; 

wining ‘og og ; styles 2, capillary, ed re 
tonite are compressed, 1-seeded pres nes pee 

Herbs :— ; | 

ith the 

‘iLeaves opposite, stipulate ; pe ay setaceous, connate W! ne eee 

petioles into a toothed cup; fruit of 2 separable cocci : ni : 

Ovules pendulous ; aa compressed dorsally, geet > 
fruit very small, the separable cocci indehiscen se : 
Ovules atiadhea to septum of ovary; seeds oblong: ; 

inferior :— 

keeled be 
Fruit large, corky, oblong-obovoid, acutely a : 
tween the sharp margins ; the separable cocel par 
ple coce! 
Fruit small, crustaceous : ; one or both of the separ 
WOU «i ee .-Spermae 

Sr ee oe apr ee aa TT eee eee tee et 

; Petals 5 

Adina.) RUBIACBE. 561 

‘|Leaves whorled ; stipules replaced by leaves ; fruit of two coria- 
ceous or fleshy, indehiscent lobes [p. 550] Rubia 

403. Anthocephalus A. Rich. 
A glabrous tree ; leaves petioled; stipules lanceolate, caducous. 

: Flowers united by their confluent calyx-tubes in terminal, globose, 

- Solitary, peduncled heads ; bracts stipule-like at base of peduncles; 

es 0. Sepals connate in a tubular calyx ; limb 5-lobed, per- 
sistent or deciduous. Petals 5, connate in a long, funnel-shaped 
corolla; throat glabrous ; lobes of limb imbricate. Stamens 5, 
adnate to throat of corolla; filaments short; anthers ovate- 
oblong, apiculate. Disk small or 0. Carpels connate in an 
Inferior Ovary, 2-celled at base, 4-celled above; ovules numercus, 
orizontal on 2 ascending 2-fid placentas, a lobe projecting into 

Very generally planted. 
A large tree. Vernac. Kadam. 

404. Adina Salisb. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves petioled; stipules large, caducous. 
Flowers densely crowded in solitary or panicled globose heads, on 
- receptacle ; peduncles with or without bracts; bracteoles 
Pals connate in a 5-angled tubular calyx; limb 5-lobed. 
» Connate in a long, funnel-shaped tube; lobes valvate- 
5, adnate to mouth of corolla; filaments short; anthers 
Oblong. Carpels connate in a 2-celled ovary ; ovules many, 

Stam ens 

“ibticately set on a pendulous placenta in each cell ; style simple, 
™! ; stigma capitate or clavate. Fruit a cluster of og 
ye Patating: into 2 follicular cocci and many-seeded. pets 
ae 8) testa winged; albumen fleshy ; cotyledons flat; radicle 
“vlindrie, Superior, : 
faery or silky :—{p. 

552] hii adh » 
Petioled, orbicular, cordate, acuminate, pubescent aa, 
axillary, 1-3, L-headed [p. 552] ss+vesssssseeeseeencor 

552 BENGAL PLANTS. [Adina 

tLeaves sessile, oblong, subcordate, tips rounded, quite glabrous; 

peduncles terminal, 1-3, 1-headed [p. 551] sesstisonld. 
*Flowers glabrous; leaves shortly petioled, lanceolate, caudate-acuminate, — 
glabrous ; heads in trichotomous panicles [p. 551] ......+++++ polycephala. 

929. ApINA corpirou1a Hook. f.; F. B. I. iii. 24; E. D. A. 514. 
Nauclea cordifolia F. I. i. 514. 
Chota Nagpur; Behar; W. and N. Bengal. 
A sateiishornbdes tree ; aad hard. Hind. Haldu, hardu; 
Beng. Bangka, da-kém, petpuria, kali-kadam; Uriya 
Holonda; Santal. Karam; Kol. Kurumbé, komba 

930. Aprna sEssiuironia Hook. f.; F. B. I. iii. 24; E. D. 4 519, 
Nauclea sessilifolia F. I. i. 515. 
small tree. Beng. Kim. 
931. ADINA PoLYcEPHALA Benth.; F. B. I. iii. 25; E. D. A. 518. 
A small evergreen tree. 

405. Stephegyne Korth. : 

Shrubs or trees; leaves petioled; stipules large, caducous- : 
Flowers united by their confluent calyx-tubes in globose, wai 
and terminal, solitary or panicled or subumbelled heads, ; 
peduncled, with two deformed apical leaves, within W hich are : 
caducous bracts; bracteoles paleaceous. Sepals 5, connate it a 
short ¢ ealyx-tube, with a cup-shaped or tubular limb, entire , 
5-toothed. Petals 5, connate in a corolla with long, pe 
Shaped tube; throat glabrous or hairy ; lobes short, ware 
Stamens 5, adnate to corolla-throat; filaments short; called 

: a 


many-seeded cocci. Seeds small; testa winged ; albumen 

— short but distinct; tube of corolla much exceeding ; 
glabrous lobes 
ice 0; tube of corolla not exceeding the bearded ee ei lit < 
E. D. 

Sb PW che caren dncdés kivcdas eddsdecsddcdsacceoeedeeererr et, 

982. STEPHEGYNE PaRviFoLIA Korth.; F. B. I. iii. 25 
8. 2799. Nauclea parvifolia F. I. i. 518. 

; Unearia.] RUBIACEZ. 553 

Chota Nagpur; Behar; E. Bengal, Mymensingh. 
A small or medium tree. oe Kadam, keim, kangi ; 
Kol. Gui, komba ; Santal. Gor 
933. aaa DIVERSIFOLIA aah t: F. B. 1. iii. 26; E. D. 
2196. Nauclea rotundifolia F. I. i. 516. 
ii Ohitlapoxp 
A small tree. 
406. Uncaria Schreb. 

Climbing shrubs, often with hooks; leaves short-petioled ; 
stipules entire or 2-fid. Flowers in axillary peduncled, solitary or 
panicled globose heads, the lower peduncles often headless and 
hooked. Sepals connate in a fusiform calyx- -tube ; limb 5-lobed 
or -partite. Petals 5, connate in a long, funnel -shaped tube ; 
throat jee : see valvate. Stamens 5, adnate to throat of 

lla ; ort; anthers with 2 basal bristles. Carpels 
_ connate in a 2- celled ovary ; ovules many, ascending, on projecting 

Plecentas; style filiform; stigma capitate. Fruit an elongated, 

tpticidally 2-valved, many-seeded capsule. Seeds with testa 

Winged above and below; albumen fleshy; embryo clavate. 

: Slender 4-angled branches and leaves glabrous ; calyx-lobes § 
_ Tounded ; — glabrous ; lobes glabrous or silky ; se tors, 
BE MBOLG  occieiicicace ss cbvcdacel wteeeneie torent s essilifructus 
: Stout some oat and leaves beneath and on nerves ihove ati 
tose ; calyx-lobes linear, as long as sohe corolla-tube and lobes hairy 
pubescent ; capsules almost g 

aE oe eee ae ee 

Peduncles all ax xillary, bracteate near : middle; leaves beneath fil 
semione with short hairs; capsules clavate, sessile .seceeceseeree pilosa 
eduncles terminal as well as axillary, bracteate ne ar top ; ‘coll 

a hrasly-tomentose; a spindle-shaped, Le ae coat 

Loe oy renew ews ee teaser” ara 


large climber. 

~ Uweanta pros Roxb.; F. 1. i: 5205 F: B. L. iii. 32. 
A stout climber. 

986. Uncarra a Wall. ; F. B. I. iii. 82. 

N. Bengal, 

A very en aon climber. 

554 BENGAL PLANTS. [Wendlandia. 

407. Wendlandia Baril. 

Shrubs or small trees; leaves prawn or ternate; — 
entire or 2-fid. Flowers small, white inkish, in dense 
minal thyrsoid or paniculate cymes; ghee 2-8. Sep as 
connate in a subglobose iad limb 4-5-lobed ; lobes small, sub- 
equal, persistent. Petals 4 or 5, connate in a small, tubular, 
hypocrateriform or Rael shines corolla; throat glabrous of 
hairy; lobes imbricate. Stamens 4 or 5, adnate to limb of eorolla 
between the lobes; filaments 0 or elongated ; anthers versatile, 
exserted, linear or per Carpels connate in a 2-celled, rarely 

filiform ; stigma entire, 2-fid or 2-partite. Frwit a small, globose, — 
loculicidally rarely gelaatly, 2-valved, many-seeded capsule. ; 
Seeds very small, horizontal, compressed ;_ testa membranous, ; 
obscurely winged; albumen fleshy ; embryo short, cylindric. 

Corolla-tube shorter than the lobes; anthers much exser er : 
large as corolla-lobes 


POO CC es ee sce eter 

937. WENDLANDIA EXsERTA DC.; F. B. I. iii. 87; E. D. aa : 
Rondeletia exserta F. I. i. 528. 

Tirhut ; Behar; Chota Nagpur; Orissa; W. Bengal: 

A small crooked tree. Hind. Chanlai, chil- kiya, ti : 

tilki, birsa; Santal. Hundro, pichari baha. os 

938. WENDLANDIA. TINCTORIA 7 aes B. iii. 88; E: D. W- 

Rondeletia tinctoria F. 1. i. 

Chota Nagpur; E. Ben ale, Hepnedaabe Chitt ors of 

A small shapely tree. Beng. Tula-lodh; Santa | 

ilai. ; 

408 berki 
Trees or r shrubs, with cartes branches and_ bitter aul 

ovate or oxbalate, deciduous. Pe ial 5, aclu in & 
ampanulate corolla, glabrous within; a ow the 
valvate, with exserted edges. Stamens 5, adnate 


 Hedyotis. RUBIACE. 555 

corolla-throat ; rane short, dilated upwards; anthers linear. 
_ Carpels connate in -celled ovary; ovules many on cylindric, 
_ adnate placentas ; it filiform ; stigma fusiform. F'rwit a locu- 
licidally 2-valved, many-seeded capsule, the slender placentas at 
length free. Seeds imbricating upwards; testa wide-winged ; 
_ albumen fleshy; embryo minute. 
9. HYMENODICTYON EXCELSUM Wall.; F. B. I. iii. 35; E. D. 

i, 529 

A deciduous tree, 30-40 feet high. Hind. Bhanlan, 
bhamin, dhauli, kukurkat; Uriya Bodoka, konu; Kol. 
Sali; Santal. Bhorkund 

409. Dentella Forst. 
A small, weak, prostrate, annual or perennial-rooted herb; 
stems branching gubdichotomously and nodes rooting; ston ves 

axillary and in the forks, sessile or pedicelled, white. Sepals con- 
hate in a globose calyx; limb tubular, 5-fid, persistent. Petals 5, 
‘onnate in a funnel-shaped tube, hairy within ; lobes 5, dentate, 
induplicate-valvate. Stamens 5, adnate to middle of corolla- tube ; 

In all the provinces. 
A small straggling weed. 

410, Hedyotis Linn. 
= undershrubs or shrubs; leaves opposite, te, rarely ternate ; 
: Stipules free or connate in a bristly sheath. Flowers white or 
» in terminal or axillary, open, compact, or capitate cymes. 
Sepals connate in an ovoid or turbinate calyx; lobes - ese 

or exserted, shape various. Carpels 7s comnate in a 2-ce! 

556 BENGAL PLANTS. [Hedyotis. 

ovary ; ovules numerous, on sessile or elise placentas on or below 
the — of the septum; style filiform ; stigma 2-fid or 2-lobed. 

L mall, membranous, coriaceous or crustaceous, septicidal 
or loculicidal capsule, sometimes of 2 separable or connate cocci, 
or quite indehiscent; cells or cocci 2-many-seeded. Seeds plano- 

convex or angled; testa hardly ever winged; albumen horny; ; 

embryo clavate. 

Capsule dividing septicidally into 2 cocci, each several-seeded fe ven- 
trally dehiscent; top of capsule rounded and protruded betw 

2 teeth ; cymes subumbellate ; a much-branched, stoutish, sink : 


liane _ loculicidally dehiscent on the crown only, 

Fruit Yoonlicidaliy opening on the crown; cells many- -seeded ; lea : 

with 1 central nerve ; capsules hispid : 

capitate, Q 
Leaves narrow-linear, scabrid pling ; flowers in sessile, cap 

et, and terminal cymes; calyx-teeth subulate, shorter pen 

Prue eesceese sewers ee®, 

pie elliptic to lanceolate, scabrid on both surfaces ; Pate 
in ae clusters ; calyx-teeth triangular, about as 2 i 

wie reer cage 

Fruit hard, minu cells f ew-seeded ; cymes all sa aa 
shinee aia, rarely flat, always more than 1 in ihe 
Aer subsessile ; calyx-teeth nese : 

. or hispid PPOHE iT... OAS. CDA 
es peduncled ; pate pedicelled :— - 
Noes short ; calyx-teeth longer than the hispid wr 

peor long, filiform ; calyx-teeth shorter than the ¢ 

pee made broadly obconic ; cstls mangaoeies em 
axillary and terminal; leaves 1-nerved; calyx-teeth Thomsoni- 
recurved, longer than the teeth ..............s0000eeerrert" 

: iii, 57. 
941. Hepyoris scanpens Roxb.; F. I. i. 364; F. B. Lm 

ttagong. f 
A considerable climber. Vernac. Guji- 
942. Hepyoris prniroia Wall.; F. B. I. iii. 60. 
; Chota Nagpur. 
A slender, wiry, annual herb, with 4-angled stems. 

or quite 


leaves | 



‘Oldenlandia. } RUBIACEA. 557 

943. Hepyotis Hisprpa Retz; F. I. i. 364; F. B. I. iii. 60. 
ehar; Chota Nagpur; Chittagong. 
An annual herb; stem terete below, 4-angled above. 
944, Hepyoris Auricunaria Linn.; F. I. i. 365; F. B. I. iii. 58; 
— ED. o. 66. 
M8, Orprbengal, Duars ; Chittagong. 
iii, 65. ““<<_9 feet high ; stem and branches terete. 
O. and E, #47 Roxb. ; F. I. i. 365; F. B. I. ili. 59. 
A diffuse, Chittagong. 
"= -.. werd, 15-2 feet high. 
_ ‘46. Hepyoris cuapra Br.; F. B. I. iii. 59. Spermacoce glabra 
I. i. 368 

| Chittagong. 
| A herb, 2-3 feet high ; stem round, smooth, fistular. 
_ Mi. Hepyoris Tuomsont Hook. f.; F. B. I. iii. 68 
-and BE. al. 
A small annual herb, on muddy river-banks. 

411. Oldenlandia Linn. 

Erect, slender, or diffuse, 2-3-chotomously branched herbs; 
é usually small and narrow; stipules acute or bristly. 

: us , usually in dichotomous, axillary and terminal, 
Bmerally Paniculate cymes, rarely solitary. Sepals connate in a 
te or subglobose calyx; lobes 4, rarely 5, usually erect and 

| often distant in fruit, occasionally leafy and close together, some- 
times with intercalated accessory teeth. Petals 4, rarely 5, con- 

tate in a rotate, hypocrateriform or funnel-shaped corolla; lobes 

btuse, Valvate. Stamens 4, rarely 5, adnate to mouth of corolla ; 
rae 8 short; anthers usually exserted. Carpels connate in a 
tag Ovary; ovules usually many, on placentas near base of 

hae style filiform ; stigmas 2, linear. Fruit a small capsule, 
..._Y Membranous, terete or didymous or angled, opening locu- 
Seeds € apex, rarely quite indehiscent, oe 
oo or globose; testa not winged, smooth or pitted; 
n fleshy ; embryo clavate. 

] ee 
teeth triangular, lanceolate, their bases in oe 

itary, 1-2-flowered, filiform, as long as the flat, ee ‘ 
: te leaves; corolla-tube hardly exceeding ae 
a » flaccid herb ; flowers mostly in lower axils [p- 558] ery 20 

558 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Oldenla 

~~ +Calyx-teeth subulate, their bases in fruit not contiguous :—{p. 557) 
Flowers saargt or on very short, thick pedicels, usually solitary ; 
diffuse, flaccid herbs :— 

Leaves flat, a elliptic or orbicular, nerves distinct; flowers 
chiefly in upper axils, solitary or sometimes clustered ; pes 
as long as tube of rotate seitatias seseereeseel TULL 
Leaves with usually recurved mar roe mt x DAE 
mostly in lower axils, always solitary; calyx 
as tube of corolla veral-seeded and ven- 
Flowers pedicelled, or if nearly sessile then on coo between = 
ithout peduncles in terminal sessile cymes 
~~ Flowers all axillary, or if terminal not (padiblel?: margins of linear 
or narrow-lanceolate leaves usually recurved :-— 
Peduncles solitary from the lower, or sometimes also from the 
upper axils; flowers few or simple; pedicels long, filiform :— 
Calyx- gat not much shorter es corolla-tube; peduncles 
usually solitary, sometimes two, rarely 1-, usually 2+ 
flowered vps not extended ok tips of — -teeth; 4 
diffuse or less often erect herb ..........cseseeeseeeente? 
— sconsiideesbi shorter than corolla-tube ; pedndes ; 
always solitary, lly 1-, rarely 2-flowered ; capsule = 
tended Seiten tips of calyx-teeth ; a much- ‘ranched, aes 

erect herb oe qiencgeur hg 
Peduncles from the upper axils chiefly, besdsive’ many a 
fewer than 3-flowered; pedicels very short; cymes § ned ‘ 
rarely sessile, and if so then terminal; a diffusely ho 
Bee mre. seg eee = 
Flowers only partly axillary, ne in on De open, “eri 
panicled cymes; erect herbs with linear leaves ae 
Stem acutely 4-angled; ie not tac shorter wal é 
corolla-tube ; capsules didymous; margins of metre patos 
TOCURVONR it oes vit. Vileeali. SAU eee 
Stem terete; calyx-teeth very — shorter than pieee 
capsules globose; leaves usuall ding; a 
tem copiously branched, er filiform, spre® wept ; 
flowers small, pees corolla under *2 in. long; eer aaah ce 
(about. 12-) seeded i... cecersssceeccecserhsrenr-Seee™t 
Stem social Ween branches rigid, pc? 
rhe Soar none nish-pink ; corolla over °4 in. long; 


~~ *Seeds hardly a: Mou: testa deeply, coarsely pitted ; “Jeaves fit ma 
teeth broadly triangular :—{(p. 557] 

Oldentandia.} RUBIACE. 559 

: Stem ae leafy ; branches leafy throughout; leaves opposite ; a ( lo 
capsule paniculata.~ °° 

Peer rTe Ty: Peet te 

Stem Bisons, naked below, or with 1 pair of leaves, and with 4 
leaves in a whorl at commencement of branching ; branches usually 

with each a whorl of 4 leaves or naked ; capsules hemispheric 
| nudicaulis. 

948, OLDENLANDIA ceyaTarnina, Roxb. saacd-deveee he 2: B. I. 

ili. 65. 
C. and E. Bengal; Chittagong. 
A diffuse, flaccid weed. Beng. Panki. 
949, ae TRINERVIA Retz; F. B. I. iii. 66. 
A diffase Seca weed. 
950. OLDENLANDIA DirFusA Roxb.; F. I. i. 423; F. B. 1. ili. 65. 

951. OrpEeNLANDIA corymposa Linn.; F. B. I. iii. 64; E. D. 
0. 182. QO, esti 1. i. 423. O. ramosa F. I. i. 424. 
In all the provi 
A flaccid, wae "diftone, sometimes erect weed. Hind. 
aman-papar; Beng. Khet- aga 
952, Saree Heyer Br.; F. B. I. iii. 65. 0. herbacea 
F. I, i, 424. 

Chota Nagpur; Orissa. 
An erect branching weed. 
8. Opentanvta umanntaTa Linn.; Faded 4205 F- age 
iii. 66; E. D. O. 137 

Orissa, on sand-dunes near the : 
A aa ate, much-branched, gia Verb: Hind. Chirval ; 
eng. and Uriya Surbuli. 
94. OLDENLANDIA BRACHIATA Wight; F. B. I. it. 66. 
Behar, Patna. 
A slender, erect herb. 
955, : eee picnoroma Koen.3: hie 
Chota N 
A very vote SS —— herb of dry rae 
956, OubeNtanpra craciuis DC.; 68. O. senegale 
FB. I. iii. 68. 

N, ep Tirhut ; Chota Nagput- 
A slender, erect herb of grassy places. 

560 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Oldenland 

957. OLDENLANDIA PanicuLATA Linn.; F. B. I. iii. 69. 0. alata 
FUT. i. 491. 
C. and E. Bengal. 
A diffuse or erect succulent weed. 
958. OLDENLANDIA NuDIcAauLIs Roth; F. B. I. iii. 70. 
Behar; Chota agpur. 
An erect, rather thickly softly stemmed herb. 

412, Anotis DC. : 

Herbs, ascending or prostrate, rarely erect; stipules usually 
membranous or with marginal bristles. Flowers in axillary and 
terminal dense, rarely lax heads or cymes. Sepals connate ma 

corolla; filaments short or long ; anthers linear-oblong, ee 
or exserted. Carpels connate in a 2-celled, rarely 3-4-cell 
ovary; ovules few or rarely solitary in each cell, wi placentas, 
ascending from near base of septum ; style filiform ; stigmas ge 
linear. Fruit a didymous or laterally compressed capsule, ee | 
crown protruding between calyx-lobes and there loc 
2-valved, rarely indehiscent ; cells 1- or few-seeded. Seeds peltate, 
boat-shaped, rarely plano-convex; testa coarsely pitted, : 
winged; albumen horny; embryo clavate. 
959. Anoris canycrna Hook. f. ; FP. Bi 1. iii. 78. 
Chota N : 
An erect, slender, annual herb. 

413. Ophorrhiza Linn. — 

-Mussenda,} RUBIACES. 561 

flattened. Fruit a compressed, obcordate, coriaceous eo 
girtin the middle By the calyx-limb ; crown opening by 2 w 
gaping valves; placentas divaricate, many-seeded. Seeds ak 
angled ; testa essay: albumen fleshy ; embryo clavate. 

Leaves membranous, thin 

Cymes rather lax and flo weil glabrous ; capsules glabrous 
arrisiana var, argented. 

Cymes dense-flowered, tomentose ; capsules pubescent...... aber opie 
almost coriaceous; cymes very dense-flowered and clothed 
with dense, shaky pobdsoence +..sis), ewlivninsn Waniweaee villosa. 

960. OpHiorrHIzA HARRISIANA Heyne var. ARGENTEA Hook. f. 3 
Bit; 78. 

A perennial herb, shrubby below. 
961, sean TRICHOCARPA BI; F. B. I. iii. 78. 
Chitta i 
A heat herb. 
%2. OpHtorruiza vinLosa Roxb.; F. I. i. 702; F. B. L. iii. 79. 
_ A perennial herb. 

414, Musseenda Linn. 
Shrubs or undershrubs, rarely herbs, erect or climbing ; leaves 
: te o r ternate; stipules solitary or in pairs between the 

E bvitle “and bractedles small, deciduous. Sepals connate 
_~ oblong or turbinate ealyx-tube ; lobes of limb 5, yr: 
Yous, one of the 5 frequently developed as a large, — 
bract-lik i i : noe 

; iobes valvate, with edges everted. nena 
to throat or tube of corolla ; filaments very short; anthers 
linear, Carpels connate in a 2-celled ovary; ovules me vit 
i “grad placentas; style filiform; stigmas 2, ofa unde 
Y, Many-seeded berry with an areolate crown. 
| a: testa pitted; albumen fleshy ; embryo minute. 

“ri nena till the fruit is ripe «-+--++ssrer77"""" shee 
duous as soon as flowering is OVEF..-+++ ee ied glabr ‘a. 

562 _ BENGAL PLANTS. [Mussenda. 

963. Mussmnpa Roxsurcum Hook. f.; F. B. I. iii. 87. 
engal, Duars; Tippera; Chittagong. 
_ A suberect shrub. 
964. Muss#nDA GLABRA Vahl; F. B. I. iii. 90. . 
N. Bengal, Duars ; Chittagong. 
A rambling or climbing shrub. 

415. Adenosacme Wall. 

Small shrubs, branches — fragile; leaves very membra- 
nous, many-nerved, sometimes toothed and glandular; stipules 
small or large. Flowers white, 8 or greenish, in axillary and 
terminal panicled diffuse cymes; bracts often glandul, 

corolla-tube at various levels (flowers 2-3-morphic); filam 
short; anthers linear-oblong. Carpels connate in & #© ol 
sometimes a 5-6-celled ovary; ovules many on fleshy, pelt : 

placentas ; — short or long slender or thickened upW 

gl loculici 

berry, 2- celled or 5-6- onal. many- wood sometime y 
testa dotted: 

dehiscent on the crown. a minute, angular ; 
albumen fleshy; embry 
965. ADENOSACME LONGIFOLIA eh F. B. L. iii. 95. 
Chitt , 
A bush with rigid, very brittle branches. 

416. Myrioneuron Wall. 

mall shrubs with stout branches and spongy -_ ge : 
large ; stipules large. Flowers white, in ait pe the ceolate, : 

rigid. Sepals connate in an ovoid ib re ; tbher 5 ait 
rigid, persistent, longer than the corolla. Petals 5, copa” 

small tubular corolla; throat villous; lobes my ts short, 

alvate. Stamens 5, ate to corolla-tube ; z 
subulate; anthers linear, included. Carpels wise in . 
ovary; ovules many, on hemispheric Feet 
stigmas 2, linear-oblong, cohering. F'rwit 
fleshy, 2-celled, many-seeded berry. Seeds ae A an 
pitted ; albumen fleshy ; embryo minute, 

whit = Oe 

ar. Sepals 
connate in a globose or hemispheric calyx; lobes 4-6, persistent. 
Petals 4-6, connate in a short or long tubular corolla; lobes. ti- : 

angular, valvate with outed edges. Stamens 4-6, adnate to the 4 


Gardenia.) RUBIACE#. 
Leaves oe. elliptic, abruptly acuminate; nerves 15-20 pairs, said 
horizon patent 

ep Ji dbu Sd wena pin ener treet 3 

966. since wuTaNs Wall; F. B. Tail. 96. 

Se! are ry 

A small erect shrub. 
, 967. Myrtonruron CiarKet Hook. f.; 
siafl erect shrub. 

F, B. I. iii. 96. 

417. Hamelia Jacq. 

Shrubs with slender terete branches ; leaves opposite or whorled, 
deciduous. Flowers 

ae Stamens 5, adnate to bas 
er short; anthers linear, ia bifid, connective garry 

k swollen. aan connate in a net celled ovary 5 
sulcate, » slightly 

wisted. Frwit a small, abide 5-locular, many-s seeded berry; 

sr by the somewhat 5-lobed disk. 
ar; testa membranous; albumen fleshy; embryo clavate. 

A favourite shrub in gardens ; often also subspontaneous 

near villages in C. Bengal. 

418. Gardenia Linn. 

| ai 8 or trees, often armed ; leaves Si rarely ternate ; 
Mainal intrapetiolar, often connate. wers often large, a 
or r axillary, solitary, fascicled, 

d polygamous. epals 
: thaceous OT cleft 

- the : 

mae lobes 5-9, contorted. tamens 5-9, adnate 

Sessile tube, alternate with the corolla-lobes 5 anthers included, 
or nearly so, linear, Carp connate in a 1- oie ovary 5 

564 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Gardenia. 

ays eS 

ovules numerous, 2-seriate, on 2-6 parietal placentas ; style stout; 
stigma clavate, fusiform, or 2-fid. Frwit a large ovoid, ellipsoid or 
lobose, coriaceous or fleshy berry with a woody endocarp, which 
sometimes splits vertically along the placentas. Seeds many, contr . 
pressed, embedded in the placenta; testa thin; albumen horny; _ 
embryo minute. : 

Shrubs without ome stipules connate, large; flowers large, 1 in.or 
more across, solitary ; buds resinous : 
it without bs calyx-limb distinctly toothed :— 
pe pr —— narrow-lanceolate to subulate ; leaves large, | 
up to 8-10 in. long :— is 
Leaves dull goers broadly elliptic or orbicular, obtuse, some 
times ternate, almost sessile; nerves about 12 pairs; calyx-teeth 
subulate-lanceolate, agit re ct corolla-lobes 5-9, a 
oblique ; fruit globose ; placentas 4-5 ......sseeeeeereeereeees latifolia. 
Leaves shining, elliptic, is or subacute, distinctly polo 

nerves 20-30 pairs ; tags 0s narrow-lanceolate ; corolla — 

shits bovate, acute or obtu essile; nerves 15-20 eS 
sonslle obec 5, ae obtuse ; trait ‘ellipsoid or oblong ; plac 
co pee 

Fruit distinctly 5-ribbed, pee leaves ulate; 
eaves small, ovate ; calyx-limb Sake ab 6 teeth ssi ate, 

Leaves large, 6-12 in. long, obovate ; calyx-limb cheers si 
Corolla-lobes 5, DrOGd ...........eceeccsccsscaperecceescenetsver sett) oe 
pre armed with spinescent, abortive branches; stipules re 
eciduous ; flowers small, under 1 in., the females solitary, the 
taeciclet buds not resinous :— 
Pears coriaceous ; Sie salyer-shaped, the tube subeylindric ; 
beaked, ovoid or mae mooth :— ida. 
Leaves elliptic or obovate, glabrous or pubescent beneath ..-urg 
Leaves often orbicular, densely tomentose benea montand- 
turgida var. mo" ‘lige 
Leaves membranous ; corolla campanulate ; fruit not er simetelle 
or subglobose, obeourely B-Tid ged cesses. ssssseeeecoawenecen tes mpe 


969. GARDENIA LATIFoLIA Ait.; F. I. i. 706; F. B. 1 
E. D. &. 
Ww. Beigel; Behar ; Chota Nagpur. 

A small tree with thick, woody, resinous branchlets. 
Hind. Papra, ban-pindalu ; Kol. and Santal. Papra, 
popro; Uriya Kota-ranga. 
970. GARDENIA LucIDA Roxb.; F. 

I. i. 707; F. B. I. iii. 115; 

. D. G. 128. 
Chittagong. - 
A small deciduous tree, with resinous shoots. 

eh re a ie Ba RS ep dS ag = Kind 


1; Gaxpania Gunners Linn: f. ; F.1. i. 108; F. B. L. iii. 116; 
E. D. a. 116. 

Chota Nagpur. eae 
A peony. vee with resinous buds. Hind. Dikmali; 
Kol. Bar 
| 972. i . FLORIDA Linn.; F. I.i. 703; F. B. J. iii, 115; 
: E. D. @. 111 

In gardens in many of the provinces. 
Ashrub. Vernac. Gundha-raj. 

973. GARDENIA CORONARIA Ham.; F. B. I. iii. 117; E. D. G. 108. 

A deciduous tree, with resinous buds. 
94. Garpenra TurGipa Roxb.; F. i, 711; F. B.- J. iii. 118; 

ella, khurrur, 

ap : ind. Than 
ois rain ‘tied Hin dhobelkirat ; Kol. 

ghurga, mhaner; Uriya Bhamenia, 
Karhar, duduri; Santal. Dandoukit, do ouki. ss 
MAR. Var. wonrana F..B. I. iii, 118. @- mene na F. 1.1. 

Chota il 

975, Garpenra campanunata Roxb. ; F. 1.1. 710; F. B, Ti. 219 
D. a. 105. 
Chota Nagpur, Parasnath ; Chittagong: 
A shrub. 
g 419. Randia ith 
hrubs or ssnbe pee or spinous; |, leave ia or connate 


binate calyx-tube; limb often tubular; lobes 0 or short, or large 
and leafy. Petals 5, connate in a variously shaped corolla with 
long or short tube; lobes contorted. Stamens 5; anthers narrow, 
subsessile. Disk annular or swollen. Carpels connate in & 
2-celled, or "occasionally a — ovary; ovules piece neey 

fusiform, entire or 2-fid. ruit a globose, ellipsoid or ovoid 
usually 2-celled, many-seeded berry. Seeds often embedded in 
ulp, angular; testa thin; albumen horny ; embryo axia wil 
rounded, leafy cotyledons. 
Flowers solitary, or if 2-3 on a peduncle (sometimes in R. snc 
then with a race corolla, small or medium-sized ; arme 
species with straight spines : 
Corolla campanulate, with a very short tubular base and broad, 
reflexed, obtuse lobes; calyx-lobes broad, obtuse; flowers usually 
Tsay berry large, yellow, many-seeded, crowned with the é 
mb :— 
ques glabrous externally, always solitary, of two kinds, ® large 
sessile form with a ring of hairs inside, and a maller pedun uncleds 

glabrous within; berry 2 in. long ; stipules Biss bint igi 
Corolla hairy ie mg usually solitary, sometimes 2-§.088 : 

peduncle ; berry 1- ong ; stipules ovate-acuminate.. 

sah tubular es Sind , long, slender, with oblong, : 
: : mall, purple 

; flowers in fascicles; calyx-teeth linear ; berry * 
hele cells about 6-seeded ; stipules narrowly areca’ srieulal 

Flowers in axillary or leaf-opposed cymes ; corolla saver sng so 
slender tube ; unarmed 5 ae or, if armed, pe ae acpi 

Cymes sessile, solitary from upper axil of each oye uch 
spreading ; flowers ions shortly pte corolla: -tube ™ 
shorter than the lobes; berry smooth, ‘5—* . long, ie a 

corolla-tube wie longer than the lobes; berry 
5 in. long, about 8-seeded; a snl t sh 
reflexed spines or unarmed 
976. Ranpra utrerosa DC.; F. B. I. iii. 110; F- 
Posoqueria uliginosa F. I. i. 712. 
. and E. Bengal. 

A small, rather rigid tree with thick, wiletyt - 


RUBIACE#, 567 

; ae ; site es, except on young shoots, tufted, ter- 

: inal, Fruit edible, sold in bazars. ind. Pindalu ; 

a Pisalo: us ya Pendra ; Santal. Pinde ; Kol. Pindar, 


P Wt fis pumetrorum Lamk; F. 8, 1 ui, 110; Be Dp. B41. 

Posogueria dumetorum F.1. i. 718. P. nutans F. I. i. T14. 

P. longispina F. I. i. 716. P. “floribunda F, I. i. 719. 

| In all the province 

: A small, rather eas tree or rigid shrub with hori- 

: zontal spines. Uriya Pativa; Beng. Menphal, m madan ; 

| Hind, Menphal, -manyol, karhar ; Pa. . Gurol; 

Santal. Loto, boi bindi ; Kol. Ene pone 

‘978, Ranpra ae eos 108. Posoqueria 

. fasciculata F. 1. i 

: Tirhut; N. eas ‘Chota Nagpur. 

A spreading shrub. 

979. Ranpra Watxicum Hook. f.; F. B. 1 iii. 113. 


A tree with very stout but flexuous Sere branches. 
980. Ranpra Lonairiora Lamk; F. B. I. iti, 111. Posoquerta 

longiflora F. I. i. 718. 
E. Bengal; Chittagon 
A large climbing ein shrub. 
420. Petunga D 

. Glabrous shrubs with rigid round fished: leaves petioled, 
ar or ovate- oblong. 

2 & 
wn oe 
; eS 


P torolla ; anthers subsessile, linear, connective ee at aed 
2 arpels connate in a completely or often h cell; style 
rtd ovules 2-8, pendulous from pie at 36 , several- 
oe ee linear, hairy. Fruit : — ‘ a ind folded 
= testa, - hdl eeas . 
’ en fleshy ; cotyledons linear. ‘a race- 
|. Peronca Roxpureut DC.; F. B.L = 2 pene 
mosa F. 1. i. 525, R. polysperma ares: 
Bengal ; Sundribuns. Pitanga. 
An evergreen shrub, 5-8 feet igh. Beng 

568 BENGAL PLANTS. [Hyptianthera. 

421. Hyptianthera W. & A. 
A glabrous shrub with terete branches: ; leaves short-petioled; 
stipules triangular, persistent. Flowers small, white, sessile, in 
axillary fascicles ; bracteoles small. Sepals connate in a turbinate 

short corolla; tube hairy within; lobes spreading, contorted. 
Stamens 4 or 5; anthers sessile, oblong, obtuse, pubescent on the 
back and at the base. Disk annular. Carpels connate in & 
2-celled ovary; ovules 6-10, pendulous from the apex of each 
cell; style short, included, its arms pee long, erect, hispid. - 
Fruit an ovoid or globose . Seeds compressed, imbricated, - 
angular; testa thick, fibrous and plicate ; Libdielen fleshy ; embryo | 


982. ao stricta W. & A.; F. B. I. iii. 121; E. D. 
8. Randia stricta F. I, i. 526. a 

pee Nagpur; W. C. and E. Bengal. 

A shrub, 5-10 feet high. 

422. Diplospora DC. 

vergreen shrubs or trees, branches terete; Jeaves shortly 

petioled ; stipules triangular, acuminate or lanceolate. Flowers 
small, in short axillary cymes, or fascicled, polygamo-diecious, : 
white or greenish ; coe connate in a cup under the calyx, 0% u 
Sepals connate in obconic or hemispheric calyx- -bube; 
lisah truncate or 4—5- toothed or -lobed. Petals 4 or 5, connate in | 
a short, cylindric or campanulate corolla; lobes spreading, co? . 
torted. Stamens 4 or 5; filaments short or lon ng; anthers oblong . 
or linear, often recurved. Carpels connate in a 2-celled, rarely ® 4 

3-celled ovary; ovules 2-3 in each cell, on septal placentas; stY le 
short or long, the stigmatic arms linear or oblong. ag ie 
ovoid or globose berry. Seeds few in each cell; albumen fleshy; 
embryo small. 

es ‘ D. 
983. SUT eargas SINGULARIS Korth.; F. B. I. iii. 1235 E. 
D. 672. 

A small tree. 
423, Webera Schreb. 
Trees or shrubs ; leaves opposite, petioled; fir: triangle 
ovate, usually deciduous, Flowers in terminal corymbose se 

Pavetta.) RUBIACE. 569 

sessile or pedicelled; bracteoles 2 under the calyx or, if flowers 
_ Pedicellate, on the pedicel. Sepals connate in an ovoid or turbinate 

calyx; limb See on some 5- ‘fat fwculy fid. — 5, rarely 4, 

 tonnatein a funne with short or 

long tube and ie or villous throat; lobes narrow, usually 
long, spreading or reflexed, contorted. Stamens 5, rarely 4, adnate 
mouth of corolla; filaments short or 0; anthers narrow-linear, 
often acute, exserted. Carpels connate in a 2-celled ovary ; ovules 
many, rarely few or paired or solitary in each cell (in our only 
species ovules solitary); style stout, — pubescent ; stigma 
long, fusiform, usually far-exserted. Prue a small, globose berry ; 
1- or more-seeded. Seeds perio or cup-shaped, rarely 
angular ; albumen fleshy or horny ; mi se ea leafy. 
984. Wepera campanirtora Hook. f.; F. B 
A large bush or small tree. Beng. Kankra. 
424. Pavetta Linn. 

Shrubs or small trees, branches terete ; leaves opposite, petioled, 
Usually membranous ; ; stipules ieee usually connate in a 

. loose, deciduous sheath. Flower axillary or terminal 2- 

chotomously branched corymbs, i AG bracteoles ya 

‘pals connate in an ovoid or turbinate calyx; limb short or long, 
deciduous or persistent; lobes 4, rarely 5. Petals 4, rarely 5, 
‘onnate in a hypoerateriform corolla; tube slender, cylindric ; 
lobes spreading, contorted. Stamens 4, rarely 5, adnate to mouth 
o throat of corolla ; filaments long or short or 2 — linear. 

Leaves glabrous beneath or nearly so ; cymes glabrate ; corolla pom 

beneath: ¢ 

Sot or softly or harshly puberulous above, pubescent 
s tom indica var. tomentosa. 

entose or villouS .----+-+++++++ 
985, a mnDica Linn.; F. B. I. iii. 150; E. D. P. 338. 
Ixora Pavetta ¥. I. i. 385. 


A small ise, Beng. Kukura-chura. 

570 BENGAL PLANTS. [Pavetta, 

985/2. Var. tomentosa F. B. I. iii. 150. Iaora tomentosa F. 1. 
i. 386. 

In most of the provinces. 

A large bush or small tree. Beng. Jui; Kol. Sikreba, 

sikerup ; Santal. Budhi tilai, budhi ghasit. 

425, Ixora Linn. 
Shrubs or small trees; branches —— leaves opposite, rarely 
ternate; stipules interpetiolar, Flowers in terminal, 3-choto- 

mously branched, often panvithoes cymes; bracteoles 2. Sepals 

Ot et 
> id 

crateriform corolla; tube very long, standets lobes spreading, 
— Stamens 4, very rarely 5, adnate to the mouth of the 

berry with 2 coriaceous pyrenes. Seed almost filling the ares 
peltate; testa membranous ; albumen horny; embryo with thin, 
flat cotyledons. 

Calyx-teeth much longer than ovary; corolla white; flowers in yore 
or subsessile cymes...... . acuminaa. 

Calyx-teeth shorter than or rarely (I. undulata) equalling ‘te ovary a 
Cymes long-peduncled, 6-10 in. long, brachiate ; flowers W. 

Cymes short-peduncled, 2 in. long or less te 
Cymes not jointed at the A ai ee flowers whi 

Cymes jointed at the ramifications :— olia. 
Branches pubescent ; cymes brachiate ; flowers white. camel 
Branches glabrous :— 

ymes brachiate, with 3~4 slender branches ; flowers mere 

Cymes back emernaih, sessile or subsessile ; flowers red oF, rarelY. 

Corolle acute ., sone sist nO 
rolla-lobes basal Wee ies Wile 

Coffea. RUBIACEA. 571 

986. Ixora acuminata Roxb.; F. I. i. 383; F. B. 1. iid 187; 
BE. D. 1. 511. 

A stout. glabrous shrub. 

987. Ixona spectapinis Wall. ; F. B. I. iii. 141. 

An ck, tree. : 
988. Ixona parvirLora Vahl; F. I. i. 383; F. B. I. iii. 142; 
E.D. 1, 515 
In most of the provinces. 
An evergreen tree. Beng. Rangan; Hind. Loha jang- 

hia; Uriya Tellu, kurwan; Kol. Pete; Santal. Merom 

989. Ixorna cunsrronta Roxb.; F. I. i. 880; F. B. 1. iii, 144. 
E. Bengal ; Chittagoirg: 

Se a ee gr as Se tree 

me. Ixora unpunara Roxb.; F. I. i. 885; F. B. I. iii. 147. 
Chota Nagpur and Behar, wild. C. and E. genders in 
village shrubberies 
= A shrub. Beng. Palske-j ~jui. at 
991. Txora cocernua Linn.; F. I. i. 375; F. B. 1. in. 145; E. D. 
1.518. I. Bandhuca F. I. i. 3876. 

Planted in every province; seems wild in Chittagong. 

A branching shrub. Beng. Rangan, bandhuca cit 

2. Ixora stricta Roxb. ; F. 1. i. 879; F. B. 1. it 
Planted in most of the provinces. 

A branching shrub. 

426. Coffea Linn. : 
Shrubs with compressed branches ; leaves opposite, rare: 9 
temate ; stipules broad. Flowers axillary, in fascicles or ¢y™ 


yx-tube; limb short, often glandular. —_— a 

* regularly many-toothed, persisten nt. Petals —— d. Stamens 
ort or 4 ding, COP 

, ong sini tube; lobes sprea spe to corolla-throat 



cartilaginous pyrenes. Seeds plano-convex, concave or grooved 

on the septal side; albumen horny; embryo short, subbasal ; 
cotyledons thin, cordate. 

Leaves dull; branches very slender; flowers appearing when plant is 

leafiess ; corolla salver-shaped eng aeenete. 
Leaves shining ; branches stoutish ; flowers with leaves; corolla funnel- 
ce ee arabica 

993. CorFEA BENGALENSIS Roxb.; F. I. i. 540; F. B. I. iii. 153. 
Chota Nagpur; N. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
A small shrub. 
994. Correa arapica Linn. ; F. I. i. 539; F. B. I. iii. 153; B.D. 
Cc. 1641. 

Cultivated sparingly in Chota Na p 

gpur. ; 
A large shrub or small tree. Hind. Kahwa; Beng. Kava, 

kapi. The Coffee Plant. 

427. Morinda Linn. 
Erect or climbing shrubs or trees ; branches round or 4-angled; 

leaves Opposite, rarely ternate; sti s connate, sheathing. 
Flowers axilla d 

ong. Fruit usually aggregate, of succulent, enlarged 
calyces, enclos § numerous cartilaginous or bony, 1-8 i 
Pyrenes, which sometimes cohere j a 2-4- . 

Leaves tomentose on both surfaces, dull green; corolla pubescent oP 
tinctoria var. toment ee 
Leaves glabrous, shining (sometimes minutely scaberulous in M. pé 
céfolia) ; corolla glabrous :— 
*Qaloyv limmhwiih ti god: 


ES oe Spears Se 

) fp. Be sch [7 573) bracteata- i 

Canthium. ] RUBIACEA, 573 
*Calyx-teeth all similar :— 
Stipules obtuse ; corolla-throat hirsute; fruit whitish ...citrifolia. 

Stipules acute ; corolla-throat naked ; fruit purplish.. aang 
Flower-heads sessile or subsessile 

995. Mormnpa TIncTorra Roxb. var. TomENTosa; F. B. Li iii, 156. 
M. tinetoria F. I. ip 543 partly; E. D. M. 704 
Behar ; Chota Nagpur 
A Sirah. Santal. Chaili, ban-katari. 
996. Mormnpa pracreata Roxb.; F. 1. i. 544. M. citrifolia var. 
bracteata F. B. I. iii. 156; E. D. M. 656 
Sundribuns. ; 
A small tree, near the sea-face. Beng. Hardi, haldi- 
kunch, ronch. és 
997. Mornpa crrrirot1A Linn.; F. I. i. 541; F. B. I. iii. 155; 
E, D. M. 656. 
N. Bengal, cultivated. 
A small shrub in one Fite in another a woody herb. 
Hind. Al, ak; os 
998. Mormpa jh iscsatid Blog F. L.i.547; F. B. I. iii, 156; 


An erect shrub or small tree. Beng. Daruh sate E.D 
999, “pela PERSICEFOLIA Ham. ; FEF. B. 1. ie dos; FE. YD. 
M. 703. 

Chittagon ng. 4 
A low, diffuse shrub, with slender, flexuous branches. 

428. Canthium Lamk. 

harmed or spiny, erect or climbing shrubs; branches mean 
; ky Opposite; stipules connate. Flowers small, some ia 
bolygamous white or greenish, axillary in ot ae a : (RS 
tarbose ¢ cymes. Sepals connate in a ree 5 37 
calyx ; limb short, 4-5-toothed, eens oF decidnows ae 
45, pte in a funnel-shaped, campanulate or nreeoats ee ; 
th a ring of deflexed hairs inside and with a ye the 

lbeg Spreading, at length reflexed, valvate. Stamens 4—- , on 
‘htoat r mouth of the corolla; Ramneate 187 short oF 0; 
or ovate. Disk swollen. Carp 
omy; ovules inary com ke clonucie be see style stout; ag 

574 BENGAL PLANTS. _ (Canthium. 

large. Frwit a didymous or subglobose, 2-celled drupe, or 1-celled 
from abortion and reniform or oblong ; pyrenes two, each 1-eelled, 
or one 2-celled, or one 1-celled, the other aborted. Seeds oblong; 
testa membranous ; albumen fleshy ; embryo elongated with short 

Unarmed shrubs ; leaves quite glabrous, as are the branches :— 
Pyrenes more or less wrinkled or tubercled, rounded on the back 
Pyrenes quite smooth, triangular, almost keeled ...glabrum. . 
Armed with decussate, opposite, rarely ternate, sharp aasllaty or en : 
what supra-axillary spines ; pyrenes more or less wrinkled or tubercled; 
rounded on the back :— D 
Leaves quite glabrous, as are the branches ............+++++ angustifoliun. 
Leaves pubescent on both surfaces; branches hispid, pubescent 

1000. Canrarum pipymum Roxb.; F. I. i. 585; F. B. 1. iii. 132; 
E. D. 

Beliai Chota Nagpur : 
A stout evergreen aly’ Santal. Garbha gojha- 
1001. Cantutum GLasrum BI.; F. B. I. iii. 18 
N. Bengal, Duars. 
small tree. ‘ rBL 
1002. Cantutum ancustironium Roxb.; F. I. i. 5383; B+ % 
iii, 185. 
Sundribuns; Chittagong. 
A spreading shrub. Beng. Kota- mee 61 
1008. Cantarom PARVIFoLIUM Roxb.; F. I. i. 584; F. 
lil. 135. 

Bihar: Chittagong. 
spreading shrub. 

429. Vangueria Juss. 
Unarmed or spiny erect shrubs; branches terete ; leaves OPP® | 
site; stipules connate. Flowers small, white or greenish, 

globose calyx; limb erect or spreading, regularly 5- oF “ac : 
4-lobed, or irregularly 6-10-toothed. Petals 5, rarely 40% "| 

nate in a cylindric or urceolate corolla-tube, with a ring of 
airs inside and a villous or glabrous throat; lobes 

Paychotria. ] RUBIACES. BTS 

“ength reflexed, valvate. Stamens 5, rarely 4 or 6, on the throat 
ormouth of the corolla ; filaments very short or 0; anthers ole 
Disk swollen. Carpels connate in a 5-celled, less often 3-4- 0 

_ bcelled ovary ; ovules solitary, pendulous in each cell; style sae 
stigma large. Frwit a dry or fleshy drupe or berry, with areolate 
apex, with 2-6 pyrenes or a 2-6- celled stone. Seeds solitary in 
each pyrene or cell, oblong ; testa membranous ; albumen fleshy ; 
_ tmbryo elongated, with short cotyledons. 

Unarmed edulis. 

ee eseeeeen eu 
pengivete AMC OE CS ahs ai asd 

_ Amed with straight, opposite or ternate spines :— 

Leaves glabrous or nearly SO ........:-ssessececeeere nese eee 
- Deaves more or less pubescent or tomentose on both surfaces 

spinosa var. mollis. 

1004. Vanauerta EpuLIs Vahl; F. B. I. iii. 186; E. D. v. 22. 
Cultivated occasionally. 
A small tree, native of Madagase 
1005. Vaneuerra spinosa Roxb.; F.1.i a F. B. L. iii, 186; 
E.D.-V. 25. 
N. and E. Benga 
A small tree or large bush. Vernae. Moyena. 
1005/2. Var, mous F. B. I. iii. 186. 
In all the western provinces. 
A small tree. 

430. Psychotria Linn. 
_ Shrubs or small trees, rarely herbs, erect, rarely twining ; leaves 
°pposite, rarely 3—4-nately whorled ; stipules intrapetiolar, per 
+ . . . i ary 

576 BENGAL PLANTS. (Psychotria, 

albumen hard, sometimes ruminate; embryo small ; cotyledons 


1006. PsycHoTRIA ADENOPHYLLA Wall.; F. B. I. iii. 164. 

431. Lasianthus Jack. 

Shrubs, often fetid; branches terete with compressed nodes ; 
leaves opposite, distichous; stipules interpetiolar, usually wide. 
Flowers small, in axillary, rarely pete fascicles, heads or 
cymes; bracts present or absent. Sepals connate in a short ovoid | 
or oblong calyx-tube; limb persistent, shart or long, 3-6- -toothed, — 
rarely truncate. Petals 4-6, connate in a funnel-shaped or hypo- x 

linear or ovate-oblong, often apiculate. Carpels connate in & — 
4-9-celled ovary; ovules linear, basal, solitary in each cell; style 
short or long; stigmatic arms 3-9, short, obtuse. Fruit as 
drupe with 3-9, 3-cornered, 1-seeded pyrenes. Seeds nattows 
testa membranous; albumen fleshy ; embryo cylindric. 

Calyx-limb toothed ; teeth linear or subulate-lanceolate ; flowers in sessile 
cymes :— " 
Stipules ovate, acute; calyx-teeth linear, ciliate; corolla y ellowish 5 

bracts ovate-lanceolate, the outer large and leafy ; drupes villous, blue, 
lar, anocarpus: 

Sripddeesivsssie cya Te 

Stipules linear-lanceolate; calyx-teeth subulate-lanceolate ; 
white ; bracts subulate ; drupes glabrous, small WM flowers 
Calyx-limb tone, subentire ; stipules selnelae: ‘eaminete 
BUDSOLbALY - Fe egg dc cstres sys i vecubdclccavcwmoaesseuyonseus-somssserioeeeee am 


1007. Lastanraus cyanocarpus Jack.; F. B. I. iii. 179. 
An evergreen bush. 

1008. Lastanrnus Watuicum Wight; F. B. I. iii. 180. 

1009. Lastanraus truncatus Bedd.; F. B. I. iii. 189. 

A shrub. 

allichii. — 

Pederia,] RUBIACE#. 577 

432, Hamiltonia Roxb. 

A hispid, erect, 3-chotomously branched undershrub, usually 
fetid when bruised; branches terete; leaves opposite, petioled ; 
stipules intrapetiolar, short, acute, persistent. Flowers small, in 

broad, terminal, 3-chotomously branched, panicled or subumbellate 

cymes, sweet-scented; bracts lanceolate ; 

: it 
lobes short, valva Stamens 5, adnate to corolla-throat ; fila- 
_ Inents short, ease anthers obovate-oblong, obtuse. Carpels 
- connate in a 5-celled ovary, the outer layer of the commo 
7 almost free from the inner; ovules basal, erect, i 
on style filiform; stigmatic arms 5, linear. 
: et capsule, 1-celled from absorption of septa. 
3 cornered ; testa reticulate, valvate at base; tegmen thick ; 
; oath with cordate, induplicate cotyledons. 
Paro ONIA SUAVEOLENS Rox xb; F. I. i. 554; ¥. B.A 
? D H a 
Behar: Chota Nagpur ‘ 
A small shrub, 4-12 et high. Kol. Kudia. 

433. Pederia Linn. 

Slender, twining shrubs, foetid when bruised ; branches terete, 

; kas’ leaves opposite, rarely ternate, abled stipules intra- 
: 26. ar, triangular, deciduous. [lowers in axillary and 

: -chotomously branched, panicled cymes 5 bracteoles present or 

oe t. Sepals connate in an ovoid or turbinate calyx-tube ; b 

‘toothed, persistent. Petals 4 or 5, connate in a 

, fae shaped, pubescent tube, with se or hairy throat ; 
it often 3- toothed. 

s0 = very short ; 

_- 2, capillary, tw tea. Fruit ae or globose ; epicarp 
i i ar or oblong, dor- 

= ee sed, membranous oF ifs 7 pyrene. See 
‘ compressed penn testa thin, adnate to the pyrene; 
ns large, thin, leafy, cordate. 

578 BENGAL PLANTS. [Pederia. 

Fruit much compressed ; pyrenes separating from a filiform pene 

somewhat winged tida. 

Fruit subglobose ; pyrenes not separating from a filiform pee 

1011. a FaTIDA Linn.; F. I. i. 683; F. B. I. iii, 190; - 

C. and os Bengal ; Chota Nagpur ; Chittagong. 

A slender twining shr ub. Hind. Somraj, gandhali; 

Gandali; Beng. Gandha bhadulia. 
1012. pea TOMENTOSA BI; F. B. I. iii. 197. 
engal, Dua 
s slender aE shrub. 

434, Knoxia Linn. 

Erect herbs or undershrubs; stems terete or obtusely a 
with 2 lines of hairs; leaves opposite; stipules connate 

petioles in an entire or bristly sheath. Flowers dimorphous, pink 

or lilac, subsessile on the Coe branches of terminal cymes 


4, adnate to corolla-throat; filaments short; anthers ae 
cluded or exserted. Carpels connate in a 2-celled ovary; te 
in each cell solitary, pendulous; style filiform; stigma exse ned 
included, 2-lobed. Frwit small, of 2 semiterete or dorsally sie 
pressed, indehiscent, separating cocci. Seed with membran0 
testa and thickened funicle ; albumen fleshy ; embryo axial. 
Leaves petioled; flowers in corymbs of spikes; ripe fruit separating — 
from the persistent columella by a basal perforation ....-++-++* corymbosa, — 

Leaves sessile ; flowers in compound corymbs; ripe fruit sae away - 
ella brac 

bodily with the colum: 

vovcceweeeesses ee 

1013. Knoxa corymnosa Willd.; F. B. I. iii. 128. Spermaco® 

teres F. I. i. 867. S. exserta F. I. i. 368. 
In all the western provinces. 
An erect slender annu 
1014. KNox1a BRacHYCARPA BL: - F. B. L. iii. 180. 
levis F. I. i 
Chota Pabeeag Parasnath. 
An erect strict herb, 2-4 feet high. 

aaieeee + RUBIACE. 579 

435. Hydrophylax Linn. f. 

Stout, glabrous, creeping, succulent herbs with terete branches; 
leaves opposite, sessile, ovate-oblong ; stipules connate with the 
petioles in an entire or toothed cup. lowers solitary, axillary, 
short-pedicelled, lilac. Sepals connate in a 4- angled calyx-tube ; 
mb persistent ; lobes ovate-lanceolate. Petals 4, fleshy, connate 
in a subeampanulate corolla-tube wit th a ring of hairs within ; 
- lobes = pa Stamens 4, adnate to corolla- -throat ; fila- 


ruit ies corky, obovoid-oblong, salle curved, acteny 

34keeled between the sharp edges, 1-2-celled and 2-seeded. 

Seed linear-oblong, with deeply sulcate face; albumen cartilagi- 

ire adherent to testa; embryo straight, serie 

1015. Hypropnyiax MaAriTIMa Linn. f $78; F. B. I. 
ii. 199. 

A ea ee ee ee ee eS 

Orissa, on sand-dunes along the coast. 
A creeping succulent herb 

436. Spermacoce Linn. 

Herbs or low undershrubs ; branches usually quadrate ; leaves 

NS Gt eee Rete dt hy eg ey ee 

may axillary or terminal fascicles, heads or cymes- Sepals con- 
Mate in an obovoid, turbinate, or obeonic calyx- -tube; limb per- 
“an or obsolete with 2-4, rarely 5 lobes, and with sometimes 
vad teeth or bristles. Petals 4, connate in an ibular 
oe corolla; lobes valvate. Stamens 4, adnate to 
. aby throat of corolla ; Blames’ short or long; anthers linear 
‘iw ong. Carpels connate in a 2-celled ovary; ovules in each 
solitary on septal sinosl ; style filiform; stigma with 2 

- arms or capitate. Fruit of 2 coriaceous OF 

die eet eRe) dg aA ka E'S Ang ee 

—. testa thin, often granulate; albumen horny 
a. ; embryo axial with leafy cotyledons. 
— or suberect; stigma subglobose 
Stems ng ventrally after —_-* pticida 
Procumbent ; style-arms 2; one half of capsule 

both halves of capsol 

: : alg cies 
: i after separating septicidally, the other remaining ¢l ener by oa 

epee verses ee * 
Bs ci dentate Te 

580 BENGAL PLANTS. [Spermacoce. 

=e pee 

1016. Spermacoce stricta Linn. f.; F. I. i. 870; F.B. L iii. 200. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A herb, usually erect, always annual. 

1017. SpeRMAcocE uHispipA Linn.; F. I. i. 873; F. B. I. iii. 200; 


In all the western provinces. 
A herb, always procumbent, often perennial. Hind. 
Madanaghanti; Santal. Pitua arak’. 

437. Rubia Linn. 

Herbs, erect, diffuse or climbing, hispid, seabrid or prickly ; 
stems slender, quadrate ; leaves in whorls of 4-8; stipules 0; rarely | 
leaves opposite and stipulate. Flowers small or minute in axillary 
and terminal cymes ; pedicel jointed under ovary. Sepals connate 
in a globose or ovoid calyx-tube; limb 0. Petals 4-5, connate in 
a rotate, funnel-shaped or shortly campanulate corolla; lobes — 

> 3 

or styles 2, short; stigmas capitate. Fruit small, fleshy, didy- 
mous, or globose by suppression of one carpel. Seed suberect, 
adnate to pericarp; testa membranous; albumen horny ; embry? 
somewhat curved ; cotyledons broad, foliaceous. 
UBIA CORDIFOLIA Linn.; F. B, I. iii. 202; E. D. B. 564 
R. Munjista F. 1. i. 374. 

Chota Nagpur, Parasnath. : 
\ A climbing herb with perennial root-stock. Verna — 

Herbs or shrubs, rarely trees, Leaves alternate, rarely opposite 
or whorled ; simple or less often compound ; stipules 0. wer 
many, small (florets), aggregated in centripetal heads, sessile oP 
the dilated top of the peduncle (receptacle), the heads enclosed gre 
an involuecre of 1- or more-seriate, free or connate bracts; brac-~ 
teoles 0, or reduced to paleate scales or bristles on the receptacle: 
individual florets all tubular (head discoid), or the outer, or 2 
ligulate (head rayed) ; all 2-sexual or the inner 2-sexual or male, 
the outer female or neuter; sometimes diecious. Sepals connate 


inacalyx-tube, adnate to ovary; limb 0, or of hairs (pappus) or 
scales. Petals connate in a corolla of two forms; (a) tubular or 
campanulate, with 4-5-lobed limb; lobes valvate with margina 
nerves ; (b) ligulate with lobes dlovigatea and connate in a strap- 
shaped or elliptic ligule. Disk epigynous. Stamens 4-5, inserted 
within the corolla-tube ; filaments usually free ; anthers basifixed, 
usually connate (syngenesious) ; connective produced ; cells simple 

b bes 
oti achene (cypsela). Seed erect; testa) membranous ; 
> pay 0; embryo straight; cotyledons plano-convex ; radicle 

*Corollas of all the flowers tubular to near the mouth, or if any flatly 
expanded from a tubular base (ligulate) then only the pee florets of 

__ the flower-head (ray-florets) so expanded ; sap not milky : 

{Style-arms long, distinct, or if very short or the style subentire shen 
80 only in ud sterile flowers of heads with dissimilar (heterogamous) 
florets :-— 
{Flowers mi purple, or white, never yellow ; all the florets similar 
omogamous) and tubular, or rarely (Elephantopus) cleft laterally ; 

late, hairy ; leaves alternate (VERNONIE) :— 

Heads distinct, many-fio 
appus absent ; achenes 4-5-angled. ....++-+++++srr077"** Ethulia. 
Pappus present; achenes 10-ribbed :— 

ppus short, ae PE . Centra m. 

appus long, COpiOUS -.+.-+-seseeseenrserreneennen tnt ernonia. 

Heads 1- or few- fone gene into dense masses like single 

heads; pappus chaffy .....:-se-sseseersnsreeerte tt" Ele topus. 

Anthers subentire at ae either truncate or appendaged at apex ; 
Style-arms obtuse, papillose ; leaves OPP (EvPATORIE®) :— 

Anthers truncate at a) pet oe eee Adenostemma. 

Anthers appendaged a 

§Pappus te EP zat fie sometimes paleaceous [p- 
pus p cp Ageratum. 


§Pappus of slender hairs ; receptacle always es: :—[p. 581] 
Bracts of the involucre several-seriate, numero 


Bracts of the involucre 4, with sometimes a small outer 


Flowers, if similar (homogamous) and tubular, yellow; if dissimilar 

(heterogamous), at least those of the disk yellow; or, if none of the 

flowers yellow (Lagascea, Emilia), then with the i acts of the 

involucre only 1-seriate, rarely (some InuLorpEm) flowers purple 
with bracts many-seriate, but it so, with the heads at ‘Teast hetero- 

Anthers appendaged at the apex :—[p. 586] 
**Receptacle naked, smooth or foveolate; sometimes when 
foveolate the edge of the pit fimbriate but not beset with proper 
palee ; if oe Sage or ————S vs (Cui 
then with the anther-bases produced into tails : 4 
©Bracts ° the involucre many-seriate ; jesvval alternate: as 
[p. 584] 
thers subentire at the base ; style-arms flattened or plano- 
convex, all, or at least those of the disk-florets, tipped by ® 
cone (AsTEROIDE#) ; all the flower-heads heterogamous :— 
Flower-heads without a proper ray ; pappus hardly any 
or altogether absent :— 
Achenes minute, oblong, smooth; pappus absent : 

Achenes flattened or subterete, with a terminal toothed 
or bristly pappus-ri .Grangea- 
Flower-heads with atid ray-floret 
Ray-florets mera never yellow, rigs 2-3- — , 
pappus long, co 
Ray-florets ane wl, or with very hort ligules, 
yellow like those of the dis 
Pappus lon MY, COPIOUS... sco casecsancdestncvieserses Cony24- 
Pappus short, scan  goveuceprrerret eter Th 
Anthers cleft at the base or rarely (Laggera) with bases 
subentire, and if so, with the style-arms of the hermaphro- 

+Female florets, if present, filiform :— [p- 
x Style-arms of hermaphrodite florets ents ; foe 
heads meat :—[p. 583 

+Receptacle naked; bracts of the involucre linear, 
erento or scarious : 583] 


Flower-heads medium, separate, solitary, in 

mbs or panicles, not in globose clusters; or, 

if clustered (some pee then the achenes with 

a copious soft pappus 
Pappus copious, of sot or bristly hairs 

Herbs; bracts of _ eS atalan narrow ; 
flowers not corymbose 

seri cells tailed at ‘the base, the tails of 

nthers confluent .......-. Blumea. 

pers ° subentire at the base, or if 

tailed the tails short and not united 


Shrubs; bracts of the inyolucre broad ; 
flowers COPYMbOSC...s.eererceeeeereree ees uchea. 
Pappus —— or represented by only 1-2 rigid 
scales or bristles .......seecesecenerneeseneeees Epaltes. 

Flower-heads oe in dense globose or ovoid 
masses ; herbs with winged stems; pappus absent 
Sph thus. 
+Receptacle with paleaceous scales; female florets 
enclosed in the long outer scales of the receptacle or 
in the inner bracts of the involucre ; flower-heads 
aggregated in dense terminal clusters or short spikes 
[[p. 582]: czespnvesacepecels wees ee eeniertee eetnete Athroism 
x Style-arms of panies: — truncate ; bracts 
of the involucre hyaline :—[D. 
Flower-heads etapa gst. pape miler 
ctl receptacle naked; hoary or rade herbs 

Flower-heads 1-flowered; heads sn neilll 

G illary 
Yr eceptacles, the bracts of the involucres of individual 
h herbs 

+Female florets, if present, ligulate; heads heterogamous, 

but florets usually all fertile, with linear style-armsround 

or dilated at their tips; receptacle naked :—[p- 582] 
Achenes faintly ribbed ; flowers usually rayed ; pappus- 
hairs all slender, those of ray-florets few or non ne 

ae distinetly ribbed ; golem rayed . re 
coid ; us of outer florets ly; inner florets 
ae Pulicaria. 

siete ee dagveneveteeraes #7? Sbiatacdeareesocsrees® 


©Bracts of the involucre 1-seriate, subequal, free or united, 
with sometimes a few short outer bractlets (calycule) at their 

Leaves alternate; pappus of fine disiee usually soft and 
generally copious (SeNEctonrp%) ; style-arms of hermaphro- 
dite florets truncate or obtuse, penicillate or with a hairy 

ip :— 
Heads all homogamous; florets (in our species) all 
purp e 

Heads rayed, heterogamous; florets all yellow...Senecio. 

ee opposite; pappus paleaceous or absent (HEzE- 

IDEX in part); style-arms truncate, ese or not, 

or candies appendaged at tip; heads heterogamo 

appus absent; leaves entire or dentate; hee very 

small, ray som oti imes absent laveria. 

Pappus present, ag leaves cae heads 
arge; flowers s 

**Receptacle plenceons; : anthers subentire at the base 

opposite or alternate (HeiiantHoweE2) :—[p. 58: 
Anthers free or nearly so; female fe all apetalous ; 

heads 1-sexual, rarely heterogamous; male florets many i? 
globular heads; bracts of the involucre 1-seriate, ie 
female florets 2 together, united with the involucre es 


prickly burr ; pappus 0; leaves all alternate .....- 
Anthers reunited i in a tube :— ! 
Heads 1- soshea? in globose clusters; bracts of the 1 
volucre ’ forming a 5-fid tube; lower or all the leaves opP® 

r : 
ois consisting of only 1-4 bristly awns, or up-like, 
t:—[p. 586] 

or absen 
Corollas of the fertile florets persistent on the achenes; 
pappus of 1-3 a ; leaves opposite ...-++++++ Zinnia. 

ttAchenes all oe or those of mie is rayon 3-cor- 
nered, and those of the disk laterally compresses 
pappus Renta or ne ert of 2-3 stiff, chaffy, 
bristly awns with or without intermediate sm# 


scales, or altogether absent; leaves usually oppo- 
e cp. 58 

Inner bracts of the involucre embracing and 
enclosing the achenes of the fertile ray-florets ; 
pappus absent :— 

Outer bracts of the involucre 5, glandular 


Outer bracts of the involucre 4, in two opposite 

pairs, glabrous ....0+.s.seceeseeseeeeeeterss ydra. 
ner bracts of the involucre all flat :— 


2-awned ; outer bracts of the involucre numerous 


Scales of the receptacle concave or complicate, 
more or less enclosing and embracing the disk- 
florets :— 

Achenes_ wingless, compressed or 4-5-cor- 

ered :— 
Pappus united at the base into a ring or 
cup; flower-heads small or medium; ray- 
florets fertile :— : 
Ray-florets white with small ligules ; 
disk-achenes with 2-5 persistent awns; 
leaves opposite, at least below 
Ray-florets yellow, ligules large; disk- 
achenes with 1-2 short, deciduous awns; 
leaves all opposite .....--++++++++++° Wedelia. 
Pappus scales or awns free from the base ; 
flower-heads large; ray-florets sterile :— 

sistent, intermediate scales present, per- 
sistent ; leaves always alternate 
Awns of the pappus deciduous, often 
paleaceous, without intermediate scales ; 

leaves alternate or opposite...Heli 

Achenes of the disk ciliate or winged on the 

margins, laterally compressed ; heads small ; 

leaves always OppOsite.«-+eserserr+r 


ttAchenes more or less depressed from the top; 
oteien of 2, rarely 3-4, bristles, or absent :—{p. 584] 
Outer bracts of the involucre almost equal, her- 
baceous ; inner bracts separate, almost resembling 
the scales of the receptacle; ray-florets fertile; 

leaves opposite :— 
Achenes almost 4-cornered, without a pappus, 
but crowned by the densely pilose base of 
olla Guizotia. 

rrr flat, margins lacerate and winged; 
pappus present, composed of bristles 
Outer bracts of the involucre it small ; inner 
bracts connate below, membrano 
Style-arms a santeisialag or : coven by 

a short appenda 
Leaves alternate, rflinnatinect; ray-florets fer- 
tile; achenes narrow, flat, long-ciliate, with 

2 stiff, endible ultimately eine awns 

Leaves opposite, simple to pinnatisect; Tay- 
florets sterile; achenes with 2-4 stiff awns, 
ultimately finely serrulate on inner side :— 
enes more or less beaked.....-.-- Cosm 
Achenes not beaked ......++:+s:+s-+s+0 Bidens. 
Style-arms ending in a ne shortly hairy 
oe ray-florets fertile 
Achenes long, crowned ear 9-3 stiff, per 
sistent atlas leaves mostly radical 

Achenes without awns ; leaves mostly cn, 

ttPappus of numerous scales; heads radiate ; a 
opposite :—[p. 584] 
Scales of pappus oblong, chaffy ; heads very small 
Scales of pappus feathery, fringed ; heads medium 

‘|Anthers not appendaged at the apex; receptacle (in our species) 

not paleaceous ; > Pappus Sbaetit or F reduced toa raised : rim, rarely 
scaly and short; leaves [p. 582] 
> | meg ; 1 me ee eT + iL sie’ pap- 

a rae Sete ses i a ie ne nthemum 
es £ LE 4 ¢ " j 


tee discoid, heterogamous ; pappus absent :—[p. 
ts of the circumference very numerous ; achenes ea or 
concave at top; flower-heads spherical or hemispherical :— 
Heads peduncled ; bracts of the involucre 1-2- seriate 

Heads subsessile :— 
Bracts of the involucre 2-seriate, spreading in fruit 
: Centipeda. 
Bracts of the involucre 3-4-seriate, incurved in fruit 
Florets of the circumference few ; achenes obovate or rounded 
at top; flower-heads very small, in racemes or panicles 
" {Style-arms very short, hairy or thickened towards the base, or the style 
subentire i in all the florets, which are similar and tubular to the deeply 
| mouth; anther-cells always appendaged at the apex, either sub- 
entire or cleft at the base; receptacle usually paleaceous; leaves 
ternate, corgnh oer (Cyxanome®) :-—[p. 581] 
Flower-heads wered; crowded into hea spherical balls; 
achenes ieeeiaa 4 in the straight areoles of the receptacle, silky ; 
leaves and bracts of the involucre spinescent and thistle-like 

er-heads many-flowered, separate ; achenes glabrous :— 

Achenes inserted in the straight areoles of the receptacle :-— 
Leaves and bracts of the vNetbie! “dha thistle-like ; 
pappus-hairs connate at the base into a deciduous ring -— 

Filaments free, papillose-hairy ; pappus-hairs — or 

Filaments connate, glabrous ; pappus-hairs — —— 

Leaves and bracts of the inyolucre unarmed ; ts free:— 
Pappus-hairs 1-seriate, feathery, or only 4 pd rae a outer 
ones simple ; filaments glabrous......---++++--*#1-07"" Saussurea. 
Pappus-hairs many-seriate, subpaleaceous ; filaments hairy 

Goni on. 

. inserted in the very oblique or quite lateral sera of the 
eceptacle ; leaves and bracts of the involucre spinescen 

Bracts of the involucre without any whorl of outer leaty 7 ikints 

(calycule) ; pappus many-seriate, bristly except the oaechn. 


Pt a dedksiasys sue, Cah 

_ Bracts of the involucre with a distinct what of salient, 
_ Teaty bracts at their base; pappus (in our species) wantin, ad 

rollas of all the florets flatly expanded from a tubular base (igolate); 

588 BENGAL PLANTS. [Ethulia. 

ligules 5-toothed ; anthers cleft at base, rarely appendaged at apex; 
leaves radical or eeneths stem always herbaceous, fistulose ; sap milky 
(CicHoRIEz) :—[p. 581] 
Pappus of scales, with poupetiines alternating hairs, or pappne absent ; 
achenes truncate; florets b hori 
Pappus of hair- — eae. a least in the central florets of a heads ; 
florets yellow 
Pappus- halsl feathery ; achenes contracted at both ends, ribbed, 
ugose Picris. 

— ane simple 

Ache — a also contracted at the base, ribbed; ribs 
rugose or smooth :— 
Achenes pace or ont Bins! shortly cylindric, often 
slender, glabrous, or puberulous \..........csesseseeeeeeseeners Crepis. 

Achenes eo ah or anak ovoid, oblong, or narrow 

Achenes not beaked :— 

Achenes narrowed at base, truncate at apex :— ust 
Achenes oblong with 4-5 rugose ribs ......-+.++++-++++ Picridium. 
Achenes compressed, many-ribbed ; ribs smooth or rugos¢ 


Achenes truncate at base as well as at apex ......+s++10+ Launea- 

438, Ethulia Linn. 
Branching herbs; reat alternate, penninerved, serrate. 
Flower-heads small, hom ous; involucre subcampanulate; 

corollas ; are campanula’ narrow. amens 5, SYD 
genesious ; anthers na a Style with subu ; 
pu arms. Cypsela glandu bay: between the Heh ominen 
4-6 ribs; areole broad with a callous ring; 95 dat 0. 
1019. Ernutta conyzorpes Linn.; F. B. I. iii. 227. EB. ramos 
. iii, 413. 

E. Bengal ; Tippera. 
An erect, glabrous or puberulous Jeafy annual. 

439. Centratherum Cass. 

Branching herbs, erect or diffuse; leaves alternate, petioled, 
toothed. Flower-heads nee ciat dy involucre subhemispheri¢ 
bracts many-seriate, inner arious, outer herbaceous, often 
leafy ; receptacle flat, seins or "pitted, Calys-limb short. Rae 

RM ee 

Vernonia. COMPOSIT A. 589 

u og in — _—" neue tubular corollas; limb cam- 
; lobes amens 5, syngenesious; anthers 
PSisaly lastsleds “St a8 with akaiabe puberulous arms. Cypsela 

- obtuse, 8-10-ribbed ; pappus short, scabrid, fugacious. 

1020. CenrRaTHERUM ANTHELMINTICUM QO. Kuntze. Serratula 
 repaigaea ee Reese _ Vernonia anthelmintica 
FB. I. iii. 286 5: EB. D. -V. 

In met of the provinces 
A tall, robust, leafy sichiak Vernac. Sémraj. 

440. Vernonia Schreb. 
: Herbs or shrubs, sometimes climbing, or small trees; leaves 
: tlternate, entire or toothed. Flower-heads terminal or Te 

Mlous arms. Cypsela — ribbed or oe rarely terete ; 
bappus of many hairs, often girt with a row of outer short hairs or 

: ove Sigh half an inch across or more, few :— 
Meads 30-50-flowered, solitary and axillary or few and terminal, sub- 
oe. > achenes si silky on, as well as between, the ribs .....+++-+++-+ teres. 
Heads se several, peduncled ; achenes glabrous or sparsely hairy :-— 

Heads 10-15- flowered, in sma ot short, ere corymbs ; ‘dunce 

Slender ; ; achenes quite glabro msoni. 
| a 30-0 aad, in rather a eoejmales ledovales pire 

| Achenes quite glabrous ......c:ssssesseeeeseeecoensereneenene et bractea 

; ogee sparsely hairy between the — ribs «s+. sade 
4 ‘mail, under a quarter of an inch acros ets 

: > cat achenes terete, neither ribbed nor Bre diced cinerea. 
_ *ennial; achenes 10-ribbed, glabrous :— 

Bracts ot the involucre obtuse. s......seserereeenneenermetete divergens. 
| Of the involucre acute ......-cccseneceeeenennreneet tet saligna. 
121. Verwonta reres Wall. ; F. B. I. iii. 229. 

. hkexte 

hota Nagpur. 
_ Arigid undershrub with simple, terete stems. 

590 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Vernonia. 

1022. Vernonza THomsont Hook. f.; F. B. I. iii. 282. 
straggling much-branched undershrub. 
1023. sao BRACTEATA Wall.; F. B./L. iii. 282. 
al, Duars. 

* igi) aringly branched undershrub. 
1024, Vernonta Roxpurcutt Less.; F. B. I. iii. 232. Bupa 
be . iii. 415 

rigid, sparingly branched undershrub. 
1025. vinsorn crnERERA Liess.’s F. BI. iii. 288; E. D. v.79. 
tula cinerera F. I. iii. 406. 
in ‘all the provinces. 

An erect, rarely decumbent, annual weed. 
shim, kala-jhira; Santal. Darya arak’, birlopong arak’, 
1026. Vernonia piverceNs Benth.; F. B. I. iii. 234. Hupa- 
toriwm divergens F. I. iii. 415. 

Chota Nagpur 

A stout, wiatiigty branched undershrub. 
1027. Vernonia sauiana DC.; F. B. I. iii. 235. 


A coarse, leafy undershrub. 

441. Elephantopus Linn. 
Rigid herbs; leaves alternate or radical, 
‘ Flower-heads 2-5-flowered, homogamous ; ii 
— about 8, dry, stiff, alternately flat and conduplicate 5 

palmately spreading. Stamens syngenesious ; anthe 
auricled at base. Style with subulate, minutely puberulous - 
Cypsela truncate, 10-ribbed ; aed of rigid, shining ©" 
slender throughout or dilated and chaffy below. 
iii. 242; E. D. B. 80. 
In all the province Hi 
A rigid, Sikes branched, scabrid herb- 
Samdulun; Beng. Samdulun; Santal. Manjarja™— 

Beng. Kuk : 

She tT oe re ee By om eed Ca Pe ae ee ee 

iii, 4453 FB e 2 



442, Adenostemma Forst. 
_ Herbs, glabrous or glandular-pubescent; leaves opposite, 
. oled. Flower-heads homogamous, CO ose; involucre 
- campanulate ; bracts many, sub-2-seriate, narrow, —— 
sometimes connate ; receptacle flat, naked. Calyz-lim b a 
With few hairs. Petals 5, connate in equal, regular, short- Nabed 
“rollas with campanulate limb. Stamens syngenesious ; anthers 
- truncate with glandular tip and obtuse base. Style with elon- 
gated arms dilated above. Cypsela obtuse, 9- ribbed, glandular ; 
Pappus of 3-5 short, rigid, often clavate hairs set on a shallow ring. 
1029. -Apznosremma viscosum Forst; F. B. 1. it 242. Ageratum 
aquaticwm F', I. iii. 415 
In all the provinces. 
An erect, rather slender annual. Beng. Buro-keshuti. 

“ae Asiiisare bande ; bracts 2-8-seriate, linear, subequal ; 

030. Acerarum — Linn. ; F. B. I. it 
Joliwm F. I. i 
In all the eee 
An annual herb. Beng. Oochunti. 

; 444, Eupatorium Linn 

Pl erbs, en or shrubs ; leaves opposite rarely alternate. 
heads homogamous, corymbose involucre oblong, ovoid, 
| Supancate or rea eat bracts wage or short, few- or many- 

. px. subequal or the outer shorter ; ese oe naked. Calyz- 
P at slender, 

reeions; anthers spplaiaaged with obtuse bases. 
eth obtuse arms. Cypsela truncate, 5-angled or 5-ribbed ; 
S “hairs 1-seriate, numerous, rigid, s¢@ id. 

592 BENGAL PLANTS. [Eupatorium. 

Flower-heads in lax racemes; leaves lanceolate, the base gradually 
tapering to a short petiole; margins subentire .......-+-sesesereere Ayapana. 
Flower-heads rather closely corymbose ; leaves ovate-acuminate, the base 
abruptly tapering to a distinct petiole ; margins coarsely serrate 


1081. Euparortum Ayapana Vent.; F. B. I. iii. 244; E. D. 

E. 490. 
Cultivated in C. and E. Bengal. 
Aherb. Vernac. Ayapana (from its American name). 
1032. roan opORATUM Linn. ; 
C oe sparingly) in C. nd E. BEB 
A coarse 

445, Mikania Willd. 
erbs or shrubs, twining or rarely erect; leaves opposite, 
petioled. Flower-heads small, homogamous, usually 4- flowered, 
: : 1 

nn nn 
connate in equal, si slender, ‘bela? corollas; limb cam 
panulate, 5-fid. Stam syngen nesious; anthers a % eben 
with obtuse bases. Style wi ith long, acute arms. Cypsela trun 
cate, 5-angled; pappus-hairs many, 1-2-seriate, often connate at 
the base. 
1033, Mikania scanpens Willd. ; F. B. I. iii. 244. 
C. Bengal, locally quite maura ed. 
A twining herb with long-petioled, opposite leaves. 

446. Cyathocline Cass. 
Erect, annual, scented herbs; leaves alternate, pinnatisect. 
Flower-heads small, reed no t Fane game outer 

style, with 2-toothed limb; of hermaphrodite florets connate 4 : 
regular tubular corollas, with narrowly campanulate, 5-fid jim)- = 

Stamens syngenesious ; anthers with truncate, entire, or 82? 

J UEthed 22s ee ea 

irigeron.] COMPOSITE. 593 

base. Style in hermaphrodite florets simple or cleft, papillose. 
- Cypsela minute, oblong, smooth ; pappus 0. 
1034, CyarHocnine Lyrata Cass.; F. B. I. iii. 246. 

Behar; W. Bengal; Chota Nagpur; Chittagong. 

An annual herb. 


447. Grangea Forsk. 
Herbs, suberect or prostrate, villous ; leaves alternate, pinnati- 
fd. Flower-heads heterogamous, not rayed, terminal or leaf- 
opposed, subglobose, yellow; outer florets female, 1- or more- 
_ Stlate; disk-florets hermaphrodite, all fertile ; involucre wide- 
: te; bracts few-seriate, outer herbaceous ; receptacle 
: tonvex or conical, naked. Calyx-limb annular. Petals of female 
: flower connate in filiform corollas, shorter than the styles, the 
the inner with sometimes 3-4-fid limb; of 

"105; Graneea maperasparana Poir.; F. B. I. iii. 247; E. D. 
G. 660. Artemisia maderaspatana F. I. iii. 412. 
In all the provinces. 
A prostrate weed, forming patches 6 in. 
Hind. Mastaru ; Beng. Namuti. 


to a foot wide. 

os Annual or perennial herbs, with leaves all radical and 1-headed 
: tt i et or decumbent, much-branched 

D; rarely ’ 

tire limb; of h hrodite florets 
ceacuas wae 5-, rarely 4-toothed 

ie tubular corollas, with a very shortly 

594 BENGAL PLANTS. [Erigeron. 

. Stamens syngenesious; anthers with entire, almost obtuse 
bases. Style of hermaphrodite florets with more or less flattened 
arms, with triangular or oblong, apical, acute or obtuse append- 
se Cypsela compressed, usually narrow, margins often nervi- 
; pappus a single or double row of bristles, the outer, when 
piace of fewer and pene sete. 
1036. — asTeRorpes Roxb. ; F. I. ii. 482; F. Bf 
i. 254; E, D. B. 276, 
es most of the provinces. 
A coarse annual, 1-2 feet high. 

449, Conyza Less. 

Herbs; leaves asa toothed, or less often pinnately divided. 
Flower-heads heterogamous, disciform, corymbose or panicled, 
rarely solitary ; even flowers female, pale, 2-many- -seriate, inner 
hermaphrodite, yellow, all or mostly fertile; involucre campanu- 
late; bracts 2-many-seriate, narrow, the outermost smallest ; 
receptacle flat or convex, naked or pitted and fimbriate. Ca lya- 
limb bristly. Petals of female florets connate in filiform corollas, 
shorter than the styles, with 2-3-toothed limb, or occasionally the 
very outmost cleft on one side above and shortly pe 

maphrodite florets with flattened arms, apical appendag ea lan 
‘late, short or long. Cypsela minute, compressed ; igs en ie 
1-seriate, rarely 2-seriate, with the outer set shorter ie 
Pappus white; stems little branched; bracts of the caer slender, 
linear ; leaves obovate-spathulate o sephlneweniete the seis uae 
or acutely lobed or cut; achenes ee -eggodedgovees Git emipinnatifida. 
Pappus reddish; stems much branched ; acne of the cack rathet 
firm, lanceolate :— ‘ 
Leaves lanceolate, narrowed to both ends, the margins cape 
serrate; bracts of the involucre with scarious margins 5 -seiduld. 
glabrous 32 4 
Leaves from narrow-linear to spathulate-obovate, entire, ae 
rarely pinnatifid ; bracts of the involucre herbaceous; achenes 
Sane stricta 

 wapenns reer et 

scvebpees terest? 

1037. Conyza sEMIPINNATIFIDA Wall.; F, B. 1, iii, 257. 
ngal; Sundribuns. 

A pee -stemmed annual herb, 


_ 1088. Conyza viscrputa Wall.; F. B. I. iii. 258. 
ehar; N. Bengal; Chittagong. 
A much-branched, viscidly hairy herb. 
1039. Conyza stricta Willd.; F. B. I. iii. 259.  C. pinnatifida 
F. I. iii. 480. 

ehar ; Chota Nagpur. 
A fastigiately branched, pubescent herb. 

450. Thespis DC. 
A branching, glabrous, annual herb; leaves alternate, toothed. 
Flower-heads minute, heterogamous, disciform, yellow, sessile, in 
globose clusters on the branches of dichotomous cymes; outer 
florets many-seriate, female, fertile, often apetalous ; inner florets 
hermaphrodite, few, sterile; involucre hemispheric ; bracts sub- 
E 2seriate, wide, obtuse, herbaceous with scarious margins; recep- 
_tacle flat or slightly convex, naked. Calyz-limb subpaleaceous. 
Petals of female florets 0, or connate in very short, tubular 
as; of hermaphrodite florets 4, connate in regular, shortly 
tubular corollas, with narrowly campanulate, shortly 4-fid limb. 
Stamens syngenesious ; anthers obtuse, entire or slightly emargi- 
nate. Style of hermaphrodite florets with short, flattened, sub- 
_ ‘ute arms, papillose on the back. Cypsela of female florets 
_ ‘Small, hardly costate, of hermaphrodite abortive ; pappus-hairs 
about 10, 1-seriate, short, dilated. 
1040. Tuesprs prvartcata DC.; F. B. I. iti. 259. 
E. Bengal; Tippera. 
A robust weed with spreading branches. 

451. Blumea DC. 

1 ual or perennial, glandular-pubescent or woolly herbs; 
ore alternate, usually toothed or lobed. Flower-heads hetero- 
reese, disciform, purple, rosy or yellow, corymbose, panicled or 
‘fascicled, rarely racemed; outer florets female, many-seriate ; 
Mer florets hermaphrodite, few, all fertile ; involucre ovoid or 

e bristly. Petals of female florets connate in 

erter than their styles, with minutely 9-8-toothed apex; of 
 ‘emaphrodite florets 5, connate in regular, slender, tubular 
: “orollas, with slightly enlarged 5-toothed limb. Stamens synge- 
‘esious ; anthers sagittate at the base, with small, slender tails. 


596 BENGAL PLANTS. { Blumea. 

=“ of hermaphrodite florets with flattened or almost filiform 
obtuse or acute, papillose on the back. Cypsela small, 

SS iterete or sneee ribbed or not; pappus 1-seriate, slender, 
often caducous 

*Herbs :—[p. 597] 
Heads solitary and peduncled on the ends of the branches, or few 

e abro 
Lobes of the hermaphrodite corollas hairy ; gee all solitary :— 

Pappus reddish; leaves dentate, all alternate ............ amplectens. 
Pappus white ; rate serrate, the two apie leaves on the 
branchlets oppos ....bifo 

Lobes of the ee ne corollas glabrous; flowers solitary 

peduneled, or few corymbose; pappus white; leaves all alternate, 
oothed oxyodont 

Heads numerous ; pappus white 

tHeads more or less sieiaedia to es dense, oblong spikes or con- 
tracted panicles at the top of the stem :—{p. 597] 
Corolla purplish; stem erect, subsimple, very leafy; leaves 
obovate, irregularly toothed or serrate; receptacle glabrous ; 
achenes sparsely rg 4-5-angled, not ribbed ; pubescence silky, 
sometimes glandular, never silvery Wightian 
Corolla yellow :— 

Leaves Flongate, oblanceolate, « or linear-acuminate, minutely 

lobes of hermaphrodite corolla hairy ; achenes sil pease 
Leaves broadly obovate, sriged or pea Stains toothed ; 
pubescence never silve ile 
Heads with purplish ele to the involucre, in small, sesst! 

upper oblong in ieiaed : ; receptacle pubescent ; lo 
rr dar corolla hairy; achenes distinctly gsr 
glabrous or hai iry ac geet a om 
Heads with greyish bracts to the involucre, caected vee! ple 
terminal panicles, rarely corymbose at the apex of the leak 
or sometimes (in B. lacera) sparingly branched gigs! a 
leaves not lyrate-pinnatifid ; receptacle glabrous ; - angled 
erage Peon glabrous or nearly so; achenes ® 
but not distin : pescent 
tems an branched, always very leafy; PU 
often glandular, rarely glabrescent; lower leaves 


— Blunea.] COMPOSITE. 597 

or serrate, rarely lobulate, upper toothed ; achenes —_ 

Stems always simple, with few oa tie often ale 
densely villous or silky; achenes hairy .......-- hieracifolia. 

tHeads in open corymbs or panicles with eile branches ; corolla 
always yellow; achenes always 8-10-ribbed, more or less — 
[p. 596 

Stems branched from the base ; pubescent or laxly tomentose herbs, 
with the lower leaves runcinate, lyrate, or subpinnatifid ; — of 
involucre grey-green :— 

Leaves on upper part of stem few, large, laciniate ; nepal 
pubescent ; lobes of hermaphrodite corolla hairy ; achene 

aenet le 
Leaves on a part of stem many, small, t toothed ; receptacle 
glabrous; lobes of ORES corolla glandular; achenes 
beset with spreading hairs -membranacea. 

Stem simple below, Patt above; a villous herb with spreading 
soft hairs, the lower leaves obovate, lanceolate, coarsely ioe 
serrate, upper toothed or lacerate; bracts of involucre coloure 
receptacle pubescent; achenes Silky ........0-+-ssseses 000 Jac pages 
i or small trees ; flowers tins pappus red; heads many 
, With stout, a9 2 or puberulous branches ; leaves 2 
Bickesai oblanceolate, acuminate ............ceeeeeseeereeetees myrioe 
A small tree, with stout 5 aibeedl or silkily woolly stem and ak 
leaves cor iaceous, silkily aie elliptic- or iron formant id with a 
short, usually auricled petiole .........cceseeecceeereseneereneeees balsamifera. 

1041. Buumea awprecrens DC.; F. B. I. iii. 260. 
C. Bengal; Sundribuns. 

1042. =a nvonaata D DC.; F.B.L. iii. 261. Conyza bifoliata 
F. I. ii 
C. Ben ae 
A small bushy herb. 
1043. Buumea oxyoponta DC.; F. B. I. iii. 266. 
the western and ‘northern provinces. 
A slender decumbent herb. 
104. Buomea Wicutrana DC.; F. B. I. iii. 261. 

An erect herb. 

! 1045, Buumea sertcans Hook. f.; F. B. I. iii. 262. 
: Chittag. ong. 

A tall ¢ robust herb. 

598 BENGAL PLANTS. [Blumea. 

1046. Buumea Gtomerata DC.; F. B. I. iii. 262. Conyza 
jistulosa F. I. iii. 4 

In all the provi 
An alge aa cra much- oo herb. 
1047. Brumwa tacera DC.; F. B. I. iii. 263; E. D. B. 546. 

Cid lacera F, I. iii. 428. 
In all the provinces. 
An erect herb. Hind. Kukkurbanda; Beng. Kukur- 
sunga, bara-suksung, bara-koksing. 
1048, Buumea nieraciFoiia DC,; F. B. I. iii. 263. 
A robust or slender, simple herb, with often scape-like 

1049. Bromma tacryraa DC. ; F. B. I. iii, 264. Conyza laciniata 
F. I, iii 
bile provinces. 
A tall erect herb. 
1050. Buumea MEMBRANACEA DC.; F. B. I. iii. 265. Conyza 
diffusa F. I. iii. 429. 
In all the provinces. 
A tall, erect, sea much-branched herb. 
1051. Buumea Jacqguemontu Hook. f.; F. B. I. iii. 265. 

A tall coarse herb. 
1052. Buumea myriocernata DC.; F. B. LI. iii. 269. Conya4 
lanceolaria F. I. iii. 482. 
A shrub, wii as thick as a finger. 
1053. Buumea patsamrrera DC.; F. B. I. iii. 270; E. D. B. 98 
Conyza el F. I. iii. 427. 
Tippera; Chittag 
A small tree-like shes. Hind. Kakarénda. 

452, Laggera Sch.-Bip. 

Annual or perennial herbs; leaves alternate, often rigid and 

decurrent ower-heads hater amous, disci , yellow, 
panicled or axillary; outer florets female, many-seriate, aa 
hermaphrodite, many-seriate ; all fertile; involucre camp 

bracts many-seriate, narrow, often rigid, the outer shorter ; 4 - 
tacle flat, naked. Calyz-limb setose. Petals of female joel as 

Pluchea.] . COMPOSIT#. 599 

connate in filiform corollas, with minutely toothed mouth; of her- 
phrodite 5, connate in regular, slender, tubular corollas, with 
slightly enlarged 5-fid limb. Stamens syngenesious; anthers 
Qlobed or sagittate at base, but not tailed. Style of hermaphro- 
dite florets with flattened or almost filiform arms. Cypsela small, 
subterete or angled, ribbed or not ; pappus 1-seriate, slender, often 

Florets att : bene very slender, not winged ; leaves nce ph 
Be ay their base... ehh RA tee 
Florets cAbplian or sik: stems rather robust, more or less winge 
eaves decurrent on the stem at their base :— 
Leafy wings of the are all entire and pte : 
Leafy wings of the stem not entire and conti 
Wings extending peste the stem but pee tothe, ae and 
- interrupted; leaves entire at base ......cssserserrretesrreee odonta. 
ua very shortly decurrent from the leaves, 
e ba 

Lokad ohs cpedenn reer eet SST 


- alam. 

1054, Lacerra ruava Benth.; F. B. I. iii. 270. 
In all the provinces. 
ender herb, 6 in. to 8 feet high. 
ats: taco ALATA Sch.-Bip.? FP. B, I. iii: 2710 Conyaa alata 
. I. iii, 430. 

N. Be ngal; Chota Nagpur. 
A stout leafy herb. 
1056. Laccera preroponta Benth. ; F. B. I. iii. 271. 

Chota Nagpur, rare. 
A slender herb. 

1057. Laceera ‘aurita Sch. “Bip. ; F. B. I. iii. 27 

Conyza aurita F. 1. iii. 428. 

Tn all the provinces. 
A slender herb. 

453. Pluchea Cass. 

Shrubs, rarely herbs, tomentose or glutinous ; 
er-heads heterogamous, disciform, white, ellow, OF HAC, 

1; E. DL. 65. 

leaves alternate. 
? P 

P dry, rigid; receptacle flat, naked. Caleb setose. 
cals of ‘aie mihi connate in filiform ¢ 

600 BENGAL PLANTS. [Pluchea. 

their styles, 3-fid or minutely toothed at the apex ; of hermaphro- 
dite florets 5, connate in one tubular corollas, with slightly 
enlarged 5-fid limb. Stamens syngenesious 

tate bases, the cells tailed. Style of hermaphrodite florets with 
filiform, entire or 2-fid arms. Cypsela small, 4—5-angled ; pappus- 
hairs slender, 1-seriate, rigid, free, or in sterile florets many and 

1058. PuucnEa mnpica Less; F. B. I. iii. 272; E. D. P. 961. 

Conyza corymbosa F. I. iii. 426. 

A low shrub, growing in salt marshes and mangrove 
swamps. Beng. Munjhi rukha, kukronda. 

454, Epaltes Cass. 
erbs; leaves alternate, usually decurrent. Flower-heads 
heterogamous, disciform, small, solitary or corymbose; outer 
florets female, many-seriate, fertile; inner florets hermaphrodite, 
very few, usually sterile ; involucre broadly campanulate or hemi- 
spheric ; bracts many-seriate, dry, rigid ; receptacle flat or convex 
and raised, naked. Calyx-limb 0. Petals of female florets con- 

mall. Style of orient hiner ‘pa pace oe perv or 2-fid. 
Gusicia of female florets Sethe, 5-10-ribbed ; pappus 9; of 
trib SE usually abortive, with or without 2-3 caducous 
1059, wil DIvaRicaTa Cass.; F. B. I. iii. 274. 
Orissa ; sand-dunes near margin of Chilka lake. 
An annual, diffuse, glabrous herb. 

455. Spheranthus Linn. 

Low annual herbs with spreading branches ; leaves alternate, 
toothed, decurrent. Flower-heads small, heterogamous, sen 
in terminal, solitary, globose clusters, with usually an im involucre’ 4 
a few empty bracts, sessile on a common receptacle and bra¢ 
or not; outer florets few or many, female, fertile, inner solitary OF 
few, hermaphrodite, fertile or sterile; involucre narrow; bracts 

Athroisma.] COMPOSIT#. 601 

narrow, acute, dry, unequal; receptacle small, naked. Calyx- 
limb obsolete. Petals of female florets connate in filiform, 
minutely 2-3-toothed corollas; of hermaphrodite florets connate 

Stamens syngenesious ; anthers sagittate at base ; auricles acute 
ortailed. Style of hermaphrodite florets with filiform arms, or 

Clusters of heads small on glabrous peduncles with entire wings ; bracts 
i africanus, 

cus F’. I. iii. 446. 
C. and E. Bengal; Sundribuns, 
A slender, usually glabrous herb; in swamps. 
1061. SpHaranruus inpicus Linn.; F. B. I. iii, 275; E. D. 
S. 2518. S. mollis ¥, 1. iii. 446. 
Tn all the provinces. 
A villous weed; common in rice-fields. Hind. Mundi; 
Beng. Ghork-mundi, chaggul-nadi, murmuria ; Santal. 
456. Athroisma DC. 

A viscid, glabrous or pubescent annual; leaves alternate, 
petioled, pinnatifid. Flower-heads small, heterogamous, disci- 
form, in globose or ovoid, terminal, peduncled clusters that are 

ile on a common cylindric receptacle ; outer florets female, 
very few, inner florets hermaphrodite, very numerous, all fertile; 

the flowers. Calyzx-limb annular. Petals of female florets con- 
hate in filiform corollas, 2-3-toothed at apex; of hermaphrodite 
florets 4, connate in regular tubular corollas, with campanulate, 
Shortly 4-lobed limb. Stamens syngenesious ; anthers with sagit- 
te bases; auricles connate, acute. Style of hermaphrodite 

florets with short, flattened, very obtuse arms. Cypsela black, 
With convex outer and flattened inner face, margin ciliate; pappus 
“short, stellately spreading, fimbriate corona. 
1062. Arsuorsma uacrntarum DC.; F. B. 1. 1. 276. 

Behar; C. and E. Bengal. 

A viscid annual weed. 

602 BENGAL PLANTS. [Gnaphalium. 

457. Gnaphalium Linn. 

Hoary or woolly herbs; leaves alternate, quite entire. pest 
heads small, heterogamous, disciform, in terminal or 1 
corymbs or fascicles; outer florets female, 2- or more- spun , 
inner fewer, hermaphrodite, all fertile ; involucre ovoid or ¥ 
panulate ; bracts many-seriate, all scarious, or with a aac 
yellow, or brown, more or less scarious lamina; receptacle a a 
or pitted. Calyz-limb setose. Petals of female florets connate 5 

liform corollas, 3-4-toothed at apex ; of hermaphrodite etre! 
connate in ian slender, tubular corollas, with dilated, 5-to0o atl 

imb. S ms syngenesious ; anthers with sagittate base ; ¢ # 
with slender ‘eile, Style of hermaphrodite florets with paren 
or capitate arms. Cypsela oblong or obovoid, smooth ; pi 
airs aren slender or thickened at tip, connate or not ai ’ 
Heads in leafless, corymbose clusters :— fie 
Stems usually many from the root ; heads golden-yello 
‘ : luteo- site var. multiceps. 
Stems corymbosely branched above; heads ts 
se 4 uteo- ee var. pallidum. 
Heads leafy :— AP SES 
Heads arranged in simple or branched leafy spikes... Jae indicu 
Heads in rounded axillary or terminal leafy clusters i 
Densely woolly ; leaves small, spathulate ; cals of oe the est 
lanceolate, green with straw-coloured ti LPS -veeseseeeseceees aaa: 
Sparingly cottony ; leaves obovate-spathulate, rather ars i 
bracts of involucre broadly oblong, with glistening whi ihe 
coloured tips fia 

teens eee 

1063. GNAPHALIUM LUTEO-aALBUM Linn. var. vig Hae B. 1. 
iti. 288; E. D. G. 802. G. orixense F. I. iii 
ie Bes | om Orissa. 
annual weed. : 
1063/2. Vee pattipum FP, B. I. iii, 288; E. D. G. 302. albo 
luteum F., I. iii. 425. 
In most of the provinces. 


1064. GwarHatium inpicum Linn. ; F. B. I. iii. 289. G. simictu™ 
F. I. iii. 424. G. ri aes te I. iii. 425, 
In all the provinces. 
A slender cottony weed. 

Vieoa.) COMPOSIT &. 603 

1065. Gwarnanium putvinatum DC.; F. B. 1. iii. 289. G. de- 
pressum F’, I. iii. 425. 

In the western and northern provinces. 

A decumbent cottony weed. 
1066, GxarHatium FLaccrpum Kurz; F. B. I. iii. 290. 

A flaccid, green, annual weed. 

458. Ceesulia Roxb. 

A glabrous marsh-herb; leaves alternate, serrulate. Flower- 
_ heads in sessile, axillary, involucrate balls, each sessile on a broad, 
convex common receptacle, and each 1-flowered ; involucral bracts 
2 opposite, keeled or winged, ultimately adnate to and enclosing 
psela. Calya-limb obsolete. Petals 5, connate in a tubular 

- short, linear-cuneate, subtruncate arms. Cypsela included in the 
laterally compressed bracts; pappus 0. 

1067. Cxsunia axrizants Roxb. ; F. Ii iii. 448; F. B. 1. itt 291. 
In all the provinces. 

A glabrous marsh herb. 

: 459. Vicoa Cass. 

: Annual or perennial, glabrous or hairy herbs ; leaves alternate, 
- “utire or toothed, upper stem-clasping. Flower-heads hetero- 
; homogamous and disci- 
- form, terminal solitary or on leaf-opposed peduncles, woolly ; 
female, disk-florets 

: 2. y 
: ns, tip rounded; pappus-hairs 5-many, 1-seriate, smooth or 
Seabrid, sometimes mixed with small, chafly scales. 

604 BENGAL PLANTS. [Vicoa. 

Leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, entire or serrulate, 
often scabrid above; bracts of the involucre hardly recurved; a slender, 
rigid annual, pubescen aa viscid or glabrate .auriculata. 
Leaves oblong or linear-oblong, chine: or subacute, serrate, softly hairy ; 
bracts of the involucre squarrose, their tips filiform, recurved; 4 short, 
rather stout, woolly, or softly hairy herb .........-..sseesreresnernerseees vestita. 

_ 1068. VICOA AURICULATA Cass.; F. B. I. iii. 297. Doronicum 
eae F, I. iii. 484. 
Ti ; Behar; Ses Nagpur 
A si rigid, usually ieacuinas leafy annual. 
1069. Vicoa vestiTa Benth.; F. B. I. iii. 297. 
irhut; Behar; N. Dan 
A softly woolly or hairy ci 

460. Pulicaria Gaertn. 
Annual or perennial, usually woolly or villous herbs; leaves 
alternate, sessile, often stem-clasping. Flower-heads hetero- 


obconic; bracts few-seriate, narrow, epenlse 7S or awned ; 
tacle flat or subconvex, pitted. Calyx-limb irregularly ano annular. 
Petals of ray-florets connate, narrowly ligulate, or in a minutely 
2-8-toothed, oblique, short tube, or 0; of hermaphrodite florets 5, 
connate in regular, slender, tubular corollas, with narrowly elon- 
gated, shortly 5-fid limb. Stamens syngenesious ; anthers He 
sagittate base ; tails very slender, simple or branched. Style 0 
hermaphrodite florets with linear, slightly flattened, obtuse eae 
Cypsela terete or ribbed; pappus double, outer of short, jags® 
teeth, inner of smooth, scabrid or bearded, filiform or flatte 

Bracts of the involucre almost setaceous ; leaves with a wide or co? 
tracted half-stem-clasping base ; ray-florets tubular ; achenes hairy 


Bracts of the involucre herbaceous, lanceolate; leaves ao a pec 
base; ray-florets usually ligulate ; achenes glabrate ..---+--- ngustif 

pete PuLtcaria Fou1oLosa DC.; F. B. I. iii. 298; E. D. P+ 1408. 

Tirhut ; Behar; N. Ben 
A much-branched pubusostis annual. 

Senecio.) - COMPOSIT#. 605 

1071. Punicaria anaustirouia DC.; F. B. I. iii. 299. 
Chota Nagpur. 
A softly pubescent annual. 

461. Emilia Cass. 
_ Annual or perennial herbs, often glaucous, glabrous or hairy ; 
tadical leaves crowded, petioled, entire, toothed or lyrate-pinnatifid ; 
cauline few, stem-clasping. Flower-heads homogamous, disciform, 
yellow or red, long-peduncled, solitary or laxly corymbose, not 
_ bracteate at base; florets all hermaphrodite, fertile; involucre 
cylindric ; bracts 1-seriate, equal, free or connate, striate; recep- 
tacle flat, naked. Calya-limb setose. Petals connate in tubular 
corollas, with long, cylindric limb, slightly 5-fid at the apex. 
mens thers with subobtuse, entire bases. 
Style with subterete arms, tips short obtuse, or long acute 
Cypsela subterete, or angled and 5-ribbed; pappus-hairs copious, 
White, soft, slender. 
2. Eminia soncutrou1a DC.; F. B. I. iii. 386. Cacalia son- 
chifolia F. I. iii. 418, 
In all the provinces. 
A glabrous weed. Beng. Sadi-modi. 

462. Senecio Linn. 
: Herbs, undershrubs or shrubs; leaves radical or alternate, 
Satire or variously divided. Flower-heads heterogamous, usually 
_ Yellow, solitary, corymbose or racemose; outer florets rayed, 
female, rarely 0; disk-florets hermaphrodite, all fertile ; involucre 
/ "ous; bracts 1-seriate or sub-2-seriate, equal, erect, free or 
} “Onnate at base, with few or many, very short outer ones ; recep- 
Bele fat or convex, naked, pitted, or fimbrillate. Caly«-limb 
_ Mlose. Petals of ray-florets connate in ligulate corollas, the blade 
large or small ; of hermaphrodite florets connate in regular tubular 

 .. arms, tips truncate and penicillate, rarely rounded, or 

: —_s short, narrow point. Cypsela subterete, or those of outer 
forets dorsally compressed, 5-10-ribbed ; pappus-hairs copious or 
Soft, white, smooth, scabrid or bearded. 


606. BENGAL PLANTS.  Senecto. 

Disk-florets with a campanulate limb; leaves irregularly crenulate, 
lobulate or toothed; bracts of the involucre oblong, acute; mies nes 

puberulous _nudicaulis, 
Disk-florets with a slender tubular limb ; leaves pinnatifid ; ims ee the 
involucre linear-lanceolate ; achenes scabrid .......ssesereeeeeers randrus. 

1073. Senecro NupIcAuLIS Ham.; F. B, I. iii. 340. 
ota Nagpur; N. Bane. Dua 
A slender or stout, usually spt ot herb, 6 in. to 

3 feet hig 

1074. Sunecro TeETRANDRUS Ham.; F. B. I. iii. 342. 
N. al, Duars. : 
A weak, straggling weed, 4 to 8 in. high. 

463. Flaveria Juss. 

Glabrous or minutely pubescent herbs; leaves opposite, entire 
or toothed, narrow. Flower-heads heterogamous, with on e female 
and few hermaphrodite florets, or homogamous with few her- 
maphrodite florets, or occasionally with a eagle female or ber 
maphrodite floret, fertile: narrow, sessile, secund in a 
cymes or fascicled, floral leaves sometimes involuerate; inyolucre 
0 2 sinall 

outer; receptacle small, naked. Calya-limb obsolete. pee of 
female florets connate in ligulate corollas, with small, enti 
hardly as long as their styles ; of hermaphrodite com ge 
tubular corollas, with turbinate-campanulate, 5- fid lim 
syngenesious; anthers with entire, obtuse bases. style of at 
; maphrodite florets with truncate arms. Cypsela oblong, Wt 9 

An introduced weed; slowly i acs eastward 
the Decean, where it is now common 

464, Tagetes Linn. 

Herbs erect or diffuse, glabrous, with often oil- glands in practs 
and denen aeons opposite, pinnately divided, rarely subentire, 
eee Flo r-heads hetero ogamous, — ray-florets Te usititd 

gamous, Santi all fertile: small or large, long- peduncle’ © 

with 8-10 

 Xanthium-} COMPOSIT 4. 607 

q corymbose ; involucre cylindric; bracts 1-seriate, equal, connate 

- Stamens syngenesious ; anthers with obtuse, entire bases. Style 
of hermaphrodite florets with slender, truncate, and penicillate or 
shortly appendaged arms. Cypsela linear, narrowed at base, 
compressed or angular, hardly striate, with conspicuous, basilar 
callus; pappus of few, usually 5-6, aristate or truncate scales. 
1076. Tageres pATuLA Linn.; E. D. T. 17. 
In all the provinces; cultivated, but often also as an 
A showy-flowered annual. Beng. and Hind. Genda; 
Uriya Gendu. 

465, Xanthium Linn. 

“voluere, Cypsela enclosed in th 
%bovoid, thick ; pappus 0. 
: Stems unarmed secetecesssnseeee StTUMATLUM. 

o. eee een eee 

‘ Stems armed With numerous 3-fid spiMes...-.-.e-rerreererserterteee es spinosum. 

X. indicum F. I. iii. 601 
In all the provinces. 

608 BENGAL PLANTS. [Xanthiwnt. 

A coarse, unarmed annual, with bur-like heads. Vernac. 
Chhota-gokhru, ban-okra. 

1078. saergenern sprnosum Linn. 
C. Bengal; occasional in waste places. 
A so Fs rigid, much-branched, spiny annual, with bur- 
like heads. A native of Southern Europe, recently 

466. Lagascea Cav. 

Rigid, villous, scabrid or subglabrous herbs ; leaves opposite or 
the upper alternate. Flower-heads in leafy balls, which are soli- 
tary, terminal, and peduncled, or in corymbose panicles, each 
1-flowered ; Sonste henaphrodite, — ; SSinictiows tubular, of 5 

, D- 
with sagittate, ohvanly auricled bases. Style with col 
acute, hairy arms. Cypsela cuneate, compressed or pe 
ip rounded; pappus a toothed or fimbriate cup or ring, W! 
sometimes bristles at the angles of the achene. 

1079. LaGascEa Mouuis Cay.; F. B. I. iii. 802. 

« Dengal, 
An introduced weed of cultivated places. 

467. Zinnia Linn. 
Annual or perennial herbs or undershrubs; leaves opposite, 
quite entire. Flower-heads heterogamous, rayed; Tay -florets 
female, 1-seriate; disk-florets numerous, hermaphrodite, 

or in cymes, usually thickened near top; involucre campanulate 
or sube ylindrie ; bracts 3- or more- seriate, imbricate, sete or" 

conic or ultimately cylindric, paleaceous. vate aristate. 
Petals of female ray-florets connate in a spreading, entire ligule, 
sessile or shortly tubular below; of hermaphrodite 5, connate 10 
regular tubular corollas, with a slightly enlarged, cylindric, shortly 
5-lobed limb. Stamens syngenesious; anthers entire at base 
Style with elongated, obtuse or subtruncate arms, hardly oe 

ed. Cypsela narrow, striate, iodiiteakiod or 8-quetrous, tun 
cate or with the angles produced into 1-3 aristate teeth. 

~ Enhydra.) COMPOSIT. 609 

1080, ZinntaA PAUCIFLORA Linn. 
In gardens in every province, but occasionally also 
springing up subspontaneously. 
A rigid annual. Zinnia elegans, another species com- 
mon in gardens, does not show the same tendency to 
come up spontaneously. 

468. Siegesbeckia Linn. 
Herbs, glandular-pubescent; leaves opposite, toothed. Flower- 
| heads heterogamous, subradiate, yellow or white; ray-florets 
; female, 1-seriate, fertile; disk-florets hermaphrodite, fertile or 
_ the inner sterile: in leafy panicles; involucre campanulate or 
3 hemispheric; bracts few, herbaceous, glandular, outer usually 5, 
_ Spathulate, spreading, inner enclosing the ray-florets ; receptacle 
small, with membranous, concave pales. Calyz-limb obsolete. 
Petals of ray-florets connate in short-tubed corollas, with 2-3-fid 
limb or a short, broad ligule ; of hermaphrodite florets connate in 
lar tubular corollas, with campanulate 5-fid, or narrow 3-4- 
_ toothed limb. Stamens syngenesious; anthers with entire bases. 
_ Style of hermaphrodite florets with short, flattened, subacute 
&ms. Cypsela obovoid-oblong, often incurved; apex © tuse ; 
Pappus 0. 
1081, SizcEspecKrA ORIENTALIS Linn.; F. I. iii. 489; FU Be 
iii. 304, S. brachiata F. I. iii. 439. 
Chota Nagpur. 
A glandular-pubescent herb. 

469. Enhydra Lour. 
Glabrous or scaberulous marsh-herbs; leaves opposite, senate 
: Flower-heads axillary, subsessile, or in alternate axils, mates 

: glandular hairs, Calyx-limb obsolete. Petals of ray-florets con- 

: nate in corollas, shorter than their styles, with short, broad, 3-4- 
tooth i in regular tubular 

™® obtuse arms hispid at the tips. Cypsela oblong, enclosed in 

610 BENGAL PLANTS, (Enhydra. 

the rigid pales, outer dorsally, inner sometimes laterally com- 
prose + Sty s 0. 
1082. ENHYDRA FLUCTUANS Lour. . BF, B. I. iii. 304; E. D. EB. 218. 
Sie repens F, I. iii. 448, 
C, and E. Beng 

A glabrous marsh-herb. Hind. Harhich; Beng. 

470. Eclipta Linn. 

Annual herbs, strigose or hirsute; leaves opposite. F lower- 
heads small, axillary or terminal, pedun pigs heterogamous, 
rayed; ray-florets femiale, sub-2-seriate, fertile x sterile; disk- 
florets hermaphrodite, fertile; involucre Do campanulate ; 
bracts sub-2-seriate, herbaceous, the outer larger and broader ; 
receptacle flat or slick ts convex ; pales enclosing several flowers, 
inner narrow or 0. Ca ye. -limb truncate or aristate. Peta of 

Ch een of ray-florets triquetrous, often empty ; of disk stouter, 
laterally subcompressed ; apex entire, toothed or 2- aristate. 
1088. Ecurra aupa Hassk.; F. B. I. iii. 804; EB. D. Bt 
E. eee 1, lii. 438. 
n all the provin 
i slender, diffuse or suberect weed. Hind. Moch- 
kand, bhangra, babri; Beng. Kesari, kesuti; Uriy 
Kesarda; Santal. Lal kesari. 

471. Blainvillea Cass. 

Seabrid or villous herbs; leaves opposite or the upper r alternate, 
petioled, toothed. Flower-heads small, subsessile or mage 
terminal or axillary, heterogamous, rayed or subdisciform ; 0U 
florets female, 1-2-seriate ; disk-florets hermaphrodite, a 

limb setose. Petals of female florets connate in small, 2-3- so 
ligules, or ligules obsolete; of hermaphrodite florets connate © : 


tegalar tubular corollas, with dilated, 5-fid limb. Stamens eynge- 
ata anthers with entire obtuse bases. Style of hermaphro 
dite florets with narrow, flattened arms, with acute or eubobiuse 

: sally compressed, of disk-flore 
_ pressed ; pappus of 2-5 unequal ged connate at the bas 

1084, Buaryvinnea Latrronia DC.; _I. iii. 305. yates 
Lavenia F. I. iii. 442. 

Chota Nagpur 

A rigid, hispid’ weed, 1-2 feet high. 

ites Wedelia Jacq. / 
e herbs or shrubs, sometimes 

enclosing the flowers. Calyx-limb obsolete or 
ey connate in a corolla, with spreading, 
Bass ; of hermaphrodite florets connate in regular 

vith elongated, 5-toothed limb, Stamens syngenesio 

tubu lar corollas, 

u ig arms, hirsute at their tips. 

:  : thick, smooth or tubercled, laterally 

: triquetrous, tip rounded, margins obtuse 

a ga 0, or a toothed cup or ring, oF sometimes of short estes 

. occasionally a few bristles. 

Achenes truncate at the tip :— 

Leaves not 3-nerved ; inner bracts of the involucre narrowed and dis 


use; a large 

harbidessishwes tet fe 
Sate 3-nerved; inner bracts 
ittoral — her ........svai tamer etree aa 
s contracted at the tip; leaves 3-nerved ; 
inyolucre e.. a suberect ihe orb. ccs cere ae 
; F. B. I. iii, 306; id). 
F, I. iii. 440. 

1085. Weprenia caLenpuLACEA Less. 
W.25. Verbesina Sie 
C. and E. Bengal. 
A procumbent herb, growing in wet 
Bhangra ; Beng. Kesaraj; bhimraj. 

places. Hind. 

612 BENGAL PLANTS. [Wedelia. 

1086. WepELIA scanpENs Clarke. W. biflora F. B. I. iii. 306. 
Verbesina scandens F. I. iii. 441. 
Sundribuns. , 
A large shrubby climber, near the sea-coast. 
1087. WepeLt1a Waxuicun Less.; F. B. I. iii. 807. Verbesina 
biflora F, I. iii. 440. 
Chota Nagpur.; N. Bengal, Duars. 
A weed of grassy places. 

473. Tithonia Desf. 

Large robust herbs, with shrubby, perennial base ; leaves alter- 
nate, petioled, entire or 3-lobed. Flower-heads large, showy, on 
long, thickened peduncles, heterogamous, rayed ; ray-florets 
neuter; disk-florets hermaphrodite, fertile ; involucre hemispheric 
or wide-campanulate ; bracts 2-seriate, slightly unequal, rigid and 
striate, close-set below, wider and leafy above; receptacle convex; 
pales folded, striate, aristate, embracing the ermaphrodite 
flowers. Calyzx-limb aristate. Petals of ray-florets connate in 
large, spreading, entire or somewhat 2-toothed, yellow ligules ; of 
disk-florets connate in regular tubular corollas ; tube slightly con- 
tracted above the base, villous; limb elongated, cylindric, 5-toothed. 
Stamens syngenesious ; anthers with entire base. Style of her- 

lous appendages. Cypsela oblong, compressed, tetragonous; 
Pappus of 2 aristé, deciduous or persistent, with numerous inter- 
vening, persistent scales. 
1088. TrrHonta TaGETIFLORA Desf. 
In most of the provinces, cultivated. : 
A large, shrubby “ Sunflower,” the leaves smelling of 
camphor; very rarely propagating itself spontaneously 
by seeds, but readily doing so by its rootstocks. 

474. Helianthus Linn. 

rayed; ray-florets 1-seriate, neuter; disk-florets hermap ’ 
ertile, sometimes from absence of ray homogamous ; involuere 
€-campanulate ; bracts -seria s or her- 

| Spilanthes.] COMPOSIT&. 613 

infolded, enclosing the hermaphrodite flowers. Calyx-limb aris- 
tate. Petals of ray-florets connate in large, spreading, ligulate 
corollas, with long, entire lamina; of hermaphrodite florets con- 
nate in regular tubular corollas, with elongated, Aaa pa 
dfid limb. Stamens syngenesious; anthers entire or minutely 
2lobed at base. Style of hermaphrodite florets wih arms ending 
in short or long pubescent appendages. Cypsela oblong or nearly 
obovate, thick, compressed, or slightly 4-angled; pappus of 2 
” often dilated, paleaceous below, caducous, sometimes with 
~2 smaller, intermediate, caducous bristles. 

Roots not tuberous; annual herbs :-— 

Leaves and sista scabridly hairy annuus 
Leaves and stems softly cottony argyrophyllus. 
tuberous ; perennial herbs tuberosus, 

1089. Hexianruus annuus Linn.; E. D. H. 74. 
In gardens in all the provinces ; cultivated only. 
A tall annual, occasionally | cultivated also as an oil-seed 
crop. Vernac, Surajmukhi. The common Sunflower. 
1090. Hetranraus aRGyROPHYLLUS Torr. & Gr 
In gardens in all the provinces; cultivated and also 
freely springing up spontaneously in cultivated ground 
and waste places. 
A tall annual with softly oe leaves. Vernac. Safed 
surajmukhi, The ‘“ Rains” wer. 
1091. Hexianruvs ruperosvs Linn. ; i. D.H 
In gardens generally. 
A perennial herb with tuberous, edible roots. Beng. 
Brahmokha. The Girasole, or Jerusalem Artichoke. 

475. Spilanthes Linn. 

Annual herbs; leaves opposite. Flower-heads usually long- 

_ Peduncled, axillary or terminal, heterogamous and rayed, or 
Ogamous and disciform; ray-florets, when present, female, 

- |setiate; disk-florets hermaphrodite, all fertile; involuere ovoid 
& campanulate; bracts sub-2-seriate; receptacle convex, elon- 
‘Bate; pales enclosing the florets, often connate with the ovary as a 
' Calya-limb obsolete. Petals of ray-florets connate in a 
r yellow ligulate corolla; of hermaphrodite florets regular, 
, with a 4-5-fid limb. Stamens syngenesious ; anthers with 

ig CR as Ne eg Gt Se ea 

614 BENGAL PLANTS. [Spilanthes. 
truncate, entire, or 2-toothed base. Style of hermaphrodite florets 
with truncate arms. Cypsela of ray trigonous or dors ally com- 
Sm margins and angles usually ciliate; pappus 0, or of 2-8 
‘sol ‘semanas Acwenna Linn.; F. B. I. iii. 807; EB. D. 

° Cal Nagpur; N. Bengal; Chittagong. 
An erect annual herb. Beng. Marhata-tiga. 

476. Guizotia Cass. 
Annual herbs; leaves bee or the upper alternate. Flower- 

ray- florets 1-seriate, iis ; disk-florets hermaphrodite, all 
fertile ; i 

ene th inner passing into aye ; receptacle convex OF conic ; 
pales flat, searious. Calyz-limb obsolete. Petals of ray-florets 
connate in yellow, ligulate corollas, with 9-3-toothed lamina; of 

hermaphrodite florets connate in regular tubular corollas, with 
campanulate, 5-fid limb; corolla-tube of both kinds short, woolly, 
embracing the top of the cypsela. Stamens syngenesious ; anthers 

with entire, truncate base. Style of ficitinis BFORIRG florets with 
s ending in subulate, hairy tips. Cypsela glabrous, dorsally 

Ser eaced apex rounded ; pappus 0 
1098. GuizoTtIa aBysstNIca Cass. ; F. B. I. iii. 308; E. D. G- 735. 

Verbesina sativa F, I. iii. 441. 
tivated in all the western and northern pro viNnces. 

A stout, erect, annual oil-seed crop of the cold season. 

Vernac. Surgija, ram-tila. 

477. Synedrella Gaertn. 

Annual, branched, pubescent or villous herbs; leaves opposite, 
petioled, ‘éotlia d. lower-heads small, axillary and terminal, 
heterogamous, rayed; ray-florets 1-2-seriate, female ; disk-florets 
hermaphrodite, all fertile; involucre ovoid or oblong; practs few: 
the outer 1 or 2 foliaceous, the others passing to pales ; recep: 
tacle small; pales flat, scarious. Calyx-limb 2-3- cuted, Petals 

of ray-florets connate in ligulate corollas, with short, broad, 2-3 
toothed, yellow lamina; of hermaphrodite florets connate in 

tubular corollas, with 4-toothed limb. Stamens cee 

nesious; anthers with subentire bases. Style of 

Cosmos. } COMPOSIT. 615 

florets with arms ending in long, acute tips. Cypsela of ray- 
florets dorsally compressed, smooth, with 2 lacerate wings; of 
central florets few, narrower, compressed or trigonous, often 
. pappus in both represented by spines at the top of the 

1094, SynEDRELLA NoprFLoRA Gaertn.; F. B. I. iii. 308. 
C. Bengal ; in cultivated ground. 
An erect, branching, annual herb. 

478, Glossocardia Cass. 
branched annual, glabrous herb; leaves alternate, slender, 
1-2-pinnatisect. Flower-heads small, terminal and axillary, 
eterogamous, rayed; ray-florets female, usually solitary; disk- 
florets hermaphrodite, few, all fertile ; involucre oblong; bracts 
few, outer 1-8 slender, herbaceous, inner oblong, with broad, 
membranous margins; receptacle flat, small; pales few, flat. 
Calyx-limb 2-toothed. Petals of ray-florets connate in ligulate 
corollas, with 2-fid lamina; of hermaphrodite florets connate in 
regular tubular corollas, with 4-fid limb. Stamens syngenesious ; 
anthers with obtuse, entire base. Style of hermaphrodite florets 
with arms ending in linear, acute, hispid tips. Cypsela narrowly 
oblong, dorsally much compressed ; faces bearded ; pappus of 2 
Smooth, stiff awns. ; 
1095. Grossocarpra LineartFrouia Cass.; F. B. I. iii. 308; E. D. 
G. 247. Verbesina Boswellia F. 1. iii. 443, 
W. Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A prostrate or, rarely, erect, diffusely branched, glabrous 
annual, Hind. Seri. 

ST Cte Ee ALC Sg ee Y — 

479, Cosmos Cav. 
Annual or perennial, often tall herbs ; leaves opposite, entire, 
atisect. ’lower-heads large or medium, long- 


abortion of 
connate below, membranous, 
ometimes narrow, 

616 BENGAL PLANTS. (Cosmos. 

of hermaphrodite florets connate in regular tubular corollas, with 
cylindric, shortly 5-fid limb. Stamens seer ous; anthers 
with entire or minutely 2-toothed base. Style of hermaphrodite 
florets with slender arms thickened Cais hirsute, with short, 
a 2) ON Cypsela narrow, somewhat 5-gonous or dor- 
mpressed, more or less beaked ; pappus of 2-4 persistent, 
sly barbellate awns. 
Chota Nagpur; C. Bengal. 
A weed in waste places ; native of America. 

480. Bidens Linn. 
Annual or perennial, sometimes scandent herbs; leaves oppo- 
site, entire, lobed or 1-2-pinnatisect. Flower-heads small corym- 
Se, or medium subsolitary, heterogamous, rayed; ray- -florets 
1- -seriate, neuter, or > rarely female, fertile; disk-florets hermaphro- 

involucre campanulate or subhemispheric ; bracts sub-2-seriate, 
often slightly connate below, outer short, herbaceous, or long and 
leafy, inner membranous; receptacle flat or convex ; pales narrow, 
nearly flat. Calyzx-limb 2-4-toothed. Petals of ray-florets con- 
nate in ligulate corollas, with a spreading, entire, or somewha 

toothed lamina; of hermaphrodite florets connate in regular 
tubular corollas, with a cylindric, short rtly 5-fid limb, Stamens 
Syngenesious; anthers with entire or bluntly sagittate base. 

Style of textiuliieesaes florets wi s hirsute upwards, W 
short acute, or long subulate appendages. Cypsela dorsally com- 
pressed or somewhat 4-gonous, linear or cuneiform, often nar- 

rowed but not — above ; pappus of 2-4 pendent retrorsely 
barbellate awn 

1097. Brows prtosa Linn.; F, B. I. iii, 809. B. bipinnata 
iii. 411, 

ar Nagpur; N. Benga 
An erect herb, with on barbed achenes. 

481. Glossogyne Cass. 
Perennial glabrous herbs, with almost —_ sa - — 





Galinsoga.] COMPOSIT#. 617 

disk-florets hermaphrodite, all fertile, occasionally homogamous 
from abortion of ray; involucre small; bracts 2-3- geriate, narrow, 
bases connate ; receptacle flat; pales scarious, concave or at. 
Calye-limb 2- toothed. Petals of ray-florets connate in ligulate 
corollas, with spreading, entire, or coarsely 2-3- toothed lamina ; 
_ of hermaphrodite florets connate in regular tubular corollas, with 
cylindric, 5-fid limb. Stamens syngenesious; anthers with obtuse 
base: Style of hermaphrodite florets with arms ending in long, 
hairy tips. Cy ypsela dorsally compressed linear-ovoid or faintly 
Winged, glabrous, truncate; pappus of 2 slender, retrorsely bar- 
bellate awns. 
1098, GLOossoGYNE PINNATIFIDA pe.; F. B. L. iii. 810; E. D. 
50 idens F. I. iii. 435. 
te all the weno and northern provinces 
A perennial glabrous nae Santal. Barangom, bir 

482. Chrysanthellum Rich. 

Annual glabrous herbs; leaves alternate, pinnatifid, or radical, 
toothed. Flower-heads small, peduncled, terminal and axillary, 
heterogamous, rayed; ray-florets 1-seriate, female; disk- florets 
hermaphrodite, all fertile; involucre hemispheric; bracts 1-2- 
Seriate ; receptacle flat; pales narrow, flat, scarious. Calyz-limb 

eate. Petals of ray-florets connate in ligulate corollas, wit 
Spreading, entire, or 2-toothed lamina; of herm aphrodite florets 
connate in regular tubular corollas, with pee athe 5-fid limb. 
Stamens Syngenesious ; anthers with entire, obtuse bases. Style 
of hermaphrodite florets with slender arms ending in long, subu- 
late tips. C, ypsela linear-oblong, dorsally compressed, smooth on 
those of outer florets, or externally t tuberculate, the outermost 
thick with obtuse meres , the inner flattened and 2-winged ; 
Pappus a minute coron: 
1099. CurysanTHELLUM Set oom DOs. 8d oe 
Chota Nagpur; Behar ; W. Heueeh 
An annual glabrous herb. 

483. Galinsoga Ruiz & Pav. 
Annual h herbs ; leaves opposite, entire or toothed. Flower-heads 
Small, peduncled, subterminal and eterogamous, rayed ; 
Tay-florets few, female, 1-seriate; disk- Sisetbi hermaphrodite, 

618 BENGAL PLANTS. [Galinsoga, 

serrate. Calyzx-limb paleaceous or obsolete. Petals of ray-florets 
connate in ligulate corollas, with yellow, spreading, entire or 
toothed lamina; of disk-florets in regular tubular corollas, with 
narrowly campanulate, minutely 5-toothed limb. Stamens synge- 
nesious; anthers with subentire base. Style of hermaphr 
florets with acute arms, or arms slender with an acute, short tip. 
Cypsela angled, or the outer dorsally compressed ; pappus of a 
few scarious, entire awned or fimbriate scales, of the ray often 0. 
1100. GaLINsoGa PARVIFLORA Cav.; iF. B. I, ii. 811 
- Bengal, occasionally. ; 
A weak, erect herb, appearing occasionally as a cold- 
weather weed, but not persisting. 

484, Tridax Linn. 

Perennial herbs; leaves opposite, pinnatisect; segments few, — 
narrow. Flower-heads very long-peduncled, medium, hetero- 
samous, rayed ; ray-florets female ; disk-florets hermaphrodite, all 
fertile ; involucre campanulate; bracts few-seriate, outer short, 
broad, herbaceous ; receptacle flat or convex ; pales membranous. 
Calyz-limb bristly. Petals of ray-florets connate in ligulate or 
2-labiate corollas, with a large 3-fid or 3-partite outer, and a 

In all the provinces. 
A weak, straggling, perennial herb. 

485. Chrysanthemum Linn. 

Perennial or annual herbs, rarely shrubs; leaves alternate, 
entire, toothed, lobed or pinnatifid. ower-heads large, ter 
minal, long-peduncled, or smaller and corymbose, heterogamous, 
rayed, very rarely homogamous from abortion of ray; ray-florets 

ale, 1-seriate ; disk-florets hermaphrodite, all fertile ; involucre 

—— otuta.) COMPOSIT #. 619 

hemispheric or wide-campanulate; bracts many-seriate, broad, 
adpressed, inner with scarious tips, outer shorter, often with 
scarious and coloured margins; receptacle flat or convex, naked. 

lamina ; 

_ corollas, with cylindric or 2-winged tube, and more or less cam- 
panulate, 4-5-lobed limb. Stamens syngenesious; anthers with 
obtuse, entire base. Style of hermaphrodite florets with arms 
truncate and penicillate at their tips. Cypsela subterete or 
angled, variously ribbed or winged; pappus 0 or short, or cupular 
or auriculate. 

1102. CurysanrHemum coronartum Linn.; F. B. I. iii. 314; 

E. D. c. 1048. Pyrethrum indicum F. I. iii. 436. 

N. Bengal. 
An annual herb; a cold-weather field crop. Hind. 
Gul-chini; Beng. Gul-dandi. 

486, Cotula Linn. 

Perennial or annual, often creeping, small herbs ; leaves alter- 
_ hate, pinnatifid or pinnatisect, rarely entire or toothed. Flower- 
eads small, peduncled, yellow, heterogamous, rarely homogamous, 
disciform ; outer florets female, 1-2-seriate; inner florets her- 
maphrodite, all fertile or inner sometimes sterile; involucre 

: hemispheric or campanulate; bracts sub-2-seriate, herbaceous or 
ious; receptacle naked. Calyzx- 

Entire bases. Style of hermaphrodite florets with truncate or 

obtuse arms, of sterile florets occasionally entire. Cypsela of ray- 
florets or of all florets stipitate, compressed, 9-4-nerved or nerve- 

less, sometimes sheathed above by the base of the 

“ometimes with a short, auriculate pappus. 

Achenes ovate, with thick, narrow wings; leaf-segments not mucronate 

: Achenes angled but not winged ; leaf-segments mucronate...hemispherica. 

620 BENGAL PLANTS. [Cotula. 

1108. CoruLA ANTHEMoIDES Linn.; F. B. I. iii. 316; E. D. 
C. 2025. 

Behar, very rare. 
weak, diffuse weed. Hind. Babuna. __ 
1104. Coruna HEMIsPHmRICcA Wall.; F. B. I. iii. 316. Artemisia 
hemispherica F. I. iii. 422. 
Tirhut ; N.C. and E. Bengal; Chittagong. 
An erect weed. Hind. Babuna. 

487, Centipeda Lour. 

Annual or perennial herbs; leaves alternate, entire or toothed. 
Flower-heads small, sessile on the branches or racemose, disci- 
form, yellow; outer florets female, many-seriate ; disk-florets few, 
hermaphrodite, all fertile ; involucre hemispheric ; bracts 2-seriate, 

spreading in fruit; receptacle naked. Calyx-limb obsolete. Petals ~ 

of female florets connate in minute, obscurely toothed corollas ; of 
hermaphrodite florets connate in regular, short-tubed corollas, 
with 4-fid, campanulate limb. Stamens syngenesious; anthers 
with obtuse, entire base. Style of hermaphrodite florets with 
short, truncate arms. Cypsela 4-angled, with obtuse tip; angles 
hairy ; pappus.0. 
1105. CENTIPEDA ORBICULARIS Lour.; F. B. I. iii. 817; E. D. 
C. 913 rtemista sternutatoria F. I. iii. 423. 
In all the provinces. 
A diffuse perennial weed of damp places. Hind. Nakh- 
chikni, pachitti ; Beng. Mechitta. 

488. Spheromorphea DC. 
A small perennial herb, pubescent with crisped hairs, with 
woody rootstock and prostrate, somewhat woody branches ; leaves 
alternate, sessile, obovate. Flower-heads axillary, subsolitary, 

female, many-seriate; inner fewer, hermaphrodite, fertile ; 
involucre hemispheric; bracts y-seriate, oblong, obtuse, corl- 
us, incurved in fruit; receptacle naked. Calyz-limb obsolete. 

corollas, inflated below; of hermaphrodite florets connate in 
regular tubular corollas, with 4-cleft limb. Stamens syngenesious, 

anthers with obtuse, entire bases, Style of both female and her- ; 


maphrodite florets with 2-fid arms. Cypsela subcylindric, slender, 
broadly ribbed, hairy only at the base ; popens 
106. SpHaRomorPHa&A Russeiana DC.; F. B. I. iii, 317. 
Bengal ; Chota Nagpur; risen, 
A small, diffuse, straggling weed, 

489. Artemisia Linn. 

Herbs or shrubs, usually strong- scented; leaves alternate, 
entire, serrate or 1-3-pinnatisect. Flower-heads small, solitary 
or fascicled, racemose or panicled, heterogamous or homogamous, 
rm; outer florets female, 1-seriate, fertile ; disk-florets her- 
maphrodite, fertile or sterile ; involucre ovoid, ics or — 

spheric; bracts few-seriate, outer shorter, margins scarious 
teceptacle flat or raised, naked or hirsute, Caly-- ‘im si aeke: 
Petals of outer florets connate in very slender corollas, with 2-3- 
of hermaphrodite florets regular, tubular, with 5-fid 
limb, Stamens syngenesious; anthers with obtuse, entire base. 
Style of hermaphrodite florets ae arms truncate, usually peni- 
cillate, when florets sterile the arms often connate. Cypsela very 
minute, ellipsoid, oblong or mee ge faintly striate ; pappus 0. 

Perennial; heads heterogamous; outer florets female, disk-florets her- 

maphroite, nae leaves flabellately-lobulate .......+.++++++++- parviflora. 
Annual ; s heterogamous; outer florets female, disk-florets her- 
% maphroite, SiG: leaves capillary-multi $iG cence enkk Pettswses caruifolia. 

1107. ARTEMISIA rakvoriLons Hoxb.; FF. 1. i. aay F. ot. 
22; E. D. A. 1458. 

A shrubby, Oia wis = 1-3 feet high 
1108. Arremista carurroLtA Ham.; F. I. iti. 492 (caruifolia) 
B. I, iti, 324 

N. and E, Bengal. 
A stout, soft-stemmed plant, 2-4 feet high. 

490. Echinops Linn, 

_ Thistle-like, white, tomentose herbs ; leaves alternate, pinnatifid, 
Spinous. Flower-heads in globose, involuc balls, blue or 
White, sessile or shortly stipitate om % ©0 
flowered; florets hermaphrodite, fertile; involucre oblong; 
bracts many-seriate, rigid, pungent or spinescent, outer wee 

622 BENGAL PLANTS. [Echinops. 

inner spathulate, innermost linear or lanceolate, sometimes all 
connate in a tube, with one long, rigid spine on outer side ; recep- 
tacle minute. Calyz-limb setose. Petals connate in a regular 
tubular corolla, with 5 slender segments. Stamens syngencaa? 

tails short, entire or fimbriate. Style with thick arms and with a 
thick basal ring, at length spreading. Cypsela elongate, usually 
villous ; pappus of many short, free or connate bristles. o 
1109. EcHINops ECHINATUS at F. I. iii. 447; F. B. I. iii. 358. 
Chota Nagpur ; ar; W. Bengal. 
A branched, secieet rigid annual, 1-2 feet high. 

491. Cnicus Linn. 
Erect, sielipia or “pebbighit, ing thistles; leaves alternate, often 

corollas, with equal or oblique 5-fid limb. Stamens Bye 
filaments hairy or glabrous; anthers with sagittate base ; aurictes 
connate; tails slender. Style with short, rarely filiform, yee 
‘arms. Cypsela ishedia, obovoid, obtusely 4-angled, smooth : 
5-10-ribbed, cate or umbonate at the top, with a mage: 
straight basal “ters pappus-hairs feathery, unequal, with 
longer clavellate 1412. 
1110. Oitodie ARVENSIS Hoffim.; F. B. I. iii. 862; E. D.C. 
Cardwus lanatus F, I. iii. 408. 
In all the provinces. 
An erect, leafy field-weed. Beng. Silkanta. 

492. Silybum Gaertn. : 

An erect, stout, thistle-like herb; Teaves alternate, white-veine 
above, sinuately lobed or pinnatifid; lobes and teeth ose 

Flower-heads large, terminal, solitary, nodding, homogamous> 

florets all hermaphrodite, fertile ; involucre wide- campanulate ; va 
bracts many-seriate, the outer with wide, spinescent, fimbris 

— Saussurea.) COMPOSIT 2. 623 

base, and with a long, spinescent tip, the inner entire, subspines- 
cent ; receptacle flat, densely bristly. Calyx-limb annular. Petals 
mnate in slender, tubular, regular corollas, with deeply 5-fid, 
enlarged limb; segments narrow. Stamens syngenesious ; fila- 
ments glabrous, connate in a sheath below; anthers with sagittate 
base ; auricles contiguous, connate, mucronate or shortly tailed. 
Style subentire, annulate, hirsute beyond the faint annulus. 
Cypsela glabrous, obovate-oblong, with straight basal areola ; 
Pappus of many-seriate, subpaleaceous, unequal hairs, annulus 
deciduous with the sete. 
1111. Srnysum Marranum Gaertn.; F. B. I. iii. 864. 
In gardens only, in the cold season, in our area. 
A large, glabrous thistle, with white-veined leaves. 

493, Saussurea DC. 

Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, glabrous or tomentose ; 
leaves unarmed, alternate, entire, toothed, pinnatifid or pinnati- 
sect. Flower-heads narrow or broad, sometimes crowded on the 
dilated head of a simple stem, peduncled or sessile, solitary, 
Corymbose, or panicled, homogamous; florets purple or bluish, 
all hermaphrodite, fertile; involucre ovoid, oblong, globose or 

§enesious ; filaments free, glabrous ; anthers with sagittate base ; 
auricles connate; tails usually long, entire, ciliate or woolly. 
Style with linear arms. Cypsela glabrous, oblong, 4-ribbed, 

: th or rugose; top truncate and cupular, or crowned by a 
thickened disk and the persistent style-base ; basal areola straight; 
Pappus-hairs 1-2-seriate, inner penicillate, base thickened and 
connate in a deciduous ring; outer of rigid scabrid bristles, rarely 
Penicillate, occasionally 0. 

Stem below and inflorescence glabrous ; bracts of the involucre glabrate, 

Suter obtuse, inner lanceolate-acuminate ; achenes smooth, 10-ribbed : 

Stem below and inflorescence cottony ; bracts of the involucre cottony or 

pubescent, all lanceolate-acuminate; achenes muricate, 5-angled — 
28 he at candicans, 

624 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Saussurea. 

1112. SaussurEa arrinis Spreng.; F. B. I. iii. 878. Serratula 
carthamoides F, I. iii. 407. 
N. and E. Bengal; Chittagong. 
An annual herb, 2-8 feet high, stem as thick as the 

little finger. 
1113. SaussurEa canpicans Clarke; F. B. I. iii. 873; E. D. 
Ss. 904. 

Chota Nagpur. 

An annual herb, 2-5 feet high, stem as thick as the 
thumb; occasionally small, with scapose, 1- headed 

494, Goniocaulon Cass. 
An erect, glabrous, branched annual; stem acutely 4-8-angled; 
leaves narrow, alternate, toothed. Flower-heads narrow, fascicled 
and corymbose, homogamous; florets few, all hermaphrodite, 
fertile ; involucre oblong, base very narrow; bracts many-seriate, 
pale, very narrow, rigid, erect, acute, not spinescent, outer gradu- 
y shorter; receptacle very narrow, paleaceous. Calyx-limb 
ch Petals connate in regular, similar, slender corollas, with 
nein cylindric, deeply 5-cleft limb. Stamens syngenesious ; fila- 
ents hirsute; anthers with sagittate base, connate; tails s ort. 
Style with filiform arms. Cypsela glabrous, oblong, subeylindric, 
about 20-ribbed; basal secali straight; pappus-seales many- 
seriate, very unequal. 
1114. Gontocautow GLABRUM Cass. ; F. B. L. iii. 377. Athanasia 
indica F. 1. i 


W. Behar. 
An erect, glabrous, branched annual, 1-8 feet high. 

495. Yolutarella Cass. 

Annual herbs, dichotomously branched; leaves alternate. 
Flower-heads subsolitary, purple, violet, or blue, heterogamous; 
outer florets 1-seriate, neuter; inner herma sat , fertile; in- 
volucre ovoid or globose ; bracts many- “seriate, i ane narrow, 

filiform, free or connate arms, Cypsela obovoid or oblong, 

~— Cichorium.) COMPOSIT. 625 

or almost winged, 5-15-ribbed, often striate and pitted between 
_ the ribs; basal areola oblique or lateral ; pappus-bristles many- 
 seriate, the outer gradually shorter, innermost 2-4, dilated or 
1115. Vonurarenia prvartcata Benth.; F. B. I. iii. 383 ; E. D. 
V. 279. Carduus ramosus F. I. iii. 407. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
An annual, straggling, stiff weed. 

496. Carthamus Linn. 

seriate, inner dry, entire, or with a short, fimbriate appendage, 
: with a foliaceous, toothed, or spinescent appendage, some- 
times absent in cultivated individuals ; receptacle flat, densely 

with paleaceous, many-seriate pappus- 
1116, Carruamus tinctrortus Linn. ; 
iii, 886; E. D. OC. 637. 
Cultivated in the western and northern provinces. 
A thistle-like herb, Vernac. Kusumb, kajirah. The 

F. I. ii. 409; F. B. 1. 

497. Cichorium Linn. 

Erect, glabrous or hispid herbs, with divaricate, sometimes 
spinescent branches; leaves upper subentire, lower pinnatifid. 
Flower-heads sessile on the branches or on thickened peduncles, 
homogamous, blue, ligulate ; inyolucre narrow ; inner bracts 
L-seriate, at length concave at the base with the outer florets in 
the concavity, outer few, shorter } receptacle flat, naked or some- 
what fimbrillate. Calys-limb chafly. Petals connate in arrow, 
i corollas, lamina truncate, 5-too' Stamens synge- 

626 BENGAL PLANTS. [Cichorium. 

nesious; anthers sagittate at base, with mucronate-acuminate 
auricles. Style with slender, somewhat obtuse arms. Cypsela 
glabrous, somewhat 5-angled, or the outer subcompressed and 
many-ribbed or striate; base contracted, tip truncate or with the 
margin slightly produced ; — of short pales, 2—3-seriate. 
ii, — Inrysus Linn. var. Enprvia Clarke; F. B. I. 
891; BE. D. C. Tee: 
lied in the western and northern provinces. 
An erect herb with divaricate branches. Beng. and 
Hind. Kasni. The Endive 

498. Picris Linn. 
Erect, branched, hispid herbs ; leaves alternate or radical, entire, 

homogamous, yellow, ligulate; involucre suburceolate or cam- 
panulate; inner bracts 1-seriate, subequal; outer many-seriate, 
herbaceous, narrow, or the outermost broad, foliaceous ; receptacle 
flat. Calya-limb hirsute. Petals connate in ligulate corollas; 

i cate, 5- toothed. Stamens syngenesious ; anthers w ith 

slender arms. Cypsela narrow, incurved, subterete, compressed 
or angled, glabrous, 5-10-ribbed, ribs transversely rugose ; beak 
short or long; all similar or the outer with a shorter beak and 
pappus obsolete ; pappus usually copious, of 1-seriate, soft, peni- 
cillate hairs or of fewer r rigid hairs, dilated at the base, with 
sometimes a few outer short hairs. 

1118. Prcris nrRacromwEs Linn.; F. B. I. iii, 393. 

Chittagong, Sitapahar. 
A coarse herb, 1-4 feet high. 
499. Crepis Linn. 

Annual or perennial, glabrous or hairy herbs, hairs all simple; 
leaves radical or alternate, cauline often stem-clasping, — 
toothed, or pinnatifid. Flower-heads ip does solitary, fas 
cicled, or corymbose, yellow or red, homogamous, ligulate; invo- 

inear i“ -seriate inner; aaa or midrib often abel after 
flowering ; receptacle fiat, rarely concave, naked or shortly 
fimbrillate. Calyzx-limb hirsute. Petals connate in ligulate 

~— Lactuca.} COMPOSIT. 627 

corollas; lamina truncate, 5-toothed. Stamens syngenesious ; 
anthers with sagittate base; auricles acute or shortly setaceous. 
Style with slender arms. Cypsela more or less fusiform or oblong, 
rarely short and cylindric, often slender, glabrous or scaberulous, 
10-20-ribbed; tip narrowed or beaked; pappus short or long, 
usually copious, of ime soft, usually silvery hairs, rarely 
brownish and stiff or brittle 

Annual; radical leaves obovate, peng toothed or runcinate- -pinnatifid ; 

flowering stems long, slender ; heads on slender, bracteolate peduncles ; ; 
achenes with many subequal ribs ...-++s+sesssersererseessesterenseee japonica. 
Perennial; radical leaves narrowly obovate, spathulate, linear or lan- 
ceolate, obtuse or acute, entire or sinuate-toothed ; flowering stems 
usually shorter than the leaves; heads few, on short, bractevlate 
eal ema with about 6 thick smooth ribs and slender inter- 
BEMAAUR OTIES. os ccryccesversnsnnnrecnereysnnnveseeae¥cants=eteeneuinan acaulis. 

1119. Crepis sapontca Benth.; F. B. I. iil. 395. 
he ae rovinces. 
; herb, 6-18 in. hig ‘h. 
1120. Crerrs acautts Hook. f.; F. B. I. iil. 396. Prenanthes 
acaulis . li. 403. 
Chota Nagpur; C. Bengal; N. Bengal. . 
A dwarf perennial herb. 

500. Lactuca Linn. 
Glabrous or hispid, milky herbs ; leaves radical and alternate, 
Satire, toothed, pinnatifid or pinnate, cauline often plomeclannins 

mose, or enh homogamous, yellow, purple or 

biue, * li te; involuc e usually narrow; bracts few-, 
tarely many- santo thinly hahaa margins often mem- 
branous, not altering in fruit, inner slender; subequal, outer often 

very short ; tile sat 2 flat, naked. Calys-limb pilose. Petals 

connate in ligulate corollas, with truncate, 5-toothed tip. Stamens 

Syngenesious; anthers with sagittate te base; ic] r 

Setaceous. Style with slender arms. -Cypsela compressed or 
be > Ta 

tibs slender or strong, smooth or rugose, 
Strongest; beak slender, or short. and cylindric, 

or toothed pappose disk; pappus copious, hairs very 

628 BENGAL PLANTS. [Lactuca. 

slender, simple, usually soft and white, very variable, persistent or 
separately deciduous, sometimes with a minute outer ring. 

Stout, succulent, radical leaves many, compact ; stem very leafy; achenes 
black sativa. 

Slender, radical leaves long, membranous, flaccid ; stem-leaves few; 
achenes red-brown polycephala. 

1121. Lactuca SATIVA | Linn. ; ; F. I. iii. 4038. LZ. Scarvola var. 
sativa F. B Sed. Bi Bk 
Cultivated i in the cold weather in gardens : 
A more or less cabbage-like herb. Vorwie Kaht, salad. 
The Garden Lettuce. 
1122. Lacruca potycePHana Benth. ; F. B. I. iii. 410. 

- Bengal. 

A indies flaccid annual weed, with subumbellate 


501. Picridium Desf. 

rennial or annual, glabrous milky herbs; leaves radical or 
antarats toothed or pinnatifid; lobes often crisped, toothed or 
pinulose. Flower-heads long-peduncled, peduncle often hollow, 
yellow, homogamous, ligulate; involucre campanulate; bracts 

receptacle flat, naked. Calyz-limb annular, setose. Petals con- 
nate in ligulate corollas, with truncate, 5-toothed lamina. Stamens 
syngenesious; anthers with sagittate base; auricles vase 
acuminate. Style with slender arms. Cypsela oblong, trun 
at both ends, constricted at the tip; ribs 4-5, thick, sored 
rugose; pappus-hairs many-seriate, soft, slender, simple, white, 
connate at the base in a deciduous rin 
1123. Picriprum trxerranum Desf. ; F. B. I. iii. 
Very occasionally in gesdals in the anal parts, 48 
an annual only, 
A glabrous milky herb. 

502, Sonchus Linn. 
Annual or perennial milky herbs; leaves radical or alternate, 
cauline often stem-clasping, entire or toothed or pinnatifid; seg- 
ments often spinulose-toothed. Flower-heads aneheal irregu- 
larly subcorymbose, umbellate or panicled, yellow, homogamous, — 

Launea.] COMPOSIT#. 629 

ligulate ; involucre ovoid, campanulate or cylindric, often dilated 

thickened and conic at the base; bracts many-seriate, herbaceous 

outer smaller; receptacle flat, naked. Calyx-limb setose. Petals 

connate in ligulate corollas, with truncate, 5-toothed lamina. 

Stamens syngenesious; anthers with sagittate base ; auricles 

shortly setaceous, acuminate. Style with slender arms. Cypsela 
_ ovoid, obovoid or ellipsoid, compressed, not beaked, ribbed; ribs 
_ smooth or transversely rugose; pappus copious, hairs man. 
seriate, very slender, simple, usually white and united at the base 
in a deciduous ring. 

pogecs cee er a ceeeeerseeeeeS™ 

B ribs Of cach face ..csceceseseececternceseseesneres 
Leaves with acute or acuminate auricles; a 
between the 3 ribs of cach face ......seeeseccesecseecsesnnersteener es aceus. 
Perennial; achenes hardly compressed, with thick, regular ribs; heads 
lax; leaves with rounded auricles .....++.+...csesrrserrrrter eerste arvensis. 

1124, Soncuus asper Vill.; F. B. I. iii. 414. 
In most of the provinces, rather common. 
A tall milky annual 
1125. SoncHus OLERACEUS 


Linn.; F. B. I. iii. 414; E. D. 

In most of the provinces, not very common. 
A tall milky annual. Hind, Titlia. 
1126. Soncuus arvensis Linn.; F. B. T. iii. 414; E. D. 8. 2854. 
. orixensis F, I. iti. 402. 
C. Bengal, rather rare. 
A tall, milky-juiced herb, with creeping perennial root- 
stock. Hind. Sahadevi bari; Beng. Ban-palang; San- 
tal. Bir barangom. 

baer a Og A ae A Al fin Te De teginic 2 Te kee 

503. Launea Cass. 

Perennial glabrous herbs, with yellowish juice; leaves chiefly 

ical, sinuate, lobed or pinnatifid, margins often spinulose- 
toothed. Flower-heads peduncled or lateral and sessile on the 
branches, racemose or paniculate, or solitary or fascicled, yellow, 
-homogamous, ligulate ; involucre campanulate or cylindric ; bracts 
many-seriate, herbaceous, margins often membranous, inner sub- 
equal, outer various; keel often thickened in fruit; receptacle 

630 BENGAL PLANTS. {Launea. 

at, naked. Calyz-limb setose. Petals connate in ligulate 
corollas, with truncate, 5-toothed lamina. Stamens syngenesious ; 
anthers with sagittate base; auricles acute or shortly setaceous. 
Style-arms slender. Cypsela narrow, subte rete, or angled or 
slightly Sotened, rarely winged, truncate at both ends or rarely. 

copious, hairs many-seriate, simple, very slender, white, a few 
inner sometimes larger and stronger, all connate at the base into a 
deciduous ring. 

Heads terminal, or racemose on the paniculately branched flowering 
stem :— 

Margins of the a with few or no teeth; teeth, if plies not 

cartilaginous at the ti eniifolia. 
Margins of the hie slo sharply toothed, the teeth “ile prt 
and cartilaginous at the ti dicaulis 

Heads solitary or mario a the nodes of the gel, rooting, 
flowering stem innatijida. 

fe eere eee 

1127, BF og ASPLENUIFOLIA Hook. f.; F. B. 1. iii. 415; E. D. 
“Mengiie  apleniifolia F, I, iii, 404 partly. 
er all the provin 
e perennial ead a a slender, vertical, very long 
ootstock. Beng. Tik-chana; Santal, Rirmalla; Hind. 
Tilia a (Tirhut). 
1128, Launea nupicautis Less.; F. B. I. iii. 416; E. D. b. 112. 
Prenanthes procumbens F. I. iii. 405. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal. ‘ 
A perennial weed. 
1129. Launga PrInnatiFIpDA Cass.; F. B. I. iii. 417 ; E. D. L. 114. 
Prenanthes aspleniifolia F. I. iii, 404 partly. 
Orissa, on the sand-dunes 
A perennial herb, * 


Herbs, rarely undershrubs. Leaves radical or alternate, or fas- 
cicled and spuriously a — stipules 0. Flowers her- 
maphrodite or 1-sexual by n, in racemose cymes or panicles - 
or corymbs; usually ‘edie. Sepals connate in a 2-lipped 

Stylidium. ] STYLIDEZ. 631 

calyx, adnate to ovary; upper lip 3-lobed, lower 2-lobed. Petals 
connate in a 5-lobed, irregular corolla ; lobes imbricated, the 
lowest usually dissimilar (lip). Stamens 2, the fi aments discrete 
om corolla, connate in a column with the style; anthers sessile 
on the apex of column, their cells at length confluent at the tip. 
k small, epigynous, or obsolete. Carpels 2, connate in an 

each cell on the middle of the septum, numerous ; stigma at apex 

dehiscent at apex or only in the middle. Seeds many, rarely (by 
absorption) solitary, small; albumen fleshy ; embryo minute. 

504. Stylidium Sw. 

Herbs with slender stems; leaves subrosulate or scattered. 

elastically recurved when irritated ; stigma undivided. Carpels 
connate in a 2-locular ovary. Frwit a capsule; valves dehiscing 
from apex downwards, or opening in the middle but united at apex 
and base. Seeds minute; albumen fleshy. 

Stems short, stout; leaves terminal, subrosulate; peduncles one or 
more, leafless, dichotomous ; corolla white «.---+++rrrerrsrerrerrttts Kunthii. 
Stems erect, slender, simple, leafy; leaves scattered; corolla rosy or 
purplish :— 

Stems 4-8 in. high ; flowers rather DUMEFOUS....-.-.-+++e+-100°7 
Stems 1-2 in. high; flowers few, 1-4 --.-+-+1+-++++ tenellum var. minima. 

1130. Srytiprum Kuntau Wall.; F. B. I. iii. 420. 
N. Bengal; Chittagong. 
A small herb of grassy places, 1-8 in. high. 
1131. Sryiprom TeNELLUM Sw. ; F. B. I. iit. 420. 
E. Bengal; Chittagong. 
: A small herb of swamps and rice-fields. 
1131/2. Var. mnmua Clarke; F. B. I. iii. 420. 
Chota Nagpur. 
A minute herb of wet places. 

632 BENGAL PLANTS. (Lobelia. 


Herbs or undershrubs, sometimes twining, often with milky 
juice. Leaves alternate or opposite, entire or toothed, rarely 
lobed; stipules 0. Flowers hermaphrodite, rarely by abortion 
1-sexual, regular or irregular, axillary or terminal, solitary, race- 
mose, or subpaniculate; uppermost leaves reduced to s: 
bracts ; bracteoles usually 0. Sepals more or less connate below 
in an inferior or superior calyx; limb 4-6-partite, usually persis- 
tent. Petals connate in a superior regular or irregular corolla, 
tubular, rotate, or campanulate ; lobes as many as calyx-segments, 
valvate or induplicate in bud. Stamens 4-6, alternating with 
corolla-lobes, inserted with the corolla on the edge of an epigynous 
disk, rarely adnate to corolla-tube ; anthers free or connate in a 
tube, their cells parallel ; a aase longitudinal, introrse. Car- 
pels connate in a 2-5-celled ovary ; ovules many on axial placentas 

at the inner angle of the cells; style cylindric; stigmatic lobes as 
many as constituent carpels. Frwit a capsule or a berry, some- 
times indehiscent and dry. Seeds very many, small, ellipsoid; 
albumen fleshy; embryo straight, axial. 

Corolla 2-lipped, cleft dorsally to the base ; anthers = 1 At. Lobelia. 
Corolla regular ; anthers free or saint connate 
Fruit an indehiscent berry; st —— obed C serene’ 
Fruit opening by pores or valve 
Capsule only dehiscent sitthic the calyx-teeth :— 
Capsule circumscissile, opening by the fall of an apical disk 5 
flowers in dense spikes ; stigma lobed ...........000++- enoclea. 

a dchiscing by 3-5 apical valves bearing the septa ; flowers 

Stigma capitate ; corolla rotate, deeply cleft, with linear lobes 
wat rgia. 

Stigma lobed ; corolla campanulate 
Capsule laterally dehiscent at the base or sides below the calyx- 
teeth ; corolla campanulate ; stigma lobed ......0.+-0+++« Campanula. 

505. Lobelia Linn. 
Herbs, sometimes tall; leaves alternate, toothed, rarely sub- 
entire. Flowers on axillary, 1-flowered, sometimes subracemose 
seomnene dd bracts leafy ; bracteoles small, often 0. Sepals con- 
nate in an adnate, turbinate, or obovoid calyx; limb 5-fid to 

Lobelia.) CAMPANULACE 2. 633 

‘stigma shor tly 2- fide Fruit a capsule, loculicidally Sa 
within the calyx-teeth. Seeds many, minute, ellipsoid, compressed 
or trigonous. 

eh all subequally bearded on the apex ; corolla small with unequal 

fa) : 
Sosa distinctly 3-angled ; pedicels usually longer than the ovate 
. ee rounded at the base or only faintly tapering into the 

Stans: distinetly 3-cornered ; prostrate and usually rooting, at east 
near base; pedicels only sli ghtly longer than the leaves ; seeds 

Leaves glabrous, subsessile ....---ss+rrresssrernerererrsennnere 
Leaves pilose on ane. nerves beneath, petioled ...-..++++++r-++*> ages 
Stem faintly 3-cornered; suberect, not rooting; leaves short- 
petioled, the upper i. Baas: spotiodls very long, we! 
see erical terminalis. 
Seeds ellipsoid, compressed ; stem 3-cornered, often Gaalwhas 
8-winged ; capsules lanceolate, triangular a t base, tapering TT" 
into the pedicels; pedicels not longer than the subrhomboid le 
tria ats 
Anthers 5, only the two lower bearded, the ‘hres upper naked ; corolla 
2lipped, the lobes nearly equal in length; leaves linear or oblong- 
Reielaba con ici iA GA a er yadicans. 

1132. eee waigona Roxb.; F. 1. i. 506; F. B. I. iii. 423 

ie Nagpur: N. and E. Bengal. 
A api annual glabrous herb, branches 6-12 in. ascend- 
rooting at the ee Santal. Chauric’ arak’. 
1138. ae arFinis Wall.; F. B. 1. iii. 4 
E. Bengal; Chittagong 
A small annual slightly pubescent herb, branches 6-24 
in., many, rooting. ‘ 
1134. Lopetra TeRmmnaLis Clarke; F. B. I, iii, 424. 
N, and E, Bengal. 

634 BENGAL PIANTS. [ Lobelia. 

A small suberect annual, 6-10 in. high, branches not 

1135. Lopenta rrratata Ham.; F. B. I. iii. 425. 
Chota Nagpur. 
A small, annual, glabrous herb, branches 6-15 in., 


1136. Lopetia rapicans Thunb. soa E21. 508. 
Chota Nagpur ; naturalised near Ranchi. 
A procumbent herb. 

506. Campanumeea BI. 

long tube; lobes 4-6. Stamens 4-6, inserted round base of 
corolla-tube. Carpels connate in a 4—6-celled ovary ; placentas 
thick, many-ovuled ; style cylindric; stigma of 4-6 short lobes. 
Fruit an indehiscent, truncate berry. Seeds numerous, ellipsoid, 
1137. CamMPpANUM@A CELEBICA BI.; F. B. I, iii. 436, Campanula 
lancifolia F. I. i. 505, 


An erect perennial, 3-4 feet high, branches long, hori- 

zontal, and drooping ; leaves opposite, lanceolate. 

507. Sphenoclea Gaerin. 

Sepals connate in a half-superior calyx; limb 5-fid; lobes ovate. 
Petals 5, connate in an epigynous, campanulate, 5-lobed corolla. 
Stamens 5, adnate to corolla-tube, alternate with its lobes ; fila- 
ments short, linear; anthers ovate. Carpels connate in a 2-celled 
ovary, at first inferior; placentas stalked ; ovules very many; 
style short; stigma obscurely 2-lobed. Fruit a half-inferior cap- 
sule, membranous below, the crown above the calyx-limb hard, 

Wahlenbergia.] ‘ CAMPANULACEZ. 635 

depressed-conical, ee Seeds numerous, narrowly 
oblong ; testa rather 
1138. SpHENocLEA zEYLANICA Gaertn.; F. I. i. 507; F. B. TL 
ii. 488. 
In nearly all the provinces, in swamps. 
n annual erect herb. Beng. Jhil-mirich. 

508. Cephalostigma A. DC. 

Small, erect, branched herbs, sparsely patently hairy; leaves 
alternate, subsessile, margin thickened, entire, waved or crisped. 
Flowers small, racemed or panicled; pedicels filiform ; upper 
bracts very small. Sepals connate in a superior calyx ; 
5-parti tals connate in a deeply 5-fid corolla; segments 
Ensar-lanceolate, stellately patent, blue or whitish. Stamens 5, 

from the corolla; filaments dilated at the base ; anthers free. 
Carpels connate in a subglobose, 2-3- celled, inferior ovary ; 
placentas many-ovuled; style cylindric ; stigma shortly obtusely 
8-lobed. Fruit a loculicidally 2-8-valved capsule, opening within 
the persistent calyx-teeth. Seeds numerous, small, ba 
compressed, or trigonous. 

Seeds oblong- ellipsoid, compressed, not trigonous ; calyx-tube asus 
iry; teeth linear- ae nearly glabrous.....-.++rseresrerers Schimperi 
Seeds distinctly trigono 
Calyx-tube and linear- Means teeth both patently pilose ...hirsutum, 
Calyx-tube and shortly-triangular teeth both glabrous or see eae 

1189, CerHatostiama ScummpeRI Hochst. ; F, B. I, iii, 428. 
Chota Nagpur 
An erect, Beenichinng herb, 4-15 in. high. 

1140, cea isnt uresutum Edgew.; F. B. I. iii. 429. 
Chota Na 
A rather Seid herb, 1-5 in. high. 

1141, Cepnatostiama Hooxert Clarke; F. B. I. iii. 429. 
Chota Nagpur 

An erect herb, 3-8 in. high. 

509, Wahlenbergia Schrad. 
Annual or perennial cab leaves alternate or opposite. 
Flowers on terminal or leaf-opposed, solitary r panicled 

636 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Wahlenbergia. 

peduncles; bracts minute or 0. Sepals connate in a superior 
calyx; limb 5-partite. Petals 5, connate campanulate 
corolla, sometimes the lobes almost free to fee weil Stamens 5, 
free from the corolla; filaments often dilated near the base; 
anthers oblong, free. Carpels connate in an inferior, turbinate, 

of 3 narrow lobes. Frwit an erect, 2~3-celled capsule, opening 
loculicidally by 2-8 valves within the persistent calyx-teeth. Seeds 
very Many, minute. 
1142, Copel caummat Gracitis DC.; F. B. I. iii. 429. Cam- 
ponula dehiscens F. I. i. 504. 
Chota Nagpur; Behar; Tirhut; N. Bengal; Chittagong. 
A slender herb, simple or ‘vaesaand usually glabrous. 

510, Campanula Ling. 

Perennial or annual, erect or decumbent herbs ; leaves alter- 
nate, or the radical subrosulate, from ovate to linear. Flowers 
peduncled or subsessile, axillary or terminal, panicled, spicate or 
subcapitate, purple or white; bracts minute or 0. Sepals connate 
in a turbinate calyx, adnate to the ovary ; limb deeply 5-lobed, 
persistent. Petals 5, connate in a cam mpanulate corolla; limb 
shortly lobed. Stamens 5, free; filaments dilated at the base; 
anthers free. Carpels connate in an inferio ovary, 3- or rarely 

shortly 3-5-lobed. Frwit an obovoid or elongated capsule, de- 
hiscing by small valves at the base or on the sides below the 
calyx-lobes. Seeds very many, minute, ellipsoid or compressed 
and margined. 
1143. CaMPANULA CANESCENS Wall.; F. B. I. iii. 489. 

Chota Nagpur; _— Tirhut ; N. Bengal. 

An erect, hirsute h 

Shrabe or small trees, ee epiphytic, with the stem 

much thickened at the base. Leaves alternate or spuriously 
whorled, entire or per stipules 0. Flowers hermaphrodite, 
reguiar; racemed or solitary ; pedicels 1-bracteate and 

often 2-bracteolate, frequently thickened and articulate bene 
the ovary. Sepals connate in an ovoid calyx-tube, adnate to the 

Agapetes.| VACCINIACE 4. 637 

ovary ; limb 5-fid, rarely entire, usually persistent. Petals con 
nate in a tubular or urceolate 5-toothed or shortly campanulate 
5-fid, deciduous corolla. Disk epigynous. Sissies 10, epigynous, 

inferior 5-celled or spuriously 10-celled ovary; ovules usually 
many at inner angles of cells; style cylindric; stigma simple. 
Fruit a 5- or falsely 10-celled berry, rarely dry and indehiscent. 
Seeds several or many, rarely one in each cell, small, compressed ; 
albumen fleshy; embryo minute, clavate. 

511. Agapetes D. Don. 
hrubs, often epiphytic; stems often greatly thickened at we 

base; leaves alternate, sometimes falsely whorled, from linear t 
elliptic, entire or toothed, sessile or shortly Ree: ie) with 
glands at the apex of the petiole, usually cori 
axillary, corymbose, fascicled or gamgcl pedicel Ee teed 
or articulate under the ovary; bracts small, Sepals connate in a 
globose calyx, with a persistent 5-fid or sen limb. Petals 5, 
connate in a shortly or deeply 5-lobed corolla; red, but often with 
transverse marks or the lobes greenish-white. Stamens 10; fila- 
ments usually short; anthers elliptic, produced upwards in 2 long 

aks opening by apical pores or slits, often spurred behind 
Carpels connate in a 5-celled or spuriously '10-celled inferior ovary ; 
ovules very many at the inner angles of the cells ; style cylindric ; 
stigma capitate. Fruit a globose, succulent, or almost dry berry, 
5-celled or spuriously 10-celled, often opening by 10 pores round 
the disk within the calyx-teeth. Seeds very many, ellipsoid, with 
very lax testa. 


Anthers with spurs on their beaks 
Anthers without spurs on their beaks .... -macrantha, 

1144, Acaprres vARIEGATA D. Don; F. B. I. iii. 446. 

An splay shrub. Beng. Jalamut. 
1145. Acaperes macrantHa Hook. f.; F. B. I. iii. 446. Cerato- 
stema variegatum F, I. ii. 413. 
An epiphytic shrub. Beng. Jalamut. 

638 BENGAL PLANTS. { Aigialitis. 


erbs, undershrubs, or shrubs. Leaves rosulate or alternate, 
way sometimes dilated and stem-clasping below. Flowers her- 
maphrodite, regular, in terminal scapes or peduncles, capitate, 

race a 
sheathing the flowers; bracteoles 2. Sepals connate in an in- 
ferior, tubular, 5-10-ribbed calyx, often hyaline between the ribs ; 
limb frequently funnel-shaped, scarious. Petals 5, free, or connate 
the base in a short tube to which the filaments are adnate, 
rarely connate in a linear tube; lobes imbricate, spreading. 
Stamens 5, opposite the petals; filaments adnate below to the 
corolla, or nearly free ; anthers oblong, dorsifixed ; cells parallel ; 
dublado longitudinal. Disk 0. Carpels connate in a superior 
1-celled ovary, 5-angled above; ovule solitary, anatropous, sees 

coriaceous capsule, siiladed in the calyx or exserted; circum- 
scissile or rupturing near the thin base, the hardened apex pe 
5-valved. Seed cylindric, pendulous; albumen floury or 0; 
embryo straight. 

Styles 5, distinct; stigmas subcapitate ; — shortly united at the 
base into a tube with the corolla ; a large shrub alitis. 
Style 1, filiform, divided into 5 dates branches; stamens free; 
herbs or undershrubs Plumbago- 

wees a eee eee eannee 

512. Aigialitis R. Br. 
A glabrous shrub; leaves alternate, broad, coriaceous ; petiole 
dilated at the base, stem-clasping. Pon’ in panicled racemes ; 
bract sheathing the pedicel and enclosing the two bracteoles. 
Sepals connate in a tubular, coriaceous, 5-ribbed calyx; lim 
shortly 5-toothed. Petals linear, white, connate below, and there 
te to filaments, in a persistent tube, ae above the tube- 
Stamens 5; anthers oblong. Carpels connate in a superior 
1-celled ovary; styles 5, distinct, pojsting from the angles of 
ovary; stigmas capitate. Fruit a linear, exserted capsule, 
dehiscing along the angles. Seed naa eee Sage 0. 
1146, Aleraurris cena Roxb. ; F. I. . EBL 
ili. 479; E. D. A, 

Plumbago. | PRIMULACEM. 639 

A glabrous shrub of mangrove-swamps, with bro 
coriaceous leaves, and a stem-clasping, dilated sites 

513. Plumbago Linn. 

Herbs or undershrubs, diffusely branching; leaves alternate, 
entire. Flowers spicate; bracts and 2 bracteoles short. Sepals 
connate in a tubular calyx, covered with stalked glands ; limb 5-fid. 
Petals 5, connate in a long, slender, tubular corolla ; lobes round, 

ent. Stamens 5, free; filaments linear, dilated at the base ; 
anthers oblong. Carpels connate in an ovary, narrowed at the 
base; style slender, with terminal branches, stigmatic nearly 
throughout their length. Fruit a membranous capsule, cireum- 
scissile near the base. Seed solitary; albumen scanty 

Leaves ovate, suddenly narrowed into the "petiole; rachis of spike 
pubescent or glandular ; corolla white ; base of style glabrous.. .zeylanica, 
Leaves elliptic, tapering to the short petiole; rachis of spike rere: ; 
corolla red ; base of style hairy 

1147, PuumpaGgo ZEYLANICA Linn.; F. I. i. 462; F. B. I. iii, 480; 
E. D. P. 986. 
By most of the provinces, as if wild; but usually culti- 

oe veuias herb. Vernac. Chita, chitra. 
1148, Eel Bona Linn: P14. 40a; & beth aes 

Cultivated in all the provinces; as if wild only in 
A rambling herb. Vernac. Lal-chita, rakto- chitra. 


Perennial, rarely annual —_— Leaves all radical, or, if cauline, 
0. Flowers hermaphro- 

rarely superior. Petals connate in a 

5-, rarely 4-9-cleft calyx, 
hy campanulate or funnel- 

ypogynous, very rarely superior, rotate, 

640 BENGAL PLANTS. [Androsace. 

shaped tube; limb 5-, rarely 4-9-cleft; lobes imbricate or con- 
torted; corolla very rarely 0. Stame the corolla-tube 
opposite its lobes, or hypogynous where le 0, with sometimes 
alternating staminodes ; filaments usually short ; anthers 2-celled ; 
dehiscence oe ole Carpels connate in a 1-celled ovary, 
almost always superior; ovules many, usually amphitropous on a 
free-central eta ; seis long or short; stigma entire. Fruit 
a capsule, dehiscing transversely or by valves. Seeds few or 
many, usually angular, often sunk in the placenta; albumen 
fleshy or horny; embryo transverse. 

Corolla-lobes imbricated ; capsule dehiscing by valves......... Androsace. 
Corolla-lobes contorted ; capsule circumscissile :— 
a 5-partite, longer than the calyx ; leaves opposite ...Anagallis. 

Corolla 4-5-lobed, shorter than the calyx ; leaves alternate 

514. Androsace Linn. 

Regi rarely annual, low herbs ; leaves rosulate or imbricate 
on the branches. Flowers small, red or white. Sepals connate 
in a 5-lobed or 5-partite calyx. Petals connate in a short-tubed, 
greg or funnel-shaped corolla ; limb 5-lobed ; throat 

nnulate or with folds opposite the lobes. Stamens 5; anthers 
valiant included in the tube, obtuse Carpels connate in & 
globose ovary; style short. Fruit an sie or glo hikes 6 5-valved 
capsule, Seeds 2, rarely more, angular or subglobose ; embryo 

1149. ANDROSACE SAXIFRAGHFOLIA Bunge; F. B. I. iii. 496. 

irhut; N. and C. Bengal. 
An Seika herb 

515. Anagallis Tournef. 

Slender annual or perennial herbs; leaves opposite, quite entire. 
Flowers axillary, solitary, usted red or blue, rarely white; 
bracts 0. Sepals connate in a 5-partite calyx. Petals 5, connate. 
in a rotate, 5-partite corolla. i. 5, adnate to corolla-tube ; 
filaments villous. Carpels connate in a globose o ovary; style 
filiform ; ovules many. Frwit a globose, cireumscissile capsule. 
Seeds Goes peltate, plano-convex. 

1 AGALLIS ARVENSIS Linn.; F. B. I. iii. 506; E. D. 

A, 1034. 

Centunculus.} MYRSINE#. 641 

Tirhut; Behar; Chota Nagpur; N. and C. Benga 

An annual procumbent herb with opposite, gland- dolled 
leaves and blue flowers. The scarlet-flowered form of 
the Pimpernel has not been met with in our area. 

516. Centunculus Linn. 

Small annual herbs ; leaves alternate or sais Flowers 

nate in a 4-5- poe calyx. Petals 4-5, aa in a short, 

urceolate coro Stamens 4 or 5, adnate to throat of corolla; 
filaments fla sities d: anthers exserted. Carpels connate in a sub- 
globose ovary ; style filiform ; ovules numerous. Fruit a globose, 
cireumscissile capsule. Seeds many, peltate. 

1151. Cenruncunus TENELLUS Duby; F, B. I. iii. 506. 

Behar; W. Bengal; Chota Nagpur, 
A very small annual herb. 


Shrubs or small trees. Leaves alternate, undivided, penstelty 
gland- elses stipules 0. Flowers regular, hermaphrodite or 
polygamo-dicecious, in cymes, racemes, Or umbels. Sepals con- 
nate in an inferior calyx, rarely somewhat + adnate to ovary; limb 

usually 5-, sometimes 4- or 6-lobed, gray sometimes slightly 
i x free ; 3-7 (usually 

tudinal, rarely porous. Carpels connate in an oblong, freg, or rarely 
half-inferior, 1-celled ovary, tapering upwar 
ovules many, on a free central placenta ; style filiform or columnar ; 
indehiscent, 1- or, less often, several-seeded ly 
(4igiceras) a linear, acute, one- -seeded follicle. Seeds usually 
globose, excavated at the base ; albumen pitted or ruminate ; 
embryo transverse. 

Keeescdvceveseoseer ees et” 

*Calyx neatly enclosing the many-seeded wae ; seeds albuminous 
[p. 642] : Mesa. 

642 BENGAL PLANTS. [Mesa. 

*Calyx free from the 1-seeded fruit:—[p. 641] ~ 

Fruit a globular drupe ; anthers not panessrerls chambered ; flowers 

in racemes or panicles; seed spherical, albuminous :-— 
Corolla-lobes imbricate in bud, or if Peat pee the anthers 
not Sa than the filaments, the ovules few, and the stems usually 
climbing; flowers very small Embelia, 
Conia. ioe contorted in bud; anthers longer than the filaments; 
ete man ct Ardisi 

. ; stems 

Fruit a dry, curved, cylindric, irregularly opening follicular drupe; 
ing peaheivhire chambered; flowers in umbels; seed elongate, 
germinating on the tree, exalbuminous Aigicer 

517, Mesa Forsk. 
Trees or shrubs; leaves entire or serrate. st ae Bart 
maphrodite or 1-sexual, 4—5-mer Pa in axillary te 
racemes; bracts at base of pedicels small ; pee oe ‘2 Sepals 
connate in a half-inferior or som apne almost free calyx, always 
semi-adnate in fruit; teeth 4-5, small, persistent. Petals connate 

globose berry, dry or fleshy. Seeds numerous, subtrapezoid. 

Leayes entire ; racemes compound, often longer than the leaves 

Leaves with 1-3 teeth to each primary nerve ; racemes ees shorter 

than the leaves indie 


1152. Masa RAMERTACEA A. DC.; P. B. I. iii. 508. Beobotrys 

rect tree, 30 feet high. 
1153. rey Inpica Wall.; F. B. I. iii. 509; E. D. M. 40. Beo- 
botrys indica F. 1. i. 557. B. nemoralis F. I. i. 559. 
A shrub, a small tree. Beng. Ramjani; Mag’ 


Ardisia,] MYRSINE. 643 

518. Embelia Burm. 
Shrubs, usually sarmentose, or small trees; leaves entire or 
toothed; petiole often margined or glandular. Flowers small, 
lygamous, mostly dicwcious, white or greenish-yellow, in axillary 
or terminal, simple or compound racemes, or subfascicled; bracts 
usually small; bracteoles 0. Sepals connate in a small, free, per- 
sistent, 5-lobed or 4-lobed calyx. Petals 5 or A, free or slightly 
connate at the base, elliptic, imbricate or rarely contorted in bud, 
Stamens 5 or 4, the filaments opposite and more or less adnate to 

ovules few. Fruit a small, globose, 1-seeded or rarely 2-seeded 

Leaves glabrous, entire ; inflorescence terminal as well as axillary; 
panicles grey-pubescent ; pedicels longer th 
Bikmnents short ANd AiO’ <.cicsvesvereseosensestvssesss bss iiersseseoeesstoer see 
Leaves pubescent benea 
serrulate; inflorescence axillary 
cels shorter than the flowers and fruits; filaments slender, longer than 
ANGHELS ....00-ceeoeaveee seaveas vos senses slveueluesuasmemsectae end aoeeeers robusta, 

1154. Empetia Rises Burm. ; F..L i. 586; F. BL ni. 518; 
B. 19 

A scandent shrub. Hind. Babering; Beng. Bhai- 
1155. Empezia ropusta Roxb.; F. I. i. 586; F. B. I. iii. 615; 
E. D. E. 202. 
Behar; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal; E. Bengal, Mymen- 
A ae rambling shrub, or small tree with sprawling 
branches. Hind. Baberéng; Beng. Bhai-birrung; 
Uriya Baibidanga. 

519. Ardisia Sw. 
Shrubs or small trees ; leaves petioled. Flowers hermaphrodite, 
in axillary or terminal, simple or compound umbels or racemes; 
bracts small, deciduous, very rarely persisting. Sepals connate 

644 BENGAL PLANTS. [Ardisia. 

in a 5-lobed, rarely 4-lobed calyx, persistent and sometimes accres- 
cent in fruit. Petals connate in a red, white, or speckled 5-partite 
corolla; lobes acute, twisted to the right in bud. Stamens 5; 
filaments very short, adnate to corolla; anthers free, ovate-lanceo- 
late, acute. Carpels connate in a globose pages narrowed to the 
apex; style cylindric, often exceeding the corolla-lobes; stigma 

small, terminal; ovules few. Fruit a Laat or subglobose, 
l-seeded berry. Seed globose; albumen pitted or ruminate; 
embryo transverse. 

Flowers in truly or spuriously terminal panicles 
Panicles truly terminal, at least twice divided. ‘thas Deans more or 
ess flattened ; pedicels densely umbelled ; leaves entir 
Leaves coriaceous, decurrent on the stout petiole, a main-nerves 
mite ams at an acute angle; panicle almost glabrous, th beeen 
angular ; calyx-lobes small, round if 
Leaves thickly chartaceous, not decurrent, the main-nerves Laie 
at a ehien@es panicle branches scaly, much flattened ; 
calyx-lobes —— colorata var. a 
Panicles in appearance terminal, the axis of a branch ending in 
apical tuft of seine leaves, between which and the normal pa 
Spring several peduncles bearing rusty ries ; leaves distinctly 
crenulate ; calyx-lobes narrow, acute canes 
Flowers in axillary umbels, at least the lower peduncled, but without 
reduced leaves at the apex of the peduncles ; leaves and flowers glabrous ; 
margin of leaves entire or subentire :— 
Leaves obovate- lanceolate, primary nerves conapieiictil beneath ; 
- branchlets tawny-woolly khasiana var. Thomsoni. 
Leaves obovate-oblong or elliptic ; nerves slender ; branchlets as 

1156. ao PANICULATA Roxb.; F. B. I. iii. 519; E. D. 
. 1299. 
a Bengal ; Chittagong. 
e shrub, 

1157. pertain CoLORATA Roxb. var, CoMPLANATA Clarke; F. B. I. 
ii EK. D. A. 1284, 


1158. ‘pias Icara Ham.; F. B. I. iii. 523. 
E. Bengal, Mymensingh, 
A large shrub, 

> LS eee Se ope eee 


igiceras.] SAPOTACE&. 645 

1159. ARDISIA KHASTANA Clarke var. THomsont Clarke; F. B. I. 

iii. 527. 
A small erect shrub, 1-4 feet high. 
1160. ArpristA HUMILIS Vahl; F. B. I. iii. 529; E. D. A. 1288. 
A, solanacea F. I. i. 580. 
In almost every province. 
An erect, branched shrub, sometimes almost tree- like. 
Beng. Ban-jim ; Uriya Kudna; Hind. Bisi. 

520. Agiceras Gaertn. 

mall, glabrous tree, with ¢ lindric branches; leaves alter- 

ileal petioled, obovate, entire, coriaceous, 1-nerved. Flowers 
hermaphrodite, white, with filiform pedicels, in somali axillary, 
terminal or leaf-opposed umbels; bracts 0. Sepals connate in a 
5-lobed calyx; lobes imbricate. Petals 5, connate below in a 
short tube, free above, acute, twisted to the right in bud. Stamens 
5, adnate to corolla-tube ; filaments linear, hirsute at base; anthers 
cordate-lanceolate, with longitudinal dehiscence; cells trans- 
versely septate. Carpels connate in an oblong ovary, narrowed 
into a filiform style; stigma minute, termm inal; ovul 

- immersed in a globose, Se placenta. Fruit a cylindric, 

curved, acute, coriaceous, cercaes + seeded follicle. Seed con- 

form to the fruit, germinating within the pericarp; albumen 0; 
radicle inferior, much elongated, aie at the base ; cotyledons 
very sho 

1161. Miaicwnis masus Gaertn.; F. I. iii. 180; F. B. I. iii. 533 ; 

E. D. A. 531. 
Orissa, Mahanadi Delta ; Sundribuns. 
A large shrub or small tree in mangrove-swamps. 

Vernac. Halsi, khalsi. 

Trees or shrubs; nor sane 

ung parts often 
alte =e or rarely “subopposita petioled, en coriaceo 
Flow oe eesti, oma or 

calyx, with 4-8 -nahtidibetehie lobes, subequal or the inner larger, 

646 BENGAL PLANTS, [Sarcosperma. 

sometimes distinctly atonal the inner row imbricate, the outer 
valvate, persistent. Petals connate in a tube, shorter than the 
calyx, the lobes equal, as many or imes as many as calyx- 
tamens inserted on the corolla-tube, 1-seriate, and as 
many as = opposite it corolla-lobes, or 2—3-seriate and twice 
or thrice as many a rolla-lobes; filaments usually short; 
anthers diane hese: connective often produced ; staminodes, 
— present, alternate with stamens and corolla-lobes. Carpels 
nnate in a superior, sessile, 2-8-celled ovary ; ovules solitary in 
ets cell, usually arising from inner angle; style subulate ; stigma 
minute. Frwit a 1-8-seeded berry. Seeds ellipsoid s especially 

if more than one, compressed; testa usually crustaceous; hilum 
long; albumen 0 and embryo with fleshy eae or fleshy 
and embryo with flat cotyledons ; radicle small. 

Corolla-lobes and calyx-lobes equal in number 

Calyx-segments in one series only ; parts of the flower in whorls of 5; 
stamens as many as petals; staminodes as many as stamens and 

alternating with them ; seeds not albuminous :— 
owers sessile in branched panicles ; ovary glabrous; cells 1-2 
Flowers pedicelled in axillary fascicles ; ovary villous; cells 4-5 : 

Calyx-segments in two distinct series ; parts of the flower in whorls 
of 6 :— 

amens as many as petals; staminodes as many as stamens and 
oe pinin with them ; ovary-cells twice as many as petals; seeds 
uminou ...Achras. 

Stamens iis as many as petals; ae 0; ibe -cells a8 
many as petals; seeds not albuminou opsis. 
Corolla-lobes more numerous than sain toile ovary-cells as pet a8 
calyx-lobes :-— 
Staminodes none; stamens about 2-3 times as many as corolla-lobes, 
in 1-3 series; corolla-lobes 8-14; calyx-lobes and ovary- -cells 4 or 6; 
ais Sanilac 

Staminodes 6 or 8; stamens also 6-8, fewer than corolla-lobes ; corolla- 

lobes 18-24, in 2-3 series ; calyx-lobes and ovary-cells 6 . i 
albuminous musops. 

521. Sarcosperma Hook. f. 
Trees; leaves subopposite, oblong, acuminate, coriaceous; 
stipules caducous, Flowers small, fascicled on the branches of 

Achras.] SAPOTACE®. . 647 

simple or compound panicles ; bracteoles minute. Sepals 5, con- 
nate below, orbicular, subequal, strongly imbricate. Petals 5, 
connate below in a short tube, orbicular, imbricate. Stamens 5, 
adnate to corolla-tube ; filaments short; anthers oblong, obtuse ; 

large, ellipsoid berry, 2-celled or 1-c elled. Seeds 2 or solitary ; 

testa crustaceous; hilum nearly basal; albumen 0; embryo 


1162. SarcospERMA ARBOREUM Hook. f.; F, BI. iii. 585; EB, D. 
S. 877 

N. Bengal, Duars 
A large, spreading tree. 

522. Sideroxylon Linn. 

Trees; leaves alternate, lanceolate, elliptic, or obovate ; stipules 
0, Flowers small, in axillary fascicles, subsessile or shortly pedi- 
celled; pedicels more or less hirsute; fascicles sometimes in 
axillary racemes ; bracteoles minute or 0. Sepa 8 5, Pane 
below, subequal, much imbrica ed. Petals 5, sie a cam- 

Fruit an ovoid or globose berry, with usually 4 or 5, but some- 
times 3, 2, or 1 seeds. Seeds usually oblong, much compressed ; 
testa hard; hilum ent - albumen fleshy; embryo with leafy or 
almost fleshy cotyledon: 
1163. SIDEROXYLON ies i Roxb.; F. I. i. 602; F. Bl. 
; E.D ; 
Behar; W. Bengal : Chota Nagpur; Orissa. 
A considerable tree. Uriya Kanta buhol. 

523. Achras Linn 
An evergreen tree ; leaves petioled, <leitered at ends of branches, 
coriaceous, shining, glabrous oF meee hairy; stipules 0. 
Flowers rather large, usually 80. litary, on axillary pedicels ; 
bracts 0. Sepals 6, connate below, free wad biseriate above, the 
3 outer subvalvate, enclosing the 3 imbricate inner. Petals 6, con- 

648 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Achras. 

nate in a wide, almost urceolate corolla ; lobes imbricate, almost 
contorted. Stamens 6, adnate near base of corolla, opposite the 
obes; filaments slender, reflexed above; anthers lanceolate ; 
staminodes 6, petaloid, alternate with and nearly as long as 
corolla-lobes. Carpels connate in a villous, 10-12-celled ovary ; 
style cylindric or thickened in the middle, glabrous; stigma small. 
ruit a fleshy berry, globose or 5-angled. Seeds usually few, 
oblong; hilum lateral; testa hard ; albumen fleshy; embryo with 
thick, flat cotyledons. 
1164. Acuras Sapora Linn. S Fe Bwl, ii, 6345 B.D Al 3t6. 
A medium tree, native of America, cultivated for its 
edible fruit. Vernace. Sapota (from the -American 
name). The Sapota. 

524. Dichopsis Thwaites. 

Trees; shoots rusty-tomentose; Jeaves obovate or oblong, 
petioled, coriaceous ; stipules 0. Flowers fascicled, axillary, vie 
on the naked branchlets below a terminal tuft of leaves: pedi- 
celled. Sepals 6, connate below, free and biseriate above, the 

re) Sta 

12, attached near base of corolla, or alternately opposite corolla- 
lobes and near the base and alternate with the lobes and higher 
up, occasionally from 13-18; filaments short or long; anthers 
lanceolate, connective produced, acute or 2-fid, staminodes 0. 
Carpels connate in a, villous, usually 6-celled ovary; style linear. 
Fruit a fleshy, ellipsoid, or ovoid berry. Seeds 2 or solitary; 
testa crustaceous; albumen 0; cotyledons large, fleshy. 

165. DicHopsis poryanrHa Hook. RF, BT bes ee D. 

D. 392. 

A tree, 30-40 feet high, said to yield a good gutta-percha. 
Beng. Tali. 

525. Bassia Linn. 
Deciduous trees; leaves petioled, coriaceous, silky or tomentose 
beneath when young, clustered at ends of branches; stipules 
lowers on axi pedicels, among the clustered 
leaves or in the axils of fallen leaves, Sepals 4, 2-seriate above, 

parse 6 I IN ah a Se a ns og eg | 

Mimusops.} EBENACE. 649 

‘connate at base, the two outer valvate, enclosing the inner over- 

lapping pair, very rarely 5, imbricate. als connate in a cam 
panulate tube; lobes 6-12, usually 8 or 10, contorted in bud. 
Stamens at least twice as many as the corolla-lobes, from 12-40, 
but — 16-20; anthers lanceolate, acute, — often 
onate or excurrent, arpels connate in a villous ovar 
ie “ees cells 4-12, but usually 6 or 8. Fruit a ete ols 
long or ellipsoid, 1-3-, rarely 4-5-seeded berry. Seed ellipsoid ; 
hilum long; albumen 0; cotyledons fleshy, semi-ellipsoid. 
1166. Bassra tarirouia Roxb.; F. I. ii. 526; F. B. I. iii. 544; 
E. D. B. 220. 

W. Bengal; Behar; Chota Nagpur; Orissa. 

A tree, 50 feet high. Hind. Mahua; Beng. Mahwa, 
mahula; Uriya Moha; Santal. Matkom; Kol. Man- 
kadum. The Mahua 

526. Mimusops Linn. 

Trees ; leaves elliptic or obovate, coriaceous ; primary nerves 
many, subparallel, spreading from the midrib, slender or obscure. 
Flowers axillary, pedicelled, solitary or staat Sepals 6 or 8, 
connate below, free and 2-seriate above; ou r lobes 8 or 4, 
valvate, the inner 3 or 4 imbricate. Petals peters in a short 
tube ; lobes 2-3-seriate, from 18-24. Stamens 6-16, usually either 
6 or 8, inserted near base of corolla, opposite the lobes of the inner 
neries ; filaments short ; anthers lanceolate, connective excurrent ; 
staminodes as many as the stamens, entire or serrate or lobed. 
Carpels connate in a hirsute, 6—8- celled ovary; style cylindric. 
Fruit a globose berry with crustaceous endocarp. Seeds 1-6, 
ae eae ellipsoid ; albumen fleshy; cotyledons flat, often 

nearly as e as the see 

1167. echoes ELENGI tans F. I. ii. 2386; F. B. I. iii. 548; 

Cultivated generally. 
A tree 50 feet high, with spreading branches. Hind. 

Malsari; Beng. Bakul; Uriya Baulo. Elengi. 


Trees or shrubs, wood usually hard and heavy. Leaves alter- 
nate, rarely subopposite, entire, usually coriaceous; stipules 0. 

650 BENGAL PLANTS. (Maba. 

Flowers usually dicecious, regular, axillary, sessile, or shortly 
cymose, usually bracteate; pedicels articulate. Sepals connate 
in an inferior calyx; lobes 3-7, valvate, imbricate, or contorted, 


as many as the styles, pendulous, anatropous, attached to inner 
angles of cells. Frwit a coriaceous or fleshy berry, several- or 
few-seeded. Seeds pendulous, usually oblong, longitudinally oe 
furrowed ; testa thin; albumen copious, uniform or ruminated ; 
embryo axial ; radicle superior. 

Flowers 3-merous ; ovary 3- or 6-celled Maba. 
Flowers 4-5-merous ; ovary 4-5- or 8-10-celled ................. Diospyros. 

527. Maba. Forst. 

Trees or shrubs ; leaves alternate, entire. Flowers dicecious, 
axillary, short-pedicelled, or in small, dense cymes; whorls 
usually 3-merous, rarely 4—5-merous. Sepals 8, less often 4-5, 

in a 

tube usually longer than the calyx, free above, contorted dex- 

trorsely in bud. ¢ Stamens 8-22: filaments distinct or paired 
or polyadelphous; anthers oblong. Ovary rudimentary. ? 
Staminodes 0-12. Carpels connate in a 8-celled or imperfectly * 
perfectly 6-celled ovary; ovules 6; styles or style-arms 3. Fruit 
a globose or ellipsoid, glabrous or hairy, 1-6-celled and 1~-6-seeded, 
dry or fleshy berry. Seeds with equable albumen. 
1168. Masa suxtirozra Pers.; F. B. I. iii. 551; E. D. M. 8. 
Ferreola buxifolia F. I. iii, 790. 
Orissa, in dry hills. 
A small tree. Uriya Guaholi, pisina. 

Diospyros. | EBENACEZ. 651 

§28. Diospyros Linn. 

Trees or rarely shrubs; leaves alternate or, rarely, subopposite, 
entire. Flowers diccious, very rarely polygamous, axillary and 
short-pedicelled or in small cymes, sometimes the males, often 
the females solitary ; usually 4—5-merous, rarely 3-merous. Sepals 

te i e 

in the female larger than in the male, and often accrescent and 
licate or auriculate in fruit. Petals connate in a shortly or 
deeply lobed tubular, aeciicueanties: or campanulate corolla ; 
lobes contorted to right in bud. 3 Stamens 4-64, o 16; fila- 
ments distinct, paired, or palpation; anthers linear, rarely 
short. Ovary rudimentary. Staminodes 0-16. Ovary 4-5- 
celled or imperfectly or Be "8-10. celled; cells usually 
1-ovuled, rarely 2-ovuled ; styles or stigmas 1-4. Fruit a globose, 
ellipsoid, or ovoid-conic berry, often supported by the enlarged 
and sometimes woody calyx; flesh often pulpy or viscid. Seeds 
oblong, usually compressed ; albumen equable or rarely ruminate. 

*Female flowers solitary or subsolitary ; ; if more than 2 together (D. ovali- 

Calyx irregularly, or if regularly, then, at least in the male flower, 
very shortly cleft; corolla urceolate, glabrous externally; stamens 
usually more than 24; male flowers in small cymes; mature leaves 
glabrous beneath :— 
Calyx in bud globular and closed, the lobes connate, but afterwards 
rupturing irregularly into 2~3-lobes ; corolla 5-lobed ; stamens about 
32, glabrous; ovary hairy, 4-(rarely 6-)celled ; stigmas sessile ; 
fruit ‘7-1 in. across, ellipsoid, villous, but at length glabra 
Calyx in bud not closed, in the male short, subtruncately 4-toothed, 
in the female large, deeply 4-lobed; corolla 4-lobed; stamens 24- 
64, pilose ; ovary glabrous, 8-celled; styles 4; fruit usually solitary, 
1-2 in. across, subglobose, glandular or rusty.........--- Embryopteris. 
Calyx regularly and deeply cleft, at least in the male flower, ge 
usually in the flowers of both sexes (angled only in female calyx o 
D. tomentosa); stamens usually fewer than 24 :— 

Corolla urceolate, glabrous or nearly so —* if pilose (D. 
Kaki) then only so on the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, ovate; fruit 
globose :—[p. 652 

tOvary glabrous ; fruit glabrous; stamens 16 :—{p. 652] 
Male flowers in small fascicles, subsessile ; corolla small, nearly 

652 BENGAL PLANTS. [Diospyros. 

glabrous without; stamens glabrous; ovary 4-celled; fruit 
all, *3 in. across ; leaves hairy beneath............ Chloroxylo 
Male flowers in ean shortly pedicelled ; corolla rather large ; 
ovary 8-celle 
orolla suite e labo externally ; stamens glabrous; fruit 
ip pedicel 
Lea eee con glaucescent; fruit ‘5--75 in. 
across ; an armed tre montana. 
Leaves pubescent aoe fruit 1-15 in. across; an 
armed tree montana var. ee 
Corolla-tube glabrate ; lobes pubescent externally ; stamens 
pilose; fruit sessile, 2-3 in. across, edible; leaves pubescent, 
rélicalated beneath Kaki. 
jOvary hairy; fruit glabrescent; stamens 13-22, glabrous or 
sparsely pilose ; mature leaves glabrous beneath or nearly so:—_— 
. 651 

Male flowers in small fascicles, sessile ; calyx-lobes deltoid ; 
stamens 13-20, quite glabrous; ovary 2-6-celled ; fruits (1-3 to- 
gether) *7 in. across ; leaves quite glabrous beneath...ovalifolia. 
Male flowers in cymes, iidtiy pedicelled ; calyx-lobes rounded ; 
Stamens 13-22, glabrous or sparsely pilose; ovary 6-8- celled ; 
frui brou 

it *5 in. rh de: 
¢Corolla ea or densely Ps sti both on lobes and tube exter- 
et it 
ale iia in small fascicles, sessile; calyx 4-lobed; lobes 
orl “apiculate ; corolla salver-shaped, tomentose ; stamens 14- 
16, glabrous; fruit ellipsoid, glabrous, hada at the base, 
1°25 in. long, *75-1 in. wide; leaves sparsely pilose beneath ~ 
Male flowers in cymes ; 
Calyx in male Sides spas 4-5-lobed ; lobes ovate ; 
in female dissimilar, 4-5-angled; corolla urceolate, densely 
rusty-woolly ; stamens 16; Basianah glabrous, but connective 
fulvyous-pilose on the back; styles 2-3, bifid; leaves large, 
ovate, dull, young hairy, mature glabrous above, can beneath 5 
fruit — smooth, 1 in. across mentee. 7 
Calyx deeply 4-lobed ; corolla tubular, densely ae <diebtees pes 
22-24, — glabrous ; styles 4; leaves large, oblong, acute, 
shining, glabrous above, silvary-nilky beneath ; fruit ellipsoid, 
hairy, 2-5 in. long, 2 in. wide discolor. 
*Female flowers in many-flowered cymes, much longer than the male — 
cymes; calyx 5-lobed nearly half-way down; corolla tubular, villous 
exte y; stamens 16, glabrous; ovary hairy, 8-12-celled; stigmas 

Diospyros. |} EBENACEZ. 653 

4-6; fruit globular, glabrous, 2-3 in. across; leaves broad- Seats wie 
lice, glabrous [p. 651 riflor 

1169. Diospyrros Toprosta Ham. ; F. B. I. iii, 556; E. D. D. 664. 
D, racemosa F, I. ii. 536. 
A ee or ern ae tree; leaves oblong, acuminate, 
. eous, alternate. Vernac. Guilul. 
1170, Drosera Ewpryoprerts Pers. ; 3 P.SBe Es iit 656: B.D. 
582. D. glutinosa F. 1. ii, 533. 
os all the provinces. 
A dense tree; leaves oblong, obtuse, or subacute, 
rounded or truncate at the base, coriaceous, alternate. 
Hind. and Beng. Gib, makurkendi, téndi; Uriya Gus- 
vakendhu; Santal. Makarkenda. 
1171, simi Cuioroxyton Roxb.; F. I. ii. 5388; F. B. I. 
i. 560; B.D. D, 5 


A ‘tieiiain tree, sometimes spinescent; leaves elliptic 

or rated oblong, narrowed upwards or acute, base 
e, And 

obtu uli, 
1172. Drosera MONTANA Roxb.; F. I. ii. 588; EF, B. I. iii. 555; 

eiae. Chota Nagpur; Orissa. 
A medium tree, usually spinescent; leaves ovate or 
oblong. Hind. poet dasaunda, lohari; Beng. Ban 

1172/2. Var. CORDIFOLIA, D. cordifolia F. I. ii. 538. 
n most of the provinces. 
A medium tree, rarely apluksoant ; leaves herbaceous. 
Probably quite deserving to be treated as a distinct 


1178. Diospyros Kaxzi Linn. f.; F. I. ii. 587; F. B. I. iii. 555; 
E. D. D. “ 
Planted only in our area. 
A small tree, cultivated for its edible fruit ; — ovate, 
obtuse, or narrowed at both ends, chartaceo 

1174. Droseradé ovatirouia Wight; F. B. I. iii. SOR ae see 
D. 639. 


654 BENGAL PLANTS. [Diospyros. 

A small tree; leaves elliptic or oblong, cuneate or sub- 
obtuse at both ends, coriaceous. 
1175. Drospyros sytvatica Roxb.; F. I. ii. 5387; F. B. I. iii. 559; 

. D. 665 
Orena: Chota Na agpur. 
A medium tree; leaves elliptic or oblong, narrowed at 
both ends, herbaceous or chartaceous. 
1176. Drospyros stricta Roxb.; F. I. ii. 539; F. B. I. iii. 563; 
BE. Eo D. a 

A tall, <a tree; leaves elliptic-lanceolate, 
acuminate, coriaceou 
1177. Diospyros TOMENTOSA Soka F. 1. ii, 532; F. B. I. iii. 564; 

Behar ; Chota Nagpur; W. Bengal. 
A small gnarled tree; leaves coals wide-ovate, rarely 
ovate-acute, alternate and opposite, thickly coriaceous. 
ind. Tumal, mitha téndi; Beng. Kyon, kend; 
Uriya Kendhu ; Kol. Tiril. 
1178. Drosera DiscoLor Willd.; F. B. I. iii. 569; E. D. 
D. 567. 

Cultivated in C. Bengal. 
A tree; leaves oblong-acute, coriaceous. 
1179. Drospyros RAMIFLORA Roxb.; F. 1. ii. 535 ; F. B. I. iii. 569; 
E. D. D. 648. 

A large tree; leaves large, broadly oblong, acute, coria- 
ceous. Vernae. Urigdb, gulul. 


Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate ; stipules 0. Flowers her- 
maphrodite, in axillary or terminal, simple or panicled spikes or 
racemes, sometimes solitary; bracts small. Sepals connate in a 
superior or inferior campanulate calyx; limb 5—-4-toothed or trun- 
cate, persistent. Petals 5 or 4, free or connate in a tube, imbri- 
cate. Stamens adnate to the petals, 8 or 10 or numerous; 
filaments free or connate; anthers globose or linear; dehiscence 
lateral. Carpels connate in a 2-5-celled, inferior or superior 
ovary, occasionally, by early separation of the septa from the axis, 

Styrax.] STYRACEA. ’ 655 

1-celled ; ovules 1 or few on the inner angle of ar cell, pendu- 
as t 

Seeds with thin testa; albumen fleshy or sometimes hairy ; 
embryo straight or curved. 

Stamens many, in several rows Symplocos 
- Stamens ten, in a single row yrax 

529. Symplocos Linn. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves alternate, toothed or entire, often 
rather pale green. Flowers hermaphrodite, white, in axillary, 
simple or caegeeeel racemes or spikes, sometimes reduced to a 
single flower; bracts usually solitary at base of each pedicel, 
caducous; bracteoles 3-1, small, at base of flower. Sepals con- 
nate in a calyx, with 5 small, imbricate lobes; tube adnate to 

ovary. Petals 5, imbricate, free or slightly connate, rarely con- 
nate in a distinct tube. Stamens many, several-seriate, adnate “ 
corolla-tube, usually throughout its length, sometimes connate in 
tube be. ies the corolla; anthers —_ oblong. Carpels <n 

in an inferior, 3-celled, rarely 2- or 4-celled ovary; style filiform ; 
stigma el capitate, sub-3- net ovules 2, pendulous from 
inner angle of each ce Fruit an ellipsoid drupe; endocarp 
usually woody, +aseaeaad. Seed oblong, straight, or occasionally 
curved; embryo axial. 
Flowers in racemes; stamens sometimes 100 OF MOTE .......00008 racemosa, 

Flowers in small cymes, subterminal on the pasaen stamens about 40 
acemosa Var. composita. 

1180. ores RACEMOSA Roxb.; F. I. ii. 589; F. B. I. iii. 576; 
E. D. 8. 8062. 

Behar; Chota Nagpur. 

A shrub or small tree. Vernac. Lodh. 
—_ Var. composita F. B, I. iii, 577 

N. Bengal, Duars. 

A shrub. 

530. Styrax Linn. 

Trees or shrubs; leaves elliptic, lanceolate. Flowers in lax, 
little-divided axillary and terminal racemes, occasionally solitary, 

656 ’ BENGAL PLANTS. (Styrax. 

axillary ; bracts inconspicuous. Sepals connate in a campanulate, 
truncate, or 5-toothed calyx, free or slightly adnate to base of 
ovary. Petals 5, connate in a short tubular corolla; lobes elliptic- 
oblong, imbricate. Stamens 10, 1-seriate, adnate to summit of 
corolla-tube; filaments short; anthers large, linear. Carpels 
connate in a nearly free ovary, at first 3-celled, often at length 
1-celled ; style subulate; stigma capitate; ovules few in each cell. 
Fruit a globose or ellipsoid, tough capsule, seated on the cup- 
shaped calyx, breaking up irregularly. Seeds by abortion solitary, 
rarely 2, erect; testa papery or hard; albumen fleshy, copious; 
embryo straight, with broad cotyledons. 
1181. Roxb 


F. B. I, iii. 589; E. D. s. 2981. 
N. Bengal, Duars. 
\ A small tree. “Beng. Kum-jameva. 


Trees or shrubs, unarmed, erect or climbing. Leaves opposite, by 
very rarely alternate, simple, 3-foliolate or pinnate, entire or 
toothed; stipules 0. Flowers hermaphrodite, often dimorphous, — 
sometimes polygamous or diccious, regular, usually in 8-choto- — 
mous cymes or panicles, terminal or axillary, rarely fascicled or _ 
racemose. Sepals connate in a small truncate or 4-lobed, some- te 
times 5-6-lobed calyx, rarely 0. Petals rarely 0 or free, usually — 
4-6, connate in a gamopetalous corolla, with long or short tube; 
corolla-lobes or free petals imbricate or valvate. Stamens 2, a 

Seeds solitary or 2 in each cell, erect or pendulous ; testa thin or 

ny; albumen fleshy, horny or 0; embryo straight; radicle © 

inferior or superior. 

as seeps imbricate in bud, usually more than 4 in number; seeds 
not albumi ‘ 

us :—[p. : 
tFruit &® 2-lobed, or, by abortion, 1-lobed drupe ; scandent, rarely erect 
ae ar suberect, arabs, with either simple or compound leaves; seeds 

Giests madicle inferior (p. 65 asminum. 

% {p. ee) Ail eee ee eS bad 

= Sea asset pa oe Rae Se 

Jasminum. | OLEACEZ. 657 

tFruit a capsule; erect trees :—[p. 656] 
Leaves simple ; capsule compressed ; seeds erect; radicle inferior 
Leaves compound; capsule obovoid; seeds pendulous; radicle 
i Schreber 

Se ee ies eet se 

*Corolla-lobes valvate in bud, never more than 4 in number; seeds 
usually albuminous ; (in Olea the corolla may be absent; in our species 

of Linociera the albumen is absent) ; leaves simple :—[p. 656] 

Erect shrubs or trees ; Ro with feathered veins ; radicle superior :-— 

Flowers in axillary pan 
se rather long, cuss free, or more or less oe united in 

Petals shortly united in a tube or 0 Olea. 
Flowers in terminal pani Ligustrum. 
Scandent shrubs ; leaves set 3-nerved veins; radicle inferior 

531. Jasminum Linn. 

Erect or scandent shrubs; leaves opposite or alternate, simple, 
3-foliolate or odd- -pinnate ; petiole usually articulate. Flowers in 
2- or 3-chotomous or simple cymes, pene flowers solitary ; bracts 
linear and small, or ovate sometimes petaloid. Sepals connate in 


cell; style oe ; stigmas 2, linear, short or long, free or sub- 
connate. Fruit a didymou assls or from suppression of one 

carpel globose, ellipsoid, or a ongate. Seeds in each ecarpel 1, 
rarely 2, erect; albumen 0; Siiledons plano-convex; radicle 

i an 

*Erect shrubs or ine trees ; leaves simple, distinctly petioled ; petioles 

half an inch long or longer; cymes many-flowered, lax; ripe carpels 

= free ipo branchlets hairy ; calyx pubescent :—([p. 658] 
Leaves subcor ae e, acute, at length glabrous; calyx-teeth 
ihe fanart arborescens 
Leaves cuneate, sical often obtuse, persistently softly hairy 
on both sides ; calyx-teeth minute, narrowly 

ee ee een ee eS ee et Se 


658 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Jasminum. 

*Climbing, rarely suberect shrubs; leaves shortly petioled ; petioles one- 
third of an inch long or shorter ; ripe carpels usually two :—[p. 657] 
Leaves all simple :— 
Branchlets pubescent, hairy or villous ; calyx pubescent :— 
Cymes many-flowered, dense :— 

Bracts prominent, white, ovate-lanceolate; calyx-teeth long, 
linear; leaves nearly glabrous, elliptic-acute; ripe carpels 
ellipsoid; sometimes not climbin coarctatum 
Bracts not prominent, the two leaves close under the inflores- 
cence green; always climbing :— 

Bracts linear; calyx-teeth short, linear ; leaves glabrous or 
only hairy on nerves beneath, ovate-lanceolate ; ripe carpels 
i 8 

ellipsoid .... 
Bracts if present ovate-lanceolate, often absent; calyx-teeth 
long, subulate; leaves hairy, ovate-acute; ripe ca 



OBE ... 1 

Cymes few-flowered in wild, often many-flowered in cultivated 
plants, always lax; bracts small, calyx-teeth long, subulate; 
leaves nearly glabrous; ripe carpels globose; always climbing :— 

Leaves ovate ; corolla-lobes oblong Samb 
Leaves narrowly elliptic ; corolla-lobes lanceolate 
Branchlets glabrous; cal 
calyx-teeth long, linear; leaves quite glabrous, oblong or narrowl 


Leaves, at least some, with a pair of minute lateral leaflets 3 branch- 
; teeth very minute, oblong; leaves if 
simple, or terminal leaflets i compound, pubescent, ovate, shortly 
acute ; cymes many-flowered, lax; always climbing ...... auriculatum. 

1182. Jasminum ARBORESCENS Roxb.; F. I. i. 95; F. B. IL. iii, 594; 
E.D. J. 13. 

Tirhut ; Behar ; Chota Nagpur. 
A large shrub or scrubby tree. Hind. Saptala, nara- 
mallika, muta-bela ; Beng. Bura-kund4; Santal. Gada 
hund baha. 
1183. Jasminum RoxpurcHianum Wells F.: By-dy wh 606, J: 
clongatum F. I. i. 90. 

Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A large shrub. 

1184. Jasminum coarcTratum Roxb.; Fi, i: 92; F. B. I. iii, 593. 

A shrub, either climbing or erect. 

Nyctanthes.] OLEACEZ. 659 

-1185,. Jasminum scANDENS Vahl; F. I. i. 89; F. B. I. iii. 595. 
‘ ciel E. Bengal; Chittagong. 
A clim 
1186. Tasos PUBESCENS Willd.; F. I. i. 91; F. B. I. iii. 592; 
iF. 32, 

we. Bengal; Behar; Chota Nagpur. 
A climber. Vernac. Kunda, kunda-phul. 
1187. Jasminum Sampac Ait.; F. B. I. iii. 591; E. D. J. 35. 
J. Zambac ¥. I. i. 88 
In gardens and in village shrubberies in most of the 
A climber; some of the cultivated forms are double- 
flowered. The chief forms are the small single-flowered, 
which is the only one found wild, but which is also 
often planted ; the small double-flowered, and the large 
double-flowered. Vernac. Bel, ban-mallika, mogra. 
1188. Jasminum Listert King. 
A climber. 

1189, JASMINUM LAURIFoLIUM Roxb.; F. I. i. 92; F. B. I. iii. 597. 
A glabrous climber. 
1190. Jasminum auricuLaTum Vahl; F. I.i. 98; F. B. I. iii. 600. 

A sabes een i Jut’hi, jui. 

532, Nyctanthes Linn. 
mall tree; leaves opposite, ovate. Flowers in small sessile, 
doses heads, disposed in terminal trichotomous cymes. Sepals 
connate in a subtruncate, ovoid-cylindric calyx, ultimately 
spathaceous or iocdae Petals connate in a salver-shaped 
corolla; tube cylindric, yellow; lobes 4-8, spreading, white, in 
ud imbricate. Stamens 2, subsessile near the apex of the corolla- 
tube. Carpels 2, connate in a 2-celled ovary ; ovules in each cell 
solitary, basal; style cylindric; stigma shortly 2-fid. Fruit an 
tO capsule, compressed parallel to the septum, separating 
when oe z subdiscoid — Baed in each carpel oo 


660 BENGAL PLANTS. [Nyctanthes. 

1191. NYCTANTHES Arsor-tristis Linn.; F. I. i. 86; F. B. I. 
iii. 603; E. D. N. 179. 
Behar ; Chota Nagpur: sometimes cultivated elsewhere. 
all tree. Hind. Har, sih4ru, harsinghar, saherwa, 
seoli, nibari; Beng. Singhar, harsinghar, septalika ; 
Santal. Saparom; Kol. Saparung, kokra 

833. Schrebera Roxb. 

A tree; leaves opposite, odd-pinnate. Flowers in terminal, 
2-8-chotomous, compound cymes; bracts small. Sepals connate 
in a tubular-campanulate, irregularly 4-7-lobed calyx. Petals 
— in a salver-shaped corolla; tube cylindric; lobes 4-7, 

reading, in bud imbricate. Stamens 2, adnate near apex of 
cals ae aon short. Carpels 2, connate in a 2-celled 
ovary; ovules 3-4, pendulous from apex of each cell; style cylin- 
dric; stigma shortly 2-lobed. Frwit an obovoid, 2-celled, locu- 
licidally 2-valved, woody capsule. Seeds pendulous; testa winged ; 
albumen 0; cotyledons plano-convex or contorted ; radicle superior. 

1192. ScHREBERA rea Roxb.; F, I. i. 109; F. B. I 

iii. 604; E.D.S 
Chota vuniek: “5 Bengal; Orissa. 
A tree, 40-50 feet high. Hind. Moka, goki, gantha, 
_ ban-palas; Beng. Ghanta parul; Uriya Jantia; Kol. 
Jarjo, sandapsing; Oraon Ghato. 

534. Linociera Swartz. 

Shrubs or trees; leaves opposite, entire. Flowers in axillary, 
rarely terminal panicles or cymes, often in small terminal fas- 
cicles; bracts small. Sepals connate in a small, 4-fid calyx. 
Petals 4, long or short, nearly free, or connate in pairs, induplicate- 
valvate in bud. Stamens 2; filaments short; anthers elliptic. 
Carpels 2, connate in a 2- celled ovary ; style short, obscurely 2-fid 

or entire; ovules 2, pendulous in each cell. Fruit an ellipsoid, 

y, pendulous; testa thin; albumen (in our species) 0; 
radicle superior. 

All parts glabrous; leaves papery, reticulations prominent; ovary 
glabrous intermedia var. Rox rghit. 

Innovations and panicles pubescent; leaves leathery, ponerse : 

obscure ; ovary densely pilose 

terniflora var. cuminata. i 

Ligustrum.] OLEACEH. 661 

1193. LINOCIERA INTERMEDIA Wight var. Roxspurcuu Clarke; 
F. B. I. it: D.L fest Olea paniculata F. I.i. 105. 
Chota Nagpur; Ori 
A small tree, 25 Sook “high. 
1194. Linocrera TERNIF Wall. var. acuminata Clarke 
Tea; 3610, rae 

535. Olea Linn. 
Trees or shrubs; leaves opposite, entire or toothed. Flowers 
small, hermaphrodite, dicecious or polygamous, in axillary or ter- 
minal panicles; bracts minute. Sepals connate in a small, 
4-toothed or 4-lobed calyx. Petals 4, connate in a very short — 
tube, induplicate-valvate; or 0. Stamens 2, adnate to corolla-tube 
or subhypogynous; filaments short; anthers oblong. Carpels 
connate in a 2-celled ovary; style short; stigma ovate or shortly 
2-lobed ; ovules in each cell 2, subpendulous or laterally attached 
to the septum. Fruit an ellipsoid or subglobose drupe ; endocarp 
bony or Cae Dos 1-seeded. Seed pendulous ; albumen 
fleshy ; radicle su 
1195. OLEA DIOICA a Es Poi 306? F, Bea, 612; E. D. 
O. 153 
N. Bengal, Duars; Chittagon 
A tree, 30-60 feet high. meas Atta-jam. 
536. Ligustrum Linn. 
Shrubs or trees; branchlets often lenticellate ; leaves opposite, 
entire, glabrous when mature. Flowers white, in terminal 
_ panicles, with sometimes foliaceous bracts in the lower part. 
Sepals connate in a small, truncate, or shortly Loe calyx. 
Petals 4, connate in a funnel-shaped corolla ; tube long or short ; 
lobes induplicate-valvate. Stamens 2, adnate to corolla-tube ; 
filaments short; anthers oblong or rounded. Carpels 2, connate 
in a 2-celled ovary ; ovules in each cell 2, laterally affixed near the 
top; style rather long; stigma subclavate, oblong, hardly 2-fid. 
Fruit a 1-3-seeded dre; endocarp chartaceous or am Seeds 
pendulous ; testa thin; albumen fleshy; radicle superio 
1196. Licgusrrum ropustuM Blume; F. B. I. iii. 614. "Phillyrea 
robusta F. I. i. 101. 
E. Bengal ; Chittagong. 
A tree, 60 feet high. Vernac. Bhui-mura. 

662 BENGAL PLANTS. [ Myxopyrum, 

537. Myxopyrum Bl. 

Large scandent shrubs; branches 4-angled; leaves opposite, 
large, coriaceous, 3-nerved, entire or toothed. Flowers small, 
yellowish, in many-flowered, axillary and terminal trichotomous 
panicles; bracts minute or 0. Sepals connate in an acutely 
4-lobed calyx. Petals 4, connate in a corolla, with tube longer 
than calyx; lobes concave, oblong or spathulate, induplicate- 
valvate in bud. Stamens 2, adnate to corolla-tube ; filaments 
short; anthers ovate. Carpels 2, connate in a 2-celled ovary ; 
ovules 1-2 in each cell, attached near base of inner angle; style 
very short; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit a subglobose 1-seeded, or 
obovoid 2-seeded berry, with crustaceous pericarp. Seed ascend- 
ing; testa thin; albumen horny; radicle inferior. 

1197. Myxopyrum smiactrotium Bl. oOB, Lie G18 

N. Bengal, Duars ; Chittagong. 
A scandent shrub. 

Trees or shrubs, unarmed or spiny. Leaves opposite, entire ; 

odd de PRG NE Way teilee yy alvadora. 
nited; stamens free; 
vaonsess cs bdstesvs ABIMGs 

sarc mai apeenise:tag lar laa age aa ae 


Azima.} APOCYNACER. 663 

_ 538. Salvadora Linn. 

4 Shrubs or trees; leaves opposite, entire. Flowers small, her- 
maphrodite, or functionally 1-sexual, in panicled racemes or 
spikes; bracts minute, Sepals 4, connate in a campanulate 

_ ealyx; lobes imbricate. Petals connate in a campanulate corolla; 

tube with ipa 4 small teeth between the bases of the fila- 

ments; lobes 4, imbricate. Stamens 4, adnate to corolla and 
alternate with its lobes. Carpels connate in a 1-celled ovary ; 

ovule solitary, erect, basal; style 0; stigma truncate, Fruit a 

globose drupe, supported by the slightly accrescent calyx and 

_ marcescent corolla; endocarp crustaceous. Seed erect, globose ; 

albumen 0. 

1198. Satvapora persica Linn. ; F. I. i. 889; F. B. I. iii. 619; 
E. D. 8. 705. 
Western Behar; sometimes planted elsewhere. 
A small tree. Vernac. 

539. Azima Lamk. 

Rambling shrubs with axillary spines; leaves opposite, entire. 
Flowers small, dicecious, axillary, sessile, or clustered or umbellate 
on sparingly branched panicles ; bracts 0 or foliaceous ; bracteoles 
small, linear. Sepals connate in a campanulate, 4-fid, or irregu- 
larly 2-4-lobed calyx. Petals 4, oblong, imbricate. 4 Stamens 
4, alternate with petals, hypogynous; filaments linear; anthers 
acute. ¢ Carpels 2, connate in a 2-celled ovary ; ovules 2 or 1 
in each cell, erect, basal; stigma subsessile, large, 2-fid. Fruit a 
globose, 2- or 1- — berry ; asbesis membranous. Seed 
ons albumen 0. 

eo; Ariei' TRTRACANTHA Lamk;° Fo BOT. ti. 620; B.D. 
A. 1165. 

Orissa; Sundribuns. 
A glabrous, rigid, rambling shrub. Hind. Kantagur- 
kamai; Beng. Trikanta-gati. 
Pprdricodad an 2 2. Dh LA + he 
Shrubs, twining or erect, rarely trees. Leaves opposite or 
whorled, rarely alternate, entire; stipules 0. Flowers hermaphro- 
dite te, regu in terminal o axillary cymes ; bracts small. Sepals _ 


5, rarely 4, connate in an inferior calyx, imbricate, often ag 

at the base within. Petals 5, rarely 4, connate in a rotate 

hypocrateriform corolla; lobes spreading, contorted, and shes 

throat, or mouth of the corolla; filaments usually short; anther- 

oblong, ee or sagittate, saad eer: ; connective sometime 
adnate to stigma; cells 2, sometimes produced downwards 4» 
empty spurs; dehiscence longitudinal; pollen granular. Dis’ 
annular, cupular or glandular, sometimes occluding the ovary, 
occasionally absent. Carpels 2, connate in a 1-celled ovary wit) 

2 pari ary with 2 axial placentas, or only par 
tially connate or free; style simple, or styles 2, free at the ba: 
but united above, always thickened at ne top; stigma 2-fid, acu'« 
i r few or many, and thes 

fleshy drupe, berry or samara; 2 drupes, berries or follicles. 
Seed polymorphous, often siseed or aie by a tuft of long, silky 
hairs (coma); albumen hard, fleshy, or scanty or 0; embry 

i ledon: 

ms flat, concave, convolute, or twisted ; radic!o 
usually superior. 

*Anth pe £. 4h a: 
cells with rounded bases :— —{p. 665] 
Ovary of two wholly united carpels; fruit large, either indehiscer 
and pulpy, or (rarely) a capsule; seeds without wings or coma; 
corolla-lobes always overlapping to the left:— 
Corolla funnel-shaped; ovary l-celled; fruit dehiscent, a 2-valve:’ 
capsule ; seeds with fleshy albumen ; flowers large, 

, the anthe-— 

Corolla salver-shaped ; dehi eshy or pulpy within :— 
Ovary 1-celled, with a ovules ; Ha without albumen ee 

Ovary 2-celled, with axial ovules; seeds with fleshy albumen :— 
Unarmed shrubs, usually climbing; mouth of corolla with o 
ring of lobed scales ; ovules many in each cell of ovary : 

Melodinus. — 

‘Armed shrubs, ban erect ; mouth of corolla naked; ovules : 

1-4 in each cell of ovary Carissa : 
Ovary of two carpels, Parc united only by the style, but occasionally 
so united at their base (Rauwoljia) or throughout (Thevetia) ; it 
le throughout, the fruit indehiscent but not pulpy within :— 


Pai alternate; corollas large, showy; lobes overlapping to the 
Corolla funnel-shaped ; fruit indehiscent : 
yx ular within ; fruit somewhat af afigala composed of 
two almost completely siaithed ripe carpels with hard, 2-celled 
endocarp; seeds in each cell 1-2; flowers yellow...... Thevetia. 
Calyx not glandular within ; fruit of two separate, or some- 
times (by abortion) of a single ellipsoid ripe carpel, with a 
tough,. fibrous, 1-2-seeded endocarp ; flowers white ...Cerbera. 
lone salver-shaped ; calyx not glandular within ; fruit of two 
divaricate, coriaceous, dehise ent perenne : seeds winged; flowers 
yellowish-white or yellowish- Pawn. Asie: La Plumeria. 
Leaves opposite or oi corolla in all salver-shaped :— 
Calyx not glandular within :— 
Fruit indehiscent, drupaceous ; seeds few, without wings or 
Ripe carpels 1-seeded, more or less united below; corolla- 
‘cus overlapping to the left; leaves almost always whorled 
Ripe carpels 1-2-seeded, free, one carpel sometimes ne. 4 
pieclla lobes overler Dag to the right; leaves epee: 
Fruit dehi enti of TWO sender tee, meoverel seeded follicles ; 
corolla-lobes overlapping to the le 
s in each carpel 6 or more, in two rows; seeds sub- _ 
cylindric, truncate at both ends ; leaves opposite ; stigma 

} plumose....- inca. 
| Ovules very many, in several rows in each carpel ; seeds cilia’ 
at both ends ; leaves whorled Alstor.; 
Calyx glandular within ; fruit follicular :— 
Follicles few-seeded, coriaceous, sometimes hardly dehiscent ; 
seeds embedded in le ‘git + wings or coma; corolla-lobes 
overlapping to the left ....-+--++se+re+s+eerreees aberneemontana. 

Follicles esi. slender, woody; seeds not embedded in 
pulp, pe with a deciduous coma ; corolla-lobes <Aipaba 4 ae 
to the ola 
* Anthers a in a cone souk the top of the style oa Be to 
+ by a point on the connective, the anther-cells produced downward into 
 subulate empty spur ; ovary of two carpels united only by the style, 
-arely (Parsonsia, Vallaris) connate throughout in flower; fruit always 
of two follicles ; seeds always comose at one or both ends :—[p. 664] 
+Anthers more or oe exserted ; corolla rotate or salver-shaped ; leaves 

: opposite :—[p. 66 


BENGAL PLANTS. [Allamanda. 
‘outh of corolla with a ring of scales; corolla either rotate or 

sever-shaped ; lobes overlapping to the left; carpels free except at 
te styles ; erect shrubs or small trees 

oth of sala naked ; carpels connate or subconnate in flower : ; 
‘on oing shru 

‘orolla i — overlapping to the right; connective 
hn ckened at the Vallari 

Corolla salver ee ; lobes subvalvate ; connective not thickened 

‘3 included ; corolla-lobes overlapping to the right :—[p. 665] 
Mou Sih of corolla with a ring of scales; corolla funnel-sha aped :— 
“Bibot shrubs; lobes of corolla not tailed; follicles erect ; leaves 


Spreading or climbing shrubs ; follicles spreading ; leaves oppo- 
Wee CUelev eas sasesers eccoeiawas see cee 
Lobes of corolla not _ Roup 
“tov!h of corolla naked ; 

Corolla funnel-shaped, an large, “¥ in. long ; op = sieapse- 

OPP mee eee ee sewer see ras eeretices 

olla salver-shaped :— 

See very large, 2-3 in. wide; lobes sharply twisted to the 

Wis tee est ik, Cho 
—_ medium or small, 1 in. wide 

onemorpha. | 

obes of medium corolla nearly atraighi ; ovary completely 
or partially hidden in the disk; seeds not beaked 

Lobes of small corolla sharply twisted to the left ne bedi 
seeds beaked :— 

Ovary hidden in the cupshaped disk; tips of corolla-lobes 
not deflected . 

Ride aeuas odendron. 
Ovary free foun the 5-lobed disk; —— of teers 
deflected ......... hnoca: 

540. Allamanda Linn. 

Habious or escent shrubs often climbing, or small trees ; 
pes Ww cataas opposi Flowers large, yellow or violet, in 
ered, lax, By erminal racemes, Sepals connate in a 5- -partite 
“ys. £etals 5, connate in a funnel. -shaped corolla; tube cylindric 
veow, soddenly enlarged to a campanulate throat, with a ring o 
ciliate adales or as, cili ; lobes wide, contorted to the left. 
“tomens 5, adnate io Shas of corolla; filaments very short; 

y Melodinus.] APOCYNACE 4). 667 

anthers lanceolate, acuminate, with shortly sagittate base. Disk 
thick, fleshy, obscurely 5-lobed. Carpels 2, connate in a 1-locular 
ovary, with 2 parietal placentas; ovules on each placenta 2- or 
more-seriate; style filiform; stigma thick, dilated, annular 
apex conic, 2-lobed. Frwit an ovate, compressed, spinescent a 
sule, dehiscing by 2 valves along the placentas. Seeds imbricate, 
compressed, with membranous or winged margin ; albumen fleshy ; 
cotyledons broa 
1200. ALLAMANDA CARTHARTICA Linn.; E. D. A. 762. 

Planted in gardens in most of the provinces ; occasion- 
- ally naturalised in C. and E. Bengal. 
: af A climbing shrub. Beng. Har-kakra. 

541. Willughbeia Roxb. 
Glabrous shrubs, often climbing by peduncles becoming cirr- 
hose ; leaves opposite, short- petioled. Flowers in cymes. 

or with fleshy glands alternating with the lobes ; lobes bard 
to the left, nearly Hea in bud. Stamens 5, included in corolla- 
tube; filaments very short; anthers ovate or Se hiininslats : cells 
rounded at the base. Disk 0. Carpels 2, connate in a 1-celled 
ovary; ovules numerous, many-seriate, on 2 parietal placentas; 
style short, with obconic or urceolate apex; stigma curved or 
col i i 

ie ee 

with a hard pericarp. Seeds embedded in pulp, ellipsoid ; albumen 
0; cotyledons thick 
1201. WiutueHBEIA EDULIS Roxb.; F. 1. ii. 57; F. B. I. iii. 623; 

ee eS as | 

An immense climber with long, branched tendrils. 
Beng. Luti-am 

. 542. Melodinus Forst. 

Evergreen shrubs, erect or climbing ; aio ae Flowers 
terminal and axillary cymes, white e- pink, usually 

5-merous, rarely 4-merous. Sepals bas: in ie Pee calyx, 

eglandular within. Petals 5, connate in a salver-shaped corolla; 

throat with thick, lobed or cleft scales; lobes overlapping to the 

_ left, Stamens 5, rarely 4; anthers included, subsessile, lanceolate ; 

2 a > 

668 BENGAL PLANTS. [Melodinus. 

cells rounded at the base. Disk 0. Carpels 2, connate in 
acute, 2-celled ovary ; ovules numerous in each cell; style ee 
stigma thick, 2-fid. Fruit a globose berry, with hard or leathery 
pericarp. Seeds numerous, embedded in pulp; albumen fleshy ; 
cotyledons thin 
1202. Mecoorirds MonogyNnus Roxb. ; F.1.ii. 56; F. B. I. iii. 629 ; 
K. 435. 

N. Bengal; Cooch Behar. 
A very large climber. Vernac. Sandul kon. 

543. Carissa Linn. 
anched, usually erect, spiny shrubs; leaves small, 
coriacec” Beene Flowers in terminal and axillary, peduncled, 
hotomous cymes i 

3-¢ es. Sepals connate in a sek calyx, with or 
without glands inside; lobes sree Petals 5, connate in a 
ere with cylindric tube; throat ed; takes overlapping to 

right. Stamens 5, adnate to Ae of tube, included; anthers 
fahebiane cells rounded at the base. Disk 0. Carpels 2, con- 
nate in a 2-celled ovary; ovules in each cell 1-4, rarely more; 
style filiform ; stigma spindle-shaped or columnar, minutely 2-fid. 
_ Fruit an ellipsoid or globose berry, 2-celled or, by cea 
 I-celled. Seeds usually 2, ere attached to the septum 
albumen fleshy ; cotyledons ovate 

‘Leaves es shining above :— 
Tips of leaves always rounded or obtuse; leaves always glabrous on 

both surfaces ; drupe ellipsoid, -5-1 in. long; spines stoutish ; a large 
shrub or small tree Carandas 

subglobose, *25 in. long ; spines slender; small shrubs :— 
are oss glabrous or finely puberulous beneath, as are the branches 
Leaves heist branches and cymes pubescent 
spinarum var. hirsuta. 
Leaves dull ae glabrous on both surfaces; drupe etn S16, 
ong; a small shru 

sp inarum 


1203. segpee IE Linn.; F. I. i. 687; F. B. I. iii. 680; 

Calldvated in most of the provinces,